Re: [gnome-db] libgda escape_value() and schema retreival

On Tue, 2004-08-17 at 11:43 +0200, Murray Cumming wrote:
> This seems to add a function like this:
> gboolean
> gda_connection_escape_string (GdaConnection *cnc,
> 			      gchar *from,
> 			      const gchar *to,
> 			      unsigned long length)
I've changed it to be:
> gda_connection_escape_string (GdaConnection *cnc,
> 			      const gchar *from,
> 			      gchar *to)

> 1. Why do we need to provide the length of the "from" string? Surely, all
> strings in libgda are null-terminated?
> 2. It seems to convert from "to" to "from". Isn't that a bit backwards?
yes, the arguments were wrong.

> 3. Is this just for creating SQL-representations of text values? Surely
> it's more useful to have a funciton to create a SQL representation of a
> GValue, whatever type that GValue has.
indeed, I guess we should convert this function to be escape_value, and
have it work for any GdaValue. I'll leave it for now with the fixes, but
Alan, could you please convert the function to be escape_value instead
of escape_string?
Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

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