[gnome-db] Version differences, documentation and a lot of questions from newie

I would like to use the packages from the Debian stable distribution for my project, but they are different from the ones documented, i see a lot of changes. Im doing my program with this by now, but how recomndable is to use the CVS versions gda and gnomedb?

I found that recordset dosnt exist, insted i used a simple data model for gnomedb widgets. Does this still works in the new version? or it would be deprecated?

I have a table with floating point numbers, when passed to the dbgrid (and others too),the decimal part is cutted and a fixed ",00" is inserted after, taking away the whole point of floating point (je :P) Is there any workaorund for this or may be im doing something wrong...

Are the widgets from the new version capable of edit the contents? So in the grid i can click and change the value "right there".

Any comment on this issues would be very appreciated!!

Thanks a lot!
Great library!, i hope i can contribute some day :D

Saludos, Juan.


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