With this mail, I'm sendig my code to inspection of the team. This Code try to have simple Widget (GnomeDbFieldEditor), for Show Data in a right way depending of the data: String, Date, Bool, Blob, etc. Now is working with String, Date or other that can be showed in a GtkEntry Widget; the others are in development. With this Widget, I try to create a GnomeDbFormEditor: the way is to create a GnomeDbForm like where you can automaticaly show the data using the right widget depending of the data type, but more... now I try to this Widget (or Form) can update the data modified by the user. This will simplified the code for a simple applications where you want fast creation of forms. Now the widget GnomeDbForm, can show the data but not update; I want to add some functions to costumize the GnomeDbFieldEditor's arragement in a future version. GnomeDbFormEditor is based in the GnomeDbForm widget. This a Pre-ALFA version. In some near future, with the use of GnomeDbFielEditor widget, you can define a XML file with the dising of your form and show and update if you want the data! (nor for the moment). ===== >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Trabajar es la mejor arma para tu superación. _________________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? La mejor conexión a internet y 2GB en tu buzón de Correo Yahoo! por $100 al mes. http://net.yahoo.com.mx ===== >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Trabajar es la mejor arma para tu superación. _________________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? La mejor conexión a internet y 2GB en tu buzón de Correo Yahoo! por $100 al mes. http://net.yahoo.com.mx
Description: fieldeditor-formeditor.tar.gz