Re: [gnome-db] GdaDataModelColumnAttributes problem


   Attached the new GdaColumn object, what do you think? If you look it
ok, I'll start with the changes necesary to use this new object in libgda.

regards, apg

----- Mensaje Original -----
De: Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
Fecha: Jueves, Febrero 17, 2005 4:53 pm
Asunto: Re: [gnome-db] GdaDataModelColumnAttributes problem

> On Thu, 2005-02-17 at 16:34 +0100, ALVAROPG telefonica net wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > 
> >    When the column name change in a GdaDataModelColumnAttributes, 
> the> GdaTable which it belongs doesn't know about the change. The 
> GdaTable> hash with the columns don't change the respective key.
> > GdaDataModelColumnAttributes isn't a GObject, can't emit a signal 
> when> the name changed. How can we fix it?
> > 
> right, maybe we need to convert it to a GObject, and have a
> "name_changed" signal.
> >    In oder way, the GdaDataModelColumnAttributes name looks so long,
> > what do you think about change it to GdaDataModelColumn?
> > 
> it looks much better to me also, and much shorter of course.
> -- 
> Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
/* GDA library
 * Copyright (C) 1998 - 2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *      Michael Lausch <michael lausch at>
 *	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Library General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not,
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.

#if !defined(__gda_column_h__)
#  define __gda_column_h__

#include <libgda/gda-value.h>
#include <glib/gmacros.h>
#include <libgda/global-decl.h>


#define GDA_TYPE_COLUMN            (gda_column_get_type())
#define GDA_COLUMN(obj)            (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST (obj, GDA_TYPE_COLUMN, GdaColumn))
#define GDA_COLUMN_CLASS(klass)    (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST (klass, GDA_TYPE_COLUMN, GdaColumnClass))

typedef struct _GdaColumn        GdaColumn;
typedef struct _GdaColumnClass   GdaColumnClass;
typedef struct _GdaColumnPrivate GdaColumnPrivate;

struct _GdaColumn {
	GObject object;
	GdaColumnPrivate *priv;

struct _GdaColumnClass {
	GObjectClass parent_class;
	/* signals */
	void (* name_changed) (GdaTable *table, const gchar *old_name);

GType           gda_column_get_type (void);
GdaColumn      *gda_column_new (void);
GdaColumn      *gda_column_copy (GdaColumn *fa);
void            gda_column_free (GdaColumn *fa);
gboolean        gda_column_equal (const GdaColumn *lhs, 
				  const GdaColumn *rhs);
glong           gda_column_get_defined_size (GdaColumn *fa);
void            gda_column_set_defined_size (GdaColumn *fa, glong size);
const gchar    *gda_column_get_name (GdaColumn *fa);
void            gda_column_set_name (GdaColumn *fa, const gchar *name);
const gchar    *gda_column_get_table (GdaColumn *fa);
void            gda_column_set_table (GdaColumn *fa, const gchar *table);
const gchar    *gda_column_get_caption (GdaColumn *fa);
void            gda_column_set_caption (GdaColumn *fa, const gchar *caption);
glong           gda_column_get_scale (GdaColumn *fa);
void            gda_column_set_scale (GdaColumn *fa, glong scale);
GdaValueType    gda_column_get_gdatype (GdaColumn *fa);
void            gda_column_set_gdatype (GdaColumn *fa, GdaValueType type);
gboolean        gda_column_get_allow_null (GdaColumn *fa);
void            gda_column_set_allow_null (GdaColumn *fa, gboolean allow);
gboolean        gda_column_get_primary_key (GdaColumn *fa);
void            gda_column_set_primary_key (GdaColumn *fa, gboolean pk);
gboolean        gda_column_get_unique_key (GdaColumn *fa);
void            gda_column_set_unique_key (GdaColumn *fa, gboolean uk);
const gchar    *gda_column_get_references (GdaColumn *fa);
void            gda_column_set_references (GdaColumn *fa, const gchar *ref);
gboolean        gda_column_get_auto_increment (GdaColumn *fa);
void            gda_column_set_auto_increment (GdaColumn *fa,
							     gboolean is_auto);
gint            gda_column_get_position (GdaColumn *fa);
void            gda_column_set_position (GdaColumn *fa, gint position);

const GdaValue *gda_column_get_default_value (GdaColumn *fa);
void            gda_column_set_default_value (GdaColumn *fa, const GdaValue *default_value);


/* GDA library
 * Copyright (C) 1998-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *      Michael Lausch <michael lausch at>
 *	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Library General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not,
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.

#include <glib/gmessages.h>
#include <glib/gstrfuncs.h>
#include <libgda/gda-column.h>
#include <string.h>


struct _GdaColumnPrivate {
	gint         defined_size;
	gchar       *name;
	gchar       *table;
	gchar       *caption;
	gint         scale;

	gchar       *dbms_type;
	GdaValueType gda_type;

	gboolean     allow_null;
	gboolean     primary_key;
	gboolean     unique_key;
	gchar       *references;

	gboolean     auto_increment;
	glong        auto_increment_start;
	glong        auto_increment_step;
	gint         position;
	GdaValue    *default_value;

enum {

static void gda_column_class_init (GdaColumnClass *klass);
static void gda_column_init       (GdaColumn *column, GdaColumnClass *klass);
static void gda_column_finalize   (GObject *object);

static guint gda_column_signals[LAST_SIGNAL];
static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL;

static void
gda_column_class_init (GdaColumnClass *klass)
	GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);
	parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);
	gda_column_signals[NAME_CHANGED] =
		g_signal_new ("name_changed",
			      G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class),
			      G_STRUCT_OFFSET (GdaColumnClass, name_changed),
			      NULL, NULL,
			      1, G_TYPE_STRING);

	object_class->finalize = gda_column_finalize;

static void
gda_column_init (GdaColumn *column, GdaColumnClass *klass)
	g_return_if_fail (GDA_IS_COLUMN (column));
	column->priv = g_new0 (GdaColumnPrivate, 1);
	column->priv->defined_size = 0;
	column->priv->name = NULL;
	column->priv->table = NULL;
	column->priv->caption = NULL;
	column->priv->scale = 0;
	column->priv->gda_type = GDA_VALUE_TYPE_NULL;
	column->priv->allow_null = TRUE;
	column->priv->primary_key = FALSE;
	column->priv->unique_key = FALSE;
	column->priv->references = NULL;
	column->priv->auto_increment = FALSE;
	column->priv->auto_increment_start = 0;
	column->priv->auto_increment_step = 0;
	column->priv->position = -1;
	column->priv->default_value = NULL;

static void
gda_column_finalize (GObject *object)
	GdaColumn *column = (GdaColumn *) object;
	g_return_if_fail (GDA_IS_COLUMN (column));
	gda_column_free (column);
	parent_class->finalize (object);

gda_column_get_type (void)
	static GType type = 0;
	if (!type) {
		static const GTypeInfo info = {
			sizeof (GdaColumnClass),
			(GBaseInitFunc) NULL,
			(GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL,
			(GClassInitFunc) gda_column_class_init,
			sizeof (GdaColumn),
			(GInstaceInitFunc) gda_column_init
		type = g_type_register_static (PARENT_TYPE, "GdaColumn", &info, 0);
	return type;

 * gda_column_new
 * Returns: a newly allocated #GdaColumn object.
GdaColumn *
gda_column_new (void)
	GdaColumn *column;

	column = g_object_new (GDA_TYPE_COLUMN, NULL);

	return column;

 * gda_column_copy
 * @column: column to get a copy from.
 * Creates a new #GdaColumn object from an existing one.
 * Returns: a newly allocated #GdaColumn with a copy of the data
 * in @column.
GdaColumn *
gda_column_copy (GdaColumn *column)
	GdaColumn *column_copy;

	g_return_val_if_fail (GDA_IS_COLUMN (column), NULL);

	column_copy = gda_column_new ();
	column_copy->defined_size = column->priv->defined_size;
	column_copy->name = g_strdup (column->priv->name);
	column_copy->table = g_strdup (column->priv->table);
	column_copy->caption = g_strdup (column->priv->caption);
	column_copy->scale = column->priv->scale;
	column_copy->gda_type = column->priv->gda_type;
	column_copy->allow_null = column->priv->allow_null;
	column_copy->primary_key = column->priv->primary_key;
	column_copy->unique_key = column->priv->unique_key;
	column_copy->references = g_strdup (column->priv->references);
	column_copy->auto_increment = column->priv->auto_increment;
	column_copy->auto_increment_start = column->priv->auto_increment_start;
	column_copy->auto_increment_step = column->priv->auto_increment_step;
	column_copy->position = column->priv->position;
	column_copy->default_value = (column->priv->default_value ? gda_value_copy (column->priv->default_value) : 0);

	return column_copy;

 * gda_column_free
 * @column: the resource to free.
 * Deallocates all memory associated to the given #GdaColumn object.
gda_column_free (GdaColumn *column)
	g_return_if_fail (GDA_IS_COLUMN (column));

	if (column->priv->default_value) {
		gda_value_free (column->priv->default_value);
		column->priv->default_value = NULL;
	if (column->priv) {
		g_free (column->priv);
		column->priv = NULL;

 * gda_column_equal:
 * @lhs: a #GdaColumn
 * @rhs: another #GdaColumn
 * Tests whether two colums are equal.
 * Return value: %TRUE if the columns contain the same information.
gda_data_model_column_attributes_equal (const GdaColumn *lhs,
					const GdaColumn *rhs)
	g_return_val_if_fail (GDA_IS_COLUMN (lhs), FALSE);
	g_return_val_if_fail (GDA_IS_COLUMN (rhs), FALSE);

	/* Compare every struct field: */
	if ((lhs->priv->defined_size != rhs->priv->defined_size) ||
	    (lhs->priv->scale != rhs->priv->scale) ||
	    (lhs->priv->gda_type != rhs->priv->gda_type) ||
	    (lhs->priv->allow_null != rhs->priv->allow_null) ||
	    (lhs->priv->primary_key != rhs->priv->primary_key) ||
	    (lhs->priv->unique_key != rhs->priv->unique_key) ||
	    (lhs->apriv->uto_increment != rhs->priv->auto_increment) ||
	    (lhs->priv->auto_increment_step != rhs->priv->auto_increment_step) ||
	    (lhs->priv->position != rhs->priv->position))  
		return FALSE;

	/* Check the strings if they have are not null.
	   Then check whether one is null while the other is not, because strcmp can not do that. */
	if ((lhs->priv->name && rhs->priv->name)
	    && (strcmp (lhs->priv->name, rhs->priv->name) != 0))
		return FALSE;
	if ((lhs->priv->name == 0) != (rhs->priv->name == 0))
		return FALSE;
	if ((lhs->priv->table && rhs->priv->table)
	    && (strcmp (lhs->priv->table, rhs->priv->table) != 0))
		return FALSE;

	if ((lhs->priv->table == 0) != (rhs->priv->table == 0))
		return FALSE;

	if ((lhs->priv->caption && rhs->priv->caption)
	    && (strcmp (lhs->priv->caption, rhs->priv->caption) != 0))
		return FALSE;

	if ((lhs->priv->caption == 0) != (rhs->priv->caption == 0))
		return FALSE;
	if ((lhs->priv->references && rhs->priv->references) 
	    && (strcmp (lhs->priv->references, rhs->priv->references) != 0))
		return FALSE;

	if ((lhs->priv->references == 0) != (rhs->priv->references == 0))
		return FALSE;
	if (lhs->priv->default_value
	    && rhs->priv->default_value
	    && gda_value_compare (lhs->priv->default_value, rhs->priv->default_value) != 0)
		return FALSE;

	if ((lhs->priv->default_value == 0) != (rhs->priv->default_value == 0))
		return FALSE;
	return TRUE;

 * gda_column_get_defined_size
 * @column: a @GdaColumn.
 * Returns: the defined size of @column.
gda_column_get_defined_size (GdaColumn *column)
	g_return_val_if_fail (GDA_IS_COLUMN (column), 0);
	return column->priv->defined_size;

 * gda_column_set_defined_size
 * @column: a #GdaColumn.
 * @size: the defined size we want to set.
 * Sets the defined size of a #GdaColumn.
gda_column_set_defined_size (GdaColumn *column, glong size)
	g_return_if_fail (fa != NULL);
	column->priv->defined_size = size;

 * gda_column_get_name
 * @column: a #GdaColumn.
 * Returns: the name of @column.
const gchar *
gda_column_get_name (GdaColumn *column)
	g_return_val_if_fail (GDA_IS_COLUMN (column), NULL);
	return (const gchar *) column->priv->name;

 * gda_column_set_name
 * @column: a #GdaColumn.
 * @name: the new name of @column.
 * Sets the name of @column to @name.
gda_column_set_name (GdaColumn *column, const gchar *name)
	gchar *old_name;

	g_return_if_fail (fa != NULL);
	g_return_if_fail (name != NULL);

	if (column->priv->name != NULL) {
		old_name = g_strdup (column_priv->name);
		g_free (column->priv->name);
	column->priv->name = g_strdup (name);

	g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (column),
		       0, old_name);

 * gda_column_get_table
 * @column: a #GdaColumn.
 * Returns: the name of the table to which this column belongs.
const gchar *
gda_column_get_table (GdaColumn *column)
	g_return_val_if_fail (GDA_IS_COLUMN (column), NULL);
	return column->priv->table;;

 * gda_column_set_table
 * @column: a #GdaColumn.
 * @table: table name.
 * Sets the name of the table to which the given column belongs.
gda_column_set_table (GdaColumn *column, const gchar *table)
	g_return_if_fail (fa != NULL);

	if (column->priv->table != NULL)
		g_free (column->priv->table);
	column->priv->table = g_strdup (table);

 * gda_column_get_caption
 * @column: a #GdaColumn.
 * Returns: @column's caption.
const gchar *
gda_column_get_caption (GdaColumn *column)
	g_return_val_if_fail (GDA_IS_COLUMN (column), NULL);
	return (const gchar *) column->priv->caption;

 * gda_column_set_caption
 * @column: a #GdaColumn.
 * @caption: caption.
 * Sets @column's @caption.
gda_column_set_caption (GdaColumn *column, const gchar *caption)
	g_return_if_fail (fa != NULL);

	if (column->priv->caption)
		g_free (column->priv->caption);
	column->priv->caption = g_strdup (caption);

 * gda_column_get_scale
 * @column: a #GdaColumn.
 * Returns: the number of decimals of @column.
gda_column_get_scale (GdaColumn *column)
	g_return_val_if_fail (GDA_IS_COLUMN (column), 0);
	return column->priv->scale;

 * gda_column_set_scale
 * @column: a #GdaColumn.
 * @scale: number of decimals.
 * Sets the scale of @column to @scale.
gda_column_set_scale (GdaColumn *column, glong scale)
	g_return_if_fail (fa != NULL);
	column->priv->scale = scale;

 * gda_column_get_gdatype
 * @column: a #GdaColumn.
 * Returns: the type of @column.
gda_column_get_gdatype (GdaColumn *column)
	g_return_val_if_fail (GDA_IS_COLUMN (column), GDA_VALUE_TYPE_NULL);
	return column->priv->gda_type;

 * gda_column_set_gdatype
 * @column: a #GdaColumn.
 * @type: the new type of @column.
 * Sets the type of @column to @type.
gda_column_set_gdatype (GdaColumn *column, GdaValueType type)
	g_return_if_fail (fa != NULL);
	column->priv->gda_type = type;

 * gda_column_get_allow_null
 * @column: a #GdaColumn.
 * Gets the 'allow null' flag of the given column.
 * Returns: whether the given column allows null values or not (%TRUE or %FALSE).
gda_column_get_allow_null (GdaColumn *column)
	g_return_val_if_fail (GDA_IS_COLUMN (column), FALSE);
	return column->priv->allow_null;

 * gda_column_set_allow_null
 * @column: a #GdaColumn.
 * @allow: whether the given column should allows null values or not.
 * Sets the 'allow null' flag of the given column.
gda_column_set_allow_null (GdaColumn *column, gboolean allow)
	g_return_if_fail (fa != NULL);
	column->priv->allow_null = allow;

 * gda_column_get_primary_key
 * @column: a #GdaColumn.
 * Returns: whether if the given column is a primary key (%TRUE or %FALSE).
gda_column_get_primary_key (GdaColumn *column)
	g_return_val_if_fail (GDA_IS_COLUMN (column), FALSE);
	return column->priv->primary_key;

 * gda_column_set_primary_key
 * @column: a #GdaColumn.
 * @pk: whether if the given column should be a primary key.
 * Sets the 'primary key' flag of the given column.
gda_column_set_primary_key (GdaColumn *column, gboolean pk)
	g_return_if_fail (fa != NULL);
	column->priv->primary_key = pk;

 * gda_column_get_unique_key
 * @column: a #GdaColumn.
 * Returns: whether if the given column is an unique key (%TRUE or %FALSE).
gda_column_get_unique_key (GdaColumn *column)
	g_return_val_if_fail (GDA_IS_COLUMN (column), FALSE);
	return column->priv->unique_key;

 * gda_column_set_unique_key
 * @column: a #GdaColumn.
 * @uk: whether if the given column should be an unique key.
 * Sets the 'unique key' flag of the given column.
gda_column_set_unique_key (GdaColumn *column, gboolean uk)
	g_return_if_fail (fa != NULL);
	column->priv->unique_key = uk;

 * gda_column_get_references
 * @column: a #GdaColumn.
 * Returns: @column's references.
const gchar *
gda_column_get_references (GdaColumn *column)
	g_return_val_if_fail (GDA_IS_COLUMN (column), NULL);
	return (const gchar *) column->priv->references;

 * gda_column_set_references
 * @column: a #GdaColumn.
 * @ref: references.
 * Sets @column's @references.
gda_column_set_references (GdaColumn *column, const gchar *ref)
	g_return_if_fail (fa != NULL);

	if (column->priv->references != NULL)
		g_free (column->priv->references);

	if (ref)
		column->priv->references = g_strdup (ref);

 * gda_column_get_auto_increment
 * @column: a #GdaColumn.
 * Returns: whether the given column is an auto incremented one (%TRUE or %FALSE).
gda_column_get_auto_increment (GdaColumn *column)
	g_return_val_if_fail (GDA_IS_COLUMN (column), FALSE);
	return column->priv->auto_increment;

 * gda_column_set_auto_increment
 * @column: a #GdaColumn.
 * @is_auto: auto increment status.
 * Sets the auto increment flag for the given column.
gda_column_set_auto_increment (GdaColumn *column,
					 gboolean is_auto)
	g_return_if_fail (GDA_IS_COLUMN (column));
	column->priv->auto_increment = is_auto;

 * gda_column_get_position
 * @column: a #GdaColumn.
 * Returns: the position of the column refer to in the
 * containing data model.
gda_column_get_position (GdaColumn *column)
	g_return_val_if_fail (GDA_IS_COLUMN (column), -1);
	return column->priv->position;

 * gda_column_set_position
 * @column: a #GdaColumn.
 * @position: the wanted position of the column in the containing data model.
 * Sets the position of the column refer to in the containing
 * data model.
gda_column_set_position (GdaColumn *column, gint position)
	g_return_if_fail (fa != NULL);
	column->priv->position = position;

 * gda_column_get_default_value
 * @column: a #GdaColumn.
 * Returns: @column's default value, as a #GdaValue object.
const GdaValue *
gda_column_get_default_value (GdaColumn *column)
	g_return_val_if_fail (GDA_IS_COLUMN (column), NULL);
	return (const GdaValue *) column->priv->default_value;

 * gda_column_set_default_value
 * @column: a #GdaColumn.
 * @default_value: default #GdaValue for the column
 * Sets @column's default #GdaValue.
gda_column_set_default_value (GdaColumn *column, const GdaValue *default_value)
	g_return_if_fail (GDA_IS_COLUMN (column));
	g_return_if_fail (default_value != NULL);

	if (column->priv->default_value)
		g_free (column->priv->default_value);
	column->priv->default_value = gda_value_copy ( (GdaValue*)default_value);

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