[gnome-db] GDA_VALUE_TYPE problem

Hi again...
I need to solve this.

My database has

gescom=# \d rubros
                                 Tabla "public.rubros"
Columna |         Tipo          |                     Modificadores
id | integer | not null default nextval('public.rubros_id_seq'::text)
nombre  | character varying(30) | not null
bruto   | double precision      |

gescom=# select * from rubros;
id |    nombre    | bruto
 1 | COMBUSTIBLES |      1
 2 | LUBRICANTES  | 2.1234
(2 filas)

Bruto is double precision, and my program has this:


v=(GdaValue *) gda_data_model_get_value_at(dm,2,2);

And s converts to a "2,00" string instead of a "2,1234". Inspecting v i got that it is a GDA_VALUE_TYPE_DOUBLE.
That "2,00" its also showed in the grid.

I need a workaound of this.

Im using libgda 1.2.1 and libgnomedb 1.2.1


Saludos, Juan.


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