[gnome-db] Patch to Port gnome-db-combo, and other changes in gnome_db_form and utils

I ported the gnome_db_combo, from GtkCombo to
GtkComboBoxEntry, in the way to have more
functionalities to create an interactive application
(more events hadlers).

And in the same way I make some changes in the
gnome_db_form, where now you can know if the form
change the row showed when you click in a navigation
button; then I added a function to hide this
navigation buttons.

In my next mail, I'll send the example where you'll
see this changes working... :-)

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Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: aclocal.m4
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: autogen.sh
diff -r ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/ChangeLog ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/ChangeLog
> 2004-09-25  Gustavo R. Montesino <grmontesino ig com br>
> 	Fixes #150791
> 	* libgnomedb/tables-page.c (tables_page_set_connection): unref the
> 	old connection, not the new one.
> 2004-09-22  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
> 	* configure.in: removed GNOME_COMPILE_WARNINGS macro.
> 2004-08-21  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>
> 	* configure.in: Add «nb» to ALL_LINGUAS.
> 2004-08-12  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
> 	Released 1.1.6.
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: components
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: config.guess
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: config.log
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: config.status
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: config.sub
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: configure
diff -r ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/configure.in ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/configure.in
< ALL_LINGUAS="az be ca cs da de el en_CA en_GB es fa fi fr ga gl hr hu it ja ko ml ms nl no pl pt pt_BR ru sk sr sr Latn sl sv ta tr uk vi zh_CN zh_TW"
> ALL_LINGUAS="az be ca cs da de el en_CA en_GB es fa fi fr ga gl hr hu it ja ko ml ms nb nl no pl pt pt_BR ru sk sl sq sr sr Latn sv ta tr uk vi zh_CN zh_TW"
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/control-center: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/control-center: database-properties.desktop
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/control-center: .deps
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/control-center: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/control-center: Makefile.in
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: COPYING
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: CVS
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/data: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/data: libgnomedb.keys
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/data: libgnomedb.schemas
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/data: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/data: Makefile.in
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: depcomp
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc/C: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C: html
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C: libgnomedb-decl-list.txt
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C: libgnomedb-decl.txt
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C: libgnomedb-undocumented.txt
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C: Makefile.in
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc/C/tmpl: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: db-shell.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: gnome-db-browser-private.sgml
diff -r ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-find-dialog.sgml ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-find-dialog.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: gnome-db-find-dialog.sgml.bak
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: gnome-db-i18n.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: libgnomedb-private.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: libgnomedb-unused.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: sql-viewer.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: table-properties-dialog.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: tables-page.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: utils.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C: xml
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc: libgnomedb-C.omf
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc: Makefile.in
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc: reference
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/glade: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/glade: .deps
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/glade: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/glade: Makefile.in
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: HACKING
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: INSTALL
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: install-sh
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: intltool-extract
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: intltool-extract.in
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: intltool-merge
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: intltool-merge.in
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: intltool-update
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: intltool-update.in
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: lib
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb: .deps
diff -r ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.c
< enum {
< };
< static gint combo_signals[LAST_SIGNAL];
< 	/* add class signals */
< 	combo_signals[MODEL_CHANGED] =
< 		g_signal_new ("model_changed",
< 			      G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class),
< 			      G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,
< 			      G_STRUCT_OFFSET (GnomeDbComboClass, model_changed),
< 			      NULL, NULL,
< 			      g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID,
< 			      G_TYPE_NONE, 0);
< 	combo->priv->col = 0;
< 	gtk_combo_box_set_model(GTK_COMBO_BOX(combo), NULL);
< 	g_return_val_if_fail (col >= 0 && col < gda_data_model_get_n_columns(model), NULL);
> 	g_return_val_if_fail (col >= 0, NULL);
< 	gint rows, i;
< 	GdaValue *value;
< 	GtkTreeStore *combo_model;
< 	GtkTreeIter iter;
> 	gint rows, i, cols;
> 	const GdaValue *value;
> 	GList *list = NULL;
> 	cols = gda_data_model_get_n_columns (model);
< 	combo_model = gtk_tree_store_new(1, G_TYPE_STRING);
< 	/* Set the values to ListStore */
> 	if (rows == 0 || cols < combo->priv->col) {
> 		list = g_list_append (list, "");
> 		gtk_combo_set_popdown_strings (GTK_COMBO (combo), list);
> 		g_list_free (list);
> 		return;
> 	}
< 		gtk_tree_store_append(combo_model,&iter, NULL);
< 		gtk_tree_store_set(combo_model,&iter,0,gda_value_stringify(value),-1);
> 		list = g_list_append (list, gda_value_stringify (value));
< 	gtk_combo_box_set_model(GTK_COMBO_BOX(combo), combo_model);
< 	gtk_combo_box_entry_set_text_column(GTK_COMBO_BOX_ENTRY(combo), 0);
> 	gtk_combo_set_popdown_strings (GTK_COMBO (combo), list);
> 	g_list_foreach (list, (GFunc) g_free, NULL);
> 	g_list_free (list);
> 	GList *list = NULL;
< 	g_return_if_fail (col >= 0 && col < gda_data_model_get_n_columns(model));
> 		g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func (G_OBJECT (combo->priv->model), model_changed_cb, combo);
< 	g_object_ref (G_OBJECT (model));
< 	combo->priv->col = col;
< 	model_changed_cb (model, combo);
< 	g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (combo), combo_signals[MODEL_CHANGED], 0);
> 	if (model != NULL) {
> 		g_object_ref (G_OBJECT (model));
> 		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (combo->priv->model), "changed",
> 				  G_CALLBACK (model_changed_cb), combo);
> 		combo->priv->col = col;
> 		model_changed_cb (model, combo);
> 	} else {
> 		list = g_list_append (list, "");
> 		gtk_combo_set_popdown_strings (GTK_COMBO (combo), list);
> 		g_list_free (list);
> 	}
<  * Returns: the column of the #GdaDataModel showed by the #GnomeDbCombo.
>  * Returns: the column of the #GdaDataModel stored by the #GnomeDbCombo.
diff -r ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.h ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.h
< #include <gtk/gtkcomboboxentry.h>
< #include <gtk/gtktreestore.h>
> #include <gtk/gtkcombo.h>
< 	GtkComboBoxEntry combo;
> 	GtkCombo combo;
< 	GtkComboBoxEntryClass parent_class;
< 	void (* model_changed) (GnomeDbCombo *combo);
> 	GtkComboClass parent_class;
diff -r ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-data-source-selector.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-data-source-selector.c
> 	GList *dsn_list, *l;
> 	/* load data sources */
> 	dsn_list = gnome_db_config_get_data_source_list ();
> 	for (l = dsn_list; l != NULL; l = l->next) {
> 		GdaDataSourceInfo *dsn_info = (GdaDataSourceInfo *) l->data;
> 		if (!dsn_info)
> 			continue;
> 		if (name != NULL && strcmp (name, dsn_info->name) != 0)
> 			continue;
> 		/* add the data source to the option menu */
> 		gnome_db_option_menu_add_item (GTK_OPTION_MENU (selector), dsn_info->name);
> 	}
diff -r ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c
< 	gboolean show_navigator_buttons;
< 	g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (form), form_signals[ROW_CHANGED], 0);
< 	g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (form), form_signals[ROW_CHANGED], 0);
< 	g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (form), form_signals[ROW_CHANGED], 0);
< 	g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (form), form_signals[ROW_CHANGED], 0);
< 	if(form->priv->show_navigator_buttons) {
< 		form->priv->navigator_label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (_("No records"));
< 		gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (form->priv->navigator_label), 0.5, 0.5);
< 		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (navigator), form->priv->navigator_label, 0, 3,
< 				  cols + 1, cols + 2,
< 		/* create navigation buttons */
< 		bbox = gnome_db_new_hbutton_box_widget ();
< 		gtk_button_box_set_layout (GTK_BUTTON_BOX (bbox), GTK_BUTTONBOX_DEFAULT_STYLE);
< 		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (navigator), bbox, 0, 3, cols + 2, cols + 3,
< 		form->priv->navigator_first = gnome_db_new_button_widget_from_stock (GTK_STOCK_GOTO_FIRST);
< 		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (form->priv->navigator_first), "clicked",
< 				  G_CALLBACK (navigator_first_cb), form);
< 		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (bbox), form->priv->navigator_first, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
< 		form->priv->navigator_back = gnome_db_new_button_widget_from_stock (GTK_STOCK_GO_BACK);
< 		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (form->priv->navigator_back), "clicked",
< 				  G_CALLBACK (navigator_back_cb), form);
< 		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (bbox), form->priv->navigator_back, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
< 		form->priv->navigator_fwd = gnome_db_new_button_widget_from_stock (GTK_STOCK_GO_FORWARD);
< 		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (form->priv->navigator_fwd), "clicked",
< 				  G_CALLBACK (navigator_forward_cb), form);
< 		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (bbox), form->priv->navigator_fwd, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
< 		form->priv->navigator_last = gnome_db_new_button_widget_from_stock (GTK_STOCK_GOTO_LAST);
< 		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (form->priv->navigator_last), "clicked",
< 				  G_CALLBACK (navigator_last_cb), form);
< 		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (bbox), form->priv->navigator_last, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
< 	}
> 	form->priv->navigator_label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (_("No records"));
> 	gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (form->priv->navigator_label), 0.5, 0.5);
> 	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (navigator), form->priv->navigator_label, 0, 3,
> 			  cols + 1, cols + 2,
> 	/* create navigation buttons */
> 	bbox = gnome_db_new_hbutton_box_widget ();
> 	gtk_button_box_set_layout (GTK_BUTTON_BOX (bbox), GTK_BUTTONBOX_DEFAULT_STYLE);
> 	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (navigator), bbox, 0, 3, cols + 2, cols + 3,
> 	form->priv->navigator_first = gnome_db_new_button_widget_from_stock (GTK_STOCK_GOTO_FIRST);
> 	g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (form->priv->navigator_first), "clicked",
> 			  G_CALLBACK (navigator_first_cb), form);
> 	gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (bbox), form->priv->navigator_first, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
> 	form->priv->navigator_back = gnome_db_new_button_widget_from_stock (GTK_STOCK_GO_BACK);
> 	g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (form->priv->navigator_back), "clicked",
> 			  G_CALLBACK (navigator_back_cb), form);
> 	gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (bbox), form->priv->navigator_back, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
> 	form->priv->navigator_fwd = gnome_db_new_button_widget_from_stock (GTK_STOCK_GO_FORWARD);
> 	g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (form->priv->navigator_fwd), "clicked",
> 			  G_CALLBACK (navigator_forward_cb), form);
> 	gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (bbox), form->priv->navigator_fwd, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
> 	form->priv->navigator_last = gnome_db_new_button_widget_from_stock (GTK_STOCK_GOTO_LAST);
> 	g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (form->priv->navigator_last), "clicked",
> 			  G_CALLBACK (navigator_last_cb), form);
> 	gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (bbox), form->priv->navigator_last, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
< 	{
< 	}
< 	form_signals[ROW_CHANGED] =
< 		g_signal_new ("row_changed",
< 			      G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class),
< 			      G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,
< 			      G_STRUCT_OFFSET (GnomeDbFormClass, row_changed),
< 			      NULL, NULL,
< 			      g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID,
< 			      G_TYPE_NONE, 0);
< 	form->priv->show_navigator_buttons = TRUE;
< 	g_return_if_fail (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (model));
< 		g_object_ref (G_OBJECT (model));
< 		form->priv->data_model = model;
< 		setup_widgets_for_model (form);
< 		g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (form), form_signals[MODEL_CHANGED], 0);
< 	}
> 	g_object_ref (G_OBJECT (model));
> 	form->priv->data_model = model;
> 	setup_widgets_for_model (form);
> 	g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (form), form_signals[MODEL_CHANGED], 0);
> }
< void
< gnome_db_form_show_navigator_buttons(GnomeDbForm *form, gboolean value)
< {
< 	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FORM (form));
< 	form->priv->show_navigator_buttons= value;
< 	setup_widgets_for_model(form);
< }
< gboolean
< gnome_db_form_is_navigator_buttons_shown(GnomeDbForm *form)
< {
< 	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FORM (form));
< 	return form->priv->show_navigator_buttons;
< }
diff -r ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.h ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.h
< 	void (* row_changed) (GnomeDbForm *form);
< void			 gnome_db_form_show_navigator_buttons(GnomeDbForm *form, gboolean value);
< gboolean         gnome_db_form_is_navigator_buttons_shown(GnomeDbForm *form);
diff -r ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c
> 	g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_OPTION_MENU(login->priv->dsn_entry));
diff -r ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c
< 	combo = gtk_combo_box_entry_new ();
> 	combo = gtk_combo_new ();
< /**
<  * gnome_db_value_get_from_date_edit saves the contents of a #GnomeDateEdit in to a #GdaValue.
<  * 
<  * @dateedit: a #GnomeDateEdit widget
<  * Returns: #GdaValue in the #GnomeDateEdit widget.
<  */
< GdaValue *
< gnome_db_value_get_from_date_edit(GnomeDateEdit *dateedit)
< {
< 	time_t time;
< 	GDate *date = NULL;
< 	GdaDate gda_date;
< 	GdaValue *val = NULL;
< 	time = gnome_date_edit_get_time(dateedit);
< 	date = g_date_new();
< 	g_date_set_time(date, time);
< 	gda_date.year = (gshort) g_date_get_year(date);
< 	gda_date.month = (gushort) g_date_get_month(date);
< 	gda_date.day = (gushort) g_date_get_day(date);
< 	val = gda_value_new_date(&gda_date);
< 	return val;
< }
< /**
<  * gnome_db_date_edit_set_from_value set the contents of a #GnomeDateEdit from #GdaValue.
<  * 
<  * @dateedit: a #GnomeDateEdit widget
<  * @value: a #GdaValue to save to.
<  * Returns: #GdaValue in the #GnomeDateEdit widget.
<  */
< void
< gnome_db_date_edit_set_from_value(GnomeDateEdit *dateedit, GdaValue *value)
< {
< 	time_t time;
< 	GdaDate *gda_date;
< 	GDate *date;
< 	struct tm tm_struct;
< 	gda_date = gda_value_get_date(value);
< 	date = g_date_new();
< 	g_date_set_dmy(date, (GDateDay) gda_date->day,
< 						(GDateMonth) gda_date->month,
< 						(GDateYear) gda_date->year);
< 	g_date_to_struct_tm(date,&tm_struct);
< 	time = mktime(&tm_struct);
< 	gnome_date_edit_set_time(dateedit,time);
< }
diff -r ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h
< #include <libgda/gda-value.h>
< #include <libgnomeui/gnome-dateedit.h>
< GdaValue	*gnome_db_value_get_from_date_edit(GnomeDateEdit *dateedit);
< void		 gnome_db_date_edit_set_from_value(GnomeDateEdit *dateedit, GdaValue *value);
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb: Makefile.in
diff -r ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/tables-page.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/tables-page.c
< 		g_object_unref (cnc);
> 		g_object_unref (priv->cnc);
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: libgnomedb.pc
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: libgnomedb.spec
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: libtool
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: ltmain.sh
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: Makefile.in
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: missing
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: mkinstalldirs
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: monikers
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: az.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: be.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ca.gmo
diff -r ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/ChangeLog ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/ChangeLog
> 2004-09-26  Adam Weinberger  <adamw gnome org>
> 	* en_CA.po: Updated Canadian English translation.
> 2004-09-03  Laurent Dhima  <laurenti alblinux net>
> 	* sq.po: Added Albanian translation.
> 2004-09-02  Alessio Frusciante  <algol firenze linux it>
> 	* it.po: Updated Italian translation by
> 	Alessio Dessì <alkex inwind it>.
> 2004-08-21  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>
> 	* nb.po: Add.
> 2004-08-13  Tommi Vainikainen  <thv iki fi>
> 	* fi.po: Unified some fields in po headers for Finnish team.
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: cs.gmo
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: da.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: de.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: el.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: en_CA.gmo
diff -r ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/en_CA.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/en_CA.po
> #
< "POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"
< "PO-Revision-Date: 2004-06-10 19:42-0700\n"
> "POT-Creation-Date: 2004-09-26 12:47-0400\n"
> "PO-Revision-Date: 2004-09-26 19:42-0400\n"
< "this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"
> "this dialogue. To open your newly created data source,\n"
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: en_GB.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: es.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: fa.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: fi.gmo
diff -r ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/fi.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/fi.po
< "Language-Team: Finnish <gnome-fi-laatu lists sourceforge org>\n"
> "Language-Team: Finnish <gnome-fi-laatu lists sourceforge net>\n"
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: fr.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ga.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: gl.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: hr.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: hu.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: it.gmo
diff -r ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/it.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/it.po
> # Alessio Dessì <alkex inwind it>, 2004.
< "POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"
< "PO-Revision-Date: 2002-12-04 21:47+0100\n"
> "POT-Creation-Date: 2004-09-02 20:42+0200\n"
> "PO-Revision-Date: 2004-04-07 18:55+0200\n"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Configurazione ambiente del database"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Nome"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Sorgenti di dati configurate nel sistema"
< "verso un fornitore o verso una combo di database specifici sono "
> "verso un fornitore o una combinazione di database specifici sono "
< msgstr "Non è stata creata nessuna informazione di sorgente dati"
> msgstr "Non è stata fornita nessuna informazione per la sorgente dati"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Fornitori installati"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "File dei parametri delle connessioni a database"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Documenti"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Visualizzatore di codice SQL"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Tipo di carattere da usare per il widget griglia"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Numero di spazi per il «tab»"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Mostra i numeri di riga nell'editor di sorgenti"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Usa l'evidenziazione nell'editor del codice sorgente"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Servizi di database per GNOME Desktop"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Informazioni"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Informazioni su GNOME-DB"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Chiude questa finestra"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Crea un nuovo elemento"
< #, fuzzy
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Modifica le proprietà per l'elemento selezionato"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Salva i parametri della connessione in un file"
< msgstr "Seleziona tutte le voci nella lista"
> msgstr "Seleziona tutto"
> #, fuzzy
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Cancella selezione"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "_Chiudi"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Ca_ncella"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "_Modifica"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "A_iuto"
< msgstr "Procedure"
> msgstr "Proprietà"
< #, fuzzy
< msgstr "Salva in"
> msgstr "Sal_va connessione"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "ID"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Posizione"
< #, fuzzy
< msgstr "Nome utente"
> msgstr "Nome host"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Dominio"
< msgstr "Bisogna inserire un nome per la nuova sorgente di dati"
> msgstr "Ã? necessario inserire un nome per la nuova sorgente di dati"
> #, fuzzy
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "I nomi delle sorgenti di dati non possono contenere spazi"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Esiste già una sorgente di dati con lo stesso nome"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "I nomi delle sorgenti di dati non possono contenere spazi"
> "I nomi delle sorgenti di dati possono contenere solo lettere e numeri ASCII"
< msgstr "Bisogna selezionare un fornitore per la nuova sorgente di dati"
> msgstr "Ã? necessario selezionare un fornitore per la nuova sorgente di dati"
< "Quest'assistente farà da guida attraverso il processo di\n"
< "creazione di una nuova sorgente dati per l'installazione personale\n"
> "L'assistente farà da guida attraverso il processo di creazione\n"
> "di una nuova sorgente dati per l'installazione personale\n"
< "I seguenti campi rappresentano le voci di informazioni\n"
< "di base per la nuova sorgente di dati. Alcune di esse (descrizione,\n"
> "I seguenti campi rappresentano le voci di informazioni di base\n"
> "per la nuova sorgente di dati. Alcune di esse (descrizione,\n"
< "Se non si sà quale fornitore utilizzare, si selezioni\n"
< "quello predefinito"
> "Se non si sà quale fornitore utilizzare, selezionare quello\n"
> "predefinito"
< msgstr "Nome utente"
> msgstr "Nome utente:"
< msgstr "Password"
> msgstr "Password:"
< "I seguenti campi rappresentano l'informazione richiesta\n"
< "dal fornitore selezionato nella pagina precedente per aprire\n"
< "una certa connessione. Questa informazione è specifica al fornitore,\n"
< "quindi si controlli il manuale per maggiori informazioni"
> "I seguenti campi rappresentano l'informazione richiesta dal fornitore\n"
> "selezionato nella pagina precedente per aprire una certa connessione.\n"
> "Questa informazione è specifica del fornitore, controllare il manuale per\n"
> "maggiori informazioni"
< "una nuova sorgente di dati. Premere «Applica» per chiudere\n"
< "questa finestra di dialogo. Per aprire la sorgente di dati appena\n"
< "creata, basta selezionarla quando viene richiesta una sorgente di dati"
> "una nuova sorgente di dati. Premere «Applica» per chiudere questa\n"
> "finestra di dialogo. Per aprire la sorgente di dati appena creata,\n"
> "basta selezionarla quando viene richiesta una sorgente di dati"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Si è verificato un errore nel database sottostante"
< #, fuzzy
< msgstr "Dettaglio"
> msgstr "Dettagli"
< msgstr "Titolo"
> msgstr "Campi"
< #, fuzzy
< msgstr "Prova"
> msgstr ""
< msgstr "Descrizione del recordset"
> msgstr "Descrizione dell'insieme di record"
< #, c-format
> #, fuzzy, c-format
> "Il file %s esiste già\n"
> "Sovrascriverlo?"
< msgstr "Bisogna specificare un nome di file"
> msgstr "Ã? necessario specificare un nome di file"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Ricevuto file vuoto durante la conversione dei dati"
< #, fuzzy
< msgstr "Descrivi..."
> msgstr "Descrive"
< msgstr "� stato tentato di inizializzare un client già inizializzato"
> msgstr "Si è tentato di inizializzare un client già inizializzato"
> "Inserire gli argomenti per aprire una connessione\n"
> "a una sorgente di dati qui sotto"
< #, fuzzy
< msgstr "Sorgente dati"
> msgstr "Sorgente dati:"
< #, fuzzy
< msgstr "Nome utente"
> msgstr "Nome utente:"
< #, fuzzy
< msgstr "Password"
> msgstr "Password:"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Campi"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Esegui commit"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Connetti"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Proggettista"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Disconnetti"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "NessunaTransazione"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Query"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Reverti commit"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "SQL"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "InternamenteAllaTransazione"
< #, fuzzy, c-format
> #, c-format
< msgstr "Errore"
> msgstr "Errore: %s"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Login per %s"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Login al database"
< #, fuzzy
< msgstr "Proprietà del database"
> msgstr "Proprietà della tabella"
< #, fuzzy
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Nuova"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Crea una nuova tabella"
< #, fuzzy
< msgstr "Procedure"
> msgstr "Proprietà"
< #, fuzzy
< msgstr "Proprietà del database"
> msgstr "Visualizza proprietà della tabella"
> #, fuzzy
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "ID"
> #, fuzzy
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Posizione"
> #, fuzzy
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Cancella selezione"
< #, fuzzy
< msgstr "Non è possibile aprire una connessione verso %s"
> msgstr ""
< msgstr "Sequenze"
> msgstr "Preferen_ze"
> #, fuzzy
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Esegui commit"
< #, fuzzy
> #~ msgid "Browse database..."
> #~ msgstr "Esplorazione database..."
> #~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .connection files"
> #~ msgstr ""
> #~ "Componente che include le voci del menu contestuale per i file .connection"
> #~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .sql files"
> #~ msgstr "Componente che include le voci del menu contestuale per i file .sql"
> #~ msgid "Connection MIME handler component"
> #~ msgstr "Componente del gestore dei tipi di connessione MIME"
> #~ msgid "Database component factory"
> #~ msgstr "Produttore di componenti Database"
> #~ msgid "Open in database connection..."
> #~ msgstr "Apre all'interno di una connessione a database..."
> #~ msgid "SQL MIME handler component"
> #~ msgstr "Componente del gestore di tipi MIME SQL"
< #~ msgstr "Proprietà del database"
> #~ msgstr "Esploratore di database"
< #, fuzzy
> #~ msgid "SQL Viewer"
> #~ msgstr "Visualizzatore SQL"
< #~ msgstr "Proprietà del database"
> #~ msgstr "Configurazione del database"
> #~ msgid "Edit application preferences"
> #~ msgstr "Modifica le preferenze dell'applicazione"
> #~ msgid "New..."
> #~ msgstr "Nuovo..."
> #~ msgid "_File"
> #~ msgstr "_File"
> #~ msgid "_Properties..."
> #~ msgstr "P_roprietà..."
< #, fuzzy
< #~ msgstr "Impostazioni"
> #~ msgstr "Im_postazioni"
< #~ msgstr "Salva come..."
> #~ msgstr "Salva come"
< #, fuzzy
> #~ msgid "Table Data"
> #~ msgstr "Tabella dei dati"
> #~ msgid "View table data"
> #~ msgstr "Visualizza dati della tabella"
< #~ msgstr "Proprietà del database"
> #~ msgstr "Produttore Moniker del database"
< #, fuzzy
< #~ msgstr "Proprietà del database"
> #~ msgstr "database: moniker"
< #~ msgstr "� fallita la manifatturazione di un «%s»"
> #~ msgstr "Fallita la produzione di un «%s»"
< #~ msgid "Data sources"
< #~ msgstr "Sorgenti di dati"
< #~ msgid "Test Data Source"
< #~ msgstr "Prova sorgente di dati"
< #~ msgid "Connection to %s successful!"
< #~ msgstr "Connessione verso %s riuscita!"
< #~ msgid "Data source"
< #~ msgstr "Sorgente di dati"
< #~ msgid "Select all"
< #~ msgstr "Seleziona tutto"
< #~ msgid "Unselect all"
< #~ msgstr "Deseleziona tutto"
< #~ msgid "Unselect All"
< #~ msgstr "Deseleziona tutto"
< #~ msgid "Display column headers"
< #~ msgstr "Visualizza intestazioni di colonna"
< #~ msgid "Hide column headers"
< #~ msgstr "Nascondi le intestazioni di colonna"
< #~ msgid "Save as..."
< #~ msgstr "Salva come..."
< #~ msgid "Export data to different formats"
< #~ msgstr "Esporta dati in formati differenti"
< #~ msgid "Describe current data set"
< #~ msgstr "Descrive il set di dati corrente"
< #~ msgid "View current data in more detail"
< #~ msgstr "Visualizza i dati correnti più in dettaglio"
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ja.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ko.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: libgnomedb-2.pot
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: Makefile.in
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: Makefile.in.in
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po: mk.po
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ml.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ms.gmo
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po: nb.po
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: nl.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: no.gmo
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po: pa.po
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: pl.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: POTFILES
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po: POTFILES.skip
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: pt_BR.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: pt.gmo
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po: README.translators
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ru.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: sk.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: sl.gmo
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po: sq.po
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: sr.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: sr Latn gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: sv.gmo
diff -r ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/sv.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/sv.po
< # $Id: sv.po,v 1.82 2004/06/07 22:33:37 rodrigo Exp $
> # $Id: sv.po,v 1.83 2004/08/12 14:44:29 rodrigo Exp $
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ta.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: tr.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: uk.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: vi.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: zh_CN.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: zh_TW.gmo
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: providers
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: stamp.h
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/testing: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/testing: .deps
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/testing: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/testing: Makefile.in
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: vfs
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: aclocal.m4
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: autogen.sh
diff -rc ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/ChangeLog ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/ChangeLog
*** ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/ChangeLog	2004-08-08 12:34:25.000000000 -0500
--- ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/ChangeLog	2004-10-04 23:08:10.000000000 -0500
*** 1,3 ****
--- 1,22 ----
+ 2004-09-25  Gustavo R. Montesino <grmontesino ig com br>
+ 	Fixes #150791
+ 	* libgnomedb/tables-page.c (tables_page_set_connection): unref the
+ 	old connection, not the new one.
+ 2004-09-22  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
+ 	* configure.in: removed GNOME_COMPILE_WARNINGS macro.
+ 2004-08-21  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>
+ 	* configure.in: Add «nb» to ALL_LINGUAS.
+ 2004-08-12  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
+ 	Released 1.1.6.
  2004-08-08  Gustavo R. Montesino <grmontesino ig com br>
  	Fixes #149609
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: components
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: config.guess
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: config.log
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: config.status
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: config.sub
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: configure
diff -rc ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/configure.in ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/configure.in
*** ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/configure.in	2004-07-22 05:56:09.000000000 -0500
--- ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/configure.in	2004-10-04 23:08:10.000000000 -0500
*** 3,9 ****
--- 3,9 ----
*** 60,66 ****
! ALL_LINGUAS="az be ca cs da de el en_CA en_GB es fa fi fr ga gl hr hu it ja ko ml ms nl no pl pt pt_BR ru sk sr sr Latn sl sv ta tr uk vi zh_CN zh_TW"
  dnl ******************************
--- 60,66 ----
! ALL_LINGUAS="az be ca cs da de el en_CA en_GB es fa fi fr ga gl hr hu it ja ko ml ms nb nl no pl pt pt_BR ru sk sl sq sr sr Latn sv ta tr uk vi zh_CN zh_TW"
  dnl ******************************
*** 72,80 ****
  dnl ******************************
  dnl Checks for libraries
  dnl ******************************
  GTK_MODULES="gtk+-2.0 >= 2.4.0"
  LIBGDA_MODULES="libgda >= 1.1.1"
--- 72,77 ----
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/control-center: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/control-center: database-properties.desktop
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/control-center: .deps
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/control-center: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/control-center: Makefile.in
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: COPYING
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: CVS
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/data: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/data: libgnomedb.keys
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/data: libgnomedb.schemas
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/data: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/data: Makefile.in
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: depcomp
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc/C: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C: html
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C: libgnomedb-decl-list.txt
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C: libgnomedb-decl.txt
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C: libgnomedb-undocumented.txt
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C: Makefile.in
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc/C/tmpl: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: db-shell.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: gnome-db-browser-private.sgml
diff -rc ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-find-dialog.sgml ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-find-dialog.sgml
*** ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-find-dialog.sgml	2004-08-18 10:59:17.000000000 -0500
--- ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-find-dialog.sgml	2004-06-06 10:01:59.000000000 -0500
*** 9,19 ****
--- 9,21 ----
  <!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->
  <!-- ##### STRUCT GnomeDbFindDialogPrivate ##### -->
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: gnome-db-find-dialog.sgml.bak
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: gnome-db-i18n.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: libgnomedb-private.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: libgnomedb-unused.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: sql-viewer.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: table-properties-dialog.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: tables-page.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: utils.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C: xml
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc: libgnomedb-C.omf
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc: Makefile.in
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc: reference
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/glade: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/glade: .deps
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/glade: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/glade: Makefile.in
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: HACKING
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: INSTALL
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: install-sh
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: intltool-extract
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: intltool-extract.in
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: intltool-merge
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: intltool-merge.in
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: intltool-update
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: intltool-update.in
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: lib
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb: .deps
diff -rc ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.c
*** ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.c	2004-10-04 14:43:45.000000000 -0500
--- ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.c	2003-12-19 05:06:04.000000000 -0600
*** 22,28 ****
  #include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.h>
  struct _GnomeDbComboPrivate {
  	GdaDataModel *model;
--- 22,28 ----
  #include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.h>
  struct _GnomeDbComboPrivate {
  	GdaDataModel *model;
*** 49,61 ****
- enum {
- };
- static gint combo_signals[LAST_SIGNAL];
  static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL;
--- 49,54 ----
*** 79,94 ****
  		g_param_spec_object ("model", NULL, NULL,
- 	/* add class signals */
- 	combo_signals[MODEL_CHANGED] =
- 		g_signal_new ("model_changed",
- 			      G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class),
- 			      G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,
- 			      G_STRUCT_OFFSET (GnomeDbComboClass, model_changed),
- 			      NULL, NULL,
- 			      g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID,
- 			      G_TYPE_NONE, 0);
  static void
--- 72,77 ----
*** 99,107 ****
  	/* allocate private structure */
  	combo->priv = g_new0 (GnomeDbComboPrivate, 1);
  	combo->priv->model = NULL;
- 	combo->priv->col = 0;
- 	gtk_combo_box_set_model(GTK_COMBO_BOX(combo), NULL);
  static void
--- 82,87 ----
*** 219,227 ****
  	GnomeDbCombo *combo;
  	g_return_val_if_fail (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (model), NULL);
! 	g_return_val_if_fail (col >= 0 && col < gda_data_model_get_n_columns(model), NULL);
  	combo = gnome_db_combo_new();
  	if (combo != NULL) {
--- 199,206 ----
  	GnomeDbCombo *combo;
  	g_return_val_if_fail (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (model), NULL);
! 	g_return_val_if_fail (col >= 0, NULL);
  	combo = gnome_db_combo_new();
  	if (combo != NULL) {
*** 236,262 ****
  model_changed_cb (GdaDataModel *model, gpointer user_data)
  	GnomeDbCombo *combo = GNOME_DB_COMBO (user_data);
! 	gint rows, i;
! 	GdaValue *value;
! 	GtkTreeStore *combo_model;
! 	GtkTreeIter iter;
  	g_return_if_fail (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (model));
  	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_COMBO (combo));
  	rows = gda_data_model_get_n_rows (model);
! 	combo_model = gtk_tree_store_new(1, G_TYPE_STRING);
! 	/* Set the values to ListStore */
  	for (i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
- 		gtk_tree_store_append(combo_model,&iter, NULL);
  		value = gda_data_model_get_value_at (model, combo->priv->col, i);
! 		gtk_tree_store_set(combo_model,&iter,0,gda_value_stringify(value),-1);
! 	gtk_combo_box_set_model(GTK_COMBO_BOX(combo), combo_model);
! 	gtk_combo_box_entry_set_text_column(GTK_COMBO_BOX_ENTRY(combo), 0);
--- 215,244 ----
  model_changed_cb (GdaDataModel *model, gpointer user_data)
  	GnomeDbCombo *combo = GNOME_DB_COMBO (user_data);
! 	gint rows, i, cols;
! 	const GdaValue *value;
! 	GList *list = NULL;
  	g_return_if_fail (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (model));
  	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_COMBO (combo));
+ 	cols = gda_data_model_get_n_columns (model);
  	rows = gda_data_model_get_n_rows (model);
! 	if (rows == 0 || cols < combo->priv->col) {
! 		list = g_list_append (list, "");
! 		gtk_combo_set_popdown_strings (GTK_COMBO (combo), list);
! 		g_list_free (list);
! 		return;
! 	}
  	for (i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
  		value = gda_data_model_get_value_at (model, combo->priv->col, i);
! 		list = g_list_append (list, gda_value_stringify (value));
! 	gtk_combo_set_popdown_strings (GTK_COMBO (combo), list);
! 	g_list_foreach (list, (GFunc) g_free, NULL);
! 	g_list_free (list);
*** 273,291 ****
  gnome_db_combo_set_model (GnomeDbCombo *combo, GdaDataModel *model, gint col)
  	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_COMBO (combo));
  	g_return_if_fail (model == NULL || GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (model));
- 	g_return_if_fail (col >= 0 && col < gda_data_model_get_n_columns(model));
  	if (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (combo->priv->model)) {
  		g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (combo->priv->model));
! 	g_object_ref (G_OBJECT (model));
  	combo->priv->model = model;
! 	combo->priv->col = col;
! 	model_changed_cb (model, combo);
! 	g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (combo), combo_signals[MODEL_CHANGED], 0);
--- 255,283 ----
  gnome_db_combo_set_model (GnomeDbCombo *combo, GdaDataModel *model, gint col)
! 	GList *list = NULL;
  	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_COMBO (combo));
  	g_return_if_fail (model == NULL || GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (model));
  	if (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (combo->priv->model)) {
+ 		g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func (G_OBJECT (combo->priv->model), model_changed_cb, combo);
  		g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (combo->priv->model));
  	combo->priv->model = model;
! 	if (model != NULL) {
! 		g_object_ref (G_OBJECT (model));
! 		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (combo->priv->model), "changed",
! 				  G_CALLBACK (model_changed_cb), combo);
! 		combo->priv->col = col;
! 		model_changed_cb (model, combo);
! 	} else {
! 		list = g_list_append (list, "");
! 		gtk_combo_set_popdown_strings (GTK_COMBO (combo), list);
! 		g_list_free (list);
! 	}
*** 313,319 ****
   * This function return the column.
!  * Returns: the column of the #GdaDataModel showed by the #GnomeDbCombo.
  gnome_db_combo_get_column (GnomeDbCombo *combo)
--- 305,311 ----
   * This function return the column.
!  * Returns: the column of the #GdaDataModel stored by the #GnomeDbCombo.
  gnome_db_combo_get_column (GnomeDbCombo *combo)
diff -rc ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.h ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.h
*** ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.h	2004-10-04 11:22:45.000000000 -0500
--- ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.h	2004-01-24 17:56:02.000000000 -0600
*** 24,31 ****
  #  define __gnome_db_combo_h__
  #include <libgda/gda-data-model.h>
! #include <gtk/gtkcomboboxentry.h>
! #include <gtk/gtktreestore.h>
--- 24,30 ----
  #  define __gnome_db_combo_h__
  #include <libgda/gda-data-model.h>
! #include <gtk/gtkcombo.h>
*** 40,52 ****
  typedef struct _GnomeDbComboPrivate GnomeDbComboPrivate;
  struct _GnomeDbCombo {
! 	GtkComboBoxEntry combo;
  	GnomeDbComboPrivate *priv;
  struct _GnomeDbComboClass {
! 	GtkComboBoxEntryClass parent_class;
! 	void (* model_changed) (GnomeDbCombo *combo);
  GType      gnome_db_combo_get_type (void);
--- 39,50 ----
  typedef struct _GnomeDbComboPrivate GnomeDbComboPrivate;
  struct _GnomeDbCombo {
! 	GtkCombo combo;
  	GnomeDbComboPrivate *priv;
  struct _GnomeDbComboClass {
! 	GtkComboClass parent_class;
  GType      gnome_db_combo_get_type (void);
diff -rc ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-data-source-selector.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-data-source-selector.c
*** ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-data-source-selector.c	2004-04-04 11:07:08.000000000 -0500
--- ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-data-source-selector.c	2004-08-03 13:03:50.000000000 -0500
*** 46,56 ****
--- 46,70 ----
  show_data_sources (GnomeDbDataSourceSelector *selector, const gchar *name)
  	GdaDataSourceInfo *dsn_info = NULL;
+ 	GList *dsn_list, *l;
  	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_DATA_SOURCE_SELECTOR (selector));
  	gtk_option_menu_remove_menu (GTK_OPTION_MENU (selector));
+ 	/* load data sources */
+ 	dsn_list = gnome_db_config_get_data_source_list ();
+ 	for (l = dsn_list; l != NULL; l = l->next) {
+ 		GdaDataSourceInfo *dsn_info = (GdaDataSourceInfo *) l->data;
+ 		if (!dsn_info)
+ 			continue;
+ 		if (name != NULL && strcmp (name, dsn_info->name) != 0)
+ 			continue;
+ 		/* add the data source to the option menu */
+ 		gnome_db_option_menu_add_item (GTK_OPTION_MENU (selector), dsn_info->name);
+ 	}
  	if (name != NULL) {
  		dsn_info = gnome_db_config_find_data_source (name);
  		if (dsn_info != NULL) {
diff -rc ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c
*** ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c	2004-10-04 14:18:18.000000000 -0500
--- ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c	2004-09-03 07:45:12.000000000 -0500
*** 37,43 ****
  struct _GnomeDbFormPrivate {
  	GdaDataModel *data_model;
  	GnomeDbFormType type;
- 	gboolean show_navigator_buttons;
  	/* widgets */
  	GtkWidget *form_container;
--- 37,42 ----
*** 67,73 ****
  enum {
--- 66,71 ----
*** 87,93 ****
  	form->priv->navigator_current_row = 0;
  	show_navigator_row (form);
- 	g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (form), form_signals[ROW_CHANGED], 0);
  static void
--- 85,90 ----
*** 101,107 ****
  		show_navigator_row (form);
- 	g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (form), form_signals[ROW_CHANGED], 0);
  static void
--- 98,103 ----
*** 118,124 ****
  		show_navigator_row (form);
- 	g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (form), form_signals[ROW_CHANGED], 0);
  static void
--- 114,119 ----
*** 130,136 ****
  	form->priv->navigator_current_row = gda_data_model_get_n_rows (form->priv->data_model) - 1;
  	show_navigator_row (form);
- 	g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (form), form_signals[ROW_CHANGED], 0);
--- 125,130 ----
*** 188,229 ****
  	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (navigator), sep, 0, 3, cols, cols + 1,
! 	if(form->priv->show_navigator_buttons) {
! 		form->priv->navigator_label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (_("No records"));
! 		gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (form->priv->navigator_label), 0.5, 0.5);
! 		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (navigator), form->priv->navigator_label, 0, 3,
! 				  cols + 1, cols + 2,
! 		/* create navigation buttons */
! 		bbox = gnome_db_new_hbutton_box_widget ();
! 		gtk_button_box_set_layout (GTK_BUTTON_BOX (bbox), GTK_BUTTONBOX_DEFAULT_STYLE);
! 		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (navigator), bbox, 0, 3, cols + 2, cols + 3,
! 		form->priv->navigator_first = gnome_db_new_button_widget_from_stock (GTK_STOCK_GOTO_FIRST);
! 		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (form->priv->navigator_first), "clicked",
! 				  G_CALLBACK (navigator_first_cb), form);
! 		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (bbox), form->priv->navigator_first, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
! 		form->priv->navigator_back = gnome_db_new_button_widget_from_stock (GTK_STOCK_GO_BACK);
! 		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (form->priv->navigator_back), "clicked",
! 				  G_CALLBACK (navigator_back_cb), form);
! 		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (bbox), form->priv->navigator_back, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
! 		form->priv->navigator_fwd = gnome_db_new_button_widget_from_stock (GTK_STOCK_GO_FORWARD);
! 		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (form->priv->navigator_fwd), "clicked",
! 				  G_CALLBACK (navigator_forward_cb), form);
! 		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (bbox), form->priv->navigator_fwd, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
! 		form->priv->navigator_last = gnome_db_new_button_widget_from_stock (GTK_STOCK_GOTO_LAST);
! 		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (form->priv->navigator_last), "clicked",
! 				  G_CALLBACK (navigator_last_cb), form);
! 		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (bbox), form->priv->navigator_last, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
! 	}
  	show_navigator_row (form);
  	return navigator;
--- 182,219 ----
  	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (navigator), sep, 0, 3, cols, cols + 1,
! 	form->priv->navigator_label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (_("No records"));
! 	gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (form->priv->navigator_label), 0.5, 0.5);
! 	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (navigator), form->priv->navigator_label, 0, 3,
! 			  cols + 1, cols + 2,
! 	/* create navigation buttons */
! 	bbox = gnome_db_new_hbutton_box_widget ();
! 	gtk_button_box_set_layout (GTK_BUTTON_BOX (bbox), GTK_BUTTONBOX_DEFAULT_STYLE);
! 	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (navigator), bbox, 0, 3, cols + 2, cols + 3,
! 	form->priv->navigator_first = gnome_db_new_button_widget_from_stock (GTK_STOCK_GOTO_FIRST);
! 	g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (form->priv->navigator_first), "clicked",
! 			  G_CALLBACK (navigator_first_cb), form);
! 	gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (bbox), form->priv->navigator_first, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
! 	form->priv->navigator_back = gnome_db_new_button_widget_from_stock (GTK_STOCK_GO_BACK);
! 	g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (form->priv->navigator_back), "clicked",
! 			  G_CALLBACK (navigator_back_cb), form);
! 	gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (bbox), form->priv->navigator_back, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
! 	form->priv->navigator_fwd = gnome_db_new_button_widget_from_stock (GTK_STOCK_GO_FORWARD);
! 	g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (form->priv->navigator_fwd), "clicked",
! 			  G_CALLBACK (navigator_forward_cb), form);
! 	gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (bbox), form->priv->navigator_fwd, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
! 	form->priv->navigator_last = gnome_db_new_button_widget_from_stock (GTK_STOCK_GOTO_LAST);
! 	g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (form->priv->navigator_last), "clicked",
! 			  G_CALLBACK (navigator_last_cb), form);
! 	gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (bbox), form->priv->navigator_last, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
  	show_navigator_row (form);
  	return navigator;
*** 242,247 ****
--- 232,238 ----
  setup_widgets_for_model (GnomeDbForm *form)
  	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FORM (form));
  	/* destroy previous widgets */
  	if (form->priv->form_container)
  		gtk_widget_destroy (form->priv->form_container);
*** 264,272 ****
  	if (!form->priv->form_container)
- 	{
- 	}
  	gtk_widget_show (form->priv->form_container);
  	gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (form), form->priv->form_container, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
--- 255,261 ----
*** 369,382 ****
  			      NULL, NULL,
  			      G_TYPE_NONE, 0);
- 	form_signals[ROW_CHANGED] =
- 		g_signal_new ("row_changed",
- 			      G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class),
- 			      G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,
- 			      G_STRUCT_OFFSET (GnomeDbFormClass, row_changed),
- 			      NULL, NULL,
- 			      g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID,
- 			      G_TYPE_NONE, 0);
  static void
--- 358,363 ----
*** 391,397 ****
  	form->priv->form_container = NULL;
  	form->priv->navigator_widgets = NULL;
  	form->priv->navigator_label = NULL;
- 	form->priv->show_navigator_buttons = TRUE;
  static void
--- 372,377 ----
*** 537,552 ****
  gnome_db_form_set_model (GnomeDbForm *form, GdaDataModel *model)
  	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FORM (form));
- 	g_return_if_fail (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (model));
  	if (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (form->priv->data_model))
  		g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (form->priv->data_model));
! 		g_object_ref (G_OBJECT (model));
! 		form->priv->data_model = model;
! 		setup_widgets_for_model (form);
! 		g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (form), form_signals[MODEL_CHANGED], 0);
! 	}
   * gnome_db_form_get_current_row
--- 517,532 ----
  gnome_db_form_set_model (GnomeDbForm *form, GdaDataModel *model)
  	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FORM (form));
  	if (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (form->priv->data_model))
  		g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (form->priv->data_model));
! 	g_object_ref (G_OBJECT (model));
! 	form->priv->data_model = model;
! 	setup_widgets_for_model (form);
! 	g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (form), form_signals[MODEL_CHANGED], 0);
! }
   * gnome_db_form_get_current_row
*** 606,623 ****
- void
- gnome_db_form_show_navigator_buttons(GnomeDbForm *form, gboolean value)
- {
- 	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FORM (form));
- 	form->priv->show_navigator_buttons= value;
- 	setup_widgets_for_model(form);
- }
- gboolean
- gnome_db_form_is_navigator_buttons_shown(GnomeDbForm *form)
- {
- 	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FORM (form));
- 	return form->priv->show_navigator_buttons;
- }
--- 586,588 ----
diff -rc ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.h ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.h
*** ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.h	2004-09-30 17:07:02.000000000 -0500
--- ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.h	2003-05-12 15:54:02.000000000 -0500
*** 48,54 ****
  	/* signals */
  	void (* model_changed) (GnomeDbForm *form);
- 	void (* row_changed) (GnomeDbForm *form);
  typedef enum {
--- 48,53 ----
*** 64,71 ****
  void             gnome_db_form_set_model (GnomeDbForm *form, GdaDataModel *model);
  gint             gnome_db_form_get_current_row (GnomeDbForm *form);
  void             gnome_db_form_set_current_row (GnomeDbForm *form, gint row);
- void			 gnome_db_form_show_navigator_buttons(GnomeDbForm *form, gboolean value);
- gboolean         gnome_db_form_is_navigator_buttons_shown(GnomeDbForm *form);
--- 63,68 ----
diff -rc ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c
*** ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c	2003-11-16 10:42:26.000000000 -0600
--- ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c	2004-08-03 13:03:57.000000000 -0500
*** 326,331 ****
--- 326,333 ----
  gnome_db_login_set_dsn (GnomeDbLogin *login, const gchar *dsn)
  	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_LOGIN (login));
+ 	g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_OPTION_MENU(login->priv->dsn_entry));
  	gnome_db_option_menu_set_selection (GTK_OPTION_MENU (login->priv->dsn_entry), dsn);
diff -rc ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c
*** ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c	2004-08-26 10:18:29.000000000 -0500
--- ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c	2004-09-03 07:45:13.000000000 -0500
*** 137,143 ****
  	GtkWidget *combo;
! 	combo = gtk_combo_box_entry_new ();
  	gtk_widget_show (combo);
  	return combo;
--- 137,143 ----
  	GtkWidget *combo;
! 	combo = gtk_combo_new ();
  	gtk_widget_show (combo);
  	return combo;
*** 1013,1073 ****
  	return item;
- /**
-  * gnome_db_value_get_from_date_edit saves the contents of a #GnomeDateEdit in to a #GdaValue.
-  * 
-  * @dateedit: a #GnomeDateEdit widget
-  * Returns: #GdaValue in the #GnomeDateEdit widget.
-  */
- GdaValue *
- gnome_db_value_get_from_date_edit(GnomeDateEdit *dateedit)
- {
- 	time_t time;
- 	GDate *date = NULL;
- 	GdaDate gda_date;
- 	GdaValue *val = NULL;
- 	time = gnome_date_edit_get_time(dateedit);
- 	date = g_date_new();
- 	g_date_set_time(date, time);
- 	gda_date.year = (gshort) g_date_get_year(date);
- 	gda_date.month = (gushort) g_date_get_month(date);
- 	gda_date.day = (gushort) g_date_get_day(date);
- 	val = gda_value_new_date(&gda_date);
- 	return val;
- }
- /**
-  * gnome_db_date_edit_set_from_value set the contents of a #GnomeDateEdit from #GdaValue.
-  * 
-  * @dateedit: a #GnomeDateEdit widget
-  * @value: a #GdaValue to save to.
-  * Returns: #GdaValue in the #GnomeDateEdit widget.
-  */
- void
- gnome_db_date_edit_set_from_value(GnomeDateEdit *dateedit, GdaValue *value)
- {
- 	time_t time;
- 	GdaDate *gda_date;
- 	GDate *date;
- 	struct tm tm_struct;
- 	gda_date = gda_value_get_date(value);
- 	date = g_date_new();
- 	g_date_set_dmy(date, (GDateDay) gda_date->day,
- 						(GDateMonth) gda_date->month,
- 						(GDateYear) gda_date->year);
- 	g_date_to_struct_tm(date,&tm_struct);
- 	time = mktime(&tm_struct);
- 	gnome_date_edit_set_time(dateedit,time);
- }
--- 1013,1015 ----
diff -rc ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h
*** ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h	2004-08-25 18:47:52.000000000 -0500
--- ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h	2004-01-04 14:49:03.000000000 -0600
*** 24,30 ****
  #  define __gnome_db_util_h__
  #include <libgda/gda-data-model.h>
- #include <libgda/gda-value.h>
  #include <gtk/gtkentry.h>
  #include <gtk/gtkmessagedialog.h>
  #include <gtk/gtkoptionmenu.h>
--- 24,29 ----
*** 35,41 ****
  #include <gtk/gtkwindow.h>
  #include <libgnomeui/gnome-popup-menu.h>
- #include <libgnomeui/gnome-dateedit.h>
--- 34,39 ----
*** 118,127 ****
  					   GCallback cb_func,
  					   gpointer user_data);
- GdaValue	*gnome_db_value_get_from_date_edit(GnomeDateEdit *dateedit);
- void		 gnome_db_date_edit_set_from_value(GnomeDateEdit *dateedit, GdaValue *value);
--- 116,121 ----
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb: Makefile.in
diff -rc ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/tables-page.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/tables-page.c
*** ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/tables-page.c	2003-11-30 16:14:14.000000000 -0600
--- ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/tables-page.c	2004-10-04 23:08:11.000000000 -0500
*** 195,201 ****
  	if (priv->cnc)
! 		g_object_unref (cnc);
  	priv->cnc = cnc;
  	if (GDA_IS_CONNECTION (priv->cnc)) {
--- 195,201 ----
  	if (priv->cnc)
! 		g_object_unref (priv->cnc);
  	priv->cnc = cnc;
  	if (GDA_IS_CONNECTION (priv->cnc)) {
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: libgnomedb.pc
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: libgnomedb.spec
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: libtool
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: ltmain.sh
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: Makefile.in
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: missing
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: mkinstalldirs
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: monikers
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: az.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: be.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ca.gmo
diff -rc ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/ChangeLog ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/ChangeLog
*** ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/ChangeLog	2004-08-12 09:42:30.000000000 -0500
--- ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/ChangeLog	2004-10-04 23:08:11.000000000 -0500
*** 1,3 ****
--- 1,24 ----
+ 2004-09-26  Adam Weinberger  <adamw gnome org>
+ 	* en_CA.po: Updated Canadian English translation.
+ 2004-09-03  Laurent Dhima  <laurenti alblinux net>
+ 	* sq.po: Added Albanian translation.
+ 2004-09-02  Alessio Frusciante  <algol firenze linux it>
+ 	* it.po: Updated Italian translation by
+ 	Alessio Dessì <alkex inwind it>.
+ 2004-08-21  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>
+ 	* nb.po: Add.
+ 2004-08-13  Tommi Vainikainen  <thv iki fi>
+ 	* fi.po: Unified some fields in po headers for Finnish team.
  2004-08-11  Duarte Loreto <happyguy_pt hotmail com>
  	* pt.po: Updated Portuguese translation.
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: cs.gmo
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: da.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: de.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: el.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: en_CA.gmo
diff -rc ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/en_CA.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/en_CA.po
*** ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/en_CA.po	2004-08-12 09:42:37.000000000 -0500
--- ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/en_CA.po	2004-10-04 23:08:11.000000000 -0500
*** 3,14 ****
  # This file is distributed under the same licence as the libgnomedbpackage.
  # Adam Weinberger <adamw gnome org>, 2004
  msgid ""
  msgstr ""
  "Project-Id-Version: libgnomedb\n"
  "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
! "POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"
! "PO-Revision-Date: 2004-06-10 19:42-0700\n"
  "Last-Translator: Adam Weinberger <adamw gnome org>\n"
  "Language-Team: en_CA <adamw FreeBSD org>\n"
  "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
--- 3,15 ----
  # This file is distributed under the same licence as the libgnomedbpackage.
  # Adam Weinberger <adamw gnome org>, 2004
+ #
  msgid ""
  msgstr ""
  "Project-Id-Version: libgnomedb\n"
  "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
! "POT-Creation-Date: 2004-09-26 12:47-0400\n"
! "PO-Revision-Date: 2004-09-26 19:42-0400\n"
  "Last-Translator: Adam Weinberger <adamw gnome org>\n"
  "Language-Team: en_CA <adamw FreeBSD org>\n"
  "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
*** 463,469 ****
  msgstr ""
  "All information needed to create a new data source\n"
  "has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"
! "this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"
  "just select it when asked for a data source."
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124
--- 464,470 ----
  msgstr ""
  "All information needed to create a new data source\n"
  "has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"
! "this dialogue. To open your newly created data source,\n"
  "just select it when asked for a data source."
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: en_GB.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: es.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: fa.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: fi.gmo
diff -rc ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/fi.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/fi.po
*** ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/fi.po	2004-08-12 09:42:38.000000000 -0500
--- ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/fi.po	2004-09-03 07:45:16.000000000 -0500
*** 11,17 ****
  "POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"
  "PO-Revision-Date: 2004-07-24 11:22+0300\n"
  "Last-Translator: Tommi Vainikainen <Tommi Vainikainen iki fi>\n"
! "Language-Team: Finnish <gnome-fi-laatu lists sourceforge org>\n"
  "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
  "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
  "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8-bit\n"
--- 11,17 ----
  "POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"
  "PO-Revision-Date: 2004-07-24 11:22+0300\n"
  "Last-Translator: Tommi Vainikainen <Tommi Vainikainen iki fi>\n"
! "Language-Team: Finnish <gnome-fi-laatu lists sourceforge net>\n"
  "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
  "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
  "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8-bit\n"
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: fr.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ga.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: gl.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: hr.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: hu.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: it.gmo
diff -rc ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/it.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/it.po
*** ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/it.po	2004-08-12 09:42:38.000000000 -0500
--- ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/it.po	2004-09-03 07:45:17.000000000 -0500
*** 2,14 ****
  # Copyright (C) 2000,2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
  # Daniele Medri <madrid linux it>, 2000.
  # Marco Parrone <marc0 autistici org>, 2002.
  msgid ""
  msgstr ""
  "Project-Id-Version: libgnomedb HEAD\n"
  "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
! "POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"
! "PO-Revision-Date: 2002-12-04 21:47+0100\n"
  "Last-Translator: Marco Parrone <marc0 autistici org>\n"
  "Language-Team: Italian <tp lists linux it>\n"
  "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
--- 2,15 ----
  # Copyright (C) 2000,2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
  # Daniele Medri <madrid linux it>, 2000.
  # Marco Parrone <marc0 autistici org>, 2002.
+ # Alessio Dessì <alkex inwind it>, 2004.
  msgid ""
  msgstr ""
  "Project-Id-Version: libgnomedb HEAD\n"
  "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
! "POT-Creation-Date: 2004-09-02 20:42+0200\n"
! "PO-Revision-Date: 2004-04-07 18:55+0200\n"
  "Last-Translator: Marco Parrone <marc0 autistici org>\n"
  "Language-Team: Italian <tp lists linux it>\n"
  "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
*** 25,31 ****
  #: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1
  msgid "Configure your database environment"
! msgstr ""
  #: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2
  #, fuzzy
--- 26,32 ----
  #: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1
  msgid "Configure your database environment"
! msgstr "Configurazione ambiente del database"
  #: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2
  #, fuzzy
*** 36,42 ****
  #: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342
  #: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380
  msgid "Name"
! msgstr ""
  #: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-config.c:54
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:210
--- 37,43 ----
  #: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342
  #: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380
  msgid "Name"
! msgstr "Nome"
  #: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-config.c:54
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:210
*** 47,53 ****
  #: control-center/dsn-config.c:182
  msgid "Configured data sources in the system"
! msgstr ""
  #: control-center/dsn-config.c:214
  msgid ""
--- 48,54 ----
  #: control-center/dsn-config.c:182
  msgid "Configured data sources in the system"
! msgstr "Sorgenti di dati configurate nel sistema"
  #: control-center/dsn-config.c:214
  msgid ""
*** 59,65 ****
  msgstr ""
  "Le sorgenti di dati sono i mezzi con cui GNOME-DB identifica le connessioni "
  "di database. Tutte le informazioni richieste per aprire una connessione "
! "verso un fornitore o verso una combo di database specifici sono "
  "immagazzinate usando un nome unico. Ã? usando questo unico nome che si "
  "identificano le connessioni nelle applicazioni che fanno uso di GNOME-DB per "
  "l'accesso a database."
--- 60,66 ----
  msgstr ""
  "Le sorgenti di dati sono i mezzi con cui GNOME-DB identifica le connessioni "
  "di database. Tutte le informazioni richieste per aprire una connessione "
! "verso un fornitore o una combinazione di database specifici sono "
  "immagazzinate usando un nome unico. Ã? usando questo unico nome che si "
  "identificano le connessioni nelle applicazioni che fanno uso di GNOME-DB per "
  "l'accesso a database."
*** 85,91 ****
  #: control-center/main.c:92
  msgid "No valid data source info was created"
! msgstr "Non è stata creata nessuna informazione di sorgente dati"
  #. create the dialog
  #: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218
--- 86,92 ----
  #: control-center/main.c:92
  msgid "No valid data source info was created"
! msgstr "Non è stata fornita nessuna informazione per la sorgente dati"
  #. create the dialog
  #: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218
*** 100,106 ****
  #: control-center/provider-config.c:105
  msgid "Installed providers"
! msgstr ""
  #: control-center/provider-config.c:131
  #, fuzzy
--- 101,107 ----
  #: control-center/provider-config.c:105
  msgid "Installed providers"
! msgstr "Fornitori installati"
  #: control-center/provider-config.c:131
  #, fuzzy
*** 119,172 ****
  #: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1
  msgid "Database connection parameters file"
! msgstr ""
  #: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2
  msgid "Documents"
! msgstr ""
  #: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3
  msgid "SQL code viewer"
! msgstr ""
  #: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1
  msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"
! msgstr ""
  #: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2
  msgid "Number of spaces per tab"
! msgstr ""
  #: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3
  msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"
! msgstr ""
  #: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4
  msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60
  msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1
  msgid "About"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2
  msgid "About GNOME-DB"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3
  msgid "Close this window"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4
  msgid "Create new entry"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5
- #, fuzzy
  msgid "Delete selected items"
  msgstr "Deseleziona tutte le voci selezionate nella lista"
--- 120,172 ----
  #: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1
  msgid "Database connection parameters file"
! msgstr "File dei parametri delle connessioni a database"
  #: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2
  msgid "Documents"
! msgstr "Documenti"
  #: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3
  msgid "SQL code viewer"
! msgstr "Visualizzatore di codice SQL"
  #: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1
  msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"
! msgstr "Tipo di carattere da usare per il widget griglia"
  #: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2
  msgid "Number of spaces per tab"
! msgstr "Numero di spazi per il «tab»"
  #: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3
  msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"
! msgstr "Mostra i numeri di riga nell'editor di sorgenti"
  #: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4
  msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"
! msgstr "Usa l'evidenziazione nell'editor del codice sorgente"
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60
  msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"
! msgstr "Servizi di database per GNOME Desktop"
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1
  msgid "About"
! msgstr "Informazioni"
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2
  msgid "About GNOME-DB"
! msgstr "Informazioni su GNOME-DB"
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3
  msgid "Close this window"
! msgstr "Chiude questa finestra"
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4
  msgid "Create new entry"
! msgstr "Crea un nuovo elemento"
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5
  msgid "Delete selected items"
  msgstr "Deseleziona tutte le voci selezionate nella lista"
*** 177,187 ****
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7
  msgid "Edit properties for selected item"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8
  msgid "Save connection parameters to file"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414
  #, fuzzy
--- 177,187 ----
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7
  msgid "Edit properties for selected item"
! msgstr "Modifica le proprietà per l'elemento selezionato"
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8
  msgid "Save connection parameters to file"
! msgstr "Salva i parametri della connessione in un file"
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414
  #, fuzzy
*** 191,197 ****
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10
  #, fuzzy
  msgid "Select all items"
! msgstr "Seleziona tutte le voci nella lista"
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11
  #, fuzzy
--- 191,197 ----
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10
  #, fuzzy
  msgid "Select all items"
! msgstr "Seleziona tutto"
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11
  #, fuzzy
*** 204,215 ****
  msgstr "Fornitori"
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:420
  msgid "_Clear Selection"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14
  msgid "_Close"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15
  #, fuzzy
--- 204,216 ----
  msgstr "Fornitori"
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:420
+ #, fuzzy
  msgid "_Clear Selection"
! msgstr "Cancella selezione"
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14
  msgid "_Close"
! msgstr "_Chiudi"
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15
  #, fuzzy
*** 223,237 ****
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17
  msgid "_Delete"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18
  msgid "_Edit"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19
  msgid "_Help"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20
  #, fuzzy
--- 224,238 ----
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17
  msgid "_Delete"
! msgstr "Ca_ncella"
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18
  msgid "_Edit"
! msgstr "_Modifica"
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19
  msgid "_Help"
! msgstr "A_iuto"
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20
  #, fuzzy
*** 241,247 ****
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21
  #, fuzzy
  msgid "_Properties"
! msgstr "Procedure"
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22
  #, fuzzy
--- 242,248 ----
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21
  #, fuzzy
  msgid "_Properties"
! msgstr "Proprietà"
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22
  #, fuzzy
*** 249,257 ****
  msgstr "Fornitori"
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23
- #, fuzzy
  msgid "_Save Connection"
! msgstr "Salva in"
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24
  #, fuzzy
--- 250,257 ----
  msgstr "Fornitori"
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23
  msgid "_Save Connection"
! msgstr "Sal_va connessione"
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24
  #, fuzzy
*** 317,341 ****
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209
  msgid "ID"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210
  #: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
  msgid "Location"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212
  msgid "Username"
  msgstr "Nome utente"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213
- #, fuzzy
  msgid "Hostname"
! msgstr "Nome utente"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214
  msgid "Domain"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359
  #, c-format
--- 317,340 ----
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209
  msgid "ID"
! msgstr "ID"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210
  #: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
  msgid "Location"
! msgstr "Posizione"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212
  msgid "Username"
  msgstr "Nome utente"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213
  msgid "Hostname"
! msgstr "Nome host"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214
  msgid "Domain"
! msgstr "Dominio"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359
  #, c-format
*** 370,396 ****
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190
  msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"
! msgstr "Bisogna inserire un nome per la nuova sorgente di dati"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197
  msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric characters"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206
  msgid "An existing data source is already registered under the same name"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213
  msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217
  msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and numbers"
  msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225
  msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"
! msgstr "Bisogna selezionare un fornitore per la nuova sorgente di dati"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233
  msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"
--- 369,397 ----
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190
  msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"
! msgstr "Ã? necessario inserire un nome per la nuova sorgente di dati"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197
+ #, fuzzy
  msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric characters"
! msgstr "I nomi delle sorgenti di dati non possono contenere spazi"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206
  msgid "An existing data source is already registered under the same name"
! msgstr "Esiste già una sorgente di dati con lo stesso nome"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213
  msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"
! msgstr "I nomi delle sorgenti di dati non possono contenere spazi"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217
  msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and numbers"
  msgstr ""
+ "I nomi delle sorgenti di dati possono contenere solo lettere e numeri ASCII"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225
  msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"
! msgstr "Ã? necessario selezionare un fornitore per la nuova sorgente di dati"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233
  msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"
*** 406,413 ****
  "creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"
  "installation. Just follow the steps!"
  msgstr ""
! "Quest'assistente farà da guida attraverso il processo di\n"
! "creazione di una nuova sorgente dati per l'installazione personale\n"
  "di GNOME-DB. Basta procedere un passo alla volta!"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404
--- 407,414 ----
  "creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"
  "installation. Just follow the steps!"
  msgstr ""
! "L'assistente farà da guida attraverso il processo di creazione\n"
! "di una nuova sorgente dati per l'installazione personale\n"
  "di GNOME-DB. Basta procedere un passo alla volta!"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404
*** 423,433 ****
  "If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"
  "the default one."
  msgstr ""
! "I seguenti campi rappresentano le voci di informazioni\n"
! "di base per la nuova sorgente di dati. Alcune di esse (descrizione,\n"
  "nome utente) sono opzionali, mentre le altre sono obbligatorie.\n"
! "Se non si sà quale fornitore utilizzare, si selezioni\n"
! "quello predefinito"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104
--- 424,434 ----
  "If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"
  "the default one."
  msgstr ""
! "I seguenti campi rappresentano le voci di informazioni di base\n"
! "per la nuova sorgente di dati. Alcune di esse (descrizione,\n"
  "nome utente) sono opzionali, mentre le altre sono obbligatorie.\n"
! "Se non si sà quale fornitore utilizzare, selezionare quello\n"
! "predefinito"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104
*** 451,463 ****
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142
  #, fuzzy
  msgid "_Username:"
! msgstr "Nome utente"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151
  #, fuzzy
  msgid "P_assword:"
! msgstr "Password"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454
  msgid "Provider Parameters"
--- 452,464 ----
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142
  #, fuzzy
  msgid "_Username:"
! msgstr "Nome utente:"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151
  #, fuzzy
  msgid "P_assword:"
! msgstr "Password:"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454
  msgid "Provider Parameters"
*** 471,480 ****
  "connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\n"
  "the manual for more information."
  msgstr ""
! "I seguenti campi rappresentano l'informazione richiesta\n"
! "dal fornitore selezionato nella pagina precedente per aprire\n"
! "una certa connessione. Questa informazione è specifica al fornitore,\n"
! "quindi si controlli il manuale per maggiori informazioni"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481
  msgid "All information retrieved"
--- 472,481 ----
  "connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\n"
  "the manual for more information."
  msgstr ""
! "I seguenti campi rappresentano l'informazione richiesta dal fornitore\n"
! "selezionato nella pagina precedente per aprire una certa connessione.\n"
! "Questa informazione è specifica del fornitore, controllare il manuale per\n"
! "maggiori informazioni"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481
  msgid "All information retrieved"
*** 489,497 ****
  "just select it when asked for a data source."
  msgstr ""
  "Sono state recuperate tutte le informazioni necessarie per creare\n"
! "una nuova sorgente di dati. Premere «Applica» per chiudere\n"
! "questa finestra di dialogo. Per aprire la sorgente di dati appena\n"
! "creata, basta selezionarla quando viene richiesta una sorgente di dati"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124
  #, fuzzy
--- 490,498 ----
  "just select it when asked for a data source."
  msgstr ""
  "Sono state recuperate tutte le informazioni necessarie per creare\n"
! "una nuova sorgente di dati. Premere «Applica» per chiudere questa\n"
! "finestra di dialogo. Per aprire la sorgente di dati appena creata,\n"
! "basta selezionarla quando viene richiesta una sorgente di dati"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124
  #, fuzzy
*** 512,527 ****
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191
  msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196
  msgid "Error number"
  msgstr "Numero d'errore"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227
- #, fuzzy
  msgid "Details"
! msgstr "Dettaglio"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234
  msgid "Source"
--- 513,527 ----
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191
  msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"
! msgstr "Si è verificato un errore nel database sottostante"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196
  msgid "Error number"
  msgstr "Numero d'errore"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227
  msgid "Details"
! msgstr "Dettagli"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234
  msgid "Source"
*** 534,545 ****
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108
  #, fuzzy
  msgid "_Field:"
! msgstr "Titolo"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118
- #, fuzzy
  msgid "_Text:"
! msgstr "Prova"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:275
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308
--- 534,544 ----
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108
  #, fuzzy
  msgid "_Field:"
! msgstr "Campi"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118
  msgid "_Text:"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:275
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308
*** 553,566 ****
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113
  msgid "Recordset description"
! msgstr "Descrizione del recordset"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141
! #, c-format
  msgid ""
  "File '%s' already exists.\n"
  "Do you want to overwrite it?"
  msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149
  msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."
--- 552,567 ----
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113
  msgid "Recordset description"
! msgstr "Descrizione dell'insieme di record"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141
! #, fuzzy, c-format
  msgid ""
  "File '%s' already exists.\n"
  "Do you want to overwrite it?"
  msgstr ""
+ "Il file %s esiste già\n"
+ "Sovrascriverlo?"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149
  msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."
*** 573,583 ****
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224
  msgid "You must specify a file name"
! msgstr "Bisogna specificare un nome di file"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230
  msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261
  msgid "Saving Model"
--- 574,584 ----
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224
  msgid "You must specify a file name"
! msgstr "Ã? necessario specificare un nome di file"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230
  msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"
! msgstr "Ricevuto file vuoto durante la conversione dei dati"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261
  msgid "Saving Model"
*** 620,628 ****
  msgstr "Mostra colonne"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442
- #, fuzzy
  msgid "Describe"
! msgstr "Descrivi..."
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443
  msgid "View detail..."
--- 621,628 ----
  msgstr "Mostra colonne"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442
  msgid "Describe"
! msgstr "Descrive"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443
  msgid "View detail..."
*** 634,706 ****
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48
  msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"
! msgstr "� stato tentato di inizializzare un client già inizializzato"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124
  msgid ""
  "Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"
  "to a data source"
  msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253
- #, fuzzy
  msgid "Data Source:"
! msgstr "Sorgente dati"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270
- #, fuzzy
  msgid "Username:"
! msgstr "Nome utente"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279
- #, fuzzy
  msgid "Password:"
! msgstr "Password"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69
  msgid "Fields"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30
  msgid "Commit"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31
  msgid "Connect"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33
  msgid "Designer"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34
  msgid "Disconnect"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35
  msgid "NoTransaction"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37
  msgid "Query"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38
  msgid "Rollback"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40
  msgid "SQL"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43
  msgid "WithinTransaction"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65
! #, fuzzy, c-format
  msgid "Error: %s"
! msgstr "Errore"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79
  msgid "Table name"
--- 634,705 ----
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48
  msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"
! msgstr "Si è tentato di inizializzare un client già inizializzato"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124
  msgid ""
  "Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"
  "to a data source"
  msgstr ""
+ "Inserire gli argomenti per aprire una connessione\n"
+ "a una sorgente di dati qui sotto"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253
  msgid "Data Source:"
! msgstr "Sorgente dati:"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270
  msgid "Username:"
! msgstr "Nome utente:"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279
  msgid "Password:"
! msgstr "Password:"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69
  msgid "Fields"
! msgstr "Campi"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30
  msgid "Commit"
! msgstr "Esegui commit"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31
  msgid "Connect"
! msgstr "Connetti"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33
  msgid "Designer"
! msgstr "Proggettista"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34
  msgid "Disconnect"
! msgstr "Disconnetti"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35
  msgid "NoTransaction"
! msgstr "NessunaTransazione"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37
  msgid "Query"
! msgstr "Query"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38
  msgid "Rollback"
! msgstr "Reverti commit"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40
  msgid "SQL"
! msgstr "SQL"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43
  msgid "WithinTransaction"
! msgstr "InternamenteAllaTransazione"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65
! #, c-format
  msgid "Error: %s"
! msgstr "Errore: %s"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79
  msgid "Table name"
*** 709,719 ****
  #: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93
  #, c-format
  msgid "Login for %s"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/utils.c:95
  msgid "Login to database"
! msgstr ""
  #: vfs/libmain.c:71
  msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"
--- 708,718 ----
  #: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93
  #, c-format
  msgid "Login for %s"
! msgstr "Login per %s"
  #: libgnomedb/utils.c:95
  msgid "Login to database"
! msgstr "Login al database"
  #: vfs/libmain.c:71
  msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"
*** 721,757 ****
  #. create the dialog
  #: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40
- #, fuzzy
  msgid "Table Properties"
! msgstr "Proprietà del database"
  #: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47
- #, fuzzy
  msgid "Table Name"
  msgstr "Nome tabella"
  #: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155
  msgid "New"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156
  msgid "Create new table"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161
- #, fuzzy
  msgid "Properties"
! msgstr "Procedure"
  #: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162
- #, fuzzy
  msgid "View table properties"
! msgstr "Proprietà del database"
  #: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
  #: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
  msgid "UID"
! msgstr ""
  #: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
  #: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
--- 720,753 ----
  #. create the dialog
  #: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40
  msgid "Table Properties"
! msgstr "Proprietà della tabella"
  #: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47
  msgid "Table Name"
  msgstr "Nome tabella"
  #: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155
  msgid "New"
! msgstr "Nuova"
  #: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156
  msgid "Create new table"
! msgstr "Crea una nuova tabella"
  #: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161
  msgid "Properties"
! msgstr "Proprietà"
  #: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162
  msgid "View table properties"
! msgstr "Visualizza proprietà della tabella"
  #: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
  #: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
+ #, fuzzy
  msgid "UID"
! msgstr "ID"
  #: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
  #: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
*** 779,786 ****
  #. position
  #: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
  msgid "location"
! msgstr ""
  #. position
  #: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
--- 775,783 ----
  #. position
  #: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
+ #, fuzzy
  msgid "location"
! msgstr "Posizione"
  #. position
  #: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
*** 816,823 ****
  #: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
  #: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
  msgid "Classification"
! msgstr ""
  #. position
  #: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
--- 813,821 ----
  #: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
  #: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
+ #, fuzzy
  msgid "Classification"
! msgstr "Cancella selezione"
  #. position
  #: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
*** 889,897 ****
  msgstr ""
  #: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83
- #, fuzzy
  msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"
! msgstr "Non è possibile aprire una connessione verso %s"
  #: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100
  msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"
--- 887,894 ----
  msgstr ""
  #: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83
  msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"
! msgstr ""
  #: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100
  msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"
*** 930,936 ****
  #: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219
  #, fuzzy
  msgid "References"
! msgstr "Sequenze"
  #: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220
  msgid "Default value"
--- 927,933 ----
  #: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219
  #, fuzzy
  msgid "References"
! msgstr "Preferen_ze"
  #: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220
  msgid "Default value"
*** 961,968 ****
  #: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344
  #: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376
  msgid "Comments"
! msgstr ""
  #: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374
  #, fuzzy
--- 958,966 ----
  #: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344
  #: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376
+ #, fuzzy
  msgid "Comments"
! msgstr "Esegui commit"
  #: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374
  #, fuzzy
*** 1012,1037 ****
  "Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, tasks and contacts"
  msgstr ""
! #, fuzzy
  #~ msgid "Database browser"
! #~ msgstr "Proprietà del database"
  #~ msgid "Error viewer"
  #~ msgstr "Visualizzatore di errore"
! #, fuzzy
  #~ msgid "Database configuration"
! #~ msgstr "Proprietà del database"
- #, fuzzy
  #~ msgid "_Settings"
! #~ msgstr "Impostazioni"
  #~ msgid "Password"
  #~ msgstr "Password"
  #~ msgid "Save as"
! #~ msgstr "Salva come..."
  #~ msgid "Save to"
  #~ msgstr "Salva in"
--- 1010,1069 ----
  "Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, tasks and contacts"
  msgstr ""
! #~ msgid "Browse database..."
! #~ msgstr "Esplorazione database..."
! #~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .connection files"
! #~ msgstr ""
! #~ "Componente che include le voci del menu contestuale per i file .connection"
! #~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .sql files"
! #~ msgstr "Componente che include le voci del menu contestuale per i file .sql"
! #~ msgid "Connection MIME handler component"
! #~ msgstr "Componente del gestore dei tipi di connessione MIME"
! #~ msgid "Database component factory"
! #~ msgstr "Produttore di componenti Database"
! #~ msgid "Open in database connection..."
! #~ msgstr "Apre all'interno di una connessione a database..."
! #~ msgid "SQL MIME handler component"
! #~ msgstr "Componente del gestore di tipi MIME SQL"
  #~ msgid "Database browser"
! #~ msgstr "Esploratore di database"
  #~ msgid "Error viewer"
  #~ msgstr "Visualizzatore di errore"
! #~ msgid "SQL Viewer"
! #~ msgstr "Visualizzatore SQL"
  #~ msgid "Database configuration"
! #~ msgstr "Configurazione del database"
! #~ msgid "Edit application preferences"
! #~ msgstr "Modifica le preferenze dell'applicazione"
! #~ msgid "New..."
! #~ msgstr "Nuovo..."
! #~ msgid "_File"
! #~ msgstr "_File"
! #~ msgid "_Properties..."
! #~ msgstr "P_roprietà..."
  #~ msgid "_Settings"
! #~ msgstr "Im_postazioni"
  #~ msgid "Password"
  #~ msgstr "Password"
  #~ msgid "Save as"
! #~ msgstr "Salva come"
  #~ msgid "Save to"
  #~ msgstr "Salva in"
*** 1045,1099 ****
  #~ msgid "Question"
  #~ msgstr "Domanda"
! #, fuzzy
  #~ msgid "Database Moniker factory"
! #~ msgstr "Proprietà del database"
- #, fuzzy
  #~ msgid "database: moniker"
! #~ msgstr "Proprietà del database"
  #~ msgid "Failing to manufacture a '%s'"
! #~ msgstr "� fallita la manifatturazione di un «%s»"
  #~ msgid "Invalid format for connection string"
  #~ msgstr "Il formato per la stringa di connessione non è valido"
- #~ msgid "Data sources"
- #~ msgstr "Sorgenti di dati"
- #~ msgid "Test Data Source"
- #~ msgstr "Prova sorgente di dati"
- #~ msgid "Connection to %s successful!"
- #~ msgstr "Connessione verso %s riuscita!"
- #~ msgid "Data source"
- #~ msgstr "Sorgente di dati"
- #~ msgid "Select all"
- #~ msgstr "Seleziona tutto"
- #~ msgid "Unselect all"
- #~ msgstr "Deseleziona tutto"
- #~ msgid "Unselect All"
- #~ msgstr "Deseleziona tutto"
- #~ msgid "Display column headers"
- #~ msgstr "Visualizza intestazioni di colonna"
- #~ msgid "Hide column headers"
- #~ msgstr "Nascondi le intestazioni di colonna"
- #~ msgid "Save as..."
- #~ msgstr "Salva come..."
- #~ msgid "Export data to different formats"
- #~ msgstr "Esporta dati in formati differenti"
- #~ msgid "Describe current data set"
- #~ msgstr "Descrive il set di dati corrente"
- #~ msgid "View current data in more detail"
- #~ msgstr "Visualizza i dati correnti più in dettaglio"
--- 1077,1096 ----
  #~ msgid "Question"
  #~ msgstr "Domanda"
! #~ msgid "Table Data"
! #~ msgstr "Tabella dei dati"
! #~ msgid "View table data"
! #~ msgstr "Visualizza dati della tabella"
  #~ msgid "Database Moniker factory"
! #~ msgstr "Produttore Moniker del database"
  #~ msgid "database: moniker"
! #~ msgstr "database: moniker"
  #~ msgid "Failing to manufacture a '%s'"
! #~ msgstr "Fallita la produzione di un «%s»"
  #~ msgid "Invalid format for connection string"
  #~ msgstr "Il formato per la stringa di connessione non è valido"
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ja.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ko.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: libgnomedb-2.pot
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: Makefile.in
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: Makefile.in.in
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po: mk.po
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ml.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ms.gmo
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po: nb.po
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: nl.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: no.gmo
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po: pa.po
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: pl.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: POTFILES
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po: POTFILES.skip
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: pt_BR.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: pt.gmo
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po: README.translators
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ru.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: sk.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: sl.gmo
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po: sq.po
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: sr.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: sr Latn gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: sv.gmo
diff -rc ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/sv.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/sv.po
*** ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/sv.po	2004-08-12 09:42:40.000000000 -0500
--- ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/sv.po	2004-09-03 07:45:21.000000000 -0500
*** 4,10 ****
  # Christian Rose <menthos menthos com>, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003.
  # Martin Norbäck <d95mback dtek chalmers se>, 2000.
! # $Id: sv.po,v 1.82 2004/06/07 22:33:37 rodrigo Exp $
  msgid ""
  msgstr ""
--- 4,10 ----
  # Christian Rose <menthos menthos com>, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003.
  # Martin Norbäck <d95mback dtek chalmers se>, 2000.
! # $Id: sv.po,v 1.83 2004/08/12 14:44:29 rodrigo Exp $
  msgid ""
  msgstr ""
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ta.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: tr.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: uk.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: vi.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: zh_CN.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: zh_TW.gmo
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: providers
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: stamp.h
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/testing: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/testing: .deps
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/testing: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/testing: Makefile.in
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: vfs
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: aclocal.m4
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: autogen.sh
diff -re ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/ChangeLog ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/ChangeLog
2004-09-25  Gustavo R. Montesino <grmontesino ig com br>

	Fixes #150791

	* libgnomedb/tables-page.c (tables_page_set_connection): unref the
	old connection, not the new one.

2004-09-22  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* configure.in: removed GNOME_COMPILE_WARNINGS macro.

2004-08-21  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>

	* configure.in: Add «nb» to ALL_LINGUAS.

2004-08-12  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	Released 1.1.6.

Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: components
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: config.guess
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: config.log
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: config.status
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: config.sub
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: configure
diff -re ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/configure.in ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/configure.in
ALL_LINGUAS="az be ca cs da de el en_CA en_GB es fa fi fr ga gl hr hu it ja ko ml ms nb nl no pl pt pt_BR ru sk sl sq sr sr Latn sv ta tr uk vi zh_CN zh_TW"
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/control-center: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/control-center: database-properties.desktop
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/control-center: .deps
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/control-center: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/control-center: Makefile.in
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: COPYING
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: CVS
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/data: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/data: libgnomedb.keys
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/data: libgnomedb.schemas
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/data: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/data: Makefile.in
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: depcomp
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc/C: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C: html
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C: libgnomedb-decl-list.txt
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C: libgnomedb-decl.txt
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C: libgnomedb-undocumented.txt
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C: Makefile.in
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc/C/tmpl: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: db-shell.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: gnome-db-browser-private.sgml
diff -re ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-find-dialog.sgml ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-find-dialog.sgml


Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: gnome-db-find-dialog.sgml.bak
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: gnome-db-i18n.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: libgnomedb-private.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: libgnomedb-unused.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: sql-viewer.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: table-properties-dialog.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: tables-page.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: utils.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C: xml
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc: libgnomedb-C.omf
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc: Makefile.in
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc: reference
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/glade: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/glade: .deps
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/glade: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/glade: Makefile.in
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: HACKING
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: INSTALL
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: install-sh
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: intltool-extract
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: intltool-extract.in
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: intltool-merge
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: intltool-merge.in
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: intltool-update
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: intltool-update.in
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: lib
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb: .deps
diff -re ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.c
 * Returns: the column of the #GdaDataModel stored by the #GnomeDbCombo.
	if (model != NULL) {
		g_object_ref (G_OBJECT (model));
		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (combo->priv->model), "changed",
				  G_CALLBACK (model_changed_cb), combo);

		combo->priv->col = col;
		model_changed_cb (model, combo);
	} else {
		list = g_list_append (list, "");
		gtk_combo_set_popdown_strings (GTK_COMBO (combo), list);
		g_list_free (list);

		g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func (G_OBJECT (combo->priv->model), model_changed_cb, combo);
	GList *list = NULL;


	gtk_combo_set_popdown_strings (GTK_COMBO (combo), list);
	g_list_foreach (list, (GFunc) g_free, NULL);
	g_list_free (list);
		list = g_list_append (list, gda_value_stringify (value));
	if (rows == 0 || cols < combo->priv->col) {
		list = g_list_append (list, "");
		gtk_combo_set_popdown_strings (GTK_COMBO (combo), list);
		g_list_free (list);
	cols = gda_data_model_get_n_columns (model);
	gint rows, i, cols;
	const GdaValue *value;
	GList *list = NULL;

	g_return_val_if_fail (col >= 0, NULL);
diff -re ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.h ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.h
	GtkComboClass parent_class;
	GtkCombo combo;
#include <gtk/gtkcombo.h>
diff -re ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-data-source-selector.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-data-source-selector.c
		if (!dsn_info)

		if (name != NULL && strcmp (name, dsn_info->name) != 0)

		/* add the data source to the option menu */
		gnome_db_option_menu_add_item (GTK_OPTION_MENU (selector), dsn_info->name);
	/* load data sources */
	dsn_list = gnome_db_config_get_data_source_list ();
	for (l = dsn_list; l != NULL; l = l->next) {
		GdaDataSourceInfo *dsn_info = (GdaDataSourceInfo *) l->data;
	GList *dsn_list, *l;
diff -re ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c
	g_object_ref (G_OBJECT (model));
	form->priv->data_model = model;

	setup_widgets_for_model (form);
	g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (form), form_signals[MODEL_CHANGED], 0);

	form->priv->navigator_label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (_("No records"));
	gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (form->priv->navigator_label), 0.5, 0.5);
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (navigator), form->priv->navigator_label, 0, 3,
			  cols + 1, cols + 2,

	/* create navigation buttons */
	bbox = gnome_db_new_hbutton_box_widget ();
	gtk_button_box_set_layout (GTK_BUTTON_BOX (bbox), GTK_BUTTONBOX_DEFAULT_STYLE);
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (navigator), bbox, 0, 3, cols + 2, cols + 3,

	form->priv->navigator_first = gnome_db_new_button_widget_from_stock (GTK_STOCK_GOTO_FIRST);
	g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (form->priv->navigator_first), "clicked",
			  G_CALLBACK (navigator_first_cb), form);
	gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (bbox), form->priv->navigator_first, FALSE, FALSE, 0);

	form->priv->navigator_back = gnome_db_new_button_widget_from_stock (GTK_STOCK_GO_BACK);
	g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (form->priv->navigator_back), "clicked",
			  G_CALLBACK (navigator_back_cb), form);
	gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (bbox), form->priv->navigator_back, FALSE, FALSE, 0);

	form->priv->navigator_fwd = gnome_db_new_button_widget_from_stock (GTK_STOCK_GO_FORWARD);
	g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (form->priv->navigator_fwd), "clicked",
			  G_CALLBACK (navigator_forward_cb), form);
	gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (bbox), form->priv->navigator_fwd, FALSE, FALSE, 0);

	form->priv->navigator_last = gnome_db_new_button_widget_from_stock (GTK_STOCK_GOTO_LAST);
	g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (form->priv->navigator_last), "clicked",
			  G_CALLBACK (navigator_last_cb), form);
	gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (bbox), form->priv->navigator_last, FALSE, FALSE, 0);

diff -re ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.h ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.h
diff -re ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c
	g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_OPTION_MENU(login->priv->dsn_entry));

diff -re ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c
	combo = gtk_combo_new ();
diff -re ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb: Makefile.in
diff -re ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/tables-page.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/tables-page.c
		g_object_unref (priv->cnc);
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: libgnomedb.pc
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: libgnomedb.spec
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: libtool
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: ltmain.sh
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: Makefile.in
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: missing
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: mkinstalldirs
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: monikers
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: az.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: be.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ca.gmo
diff -re ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/ChangeLog ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/ChangeLog
2004-09-26  Adam Weinberger  <adamw gnome org>

	* en_CA.po: Updated Canadian English translation.

2004-09-03  Laurent Dhima  <laurenti alblinux net>

	* sq.po: Added Albanian translation.

2004-09-02  Alessio Frusciante  <algol firenze linux it>

	* it.po: Updated Italian translation by
	Alessio Dessì <alkex inwind it>.

2004-08-21  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>

	* nb.po: Add.

2004-08-13  Tommi Vainikainen  <thv iki fi>

	* fi.po: Unified some fields in po headers for Finnish team.

Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: cs.gmo
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: da.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: de.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: el.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: en_CA.gmo
diff -re ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/en_CA.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/en_CA.po
"this dialogue. To open your newly created data source,\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-09-26 12:47-0400\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-09-26 19:42-0400\n"
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: en_GB.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: es.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: fa.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: fi.gmo
diff -re ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/fi.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/fi.po
"Language-Team: Finnish <gnome-fi-laatu lists sourceforge net>\n"
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: fr.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ga.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: gl.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: hr.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: hu.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: it.gmo
diff -re ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/it.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/it.po
#~ msgstr "Fallita la produzione di un «%s»"
#~ msgstr "database: moniker"
#~ msgstr "Produttore Moniker del database"
#~ msgid "Table Data"
#~ msgstr "Tabella dei dati"

#~ msgid "View table data"
#~ msgstr "Visualizza dati della tabella"

#~ msgstr "Salva come"
#~ msgstr "Im_postazioni"
#~ msgstr "Configurazione del database"

#~ msgid "Edit application preferences"
#~ msgstr "Modifica le preferenze dell'applicazione"

#~ msgid "New..."
#~ msgstr "Nuovo..."

#~ msgid "_File"
#~ msgstr "_File"

#~ msgid "_Properties..."
#~ msgstr "P_roprietà..."
#~ msgid "SQL Viewer"
#~ msgstr "Visualizzatore SQL"

#~ msgstr "Esploratore di database"
#~ msgid "Browse database..."
#~ msgstr "Esplorazione database..."

#~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .connection files"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Componente che include le voci del menu contestuale per i file .connection"

#~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .sql files"
#~ msgstr "Componente che include le voci del menu contestuale per i file .sql"

#~ msgid "Connection MIME handler component"
#~ msgstr "Componente del gestore dei tipi di connessione MIME"

#~ msgid "Database component factory"
#~ msgstr "Produttore di componenti Database"

#~ msgid "Open in database connection..."
#~ msgstr "Apre all'interno di una connessione a database..."

#~ msgid "SQL MIME handler component"
#~ msgstr "Componente del gestore di tipi MIME SQL"

msgstr "Esegui commit"
#, fuzzy
msgstr "Preferen_ze"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Cancella selezione"
#, fuzzy
msgstr "Posizione"
#, fuzzy
msgstr "ID"
#, fuzzy
msgstr "Visualizza proprietà della tabella"
msgstr "Proprietà"
msgstr "Crea una nuova tabella"
msgstr "Nuova"
msgstr "Proprietà della tabella"
msgstr "Login al database"
msgstr "Login per %s"
msgstr "Errore: %s"
#, c-format
msgstr "InternamenteAllaTransazione"
msgstr "SQL"
msgstr "Reverti commit"
msgstr "Query"
msgstr "NessunaTransazione"
msgstr "Disconnetti"
msgstr "Proggettista"
msgstr "Connetti"
msgstr "Esegui commit"
msgstr "Campi"
msgstr "Password:"
msgstr "Nome utente:"
msgstr "Sorgente dati:"
"Inserire gli argomenti per aprire una connessione\n"
"a una sorgente di dati qui sotto"
msgstr "Si è tentato di inizializzare un client già inizializzato"
msgstr "Descrive"
msgstr "Ricevuto file vuoto durante la conversione dei dati"
msgstr "Ã? necessario specificare un nome di file"
"Il file %s esiste già\n"
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgstr "Descrizione dell'insieme di record"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Campi"
msgstr "Dettagli"
msgstr "Si è verificato un errore nel database sottostante"
"una nuova sorgente di dati. Premere «Applica» per chiudere questa\n"
"finestra di dialogo. Per aprire la sorgente di dati appena creata,\n"
"basta selezionarla quando viene richiesta una sorgente di dati"
"I seguenti campi rappresentano l'informazione richiesta dal fornitore\n"
"selezionato nella pagina precedente per aprire una certa connessione.\n"
"Questa informazione è specifica del fornitore, controllare il manuale per\n"
"maggiori informazioni"
msgstr "Password:"
msgstr "Nome utente:"
"Se non si sà quale fornitore utilizzare, selezionare quello\n"
"I seguenti campi rappresentano le voci di informazioni di base\n"
"per la nuova sorgente di dati. Alcune di esse (descrizione,\n"
"L'assistente farà da guida attraverso il processo di creazione\n"
"di una nuova sorgente dati per l'installazione personale\n"
msgstr "Ã? necessario selezionare un fornitore per la nuova sorgente di dati"
"I nomi delle sorgenti di dati possono contenere solo lettere e numeri ASCII"
msgstr "I nomi delle sorgenti di dati non possono contenere spazi"
msgstr "Esiste già una sorgente di dati con lo stesso nome"
msgstr "I nomi delle sorgenti di dati non possono contenere spazi"
#, fuzzy
msgstr "Ã? necessario inserire un nome per la nuova sorgente di dati"
msgstr "Dominio"
msgstr "Nome host"
msgstr "Posizione"
msgstr "ID"
msgstr "Sal_va connessione"
msgstr "Proprietà"
msgstr "A_iuto"
msgstr "_Modifica"
msgstr "Ca_ncella"
msgstr "_Chiudi"
msgstr "Cancella selezione"
#, fuzzy
msgstr "Seleziona tutto"
msgstr "Salva i parametri della connessione in un file"
msgstr "Modifica le proprietà per l'elemento selezionato"
msgstr "Crea un nuovo elemento"
msgstr "Chiude questa finestra"
msgstr "Informazioni su GNOME-DB"
msgstr "Informazioni"
msgstr "Servizi di database per GNOME Desktop"
msgstr "Usa l'evidenziazione nell'editor del codice sorgente"
msgstr "Mostra i numeri di riga nell'editor di sorgenti"
msgstr "Numero di spazi per il «tab»"
msgstr "Tipo di carattere da usare per il widget griglia"
msgstr "Visualizzatore di codice SQL"
msgstr "Documenti"
msgstr "File dei parametri delle connessioni a database"
msgstr "Fornitori installati"
msgstr "Non è stata fornita nessuna informazione per la sorgente dati"
"verso un fornitore o una combinazione di database specifici sono "
msgstr "Sorgenti di dati configurate nel sistema"
msgstr "Nome"
msgstr "Configurazione ambiente del database"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-09-02 20:42+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-04-07 18:55+0200\n"
# Alessio Dessì <alkex inwind it>, 2004.
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ja.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ko.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: libgnomedb-2.pot
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: Makefile.in
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: Makefile.in.in
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po: mk.po
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ml.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ms.gmo
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po: nb.po
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: nl.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: no.gmo
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po: pa.po
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: pl.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: POTFILES
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po: POTFILES.skip
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: pt_BR.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: pt.gmo
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po: README.translators
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ru.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: sk.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: sl.gmo
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po: sq.po
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: sr.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: sr Latn gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: sv.gmo
diff -re ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/sv.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/sv.po
# $Id: sv.po,v 1.83 2004/08/12 14:44:29 rodrigo Exp $
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ta.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: tr.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: uk.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: vi.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: zh_CN.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: zh_TW.gmo
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: providers
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: stamp.h
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/testing: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/testing: .deps
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/testing: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/testing: Makefile.in
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: vfs
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: aclocal.m4
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: autogen.sh
diff -r ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/ChangeLog ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/ChangeLog
> 2004-09-25  Gustavo R. Montesino <grmontesino ig com br>
> 	Fixes #150791
> 	* libgnomedb/tables-page.c (tables_page_set_connection): unref the
> 	old connection, not the new one.
> 2004-09-22  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
> 	* configure.in: removed GNOME_COMPILE_WARNINGS macro.
> 2004-08-21  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>
> 	* configure.in: Add «nb» to ALL_LINGUAS.
> 2004-08-12  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
> 	Released 1.1.6.
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: components
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: config.guess
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: config.log
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: config.status
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: config.sub
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: configure
diff -r ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/configure.in ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/configure.in
< ALL_LINGUAS="az be ca cs da de el en_CA en_GB es fa fi fr ga gl hr hu it ja ko ml ms nl no pl pt pt_BR ru sk sr sr Latn sl sv ta tr uk vi zh_CN zh_TW"
> ALL_LINGUAS="az be ca cs da de el en_CA en_GB es fa fi fr ga gl hr hu it ja ko ml ms nb nl no pl pt pt_BR ru sk sl sq sr sr Latn sv ta tr uk vi zh_CN zh_TW"
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/control-center: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/control-center: database-properties.desktop
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/control-center: .deps
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/control-center: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/control-center: Makefile.in
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: COPYING
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: CVS
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/data: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/data: libgnomedb.keys
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/data: libgnomedb.schemas
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/data: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/data: Makefile.in
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: depcomp
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc/C: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C: html
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C: libgnomedb-decl-list.txt
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C: libgnomedb-decl.txt
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C: libgnomedb-undocumented.txt
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C: Makefile.in
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc/C/tmpl: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: db-shell.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: gnome-db-browser-private.sgml
diff -r ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-find-dialog.sgml ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-find-dialog.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: gnome-db-find-dialog.sgml.bak
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: gnome-db-i18n.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: libgnomedb-private.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: libgnomedb-unused.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: sql-viewer.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: table-properties-dialog.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: tables-page.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: utils.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C: xml
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc: libgnomedb-C.omf
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc: Makefile.in
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc: reference
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/glade: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/glade: .deps
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/glade: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/glade: Makefile.in
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: HACKING
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: INSTALL
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: install-sh
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: intltool-extract
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: intltool-extract.in
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: intltool-merge
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: intltool-merge.in
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: intltool-update
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: intltool-update.in
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: lib
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb: .deps
diff -r ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.c
< enum {
< };
< static gint combo_signals[LAST_SIGNAL];
< 	/* add class signals */
< 	combo_signals[MODEL_CHANGED] =
< 		g_signal_new ("model_changed",
< 			      G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class),
< 			      G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,
< 			      G_STRUCT_OFFSET (GnomeDbComboClass, model_changed),
< 			      NULL, NULL,
< 			      g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID,
< 			      G_TYPE_NONE, 0);
< 	combo->priv->col = 0;
< 	gtk_combo_box_set_model(GTK_COMBO_BOX(combo), NULL);
< 	g_return_val_if_fail (col >= 0 && col < gda_data_model_get_n_columns(model), NULL);
> 	g_return_val_if_fail (col >= 0, NULL);
< 	gint rows, i;
< 	GdaValue *value;
< 	GtkTreeStore *combo_model;
< 	GtkTreeIter iter;
> 	gint rows, i, cols;
> 	const GdaValue *value;
> 	GList *list = NULL;
> 	cols = gda_data_model_get_n_columns (model);
< 	combo_model = gtk_tree_store_new(1, G_TYPE_STRING);
< 	/* Set the values to ListStore */
> 	if (rows == 0 || cols < combo->priv->col) {
> 		list = g_list_append (list, "");
> 		gtk_combo_set_popdown_strings (GTK_COMBO (combo), list);
> 		g_list_free (list);
> 		return;
> 	}
< 		gtk_tree_store_append(combo_model,&iter, NULL);
< 		gtk_tree_store_set(combo_model,&iter,0,gda_value_stringify(value),-1);
> 		list = g_list_append (list, gda_value_stringify (value));
< 	gtk_combo_box_set_model(GTK_COMBO_BOX(combo), combo_model);
< 	gtk_combo_box_entry_set_text_column(GTK_COMBO_BOX_ENTRY(combo), 0);
> 	gtk_combo_set_popdown_strings (GTK_COMBO (combo), list);
> 	g_list_foreach (list, (GFunc) g_free, NULL);
> 	g_list_free (list);
> 	GList *list = NULL;
< 	g_return_if_fail (col >= 0 && col < gda_data_model_get_n_columns(model));
> 		g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func (G_OBJECT (combo->priv->model), model_changed_cb, combo);
< 	g_object_ref (G_OBJECT (model));
< 	combo->priv->col = col;
< 	model_changed_cb (model, combo);
< 	g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (combo), combo_signals[MODEL_CHANGED], 0);
> 	if (model != NULL) {
> 		g_object_ref (G_OBJECT (model));
> 		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (combo->priv->model), "changed",
> 				  G_CALLBACK (model_changed_cb), combo);
> 		combo->priv->col = col;
> 		model_changed_cb (model, combo);
> 	} else {
> 		list = g_list_append (list, "");
> 		gtk_combo_set_popdown_strings (GTK_COMBO (combo), list);
> 		g_list_free (list);
> 	}
<  * Returns: the column of the #GdaDataModel showed by the #GnomeDbCombo.
>  * Returns: the column of the #GdaDataModel stored by the #GnomeDbCombo.
diff -r ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.h ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.h
< #include <gtk/gtkcomboboxentry.h>
< #include <gtk/gtktreestore.h>
> #include <gtk/gtkcombo.h>
< 	GtkComboBoxEntry combo;
> 	GtkCombo combo;
< 	GtkComboBoxEntryClass parent_class;
< 	void (* model_changed) (GnomeDbCombo *combo);
> 	GtkComboClass parent_class;
diff -r ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-data-source-selector.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-data-source-selector.c
> 	GList *dsn_list, *l;
> 	/* load data sources */
> 	dsn_list = gnome_db_config_get_data_source_list ();
> 	for (l = dsn_list; l != NULL; l = l->next) {
> 		GdaDataSourceInfo *dsn_info = (GdaDataSourceInfo *) l->data;
> 		if (!dsn_info)
> 			continue;
> 		if (name != NULL && strcmp (name, dsn_info->name) != 0)
> 			continue;
> 		/* add the data source to the option menu */
> 		gnome_db_option_menu_add_item (GTK_OPTION_MENU (selector), dsn_info->name);
> 	}
diff -r ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c
< 	gboolean show_navigator_buttons;
< 	g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (form), form_signals[ROW_CHANGED], 0);
< 	g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (form), form_signals[ROW_CHANGED], 0);
< 	g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (form), form_signals[ROW_CHANGED], 0);
< 	g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (form), form_signals[ROW_CHANGED], 0);
< 	if(form->priv->show_navigator_buttons) {
< 		form->priv->navigator_label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (_("No records"));
< 		gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (form->priv->navigator_label), 0.5, 0.5);
< 		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (navigator), form->priv->navigator_label, 0, 3,
< 				  cols + 1, cols + 2,
< 		/* create navigation buttons */
< 		bbox = gnome_db_new_hbutton_box_widget ();
< 		gtk_button_box_set_layout (GTK_BUTTON_BOX (bbox), GTK_BUTTONBOX_DEFAULT_STYLE);
< 		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (navigator), bbox, 0, 3, cols + 2, cols + 3,
< 		form->priv->navigator_first = gnome_db_new_button_widget_from_stock (GTK_STOCK_GOTO_FIRST);
< 		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (form->priv->navigator_first), "clicked",
< 				  G_CALLBACK (navigator_first_cb), form);
< 		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (bbox), form->priv->navigator_first, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
< 		form->priv->navigator_back = gnome_db_new_button_widget_from_stock (GTK_STOCK_GO_BACK);
< 		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (form->priv->navigator_back), "clicked",
< 				  G_CALLBACK (navigator_back_cb), form);
< 		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (bbox), form->priv->navigator_back, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
< 		form->priv->navigator_fwd = gnome_db_new_button_widget_from_stock (GTK_STOCK_GO_FORWARD);
< 		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (form->priv->navigator_fwd), "clicked",
< 				  G_CALLBACK (navigator_forward_cb), form);
< 		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (bbox), form->priv->navigator_fwd, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
< 		form->priv->navigator_last = gnome_db_new_button_widget_from_stock (GTK_STOCK_GOTO_LAST);
< 		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (form->priv->navigator_last), "clicked",
< 				  G_CALLBACK (navigator_last_cb), form);
< 		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (bbox), form->priv->navigator_last, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
< 	}
> 	form->priv->navigator_label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (_("No records"));
> 	gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (form->priv->navigator_label), 0.5, 0.5);
> 	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (navigator), form->priv->navigator_label, 0, 3,
> 			  cols + 1, cols + 2,
> 	/* create navigation buttons */
> 	bbox = gnome_db_new_hbutton_box_widget ();
> 	gtk_button_box_set_layout (GTK_BUTTON_BOX (bbox), GTK_BUTTONBOX_DEFAULT_STYLE);
> 	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (navigator), bbox, 0, 3, cols + 2, cols + 3,
> 	form->priv->navigator_first = gnome_db_new_button_widget_from_stock (GTK_STOCK_GOTO_FIRST);
> 	g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (form->priv->navigator_first), "clicked",
> 			  G_CALLBACK (navigator_first_cb), form);
> 	gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (bbox), form->priv->navigator_first, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
> 	form->priv->navigator_back = gnome_db_new_button_widget_from_stock (GTK_STOCK_GO_BACK);
> 	g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (form->priv->navigator_back), "clicked",
> 			  G_CALLBACK (navigator_back_cb), form);
> 	gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (bbox), form->priv->navigator_back, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
> 	form->priv->navigator_fwd = gnome_db_new_button_widget_from_stock (GTK_STOCK_GO_FORWARD);
> 	g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (form->priv->navigator_fwd), "clicked",
> 			  G_CALLBACK (navigator_forward_cb), form);
> 	gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (bbox), form->priv->navigator_fwd, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
> 	form->priv->navigator_last = gnome_db_new_button_widget_from_stock (GTK_STOCK_GOTO_LAST);
> 	g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (form->priv->navigator_last), "clicked",
> 			  G_CALLBACK (navigator_last_cb), form);
> 	gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (bbox), form->priv->navigator_last, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
< 	{
< 	}
< 	form_signals[ROW_CHANGED] =
< 		g_signal_new ("row_changed",
< 			      G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class),
< 			      G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,
< 			      G_STRUCT_OFFSET (GnomeDbFormClass, row_changed),
< 			      NULL, NULL,
< 			      g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID,
< 			      G_TYPE_NONE, 0);
< 	form->priv->show_navigator_buttons = TRUE;
< 	g_return_if_fail (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (model));
< 		g_object_ref (G_OBJECT (model));
< 		form->priv->data_model = model;
< 		setup_widgets_for_model (form);
< 		g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (form), form_signals[MODEL_CHANGED], 0);
< 	}
> 	g_object_ref (G_OBJECT (model));
> 	form->priv->data_model = model;
> 	setup_widgets_for_model (form);
> 	g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (form), form_signals[MODEL_CHANGED], 0);
> }
< void
< gnome_db_form_show_navigator_buttons(GnomeDbForm *form, gboolean value)
< {
< 	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FORM (form));
< 	form->priv->show_navigator_buttons= value;
< 	setup_widgets_for_model(form);
< }
< gboolean
< gnome_db_form_is_navigator_buttons_shown(GnomeDbForm *form)
< {
< 	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FORM (form));
< 	return form->priv->show_navigator_buttons;
< }
diff -r ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.h ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.h
< 	void (* row_changed) (GnomeDbForm *form);
< void			 gnome_db_form_show_navigator_buttons(GnomeDbForm *form, gboolean value);
< gboolean         gnome_db_form_is_navigator_buttons_shown(GnomeDbForm *form);
diff -r ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c
> 	g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_OPTION_MENU(login->priv->dsn_entry));
diff -r ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c
< 	combo = gtk_combo_box_entry_new ();
> 	combo = gtk_combo_new ();
< /**
<  * gnome_db_value_get_from_date_edit saves the contents of a #GnomeDateEdit in to a #GdaValue.
<  * 
<  * @dateedit: a #GnomeDateEdit widget
<  * Returns: #GdaValue in the #GnomeDateEdit widget.
<  */
< GdaValue *
< gnome_db_value_get_from_date_edit(GnomeDateEdit *dateedit)
< {
< 	time_t time;
< 	GDate *date = NULL;
< 	GdaDate gda_date;
< 	GdaValue *val = NULL;
< 	time = gnome_date_edit_get_time(dateedit);
< 	date = g_date_new();
< 	g_date_set_time(date, time);
< 	gda_date.year = (gshort) g_date_get_year(date);
< 	gda_date.month = (gushort) g_date_get_month(date);
< 	gda_date.day = (gushort) g_date_get_day(date);
< 	val = gda_value_new_date(&gda_date);
< 	return val;
< }
< /**
<  * gnome_db_date_edit_set_from_value set the contents of a #GnomeDateEdit from #GdaValue.
<  * 
<  * @dateedit: a #GnomeDateEdit widget
<  * @value: a #GdaValue to save to.
<  * Returns: #GdaValue in the #GnomeDateEdit widget.
<  */
< void
< gnome_db_date_edit_set_from_value(GnomeDateEdit *dateedit, GdaValue *value)
< {
< 	time_t time;
< 	GdaDate *gda_date;
< 	GDate *date;
< 	struct tm tm_struct;
< 	gda_date = gda_value_get_date(value);
< 	date = g_date_new();
< 	g_date_set_dmy(date, (GDateDay) gda_date->day,
< 						(GDateMonth) gda_date->month,
< 						(GDateYear) gda_date->year);
< 	g_date_to_struct_tm(date,&tm_struct);
< 	time = mktime(&tm_struct);
< 	gnome_date_edit_set_time(dateedit,time);
< }
diff -r ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h
< #include <libgda/gda-value.h>
< #include <libgnomeui/gnome-dateedit.h>
< GdaValue	*gnome_db_value_get_from_date_edit(GnomeDateEdit *dateedit);
< void		 gnome_db_date_edit_set_from_value(GnomeDateEdit *dateedit, GdaValue *value);
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb: Makefile.in
diff -r ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/tables-page.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/tables-page.c
< 		g_object_unref (cnc);
> 		g_object_unref (priv->cnc);
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: libgnomedb.pc
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: libgnomedb.spec
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: libtool
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: ltmain.sh
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: Makefile.in
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: missing
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: mkinstalldirs
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: monikers
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: az.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: be.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ca.gmo
diff -r ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/ChangeLog ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/ChangeLog
> 2004-09-26  Adam Weinberger  <adamw gnome org>
> 	* en_CA.po: Updated Canadian English translation.
> 2004-09-03  Laurent Dhima  <laurenti alblinux net>
> 	* sq.po: Added Albanian translation.
> 2004-09-02  Alessio Frusciante  <algol firenze linux it>
> 	* it.po: Updated Italian translation by
> 	Alessio Dessì <alkex inwind it>.
> 2004-08-21  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>
> 	* nb.po: Add.
> 2004-08-13  Tommi Vainikainen  <thv iki fi>
> 	* fi.po: Unified some fields in po headers for Finnish team.
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: cs.gmo
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: da.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: de.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: el.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: en_CA.gmo
diff -r ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/en_CA.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/en_CA.po
> #
< "POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"
< "PO-Revision-Date: 2004-06-10 19:42-0700\n"
> "POT-Creation-Date: 2004-09-26 12:47-0400\n"
> "PO-Revision-Date: 2004-09-26 19:42-0400\n"
< "this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"
> "this dialogue. To open your newly created data source,\n"
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: en_GB.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: es.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: fa.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: fi.gmo
diff -r ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/fi.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/fi.po
< "Language-Team: Finnish <gnome-fi-laatu lists sourceforge org>\n"
> "Language-Team: Finnish <gnome-fi-laatu lists sourceforge net>\n"
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: fr.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ga.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: gl.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: hr.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: hu.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: it.gmo
diff -r ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/it.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/it.po
> # Alessio Dessì <alkex inwind it>, 2004.
< "POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"
< "PO-Revision-Date: 2002-12-04 21:47+0100\n"
> "POT-Creation-Date: 2004-09-02 20:42+0200\n"
> "PO-Revision-Date: 2004-04-07 18:55+0200\n"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Configurazione ambiente del database"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Nome"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Sorgenti di dati configurate nel sistema"
< "verso un fornitore o verso una combo di database specifici sono "
> "verso un fornitore o una combinazione di database specifici sono "
< msgstr "Non è stata creata nessuna informazione di sorgente dati"
> msgstr "Non è stata fornita nessuna informazione per la sorgente dati"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Fornitori installati"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "File dei parametri delle connessioni a database"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Documenti"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Visualizzatore di codice SQL"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Tipo di carattere da usare per il widget griglia"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Numero di spazi per il «tab»"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Mostra i numeri di riga nell'editor di sorgenti"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Usa l'evidenziazione nell'editor del codice sorgente"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Servizi di database per GNOME Desktop"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Informazioni"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Informazioni su GNOME-DB"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Chiude questa finestra"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Crea un nuovo elemento"
< #, fuzzy
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Modifica le proprietà per l'elemento selezionato"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Salva i parametri della connessione in un file"
< msgstr "Seleziona tutte le voci nella lista"
> msgstr "Seleziona tutto"
> #, fuzzy
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Cancella selezione"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "_Chiudi"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Ca_ncella"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "_Modifica"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "A_iuto"
< msgstr "Procedure"
> msgstr "Proprietà"
< #, fuzzy
< msgstr "Salva in"
> msgstr "Sal_va connessione"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "ID"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Posizione"
< #, fuzzy
< msgstr "Nome utente"
> msgstr "Nome host"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Dominio"
< msgstr "Bisogna inserire un nome per la nuova sorgente di dati"
> msgstr "Ã? necessario inserire un nome per la nuova sorgente di dati"
> #, fuzzy
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "I nomi delle sorgenti di dati non possono contenere spazi"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Esiste già una sorgente di dati con lo stesso nome"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "I nomi delle sorgenti di dati non possono contenere spazi"
> "I nomi delle sorgenti di dati possono contenere solo lettere e numeri ASCII"
< msgstr "Bisogna selezionare un fornitore per la nuova sorgente di dati"
> msgstr "Ã? necessario selezionare un fornitore per la nuova sorgente di dati"
< "Quest'assistente farà da guida attraverso il processo di\n"
< "creazione di una nuova sorgente dati per l'installazione personale\n"
> "L'assistente farà da guida attraverso il processo di creazione\n"
> "di una nuova sorgente dati per l'installazione personale\n"
< "I seguenti campi rappresentano le voci di informazioni\n"
< "di base per la nuova sorgente di dati. Alcune di esse (descrizione,\n"
> "I seguenti campi rappresentano le voci di informazioni di base\n"
> "per la nuova sorgente di dati. Alcune di esse (descrizione,\n"
< "Se non si sà quale fornitore utilizzare, si selezioni\n"
< "quello predefinito"
> "Se non si sà quale fornitore utilizzare, selezionare quello\n"
> "predefinito"
< msgstr "Nome utente"
> msgstr "Nome utente:"
< msgstr "Password"
> msgstr "Password:"
< "I seguenti campi rappresentano l'informazione richiesta\n"
< "dal fornitore selezionato nella pagina precedente per aprire\n"
< "una certa connessione. Questa informazione è specifica al fornitore,\n"
< "quindi si controlli il manuale per maggiori informazioni"
> "I seguenti campi rappresentano l'informazione richiesta dal fornitore\n"
> "selezionato nella pagina precedente per aprire una certa connessione.\n"
> "Questa informazione è specifica del fornitore, controllare il manuale per\n"
> "maggiori informazioni"
< "una nuova sorgente di dati. Premere «Applica» per chiudere\n"
< "questa finestra di dialogo. Per aprire la sorgente di dati appena\n"
< "creata, basta selezionarla quando viene richiesta una sorgente di dati"
> "una nuova sorgente di dati. Premere «Applica» per chiudere questa\n"
> "finestra di dialogo. Per aprire la sorgente di dati appena creata,\n"
> "basta selezionarla quando viene richiesta una sorgente di dati"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Si è verificato un errore nel database sottostante"
< #, fuzzy
< msgstr "Dettaglio"
> msgstr "Dettagli"
< msgstr "Titolo"
> msgstr "Campi"
< #, fuzzy
< msgstr "Prova"
> msgstr ""
< msgstr "Descrizione del recordset"
> msgstr "Descrizione dell'insieme di record"
< #, c-format
> #, fuzzy, c-format
> "Il file %s esiste già\n"
> "Sovrascriverlo?"
< msgstr "Bisogna specificare un nome di file"
> msgstr "Ã? necessario specificare un nome di file"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Ricevuto file vuoto durante la conversione dei dati"
< #, fuzzy
< msgstr "Descrivi..."
> msgstr "Descrive"
< msgstr "� stato tentato di inizializzare un client già inizializzato"
> msgstr "Si è tentato di inizializzare un client già inizializzato"
> "Inserire gli argomenti per aprire una connessione\n"
> "a una sorgente di dati qui sotto"
< #, fuzzy
< msgstr "Sorgente dati"
> msgstr "Sorgente dati:"
< #, fuzzy
< msgstr "Nome utente"
> msgstr "Nome utente:"
< #, fuzzy
< msgstr "Password"
> msgstr "Password:"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Campi"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Esegui commit"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Connetti"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Proggettista"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Disconnetti"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "NessunaTransazione"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Query"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Reverti commit"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "SQL"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "InternamenteAllaTransazione"
< #, fuzzy, c-format
> #, c-format
< msgstr "Errore"
> msgstr "Errore: %s"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Login per %s"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Login al database"
< #, fuzzy
< msgstr "Proprietà del database"
> msgstr "Proprietà della tabella"
< #, fuzzy
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Nuova"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Crea una nuova tabella"
< #, fuzzy
< msgstr "Procedure"
> msgstr "Proprietà"
< #, fuzzy
< msgstr "Proprietà del database"
> msgstr "Visualizza proprietà della tabella"
> #, fuzzy
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "ID"
> #, fuzzy
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Posizione"
> #, fuzzy
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Cancella selezione"
< #, fuzzy
< msgstr "Non è possibile aprire una connessione verso %s"
> msgstr ""
< msgstr "Sequenze"
> msgstr "Preferen_ze"
> #, fuzzy
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Esegui commit"
< #, fuzzy
> #~ msgid "Browse database..."
> #~ msgstr "Esplorazione database..."
> #~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .connection files"
> #~ msgstr ""
> #~ "Componente che include le voci del menu contestuale per i file .connection"
> #~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .sql files"
> #~ msgstr "Componente che include le voci del menu contestuale per i file .sql"
> #~ msgid "Connection MIME handler component"
> #~ msgstr "Componente del gestore dei tipi di connessione MIME"
> #~ msgid "Database component factory"
> #~ msgstr "Produttore di componenti Database"
> #~ msgid "Open in database connection..."
> #~ msgstr "Apre all'interno di una connessione a database..."
> #~ msgid "SQL MIME handler component"
> #~ msgstr "Componente del gestore di tipi MIME SQL"
< #~ msgstr "Proprietà del database"
> #~ msgstr "Esploratore di database"
< #, fuzzy
> #~ msgid "SQL Viewer"
> #~ msgstr "Visualizzatore SQL"
< #~ msgstr "Proprietà del database"
> #~ msgstr "Configurazione del database"
> #~ msgid "Edit application preferences"
> #~ msgstr "Modifica le preferenze dell'applicazione"
> #~ msgid "New..."
> #~ msgstr "Nuovo..."
> #~ msgid "_File"
> #~ msgstr "_File"
> #~ msgid "_Properties..."
> #~ msgstr "P_roprietà..."
< #, fuzzy
< #~ msgstr "Impostazioni"
> #~ msgstr "Im_postazioni"
< #~ msgstr "Salva come..."
> #~ msgstr "Salva come"
< #, fuzzy
> #~ msgid "Table Data"
> #~ msgstr "Tabella dei dati"
> #~ msgid "View table data"
> #~ msgstr "Visualizza dati della tabella"
< #~ msgstr "Proprietà del database"
> #~ msgstr "Produttore Moniker del database"
< #, fuzzy
< #~ msgstr "Proprietà del database"
> #~ msgstr "database: moniker"
< #~ msgstr "� fallita la manifatturazione di un «%s»"
> #~ msgstr "Fallita la produzione di un «%s»"
< #~ msgid "Data sources"
< #~ msgstr "Sorgenti di dati"
< #~ msgid "Test Data Source"
< #~ msgstr "Prova sorgente di dati"
< #~ msgid "Connection to %s successful!"
< #~ msgstr "Connessione verso %s riuscita!"
< #~ msgid "Data source"
< #~ msgstr "Sorgente di dati"
< #~ msgid "Select all"
< #~ msgstr "Seleziona tutto"
< #~ msgid "Unselect all"
< #~ msgstr "Deseleziona tutto"
< #~ msgid "Unselect All"
< #~ msgstr "Deseleziona tutto"
< #~ msgid "Display column headers"
< #~ msgstr "Visualizza intestazioni di colonna"
< #~ msgid "Hide column headers"
< #~ msgstr "Nascondi le intestazioni di colonna"
< #~ msgid "Save as..."
< #~ msgstr "Salva come..."
< #~ msgid "Export data to different formats"
< #~ msgstr "Esporta dati in formati differenti"
< #~ msgid "Describe current data set"
< #~ msgstr "Descrive il set di dati corrente"
< #~ msgid "View current data in more detail"
< #~ msgstr "Visualizza i dati correnti più in dettaglio"
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ja.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ko.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: libgnomedb-2.pot
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: Makefile.in
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: Makefile.in.in
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po: mk.po
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ml.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ms.gmo
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po: nb.po
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: nl.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: no.gmo
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po: pa.po
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: pl.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: POTFILES
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po: POTFILES.skip
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: pt_BR.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: pt.gmo
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po: README.translators
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ru.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: sk.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: sl.gmo
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po: sq.po
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: sr.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: sr Latn gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: sv.gmo
diff -r ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/sv.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/sv.po
< # $Id: sv.po,v 1.82 2004/06/07 22:33:37 rodrigo Exp $
> # $Id: sv.po,v 1.83 2004/08/12 14:44:29 rodrigo Exp $
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ta.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: tr.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: uk.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: vi.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: zh_CN.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: zh_TW.gmo
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: providers
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: stamp.h
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/testing: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/testing: .deps
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/testing: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/testing: Makefile.in
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: vfs
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: aclocal.m4
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: autogen.sh
diff -rbB ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/ChangeLog ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/ChangeLog
> 2004-09-25  Gustavo R. Montesino <grmontesino ig com br>
> 	Fixes #150791
> 	* libgnomedb/tables-page.c (tables_page_set_connection): unref the
> 	old connection, not the new one.
> 2004-09-22  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
> 	* configure.in: removed GNOME_COMPILE_WARNINGS macro.
> 2004-08-21  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>
> 	* configure.in: Add «nb» to ALL_LINGUAS.
> 2004-08-12  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
> 	Released 1.1.6.
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: components
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: config.guess
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: config.log
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: config.status
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: config.sub
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: configure
diff -rbB ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/configure.in ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/configure.in
< ALL_LINGUAS="az be ca cs da de el en_CA en_GB es fa fi fr ga gl hr hu it ja ko ml ms nl no pl pt pt_BR ru sk sr sr Latn sl sv ta tr uk vi zh_CN zh_TW"
> ALL_LINGUAS="az be ca cs da de el en_CA en_GB es fa fi fr ga gl hr hu it ja ko ml ms nb nl no pl pt pt_BR ru sk sl sq sr sr Latn sv ta tr uk vi zh_CN zh_TW"
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/control-center: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/control-center: database-properties.desktop
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/control-center: .deps
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/control-center: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/control-center: Makefile.in
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: COPYING
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: CVS
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/data: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/data: libgnomedb.keys
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/data: libgnomedb.schemas
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/data: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/data: Makefile.in
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: depcomp
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc/C: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C: html
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C: libgnomedb-decl-list.txt
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C: libgnomedb-decl.txt
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C: libgnomedb-undocumented.txt
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C: Makefile.in
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc/C/tmpl: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: db-shell.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: gnome-db-browser-private.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: gnome-db-find-dialog.sgml.bak
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: gnome-db-i18n.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: libgnomedb-private.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: libgnomedb-unused.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: sql-viewer.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: table-properties-dialog.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: tables-page.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: utils.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C: xml
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc: libgnomedb-C.omf
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc: Makefile.in
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc: reference
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/glade: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/glade: .deps
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/glade: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/glade: Makefile.in
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: HACKING
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: INSTALL
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: install-sh
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: intltool-extract
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: intltool-extract.in
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: intltool-merge
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: intltool-merge.in
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: intltool-update
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: intltool-update.in
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: lib
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb: .deps
diff -rbB ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.c
< enum {
< };
< static gint combo_signals[LAST_SIGNAL];
< 	/* add class signals */
< 	combo_signals[MODEL_CHANGED] =
< 		g_signal_new ("model_changed",
< 			      G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class),
< 			      G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,
< 			      G_STRUCT_OFFSET (GnomeDbComboClass, model_changed),
< 			      NULL, NULL,
< 			      g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID,
< 			      G_TYPE_NONE, 0);
< 	combo->priv->col = 0;
< 	gtk_combo_box_set_model(GTK_COMBO_BOX(combo), NULL);
< 	g_return_val_if_fail (col >= 0 && col < gda_data_model_get_n_columns(model), NULL);
> 	g_return_val_if_fail (col >= 0, NULL);
< 	gint rows, i;
< 	GdaValue *value;
< 	GtkTreeStore *combo_model;
< 	GtkTreeIter iter;
> 	gint rows, i, cols;
> 	const GdaValue *value;
> 	GList *list = NULL;
> 	cols = gda_data_model_get_n_columns (model);
< 	combo_model = gtk_tree_store_new(1, G_TYPE_STRING);
< 	/* Set the values to ListStore */
> 	if (rows == 0 || cols < combo->priv->col) {
> 		list = g_list_append (list, "");
> 		gtk_combo_set_popdown_strings (GTK_COMBO (combo), list);
> 		g_list_free (list);
> 		return;
> 	}
< 		gtk_tree_store_append(combo_model,&iter, NULL);
< 		gtk_tree_store_set(combo_model,&iter,0,gda_value_stringify(value),-1);
> 		list = g_list_append (list, gda_value_stringify (value));
< 	gtk_combo_box_set_model(GTK_COMBO_BOX(combo), combo_model);
< 	gtk_combo_box_entry_set_text_column(GTK_COMBO_BOX_ENTRY(combo), 0);
> 	gtk_combo_set_popdown_strings (GTK_COMBO (combo), list);
> 	g_list_foreach (list, (GFunc) g_free, NULL);
> 	g_list_free (list);
> 	GList *list = NULL;
< 	g_return_if_fail (col >= 0 && col < gda_data_model_get_n_columns(model));
> 		g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func (G_OBJECT (combo->priv->model), model_changed_cb, combo);
< 	g_object_ref (G_OBJECT (model));
> 	if (model != NULL) {
> 		g_object_ref (G_OBJECT (model));
> 		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (combo->priv->model), "changed",
> 				  G_CALLBACK (model_changed_cb), combo);
< 	g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (combo), combo_signals[MODEL_CHANGED], 0);
> 	} else {
> 		list = g_list_append (list, "");
> 		gtk_combo_set_popdown_strings (GTK_COMBO (combo), list);
> 		g_list_free (list);
> 	}
<  * Returns: the column of the #GdaDataModel showed by the #GnomeDbCombo.
>  * Returns: the column of the #GdaDataModel stored by the #GnomeDbCombo.
diff -rbB ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.h ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.h
< #include <gtk/gtkcomboboxentry.h>
< #include <gtk/gtktreestore.h>
> #include <gtk/gtkcombo.h>
< 	GtkComboBoxEntry combo;
> 	GtkCombo combo;
< 	GtkComboBoxEntryClass parent_class;
< 	void (* model_changed) (GnomeDbCombo *combo);
> 	GtkComboClass parent_class;
diff -rbB ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-data-source-selector.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-data-source-selector.c
> 	GList *dsn_list, *l;
> 	/* load data sources */
> 	dsn_list = gnome_db_config_get_data_source_list ();
> 	for (l = dsn_list; l != NULL; l = l->next) {
> 		GdaDataSourceInfo *dsn_info = (GdaDataSourceInfo *) l->data;
> 		if (!dsn_info)
> 			continue;
> 		if (name != NULL && strcmp (name, dsn_info->name) != 0)
> 			continue;
> 		/* add the data source to the option menu */
> 		gnome_db_option_menu_add_item (GTK_OPTION_MENU (selector), dsn_info->name);
> 	}
diff -rbB ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c
< 	gboolean show_navigator_buttons;
< 	g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (form), form_signals[ROW_CHANGED], 0);
< 	g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (form), form_signals[ROW_CHANGED], 0);
< 	g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (form), form_signals[ROW_CHANGED], 0);
< 	g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (form), form_signals[ROW_CHANGED], 0);
< 	if(form->priv->show_navigator_buttons) {
< 	}
< 	{
< 	}
< 	form_signals[ROW_CHANGED] =
< 		g_signal_new ("row_changed",
< 			      G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class),
< 			      G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,
< 			      G_STRUCT_OFFSET (GnomeDbFormClass, row_changed),
< 			      NULL, NULL,
< 			      g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID,
< 			      G_TYPE_NONE, 0);
< 	form->priv->show_navigator_buttons = TRUE;
< 	g_return_if_fail (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (model));
< 	}
> }
< void
< gnome_db_form_show_navigator_buttons(GnomeDbForm *form, gboolean value)
< {
< 	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FORM (form));
< 	form->priv->show_navigator_buttons= value;
< 	setup_widgets_for_model(form);
< }
< gboolean
< gnome_db_form_is_navigator_buttons_shown(GnomeDbForm *form)
< {
< 	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FORM (form));
< 	return form->priv->show_navigator_buttons;
< }
diff -rbB ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.h ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.h
< 	void (* row_changed) (GnomeDbForm *form);
< void			 gnome_db_form_show_navigator_buttons(GnomeDbForm *form, gboolean value);
< gboolean         gnome_db_form_is_navigator_buttons_shown(GnomeDbForm *form);
diff -rbB ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c
> 	g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_OPTION_MENU(login->priv->dsn_entry));
diff -rbB ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c
< 	combo = gtk_combo_box_entry_new ();
> 	combo = gtk_combo_new ();
< /**
<  * gnome_db_value_get_from_date_edit saves the contents of a #GnomeDateEdit in to a #GdaValue.
<  * 
<  * @dateedit: a #GnomeDateEdit widget
<  * Returns: #GdaValue in the #GnomeDateEdit widget.
<  */
< GdaValue *
< gnome_db_value_get_from_date_edit(GnomeDateEdit *dateedit)
< {
< 	time_t time;
< 	GDate *date = NULL;
< 	GdaDate gda_date;
< 	GdaValue *val = NULL;
< 	time = gnome_date_edit_get_time(dateedit);
< 	date = g_date_new();
< 	g_date_set_time(date, time);
< 	gda_date.year = (gshort) g_date_get_year(date);
< 	gda_date.month = (gushort) g_date_get_month(date);
< 	gda_date.day = (gushort) g_date_get_day(date);
< 	val = gda_value_new_date(&gda_date);
< 	return val;
< }
< /**
<  * gnome_db_date_edit_set_from_value set the contents of a #GnomeDateEdit from #GdaValue.
<  * 
<  * @dateedit: a #GnomeDateEdit widget
<  * @value: a #GdaValue to save to.
<  * Returns: #GdaValue in the #GnomeDateEdit widget.
<  */
< void
< gnome_db_date_edit_set_from_value(GnomeDateEdit *dateedit, GdaValue *value)
< {
< 	time_t time;
< 	GdaDate *gda_date;
< 	GDate *date;
< 	struct tm tm_struct;
< 	gda_date = gda_value_get_date(value);
< 	date = g_date_new();
< 	g_date_set_dmy(date, (GDateDay) gda_date->day,
< 						(GDateMonth) gda_date->month,
< 						(GDateYear) gda_date->year);
< 	g_date_to_struct_tm(date,&tm_struct);
< 	time = mktime(&tm_struct);
< 	gnome_date_edit_set_time(dateedit,time);
< }
diff -rbB ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h
< #include <libgda/gda-value.h>
< #include <libgnomeui/gnome-dateedit.h>
< GdaValue	*gnome_db_value_get_from_date_edit(GnomeDateEdit *dateedit);
< void		 gnome_db_date_edit_set_from_value(GnomeDateEdit *dateedit, GdaValue *value);
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb: Makefile.in
diff -rbB ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/tables-page.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/tables-page.c
< 		g_object_unref (cnc);
> 		g_object_unref (priv->cnc);
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: libgnomedb.pc
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: libgnomedb.spec
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: libtool
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: ltmain.sh
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: Makefile.in
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: missing
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: mkinstalldirs
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: monikers
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: az.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: be.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ca.gmo
diff -rbB ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/ChangeLog ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/ChangeLog
> 2004-09-26  Adam Weinberger  <adamw gnome org>
> 	* en_CA.po: Updated Canadian English translation.
> 2004-09-03  Laurent Dhima  <laurenti alblinux net>
> 	* sq.po: Added Albanian translation.
> 2004-09-02  Alessio Frusciante  <algol firenze linux it>
> 	* it.po: Updated Italian translation by
> 	Alessio Dessì <alkex inwind it>.
> 2004-08-21  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>
> 	* nb.po: Add.
> 2004-08-13  Tommi Vainikainen  <thv iki fi>
> 	* fi.po: Unified some fields in po headers for Finnish team.
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: cs.gmo
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: da.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: de.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: el.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: en_CA.gmo
diff -rbB ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/en_CA.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/en_CA.po
> #
< "POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"
< "PO-Revision-Date: 2004-06-10 19:42-0700\n"
> "POT-Creation-Date: 2004-09-26 12:47-0400\n"
> "PO-Revision-Date: 2004-09-26 19:42-0400\n"
< "this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"
> "this dialogue. To open your newly created data source,\n"
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: en_GB.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: es.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: fa.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: fi.gmo
diff -rbB ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/fi.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/fi.po
< "Language-Team: Finnish <gnome-fi-laatu lists sourceforge org>\n"
> "Language-Team: Finnish <gnome-fi-laatu lists sourceforge net>\n"
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: fr.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ga.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: gl.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: hr.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: hu.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: it.gmo
diff -rbB ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/it.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/it.po
> # Alessio Dessì <alkex inwind it>, 2004.
< "POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"
< "PO-Revision-Date: 2002-12-04 21:47+0100\n"
> "POT-Creation-Date: 2004-09-02 20:42+0200\n"
> "PO-Revision-Date: 2004-04-07 18:55+0200\n"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Configurazione ambiente del database"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Nome"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Sorgenti di dati configurate nel sistema"
< "verso un fornitore o verso una combo di database specifici sono "
> "verso un fornitore o una combinazione di database specifici sono "
< msgstr "Non è stata creata nessuna informazione di sorgente dati"
> msgstr "Non è stata fornita nessuna informazione per la sorgente dati"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Fornitori installati"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "File dei parametri delle connessioni a database"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Documenti"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Visualizzatore di codice SQL"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Tipo di carattere da usare per il widget griglia"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Numero di spazi per il «tab»"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Mostra i numeri di riga nell'editor di sorgenti"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Usa l'evidenziazione nell'editor del codice sorgente"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Servizi di database per GNOME Desktop"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Informazioni"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Informazioni su GNOME-DB"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Chiude questa finestra"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Crea un nuovo elemento"
< #, fuzzy
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Modifica le proprietà per l'elemento selezionato"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Salva i parametri della connessione in un file"
< msgstr "Seleziona tutte le voci nella lista"
> msgstr "Seleziona tutto"
> #, fuzzy
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Cancella selezione"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "_Chiudi"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Ca_ncella"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "_Modifica"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "A_iuto"
< msgstr "Procedure"
> msgstr "Proprietà"
< #, fuzzy
< msgstr "Salva in"
> msgstr "Sal_va connessione"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "ID"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Posizione"
< #, fuzzy
< msgstr "Nome utente"
> msgstr "Nome host"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Dominio"
< msgstr "Bisogna inserire un nome per la nuova sorgente di dati"
> msgstr "Ã? necessario inserire un nome per la nuova sorgente di dati"
> #, fuzzy
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "I nomi delle sorgenti di dati non possono contenere spazi"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Esiste già una sorgente di dati con lo stesso nome"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "I nomi delle sorgenti di dati non possono contenere spazi"
> "I nomi delle sorgenti di dati possono contenere solo lettere e numeri ASCII"
< msgstr "Bisogna selezionare un fornitore per la nuova sorgente di dati"
> msgstr "Ã? necessario selezionare un fornitore per la nuova sorgente di dati"
< "Quest'assistente farà da guida attraverso il processo di\n"
< "creazione di una nuova sorgente dati per l'installazione personale\n"
> "L'assistente farà da guida attraverso il processo di creazione\n"
> "di una nuova sorgente dati per l'installazione personale\n"
< "I seguenti campi rappresentano le voci di informazioni\n"
< "di base per la nuova sorgente di dati. Alcune di esse (descrizione,\n"
> "I seguenti campi rappresentano le voci di informazioni di base\n"
> "per la nuova sorgente di dati. Alcune di esse (descrizione,\n"
< "Se non si sà quale fornitore utilizzare, si selezioni\n"
< "quello predefinito"
> "Se non si sà quale fornitore utilizzare, selezionare quello\n"
> "predefinito"
< msgstr "Nome utente"
> msgstr "Nome utente:"
< msgstr "Password"
> msgstr "Password:"
< "I seguenti campi rappresentano l'informazione richiesta\n"
< "dal fornitore selezionato nella pagina precedente per aprire\n"
< "una certa connessione. Questa informazione è specifica al fornitore,\n"
< "quindi si controlli il manuale per maggiori informazioni"
> "I seguenti campi rappresentano l'informazione richiesta dal fornitore\n"
> "selezionato nella pagina precedente per aprire una certa connessione.\n"
> "Questa informazione è specifica del fornitore, controllare il manuale per\n"
> "maggiori informazioni"
< "una nuova sorgente di dati. Premere «Applica» per chiudere\n"
< "questa finestra di dialogo. Per aprire la sorgente di dati appena\n"
< "creata, basta selezionarla quando viene richiesta una sorgente di dati"
> "una nuova sorgente di dati. Premere «Applica» per chiudere questa\n"
> "finestra di dialogo. Per aprire la sorgente di dati appena creata,\n"
> "basta selezionarla quando viene richiesta una sorgente di dati"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Si è verificato un errore nel database sottostante"
< #, fuzzy
< msgstr "Dettaglio"
> msgstr "Dettagli"
< msgstr "Titolo"
> msgstr "Campi"
< #, fuzzy
< msgstr "Prova"
> msgstr ""
< msgstr "Descrizione del recordset"
> msgstr "Descrizione dell'insieme di record"
< #, c-format
> #, fuzzy, c-format
> "Il file %s esiste già\n"
> "Sovrascriverlo?"
< msgstr "Bisogna specificare un nome di file"
> msgstr "Ã? necessario specificare un nome di file"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Ricevuto file vuoto durante la conversione dei dati"
< #, fuzzy
< msgstr "Descrivi..."
> msgstr "Descrive"
< msgstr "� stato tentato di inizializzare un client già inizializzato"
> msgstr "Si è tentato di inizializzare un client già inizializzato"
> "Inserire gli argomenti per aprire una connessione\n"
> "a una sorgente di dati qui sotto"
< #, fuzzy
< msgstr "Sorgente dati"
> msgstr "Sorgente dati:"
< #, fuzzy
< msgstr "Nome utente"
> msgstr "Nome utente:"
< #, fuzzy
< msgstr "Password"
> msgstr "Password:"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Campi"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Esegui commit"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Connetti"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Proggettista"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Disconnetti"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "NessunaTransazione"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Query"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Reverti commit"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "SQL"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "InternamenteAllaTransazione"
< #, fuzzy, c-format
> #, c-format
< msgstr "Errore"
> msgstr "Errore: %s"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Login per %s"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Login al database"
< #, fuzzy
< msgstr "Proprietà del database"
> msgstr "Proprietà della tabella"
< #, fuzzy
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Nuova"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Crea una nuova tabella"
< #, fuzzy
< msgstr "Procedure"
> msgstr "Proprietà"
< #, fuzzy
< msgstr "Proprietà del database"
> msgstr "Visualizza proprietà della tabella"
> #, fuzzy
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "ID"
> #, fuzzy
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Posizione"
> #, fuzzy
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Cancella selezione"
< #, fuzzy
< msgstr "Non è possibile aprire una connessione verso %s"
> msgstr ""
< msgstr "Sequenze"
> msgstr "Preferen_ze"
> #, fuzzy
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Esegui commit"
< #, fuzzy
> #~ msgid "Browse database..."
> #~ msgstr "Esplorazione database..."
> #~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .connection files"
> #~ msgstr ""
> #~ "Componente che include le voci del menu contestuale per i file .connection"
> #~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .sql files"
> #~ msgstr "Componente che include le voci del menu contestuale per i file .sql"
> #~ msgid "Connection MIME handler component"
> #~ msgstr "Componente del gestore dei tipi di connessione MIME"
> #~ msgid "Database component factory"
> #~ msgstr "Produttore di componenti Database"
> #~ msgid "Open in database connection..."
> #~ msgstr "Apre all'interno di una connessione a database..."
> #~ msgid "SQL MIME handler component"
> #~ msgstr "Componente del gestore di tipi MIME SQL"
< #~ msgstr "Proprietà del database"
> #~ msgstr "Esploratore di database"
< #, fuzzy
> #~ msgid "SQL Viewer"
> #~ msgstr "Visualizzatore SQL"
< #~ msgstr "Proprietà del database"
> #~ msgstr "Configurazione del database"
> #~ msgid "Edit application preferences"
> #~ msgstr "Modifica le preferenze dell'applicazione"
> #~ msgid "New..."
> #~ msgstr "Nuovo..."
> #~ msgid "_File"
> #~ msgstr "_File"
> #~ msgid "_Properties..."
> #~ msgstr "P_roprietà..."
< #, fuzzy
< #~ msgstr "Impostazioni"
> #~ msgstr "Im_postazioni"
< #~ msgstr "Salva come..."
> #~ msgstr "Salva come"
< #, fuzzy
> #~ msgid "Table Data"
> #~ msgstr "Tabella dei dati"
> #~ msgid "View table data"
> #~ msgstr "Visualizza dati della tabella"
< #~ msgstr "Proprietà del database"
> #~ msgstr "Produttore Moniker del database"
< #, fuzzy
< #~ msgstr "Proprietà del database"
> #~ msgstr "database: moniker"
< #~ msgstr "� fallita la manifatturazione di un «%s»"
> #~ msgstr "Fallita la produzione di un «%s»"
< #~ msgid "Data sources"
< #~ msgstr "Sorgenti di dati"
< #~ msgid "Test Data Source"
< #~ msgstr "Prova sorgente di dati"
< #~ msgid "Connection to %s successful!"
< #~ msgstr "Connessione verso %s riuscita!"
< #~ msgid "Data source"
< #~ msgstr "Sorgente di dati"
< #~ msgid "Select all"
< #~ msgstr "Seleziona tutto"
< #~ msgid "Unselect all"
< #~ msgstr "Deseleziona tutto"
< #~ msgid "Unselect All"
< #~ msgstr "Deseleziona tutto"
< #~ msgid "Display column headers"
< #~ msgstr "Visualizza intestazioni di colonna"
< #~ msgid "Hide column headers"
< #~ msgstr "Nascondi le intestazioni di colonna"
< #~ msgid "Save as..."
< #~ msgstr "Salva come..."
< #~ msgid "Export data to different formats"
< #~ msgstr "Esporta dati in formati differenti"
< #~ msgid "Describe current data set"
< #~ msgstr "Descrive il set di dati corrente"
< #~ msgid "View current data in more detail"
< #~ msgstr "Visualizza i dati correnti più in dettaglio"
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ja.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ko.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: libgnomedb-2.pot
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: Makefile.in
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: Makefile.in.in
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po: mk.po
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ml.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ms.gmo
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po: nb.po
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: nl.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: no.gmo
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po: pa.po
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: pl.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: POTFILES
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po: POTFILES.skip
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: pt_BR.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: pt.gmo
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po: README.translators
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ru.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: sk.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: sl.gmo
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po: sq.po
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: sr.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: sr Latn gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: sv.gmo
diff -rbB ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/sv.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/sv.po
< # $Id: sv.po,v 1.82 2004/06/07 22:33:37 rodrigo Exp $
> # $Id: sv.po,v 1.83 2004/08/12 14:44:29 rodrigo Exp $
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ta.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: tr.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: uk.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: vi.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: zh_CN.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: zh_TW.gmo
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: providers
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: stamp.h
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/testing: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/testing: .deps
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/testing: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/testing: Makefile.in
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: vfs
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: aclocal.m4
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: autogen.sh
diff -rbB ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/ChangeLog ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/ChangeLog
< 2004-09-25  Gustavo R. Montesino <grmontesino ig com br>
< 	Fixes #150791
< 	* libgnomedb/tables-page.c (tables_page_set_connection): unref the
< 	old connection, not the new one.
< 2004-09-22  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
< 	* configure.in: removed GNOME_COMPILE_WARNINGS macro.
< 2004-08-21  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>
< 	* configure.in: Add «nb» to ALL_LINGUAS.
< 2004-08-12  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
< 	Released 1.1.6.
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: components
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: config.guess
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: config.log
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: config.status
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: config.sub
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: configure
diff -rbB ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/configure.in ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/configure.in
< ALL_LINGUAS="az be ca cs da de el en_CA en_GB es fa fi fr ga gl hr hu it ja ko ml ms nb nl no pl pt pt_BR ru sk sl sq sr sr Latn sv ta tr uk vi zh_CN zh_TW"
> ALL_LINGUAS="az be ca cs da de el en_CA en_GB es fa fi fr ga gl hr hu it ja ko ml ms nl no pl pt pt_BR ru sk sr sr Latn sl sv ta tr uk vi zh_CN zh_TW"
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/control-center: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/control-center: database-properties.desktop
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/control-center: .deps
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/control-center: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/control-center: Makefile.in
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: COPYING
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: CVS
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/data: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/data: libgnomedb.keys
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/data: libgnomedb.schemas
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/data: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/data: Makefile.in
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: depcomp
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc/C: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C: html
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C: libgnomedb-decl-list.txt
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C: libgnomedb-decl.txt
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C: libgnomedb-undocumented.txt
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C: Makefile.in
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc/C/tmpl: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: db-shell.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: gnome-db-browser-private.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: gnome-db-find-dialog.sgml.bak
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: gnome-db-i18n.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: libgnomedb-private.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: libgnomedb-unused.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: sql-viewer.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: table-properties-dialog.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: tables-page.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: utils.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C: xml
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc: libgnomedb-C.omf
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc: Makefile.in
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc: reference
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/glade: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/glade: .deps
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/glade: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/glade: Makefile.in
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: HACKING
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: INSTALL
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: install-sh
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: intltool-extract
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: intltool-extract.in
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: intltool-merge
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: intltool-merge.in
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: intltool-update
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: intltool-update.in
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: lib
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb: .deps
diff -rbB ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.c ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.c
> enum {
> };
> static gint combo_signals[LAST_SIGNAL];
> 	/* add class signals */
> 	combo_signals[MODEL_CHANGED] =
> 		g_signal_new ("model_changed",
> 			      G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class),
> 			      G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,
> 			      G_STRUCT_OFFSET (GnomeDbComboClass, model_changed),
> 			      NULL, NULL,
> 			      g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID,
> 			      G_TYPE_NONE, 0);
> 	combo->priv->col = 0;
> 	gtk_combo_box_set_model(GTK_COMBO_BOX(combo), NULL);
< 	g_return_val_if_fail (col >= 0, NULL);
> 	g_return_val_if_fail (col >= 0 && col < gda_data_model_get_n_columns(model), NULL);
< 	gint rows, i, cols;
< 	const GdaValue *value;
< 	GList *list = NULL;
> 	gint rows, i;
> 	GdaValue *value;
> 	GtkTreeStore *combo_model;
> 	GtkTreeIter iter;
< 	cols = gda_data_model_get_n_columns (model);
< 	if (rows == 0 || cols < combo->priv->col) {
< 		list = g_list_append (list, "");
< 		gtk_combo_set_popdown_strings (GTK_COMBO (combo), list);
< 		g_list_free (list);
< 		return;
< 	}
> 	combo_model = gtk_tree_store_new(1, G_TYPE_STRING);
> 	/* Set the values to ListStore */
> 		gtk_tree_store_append(combo_model,&iter, NULL);
< 		list = g_list_append (list, gda_value_stringify (value));
> 		gtk_tree_store_set(combo_model,&iter,0,gda_value_stringify(value),-1);
> 	gtk_combo_box_set_model(GTK_COMBO_BOX(combo), combo_model);
> 	gtk_combo_box_entry_set_text_column(GTK_COMBO_BOX_ENTRY(combo), 0);
< 	gtk_combo_set_popdown_strings (GTK_COMBO (combo), list);
< 	g_list_foreach (list, (GFunc) g_free, NULL);
< 	g_list_free (list);
< 	GList *list = NULL;
> 	g_return_if_fail (col >= 0 && col < gda_data_model_get_n_columns(model));
< 		g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func (G_OBJECT (combo->priv->model), model_changed_cb, combo);
< 	combo->priv->model = model;
< 	if (model != NULL) {
< 		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (combo->priv->model), "changed",
< 				  G_CALLBACK (model_changed_cb), combo);
> 	combo->priv->model = model;
< 	} else {
< 		list = g_list_append (list, "");
< 		gtk_combo_set_popdown_strings (GTK_COMBO (combo), list);
< 		g_list_free (list);
< 	}
> 	g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (combo), combo_signals[MODEL_CHANGED], 0);
<  * Returns: the column of the #GdaDataModel stored by the #GnomeDbCombo.
>  * Returns: the column of the #GdaDataModel showed by the #GnomeDbCombo.
diff -rbB ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.h ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.h
< #include <gtk/gtkcombo.h>
> #include <gtk/gtkcomboboxentry.h>
> #include <gtk/gtktreestore.h>
< 	GtkCombo combo;
> 	GtkComboBoxEntry combo;
< 	GtkComboClass parent_class;
> 	GtkComboBoxEntryClass parent_class;
> 	void (* model_changed) (GnomeDbCombo *combo);
diff -rbB ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-data-source-selector.c ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-data-source-selector.c
< 	GList *dsn_list, *l;
< 	/* load data sources */
< 	dsn_list = gnome_db_config_get_data_source_list ();
< 	for (l = dsn_list; l != NULL; l = l->next) {
< 		GdaDataSourceInfo *dsn_info = (GdaDataSourceInfo *) l->data;
< 		if (!dsn_info)
< 			continue;
< 		if (name != NULL && strcmp (name, dsn_info->name) != 0)
< 			continue;
< 		/* add the data source to the option menu */
< 		gnome_db_option_menu_add_item (GTK_OPTION_MENU (selector), dsn_info->name);
< 	}
diff -rbB ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c
> 	gboolean show_navigator_buttons;
> 	g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (form), form_signals[ROW_CHANGED], 0);
> 	g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (form), form_signals[ROW_CHANGED], 0);
> 	g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (form), form_signals[ROW_CHANGED], 0);
> 	g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (form), form_signals[ROW_CHANGED], 0);
> 	if(form->priv->show_navigator_buttons) {
> 	}
> 	{
> 	}
> 	form_signals[ROW_CHANGED] =
> 		g_signal_new ("row_changed",
> 			      G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class),
> 			      G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,
> 			      G_STRUCT_OFFSET (GnomeDbFormClass, row_changed),
> 			      NULL, NULL,
> 			      g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID,
> 			      G_TYPE_NONE, 0);
> 	form->priv->show_navigator_buttons = TRUE;
> 	g_return_if_fail (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (model));
< }
> 	}
> void
> gnome_db_form_show_navigator_buttons(GnomeDbForm *form, gboolean value)
> {
> 	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FORM (form));
> 	form->priv->show_navigator_buttons= value;
> 	setup_widgets_for_model(form);
> }
> gboolean
> gnome_db_form_is_navigator_buttons_shown(GnomeDbForm *form)
> {
> 	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FORM (form));
> 	return form->priv->show_navigator_buttons;
> }
diff -rbB ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.h ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.h
> 	void (* row_changed) (GnomeDbForm *form);
> void			 gnome_db_form_show_navigator_buttons(GnomeDbForm *form, gboolean value);
> gboolean         gnome_db_form_is_navigator_buttons_shown(GnomeDbForm *form);
diff -rbB ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c
< 	g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_OPTION_MENU(login->priv->dsn_entry));
diff -rbB ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c
< 	combo = gtk_combo_new ();
> 	combo = gtk_combo_box_entry_new ();
> /**
>  * gnome_db_value_get_from_date_edit saves the contents of a #GnomeDateEdit in to a #GdaValue.
>  * 
>  * @dateedit: a #GnomeDateEdit widget
>  * Returns: #GdaValue in the #GnomeDateEdit widget.
>  */
> GdaValue *
> gnome_db_value_get_from_date_edit(GnomeDateEdit *dateedit)
> {
> 	time_t time;
> 	GDate *date = NULL;
> 	GdaDate gda_date;
> 	GdaValue *val = NULL;
> 	time = gnome_date_edit_get_time(dateedit);
> 	date = g_date_new();
> 	g_date_set_time(date, time);
> 	gda_date.year = (gshort) g_date_get_year(date);
> 	gda_date.month = (gushort) g_date_get_month(date);
> 	gda_date.day = (gushort) g_date_get_day(date);
> 	val = gda_value_new_date(&gda_date);
> 	return val;
> }
> /**
>  * gnome_db_date_edit_set_from_value set the contents of a #GnomeDateEdit from #GdaValue.
>  * 
>  * @dateedit: a #GnomeDateEdit widget
>  * @value: a #GdaValue to save to.
>  * Returns: #GdaValue in the #GnomeDateEdit widget.
>  */
> void
> gnome_db_date_edit_set_from_value(GnomeDateEdit *dateedit, GdaValue *value)
> {
> 	time_t time;
> 	GdaDate *gda_date;
> 	GDate *date;
> 	struct tm tm_struct;
> 	gda_date = gda_value_get_date(value);
> 	date = g_date_new();
> 	g_date_set_dmy(date, (GDateDay) gda_date->day,
> 						(GDateMonth) gda_date->month,
> 						(GDateYear) gda_date->year);
> 	g_date_to_struct_tm(date,&tm_struct);
> 	time = mktime(&tm_struct);
> 	gnome_date_edit_set_time(dateedit,time);
> }
diff -rbB ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h
> #include <libgda/gda-value.h>
> #include <libgnomeui/gnome-dateedit.h>
> GdaValue	*gnome_db_value_get_from_date_edit(GnomeDateEdit *dateedit);
> void		 gnome_db_date_edit_set_from_value(GnomeDateEdit *dateedit, GdaValue *value);
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb: Makefile.in
diff -rbB ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/tables-page.c ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/tables-page.c
< 		g_object_unref (priv->cnc);
> 		g_object_unref (cnc);
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: libgnomedb.pc
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: libgnomedb.spec
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: libtool
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: ltmain.sh
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: Makefile.in
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: missing
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: mkinstalldirs
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: monikers
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: az.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: be.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ca.gmo
diff -rbB ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/ChangeLog ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/ChangeLog
< 2004-09-26  Adam Weinberger  <adamw gnome org>
< 	* en_CA.po: Updated Canadian English translation.
< 2004-09-03  Laurent Dhima  <laurenti alblinux net>
< 	* sq.po: Added Albanian translation.
< 2004-09-02  Alessio Frusciante  <algol firenze linux it>
< 	* it.po: Updated Italian translation by
< 	Alessio Dessì <alkex inwind it>.
< 2004-08-21  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>
< 	* nb.po: Add.
< 2004-08-13  Tommi Vainikainen  <thv iki fi>
< 	* fi.po: Unified some fields in po headers for Finnish team.
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: cs.gmo
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: da.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: de.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: el.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: en_CA.gmo
diff -rbB ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/en_CA.po ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/en_CA.po
< #
< "POT-Creation-Date: 2004-09-26 12:47-0400\n"
< "PO-Revision-Date: 2004-09-26 19:42-0400\n"
> "POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"
> "PO-Revision-Date: 2004-06-10 19:42-0700\n"
< "this dialogue. To open your newly created data source,\n"
> "this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: en_GB.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: es.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: fa.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: fi.gmo
diff -rbB ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/fi.po ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/fi.po
< "Language-Team: Finnish <gnome-fi-laatu lists sourceforge net>\n"
> "Language-Team: Finnish <gnome-fi-laatu lists sourceforge org>\n"
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: fr.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ga.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: gl.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: hr.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: hu.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: it.gmo
diff -rbB ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/it.po ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/it.po
< # Alessio Dessì <alkex inwind it>, 2004.
< "POT-Creation-Date: 2004-09-02 20:42+0200\n"
< "PO-Revision-Date: 2004-04-07 18:55+0200\n"
> "POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"
> "PO-Revision-Date: 2002-12-04 21:47+0100\n"
< msgstr "Configurazione ambiente del database"
> msgstr ""
< msgstr "Nome"
> msgstr ""
< msgstr "Sorgenti di dati configurate nel sistema"
> msgstr ""
< "verso un fornitore o una combinazione di database specifici sono "
> "verso un fornitore o verso una combo di database specifici sono "
< msgstr "Non è stata fornita nessuna informazione per la sorgente dati"
> msgstr "Non è stata creata nessuna informazione di sorgente dati"
< msgstr "Fornitori installati"
> msgstr ""
< msgstr "File dei parametri delle connessioni a database"
> msgstr ""
< msgstr "Documenti"
> msgstr ""
< msgstr "Visualizzatore di codice SQL"
> msgstr ""
< msgstr "Tipo di carattere da usare per il widget griglia"
> msgstr ""
< msgstr "Numero di spazi per il «tab»"
> msgstr ""
< msgstr "Mostra i numeri di riga nell'editor di sorgenti"
> msgstr ""
< msgstr "Usa l'evidenziazione nell'editor del codice sorgente"
> msgstr ""
< msgstr "Servizi di database per GNOME Desktop"
> msgstr ""
< msgstr "Informazioni"
> msgstr ""
< msgstr "Informazioni su GNOME-DB"
> msgstr ""
< msgstr "Chiude questa finestra"
> msgstr ""
< msgstr "Crea un nuovo elemento"
> msgstr ""
> #, fuzzy
< msgstr "Modifica le proprietà per l'elemento selezionato"
> msgstr ""
< msgstr "Salva i parametri della connessione in un file"
> msgstr ""
< msgstr "Seleziona tutto"
> msgstr "Seleziona tutte le voci nella lista"
< #, fuzzy
< msgstr "Cancella selezione"
> msgstr ""
< msgstr "_Chiudi"
> msgstr ""
< msgstr "Ca_ncella"
> msgstr ""
< msgstr "_Modifica"
> msgstr ""
< msgstr "A_iuto"
> msgstr ""
< msgstr "Proprietà"
> msgstr "Procedure"
> #, fuzzy
< msgstr "Sal_va connessione"
> msgstr "Salva in"
< msgstr "ID"
> msgstr ""
< msgstr "Posizione"
> msgstr ""
> #, fuzzy
< msgstr "Nome host"
> msgstr "Nome utente"
< msgstr "Dominio"
> msgstr ""
< msgstr "Ã? necessario inserire un nome per la nuova sorgente di dati"
> msgstr "Bisogna inserire un nome per la nuova sorgente di dati"
< #, fuzzy
< msgstr "I nomi delle sorgenti di dati non possono contenere spazi"
> msgstr ""
< msgstr "Esiste già una sorgente di dati con lo stesso nome"
> msgstr ""
< msgstr "I nomi delle sorgenti di dati non possono contenere spazi"
> msgstr ""
< "I nomi delle sorgenti di dati possono contenere solo lettere e numeri ASCII"
< msgstr "Ã? necessario selezionare un fornitore per la nuova sorgente di dati"
> msgstr "Bisogna selezionare un fornitore per la nuova sorgente di dati"
< "L'assistente farà da guida attraverso il processo di creazione\n"
< "di una nuova sorgente dati per l'installazione personale\n"
> "Quest'assistente farà da guida attraverso il processo di\n"
> "creazione di una nuova sorgente dati per l'installazione personale\n"
< "I seguenti campi rappresentano le voci di informazioni di base\n"
< "per la nuova sorgente di dati. Alcune di esse (descrizione,\n"
> "I seguenti campi rappresentano le voci di informazioni\n"
> "di base per la nuova sorgente di dati. Alcune di esse (descrizione,\n"
< "Se non si sà quale fornitore utilizzare, selezionare quello\n"
< "predefinito"
> "Se non si sà quale fornitore utilizzare, si selezioni\n"
> "quello predefinito"
< msgstr "Nome utente:"
> msgstr "Nome utente"
< msgstr "Password:"
> msgstr "Password"
< "I seguenti campi rappresentano l'informazione richiesta dal fornitore\n"
< "selezionato nella pagina precedente per aprire una certa connessione.\n"
< "Questa informazione è specifica del fornitore, controllare il manuale per\n"
< "maggiori informazioni"
> "I seguenti campi rappresentano l'informazione richiesta\n"
> "dal fornitore selezionato nella pagina precedente per aprire\n"
> "una certa connessione. Questa informazione è specifica al fornitore,\n"
> "quindi si controlli il manuale per maggiori informazioni"
< "una nuova sorgente di dati. Premere «Applica» per chiudere questa\n"
< "finestra di dialogo. Per aprire la sorgente di dati appena creata,\n"
< "basta selezionarla quando viene richiesta una sorgente di dati"
> "una nuova sorgente di dati. Premere «Applica» per chiudere\n"
> "questa finestra di dialogo. Per aprire la sorgente di dati appena\n"
> "creata, basta selezionarla quando viene richiesta una sorgente di dati"
< msgstr "Si è verificato un errore nel database sottostante"
> msgstr ""
> #, fuzzy
< msgstr "Dettagli"
> msgstr "Dettaglio"
< msgstr "Campi"
> msgstr "Titolo"
> #, fuzzy
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Prova"
< msgstr "Descrizione dell'insieme di record"
> msgstr "Descrizione del recordset"
< #, fuzzy, c-format
> #, c-format
< "Il file %s esiste già\n"
< "Sovrascriverlo?"
< msgstr "Ã? necessario specificare un nome di file"
> msgstr "Bisogna specificare un nome di file"
< msgstr "Ricevuto file vuoto durante la conversione dei dati"
> msgstr ""
> #, fuzzy
< msgstr "Descrive"
> msgstr "Descrivi..."
< msgstr "Si è tentato di inizializzare un client già inizializzato"
> msgstr "� stato tentato di inizializzare un client già inizializzato"
< "Inserire gli argomenti per aprire una connessione\n"
< "a una sorgente di dati qui sotto"
> #, fuzzy
< msgstr "Sorgente dati:"
> msgstr "Sorgente dati"
> #, fuzzy
< msgstr "Nome utente:"
> msgstr "Nome utente"
> #, fuzzy
< msgstr "Password:"
> msgstr "Password"
< msgstr "Campi"
> msgstr ""
< msgstr "Esegui commit"
> msgstr ""
< msgstr "Connetti"
> msgstr ""
< msgstr "Proggettista"
> msgstr ""
< msgstr "Disconnetti"
> msgstr ""
< msgstr "NessunaTransazione"
> msgstr ""
< msgstr "Query"
> msgstr ""
< msgstr "Reverti commit"
> msgstr ""
< msgstr "SQL"
> msgstr ""
< msgstr "InternamenteAllaTransazione"
> msgstr ""
< #, c-format
> #, fuzzy, c-format
< msgstr "Errore: %s"
> msgstr "Errore"
< msgstr "Login per %s"
> msgstr ""
< msgstr "Login al database"
> msgstr ""
> #, fuzzy
< msgstr "Proprietà della tabella"
> msgstr "Proprietà del database"
> #, fuzzy
< msgstr "Nuova"
> msgstr ""
< msgstr "Crea una nuova tabella"
> msgstr ""
> #, fuzzy
< msgstr "Proprietà"
> msgstr "Procedure"
> #, fuzzy
< msgstr "Visualizza proprietà della tabella"
> msgstr "Proprietà del database"
< #, fuzzy
< msgstr "ID"
> msgstr ""
< #, fuzzy
< msgstr "Posizione"
> msgstr ""
< #, fuzzy
< msgstr "Cancella selezione"
> msgstr ""
> #, fuzzy
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Non è possibile aprire una connessione verso %s"
< msgstr "Preferen_ze"
> msgstr "Sequenze"
< #, fuzzy
< msgstr "Esegui commit"
> msgstr ""
< #~ msgid "Browse database..."
< #~ msgstr "Esplorazione database..."
< #~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .connection files"
< #~ msgstr ""
< #~ "Componente che include le voci del menu contestuale per i file .connection"
< #~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .sql files"
< #~ msgstr "Componente che include le voci del menu contestuale per i file .sql"
< #~ msgid "Connection MIME handler component"
< #~ msgstr "Componente del gestore dei tipi di connessione MIME"
< #~ msgid "Database component factory"
< #~ msgstr "Produttore di componenti Database"
< #~ msgid "Open in database connection..."
< #~ msgstr "Apre all'interno di una connessione a database..."
< #~ msgid "SQL MIME handler component"
< #~ msgstr "Componente del gestore di tipi MIME SQL"
> #, fuzzy
< #~ msgstr "Esploratore di database"
> #~ msgstr "Proprietà del database"
< #~ msgid "SQL Viewer"
< #~ msgstr "Visualizzatore SQL"
> #, fuzzy
< #~ msgstr "Configurazione del database"
< #~ msgid "Edit application preferences"
< #~ msgstr "Modifica le preferenze dell'applicazione"
< #~ msgid "New..."
< #~ msgstr "Nuovo..."
< #~ msgid "_File"
< #~ msgstr "_File"
< #~ msgid "_Properties..."
< #~ msgstr "P_roprietà..."
> #~ msgstr "Proprietà del database"
> #, fuzzy
< #~ msgstr "Im_postazioni"
> #~ msgstr "Impostazioni"
< #~ msgstr "Salva come"
> #~ msgstr "Salva come..."
< #~ msgid "Table Data"
< #~ msgstr "Tabella dei dati"
< #~ msgid "View table data"
< #~ msgstr "Visualizza dati della tabella"
> #, fuzzy
< #~ msgstr "Produttore Moniker del database"
> #~ msgstr "Proprietà del database"
> #, fuzzy
< #~ msgstr "database: moniker"
> #~ msgstr "Proprietà del database"
< #~ msgstr "Fallita la produzione di un «%s»"
> #~ msgstr "� fallita la manifatturazione di un «%s»"
> #~ msgid "Data sources"
> #~ msgstr "Sorgenti di dati"
> #~ msgid "Test Data Source"
> #~ msgstr "Prova sorgente di dati"
> #~ msgid "Connection to %s successful!"
> #~ msgstr "Connessione verso %s riuscita!"
> #~ msgid "Data source"
> #~ msgstr "Sorgente di dati"
> #~ msgid "Select all"
> #~ msgstr "Seleziona tutto"
> #~ msgid "Unselect all"
> #~ msgstr "Deseleziona tutto"
> #~ msgid "Unselect All"
> #~ msgstr "Deseleziona tutto"
> #~ msgid "Display column headers"
> #~ msgstr "Visualizza intestazioni di colonna"
> #~ msgid "Hide column headers"
> #~ msgstr "Nascondi le intestazioni di colonna"
> #~ msgid "Save as..."
> #~ msgstr "Salva come..."
> #~ msgid "Export data to different formats"
> #~ msgstr "Esporta dati in formati differenti"
> #~ msgid "Describe current data set"
> #~ msgstr "Descrive il set di dati corrente"
> #~ msgid "View current data in more detail"
> #~ msgstr "Visualizza i dati correnti più in dettaglio"
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ja.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ko.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: libgnomedb-2.pot
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: Makefile.in
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: Makefile.in.in
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po: mk.po
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ml.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ms.gmo
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po: nb.po
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: nl.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: no.gmo
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po: pa.po
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: pl.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: POTFILES
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po: POTFILES.skip
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: pt_BR.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: pt.gmo
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po: README.translators
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ru.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: sk.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: sl.gmo
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po: sq.po
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: sr.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: sr Latn gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: sv.gmo
diff -rbB ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/sv.po ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/sv.po
< # $Id: sv.po,v 1.83 2004/08/12 14:44:29 rodrigo Exp $
> # $Id: sv.po,v 1.82 2004/06/07 22:33:37 rodrigo Exp $
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ta.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: tr.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: uk.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: vi.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: zh_CN.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: zh_TW.gmo
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: providers
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: stamp.h
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/testing: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/testing: .deps
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/testing: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/testing: Makefile.in
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: vfs
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: aclocal.m4
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: autogen.sh
diff -rbB ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/ChangeLog ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/ChangeLog
< 2004-09-25  Gustavo R. Montesino <grmontesino ig com br>
< 	Fixes #150791
< 	* libgnomedb/tables-page.c (tables_page_set_connection): unref the
< 	old connection, not the new one.
< 2004-09-22  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
< 	* configure.in: removed GNOME_COMPILE_WARNINGS macro.
< 2004-08-21  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>
< 	* configure.in: Add «nb» to ALL_LINGUAS.
< 2004-08-12  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
< 	Released 1.1.6.
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: components
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: config.guess
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: config.log
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: config.status
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: config.sub
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: configure
diff -rbB ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/configure.in ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/configure.in
< ALL_LINGUAS="az be ca cs da de el en_CA en_GB es fa fi fr ga gl hr hu it ja ko ml ms nb nl no pl pt pt_BR ru sk sl sq sr sr Latn sv ta tr uk vi zh_CN zh_TW"
> ALL_LINGUAS="az be ca cs da de el en_CA en_GB es fa fi fr ga gl hr hu it ja ko ml ms nl no pl pt pt_BR ru sk sr sr Latn sl sv ta tr uk vi zh_CN zh_TW"
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/control-center: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/control-center: database-properties.desktop
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/control-center: .deps
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/control-center: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/control-center: Makefile.in
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: COPYING
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: CVS
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/data: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/data: libgnomedb.keys
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/data: libgnomedb.schemas
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/data: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/data: Makefile.in
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: depcomp
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc/C: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C: html
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C: libgnomedb-decl-list.txt
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C: libgnomedb-decl.txt
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C: libgnomedb-undocumented.txt
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C: Makefile.in
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc/C/tmpl: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: db-shell.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: gnome-db-browser-private.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: gnome-db-find-dialog.sgml.bak
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: gnome-db-i18n.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: libgnomedb-private.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: libgnomedb-unused.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: sql-viewer.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: table-properties-dialog.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: tables-page.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: utils.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C: xml
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc: libgnomedb-C.omf
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc: Makefile.in
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc: reference
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/glade: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/glade: .deps
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/glade: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/glade: Makefile.in
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: HACKING
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: INSTALL
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: install-sh
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: intltool-extract
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: intltool-extract.in
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: intltool-merge
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: intltool-merge.in
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: intltool-update
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: intltool-update.in
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: lib
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb: .deps
diff -rbB ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.c ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.c
> enum {
> };
> static gint combo_signals[LAST_SIGNAL];
> 	/* add class signals */
> 	combo_signals[MODEL_CHANGED] =
> 		g_signal_new ("model_changed",
> 			      G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class),
> 			      G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,
> 			      G_STRUCT_OFFSET (GnomeDbComboClass, model_changed),
> 			      NULL, NULL,
> 			      g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID,
> 			      G_TYPE_NONE, 0);
> 	combo->priv->col = 0;
> 	gtk_combo_box_set_model(GTK_COMBO_BOX(combo), NULL);
< 	g_return_val_if_fail (col >= 0, NULL);
> 	g_return_val_if_fail (col >= 0 && col < gda_data_model_get_n_columns(model), NULL);
< 	gint rows, i, cols;
< 	const GdaValue *value;
< 	GList *list = NULL;
> 	gint rows, i;
> 	GdaValue *value;
> 	GtkTreeStore *combo_model;
> 	GtkTreeIter iter;
< 	cols = gda_data_model_get_n_columns (model);
< 	if (rows == 0 || cols < combo->priv->col) {
< 		list = g_list_append (list, "");
< 		gtk_combo_set_popdown_strings (GTK_COMBO (combo), list);
< 		g_list_free (list);
< 		return;
< 	}
> 	combo_model = gtk_tree_store_new(1, G_TYPE_STRING);
> 	/* Set the values to ListStore */
> 		gtk_tree_store_append(combo_model,&iter, NULL);
< 		list = g_list_append (list, gda_value_stringify (value));
> 		gtk_tree_store_set(combo_model,&iter,0,gda_value_stringify(value),-1);
> 	gtk_combo_box_set_model(GTK_COMBO_BOX(combo), combo_model);
> 	gtk_combo_box_entry_set_text_column(GTK_COMBO_BOX_ENTRY(combo), 0);
< 	gtk_combo_set_popdown_strings (GTK_COMBO (combo), list);
< 	g_list_foreach (list, (GFunc) g_free, NULL);
< 	g_list_free (list);
< 	GList *list = NULL;
> 	g_return_if_fail (col >= 0 && col < gda_data_model_get_n_columns(model));
< 		g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func (G_OBJECT (combo->priv->model), model_changed_cb, combo);
< 	combo->priv->model = model;
< 	if (model != NULL) {
< 		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (combo->priv->model), "changed",
< 				  G_CALLBACK (model_changed_cb), combo);
> 	combo->priv->model = model;
< 	} else {
< 		list = g_list_append (list, "");
< 		gtk_combo_set_popdown_strings (GTK_COMBO (combo), list);
< 		g_list_free (list);
< 	}
> 	g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (combo), combo_signals[MODEL_CHANGED], 0);
<  * Returns: the column of the #GdaDataModel stored by the #GnomeDbCombo.
>  * Returns: the column of the #GdaDataModel showed by the #GnomeDbCombo.
diff -rbB ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.h ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.h
< #include <gtk/gtkcombo.h>
> #include <gtk/gtkcomboboxentry.h>
> #include <gtk/gtktreestore.h>
< 	GtkCombo combo;
> 	GtkComboBoxEntry combo;
< 	GtkComboClass parent_class;
> 	GtkComboBoxEntryClass parent_class;
> 	void (* model_changed) (GnomeDbCombo *combo);
diff -rbB ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-data-source-selector.c ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-data-source-selector.c
< 	GList *dsn_list, *l;
< 	/* load data sources */
< 	dsn_list = gnome_db_config_get_data_source_list ();
< 	for (l = dsn_list; l != NULL; l = l->next) {
< 		GdaDataSourceInfo *dsn_info = (GdaDataSourceInfo *) l->data;
< 		if (!dsn_info)
< 			continue;
< 		if (name != NULL && strcmp (name, dsn_info->name) != 0)
< 			continue;
< 		/* add the data source to the option menu */
< 		gnome_db_option_menu_add_item (GTK_OPTION_MENU (selector), dsn_info->name);
< 	}
diff -rbB ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c
> 	gboolean show_navigator_buttons;
> 	g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (form), form_signals[ROW_CHANGED], 0);
> 	g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (form), form_signals[ROW_CHANGED], 0);
> 	g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (form), form_signals[ROW_CHANGED], 0);
> 	g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (form), form_signals[ROW_CHANGED], 0);
> 	if(form->priv->show_navigator_buttons) {
> 	}
> 	{
> 	}
> 	form_signals[ROW_CHANGED] =
> 		g_signal_new ("row_changed",
> 			      G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class),
> 			      G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,
> 			      G_STRUCT_OFFSET (GnomeDbFormClass, row_changed),
> 			      NULL, NULL,
> 			      g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID,
> 			      G_TYPE_NONE, 0);
> 	form->priv->show_navigator_buttons = TRUE;
> 	g_return_if_fail (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (model));
< }
> 	}
> void
> gnome_db_form_show_navigator_buttons(GnomeDbForm *form, gboolean value)
> {
> 	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FORM (form));
> 	form->priv->show_navigator_buttons= value;
> 	setup_widgets_for_model(form);
> }
> gboolean
> gnome_db_form_is_navigator_buttons_shown(GnomeDbForm *form)
> {
> 	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FORM (form));
> 	return form->priv->show_navigator_buttons;
> }
diff -rbB ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.h ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.h
> 	void (* row_changed) (GnomeDbForm *form);
> void			 gnome_db_form_show_navigator_buttons(GnomeDbForm *form, gboolean value);
> gboolean         gnome_db_form_is_navigator_buttons_shown(GnomeDbForm *form);
diff -rbB ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c
< 	g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_OPTION_MENU(login->priv->dsn_entry));
diff -rbB ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c
< 	combo = gtk_combo_new ();
> 	combo = gtk_combo_box_entry_new ();
> /**
>  * gnome_db_value_get_from_date_edit saves the contents of a #GnomeDateEdit in to a #GdaValue.
>  * 
>  * @dateedit: a #GnomeDateEdit widget
>  * Returns: #GdaValue in the #GnomeDateEdit widget.
>  */
> GdaValue *
> gnome_db_value_get_from_date_edit(GnomeDateEdit *dateedit)
> {
> 	time_t time;
> 	GDate *date = NULL;
> 	GdaDate gda_date;
> 	GdaValue *val = NULL;
> 	time = gnome_date_edit_get_time(dateedit);
> 	date = g_date_new();
> 	g_date_set_time(date, time);
> 	gda_date.year = (gshort) g_date_get_year(date);
> 	gda_date.month = (gushort) g_date_get_month(date);
> 	gda_date.day = (gushort) g_date_get_day(date);
> 	val = gda_value_new_date(&gda_date);
> 	return val;
> }
> /**
>  * gnome_db_date_edit_set_from_value set the contents of a #GnomeDateEdit from #GdaValue.
>  * 
>  * @dateedit: a #GnomeDateEdit widget
>  * @value: a #GdaValue to save to.
>  * Returns: #GdaValue in the #GnomeDateEdit widget.
>  */
> void
> gnome_db_date_edit_set_from_value(GnomeDateEdit *dateedit, GdaValue *value)
> {
> 	time_t time;
> 	GdaDate *gda_date;
> 	GDate *date;
> 	struct tm tm_struct;
> 	gda_date = gda_value_get_date(value);
> 	date = g_date_new();
> 	g_date_set_dmy(date, (GDateDay) gda_date->day,
> 						(GDateMonth) gda_date->month,
> 						(GDateYear) gda_date->year);
> 	g_date_to_struct_tm(date,&tm_struct);
> 	time = mktime(&tm_struct);
> 	gnome_date_edit_set_time(dateedit,time);
> }
diff -rbB ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h
> #include <libgda/gda-value.h>
> #include <libgnomeui/gnome-dateedit.h>
> GdaValue	*gnome_db_value_get_from_date_edit(GnomeDateEdit *dateedit);
> void		 gnome_db_date_edit_set_from_value(GnomeDateEdit *dateedit, GdaValue *value);
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb: Makefile.in
diff -rbB ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/tables-page.c ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/tables-page.c
< 		g_object_unref (priv->cnc);
> 		g_object_unref (cnc);
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: libgnomedb.pc
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: libgnomedb.spec
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: libtool
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: ltmain.sh
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: Makefile.in
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: missing
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: mkinstalldirs
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: monikers
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: az.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: be.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ca.gmo
diff -rbB ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/ChangeLog ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/ChangeLog
< 2004-09-26  Adam Weinberger  <adamw gnome org>
< 	* en_CA.po: Updated Canadian English translation.
< 2004-09-03  Laurent Dhima  <laurenti alblinux net>
< 	* sq.po: Added Albanian translation.
< 2004-09-02  Alessio Frusciante  <algol firenze linux it>
< 	* it.po: Updated Italian translation by
< 	Alessio Dessì <alkex inwind it>.
< 2004-08-21  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>
< 	* nb.po: Add.
< 2004-08-13  Tommi Vainikainen  <thv iki fi>
< 	* fi.po: Unified some fields in po headers for Finnish team.
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: cs.gmo
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: da.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: de.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: el.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: en_CA.gmo
diff -rbB ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/en_CA.po ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/en_CA.po
< #
< "POT-Creation-Date: 2004-09-26 12:47-0400\n"
< "PO-Revision-Date: 2004-09-26 19:42-0400\n"
> "POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"
> "PO-Revision-Date: 2004-06-10 19:42-0700\n"
< "this dialogue. To open your newly created data source,\n"
> "this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: en_GB.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: es.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: fa.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: fi.gmo
diff -rbB ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/fi.po ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/fi.po
< "Language-Team: Finnish <gnome-fi-laatu lists sourceforge net>\n"
> "Language-Team: Finnish <gnome-fi-laatu lists sourceforge org>\n"
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: fr.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ga.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: gl.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: hr.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: hu.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: it.gmo
diff -rbB ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/it.po ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/it.po
< # Alessio Dessì <alkex inwind it>, 2004.
< "POT-Creation-Date: 2004-09-02 20:42+0200\n"
< "PO-Revision-Date: 2004-04-07 18:55+0200\n"
> "POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"
> "PO-Revision-Date: 2002-12-04 21:47+0100\n"
< msgstr "Configurazione ambiente del database"
> msgstr ""
< msgstr "Nome"
> msgstr ""
< msgstr "Sorgenti di dati configurate nel sistema"
> msgstr ""
< "verso un fornitore o una combinazione di database specifici sono "
> "verso un fornitore o verso una combo di database specifici sono "
< msgstr "Non è stata fornita nessuna informazione per la sorgente dati"
> msgstr "Non è stata creata nessuna informazione di sorgente dati"
< msgstr "Fornitori installati"
> msgstr ""
< msgstr "File dei parametri delle connessioni a database"
> msgstr ""
< msgstr "Documenti"
> msgstr ""
< msgstr "Visualizzatore di codice SQL"
> msgstr ""
< msgstr "Tipo di carattere da usare per il widget griglia"
> msgstr ""
< msgstr "Numero di spazi per il «tab»"
> msgstr ""
< msgstr "Mostra i numeri di riga nell'editor di sorgenti"
> msgstr ""
< msgstr "Usa l'evidenziazione nell'editor del codice sorgente"
> msgstr ""
< msgstr "Servizi di database per GNOME Desktop"
> msgstr ""
< msgstr "Informazioni"
> msgstr ""
< msgstr "Informazioni su GNOME-DB"
> msgstr ""
< msgstr "Chiude questa finestra"
> msgstr ""
< msgstr "Crea un nuovo elemento"
> msgstr ""
> #, fuzzy
< msgstr "Modifica le proprietà per l'elemento selezionato"
> msgstr ""
< msgstr "Salva i parametri della connessione in un file"
> msgstr ""
< msgstr "Seleziona tutto"
> msgstr "Seleziona tutte le voci nella lista"
< #, fuzzy
< msgstr "Cancella selezione"
> msgstr ""
< msgstr "_Chiudi"
> msgstr ""
< msgstr "Ca_ncella"
> msgstr ""
< msgstr "_Modifica"
> msgstr ""
< msgstr "A_iuto"
> msgstr ""
< msgstr "Proprietà"
> msgstr "Procedure"
> #, fuzzy
< msgstr "Sal_va connessione"
> msgstr "Salva in"
< msgstr "ID"
> msgstr ""
< msgstr "Posizione"
> msgstr ""
> #, fuzzy
< msgstr "Nome host"
> msgstr "Nome utente"
< msgstr "Dominio"
> msgstr ""
< msgstr "Ã? necessario inserire un nome per la nuova sorgente di dati"
> msgstr "Bisogna inserire un nome per la nuova sorgente di dati"
< #, fuzzy
< msgstr "I nomi delle sorgenti di dati non possono contenere spazi"
> msgstr ""
< msgstr "Esiste già una sorgente di dati con lo stesso nome"
> msgstr ""
< msgstr "I nomi delle sorgenti di dati non possono contenere spazi"
> msgstr ""
< "I nomi delle sorgenti di dati possono contenere solo lettere e numeri ASCII"
< msgstr "Ã? necessario selezionare un fornitore per la nuova sorgente di dati"
> msgstr "Bisogna selezionare un fornitore per la nuova sorgente di dati"
< "L'assistente farà da guida attraverso il processo di creazione\n"
< "di una nuova sorgente dati per l'installazione personale\n"
> "Quest'assistente farà da guida attraverso il processo di\n"
> "creazione di una nuova sorgente dati per l'installazione personale\n"
< "I seguenti campi rappresentano le voci di informazioni di base\n"
< "per la nuova sorgente di dati. Alcune di esse (descrizione,\n"
> "I seguenti campi rappresentano le voci di informazioni\n"
> "di base per la nuova sorgente di dati. Alcune di esse (descrizione,\n"
< "Se non si sà quale fornitore utilizzare, selezionare quello\n"
< "predefinito"
> "Se non si sà quale fornitore utilizzare, si selezioni\n"
> "quello predefinito"
< msgstr "Nome utente:"
> msgstr "Nome utente"
< msgstr "Password:"
> msgstr "Password"
< "I seguenti campi rappresentano l'informazione richiesta dal fornitore\n"
< "selezionato nella pagina precedente per aprire una certa connessione.\n"
< "Questa informazione è specifica del fornitore, controllare il manuale per\n"
< "maggiori informazioni"
> "I seguenti campi rappresentano l'informazione richiesta\n"
> "dal fornitore selezionato nella pagina precedente per aprire\n"
> "una certa connessione. Questa informazione è specifica al fornitore,\n"
> "quindi si controlli il manuale per maggiori informazioni"
< "una nuova sorgente di dati. Premere «Applica» per chiudere questa\n"
< "finestra di dialogo. Per aprire la sorgente di dati appena creata,\n"
< "basta selezionarla quando viene richiesta una sorgente di dati"
> "una nuova sorgente di dati. Premere «Applica» per chiudere\n"
> "questa finestra di dialogo. Per aprire la sorgente di dati appena\n"
> "creata, basta selezionarla quando viene richiesta una sorgente di dati"
< msgstr "Si è verificato un errore nel database sottostante"
> msgstr ""
> #, fuzzy
< msgstr "Dettagli"
> msgstr "Dettaglio"
< msgstr "Campi"
> msgstr "Titolo"
> #, fuzzy
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Prova"
< msgstr "Descrizione dell'insieme di record"
> msgstr "Descrizione del recordset"
< #, fuzzy, c-format
> #, c-format
< "Il file %s esiste già\n"
< "Sovrascriverlo?"
< msgstr "Ã? necessario specificare un nome di file"
> msgstr "Bisogna specificare un nome di file"
< msgstr "Ricevuto file vuoto durante la conversione dei dati"
> msgstr ""
> #, fuzzy
< msgstr "Descrive"
> msgstr "Descrivi..."
< msgstr "Si è tentato di inizializzare un client già inizializzato"
> msgstr "� stato tentato di inizializzare un client già inizializzato"
< "Inserire gli argomenti per aprire una connessione\n"
< "a una sorgente di dati qui sotto"
> #, fuzzy
< msgstr "Sorgente dati:"
> msgstr "Sorgente dati"
> #, fuzzy
< msgstr "Nome utente:"
> msgstr "Nome utente"
> #, fuzzy
< msgstr "Password:"
> msgstr "Password"
< msgstr "Campi"
> msgstr ""
< msgstr "Esegui commit"
> msgstr ""
< msgstr "Connetti"
> msgstr ""
< msgstr "Proggettista"
> msgstr ""
< msgstr "Disconnetti"
> msgstr ""
< msgstr "NessunaTransazione"
> msgstr ""
< msgstr "Query"
> msgstr ""
< msgstr "Reverti commit"
> msgstr ""
< msgstr "SQL"
> msgstr ""
< msgstr "InternamenteAllaTransazione"
> msgstr ""
< #, c-format
> #, fuzzy, c-format
< msgstr "Errore: %s"
> msgstr "Errore"
< msgstr "Login per %s"
> msgstr ""
< msgstr "Login al database"
> msgstr ""
> #, fuzzy
< msgstr "Proprietà della tabella"
> msgstr "Proprietà del database"
> #, fuzzy
< msgstr "Nuova"
> msgstr ""
< msgstr "Crea una nuova tabella"
> msgstr ""
> #, fuzzy
< msgstr "Proprietà"
> msgstr "Procedure"
> #, fuzzy
< msgstr "Visualizza proprietà della tabella"
> msgstr "Proprietà del database"
< #, fuzzy
< msgstr "ID"
> msgstr ""
< #, fuzzy
< msgstr "Posizione"
> msgstr ""
< #, fuzzy
< msgstr "Cancella selezione"
> msgstr ""
> #, fuzzy
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Non è possibile aprire una connessione verso %s"
< msgstr "Preferen_ze"
> msgstr "Sequenze"
< #, fuzzy
< msgstr "Esegui commit"
> msgstr ""
< #~ msgid "Browse database..."
< #~ msgstr "Esplorazione database..."
< #~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .connection files"
< #~ msgstr ""
< #~ "Componente che include le voci del menu contestuale per i file .connection"
< #~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .sql files"
< #~ msgstr "Componente che include le voci del menu contestuale per i file .sql"
< #~ msgid "Connection MIME handler component"
< #~ msgstr "Componente del gestore dei tipi di connessione MIME"
< #~ msgid "Database component factory"
< #~ msgstr "Produttore di componenti Database"
< #~ msgid "Open in database connection..."
< #~ msgstr "Apre all'interno di una connessione a database..."
< #~ msgid "SQL MIME handler component"
< #~ msgstr "Componente del gestore di tipi MIME SQL"
> #, fuzzy
< #~ msgstr "Esploratore di database"
> #~ msgstr "Proprietà del database"
< #~ msgid "SQL Viewer"
< #~ msgstr "Visualizzatore SQL"
> #, fuzzy
< #~ msgstr "Configurazione del database"
< #~ msgid "Edit application preferences"
< #~ msgstr "Modifica le preferenze dell'applicazione"
< #~ msgid "New..."
< #~ msgstr "Nuovo..."
< #~ msgid "_File"
< #~ msgstr "_File"
< #~ msgid "_Properties..."
< #~ msgstr "P_roprietà..."
> #~ msgstr "Proprietà del database"
> #, fuzzy
< #~ msgstr "Im_postazioni"
> #~ msgstr "Impostazioni"
< #~ msgstr "Salva come"
> #~ msgstr "Salva come..."
< #~ msgid "Table Data"
< #~ msgstr "Tabella dei dati"
< #~ msgid "View table data"
< #~ msgstr "Visualizza dati della tabella"
> #, fuzzy
< #~ msgstr "Produttore Moniker del database"
> #~ msgstr "Proprietà del database"
> #, fuzzy
< #~ msgstr "database: moniker"
> #~ msgstr "Proprietà del database"
< #~ msgstr "Fallita la produzione di un «%s»"
> #~ msgstr "� fallita la manifatturazione di un «%s»"
> #~ msgid "Data sources"
> #~ msgstr "Sorgenti di dati"
> #~ msgid "Test Data Source"
> #~ msgstr "Prova sorgente di dati"
> #~ msgid "Connection to %s successful!"
> #~ msgstr "Connessione verso %s riuscita!"
> #~ msgid "Data source"
> #~ msgstr "Sorgente di dati"
> #~ msgid "Select all"
> #~ msgstr "Seleziona tutto"
> #~ msgid "Unselect all"
> #~ msgstr "Deseleziona tutto"
> #~ msgid "Unselect All"
> #~ msgstr "Deseleziona tutto"
> #~ msgid "Display column headers"
> #~ msgstr "Visualizza intestazioni di colonna"
> #~ msgid "Hide column headers"
> #~ msgstr "Nascondi le intestazioni di colonna"
> #~ msgid "Save as..."
> #~ msgstr "Salva come..."
> #~ msgid "Export data to different formats"
> #~ msgstr "Esporta dati in formati differenti"
> #~ msgid "Describe current data set"
> #~ msgstr "Descrive il set di dati corrente"
> #~ msgid "View current data in more detail"
> #~ msgstr "Visualizza i dati correnti più in dettaglio"
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ja.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ko.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: libgnomedb-2.pot
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: Makefile.in
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: Makefile.in.in
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po: mk.po
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ml.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ms.gmo
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po: nb.po
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: nl.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: no.gmo
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po: pa.po
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: pl.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: POTFILES
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po: POTFILES.skip
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: pt_BR.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: pt.gmo
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po: README.translators
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ru.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: sk.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: sl.gmo
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po: sq.po
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: sr.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: sr Latn gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: sv.gmo
diff -rbB ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/sv.po ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/sv.po
< # $Id: sv.po,v 1.83 2004/08/12 14:44:29 rodrigo Exp $
> # $Id: sv.po,v 1.82 2004/06/07 22:33:37 rodrigo Exp $
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ta.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: tr.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: uk.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: vi.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: zh_CN.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: zh_TW.gmo
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: providers
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: stamp.h
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/testing: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/testing: .deps
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/testing: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/testing: Makefile.in
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: vfs
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: aclocal.m4
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: autogen.sh
diff -rbB ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/ChangeLog ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/ChangeLog
> 2004-09-25  Gustavo R. Montesino <grmontesino ig com br>
> 	Fixes #150791
> 	* libgnomedb/tables-page.c (tables_page_set_connection): unref the
> 	old connection, not the new one.
> 2004-09-22  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
> 	* configure.in: removed GNOME_COMPILE_WARNINGS macro.
> 2004-08-21  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>
> 	* configure.in: Add «nb» to ALL_LINGUAS.
> 2004-08-12  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
> 	Released 1.1.6.
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: components
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: config.guess
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: config.log
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: config.status
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: config.sub
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: configure
diff -rbB ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/configure.in ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/configure.in
< ALL_LINGUAS="az be ca cs da de el en_CA en_GB es fa fi fr ga gl hr hu it ja ko ml ms nl no pl pt pt_BR ru sk sr sr Latn sl sv ta tr uk vi zh_CN zh_TW"
> ALL_LINGUAS="az be ca cs da de el en_CA en_GB es fa fi fr ga gl hr hu it ja ko ml ms nb nl no pl pt pt_BR ru sk sl sq sr sr Latn sv ta tr uk vi zh_CN zh_TW"
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/control-center: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/control-center: database-properties.desktop
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/control-center: .deps
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/control-center: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/control-center: Makefile.in
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: COPYING
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: CVS
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/data: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/data: libgnomedb.keys
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/data: libgnomedb.schemas
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/data: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/data: Makefile.in
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: depcomp
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc/C: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C: html
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C: libgnomedb-decl-list.txt
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C: libgnomedb-decl.txt
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C: libgnomedb-undocumented.txt
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C: Makefile.in
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc/C/tmpl: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: db-shell.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: gnome-db-browser-private.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: gnome-db-find-dialog.sgml.bak
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: gnome-db-i18n.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: libgnomedb-private.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: libgnomedb-unused.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: sql-viewer.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: table-properties-dialog.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: tables-page.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: utils.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C: xml
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc: libgnomedb-C.omf
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc: Makefile.in
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc: reference
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/glade: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/glade: .deps
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/glade: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/glade: Makefile.in
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: HACKING
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: INSTALL
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: install-sh
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: intltool-extract
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: intltool-extract.in
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: intltool-merge
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: intltool-merge.in
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: intltool-update
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: intltool-update.in
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: lib
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb: .deps
diff -rbB ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.c
< enum {
< };
< static gint combo_signals[LAST_SIGNAL];
< 	/* add class signals */
< 	combo_signals[MODEL_CHANGED] =
< 		g_signal_new ("model_changed",
< 			      G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class),
< 			      G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,
< 			      G_STRUCT_OFFSET (GnomeDbComboClass, model_changed),
< 			      NULL, NULL,
< 			      g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID,
< 			      G_TYPE_NONE, 0);
< 	combo->priv->col = 0;
< 	gtk_combo_box_set_model(GTK_COMBO_BOX(combo), NULL);
< 	g_return_val_if_fail (col >= 0 && col < gda_data_model_get_n_columns(model), NULL);
> 	g_return_val_if_fail (col >= 0, NULL);
< 	gint rows, i;
< 	GdaValue *value;
< 	GtkTreeStore *combo_model;
< 	GtkTreeIter iter;
> 	gint rows, i, cols;
> 	const GdaValue *value;
> 	GList *list = NULL;
> 	cols = gda_data_model_get_n_columns (model);
< 	combo_model = gtk_tree_store_new(1, G_TYPE_STRING);
< 	/* Set the values to ListStore */
> 	if (rows == 0 || cols < combo->priv->col) {
> 		list = g_list_append (list, "");
> 		gtk_combo_set_popdown_strings (GTK_COMBO (combo), list);
> 		g_list_free (list);
> 		return;
> 	}
< 		gtk_tree_store_append(combo_model,&iter, NULL);
< 		gtk_tree_store_set(combo_model,&iter,0,gda_value_stringify(value),-1);
> 		list = g_list_append (list, gda_value_stringify (value));
< 	gtk_combo_box_set_model(GTK_COMBO_BOX(combo), combo_model);
< 	gtk_combo_box_entry_set_text_column(GTK_COMBO_BOX_ENTRY(combo), 0);
> 	gtk_combo_set_popdown_strings (GTK_COMBO (combo), list);
> 	g_list_foreach (list, (GFunc) g_free, NULL);
> 	g_list_free (list);
> 	GList *list = NULL;
< 	g_return_if_fail (col >= 0 && col < gda_data_model_get_n_columns(model));
> 		g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func (G_OBJECT (combo->priv->model), model_changed_cb, combo);
< 	g_object_ref (G_OBJECT (model));
> 	if (model != NULL) {
> 		g_object_ref (G_OBJECT (model));
> 		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (combo->priv->model), "changed",
> 				  G_CALLBACK (model_changed_cb), combo);
< 	g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (combo), combo_signals[MODEL_CHANGED], 0);
> 	} else {
> 		list = g_list_append (list, "");
> 		gtk_combo_set_popdown_strings (GTK_COMBO (combo), list);
> 		g_list_free (list);
> 	}
<  * Returns: the column of the #GdaDataModel showed by the #GnomeDbCombo.
>  * Returns: the column of the #GdaDataModel stored by the #GnomeDbCombo.
diff -rbB ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.h ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.h
< #include <gtk/gtkcomboboxentry.h>
< #include <gtk/gtktreestore.h>
> #include <gtk/gtkcombo.h>
< 	GtkComboBoxEntry combo;
> 	GtkCombo combo;
< 	GtkComboBoxEntryClass parent_class;
< 	void (* model_changed) (GnomeDbCombo *combo);
> 	GtkComboClass parent_class;
diff -rbB ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-data-source-selector.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-data-source-selector.c
> 	GList *dsn_list, *l;
> 	/* load data sources */
> 	dsn_list = gnome_db_config_get_data_source_list ();
> 	for (l = dsn_list; l != NULL; l = l->next) {
> 		GdaDataSourceInfo *dsn_info = (GdaDataSourceInfo *) l->data;
> 		if (!dsn_info)
> 			continue;
> 		if (name != NULL && strcmp (name, dsn_info->name) != 0)
> 			continue;
> 		/* add the data source to the option menu */
> 		gnome_db_option_menu_add_item (GTK_OPTION_MENU (selector), dsn_info->name);
> 	}
diff -rbB ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c
< 	gboolean show_navigator_buttons;
< 	g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (form), form_signals[ROW_CHANGED], 0);
< 	g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (form), form_signals[ROW_CHANGED], 0);
< 	g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (form), form_signals[ROW_CHANGED], 0);
< 	g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (form), form_signals[ROW_CHANGED], 0);
< 	if(form->priv->show_navigator_buttons) {
< 	}
< 	{
< 	}
< 	form_signals[ROW_CHANGED] =
< 		g_signal_new ("row_changed",
< 			      G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class),
< 			      G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,
< 			      G_STRUCT_OFFSET (GnomeDbFormClass, row_changed),
< 			      NULL, NULL,
< 			      g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID,
< 			      G_TYPE_NONE, 0);
< 	form->priv->show_navigator_buttons = TRUE;
< 	g_return_if_fail (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (model));
< 	}
> }
< void
< gnome_db_form_show_navigator_buttons(GnomeDbForm *form, gboolean value)
< {
< 	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FORM (form));
< 	form->priv->show_navigator_buttons= value;
< 	setup_widgets_for_model(form);
< }
< gboolean
< gnome_db_form_is_navigator_buttons_shown(GnomeDbForm *form)
< {
< 	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FORM (form));
< 	return form->priv->show_navigator_buttons;
< }
diff -rbB ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.h ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.h
< 	void (* row_changed) (GnomeDbForm *form);
< void			 gnome_db_form_show_navigator_buttons(GnomeDbForm *form, gboolean value);
< gboolean         gnome_db_form_is_navigator_buttons_shown(GnomeDbForm *form);
diff -rbB ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c
> 	g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_OPTION_MENU(login->priv->dsn_entry));
diff -rbB ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c
< 	combo = gtk_combo_box_entry_new ();
> 	combo = gtk_combo_new ();
< /**
<  * gnome_db_value_get_from_date_edit saves the contents of a #GnomeDateEdit in to a #GdaValue.
<  * 
<  * @dateedit: a #GnomeDateEdit widget
<  * Returns: #GdaValue in the #GnomeDateEdit widget.
<  */
< GdaValue *
< gnome_db_value_get_from_date_edit(GnomeDateEdit *dateedit)
< {
< 	time_t time;
< 	GDate *date = NULL;
< 	GdaDate gda_date;
< 	GdaValue *val = NULL;
< 	time = gnome_date_edit_get_time(dateedit);
< 	date = g_date_new();
< 	g_date_set_time(date, time);
< 	gda_date.year = (gshort) g_date_get_year(date);
< 	gda_date.month = (gushort) g_date_get_month(date);
< 	gda_date.day = (gushort) g_date_get_day(date);
< 	val = gda_value_new_date(&gda_date);
< 	return val;
< }
< /**
<  * gnome_db_date_edit_set_from_value set the contents of a #GnomeDateEdit from #GdaValue.
<  * 
<  * @dateedit: a #GnomeDateEdit widget
<  * @value: a #GdaValue to save to.
<  * Returns: #GdaValue in the #GnomeDateEdit widget.
<  */
< void
< gnome_db_date_edit_set_from_value(GnomeDateEdit *dateedit, GdaValue *value)
< {
< 	time_t time;
< 	GdaDate *gda_date;
< 	GDate *date;
< 	struct tm tm_struct;
< 	gda_date = gda_value_get_date(value);
< 	date = g_date_new();
< 	g_date_set_dmy(date, (GDateDay) gda_date->day,
< 						(GDateMonth) gda_date->month,
< 						(GDateYear) gda_date->year);
< 	g_date_to_struct_tm(date,&tm_struct);
< 	time = mktime(&tm_struct);
< 	gnome_date_edit_set_time(dateedit,time);
< }
diff -rbB ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h
< #include <libgda/gda-value.h>
< #include <libgnomeui/gnome-dateedit.h>
< GdaValue	*gnome_db_value_get_from_date_edit(GnomeDateEdit *dateedit);
< void		 gnome_db_date_edit_set_from_value(GnomeDateEdit *dateedit, GdaValue *value);
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb: Makefile.in
diff -rbB ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/tables-page.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/tables-page.c
< 		g_object_unref (cnc);
> 		g_object_unref (priv->cnc);
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: libgnomedb.pc
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: libgnomedb.spec
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: libtool
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: ltmain.sh
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: Makefile.in
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: missing
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: mkinstalldirs
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: monikers
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: az.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: be.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ca.gmo
diff -rbB ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/ChangeLog ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/ChangeLog
> 2004-09-26  Adam Weinberger  <adamw gnome org>
> 	* en_CA.po: Updated Canadian English translation.
> 2004-09-03  Laurent Dhima  <laurenti alblinux net>
> 	* sq.po: Added Albanian translation.
> 2004-09-02  Alessio Frusciante  <algol firenze linux it>
> 	* it.po: Updated Italian translation by
> 	Alessio Dessì <alkex inwind it>.
> 2004-08-21  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>
> 	* nb.po: Add.
> 2004-08-13  Tommi Vainikainen  <thv iki fi>
> 	* fi.po: Unified some fields in po headers for Finnish team.
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: cs.gmo
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: da.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: de.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: el.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: en_CA.gmo
diff -rbB ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/en_CA.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/en_CA.po
> #
< "POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"
< "PO-Revision-Date: 2004-06-10 19:42-0700\n"
> "POT-Creation-Date: 2004-09-26 12:47-0400\n"
> "PO-Revision-Date: 2004-09-26 19:42-0400\n"
< "this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"
> "this dialogue. To open your newly created data source,\n"
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: en_GB.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: es.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: fa.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: fi.gmo
diff -rbB ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/fi.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/fi.po
< "Language-Team: Finnish <gnome-fi-laatu lists sourceforge org>\n"
> "Language-Team: Finnish <gnome-fi-laatu lists sourceforge net>\n"
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: fr.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ga.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: gl.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: hr.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: hu.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: it.gmo
diff -rbB ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/it.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/it.po
> # Alessio Dessì <alkex inwind it>, 2004.
< "POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"
< "PO-Revision-Date: 2002-12-04 21:47+0100\n"
> "POT-Creation-Date: 2004-09-02 20:42+0200\n"
> "PO-Revision-Date: 2004-04-07 18:55+0200\n"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Configurazione ambiente del database"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Nome"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Sorgenti di dati configurate nel sistema"
< "verso un fornitore o verso una combo di database specifici sono "
> "verso un fornitore o una combinazione di database specifici sono "
< msgstr "Non è stata creata nessuna informazione di sorgente dati"
> msgstr "Non è stata fornita nessuna informazione per la sorgente dati"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Fornitori installati"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "File dei parametri delle connessioni a database"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Documenti"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Visualizzatore di codice SQL"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Tipo di carattere da usare per il widget griglia"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Numero di spazi per il «tab»"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Mostra i numeri di riga nell'editor di sorgenti"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Usa l'evidenziazione nell'editor del codice sorgente"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Servizi di database per GNOME Desktop"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Informazioni"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Informazioni su GNOME-DB"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Chiude questa finestra"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Crea un nuovo elemento"
< #, fuzzy
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Modifica le proprietà per l'elemento selezionato"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Salva i parametri della connessione in un file"
< msgstr "Seleziona tutte le voci nella lista"
> msgstr "Seleziona tutto"
> #, fuzzy
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Cancella selezione"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "_Chiudi"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Ca_ncella"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "_Modifica"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "A_iuto"
< msgstr "Procedure"
> msgstr "Proprietà"
< #, fuzzy
< msgstr "Salva in"
> msgstr "Sal_va connessione"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "ID"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Posizione"
< #, fuzzy
< msgstr "Nome utente"
> msgstr "Nome host"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Dominio"
< msgstr "Bisogna inserire un nome per la nuova sorgente di dati"
> msgstr "Ã? necessario inserire un nome per la nuova sorgente di dati"
> #, fuzzy
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "I nomi delle sorgenti di dati non possono contenere spazi"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Esiste già una sorgente di dati con lo stesso nome"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "I nomi delle sorgenti di dati non possono contenere spazi"
> "I nomi delle sorgenti di dati possono contenere solo lettere e numeri ASCII"
< msgstr "Bisogna selezionare un fornitore per la nuova sorgente di dati"
> msgstr "Ã? necessario selezionare un fornitore per la nuova sorgente di dati"
< "Quest'assistente farà da guida attraverso il processo di\n"
< "creazione di una nuova sorgente dati per l'installazione personale\n"
> "L'assistente farà da guida attraverso il processo di creazione\n"
> "di una nuova sorgente dati per l'installazione personale\n"
< "I seguenti campi rappresentano le voci di informazioni\n"
< "di base per la nuova sorgente di dati. Alcune di esse (descrizione,\n"
> "I seguenti campi rappresentano le voci di informazioni di base\n"
> "per la nuova sorgente di dati. Alcune di esse (descrizione,\n"
< "Se non si sà quale fornitore utilizzare, si selezioni\n"
< "quello predefinito"
> "Se non si sà quale fornitore utilizzare, selezionare quello\n"
> "predefinito"
< msgstr "Nome utente"
> msgstr "Nome utente:"
< msgstr "Password"
> msgstr "Password:"
< "I seguenti campi rappresentano l'informazione richiesta\n"
< "dal fornitore selezionato nella pagina precedente per aprire\n"
< "una certa connessione. Questa informazione è specifica al fornitore,\n"
< "quindi si controlli il manuale per maggiori informazioni"
> "I seguenti campi rappresentano l'informazione richiesta dal fornitore\n"
> "selezionato nella pagina precedente per aprire una certa connessione.\n"
> "Questa informazione è specifica del fornitore, controllare il manuale per\n"
> "maggiori informazioni"
< "una nuova sorgente di dati. Premere «Applica» per chiudere\n"
< "questa finestra di dialogo. Per aprire la sorgente di dati appena\n"
< "creata, basta selezionarla quando viene richiesta una sorgente di dati"
> "una nuova sorgente di dati. Premere «Applica» per chiudere questa\n"
> "finestra di dialogo. Per aprire la sorgente di dati appena creata,\n"
> "basta selezionarla quando viene richiesta una sorgente di dati"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Si è verificato un errore nel database sottostante"
< #, fuzzy
< msgstr "Dettaglio"
> msgstr "Dettagli"
< msgstr "Titolo"
> msgstr "Campi"
< #, fuzzy
< msgstr "Prova"
> msgstr ""
< msgstr "Descrizione del recordset"
> msgstr "Descrizione dell'insieme di record"
< #, c-format
> #, fuzzy, c-format
> "Il file %s esiste già\n"
> "Sovrascriverlo?"
< msgstr "Bisogna specificare un nome di file"
> msgstr "Ã? necessario specificare un nome di file"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Ricevuto file vuoto durante la conversione dei dati"
< #, fuzzy
< msgstr "Descrivi..."
> msgstr "Descrive"
< msgstr "� stato tentato di inizializzare un client già inizializzato"
> msgstr "Si è tentato di inizializzare un client già inizializzato"
> "Inserire gli argomenti per aprire una connessione\n"
> "a una sorgente di dati qui sotto"
< #, fuzzy
< msgstr "Sorgente dati"
> msgstr "Sorgente dati:"
< #, fuzzy
< msgstr "Nome utente"
> msgstr "Nome utente:"
< #, fuzzy
< msgstr "Password"
> msgstr "Password:"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Campi"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Esegui commit"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Connetti"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Proggettista"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Disconnetti"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "NessunaTransazione"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Query"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Reverti commit"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "SQL"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "InternamenteAllaTransazione"
< #, fuzzy, c-format
> #, c-format
< msgstr "Errore"
> msgstr "Errore: %s"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Login per %s"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Login al database"
< #, fuzzy
< msgstr "Proprietà del database"
> msgstr "Proprietà della tabella"
< #, fuzzy
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Nuova"
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Crea una nuova tabella"
< #, fuzzy
< msgstr "Procedure"
> msgstr "Proprietà"
< #, fuzzy
< msgstr "Proprietà del database"
> msgstr "Visualizza proprietà della tabella"
> #, fuzzy
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "ID"
> #, fuzzy
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Posizione"
> #, fuzzy
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Cancella selezione"
< #, fuzzy
< msgstr "Non è possibile aprire una connessione verso %s"
> msgstr ""
< msgstr "Sequenze"
> msgstr "Preferen_ze"
> #, fuzzy
< msgstr ""
> msgstr "Esegui commit"
< #, fuzzy
> #~ msgid "Browse database..."
> #~ msgstr "Esplorazione database..."
> #~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .connection files"
> #~ msgstr ""
> #~ "Componente che include le voci del menu contestuale per i file .connection"
> #~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .sql files"
> #~ msgstr "Componente che include le voci del menu contestuale per i file .sql"
> #~ msgid "Connection MIME handler component"
> #~ msgstr "Componente del gestore dei tipi di connessione MIME"
> #~ msgid "Database component factory"
> #~ msgstr "Produttore di componenti Database"
> #~ msgid "Open in database connection..."
> #~ msgstr "Apre all'interno di una connessione a database..."
> #~ msgid "SQL MIME handler component"
> #~ msgstr "Componente del gestore di tipi MIME SQL"
< #~ msgstr "Proprietà del database"
> #~ msgstr "Esploratore di database"
< #, fuzzy
> #~ msgid "SQL Viewer"
> #~ msgstr "Visualizzatore SQL"
< #~ msgstr "Proprietà del database"
> #~ msgstr "Configurazione del database"
> #~ msgid "Edit application preferences"
> #~ msgstr "Modifica le preferenze dell'applicazione"
> #~ msgid "New..."
> #~ msgstr "Nuovo..."
> #~ msgid "_File"
> #~ msgstr "_File"
> #~ msgid "_Properties..."
> #~ msgstr "P_roprietà..."
< #, fuzzy
< #~ msgstr "Impostazioni"
> #~ msgstr "Im_postazioni"
< #~ msgstr "Salva come..."
> #~ msgstr "Salva come"
< #, fuzzy
> #~ msgid "Table Data"
> #~ msgstr "Tabella dei dati"
> #~ msgid "View table data"
> #~ msgstr "Visualizza dati della tabella"
< #~ msgstr "Proprietà del database"
> #~ msgstr "Produttore Moniker del database"
< #, fuzzy
< #~ msgstr "Proprietà del database"
> #~ msgstr "database: moniker"
< #~ msgstr "� fallita la manifatturazione di un «%s»"
> #~ msgstr "Fallita la produzione di un «%s»"
< #~ msgid "Data sources"
< #~ msgstr "Sorgenti di dati"
< #~ msgid "Test Data Source"
< #~ msgstr "Prova sorgente di dati"
< #~ msgid "Connection to %s successful!"
< #~ msgstr "Connessione verso %s riuscita!"
< #~ msgid "Data source"
< #~ msgstr "Sorgente di dati"
< #~ msgid "Select all"
< #~ msgstr "Seleziona tutto"
< #~ msgid "Unselect all"
< #~ msgstr "Deseleziona tutto"
< #~ msgid "Unselect All"
< #~ msgstr "Deseleziona tutto"
< #~ msgid "Display column headers"
< #~ msgstr "Visualizza intestazioni di colonna"
< #~ msgid "Hide column headers"
< #~ msgstr "Nascondi le intestazioni di colonna"
< #~ msgid "Save as..."
< #~ msgstr "Salva come..."
< #~ msgid "Export data to different formats"
< #~ msgstr "Esporta dati in formati differenti"
< #~ msgid "Describe current data set"
< #~ msgstr "Descrive il set di dati corrente"
< #~ msgid "View current data in more detail"
< #~ msgstr "Visualizza i dati correnti più in dettaglio"
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ja.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ko.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: libgnomedb-2.pot
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: Makefile.in
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: Makefile.in.in
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po: mk.po
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ml.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ms.gmo
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po: nb.po
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: nl.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: no.gmo
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po: pa.po
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: pl.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: POTFILES
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po: POTFILES.skip
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: pt_BR.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: pt.gmo
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po: README.translators
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ru.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: sk.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: sl.gmo
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po: sq.po
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: sr.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: sr Latn gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: sv.gmo
diff -rbB ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/sv.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/sv.po
< # $Id: sv.po,v 1.82 2004/06/07 22:33:37 rodrigo Exp $
> # $Id: sv.po,v 1.83 2004/08/12 14:44:29 rodrigo Exp $
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ta.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: tr.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: uk.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: vi.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: zh_CN.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: zh_TW.gmo
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: providers
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: stamp.h
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/testing: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/testing: .deps
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/testing: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/testing: Makefile.in
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: vfs
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: aclocal.m4
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: autogen.sh
diff -rbBu ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/ChangeLog ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/ChangeLog
--- ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/ChangeLog	2004-10-05 12:30:06.251559040 -0500
+++ ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/ChangeLog	2004-10-04 23:08:10.000000000 -0500
@@ -1,3 +1,22 @@
+2004-09-25  Gustavo R. Montesino <grmontesino ig com br>
+	Fixes #150791
+	* libgnomedb/tables-page.c (tables_page_set_connection): unref the
+	old connection, not the new one.
+2004-09-22  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
+	* configure.in: removed GNOME_COMPILE_WARNINGS macro.
+2004-08-21  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>
+	* configure.in: Add «nb» to ALL_LINGUAS.
+2004-08-12  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
+	Released 1.1.6.
 2004-08-08  Gustavo R. Montesino <grmontesino ig com br>
 	Fixes #149609
@@ -3288,13 +3307,3 @@
 2000-10-15	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo linuxave net>
 	* libgnomedb/created ChangeLog
-2004-10-05  Daniel Espinosa Ortiz <esodan yahoo com mx>
-	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.c ported to GtkComboBoxEntry.
-	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.h ported to GtkComboBoxEntry.
-	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c added the method to hide the navigations 
-	buttons and to know if they are displayed.
-	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c added the event notification for a change 
-	of row (cliking a navigation button).
-	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c added the method to set/get a GdaValue from
-	a GnomeDateEdit (just a propoused utility!!!!)
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: components
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: config.guess
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: config.log
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: config.status
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: config.sub
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: configure
diff -rbBu ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/configure.in ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/configure.in
--- ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/configure.in	2004-07-22 05:56:09.000000000 -0500
+++ ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/configure.in	2004-10-04 23:08:10.000000000 -0500
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
-ALL_LINGUAS="az be ca cs da de el en_CA en_GB es fa fi fr ga gl hr hu it ja ko ml ms nl no pl pt pt_BR ru sk sr sr Latn sl sv ta tr uk vi zh_CN zh_TW"
+ALL_LINGUAS="az be ca cs da de el en_CA en_GB es fa fi fr ga gl hr hu it ja ko ml ms nb nl no pl pt pt_BR ru sk sl sq sr sr Latn sv ta tr uk vi zh_CN zh_TW"
 dnl ******************************
@@ -72,9 +72,6 @@
 dnl ******************************
 dnl Checks for libraries
 dnl ******************************
 GTK_MODULES="gtk+-2.0 >= 2.4.0"
 LIBGDA_MODULES="libgda >= 1.1.1"
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/control-center: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/control-center: database-properties.desktop
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/control-center: .deps
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/control-center: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/control-center: Makefile.in
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: COPYING
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: CVS
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/data: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/data: libgnomedb.keys
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/data: libgnomedb.schemas
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/data: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/data: Makefile.in
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: depcomp
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc/C: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C: html
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C: libgnomedb-decl-list.txt
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C: libgnomedb-decl.txt
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C: libgnomedb-undocumented.txt
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C: Makefile.in
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc/C/tmpl: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: db-shell.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: gnome-db-browser-private.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: gnome-db-find-dialog.sgml.bak
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: gnome-db-i18n.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: libgnomedb-private.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: libgnomedb-unused.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: sql-viewer.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: table-properties-dialog.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: tables-page.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: utils.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C: xml
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc: libgnomedb-C.omf
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc: Makefile.in
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc: reference
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/glade: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/glade: .deps
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/glade: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/glade: Makefile.in
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: HACKING
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: INSTALL
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: install-sh
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: intltool-extract
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: intltool-extract.in
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: intltool-merge
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: intltool-merge.in
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: intltool-update
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: intltool-update.in
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: lib
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb: .deps
diff -rbBu ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.c
--- ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.c	2004-10-04 14:43:45.000000000 -0500
+++ ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.c	2003-12-19 05:06:04.000000000 -0600
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
 #include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.h>
 struct _GnomeDbComboPrivate {
 	GdaDataModel *model;
@@ -49,13 +49,6 @@
-enum {
-static gint combo_signals[LAST_SIGNAL];
 static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL;
@@ -79,16 +72,6 @@
 		g_param_spec_object ("model", NULL, NULL,
-	/* add class signals */
-	combo_signals[MODEL_CHANGED] =
-		g_signal_new ("model_changed",
-			      G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class),
-			      G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,
-			      G_STRUCT_OFFSET (GnomeDbComboClass, model_changed),
-			      NULL, NULL,
-			      g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID,
-			      G_TYPE_NONE, 0);
 static void
@@ -99,9 +82,6 @@
 	/* allocate private structure */
 	combo->priv = g_new0 (GnomeDbComboPrivate, 1);
 	combo->priv->model = NULL;
-	combo->priv->col = 0;
-	gtk_combo_box_set_model(GTK_COMBO_BOX(combo), NULL);
 static void
@@ -219,9 +199,8 @@
 	GnomeDbCombo *combo;
 	g_return_val_if_fail (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (model), NULL);
-	g_return_val_if_fail (col >= 0 && col < gda_data_model_get_n_columns(model), NULL);
+	g_return_val_if_fail (col >= 0, NULL);
 	combo = gnome_db_combo_new();
 	if (combo != NULL) {
@@ -236,27 +215,30 @@
 model_changed_cb (GdaDataModel *model, gpointer user_data)
 	GnomeDbCombo *combo = GNOME_DB_COMBO (user_data);
-	gint rows, i;
-	GdaValue *value;
-	GtkTreeStore *combo_model;
-	GtkTreeIter iter;
+	gint rows, i, cols;
+	const GdaValue *value;
+	GList *list = NULL;
 	g_return_if_fail (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (model));
 	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_COMBO (combo));
+	cols = gda_data_model_get_n_columns (model);
 	rows = gda_data_model_get_n_rows (model);
-	combo_model = gtk_tree_store_new(1, G_TYPE_STRING);
-	/* Set the values to ListStore */
+	if (rows == 0 || cols < combo->priv->col) {
+		list = g_list_append (list, "");
+		gtk_combo_set_popdown_strings (GTK_COMBO (combo), list);
+		g_list_free (list);
+		return;
+	}
 	for (i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
-		gtk_tree_store_append(combo_model,&iter, NULL);
 		value = gda_data_model_get_value_at (model, combo->priv->col, i);
-		gtk_tree_store_set(combo_model,&iter,0,gda_value_stringify(value),-1);
+		list = g_list_append (list, gda_value_stringify (value));
-	gtk_combo_box_set_model(GTK_COMBO_BOX(combo), combo_model);
-	gtk_combo_box_entry_set_text_column(GTK_COMBO_BOX_ENTRY(combo), 0);
+	gtk_combo_set_popdown_strings (GTK_COMBO (combo), list);
+	g_list_foreach (list, (GFunc) g_free, NULL);
+	g_list_free (list);
@@ -273,19 +255,29 @@
 gnome_db_combo_set_model (GnomeDbCombo *combo, GdaDataModel *model, gint col)
+	GList *list = NULL;
 	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_COMBO (combo));
 	g_return_if_fail (model == NULL || GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (model));
-	g_return_if_fail (col >= 0 && col < gda_data_model_get_n_columns(model));
 	if (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (combo->priv->model)) {
+		g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func (G_OBJECT (combo->priv->model), model_changed_cb, combo);
 		g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (combo->priv->model));
-	g_object_ref (G_OBJECT (model));
 	combo->priv->model = model;
+	if (model != NULL) {
+		g_object_ref (G_OBJECT (model));
+		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (combo->priv->model), "changed",
+				  G_CALLBACK (model_changed_cb), combo);
 	combo->priv->col = col;
 	model_changed_cb (model, combo);
-	g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (combo), combo_signals[MODEL_CHANGED], 0);
+	} else {
+		list = g_list_append (list, "");
+		gtk_combo_set_popdown_strings (GTK_COMBO (combo), list);
+		g_list_free (list);
+	}
@@ -313,7 +305,7 @@
  * This function return the column.
- * Returns: the column of the #GdaDataModel showed by the #GnomeDbCombo.
+ * Returns: the column of the #GdaDataModel stored by the #GnomeDbCombo.
 gnome_db_combo_get_column (GnomeDbCombo *combo)
diff -rbBu ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.h ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.h
--- ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.h	2004-10-04 11:22:45.000000000 -0500
+++ ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.h	2004-01-24 17:56:02.000000000 -0600
@@ -24,8 +24,7 @@
 #  define __gnome_db_combo_h__
 #include <libgda/gda-data-model.h>
-#include <gtk/gtkcomboboxentry.h>
-#include <gtk/gtktreestore.h>
+#include <gtk/gtkcombo.h>
@@ -40,13 +39,12 @@
 typedef struct _GnomeDbComboPrivate GnomeDbComboPrivate;
 struct _GnomeDbCombo {
-	GtkComboBoxEntry combo;
+	GtkCombo combo;
 	GnomeDbComboPrivate *priv;
 struct _GnomeDbComboClass {
-	GtkComboBoxEntryClass parent_class;
-	void (* model_changed) (GnomeDbCombo *combo);
+	GtkComboClass parent_class;
 GType      gnome_db_combo_get_type (void);
diff -rbBu ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-data-source-selector.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-data-source-selector.c
--- ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-data-source-selector.c	2004-04-04 11:07:08.000000000 -0500
+++ ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-data-source-selector.c	2004-08-03 13:03:50.000000000 -0500
@@ -46,11 +46,25 @@
 show_data_sources (GnomeDbDataSourceSelector *selector, const gchar *name)
 	GdaDataSourceInfo *dsn_info = NULL;
+	GList *dsn_list, *l;
 	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_DATA_SOURCE_SELECTOR (selector));
 	gtk_option_menu_remove_menu (GTK_OPTION_MENU (selector));
+	/* load data sources */
+	dsn_list = gnome_db_config_get_data_source_list ();
+	for (l = dsn_list; l != NULL; l = l->next) {
+		GdaDataSourceInfo *dsn_info = (GdaDataSourceInfo *) l->data;
+		if (!dsn_info)
+			continue;
+		if (name != NULL && strcmp (name, dsn_info->name) != 0)
+			continue;
+		/* add the data source to the option menu */
+		gnome_db_option_menu_add_item (GTK_OPTION_MENU (selector), dsn_info->name);
+	}
 	if (name != NULL) {
 		dsn_info = gnome_db_config_find_data_source (name);
 		if (dsn_info != NULL) {
diff -rbBu ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c
--- ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c	2004-10-04 14:18:18.000000000 -0500
+++ ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c	2004-09-03 07:45:12.000000000 -0500
@@ -37,7 +37,6 @@
 struct _GnomeDbFormPrivate {
 	GdaDataModel *data_model;
 	GnomeDbFormType type;
-	gboolean show_navigator_buttons;
 	/* widgets */
 	GtkWidget *form_container;
@@ -67,7 +66,6 @@
 enum {
@@ -87,7 +85,6 @@
 	form->priv->navigator_current_row = 0;
 	show_navigator_row (form);
-	g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (form), form_signals[ROW_CHANGED], 0);
 static void
@@ -101,7 +98,6 @@
 		show_navigator_row (form);
-	g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (form), form_signals[ROW_CHANGED], 0);
 static void
@@ -118,7 +114,6 @@
 		show_navigator_row (form);
-	g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (form), form_signals[ROW_CHANGED], 0);
 static void
@@ -130,7 +125,6 @@
 	form->priv->navigator_current_row = gda_data_model_get_n_rows (form->priv->data_model) - 1;
 	show_navigator_row (form);
-	g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (form), form_signals[ROW_CHANGED], 0);
@@ -188,8 +182,6 @@
 	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (navigator), sep, 0, 3, cols, cols + 1,
-	if(form->priv->show_navigator_buttons) {
 		form->priv->navigator_label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (_("No records"));
 		gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (form->priv->navigator_label), 0.5, 0.5);
 		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (navigator), form->priv->navigator_label, 0, 3,
@@ -197,7 +189,6 @@
 		/* create navigation buttons */
 		bbox = gnome_db_new_hbutton_box_widget ();
 		gtk_button_box_set_layout (GTK_BUTTON_BOX (bbox), GTK_BUTTONBOX_DEFAULT_STYLE);
 		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (navigator), bbox, 0, 3, cols + 2, cols + 3,
@@ -222,7 +213,6 @@
 		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (form->priv->navigator_last), "clicked",
 				  G_CALLBACK (navigator_last_cb), form);
 		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (bbox), form->priv->navigator_last, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
-	}
 	show_navigator_row (form);
@@ -264,9 +255,7 @@
 	if (!form->priv->form_container)
-	{
-	}
 	gtk_widget_show (form->priv->form_container);
 	gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (form), form->priv->form_container, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
@@ -369,14 +358,6 @@
 			      NULL, NULL,
 			      G_TYPE_NONE, 0);
-	form_signals[ROW_CHANGED] =
-		g_signal_new ("row_changed",
-			      G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class),
-			      G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,
-			      G_STRUCT_OFFSET (GnomeDbFormClass, row_changed),
-			      NULL, NULL,
-			      g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID,
-			      G_TYPE_NONE, 0);
 static void
@@ -391,7 +372,6 @@
 	form->priv->form_container = NULL;
 	form->priv->navigator_widgets = NULL;
 	form->priv->navigator_label = NULL;
-	form->priv->show_navigator_buttons = TRUE;
 static void
@@ -537,7 +517,6 @@
 gnome_db_form_set_model (GnomeDbForm *form, GdaDataModel *model)
 	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FORM (form));
-	g_return_if_fail (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (model));
 	if (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (form->priv->data_model))
 		g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (form->priv->data_model));
@@ -544,9 +523,10 @@
 		g_object_ref (G_OBJECT (model));
 		form->priv->data_model = model;
 		setup_widgets_for_model (form);
 		g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (form), form_signals[MODEL_CHANGED], 0);
-	}
  * gnome_db_form_get_current_row
@@ -606,18 +586,3 @@
-gnome_db_form_show_navigator_buttons(GnomeDbForm *form, gboolean value)
-	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FORM (form));
-	form->priv->show_navigator_buttons= value;
-	setup_widgets_for_model(form);
-gnome_db_form_is_navigator_buttons_shown(GnomeDbForm *form)
-	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FORM (form));
-	return form->priv->show_navigator_buttons;
diff -rbBu ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.h ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.h
--- ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.h	2004-09-30 17:07:02.000000000 -0500
+++ ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.h	2003-05-12 15:54:02.000000000 -0500
@@ -48,7 +48,6 @@
 	/* signals */
 	void (* model_changed) (GnomeDbForm *form);
-	void (* row_changed) (GnomeDbForm *form);
 typedef enum {
@@ -64,8 +63,6 @@
 void             gnome_db_form_set_model (GnomeDbForm *form, GdaDataModel *model);
 gint             gnome_db_form_get_current_row (GnomeDbForm *form);
 void             gnome_db_form_set_current_row (GnomeDbForm *form, gint row);
-void			 gnome_db_form_show_navigator_buttons(GnomeDbForm *form, gboolean value);
-gboolean         gnome_db_form_is_navigator_buttons_shown(GnomeDbForm *form);
diff -rbBu ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c
--- ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c	2003-11-16 10:42:26.000000000 -0600
+++ ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c	2004-08-03 13:03:57.000000000 -0500
@@ -326,6 +326,8 @@
 gnome_db_login_set_dsn (GnomeDbLogin *login, const gchar *dsn)
 	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_LOGIN (login));
+	g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_OPTION_MENU(login->priv->dsn_entry));
 	gnome_db_option_menu_set_selection (GTK_OPTION_MENU (login->priv->dsn_entry), dsn);
diff -rbBu ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c
--- ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c	2004-08-26 10:18:29.000000000 -0500
+++ ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c	2004-09-03 07:45:13.000000000 -0500
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@
 	GtkWidget *combo;
-	combo = gtk_combo_box_entry_new ();
+	combo = gtk_combo_new ();
 	gtk_widget_show (combo);
 	return combo;
@@ -1013,61 +1013,3 @@
 	return item;
- * gnome_db_value_get_from_date_edit saves the contents of a #GnomeDateEdit in to a #GdaValue.
- * 
- * @dateedit: a #GnomeDateEdit widget
- * Returns: #GdaValue in the #GnomeDateEdit widget.
- */
-GdaValue *
-gnome_db_value_get_from_date_edit(GnomeDateEdit *dateedit)
-	time_t time;
-	GDate *date = NULL;
-	GdaDate gda_date;
-	GdaValue *val = NULL;
-	time = gnome_date_edit_get_time(dateedit);
-	date = g_date_new();
-	g_date_set_time(date, time);
-	gda_date.year = (gshort) g_date_get_year(date);
-	gda_date.month = (gushort) g_date_get_month(date);
-	gda_date.day = (gushort) g_date_get_day(date);
-	val = gda_value_new_date(&gda_date);
-	return val;
- * gnome_db_date_edit_set_from_value set the contents of a #GnomeDateEdit from #GdaValue.
- * 
- * @dateedit: a #GnomeDateEdit widget
- * @value: a #GdaValue to save to.
- * Returns: #GdaValue in the #GnomeDateEdit widget.
- */
-gnome_db_date_edit_set_from_value(GnomeDateEdit *dateedit, GdaValue *value)
-	time_t time;
-	GdaDate *gda_date;
-	GDate *date;
-	struct tm tm_struct;
-	gda_date = gda_value_get_date(value);
-	date = g_date_new();
-	g_date_set_dmy(date, (GDateDay) gda_date->day,
-						(GDateMonth) gda_date->month,
-						(GDateYear) gda_date->year);
-	g_date_to_struct_tm(date,&tm_struct);
-	time = mktime(&tm_struct);
-	gnome_date_edit_set_time(dateedit,time);
diff -rbBu ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h
--- ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h	2004-08-25 18:47:52.000000000 -0500
+++ ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h	2004-01-04 14:49:03.000000000 -0600
@@ -24,7 +24,6 @@
 #  define __gnome_db_util_h__
 #include <libgda/gda-data-model.h>
-#include <libgda/gda-value.h>
 #include <gtk/gtkentry.h>
 #include <gtk/gtkmessagedialog.h>
 #include <gtk/gtkoptionmenu.h>
@@ -35,7 +34,6 @@
 #include <gtk/gtkwindow.h>
 #include <libgnomeui/gnome-popup-menu.h>
-#include <libgnomeui/gnome-dateedit.h>
@@ -118,10 +116,6 @@
 					   GCallback cb_func,
 					   gpointer user_data);
-GdaValue	*gnome_db_value_get_from_date_edit(GnomeDateEdit *dateedit);
-void		 gnome_db_date_edit_set_from_value(GnomeDateEdit *dateedit, GdaValue *value);
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb: Makefile.in
diff -rbBu ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/tables-page.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/tables-page.c
--- ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/tables-page.c	2003-11-30 16:14:14.000000000 -0600
+++ ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/tables-page.c	2004-10-04 23:08:11.000000000 -0500
@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@
 	if (priv->cnc)
-		g_object_unref (cnc);
+		g_object_unref (priv->cnc);
 	priv->cnc = cnc;
 	if (GDA_IS_CONNECTION (priv->cnc)) {
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: libgnomedb.pc
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: libgnomedb.spec
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: libtool
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: ltmain.sh
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: Makefile.in
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: missing
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: mkinstalldirs
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: monikers
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: az.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: be.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ca.gmo
diff -rbBu ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/ChangeLog ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/ChangeLog
--- ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/ChangeLog	2004-08-12 09:42:30.000000000 -0500
+++ ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/ChangeLog	2004-10-04 23:08:11.000000000 -0500
@@ -1,3 +1,24 @@
+2004-09-26  Adam Weinberger  <adamw gnome org>
+	* en_CA.po: Updated Canadian English translation.
+2004-09-03  Laurent Dhima  <laurenti alblinux net>
+	* sq.po: Added Albanian translation.
+2004-09-02  Alessio Frusciante  <algol firenze linux it>
+	* it.po: Updated Italian translation by
+	Alessio Dessì <alkex inwind it>.
+2004-08-21  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>
+	* nb.po: Add.
+2004-08-13  Tommi Vainikainen  <thv iki fi>
+	* fi.po: Unified some fields in po headers for Finnish team.
 2004-08-11  Duarte Loreto <happyguy_pt hotmail com>
 	* pt.po: Updated Portuguese translation.
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: cs.gmo
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: da.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: de.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: el.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: en_CA.gmo
diff -rbBu ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/en_CA.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/en_CA.po
--- ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/en_CA.po	2004-08-12 09:42:37.000000000 -0500
+++ ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/en_CA.po	2004-10-04 23:08:11.000000000 -0500
@@ -3,12 +3,13 @@
 # This file is distributed under the same licence as the libgnomedbpackage.
 # Adam Weinberger <adamw gnome org>, 2004
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: libgnomedb\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-06-10 19:42-0700\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-09-26 12:47-0400\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-09-26 19:42-0400\n"
 "Last-Translator: Adam Weinberger <adamw gnome org>\n"
 "Language-Team: en_CA <adamw FreeBSD org>\n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -463,7 +464,7 @@
 msgstr ""
 "All information needed to create a new data source\n"
 "has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"
-"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"
+"this dialogue. To open your newly created data source,\n"
 "just select it when asked for a data source."
 #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: en_GB.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: es.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: fa.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: fi.gmo
diff -rbBu ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/fi.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/fi.po
--- ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/fi.po	2004-08-12 09:42:38.000000000 -0500
+++ ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/fi.po	2004-09-03 07:45:16.000000000 -0500
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
 "POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2004-07-24 11:22+0300\n"
 "Last-Translator: Tommi Vainikainen <Tommi Vainikainen iki fi>\n"
-"Language-Team: Finnish <gnome-fi-laatu lists sourceforge org>\n"
+"Language-Team: Finnish <gnome-fi-laatu lists sourceforge net>\n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8-bit\n"
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: fr.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ga.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: gl.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: hr.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: hu.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: it.gmo
diff -rbBu ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/it.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/it.po
--- ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/it.po	2004-08-12 09:42:38.000000000 -0500
+++ ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/it.po	2004-09-03 07:45:17.000000000 -0500
@@ -2,13 +2,14 @@
 # Copyright (C) 2000,2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
 # Daniele Medri <madrid linux it>, 2000.
 # Marco Parrone <marc0 autistici org>, 2002.
+# Alessio Dessì <alkex inwind it>, 2004.
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: libgnomedb HEAD\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2002-12-04 21:47+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-09-02 20:42+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-04-07 18:55+0200\n"
 "Last-Translator: Marco Parrone <marc0 autistici org>\n"
 "Language-Team: Italian <tp lists linux it>\n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -25,7 +26,7 @@
 #: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1
 msgid "Configure your database environment"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Configurazione ambiente del database"
 #: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2
 #, fuzzy
@@ -36,7 +37,7 @@
 #: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342
 #: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380
 msgid "Name"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Nome"
 #: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-config.c:54
 #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:210
@@ -47,7 +48,7 @@
 #: control-center/dsn-config.c:182
 msgid "Configured data sources in the system"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Sorgenti di dati configurate nel sistema"
 #: control-center/dsn-config.c:214
 msgid ""
@@ -59,7 +60,7 @@
 msgstr ""
 "Le sorgenti di dati sono i mezzi con cui GNOME-DB identifica le connessioni "
 "di database. Tutte le informazioni richieste per aprire una connessione "
-"verso un fornitore o verso una combo di database specifici sono "
+"verso un fornitore o una combinazione di database specifici sono "
 "immagazzinate usando un nome unico. Ã? usando questo unico nome che si "
 "identificano le connessioni nelle applicazioni che fanno uso di GNOME-DB per "
 "l'accesso a database."
@@ -85,7 +86,7 @@
 #: control-center/main.c:92
 msgid "No valid data source info was created"
-msgstr "Non è stata creata nessuna informazione di sorgente dati"
+msgstr "Non è stata fornita nessuna informazione per la sorgente dati"
 #. create the dialog
 #: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218
@@ -100,7 +101,7 @@
 #: control-center/provider-config.c:105
 msgid "Installed providers"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Fornitori installati"
 #: control-center/provider-config.c:131
 #, fuzzy
@@ -119,54 +120,53 @@
 #: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1
 msgid "Database connection parameters file"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "File dei parametri delle connessioni a database"
 #: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2
 msgid "Documents"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Documenti"
 #: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3
 msgid "SQL code viewer"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Visualizzatore di codice SQL"
 #: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1
 msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Tipo di carattere da usare per il widget griglia"
 #: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2
 msgid "Number of spaces per tab"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Numero di spazi per il «tab»"
 #: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3
 msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Mostra i numeri di riga nell'editor di sorgenti"
 #: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4
 msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Usa l'evidenziazione nell'editor del codice sorgente"
 #: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60
 msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Servizi di database per GNOME Desktop"
 #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1
 msgid "About"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Informazioni"
 #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2
 msgid "About GNOME-DB"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Informazioni su GNOME-DB"
 #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3
 msgid "Close this window"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Chiude questa finestra"
 #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4
 msgid "Create new entry"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Crea un nuovo elemento"
 #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Delete selected items"
 msgstr "Deseleziona tutte le voci selezionate nella lista"
@@ -177,11 +177,11 @@
 #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7
 msgid "Edit properties for selected item"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Modifica le proprietà per l'elemento selezionato"
 #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8
 msgid "Save connection parameters to file"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Salva i parametri della connessione in un file"
 #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414
 #, fuzzy
@@ -191,7 +191,7 @@
 #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Select all items"
-msgstr "Seleziona tutte le voci nella lista"
+msgstr "Seleziona tutto"
 #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11
 #, fuzzy
@@ -204,12 +204,13 @@
 msgstr "Fornitori"
 #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:420
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "_Clear Selection"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Cancella selezione"
 #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14
 msgid "_Close"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "_Chiudi"
 #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15
 #, fuzzy
@@ -223,15 +224,15 @@
 #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17
 msgid "_Delete"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ca_ncella"
 #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18
 msgid "_Edit"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "_Modifica"
 #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19
 msgid "_Help"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "A_iuto"
 #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20
 #, fuzzy
@@ -241,7 +242,7 @@
 #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "_Properties"
-msgstr "Procedure"
+msgstr "Proprietà"
 #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22
 #, fuzzy
@@ -249,9 +250,8 @@
 msgstr "Fornitori"
 #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "_Save Connection"
-msgstr "Salva in"
+msgstr "Sal_va connessione"
 #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24
 #, fuzzy
@@ -317,25 +317,24 @@
 #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209
 msgid "ID"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ID"
 #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210
 #: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
 msgid "Location"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Posizione"
 #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212
 msgid "Username"
 msgstr "Nome utente"
 #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Hostname"
-msgstr "Nome utente"
+msgstr "Nome host"
 #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214
 msgid "Domain"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Dominio"
 #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359
 #, c-format
@@ -370,27 +369,29 @@
 #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190
 msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"
-msgstr "Bisogna inserire un nome per la nuova sorgente di dati"
+msgstr "Ã? necessario inserire un nome per la nuova sorgente di dati"
 #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric characters"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "I nomi delle sorgenti di dati non possono contenere spazi"
 #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206
 msgid "An existing data source is already registered under the same name"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Esiste già una sorgente di dati con lo stesso nome"
 #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213
 msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "I nomi delle sorgenti di dati non possono contenere spazi"
 #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217
 msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and numbers"
 msgstr ""
+"I nomi delle sorgenti di dati possono contenere solo lettere e numeri ASCII"
 #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225
 msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"
-msgstr "Bisogna selezionare un fornitore per la nuova sorgente di dati"
+msgstr "Ã? necessario selezionare un fornitore per la nuova sorgente di dati"
 #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233
 msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"
@@ -406,8 +407,8 @@
 "creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"
 "installation. Just follow the steps!"
 msgstr ""
-"Quest'assistente farà da guida attraverso il processo di\n"
-"creazione di una nuova sorgente dati per l'installazione personale\n"
+"L'assistente farà da guida attraverso il processo di creazione\n"
+"di una nuova sorgente dati per l'installazione personale\n"
 "di GNOME-DB. Basta procedere un passo alla volta!"
 #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404
@@ -423,11 +424,11 @@
 "If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"
 "the default one."
 msgstr ""
-"I seguenti campi rappresentano le voci di informazioni\n"
-"di base per la nuova sorgente di dati. Alcune di esse (descrizione,\n"
+"I seguenti campi rappresentano le voci di informazioni di base\n"
+"per la nuova sorgente di dati. Alcune di esse (descrizione,\n"
 "nome utente) sono opzionali, mentre le altre sono obbligatorie.\n"
-"Se non si sà quale fornitore utilizzare, si selezioni\n"
-"quello predefinito"
+"Se non si sà quale fornitore utilizzare, selezionare quello\n"
 #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419
 #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104
@@ -451,13 +452,13 @@
 #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "_Username:"
-msgstr "Nome utente"
+msgstr "Nome utente:"
 #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441
 #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "P_assword:"
-msgstr "Password"
+msgstr "Password:"
 #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454
 msgid "Provider Parameters"
@@ -471,10 +472,10 @@
 "connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\n"
 "the manual for more information."
 msgstr ""
-"I seguenti campi rappresentano l'informazione richiesta\n"
-"dal fornitore selezionato nella pagina precedente per aprire\n"
-"una certa connessione. Questa informazione è specifica al fornitore,\n"
-"quindi si controlli il manuale per maggiori informazioni"
+"I seguenti campi rappresentano l'informazione richiesta dal fornitore\n"
+"selezionato nella pagina precedente per aprire una certa connessione.\n"
+"Questa informazione è specifica del fornitore, controllare il manuale per\n"
+"maggiori informazioni"
 #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481
 msgid "All information retrieved"
@@ -489,9 +490,9 @@
 "just select it when asked for a data source."
 msgstr ""
 "Sono state recuperate tutte le informazioni necessarie per creare\n"
-"una nuova sorgente di dati. Premere «Applica» per chiudere\n"
-"questa finestra di dialogo. Per aprire la sorgente di dati appena\n"
-"creata, basta selezionarla quando viene richiesta una sorgente di dati"
+"una nuova sorgente di dati. Premere «Applica» per chiudere questa\n"
+"finestra di dialogo. Per aprire la sorgente di dati appena creata,\n"
+"basta selezionarla quando viene richiesta una sorgente di dati"
 #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124
 #, fuzzy
@@ -512,16 +513,15 @@
 #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191
 msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Si è verificato un errore nel database sottostante"
 #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196
 msgid "Error number"
 msgstr "Numero d'errore"
 #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Details"
-msgstr "Dettaglio"
+msgstr "Dettagli"
 #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234
 msgid "Source"
@@ -534,12 +534,11 @@
 #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "_Field:"
-msgstr "Titolo"
+msgstr "Campi"
 #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "_Text:"
-msgstr "Prova"
+msgstr ""
 #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:275
 #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308
@@ -553,14 +552,16 @@
 #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113
 msgid "Recordset description"
-msgstr "Descrizione del recordset"
+msgstr "Descrizione dell'insieme di record"
 #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141
-#, c-format
+#, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid ""
 "File '%s' already exists.\n"
 "Do you want to overwrite it?"
 msgstr ""
+"Il file %s esiste già\n"
 #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149
 msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."
@@ -573,11 +574,11 @@
 #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224
 msgid "You must specify a file name"
-msgstr "Bisogna specificare un nome di file"
+msgstr "Ã? necessario specificare un nome di file"
 #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230
 msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ricevuto file vuoto durante la conversione dei dati"
 #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261
 msgid "Saving Model"
@@ -620,9 +621,8 @@
 msgstr "Mostra colonne"
 #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Describe"
-msgstr "Descrivi..."
+msgstr "Descrive"
 #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443
 msgid "View detail..."
@@ -634,73 +634,72 @@
 #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48
 msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"
-msgstr "� stato tentato di inizializzare un client già inizializzato"
+msgstr "Si è tentato di inizializzare un client già inizializzato"
 #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124
 msgid ""
 "Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"
 "to a data source"
 msgstr ""
+"Inserire gli argomenti per aprire una connessione\n"
+"a una sorgente di dati qui sotto"
 #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Data Source:"
-msgstr "Sorgente dati"
+msgstr "Sorgente dati:"
 #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Username:"
-msgstr "Nome utente"
+msgstr "Nome utente:"
 #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Password:"
-msgstr "Password"
+msgstr "Password:"
 #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69
 msgid "Fields"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Campi"
 #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30
 msgid "Commit"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Esegui commit"
 #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31
 msgid "Connect"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Connetti"
 #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33
 msgid "Designer"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Proggettista"
 #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34
 msgid "Disconnect"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Disconnetti"
 #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35
 msgid "NoTransaction"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "NessunaTransazione"
 #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37
 msgid "Query"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Query"
 #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38
 msgid "Rollback"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Reverti commit"
 #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40
 msgid "SQL"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "SQL"
 #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43
 msgid "WithinTransaction"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "InternamenteAllaTransazione"
 #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65
-#, fuzzy, c-format
+#, c-format
 msgid "Error: %s"
-msgstr "Errore"
+msgstr "Errore: %s"
 #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79
 msgid "Table name"
@@ -709,11 +708,11 @@
 #: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93
 #, c-format
 msgid "Login for %s"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Login per %s"
 #: libgnomedb/utils.c:95
 msgid "Login to database"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Login al database"
 #: vfs/libmain.c:71
 msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"
@@ -721,37 +720,34 @@
 #. create the dialog
 #: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Table Properties"
-msgstr "Proprietà del database"
+msgstr "Proprietà della tabella"
 #: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Table Name"
 msgstr "Nome tabella"
 #: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155
 msgid "New"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Nuova"
 #: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156
 msgid "Create new table"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Crea una nuova tabella"
 #: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Properties"
-msgstr "Procedure"
+msgstr "Proprietà"
 #: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "View table properties"
-msgstr "Proprietà del database"
+msgstr "Visualizza proprietà della tabella"
 #: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
 #: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "UID"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ID"
 #: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
 #: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
@@ -779,8 +775,9 @@
 #. position
 #: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "location"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Posizione"
 #. position
 #: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
@@ -816,8 +813,9 @@
 #: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
 #: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Classification"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Cancella selezione"
 #. position
 #: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
@@ -889,9 +887,8 @@
 msgstr ""
 #: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"
-msgstr "Non è possibile aprire una connessione verso %s"
+msgstr ""
 #: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100
 msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"
@@ -930,7 +927,7 @@
 #: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "References"
-msgstr "Sequenze"
+msgstr "Preferen_ze"
 #: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220
 msgid "Default value"
@@ -961,8 +958,9 @@
 #: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344
 #: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Comments"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Esegui commit"
 #: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374
 #, fuzzy
@@ -1012,26 +1010,60 @@
 "Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, tasks and contacts"
 msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "Browse database..."
+#~ msgstr "Esplorazione database..."
+#~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .connection files"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Componente che include le voci del menu contestuale per i file .connection"
+#~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .sql files"
+#~ msgstr "Componente che include le voci del menu contestuale per i file .sql"
+#~ msgid "Connection MIME handler component"
+#~ msgstr "Componente del gestore dei tipi di connessione MIME"
+#~ msgid "Database component factory"
+#~ msgstr "Produttore di componenti Database"
+#~ msgid "Open in database connection..."
+#~ msgstr "Apre all'interno di una connessione a database..."
+#~ msgid "SQL MIME handler component"
+#~ msgstr "Componente del gestore di tipi MIME SQL"
 #~ msgid "Database browser"
-#~ msgstr "Proprietà del database"
+#~ msgstr "Esploratore di database"
 #~ msgid "Error viewer"
 #~ msgstr "Visualizzatore di errore"
-#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "SQL Viewer"
+#~ msgstr "Visualizzatore SQL"
 #~ msgid "Database configuration"
-#~ msgstr "Proprietà del database"
+#~ msgstr "Configurazione del database"
+#~ msgid "Edit application preferences"
+#~ msgstr "Modifica le preferenze dell'applicazione"
+#~ msgid "New..."
+#~ msgstr "Nuovo..."
+#~ msgid "_File"
+#~ msgstr "_File"
+#~ msgid "_Properties..."
+#~ msgstr "P_roprietà..."
-#, fuzzy
 #~ msgid "_Settings"
-#~ msgstr "Impostazioni"
+#~ msgstr "Im_postazioni"
 #~ msgid "Password"
 #~ msgstr "Password"
 #~ msgid "Save as"
-#~ msgstr "Salva come..."
+#~ msgstr "Salva come"
 #~ msgid "Save to"
 #~ msgstr "Salva in"
@@ -1045,55 +1077,20 @@
 #~ msgid "Question"
 #~ msgstr "Domanda"
-#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "Table Data"
+#~ msgstr "Tabella dei dati"
+#~ msgid "View table data"
+#~ msgstr "Visualizza dati della tabella"
 #~ msgid "Database Moniker factory"
-#~ msgstr "Proprietà del database"
+#~ msgstr "Produttore Moniker del database"
-#, fuzzy
 #~ msgid "database: moniker"
-#~ msgstr "Proprietà del database"
+#~ msgstr "database: moniker"
 #~ msgid "Failing to manufacture a '%s'"
-#~ msgstr "� fallita la manifatturazione di un «%s»"
+#~ msgstr "Fallita la produzione di un «%s»"
 #~ msgid "Invalid format for connection string"
 #~ msgstr "Il formato per la stringa di connessione non è valido"
-#~ msgid "Data sources"
-#~ msgstr "Sorgenti di dati"
-#~ msgid "Test Data Source"
-#~ msgstr "Prova sorgente di dati"
-#~ msgid "Connection to %s successful!"
-#~ msgstr "Connessione verso %s riuscita!"
-#~ msgid "Data source"
-#~ msgstr "Sorgente di dati"
-#~ msgid "Select all"
-#~ msgstr "Seleziona tutto"
-#~ msgid "Unselect all"
-#~ msgstr "Deseleziona tutto"
-#~ msgid "Unselect All"
-#~ msgstr "Deseleziona tutto"
-#~ msgid "Display column headers"
-#~ msgstr "Visualizza intestazioni di colonna"
-#~ msgid "Hide column headers"
-#~ msgstr "Nascondi le intestazioni di colonna"
-#~ msgid "Save as..."
-#~ msgstr "Salva come..."
-#~ msgid "Export data to different formats"
-#~ msgstr "Esporta dati in formati differenti"
-#~ msgid "Describe current data set"
-#~ msgstr "Descrive il set di dati corrente"
-#~ msgid "View current data in more detail"
-#~ msgstr "Visualizza i dati correnti più in dettaglio"
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ja.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ko.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: libgnomedb-2.pot
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: Makefile.in
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: Makefile.in.in
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po: mk.po
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ml.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ms.gmo
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po: nb.po
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: nl.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: no.gmo
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po: pa.po
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: pl.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: POTFILES
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po: POTFILES.skip
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: pt_BR.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: pt.gmo
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po: README.translators
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ru.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: sk.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: sl.gmo
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po: sq.po
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: sr.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: sr Latn gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: sv.gmo
diff -rbBu ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/sv.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/sv.po
--- ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/sv.po	2004-08-12 09:42:40.000000000 -0500
+++ ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/sv.po	2004-09-03 07:45:21.000000000 -0500
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 # Christian Rose <menthos menthos com>, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003.
 # Martin Norbäck <d95mback dtek chalmers se>, 2000.
-# $Id: sv.po,v 1.82 2004/06/07 22:33:37 rodrigo Exp $
+# $Id: sv.po,v 1.83 2004/08/12 14:44:29 rodrigo Exp $
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ta.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: tr.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: uk.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: vi.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: zh_CN.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: zh_TW.gmo
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: providers
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: stamp.h
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/testing: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/testing: .deps
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/testing: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/testing: Makefile.in
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: vfs
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: aclocal.m4
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: autogen.sh
diff -rbBf ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/ChangeLog ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/ChangeLog
2004-09-25  Gustavo R. Montesino <grmontesino ig com br>

	Fixes #150791

	* libgnomedb/tables-page.c (tables_page_set_connection): unref the
	old connection, not the new one.

2004-09-22  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* configure.in: removed GNOME_COMPILE_WARNINGS macro.

2004-08-21  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>

	* configure.in: Add «nb» to ALL_LINGUAS.

2004-08-12  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	Released 1.1.6.

d3291 3300
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: components
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: config.guess
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: config.log
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: config.status
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: config.sub
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: configure
diff -rbBf ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/configure.in ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/configure.in
ALL_LINGUAS="az be ca cs da de el en_CA en_GB es fa fi fr ga gl hr hu it ja ko ml ms nb nl no pl pt pt_BR ru sk sl sq sr sr Latn sv ta tr uk vi zh_CN zh_TW"
d75 77
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/control-center: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/control-center: database-properties.desktop
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/control-center: .deps
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/control-center: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/control-center: Makefile.in
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: COPYING
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: CVS
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/data: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/data: libgnomedb.keys
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/data: libgnomedb.schemas
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/data: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/data: Makefile.in
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: depcomp
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc/C: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C: html
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C: libgnomedb-decl-list.txt
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C: libgnomedb-decl.txt
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C: libgnomedb-undocumented.txt
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C: Makefile.in
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc/C/tmpl: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: db-shell.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: gnome-db-browser-private.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: gnome-db-find-dialog.sgml.bak
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: gnome-db-i18n.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: libgnomedb-private.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: libgnomedb-unused.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: sql-viewer.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: table-properties-dialog.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: tables-page.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: utils.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C: xml
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc: libgnomedb-C.omf
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc: Makefile.in
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc: reference
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/glade: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/glade: .deps
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/glade: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/glade: Makefile.in
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: HACKING
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: INSTALL
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: install-sh
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: intltool-extract
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: intltool-extract.in
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: intltool-merge
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: intltool-merge.in
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: intltool-update
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: intltool-update.in
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: lib
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb: .deps
diff -rbBf ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.c
d52 58
d82 91
d102 104
	g_return_val_if_fail (col >= 0, NULL);
c239 242
	gint rows, i, cols;
	const GdaValue *value;
	GList *list = NULL;
	cols = gda_data_model_get_n_columns (model);
c248 250
	if (rows == 0 || cols < combo->priv->col) {
		list = g_list_append (list, "");
		gtk_combo_set_popdown_strings (GTK_COMBO (combo), list);
		g_list_free (list);
		list = g_list_append (list, gda_value_stringify (value));
d257 258
	gtk_combo_set_popdown_strings (GTK_COMBO (combo), list);
	g_list_foreach (list, (GFunc) g_free, NULL);
	g_list_free (list);
	GList *list = NULL;
		g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func (G_OBJECT (combo->priv->model), model_changed_cb, combo);

	if (model != NULL) {
		g_object_ref (G_OBJECT (model));
		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (combo->priv->model), "changed",
				  G_CALLBACK (model_changed_cb), combo);

	} else {
		list = g_list_append (list, "");
		gtk_combo_set_popdown_strings (GTK_COMBO (combo), list);
		g_list_free (list);
 * Returns: the column of the #GdaDataModel stored by the #GnomeDbCombo.
diff -rbBf ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.h ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.h
c27 28
#include <gtk/gtkcombo.h>
	GtkCombo combo;
c48 49
	GtkComboClass parent_class;
diff -rbBf ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-data-source-selector.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-data-source-selector.c
	GList *dsn_list, *l;
	/* load data sources */
	dsn_list = gnome_db_config_get_data_source_list ();
	for (l = dsn_list; l != NULL; l = l->next) {
		GdaDataSourceInfo *dsn_info = (GdaDataSourceInfo *) l->data;

		if (!dsn_info)
		if (name != NULL && strcmp (name, dsn_info->name) != 0)

		/* add the data source to the option menu */
		gnome_db_option_menu_add_item (GTK_OPTION_MENU (selector), dsn_info->name);
diff -rbBf ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c
d191 192
d372 379
d609 623
diff -rbBf ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.h ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.h
d67 68
diff -rbBf ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c
	g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_OPTION_MENU(login->priv->dsn_entry));

diff -rbBf ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c
	combo = gtk_combo_new ();
d1016 1073
diff -rbBf ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h
d121 124
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb: Makefile.in
diff -rbBf ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/tables-page.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/tables-page.c
		g_object_unref (priv->cnc);
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: libgnomedb.pc
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: libgnomedb.spec
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: libtool
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: ltmain.sh
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: Makefile.in
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: missing
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: mkinstalldirs
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: monikers
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: az.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: be.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ca.gmo
diff -rbBf ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/ChangeLog ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/ChangeLog
2004-09-26  Adam Weinberger  <adamw gnome org>

	* en_CA.po: Updated Canadian English translation.

2004-09-03  Laurent Dhima  <laurenti alblinux net>

	* sq.po: Added Albanian translation.

2004-09-02  Alessio Frusciante  <algol firenze linux it>

	* it.po: Updated Italian translation by
	Alessio Dessì <alkex inwind it>.

2004-08-21  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>

	* nb.po: Add.

2004-08-13  Tommi Vainikainen  <thv iki fi>

	* fi.po: Unified some fields in po headers for Finnish team.

Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: cs.gmo
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: da.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: de.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: el.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: en_CA.gmo
diff -rbBf ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/en_CA.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/en_CA.po
c10 11
"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-09-26 12:47-0400\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-09-26 19:42-0400\n"
"this dialogue. To open your newly created data source,\n"
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: en_GB.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: es.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: fa.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: fi.gmo
diff -rbBf ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/fi.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/fi.po
"Language-Team: Finnish <gnome-fi-laatu lists sourceforge net>\n"
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: fr.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ga.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: gl.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: hr.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: hu.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: it.gmo
diff -rbBf ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/it.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/it.po
# Alessio Dessì <alkex inwind it>, 2004.
c10 11
"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-09-02 20:42+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-04-07 18:55+0200\n"
msgstr "Configurazione ambiente del database"
msgstr "Nome"
msgstr "Sorgenti di dati configurate nel sistema"
"verso un fornitore o una combinazione di database specifici sono "
msgstr "Non è stata fornita nessuna informazione per la sorgente dati"
msgstr "Fornitori installati"
msgstr "File dei parametri delle connessioni a database"
msgstr "Documenti"
msgstr "Visualizzatore di codice SQL"
msgstr "Tipo di carattere da usare per il widget griglia"
msgstr "Numero di spazi per il «tab»"
msgstr "Mostra i numeri di riga nell'editor di sorgenti"
msgstr "Usa l'evidenziazione nell'editor del codice sorgente"
msgstr "Servizi di database per GNOME Desktop"
msgstr "Informazioni"
msgstr "Informazioni su GNOME-DB"
msgstr "Chiude questa finestra"
msgstr "Crea un nuovo elemento"
msgstr "Modifica le proprietà per l'elemento selezionato"
msgstr "Salva i parametri della connessione in un file"
msgstr "Seleziona tutto"
#, fuzzy
msgstr "Cancella selezione"
msgstr "_Chiudi"
msgstr "Ca_ncella"
msgstr "_Modifica"
msgstr "A_iuto"
msgstr "Proprietà"
msgstr "Sal_va connessione"
msgstr "ID"
msgstr "Posizione"
msgstr "Nome host"
msgstr "Dominio"
msgstr "Ã? necessario inserire un nome per la nuova sorgente di dati"
#, fuzzy
msgstr "I nomi delle sorgenti di dati non possono contenere spazi"
msgstr "Esiste già una sorgente di dati con lo stesso nome"
msgstr "I nomi delle sorgenti di dati non possono contenere spazi"
"I nomi delle sorgenti di dati possono contenere solo lettere e numeri ASCII"
msgstr "Ã? necessario selezionare un fornitore per la nuova sorgente di dati"
c409 410
"L'assistente farà da guida attraverso il processo di creazione\n"
"di una nuova sorgente dati per l'installazione personale\n"
c426 427
"I seguenti campi rappresentano le voci di informazioni di base\n"
"per la nuova sorgente di dati. Alcune di esse (descrizione,\n"
c429 430
"Se non si sà quale fornitore utilizzare, selezionare quello\n"
msgstr "Nome utente:"
msgstr "Password:"
c474 477
"I seguenti campi rappresentano l'informazione richiesta dal fornitore\n"
"selezionato nella pagina precedente per aprire una certa connessione.\n"
"Questa informazione è specifica del fornitore, controllare il manuale per\n"
"maggiori informazioni"
c492 494
"una nuova sorgente di dati. Premere «Applica» per chiudere questa\n"
"finestra di dialogo. Per aprire la sorgente di dati appena creata,\n"
"basta selezionarla quando viene richiesta una sorgente di dati"
msgstr "Si è verificato un errore nel database sottostante"
msgstr "Dettagli"
msgstr "Campi"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Descrizione dell'insieme di record"
#, fuzzy, c-format
"Il file %s esiste già\n"
msgstr "Ã? necessario specificare un nome di file"
msgstr "Ricevuto file vuoto durante la conversione dei dati"
msgstr "Descrive"
msgstr "Si è tentato di inizializzare un client già inizializzato"
"Inserire gli argomenti per aprire una connessione\n"
"a una sorgente di dati qui sotto"
msgstr "Sorgente dati:"
msgstr "Nome utente:"
msgstr "Password:"
msgstr "Campi"
msgstr "Esegui commit"
msgstr "Connetti"
msgstr "Proggettista"
msgstr "Disconnetti"
msgstr "NessunaTransazione"
msgstr "Query"
msgstr "Reverti commit"
msgstr "SQL"
msgstr "InternamenteAllaTransazione"
#, c-format
msgstr "Errore: %s"
msgstr "Login per %s"
msgstr "Login al database"
msgstr "Proprietà della tabella"
msgstr "Nuova"
msgstr "Crea una nuova tabella"
msgstr "Proprietà"
msgstr "Visualizza proprietà della tabella"
#, fuzzy
msgstr "ID"
#, fuzzy
msgstr "Posizione"
#, fuzzy
msgstr "Cancella selezione"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Preferen_ze"
#, fuzzy
msgstr "Esegui commit"
#~ msgid "Browse database..."
#~ msgstr "Esplorazione database..."

#~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .connection files"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Componente che include le voci del menu contestuale per i file .connection"

#~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .sql files"
#~ msgstr "Componente che include le voci del menu contestuale per i file .sql"

#~ msgid "Connection MIME handler component"
#~ msgstr "Componente del gestore dei tipi di connessione MIME"

#~ msgid "Database component factory"
#~ msgstr "Produttore di componenti Database"

#~ msgid "Open in database connection..."
#~ msgstr "Apre all'interno di una connessione a database..."

#~ msgid "SQL MIME handler component"
#~ msgstr "Componente del gestore di tipi MIME SQL"

#~ msgstr "Esploratore di database"
#~ msgid "SQL Viewer"
#~ msgstr "Visualizzatore SQL"

#~ msgstr "Configurazione del database"

#~ msgid "Edit application preferences"
#~ msgstr "Modifica le preferenze dell'applicazione"

#~ msgid "New..."
#~ msgstr "Nuovo..."

#~ msgid "_File"
#~ msgstr "_File"

#~ msgid "_Properties..."
#~ msgstr "P_roprietà..."
#~ msgstr "Im_postazioni"
#~ msgstr "Salva come"
#~ msgid "Table Data"
#~ msgstr "Tabella dei dati"

#~ msgid "View table data"
#~ msgstr "Visualizza dati della tabella"

#~ msgstr "Produttore Moniker del database"
#~ msgstr "database: moniker"
#~ msgstr "Fallita la produzione di un «%s»"
d1061 1099
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ja.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ko.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: libgnomedb-2.pot
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: Makefile.in
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: Makefile.in.in
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po: mk.po
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ml.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ms.gmo
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po: nb.po
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: nl.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: no.gmo
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po: pa.po
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: pl.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: POTFILES
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po: POTFILES.skip
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: pt_BR.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: pt.gmo
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po: README.translators
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ru.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: sk.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: sl.gmo
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po: sq.po
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: sr.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: sr Latn gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: sv.gmo
diff -rbBf ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/sv.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/sv.po
# $Id: sv.po,v 1.83 2004/08/12 14:44:29 rodrigo Exp $
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ta.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: tr.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: uk.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: vi.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: zh_CN.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: zh_TW.gmo
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: providers
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: stamp.h
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/testing: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/testing: .deps
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/testing: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/testing: Makefile.in
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: vfs
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: aclocal.m4
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: autogen.sh
diff -arbBf ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/ChangeLog ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/ChangeLog
2004-09-25  Gustavo R. Montesino <grmontesino ig com br>

	Fixes #150791

	* libgnomedb/tables-page.c (tables_page_set_connection): unref the
	old connection, not the new one.

2004-09-22  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* configure.in: removed GNOME_COMPILE_WARNINGS macro.

2004-08-21  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>

	* configure.in: Add «nb» to ALL_LINGUAS.

2004-08-12  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	Released 1.1.6.

d3291 3300
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: components
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: config.guess
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: config.log
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: config.status
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: config.sub
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: configure
diff -arbBf ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/configure.in ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/configure.in
ALL_LINGUAS="az be ca cs da de el en_CA en_GB es fa fi fr ga gl hr hu it ja ko ml ms nb nl no pl pt pt_BR ru sk sl sq sr sr Latn sv ta tr uk vi zh_CN zh_TW"
d75 77
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/control-center: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/control-center: database-properties.desktop
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/control-center: .deps
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/control-center: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/control-center: Makefile.in
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: COPYING
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: CVS
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/data: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/data: libgnomedb.keys
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/data: libgnomedb.schemas
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/data: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/data: Makefile.in
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: depcomp
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc/C: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C: html
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C: libgnomedb-decl-list.txt
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C: libgnomedb-decl.txt
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C: libgnomedb-undocumented.txt
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C: Makefile.in
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc/C/tmpl: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: db-shell.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: gnome-db-browser-private.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: gnome-db-find-dialog.sgml.bak
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: gnome-db-i18n.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: libgnomedb-private.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: libgnomedb-unused.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: sql-viewer.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: table-properties-dialog.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: tables-page.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: utils.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C: xml
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc: libgnomedb-C.omf
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc: Makefile.in
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc: reference
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/glade: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/glade: .deps
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/glade: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/glade: Makefile.in
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: HACKING
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: INSTALL
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: install-sh
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: intltool-extract
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: intltool-extract.in
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: intltool-merge
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: intltool-merge.in
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: intltool-update
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: intltool-update.in
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: lib
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb: .deps
diff -arbBf ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.c
d52 58
d82 91
d102 104
	g_return_val_if_fail (col >= 0, NULL);
c239 242
	gint rows, i, cols;
	const GdaValue *value;
	GList *list = NULL;
	cols = gda_data_model_get_n_columns (model);
c248 250
	if (rows == 0 || cols < combo->priv->col) {
		list = g_list_append (list, "");
		gtk_combo_set_popdown_strings (GTK_COMBO (combo), list);
		g_list_free (list);
		list = g_list_append (list, gda_value_stringify (value));
d257 258
	gtk_combo_set_popdown_strings (GTK_COMBO (combo), list);
	g_list_foreach (list, (GFunc) g_free, NULL);
	g_list_free (list);
	GList *list = NULL;
		g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func (G_OBJECT (combo->priv->model), model_changed_cb, combo);

	if (model != NULL) {
		g_object_ref (G_OBJECT (model));
		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (combo->priv->model), "changed",
				  G_CALLBACK (model_changed_cb), combo);

	} else {
		list = g_list_append (list, "");
		gtk_combo_set_popdown_strings (GTK_COMBO (combo), list);
		g_list_free (list);
 * Returns: the column of the #GdaDataModel stored by the #GnomeDbCombo.
diff -arbBf ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.h ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.h
c27 28
#include <gtk/gtkcombo.h>
	GtkCombo combo;
c48 49
	GtkComboClass parent_class;
diff -arbBf ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-data-source-selector.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-data-source-selector.c
	GList *dsn_list, *l;
	/* load data sources */
	dsn_list = gnome_db_config_get_data_source_list ();
	for (l = dsn_list; l != NULL; l = l->next) {
		GdaDataSourceInfo *dsn_info = (GdaDataSourceInfo *) l->data;

		if (!dsn_info)
		if (name != NULL && strcmp (name, dsn_info->name) != 0)

		/* add the data source to the option menu */
		gnome_db_option_menu_add_item (GTK_OPTION_MENU (selector), dsn_info->name);
diff -arbBf ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c
d191 192
d372 379
d609 623
diff -arbBf ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.h ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.h
d67 68
diff -arbBf ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c
	g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_OPTION_MENU(login->priv->dsn_entry));

diff -arbBf ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c
	combo = gtk_combo_new ();
d1016 1073
diff -arbBf ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h
d121 124
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb: Makefile.in
diff -arbBf ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/tables-page.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/tables-page.c
		g_object_unref (priv->cnc);
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: libgnomedb.pc
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: libgnomedb.spec
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: libtool
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: ltmain.sh
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: Makefile.in
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: missing
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: mkinstalldirs
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: monikers
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: az.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: be.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ca.gmo
diff -arbBf ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/ChangeLog ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/ChangeLog
2004-09-26  Adam Weinberger  <adamw gnome org>

	* en_CA.po: Updated Canadian English translation.

2004-09-03  Laurent Dhima  <laurenti alblinux net>

	* sq.po: Added Albanian translation.

2004-09-02  Alessio Frusciante  <algol firenze linux it>

	* it.po: Updated Italian translation by
	Alessio Dessì <alkex inwind it>.

2004-08-21  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>

	* nb.po: Add.

2004-08-13  Tommi Vainikainen  <thv iki fi>

	* fi.po: Unified some fields in po headers for Finnish team.

Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: cs.gmo
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: da.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: de.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: el.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: en_CA.gmo
diff -arbBf ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/en_CA.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/en_CA.po
c10 11
"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-09-26 12:47-0400\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-09-26 19:42-0400\n"
"this dialogue. To open your newly created data source,\n"
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: en_GB.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: es.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: fa.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: fi.gmo
diff -arbBf ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/fi.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/fi.po
"Language-Team: Finnish <gnome-fi-laatu lists sourceforge net>\n"
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: fr.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ga.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: gl.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: hr.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: hu.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: it.gmo
diff -arbBf ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/it.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/it.po
# Alessio Dessì <alkex inwind it>, 2004.
c10 11
"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-09-02 20:42+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-04-07 18:55+0200\n"
msgstr "Configurazione ambiente del database"
msgstr "Nome"
msgstr "Sorgenti di dati configurate nel sistema"
"verso un fornitore o una combinazione di database specifici sono "
msgstr "Non è stata fornita nessuna informazione per la sorgente dati"
msgstr "Fornitori installati"
msgstr "File dei parametri delle connessioni a database"
msgstr "Documenti"
msgstr "Visualizzatore di codice SQL"
msgstr "Tipo di carattere da usare per il widget griglia"
msgstr "Numero di spazi per il «tab»"
msgstr "Mostra i numeri di riga nell'editor di sorgenti"
msgstr "Usa l'evidenziazione nell'editor del codice sorgente"
msgstr "Servizi di database per GNOME Desktop"
msgstr "Informazioni"
msgstr "Informazioni su GNOME-DB"
msgstr "Chiude questa finestra"
msgstr "Crea un nuovo elemento"
msgstr "Modifica le proprietà per l'elemento selezionato"
msgstr "Salva i parametri della connessione in un file"
msgstr "Seleziona tutto"
#, fuzzy
msgstr "Cancella selezione"
msgstr "_Chiudi"
msgstr "Ca_ncella"
msgstr "_Modifica"
msgstr "A_iuto"
msgstr "Proprietà"
msgstr "Sal_va connessione"
msgstr "ID"
msgstr "Posizione"
msgstr "Nome host"
msgstr "Dominio"
msgstr "Ã? necessario inserire un nome per la nuova sorgente di dati"
#, fuzzy
msgstr "I nomi delle sorgenti di dati non possono contenere spazi"
msgstr "Esiste già una sorgente di dati con lo stesso nome"
msgstr "I nomi delle sorgenti di dati non possono contenere spazi"
"I nomi delle sorgenti di dati possono contenere solo lettere e numeri ASCII"
msgstr "Ã? necessario selezionare un fornitore per la nuova sorgente di dati"
c409 410
"L'assistente farà da guida attraverso il processo di creazione\n"
"di una nuova sorgente dati per l'installazione personale\n"
c426 427
"I seguenti campi rappresentano le voci di informazioni di base\n"
"per la nuova sorgente di dati. Alcune di esse (descrizione,\n"
c429 430
"Se non si sà quale fornitore utilizzare, selezionare quello\n"
msgstr "Nome utente:"
msgstr "Password:"
c474 477
"I seguenti campi rappresentano l'informazione richiesta dal fornitore\n"
"selezionato nella pagina precedente per aprire una certa connessione.\n"
"Questa informazione è specifica del fornitore, controllare il manuale per\n"
"maggiori informazioni"
c492 494
"una nuova sorgente di dati. Premere «Applica» per chiudere questa\n"
"finestra di dialogo. Per aprire la sorgente di dati appena creata,\n"
"basta selezionarla quando viene richiesta una sorgente di dati"
msgstr "Si è verificato un errore nel database sottostante"
msgstr "Dettagli"
msgstr "Campi"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Descrizione dell'insieme di record"
#, fuzzy, c-format
"Il file %s esiste già\n"
msgstr "Ã? necessario specificare un nome di file"
msgstr "Ricevuto file vuoto durante la conversione dei dati"
msgstr "Descrive"
msgstr "Si è tentato di inizializzare un client già inizializzato"
"Inserire gli argomenti per aprire una connessione\n"
"a una sorgente di dati qui sotto"
msgstr "Sorgente dati:"
msgstr "Nome utente:"
msgstr "Password:"
msgstr "Campi"
msgstr "Esegui commit"
msgstr "Connetti"
msgstr "Proggettista"
msgstr "Disconnetti"
msgstr "NessunaTransazione"
msgstr "Query"
msgstr "Reverti commit"
msgstr "SQL"
msgstr "InternamenteAllaTransazione"
#, c-format
msgstr "Errore: %s"
msgstr "Login per %s"
msgstr "Login al database"
msgstr "Proprietà della tabella"
msgstr "Nuova"
msgstr "Crea una nuova tabella"
msgstr "Proprietà"
msgstr "Visualizza proprietà della tabella"
#, fuzzy
msgstr "ID"
#, fuzzy
msgstr "Posizione"
#, fuzzy
msgstr "Cancella selezione"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Preferen_ze"
#, fuzzy
msgstr "Esegui commit"
#~ msgid "Browse database..."
#~ msgstr "Esplorazione database..."

#~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .connection files"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Componente che include le voci del menu contestuale per i file .connection"

#~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .sql files"
#~ msgstr "Componente che include le voci del menu contestuale per i file .sql"

#~ msgid "Connection MIME handler component"
#~ msgstr "Componente del gestore dei tipi di connessione MIME"

#~ msgid "Database component factory"
#~ msgstr "Produttore di componenti Database"

#~ msgid "Open in database connection..."
#~ msgstr "Apre all'interno di una connessione a database..."

#~ msgid "SQL MIME handler component"
#~ msgstr "Componente del gestore di tipi MIME SQL"

#~ msgstr "Esploratore di database"
#~ msgid "SQL Viewer"
#~ msgstr "Visualizzatore SQL"

#~ msgstr "Configurazione del database"

#~ msgid "Edit application preferences"
#~ msgstr "Modifica le preferenze dell'applicazione"

#~ msgid "New..."
#~ msgstr "Nuovo..."

#~ msgid "_File"
#~ msgstr "_File"

#~ msgid "_Properties..."
#~ msgstr "P_roprietà..."
#~ msgstr "Im_postazioni"
#~ msgstr "Salva come"
#~ msgid "Table Data"
#~ msgstr "Tabella dei dati"

#~ msgid "View table data"
#~ msgstr "Visualizza dati della tabella"

#~ msgstr "Produttore Moniker del database"
#~ msgstr "database: moniker"
#~ msgstr "Fallita la produzione di un «%s»"
d1061 1099
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ja.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ko.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: libgnomedb-2.pot
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: Makefile.in
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: Makefile.in.in
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po: mk.po
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ml.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ms.gmo
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po: nb.po
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: nl.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: no.gmo
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po: pa.po
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: pl.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: POTFILES
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po: POTFILES.skip
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: pt_BR.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: pt.gmo
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po: README.translators
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ru.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: sk.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: sl.gmo
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po: sq.po
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: sr.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: sr Latn gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: sv.gmo
diff -arbBf ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/sv.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/sv.po
# $Id: sv.po,v 1.83 2004/08/12 14:44:29 rodrigo Exp $
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ta.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: tr.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: uk.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: vi.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: zh_CN.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: zh_TW.gmo
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: providers
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: stamp.h
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/testing: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/testing: .deps
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/testing: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/testing: Makefile.in
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: vfs
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: aclocal.m4
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: autogen.sh
diff -rbBf ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/ChangeLog ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/ChangeLog
2004-09-25  Gustavo R. Montesino <grmontesino ig com br>

	Fixes #150791

	* libgnomedb/tables-page.c (tables_page_set_connection): unref the
	old connection, not the new one.

2004-09-22  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* configure.in: removed GNOME_COMPILE_WARNINGS macro.

2004-08-21  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>

	* configure.in: Add «nb» to ALL_LINGUAS.

2004-08-12  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	Released 1.1.6.

d3291 3300
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: components
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: config.guess
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: config.log
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: config.status
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: config.sub
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: configure
diff -rbBf ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/configure.in ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/configure.in
ALL_LINGUAS="az be ca cs da de el en_CA en_GB es fa fi fr ga gl hr hu it ja ko ml ms nb nl no pl pt pt_BR ru sk sl sq sr sr Latn sv ta tr uk vi zh_CN zh_TW"
d75 77
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/control-center: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/control-center: database-properties.desktop
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/control-center: .deps
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/control-center: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/control-center: Makefile.in
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: COPYING
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: CVS
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/data: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/data: libgnomedb.keys
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/data: libgnomedb.schemas
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/data: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/data: Makefile.in
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: depcomp
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc/C: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C: html
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C: libgnomedb-decl-list.txt
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C: libgnomedb-decl.txt
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C: libgnomedb-undocumented.txt
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C: Makefile.in
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc/C/tmpl: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: db-shell.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: gnome-db-browser-private.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: gnome-db-find-dialog.sgml.bak
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: gnome-db-i18n.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: libgnomedb-private.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: libgnomedb-unused.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: sql-viewer.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: table-properties-dialog.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: tables-page.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: utils.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C: xml
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc: libgnomedb-C.omf
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc: Makefile.in
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc: reference
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/glade: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/glade: .deps
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/glade: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/glade: Makefile.in
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: HACKING
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: INSTALL
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: install-sh
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: intltool-extract
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: intltool-extract.in
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: intltool-merge
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: intltool-merge.in
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: intltool-update
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: intltool-update.in
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: lib
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb: .deps
diff -rbBf ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.c
d52 58
d82 91
d102 104
	g_return_val_if_fail (col >= 0, NULL);
c239 242
	gint rows, i, cols;
	const GdaValue *value;
	GList *list = NULL;
	cols = gda_data_model_get_n_columns (model);
c248 250
	if (rows == 0 || cols < combo->priv->col) {
		list = g_list_append (list, "");
		gtk_combo_set_popdown_strings (GTK_COMBO (combo), list);
		g_list_free (list);
		list = g_list_append (list, gda_value_stringify (value));
d257 258
	gtk_combo_set_popdown_strings (GTK_COMBO (combo), list);
	g_list_foreach (list, (GFunc) g_free, NULL);
	g_list_free (list);
	GList *list = NULL;
		g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func (G_OBJECT (combo->priv->model), model_changed_cb, combo);

	if (model != NULL) {
		g_object_ref (G_OBJECT (model));
		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (combo->priv->model), "changed",
				  G_CALLBACK (model_changed_cb), combo);

	} else {
		list = g_list_append (list, "");
		gtk_combo_set_popdown_strings (GTK_COMBO (combo), list);
		g_list_free (list);
 * Returns: the column of the #GdaDataModel stored by the #GnomeDbCombo.
diff -rbBf ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.h ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.h
c27 28
#include <gtk/gtkcombo.h>
	GtkCombo combo;
c48 49
	GtkComboClass parent_class;
diff -rbBf ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-data-source-selector.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-data-source-selector.c
	GList *dsn_list, *l;
	/* load data sources */
	dsn_list = gnome_db_config_get_data_source_list ();
	for (l = dsn_list; l != NULL; l = l->next) {
		GdaDataSourceInfo *dsn_info = (GdaDataSourceInfo *) l->data;

		if (!dsn_info)
		if (name != NULL && strcmp (name, dsn_info->name) != 0)

		/* add the data source to the option menu */
		gnome_db_option_menu_add_item (GTK_OPTION_MENU (selector), dsn_info->name);
diff -rbBf ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c
d191 192
d372 379
d609 623
diff -rbBf ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.h ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.h
d67 68
diff -rbBf ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c
	g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_OPTION_MENU(login->priv->dsn_entry));

diff -rbBf ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c
	combo = gtk_combo_new ();
d1016 1073
diff -rbBf ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h
d121 124
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb: Makefile.in
diff -rbBf ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/tables-page.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/tables-page.c
		g_object_unref (priv->cnc);
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: libgnomedb.pc
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: libgnomedb.spec
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: libtool
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: ltmain.sh
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: Makefile.in
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: missing
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: mkinstalldirs
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: monikers
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: az.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: be.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ca.gmo
diff -rbBf ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/ChangeLog ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/ChangeLog
2004-09-26  Adam Weinberger  <adamw gnome org>

	* en_CA.po: Updated Canadian English translation.

2004-09-03  Laurent Dhima  <laurenti alblinux net>

	* sq.po: Added Albanian translation.

2004-09-02  Alessio Frusciante  <algol firenze linux it>

	* it.po: Updated Italian translation by
	Alessio Dessì <alkex inwind it>.

2004-08-21  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>

	* nb.po: Add.

2004-08-13  Tommi Vainikainen  <thv iki fi>

	* fi.po: Unified some fields in po headers for Finnish team.

Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: cs.gmo
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: da.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: de.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: el.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: en_CA.gmo
diff -rbBf ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/en_CA.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/en_CA.po
c10 11
"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-09-26 12:47-0400\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-09-26 19:42-0400\n"
"this dialogue. To open your newly created data source,\n"
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: en_GB.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: es.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: fa.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: fi.gmo
diff -rbBf ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/fi.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/fi.po
"Language-Team: Finnish <gnome-fi-laatu lists sourceforge net>\n"
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: fr.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ga.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: gl.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: hr.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: hu.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: it.gmo
diff -rbBf ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/it.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/it.po
# Alessio Dessì <alkex inwind it>, 2004.
c10 11
"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-09-02 20:42+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-04-07 18:55+0200\n"
msgstr "Configurazione ambiente del database"
msgstr "Nome"
msgstr "Sorgenti di dati configurate nel sistema"
"verso un fornitore o una combinazione di database specifici sono "
msgstr "Non è stata fornita nessuna informazione per la sorgente dati"
msgstr "Fornitori installati"
msgstr "File dei parametri delle connessioni a database"
msgstr "Documenti"
msgstr "Visualizzatore di codice SQL"
msgstr "Tipo di carattere da usare per il widget griglia"
msgstr "Numero di spazi per il «tab»"
msgstr "Mostra i numeri di riga nell'editor di sorgenti"
msgstr "Usa l'evidenziazione nell'editor del codice sorgente"
msgstr "Servizi di database per GNOME Desktop"
msgstr "Informazioni"
msgstr "Informazioni su GNOME-DB"
msgstr "Chiude questa finestra"
msgstr "Crea un nuovo elemento"
msgstr "Modifica le proprietà per l'elemento selezionato"
msgstr "Salva i parametri della connessione in un file"
msgstr "Seleziona tutto"
#, fuzzy
msgstr "Cancella selezione"
msgstr "_Chiudi"
msgstr "Ca_ncella"
msgstr "_Modifica"
msgstr "A_iuto"
msgstr "Proprietà"
msgstr "Sal_va connessione"
msgstr "ID"
msgstr "Posizione"
msgstr "Nome host"
msgstr "Dominio"
msgstr "Ã? necessario inserire un nome per la nuova sorgente di dati"
#, fuzzy
msgstr "I nomi delle sorgenti di dati non possono contenere spazi"
msgstr "Esiste già una sorgente di dati con lo stesso nome"
msgstr "I nomi delle sorgenti di dati non possono contenere spazi"
"I nomi delle sorgenti di dati possono contenere solo lettere e numeri ASCII"
msgstr "Ã? necessario selezionare un fornitore per la nuova sorgente di dati"
c409 410
"L'assistente farà da guida attraverso il processo di creazione\n"
"di una nuova sorgente dati per l'installazione personale\n"
c426 427
"I seguenti campi rappresentano le voci di informazioni di base\n"
"per la nuova sorgente di dati. Alcune di esse (descrizione,\n"
c429 430
"Se non si sà quale fornitore utilizzare, selezionare quello\n"
msgstr "Nome utente:"
msgstr "Password:"
c474 477
"I seguenti campi rappresentano l'informazione richiesta dal fornitore\n"
"selezionato nella pagina precedente per aprire una certa connessione.\n"
"Questa informazione è specifica del fornitore, controllare il manuale per\n"
"maggiori informazioni"
c492 494
"una nuova sorgente di dati. Premere «Applica» per chiudere questa\n"
"finestra di dialogo. Per aprire la sorgente di dati appena creata,\n"
"basta selezionarla quando viene richiesta una sorgente di dati"
msgstr "Si è verificato un errore nel database sottostante"
msgstr "Dettagli"
msgstr "Campi"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Descrizione dell'insieme di record"
#, fuzzy, c-format
"Il file %s esiste già\n"
msgstr "Ã? necessario specificare un nome di file"
msgstr "Ricevuto file vuoto durante la conversione dei dati"
msgstr "Descrive"
msgstr "Si è tentato di inizializzare un client già inizializzato"
"Inserire gli argomenti per aprire una connessione\n"
"a una sorgente di dati qui sotto"
msgstr "Sorgente dati:"
msgstr "Nome utente:"
msgstr "Password:"
msgstr "Campi"
msgstr "Esegui commit"
msgstr "Connetti"
msgstr "Proggettista"
msgstr "Disconnetti"
msgstr "NessunaTransazione"
msgstr "Query"
msgstr "Reverti commit"
msgstr "SQL"
msgstr "InternamenteAllaTransazione"
#, c-format
msgstr "Errore: %s"
msgstr "Login per %s"
msgstr "Login al database"
msgstr "Proprietà della tabella"
msgstr "Nuova"
msgstr "Crea una nuova tabella"
msgstr "Proprietà"
msgstr "Visualizza proprietà della tabella"
#, fuzzy
msgstr "ID"
#, fuzzy
msgstr "Posizione"
#, fuzzy
msgstr "Cancella selezione"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Preferen_ze"
#, fuzzy
msgstr "Esegui commit"
#~ msgid "Browse database..."
#~ msgstr "Esplorazione database..."

#~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .connection files"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Componente che include le voci del menu contestuale per i file .connection"

#~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .sql files"
#~ msgstr "Componente che include le voci del menu contestuale per i file .sql"

#~ msgid "Connection MIME handler component"
#~ msgstr "Componente del gestore dei tipi di connessione MIME"

#~ msgid "Database component factory"
#~ msgstr "Produttore di componenti Database"

#~ msgid "Open in database connection..."
#~ msgstr "Apre all'interno di una connessione a database..."

#~ msgid "SQL MIME handler component"
#~ msgstr "Componente del gestore di tipi MIME SQL"

#~ msgstr "Esploratore di database"
#~ msgid "SQL Viewer"
#~ msgstr "Visualizzatore SQL"

#~ msgstr "Configurazione del database"

#~ msgid "Edit application preferences"
#~ msgstr "Modifica le preferenze dell'applicazione"

#~ msgid "New..."
#~ msgstr "Nuovo..."

#~ msgid "_File"
#~ msgstr "_File"

#~ msgid "_Properties..."
#~ msgstr "P_roprietà..."
#~ msgstr "Im_postazioni"
#~ msgstr "Salva come"
#~ msgid "Table Data"
#~ msgstr "Tabella dei dati"

#~ msgid "View table data"
#~ msgstr "Visualizza dati della tabella"

#~ msgstr "Produttore Moniker del database"
#~ msgstr "database: moniker"
#~ msgstr "Fallita la produzione di un «%s»"
d1061 1099
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ja.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ko.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: libgnomedb-2.pot
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: Makefile.in
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: Makefile.in.in
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po: mk.po
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ml.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ms.gmo
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po: nb.po
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: nl.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: no.gmo
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po: pa.po
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: pl.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: POTFILES
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po: POTFILES.skip
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: pt_BR.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: pt.gmo
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po: README.translators
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ru.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: sk.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: sl.gmo
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po: sq.po
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: sr.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: sr Latn gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: sv.gmo
diff -rbBf ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/sv.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/sv.po
# $Id: sv.po,v 1.83 2004/08/12 14:44:29 rodrigo Exp $
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ta.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: tr.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: uk.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: vi.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: zh_CN.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: zh_TW.gmo
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: providers
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: stamp.h
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/testing: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/testing: .deps
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/testing: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/testing: Makefile.in
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: vfs
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/acconfig.h ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/acconfig.h
#undef PACKAGE							#undef PACKAGE
#undef VERSION							#undef VERSION
#undef HAVE_GETTEXT						#undef HAVE_GETTEXT
#undef ENABLE_NLS						#undef ENABLE_NLS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: aclocal.m4
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/AUTHORS ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/AUTHORS
Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org> (libgnomedb)		Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org> (libgnomedb)
Vivien Malerba <malerba gnome-db org> (libgnomedb)		Vivien Malerba <malerba gnome-db org> (libgnomedb)
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: autogen.sh
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/ChangeLog ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/ChangeLog
							      >	2004-09-25  Gustavo R. Montesino <grmontesino ig com br>
							      >		Fixes #150791
							      >		* libgnomedb/tables-page.c (tables_page_set_connectio
							      >		old connection, not the new one.
							      >	2004-09-22  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
							      >		* configure.in: removed GNOME_COMPILE_WARNINGS macro.
							      >	2004-08-21  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>
							      >		* configure.in: Add «nb» to ALL_LINGUAS.
							      >	2004-08-12  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
							      >		Released 1.1.6.
2004-08-08  Gustavo R. Montesino <grmontesino ig com br>	2004-08-08  Gustavo R. Montesino <grmontesino ig com br>

	Fixes #149609							Fixes #149609

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c (gnome_db_form_set_curre		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c (gnome_db_form_set_curre
	for compilation with GCC 3.4.					for compilation with GCC 3.4.

2004-08-06  Daniel Espinosa Ortiz <esodan yahoo com mx>		2004-08-06  Daniel Espinosa Ortiz <esodan yahoo com mx>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c (gnome_db_option_menu_ge		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c (gnome_db_option_menu_ge
	get the current selection via gtk_menu_get_active().		get the current selection via gtk_menu_get_active().

2004-07-31  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2004-07-31  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c (sync_from_gda): start		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c (sync_from_gda): start
	libgda's configuration with a clear GConf section.		libgda's configuration with a clear GConf section.
	(sync_from_gda): if the key refers to a section, use 		(sync_from_gda): if the key refers to a section, use 
	remove the section.						remove the section.
	(gnome_db_config_remove_data_source): remove the sect		(gnome_db_config_remove_data_source): remove the sect
	libgda configuration also.					libgda configuration also.

	* control-center/dsn-config.c (dsn_config_delete): re		* control-center/dsn-config.c (dsn_config_delete): re
	after removing data sources.					after removing data sources.

2004-07-22  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2004-07-22  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	Released 1.1.5.							Released 1.1.5.

2004-07-16  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2004-07-16  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* Makefile.am: EXTRA_DIST mkinstalldirs				* Makefile.am: EXTRA_DIST mkinstalldirs

2004-06-07  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2004-06-07  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	Released 1.1.4.							Released 1.1.4.

2004-06-07  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2004-06-07  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* configure.in: fixed gtk-doc checks.				* configure.in: fixed gtk-doc checks.

	* doc/Makefile.am: make it output XML instead of SGML		* doc/Makefile.am: make it output XML instead of SGML

	* doc/C/libgnomedb-docs.sgml: converted to XML.			* doc/C/libgnomedb-docs.sgml: converted to XML.

2004-06-06  Gustavo R. Montesino <ikki_gerrard yahoo com br>	2004-06-06  Gustavo R. Montesino <ikki_gerrard yahoo com br>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.[ch]: New widget to		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.[ch]: New widget to
	field and a search text from the user.				field and a search text from the user.

2004-06-03  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2004-06-03  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* configure.in: removed obsolete GNOME_PLATFORM_GNOME		* configure.in: removed obsolete GNOME_PLATFORM_GNOME

2004-06-01  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2004-06-01  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	Released 1.1.3							Released 1.1.3

2004-05-31  Jürg Billeter <j bitron ch>				2004-05-31  Jürg Billeter <j bitron ch>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c: fixes for compilation w		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c: fixes for compilation w

2004-05-07  Vivien Malerba <malerba gnome-db org>		2004-05-07  Vivien Malerba <malerba gnome-db org>

	* Added GnomeDb stock icons for relations			* Added GnomeDb stock icons for relations

2004-04-26  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2004-04-26  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	Released 1.1.2							Released 1.1.2

2004-04-18  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2004-04-18  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	Fixes #139098							Fixes #139098

	* Makefile.am: only build documentation if gtk-doc is		* Makefile.am: only build documentation if gtk-doc is

2004-04-16  Adam Weinberger  <adamw gnome org>			2004-04-16  Adam Weinberger  <adamw gnome org>

	* configure.in: Added en_CA to ALL_LINGUAS.			* configure.in: Added en_CA to ALL_LINGUAS.

2004-04-12  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2004-04-12  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c (general_nex		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c (general_nex
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c (gnome_db_dsn_conf		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c (gnome_db_dsn_conf
	dont allow spaces on data source names.				dont allow spaces on data source names.

2004-04-12  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2004-04-12  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb.spec.in: removed missing files.			* libgnomedb.spec.in: removed missing files.

2004-04-06  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2004-04-06  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c (gnome_db_config_remov		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c (gnome_db_config_remov
	gconf_client_recursive_unset to remove all traces of 		gconf_client_recursive_unset to remove all traces of 

2004-04-06  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2004-04-06  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.[ch] (gnome_db_grid_select		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.[ch] (gnome_db_grid_select
	function.							function.

2004-04-04  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2004-04-04  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-data-source-selector.c (show_da		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-data-source-selector.c (show_da
	re-added removed (?) code to show all data sources.		re-added removed (?) code to show all data sources.

	* configure.in: require libgda >= 1.1.1.			* configure.in: require libgda >= 1.1.1.

2004-04-02  Gareth Owen  <gowen72 yahoo com>			2004-04-02  Gareth Owen  <gowen72 yahoo com>

	* configure.in: Added en_GB to ALL_LINGUAS			* configure.in: Added en_GB to ALL_LINGUAS

2004-04-02  Leonardo Boshell <p kapcoweb com>			2004-04-02  Leonardo Boshell <p kapcoweb com>

	* doc/C/Makefile.am: added fdl-appendix.sgml to $cont		* doc/C/Makefile.am: added fdl-appendix.sgml to $cont

2004-04-02  Stephane LOEUILLET <bugs leroutier net>		2004-04-02  Stephane LOEUILLET <bugs leroutier net>

	Fixes #138197							Fixes #138197

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:					* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c: fixed gtk-doc c		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c: fixed gtk-doc c

2004-04-01  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2004-04-01  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	Released 1.1.1							Released 1.1.1

2004-03-17  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2004-03-17  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c (general_nex		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c (general_nex
	s/gda_config_free_provider_info/gda_provider_info_fre		s/gda_config_free_provider_info/gda_provider_info_fre

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c: removed non-existant h		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c: removed non-existant h

2004-03-11  Julio M. Merino Vidal <jmmv menta net>		2004-03-11  Julio M. Merino Vidal <jmmv menta net>

	Fixes #136886							Fixes #136886

	* control-center/database-properties.desktop.in: use 		* control-center/database-properties.desktop.in: use 
	desktop entry icon.						desktop entry icon.

2004-03-09  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2004-03-09  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c (gnome_db_option_menu_se		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c (gnome_db_option_menu_se
	make sure the menu is valid before using it.			make sure the menu is valid before using it.

2004-03-08  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2004-03-08  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c: removed non-installed		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c: removed non-installed
	from libgda.							from libgda.

2004-02-16  Laurent Sansonetti <lrz gnome org>			2004-02-16  Laurent Sansonetti <lrz gnome org>

	Fixes #130730							Fixes #130730

	* libgnome/gnome-db-config.c: Added missing implement		* libgnome/gnome-db-config.c: Added missing implement
	gnome_db_config_get_component_data_model ().			gnome_db_config_get_component_data_model ().

	Fixes #131365							Fixes #131365

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-data-source-selector.c (show_da		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-data-source-selector.c (show_da
	Calls gnome_db_option_menu_set_selection () with a va		Calls gnome_db_option_menu_set_selection () with a va

2004-02-09  Yomasz K³oczko <kloczek pld org pl>			2004-02-09  Yomasz K³oczko <kloczek pld org pl>

	* configure.in: Trivial cleanup: remove AC_SUBST(CFLA		* configure.in: Trivial cleanup: remove AC_SUBST(CFLA
	  substed by default.						  substed by default.

2004-02-07  Robert Sedak  <robert sedak sk htnet hr>		2004-02-07  Robert Sedak  <robert sedak sk htnet hr>

        * configure.in: Added "hr" (Croatian) to ALL_LINGUAS.	        * configure.in: Added "hr" (Croatian) to ALL_LINGUAS.

2004-01-25  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2004-01-25  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.[ch]			* providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.[ch]
	(gda_calendar_model_new): added a GdaConnection argum		(gda_calendar_model_new): added a GdaConnection argum
	(gda_calendar_model_is_updatable): call e_cal_is_read		(gda_calendar_model_is_updatable): call e_cal_is_read
	know if the calendar source can be updated or not.		know if the calendar source can be updated or not.
	(gda_calendar_model_class_init): s/is_editable/is_upd		(gda_calendar_model_class_init): s/is_editable/is_upd

2004-01-25  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2004-01-25  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.h: fixed parameter name m		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.h: fixed parameter name m

2004-01-24  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2004-01-24  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.[ch]:			* providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.[ch]:
	* providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.[ch]:		* providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.[ch]:
	adapted to evolution-data-server's API.				adapted to evolution-data-server's API.

	* providers/evolution/Makefile.am: added missing comp		* providers/evolution/Makefile.am: added missing comp
	and linking flags.						and linking flags.

	* configure.in: added missing code to get the Evoluti		* configure.in: added missing code to get the Evoluti

2004-01-24  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2004-01-24  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* providers/evolution/*: merged gda-evolution module.		* providers/evolution/*: merged gda-evolution module.

	* providers/Makefile.am:					* providers/Makefile.am:
	* configure.in: added new directories to build.			* configure.in: added new directories to build.

2004-01-17  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2004-01-17  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c (gnome_db_grid_set_colum		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c (gnome_db_grid_set_colum
	gda_data_model_get_n_columns to get the number of col		gda_data_model_get_n_columns to get the number of col

2004-01-16  Jon Willeke <willeke users sourceforge net>		2004-01-16  Jon Willeke <willeke users sourceforge net>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-list.c (gnome_db_list_new_with_		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-list.c (gnome_db_list_new_with_
	NULL models to be passed, in which case we create an 		NULL models to be passed, in which case we create an 

2004-01-16  Philippe Charlier <p charlier chello be>		2004-01-16  Philippe Charlier <p charlier chello be>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.[ch] (gnome_db_grid_set_co		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.[ch] (gnome_db_grid_set_co
	gnome_db_grid_get_column_visible): new API functions.		gnome_db_grid_get_column_visible): new API functions.

2004-01-15  Jon Willeke <willeke users sourceforge net>		2004-01-15  Jon Willeke <willeke users sourceforge net>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c: use a grid instead of a		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c: use a grid instead of a

2004.01-13  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2004.01-13  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-data-source-selector.h: fixed a		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-data-source-selector.h: fixed a
	was leading to confusion.					was leading to confusion.

2004-01-12  J.H.M. Dassen (Ray) <jdassen debian org>		2004-01-12  J.H.M. Dassen (Ray) <jdassen debian org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c: Declare gnome_d		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c: Declare gnome_d
	fix "implicit declaration" warning.				fix "implicit declaration" warning.
	* testing/test-grid.c: #include <libgnomedb/libgnomed		* testing/test-grid.c: #include <libgnomedb/libgnomed
	several "implicit declaration" warnings.			several "implicit declaration" warnings.

2004-01-10  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2004-01-10  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	Fixes #131113							Fixes #131113

	* glade/glade-gnomedb.c: added missing header.			* glade/glade-gnomedb.c: added missing header.

2004-01-07  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2004-01-07  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-model.c: re-enabled the search 		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-model.c: re-enabled the search 
	GtkTreeView's.							GtkTreeView's.

2004-01-06  Stephane Wirtel <stephane wirtel brutele be>	2004-01-06  Stephane Wirtel <stephane wirtel brutele be>

	* libgnomedb/libgnomedb.c: add some commentaries.		* libgnomedb/libgnomedb.c: add some commentaries.

2004-01-05  Laurent Sansonetti <lrz gnome org>			2004-01-05  Laurent Sansonetti <lrz gnome org>

	* control-center/database-properties.desktop.in:		* control-center/database-properties.desktop.in:
	* control-center/main.c:					* control-center/main.c:
	Set gnome-database-properties main menu's entry & win		Set gnome-database-properties main menu's entry & win
	to 'Database Access Properties'.				to 'Database Access Properties'.

2004-01-04  Laurent Sansonetti <lrz gnome org>			2004-01-04  Laurent Sansonetti <lrz gnome org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c (gnome_db_grid_show_colu		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c (gnome_db_grid_show_colu
	  gnome_db_grid_hide_column): Removed obsolete implem		  gnome_db_grid_hide_column): Removed obsolete implem
	  since they are defined as macros in gnome-db-grid.h		  since they are defined as macros in gnome-db-grid.h

2004-01-04  Laurent Sansonetti <lrz gnome org>			2004-01-04  Laurent Sansonetti <lrz gnome org>

	* control-center/database-capplet.[ch]:				* control-center/database-capplet.[ch]:
	- Moved DSN_PAGE & DSN_PROVIDER macros from .c to .h 		- Moved DSN_PAGE & DSN_PROVIDER macros from .c to .h 
	- Added new capplet functions (database_capplet_selec		- Added new capplet functions (database_capplet_selec
	  database_capplet_deselect_all, database_capplet_has		  database_capplet_deselect_all, database_capplet_has
	  database_capplet_switch).					  database_capplet_switch).

	* control-center/dsn-config.[ch]:				* control-center/dsn-config.[ch]:
	- Added new items in the popup menu (properties & del		- Added new items in the popup menu (properties & del
	- Display a HIG confirmation alert before removing da		- Display a HIG confirmation alert before removing da
	- Added new functions (dsn_config_select_all, dsn_con		- Added new functions (dsn_config_select_all, dsn_con
	  dsn_config_has_selection).					  dsn_config_has_selection).

	* control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:			* control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:
	- Introduced instant-apply, with a revert button ;		- Introduced instant-apply, with a revert button ;
	- Capitalized dialog's title ; 					- Capitalized dialog's title ; 
	- Removed separator and fixed border width ;			- Removed separator and fixed border width ;
	- Set the first notebook page title to "Basic" instea		- Set the first notebook page title to "Basic" instea

	* control-center/main.c:					* control-center/main.c:
	- Menu items are auto-sensitive, according to the cur		- Menu items are auto-sensitive, according to the cur
	  tab (data source or provider) ;				  tab (data source or provider) ;
	- Follows db-shell changes.					- Follows db-shell changes.
	* control-center/provider-config.[ch]:				* control-center/provider-config.[ch]:
	- Fixed a typo (missing final dot) in the tip ;			- Fixed a typo (missing final dot) in the tip ;
	- Added new functions (provider_config_select_all,		- Added new functions (provider_config_select_all,
	  provider_config_unselect_all, provider_config_has_s		  provider_config_unselect_all, provider_config_has_s

	* libgnomedb/db-shell.[ch]:					* libgnomedb/db-shell.[ch]:
	- Added myself to the about dialog ;				- Added myself to the about dialog ;
	- Introduced DEFINE_VERB_CB & DEFINE_LIST_CB to defin		- Introduced DEFINE_VERB_CB & DEFINE_LIST_CB to defin
	  listeners callbacks ;						  listeners callbacks ;
	- Added and fixed verbs/listeners following db-shell.		- Added and fixed verbs/listeners following db-shell.
	- Introduced DbShellCallbacks structure (which contai		- Introduced DbShellCallbacks structure (which contai
	  all callbacks) ;						  all callbacks) ;
	- db_shell_new uses DbShellCallbacks instead of passi		- db_shell_new uses DbShellCallbacks instead of passi
	  pointer as a parameter.					  pointer as a parameter.

	* libgnomedb/db-shell.xml:					* libgnomedb/db-shell.xml:
	- Added commands for each sub-menu (Database, Edit an		- Added commands for each sub-menu (Database, Edit an
	- Added 'View/Data Source' and 'View/Providers' ;		- Added 'View/Data Source' and 'View/Providers' ;
	- Added 'Edit/Select All' and 'Edit/Clear Selection' 		- Added 'Edit/Select All' and 'Edit/Clear Selection' 
	- Renamed 'Database/New' to 'Database/New Data Source		- Renamed 'Database/New' to 'Database/New Data Source
	- Moved 'Properties' from 'Edit' to 'Database' ;		- Moved 'Properties' from 'Edit' to 'Database' ;
	- Fixed accelerators according to HIG ;				- Fixed accelerators according to HIG ;
	- Removed 'Settings'.						- Removed 'Settings'.

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:			* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:
	- Added mnemonics for UI elements ;				- Added mnemonics for UI elements ;
	- Fixed missing final dots in some labels.			- Fixed missing final dots in some labels.
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:				* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:
	- Added mnemonics for UI elements ;				- Added mnemonics for UI elements ;
	- Fixed packing settings to make the widget expandabl		- Fixed packing settings to make the widget expandabl

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.[ch]:				* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.[ch]:
	- Display a HIG confirmation alert before overwrittin		- Display a HIG confirmation alert before overwrittin
	  saving the model's content ;					  saving the model's content ;
	- HIG'ied the saving model dialog box ;				- HIG'ied the saving model dialog box ;
	- Replaced 'Hide/Show columns' popup menu items with 		- Replaced 'Hide/Show columns' popup menu items with 
	  item named 'Show Column Titles' ;				  item named 'Show Column Titles' ;
	- Added separators in the popup menu ;				- Added separators in the popup menu ;
	- Added new functions (gnome_db_grid_[set|get]_column		- Added new functions (gnome_db_grid_[set|get]_column
	  and shortcuts (gnome_db_grid_[show|hide]_column_tit		  and shortcuts (gnome_db_grid_[show|hide]_column_tit

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.[ch]:				* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.[ch]:
	- Created labels support mnemonics ;				- Created labels support mnemonics ;
	- Added a new function (gnome_db_new_alert) to build 		- Added a new function (gnome_db_new_alert) to build 
	  re-implemented existing functions (gnome_db_show_er		  re-implemented existing functions (gnome_db_show_er
	  gnome_db_show_message) to use it ;				  gnome_db_show_message) to use it ;
	- Added new functions (gnome_db_new_menu_item, 			- Added new functions (gnome_db_new_menu_item, 
	  gnome_db_new_check_menu_item) ;				  gnome_db_new_check_menu_item) ;
	- Removed function gnome_db_yes_no_dialog.			- Removed function gnome_db_yes_no_dialog.

2004-01-03  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2004-01-03  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* Makefile.am:							* Makefile.am:
	* configure.in:							* configure.in:
	* components/*:							* components/*:
	* monikers/*: removed obsolete stuff.				* monikers/*: removed obsolete stuff.

2003-12-17  Stephane Wirtel <stephane wirtel brutele be>	2003-12-17  Stephane Wirtel <stephane wirtel brutele be>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.[ch] (gnome_db_combo_get_		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.[ch] (gnome_db_combo_get_
	gnome_db_combo_get_column): new API functions.			gnome_db_combo_get_column): new API functions.
2003-12-17  Stephane Wirtel <stephane wirtel brutele be>	2003-12-17  Stephane Wirtel <stephane wirtel brutele be>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c (tree_view_row_activated		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c (tree_view_row_activated
	popup_button_pressed_cb): add a cast GTK_TREE_VIEW, G		popup_button_pressed_cb): add a cast GTK_TREE_VIEW, G
	and change g_return_if_fail to g_return_val_if_fail i		and change g_return_if_fail to g_return_val_if_fail i
	popup_button_pressed_cb.					popup_button_pressed_cb.

2003-12-17  Stephane Wirtel <stephane wirtel brutele be>	2003-12-17  Stephane Wirtel <stephane wirtel brutele be>

	* libgnomedb/utils.c (client_notification_cb): add a 		* libgnomedb/utils.c (client_notification_cb): add a 
	GList * ), and add a 'break' in the 'default' section		GList * ), and add a 'break' in the 'default' section
	switch.								switch.

	* libgnomedb/sql-viewer.c (sql_viewer_init): fixed wa		* libgnomedb/sql-viewer.c (sql_viewer_init): fixed wa

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.c (gnome_db_combo_new_wit		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.c (gnome_db_combo_new_wit
	new API function.						new API function.

2003-12-17  Stephane Wirtel <stephane wirtel brutele be>	2003-12-17  Stephane Wirtel <stephane wirtel brutele be>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c (tree_view_row_activated		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c (tree_view_row_activated
	popup_button_pressed_cb): add a cast GTK_TREE_VIEW, G		popup_button_pressed_cb): add a cast GTK_TREE_VIEW, G
	and change g_return_if_fail to g_return_val_if_fail i		and change g_return_if_fail to g_return_val_if_fail i
	popup_button_pressed_cb.					popup_button_pressed_cb.
2003-12-17  Stephane Wirtel <stephane wirtel brutele be>	2003-12-17  Stephane Wirtel <stephane wirtel brutele be>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.[ch] (gnome_db_grid_get_co		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.[ch] (gnome_db_grid_get_co
	gnome_db_grid_set_column_title): new API functions.		gnome_db_grid_set_column_title): new API functions.

2003-12-11  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-12-11  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.[ch] (gnome_db_grid_hide_c		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.[ch] (gnome_db_grid_hide_c
	gnome_db_grid_show_column): new functions to hide/sho		gnome_db_grid_show_column): new functions to hide/sho

2003-12-09  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-12-09  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c (selection_foreach): rem		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c (selection_foreach): rem
	condition that prevented the signal to be emitted for		condition that prevented the signal to be emitted for
	except the first one.						except the first one.

2003-12-07  Marius Andreiana <marius galuna ro>			2003-12-07  Marius Andreiana <marius galuna ro>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-model.c (sort_values): use gda_		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-model.c (sort_values): use gda_
	to compare the values.						to compare the values.

2003-11-30  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-11-30  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/db-shell.c (db_shell_new): set the icon 		* libgnomedb/db-shell.c (db_shell_new): set the icon 

2003-11-30  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-11-30  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-list.[ch] (gnome_db_list_get_se		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-list.[ch] (gnome_db_list_get_se
	new function.							new function.

	* libgnomedb/tables-page.c: reorganized to display th		* libgnomedb/tables-page.c: reorganized to display th
	and the data of the currently selected one.			and the data of the currently selected one.
	(grid_row_selected_cb): display the data of the curre		(grid_row_selected_cb): display the data of the curre
	table in the data grid.						table in the data grid.
	(grid_selection_cleated_cb): clear the data grid.		(grid_selection_cleated_cb): clear the data grid.
	(tables_page_new): don't add a 'Data' button, since w		(tables_page_new): don't add a 'Data' button, since w
	data now directly, create the data grid, and made the		data now directly, create the data grid, and made the
	a simple list.							a simple list.
	(view_data_cb): remove callback for removed button.		(view_data_cb): remove callback for removed button.

2003-11-28  Gonzalo Paniagua Javier <gonzalo gnome-db org>	2003-11-28  Gonzalo Paniagua Javier <gonzalo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.c:					* libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.c:
	(gnome_db_combo_set_model): bind the model to the com		(gnome_db_combo_set_model): bind the model to the com

2003-11-28  Gonzalo Paniagua Javier <gonzalo gnome-db org>	2003-11-28  Gonzalo Paniagua Javier <gonzalo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.c: implemented gnome_db_c		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.c: implemented gnome_db_c

2003-11-24  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-11-24  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	Released 1.1.0							Released 1.1.0

2003-11-24  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-11-24  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/db-shell.c:					* libgnomedb/db-shell.c:
	* libgnomedb/db-shell.xml: use 'Database' instead of 		* libgnomedb/db-shell.xml: use 'Database' instead of 
	menu bar, since we don't deal with files.			menu bar, since we don't deal with files.

2003-11-14  Frederic Crozat  <fcrozat mandrakesoft com>		2003-11-14  Frederic Crozat  <fcrozat mandrakesoft com>

	* components/main.c:						* components/main.c:
	* glade/glade-gnomedb.c:					* glade/glade-gnomedb.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:					* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:				* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:					* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:
	* libgnomedb/utils.c:						* libgnomedb/utils.c:
	Add missing header includes.					Add missing header includes.

	* monikers/Makefile.am:						* monikers/Makefile.am:
	Use libdir instead of prefix/lib.				Use libdir instead of prefix/lib.

2003-10-28  Laurent Sansonetti <laurent datarescue be> 		2003-10-28  Laurent Sansonetti <laurent datarescue be> 

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c (general_nex		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c (general_nex
	dont create a new dsn if an existing one has the same		dont create a new dsn if an existing one has the same

2003-10-12  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-10-12  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	Fixes #123173							Fixes #123173

	* configure.in: use gtksourceview-1.0 instead of gtks		* configure.in: use gtksourceview-1.0 instead of gtks

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-editor.c: adapted to latest ver		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-editor.c: adapted to latest ver
	gtksourceview.							gtksourceview.
	(gnome_db_editor_load_from_file): use GtkTextBuffer f		(gnome_db_editor_load_from_file): use GtkTextBuffer f
	instead of non-existent GtkSouceBuffer functions.		instead of non-existent GtkSouceBuffer functions.
	(configuration_changed_cb, gnome_db_editor_init):		(configuration_changed_cb, gnome_db_editor_init):
	s/gtk_source_view_set_tab_stop/gtk_source_view_set_ta		s/gtk_source_view_set_tab_stop/gtk_source_view_set_ta
	(create_tags_for_sql): disabled missing calls.			(create_tags_for_sql): disabled missing calls.
2003-10-11  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-10-11  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* control-center/dsn-config.c (dsn_config_new):			* control-center/dsn-config.c (dsn_config_new):
	* control-center/provider-config.c (provider_config_n		* control-center/provider-config.c (provider_config_n
	hard-code colors for text, use the default.			hard-code colors for text, use the default.

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-gray-bar.c (gnome_db_gray_bar_f		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-gray-bar.c (gnome_db_gray_bar_f
	g_free the GtkWidget's.						g_free the GtkWidget's.

2003-09-25  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-09-25  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-editor.c:					* libgnomedb/gnome-db-editor.c:
	* configure.in: depend on gtksourceview-1.0.			* configure.in: depend on gtksourceview-1.0.

2003-09-19  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-09-19  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.[ch] (gnome_db_option_menu		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.[ch] (gnome_db_option_menu
	new function.							new function.

2003-09-19  Álvaro Peña  <apg esware com>			2003-09-19  Álvaro Peña  <apg esware com>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-gray-bar.c (gnome_db_gray_bar_s		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-gray-bar.c (gnome_db_gray_bar_s
	Fill the background with the current gtk style color.		Fill the background with the current gtk style color.
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c (gnome_db_login_		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c (gnome_db_login_
	Labels can't be selected					Labels can't be selected
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c (gnome_db_login_constru		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c (gnome_db_login_constru
	can't be selected						can't be selected

2003-09-18  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-09-18  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* configure.in: bumped so version number.			* configure.in: bumped so version number.

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.[ch] (gnome_db_option_menu		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.[ch] (gnome_db_option_menu
	changed to return the menu item just added.			changed to return the menu item just added.

2003-09-13  Akira TAGOH <tagoh gnome-db org>			2003-09-13  Akira TAGOH <tagoh gnome-db org>

	* configure.in: don't output					* configure.in: don't output
	  components/GNOME_Database_Components.server.in.		  components/GNOME_Database_Components.server.in.

	* components/GNOME_Database_Components.server.in.in: 		* components/GNOME_Database_Components.server.in.in: 
	  hardcoded location. (#122108)					  hardcoded location. (#122108)

	* components/Makefile.am: fixed to generate .sever.in		* components/Makefile.am: fixed to generate .sever.in

2003-09-03  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-09-03  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	Fixes #121312							Fixes #121312

	* control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c (notebook_sw		* control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c (notebook_sw
	fixed duplicated variable names.				fixed duplicated variable names.

2003-08-27  Daniel Baeyens <daniel baeyens hispalinux es>	2003-08-27  Daniel Baeyens <daniel baeyens hispalinux es>

	* libgnomedb/libgnomedb.h: removed WITH_GNOME_BUILD d		* libgnomedb/libgnomedb.h: removed WITH_GNOME_BUILD d
	sorted all the includes. Removed gnome-db-window.h re		sorted all the includes. Removed gnome-db-window.h re
	avoid external access.						avoid external access.

	* control-center/main.c:					* control-center/main.c:	
	testing/test-dsn-selector.c:					testing/test-dsn-selector.c:
	testing/test-editor.c: included	"../libgnomedb/gnome-		testing/test-editor.c: included	"../libgnomedb/gnome-

	* glade/glade-gnomedb.c: removed gnome-db-window regi		* glade/glade-gnomedb.c: removed gnome-db-window regi

2003-08-25  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-08-25  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.[ch] (gnome_db_grid_set_sh		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.[ch] (gnome_db_grid_set_sh
	(gnome_db_grid_get_show_title_icon): renamed.			(gnome_db_grid_get_show_title_icon): renamed.

	* control-center/dsn-config.c (dsn_config_new):			* control-center/dsn-config.c (dsn_config_new):
	* control-center/provider-config.c (provider_config_n		* control-center/provider-config.c (provider_config_n
	icon for the title bar on each page.				icon for the title bar on each page.

2003-08-24  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-08-24  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/utils.[ch] (db_connect_dialog_for_dsn): 		* libgnomedb/utils.[ch] (db_connect_dialog_for_dsn): 

	* control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c (notebook_sw		* control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c (notebook_sw
	use the new db_connect_dialog_for_dsn() function.		use the new db_connect_dialog_for_dsn() function.

2003-08-21  Daniel Baeyens <daniel baeyens hispalinux es>	2003-08-21  Daniel Baeyens <daniel baeyens hispalinux es>

	* libgnomedb/Makefile.am: gnome-db-query-builder.c ad		* libgnomedb/Makefile.am: gnome-db-query-builder.c ad

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c: Added a missin		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c: Added a missin
2003-08-16  �lvaro Peña <apg esware com>			2003-08-16  �lvaro Peña <apg esware com>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-gray-bar.[ch]: Now is a GtkBin,		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-gray-bar.[ch]: Now is a GtkBin,
	an icon on the left side of the text.				an icon on the left side of the text.

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.[ch]: Added functions to m		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.[ch]: Added functions to m
	the icon.							the icon.
2003-08-06  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-08-06  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	Released 0.91.0							Released 0.91.0

2003-07-26  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-07-26  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.[ch]: implemente		* libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.[ch]: implemente
	for displaying table properties.				for displaying table properties.

	* libgnomedb/tables-page.c (tables_page_new): create 		* libgnomedb/tables-page.c (tables_page_new): create 
	(grid_row_selected_cb): enable buttons when rows are 		(grid_row_selected_cb): enable buttons when rows are 
	(grid_selection_cleared_cb): disable buttons.			(grid_selection_cleared_cb): disable buttons.
	(view_properties_cb, view_data_cb): callbacks for too		(view_properties_cb, view_data_cb): callbacks for too

2003-07-16  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-07-16  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/tables-page.[ch] (tables_page_new): remo		* libgnomedb/tables-page.[ch] (tables_page_new): remo
	useless parameter.						useless parameter.
	(tables_page_set_connection): new function.			(tables_page_set_connection): new function.

	* control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c (dsn_propert		* control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c (dsn_propert
	connect to "switch-page" signal on the notebook.		connect to "switch-page" signal on the notebook.
	(notebook_switch_page_cb): if trying to switch to a t		(notebook_switch_page_cb): if trying to switch to a t
	the first one, open a connection dialog.			the first one, open a connection dialog.

2003-07-13  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-07-13  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* configure.in: increased minor version number.			* configure.in: increased minor version number.

2003-07-13  Daniel Baeyens <daniel baeyens eresmas net>		2003-07-13  Daniel Baeyens <daniel baeyens eresmas net>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-editor.[ch] (gnome_db_editor_ge		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-editor.[ch] (gnome_db_editor_ge
	function.							function.

2003-07-11  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-07-11  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-gray-bar.c (gnome_db_gray_bar_g		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-gray-bar.c (gnome_db_gray_bar_g
	call gnome_db_gray_bar_get_text instead of getting th		call gnome_db_gray_bar_get_text instead of getting th
	the label.							the label.

2003-07-10  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-07-10  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-gray-bar.c: added 'real_text' f		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-gray-bar.c: added 'real_text' f
	track of the real text (without markup) for the label		track of the real text (without markup) for the label
	(gnome_db_gray_bar_init): initialize new field.			(gnome_db_gray_bar_init): initialize new field.
	(gnome_db_gray_bar_finalize): free new field.			(gnome_db_gray_bar_finalize): free new field.
	(gnome_db_gray_bar_set_text): assign the real text st		(gnome_db_gray_bar_set_text): assign the real text st
	real_text field.						real_text field.
	(gnome_db_gray_bar_get_text): new function.			(gnome_db_gray_bar_get_text): new function.

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-gray-bar.h: added new function 		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-gray-bar.h: added new function 

	* doc/C/*: updated.						* doc/C/*: updated.

	* configure.in: increased minor version number.			* configure.in: increased minor version number.

2003-07-07  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-07-07  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.[ch]: added "changed		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.[ch]: added "changed

	* control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.[ch]: implemen		* control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.[ch]: implemen
	dialog for data source properties configuration.		dialog for data source properties configuration.

	* control-center/dsn-config.c (dsn_config_edit_proper		* control-center/dsn-config.c (dsn_config_edit_proper
	create such a simple dialog, create a dsn_properties_		create such a simple dialog, create a dsn_properties_
	(list_double_clicked_cb): new callback.				(list_double_clicked_cb): new callback.

	* components/utils.[ch]:					* components/utils.[ch]:
	* components/Makefile.am: moved utility functions...		* components/Makefile.am: moved utility functions...

	* libgnomedb/utils.[ch]:					* libgnomedb/utils.[ch]:
	* libgnomedb/Makefile.am: ...to here.				* libgnomedb/Makefile.am: ...to here.

	* libgnomedb/tables-page.[ch]: new widget that provid		* libgnomedb/tables-page.[ch]: new widget that provid
	managing tables.						managing tables.

2003-07-06  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-07-06  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/db-shell.c (command_edit_properties): im		* libgnomedb/db-shell.c (command_edit_properties): im
	function.							function.

	* control-center/dsn-config.[ch] (dsn_config_edit_pro		* control-center/dsn-config.[ch] (dsn_config_edit_pro
	  dsn_config_delete): new functions.				  dsn_config_delete): new functions.

	* control-center/database-capplet.[ch]				* control-center/database-capplet.[ch]
	(database_capplet_edit_properties, database_capplet_d		(database_capplet_edit_properties, database_capplet_d
	functions.							functions.

	* control-center/main.c (edit_properties_cb): new cal		* control-center/main.c (edit_properties_cb): new cal

2003-07-06  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-07-06  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.[ch]: new widget 		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.[ch]: new widget 
	building SQL queries.						building SQL queries.

	* libgnomedb/libgnomedb.h:					* libgnomedb/libgnomedb.h:
	* libgnomedb/Makefile.am: added new file.			* libgnomedb/Makefile.am: added new file.

	* doc/C/libgnomedb-docs.sgml:					* doc/C/libgnomedb-docs.sgml:
	* doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-query-builder.sgml: added docs 		* doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-query-builder.sgml: added docs 

	* libgnomedb/db-shell.[ch]: s/DbShellFileNewFunc/DbSh		* libgnomedb/db-shell.[ch]: s/DbShellFileNewFunc/DbSh
	(db_shell_new): added new argument for specifying the		(db_shell_new): added new argument for specifying the
	used to answer to the 'Edit Preferences' menu item		used to answer to the 'Edit Preferences' menu item
	(command_edit_properties): new verb callback function		(command_edit_properties): new verb callback function
	(sensitize_ui): take into account the new menu items.		(sensitize_ui): take into account the new menu items.

	* libgnomedb/db-shell.xml: added new menu items.		* libgnomedb/db-shell.xml: added new menu items.

	* control-center/provider-config.c (provider_config_n		* control-center/provider-config.c (provider_config_n
	button box.							button box.
	(refresh_list_cb): removed unused callbacks.			(refresh_list_cb): removed unused callbacks.

	* control-center/dsn-config.c (dsn_config_new): remov		* control-center/dsn-config.c (dsn_config_new): remov
	(test_dsn_cb): removed unused callback.				(test_dsn_cb): removed unused callback.

	* control-center/main.c (create_main_window): adapted		* control-center/main.c (create_main_window): adapted
	(edit_properties_cb): implementation for Edit->Proper		(edit_properties_cb): implementation for Edit->Proper

	* components/connection-mime-handler.c (listener_even		* components/connection-mime-handler.c (listener_even
	* components/sql-mime-handler.c (listener_event_cb): 		* components/sql-mime-handler.c (listener_event_cb): 
	DBShell changes.						DBShell changes.

2003-07-05  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-07-05  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c (gnome_db_new_table_widg		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c (gnome_db_new_table_widg
	GtkTable creation.						GtkTable creation.

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c (gnome_db_dsn_conf		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c (gnome_db_dsn_conf
	HIG-ified.							HIG-ified.
	(foreach_edit_cb): HIG-ified data source properties d		(foreach_edit_cb): HIG-ified data source properties d

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c (gnome_db_login_constru		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c (gnome_db_login_constru
	* control-center/provider-config.c (provider_config_n		* control-center/provider-config.c (provider_config_n
	* control-center/dsn-config.c (dsn_config_new): remov		* control-center/dsn-config.c (dsn_config_new): remov

2003-07-04  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-07-04  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/db-shell.xml: added 'Save Connection' an		* libgnomedb/db-shell.xml: added 'Save Connection' an
	items.								items.

	* libgnomedb/db-shell.c (db_shell_new): associate, wi		* libgnomedb/db-shell.c (db_shell_new): associate, wi
	g_object_set_data, the private structure to the widge		g_object_set_data, the private structure to the widge
	(sensitize_ui): new function for enabling/disabling t		(sensitize_ui): new function for enabling/disabling t
	menu items. Added new arguments to specify callbacks 		menu items. Added new arguments to specify callbacks 
	verbs.								verbs.
	(command_save_connection): implemented new menu item.		(command_save_connection): implemented new menu item.
	(command_new): implemented new menu item.			(command_new): implemented new menu item.

	* control-center/main.c (create_main_window): renamed		* control-center/main.c (create_main_window): renamed
	creates a window, not a dialog.					creates a window, not a dialog.
	(window_closed_cb): callback for the "close" signal o		(window_closed_cb): callback for the "close" signal o
	(file_new_cb): implemented the 'New datasource' here.		(file_new_cb): implemented the 'New datasource' here.

	* control-center/dsn-config.c (new_dsn_cb): removed.		* control-center/dsn-config.c (new_dsn_cb): removed.

	* components/sql-mime-handler.c (listener_event_cb):		* components/sql-mime-handler.c (listener_event_cb):
	* components/connection-mime-handler.c (listener_even		* components/connection-mime-handler.c (listener_even
	changes in DbShell widget API.					changes in DbShell widget API.

2003-07-04  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-07-04  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* components/utils.c (db_connect_dialog): use a Gnome		* components/utils.c (db_connect_dialog): use a Gnome
	instead of the custom-made dialog.				instead of the custom-made dialog.

2003-07-04  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-07-04  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* components/Makefile.am:					* components/Makefile.am:
	* components/db-shell.[ch]:					* components/db-shell.[ch]:
	* components/gnome-components-shell.xml:			* components/gnome-components-shell.xml:
	* components/sql-viewer.[ch]: moved DbShell and SqlVi		* components/sql-viewer.[ch]: moved DbShell and SqlVi

	* libgnomedb/Makefile.am:					* libgnomedb/Makefile.am:
	* libgnomedb/db-shell.[ch]:					* libgnomedb/db-shell.[ch]:
	* libgnomedb/db-shell.xml:					* libgnomedb/db-shell.xml:
	* libgnomedb/sql-viewer.[ch]: ...to here.			* libgnomedb/sql-viewer.[ch]: ...to here.

	* components/sql-mime-handler.c:				* components/sql-mime-handler.c:
	* components/connection-mime-handler.c: updated heade		* components/connection-mime-handler.c: updated heade

2003-07-04  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-07-04  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	Fixes #108023							Fixes #108023

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c (general_nex		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c (general_nex
	added check for invalid characters in the data source		added check for invalid characters in the data source

2003-07-04  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-07-04  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/Makefile.am: removed gnome-db-window.h f		* libgnomedb/Makefile.am: removed gnome-db-window.h f
	installed headers.						installed headers.

	* control-center/dsn-config.c (test_dsn_cb): use a Gn		* control-center/dsn-config.c (test_dsn_cb): use a Gn
	instead of a custom-made dialog.				instead of a custom-made dialog.

2003-07-04  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-07-04  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c (gnome_db_login_constru		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c (gnome_db_login_constru
	hidden button to start the data source configuration 		hidden button to start the data source configuration 
	(gnome_db_login_set_enable_create_button): new functi		(gnome_db_login_set_enable_create_button): new functi
	(add_dsn_cb): callback for the 'Create datasource' bu		(add_dsn_cb): callback for the 'Create datasource' bu
	create a dialog with a GnomeDbDsnConfigDruid on it.		create a dialog with a GnomeDbDsnConfigDruid on it.
	(druid_finished_cb): when the druid is done, save the		(druid_finished_cb): when the druid is done, save the

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c (gnome_db_login_		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c (gnome_db_login_
	the login widget to display the 'Create datasource' b		the login widget to display the 'Create datasource' b

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-data-source-selector.c			* libgnomedb/gnome-db-data-source-selector.c
	(gnome_db_data_source_selector_init): set up a listen		(gnome_db_data_source_selector_init): set up a listen
	configuration changes.						configuration changes.
	(config_changed_cb): callback for listening for confi		(config_changed_cb): callback for listening for confi
	(gnome_db_data_source_selector_finalize): unset the c		(gnome_db_data_source_selector_finalize): unset the c

	* control-center/dsn-config.c: added a listener for c		* control-center/dsn-config.c: added a listener for c
	(free_private_data): remove the configuration listene		(free_private_data): remove the configuration listene
	(druid_finished_cb, foreach_edit_cb, foreach_remove_c		(druid_finished_cb, foreach_edit_cb, foreach_remove_c
	show_data_sources, since we'll get automatic notifica		show_data_sources, since we'll get automatic notifica
	change in the configuration.					change in the configuration.
	(dsn_config_new): don't create the 'Refresh' button.		(dsn_config_new): don't create the 'Refresh' button.
	(refresh_list_cb): removed.					(refresh_list_cb): removed.
	(dsn_config_new): set up config listener here.			(dsn_config_new): set up config listener here.
	(config_changed_cb): callback for configuration chang		(config_changed_cb): callback for configuration chang

2003-07-04  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-07-04  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* configure.in:							* configure.in:
	* Makefile.am: removed VFS module from the build.		* Makefile.am: removed VFS module from the build.

2003-07-04  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-07-04  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.[ch] (gnome_db_login_set_		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.[ch] (gnome_db_login_set_
	function.							function.

	* doc/C/tmpl/*: updated documentation from the source		* doc/C/tmpl/*: updated documentation from the source

	* configure.in: increased minor version number.			* configure.in: increased minor version number.

2003-07-03  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-07-03  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	Released 0.90.0							Released 0.90.0

2003-06-30  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-06-30  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.[ch]				* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.[ch]
	(gnome_db_login_dialog_get_login_widget): new functio		(gnome_db_login_dialog_get_login_widget): new functio

2003-06-22  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-06-22  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c (gnome_db_error_init): 		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c (gnome_db_error_init): 
	widget, by removing the frame on the details area.		widget, by removing the frame on the details area.

	* components/connection-mime-handler.c (listener_even		* components/connection-mime-handler.c (listener_even
	* components/sql-mime-handler.c (listener_event_cb): 		* components/sql-mime-handler.c (listener_event_cb): 
	BonoboListener if no connections are open.			BonoboListener if no connections are open.

2003-06-22  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-06-22  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* components/sql-viewer.c (sql_viewer_init): use a VP		* components/sql-viewer.c (sql_viewer_init): use a VP
	contain the SQL editor and the grid.				contain the SQL editor and the grid.

	* components/gnome-components-shell.xml: added more U		* components/gnome-components-shell.xml: added more U
	* components/db-shell.c (command_preferences): implem		* components/db-shell.c (command_preferences): implem

2003-06-20  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-06-20  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* components/sql-viewer.[ch]: re-worked to be a widge		* components/sql-viewer.[ch]: re-worked to be a widge

	* components/sql-mime-handler.[ch]: added MIME action		* components/sql-mime-handler.[ch]: added MIME action
	SQL files.							SQL files.

	* components/main.c: dont use the SQL viewer componen		* components/main.c: dont use the SQL viewer componen
	MIME handler component.						MIME handler component.

	* components/connection-mime-handler.c: moved generic		* components/connection-mime-handler.c: moved generic
	connection/management functions to utils.c.			connection/management functions to utils.c.
	(listener_event_cb): don't leak the connection.			(listener_event_cb): don't leak the connection.
	* components/utils.[ch]: generic database functions m		* components/utils.[ch]: generic database functions m
	connection-mime-handler.c.					connection-mime-handler.c.
	* components/GNOME_Database_Components.server.in.in: 		* components/GNOME_Database_Components.server.in.in: 
	components' information.					components' information.

	* components/Makefile.am: updated file list.			* components/Makefile.am: updated file list.

2003-06-13  Guntupalli Karunakar  <karunakar freedomink org>	2003-06-13  Guntupalli Karunakar  <karunakar freedomink org>

	* configure.in: Added "ml" in ALL_LINGUAS.			* configure.in: Added "ml" in ALL_LINGUAS.

2003-06-12  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-06-12  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c (gnome_db_config_get_l		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c (gnome_db_config_get_l
	preload one level if GCong keys when monitoring direc		preload one level if GCong keys when monitoring direc

2003-06-12  Adam Williams <adam morrison-ind com>		2003-06-12  Adam Williams <adam morrison-ind com>

	* libgnomedb.spec.in: added all libglade module files		* libgnomedb.spec.in: added all libglade module files
	unpackaged files errors.					unpackaged files errors.

2003-06-12  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-06-12  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	Fixes #114830							Fixes #114830

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c (gnome_db_error_		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c (gnome_db_error_
	gtk_window_set_icon instead of gtk_window_set_icon_fr		gtk_window_set_icon instead of gtk_window_set_icon_fr
	remove dependency on GTK+ 2.2.x.				remove dependency on GTK+ 2.2.x.

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c (menu_describe_cb, menu_		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c (menu_describe_cb, menu_
	menu_view_detail_cb): ditto.					menu_view_detail_cb): ditto.

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c (gnome_db_login_		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c (gnome_db_login_
	ditto.								ditto.

	* configure.in: depend again on GTK+ >= 2.0.0.			* configure.in: depend again on GTK+ >= 2.0.0.

2003-06-12  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-06-12  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* components/connection-mime-handler.c (listener_even		* components/connection-mime-handler.c (listener_even
	of open windows on the listener.				of open windows on the listener.
	(window_closed_cb): and unref the listener when no mo		(window_closed_cb): and unref the listener when no mo
	left.								left.
	(client_notification_cb): added client event manageme		(client_notification_cb): added client event manageme
	(db_connect_dialog): connected to GdaClient's "event_		(db_connect_dialog): connected to GdaClient's "event_
	signal. Also, use the username and password from the 		signal. Also, use the username and password from the 
	dialog, not from the connection file.				dialog, not from the connection file.

2003-06-11  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-06-11  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* components/db-shell.[ch]: implementation of generic		* components/db-shell.[ch]: implementation of generic

	* components/connection-mime-handler.c (db_connect_di		* components/connection-mime-handler.c (db_connect_di
	to actually open the connection to the database.		to actually open the connection to the database.

	* components/gnome-components-shell.xml: added UI fil		* components/gnome-components-shell.xml: added UI fil

	* components/Makefile.am: added new files.			* components/Makefile.am: added new files.

2003-06-11  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-06-11  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	Fixes #114830							Fixes #114830

	* configure.in: require gtk+ >= 2.2.0.				* configure.in: require gtk+ >= 2.2.0.

2003-06-09  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-06-09  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.[ch] (gnome_db_login_set_		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.[ch] (gnome_db_login_set_
	(gnome_db_login_set_password): new functions.			(gnome_db_login_set_password): new functions.

	* components/connection-viewer.[ch]: removed non-work		* components/connection-viewer.[ch]: removed non-work

	* components/connection-mime-handler.[ch]: added MIME		* components/connection-mime-handler.[ch]: added MIME
	plugin for .connection files (defined in libgda).		plugin for .connection files (defined in libgda).

	* components/main.c (factory_callback): create a Conn		* components/main.c (factory_callback): create a Conn
	instead of a ConnectionViewer component.			instead of a ConnectionViewer component.

	* components/GNOME_Database_Components.server.in:		* components/GNOME_Database_Components.server.in:
	* components/Makefile.am: updated.				* components/Makefile.am: updated.

2003-06-08  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-06-08  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	Released 0.12.1							Released 0.12.1

2003-06-03  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-06-03  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* control-center/provider-config.c (show_providers): 		* control-center/provider-config.c (show_providers): 
	to avoid so many duplicates.					to avoid so many duplicates.

2003-06-03  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-06-03  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	Fixes #114205							Fixes #114205

	* configure.in: bumped soname version correctly.		* configure.in: bumped soname version correctly.

2003-06-02  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-06-02  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* control-center/dsn-config.c (show_data_sources): s/		* control-center/dsn-config.c (show_data_sources): s/
	since there are too many 'Data sources' in the dialog		since there are too many 'Data sources' in the dialog

	* glade/Makefile.am: added missing $CFLAGS and $LIBS.		* glade/Makefile.am: added missing $CFLAGS and $LIBS.

2003-05-31  Christophe Merlet  <redfox redfoxcenter org>	2003-05-31  Christophe Merlet  <redfox redfoxcenter org>

	* configure.in: Fixed typo. LIBGALDE_CFLAGS -> LIBGLA		* configure.in: Fixed typo. LIBGALDE_CFLAGS -> LIBGLA
	have_libgdade -> have_libglade.					have_libgdade -> have_libglade.

2003-05-31  Danilo � egan  <dsegan gmx net>			2003-05-31  Danilo � egan  <dsegan gmx net>

	* configure.in: There was no "sr" and "sr Latn" in AL		* configure.in: There was no "sr" and "sr Latn" in AL
	Readded.							Readded.

2003-05-30  Adam Tauno Williams <adam morrison-ind com>		2003-05-30  Adam Tauno Williams <adam morrison-ind com>

	* libgnomedb.spec.in: added missing static libraries.		* libgnomedb.spec.in: added missing static libraries.

2003-05-28  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-05-28  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	Released 0.12.0							Released 0.12.0

2003-05-28  Danilo � egan  <dsegan gmx net>			2003-05-28  Danilo � egan  <dsegan gmx net>

	* configure.in: Added "sr" and "sr Latn" to ALL_LINGU		* configure.in: Added "sr" and "sr Latn" to ALL_LINGU

2003-05-26  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-05-26  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c (activation_property_t		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c (activation_property_t
	new GdaParameter API.						new GdaParameter API.

	* testing/Makefile.am: hopefully fixed problem with a		* testing/Makefile.am: hopefully fixed problem with a

	* configure.in: require newest version of libgda.		* configure.in: require newest version of libgda.

2003-05-12  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-05-12  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.[ch] (gnome_db_form_get_cu		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.[ch] (gnome_db_form_get_cu
	(gnome_db_form_set_current_row): new functions.			(gnome_db_form_set_current_row): new functions.

	* configure.in: incremented versions.				* configure.in: incremented versions.

2003-04-18  Dmitry G. Mastrukov <dmitry taurussoft org>		2003-04-18  Dmitry G. Mastrukov <dmitry taurussoft org>

	* Makefile.am:							* Makefile.am:
	* acconfig.h:							* acconfig.h:
	* components/Makefile.am:					* components/Makefile.am:
	* configure.in:							* configure.in:
	* control-center/Makefile.am:					* control-center/Makefile.am:
	* control-center/database-capplet.c:				* control-center/database-capplet.c:
	* control-center/dsn-config.c:					* control-center/dsn-config.c:
	* control-center/main.c:					* control-center/main.c:
	* control-center/provider-config.c:				* control-center/provider-config.c:
	* glade/Makefile.am:						* glade/Makefile.am:
	* libgnomedb.pc.in:						* libgnomedb.pc.in:
	* libgnomedb/Makefile.am:					* libgnomedb/Makefile.am:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:				* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:				* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:				* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:					* libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:			* libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:			* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:				* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c: (gnome_db_error		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c: (gnome_db_error
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:					* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:					* libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c: (menu_describe_cb),		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c: (menu_describe_cb),
	(menu_save_as_cb), (menu_view_detail_cb),			(menu_save_as_cb), (menu_view_detail_cb),
	(popup_button_pressed_cb):					(popup_button_pressed_cb):
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-i18n.h:					* libgnomedb/gnome-db-i18n.h:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c: (gnome_db_init), (gnome		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c: (gnome_db_init), (gnome
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c: (gnome_db_login		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c: (gnome_db_login
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:					* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:					* libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:				* libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c: (gnome_db_yes_no_dialog		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c: (gnome_db_yes_no_dialog
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h:					* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h:
	* libgnomedb/libgnomedb.h:					* libgnomedb/libgnomedb.h:
	* monikers/Makefile.am:						* monikers/Makefile.am:
	* monikers/factory.c:						* monikers/factory.c:
	* monikers/moniker-database.c:					* monikers/moniker-database.c:
	* testing/Makefile.am:						* testing/Makefile.am:
	* testing/test-grid.c: (window_closed_cb), (create_wi		* testing/test-grid.c: (window_closed_cb), (create_wi
	* vfs/dbvfs.c:							* vfs/dbvfs.c:
	* vfs/libmain.c: Modifications to make libgnomedb bei		* vfs/libmain.c: Modifications to make libgnomedb bei
	only with gtk+/libgda.						only with gtk+/libgda.

2003-03-31  ��lvaro Pe�±a <alvaropg telefonica net>		2003-03-31  ��lvaro Pe�±a <alvaropg telefonica net>

	* data/gnome-db-database_24x24.png:				* data/gnome-db-database_24x24.png:
	* data/gnome-db-database_48x48.png:				* data/gnome-db-database_48x48.png:
	* data/gnome-db-database-login_48x48.png:			* data/gnome-db-database-login_48x48.png:
	* data/Makefile.am: added new stock icons.			* data/Makefile.am: added new stock icons.

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:				* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c: UI tweaks and fixes.		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c: UI tweaks and fixes.

2003-03-16  Roozbeh Pournader <roozbeh sharif edu>		2003-03-16  Roozbeh Pournader <roozbeh sharif edu>

	* configure.in: Added "fa" to ALL_LINGUAS.			* configure.in: Added "fa" to ALL_LINGUAS.

2003-03-10  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-03-10  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.[ch] (gnome_db_push_cursor		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.[ch] (gnome_db_push_cursor
	gnome_db_pop_cursor_busy): new functions.			gnome_db_pop_cursor_busy): new functions.

	* configure.in: bumped package and soname version num		* configure.in: bumped package and soname version num

2003-03-09  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-03-09  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-model.c (default_value_set_func		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-model.c (default_value_set_func
	use markup, just setting the "foreground" property on		use markup, just setting the "foreground" property on
	renderer is enough to set the text color.			renderer is enough to set the text color.

2003-03-09  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-03-09  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	Released 0.11.0							Released 0.11.0

2003-03-08  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-03-08  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	Fixes #106402							Fixes #106402

	* configure.in: set GNOMEDB_AGE to 0.				* configure.in: set GNOMEDB_AGE to 0.

2003-03-03  Alvaro Pe�±a <alvaro pena hispalinux es>		2003-03-03  Alvaro Pe�±a <alvaro pena hispalinux es>

	* control-center/dsn-config.c:					* control-center/dsn-config.c:
	* control-center/main.c:					* control-center/main.c:
	* control-center/provider-config.c: HIG-ification.		* control-center/provider-config.c: HIG-ification.

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-gray-bar.c (gnome_db_gray_bar_i		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-gray-bar.c (gnome_db_gray_bar_i
	more spacing for the label and use HIG-recommended al		more spacing for the label and use HIG-recommended al

2003-02-19  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-02-19  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	Fixes 106402							Fixes 106402

	* configure.in: incresad soname,				* configure.in: incresad soname,

2003-02-15  Julio Merino <jmmv hispabsd org>			2003-02-15  Julio Merino <jmmv hispabsd org>

	Fixes #106122							Fixes #106122

	* configure.in: added --with-html-dir argument.			* configure.in: added --with-html-dir argument.

	* doc/C/Makefile.am: use HTML_DIR as defined in confi		* doc/C/Makefile.am: use HTML_DIR as defined in confi

2003-02-15  Julio Merino <jmmv hispabsd org>			2003-02-15  Julio Merino <jmmv hispabsd org>

	Fixes #106121							Fixes #106121

	* data/Makefile.am: use variables defined by AM_GCONF		* data/Makefile.am: use variables defined by AM_GCONF

2003-02-15  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-02-15  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* configure.in: upped minor version.				* configure.in: upped minor version.

	* data/Makefile.am:						* data/Makefile.am:
	* data/gnome-db-commit_24x24.png:				* data/gnome-db-commit_24x24.png:
	* data/gnome-db-rollback_24x24.png: added new stock i		* data/gnome-db-rollback_24x24.png: added new stock i

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.h: added new stock icons 		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.h: added new stock icons 

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c (get_stock_icons): regi		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c (get_stock_icons): regi
	stock icons.							stock icons.

2003-02-09  Christian Neumair  <chris gnome-de org>		2003-02-09  Christian Neumair  <chris gnome-de org>

	* .cvsignore: Added "autom4te*.cache".				* .cvsignore: Added "autom4te*.cache".
	* data/libgnomedb.keys.in: Marked category and descri		* data/libgnomedb.keys.in: Marked category and descri
	translation.							translation.

2003-01-29  Yanko Kaneti <yaneti declera com>			2003-01-29  Yanko Kaneti <yaneti declera com>

	* libgnomedb.spec.in: adds scrollkeeper bits and --di		* libgnomedb.spec.in: adds scrollkeeper bits and --di

2003-01-27  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-01-27  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	Released 0.10.0							Released 0.10.0

2003-01-26  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-01-26  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-editor.c (gnome_db_editor_load_		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-editor.c (gnome_db_editor_load_
	pass a correct GError parameter to gtk_source_buffer_		pass a correct GError parameter to gtk_source_buffer_

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c (gnome_db_select_file_di		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c (gnome_db_select_file_di
	gtk_dialog_run for running the file selection dialog.		gtk_dialog_run for running the file selection dialog.

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c (popup_button_pressed_cb		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c (popup_button_pressed_cb
	add_popup_menu_item): added pixmaps to some menu item		add_popup_menu_item): added pixmaps to some menu item

2003-01-26  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-01-26  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c (model_row_removed_cb): 		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c (model_row_removed_cb): 
	the hash table.							the hash table.

2003-01-25  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-01-25  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.h: added "create_popup_men		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.h: added "create_popup_men

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c (setup_grid): don't use 		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c (setup_grid): don't use 
	for the popup menu, but connect to the "button_press_		for the popup menu, but connect to the "button_press_
	on the widget.							on the widget.
	(popup_button_pressed_cb): create the popup menu here		(popup_button_pressed_cb): create the popup menu here
	"create_popup_menu" signal so that applications can a		"create_popup_menu" signal so that applications can a
	the menu.							the menu.
	(gnome_db_grid_class_init): added new signal.			(gnome_db_grid_class_init): added new signal.

2003-01-25  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-01-25  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.h: added "double_clicked" 		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.h: added "double_clicked" 

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c (gnome_db_grid_class_ini		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c (gnome_db_grid_class_ini
	signal to GnomeDbGrid class.					signal to GnomeDbGrid class.
	(setup_grid): connect to "row_activated" signal on tr		(setup_grid): connect to "row_activated" signal on tr
	(tree_view_row_activated_cb): marshal "row_activated"		(tree_view_row_activated_cb): marshal "row_activated"
	"double_clicked".						"double_clicked".

2003-01-24  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-01-24  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c (gnome_db_grid_set_model		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c (gnome_db_grid_set_model
	row_removed signal on model.					row_removed signal on model.
	(model_row_removed_cb): update the internal row data 		(model_row_removed_cb): update the internal row data 
	removed from the model.						removed from the model.
	(gnome_db_grid_finalize): don't leak the data model.		(gnome_db_grid_finalize): don't leak the data model.

2003-01-22  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-01-22  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-model.c (gnome_db_model_to_gtk_		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-model.c (gnome_db_model_to_gtk_
	connect to "clicked" signal on all GtkTreeViewColumn'		connect to "clicked" signal on all GtkTreeViewColumn'
	(column_clicked_cb): set the search column to the col		(column_clicked_cb): set the search column to the col

2003-01-22  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-01-22  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-model.c (gnome_db_model_to_gtk_		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-model.c (gnome_db_model_to_gtk_
	search function and column on the tree view.			search function and column on the tree view.
	(tree_view_equal_func): equal_func for the tree view.		(tree_view_equal_func): equal_func for the tree view.

2003-01-19  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-01-19  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-gray-bar.c (gnome_db_gray_bar_i		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-gray-bar.c (gnome_db_gray_bar_i
	little space in front of the label.				little space in front of the label.

2003-01-19  Gonzalo Paniagua Javier <gonzalo gnome-db org>	2003-01-19  Gonzalo Paniagua Javier <gonzalo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c: no need to 		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c: no need to 
	now.								now.

2003-01-19  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-01-19  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-editor.c (create_tags_for_sql):		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-editor.c (create_tags_for_sql):
	SQL keywords.							SQL keywords.

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c (gnome_db_login_		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c (gnome_db_login_
	added nice pixmap to the dialog.				added nice pixmap to the dialog.

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c (gnome_db_login_constru		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c (gnome_db_login_constru
	table attachment options.					table attachment options.

2003-01-18  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-01-18  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c (gnome_db_grid_set_model		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c (gnome_db_grid_set_model
	per-row data when we change the data model.			per-row data when we change the data model.

2003-01-18  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-01-18  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	Fixes #90056							Fixes #90056

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c: added suppo		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c: added suppo
	remembering values between pages.				remembering values between pages.
	(general_next_pressed_cb): set initial value of entri		(general_next_pressed_cb): set initial value of entri
	remembered values, if available.				remembered values, if available.
	(gnome_db_dsn_config_druid_init): initialize remember		(gnome_db_dsn_config_druid_init): initialize remember
	table and connected to "back" signal on the providers		table and connected to "back" signal on the providers
	page.								page.
	(provider_back_pressed_cb): set remembered values her		(provider_back_pressed_cb): set remembered values her

	* control-center/dsn-config.c (select_all_cb, unselec		* control-center/dsn-config.c (select_all_cb, unselec
	removed useless buttons.					removed useless buttons.

	* control-center/main.c (create_dialog): made the dia		* control-center/main.c (create_dialog): made the dia

2003-01-17  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-01-17  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-model.c (model_row_inserted_cb,		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-model.c (model_row_inserted_cb,
	model_row_updated_cb, model_row_removed_cb): respond 		model_row_updated_cb, model_row_removed_cb): respond 
	data model and spread the changes to the GtkTreeModel		data model and spread the changes to the GtkTreeModel

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.[ch] (gnome_db_grid_get_ro		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.[ch] (gnome_db_grid_get_ro
	gnome_db_grid_set_row_data): new functions to easy th		gnome_db_grid_set_row_data): new functions to easy th
	GtkCList's to GnomeDbGrid's in Mergeant.			GtkCList's to GnomeDbGrid's in Mergeant.
	(gnome_db_grid_init): create row data hash table.		(gnome_db_grid_init): create row data hash table.
	(gnome_db_grid_finalize): destroy row data hash table		(gnome_db_grid_finalize): destroy row data hash table
	(gnome_db_grid_find_row_from_data): new function.		(gnome_db_grid_find_row_from_data): new function.

2003-01-17  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-01-17  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c (general_nex		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c (general_nex
	hide characters for PASSWORD entry.				hide characters for PASSWORD entry.

2003-01-17  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-01-17  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c (gnome_db_init): set mor		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c (gnome_db_init): set mor
	GnomeProgram we initialize.					GnomeProgram we initialize.

	* libgnomedb/Makefile.am: added needed -D's for gnome		* libgnomedb/Makefile.am: added needed -D's for gnome

2003-01-16  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-01-16  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c (gnome_db_error_init): 		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c (gnome_db_error_init): 
	the GnomeDbError widget.					the GnomeDbError widget.
	(detail_button_clicked_cb): made sure we show all wid		(detail_button_clicked_cb): made sure we show all wid

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c (gnome_db_error_		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c (gnome_db_error_
	the dialog title if specified.					the dialog title if specified.
	(gnome_db_error_dialog_set_title): ditto.			(gnome_db_error_dialog_set_title): ditto.

2003-01-16  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-01-16  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-model.c (default_value_set_func		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-model.c (default_value_set_func
	toggle_value_set_func): set correct vertical alignmen		toggle_value_set_func): set correct vertical alignmen

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-editor.c (create_tags_for_sql):		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-editor.c (create_tags_for_sql):
	keywords.							keywords.

2003-01-15  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-01-15  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c (save_as_response_cb): u		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c (save_as_response_cb): u
	standalone argument in call to gda_data_model_to_xml.		standalone argument in call to gda_data_model_to_xml.
	an error message if we don't get a valid body.			an error message if we don't get a valid body.

2003-01-15  Gonzalo Paniagua Javier <gonzalo gnome-db org>	2003-01-15  Gonzalo Paniagua Javier <gonzalo gnome-db org>

	* configure.in: removed config.h.				* configure.in: removed config.h.

	* components/Makefile.am:					* components/Makefile.am:
	* control-center/Makefile.am:					* control-center/Makefile.am:
	* glade/Makefile.am:						* glade/Makefile.am:
	* libgnomedb/Makefile.am:					* libgnomedb/Makefile.am:
	* monikers/Makefile.am:						* monikers/Makefile.am:
	* testing/Makefile.am:						* testing/Makefile.am:
	* vfs/Makefile.am: prepend $(top_srcdir) and $(top_bu		* vfs/Makefile.am: prepend $(top_srcdir) and $(top_bu

	* components/main.c:						* components/main.c:
	* control-center/database-capplet.c:				* control-center/database-capplet.c:
	* control-center/dsn-config.c:					* control-center/dsn-config.c:
	* control-center/main.c:					* control-center/main.c:
	* glade/glade-gnomedb.c:					* glade/glade-gnomedb.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:				* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:				* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:				* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:					* libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:			* libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-data-source-selector.c:			* libgnomedb/gnome-db-data-source-selector.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:			* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:				* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-editor.c:					* libgnomedb/gnome-db-editor.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:				* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:					* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:					* libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:					* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:					* libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:				* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:					* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-model.c:					* libgnomedb/gnome-db-model.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:					* libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:				* libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c:					* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c:
	* monikers/factory.c:						* monikers/factory.c:
	* monikers/moniker-database.c:					* monikers/moniker-database.c:
	* testing/test-dsn-selector.c:					* testing/test-dsn-selector.c:
	* testing/test-editor.c:					* testing/test-editor.c:
	* testing/test-grid.c:						* testing/test-grid.c:
	* vfs/dbclient.c:						* vfs/dbclient.c:
	* vfs/dbvfs.c:							* vfs/dbvfs.c:
	* vfs/libmain.c: removed config.h. Some warnings remo		* vfs/libmain.c: removed config.h. Some warnings remo

2003-01-15  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-01-15  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* configure.in: fixed optional GtkSourceView flags.		* configure.in: fixed optional GtkSourceView flags.

2003-01-14  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-01-14  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* Makefile.am:							* Makefile.am:
	* vfs/dbvfs.c: fixed compilation problems and re-enab		* vfs/dbvfs.c: fixed compilation problems and re-enab
	building.							building.

	* libgnomedb/libgnomedb.h: added missing header.		* libgnomedb/libgnomedb.h: added missing header.

	* glade/glade-gnomedb.c (glade_module_register_widget		* glade/glade-gnomedb.c (glade_module_register_widget
	new widgets.							new widgets.

2003-01-12  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-01-12  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.h:					* libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.h:
	* data/libgnomedb.schemas.in: added new config entry.		* data/libgnomedb.schemas.in: added new config entry.

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-editor.c (configuration_changed		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-editor.c (configuration_changed
	to manage changes in new configuration entry.			to manage changes in new configuration entry.
	(gnome_db_editor_init): set highlighting depending on		(gnome_db_editor_init): set highlighting depending on
	configuration entry value.					configuration entry value.

2003-01-12  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-01-12  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-editor.c (create_tags_for_sql):		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-editor.c (create_tags_for_sql):
	from keyword tag. Added tag for comments.			from keyword tag. Added tag for comments.

2003-01-11  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-01-11  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-editor.[ch] (gnome_db_editor_ge		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-editor.[ch] (gnome_db_editor_ge
	gnome_db_editor_set_highlight): new functions.			gnome_db_editor_set_highlight): new functions.

2003-01-11  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-01-11  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* Makefile.am: disabled VFS directory.				* Makefile.am: disabled VFS directory.

	* configure.in: added check for (optional) gtksourcev		* configure.in: added check for (optional) gtksourcev

	* libgnomedb/Makefile.am:					* libgnomedb/Makefile.am:
	* libgnomedb/libgnomedb.h:					* libgnomedb/libgnomedb.h:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-editor.[ch]: new widget.			* libgnomedb/gnome-db-editor.[ch]: new widget.

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-sql-editor.[ch]: removed, will 		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-sql-editor.[ch]: removed, will 
	the more generic GnomeDbEditor.					the more generic GnomeDbEditor.

	* doc/C/*: added new documentation.				* doc/C/*: added new documentation.

	* data/libgnomedb.schemas.in:					* data/libgnomedb.schemas.in:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.h: added new configurati		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.h: added new configurati

	* testing/Makefile.am:						* testing/Makefile.am:
	* testing/test-editor.c: new test program.			* testing/test-editor.c: new test program.

2003-01-10  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-01-10  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* data/Makefile.am:						* data/Makefile.am:
	* data/gnome-db-no-transaction.png:				* data/gnome-db-no-transaction.png:
	* data/gnome-db-within-transaction.png:				* data/gnome-db-within-transaction.png:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.[ch]: added new icons to 		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.[ch]: added new icons to 

2003-01-09  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-01-09  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* control-center/main.c (main): implemented session m		* control-center/main.c (main): implemented session m

2002-12-29  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-12-29  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* vfs/dbvfs.c (dbvfs_do_open_directory, dbvfs_do_clos		* vfs/dbvfs.c (dbvfs_do_open_directory, dbvfs_do_clos
	dbvfs_do_read_directory): implemented for the root di		dbvfs_do_read_directory): implemented for the root di

	* libgnomedb/libgnomedb.h:					* libgnomedb/libgnomedb.h:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-icon-list.[ch]: re-added icon l		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-icon-list.[ch]: re-added icon l

	* doc/C/*: added new widget to documentation.			* doc/C/*: added new widget to documentation.

2002-12-23  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-12-23  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c (save_as_response_cb): i		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c (save_as_response_cb): i
	exists, ask the user for confirmation to overwrite it		exists, ask the user for confirmation to overwrite it
	destroy the dialog if no filename is given.			destroy the dialog if no filename is given.

2002-12-23  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-12-23  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c (menu_save_as_cb): made 		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c (menu_save_as_cb): made 
	modal, since it was making the application hang when 		modal, since it was making the application hang when 
	was opened from the dialog.					was opened from the dialog.
	(save_as_response_cb): moved the response management 		(save_as_response_cb): moved the response management 
	here.								here.

2002-12-19  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-12-19  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* control-center/provider-config.c (provider_config_n		* control-center/provider-config.c (provider_config_n
	fixed weird size of provider list widget.			fixed weird size of provider list widget.

2002-12-16  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-12-16  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* components/GNOME_Database_Components.server.in.in: 		* components/GNOME_Database_Components.server.in.in: 
	for binary.							for binary.

2002-12-13  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-12-13  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* configure.in: added --enable/disable-gtk-doc argume		* configure.in: added --enable/disable-gtk-doc argume
	gtk-doc stuff.							gtk-doc stuff.

2002-11-17  Dmitry G. Mastrukov  <dmitry taurussoft org>	2002-11-17  Dmitry G. Mastrukov  <dmitry taurussoft org>

	* configure.in: Added Belarusian to ALL_LINGUAS.		* configure.in: Added Belarusian to ALL_LINGUAS.

2002-10-29  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-10-29  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* components/connection-viewer.c (pstream_load):		* components/connection-viewer.c (pstream_load):
	* control-center/dsn-config.c (test_dsn_cb): adapted 		* control-center/dsn-config.c (test_dsn_cb): adapted 
	gda_client_open_connection.					gda_client_open_connection.

2002-10-28  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-10-28  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c (get_stock_icons): moved		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c (get_stock_icons): moved
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c (gnome_db_stock_init): 		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c (gnome_db_stock_init): 
	that we can initialize the stock icons without having		that we can initialize the stock icons without having
	initialization done in gnome_db_init.				initialization done in gnome_db_init.

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c				* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c
	(gnome_db_login_dialog_class_init): call gnome_db_sto		(gnome_db_login_dialog_class_init): call gnome_db_sto

2002-10-26  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-10-26  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c (gnome_db_option_menu_se		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c (gnome_db_option_menu_se
	return immediately if pointers are NULL.			return immediately if pointers are NULL.

2002-10-24  Carlos Perell�³ Mar�­n <carlos gnome-db org>	2002-10-24  Carlos Perell�³ Mar�­n <carlos gnome-db org>

	* vfs/libmain.c: Fixed i18n.					* vfs/libmain.c: Fixed i18n.

2002-10-23  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-10-23  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	Released 0.8.199						Released 0.8.199

2002-10-23  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-10-23  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	Fixes #95959							Fixes #95959

	* control-center/dsn-config.c (dsn_config_new): don't		* control-center/dsn-config.c (dsn_config_new): don't
	since users shouldn't even have to know what it is.		since users shouldn't even have to know what it is.

2002-10-12  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-10-12  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c (get_stock_icons): regis		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c (get_stock_icons): regis

2002-10-08  Gonzalo Paniagua Javier <gonzalo gnome-db org>	2002-10-08  Gonzalo Paniagua Javier <gonzalo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c: fixed bug #90058.		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c: fixed bug #90058.

2002-10-07  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-10-07  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c (gnome_db_option_menu_se		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c (gnome_db_option_menu_se
	gtk_option_menu_set_history to set the active option 		gtk_option_menu_set_history to set the active option 
	menu.								menu.

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-data-source-selector.c (show_da		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-data-source-selector.c (show_da
	activate always the default item.				activate always the default item.

2002-10-06  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-10-06  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.[ch] (gnome_db_stock_get_		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.[ch] (gnome_db_stock_get_
	function.							function.

	* libgnomedb/Makefile.am: added new file.			* libgnomedb/Makefile.am: added new file.
2002-10-01  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-10-01  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* doc/C/libgnomedb-docs.sgml:					* doc/C/libgnomedb-docs.sgml:
	* doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-config.sgml: added missing API 		* doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-config.sgml: added missing API 

2002-09-30  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-09-30  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* configure.in: added check for scrollkeeper.			* configure.in: added check for scrollkeeper.

	* doc/Makefile.am:						* doc/Makefile.am:
	* doc/libgnomedb-C.omf.in: added OMF file.			* doc/libgnomedb-C.omf.in: added OMF file.
2002-09-30  Stanislav Brabec  <sbrabec suse cz>			2002-09-30  Stanislav Brabec  <sbrabec suse cz>

	* configure.in: Added cs to ALL_LINGUAS.			* configure.in: Added cs to ALL_LINGUAS.

2002-09-25  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-09-25  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c (gnome_db_error_init): 		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c (gnome_db_error_init): 
	attaching widgets to table.					attaching widgets to table.

2002-09-23  Gonzalo Paniagua Javier <gonzalo gnome-db org>	2002-09-23  Gonzalo Paniagua Javier <gonzalo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c: removed more leaks.		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c: removed more leaks.

2002-09-09  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-09-09  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	Released 0.8.193						Released 0.8.193

2002-08-19  Ben Liblit  <liblit acm org>			2002-08-19  Ben Liblit  <liblit acm org>

	* libgnomedb.spec.in: fix version number substitution		* libgnomedb.spec.in: fix version number substitution

	* libgnomedb.spec.in: update files list to match what		* libgnomedb.spec.in: update files list to match what
	install" actually installs					install" actually installs

	* libgnomedb.spec.in: add URL tag pointing to GNOME-D		* libgnomedb.spec.in: add URL tag pointing to GNOME-D
	web site							web site
	* Makefile.am: no need to explicitly list "*.in" file		* Makefile.am: no need to explicitly list "*.in" file
	distribution, as automake takes care of these implici		distribution, as automake takes care of these implici
	standard $(EXTRA_DIST) list for distributing spec fil		standard $(EXTRA_DIST) list for distributing spec fil

2002-08-18  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-08-18  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.[ch]: mov		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.[ch]: mov
	gnome-db's library.						gnome-db's library.

	* libgnomedb/Makefile.am: added new files.			* libgnomedb/Makefile.am: added new files.

	* doc/C/libgnomedb-docs.sgml:					* doc/C/libgnomedb-docs.sgml:
	* doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-connection-properties.sgml: add		* doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-connection-properties.sgml: add
	documentation.							documentation.
2002-08-07  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-08-07  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* control-center/dsn-config.c (test_dsn_cb): set gnom		* control-center/dsn-config.c (test_dsn_cb): set gnom
	dialog window.							dialog window.

2002-08-06  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-08-06  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* control-center/dsn-config.c (test_dsn_cb): callback		* control-center/dsn-config.c (test_dsn_cb): callback
	'Test DSN' button.						'Test DSN' button.

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.[ch] (gnome_db_show_messag		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.[ch] (gnome_db_show_messag

2002-07-09  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-07-09  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c: added a title bar (opti		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c: added a title bar (opti
	(gnome_db_grid_get_title): new function.			(gnome_db_grid_get_title): new function.
	(gnome_db_grid_set_title): new function.			(gnome_db_grid_set_title): new function.
	(gnome_db_grid_get_show_title): new function.			(gnome_db_grid_get_show_title): new function.
	(gnome_db_grid_set_show_title): new function.			(gnome_db_grid_set_show_title): new function.

	* control-center/provider-config.c (provider_config_n		* control-center/provider-config.c (provider_config_n
	* control-center/dsn-config.c (dsn_config_new): use a		* control-center/dsn-config.c (dsn_config_new): use a
	grid.								grid.

2002-07-08  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-07-08  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	Released 0.8.192						Released 0.8.192

2002-07-03  Gonzalo Paniagua Javier <gonzalo gnome-db org>	2002-07-03  Gonzalo Paniagua Javier <gonzalo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:					* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:
	(detail_button_clicked_cb): resize the window it its 		(detail_button_clicked_cb): resize the window it its 
	changed when details are displayed.				changed when details are displayed.

2002-07-01  Gonzalo Paniagua Javier <gonzalo gnome-db org>	2002-07-01  Gonzalo Paniagua Javier <gonzalo gnome-db org>

	* components/main.c:						* components/main.c:
	(client_error_cb): don't free the list of errors.		(client_error_cb): don't free the list of errors.

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c: fixed warning.			* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c: fixed warning.

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:					* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:
	(detail_button_clicked_cb): fixed.				(detail_button_clicked_cb): fixed.

	(gnome_db_error_show): make a copy of the error list 		(gnome_db_error_show): make a copy of the error list 
	number of errors in the list.					number of errors in the list.

	(gnome_db_error_next): use the value stored before.		(gnome_db_error_next): use the value stored before.

	(gnome_db_error_get_position): new. Returns the posit		(gnome_db_error_get_position): new. Returns the posit
	being displayed.						being displayed.
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.h: added prototype for		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.h: added prototype for
	gnome_db_error_get_position ().					gnome_db_error_get_position ().

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:				* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:
	(gnome_db_error_dialog_show_errors): make the dialog 		(gnome_db_error_dialog_show_errors): make the dialog 
	the close button is pressed. Change the sensitiveness		the close button is pressed. Change the sensitiveness
	and Next buttons depending on the position and the nu		and Next buttons depending on the position and the nu

2002-06-25  Gonzalo Paniagua Javier <gonzalo gnome-db org>	2002-06-25  Gonzalo Paniagua Javier <gonzalo gnome-db org>

	* control-center/dsn-config.c:					* control-center/dsn-config.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:				* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-data-source-selector.c:			* libgnomedb/gnome-db-data-source-selector.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c: changed gda		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c: changed gda
	gnome_db-config_*.						gnome_db-config_*.

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.[ch]: use gconf again. O		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.[ch]: use gconf again. O
	syncs contents of .libgda/config file to gconf config		syncs contents of .libgda/config file to gconf config
	listener will sync back to .libgda/config any change 		listener will sync back to .libgda/config any change 

2002-06-13  Gonzalo Paniagua Javier <gonzalo gnome-db org>	2002-06-13  Gonzalo Paniagua Javier <gonzalo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:				* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:
	(tree_value_set_func): reimplemented to use 2 cell re		(tree_value_set_func): reimplemented to use 2 cell re
	same column.							same column.
	(gnome-db-browser-init): create only one column with 		(gnome-db-browser-init): create only one column with 

	The changes to the above functions make the left tree		The changes to the above functions make the left tree
	the icon and text correctly instead of showing the ic		the icon and text correctly instead of showing the ic

	(gnome-db-browser-refresh): set the combobox with an 		(gnome-db-browser-refresh): set the combobox with an 
	and deactivate it instead of setting the strings with		and deactivate it instead of setting the strings with
	Use GDA_IS_CONNECTION before calling gda_connection_i		Use GDA_IS_CONNECTION before calling gda_connection_i
	This changes avoid warnings.					This changes avoid warnings.

2002-06-11  Gonzalo Paniagua Javier <gonzalo gnome-db org>	2002-06-11  Gonzalo Paniagua Javier <gonzalo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c: fixed crash when exi		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c: fixed crash when exi
	gnome-db-components.						gnome-db-components.

2002-06-10  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>			2002-06-10  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>

	* control-center/dsn-config.c: Improve english in a s		* control-center/dsn-config.c: Improve english in a s
2002-06-06  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-06-06  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c (tree_selection_chang		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c (tree_selection_chang
	a button to notebook tabs so that we can close them.		a button to notebook tabs so that we can close them.

2002-06-06  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-06-06  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-model.c (gnome_db_model_to_gtk_		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-model.c (gnome_db_model_to_gtk_
	it use a GtkTreeStore. Tree-like data models to be su		it use a GtkTreeStore. Tree-like data models to be su

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.h: added #define's for t		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.h: added #define's for t
	configuration entries.						configuration entries.

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c: restructured (again)		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c: restructured (again)
	look&feel (I hope).						look&feel (I hope).

	* data/gnome-db*16x16.png: added new placeholder imag		* data/gnome-db*16x16.png: added new placeholder imag
	replaced by proper ones.					replaced by proper ones.

2002-06-05  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-06-05  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* control-center/dsn-config.c (dsn_config_new):			* control-center/dsn-config.c (dsn_config_new):
	* control-center/provider-config.c (provider_config_n		* control-center/provider-config.c (provider_config_n
	UI, with some tweaks and some new pixmaps.			UI, with some tweaks and some new pixmaps.

2002-06-04  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-06-04  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-model.c (gnome_db_model_to_gtk_		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-model.c (gnome_db_model_to_gtk_
	fixed sorting of data in the tree view.				fixed sorting of data in the tree view.

	* control-center/Makefile.am:					* control-center/Makefile.am:
	* control-center/database-capplet.c:				* control-center/database-capplet.c:
	* control-center/provider-config.[ch]: added provider		* control-center/provider-config.[ch]: added provider
	page to the notebook.						page to the notebook.

2002-06-04  Zbigniew Chyla  <cyba gnome pl>			2002-06-04  Zbigniew Chyla  <cyba gnome pl>

	* control-center/database-capplet.c, control-center/d		* control-center/database-capplet.c, control-center/d
	Added missing includes (config.h, gtk/gtklabel.h).		Added missing includes (config.h, gtk/gtklabel.h).

2002-06-04  Damon Chaplin  <damon ximian com>			2002-06-04  Damon Chaplin  <damon ximian com>

	* components/main.c: include <locale.h> so it compile		* components/main.c: include <locale.h> so it compile

2002-06-03  Gonzalo Paniagua Javier <gonzalo gnome-db org>	2002-06-03  Gonzalo Paniagua Javier <gonzalo gnome-db org>

	* control-center/dsn-config.c: included libgnomeui/gn		* control-center/dsn-config.c: included libgnomeui/gn
	Include the password in the calls to gda_config_save_		Include the password in the calls to gda_config_save_

	* control-center/main.c: included libgnomeui/gnome-wi		* control-center/main.c: included libgnomeui/gnome-wi

2002-06-02  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-06-02  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:			* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c: allow edition of 		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c: allow edition of 
	entry, which will go to the configuration file.			entry, which will go to the configuration file.

	* control-center/dsn-config.c (druid_finished_cb):		* control-center/dsn-config.c (druid_finished_cb):
	(foreach_edit_cb): added @password parameter in call 		(foreach_edit_cb): added @password parameter in call 
	gda_config_save_data_source.					gda_config_save_data_source.

2002-05-31  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-05-31  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* control-center/dsn-config.c (dsn_config_new): use a		* control-center/dsn-config.c (dsn_config_new): use a
	the help part. Fixed ugliness of the help label.		the help part. Fixed ugliness of the help label.

2002-05-31  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-05-31  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c (menu_hide_columns_cb):		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c (menu_hide_columns_cb):
	(menu_show_columns_cb): new callbacks for popup menu 		(menu_show_columns_cb): new callbacks for popup menu 
	(menu_describe_cb): commented out, until GnomeDbTable		(menu_describe_cb): commented out, until GnomeDbTable
	fully implemented.						fully implemented.

	* control-center/dsn-config.c (dsn_config_new): don't		* control-center/dsn-config.c (dsn_config_new): don't
	GtkFrame as the container. The main GtkNotebook has a		GtkFrame as the container. The main GtkNotebook has a
	on it. Also, added help part to the dialog.			on it. Also, added help part to the dialog.
	(show_data_sources): only display name and descriptio		(show_data_sources): only display name and descriptio
	detailed information, there's the edition dialog.		detailed information, there's the edition dialog.

2002-05-31  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-05-31  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* doc/C/libgnomedb-docs.sgml:					* doc/C/libgnomedb-docs.sgml:
	* doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-stock.sgml: added new API docum		* doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-stock.sgml: added new API docum

2002-05-30  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-05-30  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* Makefile.am:							* Makefile.am:
	* configure.in: made building of the VFS module optio		* configure.in: made building of the VFS module optio

	* control-center/*: added basic control center applet		* control-center/*: added basic control center applet
	configuration (based on the manager component in GNOM		configuration (based on the manager component in GNOM

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.[ch] (gnome_db_grid_foreac		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.[ch] (gnome_db_grid_foreac
	new function.							new function.

2002-05-30  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-05-30  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* po/POTFILES.in:						* po/POTFILES.in:
	* data/Makefile.am:						* data/Makefile.am:
	* data/libgnomedb.schemas.in: fixed schemas file, as 		* data/libgnomedb.schemas.in: fixed schemas file, as 
	Kenneth.							Kenneth.

2002-05-28  Akira Tagoh <tagoh gnome-db org>			2002-05-28  Akira Tagoh <tagoh gnome-db org>

	Fixes #83185.							Fixes #83185.

	* configure.in: 						* configure.in: 
	* components/Makefile.am:					* components/Makefile.am:
	* components/GNOME_Database_Components.server.in: ins		* components/GNOME_Database_Components.server.in: ins
	components in libexecdir.					components in libexecdir.

2002-05-28  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-05-28  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* Makefile.am: install pixmaps in $datadir/pixmaps/li		* Makefile.am: install pixmaps in $datadir/pixmaps/li
	#831849). Thanks to Akira Tagoh <tagoh gnome-db org>		#831849). Thanks to Akira Tagoh <tagoh gnome-db org>

2002-05-24  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-05-24  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	Released 0.8.191						Released 0.8.191

2002-05-20  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-05-20  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-model.c (sort_values): check po		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-model.c (sort_values): check po
	using them on strcmp.						using them on strcmp.

	* configure.in:							* configure.in:
	* Makefile.am: added new components/ directory.			* Makefile.am: added new components/ directory.

	* components/main.c: main file for the gnome-database		* components/main.c: main file for the gnome-database
	binary.								binary.

	* components/connection-viewer.[ch]: implementation o		* components/connection-viewer.[ch]: implementation o
	viewer control, which manages the application/x-gnome		viewer control, which manages the application/x-gnome
	MIME type.							MIME type.

	* components/sql-viewer.[ch]: a SQL code viewer.		* components/sql-viewer.[ch]: a SQL code viewer.

	* data/Makefile.am:						* data/Makefile.am:
	* data/libgnomedb.keys.in:					* data/libgnomedb.keys.in:
	* data/libgnomedb.mime: added support for our MIME ty		* data/libgnomedb.mime: added support for our MIME ty

2002-05-19  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-05-19  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* configure.in:							* configure.in:
	* Makefile.am:							* Makefile.am:
	* monikers/*: added database: monikers from gnome-db 		* monikers/*: added database: monikers from gnome-db 

2002-05-13  Gonzalo Paniagua Javier <gonzalo gnome-db org>	2002-05-13  Gonzalo Paniagua Javier <gonzalo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-model.c:					* libgnomedb/gnome-db-model.c:
	(gnome_db_model_to_gtk_tree_view): always free the at		(gnome_db_model_to_gtk_tree_view): always free the at
	when the column is a boolean value.				when the column is a boolean value.

2002-05-09  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-05-09  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* testing/test-grid.c: replaced usage of			* testing/test-grid.c: replaced usage of
	gda_data_model_array_append_row with gda_data_model_a		gda_data_model_array_append_row with gda_data_model_a

2002-05-04  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-05-04  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* Release 0.8.190						* Release 0.8.190

2002-05-03  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-05-03  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* Makefile.am: install gnome-db.png in $(datadir)/pix		* Makefile.am: install gnome-db.png in $(datadir)/pix

2002-05-01  Pablo Saratxaga <pablo mandrakesoft com>		2002-05-01  Pablo Saratxaga <pablo mandrakesoft com>

	* configure.in: Added Vietnamese (vi) to ALL_LINGUAS		* configure.in: Added Vietnamese (vi) to ALL_LINGUAS

2002-04-28  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-04-28  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* configure.in: sorted out some version checks. Added		* configure.in: sorted out some version checks. Added
	to AC_OUTPUT. Added check for gnome-vfs-module-2.0.		to AC_OUTPUT. Added check for gnome-vfs-module-2.0.

	* Makefile.am: added vfs directory to SUBDIRS.			* Makefile.am: added vfs directory to SUBDIRS.

	* vfs/libmain.c: main file for the GNOME VFS module f		* vfs/libmain.c: main file for the GNOME VFS module f
	databases.							databases.

	* vfs/dbclient.[ch]: file for managing DB connections		* vfs/dbclient.[ch]: file for managing DB connections

	* vfs/dbvfs.[ch]: implementation of the GnomeVFSMetho		* vfs/dbvfs.[ch]: implementation of the GnomeVFSMetho

	* vfs/database-module.conf: configuration file for th		* vfs/database-module.conf: configuration file for th

2002-04-22  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-04-22  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* configure.in: require explicitly bonobo-activation,		* configure.in: require explicitly bonobo-activation,
	not a libgda dependency anymore.				not a libgda dependency anymore.

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.[ch]: new files.			* libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.[ch]: new files.

2002-04-22  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-04-22  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* configure.in: require libgda >= 0.8.190.			* configure.in: require libgda >= 0.8.190.

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-model.c:					* libgnomedb/gnome-db-model.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c: adapted to a few change		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c: adapted to a few change
2002-04-22  Murray Cumming  <murrayc usa net>			2002-04-22  Murray Cumming  <murrayc usa net>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-window.c: gnome_db_window_new()		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-window.c: gnome_db_window_new()
	Uses construct-time properties instead of bonobo_wind		Uses construct-time properties instead of bonobo_wind
	which should no longer be used now that bonobo_window		which should no longer be used now that bonobo_window
	just a convenience wrapper for g_object_new().			just a convenience wrapper for g_object_new().
	By the way, it looks like gnome_db_window_new() is al		By the way, it looks like gnome_db_window_new() is al
	there should be no code in a _new() function other th		there should be no code in a _new() function other th
	g_object_new().							g_object_new().

2002-04-14  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-04-14  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* Makefile.am:							* Makefile.am:
	* data/Makefile.am:						* data/Makefile.am:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:			* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:				* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:					* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:				* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c:					* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c:
	* libgnomedb/Makefile.am: install pixmaps in			* libgnomedb/Makefile.am: install pixmaps in
	$(datadir)/pixmaps/libgnomedb.					$(datadir)/pixmaps/libgnomedb.
2002-04-13  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-04-13  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* data/gnome-db-database_24x24.png:				* data/gnome-db-database_24x24.png:
	* data/gnome-db-designer_24x24.png:				* data/gnome-db-designer_24x24.png:
	* data/gnome-db-sql_24x24.png: fixed versions of thes		* data/gnome-db-sql_24x24.png: fixed versions of thes
	Alvaro Pe�±a Gonzalez <alvaropg mac com>			Alvaro Pe�±a Gonzalez <alvaropg mac com>

2002-04-10  Zbigniew Chyla  <cyba gnome pl>			2002-04-10  Zbigniew Chyla  <cyba gnome pl>


	* configure.in: defined BONOBO_EXPLICIT_TRANSLATION_D		* configure.in: defined BONOBO_EXPLICIT_TRANSLATION_D

	* libgda/Makefile.am: set LIBGDA_LOCALEDIR to $(datad		* libgda/Makefile.am: set LIBGDA_LOCALEDIR to $(datad

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c,				* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c,
	libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c, libgnomedb/gnome		libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c, libgnomedb/gnome
	libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c,				libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c,
	libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c, libgnomedb/gnome-db		libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c, libgnomedb/gnome-db
	libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c, libgnomedb/gnome-db-form		libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c, libgnomedb/gnome-db-form
	libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c, libgnomedb/gnome-db-login		libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c, libgnomedb/gnome-db-login
	libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c, libgnomedb/gnome-db-tabl		libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c, libgnomedb/gnome-db-tabl
	added missing includes to fix i18n.				added missing includes to fix i18n.

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c (_gnome_db_gettext): rem		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c (_gnome_db_gettext): rem
	added missing includes.						added missing includes.

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c (gnome_db_init): initial		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c (gnome_db_init): initial
	added missing includes.						added missing includes.

	* Makefile.am (libgnomedb_2_la_SOURCES): removed gnom		* Makefile.am (libgnomedb_2_la_SOURCES): removed gnom

	* libgnomedbgnome-db-intl.h: removed file.			* libgnomedbgnome-db-intl.h: removed file.

2002-04-01  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-04-01  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c: refactored to be mor		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c: refactored to be mor
	the creation of the different object tabs and added s		the creation of the different object tabs and added s
	(initialize_object_widgets): don't hardcode the posit		(initialize_object_widgets): don't hardcode the posit
	(object_selected_cb) (object_selection_cleared_cb): r		(object_selected_cb) (object_selection_cleared_cb): r
	specific functions with those generic ones.			specific functions with those generic ones.

2002-04-01  Gonzalo Paniagua Javier <gonzalo gnome-db org>	2002-04-01  Gonzalo Paniagua Javier <gonzalo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-list.c (gnome_db_list_set_model		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-list.c (gnome_db_list_set_model
	possible NULL in 'model'.					possible NULL in 'model'.

2002-03-30  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-03-30  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c (gnome_db_select_file_di		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c (gnome_db_select_file_di
	the dialog widget appropriately.				the dialog widget appropriately.

2002-03-30  Gonzalo Paniagua Javier <gonzalo gnome-db org>	2002-03-30  Gonzalo Paniagua Javier <gonzalo gnome-db org>

	* doc/C/libgnomedb-docs.sgml: added GNOME-DB entity.		* doc/C/libgnomedb-docs.sgml: added GNOME-DB entity.
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c: removed a warning.		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c: removed a warning.

2002-03-29  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-03-29  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.[ch] (gnome_db_select_file		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.[ch] (gnome_db_select_file
	function.							function.

2002-03-26  Daniel Morgan <danmorg sc rr com>			2002-03-26  Daniel Morgan <danmorg sc rr com>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-sql-editor.[ch]: new widget, a 		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-sql-editor.[ch]: new widget, a 
	editor, with syntax highlighting, multiple command su		editor, with syntax highlighting, multiple command su
	other nice features we'll be adding.				other nice features we'll be adding.

	* libgnomedb/libgnomedb.h:					* libgnomedb/libgnomedb.h:
	* libgnomedb/Makefile.am: added new file.			* libgnomedb/Makefile.am: added new file.

	* doc/C/libgnomedb-docs.sgml:					* doc/C/libgnomedb-docs.sgml:
	* doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-sql-editor.sgml: added document		* doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-sql-editor.sgml: added document
	for new widget.							for new widget.
2002-03-25  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-03-25  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.[ch]: base it on GtkVBox, 		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.[ch]: base it on GtkVBox, 
	(create_navigator): set correct alignment for the cur		(create_navigator): set correct alignment for the cur
	indicator label. Added a separator between the field 		indicator label. Added a separator between the field 
	the navigation bar.						the navigation bar.

2002-03-24  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-03-24  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.[ch] (gnome_db_new_vsepara		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.[ch] (gnome_db_new_vsepara
	function.							function.

2002-03-23  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-03-23  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c (gnome_db_new_label_widg		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c (gnome_db_new_label_widg
	alignment on all labels.					alignment on all labels.

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c (gnome_db_login_		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c (gnome_db_login_
	stock icons for buttons.					stock icons for buttons.

	* data/libgnomedb.schemas: added FixedWindowPos confi		* data/libgnomedb.schemas: added FixedWindowPos confi

2002-03-22  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-03-22  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control-widget.[ch]			* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control-widget.[ch]
	(gnome_db_control_widget_get_ui_container): new funct		(gnome_db_control_widget_get_ui_container): new funct
	(gnome_db_control_widget_new_from_corba): new functio		(gnome_db_control_widget_new_from_corba): new functio

	* data/gnome-db-connect_24x24.png:				* data/gnome-db-connect_24x24.png:
	* data/gnome-db-disconnect_24x24.png:				* data/gnome-db-disconnect_24x24.png:
	* data/gnome-db-database_24x24.png:				* data/gnome-db-database_24x24.png:
	* data/gnome-db-designer_24x24.png:				* data/gnome-db-designer_24x24.png:
	* data/gnome-db-tables_24x24.png: new versions for th		* data/gnome-db-tables_24x24.png: new versions for th
	Alvaro Pe�±a Gonzalez <cybdeep bigfoot com>			Alvaro Pe�±a Gonzalez <cybdeep bigfoot com>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:					* libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.h: added new icons.			* libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.h: added new icons.
2002-03-21  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-03-21  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.[ch] (gnome_db_new_file_en		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.[ch] (gnome_db_new_file_en
	function.							function.
	(gnome_db_new_radio_button_widget): new function.		(gnome_db_new_radio_button_widget): new function.

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c (menu_save_as_cb): imple		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c (menu_save_as_cb): imple
	popup menu option.						popup menu option.

2002-03-21  Gonzalo Paniagua Javier <gonzalo gnome-db org>	2002-03-21  Gonzalo Paniagua Javier <gonzalo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:				* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:				* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-data-source-selector.c:			* libgnomedb/gnome-db-data-source-selector.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:			* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:				* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:				* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:					* libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:					* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:				* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-model.c:					* libgnomedb/gnome-db-model.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c: removed warnings.			* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c: removed warnings.

2002-03-21  Gonzalo Paniagua Javier <gonzalo gnome-db org>	2002-03-21  Gonzalo Paniagua Javier <gonzalo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-model.c (gnome_db_model_to_gtk_		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-model.c (gnome_db_model_to_gtk_
	double the underscores for column titles.			double the underscores for column titles.

2002-03-20  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-03-20  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c				* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c
	(gnome_db_browser_tables_clear): clear also the table		(gnome_db_browser_tables_clear): clear also the table

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c (gnome_db_brows		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c (gnome_db_brows
	implemented the 'Data' tab.					implemented the 'Data' tab.
	(gnome_db_browser_views_clear): implemented.			(gnome_db_browser_views_clear): implemented.
	(gnome_db_browser_views_new): created widgets.			(gnome_db_browser_views_new): created widgets.

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c: added support for vi		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c: added support for vi

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c (create_navigator): for 		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c (create_navigator): for 
	use check button widgets.					use check button widgets.
	(show_navigator_row): ditto.					(show_navigator_row): ditto.

2002-03-19  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-03-19  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-model.c (default_value_set_func		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-model.c (default_value_set_func
	numeric values.							numeric values.

2002-03-18  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-03-18  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c (gnome_db_brow		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c (gnome_db_brow
	get table description and display it.				get table description and display it.

2002-03-17  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-03-17  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.[ch]: added "progress_m		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.[ch]: added "progress_m
	(table_selected_cb): emit "progress_message" signal o		(table_selected_cb): emit "progress_message" signal o
	(gnome_db_browser_set_connection): ditto.			(gnome_db_browser_set_connection): ditto.
	(gnome_db_browser_refresh): ditto.				(gnome_db_browser_refresh): ditto.

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c (gnome_db_grid_class_ini		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c (gnome_db_grid_class_ini
	copy&pasted code.						copy&pasted code.
	(selection_changed_cb): manage correctly GTK_SELECTIO		(selection_changed_cb): manage correctly GTK_SELECTIO
	(selection_foreach): callback function to emit signal		(selection_foreach): callback function to emit signal
	selection grids have their selection changed.			selection grids have their selection changed.

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-list.c (gnome_db_list_init): se		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-list.c (gnome_db_list_init): se
	to multiple when creating the list.				to multiple when creating the list.

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-model.c (gnome_db_model_to_gtk_		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-model.c (gnome_db_model_to_gtk_
	special case BOOLEAN values, to show them as toggle b		special case BOOLEAN values, to show them as toggle b
	(toggle_value_set_func): new function for managing BO		(toggle_value_set_func): new function for managing BO
	(default_value_set_func): show numbers in a different		(default_value_set_func): show numbers in a different

2002-03-16  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-03-16  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.[ch] (gnome_db_browser_		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.[ch] (gnome_db_browser_
	function.							function.

2002-03-15  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-03-15  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c (gnome_db_yes_no_dialog)		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c (gnome_db_yes_no_dialog)
	GtkMessageDialog, to look nicer.				GtkMessageDialog, to look nicer.

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control-widget.c				* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control-widget.c
	(gnome_db_control_widget_finalize): don't unref the i		(gnome_db_control_widget_finalize): don't unref the i
	widget, which is destroyed when destroying the contai		widget, which is destroyed when destroying the contai

2002-03-12  Gonzalo Paniagua Javier <gonzalo gnome-db org>	2002-03-12  Gonzalo Paniagua Javier <gonzalo gnome-db org>

	* configure.in: don't check for the version of intlto		* configure.in: don't check for the version of intlto

2002-03-04  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-03-04  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c: added a GtkSelectionMod		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c: added a GtkSelectionMod
	private structure.						private structure.
	(setup_grid): set the selection mode to the remembere		(setup_grid): set the selection mode to the remembere
	(gnome_db_grid_init): default selection mode to MULTI		(gnome_db_grid_init): default selection mode to MULTI
	(gnome_db_grid_select_all): use gnome_db_grid_set_sel		(gnome_db_grid_select_all): use gnome_db_grid_set_sel
	not gtk_tree_selection_set_mode, since we need to do 		not gtk_tree_selection_set_mode, since we need to do 
	(gnome_db_grid_set_selection_mode): remember selectio		(gnome_db_grid_set_selection_mode): remember selectio
	(menu_select_all_cb, menu_unselect_all_cb): new popup		(menu_select_all_cb, menu_unselect_all_cb): new popup

	* data/libgnomedb.schemas: added 'ShowShortcut' and '		* data/libgnomedb.schemas: added 'ShowShortcut' and '
	configuration entries.						configuration entries.

2002-03-03  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-03-03  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.[ch] (gnome_db_yes_no_dial		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.[ch] (gnome_db_yes_no_dial

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c (add_to_stri		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c (add_to_stri
	the parameters that have a value.				the parameters that have a value.
	(params_to_string): set retval to an empty string ins		(params_to_string): set retval to an empty string ins
	when no parameters are given for the connection strin		when no parameters are given for the connection strin

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c (menu_describe_cb, menu_		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c (menu_describe_cb, menu_
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c (gnome_db_error_		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c (gnome_db_error_
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c (gnome_db_login_		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c (gnome_db_login_
	set icon for dialog windows.					set icon for dialog windows.

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c (create_navigator): crea		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c (create_navigator): crea
	all fields in the data model.					all fields in the data model.
	(setup_widgets_for_model): clean up all internal widg		(setup_widgets_for_model): clean up all internal widg
	(gnome_db_form_init): initialize all internal widgets		(gnome_db_form_init): initialize all internal widgets
	to "clicked" signals on buttons.				to "clicked" signals on buttons.
	(gnome_db_form_finalize): g_list_free list of entries		(gnome_db_form_finalize): g_list_free list of entries
	(navigator_first_cb, navigator_back_cb, navigator_fwd		(navigator_first_cb, navigator_back_cb, navigator_fwd
	navigator_last_cb): callback functions for navigation		navigator_last_cb): callback functions for navigation

2002-03-03  Abel Cheung  <maddog linux org hk>			2002-03-03  Abel Cheung  <maddog linux org hk>

	* configure.in: Removed nn from ALL_LINGUAS.			* configure.in: Removed nn from ALL_LINGUAS.

2002-02-26  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-02-26  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c (gnome_db_brow		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c (gnome_db_brow
	replace the GnomeDbTableEditor with a simple GnomeDbG		replace the GnomeDbTableEditor with a simple GnomeDbG

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c: use new stock icons for		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c: use new stock icons for

2002-02-26  Chris Chabot <chabotc reviewboard com>		2002-02-26  Chris Chabot <chabotc reviewboard com>

	* libgnomedb.spec.in: new version.				* libgnomedb.spec.in: new version.

2002-02-25  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-02-25  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.h: new file.			* libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.h: new file.

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c (gnome_db_init): initial		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c (gnome_db_init): initial
	stock icons we install.						stock icons we install.

2002-02-24  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-02-24  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.[ch]: new widget.			* libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.[ch]: new widget.

	* doc/C/libgnomedb-docs.sgml:					* doc/C/libgnomedb-docs.sgml:
	* doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-form.sgml: added section for ne		* doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-form.sgml: added section for ne

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.[ch] (gnome_db_new_popup_m		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.[ch] (gnome_db_new_popup_m
	function.							function.

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c: added popup menu for ba		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c: added popup menu for ba
	(setup_grid): create the popup menu.				(setup_grid): create the popup menu.
	(menu_view_detail_cb): callback for the 'View detail'		(menu_view_detail_cb): callback for the 'View detail'
	(menu_describe_cb): callback for the 'Describe' popup		(menu_describe_cb): callback for the 'Describe' popup

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c (gnome_db_error_		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c (gnome_db_error_
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c (gnome_db_login_		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c (gnome_db_login_
	GTK stock names for icons.					GTK stock names for icons.

2002-02-23  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-02-23  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control.[ch]: added "get_proper		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control.[ch]: added "get_proper
	"set_property" signals.						"set_property" signals.
	(get_prop_cb): emit "get_property" signal.			(get_prop_cb): emit "get_property" signal.
	(set_prop_cb): emit "set_property" signal.			(set_prop_cb): emit "set_property" signal.

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-report-editor.[ch]: new widget.		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-report-editor.[ch]: new widget.

	* doc/C/libgnomedb-docs.sgml:					* doc/C/libgnomedb-docs.sgml:
	* doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-report-editor.sgml: added secti		* doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-report-editor.sgml: added secti

2002-02-22  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-02-22  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-window.[ch] (gnome_db_window_ge		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-window.[ch] (gnome_db_window_ge
	new function.							new function.

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c (initialize_object_wi		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c (initialize_object_wi
	triggers tab.							triggers tab.

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c (gnome_db_main_quit): us		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c (gnome_db_main_quit): us
	gtk_main_quit instead of bonobo_main_quit, since we a		gtk_main_quit instead of bonobo_main_quit, since we a
	running loops with bonobo_ui_main.				running loops with bonobo_ui_main.

2002-02-22  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>			2002-02-22  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c: Remove unsupported #ifd		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c: Remove unsupported #ifd
2002-02-20  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-02-20  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c (initialize_object_wi		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c (initialize_object_wi
	aggregates tab.							aggregates tab.

2002-02-10  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-02-10  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	Released 0.8.103 version.					Released 0.8.103 version.

2002-02-09  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-02-09  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c (fill_provid		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c (fill_provid
	removed.							removed.
	(gnome_db_dsn_config_druid_init): use a GnomeDbProvid		(gnome_db_dsn_config_druid_init): use a GnomeDbProvid

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-provider-selector.[ch]: new wid		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-provider-selector.[ch]: new wid

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c (fill_provider_men		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c (fill_provider_men
	(gnome_db_dsn_config_init): use a GnomeDbProviderSele		(gnome_db_dsn_config_init): use a GnomeDbProviderSele

	* doc/C/libgnomedb-docs.sgml:					* doc/C/libgnomedb-docs.sgml:
	* doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-provider-selector.sgml:			* doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-provider-selector.sgml:
	* doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-data-source-selector.sgml: adde		* doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-data-source-selector.sgml: adde

2002-02-08  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-02-08  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.[ch] (gnome_db_option_menu		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.[ch] (gnome_db_option_menu
	new function.							new function.

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c (gnome_db_dsn_conf		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c (gnome_db_dsn_conf
	use gnome_db_option_menu_set_selection to set the pro		use gnome_db_option_menu_set_selection to set the pro
	with the data source being shown.				with the data source being shown.

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c (load_data_sources): re		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c (load_data_sources): re
	(gnome_db_login_construct): use a GnomeDbDataSourceSe		(gnome_db_login_construct): use a GnomeDbDataSourceSe
	instead of GtkOptionMenu.					instead of GtkOptionMenu.
	(gnome_db_login_get_dsn): call gnome_db_option_menu_g		(gnome_db_login_get_dsn): call gnome_db_option_menu_g

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-data-source-selector.[ch]: new 		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-data-source-selector.[ch]: new 

	* testing/test-dsn-selector.c: new test program.		* testing/test-dsn-selector.c: new test program.

	* glade/glade-gnomedb.c: added GnomeDbDataSourceSelec		* glade/glade-gnomedb.c: added GnomeDbDataSourceSelec

2002-01-29  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-01-29  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* configure.in: bumped version number to 0.8.103		* configure.in: bumped version number to 0.8.103

2002-01-28  Gonzalo Paniagua Javier <gonzalo gnome-db org>	2002-01-28  Gonzalo Paniagua Javier <gonzalo gnome-db org>

	* doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-model.sgml:				* doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-model.sgml:
	* doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-util.sgml:				* doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-util.sgml:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-procedures.c:			* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-procedures.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-types.c:				* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-types.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control-widget.c:				* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control-widget.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control.c:				* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:			* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:				* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:					* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-gray-bar.c:				* libgnomedb/gnome-db-gray-bar.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:					* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:					* libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-intl.h:					* libgnomedb/gnome-db-intl.h:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-list.c:					* libgnomedb/gnome-db-list.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:					* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c:					* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-window.c:					* libgnomedb/gnome-db-window.c:
	* testing/test-grid.c: removed compile warnings.		* testing/test-grid.c: removed compile warnings.

2002-01-27  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-01-27  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c (gnome_db_dsn_conf		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c (gnome_db_dsn_conf
	(gnome_db_dsn_config_set_info): new functions.			(gnome_db_dsn_config_set_info): new functions.

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c (gnome_db_show_error): d		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c (gnome_db_show_error): d
	dialog after running it.					dialog after running it.

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c (gnome_db_grid_select_al		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c (gnome_db_grid_select_al
	selection mode to GTK_SELECTION_MULTIPLE.			selection mode to GTK_SELECTION_MULTIPLE.

2002-01-26  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-01-26  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c			* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c
	(gnome_db_dsn_config_druid_init): set up signals for 		(gnome_db_dsn_config_druid_init): set up signals for 
	added provider specific page.					added provider specific page.
	(general_next_pressed_cb): respond to "next" signal o		(general_next_pressed_cb): respond to "next" signal o
	page, so that we can set up the specific fields we ne		page, so that we can set up the specific fields we ne
	provider parameters page.					provider parameters page.

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.[ch] (gnome_db_option_menu		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.[ch] (gnome_db_option_menu
	new function.							new function.

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.[ch]: implemented.		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.[ch]: implemented.

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.[ch] (gnome_db_grid_get_se		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.[ch] (gnome_db_grid_get_se
	(gnome_db_grid_select_all): new function.			(gnome_db_grid_select_all): new function.
	(gnome_db_grid_unselect_all): new function.			(gnome_db_grid_unselect_all): new function.

2002-01-25  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-01-25  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c			* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c
	(gnome_db_dsn_config_druid_init): completed creation 		(gnome_db_dsn_config_druid_init): completed creation 
	info page.							info page.
	(fill_provider_menu): new function for filling up the		(fill_provider_menu): new function for filling up the
	option menu.							option menu.

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.[ch] (gnome_db_new_option_		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.[ch] (gnome_db_new_option_
	new function.							new function.
	(gnome_db_option_menu_add_item): new function.			(gnome_db_option_menu_add_item): new function.

2002-01-22  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>		2002-01-22  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>

        * sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.			        * sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.

2002-01-21  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-01-21  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c			* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c
	(gnome_db_dsn_config_druid_init): fixed strings to ma		(gnome_db_dsn_config_druid_init): fixed strings to ma
	text.								text.

2002-01-21  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-01-21  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c (gnome_db_new_tree_view_		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c (gnome_db_new_tree_view_
	rules hint for created tree views.				rules hint for created tree views.

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.[ch] (gnome_db_grid_set_se		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.[ch] (gnome_db_grid_set_se
	(gnome_db_grid_get_selection_mode): new function		(gnome_db_grid_get_selection_mode): new function

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-model.c (gnome_db_model_to_gtk_		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-model.c (gnome_db_model_to_gtk_
	support for sorting						support for sorting
	(sort_values): sorting function					(sort_values): sorting function

2002-01-20  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-01-20  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-private.c:			* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-private.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:				* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-types.c:				* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-types.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:				* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c: fixed compilation wa		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c: fixed compilation wa

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-private.h: new file for		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-private.h: new file for
	needed for all gnome-db-browser* files				needed for all gnome-db-browser* files

2002-01-20  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-01-20  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* ChangeLog: merged all ChangeLog's into a single fil		* ChangeLog: merged all ChangeLog's into a single fil

2002-01-15  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-01-15  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control.[ch]: added "activated"		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control.[ch]: added "activated"
	class								class

2002-01-14  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-01-14  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-window.c (gnome_db_window_new):		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-window.c (gnome_db_window_new):

2002-01-14  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-01-14  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* configure.in: added glade directory and added libgl		* configure.in: added glade directory and added libgl
	of required libraries						of required libraries
	* Makefile.am: added glade directory				* Makefile.am: added glade directory

2002-01-13  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-01-13  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c (gnome_db_init): initial		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c (gnome_db_init): initial

2002-01-13  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-01-13  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	Added libglade module for GNOME-DB widgets			Added libglade module for GNOME-DB widgets

2002-01-13  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-01-13  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* doc/C/sgml/gnome-db-combo.sgml:				* doc/C/sgml/gnome-db-combo.sgml:
	* doc/C/libgnomedb-docs.sgml: added GnomeDbCombo widg		* doc/C/libgnomedb-docs.sgml: added GnomeDbCombo widg

2002-01-13  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-01-13  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* configure.in: bumped version number to 0.8.102		* configure.in: bumped version number to 0.8.102

2002-01-13  Gonzalo Paniagua Javier <gonzalo gnome-db org>	2002-01-13  Gonzalo Paniagua Javier <gonzalo gnome-db org>

	* testing/test-grid.c: assign copyright to the GNOME 		* testing/test-grid.c: assign copyright to the GNOME 

2002-01-13  Gonzalo Paniagua Javier <gonzalo gnome-db org>	2002-01-13  Gonzalo Paniagua Javier <gonzalo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/*.[ch]: Changed copyright to the GNOME F		* libgnomedb/*.[ch]: Changed copyright to the GNOME F

2002-01-13  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-01-13  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c (gnome_db_error_		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c (gnome_db_error_
	to connect to the "response" signal on the dialog, si		to connect to the "response" signal on the dialog, si
	gtk_dialog_run in gnome_db_error_dialog_show_errors		gtk_dialog_run in gnome_db_error_dialog_show_errors

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.[ch]: re-added widget fro		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.[ch]: re-added widget fro

2002-01-11  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-01-11  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* configure.in: use GNOME_COMPILE_WARNINGS, and remov		* configure.in: use GNOME_COMPILE_WARNINGS, and remov
	obsolete GNOME_COMMON_INIT macro				obsolete GNOME_COMMON_INIT macro

2002-01-08  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-01-08  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.[ch]: new widget		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.[ch]: new widget

2002-01-08  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-01-08  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-dsn-config.sgml:				* doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-dsn-config.sgml:
	* doc/C/libgnomedb-docs.sgml: added new section (Gnom		* doc/C/libgnomedb-docs.sgml: added new section (Gnom

2002-01-08  Duarte Loreto <happyguy_pt hotmail com>		2002-01-08  Duarte Loreto <happyguy_pt hotmail com>

        * pt.po: Updated Portuguese translation.		        * pt.po: Updated Portuguese translation.

2002-01-07  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-01-07  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:				* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-gray-bar.c:				* libgnomedb/gnome-db-gray-bar.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:					* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-list.c:					* libgnomedb/gnome-db-list.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c				* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:					* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-window.c:					* libgnomedb/gnome-db-window.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c: added GParamSpec's f		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c: added GParamSpec's f
	GNOME #59710							GNOME #59710

2002-01-07  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-01-07  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* doc/C/tmpl/libgnomedb.sgml:					* doc/C/tmpl/libgnomedb.sgml:
	* doc/C/libgnomedb-docs.sgml: added new section (Libr		* doc/C/libgnomedb-docs.sgml: added new section (Libr

2002-01-05  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-01-05  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:				* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-procedures.c:			* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-procedures.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-types.c: added support 		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-types.c: added support 

2002-01-01  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-01-01  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c: implemented bas		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c: implemented bas

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c: use a GnomeDb		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c: use a GnomeDb
	display the table's structure					display the table's structure

	* libgnomedb/libgnomedb.h:					* libgnomedb/libgnomedb.h:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c (gnome_db_init): new fun		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c (gnome_db_init): new fun
	(gnome_db_main_run): new function				(gnome_db_main_run): new function
	(gnome_db_main_quit): new function				(gnome_db_main_quit): new function

2002-01-01  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-01-01  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* data/libgnomedb.schemas: added /apps/gnome-db/Shell		* data/libgnomedb.schemas: added /apps/gnome-db/Shell
	entry to the GConf schemas					entry to the GConf schemas

2001-12-31  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-12-31  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c (setup_grid): function t		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c (setup_grid): function t
	properties when creating a new GtkTreeView			properties when creating a new GtkTreeView

	* libgnomedb/libgnomedb-private.h: new private header		* libgnomedb/libgnomedb-private.h: new private header

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c (initialize_object_wi		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c (initialize_object_wi
	GnomeDbList's signals so that we can show the detail 		GnomeDbList's signals so that we can show the detail 
	are selected in the object list					are selected in the object list
	(table_selected_cb): new function				(table_selected_cb): new function
	(table_selection_cleared_cb): new function			(table_selection_cleared_cb): new function

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c (gnome_db_brow		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c (gnome_db_brow
	(gnome_db_browser_tables_clear): new functions			(gnome_db_browser_tables_clear): new functions

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-list.[ch]: added "row_selected"		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-list.[ch]: added "row_selected"
	signals.							signals.
	(gnome_db_list_get_model): new function				(gnome_db_list_get_model): new function

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.[ch]: new widget		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.[ch]: new widget

2001-12-30  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-12-30  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-types.c: new file for t		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-types.c: new file for t
	detail widget for types in the GnomeDbBrowser widget		detail widget for types in the GnomeDbBrowser widget

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c (initialize_object_wi		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c (initialize_object_wi
	(gnome_db_browser_init): disable popup menus in GtkNo		(gnome_db_browser_init): disable popup menus in GtkNo
	(notebook_page_changed_cb): callback to synchronize t		(notebook_page_changed_cb): callback to synchronize t
	in the widget							in the widget

2001-12-29  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-12-29  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-list.c (gnome_db_list_set_model		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-list.c (gnome_db_list_set_model
	on the internal GnomeDbGrid					on the internal GnomeDbGrid

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c (gnome_db_browser_set		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c (gnome_db_browser_set
	implement this function						implement this function

2001-12-28  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-12-28  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.[ch] (gnome_db_set_widget_		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.[ch] (gnome_db_set_widget_
	(gnome_db_set_widget_fg_color): new function			(gnome_db_set_widget_fg_color): new function

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.[ch] (gnome_db_browser_		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.[ch] (gnome_db_browser_
	(gnome_db_browser_set_connection): new functions		(gnome_db_browser_set_connection): new functions

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c (gnome_db_brow		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c (gnome_db_brow
	the 'Data' tab							the 'Data' tab

2001-12-28  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-12-28  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* data/libgnomedb.schemas: added some more schema ent		* data/libgnomedb.schemas: added some more schema ent

2001-12-28  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-12-28  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* configure.in: bumped version to 0.8.99			* configure.in: bumped version to 0.8.99

2001-12-27  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-12-27  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.[ch]: added new GnomeDb		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.[ch]: added new GnomeDb

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-broser-tables.c: new file for t		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-broser-tables.c: new file for t
	detail widget for tables in the GnomeDbBrowser widget		detail widget for tables in the GnomeDbBrowser widget

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-list.[ch]: added new GnomeDbLis		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-list.[ch]: added new GnomeDbLis

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.[ch] (gnome_db_new_grid_wi		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.[ch] (gnome_db_new_grid_wi

2001-12-27  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-12-27  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* doc/C/tmpl/*:							* doc/C/tmpl/*:
	* doc/C/libgnomedb-docs.sgml: added new widgets			* doc/C/libgnomedb-docs.sgml: added new widgets

2001-12-27  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-12-27  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* data/*.png: added new pixmaps by Alvaro Pe�±a <cybd		* data/*.png: added new pixmaps by Alvaro Pe�±a <cybd

2001-12-27  Duarte Loreto <happyguy_pt hotmail com>		2001-12-27  Duarte Loreto <happyguy_pt hotmail com>

        * pt.po: Added portuguese translation			        * pt.po: Added portuguese translation

2001-12-27  Duarte Loreto <happyguy_pt hotmail com>		2001-12-27  Duarte Loreto <happyguy_pt hotmail com>

        * configure.in: Added portuguese to ALL_LINGUAS		        * configure.in: Added portuguese to ALL_LINGUAS

2001-12-23  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-12-23  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c (gnome_db_error_		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c (gnome_db_error_
	"response" signal on the dialog, so that we can close		"response" signal on the dialog, so that we can close
	(dialog_response_cb): close the dialog on GTK_RESPONS		(dialog_response_cb): close the dialog on GTK_RESPONS

2001-12-22  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-12-22  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c (gnome_db_new_scrolled_w		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c (gnome_db_new_scrolled_w
	default shadow type for all created scrolled windows		default shadow type for all created scrolled windows

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-model.c (gnome_db_model_to_gtk_		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-model.c (gnome_db_model_to_gtk_
	gda_data_model_get_n_columns/rows in each pass in the		gda_data_model_get_n_columns/rows in each pass in the
	Just call the functions before entering the loop		Just call the functions before entering the loop

2001-12-21  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-12-21  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c (gnome_db_login_		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c (gnome_db_login_
	order for dialog buttons					order for dialog buttons

2001-12-21  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-12-21  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* doc/C/fdl-appendix.sgml:					* doc/C/fdl-appendix.sgml:
	* doc/C/libgnomedb-docs.sgml: added GNU FDL appendix		* doc/C/libgnomedb-docs.sgml: added GNU FDL appendix

	Made API reference build again					Made API reference build again

2001-12-21  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-12-21  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* configure.in: re-enable doc/ directory			* configure.in: re-enable doc/ directory

2001-12-19  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-12-19  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

        * gnome-db-util.[ch] (gnome_db_text_get_text): new fu	        * gnome-db-util.[ch] (gnome_db_text_get_text): new fu

2001-12-13  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-12-13  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.[ch] (gnome_db_new_hbutton		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.[ch] (gnome_db_new_hbutton
	(gnome_db_new_vbox_widget): new function			(gnome_db_new_vbox_widget): new function

2001-12-11  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-12-11  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* configure.in: s/AM_GCONF_SOURCE2/AM_GCONF_SOURCE_2		* configure.in: s/AM_GCONF_SOURCE2/AM_GCONF_SOURCE_2

	* libgnomedb.pc.in: also require libgnomeui-2.0 and g		* libgnomedb.pc.in: also require libgnomeui-2.0 and g

2001-12-10  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-12-10  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c (gnome_db_show_error): r		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c (gnome_db_show_error): r
	usage with GtkMessageDialog					usage with GtkMessageDialog

2001-12-10  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-12-10  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* configure.in: added support for GConf schemas			* configure.in: added support for GConf schemas

	* Makefile.am: added data/ directory				* Makefile.am: added data/ directory

2001-12-09  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-12-09  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c (gnome_db_show_error): n		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c (gnome_db_show_error): n

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c (gnome_db_login_		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c (gnome_db_login_
	(gnome_db_login_dialog_get_dsn): new function			(gnome_db_login_dialog_get_dsn): new function
	(gnome_db_login_dialog_get_username): new function		(gnome_db_login_dialog_get_username): new function
	(gnome_db_login_dialog_get_password): new function		(gnome_db_login_dialog_get_password): new function

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c (load_data_sources): lo		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c (load_data_sources): lo

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.[ch]: new impl		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.[ch]: new impl
	libgnomeui2's GnomeDruid					libgnomeui2's GnomeDruid

	* libgnomedb/libgnomedb.h: added missing header files		* libgnomedb/libgnomedb.h: added missing header files

2001-12-09  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-12-09  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* data/added data/ directory, where all data files wi		* data/added data/ directory, where all data files wi

	* data/libgnomedb.schemas: GConf schema file			* data/libgnomedb.schemas: GConf schema file

2001-12-09  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-12-09  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* gnome-db.png: moved here from gnome-db			* gnome-db.png: moved here from gnome-db

2001-12-08  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-12-08  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control.c (gnome_db_control_con		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control.c (gnome_db_control_con
	the widget from which to create the BonoboControl		the widget from which to create the BonoboControl

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c (gnome_db_new_hbox_widge		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c (gnome_db_new_hbox_widge

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control-widget.c: some fixes wh		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control-widget.c: some fixes wh
	GnomeDbControlWidget to BonoboWidget, which is no lon		GnomeDbControlWidget to BonoboWidget, which is no lon

2001-12-07  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-12-07  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c: s/gnome_db_entry_set_e		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c: s/gnome_db_entry_set_e
	gtk_editable_set_editable					gtk_editable_set_editable

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.[ch] (gnome_db_entry_set_e		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.[ch] (gnome_db_entry_set_e
	function							function

2001-12-07  Cleber Rodrigues <cleberrrjr bol com br>		2001-12-07  Cleber Rodrigues <cleberrrjr bol com br>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c: fixed gnome_db_new_entr		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c: fixed gnome_db_new_entr
	gtk_editable_set_editable instead of gnome_db_entry_s		gtk_editable_set_editable instead of gnome_db_entry_s

2001-12-02  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-12-02  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.[ch]: restarte		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.[ch]: restarte
	one in the GNOME 1.x branch					one in the GNOME 1.x branch

2001-12-02  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-12-02  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-selector.[ch]: new w		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-selector.[ch]: new w

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-gray-bar.c (gnome_db_gray_bar_s		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-gray-bar.c (gnome_db_gray_bar_s
	text in white and bold						text in white and bold

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control-widget.c (gnome_db_cont		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control-widget.c (gnome_db_cont
	new function							new function

2001-12-01  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-12-01  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control-widget.c (gnome_db_cont		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control-widget.c (gnome_db_cont
	don't gtk_widget_destroy the BonoboWidget, just g_obj		don't gtk_widget_destroy the BonoboWidget, just g_obj

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-gray-bar.[ch]: new widget			* libgnomedb/gnome-db-gray-bar.[ch]: new widget

2001-11-28  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-11-28  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control-widget.[ch] (gnome_db_c		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control-widget.[ch] (gnome_db_c
	new function, for child classes					new function, for child classes
	(gnome_db_control_widget_new): call gnome_db_control_		(gnome_db_control_widget_new): call gnome_db_control_

2001-11-24  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-11-24  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c (gnome_db_new_label_widg		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c (gnome_db_new_label_widg
	create to be selectable						create to be selectable

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control-widget.[ch]: changed to		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control-widget.[ch]: changed to
	not on BonoboWidget, and thus load the BonoboWidget w		not on BonoboWidget, and thus load the BonoboWidget w
	the GtkVBox							the GtkVBox

2001-11-23  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-11-23  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c: include glib-object.h, 		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c: include glib-object.h, 

2001-11-21  Carlos Perell�³ Mar�­n <carlos gnome-db org>	2001-11-21  Carlos Perell�³ Mar�­n <carlos gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-intl.h: Added to be able to use		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-intl.h: Added to be able to use
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h (_gnome_db_gettext):  Ad		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h (_gnome_db_gettext):  Ad
	be able to use gettext at libgnomedb (stolen from gli		be able to use gettext at libgnomedb (stolen from gli
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c, gnome-db-error.		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c, gnome-db-error.
	gnome-db-login.c: Updated to use gnome-db-intl.h.		gnome-db-login.c: Updated to use gnome-db-intl.h.

2001-11-21  Carlos Perell�³ Mar�­n <carlos gnome-db org>	2001-11-21  Carlos Perell�³ Mar�­n <carlos gnome-db org>

        * configure.in: Changed GETTEXT_PACKAGE from libgnome	        * configure.in: Changed GETTEXT_PACKAGE from libgnome
	libgnomedb-2							libgnomedb-2
2001-11-21  Carlos Perell�³ Mar�­n <carlos gnome-db org>	2001-11-21  Carlos Perell�³ Mar�­n <carlos gnome-db org>

	* Makefile.am, acconfig.h, configure.in: Migrated to 		* Makefile.am, acconfig.h, configure.in: Migrated to 
	i18n fixes.							i18n fixes.

2001-11-20  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-11-20  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c (gnome_db_login_get_dsn		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c (gnome_db_login_get_dsn
	gnome_db_login_dsn						gnome_db_login_dsn

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c (gnome_db_text_copy_clip		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c (gnome_db_text_copy_clip
	(gnome_db_text_cut_clipboard): new function			(gnome_db_text_cut_clipboard): new function
	(gnome_db_text_paste_clipboard): new function			(gnome_db_text_paste_clipboard): new function
	(gnome_db_new_vpaned_widget): new function			(gnome_db_new_vpaned_widget): new function

2001-11-18  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-11-18  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c (gnome_db_new_entry_widg		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c (gnome_db_new_entry_widg
	editable' parameter, so that we can set the editable 		editable' parameter, so that we can set the editable 
	of the GtkEntry when creating this type of widget.		of the GtkEntry when creating this type of widget.
	(gnome_db_new_button_widget): new function			(gnome_db_new_button_widget): new function
	(gnome_db_new_button_widget_from_stock): new function		(gnome_db_new_button_widget_from_stock): new function

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c: removed obsolete infor		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c: removed obsolete infor
	(native message, help url, real command)			(native message, help url, real command)

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.h: fixed GNOME_DB_		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.h: fixed GNOME_DB_

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c: adapted to changes in 		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c: adapted to changes in 

2001-11-18  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-11-18  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.[ch] (gnome_db_text_insert		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.[ch] (gnome_db_text_insert
	(gnome_db_text_clear): new function				(gnome_db_text_clear): new function

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c: replaced GtkText usage		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c: replaced GtkText usage

2001-11-16  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-11-16  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.[ch]:				* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.[ch]:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.[ch]: back-ported 		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.[ch]: back-ported 

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.[ch] (gnome_db_new_text_wi		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.[ch] (gnome_db_new_text_wi
	(gnome_db_text_get_char_count): new function			(gnome_db_text_get_char_count): new function
	(gnome_db_text_get_line_count): new function			(gnome_db_text_get_line_count): new function

2001-11-10  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-11-10  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.[ch] (gnome_db_new_frame_w		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.[ch] (gnome_db_new_frame_w
	(gnome_db_new_toolbar_widget): new function			(gnome_db_new_toolbar_widget): new function

2001-11-10  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-11-10  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.[ch] (gnome_db_new_noteboo		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.[ch] (gnome_db_new_noteboo

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control-widget.[ch] (gnome_db_c		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control-widget.[ch] (gnome_db_c
	new function							new function

2001-11-07  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-11-07  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* testing/test-grid.c (create_model): new function th		* testing/test-grid.c (create_model): new function th
	complicated data model to be shown				complicated data model to be shown

2001-11-07  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-11-07  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control-widget.[ch]: back-porte		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control-widget.[ch]: back-porte

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control.[ch]: back-ported from 		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control.[ch]: back-ported from 

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.[ch] (gnome_db_grid_hide_c		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.[ch] (gnome_db_grid_hide_c
	(gnome_db_show_column_titles): new functions			(gnome_db_show_column_titles): new functions

2001-11-06  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-11-06  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.[ch]: new version		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.[ch]: new version

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.[ch]: new version			* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.[ch]: new version

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.[ch] (gnome_db_new_table_w		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.[ch] (gnome_db_new_table_w
	(gnome_db_new_label_widget): new function			(gnome_db_new_label_widget): new function
	(gnome_db_new_entry_widget): new function			(gnome_db_new_entry_widget): new function
	(gnome_db_new_combo_widget): new function			(gnome_db_new_combo_widget): new function
	(gnome_db_entry_set_editable): new function			(gnome_db_entry_set_editable): new function

2001-11-04  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-11-04  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-model.c (value_set_func): fixed		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-model.c (value_set_func): fixed
	to gda_data_model_get_value_at					to gda_data_model_get_value_at

2001-11-03  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-11-03  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* testing/test-grid.c: test program to test the new g		* testing/test-grid.c: test program to test the new g

2001-11-03  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-11-03  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-window.[ch]: back-ported from t		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-window.[ch]: back-ported from t

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.[ch] (gnome_db_new_status_		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.[ch] (gnome_db_new_status_

2001-11-03  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-11-03  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c (gnome_db_new_scrolled_w		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c (gnome_db_new_scrolled_w
	(gnome_db_new_tree_view_widget): new functions			(gnome_db_new_tree_view_widget): new functions

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.[ch] (gnome_db_grid_set_fr		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.[ch] (gnome_db_grid_set_fr
	(gnome_db_grid_new_with_recordset): removed, as GdaRe		(gnome_db_grid_new_with_recordset): removed, as GdaRe
	now a subclass of GdaDataModel, so we don't need anym		now a subclass of GdaDataModel, so we don't need anym
	specific GdaRecordset-related methods				specific GdaRecordset-related methods

2001-11-03  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-11-03  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* Makefile.am: install libgnomedb.pc				* Makefile.am: install libgnomedb.pc

	* libgnomedb.pc.in: adapted to new header locations		* libgnomedb.pc.in: adapted to new header locations

	* configure.in: dumped library age to 1				* configure.in: dumped library age to 1

2001-11-02  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-11-02  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-model.[ch]: new file for utilit		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-model.[ch]: new file for utilit
	between our data-models and the GtkTreeModel stuff		between our data-models and the GtkTreeModel stuff

	* libgnomedb/new location for the library and start o		* libgnomedb/new location for the library and start o
	the new libgda							the new libgda

2001-11-02  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-11-02  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* lib/*: removed. The library is now in libgnomedb/		* lib/*: removed. The library is now in libgnomedb/

	* configure.in: check for libgda, not libgda-client. 		* configure.in: check for libgda, not libgda-client. 
	to 0.9.0							to 0.9.0

2001-10-29  Akira TAGOH <tagoh gnome-db org>			2001-10-29  Akira TAGOH <tagoh gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/Makefile.am: Added library age.			* libgnomedb/Makefile.am: Added library age.

2001-10-29  Akira TAGOH  <tagoh gnome-db org>			2001-10-29  Akira TAGOH  <tagoh gnome-db org>

	* configure.in: Added library age variables.			* configure.in: Added library age variables.

2001-10-08  Abel Cheung  <maddog linux org hk>			2001-10-08  Abel Cheung  <maddog linux org hk>

	* configure.in: CERTIFIED_GNOMIE, bye-bye.			* configure.in: CERTIFIED_GNOMIE, bye-bye.

2001-09-29  Fatih Demir <kabalak gtranslator org>		2001-09-29  Fatih Demir <kabalak gtranslator org>

	* configure.in: Added "ta" to the languages list.		* configure.in: Added "ta" to the languages list.

2001-09-27  Wang Jian  <lark linux net cn>			2001-09-27  Wang Jian  <lark linux net cn>

	* configure.in(ALL_LINGUAS): Added zh_CN.			* configure.in(ALL_LINGUAS): Added zh_CN.

2001-09-26  Pablo Saratxaga <pablo mandrakesoft com>		2001-09-26  Pablo Saratxaga <pablo mandrakesoft com>

	* configure.in: Added AZeri (az) to ALL_LINGUAS			* configure.in: Added AZeri (az) to ALL_LINGUAS

2001-09-17  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-09-17  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.c: removed the "error" si		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.c: removed the "error" si
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-component.[ch]: removed, since 		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-component.[ch]: removed, since 
	anymore								anymore

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control-widget.c (gnome_db_cont		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control-widget.c (gnome_db_cont
	removed, as this kind of functions (to retrieve infor		removed, as this kind of functions (to retrieve infor
	about CORBA components) will be present in libgda		about CORBA components) will be present in libgda
	(gnome_db_control_widget_get_repo_id): converted from		(gnome_db_control_widget_get_repo_id): converted from
	to a function							to a function
	Removed all GNOME::Database::UIShellComponent related		Removed all GNOME::Database::UIShellComponent related
	since this will be implemented on the front end level		since this will be implemented on the front end level

2001-09-11  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-09-11  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-list.[ch]: rewritten to be a sp		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-list.[ch]: rewritten to be a sp
	with one-column only						with one-column only

2001-09-04  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-09-04  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-model.[ch] (gnome_db_model_to_g		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-model.[ch] (gnome_db_model_to_g
	for converting a GdaDataModel into a GtkTreeModel		for converting a GdaDataModel into a GtkTreeModel

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.[ch]: started new grid wid		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.[ch]: started new grid wid
	GTK 2.0 widgets, and not on the ugly GtkCList			GTK 2.0 widgets, and not on the ugly GtkCList

2001-08-31  Abel Cheung  <maddog linux org hk>			2001-08-31  Abel Cheung  <maddog linux org hk>

	* configure.in (ALL_LINGUAS): zh_TW.Big5 -> zh_TW		* configure.in (ALL_LINGUAS): zh_TW.Big5 -> zh_TW

2001-08-28  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-08-28  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control-widget.[ch]:			* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control-widget.[ch]:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dataset.[ch]:				* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dataset.[ch]:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.[ch]:				* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.[ch]:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-icon-list.[ch]:				* libgnomedb/gnome-db-icon-list.[ch]:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-list.[ch]:				* libgnomedb/gnome-db-list.[ch]:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-log-viewer.[ch]:				* libgnomedb/gnome-db-log-viewer.[ch]:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.[ch]:				* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.[ch]:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.[ch]: moved all class mem		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.[ch]: moved all class mem

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-icon-list.[ch] (gnome_db_icon_l		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-icon-list.[ch] (gnome_db_icon_l
	this #define to a function, as now all class members 		this #define to a function, as now all class members 
	can't be accessed directly					can't be accessed directly

2001-08-27  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-08-27  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* added all auto*-related files					* added all auto*-related files

2001-08-24  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-08-24  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h: added some useful #defi		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h: added some useful #defi

2001-08-23  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-08-23  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dlg.[ch]: renamed to gnom		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dlg.[ch]: renamed to gnom
	name of the class is GnomeDbErrorDialog				name of the class is GnomeDbErrorDialog

2001-08-22  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-08-22  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c (gnome_db_main_run, gnom		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c (gnome_db_main_run, gnom

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-shortcut.[ch]: re-moved to gnom		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-shortcut.[ch]: re-moved to gnom
	very useless in a DB-bound widgets library			very useless in a DB-bound widgets library

2001-08-20  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-08-20  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h (gnome_db_new_vpaned_wid		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h (gnome_db_new_vpaned_wid

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-shell-component*: removed, sinc		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-shell-component*: removed, sinc
	end, now in gnome-db/lib					end, now in gnome-db/lib

2001-08-20  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-08-20  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* doc/C/moved reference from gnome-db module			* doc/C/moved reference from gnome-db module

2001-08-19  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-08-19  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* splitted from gnome-db to have the widgets library 		* splitted from gnome-db to have the widgets library 
	package/module							package/module

2001-08-18  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-08-18  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control.[ch]:				* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control.[ch]:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-shell-component.[ch]: s/GnomeDb		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-shell-component.[ch]: s/GnomeDb

2001-08-07  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-08-07  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

        * libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.c (show_recordset): free 	        * libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.c (show_recordset): free 

        * libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c (gnome_db_login_new): d	        * libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c (gnome_db_login_new): d

2001-08-01  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-08-01  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.c (gnome_db_set_recordset		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.c (gnome_db_set_recordset
	recordset, just unref it, and ref the new one			recordset, just unref it, and ref the new one

	* libgnomedb/*.c: added some inline documentation		* libgnomedb/*.c: added some inline documentation

2001-07-30  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-07-30  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c: removed the frame wi		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c: removed the frame wi
	detail pane, and made some UI tweaks				detail pane, and made some UI tweaks

2001-07-29  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-07-29  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-designer.c (gnome_db_designer_r		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-designer.c (gnome_db_designer_r
	the list returned by gda_xml_database_get_tables, whi		the list returned by gda_xml_database_get_tables, whi
	xmlNodePtr, but a GList						xmlNodePtr, but a GList

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-export.c (run_button_clicked_cb		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-export.c (run_button_clicked_cb
	running the export process					running the export process
	(export_finished_cb, export_cancelled_cb): re-enable 		(export_finished_cb, export_cancelled_cb): re-enable 

2001-07-28  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-07-28  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-export.c: make it work with the		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-export.c: make it work with the
	GdaExport class							GdaExport class

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c (gnome_db_yes_no_dialog)		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c (gnome_db_yes_no_dialog)

2001-07-25  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-07-25  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c (gnome_db_grid_set_recor		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c (gnome_db_grid_set_recor
	the given GdaRecordset, so it's now safe to free the 		the given GdaRecordset, so it's now safe to free the 
	after calling gnome_db_grid_set_recordset			after calling gnome_db_grid_set_recordset

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dataset.c (gnome_db_dataset_set		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dataset.c (gnome_db_dataset_set

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-list.c (gnome_db_list_set_recor		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-list.c (gnome_db_list_set_recor

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-entry.c (gnome_db_entry_set_rec		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-entry.c (gnome_db_entry_set_rec

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-label.c (gnome_db_label_set_rec		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-label.c (gnome_db_label_set_rec

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-icon-list.c (gnome_db_icon_list		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-icon-list.c (gnome_db_icon_list

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c: call gda_recordset_f		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c: call gda_recordset_f
	gnome_db_grid_set_recordset					gnome_db_grid_set_recordset

2001-07-24  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-07-24  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-export.c: first working UI vers		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-export.c: first working UI vers

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c (gnome_db_new_spin_butto		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c (gnome_db_new_spin_butto
	contained function to create spin buttons			contained function to create spin buttons

2001-07-18  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-07-18  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c: made the widget to sho		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c: made the widget to sho
	a GtkText							a GtkText

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dlg.c: don't set size of 		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dlg.c: don't set size of 

2001-07-16  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-07-16  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.[ch]: rework user interfa		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.[ch]: rework user interfa
	widget								widget

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dlg.[ch]: renamed object 		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dlg.[ch]: renamed object 

2001-07-15  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-07-15  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c: added support for vi		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c: added support for vi
	and sequences							and sequences

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-shortcut.c (gnome_db_shortcut_r		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-shortcut.c (gnome_db_shortcut_r
	background color						background color

2001-07-07  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-07-07  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-designer.c: connect to the GdaX		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-designer.c: connect to the GdaX
	signal, and refresh the view on that signal			signal, and refresh the view on that signal

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.[ch]: new widget c		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.[ch]: new widget c
	edition of a table (its columns and settings)			edition of a table (its columns and settings)

2001-07-05  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-07-05  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c (gnome_db_browser_sho		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c (gnome_db_browser_sho
	(gnome_db_browser_set_arg):					(gnome_db_browser_set_arg):
	(gnome_db_browser_get_arg): GtkArg's				(gnome_db_browser_get_arg): GtkArg's

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.c (gnome_db_combo_destroy		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.c (gnome_db_combo_destroy
	method								method
	(gnome_db_combo_set_arg):					(gnome_db_combo_set_arg):
	(gnome_db_combo_get_arg): GtkArg's				(gnome_db_combo_get_arg): GtkArg's

2001-07-04  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-07-04  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c: fixed parameters passed		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c: fixed parameters passed

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c: manage correctly last 		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c: manage correctly last 

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control.[ch]:				* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control.[ch]:
	  gnome-db-control-corba.[ch]:					  gnome-db-control-corba.[ch]:
	  gnome-db-control-widget.[ch]: IDL namespace changes		  gnome-db-control-widget.[ch]: IDL namespace changes

2001-07-03  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-07-03  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-window.[ch]: replace all usage 		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-window.[ch]: replace all usage 
	bonobo-ui-compat functions with the correct XML-based		bonobo-ui-compat functions with the correct XML-based

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c (druid_finis		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c (druid_finis
	the first parameter to the DSN connection string		the first parameter to the DSN connection string

2001-06-26  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-06-26  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c (gnome_db_grid_copy_clip		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c (gnome_db_grid_copy_clip

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c (gnome_db_config_get_s		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c (gnome_db_config_get_s
	the list returned by oaf_query					the list returned by oaf_query

2001-06-20  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-06-20  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-export.[ch]: renamed variable '		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-export.[ch]: renamed variable '
	make GCC 3.0 and C++ compilers happy				make GCC 3.0 and C++ compilers happy

2001-06-14  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-06-14  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control.c: take into account th		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control.c: take into account th
	(setOwner and unsetOwner)					(setOwner and unsetOwner)
	Added 2 new signals for those 2 methods				Added 2 new signals for those 2 methods
	Call bonobo_object_construct with the correct CORBA o		Call bonobo_object_construct with the correct CORBA o

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control-corba.c (impl_GNOME_DB_		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control-corba.c (impl_GNOME_DB_
	implemented							implemented
	(impl_GNOME_DB_Control_unsetOwner): implemented			(impl_GNOME_DB_Control_unsetOwner): implemented

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control-widget.c (gnome_db_cont		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control-widget.c (gnome_db_cont
	implemented							implemented
	(gnome_db_control_widget_unset_owner): implemented		(gnome_db_control_widget_unset_owner): implemented

2001-06-13  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-06-13  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-export.[ch]: new widget to act 		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-export.[ch]: new widget to act 
	new GdaExport class						new GdaExport class

2001-06-08  Roger Pilkey <rpilkey magma ca>			2001-06-08  Roger Pilkey <rpilkey magma ca>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c: removed GAL #include		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c: removed GAL #include

2001-06-05  Rodrigo Moya  <rodrigo gnome-db org>		2001-06-05  Rodrigo Moya  <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control-widget.c: proper handli		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control-widget.c: proper handli

2001-06-01  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-06-01  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c (druid_finis		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c (druid_finis
	";PARAM=VALUE" to DSN string instead of only ";VALUE"		";PARAM=VALUE" to DSN string instead of only ";VALUE"

2001-05-18  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-05-18  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-designer.[ch]: made all GnomeDb		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-designer.[ch]: made all GnomeDb
	private								private
	(gnome_db_designer_get_filename): new function			(gnome_db_designer_get_filename): new function
	(gnome_db_designer_set_filename): new function			(gnome_db_designer_set_filename): new function
	(gnome_db_designer_save): new function				(gnome_db_designer_save): new function

2001-05-03  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-05-03  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control.c (gnome_db_control_get		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control.c (gnome_db_control_get
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c: remove detail pane w		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c: remove detail pane w
	notebook tabs							notebook tabs
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c (druid_finis		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c (druid_finis
	to the DSN string if the user actually typed somethin		to the DSN string if the user actually typed somethin

2001-04-27  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-04-27  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c (show_table_data_cb):		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c (show_table_data_cb):
	table's data							table's data

2001-04-26  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-04-26  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-log-viewer.c: some UI tweaks		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-log-viewer.c: some UI tweaks

2001-04-23  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-04-23  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c (gnome_db_ds		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c (gnome_db_ds
	to GnomeDruid's "cancel" signal					to GnomeDruid's "cancel" signal

2001-04-18  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-04-18  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/e-*paned*: imported EPaned widgets from 		* libgnomedb/e-*paned*: imported EPaned widgets from 
	that dependency, since we're only using the paned		that dependency, since we're only using the paned
	widgets. As soon as some "decent" paned widget is		widgets. As soon as some "decent" paned widget is
	available in GTK+ or gnome-libs, these files will be		available in GTK+ or gnome-libs, these files will be
	removed								removed

2001-04-17  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-04-17  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.[ch]: rework it to make i		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.[ch]: rework it to make i

2001-04-16  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-04-16  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control.h: do not include gnome		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control.h: do not include gnome
	since it's a private file, not to be installed			since it's a private file, not to be installed
	* libgnomedb/Makefile.am: also install GnomeDB.h (ORB		* libgnomedb/Makefile.am: also install GnomeDB.h (ORB
	needed by gnome-db-control.h					needed by gnome-db-control.h
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c (gnome_db_set_widget_too		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c (gnome_db_set_widget_too
	if 'Show tooltips' option is enabled				if 'Show tooltips' option is enabled
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.h: added new configure s		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.h: added new configure s

2001-04-15  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-04-15  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c: disable "Global" 		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c: disable "Global" 
	sources are allowed						sources are allowed
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.[ch] (gnome_db_set_widget_		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.[ch] (gnome_db_set_widget_
	to add tooltips to widgets					to add tooltips to widgets

2001-04-12  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-04-12  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.[ch]: added Gn		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.[ch]: added Gn
	for easy addition of new data sources				for easy addition of new data sources

2001-04-11  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-04-11  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c: attempt a new look&f		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c: attempt a new look&f
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-icon-list.[ch]: improved look		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-icon-list.[ch]: improved look

2001-04-08  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-04-08  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control.c, gnome-db-control.h, 		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control.c, gnome-db-control.h, 
	gnome-db-control-corba.h: changed from BonoboObject t		gnome-db-control-corba.h: changed from BonoboObject t
	(by Michael Meeks)						(by Michael Meeks)
2001-04-01  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-04-01  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c (gnome_db_load_window_co		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c (gnome_db_load_window_co
	(gnome_db_save_window_config): use "/apps" prefix for		(gnome_db_save_window_config): use "/apps" prefix for
	configuration strings						configuration strings

2001-03-30  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-03-30  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.[ch] (gnome_db_config_ge		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.[ch] (gnome_db_config_ge
	function to retrieve the list of saved SQL queries		function to retrieve the list of saved SQL queries
	Changed config prefix from /gnome-db to /apps/gnome-d		Changed config prefix from /gnome-db to /apps/gnome-d
	(gnome_db_config_get_saved_xml_queries): ditto for XM		(gnome_db_config_get_saved_xml_queries): ditto for XM
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c: new rework, now with		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c: new rework, now with
	and some new options						and some new options

2001-03-20  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-03-20  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-moniker.[ch]: replaced the use 		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-moniker.[ch]: replaced the use 
	BonoboMonikerSimple						BonoboMonikerSimple

2001-03-18  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-03-18  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/*.h: cleaned up #include mess by only in		* libgnomedb/*.h: cleaned up #include mess by only in
	are really needed						are really needed
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-print.c: started support for pr		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-print.c: started support for pr
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c: added Gerhard to list o		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c: added Gerhard to list o

2001-03-17  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-03-17  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-help.[ch]: remove this *f #* us		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-help.[ch]: remove this *f #* us
	thing it did was add a dependency on gtkhtml. Will be		thing it did was add a dependency on gtkhtml. Will be
	to use the EBrowser component					to use the EBrowser component
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control.[ch]: removed as the Gn		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control.[ch]: removed as the Gn
	almost useless: it was a wrapper for the BonoboGeneri		almost useless: it was a wrapper for the BonoboGeneri
	object, but now it's not needed anymore				object, but now it's not needed anymore
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control-instance.[ch]: moved to		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control-instance.[ch]: moved to
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control-corba.[ch], gnome-db.h:		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control-corba.[ch], gnome-db.h:
	GnomeDbControl/GnomeDbControlInstance change			GnomeDbControl/GnomeDbControlInstance change

2001-01-03	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>		2001-01-03	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/added GnomeDbEntry widget, which is a da		* libgnomedb/added GnomeDbEntry widget, which is a da
	* libgnomedb/added GnomeDbLabel widget, which is a da		* libgnomedb/added GnomeDbLabel widget, which is a da

2000-12-20	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>		2000-12-20	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/impl_GNOME_DB_Control_do*Clipboard: impl		* libgnomedb/impl_GNOME_DB_Control_do*Clipboard: impl

2000-12-19	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>		2000-12-19	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control-*: fixed GnomeDB CORBA 		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control-*: fixed GnomeDB CORBA 
	now calls to our custom IDL interface from the Bonobo		now calls to our custom IDL interface from the Bonobo

2000-12-17	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>		2000-12-17	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.[ch]: added gnome_db_show_		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.[ch]: added gnome_db_show_
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.[ch]: added function		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.[ch]: added function
	structure members						structure members
2000-12-10	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>		2000-12-10	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.[ch]: added convenience f		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.[ch]: added convenience f
	private structure members					private structure members
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dlg.[ch]: small code clea		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dlg.[ch]: small code clea

2000-12-06	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>		2000-12-06	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-help.[ch]: worked a bit on maki		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-help.[ch]: worked a bit on maki
	usable								usable

2000-12-03	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>		2000-12-03	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/started GnomeDbMoniker class, for easing		* libgnomedb/started GnomeDbMoniker class, for easing
	of monikers							of monikers

2000-12-02	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>		2000-12-02	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-log-viewer.[ch]: implemented gn		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-log-viewer.[ch]: implemented gn

2000-11-24	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>		2000-11-24	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/added correct license notices (LGPL) to 		* libgnomedb/added correct license notices (LGPL) to 

2000-11-19	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo linuxave net>		2000-11-19	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo linuxave net>

	* libgnomedb/changed GnomeDB subdomain to DB			* libgnomedb/changed GnomeDB subdomain to DB

2000-11-18	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo linuxave net>		2000-11-18	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo linuxave net>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control*: implemented new do* I		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control*: implemented new do* I

2000-11-17	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo linuxave net>		2000-11-17	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo linuxave net>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control-corba.c: s/GnomeDB_/GNO		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control-corba.c: s/GnomeDB_/GNO
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control-widget.c: s/GnomeDB_/GN		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control-widget.c: s/GnomeDB_/GN
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control-instance.c: s/GnomeDB_/		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control-instance.c: s/GnomeDB_/

2000-11-12	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo linuxave net>		2000-11-12	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo linuxave net>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control*: implemented common me		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control*: implemented common me
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser: show extra info in dia		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser: show extra info in dia
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-designer: removed paned window		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-designer: removed paned window

2000-11-01	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo linuxave net>		2000-11-01	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo linuxave net>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-help.[ch]: added functions for 		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-help.[ch]: added functions for 
	the help viewer's history					the help viewer's history

2000-10-27	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo linuxave net>		2000-10-27	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo linuxave net>

	* libgnomedb/improved printer setup dialog stuff		* libgnomedb/improved printer setup dialog stuff

2000-10-22	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo linuxave net>		2000-10-22	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo linuxave net>

	* libgnomedb/small fixes to make at last control acti		* libgnomedb/small fixes to make at last control acti
	work								work

2000-10-21	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo linuxave net>		2000-10-21	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo linuxave net>

	* libgnomedb/reworked the Bonobo menu and toolbar mer		* libgnomedb/reworked the Bonobo menu and toolbar mer
	* libgnomedb/added bonobo-ui-compat* as a temporary m		* libgnomedb/added bonobo-ui-compat* as a temporary m
	* libgnomedb/removed the GnomeDbFactory object, not n		* libgnomedb/removed the GnomeDbFactory object, not n
	* libgnomedb/separated GnomeDbControl/ControlInstance		* libgnomedb/separated GnomeDbControl/ControlInstance
	  different objects						  different objects

2000-10-17	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo linuxave net>		2000-10-17	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo linuxave net>
	* libgnomedb/made basic menu merging. Though, a lot o		* libgnomedb/made basic menu merging. Though, a lot o
	to insert controls' menus in the right place, and to 		to insert controls' menus in the right place, and to 
	it correctly.							it correctly.
2000-10-15	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo linuxave net>		2000-10-15	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo linuxave net>
	* libgnomedb/created ChangeLog					* libgnomedb/created ChangeLog

2004-10-05  Daniel Espinosa Ortiz <esodan yahoo com mx>	      <
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.c ported to GtkComboBoxEn <
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.h ported to GtkComboBoxEn <
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c added the method to hide <
	buttons and to know if they are displayed.	      <
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c added the event notifica <
	of row (cliking a navigation button).		      <
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c added the method to set/ <
	a GnomeDateEdit (just a propoused utility!!!!)	      <
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: components
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: config.guess
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: config.log
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: config.status
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: config.sub
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: configure
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/configure.in ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/configure.in
AC_PREREQ(2.52)							AC_PREREQ(2.52)
AC_INIT(libgnomedb/libgnomedb.h)				AC_INIT(libgnomedb/libgnomedb.h)



#								#
# Making releases:						# Making releases:
# - If interfaces have been changed or added, set GNOMEDB_CUR	# - If interfaces have been changed or added, set GNOMEDB_CUR
# - If binary compatibility has been broken (e.g. removed or 	# - If binary compatibility has been broken (e.g. removed or 
# - If interfaces is the same as the previous version, set GN	# - If interfaces is the same as the previous version, set GN
#								#






dnl ******************************				dnl ******************************
dnl Checks for programs						dnl Checks for programs
dnl ******************************				dnl ******************************

dnl ******************************				dnl ******************************
dnl Scrollkeeper						dnl Scrollkeeper
dnl ******************************				dnl ******************************
AC_PATH_PROG(SCROLLKEEPER_CONFIG, scrollkeeper-config,no)	AC_PATH_PROG(SCROLLKEEPER_CONFIG, scrollkeeper-config,no)
if test x$SCROLLKEEPER_CONFIG = xno; then			if test x$SCROLLKEEPER_CONFIG = xno; then
  AC_MSG_ERROR(Couldn't find scrollkeeper-config -- please in	  AC_MSG_ERROR(Couldn't find scrollkeeper-config -- please in
fi								fi
SCROLLKEEPER_LOCALSTATE_DIR=`scrollkeeper-config --pkglocalst	SCROLLKEEPER_LOCALSTATE_DIR=`scrollkeeper-config --pkglocalst

dnl ******************************				dnl ******************************
dnl Translations						dnl Translations
dnl ******************************				dnl ******************************
GETTEXT_PACKAGE=libgnomedb-2					GETTEXT_PACKAGE=libgnomedb-2
ALL_LINGUAS="az be ca cs da de el en_CA en_GB es fa fi fr ga  |	ALL_LINGUAS="az be ca cs da de el en_CA en_GB es fa fi fr ga 

dnl ******************************				dnl ******************************
dnl GConf schemas						dnl GConf schemas
dnl ******************************				dnl ******************************
AC_PATH_PROG(GCONFTOOL, gconftool-2)				AC_PATH_PROG(GCONFTOOL, gconftool-2)

dnl ******************************				dnl ******************************
dnl Checks for libraries					dnl Checks for libraries
dnl ******************************				dnl ******************************
GNOME_COMPILE_WARNINGS(maximum)				      <

GTK_MODULES="gtk+-2.0 >= 2.4.0"					GTK_MODULES="gtk+-2.0 >= 2.4.0"
LIBGDA_MODULES="libgda >= 1.1.1"				LIBGDA_MODULES="libgda >= 1.1.1"
GNOME_MODULES="libgnomeui-2.0 >= 1.103 bonobo-activation-2.0 	GNOME_MODULES="libgnomeui-2.0 >= 1.103 bonobo-activation-2.0 
LIBGLADE_MODULES="libglade-2.0"					LIBGLADE_MODULES="libglade-2.0"


AC_ARG_ENABLE(gnome, [  --enable-gnome      Build with GNOME 	AC_ARG_ENABLE(gnome, [  --enable-gnome      Build with GNOME 
if test x$enable_gnome = xauto || test x$enable_gnome = xyes 	if test x$enable_gnome = xauto || test x$enable_gnome = xyes 
   if test x"$have_gnome" = "xyes"; then			   if test x"$have_gnome" = "xyes"; then
         enable_gnome=yes					         enable_gnome=yes
   else								   else
         enable_gnome=no 					         enable_gnome=no 
   fi								   fi
else								else
   enable_gnome=no         					   enable_gnome=no         
fi								fi

AM_CONDITIONAL(BUILD_WITH_GNOME, test x$enable_gnome = xyes)	AM_CONDITIONAL(BUILD_WITH_GNOME, test x$enable_gnome = xyes)

AM_CONDITIONAL(HAVE_LIBGLADE, test x"$have_libglade" = "xyes"	AM_CONDITIONAL(HAVE_LIBGLADE, test x"$have_libglade" = "xyes"
if test x"$have_libglade" = "xyes"				if test x"$have_libglade" = "xyes"
then								then
fi								fi

PKG_CHECK_MODULES(GTKSOURCEVIEW, gtksourceview-1.0, have_gtks	PKG_CHECK_MODULES(GTKSOURCEVIEW, gtksourceview-1.0, have_gtks
AM_CONDITIONAL(HAVE_GTKSOURCEVIEW, test x"$have_gtksourceview	AM_CONDITIONAL(HAVE_GTKSOURCEVIEW, test x"$have_gtksourceview
if test x"$have_gtksourceview" = "xyes"				if test x"$have_gtksourceview" = "xyes"
then								then
fi								fi

PKG_CHECK_MODULES(GDA_EVOLUTION, libecal-1.0 libebook-1.0, ha	PKG_CHECK_MODULES(GDA_EVOLUTION, libecal-1.0 libebook-1.0, ha
if test x"$have_evolution" = "xyes"				if test x"$have_evolution" = "xyes"
then								then
	EVOLUTION_VERSION=`pkg-config --modversion evolution-		EVOLUTION_VERSION=`pkg-config --modversion evolution-
fi								fi
AM_CONDITIONAL(HAVE_EVOLUTION, test x"$have_evolution" = "xye	AM_CONDITIONAL(HAVE_EVOLUTION, test x"$have_evolution" = "xye


dnl ******************************				dnl ******************************
dnl gtk-doc							dnl gtk-doc
dnl ******************************				dnl ******************************

AC_ARG_WITH(html-dir, [  --with-html-dir=PATH path to install	AC_ARG_WITH(html-dir, [  --with-html-dir=PATH path to install
if test "x$with_html_dir" = "x" ; then				if test "x$with_html_dir" = "x" ; then
  HTML_DIR='${datadir}/gtk-doc/html'				  HTML_DIR='${datadir}/gtk-doc/html'
else								else
  HTML_DIR=$with_html_dir					  HTML_DIR=$with_html_dir
fi								fi
gtk_doc_min_version=1.0						gtk_doc_min_version=1.0
AC_MSG_CHECKING([gtk-doc version >= $gtk_doc_min_version])	AC_MSG_CHECKING([gtk-doc version >= $gtk_doc_min_version])
if pkg-config --atleast-version=$gtk_doc_min_version gtk-doc;	if pkg-config --atleast-version=$gtk_doc_min_version gtk-doc;
  AC_MSG_RESULT(yes)						  AC_MSG_RESULT(yes)
  GTKDOC=true							  GTKDOC=true
else								else
  AC_MSG_RESULT(no)						  AC_MSG_RESULT(no)
  GTKDOC=false							  GTKDOC=false
fi								fi
dnl Let people disable the gtk-doc stuff.			dnl Let people disable the gtk-doc stuff.
AC_ARG_ENABLE(gtk-doc, [  --enable-gtk-doc  Use gtk-doc to bu	AC_ARG_ENABLE(gtk-doc, [  --enable-gtk-doc  Use gtk-doc to bu
if test x$enable_gtk_doc = xauto ; then				if test x$enable_gtk_doc = xauto ; then
  if test x$GTKDOC = xtrue ; then				  if test x$GTKDOC = xtrue ; then
    enable_gtk_doc=yes						    enable_gtk_doc=yes
  else								  else
    enable_gtk_doc=no						    enable_gtk_doc=no
  fi								  fi
fi								fi
AM_CONDITIONAL(ENABLE_GTK_DOC, test x$enable_gtk_doc = xyes)	AM_CONDITIONAL(ENABLE_GTK_DOC, test x$enable_gtk_doc = xyes)

Makefile							Makefile
libgnomedb.spec							libgnomedb.spec
libgnomedb.pc							libgnomedb.pc
control-center/Makefile						control-center/Makefile
data/Makefile							data/Makefile
doc/Makefile							doc/Makefile
doc/libgnomedb-C.omf						doc/libgnomedb-C.omf
doc/C/Makefile							doc/C/Makefile
glade/Makefile							glade/Makefile
libgnomedb/Makefile						libgnomedb/Makefile
po/Makefile.in							po/Makefile.in
testing/Makefile						testing/Makefile
stamp.h								stamp.h
])								])

Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/control-center: CVS
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/control-center/database-capplet.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/control-center/database-capplet.c
/* GNOME-DB Configurator					/* GNOME-DB Configurator
 * Copyright (C) 2000-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 2000-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as pu	 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as pu
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the Lice	 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the Lice
 * (at your option) any later version.				 * (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * GNU Library General Public License for more details.		 * GNU Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public 	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public 
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Softwar	 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Softwar
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 	 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 
 */								 */

#include <gtk/gtklabel.h>					#include <gtk/gtklabel.h>
#include <gtk/gtknotebook.h>					#include <gtk/gtknotebook.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-i18n.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-i18n.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h>
#include "database-capplet.h"					#include "database-capplet.h"
#include "dsn-config.h"						#include "dsn-config.h"
#include "provider-config.h"					#include "provider-config.h"

/*								/*
 * Public functions						 * Public functions
 */								 */

GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
database_capplet_new (void)					database_capplet_new (void)
{								{
	GtkWidget *capplet;						GtkWidget *capplet;
	GtkWidget *dsn;							GtkWidget *dsn;
	GtkWidget *provider;						GtkWidget *provider;

	capplet = gnome_db_new_notebook_widget ();			capplet = gnome_db_new_notebook_widget ();

	/* data source configuration page */				/* data source configuration page */
	dsn = dsn_config_new ();					dsn = dsn_config_new ();
	g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (capplet), DSN_PAGE, dsn)		g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (capplet), DSN_PAGE, dsn)
	gtk_notebook_append_page (GTK_NOTEBOOK (capplet), dsn		gtk_notebook_append_page (GTK_NOTEBOOK (capplet), dsn
				  gtk_label_new (_("Data Sour					  gtk_label_new (_("Data Sour

	/* providers configuration page */				/* providers configuration page */
	provider = provider_config_new ();				provider = provider_config_new ();
	g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (capplet), PROVIDER_PAGE,		g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (capplet), PROVIDER_PAGE,
	gtk_notebook_append_page (GTK_NOTEBOOK (capplet), pro		gtk_notebook_append_page (GTK_NOTEBOOK (capplet), pro
				  gtk_label_new (_("Providers					  gtk_label_new (_("Providers

	return capplet;							return capplet;
}								}

void								void
database_capplet_delete (GtkWidget *capplet)			database_capplet_delete (GtkWidget *capplet)
{								{
	GtkWidget *dsn, *provider, *current_widget;			GtkWidget *dsn, *provider, *current_widget;
	gint current;							gint current;

	dsn = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (capplet), DSN_PAGE		dsn = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (capplet), DSN_PAGE
	provider = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (capplet), PRO		provider = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (capplet), PRO

	current = gtk_notebook_get_current_page (GTK_NOTEBOOK		current = gtk_notebook_get_current_page (GTK_NOTEBOOK
	if (current == -1)						if (current == -1)
		return;								return;

	current_widget = gtk_notebook_get_nth_page (GTK_NOTEB		current_widget = gtk_notebook_get_nth_page (GTK_NOTEB
	if (current_widget == dsn)					if (current_widget == dsn)
		dsn_config_delete (dsn);					dsn_config_delete (dsn);
}								}

void								void
database_capplet_edit_properties (GtkWidget *capplet)		database_capplet_edit_properties (GtkWidget *capplet)
{								{
	GtkWidget *dsn, *provider, *current_widget;			GtkWidget *dsn, *provider, *current_widget;
	gint current;							gint current;

	dsn = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (capplet), DSN_PAGE		dsn = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (capplet), DSN_PAGE
	provider = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (capplet), PRO		provider = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (capplet), PRO

	current = gtk_notebook_get_current_page (GTK_NOTEBOOK		current = gtk_notebook_get_current_page (GTK_NOTEBOOK
	if (current == -1)						if (current == -1)
		return;								return;

	current_widget = gtk_notebook_get_nth_page (GTK_NOTEB		current_widget = gtk_notebook_get_nth_page (GTK_NOTEB
	if (current_widget == dsn)					if (current_widget == dsn)
		dsn_config_edit_properties (dsn);				dsn_config_edit_properties (dsn);
}								}

void								void
database_capplet_select_all (GtkWidget *capplet)		database_capplet_select_all (GtkWidget *capplet)
{								{
	GtkWidget *dsn, *provider, *current_widget;			GtkWidget *dsn, *provider, *current_widget;
	gint current;							gint current;

	dsn = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (capplet), DSN_PAGE		dsn = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (capplet), DSN_PAGE
	provider = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (capplet), PRO		provider = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (capplet), PRO

	current = gtk_notebook_get_current_page (GTK_NOTEBOOK		current = gtk_notebook_get_current_page (GTK_NOTEBOOK
	if (current == -1)						if (current == -1)
		return;								return;

	current_widget = gtk_notebook_get_nth_page (GTK_NOTEB		current_widget = gtk_notebook_get_nth_page (GTK_NOTEB
	if (current_widget == dsn)					if (current_widget == dsn)
		dsn_config_select_all (dsn);					dsn_config_select_all (dsn);
	else								else
		if (current_widget == provider)					if (current_widget == provider)
			provider_config_select_all (provider)				provider_config_select_all (provider)
}								}

void								void
database_capplet_deselect_all (GtkWidget *capplet)		database_capplet_deselect_all (GtkWidget *capplet)
{								{
	GtkWidget *dsn, *provider, *current_widget;			GtkWidget *dsn, *provider, *current_widget;
	gint current;							gint current;

	dsn = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (capplet), DSN_PAGE		dsn = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (capplet), DSN_PAGE
	provider = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (capplet), PRO		provider = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (capplet), PRO

	current = gtk_notebook_get_current_page (GTK_NOTEBOOK		current = gtk_notebook_get_current_page (GTK_NOTEBOOK
	if (current == -1)						if (current == -1)
		return;								return;

	current_widget = gtk_notebook_get_nth_page (GTK_NOTEB		current_widget = gtk_notebook_get_nth_page (GTK_NOTEB
	if (current_widget == dsn)					if (current_widget == dsn)
		dsn_config_unselect_all (dsn);					dsn_config_unselect_all (dsn);
	else								else
		if (current_widget == provider)					if (current_widget == provider)
			provider_config_unselect_all (provide				provider_config_unselect_all (provide
}								}

gboolean							gboolean
database_capplet_has_selection (GtkWidget *capplet)		database_capplet_has_selection (GtkWidget *capplet)
{								{
	GtkWidget *dsn, *provider, *current_widget;			GtkWidget *dsn, *provider, *current_widget;
	gint current;							gint current;

	dsn = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (capplet), DSN_PAGE		dsn = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (capplet), DSN_PAGE
	provider = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (capplet), PRO		provider = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (capplet), PRO

	current = gtk_notebook_get_current_page (GTK_NOTEBOOK		current = gtk_notebook_get_current_page (GTK_NOTEBOOK
	if (current == -1)						if (current == -1)
		return FALSE;							return FALSE;

	current_widget = gtk_notebook_get_nth_page (GTK_NOTEB		current_widget = gtk_notebook_get_nth_page (GTK_NOTEB
	if (current_widget == dsn)					if (current_widget == dsn)
		return dsn_config_has_selection (dsn);				return dsn_config_has_selection (dsn);
	else								else
		if (current_widget == provider)					if (current_widget == provider)
			return provider_config_has_selection 				return provider_config_has_selection 
	return FALSE;							return FALSE;
}								}

void								void
database_capplet_switch (GtkWidget *capplet, const gchar *pag	database_capplet_switch (GtkWidget *capplet, const gchar *pag
{								{
	GtkWidget *notebook_page;					GtkWidget *notebook_page;
	gint num;							gint num;
	notebook_page = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (capplet)		notebook_page = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (capplet)
	g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_WIDGET (notebook_page));		g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_WIDGET (notebook_page));
	num = gtk_notebook_page_num (GTK_NOTEBOOK (capplet), 		num = gtk_notebook_page_num (GTK_NOTEBOOK (capplet), 
	g_return_if_fail (num != -1);					g_return_if_fail (num != -1);

	gtk_notebook_set_current_page (GTK_NOTEBOOK (capplet)		gtk_notebook_set_current_page (GTK_NOTEBOOK (capplet)
}								}
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/control-center/database-capplet.h ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/control-center/database-capplet.h
/* GNOME-DB Components						/* GNOME-DB Components
 * Copyright (C) 2000-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 2000-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as pu	 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as pu
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the Lice	 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the Lice
 * (at your option) any later version.				 * (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * GNU Library General Public License for more details.		 * GNU Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public 	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public 
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Softwar	 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Softwar
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 	 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 
 */								 */

#if !defined(__database_capplet_h__)				#if !defined(__database_capplet_h__)
#  define __database_capplet_h__				#  define __database_capplet_h__

#include <gtk/gtkwidget.h>					#include <gtk/gtkwidget.h>

#define DSN_PAGE      "DSN_Page"				#define DSN_PAGE      "DSN_Page"
#define PROVIDER_PAGE "Provider_Page"				#define PROVIDER_PAGE "Provider_Page"

GtkWidget *database_capplet_new (void);				GtkWidget *database_capplet_new (void);
void       database_capplet_edit_properties (GtkWidget *cappl	void       database_capplet_edit_properties (GtkWidget *cappl
void       database_capplet_delete (GtkWidget *capplet);	void       database_capplet_delete (GtkWidget *capplet);
void       database_capplet_select_all (GtkWidget *capplet);	void       database_capplet_select_all (GtkWidget *capplet);
void       database_capplet_deselect_all (GtkWidget *capplet)	void       database_capplet_deselect_all (GtkWidget *capplet)
gboolean   database_capplet_has_selection (GtkWidget *capplet	gboolean   database_capplet_has_selection (GtkWidget *capplet
void       database_capplet_switch (GtkWidget *capplet, const	void       database_capplet_switch (GtkWidget *capplet, const

#endif								#endif
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/control-center: database-properties.desktop
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/control-center/database-properties.desktop.in ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/control-center/database-properties.desktop.in
[Desktop Entry]							[Desktop Entry]
_Name=Database Access Properties 				_Name=Database Access Properties 
_Comment=Configure your database environment			_Comment=Configure your database environment
Icon=libgnomedb/gnome-db.png					Icon=libgnomedb/gnome-db.png
Exec=gnome-database-properties					Exec=gnome-database-properties
Terminal=0							Terminal=0
Type=Application						Type=Application
Categories=Application;Settings;AdvancedSettings;		Categories=Application;Settings;AdvancedSettings;
StartupNotify=true						StartupNotify=true
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/control-center: .deps
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/control-center/dsn-config.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/control-center/dsn-config.c
/* GNOME-DB Components						/* GNOME-DB Components
 * Copyright (C) 2000-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 2000-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as pu	 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as pu
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the Lice	 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the Lice
 * (at your option) any later version.				 * (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * GNU Library General Public License for more details.		 * GNU Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public 	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public 
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Softwar	 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Softwar
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 	 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 
 */								 */

#include <libgda/gda-client.h>					#include <libgda/gda-client.h>
#include <libgda/gda-config.h>					#include <libgda/gda-config.h>
#include <libgda/gda-data-model-array.h>			#include <libgda/gda-data-model-array.h>
#include <gtk/gtkstock.h>					#include <gtk/gtkstock.h>
#include <gtk/gtktable.h>					#include <gtk/gtktable.h>
#include <gtk/gtkvbbox.h>					#include <gtk/gtkvbbox.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.h>		#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.h>			#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-i18n.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-i18n.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.h>			#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h>
#include <libgnomeui/gnome-window-icon.h>			#include <libgnomeui/gnome-window-icon.h>
#include "dsn-config.h"						#include "dsn-config.h"
#include "dsn-properties-dialog.h"				#include "dsn-properties-dialog.h"

#define DSN_CONFIG_DATA "DSN_ConfigData"			#define DSN_CONFIG_DATA "DSN_ConfigData"

typedef struct {						typedef struct {
	GtkWidget *dsn_list;						GtkWidget *dsn_list;
	GtkWidget *dialog;						GtkWidget *dialog;
	gint config_listener;						gint config_listener;
} DsnConfigPrivate;						} DsnConfigPrivate;

static void							static void
free_private_data (gpointer data)				free_private_data (gpointer data)
{								{
	DsnConfigPrivate *priv = (DsnConfigPrivate *) data;		DsnConfigPrivate *priv = (DsnConfigPrivate *) data;

	if (priv->config_listener != -1) {				if (priv->config_listener != -1) {
		gnome_db_config_remove_listener (priv->config			gnome_db_config_remove_listener (priv->config
		priv->config_listener = -1;					priv->config_listener = -1;
	}								}

	g_free (priv);							g_free (priv);
}								}

static void							static void
show_data_sources (DsnConfigPrivate *priv)			show_data_sources (DsnConfigPrivate *priv)
{								{
	GList *dsn_list;						GList *dsn_list;
	GList *l;							GList *l;
	GdaDataModel *model;						GdaDataModel *model;

	/* create the data model */					/* create the data model */
	model = gda_data_model_array_new (2);				model = gda_data_model_array_new (2);
	gda_data_model_set_column_title (model, 0, _("Name"))		gda_data_model_set_column_title (model, 0, _("Name"))
	gda_data_model_set_column_title (model, 1, _("Descrip		gda_data_model_set_column_title (model, 1, _("Descrip

	dsn_list = gnome_db_config_get_data_source_list ();		dsn_list = gnome_db_config_get_data_source_list ();
	for (l = dsn_list; l != NULL; l = l->next) {			for (l = dsn_list; l != NULL; l = l->next) {
		GList *value_list;						GList *value_list;
		GdaDataSourceInfo *dsn_info = l->data;				GdaDataSourceInfo *dsn_info = l->data;

		value_list = g_list_append (NULL, gda_value_n			value_list = g_list_append (NULL, gda_value_n
		value_list = g_list_append (value_list, gda_v			value_list = g_list_append (value_list, gda_v

		gda_data_model_append_row (model, (const GLis			gda_data_model_append_row (model, (const GLis

		g_list_foreach (value_list, (GFunc) gda_value			g_list_foreach (value_list, (GFunc) gda_value
		g_list_free (value_list);					g_list_free (value_list);
	}								}

	gnome_db_config_free_data_source_list (dsn_list);		gnome_db_config_free_data_source_list (dsn_list);

	/* display the new data model */				/* display the new data model */
	gnome_db_grid_set_model (GNOME_DB_GRID (priv->dsn_lis		gnome_db_grid_set_model (GNOME_DB_GRID (priv->dsn_lis
	g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (model));				g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (model));
}								}

/*								/*
 * Callbacks							 * Callbacks
 */								 */

static void							static void
config_changed_cb (GConfClient *conf_client, guint cnxn_id, G	config_changed_cb (GConfClient *conf_client, guint cnxn_id, G
{								{
	show_data_sources (user_data);					show_data_sources (user_data);
}								}

static void							static void
list_double_clicked_cb (GnomeDbGrid *grid, gint row, gpointer	list_double_clicked_cb (GnomeDbGrid *grid, gint row, gpointer
{								{
	dsn_config_edit_properties (GTK_WIDGET (user_data));		dsn_config_edit_properties (GTK_WIDGET (user_data));
}								}

static void							static void
list_popup_properties_cb (GtkWidget *menu, gpointer user_data	list_popup_properties_cb (GtkWidget *menu, gpointer user_data
{								{
	dsn_config_edit_properties (GTK_WIDGET (user_data));		dsn_config_edit_properties (GTK_WIDGET (user_data));
}								}

static void							static void
list_popup_delete_cb (GtkWidget *menu, gpointer user_data)	list_popup_delete_cb (GtkWidget *menu, gpointer user_data)
{								{
	dsn_config_delete (GTK_WIDGET (user_data));			dsn_config_delete (GTK_WIDGET (user_data));
}								}

static void							static void
list_popup_cb (GnomeDbGrid *grid, GtkMenu *menu, gpointer use	list_popup_cb (GnomeDbGrid *grid, GtkMenu *menu, gpointer use
{								{
	GtkWidget *item_delete, *item_properties;			GtkWidget *item_delete, *item_properties;
	gboolean ok;							gboolean ok;

	item_delete = gnome_db_new_menu_item (GTK_STOCK_DELET		item_delete = gnome_db_new_menu_item (GTK_STOCK_DELET
					      TRUE,							      TRUE,
					      G_CALLBACK (lis						      G_CALLBACK (lis
					      user_data);						      user_data);
	item_properties = gnome_db_new_menu_item (GTK_STOCK_P		item_properties = gnome_db_new_menu_item (GTK_STOCK_P
						  TRUE,								  TRUE,
						  G_CALLBACK 							  G_CALLBACK 
						  user_data);							  user_data);

	ok = gnome_db_grid_get_selection (grid) != NULL;		ok = gnome_db_grid_get_selection (grid) != NULL;
	gtk_widget_set_sensitive (item_delete, ok);			gtk_widget_set_sensitive (item_delete, ok);
	gtk_widget_set_sensitive (item_properties, ok);			gtk_widget_set_sensitive (item_properties, ok);

	gtk_menu_prepend (menu, gtk_separator_menu_item_new (		gtk_menu_prepend (menu, gtk_separator_menu_item_new (
	gtk_menu_prepend (menu, item_delete);				gtk_menu_prepend (menu, item_delete);
	gtk_menu_prepend (menu, gtk_separator_menu_item_new (		gtk_menu_prepend (menu, gtk_separator_menu_item_new (
	gtk_menu_prepend (menu, item_properties);			gtk_menu_prepend (menu, item_properties);
}								}

/*								/*
 * Public functions						 * Public functions
 */								 */

GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
dsn_config_new (void)						dsn_config_new (void)
{								{
	DsnConfigPrivate *priv;						DsnConfigPrivate *priv;
	GtkWidget *dsn;							GtkWidget *dsn;
	GtkWidget *table;						GtkWidget *table;
	GtkWidget *box;							GtkWidget *box;
	GtkWidget *button;						GtkWidget *button;
	GtkWidget *label;						GtkWidget *label;
	gchar *title;							gchar *title;

	priv = g_new0 (DsnConfigPrivate, 1);				priv = g_new0 (DsnConfigPrivate, 1);
	dsn = gnome_db_new_vbox_widget (FALSE, 6);			dsn = gnome_db_new_vbox_widget (FALSE, 6);
        gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (dsn), 	        gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (dsn), 
	g_object_set_data_full (G_OBJECT (dsn), DSN_CONFIG_DA		g_object_set_data_full (G_OBJECT (dsn), DSN_CONFIG_DA
				(GDestroyNotify) free_private					(GDestroyNotify) free_private

	/* set up config listener */					/* set up config listener */
	priv->config_listener = gnome_db_config_add_listener 		priv->config_listener = gnome_db_config_add_listener 

	/* create the main table */					/* create the main table */
	table = gnome_db_new_table_widget (2, 1, FALSE);		table = gnome_db_new_table_widget (2, 1, FALSE);
	gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (dsn), table, TRUE, TRUE,		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (dsn), table, TRUE, TRUE,

	/* create the data source list */				/* create the data source list */
	priv->dsn_list = gnome_db_grid_new ();				priv->dsn_list = gnome_db_grid_new ();

	title = g_strdup_printf ("<b>%s</b>\n%s", _("Data Sou		title = g_strdup_printf ("<b>%s</b>\n%s", _("Data Sou
				 _("Configured data sources i					 _("Configured data sources i
	gnome_db_grid_set_title (GNOME_DB_GRID (priv->dsn_lis		gnome_db_grid_set_title (GNOME_DB_GRID (priv->dsn_lis
	g_free (title);							g_free (title);

	gnome_db_grid_set_show_title (GNOME_DB_GRID (priv->ds		gnome_db_grid_set_show_title (GNOME_DB_GRID (priv->ds
	gnome_db_grid_set_show_title_icon (GNOME_DB_GRID (pri		gnome_db_grid_set_show_title_icon (GNOME_DB_GRID (pri
	gnome_db_grid_set_title_icon_from_stock (GNOME_DB_GRI		gnome_db_grid_set_title_icon_from_stock (GNOME_DB_GRI
	gtk_widget_show (priv->dsn_list);				gtk_widget_show (priv->dsn_list);
	g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (priv->dsn_list), "double_		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (priv->dsn_list), "double_
			  G_CALLBACK (list_double_clicked_cb)				  G_CALLBACK (list_double_clicked_cb)
	g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (priv->dsn_list), "create_		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (priv->dsn_list), "create_
			  G_CALLBACK (list_popup_cb), dsn);				  G_CALLBACK (list_popup_cb), dsn);
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), priv->dsn_list, 		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), priv->dsn_list, 
			  0, 0);							  0, 0);
	show_data_sources (priv);					show_data_sources (priv);

	/* add tip */							/* add tip */
	box = gnome_db_new_hbox_widget (FALSE, 6);			box = gnome_db_new_hbox_widget (FALSE, 6);
        gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (box), 	        gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (box), 
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), box, 0, 1, 1, 2,		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), box, 0, 1, 1, 2,
			  GTK_FILL,							  GTK_FILL,
			  GTK_FILL,							  GTK_FILL,
                          0, 0);				                          0, 0);

	button = gtk_image_new_from_stock (GTK_STOCK_DIALOG_I		button = gtk_image_new_from_stock (GTK_STOCK_DIALOG_I
        gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (button), 0.5, 0.0);	        gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (button), 0.5, 0.0);
	gtk_widget_show (button);					gtk_widget_show (button);
	gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (box), button, FALSE, FAL		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (box), button, FALSE, FAL

	label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (				label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (
		_("Data sources are the means by which databa			_("Data sources are the means by which databa
		  "connections are identified in GNOME-DB. Al			  "connections are identified in GNOME-DB. Al
		  "information needed to open a connection to			  "information needed to open a connection to
		  "a specific provider/database combo is stor			  "a specific provider/database combo is stor
		  "a unique name. It is by use of this unique			  "a unique name. It is by use of this unique
		  "you identify the connections in the applic			  "you identify the connections in the applic
		  "that make use of GNOME-DB for database acc			  "that make use of GNOME-DB for database acc
	gtk_label_set_line_wrap (GTK_LABEL (label), TRUE);		gtk_label_set_line_wrap (GTK_LABEL (label), TRUE);
        gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (label), 0.0, 0.0);	        gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (label), 0.0, 0.0);
        gtk_label_set_justify (GTK_LABEL (label), GTK_JUSTIFY	        gtk_label_set_justify (GTK_LABEL (label), GTK_JUSTIFY
	gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (box), label, TRUE, TRUE,		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (box), label, TRUE, TRUE,
	return dsn;							return dsn;
}								}

void								void
dsn_config_edit_properties (GtkWidget *dsn)			dsn_config_edit_properties (GtkWidget *dsn)
{								{
	DsnConfigPrivate *priv;						DsnConfigPrivate *priv;
	GdaDataModel *model;						GdaDataModel *model;
	GList *selection;						GList *selection;
	gchar *str;							gchar *str;

	priv = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (dsn), DSN_CONFIG_		priv = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (dsn), DSN_CONFIG_

	selection = gnome_db_grid_get_selection (GNOME_DB_GRI		selection = gnome_db_grid_get_selection (GNOME_DB_GRI
	if (!selection)							if (!selection)
		return;								return;

	model = gnome_db_grid_get_model (GNOME_DB_GRID (priv-		model = gnome_db_grid_get_model (GNOME_DB_GRID (priv-
	if (!GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (model))					if (!GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (model))
		return;								return;

	str = gda_value_stringify (					str = gda_value_stringify (
		(GdaValue *) gda_data_model_get_value_at (mod			(GdaValue *) gda_data_model_get_value_at (mod

	dsn_properties_dialog (GTK_WINDOW (gtk_widget_get_top		dsn_properties_dialog (GTK_WINDOW (gtk_widget_get_top

	g_list_free (selection);					g_list_free (selection);
	g_free (str);							g_free (str);
}								}

static void							static void
foreach_remove_cb (GnomeDbGrid *grid, gint row, gpointer user	foreach_remove_cb (GnomeDbGrid *grid, gint row, gpointer user
{								{
	DsnConfigPrivate *priv;						DsnConfigPrivate *priv;
	GdaDataModel *model;						GdaDataModel *model;
	GtkWidget *dialog;						GtkWidget *dialog;
	GtkWidget *button;						GtkWidget *button;
	gchar *str;							gchar *str;
	gchar *dsn;							gchar *dsn;

	priv = (DsnConfigPrivate *) user_data;				priv = (DsnConfigPrivate *) user_data;
	model = gnome_db_grid_get_model (GNOME_DB_GRID (priv-		model = gnome_db_grid_get_model (GNOME_DB_GRID (priv-
	if (!GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (model))					if (!GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (model))
		return;								return;

	dsn = gda_value_stringify (					dsn = gda_value_stringify (
		(GdaValue *) gda_data_model_get_value_at (mod			(GdaValue *) gda_data_model_get_value_at (mod
	if (dsn == NULL)						if (dsn == NULL)
		return;								return;

	str = g_strdup_printf (						str = g_strdup_printf (
		_("Are you sure you want to remove the data s			_("Are you sure you want to remove the data s
		dsn);								dsn);

	dialog = gnome_db_new_alert (					dialog = gnome_db_new_alert (
		GTK_WINDOW (gtk_widget_get_toplevel (priv->ds			GTK_WINDOW (gtk_widget_get_toplevel (priv->ds
		str,								str,
		NULL);								NULL);
	button = gtk_button_new_from_stock (GTK_STOCK_CANCEL)		button = gtk_button_new_from_stock (GTK_STOCK_CANCEL)
	gtk_dialog_add_action_widget (GTK_DIALOG (dialog),		gtk_dialog_add_action_widget (GTK_DIALOG (dialog),
				      button,							      button,
	button = gtk_button_new_from_stock (GTK_STOCK_DELETE)		button = gtk_button_new_from_stock (GTK_STOCK_DELETE)
	gtk_dialog_add_action_widget (GTK_DIALOG (dialog),		gtk_dialog_add_action_widget (GTK_DIALOG (dialog),
				      button,							      button,
				      GTK_RESPONSE_OK);						      GTK_RESPONSE_OK);
	gtk_dialog_set_default_response (GTK_DIALOG (dialog),		gtk_dialog_set_default_response (GTK_DIALOG (dialog),
	gtk_widget_show_all (dialog);					gtk_widget_show_all (dialog);
	if (gtk_dialog_run (GTK_DIALOG (dialog)) == GTK_RESPO		if (gtk_dialog_run (GTK_DIALOG (dialog)) == GTK_RESPO
		gnome_db_config_remove_data_source (dsn);			gnome_db_config_remove_data_source (dsn);

	/* free memory */						/* free memory */
	gtk_widget_destroy (dialog);					gtk_widget_destroy (dialog);
	g_free (dsn);							g_free (dsn);
	g_free (str);							g_free (str);
}								}

void								void
dsn_config_delete (GtkWidget *dsn)				dsn_config_delete (GtkWidget *dsn)
{								{
	DsnConfigPrivate *priv;						DsnConfigPrivate *priv;

	priv = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (dsn), DSN_CONFIG_		priv = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (dsn), DSN_CONFIG_
	gnome_db_grid_foreach_selected (GNOME_DB_GRID (priv->		gnome_db_grid_foreach_selected (GNOME_DB_GRID (priv->
					(GnomeDbGridForeachFu						(GnomeDbGridForeachFu
					priv);								priv);

	show_data_sources (priv);					show_data_sources (priv);
}								}

void								void
dsn_config_select_all (GtkWidget *dsn)				dsn_config_select_all (GtkWidget *dsn)
{								{
	DsnConfigPrivate *priv;						DsnConfigPrivate *priv;

	priv = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (dsn), DSN_CONFIG_		priv = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (dsn), DSN_CONFIG_
	gnome_db_grid_select_all (GNOME_DB_GRID (priv->dsn_li		gnome_db_grid_select_all (GNOME_DB_GRID (priv->dsn_li
}								}

void								void
dsn_config_unselect_all (GtkWidget *dsn)			dsn_config_unselect_all (GtkWidget *dsn)
{								{
	DsnConfigPrivate *priv;						DsnConfigPrivate *priv;

	priv = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (dsn), DSN_CONFIG_		priv = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (dsn), DSN_CONFIG_
	gnome_db_grid_unselect_all (GNOME_DB_GRID (priv->dsn_		gnome_db_grid_unselect_all (GNOME_DB_GRID (priv->dsn_
}								}

gboolean							gboolean
dsn_config_has_selection (GtkWidget *dsn)			dsn_config_has_selection (GtkWidget *dsn)
{								{
	DsnConfigPrivate *priv;						DsnConfigPrivate *priv;

	priv = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (dsn), DSN_CONFIG_		priv = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (dsn), DSN_CONFIG_
	return gnome_db_grid_get_selection (GNOME_DB_GRID (pr		return gnome_db_grid_get_selection (GNOME_DB_GRID (pr
}								}
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/control-center/dsn-config.h ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/control-center/dsn-config.h
/* GNOME-DB Components						/* GNOME-DB Components
 * Copyright (C) 2000-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 2000-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as pu	 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as pu
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the Lice	 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the Lice
 * (at your option) any later version.				 * (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * GNU Library General Public License for more details.		 * GNU Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public 	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public 
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Softwar	 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Softwar
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 	 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 
 */								 */

#if !defined(__dsn_config_h__)					#if !defined(__dsn_config_h__)
#  define __dsn_config_h__					#  define __dsn_config_h__

#include <gtk/gtkwidget.h>					#include <gtk/gtkwidget.h>

GtkWidget *dsn_config_new (void);				GtkWidget *dsn_config_new (void);
void       dsn_config_edit_properties (GtkWidget *dsn);		void       dsn_config_edit_properties (GtkWidget *dsn);
void       dsn_config_delete (GtkWidget *dsn);			void       dsn_config_delete (GtkWidget *dsn);
void       dsn_config_select_all (GtkWidget *dsn);		void       dsn_config_select_all (GtkWidget *dsn);
void       dsn_config_unselect_all (GtkWidget *dsn);		void       dsn_config_unselect_all (GtkWidget *dsn);
gboolean   dsn_config_has_selection (GtkWidget *dsn);		gboolean   dsn_config_has_selection (GtkWidget *dsn);

#endif								#endif
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c
/* GNOME-DB Components						/* GNOME-DB Components
 * Copyright (C) 2000-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 2000-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as pu	 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as pu
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the Lice	 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the Lice
 * (at your option) any later version.				 * (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * GNU Library General Public License for more details.		 * GNU Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public 	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public 
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Softwar	 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Softwar
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 	 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 
 */								 */

#include <gtk/gtkdialog.h>					#include <gtk/gtkdialog.h>
#include <gtk/gtklabel.h>					#include <gtk/gtklabel.h>
#include <gtk/gtknotebook.h>					#include <gtk/gtknotebook.h>
#include <gtk/gtkstock.h>					#include <gtk/gtkstock.h>
#include <gtk/gtktable.h>					#include <gtk/gtktable.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.h>			#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-i18n.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-i18n.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h>
#include <libgnomedb/tables-page.h>				#include <libgnomedb/tables-page.h>
#include <libgnomedb/utils.h>					#include <libgnomedb/utils.h>
#include "dsn-properties-dialog.h"				#include "dsn-properties-dialog.h"

enum {								enum {
};								};

static void							static void
save_dsn (GnomeDbDsnConfig *props)				save_dsn (GnomeDbDsnConfig *props)
{								{
	GdaDataSourceInfo *dsn_info;					GdaDataSourceInfo *dsn_info;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_DSN_CONFIG (props));		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_DSN_CONFIG (props));
	dsn_info = gnome_db_dsn_config_get_info (GNOME_DB_DSN		dsn_info = gnome_db_dsn_config_get_info (GNOME_DB_DSN
	if (dsn_info) {							if (dsn_info) {
		gnome_db_config_save_data_source (dsn_info->n			gnome_db_config_save_data_source (dsn_info->n
						  dsn_info->p							  dsn_info->p
						  dsn_info->c							  dsn_info->c
						  dsn_info->d							  dsn_info->d
						  dsn_info->u							  dsn_info->u
						  dsn_info->p							  dsn_info->p
		gnome_db_config_free_data_source_info (dsn_in			gnome_db_config_free_data_source_info (dsn_in
	}								}
}								}

static void							static void
dsn_changed_cb (GnomeDbDsnConfig *config, gpointer user_data)	dsn_changed_cb (GnomeDbDsnConfig *config, gpointer user_data)
{								{
	gtk_dialog_set_response_sensitive (GTK_DIALOG (user_d		gtk_dialog_set_response_sensitive (GTK_DIALOG (user_d
	save_dsn (config);						save_dsn (config);
}								}

static void							static void
notebook_switch_page_cb (GtkNotebook *notebook,			notebook_switch_page_cb (GtkNotebook *notebook,
			 GtkNotebookPage *page,						 GtkNotebookPage *page,
			 gint page_num,							 gint page_num,
			 gpointer user_data)						 gpointer user_data)
{								{
	GtkWidget *w;							GtkWidget *w;
	GdaConnection *cnc;						GdaConnection *cnc;

	cnc = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (notebook), "GdaCon		cnc = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (notebook), "GdaCon
	if (GDA_IS_CONNECTION (cnc))					if (GDA_IS_CONNECTION (cnc))
		return;								return;
	if (page_num == 0)						if (page_num == 0)
		return;								return;

	w = (GtkWidget *) user_data;					w = (GtkWidget *) user_data;

	cnc = db_connect_dialog_for_dsn (g_object_get_data (G		cnc = db_connect_dialog_for_dsn (g_object_get_data (G
	if (GDA_IS_CONNECTION (cnc)) {					if (GDA_IS_CONNECTION (cnc)) {
		tables_page_set_connection (w, cnc);				tables_page_set_connection (w, cnc);

		g_object_set_data_full (G_OBJECT (notebook), 			g_object_set_data_full (G_OBJECT (notebook), 
					cnc, g_object_unref);						cnc, g_object_unref);
	} else								} else
		gtk_notebook_set_current_page (notebook, 0);			gtk_notebook_set_current_page (notebook, 0);
}								}

void								void
dsn_properties_dialog (GtkWindow *parent, const gchar *dsn)	dsn_properties_dialog (GtkWindow *parent, const gchar *dsn)
{								{
	GdaDataSourceInfo *old_dsn_info;				GdaDataSourceInfo *old_dsn_info;
	GtkWidget *dialog, *props, *notebook, *page;			GtkWidget *dialog, *props, *notebook, *page;
	GdkPixbuf *icon;						GdkPixbuf *icon;

	old_dsn_info = gnome_db_config_find_data_source (dsn)		old_dsn_info = gnome_db_config_find_data_source (dsn)
	if (!old_dsn_info)						if (!old_dsn_info)
		return;								return;

	/* create the dialog */						/* create the dialog */
	dialog = gtk_dialog_new_with_buttons (				dialog = gtk_dialog_new_with_buttons (
		_("Data Source Properties"),					_("Data Source Properties"),
		NULL);								NULL);
	gtk_dialog_set_has_separator (GTK_DIALOG (dialog), FA		gtk_dialog_set_has_separator (GTK_DIALOG (dialog), FA
	gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (dialog		gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (dialog
	gtk_dialog_set_response_sensitive (GTK_DIALOG (dialog		gtk_dialog_set_response_sensitive (GTK_DIALOG (dialog

	icon = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file (LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR 		icon = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file (LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR 
	if (icon) {							if (icon) {
		gtk_window_set_icon (GTK_WINDOW (dialog), ico			gtk_window_set_icon (GTK_WINDOW (dialog), ico
		g_object_unref (icon);						g_object_unref (icon);
	}								}

	gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (GTK_DI		gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (GTK_DI
	notebook = gnome_db_new_notebook_widget ();			notebook = gnome_db_new_notebook_widget ();
	gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (notebo		gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (notebo
	gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (GTK_DIALOG (dialog)->vbo		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (GTK_DIALOG (dialog)->vbo

	g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (notebook), "GdaDataSourc		g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (notebook), "GdaDataSourc

	/* create data source settings page */				/* create data source settings page */
	props = gnome_db_dsn_config_new ();				props = gnome_db_dsn_config_new ();
	gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (props)		gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (props)
	gnome_db_dsn_config_set_info (GNOME_DB_DSN_CONFIG (pr		gnome_db_dsn_config_set_info (GNOME_DB_DSN_CONFIG (pr
	gtk_widget_show (props);					gtk_widget_show (props);
	g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (props), "changed", G_CALL		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (props), "changed", G_CALL
	gtk_notebook_append_page (GTK_NOTEBOOK (notebook), pr		gtk_notebook_append_page (GTK_NOTEBOOK (notebook), pr

	/* create tables page */					/* create tables page */
	page = tables_page_new ();					page = tables_page_new ();
	gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (page),		gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (page),
	gtk_notebook_append_page (GTK_NOTEBOOK (notebook), pa		gtk_notebook_append_page (GTK_NOTEBOOK (notebook), pa

	g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (notebook), "switch-page",		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (notebook), "switch-page",
			  G_CALLBACK (notebook_switch_page_cb				  G_CALLBACK (notebook_switch_page_cb

	/* run the dialog */						/* run the dialog */
	while (gtk_dialog_run (GTK_DIALOG (dialog)) == REVERT		while (gtk_dialog_run (GTK_DIALOG (dialog)) == REVERT
		/* reverting changes... */					/* reverting changes... */
		gnome_db_dsn_config_set_info (GNOME_DB_DSN_CO			gnome_db_dsn_config_set_info (GNOME_DB_DSN_CO
		gtk_dialog_set_response_sensitive (GTK_DIALOG			gtk_dialog_set_response_sensitive (GTK_DIALOG
	}								}
	gtk_widget_destroy (dialog);					gtk_widget_destroy (dialog);

	/* free memory */						/* free memory */
	gnome_db_config_free_data_source_info (old_dsn_info);		gnome_db_config_free_data_source_info (old_dsn_info);
}								}
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.h ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.h
/* GNOME-DB Components						/* GNOME-DB Components
 * Copyright (C) 2000-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 2000-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as pu	 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as pu
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the Lice	 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the Lice
 * (at your option) any later version.				 * (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * GNU Library General Public License for more details.		 * GNU Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public 	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public 
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Softwar	 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Softwar
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 	 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 
 */								 */

#if !defined(__dsn_properties_dialog_h__)			#if !defined(__dsn_properties_dialog_h__)
#  define __dsn_properties_dialog_h__				#  define __dsn_properties_dialog_h__

#include <gtk/gtkwindow.h>					#include <gtk/gtkwindow.h>

void dsn_properties_dialog (GtkWindow *parent, const gchar *d	void dsn_properties_dialog (GtkWindow *parent, const gchar *d

#endif								#endif
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/control-center/main.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/control-center/main.c
/* GNOME-DB Components						/* GNOME-DB Components
 * Copyright (C) 2000-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 2000-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as pu	 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as pu
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the Lice	 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the Lice
 * (at your option) any later version.				 * (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * GNU Library General Public License for more details.		 * GNU Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public 	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public 
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Softwar	 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Softwar
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 	 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 
 */								 */

#include <string.h>						#include <string.h>
#include <gtk/gtkdialog.h>					#include <gtk/gtkdialog.h>
#include <gtk/gtkstock.h>					#include <gtk/gtkstock.h>
#include <libgnomedb/libgnomedb.h>				#include <libgnomedb/libgnomedb.h>
#include <libgnomedb/db-shell.h>				#include <libgnomedb/db-shell.h>
#include <libgnomeui/gnome-client.h>				#include <libgnomeui/gnome-client.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-i18n.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-i18n.h>
#include <libgnomeui/gnome-window-icon.h>			#include <libgnomeui/gnome-window-icon.h>
#include "database-capplet.h"					#include "database-capplet.h"

#include "../libgnomedb/gnome-db-window.h"			#include "../libgnomedb/gnome-db-window.h"

static void							static void
prepare_menu (GnomeDbWindow *window, GtkNotebook *notebook)	prepare_menu (GnomeDbWindow *window, GtkNotebook *notebook)
{								{
	GtkWidget *current_widget, *wdsn;				GtkWidget *current_widget, *wdsn;
	gboolean dsn, selection;					gboolean dsn, selection;
	BonoboUIComponent *uic;						BonoboUIComponent *uic;
	gint current;							gint current;
	current = gtk_notebook_get_current_page (notebook);		current = gtk_notebook_get_current_page (notebook);
	g_return_if_fail (current != -1);				g_return_if_fail (current != -1);
	current_widget = gtk_notebook_get_nth_page (notebook,		current_widget = gtk_notebook_get_nth_page (notebook,
	g_return_if_fail (current_widget != NULL);			g_return_if_fail (current_widget != NULL);

	wdsn = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (notebook), DSN_PA		wdsn = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (notebook), DSN_PA
	dsn = current_widget == wdsn;					dsn = current_widget == wdsn;
	selection = database_capplet_has_selection (GTK_WIDGE		selection = database_capplet_has_selection (GTK_WIDGE

	uic = gnome_db_window_get_ui_component (window);		uic = gnome_db_window_get_ui_component (window);
	bonobo_ui_component_set_prop (uic, "/commands/Databas		bonobo_ui_component_set_prop (uic, "/commands/Databas
				      "sensitive", dsn && sel					      "sensitive", dsn && sel
				      NULL);							      NULL);
	bonobo_ui_component_set_prop (uic, "/commands/EditDel		bonobo_ui_component_set_prop (uic, "/commands/EditDel
				      "sensitive", dsn && sel					      "sensitive", dsn && sel
				      NULL);							      NULL);
	bonobo_ui_component_set_prop (uic, "/commands/ViewDat		bonobo_ui_component_set_prop (uic, "/commands/ViewDat
				      "state", dsn ? "1" : "0					      "state", dsn ? "1" : "0
	bonobo_ui_component_set_prop (uic, "/commands/ViewPro		bonobo_ui_component_set_prop (uic, "/commands/ViewPro
				      "state", dsn ? "0" : "1					      "state", dsn ? "0" : "1
}								}

/*								/*
 * Callbacks							 * Callbacks
 */								 */

/* Database */							/* Database */
static void							static void
menu_database_cb (GtkWidget *shell, gpointer user_data)		menu_database_cb (GtkWidget *shell, gpointer user_data)
{								{
	prepare_menu (GNOME_DB_WINDOW (shell), GTK_NOTEBOOK (		prepare_menu (GNOME_DB_WINDOW (shell), GTK_NOTEBOOK (
}								}

/* Database/New */						/* Database/New */
static void							static void
druid_finished_cb (GnomeDbDsnConfigDruid *druid, gboolean err	druid_finished_cb (GnomeDbDsnConfigDruid *druid, gboolean err
{								{
	const GdaDataSourceInfo *dsn_info;				const GdaDataSourceInfo *dsn_info;

	if (!error) {							if (!error) {
		dsn_info = gnome_db_dsn_config_druid_get_dsn 			dsn_info = gnome_db_dsn_config_druid_get_dsn 
		if (dsn_info) {							if (dsn_info) {
			gnome_db_config_save_data_source (dsn				gnome_db_config_save_data_source (dsn
							  dsn								  dsn
							  dsn								  dsn
							  dsn								  dsn
							  dsn								  dsn
							  dsn								  dsn
		}								}
		else								else
			gnome_db_show_error (_("No valid data				gnome_db_show_error (_("No valid data
	}								}

	gtk_widget_destroy (GTK_WIDGET (user_data));			gtk_widget_destroy (GTK_WIDGET (user_data));
}								}

static void							static void
file_new_cb (GtkWidget *shell, gpointer user_data)		file_new_cb (GtkWidget *shell, gpointer user_data)
{								{
	GtkWidget *druid, *dialog;					GtkWidget *druid, *dialog;
	GdkPixbuf *icon;						GdkPixbuf *icon;

	/* create the window to contain the druid */			/* create the window to contain the druid */
	dialog = gtk_dialog_new_with_buttons (				dialog = gtk_dialog_new_with_buttons (
		_("New data source"),						_("New data source"),
		GTK_WINDOW (shell),						GTK_WINDOW (shell),
		0, NULL);							0, NULL);

	icon = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file (LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR 		icon = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file (LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR 
	if (icon) {							if (icon) {
		gtk_window_set_icon (GTK_WINDOW (dialog), ico			gtk_window_set_icon (GTK_WINDOW (dialog), ico
		g_object_unref (icon);						g_object_unref (icon);
	}								}
	gtk_dialog_set_has_separator (GTK_DIALOG (dialog), FA		gtk_dialog_set_has_separator (GTK_DIALOG (dialog), FA

	druid = gnome_db_dsn_config_druid_new ();			druid = gnome_db_dsn_config_druid_new ();
	g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (druid), "finished",			g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (druid), "finished",
			  G_CALLBACK (druid_finished_cb), dia				  G_CALLBACK (druid_finished_cb), dia
	gtk_widget_show (druid);					gtk_widget_show (druid);
	gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (GTK_DIALOG (dialog)->vbo		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (GTK_DIALOG (dialog)->vbo

	/* run the dialog */						/* run the dialog */
	gtk_widget_show (dialog);					gtk_widget_show (dialog);
}								}

/* Database/Properties */					/* Database/Properties */
static void							static void
file_properties_cb (GtkWidget *shell, gpointer user_data)	file_properties_cb (GtkWidget *shell, gpointer user_data)
{								{
	database_capplet_edit_properties (GTK_WIDGET (user_da		database_capplet_edit_properties (GTK_WIDGET (user_da
}								}

/* Database/Close */						/* Database/Close */
static void							static void
window_closed_cb (GnomeDbWindow *window, gpointer user_data)	window_closed_cb (GnomeDbWindow *window, gpointer user_data)
{								{
	gnome_db_main_quit ();						gnome_db_main_quit ();
}								}

/* Edit */							/* Edit */
static void							static void
menu_edit_cb (GtkWidget *shell, gpointer user_data)		menu_edit_cb (GtkWidget *shell, gpointer user_data)
{								{
	prepare_menu (GNOME_DB_WINDOW (shell), GTK_NOTEBOOK (		prepare_menu (GNOME_DB_WINDOW (shell), GTK_NOTEBOOK (
}								}

/* Edit/Delete */						/* Edit/Delete */
static void							static void
edit_delete_cb (GtkWidget *shell, gpointer user_data)		edit_delete_cb (GtkWidget *shell, gpointer user_data)
{								{
	database_capplet_delete (GTK_WIDGET (user_data));		database_capplet_delete (GTK_WIDGET (user_data));
}								}

/* Edit/Select All */						/* Edit/Select All */
static void							static void
edit_select_all_cb (GtkWidget *shell, gpointer user_data)	edit_select_all_cb (GtkWidget *shell, gpointer user_data)
{								{
	database_capplet_select_all (GTK_WIDGET (user_data));		database_capplet_select_all (GTK_WIDGET (user_data));
}								}

/* Edit/Clear Selection */					/* Edit/Clear Selection */
static void							static void
edit_deselect_all_cb (GtkWidget *shell, gpointer user_data)	edit_deselect_all_cb (GtkWidget *shell, gpointer user_data)
{								{
	database_capplet_deselect_all (GTK_WIDGET (user_data)		database_capplet_deselect_all (GTK_WIDGET (user_data)
}								}

/* View */							/* View */
static void							static void
menu_view_cb (GtkWidget *shell, gpointer user_data)		menu_view_cb (GtkWidget *shell, gpointer user_data)
{								{
	prepare_menu (GNOME_DB_WINDOW (shell), GTK_NOTEBOOK (		prepare_menu (GNOME_DB_WINDOW (shell), GTK_NOTEBOOK (
}								}

/* View/Data Sources */						/* View/Data Sources */
static void							static void
view_data_sources_cb (GtkWidget *shell, gpointer user_data)	view_data_sources_cb (GtkWidget *shell, gpointer user_data)
{								{
	database_capplet_switch (GTK_WIDGET (user_data), DSN_		database_capplet_switch (GTK_WIDGET (user_data), DSN_
}								}

/* View/Providers */						/* View/Providers */
static void							static void
view_providers_cb (GtkWidget *shell, gpointer user_data)	view_providers_cb (GtkWidget *shell, gpointer user_data)
{								{
	database_capplet_switch (GTK_WIDGET (user_data), PROV		database_capplet_switch (GTK_WIDGET (user_data), PROV
}								}

static void							static void
create_main_window (gpointer user_data)				create_main_window (gpointer user_data)
{								{
	DbShellCallbacks *callbacks;					DbShellCallbacks *callbacks;
	GtkWidget *window;						GtkWidget *window;
	GtkWidget *capplet;						GtkWidget *capplet;

	capplet = database_capplet_new ();				capplet = database_capplet_new ();
        gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (capple	        gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (capple

	/* setup callbacks */						/* setup callbacks */
	callbacks = g_new0 (DbShellCallbacks, 1);			callbacks = g_new0 (DbShellCallbacks, 1);
	memset (callbacks, 0, sizeof (DbShellCallbacks));		memset (callbacks, 0, sizeof (DbShellCallbacks));
	callbacks->menu_database_func = menu_database_cb;		callbacks->menu_database_func = menu_database_cb;
	callbacks->new_func = file_new_cb;				callbacks->new_func = file_new_cb;
	callbacks->edit_properties_func = file_properties_cb;		callbacks->edit_properties_func = file_properties_cb;
	callbacks->menu_edit_func = menu_edit_cb;			callbacks->menu_edit_func = menu_edit_cb;
	callbacks->delete_func = edit_delete_cb;			callbacks->delete_func = edit_delete_cb;
	callbacks->select_all_func = edit_select_all_cb;		callbacks->select_all_func = edit_select_all_cb;
	callbacks->deselect_all_func = edit_deselect_all_cb;		callbacks->deselect_all_func = edit_deselect_all_cb;
	callbacks->menu_view_func = menu_view_cb;			callbacks->menu_view_func = menu_view_cb;
	callbacks->view_data_sources_func = view_data_sources		callbacks->view_data_sources_func = view_data_sources
	callbacks->view_providers_func = view_providers_cb;		callbacks->view_providers_func = view_providers_cb;

	/* create the dialog */						/* create the dialog */
	window = db_shell_new (_("Database Access Properties"		window = db_shell_new (_("Database Access Properties"
			       capplet,							       capplet,
			       NULL,							       NULL,
			       callbacks,						       callbacks,
			       capplet);						       capplet);
	gtk_window_set_position (GTK_WINDOW (window), GTK_WIN		gtk_window_set_position (GTK_WINDOW (window), GTK_WIN
	gnome_db_window_show (GNOME_DB_WINDOW (window));		gnome_db_window_show (GNOME_DB_WINDOW (window));

	g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (window), "close",			g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (window), "close",
			  G_CALLBACK (window_closed_cb), NULL				  G_CALLBACK (window_closed_cb), NULL
}								}

int								int
main (int argc, char *argv[])					main (int argc, char *argv[])
{								{
	GnomeClient *session_client;					GnomeClient *session_client;

	bind_textdomain_codeset (GETTEXT_PACKAGE, "UTF-8");		bind_textdomain_codeset (GETTEXT_PACKAGE, "UTF-8");
	textdomain (GETTEXT_PACKAGE);					textdomain (GETTEXT_PACKAGE);

	gnome_db_init ("gnome-database-properties", VERSION, 		gnome_db_init ("gnome-database-properties", VERSION, 

	/* session management */					/* session management */
	session_client = gnome_master_client ();			session_client = gnome_master_client ();
	gnome_client_set_restart_style (session_client, GNOME		gnome_client_set_restart_style (session_client, GNOME

	/* application loop */						/* application loop */
	gnome_db_main_run ((GdaInitFunc) create_main_window, 		gnome_db_main_run ((GdaInitFunc) create_main_window, 

	return 0;							return 0;
}								}
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/control-center: Makefile
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/control-center/Makefile.am ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/control-center/Makefile.am
bin_PROGRAMS=gnome-database-properties				bin_PROGRAMS=gnome-database-properties

	-I$(top_srcdir) \						-I$(top_srcdir) \
	-I$(top_builddir) \						-I$(top_builddir) \
	-DLIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR=\""$(datadir)/pixmaps/libgnomed		-DLIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR=\""$(datadir)/pixmaps/libgnomed
	-DLIBGNOMEDB_LOCALEDIR=\""$(datadir)/locale"\"			-DLIBGNOMEDB_LOCALEDIR=\""$(datadir)/locale"\"

gnome_database_properties_SOURCES=\				gnome_database_properties_SOURCES=\
	database-capplet.c \						database-capplet.c \
	database-capplet.h \						database-capplet.h \
	dsn-config.c \							dsn-config.c \
	dsn-config.h \							dsn-config.h \
	dsn-properties-dialog.c \					dsn-properties-dialog.c \
	dsn-properties-dialog.h \					dsn-properties-dialog.h \
	main.c \							main.c \
	provider-config.c \						provider-config.c \
	provider-config.h						provider-config.h
gnome_database_properties_LDADD=\				gnome_database_properties_LDADD=\
	$(top_builddir)/libgnomedb/libgnomedb-2.la			$(top_builddir)/libgnomedb/libgnomedb-2.la


desktopdir=$(datadir)/control-center-2.0/capplets		desktopdir=$(datadir)/control-center-2.0/capplets
Desktop_in_files = database-properties.desktop.in		Desktop_in_files = database-properties.desktop.in
desktop_DATA = $(Desktop_in_files:.desktop.in=.desktop)		desktop_DATA = $(Desktop_in_files:.desktop.in=.desktop)

EXTRA_DIST=$(Desktop_in_files)					EXTRA_DIST=$(Desktop_in_files)
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/control-center: Makefile.in
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/control-center/provider-config.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/control-center/provider-config.c
/* GNOME-DB Configurator					/* GNOME-DB Configurator
 * Copyright (C) 2000-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 2000-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as pu	 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as pu
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the Lice	 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the Lice
 * (at your option) any later version.				 * (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * GNU Library General Public License for more details.		 * GNU Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public 	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public 
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Softwar	 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Softwar
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 	 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 
 */								 */

#include <libgda/gda-config.h>					#include <libgda/gda-config.h>
#include <libgda/gda-data-model-array.h>			#include <libgda/gda-data-model-array.h>
#include <gtk/gtkimage.h>					#include <gtk/gtkimage.h>
#include <gtk/gtklabel.h>					#include <gtk/gtklabel.h>
#include <gtk/gtkstock.h>					#include <gtk/gtkstock.h>
#include <gtk/gtktable.h>					#include <gtk/gtktable.h>
#include <gtk/gtkvbbox.h>					#include <gtk/gtkvbbox.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-i18n.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-i18n.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h>
#include "provider-config.h"					#include "provider-config.h"

#define PROVIDER_CONFIG_DATA "Provider_ConfigData"		#define PROVIDER_CONFIG_DATA "Provider_ConfigData"

typedef struct {						typedef struct {
	GtkWidget *provider_list;					GtkWidget *provider_list;
} ProviderConfigPrivate;					} ProviderConfigPrivate;

/*								/*
 * Private functions						 * Private functions
 */								 */

static void							static void
show_providers (ProviderConfigPrivate *priv)			show_providers (ProviderConfigPrivate *priv)
{								{
	GdaDataModel *model;						GdaDataModel *model;
	GList *prv_list, *l;						GList *prv_list, *l;

	/* create the data model */					/* create the data model */
	model = gda_data_model_array_new (2);				model = gda_data_model_array_new (2);
	gda_data_model_set_column_title (model, 0, _("Name"))		gda_data_model_set_column_title (model, 0, _("Name"))
	gda_data_model_set_column_title (model, 1, _("Descrip		gda_data_model_set_column_title (model, 1, _("Descrip

	prv_list = gda_config_get_provider_list ();			prv_list = gda_config_get_provider_list ();
	for (l = prv_list; l != NULL; l = l->next) {			for (l = prv_list; l != NULL; l = l->next) {
		GList *value_list;						GList *value_list;
		GdaProviderInfo *prv_info = (GdaProviderInfo 			GdaProviderInfo *prv_info = (GdaProviderInfo 

		value_list = g_list_append (NULL, gda_value_n			value_list = g_list_append (NULL, gda_value_n
		value_list = g_list_append (value_list, gda_v			value_list = g_list_append (value_list, gda_v

		gda_data_model_append_row (model, (const GLis			gda_data_model_append_row (model, (const GLis

		g_list_foreach (value_list, (GFunc) gda_value			g_list_foreach (value_list, (GFunc) gda_value
		g_list_free (value_list);					g_list_free (value_list);
	}								}

	gda_config_free_provider_list (prv_list);			gda_config_free_provider_list (prv_list);

	/* display the new data model */				/* display the new data model */
	gnome_db_grid_set_model (GNOME_DB_GRID (priv->provide		gnome_db_grid_set_model (GNOME_DB_GRID (priv->provide
	g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (model));				g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (model));
}								}

/*								/*
 * Public functions						 * Public functions
 */								 */

GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
provider_config_new (void)					provider_config_new (void)
{								{
	ProviderConfigPrivate *priv;					ProviderConfigPrivate *priv;
	GtkWidget *provider;						GtkWidget *provider;
	GtkWidget *table;						GtkWidget *table;
	GtkWidget *box;							GtkWidget *box;
	GtkWidget *button;						GtkWidget *button;
	GtkWidget *label;						GtkWidget *label;
	gchar *title;							gchar *title;

	priv = g_new0 (ProviderConfigPrivate, 1);			priv = g_new0 (ProviderConfigPrivate, 1);
	provider = gnome_db_new_vbox_widget (FALSE, 6);			provider = gnome_db_new_vbox_widget (FALSE, 6);
        gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (provid	        gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (provid
	g_object_set_data_full (G_OBJECT (provider), PROVIDER		g_object_set_data_full (G_OBJECT (provider), PROVIDER
				(GDestroyNotify) g_free);					(GDestroyNotify) g_free);

	table = gnome_db_new_table_widget (2, 1, FALSE);		table = gnome_db_new_table_widget (2, 1, FALSE);
	gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (provider), table, TRUE, 		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (provider), table, TRUE, 

	/* create the provider list */					/* create the provider list */
	priv->provider_list = gnome_db_grid_new ();			priv->provider_list = gnome_db_grid_new ();

	title = g_strdup_printf ("<b>%s</b>\n%s", _("Provider		title = g_strdup_printf ("<b>%s</b>\n%s", _("Provider
				 _("Installed providers"));					 _("Installed providers"));
	gnome_db_grid_set_title (GNOME_DB_GRID (priv->provide		gnome_db_grid_set_title (GNOME_DB_GRID (priv->provide
	g_free (title);							g_free (title);

	gnome_db_grid_set_show_title (GNOME_DB_GRID (priv->pr		gnome_db_grid_set_show_title (GNOME_DB_GRID (priv->pr
	gnome_db_grid_set_show_title_icon (GNOME_DB_GRID (pri		gnome_db_grid_set_show_title_icon (GNOME_DB_GRID (pri
	gnome_db_grid_set_title_icon_from_stock (GNOME_DB_GRI		gnome_db_grid_set_title_icon_from_stock (GNOME_DB_GRI
	gtk_widget_show (priv->provider_list);				gtk_widget_show (priv->provider_list);
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), priv->provider_l		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), priv->provider_l
			  0, 0);							  0, 0);
	show_providers (priv);						show_providers (priv);

	/* add tip */							/* add tip */
	box = gnome_db_new_hbox_widget (FALSE, 6);			box = gnome_db_new_hbox_widget (FALSE, 6);
        gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (box), 	        gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (box), 
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), box, 0, 1, 1, 2,		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), box, 0, 1, 1, 2,
			  GTK_FILL, GTK_FILL, 0, 0);					  GTK_FILL, GTK_FILL, 0, 0);

	button = gtk_image_new_from_stock (GTK_STOCK_DIALOG_I		button = gtk_image_new_from_stock (GTK_STOCK_DIALOG_I
        gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (button), 0.5, 0.0);	        gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (button), 0.5, 0.0);
	gtk_widget_show (button);					gtk_widget_show (button);
	gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (box), button, FALSE, FAL		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (box), button, FALSE, FAL

	label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (				label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (
		_("Providers are external plugins that provid			_("Providers are external plugins that provid
		  "to a specific data source. The default pro			  "to a specific data source. The default pro
		  "always installed, which allows access to d			  "always installed, which allows access to d
		  "stored in XML files. Other providers usual			  "stored in XML files. Other providers usual
		  "distributed along with libgda/gnome-db inc			  "distributed along with libgda/gnome-db inc
		  "PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Sybase, Interba			  "PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Sybase, Interba
	gtk_label_set_line_wrap (GTK_LABEL (label), TRUE);		gtk_label_set_line_wrap (GTK_LABEL (label), TRUE);
        gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (label), 0.0, 0.0);	        gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (label), 0.0, 0.0);
        gtk_label_set_justify (GTK_LABEL (label), GTK_JUSTIFY	        gtk_label_set_justify (GTK_LABEL (label), GTK_JUSTIFY
	gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (box), label, TRUE, TRUE,		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (box), label, TRUE, TRUE,

	return provider;						return provider;
}								}

void								void
provider_config_select_all (GtkWidget *provider)		provider_config_select_all (GtkWidget *provider)
{								{
	ProviderConfigPrivate *priv;					ProviderConfigPrivate *priv;

	priv = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (provider), PROVID		priv = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (provider), PROVID
	gnome_db_grid_select_all (GNOME_DB_GRID (priv->provid		gnome_db_grid_select_all (GNOME_DB_GRID (priv->provid
}								}

void								void
provider_config_unselect_all (GtkWidget *provider)		provider_config_unselect_all (GtkWidget *provider)
{								{
	ProviderConfigPrivate *priv;					ProviderConfigPrivate *priv;

	priv = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (provider), PROVID		priv = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (provider), PROVID
	gnome_db_grid_unselect_all (GNOME_DB_GRID (priv->prov		gnome_db_grid_unselect_all (GNOME_DB_GRID (priv->prov
}								}

gboolean							gboolean
provider_config_has_selection (GtkWidget *provider)		provider_config_has_selection (GtkWidget *provider)
{								{
	ProviderConfigPrivate *priv;					ProviderConfigPrivate *priv;

	priv = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (provider), PROVID		priv = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (provider), PROVID
	return gnome_db_grid_get_selection (GNOME_DB_GRID (pr		return gnome_db_grid_get_selection (GNOME_DB_GRID (pr
}								}
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/control-center/provider-config.h ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/control-center/provider-config.h
/* GNOME-DB Configurator					/* GNOME-DB Configurator
 * Copyright (C) 2000-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 2000-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as pu	 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as pu
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the Lice	 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the Lice
 * (at your option) any later version.				 * (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * GNU Library General Public License for more details.		 * GNU Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public 	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public 
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Softwar	 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Softwar
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 	 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 
 */								 */

#if !defined(__provider_config_h__)				#if !defined(__provider_config_h__)
#  define __provider_config_h__					#  define __provider_config_h__

#include <gtk/gtkwidget.h>					#include <gtk/gtkwidget.h>

GtkWidget *provider_config_new (void);				GtkWidget *provider_config_new (void);
void       provider_config_select_all (GtkWidget *provider);	void       provider_config_select_all (GtkWidget *provider);
void       provider_config_unselect_all (GtkWidget *provider)	void       provider_config_unselect_all (GtkWidget *provider)
gboolean   provider_config_has_selection (GtkWidget *provider	gboolean   provider_config_has_selection (GtkWidget *provider

#endif								#endif
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: COPYING
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: CVS
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/data: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/data: libgnomedb.keys
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/data/libgnomedb.keys.in ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/data/libgnomedb.keys.in
application/x-gnome-db-connection				application/x-gnome-db-connection
	_description=Database connection parameters file		_description=Database connection parameters file
	default_action_type=component					default_action_type=component
	short_list_component_iids=OAFIID:GNOME_Database_Conne		short_list_component_iids=OAFIID:GNOME_Database_Conne
	short_list_component_iids_for_novice_user_level=OAFII		short_list_component_iids_for_novice_user_level=OAFII
	short_list_component_iids_for_intermediate_user_level		short_list_component_iids_for_intermediate_user_level
	short_list_component_iids_for_hacker_user_level=OAFII		short_list_component_iids_for_hacker_user_level=OAFII
	icon-filename= icondir@/gnome-db-connect_24x24.png		icon-filename= icondir@/gnome-db-connect_24x24.png
	_category=Documents						_category=Documents

text/x-sql							text/x-sql
	_description=SQL code viewer					_description=SQL code viewer
	default_action_type=component					default_action_type=component
	short_list_component_iids=OAFIID:GNOME_Database_SqlVi		short_list_component_iids=OAFIID:GNOME_Database_SqlVi
	short_list_component_iids_for_novice_user_level=OAFII		short_list_component_iids_for_novice_user_level=OAFII
	short_list_component_iids_for_intermediate_user_level		short_list_component_iids_for_intermediate_user_level
	short_list_component_iids_for_hacker_user_level=OAFII		short_list_component_iids_for_hacker_user_level=OAFII
	icon-filename= icondir@/gnome-db-sql_24x24.png			icon-filename= icondir@/gnome-db-sql_24x24.png
	_category=Documents						_category=Documents
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/data/libgnomedb.mime ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/data/libgnomedb.mime
application/x-gnome-db-connection				application/x-gnome-db-connection
	ext: connection							ext: connection

application/x-gnome-db-database					application/x-gnome-db-database
	ext: database							ext: database

text/x-sql							text/x-sql
	ext: sql							ext: sql
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/data: libgnomedb.schemas
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/data/libgnomedb.schemas.in ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/data/libgnomedb.schemas.in
<?xml version="1.0"?>						<?xml version="1.0"?>
<gconfschemafile>						<gconfschemafile>
  <schemalist>							  <schemalist>
    <schema>							    <schema>
      <applyto>/apps/gnome-db/UI/GridFont</applyto>		      <applyto>/apps/gnome-db/UI/GridFont</applyto>
      <key>/schemas/apps/gnome-db/UI/GridFont</key>		      <key>/schemas/apps/gnome-db/UI/GridFont</key>
      <owner>gnome</owner>					      <owner>gnome</owner>
      <type>string</type>					      <type>string</type>
      <locale name="C">						      <locale name="C">
        <short>Font to be used in the grid widget</short>	        <short>Font to be used in the grid widget</short>
	<long></long>							<long></long>
      </locale>							      </locale>
    </schema>							    </schema>
    <schema>							    <schema>
      <applyto>/apps/gnome-db/Editor/Highlight</applyto>	      <applyto>/apps/gnome-db/Editor/Highlight</applyto>
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        <short>Use highlighting in source code editor</short>	        <short>Use highlighting in source code editor</short>
	<long></long>							<long></long>
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        <short>Show line numbers on source editor</short>	        <short>Show line numbers on source editor</short>
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        <short>Number of spaces per tab</short>			        <short>Number of spaces per tab</short>
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</gconfschemafile>						</gconfschemafile>
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/data: Makefile
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/data/Makefile.am ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/data/Makefile.am

# GConf schemas							# GConf schemas
schemadir   = $(GCONF_SCHEMA_FILE_DIR)				schemadir   = $(GCONF_SCHEMA_FILE_DIR)
schema_DATA = libgnomedb.schemas				schema_DATA = libgnomedb.schemas


install-data-local:						install-data-local:
else								else
install-data-local:						install-data-local:
endif								endif

# Pixmaps							# Pixmaps
pixmapdir=$(datadir)/pixmaps/libgnomedb				pixmapdir=$(datadir)/pixmaps/libgnomedb
pixmap_DATA= \							pixmap_DATA= \
	gnome-db-aggregates_16x16.png \					gnome-db-aggregates_16x16.png \
	gnome-db-aggregates_24x24.png \					gnome-db-aggregates_24x24.png \
	gnome-db-commit_24x24.png \					gnome-db-commit_24x24.png \
	gnome-db-connect_24x24.png \					gnome-db-connect_24x24.png \
	gnome-db-disconnect_24x24.png \					gnome-db-disconnect_24x24.png \
	gnome-db-database_16x16.png \					gnome-db-database_16x16.png \
	gnome-db-database_24x24.png \					gnome-db-database_24x24.png \
	gnome-db-database_48x48.png \					gnome-db-database_48x48.png \
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	gnome-db-designer_24x24.png \					gnome-db-designer_24x24.png \
	gnome-db-field_16x16.png \					gnome-db-field_16x16.png \
	gnome-db-indexes_16x16.png \					gnome-db-indexes_16x16.png \
	gnome-db-no-transaction_24x24.png \				gnome-db-no-transaction_24x24.png \
	gnome-db-procedures_16x16.png \					gnome-db-procedures_16x16.png \
	gnome-db-procedures_24x24.png \					gnome-db-procedures_24x24.png \
	gnome-db-query_16x16.png \					gnome-db-query_16x16.png \
	gnome-db-query_24x24.png \					gnome-db-query_24x24.png \
	gnome-db-relations_16x16.png \					gnome-db-relations_16x16.png \
	gnome-db-relations_24x24.png \					gnome-db-relations_24x24.png \
	gnome-db-rollback_24x24.png \					gnome-db-rollback_24x24.png \
	gnome-db-sequences_16x16.png \					gnome-db-sequences_16x16.png \
	gnome-db-sequences_24x24.png \					gnome-db-sequences_24x24.png \
	gnome-db-sql_16x16.png \					gnome-db-sql_16x16.png \
	gnome-db-sql_24x24.png \					gnome-db-sql_24x24.png \
	gnome-db-table_16x16.png \					gnome-db-table_16x16.png \
	gnome-db-tables_16x16.png \					gnome-db-tables_16x16.png \
	gnome-db-tables_24x24.png \					gnome-db-tables_24x24.png \
	gnome-db-triggers_16x16.png \					gnome-db-triggers_16x16.png \
	gnome-db-types_16x16.png \					gnome-db-types_16x16.png \
	gnome-db-types_24x24.png \					gnome-db-types_24x24.png \
	gnome-db-views_16x16.png \					gnome-db-views_16x16.png \
	gnome-db-within-transaction_24x24.png				gnome-db-within-transaction_24x24.png

# MIME data							# MIME data
Mimedir = $(datadir)/mime-info					Mimedir = $(datadir)/mime-info
Mime_DATA = libgnomedb.keys libgnomedb.mime			Mime_DATA = libgnomedb.keys libgnomedb.mime

keys_in_files = libgnomedb.keys.in				keys_in_files = libgnomedb.keys.in
keys_files = $(keys_in_files:.keys.in=.keys)			keys_files = $(keys_in_files:.keys.in=.keys)

	libgnomedb.schemas.in \						libgnomedb.schemas.in \
	$(pixmap_DATA) \						$(pixmap_DATA) \
	libgnomedb.keys.in \						libgnomedb.keys.in \
	libgnomedb.mime							libgnomedb.mime
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Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: depcomp
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc/C: CVS
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/fdl-appendix.sgml ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc/C/fdl-appendix.sgml
<!--  								<!--  
     The GNU Free Documentation License 1.1 in DocBook		     The GNU Free Documentation License 1.1 in DocBook
     Markup by Eric Baudais <baudais okstate edu>		     Markup by Eric Baudais <baudais okstate edu>
     Maintained by the GNOME Documentation Project		     Maintained by the GNOME Documentation Project
     http://developer.gnome.org/projects/gdp			     http://developer.gnome.org/projects/gdp
     Version: 1.0.1						     Version: 1.0.1
     Last Modified: Nov 16, 2000				     Last Modified: Nov 16, 2000
-->								-->

<appendix id="fdl">						<appendix id="fdl">
  <docinfo>							  <docinfo>
    <releaseinfo>						    <releaseinfo>
      Version 1.1, March 2000					      Version 1.1, March 2000
    </releaseinfo>						    </releaseinfo>
    <copyright>							    <copyright>
      <year>2000</year><holder>Free Software Foundation, Inc.	      <year>2000</year><holder>Free Software Foundation, Inc.
    </copyright>						    </copyright>
    <legalnotice id="fdl-legalnotice">				    <legalnotice id="fdl-legalnotice">
      <para>							      <para>
	<address>Free Software Foundation, Inc. <street>59 Te		<address>Free Software Foundation, Inc. <street>59 Te
        Suite 330</street>, <city>Boston</city>, <state>MA</s	        Suite 330</street>, <city>Boston</city>, <state>MA</s
        <postcode>02111-1307</postcode>  <country>USA</countr	        <postcode>02111-1307</postcode>  <country>USA</countr
	Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim		Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim
        license document, but changing it is not allowed.	        license document, but changing it is not allowed.
      </para>							      </para>
    </legalnotice>						    </legalnotice>
  </docinfo>							  </docinfo>
  <title>GNU Free Documentation License</title>			  <title>GNU Free Documentation License</title>

  <sect1 id="fdl-preamble">					  <sect1 id="fdl-preamble">
    <title>0. PREAMBLE</title>					    <title>0. PREAMBLE</title>
    <para>							    <para>
      The purpose of this License is to make a manual, textbo	      The purpose of this License is to make a manual, textbo
      other written document <quote>free</quote> in the sense	      other written document <quote>free</quote> in the sense
      freedom: to assure everyone the effective freedom to co	      freedom: to assure everyone the effective freedom to co
      redistribute it, with or without modifying it, either	      redistribute it, with or without modifying it, either
      commercially or noncommercially. Secondarily, this Lice	      commercially or noncommercially. Secondarily, this Lice
      preserves for the author and publisher a way to get cre	      preserves for the author and publisher a way to get cre
      their work, while not being considered responsible for	      their work, while not being considered responsible for
      modifications made by others.				      modifications made by others.
    </para>							    </para>
    <para>							    <para>
      This License is a kind of <quote>copyleft</quote>, whic	      This License is a kind of <quote>copyleft</quote>, whic
      that derivative works of the document must themselves b	      that derivative works of the document must themselves b
      the same sense. It complements the GNU General Public L	      the same sense. It complements the GNU General Public L
      which is a copyleft license designed for free software.	      which is a copyleft license designed for free software.
    </para>							    </para>
    <para>							    <para>
      We have designed this License in order to use it for ma	      We have designed this License in order to use it for ma
      free software, because free software needs free documen	      free software, because free software needs free documen
      free program should come with manuals providing the sam	      free program should come with manuals providing the sam
      freedoms that the software does. But this License is no	      freedoms that the software does. But this License is no
      to software manuals; it can be used for any textual wor	      to software manuals; it can be used for any textual wor
      regardless of subject matter or whether it is published	      regardless of subject matter or whether it is published
      printed book. We recommend this License principally for	      printed book. We recommend this License principally for
      whose purpose is instruction or reference.		      whose purpose is instruction or reference.
    </para>							    </para>
  </sect1>							  </sect1>
  <sect1 id="fdl-section1">					  <sect1 id="fdl-section1">
    <para id="fdl-document">					    <para id="fdl-document">
      This License applies to any manual or other work that c	      This License applies to any manual or other work that c
      notice placed by the copyright holder saying it can be	      notice placed by the copyright holder saying it can be
      distributed under the terms of this License. The		      distributed under the terms of this License. The
      <quote>Document</quote>, below, refers to any such manu	      <quote>Document</quote>, below, refers to any such manu
      work. Any member of the public is a licensee, and is ad	      work. Any member of the public is a licensee, and is ad
      as <quote>you</quote>.					      as <quote>you</quote>.
    </para>							    </para>
    <para id="fdl-modified">					    <para id="fdl-modified">
      A <quote>Modified Version</quote> of the Document means	      A <quote>Modified Version</quote> of the Document means
      containing the Document or a portion of it, either copi	      containing the Document or a portion of it, either copi
      verbatim, or with modifications and/or translated into 	      verbatim, or with modifications and/or translated into 
      language.							      language.
    </para>							    </para>
    <para id="fdl-secondary">					    <para id="fdl-secondary">
      A <quote>Secondary Section</quote> is a named appendix 	      A <quote>Secondary Section</quote> is a named appendix 
      front-matter section of the <link				      front-matter section of the <link
      linkend="fdl-document">Document</link> that deals exclu	      linkend="fdl-document">Document</link> that deals exclu
      with the relationship of the publishers or authors of t	      with the relationship of the publishers or authors of t
      Document to the Document's overall subject (or to relat	      Document to the Document's overall subject (or to relat
      matters) and contains nothing that could fall directly 	      matters) and contains nothing that could fall directly 
      that overall subject. (For example, if the Document is 	      that overall subject. (For example, if the Document is 
      textbook of mathematics, a Secondary Section may not ex	      textbook of mathematics, a Secondary Section may not ex
      mathematics.)  The relationship could be a matter of hi	      mathematics.)  The relationship could be a matter of hi
      connection with the subject or with related matters, or	      connection with the subject or with related matters, or
      legal, commercial, philosophical, ethical or political 	      legal, commercial, philosophical, ethical or political 
      regarding them.						      regarding them.
    </para>							    </para>

    <para id="fdl-invariant">					    <para id="fdl-invariant">
      The <quote>Invariant Sections</quote> are certain <link	      The <quote>Invariant Sections</quote> are certain <link
      linkend="fdl-secondary"> Secondary Sections</link> whos	      linkend="fdl-secondary"> Secondary Sections</link> whos
      are designated, as being those of Invariant Sections, i	      are designated, as being those of Invariant Sections, i
      notice that says that the <link				      notice that says that the <link
      linkend="fdl-document">Document</link> is released unde	      linkend="fdl-document">Document</link> is released unde
      License.							      License.
    </para>							    </para>
    <para id="fdl-cover-texts">					    <para id="fdl-cover-texts">
      The <quote>Cover Texts</quote> are certain short passag	      The <quote>Cover Texts</quote> are certain short passag
      text that are listed, as Front-Cover Texts or Back-Cove	      text that are listed, as Front-Cover Texts or Back-Cove
      in the notice that says that the <link			      in the notice that says that the <link
      linkend="fdl-document">Document</link> is released unde	      linkend="fdl-document">Document</link> is released unde
      License.							      License.
    </para>							    </para>
    <para id="fdl-transparent">					    <para id="fdl-transparent">
      A <quote>Transparent</quote> copy of the <link		      A <quote>Transparent</quote> copy of the <link
      linkend="fdl-document"> Document</link> means a machine	      linkend="fdl-document"> Document</link> means a machine
      copy, represented in a format whose specification is av	      copy, represented in a format whose specification is av
      to the general public, whose contents can be viewed and	      to the general public, whose contents can be viewed and
      directly and straightforwardly with generic text editor	      directly and straightforwardly with generic text editor
      images composed of pixels) generic paint programs or (f	      images composed of pixels) generic paint programs or (f
      drawings) some widely available drawing editor, and tha	      drawings) some widely available drawing editor, and tha
      suitable for input to text formatters or for automatic	      suitable for input to text formatters or for automatic
      translation to a variety of formats suitable for input 	      translation to a variety of formats suitable for input 
      formatters. A copy made in an otherwise Transparent fil	      formatters. A copy made in an otherwise Transparent fil
      whose markup has been designed to thwart or discourage	      whose markup has been designed to thwart or discourage
      subsequent modification by readers is not Transparent. 	      subsequent modification by readers is not Transparent. 
      that is not <quote>Transparent</quote> is called		      that is not <quote>Transparent</quote> is called
      <quote>Opaque</quote>.					      <quote>Opaque</quote>.
    </para>							    </para>
    <para>							    <para>
      Examples of suitable formats for Transparent copies inc	      Examples of suitable formats for Transparent copies inc
      plain ASCII without markup, Texinfo input format, LaTeX	      plain ASCII without markup, Texinfo input format, LaTeX
      format, SGML or XML using a publicly available DTD, and	      format, SGML or XML using a publicly available DTD, and
      standard-conforming simple HTML designed for human	      standard-conforming simple HTML designed for human
      modification. Opaque formats include PostScript, PDF,	      modification. Opaque formats include PostScript, PDF,
      proprietary formats that can be read and edited only by	      proprietary formats that can be read and edited only by
      proprietary word processors, SGML or XML for which the 	      proprietary word processors, SGML or XML for which the 
      and/or processing tools are not generally available, an	      and/or processing tools are not generally available, an
      machine-generated HTML produced by some word processors	      machine-generated HTML produced by some word processors
      output purposes only.					      output purposes only.
    </para>							    </para>
    <para id="fdl-title-page">					    <para id="fdl-title-page">
      The <quote>Title Page</quote> means, for a printed book	      The <quote>Title Page</quote> means, for a printed book
      title page itself, plus such following pages as are nee	      title page itself, plus such following pages as are nee
      hold, legibly, the material this License requires to ap	      hold, legibly, the material this License requires to ap
      the title page. For works in formats which do not have 	      the title page. For works in formats which do not have 
      page as such, <quote>Title Page</quote> means the text 	      page as such, <quote>Title Page</quote> means the text 
      most prominent appearance of the work's title, precedin	      most prominent appearance of the work's title, precedin
      beginning of the body of the text.			      beginning of the body of the text.
    </para>							    </para>
  </sect1>							  </sect1>
  <sect1 id="fdl-section2">					  <sect1 id="fdl-section2">
    <title>2. VERBATIM COPYING</title>				    <title>2. VERBATIM COPYING</title>
    <para>							    <para>
      You may copy and distribute the <link			      You may copy and distribute the <link
      linkend="fdl-document">Document</link> in any medium, e	      linkend="fdl-document">Document</link> in any medium, e
      commercially or noncommercially, provided that this Lic	      commercially or noncommercially, provided that this Lic
      copyright notices, and the license notice saying this L	      copyright notices, and the license notice saying this L
      applies to the Document are reproduced in all copies, a	      applies to the Document are reproduced in all copies, a
      you add no other conditions whatsoever to those of this	      you add no other conditions whatsoever to those of this
      License. You may not use technical measures to obstruct	      License. You may not use technical measures to obstruct
      control the reading or further copying of the copies yo	      control the reading or further copying of the copies yo
      distribute. However, you may accept compensation in exc	      distribute. However, you may accept compensation in exc
      copies. If you distribute a large enough number of copi	      copies. If you distribute a large enough number of copi
      must also follow the conditions in <link			      must also follow the conditions in <link
      linkend="fdl-section3">section 3</link>.			      linkend="fdl-section3">section 3</link>.
    </para>							    </para>
    <para>							    <para>
      You may also lend copies, under the same conditions sta	      You may also lend copies, under the same conditions sta
      above, and you may publicly display copies.		      above, and you may publicly display copies.
    </para>							    </para>
    </sect1>							    </sect1>
  <sect1 id="fdl-section3">					  <sect1 id="fdl-section3">
    <title>3. COPYING IN QUANTITY</title>			    <title>3. COPYING IN QUANTITY</title>
    <para>							    <para>
      If you publish printed copies of the <link		      If you publish printed copies of the <link
      linkend="fdl-document">Document</link> numbering more t	      linkend="fdl-document">Document</link> numbering more t
      and the Document's license notice requires <link		      and the Document's license notice requires <link
      linkend="fdl-cover-texts">Cover Texts</link>, you must 	      linkend="fdl-cover-texts">Cover Texts</link>, you must 
      the copies in covers that carry, clearly and legibly, a	      the copies in covers that carry, clearly and legibly, a
      Cover Texts: Front-Cover Texts on the front cover, and	      Cover Texts: Front-Cover Texts on the front cover, and
      Back-Cover Texts on the back cover. Both covers must al	      Back-Cover Texts on the back cover. Both covers must al
      clearly and legibly identify you as the publisher of th	      clearly and legibly identify you as the publisher of th
      copies. The front cover must present the full title wit	      copies. The front cover must present the full title wit
      words of the title equally prominent and visible. You m	      words of the title equally prominent and visible. You m
      other material on the covers in addition. Copying with 	      other material on the covers in addition. Copying with 
      limited to the covers, as long as they preserve the tit	      limited to the covers, as long as they preserve the tit
      <link linkend="fdl-document">Document</link> and satisf	      <link linkend="fdl-document">Document</link> and satisf
      conditions, can be treated as verbatim copying in other	      conditions, can be treated as verbatim copying in other
      respects.							      respects.
    </para>							    </para>
    <para>							    <para>
      If the required texts for either cover are too volumino	      If the required texts for either cover are too volumino
      legibly, you should put the first ones listed (as many 	      legibly, you should put the first ones listed (as many 
      reasonably) on the actual cover, and continue the rest 	      reasonably) on the actual cover, and continue the rest 
      adjacent pages.						      adjacent pages.
    </para>							    </para>
    <para>							    <para>
      If you publish or distribute <link			      If you publish or distribute <link
      linkend="fdl-transparent">Opaque</link> copies of the <	      linkend="fdl-transparent">Opaque</link> copies of the <
      linkend="fdl-document">Document</link> numbering more t	      linkend="fdl-document">Document</link> numbering more t
      you must either include a machine-readable <link		      you must either include a machine-readable <link
      linkend="fdl-transparent">Transparent</link> copy along	      linkend="fdl-transparent">Transparent</link> copy along
      each Opaque copy, or state in or with each Opaque copy 	      each Opaque copy, or state in or with each Opaque copy 
      publicly-accessible computer-network location containin	      publicly-accessible computer-network location containin
      complete Transparent copy of the Document, free of adde	      complete Transparent copy of the Document, free of adde
      material, which the general network-using public has ac	      material, which the general network-using public has ac
      download anonymously at no charge using public-standard	      download anonymously at no charge using public-standard
      protocols. If you use the latter option, you must take	      protocols. If you use the latter option, you must take
      reasonably prudent steps, when you begin distribution o	      reasonably prudent steps, when you begin distribution o
      copies in quantity, to ensure that this Transparent cop	      copies in quantity, to ensure that this Transparent cop
      remain thus accessible at the stated location until at 	      remain thus accessible at the stated location until at 
      year after the last time you distribute an Opaque copy 	      year after the last time you distribute an Opaque copy 
      or through your agents or retailers) of that edition to	      or through your agents or retailers) of that edition to
      public.							      public.
    </para>							    </para>
    <para>							    <para>
      It is requested, but not required, that you contact the	      It is requested, but not required, that you contact the
      of the <link linkend="fdl-document">Document</link> wel	      of the <link linkend="fdl-document">Document</link> wel
      redistributing any large number of copies, to give them	      redistributing any large number of copies, to give them
      to provide you with an updated version of the Document.	      to provide you with an updated version of the Document.
    </para>							    </para>
    </sect1>							    </sect1>
  <sect1 id="fdl-section4">					  <sect1 id="fdl-section4">
    <title>4. MODIFICATIONS</title>				    <title>4. MODIFICATIONS</title>
    <para>							    <para>
      You may copy and distribute a <link			      You may copy and distribute a <link
      linkend="fdl-modified">Modified Version</link> of the <	      linkend="fdl-modified">Modified Version</link> of the <
      linkend="fdl-document">Document</link> under the condit	      linkend="fdl-document">Document</link> under the condit
      sections <link linkend="fdl-section2">2</link> and <lin	      sections <link linkend="fdl-section2">2</link> and <lin
      linkend="fdl-section3">3</link> above, provided that yo	      linkend="fdl-section3">3</link> above, provided that yo
      the Modified Version under precisely this License, with	      the Modified Version under precisely this License, with
      Modified Version filling the role of the Document, thus	      Modified Version filling the role of the Document, thus
      licensing distribution and modification of the Modified	      licensing distribution and modification of the Modified
      to whoever possesses a copy of it. In addition, you mus	      to whoever possesses a copy of it. In addition, you mus
      these things in the Modified Version:			      these things in the Modified Version:
    </para>							    </para>
    <itemizedlist mark="opencircle">				    <itemizedlist mark="opencircle">
      <listitem>						      <listitem>
	<formalpara>							<formalpara>
	  <title>A</title>						  <title>A</title>
	  <para>							  <para>
	    Use in the <link linkend="fdl-title-page">Title		    Use in the <link linkend="fdl-title-page">Title
	    Page</link> (and on the covers, if any) a title d		    Page</link> (and on the covers, if any) a title d
	    from that of the <link					    from that of the <link
	    linkend="fdl-document">Document</link>, and from 		    linkend="fdl-document">Document</link>, and from 
	    previous versions (which should, if there were an		    previous versions (which should, if there were an
	    listed in the History section of the Document). Y		    listed in the History section of the Document). Y
	    use the same title as a previous version if the o		    use the same title as a previous version if the o
	    publisher of that version gives permission.			    publisher of that version gives permission.
	  </para>							  </para>
	</formalpara>							</formalpara>
      </listitem>						      </listitem>
      <listitem>						      <listitem>
	<formalpara>							<formalpara>
	  <title>B</title>						  <title>B</title>
	  <para>							  <para>
	    List on the <link linkend="fdl-title-page">Title		    List on the <link linkend="fdl-title-page">Title
	    Page</link>, as authors, one or more persons or e		    Page</link>, as authors, one or more persons or e
	    responsible for authorship of the modifications i		    responsible for authorship of the modifications i
	    <link linkend="fdl-modified">Modified Version</li		    <link linkend="fdl-modified">Modified Version</li
	    together with at least five of the principal auth		    together with at least five of the principal auth
	    the <link linkend="fdl-document">Document</link> 		    the <link linkend="fdl-document">Document</link> 
	    its principal authors, if it has less than five).		    its principal authors, if it has less than five).
	  </para>							  </para>
	</formalpara>							</formalpara>
      </listitem>						      </listitem>
      <listitem>						      <listitem>
	<formalpara>							<formalpara>
	  <title>C</title>						  <title>C</title>
	  <para>							  <para>
	    State on the <link linkend="fdl-title-page">Title		    State on the <link linkend="fdl-title-page">Title
	    Page</link> the name of the publisher of the <lin		    Page</link> the name of the publisher of the <lin
	    linkend="fdl-modified">Modified Version</link>, a		    linkend="fdl-modified">Modified Version</link>, a
	    publisher.							    publisher.
	  </para>							  </para>
	</formalpara>							</formalpara>
      </listitem>						      </listitem>
      <listitem>						      <listitem>
	<formalpara>							<formalpara>
	  <title>D</title>						  <title>D</title>
	  <para>							  <para>
	    Preserve all the copyright notices of the <link		    Preserve all the copyright notices of the <link
	    linkend="fdl-document">Document</link>.			    linkend="fdl-document">Document</link>.
	  </para>							  </para>
	</formalpara>							</formalpara>
      </listitem>						      </listitem>
      <listitem>						      <listitem>
	<formalpara>							<formalpara>
	  <title>E</title>						  <title>E</title>
	  <para>							  <para>
	    Add an appropriate copyright notice for your modi		    Add an appropriate copyright notice for your modi
	    adjacent to the other copyright notices.			    adjacent to the other copyright notices.
	  </para>							  </para>
	</formalpara>							</formalpara>
      </listitem>						      </listitem>
      <listitem>						      <listitem>
	<formalpara>							<formalpara>
	  <title>F</title>						  <title>F</title>
	  <para>							  <para>
	    Include, immediately after the copyright notices,		    Include, immediately after the copyright notices,
	    license notice giving the public permission to us		    license notice giving the public permission to us
	    <link linkend="fdl-modified">Modified Version</li		    <link linkend="fdl-modified">Modified Version</li
	    the terms of this License, in the form shown in t		    the terms of this License, in the form shown in t
	    Addendum below.						    Addendum below.
	  </para>							  </para>
	</formalpara>							</formalpara>
      </listitem>						      </listitem>
      <listitem>						      <listitem>
	<formalpara>							<formalpara>
	  <title>G</title>						  <title>G</title>
	  <para>							  <para>
	    Preserve in that license notice the full lists of		    Preserve in that license notice the full lists of
	    linkend="fdl-invariant"> Invariant Sections</link		    linkend="fdl-invariant"> Invariant Sections</link
	    required <link linkend="fdl-cover-texts">Cover		    required <link linkend="fdl-cover-texts">Cover
	    Texts</link> given in the <link				    Texts</link> given in the <link
	    linkend="fdl-document">Document's</link> license 		    linkend="fdl-document">Document's</link> license 
	  </para>							  </para>
	</formalpara>							</formalpara>
      </listitem>						      </listitem>
      <listitem>						      <listitem>
	<formalpara>							<formalpara>
	  <title>H</title>						  <title>H</title>
	  <para>							  <para>
	    Include an unaltered copy of this License.			    Include an unaltered copy of this License.
	  </para>							  </para>
	</formalpara>							</formalpara>
      </listitem>						      </listitem>
      <listitem>						      <listitem>
	<formalpara>							<formalpara>
	  <title>I</title>						  <title>I</title>
	  <para>							  <para>
	    Preserve the section entitled <quote>History</quo		    Preserve the section entitled <quote>History</quo
	    its title, and add to it an item stating at least		    its title, and add to it an item stating at least
	    title, year, new authors, and publisher of the <l		    title, year, new authors, and publisher of the <l
	    linkend="fdl-modified">Modified Version </link>as		    linkend="fdl-modified">Modified Version </link>as
	    the <link linkend="fdl-title-page">Title Page</li		    the <link linkend="fdl-title-page">Title Page</li
	    there is no section entitled <quote>History</quot		    there is no section entitled <quote>History</quot
	    <link linkend="fdl-document">Document</link>, cre		    <link linkend="fdl-document">Document</link>, cre
	    stating the title, year, authors, and publisher o		    stating the title, year, authors, and publisher o
	    Document as given on its Title Page, then add an 		    Document as given on its Title Page, then add an 
	    describing the Modified Version as stated in the 		    describing the Modified Version as stated in the 
	    sentence.							    sentence.
	  </para>							  </para>
	</formalpara>							</formalpara>
      </listitem>						      </listitem>
      <listitem>						      <listitem>
	<formalpara>							<formalpara>
	  <title>J</title>						  <title>J</title>
	  <para>							  <para>
	    Preserve the network location, if any, given in t		    Preserve the network location, if any, given in t
	    linkend="fdl-document">Document</link> for public		    linkend="fdl-document">Document</link> for public
	    to a <link linkend="fdl-transparent">Transparent<		    to a <link linkend="fdl-transparent">Transparent<
	    copy of the Document, and likewise the network lo		    copy of the Document, and likewise the network lo
	    given in the Document for previous versions it wa		    given in the Document for previous versions it wa
	    on. These may be placed in the <quote>History</qu		    on. These may be placed in the <quote>History</qu
	    section.  You may omit a network location for a w		    section.  You may omit a network location for a w
	    was published at least four years before the Docu		    was published at least four years before the Docu
	    itself, or if the original publisher of the versi		    itself, or if the original publisher of the versi
	    refers to gives permission.					    refers to gives permission.
	  </para>							  </para>
	</formalpara>							</formalpara>
      </listitem>						      </listitem>
      <listitem>						      <listitem>
	<formalpara>							<formalpara>
	  <title>K</title>						  <title>K</title>
	  <para>							  <para>
	    In any section entitled <quote>Acknowledgements</		    In any section entitled <quote>Acknowledgements</
	    <quote>Dedications</quote>, preserve the section'		    <quote>Dedications</quote>, preserve the section'
	    and preserve in the section all the substance and		    and preserve in the section all the substance and
	    each of the contributor acknowledgements and/or		    each of the contributor acknowledgements and/or
	    dedications given therein.					    dedications given therein.
	  </para>							  </para>
	</formalpara>							</formalpara>
      </listitem>						      </listitem>
      <listitem>						      <listitem>
	<formalpara>							<formalpara>
	  <title>L</title>						  <title>L</title>
	  <para>							  <para>
	    Preserve all the <link linkend="fdl-invariant">In		    Preserve all the <link linkend="fdl-invariant">In
	    Sections</link> of the <link				    Sections</link> of the <link
	    linkend="fdl-document">Document</link>, unaltered		    linkend="fdl-document">Document</link>, unaltered
	    text and in their titles.  Section numbers or the		    text and in their titles.  Section numbers or the
	    equivalent are not considered part of the section		    equivalent are not considered part of the section
	  </para>							  </para>
	</formalpara>							</formalpara>
      </listitem>						      </listitem>
      <listitem>						      <listitem>
	<formalpara>							<formalpara>
	  <title>M</title>						  <title>M</title>
	  <para>							  <para>
	    Delete any section entitled					    Delete any section entitled
	    <quote>Endorsements</quote>. Such a section may n		    <quote>Endorsements</quote>. Such a section may n
	    included in the <link linkend="fdl-modified">Modi		    included in the <link linkend="fdl-modified">Modi
	    Version</link>.						    Version</link>.
	  </para>							  </para>
	</formalpara>							</formalpara>
      </listitem>						      </listitem>
      <listitem>						      <listitem>
	<formalpara>							<formalpara>
	  <title>N</title>						  <title>N</title>
	  <para>							  <para>
	    Do not retitle any existing section as			    Do not retitle any existing section as
	    <quote>Endorsements</quote> or to conflict in tit		    <quote>Endorsements</quote> or to conflict in tit
	    any <link linkend="fdl-invariant">Invariant			    any <link linkend="fdl-invariant">Invariant
	    Section</link>.						    Section</link>.
	  </para>							  </para>
	</formalpara>							</formalpara>
      </listitem>						      </listitem>
    </itemizedlist>						    </itemizedlist>
    <para>							    <para>
      If the <link linkend="fdl-modified">Modified Version</l	      If the <link linkend="fdl-modified">Modified Version</l
      includes new front-matter sections or appendices that q	      includes new front-matter sections or appendices that q
      <link linkend="fdl-secondary">Secondary Sections</link>	      <link linkend="fdl-secondary">Secondary Sections</link>
      contain no material copied from the Document, you may a	      contain no material copied from the Document, you may a
      option designate some or all of these sections as invar	      option designate some or all of these sections as invar
      do this, add their titles to the list of <link		      do this, add their titles to the list of <link
      linkend="fdl-invariant">Invariant Sections</link> in th	      linkend="fdl-invariant">Invariant Sections</link> in th
      Modified Version's license notice.  These titles must b	      Modified Version's license notice.  These titles must b
      distinct from any other section titles.			      distinct from any other section titles.
    </para>							    </para>
    <para>							    <para>
      You may add a section entitled <quote>Endorsements</quo	      You may add a section entitled <quote>Endorsements</quo
      provided it contains nothing but endorsements of your <	      provided it contains nothing but endorsements of your <
      linkend="fdl-modified">Modified Version</link> by vario	      linkend="fdl-modified">Modified Version</link> by vario
      parties--for example, statements of peer review or that	      parties--for example, statements of peer review or that
      has been approved by an organization as the authoritati	      has been approved by an organization as the authoritati
      definition of a standard.					      definition of a standard.
    </para>							    </para>
    <para>							    <para>
      You may add a passage of up to five words as a <link	      You may add a passage of up to five words as a <link
      linkend="fdl-cover-texts">Front-Cover Text</link>, and 	      linkend="fdl-cover-texts">Front-Cover Text</link>, and 
      of up to 25 words as a <link				      of up to 25 words as a <link
      linkend="fdl-cover-texts">Back-Cover Text</link>, to th	      linkend="fdl-cover-texts">Back-Cover Text</link>, to th
      the list of <link linkend="fdl-cover-texts">Cover Texts	      the list of <link linkend="fdl-cover-texts">Cover Texts
      in the <link linkend="fdl-modified">Modified Version</l	      in the <link linkend="fdl-modified">Modified Version</l
      Only one passage of Front-Cover Text and one of Back-Co	      Only one passage of Front-Cover Text and one of Back-Co
      may be added by (or through arrangements made by) any o	      may be added by (or through arrangements made by) any o
      entity. If the <link linkend="fdl-document">Document</l	      entity. If the <link linkend="fdl-document">Document</l
      already includes a cover text for the same cover, previ	      already includes a cover text for the same cover, previ
      added by you or by arrangement made by the same entity 	      added by you or by arrangement made by the same entity 
      acting on behalf of, you may not add another; but you m	      acting on behalf of, you may not add another; but you m
      replace the old one, on explicit permission from the pr	      replace the old one, on explicit permission from the pr
      publisher that added the old one.				      publisher that added the old one.
    </para>							    </para>
    <para>							    <para>
      The author(s) and publisher(s) of the <link		      The author(s) and publisher(s) of the <link
      linkend="fdl-document">Document</link> do not by this L	      linkend="fdl-document">Document</link> do not by this L
      give permission to use their names for publicity for or	      give permission to use their names for publicity for or
      assert or imply endorsement of any <link			      assert or imply endorsement of any <link
      linkend="fdl-modified">Modified Version </link>.		      linkend="fdl-modified">Modified Version </link>.
    </para>							    </para>
  </sect1>							  </sect1>
  <sect1 id="fdl-section5">					  <sect1 id="fdl-section5">
    <title>5. COMBINING DOCUMENTS</title>			    <title>5. COMBINING DOCUMENTS</title>
    <para>							    <para>
      You may combine the <link linkend="fdl-document">Docume	      You may combine the <link linkend="fdl-document">Docume
      with other documents released under this License, under	      with other documents released under this License, under
      terms defined in <link linkend="fdl-section4">section 4	      terms defined in <link linkend="fdl-section4">section 4
      above for modified versions, provided that you include 	      above for modified versions, provided that you include 
      combination all of the <link linkend="fdl-invariant">In	      combination all of the <link linkend="fdl-invariant">In
      Sections</link> of all of the original documents, unmod	      Sections</link> of all of the original documents, unmod
      and list them all as Invariant Sections of your combine	      and list them all as Invariant Sections of your combine
      its license notice.					      its license notice.
    </para>							    </para>
    <para>							    <para>
      The combined work need only contain one copy of this Li	      The combined work need only contain one copy of this Li
      and multiple identical <link linkend="fdl-invariant">In	      and multiple identical <link linkend="fdl-invariant">In
      Sections</link> may be replaced with a single copy. If 	      Sections</link> may be replaced with a single copy. If 
      multiple Invariant Sections with the same name but diff	      multiple Invariant Sections with the same name but diff
      contents, make the title of each such section unique by	      contents, make the title of each such section unique by
      at the end of it, in parentheses, the name of the origi	      at the end of it, in parentheses, the name of the origi
      author or publisher of that section if known, or else a	      author or publisher of that section if known, or else a
      number. Make the same adjustment to the section titles 	      number. Make the same adjustment to the section titles 
      list of Invariant Sections in the license notice of the	      list of Invariant Sections in the license notice of the
      work.							      work.
    </para>							    </para>
    <para>							    <para>
      In the combination, you must combine any sections entit	      In the combination, you must combine any sections entit
      <quote>History</quote> in the various original document	      <quote>History</quote> in the various original document
      forming one section entitled <quote>History</quote>; li	      forming one section entitled <quote>History</quote>; li
      combine any sections entitled <quote>Acknowledgements</	      combine any sections entitled <quote>Acknowledgements</
      and any sections entitled <quote>Dedications</quote>.  	      and any sections entitled <quote>Dedications</quote>.  
      delete all sections entitled <quote>Endorsements.</quot	      delete all sections entitled <quote>Endorsements.</quot
    </para>							    </para>
    </sect1>							    </sect1>
  <sect1 id="fdl-section6">					  <sect1 id="fdl-section6">
    <title>6. COLLECTIONS OF DOCUMENTS</title>			    <title>6. COLLECTIONS OF DOCUMENTS</title>
    <para>							    <para>
      You may make a collection consisting of the <link		      You may make a collection consisting of the <link
      linkend="fdl-document">Document</link> and other docume	      linkend="fdl-document">Document</link> and other docume
      released under this License, and replace the individual	      released under this License, and replace the individual
      of this License in the various documents with a single 	      of this License in the various documents with a single 
      is included in the collection, provided that you follow	      is included in the collection, provided that you follow
      rules of this License for verbatim copying of each of t	      rules of this License for verbatim copying of each of t
      documents in all other respects.				      documents in all other respects.
    </para>							    </para>
    <para>							    <para>
      You may extract a single document from such a collectio	      You may extract a single document from such a collectio
      dispbibute it individually under this License, provided	      dispbibute it individually under this License, provided
      insert a copy of this License into the extracted docume	      insert a copy of this License into the extracted docume
      follow this License in all other respects regarding ver	      follow this License in all other respects regarding ver
      copying of that document.					      copying of that document.
    </para>							    </para>
    </sect1>							    </sect1>
  <sect1 id="fdl-section7">					  <sect1 id="fdl-section7">
    <para>							    <para>
      A compilation of the <link				      A compilation of the <link
      linkend="fdl-document">Document</link> or its derivativ	      linkend="fdl-document">Document</link> or its derivativ
      other separate and independent documents or works, in o	      other separate and independent documents or works, in o
      volume of a storage or distribution medium, does not as	      volume of a storage or distribution medium, does not as
      count as a <link linkend="fdl-modified">Modified Versio	      count as a <link linkend="fdl-modified">Modified Versio
      of the Document, provided no compilation copyright is c	      of the Document, provided no compilation copyright is c
      for the compilation.  Such a compilation is called an	      for the compilation.  Such a compilation is called an
      <quote>aggregate</quote>, and this License does not app	      <quote>aggregate</quote>, and this License does not app
      other self-contained works thus compiled with the Docum	      other self-contained works thus compiled with the Docum
      account of their being thus compiled, if they are not t	      account of their being thus compiled, if they are not t
      derivative works of the Document.  If the <link		      derivative works of the Document.  If the <link
      linkend="fdl-cover-texts">Cover Text</link> requirement	      linkend="fdl-cover-texts">Cover Text</link> requirement
      linkend="fdl-section3">section 3</link> is applicable t	      linkend="fdl-section3">section 3</link> is applicable t
      copies of the Document, then if the Document is less th	      copies of the Document, then if the Document is less th
      quarter of the entire aggregate, the Document's Cover T	      quarter of the entire aggregate, the Document's Cover T
      be placed on covers that surround only the Document wit	      be placed on covers that surround only the Document wit
      aggregate. Otherwise they must appear on covers around 	      aggregate. Otherwise they must appear on covers around 
      aggregate.						      aggregate.
    </para>							    </para>
    </sect1>							    </sect1>
  <sect1 id="fdl-section8">					  <sect1 id="fdl-section8">
    <title>8. TRANSLATION</title>				    <title>8. TRANSLATION</title>
    <para>							    <para>
      Translation is considered a kind of modification, so yo	      Translation is considered a kind of modification, so yo
      distribute translations of the <link			      distribute translations of the <link
      linkend="fdl-document">Document</link> under the terms 	      linkend="fdl-document">Document</link> under the terms 
      linkend="fdl-section4">section 4</link>. Replacing <lin	      linkend="fdl-section4">section 4</link>. Replacing <lin
      linkend="fdl-invariant"> Invariant Sections</link> with	      linkend="fdl-invariant"> Invariant Sections</link> with
      translations requires special permission from their cop	      translations requires special permission from their cop
      holders, but you may include translations of some or al	      holders, but you may include translations of some or al
      Invariant Sections in addition to the original versions	      Invariant Sections in addition to the original versions
      Invariant Sections. You may include a translation of th	      Invariant Sections. You may include a translation of th
      License provided that you also include the original Eng	      License provided that you also include the original Eng
      version of this License. In case of a disagreement betw	      version of this License. In case of a disagreement betw
      translation and the original English version of this Li	      translation and the original English version of this Li
      the original English version will prevail.		      the original English version will prevail.
    </para>							    </para>
    </sect1>							    </sect1>
  <sect1 id="fdl-section9">					  <sect1 id="fdl-section9">
    <title>9. TERMINATION</title>				    <title>9. TERMINATION</title>
    <para>							    <para>
      You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the	      You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the
      linkend="fdl-document">Document</link> except as expres	      linkend="fdl-document">Document</link> except as expres
      provided for under this License. Any other attempt to c	      provided for under this License. Any other attempt to c
      modify, sublicense or distribute the Document is void, 	      modify, sublicense or distribute the Document is void, 
      automatically terminate your rights under this License.	      automatically terminate your rights under this License.
      parties who have received copies, or rights, from you u	      parties who have received copies, or rights, from you u
      License will not have their licenses terminated so long	      License will not have their licenses terminated so long
      parties remain in full compliance.			      parties remain in full compliance.
    </para>							    </para>
    </sect1>							    </sect1>
  <sect1 id="fdl-section10">					  <sect1 id="fdl-section10">
    <title>10. FUTURE REVISIONS OF THIS LICENSE</title>		    <title>10. FUTURE REVISIONS OF THIS LICENSE</title>
    <para>							    <para>
      The <ulink type="http"					      The <ulink type="http"
      url="http://www.gnu.org/fsf/fsf.html";>Free Software	      url="http://www.gnu.org/fsf/fsf.html";>Free Software
      Foundation</ulink> may publish new, revised versions of	      Foundation</ulink> may publish new, revised versions of
      Free Documentation License from time to time. Such new 	      Free Documentation License from time to time. Such new 
      will be similar in spirit to the present version, but m	      will be similar in spirit to the present version, but m
      in detail to address new problems or concerns. See <uli	      in detail to address new problems or concerns. See <uli
      type="http"						      type="http"
      url="http://www.gnu.org/copyleft";>http://www.gnu.org/co	      url="http://www.gnu.org/copyleft";>http://www.gnu.org/co
    </para>							    </para>
    <para>							    <para>
      Each version of the License is given a distinguishing v	      Each version of the License is given a distinguishing v
      number. If the <link linkend="fdl-document">Document</l	      number. If the <link linkend="fdl-document">Document</l
      specifies that a particular numbered version of this Li	      specifies that a particular numbered version of this Li
      <quote>or any later version</quote> applies to it, you 	      <quote>or any later version</quote> applies to it, you 
      option of following the terms and conditions either of 	      option of following the terms and conditions either of 
      specified version or of any later version that has been	      specified version or of any later version that has been
      published (not as a draft) by the Free Software Foundat	      published (not as a draft) by the Free Software Foundat
      the Document does not specify a version number of this 	      the Document does not specify a version number of this 
      you may choose any version ever published (not as a dra	      you may choose any version ever published (not as a dra
      the Free Software Foundation.				      the Free Software Foundation.
    </para>							    </para>
  </sect1>							  </sect1>

  <sect1 id="fdl-using">					  <sect1 id="fdl-using">
    <title>Addendum</title>					    <title>Addendum</title>
    <para>							    <para>
      To use this License in a document you have written, inc	      To use this License in a document you have written, inc
      the License in the document and put the following copyr	      the License in the document and put the following copyr
      license notices just after the title page:		      license notices just after the title page:
    </para>							    </para>
    <blockquote>						    <blockquote>
      <para>							      <para>
	Copyright &copy; YEAR YOUR NAME.				Copyright &copy; YEAR YOUR NAME.
      </para>							      </para>
      <para>							      <para>
	Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modi		Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modi
	document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentatio		document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentatio
	License, Version 1.1 or any later version published b		License, Version 1.1 or any later version published b
	Free Software Foundation; with the <link			Free Software Foundation; with the <link
	linkend="fdl-invariant">Invariant Sections</link> bei		linkend="fdl-invariant">Invariant Sections</link> bei
	THEIR TITLES, with the <link					THEIR TITLES, with the <link
	linkend="fdl-cover-texts">Front-Cover Texts</link> be		linkend="fdl-cover-texts">Front-Cover Texts</link> be
	and with the <link linkend="fdl-cover-texts">Back-Cov		and with the <link linkend="fdl-cover-texts">Back-Cov
	Texts</link> being LIST.  A copy of the license is in		Texts</link> being LIST.  A copy of the license is in
	the section entitled <quote>GNU Free Documentation		the section entitled <quote>GNU Free Documentation
	License</quote>.						License</quote>.
      </para>							      </para>
    </blockquote>						    </blockquote>
    <para>							    <para>
      If you have no <link linkend="fdl-invariant">Invariant	      If you have no <link linkend="fdl-invariant">Invariant
      Sections</link>, write <quote>with no Invariant Section	      Sections</link>, write <quote>with no Invariant Section
      instead of saying which ones are invariant.  If you hav	      instead of saying which ones are invariant.  If you hav
      <link linkend="fdl-cover-texts">Front-Cover Texts</link	      <link linkend="fdl-cover-texts">Front-Cover Texts</link
      <quote>no Front-Cover Texts</quote> instead of		      <quote>no Front-Cover Texts</quote> instead of
      <quote>Front-Cover Texts being LIST</quote>; likewise f	      <quote>Front-Cover Texts being LIST</quote>; likewise f
      linkend="fdl-cover-texts">Back-Cover Texts</link>.	      linkend="fdl-cover-texts">Back-Cover Texts</link>.
    </para>							    </para>
    <para>							    <para>
      If your document contains nontrivial examples of progra	      If your document contains nontrivial examples of progra
      we recommend releasing these examples in parallel under	      we recommend releasing these examples in parallel under
      choice of free software license, such as the <ulink typ	      choice of free software license, such as the <ulink typ
      url="http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html";> GNU General	      url="http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html";> GNU General
      License</ulink>, to permit their use in free software.	      License</ulink>, to permit their use in free software.
    </para>							    </para>
  </sect1>							  </sect1>
</appendix>  							</appendix>  

Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C: html
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C: libgnomedb-decl-list.txt
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C: libgnomedb-decl.txt
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/libgnomedb-docs.sgml ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc/C/libgnomedb-docs.sgml
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<!ENTITY libgnomedb-browser SYSTEM "xml/gnome-db-browser.xml"	<!ENTITY libgnomedb-browser SYSTEM "xml/gnome-db-browser.xml"
<!ENTITY libgnomedb-combo SYSTEM "xml/gnome-db-combo.xml">	<!ENTITY libgnomedb-combo SYSTEM "xml/gnome-db-combo.xml">
<!ENTITY libgnomedb-config SYSTEM "xml/gnome-db-config.xml">	<!ENTITY libgnomedb-config SYSTEM "xml/gnome-db-config.xml">
<!ENTITY libgnomedb-connection-properties SYSTEM "xml/gnome-d	<!ENTITY libgnomedb-connection-properties SYSTEM "xml/gnome-d
<!ENTITY libgnomedb-connection-selector SYSTEM "xml/gnome-db-	<!ENTITY libgnomedb-connection-selector SYSTEM "xml/gnome-db-
<!ENTITY libgnomedb-control-widget SYSTEM "xml/gnome-db-contr	<!ENTITY libgnomedb-control-widget SYSTEM "xml/gnome-db-contr
<!ENTITY libgnomedb-control SYSTEM "xml/gnome-db-control.xml"	<!ENTITY libgnomedb-control SYSTEM "xml/gnome-db-control.xml"
<!ENTITY libgnomedb-data-source-selector SYSTEM "xml/gnome-db	<!ENTITY libgnomedb-data-source-selector SYSTEM "xml/gnome-db
<!ENTITY libgnomedb-dsn-config-druid SYSTEM "xml/gnome-db-dsn	<!ENTITY libgnomedb-dsn-config-druid SYSTEM "xml/gnome-db-dsn
<!ENTITY libgnomedb-dsn-config SYSTEM "xml/gnome-db-dsn-confi	<!ENTITY libgnomedb-dsn-config SYSTEM "xml/gnome-db-dsn-confi
<!ENTITY libgnomedb-editor SYSTEM "xml/gnome-db-editor.xml">	<!ENTITY libgnomedb-editor SYSTEM "xml/gnome-db-editor.xml">
<!ENTITY libgnomedb-error-dialog SYSTEM "xml/gnome-db-error-d	<!ENTITY libgnomedb-error-dialog SYSTEM "xml/gnome-db-error-d
<!ENTITY libgnomedb-error SYSTEM "xml/gnome-db-error.xml">	<!ENTITY libgnomedb-error SYSTEM "xml/gnome-db-error.xml">
<!ENTITY libgnomedb-form SYSTEM "xml/gnome-db-form.xml">	<!ENTITY libgnomedb-form SYSTEM "xml/gnome-db-form.xml">
<!ENTITY libgnomedb-find-dialog SYSTEM "xml/gnome-db-find-dia	<!ENTITY libgnomedb-find-dialog SYSTEM "xml/gnome-db-find-dia
<!ENTITY libgnomedb-gray-bar SYSTEM "xml/gnome-db-gray-bar.xm	<!ENTITY libgnomedb-gray-bar SYSTEM "xml/gnome-db-gray-bar.xm
<!ENTITY libgnomedb-grid SYSTEM "xml/gnome-db-grid.xml">	<!ENTITY libgnomedb-grid SYSTEM "xml/gnome-db-grid.xml">
<!ENTITY libgnomedb-icon-list SYSTEM "xml/gnome-db-icon-list.	<!ENTITY libgnomedb-icon-list SYSTEM "xml/gnome-db-icon-list.
<!ENTITY libgnomedb-list SYSTEM "xml/gnome-db-list.xml">	<!ENTITY libgnomedb-list SYSTEM "xml/gnome-db-list.xml">
<!ENTITY libgnomedb-login-dialog SYSTEM "xml/gnome-db-login-d	<!ENTITY libgnomedb-login-dialog SYSTEM "xml/gnome-db-login-d
<!ENTITY libgnomedb-login SYSTEM "xml/gnome-db-login.xml">	<!ENTITY libgnomedb-login SYSTEM "xml/gnome-db-login.xml">
<!ENTITY libgnomedb-model SYSTEM "xml/gnome-db-model.xml">	<!ENTITY libgnomedb-model SYSTEM "xml/gnome-db-model.xml">
<!ENTITY libgnomedb-provider-selector SYSTEM "xml/gnome-db-pr	<!ENTITY libgnomedb-provider-selector SYSTEM "xml/gnome-db-pr
<!ENTITY libgnomedb-query-builder SYSTEM "xml/gnome-db-query-	<!ENTITY libgnomedb-query-builder SYSTEM "xml/gnome-db-query-
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<!ENTITY libgnomedb-stock SYSTEM "xml/gnome-db-stock.xml">	<!ENTITY libgnomedb-stock SYSTEM "xml/gnome-db-stock.xml">
<!ENTITY libgnomedb-table-editor SYSTEM "xml/gnome-db-table-e	<!ENTITY libgnomedb-table-editor SYSTEM "xml/gnome-db-table-e
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<!ENTITY libgnomedb-window SYSTEM "xml/gnome-db-window.xml">	<!ENTITY libgnomedb-window SYSTEM "xml/gnome-db-window.xml">
<!ENTITY LIBGDA "<application>libgda</application>">		<!ENTITY LIBGDA "<application>libgda</application>">
<!ENTITY LIBGNOMEDB "<application>libgnomedb</application>">	<!ENTITY LIBGNOMEDB "<application>libgnomedb</application>">
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]>								]>
<book id="index">						<book id="index">
  <bookinfo>							  <bookinfo>
    <title>libgnomedb Reference Manual</title>			    <title>libgnomedb Reference Manual</title>
    <authorgroup>						    <authorgroup>
      <author>							      <author>
        <firstname>Rodrigo</firstname>				        <firstname>Rodrigo</firstname>
        <surname>Moya</surname>					        <surname>Moya</surname>
        <affiliation>						        <affiliation>
          <address><email>rodrigo gnome-db org</email></addre	          <address><email>rodrigo gnome-db org</email></addre
        </affiliation>						        </affiliation>
      </author>							      </author>
    </authorgroup>						    </authorgroup>
    <date>2001 December</date>					    <date>2001 December</date>
    <copyright>							    <copyright>
      <year>2001-2002</year>					      <year>2001-2002</year>
      <holder>The GNOME Foundation</holder>			      <holder>The GNOME Foundation</holder>
    </copyright>						    </copyright>
    <abstract>							    <abstract>
      <para>							      <para>
	&LIBGNOMEDB; is a data-bound UI library, based on &LI		&LIBGNOMEDB; is a data-bound UI library, based on &LI
      </para>							      </para>
    </abstract>							    </abstract>
    <legalnotice id="legalnotice">				    <legalnotice id="legalnotice">
      <para>							      <para>
        Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modi	        Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modi
        under the terms of the <link linkend="fdl"><citetitle	        under the terms of the <link linkend="fdl"><citetitle
        Free Documentation License</citetitle></link>, Versio	        Free Documentation License</citetitle></link>, Versio
        version published by the Free Software Foundation wit	        version published by the Free Software Foundation wit
        Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Tex	        Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Tex
        license can be found in <xref linkend="fdl">Appendix 	        license can be found in <xref linkend="fdl">Appendix 
      </para>							      </para>
      <para>							      <para>
        Many of the names used by companies to distinguish th	        Many of the names used by companies to distinguish th
        services are claimed as trademarks. Where those names	        services are claimed as trademarks. Where those names
        GNOME documentation, and those trademarks are made aw	        GNOME documentation, and those trademarks are made aw
        of the GNOME Documentation Project, the names have be	        of the GNOME Documentation Project, the names have be
        or initial caps.					        or initial caps.
      </para>							      </para>
    </legalnotice>						    </legalnotice>
  </bookinfo>							  </bookinfo>

  <chapter id="libgnomedb-introduction">			  <chapter id="libgnomedb-introduction">
    <title>Introduction</title>					    <title>Introduction</title>
    <para>							    <para>
      While &LIBGDA; provides the low level data access bits 	      While &LIBGDA; provides the low level data access bits 
      &LIBGNOMEDB; provides a rich set of UI features targete	      &LIBGNOMEDB; provides a rich set of UI features targete
      development of data access applications.			      development of data access applications.
    </para>							    </para>
    <para>							    <para>
      Using &LIBGNOMEDB; your GTK/GNOME application data acce	      Using &LIBGNOMEDB; your GTK/GNOME application data acce
      be covered. You'll have available, nicely integrated wi	      be covered. You'll have available, nicely integrated wi
      the GNOME libraries, a whole set of data-bound widgets.	      the GNOME libraries, a whole set of data-bound widgets.
    </para>							    </para>
  </chapter>							  </chapter>
  <chapter id="libgnomedb-basic">				  <chapter id="libgnomedb-basic">
    <title>Basic features</title>				    <title>Basic features</title>
    <para>							    <para>
      This section describes the low level and basic features	      This section describes the low level and basic features
      by libgnomedb. Most of this stuff is not directly relat	      by libgnomedb. Most of this stuff is not directly relat
      database access widgets, but you may find interesting t	      database access widgets, but you may find interesting t
      of this in your applications.				      of this in your applications.
    </para>							    </para>
    &libgnomedb-init;						    &libgnomedb-init;
    &libgnomedb-config;						    &libgnomedb-config;
    &libgnomedb-util;						    &libgnomedb-util;
    &libgnomedb-gray-bar;					    &libgnomedb-gray-bar;
    &libgnomedb-model;						    &libgnomedb-model;
  </chapter>							  </chapter>
  <chapter id="libgnomedb-widgets">				  <chapter id="libgnomedb-widgets">
    <title>Data bound widgets</title>				    <title>Data bound widgets</title>
    <para>							    <para>
      The main feature provided by libgnomedb is a rich set o	      The main feature provided by libgnomedb is a rich set o
      widgets, ranging from the simplest ones, such as entry 	      widgets, ranging from the simplest ones, such as entry 
      labels, to the most full-featured ones you can imagine.	      labels, to the most full-featured ones you can imagine.
    </para>							    </para>
    &libgnomedb-browser;					    &libgnomedb-browser;
    &libgnomedb-combo;						    &libgnomedb-combo;
    &libgnomedb-connection-properties;				    &libgnomedb-connection-properties;
    &libgnomedb-connection-selector;				    &libgnomedb-connection-selector;
    &libgnomedb-data-source-selector;				    &libgnomedb-data-source-selector;
    &libgnomedb-dsn-config-druid;				    &libgnomedb-dsn-config-druid;
    &libgnomedb-dsn-config;					    &libgnomedb-dsn-config;
    &libgnomedb-editor;						    &libgnomedb-editor;
    &libgnomedb-error-dialog;					    &libgnomedb-error-dialog;
    &libgnomedb-error;						    &libgnomedb-error;
    &libgnomedb-form;						    &libgnomedb-form;
    &libgnomedb-find-dialog;					    &libgnomedb-find-dialog;
    &libgnomedb-grid;						    &libgnomedb-grid;
    &libgnomedb-icon-list;					    &libgnomedb-icon-list;
    &libgnomedb-list;						    &libgnomedb-list;
    &libgnomedb-login-dialog;					    &libgnomedb-login-dialog;
    &libgnomedb-login;						    &libgnomedb-login;
    &libgnomedb-provider-selector;				    &libgnomedb-provider-selector;
    &libgnomedb-query-builder;					    &libgnomedb-query-builder;
    &libgnomedb-table-editor;					    &libgnomedb-table-editor;
    &libgnomedb-report-editor;					    &libgnomedb-report-editor;
  </chapter>							  </chapter>
  <chapter id="libgnomedb-bonobo">				  <chapter id="libgnomedb-bonobo">
    <title>Bonobo utilities</title>				    <title>Bonobo utilities</title>
    <para>							    <para>
      As the integration of libgnomedb with Bonobo, the GNOME	      As the integration of libgnomedb with Bonobo, the GNOME
      is as big as you can imagine, libgnomedb provides itsel	      is as big as you can imagine, libgnomedb provides itsel
      useful features that make component programming even ea	      useful features that make component programming even ea
      is with plain Bonobo API. The following stuff is used i	      is with plain Bonobo API. The following stuff is used i
      libgnomedb, but is also made available for you to use i	      libgnomedb, but is also made available for you to use i
      feel like.						      feel like.
    </para>							    </para>
    &libgnomedb-control-widget;					    &libgnomedb-control-widget;
    &libgnomedb-control;					    &libgnomedb-control;
    &libgnomedb-stock;						    &libgnomedb-stock;
    &libgnomedb-window;						    &libgnomedb-window;
  </chapter>							  </chapter>
  &fdl-appendix;						  &fdl-appendix;
</book>								</book>
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/libgnomedb-sections.txt ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc/C/libgnomedb-sections.txt
<FILE>gnome-db-browser</FILE>					<FILE>gnome-db-browser</FILE>
GnomeDbBrowserPrivate						GnomeDbBrowserPrivate
<TITLE>GnomeDbBrowser</TITLE>					<TITLE>GnomeDbBrowser</TITLE>
gnome_db_browser_new						gnome_db_browser_new
gnome_db_browser_get_connection					gnome_db_browser_get_connection
gnome_db_browser_set_connection					gnome_db_browser_set_connection
gnome_db_browser_refresh					gnome_db_browser_refresh
<SUBSECTION Standard>						<SUBSECTION Standard>
gnome_db_browser_get_type					gnome_db_browser_get_type

<FILE>gnome-db-combo</FILE>					<FILE>gnome-db-combo</FILE>
GnomeDbComboPrivate						GnomeDbComboPrivate
<TITLE>GnomeDbCombo</TITLE>					<TITLE>GnomeDbCombo</TITLE>
gnome_db_combo_new						gnome_db_combo_new
gnome_db_combo_new_with_model					gnome_db_combo_new_with_model
gnome_db_combo_set_model					gnome_db_combo_set_model
gnome_db_combo_get_model					gnome_db_combo_get_model
gnome_db_combo_get_column					gnome_db_combo_get_column
<SUBSECTION Standard>						<SUBSECTION Standard>
gnome_db_combo_get_type						gnome_db_combo_get_type

<FILE>gnome-db-connection-properties</FILE>			<FILE>gnome-db-connection-properties</FILE>
GnomeDbConnectionPropertiesPrivate				GnomeDbConnectionPropertiesPrivate
<TITLE>GnomeDbConnectionProperties</TITLE>			<TITLE>GnomeDbConnectionProperties</TITLE>
gnome_db_connection_properties_new				gnome_db_connection_properties_new
gnome_db_connection_properties_get_connection			gnome_db_connection_properties_get_connection
gnome_db_connection_properties_set_connection			gnome_db_connection_properties_set_connection
<SUBSECTION Standard>						<SUBSECTION Standard>
gnome_db_connection_properties_get_type				gnome_db_connection_properties_get_type

<FILE>gnome-db-connection-selector</FILE>			<FILE>gnome-db-connection-selector</FILE>
GnomeDbConnectionSelectorPrivate				GnomeDbConnectionSelectorPrivate
<TITLE>GnomeDbConnectionSelector</TITLE>			<TITLE>GnomeDbConnectionSelector</TITLE>
gnome_db_connection_selector_new				gnome_db_connection_selector_new
<SUBSECTION Standard>						<SUBSECTION Standard>
gnome_db_connection_selector_get_type				gnome_db_connection_selector_get_type

<FILE>gnome-db-control-widget</FILE>				<FILE>gnome-db-control-widget</FILE>
GnomeDbControlWidgetPrivate					GnomeDbControlWidgetPrivate
<TITLE>GnomeDbControlWidget</TITLE>				<TITLE>GnomeDbControlWidget</TITLE>
gnome_db_control_widget_construct				gnome_db_control_widget_construct
gnome_db_control_widget_new					gnome_db_control_widget_new
gnome_db_control_widget_new_from_corba				gnome_db_control_widget_new_from_corba
gnome_db_control_widget_is_alive				gnome_db_control_widget_is_alive
gnome_db_control_widget_activate				gnome_db_control_widget_activate
gnome_db_control_widget_deactivate				gnome_db_control_widget_deactivate
gnome_db_control_widget_get_id					gnome_db_control_widget_get_id
gnome_db_control_widget_get_objref				gnome_db_control_widget_get_objref
gnome_db_control_widget_get_ui_container			gnome_db_control_widget_get_ui_container
<SUBSECTION Standard>						<SUBSECTION Standard>
gnome_db_control_widget_get_type				gnome_db_control_widget_get_type

<FILE>gnome-db-control</FILE>					<FILE>gnome-db-control</FILE>
GnomeDbControlPrivate						GnomeDbControlPrivate
<TITLE>GnomeDbControl</TITLE>					<TITLE>GnomeDbControl</TITLE>
gnome_db_control_construct					gnome_db_control_construct
gnome_db_control_new						gnome_db_control_new
gnome_db_control_set_ui						gnome_db_control_set_ui
gnome_db_control_activate					gnome_db_control_activate
gnome_db_control_deactivate					gnome_db_control_deactivate
gnome_db_control_set_status					gnome_db_control_set_status
<SUBSECTION Standard>						<SUBSECTION Standard>
gnome_db_control_get_type					gnome_db_control_get_type

<FILE>gnome-db-data-source-selector</FILE>			<FILE>gnome-db-data-source-selector</FILE>
GnomeDbDataSourceSelectorPrivate				GnomeDbDataSourceSelectorPrivate
<TITLE>GnomeDbDataSourceSelector</TITLE>			<TITLE>GnomeDbDataSourceSelector</TITLE>
gnome_db_data_source_selector_new				gnome_db_data_source_selector_new
<SUBSECTION Standard>						<SUBSECTION Standard>
gnome_db_data_source_selector_get_type				gnome_db_data_source_selector_get_type

<FILE>gnome-db-dsn-config-druid</FILE>				<FILE>gnome-db-dsn-config-druid</FILE>
GnomeDbDsnConfigDruidPrivate					GnomeDbDsnConfigDruidPrivate
<TITLE>GnomeDbDsnConfigDruid</TITLE>				<TITLE>GnomeDbDsnConfigDruid</TITLE>
gnome_db_dsn_config_druid_new					gnome_db_dsn_config_druid_new
gnome_db_dsn_config_druid_get_dsn				gnome_db_dsn_config_druid_get_dsn
<SUBSECTION Standard>						<SUBSECTION Standard>
gnome_db_dsn_config_druid_get_type				gnome_db_dsn_config_druid_get_type

<FILE>gnome-db-dsn-config</FILE>				<FILE>gnome-db-dsn-config</FILE>
GnomeDbDsnConfigPrivate						GnomeDbDsnConfigPrivate
<TITLE>GnomeDbDsnConfig</TITLE>					<TITLE>GnomeDbDsnConfig</TITLE>
gnome_db_dsn_config_new						gnome_db_dsn_config_new
gnome_db_dsn_config_get_info					gnome_db_dsn_config_get_info
gnome_db_dsn_config_set_info					gnome_db_dsn_config_set_info
<SUBSECTION Standard>						<SUBSECTION Standard>
gnome_db_dsn_config_get_type					gnome_db_dsn_config_get_type

<FILE>gnome-db-editor</FILE>					<FILE>gnome-db-editor</FILE>
GnomeDbEditorPrivate						GnomeDbEditorPrivate
<TITLE>GnomeDbEditor</TITLE>					<TITLE>GnomeDbEditor</TITLE>
gnome_db_editor_new						gnome_db_editor_new
gnome_db_editor_get_editable					gnome_db_editor_get_editable
gnome_db_editor_set_editable					gnome_db_editor_set_editable
gnome_db_editor_get_highlight					gnome_db_editor_get_highlight
gnome_db_editor_set_highlight					gnome_db_editor_set_highlight
gnome_db_editor_set_text					gnome_db_editor_set_text
gnome_db_editor_get_all_text					gnome_db_editor_get_all_text
gnome_db_editor_load_from_file					gnome_db_editor_load_from_file
gnome_db_editor_save_to_file					gnome_db_editor_save_to_file
gnome_db_editor_copy_clipboard					gnome_db_editor_copy_clipboard
gnome_db_editor_cut_clipboard					gnome_db_editor_cut_clipboard
gnome_db_editor_paste_clipboard					gnome_db_editor_paste_clipboard
<SUBSECTION Standard>						<SUBSECTION Standard>
gnome_db_editor_get_type					gnome_db_editor_get_type

<FILE>gnome-db-error-dialog</FILE>				<FILE>gnome-db-error-dialog</FILE>
GnomeDbErrorDialogPrivate					GnomeDbErrorDialogPrivate
<TITLE>GnomeDbErrorDialog</TITLE>				<TITLE>GnomeDbErrorDialog</TITLE>
gnome_db_error_dialog_new					gnome_db_error_dialog_new
gnome_db_error_dialog_show_errors				gnome_db_error_dialog_show_errors
gnome_db_error_dialog_get_title					gnome_db_error_dialog_get_title
gnome_db_error_dialog_set_title					gnome_db_error_dialog_set_title
<SUBSECTION Standard>						<SUBSECTION Standard>
gnome_db_error_dialog_get_type					gnome_db_error_dialog_get_type

<FILE>gnome-db-error</FILE>					<FILE>gnome-db-error</FILE>
GnomeDbErrorPrivate						GnomeDbErrorPrivate
<TITLE>GnomeDbError</TITLE>					<TITLE>GnomeDbError</TITLE>
gnome_db_error_new						gnome_db_error_new
gnome_db_error_clear						gnome_db_error_clear
gnome_db_error_show						gnome_db_error_show
gnome_db_error_prev						gnome_db_error_prev
gnome_db_error_next						gnome_db_error_next
gnome_db_error_get_position					gnome_db_error_get_position
<SUBSECTION Standard>						<SUBSECTION Standard>
gnome_db_error_get_type						gnome_db_error_get_type

<FILE>gnome-db-form</FILE>					<FILE>gnome-db-form</FILE>
GnomeDbFormPrivate						GnomeDbFormPrivate
<TITLE>GnomeDbForm</TITLE>					<TITLE>GnomeDbForm</TITLE>
GnomeDbFormType							GnomeDbFormType
gnome_db_form_new						gnome_db_form_new
gnome_db_form_get_form_type					gnome_db_form_get_form_type
gnome_db_form_set_form_type					gnome_db_form_set_form_type
gnome_db_form_get_model						gnome_db_form_get_model
gnome_db_form_set_model						gnome_db_form_set_model
gnome_db_form_get_current_row					gnome_db_form_get_current_row
gnome_db_form_set_current_row					gnome_db_form_set_current_row
<SUBSECTION Standard>						<SUBSECTION Standard>
gnome_db_form_get_type						gnome_db_form_get_type

<FILE>gnome-db-gray-bar</FILE>					<FILE>gnome-db-gray-bar</FILE>
GnomeDbGrayBarPrivate						GnomeDbGrayBarPrivate
<TITLE>GnomeDbGrayBar</TITLE>					<TITLE>GnomeDbGrayBar</TITLE>
gnome_db_gray_bar_new						gnome_db_gray_bar_new
gnome_db_gray_bar_get_text					gnome_db_gray_bar_get_text
gnome_db_gray_bar_set_text					gnome_db_gray_bar_set_text
gnome_db_gray_bar_set_icon_from_file				gnome_db_gray_bar_set_icon_from_file
gnome_db_gray_bar_set_icon_from_stock				gnome_db_gray_bar_set_icon_from_stock
gnome_db_gray_bar_set_show_icon					gnome_db_gray_bar_set_show_icon
gnome_db_gray_bar_get_show_icon					gnome_db_gray_bar_get_show_icon
<SUBSECTION Standard>						<SUBSECTION Standard>
gnome_db_gray_bar_get_type					gnome_db_gray_bar_get_type

<FILE>gnome-db-grid</FILE>					<FILE>gnome-db-grid</FILE>
GnomeDbGridPrivate						GnomeDbGridPrivate
GnomeDbGridForeachFunc						GnomeDbGridForeachFunc
<TITLE>GnomeDbGrid</TITLE>					<TITLE>GnomeDbGrid</TITLE>
gnome_db_grid_new						gnome_db_grid_new
gnome_db_grid_new_with_model					gnome_db_grid_new_with_model
gnome_db_grid_get_title						gnome_db_grid_get_title
gnome_db_grid_set_title						gnome_db_grid_set_title
gnome_db_grid_set_column_title					gnome_db_grid_set_column_title
gnome_db_grid_get_column_title					gnome_db_grid_get_column_title
gnome_db_grid_get_show_title					gnome_db_grid_get_show_title
gnome_db_grid_set_show_title					gnome_db_grid_set_show_title
gnome_db_grid_set_title_icon_from_file				gnome_db_grid_set_title_icon_from_file
gnome_db_grid_set_title_icon_from_stock				gnome_db_grid_set_title_icon_from_stock
gnome_db_grid_set_show_title_icon				gnome_db_grid_set_show_title_icon
gnome_db_grid_get_show_title_icon				gnome_db_grid_get_show_title_icon
gnome_db_grid_get_model						gnome_db_grid_get_model
gnome_db_grid_set_model						gnome_db_grid_set_model
gnome_db_grid_get_selection					gnome_db_grid_get_selection
gnome_db_grid_foreach_selected					gnome_db_grid_foreach_selected
gnome_db_grid_select_row					gnome_db_grid_select_row
gnome_db_grid_select_all					gnome_db_grid_select_all
gnome_db_grid_unselect_all					gnome_db_grid_unselect_all
gnome_db_grid_get_selection_mode				gnome_db_grid_get_selection_mode
gnome_db_grid_set_selection_mode				gnome_db_grid_set_selection_mode
gnome_db_grid_set_column_titles_visible				gnome_db_grid_set_column_titles_visible
gnome_db_grid_get_column_titles_visible				gnome_db_grid_get_column_titles_visible
gnome_db_grid_show_column_titles				gnome_db_grid_show_column_titles
gnome_db_grid_hide_column_titles				gnome_db_grid_hide_column_titles
gnome_db_grid_set_column_visible				gnome_db_grid_set_column_visible
gnome_db_grid_get_column_visible				gnome_db_grid_get_column_visible
gnome_db_grid_get_row_data					gnome_db_grid_get_row_data
gnome_db_grid_set_row_data					gnome_db_grid_set_row_data
gnome_db_grid_find_row_from_data				gnome_db_grid_find_row_from_data
<SUBSECTION Standard>						<SUBSECTION Standard>
gnome_db_grid_get_type						gnome_db_grid_get_type

<FILE>gnome-db-icon-list</FILE>					<FILE>gnome-db-icon-list</FILE>
GnomeDbIconListPrivate						GnomeDbIconListPrivate
<TITLE>GnomeDbIconList</TITLE>					<TITLE>GnomeDbIconList</TITLE>
gnome_db_icon_list_new						gnome_db_icon_list_new
gnome_db_icon_list_set_model					gnome_db_icon_list_set_model
<SUBSECTION Standard>						<SUBSECTION Standard>
gnome_db_icon_list_get_type					gnome_db_icon_list_get_type

<FILE>gnome-db-list</FILE>					<FILE>gnome-db-list</FILE>
GnomeDbListPrivate						GnomeDbListPrivate
<TITLE>GnomeDbList</TITLE>					<TITLE>GnomeDbList</TITLE>
gnome_db_list_new						gnome_db_list_new
gnome_db_list_new_with_model					gnome_db_list_new_with_model
gnome_db_list_get_model						gnome_db_list_get_model
gnome_db_list_set_model						gnome_db_list_set_model
gnome_db_list_get_selection					gnome_db_list_get_selection
<SUBSECTION Standard>						<SUBSECTION Standard>
gnome_db_list_get_type						gnome_db_list_get_type

<FILE>gnome-db-login-dialog</FILE>				<FILE>gnome-db-login-dialog</FILE>
GnomeDbLoginDialogPrivate					GnomeDbLoginDialogPrivate
<TITLE>GnomeDbLoginDialog</TITLE>				<TITLE>GnomeDbLoginDialog</TITLE>
gnome_db_login_dialog_new					gnome_db_login_dialog_new
gnome_db_login_dialog_run					gnome_db_login_dialog_run
gnome_db_login_dialog_get_dsn					gnome_db_login_dialog_get_dsn
gnome_db_login_dialog_get_username				gnome_db_login_dialog_get_username
gnome_db_login_dialog_get_password				gnome_db_login_dialog_get_password
gnome_db_login_dialog_get_login_widget				gnome_db_login_dialog_get_login_widget
<SUBSECTION Standard>						<SUBSECTION Standard>
gnome_db_login_dialog_get_type					gnome_db_login_dialog_get_type

<FILE>gnome-db-login</FILE>					<FILE>gnome-db-login</FILE>
GnomeDbLoginPrivate						GnomeDbLoginPrivate
<TITLE>GnomeDbLogin</TITLE>					<TITLE>GnomeDbLogin</TITLE>
gnome_db_login_new						gnome_db_login_new
gnome_db_login_get_dsn						gnome_db_login_get_dsn
gnome_db_login_set_dsn						gnome_db_login_set_dsn
gnome_db_login_get_username					gnome_db_login_get_username
gnome_db_login_set_username					gnome_db_login_set_username
gnome_db_login_get_password					gnome_db_login_get_password
gnome_db_login_set_password					gnome_db_login_set_password
gnome_db_login_set_enable_create_button				gnome_db_login_set_enable_create_button
<SUBSECTION Standard>						<SUBSECTION Standard>
gnome_db_login_get_type						gnome_db_login_get_type

<FILE>gnome-db-provider-selector</FILE>				<FILE>gnome-db-provider-selector</FILE>
GnomeDbProviderSelectorPrivate					GnomeDbProviderSelectorPrivate
<TITLE>GnomeDbProviderSelector</TITLE>				<TITLE>GnomeDbProviderSelector</TITLE>
gnome_db_provider_selector_new					gnome_db_provider_selector_new
<SUBSECTION Standard>						<SUBSECTION Standard>
gnome_db_provider_selector_get_type				gnome_db_provider_selector_get_type

<FILE>gnome-db-query-builder</FILE>				<FILE>gnome-db-query-builder</FILE>
GnomeDbQueryBuilderPrivate					GnomeDbQueryBuilderPrivate
<TITLE>GnomeDbQueryBuilder</TITLE>				<TITLE>GnomeDbQueryBuilder</TITLE>
gnome_db_query_builder_new					gnome_db_query_builder_new
gnome_db_query_builder_get_connection				gnome_db_query_builder_get_connection
gnome_db_query_builder_set_connection				gnome_db_query_builder_set_connection
<SUBSECTION Standard>						<SUBSECTION Standard>
gnome_db_query_builder_get_type					gnome_db_query_builder_get_type

<FILE>gnome-db-report-editor</FILE>				<FILE>gnome-db-report-editor</FILE>
GnomeDbReportEditorPrivate					GnomeDbReportEditorPrivate
<TITLE>GnomeDbReportEditor</TITLE>				<TITLE>GnomeDbReportEditor</TITLE>
gnome_db_report_editor_new					gnome_db_report_editor_new
<SUBSECTION Standard>						<SUBSECTION Standard>
gnome_db_report_editor_get_type					gnome_db_report_editor_get_type

<FILE>gnome-db-table-editor</FILE>				<FILE>gnome-db-table-editor</FILE>
GnomeDbTableEditorPrivate					GnomeDbTableEditorPrivate
<TITLE>GnomeDbTableEditor</TITLE>				<TITLE>GnomeDbTableEditor</TITLE>
gnome_db_table_editor_new					gnome_db_table_editor_new
<SUBSECTION Standard>						<SUBSECTION Standard>
gnome_db_table_editor_get_type					gnome_db_table_editor_get_type

<FILE>gnome-db-window</FILE>					<FILE>gnome-db-window</FILE>
GnomeDbWindowPrivate						GnomeDbWindowPrivate
<TITLE>GnomeDbWindow</TITLE>					<TITLE>GnomeDbWindow</TITLE>
gnome_db_window_new						gnome_db_window_new
gnome_db_window_close						gnome_db_window_close
gnome_db_window_show						gnome_db_window_show
gnome_db_window_get_contents					gnome_db_window_get_contents
gnome_db_window_set_contents					gnome_db_window_set_contents
gnome_db_window_set_status					gnome_db_window_set_status
gnome_db_window_get_ui_component				gnome_db_window_get_ui_component
gnome_db_window_get_ui_container				gnome_db_window_get_ui_container
<SUBSECTION Standard>						<SUBSECTION Standard>
gnome_db_window_get_type					gnome_db_window_get_type

<FILE>gnome-db-find-dialog</FILE>				<FILE>gnome-db-find-dialog</FILE>
GnomeDbFindDialogPrivate					GnomeDbFindDialogPrivate
<TITLE>GnomeDbFindDialog</TITLE>				<TITLE>GnomeDbFindDialog</TITLE>
gnome_db_find_dialog_new					gnome_db_find_dialog_new
gnome_db_find_dialog_new_with_model				gnome_db_find_dialog_new_with_model
gnome_db_find_dialog_run					gnome_db_find_dialog_run
gnome_db_find_dialog_add_field					gnome_db_find_dialog_add_field
gnome_db_find_dialog_add_fields_from_model			gnome_db_find_dialog_add_fields_from_model
gnome_db_find_dialog_get_field					gnome_db_find_dialog_get_field
gnome_db_find_dialog_get_text					gnome_db_find_dialog_get_text
<SUBSECTION Standard>						<SUBSECTION Standard>
gnome_db_find_dialog_get_type					gnome_db_find_dialog_get_type

<FILE>gnome-db-browser-private</FILE>				<FILE>gnome-db-browser-private</FILE>
gnome_db_browser_procedures_new					gnome_db_browser_procedures_new
gnome_db_browser_tables_new					gnome_db_browser_tables_new
gnome_db_browser_tables_show					gnome_db_browser_tables_show
gnome_db_browser_tables_clear					gnome_db_browser_tables_clear
gnome_db_browser_types_new					gnome_db_browser_types_new
gnome_db_browser_views_new					gnome_db_browser_views_new
gnome_db_browser_views_show					gnome_db_browser_views_show
gnome_db_browser_views_clear					gnome_db_browser_views_clear

<FILE>gnome-db-config</FILE>					<FILE>gnome-db-config</FILE>
GnomeDbComponentType						GnomeDbComponentType
GnomeDbComponentInfo						GnomeDbComponentInfo
gnome_db_config_get_component_list				gnome_db_config_get_component_list
gnome_db_config_free_component_list				gnome_db_config_free_component_list
gnome_db_config_get_component_data_model			gnome_db_config_get_component_data_model
gnome_db_config_get_string					gnome_db_config_get_string
gnome_db_config_get_int						gnome_db_config_get_int
gnome_db_config_get_float					gnome_db_config_get_float
gnome_db_config_get_boolean					gnome_db_config_get_boolean
gnome_db_config_set_string					gnome_db_config_set_string
gnome_db_config_set_int						gnome_db_config_set_int
gnome_db_config_set_float					gnome_db_config_set_float
gnome_db_config_set_boolean					gnome_db_config_set_boolean
gnome_db_config_remove_section					gnome_db_config_remove_section
gnome_db_config_remove_key					gnome_db_config_remove_key
gnome_db_config_has_section					gnome_db_config_has_section
gnome_db_config_has_key						gnome_db_config_has_key
gnome_db_config_list_sections					gnome_db_config_list_sections
gnome_db_config_list_keys					gnome_db_config_list_keys
gnome_db_config_free_list					gnome_db_config_free_list
gnome_db_config_get_data_source_list				gnome_db_config_get_data_source_list
gnome_db_config_find_data_source				gnome_db_config_find_data_source
gnome_db_config_copy_data_source_info				gnome_db_config_copy_data_source_info
gnome_db_config_free_data_source_info				gnome_db_config_free_data_source_info
gnome_db_config_free_data_source_list				gnome_db_config_free_data_source_list
gnome_db_config_remove_data_source				gnome_db_config_remove_data_source
gnome_db_config_save_data_source				gnome_db_config_save_data_source
gnome_db_config_add_listener					gnome_db_config_add_listener
gnome_db_config_remove_listener					gnome_db_config_remove_listener

<FILE>libgnomedb</FILE>						<FILE>libgnomedb</FILE>
gnome_db_init							gnome_db_init
gnome_db_main_run						gnome_db_main_run
gnome_db_main_quit						gnome_db_main_quit

<FILE>gnome-db-i18n</FILE>					<FILE>gnome-db-i18n</FILE>
_								_
N_								N_
textdomain							textdomain
gettext								gettext
dgettext							dgettext
dcgettext							dcgettext
bindtextdomain							bindtextdomain
bind_textdomain_codeset						bind_textdomain_codeset

<FILE>gnome-db-model</FILE>					<FILE>gnome-db-model</FILE>
gnome_db_model_to_gtk_tree_view					gnome_db_model_to_gtk_tree_view

<FILE>gnome-db-stock</FILE>					<FILE>gnome-db-stock</FILE>
gnome_db_stock_get_icon_pixbuf					gnome_db_stock_get_icon_pixbuf
gnome_db_stock_get_icon_pixbuf_file				gnome_db_stock_get_icon_pixbuf_file
gnome_db_stock_get_icon_path					gnome_db_stock_get_icon_path

<FILE>gnome-db-util</FILE>					<FILE>gnome-db-util</FILE>
gnome_db_new_browser_widget					gnome_db_new_browser_widget
gnome_db_new_button_widget					gnome_db_new_button_widget
gnome_db_new_button_widget_from_stock				gnome_db_new_button_widget_from_stock
gnome_db_new_check_button_widget				gnome_db_new_check_button_widget
gnome_db_new_combo_widget					gnome_db_new_combo_widget
gnome_db_new_entry_widget					gnome_db_new_entry_widget
gnome_db_new_file_entry_widget					gnome_db_new_file_entry_widget
gnome_db_new_frame_widget					gnome_db_new_frame_widget
gnome_db_new_grid_widget					gnome_db_new_grid_widget
gnome_db_new_hbox_widget					gnome_db_new_hbox_widget
gnome_db_new_hbutton_box_widget					gnome_db_new_hbutton_box_widget
gnome_db_new_hpaned_widget					gnome_db_new_hpaned_widget
gnome_db_new_hseparator_widget					gnome_db_new_hseparator_widget
gnome_db_new_label_widget					gnome_db_new_label_widget
gnome_db_new_notebook_widget					gnome_db_new_notebook_widget
gnome_db_new_option_menu_widget					gnome_db_new_option_menu_widget
gnome_db_new_popup_menu						gnome_db_new_popup_menu
gnome_db_new_radio_button_widget				gnome_db_new_radio_button_widget
gnome_db_new_scrolled_window_widget				gnome_db_new_scrolled_window_widget
gnome_db_new_status_bar_widget					gnome_db_new_status_bar_widget
gnome_db_new_table_widget					gnome_db_new_table_widget
gnome_db_new_text_widget					gnome_db_new_text_widget
gnome_db_new_toolbar_widget					gnome_db_new_toolbar_widget
gnome_db_new_tree_view_widget					gnome_db_new_tree_view_widget
gnome_db_new_vbox_widget					gnome_db_new_vbox_widget
gnome_db_new_vpaned_widget					gnome_db_new_vpaned_widget
gnome_db_new_vseparator_widget					gnome_db_new_vseparator_widget
gnome_db_set_widget_bg_color					gnome_db_set_widget_bg_color
gnome_db_set_widget_fg_color					gnome_db_set_widget_fg_color
gnome_db_option_menu_add_item					gnome_db_option_menu_add_item
gnome_db_option_menu_add_stock_item				gnome_db_option_menu_add_stock_item
gnome_db_option_menu_add_separator				gnome_db_option_menu_add_separator
gnome_db_option_menu_get_selection				gnome_db_option_menu_get_selection
gnome_db_option_menu_set_selection				gnome_db_option_menu_set_selection
gnome_db_text_clear						gnome_db_text_clear
gnome_db_text_copy_clipboard					gnome_db_text_copy_clipboard
gnome_db_text_cut_clipboard					gnome_db_text_cut_clipboard
gnome_db_text_get_char_count					gnome_db_text_get_char_count
gnome_db_text_get_line_count					gnome_db_text_get_line_count
gnome_db_text_get_text						gnome_db_text_get_text
gnome_db_text_insert_at_cursor					gnome_db_text_insert_at_cursor
gnome_db_text_paste_clipboard					gnome_db_text_paste_clipboard
gnome_db_text_set_text						gnome_db_text_set_text
gnome_db_select_file_dialog					gnome_db_select_file_dialog
gnome_db_new_alert						gnome_db_new_alert
gnome_db_show_error						gnome_db_show_error
gnome_db_show_message						gnome_db_show_message
gnome_db_push_cursor_busy					gnome_db_push_cursor_busy
gnome_db_pop_cursor_busy					gnome_db_pop_cursor_busy
gnome_db_new_menu_item						gnome_db_new_menu_item
gnome_db_new_check_menu_item					gnome_db_new_check_menu_item

<FILE>libgnomedb-private</FILE>					<FILE>libgnomedb-private</FILE>
DataModelInfo							DataModelInfo

<FILE>sql-viewer</FILE>						<FILE>sql-viewer</FILE>
<TITLE>SqlViewer</TITLE>					<TITLE>SqlViewer</TITLE>
sql_viewer_get_type						sql_viewer_get_type
sql_viewer_new							sql_viewer_new

<FILE>table-properties-dialog</FILE>				<FILE>table-properties-dialog</FILE>
table_properties_dialog						table_properties_dialog

<FILE>tables-page</FILE>					<FILE>tables-page</FILE>
tables_page_new							tables_page_new
tables_page_set_connection					tables_page_set_connection

<FILE>utils</FILE>						<FILE>utils</FILE>
db_connect_dialog_for_dsn					db_connect_dialog_for_dsn
db_connect_dialog						db_connect_dialog
db_connect							db_connect

<FILE>db-shell</FILE>						<FILE>db-shell</FILE>
DbShellCallbackFunc						DbShellCallbackFunc
DbShellCallbacks						DbShellCallbacks
db_shell_new							db_shell_new

diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/libgnomedb.types ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc/C/libgnomedb.types
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C: libgnomedb-undocumented.txt
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C: Makefile
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/Makefile.am ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc/C/Makefile.am
## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in	## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in

# The name of the module, e.g. 'glib'.				# The name of the module, e.g. 'glib'.
DOC_MODULE=libgnomedb						DOC_MODULE=libgnomedb

# The top-level SGML file. Change it if you want.		# The top-level SGML file. Change it if you want.

# The directory containing the source code. Relative to $(src	# The directory containing the source code. Relative to $(src
# gtk-doc will search all .c & .h files beneath here for inli	# gtk-doc will search all .c & .h files beneath here for inli
# documenting functions and macros.				# documenting functions and macros.
DOC_SOURCE_DIR=../../libgnomedb					DOC_SOURCE_DIR=../../libgnomedb

# Extra options to supply to gtkdoc-scan.			# Extra options to supply to gtkdoc-scan.

# Extra options to supply to gtkdoc-mkdb.			# Extra options to supply to gtkdoc-mkdb.
MKDB_OPTIONS=--output-format=xml				MKDB_OPTIONS=--output-format=xml

# Extra options to supply to gtkdoc-fixref.			# Extra options to supply to gtkdoc-fixref.

# Used for dependencies.					# Used for dependencies.

# Header files to ignore when scanning.				# Header files to ignore when scanning.
IGNORE_HFILES=config.h acconfig.h gnome-db-intl.h		IGNORE_HFILES=config.h acconfig.h gnome-db-intl.h

# Images to copy into HTML directory.				# Images to copy into HTML directory.

# Extra SGML files that are included by $(DOC_MAIN_SGML_FILE)	# Extra SGML files that are included by $(DOC_MAIN_SGML_FILE)
content_files = fdl-appendix.sgml				content_files = fdl-appendix.sgml

# Other files to distribute.					# Other files to distribute.
extra_files =							extra_files =

# CFLAGS and LDFLAGS for compiling scan program. Only needed 	# CFLAGS and LDFLAGS for compiling scan program. Only needed 
# contains GtkObjects/GObjects and you want to document signa	# contains GtkObjects/GObjects and you want to document signa
GTKDOC_CFLAGS = $(LIBGNOMEDB_CFLAGS) -I$(top_srcdir) -I$(top_	GTKDOC_CFLAGS = $(LIBGNOMEDB_CFLAGS) -I$(top_srcdir) -I$(top_

GTKDOC_CC=$(LIBTOOL) --mode=compile $(CC)			GTKDOC_CC=$(LIBTOOL) --mode=compile $(CC)
GTKDOC_LD=$(LIBTOOL) --mode=link $(CC)				GTKDOC_LD=$(LIBTOOL) --mode=link $(CC)

# If you need to override some of the declarations, place the	# If you need to override some of the declarations, place the
# $(DOC_MODULE)-overrides.txt file and uncomment the second l	# $(DOC_MODULE)-overrides.txt file and uncomment the second l
#DOC_OVERRIDES = $(DOC_MODULE)-overrides.txt			#DOC_OVERRIDES = $(DOC_MODULE)-overrides.txt

#############################################################	#############################################################
# Everything below here is generic and you shouldn't need to 	# Everything below here is generic and you shouldn't need to 
#############################################################	#############################################################


EXTRA_DIST = 				\			EXTRA_DIST = 				\
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	$(extra_files)			\				$(extra_files)			\
	$(HTML_IMAGES)			\				$(HTML_IMAGES)			\
	$(DOC_MODULE).types		\				$(DOC_MODULE).types		\
	$(DOC_MODULE)-sections.txt	\				$(DOC_MODULE)-sections.txt	\

DOC_STAMPS=scan-build.stamp tmpl-build.stamp sgml-build.stamp	DOC_STAMPS=scan-build.stamp tmpl-build.stamp sgml-build.stamp
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	$(DOC_MODULE).args 	\					$(DOC_MODULE).args 	\
	$(DOC_MODULE).hierarchy \					$(DOC_MODULE).hierarchy \
	$(DOC_MODULE).signals						$(DOC_MODULE).signals

all-local: html-build.stamp					all-local: html-build.stamp

#### scan ####							#### scan ####

scan-build.stamp: $(HFILE_GLOB)					scan-build.stamp: $(HFILE_GLOB)
	@echo '*** Scanning header files ***'				@echo '*** Scanning header files ***'
	if grep -l '^..*$$' $(srcdir)/$(DOC_MODULE).types > /		if grep -l '^..*$$' $(srcdir)/$(DOC_MODULE).types > /
	else \								else \
	    cd $(srcdir) ; \						    cd $(srcdir) ; \
	    for i in $(SCANOBJ_FILES) ; do \				    for i in $(SCANOBJ_FILES) ; do \
               test -f $$i || touch $$i ; \			               test -f $$i || touch $$i ; \
	    done \							    done \
	fi								fi
	cd $(srcdir) && \						cd $(srcdir) && \
	  gtkdoc-scan --module=$(DOC_MODULE) --source-dir=$(D		  gtkdoc-scan --module=$(DOC_MODULE) --source-dir=$(D
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$(DOC_MODULE)-decl.txt $(SCANOBJ_FILES): scan-build.stamp	$(DOC_MODULE)-decl.txt $(SCANOBJ_FILES): scan-build.stamp
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#### templates ####						#### templates ####

tmpl-build.stamp: $(DOC_MODULE)-decl.txt $(SCANOBJ_FILES) $(D	tmpl-build.stamp: $(DOC_MODULE)-decl.txt $(SCANOBJ_FILES) $(D
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#### sgml ####							#### sgml ####

sgml-build.stamp: tmpl.stamp $(CFILE_GLOB) $(srcdir)/tmpl/*.s	sgml-build.stamp: tmpl.stamp $(CFILE_GLOB) $(srcdir)/tmpl/*.s
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sgml.stamp: sgml-build.stamp					sgml.stamp: sgml-build.stamp
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#### html ####							#### html ####

html-build.stamp: sgml.stamp $(DOC_MAIN_SGML_FILE) $(content_	html-build.stamp: sgml.stamp $(DOC_MAIN_SGML_FILE) $(content_
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endif								endif

##############							##############

clean-local:							clean-local:
	rm -f *~ *.bak $(SCANOBJ_FILES) *-unused.txt $(DOC_ST		rm -f *~ *.bak $(SCANOBJ_FILES) *-unused.txt $(DOC_ST

maintainer-clean-local: clean					maintainer-clean-local: clean
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install-data-local:						install-data-local:
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#								#
# Require gtk-doc when making dist				# Require gtk-doc when making dist
#								#
dist-check-gtkdoc:						dist-check-gtkdoc:
else								else
dist-check-gtkdoc:						dist-check-gtkdoc:
	@echo "*** gtk-doc must be installed and enabled in o		@echo "*** gtk-doc must be installed and enabled in o
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endif								endif

dist-hook: dist-check-gtkdoc html-build.stamp dist-hook-local	dist-hook: dist-check-gtkdoc html-build.stamp dist-hook-local
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	images=$(HTML_IMAGES) ;    	      \				images=$(HTML_IMAGES) ;    	      \
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	done								done

.PHONY : dist-hook-local					.PHONY : dist-hook-local
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C: Makefile.in
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc/C/tmpl: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: db-shell.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: gnome-db-browser-private.sgml
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-browser.sgml ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-browser.sgml
<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->				<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->
GnomeDbBrowser							GnomeDbBrowser

<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->			<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->
Database browser widget						Database browser widget

<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->			<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->
<para>								<para>
  The GnomeDbBrowser widget provides a way to visually show t	  The GnomeDbBrowser widget provides a way to visually show t
  structure of a database in a nice looking widget.		  structure of a database in a nice looking widget.
</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->				<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### STRUCT GnomeDbBrowserPrivate ##### -->		<!-- ##### STRUCT GnomeDbBrowserPrivate ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_browser_new ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_browser_new ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_browser_get_connection ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_browser_get_connection ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@browser: 							@browser: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_browser_set_connection ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_browser_set_connection ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@browser: 							@browser: 
@cnc: 								@cnc: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_browser_refresh ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_browser_refresh ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@browser: 							@browser: 

diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-combo.sgml ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-combo.sgml
<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->				<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->
GnomeDbCombo							GnomeDbCombo

<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->			<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->

<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->			<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->				<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### STRUCT GnomeDbComboPrivate ##### -->			<!-- ##### STRUCT GnomeDbComboPrivate ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_combo_new ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_combo_new ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_combo_new_with_model ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_combo_new_with_model ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@model: 							@model: 
@pos: 								@pos: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_combo_set_model ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_combo_set_model ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@combo: 							@combo: 
@model: 							@model: 
@col: 								@col: 
<!-- # Unused Parameters # -->					<!-- # Unused Parameters # -->
@pos: 								@pos: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_combo_get_model ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_combo_get_model ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@combo: 							@combo: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_combo_get_column ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_combo_get_column ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@combo: 							@combo: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-config.sgml ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-config.sgml
<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->				<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->
gnome-db-config							gnome-db-config

<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->			<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->

<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->			<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->				<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### ENUM GnomeDbComponentType ##### -->			<!-- ##### ENUM GnomeDbComponentType ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>


<!-- ##### STRUCT GnomeDbComponentInfo ##### -->		<!-- ##### STRUCT GnomeDbComponentInfo ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@id: 								@id: 
@location: 							@location: 
@type: 								@type: 
@description: 							@description: 
@repo_ids: 							@repo_ids: 
@username: 							@username: 
@hostname: 							@hostname: 
@domain: 							@domain: 
@properties: 							@properties: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_config_get_component_list ##### 	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_config_get_component_list ##### 
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@query: 							@query: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_config_free_component_list #####	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_config_free_component_list #####
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@list: 								@list: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_config_get_component_data_model 	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_config_get_component_data_model 
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@query: 							@query: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_config_get_string ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_config_get_string ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@path: 								@path: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_config_get_int ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_config_get_int ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@path: 								@path: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_config_get_float ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_config_get_float ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@path: 								@path: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_config_get_boolean ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_config_get_boolean ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@path: 								@path: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_config_set_string ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_config_set_string ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@path: 								@path: 
@new_value: 							@new_value: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_config_set_int ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_config_set_int ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@path: 								@path: 
@new_value: 							@new_value: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_config_set_float ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_config_set_float ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@path: 								@path: 
@new_value: 							@new_value: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_config_set_boolean ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_config_set_boolean ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@path: 								@path: 
@new_value: 							@new_value: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_config_remove_section ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_config_remove_section ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@path: 								@path: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_config_remove_key ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_config_remove_key ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@path: 								@path: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_config_has_section ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_config_has_section ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@path: 								@path: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_config_has_key ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_config_has_key ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@path: 								@path: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_config_list_sections ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_config_list_sections ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@path: 								@path: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_config_list_keys ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_config_list_keys ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@path: 								@path: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_config_free_list ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_config_free_list ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@list: 								@list: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_config_get_data_source_list ####	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_config_get_data_source_list ####
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_config_find_data_source ##### --	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_config_find_data_source ##### --
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@name: 								@name: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_config_copy_data_source_info ###	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_config_copy_data_source_info ###
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@src: 								@src: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_config_free_data_source_info ###	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_config_free_data_source_info ###
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@info: 								@info: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_config_free_data_source_list ###	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_config_free_data_source_list ###
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@list: 								@list: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_config_remove_data_source ##### 	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_config_remove_data_source ##### 
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@name: 								@name: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_config_save_data_source ##### --	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_config_save_data_source ##### --
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@name: 								@name: 
@provider: 							@provider: 
@cnc_string: 							@cnc_string: 
@description: 							@description: 
@username: 							@username: 
@password: 							@password: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_config_add_listener ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_config_add_listener ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@path: 								@path: 
@func: 								@func: 
@user_data: 							@user_data: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_config_remove_listener ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_config_remove_listener ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@id: 								@id: 

<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-connection-properties.sgml ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-connection-properties.sgml
<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->				<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->
GnomeDbConnectionProperties					GnomeDbConnectionProperties

<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->			<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->

<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->			<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->				<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### STRUCT GnomeDbConnectionPropertiesPrivate ##### --	<!-- ##### STRUCT GnomeDbConnectionPropertiesPrivate ##### --
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_connection_properties_new ##### 	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_connection_properties_new ##### 
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@cnc: 								@cnc: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_connection_properties_get_connec	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_connection_properties_get_connec
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@props: 							@props: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_connection_properties_set_connec	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_connection_properties_set_connec
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@props: 							@props: 
@cnc: 								@cnc: 

diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-connection-selector.sgml ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-connection-selector.sgml
<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->				<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->
GnomeDbConnectionSelector					GnomeDbConnectionSelector

<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->			<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->
Connection selector widget					Connection selector widget

<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->			<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->				<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### STRUCT GnomeDbConnectionSelectorPrivate ##### -->	<!-- ##### STRUCT GnomeDbConnectionSelectorPrivate ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_connection_selector_new ##### --	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_connection_selector_new ##### --
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@Returns: 							@Returns: 

diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-control.sgml ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-control.sgml
<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->				<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->
GnomeDbControl							GnomeDbControl

<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->			<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->
Bonobo control implementation wrapper				Bonobo control implementation wrapper

<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->			<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->				<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### STRUCT GnomeDbControlPrivate ##### -->		<!-- ##### STRUCT GnomeDbControlPrivate ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_control_construct ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_control_construct ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@control: 							@control: 
@widget: 							@widget: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_control_new ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_control_new ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@widget: 							@widget: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_control_set_ui ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_control_set_ui ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@control: 							@control: 
@app_prefix: 							@app_prefix: 
@ui_xml_file: 							@ui_xml_file: 
@verbs: 							@verbs: 
@user_data: 							@user_data: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_control_activate ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_control_activate ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@control: 							@control: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_control_deactivate ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_control_deactivate ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@control: 							@control: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_control_set_status ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_control_set_status ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@control: 							@control: 
@msg: 								@msg: 

diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-control-widget.sgml ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-control-widget.sgml
<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->				<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->
GnomeDbControlWidget						GnomeDbControlWidget

<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->			<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->
Bonobo control client side widget				Bonobo control client side widget

<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->			<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->				<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### STRUCT GnomeDbControlWidgetPrivate ##### -->		<!-- ##### STRUCT GnomeDbControlWidgetPrivate ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_control_widget_construct ##### -	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_control_widget_construct ##### -
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@wid: 								@wid: 
@id: 								@id: 
@uic: 								@uic: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_control_widget_new ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_control_widget_new ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@id: 								@id: 
@uic: 								@uic: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_control_widget_new_from_corba ##	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_control_widget_new_from_corba ##
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@control: 							@control: 
@uic: 								@uic: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_control_widget_is_alive ##### --	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_control_widget_is_alive ##### --
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@wid: 								@wid: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_control_widget_activate ##### --	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_control_widget_activate ##### --
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@wid: 								@wid: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_control_widget_deactivate ##### 	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_control_widget_deactivate ##### 
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@wid: 								@wid: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_control_widget_get_id ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_control_widget_get_id ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@wid: 								@wid: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_control_widget_get_objref ##### 	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_control_widget_get_objref ##### 
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@wid: 								@wid: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_control_widget_get_ui_container 	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_control_widget_get_ui_container 
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@wid: 								@wid: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-data-source-selector.sgml ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-data-source-selector.sgml
<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->				<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->
GnomeDbDataSourceSelector					GnomeDbDataSourceSelector

<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->			<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->

<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->			<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->				<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### STRUCT GnomeDbDataSourceSelectorPrivate ##### -->	<!-- ##### STRUCT GnomeDbDataSourceSelectorPrivate ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_data_source_selector_new ##### -	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_data_source_selector_new ##### -
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@name: 								@name: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 
<!-- # Unused Parameters # -->					<!-- # Unused Parameters # -->
@provider: 							@provider: 

diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.sgml ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.sgml
<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->				<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->
GnomeDbDsnConfigDruid						GnomeDbDsnConfigDruid

<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->			<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->

<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->			<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->				<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### STRUCT GnomeDbDsnConfigDruidPrivate ##### -->	<!-- ##### STRUCT GnomeDbDsnConfigDruidPrivate ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_dsn_config_druid_new ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_dsn_config_druid_new ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_dsn_config_druid_get_dsn ##### -	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_dsn_config_druid_get_dsn ##### -
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@druid: 							@druid: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-dsn-config.sgml ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-dsn-config.sgml
<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->				<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->
GnomeDbDsnConfig						GnomeDbDsnConfig

<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->			<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->

<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->			<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->				<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### STRUCT GnomeDbDsnConfigPrivate ##### -->		<!-- ##### STRUCT GnomeDbDsnConfigPrivate ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_dsn_config_new ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_dsn_config_new ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_dsn_config_get_info ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_dsn_config_get_info ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@config: 							@config: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_dsn_config_set_info ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_dsn_config_set_info ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@config: 							@config: 
@dsn_info: 							@dsn_info: 

diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-editor.sgml ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-editor.sgml
<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->				<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->
GnomeDbEditor							GnomeDbEditor

<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->			<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->

<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->			<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->				<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### STRUCT GnomeDbEditorPrivate ##### -->		<!-- ##### STRUCT GnomeDbEditorPrivate ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_editor_new ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_editor_new ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_editor_get_editable ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_editor_get_editable ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@editor: 							@editor: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_editor_set_editable ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_editor_set_editable ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@editor: 							@editor: 
@editable: 							@editable: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_editor_get_highlight ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_editor_get_highlight ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@editor: 							@editor: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_editor_set_highlight ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_editor_set_highlight ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@editor: 							@editor: 
@highlight: 							@highlight: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_editor_set_text ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_editor_set_text ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@editor: 							@editor: 
@text: 								@text: 
@len: 								@len: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_editor_get_all_text ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_editor_get_all_text ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@editor: 							@editor: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_editor_load_from_file ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_editor_load_from_file ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@editor: 							@editor: 
@filename: 							@filename: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_editor_save_to_file ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_editor_save_to_file ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@editor: 							@editor: 
@filename: 							@filename: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_editor_copy_clipboard ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_editor_copy_clipboard ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@editor: 							@editor: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_editor_cut_clipboard ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_editor_cut_clipboard ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@editor: 							@editor: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_editor_paste_clipboard ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_editor_paste_clipboard ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@editor: 							@editor: 

diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-error-dialog.sgml ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-error-dialog.sgml
<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->				<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->
GnomeDbErrorDialog						GnomeDbErrorDialog

<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->			<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->
Error dialog widget						Error dialog widget

<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->			<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->				<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### STRUCT GnomeDbErrorDialogPrivate ##### -->		<!-- ##### STRUCT GnomeDbErrorDialogPrivate ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_error_dialog_new ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_error_dialog_new ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@title: 							@title: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_error_dialog_show_errors ##### -	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_error_dialog_show_errors ##### -
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@dialog: 							@dialog: 
@error_list: 							@error_list: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_error_dialog_get_title ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_error_dialog_get_title ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@dialog: 							@dialog: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_error_dialog_set_title ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_error_dialog_set_title ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@dialog: 							@dialog: 
@title: 							@title: 

diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-error.sgml ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-error.sgml
<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->				<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->
GnomeDbError							GnomeDbError

<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->			<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->
Error display widget						Error display widget

<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->			<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->				<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### STRUCT GnomeDbErrorPrivate ##### -->			<!-- ##### STRUCT GnomeDbErrorPrivate ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_error_new ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_error_new ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_error_clear ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_error_clear ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@error_widget: 							@error_widget: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_error_show ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_error_show ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@error_widget: 							@error_widget: 
@errors: 							@errors: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_error_prev ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_error_prev ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@error_widget: 							@error_widget: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_error_next ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_error_next ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@error_widget: 							@error_widget: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_error_get_position ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_error_get_position ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@error_widget: 							@error_widget: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-find-dialog.sgml ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-find-dialog.sgml
<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->				<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->
GnomeDbFindDialog						GnomeDbFindDialog

<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->			<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->

<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->			<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->
<para>								<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->
<!-- ##### STRUCT GnomeDbFindDialogPrivate ##### -->
								<!-- ##### STRUCT GnomeDbFindDialogPrivate ##### -->
</para>								<para>

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_find_dialog_new ##### -->
								<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_find_dialog_new ##### -->
</para>								<para>

@title: 							</para>
<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_find_dialog_new_with_model #####
								<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_find_dialog_new_with_model #####
</para>								<para>

@title: 							</para>
@Returns: 							@title: 
<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_find_dialog_run ##### -->
								<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_find_dialog_run ##### -->
</para>								<para>

@dialog: 							</para>
<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_find_dialog_add_field ##### -->
								<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_find_dialog_add_field ##### -->
</para>								<para>

@dialog: 							</para>
<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_find_dialog_add_fields_from_mode
								<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_find_dialog_add_fields_from_mode
</para>								<para>

@dialog: 							</para>
<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_find_dialog_get_field ##### -->
								<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_find_dialog_get_field ##### -->
</para>								<para>

@dialog: 							</para>
<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_find_dialog_get_text ##### -->
								<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_find_dialog_get_text ##### -->
</para>								<para>

@dialog: 							</para>
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: gnome-db-find-dialog.sgml.bak
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-form.sgml ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-form.sgml
<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->				<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->
gnome-db-form							gnome-db-form

<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->			<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->

<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->			<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->				<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### STRUCT GnomeDbFormPrivate ##### -->			<!-- ##### STRUCT GnomeDbFormPrivate ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### ENUM GnomeDbFormType ##### -->			<!-- ##### ENUM GnomeDbFormType ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>


<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_form_new ##### -->			<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_form_new ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_form_get_form_type ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_form_get_form_type ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@form: 								@form: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_form_set_form_type ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_form_set_form_type ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@form: 								@form: 
@type: 								@type: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_form_get_model ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_form_get_model ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@form: 								@form: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_form_set_model ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_form_set_model ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@form: 								@form: 
@model: 							@model: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_form_get_current_row ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_form_get_current_row ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@form: 								@form: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_form_set_current_row ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_form_set_current_row ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@form: 								@form: 
@row: 								@row: 

diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-gray-bar.sgml ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-gray-bar.sgml
<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->				<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->
GnomeDbGrayBar							GnomeDbGrayBar

<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->			<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->
Nice looking gray bar widget					Nice looking gray bar widget

<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->			<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->				<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### STRUCT GnomeDbGrayBarPrivate ##### -->		<!-- ##### STRUCT GnomeDbGrayBarPrivate ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_gray_bar_new ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_gray_bar_new ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@text: 								@text: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_gray_bar_get_text ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_gray_bar_get_text ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@bar: 								@bar: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_gray_bar_set_text ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_gray_bar_set_text ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@bar: 								@bar: 
@text: 								@text: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_gray_bar_set_icon_from_file ####	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_gray_bar_set_icon_from_file ####
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@bar: 								@bar: 
@file: 								@file: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_gray_bar_set_icon_from_stock ###	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_gray_bar_set_icon_from_stock ###
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@bar: 								@bar: 
@stock_id: 							@stock_id: 
@size: 								@size: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_gray_bar_set_show_icon ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_gray_bar_set_show_icon ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@bar: 								@bar: 
@show: 								@show: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_gray_bar_get_show_icon ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_gray_bar_get_show_icon ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@bar: 								@bar: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-grid.sgml ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-grid.sgml
<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->				<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->
GnomeDbGrid							GnomeDbGrid

<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->			<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->
Database grid widget						Database grid widget

<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->			<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->				<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### STRUCT GnomeDbGridPrivate ##### -->			<!-- ##### STRUCT GnomeDbGridPrivate ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### USER_FUNCTION GnomeDbGridForeachFunc ##### -->	<!-- ##### USER_FUNCTION GnomeDbGridForeachFunc ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@grid: 								@grid: 
@row: 								@row: 
@user_data: 							@user_data: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_grid_new ##### -->			<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_grid_new ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_grid_new_with_model ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_grid_new_with_model ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@model: 							@model: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_grid_get_title ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_grid_get_title ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@grid: 								@grid: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_grid_set_title ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_grid_set_title ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@grid: 								@grid: 
@title: 							@title: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_grid_set_column_title ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_grid_set_column_title ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@grid: 								@grid: 
@col: 								@col: 
@title: 							@title: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_grid_get_column_title ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_grid_get_column_title ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@grid: 								@grid: 
@col: 								@col: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_grid_get_show_title ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_grid_get_show_title ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@grid: 								@grid: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_grid_set_show_title ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_grid_set_show_title ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@grid: 								@grid: 
@show: 								@show: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_grid_set_title_icon_from_file ##	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_grid_set_title_icon_from_file ##
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@grid: 								@grid: 
@file: 								@file: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_grid_set_title_icon_from_stock #	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_grid_set_title_icon_from_stock #
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@grid: 								@grid: 
@stock_id: 							@stock_id: 
@size: 								@size: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_grid_set_show_title_icon ##### -	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_grid_set_show_title_icon ##### -
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@grid: 								@grid: 
@show: 								@show: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_grid_get_show_title_icon ##### -	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_grid_get_show_title_icon ##### -
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@grid: 								@grid: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_grid_get_model ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_grid_get_model ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@grid: 								@grid: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_grid_set_model ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_grid_set_model ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@grid: 								@grid: 
@model: 							@model: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_grid_get_selection ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_grid_get_selection ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@grid: 								@grid: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_grid_foreach_selected ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_grid_foreach_selected ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@grid: 								@grid: 
@foreach_func: 							@foreach_func: 
@user_data: 							@user_data: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_grid_select_row ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_grid_select_row ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@grid: 								@grid: 
@row: 								@row: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_grid_select_all ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_grid_select_all ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@grid: 								@grid: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_grid_unselect_all ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_grid_unselect_all ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@grid: 								@grid: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_grid_get_selection_mode ##### --	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_grid_get_selection_mode ##### --
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@grid: 								@grid: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_grid_set_selection_mode ##### --	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_grid_set_selection_mode ##### --
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@grid: 								@grid: 
@mode: 								@mode: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_grid_set_column_titles_visible #	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_grid_set_column_titles_visible #
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@grid: 								@grid: 
@visible: 							@visible: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_grid_get_column_titles_visible #	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_grid_get_column_titles_visible #
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@grid: 								@grid: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### MACRO gnome_db_grid_show_column_titles ##### -->	<!-- ##### MACRO gnome_db_grid_show_column_titles ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@grid: 								@grid: 

<!-- ##### MACRO gnome_db_grid_hide_column_titles ##### -->	<!-- ##### MACRO gnome_db_grid_hide_column_titles ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@grid: 								@grid: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_grid_set_column_visible ##### --	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_grid_set_column_visible ##### --
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@grid: 								@grid: 
@col: 								@col: 
@visible: 							@visible: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_grid_get_column_visible ##### --	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_grid_get_column_visible ##### --
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@grid: 								@grid: 
@col: 								@col: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_grid_get_row_data ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_grid_get_row_data ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@grid: 								@grid: 
@row: 								@row: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_grid_set_row_data ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_grid_set_row_data ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@grid: 								@grid: 
@row: 								@row: 
@data: 								@data: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_grid_find_row_from_data ##### --	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_grid_find_row_from_data ##### --
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@grid: 								@grid: 
@data: 								@data: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: gnome-db-i18n.sgml
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-icon-list.sgml ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-icon-list.sgml
<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->				<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->
GnomeDbIconList							GnomeDbIconList

<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->			<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->

<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->			<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->				<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### STRUCT GnomeDbIconListPrivate ##### -->		<!-- ##### STRUCT GnomeDbIconListPrivate ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_icon_list_new ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_icon_list_new ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@icon_width: 							@icon_width: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_icon_list_set_model ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_icon_list_set_model ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@list: 								@list: 
@model: 							@model: 

diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-list.sgml ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-list.sgml
<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->				<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->
GnomeDbList							GnomeDbList

<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->			<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->
Data-bound list widget						Data-bound list widget

<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->			<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->				<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### STRUCT GnomeDbListPrivate ##### -->			<!-- ##### STRUCT GnomeDbListPrivate ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_list_new ##### -->			<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_list_new ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_list_new_with_model ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_list_new_with_model ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@model: 							@model: 
@col: 								@col: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_list_get_model ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_list_get_model ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@list: 								@list: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_list_set_model ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_list_set_model ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@list: 								@list: 
@model: 							@model: 
@col: 								@col: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_list_get_selection ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_list_get_selection ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@list: 								@list: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-login-dialog.sgml ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-login-dialog.sgml
<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->				<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->
GnomeDbLoginDialog						GnomeDbLoginDialog

<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->			<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->
Login dialog widget						Login dialog widget

<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->			<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->				<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### STRUCT GnomeDbLoginDialogPrivate ##### -->		<!-- ##### STRUCT GnomeDbLoginDialogPrivate ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_login_dialog_new ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_login_dialog_new ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@title: 							@title: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_login_dialog_run ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_login_dialog_run ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@dialog: 							@dialog: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_login_dialog_get_dsn ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_login_dialog_get_dsn ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@dialog: 							@dialog: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_login_dialog_get_username ##### 	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_login_dialog_get_username ##### 
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@dialog: 							@dialog: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_login_dialog_get_password ##### 	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_login_dialog_get_password ##### 
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@dialog: 							@dialog: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_login_dialog_get_login_widget ##	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_login_dialog_get_login_widget ##
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@dialog: 							@dialog: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-login.sgml ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-login.sgml
<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->				<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->
GnomeDbLogin							GnomeDbLogin

<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->			<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->
Login widget							Login widget

<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->			<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->				<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### STRUCT GnomeDbLoginPrivate ##### -->			<!-- ##### STRUCT GnomeDbLoginPrivate ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_login_new ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_login_new ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@dsn: 								@dsn: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_login_get_dsn ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_login_get_dsn ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@login: 							@login: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_login_set_dsn ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_login_set_dsn ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@login: 							@login: 
@dsn: 								@dsn: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_login_get_username ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_login_get_username ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@login: 							@login: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_login_set_username ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_login_set_username ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@login: 							@login: 
@username: 							@username: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_login_get_password ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_login_get_password ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@login: 							@login: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_login_set_password ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_login_set_password ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@login: 							@login: 
@password: 							@password: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_login_set_enable_create_button #	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_login_set_enable_create_button #
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@login: 							@login: 
@enable: 							@enable: 

diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-model.sgml ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-model.sgml
<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->				<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->
gnome-db-model							gnome-db-model

<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->			<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->
Data models-related utility functions				Data models-related utility functions

<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->			<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->				<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_model_to_gtk_tree_view ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_model_to_gtk_tree_view ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@model: 							@model: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-provider-selector.sgml ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-provider-selector.sgml
<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->				<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->
GnomeDbProviderSelector						GnomeDbProviderSelector

<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->			<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->

<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->			<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->				<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### STRUCT GnomeDbProviderSelectorPrivate ##### -->	<!-- ##### STRUCT GnomeDbProviderSelectorPrivate ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_provider_selector_new ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_provider_selector_new ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@Returns: 							@Returns: 

diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-query-builder.sgml ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-query-builder.sgml
<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->				<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->
GnomeDbQueryBuilder						GnomeDbQueryBuilder

<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->			<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->

<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->			<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->				<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### STRUCT GnomeDbQueryBuilderPrivate ##### -->		<!-- ##### STRUCT GnomeDbQueryBuilderPrivate ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_query_builder_new ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_query_builder_new ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@cnc: 								@cnc: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_query_builder_get_connection ###	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_query_builder_get_connection ###
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@builder: 							@builder: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_query_builder_set_connection ###	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_query_builder_set_connection ###
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@builder: 							@builder: 
@cnc: 								@cnc: 

diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-report-editor.sgml ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-report-editor.sgml
<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->				<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->
GnomeDbReportEditor						GnomeDbReportEditor

<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->			<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->

<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->			<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->				<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### STRUCT GnomeDbReportEditorPrivate ##### -->		<!-- ##### STRUCT GnomeDbReportEditorPrivate ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_report_editor_new ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_report_editor_new ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@Returns: 							@Returns: 

diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-stock.sgml ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-stock.sgml
<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->				<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->
gnome-db-stock							gnome-db-stock

<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->			<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->

<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->			<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->				<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### MACRO GNOME_DB_STOCK_COMMIT ##### -->		<!-- ##### MACRO GNOME_DB_STOCK_COMMIT ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### MACRO GNOME_DB_STOCK_CONNECT ##### -->		<!-- ##### MACRO GNOME_DB_STOCK_CONNECT ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### MACRO GNOME_DB_STOCK_DATABASE ##### -->		<!-- ##### MACRO GNOME_DB_STOCK_DATABASE ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### MACRO GNOME_DB_STOCK_DESIGNER ##### -->		<!-- ##### MACRO GNOME_DB_STOCK_DESIGNER ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### MACRO GNOME_DB_STOCK_QUERY ##### -->			<!-- ##### MACRO GNOME_DB_STOCK_QUERY ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### MACRO GNOME_DB_STOCK_ROLLBACK ##### -->		<!-- ##### MACRO GNOME_DB_STOCK_ROLLBACK ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### MACRO GNOME_DB_STOCK_SEQUENCES ##### -->		<!-- ##### MACRO GNOME_DB_STOCK_SEQUENCES ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### MACRO GNOME_DB_STOCK_SQL ##### -->			<!-- ##### MACRO GNOME_DB_STOCK_SQL ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### MACRO GNOME_DB_STOCK_TABLES ##### -->		<!-- ##### MACRO GNOME_DB_STOCK_TABLES ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### MACRO GNOME_DB_STOCK_TYPES ##### -->			<!-- ##### MACRO GNOME_DB_STOCK_TYPES ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### MACRO GNOME_DB_STOCK_RELATIONS ##### -->		<!-- ##### MACRO GNOME_DB_STOCK_RELATIONS ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_stock_get_icon_pixbuf ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_stock_get_icon_pixbuf ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@stock_id: 							@stock_id: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_stock_get_icon_pixbuf_file #####	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_stock_get_icon_pixbuf_file #####
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@pixmapfile: 							@pixmapfile: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_stock_get_icon_path ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_stock_get_icon_path ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@stock_id: 							@stock_id: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-table-editor.sgml ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-table-editor.sgml
<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->				<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->
GnomeDbTableEditor						GnomeDbTableEditor

<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->			<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->

<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->			<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->				<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### STRUCT GnomeDbTableEditorPrivate ##### -->		<!-- ##### STRUCT GnomeDbTableEditorPrivate ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_table_editor_new ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_table_editor_new ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@Returns: 							@Returns: 

diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-util.sgml ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-util.sgml
<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->				<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->
gnome-db-util							gnome-db-util

<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->			<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->
Utility functions						Utility functions

<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->			<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->				<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_new_browser_widget ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_new_browser_widget ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_new_button_widget ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_new_button_widget ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@label: 							@label: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_new_button_widget_from_stock ###	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_new_button_widget_from_stock ###
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@stock_id: 							@stock_id: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_new_check_button_widget ##### --	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_new_check_button_widget ##### --
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@label: 							@label: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_new_combo_widget ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_new_combo_widget ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_new_entry_widget ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_new_entry_widget ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@max_length: 							@max_length: 
@editable: 							@editable: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_new_file_entry_widget ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_new_file_entry_widget ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@history_id: 							@history_id: 
@title: 							@title: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_new_frame_widget ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_new_frame_widget ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@title: 							@title: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_new_grid_widget ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_new_grid_widget ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@model: 							@model: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_new_hbox_widget ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_new_hbox_widget ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@homogenous: 							@homogenous: 
@spacing: 							@spacing: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_new_hbutton_box_widget ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_new_hbutton_box_widget ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_new_hpaned_widget ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_new_hpaned_widget ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_new_hseparator_widget ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_new_hseparator_widget ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_new_label_widget ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_new_label_widget ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@text: 								@text: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_new_notebook_widget ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_new_notebook_widget ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_new_option_menu_widget ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_new_option_menu_widget ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_new_popup_menu ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_new_popup_menu ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@parent: 							@parent: 
@ui_info: 							@ui_info: 
@user_data: 							@user_data: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_new_radio_button_widget ##### --	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_new_radio_button_widget ##### --
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@group: 							@group: 
@label: 							@label: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_new_scrolled_window_widget #####	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_new_scrolled_window_widget #####
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_new_status_bar_widget ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_new_status_bar_widget ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_new_table_widget ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_new_table_widget ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@rows: 								@rows: 
@cols: 								@cols: 
@homogenous: 							@homogenous: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_new_text_widget ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_new_text_widget ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@contents: 							@contents: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_new_toolbar_widget ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_new_toolbar_widget ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@orientation: 							@orientation: 
@style: 							@style: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_new_tree_view_widget ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_new_tree_view_widget ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@model: 							@model: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_new_vbox_widget ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_new_vbox_widget ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@homogenous: 							@homogenous: 
@spacing: 							@spacing: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_new_vpaned_widget ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_new_vpaned_widget ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_new_vseparator_widget ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_new_vseparator_widget ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_set_widget_bg_color ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_set_widget_bg_color ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@widget: 							@widget: 
@color: 							@color: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_set_widget_fg_color ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_set_widget_fg_color ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@widget: 							@widget: 
@color: 							@color: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_option_menu_add_item ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_option_menu_add_item ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@option_menu: 							@option_menu: 
@label: 							@label: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_option_menu_add_stock_item #####	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_option_menu_add_stock_item #####
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@option_menu: 							@option_menu: 
@stock_id: 							@stock_id: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_option_menu_add_separator ##### 	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_option_menu_add_separator ##### 
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@option_menu: 							@option_menu: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_option_menu_get_selection ##### 	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_option_menu_get_selection ##### 
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@option_menu: 							@option_menu: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_option_menu_set_selection ##### 	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_option_menu_set_selection ##### 
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@option_menu: 							@option_menu: 
@selection: 							@selection: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_text_clear ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_text_clear ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@text: 								@text: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_text_copy_clipboard ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_text_copy_clipboard ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@text: 								@text: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_text_cut_clipboard ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_text_cut_clipboard ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@text: 								@text: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_text_get_char_count ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_text_get_char_count ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@text: 								@text: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_text_get_line_count ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_text_get_line_count ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@text: 								@text: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_text_get_text ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_text_get_text ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@text: 								@text: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_text_insert_at_cursor ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_text_insert_at_cursor ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@text: 								@text: 
@contents: 							@contents: 
@len: 								@len: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_text_paste_clipboard ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_text_paste_clipboard ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@text: 								@text: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_text_set_text ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_text_set_text ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@text: 								@text: 
@contents: 							@contents: 
@len: 								@len: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_select_file_dialog ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_select_file_dialog ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@parent: 							@parent: 
@title: 							@title: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_new_alert ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_new_alert ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@parent: 							@parent: 
@type: 								@type: 
@primary_text: 							@primary_text: 
@secondary_text: 						@secondary_text: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_show_error ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_show_error ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@format: 							@format: 
@Varargs: 							@Varargs: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_show_message ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_show_message ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@format: 							@format: 
@Varargs: 							@Varargs: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_push_cursor_busy ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_push_cursor_busy ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@window: 							@window: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_pop_cursor_busy ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_pop_cursor_busy ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@window: 							@window: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_new_menu_item ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_new_menu_item ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@label: 							@label: 
@pixmap: 							@pixmap: 
@cb_func: 							@cb_func: 
@user_data: 							@user_data: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_new_check_menu_item ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_new_check_menu_item ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@label: 							@label: 
@active: 							@active: 
@cb_func: 							@cb_func: 
@user_data: 							@user_data: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-window.sgml ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-window.sgml
<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->				<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->
GnomeDbWindow							GnomeDbWindow

<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->			<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->
Application main window widget					Application main window widget

<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->			<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->				<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### STRUCT GnomeDbWindowPrivate ##### -->		<!-- ##### STRUCT GnomeDbWindowPrivate ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_window_new ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_window_new ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@name: 								@name: 
@app_prefix: 							@app_prefix: 
@ui_xml_file: 							@ui_xml_file: 
@verbs: 							@verbs: 
@data: 								@data: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_window_close ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_window_close ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@window: 							@window: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_window_show ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_window_show ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@window: 							@window: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_window_get_contents ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_window_get_contents ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@window: 							@window: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_window_set_contents ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_window_set_contents ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@window: 							@window: 
@contents: 							@contents: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_window_set_status ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_window_set_status ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@window: 							@window: 
@status: 							@status: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_window_get_ui_component ##### --	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_window_get_ui_component ##### --
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@window: 							@window: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_window_get_ui_container ##### --	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_window_get_ui_container ##### --
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@window: 							@window: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: libgnomedb-private.sgml
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl/libgnomedb.sgml ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc/C/tmpl/libgnomedb.sgml
<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->				<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->
libgnomedb							libgnomedb

<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->			<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->
Library initialization and main loop				Library initialization and main loop

<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->			<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->				<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_init ##### -->			<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_init ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@app_id: 							@app_id: 
@version: 							@version: 
@nargs: 							@nargs: 
@args: 								@args: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_main_run ##### -->			<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_main_run ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@init_func: 							@init_func: 
@user_data: 							@user_data: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_main_quit ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_main_quit ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: libgnomedb-unused.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: sql-viewer.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: table-properties-dialog.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: tables-page.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: utils.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C: xml
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc: libgnomedb-C.omf
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/libgnomedb-C.omf.in ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc/libgnomedb-C.omf.in
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>				<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE omf PUBLIC "-//OMF//DTD Scrollkeeper OMF Variant V1	<!DOCTYPE omf PUBLIC "-//OMF//DTD Scrollkeeper OMF Variant V1
<omf> 								<omf> 
  <resource>							  <resource>
    <creator>							    <creator>
      Rodrigo Moya						      Rodrigo Moya
    </creator>							    </creator>
    <title>							    <title>
      GNOME-DB widget library Manual				      GNOME-DB widget library Manual
    </title>							    </title>
    <date>August 2002</date>					    <date>August 2002</date>
    <subject category="GNOME|Development"/>			    <subject category="GNOME|Development"/>
    <description>						    <description>
      Complete manual for the use of the libgnomedb widget li	      Complete manual for the use of the libgnomedb widget li
    </description>						    </description>
    <type>user's guide</type>					    <type>user's guide</type>
    <format mime="text/html"/>					    <format mime="text/html"/>
    <identifier url="file:/@prefix@/share/gtk-doc/html/libgno	    <identifier url="file:/@prefix@/share/gtk-doc/html/libgno
    <language code="C"/>					    <language code="C"/>
    <relation seriesid="0c3a2de2-d4ca-11d6-8994-cd3caececda4"	    <relation seriesid="0c3a2de2-d4ca-11d6-8994-cd3caececda4"
    <rights type="GNU FDL" license.version="1.1"/>		    <rights type="GNU FDL" license.version="1.1"/>
  </resource>							  </resource>
</omf>								</omf>
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc: Makefile
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/Makefile.am ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc/Makefile.am

omf_dest_dir=$(datadir)/omf/libgnomedb				omf_dest_dir=$(datadir)/omf/libgnomedb
scrollkeeper_localstate_dir = $(SCROLLKEEPER_LOCALSTATE_DIR)	scrollkeeper_localstate_dir = $(SCROLLKEEPER_LOCALSTATE_DIR)

install-data-local:						install-data-local:
	$(mkinstalldirs) $(DESTDIR)$(omf_dest_dir)			$(mkinstalldirs) $(DESTDIR)$(omf_dest_dir)
	-for file in $(srcdir)/*.omf; do                     		-for file in $(srcdir)/*.omf; do                     
	$(INSTALL_DATA) $$file $(DESTDIR)$(omf_dest_dir); \		$(INSTALL_DATA) $$file $(DESTDIR)$(omf_dest_dir); \
	done								done
	-scrollkeeper-update -p $(scrollkeeper_localstate_dir		-scrollkeeper-update -p $(scrollkeeper_localstate_dir

uninstall-local:						uninstall-local:
	-for file in $(srcdir)/*.omf; do                     		-for file in $(srcdir)/*.omf; do                     
	basefile=`basename $$file`;                     \		basefile=`basename $$file`;                     \
	rm -f $(omf_dest_dir)/$$basefile;               \		rm -f $(omf_dest_dir)/$$basefile;               \
	done								done
	-rmdir $(omf_dest_dir)						-rmdir $(omf_dest_dir)
	-scrollkeeper-update -p $(scrollkeeper_localstate_dir		-scrollkeeper-update -p $(scrollkeeper_localstate_dir

	libgnomedb-C.omf.in						libgnomedb-C.omf.in
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc: Makefile.in
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc: reference
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/glade: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/glade: .deps
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/glade/glade-gnomedb.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/glade/glade-gnomedb.c
/* Glade GNOME-DB module					/* Glade GNOME-DB module
 * Copyright (C) 2001-2002, The GNOME Foundation		 * Copyright (C) 2001-2002, The GNOME Foundation
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#include <string.h>						#include <string.h>
#include <libgnomedb/libgnomedb.h>				#include <libgnomedb/libgnomedb.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-window.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-window.h>
#include <glade/glade-init.h>					#include <glade/glade-init.h>
#include <glade/glade-build.h>					#include <glade/glade-build.h>

/*								/*
 * Private functions						 * Private functions
 */								 */

static GtkWidget *						static GtkWidget *
gnomedb_dialog_find_internal_child (GladeXML *xml,		gnomedb_dialog_find_internal_child (GladeXML *xml,
				    GtkWidget *parent,						    GtkWidget *parent,
				    const gchar *childname)					    const gchar *childname)
{								{
	if (!strcmp(childname, "vbox"))					if (!strcmp(childname, "vbox"))
		return GTK_DIALOG (parent)->vbox;				return GTK_DIALOG (parent)->vbox;
	else if (!strcmp (childname, "action_area"))			else if (!strcmp (childname, "action_area"))
		return GTK_DIALOG (parent)->action_area;			return GTK_DIALOG (parent)->action_area;

	return NULL;							return NULL;
}								}

static GtkWidget *						static GtkWidget *
gnomedb_window_find_internal_child (GladeXML    *xml,		gnomedb_window_find_internal_child (GladeXML    *xml,
				    GtkWidget   *parent,					    GtkWidget   *parent,
				    const gchar *childname)					    const gchar *childname)
{								{
        if (!strcmp (childname, "vbox")) {			        if (!strcmp (childname, "vbox")) {
                GtkWidget *ret;					                GtkWidget *ret;

                if ((ret = bonobo_window_get_contents (BONOBO	                if ((ret = bonobo_window_get_contents (BONOBO
                        return ret;				                        return ret;
                else {						                else {
                        GtkWidget *box;				                        GtkWidget *box;

                        box = gtk_vbox_new (FALSE, 0);		                        box = gtk_vbox_new (FALSE, 0);
                        bonobo_window_set_contents (BONOBO_WI	                        bonobo_window_set_contents (BONOBO_WI

                        return box;				                        return box;
                }						                }
        }							        }

	return NULL;							return NULL;
}								}

/* this macro puts a version check function into the module *	/* this macro puts a version check function into the module *

void								void
glade_module_register_widgets (void)				glade_module_register_widgets (void)
{								{
	glade_require ("gtk");						glade_require ("gtk");
	glade_require ("gnome");					glade_require ("gnome");

	glade_register_widget (GNOME_DB_TYPE_BROWSER,			glade_register_widget (GNOME_DB_TYPE_BROWSER,
			       glade_standard_build_widget,				       glade_standard_build_widget,
			       NULL, NULL);						       NULL, NULL);
	glade_register_widget (GNOME_DB_TYPE_COMBO,			glade_register_widget (GNOME_DB_TYPE_COMBO,
			       glade_standard_build_widget,				       glade_standard_build_widget,
			       NULL, NULL);						       NULL, NULL);
	glade_register_widget (GNOME_DB_TYPE_CONNECTION_PROPE		glade_register_widget (GNOME_DB_TYPE_CONNECTION_PROPE
			       glade_standard_build_widget,				       glade_standard_build_widget,
			       NULL, NULL);						       NULL, NULL);
	glade_register_widget (GNOME_DB_TYPE_CONNECTION_SELEC		glade_register_widget (GNOME_DB_TYPE_CONNECTION_SELEC
			       glade_standard_build_widget,				       glade_standard_build_widget,
			       NULL, NULL);						       NULL, NULL);
	glade_register_widget (GNOME_DB_TYPE_DATA_SOURCE_SELE		glade_register_widget (GNOME_DB_TYPE_DATA_SOURCE_SELE
			       glade_standard_build_widget,				       glade_standard_build_widget,
			       NULL, NULL);						       NULL, NULL);
	glade_register_widget (GNOME_DB_TYPE_DSN_CONFIG_DRUID		glade_register_widget (GNOME_DB_TYPE_DSN_CONFIG_DRUID
			       glade_standard_build_widget,				       glade_standard_build_widget,
			       NULL, NULL);						       NULL, NULL);
	glade_register_widget (GNOME_DB_TYPE_DSN_CONFIG,		glade_register_widget (GNOME_DB_TYPE_DSN_CONFIG,
			       glade_standard_build_widget,				       glade_standard_build_widget,
			       NULL, NULL);						       NULL, NULL);
	glade_register_widget (GNOME_DB_TYPE_EDITOR,			glade_register_widget (GNOME_DB_TYPE_EDITOR,
			       glade_standard_build_widget,				       glade_standard_build_widget,
			       NULL, NULL);						       NULL, NULL);
	glade_register_widget (GNOME_DB_TYPE_ERROR,			glade_register_widget (GNOME_DB_TYPE_ERROR,
			       glade_standard_build_widget,				       glade_standard_build_widget,
			       NULL, NULL);						       NULL, NULL);
	glade_register_widget (GNOME_DB_TYPE_ERROR_DIALOG,		glade_register_widget (GNOME_DB_TYPE_ERROR_DIALOG,
			       NULL, glade_standard_build_chi				       NULL, glade_standard_build_chi
			       gnomedb_dialog_find_internal_c				       gnomedb_dialog_find_internal_c
	glade_register_widget (GNOME_DB_TYPE_FIND_DIALOG,		glade_register_widget (GNOME_DB_TYPE_FIND_DIALOG,
			       NULL, glade_standard_build_chi				       NULL, glade_standard_build_chi
			       gnomedb_dialog_find_internal_c				       gnomedb_dialog_find_internal_c
	glade_register_widget (GNOME_DB_TYPE_FORM,			glade_register_widget (GNOME_DB_TYPE_FORM,
			       glade_standard_build_widget,				       glade_standard_build_widget,
			       NULL, NULL);						       NULL, NULL);
	glade_register_widget (GNOME_DB_TYPE_GRAY_BAR,			glade_register_widget (GNOME_DB_TYPE_GRAY_BAR,
			       glade_standard_build_widget,				       glade_standard_build_widget,
			       NULL, NULL);						       NULL, NULL);
	glade_register_widget (GNOME_DB_TYPE_GRID,			glade_register_widget (GNOME_DB_TYPE_GRID,
			       glade_standard_build_widget,				       glade_standard_build_widget,
			       NULL, NULL);						       NULL, NULL);
	glade_register_widget (GNOME_DB_TYPE_ICON_LIST,			glade_register_widget (GNOME_DB_TYPE_ICON_LIST,
			       glade_standard_build_widget,				       glade_standard_build_widget,
			       NULL, NULL);						       NULL, NULL);
	glade_register_widget (GNOME_DB_TYPE_LIST,			glade_register_widget (GNOME_DB_TYPE_LIST,
			       glade_standard_build_widget,				       glade_standard_build_widget,
			       NULL, NULL);						       NULL, NULL);
	glade_register_widget (GNOME_DB_TYPE_LOGIN,			glade_register_widget (GNOME_DB_TYPE_LOGIN,
			       glade_standard_build_widget,				       glade_standard_build_widget,
			       NULL, NULL);						       NULL, NULL);
	glade_register_widget (GNOME_DB_TYPE_LOGIN_DIALOG,		glade_register_widget (GNOME_DB_TYPE_LOGIN_DIALOG,
			       NULL, glade_standard_build_chi				       NULL, glade_standard_build_chi
			       gnomedb_dialog_find_internal_c				       gnomedb_dialog_find_internal_c
	glade_register_widget (GNOME_DB_TYPE_PROVIDER_SELECTO		glade_register_widget (GNOME_DB_TYPE_PROVIDER_SELECTO
			       glade_standard_build_widget,				       glade_standard_build_widget,
			       NULL, NULL);						       NULL, NULL);
	glade_register_widget (GNOME_DB_TYPE_TABLE_EDITOR,		glade_register_widget (GNOME_DB_TYPE_TABLE_EDITOR,
			       glade_standard_build_widget,				       glade_standard_build_widget,
			       NULL, NULL);						       NULL, NULL);

	glade_provide ("gnomedb");					glade_provide ("gnomedb");
}								}
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/glade: Makefile
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/glade/Makefile.am ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/glade/Makefile.am
## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in	## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in

	-I$(top_srcdir)					\		-I$(top_srcdir)					\
	-I$(top_builddir)				\		-I$(top_builddir)				\
	-DG_LOG_DOMAIN=\"GnomeDB\"			\		-DG_LOG_DOMAIN=\"GnomeDB\"			\

glademoduledir = $(libdir)/libglade/2.0				glademoduledir = $(libdir)/libglade/2.0
glademodule_LTLIBRARIES = libgnomedb.la				glademodule_LTLIBRARIES = libgnomedb.la

libgnomedb_la_LIBADD = \					libgnomedb_la_LIBADD = \
	$(top_builddir)/libgnomedb/libgnomedb-2.la	\		$(top_builddir)/libgnomedb/libgnomedb-2.la	\

libgnomedb_la_LDFLAGS = \					libgnomedb_la_LDFLAGS = \
	-export-dynamic -module -avoid-version				-export-dynamic -module -avoid-version

libgnomedb_la_SOURCES = \					libgnomedb_la_SOURCES = \
	glade-gnomedb.c							glade-gnomedb.c
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/glade: Makefile.in
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: HACKING
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: INSTALL
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: install-sh
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: intltool-extract
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: intltool-extract.in
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: intltool-merge
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: intltool-merge.in
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: intltool-update
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: intltool-update.in
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: lib
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb: CVS
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/db-shell.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/db-shell.c
/* GNOME-DB Components						/* GNOME-DB Components
 * Copyright (C) 2000-2003 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 2000-2003 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as pu	 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as pu
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the Lice	 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the Lice
 * (at your option) any later version.				 * (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * GNU Library General Public License for more details.		 * GNU Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public 	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public 
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Softwar	 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Softwar
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 	 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 
 */								 */

#include <libgnomeui/gnome-about.h>				#include <libgnomeui/gnome-about.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-i18n.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-i18n.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-window.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-window.h>
#include "db-shell.h"						#include "db-shell.h"

typedef struct {						typedef struct {
	GtkWidget *shell;						GtkWidget *shell;
	GdaConnection *cnc;						GdaConnection *cnc;
	DbShellCallbacks *callbacks;					DbShellCallbacks *callbacks;
	gpointer user_data;						gpointer user_data;
} DbShellData;							} DbShellData;

static void							static void
command_about (BonoboUIComponent *uic, void *data, const char	command_about (BonoboUIComponent *uic, void *data, const char
{								{
	GdkPixbuf *icon;						GdkPixbuf *icon;
	GtkWidget *dialog;						GtkWidget *dialog;
	const gchar *authors[] = {					const gchar *authors[] = {
		"Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>",				"Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>",
		"Vivien Malerba <malerba gnome-db org>",			"Vivien Malerba <malerba gnome-db org>",
		"Carlos Perello Marin <carlos gnome-db org>",			"Carlos Perello Marin <carlos gnome-db org>",
		"Gonzalo Paniagua Javier <gonzalo gnome-db or			"Gonzalo Paniagua Javier <gonzalo gnome-db or
		"Laurent Sansonetti <lrz gnome org>",				"Laurent Sansonetti <lrz gnome org>",
		NULL								NULL
	};								};
	const gchar *documenters[] = {					const gchar *documenters[] = {
		"Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>",				"Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>",
		NULL								NULL
	};								};
	const gchar *translator_credits =				const gchar *translator_credits =
		"Christian Rose <menthos menthos com> Swedish			"Christian Rose <menthos menthos com> Swedish
		"Kjartan Maraas <kmaraas online no> Norwegian			"Kjartan Maraas <kmaraas online no> Norwegian
	DbShellData *dsd = data;					DbShellData *dsd = data;

	icon = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file (LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR 		icon = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file (LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR 

	dialog = gnome_about_new ("GNOME-DB", VERSION,			dialog = gnome_about_new ("GNOME-DB", VERSION,
				  "(C) 1998-2003 GNOME Founda					  "(C) 1998-2003 GNOME Founda
				  _("Database services for th					  _("Database services for th
				  authors,							  authors,
				  documenters,							  documenters,
				  translator_credits,						  translator_credits,
				  icon);							  icon);
	g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (dialog), "destroy",			g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (dialog), "destroy",
			  G_CALLBACK (gtk_widget_destroyed),				  G_CALLBACK (gtk_widget_destroyed),
			  &dialog);							  &dialog);
	gtk_window_set_transient_for (GTK_WINDOW (dialog), GT		gtk_window_set_transient_for (GTK_WINDOW (dialog), GT
	gtk_widget_show (dialog);					gtk_widget_show (dialog);

}								}

static void							static void
command_close (BonoboUIComponent *uic, void *data, const char	command_close (BonoboUIComponent *uic, void *data, const char
{								{
	DbShellData *dsd = data;					DbShellData *dsd = data;

	gnome_db_window_close (GNOME_DB_WINDOW (dsd->shell));		gnome_db_window_close (GNOME_DB_WINDOW (dsd->shell));
}								}

#define DEFINE_VERB_CB(x)					#define DEFINE_VERB_CB(x)				
	static void command_##x (BonoboUIComponent *uic, void		static void command_##x (BonoboUIComponent *uic, void
	{								{						
		DbShellData *dsd = data; 					DbShellData *dsd = data; 		
		if (dsd->callbacks->x##_func) 					if (dsd->callbacks->x##_func) 		
			dsd->callbacks->x##_func (dsd->shell,				dsd->callbacks->x##_func (dsd->shell,
	}								}

#define DEFINE_LIST_CB(x)					#define DEFINE_LIST_CB(x)				
	static void command_##x (BonoboUIComponent *component		static void command_##x (BonoboUIComponent *component
				 Bonobo_UIComponent_EventType					 Bonobo_UIComponent_EventType
				 gpointer data)							 gpointer data)		
	{								{						
		DbShellData *dsd = data; 					DbShellData *dsd = data; 		
		if (dsd->callbacks->x##_func) 					if (dsd->callbacks->x##_func) 		
			dsd->callbacks->x##_func (dsd->shell,				dsd->callbacks->x##_func (dsd->shell,
	}								}

DEFINE_VERB_CB (menu_database)					DEFINE_VERB_CB (menu_database)
DEFINE_VERB_CB (edit_properties)				DEFINE_VERB_CB (edit_properties)
DEFINE_VERB_CB (save_connection)				DEFINE_VERB_CB (save_connection)
DEFINE_VERB_CB (menu_edit)					DEFINE_VERB_CB (menu_edit)
DEFINE_VERB_CB (delete)						DEFINE_VERB_CB (delete)
DEFINE_VERB_CB (select_all)					DEFINE_VERB_CB (select_all)
DEFINE_VERB_CB (deselect_all)					DEFINE_VERB_CB (deselect_all)
DEFINE_VERB_CB (menu_view)					DEFINE_VERB_CB (menu_view)

DEFINE_LIST_CB (view_data_sources)				DEFINE_LIST_CB (view_data_sources)
DEFINE_LIST_CB (view_providers)					DEFINE_LIST_CB (view_providers)

#undef DEFINE_VERB_CB						#undef DEFINE_VERB_CB
#undef DEFINE_LIST_CB						#undef DEFINE_LIST_CB

static BonoboUIVerb db_shell_verbs [] = {			static BonoboUIVerb db_shell_verbs [] = {
	BONOBO_UI_VERB ("Database", command_menu_database),		BONOBO_UI_VERB ("Database", command_menu_database),
	BONOBO_UI_VERB ("DatabaseClose", command_close),		BONOBO_UI_VERB ("DatabaseClose", command_close),
	BONOBO_UI_VERB ("DatabaseNew", command_new),			BONOBO_UI_VERB ("DatabaseNew", command_new),
	BONOBO_UI_VERB ("DatabaseSaveConnection", command_sav		BONOBO_UI_VERB ("DatabaseSaveConnection", command_sav
	BONOBO_UI_VERB ("DatabaseProperties", command_edit_pr		BONOBO_UI_VERB ("DatabaseProperties", command_edit_pr
	BONOBO_UI_VERB ("Edit", command_menu_edit),			BONOBO_UI_VERB ("Edit", command_menu_edit),
	BONOBO_UI_VERB ("EditDelete", command_delete),			BONOBO_UI_VERB ("EditDelete", command_delete),
	BONOBO_UI_VERB ("EditSelectAll", command_select_all),		BONOBO_UI_VERB ("EditSelectAll", command_select_all),
	BONOBO_UI_VERB ("EditDeselectAll", command_deselect_a		BONOBO_UI_VERB ("EditDeselectAll", command_deselect_a
	BONOBO_UI_VERB ("View", command_menu_view),			BONOBO_UI_VERB ("View", command_menu_view),
	BONOBO_UI_VERB ("HelpAbout", command_about),			BONOBO_UI_VERB ("HelpAbout", command_about),
};								};

static void							static void
shell_closed_cb (GnomeDbWindow *window, gpointer user_data)	shell_closed_cb (GnomeDbWindow *window, gpointer user_data)
{								{
	DbShellData *dsd = user_data;					DbShellData *dsd = user_data;

	dsd->shell = NULL;						dsd->shell = NULL;
	dsd->cnc = NULL;						dsd->cnc = NULL;
	g_free (dsd->callbacks);					g_free (dsd->callbacks);
	g_free (dsd);							g_free (dsd);

	g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (window), "GNOME_DB_Shell		g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (window), "GNOME_DB_Shell
}								}

static void							static void
sensitize_ui (DbShellData *dsd)					sensitize_ui (DbShellData *dsd)
{								{
	gboolean connected;						gboolean connected;
	BonoboUIComponent *uic;						BonoboUIComponent *uic;

	connected = GDA_IS_CONNECTION (dsd->cnc) && gda_conne		connected = GDA_IS_CONNECTION (dsd->cnc) && gda_conne
	uic = gnome_db_window_get_ui_component (GNOME_DB_WIND		uic = gnome_db_window_get_ui_component (GNOME_DB_WIND

	bonobo_ui_component_set_prop (uic, "/commands/Databas		bonobo_ui_component_set_prop (uic, "/commands/Databas
				      connected ? "0" : "1",					      connected ? "0" : "1",
				      NULL);							      NULL);
	bonobo_ui_component_set_prop (uic, "/commands/Databas		bonobo_ui_component_set_prop (uic, "/commands/Databas
				      dsd->callbacks->new_fun					      dsd->callbacks->new_fun
				      NULL);							      NULL);
	bonobo_ui_component_set_prop (uic, "/commands/Databas		bonobo_ui_component_set_prop (uic, "/commands/Databas
				      dsd->callbacks->edit_pr					      dsd->callbacks->edit_pr
				      NULL);							      NULL);
	bonobo_ui_component_set_prop (uic, "/commands/EditDel		bonobo_ui_component_set_prop (uic, "/commands/EditDel
				      dsd->callbacks->delete_					      dsd->callbacks->delete_
				      NULL);							      NULL);
	bonobo_ui_component_set_prop (uic, "/commands/EditSel		bonobo_ui_component_set_prop (uic, "/commands/EditSel
				      dsd->callbacks->select_					      dsd->callbacks->select_
				      NULL);							      NULL);
	bonobo_ui_component_set_prop (uic, "/commands/EditDes		bonobo_ui_component_set_prop (uic, "/commands/EditDes
				      dsd->callbacks->deselec					      dsd->callbacks->deselec
				      NULL);							      NULL);
}								}

GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
db_shell_new (const gchar *title,				db_shell_new (const gchar *title,
	      GtkWidget *widget,					      GtkWidget *widget,
	      GdaConnection *cnc,					      GdaConnection *cnc,
	      DbShellCallbacks *callbacks,				      DbShellCallbacks *callbacks,
	      gpointer user_data)					      gpointer user_data)
{								{
	BonoboUIComponent *uic;						BonoboUIComponent *uic;
	DbShellData *dsd;						DbShellData *dsd;
	GdkPixbuf *icon;						GdkPixbuf *icon;

	dsd = g_new0 (DbShellData, 1);					dsd = g_new0 (DbShellData, 1);
	dsd->cnc = cnc;							dsd->cnc = cnc;
	dsd->callbacks = callbacks;					dsd->callbacks = callbacks;
	dsd->user_data = user_data;					dsd->user_data = user_data;

	/* create the main window */					/* create the main window */
	dsd->shell = gnome_db_window_new (title, PREFIX,		dsd->shell = gnome_db_window_new (title, PREFIX,
					  db_shell_verbs, dsd						  db_shell_verbs, dsd
	g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (dsd->shell), "GNOME_DB_S		g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (dsd->shell), "GNOME_DB_S
	g_signal_connect_after (dsd->shell, "close", G_CALLBA		g_signal_connect_after (dsd->shell, "close", G_CALLBA

	icon = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file (LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR 		icon = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file (LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR 
	if (icon) {							if (icon) {
		gtk_window_set_icon (GTK_WINDOW (dsd->shell),			gtk_window_set_icon (GTK_WINDOW (dsd->shell),
		g_object_unref (icon);						g_object_unref (icon);
	}								}
	/* FIXME: move this code in gnome_db_window_new () */		/* FIXME: move this code in gnome_db_window_new () */
	uic = gnome_db_window_get_ui_component (GNOME_DB_WIND		uic = gnome_db_window_get_ui_component (GNOME_DB_WIND
	bonobo_ui_component_add_listener (uic, "ViewDataSourc		bonobo_ui_component_add_listener (uic, "ViewDataSourc
					  command_view_data_s						  command_view_data_s
	bonobo_ui_component_add_listener (uic, "ViewProviders		bonobo_ui_component_add_listener (uic, "ViewProviders
					  command_view_provid						  command_view_provid

	gnome_db_window_set_contents (GNOME_DB_WINDOW (dsd->s		gnome_db_window_set_contents (GNOME_DB_WINDOW (dsd->s
	gtk_window_set_default_size (GTK_WINDOW (dsd->shell),		gtk_window_set_default_size (GTK_WINDOW (dsd->shell),

	sensitize_ui (dsd);						sensitize_ui (dsd);

	return dsd->shell;						return dsd->shell;
}								}
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/db-shell.h ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/db-shell.h
/* GNOME-DB Components						/* GNOME-DB Components
 * Copyright (C) 2000-2003 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 2000-2003 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as pu	 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as pu
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the Lice	 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the Lice
 * (at your option) any later version.				 * (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * GNU Library General Public License for more details.		 * GNU Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public 	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public 
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Softwar	 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Softwar
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 	 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 
 */								 */

#if !defined(__db_shell_h__)					#if !defined(__db_shell_h__)
#  define __db_shell_h__					#  define __db_shell_h__

#include <libgda/gda-connection.h>				#include <libgda/gda-connection.h>
#include <gtk/gtkwidget.h>					#include <gtk/gtkwidget.h>

typedef void (* DbShellCallbackFunc) (GtkWidget *shell, gpoin	typedef void (* DbShellCallbackFunc) (GtkWidget *shell, gpoin

typedef struct {						typedef struct {
	DbShellCallbackFunc menu_database_func;				DbShellCallbackFunc menu_database_func;
	DbShellCallbackFunc new_func;					DbShellCallbackFunc new_func;
	DbShellCallbackFunc edit_properties_func;			DbShellCallbackFunc edit_properties_func;
	DbShellCallbackFunc save_connection_func;			DbShellCallbackFunc save_connection_func;
	DbShellCallbackFunc menu_edit_func;				DbShellCallbackFunc menu_edit_func;
	DbShellCallbackFunc delete_func;				DbShellCallbackFunc delete_func;
	DbShellCallbackFunc select_all_func;				DbShellCallbackFunc select_all_func;
	DbShellCallbackFunc deselect_all_func;				DbShellCallbackFunc deselect_all_func;
	DbShellCallbackFunc menu_view_func;				DbShellCallbackFunc menu_view_func;
	DbShellCallbackFunc view_data_sources_func;			DbShellCallbackFunc view_data_sources_func;
	DbShellCallbackFunc view_providers_func;			DbShellCallbackFunc view_providers_func;
} DbShellCallbacks;						} DbShellCallbacks;

GtkWidget *db_shell_new (const gchar *title,			GtkWidget *db_shell_new (const gchar *title,
			 GtkWidget *widget,						 GtkWidget *widget,
			 GdaConnection *cnc,						 GdaConnection *cnc,
			 DbShellCallbacks *callbacks,					 DbShellCallbacks *callbacks,
			 gpointer user_data);						 gpointer user_data);

#endif								#endif
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/db-shell.xml ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/db-shell.xml
<Root>								<Root>
  <commands>							  <commands>
    <cmd name="Database"/>					    <cmd name="Database"/>
    <cmd name="DatabaseNew" _tip="Create new entry" pixtype="	    <cmd name="DatabaseNew" _tip="Create new entry" pixtype="
    <cmd name="DatabaseSaveConnection" _tip="Save connection 	    <cmd name="DatabaseSaveConnection" _tip="Save connection 
    <cmd name="DatabaseProperties" _tip="Edit properties for 	    <cmd name="DatabaseProperties" _tip="Edit properties for 
    <cmd name="DatabaseClose" _tip="Close this window" pixtyp	    <cmd name="DatabaseClose" _tip="Close this window" pixtyp
    <cmd name="Edit"/>						    <cmd name="Edit"/>
    <cmd name="EditDelete" _tip="Delete selected items" pixty	    <cmd name="EditDelete" _tip="Delete selected items" pixty
    <cmd name="EditSelectAll" _tip="Select all items" accel="	    <cmd name="EditSelectAll" _tip="Select all items" accel="
    <cmd name="EditDeselectAll" _tip="Deselect all items" acc	    <cmd name="EditDeselectAll" _tip="Deselect all items" acc
    <cmd name="View"/>						    <cmd name="View"/>
    <cmd name="ViewDataSources" _tip="View data sources" acce	    <cmd name="ViewDataSources" _tip="View data sources" acce
    <cmd name="ViewProviders" _tip="View providers" accel="*A	    <cmd name="ViewProviders" _tip="View providers" accel="*A
    <cmd name="HelpAbout" _tip="About GNOME-DB" pixtype="stoc	    <cmd name="HelpAbout" _tip="About GNOME-DB" pixtype="stoc
  </commands>							  </commands>
  <menu id="MenuBar">						  <menu id="MenuBar">
    <submenu name="Database" verb="Database" _label="_Databas	    <submenu name="Database" verb="Database" _label="_Databas
      <menuitem name="DatabaseNew" verb="DatabaseNew" _label=	      <menuitem name="DatabaseNew" verb="DatabaseNew" _label=
      <menuitem name="DatabaseSaveConnection" verb="DatabaseS	      <menuitem name="DatabaseSaveConnection" verb="DatabaseS
      <separator/>						      <separator/>
      <menuitem name="DatabaseProperties" verb="DatabasePrope	      <menuitem name="DatabaseProperties" verb="DatabasePrope
      <separator/>						      <separator/>
      <menuitem name="DatabaseClose" verb="DatabaseClose" _la	      <menuitem name="DatabaseClose" verb="DatabaseClose" _la
    </submenu>							    </submenu>
    <submenu name="Edit" verb="Edit" _label="_Edit">		    <submenu name="Edit" verb="Edit" _label="_Edit">
      <menuitem name="EditDelete" verb="EditDelete" _label="_	      <menuitem name="EditDelete" verb="EditDelete" _label="_
      <separator/>						      <separator/>
      <menuitem name="EditSelectAll" verb="EditSelectAll" _la	      <menuitem name="EditSelectAll" verb="EditSelectAll" _la
      <menuitem name="EditDeselectAll" verb="EditDeselectAll"	      <menuitem name="EditDeselectAll" verb="EditDeselectAll"
    </submenu>							    </submenu>
    <submenu name="View" verb="View" _label="_View"> 		    <submenu name="View" verb="View" _label="_View"> 
      <menuitem name="ViewDataSources" verb="ViewDataSources"	      <menuitem name="ViewDataSources" verb="ViewDataSources"
      <menuitem name="ViewProviders" verb="ViewProviders" _la	      <menuitem name="ViewProviders" verb="ViewProviders" _la
    </submenu>							    </submenu>
    <submenu name="Help" _label="_Help">			    <submenu name="Help" _label="_Help">
      <menuitem name="HelpAbout" verb="HelpAbout" _label="Abo	      <menuitem name="HelpAbout" verb="HelpAbout" _label="Abo
    </submenu>							    </submenu>
  </menu>							  </menu>
</Root>								</Root>
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb: .deps
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#include <string.h>						#include <string.h>
#include <libgda/gda-config.h>					#include <libgda/gda-config.h>
#include <libgda/gda-connection.h>				#include <libgda/gda-connection.h>
#include <gdk-pixbuf/gdk-pixbuf.h>				#include <gdk-pixbuf/gdk-pixbuf.h>
#include <gtk/gtkcellrendererpixbuf.h>				#include <gtk/gtkcellrendererpixbuf.h>
#include <gtk/gtkcellrenderertext.h>				#include <gtk/gtkcellrenderertext.h>
#include <gtk/gtkcombo.h>					#include <gtk/gtkcombo.h>
#include <gtk/gtkentry.h>					#include <gtk/gtkentry.h>
#include <gtk/gtkimage.h>					#include <gtk/gtkimage.h>
#include <gtk/gtklabel.h>					#include <gtk/gtklabel.h>
#include <gtk/gtknotebook.h>					#include <gtk/gtknotebook.h>
#include <gtk/gtkpaned.h>					#include <gtk/gtkpaned.h>
#include <gtk/gtktable.h>					#include <gtk/gtktable.h>
#include <gtk/gtktreeselection.h>				#include <gtk/gtktreeselection.h>
#include <gtk/gtktreestore.h>					#include <gtk/gtktreestore.h>
#include <gtk/gtktreeview.h>					#include <gtk/gtktreeview.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.h>			#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-list.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-list.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h>
#include "gnome-db-i18n.h"					#include "gnome-db-i18n.h"
#include "gnome-db-browser-private.h"				#include "gnome-db-browser-private.h"


typedef struct {						typedef struct {
	GtkTreeIter top;						GtkTreeIter top;
	GdaConnectionSchema schema;					GdaConnectionSchema schema;
	GdkPixbuf *pixbuf;						GdkPixbuf *pixbuf;
} ObjectNodeData;						} ObjectNodeData;

typedef struct {						typedef struct {
	GnomeDbBrowser *browser;					GnomeDbBrowser *browser;
	GtkWidget *widget;						GtkWidget *widget;
	GdaConnectionSchema schema;					GdaConnectionSchema schema;
	gchar *name;							gchar *name;
} ObjectDetailData;						} ObjectDetailData;

struct _GnomeDbBrowserPrivate {					struct _GnomeDbBrowserPrivate {
	GdaConnection *cnc;						GdaConnection *cnc;

	/* widgets */							/* widgets */
	GtkWidget *paned;						GtkWidget *paned;
	GtkWidget *db_selector;						GtkWidget *db_selector;
	GtkWidget *scroll;						GtkWidget *scroll;
	GtkWidget *object_list;						GtkWidget *object_list;
	GtkWidget *detail_notebook;					GtkWidget *detail_notebook;

	GList *object_nodes;						GList *object_nodes;
	GList *detail_widgets;						GList *detail_widgets;
};								};

static void gnome_db_browser_class_init   (GnomeDbBrowserClas	static void gnome_db_browser_class_init   (GnomeDbBrowserClas
static void gnome_db_browser_init         (GnomeDbBrowser *br	static void gnome_db_browser_init         (GnomeDbBrowser *br
					   GnomeDbBrowserClas						   GnomeDbBrowserClas
static void gnome_db_browser_set_property (GObject *object,	static void gnome_db_browser_set_property (GObject *object,
					   guint paramid,						   guint paramid,
					   const GValue *valu						   const GValue *valu
					   GParamSpec *pspec)						   GParamSpec *pspec)
static void gnome_db_browser_get_property (GObject *object,	static void gnome_db_browser_get_property (GObject *object,
					   guint param_id,						   guint param_id,
					   GValue *value,						   GValue *value,
					   GParamSpec *pspec)						   GParamSpec *pspec)
static void gnome_db_browser_finalize     (GObject *object);	static void gnome_db_browser_finalize     (GObject *object);

enum {								enum {
	PROP_0,								PROP_0,
};								};

enum {								enum {
};								};

static gint browser_signals[LAST_SIGNAL];			static gint browser_signals[LAST_SIGNAL];
static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL;			static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL;

/*								/*
 * Callbacks							 * Callbacks
 */								 */

static void							static void
close_tab_cb (GtkButton *button, gpointer user_data)		close_tab_cb (GtkButton *button, gpointer user_data)
{								{
	ObjectDetailData *detail_data = (ObjectDetailData *) 		ObjectDetailData *detail_data = (ObjectDetailData *) 

	detail_data->browser->priv->detail_widgets = g_list_r		detail_data->browser->priv->detail_widgets = g_list_r
		detail_data->browser->priv->detail_widgets, d			detail_data->browser->priv->detail_widgets, d
	gtk_notebook_remove_page (					gtk_notebook_remove_page (
		GTK_NOTEBOOK (detail_data->browser->priv->det			GTK_NOTEBOOK (detail_data->browser->priv->det
		gtk_notebook_page_num (						gtk_notebook_page_num (
			GTK_NOTEBOOK (detail_data->browser->p				GTK_NOTEBOOK (detail_data->browser->p
			detail_data->widget));						detail_data->widget));

	g_free (detail_data->name);					g_free (detail_data->name);
	g_free (detail_data);						g_free (detail_data);
}								}

static void							static void
paned_notification_cb (GObject *object, GParamSpec *pspec, gp	paned_notification_cb (GObject *object, GParamSpec *pspec, gp
{								{
	GnomeDbBrowser *browser = (GnomeDbBrowser *) user_dat		GnomeDbBrowser *browser = (GnomeDbBrowser *) user_dat

	g_return_if_fail (G_IS_PARAM_SPEC (pspec));			g_return_if_fail (G_IS_PARAM_SPEC (pspec));
	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_BROWSER (browser));		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_BROWSER (browser));

	if (!strcmp (pspec->name, "position")) {			if (!strcmp (pspec->name, "position")) {
		gnome_db_config_set_int (GNOME_DB_CONFIG_KEY_			gnome_db_config_set_int (GNOME_DB_CONFIG_KEY_
				    gtk_paned_get_position (G					    gtk_paned_get_position (G
	}								}
}								}

static void							static void
tree_selection_changed_cb (GtkTreeSelection *selection, gpoin	tree_selection_changed_cb (GtkTreeSelection *selection, gpoin
{								{
	GtkTreeModel *tree_model;					GtkTreeModel *tree_model;
	GtkTreeIter iter;						GtkTreeIter iter;
	gchar *object_name;						gchar *object_name;
	GList *l;							GList *l;
	ObjectNodeData *node_data = NULL;				ObjectNodeData *node_data = NULL;
	ObjectDetailData *detail_data = NULL;				ObjectDetailData *detail_data = NULL;
	GtkWidget *button;						GtkWidget *button;
	GtkWidget *box = NULL;						GtkWidget *box = NULL;
	GtkWidget *label;						GtkWidget *label;
	gboolean add_tab = TRUE;					gboolean add_tab = TRUE;
	GnomeDbBrowser *browser = (GnomeDbBrowser *) user_dat		GnomeDbBrowser *browser = (GnomeDbBrowser *) user_dat

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_BROWSER (browser));		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_BROWSER (browser));

	/* retrieve the selection from the tree */			/* retrieve the selection from the tree */
	if (!gtk_tree_selection_get_selected (selection, &tre		if (!gtk_tree_selection_get_selected (selection, &tre
		return;								return;

	gtk_tree_model_get (tree_model, &iter, 1, &object_nam		gtk_tree_model_get (tree_model, &iter, 1, &object_nam

	for (l = browser->priv->object_nodes; l != NULL; l = 		for (l = browser->priv->object_nodes; l != NULL; l = 
		GtkTreeIter parent;						GtkTreeIter parent;
		ObjectNodeData *tmp = (ObjectNodeData *) l->d			ObjectNodeData *tmp = (ObjectNodeData *) l->d

		if (gtk_tree_model_iter_parent (tree_model, &			if (gtk_tree_model_iter_parent (tree_model, &
			if (parent.stamp == tmp->top.stamp &&				if (parent.stamp == tmp->top.stamp &&
			    parent.user_data == tmp->top.user				    parent.user_data == tmp->top.user
				node_data = tmp;						node_data = tmp;
				break;								break;
			}								}
		}								}
	}								}

	if (!node_data) // Parent not found!!!				if (!node_data) // Parent not found!!!
		return;								return;

	/* now search if we're already displaying this object		/* now search if we're already displaying this object
	for (l = browser->priv->detail_widgets; l != NULL; l 		for (l = browser->priv->detail_widgets; l != NULL; l 
		detail_data = (ObjectDetailData *) l->data;			detail_data = (ObjectDetailData *) l->data;
		if (detail_data->schema == node_data->schema 			if (detail_data->schema == node_data->schema 
		    !strcmp (detail_data->name, object_name))			    !strcmp (detail_data->name, object_name))
			add_tab = FALSE;						add_tab = FALSE;
			break;								break;
		}								}
	}								}

	if (add_tab) {							if (add_tab) {
		gchar *s;							gchar *s;

		/* not being displayed, so display it */			/* not being displayed, so display it */
		detail_data = g_new0 (ObjectDetailData, 1);			detail_data = g_new0 (ObjectDetailData, 1);
		detail_data->browser = browser;					detail_data->browser = browser;
		detail_data->schema = node_data->schema;			detail_data->schema = node_data->schema;
		detail_data->name = g_strdup (object_name);			detail_data->name = g_strdup (object_name);

		browser->priv->detail_widgets = g_list_append			browser->priv->detail_widgets = g_list_append

		box = gnome_db_new_hbox_widget (FALSE, 1);			box = gnome_db_new_hbox_widget (FALSE, 1);
		button = gtk_image_new_from_pixbuf (node_data			button = gtk_image_new_from_pixbuf (node_data
		gtk_widget_show (button);					gtk_widget_show (button);
		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (box), button, FA			gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (box), button, FA
		label = gnome_db_new_label_widget ("");				label = gnome_db_new_label_widget ("");
		s = g_strdup_printf ("<small>%s</small>", obj			s = g_strdup_printf ("<small>%s</small>", obj
		gtk_label_set_markup (GTK_LABEL (label), s);			gtk_label_set_markup (GTK_LABEL (label), s);
		g_free (s);							g_free (s);
		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (box), label, FAL			gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (box), label, FAL

		button = gtk_button_new ();					button = gtk_button_new ();
		gtk_button_set_relief (GTK_BUTTON (button), G			gtk_button_set_relief (GTK_BUTTON (button), G
		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (button), "clicked			g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (button), "clicked
				  G_CALLBACK (close_tab_cb), 					  G_CALLBACK (close_tab_cb), 
		gtk_widget_show (button);					gtk_widget_show (button);
		label = gnome_db_new_label_widget ("");				label = gnome_db_new_label_widget ("");
		gtk_label_set_markup (GTK_LABEL (label), "<sm			gtk_label_set_markup (GTK_LABEL (label), "<sm
		gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (button), la			gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (button), la
		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (box), button, FA			gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (box), button, FA
	}								}

	switch (detail_data->schema) {					switch (detail_data->schema) {
		if (add_tab)							if (add_tab)
			detail_data->widget = gnome_db_browse				detail_data->widget = gnome_db_browse
		gnome_db_browser_tables_show (detail_data->wi			gnome_db_browser_tables_show (detail_data->wi
		break;								break;
		if (add_tab)							if (add_tab)
			detail_data->widget = gnome_db_browse				detail_data->widget = gnome_db_browse
		break;								break;
		if (add_tab)							if (add_tab)
			detail_data->widget = gnome_db_browse				detail_data->widget = gnome_db_browse
		break;								break;
		if (add_tab)							if (add_tab)
			detail_data->widget = gnome_db_browse				detail_data->widget = gnome_db_browse
		gnome_db_browser_views_show (detail_data->wid			gnome_db_browser_views_show (detail_data->wid
		break;								break;
	default :							default :
		detail_data->widget = gnome_db_new_label_widg			detail_data->widget = gnome_db_new_label_widg
		break;								break;
	}								}

	if (add_tab) {							if (add_tab) {
		gtk_notebook_append_page (GTK_NOTEBOOK (brows			gtk_notebook_append_page (GTK_NOTEBOOK (brows
					  detail_data->widget						  detail_data->widget
	}								}

	gtk_notebook_set_current_page (					gtk_notebook_set_current_page (
		GTK_NOTEBOOK (browser->priv->detail_notebook)			GTK_NOTEBOOK (browser->priv->detail_notebook)
		gtk_notebook_page_num (GTK_NOTEBOOK (browser-			gtk_notebook_page_num (GTK_NOTEBOOK (browser-
				       detail_data->widget));					       detail_data->widget));
}								}

/*								/*
 * Private functions						 * Private functions
 */								 */

static void							static void
tree_value_set_func (GtkTreeViewColumn *tree_column,		tree_value_set_func (GtkTreeViewColumn *tree_column,
			    GtkCellRenderer *cell,					    GtkCellRenderer *cell,
			    GtkTreeModel *model,					    GtkTreeModel *model,
			    GtkTreeIter *iter,						    GtkTreeIter *iter,
			    gpointer user_data)						    gpointer user_data)
{								{
	GdkPixbuf *pixbuf;						GdkPixbuf *pixbuf;
	gchar *text;							gchar *text;
	GList *renderers;						GList *renderers;
	gtk_tree_model_get (model, iter, 0, &pixbuf, 1, &text		gtk_tree_model_get (model, iter, 0, &pixbuf, 1, &text
	renderers = gtk_tree_view_column_get_cell_renderers (		renderers = gtk_tree_view_column_get_cell_renderers (
	cell = renderers->data;						cell = renderers->data;
	g_object_set (G_OBJECT (cell), "pixbuf", pixbuf, NULL		g_object_set (G_OBJECT (cell), "pixbuf", pixbuf, NULL
	cell = renderers->next->data;					cell = renderers->next->data;
	g_object_set (G_OBJECT (cell), "text", text, NULL);		g_object_set (G_OBJECT (cell), "text", text, NULL);
	g_list_free (renderers);					g_list_free (renderers);
}								}

/*								/*
 * GnomeDbBrowser class implementation				 * GnomeDbBrowser class implementation
 */								 */

static void							static void
gnome_db_browser_class_init (GnomeDbBrowserClass *klass)	gnome_db_browser_class_init (GnomeDbBrowserClass *klass)
{								{
	GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);		GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);

	parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);		parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);

	object_class->set_property = gnome_db_browser_set_pro		object_class->set_property = gnome_db_browser_set_pro
	object_class->get_property = gnome_db_browser_get_pro		object_class->get_property = gnome_db_browser_get_pro
	object_class->finalize = gnome_db_browser_finalize;		object_class->finalize = gnome_db_browser_finalize;

	/* add class properties */					/* add class properties */
	g_object_class_install_property (				g_object_class_install_property (
		object_class, PROP_CONNECTION,					object_class, PROP_CONNECTION,
		g_param_spec_object ("connection", NULL, NULL			g_param_spec_object ("connection", NULL, NULL

	/* add class signals */						/* add class signals */
	browser_signals[PROGRESS_MESSAGE] =				browser_signals[PROGRESS_MESSAGE] =
		g_signal_new ("progress_message",				g_signal_new ("progress_message",
			      G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class				      G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class
			      G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,					      G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,
			      G_STRUCT_OFFSET (GnomeDbBrowser				      G_STRUCT_OFFSET (GnomeDbBrowser
			      NULL, NULL,						      NULL, NULL,
			      g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__STRING				      g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__STRING
			      G_TYPE_NONE, 1, G_TYPE_STRING);				      G_TYPE_NONE, 1, G_TYPE_STRING);
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_browser_init (GnomeDbBrowser *browser, GnomeDbBrowse	gnome_db_browser_init (GnomeDbBrowser *browser, GnomeDbBrowse
{								{
	GtkWidget *table;						GtkWidget *table;
	GtkWidget *label;						GtkWidget *label;
	GtkCellRenderer *renderer;					GtkCellRenderer *renderer;
	GtkTreeViewColumn *column;					GtkTreeViewColumn *column;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_BROWSER (browser));		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_BROWSER (browser));

	/* allocate private structure */				/* allocate private structure */
	browser->priv = g_new0 (GnomeDbBrowserPrivate, 1);		browser->priv = g_new0 (GnomeDbBrowserPrivate, 1);
	browser->priv->cnc = NULL;					browser->priv->cnc = NULL;
	browser->priv->object_nodes = NULL;				browser->priv->object_nodes = NULL;
	browser->priv->detail_widgets = NULL;				browser->priv->detail_widgets = NULL;

	/* set up widgets */						/* set up widgets */
	table = gnome_db_new_table_widget (2, 8, FALSE);		table = gnome_db_new_table_widget (2, 8, FALSE);
	gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (browser), table, TRUE, T		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (browser), table, TRUE, T

	label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (_("Database"));		label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (_("Database"));
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), label, 0, 1, 0, 		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), label, 0, 1, 0, 
	browser->priv->db_selector = gnome_db_new_combo_widge		browser->priv->db_selector = gnome_db_new_combo_widge
	gtk_combo_set_value_in_list (GTK_COMBO (browser->priv		gtk_combo_set_value_in_list (GTK_COMBO (browser->priv
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), browser->priv->d		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), browser->priv->d
			  1, 2, 0, 1, GTK_SHRINK, GTK_SHRINK,				  1, 2, 0, 1, GTK_SHRINK, GTK_SHRINK,

	browser->priv->paned = gnome_db_new_hpaned_widget ();		browser->priv->paned = gnome_db_new_hpaned_widget ();
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), browser->priv->p		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), browser->priv->p
			  2, 2);							  2, 2);

	browser->priv->scroll = gnome_db_new_scrolled_window_		browser->priv->scroll = gnome_db_new_scrolled_window_
	browser->priv->object_list = gnome_db_new_tree_view_w		browser->priv->object_list = gnome_db_new_tree_view_w
	gtk_tree_view_set_rules_hint (GTK_TREE_VIEW (browser-		gtk_tree_view_set_rules_hint (GTK_TREE_VIEW (browser-
	g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (gtk_tree_view_get_selecti		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (gtk_tree_view_get_selecti
					    GTK_TREE_VIEW (br						    GTK_TREE_VIEW (br
			  G_CALLBACK (tree_selection_changed_				  G_CALLBACK (tree_selection_changed_
	gtk_tree_view_set_headers_visible (GTK_TREE_VIEW (bro		gtk_tree_view_set_headers_visible (GTK_TREE_VIEW (bro
	gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (browser->priv->scro		gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (browser->priv->scro
	gtk_paned_add1 (GTK_PANED (browser->priv->paned), bro		gtk_paned_add1 (GTK_PANED (browser->priv->paned), bro

	/* Create column */						/* Create column */
	column = gtk_tree_view_column_new ();				column = gtk_tree_view_column_new ();

	renderer = gtk_cell_renderer_pixbuf_new ();			renderer = gtk_cell_renderer_pixbuf_new ();
	gtk_tree_view_column_pack_start (column, renderer, FA		gtk_tree_view_column_pack_start (column, renderer, FA
	gtk_tree_view_column_set_cell_data_func (column,		gtk_tree_view_column_set_cell_data_func (column,
						 renderer,							 renderer,
			                         tree_value_s				                         tree_value_s
						 NULL, NULL);							 NULL, NULL);
	renderer = gtk_cell_renderer_text_new ();			renderer = gtk_cell_renderer_text_new ();
	gtk_tree_view_column_pack_start (column, renderer, TR		gtk_tree_view_column_pack_start (column, renderer, TR
	gtk_tree_view_append_column (GTK_TREE_VIEW (browser->		gtk_tree_view_append_column (GTK_TREE_VIEW (browser->

	gnome_db_browser_refresh (browser);				gnome_db_browser_refresh (browser);

	browser->priv->detail_notebook = gnome_db_new_noteboo		browser->priv->detail_notebook = gnome_db_new_noteboo
	gtk_notebook_set_show_border (GTK_NOTEBOOK (browser->		gtk_notebook_set_show_border (GTK_NOTEBOOK (browser->
	gtk_notebook_set_show_tabs (GTK_NOTEBOOK (browser->pr		gtk_notebook_set_show_tabs (GTK_NOTEBOOK (browser->pr
	gtk_notebook_popup_disable (GTK_NOTEBOOK (browser->pr		gtk_notebook_popup_disable (GTK_NOTEBOOK (browser->pr
	gtk_paned_add2 (GTK_PANED (browser->priv->paned), bro		gtk_paned_add2 (GTK_PANED (browser->priv->paned), bro

	/* load configuration */					/* load configuration */
	if (gnome_db_config_has_key (GNOME_DB_CONFIG_KEY_BROW		if (gnome_db_config_has_key (GNOME_DB_CONFIG_KEY_BROW
		gtk_paned_set_position (GTK_PANED (browser->p			gtk_paned_set_position (GTK_PANED (browser->p
					gnome_db_config_get_i						gnome_db_config_get_i
	}								}

	g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (browser->priv->paned), "n		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (browser->priv->paned), "n
			  G_CALLBACK (paned_notification_cb),				  G_CALLBACK (paned_notification_cb),

	gnome_db_browser_refresh (browser);				gnome_db_browser_refresh (browser);
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_browser_set_property (GObject *object,			gnome_db_browser_set_property (GObject *object,
			       guint param_id,						       guint param_id,
			       const GValue *value,					       const GValue *value,
			       GParamSpec *pspec)					       GParamSpec *pspec)
{								{
	GnomeDbBrowser *browser = (GnomeDbBrowser *) object;		GnomeDbBrowser *browser = (GnomeDbBrowser *) object;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_BROWSER (browser));		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_BROWSER (browser));

	switch (param_id) {						switch (param_id) {
		gnome_db_browser_set_connection (browser,			gnome_db_browser_set_connection (browser,
		break;								break;
	default :							default :
		break;								break;
	}								}
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_browser_get_property (GObject *object,			gnome_db_browser_get_property (GObject *object,
			       guint param_id,						       guint param_id,
			       GValue *value,						       GValue *value,
			       GParamSpec *pspec)					       GParamSpec *pspec)
{								{
	GnomeDbBrowser *browser = (GnomeDbBrowser *) object;		GnomeDbBrowser *browser = (GnomeDbBrowser *) object;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_BROWSER (browser));		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_BROWSER (browser));

	switch (param_id) {						switch (param_id) {
		g_value_set_object (value, G_OBJECT (browser-			g_value_set_object (value, G_OBJECT (browser-
		break;								break;
	default:							default:
		break;								break;
	}								}
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_browser_finalize (GObject *object)			gnome_db_browser_finalize (GObject *object)
{								{
	GnomeDbBrowser *browser = (GnomeDbBrowser *) object;		GnomeDbBrowser *browser = (GnomeDbBrowser *) object;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_BROWSER (browser));		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_BROWSER (browser));

	/* free memory */						/* free memory */
	if (GDA_IS_CONNECTION (browser->priv->cnc)) {			if (GDA_IS_CONNECTION (browser->priv->cnc)) {
		g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (browser->priv->cnc)			g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (browser->priv->cnc)
		browser->priv->cnc = NULL;					browser->priv->cnc = NULL;
	}								}

	if (browser->priv->object_nodes) {				if (browser->priv->object_nodes) {
		g_list_foreach (browser->priv->object_nodes, 			g_list_foreach (browser->priv->object_nodes, 
		g_list_free (browser->priv->object_nodes);			g_list_free (browser->priv->object_nodes);
		browser->priv->object_nodes = NULL;				browser->priv->object_nodes = NULL;
	}								}

	if (browser->priv->detail_widgets) {				if (browser->priv->detail_widgets) {
		GList *l;							GList *l;

		while ((l = browser->priv->detail_widgets)) {			while ((l = browser->priv->detail_widgets)) {
			ObjectDetailData *detail_data = (Obje				ObjectDetailData *detail_data = (Obje

			browser->priv->detail_widgets = g_lis				browser->priv->detail_widgets = g_lis
			g_free (detail_data->name);					g_free (detail_data->name);
			g_free (detail_data);						g_free (detail_data);
		}								}
	}								}

	g_free (browser->priv);						g_free (browser->priv);
	browser->priv = NULL;						browser->priv = NULL;

	/* chain to parent class */					/* chain to parent class */
	parent_class->finalize (object);				parent_class->finalize (object);
}								}

GType								GType
gnome_db_browser_get_type (void)				gnome_db_browser_get_type (void)
{								{
	static GType type = 0;						static GType type = 0;

	if (!type) {							if (!type) {
		static const GTypeInfo info = {					static const GTypeInfo info = {
			sizeof (GnomeDbBrowserClass),					sizeof (GnomeDbBrowserClass),
			(GBaseInitFunc) NULL,						(GBaseInitFunc) NULL,
			(GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL,					(GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL,
			(GClassInitFunc) gnome_db_browser_cla				(GClassInitFunc) gnome_db_browser_cla
			NULL,								NULL,
			NULL,								NULL,
			sizeof (GnomeDbBrowser),					sizeof (GnomeDbBrowser),
			0,								0,
			(GInstanceInitFunc) gnome_db_browser_				(GInstanceInitFunc) gnome_db_browser_
		};								};
		type = g_type_register_static (PARENT_TYPE, "			type = g_type_register_static (PARENT_TYPE, "
	}								}
	return type;							return type;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_browser_new						 * gnome_db_browser_new
 *								 *
 * Create a new #GnomeDbBrowser widget. This widget lets you 	 * Create a new #GnomeDbBrowser widget. This widget lets you 
 * users a complete database browser, which lets him/her navi	 * users a complete database browser, which lets him/her navi
 * his/her database objects (tables, views, procedures, etc),	 * his/her database objects (tables, views, procedures, etc),
 * visual way.							 * visual way.
 *								 *
 * Returns: the newly created object.				 * Returns: the newly created object.
 */								 */
GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_browser_new (void)					gnome_db_browser_new (void)
{								{
	GnomeDbBrowser *browser;					GnomeDbBrowser *browser;

	browser = g_object_new (GNOME_DB_TYPE_BROWSER, NULL);		browser = g_object_new (GNOME_DB_TYPE_BROWSER, NULL);
	return GTK_WIDGET (browser);					return GTK_WIDGET (browser);
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_browser_get_connection				 * gnome_db_browser_get_connection
 * @browser: a #GnomeDbBrowser widget.				 * @browser: a #GnomeDbBrowser widget.
 *								 *
 * Retrieve the #GdaConnection object being used by the given	 * Retrieve the #GdaConnection object being used by the given
 * widget. The connection object associated with the browser 	 * widget. The connection object associated with the browser 
 * show the objects for that connection.			 * show the objects for that connection.
 *								 *
 * Returns: a #GdaConnection object.				 * Returns: a #GdaConnection object.
 */								 */
GdaConnection *							GdaConnection *
gnome_db_browser_get_connection (GnomeDbBrowser *browser)	gnome_db_browser_get_connection (GnomeDbBrowser *browser)
{								{
	g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_BROWSER (browser), 		g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_BROWSER (browser), 
	return browser->priv->cnc;					return browser->priv->cnc;
}								}

/*								/*
 * gnome_db_browser_set_connection				 * gnome_db_browser_set_connection
 * @browser: a #GnomeDbBrowser widget.				 * @browser: a #GnomeDbBrowser widget.
 * @cnc: a #GdaConnection object.				 * @cnc: a #GdaConnection object.
 *								 *
 * Associates a #GdaConnection object with the given browser 	 * Associates a #GdaConnection object with the given browser 
 * make the browser widget refresh its widgets and immediatel	 * make the browser widget refresh its widgets and immediatel
 * the objects contained in the new connection (@cnc).		 * the objects contained in the new connection (@cnc).
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_browser_set_connection (GnomeDbBrowser *browser, Gda	gnome_db_browser_set_connection (GnomeDbBrowser *browser, Gda
{								{
	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_BROWSER (browser));		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_BROWSER (browser));

	g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (browser), browser_signals[PR		g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (browser), browser_signals[PR
		       0, _("Loading database schemas..."));			       0, _("Loading database schemas..."));

	/* clear the current setup */					/* clear the current setup */
	if (GDA_IS_CONNECTION (browser->priv->cnc)) {			if (GDA_IS_CONNECTION (browser->priv->cnc)) {
		g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (browser->priv->cnc)			g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (browser->priv->cnc)
		browser->priv->cnc = NULL;					browser->priv->cnc = NULL;
	}								}

	/* refresh views */						/* refresh views */
	if (GDA_IS_CONNECTION (cnc))					if (GDA_IS_CONNECTION (cnc))
		g_object_ref (G_OBJECT (cnc));					g_object_ref (G_OBJECT (cnc));
	browser->priv->cnc = cnc;					browser->priv->cnc = cnc;

	gnome_db_browser_refresh (browser);				gnome_db_browser_refresh (browser);

	g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (browser), browser_signals[PR		g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (browser), browser_signals[PR
}								}

static void							static void
add_schema_objects (GnomeDbBrowser *browser,			add_schema_objects (GnomeDbBrowser *browser,
		    GtkTreeStore *store,					    GtkTreeStore *store,
		    GdaConnectionSchema schema,					    GdaConnectionSchema schema,
		    GdaConnectionFeature ask_feature,				    GdaConnectionFeature ask_feature,
		    const gchar *title,						    const gchar *title,
		    const gchar *pixmap)					    const gchar *pixmap)
{								{
	GdaDataModel *model;						GdaDataModel *model;
	gint rows, i;							gint rows, i;
	ObjectNodeData *node_data;					ObjectNodeData *node_data;

	if (!GDA_IS_CONNECTION (browser->priv->cnc))			if (!GDA_IS_CONNECTION (browser->priv->cnc))
		return;								return;

	/* check if the underlying provider supports it */		/* check if the underlying provider supports it */
	if (ask_feature) {						if (ask_feature) {
		if (!gda_connection_supports (browser->priv->			if (!gda_connection_supports (browser->priv->
			return;								return;
	}								}

	model = gda_connection_get_schema (browser->priv->cnc		model = gda_connection_get_schema (browser->priv->cnc
	if (!GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (model))					if (!GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (model))
		return;								return;
	rows = gda_data_model_get_n_rows (model);			rows = gda_data_model_get_n_rows (model);
	if (!rows) {							if (!rows) {
		g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (model));				g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (model));
		return;								return;
	}								}

	node_data = g_new0 (ObjectNodeData, 1);				node_data = g_new0 (ObjectNodeData, 1);
	node_data->schema = schema;					node_data->schema = schema;

	/* create top node for these schema objects */			/* create top node for these schema objects */
	node_data->pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file (pixmap,		node_data->pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file (pixmap,

	gtk_tree_store_append (store, &node_data->top, NULL);		gtk_tree_store_append (store, &node_data->top, NULL);
	gtk_tree_store_set (store, &node_data->top, 0, node_d		gtk_tree_store_set (store, &node_data->top, 0, node_d

	/* fill in this node of the tree */				/* fill in this node of the tree */
	for (i = 0; i < rows; i++) {					for (i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
		gchar *value;							gchar *value;
		GtkTreeIter node;						GtkTreeIter node;

		value = gda_value_stringify (gda_data_model_g			value = gda_value_stringify (gda_data_model_g
		gtk_tree_store_append (store, &node, &node_da			gtk_tree_store_append (store, &node, &node_da
		gtk_tree_store_set (store, &node, 0, node_dat			gtk_tree_store_set (store, &node, 0, node_dat

		g_free (value);							g_free (value);
	}								}

	g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (model));				g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (model));
	gdk_pixbuf_unref (node_data->pixbuf);				gdk_pixbuf_unref (node_data->pixbuf);

	/* update internal lists */					/* update internal lists */
	browser->priv->object_nodes = g_list_append (browser-		browser->priv->object_nodes = g_list_append (browser-
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_browser_refresh					 * gnome_db_browser_refresh
 * @browser: a #GnomeDbBrowser widget.				 * @browser: a #GnomeDbBrowser widget.
 *								 *
 * Make the browser widget refresh its currently displayed da	 * Make the browser widget refresh its currently displayed da
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_browser_refresh (GnomeDbBrowser *browser)		gnome_db_browser_refresh (GnomeDbBrowser *browser)
{								{
	GtkTreeStore *store;						GtkTreeStore *store;
	GdaDataModel *model;						GdaDataModel *model;
	GList *l;							GList *l;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_BROWSER (browser));		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_BROWSER (browser));

	g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (browser), browser_signals[PR		g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (browser), browser_signals[PR
		       0, _("Refreshing data..."));				       0, _("Refreshing data..."));

	/* clear up widgets and structures */				/* clear up widgets and structures */
	g_list_foreach (browser->priv->object_nodes, (GFunc) 		g_list_foreach (browser->priv->object_nodes, (GFunc) 
	g_list_free (browser->priv->object_nodes);			g_list_free (browser->priv->object_nodes);
	browser->priv->object_nodes = NULL;				browser->priv->object_nodes = NULL;

	l = g_list_append (NULL, "");					l = g_list_append (NULL, "");
	gtk_combo_set_popdown_strings (GTK_COMBO (browser->pr		gtk_combo_set_popdown_strings (GTK_COMBO (browser->pr
	g_list_free (l);						g_list_free (l);
	gtk_widget_set_sensitive (GTK_WIDGET (browser->priv->		gtk_widget_set_sensitive (GTK_WIDGET (browser->priv->

	while ((l = browser->priv->detail_widgets)) {			while ((l = browser->priv->detail_widgets)) {
		ObjectDetailData *detail_data = (ObjectDetail			ObjectDetailData *detail_data = (ObjectDetail

		browser->priv->detail_widgets = g_list_remove			browser->priv->detail_widgets = g_list_remove
		gtk_notebook_remove_page (GTK_NOTEBOOK (brows			gtk_notebook_remove_page (GTK_NOTEBOOK (brows
					  gtk_notebook_page_n						  gtk_notebook_page_n
						  detail_data							  detail_data
		g_free (detail_data->name);					g_free (detail_data->name);
		g_free (detail_data);						g_free (detail_data);
	}								}

	/* list of databases */						/* list of databases */
	if (GDA_IS_CONNECTION (browser->priv->cnc) &&			if (GDA_IS_CONNECTION (browser->priv->cnc) &&
	    gda_connection_is_open (browser->priv->cnc)) {		    gda_connection_is_open (browser->priv->cnc)) {
		GList *strs = NULL;						GList *strs = NULL;
		gint rows, r;							gint rows, r;

		model = gda_connection_get_schema (browser->p			model = gda_connection_get_schema (browser->p
						   GDA_CONNEC							   GDA_CONNEC
						   NULL);							   NULL);
		rows = gda_data_model_get_n_rows (model);			rows = gda_data_model_get_n_rows (model);
		for (r = 0; r < rows; r++) {					for (r = 0; r < rows; r++) {
			gchar *s;							gchar *s;

			s = gda_value_stringify (gda_data_mod				s = gda_value_stringify (gda_data_mod
			strs = g_list_append (strs, s);					strs = g_list_append (strs, s);
		}								}

		gtk_combo_set_popdown_strings (GTK_COMBO (bro			gtk_combo_set_popdown_strings (GTK_COMBO (bro
					       strs);							       strs);
		gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (GTK_COMBO (bro			gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (GTK_COMBO (bro
				    gda_connection_get_databa					    gda_connection_get_databa
		gtk_widget_set_sensitive (GTK_WIDGET (browser			gtk_widget_set_sensitive (GTK_WIDGET (browser

		g_list_foreach (strs, (GFunc) g_free, NULL);			g_list_foreach (strs, (GFunc) g_free, NULL);
		g_list_free (strs);						g_list_free (strs);
	}								}

	/* create the new tree model */					/* create the new tree model */
	store = gtk_tree_store_new (2, GDK_TYPE_PIXBUF, G_TYP		store = gtk_tree_store_new (2, GDK_TYPE_PIXBUF, G_TYP
	add_schema_objects (browser, store, GDA_CONNECTION_SC		add_schema_objects (browser, store, GDA_CONNECTION_SC
			    0, _("Tables"), LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSD				    0, _("Tables"), LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSD
	add_schema_objects (browser, store, GDA_CONNECTION_SC		add_schema_objects (browser, store, GDA_CONNECTION_SC
			    LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR "/gnome-db-vi				    LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR "/gnome-db-vi
	add_schema_objects (browser, store, GDA_CONNECTION_SC		add_schema_objects (browser, store, GDA_CONNECTION_SC
			    LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR "/gnome-db-in				    LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR "/gnome-db-in
	add_schema_objects (browser, store, GDA_CONNECTION_SC		add_schema_objects (browser, store, GDA_CONNECTION_SC
			    LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR "/gnome-db-sq				    LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR "/gnome-db-sq
	add_schema_objects (browser, store, GDA_CONNECTION_SC		add_schema_objects (browser, store, GDA_CONNECTION_SC
			    LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR "/gnome-db-pr				    LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR "/gnome-db-pr
	add_schema_objects (browser, store, GDA_CONNECTION_SC		add_schema_objects (browser, store, GDA_CONNECTION_SC
			    LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR "/gnome-db-tr				    LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR "/gnome-db-tr
	add_schema_objects (browser, store, GDA_CONNECTION_SC		add_schema_objects (browser, store, GDA_CONNECTION_SC
			    LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR "/gnome-db-ag				    LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR "/gnome-db-ag
	add_schema_objects (browser, store, GDA_CONNECTION_SC		add_schema_objects (browser, store, GDA_CONNECTION_SC
			    0, _("Types"), LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDI				    0, _("Types"), LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDI

	/* display the new data */					/* display the new data */
	gtk_tree_view_set_model (GTK_TREE_VIEW (browser->priv		gtk_tree_view_set_model (GTK_TREE_VIEW (browser->priv
				 GTK_TREE_MODEL (store));					 GTK_TREE_MODEL (store));
	g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (store));				g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (store));
	g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (browser), browser_signals[PR		g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (browser), browser_signals[PR
}								}
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.h ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.h
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#if !defined(__gnome_db_browser_h__)				#if !defined(__gnome_db_browser_h__)
#  define __gnome_db_browser_h__				#  define __gnome_db_browser_h__

#include <libgda/gda-connection.h>				#include <libgda/gda-connection.h>
#include <gtk/gtkvbox.h>					#include <gtk/gtkvbox.h>


#define GNOME_DB_TYPE_BROWSER            (gnome_db_browser_ge	#define GNOME_DB_TYPE_BROWSER            (gnome_db_browser_ge
#define GNOME_DB_BROWSER(obj)            (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTAN	#define GNOME_DB_BROWSER(obj)            (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTAN

typedef struct _GnomeDbBrowser        GnomeDbBrowser;		typedef struct _GnomeDbBrowser        GnomeDbBrowser;
typedef struct _GnomeDbBrowserClass   GnomeDbBrowserClass;	typedef struct _GnomeDbBrowserClass   GnomeDbBrowserClass;
typedef struct _GnomeDbBrowserPrivate GnomeDbBrowserPrivate;	typedef struct _GnomeDbBrowserPrivate GnomeDbBrowserPrivate;

struct _GnomeDbBrowser {					struct _GnomeDbBrowser {
	GtkVBox parent;							GtkVBox parent;
	GnomeDbBrowserPrivate *priv;					GnomeDbBrowserPrivate *priv;
};								};

struct _GnomeDbBrowserClass {					struct _GnomeDbBrowserClass {
	GtkVBoxClass parent_class;					GtkVBoxClass parent_class;

	/* signals */							/* signals */
	void (* progress_message) (GnomeDbBrowser *browser, c		void (* progress_message) (GnomeDbBrowser *browser, c
};								};

GType          gnome_db_browser_get_type (void);		GType          gnome_db_browser_get_type (void);
GtkWidget     *gnome_db_browser_new (void);			GtkWidget     *gnome_db_browser_new (void);
GdaConnection *gnome_db_browser_get_connection (GnomeDbBrowse	GdaConnection *gnome_db_browser_get_connection (GnomeDbBrowse
void           gnome_db_browser_set_connection (GnomeDbBrowse	void           gnome_db_browser_set_connection (GnomeDbBrowse
void           gnome_db_browser_refresh (GnomeDbBrowser *brow	void           gnome_db_browser_refresh (GnomeDbBrowser *brow


#endif								#endif
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-private.h ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-private.h
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#if !defined(__gnome_db_browser_private_h__)			#if !defined(__gnome_db_browser_private_h__)
#  define __gnome_db_browser_private_h__			#  define __gnome_db_browser_private_h__

#include <libgda/gda-connection.h>				#include <libgda/gda-connection.h>
#include <gtk/gtkwidget.h>					#include <gtk/gtkwidget.h>


GtkWidget  *gnome_db_browser_procedures_new (void);		GtkWidget  *gnome_db_browser_procedures_new (void);
GtkWidget  *gnome_db_browser_tables_new (void);			GtkWidget  *gnome_db_browser_tables_new (void);
void        gnome_db_browser_tables_show (GtkWidget *widget,	void        gnome_db_browser_tables_show (GtkWidget *widget,
					  GdaConnection *cnc,						  GdaConnection *cnc,
					  const gchar *str);						  const gchar *str);
void        gnome_db_browser_tables_clear (GtkWidget *widget)	void        gnome_db_browser_tables_clear (GtkWidget *widget)
GtkWidget  *gnome_db_browser_types_new (void);			GtkWidget  *gnome_db_browser_types_new (void);
GtkWidget  *gnome_db_browser_views_new (void);			GtkWidget  *gnome_db_browser_views_new (void);
void        gnome_db_browser_views_show (GtkWidget *widget,	void        gnome_db_browser_views_show (GtkWidget *widget,
					 GdaConnection *cnc,						 GdaConnection *cnc,
					 const gchar *str);						 const gchar *str);
void        gnome_db_browser_views_clear (GtkWidget *widget);	void        gnome_db_browser_views_clear (GtkWidget *widget);


#endif								#endif
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-procedures.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-procedures.c
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.h>			#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h>
#include "gnome-db-browser-private.h"				#include "gnome-db-browser-private.h"

/*								/*
 * Public functions						 * Public functions
 */								 */

GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_browser_procedures_new (void)				gnome_db_browser_procedures_new (void)
{								{
	GtkWidget *container;						GtkWidget *container;

	container = gnome_db_new_label_widget ("ToDo");			container = gnome_db_new_label_widget ("ToDo");
	return container;						return container;
}								}
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#include <gtk/gtklabel.h>					#include <gtk/gtklabel.h>
#include <gtk/gtknotebook.h>					#include <gtk/gtknotebook.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.h>			#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.h>			#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h>
#include "gnome-db-i18n.h"					#include "gnome-db-i18n.h"
#include "gnome-db-browser-private.h"				#include "gnome-db-browser-private.h"

typedef struct {						typedef struct {
	GtkWidget *container;						GtkWidget *container;
	GtkWidget *table_struct;					GtkWidget *table_struct;
	GtkWidget *data_grid;						GtkWidget *data_grid;
} GnomeDbBrowserTablesPrivate;					} GnomeDbBrowserTablesPrivate;

/*								/*
 * Private functions						 * Private functions
 */								 */

static void							static void
free_private_data (gpointer data)				free_private_data (gpointer data)
{								{
	GnomeDbBrowserTablesPrivate *priv = (GnomeDbBrowserTa		GnomeDbBrowserTablesPrivate *priv = (GnomeDbBrowserTa

	g_return_if_fail (priv != NULL);				g_return_if_fail (priv != NULL);

	g_free (priv);							g_free (priv);
}								}

/*								/*
 * Public functions						 * Public functions
 */								 */

GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_browser_tables_new (void)				gnome_db_browser_tables_new (void)
{								{
	GtkWidget *box;							GtkWidget *box;
	GnomeDbBrowserTablesPrivate *priv;				GnomeDbBrowserTablesPrivate *priv;

	priv = g_new0 (GnomeDbBrowserTablesPrivate, 1);			priv = g_new0 (GnomeDbBrowserTablesPrivate, 1);
	priv->container = gnome_db_new_notebook_widget ();		priv->container = gnome_db_new_notebook_widget ();
	gtk_notebook_popup_disable (GTK_NOTEBOOK (priv->conta		gtk_notebook_popup_disable (GTK_NOTEBOOK (priv->conta
	g_object_set_data_full (G_OBJECT (priv->container), "		g_object_set_data_full (G_OBJECT (priv->container), "
				priv, (GDestroyNotify) free_p					priv, (GDestroyNotify) free_p

	gtk_widget_show (priv->container);				gtk_widget_show (priv->container);

	/* create the 'Structure' tab */				/* create the 'Structure' tab */
	box = gnome_db_new_vbox_widget (FALSE, 0);			box = gnome_db_new_vbox_widget (FALSE, 0);
	priv->table_struct = gnome_db_new_grid_widget (NULL);		priv->table_struct = gnome_db_new_grid_widget (NULL);
	gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (box), priv->table_struct		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (box), priv->table_struct
	gtk_notebook_append_page (GTK_NOTEBOOK (priv->contain		gtk_notebook_append_page (GTK_NOTEBOOK (priv->contain
				  box,								  box,
				  gtk_label_new (_("Structure					  gtk_label_new (_("Structure

	/* create 'Data' tab */						/* create 'Data' tab */
	box = gnome_db_new_vbox_widget (FALSE, 0);			box = gnome_db_new_vbox_widget (FALSE, 0);
	priv->data_grid = gnome_db_new_grid_widget (NULL);		priv->data_grid = gnome_db_new_grid_widget (NULL);
	gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (box), priv->data_grid, T		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (box), priv->data_grid, T
	gtk_notebook_append_page (GTK_NOTEBOOK (priv->contain		gtk_notebook_append_page (GTK_NOTEBOOK (priv->contain
				  box,								  box,
				  gtk_label_new (_("Data")));					  gtk_label_new (_("Data")));

	return priv->container;						return priv->container;
}								}

void								void
gnome_db_browser_tables_show (GtkWidget *widget, GdaConnectio	gnome_db_browser_tables_show (GtkWidget *widget, GdaConnectio
{								{
	GnomeDbBrowserTablesPrivate *priv;				GnomeDbBrowserTablesPrivate *priv;
	GList *reclist;							GList *reclist;
	GdaCommand *cmd;						GdaCommand *cmd;
	GdaDataModel *fields;						GdaDataModel *fields;
	GdaParameterList *params;					GdaParameterList *params;

	g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget));			g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget));
	g_return_if_fail (GDA_IS_CONNECTION (cnc));			g_return_if_fail (GDA_IS_CONNECTION (cnc));
	g_return_if_fail (str != NULL);					g_return_if_fail (str != NULL);

	priv = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (widget), "GnomeDb		priv = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (widget), "GnomeDb
	if (!priv)							if (!priv)
		return;								return;

	gnome_db_browser_tables_clear (widget);				gnome_db_browser_tables_clear (widget);

	/* get table structure */					/* get table structure */
	params = gda_parameter_list_new ();				params = gda_parameter_list_new ();
	gda_parameter_list_add_parameter (params, gda_paramet		gda_parameter_list_add_parameter (params, gda_paramet
	fields = gda_connection_get_schema (cnc, GDA_CONNECTI		fields = gda_connection_get_schema (cnc, GDA_CONNECTI

	gnome_db_grid_set_model (GNOME_DB_GRID (priv->table_s		gnome_db_grid_set_model (GNOME_DB_GRID (priv->table_s

	gda_parameter_list_free (params);				gda_parameter_list_free (params);
	g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (fields));				g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (fields));
	/* get table data */						/* get table data */
	cmd = gda_command_new (str, GDA_COMMAND_TYPE_TABLE, 0		cmd = gda_command_new (str, GDA_COMMAND_TYPE_TABLE, 0
	reclist = gda_connection_execute_command (cnc, cmd, N		reclist = gda_connection_execute_command (cnc, cmd, N
	if (reclist) {							if (reclist) {
		gnome_db_grid_set_model (GNOME_DB_GRID (priv-			gnome_db_grid_set_model (GNOME_DB_GRID (priv-
					 GDA_DATA_MODEL (recl						 GDA_DATA_MODEL (recl

		g_list_foreach (reclist, (GFunc) g_object_unr			g_list_foreach (reclist, (GFunc) g_object_unr
		g_list_free (reclist);						g_list_free (reclist);
	}								}

	/* free memory */						/* free memory */
	gda_command_free (cmd);						gda_command_free (cmd);
}								}

void								void
gnome_db_browser_tables_clear (GtkWidget *widget)		gnome_db_browser_tables_clear (GtkWidget *widget)
{								{
	GnomeDbBrowserTablesPrivate *priv;				GnomeDbBrowserTablesPrivate *priv;

	priv = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (widget), "GnomeDb		priv = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (widget), "GnomeDb
	if (!priv)							if (!priv)
		return;								return;

	gnome_db_grid_set_model (GNOME_DB_GRID (priv->table_s		gnome_db_grid_set_model (GNOME_DB_GRID (priv->table_s
	gnome_db_grid_set_model (GNOME_DB_GRID (priv->data_gr		gnome_db_grid_set_model (GNOME_DB_GRID (priv->data_gr
}								}
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-types.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-types.c
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.h>			#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h>
#include "gnome-db-browser-private.h"				#include "gnome-db-browser-private.h"

typedef struct {						typedef struct {
} GnomeDbBrowserTypesPrivate;					} GnomeDbBrowserTypesPrivate;

/*								/*
 * Public functions						 * Public functions
 */								 */

GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_browser_types_new (void)				gnome_db_browser_types_new (void)
{								{
	GtkWidget *container;						GtkWidget *container;

	container = gnome_db_new_label_widget ("ToDo");			container = gnome_db_new_label_widget ("ToDo");
	return container;						return container;
}								}
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#include <gtk/gtklabel.h>					#include <gtk/gtklabel.h>
#include <gtk/gtknotebook.h>					#include <gtk/gtknotebook.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.h>			#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h>
#include "gnome-db-i18n.h"					#include "gnome-db-i18n.h"
#include "gnome-db-browser-private.h"				#include "gnome-db-browser-private.h"

typedef struct {						typedef struct {
	GtkWidget *container;						GtkWidget *container;
	GtkWidget *view_struct;						GtkWidget *view_struct;
	GtkWidget *data_grid;						GtkWidget *data_grid;
} GnomeDbBrowserViewsPrivate;					} GnomeDbBrowserViewsPrivate;

/*								/*
 * Private functions						 * Private functions
 */								 */

static void							static void
free_private_data (gpointer data)				free_private_data (gpointer data)
{								{
	GnomeDbBrowserViewsPrivate *priv = (GnomeDbBrowserVie		GnomeDbBrowserViewsPrivate *priv = (GnomeDbBrowserVie

	g_return_if_fail (priv != NULL);				g_return_if_fail (priv != NULL);

	g_free (priv);							g_free (priv);
}								}

/*								/*
 * Public functions						 * Public functions
 */								 */

GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_browser_views_new (void)				gnome_db_browser_views_new (void)
{								{
	GtkWidget *box;							GtkWidget *box;
	GnomeDbBrowserViewsPrivate *priv;				GnomeDbBrowserViewsPrivate *priv;

	priv = g_new0 (GnomeDbBrowserViewsPrivate, 1);			priv = g_new0 (GnomeDbBrowserViewsPrivate, 1);
	priv->container = gnome_db_new_notebook_widget ();		priv->container = gnome_db_new_notebook_widget ();
	gtk_notebook_popup_disable (GTK_NOTEBOOK (priv->conta		gtk_notebook_popup_disable (GTK_NOTEBOOK (priv->conta
	g_object_set_data_full (G_OBJECT (priv->container), "		g_object_set_data_full (G_OBJECT (priv->container), "
				priv, (GDestroyNotify) free_p					priv, (GDestroyNotify) free_p

	/* create the 'Data' tab */					/* create the 'Data' tab */
	box = gnome_db_new_vbox_widget (FALSE, 0);			box = gnome_db_new_vbox_widget (FALSE, 0);
	priv->data_grid = gnome_db_new_grid_widget (NULL);		priv->data_grid = gnome_db_new_grid_widget (NULL);
	gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (box), priv->data_grid, T		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (box), priv->data_grid, T
	gtk_notebook_append_page (GTK_NOTEBOOK (priv->contain		gtk_notebook_append_page (GTK_NOTEBOOK (priv->contain
				  box,								  box,
				  gtk_label_new (_("Data")));					  gtk_label_new (_("Data")));

	return priv->container;						return priv->container;
}								}

void								void
gnome_db_browser_views_show (GtkWidget *widget, GdaConnection	gnome_db_browser_views_show (GtkWidget *widget, GdaConnection
{								{
	GnomeDbBrowserViewsPrivate *priv;				GnomeDbBrowserViewsPrivate *priv;
	GList *reclist;							GList *reclist;
	GdaCommand *cmd;						GdaCommand *cmd;

	g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget));			g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget));
	g_return_if_fail (GDA_IS_CONNECTION (cnc));			g_return_if_fail (GDA_IS_CONNECTION (cnc));
	g_return_if_fail (str != NULL);					g_return_if_fail (str != NULL);

	priv = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (widget), "GnomeDb		priv = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (widget), "GnomeDb
	if (!priv)							if (!priv)
		return;								return;

	gnome_db_browser_views_clear (widget);				gnome_db_browser_views_clear (widget);

	/* get table data */						/* get table data */
	cmd = gda_command_new (str, GDA_COMMAND_TYPE_TABLE, 0		cmd = gda_command_new (str, GDA_COMMAND_TYPE_TABLE, 0
	reclist = gda_connection_execute_command (cnc, cmd, N		reclist = gda_connection_execute_command (cnc, cmd, N
	if (reclist) {							if (reclist) {
		gnome_db_grid_set_model (GNOME_DB_GRID (priv-			gnome_db_grid_set_model (GNOME_DB_GRID (priv-
					 GDA_DATA_MODEL (recl						 GDA_DATA_MODEL (recl

		g_list_foreach (reclist, (GFunc) g_object_unr			g_list_foreach (reclist, (GFunc) g_object_unr
		g_list_free (reclist);						g_list_free (reclist);
	}								}

	/* free memory */						/* free memory */
	gda_command_free (cmd);						gda_command_free (cmd);
}								}

void								void
gnome_db_browser_views_clear (GtkWidget *widget)		gnome_db_browser_views_clear (GtkWidget *widget)
{								{
	GnomeDbBrowserViewsPrivate *priv;				GnomeDbBrowserViewsPrivate *priv;

	priv = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (widget), "GnomeDb		priv = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (widget), "GnomeDb
	if (!priv)							if (!priv)
		return;								return;

	gnome_db_grid_set_model (GNOME_DB_GRID (priv->data_gr		gnome_db_grid_set_model (GNOME_DB_GRID (priv->data_gr
}								}
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.c
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 The Free Software Foundation		 * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 The Free Software Foundation
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.h>


struct _GnomeDbComboPrivate {					struct _GnomeDbComboPrivate {
	GdaDataModel *model;						GdaDataModel *model;
	gint col;							gint col;
};								};

static void gnome_db_combo_class_init   (GnomeDbComboClass *k	static void gnome_db_combo_class_init   (GnomeDbComboClass *k
static void gnome_db_combo_init         (GnomeDbCombo *combo,	static void gnome_db_combo_init         (GnomeDbCombo *combo,
					   GnomeDbComboClass 						   GnomeDbComboClass 
static void gnome_db_combo_set_property (GObject *object,	static void gnome_db_combo_set_property (GObject *object,
					   guint paramid,						   guint paramid,
					   const GValue *valu						   const GValue *valu
					   GParamSpec *pspec)						   GParamSpec *pspec)
static void gnome_db_combo_get_property (GObject *object,	static void gnome_db_combo_get_property (GObject *object,
					   guint param_id,						   guint param_id,
					   GValue *value,						   GValue *value,
					   GParamSpec *pspec)						   GParamSpec *pspec)
static void gnome_db_combo_finalize     (GObject *object);	static void gnome_db_combo_finalize     (GObject *object);
static void model_changed_cb 		(GdaDataModel *model,	static void model_changed_cb 		(GdaDataModel *model,
					 gpointer user_data);						 gpointer user_data);

enum {								enum {
	PROP_0,								PROP_0,
};								};

enum {							      <
	MODEL_CHANGED,					      <
	LAST_SIGNAL					      <
};							      <
static gint combo_signals[LAST_SIGNAL];			      <
static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL;			static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL;

/*								/*
 * GnomeDbCombo class implementation				 * GnomeDbCombo class implementation
 */								 */

static void							static void
gnome_db_combo_class_init (GnomeDbComboClass *klass)		gnome_db_combo_class_init (GnomeDbComboClass *klass)
{								{
	GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);		GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);

	parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);		parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);

	object_class->set_property = gnome_db_combo_set_prope		object_class->set_property = gnome_db_combo_set_prope
	object_class->get_property = gnome_db_combo_get_prope		object_class->get_property = gnome_db_combo_get_prope
	object_class->finalize = gnome_db_combo_finalize;		object_class->finalize = gnome_db_combo_finalize;

	/* add class properties */					/* add class properties */
	g_object_class_install_property (				g_object_class_install_property (
		object_class, PROP_MODEL,					object_class, PROP_MODEL,
		g_param_spec_object ("model", NULL, NULL,			g_param_spec_object ("model", NULL, NULL,
	/* add class signals */				      <
	combo_signals[MODEL_CHANGED] =			      <
		g_signal_new ("model_changed",		      <
			      G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class <
			      G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,	      <
			      G_STRUCT_OFFSET (GnomeDbComboCl <
			      NULL, NULL,		      <
			      g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID,  <
			      G_TYPE_NONE, 0);		      <
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_combo_init (GnomeDbCombo *combo, GnomeDbComboClass *	gnome_db_combo_init (GnomeDbCombo *combo, GnomeDbComboClass *
{								{
	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_COMBO (combo));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_COMBO (combo));

	/* allocate private structure */				/* allocate private structure */
	combo->priv = g_new0 (GnomeDbComboPrivate, 1);			combo->priv = g_new0 (GnomeDbComboPrivate, 1);
	combo->priv->model = NULL;					combo->priv->model = NULL;
	combo->priv->col = 0;				      <
	gtk_combo_box_set_model(GTK_COMBO_BOX(combo), NULL);  <
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_combo_set_property (GObject *object,			gnome_db_combo_set_property (GObject *object,
			     guint param_id,						     guint param_id,
			     const GValue *value,					     const GValue *value,
			     GParamSpec *pspec)						     GParamSpec *pspec)
{								{
	GnomeDbCombo *combo = (GnomeDbCombo *) object;			GnomeDbCombo *combo = (GnomeDbCombo *) object;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_COMBO (combo));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_COMBO (combo));

	switch (param_id) {						switch (param_id) {
	case PROP_MODEL :						case PROP_MODEL :
		gnome_db_combo_set_model (combo,				gnome_db_combo_set_model (combo,
					  GDA_DATA_MODEL (g_v						  GDA_DATA_MODEL (g_v
					  0);								  0);
		break;								break;
	default :							default :
		break;								break;
	}								}
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_combo_get_property (GObject *object,			gnome_db_combo_get_property (GObject *object,
			     guint param_id,						     guint param_id,
			     GValue *value,						     GValue *value,
			     GParamSpec *pspec)						     GParamSpec *pspec)
{								{
	GnomeDbCombo *combo = (GnomeDbCombo *) object;			GnomeDbCombo *combo = (GnomeDbCombo *) object;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_COMBO (combo));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_COMBO (combo));

	switch (param_id) {						switch (param_id) {
	case PROP_MODEL :						case PROP_MODEL :
		g_value_set_object (value, G_OBJECT (combo->p			g_value_set_object (value, G_OBJECT (combo->p
		break;								break;
	default :							default :
		break;								break;
	}								}
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_combo_finalize (GObject *object)			gnome_db_combo_finalize (GObject *object)
{								{
	GnomeDbCombo *combo = (GnomeDbCombo *) object;			GnomeDbCombo *combo = (GnomeDbCombo *) object;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_COMBO (combo));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_COMBO (combo));

	/* free memory */						/* free memory */
	if (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (combo->priv->model)) {			if (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (combo->priv->model)) {
		g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func (G_OBJEC			g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func (G_OBJEC
		g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (combo->priv->model)			g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (combo->priv->model)
		combo->priv->model = NULL;					combo->priv->model = NULL;
	}								}

	g_free (combo->priv);						g_free (combo->priv);
	combo->priv = NULL;						combo->priv = NULL;

	/* chain to parent class */					/* chain to parent class */
	parent_class->finalize (object);				parent_class->finalize (object);
}								}

GType								GType
gnome_db_combo_get_type (void)					gnome_db_combo_get_type (void)
{								{
	static GType type = 0;						static GType type = 0;

	if (!type) {							if (!type) {
		static const GTypeInfo info = {					static const GTypeInfo info = {
			sizeof (GnomeDbComboClass),					sizeof (GnomeDbComboClass),
			(GBaseInitFunc) NULL,						(GBaseInitFunc) NULL,
			(GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL,					(GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL,
			(GClassInitFunc) gnome_db_combo_class				(GClassInitFunc) gnome_db_combo_class
			NULL,								NULL,
			NULL,								NULL,
			sizeof (GnomeDbCombo),						sizeof (GnomeDbCombo),
			0,								0,
			(GInstanceInitFunc) gnome_db_combo_in				(GInstanceInitFunc) gnome_db_combo_in
		};								};
		type = g_type_register_static (PARENT_TYPE, "			type = g_type_register_static (PARENT_TYPE, "
	}								}
	return type;							return type;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_combo_new						 * gnome_db_combo_new
 *								 *
 * Create a new GnomeDbCombo widget.				 * Create a new GnomeDbCombo widget.
 *								 *
 * Returns: the newly-created widget.				 * Returns: the newly-created widget.
 */								 */
GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_combo_new (void)					gnome_db_combo_new (void)
{								{
	GnomeDbCombo *combo;						GnomeDbCombo *combo;

	combo = g_object_new (GNOME_DB_TYPE_COMBO, NULL);		combo = g_object_new (GNOME_DB_TYPE_COMBO, NULL);
	return GTK_WIDGET (combo);					return GTK_WIDGET (combo);
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_combo_new_with_model				 * gnome_db_combo_new_with_model
 * @model: a #GdaDataModel object.				 * @model: a #GdaDataModel object.
 * @col: the column in the model to be shown.			 * @col: the column in the model to be shown.
 *								 *
 * Create a new GnomeDbCombo widget with a model.		 * Create a new GnomeDbCombo widget with a model.
 *								 *
 * Returns: the newly-created widget.				 * Returns: the newly-created widget.
 */								 */
GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_combo_new_with_model (GdaDataModel *model, gint col)	gnome_db_combo_new_with_model (GdaDataModel *model, gint col)
{								{
	GnomeDbCombo *combo;						GnomeDbCombo *combo;
	g_return_val_if_fail (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (model), NULL		g_return_val_if_fail (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (model), NULL
	g_return_val_if_fail (col >= 0 && col < gda_data_mode |		g_return_val_if_fail (col >= 0, NULL);

	combo = gnome_db_combo_new();					combo = gnome_db_combo_new();
	if (combo != NULL) {						if (combo != NULL) {
		gnome_db_combo_set_model (GNOME_DB_COMBO (com			gnome_db_combo_set_model (GNOME_DB_COMBO (com
	}								}

	return GTK_WIDGET (combo);					return GTK_WIDGET (combo);
}								}

static void							static void
model_changed_cb (GdaDataModel *model, gpointer user_data)	model_changed_cb (GdaDataModel *model, gpointer user_data)
{								{
	GnomeDbCombo *combo = GNOME_DB_COMBO (user_data);		GnomeDbCombo *combo = GNOME_DB_COMBO (user_data);
	gint rows, i;					      |		gint rows, i, cols;
	GdaValue *value;				      |		const GdaValue *value;
	GtkTreeStore *combo_model;			      |		GList *list = NULL;
	GtkTreeIter iter;				      <
	g_return_if_fail (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (model));			g_return_if_fail (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (model));
	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_COMBO (combo));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_COMBO (combo));

							      >		cols = gda_data_model_get_n_columns (model);
	rows = gda_data_model_get_n_rows (model);			rows = gda_data_model_get_n_rows (model);
							      |		if (rows == 0 || cols < combo->priv->col) {
	combo_model = gtk_tree_store_new(1, G_TYPE_STRING);   |			list = g_list_append (list, "");
	/* Set the values to ListStore */		      |			gtk_combo_set_popdown_strings (GTK_COMBO (com
							      >			g_list_free (list);
							      >			return;
							      >		}

	for (i = 0; i < rows; i++) {					for (i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
		gtk_tree_store_append(combo_model,&iter, NULL <
		value = gda_data_model_get_value_at (model, c			value = gda_data_model_get_value_at (model, c
		gtk_tree_store_set(combo_model,&iter,0,gda_va |			list = g_list_append (list, gda_value_stringi
	}								}
	gtk_combo_box_set_model(GTK_COMBO_BOX(combo), combo_m <
	gtk_combo_box_entry_set_text_column(GTK_COMBO_BOX_ENT <
							      >		gtk_combo_set_popdown_strings (GTK_COMBO (combo), lis
							      >		g_list_foreach (list, (GFunc) g_free, NULL);
							      >		g_list_free (list);
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_combo_set_model					 * gnome_db_combo_set_model
 * @combo: a #GnomeDbCombo widget.				 * @combo: a #GnomeDbCombo widget.
 * @model: a #GdaDataModel object.				 * @model: a #GdaDataModel object.
 * @col: column in the model to be shown.			 * @col: column in the model to be shown.
 *								 *
 * Associate a #GdaDataModel with the given combo widget. Doi	 * Associate a #GdaDataModel with the given combo widget. Doi
 * combo widget refresh its list of values and display the va	 * combo widget refresh its list of values and display the va
 * in the model, in the given position. A NULL @model will ma	 * in the model, in the given position. A NULL @model will ma
 * and disassociate the previous model, if any.			 * and disassociate the previous model, if any.
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_combo_set_model (GnomeDbCombo *combo, GdaDataModel *	gnome_db_combo_set_model (GnomeDbCombo *combo, GdaDataModel *
{								{
							      >		GList *list = NULL;
	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_COMBO (combo));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_COMBO (combo));
	g_return_if_fail (model == NULL || GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL 		g_return_if_fail (model == NULL || GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL 
	g_return_if_fail (col >= 0 && col < gda_data_model_ge <

	if (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (combo->priv->model)) {			if (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (combo->priv->model)) {
							      >			g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func (G_OBJEC
		g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (combo->priv->model)			g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (combo->priv->model)
	}								}
	g_object_ref (G_OBJECT (model));		      |
	combo->priv->model = model;					combo->priv->model = model;
							      >		if (model != NULL) {
							      >			g_object_ref (G_OBJECT (model));
							      >			g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (combo->priv->mode
							      >					  G_CALLBACK (model_changed_c
	combo->priv->col = col;							combo->priv->col = col;
	model_changed_cb (model, combo);					model_changed_cb (model, combo);
	g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (combo), combo_signals[MODEL_ |		} else {
							      >			list = g_list_append (list, "");
							      >			gtk_combo_set_popdown_strings (GTK_COMBO (com
							      >			g_list_free (list);
							      >		}
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_combo_get_model					 * gnome_db_combo_get_model
 * @combo: a #GnomeDbCombo widget.				 * @combo: a #GnomeDbCombo widget.
 *								 *
 * This function returns the #GdaDataModel stored in the #Gno	 * This function returns the #GdaDataModel stored in the #Gno
 *								 *
 * Returns: a #GdaDataModel containing the data from the #Gno	 * Returns: a #GdaDataModel containing the data from the #Gno
 */								 */
GdaDataModel *							GdaDataModel *
gnome_db_combo_get_model (GnomeDbCombo *combo)			gnome_db_combo_get_model (GnomeDbCombo *combo)
{								{
	g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_COMBO (combo), NULL		g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_COMBO (combo), NULL

	if (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (combo->priv->model)) {			if (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (combo->priv->model)) {
		return GDA_DATA_MODEL (combo->priv->model);			return GDA_DATA_MODEL (combo->priv->model);
	}								}
	return NULL;							return NULL;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_combo_get_column					 * gnome_db_combo_get_column
 * @combo: a #GnomeDbCombo widget.				 * @combo: a #GnomeDbCombo widget.
 *								 *
 * This function return the column.				 * This function return the column.
 * 								 * 
 * Returns: the column of the #GdaDataModel showed by the #Gn |	 * Returns: the column of the #GdaDataModel stored by the #Gn
 */								 */
gint								gint
gnome_db_combo_get_column (GnomeDbCombo *combo)			gnome_db_combo_get_column (GnomeDbCombo *combo)
{								{
	g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_COMBO (combo), -1);		g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_COMBO (combo), -1);
	if (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (combo->priv->model)) {			if (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (combo->priv->model)) {
		return combo->priv->col;					return combo->priv->col;
	}								}
	return -1;							return -1;
}								}
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.h ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.h
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 The Free Software Foundation		 * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 The Free Software Foundation
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#if !defined(__gnome_db_combo_h__)				#if !defined(__gnome_db_combo_h__)
#  define __gnome_db_combo_h__					#  define __gnome_db_combo_h__

#include <libgda/gda-data-model.h>				#include <libgda/gda-data-model.h>
#include <gtk/gtkcomboboxentry.h>			      |	#include <gtk/gtkcombo.h>
#include <gtk/gtktreestore.h>				      <


#define GNOME_DB_TYPE_COMBO            (gnome_db_combo_get_ty	#define GNOME_DB_TYPE_COMBO            (gnome_db_combo_get_ty
#define GNOME_DB_COMBO(obj)            (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE	#define GNOME_DB_COMBO(obj)            (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE

typedef struct _GnomeDbCombo        GnomeDbCombo;		typedef struct _GnomeDbCombo        GnomeDbCombo;
typedef struct _GnomeDbComboClass   GnomeDbComboClass;		typedef struct _GnomeDbComboClass   GnomeDbComboClass;
typedef struct _GnomeDbComboPrivate GnomeDbComboPrivate;	typedef struct _GnomeDbComboPrivate GnomeDbComboPrivate;

struct _GnomeDbCombo {						struct _GnomeDbCombo {
	GtkComboBoxEntry combo;				      |		GtkCombo combo;
	GnomeDbComboPrivate *priv;					GnomeDbComboPrivate *priv;
};								};

struct _GnomeDbComboClass {					struct _GnomeDbComboClass {
	GtkComboBoxEntryClass parent_class;		      |		GtkComboClass parent_class;
	void (* model_changed) (GnomeDbCombo *combo);	      <
};								};

GType      gnome_db_combo_get_type (void);			GType      gnome_db_combo_get_type (void);
GtkWidget *gnome_db_combo_new (void);				GtkWidget *gnome_db_combo_new (void);
GtkWidget *gnome_db_combo_new_with_model (GdaDataModel *model	GtkWidget *gnome_db_combo_new_with_model (GdaDataModel *model
void       gnome_db_combo_set_model (GnomeDbCombo *combo, Gda	void       gnome_db_combo_set_model (GnomeDbCombo *combo, Gda
GdaDataModel *gnome_db_combo_get_model (GnomeDbCombo *combo);	GdaDataModel *gnome_db_combo_get_model (GnomeDbCombo *combo);
gint       gnome_db_combo_get_column (GnomeDbCombo *combo);	gint       gnome_db_combo_get_column (GnomeDbCombo *combo);


#endif								#endif
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *      Gonzalo Paniagua Javier <gonzalo gnome-db org>		 *      Gonzalo Paniagua Javier <gonzalo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#include <string.h>						#include <string.h>
#include <bonobo-activation/bonobo-activation.h>		#include <bonobo-activation/bonobo-activation.h>
#include <bonobo/bonobo-exception.h>				#include <bonobo/bonobo-exception.h>
#include "gnome-db-i18n.h"					#include "gnome-db-i18n.h"
#include <gconf/gconf.h>					#include <gconf/gconf.h>
#include <libgda/gda-data-model-array.h>			#include <libgda/gda-data-model-array.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.h>

static GList *							static GList *
activation_property_to_list (Bonobo_ActivationProperty *prop)	activation_property_to_list (Bonobo_ActivationProperty *prop)
{								{
	GList *list = NULL;						GList *list = NULL;

	g_return_val_if_fail (prop != NULL, NULL);			g_return_val_if_fail (prop != NULL, NULL);

	if (prop->v._d == Bonobo_ACTIVATION_P_STRING)			if (prop->v._d == Bonobo_ACTIVATION_P_STRING)
		list = g_list_append (list, g_strdup (prop->v			list = g_list_append (list, g_strdup (prop->v
	else if (prop->v._d == Bonobo_ACTIVATION_P_STRINGV) {		else if (prop->v._d == Bonobo_ACTIVATION_P_STRINGV) {
		gint j;								gint j;
		Bonobo_StringList strlist = prop->v._u.value_			Bonobo_StringList strlist = prop->v._u.value_

		for (j = 0; j < strlist._length; j++) {				for (j = 0; j < strlist._length; j++) {
                        gchar *str = g_strdup (strlist._buffe	                        gchar *str = g_strdup (strlist._buffe
			list = g_list_append (list, str);				list = g_list_append (list, str);
		}								}
	}								}

	return list;							return list;
}								}

static gchar *							static gchar *
activation_property_to_string (Bonobo_ActivationProperty *pro	activation_property_to_string (Bonobo_ActivationProperty *pro
{								{
	g_return_val_if_fail (prop != NULL, NULL);			g_return_val_if_fail (prop != NULL, NULL);

	if (prop->v._d == Bonobo_ACTIVATION_P_STRING)			if (prop->v._d == Bonobo_ACTIVATION_P_STRING)
		return g_strdup (prop->v._u.value_string);			return g_strdup (prop->v._u.value_string);
	else if (prop->v._d == Bonobo_ACTIVATION_P_STRINGV) {		else if (prop->v._d == Bonobo_ACTIVATION_P_STRINGV) {
		gint j;								gint j;
		GString *str = NULL;						GString *str = NULL;
		Bonobo_StringList strlist = prop->v._u.value_			Bonobo_StringList strlist = prop->v._u.value_
		for (j = 0; j < strlist._length; j++) {				for (j = 0; j < strlist._length; j++) {
			if (!str)							if (!str)
				str = g_string_new (strlist._					str = g_string_new (strlist._
			else {								else {
				str = g_string_append (str, "					str = g_string_append (str, "
				str = g_string_append (str, s					str = g_string_append (str, s
			}								}
		}								}
		if (str) {							if (str) {
			gchar *ret = str->str;						gchar *ret = str->str;
			g_string_free (str, FALSE);					g_string_free (str, FALSE);
			return ret;							return ret;
		}								}
	}								}

	return NULL;							return NULL;
}								}

static GdaParameter *						static GdaParameter *
activation_property_to_parameter (Bonobo_ActivationProperty *	activation_property_to_parameter (Bonobo_ActivationProperty *
{								{
        GdaParameter *param;					        GdaParameter *param;
        gchar *str;						        gchar *str;

        g_return_val_if_fail (prop != NULL, NULL);		        g_return_val_if_fail (prop != NULL, NULL);

        switch (prop->v._d) {					        switch (prop->v._d) {
        case Bonobo_ACTIVATION_P_STRING :			        case Bonobo_ACTIVATION_P_STRING :
                param = gda_parameter_new_string ((const gcha	                param = gda_parameter_new_string ((const gcha
                break;						                break;
        case Bonobo_ACTIVATION_P_NUMBER :			        case Bonobo_ACTIVATION_P_NUMBER :
                param = gda_parameter_new_double ((const gcha	                param = gda_parameter_new_double ((const gcha
                break;						                break;
        case Bonobo_ACTIVATION_P_BOOLEAN :			        case Bonobo_ACTIVATION_P_BOOLEAN :
                param = gda_parameter_new_boolean ((const gch	                param = gda_parameter_new_boolean ((const gch
                break;						                break;
        case Bonobo_ACTIVATION_P_STRINGV :			        case Bonobo_ACTIVATION_P_STRINGV :
                str = activation_property_to_string (prop);	                str = activation_property_to_string (prop);
                if (str) {					                if (str) {
			param = gda_parameter_new_string ((co				param = gda_parameter_new_string ((co
                        g_free (str);				                        g_free (str);
                } else						                } else
			param = NULL;							param = NULL;
                break;						                break;
        default :						        default :
                param = NULL;					                param = NULL;
        }							        }

	return param;							return param;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_config_get_component_list				 * gnome_db_config_get_component_list
 * @query: condition for components to be retrieved.		 * @query: condition for components to be retrieved.
 *								 *
 * Return a list of all components currently installed in	 * Return a list of all components currently installed in
 * the system that match the given query (see			 * the system that match the given query (see
 * BonoboActivation documentation). Each of the nodes		 * BonoboActivation documentation). Each of the nodes
 * in the returned GList is a #GnomeDbComponentInfo. To free	 * in the returned GList is a #GnomeDbComponentInfo. To free
 * the returned list, call the #gnome_db_config_free_componen	 * the returned list, call the #gnome_db_config_free_componen
 * function.							 * function.
 *								 *
 * Returns: a GList of #GnomeDbComponentInfo structures.	 * Returns: a GList of #GnomeDbComponentInfo structures.
 */								 */
GList *								GList *
gnome_db_config_get_component_list (const gchar *query)		gnome_db_config_get_component_list (const gchar *query)
{								{
	CORBA_Environment ev;						CORBA_Environment ev;
	Bonobo_ServerInfoList *server_list;				Bonobo_ServerInfoList *server_list;
	gint i;								gint i;
	GList *list = NULL;						GList *list = NULL;

	CORBA_exception_init (&ev);					CORBA_exception_init (&ev);
	server_list = bonobo_activation_query (query, NULL, &		server_list = bonobo_activation_query (query, NULL, &
	if (BONOBO_EX (&ev)) {						if (BONOBO_EX (&ev)) {
		gda_log_error (_("Could not query CORBA compo			gda_log_error (_("Could not query CORBA compo
		CORBA_exception_free (&ev);					CORBA_exception_free (&ev);
		return NULL;							return NULL;
	}								}

	/* create the list to be returned from the CORBA sequ		/* create the list to be returned from the CORBA sequ
	for (i = 0; i < server_list->_length; i++) {			for (i = 0; i < server_list->_length; i++) {
		GnomeDbComponentInfo *comp_info;				GnomeDbComponentInfo *comp_info;
		gint j;								gint j;
		Bonobo_ServerInfo *bonobo_info = &server_list			Bonobo_ServerInfo *bonobo_info = &server_list

		comp_info = g_new0 (GnomeDbComponentInfo, 1);			comp_info = g_new0 (GnomeDbComponentInfo, 1);
		comp_info->id = g_strdup (bonobo_info->iid);			comp_info->id = g_strdup (bonobo_info->iid);
		comp_info->location = g_strdup (bonobo_info->			comp_info->location = g_strdup (bonobo_info->
		comp_info->description = activation_property_			comp_info->description = activation_property_
			(Bonobo_ActivationProperty *) bonobo_				(Bonobo_ActivationProperty *) bonobo_
		comp_info->repo_ids = activation_property_to_			comp_info->repo_ids = activation_property_to_
			bonobo_server_info_prop_find (bonobo_				bonobo_server_info_prop_find (bonobo_
		comp_info->username = g_strdup (bonobo_info->			comp_info->username = g_strdup (bonobo_info->
		comp_info->hostname = g_strdup (bonobo_info->			comp_info->hostname = g_strdup (bonobo_info->
		comp_info->domain = g_strdup (bonobo_info->do			comp_info->domain = g_strdup (bonobo_info->do
		if (!strcmp (bonobo_info->server_type, "exe")			if (!strcmp (bonobo_info->server_type, "exe")
			comp_info->type = GNOME_DB_COMPONENT_				comp_info->type = GNOME_DB_COMPONENT_
		else if (!strcmp (bonobo_info->server_type, "			else if (!strcmp (bonobo_info->server_type, "
			comp_info->type = GNOME_DB_COMPONENT_				comp_info->type = GNOME_DB_COMPONENT_
		else if (!strcmp (bonobo_info->server_type, "			else if (!strcmp (bonobo_info->server_type, "
			comp_info->type = GNOME_DB_COMPONENT_				comp_info->type = GNOME_DB_COMPONENT_
		else								else
			comp_info->type = GNOME_DB_COMPONENT_				comp_info->type = GNOME_DB_COMPONENT_

		/* get all properties */					/* get all properties */
		comp_info->properties = gda_parameter_list_ne			comp_info->properties = gda_parameter_list_ne
		for (j = 0; j < bonobo_info->props._length; j			for (j = 0; j < bonobo_info->props._length; j
			GdaParameter *param;						GdaParameter *param;
			param = activation_property_to_parame				param = activation_property_to_parame
				&bonobo_info->props._buffer[j					&bonobo_info->props._buffer[j
			if (param != NULL) {						if (param != NULL) {
				gda_parameter_list_add_parame					gda_parameter_list_add_parame
					comp_info->properties						comp_info->properties
			}								}
		}								}
		list = g_list_append (list, comp_info);				list = g_list_append (list, comp_info);
	}								}

	CORBA_free (server_list);					CORBA_free (server_list);
	return list;							return list;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_config_get_component_data_model			 * gnome_db_config_get_component_data_model
 * @query: condition for components to be retrieved.		 * @query: condition for components to be retrieved.
 *								 *
 * Return a list of all components currently installed in	 * Return a list of all components currently installed in
 * the system that match the given query (see			 * the system that match the given query (see
 * BonoboActivation documentation).				 * BonoboActivation documentation).
 *								 *
 * Returns: a #GdaDataModel object, or %NULL on failure.	 * Returns: a #GdaDataModel object, or %NULL on failure.
 */								 */
GdaDataModel *							GdaDataModel *
gnome_db_config_get_component_data_model (const gchar *query)	gnome_db_config_get_component_data_model (const gchar *query)
{								{
	GdaDataModel *model;						GdaDataModel *model;
	GList *list, *i;						GList *list, *i;
	list = gnome_db_config_get_component_list (query);		list = gnome_db_config_get_component_list (query);
	g_return_val_if_fail (list != NULL, NULL);			g_return_val_if_fail (list != NULL, NULL);

	model = gda_data_model_array_new (6);				model = gda_data_model_array_new (6);
	gda_data_model_set_column_title (model, 0, _("ID"));		gda_data_model_set_column_title (model, 0, _("ID"));
	gda_data_model_set_column_title (model, 1, _("Locatio		gda_data_model_set_column_title (model, 1, _("Locatio
	gda_data_model_set_column_title (model, 2, _("Descrip		gda_data_model_set_column_title (model, 2, _("Descrip
	gda_data_model_set_column_title (model, 3, _("Usernam		gda_data_model_set_column_title (model, 3, _("Usernam
	gda_data_model_set_column_title (model, 4, _("Hostnam		gda_data_model_set_column_title (model, 4, _("Hostnam
	gda_data_model_set_column_title (model, 5, _("Domain"		gda_data_model_set_column_title (model, 5, _("Domain"
	for (i = list; i != NULL; i = i->next) {			for (i = list; i != NULL; i = i->next) {
		GnomeDbComponentInfo *info;					GnomeDbComponentInfo *info;
		GList *row = NULL;						GList *row = NULL;
		info = (GnomeDbComponentInfo *) i->data;			info = (GnomeDbComponentInfo *) i->data;
		row = g_list_append (row,					row = g_list_append (row,
				     gda_value_new_string (in					     gda_value_new_string (in
		row = g_list_append (row,					row = g_list_append (row,
				     gda_value_new_string (in					     gda_value_new_string (in
		row = g_list_append (row,					row = g_list_append (row,
				     gda_value_new_string (in					     gda_value_new_string (in
		row = g_list_append (row,					row = g_list_append (row,
				     gda_value_new_string (in					     gda_value_new_string (in
		row = g_list_append (row,					row = g_list_append (row,
				     gda_value_new_string (in					     gda_value_new_string (in
		row = g_list_append (row,					row = g_list_append (row,
				     gda_value_new_string (in					     gda_value_new_string (in

		gda_data_model_append_row (GDA_DATA_MODEL (mo			gda_data_model_append_row (GDA_DATA_MODEL (mo
	}								}
	/* free memory */						/* free memory */
	gnome_db_config_free_component_list (list);			gnome_db_config_free_component_list (list);

	return model;							return model;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_config_free_component_list				 * gnome_db_config_free_component_list
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_config_free_component_list (GList *list)		gnome_db_config_free_component_list (GList *list)
{								{
	GList *l;							GList *l;

	for (l = g_list_first (list); l; l = l->next) {			for (l = g_list_first (list); l; l = l->next) {
		GnomeDbComponentInfo *comp_info = (GnomeDbCom			GnomeDbComponentInfo *comp_info = (GnomeDbCom

		if (comp_info != NULL) {					if (comp_info != NULL) {
			g_free (comp_info->id);						g_free (comp_info->id);
			g_free (comp_info->location);					g_free (comp_info->location);
			g_free (comp_info->description);				g_free (comp_info->description);
                        g_free (comp_info->username);		                        g_free (comp_info->username);
			g_free (comp_info->hostname);					g_free (comp_info->hostname);
			g_free (comp_info->domain);					g_free (comp_info->domain);
			g_list_foreach (comp_info->repo_ids, 				g_list_foreach (comp_info->repo_ids, 
			g_list_free (comp_info->repo_ids);				g_list_free (comp_info->repo_ids);
			gda_parameter_list_free (comp_info->p				gda_parameter_list_free (comp_info->p
			g_free (comp_info);						g_free (comp_info);
		}								}
	}								}

	g_list_free (list);						g_list_free (list);
}								}

/*								/*
 * Copies configuration from gda_config file to gconf		 * Copies configuration from gda_config file to gconf
 */								 */
static void							static void
sync_from_gda ()						sync_from_gda ()
{								{
	GList *s;							GList *s;
	GList *sections;						GList *sections;
	GList *e;							GList *e;
	GList *entries;							GList *entries;
	gchar *spath;							gchar *spath;
	gchar *epath;							gchar *epath;
	gchar *type;							gchar *type;
	gchar *str;							gchar *str;

	/* clear the previous data sources */				/* clear the previous data sources */
	gnome_db_config_remove_section (GDA_CONFIG_SECTION_DA		gnome_db_config_remove_section (GDA_CONFIG_SECTION_DA

	/* add all data sources from the libgda configuration		/* add all data sources from the libgda configuration
	sections = gda_config_list_sections (GDA_CONFIG_BASE)		sections = gda_config_list_sections (GDA_CONFIG_BASE)
	for (s = sections; s; s = s->next){				for (s = sections; s; s = s->next){
		spath = g_strdup_printf ("%s/%s", GDA_CONFIG_			spath = g_strdup_printf ("%s/%s", GDA_CONFIG_
						  (char *) s-							  (char *) s-
		entries = gda_config_list_keys (spath);				entries = gda_config_list_keys (spath);
		for (e = entries; e; e = e->next){				for (e = entries; e; e = e->next){
			epath = g_strdup_printf ("%s/%s", spa				epath = g_strdup_printf ("%s/%s", spa
			type = gda_config_get_type (epath);				type = gda_config_get_type (epath);
			g_assert (type);						g_assert (type);
			if (!strcmp (type, "string")) {					if (!strcmp (type, "string")) {
				str = gda_config_get_string (					str = gda_config_get_string (
				gnome_db_config_set_string (e					gnome_db_config_set_string (e
				g_free (str);							g_free (str);
			} else if (!strcmp (type, "bool"))				} else if (!strcmp (type, "bool"))
				gnome_db_config_set_boolean (					gnome_db_config_set_boolean (
						gda_config_ge							gda_config_ge
			else if (!strcmp (type, "float"))				else if (!strcmp (type, "float"))
				gnome_db_config_set_float (ep					gnome_db_config_set_float (ep
						gda_config_ge							gda_config_ge
			else if (!strcmp (type, "long"))				else if (!strcmp (type, "long"))
				gnome_db_config_set_int (epat					gnome_db_config_set_int (epat
						gda_config_ge							gda_config_ge
			else								else
				g_assert_not_reached ();					g_assert_not_reached ();
			g_free (type);							g_free (type);
			g_free (epath);							g_free (epath);
		}								}
		gda_config_free_list (entries);					gda_config_free_list (entries);
		g_free (spath);							g_free (spath);
	}								}
	gda_config_free_list (sections);				gda_config_free_list (sections);
}								}

static void							static void
sync_to_gda (GConfClient *client,				sync_to_gda (GConfClient *client,
	     guint cnxn_id,						     guint cnxn_id,
	     GConfEntry *entry,						     GConfEntry *entry,
	     gpointer user_data)					     gpointer user_data)
{								{
	const gchar *key;						const gchar *key;
	const GConfValue *value;					const GConfValue *value;

	g_return_if_fail (entry != NULL);				g_return_if_fail (entry != NULL);

	key = gconf_entry_get_key (entry);				key = gconf_entry_get_key (entry);
	value = gconf_entry_get_value (entry);				value = gconf_entry_get_value (entry);
	if (value == NULL) {						if (value == NULL) {
		if (gda_config_has_section (key))				if (gda_config_has_section (key))
			gda_config_remove_section (key);				gda_config_remove_section (key);
		else								else
			gda_config_remove_key (key);					gda_config_remove_key (key);
		return;								return;
	}								}

	switch (value->type) {						switch (value->type) {
		gda_config_set_string (key, gconf_value_get_s			gda_config_set_string (key, gconf_value_get_s
		break;								break;
		gda_config_set_int (key, gconf_value_get_int 			gda_config_set_int (key, gconf_value_get_int 
		break;								break;
		gda_config_set_float (key, gconf_value_get_fl			gda_config_set_float (key, gconf_value_get_fl
		break;								break;
		gda_config_set_boolean (key, gconf_value_get_			gda_config_set_boolean (key, gconf_value_get_
		break;								break;
	default:							default:
		g_warning (_("Unsupported type in GconfEntry:			g_warning (_("Unsupported type in GconfEntry:
	}								}
}								}

static GConfClient *conf_client;				static GConfClient *conf_client;

static GConfClient *						static GConfClient *
get_conf_client ()						get_conf_client ()
{								{
	if (!conf_client) {						if (!conf_client) {
		/* initialize GConf */						/* initialize GConf */
		if (!gconf_is_initialized ())					if (!gconf_is_initialized ())
			gconf_init (0, NULL, NULL);					gconf_init (0, NULL, NULL);
		conf_client = gconf_client_get_default ();			conf_client = gconf_client_get_default ();
		sync_from_gda ();						sync_from_gda ();
		gnome_db_config_add_listener (GDA_CONFIG_BASE			gnome_db_config_add_listener (GDA_CONFIG_BASE
	}								}
	return conf_client;						return conf_client;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_config_get_string					 * gnome_db_config_get_string
 * @path: path to the configuration entry			 * @path: path to the configuration entry
 *								 *
 * Gets the value of the specified configuration entry as a s	 * Gets the value of the specified configuration entry as a s
 * are then responsible to free the returned string		 * are then responsible to free the returned string
 *								 *
 * Returns: the value stored at the given entry			 * Returns: the value stored at the given entry
 */								 */
gchar *								gchar *
gnome_db_config_get_string (const gchar * path)			gnome_db_config_get_string (const gchar * path)
{								{
	return gconf_client_get_string (get_conf_client (), p		return gconf_client_get_string (get_conf_client (), p
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_config_get_int					 * gnome_db_config_get_int
 * @path: path to the configuration entry			 * @path: path to the configuration entry
 *								 *
 * Gets the value of the specified configuration entry as an 	 * Gets the value of the specified configuration entry as an 
 *								 *
 * Returns: the value stored at the given entry			 * Returns: the value stored at the given entry
 */								 */
gint								gint
gnome_db_config_get_int (const gchar * path)			gnome_db_config_get_int (const gchar * path)
{								{
	return gconf_client_get_int (get_conf_client (), path		return gconf_client_get_int (get_conf_client (), path
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_config_get_float					 * gnome_db_config_get_float
 * @path: path to the configuration entry			 * @path: path to the configuration entry
 *								 *
 * Gets the value of the specified configuration entry as a f	 * Gets the value of the specified configuration entry as a f
 *								 *
 * Returns: the value stored at the given entry			 * Returns: the value stored at the given entry
 */								 */
gdouble								gdouble
gnome_db_config_get_float (const gchar * path)			gnome_db_config_get_float (const gchar * path)
{								{
	return gconf_client_get_float (get_conf_client (), pa		return gconf_client_get_float (get_conf_client (), pa
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_config_get_boolean					 * gnome_db_config_get_boolean
 * @path: path to the configuration entry			 * @path: path to the configuration entry
 *								 *
 * Gets the value of the specified configuration entry as a b	 * Gets the value of the specified configuration entry as a b
 *								 *
 * Returns: the value stored at the given entry			 * Returns: the value stored at the given entry
 */								 */
gboolean							gboolean
gnome_db_config_get_boolean (const gchar * path)		gnome_db_config_get_boolean (const gchar * path)
{								{
	return gconf_client_get_bool (get_conf_client (), pat		return gconf_client_get_bool (get_conf_client (), pat
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_config_set_string					 * gnome_db_config_set_string
 * @path: path to the configuration entry			 * @path: path to the configuration entry
 * @new_value: new value					 * @new_value: new value
 *								 *
 * Sets the given configuration entry to contain a string	 * Sets the given configuration entry to contain a string
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_config_set_string (const gchar * path, const gchar *	gnome_db_config_set_string (const gchar * path, const gchar *
{								{
	gconf_client_set_string (get_conf_client (), path, ne		gconf_client_set_string (get_conf_client (), path, ne
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_config_set_int					 * gnome_db_config_set_int
 * @path: path to the configuration entry			 * @path: path to the configuration entry
 * @new_value: new value					 * @new_value: new value
 *								 *
 * Sets the given configuration entry to contain an integer	 * Sets the given configuration entry to contain an integer
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_config_set_int (const gchar * path, gint new_value)	gnome_db_config_set_int (const gchar * path, gint new_value)
{								{
	gconf_client_set_int (get_conf_client (), path, new_v		gconf_client_set_int (get_conf_client (), path, new_v
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_config_set_float					 * gnome_db_config_set_float
 * @path: path to the configuration entry			 * @path: path to the configuration entry
 * @new_value: new value					 * @new_value: new value
 *								 *
 * Sets the given configuration entry to contain a float	 * Sets the given configuration entry to contain a float
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_config_set_float (const gchar * path, gdouble new_va	gnome_db_config_set_float (const gchar * path, gdouble new_va
{								{
	gconf_client_set_float (get_conf_client (), path, new		gconf_client_set_float (get_conf_client (), path, new
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_config_set_boolean					 * gnome_db_config_set_boolean
 * @path: path to the configuration entry			 * @path: path to the configuration entry
 * @new_value: new value					 * @new_value: new value
 *								 *
 * Sets the given configuration entry to contain a boolean	 * Sets the given configuration entry to contain a boolean
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_config_set_boolean (const gchar * path, gboolean new	gnome_db_config_set_boolean (const gchar * path, gboolean new
{								{
	g_return_if_fail (path != NULL);				g_return_if_fail (path != NULL);
	gconf_client_set_bool (get_conf_client (), path, new_		gconf_client_set_bool (get_conf_client (), path, new_
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_config_remove_section				 * gnome_db_config_remove_section
 * @path: path to the configuration section			 * @path: path to the configuration section
 *								 *
 * Remove the given section from the configuration database	 * Remove the given section from the configuration database
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_config_remove_section (const gchar * path)		gnome_db_config_remove_section (const gchar * path)
{								{
	g_return_if_fail (path != NULL);				g_return_if_fail (path != NULL);
	gconf_client_recursive_unset (get_conf_client (), pat		gconf_client_recursive_unset (get_conf_client (), pat
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_config_remove_key					 * gnome_db_config_remove_key
 * @path: path to the configuration entry			 * @path: path to the configuration entry
 *								 *
 * Remove the given entry from the configuration database	 * Remove the given entry from the configuration database
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_config_remove_key (const gchar * path)			gnome_db_config_remove_key (const gchar * path)
{								{
	gconf_client_unset (get_conf_client (), path, NULL);		gconf_client_unset (get_conf_client (), path, NULL);
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_config_has_section					 * gnome_db_config_has_section
 * @path: path to the configuration section			 * @path: path to the configuration section
 *								 *
 * Checks whether the given section exists in the configurati	 * Checks whether the given section exists in the configurati
 * system							 * system
 *								 *
 * Returns: TRUE if the section exists, FALSE otherwise		 * Returns: TRUE if the section exists, FALSE otherwise
 */								 */
gboolean							gboolean
gnome_db_config_has_section (const gchar * path)		gnome_db_config_has_section (const gchar * path)
{								{
	return gconf_client_dir_exists (get_conf_client (), p		return gconf_client_dir_exists (get_conf_client (), p
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_config_has_key					 * gnome_db_config_has_key
 * @path: path to the configuration key				 * @path: path to the configuration key
 *								 *
 * Check whether the given key exists in the configuration sy	 * Check whether the given key exists in the configuration sy
 *								 *
 * Returns: TRUE if the entry exists, FALSE otherwise		 * Returns: TRUE if the entry exists, FALSE otherwise
 */								 */
gboolean							gboolean
gnome_db_config_has_key (const gchar * path)			gnome_db_config_has_key (const gchar * path)
{								{
	GConfValue *value;						GConfValue *value;

	g_return_val_if_fail (path != NULL, FALSE);			g_return_val_if_fail (path != NULL, FALSE);

	value = gconf_client_get (get_conf_client (), path, N		value = gconf_client_get (get_conf_client (), path, N
	if (value) {							if (value) {
		gconf_value_free (value);					gconf_value_free (value);
		return TRUE;							return TRUE;
	}								}
	return FALSE;							return FALSE;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_config_list_sections				 * gnome_db_config_list_sections
 * @path: path for root dir					 * @path: path for root dir
 *								 *
 * Return a GList containing the names of all the sections av	 * Return a GList containing the names of all the sections av
 * under the given root directory.				 * under the given root directory.
 *								 *
 * To free the returned value, you can use #gnome_db_config_f	 * To free the returned value, you can use #gnome_db_config_f
 *								 *
 * Returns: a list containing all the section names		 * Returns: a list containing all the section names
 */								 */
GList *								GList *
gnome_db_config_list_sections (const gchar * path)		gnome_db_config_list_sections (const gchar * path)
{								{
	GList *ret = NULL;						GList *ret = NULL;
	GSList *slist;							GSList *slist;

	g_return_val_if_fail (path != NULL, NULL);			g_return_val_if_fail (path != NULL, NULL);

	slist = gconf_client_all_dirs (get_conf_client (), pa		slist = gconf_client_all_dirs (get_conf_client (), pa
	if (slist) {							if (slist) {
		GSList *node;							GSList *node;

		for (node = slist; node != NULL; node = g_sli			for (node = slist; node != NULL; node = g_sli
			gchar *section_name = strrchr ((const				gchar *section_name = strrchr ((const
			if (section_name) {						if (section_name) {
				ret = g_list_append (ret, g_s					ret = g_list_append (ret, g_s
			}								}
		}								}
		g_slist_foreach (slist, (GFunc) g_free, NULL)			g_slist_foreach (slist, (GFunc) g_free, NULL)
		g_slist_free (slist);						g_slist_free (slist);
	}								}
	return ret;							return ret;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_config_list_keys					 * gnome_db_config_list_keys
 * @path: path for root dir					 * @path: path for root dir
 *								 *
 * Returns a list of all keys that exist under the given path	 * Returns a list of all keys that exist under the given path
 *								 *
 * To free the returned value, you can use #gnome_db_config_f	 * To free the returned value, you can use #gnome_db_config_f
 *								 *
 * Returns: a list containing all the key names			 * Returns: a list containing all the key names
 */								 */
GList *								GList *
gnome_db_config_list_keys (const gchar * path)			gnome_db_config_list_keys (const gchar * path)
{								{
	GList *ret = NULL;						GList *ret = NULL;
	GSList *slist;							GSList *slist;

	g_return_val_if_fail (path != NULL, NULL);			g_return_val_if_fail (path != NULL, NULL);

	slist = gconf_client_all_entries (get_conf_client (),		slist = gconf_client_all_entries (get_conf_client (),
	if (slist) {							if (slist) {
		GSList *node;							GSList *node;

		for (node = slist; node != NULL; node = g_sli			for (node = slist; node != NULL; node = g_sli
			GConfEntry *entry = (GConfEntry *) no				GConfEntry *entry = (GConfEntry *) no
			if (entry) {							if (entry) {
				gchar *entry_name;						gchar *entry_name;

				entry_name =							entry_name =
					strrchr ((const char 						strrchr ((const char 
						 gconf_entry_							 gconf_entry_
						 '/');								 '/');
				if (entry_name) {						if (entry_name) {
					ret = g_list_append (						ret = g_list_append (
				}								}
				gconf_entry_free (entry);					gconf_entry_free (entry);
			}								}
		}								}
		g_slist_free (slist);						g_slist_free (slist);
	}								}
	return ret;							return ret;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_config_free_list					 * gnome_db_config_free_list
 * @list: list to be freed					 * @list: list to be freed
 *								 *
 * Free all memory used by the given GList, which must be the	 * Free all memory used by the given GList, which must be the
 * from either #gnome_db_config_list_sections and #gnome_db_c	 * from either #gnome_db_config_list_sections and #gnome_db_c
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_config_free_list (GList * list)			gnome_db_config_free_list (GList * list)
{								{
	while (list != NULL) {						while (list != NULL) {
		gchar *str = (gchar *) list->data;				gchar *str = (gchar *) list->data;
		list = g_list_remove (list, (gpointer) str);			list = g_list_remove (list, (gpointer) str);
		g_free ((gpointer) str);					g_free ((gpointer) str);
	}								}
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_config_get_data_source_list				 * gnome_db_config_get_data_source_list
 *								 *
 * Retrieves information about available data sources.		 * Retrieves information about available data sources.
 *								 *
 * Returns: a GList of #GdaDatasourceInfo structures.		 * Returns: a GList of #GdaDatasourceInfo structures.
 */								 */
GList *								GList *
gnome_db_config_get_data_source_list (void)			gnome_db_config_get_data_source_list (void)
{								{
	GList *list = NULL;						GList *list = NULL;
	GList *sections;						GList *sections;
	GList *l;							GList *l;

	sections = gnome_db_config_list_sections (GDA_CONFIG_		sections = gnome_db_config_list_sections (GDA_CONFIG_
	for (l = sections; l != NULL; l = l->next) {			for (l = sections; l != NULL; l = l->next) {
		gchar *tmp;							gchar *tmp;
		GdaDataSourceInfo *info;					GdaDataSourceInfo *info;

		info = g_new0 (GdaDataSourceInfo, 1);				info = g_new0 (GdaDataSourceInfo, 1);
		info->name = g_strdup ((const gchar *) l->dat			info->name = g_strdup ((const gchar *) l->dat

		/* get the provider */						/* get the provider */
		tmp = g_strdup_printf ("%s/%s/Provider", GDA_			tmp = g_strdup_printf ("%s/%s/Provider", GDA_
		info->provider = gnome_db_config_get_string (			info->provider = gnome_db_config_get_string (
		g_free (tmp);							g_free (tmp);

		/* get the connection string */					/* get the connection string */
		tmp = g_strdup_printf ("%s/%s/DSN", GDA_CONFI			tmp = g_strdup_printf ("%s/%s/DSN", GDA_CONFI
		info->cnc_string = gnome_db_config_get_string			info->cnc_string = gnome_db_config_get_string
		g_free (tmp);							g_free (tmp);

		/* get the description */					/* get the description */
		tmp = g_strdup_printf ("%s/%s/Description", G			tmp = g_strdup_printf ("%s/%s/Description", G
		info->description = gnome_db_config_get_strin			info->description = gnome_db_config_get_strin
		g_free (tmp);							g_free (tmp);

		/* get the user name */						/* get the user name */
		tmp = g_strdup_printf ("%s/%s/Username", GDA_			tmp = g_strdup_printf ("%s/%s/Username", GDA_
		info->username = gnome_db_config_get_string (			info->username = gnome_db_config_get_string (
		g_free (tmp);							g_free (tmp);

		/* get the password */						/* get the password */
		tmp = g_strdup_printf ("%s/%s/Password", GDA_			tmp = g_strdup_printf ("%s/%s/Password", GDA_
		info->password = gnome_db_config_get_string (			info->password = gnome_db_config_get_string (
		g_free (tmp);							g_free (tmp);

		list = g_list_append (list, info);				list = g_list_append (list, info);
	}								}

	gnome_db_config_free_list (sections);				gnome_db_config_free_list (sections);

	return list;							return list;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_config_find_data_source				 * gnome_db_config_find_data_source
 * @name: name of the data source to look for.			 * @name: name of the data source to look for.
 *								 *
 * Looks for a data source given its name.			 * Looks for a data source given its name.
 * The search is case insensitive.				 * The search is case insensitive.
 *								 *
 * Returns: a #GdaDatasourceInfo structure.			 * Returns: a #GdaDatasourceInfo structure.
 */								 */
GdaDataSourceInfo *						GdaDataSourceInfo *
gnome_db_config_find_data_source (const gchar *name)		gnome_db_config_find_data_source (const gchar *name)
{								{
	GList *dsnlist;							GList *dsnlist;
	GList *l;							GList *l;
	GdaDataSourceInfo *info = NULL;					GdaDataSourceInfo *info = NULL;

	g_return_val_if_fail (name != NULL, NULL);			g_return_val_if_fail (name != NULL, NULL);

	dsnlist = gnome_db_config_get_data_source_list ();		dsnlist = gnome_db_config_get_data_source_list ();
	for (l = dsnlist; l != NULL; l = l->next) {			for (l = dsnlist; l != NULL; l = l->next) {
		GdaDataSourceInfo *tmp_info = (GdaDataSourceI			GdaDataSourceInfo *tmp_info = (GdaDataSourceI

		if (tmp_info && !strcmp (tmp_info->name, name			if (tmp_info && !strcmp (tmp_info->name, name
			info = gnome_db_config_copy_data_sour				info = gnome_db_config_copy_data_sour
			break;								break;
		}								}
	}								}

	gnome_db_config_free_data_source_list (dsnlist);		gnome_db_config_free_data_source_list (dsnlist);

	return info;							return info;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_config_copy_data_source_info			 * gnome_db_config_copy_data_source_info
 * @src: #GdaDataSourceInfo to copy				 * @src: #GdaDataSourceInfo to copy
 *								 *
 * Copies a #GdaDataSourceInfo structure.			 * Copies a #GdaDataSourceInfo structure.
 *								 *
 * Returns: a copy of @src.					 * Returns: a copy of @src.
 */								 */
GdaDataSourceInfo *						GdaDataSourceInfo *
gnome_db_config_copy_data_source_info (GdaDataSourceInfo *src	gnome_db_config_copy_data_source_info (GdaDataSourceInfo *src
{								{
	GdaDataSourceInfo *info;					GdaDataSourceInfo *info;

	g_return_val_if_fail (src != NULL, NULL);			g_return_val_if_fail (src != NULL, NULL);

	info = g_new0 (GdaDataSourceInfo, 1);				info = g_new0 (GdaDataSourceInfo, 1);
	info->name = g_strdup (src->name);				info->name = g_strdup (src->name);
	info->provider = g_strdup (src->provider);			info->provider = g_strdup (src->provider);
	info->cnc_string = g_strdup (src->cnc_string);			info->cnc_string = g_strdup (src->cnc_string);
	info->description = g_strdup (src->description);		info->description = g_strdup (src->description);
	info->username = g_strdup (src->username);			info->username = g_strdup (src->username);
	info->password = g_strdup (src->password);			info->password = g_strdup (src->password);

	return info;							return info;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_config_free_data_source_list			 * gnome_db_config_free_data_source_list
 * @list: a GList returned by #gnome_db_config_get_data_sourc	 * @list: a GList returned by #gnome_db_config_get_data_sourc
 *								 *
 * Frees the @list.						 * Frees the @list.
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_config_free_data_source_list (GList *list)		gnome_db_config_free_data_source_list (GList *list)
{								{
	GList *l;							GList *l;
	GdaDataSourceInfo *info;					GdaDataSourceInfo *info;

	for (l = list; l; l = l->next) {				for (l = list; l; l = l->next) {
		info = l->data;							info = l->data;
		l->data = NULL;							l->data = NULL;
		gnome_db_config_free_data_source_info (info);			gnome_db_config_free_data_source_info (info);
	}								}

	g_list_remove_all (list, NULL);					g_list_remove_all (list, NULL);
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_config_save_data_source				 * gnome_db_config_save_data_source
 * @name: Name for the data source to be saved.			 * @name: Name for the data source to be saved.
 * @provider: Provider ID for the new data source.		 * @provider: Provider ID for the new data source.
 * @cnc_string: Connection string for the new data source.	 * @cnc_string: Connection string for the new data source.
 * @description: Description for the new data source.		 * @description: Description for the new data source.
 * @username: User name for the new data source.		 * @username: User name for the new data source.
 * @password: Password to use when authenticating @username.	 * @password: Password to use when authenticating @username.
 *								 *
 * Adds a new data source (or update an existing one) to the 	 * Adds a new data source (or update an existing one) to the 
 * configuration, based on the parameters given.		 * configuration, based on the parameters given.
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_config_save_data_source (const gchar *name,		gnome_db_config_save_data_source (const gchar *name,
			     const gchar *provider,					     const gchar *provider,
			     const gchar *cnc_string,					     const gchar *cnc_string,
			     const gchar *description,					     const gchar *description,
			     const gchar *username,					     const gchar *username,
			     const gchar *password)					     const gchar *password)
{								{
	GString *str;							GString *str;
	gint trunc_len;							gint trunc_len;

	g_return_if_fail (name != NULL);				g_return_if_fail (name != NULL);
	g_return_if_fail (provider != NULL);				g_return_if_fail (provider != NULL);

	str = g_string_new ("");					str = g_string_new ("");
	g_string_printf (str, "%s/%s/", GDA_CONFIG_SECTION_DA		g_string_printf (str, "%s/%s/", GDA_CONFIG_SECTION_DA
	trunc_len = strlen (str->str);					trunc_len = strlen (str->str);
	/* set the provider */						/* set the provider */
	g_string_append (str, "Provider");				g_string_append (str, "Provider");
	gnome_db_config_set_string (str->str, provider);		gnome_db_config_set_string (str->str, provider);
	g_string_truncate (str, trunc_len);				g_string_truncate (str, trunc_len);

	/* set the connection string */					/* set the connection string */
	if (cnc_string) {						if (cnc_string) {
		g_string_append (str, "DSN");					g_string_append (str, "DSN");
		gnome_db_config_set_string (str->str, cnc_str			gnome_db_config_set_string (str->str, cnc_str
		g_string_truncate (str, trunc_len);				g_string_truncate (str, trunc_len);
	}								}

	/* set the description */					/* set the description */
	if (description) {						if (description) {
		g_string_append (str, "Description");				g_string_append (str, "Description");
		gnome_db_config_set_string (str->str, descrip			gnome_db_config_set_string (str->str, descrip
		g_string_truncate (str, trunc_len);				g_string_truncate (str, trunc_len);
	}								}

	/* set the username */						/* set the username */
	if (username) {							if (username) {
		g_string_append (str, "Username");				g_string_append (str, "Username");
		gnome_db_config_set_string (str->str, usernam			gnome_db_config_set_string (str->str, usernam
		g_string_truncate (str, trunc_len);				g_string_truncate (str, trunc_len);
	}								}

	/* set the password */						/* set the password */
	if (password) {							if (password) {
		g_string_append (str, "Password");				g_string_append (str, "Password");
		gnome_db_config_set_string (str->str, passwor			gnome_db_config_set_string (str->str, passwor
		g_string_truncate (str, trunc_len);				g_string_truncate (str, trunc_len);
	}								}
	g_string_free (str, TRUE);					g_string_free (str, TRUE);
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_config_remove_data_source				 * gnome_db_config_remove_data_source
 * @name: Name for the data source to be removed.		 * @name: Name for the data source to be removed.
 *								 *
 * Removes the given data source from the GDA configuration.	 * Removes the given data source from the GDA configuration.
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_config_remove_data_source (const gchar *name)		gnome_db_config_remove_data_source (const gchar *name)
{								{
	gchar *dir;							gchar *dir;

	g_return_if_fail (name != NULL);				g_return_if_fail (name != NULL);

	dir = g_strdup_printf ("%s/%s", GDA_CONFIG_SECTION_DA		dir = g_strdup_printf ("%s/%s", GDA_CONFIG_SECTION_DA
	gnome_db_config_remove_section (dir);				gnome_db_config_remove_section (dir);
	gda_config_remove_section (dir);				gda_config_remove_section (dir);
	g_free (dir);							g_free (dir);
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_config_free_data_source_info			 * gnome_db_config_free_data_source_info
 * @info: the struture to deallocate.				 * @info: the struture to deallocate.
 *								 *
 * Frees the resources allocated by a #GdaDataSourceInfo.	 * Frees the resources allocated by a #GdaDataSourceInfo.
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_config_free_data_source_info (GdaDataSourceInfo *inf	gnome_db_config_free_data_source_info (GdaDataSourceInfo *inf
{								{
	g_return_if_fail (info != NULL);				g_return_if_fail (info != NULL);

	g_free (info->name);						g_free (info->name);
	g_free (info->provider);					g_free (info->provider);
	g_free (info->cnc_string);					g_free (info->cnc_string);
	g_free (info->description);					g_free (info->description);
	g_free (info->username);					g_free (info->username);
	g_free (info->password);					g_free (info->password);

	g_free (info);							g_free (info);
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_config_add_listener					 * gnome_db_config_add_listener
 * @path: configuration path to listen to.			 * @path: configuration path to listen to.
 * @func: callback function.					 * @func: callback function.
 * @user_data: data to be passed to the callback function.	 * @user_data: data to be passed to the callback function.
 *								 *
 * Installs a configuration listener, which is a callback fun	 * Installs a configuration listener, which is a callback fun
 * which will be called every time a change occurs on a given	 * which will be called every time a change occurs on a given
 * configuration entry.						 * configuration entry.
 *								 *
 * Returns: the ID of the listener, which you will need for	 * Returns: the ID of the listener, which you will need for
 * calling #gda_config_remove_listener. If an error occurs,	 * calling #gda_config_remove_listener. If an error occurs,
 * 0 is returned.						 * 0 is returned.
 */								 */
guint								guint
gnome_db_config_add_listener (const gchar *path, 		gnome_db_config_add_listener (const gchar *path, 
			      GConfClientNotifyFunc func, 				      GConfClientNotifyFunc func, 
			      gpointer user_data)					      gpointer user_data)
{								{
	gconf_client_add_dir (get_conf_client (),			gconf_client_add_dir (get_conf_client (),
			      path,							      path,
			      NULL);							      NULL);

	return gconf_client_notify_add (get_conf_client (),		return gconf_client_notify_add (get_conf_client (),
					path,								path,
					func,								func,
					user_data,							user_data,
					NULL,								NULL,
					NULL);								NULL);
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_config_remove_listener				 * gnome_db_config_remove_listener
 * @id: the value returned from the call to #gnome_db_config_	 * @id: the value returned from the call to #gnome_db_config_
 *								 *
 * Removes a previously installed configuration listener.	 * Removes a previously installed configuration listener.
 */								 */
void gnome_db_config_remove_listener (guint id)			void gnome_db_config_remove_listener (guint id)
{								{
	gconf_client_notify_remove (get_conf_client (), id);		gconf_client_notify_remove (get_conf_client (), id);
}								}

diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.h ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.h
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *      Gonzalo Paniagua Javier <gonzalo gnome-db org>		 *      Gonzalo Paniagua Javier <gonzalo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#if !defined(__gnome_db_config_h__)				#if !defined(__gnome_db_config_h__)
#  define __gnome_db_config_h__					#  define __gnome_db_config_h__

#include <gconf/gconf-client.h>					#include <gconf/gconf-client.h>
#include <libgda/gda-config.h>					#include <libgda/gda-config.h>
#include <libgda/gda-data-model.h>				#include <libgda/gda-data-model.h>


/*								/*
 * CORBA components configuration				 * CORBA components configuration
 */								 */

typedef enum {							typedef enum {
} GnomeDbComponentType;						} GnomeDbComponentType;

typedef struct {						typedef struct {
	gchar *id;							gchar *id;
	gchar *location;						gchar *location;
	GnomeDbComponentType type;					GnomeDbComponentType type;
	gchar *description;						gchar *description;
	GList *repo_ids;						GList *repo_ids;
	gchar *username;						gchar *username;
	gchar *hostname;						gchar *hostname;
	gchar *domain;							gchar *domain;
	GdaParameterList *properties;					GdaParameterList *properties;
} GnomeDbComponentInfo;						} GnomeDbComponentInfo;

GList        *gnome_db_config_get_component_list (const gchar	GList        *gnome_db_config_get_component_list (const gchar
void          gnome_db_config_free_component_list (GList *lis	void          gnome_db_config_free_component_list (GList *lis
GdaDataModel *gnome_db_config_get_component_data_model (const	GdaDataModel *gnome_db_config_get_component_data_model (const
gchar 	     *gnome_db_config_get_string (const gchar *path);	gchar 	     *gnome_db_config_get_string (const gchar *path);
gint 	      gnome_db_config_get_int (const gchar *path);	gint 	      gnome_db_config_get_int (const gchar *path);
gdouble       gnome_db_config_get_float (const gchar *path);	gdouble       gnome_db_config_get_float (const gchar *path);
gboolean      gnome_db_config_get_boolean (const gchar *path)	gboolean      gnome_db_config_get_boolean (const gchar *path)
void 	      gnome_db_config_set_string (const gchar *path,	void 	      gnome_db_config_set_string (const gchar *path,
					  const gchar *new_va						  const gchar *new_va
void 	      gnome_db_config_set_int (const gchar *path, gin	void 	      gnome_db_config_set_int (const gchar *path, gin
void 	      gnome_db_config_set_float (const gchar *path, g	void 	      gnome_db_config_set_float (const gchar *path, g
void 	      gnome_db_config_set_boolean (const gchar *path,	void 	      gnome_db_config_set_boolean (const gchar *path,
					   gboolean new_value						   gboolean new_value

void 	      gnome_db_config_remove_section (const gchar *pa	void 	      gnome_db_config_remove_section (const gchar *pa
void 	      gnome_db_config_remove_key (const gchar *path);	void 	      gnome_db_config_remove_key (const gchar *path);

gboolean      gnome_db_config_has_section (const gchar *path)	gboolean      gnome_db_config_has_section (const gchar *path)
gboolean      gnome_db_config_has_key (const gchar *path);	gboolean      gnome_db_config_has_key (const gchar *path);

GList 	     *gnome_db_config_list_sections (const gchar *pat	GList 	     *gnome_db_config_list_sections (const gchar *pat
GList        *gnome_db_config_list_keys (const gchar *path);	GList        *gnome_db_config_list_keys (const gchar *path);
void          gnome_db_config_free_list (GList *list);		void          gnome_db_config_free_list (GList *list);

GList 	     *gnome_db_config_get_data_source_list (void);	GList 	     *gnome_db_config_get_data_source_list (void);
GdaDataSourceInfo *gnome_db_config_find_data_source (const gc	GdaDataSourceInfo *gnome_db_config_find_data_source (const gc
GdaDataSourceInfo *gnome_db_config_copy_data_source_info (Gda	GdaDataSourceInfo *gnome_db_config_copy_data_source_info (Gda
void 	      gnome_db_config_free_data_source_info (GdaDataS	void 	      gnome_db_config_free_data_source_info (GdaDataS
void 	      gnome_db_config_free_data_source_list (GList *l	void 	      gnome_db_config_free_data_source_list (GList *l
void	      gnome_db_config_remove_data_source (const gchar	void	      gnome_db_config_remove_data_source (const gchar
void	      gnome_db_config_save_data_source (const gchar *	void	      gnome_db_config_save_data_source (const gchar *
					        const gchar *						        const gchar *
					        const gchar *						        const gchar *
					        const gchar *						        const gchar *
					        const gchar *						        const gchar *
					        const gchar *						        const gchar *

guint 	      gnome_db_config_add_listener (const gchar *path	guint 	      gnome_db_config_add_listener (const gchar *path
					    GConfClientNotify						    GConfClientNotify
					    gpointer user_dat						    gpointer user_dat

void          gnome_db_config_remove_listener (guint id);	void          gnome_db_config_remove_listener (guint id);

/*								/*
 * Known configuration entries					 * Known configuration entries
 */								 */

#define GNOME_DB_CONFIG_KEY_EDITOR_TAB_STOP          "/apps/g	#define GNOME_DB_CONFIG_KEY_EDITOR_TAB_STOP          "/apps/g


#endif								#endif
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#include "gnome-db-i18n.h"					#include "gnome-db-i18n.h"
#include <gtk/gtkentry.h>					#include <gtk/gtkentry.h>
#include <gtk/gtktable.h>					#include <gtk/gtktable.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h>
#include "gnome-db-connection-properties.h"			#include "gnome-db-connection-properties.h"


struct _GnomeDbConnectionPropertiesPrivate {			struct _GnomeDbConnectionPropertiesPrivate {
	GdaConnection *cnc;						GdaConnection *cnc;

	/* widgets */							/* widgets */
	GtkWidget *connection_name;					GtkWidget *connection_name;
	GtkWidget *connection_string;					GtkWidget *connection_string;
	GtkWidget *connection_provider;					GtkWidget *connection_provider;
	GtkWidget *connection_username;					GtkWidget *connection_username;
	GtkWidget *feature_list;					GtkWidget *feature_list;
};								};

static void gnome_db_connection_properties_class_init (GnomeD	static void gnome_db_connection_properties_class_init (GnomeD
static void gnome_db_connection_properties_init       (GnomeD	static void gnome_db_connection_properties_init       (GnomeD
						       GnomeD							       GnomeD
static void gnome_db_connection_properties_finalize   (GObjec	static void gnome_db_connection_properties_finalize   (GObjec

static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL;			static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL;

/*								/*
 * Private functions						 * Private functions
 */								 */

static void							static void
refresh_widget (GnomeDbConnectionProperties *props)		refresh_widget (GnomeDbConnectionProperties *props)
{								{

	gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (props->priv->connectio		gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (props->priv->connectio
			    gda_connection_get_dsn (props->pr				    gda_connection_get_dsn (props->pr
	gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (props->priv->connectio		gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (props->priv->connectio
			    gda_connection_get_cnc_string (pr				    gda_connection_get_cnc_string (pr
	gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (props->priv->connectio		gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (props->priv->connectio
			    gda_connection_get_provider (prop				    gda_connection_get_provider (prop
	gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (props->priv->connectio		gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (props->priv->connectio
			    gda_connection_get_username (prop				    gda_connection_get_username (prop
}								}

/*								/*
 * GnomeDbConnectionProperties class implementation		 * GnomeDbConnectionProperties class implementation
 */								 */

static void							static void
gnome_db_connection_properties_class_init (GnomeDbConnectionP	gnome_db_connection_properties_class_init (GnomeDbConnectionP
{								{
	GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);		GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);

	parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);		parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);

	object_class->finalize = gnome_db_connection_properti		object_class->finalize = gnome_db_connection_properti
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_connection_properties_init (GnomeDbConnectionPropert	gnome_db_connection_properties_init (GnomeDbConnectionPropert
				     GnomeDbConnectionPropert					     GnomeDbConnectionPropert
{								{
	GtkWidget *frame;						GtkWidget *frame;
	GtkWidget *table;						GtkWidget *table;
	GtkWidget *label;						GtkWidget *label;


	/* allocate internal structure */				/* allocate internal structure */
	props->priv = g_new0 (GnomeDbConnectionPropertiesPriv		props->priv = g_new0 (GnomeDbConnectionPropertiesPriv
	props->priv->cnc = NULL;					props->priv->cnc = NULL;

	/* create widgets */						/* create widgets */
	frame = gnome_db_new_frame_widget (_("Settings"));		frame = gnome_db_new_frame_widget (_("Settings"));
	gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (props), frame, TRUE, TRU		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (props), frame, TRUE, TRU

	table = gnome_db_new_table_widget (6, 3, FALSE);		table = gnome_db_new_table_widget (6, 3, FALSE);
	gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (frame), table);		gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (frame), table);

	label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (_("Data source nam		label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (_("Data source nam
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), label, 0, 1, 0, 		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), label, 0, 1, 0, 
	props->priv->connection_name = gnome_db_new_entry_wid		props->priv->connection_name = gnome_db_new_entry_wid
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), props->priv->con		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), props->priv->con
			  1, 2, 0, 1, GTK_FILL, GTK_FILL, 2, 				  1, 2, 0, 1, GTK_FILL, GTK_FILL, 2, 

	label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (_("Connection stri		label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (_("Connection stri
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), label, 0, 1, 1, 		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), label, 0, 1, 1, 
	props->priv->connection_string = gnome_db_new_entry_w		props->priv->connection_string = gnome_db_new_entry_w
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), props->priv->con		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), props->priv->con
			  1, 2, 1, 2, GTK_FILL, GTK_FILL, 2, 				  1, 2, 1, 2, GTK_FILL, GTK_FILL, 2, 

	label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (_("Provider"));		label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (_("Provider"));
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), label, 0, 1, 2, 		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), label, 0, 1, 2, 
	props->priv->connection_provider = gnome_db_new_entry		props->priv->connection_provider = gnome_db_new_entry
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), props->priv->con		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), props->priv->con
			  1, 2, 2, 3, GTK_FILL, GTK_FILL, 2, 				  1, 2, 2, 3, GTK_FILL, GTK_FILL, 2, 

	label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (_("User name"));		label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (_("User name"));
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), label, 0, 1, 3, 		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), label, 0, 1, 3, 
	props->priv->connection_username = gnome_db_new_entry		props->priv->connection_username = gnome_db_new_entry
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), props->priv->con		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), props->priv->con
			  1, 2, 3, 4, GTK_FILL, GTK_FILL, 2, 				  1, 2, 3, 4, GTK_FILL, GTK_FILL, 2, 

	/* create feature list */					/* create feature list */
	frame = gnome_db_new_frame_widget (_("Features"));		frame = gnome_db_new_frame_widget (_("Features"));
	gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (props), frame, TRUE, TRU		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (props), frame, TRUE, TRU

	props->priv->feature_list = gnome_db_new_grid_widget 		props->priv->feature_list = gnome_db_new_grid_widget 
	gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (frame), props->priv		gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (frame), props->priv
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_connection_properties_finalize (GObject *object)	gnome_db_connection_properties_finalize (GObject *object)
{								{
	GnomeDbConnectionProperties *props = (GnomeDbConnecti		GnomeDbConnectionProperties *props = (GnomeDbConnecti


	/* free memory */						/* free memory */
	if (GDA_IS_CONNECTION (props->priv->cnc)) {			if (GDA_IS_CONNECTION (props->priv->cnc)) {
		g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (props->priv->cnc));			g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (props->priv->cnc));
		props->priv->cnc = NULL;					props->priv->cnc = NULL;
	}								}

	g_free (props->priv);						g_free (props->priv);
	props->priv = NULL;						props->priv = NULL;

	/* chain to parent class */					/* chain to parent class */
	parent_class->finalize (object);				parent_class->finalize (object);
}								}

GType								GType
gnome_db_connection_properties_get_type (void)			gnome_db_connection_properties_get_type (void)
{								{
	static GType type = 0;						static GType type = 0;

	if (!type) {							if (!type) {
		static const GTypeInfo info = {					static const GTypeInfo info = {
			sizeof (GnomeDbConnectionPropertiesCl				sizeof (GnomeDbConnectionPropertiesCl
			(GBaseInitFunc) NULL,						(GBaseInitFunc) NULL,
			(GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL,					(GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL,
			(GClassInitFunc) gnome_db_connection_				(GClassInitFunc) gnome_db_connection_
			NULL,								NULL,
			NULL,								NULL,
			sizeof (GnomeDbConnectionProperties),				sizeof (GnomeDbConnectionProperties),
			0,								0,
			(GInstanceInitFunc) gnome_db_connecti				(GInstanceInitFunc) gnome_db_connecti
		};								};
		type = g_type_register_static (PARENT_TYPE,			type = g_type_register_static (PARENT_TYPE,
					       "GnomeDbConnec						       "GnomeDbConnec
					       &info, 0);						       &info, 0);
	}								}
	return type;							return type;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_connection_properties_new				 * gnome_db_connection_properties_new
 * @cnc: a #GdaConnection object.				 * @cnc: a #GdaConnection object.
 *								 *
 * Create a new #GnomeDbConnectionProperties widget.		 * Create a new #GnomeDbConnectionProperties widget.
 */								 */
GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_connection_properties_new (GdaConnection *cnc)		gnome_db_connection_properties_new (GdaConnection *cnc)
{								{
	GnomeDbConnectionProperties *props;				GnomeDbConnectionProperties *props;

	props = g_object_new (GNOME_DB_TYPE_CONNECTION_PROPER		props = g_object_new (GNOME_DB_TYPE_CONNECTION_PROPER
	if (GDA_IS_CONNECTION (cnc)) {					if (GDA_IS_CONNECTION (cnc)) {
		g_object_ref (G_OBJECT (cnc));					g_object_ref (G_OBJECT (cnc));
		props->priv->cnc = cnc;						props->priv->cnc = cnc;
		refresh_widget (props);						refresh_widget (props);
	}								}

	return GTK_WIDGET (props);					return GTK_WIDGET (props);
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_connection_properties_get_connection		 * gnome_db_connection_properties_get_connection
 */								 */
GdaConnection *							GdaConnection *
gnome_db_connection_properties_get_connection (GnomeDbConnect	gnome_db_connection_properties_get_connection (GnomeDbConnect
{								{
	g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_CONNECTION_PROPERTI		g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_CONNECTION_PROPERTI
	return props->priv->cnc;					return props->priv->cnc;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_connection_properties_set_connection		 * gnome_db_connection_properties_set_connection
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_connection_properties_set_connection (GnomeDbConnect	gnome_db_connection_properties_set_connection (GnomeDbConnect
					       GdaConnection 						       GdaConnection 
{								{

	if (GDA_IS_CONNECTION (props->priv->cnc))			if (GDA_IS_CONNECTION (props->priv->cnc))
		g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (props->priv->cnc));			g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (props->priv->cnc));

	props->priv->cnc = cnc;						props->priv->cnc = cnc;
	if (GDA_IS_CONNECTION (props->priv->cnc)) {			if (GDA_IS_CONNECTION (props->priv->cnc)) {
		g_object_ref (G_OBJECT (props->priv->cnc));			g_object_ref (G_OBJECT (props->priv->cnc));
		refresh_widget (props);						refresh_widget (props);
	}								}
}								}
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.h ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.h
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#if !defined(__gnome_db_connection_properties_h__)		#if !defined(__gnome_db_connection_properties_h__)
#  define __gnome_db_connection_properties_h__			#  define __gnome_db_connection_properties_h__

#include <libgda/gda-connection.h>				#include <libgda/gda-connection.h>
#include <gtk/gtkvbox.h>					#include <gtk/gtkvbox.h>



typedef struct _GnomeDbConnectionProperties        GnomeDbCon	typedef struct _GnomeDbConnectionProperties        GnomeDbCon
typedef struct _GnomeDbConnectionPropertiesClass   GnomeDbCon	typedef struct _GnomeDbConnectionPropertiesClass   GnomeDbCon
typedef struct _GnomeDbConnectionPropertiesPrivate GnomeDbCon	typedef struct _GnomeDbConnectionPropertiesPrivate GnomeDbCon

struct _GnomeDbConnectionProperties {				struct _GnomeDbConnectionProperties {
	GtkVBox vbox;							GtkVBox vbox;
	GnomeDbConnectionPropertiesPrivate *priv;			GnomeDbConnectionPropertiesPrivate *priv;
};								};

struct _GnomeDbConnectionPropertiesClass {			struct _GnomeDbConnectionPropertiesClass {
	GtkVBoxClass parent_class;					GtkVBoxClass parent_class;
};								};

GType          gnome_db_connection_properties_get_type (void)	GType          gnome_db_connection_properties_get_type (void)
GtkWidget     *gnome_db_connection_properties_new (GdaConnect	GtkWidget     *gnome_db_connection_properties_new (GdaConnect
GdaConnection *gnome_db_connection_properties_get_connection 	GdaConnection *gnome_db_connection_properties_get_connection 
void           gnome_db_connection_properties_set_connection 	void           gnome_db_connection_properties_set_connection 


#endif								#endif
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-selector.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-selector.c
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-selector.h>		#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-selector.h>


struct _GnomeDbConnectionSelectorPrivate {			struct _GnomeDbConnectionSelectorPrivate {
};								};

static void gnome_db_connection_selector_class_init (GnomeDbC	static void gnome_db_connection_selector_class_init (GnomeDbC
static void gnome_db_connection_selector_init       (GnomeDbC	static void gnome_db_connection_selector_init       (GnomeDbC
						     GnomeDbC							     GnomeDbC
static void gnome_db_connection_selector_finalize   (GObject 	static void gnome_db_connection_selector_finalize   (GObject 

static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL;			static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL;

/*								/*
 * GnomeDbConnectionSelector class implementation		 * GnomeDbConnectionSelector class implementation
 */								 */

static void							static void
gnome_db_connection_selector_class_init (GnomeDbConnectionSel	gnome_db_connection_selector_class_init (GnomeDbConnectionSel
{								{
	GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);		GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);

	parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);		parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);

	object_class->finalize = gnome_db_connection_selector		object_class->finalize = gnome_db_connection_selector
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_connection_selector_init (GnomeDbConnectionSelector 	gnome_db_connection_selector_init (GnomeDbConnectionSelector 
				   GnomeDbConnectionSelectorC					   GnomeDbConnectionSelectorC
{								{
	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_CONNECTION_SELECTOR (se		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_CONNECTION_SELECTOR (se

	selector->priv = g_new0 (GnomeDbConnectionSelectorPri		selector->priv = g_new0 (GnomeDbConnectionSelectorPri

	/* set up widgets */						/* set up widgets */
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_connection_selector_finalize (GObject *object)		gnome_db_connection_selector_finalize (GObject *object)
{								{
	GnomeDbConnectionSelector *selector = (GnomeDbConnect		GnomeDbConnectionSelector *selector = (GnomeDbConnect

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_CONNECTION_SELECTOR (se		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_CONNECTION_SELECTOR (se

	g_free (selector->priv);					g_free (selector->priv);
	selector->priv = NULL;						selector->priv = NULL;

	parent_class->finalize (object);				parent_class->finalize (object);
}								}

GType								GType
gnome_db_connection_selector_get_type (void)			gnome_db_connection_selector_get_type (void)
{								{
	static GType type = 0;						static GType type = 0;

	if (!type) {							if (!type) {
		static const GTypeInfo info = {					static const GTypeInfo info = {
			sizeof (GnomeDbConnectionSelectorClas				sizeof (GnomeDbConnectionSelectorClas
			(GBaseInitFunc) NULL,						(GBaseInitFunc) NULL,
			(GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL,					(GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL,
			(GClassInitFunc) gnome_db_connection_				(GClassInitFunc) gnome_db_connection_
			NULL,								NULL,
			NULL,								NULL,
			sizeof (GnomeDbConnectionSelector),				sizeof (GnomeDbConnectionSelector),
			0,								0,
			(GInstanceInitFunc) gnome_db_connecti				(GInstanceInitFunc) gnome_db_connecti
		};								};
		type = g_type_register_static (PARENT_TYPE,			type = g_type_register_static (PARENT_TYPE,
					       "GnomeDbConnec						       "GnomeDbConnec
					       &info, 0);						       &info, 0);
	}								}
	return type;							return type;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_connection_selector_new				 * gnome_db_connection_selector_new
 *								 *
 * Create a new #GnomeDbConnectionSelector widget.		 * Create a new #GnomeDbConnectionSelector widget.
 *								 *
 * Returns: the newly created widget.				 * Returns: the newly created widget.
 */								 */
GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_connection_selector_new (void)				gnome_db_connection_selector_new (void)
{								{
	GnomeDbConnectionSelector *selector;				GnomeDbConnectionSelector *selector;

	selector = g_object_new (GNOME_DB_TYPE_CONNECTION_SEL		selector = g_object_new (GNOME_DB_TYPE_CONNECTION_SEL
	return GTK_WIDGET (selector);					return GTK_WIDGET (selector);
}								}
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-selector.h ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-selector.h
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#if !defined(__gnome_db_connection_selector_h__)		#if !defined(__gnome_db_connection_selector_h__)
#  define __gnome_db_connection_selector_h__			#  define __gnome_db_connection_selector_h__

#include <gtk/gtkoptionmenu.h>					#include <gtk/gtkoptionmenu.h>


#define GNOME_DB_TYPE_CONNECTION_SELECTOR            (gnome_d	#define GNOME_DB_TYPE_CONNECTION_SELECTOR            (gnome_d
#define GNOME_DB_CONNECTION_SELECTOR(obj)            (G_TYPE_	#define GNOME_DB_CONNECTION_SELECTOR(obj)            (G_TYPE_

typedef struct _GnomeDbConnectionSelector        GnomeDbConne	typedef struct _GnomeDbConnectionSelector        GnomeDbConne
typedef struct _GnomeDbConnectionSelectorClass   GnomeDbConne	typedef struct _GnomeDbConnectionSelectorClass   GnomeDbConne
typedef struct _GnomeDbConnectionSelectorPrivate GnomeDbConne	typedef struct _GnomeDbConnectionSelectorPrivate GnomeDbConne

struct _GnomeDbConnectionSelector {				struct _GnomeDbConnectionSelector {
	GtkOptionMenu menu;						GtkOptionMenu menu;
	GnomeDbConnectionSelectorPrivate *priv;				GnomeDbConnectionSelectorPrivate *priv;
};								};

struct _GnomeDbConnectionSelectorClass {			struct _GnomeDbConnectionSelectorClass {
	GtkOptionMenuClass parent_class;				GtkOptionMenuClass parent_class;
};								};

GType      gnome_db_connection_selector_get_type (void);	GType      gnome_db_connection_selector_get_type (void);
GtkWidget *gnome_db_connection_selector_new (void);		GtkWidget *gnome_db_connection_selector_new (void);


#endif								#endif
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-control.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-control.c
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#include <bonobo/bonobo-property-bag.h>				#include <bonobo/bonobo-property-bag.h>
#include <libgda/gda-marshal.h>					#include <libgda/gda-marshal.h>
#include <bonobo/bonobo-ui-util.h>				#include <bonobo/bonobo-ui-util.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-control.h>			#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-control.h>


struct _GnomeDbControlPrivate {					struct _GnomeDbControlPrivate {
	BonoboPropertyBag *properties;					BonoboPropertyBag *properties;

	/* UI properties */						/* UI properties */
	gchar *app_prefix;						gchar *app_prefix;
	gchar *ui_xml_file;						gchar *ui_xml_file;
	BonoboUIVerb *verbs;						BonoboUIVerb *verbs;
	gpointer cb_user_data;						gpointer cb_user_data;
};								};

static void gnome_db_control_class_init (GnomeDbControlClass 	static void gnome_db_control_class_init (GnomeDbControlClass 
static void gnome_db_control_init       (GnomeDbControl *cont	static void gnome_db_control_init       (GnomeDbControl *cont
static void gnome_db_control_finalize   (GObject *object);	static void gnome_db_control_finalize   (GObject *object);

enum {								enum {
};								};

static gint control_signals[LAST_SIGNAL];			static gint control_signals[LAST_SIGNAL];
static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL;			static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL;

/*								/*
 * Callbacks							 * Callbacks
 */								 */

static void							static void
control_activated_cb (BonoboControl *bonobo_control, gboolean	control_activated_cb (BonoboControl *bonobo_control, gboolean
{								{
	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_CONTROL (bonobo_control		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_CONTROL (bonobo_control

        if (activate) {						        if (activate) {
                gnome_db_control_activate (GNOME_DB_CONTROL (	                gnome_db_control_activate (GNOME_DB_CONTROL (
		g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (bonobo_control), con			g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (bonobo_control), con
	}								}
        else							        else
                gnome_db_control_deactivate (GNOME_DB_CONTROL	                gnome_db_control_deactivate (GNOME_DB_CONTROL
}								}

static void							static void
get_prop_cb (BonoboPropertyBag *bag, BonoboArg *arg, guint ar	get_prop_cb (BonoboPropertyBag *bag, BonoboArg *arg, guint ar
{								{
        GnomeDbControl *control = (GnomeDbControl *) user_dat	        GnomeDbControl *control = (GnomeDbControl *) user_dat

        g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_CONTROL (control));	        g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_CONTROL (control));
	g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (control), control_signals[GE		g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (control), control_signals[GE
}								}

static void							static void
set_prop_cb (BonoboPropertyBag *bag, const BonoboArg *arg, gu	set_prop_cb (BonoboPropertyBag *bag, const BonoboArg *arg, gu
{								{
        GnomeDbControl *control = (GnomeDbControl *) user_dat	        GnomeDbControl *control = (GnomeDbControl *) user_dat

        g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_CONTROL (control));	        g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_CONTROL (control));
	g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (control), control_signals[SE		g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (control), control_signals[SE
}								}

/*								/*
 * GnomeDbControl class implementation				 * GnomeDbControl class implementation
 */								 */

static void							static void
gnome_db_control_class_init (GnomeDbControlClass *klass)	gnome_db_control_class_init (GnomeDbControlClass *klass)
{								{
	GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);		GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);

	parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);		parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);

	object_class->finalize = gnome_db_control_finalize;		object_class->finalize = gnome_db_control_finalize;

	/* add class signals */						/* add class signals */
	control_signals[ACTIVATED] =					control_signals[ACTIVATED] =
		g_signal_new ("activated",					g_signal_new ("activated",
			      G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class				      G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class
			      G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,					      G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,
			      G_STRUCT_OFFSET (GnomeDbControl				      G_STRUCT_OFFSET (GnomeDbControl
		              NULL, NULL,					              NULL, NULL,
			      g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID,				      g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID,
			      G_TYPE_NONE, 0);						      G_TYPE_NONE, 0);
	control_signals[GET_PROPERTY] =					control_signals[GET_PROPERTY] =
		g_signal_new ("get_property",					g_signal_new ("get_property",
			      G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class				      G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class
			      G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,					      G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,
			      G_STRUCT_OFFSET (GnomeDbControl				      G_STRUCT_OFFSET (GnomeDbControl
			      NULL, NULL,						      NULL, NULL,
			      gda_marshal_VOID__POINTER_UINT,				      gda_marshal_VOID__POINTER_UINT,
	control_signals[SET_PROPERTY] =					control_signals[SET_PROPERTY] =
		g_signal_new ("set_property",					g_signal_new ("set_property",
			      G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class				      G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class
			      G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,					      G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,
			      G_STRUCT_OFFSET (GnomeDbControl				      G_STRUCT_OFFSET (GnomeDbControl
			      NULL, NULL,						      NULL, NULL,
			      gda_marshal_VOID__POINTER_UINT,				      gda_marshal_VOID__POINTER_UINT,
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_control_init (GnomeDbControl *control, GnomeDbContro	gnome_db_control_init (GnomeDbControl *control, GnomeDbContro
{								{
	/* allocate the internal structure */				/* allocate the internal structure */
	control->priv = g_new0 (GnomeDbControlPrivate, 1);		control->priv = g_new0 (GnomeDbControlPrivate, 1);
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_control_finalize (GObject *object)			gnome_db_control_finalize (GObject *object)
{								{
	GnomeDbControl *control = (GnomeDbControl *) object;		GnomeDbControl *control = (GnomeDbControl *) object;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_CONTROL (control));		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_CONTROL (control));

	/* free memory */						/* free memory */
	if (control->priv->app_prefix != NULL) {			if (control->priv->app_prefix != NULL) {
		g_free (control->priv->app_prefix);				g_free (control->priv->app_prefix);
		control->priv->app_prefix = NULL;				control->priv->app_prefix = NULL;
	}								}
	if (control->priv->ui_xml_file != NULL) {			if (control->priv->ui_xml_file != NULL) {
		g_free (control->priv->ui_xml_file);				g_free (control->priv->ui_xml_file);
		control->priv->ui_xml_file = NULL;				control->priv->ui_xml_file = NULL;
	}								}

	g_free (control->priv);						g_free (control->priv);
	control->priv = NULL;						control->priv = NULL;

	parent_class->finalize (object);				parent_class->finalize (object);
}								}

GType								GType
gnome_db_control_get_type (void)				gnome_db_control_get_type (void)
{								{
	static GType type = 0;						static GType type = 0;

	if (!type) {							if (!type) {
		static const GTypeInfo info = {					static const GTypeInfo info = {
			sizeof (GnomeDbControlClass),					sizeof (GnomeDbControlClass),
			(GBaseInitFunc) NULL,						(GBaseInitFunc) NULL,
			(GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL,					(GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL,
			(GClassInitFunc) gnome_db_control_cla				(GClassInitFunc) gnome_db_control_cla
			NULL,								NULL,
			NULL,								NULL,
			sizeof (GnomeDbControl),					sizeof (GnomeDbControl),
			0,								0,
			(GInstanceInitFunc) gnome_db_control_				(GInstanceInitFunc) gnome_db_control_
		};								};
		type = g_type_register_static (PARENT_TYPE, "			type = g_type_register_static (PARENT_TYPE, "
	}								}
	return type;							return type;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_control_construct					 * gnome_db_control_construct
 */								 */
GnomeDbControl *						GnomeDbControl *
gnome_db_control_construct (GnomeDbControl *control, GtkWidge	gnome_db_control_construct (GnomeDbControl *control, GtkWidge
{								{
	g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_CONTROL (control), 		g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_CONTROL (control), 
	g_return_val_if_fail (GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget), control		g_return_val_if_fail (GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget), control

	gtk_widget_show (widget);					gtk_widget_show (widget);
	control = GNOME_DB_CONTROL (bonobo_control_construct 		control = GNOME_DB_CONTROL (bonobo_control_construct 
					    BONOBO_CONTROL (c						    BONOBO_CONTROL (c

	/* set up the Bonobo control */					/* set up the Bonobo control */
	g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (control), "activate",		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (control), "activate",
			  G_CALLBACK (control_activated_cb), 				  G_CALLBACK (control_activated_cb), 

	control->priv->properties = bonobo_property_bag_new (		control->priv->properties = bonobo_property_bag_new (
		(BonoboPropertyGetFn) get_prop_cb,				(BonoboPropertyGetFn) get_prop_cb,
                (BonoboPropertySetFn) set_prop_cb,		                (BonoboPropertySetFn) set_prop_cb,
                (gpointer) control);				                (gpointer) control);
	bonobo_control_set_properties (					bonobo_control_set_properties (
		BONOBO_CONTROL (control),					BONOBO_CONTROL (control),
		bonobo_object_corba_objref (BONOBO_OBJECT (co			bonobo_object_corba_objref (BONOBO_OBJECT (co
		NULL);								NULL);

	return control;							return control;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_control_new						 * gnome_db_control_new
 * @widget: the widget to be wrapped by the control		 * @widget: the widget to be wrapped by the control
 *								 *
 * Creates a new #GnomeDbControl object, which is an instance	 * Creates a new #GnomeDbControl object, which is an instance
 * Bonobo::Control CORBA interface, with some useful addition	 * Bonobo::Control CORBA interface, with some useful addition
 *								 *
 * When calling this function, you must specify an already cr	 * When calling this function, you must specify an already cr
 * #GtkWidget, which is the one that will be used for creatin	 * #GtkWidget, which is the one that will be used for creatin
 * Bonobo control. You should use this class if you intend to	 * Bonobo control. You should use this class if you intend to
 * own Bonobo controls.						 * own Bonobo controls.
 *								 *
 * Returns: the newly created #GnomeDbControl object.		 * Returns: the newly created #GnomeDbControl object.
 */								 */
GnomeDbControl *						GnomeDbControl *
gnome_db_control_new (GtkWidget *widget)			gnome_db_control_new (GtkWidget *widget)
{								{
	GnomeDbControl *control;					GnomeDbControl *control;

	control = g_object_new (GNOME_DB_TYPE_CONTROL, NULL);		control = g_object_new (GNOME_DB_TYPE_CONTROL, NULL);
	return gnome_db_control_construct (control, widget);		return gnome_db_control_construct (control, widget);
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_control_set_ui					 * gnome_db_control_set_ui
 * @control: a #GnomeDbControl object				 * @control: a #GnomeDbControl object
 * @app_prefix: the prefix where your application data is ins	 * @app_prefix: the prefix where your application data is ins
 * used by the underlying Bonobo code, which searches for the	 * used by the underlying Bonobo code, which searches for the
 * that directory						 * that directory
 * @ui_xml_file: name of the file in @app_prefix that contain	 * @ui_xml_file: name of the file in @app_prefix that contain
 * description of the component's UI				 * description of the component's UI
 * @verbs: list of verbs and corresponding actions		 * @verbs: list of verbs and corresponding actions
 * @user_data: data to be passed to the verb callback functio	 * @user_data: data to be passed to the verb callback functio
 *								 *
 * Sets the UI for the given #GnomeDbControl object. This is 	 * Sets the UI for the given #GnomeDbControl object. This is 
 * specifying a file that contains the description of the UI 	 * specifying a file that contains the description of the UI 
 * documentation) and a set of verbs and their corresponding 	 * documentation) and a set of verbs and their corresponding 
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_control_set_ui (GnomeDbControl *control,		gnome_db_control_set_ui (GnomeDbControl *control,
                         const gchar *app_prefix,		                         const gchar *app_prefix,
                         const gchar *ui_xml_file,		                         const gchar *ui_xml_file,
                         BonoboUIVerb *verbs,			                         BonoboUIVerb *verbs,
                         gpointer user_data)			                         gpointer user_data)
{								{
	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_CONTROL (control));		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_CONTROL (control));

        if (control->priv->app_prefix != NULL)			        if (control->priv->app_prefix != NULL)
                g_free (control->priv->app_prefix);		                g_free (control->priv->app_prefix);
        control->priv->app_prefix = g_strdup (app_prefix);	        control->priv->app_prefix = g_strdup (app_prefix);

        if (control->priv->ui_xml_file != NULL)			        if (control->priv->ui_xml_file != NULL)
                g_free (control->priv->ui_xml_file);		                g_free (control->priv->ui_xml_file);
        control->priv->ui_xml_file = g_strdup (ui_xml_file);	        control->priv->ui_xml_file = g_strdup (ui_xml_file);

        control->priv->verbs = verbs;				        control->priv->verbs = verbs;
        control->priv->cb_user_data = user_data;		        control->priv->cb_user_data = user_data;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_control_activate					 * gnome_db_control_activate
 * @control: a #GnomeDbControl object				 * @control: a #GnomeDbControl object
 *								 *
 * Activates the given #GnomeDbControl object. This means tha	 * Activates the given #GnomeDbControl object. This means tha
 * this control is merged with the UI of the container.		 * this control is merged with the UI of the container.
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_control_activate (GnomeDbControl *control)		gnome_db_control_activate (GnomeDbControl *control)
{								{
        BonoboUIComponent *uic;					        BonoboUIComponent *uic;

        g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_CONTROL (control));	        g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_CONTROL (control));

        uic = bonobo_control_get_ui_component (BONOBO_CONTROL	        uic = bonobo_control_get_ui_component (BONOBO_CONTROL
        if (uic != NULL) {					        if (uic != NULL) {
                Bonobo_UIContainer remote_ui_container;		                Bonobo_UIContainer remote_ui_container;

                remote_ui_container = bonobo_control_get_remo	                remote_ui_container = bonobo_control_get_remo
			BONOBO_CONTROL (control), NULL);				BONOBO_CONTROL (control), NULL);
                bonobo_ui_component_set_container (uic, remot	                bonobo_ui_component_set_container (uic, remot
                bonobo_object_release_unref (remote_ui_contai	                bonobo_object_release_unref (remote_ui_contai

                bonobo_ui_component_add_verb_list_with_data (	                bonobo_ui_component_add_verb_list_with_data (
                        uic, control->priv->verbs, control->p	                        uic, control->priv->verbs, control->p
                bonobo_ui_component_freeze (uic, NULL);		                bonobo_ui_component_freeze (uic, NULL);
                bonobo_ui_util_set_ui (uic,			                bonobo_ui_util_set_ui (uic,
                                       control->priv->app_pre	                                       control->priv->app_pre
                                       control->priv->ui_xml_	                                       control->priv->ui_xml_
                                       g_get_prgname(), NULL)	                                       g_get_prgname(), NULL)
                bonobo_ui_component_thaw (uic, NULL);		                bonobo_ui_component_thaw (uic, NULL);
        }							        }
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_control_deactivate					 * gnome_db_control_deactivate
 * @control: a #GnomeDbControl object				 * @control: a #GnomeDbControl object
 *								 *
 * Deactivates the given #GnomeDbControl object, which means 	 * Deactivates the given #GnomeDbControl object, which means 
 * control's UI is removed from the container's.		 * control's UI is removed from the container's.
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_control_deactivate (GnomeDbControl *control)		gnome_db_control_deactivate (GnomeDbControl *control)
{								{
        BonoboUIComponent* uic;					        BonoboUIComponent* uic;

        g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_CONTROL (control));	        g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_CONTROL (control));

        uic = bonobo_control_get_ui_component (BONOBO_CONTROL	        uic = bonobo_control_get_ui_component (BONOBO_CONTROL
        if (uic) {						        if (uic) {
                bonobo_ui_component_rm (uic, "/", NULL);	                bonobo_ui_component_rm (uic, "/", NULL);
                bonobo_ui_component_unset_container (uic, NUL	                bonobo_ui_component_unset_container (uic, NUL
        }							        }
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_control_set_status					 * gnome_db_control_set_status
 * @control: a #GnomeDbControl object				 * @control: a #GnomeDbControl object
 * @msg: message to show on the status bar			 * @msg: message to show on the status bar
 *								 *
 * Displays the given message on the container's status bar. 	 * Displays the given message on the container's status bar. 
 * #GnomeDbWindow for your containers, you automatically have	 * #GnomeDbWindow for your containers, you automatically have
 * bar on your window, and, with this function, you can set t	 * bar on your window, and, with this function, you can set t
 * to be displayed on that status bar from the components.	 * to be displayed on that status bar from the components.
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_control_set_status (GnomeDbControl *control, const g	gnome_db_control_set_status (GnomeDbControl *control, const g
{								{
        BonoboUIComponent* uic;					        BonoboUIComponent* uic;

        g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_CONTROL (control));		        g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_CONTROL (control));

        uic = bonobo_control_get_ui_component (BONOBO_CONTROL	        uic = bonobo_control_get_ui_component (BONOBO_CONTROL
        if (uic)						        if (uic)
                bonobo_ui_component_set_status (uic, msg, NUL	                bonobo_ui_component_set_status (uic, msg, NUL
}								}
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-control.h ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-control.h
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#if !defined(__gnome_db_control_h__)				#if !defined(__gnome_db_control_h__)
#  define __gnome_db_control_h__				#  define __gnome_db_control_h__

#include <bonobo/bonobo-control.h>				#include <bonobo/bonobo-control.h>
#include <libgda/gda-value.h>					#include <libgda/gda-value.h>


#define GNOME_DB_TYPE_CONTROL            (gnome_db_control_ge	#define GNOME_DB_TYPE_CONTROL            (gnome_db_control_ge
#define GNOME_DB_CONTROL(obj)            (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTAN	#define GNOME_DB_CONTROL(obj)            (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTAN

typedef struct _GnomeDbControl        GnomeDbControl;		typedef struct _GnomeDbControl        GnomeDbControl;
typedef struct _GnomeDbControlClass   GnomeDbControlClass;	typedef struct _GnomeDbControlClass   GnomeDbControlClass;
typedef struct _GnomeDbControlPrivate GnomeDbControlPrivate;	typedef struct _GnomeDbControlPrivate GnomeDbControlPrivate;

struct _GnomeDbControl {					struct _GnomeDbControl {
	BonoboControl control;						BonoboControl control;
	GnomeDbControlPrivate *priv;					GnomeDbControlPrivate *priv;
};								};

struct _GnomeDbControlClass {					struct _GnomeDbControlClass {
	BonoboControlClass parent_class;				BonoboControlClass parent_class;

	/* signals */							/* signals */
	void (* activated)    (GnomeDbControl *control);		void (* activated)    (GnomeDbControl *control);
	void (* get_property) (GnomeDbControl *control, GdaVa		void (* get_property) (GnomeDbControl *control, GdaVa
	void (* set_property) (GnomeDbControl *control, const		void (* set_property) (GnomeDbControl *control, const
};								};

GType           gnome_db_control_get_type (void);		GType           gnome_db_control_get_type (void);
GnomeDbControl *gnome_db_control_construct (GnomeDbControl *c	GnomeDbControl *gnome_db_control_construct (GnomeDbControl *c
GnomeDbControl *gnome_db_control_new (GtkWidget *widget);	GnomeDbControl *gnome_db_control_new (GtkWidget *widget);
void            gnome_db_control_set_ui (GnomeDbControl *cont	void            gnome_db_control_set_ui (GnomeDbControl *cont
					 const gchar *app_pre						 const gchar *app_pre
					 const gchar *ui_xml_						 const gchar *ui_xml_
					 BonoboUIVerb *verbs,						 BonoboUIVerb *verbs,
					 gpointer user_data);						 gpointer user_data);
void            gnome_db_control_activate (GnomeDbControl *co	void            gnome_db_control_activate (GnomeDbControl *co
void            gnome_db_control_deactivate (GnomeDbControl *	void            gnome_db_control_deactivate (GnomeDbControl *
void            gnome_db_control_set_status (GnomeDbControl *	void            gnome_db_control_set_status (GnomeDbControl *


#endif								#endif
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-control-widget.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-control-widget.c
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 2000-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 2000-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *      Vivien Malerba <malerba gnome-db org>			 *      Vivien Malerba <malerba gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#include <bonobo/bonobo-widget.h>				#include <bonobo/bonobo-widget.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-control-widget.h>			#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-control-widget.h>


struct _GnomeDbControlWidgetPrivate {				struct _GnomeDbControlWidgetPrivate {
	GtkWidget *bonobo_widget;					GtkWidget *bonobo_widget;
	gchar *iid;							gchar *iid;
};								};

static void gnome_db_control_widget_class_init (GnomeDbContro	static void gnome_db_control_widget_class_init (GnomeDbContro
static void gnome_db_control_widget_init       (GnomeDbContro	static void gnome_db_control_widget_init       (GnomeDbContro
						GnomeDbContro							GnomeDbContro
static void gnome_db_control_widget_finalize   (GObject *obje	static void gnome_db_control_widget_finalize   (GObject *obje

static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL;			static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL;

/*								/*
 * GnomeDbControlWidget class implementation			 * GnomeDbControlWidget class implementation
 */								 */

static void							static void
gnome_db_control_widget_class_init (GnomeDbControlWidgetClass	gnome_db_control_widget_class_init (GnomeDbControlWidgetClass
{								{
	GObjectClass* object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS(klass);		GObjectClass* object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS(klass);

	parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);		parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);

	object_class->finalize = gnome_db_control_widget_fina		object_class->finalize = gnome_db_control_widget_fina
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_control_widget_init (GnomeDbControlWidget *wid, Gnom	gnome_db_control_widget_init (GnomeDbControlWidget *wid, Gnom
{								{
	g_return_if_fail(GNOME_DB_IS_CONTROL_WIDGET(wid));		g_return_if_fail(GNOME_DB_IS_CONTROL_WIDGET(wid));

	wid->priv = g_new0 (GnomeDbControlWidgetPrivate, 1);		wid->priv = g_new0 (GnomeDbControlWidgetPrivate, 1);
	wid->priv->bonobo_widget = NULL;				wid->priv->bonobo_widget = NULL;
	wid->priv->iid = NULL;						wid->priv->iid = NULL;
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_control_widget_finalize (GObject *object)		gnome_db_control_widget_finalize (GObject *object)
{								{
	GnomeDbControlWidget *wid = (GnomeDbControlWidget *) 		GnomeDbControlWidget *wid = (GnomeDbControlWidget *) 

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_CONTROL_WIDGET (wid));		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_CONTROL_WIDGET (wid));

	/* free memory */						/* free memory */
	g_free (wid->priv->iid);					g_free (wid->priv->iid);
	wid->priv->iid = NULL;						wid->priv->iid = NULL;

	g_free (wid->priv);						g_free (wid->priv);
	wid->priv = NULL;						wid->priv = NULL;

	parent_class->finalize (object);				parent_class->finalize (object);
}								}

GType								GType
gnome_db_control_widget_get_type (void)				gnome_db_control_widget_get_type (void)
{								{
	static GType type = 0;						static GType type = 0;

	if (!type) {							if (!type) {
		static const GTypeInfo info = {					static const GTypeInfo info = {
			sizeof (GnomeDbControlWidgetClass),				sizeof (GnomeDbControlWidgetClass),
			(GBaseInitFunc) NULL,						(GBaseInitFunc) NULL,
			(GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL,					(GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL,
			(GClassInitFunc) gnome_db_control_wid				(GClassInitFunc) gnome_db_control_wid
			NULL,								NULL,
			NULL,								NULL,
			sizeof (GnomeDbControlWidget),					sizeof (GnomeDbControlWidget),
			0,								0,
			(GInstanceInitFunc) gnome_db_control_				(GInstanceInitFunc) gnome_db_control_
		};								};
		type = g_type_register_static (PARENT_TYPE, "			type = g_type_register_static (PARENT_TYPE, "
					       &info, 0);						       &info, 0);
	}								}
	return type;							return type;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_control_widget_construct				 * gnome_db_control_widget_construct
 */								 */
GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_control_widget_construct (GnomeDbControlWidget *wid,	gnome_db_control_widget_construct (GnomeDbControlWidget *wid,
				   const gchar *id,						   const gchar *id,
				   Bonobo_UIContainer uic)					   Bonobo_UIContainer uic)
{								{
	g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_CONTROL_WIDGET (wid		g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_CONTROL_WIDGET (wid

	wid->priv->iid = g_strdup(id);					wid->priv->iid = g_strdup(id);

	/* load the Bonobo control */					/* load the Bonobo control */
	wid->priv->bonobo_widget = bonobo_widget_new_control 		wid->priv->bonobo_widget = bonobo_widget_new_control 
	if (!BONOBO_IS_WIDGET (wid->priv->bonobo_widget)) {		if (!BONOBO_IS_WIDGET (wid->priv->bonobo_widget)) {
		wid->priv->bonobo_widget = NULL;				wid->priv->bonobo_widget = NULL;
		g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (wid));				g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (wid));
		return NULL;							return NULL;
	}								}

	gtk_widget_show (wid->priv->bonobo_widget);			gtk_widget_show (wid->priv->bonobo_widget);
	gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (wid), wid->priv->bonobo_		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (wid), wid->priv->bonobo_

	return GTK_WIDGET (wid);					return GTK_WIDGET (wid);
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_control_widget_new					 * gnome_db_control_widget_new
 * @id: ID of the Bonobo control to be loaded			 * @id: ID of the Bonobo control to be loaded
 * @uic: a reference to the Bonobo_UIContainer to use for the	 * @uic: a reference to the Bonobo_UIContainer to use for the
 *								 *
 * Creates a new widget that loads the Bonobo control specifi	 * Creates a new widget that loads the Bonobo control specifi
 * @id parameter.						 * @id parameter.
 * The second argument, @uic, is needed to associate a Bonobo	 * The second argument, @uic, is needed to associate a Bonobo
 * with the new control, so that menus and toolbars are merge	 * with the new control, so that menus and toolbars are merge
 * easily done by using a #GnomeDbWindow for all your Bonobo 	 * easily done by using a #GnomeDbWindow for all your Bonobo 
 * and then use the #gnome_db_window_get_ui_container to retr	 * and then use the #gnome_db_window_get_ui_container to retr
 * Bonobo_UIContainer associated with the #GnomeDbWindow widg	 * Bonobo_UIContainer associated with the #GnomeDbWindow widg
 *								 *
 * Returns: a pointer to the newly-created widget		 * Returns: a pointer to the newly-created widget
 */								 */
GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_control_widget_new (const gchar *id, Bonobo_UIContai	gnome_db_control_widget_new (const gchar *id, Bonobo_UIContai
{								{
	GnomeDbControlWidget *wid;					GnomeDbControlWidget *wid;
	g_return_val_if_fail(id != NULL, NULL);				g_return_val_if_fail(id != NULL, NULL);
	wid = g_object_new (GNOME_DB_TYPE_CONTROL_WIDGET, NUL		wid = g_object_new (GNOME_DB_TYPE_CONTROL_WIDGET, NUL
	return gnome_db_control_widget_construct (wid, id, ui		return gnome_db_control_widget_construct (wid, id, ui
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_control_widget_new_from_corba			 * gnome_db_control_widget_new_from_corba
 */								 */
GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_control_widget_new_from_corba (Bonobo_Control contro	gnome_db_control_widget_new_from_corba (Bonobo_Control contro
{								{
	GnomeDbControlWidget *wid;					GnomeDbControlWidget *wid;

	g_return_val_if_fail (control != CORBA_OBJECT_NIL, NU		g_return_val_if_fail (control != CORBA_OBJECT_NIL, NU

	wid = g_object_new (GNOME_DB_TYPE_CONTROL_WIDGET, NUL		wid = g_object_new (GNOME_DB_TYPE_CONTROL_WIDGET, NUL

	wid->priv->bonobo_widget = bonobo_widget_new_control_		wid->priv->bonobo_widget = bonobo_widget_new_control_
	if (!BONOBO_IS_WIDGET (wid->priv->bonobo_widget)) {		if (!BONOBO_IS_WIDGET (wid->priv->bonobo_widget)) {
		g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (wid));				g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (wid));
		return NULL;							return NULL;
	}								}

	gtk_widget_show (wid->priv->bonobo_widget);			gtk_widget_show (wid->priv->bonobo_widget);
	gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (wid), wid->priv->bonobo_		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (wid), wid->priv->bonobo_

	return GTK_WIDGET (wid);					return GTK_WIDGET (wid);
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_control_widget_is_alive				 * gnome_db_control_widget_is_alive
 * @wid: a #GnomeDbControlWidget widget				 * @wid: a #GnomeDbControlWidget widget
 *								 *
 * Pings the given #GnomeDbControlWidget widget to see if the	 * Pings the given #GnomeDbControlWidget widget to see if the
 * CORBA server is still alive.					 * CORBA server is still alive.
 *								 *
 * Returns: TRUE if alive, FALSE if dead.			 * Returns: TRUE if alive, FALSE if dead.
 */								 */
gboolean							gboolean
gnome_db_control_widget_is_alive (GnomeDbControlWidget *wid)	gnome_db_control_widget_is_alive (GnomeDbControlWidget *wid)
{								{
	BonoboControlFrame *control_frame;				BonoboControlFrame *control_frame;
	CORBA_Object corba_object;					CORBA_Object corba_object;
	CORBA_Environment ev;						CORBA_Environment ev;
	gboolean is_dead;						gboolean is_dead;

	g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_CONTROL_WIDGET (wid		g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_CONTROL_WIDGET (wid

	control_frame = bonobo_widget_get_control_frame (		control_frame = bonobo_widget_get_control_frame (
		BONOBO_WIDGET (wid->priv->bonobo_widget));			BONOBO_WIDGET (wid->priv->bonobo_widget));
	corba_object = bonobo_control_frame_get_control (cont		corba_object = bonobo_control_frame_get_control (cont

	CORBA_exception_init (&ev);					CORBA_exception_init (&ev);
	is_dead = CORBA_Object_non_existent (corba_object, &e		is_dead = CORBA_Object_non_existent (corba_object, &e
	CORBA_exception_free (&ev);					CORBA_exception_free (&ev);

	return !is_dead;						return !is_dead;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_control_widget_activate				 * gnome_db_control_widget_activate
 * @wid: a #GnomeDbControlWidget widget				 * @wid: a #GnomeDbControlWidget widget
 *								 *
 * Activates the given #GnomeDbControlWidget widget. This mea	 * Activates the given #GnomeDbControlWidget widget. This mea
 * underlying control's menus and toolbars will be merged wit	 * underlying control's menus and toolbars will be merged wit
 * and toolbars of the container being used, generally a #Gno	 * and toolbars of the container being used, generally a #Gno
 * widget.							 * widget.
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_control_widget_activate (GnomeDbControlWidget *wid)	gnome_db_control_widget_activate (GnomeDbControlWidget *wid)
{								{
	BonoboControlFrame *control_frame;				BonoboControlFrame *control_frame;
	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_CONTROL_WIDGET (wid));		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_CONTROL_WIDGET (wid));
	control_frame = bonobo_widget_get_control_frame (		control_frame = bonobo_widget_get_control_frame (
		BONOBO_WIDGET (wid->priv->bonobo_widget));			BONOBO_WIDGET (wid->priv->bonobo_widget));
	bonobo_control_frame_set_autoactivate (control_frame,		bonobo_control_frame_set_autoactivate (control_frame,
	bonobo_control_frame_control_activate (control_frame)		bonobo_control_frame_control_activate (control_frame)
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_control_widget_deactivate				 * gnome_db_control_widget_deactivate
 * @wid: a #GnomeDbControlWidget widget				 * @wid: a #GnomeDbControlWidget widget
 *								 *
 * Deactivates the given #GnomeDbControlWidget widget. This m	 * Deactivates the given #GnomeDbControlWidget widget. This m
 * of the control's menus and toolbars are removed from the c	 * of the control's menus and toolbars are removed from the c
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_control_widget_deactivate (GnomeDbControlWidget *wid	gnome_db_control_widget_deactivate (GnomeDbControlWidget *wid
{								{
	BonoboControlFrame *control_frame;				BonoboControlFrame *control_frame;
	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_CONTROL_WIDGET (wid));		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_CONTROL_WIDGET (wid));
	control_frame = bonobo_widget_get_control_frame (		control_frame = bonobo_widget_get_control_frame (
		BONOBO_WIDGET (wid->priv->bonobo_widget));			BONOBO_WIDGET (wid->priv->bonobo_widget));
	bonobo_control_frame_set_autoactivate (control_frame,		bonobo_control_frame_set_autoactivate (control_frame,
	bonobo_control_frame_control_deactivate (control_fram		bonobo_control_frame_control_deactivate (control_fram
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_control_widget_get_id				 * gnome_db_control_widget_get_id
 * @wid: a #GnomeDbControlWidget widget.			 * @wid: a #GnomeDbControlWidget widget.
 *								 *
 * Returns the ID of the underlying control.			 * Returns the ID of the underlying control.
 */								 */
const gchar *							const gchar *
gnome_db_control_widget_get_id (GnomeDbControlWidget *wid)	gnome_db_control_widget_get_id (GnomeDbControlWidget *wid)
{								{
	g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_CONTROL_WIDGET (wid		g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_CONTROL_WIDGET (wid
	return wid->priv->iid;						return wid->priv->iid;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_control_widget_get_objref				 * gnome_db_control_widget_get_objref
 */								 */
Bonobo_Unknown							Bonobo_Unknown
gnome_db_control_widget_get_objref (GnomeDbControlWidget *wid	gnome_db_control_widget_get_objref (GnomeDbControlWidget *wid
{								{
	g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_CONTROL_WIDGET (wid		g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_CONTROL_WIDGET (wid
	g_return_val_if_fail (BONOBO_IS_WIDGET (wid->priv->bo		g_return_val_if_fail (BONOBO_IS_WIDGET (wid->priv->bo

	return bonobo_widget_get_objref (BONOBO_WIDGET (wid->		return bonobo_widget_get_objref (BONOBO_WIDGET (wid->
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_control_widget_get_ui_container			 * gnome_db_control_widget_get_ui_container
 */								 */
Bonobo_UIContainer						Bonobo_UIContainer
gnome_db_control_widget_get_ui_container (GnomeDbControlWidge	gnome_db_control_widget_get_ui_container (GnomeDbControlWidge
{								{
	g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_CONTROL_WIDGET (wid		g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_CONTROL_WIDGET (wid
	g_return_val_if_fail (BONOBO_IS_WIDGET (wid->priv->bo		g_return_val_if_fail (BONOBO_IS_WIDGET (wid->priv->bo

	return bonobo_widget_get_ui_container (BONOBO_WIDGET 		return bonobo_widget_get_ui_container (BONOBO_WIDGET 
}								}
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-control-widget.h ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-control-widget.h
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 2000-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 2000-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *      Vivien Malerba <malerba gnome-db org>			 *      Vivien Malerba <malerba gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#if !defined(__gnome_db_control_widget_h__)			#if !defined(__gnome_db_control_widget_h__)
#  define __gnome_db_control_widget_h__				#  define __gnome_db_control_widget_h__

#include <bonobo/Bonobo.h>					#include <bonobo/Bonobo.h>
#include <gtk/gtkvbox.h>					#include <gtk/gtkvbox.h>


#define GNOME_DB_TYPE_CONTROL_WIDGET            (gnome_db_con	#define GNOME_DB_TYPE_CONTROL_WIDGET            (gnome_db_con
#define GNOME_DB_CONTROL_WIDGET(obj)            (G_TYPE_CHECK	#define GNOME_DB_CONTROL_WIDGET(obj)            (G_TYPE_CHECK

typedef struct _GnomeDbControlWidget        GnomeDbControlWid	typedef struct _GnomeDbControlWidget        GnomeDbControlWid
typedef struct _GnomeDbControlWidgetClass   GnomeDbControlWid	typedef struct _GnomeDbControlWidgetClass   GnomeDbControlWid
typedef struct _GnomeDbControlWidgetPrivate GnomeDbControlWid	typedef struct _GnomeDbControlWidgetPrivate GnomeDbControlWid

struct _GnomeDbControlWidget {					struct _GnomeDbControlWidget {
	GtkVBox box;							GtkVBox box;
	GnomeDbControlWidgetPrivate *priv;				GnomeDbControlWidgetPrivate *priv;
};								};

struct _GnomeDbControlWidgetClass {				struct _GnomeDbControlWidgetClass {
	GtkVBoxClass parent_class;					GtkVBoxClass parent_class;
};								};

GType              gnome_db_control_widget_get_type (void);	GType              gnome_db_control_widget_get_type (void);
GtkWidget         *gnome_db_control_widget_construct (GnomeDb	GtkWidget         *gnome_db_control_widget_construct (GnomeDb
						      const g							      const g
						      Bonobo_							      Bonobo_
GtkWidget         *gnome_db_control_widget_new (const gchar *	GtkWidget         *gnome_db_control_widget_new (const gchar *
GtkWidget         *gnome_db_control_widget_new_from_corba (Bo	GtkWidget         *gnome_db_control_widget_new_from_corba (Bo
							   Bo								   Bo

gboolean           gnome_db_control_widget_is_alive (GnomeDbC	gboolean           gnome_db_control_widget_is_alive (GnomeDbC

void               gnome_db_control_widget_activate (GnomeDbC	void               gnome_db_control_widget_activate (GnomeDbC
void               gnome_db_control_widget_deactivate (GnomeD	void               gnome_db_control_widget_deactivate (GnomeD

const gchar       *gnome_db_control_widget_get_id (GnomeDbCon	const gchar       *gnome_db_control_widget_get_id (GnomeDbCon
Bonobo_Unknown     gnome_db_control_widget_get_objref (GnomeD	Bonobo_Unknown     gnome_db_control_widget_get_objref (GnomeD
Bonobo_UIContainer gnome_db_control_widget_get_ui_container (	Bonobo_UIContainer gnome_db_control_widget_get_ui_container (


#endif								#endif
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-data-source-selector.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-data-source-selector.c
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#include <string.h>						#include <string.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-data-source-selector.h>		#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-data-source-selector.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h>


struct _GnomeDbDataSourceSelectorPrivate {			struct _GnomeDbDataSourceSelectorPrivate {
	guint config_listener;						guint config_listener;
};								};

static void gnome_db_data_source_selector_class_init (GnomeDb	static void gnome_db_data_source_selector_class_init (GnomeDb
static void gnome_db_data_source_selector_init       (GnomeDb	static void gnome_db_data_source_selector_init       (GnomeDb
						      GnomeDb							      GnomeDb
static void gnome_db_data_source_selector_finalize   (GObject	static void gnome_db_data_source_selector_finalize   (GObject

static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL;			static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL;

/*								/*
 * Private functions						 * Private functions
 */								 */

static void							static void
show_data_sources (GnomeDbDataSourceSelector *selector, const	show_data_sources (GnomeDbDataSourceSelector *selector, const
{								{
	GdaDataSourceInfo *dsn_info = NULL;				GdaDataSourceInfo *dsn_info = NULL;
							      >		GList *dsn_list, *l;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_DATA_SOURCE_SELECTOR (s		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_DATA_SOURCE_SELECTOR (s

	gtk_option_menu_remove_menu (GTK_OPTION_MENU (selecto		gtk_option_menu_remove_menu (GTK_OPTION_MENU (selecto
							      >		/* load data sources */
							      >		dsn_list = gnome_db_config_get_data_source_list ();
							      >		for (l = dsn_list; l != NULL; l = l->next) {
							      >			GdaDataSourceInfo *dsn_info = (GdaDataSourceI
							      >			if (!dsn_info)
							      >				continue;

							      >			if (name != NULL && strcmp (name, dsn_info->n
							      >				continue;
							      >			/* add the data source to the option menu */
							      >			gnome_db_option_menu_add_item (GTK_OPTION_MEN
							      >		}
	if (name != NULL) {						if (name != NULL) {
		dsn_info = gnome_db_config_find_data_source (			dsn_info = gnome_db_config_find_data_source (
		if (dsn_info != NULL) {						if (dsn_info != NULL) {
			gnome_db_option_menu_add_item (GTK_OP				gnome_db_option_menu_add_item (GTK_OP
						       dsn_in							       dsn_in
			gnome_db_option_menu_set_selection (G				gnome_db_option_menu_set_selection (G
							    d								    d
			gnome_db_config_free_data_source_info				gnome_db_config_free_data_source_info
		}								}
	} else {							} else {
		GList *dsn_list, *l;						GList *dsn_list, *l;

		dsn_list = gnome_db_config_get_data_source_li			dsn_list = gnome_db_config_get_data_source_li
		for (l = dsn_list; l != NULL; l = l->next) {			for (l = dsn_list; l != NULL; l = l->next) {
			dsn_info = (GdaDataSourceInfo *) l->d				dsn_info = (GdaDataSourceInfo *) l->d
			if (!dsn_info)							if (!dsn_info)
				continue;							continue;

			/* add the data source to the option 				/* add the data source to the option 
			gnome_db_option_menu_add_item (GTK_OP				gnome_db_option_menu_add_item (GTK_OP
		}								}

		gnome_db_config_free_data_source_list (dsn_li			gnome_db_config_free_data_source_list (dsn_li

		gtk_option_menu_set_history (GTK_OPTION_MENU 			gtk_option_menu_set_history (GTK_OPTION_MENU 
	}								}
}								}

/*								/*
 * GnomeDbDataSourceSelector class implementation		 * GnomeDbDataSourceSelector class implementation
 */								 */

static void							static void
gnome_db_data_source_selector_class_init (GnomeDbDataSourceSe	gnome_db_data_source_selector_class_init (GnomeDbDataSourceSe
{								{
	GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);		GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);

	parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);		parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);

	object_class->finalize = gnome_db_data_source_selecto		object_class->finalize = gnome_db_data_source_selecto
}								}

static void							static void
config_changed_cb (GConfClient *conf_client, guint cnxn_id, G	config_changed_cb (GConfClient *conf_client, guint cnxn_id, G
{								{
	const gchar *current_dsn;					const gchar *current_dsn;
	GnomeDbDataSourceSelector *selector = (GnomeDbDataSou		GnomeDbDataSourceSelector *selector = (GnomeDbDataSou

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_DATA_SOURCE_SELECTOR (s		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_DATA_SOURCE_SELECTOR (s

	current_dsn = g_strdup (gnome_db_option_menu_get_sele		current_dsn = g_strdup (gnome_db_option_menu_get_sele
	show_data_sources (selector, NULL);				show_data_sources (selector, NULL);
	gnome_db_option_menu_set_selection (GTK_OPTION_MENU (		gnome_db_option_menu_set_selection (GTK_OPTION_MENU (
	g_free (current_dsn);						g_free (current_dsn);
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_data_source_selector_init (GnomeDbDataSourceSelector	gnome_db_data_source_selector_init (GnomeDbDataSourceSelector
				    GnomeDbDataSourceSelector					    GnomeDbDataSourceSelector
{								{
	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_DATA_SOURCE_SELECTOR (s		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_DATA_SOURCE_SELECTOR (s

	/* allocate private structure */				/* allocate private structure */
	selector->priv = g_new0 (GnomeDbDataSourceSelectorPri		selector->priv = g_new0 (GnomeDbDataSourceSelectorPri

	/* add listener for configuration */				/* add listener for configuration */
	selector->priv->config_listener = gnome_db_config_add		selector->priv->config_listener = gnome_db_config_add
		"/apps/libgda/Datasources",					"/apps/libgda/Datasources",
		(GConfClientNotifyFunc) config_changed_cb,			(GConfClientNotifyFunc) config_changed_cb,
		selector);							selector);
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_data_source_selector_finalize (GObject *object)	gnome_db_data_source_selector_finalize (GObject *object)
{								{
	GnomeDbDataSourceSelector *selector = (GnomeDbDataSou		GnomeDbDataSourceSelector *selector = (GnomeDbDataSou

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_DATA_SOURCE_SELECTOR (s		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_DATA_SOURCE_SELECTOR (s

	if (selector->priv->config_listener != -1) {			if (selector->priv->config_listener != -1) {
		gnome_db_config_remove_listener (selector->pr			gnome_db_config_remove_listener (selector->pr
		selector->priv->config_listener = -1;				selector->priv->config_listener = -1;
	}								}

	/* free memory */						/* free memory */
	g_free (selector->priv);					g_free (selector->priv);
	selector->priv = NULL;						selector->priv = NULL;

	parent_class->finalize (object);				parent_class->finalize (object);
}								}

GType								GType
gnome_db_data_source_selector_get_type (void)			gnome_db_data_source_selector_get_type (void)
{								{
	static GType type = 0;						static GType type = 0;

	if (!type) {							if (!type) {
		static const GTypeInfo info = {					static const GTypeInfo info = {
			sizeof (GnomeDbDataSourceSelectorClas				sizeof (GnomeDbDataSourceSelectorClas
			(GBaseInitFunc) NULL,						(GBaseInitFunc) NULL,
			(GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL,					(GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL,
			(GClassInitFunc) gnome_db_data_source				(GClassInitFunc) gnome_db_data_source
			NULL,								NULL,
			NULL,								NULL,
			sizeof (GnomeDbDataSourceSelector),				sizeof (GnomeDbDataSourceSelector),
			0,								0,
			(GInstanceInitFunc) gnome_db_data_sou				(GInstanceInitFunc) gnome_db_data_sou
		};								};
		type = g_type_register_static (PARENT_TYPE,			type = g_type_register_static (PARENT_TYPE,
					       "GnomeDbDataSo						       "GnomeDbDataSo
					       &info, 0);						       &info, 0);
	}								}
	return type;							return type;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_data_source_selector_new				 * gnome_db_data_source_selector_new
 * @name: name of data source to display.			 * @name: name of data source to display.
 *								 *
 * Create a new #GnomeDbDataSourceSelector, which is just a #	 * Create a new #GnomeDbDataSourceSelector, which is just a #
 * which displays, as its menu items, all the data sources cu	 * which displays, as its menu items, all the data sources cu
 * configured in the system. It is useful for connection and 	 * configured in the system. It is useful for connection and 
 * screens, where the user has to choose a data source to wor	 * screens, where the user has to choose a data source to wor
 *								 *
 * Returns: the newly created widget.				 * Returns: the newly created widget.
 */								 */
GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_data_source_selector_new (const gchar *name)		gnome_db_data_source_selector_new (const gchar *name)
{								{
	GnomeDbDataSourceSelector *selector;				GnomeDbDataSourceSelector *selector;

	selector = g_object_new (GNOME_DB_TYPE_DATA_SOURCE_SE		selector = g_object_new (GNOME_DB_TYPE_DATA_SOURCE_SE
	show_data_sources (selector, name);				show_data_sources (selector, name);

	return GTK_WIDGET (selector);					return GTK_WIDGET (selector);
}								}
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-data-source-selector.h ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-data-source-selector.h
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#if !defined(__gnome_db_data_source_selector_h__)		#if !defined(__gnome_db_data_source_selector_h__)
#  define __gnome_db_data_source_selector_h__			#  define __gnome_db_data_source_selector_h__

#include <gtk/gtkoptionmenu.h>					#include <gtk/gtkoptionmenu.h>


#define GNOME_DB_TYPE_DATA_SOURCE_SELECTOR            (gnome_	#define GNOME_DB_TYPE_DATA_SOURCE_SELECTOR            (gnome_
#define GNOME_DB_DATA_SOURCE_SELECTOR(obj)            (G_TYPE	#define GNOME_DB_DATA_SOURCE_SELECTOR(obj)            (G_TYPE

typedef struct _GnomeDbDataSourceSelector        GnomeDbDataS	typedef struct _GnomeDbDataSourceSelector        GnomeDbDataS
typedef struct _GnomeDbDataSourceSelectorClass   GnomeDbDataS	typedef struct _GnomeDbDataSourceSelectorClass   GnomeDbDataS
typedef struct _GnomeDbDataSourceSelectorPrivate GnomeDbDataS	typedef struct _GnomeDbDataSourceSelectorPrivate GnomeDbDataS

struct _GnomeDbDataSourceSelector {				struct _GnomeDbDataSourceSelector {
	GtkOptionMenu menu;						GtkOptionMenu menu;
	GnomeDbDataSourceSelectorPrivate *priv;				GnomeDbDataSourceSelectorPrivate *priv;
};								};

struct _GnomeDbDataSourceSelectorClass {			struct _GnomeDbDataSourceSelectorClass {
	GtkOptionMenuClass parent_class;				GtkOptionMenuClass parent_class;
};								};

GType      gnome_db_data_source_selector_get_type (void);	GType      gnome_db_data_source_selector_get_type (void);
GtkWidget *gnome_db_data_source_selector_new (const gchar *na	GtkWidget *gnome_db_data_source_selector_new (const gchar *na


#endif								#endif
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation			 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#include <gtk/gtklabel.h>					#include <gtk/gtklabel.h>
#include <gtk/gtktable.h>					#include <gtk/gtktable.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.h>			#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-provider-selector.h>		#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-provider-selector.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h>
#include "gnome-db-i18n.h"					#include "gnome-db-i18n.h"


struct _GnomeDbDsnConfigPrivate {				struct _GnomeDbDsnConfigPrivate {
	GtkWidget *wname;						GtkWidget *wname;
	GtkWidget *wprovider;						GtkWidget *wprovider;
	GtkWidget *wstring;						GtkWidget *wstring;
	GtkWidget *wdesc;						GtkWidget *wdesc;
	GtkWidget *wuser;						GtkWidget *wuser;
	GtkWidget *wpassword;						GtkWidget *wpassword;
};								};

static void gnome_db_dsn_config_class_init (GnomeDbDsnConfigC	static void gnome_db_dsn_config_class_init (GnomeDbDsnConfigC
static void gnome_db_dsn_config_init       (GnomeDbDsnConfig 	static void gnome_db_dsn_config_init       (GnomeDbDsnConfig 
					    GnomeDbDsnConfigC						    GnomeDbDsnConfigC
static void gnome_db_dsn_config_finalize   (GObject *object);	static void gnome_db_dsn_config_finalize   (GObject *object);

enum {								enum {
};								};

static gint gnome_db_dsn_config_signals[LAST_SIGNAL] = { 0 };	static gint gnome_db_dsn_config_signals[LAST_SIGNAL] = { 0 };
static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL;			static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL;

/*								/*
 * Private functions						 * Private functions
 */								 */

/*								/*
 * GnomeDbDsnConfig class implementation			 * GnomeDbDsnConfig class implementation
 */								 */

static void							static void
gnome_db_dsn_config_class_init (GnomeDbDsnConfigClass *klass)	gnome_db_dsn_config_class_init (GnomeDbDsnConfigClass *klass)
{								{
	GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);		GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);

	parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);		parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);

	object_class->finalize = gnome_db_dsn_config_finalize		object_class->finalize = gnome_db_dsn_config_finalize
	klass->changed = NULL;						klass->changed = NULL;

	/* add class signals */						/* add class signals */
	gnome_db_dsn_config_signals[CHANGED] =				gnome_db_dsn_config_signals[CHANGED] =
		g_signal_new ("changed",					g_signal_new ("changed",
			      G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class				      G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class
			      G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,					      G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,
			      G_STRUCT_OFFSET (GnomeDbDsnConf				      G_STRUCT_OFFSET (GnomeDbDsnConf
			      NULL, NULL,						      NULL, NULL,
			      g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID,				      g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID,
			      G_TYPE_NONE, 0);						      G_TYPE_NONE, 0);
}								}

static void							static void
field_changed_cb (GtkWidget *widget, GnomeDbDsnConfig *config	field_changed_cb (GtkWidget *widget, GnomeDbDsnConfig *config
{								{
	g_signal_emit (config, gnome_db_dsn_config_signals[CH		g_signal_emit (config, gnome_db_dsn_config_signals[CH
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_dsn_config_init (GnomeDbDsnConfig *config, GnomeDbDs	gnome_db_dsn_config_init (GnomeDbDsnConfig *config, GnomeDbDs
{								{
	GtkWidget *table;						GtkWidget *table;
	GtkWidget *label;						GtkWidget *label;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_DSN_CONFIG (config));		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_DSN_CONFIG (config));

	/* allocate private structure */				/* allocate private structure */
	config->priv = g_new0 (GnomeDbDsnConfigPrivate, 1);		config->priv = g_new0 (GnomeDbDsnConfigPrivate, 1);

	/* set up widgets */						/* set up widgets */
	table = gnome_db_new_table_widget (6, 3, FALSE);		table = gnome_db_new_table_widget (6, 3, FALSE);
	gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (config), table, TRUE, TR		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (config), table, TRUE, TR

	label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (_("Data source _na		label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (_("Data source _na
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), label, 0, 1, 0, 		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), label, 0, 1, 0, 
	config->priv->wname = gnome_db_new_entry_widget (0, T		config->priv->wname = gnome_db_new_entry_widget (0, T
	gtk_label_set_mnemonic_widget (GTK_LABEL (label), con		gtk_label_set_mnemonic_widget (GTK_LABEL (label), con
	gtk_widget_set_sensitive (config->priv->wname, FALSE)		gtk_widget_set_sensitive (config->priv->wname, FALSE)
	g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (config->priv->wname), "ch		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (config->priv->wname), "ch
			  G_CALLBACK (field_changed_cb), conf				  G_CALLBACK (field_changed_cb), conf
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), config->priv->wn		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), config->priv->wn

	label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (_("_Provider:"));		label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (_("_Provider:"));
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), label, 0, 1, 1, 		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), label, 0, 1, 1, 
	config->priv->wprovider = gnome_db_provider_selector_		config->priv->wprovider = gnome_db_provider_selector_
	gtk_label_set_mnemonic_widget (GTK_LABEL (label), con		gtk_label_set_mnemonic_widget (GTK_LABEL (label), con
	gtk_widget_show (config->priv->wprovider);			gtk_widget_show (config->priv->wprovider);
	g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (config->priv->wprovider),		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (config->priv->wprovider),
			  G_CALLBACK (field_changed_cb), conf				  G_CALLBACK (field_changed_cb), conf
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), config->priv->wp		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), config->priv->wp

	label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (_("Connection _str		label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (_("Connection _str
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), label, 0, 1, 2, 		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), label, 0, 1, 2, 
	config->priv->wstring = gnome_db_new_entry_widget (0,		config->priv->wstring = gnome_db_new_entry_widget (0,
	gtk_label_set_mnemonic_widget (GTK_LABEL (label), con		gtk_label_set_mnemonic_widget (GTK_LABEL (label), con
	g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (config->priv->wstring), "		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (config->priv->wstring), "
			  G_CALLBACK (field_changed_cb), conf				  G_CALLBACK (field_changed_cb), conf
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), config->priv->ws		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), config->priv->ws

	label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (_("_Description:")		label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (_("_Description:")
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), label, 0, 1, 3, 		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), label, 0, 1, 3, 
	config->priv->wdesc = gnome_db_new_entry_widget (0, T		config->priv->wdesc = gnome_db_new_entry_widget (0, T
	gtk_label_set_mnemonic_widget (GTK_LABEL (label), con		gtk_label_set_mnemonic_widget (GTK_LABEL (label), con
	g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (config->priv->wdesc), "ch		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (config->priv->wdesc), "ch
			  G_CALLBACK (field_changed_cb), conf				  G_CALLBACK (field_changed_cb), conf
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), config->priv->wd		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), config->priv->wd

	label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (_("_Username:"));		label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (_("_Username:"));
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), label, 0, 1, 4, 		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), label, 0, 1, 4, 
	config->priv->wuser = gnome_db_new_entry_widget (0, T		config->priv->wuser = gnome_db_new_entry_widget (0, T
	gtk_label_set_mnemonic_widget (GTK_LABEL (label), con		gtk_label_set_mnemonic_widget (GTK_LABEL (label), con
	g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (config->priv->wuser), "ch		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (config->priv->wuser), "ch
			  G_CALLBACK (field_changed_cb), conf				  G_CALLBACK (field_changed_cb), conf
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), config->priv->wu		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), config->priv->wu

	label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (_("P_assword:"));		label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (_("P_assword:"));
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), label, 0, 1, 5, 		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), label, 0, 1, 5, 
	config->priv->wpassword = gnome_db_new_entry_widget (		config->priv->wpassword = gnome_db_new_entry_widget (
	gtk_label_set_mnemonic_widget (GTK_LABEL (label), con		gtk_label_set_mnemonic_widget (GTK_LABEL (label), con
	gtk_entry_set_visibility (GTK_ENTRY (config->priv->wp		gtk_entry_set_visibility (GTK_ENTRY (config->priv->wp
	g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (config->priv->wpassword),		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (config->priv->wpassword),
			  G_CALLBACK (field_changed_cb), conf				  G_CALLBACK (field_changed_cb), conf
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), config->priv->wp		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), config->priv->wp
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_dsn_config_finalize (GObject *object)			gnome_db_dsn_config_finalize (GObject *object)
{								{
	GnomeDbDsnConfig *config = (GnomeDbDsnConfig *) objec		GnomeDbDsnConfig *config = (GnomeDbDsnConfig *) objec

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_DSN_CONFIG (config));		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_DSN_CONFIG (config));

	/* free memory */						/* free memory */
	g_free (config->priv);						g_free (config->priv);
	config->priv = NULL;						config->priv = NULL;

	/* chain to parent class */					/* chain to parent class */
	parent_class->finalize (object);				parent_class->finalize (object);
}								}

GType								GType
gnome_db_dsn_config_get_type (void)				gnome_db_dsn_config_get_type (void)
{								{
	static GType type = 0;						static GType type = 0;

	if (!type) {							if (!type) {
		static const GTypeInfo info = {					static const GTypeInfo info = {
			sizeof (GnomeDbDsnConfigClass),					sizeof (GnomeDbDsnConfigClass),
			(GBaseInitFunc) NULL,						(GBaseInitFunc) NULL,
			(GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL,					(GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL,
			(GClassInitFunc) gnome_db_dsn_config_				(GClassInitFunc) gnome_db_dsn_config_
			NULL,								NULL,
			NULL,								NULL,
			sizeof (GnomeDbDsnConfig),					sizeof (GnomeDbDsnConfig),
			0,								0,
			(GInstanceInitFunc) gnome_db_dsn_conf				(GInstanceInitFunc) gnome_db_dsn_conf
		};								};
		type = g_type_register_static (PARENT_TYPE, "			type = g_type_register_static (PARENT_TYPE, "
					       &info, 0);						       &info, 0);
	}								}
	return type;							return type;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_dsn_config_new					 * gnome_db_dsn_config_new
 */								 */
GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_dsn_config_new (void)					gnome_db_dsn_config_new (void)
{								{
	GnomeDbDsnConfig *config;					GnomeDbDsnConfig *config;

	config = g_object_new (GNOME_DB_TYPE_DSN_CONFIG, NULL		config = g_object_new (GNOME_DB_TYPE_DSN_CONFIG, NULL
	return GTK_WIDGET (config);					return GTK_WIDGET (config);
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_dsn_config_get_info					 * gnome_db_dsn_config_get_info
 */								 */
GdaDataSourceInfo *						GdaDataSourceInfo *
gnome_db_dsn_config_get_info (GnomeDbDsnConfig *config)		gnome_db_dsn_config_get_info (GnomeDbDsnConfig *config)
{								{
	gint i;								gint i;
	GdaDataSourceInfo *dsn_info;					GdaDataSourceInfo *dsn_info;

	g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_DSN_CONFIG (config)		g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_DSN_CONFIG (config)

	dsn_info = g_new0 (GdaDataSourceInfo, 1);			dsn_info = g_new0 (GdaDataSourceInfo, 1);
	dsn_info->name = g_strdup (gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_EN		dsn_info->name = g_strdup (gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_EN
	for (i = 0; i < strlen (dsn_info->name); i++) {			for (i = 0; i < strlen (dsn_info->name); i++) {
		if (!g_ascii_isalnum (dsn_info->name[i])) {			if (!g_ascii_isalnum (dsn_info->name[i])) {
			dsn_info->name[i] = '_';					dsn_info->name[i] = '_';
		}								}
	}								}

	dsn_info->provider = g_strdup (					dsn_info->provider = g_strdup (
		gnome_db_option_menu_get_selection (GTK_OPTIO			gnome_db_option_menu_get_selection (GTK_OPTIO
	dsn_info->cnc_string = g_strdup (				dsn_info->cnc_string = g_strdup (
		gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY (config->priv->			gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY (config->priv->
	dsn_info->description = g_strdup (				dsn_info->description = g_strdup (
		gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY (config->priv->			gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY (config->priv->
	dsn_info->username = g_strdup (gtk_entry_get_text (GT		dsn_info->username = g_strdup (gtk_entry_get_text (GT
	dsn_info->password = g_strdup (gtk_entry_get_text (GT		dsn_info->password = g_strdup (gtk_entry_get_text (GT

	return dsn_info;						return dsn_info;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_dsn_config_set_info					 * gnome_db_dsn_config_set_info
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_dsn_config_set_info (GnomeDbDsnConfig *config, const	gnome_db_dsn_config_set_info (GnomeDbDsnConfig *config, const
{								{
	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_DSN_CONFIG (config));		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_DSN_CONFIG (config));
	g_return_if_fail (dsn_info != NULL);				g_return_if_fail (dsn_info != NULL);

	gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (config->priv->wname), 		gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (config->priv->wname), 
	gnome_db_option_menu_set_selection (GTK_OPTION_MENU (		gnome_db_option_menu_set_selection (GTK_OPTION_MENU (
					    dsn_info->provide						    dsn_info->provide
	gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (config->priv->wstring)		gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (config->priv->wstring)
	gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (config->priv->wdesc), 		gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (config->priv->wdesc), 
	gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (config->priv->wuser), 		gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (config->priv->wuser), 
	gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (config->priv->wpasswor		gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (config->priv->wpasswor
}								}
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation			 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#include <string.h>						#include <string.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.h>
#include <gdk-pixbuf/gdk-pixbuf.h>				#include <gdk-pixbuf/gdk-pixbuf.h>
#include <libgnomeui/gnome-druid-page-edge.h>			#include <libgnomeui/gnome-druid-page-edge.h>
#include <libgnomeui/gnome-druid-page-standard.h>		#include <libgnomeui/gnome-druid-page-standard.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.h>		#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-provider-selector.h>		#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-provider-selector.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h>
#include "gnome-db-i18n.h"					#include "gnome-db-i18n.h"


struct _GnomeDbDsnConfigDruidPrivate {				struct _GnomeDbDsnConfigDruidPrivate {
	GdaDataSourceInfo *dsn_info;					GdaDataSourceInfo *dsn_info;

	GdkPixbuf *logo;						GdkPixbuf *logo;

	/* widgets */							/* widgets */
	GtkWidget *start_page;						GtkWidget *start_page;
	GtkWidget *general_page;					GtkWidget *general_page;
	GtkWidget *general_name;					GtkWidget *general_name;
	GtkWidget *general_provider;					GtkWidget *general_provider;
	GtkWidget *general_description;					GtkWidget *general_description;
	GtkWidget *general_username;					GtkWidget *general_username;
	GtkWidget *general_password;					GtkWidget *general_password;
	GtkWidget *provider_page;					GtkWidget *provider_page;
	GtkWidget *provider_container;					GtkWidget *provider_container;
	GtkWidget *provider_detail;					GtkWidget *provider_detail;
	GHashTable *provider_params;					GHashTable *provider_params;
	GHashTable *remembered_values;					GHashTable *remembered_values;
	GtkWidget *end_page;						GtkWidget *end_page;
};								};

static void gnome_db_dsn_config_druid_class_init (GnomeDbDsnC	static void gnome_db_dsn_config_druid_class_init (GnomeDbDsnC
static void gnome_db_dsn_config_druid_init       (GnomeDbDsnC	static void gnome_db_dsn_config_druid_init       (GnomeDbDsnC
						  GnomeDbDsnC							  GnomeDbDsnC
static void gnome_db_dsn_config_druid_finalize   (GObject *ob	static void gnome_db_dsn_config_druid_finalize   (GObject *ob

enum {								enum {
};								};

static gint config_druid_signals[LAST_SIGNAL] = { 0, };		static gint config_druid_signals[LAST_SIGNAL] = { 0, };
static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL;			static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL;

/*								/*
 * Private functions						 * Private functions
 */								 */

static void							static void
add_to_string (gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_da	add_to_string (gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_da
{								{
	const gchar *contents;						const gchar *contents;
	GString **str = (GString **) user_data;				GString **str = (GString **) user_data;

	if (GTK_IS_ENTRY (value)) {					if (GTK_IS_ENTRY (value)) {
		contents = gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY (val			contents = gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY (val
		if (!contents || !contents[0])					if (!contents || !contents[0])
			return;								return;

		if (*str)							if (*str)
			*str = g_string_append (*str, ";");				*str = g_string_append (*str, ";");
		else								else
			*str = g_string_new ("");					*str = g_string_new ("");

		*str = g_string_append (*str, (const gchar *)			*str = g_string_append (*str, (const gchar *)
		*str = g_string_append (*str, "=");				*str = g_string_append (*str, "=");
		*str = g_string_append (*str, contents);			*str = g_string_append (*str, contents);
	}								}
}								}

static gchar *							static gchar *
params_to_string (GnomeDbDsnConfigDruid *druid)			params_to_string (GnomeDbDsnConfigDruid *druid)
{								{
	GString *str = NULL;						GString *str = NULL;
	gchar *retval;							gchar *retval;

	g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_DSN_CONFIG_DRUID (d		g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_DSN_CONFIG_DRUID (d

	g_hash_table_foreach (druid->priv->provider_params, (		g_hash_table_foreach (druid->priv->provider_params, (
	if (str) {							if (str) {
		retval = str->str;						retval = str->str;
		g_string_free (str, FALSE);					g_string_free (str, FALSE);
	}								}
	else								else
		retval = g_strdup ("");						retval = g_strdup ("");

	return retval;							return retval;
}								}

static gboolean							static gboolean
remove_hash_func (gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user	remove_hash_func (gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user
{								{
	g_free (key);							g_free (key);
	return TRUE;							return TRUE;
}								}

static gboolean							static gboolean
remove_remembered_hash (gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointe	remove_remembered_hash (gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointe
{								{
	g_free (key);							g_free (key);
	g_free (value);							g_free (value);
	return TRUE;							return TRUE;
}								}

/*								/*
 * Callbacks							 * Callbacks
 */								 */

static void							static void
druid_cancelled_cb (GnomeDruidPage *druid_page, GtkWidget *dr	druid_cancelled_cb (GnomeDruidPage *druid_page, GtkWidget *dr
{								{
	GnomeDbDsnConfigDruid *druid = (GnomeDbDsnConfigDruid		GnomeDbDsnConfigDruid *druid = (GnomeDbDsnConfigDruid

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_DSN_CONFIG_DRUID (druid		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_DSN_CONFIG_DRUID (druid
	g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (druid), config_druid_signals		g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (druid), config_druid_signals
}								}

static void							static void
druid_finished_cb (GnomeDruidPage *druid_page, GtkWidget *dru	druid_finished_cb (GnomeDruidPage *druid_page, GtkWidget *dru
{								{
	GnomeDbDsnConfigDruid *druid = (GnomeDbDsnConfigDruid		GnomeDbDsnConfigDruid *druid = (GnomeDbDsnConfigDruid

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_DSN_CONFIG_DRUID (druid		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_DSN_CONFIG_DRUID (druid

	/* set the internal dsn_info with the values of the w		/* set the internal dsn_info with the values of the w
	if (druid->priv->dsn_info)					if (druid->priv->dsn_info)
		gnome_db_config_free_data_source_info (druid-			gnome_db_config_free_data_source_info (druid-

	druid->priv->dsn_info = g_new0 (GdaDataSourceInfo, 1)		druid->priv->dsn_info = g_new0 (GdaDataSourceInfo, 1)
	druid->priv->dsn_info->name =					druid->priv->dsn_info->name =
		g_strdup (gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY (drui			g_strdup (gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY (drui
	druid->priv->dsn_info->provider =				druid->priv->dsn_info->provider =
		g_strdup (gnome_db_option_menu_get_selection 			g_strdup (gnome_db_option_menu_get_selection 
				  GTK_OPTION_MENU (druid->pri					  GTK_OPTION_MENU (druid->pri
	druid->priv->dsn_info->cnc_string = params_to_string 		druid->priv->dsn_info->cnc_string = params_to_string 
	druid->priv->dsn_info->description =				druid->priv->dsn_info->description =
		g_strdup (gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY (drui			g_strdup (gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY (drui
	druid->priv->dsn_info->username =				druid->priv->dsn_info->username =
		g_strdup (gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY (drui			g_strdup (gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY (drui
	druid->priv->dsn_info->password =				druid->priv->dsn_info->password =
		g_strdup (gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY (drui			g_strdup (gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY (drui

	/* notify listeners */						/* notify listeners */
	g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (druid), config_druid_signals		g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (druid), config_druid_signals
}								}

static gboolean							static gboolean
general_next_pressed_cb (GnomeDruidPage *druid_page,		general_next_pressed_cb (GnomeDruidPage *druid_page,
			 GtkWidget *druid_widget,					 GtkWidget *druid_widget,
			 gpointer user_data)						 gpointer user_data)
{								{
	GdaDataSourceInfo *dsn_info;					GdaDataSourceInfo *dsn_info;
	GdaProviderInfo *prov_info;					GdaProviderInfo *prov_info;
	GList *l;							GList *l;
	gint i;								gint i;
	const gchar *name;						const gchar *name;
	const gchar *provider;						const gchar *provider;
	GnomeDbDsnConfigDruid *druid = (GnomeDbDsnConfigDruid		GnomeDbDsnConfigDruid *druid = (GnomeDbDsnConfigDruid

	g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_DSN_CONFIG_DRUID (d		g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_DSN_CONFIG_DRUID (d

	/* check required fields have values */				/* check required fields have values */
	name = gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY (druid->priv->ge		name = gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY (druid->priv->ge
	if (!name || strlen (name) < 1) {				if (!name || strlen (name) < 1) {
		gnome_db_show_error (_("You must enter a name			gnome_db_show_error (_("You must enter a name
		gtk_widget_grab_focus (druid->priv->general_n			gtk_widget_grab_focus (druid->priv->general_n
		return TRUE;							return TRUE;
	}								}

	for (i = 0; i < strlen (name); i++) {				for (i = 0; i < strlen (name); i++) {
		if (!g_ascii_isalnum (name[i])) {				if (!g_ascii_isalnum (name[i])) {
			gnome_db_show_error (_("Data source n				gnome_db_show_error (_("Data source n
			gtk_widget_grab_focus (druid->priv->g				gtk_widget_grab_focus (druid->priv->g
			return TRUE;							return TRUE;
		}								}
	}								}

	dsn_info = gnome_db_config_find_data_source (name);		dsn_info = gnome_db_config_find_data_source (name);
	if (dsn_info != NULL) {						if (dsn_info != NULL) {
		gnome_db_config_free_data_source_info (dsn_in			gnome_db_config_free_data_source_info (dsn_in
		gnome_db_show_error (_("An existing data sour			gnome_db_show_error (_("An existing data sour
		gtk_widget_grab_focus (druid->priv->general_n			gtk_widget_grab_focus (druid->priv->general_n
		return TRUE;							return TRUE;
	}								}

	for (i = 0; i < strlen (name); i++) {				for (i = 0; i < strlen (name); i++) {
		if (g_ascii_isspace (name[i])) {				if (g_ascii_isspace (name[i])) {
			gnome_db_show_error (_("Data source n				gnome_db_show_error (_("Data source n
			gtk_widget_grab_focus (druid->priv->g				gtk_widget_grab_focus (druid->priv->g
			return TRUE;							return TRUE;
		} else if (!g_ascii_isalnum (name[i])) {			} else if (!g_ascii_isalnum (name[i])) {
			gnome_db_show_error (_("Data source n				gnome_db_show_error (_("Data source n
			gtk_widget_grab_focus (druid->priv->g				gtk_widget_grab_focus (druid->priv->g
			return TRUE;							return TRUE;
		}								}
	}								}

	provider = gnome_db_option_menu_get_selection (GTK_OP		provider = gnome_db_option_menu_get_selection (GTK_OP
	if (!provider) {						if (!provider) {
		gnome_db_show_error (_("You must select a pro			gnome_db_show_error (_("You must select a pro
		gtk_widget_grab_focus (druid->priv->general_p			gtk_widget_grab_focus (druid->priv->general_p
		return TRUE;							return TRUE;
	}								}

	/* set up widgets for this specific provider */			/* set up widgets for this specific provider */
	prov_info = gda_config_get_provider_by_name (provider		prov_info = gda_config_get_provider_by_name (provider
	if (!prov_info) {						if (!prov_info) {
		gnome_db_show_error (_("Provider not found in			gnome_db_show_error (_("Provider not found in
		gtk_widget_grab_focus (druid->priv->general_p			gtk_widget_grab_focus (druid->priv->general_p
		return TRUE;							return TRUE;
	}								}

	g_hash_table_foreach_remove (druid->priv->provider_pa		g_hash_table_foreach_remove (druid->priv->provider_pa
				     (GHRFunc) remove_hash_fu					     (GHRFunc) remove_hash_fu
				     NULL);							     NULL);
	if (GTK_IS_WIDGET (druid->priv->provider_detail))		if (GTK_IS_WIDGET (druid->priv->provider_detail))
		gtk_widget_destroy (druid->priv->provider_det			gtk_widget_destroy (druid->priv->provider_det

	druid->priv->provider_detail = gnome_db_new_vbox_widg		druid->priv->provider_detail = gnome_db_new_vbox_widg
	for (l = prov_info->gda_params; l != NULL; l = l->nex		for (l = prov_info->gda_params; l != NULL; l = l->nex
		const gchar *param;						const gchar *param;
		GtkWidget *box;							GtkWidget *box;
		GtkWidget *label;						GtkWidget *label;
		GtkWidget *widget;						GtkWidget *widget;

		param = (const gchar *) l->data;				param = (const gchar *) l->data;
		if (param) {							if (param) {
			GHashTable *values;						GHashTable *values;
			gchar *title;							gchar *title;

			box = gnome_db_new_hbox_widget (TRUE,				box = gnome_db_new_hbox_widget (TRUE,
			title = g_strdup_printf ("_%s:", para				title = g_strdup_printf ("_%s:", para
			label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (ti				label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (ti
			g_free (title);							g_free (title);
			gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (box), la				gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (box), la
			widget = gnome_db_new_entry_widget (0				widget = gnome_db_new_entry_widget (0
			gtk_label_set_mnemonic_widget (GTK_LA				gtk_label_set_mnemonic_widget (GTK_LA
			if (!g_strcasecmp (param, "PASSWORD")				if (!g_strcasecmp (param, "PASSWORD")
				gtk_entry_set_visibility (GTK					gtk_entry_set_visibility (GTK

			/* set remembered value */					/* set remembered value */
			if ((values = g_hash_table_lookup (dr				if ((values = g_hash_table_lookup (dr
				gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY					gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY
						    g_hash_ta							    g_hash_ta
			} else {							} else {
				if (!g_strcasecmp (param, "US					if (!g_strcasecmp (param, "US
					gtk_entry_set_text (						gtk_entry_set_text (
						GTK_ENTRY (wi							GTK_ENTRY (wi
						gtk_entry_get							gtk_entry_get
				} else if (!g_strcasecmp (par					} else if (!g_strcasecmp (par
					gtk_entry_set_text (						gtk_entry_set_text (
						GTK_ENTRY (wi							GTK_ENTRY (wi
						gtk_entry_get							gtk_entry_get
				}								}
			}								}

			gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (box), wi				gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (box), wi
			gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (druid->p				gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (druid->p
					    box, TRUE, TRUE, 						    box, TRUE, TRUE, 

			g_hash_table_insert (druid->priv->pro				g_hash_table_insert (druid->priv->pro
					     g_strdup (param)						     g_strdup (param)
					     widget);							     widget);
		}								}
	}								}

	gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (druid->priv->provider_co		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (druid->priv->provider_co
			    druid->priv->provider_detail, TRU				    druid->priv->provider_detail, TRU

	gda_provider_info_free (prov_info);				gda_provider_info_free (prov_info);

	return FALSE;							return FALSE;
}								}

static void							static void
add_remembered_hash (gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer u	add_remembered_hash (gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer u
{								{
	GHashTable *htable;						GHashTable *htable;
	const gchar *provider;						const gchar *provider;
	const gchar *param_name = key;					const gchar *param_name = key;
	const gchar *entry_value;					const gchar *entry_value;
	GtkWidget *entry = (GtkWidget *) value;				GtkWidget *entry = (GtkWidget *) value;
	GnomeDbDsnConfigDruid *druid = (GnomeDbDsnConfigDruid		GnomeDbDsnConfigDruid *druid = (GnomeDbDsnConfigDruid

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_DSN_CONFIG_DRUID (druid		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_DSN_CONFIG_DRUID (druid

	provider = gnome_db_option_menu_get_selection (GTK_OP		provider = gnome_db_option_menu_get_selection (GTK_OP
	entry_value = gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY (entry));		entry_value = gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY (entry));

	htable = g_hash_table_lookup (druid->priv->remembered		htable = g_hash_table_lookup (druid->priv->remembered
	if (htable) {							if (htable) {
		gpointer orig_key, orig_value;					gpointer orig_key, orig_value;

		if (g_hash_table_lookup_extended (htable, par			if (g_hash_table_lookup_extended (htable, par
			g_hash_table_remove (htable, param_na				g_hash_table_remove (htable, param_na
			g_free (orig_key);						g_free (orig_key);
			g_free (orig_value);						g_free (orig_value);
		}								}
	} else {							} else {
		htable = g_hash_table_new (g_str_hash, g_str_			htable = g_hash_table_new (g_str_hash, g_str_
		g_hash_table_insert (druid->priv->remembered_			g_hash_table_insert (druid->priv->remembered_
	}								}

	g_hash_table_insert (htable, g_strdup (param_name), g		g_hash_table_insert (htable, g_strdup (param_name), g
}								}

static gboolean							static gboolean
provider_back_pressed_cb (GnomeDruidPage *druid_page,		provider_back_pressed_cb (GnomeDruidPage *druid_page,
			  GtkWidget *druid_widget,					  GtkWidget *druid_widget,
			  gpointer user_data)						  gpointer user_data)
{								{
	GnomeDbDsnConfigDruid *druid = (GnomeDbDsnConfigDruid		GnomeDbDsnConfigDruid *druid = (GnomeDbDsnConfigDruid

	g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_DSN_CONFIG_DRUID (d		g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_DSN_CONFIG_DRUID (d

	g_hash_table_foreach (druid->priv->provider_params, (		g_hash_table_foreach (druid->priv->provider_params, (
	return FALSE;							return FALSE;
}								}

/*								/*
 * GnomeDbDsnConfigDruid class implementation			 * GnomeDbDsnConfigDruid class implementation
 */								 */

static void							static void
gnome_db_dsn_config_druid_class_init (GnomeDbDsnConfigDruidCl	gnome_db_dsn_config_druid_class_init (GnomeDbDsnConfigDruidCl
{								{
	GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);		GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);

	parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);		parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);

	config_druid_signals[FINISHED] =				config_druid_signals[FINISHED] =
		g_signal_new ("finished",					g_signal_new ("finished",
			      G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class				      G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class
			      G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,					      G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,
			      G_STRUCT_OFFSET (GnomeDbDsnConf				      G_STRUCT_OFFSET (GnomeDbDsnConf
			      NULL, NULL,						      NULL, NULL,
			      g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__INT,				      g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__INT,
			      G_TYPE_NONE, 1, G_TYPE_INT);				      G_TYPE_NONE, 1, G_TYPE_INT);

	object_class->finalize = gnome_db_dsn_config_druid_fi		object_class->finalize = gnome_db_dsn_config_druid_fi
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_dsn_config_druid_init (GnomeDbDsnConfigDruid *druid,	gnome_db_dsn_config_druid_init (GnomeDbDsnConfigDruid *druid,
				GnomeDbDsnConfigDruidClass *k					GnomeDbDsnConfigDruidClass *k
{								{
	GtkWidget *label;						GtkWidget *label;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_DSN_CONFIG_DRUID (druid		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_DSN_CONFIG_DRUID (druid

	/* create private structure */					/* create private structure */
	druid->priv = g_new0 (GnomeDbDsnConfigDruidPrivate, 1		druid->priv = g_new0 (GnomeDbDsnConfigDruidPrivate, 1
	druid->priv->dsn_info = g_new0 (GdaDataSourceInfo, 1)		druid->priv->dsn_info = g_new0 (GdaDataSourceInfo, 1)
	druid->priv->provider_detail = NULL;				druid->priv->provider_detail = NULL;
	druid->priv->provider_params = g_hash_table_new (g_st		druid->priv->provider_params = g_hash_table_new (g_st
	druid->priv->remembered_values = g_hash_table_new (g_		druid->priv->remembered_values = g_hash_table_new (g_

	/* load icons */						/* load icons */
	druid->priv->logo = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file (LIBGNOM		druid->priv->logo = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file (LIBGNOM

	/* set up widgets */						/* set up widgets */
	gnome_druid_set_show_help (GNOME_DRUID (druid), FALSE		gnome_druid_set_show_help (GNOME_DRUID (druid), FALSE

	/* start page */						/* start page */
	druid->priv->start_page = gnome_druid_page_edge_new_w		druid->priv->start_page = gnome_druid_page_edge_new_w
		GNOME_EDGE_START, TRUE, _("Add a new data sou			GNOME_EDGE_START, TRUE, _("Add a new data sou
		_("This druid will guide you through the proc			_("This druid will guide you through the proc
		  "creating a new data source for your GNOME-			  "creating a new data source for your GNOME-
		  "installation. Just follow the steps!"),			  "installation. Just follow the steps!"),
		druid->priv->logo, NULL, NULL);					druid->priv->logo, NULL, NULL);
	gtk_widget_show (druid->priv->start_page);			gtk_widget_show (druid->priv->start_page);
	gnome_druid_append_page (GNOME_DRUID (druid),			gnome_druid_append_page (GNOME_DRUID (druid),
				 GNOME_DRUID_PAGE (druid->pri					 GNOME_DRUID_PAGE (druid->pri

	g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (druid->priv->start_page),		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (druid->priv->start_page),

	/* general info page */						/* general info page */
	druid->priv->general_page = gnome_druid_page_standard		druid->priv->general_page = gnome_druid_page_standard
		_("General Information"), druid->priv->logo, 			_("General Information"), druid->priv->logo, 

	label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (NULL);			label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (NULL);
	gtk_label_set_markup (GTK_LABEL (label),			gtk_label_set_markup (GTK_LABEL (label),
		_("The following fields represent the basic i			_("The following fields represent the basic i
		  "items for your new data source. Some of th			  "items for your new data source. Some of th
		  "username) are optional, whereas the others			  "username) are optional, whereas the others
		  "If you don't know which provider to use, j			  "If you don't know which provider to use, j
		  "the default one."));						  "the default one."));
	gnome_druid_page_standard_append_item (				gnome_druid_page_standard_append_item (
		GNOME_DRUID_PAGE_STANDARD (druid->priv->gener			GNOME_DRUID_PAGE_STANDARD (druid->priv->gener

	druid->priv->general_name = gnome_db_new_entry_widget		druid->priv->general_name = gnome_db_new_entry_widget
	gnome_druid_page_standard_append_item (				gnome_druid_page_standard_append_item (
		GNOME_DRUID_PAGE_STANDARD (druid->priv->gener			GNOME_DRUID_PAGE_STANDARD (druid->priv->gener
		_("Data source _name:"), druid->priv->general			_("Data source _name:"), druid->priv->general

	druid->priv->general_provider = gnome_db_provider_sel		druid->priv->general_provider = gnome_db_provider_sel
	gtk_widget_show (druid->priv->general_provider);		gtk_widget_show (druid->priv->general_provider);
	gnome_druid_page_standard_append_item (				gnome_druid_page_standard_append_item (
		GNOME_DRUID_PAGE_STANDARD (druid->priv->gener			GNOME_DRUID_PAGE_STANDARD (druid->priv->gener
		_("_Provider:"), druid->priv->general_provide			_("_Provider:"), druid->priv->general_provide

	druid->priv->general_description = gnome_db_new_entry		druid->priv->general_description = gnome_db_new_entry
	gnome_druid_page_standard_append_item (				gnome_druid_page_standard_append_item (
		GNOME_DRUID_PAGE_STANDARD (druid->priv->gener			GNOME_DRUID_PAGE_STANDARD (druid->priv->gener
		_("_Description:"), druid->priv->general_desc			_("_Description:"), druid->priv->general_desc

	druid->priv->general_username = gnome_db_new_entry_wi		druid->priv->general_username = gnome_db_new_entry_wi
	gnome_druid_page_standard_append_item (				gnome_druid_page_standard_append_item (
		GNOME_DRUID_PAGE_STANDARD (druid->priv->gener			GNOME_DRUID_PAGE_STANDARD (druid->priv->gener
		_("_Username:"), druid->priv->general_usernam			_("_Username:"), druid->priv->general_usernam

	druid->priv->general_password = gnome_db_new_entry_wi		druid->priv->general_password = gnome_db_new_entry_wi
	gtk_entry_set_visibility (GTK_ENTRY (druid->priv->gen		gtk_entry_set_visibility (GTK_ENTRY (druid->priv->gen
	gnome_druid_page_standard_append_item (				gnome_druid_page_standard_append_item (
		GNOME_DRUID_PAGE_STANDARD (druid->priv->gener			GNOME_DRUID_PAGE_STANDARD (druid->priv->gener
		_("P_assword:"), druid->priv->general_passwor			_("P_assword:"), druid->priv->general_passwor

	gtk_widget_show (druid->priv->general_page);			gtk_widget_show (druid->priv->general_page);
	gnome_druid_append_page (GNOME_DRUID (druid),			gnome_druid_append_page (GNOME_DRUID (druid),
				 GNOME_DRUID_PAGE (druid->pri					 GNOME_DRUID_PAGE (druid->pri

	g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (druid->priv->general_page		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (druid->priv->general_page
			  G_CALLBACK (druid_cancelled_cb), dr				  G_CALLBACK (druid_cancelled_cb), dr
	g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (druid->priv->general_page		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (druid->priv->general_page
			  G_CALLBACK (general_next_pressed_cb				  G_CALLBACK (general_next_pressed_cb

	/* provider parameters page */					/* provider parameters page */
	druid->priv->provider_page = gnome_druid_page_standar		druid->priv->provider_page = gnome_druid_page_standar
		_("Provider Parameters"), druid->priv->logo, 			_("Provider Parameters"), druid->priv->logo, 

	label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (NULL);			label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (NULL);
	gtk_label_set_markup (GTK_LABEL (label),			gtk_label_set_markup (GTK_LABEL (label),
		_("The following fields represent the informa			_("The following fields represent the informa
		  "provider you selected in the previous page			  "provider you selected in the previous page
		  "connection. This information is provider-s			  "connection. This information is provider-s
		  "the manual for more information."));				  "the manual for more information."));
	gnome_druid_page_standard_append_item (				gnome_druid_page_standard_append_item (
		GNOME_DRUID_PAGE_STANDARD (druid->priv->provi			GNOME_DRUID_PAGE_STANDARD (druid->priv->provi

	druid->priv->provider_container = gnome_db_new_vbox_w		druid->priv->provider_container = gnome_db_new_vbox_w
	gnome_druid_page_standard_append_item (				gnome_druid_page_standard_append_item (
		GNOME_DRUID_PAGE_STANDARD (druid->priv->provi			GNOME_DRUID_PAGE_STANDARD (druid->priv->provi
		druid->priv->provider_container, NULL);				druid->priv->provider_container, NULL);

	gtk_widget_show (druid->priv->provider_page);			gtk_widget_show (druid->priv->provider_page);
	gnome_druid_append_page (GNOME_DRUID (druid),			gnome_druid_append_page (GNOME_DRUID (druid),
				 GNOME_DRUID_PAGE (druid->pri					 GNOME_DRUID_PAGE (druid->pri

	g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (druid->priv->provider_pag		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (druid->priv->provider_pag
			  G_CALLBACK (druid_cancelled_cb), dr				  G_CALLBACK (druid_cancelled_cb), dr
	g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (druid->priv->provider_pag		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (druid->priv->provider_pag
			  G_CALLBACK (provider_back_pressed_c				  G_CALLBACK (provider_back_pressed_c

	/* end page */							/* end page */
	druid->priv->end_page = gnome_druid_page_edge_new_wit		druid->priv->end_page = gnome_druid_page_edge_new_wit
		GNOME_EDGE_FINISH, TRUE, _("All information r			GNOME_EDGE_FINISH, TRUE, _("All information r
		_("All information needed to create a new dat			_("All information needed to create a new dat
		  "has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to 			  "has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to 
		  "this dialog. To open your newly created da			  "this dialog. To open your newly created da
		  "just select it when asked for a data sourc			  "just select it when asked for a data sourc
		  druid->priv->logo, NULL, NULL);				  druid->priv->logo, NULL, NULL);
	gtk_widget_show (druid->priv->end_page);			gtk_widget_show (druid->priv->end_page);
	gnome_druid_append_page (GNOME_DRUID (druid),			gnome_druid_append_page (GNOME_DRUID (druid),
				 GNOME_DRUID_PAGE (druid->pri					 GNOME_DRUID_PAGE (druid->pri

	g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (druid->priv->end_page), "		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (druid->priv->end_page), "
	g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (druid->priv->end_page), "		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (druid->priv->end_page), "
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_dsn_config_druid_finalize (GObject *object)		gnome_db_dsn_config_druid_finalize (GObject *object)
{								{
	GnomeDbDsnConfigDruid *druid = (GnomeDbDsnConfigDruid		GnomeDbDsnConfigDruid *druid = (GnomeDbDsnConfigDruid

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_DSN_CONFIG_DRUID (druid		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_DSN_CONFIG_DRUID (druid

	/* free memory */						/* free memory */
	gdk_pixbuf_unref (druid->priv->logo);				gdk_pixbuf_unref (druid->priv->logo);
	gnome_db_config_free_data_source_info (druid->priv->d		gnome_db_config_free_data_source_info (druid->priv->d

	g_hash_table_foreach_remove (druid->priv->provider_pa		g_hash_table_foreach_remove (druid->priv->provider_pa
				     (GHRFunc) remove_hash_fu					     (GHRFunc) remove_hash_fu
				     NULL);							     NULL);
	g_hash_table_destroy (druid->priv->provider_params);		g_hash_table_destroy (druid->priv->provider_params);
	druid->priv->provider_params = NULL;				druid->priv->provider_params = NULL;

	g_hash_table_foreach_remove (druid->priv->remembered_		g_hash_table_foreach_remove (druid->priv->remembered_
				     (GHRFunc) remove_remembe					     (GHRFunc) remove_remembe
				     NULL);							     NULL);
	g_hash_table_destroy (druid->priv->remembered_values)		g_hash_table_destroy (druid->priv->remembered_values)
	druid->priv->remembered_values = NULL;				druid->priv->remembered_values = NULL;

	g_free (druid->priv);						g_free (druid->priv);
	druid->priv = NULL;						druid->priv = NULL;

	parent_class->finalize (object);				parent_class->finalize (object);
}								}

GType								GType
gnome_db_dsn_config_druid_get_type (void)			gnome_db_dsn_config_druid_get_type (void)
{								{
	static GType type = 0;						static GType type = 0;

	if (!type) {							if (!type) {
		static const GTypeInfo info = {					static const GTypeInfo info = {
			sizeof (GnomeDbDsnConfigDruidClass),				sizeof (GnomeDbDsnConfigDruidClass),
			(GBaseInitFunc) NULL,						(GBaseInitFunc) NULL,
			(GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL,					(GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL,
			(GClassInitFunc) gnome_db_dsn_config_				(GClassInitFunc) gnome_db_dsn_config_
			NULL,								NULL,
			NULL,								NULL,
			sizeof (GnomeDbDsnConfigDruid),					sizeof (GnomeDbDsnConfigDruid),
			0,								0,
			(GInstanceInitFunc) gnome_db_dsn_conf				(GInstanceInitFunc) gnome_db_dsn_conf
		};								};
		type = g_type_register_static (PARENT_TYPE, "			type = g_type_register_static (PARENT_TYPE, "
					       &info, 0);						       &info, 0);
	}								}
	return type;							return type;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_dsn_config_druid_new				 * gnome_db_dsn_config_druid_new
 */								 */
GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_dsn_config_druid_new (void)				gnome_db_dsn_config_druid_new (void)
{								{
	GnomeDbDsnConfigDruid *druid;					GnomeDbDsnConfigDruid *druid;

	druid = g_object_new (GNOME_DB_TYPE_DSN_CONFIG_DRUID,		druid = g_object_new (GNOME_DB_TYPE_DSN_CONFIG_DRUID,
	return GTK_WIDGET (druid);					return GTK_WIDGET (druid);
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_dsn_config_druid_get_dsn				 * gnome_db_dsn_config_druid_get_dsn
 */								 */
const GdaDataSourceInfo *					const GdaDataSourceInfo *
gnome_db_dsn_config_druid_get_dsn (GnomeDbDsnConfigDruid *dru	gnome_db_dsn_config_druid_get_dsn (GnomeDbDsnConfigDruid *dru
{								{
	g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_DSN_CONFIG_DRUID (d		g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_DSN_CONFIG_DRUID (d
	return (const GdaDataSourceInfo *) druid->priv->dsn_i		return (const GdaDataSourceInfo *) druid->priv->dsn_i
}								}
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.h ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.h
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation			 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#ifndef __gnome_db_dsn_config_druid_h__				#ifndef __gnome_db_dsn_config_druid_h__
#define __gnome_db_dsn_config_druid_h__ 1			#define __gnome_db_dsn_config_druid_h__ 1

#include <libgda/gda-config.h>					#include <libgda/gda-config.h>
#include <libgnomeui/gnome-druid.h>				#include <libgnomeui/gnome-druid.h>


#define GNOME_DB_TYPE_DSN_CONFIG_DRUID            (gnome_db_d	#define GNOME_DB_TYPE_DSN_CONFIG_DRUID            (gnome_db_d
#define GNOME_DB_DSN_CONFIG_DRUID(obj)            (G_TYPE_CHE	#define GNOME_DB_DSN_CONFIG_DRUID(obj)            (G_TYPE_CHE

typedef struct _GnomeDbDsnConfigDruid        GnomeDbDsnConfig	typedef struct _GnomeDbDsnConfigDruid        GnomeDbDsnConfig
typedef struct _GnomeDbDsnConfigDruidClass   GnomeDbDsnConfig	typedef struct _GnomeDbDsnConfigDruidClass   GnomeDbDsnConfig
typedef struct _GnomeDbDsnConfigDruidPrivate GnomeDbDsnConfig	typedef struct _GnomeDbDsnConfigDruidPrivate GnomeDbDsnConfig

struct _GnomeDbDsnConfigDruid {					struct _GnomeDbDsnConfigDruid {
	GnomeDruid druid;						GnomeDruid druid;
	GnomeDbDsnConfigDruidPrivate *priv;				GnomeDbDsnConfigDruidPrivate *priv;
};								};

struct _GnomeDbDsnConfigDruidClass {				struct _GnomeDbDsnConfigDruidClass {
	GnomeDruidClass parent_class;					GnomeDruidClass parent_class;

	void (* finished) (GnomeDbDsnConfigDruid *druid, gboo		void (* finished) (GnomeDbDsnConfigDruid *druid, gboo
};								};

GType                    gnome_db_dsn_config_druid_get_type (	GType                    gnome_db_dsn_config_druid_get_type (

GtkWidget               *gnome_db_dsn_config_druid_new (void)	GtkWidget               *gnome_db_dsn_config_druid_new (void)
const GdaDataSourceInfo *gnome_db_dsn_config_druid_get_dsn (G	const GdaDataSourceInfo *gnome_db_dsn_config_druid_get_dsn (G


#endif								#endif
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.h ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.h
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation			 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#if !defined(__gnome_db_dsn_config_h__)				#if !defined(__gnome_db_dsn_config_h__)
#  define __gnome_db_dsn_config_h__				#  define __gnome_db_dsn_config_h__

#include <libgda/gda-config.h>					#include <libgda/gda-config.h>
#include <gtk/gtkvbox.h>					#include <gtk/gtkvbox.h>


#define GNOME_DB_TYPE_DSN_CONFIG            (gnome_db_dsn_con	#define GNOME_DB_TYPE_DSN_CONFIG            (gnome_db_dsn_con
#define GNOME_DB_DSN_CONFIG(obj)            (G_TYPE_CHECK_INS	#define GNOME_DB_DSN_CONFIG(obj)            (G_TYPE_CHECK_INS

typedef struct _GnomeDbDsnConfig        GnomeDbDsnConfig;	typedef struct _GnomeDbDsnConfig        GnomeDbDsnConfig;
typedef struct _GnomeDbDsnConfigClass   GnomeDbDsnConfigClass	typedef struct _GnomeDbDsnConfigClass   GnomeDbDsnConfigClass
typedef struct _GnomeDbDsnConfigPrivate GnomeDbDsnConfigPriva	typedef struct _GnomeDbDsnConfigPrivate GnomeDbDsnConfigPriva

struct _GnomeDbDsnConfig {					struct _GnomeDbDsnConfig {
	GtkVBox box;							GtkVBox box;
	GnomeDbDsnConfigPrivate *priv;					GnomeDbDsnConfigPrivate *priv;
};								};

struct _GnomeDbDsnConfigClass {					struct _GnomeDbDsnConfigClass {
	GtkVBoxClass parent_class;					GtkVBoxClass parent_class;

	/* signals */							/* signals */
	void (* changed) (GnomeDbDsnConfig *config);			void (* changed) (GnomeDbDsnConfig *config);
};								};

GType              gnome_db_dsn_config_get_type (void);		GType              gnome_db_dsn_config_get_type (void);
GtkWidget         *gnome_db_dsn_config_new (void);		GtkWidget         *gnome_db_dsn_config_new (void);

GdaDataSourceInfo *gnome_db_dsn_config_get_info (GnomeDbDsnCo	GdaDataSourceInfo *gnome_db_dsn_config_get_info (GnomeDbDsnCo
void               gnome_db_dsn_config_set_info (GnomeDbDsnCo	void               gnome_db_dsn_config_set_info (GnomeDbDsnCo
						 const GdaDat							 const GdaDat


#endif								#endif
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-editor.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-editor.c
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#include <string.h>						#include <string.h>
#include <gtk/gtkscrolledwindow.h>				#include <gtk/gtkscrolledwindow.h>
#include <gtksourceview/gtksourceview.h>			#include <gtksourceview/gtksourceview.h>
#endif								#endif
#include <libgda/gda-util.h>					#include <libgda/gda-util.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-editor.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-editor.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h>


typedef void (* CreateTagsFunc) (GnomeDbEditor *editor, const	typedef void (* CreateTagsFunc) (GnomeDbEditor *editor, const

struct _GnomeDbEditorPrivate {					struct _GnomeDbEditorPrivate {
	GtkWidget *scrolled_window;					GtkWidget *scrolled_window;
	GtkWidget *text;						GtkWidget *text;
	guint config_lid;						guint config_lid;
};								};

static void gnome_db_editor_class_init (GnomeDbEditorClass *k	static void gnome_db_editor_class_init (GnomeDbEditorClass *k
static void gnome_db_editor_init       (GnomeDbEditor *editor	static void gnome_db_editor_init       (GnomeDbEditor *editor
static void gnome_db_editor_finalize   (GObject *object);	static void gnome_db_editor_finalize   (GObject *object);

static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL;			static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL;
static GHashTable *supported_languages = NULL;			static GHashTable *supported_languages = NULL;
static gint number_of_objects = 0;				static gint number_of_objects = 0;

/*								/*
 * Private functions						 * Private functions
 */								 */
static void							static void
create_tags_for_sql (GnomeDbEditor *editor, const gchar *lang	create_tags_for_sql (GnomeDbEditor *editor, const gchar *lang
{								{
	GtkTextBuffer *buffer;						GtkTextBuffer *buffer;
	GtkTextTag *tag;						GtkTextTag *tag;
	GList *tag_list = NULL;						GList *tag_list = NULL;
#endif								#endif

	g_return_if_fail (language != NULL);				g_return_if_fail (language != NULL);
	g_return_if_fail (!strcmp (language, GNOME_DB_EDITOR_		g_return_if_fail (!strcmp (language, GNOME_DB_EDITOR_

	buffer = gtk_text_view_get_buffer (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (edi		buffer = gtk_text_view_get_buffer (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (edi
	/* add SQL keywords */						/* add SQL keywords */
	tag = gtk_pattern_tag_new ("keywords",				tag = gtk_pattern_tag_new ("keywords",
				   "\\b\\(add\\|alter\\|and\\					   "\\b\\(add\\|alter\\|and\\
				   "\\|drop\\|exists\\|from\\					   "\\|drop\\|exists\\|from\\
				   "\\|is\\|key\\|not\\|null\					   "\\|is\\|key\\|not\\|null\
				   "\\|rollback\\|select\\|se					   "\\|rollback\\|select\\|se
				   "\\|table\\|unique\\|updat					   "\\|table\\|unique\\|updat
	g_object_set (G_OBJECT (tag), "foreground", "blue", N		g_object_set (G_OBJECT (tag), "foreground", "blue", N
	tag_list = g_list_append (tag_list, tag);			tag_list = g_list_append (tag_list, tag);

	/* add aggregates */						/* add aggregates */
	tag = gtk_pattern_tag_new ("functions",				tag = gtk_pattern_tag_new ("functions",
                                   "\\b\\(avg\\|count\\|max\\	                                   "\\b\\(avg\\|count\\|max\\
        g_object_set (G_OBJECT (tag), "foreground", "navy", N	        g_object_set (G_OBJECT (tag), "foreground", "navy", N
        tag_list = g_list_append (tag_list, tag);		        tag_list = g_list_append (tag_list, tag);

	/* add strings and numbers */					/* add strings and numbers */
	tag = gtk_syntax_tag_new ("string", "\"", "\"");		tag = gtk_syntax_tag_new ("string", "\"", "\"");
        g_object_set (G_OBJECT (tag), "foreground", "forest g	        g_object_set (G_OBJECT (tag), "foreground", "forest g
        tag_list = g_list_append (tag_list, tag);		        tag_list = g_list_append (tag_list, tag);

	tag = gtk_syntax_tag_new ("single_quoted_string", "'"		tag = gtk_syntax_tag_new ("single_quoted_string", "'"
        g_object_set (G_OBJECT (tag), "foreground", "forest g	        g_object_set (G_OBJECT (tag), "foreground", "forest g
        tag_list = g_list_append (tag_list, tag);		        tag_list = g_list_append (tag_list, tag);

	tag = gtk_pattern_tag_new ("numbers", "\\b[0-9]+\\.?\		tag = gtk_pattern_tag_new ("numbers", "\\b[0-9]+\\.?\
        g_object_set (G_OBJECT (tag), "weight", PANGO_WEIGHT_	        g_object_set (G_OBJECT (tag), "weight", PANGO_WEIGHT_
        tag_list = g_list_append (tag_list, tag);		        tag_list = g_list_append (tag_list, tag);

	/* add comments */						/* add comments */
	tag = gtk_syntax_tag_new ("comment", "--", "\n");		tag = gtk_syntax_tag_new ("comment", "--", "\n");
        g_object_set (G_OBJECT (tag), "foreground", "gray", "	        g_object_set (G_OBJECT (tag), "foreground", "gray", "
        tag_list = g_list_append (tag_list, tag);		        tag_list = g_list_append (tag_list, tag);

        tag = gtk_syntax_tag_new ("comment_multiline", "/\\*"	        tag = gtk_syntax_tag_new ("comment_multiline", "/\\*"
        g_object_set (G_OBJECT (tag), "foreground", "gray", "	        g_object_set (G_OBJECT (tag), "foreground", "gray", "
        tag_list = g_list_append (tag_list, tag);		        tag_list = g_list_append (tag_list, tag);

	/* install new tags */						/* install new tags */
	/* FIXME: gtk_source_buffer_install_regex_tags (GTK_S		/* FIXME: gtk_source_buffer_install_regex_tags (GTK_S
	g_list_free (tag_list);						g_list_free (tag_list);
#endif								#endif
}								}

/*								/*
 * GnomeDbEditor class implementation				 * GnomeDbEditor class implementation
 */								 */

static void							static void
gnome_db_editor_class_init (GnomeDbEditorClass *klass)		gnome_db_editor_class_init (GnomeDbEditorClass *klass)
{								{
	GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);		GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);

	parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);		parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);

	object_class->finalize = gnome_db_editor_finalize;		object_class->finalize = gnome_db_editor_finalize;
}								}

static void							static void
configuration_changed_cb (GConfClient *conf_client, guint cnx	configuration_changed_cb (GConfClient *conf_client, guint cnx
{								{
	GnomeDbEditor *editor = (GnomeDbEditor *) user_data;		GnomeDbEditor *editor = (GnomeDbEditor *) user_data;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_EDITOR (editor));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_EDITOR (editor));

	if (!strcmp (entry->key, GNOME_DB_CONFIG_KEY_EDITOR_S		if (!strcmp (entry->key, GNOME_DB_CONFIG_KEY_EDITOR_S
		gtk_source_view_set_show_line_numbers (				gtk_source_view_set_show_line_numbers (
			GTK_SOURCE_VIEW (editor->priv->text),				GTK_SOURCE_VIEW (editor->priv->text),
			gnome_db_config_get_boolean (GNOME_DB				gnome_db_config_get_boolean (GNOME_DB
#else								#else
#endif								#endif
	} else if (!strcmp (entry->key, GNOME_DB_CONFIG_KEY_E		} else if (!strcmp (entry->key, GNOME_DB_CONFIG_KEY_E
		gtk_source_view_set_tabs_width (				gtk_source_view_set_tabs_width (
			GTK_SOURCE_VIEW (editor->priv->text),				GTK_SOURCE_VIEW (editor->priv->text),
			gnome_db_config_get_int (GNOME_DB_CON				gnome_db_config_get_int (GNOME_DB_CON
#else								#else
#endif								#endif
	} else if (!strcmp (entry->key, GNOME_DB_CONFIG_KEY_E		} else if (!strcmp (entry->key, GNOME_DB_CONFIG_KEY_E
		gnome_db_editor_set_highlight (editor,				gnome_db_editor_set_highlight (editor,
					       gnome_db_confi						       gnome_db_confi
	}								}
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_editor_init (GnomeDbEditor *editor, GnomeDbEditorCla	gnome_db_editor_init (GnomeDbEditor *editor, GnomeDbEditorCla
{								{
	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_EDITOR (editor));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_EDITOR (editor));

	/* allocate private structure */				/* allocate private structure */
	editor->priv = g_new0 (GnomeDbEditorPrivate, 1);		editor->priv = g_new0 (GnomeDbEditorPrivate, 1);

	editor->priv->config_lid = gnome_db_config_add_listen		editor->priv->config_lid = gnome_db_config_add_listen
		"/apps/gnome-db/Editor",					"/apps/gnome-db/Editor",
		(GConfClientNotifyFunc) configuration_changed			(GConfClientNotifyFunc) configuration_changed
		editor);							editor);

	/* set up widgets */						/* set up widgets */
	editor->priv->scrolled_window = gnome_db_new_scrolled		editor->priv->scrolled_window = gnome_db_new_scrolled
	gtk_scrolled_window_set_policy (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (		gtk_scrolled_window_set_policy (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (
	gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (editor), editor->priv->s		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (editor), editor->priv->s

	editor->priv->text = gtk_source_view_new ();			editor->priv->text = gtk_source_view_new ();
	gtk_source_buffer_set_highlight (gtk_text_view_get_bu		gtk_source_buffer_set_highlight (gtk_text_view_get_bu
					 gnome_db_config_get_						 gnome_db_config_get_
	gtk_source_view_set_show_line_numbers (				gtk_source_view_set_show_line_numbers (
		GTK_SOURCE_VIEW (editor->priv->text),				GTK_SOURCE_VIEW (editor->priv->text),
		gnome_db_config_get_boolean (GNOME_DB_CONFIG_			gnome_db_config_get_boolean (GNOME_DB_CONFIG_
	gtk_source_view_set_tabs_width (				gtk_source_view_set_tabs_width (
		GTK_SOURCE_VIEW (editor->priv->text),				GTK_SOURCE_VIEW (editor->priv->text),
		gnome_db_config_get_int (GNOME_DB_CONFIG_KEY_			gnome_db_config_get_int (GNOME_DB_CONFIG_KEY_
	gtk_widget_show (editor->priv->text);				gtk_widget_show (editor->priv->text);
#else								#else
	editor->priv->text = gnome_db_new_text_widget (NULL);		editor->priv->text = gnome_db_new_text_widget (NULL);
#endif								#endif

	gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (editor->priv->scrol		gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (editor->priv->scrol

	/* initialize common data */					/* initialize common data */
	number_of_objects++;						number_of_objects++;
	if (!supported_languages) {					if (!supported_languages) {
		supported_languages = g_hash_table_new (g_str			supported_languages = g_hash_table_new (g_str

		/* add the built-in languages */				/* add the built-in languages */
		g_hash_table_insert (supported_languages, GNO			g_hash_table_insert (supported_languages, GNO
	}								}
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_editor_finalize (GObject *object)			gnome_db_editor_finalize (GObject *object)
{								{
	GnomeDbEditor *editor = (GnomeDbEditor *) object;		GnomeDbEditor *editor = (GnomeDbEditor *) object;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_EDITOR (editor));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_EDITOR (editor));

	/* free memory */						/* free memory */
	g_free (editor->priv);						g_free (editor->priv);
	editor->priv = NULL;						editor->priv = NULL;

	parent_class->finalize (object);				parent_class->finalize (object);

	/* update common data */					/* update common data */
	number_of_objects--;						number_of_objects--;
	if (number_of_objects == 0) {					if (number_of_objects == 0) {
		g_hash_table_destroy (supported_languages);			g_hash_table_destroy (supported_languages);
		supported_languages = NULL;					supported_languages = NULL;
	}								}
}								}

GType								GType
gnome_db_editor_get_type (void)					gnome_db_editor_get_type (void)
{								{
	static GType type = 0;						static GType type = 0;

	if (!type) {							if (!type) {
		static const GTypeInfo info = {					static const GTypeInfo info = {
			sizeof (GnomeDbEditorClass),					sizeof (GnomeDbEditorClass),
			(GBaseInitFunc) NULL,						(GBaseInitFunc) NULL,
			(GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL,					(GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL,
			(GClassInitFunc) gnome_db_editor_clas				(GClassInitFunc) gnome_db_editor_clas
			NULL,								NULL,
			NULL,								NULL,
			sizeof (GnomeDbEditor),						sizeof (GnomeDbEditor),
			0,								0,
			(GInstanceInitFunc) gnome_db_editor_i				(GInstanceInitFunc) gnome_db_editor_i
		};								};
		type = g_type_register_static (PARENT_TYPE, "			type = g_type_register_static (PARENT_TYPE, "
	}								}
	return type;							return type;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_editor_new						 * gnome_db_editor_new
 *								 *
 * Create a new #GnomeDbEditor widget, which is a multiline t	 * Create a new #GnomeDbEditor widget, which is a multiline t
 * with support for several languages used to write database 	 * with support for several languages used to write database 
 * procedures and functions. If libgnomedb was compiled with 	 * procedures and functions. If libgnomedb was compiled with 
 * in, this widget will support syntax highlighting for all s	 * in, this widget will support syntax highlighting for all s
 * languages.							 * languages.
 *								 *
 * Returns: the newly created widget.				 * Returns: the newly created widget.
 */								 */
GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_editor_new (void)					gnome_db_editor_new (void)
{								{
	GnomeDbEditor *editor;						GnomeDbEditor *editor;

	editor = g_object_new (GNOME_DB_TYPE_EDITOR, NULL);		editor = g_object_new (GNOME_DB_TYPE_EDITOR, NULL);
	create_tags_for_sql (editor, GNOME_DB_EDITOR_LANGUAGE		create_tags_for_sql (editor, GNOME_DB_EDITOR_LANGUAGE

	return GTK_WIDGET (editor);					return GTK_WIDGET (editor);
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_editor_get_editable					 * gnome_db_editor_get_editable
 * @editor: a #GnomeDbEditor widget.				 * @editor: a #GnomeDbEditor widget.
 *								 *
 * Retrieve the editable status of the given editor widget.	 * Retrieve the editable status of the given editor widget.
 *								 *
 * Returns: the editable status.				 * Returns: the editable status.
 */								 */
gboolean							gboolean
gnome_db_editor_get_editable (GnomeDbEditor *editor)		gnome_db_editor_get_editable (GnomeDbEditor *editor)
{								{
        g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_EDITOR (editor), FA	        g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_EDITOR (editor), FA
        return gtk_text_view_get_editable (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (edi	        return gtk_text_view_get_editable (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (edi
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_editor_set_editable					 * gnome_db_editor_set_editable
 * @editor: a #GnomeDbEditor widget.				 * @editor: a #GnomeDbEditor widget.
 * @editable: editable state.					 * @editable: editable state.
 *								 *
 * Set the editable state of the given editor widget.		 * Set the editable state of the given editor widget.
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_editor_set_editable (GnomeDbEditor *editor, gboolean	gnome_db_editor_set_editable (GnomeDbEditor *editor, gboolean
{								{
	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_EDITOR (editor));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_EDITOR (editor));
	gtk_text_view_set_editable (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (editor->pr		gtk_text_view_set_editable (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (editor->pr
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_editor_get_highlight				 * gnome_db_editor_get_highlight
 * @editor: a #GnomeDbEditor widget.				 * @editor: a #GnomeDbEditor widget.
 *								 *
 * Retrieve the highlighting status of the given editor widge	 * Retrieve the highlighting status of the given editor widge
 *								 *
 * Returns: the highlighting status.				 * Returns: the highlighting status.
 */								 */
gboolean							gboolean
gnome_db_editor_get_highlight (GnomeDbEditor *editor)		gnome_db_editor_get_highlight (GnomeDbEditor *editor)
{								{
	g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_EDITOR (editor), FA		g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_EDITOR (editor), FA

	return gtk_source_buffer_get_highlight (			return gtk_source_buffer_get_highlight (
		GTK_SOURCE_BUFFER (gtk_text_view_get_buffer (			GTK_SOURCE_BUFFER (gtk_text_view_get_buffer (
#else								#else
	return FALSE;							return FALSE;
#endif								#endif
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_editor_set_highlight				 * gnome_db_editor_set_highlight
 * @editor: a #GnomeDbEditor widget.				 * @editor: a #GnomeDbEditor widget.
 * @highlight: highlighting status.				 * @highlight: highlighting status.
 *								 *
 * Set the highlighting status on the given editor widget.	 * Set the highlighting status on the given editor widget.
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_editor_set_highlight (GnomeDbEditor *editor, gboolea	gnome_db_editor_set_highlight (GnomeDbEditor *editor, gboolea
{								{
	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_EDITOR (editor));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_EDITOR (editor));

	gtk_source_buffer_set_highlight (				gtk_source_buffer_set_highlight (
		GTK_SOURCE_BUFFER (gtk_text_view_get_buffer (			GTK_SOURCE_BUFFER (gtk_text_view_get_buffer (
#endif								#endif
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_editor_set_text					 * gnome_db_editor_set_text
 * @editor: a #GnomeDbEditor widget.				 * @editor: a #GnomeDbEditor widget.
 * @text: text to display in the editor.			 * @text: text to display in the editor.
 * @len: length of @text.					 * @len: length of @text.
 *								 *
 * Set the contents of the given editor widget.			 * Set the contents of the given editor widget.
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_editor_set_text (GnomeDbEditor *editor, const gchar 	gnome_db_editor_set_text (GnomeDbEditor *editor, const gchar 
{								{
	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_EDITOR (editor));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_EDITOR (editor));
	gnome_db_text_set_text (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (editor->priv->		gnome_db_text_set_text (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (editor->priv->
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_editor_get_all_text					 * gnome_db_editor_get_all_text
 * @editor: a #GnomeDbEditor widget.				 * @editor: a #GnomeDbEditor widget.
 *								 *
 * Retrieve the full contents of the given editor widget.	 * Retrieve the full contents of the given editor widget.
 *								 *
 * Returns: the current contents of the editor buffer. You mu	 * Returns: the current contents of the editor buffer. You mu
 * the returned value when no longer needed.			 * the returned value when no longer needed.
 */								 */
gchar *								gchar *
gnome_db_editor_get_all_text (GnomeDbEditor *editor)		gnome_db_editor_get_all_text (GnomeDbEditor *editor)
{								{
	g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_EDITOR (editor), NU		g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_EDITOR (editor), NU
	return gnome_db_text_get_text (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (editor-		return gnome_db_text_get_text (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (editor-
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_editor_load_from_file				 * gnome_db_editor_load_from_file
 * @editor: a #GnomeDbEditor widget.				 * @editor: a #GnomeDbEditor widget.
 * @filename: the file to be loaded.				 * @filename: the file to be loaded.
 *								 *
 * Load the given filename into the editor widget.		 * Load the given filename into the editor widget.
 *								 *
 * Returns: TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.		 * Returns: TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.
 */								 */
gboolean							gboolean
gnome_db_editor_load_from_file (GnomeDbEditor *editor, const 	gnome_db_editor_load_from_file (GnomeDbEditor *editor, const 
{								{
	gboolean retval = TRUE;						gboolean retval = TRUE;
	gchar *contents;						gchar *contents;
	GError *err = NULL;						GError *err = NULL;

	g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_EDITOR (editor), FA		g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_EDITOR (editor), FA
	g_return_val_if_fail (filename != NULL, FALSE);			g_return_val_if_fail (filename != NULL, FALSE);

	contents = gda_file_load (filename);				contents = gda_file_load (filename);
	if (contents) {							if (contents) {
		gnome_db_text_set_text (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (editor			gnome_db_text_set_text (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (editor
		g_free (contents);						g_free (contents);
	} else {							} else {
		retval = FALSE;							retval = FALSE;
	}								}

	return retval;							return retval;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_editor_save_to_file					 * gnome_db_editor_save_to_file
 * @editor: a #GnomeDbEditor widget.				 * @editor: a #GnomeDbEditor widget.
 * @filename: the file to save to.				 * @filename: the file to save to.
 *								 *
 * Save the current editor contents to the given file.		 * Save the current editor contents to the given file.
 *								 *
 * Returns: TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.		 * Returns: TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.
 */								 */
gboolean							gboolean
gnome_db_editor_save_to_file (GnomeDbEditor *editor, const gc	gnome_db_editor_save_to_file (GnomeDbEditor *editor, const gc
{								{
	gchar *contents;						gchar *contents;
	gboolean retval = TRUE;						gboolean retval = TRUE;

	g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_EDITOR (editor), FA		g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_EDITOR (editor), FA
	g_return_val_if_fail (filename != NULL, FALSE);			g_return_val_if_fail (filename != NULL, FALSE);

	contents = gnome_db_text_get_text (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (edi		contents = gnome_db_text_get_text (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (edi
	if (!gda_file_save (filename, contents, strlen (conte		if (!gda_file_save (filename, contents, strlen (conte
		retval = FALSE;							retval = FALSE;

	g_free (contents);						g_free (contents);

	return retval;							return retval;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_editor_copy_clipboard				 * gnome_db_editor_copy_clipboard
 * @editor: a #GnomeDbEditor widget.				 * @editor: a #GnomeDbEditor widget.
 *								 *
 * Copy currently selected text in the given editor widget to	 * Copy currently selected text in the given editor widget to
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_editor_copy_clipboard (GnomeDbEditor *editor)		gnome_db_editor_copy_clipboard (GnomeDbEditor *editor)
{								{
	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_EDITOR (editor));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_EDITOR (editor));
	gnome_db_text_copy_clipboard (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (editor->		gnome_db_text_copy_clipboard (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (editor->
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_editor_cut_clipboard				 * gnome_db_editor_cut_clipboard
 * @editor: a #GnomeDbEditor widget.				 * @editor: a #GnomeDbEditor widget.
 *								 *
 * Moves currently selected text in the given editor widget t	 * Moves currently selected text in the given editor widget t
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_editor_cut_clipboard (GnomeDbEditor *editor)		gnome_db_editor_cut_clipboard (GnomeDbEditor *editor)
{								{
	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_EDITOR (editor));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_EDITOR (editor));
	gnome_db_text_cut_clipboard (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (editor->p		gnome_db_text_cut_clipboard (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (editor->p
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_editor_paste_clipboard				 * gnome_db_editor_paste_clipboard
 * @editor: a #GnomeDbEditor widget.				 * @editor: a #GnomeDbEditor widget.
 *								 *
 * Paste clipboard contents into editor widget, at the curren	 * Paste clipboard contents into editor widget, at the curren
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_editor_paste_clipboard (GnomeDbEditor *editor)		gnome_db_editor_paste_clipboard (GnomeDbEditor *editor)
{								{
	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_EDITOR (editor));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_EDITOR (editor));
	gnome_db_text_paste_clipboard (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (editor-		gnome_db_text_paste_clipboard (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (editor-
}								}
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-editor.h ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-editor.h
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#if !defined(__gnome_db_editor_h__)				#if !defined(__gnome_db_editor_h__)
#  define __gnome_db_editor_h__					#  define __gnome_db_editor_h__

#include <gtk/gtkvbox.h>					#include <gtk/gtkvbox.h>


#define GNOME_DB_TYPE_EDITOR            (gnome_db_editor_get_	#define GNOME_DB_TYPE_EDITOR            (gnome_db_editor_get_
#define GNOME_DB_EDITOR(obj)            (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANC	#define GNOME_DB_EDITOR(obj)            (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANC

typedef struct _GnomeDbEditor        GnomeDbEditor;		typedef struct _GnomeDbEditor        GnomeDbEditor;
typedef struct _GnomeDbEditorClass   GnomeDbEditorClass;	typedef struct _GnomeDbEditorClass   GnomeDbEditorClass;
typedef struct _GnomeDbEditorPrivate GnomeDbEditorPrivate;	typedef struct _GnomeDbEditorPrivate GnomeDbEditorPrivate;

struct _GnomeDbEditor {						struct _GnomeDbEditor {
	GtkVBox parent;							GtkVBox parent;
	GnomeDbEditorPrivate *priv;					GnomeDbEditorPrivate *priv;
};								};

struct _GnomeDbEditorClass {					struct _GnomeDbEditorClass {
	GtkVBoxClass parent_class;					GtkVBoxClass parent_class;

	/* signals */							/* signals */
	void (* text_changed) (GnomeDbEditor editor);			void (* text_changed) (GnomeDbEditor editor);
};								};


GType      gnome_db_editor_get_type (void);			GType      gnome_db_editor_get_type (void);
GtkWidget *gnome_db_editor_new (void);				GtkWidget *gnome_db_editor_new (void);

gboolean   gnome_db_editor_get_editable (GnomeDbEditor *edito	gboolean   gnome_db_editor_get_editable (GnomeDbEditor *edito
void       gnome_db_editor_set_editable (GnomeDbEditor *edito	void       gnome_db_editor_set_editable (GnomeDbEditor *edito
gboolean   gnome_db_editor_get_highlight (GnomeDbEditor *edit	gboolean   gnome_db_editor_get_highlight (GnomeDbEditor *edit
void       gnome_db_editor_set_highlight (GnomeDbEditor *edit	void       gnome_db_editor_set_highlight (GnomeDbEditor *edit
void       gnome_db_editor_set_text (GnomeDbEditor *editor, c	void       gnome_db_editor_set_text (GnomeDbEditor *editor, c
gchar     *gnome_db_editor_get_all_text (GnomeDbEditor *edito	gchar     *gnome_db_editor_get_all_text (GnomeDbEditor *edito
gboolean   gnome_db_editor_load_from_file (GnomeDbEditor *edi	gboolean   gnome_db_editor_load_from_file (GnomeDbEditor *edi
gboolean   gnome_db_editor_save_to_file (GnomeDbEditor *edito	gboolean   gnome_db_editor_save_to_file (GnomeDbEditor *edito

void       gnome_db_editor_copy_clipboard (GnomeDbEditor *edi	void       gnome_db_editor_copy_clipboard (GnomeDbEditor *edi
void       gnome_db_editor_cut_clipboard (GnomeDbEditor *edit	void       gnome_db_editor_cut_clipboard (GnomeDbEditor *edit
void       gnome_db_editor_paste_clipboard (GnomeDbEditor *ed	void       gnome_db_editor_paste_clipboard (GnomeDbEditor *ed


#endif								#endif
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 1998-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 1998-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *	Michael Lausch <michael lausch at>			 *	Michael Lausch <michael lausch at>
 *	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#include <string.h>						#include <string.h>
#include <libgda/gda-error.h>					#include <libgda/gda-error.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h>
#include <gtk/gtkbutton.h>					#include <gtk/gtkbutton.h>
#include <gtk/gtkentry.h>					#include <gtk/gtkentry.h>
#include <gtk/gtkimage.h>					#include <gtk/gtkimage.h>
#include <gtk/gtklabel.h>					#include <gtk/gtklabel.h>
#include <gtk/gtkstock.h>					#include <gtk/gtkstock.h>
#include <gtk/gtktable.h>					#include <gtk/gtktable.h>
#include <gtk/gtktextview.h>					#include <gtk/gtktextview.h>
#include "gnome-db-i18n.h"					#include "gnome-db-i18n.h"


struct _GnomeDbErrorPrivate {					struct _GnomeDbErrorPrivate {
	GList *current_list;						GList *current_list;
	gint nerrors;							gint nerrors;
	gint current_pos;						gint current_pos;

	GtkWidget *error_number;					GtkWidget *error_number;
	GtkWidget *error_description;					GtkWidget *error_description;

	gint height; // Height of the dialog window when no d		gint height; // Height of the dialog window when no d
	GtkWidget *detail_button;					GtkWidget *detail_button;
	GtkWidget *detail_container;					GtkWidget *detail_container;
	GtkWidget *error_source;					GtkWidget *error_source;
	GtkWidget *error_sqlstate;					GtkWidget *error_sqlstate;
};								};

static void gnome_db_error_class_init (GnomeDbErrorClass *kla	static void gnome_db_error_class_init (GnomeDbErrorClass *kla
static void gnome_db_error_init       (GnomeDbError *error, G	static void gnome_db_error_init       (GnomeDbError *error, G
static void gnome_db_error_finalize   (GObject *object);	static void gnome_db_error_finalize   (GObject *object);

static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL;			static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL;

/*								/*
 * Private functions						 * Private functions
 */								 */
static void							static void
display_current_error (GnomeDbError *error_widget)		display_current_error (GnomeDbError *error_widget)
{								{
	GdaError *error;						GdaError *error;
	GList *l;							GList *l;
	gchar *tmp;							gchar *tmp;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_ERROR (error_widget));		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_ERROR (error_widget));

	l = g_list_nth (error_widget->priv->current_list,		l = g_list_nth (error_widget->priv->current_list,
			error_widget->priv->current_pos);				error_widget->priv->current_pos);
	if (!l)								if (!l)
		return;								return;

	error = GDA_ERROR (l->data);					error = GDA_ERROR (l->data);
	tmp = g_strdup_printf ("%ld", gda_error_get_number (e		tmp = g_strdup_printf ("%ld", gda_error_get_number (e
	gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (error_widget->priv->er		gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (error_widget->priv->er
	g_free (tmp);							g_free (tmp);

	tmp = (gchar *) gda_error_get_description (error);		tmp = (gchar *) gda_error_get_description (error);
	gnome_db_text_set_text (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (error_widget->		gnome_db_text_set_text (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (error_widget->
				tmp, strlen (tmp));						tmp, strlen (tmp));

	gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (error_widget->priv->er		gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (error_widget->priv->er
			    gda_error_get_source (error));				    gda_error_get_source (error));
	gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (error_widget->priv->er		gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (error_widget->priv->er
			    gda_error_get_sqlstate (error));				    gda_error_get_sqlstate (error));
}								}

/*								/*
 * Callbacks							 * Callbacks
 */								 */
static void							static void
detail_button_clicked_cb (GtkButton *button, gpointer user_da	detail_button_clicked_cb (GtkButton *button, gpointer user_da
{								{
	GtkButton *btn;							GtkButton *btn;
	GnomeDbError *error_widget = (GnomeDbError *) user_da		GnomeDbError *error_widget = (GnomeDbError *) user_da
	gint width;							gint width;
	gint height;							gint height;
	GtkWindow *window;						GtkWindow *window;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_ERROR (error_widget));		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_ERROR (error_widget));

	window = GTK_WINDOW (gtk_widget_get_toplevel (GTK_WID		window = GTK_WINDOW (gtk_widget_get_toplevel (GTK_WID
	if (!GTK_WIDGET_TOPLEVEL (window))				if (!GTK_WIDGET_TOPLEVEL (window))
		window = NULL;							window = NULL;

	btn = GTK_BUTTON (error_widget->priv->detail_button);		btn = GTK_BUTTON (error_widget->priv->detail_button);
	if (GTK_WIDGET_VISIBLE (error_widget->priv->detail_co		if (GTK_WIDGET_VISIBLE (error_widget->priv->detail_co
		gtk_widget_hide (error_widget->priv->detail_c			gtk_widget_hide (error_widget->priv->detail_c
		g_object_set (G_OBJECT (btn), "label", _("Sho			g_object_set (G_OBJECT (btn), "label", _("Sho
		if (window){							if (window){
			gtk_window_get_size (window, &width, 				gtk_window_get_size (window, &width, 
			gtk_window_resize (window,					gtk_window_resize (window,
					   width,							   width,
					   error_widget->priv						   error_widget->priv
		}								}
	} else {							} else {
		gtk_widget_show_all (error_widget->priv->deta			gtk_widget_show_all (error_widget->priv->deta
		g_object_set (G_OBJECT (btn), "label", _("<< 			g_object_set (G_OBJECT (btn), "label", _("<< 
		if (window){							if (window){
			gtk_window_get_size (window,					gtk_window_get_size (window,
					     &width,							     &width,
					     &error_widget->p						     &error_widget->p
		}								}
	}								}
}								}

/*								/*
 * GnomeDbError class implementation				 * GnomeDbError class implementation
 */								 */

GType								GType
gnome_db_error_get_type(void)					gnome_db_error_get_type(void)
{								{
	static GType type = 0;						static GType type = 0;

	if (!type) {							if (!type) {
		static const GTypeInfo info = {					static const GTypeInfo info = {
			sizeof (GnomeDbErrorClass),					sizeof (GnomeDbErrorClass),
			(GBaseInitFunc) NULL,						(GBaseInitFunc) NULL,
			(GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL,					(GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL,
			(GClassInitFunc) gnome_db_error_class				(GClassInitFunc) gnome_db_error_class
			NULL,								NULL,
			NULL,								NULL,
			sizeof (GnomeDbError),						sizeof (GnomeDbError),
			0,								0,
			(GInstanceInitFunc) gnome_db_error_in				(GInstanceInitFunc) gnome_db_error_in
		};								};
		type = g_type_register_static (GTK_TYPE_VBOX,			type = g_type_register_static (GTK_TYPE_VBOX,
	}								}
	return type;							return type;
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_error_class_init (GnomeDbErrorClass *klass)		gnome_db_error_class_init (GnomeDbErrorClass *klass)
{								{
	GObjectClass* object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);		GObjectClass* object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);

	parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);		parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);

	object_class->finalize = gnome_db_error_finalize;		object_class->finalize = gnome_db_error_finalize;
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_error_init (GnomeDbError *error_widget, GnomeDbError	gnome_db_error_init (GnomeDbError *error_widget, GnomeDbError
{								{
	GtkWidget *table;						GtkWidget *table;
	GtkWidget *label;						GtkWidget *label;
	GtkWidget *scroll;						GtkWidget *scroll;
	GtkWidget *image;						GtkWidget *image;
	gchar *str;							gchar *str;

	error_widget->priv = g_new (GnomeDbErrorPrivate, 1);		error_widget->priv = g_new (GnomeDbErrorPrivate, 1);
	error_widget->priv->current_list = NULL;			error_widget->priv->current_list = NULL;
	error_widget->priv->current_pos = -1;				error_widget->priv->current_pos = -1;

	/* create main container */					/* create main container */
	table = gnome_db_new_table_widget (4, 4, FALSE);		table = gnome_db_new_table_widget (4, 4, FALSE);
	gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (error_widget), table, TR		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (error_widget), table, TR

	image = gtk_image_new_from_stock (GTK_STOCK_DIALOG_ER		image = gtk_image_new_from_stock (GTK_STOCK_DIALOG_ER
	gtk_widget_show (image);					gtk_widget_show (image);
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), image, 0, 1, 0, 		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), image, 0, 1, 0, 

	label = gnome_db_new_label_widget ("");				label = gnome_db_new_label_widget ("");
	gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (label), 0.5, 0.5);		gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (label), 0.5, 0.5);
	str = g_strdup_printf ("<b>%s</b>",				str = g_strdup_printf ("<b>%s</b>",
			       _("An error has occurred in th				       _("An error has occurred in th
	gtk_label_set_markup (GTK_LABEL (label), str);			gtk_label_set_markup (GTK_LABEL (label), str);
	g_free (str);							g_free (str);
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), label, 1, 4, 0, 		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), label, 1, 4, 0, 
	label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (_("Error number"))		label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (_("Error number"))
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), label, 1, 2, 1, 		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), label, 1, 2, 1, 
	error_widget->priv->error_number = gnome_db_new_entry		error_widget->priv->error_number = gnome_db_new_entry
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), error_widget->pr		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), error_widget->pr
			  2, 3, 1, 2, GTK_FILL, GTK_FILL, 3, 				  2, 3, 1, 2, GTK_FILL, GTK_FILL, 3, 

	error_widget->priv->detail_button = gnome_db_new_butt		error_widget->priv->detail_button = gnome_db_new_butt
	gtk_signal_connect (GTK_OBJECT (error_widget->priv->d		gtk_signal_connect (GTK_OBJECT (error_widget->priv->d
			    "clicked",							    "clicked",
			    GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC (detail_button_cl				    GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC (detail_button_cl
			    error_widget);						    error_widget);
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), error_widget->pr		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), error_widget->pr
			  3, 4, 1, 2, GTK_FILL, GTK_FILL, 3, 				  3, 4, 1, 2, GTK_FILL, GTK_FILL, 3, 

	label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (_("Description"));		label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (_("Description"));
	gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (label), 0.0, 0.0);		gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (label), 0.0, 0.0);
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), label, 1, 2, 2, 		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), label, 1, 2, 2, 
	scroll = gnome_db_new_scrolled_window_widget ();		scroll = gnome_db_new_scrolled_window_widget ();
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), scroll, 2, 3, 2,		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), scroll, 2, 3, 2,
	error_widget->priv->error_description = gnome_db_new_		error_widget->priv->error_description = gnome_db_new_
	gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (scroll), error_widg		gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (scroll), error_widg

	/* create the detail container */				/* create the detail container */
	error_widget->priv->detail_container = gnome_db_new_t		error_widget->priv->detail_container = gnome_db_new_t
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), error_widget->pr		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), error_widget->pr
			  0, 4, 3, 4, GTK_FILL | GTK_SHRINK |				  0, 4, 3, 4, GTK_FILL | GTK_SHRINK |

	label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (NULL);			label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (NULL);
	str = g_strdup_printf ("<b>%s</b>", _("Details"));		str = g_strdup_printf ("<b>%s</b>", _("Details"));
	gtk_label_set_markup (GTK_LABEL (label), str);			gtk_label_set_markup (GTK_LABEL (label), str);
	g_free (str);							g_free (str);
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (error_widget->priv->deta		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (error_widget->priv->deta
			  GTK_FILL, 6, 6);						  GTK_FILL, 6, 6);

	label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (_("Source"));		label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (_("Source"));
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (error_widget->priv->deta		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (error_widget->priv->deta
			  GTK_FILL, GTK_FILL, 6, 6);					  GTK_FILL, GTK_FILL, 6, 6);
	error_widget->priv->error_source = gnome_db_new_entry		error_widget->priv->error_source = gnome_db_new_entry
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (error_widget->priv->deta		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (error_widget->priv->deta
			  2, 3, 1, 2, GTK_FILL | GTK_EXPAND |				  2, 3, 1, 2, GTK_FILL | GTK_EXPAND |

	label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (_("SQL state"));		label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (_("SQL state"));
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (error_widget->priv->deta		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (error_widget->priv->deta
			  GTK_FILL, GTK_FILL, 6, 6);					  GTK_FILL, GTK_FILL, 6, 6);
	error_widget->priv->error_sqlstate = gnome_db_new_ent		error_widget->priv->error_sqlstate = gnome_db_new_ent
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (error_widget->priv->deta		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (error_widget->priv->deta
			  2, 3, 2, 3, GTK_FILL | GTK_EXPAND |				  2, 3, 2, 3, GTK_FILL | GTK_EXPAND |

	gtk_widget_hide (error_widget->priv->detail_container		gtk_widget_hide (error_widget->priv->detail_container
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_error_finalize (GObject *object)			gnome_db_error_finalize (GObject *object)
{								{
	GnomeDbError *error_widget = (GnomeDbError *) object;		GnomeDbError *error_widget = (GnomeDbError *) object;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_ERROR (error_widget));		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_ERROR (error_widget));

	/* free memory */						/* free memory */
	gda_error_list_free (error_widget->priv->current_list		gda_error_list_free (error_widget->priv->current_list
	g_free (error_widget->priv);					g_free (error_widget->priv);
	error_widget->priv = NULL;					error_widget->priv = NULL;

	parent_class->finalize (object);				parent_class->finalize (object);
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_error_new						 * gnome_db_error_new
 *								 *
 * Create a new GnomeDbError widget, which is a special widge	 * Create a new GnomeDbError widget, which is a special widge
 * traverse errors occurred for a given connection. It is a s	 * traverse errors occurred for a given connection. It is a s
 * widget that you can pack into any widget you want.		 * widget that you can pack into any widget you want.
 *								 *
 * Returns: a pointer to the new widget, or NULL on error	 * Returns: a pointer to the new widget, or NULL on error
 */								 */
GtkWidget*							GtkWidget*
gnome_db_error_new (void)					gnome_db_error_new (void)
{								{
	GnomeDbError *error_widget;					GnomeDbError *error_widget;
	error_widget = g_object_new (GNOME_DB_TYPE_ERROR, NUL		error_widget = g_object_new (GNOME_DB_TYPE_ERROR, NUL
	return GTK_WIDGET (error_widget);				return GTK_WIDGET (error_widget);
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_error_clear						 * gnome_db_error_clear
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_error_clear (GnomeDbError *error_widget)		gnome_db_error_clear (GnomeDbError *error_widget)
{								{
	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_ERROR (error_widget));		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_ERROR (error_widget));

	gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (error_widget->priv->er		gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (error_widget->priv->er
	gnome_db_text_clear (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (error_widget->pri		gnome_db_text_clear (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (error_widget->pri
	gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (error_widget->priv->er		gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (error_widget->priv->er
	gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (error_widget->priv->er		gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (error_widget->priv->er

	gda_error_list_free (error_widget->priv->current_list		gda_error_list_free (error_widget->priv->current_list
	error_widget->priv->current_list = NULL;			error_widget->priv->current_list = NULL;
	error_widget->priv->nerrors = 0;				error_widget->priv->nerrors = 0;
	error_widget->priv->current_pos = 0;				error_widget->priv->current_pos = 0;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_error_show						 * gnome_db_error_show
 * @error_widget: the GnomeDbError widget			 * @error_widget: the GnomeDbError widget
 *								 *
 * Update the given #GnomeDbError widget to show the latest e	 * Update the given #GnomeDbError widget to show the latest e
 * from the connection associated with it.			 * from the connection associated with it.
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_error_show (GnomeDbError *error_widget, GList *error	gnome_db_error_show (GnomeDbError *error_widget, GList *error
{								{
	GList *new_list;						GList *new_list;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_ERROR (error_widget));		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_ERROR (error_widget));

	gnome_db_error_clear (error_widget);				gnome_db_error_clear (error_widget);
	new_list = gda_error_list_copy (errors);			new_list = gda_error_list_copy (errors);
	error_widget->priv->nerrors = g_list_length (new_list		error_widget->priv->nerrors = g_list_length (new_list

	error_widget->priv->current_list = new_list;			error_widget->priv->current_list = new_list;
	display_current_error (error_widget);				display_current_error (error_widget);
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_error_prev						 * gnome_db_error_prev
 * @error_widget: the GnomeDbError widget			 * @error_widget: the GnomeDbError widget
 *								 *
 * Display the previous error in the given GnomeDbError widge	 * Display the previous error in the given GnomeDbError widge
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_error_prev (GnomeDbError* error_widget)		gnome_db_error_prev (GnomeDbError* error_widget)
{								{
	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_ERROR (error_widget));		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_ERROR (error_widget));

	if (error_widget->priv->current_pos > 0) {			if (error_widget->priv->current_pos > 0) {
		error_widget->priv->current_pos--;				error_widget->priv->current_pos--;
		display_current_error (error_widget);				display_current_error (error_widget);
	}								}
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_error_next						 * gnome_db_error_next
 * @error_widget: the GnomeDbError widget			 * @error_widget: the GnomeDbError widget
 *								 *
 * Display the next error in the given GnomeDbError widget	 * Display the next error in the given GnomeDbError widget
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_error_next (GnomeDbError* error_widget)		gnome_db_error_next (GnomeDbError* error_widget)
{								{
	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_ERROR (error_widget));		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_ERROR (error_widget));

	if (error_widget->priv->current_pos < error_widget->p		if (error_widget->priv->current_pos < error_widget->p
		error_widget->priv->current_pos++;				error_widget->priv->current_pos++;
		display_current_error (error_widget);				display_current_error (error_widget);
	}								}
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_error_get_position					 * gnome_db_error_get_position
 * @error_widget: the GnomeDbError widget.			 * @error_widget: the GnomeDbError widget.
 *								 *
 * Get the position of the error being displayed.		 * Get the position of the error being displayed.
 *								 *
 * Returns: a non-negative integer on success.			 * Returns: a non-negative integer on success.
 */								 */
gint								gint
gnome_db_error_get_position (GnomeDbError *error_widget)	gnome_db_error_get_position (GnomeDbError *error_widget)
{								{
	g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_ERROR (error_widget		g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_ERROR (error_widget

	if (!GTK_WIDGET_VISIBLE (GTK_WIDGET (error_widget)))		if (!GTK_WIDGET_VISIBLE (GTK_WIDGET (error_widget)))
		return -1;							return -1;

	return error_widget->priv->current_pos;				return error_widget->priv->current_pos;
}								}

diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 1998-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 1998-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Michael Lausch <michael lausch at>			 *      Michael Lausch <michael lausch at>
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#include <gtk/gtkstock.h>					#include <gtk/gtkstock.h>
#include <gtk/gtkwindow.h>					#include <gtk/gtkwindow.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.h>			#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h>
#include "gnome-db-i18n.h"					#include "gnome-db-i18n.h"

struct _GnomeDbErrorDialogPrivate {				struct _GnomeDbErrorDialogPrivate {
	GnomeDbError *error_widget;					GnomeDbError *error_widget;
	gchar *title;							gchar *title;
};								};

static void gnome_db_error_dialog_class_init   (GnomeDbErrorD	static void gnome_db_error_dialog_class_init   (GnomeDbErrorD
static void gnome_db_error_dialog_init         (GnomeDbErrorD	static void gnome_db_error_dialog_init         (GnomeDbErrorD
					        GnomeDbErrorD						        GnomeDbErrorD
static void gnome_db_error_dialog_set_property (GObject *obje	static void gnome_db_error_dialog_set_property (GObject *obje
						guint paramid							guint paramid
						const GValue 							const GValue 
						GParamSpec *p							GParamSpec *p
static void gnome_db_error_dialog_get_property (GObject *obje	static void gnome_db_error_dialog_get_property (GObject *obje
						guint param_i							guint param_i
						GValue *value							GValue *value
						GParamSpec *p							GParamSpec *p
static void gnome_db_error_dialog_finalize   (GObject *object	static void gnome_db_error_dialog_finalize   (GObject *object

enum {								enum {
	PROP_0,								PROP_0,
};								};

static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL;			static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL;

/*								/*
 * Callbacks							 * Callbacks
 */								 */

/*								/*
 * GnomeDbErrorDialog class implementation			 * GnomeDbErrorDialog class implementation
 */								 */
GType								GType
gnome_db_error_dialog_get_type (void)				gnome_db_error_dialog_get_type (void)
{								{
	static GType type = 0;						static GType type = 0;

	if (!type) {							if (!type) {
		static const GTypeInfo info = {					static const GTypeInfo info = {
			sizeof (GnomeDbErrorDialogClass),				sizeof (GnomeDbErrorDialogClass),
			(GBaseInitFunc) NULL,						(GBaseInitFunc) NULL,
			(GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL,					(GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL,
			(GClassInitFunc) gnome_db_error_dialo				(GClassInitFunc) gnome_db_error_dialo
			NULL,								NULL,
			NULL,								NULL,
			sizeof (GnomeDbErrorDialog),					sizeof (GnomeDbErrorDialog),
			0,								0,
			(GInstanceInitFunc) gnome_db_error_di				(GInstanceInitFunc) gnome_db_error_di
		};								};
		type = g_type_register_static (GTK_TYPE_DIALO			type = g_type_register_static (GTK_TYPE_DIALO
	}								}
	return type;							return type;
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_error_dialog_class_init (GnomeDbErrorDialogClass *kl	gnome_db_error_dialog_class_init (GnomeDbErrorDialogClass *kl
{								{
	GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);		GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);

	parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);		parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);

	object_class->set_property = gnome_db_error_dialog_se		object_class->set_property = gnome_db_error_dialog_se
	object_class->get_property = gnome_db_error_dialog_ge		object_class->get_property = gnome_db_error_dialog_ge
	object_class->finalize = gnome_db_error_dialog_finali		object_class->finalize = gnome_db_error_dialog_finali

	/* add class properties */					/* add class properties */
	g_object_class_install_property (				g_object_class_install_property (
		object_class, PROP_TITLE,					object_class, PROP_TITLE,
		g_param_spec_string ("title", NULL, NULL, _("			g_param_spec_string ("title", NULL, NULL, _("
}								}
static void							static void
gnome_db_error_dialog_init (GnomeDbErrorDialog *dialog, Gnome	gnome_db_error_dialog_init (GnomeDbErrorDialog *dialog, Gnome
{								{
	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_ERROR_DIALOG (dialog));		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_ERROR_DIALOG (dialog));

	/* allocate private structure */				/* allocate private structure */
	dialog->priv = g_new (GnomeDbErrorDialogPrivate, 1);		dialog->priv = g_new (GnomeDbErrorDialogPrivate, 1);
	dialog->priv->title = NULL;					dialog->priv->title = NULL;

	/* create the error viewer */					/* create the error viewer */
	dialog->priv->error_widget = GNOME_DB_ERROR (gnome_db		dialog->priv->error_widget = GNOME_DB_ERROR (gnome_db
	gtk_widget_show (GTK_WIDGET (dialog->priv->error_widg		gtk_widget_show (GTK_WIDGET (dialog->priv->error_widg

	gtk_dialog_add_button (GTK_DIALOG (dialog), GTK_STOCK		gtk_dialog_add_button (GTK_DIALOG (dialog), GTK_STOCK
	gtk_dialog_add_button (GTK_DIALOG (dialog), GTK_STOCK		gtk_dialog_add_button (GTK_DIALOG (dialog), GTK_STOCK
	gtk_dialog_add_button (GTK_DIALOG (dialog), GTK_STOCK		gtk_dialog_add_button (GTK_DIALOG (dialog), GTK_STOCK

	gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (GTK_DIALOG (dialog)->vbo		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (GTK_DIALOG (dialog)->vbo
			    GTK_WIDGET (dialog->priv->error_w				    GTK_WIDGET (dialog->priv->error_w
			    TRUE, TRUE, 0);						    TRUE, TRUE, 0);
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_error_dialog_set_property (GObject *object,		gnome_db_error_dialog_set_property (GObject *object,
				    guint param_id,						    guint param_id,
				    const GValue *value,					    const GValue *value,
				    GParamSpec *pspec)						    GParamSpec *pspec)
{								{
	GnomeDbErrorDialog *dialog = (GnomeDbErrorDialog *) o		GnomeDbErrorDialog *dialog = (GnomeDbErrorDialog *) o

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_ERROR_DIALOG (dialog));		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_ERROR_DIALOG (dialog));

	switch (param_id) {						switch (param_id) {
	case PROP_TITLE :						case PROP_TITLE :
		gnome_db_error_dialog_set_title (dialog, g_va			gnome_db_error_dialog_set_title (dialog, g_va
		break;								break;
	default :							default :
		break;								break;
	}								}
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_error_dialog_get_property (GObject *object,		gnome_db_error_dialog_get_property (GObject *object,
				    guint param_id,						    guint param_id,
				    GValue *value,						    GValue *value,
				    GParamSpec *pspec)						    GParamSpec *pspec)
{								{
	GnomeDbErrorDialog *dialog = (GnomeDbErrorDialog *) o		GnomeDbErrorDialog *dialog = (GnomeDbErrorDialog *) o

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_ERROR_DIALOG (dialog));		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_ERROR_DIALOG (dialog));

	switch (param_id) {						switch (param_id) {
	case PROP_TITLE :						case PROP_TITLE :
		g_value_set_string (value, dialog->priv->titl			g_value_set_string (value, dialog->priv->titl
		break;								break;
	default:							default:
		break;								break;
	}								}
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_error_dialog_finalize (GObject *object)		gnome_db_error_dialog_finalize (GObject *object)
{								{
	GnomeDbErrorDialog *dialog = (GnomeDbErrorDialog *) o		GnomeDbErrorDialog *dialog = (GnomeDbErrorDialog *) o

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_ERROR_DIALOG (dialog));		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_ERROR_DIALOG (dialog));

	/* free memory */						/* free memory */
	if (dialog->priv->title)					if (dialog->priv->title)
		g_free (dialog->priv->title);					g_free (dialog->priv->title);
	g_free (dialog->priv);						g_free (dialog->priv);
	dialog->priv = NULL;						dialog->priv = NULL;

	parent_class->finalize (object);				parent_class->finalize (object);
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_error_dialog_new					 * gnome_db_error_dialog_new
 * @title: title of the dialog box				 * @title: title of the dialog box
 *								 *
 * Create a new GnomeDbErrorDialog, which is a subclass of th	 * Create a new GnomeDbErrorDialog, which is a subclass of th
 * widget, just acting as a container for a GnomeDbError widg	 * widget, just acting as a container for a GnomeDbError widg
 *								 *
 * Returns: a pointer to the new widget, or NULL on error	 * Returns: a pointer to the new widget, or NULL on error
 */								 */
GtkWidget*							GtkWidget*
gnome_db_error_dialog_new (gchar *title)			gnome_db_error_dialog_new (gchar *title)
{								{
	GnomeDbErrorDialog *dialog;					GnomeDbErrorDialog *dialog;
	GdkPixbuf *icon;						GdkPixbuf *icon;

	dialog = g_object_new (GNOME_DB_TYPE_ERROR_DIALOG, NU		dialog = g_object_new (GNOME_DB_TYPE_ERROR_DIALOG, NU
	if (title)							if (title)
		gnome_db_error_dialog_set_title (dialog, titl			gnome_db_error_dialog_set_title (dialog, titl

	icon = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file (LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR 		icon = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file (LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR 
	if (icon) {							if (icon) {
		gtk_window_set_icon (GTK_WINDOW (dialog), ico			gtk_window_set_icon (GTK_WINDOW (dialog), ico
		g_object_unref (icon);						g_object_unref (icon);
	}								}

	if (title)							if (title)
		gnome_db_error_dialog_set_title (dialog, titl			gnome_db_error_dialog_set_title (dialog, titl

	return GTK_WIDGET (dialog);					return GTK_WIDGET (dialog);
}								}

static void							static void
change_sensitiveness (GnomeDbErrorDialog *dialog, GnomeDbErro	change_sensitiveness (GnomeDbErrorDialog *dialog, GnomeDbErro
{								{
	gint pos;							gint pos;

	pos = gnome_db_error_get_position (error_widget);		pos = gnome_db_error_get_position (error_widget);
	gtk_dialog_set_response_sensitive (GTK_DIALOG (dialog		gtk_dialog_set_response_sensitive (GTK_DIALOG (dialog
					   pos > 0);							   pos > 0);

	gtk_dialog_set_response_sensitive (GTK_DIALOG (dialog		gtk_dialog_set_response_sensitive (GTK_DIALOG (dialog
					   pos < max - 1);						   pos < max - 1);
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_error_dialog_show_errors				 * gnome_db_error_dialog_show_errors
 * @dialog: the GnomeDbErrorDialog widget			 * @dialog: the GnomeDbErrorDialog widget
 * @error_list: list of errors to show				 * @error_list: list of errors to show
 *								 *
 * Pops up the given GnomeDbErrorDialog widget, displaying an	 * Pops up the given GnomeDbErrorDialog widget, displaying an
 * may be reported for the connection being used by this widg	 * may be reported for the connection being used by this widg
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_error_dialog_show_errors (GnomeDbErrorDialog *dialog	gnome_db_error_dialog_show_errors (GnomeDbErrorDialog *dialog
                                   GList *error_list)		                                   GList *error_list)
{								{
	gint ret;							gint ret;
	GnomeDbError *error_widget;					GnomeDbError *error_widget;
	gint max;							gint max;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_ERROR_DIALOG (dialog));		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_ERROR_DIALOG (dialog));

	max = g_list_length (error_list);				max = g_list_length (error_list);
	error_widget = GNOME_DB_ERROR (dialog->priv->error_wi		error_widget = GNOME_DB_ERROR (dialog->priv->error_wi

	gnome_db_error_show (GNOME_DB_ERROR (error_widget), e		gnome_db_error_show (GNOME_DB_ERROR (error_widget), e
	change_sensitiveness (dialog, error_widget, max);		change_sensitiveness (dialog, error_widget, max);

	while ((ret = gtk_dialog_run (GTK_DIALOG (dialog))) !		while ((ret = gtk_dialog_run (GTK_DIALOG (dialog))) !
		switch (ret) {							switch (ret) {
			gnome_db_error_prev (GNOME_DB_ERROR (				gnome_db_error_prev (GNOME_DB_ERROR (
			change_sensitiveness (dialog, error_w				change_sensitiveness (dialog, error_w
			break;								break;
		case GTK_RESPONSE_NO :						case GTK_RESPONSE_NO :
			gnome_db_error_next (GNOME_DB_ERROR (				gnome_db_error_next (GNOME_DB_ERROR (
			change_sensitiveness (dialog, error_w				change_sensitiveness (dialog, error_w
			break;								break;
		}								}
	}								}
	gtk_widget_destroy (GTK_WIDGET (dialog));			gtk_widget_destroy (GTK_WIDGET (dialog));
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_error_dialog_set_title				 * gnome_db_error_dialog_set_title
 */								 */
const gchar *							const gchar *
gnome_db_error_dialog_get_title (GnomeDbErrorDialog *dialog)	gnome_db_error_dialog_get_title (GnomeDbErrorDialog *dialog)
{								{
	g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_ERROR_DIALOG (dialo		g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_ERROR_DIALOG (dialo
	return (const gchar *) dialog->priv->title;			return (const gchar *) dialog->priv->title;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_error_dialog_set_title				 * gnome_db_error_dialog_set_title
 * @dialog: the GnomeDbErrorDialog widget			 * @dialog: the GnomeDbErrorDialog widget
 * @title: title to be shown					 * @title: title to be shown
 *								 *
 * Change the title for the given GnomeDbErrorDialog widget	 * Change the title for the given GnomeDbErrorDialog widget
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_error_dialog_set_title (GnomeDbErrorDialog *dialog, 	gnome_db_error_dialog_set_title (GnomeDbErrorDialog *dialog, 
{								{
	g_return_if_fail(GNOME_DB_IS_ERROR_DIALOG(dialog));		g_return_if_fail(GNOME_DB_IS_ERROR_DIALOG(dialog));
	g_return_if_fail(title != 0);					g_return_if_fail(title != 0);

	if (dialog->priv->title != 0)					if (dialog->priv->title != 0)
		g_free((gpointer) dialog->priv->title);				g_free((gpointer) dialog->priv->title);
	dialog->priv->title = g_strdup(title);				dialog->priv->title = g_strdup(title);

	gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (dialog), title);		gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (dialog), title);
}								}
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.h ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.h
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 1998-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 1998-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *	Michael Lausch <michael lausch at>			 *	Michael Lausch <michael lausch at>
 *	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#ifndef __gnome_db_error_dialog_h__				#ifndef __gnome_db_error_dialog_h__
#define __gnome_db_error_dialog_h__ 1				#define __gnome_db_error_dialog_h__ 1

#include <gtk/gtkdialog.h>					#include <gtk/gtkdialog.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.h>


#define GNOME_DB_TYPE_ERROR_DIALOG            (gnome_db_error	#define GNOME_DB_TYPE_ERROR_DIALOG            (gnome_db_error
#define GNOME_DB_ERROR_DIALOG(obj)            (G_TYPE_CHECK_I	#define GNOME_DB_ERROR_DIALOG(obj)            (G_TYPE_CHECK_I

typedef struct _GnomeDbErrorDialog        GnomeDbErrorDialog;	typedef struct _GnomeDbErrorDialog        GnomeDbErrorDialog;
typedef struct _GnomeDbErrorDialogClass   GnomeDbErrorDialogC	typedef struct _GnomeDbErrorDialogClass   GnomeDbErrorDialogC
typedef struct _GnomeDbErrorDialogPrivate GnomeDbErrorDialogP	typedef struct _GnomeDbErrorDialogPrivate GnomeDbErrorDialogP

struct _GnomeDbErrorDialog {					struct _GnomeDbErrorDialog {
	GtkDialog dialog;						GtkDialog dialog;
	GnomeDbErrorDialogPrivate *priv;				GnomeDbErrorDialogPrivate *priv;
};								};

struct _GnomeDbErrorDialogClass {				struct _GnomeDbErrorDialogClass {
	GtkDialogClass parent_class;					GtkDialogClass parent_class;
};								};

GType        gnome_db_error_dialog_get_type       (void);	GType        gnome_db_error_dialog_get_type       (void);

GtkWidget   *gnome_db_error_dialog_new            (gchar *tit	GtkWidget   *gnome_db_error_dialog_new            (gchar *tit
void         gnome_db_error_dialog_show_errors    (GnomeDbErr	void         gnome_db_error_dialog_show_errors    (GnomeDbErr
						   GList *err							   GList *err

const gchar *gnome_db_error_dialog_get_title      (GnomeDbErr	const gchar *gnome_db_error_dialog_get_title      (GnomeDbErr
void         gnome_db_error_dialog_set_title      (GnomeDbErr	void         gnome_db_error_dialog_set_title      (GnomeDbErr
						   const gcha							   const gcha


#endif								#endif
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.h ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.h
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 1998-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 1998-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *	Michael Lausch <michael lausch at>			 *	Michael Lausch <michael lausch at>
 *	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#ifndef __gnome_db_error_h__					#ifndef __gnome_db_error_h__
#define __gnome_db_error_h__ 1					#define __gnome_db_error_h__ 1

#include <gtk/gtkvbox.h>					#include <gtk/gtkvbox.h>


#define GNOME_DB_TYPE_ERROR            (gnome_db_error_get_ty	#define GNOME_DB_TYPE_ERROR            (gnome_db_error_get_ty
#define GNOME_DB_ERROR(obj)            (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE	#define GNOME_DB_ERROR(obj)            (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE

typedef struct _GnomeDbError        GnomeDbError;		typedef struct _GnomeDbError        GnomeDbError;
typedef struct _GnomeDbErrorClass   GnomeDbErrorClass;		typedef struct _GnomeDbErrorClass   GnomeDbErrorClass;
typedef struct _GnomeDbErrorPrivate GnomeDbErrorPrivate;	typedef struct _GnomeDbErrorPrivate GnomeDbErrorPrivate;

struct _GnomeDbError {						struct _GnomeDbError {
	GtkVBox              box;					GtkVBox              box;
	GnomeDbErrorPrivate* priv;					GnomeDbErrorPrivate* priv;
};								};

struct _GnomeDbErrorClass {					struct _GnomeDbErrorClass {
	GtkVBoxClass parent_class;					GtkVBoxClass parent_class;
};								};

GType          gnome_db_error_get_type       (void);		GType          gnome_db_error_get_type       (void);

GtkWidget*     gnome_db_error_new            (void);		GtkWidget*     gnome_db_error_new            (void);
void           gnome_db_error_clear          (GnomeDbError *e	void           gnome_db_error_clear          (GnomeDbError *e
void           gnome_db_error_show           (GnomeDbError *e	void           gnome_db_error_show           (GnomeDbError *e
                                              GList *errors);	                                              GList *errors);
void           gnome_db_error_prev           (GnomeDbError *e	void           gnome_db_error_prev           (GnomeDbError *e
void           gnome_db_error_next           (GnomeDbError *e	void           gnome_db_error_next           (GnomeDbError *e
gint	       gnome_db_error_get_position   (GnomeDbError *e	gint	       gnome_db_error_get_position   (GnomeDbError *e

#endif								#endif
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Gustavo R. Montesino <ikki_gerrard yahoo com br>	 *      Gustavo R. Montesino <ikki_gerrard yahoo com br>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#include <gtk/gtkcomboboxentry.h>				#include <gtk/gtkcomboboxentry.h>
#include <gtk/gtkdialog.h>					#include <gtk/gtkdialog.h>
#include <gtk/gtkentry.h>					#include <gtk/gtkentry.h>
#include <gtk/gtklabel.h>					#include <gtk/gtklabel.h>
#include <gtk/gtkstock.h>					#include <gtk/gtkstock.h>
#include <gtk/gtktable.h>					#include <gtk/gtktable.h>
#include <libgda/gda-data-model.h>				#include <libgda/gda-data-model.h>

#include "gnome-db-find-dialog.h"				#include "gnome-db-find-dialog.h"
#include "gnome-db-i18n.h"					#include "gnome-db-i18n.h"

struct _GnomeDbFindDialogPrivate {				struct _GnomeDbFindDialogPrivate {
	GtkComboBoxEntry *fields;					GtkComboBoxEntry *fields;
	GtkEntry *text;							GtkEntry *text;
};								};

enum {								enum {
	P_FIELD = 1,							P_FIELD = 1,
  	P_STRING						  	P_STRING
};								};

static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL;			static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL;

/* Private misc functions */					/* Private misc functions */

static void							static void
gnome_db_find_dialog_set_property (GObject *object, guint par	gnome_db_find_dialog_set_property (GObject *object, guint par
				   const GValue *value, GPara					   const GValue *value, GPara
{								{
	GnomeDbFindDialog *dialog = (GnomeDbFindDialog *) obj		GnomeDbFindDialog *dialog = (GnomeDbFindDialog *) obj
	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FIND_DIALOG (dialog));		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FIND_DIALOG (dialog));

	switch (param_id) {						switch (param_id) {
	default: 							default: 
		break;								break;
  	}							  	}
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_find_dialog_get_property (GObject *object, guint par	gnome_db_find_dialog_get_property (GObject *object, guint par
				   GValue *value, GParamSpec 					   GValue *value, GParamSpec 
{								{
	GnomeDbFindDialog *dialog = (GnomeDbFindDialog *) obj		GnomeDbFindDialog *dialog = (GnomeDbFindDialog *) obj
	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FIND_DIALOG (dialog));		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FIND_DIALOG (dialog));

  	switch (param_id) {					  	switch (param_id) {
	case P_FIELD:							case P_FIELD:
		g_value_set_string (value, gtk_entry_get_text			g_value_set_string (value, gtk_entry_get_text
					    GTK_ENTRY (GTK_BI						    GTK_ENTRY (GTK_BI
		break;								break;
	case P_STRING:							case P_STRING:
		g_value_set_string (value, 					g_value_set_string (value, 
				    gtk_entry_get_text (dialo					    gtk_entry_get_text (dialo
		break;								break;
	default:							default:
		break;								break;
  	}							  	}
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_find_dialog_init (GnomeDbFindDialog *dialog, GnomeDb	gnome_db_find_dialog_init (GnomeDbFindDialog *dialog, GnomeDb
{								{
	GtkTable  *table;						GtkTable  *table;
	GtkLabel  *label;						GtkLabel  *label;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FIND_DIALOG (dialog));		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FIND_DIALOG (dialog));

	dialog -> priv = g_new0 (GnomeDbFindDialogPrivate, 1)		dialog -> priv = g_new0 (GnomeDbFindDialogPrivate, 1)

	gtk_dialog_add_button (GTK_DIALOG (dialog), GTK_STOCK		gtk_dialog_add_button (GTK_DIALOG (dialog), GTK_STOCK
	gtk_dialog_add_button (GTK_DIALOG (dialog), GTK_STOCK		gtk_dialog_add_button (GTK_DIALOG (dialog), GTK_STOCK
	gtk_dialog_set_default_response (GTK_DIALOG (dialog),		gtk_dialog_set_default_response (GTK_DIALOG (dialog),

	table = GTK_TABLE (gtk_table_new (2, 2, FALSE));		table = GTK_TABLE (gtk_table_new (2, 2, FALSE));
	gtk_widget_show (GTK_WIDGET (table));				gtk_widget_show (GTK_WIDGET (table));
	gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (table)		gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (table)
	gtk_table_set_col_spacings (table, 30);				gtk_table_set_col_spacings (table, 30);
	gtk_table_set_row_spacings (table, 5);				gtk_table_set_row_spacings (table, 5);
	gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (GTK_DIALOG (dialog)		gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (GTK_DIALOG (dialog)

	label = GTK_LABEL (gtk_label_new_with_mnemonic (_("_F		label = GTK_LABEL (gtk_label_new_with_mnemonic (_("_F
	gtk_widget_show (GTK_WIDGET (label));				gtk_widget_show (GTK_WIDGET (label));
	gtk_table_attach_defaults (table, GTK_WIDGET (label),		gtk_table_attach_defaults (table, GTK_WIDGET (label),

	dialog -> priv -> fields = GTK_COMBO_BOX_ENTRY (gtk_c		dialog -> priv -> fields = GTK_COMBO_BOX_ENTRY (gtk_c
	gtk_widget_show (GTK_WIDGET (dialog -> priv -> fields		gtk_widget_show (GTK_WIDGET (dialog -> priv -> fields
	gtk_table_attach_defaults (table, GTK_WIDGET (dialog 		gtk_table_attach_defaults (table, GTK_WIDGET (dialog 
	gtk_label_set_mnemonic_widget (label, GTK_WIDGET (dia		gtk_label_set_mnemonic_widget (label, GTK_WIDGET (dia

	label = GTK_LABEL (gtk_label_new_with_mnemonic (_("_T		label = GTK_LABEL (gtk_label_new_with_mnemonic (_("_T
	gtk_widget_show (GTK_WIDGET (label));				gtk_widget_show (GTK_WIDGET (label));
	gtk_table_attach_defaults (table, GTK_WIDGET (label),		gtk_table_attach_defaults (table, GTK_WIDGET (label),

	dialog -> priv -> text = GTK_ENTRY (gtk_entry_new());		dialog -> priv -> text = GTK_ENTRY (gtk_entry_new());
	gtk_widget_show (GTK_WIDGET (dialog -> priv -> text))		gtk_widget_show (GTK_WIDGET (dialog -> priv -> text))
	gtk_table_attach_defaults (table, GTK_WIDGET (dialog 		gtk_table_attach_defaults (table, GTK_WIDGET (dialog 

	gtk_label_set_mnemonic_widget (GTK_LABEL (label), GTK		gtk_label_set_mnemonic_widget (GTK_LABEL (label), GTK
}								}

/* Class */							/* Class */

static void							static void
gnome_db_find_dialog_finalize (GObject *object)			gnome_db_find_dialog_finalize (GObject *object)
{								{
	GnomeDbFindDialog *dialog = (GnomeDbFindDialog *) obj		GnomeDbFindDialog *dialog = (GnomeDbFindDialog *) obj
	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FIND_DIALOG (dialog));		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FIND_DIALOG (dialog));

	g_free (dialog -> priv);					g_free (dialog -> priv);
	dialog -> priv = NULL;						dialog -> priv = NULL;

	parent_class -> finalize (object); 				parent_class -> finalize (object); 
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_find_dialog_class_init (GnomeDbFindDialogClass *klas	gnome_db_find_dialog_class_init (GnomeDbFindDialogClass *klas
{								{
	GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);		GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);
	parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);		parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);

	object_class -> set_property = gnome_db_find_dialog_s		object_class -> set_property = gnome_db_find_dialog_s
	object_class -> get_property = gnome_db_find_dialog_g		object_class -> get_property = gnome_db_find_dialog_g
	object_class -> finalize     = gnome_db_find_dialog_f		object_class -> finalize     = gnome_db_find_dialog_f

	/* Properties */						/* Properties */
	g_object_class_install_property (object_class, P_FIEL		g_object_class_install_property (object_class, P_FIEL
					 g_param_spec_string 						 g_param_spec_string 
	g_object_class_install_property (object_class, P_STRI		g_object_class_install_property (object_class, P_STRI
					 g_param_spec_string 						 g_param_spec_string 
}								}

/* Type Registration */						/* Type Registration */

GType								GType
gnome_db_find_dialog_get_type (void)				gnome_db_find_dialog_get_type (void)
{								{
	static GType type = 0;						static GType type = 0;

	if (!type) {							if (!type) {
		static const GTypeInfo info = {					static const GTypeInfo info = {
			sizeof (GnomeDbFindDialogClass),				sizeof (GnomeDbFindDialogClass),
			(GBaseInitFunc) NULL,						(GBaseInitFunc) NULL,
			(GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL,					(GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL,
			(GClassInitFunc) gnome_db_find_dialog				(GClassInitFunc) gnome_db_find_dialog
			NULL,								NULL,
			NULL,								NULL,
			sizeof (GnomeDbFindDialog),					sizeof (GnomeDbFindDialog),
			0,								0,
			(GInstanceInitFunc) gnome_db_find_dia				(GInstanceInitFunc) gnome_db_find_dia
		};								};
		type = g_type_register_static (GTK_TYPE_DIALO			type = g_type_register_static (GTK_TYPE_DIALO
	}								}
	return type;							return type;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_find_dialog_new					 * gnome_db_find_dialog_new
 * @title: the title of the dialog				 * @title: the title of the dialog
 * 								 * 
 * Creates a new #GnomeDbFindDialog.				 * Creates a new #GnomeDbFindDialog.
 *								 *
 * Returns: a #GnomeDbFindDialog				 * Returns: a #GnomeDbFindDialog
 */								 */
GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_find_dialog_new (const gchar *title)			gnome_db_find_dialog_new (const gchar *title)
{								{
	GnomeDbFindDialog *dialog;					GnomeDbFindDialog *dialog;
	dialog = g_object_new (GNOME_DB_TYPE_FIND_DIALOG, NUL		dialog = g_object_new (GNOME_DB_TYPE_FIND_DIALOG, NUL
	gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (dialog), title);		gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (dialog), title);

	return dialog;							return dialog;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_find_dialog_new_with_model				 * gnome_db_find_dialog_new_with_model
 * @title: the title of the dialog				 * @title: the title of the dialog
 * @dm: a #GdaDataModel						 * @dm: a #GdaDataModel
 *								 *
 * Creates a new #GnomeDbFindDialog and adds the fields of @d	 * Creates a new #GnomeDbFindDialog and adds the fields of @d
 * combo.							 * combo.
 *								 *
 * Returns: a #GnomeDbFindDialog				 * Returns: a #GnomeDbFindDialog
 */								 */
GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_find_dialog_new_with_model (const gchar *title, GdaD	gnome_db_find_dialog_new_with_model (const gchar *title, GdaD
{								{
	g_return_val_if_fail (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (dm), NULL);		g_return_val_if_fail (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (dm), NULL);
	g_object_ref (dm);						g_object_ref (dm);
	GnomeDbFindDialog *dialog = gnome_db_find_dialog_new 		GnomeDbFindDialog *dialog = gnome_db_find_dialog_new 
	gnome_db_find_dialog_add_fields_from_model (dialog, d		gnome_db_find_dialog_add_fields_from_model (dialog, d

	g_object_unref (dm);						g_object_unref (dm);

	return dialog;							return dialog;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_find_dialog_run					 * gnome_db_find_dialog_run
 * @dialog: a #GnomeDbFindDialog				 * @dialog: a #GnomeDbFindDialog
 *								 *
 * Shows the @dialog to the user and wait for his/her input.	 * Shows the @dialog to the user and wait for his/her input.
 *								 *
 * Returns: true if the user clicks "find", false otherwise.	 * Returns: true if the user clicks "find", false otherwise.
 */								 */
gboolean							gboolean
gnome_db_find_dialog_run (GnomeDbFindDialog *dialog)		gnome_db_find_dialog_run (GnomeDbFindDialog *dialog)
{								{
	g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FIND_DIALOG (dialog		g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FIND_DIALOG (dialog

	if (gtk_dialog_run (GTK_DIALOG (dialog)) == GTK_RESPO		if (gtk_dialog_run (GTK_DIALOG (dialog)) == GTK_RESPO
		return TRUE;							return TRUE;
	return FALSE;							return FALSE;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_find_dialog_add_field				 * gnome_db_find_dialog_add_field
 * @dialog: a #GnomeDbFindDialog				 * @dialog: a #GnomeDbFindDialog
 * @field: the field's name					 * @field: the field's name
 * 								 * 
 * Adds @field to the Fields combo.				 * Adds @field to the Fields combo.
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_find_dialog_add_field (GnomeDbFindDialog *dialog, co	gnome_db_find_dialog_add_field (GnomeDbFindDialog *dialog, co
{								{
	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FIND_DIALOG (dialog));		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FIND_DIALOG (dialog));
	gtk_combo_box_append_text (GTK_COMBO_BOX (dialog -> p		gtk_combo_box_append_text (GTK_COMBO_BOX (dialog -> p
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_find_dialog_add_fields_from_model			 * gnome_db_find_dialog_add_fields_from_model
 * @dialog: a #GnomeDbFindDialog				 * @dialog: a #GnomeDbFindDialog
 * @dm: a #GdaDataModel						 * @dm: a #GdaDataModel
 *								 *
 * Adds all the fields of @dm into the Fields combo.		 * Adds all the fields of @dm into the Fields combo.
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_find_dialog_add_fields_from_model (GnomeDbFindDialog	gnome_db_find_dialog_add_fields_from_model (GnomeDbFindDialog
{								{
	gint i;								gint i;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FIND_DIALOG (dialog));		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FIND_DIALOG (dialog));
	g_return_if_fail (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (dm));			g_return_if_fail (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (dm));

	g_object_ref (dm);						g_object_ref (dm);

	for (i = 0; i < gda_data_model_get_n_columns (dm); i+		for (i = 0; i < gda_data_model_get_n_columns (dm); i+
		gnome_db_find_dialog_add_field (dialog, 			gnome_db_find_dialog_add_field (dialog, 
						gda_data_mode							gda_data_mode
	}								}

	g_object_unref (dm);						g_object_unref (dm);
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_find_dialog_get_text				 * gnome_db_find_dialog_get_text
 * @dialog: a #GnomeDbFindDialog widget				 * @dialog: a #GnomeDbFindDialog widget
 * 								 * 
 * Gets the current search text in @dialog.			 * Gets the current search text in @dialog.
 *								 *
 * Returns: text to find					 * Returns: text to find
 */								 */
G_CONST_RETURN gchar*						G_CONST_RETURN gchar*
gnome_db_find_dialog_get_text (GnomeDbFindDialog *dialog)	gnome_db_find_dialog_get_text (GnomeDbFindDialog *dialog)
{								{
	g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FIND_DIALOG (dialog		g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FIND_DIALOG (dialog

	return gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY (dialog -> priv 		return gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY (dialog -> priv 
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_find_dialog_get_field				 * gnome_db_find_dialog_get_field
 * @dialog: a #GnomeDbFindDialog widget				 * @dialog: a #GnomeDbFindDialog widget
 *								 *
 * Gets the currently selected field in @dialog.		 * Gets the currently selected field in @dialog.
 *								 *
 * Returns: name of the selected field				 * Returns: name of the selected field
 */								 */
G_CONST_RETURN gchar*						G_CONST_RETURN gchar*
gnome_db_find_dialog_get_field (GnomeDbFindDialog *dialog)	gnome_db_find_dialog_get_field (GnomeDbFindDialog *dialog)
{								{
	g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FIND_DIALOG (dialog		g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FIND_DIALOG (dialog

	return gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY (GTK_BIN (			return gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY (GTK_BIN (
		dialog -> priv -> fields) -> child));				dialog -> priv -> fields) -> child));
}								}
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.h ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.h
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Gustavo R. Montesino <ikki_gerrard yahoo com br>	 *      Gustavo R. Montesino <ikki_gerrard yahoo com br>
 * 								 * 
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * 								 * 
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 * 								 * 
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#if !defined(__gnome_db_find_dialog_h__)			#if !defined(__gnome_db_find_dialog_h__)
#define __gnome_db_find_dialog_h__ 1				#define __gnome_db_find_dialog_h__ 1


#define GNOME_DB_TYPE_FIND_DIALOG            (gnome_db_find_d	#define GNOME_DB_TYPE_FIND_DIALOG            (gnome_db_find_d
#define GNOME_DB_FIND_DIALOG(obj)            (G_TYPE_CHECK_IN	#define GNOME_DB_FIND_DIALOG(obj)            (G_TYPE_CHECK_IN

typedef struct _GnomeDbFindDialog        GnomeDbFindDialog;	typedef struct _GnomeDbFindDialog        GnomeDbFindDialog;
typedef struct _GnomeDbFindDialogClass   GnomeDbFindDialogCla	typedef struct _GnomeDbFindDialogClass   GnomeDbFindDialogCla
typedef struct _GnomeDbFindDialogPrivate GnomeDbFindDialogPri	typedef struct _GnomeDbFindDialogPrivate GnomeDbFindDialogPri

struct _GnomeDbFindDialog {					struct _GnomeDbFindDialog {
	/*< PRIVATE >*/							/*< PRIVATE >*/
	GtkDialog dialog;						GtkDialog dialog;
	GnomeDbFindDialogPrivate *priv;					GnomeDbFindDialogPrivate *priv;
};								};

struct _GnomeDbFindDialogClass {				struct _GnomeDbFindDialogClass {
	GtkDialogClass parent_class;					GtkDialogClass parent_class;
};								};

GType                  gnome_db_find_dialog_get_type (void);	GType                  gnome_db_find_dialog_get_type (void);

GtkWidget             *gnome_db_find_dialog_new (const gchar 	GtkWidget             *gnome_db_find_dialog_new (const gchar 
GtkWidget             *gnome_db_find_dialog_new_with_model (c	GtkWidget             *gnome_db_find_dialog_new_with_model (c

gboolean               gnome_db_find_dialog_run (GnomeDbFindD	gboolean               gnome_db_find_dialog_run (GnomeDbFindD

void                   gnome_db_find_dialog_add_field (GnomeD	void                   gnome_db_find_dialog_add_field (GnomeD
void                   gnome_db_find_dialog_add_fields_from_m	void                   gnome_db_find_dialog_add_fields_from_m

G_CONST_RETURN gchar*  gnome_db_find_dialog_get_field (GnomeD	G_CONST_RETURN gchar*  gnome_db_find_dialog_get_field (GnomeD
G_CONST_RETURN gchar*  gnome_db_find_dialog_get_text (GnomeDb	G_CONST_RETURN gchar*  gnome_db_find_dialog_get_text (GnomeDb


#endif /* __gnome_db_find_dialog_h__ */				#endif /* __gnome_db_find_dialog_h__ */
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#include <gtk/gtkbbox.h>					#include <gtk/gtkbbox.h>
#include <gtk/gtkentry.h>					#include <gtk/gtkentry.h>
#include <gtk/gtkenums.h>					#include <gtk/gtkenums.h>
#include <gtk/gtklabel.h>					#include <gtk/gtklabel.h>
#include <gtk/gtkstock.h>					#include <gtk/gtkstock.h>
#include <gtk/gtktable.h>					#include <gtk/gtktable.h>
#include <gtk/gtktogglebutton.h>				#include <gtk/gtktogglebutton.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h>
#include "gnome-db-i18n.h"					#include "gnome-db-i18n.h"


struct _GnomeDbFormPrivate {					struct _GnomeDbFormPrivate {
	GdaDataModel *data_model;					GdaDataModel *data_model;
	GnomeDbFormType type;						GnomeDbFormType type;
	gboolean show_navigator_buttons;		      <

	/* widgets */							/* widgets */
	GtkWidget *form_container;					GtkWidget *form_container;

	GList *navigator_widgets; /* navigator widget */		GList *navigator_widgets; /* navigator widget */
	GtkWidget *navigator_label;					GtkWidget *navigator_label;
	GtkWidget *navigator_first;					GtkWidget *navigator_first;
	GtkWidget *navigator_back;					GtkWidget *navigator_back;
	GtkWidget *navigator_fwd;					GtkWidget *navigator_fwd;
	GtkWidget *navigator_last;					GtkWidget *navigator_last;
	gint navigator_current_row;					gint navigator_current_row;
};								};

static void gnome_db_form_class_init   (GnomeDbFormClass *kla	static void gnome_db_form_class_init   (GnomeDbFormClass *kla
static void gnome_db_form_init         (GnomeDbForm *form, Gn	static void gnome_db_form_init         (GnomeDbForm *form, Gn
static void gnome_db_form_set_property (GObject *object,	static void gnome_db_form_set_property (GObject *object,
					guint paramid,							guint paramid,
					const GValue *value,						const GValue *value,
					GParamSpec *pspec);						GParamSpec *pspec);
static void gnome_db_form_get_property (GObject *object,	static void gnome_db_form_get_property (GObject *object,
					guint param_id,							guint param_id,
					GValue *value,							GValue *value,
					GParamSpec *pspec);						GParamSpec *pspec);
static void gnome_db_form_finalize     (GObject *object);	static void gnome_db_form_finalize     (GObject *object);

static void show_navigator_row (GnomeDbForm *form);		static void show_navigator_row (GnomeDbForm *form);

enum {								enum {
	ROW_CHANGED,					      <
};								};

static gint form_signals[LAST_SIGNAL];				static gint form_signals[LAST_SIGNAL];
static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL;			static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL;

/*								/*
 * Callbacks							 * Callbacks
 */								 */

static void							static void
navigator_first_cb (GtkButton *button, gpointer user_data)	navigator_first_cb (GtkButton *button, gpointer user_data)
{								{
	GnomeDbForm *form = (GnomeDbForm *) user_data;			GnomeDbForm *form = (GnomeDbForm *) user_data;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FORM (form));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FORM (form));

	form->priv->navigator_current_row = 0;				form->priv->navigator_current_row = 0;
	show_navigator_row (form);					show_navigator_row (form);
	g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (form), form_signals[ROW_CHAN <
}								}

static void							static void
navigator_back_cb (GtkButton *button, gpointer user_data)	navigator_back_cb (GtkButton *button, gpointer user_data)
{								{
	GnomeDbForm *form = (GnomeDbForm *) user_data;			GnomeDbForm *form = (GnomeDbForm *) user_data;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FORM (form));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FORM (form));

	if (form->priv->navigator_current_row > 0) {			if (form->priv->navigator_current_row > 0) {
		form->priv->navigator_current_row--;				form->priv->navigator_current_row--;
		show_navigator_row (form);					show_navigator_row (form);
	}								}
	g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (form), form_signals[ROW_CHAN <
}								}

static void							static void
navigator_forward_cb (GtkButton *button, gpointer user_data)	navigator_forward_cb (GtkButton *button, gpointer user_data)
{								{
	gint max_rows;							gint max_rows;
	GnomeDbForm *form = (GnomeDbForm *) user_data;			GnomeDbForm *form = (GnomeDbForm *) user_data;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FORM (form));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FORM (form));

	max_rows = gda_data_model_get_n_rows (form->priv->dat		max_rows = gda_data_model_get_n_rows (form->priv->dat

	if (form->priv->navigator_current_row < max_rows) {		if (form->priv->navigator_current_row < max_rows) {
		form->priv->navigator_current_row++;				form->priv->navigator_current_row++;
		show_navigator_row (form);					show_navigator_row (form);
	}								}
	g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (form), form_signals[ROW_CHAN <
}								}

static void							static void
navigator_last_cb (GtkButton *button, gpointer user_data)	navigator_last_cb (GtkButton *button, gpointer user_data)
{								{
	GnomeDbForm *form = (GnomeDbForm *) user_data;			GnomeDbForm *form = (GnomeDbForm *) user_data;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FORM (form));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FORM (form));

	form->priv->navigator_current_row = gda_data_model_ge		form->priv->navigator_current_row = gda_data_model_ge
	show_navigator_row (form);					show_navigator_row (form);
	g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (form), form_signals[ROW_CHAN <
}								}

/*								/*
 * Private functions						 * Private functions
 */								 */

static GtkWidget *						static GtkWidget *
create_navigator (GnomeDbForm *form)				create_navigator (GnomeDbForm *form)
{								{
	GtkWidget *navigator;						GtkWidget *navigator;
	GtkWidget *bbox;						GtkWidget *bbox;
	GtkWidget *sep;							GtkWidget *sep;
	gint cols;							gint cols;
	gint col;							gint col;

	g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FORM (form), NULL);		g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FORM (form), NULL);
	g_return_val_if_fail (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (form->priv->		g_return_val_if_fail (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (form->priv->

	cols = gda_data_model_get_n_columns (form->priv->data		cols = gda_data_model_get_n_columns (form->priv->data
	navigator = gnome_db_new_table_widget (cols + 3, 3, F		navigator = gnome_db_new_table_widget (cols + 3, 3, F
	form->priv->navigator_current_row = 0;				form->priv->navigator_current_row = 0;

	/* create the entry widgets for each field */			/* create the entry widgets for each field */
	for (col = 0; col < cols; col++) {				for (col = 0; col < cols; col++) {
		GtkWidget *label;						GtkWidget *label;
		GtkWidget *entry;						GtkWidget *entry;
		GdaFieldAttributes *fa;						GdaFieldAttributes *fa;

		fa = gda_data_model_describe_column (form->pr			fa = gda_data_model_describe_column (form->pr

		label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (gda_field_			label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (gda_field_
		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (navigator), labe			gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (navigator), labe
				  GTK_FILL, GTK_FILL, 2, 2);					  GTK_FILL, GTK_FILL, 2, 2);

		switch (gda_field_attributes_get_gdatype (fa)			switch (gda_field_attributes_get_gdatype (fa)
			entry = gnome_db_new_check_button_wid				entry = gnome_db_new_check_button_wid
			gtk_widget_set_sensitive (entry, FALS				gtk_widget_set_sensitive (entry, FALS
			break;								break;
		default :							default :
			entry = gnome_db_new_entry_widget (0,				entry = gnome_db_new_entry_widget (0,
			break;								break;
		}								}

		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (navigator), entr			gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (navigator), entr
				  GTK_FILL, GTK_FILL, 2, 2);					  GTK_FILL, GTK_FILL, 2, 2);
		form->priv->navigator_widgets = g_list_append			form->priv->navigator_widgets = g_list_append
			form->priv->navigator_widgets,					form->priv->navigator_widgets,
			entry);								entry);

		gda_field_attributes_free (fa);					gda_field_attributes_free (fa);
	}								}

	sep = gnome_db_new_vseparator_widget ();			sep = gnome_db_new_vseparator_widget ();
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (navigator), sep, 0, 3, c		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (navigator), sep, 0, 3, c

	if(form->priv->show_navigator_buttons) {	      <
		form->priv->navigator_label = gnome_db_new_la		form->priv->navigator_label = gnome_db_new_label_widg
		gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (form->priv-		gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (form->priv->navigat
		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (navigator), form		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (navigator), form->priv->
				  cols + 1, cols + 2,					  cols + 1, cols + 2,
		/* create navigation buttons */				/* create navigation buttons */
		bbox = gnome_db_new_hbutton_box_widget ();		bbox = gnome_db_new_hbutton_box_widget ();
		gtk_button_box_set_layout (GTK_BUTTON_BOX (bb		gtk_button_box_set_layout (GTK_BUTTON_BOX (bbox), GTK
		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (navigator), bbox		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (navigator), bbox, 0, 3, 
		form->priv->navigator_first = gnome_db_new_bu		form->priv->navigator_first = gnome_db_new_button_wid
		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (form->priv->navig		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (form->priv->navigator_fir
				  G_CALLBACK (navigator_first				  G_CALLBACK (navigator_first_cb), fo
		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (bbox), form->pri		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (bbox), form->priv->navig
		form->priv->navigator_back = gnome_db_new_but		form->priv->navigator_back = gnome_db_new_button_widg
		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (form->priv->navig		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (form->priv->navigator_bac
				  G_CALLBACK (navigator_back_				  G_CALLBACK (navigator_back_cb), for
		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (bbox), form->pri		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (bbox), form->priv->navig
		form->priv->navigator_fwd = gnome_db_new_butt		form->priv->navigator_fwd = gnome_db_new_button_widge
		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (form->priv->navig		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (form->priv->navigator_fwd
				  G_CALLBACK (navigator_forwa				  G_CALLBACK (navigator_forward_cb), 
		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (bbox), form->pri		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (bbox), form->priv->navig
		form->priv->navigator_last = gnome_db_new_but		form->priv->navigator_last = gnome_db_new_button_widg
		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (form->priv->navig		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (form->priv->navigator_las
				  G_CALLBACK (navigator_last_				  G_CALLBACK (navigator_last_cb), for
		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (bbox), form->pri		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (bbox), form->priv->navig
	}						      <
	show_navigator_row (form);					show_navigator_row (form);

	return navigator;						return navigator;
}								}

static GtkWidget *						static GtkWidget *
create_list (GnomeDbForm *form)					create_list (GnomeDbForm *form)
{								{
	g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FORM (form), NULL);		g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FORM (form), NULL);
	g_return_val_if_fail (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (form->priv->		g_return_val_if_fail (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (form->priv->

	return gnome_db_new_grid_widget (form->priv->data_mod		return gnome_db_new_grid_widget (form->priv->data_mod
}								}

static void							static void
setup_widgets_for_model (GnomeDbForm *form)			setup_widgets_for_model (GnomeDbForm *form)
{								{
	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FORM (form));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FORM (form));
	/* destroy previous widgets */
	if (form->priv->form_container)					/* destroy previous widgets */
		gtk_widget_destroy (form->priv->form_containe		if (form->priv->form_container)
	if (form->priv->navigator_widgets) {					gtk_widget_destroy (form->priv->form_containe
		g_list_free (form->priv->navigator_widgets);		if (form->priv->navigator_widgets) {
		form->priv->navigator_widgets = NULL;				g_list_free (form->priv->navigator_widgets);
	}									form->priv->navigator_widgets = NULL;
	/* create the new form depending on the type */
	switch (form->priv->type) {					/* create the new form depending on the type */
	case GNOME_DB_FORM_TYPE_NAVIGATOR :				switch (form->priv->type) {
		form->priv->form_container = create_navigator		case GNOME_DB_FORM_TYPE_NAVIGATOR :
		break;								form->priv->form_container = create_navigator
	case GNOME_DB_FORM_TYPE_LIST :						break;
		form->priv->form_container = create_list (for		case GNOME_DB_FORM_TYPE_LIST :
		break;								form->priv->form_container = create_list (for
	default :								break;
		form->priv->form_container = NULL;			default :
		break;								form->priv->form_container = NULL;
	}									break;
	if (!form->priv->form_container)
							      )		if (!form->priv->form_container)
	{						      <
		return;								return;
	}						      <

	gtk_widget_show (form->priv->form_container);			gtk_widget_show (form->priv->form_container);
	gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (form), form->priv->form_		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (form), form->priv->form_
}								}

static void							static void
show_navigator_row (GnomeDbForm *form)				show_navigator_row (GnomeDbForm *form)
{								{
	gint i;								gint i;
	GList *l;							GList *l;
	gint total_rows;						gint total_rows;
	gchar *tmp;							gchar *tmp;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FORM (form));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FORM (form));

	if (!GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (form->priv->data_model)) {		if (!GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (form->priv->data_model)) {
		gtk_label_set_text (GTK_LABEL (form->priv->na			gtk_label_set_text (GTK_LABEL (form->priv->na
		return;								return;
	}								}

	total_rows = gda_data_model_get_n_rows (form->priv->d		total_rows = gda_data_model_get_n_rows (form->priv->d

	for (i = 0, l = form->priv->navigator_widgets; l != N		for (i = 0, l = form->priv->navigator_widgets; l != N
		const GdaValue *value;						const GdaValue *value;

		value = gda_data_model_get_value_at (form->pr			value = gda_data_model_get_value_at (form->pr
						     form->pr							     form->pr
		if (value) {							if (value) {
			gchar *str;							gchar *str;

			if (gda_value_isa ((GdaValue *) value				if (gda_value_isa ((GdaValue *) value
				gtk_toggle_button_set_active 					gtk_toggle_button_set_active 
			}								}
			else {								else {
				str = gda_value_stringify ((G					str = gda_value_stringify ((G
				gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY					gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY
				g_free (str);							g_free (str);
			}								}
		}								}
		else								else
			gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (l->dat				gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (l->dat
	}								}

	if (total_rows <= 0) {						if (total_rows <= 0) {
		gtk_widget_set_sensitive (form->priv->navigat			gtk_widget_set_sensitive (form->priv->navigat
		gtk_widget_set_sensitive (form->priv->navigat			gtk_widget_set_sensitive (form->priv->navigat
		gtk_widget_set_sensitive (form->priv->navigat			gtk_widget_set_sensitive (form->priv->navigat
		gtk_widget_set_sensitive (form->priv->navigat			gtk_widget_set_sensitive (form->priv->navigat
		gtk_label_set_text (GTK_LABEL (form->priv->na			gtk_label_set_text (GTK_LABEL (form->priv->na
	}								}
	else {								else {
		if (form->priv->navigator_current_row == 0) {			if (form->priv->navigator_current_row == 0) {
			gtk_widget_set_sensitive (form->priv-				gtk_widget_set_sensitive (form->priv-
			gtk_widget_set_sensitive (form->priv-				gtk_widget_set_sensitive (form->priv-
		}								}
		else {								else {
			gtk_widget_set_sensitive (form->priv-				gtk_widget_set_sensitive (form->priv-
			gtk_widget_set_sensitive (form->priv-				gtk_widget_set_sensitive (form->priv-
		}								}

		if (form->priv->navigator_current_row == tota			if (form->priv->navigator_current_row == tota
			gtk_widget_set_sensitive (form->priv-				gtk_widget_set_sensitive (form->priv-
			gtk_widget_set_sensitive (form->priv-				gtk_widget_set_sensitive (form->priv-
		}								}
		else {								else {
			gtk_widget_set_sensitive (form->priv-				gtk_widget_set_sensitive (form->priv-
			gtk_widget_set_sensitive (form->priv-				gtk_widget_set_sensitive (form->priv-
		}								}

		tmp = g_strdup_printf (_("Record %d of %d"),			tmp = g_strdup_printf (_("Record %d of %d"),
				       form->priv->navigator_					       form->priv->navigator_
				       total_rows);						       total_rows);
		gtk_label_set_text (GTK_LABEL (form->priv->na			gtk_label_set_text (GTK_LABEL (form->priv->na
		g_free (tmp);							g_free (tmp);
	}								}
}								}

/*								/*
 * GnomeDbForm class implementation				 * GnomeDbForm class implementation
 */								 */

static void							static void
gnome_db_form_class_init (GnomeDbFormClass *klass)		gnome_db_form_class_init (GnomeDbFormClass *klass)
{								{
	GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);		GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);

	parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);		parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);

	object_class->set_property = gnome_db_form_set_proper		object_class->set_property = gnome_db_form_set_proper
	object_class->get_property = gnome_db_form_get_proper		object_class->get_property = gnome_db_form_get_proper
	object_class->finalize = gnome_db_form_finalize;		object_class->finalize = gnome_db_form_finalize;

	/* add class signals */						/* add class signals */
	form_signals[MODEL_CHANGED] =					form_signals[MODEL_CHANGED] =
		g_signal_new ("model_changed",					g_signal_new ("model_changed",
			      G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class				      G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class
			      G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,					      G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,
			      G_STRUCT_OFFSET (GnomeDbFormCla				      G_STRUCT_OFFSET (GnomeDbFormCla
			      NULL, NULL,						      NULL, NULL,
			      g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID,				      g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID,
			      G_TYPE_NONE, 0);						      G_TYPE_NONE, 0);
	form_signals[ROW_CHANGED] =			      <
		g_signal_new ("row_changed",		      <
			      G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class <
			      G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,	      <
			      G_STRUCT_OFFSET (GnomeDbFormCla <
			      NULL, NULL,		      <
			      g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID,  <
			      G_TYPE_NONE, 0);		      <
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_form_init (GnomeDbForm *form, GnomeDbFormClass *klas	gnome_db_form_init (GnomeDbForm *form, GnomeDbFormClass *klas
{								{
	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FORM (form));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FORM (form));

	/* allocate private structure */				/* allocate private structure */
	form->priv = g_new0 (GnomeDbFormPrivate, 1);			form->priv = g_new0 (GnomeDbFormPrivate, 1);
	form->priv->data_model = NULL;					form->priv->data_model = NULL;
	form->priv->type = GNOME_DB_FORM_TYPE_NAVIGATOR;		form->priv->type = GNOME_DB_FORM_TYPE_NAVIGATOR;
	form->priv->form_container = NULL;				form->priv->form_container = NULL;
	form->priv->navigator_widgets = NULL;				form->priv->navigator_widgets = NULL;
	form->priv->navigator_label = NULL;				form->priv->navigator_label = NULL;
	form->priv->show_navigator_buttons = TRUE;	      <
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_form_set_property (GObject *object,			gnome_db_form_set_property (GObject *object,
			    guint param_id,						    guint param_id,
			    const GValue *value,					    const GValue *value,
			    GParamSpec *pspec)						    GParamSpec *pspec)
{								{
	GnomeDbForm *form = (GnomeDbForm *) object;			GnomeDbForm *form = (GnomeDbForm *) object;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FORM (form));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FORM (form));

	switch (param_id) {						switch (param_id) {
	default :							default :
		break;								break;
	}								}
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_form_get_property (GObject *object,			gnome_db_form_get_property (GObject *object,
			    guint param_id,						    guint param_id,
			    GValue *value,						    GValue *value,
			    GParamSpec *pspec)						    GParamSpec *pspec)
{								{
	GnomeDbForm *form = (GnomeDbForm *) object;			GnomeDbForm *form = (GnomeDbForm *) object;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FORM (form));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FORM (form));

	switch (param_id) {						switch (param_id) {
	default:							default:
		break;								break;
	}								}
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_form_finalize (GObject *object)			gnome_db_form_finalize (GObject *object)
{								{
	GnomeDbForm *form = (GnomeDbForm *) object;			GnomeDbForm *form = (GnomeDbForm *) object;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FORM (form));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FORM (form));

	/* free memory */						/* free memory */
	if (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (form->priv->data_model)) {		if (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (form->priv->data_model)) {
		g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (form->priv->data_mo			g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (form->priv->data_mo
		form->priv->data_model = NULL;					form->priv->data_model = NULL;
	}								}

	if (form->priv->navigator_widgets) {				if (form->priv->navigator_widgets) {
		g_list_free (form->priv->navigator_widgets);			g_list_free (form->priv->navigator_widgets);
		form->priv->navigator_widgets = NULL;				form->priv->navigator_widgets = NULL;
	}								}

	g_free (form->priv);						g_free (form->priv);
	form->priv = NULL;						form->priv = NULL;

	/* chain to parent class */					/* chain to parent class */
	parent_class->finalize (object);				parent_class->finalize (object);
}								}

GType								GType
gnome_db_form_get_type (void)					gnome_db_form_get_type (void)
{								{
	static GType type = 0;						static GType type = 0;

	if (!type) {							if (!type) {
		static const GTypeInfo info = {					static const GTypeInfo info = {
			sizeof (GnomeDbFormClass),					sizeof (GnomeDbFormClass),
			(GBaseInitFunc) NULL,						(GBaseInitFunc) NULL,
			(GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL,					(GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL,
			(GClassInitFunc) gnome_db_form_class_				(GClassInitFunc) gnome_db_form_class_
			NULL,								NULL,
			NULL,								NULL,
			sizeof (GnomeDbForm),						sizeof (GnomeDbForm),
			0,								0,
			(GInstanceInitFunc) gnome_db_form_ini				(GInstanceInitFunc) gnome_db_form_ini
		};								};
		type = g_type_register_static (PARENT_TYPE, "			type = g_type_register_static (PARENT_TYPE, "
	}								}
	return type;							return type;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_form_new						 * gnome_db_form_new
 *								 *
 * Create a new #GnomeDbForm widget, which is a high-level wi	 * Create a new #GnomeDbForm widget, which is a high-level wi
 * lets you display recordsets in many different ways, such a	 * lets you display recordsets in many different ways, such a
 * record-by-record, etc.					 * record-by-record, etc.
 *								 *
 * Returns: the newly created widget.				 * Returns: the newly created widget.
 */								 */
GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_form_new (void)					gnome_db_form_new (void)
{								{
	GnomeDbForm *form;						GnomeDbForm *form;

	form = g_object_new (GNOME_DB_TYPE_FORM, NULL);			form = g_object_new (GNOME_DB_TYPE_FORM, NULL);
	return GTK_WIDGET (form);					return GTK_WIDGET (form);
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_form_get_form_type					 * gnome_db_form_get_form_type
 */								 */
GnomeDbFormType							GnomeDbFormType
gnome_db_form_get_form_type (GnomeDbForm *form)			gnome_db_form_get_form_type (GnomeDbForm *form)
{								{
	g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FORM (form), -1);		g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FORM (form), -1);
	return form->priv->type;					return form->priv->type;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_form_set_form_type					 * gnome_db_form_set_form_type
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_form_set_form_type (GnomeDbForm *form, GnomeDbFormTy	gnome_db_form_set_form_type (GnomeDbForm *form, GnomeDbFormTy
{								{
	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FORM (form));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FORM (form));

	form->priv->type = type;					form->priv->type = type;
	setup_widgets_for_model (form);					setup_widgets_for_model (form);
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_form_get_model					 * gnome_db_form_get_model
 * @form: a #GnomeDbForm widget.				 * @form: a #GnomeDbForm widget.
 *								 *
 * Return the #GdaDataModel being used by the given widget.	 * Return the #GdaDataModel being used by the given widget.
 */								 */
GdaDataModel *							GdaDataModel *
gnome_db_form_get_model (GnomeDbForm *form)			gnome_db_form_get_model (GnomeDbForm *form)
{								{
	g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FORM (form), NULL);		g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FORM (form), NULL);
	return form->priv->data_model;					return form->priv->data_model;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_form_set_model					 * gnome_db_form_set_model
 * @form: a #GnomeDbForm widget.				 * @form: a #GnomeDbForm widget.
 * @model: the data model to associate the widget with.		 * @model: the data model to associate the widget with.
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_form_set_model (GnomeDbForm *form, GdaDataModel *mod	gnome_db_form_set_model (GnomeDbForm *form, GdaDataModel *mod
{								{
	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FORM (form));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FORM (form));
	g_return_if_fail (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (model));	      <

	if (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (form->priv->data_model))			if (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (form->priv->data_model))
		g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (form->priv->data_mo			g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (form->priv->data_mo

		g_object_ref (G_OBJECT (model));			g_object_ref (G_OBJECT (model));
		form->priv->data_model = model;				form->priv->data_model = model;
		setup_widgets_for_model (form);
		g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (form), form_signals[		setup_widgets_for_model (form);
							      )		g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (form), form_signals[MODEL_CH
	}						      |	}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_form_get_current_row				 * gnome_db_form_get_current_row
 * @form: a #GnomeDbForm widget.				 * @form: a #GnomeDbForm widget.
 *								 *
 * Get the row currently being shown (navigator form) or curr	 * Get the row currently being shown (navigator form) or curr
 * (list form) by the given form widget.			 * (list form) by the given form widget.
 *								 *
 * Returns: the current row.					 * Returns: the current row.
 */								 */
gint								gint
gnome_db_form_get_current_row (GnomeDbForm *form)		gnome_db_form_get_current_row (GnomeDbForm *form)
{								{
	GList *selection;						GList *selection;
	gint ret;							gint ret;

	g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FORM (form), -1);		g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FORM (form), -1);

	switch (form->priv->type) {					switch (form->priv->type) {
		return form->priv->navigator_current_row;			return form->priv->navigator_current_row;
		g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (form-			g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (form-

		selection = gnome_db_grid_get_selection (GNOM			selection = gnome_db_grid_get_selection (GNOM
		if (selection) {						if (selection) {
			ret = GPOINTER_TO_INT (selection->dat				ret = GPOINTER_TO_INT (selection->dat
			g_list_free (selection);					g_list_free (selection);
			return ret;							return ret;
		}								}
		break;								break;
	}								}

	return -1;							return -1;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_form_set_current_row				 * gnome_db_form_set_current_row
 * @form: a #GnomeDbForm widget.				 * @form: a #GnomeDbForm widget.
 * @row: the new row to display.				 * @row: the new row to display.
 *								 *
 * Sets the current row on the given form widget.		 * Sets the current row on the given form widget.
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_form_set_current_row (GnomeDbForm *form, gint row)	gnome_db_form_set_current_row (GnomeDbForm *form, gint row)
{								{
	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FORM (form));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FORM (form));
	g_return_if_fail (row >= 0);					g_return_if_fail (row >= 0);
	g_return_if_fail (row < gda_data_model_get_n_rows (fo		g_return_if_fail (row < gda_data_model_get_n_rows (fo

	switch (form->priv->type) {					switch (form->priv->type) {
		form->priv->navigator_current_row = row;			form->priv->navigator_current_row = row;
		show_navigator_row (form);					show_navigator_row (form);
		break;								break;
		break;								break;
	}								}
}								}
void							      <
gnome_db_form_show_navigator_buttons(GnomeDbForm *form, gbool <
{							      <
	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FORM (form));	      <
	form->priv->show_navigator_buttons= value;	      <
	setup_widgets_for_model(form);			      <
}							      <
gboolean						      <
gnome_db_form_is_navigator_buttons_shown(GnomeDbForm *form)   <
{							      <
	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FORM (form));	      <
	return form->priv->show_navigator_buttons;	      <
}							      <
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.h ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.h
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#if !defined(__gnome_db_form_h__)				#if !defined(__gnome_db_form_h__)
#  define __gnome_db_form_h__					#  define __gnome_db_form_h__

#include <libgda/gda-data-model.h>				#include <libgda/gda-data-model.h>
#include <gtk/gtkvbox.h>					#include <gtk/gtkvbox.h>


#define GNOME_DB_TYPE_FORM            (gnome_db_form_get_type	#define GNOME_DB_TYPE_FORM            (gnome_db_form_get_type
#define GNOME_DB_FORM(obj)            (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_	#define GNOME_DB_FORM(obj)            (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_

typedef struct _GnomeDbForm        GnomeDbForm;			typedef struct _GnomeDbForm        GnomeDbForm;
typedef struct _GnomeDbFormClass   GnomeDbFormClass;		typedef struct _GnomeDbFormClass   GnomeDbFormClass;
typedef struct _GnomeDbFormPrivate GnomeDbFormPrivate;		typedef struct _GnomeDbFormPrivate GnomeDbFormPrivate;

struct _GnomeDbForm {						struct _GnomeDbForm {
	GtkVBox frame;							GtkVBox frame;
	GnomeDbFormPrivate *priv;					GnomeDbFormPrivate *priv;
};								};

struct _GnomeDbFormClass {					struct _GnomeDbFormClass {
	GtkVBoxClass parent_class;					GtkVBoxClass parent_class;

	/* signals */							/* signals */
	void (* model_changed) (GnomeDbForm *form);			void (* model_changed) (GnomeDbForm *form);
	void (* row_changed) (GnomeDbForm *form);	      <
};								};

typedef enum {							typedef enum {
} GnomeDbFormType;						} GnomeDbFormType;

GType            gnome_db_form_get_type (void);			GType            gnome_db_form_get_type (void);
GtkWidget       *gnome_db_form_new (void);			GtkWidget       *gnome_db_form_new (void);
GnomeDbFormType  gnome_db_form_get_form_type (GnomeDbForm *fo	GnomeDbFormType  gnome_db_form_get_form_type (GnomeDbForm *fo
void             gnome_db_form_set_form_type (GnomeDbForm *fo	void             gnome_db_form_set_form_type (GnomeDbForm *fo
GdaDataModel    *gnome_db_form_get_model (GnomeDbForm *form);	GdaDataModel    *gnome_db_form_get_model (GnomeDbForm *form);
void             gnome_db_form_set_model (GnomeDbForm *form, 	void             gnome_db_form_set_model (GnomeDbForm *form, 
gint             gnome_db_form_get_current_row (GnomeDbForm *	gint             gnome_db_form_get_current_row (GnomeDbForm *
void             gnome_db_form_set_current_row (GnomeDbForm *	void             gnome_db_form_set_current_row (GnomeDbForm *
void			 gnome_db_form_show_navigator_buttons <
gboolean         gnome_db_form_is_navigator_buttons_shown(Gno <


#endif								#endif
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-gray-bar.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-gray-bar.c
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#include <gtk/gtk.h>						#include <gtk/gtk.h>
#include <gdk/gdk.h>						#include <gdk/gdk.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-gray-bar.h>			#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-gray-bar.h>


struct _GnomeDbGrayBarPrivate {					struct _GnomeDbGrayBarPrivate {
	GtkWidget *hbox;						GtkWidget *hbox;
	GtkWidget *icon;						GtkWidget *icon;
	gboolean   show_icon;						gboolean   show_icon;
	GtkWidget *label;						GtkWidget *label;
};								};

static void gnome_db_gray_bar_class_init   (GnomeDbGrayBarCla	static void gnome_db_gray_bar_class_init   (GnomeDbGrayBarCla
static void gnome_db_gray_bar_init         (GnomeDbGrayBar   	static void gnome_db_gray_bar_init         (GnomeDbGrayBar   
					    GnomeDbGrayBarCla						    GnomeDbGrayBarCla
static void gnome_db_gray_bar_realize      (GtkWidget        	static void gnome_db_gray_bar_realize      (GtkWidget        
static void gnome_db_gray_bar_size_request (GtkWidget        	static void gnome_db_gray_bar_size_request (GtkWidget        
					    GtkRequisition   						    GtkRequisition   
static void gnome_db_gray_bar_allocate     (GtkWidget        	static void gnome_db_gray_bar_allocate     (GtkWidget        
					    GtkAllocation    						    GtkAllocation    
static void gnome_db_gray_bar_paint        (GtkWidget        	static void gnome_db_gray_bar_paint        (GtkWidget        
					    GdkRectangle     						    GdkRectangle     
static gint gnome_db_gray_bar_expose       (GtkWidget        	static gint gnome_db_gray_bar_expose       (GtkWidget        
					    GdkEventExpose   						    GdkEventExpose   
static void gnome_db_gray_bar_style_set    (GtkWidget        	static void gnome_db_gray_bar_style_set    (GtkWidget        
					    GtkStyle         						    GtkStyle         
static void gnome_db_gray_bar_set_property (GObject          	static void gnome_db_gray_bar_set_property (GObject          
					    guint            						    guint            
					    const GValue     						    const GValue     
					    GParamSpec       						    GParamSpec       
static void gnome_db_gray_bar_get_property (GObject          	static void gnome_db_gray_bar_get_property (GObject          
					    guint            						    guint            
					    GValue           						    GValue           
					    GParamSpec       						    GParamSpec       
static void gnome_db_gray_bar_finalize     (GObject          	static void gnome_db_gray_bar_finalize     (GObject          

enum {								enum {
	PROP_0,								PROP_0,
};								};

static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL;			static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL;

/*								/*
 * GnomeDbGrayBar class implementation				 * GnomeDbGrayBar class implementation
 */								 */

static void							static void
gnome_db_gray_bar_realize (GtkWidget *widget)			gnome_db_gray_bar_realize (GtkWidget *widget)
{								{
	GdkWindowAttr attributes;					GdkWindowAttr attributes;
	gint attributes_mask;						gint attributes_mask;
	gint border_width;						gint border_width;
	border_width = GTK_CONTAINER (widget)->border_width;		border_width = GTK_CONTAINER (widget)->border_width;
	attributes.x = widget->allocation.x + border_width;		attributes.x = widget->allocation.x + border_width;
	attributes.y = widget->allocation.y + border_width;		attributes.y = widget->allocation.y + border_width;
	attributes.width = widget->allocation.width - 2*borde		attributes.width = widget->allocation.width - 2*borde
	attributes.height = widget->allocation.height - 2*bor		attributes.height = widget->allocation.height - 2*bor
	attributes.window_type = GDK_WINDOW_CHILD;			attributes.window_type = GDK_WINDOW_CHILD;
	attributes.wclass = GDK_INPUT_OUTPUT;				attributes.wclass = GDK_INPUT_OUTPUT;
	attributes.visual = gtk_widget_get_visual (widget);		attributes.visual = gtk_widget_get_visual (widget);
	attributes.colormap = gtk_widget_get_colormap (widget		attributes.colormap = gtk_widget_get_colormap (widget
	attributes.event_mask = gtk_widget_get_events (widget		attributes.event_mask = gtk_widget_get_events (widget
	attributes_mask = GDK_WA_X | GDK_WA_Y | GDK_WA_VISUAL		attributes_mask = GDK_WA_X | GDK_WA_Y | GDK_WA_VISUAL
	widget->window = gdk_window_new (gtk_widget_get_paren		widget->window = gdk_window_new (gtk_widget_get_paren
	gdk_window_set_user_data (widget->window, widget);		gdk_window_set_user_data (widget->window, widget);
	widget->style = gtk_style_attach (widget->style, widg		widget->style = gtk_style_attach (widget->style, widg
	gtk_style_set_background (widget->style, widget->wind		gtk_style_set_background (widget->style, widget->wind
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_gray_bar_size_request (GtkWidget *widget, GtkRequisi	gnome_db_gray_bar_size_request (GtkWidget *widget, GtkRequisi
{								{
	GtkBin *bin = GTK_BIN (widget);					GtkBin *bin = GTK_BIN (widget);
	GtkRequisition child_requisition;				GtkRequisition child_requisition;
	requisition->width = GTK_CONTAINER (widget)->border_w		requisition->width = GTK_CONTAINER (widget)->border_w
	requisition->height = GTK_CONTAINER (widget)->border_		requisition->height = GTK_CONTAINER (widget)->border_
	if (bin->child && GTK_WIDGET_VISIBLE (bin->child)) {		if (bin->child && GTK_WIDGET_VISIBLE (bin->child)) {
		gtk_widget_size_request (bin->child, &child_r			gtk_widget_size_request (bin->child, &child_r
		requisition->width += child_requisition.width			requisition->width += child_requisition.width
		requisition->height += child_requisition.heig			requisition->height += child_requisition.heig
	}								}
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_gray_bar_allocate (GtkWidget *widget, GtkAllocation 	gnome_db_gray_bar_allocate (GtkWidget *widget, GtkAllocation 
{								{
	GtkBin *bin;							GtkBin *bin;
	GtkAllocation child_allocation;					GtkAllocation child_allocation;
	widget->allocation = *allocation;				widget->allocation = *allocation;
	bin = GTK_BIN (widget);						bin = GTK_BIN (widget);
	child_allocation.x = 0;						child_allocation.x = 0;
	child_allocation.y = 0;						child_allocation.y = 0;
	child_allocation.width = MAX (allocation->width - GTK		child_allocation.width = MAX (allocation->width - GTK
	child_allocation.height = MAX (allocation->height - G		child_allocation.height = MAX (allocation->height - G
	if (GTK_WIDGET_REALIZED (widget)) {				if (GTK_WIDGET_REALIZED (widget)) {
		gdk_window_move_resize (widget->window,				gdk_window_move_resize (widget->window,
					allocation->x + GTK_C						allocation->x + GTK_C
					allocation->y + GTK_C						allocation->y + GTK_C
					child_allocation.widt						child_allocation.widt
					child_allocation.heig						child_allocation.heig
	}								}
	if (bin->child)							if (bin->child)
		gtk_widget_size_allocate (bin->child, &child_			gtk_widget_size_allocate (bin->child, &child_
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_gray_bar_style_set (GtkWidget *w, GtkStyle *previous	gnome_db_gray_bar_style_set (GtkWidget *w, GtkStyle *previous
{								{
	static int in_style_set = 0;					static int in_style_set = 0;
	GtkStyle   *style;						GtkStyle   *style;

	if (in_style_set > 0)						if (in_style_set > 0)
                return;						                return;

        in_style_set ++;					        in_style_set ++;

	style = gtk_rc_get_style (GTK_WIDGET (w));			style = gtk_rc_get_style (GTK_WIDGET (w));
	gtk_widget_modify_bg (GTK_WIDGET (w), GTK_STATE_NORMA		gtk_widget_modify_bg (GTK_WIDGET (w), GTK_STATE_NORMA

	in_style_set --;						in_style_set --;

	GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (parent_class)->style_set (w, previo		GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (parent_class)->style_set (w, previo
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_gray_bar_paint (GtkWidget *widget, GdkRectangle *are	gnome_db_gray_bar_paint (GtkWidget *widget, GdkRectangle *are
{								{
	if (!GTK_WIDGET_APP_PAINTABLE (widget)) {			if (!GTK_WIDGET_APP_PAINTABLE (widget)) {
		gtk_paint_flat_box (widget->style, widget->wi			gtk_paint_flat_box (widget->style, widget->wi
				    widget->state, GTK_SHADOW					    widget->state, GTK_SHADOW
				    area, widget, "gnomedbgra					    area, widget, "gnomedbgra
				    1, 1,							    1, 1,
				    (widget->allocation.width					    (widget->allocation.width
				    (widget->allocation.heigh					    (widget->allocation.heigh
		gdk_draw_rectangle (widget->window,				gdk_draw_rectangle (widget->window,
				    widget->style->black_gc,					    widget->style->black_gc,
				    FALSE,							    FALSE,
				    0,								    0,
				    0,								    0,
				    (widget->allocation.width					    (widget->allocation.width
				    (widget->allocation.heigh					    (widget->allocation.heigh
	}								}
}								}

static gboolean							static gboolean
gnome_db_gray_bar_expose (GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventExpose *	gnome_db_gray_bar_expose (GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventExpose *
{   								{   
	g_return_val_if_fail (widget != NULL, FALSE);			g_return_val_if_fail (widget != NULL, FALSE);
	g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRAY_BAR (widget), 		g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRAY_BAR (widget), 
	g_return_val_if_fail (event != NULL, FALSE);			g_return_val_if_fail (event != NULL, FALSE);
	if (event->count > 0)						if (event->count > 0)
		return FALSE;							return FALSE;
	if (GTK_WIDGET_DRAWABLE (widget)) {				if (GTK_WIDGET_DRAWABLE (widget)) {
		gnome_db_gray_bar_paint (widget, &event->area			gnome_db_gray_bar_paint (widget, &event->area
		(* GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (parent_class)->expose_ev			(* GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (parent_class)->expose_ev
	}								}

	return FALSE;							return FALSE;
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_gray_bar_class_init (GnomeDbGrayBarClass *klass)	gnome_db_gray_bar_class_init (GnomeDbGrayBarClass *klass)
{								{
	GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);		GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);
	GtkWidgetClass *widget_class = GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (klas		GtkWidgetClass *widget_class = GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (klas

	parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);		parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);

	object_class->set_property  = gnome_db_gray_bar_set_p		object_class->set_property  = gnome_db_gray_bar_set_p
	object_class->get_property  = gnome_db_gray_bar_get_p		object_class->get_property  = gnome_db_gray_bar_get_p
	object_class->finalize      = gnome_db_gray_bar_final		object_class->finalize      = gnome_db_gray_bar_final
	widget_class->style_set     = gnome_db_gray_bar_style		widget_class->style_set     = gnome_db_gray_bar_style
	widget_class->realize       = gnome_db_gray_bar_reali		widget_class->realize       = gnome_db_gray_bar_reali
	widget_class->size_request  = gnome_db_gray_bar_size_		widget_class->size_request  = gnome_db_gray_bar_size_
	widget_class->size_allocate = gnome_db_gray_bar_alloc		widget_class->size_allocate = gnome_db_gray_bar_alloc
	widget_class->expose_event  = gnome_db_gray_bar_expos		widget_class->expose_event  = gnome_db_gray_bar_expos

	/* add class properties */					/* add class properties */
	g_object_class_install_property (				g_object_class_install_property (
		object_class, PROP_TEXT,					object_class, PROP_TEXT,
		g_param_spec_string ("text", NULL, NULL, NULL			g_param_spec_string ("text", NULL, NULL, NULL
	g_object_class_install_property (				g_object_class_install_property (
		object_class, PROP_SHOW_ICON,					object_class, PROP_SHOW_ICON,
		g_param_spec_string ("show_icon", NULL, NULL,			g_param_spec_string ("show_icon", NULL, NULL,
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_gray_bar_init (GnomeDbGrayBar *bar, GnomeDbGrayBarCl	gnome_db_gray_bar_init (GnomeDbGrayBar *bar, GnomeDbGrayBarCl
{								{
	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRAY_BAR (bar));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRAY_BAR (bar));
	bar->priv = g_new0 (GnomeDbGrayBarPrivate, 1);			bar->priv = g_new0 (GnomeDbGrayBarPrivate, 1);
	bar->priv->hbox = gtk_hbox_new (FALSE, 6);			bar->priv->hbox = gtk_hbox_new (FALSE, 6);
	gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (bar->p		gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (bar->p
	bar->priv->show_icon = FALSE;					bar->priv->show_icon = FALSE;
	bar->priv->icon = gtk_image_new_from_stock (GTK_STOCK		bar->priv->icon = gtk_image_new_from_stock (GTK_STOCK
	gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (bar->priv->icon), 0		gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (bar->priv->icon), 0
	gtk_widget_hide (bar->priv->icon);				gtk_widget_hide (bar->priv->icon);
	gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (bar->priv->hbox), bar->p		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (bar->priv->hbox), bar->p
			    FALSE, TRUE, 0);						    FALSE, TRUE, 0);
	bar->priv->label = gtk_label_new ("");				bar->priv->label = gtk_label_new ("");
	gtk_label_set_selectable (GTK_LABEL (bar->priv->label		gtk_label_set_selectable (GTK_LABEL (bar->priv->label
	gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (bar->priv->label), 		gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (bar->priv->label), 
	gtk_box_pack_end (GTK_BOX (bar->priv->hbox), bar->pri		gtk_box_pack_end (GTK_BOX (bar->priv->hbox), bar->pri
			  TRUE, TRUE, 0);						  TRUE, TRUE, 0);
	gtk_widget_show (bar->priv->label);				gtk_widget_show (bar->priv->label);
	gtk_widget_show (bar->priv->hbox);				gtk_widget_show (bar->priv->hbox);
	gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (bar), bar->priv->hb		gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (bar), bar->priv->hb
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_gray_bar_set_property (GObject *object,		gnome_db_gray_bar_set_property (GObject *object,
				guint param_id,							guint param_id,
				const GValue *value,						const GValue *value,
				GParamSpec *pspec)						GParamSpec *pspec)
{								{
	GnomeDbGrayBar *bar = (GnomeDbGrayBar *) object;		GnomeDbGrayBar *bar = (GnomeDbGrayBar *) object;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRAY_BAR (bar));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRAY_BAR (bar));

	switch (param_id) {						switch (param_id) {
	case PROP_TEXT :						case PROP_TEXT :
		gnome_db_gray_bar_set_text (bar, g_value_get_			gnome_db_gray_bar_set_text (bar, g_value_get_
		break;								break;
	default :							default :
		break;								break;
	}								}
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_gray_bar_get_property (GObject *object,		gnome_db_gray_bar_get_property (GObject *object,
				guint param_id,							guint param_id,
				GValue *value,							GValue *value,
				GParamSpec *pspec)						GParamSpec *pspec)
{								{
	GnomeDbGrayBar *bar = (GnomeDbGrayBar *) object;		GnomeDbGrayBar *bar = (GnomeDbGrayBar *) object;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRAY_BAR (bar));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRAY_BAR (bar));

	switch (param_id) {						switch (param_id) {
	case PROP_TEXT :						case PROP_TEXT :
		g_value_set_string (value, gnome_db_gray_bar_			g_value_set_string (value, gnome_db_gray_bar_
		break;								break;
	default:							default:
		break;								break;
	}								}
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_gray_bar_finalize (GObject *object)			gnome_db_gray_bar_finalize (GObject *object)
{								{
	GnomeDbGrayBar *bar = (GnomeDbGrayBar *) object;		GnomeDbGrayBar *bar = (GnomeDbGrayBar *) object;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRAY_BAR (bar));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRAY_BAR (bar));

	if (bar->priv) {						if (bar->priv) {
		bar->priv->label = NULL;					bar->priv->label = NULL;
		bar->priv->icon = NULL;						bar->priv->icon = NULL;
		bar->priv->hbox = NULL;						bar->priv->hbox = NULL;

		g_free (bar->priv);						g_free (bar->priv);
		bar->priv = NULL;						bar->priv = NULL;
	}								}

	parent_class->finalize (object);				parent_class->finalize (object);
}								}

GType								GType
gnome_db_gray_bar_get_type (void)				gnome_db_gray_bar_get_type (void)
{								{
	static GType type = 0;						static GType type = 0;

	if (!type) {							if (!type) {
		static const GTypeInfo info = {					static const GTypeInfo info = {
			sizeof (GnomeDbGrayBarClass),					sizeof (GnomeDbGrayBarClass),
			(GBaseInitFunc) NULL,						(GBaseInitFunc) NULL,
			(GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL,					(GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL,
			(GClassInitFunc) gnome_db_gray_bar_cl				(GClassInitFunc) gnome_db_gray_bar_cl
			NULL,								NULL,
			NULL,								NULL,
			sizeof (GnomeDbGrayBar),					sizeof (GnomeDbGrayBar),
			0,								0,
			(GInstanceInitFunc) gnome_db_gray_bar				(GInstanceInitFunc) gnome_db_gray_bar
		};								};
		type = g_type_register_static (PARENT_TYPE, "			type = g_type_register_static (PARENT_TYPE, "
	}								}
	return type;							return type;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_gray_bar_new					 * gnome_db_gray_bar_new
 */								 */
GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_gray_bar_new (const gchar *label)			gnome_db_gray_bar_new (const gchar *label)
{								{
	GnomeDbGrayBar *bar;						GnomeDbGrayBar *bar;

	bar = g_object_new (GNOME_DB_TYPE_GRAY_BAR, NULL);		bar = g_object_new (GNOME_DB_TYPE_GRAY_BAR, NULL);
	gnome_db_gray_bar_set_text (bar, label);			gnome_db_gray_bar_set_text (bar, label);

	return GTK_WIDGET (bar);					return GTK_WIDGET (bar);
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_gray_bar_get_text					 * gnome_db_gray_bar_get_text
 * @bar: A #GnomeDbGrayBar widget.				 * @bar: A #GnomeDbGrayBar widget.
 *								 *
 * Get the text being displayed in the given gray bar widget.	 * Get the text being displayed in the given gray bar widget.
 * does not include any embedded underlines indicating mnemon	 * does not include any embedded underlines indicating mnemon
 * Pango markup.						 * Pango markup.
 *								 *
 * Returns: the text in the widget.				 * Returns: the text in the widget.
 */								 */
const gchar *							const gchar *
gnome_db_gray_bar_get_text (GnomeDbGrayBar *bar)		gnome_db_gray_bar_get_text (GnomeDbGrayBar *bar)
{								{
	gchar *text;							gchar *text;
	g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRAY_BAR (bar), NUL		g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRAY_BAR (bar), NUL

	text = gtk_label_get_text (GTK_LABEL (bar->priv->labe		text = gtk_label_get_text (GTK_LABEL (bar->priv->labe

	return (const gchar *) text;					return (const gchar *) text;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_gray_bar_set_text					 * gnome_db_gray_bar_set_text
 * @bar: A #GnomeDbGrayBar widget				 * @bar: A #GnomeDbGrayBar widget
 *								 *
 * Set the text displayed in the given gray bar widget. This 	 * Set the text displayed in the given gray bar widget. This 
 * embedded underlines indicating mnemonics or Pango markup.	 * embedded underlines indicating mnemonics or Pango markup.
 * 								 * 
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_gray_bar_set_text (GnomeDbGrayBar *bar, const gchar 	gnome_db_gray_bar_set_text (GnomeDbGrayBar *bar, const gchar 
{								{
	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRAY_BAR (bar));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRAY_BAR (bar));

	gtk_label_set_markup (GTK_LABEL (bar->priv->label), t		gtk_label_set_markup (GTK_LABEL (bar->priv->label), t
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_gray_set_icon_from_file				 * gnome_db_gray_set_icon_from_file
 * @bar: A #GnomeDbGrayBar widget.				 * @bar: A #GnomeDbGrayBar widget.
 * @file: filename.						 * @file: filename.
 *								 *
 * Set the icon displayed in the given gray bar widget. This 	 * Set the icon displayed in the given gray bar widget. This 
 * embedded underlines indicating mnemonics or Pango markup.	 * embedded underlines indicating mnemonics or Pango markup.
 * 								 * 
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_gray_bar_set_icon_from_file (GnomeDbGrayBar *bar, co	gnome_db_gray_bar_set_icon_from_file (GnomeDbGrayBar *bar, co
{								{
	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRAY_BAR (bar));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRAY_BAR (bar));
	gtk_image_set_from_file (GTK_IMAGE (bar->priv->icon),		gtk_image_set_from_file (GTK_IMAGE (bar->priv->icon),
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_gray_set_icon_from_stock				 * gnome_db_gray_set_icon_from_stock
 * @bar: a #GnomeDbGrayBar widget.				 * @bar: a #GnomeDbGrayBar widget.
 * @stock_id: a stock icon name.				 * @stock_id: a stock icon name.
 * @size: a tock icon size.					 * @size: a tock icon size.
 *								 *
 * Set the icon using a stock icon for the given gray bar.	 * Set the icon using a stock icon for the given gray bar.
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_gray_bar_set_icon_from_stock (GnomeDbGrayBar *bar, c	gnome_db_gray_bar_set_icon_from_stock (GnomeDbGrayBar *bar, c
{								{
	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRAY_BAR (bar));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRAY_BAR (bar));
	gtk_image_set_from_stock (GTK_IMAGE (bar->priv->icon)		gtk_image_set_from_stock (GTK_IMAGE (bar->priv->icon)
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_gray_bar_set_show_icon				 * gnome_db_gray_bar_set_show_icon
 * @bar: a #GnomeDbGrayBar widget.				 * @bar: a #GnomeDbGrayBar widget.
 * @show: whether to show the icon or not.			 * @show: whether to show the icon or not.
 *								 *
 * Set the icon displaying mode for the given grid.		 * Set the icon displaying mode for the given grid.
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_gray_bar_set_show_icon (GnomeDbGrayBar *bar, gboolea	gnome_db_gray_bar_set_show_icon (GnomeDbGrayBar *bar, gboolea
{								{
	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRAY_BAR (bar));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRAY_BAR (bar));

	if (show) {							if (show) {
		gtk_widget_show (bar->priv->icon);				gtk_widget_show (bar->priv->icon);
		bar->priv->show_icon = TRUE;					bar->priv->show_icon = TRUE;
	} else {							} else {
		gtk_widget_hide (bar->priv->icon);				gtk_widget_hide (bar->priv->icon);
		bar->priv->show_icon = FALSE;					bar->priv->show_icon = FALSE;
	}								}
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_gray_bar_get_show_icon				 * gnome_db_gray_bar_get_show_icon
 * @bar: a #GnomeDbGrayBar widget.				 * @bar: a #GnomeDbGrayBar widget.
 *								 *
 * Get whether the icon is being shown for the given gray bar	 * Get whether the icon is being shown for the given gray bar
 *								 *
 * Returns: TRUE if the icon is shown, FALSE if not.		 * Returns: TRUE if the icon is shown, FALSE if not.
 */								 */
gboolean							gboolean
gnome_db_gray_bar_get_show_icon (GnomeDbGrayBar *bar)		gnome_db_gray_bar_get_show_icon (GnomeDbGrayBar *bar)
{								{
	g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRAY_BAR (bar), FAL		g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRAY_BAR (bar), FAL

	return bar->priv->show_icon;					return bar->priv->show_icon;	
}								}
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-gray-bar.h ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-gray-bar.h
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#if !defined(__gnome_db_gray_bar_h__)				#if !defined(__gnome_db_gray_bar_h__)
#  define __gnome_db_gray_bar_h__				#  define __gnome_db_gray_bar_h__

#include <gtk/gtkbin.h>						#include <gtk/gtkbin.h>
#include <gtk/gtkimage.h>					#include <gtk/gtkimage.h>


#define GNOME_DB_TYPE_GRAY_BAR            (gnome_db_gray_bar_	#define GNOME_DB_TYPE_GRAY_BAR            (gnome_db_gray_bar_
#define GNOME_DB_GRAY_BAR(obj)            (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTA	#define GNOME_DB_GRAY_BAR(obj)            (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTA

typedef struct _GnomeDbGrayBar        GnomeDbGrayBar;		typedef struct _GnomeDbGrayBar        GnomeDbGrayBar;
typedef struct _GnomeDbGrayBarClass   GnomeDbGrayBarClass;	typedef struct _GnomeDbGrayBarClass   GnomeDbGrayBarClass;
typedef struct _GnomeDbGrayBarPrivate GnomeDbGrayBarPrivate;	typedef struct _GnomeDbGrayBarPrivate GnomeDbGrayBarPrivate;

struct _GnomeDbGrayBar {					struct _GnomeDbGrayBar {
	GtkBin bin;							GtkBin bin;
	GnomeDbGrayBarPrivate *priv;					GnomeDbGrayBarPrivate *priv;
};								};

struct _GnomeDbGrayBarClass {					struct _GnomeDbGrayBarClass {
	GtkBinClass parent_class;					GtkBinClass parent_class;
};								};

GType        gnome_db_gray_bar_get_type (void);			GType        gnome_db_gray_bar_get_type (void);
GtkWidget   *gnome_db_gray_bar_new (const gchar *text);		GtkWidget   *gnome_db_gray_bar_new (const gchar *text);
const gchar *gnome_db_gray_bar_get_text (GnomeDbGrayBar *bar)	const gchar *gnome_db_gray_bar_get_text (GnomeDbGrayBar *bar)
void         gnome_db_gray_bar_set_text (GnomeDbGrayBar *bar,	void         gnome_db_gray_bar_set_text (GnomeDbGrayBar *bar,
void         gnome_db_gray_bar_set_icon_from_file  (GnomeDbGr	void         gnome_db_gray_bar_set_icon_from_file  (GnomeDbGr
void         gnome_db_gray_bar_set_icon_from_stock (GnomeDbGr	void         gnome_db_gray_bar_set_icon_from_stock (GnomeDbGr
void         gnome_db_gray_bar_set_show_icon       (GnomeDbGr	void         gnome_db_gray_bar_set_show_icon       (GnomeDbGr
gboolean     gnome_db_gray_bar_get_show_icon       (GnomeDbGr	gboolean     gnome_db_gray_bar_get_show_icon       (GnomeDbGr


#endif								#endif
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#include <string.h>						#include <string.h>
#include <glib/gfileutils.h>					#include <glib/gfileutils.h>
#include <libgda/gda-util.h>					#include <libgda/gda-util.h>
#include <gtk/gtkcheckmenuitem.h>				#include <gtk/gtkcheckmenuitem.h>
#include <gtk/gtkdialog.h>					#include <gtk/gtkdialog.h>
#include <gtk/gtklabel.h>					#include <gtk/gtklabel.h>
#include <gtk/gtkradiobutton.h>					#include <gtk/gtkradiobutton.h>
#include <gtk/gtkseparatormenuitem.h>				#include <gtk/gtkseparatormenuitem.h>
#include <gtk/gtkstock.h>					#include <gtk/gtkstock.h>
#include <gtk/gtktable.h>					#include <gtk/gtktable.h>
#include <gtk/gtktreeselection.h>				#include <gtk/gtktreeselection.h>
#include <gtk/gtktreeview.h>					#include <gtk/gtktreeview.h>
#include <gtk/gtkwindow.h>					#include <gtk/gtkwindow.h>
#include <gobject/gmarshal.h>					#include <gobject/gmarshal.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-gray-bar.h>			#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-gray-bar.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-model.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-model.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.h>			#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.h>
#include <libgnomeui/gnome-file-entry.h>			#include <libgnomeui/gnome-file-entry.h>
#endif								#endif
#include "gnome-db-i18n.h"					#include "gnome-db-i18n.h"
#include "libgnomedb-private.h"					#include "libgnomedb-private.h"


struct _GnomeDbGridPrivate {					struct _GnomeDbGridPrivate {
	GdaDataModel *model;						GdaDataModel *model;

	/* widgets */							/* widgets */
	GtkWidget *title;						GtkWidget *title;
	GtkWidget *scroll;						GtkWidget *scroll;
	GtkWidget *tree_view;						GtkWidget *tree_view;

	gchar *title_string;						gchar *title_string;
	gboolean show_title;						gboolean show_title;
	GtkSelectionMode selection_mode;				GtkSelectionMode selection_mode;

	GHashTable *row_data;						GHashTable *row_data;
};								};

static void gnome_db_grid_class_init   (GnomeDbGridClass *kla	static void gnome_db_grid_class_init   (GnomeDbGridClass *kla
static void gnome_db_grid_init         (GnomeDbGrid *grid, Gn	static void gnome_db_grid_init         (GnomeDbGrid *grid, Gn
static void gnome_db_grid_set_property (GObject *object,	static void gnome_db_grid_set_property (GObject *object,
					guint paramid,							guint paramid,
					const GValue *value,						const GValue *value,
					GParamSpec *pspec);						GParamSpec *pspec);
static void gnome_db_grid_get_property (GObject *object,	static void gnome_db_grid_get_property (GObject *object,
					guint param_id,							guint param_id,
					GValue *value,							GValue *value,
					GParamSpec *pspec);						GParamSpec *pspec);
static void gnome_db_grid_finalize   (GObject *object);		static void gnome_db_grid_finalize   (GObject *object);

enum {								enum {
};								};

enum {								enum {
	PROP_0,								PROP_0,
};								};

static gint gnome_db_grid_signals[LAST_SIGNAL] = { 0 };		static gint gnome_db_grid_signals[LAST_SIGNAL] = { 0 };
static GdkAtom clipboard_atom = GDK_NONE;			static GdkAtom clipboard_atom = GDK_NONE;
static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL;			static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL;

/*								/*
 * Callbacks							 * Callbacks
 */								 */

#if 0								#if 0
static void							static void
menu_describe_cb (GtkWidget *widget, gpointer user_data)	menu_describe_cb (GtkWidget *widget, gpointer user_data)
{								{
	GtkWidget *dialog;						GtkWidget *dialog;
	GtkWidget *description;						GtkWidget *description;
	GdkPixbuf *icon;						GdkPixbuf *icon;
	GnomeDbGrid *grid = (GnomeDbGrid *) user_data;			GnomeDbGrid *grid = (GnomeDbGrid *) user_data;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid));

	/* create the dialog */						/* create the dialog */
	dialog = gtk_dialog_new_with_buttons (				dialog = gtk_dialog_new_with_buttons (
		_("Recordset description"),					_("Recordset description"),
		GTK_WINDOW (gtk_widget_get_toplevel (GTK_WIDG			GTK_WINDOW (gtk_widget_get_toplevel (GTK_WIDG
		NULL);								NULL);

	icon = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file (LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR 		icon = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file (LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR 
	if (icon) {							if (icon) {
		gtk_window_set_icon (GTK_WINDOW (dialog), ico			gtk_window_set_icon (GTK_WINDOW (dialog), ico
		g_object_unref (icon);						g_object_unref (icon);
	}								}

	description = gnome_db_table_editor_new ();			description = gnome_db_table_editor_new ();
	gtk_widget_show (description);					gtk_widget_show (description);
	gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (GTK_DIALOG (dialog)->vbo		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (GTK_DIALOG (dialog)->vbo

	/* run the dialog */						/* run the dialog */
	gtk_dialog_run (GTK_DIALOG (dialog));				gtk_dialog_run (GTK_DIALOG (dialog));
	gtk_widget_destroy (dialog);					gtk_widget_destroy (dialog);
}								}
#endif								#endif

static gboolean							static gboolean
confirm_overwrite (GtkWindow *parent, const gchar *path)	confirm_overwrite (GtkWindow *parent, const gchar *path)
{								{
	GtkWidget *dialog, *button;					GtkWidget *dialog, *button;
	gboolean yes;							gboolean yes;
	gchar *msg;							gchar *msg;

	msg = g_strdup_printf (_("File '%s' already exists.\n		msg = g_strdup_printf (_("File '%s' already exists.\n
				 "Do you want to overwrite it					 "Do you want to overwrite it

	/* build the dialog */						/* build the dialog */
	dialog = gnome_db_new_alert (					dialog = gnome_db_new_alert (
		NULL,								NULL,
		msg,								msg,
		_("If you choose yes, the contents will be lo			_("If you choose yes, the contents will be lo
	button = gtk_button_new_from_stock (GTK_STOCK_CANCEL)		button = gtk_button_new_from_stock (GTK_STOCK_CANCEL)
	gtk_dialog_add_action_widget (GTK_DIALOG (dialog),		gtk_dialog_add_action_widget (GTK_DIALOG (dialog),
				      button,							      button,
				      GTK_RESPONSE_NO);						      GTK_RESPONSE_NO);
	gtk_dialog_add_action_widget (GTK_DIALOG (dialog),		gtk_dialog_add_action_widget (GTK_DIALOG (dialog),
				      gtk_button_new_from_sto					      gtk_button_new_from_sto
				      GTK_RESPONSE_YES);					      GTK_RESPONSE_YES);
	gtk_dialog_set_default_response (GTK_DIALOG (dialog),		gtk_dialog_set_default_response (GTK_DIALOG (dialog),

	/* run the dialog */						/* run the dialog */
	gtk_widget_show_all (dialog);					gtk_widget_show_all (dialog);
	yes = gtk_dialog_run (GTK_DIALOG (dialog)) == GTK_RES		yes = gtk_dialog_run (GTK_DIALOG (dialog)) == GTK_RES

	/* free memory */						/* free memory */
	gtk_widget_destroy (dialog);					gtk_widget_destroy (dialog);
	g_free (msg);							g_free (msg);
	return yes;							return yes;
}								}
static void							static void
save_as_response_cb (GtkDialog *dialog, guint response_id, gp	save_as_response_cb (GtkDialog *dialog, guint response_id, gp
{								{
	GtkWidget *types;						GtkWidget *types;
	GtkWidget *sel_type;						GtkWidget *sel_type;
	GtkWidget *to_tab;						GtkWidget *to_tab;
	GtkWidget *to_comma;						GtkWidget *to_comma;
	GtkWidget *to_xml;						GtkWidget *to_xml;
	GtkWidget *filename;						GtkWidget *filename;
	GnomeDbGrid *grid = (GnomeDbGrid *) user_data;			GnomeDbGrid *grid = (GnomeDbGrid *) user_data;

	if (response_id == GTK_RESPONSE_OK) {				if (response_id == GTK_RESPONSE_OK) {
		gchar *body;							gchar *body;
		gchar *path;							gchar *path;

		types = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (dialog),			types = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (dialog),
		to_tab = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (dialog)			to_tab = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (dialog)
		to_comma = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (dialo			to_comma = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (dialo
		to_xml = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (dialog)			to_xml = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (dialog)
		filename = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (dialo			filename = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (dialo

		sel_type = gtk_menu_get_active (				sel_type = gtk_menu_get_active (
			GTK_MENU (gtk_option_menu_get_menu (G				GTK_MENU (gtk_option_menu_get_menu (G

		if (sel_type == to_tab)						if (sel_type == to_tab)
			body = gda_data_model_to_tab_separate				body = gda_data_model_to_tab_separate
		else if (sel_type == to_comma)					else if (sel_type == to_comma)
			body = gda_data_model_to_comma_separa				body = gda_data_model_to_comma_separa
		else if (sel_type == to_xml)					else if (sel_type == to_xml)
			body = gda_data_model_to_xml (grid->p				body = gda_data_model_to_xml (grid->p
		else								else
			body = NULL;							body = NULL;

		if (body) {							if (body) {
			path = gnome_file_entry_get_full_path				path = gnome_file_entry_get_full_path
			if (path) {							if (path) {
				if (g_file_test (path, G_FILE					if (g_file_test (path, G_FILE
					if (!confirm_overwrit						if (!confirm_overwrit
						g_free (body)							g_free (body)
						g_free (path)							g_free (path)
						return;								return;
					}								}
				}								}

				if (!gda_file_save (path, bod					if (!gda_file_save (path, bod
					gnome_db_show_error (						gnome_db_show_error (
					g_free (body);							g_free (body);
					g_free (path);							g_free (path);
					return;								return;
				}								}
				g_free (path);							g_free (path);
			} else {							} else {
				gnome_db_show_error (_("You m					gnome_db_show_error (_("You m
				g_free (body);							g_free (body);
				return;								return;
			}								}
			g_free (body);							g_free (body);
		} else								} else
			gnome_db_show_error (_("Got empty fil				gnome_db_show_error (_("Got empty fil
	}								}

	gtk_widget_destroy (GTK_WIDGET (dialog));			gtk_widget_destroy (GTK_WIDGET (dialog));
}								}

static void							static void
filename_changed_cb (GtkWidget *widget, GtkDialog *dialog)	filename_changed_cb (GtkWidget *widget, GtkDialog *dialog)
{								{
	gboolean ok = gnome_file_entry_get_full_path (GNOME_F		gboolean ok = gnome_file_entry_get_full_path (GNOME_F
	gtk_dialog_set_response_sensitive (dialog, GTK_RESPON		gtk_dialog_set_response_sensitive (dialog, GTK_RESPON
}								}

static void							static void
menu_save_as_cb (GtkWidget *widget, gpointer user_data)		menu_save_as_cb (GtkWidget *widget, gpointer user_data)
{								{
	GtkWidget *dialog;						GtkWidget *dialog;
	GtkWidget *table;						GtkWidget *table;
	GtkWidget *label;						GtkWidget *label;
	GtkWidget *filename;						GtkWidget *filename;
	GtkWidget *types;						GtkWidget *types;
	GtkWidget *to_tab;						GtkWidget *to_tab;
	GtkWidget *to_comma;						GtkWidget *to_comma;
	GtkWidget *to_xml;						GtkWidget *to_xml;
	GnomeDbGrid *grid = (GnomeDbGrid *) user_data;			GnomeDbGrid *grid = (GnomeDbGrid *) user_data;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid));
	g_return_if_fail (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (grid->priv->mode		g_return_if_fail (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (grid->priv->mode

	/* create dialog box */						/* create dialog box */
	dialog = gtk_dialog_new_with_buttons (				dialog = gtk_dialog_new_with_buttons (
		_("Saving Model"),						_("Saving Model"),
		GTK_WINDOW (gtk_widget_get_toplevel (GTK_WIDG			GTK_WINDOW (gtk_widget_get_toplevel (GTK_WIDG
		NULL);								NULL);
	gtk_window_set_resizable (GTK_WINDOW (dialog), FALSE)		gtk_window_set_resizable (GTK_WINDOW (dialog), FALSE)
	gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (dialog		gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (dialog
	gtk_dialog_set_response_sensitive (GTK_DIALOG (dialog		gtk_dialog_set_response_sensitive (GTK_DIALOG (dialog

	table = gnome_db_new_table_widget (2, 2, FALSE);		table = gnome_db_new_table_widget (2, 2, FALSE);
	gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (GTK_DIALOG (dialog)->vbo		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (GTK_DIALOG (dialog)->vbo
	label = gtk_label_new_with_mnemonic (_("File _name:")		label = gtk_label_new_with_mnemonic (_("File _name:")
	gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (label), 0.0, 0.0);		gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (label), 0.0, 0.0);
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), label, 0, 1, 0, 		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), label, 0, 1, 0, 
	filename = gnome_db_new_file_entry_widget ("gnome-db-		filename = gnome_db_new_file_entry_widget ("gnome-db-
						   _("Select 							   _("Select 
	g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (filename), "changed",		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (filename), "changed",
			  G_CALLBACK (filename_changed_cb), d				  G_CALLBACK (filename_changed_cb), d
	g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (dialog), "filename", fil		g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (dialog), "filename", fil
	gtk_label_set_mnemonic_widget (GTK_LABEL (label), fil		gtk_label_set_mnemonic_widget (GTK_LABEL (label), fil
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), filename, 1, 2, 		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), filename, 1, 2, 

	label = gtk_label_new_with_mnemonic (_("File _type:")		label = gtk_label_new_with_mnemonic (_("File _type:")
	gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (label), 0.0, 0.0);		gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (label), 0.0, 0.0);
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), label, 0, 1, 1, 		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), label, 0, 1, 1, 
	types = gnome_db_new_option_menu_widget ();			types = gnome_db_new_option_menu_widget ();
	gtk_label_set_mnemonic_widget (GTK_LABEL (label), typ		gtk_label_set_mnemonic_widget (GTK_LABEL (label), typ
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), types, 1, 2, 1, 		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), types, 1, 2, 1, 
	g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (dialog), "types", types)		g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (dialog), "types", types)
	to_tab = gnome_db_option_menu_add_item (GTK_OPTION_ME		to_tab = gnome_db_option_menu_add_item (GTK_OPTION_ME
						_("Tab-delimi							_("Tab-delimi
	g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (dialog), "to_tab", to_ta		g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (dialog), "to_tab", to_ta
	to_comma = gnome_db_option_menu_add_item (GTK_OPTION_		to_comma = gnome_db_option_menu_add_item (GTK_OPTION_
						  _("Comma-de							  _("Comma-de
	g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (dialog), "to_comma", to_		g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (dialog), "to_comma", to_
	to_xml = gnome_db_option_menu_add_item (GTK_OPTION_ME		to_xml = gnome_db_option_menu_add_item (GTK_OPTION_ME
						_("XML"));							_("XML"));
	gnome_db_option_menu_set_selection (GTK_OPTION_MENU (		gnome_db_option_menu_set_selection (GTK_OPTION_MENU (
	g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (dialog), "to_xml", to_xm		g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (dialog), "to_xml", to_xm

	/* run the dialog */						/* run the dialog */
	g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (dialog), "response", G_CA		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (dialog), "response", G_CA
	gtk_widget_show_all (dialog);					gtk_widget_show_all (dialog);
}								}
#endif								#endif

static void							static void
menu_select_all_cb (GtkWidget *widget, gpointer user_data)	menu_select_all_cb (GtkWidget *widget, gpointer user_data)
{								{
	GnomeDbGrid *grid = (GnomeDbGrid *) user_data;			GnomeDbGrid *grid = (GnomeDbGrid *) user_data;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid));
	gnome_db_grid_select_all (grid);				gnome_db_grid_select_all (grid);
}								}

static void							static void
menu_show_columns_cb (GtkWidget *widget, gpointer user_data)	menu_show_columns_cb (GtkWidget *widget, gpointer user_data)
{								{
	GnomeDbGrid *grid;						GnomeDbGrid *grid;
	GtkCheckMenuItem *item;						GtkCheckMenuItem *item;

	grid = (GnomeDbGrid *) user_data;				grid = (GnomeDbGrid *) user_data;
	item = (GtkCheckMenuItem *) widget;				item = (GtkCheckMenuItem *) widget;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid));
	g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_CHECK_MENU_ITEM (item));		g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_CHECK_MENU_ITEM (item));

	gnome_db_grid_set_column_titles_visible (			gnome_db_grid_set_column_titles_visible (
		grid, 								grid, 
		gtk_check_menu_item_get_active (item));				gtk_check_menu_item_get_active (item));
}								}

static void							static void
menu_unselect_all_cb (GtkWidget *widget, gpointer user_data)	menu_unselect_all_cb (GtkWidget *widget, gpointer user_data)
{								{
	GnomeDbGrid *grid = (GnomeDbGrid *) user_data;			GnomeDbGrid *grid = (GnomeDbGrid *) user_data;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid));
	gnome_db_grid_unselect_all (grid);				gnome_db_grid_unselect_all (grid);
}								}

#if 0								#if 0
static void							static void
menu_view_detail_cb (GtkWidget *widget, gpointer user_data)	menu_view_detail_cb (GtkWidget *widget, gpointer user_data)
{								{
	GtkWidget *dialog;						GtkWidget *dialog;
	GtkWidget *form;						GtkWidget *form;
	GdkPixbuf *icon;						GdkPixbuf *icon;
	GnomeDbGrid *grid = (GnomeDbGrid *) user_data;			GnomeDbGrid *grid = (GnomeDbGrid *) user_data;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid));

	/* create the dialog */						/* create the dialog */
	dialog = gtk_dialog_new_with_buttons (				dialog = gtk_dialog_new_with_buttons (
		_("View detail"),						_("View detail"),
		GTK_WINDOW (gtk_widget_get_toplevel (GTK_WIDG			GTK_WINDOW (gtk_widget_get_toplevel (GTK_WIDG
		NULL);								NULL);

	icon = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file (LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR 		icon = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file (LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR 
	if (icon) {							if (icon) {
		gtk_window_set_icon (GTK_WINDOW (dialog), ico			gtk_window_set_icon (GTK_WINDOW (dialog), ico
		g_object_unref (icon);						g_object_unref (icon);
	}								}

	form = gnome_db_form_new ();					form = gnome_db_form_new ();
	gtk_widget_show (form);						gtk_widget_show (form);
	gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (GTK_DIALOG (dialog)->vbo		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (GTK_DIALOG (dialog)->vbo
	gnome_db_form_set_form_type (GNOME_DB_FORM (form), GN		gnome_db_form_set_form_type (GNOME_DB_FORM (form), GN
	gnome_db_form_set_model (GNOME_DB_FORM (form), grid->		gnome_db_form_set_model (GNOME_DB_FORM (form), grid->

	/* run the dialog */						/* run the dialog */
	gtk_dialog_run (GTK_DIALOG (dialog));				gtk_dialog_run (GTK_DIALOG (dialog));
	gtk_widget_destroy (dialog);					gtk_widget_destroy (dialog);
}								}
#endif								#endif

static void							static void
model_row_removed_cb (GdaDataModel *model, gint row, gpointer	model_row_removed_cb (GdaDataModel *model, gint row, gpointer
{								{
	gint i, rows;							gint i, rows;
	gpointer key, value;						gpointer key, value;
	GnomeDbGrid *grid = (GnomeDbGrid *) user_data;			GnomeDbGrid *grid = (GnomeDbGrid *) user_data;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid));

	rows = gda_data_model_get_n_rows (grid->priv->model);		rows = gda_data_model_get_n_rows (grid->priv->model);
	for (i = row; i <= rows; i++) {					for (i = row; i <= rows; i++) {
		if (g_hash_table_lookup_extended (grid->priv-			if (g_hash_table_lookup_extended (grid->priv-
			g_hash_table_remove (grid->priv->row_				g_hash_table_remove (grid->priv->row_
			if (i > row) {							if (i > row) {
				/* update the rows */						/* update the rows */
				g_hash_table_insert (grid->pr					g_hash_table_insert (grid->pr
			}								}
		}								}
	}								}
}								}

static gint							static gint
popup_button_pressed_cb (GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventButton *e	popup_button_pressed_cb (GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventButton *e
{								{
	GtkWidget *menu;						GtkWidget *menu;
	GnomeDbGrid *grid = (GnomeDbGrid *) user_data;			GnomeDbGrid *grid = (GnomeDbGrid *) user_data;

	g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid), FALSE)		g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid), FALSE)
	if (event->button != 3)						if (event->button != 3)
		return FALSE;							return FALSE;

	/* create the menu */						/* create the menu */
	menu = gtk_menu_new ();						menu = gtk_menu_new ();
	gtk_menu_append (						gtk_menu_append (
		GTK_MENU (menu),						GTK_MENU (menu),
		gnome_db_new_menu_item (_("Select _All"),			gnome_db_new_menu_item (_("Select _All"),
					FALSE,								FALSE,
					G_CALLBACK (menu_sele						G_CALLBACK (menu_sele
					grid));								grid));	
	gtk_menu_append (						gtk_menu_append (
		GTK_MENU (menu),						GTK_MENU (menu),
		gnome_db_new_menu_item (_("_Clear Selection")			gnome_db_new_menu_item (_("_Clear Selection")
					FALSE,								FALSE,
					G_CALLBACK (menu_unse						G_CALLBACK (menu_unse
					grid));								grid));
	gtk_menu_append (						gtk_menu_append (
		GTK_MENU (menu),						GTK_MENU (menu),
		gnome_db_new_check_menu_item (					gnome_db_new_check_menu_item (
			_("Show Column _Titles"),					_("Show Column _Titles"),
			gnome_db_grid_get_column_titles_visib				gnome_db_grid_get_column_titles_visib
			G_CALLBACK (menu_show_columns_cb),				G_CALLBACK (menu_show_columns_cb),
			grid));								grid));

	gtk_menu_append (GTK_MENU (menu), gtk_separator_menu_		gtk_menu_append (GTK_MENU (menu), gtk_separator_menu_
	gtk_menu_append (						gtk_menu_append (
		GTK_MENU (menu),						GTK_MENU (menu),
		gnome_db_new_menu_item (GTK_STOCK_SAVE_AS,			gnome_db_new_menu_item (GTK_STOCK_SAVE_AS,
					TRUE,								TRUE,
				      	G_CALLBACK (menu_save					      	G_CALLBACK (menu_save
					grid));								grid));
#endif								#endif
#if 0								#if 0
	add_popup_menu_item (GTK_MENU (menu), _("Describe"), 		add_popup_menu_item (GTK_MENU (menu), _("Describe"), 
	add_popup_menu_item (GTK_MENU (menu), _("View detail.		add_popup_menu_item (GTK_MENU (menu), _("View detail.
#endif								#endif

	/* allow listeners to add their custom menu items */		/* allow listeners to add their custom menu items */
	g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (grid), gnome_db_grid_signals		g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (grid), gnome_db_grid_signals
	gtk_menu_popup (GTK_MENU (menu), NULL, NULL, NULL, NU		gtk_menu_popup (GTK_MENU (menu), NULL, NULL, NULL, NU
	gtk_widget_show_all (menu);					gtk_widget_show_all (menu);

	return TRUE;							return TRUE;
}								}

static void							static void
selection_foreach (GtkTreeModel *tree_model,			selection_foreach (GtkTreeModel *tree_model,
		   GtkTreePath *path,						   GtkTreePath *path,
		   GtkTreeIter *iter,						   GtkTreeIter *iter,
		   gpointer user_data)						   gpointer user_data)
{								{
	DataModelInfo *iter_info;					DataModelInfo *iter_info;
	GnomeDbGrid *grid = (GnomeDbGrid *) user_data;			GnomeDbGrid *grid = (GnomeDbGrid *) user_data;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid));
	g_return_if_fail (iter != NULL);				g_return_if_fail (iter != NULL);

	gtk_tree_model_get (tree_model, iter, 0, &iter_info, 		gtk_tree_model_get (tree_model, iter, 0, &iter_info, 
	if (iter_info) {						if (iter_info) {
		g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (grid), gnome_db_grid			g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (grid), gnome_db_grid
			       0, iter_info->row);					       0, iter_info->row);
	}								}
}								}

static void							static void
selection_changed_cb (GtkTreeSelection *selection, gpointer u	selection_changed_cb (GtkTreeSelection *selection, gpointer u
{								{
	GtkTreeModel *tree_model;					GtkTreeModel *tree_model;
	GtkTreeIter iter;						GtkTreeIter iter;
	GnomeDbGrid *grid = (GnomeDbGrid *) user_data;			GnomeDbGrid *grid = (GnomeDbGrid *) user_data;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid));

	switch (gtk_tree_selection_get_mode (selection)) {		switch (gtk_tree_selection_get_mode (selection)) {
		gtk_tree_selection_selected_foreach (				gtk_tree_selection_selected_foreach (
			selection,							selection,
			(GtkTreeSelectionForeachFunc) selecti				(GtkTreeSelectionForeachFunc) selecti
			grid);								grid);
		break;								break;
	default :							default :
		if (gtk_tree_selection_get_selected (selectio			if (gtk_tree_selection_get_selected (selectio
			DataModelInfo *iter_info;					DataModelInfo *iter_info;

			gtk_tree_model_get (tree_model, &iter				gtk_tree_model_get (tree_model, &iter
			g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (grid), gnome				g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (grid), gnome
				       0, iter_info->row);					       0, iter_info->row);
		}								}
		else								else
			g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (grid),					g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (grid),
				       gnome_db_grid_signals[					       gnome_db_grid_signals[
		break;								break;
	}								}
}								}

static void							static void
tree_view_row_activated_cb (GtkTreeView *tree_view, GtkTreePa	tree_view_row_activated_cb (GtkTreeView *tree_view, GtkTreePa
			    GtkTreeViewColumn *column, gpoint				    GtkTreeViewColumn *column, gpoint
{								{
	GtkTreeIter iter;						GtkTreeIter iter;
	DataModelInfo *info = NULL;					DataModelInfo *info = NULL;
	GnomeDbGrid *grid = (GnomeDbGrid *) user_data;			GnomeDbGrid *grid = (GnomeDbGrid *) user_data;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid));

	if (!gtk_tree_model_get_iter (gtk_tree_view_get_model		if (!gtk_tree_model_get_iter (gtk_tree_view_get_model
		return;								return;

	gtk_tree_model_get (gtk_tree_view_get_model (GTK_TREE		gtk_tree_model_get (gtk_tree_view_get_model (GTK_TREE
	if (!info)							if (!info)
		return;								return;

	g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (grid), gnome_db_grid_signals		g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (grid), gnome_db_grid_signals
}								}

/*								/*
 * Private functions						 * Private functions
 */								 */

static void							static void
setup_grid (GnomeDbGrid *grid)					setup_grid (GnomeDbGrid *grid)
{								{
	GtkTreeSelection *selection;					GtkTreeSelection *selection;

	g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (grid->priv->tree_view), "		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (grid->priv->tree_view), "
			  G_CALLBACK (tree_view_row_activated				  G_CALLBACK (tree_view_row_activated
	g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (grid->priv->tree_view), "		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (grid->priv->tree_view), "
			  G_CALLBACK (popup_button_pressed_cb				  G_CALLBACK (popup_button_pressed_cb

	/* setup selection stuff */					/* setup selection stuff */
	selection = gtk_tree_view_get_selection (GTK_TREE_VIE		selection = gtk_tree_view_get_selection (GTK_TREE_VIE
	gtk_tree_selection_set_mode (selection, grid->priv->s		gtk_tree_selection_set_mode (selection, grid->priv->s
	g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (selection), "changed",		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (selection), "changed",
			  G_CALLBACK (selection_changed_cb), 				  G_CALLBACK (selection_changed_cb), 
}								}

/*								/*
 * GnomeDbGrid class implementation				 * GnomeDbGrid class implementation
 */								 */

static void							static void
gnome_db_grid_class_init (GnomeDbGridClass *klass)		gnome_db_grid_class_init (GnomeDbGridClass *klass)
{								{
	GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);		GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);

	parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);		parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);

	object_class->set_property = gnome_db_grid_set_proper		object_class->set_property = gnome_db_grid_set_proper
	object_class->get_property = gnome_db_grid_get_proper		object_class->get_property = gnome_db_grid_get_proper
	object_class->finalize = gnome_db_grid_finalize;		object_class->finalize = gnome_db_grid_finalize;
	klass->row_selected = NULL;					klass->row_selected = NULL;
	klass->selection_cleared = NULL;				klass->selection_cleared = NULL;

	/* add class properties */					/* add class properties */
	g_object_class_install_property (				g_object_class_install_property (
		object_class, PROP_MODEL,					object_class, PROP_MODEL,
		g_param_spec_object ("model", NULL, NULL,			g_param_spec_object ("model", NULL, NULL,

	/* add class signals */						/* add class signals */
	gnome_db_grid_signals[ROW_SELECTED] =				gnome_db_grid_signals[ROW_SELECTED] =
		g_signal_new ("row_selected",					g_signal_new ("row_selected",
			      G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class				      G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class
			      G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,					      G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,
			      G_STRUCT_OFFSET (GnomeDbGridCla				      G_STRUCT_OFFSET (GnomeDbGridCla
			      NULL, NULL,						      NULL, NULL,
			      g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__INT,				      g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__INT,
			      G_TYPE_NONE, 1, G_TYPE_INT);				      G_TYPE_NONE, 1, G_TYPE_INT);
	gnome_db_grid_signals[SELECTION_CLEARED] =			gnome_db_grid_signals[SELECTION_CLEARED] =
		g_signal_new ("selection_cleared",				g_signal_new ("selection_cleared",
			      G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class				      G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class
			      G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,					      G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,
			      G_STRUCT_OFFSET (GnomeDbGridCla				      G_STRUCT_OFFSET (GnomeDbGridCla
			      NULL, NULL,						      NULL, NULL,
			      g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID,				      g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID,
			      G_TYPE_NONE, 0);						      G_TYPE_NONE, 0);
	gnome_db_grid_signals[DOUBLE_CLICKED] =				gnome_db_grid_signals[DOUBLE_CLICKED] =
		g_signal_new ("double_clicked",					g_signal_new ("double_clicked",
			      G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class				      G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class
			      G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,					      G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,
			      G_STRUCT_OFFSET (GnomeDbGridCla				      G_STRUCT_OFFSET (GnomeDbGridCla
			      NULL, NULL,						      NULL, NULL,
			      g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__INT,				      g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__INT,
			      G_TYPE_NONE, 1, G_TYPE_INT);				      G_TYPE_NONE, 1, G_TYPE_INT);
	gnome_db_grid_signals[CREATE_POPUP_MENU] =			gnome_db_grid_signals[CREATE_POPUP_MENU] =
		g_signal_new ("create_popup_menu",				g_signal_new ("create_popup_menu",
			      G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class				      G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class
			      G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,					      G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,
			      G_STRUCT_OFFSET (GnomeDbGridCla				      G_STRUCT_OFFSET (GnomeDbGridCla
			      NULL, NULL,						      NULL, NULL,
			      g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__POINTE				      g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__POINTE

	/* clipboard atom */						/* clipboard atom */
	if (!clipboard_atom)						if (!clipboard_atom)
		clipboard_atom = gdk_atom_intern ("CLIPBOARD"			clipboard_atom = gdk_atom_intern ("CLIPBOARD"
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_grid_init (GnomeDbGrid *grid, GnomeDbGridClass *klas	gnome_db_grid_init (GnomeDbGrid *grid, GnomeDbGridClass *klas
{								{
	/* allocate the internal structure */				/* allocate the internal structure */
	grid->priv = g_new0 (GnomeDbGridPrivate, 1);			grid->priv = g_new0 (GnomeDbGridPrivate, 1);
	grid->priv->show_title = FALSE;					grid->priv->show_title = FALSE;
	grid->priv->title_string = g_strdup (_("Title"));		grid->priv->title_string = g_strdup (_("Title"));
	grid->priv->row_data = g_hash_table_new (g_direct_has		grid->priv->row_data = g_hash_table_new (g_direct_has

	/* set up widgets */						/* set up widgets */
	grid->priv->title = gnome_db_gray_bar_new (grid->priv		grid->priv->title = gnome_db_gray_bar_new (grid->priv
	gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (grid), grid->priv->title		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (grid), grid->priv->title

	grid->priv->scroll = gnome_db_new_scrolled_window_wid		grid->priv->scroll = gnome_db_new_scrolled_window_wid
	gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (grid), grid->priv->scrol		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (grid), grid->priv->scrol

	grid->priv->tree_view = gnome_db_new_tree_view_widget		grid->priv->tree_view = gnome_db_new_tree_view_widget
	gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (grid->priv->scroll)		gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (grid->priv->scroll)
	setup_grid (grid);						setup_grid (grid);

	gnome_db_grid_set_selection_mode (grid, GTK_SELECTION		gnome_db_grid_set_selection_mode (grid, GTK_SELECTION
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_grid_set_property (GObject *object,			gnome_db_grid_set_property (GObject *object,
			    guint param_id,						    guint param_id,
			    const GValue *value,					    const GValue *value,
			    GParamSpec *pspec)						    GParamSpec *pspec)
{								{
	GnomeDbGrid *grid = (GnomeDbGrid *) object;			GnomeDbGrid *grid = (GnomeDbGrid *) object;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid));

	switch (param_id) {						switch (param_id) {
	case PROP_MODEL :						case PROP_MODEL :
		gnome_db_grid_set_model (grid, GDA_DATA_MODEL			gnome_db_grid_set_model (grid, GDA_DATA_MODEL
		break;								break;
	default :							default :
		break;								break;
	}								}
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_grid_get_property (GObject *object,			gnome_db_grid_get_property (GObject *object,
			    guint param_id,						    guint param_id,
			    GValue *value,						    GValue *value,
			    GParamSpec *pspec)						    GParamSpec *pspec)
{								{
	GnomeDbGrid *grid = (GnomeDbGrid *) object;			GnomeDbGrid *grid = (GnomeDbGrid *) object;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid));

	switch (param_id) {						switch (param_id) {
	case PROP_MODEL :						case PROP_MODEL :
		g_value_set_object (value, G_OBJECT (grid->pr			g_value_set_object (value, G_OBJECT (grid->pr
		break;								break;
	default:							default:
		break;								break;
	}								}
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_grid_finalize (GObject *object)			gnome_db_grid_finalize (GObject *object)
{								{
	GnomeDbGrid *grid = (GnomeDbGrid *) object;			GnomeDbGrid *grid = (GnomeDbGrid *) object;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid));

	/* free memory */						/* free memory */
	if (grid->priv->title_string) {					if (grid->priv->title_string) {
		g_free (grid->priv->title_string);				g_free (grid->priv->title_string);
		grid->priv->title_string = NULL;				grid->priv->title_string = NULL;
	}								}

	if (grid->priv->model) {					if (grid->priv->model) {
		g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func (G_OBJEC			g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func (G_OBJEC
		g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (grid->priv->model))			g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (grid->priv->model))
		grid->priv->model = NULL;					grid->priv->model = NULL;
	}								}

	g_hash_table_destroy (grid->priv->row_data);			g_hash_table_destroy (grid->priv->row_data);
	grid->priv->row_data = NULL;					grid->priv->row_data = NULL;

	g_free (grid->priv);						g_free (grid->priv);
	grid->priv = NULL;						grid->priv = NULL;

	parent_class->finalize (object);				parent_class->finalize (object);
}								}

GType								GType
gnome_db_grid_get_type (void)					gnome_db_grid_get_type (void)
{								{
	static GType type = 0;						static GType type = 0;

	if (!type) {							if (!type) {
		static const GTypeInfo info = {					static const GTypeInfo info = {
			sizeof (GnomeDbGridClass),					sizeof (GnomeDbGridClass),
			(GBaseInitFunc) NULL,						(GBaseInitFunc) NULL,
			(GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL,					(GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL,
			(GClassInitFunc) gnome_db_grid_class_				(GClassInitFunc) gnome_db_grid_class_
			NULL,								NULL,
			NULL,								NULL,
			sizeof (GnomeDbGrid),						sizeof (GnomeDbGrid),
			0,								0,
			(GInstanceInitFunc) gnome_db_grid_ini				(GInstanceInitFunc) gnome_db_grid_ini
		};								};
		type = g_type_register_static (PARENT_TYPE, "			type = g_type_register_static (PARENT_TYPE, "
	}								}
	return type;							return type;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_grid_new						 * gnome_db_grid_new
 * 								 * 
 * Create a #GnomeDbGrid.					 * Create a #GnomeDbGrid.
 *								 *
 * Returns: a GtkWidget widget.					 * Returns: a GtkWidget widget.
 */								 */
GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_grid_new (void)					gnome_db_grid_new (void)
{								{
	GnomeDbGrid *grid;						GnomeDbGrid *grid;

	grid = g_object_new (GNOME_DB_TYPE_GRID, NULL);			grid = g_object_new (GNOME_DB_TYPE_GRID, NULL);
	return GTK_WIDGET (grid);					return GTK_WIDGET (grid);
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_grid_new_with_model					 * gnome_db_grid_new_with_model
 * @model: a #GdaDataModel variable.				 * @model: a #GdaDataModel variable.
 * 								 * 
 * Create a #GnomeDbGrid with a #GdaDataModel.			 * Create a #GnomeDbGrid with a #GdaDataModel.
 *								 *
 * Returns: a GtkWidget widget.					 * Returns: a GtkWidget widget.
 */								 */
GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_grid_new_with_model (GdaDataModel *model)		gnome_db_grid_new_with_model (GdaDataModel *model)
{								{
	GnomeDbGrid *grid;						GnomeDbGrid *grid;

	grid = g_object_new (GNOME_DB_TYPE_GRID, NULL);			grid = g_object_new (GNOME_DB_TYPE_GRID, NULL);
	gnome_db_grid_set_model (grid, model);				gnome_db_grid_set_model (grid, model);
	return GTK_WIDGET (grid);					return GTK_WIDGET (grid);
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_grid_get_title					 * gnome_db_grid_get_title
 * @grid: a #GnomeDbGrid widget.				 * @grid: a #GnomeDbGrid widget.
 *								 *
 * Get the title for the given grid.				 * Get the title for the given grid.
 *								 *
 * Returns: the title associated with the grid.			 * Returns: the title associated with the grid.
 */								 */
const gchar *							const gchar *
gnome_db_grid_get_title (GnomeDbGrid *grid)			gnome_db_grid_get_title (GnomeDbGrid *grid)
{								{
	g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid), NULL);		g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid), NULL);
	return (const gchar *) grid->priv->title_string;		return (const gchar *) grid->priv->title_string;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_grid_set_title					 * gnome_db_grid_set_title
 * @grid: a #GnomeDbGrid widget.				 * @grid: a #GnomeDbGrid widget.
 * @title: new title.						 * @title: new title.
 *								 *
 * Set the title for the given grid.				 * Set the title for the given grid.
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_grid_set_title (GnomeDbGrid *grid, const gchar *titl	gnome_db_grid_set_title (GnomeDbGrid *grid, const gchar *titl
{								{
	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid));

	if (grid->priv->title_string)					if (grid->priv->title_string)
		g_free (grid->priv->title_string);				g_free (grid->priv->title_string);

	grid->priv->title_string = g_strdup (title);			grid->priv->title_string = g_strdup (title);

	gnome_db_gray_bar_set_text (GNOME_DB_GRAY_BAR (grid->		gnome_db_gray_bar_set_text (GNOME_DB_GRAY_BAR (grid->
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_grid_set_column_title				 * gnome_db_grid_set_column_title
 * @grid: a #GnomeDbGrid widget					 * @grid: a #GnomeDbGrid widget
 * @col: the number of the column to change the title		 * @col: the number of the column to change the title
 * @title: the new title for this column			 * @title: the new title for this column
 *								 *
 * Sets the title for a column					 * Sets the title for a column
 */								 */
void 								void 
gnome_db_grid_set_column_title (GnomeDbGrid *grid, gint col, 	gnome_db_grid_set_column_title (GnomeDbGrid *grid, gint col, 
{								{
	GtkTreeViewColumn *column = NULL;				GtkTreeViewColumn *column = NULL;
	gint number_columns;						gint number_columns;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid));
	g_return_if_fail (title != NULL);				g_return_if_fail (title != NULL);

	number_columns = gda_data_model_get_n_columns (grid->		number_columns = gda_data_model_get_n_columns (grid->
	if (col >= 0 && col < number_columns) {				if (col >= 0 && col < number_columns) {
		column = gtk_tree_view_get_column ( GTK_TREE_			column = gtk_tree_view_get_column ( GTK_TREE_
		gtk_tree_view_column_set_title (column, title			gtk_tree_view_column_set_title (column, title
	}								}
}								}

/** 								/** 
 * gnome_db_grid_get_column_title				 * gnome_db_grid_get_column_title
 * @grid: a #GnomeDbGrid widget					 * @grid: a #GnomeDbGrid widget
 * @col: the number of the column to get the title		 * @col: the number of the column to get the title
 *								 *
 * Get the title of a column					 * Get the title of a column
 * Returns: the title of a column.				 * Returns: the title of a column.
 */								 */
const gchar *							const gchar *
gnome_db_grid_get_column_title (GnomeDbGrid *grid, gint col)	gnome_db_grid_get_column_title (GnomeDbGrid *grid, gint col)
{								{
	GtkTreeViewColumn *column = NULL;				GtkTreeViewColumn *column = NULL;
	gchar *title = NULL;						gchar *title = NULL;

	g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid), NULL);		g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid), NULL);
	column = gtk_tree_view_get_column (GTK_TREE_VIEW (gri		column = gtk_tree_view_get_column (GTK_TREE_VIEW (gri
	title = gtk_tree_view_column_get_title (column);		title = gtk_tree_view_column_get_title (column);

	return title;							return title;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_grid_get_show_title					 * gnome_db_grid_get_show_title
 * @grid: a #GnomeDbGrid widget.				 * @grid: a #GnomeDbGrid widget.
 *								 *
 * Get whether the title is being shown for the given grid.	 * Get whether the title is being shown for the given grid.
 *								 *
 * Returns: TRUE if the title is shown, FALSE if not.		 * Returns: TRUE if the title is shown, FALSE if not.
 */								 */
gboolean							gboolean
gnome_db_grid_get_show_title (GnomeDbGrid *grid)		gnome_db_grid_get_show_title (GnomeDbGrid *grid)
{								{
	g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid), FALSE)		g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid), FALSE)
	return grid->priv->show_title;					return grid->priv->show_title;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_grid_set_show_title					 * gnome_db_grid_set_show_title
 * @grid: a #GnomeDbGrid widget.				 * @grid: a #GnomeDbGrid widget.
 * @show: whether to show the title or not.			 * @show: whether to show the title or not.
 *								 *
 * Set the title displaying mode for the given grid.		 * Set the title displaying mode for the given grid.
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_grid_set_show_title (GnomeDbGrid *grid, gboolean sho	gnome_db_grid_set_show_title (GnomeDbGrid *grid, gboolean sho
{								{
	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid));

	grid->priv->show_title = show;					grid->priv->show_title = show;
	if (show)							if (show)
		gtk_widget_show (grid->priv->title);				gtk_widget_show (grid->priv->title);
	else								else
		gtk_widget_hide (grid->priv->title);				gtk_widget_hide (grid->priv->title);
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_grid_set_title_icon_from_file			 * gnome_db_grid_set_title_icon_from_file
 * @grid: a #GnomeDbGrid widget.				 * @grid: a #GnomeDbGrid widget.
 * @file: image filename.					 * @file: image filename.
 *								 *
 * Set the icon for the given grid.				 * Set the icon for the given grid.
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_grid_set_title_icon_from_file (GnomeDbGrid *grid, co	gnome_db_grid_set_title_icon_from_file (GnomeDbGrid *grid, co
{								{
	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid));

	gnome_db_gray_bar_set_icon_from_file (GNOME_DB_GRAY_B		gnome_db_gray_bar_set_icon_from_file (GNOME_DB_GRAY_B
					      file);							      file);
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_grid_set_title_icon_from_stock			 * gnome_db_grid_set_title_icon_from_stock
 * @grid: a #GnomeDbGrid widget.				 * @grid: a #GnomeDbGrid widget.
 * @stock_id: a stock icon name.				 * @stock_id: a stock icon name.
 * @size: a stock icon size.					 * @size: a stock icon size.
 *								 *
 * Set the icon using a stock icon for the given grid.		 * Set the icon using a stock icon for the given grid.
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_grid_set_title_icon_from_stock (GnomeDbGrid *grid,	gnome_db_grid_set_title_icon_from_stock (GnomeDbGrid *grid,
					 const gchar *stock_i						 const gchar *stock_i
					 GtkIconSize  size)						 GtkIconSize  size)
{								{
	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid));
	gnome_db_gray_bar_set_icon_from_stock (GNOME_DB_GRAY_		gnome_db_gray_bar_set_icon_from_stock (GNOME_DB_GRAY_
					       stock_id, size						       stock_id, size
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_grid_set_show_title_icon				 * gnome_db_grid_set_show_title_icon
 * @grid: a #GnomeDbGrid widget.				 * @grid: a #GnomeDbGrid widget.
 * @show: whether to show the icon or not.			 * @show: whether to show the icon or not.
 *								 *
 * Set the icon displaying mode for the given grid.		 * Set the icon displaying mode for the given grid.
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_grid_set_show_title_icon (GnomeDbGrid *grid, gboolea	gnome_db_grid_set_show_title_icon (GnomeDbGrid *grid, gboolea
{								{
	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid));
	gnome_db_gray_bar_set_show_icon (GNOME_DB_GRAY_BAR (g		gnome_db_gray_bar_set_show_icon (GNOME_DB_GRAY_BAR (g
					 show);								 show);
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_grid_get_show_title_icon				 * gnome_db_grid_get_show_title_icon
 * @grid: a #GnomeDbGrid widget.				 * @grid: a #GnomeDbGrid widget.
 *								 *
 * Get whether the icon is being shown for the given grid.	 * Get whether the icon is being shown for the given grid.
 *								 *
 * Returns: TRUE if the icon is shown, FALSE if not.		 * Returns: TRUE if the icon is shown, FALSE if not.
 */								 */
gboolean							gboolean
gnome_db_grid_get_show_title_icon (GnomeDbGrid *grid)		gnome_db_grid_get_show_title_icon (GnomeDbGrid *grid)
{								{
	g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid), FALSE)		g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid), FALSE)
	return gnome_db_gray_bar_get_show_icon (GNOME_DB_GRAY		return gnome_db_gray_bar_get_show_icon (GNOME_DB_GRAY
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_grid_get_model					 * gnome_db_grid_get_model
 * @grid: a #GnomeDbGrid widget.				 * @grid: a #GnomeDbGrid widget.
 *								 *
 * Retrieve the #GdaDataModel associated with this #GnomeDbGr	 * Retrieve the #GdaDataModel associated with this #GnomeDbGr
 * 								 * 
 * Returns: a #GdaDataModel widget.				 * Returns: a #GdaDataModel widget.
 */								 */
GdaDataModel *							GdaDataModel *
gnome_db_grid_get_model (GnomeDbGrid *grid)			gnome_db_grid_get_model (GnomeDbGrid *grid)
{								{
	g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid), NULL);		g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid), NULL);
	return grid->priv->model;					return grid->priv->model;
}								}

static void							static void
dummy_remove_hash (gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer use	dummy_remove_hash (gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer use
{								{
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_grid_set_model					 * gnome_db_grid_set_model
 * @grid: a #GnomeDbGrid widget.				 * @grid: a #GnomeDbGrid widget.
 * @model: a #GdaDataModel widget.				 * @model: a #GdaDataModel widget.
 *								 *
 * Set the new model for the given grid.			 * Set the new model for the given grid.
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_grid_set_model (GnomeDbGrid *grid, GdaDataModel *mod	gnome_db_grid_set_model (GnomeDbGrid *grid, GdaDataModel *mod
{								{
	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid));

	/* clean up current data */					/* clean up current data */
	if (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (grid->priv->model)) {			if (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (grid->priv->model)) {
		g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func (G_OBJEC			g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func (G_OBJEC
		g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (grid->priv->model))			g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (grid->priv->model))
	}								}

	g_hash_table_foreach_remove (grid->priv->row_data, (G		g_hash_table_foreach_remove (grid->priv->row_data, (G

	grid->priv->model = model;					grid->priv->model = model;
	if (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (model)) {				if (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (model)) {
		g_object_ref (G_OBJECT (model));				g_object_ref (G_OBJECT (model));
		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (grid->priv->model			g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (grid->priv->model
				  G_CALLBACK (model_row_remov					  G_CALLBACK (model_row_remov
	} else {							} else {
		/* just empty the grid and return */				/* just empty the grid and return */
		gtk_tree_view_set_model (GTK_TREE_VIEW (grid-			gtk_tree_view_set_model (GTK_TREE_VIEW (grid-
		return;								return;
	}								}

	/* redisplay the GtkTreeView */					/* redisplay the GtkTreeView */
	gtk_widget_destroy (grid->priv->tree_view);			gtk_widget_destroy (grid->priv->tree_view);
	grid->priv->tree_view = GTK_WIDGET (gnome_db_model_to		grid->priv->tree_view = GTK_WIDGET (gnome_db_model_to
	gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (grid->priv->scroll)		gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (grid->priv->scroll)
	gtk_widget_show (grid->priv->tree_view);			gtk_widget_show (grid->priv->tree_view);
	setup_grid (grid);						setup_grid (grid);
}								}

static void							static void
foreach_selected_cb (GtkTreeModel *tree_model,			foreach_selected_cb (GtkTreeModel *tree_model,
		     GtkTreePath *path,						     GtkTreePath *path,
		     GtkTreeIter *iter,						     GtkTreeIter *iter,
		     gpointer user_data)					     gpointer user_data)
{								{
	DataModelInfo *iter_info;					DataModelInfo *iter_info;
	GList **list = (GList **) user_data;				GList **list = (GList **) user_data;

	gtk_tree_model_get (tree_model, iter, 0, &iter_info, 		gtk_tree_model_get (tree_model, iter, 0, &iter_info, 
	if (iter_info)							if (iter_info)
		*list = g_list_append (*list, GINT_TO_POINTER			*list = g_list_append (*list, GINT_TO_POINTER
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_grid_get_selection					 * gnome_db_grid_get_selection
 * @grid: a #GnomeDbGrid widget.				 * @grid: a #GnomeDbGrid widget.
 *								 *
 * Returns the list of the currently selected rows in a		 * Returns the list of the currently selected rows in a
 * #GnomeDbGrid widget. The returned value is a list of integ	 * #GnomeDbGrid widget. The returned value is a list of integ
 * which represent each of the selected rows.			 * which represent each of the selected rows.
 *								 *
 * Returns: a GList of integers. This list should be freed (b	 * Returns: a GList of integers. This list should be freed (b
 * #g_list_free) when no longer needed.				 * #g_list_free) when no longer needed.
 */								 */
GList *								GList *
gnome_db_grid_get_selection (GnomeDbGrid *grid)			gnome_db_grid_get_selection (GnomeDbGrid *grid)
{								{	
	GtkTreeSelection *selection;					GtkTreeSelection *selection;
	GList *list = NULL;						GList *list = NULL;

	g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid), NULL);		g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid), NULL);

	selection = gtk_tree_view_get_selection (GTK_TREE_VIE		selection = gtk_tree_view_get_selection (GTK_TREE_VIE
	gtk_tree_selection_selected_foreach (				gtk_tree_selection_selected_foreach (
		selection,							selection,
		(GtkTreeSelectionForeachFunc) foreach_selecte			(GtkTreeSelectionForeachFunc) foreach_selecte
		&list);								&list);

	return list;							return list;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_grid_foreach_selected				 * gnome_db_grid_foreach_selected
 * @grid: a #GnomeDbGrid widget.				 * @grid: a #GnomeDbGrid widget.
 * @foreach_func: function to be called for each selected row	 * @foreach_func: function to be called for each selected row
 * @user_data: data to pass over to @foreach_func.		 * @user_data: data to pass over to @foreach_func.
 *								 *
 * Call the given function for each selected row in the #Gnom	 * Call the given function for each selected row in the #Gnom
 * widget.							 * widget.
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_grid_foreach_selected (GnomeDbGrid *grid,		gnome_db_grid_foreach_selected (GnomeDbGrid *grid,
				GnomeDbGridForeachFunc foreac					GnomeDbGridForeachFunc foreac
				gpointer user_data)						gpointer user_data)
{								{
	GList *selection;						GList *selection;
	GList *l;							GList *l;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid));
	g_return_if_fail (foreach_func != NULL);			g_return_if_fail (foreach_func != NULL);

	selection = gnome_db_grid_get_selection (grid);			selection = gnome_db_grid_get_selection (grid);
	for (l = selection; l != NULL; l = l->next)			for (l = selection; l != NULL; l = l->next)
		foreach_func (grid, GPOINTER_TO_INT (l->data)			foreach_func (grid, GPOINTER_TO_INT (l->data)
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_grid_select_row:					 * gnome_db_grid_select_row:
 * @grid: a #GnomeDbGrid widget.				 * @grid: a #GnomeDbGrid widget.
 * @row: the number of the row to be selected.			 * @row: the number of the row to be selected.
 *								 *
 * Select the given row in the #GnomeDbGrid widget.		 * Select the given row in the #GnomeDbGrid widget.
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_grid_select_row (GnomeDbGrid *grid, gint row)		gnome_db_grid_select_row (GnomeDbGrid *grid, gint row)
{								{
	GtkTreePath *path;						GtkTreePath *path;
	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid));
	path = gtk_tree_path_new ();					path = gtk_tree_path_new ();
	gtk_tree_path_append_index (path, row);				gtk_tree_path_append_index (path, row);
	gtk_tree_selection_select_path (gtk_tree_view_get_sel		gtk_tree_selection_select_path (gtk_tree_view_get_sel
					path);								path);

	gtk_tree_path_free (path);					gtk_tree_path_free (path);
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_grid_select_all					 * gnome_db_grid_select_all
 * @grid: a #GnomeDbGrid widget.				 * @grid: a #GnomeDbGrid widget.
 *								 *
 * Select all rows in the #GnomeDbGrid widget.			 * Select all rows in the #GnomeDbGrid widget.
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_grid_select_all (GnomeDbGrid *grid)			gnome_db_grid_select_all (GnomeDbGrid *grid)
{								{
	GtkTreeSelection *selection;					GtkTreeSelection *selection;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid));

	selection = gtk_tree_view_get_selection (GTK_TREE_VIE		selection = gtk_tree_view_get_selection (GTK_TREE_VIE
	gnome_db_grid_set_selection_mode (grid, GTK_SELECTION		gnome_db_grid_set_selection_mode (grid, GTK_SELECTION
	gtk_tree_selection_select_all (selection);			gtk_tree_selection_select_all (selection);
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_grid_unselect_all					 * gnome_db_grid_unselect_all
 * @grid: a #GnomeDbGrid widget.				 * @grid: a #GnomeDbGrid widget.
 * 								 * 
 * Unselect all rows of the #GnomeDbGrid widget.		 * Unselect all rows of the #GnomeDbGrid widget.
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_grid_unselect_all (GnomeDbGrid *grid)			gnome_db_grid_unselect_all (GnomeDbGrid *grid)
{								{
	GtkTreeSelection *selection;					GtkTreeSelection *selection;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid));

	selection = gtk_tree_view_get_selection (GTK_TREE_VIE		selection = gtk_tree_view_get_selection (GTK_TREE_VIE
	gtk_tree_selection_unselect_all (selection);			gtk_tree_selection_unselect_all (selection);
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_grid_get_selection_mode				 * gnome_db_grid_get_selection_mode
 * @grid: a #GnomeDbGrid widget.				 * @grid: a #GnomeDbGrid widget.
 *								 *
 * Retrieve the selection mode of a #GnomeDbGrid widget.	 * Retrieve the selection mode of a #GnomeDbGrid widget.
 *								 *
 * Returns: a GtkSelectionMode widget.				 * Returns: a GtkSelectionMode widget.
 */								 */
GtkSelectionMode						GtkSelectionMode
gnome_db_grid_get_selection_mode (GnomeDbGrid *grid)		gnome_db_grid_get_selection_mode (GnomeDbGrid *grid)
{								{
	GtkTreeSelection *selection;					GtkTreeSelection *selection;

	g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid), GTK_SE		g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid), GTK_SE

	selection = gtk_tree_view_get_selection (GTK_TREE_VIE		selection = gtk_tree_view_get_selection (GTK_TREE_VIE
	return gtk_tree_selection_get_mode (selection);			return gtk_tree_selection_get_mode (selection);
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_set_selection_mode					 * gnome_db_set_selection_mode
 * @grid: a #GnomeDbGrid widget.				 * @grid: a #GnomeDbGrid widget.
 * @mode: a GtkSelectionMode widget.				 * @mode: a GtkSelectionMode widget.
 * 								 * 
 * Set the new selection mode for this #GnomeDbGrid widget.	 * Set the new selection mode for this #GnomeDbGrid widget.
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_grid_set_selection_mode (GnomeDbGrid *grid, GtkSelec	gnome_db_grid_set_selection_mode (GnomeDbGrid *grid, GtkSelec
{								{
	GtkTreeSelection *selection;					GtkTreeSelection *selection;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid));

	selection = gtk_tree_view_get_selection (GTK_TREE_VIE		selection = gtk_tree_view_get_selection (GTK_TREE_VIE
	gtk_tree_selection_set_mode (selection, mode);			gtk_tree_selection_set_mode (selection, mode);

	grid->priv->selection_mode = mode;				grid->priv->selection_mode = mode;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_grid_set_column_titles_visible			 * gnome_db_grid_set_column_titles_visible
 * @grid: a #GnomeDbGrid widget.				 * @grid: a #GnomeDbGrid widget.
 * @visible: a gboolean.					 * @visible: a gboolean.
 * 								 * 
 * Hide or Show the titles of the #GnomeDbGrid widget.		 * Hide or Show the titles of the #GnomeDbGrid widget.
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_grid_set_column_titles_visible (GnomeDbGrid *grid, g	gnome_db_grid_set_column_titles_visible (GnomeDbGrid *grid, g
{								{
	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid));
	gtk_tree_view_set_headers_visible (GTK_TREE_VIEW (gri		gtk_tree_view_set_headers_visible (GTK_TREE_VIEW (gri
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_grid_get_column_titles_visible			 * gnome_db_grid_get_column_titles_visible
 * @grid: a #GnomeDbGrid widget.				 * @grid: a #GnomeDbGrid widget.
 *								 *
 * Retrieve a gboolean ( TRUE or FALSE ).			 * Retrieve a gboolean ( TRUE or FALSE ).
 */								 */
gboolean							gboolean
gnome_db_grid_get_column_titles_visible (GnomeDbGrid *grid)	gnome_db_grid_get_column_titles_visible (GnomeDbGrid *grid)
{								{
	g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid), FALSE)		g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid), FALSE)
	return gtk_tree_view_get_headers_visible (GTK_TREE_VI		return gtk_tree_view_get_headers_visible (GTK_TREE_VI
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_grid_get_row_data					 * gnome_db_grid_get_row_data
 * @grid: a #GnomeDbGrid widget.				 * @grid: a #GnomeDbGrid widget.
 * @row: the row to retrieve data for.				 * @row: the row to retrieve data for.
 *								 *
 * Get the data associated (see #gnome_db_grid_set_row_data) 	 * Get the data associated (see #gnome_db_grid_set_row_data) 
 *								 *
 * Returns: the data associated with the given row.		 * Returns: the data associated with the given row.
 */								 */
gpointer							gpointer
gnome_db_grid_get_row_data (GnomeDbGrid *grid, gint row)	gnome_db_grid_get_row_data (GnomeDbGrid *grid, gint row)
{								{
	g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid), NULL);		g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid), NULL);
	return g_hash_table_lookup (grid->priv->row_data, GIN		return g_hash_table_lookup (grid->priv->row_data, GIN
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_grid_set_row_data					 * gnome_db_grid_set_row_data
 * @grid: a #GnomeDbGrid widget.				 * @grid: a #GnomeDbGrid widget.
 * @row: the row to set the data for.				 * @row: the row to set the data for.
 * @data: the data.						 * @data: the data.
 *								 *
 * Associate a given data pointer with the given row in the g	 * Associate a given data pointer with the given row in the g
 * allows you to store context-specific data for each row on 	 * allows you to store context-specific data for each row on 
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_grid_set_row_data (GnomeDbGrid *grid, gint row, gpoi	gnome_db_grid_set_row_data (GnomeDbGrid *grid, gint row, gpoi
{								{
	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid));
	g_return_if_fail (row >= 0);					g_return_if_fail (row >= 0);
	g_return_if_fail (grid->priv->model != NULL);			g_return_if_fail (grid->priv->model != NULL);
	g_return_if_fail (row < gda_data_model_get_n_rows (gr		g_return_if_fail (row < gda_data_model_get_n_rows (gr

	if (g_hash_table_lookup (grid->priv->row_data, GINT_T		if (g_hash_table_lookup (grid->priv->row_data, GINT_T
		g_hash_table_remove (grid->priv->row_data, GI			g_hash_table_remove (grid->priv->row_data, GI

	if (data)							if (data)
		g_hash_table_insert (grid->priv->row_data, GI			g_hash_table_insert (grid->priv->row_data, GI
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_grid_set_column_visible				 * gnome_db_grid_set_column_visible
 * @grid: a #GnomeDbGrid widget.				 * @grid: a #GnomeDbGrid widget.
 * @col: column number.						 * @col: column number.
 * @visible: a gboolean.					 * @visible: a gboolean.
 * 								 * 
 * Hide or Show the column "col" of the #GnomeDbGrid widget.	 * Hide or Show the column "col" of the #GnomeDbGrid widget.
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_grid_set_column_visible (GnomeDbGrid *grid, gint col	gnome_db_grid_set_column_visible (GnomeDbGrid *grid, gint col
{								{
	GtkTreeViewColumn *column = NULL;				GtkTreeViewColumn *column = NULL;
	gint number_columns;						gint number_columns;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid));

	number_columns = gda_data_model_get_n_columns (grid->		number_columns = gda_data_model_get_n_columns (grid->
	if (col >= 0 && col < number_columns) {				if (col >= 0 && col < number_columns) {
		column = gtk_tree_view_get_column (GTK_TREE_V			column = gtk_tree_view_get_column (GTK_TREE_V
		gtk_tree_view_column_set_visible (column, vis			gtk_tree_view_column_set_visible (column, vis
	}								}
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_grid_get_column_visible				 * gnome_db_grid_get_column_visible
 * @grid: a #GnomeDbGrid widget.				 * @grid: a #GnomeDbGrid widget.
 * @col: column number.						 * @col: column number.
 *								 *
 * Retrieve a gboolean ( TRUE or FALSE ).			 * Retrieve a gboolean ( TRUE or FALSE ).
 */								 */
gboolean							gboolean
gnome_db_grid_get_column_visible (GnomeDbGrid *grid, gint col	gnome_db_grid_get_column_visible (GnomeDbGrid *grid, gint col
{								{
	GtkTreeViewColumn *column = NULL;				GtkTreeViewColumn *column = NULL;
	gint number_columns;						gint number_columns;

	g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid), FALSE)		g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid), FALSE)

	number_columns = gda_data_model_get_n_columns (grid->		number_columns = gda_data_model_get_n_columns (grid->
	if (col >= 0 && col < number_columns) {				if (col >= 0 && col < number_columns) {
		column = gtk_tree_view_get_column (GTK_TREE_V			column = gtk_tree_view_get_column (GTK_TREE_V
		return gtk_tree_view_column_get_visible (colu			return gtk_tree_view_column_get_visible (colu
	}								}

	return FALSE;							return FALSE;
}								}

typedef struct {						typedef struct {
	gint row;							gint row;
	gpointer search_data;						gpointer search_data;
} find_data_t;							} find_data_t;

static void							static void
find_by_data_in_hash (gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer 	find_by_data_in_hash (gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer 
{								{
	find_data_t *fdata = data;					find_data_t *fdata = data;

	if (fdata->row == -1) {						if (fdata->row == -1) {
		if (fdata->search_data == value)				if (fdata->search_data == value)
			fdata->row = GPOINTER_TO_INT (key) - 				fdata->row = GPOINTER_TO_INT (key) - 
	}								}
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_grid_find_row_from_data				 * gnome_db_grid_find_row_from_data
 * @grid: a #GnomeDbGrid widget.				 * @grid: a #GnomeDbGrid widget.
 * @data: data to search for.					 * @data: data to search for.
 *								 *
 * Find the row number for the row to which the given data is	 * Find the row number for the row to which the given data is
 *								 *
 * Returns: the row number if found, or -1 if not.		 * Returns: the row number if found, or -1 if not.
 */								 */
gint								gint
gnome_db_grid_find_row_from_data (GnomeDbGrid *grid, gpointer	gnome_db_grid_find_row_from_data (GnomeDbGrid *grid, gpointer
{								{
	find_data_t fdata;						find_data_t fdata;

	g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid), -1);		g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid), -1);
	g_return_val_if_fail (data != NULL, -1);			g_return_val_if_fail (data != NULL, -1);

	fdata.row = -1;							fdata.row = -1;
	fdata.search_data = data;					fdata.search_data = data;
	g_hash_table_foreach (grid->priv->row_data, (GHFunc) 		g_hash_table_foreach (grid->priv->row_data, (GHFunc) 
	return fdata.row;						return fdata.row;
}								}
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.h ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.h
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#if !defined(__gnome_db_grid_h__)				#if !defined(__gnome_db_grid_h__)
#  define __gnome_db_grid_h__					#  define __gnome_db_grid_h__

#include <gtk/gtkvbox.h>					#include <gtk/gtkvbox.h>
#include <libgda/gda-data-model.h>				#include <libgda/gda-data-model.h>


#define GNOME_DB_TYPE_GRID            (gnome_db_grid_get_type	#define GNOME_DB_TYPE_GRID            (gnome_db_grid_get_type
#define GNOME_DB_GRID(obj)            (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_	#define GNOME_DB_GRID(obj)            (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_

typedef struct _GnomeDbGrid        GnomeDbGrid;			typedef struct _GnomeDbGrid        GnomeDbGrid;
typedef struct _GnomeDbGridClass   GnomeDbGridClass;		typedef struct _GnomeDbGridClass   GnomeDbGridClass;
typedef struct _GnomeDbGridPrivate GnomeDbGridPrivate;		typedef struct _GnomeDbGridPrivate GnomeDbGridPrivate;

typedef void (* GnomeDbGridForeachFunc) (GnomeDbGrid *grid, g	typedef void (* GnomeDbGridForeachFunc) (GnomeDbGrid *grid, g

struct _GnomeDbGrid {						struct _GnomeDbGrid {
	GtkVBox parent;							GtkVBox parent;
	GnomeDbGridPrivate *priv;					GnomeDbGridPrivate *priv;
};								};

struct _GnomeDbGridClass {					struct _GnomeDbGridClass {
	GtkVBoxClass parent_class;					GtkVBoxClass parent_class;

	/* signals */							/* signals */
	void (* row_selected) (GnomeDbGrid *grid, gint row);		void (* row_selected) (GnomeDbGrid *grid, gint row);
	void (* selection_cleared) (GnomeDbGrid *grid);			void (* selection_cleared) (GnomeDbGrid *grid);
	void (* double_clicked) (GnomeDbGrid *grid, gint row)		void (* double_clicked) (GnomeDbGrid *grid, gint row)
	void (* create_popup_menu) (GnomeDbGrid *grid, GtkWid		void (* create_popup_menu) (GnomeDbGrid *grid, GtkWid
};								};

GType            gnome_db_grid_get_type (void);			GType            gnome_db_grid_get_type (void);
GtkWidget       *gnome_db_grid_new (void);			GtkWidget       *gnome_db_grid_new (void);
GtkWidget       *gnome_db_grid_new_with_model (GdaDataModel *	GtkWidget       *gnome_db_grid_new_with_model (GdaDataModel *

const gchar     *gnome_db_grid_get_title (GnomeDbGrid *grid);	const gchar     *gnome_db_grid_get_title (GnomeDbGrid *grid);
void             gnome_db_grid_set_title (GnomeDbGrid *grid, 	void             gnome_db_grid_set_title (GnomeDbGrid *grid, 
void             gnome_db_grid_set_column_title (GnomeDbGrid 	void             gnome_db_grid_set_column_title (GnomeDbGrid 
const gchar     *gnome_db_grid_get_column_title (GnomeDbGrid 	const gchar     *gnome_db_grid_get_column_title (GnomeDbGrid 
gboolean         gnome_db_grid_get_show_title (GnomeDbGrid *g	gboolean         gnome_db_grid_get_show_title (GnomeDbGrid *g
void             gnome_db_grid_set_show_title (GnomeDbGrid *g	void             gnome_db_grid_set_show_title (GnomeDbGrid *g
void             gnome_db_grid_set_title_icon_from_file (Gnom	void             gnome_db_grid_set_title_icon_from_file (Gnom
void             gnome_db_grid_set_title_icon_from_stock (Gno	void             gnome_db_grid_set_title_icon_from_stock (Gno
void             gnome_db_grid_set_show_title_icon (GnomeDbGr	void             gnome_db_grid_set_show_title_icon (GnomeDbGr
gboolean         gnome_db_grid_get_show_title_icon (GnomeDbGr	gboolean         gnome_db_grid_get_show_title_icon (GnomeDbGr

GdaDataModel    *gnome_db_grid_get_model (GnomeDbGrid *grid);	GdaDataModel    *gnome_db_grid_get_model (GnomeDbGrid *grid);
void             gnome_db_grid_set_model (GnomeDbGrid *grid, 	void             gnome_db_grid_set_model (GnomeDbGrid *grid, 
GList           *gnome_db_grid_get_selection (GnomeDbGrid *gr	GList           *gnome_db_grid_get_selection (GnomeDbGrid *gr
void             gnome_db_grid_foreach_selected (GnomeDbGrid 	void             gnome_db_grid_foreach_selected (GnomeDbGrid 
						 GnomeDbGridF							 GnomeDbGridF
						 gpointer use							 gpointer use
void             gnome_db_grid_select_row (GnomeDbGrid *grid,	void             gnome_db_grid_select_row (GnomeDbGrid *grid,
void             gnome_db_grid_select_all (GnomeDbGrid *grid)	void             gnome_db_grid_select_all (GnomeDbGrid *grid)
void             gnome_db_grid_unselect_all (GnomeDbGrid *gri	void             gnome_db_grid_unselect_all (GnomeDbGrid *gri
GtkSelectionMode gnome_db_grid_get_selection_mode (GnomeDbGri	GtkSelectionMode gnome_db_grid_get_selection_mode (GnomeDbGri
void             gnome_db_grid_set_selection_mode (GnomeDbGri	void             gnome_db_grid_set_selection_mode (GnomeDbGri
						   GtkSelecti							   GtkSelecti

void             gnome_db_grid_set_column_titles_visible (Gno	void             gnome_db_grid_set_column_titles_visible (Gno
gboolean         gnome_db_grid_get_column_titles_visible (Gno	gboolean         gnome_db_grid_get_column_titles_visible (Gno
#define gnome_db_grid_show_column_titles(grid) \		#define gnome_db_grid_show_column_titles(grid) \
	(gnome_db_grid_set_column_titles_visible (grid, TRUE)		(gnome_db_grid_set_column_titles_visible (grid, TRUE)
#define gnome_db_grid_hide_column_titles(grid) \		#define gnome_db_grid_hide_column_titles(grid) \
	(gnome_db_grid_set_column_titles_visible (grid, FALSE		(gnome_db_grid_set_column_titles_visible (grid, FALSE
void             gnome_db_grid_set_column_visible (GnomeDbGri	void             gnome_db_grid_set_column_visible (GnomeDbGri
gboolean         gnome_db_grid_get_column_visible (GnomeDbGri	gboolean         gnome_db_grid_get_column_visible (GnomeDbGri

gpointer         gnome_db_grid_get_row_data (GnomeDbGrid *gri	gpointer         gnome_db_grid_get_row_data (GnomeDbGrid *gri
void             gnome_db_grid_set_row_data (GnomeDbGrid *gri	void             gnome_db_grid_set_row_data (GnomeDbGrid *gri
gint             gnome_db_grid_find_row_from_data (GnomeDbGri	gint             gnome_db_grid_find_row_from_data (GnomeDbGri


#endif								#endif
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-i18n.h ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-i18n.h
/*								/*
 * Copyright (C) 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 Free Software Foundat	 * Copyright (C) 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 Free Software Foundat
 * All rights reserved.						 * All rights reserved.
 *								 *
 * This file is part of the Gnome Library.			 * This file is part of the Gnome Library.
 *								 *
 * The Gnome Library is free software; you can redistribute i	 * The Gnome Library is free software; you can redistribute i
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * The Gnome Library is distributed in the hope that it will 	 * The Gnome Library is distributed in the hope that it will 
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with the Gnome Library; see the file COPYING	 * License along with the Gnome Library; see the file COPYING
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */
/*								/*
 */								 */

/*								/*
 * Handles all of the internationalization configuration opti	 * Handles all of the internationalization configuration opti
 * Author: Tom Tromey <tromey creche cygnus com>		 * Author: Tom Tromey <tromey creche cygnus com>
 */								 */

#ifndef __GNOME_DB_I18N_H__					#ifndef __GNOME_DB_I18N_H__
#define __GNOME_DB_I18N_H__ 1					#define __GNOME_DB_I18N_H__ 1

#include <glib.h>						#include <glib.h>


#if !defined(__GNOME_DB_I18NP_H__)				#if !defined(__GNOME_DB_I18NP_H__)

#ifdef ENABLE_NLS						#ifdef ENABLE_NLS
#    include <libintl.h>					#    include <libintl.h>
#        undef _						#        undef _
#        define _(String) dgettext (GNOME_DB_EXPLICIT_TRANSLA	#        define _(String) dgettext (GNOME_DB_EXPLICIT_TRANSLA
#    else 							#    else 
#        define _(String) gettext (String)			#        define _(String) gettext (String)
#    endif							#    endif
#    ifdef gettext_noop						#    ifdef gettext_noop
#        define N_(String) gettext_noop (String)		#        define N_(String) gettext_noop (String)
#    else							#    else
#        define N_(String) (String)				#        define N_(String) (String)
#    endif							#    endif
#else								#else
/* Stubs that do something close enough.  */			/* Stubs that do something close enough.  */
#    undef textdomain						#    undef textdomain
#    define textdomain(String) (String)				#    define textdomain(String) (String)
#    undef gettext						#    undef gettext
#    define gettext(String) (String)				#    define gettext(String) (String)
#    undef dgettext						#    undef dgettext
#    define dgettext(Domain,Message) (Message)			#    define dgettext(Domain,Message) (Message)
#    undef dcgettext						#    undef dcgettext
#    define dcgettext(Domain,Message,Type) (Message)		#    define dcgettext(Domain,Message,Type) (Message)
#    undef bindtextdomain					#    undef bindtextdomain
#    define bindtextdomain(Domain,Directory) (Domain)		#    define bindtextdomain(Domain,Directory) (Domain)
#    undef bind_textdomain_codeset				#    undef bind_textdomain_codeset
#    define bind_textdomain_codeset(Domain,CodeSet) (Domain)	#    define bind_textdomain_codeset(Domain,CodeSet) (Domain)
#    undef _							#    undef _
#    define _(String) (String)					#    define _(String) (String)
#    undef N_							#    undef N_
#    define N_(String) (String)					#    define N_(String) (String)
#endif								#endif

#endif								#endif


#endif /* __GNOME_DB_I18N_H__ */				#endif /* __GNOME_DB_I18N_H__ */
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-icon-list.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-icon-list.c
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-icon-list.h>			#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-icon-list.h>


struct _GnomeDbIconListPrivate {				struct _GnomeDbIconListPrivate {
	GdaDataModel *model;						GdaDataModel *model;
};								};

static void gnome_db_icon_list_class_init (GnomeDbIconListCla	static void gnome_db_icon_list_class_init (GnomeDbIconListCla
static void gnome_db_icon_list_init (GnomeDbIconList *list, G	static void gnome_db_icon_list_init (GnomeDbIconList *list, G
static void gnome_db_icon_list_set_property (GObject *object,	static void gnome_db_icon_list_set_property (GObject *object,
					     guint paramid,						     guint paramid,
					     const GValue *va						     const GValue *va
					     GParamSpec *pspe						     GParamSpec *pspe
static void gnome_db_icon_list_get_property (GObject *object,	static void gnome_db_icon_list_get_property (GObject *object,
					     guint param_id,						     guint param_id,
					     GValue *value,						     GValue *value,
					     GParamSpec *pspe						     GParamSpec *pspe
static void gnome_db_icon_list_finalize (GObject *object);	static void gnome_db_icon_list_finalize (GObject *object);

enum {								enum {
	PROP_0,								PROP_0,
};								};

static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL;			static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL;

/*								/*
 * GnomeDbIconList class implementation				 * GnomeDbIconList class implementation
 */								 */

static void							static void
gnome_db_icon_list_class_init (GnomeDbIconListClass *klass)	gnome_db_icon_list_class_init (GnomeDbIconListClass *klass)
{								{
	GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);		GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);

	parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);		parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);

	object_class->set_property = gnome_db_icon_list_set_p		object_class->set_property = gnome_db_icon_list_set_p
	object_class->get_property = gnome_db_icon_list_get_p		object_class->get_property = gnome_db_icon_list_get_p
	object_class->finalize = gnome_db_icon_list_finalize;		object_class->finalize = gnome_db_icon_list_finalize;

	/* add class properties */					/* add class properties */
	g_object_class_install_property (				g_object_class_install_property (
		object_class, PROP_MODEL,					object_class, PROP_MODEL,
		g_param_spec_object ("model", NULL, NULL,			g_param_spec_object ("model", NULL, NULL,
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_icon_list_init (GnomeDbIconList *list, GnomeDbIconLi	gnome_db_icon_list_init (GnomeDbIconList *list, GnomeDbIconLi
{								{
	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_ICON_LIST (list));		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_ICON_LIST (list));

	/* allocate private structure */				/* allocate private structure */
	list->priv = g_new0 (GnomeDbIconListPrivate, 1);		list->priv = g_new0 (GnomeDbIconListPrivate, 1);
	list->priv->model = NULL;					list->priv->model = NULL;
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_icon_list_set_property (GObject *object,		gnome_db_icon_list_set_property (GObject *object,
				 guint param_id,						 guint param_id,
				 const GValue *value,						 const GValue *value,
				 GParamSpec *pspec)						 GParamSpec *pspec)
{								{
	GnomeDbIconList *list = (GnomeDbIconList *) object;		GnomeDbIconList *list = (GnomeDbIconList *) object;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_ICON_LIST (list));		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_ICON_LIST (list));

	switch (param_id) {						switch (param_id) {
	case PROP_MODEL :						case PROP_MODEL :
		gnome_db_icon_list_set_model (list,				gnome_db_icon_list_set_model (list,
					      GDA_DATA_MODEL 						      GDA_DATA_MODEL 
		break;								break;
	default :							default :
		break;								break;
	}								}
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_icon_list_get_property (GObject *object,		gnome_db_icon_list_get_property (GObject *object,
				 guint param_id,						 guint param_id,
				 GValue *value,							 GValue *value,
				 GParamSpec *pspec)						 GParamSpec *pspec)
{								{
	GnomeDbIconList *list = (GnomeDbIconList *) object;		GnomeDbIconList *list = (GnomeDbIconList *) object;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_ICON_LIST (list));		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_ICON_LIST (list));

	switch (param_id) {						switch (param_id) {
	case PROP_MODEL :						case PROP_MODEL :
		g_value_set_object (value, G_OBJECT (list->pr			g_value_set_object (value, G_OBJECT (list->pr
		break;								break;
	default:							default:
		break;								break;
	}								}
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_icon_list_finalize (GObject *object)			gnome_db_icon_list_finalize (GObject *object)
{								{
	GnomeDbIconList *list = (GnomeDbIconList *) object;		GnomeDbIconList *list = (GnomeDbIconList *) object;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_ICON_LIST (list));		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_ICON_LIST (list));

	/* free memory */						/* free memory */
	if (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (list->priv->model)) {			if (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (list->priv->model)) {
		g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (list->priv->model))			g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (list->priv->model))
		list->priv->model = NULL;					list->priv->model = NULL;
	}								}

	g_free (list->priv);						g_free (list->priv);
	list->priv = NULL;						list->priv = NULL;

	/* chain to parent class */					/* chain to parent class */
	parent_class->finalize (object);				parent_class->finalize (object);
}								}

GType								GType
gnome_db_icon_list_get_type (void)				gnome_db_icon_list_get_type (void)
{								{
	static GType type = 0;						static GType type = 0;

	if (!type) {							if (!type) {
		static const GTypeInfo info = {					static const GTypeInfo info = {
			sizeof (GnomeDbIconListClass),					sizeof (GnomeDbIconListClass),
			(GBaseInitFunc) NULL,						(GBaseInitFunc) NULL,
			(GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL,					(GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL,
			(GClassInitFunc) gnome_db_icon_list_c				(GClassInitFunc) gnome_db_icon_list_c
			NULL,								NULL,
			NULL,								NULL,
			sizeof (GnomeDbIconList),					sizeof (GnomeDbIconList),
			0,								0,
			(GInstanceInitFunc) gnome_db_icon_lis				(GInstanceInitFunc) gnome_db_icon_lis
		};								};
		type = g_type_register_static (PARENT_TYPE, "			type = g_type_register_static (PARENT_TYPE, "
	}								}
	return type;							return type;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_icon_list_new					 * gnome_db_icon_list_new
 * @icon_width: Width to use for the icons.			 * @icon_width: Width to use for the icons.
 *								 *
 * Create a new #GnomeDbIconList widget, a scrollable icon li	 * Create a new #GnomeDbIconList widget, a scrollable icon li
 * a GDA data model.						 * a GDA data model.
 *								 *
 * Returns: the newly created widget.				 * Returns: the newly created widget.
 */								 */
GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_icon_list_new (guint icon_width)			gnome_db_icon_list_new (guint icon_width)
{								{
	GnomeDbIconList *list;						GnomeDbIconList *list;

	list = g_object_new (GNOME_DB_TYPE_ICON_LIST, NULL);		list = g_object_new (GNOME_DB_TYPE_ICON_LIST, NULL);
	return GTK_WIDGET (list);					return GTK_WIDGET (list);
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_icon_list_set_model					 * gnome_db_icon_list_set_model
 * @list: A #GnomeDbIconList widget.				 * @list: A #GnomeDbIconList widget.
 * @model: A #GdaDataModel containing the data to be displaye	 * @model: A #GdaDataModel containing the data to be displaye
 *								 *
 * Associate a data model with the given icon list widget.	 * Associate a data model with the given icon list widget.
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_icon_list_set_model (GnomeDbIconList *list, GdaDataM	gnome_db_icon_list_set_model (GnomeDbIconList *list, GdaDataM
{								{
}								}
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-icon-list.h ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-icon-list.h
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#if !defined(__gnome_db_icon_list_h__)				#if !defined(__gnome_db_icon_list_h__)
#  define __gnome_db_icon_list_h__				#  define __gnome_db_icon_list_h__

#include <libgda/gda-data-model.h>				#include <libgda/gda-data-model.h>
#include <libgnomeui/gnome-icon-list.h>				#include <libgnomeui/gnome-icon-list.h>


#define GNOME_DB_TYPE_ICON_LIST            (gnome_db_icon_lis	#define GNOME_DB_TYPE_ICON_LIST            (gnome_db_icon_lis
#define GNOME_DB_ICON_LIST(obj)            (G_TYPE_CHECK_INST	#define GNOME_DB_ICON_LIST(obj)            (G_TYPE_CHECK_INST

typedef struct _GnomeDbIconList        GnomeDbIconList;		typedef struct _GnomeDbIconList        GnomeDbIconList;
typedef struct _GnomeDbIconListClass   GnomeDbIconListClass;	typedef struct _GnomeDbIconListClass   GnomeDbIconListClass;
typedef struct _GnomeDbIconListPrivate GnomeDbIconListPrivate	typedef struct _GnomeDbIconListPrivate GnomeDbIconListPrivate

struct _GnomeDbIconList {					struct _GnomeDbIconList {
	GnomeIconList list;						GnomeIconList list;
	GnomeDbIconListPrivate *priv;					GnomeDbIconListPrivate *priv;
};								};

struct _GnomeDbIconListClass {					struct _GnomeDbIconListClass {
	GnomeIconListClass parent_class;				GnomeIconListClass parent_class;
};								};

GType      gnome_db_icon_list_get_type (void);			GType      gnome_db_icon_list_get_type (void);
GtkWidget *gnome_db_icon_list_new (guint icon_width);		GtkWidget *gnome_db_icon_list_new (guint icon_width);
void       gnome_db_icon_list_set_model (GnomeDbIconList *lis	void       gnome_db_icon_list_set_model (GnomeDbIconList *lis


#endif								#endif
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 * 	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 * 	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#include <bonobo/bonobo-ui-main.h>				#include <bonobo/bonobo-ui-main.h>
#endif								#endif
#include <glade/glade-init.h>					#include <glade/glade-init.h>
#endif								#endif
#include <libgda/libgda.h>					#include <libgda/libgda.h>
#include <libgnomeui/gnome-ui-init.h>				#include <libgnomeui/gnome-ui-init.h>
#endif								#endif
#include <libgnomedb/libgnomedb.h>				#include <libgnomedb/libgnomedb.h>
#include "gnome-db-i18n.h"					#include "gnome-db-i18n.h"

extern void gnome_db_stock_init (void);				extern void gnome_db_stock_init (void);

/*								/*
 * Public functions						 * Public functions
 */								 */

void								void
gnome_db_init (const gchar *app_id, const gchar *version, gin	gnome_db_init (const gchar *app_id, const gchar *version, gin
{								{
	static gboolean initialized = FALSE;				static gboolean initialized = FALSE;

	if (initialized) {						if (initialized) {
		gda_log_error (_("Attempt to initialize an al			gda_log_error (_("Attempt to initialize an al
		return;								return;
	}								}

	bind_textdomain_codeset (GETTEXT_PACKAGE, "UTF-8");		bind_textdomain_codeset (GETTEXT_PACKAGE, "UTF-8");

	gda_init (app_id, version, nargs, args);			gda_init (app_id, version, nargs, args);
	gnome_program_init (app_id, version, LIBGNOMEUI_MODUL		gnome_program_init (app_id, version, LIBGNOMEUI_MODUL

	if (!bonobo_ui_is_initialized ())				if (!bonobo_ui_is_initialized ())
		bonobo_ui_init (app_id, version, &nargs, args			bonobo_ui_init (app_id, version, &nargs, args
#else								#else
	gtk_init (nargs, args);						gtk_init (nargs, args);
#endif								#endif

	glade_init ();							glade_init ();
#endif								#endif
	gnome_db_stock_init ();						gnome_db_stock_init ();
}								}

typedef struct {						typedef struct {
	GdaInitFunc init_func;						GdaInitFunc init_func;
	gpointer user_data;						gpointer user_data;
} InitCbData;							} InitCbData;

static gboolean							static gboolean
idle_cb (gpointer user_data)					idle_cb (gpointer user_data)
{								{
	InitCbData *cb_data = (InitCbData *) user_data;			InitCbData *cb_data = (InitCbData *) user_data;

	g_return_val_if_fail (cb_data != NULL, FALSE);			g_return_val_if_fail (cb_data != NULL, FALSE);

	if (cb_data->init_func)						if (cb_data->init_func)
		cb_data->init_func (cb_data->user_data);			cb_data->init_func (cb_data->user_data);

	g_free (cb_data);						g_free (cb_data);

	return FALSE;							return FALSE;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_main_run						 * gnome_db_main_run
 * @init_func: function to be called when everything has been	 * @init_func: function to be called when everything has been
 * @user_data: data to be passed to the init function		 * @user_data: data to be passed to the init function
 *								 *
 * Runs the GNOME-DB main loop, which is nothing more than th	 * Runs the GNOME-DB main loop, which is nothing more than th
 * loop, but with internally added stuff specific for applica	 * loop, but with internally added stuff specific for applica
 * libgda/libgnomedb.						 * libgda/libgnomedb.
 *								 *
 * You can specify a function to be called after everything h	 * You can specify a function to be called after everything h
 * initialized (that is, for initializing your own stuff).	 * initialized (that is, for initializing your own stuff).
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_main_run (GdaInitFunc init_func, gpointer user_data)	gnome_db_main_run (GdaInitFunc init_func, gpointer user_data)
{								{
	if (init_func) {						if (init_func) {
		InitCbData *cb_data;						InitCbData *cb_data;

		cb_data = g_new (InitCbData, 1);				cb_data = g_new (InitCbData, 1);
		cb_data->init_func = init_func;					cb_data->init_func = init_func;
		cb_data->user_data = user_data;					cb_data->user_data = user_data;

		g_idle_add ((GSourceFunc) idle_cb, cb_data);			g_idle_add ((GSourceFunc) idle_cb, cb_data);
	}								}

	bonobo_ui_main ();						bonobo_ui_main ();
#else								#else
	gtk_main();							gtk_main();
#endif								#endif	
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_main_quit						 * gnome_db_main_quit
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_main_quit (void)					gnome_db_main_quit (void)
{								{
	gtk_main_quit ();						gtk_main_quit ();
}								}
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-list.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-list.c
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#include <libgda/gda-data-model-list.h>				#include <libgda/gda-data-model-list.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-list.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-list.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h>


struct _GnomeDbListPrivate {					struct _GnomeDbListPrivate {
	GdaDataModel *data_model;					GdaDataModel *data_model;
	GtkWidget *grid;						GtkWidget *grid;
};								};

static void gnome_db_list_class_init   (GnomeDbListClass *kla	static void gnome_db_list_class_init   (GnomeDbListClass *kla
static void gnome_db_list_init         (GnomeDbList *list, Gn	static void gnome_db_list_init         (GnomeDbList *list, Gn
static void gnome_db_list_set_property (GObject *object,	static void gnome_db_list_set_property (GObject *object,
					guint paramid,							guint paramid,
					const GValue *value,						const GValue *value,
					GParamSpec *pspec);						GParamSpec *pspec);
static void gnome_db_list_get_property (GObject *object,	static void gnome_db_list_get_property (GObject *object,
					guint param_id,							guint param_id,
					GValue *value,							GValue *value,
					GParamSpec *pspec);						GParamSpec *pspec);
static void gnome_db_list_finalize     (GObject *object);	static void gnome_db_list_finalize     (GObject *object);

enum {								enum {
};								};

enum {								enum {
	PROP_0,								PROP_0,
};								};

static gint list_signals[LAST_SIGNAL];				static gint list_signals[LAST_SIGNAL];
static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL;			static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL;

/*								/*
 * Callbacks							 * Callbacks
 */								 */

static void							static void
grid_row_selected_cb (GnomeDbGrid *grid, gint row, gpointer u	grid_row_selected_cb (GnomeDbGrid *grid, gint row, gpointer u
{								{
	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_LIST (user_data));		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_LIST (user_data));
	g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (user_data), list_signals[ROW		g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (user_data), list_signals[ROW
}								}

static void							static void
grid_selection_cleared_cb (GnomeDbGrid *grid, gpointer user_d	grid_selection_cleared_cb (GnomeDbGrid *grid, gpointer user_d
{								{
	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_LIST (user_data));		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_LIST (user_data));
	g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (user_data), list_signals[SEL		g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (user_data), list_signals[SEL
}								}

/*								/*
 * GnomeDbList class implementation				 * GnomeDbList class implementation
 */								 */

static void							static void
gnome_db_list_class_init (GnomeDbListClass *klass)		gnome_db_list_class_init (GnomeDbListClass *klass)
{								{
	GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);		GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);

	parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);		parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);

	object_class->set_property = gnome_db_list_set_proper		object_class->set_property = gnome_db_list_set_proper
	object_class->get_property = gnome_db_list_get_proper		object_class->get_property = gnome_db_list_get_proper
	object_class->finalize = gnome_db_list_finalize;		object_class->finalize = gnome_db_list_finalize;

	/* add class properties */					/* add class properties */
	g_object_class_install_property (				g_object_class_install_property (
		object_class, PROP_MODEL,					object_class, PROP_MODEL,
		g_param_spec_object ("model", NULL, NULL,			g_param_spec_object ("model", NULL, NULL,

	/* add class signals */						/* add class signals */
	list_signals[ROW_SELECTED] =					list_signals[ROW_SELECTED] =
		g_signal_new ("row_selected",					g_signal_new ("row_selected",
			      G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class				      G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class
			      G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,					      G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,
			      G_STRUCT_OFFSET (GnomeDbGridCla				      G_STRUCT_OFFSET (GnomeDbGridCla
			      NULL, NULL,						      NULL, NULL,
			      g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__INT,				      g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__INT,
			      G_TYPE_NONE, 1, G_TYPE_INT);				      G_TYPE_NONE, 1, G_TYPE_INT);
	list_signals[SELECTION_CLEARED] =				list_signals[SELECTION_CLEARED] =
		g_signal_new ("selection_cleared",				g_signal_new ("selection_cleared",
			      G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class				      G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class
			      G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,					      G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,
			      G_STRUCT_OFFSET (GnomeDbGridCla				      G_STRUCT_OFFSET (GnomeDbGridCla
			      NULL, NULL,						      NULL, NULL,
			      g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID,				      g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID,
			      G_TYPE_NONE, 0);						      G_TYPE_NONE, 0);
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_list_init (GnomeDbList *list, GnomeDbListClass *klas	gnome_db_list_init (GnomeDbList *list, GnomeDbListClass *klas
{								{
	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_LIST (list));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_LIST (list));

	/* allocate private structure */				/* allocate private structure */
	list->priv = g_new0 (GnomeDbListPrivate, 1);			list->priv = g_new0 (GnomeDbListPrivate, 1);
	list->priv->data_model = NULL;					list->priv->data_model = NULL;

	/* set up widgets */						/* set up widgets */
	list->priv->grid = gnome_db_new_grid_widget (NULL);		list->priv->grid = gnome_db_new_grid_widget (NULL);
	gnome_db_grid_set_selection_mode (GNOME_DB_GRID (list		gnome_db_grid_set_selection_mode (GNOME_DB_GRID (list
	g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (list->priv->grid), "row_s		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (list->priv->grid), "row_s
			  G_CALLBACK (grid_row_selected_cb), 				  G_CALLBACK (grid_row_selected_cb), 
	g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (list->priv->grid), "selec		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (list->priv->grid), "selec
			  G_CALLBACK (grid_selection_cleared_				  G_CALLBACK (grid_selection_cleared_
	gnome_db_grid_hide_column_titles (GNOME_DB_GRID (list		gnome_db_grid_hide_column_titles (GNOME_DB_GRID (list
	gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (list), list->priv->grid,		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (list), list->priv->grid,
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_list_set_property (GObject *object,			gnome_db_list_set_property (GObject *object,
			    guint param_id,						    guint param_id,
			    const GValue *value,					    const GValue *value,
			    GParamSpec *pspec)						    GParamSpec *pspec)
{								{
	GnomeDbList *list = (GnomeDbList *) object;			GnomeDbList *list = (GnomeDbList *) object;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_LIST (list));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_LIST (list));

	switch (param_id) {						switch (param_id) {
	case PROP_MODEL :						case PROP_MODEL :
		gnome_db_list_set_model (list,					gnome_db_list_set_model (list,
					 GDA_DATA_MODEL (g_va						 GDA_DATA_MODEL (g_va
					 0);								 0);
		break;								break;
	default :							default :
		break;								break;
	}								}
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_list_get_property (GObject *object,			gnome_db_list_get_property (GObject *object,
			    guint param_id,						    guint param_id,
			    GValue *value,						    GValue *value,
			    GParamSpec *pspec)						    GParamSpec *pspec)
{								{
	GnomeDbList *list = (GnomeDbList *) object;			GnomeDbList *list = (GnomeDbList *) object;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_LIST (list));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_LIST (list));

	switch (param_id) {						switch (param_id) {
	case PROP_MODEL :						case PROP_MODEL :
		g_value_set_object (value, G_OBJECT (list->pr			g_value_set_object (value, G_OBJECT (list->pr
		break;								break;
	default:							default:
		break;								break;
	}								}
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_list_finalize (GObject *object)			gnome_db_list_finalize (GObject *object)
{								{
	GnomeDbList *list = (GnomeDbList *) object;			GnomeDbList *list = (GnomeDbList *) object;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_LIST (list));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_LIST (list));

	/* free memory */						/* free memory */
	if (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (list->priv->data_model)) {		if (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (list->priv->data_model)) {
		g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (list->priv->data_mo			g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (list->priv->data_mo
		list->priv->data_model = NULL;					list->priv->data_model = NULL;
	}								}

	g_free (list->priv);						g_free (list->priv);
	list->priv = NULL;						list->priv = NULL;

	/* chain to parent class */					/* chain to parent class */
	parent_class->finalize (object);				parent_class->finalize (object);
}								}

GType								GType
gnome_db_list_get_type (void)					gnome_db_list_get_type (void)
{								{
	static GType type = 0;						static GType type = 0;

	if (!type) {							if (!type) {
		static const GTypeInfo info = {					static const GTypeInfo info = {
			sizeof (GnomeDbListClass),					sizeof (GnomeDbListClass),
			(GBaseInitFunc) NULL,						(GBaseInitFunc) NULL,
			(GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL,					(GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL,
			(GClassInitFunc) gnome_db_list_class_				(GClassInitFunc) gnome_db_list_class_
			NULL,								NULL,
			NULL,								NULL,
			sizeof (GnomeDbList),						sizeof (GnomeDbList),
			0,								0,
			(GInstanceInitFunc) gnome_db_list_ini				(GInstanceInitFunc) gnome_db_list_ini
		};								};
		type = g_type_register_static (PARENT_TYPE, "			type = g_type_register_static (PARENT_TYPE, "
	}								}
	return type;							return type;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_list_new						 * gnome_db_list_new
 *								 *
 * Create a new #GnomeDbList widget, which lets you display l	 * Create a new #GnomeDbList widget, which lets you display l
 * of columns.							 * of columns.
 *								 *
 * Returns: the newly created object				 * Returns: the newly created object
 */								 */
GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_list_new (void)					gnome_db_list_new (void)
{								{
	GnomeDbList *list;						GnomeDbList *list;

	list = g_object_new (GNOME_DB_TYPE_LIST, NULL);			list = g_object_new (GNOME_DB_TYPE_LIST, NULL);
	return GTK_WIDGET (list);					return GTK_WIDGET (list);
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_list_new_with_model					 * gnome_db_list_new_with_model
 */								 */
GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_list_new_with_model (GdaDataModel *model, gint col)	gnome_db_list_new_with_model (GdaDataModel *model, gint col)
{								{
	GtkWidget *list;						GtkWidget *list;

	list = gnome_db_list_new ();					list = gnome_db_list_new ();
	gnome_db_list_set_model (GNOME_DB_LIST (list), model,		gnome_db_list_set_model (GNOME_DB_LIST (list), model,

	return list;							return list;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_list_get_model					 * gnome_db_list_get_model
 */								 */
GdaDataModel *							GdaDataModel *
gnome_db_list_get_model (GnomeDbList *list)			gnome_db_list_get_model (GnomeDbList *list)
{								{
	g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_LIST (list), NULL);		g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_LIST (list), NULL);
	return list->priv->data_model;					return list->priv->data_model;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_list_set_model					 * gnome_db_list_set_model
 * @list: a #GnomeDbList widget.				 * @list: a #GnomeDbList widget.
 * @model: a #GdaDataModel object.				 * @model: a #GdaDataModel object.
 * @col: column to be shown from the data model.		 * @col: column to be shown from the data model.
 *								 *
 * Set the data model to be displayed by the #GnomeDbList wid	 * Set the data model to be displayed by the #GnomeDbList wid
 * As this widget just shows single-columns data models, you 	 * As this widget just shows single-columns data models, you 
 * to specify, along with the #GdaDataModel object, the colum	 * to specify, along with the #GdaDataModel object, the colum
 * to be shown.							 * to be shown.
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_list_set_model (GnomeDbList *list, GdaDataModel *mod	gnome_db_list_set_model (GnomeDbList *list, GdaDataModel *mod
{								{
	gint n;								gint n;
	gint row_count;							gint row_count;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_LIST (list));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_LIST (list));

	/* free previous data model */					/* free previous data model */
	if (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (list->priv->data_model)) {		if (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (list->priv->data_model)) {
		g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (list->priv->data_mo			g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (list->priv->data_mo
		list->priv->data_model = NULL;					list->priv->data_model = NULL;
	}								}

	/* fill in our private data model */				/* fill in our private data model */
	list->priv->data_model = gda_data_model_list_new ();		list->priv->data_model = gda_data_model_list_new ();

	if (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (model)) {				if (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (model)) {
		row_count = gda_data_model_get_n_rows (model)			row_count = gda_data_model_get_n_rows (model)
		for (n = 0; n < row_count; n++) {				for (n = 0; n < row_count; n++) {
			const GdaValue *value;						const GdaValue *value;

			value = gda_data_model_get_value_at (				value = gda_data_model_get_value_at (
			if (value != NULL) {						if (value != NULL) {
				gda_data_model_list_append_va					gda_data_model_list_append_va
					value);								value);
			}								}
		}								}
	}								}

	gnome_db_grid_set_model (GNOME_DB_GRID (list->priv->g		gnome_db_grid_set_model (GNOME_DB_GRID (list->priv->g
	gnome_db_grid_hide_column_titles (GNOME_DB_GRID (list		gnome_db_grid_hide_column_titles (GNOME_DB_GRID (list
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_list_get_selection:					 * gnome_db_list_get_selection:
 * @list: a #GnomeDbList widget.				 * @list: a #GnomeDbList widget.
 *								 *
 * Gets the list of selected rows in the given %GnomeDbList w	 * Gets the list of selected rows in the given %GnomeDbList w
 *								 *
 * Returns: a GList of integers representing the numbers of t	 * Returns: a GList of integers representing the numbers of t
 * rows. This list should be freed (by calling * #g_list_free	 * rows. This list should be freed (by calling * #g_list_free
 * longer needed.						 * longer needed.
 */								 */
GList *								GList *
gnome_db_list_get_selection (GnomeDbList *list)			gnome_db_list_get_selection (GnomeDbList *list)
{								{
	g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_LIST (list), NULL);		g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_LIST (list), NULL);
	return gnome_db_grid_get_selection (GNOME_DB_GRID (li		return gnome_db_grid_get_selection (GNOME_DB_GRID (li
}								}
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-list.h ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-list.h
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#if !defined(__gnome_db_list_h__)				#if !defined(__gnome_db_list_h__)
#  define __gnome_db_list_h__					#  define __gnome_db_list_h__

#include <libgda/gda-data-model.h>				#include <libgda/gda-data-model.h>
#include <gtk/gtkvbox.h>					#include <gtk/gtkvbox.h>


#define GNOME_DB_TYPE_LIST            (gnome_db_list_get_type	#define GNOME_DB_TYPE_LIST            (gnome_db_list_get_type
#define GNOME_DB_LIST(obj)            (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_	#define GNOME_DB_LIST(obj)            (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_

typedef struct _GnomeDbList        GnomeDbList;			typedef struct _GnomeDbList        GnomeDbList;
typedef struct _GnomeDbListClass   GnomeDbListClass;		typedef struct _GnomeDbListClass   GnomeDbListClass;
typedef struct _GnomeDbListPrivate GnomeDbListPrivate;		typedef struct _GnomeDbListPrivate GnomeDbListPrivate;

struct _GnomeDbList {						struct _GnomeDbList {
	GtkVBox parent;							GtkVBox parent;
	GnomeDbListPrivate *priv;					GnomeDbListPrivate *priv;
};								};

struct _GnomeDbListClass {					struct _GnomeDbListClass {
	GtkVBoxClass parent_class;					GtkVBoxClass parent_class;

	/* signals */							/* signals */
	void (* row_selected)      (GnomeDbList *list, gint r		void (* row_selected)      (GnomeDbList *list, gint r
	void (* selection_cleared) (GnomeDbList *list);			void (* selection_cleared) (GnomeDbList *list);
};								};

GType         gnome_db_list_get_type (void);			GType         gnome_db_list_get_type (void);
GtkWidget    *gnome_db_list_new (void);				GtkWidget    *gnome_db_list_new (void);
GtkWidget    *gnome_db_list_new_with_model (GdaDataModel *mod	GtkWidget    *gnome_db_list_new_with_model (GdaDataModel *mod
GdaDataModel *gnome_db_list_get_model (GnomeDbList *list);	GdaDataModel *gnome_db_list_get_model (GnomeDbList *list);
void          gnome_db_list_set_model (GnomeDbList *list, Gda	void          gnome_db_list_set_model (GnomeDbList *list, Gda
GList        *gnome_db_list_get_selection (GnomeDbList *list)	GList        *gnome_db_list_get_selection (GnomeDbList *list)


#endif								#endif
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#include <libgda/gda-config.h>					#include <libgda/gda-config.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-data-source-selector.h>		#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-data-source-selector.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.h>		#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-i18n.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-i18n.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h>
#include <gtk/gtklabel.h>					#include <gtk/gtklabel.h>
#include <gtk/gtktable.h>					#include <gtk/gtktable.h>
#include <gtk/gtkstock.h>					#include <gtk/gtkstock.h>

struct _GnomeDbLoginPrivate {					struct _GnomeDbLoginPrivate {
	gchar *dsn_name;						gchar *dsn_name;
	GtkWidget *dsn_entry;						GtkWidget *dsn_entry;
	GtkWidget *create_dsn_button;					GtkWidget *create_dsn_button;
	gboolean hiding_button;						gboolean hiding_button;
	GtkWidget *username_entry;					GtkWidget *username_entry;
	GtkWidget *password_entry;					GtkWidget *password_entry;
};								};

static void gnome_db_login_class_init   (GnomeDbLoginClass *k	static void gnome_db_login_class_init   (GnomeDbLoginClass *k
static void gnome_db_login_init         (GnomeDbLogin *login,	static void gnome_db_login_init         (GnomeDbLogin *login,
static void gnome_db_login_set_property (GObject *object,	static void gnome_db_login_set_property (GObject *object,
					 guint paramid,							 guint paramid,
					 const GValue *value,						 const GValue *value,
					 GParamSpec *pspec);						 GParamSpec *pspec);
static void gnome_db_login_get_property (GObject *object,	static void gnome_db_login_get_property (GObject *object,
					 guint param_id,						 guint param_id,
					 GValue *value,							 GValue *value,
					 GParamSpec *pspec);						 GParamSpec *pspec);
static void gnome_db_login_finalize     (GObject *object);	static void gnome_db_login_finalize     (GObject *object);

enum {								enum {
	PROP_0,								PROP_0,
};								};

static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL;			static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL;

/*								/*
 * Private functions						 * Private functions
 */								 */

/*								/*
 * GnomeDbLogin class implementation				 * GnomeDbLogin class implementation
 */								 */

static void							static void
gnome_db_login_class_init (GnomeDbLoginClass *klass)		gnome_db_login_class_init (GnomeDbLoginClass *klass)
{								{
	GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);		GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);

	parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);		parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);

	object_class->set_property = gnome_db_login_set_prope		object_class->set_property = gnome_db_login_set_prope
	object_class->get_property = gnome_db_login_get_prope		object_class->get_property = gnome_db_login_get_prope
	object_class->finalize = gnome_db_login_finalize;		object_class->finalize = gnome_db_login_finalize;

	/* add class properties */					/* add class properties */
	g_object_class_install_property (				g_object_class_install_property (
		object_class, PROP_DSN,						object_class, PROP_DSN,
		g_param_spec_string ("dsn", NULL, NULL, NULL,			g_param_spec_string ("dsn", NULL, NULL, NULL,
	g_object_class_install_property (				g_object_class_install_property (
		object_class, PROP_USERNAME,					object_class, PROP_USERNAME,
		g_param_spec_string ("username", NULL, NULL, 			g_param_spec_string ("username", NULL, NULL, 
	g_object_class_install_property (				g_object_class_install_property (
		object_class, PROP_PASSWORD,					object_class, PROP_PASSWORD,
		g_param_spec_string ("password", NULL, NULL, 			g_param_spec_string ("password", NULL, NULL, 
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_login_init (GnomeDbLogin *login, GnomeDbLoginClass *	gnome_db_login_init (GnomeDbLogin *login, GnomeDbLoginClass *
{								{
	/* allocate the internal structure */				/* allocate the internal structure */
	login->priv = g_new0 (GnomeDbLoginPrivate, 1);			login->priv = g_new0 (GnomeDbLoginPrivate, 1);
	login->priv->dsn_name = NULL;					login->priv->dsn_name = NULL;
	login->priv->hiding_button = TRUE;				login->priv->hiding_button = TRUE;
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_login_set_property (GObject *object,			gnome_db_login_set_property (GObject *object,
			     guint param_id,						     guint param_id,
			     const GValue *value,					     const GValue *value,
			     GParamSpec *pspec)						     GParamSpec *pspec)
{								{
	GnomeDbLogin *login = (GnomeDbLogin *) object;			GnomeDbLogin *login = (GnomeDbLogin *) object;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_LOGIN (login));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_LOGIN (login));

	switch (param_id) {						switch (param_id) {
	default :							default :
		break;								break;
	}								}
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_login_get_property (GObject *object,			gnome_db_login_get_property (GObject *object,
			       guint param_id,						       guint param_id,
			       GValue *value,						       GValue *value,
			       GParamSpec *pspec)					       GParamSpec *pspec)
{								{
	GnomeDbLogin *login = (GnomeDbLogin *) object;			GnomeDbLogin *login = (GnomeDbLogin *) object;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_LOGIN (login));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_LOGIN (login));

	switch (param_id) {						switch (param_id) {
	case PROP_DSN :							case PROP_DSN :
		g_value_set_string (value, gnome_db_login_get			g_value_set_string (value, gnome_db_login_get
		break;								break;
		g_value_set_string (value, gnome_db_login_get			g_value_set_string (value, gnome_db_login_get
		break;								break;
		g_value_set_string (value, gnome_db_login_get			g_value_set_string (value, gnome_db_login_get
		break;								break;
	default:							default:
		break;								break;
	}								}
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_login_finalize (GObject *object)			gnome_db_login_finalize (GObject *object)
{								{
	GnomeDbLogin *login = (GnomeDbLogin *) object;			GnomeDbLogin *login = (GnomeDbLogin *) object;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_LOGIN (login));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_LOGIN (login));

	/* free memory */						/* free memory */
	if (login->priv->dsn_name != NULL) {				if (login->priv->dsn_name != NULL) {
		g_free (login->priv->dsn_name);					g_free (login->priv->dsn_name);
		login->priv->dsn_name = NULL;					login->priv->dsn_name = NULL;
	}								}

	g_free (login->priv);						g_free (login->priv);
	login->priv = NULL;						login->priv = NULL;

	parent_class->finalize (object);				parent_class->finalize (object);
}								}

GType								GType
gnome_db_login_get_type (void)					gnome_db_login_get_type (void)
{								{
	static GType type = 0;						static GType type = 0;

	if (!type) {							if (!type) {
		static const GTypeInfo info = {					static const GTypeInfo info = {
			sizeof (GnomeDbLoginClass),					sizeof (GnomeDbLoginClass),
			(GBaseInitFunc) NULL,						(GBaseInitFunc) NULL,
			(GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL,					(GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL,
			(GClassInitFunc) gnome_db_login_class				(GClassInitFunc) gnome_db_login_class
			NULL,								NULL,
			NULL,								NULL,
			sizeof (GnomeDbLogin),						sizeof (GnomeDbLogin),
			0,								0,
			(GInstanceInitFunc) gnome_db_login_in				(GInstanceInitFunc) gnome_db_login_in
		};								};
		type = g_type_register_static (GTK_TYPE_VBOX,			type = g_type_register_static (GTK_TYPE_VBOX,
	}								}
	return type;							return type;
}								}

static void							static void
druid_finished_cb (GnomeDbDsnConfigDruid *druid, gboolean err	druid_finished_cb (GnomeDbDsnConfigDruid *druid, gboolean err
{								{
	const GdaDataSourceInfo *dsn_info;				const GdaDataSourceInfo *dsn_info;

	if (!error) {							if (!error) {
		dsn_info = gnome_db_dsn_config_druid_get_dsn 			dsn_info = gnome_db_dsn_config_druid_get_dsn 
		if (dsn_info) {							if (dsn_info) {
			gnome_db_config_save_data_source (dsn				gnome_db_config_save_data_source (dsn
							  dsn								  dsn
							  dsn								  dsn
							  dsn								  dsn
							  dsn								  dsn
							  dsn								  dsn
		}								}
	}								}

	gtk_widget_destroy (gtk_widget_get_toplevel (GTK_WIDG		gtk_widget_destroy (gtk_widget_get_toplevel (GTK_WIDG
	gtk_widget_set_sensitive (gtk_widget_get_toplevel (GT		gtk_widget_set_sensitive (gtk_widget_get_toplevel (GT
}								}

static void							static void
add_dsn_cb (GtkButton *button, GnomeDbLogin *login)		add_dsn_cb (GtkButton *button, GnomeDbLogin *login)
{								{
	GtkWidget *druid, *dialog;					GtkWidget *druid, *dialog;
	GdkPixbuf *icon;						GdkPixbuf *icon;

	gtk_widget_set_sensitive (gtk_widget_get_toplevel (GT		gtk_widget_set_sensitive (gtk_widget_get_toplevel (GT

	/* create the dialog */						/* create the dialog */
	dialog = gtk_dialog_new_with_buttons (_("New data sou		dialog = gtk_dialog_new_with_buttons (_("New data sou
					      GTK_WINDOW (gtk						      GTK_WINDOW (gtk
					      0, NULL);							      0, NULL);
	icon = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file (LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR 		icon = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file (LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR 
	if (icon) {							if (icon) {
		gtk_window_set_icon (GTK_WINDOW (dialog), ico			gtk_window_set_icon (GTK_WINDOW (dialog), ico
		g_object_unref (icon);						g_object_unref (icon);
	}								}

	druid = gnome_db_dsn_config_druid_new ();			druid = gnome_db_dsn_config_druid_new ();
	g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (druid), "finished",			g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (druid), "finished",
			  G_CALLBACK (druid_finished_cb), log				  G_CALLBACK (druid_finished_cb), log
	gtk_widget_show (druid);					gtk_widget_show (druid);
	gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (GTK_DIALOG (dialog)->vbo		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (GTK_DIALOG (dialog)->vbo

	/* run the dialog */						/* run the dialog */
	gtk_widget_show (dialog);					gtk_widget_show (dialog);
}								}

static GtkWidget *						static GtkWidget *
gnome_db_login_construct (GnomeDbLogin *login, const gchar *d	gnome_db_login_construct (GnomeDbLogin *login, const gchar *d
{								{
	GtkWidget *table;						GtkWidget *table;
	GtkWidget *label;						GtkWidget *label;

	g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_LOGIN (login), GTK_		g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_LOGIN (login), GTK_

	if (dsn != NULL)						if (dsn != NULL)
		login->priv->dsn_name = g_strdup (dsn);				login->priv->dsn_name = g_strdup (dsn);
	else								else
		login->priv->dsn_name = NULL;					login->priv->dsn_name = NULL;

	table = gnome_db_new_table_widget (3, 3, FALSE);		table = gnome_db_new_table_widget (3, 3, FALSE);
	gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (login), table, TRUE, TRU		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (login), table, TRUE, TRU

	label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (_("Data Source:"))		label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (_("Data Source:"))
        gtk_label_set_justify (GTK_LABEL (label), GTK_JUSTIFY	        gtk_label_set_justify (GTK_LABEL (label), GTK_JUSTIFY
	gtk_label_set_selectable (GTK_LABEL (label), FALSE);		gtk_label_set_selectable (GTK_LABEL (label), FALSE);
        gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (label), 0.0, 0.5);	        gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (label), 0.0, 0.5);
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), label, 0, 1, 0, 		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), label, 0, 1, 0, 
	login->priv->dsn_entry = gnome_db_data_source_selecto		login->priv->dsn_entry = gnome_db_data_source_selecto
	gtk_widget_show (login->priv->dsn_entry);			gtk_widget_show (login->priv->dsn_entry);
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), login->priv->dsn		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), login->priv->dsn

	login->priv->create_dsn_button = gnome_db_new_button_		login->priv->create_dsn_button = gnome_db_new_button_
	g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (login->priv->create_dsn_b		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (login->priv->create_dsn_b
			  G_CALLBACK (add_dsn_cb), login);				  G_CALLBACK (add_dsn_cb), login);
	gtk_widget_hide (login->priv->create_dsn_button);		gtk_widget_hide (login->priv->create_dsn_button);
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), login->priv->cre		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), login->priv->cre
			  GTK_FILL, GTK_FILL, 0, 0);					  GTK_FILL, GTK_FILL, 0, 0);

	label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (_("Username:"));		label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (_("Username:"));
        gtk_label_set_justify (GTK_LABEL (label), GTK_JUSTIFY	        gtk_label_set_justify (GTK_LABEL (label), GTK_JUSTIFY
	gtk_label_set_selectable (GTK_LABEL (label), FALSE);		gtk_label_set_selectable (GTK_LABEL (label), FALSE);
        gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (label), 0.0, 0.5);	        gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (label), 0.0, 0.5);
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), label, 0, 1, 1, 		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), label, 0, 1, 1, 
	login->priv->username_entry = gnome_db_new_entry_widg		login->priv->username_entry = gnome_db_new_entry_widg
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), login->priv->use		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), login->priv->use

	label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (_("Password:"));		label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (_("Password:"));
        gtk_label_set_justify (GTK_LABEL (label), GTK_JUSTIFY	        gtk_label_set_justify (GTK_LABEL (label), GTK_JUSTIFY
	gtk_label_set_selectable (GTK_LABEL (label), FALSE);		gtk_label_set_selectable (GTK_LABEL (label), FALSE);
        gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (label), 0.0, 0.5);	        gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (label), 0.0, 0.5);
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), label, 0, 1, 2, 		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), label, 0, 1, 2, 
	login->priv->password_entry = gnome_db_new_entry_widg		login->priv->password_entry = gnome_db_new_entry_widg
	gtk_entry_set_visibility (GTK_ENTRY (login->priv->pas		gtk_entry_set_visibility (GTK_ENTRY (login->priv->pas
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), login->priv->pas		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), login->priv->pas

	return GTK_WIDGET (login);					return GTK_WIDGET (login);
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_login_new						 * gnome_db_login_new
 */								 */
GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_login_new (const gchar *dsn)				gnome_db_login_new (const gchar *dsn)
{								{
	GnomeDbLogin *login;						GnomeDbLogin *login;

	login = g_object_new (GNOME_DB_TYPE_LOGIN, NULL);		login = g_object_new (GNOME_DB_TYPE_LOGIN, NULL);
	return gnome_db_login_construct (login, dsn);			return gnome_db_login_construct (login, dsn);
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_login_get_dsn					 * gnome_db_login_get_dsn
 */								 */
const gchar *							const gchar *
gnome_db_login_get_dsn (GnomeDbLogin *login)			gnome_db_login_get_dsn (GnomeDbLogin *login)
{								{
	g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_LOGIN (login), NULL		g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_LOGIN (login), NULL

	if (login->priv->dsn_name)					if (login->priv->dsn_name)
		return (const gchar *) login->priv->dsn_name;			return (const gchar *) login->priv->dsn_name;

	return gnome_db_option_menu_get_selection (GTK_OPTION		return gnome_db_option_menu_get_selection (GTK_OPTION
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_login_set_dsn					 * gnome_db_login_set_dsn
 * @login: A #GnomeDbLogin widget.				 * @login: A #GnomeDbLogin widget.
 * @dsn: Data source name.					 * @dsn: Data source name.
 *								 *
 * Set the data source name on the given #GnomeDbLogin widget	 * Set the data source name on the given #GnomeDbLogin widget
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_login_set_dsn (GnomeDbLogin *login, const gchar *dsn	gnome_db_login_set_dsn (GnomeDbLogin *login, const gchar *dsn
{								{
	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_LOGIN (login));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_LOGIN (login));
							      >		g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_OPTION_MENU(login->priv->dsn
	gnome_db_option_menu_set_selection (GTK_OPTION_MENU (		gnome_db_option_menu_set_selection (GTK_OPTION_MENU (
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_login_get_username					 * gnome_db_login_get_username
 * @login: A #GnomeDbLogin widget.				 * @login: A #GnomeDbLogin widget.
 *								 *
 * Get the value currently entered in the username text entry	 * Get the value currently entered in the username text entry
 *								 *
 * Returns: the username being entered in the login widget.	 * Returns: the username being entered in the login widget.
 */								 */
const gchar *							const gchar *
gnome_db_login_get_username (GnomeDbLogin *login)		gnome_db_login_get_username (GnomeDbLogin *login)
{								{
	g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_LOGIN (login), NULL		g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_LOGIN (login), NULL
	return gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY (login->priv->us		return gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY (login->priv->us
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_login_set_username					 * gnome_db_login_set_username
 * @login: a #GnomeDbLogin widget.				 * @login: a #GnomeDbLogin widget.
 * @username: username to display in the widget.		 * @username: username to display in the widget.
 *								 *
 * Sets the user name to be displayed in the given #GnomeDbLo	 * Sets the user name to be displayed in the given #GnomeDbLo
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_login_set_username (GnomeDbLogin *login, const gchar	gnome_db_login_set_username (GnomeDbLogin *login, const gchar
{								{
	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_LOGIN (login));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_LOGIN (login));
	gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (login->priv->username_		gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (login->priv->username_
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_login_get_password					 * gnome_db_login_get_password
 */								 */
const gchar *							const gchar *
gnome_db_login_get_password (GnomeDbLogin *login)		gnome_db_login_get_password (GnomeDbLogin *login)
{								{
	g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_LOGIN (login), NULL		g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_LOGIN (login), NULL
	return gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY (login->priv->pa		return gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY (login->priv->pa
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_login_set_password					 * gnome_db_login_set_password
 * @login: a #GnomeDbLogin widget.				 * @login: a #GnomeDbLogin widget.
 * @password: password to display in the widget.		 * @password: password to display in the widget.
 *								 *
 * Sets the password to be displayed in the given #GnomeDbLog	 * Sets the password to be displayed in the given #GnomeDbLog
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_login_set_password (GnomeDbLogin *login, const gchar	gnome_db_login_set_password (GnomeDbLogin *login, const gchar
{								{
	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_LOGIN (login));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_LOGIN (login));
	gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (login->priv->password_		gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (login->priv->password_
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_login_set_enable_create_button			 * gnome_db_login_set_enable_create_button
 * @login: A #GnomeDbLogin widget.				 * @login: A #GnomeDbLogin widget.
 * @enable: Flag to enable/disable the button.			 * @enable: Flag to enable/disable the button.
 *								 *
 * Enable/disable the button for allowing the user to create 	 * Enable/disable the button for allowing the user to create 
 * from the login widget. This button is disabled by default,	 * from the login widget. This button is disabled by default,
 * allows the user to start the database properties configura	 * allows the user to start the database properties configura
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_login_set_enable_create_button (GnomeDbLogin *login,	gnome_db_login_set_enable_create_button (GnomeDbLogin *login,
{								{
	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_LOGIN (login));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_LOGIN (login));

	if (login->priv->hiding_button && enable) {			if (login->priv->hiding_button && enable) {
		login->priv->hiding_button = FALSE;				login->priv->hiding_button = FALSE;
		gtk_widget_show (login->priv->create_dsn_butt			gtk_widget_show (login->priv->create_dsn_butt
	} else if (!login->priv->hiding_button && !enable) {		} else if (!login->priv->hiding_button && !enable) {
		login->priv->hiding_button = TRUE;				login->priv->hiding_button = TRUE;
		gtk_widget_hide (login->priv->create_dsn_butt			gtk_widget_hide (login->priv->create_dsn_butt
	}								}
}								}
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#include <gtk/gtkimage.h>					#include <gtk/gtkimage.h>
#include <gtk/gtklabel.h>					#include <gtk/gtklabel.h>
#include <gtk/gtkstock.h>					#include <gtk/gtkstock.h>
#include <gtk/gtktable.h>					#include <gtk/gtktable.h>
#include <gtk/gtkwindow.h>					#include <gtk/gtkwindow.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.h>			#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h>
#include "gnome-db-i18n.h"					#include "gnome-db-i18n.h"

extern void gnome_db_stock_init (void);				extern void gnome_db_stock_init (void);

struct _GnomeDbLoginDialogPrivate {				struct _GnomeDbLoginDialogPrivate {
	GtkWidget *login;						GtkWidget *login;
};								};

static void gnome_db_login_dialog_class_init   (GnomeDbLoginD	static void gnome_db_login_dialog_class_init   (GnomeDbLoginD
static void gnome_db_login_dialog_init         (GnomeDbLoginD	static void gnome_db_login_dialog_init         (GnomeDbLoginD
						GnomeDbLoginD							GnomeDbLoginD
static void gnome_db_login_dialog_set_property (GObject *obje	static void gnome_db_login_dialog_set_property (GObject *obje
						guint paramid							guint paramid
						const GValue 							const GValue 
						GParamSpec *p							GParamSpec *p
static void gnome_db_login_dialog_get_property (GObject *obje	static void gnome_db_login_dialog_get_property (GObject *obje
						guint param_i							guint param_i
						GValue *value							GValue *value
						GParamSpec *p							GParamSpec *p
static void gnome_db_login_dialog_finalize     (GObject *obje	static void gnome_db_login_dialog_finalize     (GObject *obje

enum {								enum {
	PROP_0,								PROP_0,
};								};

static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL;			static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL;

/*								/*
 * GnomeDbLoginDialog class implementation			 * GnomeDbLoginDialog class implementation
 */								 */

static void							static void
gnome_db_login_dialog_class_init (GnomeDbLoginDialogClass *kl	gnome_db_login_dialog_class_init (GnomeDbLoginDialogClass *kl
{								{
	GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);		GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);

	parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);		parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);

	object_class->set_property = gnome_db_login_dialog_se		object_class->set_property = gnome_db_login_dialog_se
	object_class->get_property = gnome_db_login_dialog_ge		object_class->get_property = gnome_db_login_dialog_ge
	object_class->finalize = gnome_db_login_dialog_finali		object_class->finalize = gnome_db_login_dialog_finali

	/* add class properties */					/* add class properties */
	g_object_class_install_property (				g_object_class_install_property (
		object_class, PROP_DSN,						object_class, PROP_DSN,
		g_param_spec_string ("dsn", NULL, NULL, NULL,			g_param_spec_string ("dsn", NULL, NULL, NULL,
	g_object_class_install_property (				g_object_class_install_property (
		object_class, PROP_USERNAME,					object_class, PROP_USERNAME,
		g_param_spec_string ("username", NULL, NULL, 			g_param_spec_string ("username", NULL, NULL, 
	g_object_class_install_property (				g_object_class_install_property (
		object_class, PROP_PASSWORD,					object_class, PROP_PASSWORD,
		g_param_spec_string ("password", NULL, NULL, 			g_param_spec_string ("password", NULL, NULL, 

	gnome_db_stock_init ();						gnome_db_stock_init ();
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_login_dialog_init (GnomeDbLoginDialog *dialog, Gnome	gnome_db_login_dialog_init (GnomeDbLoginDialog *dialog, Gnome
{								{
	GtkWidget *hbox, *vbox, *image, *label;				GtkWidget *hbox, *vbox, *image, *label;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_LOGIN_DIALOG (dialog));		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_LOGIN_DIALOG (dialog));

	dialog->priv = g_new0 (GnomeDbLoginDialogPrivate, 1);		dialog->priv = g_new0 (GnomeDbLoginDialogPrivate, 1);
	gtk_dialog_add_button (GTK_DIALOG (dialog), GTK_STOCK		gtk_dialog_add_button (GTK_DIALOG (dialog), GTK_STOCK
	gtk_dialog_add_button (GTK_DIALOG (dialog), GNOME_DB_		gtk_dialog_add_button (GTK_DIALOG (dialog), GNOME_DB_
	gtk_dialog_set_default_response (GTK_DIALOG (dialog),		gtk_dialog_set_default_response (GTK_DIALOG (dialog),

	gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (dialog		gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (dialog
        gtk_box_set_spacing (GTK_BOX (GTK_DIALOG (dialog)->vb	        gtk_box_set_spacing (GTK_BOX (GTK_DIALOG (dialog)->vb
        gtk_dialog_set_has_separator (GTK_DIALOG (dialog), FA	        gtk_dialog_set_has_separator (GTK_DIALOG (dialog), FA
        gtk_window_set_resizable (GTK_WINDOW (dialog), FALSE)	        gtk_window_set_resizable (GTK_WINDOW (dialog), FALSE)

	hbox = gtk_hbox_new (FALSE, 12);				hbox = gtk_hbox_new (FALSE, 12);
	gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (hbox),		gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (hbox),
	gtk_widget_show (hbox);						gtk_widget_show (hbox);
	gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (GTK_DIALOG (dialog)->vbo		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (GTK_DIALOG (dialog)->vbo

	/* image = gtk_image_new_from_stock (GNOME_DB_STOCK_D		/* image = gtk_image_new_from_stock (GNOME_DB_STOCK_D
	image = gtk_image_new_from_file (LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR 		image = gtk_image_new_from_file (LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR 
        gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (image), 0.5, 0.0);	        gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (image), 0.5, 0.0);
	gtk_widget_show (image);					gtk_widget_show (image);
	gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (hbox), image, FALSE, FAL		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (hbox), image, FALSE, FAL

	vbox = gtk_vbox_new (FALSE, 12);				vbox = gtk_vbox_new (FALSE, 12);
	gtk_widget_show (vbox);						gtk_widget_show (vbox);
	label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (_("Enter the argum		label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (_("Enter the argum
					     "to a data sourc						     "to a data sourc
	gtk_label_set_justify (GTK_LABEL (label), GTK_JUSTIFY		gtk_label_set_justify (GTK_LABEL (label), GTK_JUSTIFY
        gtk_label_set_line_wrap (GTK_LABEL (label), TRUE);	        gtk_label_set_line_wrap (GTK_LABEL (label), TRUE);
	gtk_label_set_selectable (GTK_LABEL (label), FALSE);		gtk_label_set_selectable (GTK_LABEL (label), FALSE);
	gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (label), 0.0, 0.0);		gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (label), 0.0, 0.0);
	gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (vbox), label, TRUE, TRUE		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (vbox), label, TRUE, TRUE

	dialog->priv->login = gnome_db_login_new (NULL);		dialog->priv->login = gnome_db_login_new (NULL);
	gnome_db_login_set_enable_create_button (GNOME_DB_LOG		gnome_db_login_set_enable_create_button (GNOME_DB_LOG
	gtk_widget_show (dialog->priv->login);				gtk_widget_show (dialog->priv->login);
	gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (vbox), dialog->priv->log		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (vbox), dialog->priv->log
	gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (hbox), vbox, TRUE, TRUE,		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (hbox), vbox, TRUE, TRUE,
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_login_dialog_set_property (GObject *object,		gnome_db_login_dialog_set_property (GObject *object,
				    guint param_id,						    guint param_id,
				    const GValue *value,					    const GValue *value,
				    GParamSpec *pspec)						    GParamSpec *pspec)
{								{
	GnomeDbLoginDialog *dialog = (GnomeDbLoginDialog *) o		GnomeDbLoginDialog *dialog = (GnomeDbLoginDialog *) o

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_LOGIN_DIALOG (dialog));		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_LOGIN_DIALOG (dialog));

	switch (param_id) {						switch (param_id) {
	default :							default :
		break;								break;
	}								}
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_login_dialog_get_property (GObject *object,		gnome_db_login_dialog_get_property (GObject *object,
				    guint param_id,						    guint param_id,
				    GValue *value,						    GValue *value,
				    GParamSpec *pspec)						    GParamSpec *pspec)
{								{
	GnomeDbLoginDialog *dialog = (GnomeDbLoginDialog *) o		GnomeDbLoginDialog *dialog = (GnomeDbLoginDialog *) o

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_LOGIN_DIALOG (dialog));		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_LOGIN_DIALOG (dialog));

	switch (param_id) {						switch (param_id) {
	case PROP_DSN :							case PROP_DSN :
		g_value_set_string (						g_value_set_string (
			value,								value,
			gnome_db_login_get_dsn (GNOME_DB_LOGI				gnome_db_login_get_dsn (GNOME_DB_LOGI
		break;								break;
		g_value_set_string (						g_value_set_string (
			value,								value,
			gnome_db_login_get_username (GNOME_DB				gnome_db_login_get_username (GNOME_DB
		break;								break;
		g_value_set_string (						g_value_set_string (
			value,								value,
			gnome_db_login_get_password (GNOME_DB				gnome_db_login_get_password (GNOME_DB
		break;								break;
	default:							default:
		break;								break;
	}								}
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_login_dialog_finalize (GObject *object)		gnome_db_login_dialog_finalize (GObject *object)
{								{
	GnomeDbLoginDialog *dialog = (GnomeDbLoginDialog *) o		GnomeDbLoginDialog *dialog = (GnomeDbLoginDialog *) o

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_LOGIN_DIALOG (dialog));		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_LOGIN_DIALOG (dialog));

	/* free memory */						/* free memory */
	g_free (dialog->priv);						g_free (dialog->priv);
	dialog->priv = NULL;						dialog->priv = NULL;

	parent_class->finalize (object);				parent_class->finalize (object);
}								}

GType								GType
gnome_db_login_dialog_get_type (void)				gnome_db_login_dialog_get_type (void)
{								{
	static GType type = 0;						static GType type = 0;

	if (!type) {							if (!type) {
		static const GTypeInfo info = {					static const GTypeInfo info = {
			sizeof (GnomeDbLoginDialogClass),				sizeof (GnomeDbLoginDialogClass),
			(GBaseInitFunc) NULL,						(GBaseInitFunc) NULL,
			(GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL,					(GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL,
			(GClassInitFunc) gnome_db_login_dialo				(GClassInitFunc) gnome_db_login_dialo
			NULL,								NULL,
			NULL,								NULL,
			sizeof (GnomeDbLoginDialog),					sizeof (GnomeDbLoginDialog),
			0,								0,
			(GInstanceInitFunc) gnome_db_login_di				(GInstanceInitFunc) gnome_db_login_di
		};								};
		type = g_type_register_static (GTK_TYPE_DIALO			type = g_type_register_static (GTK_TYPE_DIALO
	}								}
	return type;							return type;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_login_dialog_new					 * gnome_db_login_dialog_new
 */								 */
GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_login_dialog_new (const gchar *title)			gnome_db_login_dialog_new (const gchar *title)
{								{
	GdkPixbuf *icon;						GdkPixbuf *icon;
	GnomeDbLoginDialog *dialog;					GnomeDbLoginDialog *dialog;

	dialog = g_object_new (GNOME_DB_TYPE_LOGIN_DIALOG, NU		dialog = g_object_new (GNOME_DB_TYPE_LOGIN_DIALOG, NU
	gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (dialog), title);		gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (dialog), title);

	icon = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file (LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR 		icon = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file (LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR 
	if (icon) {							if (icon) {
		gtk_window_set_icon (GTK_WINDOW (dialog), ico			gtk_window_set_icon (GTK_WINDOW (dialog), ico
		g_object_unref (icon);						g_object_unref (icon);
	}								}

	return GTK_WIDGET (dialog);					return GTK_WIDGET (dialog);
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_login_dialog_run					 * gnome_db_login_dialog_run
 */								 */
gboolean							gboolean
gnome_db_login_dialog_run (GnomeDbLoginDialog *dialog)		gnome_db_login_dialog_run (GnomeDbLoginDialog *dialog)
{								{
	g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_LOGIN_DIALOG (dialo		g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_LOGIN_DIALOG (dialo

	if (gtk_dialog_run (GTK_DIALOG (dialog)) == GTK_RESPO		if (gtk_dialog_run (GTK_DIALOG (dialog)) == GTK_RESPO
		return TRUE;							return TRUE;

	return FALSE;							return FALSE;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_login_dialog_get_dsn				 * gnome_db_login_dialog_get_dsn
 */								 */
const gchar *gnome_db_login_dialog_get_dsn (GnomeDbLoginDialo	const gchar *gnome_db_login_dialog_get_dsn (GnomeDbLoginDialo
{								{
	g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_LOGIN_DIALOG (dialo		g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_LOGIN_DIALOG (dialo
	return gnome_db_login_get_dsn (GNOME_DB_LOGIN (dialog		return gnome_db_login_get_dsn (GNOME_DB_LOGIN (dialog
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_login_dialog_get_username				 * gnome_db_login_dialog_get_username
 */								 */
const gchar *gnome_db_login_dialog_get_username (GnomeDbLogin	const gchar *gnome_db_login_dialog_get_username (GnomeDbLogin
{								{
	g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_LOGIN_DIALOG (dialo		g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_LOGIN_DIALOG (dialo
	return gnome_db_login_get_username (GNOME_DB_LOGIN (d		return gnome_db_login_get_username (GNOME_DB_LOGIN (d
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_login_dialog_get_password				 * gnome_db_login_dialog_get_password
 */								 */
const gchar *gnome_db_login_dialog_get_password (GnomeDbLogin	const gchar *gnome_db_login_dialog_get_password (GnomeDbLogin
{								{
	g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_LOGIN_DIALOG (dialo		g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_LOGIN_DIALOG (dialo
	return gnome_db_login_get_password (GNOME_DB_LOGIN (d		return gnome_db_login_get_password (GNOME_DB_LOGIN (d
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_login_dialog_get_login_widget			 * gnome_db_login_dialog_get_login_widget
 * @dialog: A #GnomeDbLoginDialog widget.			 * @dialog: A #GnomeDbLoginDialog widget.
 *								 *
 * Get the #GnomeDbLogin widget contained in a #GnomeDbLoginD	 * Get the #GnomeDbLogin widget contained in a #GnomeDbLoginD
 *								 *
 * Returns: the login widget contained in the dialog.		 * Returns: the login widget contained in the dialog.
 */								 */
GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_login_dialog_get_login_widget (GnomeDbLoginDialog *d	gnome_db_login_dialog_get_login_widget (GnomeDbLoginDialog *d
{								{
	g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_LOGIN_DIALOG (dialo		g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_LOGIN_DIALOG (dialo
	return dialog->priv->login;					return dialog->priv->login;
}								}
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.h ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.h
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#if !defined(__gnome_db_login_dialog_h__)			#if !defined(__gnome_db_login_dialog_h__)
#  define __gnome_db_login_dialog_h__				#  define __gnome_db_login_dialog_h__

#include <gtk/gtkdialog.h>					#include <gtk/gtkdialog.h>


#define GNOME_DB_TYPE_LOGIN_DIALOG            (gnome_db_login	#define GNOME_DB_TYPE_LOGIN_DIALOG            (gnome_db_login
#define GNOME_DB_LOGIN_DIALOG(obj)            (G_TYPE_CHECK_I	#define GNOME_DB_LOGIN_DIALOG(obj)            (G_TYPE_CHECK_I

typedef struct _GnomeDbLoginDialog        GnomeDbLoginDialog;	typedef struct _GnomeDbLoginDialog        GnomeDbLoginDialog;
typedef struct _GnomeDbLoginDialogClass   GnomeDbLoginDialogC	typedef struct _GnomeDbLoginDialogClass   GnomeDbLoginDialogC
typedef struct _GnomeDbLoginDialogPrivate GnomeDbLoginDialogP	typedef struct _GnomeDbLoginDialogPrivate GnomeDbLoginDialogP

struct _GnomeDbLoginDialog {					struct _GnomeDbLoginDialog {
	GtkDialog dialog;						GtkDialog dialog;
	GnomeDbLoginDialogPrivate *priv;				GnomeDbLoginDialogPrivate *priv;
};								};

struct _GnomeDbLoginDialogClass {				struct _GnomeDbLoginDialogClass {
	GtkDialogClass parent_class;					GtkDialogClass parent_class;
};								};

GType        gnome_db_login_dialog_get_type (void);		GType        gnome_db_login_dialog_get_type (void);
GtkWidget   *gnome_db_login_dialog_new (const gchar *title);	GtkWidget   *gnome_db_login_dialog_new (const gchar *title);
gboolean     gnome_db_login_dialog_run (GnomeDbLoginDialog *d	gboolean     gnome_db_login_dialog_run (GnomeDbLoginDialog *d
const gchar *gnome_db_login_dialog_get_dsn (GnomeDbLoginDialo	const gchar *gnome_db_login_dialog_get_dsn (GnomeDbLoginDialo
const gchar *gnome_db_login_dialog_get_username (GnomeDbLogin	const gchar *gnome_db_login_dialog_get_username (GnomeDbLogin
const gchar *gnome_db_login_dialog_get_password (GnomeDbLogin	const gchar *gnome_db_login_dialog_get_password (GnomeDbLogin

GtkWidget   *gnome_db_login_dialog_get_login_widget (GnomeDbL	GtkWidget   *gnome_db_login_dialog_get_login_widget (GnomeDbL


#endif								#endif
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.h ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.h
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#if !defined(__gnome_db_login_h__)				#if !defined(__gnome_db_login_h__)
#  define __gnome_db_login_h__					#  define __gnome_db_login_h__

#include <gtk/gtkvbox.h>					#include <gtk/gtkvbox.h>


#define GNOME_DB_TYPE_LOGIN            (gnome_db_login_get_ty	#define GNOME_DB_TYPE_LOGIN            (gnome_db_login_get_ty
#define GNOME_DB_LOGIN(obj)            (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE	#define GNOME_DB_LOGIN(obj)            (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE

typedef struct _GnomeDbLogin        GnomeDbLogin;		typedef struct _GnomeDbLogin        GnomeDbLogin;
typedef struct _GnomeDbLoginClass   GnomeDbLoginClass;		typedef struct _GnomeDbLoginClass   GnomeDbLoginClass;
typedef struct _GnomeDbLoginPrivate GnomeDbLoginPrivate;	typedef struct _GnomeDbLoginPrivate GnomeDbLoginPrivate;

struct _GnomeDbLogin {						struct _GnomeDbLogin {
	GtkVBox parent;							GtkVBox parent;
	GnomeDbLoginPrivate *priv;					GnomeDbLoginPrivate *priv;
};								};

struct _GnomeDbLoginClass {					struct _GnomeDbLoginClass {
	GtkVBoxClass parent_class;					GtkVBoxClass parent_class;
};								};

GType        gnome_db_login_get_type (void);			GType        gnome_db_login_get_type (void);
GtkWidget   *gnome_db_login_new (const gchar *dsn);		GtkWidget   *gnome_db_login_new (const gchar *dsn);
const gchar *gnome_db_login_get_dsn (GnomeDbLogin *login);	const gchar *gnome_db_login_get_dsn (GnomeDbLogin *login);
void         gnome_db_login_set_dsn (GnomeDbLogin *login, con	void         gnome_db_login_set_dsn (GnomeDbLogin *login, con
const gchar *gnome_db_login_get_username (GnomeDbLogin *login	const gchar *gnome_db_login_get_username (GnomeDbLogin *login
void         gnome_db_login_set_username (GnomeDbLogin *login	void         gnome_db_login_set_username (GnomeDbLogin *login
const gchar *gnome_db_login_get_password (GnomeDbLogin *login	const gchar *gnome_db_login_get_password (GnomeDbLogin *login
void         gnome_db_login_set_password (GnomeDbLogin *login	void         gnome_db_login_set_password (GnomeDbLogin *login

void         gnome_db_login_set_enable_create_button (GnomeDb	void         gnome_db_login_set_enable_create_button (GnomeDb


#endif								#endif
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-model.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-model.c
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 * 	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 * 	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#include <string.h>						#include <string.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-model.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-model.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h>
#include <gtk/gtkcellrenderertext.h>				#include <gtk/gtkcellrenderertext.h>
#include <gtk/gtkcellrenderertoggle.h>				#include <gtk/gtkcellrenderertoggle.h>
#include <gtk/gtktreestore.h>					#include <gtk/gtktreestore.h>
#include <gtk/gtktreeview.h>					#include <gtk/gtktreeview.h>
#include <gtk/gtktreeviewcolumn.h>				#include <gtk/gtktreeviewcolumn.h>
#include "libgnomedb-private.h"					#include "libgnomedb-private.h"

#define DATA_MODEL_INFO_TYPE data_model_info_get_type ()	#define DATA_MODEL_INFO_TYPE data_model_info_get_type ()

/*								/*
 * Private functions						 * Private functions
 */								 */

static void							static void
data_model_info_free (DataModelInfo *info)			data_model_info_free (DataModelInfo *info)
{								{
	g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (info->model));			g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (info->model));
	g_free (info);							g_free (info);
}								}

static DataModelInfo *						static DataModelInfo *
data_model_info_copy (DataModelInfo *src)			data_model_info_copy (DataModelInfo *src)
{								{
	DataModelInfo *info;						DataModelInfo *info;

	g_return_val_if_fail (src != NULL, NULL);			g_return_val_if_fail (src != NULL, NULL);

	info = g_new0 (DataModelInfo, 1);				info = g_new0 (DataModelInfo, 1);
	info->row = src->row;						info->row = src->row;
	info->model = src->model;					info->model = src->model;
	if (info->model)						if (info->model)
		g_object_ref (G_OBJECT (info->model));				g_object_ref (G_OBJECT (info->model));

	return info;							return info;
}								}

static GType							static GType
data_model_info_get_type (void)					data_model_info_get_type (void)
{								{
	static GType type = 0;						static GType type = 0;

	if (!type) {							if (!type) {
		type = g_boxed_type_register_static (				type = g_boxed_type_register_static (
			"GNOME_DB_DataModelInfo",					"GNOME_DB_DataModelInfo",
			(GBoxedCopyFunc) data_model_info_copy				(GBoxedCopyFunc) data_model_info_copy
			(GBoxedFreeFunc) data_model_info_free				(GBoxedFreeFunc) data_model_info_free
	}								}
	return type;							return type;
}								}

static void							static void
column_clicked_cb (GtkTreeViewColumn *column, gpointer user_d	column_clicked_cb (GtkTreeViewColumn *column, gpointer user_d
{								{
	gtk_tree_view_set_search_column (GTK_TREE_VIEW (user_		gtk_tree_view_set_search_column (GTK_TREE_VIEW (user_
					 gtk_tree_view_column						 gtk_tree_view_column
}								}

static gint							static gint
sort_values (GtkTreeModel *model, GtkTreeIter *itera, GtkTree	sort_values (GtkTreeModel *model, GtkTreeIter *itera, GtkTree
{								{
	DataModelInfo *infoa, *infob;					DataModelInfo *infoa, *infob;
	const GdaValue *valuea, *valueb;				const GdaValue *valuea, *valueb;

	gtk_tree_model_get (model, itera, 0, &infoa, -1);		gtk_tree_model_get (model, itera, 0, &infoa, -1);
	gtk_tree_model_get (model, iterb, 0, &infob, -1);		gtk_tree_model_get (model, iterb, 0, &infob, -1);
	if (!infoa || !infob)						if (!infoa || !infob)
		return 0;							return 0;

	valuea = gda_data_model_get_value_at (infoa->model,		valuea = gda_data_model_get_value_at (infoa->model,
					      GPOINTER_TO_INT						      GPOINTER_TO_INT
					      infoa->row);						      infoa->row);
	valueb = gda_data_model_get_value_at (infob->model,		valueb = gda_data_model_get_value_at (infob->model,
					      GPOINTER_TO_INT						      GPOINTER_TO_INT
					      infob->row);						      infob->row);
	return gda_value_compare (valuea, valueb);			return gda_value_compare (valuea, valueb);
}								}

/*								/*
 * Callbacks							 * Callbacks
 */								 */

static void							static void
default_value_set_func (GtkTreeViewColumn *tree_column,		default_value_set_func (GtkTreeViewColumn *tree_column,
			GtkCellRenderer *cell,						GtkCellRenderer *cell,
			GtkTreeModel *model,						GtkTreeModel *model,
			GtkTreeIter *iter,						GtkTreeIter *iter,
			gpointer user_data)						gpointer user_data)
{								{
	DataModelInfo *info = NULL;					DataModelInfo *info = NULL;
	GdaValue *value;						GdaValue *value;
	gchar *txt;							gchar *txt;

	gtk_tree_model_get (model, iter, 0, &info, -1);			gtk_tree_model_get (model, iter, 0, &info, -1);
	if (!info)							if (!info)
		return;								return;

	value = (const GdaValue *) gda_data_model_get_value_a		value = (const GdaValue *) gda_data_model_get_value_a
					     GPOINTER_TO_INT 						     GPOINTER_TO_INT 
					     info->row);						     info->row);
	if (!value)							if (!value)
		return;								return;

	txt = gda_value_stringify (value);				txt = gda_value_stringify (value);
	if (gda_value_isa (value, GDA_VALUE_TYPE_BIGINT)		if (gda_value_isa (value, GDA_VALUE_TYPE_BIGINT)
	    || gda_value_isa (value, GDA_VALUE_TYPE_DOUBLE)		    || gda_value_isa (value, GDA_VALUE_TYPE_DOUBLE)
	    || gda_value_isa (value, GDA_VALUE_TYPE_INTEGER)		    || gda_value_isa (value, GDA_VALUE_TYPE_INTEGER)
	    || gda_value_isa (value, GDA_VALUE_TYPE_NUMERIC)		    || gda_value_isa (value, GDA_VALUE_TYPE_NUMERIC)
	    || gda_value_isa (value, GDA_VALUE_TYPE_SINGLE)		    || gda_value_isa (value, GDA_VALUE_TYPE_SINGLE)
	    || gda_value_isa (value, GDA_VALUE_TYPE_SMALLINT)		    || gda_value_isa (value, GDA_VALUE_TYPE_SMALLINT)
	    || gda_value_isa (value, GDA_VALUE_TYPE_TINYINT))		    || gda_value_isa (value, GDA_VALUE_TYPE_TINYINT))
		/* FIXME: get color for numbers from configur			/* FIXME: get color for numbers from configur
		g_object_set (G_OBJECT (cell), "text", txt,			g_object_set (G_OBJECT (cell), "text", txt,
			      "foreground", "blue",					      "foreground", "blue",
			      "xalign", 1.0,						      "xalign", 1.0,
			      "yalign", 0.0, NULL);					      "yalign", 0.0, NULL);
	} else								} else
		g_object_set (G_OBJECT (cell), "text", txt, "			g_object_set (G_OBJECT (cell), "text", txt, "

	g_free (txt);							g_free (txt);
}								}

static void							static void
toggle_value_set_func (GtkTreeViewColumn *tree_column,		toggle_value_set_func (GtkTreeViewColumn *tree_column,
		       GtkCellRenderer *cell,					       GtkCellRenderer *cell,
		       GtkTreeModel *model,					       GtkTreeModel *model,
		       GtkTreeIter *iter,					       GtkTreeIter *iter,
		       gpointer user_data)					       gpointer user_data)
{								{
	DataModelInfo *info = NULL;					DataModelInfo *info = NULL;
	const GdaValue *value;						const GdaValue *value;

	gtk_tree_model_get (model, iter, 0, &info, -1);			gtk_tree_model_get (model, iter, 0, &info, -1);
	if (!info)							if (!info)
		return;								return;

	value = gda_data_model_get_value_at (info->model,		value = gda_data_model_get_value_at (info->model,
					     GPOINTER_TO_INT 						     GPOINTER_TO_INT 
					     info->row);						     info->row);
	if (!value)							if (!value)
		return;								return;

	gtk_cell_renderer_toggle_set_active (GTK_CELL_RENDERE		gtk_cell_renderer_toggle_set_active (GTK_CELL_RENDERE
					     gda_value_get_bo						     gda_value_get_bo
	g_object_set (G_OBJECT (cell), "xalign", 0.0, "yalign		g_object_set (G_OBJECT (cell), "xalign", 0.0, "yalign
}								}

static gchar *							static gchar *
double_underscores (const gchar *str)				double_underscores (const gchar *str)
{								{
	gchar **arr;							gchar **arr;
	gchar *ret;							gchar *ret;

	arr = g_strsplit (str, "_", 0);					arr = g_strsplit (str, "_", 0);
	ret = g_strjoinv ("__", arr);					ret = g_strjoinv ("__", arr);
	g_strfreev (arr);						g_strfreev (arr);

	return ret;							return ret;
}								}

static void							static void
add_tree_model_row (GtkTreeStore *tree_model, GdaDataModel *m	add_tree_model_row (GtkTreeStore *tree_model, GdaDataModel *m
		    GtkTreeIter *parent, gint row)				    GtkTreeIter *parent, gint row)
{								{
	DataModelInfo info;						DataModelInfo info;
	GtkTreeIter iter;						GtkTreeIter iter;
	const GdaValue *value;						const GdaValue *value;

	info.row = row;							info.row = row;
	info.model = model;						info.model = model;
	gtk_tree_store_append (tree_model, &iter, parent);		gtk_tree_store_append (tree_model, &iter, parent);
	gtk_tree_store_set (tree_model, &iter, 0, &info, -1);		gtk_tree_store_set (tree_model, &iter, 0, &info, -1);

	/* if column 0 of this row contains a GdaValueList,		/* if column 0 of this row contains a GdaValueList,
	   then, add a child row */					   then, add a child row */
	value = gda_data_model_get_value_at (model, 0, row);		value = gda_data_model_get_value_at (model, 0, row);
	if (value && value->type == GDA_VALUE_TYPE_LIST) {		if (value && value->type == GDA_VALUE_TYPE_LIST) {
	}								}
}								}

static void							static void
model_row_inserted_cb (GdaDataModel *model, gint row, gpointe	model_row_inserted_cb (GdaDataModel *model, gint row, gpointe
{								{
	GtkTreeView *tree_view = user_data;				GtkTreeView *tree_view = user_data;

	add_tree_model_row (gtk_tree_view_get_model (tree_vie		add_tree_model_row (gtk_tree_view_get_model (tree_vie
}								}

static void							static void
model_row_updated_cb (GdaDataModel *model, gint row, gpointer	model_row_updated_cb (GdaDataModel *model, gint row, gpointer
{								{
	GtkTreeIter iter;						GtkTreeIter iter;
	GtkTreePath *path;						GtkTreePath *path;
	GtkTreeView *tree_view = user_data;				GtkTreeView *tree_view = user_data;

	gtk_tree_model_iter_nth_child (gtk_tree_view_get_mode		gtk_tree_model_iter_nth_child (gtk_tree_view_get_mode
	path = gtk_tree_path_new ();					path = gtk_tree_path_new ();
	gtk_tree_path_append_index (path, row);				gtk_tree_path_append_index (path, row);
	gtk_tree_model_row_changed (gtk_tree_view_get_model (		gtk_tree_model_row_changed (gtk_tree_view_get_model (

	gtk_tree_path_free (path);					gtk_tree_path_free (path);
}								}

static void							static void
model_row_removed_cb (GdaDataModel *model, gint row, gpointer	model_row_removed_cb (GdaDataModel *model, gint row, gpointer
{								{
	GtkTreePath *path;						GtkTreePath *path;
	GtkTreeView *tree_view = user_data;				GtkTreeView *tree_view = user_data;

	path = gtk_tree_path_new ();					path = gtk_tree_path_new ();
	gtk_tree_path_append_index (path, row);				gtk_tree_path_append_index (path, row);
	gtk_tree_model_row_deleted (gtk_tree_view_get_model (		gtk_tree_model_row_deleted (gtk_tree_view_get_model (

	gtk_tree_path_free (path);					gtk_tree_path_free (path);
}								}

static gboolean							static gboolean
tree_view_equal_func (GtkTreeModel *model,			tree_view_equal_func (GtkTreeModel *model,
		      gint column,						      gint column,
		      const gchar *key,						      const gchar *key,
		      GtkTreeIter *iter,					      GtkTreeIter *iter,
		      gpointer user_data)					      gpointer user_data)
{								{
	DataModelInfo *info = NULL;					DataModelInfo *info = NULL;
	const GdaValue *value;						const GdaValue *value;
	gint key_len;							gint key_len;
	gboolean retval = TRUE;						gboolean retval = TRUE;
	gchar *normalized_string, *normalized_key, *tmp, *cas		gchar *normalized_string, *normalized_key, *tmp, *cas

	gtk_tree_model_get (model, iter, 0, &info, -1);			gtk_tree_model_get (model, iter, 0, &info, -1);
	if (!info)							if (!info)
		return TRUE;							return TRUE;

	value = gda_data_model_get_value_at (info->model, col		value = gda_data_model_get_value_at (info->model, col
	if (!value)							if (!value)
		return TRUE;							return TRUE;

	/* normalize strings for UTF8 */				/* normalize strings for UTF8 */
	tmp = gda_value_stringify (value);				tmp = gda_value_stringify (value);
	normalized_string = g_utf8_normalize (tmp, -1, G_NORM		normalized_string = g_utf8_normalize (tmp, -1, G_NORM
	normalized_key = g_utf8_normalize (key, -1, G_NORMALI		normalized_key = g_utf8_normalize (key, -1, G_NORMALI
	case_ns = g_utf8_casefold (normalized_string, -1);		case_ns = g_utf8_casefold (normalized_string, -1);
	case_nk = g_utf8_casefold (normalized_key, -1);			case_nk = g_utf8_casefold (normalized_key, -1);

	g_free (tmp);							g_free (tmp);

	key_len = strlen (case_nk);					key_len = strlen (case_nk);
	if (!strncmp (case_nk, case_ns, key_len))			if (!strncmp (case_nk, case_ns, key_len))
		retval = FALSE;							retval = FALSE;

	g_free (normalized_key);					g_free (normalized_key);
	g_free (normalized_string);					g_free (normalized_string);
	g_free (case_nk);						g_free (case_nk);
	g_free (case_ns);						g_free (case_ns);
	return retval;							return retval;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_model_to_gtk_tree_view				 * gnome_db_model_to_gtk_tree_view
 * @model: a #GdaDataModel object.				 * @model: a #GdaDataModel object.
 *								 *
 * Convert a #GdaDataModel into a GtkTreeView widget, filled 	 * Convert a #GdaDataModel into a GtkTreeView widget, filled 
 * with the corresponding GtkTreeModel.				 * with the corresponding GtkTreeModel.
 *								 *
 * Returns: a pointer to the newly created object.		 * Returns: a pointer to the newly created object.
 */								 */
GtkTreeView *							GtkTreeView *
gnome_db_model_to_gtk_tree_view (GdaDataModel *model)		gnome_db_model_to_gtk_tree_view (GdaDataModel *model)
{								{
	gint i;								gint i;
	gint row_count;							gint row_count;
	gint col_count;							gint col_count;
	GtkTreeView *tree_view;						GtkTreeView *tree_view;
	GtkTreeStore *tree_model = NULL;				GtkTreeStore *tree_model = NULL;

	tree_model = gtk_tree_store_new (1, DATA_MODEL_INFO_T		tree_model = gtk_tree_store_new (1, DATA_MODEL_INFO_T
	row_count = gda_data_model_get_n_rows (model);			row_count = gda_data_model_get_n_rows (model);
	for (i = 0; i < row_count; i++) {				for (i = 0; i < row_count; i++) {
		add_tree_model_row (tree_model, model, NULL, 			add_tree_model_row (tree_model, model, NULL, 
	}								}

	/* create the tree view widget */				/* create the tree view widget */
	tree_view = GTK_TREE_VIEW (gnome_db_new_tree_view_wid		tree_view = GTK_TREE_VIEW (gnome_db_new_tree_view_wid
					   GTK_TREE_MODEL (tr						   GTK_TREE_MODEL (tr
	g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (tree_model));				g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (tree_model));

	col_count = gda_data_model_get_n_columns (model);		col_count = gda_data_model_get_n_columns (model);
	if (col_count > 0) {						if (col_count > 0) {
		gtk_tree_view_set_search_equal_func (GTK_TREE			gtk_tree_view_set_search_equal_func (GTK_TREE
						     (GtkTree							     (GtkTree
						     tree_vie							     tree_vie
		gtk_tree_view_set_search_column (GTK_TREE_VIE			gtk_tree_view_set_search_column (GTK_TREE_VIE
	}								}

	for (i = 0; i < col_count; i++) {				for (i = 0; i < col_count; i++) {
		GtkTreeViewColumn *column;					GtkTreeViewColumn *column;
		GtkCellRenderer *renderer;					GtkCellRenderer *renderer;
		GdaFieldAttributes *attrs;					GdaFieldAttributes *attrs;
		gchar *title;							gchar *title;
		gboolean alloc_title;						gboolean alloc_title;

		alloc_title = FALSE;						alloc_title = FALSE;
		title = (gchar *) gda_data_model_get_column_t			title = (gchar *) gda_data_model_get_column_t
		if (title && strchr (title, '_')) {				if (title && strchr (title, '_')) {
			title = double_underscores (title);				title = double_underscores (title);
			alloc_title = TRUE;						alloc_title = TRUE;
		}								}
		attrs = gda_data_model_describe_column (model			attrs = gda_data_model_describe_column (model
		if (attrs && attrs->gda_type == GDA_VALUE_TYP			if (attrs && attrs->gda_type == GDA_VALUE_TYP
			renderer = gtk_cell_renderer_toggle_n				renderer = gtk_cell_renderer_toggle_n
			gtk_tree_view_insert_column_with_data				gtk_tree_view_insert_column_with_data
				GTK_TREE_VIEW (tree_view),					GTK_TREE_VIEW (tree_view),
				i,								i,
				title,								title,
				renderer,							renderer,
				toggle_value_set_func,						toggle_value_set_func,
				NULL);								NULL);
		} else {							} else {
			renderer = gtk_cell_renderer_text_new				renderer = gtk_cell_renderer_text_new
			gtk_tree_view_insert_column_with_data				gtk_tree_view_insert_column_with_data
				GTK_TREE_VIEW (tree_view),					GTK_TREE_VIEW (tree_view),
				i,								i,
				title,								title,
				renderer,							renderer,
				default_value_set_func,						default_value_set_func,
				NULL);								NULL);
		}								}

		if (alloc_title)						if (alloc_title)
			g_free (title);							g_free (title);

		column = gtk_tree_view_get_column (GTK_TREE_V			column = gtk_tree_view_get_column (GTK_TREE_V
		gtk_tree_view_column_set_sort_column_id (colu			gtk_tree_view_column_set_sort_column_id (colu
		gtk_tree_view_column_set_resizable (column, T			gtk_tree_view_column_set_resizable (column, T
		gtk_tree_view_column_set_clickable (column, T			gtk_tree_view_column_set_clickable (column, T
		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (column), "clicked			g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (column), "clicked
				  G_CALLBACK (column_clicked_					  G_CALLBACK (column_clicked_

		gtk_tree_sortable_set_sort_func (GTK_TREE_SOR			gtk_tree_sortable_set_sort_func (GTK_TREE_SOR
						 i, sort_valu							 i, sort_valu
						 NULL);								 NULL);
		if (attrs)							if (attrs)
			gda_field_attributes_free (attrs);				gda_field_attributes_free (attrs);
	}								}

	gtk_tree_view_set_headers_clickable (GTK_TREE_VIEW (t		gtk_tree_view_set_headers_clickable (GTK_TREE_VIEW (t

	/* connect to data model's signals */				/* connect to data model's signals */
	g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (model), "row_inserted", G		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (model), "row_inserted", G
	g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (model), "row_updated", G_		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (model), "row_updated", G_
	g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (model), "row_removed", G_		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (model), "row_removed", G_

	return tree_view;						return tree_view;
}								}
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-model.h ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-model.h
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 * 	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 * 	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#if !defined(__gnome_db_model_h__)				#if !defined(__gnome_db_model_h__)
#  define __gnome_db_model_h__					#  define __gnome_db_model_h__

#include <libgda/gda-data-model.h>				#include <libgda/gda-data-model.h>
#include <gtk/gtktreeview.h>					#include <gtk/gtktreeview.h>


GtkTreeView *gnome_db_model_to_gtk_tree_view (GdaDataModel *m	GtkTreeView *gnome_db_model_to_gtk_tree_view (GdaDataModel *m


#endif								#endif
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-provider-selector.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-provider-selector.c
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#include <libgda/gda-config.h>					#include <libgda/gda-config.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-provider-selector.h>		#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-provider-selector.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h>


struct _GnomeDbProviderSelectorPrivate {			struct _GnomeDbProviderSelectorPrivate {
};								};

static void gnome_db_provider_selector_class_init (GnomeDbPro	static void gnome_db_provider_selector_class_init (GnomeDbPro
static void gnome_db_provider_selector_init       (GnomeDbPro	static void gnome_db_provider_selector_init       (GnomeDbPro
						   GnomeDbPro							   GnomeDbPro
static void gnome_db_provider_selector_finalize   (GObject *o	static void gnome_db_provider_selector_finalize   (GObject *o

static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL;			static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL;

/*								/*
 * Private functions						 * Private functions
 */								 */

static void							static void
show_providers (GnomeDbProviderSelector *selector)		show_providers (GnomeDbProviderSelector *selector)
{								{
	GList *prov_list;						GList *prov_list;
	GList *l;							GList *l;

	gtk_option_menu_remove_menu (GTK_OPTION_MENU (selecto		gtk_option_menu_remove_menu (GTK_OPTION_MENU (selecto

	/* get provider list */						/* get provider list */
	prov_list = gda_config_get_provider_list ();			prov_list = gda_config_get_provider_list ();
	for (l = prov_list; l != NULL; l = l->next) {			for (l = prov_list; l != NULL; l = l->next) {
		GdaProviderInfo *prov_info = (GdaProviderInfo			GdaProviderInfo *prov_info = (GdaProviderInfo

		if (!prov_info)							if (!prov_info)
			continue;							continue;

		gnome_db_option_menu_add_item (GTK_OPTION_MEN			gnome_db_option_menu_add_item (GTK_OPTION_MEN
	}								}

	gda_config_free_provider_list (prov_list);			gda_config_free_provider_list (prov_list);
}								}

/*								/*
 * GnomeDbProviderSelector class implementation			 * GnomeDbProviderSelector class implementation
 */								 */

static void							static void
gnome_db_provider_selector_class_init (GnomeDbProviderSelecto	gnome_db_provider_selector_class_init (GnomeDbProviderSelecto
{								{
	GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);		GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);

	parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);		parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);

	object_class->finalize = gnome_db_provider_selector_f		object_class->finalize = gnome_db_provider_selector_f
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_provider_selector_init (GnomeDbProviderSelector *sel	gnome_db_provider_selector_init (GnomeDbProviderSelector *sel
				 GnomeDbProviderSelectorClass					 GnomeDbProviderSelectorClass
{								{
	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_PROVIDER_SELECTOR (sele		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_PROVIDER_SELECTOR (sele

	selector->priv = g_new0 (GnomeDbProviderSelectorPriva		selector->priv = g_new0 (GnomeDbProviderSelectorPriva
	show_providers (selector);					show_providers (selector);
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_provider_selector_finalize (GObject *object)		gnome_db_provider_selector_finalize (GObject *object)
{								{
	GnomeDbProviderSelector *selector = (GnomeDbProviderS		GnomeDbProviderSelector *selector = (GnomeDbProviderS

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_PROVIDER_SELECTOR (sele		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_PROVIDER_SELECTOR (sele

	g_free (selector->priv);					g_free (selector->priv);
	selector->priv = NULL;						selector->priv = NULL;

	parent_class->finalize (object);				parent_class->finalize (object);
}								}

GType								GType
gnome_db_provider_selector_get_type (void)			gnome_db_provider_selector_get_type (void)
{								{
	static GType type = 0;						static GType type = 0;

	if (!type) {							if (!type) {
		static const GTypeInfo info = {					static const GTypeInfo info = {
			sizeof (GnomeDbProviderSelectorClass)				sizeof (GnomeDbProviderSelectorClass)
			(GBaseInitFunc) NULL,						(GBaseInitFunc) NULL,
			(GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL,					(GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL,
			(GClassInitFunc) gnome_db_provider_se				(GClassInitFunc) gnome_db_provider_se
			NULL,								NULL,
			NULL,								NULL,
			sizeof (GnomeDbProviderSelector),				sizeof (GnomeDbProviderSelector),
			0,								0,
			(GInstanceInitFunc) gnome_db_provider				(GInstanceInitFunc) gnome_db_provider
		};								};
		type = g_type_register_static (PARENT_TYPE,			type = g_type_register_static (PARENT_TYPE,
					       "GnomeDbProvid						       "GnomeDbProvid
					       &info, 0);						       &info, 0);
	}								}
	return type;							return type;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_provider_selector_new				 * gnome_db_provider_selector_new
 *								 *
 * Create a new #GnomeDbProviderSelector widget.		 * Create a new #GnomeDbProviderSelector widget.
 *								 *
 * Returns: the newly created widget.				 * Returns: the newly created widget.
 */								 */
GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_provider_selector_new (void)				gnome_db_provider_selector_new (void)
{								{
	GnomeDbProviderSelector *selector;				GnomeDbProviderSelector *selector;

	selector = g_object_new (GNOME_DB_TYPE_PROVIDER_SELEC		selector = g_object_new (GNOME_DB_TYPE_PROVIDER_SELEC
	return GTK_WIDGET (selector);					return GTK_WIDGET (selector);
}								}
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-provider-selector.h ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-provider-selector.h
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#if !defined(__gnome_db_provider_selector_h__)			#if !defined(__gnome_db_provider_selector_h__)
#  define __gnome_db_provider_selector_h__			#  define __gnome_db_provider_selector_h__

#include <gtk/gtkoptionmenu.h>					#include <gtk/gtkoptionmenu.h>


#define GNOME_DB_TYPE_PROVIDER_SELECTOR            (gnome_db_	#define GNOME_DB_TYPE_PROVIDER_SELECTOR            (gnome_db_
#define GNOME_DB_PROVIDER_SELECTOR(obj)            (G_TYPE_CH	#define GNOME_DB_PROVIDER_SELECTOR(obj)            (G_TYPE_CH

typedef struct _GnomeDbProviderSelector        GnomeDbProvide	typedef struct _GnomeDbProviderSelector        GnomeDbProvide
typedef struct _GnomeDbProviderSelectorClass   GnomeDbProvide	typedef struct _GnomeDbProviderSelectorClass   GnomeDbProvide
typedef struct _GnomeDbProviderSelectorPrivate GnomeDbProvide	typedef struct _GnomeDbProviderSelectorPrivate GnomeDbProvide

struct _GnomeDbProviderSelector {				struct _GnomeDbProviderSelector {
	GtkOptionMenu menu;						GtkOptionMenu menu;
	GnomeDbProviderSelectorPrivate *priv;				GnomeDbProviderSelectorPrivate *priv;
};								};

struct _GnomeDbProviderSelectorClass {				struct _GnomeDbProviderSelectorClass {
	GtkOptionMenuClass parent_class;				GtkOptionMenuClass parent_class;
};								};

GType      gnome_db_provider_selector_get_type (void);		GType      gnome_db_provider_selector_get_type (void);
GtkWidget *gnome_db_provider_selector_new (void);		GtkWidget *gnome_db_provider_selector_new (void);


#endif								#endif
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#include <gtk/gtklabel.h>					#include <gtk/gtklabel.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-i18n.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-i18n.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.h>			#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h>

#include <gtk/gtktable.h>					#include <gtk/gtktable.h>

struct _GnomeDbQueryBuilderPrivate {				struct _GnomeDbQueryBuilderPrivate {
	GdaConnection *cnc;						GdaConnection *cnc;

	GtkWidget *table_selector;					GtkWidget *table_selector;
	GtkWidget *table_fields;					GtkWidget *table_fields;
};								};

static void gnome_db_query_builder_class_init (GnomeDbQueryBu	static void gnome_db_query_builder_class_init (GnomeDbQueryBu
static void gnome_db_query_builder_init (GnomeDbQueryBuilder 	static void gnome_db_query_builder_init (GnomeDbQueryBuilder 
static void gnome_db_query_builder_finalize (GObject *object)	static void gnome_db_query_builder_finalize (GObject *object)

static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL;			static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL;

static void							static void
gnome_db_query_builder_class_init (GnomeDbQueryBuilderClass *	gnome_db_query_builder_class_init (GnomeDbQueryBuilderClass *
{								{
	GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);		GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);

	parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);		parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);

	object_class->finalize = gnome_db_query_builder_final		object_class->finalize = gnome_db_query_builder_final
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_query_builder_init (GnomeDbQueryBuilder *builder, Gn	gnome_db_query_builder_init (GnomeDbQueryBuilder *builder, Gn
{								{
	GtkWidget *table, *label;					GtkWidget *table, *label;
	gchar *str;							gchar *str;

	builder->priv = g_new0 (GnomeDbQueryBuilderPrivate, 1		builder->priv = g_new0 (GnomeDbQueryBuilderPrivate, 1
	builder->priv->cnc = NULL;					builder->priv->cnc = NULL;

	/* create main table */						/* create main table */
	table = gnome_db_new_table_widget (6, 6, FALSE);		table = gnome_db_new_table_widget (6, 6, FALSE);
	gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (builder), table, TRUE, T		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (builder), table, TRUE, T

	/* create field selection area */				/* create field selection area */
	label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (NULL);			label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (NULL);
	str = g_strdup_printf ("<b>%s</b>", _("Fields"));		str = g_strdup_printf ("<b>%s</b>", _("Fields"));
	gtk_label_set_markup (GTK_LABEL (label), str);			gtk_label_set_markup (GTK_LABEL (label), str);
	g_free (str);							g_free (str);
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), label, 0, 6, 0, 		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), label, 0, 6, 0, 

	builder->priv->table_selector = gnome_db_new_option_m		builder->priv->table_selector = gnome_db_new_option_m
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), builder->priv->t		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), builder->priv->t
			  GTK_FILL, GTK_FILL, 6, 6);					  GTK_FILL, GTK_FILL, 6, 6);

	builder->priv->table_fields = gnome_db_grid_new ();		builder->priv->table_fields = gnome_db_grid_new ();
	gtk_widget_show (builder->priv->table_fields);			gtk_widget_show (builder->priv->table_fields);
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), builder->priv->t		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), builder->priv->t
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_query_builder_finalize (GObject *object)		gnome_db_query_builder_finalize (GObject *object)
{								{
	GnomeDbQueryBuilder *builder = (GnomeDbQueryBuilder *		GnomeDbQueryBuilder *builder = (GnomeDbQueryBuilder *

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_QUERY_BUILDER (builder)		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_QUERY_BUILDER (builder)

	/* free memory */						/* free memory */
	if (builder->priv) {						if (builder->priv) {
		if (GDA_IS_CONNECTION (builder->priv->cnc)) {			if (GDA_IS_CONNECTION (builder->priv->cnc)) {
			g_object_unref (builder->priv->cnc);				g_object_unref (builder->priv->cnc);
			builder->priv->cnc = NULL;					builder->priv->cnc = NULL;
		}								}

		builder->priv = NULL;						builder->priv = NULL;
	}								}

	parent_class->finalize (object);				parent_class->finalize (object);
}								}

GType								GType
gnome_db_query_builder_get_type (void)				gnome_db_query_builder_get_type (void)
{								{
	static GType type = 0;						static GType type = 0;

	if (!type) {							if (!type) {
		static const GTypeInfo info = {					static const GTypeInfo info = {
			sizeof (GnomeDbQueryBuilderClass),				sizeof (GnomeDbQueryBuilderClass),
			(GBaseInitFunc) NULL,						(GBaseInitFunc) NULL,
			(GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL,					(GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL,
			(GClassInitFunc) gnome_db_query_build				(GClassInitFunc) gnome_db_query_build
			NULL,								NULL,
			NULL,								NULL,
			sizeof (GnomeDbQueryBuilder),					sizeof (GnomeDbQueryBuilder),
			0,								0,
			(GInstanceInitFunc) gnome_db_query_bu				(GInstanceInitFunc) gnome_db_query_bu
		};								};
		type = g_type_register_static (GTK_TYPE_VBOX,			type = g_type_register_static (GTK_TYPE_VBOX,
	}								}
	return type;							return type;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_query_builder_new					 * gnome_db_query_builder_new
 * @cnc: A #GdaConnection object.				 * @cnc: A #GdaConnection object.
 *								 *
 * Create a new #GnomeDbQueryBuilder widget, which presents a	 * Create a new #GnomeDbQueryBuilder widget, which presents a
 * of building SQL queries.					 * of building SQL queries.
 *								 *
 * Returns: the newly-created widget.				 * Returns: the newly-created widget.
 */								 */
GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_query_builder_new (GdaConnection *cnc)			gnome_db_query_builder_new (GdaConnection *cnc)
{								{
	GnomeDbQueryBuilder *builder;					GnomeDbQueryBuilder *builder;

	builder = g_object_new (GNOME_DB_TYPE_QUERY_BUILDER, 		builder = g_object_new (GNOME_DB_TYPE_QUERY_BUILDER, 

	if (GDA_IS_CONNECTION (cnc))					if (GDA_IS_CONNECTION (cnc))
		gnome_db_query_builder_set_connection (builde			gnome_db_query_builder_set_connection (builde

	return (GtkWidget *) builder;					return (GtkWidget *) builder;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_query_builder_get_connection			 * gnome_db_query_builder_get_connection
 * @builder: A #GnomeDbQueryBuilder widget.			 * @builder: A #GnomeDbQueryBuilder widget.
 *								 *
 * Get the #GdaConnection associated with the given query bui	 * Get the #GdaConnection associated with the given query bui
 *								 *
 * Returns: the associated connection.				 * Returns: the associated connection.
 */								 */
GdaConnection *							GdaConnection *
gnome_db_query_builder_get_connection (GnomeDbQueryBuilder *b	gnome_db_query_builder_get_connection (GnomeDbQueryBuilder *b
{								{
	g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_QUERY_BUILDER (buil		g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_QUERY_BUILDER (buil
	return builder->priv->cnc;					return builder->priv->cnc;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_query_builder_set_connection			 * gnome_db_query_builder_set_connection
 * @builder: A #GnomeDbQueryBuilder widget.			 * @builder: A #GnomeDbQueryBuilder widget.
 * @cnc: The connection to use in the widget.			 * @cnc: The connection to use in the widget.
 *								 *
 * Associate a #GdaConnection with the given query builder wi	 * Associate a #GdaConnection with the given query builder wi
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_query_builder_set_connection (GnomeDbQueryBuilder *b	gnome_db_query_builder_set_connection (GnomeDbQueryBuilder *b
{								{
	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_QUERY_BUILDER (builder)		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_QUERY_BUILDER (builder)

	if (GDA_IS_CONNECTION (builder->priv->cnc))			if (GDA_IS_CONNECTION (builder->priv->cnc))
		g_object_unref (builder->priv->cnc);				g_object_unref (builder->priv->cnc);

	builder->priv->cnc = cnc;					builder->priv->cnc = cnc;
	if (GDA_IS_CONNECTION (cnc)) {					if (GDA_IS_CONNECTION (cnc)) {
		g_object_ref (cnc);						g_object_ref (cnc);

		/* FIXME: refresh all widgets */				/* FIXME: refresh all widgets */
	}								}
}								}
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.h ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.h
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#if !defined(__gnome_db_query_builder_h__)			#if !defined(__gnome_db_query_builder_h__)
#  define __gnome_db_query_builder_h__				#  define __gnome_db_query_builder_h__

#include <libgda/gda-connection.h>				#include <libgda/gda-connection.h>
#include <gtk/gtkvbox.h>					#include <gtk/gtkvbox.h>


#define GNOME_DB_TYPE_QUERY_BUILDER            (gnome_db_quer	#define GNOME_DB_TYPE_QUERY_BUILDER            (gnome_db_quer
#define GNOME_DB_QUERY_BUILDER(obj)            (G_TYPE_CHECK_	#define GNOME_DB_QUERY_BUILDER(obj)            (G_TYPE_CHECK_

typedef struct _GnomeDbQueryBuilder        GnomeDbQueryBuilde	typedef struct _GnomeDbQueryBuilder        GnomeDbQueryBuilde
typedef struct _GnomeDbQueryBuilderClass   GnomeDbQueryBuilde	typedef struct _GnomeDbQueryBuilderClass   GnomeDbQueryBuilde
typedef struct _GnomeDbQueryBuilderPrivate GnomeDbQueryBuilde	typedef struct _GnomeDbQueryBuilderPrivate GnomeDbQueryBuilde

struct _GnomeDbQueryBuilder {					struct _GnomeDbQueryBuilder {
	GtkVBox vbox;							GtkVBox vbox;
	GnomeDbQueryBuilderPrivate *priv;				GnomeDbQueryBuilderPrivate *priv;
};								};

struct _GnomeDbQueryBuilderClass {				struct _GnomeDbQueryBuilderClass {
	GtkVBoxClass parent_class;					GtkVBoxClass parent_class;
};								};

GType          gnome_db_query_builder_get_type (void);		GType          gnome_db_query_builder_get_type (void);
GtkWidget     *gnome_db_query_builder_new (GdaConnection *cnc	GtkWidget     *gnome_db_query_builder_new (GdaConnection *cnc

GdaConnection *gnome_db_query_builder_get_connection (GnomeDb	GdaConnection *gnome_db_query_builder_get_connection (GnomeDb
void           gnome_db_query_builder_set_connection (GnomeDb	void           gnome_db_query_builder_set_connection (GnomeDb
						      GdaConn							      GdaConn


#endif								#endif
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-report-editor.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-report-editor.c
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-report-editor.h>			#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-report-editor.h>


struct _GnomeDbReportEditorPrivate {				struct _GnomeDbReportEditorPrivate {
};								};

static void gnome_db_report_editor_class_init   (GnomeDbRepor	static void gnome_db_report_editor_class_init   (GnomeDbRepor
static void gnome_db_report_editor_init         (GnomeDbRepor	static void gnome_db_report_editor_init         (GnomeDbRepor
						 GnomeDbRepor							 GnomeDbRepor
static void gnome_db_report_editor_set_property (GObject *obj	static void gnome_db_report_editor_set_property (GObject *obj
						 guint parami							 guint parami
						 const GValue							 const GValue
						 GParamSpec *							 GParamSpec *
static void gnome_db_report_editor_get_property (GObject *obj	static void gnome_db_report_editor_get_property (GObject *obj
						 guint param_							 guint param_
						 GValue *valu							 GValue *valu
						 GParamSpec *							 GParamSpec *
static void gnome_db_report_editor_finalize     (GObject *obj	static void gnome_db_report_editor_finalize     (GObject *obj

static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL;			static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL;

/*								/*
 * GnomeDbReportEditor class implementation			 * GnomeDbReportEditor class implementation
 */								 */

static void							static void
gnome_db_report_editor_class_init (GnomeDbReportEditorClass *	gnome_db_report_editor_class_init (GnomeDbReportEditorClass *
{								{
	GObjectClass* object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS(klass);		GObjectClass* object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS(klass);

	parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);		parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);

	object_class->set_property = gnome_db_report_editor_s		object_class->set_property = gnome_db_report_editor_s
	object_class->get_property = gnome_db_report_editor_g		object_class->get_property = gnome_db_report_editor_g
	object_class->finalize = gnome_db_report_editor_final		object_class->finalize = gnome_db_report_editor_final
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_report_editor_init (GnomeDbReportEditor *editor, Gno	gnome_db_report_editor_init (GnomeDbReportEditor *editor, Gno
{								{
	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_REPORT_EDITOR (editor))		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_REPORT_EDITOR (editor))

	/* allocate private structure */				/* allocate private structure */
	editor->priv = g_new0 (GnomeDbReportEditorPrivate, 1)		editor->priv = g_new0 (GnomeDbReportEditorPrivate, 1)
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_report_editor_set_property (GObject *object,		gnome_db_report_editor_set_property (GObject *object,
				     guint param_id,						     guint param_id,
				     const GValue *value,					     const GValue *value,
				     GParamSpec *pspec)						     GParamSpec *pspec)
{								{
	GnomeDbReportEditor *editor = (GnomeDbReportEditor *)		GnomeDbReportEditor *editor = (GnomeDbReportEditor *)

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_REPORT_EDITOR (editor))		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_REPORT_EDITOR (editor))

	switch (param_id) {						switch (param_id) {
	default :							default :
		break;								break;
	}								}
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_report_editor_get_property (GObject *object,		gnome_db_report_editor_get_property (GObject *object,
				     guint param_id,						     guint param_id,
				     GValue *value,						     GValue *value,
				     GParamSpec *pspec)						     GParamSpec *pspec)
{								{
	GnomeDbReportEditor *editor = (GnomeDbReportEditor *)		GnomeDbReportEditor *editor = (GnomeDbReportEditor *)

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_REPORT_EDITOR (editor))		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_REPORT_EDITOR (editor))

	switch (param_id) {						switch (param_id) {
	default :							default :
		break;								break;
	}								}
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_report_editor_finalize (GObject *object)		gnome_db_report_editor_finalize (GObject *object)
{								{
	GnomeDbReportEditor *editor = (GnomeDbReportEditor *)		GnomeDbReportEditor *editor = (GnomeDbReportEditor *)

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_REPORT_EDITOR (editor))		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_REPORT_EDITOR (editor))

	/* free memory */						/* free memory */
	g_free (editor->priv);						g_free (editor->priv);
	editor->priv = NULL;						editor->priv = NULL;

	/* chain to parent handler */					/* chain to parent handler */
	parent_class->finalize (object);				parent_class->finalize (object);
}								}

GType								GType
gnome_db_report_editor_get_type (void)				gnome_db_report_editor_get_type (void)
{								{
	static GType type = 0;						static GType type = 0;

	if (!type) {							if (!type) {
		static const GTypeInfo info = {					static const GTypeInfo info = {
			sizeof (GnomeDbReportEditorClass),				sizeof (GnomeDbReportEditorClass),
			(GBaseInitFunc) NULL,						(GBaseInitFunc) NULL,
			(GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL,					(GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL,
			(GClassInitFunc) gnome_db_report_edit				(GClassInitFunc) gnome_db_report_edit
			NULL,								NULL,
			NULL,								NULL,
			sizeof (GnomeDbReportEditor),					sizeof (GnomeDbReportEditor),
			0,								0,
			(GInstanceInitFunc) gnome_db_report_e				(GInstanceInitFunc) gnome_db_report_e
		};								};
		type = g_type_register_static (PARENT_TYPE, "			type = g_type_register_static (PARENT_TYPE, "
	}								}
	return type;							return type;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_report_editor_new					 * gnome_db_report_editor_new
 *								 *
 * Create a new #GnomeDbReportEditor widget, which is a high-	 * Create a new #GnomeDbReportEditor widget, which is a high-
 * that lets users edit a report file, as defined by the GDA 	 * that lets users edit a report file, as defined by the GDA 
 *								 *
 * Returns: the newly created widget.				 * Returns: the newly created widget.
 */								 */
GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_report_editor_new (void)				gnome_db_report_editor_new (void)
{								{
	GnomeDbReportEditor *editor;					GnomeDbReportEditor *editor;

	editor = g_object_new (GNOME_DB_TYPE_REPORT_EDITOR, N		editor = g_object_new (GNOME_DB_TYPE_REPORT_EDITOR, N
	return GTK_WIDGET (editor);					return GTK_WIDGET (editor);
}								}
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-report-editor.h ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-report-editor.h
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#if !defined(__gnome_db_report_editor_h__)			#if !defined(__gnome_db_report_editor_h__)
#  define __gnome_db_report_editor_h__				#  define __gnome_db_report_editor_h__

#include <gtk/gtkvbox.h>					#include <gtk/gtkvbox.h>


#define GNOME_DB_TYPE_REPORT_EDITOR            (gnome_db_repo	#define GNOME_DB_TYPE_REPORT_EDITOR            (gnome_db_repo
#define GNOME_DB_REPORT_EDITOR(obj)            (G_TYPE_CHECK_	#define GNOME_DB_REPORT_EDITOR(obj)            (G_TYPE_CHECK_

typedef struct _GnomeDbReportEditor        GnomeDbReportEdito	typedef struct _GnomeDbReportEditor        GnomeDbReportEdito
typedef struct _GnomeDbReportEditorClass   GnomeDbReportEdito	typedef struct _GnomeDbReportEditorClass   GnomeDbReportEdito
typedef struct _GnomeDbReportEditorPrivate GnomeDbReportEdito	typedef struct _GnomeDbReportEditorPrivate GnomeDbReportEdito

struct _GnomeDbReportEditor {					struct _GnomeDbReportEditor {
	GtkVBox box;							GtkVBox box;
	GnomeDbReportEditorPrivate *priv;				GnomeDbReportEditorPrivate *priv;
};								};

struct _GnomeDbReportEditorClass {				struct _GnomeDbReportEditorClass {
	GtkVBoxClass parent_class;					GtkVBoxClass parent_class;
};								};

GType      gnome_db_report_editor_get_type (void);		GType      gnome_db_report_editor_get_type (void);
GtkWidget *gnome_db_report_editor_new (void);			GtkWidget *gnome_db_report_editor_new (void);


#endif								#endif
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 * 	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 * 	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#include <gtk/gtkiconfactory.h>					#include <gtk/gtkiconfactory.h>
#include <gtk/gtkstock.h>					#include <gtk/gtkstock.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.h>
#include "gnome-db-i18n.h"					#include "gnome-db-i18n.h"

static GtkStockItem builtin_icons [] = {			static GtkStockItem builtin_icons [] = {
	{ GNOME_DB_STOCK_AGGREGATES, N_("Aggregates"), 0, 0, 		{ GNOME_DB_STOCK_AGGREGATES, N_("Aggregates"), 0, 0, 
	{ GNOME_DB_STOCK_COMMIT, N_("Commit"), 0, 0, GETTEXT_		{ GNOME_DB_STOCK_COMMIT, N_("Commit"), 0, 0, GETTEXT_
	{ GNOME_DB_STOCK_CONNECT, N_("Connect"), 0, 0, GETTEX		{ GNOME_DB_STOCK_CONNECT, N_("Connect"), 0, 0, GETTEX
	{ GNOME_DB_STOCK_DATABASE, N_("Database"), 0, 0, GETT		{ GNOME_DB_STOCK_DATABASE, N_("Database"), 0, 0, GETT
	{ GNOME_DB_STOCK_DESIGNER, N_("Designer"), 0, 0, GETT		{ GNOME_DB_STOCK_DESIGNER, N_("Designer"), 0, 0, GETT
	{ GNOME_DB_STOCK_DISCONNECT, N_("Disconnect"), 0, 0, 		{ GNOME_DB_STOCK_DISCONNECT, N_("Disconnect"), 0, 0, 
	{ GNOME_DB_STOCK_PROCEDURES, N_("Procedures"), 0, 0, 		{ GNOME_DB_STOCK_PROCEDURES, N_("Procedures"), 0, 0, 
	{ GNOME_DB_STOCK_ROLLBACK, N_("Rollback"), 0, 0, GETT		{ GNOME_DB_STOCK_ROLLBACK, N_("Rollback"), 0, 0, GETT
	{ GNOME_DB_STOCK_SEQUENCES, N_("Sequences"), 0, 0, GE		{ GNOME_DB_STOCK_SEQUENCES, N_("Sequences"), 0, 0, GE
	{ GNOME_DB_STOCK_TABLES, N_("Tables"), 0, 0, GETTEXT_		{ GNOME_DB_STOCK_TABLES, N_("Tables"), 0, 0, GETTEXT_
};								};

void gnome_db_stock_init (void);				void gnome_db_stock_init (void);

/*								/*
 * Private functions						 * Private functions
 */								 */

static void							static void
add_sized (GtkIconFactory *factory,				add_sized (GtkIconFactory *factory,
	   const gchar *pixfile,					   const gchar *pixfile,
	   GtkIconSize size,						   GtkIconSize size,
	   const gchar *stock_id)					   const gchar *stock_id)
{								{
	GtkIconSet *set;						GtkIconSet *set;
	GtkIconSource *source;						GtkIconSource *source;
	GdkPixbuf *pixbuf;						GdkPixbuf *pixbuf;
	GError *err = NULL;						GError *err = NULL;

	pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file (pixfile, &err);		pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file (pixfile, &err);
	if (err) {							if (err) {
		gda_log_error (_("Error: %s"), err->message);			gda_log_error (_("Error: %s"), err->message);
		g_error_free (err);						g_error_free (err);
		return;								return;
	}								}

	source = gtk_icon_source_new ();				source = gtk_icon_source_new ();
	gtk_icon_source_set_pixbuf (source, pixbuf);			gtk_icon_source_set_pixbuf (source, pixbuf);
	gtk_icon_source_set_size (source, size);			gtk_icon_source_set_size (source, size);

	set = gtk_icon_set_new ();					set = gtk_icon_set_new ();
	gtk_icon_set_add_source (set, source);				gtk_icon_set_add_source (set, source);

	gtk_icon_factory_add (factory, stock_id, set);			gtk_icon_factory_add (factory, stock_id, set);

	g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (pixbuf));				g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (pixbuf));
	gtk_icon_source_free (source);					gtk_icon_source_free (source);
	gtk_icon_set_unref (set);					gtk_icon_set_unref (set);
}								}

static void							static void
get_stock_icons (GtkIconFactory *factory)			get_stock_icons (GtkIconFactory *factory)
{								{
	add_sized (factory, LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR "/gnome-db-ag		add_sized (factory, LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR "/gnome-db-ag
	add_sized (factory, LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR "/gnome-db-co		add_sized (factory, LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR "/gnome-db-co
	add_sized (factory, LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR "/gnome-db-co		add_sized (factory, LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR "/gnome-db-co
	add_sized (factory, LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR "/gnome-db-da		add_sized (factory, LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR "/gnome-db-da
	add_sized (factory,  LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR "/gnome-db-d		add_sized (factory,  LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR "/gnome-db-d
	add_sized (factory, LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR "/gnome-db-di		add_sized (factory, LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR "/gnome-db-di
	add_sized (factory, LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR "/gnome-db-no		add_sized (factory, LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR "/gnome-db-no
	add_sized (factory, LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR "/gnome-db-pr		add_sized (factory, LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR "/gnome-db-pr
	add_sized (factory, LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR "/gnome-db-qu		add_sized (factory, LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR "/gnome-db-qu
	add_sized (factory, LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR "/gnome-db-ro		add_sized (factory, LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR "/gnome-db-ro
	add_sized (factory, LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR "/gnome-db-se		add_sized (factory, LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR "/gnome-db-se
	add_sized (factory,  LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR "/gnome-db-s		add_sized (factory,  LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR "/gnome-db-s
	add_sized (factory,  LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR "/gnome-db-t		add_sized (factory,  LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR "/gnome-db-t
	add_sized (factory, LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR "/gnome-db-ty		add_sized (factory, LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR "/gnome-db-ty
	add_sized (factory, LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR "/gnome-db-wi		add_sized (factory, LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR "/gnome-db-wi
	add_sized (factory, LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR "/gnome-db-re		add_sized (factory, LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR "/gnome-db-re
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_stock_init						 * gnome_db_stock_init
 *								 *
 * Private function for initialization of the stock icons.	 * Private function for initialization of the stock icons.
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_stock_init (void)					gnome_db_stock_init (void)
{								{
	GtkIconFactory *factory;					GtkIconFactory *factory;
	static gboolean initialized = FALSE;				static gboolean initialized = FALSE;

	if (initialized)						if (initialized)
		return;								return;

	/* install our stock icons */					/* install our stock icons */
	factory = gtk_icon_factory_new ();				factory = gtk_icon_factory_new ();
	get_stock_icons (factory);					get_stock_icons (factory);
	gtk_icon_factory_add_default (factory);				gtk_icon_factory_add_default (factory);

	gtk_stock_add_static (builtin_icons, G_N_ELEMENTS (bu		gtk_stock_add_static (builtin_icons, G_N_ELEMENTS (bu

	initialized = TRUE;						initialized = TRUE;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_stock_get_icon_pixbuf				 * gnome_db_stock_get_icon_pixbuf
 * @stock_id: ID of icon to get.				 * @stock_id: ID of icon to get.
 *								 *
 * Get the given stock icon as a GdkPixbuf.			 * Get the given stock icon as a GdkPixbuf.
 *								 *
 * Returns: a GdkPixbuf representing the loaded icon.		 * Returns: a GdkPixbuf representing the loaded icon.
 */								 */
GdkPixbuf *							GdkPixbuf *
gnome_db_stock_get_icon_pixbuf (const gchar *stock_id)		gnome_db_stock_get_icon_pixbuf (const gchar *stock_id)
{								{
	gchar *path;							gchar *path;
	GdkPixbuf *pixbuf;						GdkPixbuf *pixbuf;

	g_return_val_if_fail (stock_id != NULL, NULL);			g_return_val_if_fail (stock_id != NULL, NULL);

	path = gnome_db_stock_get_icon_path (stock_id);			path = gnome_db_stock_get_icon_path (stock_id);
	if (!path)							if (!path)
		return NULL;							return NULL;

	pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file (path, NULL);			pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file (path, NULL);

	g_free (path);							g_free (path);

	return pixbuf;							return pixbuf;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_stock_get_icon_pixbuf_file				 * gnome_db_stock_get_icon_pixbuf_file
 * @pixmapfile: the real filename of the icon to get.		 * @pixmapfile: the real filename of the icon to get.
 *								 *
 * Get the given icon as a GdkPixbuf.				 * Get the given icon as a GdkPixbuf.
 *								 *
 * Returns: a GdkPixbuf representing the loaded icon.		 * Returns: a GdkPixbuf representing the loaded icon.
 */								 */
GdkPixbuf *							GdkPixbuf *
gnome_db_stock_get_icon_pixbuf_file (const gchar *pixmapfile)	gnome_db_stock_get_icon_pixbuf_file (const gchar *pixmapfile)
{								{
	gchar *path;							gchar *path;
	GdkPixbuf *pixbuf;						GdkPixbuf *pixbuf;

	g_return_val_if_fail (pixmapfile != NULL, NULL);		g_return_val_if_fail (pixmapfile != NULL, NULL);

	path = g_strdup_printf ("%s/%s", LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR,		path = g_strdup_printf ("%s/%s", LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR,
	if (!path)							if (!path)
		return NULL;							return NULL;

	pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file (path, NULL);			pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file (path, NULL);

	g_free (path);							g_free (path);

	return pixbuf;							return pixbuf;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_stock_get_icon_path					 * gnome_db_stock_get_icon_path
 * @stock_id: Icon id to get path.				 * @stock_id: Icon id to get path.
 *								 *
 * Return the full path of the given stock icon.		 * Return the full path of the given stock icon.
 *								 *
 * Returns: the full path of the given stock icon. The return	 * Returns: the full path of the given stock icon. The return
 * value must be freed by the caller when no longer needed.	 * value must be freed by the caller when no longer needed.
 */								 */
gchar *								gchar *
gnome_db_stock_get_icon_path (const gchar *stock_id)		gnome_db_stock_get_icon_path (const gchar *stock_id)
{								{
	gchar *path;							gchar *path;

	g_return_val_if_fail (stock_id != NULL, NULL);			g_return_val_if_fail (stock_id != NULL, NULL);

	path = g_strdup_printf ("%s/%s_24x24.png", LIBGNOMEDB		path = g_strdup_printf ("%s/%s_24x24.png", LIBGNOMEDB
	return path;							return path;
}								}
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.h ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.h
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 * 	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 * 	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#if !defined(__gnome_db_stock_h__)				#if !defined(__gnome_db_stock_h__)
#  define __gnome_db_stock_h__					#  define __gnome_db_stock_h__

#include <gdk-pixbuf/gdk-pixbuf.h>				#include <gdk-pixbuf/gdk-pixbuf.h>


#define GNOME_DB_STOCK_AGGREGATES         "gnome-db-aggregate	#define GNOME_DB_STOCK_AGGREGATES         "gnome-db-aggregate
#define GNOME_DB_STOCK_COMMIT             "gnome-db-commit"	#define GNOME_DB_STOCK_COMMIT             "gnome-db-commit"
#define GNOME_DB_STOCK_CONNECT            "gnome-db-connect"	#define GNOME_DB_STOCK_CONNECT            "gnome-db-connect"
#define GNOME_DB_STOCK_DISCONNECT         "gnome-db-disconnec	#define GNOME_DB_STOCK_DISCONNECT         "gnome-db-disconnec
#define GNOME_DB_STOCK_DATABASE           "gnome-db-database"	#define GNOME_DB_STOCK_DATABASE           "gnome-db-database"
#define GNOME_DB_STOCK_DESIGNER           "gnome-db-designer"	#define GNOME_DB_STOCK_DESIGNER           "gnome-db-designer"
#define GNOME_DB_STOCK_NO_TRANSACTION     "gnome-db-no-transa	#define GNOME_DB_STOCK_NO_TRANSACTION     "gnome-db-no-transa
#define GNOME_DB_STOCK_PROCEDURES         "gnome-db-procedure	#define GNOME_DB_STOCK_PROCEDURES         "gnome-db-procedure
#define GNOME_DB_STOCK_QUERY              "gnome-db-query"	#define GNOME_DB_STOCK_QUERY              "gnome-db-query"
#define GNOME_DB_STOCK_ROLLBACK           "gnome-db-rollback"	#define GNOME_DB_STOCK_ROLLBACK           "gnome-db-rollback"
#define GNOME_DB_STOCK_SEQUENCES          "gnome-db-sequences	#define GNOME_DB_STOCK_SEQUENCES          "gnome-db-sequences
#define GNOME_DB_STOCK_SQL                "gnome-db-sql"	#define GNOME_DB_STOCK_SQL                "gnome-db-sql"
#define GNOME_DB_STOCK_TABLES             "gnome-db-tables"	#define GNOME_DB_STOCK_TABLES             "gnome-db-tables"
#define GNOME_DB_STOCK_TYPES              "gnome-db-types"	#define GNOME_DB_STOCK_TYPES              "gnome-db-types"
#define GNOME_DB_STOCK_WITHIN_TRANSACTION "gnome-db-within-tr	#define GNOME_DB_STOCK_WITHIN_TRANSACTION "gnome-db-within-tr
#define GNOME_DB_STOCK_RELATIONS          "gnome-db-relations	#define GNOME_DB_STOCK_RELATIONS          "gnome-db-relations

GdkPixbuf *gnome_db_stock_get_icon_pixbuf (const gchar *stock	GdkPixbuf *gnome_db_stock_get_icon_pixbuf (const gchar *stock
GdkPixbuf *gnome_db_stock_get_icon_pixbuf_file (const gchar *	GdkPixbuf *gnome_db_stock_get_icon_pixbuf_file (const gchar *
gchar     *gnome_db_stock_get_icon_path (const gchar *stock_i	gchar     *gnome_db_stock_get_icon_path (const gchar *stock_i


#endif								#endif
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 * 	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 * 	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#include <gtk/gtkbox.h>						#include <gtk/gtkbox.h>
#include <gtk/gtktable.h>					#include <gtk/gtktable.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.h>			#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h>
#include "gnome-db-i18n.h"					#include "gnome-db-i18n.h"


struct _GnomeDbTableEditorPrivate {				struct _GnomeDbTableEditorPrivate {
	/* widgets */							/* widgets */
	GtkWidget *name_entry;						GtkWidget *name_entry;
	GtkWidget *field_box;						GtkWidget *field_box;
};								};

static void gnome_db_table_editor_class_init (GnomeDbTableEdi	static void gnome_db_table_editor_class_init (GnomeDbTableEdi
static void gnome_db_table_editor_init       (GnomeDbTableEdi	static void gnome_db_table_editor_init       (GnomeDbTableEdi
					      GnomeDbTableEdi						      GnomeDbTableEdi
static void gnome_db_table_editor_finalize   (GObject *object	static void gnome_db_table_editor_finalize   (GObject *object

static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL;			static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL;

/*								/*
 * Private functions						 * Private functions
 */								 */

/*								/*
 * GnomeDbTableEditor class implementation			 * GnomeDbTableEditor class implementation
 */								 */

static void							static void
gnome_db_table_editor_class_init (GnomeDbTableEditorClass *kl	gnome_db_table_editor_class_init (GnomeDbTableEditorClass *kl
{								{
	GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);		GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);

	parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);		parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);

	object_class->finalize = gnome_db_table_editor_finali		object_class->finalize = gnome_db_table_editor_finali
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_table_editor_init (GnomeDbTableEditor *editor,		gnome_db_table_editor_init (GnomeDbTableEditor *editor,
			    GnomeDbTableEditorClass *klass)				    GnomeDbTableEditorClass *klass)
{								{
	GtkWidget *table;						GtkWidget *table;
	GtkWidget *label;						GtkWidget *label;
	GtkWidget *scroll;						GtkWidget *scroll;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_TABLE_EDITOR (editor));		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_TABLE_EDITOR (editor));

	/* allocate internal structure */				/* allocate internal structure */
	editor->priv = g_new0 (GnomeDbTableEditorPrivate, 1);		editor->priv = g_new0 (GnomeDbTableEditorPrivate, 1);

	/* setup widgets */						/* setup widgets */
	table = gnome_db_new_table_widget (4, 4, FALSE);		table = gnome_db_new_table_widget (4, 4, FALSE);
	gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (editor), table, TRUE, TR		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (editor), table, TRUE, TR

	label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (_("Table name"));		label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (_("Table name"));
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), label, 0, 1, 0, 		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), label, 0, 1, 0, 
	editor->priv->name_entry = gnome_db_new_entry_widget 		editor->priv->name_entry = gnome_db_new_entry_widget 
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), editor->priv->na		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), editor->priv->na
			  GTK_FILL, GTK_FILL, 2, 2);					  GTK_FILL, GTK_FILL, 2, 2);

	scroll = gnome_db_new_scrolled_window_widget ();		scroll = gnome_db_new_scrolled_window_widget ();
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), scroll, 0, 4, 1,		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), scroll, 0, 4, 1,
	editor->priv->field_box = gnome_db_new_vbox_widget (F		editor->priv->field_box = gnome_db_new_vbox_widget (F
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_table_editor_finalize (GObject *object)		gnome_db_table_editor_finalize (GObject *object)
{								{
	GnomeDbTableEditor *editor = (GnomeDbTableEditor *) o		GnomeDbTableEditor *editor = (GnomeDbTableEditor *) o

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_TABLE_EDITOR (editor));		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_TABLE_EDITOR (editor));

	/* free memory */						/* free memory */
	g_free (editor->priv);						g_free (editor->priv);
	editor->priv = NULL;						editor->priv = NULL;

	/* chain to parent class */					/* chain to parent class */
	parent_class->finalize (object);				parent_class->finalize (object);
}								}

GType								GType
gnome_db_table_editor_get_type (void)				gnome_db_table_editor_get_type (void)
{								{
	static GType type = 0;						static GType type = 0;

	if (!type) {							if (!type) {
		static const GTypeInfo info = {					static const GTypeInfo info = {
			sizeof (GnomeDbTableEditorClass),				sizeof (GnomeDbTableEditorClass),
			(GBaseInitFunc) NULL,						(GBaseInitFunc) NULL,
			(GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL,					(GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL,
			(GClassInitFunc) gnome_db_table_edito				(GClassInitFunc) gnome_db_table_edito
			NULL,								NULL,
			NULL,								NULL,
			sizeof (GnomeDbTableEditor),					sizeof (GnomeDbTableEditor),
			0,								0,
			(GInstanceInitFunc) gnome_db_table_ed				(GInstanceInitFunc) gnome_db_table_ed
		};								};
		type = g_type_register_static (PARENT_TYPE, "			type = g_type_register_static (PARENT_TYPE, "
	}								}
	return type;							return type;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_table_editor_new					 * gnome_db_table_editor_new
 *								 *
 * Create a new #GnomeDbTableEditor widget, which lets the us	 * Create a new #GnomeDbTableEditor widget, which lets the us
 * display and modify a table's structure.			 * display and modify a table's structure.
 *								 *
 * Returns: the newly created widget.				 * Returns: the newly created widget.
 */								 */
GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_table_editor_new (void)				gnome_db_table_editor_new (void)
{								{
	GnomeDbTableEditor *editor;					GnomeDbTableEditor *editor;

	editor = g_object_new (GNOME_DB_TYPE_TABLE_EDITOR, NU		editor = g_object_new (GNOME_DB_TYPE_TABLE_EDITOR, NU
	return GTK_WIDGET (editor);					return GTK_WIDGET (editor);
}								}
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.h ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.h
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 * 	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 * 	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#if !defined(__gnome_db_table_editor_h__)			#if !defined(__gnome_db_table_editor_h__)
#  define __gnome_db_table_editor_h__				#  define __gnome_db_table_editor_h__

#include <gtk/gtkvbox.h>					#include <gtk/gtkvbox.h>


#define GNOME_DB_TYPE_TABLE_EDITOR            (gnome_db_table	#define GNOME_DB_TYPE_TABLE_EDITOR            (gnome_db_table
#define GNOME_DB_TABLE_EDITOR(obj)            (G_TYPE_CHECK_I	#define GNOME_DB_TABLE_EDITOR(obj)            (G_TYPE_CHECK_I

typedef struct _GnomeDbTableEditor        GnomeDbTableEditor;	typedef struct _GnomeDbTableEditor        GnomeDbTableEditor;
typedef struct _GnomeDbTableEditorClass   GnomeDbTableEditorC	typedef struct _GnomeDbTableEditorClass   GnomeDbTableEditorC
typedef struct _GnomeDbTableEditorPrivate GnomeDbTableEditorP	typedef struct _GnomeDbTableEditorPrivate GnomeDbTableEditorP

struct _GnomeDbTableEditor {					struct _GnomeDbTableEditor {
	GtkVBox box;							GtkVBox box;
	GnomeDbTableEditorPrivate *priv;				GnomeDbTableEditorPrivate *priv;
};								};

struct _GnomeDbTableEditorClass {				struct _GnomeDbTableEditorClass {
	GtkVBoxClass parent_class;					GtkVBoxClass parent_class;
};								};

GType      gnome_db_table_editor_get_type (void);		GType      gnome_db_table_editor_get_type (void);
GtkWidget *gnome_db_table_editor_new (void);			GtkWidget *gnome_db_table_editor_new (void);


#endif								#endif
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *      Carlos Perelló Marín <carlos gnome-db org>		 *      Carlos Perelló Marín <carlos gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#include <string.h>						#include <string.h>
#include <libintl.h>						#include <libintl.h>
#include <glib-object.h>					#include <glib-object.h>
#include <gtk/gtkbutton.h>					#include <gtk/gtkbutton.h>
#include <gtk/gtkcheckbutton.h>					#include <gtk/gtkcheckbutton.h>
#include <gtk/gtkcheckmenuitem.h>				#include <gtk/gtkcheckmenuitem.h>
#include <gtk/gtkcombo.h>					#include <gtk/gtkcombo.h>
#include <gtk/gtkfilesel.h>					#include <gtk/gtkfilesel.h>
#include <gtk/gtkframe.h>					#include <gtk/gtkframe.h>
#include <gtk/gtkhbbox.h>					#include <gtk/gtkhbbox.h>
#include <gtk/gtkhbox.h>					#include <gtk/gtkhbox.h>
#include <gtk/gtkhpaned.h>					#include <gtk/gtkhpaned.h>
#include <gtk/gtkhseparator.h>					#include <gtk/gtkhseparator.h>
#include <gtk/gtkimage.h>					#include <gtk/gtkimage.h>
#include <gtk/gtkimagemenuitem.h>				#include <gtk/gtkimagemenuitem.h>
#include <gtk/gtklabel.h>					#include <gtk/gtklabel.h>
#include <gtk/gtkmain.h>					#include <gtk/gtkmain.h>
#include <gtk/gtkmenu.h>					#include <gtk/gtkmenu.h>
#include <gtk/gtkmenuitem.h>					#include <gtk/gtkmenuitem.h>
#include <gtk/gtkmenushell.h>					#include <gtk/gtkmenushell.h>
#include <gtk/gtkmessagedialog.h>				#include <gtk/gtkmessagedialog.h>
#include <gtk/gtknotebook.h>					#include <gtk/gtknotebook.h>
#include <gtk/gtkradiobutton.h>					#include <gtk/gtkradiobutton.h>
#include <gtk/gtkscrolledwindow.h>				#include <gtk/gtkscrolledwindow.h>
#include <gtk/gtkseparatormenuitem.h>				#include <gtk/gtkseparatormenuitem.h>
#include <gtk/gtkstatusbar.h>					#include <gtk/gtkstatusbar.h>
#include <gtk/gtkstock.h>					#include <gtk/gtkstock.h>
#include <gtk/gtktable.h>					#include <gtk/gtktable.h>
#include <gtk/gtktextbuffer.h>					#include <gtk/gtktextbuffer.h>
#include <gtk/gtktreeview.h>					#include <gtk/gtktreeview.h>
#include <gtk/gtkvbox.h>					#include <gtk/gtkvbox.h>
#include <gtk/gtkvpaned.h>					#include <gtk/gtkvpaned.h>
#include <gtk/gtkvseparator.h>					#include <gtk/gtkvseparator.h>
#include <gtk/gtkwindow.h>					#include <gtk/gtkwindow.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.h>			#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.h>
#endif								#endif
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h>
#include <libgnomeui/gnome-file-entry.h>			#include <libgnomeui/gnome-file-entry.h>
#endif								#endif
#include "gnome-db-i18n.h"					#include "gnome-db-i18n.h"

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_new_browser_widget					 * gnome_db_new_browser_widget
 */								 */
GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_new_browser_widget (void)				gnome_db_new_browser_widget (void)
{								{
	GtkWidget *browser;						GtkWidget *browser;

	browser = gnome_db_browser_new ();				browser = gnome_db_browser_new ();
	gtk_widget_show (browser);					gtk_widget_show (browser);

	return browser;							return browser;
}								}
#endif								#endif

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_new_button_widget					 * gnome_db_new_button_widget
 */								 */
GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_new_button_widget (const gchar *label)			gnome_db_new_button_widget (const gchar *label)
{								{
	GtkWidget *button;						GtkWidget *button;

	if (label != NULL)						if (label != NULL)
		button = gtk_button_new_with_label (label);			button = gtk_button_new_with_label (label);
	else								else
		button = gtk_button_new ();					button = gtk_button_new ();
	gtk_widget_show (button);					gtk_widget_show (button);

	return button;							return button;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_new_button_widget_from_stock			 * gnome_db_new_button_widget_from_stock
 */								 */
GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_new_button_widget_from_stock (const gchar *stock_id)	gnome_db_new_button_widget_from_stock (const gchar *stock_id)
{								{
	GtkWidget *button;						GtkWidget *button;

	button = gtk_button_new_from_stock (stock_id);			button = gtk_button_new_from_stock (stock_id);
	gtk_widget_show (button);					gtk_widget_show (button);

	return button;							return button;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_new_check_button_widget				 * gnome_db_new_check_button_widget
 */								 */
GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_new_check_button_widget (const gchar *label)		gnome_db_new_check_button_widget (const gchar *label)
{								{
	GtkWidget *check;						GtkWidget *check;

	if (label != NULL)						if (label != NULL)
		check = gtk_check_button_new_with_label (labe			check = gtk_check_button_new_with_label (labe
	else								else
		check = gtk_check_button_new ();				check = gtk_check_button_new ();
	gtk_widget_show (check);					gtk_widget_show (check);

	return check;							return check;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_new_combo_widget					 * gnome_db_new_combo_widget
 */								 */
GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_new_combo_widget (void)				gnome_db_new_combo_widget (void)
{								{
	GtkWidget *combo;						GtkWidget *combo;

	combo = gtk_combo_box_entry_new ();		      |		combo = gtk_combo_new ();
	gtk_widget_show (combo);					gtk_widget_show (combo);

	return combo;							return combo;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_new_entry_widget					 * gnome_db_new_entry_widget
 */								 */
GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_new_entry_widget (gint max_length, gboolean editable	gnome_db_new_entry_widget (gint max_length, gboolean editable
{								{
	GtkWidget *entry;						GtkWidget *entry;

	entry = gtk_entry_new ();					entry = gtk_entry_new ();
	if (max_length > 0)						if (max_length > 0)
		gtk_entry_set_max_length (GTK_ENTRY (entry), 			gtk_entry_set_max_length (GTK_ENTRY (entry), 
	gtk_editable_set_editable (GTK_EDITABLE (entry), edit		gtk_editable_set_editable (GTK_EDITABLE (entry), edit
	gtk_widget_show (entry);					gtk_widget_show (entry);

	return entry;							return entry;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_new_file_entry_widget				 * gnome_db_new_file_entry_widget
 */								 */
GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_new_file_entry_widget (const gchar *history_id, cons	gnome_db_new_file_entry_widget (const gchar *history_id, cons
{								{
	GtkWidget *entry;						GtkWidget *entry;

	entry = gnome_file_entry_new (history_id, title);		entry = gnome_file_entry_new (history_id, title);
	gtk_widget_show (entry);					gtk_widget_show (entry);

	return entry;							return entry;
}								}
#endif								#endif

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_new_frame_widget					 * gnome_db_new_frame_widget
 */								 */
GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_new_frame_widget (const gchar *title)			gnome_db_new_frame_widget (const gchar *title)
{								{
	GtkWidget *frame;						GtkWidget *frame;

	frame = gtk_frame_new (title);					frame = gtk_frame_new (title);
	gtk_widget_show (frame);					gtk_widget_show (frame);

	return frame;							return frame;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_new_grid_widget					 * gnome_db_new_grid_widget
 */								 */
GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_new_grid_widget (GdaDataModel *model)			gnome_db_new_grid_widget (GdaDataModel *model)
{								{
	GtkWidget *grid;						GtkWidget *grid;

	if (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (model))					if (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (model))
		grid = gnome_db_grid_new_with_model (model);			grid = gnome_db_grid_new_with_model (model);
	else								else
		grid = gnome_db_grid_new ();					grid = gnome_db_grid_new ();
	gtk_widget_show (grid);						gtk_widget_show (grid);

	return grid;							return grid;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_new_hbox_widget					 * gnome_db_new_hbox_widget
 */								 */
GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_new_hbox_widget (gboolean homogenous, gint spacing)	gnome_db_new_hbox_widget (gboolean homogenous, gint spacing)
{								{
	GtkWidget *hbox;						GtkWidget *hbox;

	hbox = gtk_hbox_new (homogenous, spacing);			hbox = gtk_hbox_new (homogenous, spacing);
	gtk_widget_show (hbox);						gtk_widget_show (hbox);

	return hbox;							return hbox;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_new_hbutton_box_widget				 * gnome_db_new_hbutton_box_widget
 */								 */
GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_new_hbutton_box_widget (void)				gnome_db_new_hbutton_box_widget (void)
{								{
	GtkWidget *hbbox;						GtkWidget *hbbox;

	hbbox = gtk_hbutton_box_new ();					hbbox = gtk_hbutton_box_new ();
	gtk_widget_show (hbbox);					gtk_widget_show (hbbox);

	return hbbox;							return hbbox;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_new_hpaned_widget					 * gnome_db_new_hpaned_widget
 */								 */
GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_new_hpaned_widget (void)				gnome_db_new_hpaned_widget (void)
{								{
	GtkWidget *hpaned;						GtkWidget *hpaned;

	hpaned = gtk_hpaned_new ();					hpaned = gtk_hpaned_new ();
	gtk_widget_show (hpaned);					gtk_widget_show (hpaned);

	return hpaned;							return hpaned;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_new_hseparator_widget				 * gnome_db_new_hseparator_widget
 */								 */
GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_new_hseparator_widget (void)				gnome_db_new_hseparator_widget (void)
{								{
	GtkWidget *hsep;						GtkWidget *hsep;

	hsep = gtk_hseparator_new ();					hsep = gtk_hseparator_new ();
	gtk_widget_show (hsep);						gtk_widget_show (hsep);

	return hsep;							return hsep;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_new_label_widget					 * gnome_db_new_label_widget
 */								 */
GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_new_label_widget (const gchar *text)			gnome_db_new_label_widget (const gchar *text)
{								{
	GtkWidget *label;						GtkWidget *label;

	label = gtk_label_new_with_mnemonic (text);			label = gtk_label_new_with_mnemonic (text);
	gtk_label_set_selectable (GTK_LABEL (label), TRUE);		gtk_label_set_selectable (GTK_LABEL (label), TRUE);
	gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (label), 0.0, 0.5);		gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (label), 0.0, 0.5);
	gtk_widget_show (label);					gtk_widget_show (label);

	return label;							return label;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_new_notebook_widget					 * gnome_db_new_notebook_widget
 */								 */
GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_new_notebook_widget (void)				gnome_db_new_notebook_widget (void)
{								{
	GtkWidget *notebook;						GtkWidget *notebook;

	notebook = gtk_notebook_new ();					notebook = gtk_notebook_new ();
	gtk_notebook_set_show_tabs (GTK_NOTEBOOK (notebook), 		gtk_notebook_set_show_tabs (GTK_NOTEBOOK (notebook), 
	gtk_notebook_set_scrollable (GTK_NOTEBOOK (notebook),		gtk_notebook_set_scrollable (GTK_NOTEBOOK (notebook),
	gtk_notebook_popup_enable (GTK_NOTEBOOK (notebook));		gtk_notebook_popup_enable (GTK_NOTEBOOK (notebook));
	gtk_widget_show (notebook);					gtk_widget_show (notebook);

	return notebook;						return notebook;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_new_option_menu_widget				 * gnome_db_new_option_menu_widget
 */								 */
GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_new_option_menu_widget (void)				gnome_db_new_option_menu_widget (void)
{								{
	GtkWidget *option_menu;						GtkWidget *option_menu;

	option_menu = gtk_option_menu_new ();				option_menu = gtk_option_menu_new ();
	gtk_widget_show (option_menu);					gtk_widget_show (option_menu);

	return option_menu;						return option_menu;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_new_popup_menu					 * gnome_db_new_popup_menu
 */								 */
GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_new_popup_menu (GtkWidget *parent, GnomeUIInfo *ui_i	gnome_db_new_popup_menu (GtkWidget *parent, GnomeUIInfo *ui_i
{								{
	GtkWidget *popup_menu;						GtkWidget *popup_menu;

        g_return_val_if_fail (parent != NULL, NULL);		        g_return_val_if_fail (parent != NULL, NULL);
        g_return_val_if_fail (ui_info != NULL, NULL);		        g_return_val_if_fail (ui_info != NULL, NULL);

        popup_menu = gnome_popup_menu_new (ui_info);		        popup_menu = gnome_popup_menu_new (ui_info);
        gnome_popup_menu_attach (popup_menu, parent, user_dat	        gnome_popup_menu_attach (popup_menu, parent, user_dat

        return popup_menu;					        return popup_menu;
}								}
#endif								#endif

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_new_radio_button_widget				 * gnome_db_new_radio_button_widget
 */								 */
GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_new_radio_button_widget (GSList *group, const gchar 	gnome_db_new_radio_button_widget (GSList *group, const gchar 
{								{
	GtkWidget *radio;						GtkWidget *radio;

	radio = gtk_radio_button_new_with_label (group, label		radio = gtk_radio_button_new_with_label (group, label
	gtk_widget_show (radio);					gtk_widget_show (radio);

	return radio;							return radio;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_new_scrolled_window_widget				 * gnome_db_new_scrolled_window_widget
 */								 */
GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_new_scrolled_window_widget (void)			gnome_db_new_scrolled_window_widget (void)
{								{
	GtkWidget *scroll;						GtkWidget *scroll;

	scroll = gtk_scrolled_window_new (NULL, NULL);			scroll = gtk_scrolled_window_new (NULL, NULL);
	gtk_scrolled_window_set_policy (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (		gtk_scrolled_window_set_policy (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (
	gtk_scrolled_window_set_shadow_type (GTK_SCROLLED_WIN		gtk_scrolled_window_set_shadow_type (GTK_SCROLLED_WIN
					     GTK_SHADOW_IN);						     GTK_SHADOW_IN);
	gtk_widget_show (scroll);					gtk_widget_show (scroll);

	return scroll;							return scroll;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_new_status_bar_widget				 * gnome_db_new_status_bar_widget
 */								 */
GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_new_status_bar_widget (void)				gnome_db_new_status_bar_widget (void)
{								{
        GtkWidget* status;					        GtkWidget* status;

        status = gtk_statusbar_new ();				        status = gtk_statusbar_new ();
        gtk_widget_show (status);				        gtk_widget_show (status);

        return status;						        return status;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_new_table_widget					 * gnome_db_new_table_widget
 */								 */
GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_new_table_widget (gint rows, gint cols, gboolean hom	gnome_db_new_table_widget (gint rows, gint cols, gboolean hom
{								{
	GtkWidget *table;						GtkWidget *table;

	table = gtk_table_new (rows, cols, homogenous);			table = gtk_table_new (rows, cols, homogenous);
	gtk_table_set_row_spacings (GTK_TABLE (table), 6);		gtk_table_set_row_spacings (GTK_TABLE (table), 6);
        gtk_table_set_col_spacings (GTK_TABLE (table), 6);	        gtk_table_set_col_spacings (GTK_TABLE (table), 6);

	gtk_widget_show (table);					gtk_widget_show (table);

	return table;							return table;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_new_text_widget					 * gnome_db_new_text_widget
 */								 */
GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_new_text_widget (const gchar *contents)		gnome_db_new_text_widget (const gchar *contents)
{								{
	GtkWidget *text;						GtkWidget *text;
	GtkTextBuffer *buffer;						GtkTextBuffer *buffer;

	if (contents != NULL) {						if (contents != NULL) {
		buffer = gtk_text_buffer_new (NULL);				buffer = gtk_text_buffer_new (NULL);
		gtk_text_buffer_set_text (buffer, contents, s			gtk_text_buffer_set_text (buffer, contents, s

		text = gtk_text_view_new_with_buffer (buffer)			text = gtk_text_view_new_with_buffer (buffer)
	}								}
	else								else
		text = gtk_text_view_new ();					text = gtk_text_view_new ();

	gtk_widget_show (text);						gtk_widget_show (text);

	return text;							return text;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_new_toolbar_widget					 * gnome_db_new_toolbar_widget
 */								 */
GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_new_toolbar_widget (GtkOrientation orientation, GtkT	gnome_db_new_toolbar_widget (GtkOrientation orientation, GtkT
{								{
	GtkWidget *toolbar;						GtkWidget *toolbar;

	toolbar = gtk_toolbar_new ();					toolbar = gtk_toolbar_new ();
	gtk_toolbar_set_orientation (GTK_TOOLBAR (toolbar), o		gtk_toolbar_set_orientation (GTK_TOOLBAR (toolbar), o
	gtk_toolbar_set_style (GTK_TOOLBAR (toolbar), style);		gtk_toolbar_set_style (GTK_TOOLBAR (toolbar), style);
	gtk_widget_show (toolbar);					gtk_widget_show (toolbar);

	return toolbar;							return toolbar;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_new_tree_view_widget				 * gnome_db_new_tree_view_widget
 */								 */
GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_new_tree_view_widget (GtkTreeModel *model)		gnome_db_new_tree_view_widget (GtkTreeModel *model)
{								{
	GtkWidget *tree_view;						GtkWidget *tree_view;

	tree_view = model ?						tree_view = model ?
		gtk_tree_view_new_with_model (model) :				gtk_tree_view_new_with_model (model) :
		gtk_tree_view_new ();						gtk_tree_view_new ();
	gtk_tree_view_set_rules_hint (GTK_TREE_VIEW (tree_vie		gtk_tree_view_set_rules_hint (GTK_TREE_VIEW (tree_vie
	gtk_widget_show (tree_view);					gtk_widget_show (tree_view);

	return tree_view;						return tree_view;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_new_vbox_widget					 * gnome_db_new_vbox_widget
 */								 */
GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_new_vbox_widget (gboolean homogenous, gint spacing)	gnome_db_new_vbox_widget (gboolean homogenous, gint spacing)
{								{
	GtkWidget *vbox;						GtkWidget *vbox;

	vbox = gtk_vbox_new (homogenous, spacing);			vbox = gtk_vbox_new (homogenous, spacing);
	gtk_widget_show (vbox);						gtk_widget_show (vbox);

	return vbox;							return vbox;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_new_vpaned_widget					 * gnome_db_new_vpaned_widget
 */								 */
GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_new_vpaned_widget (void)				gnome_db_new_vpaned_widget (void)
{								{
	GtkWidget *vpaned;						GtkWidget *vpaned;

	vpaned = gtk_vpaned_new ();					vpaned = gtk_vpaned_new ();
	gtk_widget_show (vpaned);					gtk_widget_show (vpaned);

	return vpaned;							return vpaned;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_new_vseparator_widget				 * gnome_db_new_vseparator_widget
 */								 */
GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_new_vseparator_widget (void)				gnome_db_new_vseparator_widget (void)
{								{
	GtkWidget *sep;							GtkWidget *sep;

	sep = gtk_vseparator_new ();					sep = gtk_vseparator_new ();
	gtk_widget_show (sep);						gtk_widget_show (sep);

	return sep;							return sep;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_set_widget_bg_color					 * gnome_db_set_widget_bg_color
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_set_widget_bg_color (GtkWidget *widget, const gchar 	gnome_db_set_widget_bg_color (GtkWidget *widget, const gchar 
{								{
	GdkColor gdk_color;						GdkColor gdk_color;

	g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget));			g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget));

	gdk_color_parse (color, &gdk_color);				gdk_color_parse (color, &gdk_color);
	gtk_widget_modify_bg (widget, GTK_STATE_NORMAL, &gdk_		gtk_widget_modify_bg (widget, GTK_STATE_NORMAL, &gdk_
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_set_widget_fg_color					 * gnome_db_set_widget_fg_color
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_set_widget_fg_color (GtkWidget *widget, const gchar 	gnome_db_set_widget_fg_color (GtkWidget *widget, const gchar 
{								{
	GdkColor gdk_color;						GdkColor gdk_color;

	g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget));			g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget));

	gdk_color_parse (color, &gdk_color);				gdk_color_parse (color, &gdk_color);
	gtk_widget_modify_fg (widget, GTK_STATE_NORMAL, &gdk_		gtk_widget_modify_fg (widget, GTK_STATE_NORMAL, &gdk_
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_option_menu_add_item				 * gnome_db_option_menu_add_item
 */								 */
GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_option_menu_add_item (GtkOptionMenu *option_menu, co	gnome_db_option_menu_add_item (GtkOptionMenu *option_menu, co
{								{
	GtkWidget *menu;						GtkWidget *menu;
	GtkWidget *menu_item;						GtkWidget *menu_item;

	g_return_val_if_fail (GTK_IS_OPTION_MENU (option_menu		g_return_val_if_fail (GTK_IS_OPTION_MENU (option_menu
	g_return_val_if_fail (label != NULL, NULL);			g_return_val_if_fail (label != NULL, NULL);

	menu = gtk_option_menu_get_menu (option_menu);			menu = gtk_option_menu_get_menu (option_menu);
	if (!GTK_IS_MENU (menu)) {					if (!GTK_IS_MENU (menu)) {
		menu = gtk_menu_new ();						menu = gtk_menu_new ();
		gtk_option_menu_set_menu (option_menu, menu);			gtk_option_menu_set_menu (option_menu, menu);
		gtk_widget_show (menu);						gtk_widget_show (menu);
	}								}

	menu_item = gtk_menu_item_new_with_label (label);		menu_item = gtk_menu_item_new_with_label (label);
	gtk_widget_show (menu_item);					gtk_widget_show (menu_item);
	g_object_set_data_full (G_OBJECT (menu_item), "GNOME:		g_object_set_data_full (G_OBJECT (menu_item), "GNOME:
				g_strdup (label), (GDestroyNo					g_strdup (label), (GDestroyNo

	gtk_menu_shell_append (GTK_MENU_SHELL (menu), menu_it		gtk_menu_shell_append (GTK_MENU_SHELL (menu), menu_it

	return menu_item;						return menu_item;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_option_menu_add_stock_item				 * gnome_db_option_menu_add_stock_item
 */								 */
GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_option_menu_add_stock_item (GtkOptionMenu *option_me	gnome_db_option_menu_add_stock_item (GtkOptionMenu *option_me
{								{
	GtkWidget *menu;						GtkWidget *menu;
	GtkWidget *menu_item;						GtkWidget *menu_item;

	g_return_val_if_fail (GTK_IS_OPTION_MENU (option_menu		g_return_val_if_fail (GTK_IS_OPTION_MENU (option_menu
	g_return_val_if_fail (stock_id != NULL, NULL);			g_return_val_if_fail (stock_id != NULL, NULL);

	menu = gtk_option_menu_get_menu (option_menu);			menu = gtk_option_menu_get_menu (option_menu);
	if (!GTK_IS_MENU (menu)) {					if (!GTK_IS_MENU (menu)) {
		menu = gtk_menu_new ();						menu = gtk_menu_new ();
		gtk_option_menu_set_menu (option_menu, menu);			gtk_option_menu_set_menu (option_menu, menu);
		gtk_widget_show (menu);						gtk_widget_show (menu);
	}								}

	menu_item = gtk_image_menu_item_new_from_stock (stock		menu_item = gtk_image_menu_item_new_from_stock (stock
	gtk_widget_show (menu_item);					gtk_widget_show (menu_item);
	g_object_set_data_full (G_OBJECT (menu_item), "GNOME:		g_object_set_data_full (G_OBJECT (menu_item), "GNOME:
				g_strdup (stock_id), (GDestro					g_strdup (stock_id), (GDestro

	gtk_menu_shell_append (GTK_MENU_SHELL (menu), menu_it		gtk_menu_shell_append (GTK_MENU_SHELL (menu), menu_it

	return menu_item;						return menu_item;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_option_menu_add_separator				 * gnome_db_option_menu_add_separator
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_option_menu_add_separator (GtkOptionMenu *option_men	gnome_db_option_menu_add_separator (GtkOptionMenu *option_men
{								{
	GtkWidget *menu;						GtkWidget *menu;
	GtkWidget *menu_item;						GtkWidget *menu_item;

	g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_OPTION_MENU (option_menu));		g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_OPTION_MENU (option_menu));

	menu = gtk_option_menu_get_menu (option_menu);			menu = gtk_option_menu_get_menu (option_menu);
	if (!GTK_IS_MENU (menu)) {					if (!GTK_IS_MENU (menu)) {
		menu = gtk_menu_new ();						menu = gtk_menu_new ();
		gtk_option_menu_set_menu (option_menu, menu);			gtk_option_menu_set_menu (option_menu, menu);
		gtk_widget_show (menu);						gtk_widget_show (menu);
	}								}

	menu_item = gtk_separator_menu_item_new ();			menu_item = gtk_separator_menu_item_new ();
	gtk_widget_show (menu_item);					gtk_widget_show (menu_item);

	gtk_menu_shell_append (GTK_MENU_SHELL (menu), menu_it		gtk_menu_shell_append (GTK_MENU_SHELL (menu), menu_it
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_option_menu_get_selection				 * gnome_db_option_menu_get_selection
 */								 */
const gchar *							const gchar *
gnome_db_option_menu_get_selection (GtkOptionMenu *option_men	gnome_db_option_menu_get_selection (GtkOptionMenu *option_men
{								{
	GtkWidget *menu_item;						GtkWidget *menu_item;
	GtkWidget *menu;						GtkWidget *menu;

	g_return_val_if_fail (GTK_IS_OPTION_MENU (option_menu		g_return_val_if_fail (GTK_IS_OPTION_MENU (option_menu

	menu = gtk_option_menu_get_menu(option_menu);			menu = gtk_option_menu_get_menu(option_menu);
	menu_item = gtk_menu_get_active(menu);				menu_item = gtk_menu_get_active(menu);

	if (GTK_IS_MENU_ITEM (menu_item)) {				if (GTK_IS_MENU_ITEM (menu_item)) {
		return (const gchar *) g_object_get_data (G_O			return (const gchar *) g_object_get_data (G_O
							  "GN								  "GN
	}								}

	return NULL;							return NULL;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_option_menu_set_selection				 * gnome_db_option_menu_set_selection
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_option_menu_set_selection (GtkOptionMenu *option_men	gnome_db_option_menu_set_selection (GtkOptionMenu *option_men
{								{
	GList *l;							GList *l;
	gint i;								gint i;
	GtkWidget *menu;						GtkWidget *menu;

	g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_OPTION_MENU (option_menu));		g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_OPTION_MENU (option_menu));
	g_return_if_fail (selection != NULL);				g_return_if_fail (selection != NULL);

	menu = gtk_option_menu_get_menu (option_menu);			menu = gtk_option_menu_get_menu (option_menu);
	if (!GTK_IS_MENU_SHELL (menu))					if (!GTK_IS_MENU_SHELL (menu))
		return;								return;

	for (l = GTK_MENU_SHELL (menu)->children, i = 0; l !=		for (l = GTK_MENU_SHELL (menu)->children, i = 0; l !=
		const gchar *str;						const gchar *str;
		GtkWidget *menu_item = GTK_WIDGET (l->data);			GtkWidget *menu_item = GTK_WIDGET (l->data);

		str = (const gchar *) g_object_get_data (G_OB			str = (const gchar *) g_object_get_data (G_OB
							 "GNO								 "GNO
		if (str && !strcmp (str, selection)) {				if (str && !strcmp (str, selection)) {
			gtk_option_menu_set_history (option_m				gtk_option_menu_set_history (option_m
			break;								break;
		}								}
	}								}
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_text_clear						 * gnome_db_text_clear
 * @text: a #GtkTextView widget					 * @text: a #GtkTextView widget
 *								 *
 * Clear the contents of the given text view widget.		 * Clear the contents of the given text view widget.
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_text_clear (GtkTextView *text)				gnome_db_text_clear (GtkTextView *text)
{								{
	GtkTextIter start;						GtkTextIter start;
	GtkTextIter end;						GtkTextIter end;
	gint char_count;						gint char_count;
	GtkTextBuffer *buffer;						GtkTextBuffer *buffer;

	g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_TEXT_VIEW (text));			g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_TEXT_VIEW (text));

	buffer = gtk_text_view_get_buffer (text);			buffer = gtk_text_view_get_buffer (text);
	char_count = gnome_db_text_get_char_count (text);		char_count = gnome_db_text_get_char_count (text);

	gtk_text_buffer_get_iter_at_offset (buffer, &start, 0		gtk_text_buffer_get_iter_at_offset (buffer, &start, 0
	gtk_text_buffer_get_iter_at_offset (buffer, &end, cha		gtk_text_buffer_get_iter_at_offset (buffer, &end, cha

	gtk_text_buffer_delete (buffer, &start, &end);			gtk_text_buffer_delete (buffer, &start, &end);
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_text_copy_clipboard					 * gnome_db_text_copy_clipboard
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_text_copy_clipboard (GtkTextView *text)		gnome_db_text_copy_clipboard (GtkTextView *text)
{								{
	g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_TEXT_VIEW (text));			g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_TEXT_VIEW (text));
	gtk_text_buffer_copy_clipboard (gtk_text_view_get_buf		gtk_text_buffer_copy_clipboard (gtk_text_view_get_buf
					gtk_clipboard_get (GD						gtk_clipboard_get (GD
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_text_cut_clipboard					 * gnome_db_text_cut_clipboard
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_text_cut_clipboard (GtkTextView *text)			gnome_db_text_cut_clipboard (GtkTextView *text)
{								{
	g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_TEXT_VIEW (text));			g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_TEXT_VIEW (text));
	gtk_text_buffer_cut_clipboard (gtk_text_view_get_buff		gtk_text_buffer_cut_clipboard (gtk_text_view_get_buff
				       gtk_clipboard_get (GDK					       gtk_clipboard_get (GDK
				       gtk_text_view_get_edit					       gtk_text_view_get_edit
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_text_get_char_count					 * gnome_db_text_get_char_count
 */								 */
gint								gint
gnome_db_text_get_char_count (GtkTextView *text)		gnome_db_text_get_char_count (GtkTextView *text)
{								{
	g_return_val_if_fail (GTK_IS_TEXT_VIEW (text), -1);		g_return_val_if_fail (GTK_IS_TEXT_VIEW (text), -1);
	return gtk_text_buffer_get_char_count (gtk_text_view_		return gtk_text_buffer_get_char_count (gtk_text_view_
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_text_get_line_count					 * gnome_db_text_get_line_count
 */								 */
gint								gint
gnome_db_text_get_line_count (GtkTextView *text)		gnome_db_text_get_line_count (GtkTextView *text)
{								{
	g_return_val_if_fail (GTK_IS_TEXT_VIEW (text), -1);		g_return_val_if_fail (GTK_IS_TEXT_VIEW (text), -1);
	return gtk_text_buffer_get_line_count (gtk_text_view_		return gtk_text_buffer_get_line_count (gtk_text_view_
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_text_get_text					 * gnome_db_text_get_text
 */								 */
gchar *								gchar *
gnome_db_text_get_text (GtkTextView *text)			gnome_db_text_get_text (GtkTextView *text)
{								{
	GtkTextBuffer *buffer;						GtkTextBuffer *buffer;
	GtkTextIter start;						GtkTextIter start;
	GtkTextIter end;						GtkTextIter end;
	gint char_count;						gint char_count;

	g_return_val_if_fail (GTK_IS_TEXT_VIEW (text), NULL);		g_return_val_if_fail (GTK_IS_TEXT_VIEW (text), NULL);

	buffer = gtk_text_view_get_buffer (text);			buffer = gtk_text_view_get_buffer (text);
	char_count = gnome_db_text_get_char_count (text);		char_count = gnome_db_text_get_char_count (text);

	gtk_text_buffer_get_iter_at_offset (buffer, &start, 0		gtk_text_buffer_get_iter_at_offset (buffer, &start, 0
	gtk_text_buffer_get_iter_at_offset (buffer, &end, cha		gtk_text_buffer_get_iter_at_offset (buffer, &end, cha

	return gtk_text_buffer_get_text (gtk_text_view_get_bu		return gtk_text_buffer_get_text (gtk_text_view_get_bu
					 &start, &end, FALSE)						 &start, &end, FALSE)
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_text_insert_at_cursor				 * gnome_db_text_insert_at_cursor
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_text_insert_at_cursor (GtkTextView *text, const gcha	gnome_db_text_insert_at_cursor (GtkTextView *text, const gcha
{								{
	g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_TEXT_VIEW (text));			g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_TEXT_VIEW (text));
	g_return_if_fail (contents != NULL);				g_return_if_fail (contents != NULL);

	gtk_text_buffer_insert_at_cursor (gtk_text_view_get_b		gtk_text_buffer_insert_at_cursor (gtk_text_view_get_b
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_text_paste_clipboard				 * gnome_db_text_paste_clipboard
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_text_paste_clipboard (GtkTextView *text)		gnome_db_text_paste_clipboard (GtkTextView *text)
{								{
	g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_TEXT_VIEW (text));			g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_TEXT_VIEW (text));
	gtk_text_buffer_paste_clipboard (gtk_text_view_get_bu		gtk_text_buffer_paste_clipboard (gtk_text_view_get_bu
					 gtk_clipboard_get (G						 gtk_clipboard_get (G
					 NULL,								 NULL,
					 gtk_text_view_get_ed						 gtk_text_view_get_ed
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_text_set_text					 * gnome_db_text_set_text
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_text_set_text (GtkTextView *text, const gchar *conte	gnome_db_text_set_text (GtkTextView *text, const gchar *conte
{								{
	g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_TEXT_VIEW (text));			g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_TEXT_VIEW (text));
	gtk_text_buffer_set_text (gtk_text_view_get_buffer (t		gtk_text_buffer_set_text (gtk_text_view_get_buffer (t
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_select_file_dialog					 * gnome_db_select_file_dialog
 */								 */
gchar *								gchar *
gnome_db_select_file_dialog (GtkWidget *parent, const gchar *	gnome_db_select_file_dialog (GtkWidget *parent, const gchar *
{								{
	GtkWidget *filesel;						GtkWidget *filesel;
        gchar *res = NULL;					        gchar *res = NULL;

        /* create dialog */					        /* create dialog */
        filesel = gtk_file_selection_new (title);		        filesel = gtk_file_selection_new (title);
	if (GTK_IS_WINDOW (parent)) {					if (GTK_IS_WINDOW (parent)) {
		gtk_window_set_transient_for (GTK_WINDOW (fil			gtk_window_set_transient_for (GTK_WINDOW (fil
				              GTK_WINDOW (par					              GTK_WINDOW (par
	}								}
        gtk_file_selection_show_fileop_buttons (GTK_FILE_SELE	        gtk_file_selection_show_fileop_buttons (GTK_FILE_SELE

        /* wait for selection from user */			        /* wait for selection from user */
	if (gtk_dialog_run (GTK_DIALOG (filesel)) == GTK_RESP		if (gtk_dialog_run (GTK_DIALOG (filesel)) == GTK_RESP
		res = g_strdup (gtk_file_selection_get_filena			res = g_strdup (gtk_file_selection_get_filena
        else							        else
		res = NULL;							res = NULL;

        /* clean up */						        /* clean up */
        gtk_widget_destroy (filesel);				        gtk_widget_destroy (filesel);

        return res;						        return res;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_new_alert						 * gnome_db_new_alert
 */								 */
GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_new_alert (GtkWindow *parent,				gnome_db_new_alert (GtkWindow *parent,
		    GtkMessageType type,					    GtkMessageType type,
		    const gchar *primary_text,					    const gchar *primary_text,
		    const gchar *secondary_text)				    const gchar *secondary_text)
{								{
	const gchar *stock_id = NULL;					const gchar *stock_id = NULL;
	gchar *str;							gchar *str;
	GtkWidget *dialog;						GtkWidget *dialog;
	GtkWidget *image;						GtkWidget *image;
	GtkWidget *label;						GtkWidget *label;
	GtkWidget *hbox;						GtkWidget *hbox;
	GtkWidget *vbox;						GtkWidget *vbox;

	g_return_val_if_fail (primary_text != NULL, NULL);		g_return_val_if_fail (primary_text != NULL, NULL);

	dialog = gtk_dialog_new_with_buttons ("",			dialog = gtk_dialog_new_with_buttons ("",
					     parent,							     parent,
					     GTK_DIALOG_NO_SE						     GTK_DIALOG_NO_SE
					     NULL);							     NULL);
	gtk_window_set_resizable (GTK_WINDOW (dialog), FALSE)		gtk_window_set_resizable (GTK_WINDOW (dialog), FALSE)
	gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (dialog		gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (dialog
	gtk_box_set_spacing (GTK_BOX (GTK_DIALOG (dialog)->vb		gtk_box_set_spacing (GTK_BOX (GTK_DIALOG (dialog)->vb

	hbox = gtk_hbox_new (FALSE, 12);				hbox = gtk_hbox_new (FALSE, 12);
	gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (hbox),		gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (hbox),
	gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (GTK_DIALOG (dialog)->vbo		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (GTK_DIALOG (dialog)->vbo
			    TRUE, TRUE, 0);						    TRUE, TRUE, 0);

	switch (type) {							switch (type) {
		stock_id = GTK_STOCK_DIALOG_INFO;				stock_id = GTK_STOCK_DIALOG_INFO;
		break;								break;
		break;								break;
		break;								break;
		break;								break;
	}								}
	g_return_val_if_fail (stock_id != NULL, NULL);			g_return_val_if_fail (stock_id != NULL, NULL);

	image = gtk_image_new_from_stock (stock_id,			image = gtk_image_new_from_stock (stock_id,
	gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (image), 0.5, 0.0);		gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (image), 0.5, 0.0);
	gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (hbox), image, TRUE, TRUE		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (hbox), image, TRUE, TRUE

	vbox = gtk_vbox_new (FALSE, 6);					vbox = gtk_vbox_new (FALSE, 6);
	gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (hbox), vbox, TRUE, TRUE,		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (hbox), vbox, TRUE, TRUE,

	label = gtk_label_new (NULL);					label = gtk_label_new (NULL);
	gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (label), 0.0, 0.5);		gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (label), 0.0, 0.5);
	gtk_label_set_line_wrap (GTK_LABEL (label), TRUE);		gtk_label_set_line_wrap (GTK_LABEL (label), TRUE);
	str = g_strconcat ("<span weight=\"bold\" size=\"larg		str = g_strconcat ("<span weight=\"bold\" size=\"larg
			   primary_text,						   primary_text,
			   "</span>",							   "</span>",
			   NULL);							   NULL);
	gtk_label_set_markup (GTK_LABEL (label), str);			gtk_label_set_markup (GTK_LABEL (label), str);
	g_free (str);							g_free (str);
	gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (vbox), label, TRUE, TRUE		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (vbox), label, TRUE, TRUE

	if (secondary_text != NULL) {					if (secondary_text != NULL) {
		label = gtk_label_new (secondary_text);				label = gtk_label_new (secondary_text);
		gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (label), 0.0			gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (label), 0.0
		gtk_label_set_line_wrap (GTK_LABEL (label), T			gtk_label_set_line_wrap (GTK_LABEL (label), T
		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (vbox), label, TR			gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (vbox), label, TR
	}								}

	return dialog;							return dialog;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_show_error						 * gnome_db_show_error
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_show_error (const gchar *format, ...)			gnome_db_show_error (const gchar *format, ...)
{								{
	va_list args;							va_list args;
        gchar sz[2048];						        gchar sz[2048];
	GtkWidget *dialog;						GtkWidget *dialog;

	/* build the message string */					/* build the message string */
        va_start (args, format);				        va_start (args, format);
        vsnprintf (sz, sizeof sz, format, args);		        vsnprintf (sz, sizeof sz, format, args);
        va_end (args);						        va_end (args);

	/* create the error message dialog */				/* create the error message dialog */
	dialog = gnome_db_new_alert (NULL, GTK_MESSAGE_ERROR,		dialog = gnome_db_new_alert (NULL, GTK_MESSAGE_ERROR,
	gtk_dialog_add_action_widget (GTK_DIALOG (dialog),		gtk_dialog_add_action_widget (GTK_DIALOG (dialog),
				      gtk_button_new_from_sto					      gtk_button_new_from_sto
				      GTK_RESPONSE_OK);						      GTK_RESPONSE_OK);
	gtk_widget_show_all (dialog);					gtk_widget_show_all (dialog);
	gtk_dialog_run (GTK_DIALOG (dialog));				gtk_dialog_run (GTK_DIALOG (dialog));
	gtk_widget_destroy (dialog);					gtk_widget_destroy (dialog);
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_show_message					 * gnome_db_show_message
 * @format: Format string.					 * @format: Format string.
 *								 *
 * Displays an information message to the user.			 * Displays an information message to the user.
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_show_message (const gchar *format, ...)		gnome_db_show_message (const gchar *format, ...)
{								{
	va_list args;							va_list args;
        gchar sz[2048];						        gchar sz[2048];
	GtkWidget *dialog;						GtkWidget *dialog;

	/* build the message string */					/* build the message string */
        va_start (args, format);				        va_start (args, format);
        vsnprintf (sz, sizeof sz, format, args);		        vsnprintf (sz, sizeof sz, format, args);
        va_end (args);						        va_end (args);

	/* create the info message dialog */				/* create the info message dialog */
	dialog = gnome_db_new_alert (NULL, GTK_MESSAGE_INFO, 		dialog = gnome_db_new_alert (NULL, GTK_MESSAGE_INFO, 
	gtk_dialog_add_action_widget (GTK_DIALOG (dialog),		gtk_dialog_add_action_widget (GTK_DIALOG (dialog),
				      gtk_button_new_from_sto					      gtk_button_new_from_sto
				      GTK_RESPONSE_OK);						      GTK_RESPONSE_OK);
	gtk_widget_show_all (dialog);					gtk_widget_show_all (dialog);
	gtk_dialog_run (GTK_DIALOG (dialog));				gtk_dialog_run (GTK_DIALOG (dialog));
	gtk_widget_destroy (dialog);					gtk_widget_destroy (dialog);
}								}

void								void
gnome_db_push_cursor_busy (GtkWidget *window)			gnome_db_push_cursor_busy (GtkWidget *window)
{								{
        int busy = GPOINTER_TO_INT (g_object_get_data (G_OBJE	        int busy = GPOINTER_TO_INT (g_object_get_data (G_OBJE
        busy ++;						        busy ++;
        if (busy == 1) {					        if (busy == 1) {
                gtk_widget_set_sensitive (window, FALSE);	                gtk_widget_set_sensitive (window, FALSE);
                if (window->window != NULL) {			                if (window->window != NULL) {
                        GdkCursor *cursor = gdk_cursor_new (G	                        GdkCursor *cursor = gdk_cursor_new (G
                        gdk_window_set_cursor (window->window	                        gdk_window_set_cursor (window->window
                        gdk_cursor_unref (cursor);		                        gdk_cursor_unref (cursor);
                        gdk_flush ();				                        gdk_flush ();
                }						                }
        }							        }
        g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (window), "GnomeDb:Window	        g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (window), "GnomeDb:Window
}								}
void								void
gnome_db_pop_cursor_busy (GtkWidget *window)			gnome_db_pop_cursor_busy (GtkWidget *window)
{								{
        int busy = GPOINTER_TO_INT (g_object_get_data (G_OBJE	        int busy = GPOINTER_TO_INT (g_object_get_data (G_OBJE
        busy --;						        busy --;
        if (busy <= 0) {					        if (busy <= 0) {
                gtk_widget_set_sensitive (window, TRUE);	                gtk_widget_set_sensitive (window, TRUE);
                if (window->window != NULL)			                if (window->window != NULL)
                        gdk_window_set_cursor (window->window	                        gdk_window_set_cursor (window->window
                g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (window),		                g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (window),
                                   "Panel:WindowBusy", NULL);	                                   "Panel:WindowBusy", NULL);
        } else {						        } else {
                g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (window), "Panel:	                g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (window), "Panel:
        }							        }
}								}

GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_new_check_menu_item (const gchar *label,		gnome_db_new_check_menu_item (const gchar *label,
			      gboolean active,						      gboolean active,
			      GCallback cb_func,					      GCallback cb_func,
			      gpointer user_data)					      gpointer user_data)
{								{
	GtkWidget *item;						GtkWidget *item;
	item = gtk_check_menu_item_new_with_mnemonic (label);		item = gtk_check_menu_item_new_with_mnemonic (label);
	gtk_check_menu_item_set_active (GTK_CHECK_MENU_ITEM (		gtk_check_menu_item_set_active (GTK_CHECK_MENU_ITEM (
	g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (item), "toggled",			g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (item), "toggled",
			  G_CALLBACK (cb_func), user_data);				  G_CALLBACK (cb_func), user_data);

	return item;							return item;
}								}

GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_new_menu_item (const gchar *label,			gnome_db_new_menu_item (const gchar *label,
		 	gboolean pixmap,					 	gboolean pixmap,
		        GCallback cb_func,					        GCallback cb_func,
			gpointer user_data)						gpointer user_data)
{								{
	GtkWidget *item;						GtkWidget *item;

	if (pixmap)							if (pixmap)
		item = gtk_image_menu_item_new_from_stock (la			item = gtk_image_menu_item_new_from_stock (la
	else								else
		item = gtk_menu_item_new_with_mnemonic (label			item = gtk_menu_item_new_with_mnemonic (label
	g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (item), "activate",			g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (item), "activate",
			  G_CALLBACK (cb_func), user_data);				  G_CALLBACK (cb_func), user_data);

	return item;							return item;
}								}
/**							      <
 * gnome_db_value_get_from_date_edit saves the contents of a  <
 * 							      <
 * @dateedit: a #GnomeDateEdit widget			      <
 * Returns: #GdaValue in the #GnomeDateEdit widget.	      <
 */							      <
GdaValue *						      <
gnome_db_value_get_from_date_edit(GnomeDateEdit *dateedit)    <
{							      <
	time_t time;					      <
	GDate *date = NULL;				      <
	GdaDate gda_date;				      <
	GdaValue *val = NULL;				      <
	time = gnome_date_edit_get_time(dateedit);	      <
	date = g_date_new();				      <
	g_date_set_time(date, time);			      <
	gda_date.year = (gshort) g_date_get_year(date);	      <
	gda_date.month = (gushort) g_date_get_month(date);    <
	gda_date.day = (gushort) g_date_get_day(date);	      <
	val = gda_value_new_date(&gda_date);		      <
	return val;					      <
}							      <
/**							      <
 * gnome_db_date_edit_set_from_value set the contents of a #G <
 * 							      <
 * @dateedit: a #GnomeDateEdit widget			      <
 * @value: a #GdaValue to save to.			      <
 * Returns: #GdaValue in the #GnomeDateEdit widget.	      <
 */							      <
void							      <
gnome_db_date_edit_set_from_value(GnomeDateEdit *dateedit, Gd <
{							      <
	time_t time;					      <
	GdaDate *gda_date;				      <
	GDate *date;					      <
	struct tm tm_struct;				      <
	gda_date = gda_value_get_date(value);		      <
	date = g_date_new();				      <
	g_date_set_dmy(date, (GDateDay) gda_date->day,	      <
						(GDateMonth)  <
						(GDateYear) g <
	g_date_to_struct_tm(date,&tm_struct);		      <
	time = mktime(&tm_struct);			      <
	gnome_date_edit_set_time(dateedit,time);	      <
}							      <
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 * 	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 * 	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#if !defined(__gnome_db_util_h__)				#if !defined(__gnome_db_util_h__)
#  define __gnome_db_util_h__					#  define __gnome_db_util_h__

#include <libgda/gda-data-model.h>				#include <libgda/gda-data-model.h>
#include <libgda/gda-value.h>				      <
#include <gtk/gtkentry.h>					#include <gtk/gtkentry.h>
#include <gtk/gtkmessagedialog.h>				#include <gtk/gtkmessagedialog.h>
#include <gtk/gtkoptionmenu.h>					#include <gtk/gtkoptionmenu.h>
#include <gtk/gtktextview.h>					#include <gtk/gtktextview.h>
#include <gtk/gtktoolbar.h>					#include <gtk/gtktoolbar.h>
#include <gtk/gtktreemodel.h>					#include <gtk/gtktreemodel.h>
#include <gtk/gtkwidget.h>					#include <gtk/gtkwidget.h>
#include <gtk/gtkwindow.h>					#include <gtk/gtkwindow.h>
#include <libgnomeui/gnome-popup-menu.h>			#include <libgnomeui/gnome-popup-menu.h>
#include <libgnomeui/gnome-dateedit.h>			      <
#endif								#endif


GtkWidget   *gnome_db_new_browser_widget (void);		GtkWidget   *gnome_db_new_browser_widget (void);
#endif								#endif
GtkWidget   *gnome_db_new_button_widget (const gchar *label);	GtkWidget   *gnome_db_new_button_widget (const gchar *label);
GtkWidget   *gnome_db_new_button_widget_from_stock (const gch	GtkWidget   *gnome_db_new_button_widget_from_stock (const gch
GtkWidget   *gnome_db_new_check_button_widget (const gchar *l	GtkWidget   *gnome_db_new_check_button_widget (const gchar *l
GtkWidget   *gnome_db_new_combo_widget (void);			GtkWidget   *gnome_db_new_combo_widget (void);
GtkWidget   *gnome_db_new_entry_widget (gint max_length, gboo	GtkWidget   *gnome_db_new_entry_widget (gint max_length, gboo
GtkWidget   *gnome_db_new_file_entry_widget (const gchar *his	GtkWidget   *gnome_db_new_file_entry_widget (const gchar *his
#endif								#endif
GtkWidget   *gnome_db_new_frame_widget (const gchar *title);	GtkWidget   *gnome_db_new_frame_widget (const gchar *title);
GtkWidget   *gnome_db_new_grid_widget (GdaDataModel *model);	GtkWidget   *gnome_db_new_grid_widget (GdaDataModel *model);
GtkWidget   *gnome_db_new_hbox_widget (gboolean homogenous, g	GtkWidget   *gnome_db_new_hbox_widget (gboolean homogenous, g
GtkWidget   *gnome_db_new_hbutton_box_widget (void);		GtkWidget   *gnome_db_new_hbutton_box_widget (void);
GtkWidget   *gnome_db_new_hpaned_widget (void);			GtkWidget   *gnome_db_new_hpaned_widget (void);
GtkWidget   *gnome_db_new_hseparator_widget (void);		GtkWidget   *gnome_db_new_hseparator_widget (void);
GtkWidget   *gnome_db_new_label_widget (const gchar *text);	GtkWidget   *gnome_db_new_label_widget (const gchar *text);
GtkWidget   *gnome_db_new_notebook_widget (void);		GtkWidget   *gnome_db_new_notebook_widget (void);
GtkWidget   *gnome_db_new_option_menu_widget (void);		GtkWidget   *gnome_db_new_option_menu_widget (void);
GtkWidget   *gnome_db_new_popup_menu (GtkWidget *parent,	GtkWidget   *gnome_db_new_popup_menu (GtkWidget *parent,
				      GnomeUIInfo *ui_info,					      GnomeUIInfo *ui_info,
				      gpointer user_data);					      gpointer user_data);
#endif								#endif
GtkWidget   *gnome_db_new_radio_button_widget (GSList *group,	GtkWidget   *gnome_db_new_radio_button_widget (GSList *group,
GtkWidget   *gnome_db_new_scrolled_window_widget (void);	GtkWidget   *gnome_db_new_scrolled_window_widget (void);
GtkWidget   *gnome_db_new_status_bar_widget (void);		GtkWidget   *gnome_db_new_status_bar_widget (void);
GtkWidget   *gnome_db_new_table_widget (gint rows, gint cols,	GtkWidget   *gnome_db_new_table_widget (gint rows, gint cols,
GtkWidget   *gnome_db_new_text_widget (const gchar *contents)	GtkWidget   *gnome_db_new_text_widget (const gchar *contents)
GtkWidget   *gnome_db_new_toolbar_widget (GtkOrientation orie	GtkWidget   *gnome_db_new_toolbar_widget (GtkOrientation orie
GtkWidget   *gnome_db_new_tree_view_widget (GtkTreeModel *mod	GtkWidget   *gnome_db_new_tree_view_widget (GtkTreeModel *mod
GtkWidget   *gnome_db_new_vbox_widget (gboolean homogenous, g	GtkWidget   *gnome_db_new_vbox_widget (gboolean homogenous, g
GtkWidget   *gnome_db_new_vpaned_widget (void);			GtkWidget   *gnome_db_new_vpaned_widget (void);
GtkWidget   *gnome_db_new_vseparator_widget (void);		GtkWidget   *gnome_db_new_vseparator_widget (void);

void         gnome_db_set_widget_bg_color (GtkWidget *widget,	void         gnome_db_set_widget_bg_color (GtkWidget *widget,
void         gnome_db_set_widget_fg_color (GtkWidget *widget,	void         gnome_db_set_widget_fg_color (GtkWidget *widget,

GtkWidget   *gnome_db_option_menu_add_item (GtkOptionMenu *op	GtkWidget   *gnome_db_option_menu_add_item (GtkOptionMenu *op
GtkWidget   *gnome_db_option_menu_add_stock_item (GtkOptionMe	GtkWidget   *gnome_db_option_menu_add_stock_item (GtkOptionMe
void         gnome_db_option_menu_add_separator (GtkOptionMen	void         gnome_db_option_menu_add_separator (GtkOptionMen
const gchar *gnome_db_option_menu_get_selection (GtkOptionMen	const gchar *gnome_db_option_menu_get_selection (GtkOptionMen
void         gnome_db_option_menu_set_selection (GtkOptionMen	void         gnome_db_option_menu_set_selection (GtkOptionMen
						 const gchar 							 const gchar 

void         gnome_db_text_clear (GtkTextView *text);		void         gnome_db_text_clear (GtkTextView *text);
void         gnome_db_text_copy_clipboard (GtkTextView *text)	void         gnome_db_text_copy_clipboard (GtkTextView *text)
void         gnome_db_text_cut_clipboard (GtkTextView *text);	void         gnome_db_text_cut_clipboard (GtkTextView *text);
gint         gnome_db_text_get_char_count (GtkTextView *text)	gint         gnome_db_text_get_char_count (GtkTextView *text)
gint         gnome_db_text_get_line_count (GtkTextView *text)	gint         gnome_db_text_get_line_count (GtkTextView *text)
gchar       *gnome_db_text_get_text (GtkTextView *text);	gchar       *gnome_db_text_get_text (GtkTextView *text);
void         gnome_db_text_insert_at_cursor (GtkTextView *tex	void         gnome_db_text_insert_at_cursor (GtkTextView *tex
void         gnome_db_text_paste_clipboard (GtkTextView *text	void         gnome_db_text_paste_clipboard (GtkTextView *text
void         gnome_db_text_set_text (GtkTextView *text, const	void         gnome_db_text_set_text (GtkTextView *text, const

gchar       *gnome_db_select_file_dialog (GtkWidget *parent, 	gchar       *gnome_db_select_file_dialog (GtkWidget *parent, 

GtkWidget   *gnome_db_new_alert (GtkWindow *parent,		GtkWidget   *gnome_db_new_alert (GtkWindow *parent,
				 GtkMessageType type,						 GtkMessageType type,
				 const gchar *primary_text,					 const gchar *primary_text,
				 const gchar *secondary_text)					 const gchar *secondary_text)

void         gnome_db_show_error (const gchar *format, ...);	void         gnome_db_show_error (const gchar *format, ...);
void         gnome_db_show_message (const gchar *format, ...)	void         gnome_db_show_message (const gchar *format, ...)

void         gnome_db_push_cursor_busy (GtkWidget *window);	void         gnome_db_push_cursor_busy (GtkWidget *window);
void         gnome_db_pop_cursor_busy (GtkWidget *window);	void         gnome_db_pop_cursor_busy (GtkWidget *window);

GtkWidget   *gnome_db_new_menu_item (const gchar *label,	GtkWidget   *gnome_db_new_menu_item (const gchar *label,
				     gboolean pixmap,						     gboolean pixmap,
				     GCallback cb_func,						     GCallback cb_func,
				     gpointer user_data);					     gpointer user_data);
GtkWidget   *gnome_db_new_check_menu_item (const gchar *label	GtkWidget   *gnome_db_new_check_menu_item (const gchar *label
					   gboolean active,						   gboolean active,
					   GCallback cb_func,						   GCallback cb_func,
					   gpointer user_data						   gpointer user_data

GdaValue	*gnome_db_value_get_from_date_edit(GnomeDateE <
void		 gnome_db_date_edit_set_from_value(GnomeDateE <

#endif								#endif
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-window.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-window.c
/* GNOME DB components libary					/* GNOME DB components libary
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 * 	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 * 	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#include <gtk/gtkwidget.h>					#include <gtk/gtkwidget.h>
#include <bonobo/bonobo-control.h>				#include <bonobo/bonobo-control.h>
#include <bonobo/bonobo-ui-component.h>				#include <bonobo/bonobo-ui-component.h>
#include <bonobo/bonobo-ui-container.h>				#include <bonobo/bonobo-ui-container.h>
#include <bonobo/bonobo-ui-util.h>				#include <bonobo/bonobo-ui-util.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-window.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-window.h>


struct _GnomeDbWindowPrivate {					struct _GnomeDbWindowPrivate {
	BonoboUIComponent *ui_component;				BonoboUIComponent *ui_component;
	GtkWidget *status_bar;						GtkWidget *status_bar;
	GtkWidget *progress_bar;					GtkWidget *progress_bar;
};								};

static void gnome_db_window_class_init   (GnomeDbWindowClass 	static void gnome_db_window_class_init   (GnomeDbWindowClass 
static void gnome_db_window_init         (GnomeDbWindow *wind	static void gnome_db_window_init         (GnomeDbWindow *wind
static void gnome_db_window_set_property (GObject *object,	static void gnome_db_window_set_property (GObject *object,
					  guint paramid,						  guint paramid,
					  const GValue *value						  const GValue *value
					  GParamSpec *pspec);						  GParamSpec *pspec);
static void gnome_db_window_get_property (GObject *object,	static void gnome_db_window_get_property (GObject *object,
					  guint param_id,						  guint param_id,
					  GValue *value,						  GValue *value,
					  GParamSpec *pspec);						  GParamSpec *pspec);
static void gnome_db_window_finalize     (GObject *object);	static void gnome_db_window_finalize     (GObject *object);

enum {								enum {
	CLOSE,								CLOSE,
};								};

enum {								enum {
	PROP_0,								PROP_0,
};								};

static gint db_window_signals[LAST_SIGNAL];			static gint db_window_signals[LAST_SIGNAL];
static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL;			static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL;

/*								/*
 * Callbacks							 * Callbacks
 */								 */

static gboolean							static gboolean
delete_event_cb (GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventAny *event, gpoin	delete_event_cb (GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventAny *event, gpoin
{								{
	return FALSE;							return FALSE;
}								}

static void							static void
window_destroyed_cb (GtkWidget *widget, gpointer user_data)	window_destroyed_cb (GtkWidget *widget, gpointer user_data)
{								{
	GnomeDbWindow *window = (GnomeDbWindow *) widget;		GnomeDbWindow *window = (GnomeDbWindow *) widget;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_WINDOW (window));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_WINDOW (window));
	g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT(window), db_window_signals[CL		g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT(window), db_window_signals[CL
}								}

/*								/*
 * GnomeDbWindow class implementation				 * GnomeDbWindow class implementation
 */								 */

static void							static void
gnome_db_window_class_init (GnomeDbWindowClass *klass)		gnome_db_window_class_init (GnomeDbWindowClass *klass)
{								{
	GObjectClass* object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS(klass);		GObjectClass* object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS(klass);

	parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);		parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);

	object_class->set_property = gnome_db_window_set_prop		object_class->set_property = gnome_db_window_set_prop
	object_class->get_property = gnome_db_window_get_prop		object_class->get_property = gnome_db_window_get_prop
	object_class->finalize = gnome_db_window_finalize;		object_class->finalize = gnome_db_window_finalize;
	klass->close = NULL; // FIXME: add default close hand		klass->close = NULL; // FIXME: add default close hand

	/* add class properties */					/* add class properties */
	g_object_class_install_property (				g_object_class_install_property (
		object_class, PROP_CONTENTS,					object_class, PROP_CONTENTS,
		g_param_spec_object ("contents", NULL, NULL,			g_param_spec_object ("contents", NULL, NULL,
				     GTK_TYPE_WIDGET,						     GTK_TYPE_WIDGET,
	g_object_class_install_property (				g_object_class_install_property (
		object_class, PROP_STATUS,					object_class, PROP_STATUS,
		g_param_spec_string ("status", NULL, NULL, NU			g_param_spec_string ("status", NULL, NULL, NU

	/* add class signals */						/* add class signals */
	db_window_signals[CLOSE] =					db_window_signals[CLOSE] =
		g_signal_new ("close",						g_signal_new ("close",
			      G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class				      G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class
			      G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,					      G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,
			      G_STRUCT_OFFSET (GnomeDbWindowC				      G_STRUCT_OFFSET (GnomeDbWindowC
		              NULL, NULL,					              NULL, NULL,
			      g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID,				      g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID,
			      G_TYPE_NONE, 0);						      G_TYPE_NONE, 0);
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_window_init (GnomeDbWindow *window, GnomeDbWindowCla	gnome_db_window_init (GnomeDbWindow *window, GnomeDbWindowCla
{								{
	window->priv = g_new0(GnomeDbWindowPrivate, 1);			window->priv = g_new0(GnomeDbWindowPrivate, 1);
	window->priv->progress_bar = NULL;				window->priv->progress_bar = NULL;
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_window_set_property (GObject *object,			gnome_db_window_set_property (GObject *object,
			      guint param_id,						      guint param_id,
			      const GValue *value,					      const GValue *value,
			      GParamSpec *pspec)					      GParamSpec *pspec)
{								{
	GnomeDbWindow *window = (GnomeDbWindow *) object;		GnomeDbWindow *window = (GnomeDbWindow *) object;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_WINDOW (window));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_WINDOW (window));

	switch (param_id) {						switch (param_id) {
		gnome_db_window_set_contents (					gnome_db_window_set_contents (
			window,								window,
			GTK_WIDGET (g_value_get_object (value				GTK_WIDGET (g_value_get_object (value
		break;								break;
	case PROP_STATUS :						case PROP_STATUS :
		gnome_db_window_set_status (window, g_value_g			gnome_db_window_set_status (window, g_value_g
		break;								break;
	default :							default :
		break;								break;
	}								}
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_window_get_property (GObject *object,			gnome_db_window_get_property (GObject *object,
			      guint param_id,						      guint param_id,
			      GValue *value,						      GValue *value,
			      GParamSpec *pspec)					      GParamSpec *pspec)
{								{
	GnomeDbWindow *window = (GnomeDbWindow *) object;		GnomeDbWindow *window = (GnomeDbWindow *) object;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_WINDOW (window));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_WINDOW (window));

	switch (param_id) {						switch (param_id) {
		g_value_set_object (value,					g_value_set_object (value,
				    G_OBJECT (gnome_db_window					    G_OBJECT (gnome_db_window
		break;								break;
	default:							default:
		break;								break;
	}								}
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_window_finalize (GObject *object)			gnome_db_window_finalize (GObject *object)
{								{
	GnomeDbWindow *window = (GnomeDbWindow *) object;		GnomeDbWindow *window = (GnomeDbWindow *) object;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_WINDOW (window));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_WINDOW (window));

	/* free memory */						/* free memory */
	g_free ((gpointer) window->priv);				g_free ((gpointer) window->priv);
	window->priv = NULL;						window->priv = NULL;

	/* chain to parent handler */					/* chain to parent handler */
	parent_class->finalize (object);				parent_class->finalize (object);
}								}

GType								GType
gnome_db_window_get_type (void)					gnome_db_window_get_type (void)
{								{
	static GType type = 0;						static GType type = 0;

	if (!type) {							if (!type) {
		static const GTypeInfo info = {					static const GTypeInfo info = {
			sizeof (GnomeDbWindowClass),					sizeof (GnomeDbWindowClass),
			(GBaseInitFunc) NULL,						(GBaseInitFunc) NULL,
			(GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL,					(GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL,
			(GClassInitFunc) gnome_db_window_clas				(GClassInitFunc) gnome_db_window_clas
			NULL,								NULL,
			NULL,								NULL,
			sizeof (GnomeDbWindow),						sizeof (GnomeDbWindow),
			0,								0,
			(GInstanceInitFunc) gnome_db_window_i				(GInstanceInitFunc) gnome_db_window_i
		};								};
		type = g_type_register_static (PARENT_TYPE, "			type = g_type_register_static (PARENT_TYPE, "
	}								}
	return type;							return type;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_window_new						 * gnome_db_window_new
 * @name: name of the window 					 * @name: name of the window 
 * @app_prefix: prefix used for the UI XML file (/usr/share, 	 * @app_prefix: prefix used for the UI XML file (/usr/share, 
 * @ui_xml_file: XML file that describes the UI for this wind	 * @ui_xml_file: XML file that describes the UI for this wind
 * @verbs: UI verbs handlers					 * @verbs: UI verbs handlers
 * @data: data to be passed to callbacks			 * @data: data to be passed to callbacks
 * 								 * 
 * Create a new GnomeDbWindow widget, which is a convenience 	 * Create a new GnomeDbWindow widget, which is a convenience 
 * manages a typical application window, with its menus and t	 * manages a typical application window, with its menus and t
 * from this, it implements a full-features Bonobo container,	 * from this, it implements a full-features Bonobo container,
 * you easily add Bonobo support to your applications.		 * you easily add Bonobo support to your applications.
 */								 */
GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_window_new (const gchar *name,				gnome_db_window_new (const gchar *name,
		     const gchar *app_prefix,					     const gchar *app_prefix,
		     const gchar *ui_xml_file,					     const gchar *ui_xml_file,
		     BonoboUIVerb *verbs,					     BonoboUIVerb *verbs,
		     gpointer data)						     gpointer data)
{								{
	GnomeDbWindow *window;						GnomeDbWindow *window;
	BonoboUIContainer *ui_container;				BonoboUIContainer *ui_container;
	Bonobo_UIContainer corba_container;				Bonobo_UIContainer corba_container;

	/* create the window */						/* create the window */
	window = g_object_new (GNOME_DB_TYPE_WINDOW, "win_nam		window = g_object_new (GNOME_DB_TYPE_WINDOW, "win_nam
	g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (window), "delete_event",		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (window), "delete_event",
			  G_CALLBACK (delete_event_cb), NULL)				  G_CALLBACK (delete_event_cb), NULL)
	g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (window), "destroy",			g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (window), "destroy",
			  G_CALLBACK (window_destroyed_cb), N				  G_CALLBACK (window_destroyed_cb), N

	ui_container = bonobo_window_get_ui_container ( BONOB		ui_container = bonobo_window_get_ui_container ( BONOB
	corba_container = BONOBO_OBJREF (ui_container);			corba_container = BONOBO_OBJREF (ui_container);
	window->priv->ui_component = bonobo_ui_component_new 		window->priv->ui_component = bonobo_ui_component_new 
	bonobo_ui_component_set_container (window->priv->ui_c		bonobo_ui_component_set_container (window->priv->ui_c

	/* set UI for window */						/* set UI for window */
	if (verbs != NULL && ui_xml_file != NULL) {			if (verbs != NULL && ui_xml_file != NULL) {
		bonobo_ui_component_freeze (window->priv->ui_			bonobo_ui_component_freeze (window->priv->ui_
		bonobo_ui_util_set_ui (window->priv->ui_compo			bonobo_ui_util_set_ui (window->priv->ui_compo
				       app_prefix, ui_xml_fil					       app_prefix, ui_xml_fil
		bonobo_ui_component_add_verb_list_with_data (			bonobo_ui_component_add_verb_list_with_data (
		bonobo_ui_component_thaw (window->priv->ui_co			bonobo_ui_component_thaw (window->priv->ui_co
	}								}

	return GTK_WIDGET (window);					return GTK_WIDGET (window);
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_window_close					 * gnome_db_window_close
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_window_close (GnomeDbWindow *window)			gnome_db_window_close (GnomeDbWindow *window)
{								{
	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_WINDOW (window));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_WINDOW (window));
	gtk_widget_destroy (GTK_WIDGET (window));			gtk_widget_destroy (GTK_WIDGET (window));
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_window_show						 * gnome_db_window_show
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_window_show (GnomeDbWindow *window)			gnome_db_window_show (GnomeDbWindow *window)
{								{
	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_WINDOW (window));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_WINDOW (window));
	gtk_widget_show_all (GTK_WIDGET (window));			gtk_widget_show_all (GTK_WIDGET (window));
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_window_get_contents					 * gnome_db_window_get_contents
 */								 */
GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_window_get_contents (GnomeDbWindow *window)		gnome_db_window_get_contents (GnomeDbWindow *window)
{								{
	g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_WINDOW (window), NU		g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_WINDOW (window), NU
	return bonobo_window_get_contents (BONOBO_WINDOW (win		return bonobo_window_get_contents (BONOBO_WINDOW (win
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_window_set_contents					 * gnome_db_window_set_contents
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_window_set_contents (GnomeDbWindow *window, GtkWidge	gnome_db_window_set_contents (GnomeDbWindow *window, GtkWidge
{								{
	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_WINDOW (window));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_WINDOW (window));
	g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_WIDGET (contents));			g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_WIDGET (contents));
	bonobo_window_set_contents (BONOBO_WINDOW (window), c		bonobo_window_set_contents (BONOBO_WINDOW (window), c
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_window_set_status					 * gnome_db_window_set_status
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_window_set_status (GnomeDbWindow *window, const gcha	gnome_db_window_set_status (GnomeDbWindow *window, const gcha
{								{
	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_WINDOW (window));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_WINDOW (window));

	bonobo_ui_component_set_status (window->priv->ui_comp		bonobo_ui_component_set_status (window->priv->ui_comp
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_window_get_ui_component				 * gnome_db_window_get_ui_component
 * @window: a #GnomeDbWindow widget.				 * @window: a #GnomeDbWindow widget.
 *								 *
 * Return the #BonoboUIComponent associated with the given wi	 * Return the #BonoboUIComponent associated with the given wi
 */								 */
BonoboUIComponent *						BonoboUIComponent *
gnome_db_window_get_ui_component (GnomeDbWindow *window)	gnome_db_window_get_ui_component (GnomeDbWindow *window)
{								{
	g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_WINDOW (window), NU		g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_WINDOW (window), NU
	return window->priv->ui_component;				return window->priv->ui_component;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_window_get_ui_container				 * gnome_db_window_get_ui_container
 */								 */
Bonobo_UIContainer						Bonobo_UIContainer
gnome_db_window_get_ui_container (GnomeDbWindow *window)	gnome_db_window_get_ui_container (GnomeDbWindow *window)
{								{
	g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_WINDOW (window), NU		g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_WINDOW (window), NU
	return bonobo_ui_component_get_container (window->pri		return bonobo_ui_component_get_container (window->pri
}								}

diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-window.h ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-window.h
/* GNOME DB components libary					/* GNOME DB components libary
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 * 	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 * 	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */
#if !defined(__gnome_db_window_h__)				#if !defined(__gnome_db_window_h__)
#  define __gnome_db_window_h__					#  define __gnome_db_window_h__

#include <bonobo/bonobo-ui-component.h>				#include <bonobo/bonobo-ui-component.h>
#include <bonobo/bonobo-window.h>				#include <bonobo/bonobo-window.h>


#define GNOME_DB_TYPE_WINDOW            (gnome_db_window_get_	#define GNOME_DB_TYPE_WINDOW            (gnome_db_window_get_
#define GNOME_DB_WINDOW(obj)            (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANC	#define GNOME_DB_WINDOW(obj)            (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANC

typedef struct _GnomeDbWindow        GnomeDbWindow;		typedef struct _GnomeDbWindow        GnomeDbWindow;
typedef struct _GnomeDbWindowClass   GnomeDbWindowClass;	typedef struct _GnomeDbWindowClass   GnomeDbWindowClass;
typedef struct _GnomeDbWindowPrivate GnomeDbWindowPrivate;	typedef struct _GnomeDbWindowPrivate GnomeDbWindowPrivate;

struct _GnomeDbWindow {						struct _GnomeDbWindow {
	BonoboWindow          window;					BonoboWindow          window;
	GnomeDbWindowPrivate* priv;					GnomeDbWindowPrivate* priv;
};								};

struct _GnomeDbWindowClass {					struct _GnomeDbWindowClass {
	BonoboWindowClass parent_class;					BonoboWindowClass parent_class;
	void (* close) (GnomeDbWindow *window);				void (* close) (GnomeDbWindow *window);
};								};

GType              gnome_db_window_get_type         (void);	GType              gnome_db_window_get_type         (void);

GtkWidget*         gnome_db_window_new              (const gc	GtkWidget*         gnome_db_window_new              (const gc
						     const gc							     const gc
                                                     const gc	                                                     const gc
						     BonoboUI							     BonoboUI
                                                     gpointer	                                                     gpointer
void               gnome_db_window_close            (GnomeDbW	void               gnome_db_window_close            (GnomeDbW
void               gnome_db_window_show             (GnomeDbW	void               gnome_db_window_show             (GnomeDbW

GtkWidget*         gnome_db_window_get_contents     (GnomeDbW	GtkWidget*         gnome_db_window_get_contents     (GnomeDbW
void               gnome_db_window_set_contents     (GnomeDbW	void               gnome_db_window_set_contents     (GnomeDbW
						     GtkWidge							     GtkWidge
void               gnome_db_window_set_status       (GnomeDbW	void               gnome_db_window_set_status       (GnomeDbW
						     const gc							     const gc

BonoboUIComponent *gnome_db_window_get_ui_component (GnomeDbW	BonoboUIComponent *gnome_db_window_get_ui_component (GnomeDbW
Bonobo_UIContainer gnome_db_window_get_ui_container (GnomeDbW	Bonobo_UIContainer gnome_db_window_get_ui_container (GnomeDbW


#endif								#endif
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/libgnomedb.h ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/libgnomedb.h
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 * 	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 * 	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */
#if !defined(_LIBGNOME_DB_H_)					#if !defined(_LIBGNOME_DB_H_)
#  define _LIBGNOME_DB_H_					#  define _LIBGNOME_DB_H_

#include <libgda/libgda.h>					#include <libgda/libgda.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.h>			#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.h>		#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-selector.h>		#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-selector.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-control.h>			#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-control.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-control-widget.h>			#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-control-widget.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-data-source-selector.h>		#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-data-source-selector.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.h>			#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.h>		#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-editor.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-editor.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.h>			#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.h>			#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-gray-bar.h>			#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-gray-bar.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-i18n.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-i18n.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-icon-list.h>			#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-icon-list.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-list.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-list.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.h>			#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-model.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-model.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-provider-selector.h>		#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-provider-selector.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.h>			#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-report-editor.h>			#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-report-editor.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.h>			#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h>


void gnome_db_init (const gchar *app_id, const gchar *version	void gnome_db_init (const gchar *app_id, const gchar *version

void gnome_db_main_run (GdaInitFunc init_func, gpointer user_	void gnome_db_main_run (GdaInitFunc init_func, gpointer user_
void gnome_db_main_quit (void);					void gnome_db_main_quit (void);


#endif								#endif
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/libgnomedb-private.h ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/libgnomedb-private.h
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 * 	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 * 	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */
#if !defined(_LIBGNOME_DB_PRIVATE_H_)				#if !defined(_LIBGNOME_DB_PRIVATE_H_)

/* structure stored for each GtkTreeIter in gnome_db_model_* 	/* structure stored for each GtkTreeIter in gnome_db_model_* 
typedef struct {						typedef struct {
	gint row;							gint row;
	GdaDataModel *model;						GdaDataModel *model;
} DataModelInfo;						} DataModelInfo;

#endif								#endif
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb: Makefile
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/Makefile.am ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/Makefile.am
lib_LTLIBRARIES = libgnomedb-2.la				lib_LTLIBRARIES = libgnomedb-2.la

	-I$(top_srcdir) \						-I$(top_srcdir) \
	-I$(top_builddir) \						-I$(top_builddir) \
	-DLIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR=\""$(datadir)/pixmaps/libgnomed		-DLIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR=\""$(datadir)/pixmaps/libgnomed
	-DLIBGNOMEDB_DATADIR=\""$(datadir)/gnome-db"\" \		-DLIBGNOMEDB_DATADIR=\""$(datadir)/gnome-db"\" \
	-DLIBGNOMEDB_LOCALEDIR=\""$(datadir)/locale"\" \		-DLIBGNOMEDB_LOCALEDIR=\""$(datadir)/locale"\" \
	-DLIBGNOMEDB_UIDIR=\""$(datadir)/gnome-db/ui"\" \		-DLIBGNOMEDB_UIDIR=\""$(datadir)/gnome-db/ui"\" \
	-DPREFIX=\""$(prefix)"\" \					-DPREFIX=\""$(prefix)"\" \
	-DSYSCONFDIR=\""$(sysconfdir)"\" \				-DSYSCONFDIR=\""$(sysconfdir)"\" \
	-DDATADIR=\""$(datadir)"\" \					-DDATADIR=\""$(datadir)"\" \
	-DLIBDIR=\""$(libdir)"\"					-DLIBDIR=\""$(libdir)"\"

withgnome_headers = \						withgnome_headers = \
	gnome-db-browser.h \						gnome-db-browser.h \
	gnome-db-data-source-selector.h \				gnome-db-data-source-selector.h \
	gnome-db-config.h \						gnome-db-config.h \
	gnome-db-control.h \						gnome-db-control.h \
	gnome-db-control-widget.h \					gnome-db-control-widget.h \
	gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.h \					gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.h \
	gnome-db-editor.h \						gnome-db-editor.h \
	gnome-db-icon-list.h \						gnome-db-icon-list.h \
	gnome-db-login.h \						gnome-db-login.h \
	gnome-db-login-dialog.h						gnome-db-login-dialog.h
else								else
withgnome_headers = 						withgnome_headers = 
endif								endif

gnomedb_headers = \						gnomedb_headers = \
	gnome-db-combo.h \						gnome-db-combo.h \
	gnome-db-connection-properties.h \				gnome-db-connection-properties.h \
	gnome-db-connection-selector.h \				gnome-db-connection-selector.h \
	gnome-db-dsn-config.h \						gnome-db-dsn-config.h \
	gnome-db-error.h \						gnome-db-error.h \
	gnome-db-error-dialog.h \					gnome-db-error-dialog.h \
	gnome-db-find-dialog.h \					gnome-db-find-dialog.h \
	gnome-db-form.h \						gnome-db-form.h \
	gnome-db-gray-bar.h \						gnome-db-gray-bar.h \
	gnome-db-grid.h \						gnome-db-grid.h \
	gnome-db-i18n.h \						gnome-db-i18n.h \
	gnome-db-list.h \						gnome-db-list.h \
	gnome-db-model.h \						gnome-db-model.h \
	gnome-db-provider-selector.h \					gnome-db-provider-selector.h \
	gnome-db-query-builder.h \					gnome-db-query-builder.h \
	gnome-db-report-editor.h \					gnome-db-report-editor.h \
	gnome-db-stock.h \						gnome-db-stock.h \
	gnome-db-table-editor.h \					gnome-db-table-editor.h \
	gnome-db-util.h \						gnome-db-util.h \
	$(withgnome_headers) \						$(withgnome_headers) \
	libgnomedb.h 							libgnomedb.h 

gnomedbincludedir=$(includedir)/libgnomedb			gnomedbincludedir=$(includedir)/libgnomedb
gnomedbinclude_HEADERS=$(gnomedb_headers)			gnomedbinclude_HEADERS=$(gnomedb_headers)

withgnome_sources = \						withgnome_sources = \
	gnome-db-browser.c \						gnome-db-browser.c \
	gnome-db-browser-private.h \					gnome-db-browser-private.h \
	gnome-db-browser-procedures.c \					gnome-db-browser-procedures.c \
	gnome-db-browser-tables.c \					gnome-db-browser-tables.c \
	gnome-db-browser-types.c \					gnome-db-browser-types.c \
	gnome-db-browser-views.c \					gnome-db-browser-views.c \
	gnome-db-config.c \						gnome-db-config.c \
	gnome-db-control.c \						gnome-db-control.c \
	gnome-db-control-widget.c \					gnome-db-control-widget.c \
	gnome-db-data-source-selector.c \				gnome-db-data-source-selector.c \
	gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c \					gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c \
	gnome-db-editor.c \						gnome-db-editor.c \
	gnome-db-icon-list.c \						gnome-db-icon-list.c \
	gnome-db-login.c \						gnome-db-login.c \
	gnome-db-login-dialog.c \					gnome-db-login-dialog.c \
	gnome-db-window.c \						gnome-db-window.c \
	gnome-db-window.h						gnome-db-window.h
else								else
withgnome_sources = 						withgnome_sources = 
endif								endif

libgnomedb_2_la_SOURCES = \					libgnomedb_2_la_SOURCES = \
	db-shell.c \							db-shell.c \
	db-shell.h \							db-shell.h \
	sql-viewer.c \							sql-viewer.c \
	sql-viewer.h \							sql-viewer.h \
	table-properties-dialog.c \					table-properties-dialog.c \
	table-properties-dialog.h \					table-properties-dialog.h \
	tables-page.c \							tables-page.c \
	tables-page.h \							tables-page.h \
	utils.c \							utils.c \
	utils.h \							utils.h \
	$(gnomedb_headers) \						$(gnomedb_headers) \
	gnome-db-combo.c \						gnome-db-combo.c \
	gnome-db-connection-properties.c \				gnome-db-connection-properties.c \
	gnome-db-connection-selector.c \				gnome-db-connection-selector.c \
	gnome-db-dsn-config.c \						gnome-db-dsn-config.c \
	gnome-db-error.c \						gnome-db-error.c \
	gnome-db-error-dialog.c \					gnome-db-error-dialog.c \
	gnome-db-form.c \						gnome-db-form.c \
	gnome-db-gray-bar.c \						gnome-db-gray-bar.c \
	gnome-db-grid.c \						gnome-db-grid.c \
	gnome-db-find-dialog.c \					gnome-db-find-dialog.c \
	gnome-db-init.c \						gnome-db-init.c \
	gnome-db-list.c \						gnome-db-list.c \
	gnome-db-model.c \						gnome-db-model.c \
	gnome-db-provider-selector.c \					gnome-db-provider-selector.c \
	gnome-db-query-builder.c \					gnome-db-query-builder.c \
	gnome-db-report-editor.c \					gnome-db-report-editor.c \
	gnome-db-stock.c \						gnome-db-stock.c \
	gnome-db-table-editor.c \					gnome-db-table-editor.c \
	gnome-db-util.c \						gnome-db-util.c \
	$(withgnome_sources) \						$(withgnome_sources) \
	libgnomedb-private.h						libgnomedb-private.h

libgnomedb_2_la_LDFLAGS = -version-info $(GNOMEDB_CURRENT):$(	libgnomedb_2_la_LDFLAGS = -version-info $(GNOMEDB_CURRENT):$(

uidir=$(datadir)/gnome-db/ui					uidir=$(datadir)/gnome-db/ui
ui_DATA=db-shell.xml						ui_DATA=db-shell.xml

EXTRA_DIST = $(ui_DATA)						EXTRA_DIST = $(ui_DATA)
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb: Makefile.in
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/sql-viewer.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/sql-viewer.c
/* GNOME-DB Components						/* GNOME-DB Components
 * Copyright (C) 2000-2003 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 2000-2003 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as pu	 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as pu
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the Lice	 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the Lice
 * (at your option) any later version.				 * (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * GNU Library General Public License for more details.		 * GNU Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public 	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public 
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Softwar	 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Softwar
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 	 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 
 */								 */

#include <gtk/gtktable.h>					#include <gtk/gtktable.h>
#include <gtk/gtkvpaned.h>					#include <gtk/gtkvpaned.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-editor.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-editor.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h>
#include "sql-viewer.h"						#include "sql-viewer.h"


static void sql_viewer_class_init (SqlViewerClass *klass);	static void sql_viewer_class_init (SqlViewerClass *klass);
static void sql_viewer_init (SqlViewer *viewer, SqlViewerClas	static void sql_viewer_init (SqlViewer *viewer, SqlViewerClas
static void sql_viewer_finalize (GObject *object);		static void sql_viewer_finalize (GObject *object);

static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL;			static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL;

static void							static void
sql_viewer_class_init (SqlViewerClass *klass)			sql_viewer_class_init (SqlViewerClass *klass)
{								{
	GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);		GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);

	parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);		parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);

	object_class->finalize = sql_viewer_finalize;			object_class->finalize = sql_viewer_finalize;
}								}

static void							static void
sql_viewer_init (SqlViewer *viewer, SqlViewerClass *klass)	sql_viewer_init (SqlViewer *viewer, SqlViewerClass *klass)
{								{
	GtkWidget *table, *paned;					GtkWidget *table, *paned;

	/* create widgets */						/* create widgets */
	table = gnome_db_new_table_widget (2, 1, FALSE);		table = gnome_db_new_table_widget (2, 1, FALSE);
	gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (viewer), table, TRUE, TR		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (viewer), table, TRUE, TR

	paned = gnome_db_new_vpaned_widget ();				paned = gnome_db_new_vpaned_widget ();
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), paned, 0, 1, 1, 		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), paned, 0, 1, 1, 

	/* create SQL editor */						/* create SQL editor */
	viewer->sql_editor = gnome_db_editor_new ();			viewer->sql_editor = gnome_db_editor_new ();
	gtk_widget_show (viewer->sql_editor);				gtk_widget_show (viewer->sql_editor);
	gtk_paned_add1 (GTK_PANED (paned), viewer->sql_editor		gtk_paned_add1 (GTK_PANED (paned), viewer->sql_editor

	/* create the grid */						/* create the grid */
	viewer->grid = gnome_db_grid_new ();				viewer->grid = gnome_db_grid_new ();
	gtk_widget_show (viewer->grid);					gtk_widget_show (viewer->grid);
	gtk_paned_add2 (GTK_PANED (paned), viewer->grid);		gtk_paned_add2 (GTK_PANED (paned), viewer->grid);
}								}

static void							static void
sql_viewer_finalize (GObject *object)				sql_viewer_finalize (GObject *object)
{								{
	parent_class->finalize (object);				parent_class->finalize (object);
}								}

GType								GType
sql_viewer_get_type (void)					sql_viewer_get_type (void)
{								{
        static GType type = 0;					        static GType type = 0;
        if (!type) {						        if (!type) {
                static const GTypeInfo info = {			                static const GTypeInfo info = {
                        sizeof (SqlViewerClass),		                        sizeof (SqlViewerClass),
                        (GBaseInitFunc) NULL,			                        (GBaseInitFunc) NULL,
                        (GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL,		                        (GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL,
                        (GClassInitFunc) sql_viewer_class_ini	                        (GClassInitFunc) sql_viewer_class_ini
                        NULL,					                        NULL,
                        NULL,					                        NULL,
                        sizeof (SqlViewer),			                        sizeof (SqlViewer),
                        0,					                        0,
                        (GInstanceInitFunc) sql_viewer_init	                        (GInstanceInitFunc) sql_viewer_init
                };						                };
                type = g_type_register_static (PARENT_TYPE, "	                type = g_type_register_static (PARENT_TYPE, "
        }							        }
        return type;						        return type;
}								}

GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
sql_viewer_new (GdaConnection *cnc, const gchar *sql)		sql_viewer_new (GdaConnection *cnc, const gchar *sql)
{								{
	SqlViewer *viewer;						SqlViewer *viewer;

	viewer = g_object_new (TYPE_SQL_VIEWER, NULL);			viewer = g_object_new (TYPE_SQL_VIEWER, NULL);

	return GTK_WIDGET (viewer);					return GTK_WIDGET (viewer);
}								}

diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/sql-viewer.h ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/sql-viewer.h
/* GNOME-DB Components						/* GNOME-DB Components
 * Copyright (C) 2000-2003 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 2000-2003 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as pu	 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as pu
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the Lice	 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the Lice
 * (at your option) any later version.				 * (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * GNU Library General Public License for more details.		 * GNU Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public 	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public 
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Softwar	 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Softwar
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 	 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 
 */								 */

#if !defined(__sql_viewer_h__)					#if !defined(__sql_viewer_h__)
#  define __sql_viewer_h__					#  define __sql_viewer_h__

#include <libgda/gda-connection.h>				#include <libgda/gda-connection.h>
#include <gtk/gtkvbox.h>					#include <gtk/gtkvbox.h>


#define TYPE_SQL_VIEWER            (sql_viewer_get_type())	#define TYPE_SQL_VIEWER            (sql_viewer_get_type())
#define SQL_VIEWER(obj)            (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAS	#define SQL_VIEWER(obj)            (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAS

typedef struct {						typedef struct {
	GtkVBox parent;							GtkVBox parent;

	/* private fields */						/* private fields */
	GtkWidget *sql_editor;						GtkWidget *sql_editor;
	GtkWidget *grid;						GtkWidget *grid;
} SqlViewer;							} SqlViewer;

typedef struct {						typedef struct {
	GtkVBoxClass parent_class;					GtkVBoxClass parent_class;
} SqlViewerClass;						} SqlViewerClass;

GType      sql_viewer_get_type (void);				GType      sql_viewer_get_type (void);
GtkWidget *sql_viewer_new (GdaConnection *cnc, const gchar *s	GtkWidget *sql_viewer_new (GdaConnection *cnc, const gchar *s


#endif								#endif
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c
/* GNOME-DB Library						/* GNOME-DB Library
 * Copyright (C) 2000-2003 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 2000-2003 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as pu	 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as pu
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the Lice	 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the Lice
 * (at your option) any later version.				 * (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * GNU Library General Public License for more details.		 * GNU Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public 	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public 
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Softwar	 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Softwar
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 	 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 
 */								 */

#include <libgda/gda-data-model.h>				#include <libgda/gda-data-model.h>
#include <gtk/gtkdialog.h>					#include <gtk/gtkdialog.h>
#include <gtk/gtkentry.h>					#include <gtk/gtkentry.h>
#include <gtk/gtkstock.h>					#include <gtk/gtkstock.h>
#include <gtk/gtktable.h>					#include <gtk/gtktable.h>
#include <libgnome/gnome-i18n.h>				#include <libgnome/gnome-i18n.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h>
#include "table-properties-dialog.h"				#include "table-properties-dialog.h"

void								void
table_properties_dialog (GtkWindow *parent, GdaConnection *cn	table_properties_dialog (GtkWindow *parent, GdaConnection *cn
{								{
	GtkWidget *dialog, *table, *grid, *label, *entry;		GtkWidget *dialog, *table, *grid, *label, *entry;
	GdaParameterList *params;					GdaParameterList *params;
	GdaDataModel *fields_model;					GdaDataModel *fields_model;

	/* create the dialog */						/* create the dialog */
	dialog = gtk_dialog_new_with_buttons (_("Table Proper		dialog = gtk_dialog_new_with_buttons (_("Table Proper
					      GTK_STOCK_CLOSE						      GTK_STOCK_CLOSE
					      NULL);							      NULL);

	table = gnome_db_new_table_widget (2, 3, FALSE);		table = gnome_db_new_table_widget (2, 3, FALSE);
	gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (GTK_DIALOG (dialog)->vbo		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (GTK_DIALOG (dialog)->vbo

	label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (_("Table Name"));		label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (_("Table Name"));
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), label, 0, 1, 0, 		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), label, 0, 1, 0, 
	entry = gnome_db_new_entry_widget (0, FALSE);			entry = gnome_db_new_entry_widget (0, FALSE);
	gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (entry), table_name);		gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (entry), table_name);
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), entry, 1, 2, 0, 		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), entry, 1, 2, 0, 

	params = gda_parameter_list_new ();				params = gda_parameter_list_new ();
	gda_parameter_list_add_parameter (params, gda_paramet		gda_parameter_list_add_parameter (params, gda_paramet
	fields_model = gda_connection_get_schema (cnc, GDA_CO		fields_model = gda_connection_get_schema (cnc, GDA_CO
	grid = gnome_db_grid_new_with_model (fields_model);		grid = gnome_db_grid_new_with_model (fields_model);
	gtk_widget_show (grid);						gtk_widget_show (grid);
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), grid, 0, 3, 1, 2		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), grid, 0, 3, 1, 2

	/* run the dialog */						/* run the dialog */
	gtk_dialog_run (GTK_DIALOG (dialog));				gtk_dialog_run (GTK_DIALOG (dialog));
	gtk_widget_destroy (dialog);					gtk_widget_destroy (dialog);

	/* free memory */						/* free memory */
	gda_parameter_list_free (params);				gda_parameter_list_free (params);
	g_object_unref (fields_model);					g_object_unref (fields_model);
}								}
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.h ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.h
/* GNOME-DB Library						/* GNOME-DB Library
 * Copyright (C) 2000-2003 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 2000-2003 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as pu	 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as pu
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the Lice	 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the Lice
 * (at your option) any later version.				 * (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * GNU Library General Public License for more details.		 * GNU Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public 	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public 
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Softwar	 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Softwar
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 	 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 
 */								 */

#if !defined(__table_properties_dialog_h__)			#if !defined(__table_properties_dialog_h__)
#  define __table_properties_dialog_h__				#  define __table_properties_dialog_h__

#include <libgda/gda-connection.h>				#include <libgda/gda-connection.h>
#include <gtk/gtkwindow.h>					#include <gtk/gtkwindow.h>

void table_properties_dialog (GtkWindow *parent, GdaConnectio	void table_properties_dialog (GtkWindow *parent, GdaConnectio

#endif								#endif
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/tables-page.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/tables-page.c
/* GNOME-DB Library						/* GNOME-DB Library
 * Copyright (C) 2000-2003 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 2000-2003 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as pu	 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as pu
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the Lice	 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the Lice
 * (at your option) any later version.				 * (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * GNU Library General Public License for more details.		 * GNU Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public 	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public 
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Softwar	 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Softwar
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 	 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 
 */								 */

#include <libgda/gda-xml-connection.h>				#include <libgda/gda-xml-connection.h>
#include <gtk/gtkdialog.h>					#include <gtk/gtkdialog.h>
#include <gtk/gtkimage.h>					#include <gtk/gtkimage.h>
#include <gtk/gtkpaned.h>					#include <gtk/gtkpaned.h>
#include <gtk/gtkstock.h>					#include <gtk/gtkstock.h>
#include <gtk/gtktable.h>					#include <gtk/gtktable.h>
#include <gtk/gtktoolbar.h>					#include <gtk/gtktoolbar.h>
#include <libgnome/gnome-i18n.h>				#include <libgnome/gnome-i18n.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-list.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-list.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h>
#include "table-properties-dialog.h"				#include "table-properties-dialog.h"
#include "tables-page.h"					#include "tables-page.h"

typedef struct {						typedef struct {
	GdaConnection *cnc;						GdaConnection *cnc;
	GtkWidget *toolbar;						GtkWidget *toolbar;
	GtkWidget *tables_list;						GtkWidget *tables_list;
	GtkWidget *data_grid;						GtkWidget *data_grid;
	GtkWidget *new_button;						GtkWidget *new_button;
	GtkWidget *props_button;					GtkWidget *props_button;
} TablesPagePrivate;						} TablesPagePrivate;

static void							static void
free_private_data (gpointer user_data)				free_private_data (gpointer user_data)
{								{
	TablesPagePrivate *priv = user_data;				TablesPagePrivate *priv = user_data;

	if (priv->cnc) {						if (priv->cnc) {
		g_object_unref (priv->cnc);					g_object_unref (priv->cnc);
		priv->cnc = NULL;						priv->cnc = NULL;
	}								}

	g_free (priv);							g_free (priv);
}								}

static void							static void
grid_row_selected_cb (GnomeDbGrid *grid, gint row, gpointer u	grid_row_selected_cb (GnomeDbGrid *grid, gint row, gpointer u
{								{
	GList *selected;						GList *selected;
	GdaDataModel *model;						GdaDataModel *model;
	const GdaValue *value;						const GdaValue *value;
	gchar *table_name;						gchar *table_name;
	TablesPagePrivate *priv = (TablesPagePrivate *) user_		TablesPagePrivate *priv = (TablesPagePrivate *) user_

	gtk_widget_set_sensitive (priv->props_button, TRUE);		gtk_widget_set_sensitive (priv->props_button, TRUE);

	/* get the selection from the tables grid */			/* get the selection from the tables grid */
	selected = gnome_db_list_get_selection (GNOME_DB_LIST		selected = gnome_db_list_get_selection (GNOME_DB_LIST
	if (!selected)							if (!selected)
		return;								return;

	/* retrieve the table name */					/* retrieve the table name */
	model = gnome_db_list_get_model (GNOME_DB_LIST (priv-		model = gnome_db_list_get_model (GNOME_DB_LIST (priv-
	value = gda_data_model_get_value_at (model, 0, GPOINT		value = gda_data_model_get_value_at (model, 0, GPOINT
	table_name = gda_value_stringify (value);			table_name = gda_value_stringify (value);

	if (table_name) {						if (table_name) {
		GdaCommand *cmd;						GdaCommand *cmd;

		cmd = gda_command_new (table_name, GDA_COMMAN			cmd = gda_command_new (table_name, GDA_COMMAN
		model = gda_connection_execute_single_command			model = gda_connection_execute_single_command

		if (model) {							if (model) {
			gnome_db_grid_set_model (GNOME_DB_GRI				gnome_db_grid_set_model (GNOME_DB_GRI
			g_object_unref (model);						g_object_unref (model);
		} else								} else
			gnome_db_grid_set_model (GNOME_DB_GRI				gnome_db_grid_set_model (GNOME_DB_GRI

		gda_command_free (cmd);						gda_command_free (cmd);
		g_free (table_name);						g_free (table_name);
	} else								} else
		gnome_db_grid_set_model (GNOME_DB_GRID (priv-			gnome_db_grid_set_model (GNOME_DB_GRID (priv-

	/* free memory */						/* free memory */
	g_list_free (selected);						g_list_free (selected);
}								}

static void							static void
grid_selection_cleared_cb (GnomeDbGrid *grid, gpointer user_d	grid_selection_cleared_cb (GnomeDbGrid *grid, gpointer user_d
{								{
       	TablesPagePrivate *priv = (TablesPagePrivate *) user_	       	TablesPagePrivate *priv = (TablesPagePrivate *) user_

	gtk_widget_set_sensitive (priv->props_button, FALSE);		gtk_widget_set_sensitive (priv->props_button, FALSE);
	gnome_db_grid_set_model (GNOME_DB_GRID (priv->data_gr		gnome_db_grid_set_model (GNOME_DB_GRID (priv->data_gr
}								}

static void							static void
view_properties_cb (GtkWidget *widget, gpointer user_data)	view_properties_cb (GtkWidget *widget, gpointer user_data)
{								{
	GList *selected;						GList *selected;
	GdaDataModel *model;						GdaDataModel *model;
	const GdaValue *value;						const GdaValue *value;
	gchar *table_name;						gchar *table_name;
	TablesPagePrivate *priv = (TablesPagePrivate *) user_		TablesPagePrivate *priv = (TablesPagePrivate *) user_

	/* get the selection from the grid */				/* get the selection from the grid */
	selected = gnome_db_list_get_selection (GNOME_DB_LIST		selected = gnome_db_list_get_selection (GNOME_DB_LIST
	if (!selected)							if (!selected)
		return;								return;

	/* retrieve the table name */					/* retrieve the table name */
	model = gnome_db_list_get_model (GNOME_DB_LIST (priv-		model = gnome_db_list_get_model (GNOME_DB_LIST (priv-
	value = gda_data_model_get_value_at (model, 0, GPOINT		value = gda_data_model_get_value_at (model, 0, GPOINT
	table_name = gda_value_stringify (value);			table_name = gda_value_stringify (value);

	if (table_name) {						if (table_name) {
		table_properties_dialog (GTK_WINDOW (gtk_widg			table_properties_dialog (GTK_WINDOW (gtk_widg
					 priv->cnc, table_nam						 priv->cnc, table_nam
		g_free (table_name);						g_free (table_name);
	}								}

	/* free memory */						/* free memory */
	g_list_free (selected);						g_list_free (selected);
}								}

GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
tables_page_new (void)						tables_page_new (void)
{								{
	GtkWidget *page, *paned;					GtkWidget *page, *paned;
	TablesPagePrivate *priv;					TablesPagePrivate *priv;

	page = gnome_db_new_table_widget (3, 2, FALSE);			page = gnome_db_new_table_widget (3, 2, FALSE);
	gtk_widget_show (page);						gtk_widget_show (page);

	priv = g_new0 (TablesPagePrivate, 1);				priv = g_new0 (TablesPagePrivate, 1);
	g_object_set_data_full (G_OBJECT (page), "TablesPageP		g_object_set_data_full (G_OBJECT (page), "TablesPageP

	/* create the toolbar */					/* create the toolbar */
	priv->toolbar = gnome_db_new_toolbar_widget (GTK_ORIE		priv->toolbar = gnome_db_new_toolbar_widget (GTK_ORIE
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (page), priv->toolbar, 0,		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (page), priv->toolbar, 0,

	priv->new_button = gtk_toolbar_append_item (GTK_TOOLB		priv->new_button = gtk_toolbar_append_item (GTK_TOOLB
						    _("Create							    _("Create
						    gtk_image							    gtk_image
						    NULL, pri							    NULL, pri
	gtk_widget_set_sensitive (priv->new_button, FALSE);		gtk_widget_set_sensitive (priv->new_button, FALSE);

	priv->props_button = gtk_toolbar_append_item (GTK_TOO		priv->props_button = gtk_toolbar_append_item (GTK_TOO
						      _("View							      _("View
						      gtk_ima							      gtk_ima
						      GTK_SIG							      GTK_SIG
	gtk_widget_set_sensitive (priv->props_button, FALSE);		gtk_widget_set_sensitive (priv->props_button, FALSE);

	/* create the paned widget to contain the tables list		/* create the paned widget to contain the tables list
	paned = gnome_db_new_hpaned_widget ();				paned = gnome_db_new_hpaned_widget ();
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (page), paned, 0, 2, 1, 2		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (page), paned, 0, 2, 1, 2

	/* create the tables list */					/* create the tables list */
	priv->tables_list = gnome_db_list_new ();			priv->tables_list = gnome_db_list_new ();
	g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (priv->tables_list), "row_		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (priv->tables_list), "row_
	g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (priv->tables_list), "sele		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (priv->tables_list), "sele
	gtk_widget_show (priv->tables_list);				gtk_widget_show (priv->tables_list);
	gtk_paned_add1 (GTK_PANED (paned), priv->tables_list)		gtk_paned_add1 (GTK_PANED (paned), priv->tables_list)

	/* create the data grid */					/* create the data grid */
	priv->data_grid = gnome_db_grid_new ();				priv->data_grid = gnome_db_grid_new ();
	gtk_widget_show (priv->data_grid);				gtk_widget_show (priv->data_grid);
	gtk_paned_add2 (GTK_PANED (paned), priv->data_grid);		gtk_paned_add2 (GTK_PANED (paned), priv->data_grid);

	return page;							return page;
}								}

void								void
tables_page_set_connection (GtkWidget *tp, GdaConnection *cnc	tables_page_set_connection (GtkWidget *tp, GdaConnection *cnc
{								{
	TablesPagePrivate *priv;					TablesPagePrivate *priv;

	priv = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (tp), "TablesPageP		priv = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (tp), "TablesPageP
	if (!priv)							if (!priv)
		return;								return;

	if (priv->cnc)							if (priv->cnc)
		g_object_unref (cnc);			      |			g_object_unref (priv->cnc);

	priv->cnc = cnc;						priv->cnc = cnc;
	if (GDA_IS_CONNECTION (priv->cnc)) {				if (GDA_IS_CONNECTION (priv->cnc)) {
		GdaDataModel *model;						GdaDataModel *model;

		g_object_ref (priv->cnc);					g_object_ref (priv->cnc);

		model = gda_connection_get_schema (cnc,GDA_CO			model = gda_connection_get_schema (cnc,GDA_CO
		gnome_db_list_set_model (GNOME_DB_LIST (priv-			gnome_db_list_set_model (GNOME_DB_LIST (priv-

		g_object_unref (model);						g_object_unref (model);
	}								}
}								}
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/tables-page.h ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/tables-page.h
/* GNOME-DB Library						/* GNOME-DB Library
 * Copyright (C) 2000-2003 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 2000-2003 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as pu	 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as pu
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the Lice	 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the Lice
 * (at your option) any later version.				 * (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * GNU Library General Public License for more details.		 * GNU Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public 	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public 
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Softwar	 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Softwar
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 	 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 
 */								 */

#if !defined(__tables_page_h__)					#if !defined(__tables_page_h__)
#  define __tables_page_h__					#  define __tables_page_h__

#include <libgda/gda-connection.h>				#include <libgda/gda-connection.h>
#include <gtk/gtkwidget.h>					#include <gtk/gtkwidget.h>

GtkWidget *tables_page_new (void);				GtkWidget *tables_page_new (void);
void       tables_page_set_connection (GtkWidget *tp, GdaConn	void       tables_page_set_connection (GtkWidget *tp, GdaConn

#endif								#endif
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/utils.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/utils.c
/* GNOME-DB Library						/* GNOME-DB Library
 * Copyright (C) 2000-2003 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 2000-2003 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as pu	 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as pu
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the Lice	 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the Lice
 * (at your option) any later version.				 * (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * GNU Library General Public License for more details.		 * GNU Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public 	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public 
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Softwar	 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Softwar
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 	 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 
 */								 */

#include <string.h>						#include <string.h>
#include <gtk/gtkdialog.h>					#include <gtk/gtkdialog.h>
#include <gtk/gtkstock.h>					#include <gtk/gtkstock.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.h>			#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-i18n.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-i18n.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.h>			#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.h>
#include <libgnomevfs/gnome-vfs-ops.h>				#include <libgnomevfs/gnome-vfs-ops.h>
#include "utils.h"						#include "utils.h"

static GdaClient *db_client = NULL;				static GdaClient *db_client = NULL;

static void							static void
client_notification_cb (GdaClient *client,			client_notification_cb (GdaClient *client,
			GdaConnection *cnc,						GdaConnection *cnc,
			GdaClientEvent event,						GdaClientEvent event,
			GdaParameterList *params)					GdaParameterList *params)
{								{
	GtkWidget *dialog;						GtkWidget *dialog;

	switch (event) {						switch (event) {
		dialog = gnome_db_error_dialog_new (_("Error"			dialog = gnome_db_error_dialog_new (_("Error"
		gnome_db_error_dialog_show_errors (GNOME_DB_E			gnome_db_error_dialog_show_errors (GNOME_DB_E
						   (GList *) 							   (GList *) 
		break;								break;
	default :							default :
		break;								break;
	}								}
}								}

GdaConnection *							GdaConnection *
db_connect_dialog_for_dsn (const gchar *dsn)			db_connect_dialog_for_dsn (const gchar *dsn)
{								{
	GtkWidget *dialog, *login;					GtkWidget *dialog, *login;
	gchar *title;							gchar *title;
	GdaConnection *cnc = NULL;					GdaConnection *cnc = NULL;

	title = g_strdup_printf (_("Login for %s"), dsn);		title = g_strdup_printf (_("Login for %s"), dsn);
	dialog = gnome_db_login_dialog_new (title);			dialog = gnome_db_login_dialog_new (title);
	login = gnome_db_login_dialog_get_login_widget (GNOME		login = gnome_db_login_dialog_get_login_widget (GNOME
	gnome_db_login_set_dsn (GNOME_DB_LOGIN (login), dsn);		gnome_db_login_set_dsn (GNOME_DB_LOGIN (login), dsn);

	if (gnome_db_login_dialog_run (GNOME_DB_LOGIN_DIALOG 		if (gnome_db_login_dialog_run (GNOME_DB_LOGIN_DIALOG 
		if (!db_client) {						if (!db_client) {
			db_client = gda_client_new ();					db_client = gda_client_new ();
			g_signal_connect (db_client, "event_n				g_signal_connect (db_client, "event_n
					  G_CALLBACK (client_						  G_CALLBACK (client_
		}								}

		cnc = gda_client_open_connection (db_client,			cnc = gda_client_open_connection (db_client,
						  gnome_db_lo							  gnome_db_lo
						  gnome_db_lo							  gnome_db_lo
						  gnome_db_lo							  gnome_db_lo
						  0);								  0);
	}								}

	gtk_widget_destroy (dialog);					gtk_widget_destroy (dialog);

	return cnc;							return cnc;
}								}

GdaConnection *							GdaConnection *
db_connect_dialog (GdaXmlConnection *xmlcnc)			db_connect_dialog (GdaXmlConnection *xmlcnc)
{								{
	GtkWidget *dialog, *login;					GtkWidget *dialog, *login;
	gchar *title;							gchar *title;
	GdaConnection *cnc = NULL;					GdaConnection *cnc = NULL;

	if (GDA_IS_XML_CONNECTION (xmlcnc))				if (GDA_IS_XML_CONNECTION (xmlcnc))
		title = g_strdup_printf (_("Login for %s"), g			title = g_strdup_printf (_("Login for %s"), g
	else								else
		title = g_strdup (_("Login to database"));			title = g_strdup (_("Login to database"));

	dialog = gnome_db_login_dialog_new (title);			dialog = gnome_db_login_dialog_new (title);
	login = gnome_db_login_dialog_get_login_widget (GNOME		login = gnome_db_login_dialog_get_login_widget (GNOME
	if (xmlcnc) {							if (xmlcnc) {
		gnome_db_login_set_dsn (GNOME_DB_LOGIN (login			gnome_db_login_set_dsn (GNOME_DB_LOGIN (login
		gnome_db_login_set_username (GNOME_DB_LOGIN (			gnome_db_login_set_username (GNOME_DB_LOGIN (
		gnome_db_login_set_password (GNOME_DB_LOGIN (			gnome_db_login_set_password (GNOME_DB_LOGIN (
	}								}

	if (gnome_db_login_dialog_run (GNOME_DB_LOGIN_DIALOG 		if (gnome_db_login_dialog_run (GNOME_DB_LOGIN_DIALOG 
		if (!db_client) {						if (!db_client) {
			db_client = gda_client_new ();					db_client = gda_client_new ();
			g_signal_connect (db_client, "event_n				g_signal_connect (db_client, "event_n
					  G_CALLBACK (client_						  G_CALLBACK (client_
		}								}

		cnc = gda_client_open_connection (db_client,			cnc = gda_client_open_connection (db_client,
						  gnome_db_lo							  gnome_db_lo
						  gnome_db_lo							  gnome_db_lo
						  gnome_db_lo							  gnome_db_lo
						  0);								  0);
	}								}

	gtk_widget_destroy (dialog);					gtk_widget_destroy (dialog);

	return cnc;							return cnc;
}								}

GdaConnection *							GdaConnection *
db_connect (const gchar *uri)					db_connect (const gchar *uri)
{								{
	GnomeVFSHandle *handle;						GnomeVFSHandle *handle;
	GString *str = NULL;						GString *str = NULL;
	GdaConnection *cnc = NULL;					GdaConnection *cnc = NULL;

	g_return_val_if_fail (uri != NULL, NULL);			g_return_val_if_fail (uri != NULL, NULL);

	if (!uri)							if (!uri)
		return db_connect_dialog (NULL);				return db_connect_dialog (NULL);

	if (gnome_vfs_open (&handle, uri, GNOME_VFS_OPEN_READ		if (gnome_vfs_open (&handle, uri, GNOME_VFS_OPEN_READ
		GnomeVFSResult vfsres;						GnomeVFSResult vfsres;
		gchar buffer[8193];						gchar buffer[8193];

		do {								do {
			GnomeVFSFileSize bytes_read;					GnomeVFSFileSize bytes_read;

			memset (buffer, 0, sizeof (buffer));				memset (buffer, 0, sizeof (buffer));
			vfsres = gnome_vfs_read (handle, buff				vfsres = gnome_vfs_read (handle, buff
			if (vfsres == GNOME_VFS_OK) {					if (vfsres == GNOME_VFS_OK) {
				if (!str)							if (!str)
					str = g_string_new (b						str = g_string_new (b
				else								else
					str = g_string_append						str = g_string_append
			} else if (vfsres == GNOME_VFS_ERROR_				} else if (vfsres == GNOME_VFS_ERROR_
				GdaXmlConnection *xmlcnc;					GdaXmlConnection *xmlcnc;

				xmlcnc = gda_xml_connection_n					xmlcnc = gda_xml_connection_n
				if (xmlcnc) {							if (xmlcnc) {
					cnc = db_connect_dial						cnc = db_connect_dial
					g_object_unref (xmlcn						g_object_unref (xmlcn
				}								}
			}								}
		} while (vfsres == GNOME_VFS_OK);				} while (vfsres == GNOME_VFS_OK);

		gnome_vfs_close (handle);					gnome_vfs_close (handle);
		if (str)							if (str)
			g_string_free (str, TRUE);					g_string_free (str, TRUE);
	}								}
	return cnc;							return cnc;
}								}
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/utils.h ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/utils.h
/* GNOME-DB Components						/* GNOME-DB Components
 * Copyright (C) 2000-2003 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 2000-2003 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as pu	 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as pu
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the Lice	 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the Lice
 * (at your option) any later version.				 * (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * GNU Library General Public License for more details.		 * GNU Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public 	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public 
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Softwar	 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Softwar
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 	 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 
 */								 */

#if !defined(__utils_h__)					#if !defined(__utils_h__)
#  define __utils_h__						#  define __utils_h__

#include <libgda/gda-client.h>					#include <libgda/gda-client.h>
#include <libgda/gda-xml-connection.h>				#include <libgda/gda-xml-connection.h>

GdaConnection *db_connect_dialog_for_dsn (const gchar *dsn);	GdaConnection *db_connect_dialog_for_dsn (const gchar *dsn);
GdaConnection *db_connect_dialog (GdaXmlConnection *xmlcnc);	GdaConnection *db_connect_dialog (GdaXmlConnection *xmlcnc);
GdaConnection *db_connect (const gchar *uri);			GdaConnection *db_connect (const gchar *uri);

#endif								#endif
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: libgnomedb.pc
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb.pc.in ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb.pc.in
prefix= prefix@							prefix= prefix@
exec_prefix= exec_prefix@					exec_prefix= exec_prefix@
libdir= libdir@							libdir= libdir@
includedir= includedir@						includedir= includedir@
idldir= datadir@/idl						idldir= datadir@/idl

Name: libgnomedb						Name: libgnomedb
Description: libgnomedb						Description: libgnomedb
Version: @VERSION@						Version: @VERSION@
Libs: -L${libdir} -lgnomedb-2					Libs: -L${libdir} -lgnomedb-2
Cflags: -I${includedir}						Cflags: -I${includedir}

Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: libgnomedb.spec
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb.spec.in ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb.spec.in
Summary:         Library for writing gnome database programs	Summary:         Library for writing gnome database programs
Name:            libgnomedb					Name:            libgnomedb
Version:         @VERSION@					Version:         @VERSION@
Release:         1						Release:         1
Source:          %{name}-%{version}.tar.gz			Source:          %{name}-%{version}.tar.gz
URL:             http://www.gnome-db.org/			URL:             http://www.gnome-db.org/
Group:           System Environment/Libraries			Group:           System Environment/Libraries
License:         LGPL						License:         LGPL
BuildRoot:       %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-root		BuildRoot:       %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-root
BuildRequires:   pkgconfig >= 0.8				BuildRequires:   pkgconfig >= 0.8
Requires:        libgnomeui >= 1.103.0				Requires:        libgnomeui >= 1.103.0
Requires:        libgda >= @VERSION@				Requires:        libgda >= @VERSION@
Requires:        gtk2 >= 1.3.6					Requires:        gtk2 >= 1.3.6
Requires:        libbonoboui					Requires:        libbonoboui
Requires:        libglade2					Requires:        libglade2
BuildRequires:   libgnomeui-devel >= 1.103.0			BuildRequires:   libgnomeui-devel >= 1.103.0
BuildRequires:   libgda-devel >= @VERSION@			BuildRequires:   libgda-devel >= @VERSION@
BuildRequires:   gtk2-devel >= 1.3.6				BuildRequires:   gtk2-devel >= 1.3.6
BuildRequires:   libbonoboui-devel				BuildRequires:   libbonoboui-devel
BuildRequires:   libglade2-devel				BuildRequires:   libglade2-devel

%description							%description
libgnomedb is a library that eases the task of writing		libgnomedb is a library that eases the task of writing
gnome database programs.					gnome database programs.

%package devel							%package devel
Summary:         Development libraries and header files for l	Summary:         Development libraries and header files for l
Group:           Development/Libraries				Group:           Development/Libraries
Requires:        %name = %{version}				Requires:        %name = %{version}
Requires:        pkgconfig >= 0.8				Requires:        pkgconfig >= 0.8
Requires:        libgnomeui >= 1.103.0				Requires:        libgnomeui >= 1.103.0
Requires:        libgnomeui-devel >= 1.103.0			Requires:        libgnomeui-devel >= 1.103.0
Requires:        libgda >= @VERSION@				Requires:        libgda >= @VERSION@
Requires:        libgda-devel >= @VERSION@			Requires:        libgda-devel >= @VERSION@
Requires:        gtk2 >= 1.3.6					Requires:        gtk2 >= 1.3.6
Requires:        gtk2-devel >= 1.3.6				Requires:        gtk2-devel >= 1.3.6
Requires:        libbonoboui					Requires:        libbonoboui
Requires:        libbonoboui-devel				Requires:        libbonoboui-devel
Requires:        libglade2					Requires:        libglade2
Requires:        libglade2-devel				Requires:        libglade2-devel

%description devel						%description devel
This package contains the header files and libraries needed t	This package contains the header files and libraries needed t
or compile programs that use libgda.				or compile programs that use libgda.

%prep								%prep
%setup -q -n %{name}-%{version}					%setup -q -n %{name}-%{version}

%build								%build
%configure --disable-gtk-doc					%configure --disable-gtk-doc
make %{?_smp_mflags}						make %{?_smp_mflags}

%install							%install
rm -rf %{buildroot}						rm -rf %{buildroot}
%makeinstall							%makeinstall

%find_lang libgnomedb-2						%find_lang libgnomedb-2

%post								%post
/sbin/ldconfig							/sbin/ldconfig
export GCONF_CONFIG_SOURCE=`gconftool-2 --get-default-source`	export GCONF_CONFIG_SOURCE=`gconftool-2 --get-default-source`

for SCHEMA in %{_sysconfdir}/gconf/schemas/libgnomedb.schemas	for SCHEMA in %{_sysconfdir}/gconf/schemas/libgnomedb.schemas
/usr/bin/gconftool-2 --makefile-install-rule $SCHEMA > /dev/n	/usr/bin/gconftool-2 --makefile-install-rule $SCHEMA > /dev/n
done								done

%postun -p /sbin/ldconfig					%postun -p /sbin/ldconfig

%post devel							%post devel
if which scrollkeeper-update >/dev/null 2>&1; then scrollkeep	if which scrollkeeper-update >/dev/null 2>&1; then scrollkeep

%postun devel							%postun devel
if which scrollkeeper-update >/dev/null 2>&1; then scrollkeep	if which scrollkeeper-update >/dev/null 2>&1; then scrollkeep

%clean								%clean
rm -rf %{buildroot}						rm -rf %{buildroot}

%files -f libgnomedb-2.lang					%files -f libgnomedb-2.lang
%defattr(-,root,root)						%defattr(-,root,root)
%{_bindir}/*							%{_bindir}/*
%{_datadir}/control-center-2.0/capplets/*			%{_datadir}/control-center-2.0/capplets/*
%{_datadir}/mime-info/*						%{_datadir}/mime-info/*
%{_datadir}/pixmaps/libgnomedb					%{_datadir}/pixmaps/libgnomedb
%{_libdir}/*.so.*						%{_libdir}/*.so.*
%{_libdir}/bonobo/monikers/*.so					%{_libdir}/bonobo/monikers/*.so
%{_libdir}/bonobo/monikers/*.a					%{_libdir}/bonobo/monikers/*.a
%{_libdir}/bonobo/monikers/*.la					%{_libdir}/bonobo/monikers/*.la
%{_libdir}/bonobo/servers/*					%{_libdir}/bonobo/servers/*
%{_libdir}/libglade/2.0/*					%{_libdir}/libglade/2.0/*
%{_libexecdir}/*						%{_libexecdir}/*
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/gconf/schemas/*		%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/gconf/schemas/*

%files devel							%files devel
%defattr(-,root,root)						%defattr(-,root,root)
%doc %{_datadir}/gtk-doc/html/libgnomedb			%doc %{_datadir}/gtk-doc/html/libgnomedb
%{_datadir}/omf/*						%{_datadir}/omf/*
%{_includedir}/libgnomedb					%{_includedir}/libgnomedb
%{_libdir}/*.a							%{_libdir}/*.a
%{_libdir}/*.la							%{_libdir}/*.la
%{_libdir}/*.so							%{_libdir}/*.so
%{_libdir}/pkgconfig/*						%{_libdir}/pkgconfig/*

%changelog							%changelog
* Tue Jan 28 2003 Yanko Kaneti <yaneti delcera com>		* Tue Jan 28 2003 Yanko Kaneti <yaneti delcera com>
- Package and add the omf/scrollkeeper bits.			- Package and add the omf/scrollkeeper bits.
- --disable-gtk-doc to configure because the generated docs a	- --disable-gtk-doc to configure because the generated docs a

* Mon Aug 19 2002 Ben Liblit <liblit acm org>			* Mon Aug 19 2002 Ben Liblit <liblit acm org>
- Fixed version number substitutions				- Fixed version number substitutions
- Updated files list to match what "make install" actually in	- Updated files list to match what "make install" actually in
- Added URL tag pointing to GNOME-DB project's web site		- Added URL tag pointing to GNOME-DB project's web site

* Mon Feb 25 2002 Chris Chabot <chabotc reviewboard com>	* Mon Feb 25 2002 Chris Chabot <chabotc reviewboard com>
- Cleaned up formatting						- Cleaned up formatting
- Added requirements						- Added requirements

* Thu Feb 21 2002 Chris Chabot <chabotc reviewboard com>	* Thu Feb 21 2002 Chris Chabot <chabotc reviewboard com>
- Initial spec file						- Initial spec file
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: libtool
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: ltmain.sh
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: Makefile
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/Makefile.am ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/Makefile.am
else								else
endif								endif

GNOME_DIRECTORY=control-center					GNOME_DIRECTORY=control-center
else								else
endif								endif

else								else
endif								endif

SUBDIRS = \							SUBDIRS = \
	po \								po \
	libgnomedb \							libgnomedb \
	testing \							testing \
	data								data

	gnome-db.png \							gnome-db.png \
	libgnomedb.spec \						libgnomedb.spec \
	intltool-extract.in \						intltool-extract.in \
	intltool-merge.in \						intltool-merge.in \
	intltool-update.in \						intltool-update.in \
	mkinstalldirs							mkinstalldirs

pixmapdir=$(datadir)/pixmaps/libgnomedb				pixmapdir=$(datadir)/pixmaps/libgnomedb
pixmap_DATA=gnome-db.png					pixmap_DATA=gnome-db.png

pkgconfigdir=$(libdir)/pkgconfig				pkgconfigdir=$(libdir)/pkgconfig
pkgconfig_DATA = libgnomedb.pc					pkgconfig_DATA = libgnomedb.pc

all-local: libgnomedb.spec					all-local: libgnomedb.spec
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: Makefile.in
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: missing
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: mkinstalldirs
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: monikers
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/NEWS ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/NEWS
libgnomedb 1.0.4, 2004-04-18					libgnomedb 1.0.4, 2004-04-18
----------------------------					----------------------------

 - Fixed parameter mismatch in GnomeDbCombo API (rodrigo)	 - Fixed parameter mismatch in GnomeDbCombo API (rodrigo)
 - Added missing implementation for gnome_db_config_get_compo	 - Added missing implementation for gnome_db_config_get_compo
 - Fixed desktop icon location (julio)				 - Fixed desktop icon location (julio)
 - Fixed gtk-doc comments (stephane)				 - Fixed gtk-doc comments (stephane)
 - Removed missing files in spec file (rodrigo)			 - Removed missing files in spec file (rodrigo)
 - Make sure the GUI doesnt allow data source names with spac	 - Make sure the GUI doesnt allow data source names with spac
 - Only build documentation if gtk-doc is enabled (rodrigo)	 - Only build documentation if gtk-doc is enabled (rodrigo)
 - Updated translations:					 - Updated translations:
        - ca (jordi)						        - ca (jordi)
        - cs (mitr)						        - cs (mitr)
	- de (christian)						- de (christian)
	- en_CA (adam)							- en_CA (adam)
	- en_GB (dave)							- en_GB (dave)
	- es (francisco)						- es (francisco)
	- fi (tvainika)							- fi (tvainika)
        - ga (alastairmck)					        - ga (alastairmck)
	- hr (rsedak)							- hr (rsedak)
	- hu (andras)							- hu (andras)
	- id (mohammad)							- id (mohammad)
	- it (algol)							- it (algol)
	- nl (vincent)							- nl (vincent)
        - no (kjartan)						        - no (kjartan)
	- pt_BR (evandro, gustavo)					- pt_BR (evandro, gustavo)
	- sr Latin (danilo)						- sr Latin (danilo)

libgnomedb 1.0.3, 2004-01-16					libgnomedb 1.0.3, 2004-01-16
----------------------------					----------------------------

 - Fixed sorting in grid widget (marius)			 - Fixed sorting in grid widget (marius)
 - Fixed selection signal emission in grid widget (rodrigo)	 - Fixed selection signal emission in grid widget (rodrigo)
 - Fixed libglade module compilation problems (rodrigo)		 - Fixed libglade module compilation problems (rodrigo)
 - Fixed compilation problems on Debian (jdassen)		 - Fixed compilation problems on Debian (jdassen)
 - Use a grid instead of a list in form widget (jon)		 - Use a grid instead of a list in form widget (jon)
 - Updated translations:					 - Updated translations:
        - ja (aihana)						        - ja (aihana)
        - nl (adrighem)						        - nl (adrighem)

libgnomedb 1.0.2, 2003-11-30					libgnomedb 1.0.2, 2003-11-30
----------------------------					----------------------------

 - Avoid creating data sources with duplicating names in Gnom	 - Avoid creating data sources with duplicating names in Gnom
   widget (laurent)						   widget (laurent)
 - Fixes for 64bit platforms (fredreric)			 - Fixes for 64bit platforms (fredreric)
 - Implemented missing gnome_db_combo_set_model (gonzalo)	 - Implemented missing gnome_db_combo_set_model (gonzalo)
 - Updated translations:					 - Updated translations:
        - cs (miroslav)						        - cs (miroslav)
	- el (pkst)							- el (pkst)
	- fi (pauli)							- fi (pauli)
	- nl (vincent)							- nl (vincent)
	- pt (duarte)							- pt (duarte)
	- sr (danilo)							- sr (danilo)
        - sw (christian)					        - sw (christian)

libgnomedb 1.0.1, 2003-10-13					libgnomedb 1.0.1, 2003-10-13
----------------------------					----------------------------

 - Fixed problems with gtksourceview compilation (rodrigo)	 - Fixed problems with gtksourceview compilation (rodrigo)
 - Made labels non-selectable in gray bar widget (álvaro)	 - Made labels non-selectable in gray bar widget (álvaro)
 - Fill background color with GTK style color in gray bar (ál	 - Fill background color with GTK style color in gray bar (ál
 - Use GTK default text color in grid titles for		 - Use GTK default text color in grid titles for
   gnome-database-properties (rodrigo)				   gnome-database-properties (rodrigo)
 - Dont g_free GtkWidget's in gray bar widget finalization (r	 - Dont g_free GtkWidget's in gray bar widget finalization (r
 - Updated translations:					 - Updated translations:
        - sk (stanislav)					        - sk (stanislav)

libgnomedb 1.0.0, 2003-09-14					libgnomedb 1.0.0, 2003-09-14
----------------------------					----------------------------

 - Fixed #122108 - generating .server is not flexible (tagoh)	 - Fixed #122108 - generating .server is not flexible (tagoh)

libgnomedb 0.99.0, 2003-09-10					libgnomedb 0.99.0, 2003-09-10
-----------------------------					-----------------------------

 - Added a (configurable) icon to GnomeDbGrayBar (apg)		 - Added a (configurable) icon to GnomeDbGrayBar (apg)
 - Use icons for gnome-database-properties tabs (rodrigo)	 - Use icons for gnome-database-properties tabs (rodrigo)
 - Removed ugly BUILD_WITH_GNOME in public headers (daniel)	 - Removed ugly BUILD_WITH_GNOME in public headers (daniel)
 - Updated translations:					 - Updated translations:
        - ca (jordim)						        - ca (jordim)
        - cs (mitr)						        - cs (mitr)
	- de (cneumair)							- de (cneumair)
        - es (pablodc)						        - es (pablodc)
        - fi (pvirtane)						        - fi (pvirtane)
	- fr (redfox)							- fr (redfox)
	- no (kmaraas)							- no (kmaraas)
	- pl (aflinta)							- pl (aflinta)
	- pt (dnloreto)							- pt (dnloreto)
	- sl (minmax)							- sl (minmax)
        - sr (danilo)						        - sr (danilo)
	- sv (menthos)							- sv (menthos)

libgnomedb 0.91.0, 2003-08-06					libgnomedb 0.91.0, 2003-08-06
-----------------------------					-----------------------------

 - Extended GnomeDbLogin API (rodrigo)				 - Extended GnomeDbLogin API (rodrigo)
 - Added a 'Create DSN' button on the GnomeDbLogin widget (ro	 - Added a 'Create DSN' button on the GnomeDbLogin widget (ro
 - Redid UI for database properties configuration applet (rod	 - Redid UI for database properties configuration applet (rod
 - Fixed #108023 (rodrigo)					 - Fixed #108023 (rodrigo)
 - Some HIG-ification (apg, rodrigo)				 - Some HIG-ification (apg, rodrigo)
 - Added query builder widget, to be used in Gnumeric and Abi	 - Added query builder widget, to be used in Gnumeric and Abi
 - Extended GnomeDbEditor API (daniel)				 - Extended GnomeDbEditor API (daniel)
 - More API documentation (rodrigo)				 - More API documentation (rodrigo)
 - Updated translations:					 - Updated translations:
        - cs (mitr)						        - cs (mitr)
	- de (cneumair)							- de (cneumair)
	- es (pablodc)							- es (pablodc)
	- nl (adrighem)							- nl (adrighem)
	- pl (aflinta)							- pl (aflinta)
	- pt (dnloreto)							- pt (dnloreto)
        - sv (menthos)						        - sv (menthos)

libgnomedb 0.90.0, 2003-07-03					libgnomedb 0.90.0, 2003-07-03
-----------------------------					-----------------------------

 - Added missing entry points to GnomeDbLoginDialog API (rodr	 - Added missing entry points to GnomeDbLoginDialog API (rodr
 - Removed non-working MIME components (rodrigo)		 - Removed non-working MIME components (rodrigo)
 - Added MIME actions component for SQL and connection files 	 - Added MIME actions component for SQL and connection files 
 - Removed dependencies on GTK+ 2.2 (rodrigo)			 - Removed dependencies on GTK+ 2.2 (rodrigo)
 - Added missing files to spec file (adam)			 - Added missing files to spec file (adam)
 - Added preloading of GConf keys (rodrigo)			 - Added preloading of GConf keys (rodrigo)
 - Catched missing translatable strings (baddog)		 - Catched missing translatable strings (baddog)
 - HIG-ify the error dialog widget (rodrigo)			 - HIG-ify the error dialog widget (rodrigo)
 - Updated translations:					 - Updated translations:
        - be (dmitrym)						        - be (dmitrym)
        - cs (mitr)						        - cs (mitr)
	- es (pablodc)							- es (pablodc)
        - ml (karunakar)					        - ml (karunakar)
        - nl (vincent)						        - nl (vincent)
	- pt (dnloreto)							- pt (dnloreto)
	- ru (frob)							- ru (frob)
        - sv (menthos)						        - sv (menthos)
        - zh_TW (baddog)					        - zh_TW (baddog)

libgnomedb 0.12.2, 2003-06-13					libgnomedb 0.12.2, 2003-06-13
-----------------------------					-----------------------------

 - Backported patches from HEAD to remove dependency on GTK+ 	 - Backported patches from HEAD to remove dependency on GTK+ 
 - Fixed list of libglade module files (daniel)			 - Fixed list of libglade module files (daniel)

libgnomedb 0.12.1, 2003-06-08					libgnomedb 0.12.1, 2003-06-08
-----------------------------					-----------------------------

 - Added missing static libraries to the spec file (adam)	 - Added missing static libraries to the spec file (adam)
 - Fixed typo in configure.in (redfox)				 - Fixed typo in configure.in (redfox)
 - Simplified column titles in data sources and providers con	 - Simplified column titles in data sources and providers con
 - Added missing CFLAGS for libglade module (rodrigo)		 - Added missing CFLAGS for libglade module (rodrigo)
 - Fixed soname numbering (rodrigo)				 - Fixed soname numbering (rodrigo)
 - Updated translations:					 - Updated translations:
        - nl (adrighem)						        - nl (adrighem)
        - sr (danilo)						        - sr (danilo)
	- ta (baddog)							- ta (baddog)

libgnomedb 0.12, 2003-05-28					libgnomedb 0.12, 2003-05-28
---------------------------					---------------------------

 - Added new stock icons (apg)					 - Added new stock icons (apg)
 - HIG-ified the login dialog widget (apg)			 - HIG-ified the login dialog widget (apg)
 - Added support for GTK/libgda-only compilation (dmitrym)	 - Added support for GTK/libgda-only compilation (dmitrym)
 - Extended GnomeDbForm API (rodrigo)				 - Extended GnomeDbForm API (rodrigo)
 - Updated translations:					 - Updated translations:
        - cs (mitr)						        - cs (mitr)
	- de (cneumair)							- de (cneumair)
	- es (pablodc)							- es (pablodc)
        - fa (roozbeh)						        - fa (roozbeh)
	- nl (adrighem)							- nl (adrighem)
	- pt (dnloreto)							- pt (dnloreto)
	- pt_BR (gdvieira)						- pt_BR (gdvieira)
	- sv (menthos)							- sv (menthos)

libgnomedb 0.11, 2003-03-08					libgnomedb 0.11, 2003-03-08
---------------------------					---------------------------

 - Marked missing strings in .keys file for translation (cneu	 - Marked missing strings in .keys file for translation (cneu
 - Added new stock icons for COMMIT and ROLLBACK (rodrigo)	 - Added new stock icons for COMMIT and ROLLBACK (rodrigo)
 - Fixed #106121 (julio)					 - Fixed #106121 (julio)
 - Fixed #106122 (julio)					 - Fixed #106122 (julio)
 - Fixed #106402 (rodrigo)					 - Fixed #106402 (rodrigo)
 - HIG-ify the gray bar widget (apg)				 - HIG-ify the gray bar widget (apg)
 - Fixed #106402 (tagoh)					 - Fixed #106402 (tagoh)
 - Spec file fixes (yanko)					 - Spec file fixes (yanko)
 - Updated translations:					 - Updated translations:
	- cs (mitr)							- cs (mitr)
	- de (cneumair)							- de (cneumair)
	- es (pablodc)							- es (pablodc)
	- nl (adrighem)							- nl (adrighem)
	- pl (chyla)							- pl (chyla)
	- pt (dnloreto)							- pt (dnloreto)
	- pt_BR (gdvieira)						- pt_BR (gdvieira)
	- sv (menthos)							- sv (menthos)
	- uk (rasta)							- uk (rasta)

libgnomedb 0.10, 2003-01-27					libgnomedb 0.10, 2003-01-27
---------------------------					---------------------------

 - Added --disable-gtk-doc argument to configure (rodrigo)	 - Added --disable-gtk-doc argument to configure (rodrigo)
 - Fixed .server file paths (rodrigo)				 - Fixed .server file paths (rodrigo)
 - Fixed weird size of provider list in configuration dialog 	 - Fixed weird size of provider list in configuration dialog 
 - Fixed modal dialog on 'save as..' grid's menu item and mad	 - Fixed modal dialog on 'save as..' grid's menu item and mad
   actually ask the user if he wants to overwrite existing fi	   actually ask the user if he wants to overwrite existing fi
 - Re-Added GnomeDbIconList from the 1.4 version (rodrigo)	 - Re-Added GnomeDbIconList from the 1.4 version (rodrigo)
 - Implemented session management (rodrigo)			 - Implemented session management (rodrigo)
 - Replaced GnomeDbSqlEditor widget with a more generic Gnome	 - Replaced GnomeDbSqlEditor widget with a more generic Gnome
   to support many languages (rodrigo)				   to support many languages (rodrigo)
 - Removed obsolete config.h files all over (gonzalo)		 - Removed obsolete config.h files all over (gonzalo)
 - Fixed alignment for grid's cells (rodrigo)			 - Fixed alignment for grid's cells (rodrigo)
 - Improved look of error and login dialogs (rodrigo)		 - Improved look of error and login dialogs (rodrigo)
 - Remember values between GnomeDbDsnConfigDruid's pages (rod	 - Remember values between GnomeDbDsnConfigDruid's pages (rod
 - Many improvements on GnomeDbGrid (rodrigo)			 - Many improvements on GnomeDbGrid (rodrigo)
 - Updated translations:					 - Updated translations:
        - de (cneumair)						        - de (cneumair)
	- es (pablodc)							- es (pablodc)
	- it (algol)							- it (algol)
	- no (kmaraas)							- no (kmaraas)
	- pt_BR (evandrofg)						- pt_BR (evandrofg)
	- sl (minmax)							- sl (minmax)
	- sv (menthos)							- sv (menthos)

libgnomedb 0.9, 2002-12-10					libgnomedb 0.9, 2002-12-10
--------------------------					--------------------------

 - Splitted stock icons initialization from the main library 	 - Splitted stock icons initialization from the main library 
   to have the GnomeDbLogin/GnomeDbLoginDialog widgets work c	   to have the GnomeDbLogin/GnomeDbLoginDialog widgets work c
   in Glade (rodrigo)						   in Glade (rodrigo)
 - Updated translations:					 - Updated translations:
        - be (dmitrym)						        - be (dmitrym)
        - cs (Michal Bukovjan)					        - cs (Michal Bukovjan)
	- de (cneumair)							- de (cneumair)
	- es (pablodc)							- es (pablodc)
	- ms (sebol)							- ms (sebol)
	- nl (adrighem)							- nl (adrighem)
	- pt_BR (gdvieira)						- pt_BR (gdvieira)
        - sv (menthos)						        - sv (menthos)

libgnomedb 0.8.199, 2002-10-23					libgnomedb 0.8.199, 2002-10-23
------------------------------					------------------------------

 - Fixed leaks in configuration API (gonzalo)			 - Fixed leaks in configuration API (gonzalo)
 - i18n/UTF8 fixes (carlos)					 - i18n/UTF8 fixes (carlos)
 - Fixed ugliness in error dialog widget (rodrigo)		 - Fixed ugliness in error dialog widget (rodrigo)
 - Added OMF setup (rodrigo, frederic)				 - Added OMF setup (rodrigo, frederic)
 - Improved stock icons API, to allow direct access to the st	 - Improved stock icons API, to allow direct access to the st
 - Fixed initial selection problem in option menus (rodrigo)	 - Fixed initial selection problem in option menus (rodrigo)
 - Fixed #90058 (gonzalo)					 - Fixed #90058 (gonzalo)
 - New stock icons (vivien)					 - New stock icons (vivien)
 - Fixed #95959 (rodrigo)					 - Fixed #95959 (rodrigo)
 - Updated translations:					 - Updated translations:
        - cs (utx)						        - cs (utx)
        - da (olau)						        - da (olau)
        - de (cneumair)						        - de (cneumair)
        - ms (sebol)						        - ms (sebol)
	- pl (chyla)							- pl (chyla)
	- pt_BR (gdvieira)						- pt_BR (gdvieira)
	- ru (dmitrym)							- ru (dmitrym)
	- sv (menthos)							- sv (menthos)

libgnomedb 0.8.193, 2002-09-09					libgnomedb 0.8.193, 2002-09-09
------------------------------					------------------------------

 - Added optional title bar to GnomeDbGrid widget (rodrigo)	 - Added optional title bar to GnomeDbGrid widget (rodrigo)
 - Added 'Test DSN' option on the gnome-database-properties a	 - Added 'Test DSN' option on the gnome-database-properties a
 - Added GnomeDbConnectionProperties widget from GNOME-DB (ro	 - Added GnomeDbConnectionProperties widget from GNOME-DB (ro
 - Fixed spec files (ben)					 - Fixed spec files (ben)
 - Updated translations:					 - Updated translations:
        - da (olau)						        - da (olau)
        - de (chrisime, cneumair)				        - de (chrisime, cneumair)
        - es (pablodc)						        - es (pablodc)
        - no (kmaraas)						        - no (kmaraas)
        - pl (chyla)						        - pl (chyla)
        - pt (dnloreto)						        - pt (dnloreto)
        - pt_BR (gdvieira)					        - pt_BR (gdvieira)
        - sv (menthos)						        - sv (menthos)
        - vi (pablo)						        - vi (pablo)
        - zh_CN (carton)					        - zh_CN (carton)

libgnomedb 0.8.192, 2002-07-08					libgnomedb 0.8.192, 2002-07-08
------------------------------					------------------------------

 - Fixed parallel installation of pixmaps (tagoh)		 - Fixed parallel installation of pixmaps (tagoh)
 - Fixed parallel installation of Bonobo components (tagoh)	 - Fixed parallel installation of Bonobo components (tagoh)
 - Fixed schema files for translation (rodrigo)			 - Fixed schema files for translation (rodrigo)
 - Added control center applet for database connections confi	 - Added control center applet for database connections confi
 - Extended GnomeDbGrid API (rodrigo)				 - Extended GnomeDbGrid API (rodrigo)
 - Allow edition of passwords associated with data sources (r	 - Allow edition of passwords associated with data sources (r
 - Small compilation fixes (damon)				 - Small compilation fixes (damon)
 - New & improved GnomeDbBrowser widget (rodrigo, gonzalo)	 - New & improved GnomeDbBrowser widget (rodrigo, gonzalo)
 - Fixed English sentences (kmaraas)				 - Fixed English sentences (kmaraas)
 - Fixed crash when exiting gnome-db-components (gonzalo)	 - Fixed crash when exiting gnome-db-components (gonzalo)
 - Added gnome_db_config API based on Gconf and synchronized 	 - Added gnome_db_config API based on Gconf and synchronized 
   API in libgda (gonzalo)					   API in libgda (gonzalo)
 - Fixed displaying of errors in GnomeDbError widget (gonzalo	 - Fixed displaying of errors in GnomeDbError widget (gonzalo
 - Updated translations:					 - Updated translations:
        - da (olau)						        - da (olau)
        - es (pablodc)						        - es (pablodc)
        - ko (cwryu)						        - ko (cwryu)
        - no (kmaraas)						        - no (kmaraas)
        - pl (chyla)						        - pl (chyla)
        - pt (dnloreto)						        - pt (dnloreto)
        - sk (stano)						        - sk (stano)
        - sl (minmax)						        - sl (minmax)
        - sv (menthos)						        - sv (menthos)

libgnomedb 0.8.191, 2002-05-24					libgnomedb 0.8.191, 2002-05-24
------------------------------					------------------------------

 - Fixed memory leak in model management (gonzalo)		 - Fixed memory leak in model management (gonzalo)
 - Moved database: monikers from gnome-db (rodrigo)		 - Moved database: monikers from gnome-db (rodrigo)
 - Updated translations:					 - Updated translations:
        - da (olau)						        - da (olau)
   	- fr (redfox)						   	- fr (redfox)
	- pt (dnloreto)							- pt (dnloreto)
	- vi (pablo)							- vi (pablo)

libgnomedb 0.8.190, 2002-05-04					libgnomedb 0.8.190, 2002-05-04
------------------------------					------------------------------

 - Fixed docs building (gonzalo)				 - Fixed docs building (gonzalo)
 - I18N fixes (chyla)						 - I18N fixes (chyla)
 - New stock icons (apg)					 - New stock icons (apg)
 - Fixed GnomeDbWindow creation (murrayc)			 - Fixed GnomeDbWindow creation (murrayc)
 - Started GnomeVFS database: method (rodrigo)			 - Started GnomeVFS database: method (rodrigo)
 - Updated translations:					 - Updated translations:
    	- fr (cfergeau)						    	- fr (cfergeau)
	- ko (cwryu)							- ko (cwryu)
	- ms (sebol)							- ms (sebol)
	- no (kmaraas)							- no (kmaraas)
	- pl (chyla)							- pl (chyla)
	- pt (dnloreto)							- pt (dnloreto)
	- sk (stano)							- sk (stano)
	- sl (minmax)							- sl (minmax)
	- sv (menthos)							- sv (menthos)
	- tr (pablo)							- tr (pablo)
	- vi (pablo)							- vi (pablo)

libgnomedb 0.8.105, 2002-03-26					libgnomedb 0.8.105, 2002-03-26
------------------------------					------------------------------

 - Improved Yes/No dialog (rodrigo)				 - Improved Yes/No dialog (rodrigo)
 - Fixed reference problems with BonoboWidget's (rodrigo)	 - Fixed reference problems with BonoboWidget's (rodrigo)
 - Extended GnomeDbBrowser API (rodrigo)			 - Extended GnomeDbBrowser API (rodrigo)
 - Fixed selections in GnomeDbGrid and GnomeDbList (rodrigo)	 - Fixed selections in GnomeDbGrid and GnomeDbList (rodrigo)
 - Made GnomeDbGrid display BOOLEAN values as check boxes (ro	 - Made GnomeDbGrid display BOOLEAN values as check boxes (ro
 - Display numbers correctly in GnomeDbGrid (rodrigo)		 - Display numbers correctly in GnomeDbGrid (rodrigo)
 - Use check buttons for BOOLEAN values in GnomeDbForm (rodri	 - Use check buttons for BOOLEAN values in GnomeDbForm (rodri
 - Added basic support for VIEWS in GnomeDbBrowser (rodrigo)	 - Added basic support for VIEWS in GnomeDbBrowser (rodrigo)
 - Fixed displaying of column titles in tree models (gonzalo)	 - Fixed displaying of column titles in tree models (gonzalo)
 - Added 'Save us' menu item to the popup menu for GnomeDbGri	 - Added 'Save us' menu item to the popup menu for GnomeDbGri
   which allows to save the displayed data to different forma	   which allows to save the displayed data to different forma
   such as comma or tab-separated files, XML, etc (rodrigo)	   such as comma or tab-separated files, XML, etc (rodrigo)
 - New icons (apg)						 - New icons (apg)
 - New GnomeDbSqlEditor widget, with syntax hightlighting, mu	 - New GnomeDbSqlEditor widget, with syntax hightlighting, mu
   command support, etc (daniel)				   command support, etc (daniel)
 - Updated translations:					 - Updated translations:
        - de (chrisime)						        - de (chrisime)
        - no (kmaraas)						        - no (kmaraas)
        - pl (chyla)						        - pl (chyla)
        - ru (frob)						        - ru (frob)
        - sk (stano)						        - sk (stano)

libgnomedb 0.8.104, 2002-03-07					libgnomedb 0.8.104, 2002-03-07
------------------------------					------------------------------

 - Added support for aggregates and triggers in GnomeDbBrowse	 - Added support for aggregates and triggers in GnomeDbBrowse
 - Some i18n fixes in the code (kmaraas)			 - Some i18n fixes in the code (kmaraas)
 - Fixed Bonobo main loop problems (rodrigo)			 - Fixed Bonobo main loop problems (rodrigo)
 - Extended GnomeDbWindow API (rodrigo)				 - Extended GnomeDbWindow API (rodrigo)
 - Started GnomeDbReportEditor widget (rodrigo)			 - Started GnomeDbReportEditor widget (rodrigo)
 - Made properties work for GnomeDbControl (rodrigo)		 - Made properties work for GnomeDbControl (rodrigo)
 - Added new GnomeDbForm widget, for navigating recordsets (r	 - Added new GnomeDbForm widget, for navigating recordsets (r
 - Added popup menu to GnomeDbGrid widget (rodrigo)		 - Added popup menu to GnomeDbGrid widget (rodrigo)
 - Use stock icons for all buttons in dialog windows (rodrigo	 - Use stock icons for all buttons in dialog windows (rodrigo
 - Reparent correctly all dialog windows (rodrigo)		 - Reparent correctly all dialog windows (rodrigo)
 - Install our stock icons with the rest of GTK/GNOME's (rodr	 - Install our stock icons with the rest of GTK/GNOME's (rodr
 - New spec files (chris)					 - New spec files (chris)
 - Fixed creation of connection string in config druid (rodri	 - Fixed creation of connection string in config druid (rodri
 - Updated translations:					 - Updated translations:
 	- da (olau)						 	- da (olau)
	- de (mawarkus)							- de (mawarkus)
	- nl (adrighem)							- nl (adrighem)
 	- no (kmaraas)						 	- no (kmaraas)
	- pl (chyla)							- pl (chyla)
	- pt (dnloreto)							- pt (dnloreto)
	- ru (frob)							- ru (frob)
	- sk (stano)							- sk (stano)
	- sl (minmax)							- sl (minmax)
	- sv (menthos)							- sv (menthos)
	- tr (gorkem)							- tr (gorkem)
	- uk (rasta)							- uk (rasta)

libgnomedb 0.8.103, 2002-02-10					libgnomedb 0.8.103, 2002-02-10
------------------------------					------------------------------

 - Added GnomeDbDataSourceSelector widget (rodrigo)		 - Added GnomeDbDataSourceSelector widget (rodrigo)
 - Added GnomeDbProviderSelector widget (rodrigo)		 - Added GnomeDbProviderSelector widget (rodrigo)
 - Use GnomeDbDataSourceSelector and				 - Use GnomeDbDataSourceSelector and
   GnomeDbProviderSelector where appropriate (rodrigo)		   GnomeDbProviderSelector where appropriate (rodrigo)
 - Updated translations:					 - Updated translations:
 	- sk (stano)						 	- sk (stano)
	- da (olau)							- da (olau)
	- ms (sebol)							- ms (sebol)
	- pt (dnloreto)							- pt (dnloreto)
	- no (kmaraas)							- no (kmaraas)

libgnomedb 0.8.102, 2002-01-30					libgnomedb 0.8.102, 2002-01-30
------------------------------					------------------------------

 - re-added GnomeDbCombo widget from stable branch (rodrigo)	 - re-added GnomeDbCombo widget from stable branch (rodrigo)
 - added libglade module (rodrigo)				 - added libglade module (rodrigo)
 - added more API documentation (rodrigo)			 - added more API documentation (rodrigo)
 - warning-free compilation (gonzalo)				 - warning-free compilation (gonzalo)
 - improved grid widget (rodrigo)				 - improved grid widget (rodrigo)
 - made GnomeDbDsnConfigDruid work (rodrigo)			 - made GnomeDbDsnConfigDruid work (rodrigo)
 - made GnomeDbDsnConfig work (rodrigo)				 - made GnomeDbDsnConfig work (rodrigo)
 - updated translations:					 - updated translations:
 	- no (kmaraas)						 	- no (kmaraas)
	- ms (sebol)							- ms (sebol)
	- sk (stano)							- sk (stano)
	- sv (menthos)							- sv (menthos)
	- zh_CN (lark)							- zh_CN (lark)

libgnomedb 0.8.101, 2002-01-13					libgnomedb 0.8.101, 2002-01-13
------------------------------					------------------------------

 - made all widgets support GParamSpec's, so that we can easi	 - made all widgets support GParamSpec's, so that we can easi
   them into Glade/libglade (Rodrigo)				   them into Glade/libglade (Rodrigo)
 - extended API documentation (Rodrigo)				 - extended API documentation (Rodrigo)
 - Updated translations:					 - Updated translations:
 	- pt (dnloreto)						 	- pt (dnloreto)
	- sk (stano)							- sk (stano)
	- sv (menthos)							- sv (menthos)

libgnomedb 0.8.100, 2002-01-06					libgnomedb 0.8.100, 2002-01-06
------------------------------					------------------------------

 - added support for all new schemas to GnomeDbBrowser widget	 - added support for all new schemas to GnomeDbBrowser widget
   and made the detail work for tables (Rodrigo)		   and made the detail work for tables (Rodrigo)
 - UI and feature improvements in GnomeDbGrid, GnomeDbList,	 - UI and feature improvements in GnomeDbGrid, GnomeDbList,
   GnomeDbLogin/Dialog (Rodrigo)				   GnomeDbLogin/Dialog (Rodrigo)
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: az.gmo
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/az.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/az.po
# Copyright (C) YEAR Free Software Foundation, Inc.		# Copyright (C) YEAR Free Software Foundation, Inc.
#								#
msgid ""							msgid ""
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: libgnomedb 0.3.1\n"			"Project-Id-Version: libgnomedb 0.3.1\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"					"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"			"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2001-09-20 11:10+0200\n"			"PO-Revision-Date: 2001-09-20 11:10+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Vasif Ismailoglu MD <azerb_linux hotmail co	"Last-Translator: Vasif Ismailoglu MD <azerb_linux hotmail co
"Language-Team: Azerbaijani Turkish\n"				"Language-Team: Azerbaijani Turkish\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"						"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"			"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"				"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data Sources"						msgid "Data Sources"
msgstr "GDA VerilÉ?nlÉ?r MÉ?nbÉ?yi"					msgstr "GDA VerilÉ?nlÉ?r MÉ?nbÉ?yi"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Providers"						msgid "Providers"
msgstr "XidmÉ?tçi"						msgstr "XidmÉ?tçi"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1
msgid "Configure your database environment"			msgid "Configure your database environment"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Database Access Properties "				msgid "Database Access Properties "
msgstr "Tarix"							msgstr "Tarix"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380
msgid "Name"							msgid "Name"
msgstr "Ad"							msgstr "Ad"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
msgid "Description"						msgid "Description"
msgstr "Ä°zahat"							msgstr "Ä°zahat"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182
msgid "Configured data sources in the system"			msgid "Configured data sources in the system"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data sources are the means by which database connections are	"Data sources are the means by which database connections are
"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s	"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s
"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o	"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o
"name you identify the connections in the applications that m	"name you identify the connections in the applications that m
"DB for database access."					"DB for database access."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"	msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data Source Properties"					msgid "Data Source Properties"
msgstr "VerilÉ?nlÉ?r mÉ?nbÉ?yinin adı yoxdur!"			msgstr "VerilÉ?nlÉ?r mÉ?nbÉ?yinin adı yoxdur!"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132
msgid "Basic"							msgid "Basic"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Tables"							msgid "Tables"
msgstr "CÉ?dvÉ?llÉ?r"						msgstr "CÉ?dvÉ?llÉ?r"

#: control-center/main.c:92					#: control-center/main.c:92
msgid "No valid data source info was created"			msgid "No valid data source info was created"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218	#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "New data source"						msgid "New data source"
msgstr "GDA VerilÉ?nlÉ?r MÉ?nbÉ?yi"					msgstr "GDA VerilÉ?nlÉ?r MÉ?nbÉ?yi"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:215					#: control-center/main.c:215
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Database Access Properties"				msgid "Database Access Properties"
msgstr "Tarix"							msgstr "Tarix"

#: control-center/provider-config.c:105				#: control-center/provider-config.c:105
msgid "Installed providers"					msgid "Installed providers"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/provider-config.c:131				#: control-center/provider-config.c:131
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec	"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec
"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo	"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo
"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr	"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr
"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba	"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba
"etc."								"etc."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1
msgid "Database connection parameters file"			msgid "Database connection parameters file"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2
msgid "Documents"						msgid "Documents"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3
msgid "SQL code viewer"						msgid "SQL code viewer"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1
msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"			msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2
msgid "Number of spaces per tab"				msgid "Number of spaces per tab"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3
msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"			msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4
msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"			msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60
msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"			msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1
msgid "About"							msgid "About"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2
msgid "About GNOME-DB"						msgid "About GNOME-DB"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3
msgid "Close this window"					msgid "Close this window"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4
msgid "Create new entry"					msgid "Create new entry"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Delete selected items"					msgid "Delete selected items"
msgstr "Seçili cismi çıxart"					msgstr "Seçili cismi çıxart"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Deselect all items"					msgid "Deselect all items"
msgstr "Seçili cismi çıxart"					msgstr "Seçili cismi çıxart"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7
msgid "Edit properties for selected item"			msgid "Edit properties for selected item"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8
msgid "Save connection parameters to file"			msgid "Save connection parameters to file"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Select _All"						msgid "Select _All"
msgstr "Fayl seç"						msgstr "Fayl seç"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Select all items"					msgid "Select all items"
msgstr "Fayl seç"						msgstr "Fayl seç"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View data sources"					msgid "View data sources"
msgstr "GDA VerilÉ?nlÉ?r MÉ?nbÉ?yi"					msgstr "GDA VerilÉ?nlÉ?r MÉ?nbÉ?yi"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View providers"						msgid "View providers"
msgstr "XidmÉ?tçi"						msgstr "XidmÉ?tçi"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42
msgid "_Clear Selection"					msgid "_Clear Selection"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14
msgid "_Close"							msgid "_Close"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Data Sources"						msgid "_Data Sources"
msgstr "GDA VerilÉ?nlÉ?r MÉ?nbÉ?yi"					msgstr "GDA VerilÉ?nlÉ?r MÉ?nbÉ?yi"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Database"						msgid "_Database"
msgstr "Tarix"							msgstr "Tarix"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17
msgid "_Delete"							msgid "_Delete"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18
msgid "_Edit"							msgid "_Edit"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Help"							msgid "_Help"
msgstr "Yardım"							msgstr "Yardım"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_New Data Source..."					msgid "_New Data Source..."
msgstr "GDA VerilÉ?nlÉ?r MÉ?nbÉ?yi"					msgstr "GDA VerilÉ?nlÉ?r MÉ?nbÉ?yi"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Properties"						msgid "_Properties"
msgstr "Proseduralar"						msgstr "Proseduralar"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Providers"						msgid "_Providers"
msgstr "XidmÉ?tçi"						msgstr "XidmÉ?tçi"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Save Connection"					msgid "_Save Connection"
msgstr "Axırıncı BaÄ?lantılar"					msgstr "Axırıncı BaÄ?lantılar"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_View"							msgid "_View"
msgstr "NümayiÅ?lÉ?r"						msgstr "NümayiÅ?lÉ?r"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76
msgid "Structure"						msgid "Structure"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73
msgid "Data"							msgid "Data"
msgstr "VerilÉ?nlÉ?r"						msgstr "VerilÉ?nlÉ?r"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238
msgid "Not implemented yet!"					msgid "Not implemented yet!"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Database"						msgid "Database"
msgstr "Tarix"							msgstr "Tarix"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540
msgid "Loading database schemas..."				msgid "Loading database schemas..."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632
msgid "Refreshing data..."					msgid "Refreshing data..."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688
msgid "Views"							msgid "Views"
msgstr "NümayiÅ?lÉ?r"						msgstr "NümayiÅ?lÉ?r"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691
msgid "Indexes"							msgid "Indexes"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Sequences"						msgid "Sequences"
msgstr "Sekvensiyalar"						msgstr "Sekvensiyalar"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Procedures"						msgid "Procedures"
msgstr "Proseduralar"						msgstr "Proseduralar"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700
msgid "Triggers"						msgid "Triggers"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Aggregates"						msgid "Aggregates"
msgstr "Aqreqatlar"						msgstr "Aqreqatlar"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Types"							msgid "Types"
msgstr "NövlÉ?r"							msgstr "NövlÉ?r"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140
msgid "Could not query CORBA components"			msgid "Could not query CORBA components"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209
msgid "ID"							msgid "ID"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "Location"						msgid "Location"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212
msgid "Username"						msgid "Username"
msgstr "Ä°stifadÉ?çi Adı"						msgstr "Ä°stifadÉ?çi Adı"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Hostname"						msgid "Hostname"
msgstr "Ä°stifadÉ?çi Adı"						msgstr "Ä°stifadÉ?çi Adı"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214
msgid "Domain"							msgid "Domain"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"			msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. create widgets						#. create widgets
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97
msgid "Settings"						msgid "Settings"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data source name"					msgid "Data source name"
msgstr "VerilÉ?nlÉ?r mÉ?nbÉ?yinin adı yoxdur!"			msgstr "VerilÉ?nlÉ?r mÉ?nbÉ?yinin adı yoxdur!"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Connection string"					msgid "Connection string"
msgstr "Axırıncı BaÄ?lantılar"					msgstr "Axırıncı BaÄ?lantılar"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115
msgid "Provider"						msgid "Provider"
msgstr "XidmÉ?tçi"						msgstr "XidmÉ?tçi"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "User name"						msgid "User name"
msgstr "Ä°stifadÉ?çi Adı"						msgstr "Ä°stifadÉ?çi Adı"

#. create feature list						#. create feature list
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128
msgid "Features"						msgid "Features"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"		msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"
msgstr "Yeni yuvaya ad vermÉ?lisiniz"				msgstr "Yeni yuvaya ad vermÉ?lisiniz"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197
msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac	msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206
msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th	msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213
msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"			msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217
msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n	msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"	msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"
msgstr "Yeni yuvaya ad vermÉ?lisiniz"				msgstr "Yeni yuvaya ad vermÉ?lisiniz"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233
msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"		msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391
msgid "Add a new data source..."				msgid "Add a new data source..."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392
msgid ""							msgid ""
"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"		"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"
"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"		"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"
"installation. Just follow the steps!"				"installation. Just follow the steps!"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "General Information"					msgid "General Information"
msgstr "Æ?lavÉ? mÉ?lumat"						msgstr "Æ?lavÉ? mÉ?lumat"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the basic information\n"	"The following fields represent the basic information\n"
"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n	"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n
"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"	"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"
"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"	"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"
"the default one."						"the default one."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data source _name:"					msgid "Data source _name:"
msgstr "VerilÉ?nlÉ?r mÉ?nbÉ?yinin adı yoxdur!"			msgstr "VerilÉ?nlÉ?r mÉ?nbÉ?yinin adı yoxdur!"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Provider:"						msgid "_Provider:"
msgstr "XidmÉ?tçi"						msgstr "XidmÉ?tçi"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Description:"						msgid "_Description:"
msgstr "Ä°zahat"							msgstr "Ä°zahat"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Username:"						msgid "_Username:"
msgstr "Ä°stifadÉ?çi Adı"						msgstr "Ä°stifadÉ?çi Adı"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "P_assword:"						msgid "P_assword:"
msgstr "Parol"							msgstr "Parol"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454
msgid "Provider Parameters"					msgid "Provider Parameters"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the information needed by the	"The following fields represent the information needed by the
"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n	"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n
"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\	"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\
"the manual for more information."				"the manual for more information."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481
msgid "All information retrieved"				msgid "All information retrieved"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482
msgid ""							msgid ""
"All information needed to create a new data source\n"		"All information needed to create a new data source\n"
"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"		"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"
"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"	"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"
"just select it when asked for a data source."			"just select it when asked for a data source."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Connection _string:"					msgid "Connection _string:"
msgstr "Axırıncı BaÄ?lantılar"					msgstr "Axırıncı BaÄ?lantılar"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4
msgid "Error"							msgid "Error"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.
msgid "Show detail >>"						msgid "Show detail >>"
msgstr "TÉ?fsilatı göstÉ?r >>"					msgstr "TÉ?fsilatı göstÉ?r >>"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122
msgid "<< Hide detail"						msgid "<< Hide detail"
msgstr "<< TÉ?fsilatı gizlÉ?"					msgstr "<< TÉ?fsilatı gizlÉ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191
msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"	msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196
msgid "Error number"						msgid "Error number"
msgstr "XÉ?ta nömrÉ?si"						msgstr "XÉ?ta nömrÉ?si"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Details"							msgid "Details"
msgstr "TÉ?fsilat"						msgstr "TÉ?fsilat"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234
msgid "Source"							msgid "Source"
msgstr "MÉ?nbÉ?"							msgstr "MÉ?nbÉ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241
msgid "SQL state"						msgid "SQL state"
msgstr "SQL vÉ?ziyyÉ?ti"						msgstr "SQL vÉ?ziyyÉ?ti"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Field:"							msgid "_Field:"
msgstr "Vaxt"							msgstr "Vaxt"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Text:"							msgid "_Text:"
msgstr "NövlÉ?r"							msgstr "NövlÉ?r"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308
msgid "No records"						msgid "No records"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329
#, fuzzy, c-format						#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Record %d of %d"						msgid "Record %d of %d"
msgstr "%2$d-nin %1$d yuvası"					msgstr "%2$d-nin %1$d yuvası"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Recordset description"					msgid "Recordset description"
msgstr "Ä°zahat"							msgstr "Ä°zahat"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid ""							msgid ""
"File '%s' already exists.\n"					"File '%s' already exists.\n"
"Do you want to overwrite it?"					"Do you want to overwrite it?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149
msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."		msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217
#, fuzzy, c-format						#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Could not save file %s"					msgid "Could not save file %s"
msgstr "%s faylı yaradıla bilmir"				msgstr "%s faylı yaradıla bilmir"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224
msgid "You must specify a file name"				msgid "You must specify a file name"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230
msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"		msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261
msgid "Saving Model"						msgid "Saving Model"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "File _name:"						msgid "File _name:"
msgstr "CÉ?dvÉ?l adı"						msgstr "CÉ?dvÉ?l adı"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Select File"						msgid "Select File"
msgstr "Fayl seç"						msgstr "Fayl seç"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283
msgid "File _type:"						msgid "File _type:"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291
msgid "Tab-delimited"						msgid "Tab-delimited"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294
msgid "Comma-delimited"						msgid "Comma-delimited"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:
msgid "XML"							msgid "XML"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View detail"						msgid "View detail"
msgstr "<< TÉ?fsilatı gizlÉ?"					msgstr "<< TÉ?fsilatı gizlÉ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427
msgid "Show Column _Titles"					msgid "Show Column _Titles"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Describe"						msgid "Describe"
msgstr "Ä°zahat"							msgstr "Ä°zahat"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View detail..."						msgid "View detail..."
msgstr "<< TÉ?fsilatı gizlÉ?"					msgstr "<< TÉ?fsilatı gizlÉ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Title"							msgid "Title"
msgstr "Vaxt"							msgstr "Vaxt"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48
msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"	msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"		"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"
"to a data source"						"to a data source"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data Source:"						msgid "Data Source:"
msgstr "GDA VerilÉ?nlÉ?r MÉ?nbÉ?yi"					msgstr "GDA VerilÉ?nlÉ?r MÉ?nbÉ?yi"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Username:"						msgid "Username:"
msgstr "Ä°stifadÉ?çi Adı"						msgstr "Ä°stifadÉ?çi Adı"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Password:"						msgid "Password:"
msgstr "Parol"							msgstr "Parol"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69
msgid "Fields"							msgid "Fields"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Commit"							msgid "Commit"
msgstr "Æ?mr"							msgstr "Æ?mr"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31
msgid "Connect"							msgid "Connect"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33
msgid "Designer"						msgid "Designer"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34
msgid "Disconnect"						msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35
msgid "NoTransaction"						msgid "NoTransaction"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37
msgid "Query"							msgid "Query"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38
msgid "Rollback"						msgid "Rollback"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40
msgid "SQL"							msgid "SQL"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43
msgid "WithinTransaction"					msgid "WithinTransaction"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Error: %s"						msgid "Error: %s"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79
msgid "Table name"						msgid "Table name"
msgstr "CÉ?dvÉ?l adı"						msgstr "CÉ?dvÉ?l adı"

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93			#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Login for %s"						msgid "Login for %s"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95					#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95
msgid "Login to database"					msgid "Login to database"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: vfs/libmain.c:71						#: vfs/libmain.c:71
msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"				msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Table Properties"					msgid "Table Properties"
msgstr "Tarix"							msgstr "Tarix"

#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Table Name"						msgid "Table Name"
msgstr "CÉ?dvÉ?l adı"						msgstr "CÉ?dvÉ?l adı"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "New"							msgid "New"
msgstr "Yeni"							msgstr "Yeni"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156
msgid "Create new table"					msgid "Create new table"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Properties"						msgid "Properties"
msgstr "Proseduralar"						msgstr "Proseduralar"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View table properties"					msgid "View table properties"
msgstr "Tarix"							msgstr "Tarix"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
msgid "UID"							msgid "UID"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "calendar"						msgid "calendar"
msgstr "Miqyas"							msgstr "Miqyas"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "summary"							msgid "summary"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "Summary"							msgid "Summary"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "location"						msgid "location"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "dtstart"							msgid "dtstart"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
msgid "Start time"						msgid "Start time"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "dtend"							msgid "dtend"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "End time"						msgid "End time"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "description"						msgid "description"
msgstr "Ä°zahat"							msgstr "Ä°zahat"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "classification"						msgid "classification"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "Classification"						msgid "Classification"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "transparency"						msgid "transparency"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "Transparency"						msgid "Transparency"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "categories"						msgid "categories"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "Categories"						msgid "Categories"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "tasks"							msgid "tasks"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "due"							msgid "due"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "Due date"						msgid "Due date"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "Start date"						msgid "Start date"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355
msgid "Public"							msgid "Public"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358
msgid "Private"							msgid "Private"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361
msgid "Confidential"						msgid "Confidential"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63
msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"		msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66
msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"			msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80
msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta	msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"		msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Fayl açıla bilmir\n"						"Fayl açıla bilmir\n"
"%s"								"%s"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"				msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"
msgstr "Bonobo hazırlana bilmir\n"				msgstr "Bonobo hazırlana bilmir\n"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Field name"						msgid "Field name"
msgstr "Ä°stifadÉ?çi Adı"						msgstr "Ä°stifadÉ?çi Adı"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data type"						msgid "Data type"
msgstr "VerilÉ?nlÉ?r"						msgstr "VerilÉ?nlÉ?r"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214
msgid "Size"							msgid "Size"
msgstr "Boy"							msgstr "Boy"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215
msgid "Scale"							msgid "Scale"
msgstr "Miqyas"							msgstr "Miqyas"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216
msgid "Not null?"						msgid "Not null?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217
msgid "Primary key?"						msgid "Primary key?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218
msgid "Unique index?"						msgid "Unique index?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "References"						msgid "References"
msgstr "YenilÉ?"							msgstr "YenilÉ?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220
msgid "Default value"						msgid "Default value"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239
msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l	msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Table %s does not exist"					msgid "Table %s does not exist"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318
msgid "Scheduled events"					msgid "Scheduled events"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321
msgid "TODO list"						msgid "TODO list"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375
msgid "Owner"							msgid "Owner"
msgstr "YiyÉ?"							msgstr "YiyÉ?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Comments"						msgid "Comments"
msgstr "Æ?mr"							msgstr "Æ?mr"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Type"							msgid "Type"
msgstr "NövlÉ?r"							msgstr "NövlÉ?r"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "GDA type"						msgid "GDA type"
msgstr "GDA Növü"						msgstr "GDA Növü"

#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id	#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id
#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database	#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database
#. we can easily access that information			#. we can easily access that information
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "local"							msgid "local"
msgstr "Miqyas"							msgstr "Miqyas"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217
msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230
msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244
msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"			msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268
msgid "Invalid SQL command"					msgid "Invalid SQL command"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353
msgid "Transactions are not supported"				msgid "Transactions are not supported"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41
msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"		msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task	"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Database browser"					#~ msgid "Database browser"
#~ msgstr "Tarix"						#~ msgstr "Tarix"

#~ msgid "Error viewer"						#~ msgid "Error viewer"
#~ msgstr "XÉ?ta göstÉ?rici"					#~ msgstr "XÉ?ta göstÉ?rici"

#~ msgid "Password"						#~ msgid "Password"
#~ msgstr "Parol"						#~ msgstr "Parol"

#~ msgid "Question"						#~ msgid "Question"
#~ msgstr "Sual"						#~ msgstr "Sual"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Database Moniker factory"				#~ msgid "Database Moniker factory"
#~ msgstr "Tarix"						#~ msgstr "Tarix"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "database: moniker"					#~ msgid "database: moniker"
#~ msgstr "Tarix"						#~ msgstr "Tarix"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Invalid format for connection string"			#~ msgid "Invalid format for connection string"
#~ msgstr "Axırıncı BaÄ?lantılar"				#~ msgstr "Axırıncı BaÄ?lantılar"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Data sources"						#~ msgid "Data sources"
#~ msgstr "GDA VerilÉ?nlÉ?r MÉ?nbÉ?yi"				#~ msgstr "GDA VerilÉ?nlÉ?r MÉ?nbÉ?yi"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Test Data Source"					#~ msgid "Test Data Source"
#~ msgstr "GDA VerilÉ?nlÉ?r MÉ?nbÉ?yi"				#~ msgstr "GDA VerilÉ?nlÉ?r MÉ?nbÉ?yi"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Data source"						#~ msgid "Data source"
#~ msgstr "GDA VerilÉ?nlÉ?r MÉ?nbÉ?yi"				#~ msgstr "GDA VerilÉ?nlÉ?r MÉ?nbÉ?yi"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Unselect all"						#~ msgid "Unselect all"
#~ msgstr "Fayl Seç"						#~ msgstr "Fayl Seç"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Unselect All"						#~ msgid "Unselect All"
#~ msgstr "Fayl Seç"						#~ msgstr "Fayl Seç"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Loading..."						#~ msgid "Loading..."
#~ msgstr "CÉ?dvÉ?l verilÉ?nlÉ?rini göstÉ?r"				#~ msgstr "CÉ?dvÉ?l verilÉ?nlÉ?rini göstÉ?r"

#~ msgid "Create new object of selected type"			#~ msgid "Create new object of selected type"
#~ msgstr "Seçili növdÉ? yeni cism yarat"			#~ msgstr "Seçili növdÉ? yeni cism yarat"

#~ msgid "Remove"						#~ msgid "Remove"
#~ msgstr "�ıxart"						#~ msgstr "�ıxart"

#~ msgid "Refresh current list of objects"			#~ msgid "Refresh current list of objects"
#~ msgstr "Cari cism siyahısını yenilÉ?"				#~ msgstr "Cari cism siyahısını yenilÉ?"

#~ msgid "Info"							#~ msgid "Info"
#~ msgstr "Ä°nfo"						#~ msgstr "Ä°nfo"

#~ msgid "Show extra information about selected object"		#~ msgid "Show extra information about selected object"
#~ msgstr "Seçili cismlÉ?r barÉ?sindÉ? É?lavÉ? mÉ?lumat göstÉ?r"	#~ msgstr "Seçili cismlÉ?r barÉ?sindÉ? É?lavÉ? mÉ?lumat göstÉ?r"

#~ msgid "Table data"						#~ msgid "Table data"
#~ msgstr "CÉ?dvÉ?l verilÉ?nlÉ?ri"					#~ msgstr "CÉ?dvÉ?l verilÉ?nlÉ?ri"

#~ msgid "Select Color"						#~ msgid "Select Color"
#~ msgstr "RÉ?ng Seç"						#~ msgstr "RÉ?ng Seç"

#~ msgid "Select Font"						#~ msgid "Select Font"
#~ msgstr "Yazı Növü Seç"					#~ msgstr "Yazı Növü Seç"

#~ msgid "Add field..."						#~ msgid "Add field..."
#~ msgstr "Yuva É?lavÉ? et..."					#~ msgstr "Yuva É?lavÉ? et..."

#~ msgid "Add a new field to this table"			#~ msgid "Add a new field to this table"
#~ msgstr "CÉ?dvÉ?lÉ? yeni yuva É?lavÉ? et"				#~ msgstr "CÉ?dvÉ?lÉ? yeni yuva É?lavÉ? et"

#~ msgid "Edit field..."					#~ msgid "Edit field..."
#~ msgstr "Yuvanı düzÉ?lt..."					#~ msgstr "Yuvanı düzÉ?lt..."

#~ msgid "Edit the selected field properties"			#~ msgid "Edit the selected field properties"
#~ msgstr "Seçili yuva xassÉ?lÉ?rini düzÉ?lt"			#~ msgstr "Seçili yuva xassÉ?lÉ?rini düzÉ?lt"

#~ msgid "Add field"						#~ msgid "Add field"
#~ msgstr "Yuva É?lavÉ? et"					#~ msgstr "Yuva É?lavÉ? et"

#~ msgid "Could not find table %s"				#~ msgid "Could not find table %s"
#~ msgstr "%s cÉ?dvÉ?li tapıla bilmir"				#~ msgstr "%s cÉ?dvÉ?li tapıla bilmir"

#~ msgid "There is already a field named %s"			#~ msgid "There is already a field named %s"
#~ msgstr "%s adlı yuva onsuz da vardır"			#~ msgstr "%s adlı yuva onsuz da vardır"

#~ msgid "File %s is not a valid XML file"			#~ msgid "File %s is not a valid XML file"
#~ msgstr "%s faylı hökmlü XML faylı deyildir"			#~ msgstr "%s faylı hökmlü XML faylı deyildir"

#~ msgid "GDA Name"						#~ msgid "GDA Name"
#~ msgstr "GDA Adı"						#~ msgstr "GDA Adı"

#~ msgid "DSN"							#~ msgid "DSN"
#~ msgstr "DSN"							#~ msgstr "DSN"

#~ msgid "Config"						#~ msgid "Config"
#~ msgstr "KöklÉ?mÉ?"						#~ msgstr "KöklÉ?mÉ?"

#~ msgid "Error while saving configuration!"			#~ msgid "Error while saving configuration!"
#~ msgstr "QurÄ?ular qeyd edilirkÉ?n xÉ?ta baÅ? verdi!"		#~ msgstr "QurÄ?ular qeyd edilirkÉ?n xÉ?ta baÅ? verdi!"

#~ msgid "Native message"					#~ msgid "Native message"
#~ msgstr "Nativ ismarıc"					#~ msgstr "Nativ ismarıc"

#~ msgid "User Name"						#~ msgid "User Name"
#~ msgstr "Ä°stifadÉ?çinin Adı"					#~ msgstr "Ä°stifadÉ?çinin Adı"

#~ msgid "Message"						#~ msgid "Message"
#~ msgstr "İsmarıc"						#~ msgstr "İsmarıc"

#~ msgid "Log Entry"						#~ msgid "Log Entry"
#~ msgstr "Qeyd GiriÅ?i"						#~ msgstr "Qeyd GiriÅ?i"

#~ msgid "Setup Printer"					#~ msgid "Setup Printer"
#~ msgstr "Ã?ap Edicini Sazla"					#~ msgstr "Ã?ap Edicini Sazla"

#~ msgid "Copyright The Free Software Foundation (C) 1998-200	#~ msgid "Copyright The Free Software Foundation (C) 1998-200
#~ msgstr "Copyright The Free Software Foundation (C) 1998-20	#~ msgstr "Copyright The Free Software Foundation (C) 1998-20

#~ msgid ""							#~ msgid ""
#~ "This program is part of the GNOME project for LINUX. GNOM	#~ "This program is part of the GNOME project for LINUX. GNOM
#~ "comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software,	#~ "comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software,
#~ "welcome to redistribute it under the conditions of the GN	#~ "welcome to redistribute it under the conditions of the GN
#~ "Licence."							#~ "Licence."
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "This program is part of the GNOME project for LINUX. GNOM	#~ "This program is part of the GNOME project for LINUX. GNOM
#~ "comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software,	#~ "comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software,
#~ "welcome to redistribute it under the conditions of the GN	#~ "welcome to redistribute it under the conditions of the GN
#~ "Licence."							#~ "Licence."

#~ msgid "Bug-buddy was not found in your $PATH"		#~ msgid "Bug-buddy was not found in your $PATH"
#~ msgstr "Sizin $PATH-da Bug-buddy tapıla bilmÉ?di"		#~ msgstr "Sizin $PATH-da Bug-buddy tapıla bilmÉ?di"

#~ msgid "Unable to execute Bug Report Tool"			#~ msgid "Unable to execute Bug Report Tool"
#~ msgstr "XÉ?ta Raport VasitÉ?si icra edilÉ? bilmÉ?di!"		#~ msgstr "XÉ?ta Raport VasitÉ?si icra edilÉ? bilmÉ?di!"
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: be.gmo
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/be.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/be.po
# Copyright (C) 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.		# Copyright (C) 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# Ales Nyakhaychyk <i18n infonet by>, 2002.			# Ales Nyakhaychyk <i18n infonet by>, 2002.
#								#
msgid ""							msgid ""
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: libgnomedb 0.9\n"				"Project-Id-Version: libgnomedb 0.9\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"					"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"			"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2002-11-20 09:53+0200\n"			"PO-Revision-Date: 2002-11-20 09:53+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Ales Nyakhaychyk <i18n infonet by>\n"		"Last-Translator: Ales Nyakhaychyk <i18n infonet by>\n"
"Language-Team: Belarusian <i18n mova org>\n"			"Language-Team: Belarusian <i18n mova org>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"						"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"			"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"				"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Generator: KBabel 0.9.6\n"					"X-Generator: KBabel 0.9.6\n"

# fe/fe_main.c:205						# fe/fe_main.c:205
#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co
msgid "Data Sources"						msgid "Data Sources"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?Ñ?нÑ?Ñ?Ñ? данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?"					msgstr "Ð?Ñ?Ñ?нÑ?Ñ?Ñ? данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?"

# fe/fe_gdaconfig.c:315 gda-manager/main.c:144			# fe/fe_gdaconfig.c:315 gda-manager/main.c:144
#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid
msgid "Providers"						msgid "Providers"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?апаноÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?кÑ?"						msgstr "Ð?Ñ?апаноÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?кÑ?"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1
msgid "Configure your database environment"			msgid "Configure your database environment"
msgstr "Ð?аладзÑ?Ñ?е аÑ?Ñ?Ñ?оджанÑ?не ваÑ?ае базÑ? данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?"		msgstr "Ð?аладзÑ?Ñ?е аÑ?Ñ?Ñ?оджанÑ?не ваÑ?ае базÑ? данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?"

# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:245				# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:245
#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Database Access Properties "				msgid "Database Access Properties "
msgstr "Ð?еÑ?авагÑ? базÑ? данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?"					msgstr "Ð?еÑ?авагÑ? базÑ? данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380
msgid "Name"							msgid "Name"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

# fe/fe_gdaconfig.c:333 gda-manager/main.c:96 gda-manager/mai	# fe/fe_gdaconfig.c:333 gda-manager/main.c:96 gda-manager/mai
#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
msgid "Description"						msgid "Description"
msgstr "Ð?пÑ?Ñ?анÑ?не"						msgstr "Ð?пÑ?Ñ?анÑ?не"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182
msgid "Configured data sources in the system"			msgid "Configured data sources in the system"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data sources are the means by which database connections are	"Data sources are the means by which database connections are
"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s	"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s
"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o	"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o
"name you identify the connections in the applications that m	"name you identify the connections in the applications that m
"DB for database access."					"DB for database access."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277
#, fuzzy, c-format						#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"	msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ? жадаеÑ?е вÑ?далÑ?Ñ?Ñ? '%s' кÑ?Ñ?нÑ?Ñ?Ñ? данÑ?нÑ?Ñ??"		msgstr "Ð?Ñ? жадаеÑ?е вÑ?далÑ?Ñ?Ñ? '%s' кÑ?Ñ?нÑ?Ñ?Ñ? данÑ?нÑ?Ñ??"

# fe/fe_main.c:205						# fe/fe_main.c:205
#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data Source Properties"					msgid "Data Source Properties"
msgstr "Ð?еÑ?авагÑ? кÑ?Ñ?нÑ?Ñ?Ñ? данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?"				msgstr "Ð?еÑ?авагÑ? кÑ?Ñ?нÑ?Ñ?Ñ? данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132
msgid "Basic"							msgid "Basic"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

# fe/fe_impexp.c:164 fe/fe_impexp.c:274 fe/fe_impexp.c:391	# fe/fe_impexp.c:164 fe/fe_impexp.c:274 fe/fe_impexp.c:391
# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:217				# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:217
#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Tables"							msgid "Tables"
msgstr "ТаблÑ?Ñ?Ñ?"						msgstr "ТаблÑ?Ñ?Ñ?"

#: control-center/main.c:92					#: control-center/main.c:92
msgid "No valid data source info was created"			msgid "No valid data source info was created"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ? бÑ?дзе Ñ?Ñ?воÑ?ана Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?аÑ?Ñ?нÑ?Ñ? данÑ?нÑ?Ñ? кÑ?Ñ?нÑ?Ñ? зÑ?веÑ?Ñ?ак"	msgstr "Ð?Ñ? бÑ?дзе Ñ?Ñ?воÑ?ана Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?аÑ?Ñ?нÑ?Ñ? данÑ?нÑ?Ñ? кÑ?Ñ?нÑ?Ñ? зÑ?веÑ?Ñ?ак"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218	#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218
msgid "New data source"						msgid "New data source"
msgstr "Ð?адаÑ?Ñ? новÑ?Ñ? кÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?"				msgstr "Ð?адаÑ?Ñ? новÑ?Ñ? кÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?"

# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:245				# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:245
#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:215					#: control-center/main.c:215
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Database Access Properties"				msgid "Database Access Properties"
msgstr "Ð?еÑ?авагÑ? базÑ? данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?"					msgstr "Ð?еÑ?авагÑ? базÑ? данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?"

#: control-center/provider-config.c:105				#: control-center/provider-config.c:105
msgid "Installed providers"					msgid "Installed providers"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/provider-config.c:131				#: control-center/provider-config.c:131
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec	"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec
"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo	"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo
"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr	"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr
"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba	"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba
"etc."								"etc."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1
msgid "Database connection parameters file"			msgid "Database connection parameters file"
msgstr "Файл паÑ?амÑ?Ñ?Ñ?аÑ? злÑ?Ñ?Ñ?нÑ?нÑ? базÑ? данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?"			msgstr "Файл паÑ?амÑ?Ñ?Ñ?аÑ? злÑ?Ñ?Ñ?нÑ?нÑ? базÑ? данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?"

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2
msgid "Documents"						msgid "Documents"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3
msgid "SQL code viewer"						msgid "SQL code viewer"
msgstr "пÑ?аглÑ?далÑ?нÑ?к кодÑ? SQL"					msgstr "пÑ?аглÑ?далÑ?нÑ?к кодÑ? SQL"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1
msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"			msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"
msgstr "ШÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? длÑ? вÑ?каÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?анÑ?нÑ? Ñ? вÑ?джÑ?Ñ?е grid"			msgstr "ШÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? длÑ? вÑ?каÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?анÑ?нÑ? Ñ? вÑ?джÑ?Ñ?е grid"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2
msgid "Number of spaces per tab"				msgid "Number of spaces per tab"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3
msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"			msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4
msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"			msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60
msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"			msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1
msgid "About"							msgid "About"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2
msgid "About GNOME-DB"						msgid "About GNOME-DB"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3
msgid "Close this window"					msgid "Close this window"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4
msgid "Create new entry"					msgid "Create new entry"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Delete selected items"					msgid "Delete selected items"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?нÑ?Ñ?Ñ? вÑ?лÑ?Ñ?енÑ?не з Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? абÑ?анÑ?Ñ? Ñ?леменÑ?аÑ? Ñ? Ñ?Ñ?пÑ?Ñ?е"	msgstr "Ð?Ñ?нÑ?Ñ?Ñ? вÑ?лÑ?Ñ?енÑ?не з Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? абÑ?анÑ?Ñ? Ñ?леменÑ?аÑ? Ñ? Ñ?Ñ?пÑ?Ñ?е"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Deselect all items"					msgid "Deselect all items"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?нÑ?Ñ?Ñ? вÑ?лÑ?Ñ?енÑ?не з Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? абÑ?анÑ?Ñ? Ñ?леменÑ?аÑ? Ñ? Ñ?Ñ?пÑ?Ñ?е"	msgstr "Ð?Ñ?нÑ?Ñ?Ñ? вÑ?лÑ?Ñ?енÑ?не з Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? абÑ?анÑ?Ñ? Ñ?леменÑ?аÑ? Ñ? Ñ?Ñ?пÑ?Ñ?е"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7
msgid "Edit properties for selected item"			msgid "Edit properties for selected item"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Save connection parameters to file"			msgid "Save connection parameters to file"
msgstr "Файл паÑ?амÑ?Ñ?Ñ?аÑ? злÑ?Ñ?Ñ?нÑ?нÑ? базÑ? данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?"			msgstr "Файл паÑ?амÑ?Ñ?Ñ?аÑ? злÑ?Ñ?Ñ?нÑ?нÑ? базÑ? данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?"

# fe/fe_widget.c:34 fe/fe_widget.c:203 fe/fe_widget.c:222	# fe/fe_widget.c:34 fe/fe_widget.c:203 fe/fe_widget.c:222
#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Select _All"						msgid "Select _All"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?лÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?"						msgstr "Ð?Ñ?лÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Select all items"					msgid "Select all items"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?лÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? Ñ?Ñ?е Ñ?лемÑ?нÑ?Ñ? Ñ?а Ñ?Ñ?пÑ?Ñ?Ñ?"			msgstr "Ð?Ñ?лÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? Ñ?Ñ?е Ñ?лемÑ?нÑ?Ñ? Ñ?а Ñ?Ñ?пÑ?Ñ?Ñ?"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View data sources"					msgid "View data sources"
msgstr "Ð?адаÑ?Ñ? новÑ?Ñ? кÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?"				msgstr "Ð?адаÑ?Ñ? новÑ?Ñ? кÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?"

# fe/fe_gdaconfig.c:315 gda-manager/main.c:144			# fe/fe_gdaconfig.c:315 gda-manager/main.c:144
#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View providers"						msgid "View providers"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?апаноÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?кÑ?"						msgstr "Ð?Ñ?апаноÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?кÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42
msgid "_Clear Selection"					msgid "_Clear Selection"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14
msgid "_Close"							msgid "_Close"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

# fe/fe_main.c:205						# fe/fe_main.c:205
#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Data Sources"						msgid "_Data Sources"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?Ñ?нÑ?Ñ?Ñ? данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?"					msgstr "Ð?Ñ?Ñ?нÑ?Ñ?Ñ? данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?"

# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:245				# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:245
#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Database"						msgid "_Database"
msgstr "Ð?аза данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?"						msgstr "Ð?аза данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17
msgid "_Delete"							msgid "_Delete"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18
msgid "_Edit"							msgid "_Edit"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19
msgid "_Help"							msgid "_Help"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_New Data Source..."					msgid "_New Data Source..."
msgstr "Ð?адаÑ?Ñ? новÑ?Ñ? кÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?"				msgstr "Ð?адаÑ?Ñ? новÑ?Ñ? кÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?"

# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:233				# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:233
#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Properties"						msgid "_Properties"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?аÑ?Ñ?дÑ?Ñ?Ñ?"						msgstr "Ð?Ñ?аÑ?Ñ?дÑ?Ñ?Ñ?"

# fe/fe_gdaconfig.c:315 gda-manager/main.c:144			# fe/fe_gdaconfig.c:315 gda-manager/main.c:144
#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Providers"						msgid "_Providers"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?апаноÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?кÑ?"						msgstr "Ð?Ñ?апаноÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?кÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Save Connection"					msgid "_Save Connection"
msgstr "Ð?аÑ?аваÑ?Ñ? Ñ?..."						msgstr "Ð?аÑ?аваÑ?Ñ? Ñ?..."

# fe/fe_impexp.c:392 gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:225		# fe/fe_impexp.c:392 gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:225
#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_View"							msgid "_View"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?глÑ?дÑ?"						msgstr "Ð?Ñ?глÑ?дÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76
msgid "Structure"						msgid "Structure"
msgstr "СÑ?Ñ?Ñ?кÑ?Ñ?Ñ?а"						msgstr "СÑ?Ñ?Ñ?кÑ?Ñ?Ñ?а"

# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:245				# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:245
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73
msgid "Data"							msgid "Data"
msgstr "Ð?анÑ?нÑ?"							msgstr "Ð?анÑ?нÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238
msgid "Not implemented yet!"					msgid "Not implemented yet!"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ? зÑ?облена, Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?!"					msgstr "Ð?Ñ? зÑ?облена, Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?!"

# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:245				# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:245
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Database"						msgid "Database"
msgstr "Ð?аза данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?"						msgstr "Ð?аза данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540
msgid "Loading database schemas..."				msgid "Loading database schemas..."
msgstr "Ð?агÑ?Ñ?зка Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?м базÑ? данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?..."				msgstr "Ð?агÑ?Ñ?зка Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?м базÑ? данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632
msgid "Refreshing data..."					msgid "Refreshing data..."
msgstr "Ð?бнаÑ?ленÑ?не данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?..."					msgstr "Ð?бнаÑ?ленÑ?не данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?..."

# fe/fe_impexp.c:392 gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:225		# fe/fe_impexp.c:392 gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:225
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688
msgid "Views"							msgid "Views"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?глÑ?дÑ?"						msgstr "Ð?Ñ?глÑ?дÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691
msgid "Indexes"							msgid "Indexes"
msgstr "Ð?ндÑ?кÑ?Ñ?"						msgstr "Ð?ндÑ?кÑ?Ñ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Sequences"						msgid "Sequences"
msgstr "Ð?аÑ?Ñ?лÑ?доÑ?наÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?"					msgstr "Ð?аÑ?Ñ?лÑ?доÑ?наÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?"

# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:233				# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:233
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Procedures"						msgid "Procedures"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?аÑ?Ñ?дÑ?Ñ?Ñ?"						msgstr "Ð?Ñ?аÑ?Ñ?дÑ?Ñ?Ñ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700
msgid "Triggers"						msgid "Triggers"
msgstr "ТÑ?Ñ?геÑ?Ñ?"						msgstr "ТÑ?Ñ?геÑ?Ñ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Aggregates"						msgid "Aggregates"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?злÑ?"							msgstr "Ð?Ñ?злÑ?"

# fe/fe_designer.c:98 fe/fe_designer.c:269 gda-manager/main.c	# fe/fe_designer.c:98 fe/fe_designer.c:269 gda-manager/main.c
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Types"							msgid "Types"
msgstr "ТÑ?пÑ?"							msgstr "ТÑ?пÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140
msgid "Could not query CORBA components"			msgid "Could not query CORBA components"
msgstr "Ð?емагÑ?Ñ?ма апÑ?Ñ?аÑ?Ñ? кампанÑ?нÑ?Ñ? CORBA"			msgstr "Ð?емагÑ?Ñ?ма апÑ?Ñ?аÑ?Ñ? кампанÑ?нÑ?Ñ? CORBA"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209
msgid "ID"							msgid "ID"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "Location"						msgid "Location"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212
msgid "Username"						msgid "Username"
msgstr "Ð?мÑ? каÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?алÑ?нÑ?ка"					msgstr "Ð?мÑ? каÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?алÑ?нÑ?ка"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Hostname"						msgid "Hostname"
msgstr "Ð?мÑ? каÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?алÑ?нÑ?ка"					msgstr "Ð?мÑ? каÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?алÑ?нÑ?ка"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214
msgid "Domain"							msgid "Domain"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"			msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"
msgstr "Ð?епадÑ?Ñ?Ñ?млÑ?ваемÑ? вÑ?д Ñ? GconfEntry: %d"			msgstr "Ð?епадÑ?Ñ?Ñ?млÑ?ваемÑ? вÑ?д Ñ? GconfEntry: %d"

#. create widgets						#. create widgets
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97
msgid "Settings"						msgid "Settings"
msgstr "УÑ?Ñ?алÑ?Ñ?кÑ?"						msgstr "УÑ?Ñ?алÑ?Ñ?кÑ?"

# fe/fe_main.c:205						# fe/fe_main.c:205
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103
msgid "Data source name"					msgid "Data source name"
msgstr "Ð?азоÑ? кÑ?Ñ?нÑ?Ñ?Ñ? данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?"					msgstr "Ð?азоÑ? кÑ?Ñ?нÑ?Ñ?Ñ? данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?"

# fe/fe_connection.c:88						# fe/fe_connection.c:88
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109
msgid "Connection string"					msgid "Connection string"
msgstr "Радок злÑ?Ñ?Ñ?нÑ?нÑ?"					msgstr "Радок злÑ?Ñ?Ñ?нÑ?нÑ?"

# fe/fe_gdaconfig.c:315 gda-manager/main.c:144			# fe/fe_gdaconfig.c:315 gda-manager/main.c:144
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115
msgid "Provider"						msgid "Provider"
msgstr "Ð?аÑ?Ñ?аÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?к"						msgstr "Ð?аÑ?Ñ?аÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?к"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121
msgid "User name"						msgid "User name"
msgstr "Ð?мÑ? каÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?алÑ?нÑ?ка"					msgstr "Ð?мÑ? каÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?алÑ?нÑ?ка"

# fe/fe_main.c:205						# fe/fe_main.c:205
#. create feature list						#. create feature list
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128
msgid "Features"						msgid "Features"
msgstr "Ð?агÑ?Ñ?маÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?"						msgstr "Ð?агÑ?Ñ?маÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190
msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"		msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"
msgstr "Ð?ам паÑ?Ñ?Ñ?бна Ñ?веÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? назоÑ? длÑ? новае кÑ?Ñ?нÑ?Ñ?Ñ? базÑ? дан	msgstr "Ð?ам паÑ?Ñ?Ñ?бна Ñ?веÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? назоÑ? длÑ? новае кÑ?Ñ?нÑ?Ñ?Ñ? базÑ? дан

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197
msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac	msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206
msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th	msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213
msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"			msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217
msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n	msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225
msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"	msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"
msgstr "Ð?ам паÑ?Ñ?Ñ?бна абÑ?аÑ?Ñ? паÑ?Ñ?аÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?ка длÑ? новае кÑ?Ñ?нÑ?Ñ?Ñ? дан	msgstr "Ð?ам паÑ?Ñ?Ñ?бна абÑ?аÑ?Ñ? паÑ?Ñ?аÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?ка длÑ? новае кÑ?Ñ?нÑ?Ñ?Ñ? дан

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233
msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"		msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"
msgstr "Ð?аÑ?Ñ?аÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?к не адÑ?Ñ?канÑ? Ñ? ваÑ?ае канÑ?вÑ?гÑ?Ñ?аÑ?Ñ?Ñ?"		msgstr "Ð?аÑ?Ñ?аÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?к не адÑ?Ñ?канÑ? Ñ? ваÑ?ае канÑ?вÑ?гÑ?Ñ?аÑ?Ñ?Ñ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391
msgid "Add a new data source..."				msgid "Add a new data source..."
msgstr "Ð?адаÑ?Ñ? новÑ?Ñ? кÑ?Ñ?нÑ?Ñ?кÑ? данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?..."			msgstr "Ð?адаÑ?Ñ? новÑ?Ñ? кÑ?Ñ?нÑ?Ñ?кÑ? данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392
msgid ""							msgid ""
"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"		"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"
"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"		"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"
"installation. Just follow the steps!"				"installation. Just follow the steps!"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Ð?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? дапаможнÑ?к пÑ?авÑ?дзе ваÑ? пÑ?аз Ñ?Ñ?апÑ? Ñ?Ñ?ваÑ?Ñ?нÑ?нÑ?\n"		"Ð?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? дапаможнÑ?к пÑ?авÑ?дзе ваÑ? пÑ?аз Ñ?Ñ?апÑ? Ñ?Ñ?ваÑ?Ñ?нÑ?нÑ?\n"
"новае кÑ?Ñ?нÑ?Ñ?Ñ? данÑ?нÑ?Ñ? длÑ? ваÑ?ае GNOME-DB Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?алÑ?Ñ?к?.\n"		"новае кÑ?Ñ?нÑ?Ñ?Ñ? данÑ?нÑ?Ñ? длÑ? ваÑ?ае GNOME-DB Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?алÑ?Ñ?к?.\n"
"ТолÑ?кÑ? Ñ?ледÑ?йÑ?е кÑ?окам!"					"ТолÑ?кÑ? Ñ?ледÑ?йÑ?е кÑ?окам!"

# fe/fe_main.c:142 fe/fe_main.c:281				# fe/fe_main.c:142 fe/fe_main.c:281
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404
msgid "General Information"					msgid "General Information"
msgstr "Ð?гÑ?лÑ?нÑ?Ñ? зÑ?веÑ?Ñ?кÑ?"					msgstr "Ð?гÑ?лÑ?нÑ?Ñ? зÑ?веÑ?Ñ?кÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the basic information\n"	"The following fields represent the basic information\n"
"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n	"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n
"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"	"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"
"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"	"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"
"the default one."						"the default one."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Ð?аÑ?Ñ?Ñ?пнÑ?Ñ? палÑ? Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?лÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? аÑ?ноÑ?нÑ?Ñ? зÑ?веÑ?Ñ?кÑ? аб новае\n"		"Ð?аÑ?Ñ?Ñ?пнÑ?Ñ? палÑ? Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?лÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? аÑ?ноÑ?нÑ?Ñ? зÑ?веÑ?Ñ?кÑ? аб новае\n"
"кÑ?Ñ?нÑ?Ñ?Ñ? данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?. Ð?екаÑ?оÑ?Ñ?Ñ? зÑ? Ñ?Ñ? (апÑ?Ñ?анÑ?не,\n"		"кÑ?Ñ?нÑ?Ñ?Ñ? данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?. Ð?екаÑ?оÑ?Ñ?Ñ? зÑ? Ñ?Ñ? (апÑ?Ñ?анÑ?не,\n"
"Ñ?мÑ? каÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?алÑ?нÑ?ка) не абавÑ?зковÑ?. Ð?алÑ? вÑ? нÑ? ведаеÑ?е\n"	"Ñ?мÑ? каÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?алÑ?нÑ?ка) не абавÑ?зковÑ?. Ð?алÑ? вÑ? нÑ? ведаеÑ?е\n"
"Ñ?кога паÑ?Ñ?аÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?ка вÑ?каÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?оÑ?ваÑ?Ñ?, абÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?е Ñ?аго, Ñ?кÑ?\n"		"Ñ?кога паÑ?Ñ?аÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?ка вÑ?каÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?оÑ?ваÑ?Ñ?, абÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?е Ñ?аго, Ñ?кÑ?\n"
"вÑ?каÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?оÑ?вÑ?ваеÑ?Ñ?а без дамоÑ?ленаÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?."			"вÑ?каÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?оÑ?вÑ?ваеÑ?Ñ?а без дамоÑ?ленаÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?."

# fe/fe_main.c:205						# fe/fe_main.c:205
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data source _name:"					msgid "Data source _name:"
msgstr "Ð?азоÑ? кÑ?Ñ?нÑ?Ñ?Ñ? данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?"					msgstr "Ð?азоÑ? кÑ?Ñ?нÑ?Ñ?Ñ? данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?"

# fe/fe_gdaconfig.c:315 gda-manager/main.c:144			# fe/fe_gdaconfig.c:315 gda-manager/main.c:144
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Provider:"						msgid "_Provider:"
msgstr "Ð?аÑ?Ñ?аÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?к"						msgstr "Ð?аÑ?Ñ?аÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?к"

# fe/fe_gdaconfig.c:333 gda-manager/main.c:96 gda-manager/mai	# fe/fe_gdaconfig.c:333 gda-manager/main.c:96 gda-manager/mai
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Description:"						msgid "_Description:"
msgstr "Ð?пÑ?Ñ?анÑ?не"						msgstr "Ð?пÑ?Ñ?анÑ?не"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Username:"						msgid "_Username:"
msgstr "Ð?мÑ? каÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?алÑ?нÑ?ка"					msgstr "Ð?мÑ? каÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?алÑ?нÑ?ка"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "P_assword:"						msgid "P_assword:"
msgstr "Ð?аÑ?олÑ?"							msgstr "Ð?аÑ?олÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454
msgid "Provider Parameters"					msgid "Provider Parameters"
msgstr "Ð?аÑ?амÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? паÑ?Ñ?аÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?ка"					msgstr "Ð?аÑ?амÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? паÑ?Ñ?аÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?ка"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the information needed by the	"The following fields represent the information needed by the
"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n	"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n
"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\	"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\
"the manual for more information."				"the manual for more information."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481
msgid "All information retrieved"				msgid "All information retrieved"
msgstr "УÑ?е зÑ?веÑ?Ñ?кÑ? аÑ?Ñ?Ñ?манÑ?"					msgstr "УÑ?е зÑ?веÑ?Ñ?кÑ? аÑ?Ñ?Ñ?манÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid ""							msgid ""
"All information needed to create a new data source\n"		"All information needed to create a new data source\n"
"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"		"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"
"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"	"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"
"just select it when asked for a data source."			"just select it when asked for a data source."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"УÑ?е зÑ?веÑ?Ñ?кÑ? неабÑ?однÑ?Ñ? длÑ? Ñ?Ñ?ваÑ?Ñ?нÑ?нÑ? новае кÑ?Ñ?нÑ?Ñ?Ñ? данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?	"УÑ?е зÑ?веÑ?Ñ?кÑ? неабÑ?однÑ?Ñ? длÑ? Ñ?Ñ?ваÑ?Ñ?нÑ?нÑ? новае кÑ?Ñ?нÑ?Ñ?Ñ? данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?
"бÑ?лÑ? аÑ?Ñ?Ñ?манÑ?. Ð?аÑ?аз наÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?нÑ?Ñ?е 'УжÑ?Ñ?Ñ?' каб заÑ?Ñ?нÑ?Ñ?Ñ? гÑ?Ñ?Ñ? дÑ?	"бÑ?лÑ? аÑ?Ñ?Ñ?манÑ?. Ð?аÑ?аз наÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?нÑ?Ñ?е 'УжÑ?Ñ?Ñ?' каб заÑ?Ñ?нÑ?Ñ?Ñ? гÑ?Ñ?Ñ? дÑ?
"Ð?аб адÑ?Ñ?нÑ?Ñ?Ñ? ваÑ?Ñ?Ñ? новÑ?Ñ?, Ñ?олÑ?кÑ? Ñ?Ñ?о Ñ?Ñ?воÑ?анÑ?Ñ?, кÑ?Ñ?нÑ?Ñ?Ñ? данÑ?	"Ð?аб адÑ?Ñ?нÑ?Ñ?Ñ? ваÑ?Ñ?Ñ? новÑ?Ñ?, Ñ?олÑ?кÑ? Ñ?Ñ?о Ñ?Ñ?воÑ?анÑ?Ñ?, кÑ?Ñ?нÑ?Ñ?Ñ? данÑ?
"калÑ? запÑ?Ñ?аÑ?Ñ?Ñ? кÑ?Ñ?нÑ?Ñ?Ñ? данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?."				"калÑ? запÑ?Ñ?аÑ?Ñ?Ñ? кÑ?Ñ?нÑ?Ñ?Ñ? данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?."

# fe/fe_connection.c:88						# fe/fe_connection.c:88
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Connection _string:"					msgid "Connection _string:"
msgstr "Радок злÑ?Ñ?Ñ?нÑ?нÑ?"					msgstr "Радок злÑ?Ñ?Ñ?нÑ?нÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4
msgid "Error"							msgid "Error"
msgstr "Ð?амÑ?лка"						msgstr "Ð?амÑ?лка"

# fe/fe_main.c:254						# fe/fe_main.c:254
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.
msgid "Show detail >>"						msgid "Show detail >>"
msgstr "Ð?адÑ?абÑ?знаÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? >>"					msgstr "Ð?адÑ?абÑ?знаÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? >>"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122
msgid "<< Hide detail"						msgid "<< Hide detail"
msgstr "<< СÑ?аваÑ?Ñ? падÑ?абÑ?знаÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?"				msgstr "<< СÑ?аваÑ?Ñ? падÑ?абÑ?знаÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191
msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"	msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

# fe/fe_connection.c:30 fe/fe_main.c:155			# fe/fe_connection.c:30 fe/fe_main.c:155
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196
msgid "Error number"						msgid "Error number"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?маÑ? памÑ?лкÑ?"						msgstr "Ð?Ñ?маÑ? памÑ?лкÑ?"

# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:245				# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:245
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Details"							msgid "Details"
msgstr "Ð?адÑ?абÑ?знаÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?"						msgstr "Ð?адÑ?абÑ?знаÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?"

# fe/fe_main.c:205						# fe/fe_main.c:205
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234
msgid "Source"							msgid "Source"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?Ñ?нÑ?Ñ?а"						msgstr "Ð?Ñ?Ñ?нÑ?Ñ?а"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241
msgid "SQL state"						msgid "SQL state"
msgstr "СÑ?ан SQL"						msgstr "СÑ?ан SQL"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Field:"							msgid "_Field:"
msgstr "Ð?азва"							msgstr "Ð?азва"

# fe/fe_designer.c:98 fe/fe_designer.c:269 gda-manager/main.c	# fe/fe_designer.c:98 fe/fe_designer.c:269 gda-manager/main.c
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Text:"							msgid "_Text:"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?авеÑ?ка"						msgstr "Ð?Ñ?авеÑ?ка"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308
msgid "No records"						msgid "No records"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?ма запÑ?Ñ?аÑ?"						msgstr "Ð?Ñ?ма запÑ?Ñ?аÑ?"

# fe/fe_ui.c:143 fe/fe_ui.c:183					# fe/fe_ui.c:143 fe/fe_ui.c:183
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Record %d of %d"						msgid "Record %d of %d"
msgstr "Ð?апÑ?Ñ? %d з %d"						msgstr "Ð?апÑ?Ñ? %d з %d"

# fe/fe_gdaconfig.c:333 gda-manager/main.c:96 gda-manager/mai	# fe/fe_gdaconfig.c:333 gda-manager/main.c:96 gda-manager/mai
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113
msgid "Recordset description"					msgid "Recordset description"
msgstr "Ð?пÑ?Ñ?анÑ?не набоÑ?Ñ? запÑ?Ñ?аÑ?"				msgstr "Ð?пÑ?Ñ?анÑ?не набоÑ?Ñ? запÑ?Ñ?аÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid ""							msgid ""
"File '%s' already exists.\n"					"File '%s' already exists.\n"
"Do you want to overwrite it?"					"Do you want to overwrite it?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149
msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."		msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Could not save file %s"					msgid "Could not save file %s"
msgstr "Ð?емагÑ?Ñ?ма заÑ?аваÑ?Ñ? Ñ?айл %s"				msgstr "Ð?емагÑ?Ñ?ма заÑ?аваÑ?Ñ? Ñ?айл %s"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224
msgid "You must specify a file name"				msgid "You must specify a file name"
msgstr "Ð?ам паÑ?Ñ?Ñ?бна задаÑ?Ñ? назоÑ? Ñ?айлÑ?"			msgstr "Ð?ам паÑ?Ñ?Ñ?бна задаÑ?Ñ? назоÑ? Ñ?айлÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230
msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"		msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261
msgid "Saving Model"						msgid "Saving Model"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

# fe/fe_impexp.c:164 fe/fe_impexp.c:274 fe/fe_impexp.c:391	# fe/fe_impexp.c:164 fe/fe_impexp.c:274 fe/fe_impexp.c:391
# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:217				# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:217
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "File _name:"						msgid "File _name:"
msgstr "Ð?азоÑ? Ñ?аблÑ?Ñ?Ñ?"						msgstr "Ð?азоÑ? Ñ?аблÑ?Ñ?Ñ?"

# fe/fe_widget.c:34 fe/fe_widget.c:203 fe/fe_widget.c:222	# fe/fe_widget.c:34 fe/fe_widget.c:203 fe/fe_widget.c:222
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276
msgid "Select File"						msgid "Select File"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?лÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? Ñ?айл"						msgstr "Ð?Ñ?лÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? Ñ?айл"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283
msgid "File _type:"						msgid "File _type:"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Tab-delimited"						msgid "Tab-delimited"
msgstr "Файл з Tab-падзÑ?лÑ?лÑ?нÑ?кам"				msgstr "Файл з Tab-падзÑ?лÑ?лÑ?нÑ?кам"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Comma-delimited"						msgid "Comma-delimited"
msgstr "Файл з коÑ?кай-падзÑ?лÑ?лÑ?нÑ?кам"				msgstr "Файл з коÑ?кай-падзÑ?лÑ?лÑ?нÑ?кам"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:
msgid "XML"							msgid "XML"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355
msgid "View detail"						msgid "View detail"
msgstr "Ð?аглÑ?дзеÑ?Ñ? падÑ?абÑ?знаÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?"				msgstr "Ð?аглÑ?дзеÑ?Ñ? падÑ?абÑ?знаÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Show Column _Titles"					msgid "Show Column _Titles"
msgstr "Ð?аказаÑ?Ñ? Ñ?Ñ?аÑ?бÑ?Ñ?"					msgstr "Ð?аказаÑ?Ñ? Ñ?Ñ?аÑ?бÑ?Ñ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Describe"						msgid "Describe"
msgstr "Ð?пÑ?Ñ?аÑ?Ñ?..."						msgstr "Ð?пÑ?Ñ?аÑ?Ñ?..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443
msgid "View detail..."						msgid "View detail..."
msgstr "Ð?аказаÑ?Ñ? падÑ?абÑ?знаÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?..."				msgstr "Ð?аказаÑ?Ñ? падÑ?абÑ?знаÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614
msgid "Title"							msgid "Title"
msgstr "Ð?азва"							msgstr "Ð?азва"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48
msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"	msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"СпÑ?оба Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?алÑ?ваÑ?Ñ? паÑ?аÑ?ковае знаÑ?Ñ?нÑ?не Ñ?пажÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? з Ñ?жо Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?алÑ?	"СпÑ?оба Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?алÑ?ваÑ?Ñ? паÑ?аÑ?ковае знаÑ?Ñ?нÑ?не Ñ?пажÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? з Ñ?жо Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?алÑ?
"знаÑ?Ñ?нÑ?нем"							"знаÑ?Ñ?нÑ?нем"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"		"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"
"to a data source"						"to a data source"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

# fe/fe_main.c:205						# fe/fe_main.c:205
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data Source:"						msgid "Data Source:"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?Ñ?нÑ?Ñ?а данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?"					msgstr "Ð?Ñ?Ñ?нÑ?Ñ?а данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Username:"						msgid "Username:"
msgstr "Ð?мÑ? каÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?алÑ?нÑ?ка"					msgstr "Ð?мÑ? каÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?алÑ?нÑ?ка"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Password:"						msgid "Password:"
msgstr "Ð?аÑ?олÑ?"							msgstr "Ð?аÑ?олÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69
msgid "Fields"							msgid "Fields"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30
msgid "Commit"							msgid "Commit"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31
msgid "Connect"							msgid "Connect"
msgstr "Ð?лÑ?Ñ?Ñ?нÑ?не"						msgstr "Ð?лÑ?Ñ?Ñ?нÑ?не"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33
msgid "Designer"						msgid "Designer"
msgstr "РаÑ?пÑ?аÑ?оÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?к"						msgstr "РаÑ?пÑ?аÑ?оÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?к"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34
msgid "Disconnect"						msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr "РазаÑ?ваÑ?Ñ? злÑ?Ñ?Ñ?нÑ?не"					msgstr "РазаÑ?ваÑ?Ñ? злÑ?Ñ?Ñ?нÑ?не"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35
msgid "NoTransaction"						msgid "NoTransaction"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37
msgid "Query"							msgid "Query"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38
msgid "Rollback"						msgid "Rollback"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40
msgid "SQL"							msgid "SQL"
msgstr "SQL"							msgstr "SQL"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43
msgid "WithinTransaction"					msgid "WithinTransaction"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Error: %s"						msgid "Error: %s"
msgstr "Ð?амÑ?лка: %s"						msgstr "Ð?амÑ?лка: %s"

# fe/fe_impexp.c:164 fe/fe_impexp.c:274 fe/fe_impexp.c:391	# fe/fe_impexp.c:164 fe/fe_impexp.c:274 fe/fe_impexp.c:391
# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:217				# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:217
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79
msgid "Table name"						msgid "Table name"
msgstr "Ð?азоÑ? Ñ?аблÑ?Ñ?Ñ?"						msgstr "Ð?азоÑ? Ñ?аблÑ?Ñ?Ñ?"

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93			#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Login for %s"						msgid "Login for %s"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95					#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95
msgid "Login to database"					msgid "Login to database"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: vfs/libmain.c:71						#: vfs/libmain.c:71
msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"				msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"
msgstr "GNOME VFS база данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?: модÑ?лÑ?"				msgstr "GNOME VFS база данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?: модÑ?лÑ?"

# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:245				# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:245
#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Table Properties"					msgid "Table Properties"
msgstr "Ð?еÑ?авагÑ? базÑ? данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?"					msgstr "Ð?еÑ?авагÑ? базÑ? данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?"

# fe/fe_impexp.c:164 fe/fe_impexp.c:274 fe/fe_impexp.c:391	# fe/fe_impexp.c:164 fe/fe_impexp.c:274 fe/fe_impexp.c:391
# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:217				# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:217
#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Table Name"						msgid "Table Name"
msgstr "Ð?азоÑ? Ñ?аблÑ?Ñ?Ñ?"						msgstr "Ð?азоÑ? Ñ?аблÑ?Ñ?Ñ?"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155
msgid "New"							msgid "New"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156
msgid "Create new table"					msgid "Create new table"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:233				# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:233
#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Properties"						msgid "Properties"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?аÑ?Ñ?дÑ?Ñ?Ñ?"						msgstr "Ð?Ñ?аÑ?Ñ?дÑ?Ñ?Ñ?"

# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:245				# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:245
#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View table properties"					msgid "View table properties"
msgstr "Ð?еÑ?авагÑ? базÑ? данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?"					msgstr "Ð?еÑ?авагÑ? базÑ? данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
msgid "UID"							msgid "UID"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "calendar"						msgid "calendar"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "summary"							msgid "summary"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "Summary"							msgid "Summary"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "location"						msgid "location"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "dtstart"							msgid "dtstart"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
msgid "Start time"						msgid "Start time"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "dtend"							msgid "dtend"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "End time"						msgid "End time"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

# fe/fe_gdaconfig.c:333 gda-manager/main.c:96 gda-manager/mai	# fe/fe_gdaconfig.c:333 gda-manager/main.c:96 gda-manager/mai
#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "description"						msgid "description"
msgstr "Ð?пÑ?Ñ?анÑ?не"						msgstr "Ð?пÑ?Ñ?анÑ?не"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "classification"						msgid "classification"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "Classification"						msgid "Classification"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "transparency"						msgid "transparency"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "Transparency"						msgid "Transparency"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "categories"						msgid "categories"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "Categories"						msgid "Categories"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "tasks"							msgid "tasks"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "due"							msgid "due"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "Due date"						msgid "Due date"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "Start date"						msgid "Start date"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355
msgid "Public"							msgid "Public"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358
msgid "Private"							msgid "Private"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361
msgid "Confidential"						msgid "Confidential"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63
msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"		msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66
msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"			msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80
msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta	msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"		msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"
msgstr "Ð?емагÑ?Ñ?ма адÑ?Ñ?нÑ?Ñ?Ñ? злÑ?Ñ?Ñ?нÑ?не з %s"			msgstr "Ð?емагÑ?Ñ?ма адÑ?Ñ?нÑ?Ñ?Ñ? злÑ?Ñ?Ñ?нÑ?не з %s"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100
msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"				msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Field name"						msgid "Field name"
msgstr "Ð?мÑ? каÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?алÑ?нÑ?ка"					msgstr "Ð?мÑ? каÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?алÑ?нÑ?ка"

# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:245				# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:245
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data type"						msgid "Data type"
msgstr "Ð?анÑ?нÑ?"							msgstr "Ð?анÑ?нÑ?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214
msgid "Size"							msgid "Size"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215
msgid "Scale"							msgid "Scale"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216
msgid "Not null?"						msgid "Not null?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217
msgid "Primary key?"						msgid "Primary key?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218
msgid "Unique index?"						msgid "Unique index?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "References"						msgid "References"
msgstr "Ð?аÑ?Ñ?лÑ?доÑ?наÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?"					msgstr "Ð?аÑ?Ñ?лÑ?доÑ?наÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220
msgid "Default value"						msgid "Default value"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239
msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l	msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Table %s does not exist"					msgid "Table %s does not exist"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318
msgid "Scheduled events"					msgid "Scheduled events"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321
msgid "TODO list"						msgid "TODO list"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375
msgid "Owner"							msgid "Owner"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376
msgid "Comments"						msgid "Comments"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

# fe/fe_designer.c:98 fe/fe_designer.c:269 gda-manager/main.c	# fe/fe_designer.c:98 fe/fe_designer.c:269 gda-manager/main.c
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Type"							msgid "Type"
msgstr "ТÑ?пÑ?"							msgstr "ТÑ?пÑ?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377
msgid "GDA type"						msgid "GDA type"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id	#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id
#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database	#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database
#. we can easily access that information			#. we can easily access that information
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382
msgid "local"							msgid "local"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217
msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230
msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244
msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"			msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268
msgid "Invalid SQL command"					msgid "Invalid SQL command"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353
msgid "Transactions are not supported"				msgid "Transactions are not supported"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41
msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"		msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task	"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Connection MIME handler component"			#~ msgid "Connection MIME handler component"
#~ msgstr "Ð?ампанÑ?нÑ? пÑ?аглÑ?далÑ?нÑ?ка злÑ?Ñ?Ñ?нÑ?нÑ?"			#~ msgstr "Ð?ампанÑ?нÑ? пÑ?аглÑ?далÑ?нÑ?ка злÑ?Ñ?Ñ?нÑ?нÑ?"

#~ msgid "Database component factory"				#~ msgid "Database component factory"
#~ msgstr "Ð?Ñ?Ñ?воÑ?Ñ?аÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? кампанÑ?нÑ?аÑ? базÑ? данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?"		#~ msgstr "Ð?Ñ?Ñ?воÑ?Ñ?аÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? кампанÑ?нÑ?аÑ? базÑ? данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "SQL MIME handler component"				#~ msgid "SQL MIME handler component"
#~ msgstr "кампанÑ?нÑ? пÑ?аглÑ?дÑ? SQL"				#~ msgstr "кампанÑ?нÑ? пÑ?аглÑ?дÑ? SQL"

# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:245				# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:245
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Database browser"					#~ msgid "Database browser"
#~ msgstr "Ð?еÑ?авагÑ? базÑ? данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?"				#~ msgstr "Ð?еÑ?авагÑ? базÑ? данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?"

# fe/fe_connection.c:30 fe/fe_main.c:155			# fe/fe_connection.c:30 fe/fe_main.c:155
#~ msgid "Error viewer"						#~ msgid "Error viewer"
#~ msgstr "Ð?амÑ?лка пÑ?аглÑ?далÑ?нÑ?кÑ?"				#~ msgstr "Ð?амÑ?лка пÑ?аглÑ?далÑ?нÑ?кÑ?"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "SQL Viewer"						#~ msgid "SQL Viewer"
#~ msgstr "пÑ?аглÑ?далÑ?нÑ?к кодÑ? SQL"				#~ msgstr "пÑ?аглÑ?далÑ?нÑ?к кодÑ? SQL"

#~ msgid "Database configuration"				#~ msgid "Database configuration"
#~ msgstr "Ð?аладжванÑ?не базÑ? данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?"				#~ msgstr "Ð?аладжванÑ?не базÑ? данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "_Settings"						#~ msgid "_Settings"
#~ msgstr "УÑ?Ñ?алÑ?Ñ?кÑ?"						#~ msgstr "УÑ?Ñ?алÑ?Ñ?кÑ?"

#~ msgid "Password"						#~ msgid "Password"
#~ msgstr "Ð?аÑ?олÑ?"						#~ msgstr "Ð?аÑ?олÑ?"

#~ msgid "Save as"						#~ msgid "Save as"
#~ msgstr "Ð?аÑ?аваÑ?Ñ? Ñ?к..."					#~ msgstr "Ð?аÑ?аваÑ?Ñ? Ñ?к..."

#~ msgid "Save to"						#~ msgid "Save to"
#~ msgstr "Ð?аÑ?аваÑ?Ñ? Ñ?..."					#~ msgstr "Ð?аÑ?аваÑ?Ñ? Ñ?..."

#~ msgid "XML file"						#~ msgid "XML file"
#~ msgstr "XML Ñ?айл"						#~ msgstr "XML Ñ?айл"

#~ msgid "Hide columns"						#~ msgid "Hide columns"
#~ msgstr "СÑ?аваÑ?Ñ? Ñ?Ñ?аÑ?бÑ?Ñ?"					#~ msgstr "СÑ?аваÑ?Ñ? Ñ?Ñ?аÑ?бÑ?Ñ?"

#~ msgid "Question"						#~ msgid "Question"
#~ msgstr "Ð?Ñ?Ñ?анÑ?не"						#~ msgstr "Ð?Ñ?Ñ?анÑ?не"

#~ msgid "Database Moniker factory"				#~ msgid "Database Moniker factory"
#~ msgstr "Ð?Ñ?Ñ?воÑ?Ñ?аÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? мÑ?нÑ?Ñ?кÑ? базÑ? данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?"			#~ msgstr "Ð?Ñ?Ñ?воÑ?Ñ?аÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? мÑ?нÑ?Ñ?кÑ? базÑ? данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?"

#~ msgid "database: moniker"					#~ msgid "database: moniker"
#~ msgstr "база данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?: мÑ?нÑ?Ñ?ка"				#~ msgstr "база данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?: мÑ?нÑ?Ñ?ка"

#~ msgid "Failing to manufacture a '%s'"			#~ msgid "Failing to manufacture a '%s'"
#~ msgstr "Ð?амÑ?лка вÑ?Ñ?воÑ?Ñ?аÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? '%s'"				#~ msgstr "Ð?амÑ?лка вÑ?Ñ?воÑ?Ñ?аÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? '%s'"

# fe/fe_connection.c:88						# fe/fe_connection.c:88
#~ msgid "Invalid format for connection string"			#~ msgid "Invalid format for connection string"
#~ msgstr "Ð?еÑ?Ñ?Ñ?аÑ?Ñ?нÑ? Ñ?аÑ?маÑ? длÑ? Ñ?адкÑ? злÑ?Ñ?Ñ?нÑ?нÑ?"		#~ msgstr "Ð?еÑ?Ñ?Ñ?аÑ?Ñ?нÑ? Ñ?аÑ?маÑ? длÑ? Ñ?адкÑ? злÑ?Ñ?Ñ?нÑ?нÑ?"

# fe/fe_main.c:205						# fe/fe_main.c:205
#~ msgid "Data sources"						#~ msgid "Data sources"
#~ msgstr "Ð?Ñ?Ñ?нÑ?Ñ?Ñ? данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?"					#~ msgstr "Ð?Ñ?Ñ?нÑ?Ñ?Ñ? данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?"

# fe/fe_main.c:205						# fe/fe_main.c:205
#~ msgid "Test Data Source"					#~ msgid "Test Data Source"
#~ msgstr "Ð?Ñ?авеÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? кÑ?Ñ?нÑ?Ñ?Ñ? данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?"				#~ msgstr "Ð?Ñ?авеÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? кÑ?Ñ?нÑ?Ñ?Ñ? данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?"

#~ msgid "Connection to %s successful!"				#~ msgid "Connection to %s successful!"
#~ msgstr "Ð?лÑ?Ñ?Ñ?нÑ?не з %s паÑ?Ñ?пÑ?Ñ?овае!"				#~ msgstr "Ð?лÑ?Ñ?Ñ?нÑ?не з %s паÑ?Ñ?пÑ?Ñ?овае!"

#~ msgid ""							#~ msgid ""
#~ "Component that lets you open a .connection file and brows	#~ "Component that lets you open a .connection file and brows
#~ "specified on it"						#~ "specified on it"
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "СаÑ?Ñ?аÑ?наÑ? Ñ?аÑ?Ñ?ка, Ñ?каÑ? дазвалÑ?е вам адÑ?Ñ?нÑ?Ñ?Ñ? Ñ?айл .connec	#~ "СаÑ?Ñ?аÑ?наÑ? Ñ?аÑ?Ñ?ка, Ñ?каÑ? дазвалÑ?е вам адÑ?Ñ?нÑ?Ñ?Ñ? Ñ?айл .connec
#~ "пÑ?аглÑ?даÑ?Ñ? злÑ?Ñ?Ñ?нÑ?не, пазнаÑ?анае Ñ?м."			#~ "пÑ?аглÑ?даÑ?Ñ? злÑ?Ñ?Ñ?нÑ?не, пазнаÑ?анае Ñ?м."

#~ msgid "Viewer for SQL source code"				#~ msgid "Viewer for SQL source code"
#~ msgstr "Ð?Ñ?аглÑ?далÑ?нÑ?к зÑ?Ñ?однага кодÑ? SQL"			#~ msgstr "Ð?Ñ?аглÑ?далÑ?нÑ?к зÑ?Ñ?однага кодÑ? SQL"

# fe/fe_main.c:205						# fe/fe_main.c:205
#~ msgid "Data source"						#~ msgid "Data source"
#~ msgstr "Ð?Ñ?Ñ?нÑ?Ñ?а данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?"					#~ msgstr "Ð?Ñ?Ñ?нÑ?Ñ?а данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?"

# fe/fe_widget.c:34 fe/fe_widget.c:203 fe/fe_widget.c:222	# fe/fe_widget.c:34 fe/fe_widget.c:203 fe/fe_widget.c:222
#~ msgid "Select all"						#~ msgid "Select all"
#~ msgstr "Ð?Ñ?лÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?"					#~ msgstr "Ð?Ñ?лÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?"

# fe/fe_widget.c:34 fe/fe_widget.c:203 fe/fe_widget.c:222	# fe/fe_widget.c:34 fe/fe_widget.c:203 fe/fe_widget.c:222
#~ msgid "Unselect all"						#~ msgid "Unselect all"
#~ msgstr "Ð?дмÑ?нÑ?Ñ?Ñ? вÑ?лÑ?Ñ?Ñ?нÑ?не"					#~ msgstr "Ð?дмÑ?нÑ?Ñ?Ñ? вÑ?лÑ?Ñ?Ñ?нÑ?не"

#~ msgid "OAFIID of the default component for the GNOME-DB sh	#~ msgid "OAFIID of the default component for the GNOME-DB sh
#~ msgstr "OAFIID длÑ? неабÑ?моÑ?ленага кампанÑ?нÑ?Ñ? длÑ? абалонкÑ? 	#~ msgstr "OAFIID длÑ? неабÑ?моÑ?ленага кампанÑ?нÑ?Ñ? длÑ? абалонкÑ? 

#~ msgid "Whether to save the shell window position on exit"	#~ msgid "Whether to save the shell window position on exit"
#~ msgstr "ЦÑ? заÑ?оÑ?ваÑ?Ñ? пÑ?Ñ? вÑ?Ñ?адзÑ? Ñ?Ñ?ановÑ?Ñ?Ñ?а акна абалонкÑ?"	#~ msgstr "ЦÑ? заÑ?оÑ?ваÑ?Ñ? пÑ?Ñ? вÑ?Ñ?адзÑ? Ñ?Ñ?ановÑ?Ñ?Ñ?а акна абалонкÑ?"

#~ msgid "Whether to use a fixed size/position for the shell 	#~ msgid "Whether to use a fixed size/position for the shell 
#~ msgstr "ЦÑ? вÑ?каÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?оÑ?ваÑ?Ñ? нÑ?зÑ?меннÑ? памеÑ?/Ñ?Ñ?ан длÑ? shell-а	#~ msgstr "ЦÑ? вÑ?каÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?оÑ?ваÑ?Ñ? нÑ?зÑ?меннÑ? памеÑ?/Ñ?Ñ?ан длÑ? shell-а

# fe/fe_widget.c:34 fe/fe_widget.c:203 fe/fe_widget.c:222	# fe/fe_widget.c:34 fe/fe_widget.c:203 fe/fe_widget.c:222
#~ msgid "Unselect All"						#~ msgid "Unselect All"
#~ msgstr "Ð?Ñ?нÑ?Ñ?Ñ? вÑ?лÑ?Ñ?Ñ?нÑ?не з Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?"				#~ msgstr "Ð?Ñ?нÑ?Ñ?Ñ? вÑ?лÑ?Ñ?Ñ?нÑ?не з Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?"

#~ msgid "Display column headers"				#~ msgid "Display column headers"
#~ msgstr "Ð?аказаÑ?Ñ? загалоÑ?кÑ? Ñ?Ñ?аÑ?бÑ?оÑ?"				#~ msgstr "Ð?аказаÑ?Ñ? загалоÑ?кÑ? Ñ?Ñ?аÑ?бÑ?оÑ?"

#~ msgid "Hide column headers"					#~ msgid "Hide column headers"
#~ msgstr "СÑ?аваÑ?Ñ? загалоÑ?кÑ? Ñ?Ñ?аÑ?бÑ?оÑ?"				#~ msgstr "СÑ?аваÑ?Ñ? загалоÑ?кÑ? Ñ?Ñ?аÑ?бÑ?оÑ?"

#~ msgid "Save as..."						#~ msgid "Save as..."
#~ msgstr "Ð?аÑ?аваÑ?Ñ? Ñ?к..."					#~ msgstr "Ð?аÑ?аваÑ?Ñ? Ñ?к..."

#~ msgid "Export data to different formats"			#~ msgid "Export data to different formats"
#~ msgstr "ЭкÑ?паÑ?Ñ?аваÑ?Ñ? данÑ?нÑ? Ñ? Ñ?нÑ?Ñ?Ñ? Ñ?аÑ?маÑ?Ñ?"			#~ msgstr "ЭкÑ?паÑ?Ñ?аваÑ?Ñ? данÑ?нÑ? Ñ? Ñ?нÑ?Ñ?Ñ? Ñ?аÑ?маÑ?Ñ?"

#~ msgid "Describe current data set"				#~ msgid "Describe current data set"
#~ msgstr "Ð?пÑ?Ñ?аÑ?Ñ? бÑ?гÑ?Ñ?Ñ? набоÑ? данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?"			#~ msgstr "Ð?пÑ?Ñ?аÑ?Ñ? бÑ?гÑ?Ñ?Ñ? набоÑ? данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?"

#~ msgid "View current data in more detail"			#~ msgid "View current data in more detail"
#~ msgstr "Ð?аказаÑ?Ñ? болÑ?Ñ? зÑ?веÑ?Ñ?ак аб бÑ?гÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?"		#~ msgstr "Ð?аказаÑ?Ñ? болÑ?Ñ? зÑ?веÑ?Ñ?ак аб бÑ?гÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?"
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ca.gmo
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/ca.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/ca.po
# libgnomedb translation to Catalan.				# libgnomedb translation to Catalan.
# Copyright (C) 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc.		# Copyright (C) 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# Softcatalà <info softcatala org>, 2001.			# Softcatalà <info softcatala org>, 2001.
#								#
msgid ""							msgid ""
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: libgnomedb 0.3.1\n"			"Project-Id-Version: libgnomedb 0.3.1\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"					"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"			"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2001-09-26 21:29+02:00\n"			"PO-Revision-Date: 2001-09-26 21:29+02:00\n"
"Last-Translator: Softcatalà <tradgnome softcatala org>\n"	"Last-Translator: Softcatalà <tradgnome softcatala org>\n"
"Language-Team: \n"						"Language-Team: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"						"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"			"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"				"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co
msgid "Data Sources"						msgid "Data Sources"
msgstr "Orígens de les dades"					msgstr "Orígens de les dades"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Providers"						msgid "Providers"
msgstr "Proveidors"						msgstr "Proveidors"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Configure your database environment"			msgid "Configure your database environment"
msgstr "Configura la dades de dades subratllada"		msgstr "Configura la dades de dades subratllada"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Database Access Properties "				msgid "Database Access Properties "
msgstr "Navegador de bases de dades"				msgstr "Navegador de bases de dades"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380
msgid "Name"							msgid "Name"
msgstr "Nom"							msgstr "Nom"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
msgid "Description"						msgid "Description"
msgstr "Descripció"						msgstr "Descripció"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Configured data sources in the system"			msgid "Configured data sources in the system"
msgstr "Configura els orígens de les dades del GDA"		msgstr "Configura els orígens de les dades del GDA"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data sources are the means by which database connections are	"Data sources are the means by which database connections are
"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s	"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s
"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o	"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o
"name you identify the connections in the applications that m	"name you identify the connections in the applications that m
"DB for database access."					"DB for database access."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"	msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data Source Properties"					msgid "Data Source Properties"
msgstr "Orígens de les dades"					msgstr "Orígens de les dades"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Basic"							msgid "Basic"
msgstr "Endarrera"						msgstr "Endarrera"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Tables"							msgid "Tables"
msgstr "Taules"							msgstr "Taules"

#: control-center/main.c:92					#: control-center/main.c:92
msgid "No valid data source info was created"			msgid "No valid data source info was created"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218	#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "New data source"						msgid "New data source"
msgstr "Afegeix nous orígens de dades"				msgstr "Afegeix nous orígens de dades"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:215					#: control-center/main.c:215
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Database Access Properties"				msgid "Database Access Properties"
msgstr "Navegador de bases de dades"				msgstr "Navegador de bases de dades"

#: control-center/provider-config.c:105				#: control-center/provider-config.c:105
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Installed providers"					msgid "Installed providers"
msgstr "Activa els serveis seleccionats"			msgstr "Activa els serveis seleccionats"

#: control-center/provider-config.c:131				#: control-center/provider-config.c:131
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec	"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec
"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo	"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo
"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr	"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr
"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba	"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba
"etc."								"etc."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Database connection parameters file"			msgid "Database connection parameters file"
msgstr "Tanca la connexió de la base de dades"			msgstr "Tanca la connexió de la base de dades"

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Documents"						msgid "Documents"
msgstr "Commit"							msgstr "Commit"

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "SQL code viewer"						msgid "SQL code viewer"
msgstr "Visualitzador d'errors"					msgstr "Visualitzador d'errors"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1
msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"			msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2
msgid "Number of spaces per tab"				msgid "Number of spaces per tab"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3
msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"			msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4
msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"			msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60
msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"			msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1
msgid "About"							msgid "About"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2
msgid "About GNOME-DB"						msgid "About GNOME-DB"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3
msgid "Close this window"					msgid "Close this window"
msgstr "Tanca aquesta finestra"					msgstr "Tanca aquesta finestra"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Create new entry"					msgid "Create new entry"
msgstr "Crea un fitxer buit nou"				msgstr "Crea un fitxer buit nou"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Delete selected items"					msgid "Delete selected items"
msgstr "Retalla el text seleccionat"				msgstr "Retalla el text seleccionat"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Deselect all items"					msgid "Deselect all items"
msgstr "Retalla el text seleccionat"				msgstr "Retalla el text seleccionat"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7
msgid "Edit properties for selected item"			msgid "Edit properties for selected item"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Save connection parameters to file"			msgid "Save connection parameters to file"
msgstr "Tanca la connexió de la base de dades"			msgstr "Tanca la connexió de la base de dades"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Select _All"						msgid "Select _All"
msgstr "Selecciona-ho tot"					msgstr "Selecciona-ho tot"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Select all items"					msgid "Select all items"
msgstr "Selecciona tot els objectes en la base de dades"	msgstr "Selecciona tot els objectes en la base de dades"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View data sources"					msgid "View data sources"
msgstr "Afegeix nous orígens de dades"				msgstr "Afegeix nous orígens de dades"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View providers"						msgid "View providers"
msgstr "Visualitza els fitxers de registre del servidor del G	msgstr "Visualitza els fitxers de registre del servidor del G

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Clear Selection"					msgid "_Clear Selection"
msgstr "Esborra la selecció"					msgstr "Esborra la selecció"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Close"							msgid "_Close"
msgstr "Tanca"							msgstr "Tanca"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Data Sources"						msgid "_Data Sources"
msgstr "Orígens de les dades"					msgstr "Orígens de les dades"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Database"						msgid "_Database"
msgstr "Base de dades"						msgstr "Base de dades"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Delete"							msgid "_Delete"
msgstr "Suprimeix"						msgstr "Suprimeix"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Edit"							msgid "_Edit"
msgstr "Editor"							msgstr "Editor"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Help"							msgid "_Help"
msgstr "Ajuda"							msgstr "Ajuda"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_New Data Source..."					msgid "_New Data Source..."
msgstr "Orígens de les dades..."				msgstr "Orígens de les dades..."

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Properties"						msgid "_Properties"
msgstr "Propietats"						msgstr "Propietats"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Providers"						msgid "_Providers"
msgstr "Proveidors"						msgstr "Proveidors"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Save Connection"					msgid "_Save Connection"
msgstr "Ã?ltimes connexions"					msgstr "Ã?ltimes connexions"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_View"							msgid "_View"
msgstr "Visualitza"						msgstr "Visualitza"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76
msgid "Structure"						msgid "Structure"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73
msgid "Data"							msgid "Data"
msgstr "Dades"							msgstr "Dades"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Not implemented yet!"					msgid "Not implemented yet!"
msgstr "%s no implementat"					msgstr "%s no implementat"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Database"						msgid "Database"
msgstr "Base de dades"						msgstr "Base de dades"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Loading database schemas..."				msgid "Loading database schemas..."
msgstr "Obre el navegador de base de dades"			msgstr "Obre el navegador de base de dades"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Refreshing data..."					msgid "Refreshing data..."
msgstr "Actualitza les dades"					msgstr "Actualitza les dades"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688
msgid "Views"							msgid "Views"
msgstr "Vistes"							msgstr "Vistes"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691
msgid "Indexes"							msgid "Indexes"
msgstr "Indexos"						msgstr "Indexos"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Sequences"						msgid "Sequences"
msgstr "Seqüències"						msgstr "Seqüències"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Procedures"						msgid "Procedures"
msgstr "Procediments"						msgstr "Procediments"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700
msgid "Triggers"						msgid "Triggers"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Aggregates"						msgid "Aggregates"
msgstr "Afegits"						msgstr "Afegits"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Types"							msgid "Types"
msgstr "Tipus"							msgstr "Tipus"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Could not query CORBA components"			msgid "Could not query CORBA components"
msgstr "No es pot iniciar el component %s"			msgstr "No es pot iniciar el component %s"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209
msgid "ID"							msgid "ID"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "Location"						msgid "Location"
msgstr "Localització"						msgstr "Localització"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212
msgid "Username"						msgid "Username"
msgstr "Nom d'usuari"						msgstr "Nom d'usuari"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Hostname"						msgid "Hostname"
msgstr "Casa"							msgstr "Casa"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Domain"							msgid "Domain"
msgstr "Ordre"							msgstr "Ordre"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"			msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. create widgets						#. create widgets
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97
msgid "Settings"						msgid "Settings"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data source name"					msgid "Data source name"
msgstr "Nom de l'órígen de les dades"				msgstr "Nom de l'órígen de les dades"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Connection string"					msgid "Connection string"
msgstr "Propietats de la connexió"				msgstr "Propietats de la connexió"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115
msgid "Provider"						msgid "Provider"
msgstr "Proveidor"						msgstr "Proveidor"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "User name"						msgid "User name"
msgstr "Nom d'usuari"						msgstr "Nom d'usuari"

#. create feature list						#. create feature list
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128
msgid "Features"						msgid "Features"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"		msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"
msgstr "Heu d'indicar un nom per al nou camp"			msgstr "Heu d'indicar un nom per al nou camp"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac	msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac
msgstr "L'orígen de les dades no soporta transaccions"		msgstr "L'orígen de les dades no soporta transaccions"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206
msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th	msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"			msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"
msgstr "L'orígen de les dades no soporta transaccions"		msgstr "L'orígen de les dades no soporta transaccions"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217
msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n	msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"	msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"
msgstr "Heu d'indicar un nom per al nou camp"			msgstr "Heu d'indicar un nom per al nou camp"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"		msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"
msgstr "L'orígen de les dades no s'ha trobat en la configurac	msgstr "L'orígen de les dades no s'ha trobat en la configurac

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Add a new data source..."				msgid "Add a new data source..."
msgstr "Afegeix nous orígens de dades"				msgstr "Afegeix nous orígens de dades"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392
msgid ""							msgid ""
"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"		"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"
"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"		"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"
"installation. Just follow the steps!"				"installation. Just follow the steps!"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "General Information"					msgid "General Information"
msgstr "Informació addicional"					msgstr "Informació addicional"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the basic information\n"	"The following fields represent the basic information\n"
"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n	"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n
"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"	"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"
"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"	"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"
"the default one."						"the default one."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data source _name:"					msgid "Data source _name:"
msgstr "Nom de l'órígen de les dades"				msgstr "Nom de l'órígen de les dades"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Provider:"						msgid "_Provider:"
msgstr "Proveidor"						msgstr "Proveidor"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Description:"						msgid "_Description:"
msgstr "Descripció"						msgstr "Descripció"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Username:"						msgid "_Username:"
msgstr "Nom d'usuari"						msgstr "Nom d'usuari"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "P_assword:"						msgid "P_assword:"
msgstr "Contrasenya"						msgstr "Contrasenya"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Provider Parameters"					msgid "Provider Parameters"
msgstr "Característiques del proveidor"				msgstr "Característiques del proveidor"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the information needed by the	"The following fields represent the information needed by the
"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n	"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n
"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\	"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\
"the manual for more information."				"the manual for more information."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481
msgid "All information retrieved"				msgid "All information retrieved"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482
msgid ""							msgid ""
"All information needed to create a new data source\n"		"All information needed to create a new data source\n"
"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"		"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"
"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"	"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"
"just select it when asked for a data source."			"just select it when asked for a data source."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Connection _string:"					msgid "Connection _string:"
msgstr "Propietats de la connexió"				msgstr "Propietats de la connexió"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Error"							msgid "Error"
msgstr "error"							msgstr "error"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.
msgid "Show detail >>"						msgid "Show detail >>"
msgstr "Mostra el detall >>"					msgstr "Mostra el detall >>"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122
msgid "<< Hide detail"						msgid "<< Hide detail"
msgstr "<< Amaga el detall"					msgstr "<< Amaga el detall"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"	msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"
msgstr "%s: error ocurregut durant navegació de les dades"	msgstr "%s: error ocurregut durant navegació de les dades"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196
msgid "Error number"						msgid "Error number"
msgstr "Número d'error"						msgstr "Número d'error"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Details"							msgid "Details"
msgstr "Detall"							msgstr "Detall"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234
msgid "Source"							msgid "Source"
msgstr "Font"							msgstr "Font"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241
msgid "SQL state"						msgid "SQL state"
msgstr "Estat SQL"						msgstr "Estat SQL"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Field:"							msgid "_Field:"
msgstr "Busca"							msgstr "Busca"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Text:"							msgid "_Text:"
msgstr "Següent"						msgstr "Següent"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "No records"						msgid "No records"
msgstr "Nou llistat"						msgstr "Nou llistat"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329
#, fuzzy, c-format						#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Record %d of %d"						msgid "Record %d of %d"
msgstr "Error %d de %d"						msgstr "Error %d de %d"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Recordset description"					msgid "Recordset description"
msgstr "Descripció"						msgstr "Descripció"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141
#, fuzzy, c-format						#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""							msgid ""
"File '%s' already exists.\n"					"File '%s' already exists.\n"
"Do you want to overwrite it?"					"Do you want to overwrite it?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"El fitxer\n"							"El fitxer\n"
" '%s'\n"							" '%s'\n"
" ha estat modificat.\n"					" ha estat modificat.\n"
" Voleu desar els canvis?"					" Voleu desar els canvis?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149
msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."		msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217
#, fuzzy, c-format						#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Could not save file %s"					msgid "Could not save file %s"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"No és possible carregar el fitxer\n"				"No és possible carregar el fitxer\n"
" %s"								" %s"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "You must specify a file name"				msgid "You must specify a file name"
msgstr "Ha d'especificar un fitxer per ser carregat"		msgstr "Ha d'especificar un fitxer per ser carregat"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230
msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"		msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261
msgid "Saving Model"						msgid "Saving Model"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "File _name:"						msgid "File _name:"
msgstr "Nom del fitxer"						msgstr "Nom del fitxer"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276
msgid "Select File"						msgid "Select File"
msgstr "Selecciona un fitxer"					msgstr "Selecciona un fitxer"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "File _type:"						msgid "File _type:"
msgstr "Nom del fitxer"						msgstr "Nom del fitxer"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Tab-delimited"						msgid "Tab-delimited"
msgstr "Ordre fallida"						msgstr "Ordre fallida"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Comma-delimited"						msgid "Comma-delimited"
msgstr "Ordre fallida"						msgstr "Ordre fallida"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "XML"							msgid "XML"
msgstr "A XML"							msgstr "A XML"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View detail"						msgid "View detail"
msgstr "<< Amaga el detall"					msgstr "<< Amaga el detall"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Show Column _Titles"					msgid "Show Column _Titles"
msgstr "Mostra els títols de les columnes"			msgstr "Mostra els títols de les columnes"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Describe"						msgid "Describe"
msgstr "Crea l'script"						msgstr "Crea l'script"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View detail..."						msgid "View detail..."
msgstr "<< Amaga el detall"					msgstr "<< Amaga el detall"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Title"							msgid "Title"
msgstr "Selecciona un fitxer"					msgstr "Selecciona un fitxer"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48
msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"	msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"		"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"
"to a data source"						"to a data source"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data Source:"						msgid "Data Source:"
msgstr "Orígens de les dades"					msgstr "Orígens de les dades"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Username:"						msgid "Username:"
msgstr "Nom d'usuari"						msgstr "Nom d'usuari"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279
msgid "Password:"						msgid "Password:"
msgstr "Contrasenya"						msgstr "Contrasenya"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Fields"							msgid "Fields"
msgstr "Busca"							msgstr "Busca"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30
msgid "Commit"							msgid "Commit"
msgstr "Commit"							msgstr "Commit"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31
msgid "Connect"							msgid "Connect"
msgstr "Connecta"						msgstr "Connecta"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33
msgid "Designer"						msgid "Designer"
msgstr "Dissenyador"						msgstr "Dissenyador"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34
msgid "Disconnect"						msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr "Desconnecta"						msgstr "Desconnecta"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "NoTransaction"						msgid "NoTransaction"
msgstr "Transacció iniciada"					msgstr "Transacció iniciada"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Query"							msgid "Query"
msgstr "Consultes"						msgstr "Consultes"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38
msgid "Rollback"						msgid "Rollback"
msgstr "Rollback"						msgstr "Rollback"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "SQL"							msgid "SQL"
msgstr "A SQL"							msgstr "A SQL"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "WithinTransaction"					msgid "WithinTransaction"
msgstr "Comença la transacció"					msgstr "Comença la transacció"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65
#, fuzzy, c-format						#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Error: %s"						msgid "Error: %s"
msgstr "error"							msgstr "error"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79
msgid "Table name"						msgid "Table name"
msgstr "Nom de la taula"					msgstr "Nom de la taula"

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93			#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Login for %s"						msgid "Login for %s"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95					#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Login to database"					msgid "Login to database"
msgstr "Connecta amb la base de dades"				msgstr "Connecta amb la base de dades"

#: vfs/libmain.c:71						#: vfs/libmain.c:71
msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"				msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Table Properties"					msgid "Table Properties"
msgstr "Navegador de bases de dades"				msgstr "Navegador de bases de dades"

#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Table Name"						msgid "Table Name"
msgstr "Nom de la taula"					msgstr "Nom de la taula"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155
msgid "New"							msgid "New"
msgstr "Nou"							msgstr "Nou"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Create new table"					msgid "Create new table"
msgstr "Crea un disseny nou de base de dades"			msgstr "Crea un disseny nou de base de dades"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Properties"						msgid "Properties"
msgstr "Propietats"						msgstr "Propietats"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View table properties"					msgid "View table properties"
msgstr "Navegador de bases de dades"				msgstr "Navegador de bases de dades"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
msgid "UID"							msgid "UID"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "calendar"						msgid "calendar"
msgstr "Escala"							msgstr "Escala"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "summary"							msgid "summary"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "Summary"							msgid "Summary"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "location"						msgid "location"
msgstr "Localització"						msgstr "Localització"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "dtstart"							msgid "dtstart"
msgstr "Comença"						msgstr "Comença"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Start time"						msgid "Start time"
msgstr "Comença"						msgstr "Comença"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "dtend"							msgid "dtend"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "End time"						msgid "End time"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "description"						msgid "description"
msgstr "Descripció"						msgstr "Descripció"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "classification"						msgid "classification"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Classification"						msgid "Classification"
msgstr "Esborra la selecció"					msgstr "Esborra la selecció"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "transparency"						msgid "transparency"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "Transparency"						msgid "Transparency"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "categories"						msgid "categories"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "Categories"						msgid "Categories"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "tasks"							msgid "tasks"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "due"							msgid "due"
msgstr "Mòdul"							msgstr "Mòdul"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Due date"						msgid "Due date"
msgstr "Data"							msgstr "Data"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Start date"						msgid "Start date"
msgstr "Comença"						msgstr "Comença"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355
msgid "Public"							msgid "Public"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Private"							msgid "Private"
msgstr "Activa"							msgstr "Activa"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Confidential"						msgid "Confidential"
msgstr "Fitxer de configuració"					msgstr "Fitxer de configuració"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"		msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"
msgstr "No es pot obrir l'objecte CORBA"			msgstr "No es pot obrir l'objecte CORBA"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"			msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"
msgstr "No es pot obrir l'objecte CORBA"			msgstr "No es pot obrir l'objecte CORBA"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80
msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta	msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"		msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"
msgstr "No es pot obrir l'objecte CORBA"			msgstr "No es pot obrir l'objecte CORBA"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"				msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"
msgstr "No es pot iniciar Bonobo\n"				msgstr "No es pot iniciar Bonobo\n"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Field name"						msgid "Field name"
msgstr "Nom del fitxer"						msgstr "Nom del fitxer"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data type"						msgid "Data type"
msgstr "Dades"							msgstr "Dades"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214
msgid "Size"							msgid "Size"
msgstr "Mida"							msgstr "Mida"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215
msgid "Scale"							msgid "Scale"
msgstr "Escala"							msgstr "Escala"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216
msgid "Not null?"						msgid "Not null?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217
msgid "Primary key?"						msgid "Primary key?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218
msgid "Unique index?"						msgid "Unique index?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "References"						msgid "References"
msgstr "Preferències"						msgstr "Preferències"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220
msgid "Default value"						msgid "Default value"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239
msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l	msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Table %s does not exist"					msgid "Table %s does not exist"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318
msgid "Scheduled events"					msgid "Scheduled events"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321
msgid "TODO list"						msgid "TODO list"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375
msgid "Owner"							msgid "Owner"
msgstr "Propietari"						msgstr "Propietari"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Comments"						msgid "Comments"
msgstr "Commit"							msgstr "Commit"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Type"							msgid "Type"
msgstr "Tipus"							msgstr "Tipus"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "GDA type"						msgid "GDA type"
msgstr "Tipus GDA"						msgstr "Tipus GDA"

#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id	#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id
#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database	#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database
#. we can easily access that information			#. we can easily access that information
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "local"							msgid "local"
msgstr "Global"							msgstr "Global"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr "Transacció no suportada"				msgstr "Transacció no suportada"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230
msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244
msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"			msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Invalid SQL command"					msgid "Invalid SQL command"
msgstr "Executa l'ordre SQL"					msgstr "Executa l'ordre SQL"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Transactions are not supported"				msgid "Transactions are not supported"
msgstr "Transacció no suportada"				msgstr "Transacció no suportada"

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41
msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"		msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task	"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Browse database..."					#~ msgid "Browse database..."
#~ msgstr "Navega per la base de dades"				#~ msgstr "Navega per la base de dades"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Connection MIME handler component"			#~ msgid "Connection MIME handler component"
#~ msgstr "No és possible truncar el fitxer %s"			#~ msgstr "No és possible truncar el fitxer %s"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Database component factory"				#~ msgid "Database component factory"
#~ msgstr "No es pot registrar el control fàbrica"		#~ msgstr "No es pot registrar el control fàbrica"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Open in database connection..."			#~ msgid "Open in database connection..."
#~ msgstr "Tanca la connexió de la base de dades"		#~ msgstr "Tanca la connexió de la base de dades"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "SQL MIME handler component"				#~ msgid "SQL MIME handler component"
#~ msgstr "Carrega la configuració del component"		#~ msgstr "Carrega la configuració del component"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Database browser"					#~ msgid "Database browser"
#~ msgstr "Obre el navegador de base de dades"			#~ msgstr "Obre el navegador de base de dades"

#~ msgid "Error viewer"						#~ msgid "Error viewer"
#~ msgstr "Visualitzador d'errors"				#~ msgstr "Visualitzador d'errors"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "SQL Viewer"						#~ msgid "SQL Viewer"
#~ msgstr "Visualitzador d'errors"				#~ msgstr "Visualitzador d'errors"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Database configuration"				#~ msgid "Database configuration"
#~ msgstr "Configuració del GDA"				#~ msgstr "Configuració del GDA"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Edit application preferences"				#~ msgid "Edit application preferences"
#~ msgstr "Surt de l'aplicació"					#~ msgstr "Surt de l'aplicació"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "New..."						#~ msgid "New..."
#~ msgstr "Nou"							#~ msgstr "Nou"

#~ msgid "Password"						#~ msgid "Password"
#~ msgstr "Contrasenya"						#~ msgstr "Contrasenya"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Save as"						#~ msgid "Save as"
#~ msgstr "Anomena i desa"					#~ msgstr "Anomena i desa"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Save to"						#~ msgid "Save to"
#~ msgstr "Desa les opcions"					#~ msgstr "Desa les opcions"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "XML file"						#~ msgid "XML file"
#~ msgstr "Selecciona un fitxer XML"				#~ msgstr "Selecciona un fitxer XML"

#~ msgid "Show columns"						#~ msgid "Show columns"
#~ msgstr "Mostra les columnes"					#~ msgstr "Mostra les columnes"

#~ msgid "Hide columns"						#~ msgid "Hide columns"
#~ msgstr "Amaga les columnes"					#~ msgstr "Amaga les columnes"

#~ msgid "Question"						#~ msgid "Question"
#~ msgstr "Questió"						#~ msgstr "Questió"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Database Moniker factory"				#~ msgid "Database Moniker factory"
#~ msgstr "No es pot registrar el control fàbrica"		#~ msgstr "No es pot registrar el control fàbrica"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "database: moniker"					#~ msgid "database: moniker"
#~ msgstr "Nom de la base de dades"				#~ msgstr "Nom de la base de dades"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Invalid format for connection string"			#~ msgid "Invalid format for connection string"
#~ msgstr "Propietats de la connexió"				#~ msgstr "Propietats de la connexió"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Data sources"						#~ msgid "Data sources"
#~ msgstr "Orígens de les dades"				#~ msgstr "Orígens de les dades"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "_File"						#~ msgid "_File"
#~ msgstr "Fitxer"						#~ msgstr "Fitxer"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Test Data Source"					#~ msgid "Test Data Source"
#~ msgstr "Orígens de les dades"				#~ msgstr "Orígens de les dades"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Connection to %s successful!"				#~ msgid "Connection to %s successful!"
#~ msgstr "Commit executat correctament"			#~ msgstr "Commit executat correctament"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Could not open connection to %s"			#~ msgid "Could not open connection to %s"
#~ msgstr "No es possible obrir la conexió a '%s'"		#~ msgstr "No es possible obrir la conexió a '%s'"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Test"							#~ msgid "Test"
#~ msgstr "Tipus"						#~ msgstr "Tipus"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Data source"						#~ msgid "Data source"
#~ msgstr "Orígens de les dades"				#~ msgstr "Orígens de les dades"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Select all"						#~ msgid "Select all"
#~ msgstr "Selecciona-ho tot"					#~ msgstr "Selecciona-ho tot"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Unselect all"						#~ msgid "Unselect all"
#~ msgstr "Deselecciona"					#~ msgstr "Deselecciona"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Unselect All"						#~ msgid "Unselect All"
#~ msgstr "Deselecciona"					#~ msgstr "Deselecciona"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Unselect all selected items in list"			#~ msgid "Unselect all selected items in list"
#~ msgstr "Selecciona tot els objectes en la base de dades"	#~ msgstr "Selecciona tot els objectes en la base de dades"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Hide column headers"					#~ msgid "Hide column headers"
#~ msgstr "Amaga les columnes"					#~ msgstr "Amaga les columnes"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Save as..."						#~ msgid "Save as..."
#~ msgstr "Anomena i desa..."					#~ msgstr "Anomena i desa..."

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Export data to different formats"			#~ msgid "Export data to different formats"
#~ msgstr "Exporta les dades a diferents formats"		#~ msgstr "Exporta les dades a diferents formats"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Describe current data set"				#~ msgid "Describe current data set"
#~ msgstr "Esborra els orígens de dades seleccionats"		#~ msgstr "Esborra els orígens de dades seleccionats"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "View current data in more detail"			#~ msgid "View current data in more detail"
#~ msgstr "Visualitza les propietats de la connexió"		#~ msgstr "Visualitza les propietats de la connexió"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Loading..."						#~ msgid "Loading..."
#~ msgstr "Carregant..."					#~ msgstr "Carregant..."

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Databases"						#~ msgid "Databases"
#~ msgstr "Base de dades"					#~ msgstr "Base de dades"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Loading table data..."				#~ msgid "Loading table data..."
#~ msgstr "Mostra les dades de la taula"			#~ msgstr "Mostra les dades de la taula"

#~ msgid "Previous"						#~ msgid "Previous"
#~ msgstr "Anterior"						#~ msgstr "Anterior"

#~ msgid "Create new object of selected type"			#~ msgid "Create new object of selected type"
#~ msgstr "Crea un objecte nou del tipus seleccionat"		#~ msgstr "Crea un objecte nou del tipus seleccionat"

#~ msgid "Remove"						#~ msgid "Remove"
#~ msgstr "Elimina"						#~ msgstr "Elimina"

#~ msgid "Remove selected object"				#~ msgid "Remove selected object"
#~ msgstr "Elimina l'objecte seleccionat"			#~ msgstr "Elimina l'objecte seleccionat"

#~ msgid "Refresh"						#~ msgid "Refresh"
#~ msgstr "Refresca"						#~ msgstr "Refresca"

#~ msgid "Refresh current list of objects"			#~ msgid "Refresh current list of objects"
#~ msgstr "Refresca la llista actual d'objectes"		#~ msgstr "Refresca la llista actual d'objectes"

#~ msgid "Info"							#~ msgid "Info"
#~ msgstr "Informació"						#~ msgstr "Informació"

#~ msgid "Show extra information about selected object"		#~ msgid "Show extra information about selected object"
#~ msgstr "Mostra informació addicional sobre l'objecte selec	#~ msgstr "Mostra informació addicional sobre l'objecte selec

#~ msgid "Table data"						#~ msgid "Table data"
#~ msgstr "Dades de la taula"					#~ msgstr "Dades de la taula"

#~ msgid "Select Color"						#~ msgid "Select Color"
#~ msgstr "Seleccioneu un color"				#~ msgstr "Seleccioneu un color"

#~ msgid "Select Font"						#~ msgid "Select Font"
#~ msgstr "Seleccioneu un tipus de lletra"			#~ msgstr "Seleccioneu un tipus de lletra"

#~ msgid "Add field..."						#~ msgid "Add field..."
#~ msgstr "Afegeix un camp..."					#~ msgstr "Afegeix un camp..."

#~ msgid "Add a new field to this table"			#~ msgid "Add a new field to this table"
#~ msgstr "Afegeix un camp nou a aquesta taula"			#~ msgstr "Afegeix un camp nou a aquesta taula"

#~ msgid "Edit field..."					#~ msgid "Edit field..."
#~ msgstr "Edita el camp..."					#~ msgstr "Edita el camp..."

#~ msgid "Edit the selected field properties"			#~ msgid "Edit the selected field properties"
#~ msgstr "Edita les propietats del camp seleccionat"		#~ msgstr "Edita les propietats del camp seleccionat"

#~ msgid "Add field"						#~ msgid "Add field"
#~ msgstr "Afegeix un camp"					#~ msgstr "Afegeix un camp"

#~ msgid "Could not find table %s"				#~ msgid "Could not find table %s"
#~ msgstr "No s'ha pogut trobar la taula %s"			#~ msgstr "No s'ha pogut trobar la taula %s"

#~ msgid "There is already a field named %s"			#~ msgid "There is already a field named %s"
#~ msgstr "Ja hi ha un camp anomenat %s"			#~ msgstr "Ja hi ha un camp anomenat %s"

#~ msgid "File %s is not a valid XML file"			#~ msgid "File %s is not a valid XML file"
#~ msgstr "El fitxer %s no és un fitxer XML vàlid"		#~ msgstr "El fitxer %s no és un fitxer XML vàlid"

#~ msgid "Select file"						#~ msgid "Select file"
#~ msgstr "Seleccioneu un fitxer"				#~ msgstr "Seleccioneu un fitxer"

#~ msgid "GDA Name"						#~ msgid "GDA Name"
#~ msgstr "Nom del GDA"						#~ msgstr "Nom del GDA"

#~ msgid "DSN"							#~ msgid "DSN"
#~ msgstr "DSN"							#~ msgstr "DSN"

#~ msgid "Config"						#~ msgid "Config"
#~ msgstr "Configuració"					#~ msgstr "Configuració"

#~ msgid "Error while saving configuration!"			#~ msgid "Error while saving configuration!"
#~ msgstr "S'ha produït un error en desar la configuració!"	#~ msgstr "S'ha produït un error en desar la configuració!"

#~ msgid "Data source has no name!"				#~ msgid "Data source has no name!"
#~ msgstr "L'origen de les dades no té cap nom!"		#~ msgstr "L'origen de les dades no té cap nom!"

#~ msgid "Native message"					#~ msgid "Native message"
#~ msgstr "Missatge natiu"					#~ msgstr "Missatge natiu"

#~ msgid "User Name"						#~ msgid "User Name"
#~ msgstr "Nom d'usuari"					#~ msgstr "Nom d'usuari"

#~ msgid "GDA Datasource"					#~ msgid "GDA Datasource"
#~ msgstr "Font de les dades GDA"				#~ msgstr "Font de les dades GDA"

#~ msgid "Entry %d of %d"					#~ msgid "Entry %d of %d"
#~ msgstr "Entrada %d de %d"					#~ msgstr "Entrada %d de %d"

#~ msgid "Time"							#~ msgid "Time"
#~ msgstr "Hora"						#~ msgstr "Hora"

#~ msgid "Message"						#~ msgid "Message"
#~ msgstr "Missatge"						#~ msgstr "Missatge"

#~ msgid "Log Entry"						#~ msgid "Log Entry"
#~ msgstr "Entrada del registre"				#~ msgstr "Entrada del registre"

#~ msgid "Could not create file %s"				#~ msgid "Could not create file %s"
#~ msgstr "No s'ha pogut crear el fitxer %s"			#~ msgstr "No s'ha pogut crear el fitxer %s"

#~ msgid "Setup Printer"					#~ msgid "Setup Printer"
#~ msgstr "Configura la impressora"				#~ msgstr "Configura la impressora"

#~ msgid "Copyright The Free Software Foundation (C) 1998-200	#~ msgid "Copyright The Free Software Foundation (C) 1998-200
#~ msgstr "Copyright The Free Software Foundation (C) 1998-20	#~ msgstr "Copyright The Free Software Foundation (C) 1998-20

#~ msgid ""							#~ msgid ""
#~ "This program is part of the GNOME project for LINUX. GNOM	#~ "This program is part of the GNOME project for LINUX. GNOM
#~ "comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software,	#~ "comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software,
#~ "welcome to redistribute it under the conditions of the GN	#~ "welcome to redistribute it under the conditions of the GN
#~ "Licence."							#~ "Licence."
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Aquest programa és part del projecte GNOME per LINUX. El 	#~ "Aquest programa és part del projecte GNOME per LINUX. El 
#~ "Access ve sense CAP MENA DE GARANTIA. Aquest programari é	#~ "Access ve sense CAP MENA DE GARANTIA. Aquest programari é
#~ "distribució, per tant, podeu redistribuir-lo sota les con	#~ "distribució, per tant, podeu redistribuir-lo sota les con
#~ "llicència GNU (General Public Licence)."			#~ "llicència GNU (General Public Licence)."

#~ msgid ""							#~ msgid ""
#~ "Could not open file\n"					#~ "Could not open file\n"
#~ "%s"								#~ "%s"
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "No s'ha pogut obrir el fitxer\n"				#~ "No s'ha pogut obrir el fitxer\n"
#~ "%s"								#~ "%s"

#~ msgid "Bug-buddy was not found in your $PATH"		#~ msgid "Bug-buddy was not found in your $PATH"
#~ msgstr "No s'ha trobat Bug-buddy al $PATH"			#~ msgstr "No s'ha trobat Bug-buddy al $PATH"

#~ msgid "Unable to execute Bug Report Tool"			#~ msgid "Unable to execute Bug Report Tool"
#~ msgstr "No és possible executar l'eina per imformar d'erro	#~ msgstr "No és possible executar l'eina per imformar d'erro

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Builder"						#~ msgid "Builder"
#~ msgstr "Constructor de sentències SQL"			#~ msgstr "Constructor de sentències SQL"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Create a new Perl script"				#~ msgid "Create a new Perl script"
#~ msgstr "Crea l'script"					#~ msgstr "Crea l'script"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Report..."						#~ msgid "Report..."
#~ msgstr "Llistat"						#~ msgstr "Llistat"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Open an existing Perl script"				#~ msgid "Open an existing Perl script"
#~ msgstr "Obre un llistat existent"				#~ msgstr "Obre un llistat existent"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Open an existing report"				#~ msgid "Open an existing report"
#~ msgstr "Obre un llistat existent"				#~ msgstr "Obre un llistat existent"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "_New"							#~ msgid "_New"
#~ msgstr "Nou"							#~ msgstr "Nou"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "_Open"						#~ msgid "_Open"
#~ msgstr "Obre"						#~ msgstr "Obre"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Add new module to project"				#~ msgid "Add new module to project"
#~ msgstr "Afegeix un nou objecte"				#~ msgstr "Afegeix un nou objecte"

#~ msgid "Open"							#~ msgid "Open"
#~ msgstr "Obre"						#~ msgstr "Obre"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Open an existing module"				#~ msgid "Open an existing module"
#~ msgstr "Obre un fitxer existent"				#~ msgstr "Obre un fitxer existent"

#~ msgid "Export"						#~ msgid "Export"
#~ msgstr "Exporta"						#~ msgstr "Exporta"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Logs"							#~ msgid "Logs"
#~ msgstr "Registres del GDA"					#~ msgstr "Registres del GDA"

#~ msgid "Close current connection"				#~ msgid "Close current connection"
#~ msgstr "Tanca la connexió actual"				#~ msgstr "Tanca la connexió actual"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Browser"						#~ msgid "Browser"
#~ msgstr "Navegador"						#~ msgstr "Navegador"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Activate database browser window"			#~ msgid "Activate database browser window"
#~ msgstr "Obre el navegador de base de dades"			#~ msgstr "Obre el navegador de base de dades"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Activate SQL window"					#~ msgid "Activate SQL window"
#~ msgstr "Finestra SQL"					#~ msgstr "Finestra SQL"

#~ msgid "Batch"						#~ msgid "Batch"
#~ msgstr "Ordres"						#~ msgstr "Ordres"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Activate dbatch job window"				#~ msgid "Activate dbatch job window"
#~ msgstr "Obre el navegador de base de dades"			#~ msgstr "Obre el navegador de base de dades"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Start a new database transaction"			#~ msgid "Start a new database transaction"
#~ msgstr "Crea un disseny nou de base de dades"		#~ msgstr "Crea un disseny nou de base de dades"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Commit current transaction"				#~ msgid "Commit current transaction"
#~ msgstr "Comença la transacció"				#~ msgstr "Comença la transacció"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Rollback current transaction"				#~ msgid "Rollback current transaction"
#~ msgstr "El rollback de la transacció ha fallat"		#~ msgstr "El rollback de la transacció ha fallat"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Export database"					#~ msgid "Export database"
#~ msgstr "Exporta les dades"					#~ msgstr "Exporta les dades"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Make a copy of a database"				#~ msgid "Make a copy of a database"
#~ msgstr "Crea un disseny nou de base de dades"		#~ msgstr "Crea un disseny nou de base de dades"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Import database"					#~ msgid "Import database"
#~ msgstr "Exporta les dades"					#~ msgstr "Exporta les dades"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Import an export file into a database"		#~ msgid "Import an export file into a database"
#~ msgstr "Importa les dades a la base de dades"		#~ msgstr "Importa les dades a la base de dades"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "_Tools"						#~ msgid "_Tools"
#~ msgstr "Eines"						#~ msgstr "Eines"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Activate batch job window"				#~ msgid "Activate batch job window"
#~ msgstr "Finestra SQL"					#~ msgstr "Finestra SQL"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Select"						#~ msgid "Select"
#~ msgstr "Selecciona"						#~ msgstr "Selecciona"

#~ msgid "Options"						#~ msgid "Options"
#~ msgstr "Opcions"						#~ msgstr "Opcions"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Transaction mode"					#~ msgid "Transaction mode"
#~ msgstr "Transacció iniciada"					#~ msgstr "Transacció iniciada"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Log"							#~ msgid "Log"
#~ msgstr "Registres del GDA"					#~ msgstr "Registres del GDA"

#~ msgid "Run"							#~ msgid "Run"
#~ msgstr "Executa"						#~ msgstr "Executa"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Execute current command"				#~ msgid "Execute current command"
#~ msgstr "Executa l'ordre actual"				#~ msgstr "Executa l'ordre actual"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Select command from previous"				#~ msgid "Select command from previous"
#~ msgstr "Selecciona desde comandes prèvies"			#~ msgstr "Selecciona desde comandes prèvies"

#~ msgid "Save"							#~ msgid "Save"
#~ msgstr "Desa"						#~ msgstr "Desa"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Save command for later retrieval"			#~ msgid "Save command for later retrieval"
#~ msgstr "Desa el fitxer actual"				#~ msgstr "Desa el fitxer actual"

#~ msgid "Cut"							#~ msgid "Cut"
#~ msgstr "Retalla"						#~ msgstr "Retalla"

#~ msgid "Copy"							#~ msgid "Copy"
#~ msgstr "Copia"						#~ msgstr "Copia"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Copy selected text"					#~ msgid "Copy selected text"
#~ msgstr "Retalla el text seleccionat"				#~ msgstr "Retalla el text seleccionat"

#~ msgid "Paste"						#~ msgid "Paste"
#~ msgstr "Enganxa"						#~ msgstr "Enganxa"

#~ msgid "Paste text from clipboard"				#~ msgid "Paste text from clipboard"
#~ msgstr "Enganxa el text des del porta-retalls"		#~ msgstr "Enganxa el text des del porta-retalls"

#~ msgid "Clear"						#~ msgid "Clear"
#~ msgstr "Esborra"						#~ msgstr "Esborra"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Clear widget contents"				#~ msgid "Clear widget contents"
#~ msgstr "Esborra el contingut del fitxer"			#~ msgstr "Esborra el contingut del fitxer"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Open connection"					#~ msgid "Open connection"
#~ msgstr "Obre la connexió"					#~ msgstr "Obre la connexió"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "This is the name you use to refer to this connectio	#~ msgid "This is the name you use to refer to this connectio
#~ msgstr "Nom de l'usuari a utilitzar en la conexió"		#~ msgstr "Nom de l'usuari a utilitzar en la conexió"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Version"						#~ msgid "Version"
#~ msgstr "Versió"						#~ msgstr "Versió"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Select the named query to be loaded"			#~ msgid "Select the named query to be loaded"
#~ msgstr "Selecciona el nom de la taula"			#~ msgstr "Selecciona el nom de la taula"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "From file"						#~ msgid "From file"
#~ msgstr "Fitxer"						#~ msgstr "Fitxer"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Error loading file %s"				#~ msgid "Error loading file %s"
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "S'ha produït un error en llegir el fitxer\n"		#~ "S'ha produït un error en llegir el fitxer\n"
#~ " %s"							#~ " %s"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Save SQL command"					#~ msgid "Save SQL command"
#~ msgstr "Selecciona l'ordre SQL"				#~ msgstr "Selecciona l'ordre SQL"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Save command to a named query"			#~ msgid "Save command to a named query"
#~ msgstr "Desa el fitxer actual"				#~ msgstr "Desa el fitxer actual"

#~ msgid "Select SQL Command"					#~ msgid "Select SQL Command"
#~ msgstr "Selecciona l'ordre SQL"				#~ msgstr "Selecciona l'ordre SQL"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Last commands"					#~ msgid "Last commands"
#~ msgstr "Finestra d'ordres"					#~ msgstr "Finestra d'ordres"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Saved queries"					#~ msgid "Saved queries"
#~ msgstr "Desa la memòria intermèdia actual"			#~ msgstr "Desa la memòria intermèdia actual"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Database design"					#~ msgid "Database design"
#~ msgstr "Dissenyador de bases de dades"			#~ msgstr "Dissenyador de bases de dades"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Start with a new database design"			#~ msgid "Start with a new database design"
#~ msgstr "Crea un disseny nou de base de dades"		#~ msgstr "Crea un disseny nou de base de dades"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Table..."						#~ msgid "Table..."
#~ msgstr "Taula"						#~ msgstr "Taula"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Add a table to the database design"			#~ msgid "Add a table to the database design"
#~ msgstr "Obre el dissenyador de base de dades"		#~ msgstr "Obre el dissenyador de base de dades"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Open an existing database design"			#~ msgid "Open an existing database design"
#~ msgstr "Obre el dissenyador de base de dades"		#~ msgstr "Obre el dissenyador de base de dades"

#~ msgid "Create new database design"				#~ msgid "Create new database design"
#~ msgstr "Crea un disseny nou de base de dades"		#~ msgstr "Crea un disseny nou de base de dades"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Save currently open file"				#~ msgid "Save currently open file"
#~ msgstr "Desa la memòria intermèdia actual"			#~ msgstr "Desa la memòria intermèdia actual"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Reload database file contents"			#~ msgid "Reload database file contents"
#~ msgstr "Esborra el contingut del fitxer"			#~ msgstr "Esborra el contingut del fitxer"

#~ msgid "Add"							#~ msgid "Add"
#~ msgstr "Afegeix"						#~ msgstr "Afegeix"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Add new object to the database"			#~ msgid "Add new object to the database"
#~ msgstr "Connecta amb la base de dades"			#~ msgstr "Connecta amb la base de dades"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Select database design"				#~ msgid "Select database design"
#~ msgstr "Desa el disseny de base de dades"			#~ msgstr "Desa el disseny de base de dades"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Save log to a disk file"				#~ msgid "Save log to a disk file"
#~ msgstr "Desa el disseny de base de dades a un fitxer"	#~ msgstr "Desa el disseny de base de dades a un fitxer"

#~ msgid "View"							#~ msgid "View"
#~ msgstr "Visualitza"						#~ msgstr "Visualitza"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "View selected log entry"				#~ msgid "View selected log entry"
#~ msgstr "Visualitza la entrada seleccionada"			#~ msgstr "Visualitza la entrada seleccionada"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Error loading log for '%s'"				#~ msgid "Error loading log for '%s'"
#~ msgstr "S'ha produït un error en carregar el fitxer '%s'"	#~ msgstr "S'ha produït un error en carregar el fitxer '%s'"

#~ msgid "Save Log File"					#~ msgid "Save Log File"
#~ msgstr "Desa el fitxer del registre"				#~ msgstr "Desa el fitxer del registre"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Could not create 'database:' moniker instance"	#~ msgid "Could not create 'database:' moniker instance"
#~ msgstr "No és possible truncar el fitxer %s"			#~ msgstr "No és possible truncar el fitxer %s"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Open Perl script"					#~ msgid "Open Perl script"
#~ msgstr "Crea l'script"					#~ msgstr "Crea l'script"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Load"							#~ msgid "Load"
#~ msgstr "Carrega"						#~ msgstr "Carrega"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Component"						#~ msgid "Component"
#~ msgstr "Connecta"						#~ msgstr "Connecta"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Unload"						#~ msgid "Unload"
#~ msgstr "Carrega"						#~ msgstr "Carrega"

#~ msgid "General"						#~ msgid "General"
#~ msgstr "General"						#~ msgstr "General"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Save window position"					#~ msgid "Save window position"
#~ msgstr "Desa les opcions"					#~ msgstr "Desa les opcions"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Show tooltips"					#~ msgid "Show tooltips"
#~ msgstr "Mostra els títols de les columnes"			#~ msgstr "Mostra els títols de les columnes"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "_Database..."						#~ msgid "_Database..."
#~ msgstr "Base de dades"					#~ msgstr "Base de dades"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Perl script"						#~ msgid "Perl script"
#~ msgstr "Crea l'script"					#~ msgstr "Crea l'script"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Print preview"					#~ msgid "Print preview"
#~ msgstr "Imprimeix la quadrícula"				#~ msgstr "Imprimeix la quadrícula"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "_Quit"						#~ msgid "_Quit"
#~ msgstr "Surt"						#~ msgstr "Surt"

#~ msgid "Configure user preferences"				#~ msgid "Configure user preferences"
#~ msgstr "Configura les preferències d'usuari"			#~ msgstr "Configura les preferències d'usuari"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "GNOME-DB Manual"					#~ msgid "GNOME-DB Manual"
#~ msgstr "Gestor del GNOME-DB"					#~ msgstr "Gestor del GNOME-DB"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Open the GNOME-DB online manual"			#~ msgid "Open the GNOME-DB online manual"
#~ msgstr "Gestor del GNOME-DB"					#~ msgstr "Gestor del GNOME-DB"

#~ msgid "Submit bug report"					#~ msgid "Submit bug report"
#~ msgstr "Envia una nota de error"				#~ msgstr "Envia una nota de error"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "_Options"						#~ msgid "_Options"
#~ msgstr "Opcions"						#~ msgstr "Opcions"

#~ msgid "GNOME-DB Front End"					#~ msgid "GNOME-DB Front End"
#~ msgstr "Entorn visual del GNOME-DB"				#~ msgstr "Entorn visual del GNOME-DB"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "GNOME-DB Front End Application"			#~ msgid "GNOME-DB Front End Application"
#~ msgstr "Entorn visual del GNOME-DB"				#~ msgstr "Entorn visual del GNOME-DB"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Could not get GNOME_DB_Control interface"		#~ msgid "Could not get GNOME_DB_Control interface"
#~ msgstr "No es pot registrar el control fàbrica"		#~ msgstr "No es pot registrar el control fàbrica"

#~ msgid "sqlstate"						#~ msgid "sqlstate"
#~ msgstr "sqlstate"						#~ msgstr "sqlstate"

#~ msgid "Error 0 of 0"						#~ msgid "Error 0 of 0"
#~ msgstr "Error 0 de 0"					#~ msgstr "Error 0 de 0"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Record View"						#~ msgid "Record View"
#~ msgstr "Desa la vista"					#~ msgstr "Desa la vista"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Copy selection to clipboard"				#~ msgid "Copy selection to clipboard"
#~ msgstr "Copia el text seleccionat al porta-retalls"		#~ msgstr "Copia el text seleccionat al porta-retalls"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Select all rows"					#~ msgid "Select all rows"
#~ msgstr "Selecciona totes les files"				#~ msgstr "Selecciona totes les files"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Clear all selected rows"				#~ msgid "Clear all selected rows"
#~ msgstr "Esborra tots els camps"				#~ msgstr "Esborra tots els camps"

#~ msgid "Record view..."					#~ msgid "Record view..."
#~ msgstr "Desa les vistes..."					#~ msgstr "Desa les vistes..."

#~ msgid "View recordset record-by-record"			#~ msgid "View recordset record-by-record"
#~ msgstr "Visualitza les dades registre a registre"		#~ msgstr "Visualitza les dades registre a registre"

#~ msgid "Refresh grid"						#~ msgid "Refresh grid"
#~ msgstr "Refresca la quadrícula"				#~ msgstr "Refresca la quadrícula"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Refresh grid contents"				#~ msgid "Refresh grid contents"
#~ msgstr "Refresca el contingut de la quadrícula"		#~ msgstr "Refresca el contingut de la quadrícula"

#~ msgid "Print grid"						#~ msgid "Print grid"
#~ msgstr "Imprimeix la quadrícula"				#~ msgstr "Imprimeix la quadrícula"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Print grid contents"					#~ msgid "Print grid contents"
#~ msgstr "Imprimeix el contingut de la quadrícula"		#~ msgstr "Imprimeix el contingut de la quadrícula"

#~ msgid "Hide column titles"					#~ msgid "Hide column titles"
#~ msgstr "Amaga els títols de les columnes"			#~ msgstr "Amaga els títols de les columnes"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Manager"						#~ msgid "Manager"
#~ msgstr "Gestor del GDA"					#~ msgstr "Gestor del GDA"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Manage connection data sources"			#~ msgid "Manage connection data sources"
#~ msgstr "Obre el diàleg de connexió en entrar"		#~ msgstr "Obre el diàleg de connexió en entrar"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Manage available GDA providers"			#~ msgid "Manage available GDA providers"
#~ msgstr "Proveidor de bases de dades"				#~ msgstr "Proveidor de bases de dades"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Edit"							#~ msgid "Edit"
#~ msgstr "Editor"						#~ msgstr "Editor"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Edit selected data source"				#~ msgid "Edit selected data source"
#~ msgstr "Edita els orígens de dades seleccionats"		#~ msgstr "Edita els orígens de dades seleccionats"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Refresh Data Sources list"				#~ msgid "Refresh Data Sources list"
#~ msgstr "Refresca la llista de serveis"			#~ msgstr "Refresca la llista de serveis"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Edit data source"					#~ msgid "Edit data source"
#~ msgstr "Edita els orígens de dades seleccionats"		#~ msgstr "Edita els orígens de dades seleccionats"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "There was an error while testing connection"		#~ msgid "There was an error while testing connection"
#~ msgstr "No hi han conexions obertes"				#~ msgstr "No hi han conexions obertes"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Add new provider"					#~ msgid "Add new provider"
#~ msgstr "Afegeix un nou objecte"				#~ msgstr "Afegeix un nou objecte"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Edit selected provider"				#~ msgid "Edit selected provider"
#~ msgstr "Activa els serveis seleccionats"			#~ msgstr "Activa els serveis seleccionats"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Refresh providers list"				#~ msgid "Refresh providers list"
#~ msgstr "Refresca la llista de serveis"			#~ msgstr "Refresca la llista de serveis"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Stop selected provider"				#~ msgid "Stop selected provider"
#~ msgstr "Activa els serveis seleccionats"			#~ msgstr "Activa els serveis seleccionats"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Rolodex Application"					#~ msgid "Rolodex Application"
#~ msgstr "Surt de l'aplicació"					#~ msgstr "Surt de l'aplicació"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Export a database to a file or to another database"	#~ msgid "Export a database to a file or to another database"
#~ msgstr "Importa les dades a la base de dades"		#~ msgstr "Importa les dades a la base de dades"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Export Database"					#~ msgid "Export Database"
#~ msgstr "Exporta les dades"					#~ msgstr "Exporta les dades"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Output file"						#~ msgid "Output file"
#~ msgstr "Obre un fitxer"					#~ msgstr "Obre un fitxer"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Export table data"					#~ msgid "Export table data"
#~ msgstr "Exporta les dades"					#~ msgstr "Exporta les dades"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Objects"						#~ msgid "Objects"
#~ msgstr "Nom del objecte"					#~ msgstr "Nom del objecte"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Could not initialize GNOME_DB_Builder control"	#~ msgid "Could not initialize GNOME_DB_Builder control"
#~ msgstr "No es pot iniciar Bonobo"				#~ msgstr "No es pot iniciar Bonobo"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "GNOME-DB connection component factory"		#~ msgid "GNOME-DB connection component factory"
#~ msgstr "No s'ha pogut obrir la connexió"			#~ msgstr "No s'ha pogut obrir la connexió"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "GNOME-DB log viewer component factory"		#~ msgid "GNOME-DB log viewer component factory"
#~ msgstr "Selecciona la configuració del component"		#~ msgstr "Selecciona la configuració del component"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Open SQL File"					#~ msgid "Open SQL File"
#~ msgstr "Obre un fitxer XML"					#~ msgstr "Obre un fitxer XML"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Do Print"						#~ msgid "Do Print"
#~ msgstr "Imprimeix"						#~ msgstr "Imprimeix"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Open SQL file"					#~ msgid "Open SQL file"
#~ msgstr "Obre un fitxer"					#~ msgstr "Obre un fitxer"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Save SQL file"					#~ msgid "Save SQL file"
#~ msgstr "Desa al fitxer"					#~ msgstr "Desa al fitxer"

#~ msgid "Forward"						#~ msgid "Forward"
#~ msgstr "Endavant"						#~ msgstr "Endavant"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Home page"						#~ msgid "Home page"
#~ msgstr "Casa"						#~ msgstr "Casa"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Install"						#~ msgid "Install"
#~ msgstr "Inserta"						#~ msgstr "Inserta"

#~ msgid "No datasource '%s' defined in your GDA configuratio	#~ msgid "No datasource '%s' defined in your GDA configuratio
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "No hi ha l'orígen de les dades '%s' definit en el seu fit	#~ "No hi ha l'orígen de les dades '%s' definit en el seu fit
#~ "configuració GDA"						#~ "configuració GDA"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Could not allocate color"				#~ msgid "Could not allocate color"
#~ msgstr "No és possible truncar el fitxer %s"			#~ msgstr "No és possible truncar el fitxer %s"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Could not initialize manager component"		#~ msgid "Could not initialize manager component"
#~ msgstr "No es pot iniciar el component %s"			#~ msgstr "No es pot iniciar el component %s"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Could not create Database Moniker factory"		#~ msgid "Could not create Database Moniker factory"
#~ msgstr "No es pot registrar el control fàbrica"		#~ msgstr "No es pot registrar el control fàbrica"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Project..."						#~ msgid "Project..."
#~ msgstr "Projecte"						#~ msgstr "Projecte"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Open an existing project"				#~ msgid "Open an existing project"
#~ msgstr "Obre un fitxer existent"				#~ msgstr "Obre un fitxer existent"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "GNOME-DB Builder"					#~ msgid "GNOME-DB Builder"
#~ msgstr "Constructor del GNOME-DB"				#~ msgstr "Constructor del GNOME-DB"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Open..."						#~ msgid "Open..."
#~ msgstr "Obre"						#~ msgstr "Obre"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Connect..."						#~ msgid "Connect..."
#~ msgstr "Connectant..."					#~ msgstr "Connectant..."

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Browse"						#~ msgid "Browse"
#~ msgstr "Navegador"						#~ msgstr "Navegador"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Import objects"					#~ msgid "Import objects"
#~ msgstr "Importa objectes"					#~ msgstr "Importa objectes"

#~ msgid "Import database objects into repository"		#~ msgid "Import database objects into repository"
#~ msgstr "Importa objectes de la base de dades a la bibliote	#~ msgstr "Importa objectes de la base de dades a la bibliote

#~ msgid "About gnome-db..."					#~ msgid "About gnome-db..."
#~ msgstr "Quant al gnome-db..."				#~ msgstr "Quant al gnome-db..."

#~ msgid "About this program"					#~ msgid "About this program"
#~ msgstr "Quant aquest programa"				#~ msgstr "Quant aquest programa"

#~ msgid "0 rows"						#~ msgid "0 rows"
#~ msgstr "0 files"						#~ msgstr "0 files"

#~ msgid "%d rows"						#~ msgid "%d rows"
#~ msgstr "%d files"						#~ msgstr "%d files"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Object properties"					#~ msgid "Object properties"
#~ msgstr "Explorador d'objectes"				#~ msgstr "Explorador d'objectes"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Close current view"					#~ msgid "Close current view"
#~ msgstr "Tanca el fitxer actual"				#~ msgstr "Tanca el fitxer actual"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Could not open file %s"				#~ msgid "Could not open file %s"
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "No és possible carregar el fitxer\n"			#~ "No és possible carregar el fitxer\n"
#~ " %s"							#~ " %s"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Connected to '%s'"					#~ msgid "Connected to '%s'"
#~ msgstr "Connectat a %s"					#~ msgstr "Connectat a %s"

#~ msgid "Ready"						#~ msgid "Ready"
#~ msgstr "Preparat"						#~ msgstr "Preparat"

#~ msgid "Connecting..."					#~ msgid "Connecting..."
#~ msgstr "Connectant..."					#~ msgstr "Connectant..."

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Service Manager"					#~ msgid "Service Manager"
#~ msgstr "Control dels serveis"				#~ msgstr "Control dels serveis"

#~ msgid "Unable to execute '%s'"				#~ msgid "Unable to execute '%s'"
#~ msgstr "No és possible executar '%s'"			#~ msgstr "No és possible executar '%s'"

#~ msgid "Execute"						#~ msgid "Execute"
#~ msgstr "Executar"						#~ msgstr "Executar"

#~ msgid "Load file into buffer"				#~ msgid "Load file into buffer"
#~ msgstr "Carrega el fitxer a la memòria intermèdia"		#~ msgstr "Carrega el fitxer a la memòria intermèdia"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Paste clipboard contents"				#~ msgid "Paste clipboard contents"
#~ msgstr "Enganxa el contingut del porta-retalls"		#~ msgstr "Enganxa el contingut del porta-retalls"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Query designer"					#~ msgid "Query designer"
#~ msgstr "Dissenyador"						#~ msgstr "Dissenyador"

#~ msgid "Import"						#~ msgid "Import"
#~ msgstr "Importa"						#~ msgstr "Importa"

#~ msgid "Command succeeded"					#~ msgid "Command succeeded"
#~ msgstr "Ordre reeixida"					#~ msgstr "Ordre reeixida"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Transaction started successfully"			#~ msgid "Transaction started successfully"
#~ msgstr "La transacció ha finalitzat correctament"		#~ msgstr "La transacció ha finalitzat correctament"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Rollback executed successfully"			#~ msgid "Rollback executed successfully"
#~ msgstr "Rollback executat correctament"			#~ msgstr "Rollback executat correctament"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Revert"						#~ msgid "Revert"
#~ msgstr "Elimina"						#~ msgstr "Elimina"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Close database designer"				#~ msgid "Close database designer"
#~ msgstr "Disseny nou de base de dades"			#~ msgstr "Disseny nou de base de dades"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Open XML database"					#~ msgid "Open XML database"
#~ msgstr "Obre un disseny de base de dades"			#~ msgstr "Obre un disseny de base de dades"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Loaded file %s"					#~ msgid "Loaded file %s"
#~ msgstr "Escriu el fitxer %s"					#~ msgstr "Escriu el fitxer %s"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Save Database"					#~ msgid "Save Database"
#~ msgstr "Base de dades"					#~ msgstr "Base de dades"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Save file under a different name"			#~ msgid "Save file under a different name"
#~ msgstr "Desa el fitxer del registre amb un nom diferent"	#~ msgstr "Desa el fitxer del registre amb un nom diferent"

#~ msgid "Refresh all lists"					#~ msgid "Refresh all lists"
#~ msgstr "Refresca totes les llistes"				#~ msgstr "Refresca totes les llistes"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Close log viewer"					#~ msgid "Close log viewer"
#~ msgstr "Tanca la finestra del registre"			#~ msgstr "Tanca la finestra del registre"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Open Connection..."					#~ msgid "Open Connection..."
#~ msgstr "Obre la connexió..."					#~ msgstr "Obre la connexió..."

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Disconnect all"					#~ msgid "Disconnect all"
#~ msgstr "Desconnecta tot"					#~ msgstr "Desconnecta tot"

#~ msgid "Close all connections"				#~ msgid "Close all connections"
#~ msgstr "Tanca totes les connexions"				#~ msgstr "Tanca totes les connexions"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "SQL Window"						#~ msgid "SQL Window"
#~ msgstr "Finestra SQL"					#~ msgstr "Finestra SQL"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Query Designer"					#~ msgid "Query Designer"
#~ msgstr "Dissenyador de consultes"				#~ msgstr "Dissenyador de consultes"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Begin transaction"					#~ msgid "Begin transaction"
#~ msgstr "Comença la transacció"				#~ msgstr "Comença la transacció"

#~ msgid "Discard all changes"					#~ msgid "Discard all changes"
#~ msgstr "Descarta tots els canvis"				#~ msgstr "Descarta tots els canvis"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Configure"						#~ msgid "Configure"
#~ msgstr "Configura"						#~ msgstr "Configura"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "View logs"						#~ msgid "View logs"
#~ msgstr "Visualitza fitxers de log"				#~ msgstr "Visualitza fitxers de log"

#~ msgid "View the different logs"				#~ msgid "View the different logs"
#~ msgstr "Visualitza fitxers de logs diferents"		#~ msgstr "Visualitza fitxers de logs diferents"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Service manager"					#~ msgid "Service manager"
#~ msgstr "Control dels serveis"				#~ msgstr "Control dels serveis"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "View service activity"				#~ msgid "View service activity"
#~ msgstr "Visualitza l'activitat dels serveis"			#~ msgstr "Visualitza l'activitat dels serveis"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "The GNOME-DB configuration tool"			#~ msgid "The GNOME-DB configuration tool"
#~ msgstr "L'eina de configuració del GDA"			#~ msgstr "L'eina de configuració del GDA"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "The GNOME-DB Development Environment"			#~ msgid "The GNOME-DB Development Environment"
#~ msgstr "L'entorn de desenvolupament del GDA"			#~ msgstr "L'entorn de desenvolupament del GDA"

#~ msgid "Preferences..."					#~ msgid "Preferences..."
#~ msgstr "Preferències...."					#~ msgstr "Preferències...."

#~ msgid "Save current configuration"				#~ msgid "Save current configuration"
#~ msgstr "Desa la configuració actual"				#~ msgstr "Desa la configuració actual"

#~ msgid "View requested to be activated but there is already	#~ msgid "View requested to be activated but there is already
#~ msgstr "Vista demanada per activarse però ja es la vista a	#~ msgstr "Vista demanada per activarse però ja es la vista a

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Unable to activate object %s"				#~ msgid "Unable to activate object %s"
#~ msgstr "No és possible activar l'objecte %s"			#~ msgstr "No és possible activar l'objecte %s"

#~ msgid "%s:%d: Could not create control widget"		#~ msgid "%s:%d: Could not create control widget"
#~ msgstr "%s:%d: No es pot crear el control widget"		#~ msgstr "%s:%d: No es pot crear el control widget"

#~ msgid "control has no property bag"				#~ msgid "control has no property bag"
#~ msgstr "el control no té propietats"				#~ msgstr "el control no té propietats"

#~ msgid "property %s not found"				#~ msgid "property %s not found"
#~ msgstr "la propietat %s no s'ha trobat"			#~ msgstr "la propietat %s no s'ha trobat"

#~ msgid "Factory %s already existing"				#~ msgid "Factory %s already existing"
#~ msgstr "Control fàbrica %s existeix"				#~ msgstr "Control fàbrica %s existeix"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Could not register %s factory"			#~ msgid "Could not register %s factory"
#~ msgstr "No és pot registrar el control fàbrica %s"		#~ msgstr "No és pot registrar el control fàbrica %s"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Select config component"				#~ msgid "Select config component"
#~ msgstr "Selecciona la configuració del component"		#~ msgstr "Selecciona la configuració del component"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Browse selected data source"				#~ msgid "Browse selected data source"
#~ msgstr "Navega per la base de dades seleccionada"		#~ msgstr "Navega per la base de dades seleccionada"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Browse Data Source"					#~ msgid "Browse Data Source"
#~ msgstr "Orígens de les dades"				#~ msgstr "Orígens de les dades"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "could not load browser control"			#~ msgid "could not load browser control"
#~ msgstr "No és possible carregar el control navegador"	#~ msgstr "No és possible carregar el control navegador"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Users"						#~ msgid "Users"
#~ msgstr "Usuaris"						#~ msgstr "Usuaris"

#~ msgid "User access rights"					#~ msgid "User access rights"
#~ msgstr "Privilegis d'accés del usuari"			#~ msgstr "Privilegis d'accés del usuari"

#~ msgid "All"							#~ msgid "All"
#~ msgstr "Tot"							#~ msgstr "Tot"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "The GNOME-DB front end"				#~ msgid "The GNOME-DB front end"
#~ msgstr "Entorn visual del GNOME-DB"				#~ msgstr "Entorn visual del GNOME-DB"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "The GNOME-DB development environment"			#~ msgid "The GNOME-DB development environment"
#~ msgstr "L'entorn de desenvolupament del GDA"			#~ msgstr "L'entorn de desenvolupament del GDA"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Configure GDA providers"				#~ msgid "Configure GDA providers"
#~ msgstr "Configura els orígens de les dades del GDA"		#~ msgstr "Configura els orígens de les dades del GDA"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Configure GNOME-DB components"			#~ msgid "Configure GNOME-DB components"
#~ msgstr "Carrega la configuració del component"		#~ msgstr "Carrega la configuració del component"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Remove selected provider"				#~ msgid "Remove selected provider"
#~ msgstr "Esborra les propietats seleccionades"		#~ msgstr "Esborra les propietats seleccionades"

#~ msgid "Create script from object definition"			#~ msgid "Create script from object definition"
#~ msgstr "Crea un script a partir de la definició de l'objec	#~ msgstr "Crea un script a partir de la definició de l'objec

#~ msgid "Browser: %s %s"					#~ msgid "Browser: %s %s"
#~ msgstr "Navegador: %s %s"					#~ msgstr "Navegador: %s %s"

#~ msgid "Environment"						#~ msgid "Environment"
#~ msgstr "Entorn"						#~ msgstr "Entorn"

#~ msgid "Variable"						#~ msgid "Variable"
#~ msgstr "Variable"						#~ msgstr "Variable"

#~ msgid "Value"						#~ msgid "Value"
#~ msgstr "Valor"						#~ msgstr "Valor"

#~ msgid "Current"						#~ msgid "Current"
#~ msgstr "Actual"						#~ msgstr "Actual"

#~ msgid "Save options on exit"					#~ msgid "Save options on exit"
#~ msgstr "Desa les opcions en sortir"				#~ msgstr "Desa les opcions en sortir"

#~ msgid "Open connection dialog on entry"			#~ msgid "Open connection dialog on entry"
#~ msgstr "Obre el diàleg de connexió en entrar"		#~ msgstr "Obre el diàleg de connexió en entrar"

#~ msgid "Editor Font"						#~ msgid "Editor Font"
#~ msgstr "Tipus de lletra de l'editor"				#~ msgstr "Tipus de lletra de l'editor"

#~ msgid "Grid Font"						#~ msgid "Grid Font"
#~ msgstr "Tipus de lletra de la quadrícula"			#~ msgstr "Tipus de lletra de la quadrícula"

#~ msgid "Language"						#~ msgid "Language"
#~ msgstr "Llenguatge"						#~ msgstr "Llenguatge"

#~ msgid "Shell"						#~ msgid "Shell"
#~ msgstr "Comanda de consola"					#~ msgstr "Comanda de consola"

#~ msgid "Tabs position"					#~ msgid "Tabs position"
#~ msgstr "Posició dels tabuladors"				#~ msgstr "Posició dels tabuladors"

#~ msgid "Top"							#~ msgid "Top"
#~ msgstr "Superior"						#~ msgstr "Superior"

#~ msgid "Bottom"						#~ msgid "Bottom"
#~ msgstr "Inferior"						#~ msgstr "Inferior"

#~ msgid "Left"							#~ msgid "Left"
#~ msgstr "Esquerra"						#~ msgstr "Esquerra"

#~ msgid "Right"						#~ msgid "Right"
#~ msgstr "Dreta"						#~ msgstr "Dreta"

#~ msgid "Add Environment Variable"				#~ msgid "Add Environment Variable"
#~ msgstr "Afegeix la variable d'entorn"			#~ msgstr "Afegeix la variable d'entorn"

#~ msgid "Current Environment"					#~ msgid "Current Environment"
#~ msgstr "Entorn actual"					#~ msgstr "Entorn actual"

#~ msgid "Connected to %s"					#~ msgid "Connected to %s"
#~ msgstr "Connectat a %s"					#~ msgstr "Connectat a %s"

#~ msgid "Object Identifiers"					#~ msgid "Object Identifiers"
#~ msgstr "Idenfificadors dels objectes"			#~ msgstr "Idenfificadors dels objectes"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Object Inheritance"					#~ msgid "Object Inheritance"
#~ msgstr "Nom del objecte"					#~ msgstr "Nom del objecte"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Stored Procedures"					#~ msgid "Stored Procedures"
#~ msgstr "Procediments"					#~ msgstr "Procediments"

#~ msgid "XML Queries"						#~ msgid "XML Queries"
#~ msgstr "Consultes XML"					#~ msgstr "Consultes XML"

#~ msgid "Transaction started"					#~ msgid "Transaction started"
#~ msgstr "Transacció iniciada"					#~ msgstr "Transacció iniciada"

#~ msgid "Commit executed"					#~ msgid "Commit executed"
#~ msgstr "Commit executat"					#~ msgstr "Commit executat"

#~ msgid "Rollback executed"					#~ msgid "Rollback executed"
#~ msgstr "Rollback executat"					#~ msgstr "Rollback executat"

#~ msgid "Command Timeout"					#~ msgid "Command Timeout"
#~ msgstr "Temps d'espera d'execució exhaurit"			#~ msgstr "Temps d'espera d'execució exhaurit"

#~ msgid "Connect Timeout"					#~ msgid "Connect Timeout"
#~ msgstr "Temps d'espera de connexió exhaurit"			#~ msgstr "Temps d'espera de connexió exhaurit"

#~ msgid "Trace File"						#~ msgid "Trace File"
#~ msgstr "Fitxer de seguiment"					#~ msgstr "Fitxer de seguiment"

#~ msgid "Open database design from file"			#~ msgid "Open database design from file"
#~ msgstr "Obre un disseny de base de dades des d'un fitxer"	#~ msgstr "Obre un disseny de base de dades des d'un fitxer"

#~ msgid ""							#~ msgid ""
#~ "Error saving file\n"					#~ "Error saving file\n"
#~ "'%s'"							#~ "'%s'"
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "S'ha produït un error en desar el fitxer\n"			#~ "S'ha produït un error en desar el fitxer\n"
#~ "'%s'"							#~ "'%s'"

#~ msgid "Save file with another name"				#~ msgid "Save file with another name"
#~ msgstr "Desa el fitxer amb un altre nom"			#~ msgstr "Desa el fitxer amb un altre nom"

#~ msgid "Print current file"					#~ msgid "Print current file"
#~ msgstr "Imprimeix el fitxer actual"				#~ msgstr "Imprimeix el fitxer actual"

#~ msgid "Copy selected text to clipboard"			#~ msgid "Copy selected text to clipboard"
#~ msgstr "Copia el text seleccionat al porta-retalls"		#~ msgstr "Copia el text seleccionat al porta-retalls"

#~ msgid "Paste clipboard's contents"				#~ msgid "Paste clipboard's contents"
#~ msgstr "Enganxa el contingut del porta-retalls"		#~ msgstr "Enganxa el contingut del porta-retalls"

#~ msgid "Run Command"						#~ msgid "Run Command"
#~ msgstr "Executa l'ordre"					#~ msgstr "Executa l'ordre"

#~ msgid "Directory"						#~ msgid "Directory"
#~ msgstr "Directori"						#~ msgstr "Directori"

#~ msgid "Could not change to directory '%s'"			#~ msgid "Could not change to directory '%s'"
#~ msgstr "No es possible canviar al directori '%s'"		#~ msgstr "No es possible canviar al directori '%s'"

#~ msgid "Running '%s'"						#~ msgid "Running '%s'"
#~ msgstr "Executant '%s'"					#~ msgstr "Executant '%s'"

#~ msgid ""							#~ msgid ""
#~ "Output from '%s'\n"						#~ "Output from '%s'\n"
#~ "In directory '%s'\n"					#~ "In directory '%s'\n"
#~ "\n"								#~ "\n"
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Sortida des de '%s'\n"					#~ "Sortida des de '%s'\n"
#~ "Al directori '%s'\n"					#~ "Al directori '%s'\n"
#~ "\n"								#~ "\n"

#~ msgid "Command '%s' completed"				#~ msgid "Command '%s' completed"
#~ msgstr "Ordre '%s' completada"				#~ msgstr "Ordre '%s' completada"

#~ msgid "Editor"						#~ msgid "Editor"
#~ msgstr "Editor"						#~ msgstr "Editor"

#~ msgid "Export selected data to XML file"			#~ msgid "Export selected data to XML file"
#~ msgstr "Exporta les dades seleccionades a un fitxer XML"	#~ msgstr "Exporta les dades seleccionades a un fitxer XML"

#~ msgid "To SQL"						#~ msgid "To SQL"
#~ msgstr "A SQL"						#~ msgstr "A SQL"

#~ msgid "Export selected data as a SQL script"			#~ msgid "Export selected data as a SQL script"
#~ msgstr "Exporta les dades seleccionades com un fitxer SQL"	#~ msgstr "Exporta les dades seleccionades com un fitxer SQL"

#~ msgid "Clear all widgets"					#~ msgid "Clear all widgets"
#~ msgstr "Esborra tots els widgets"				#~ msgstr "Esborra tots els widgets"

#~ msgid "You have to provide a file name"			#~ msgid "You have to provide a file name"
#~ msgstr "Heu d'indicar un nom de fitxer"			#~ msgstr "Heu d'indicar un nom de fitxer"

#~ msgid "Exporting object named '%s'"				#~ msgid "Exporting object named '%s'"
#~ msgstr "Exportant l'objecte anomenat '%s'"			#~ msgstr "Exportant l'objecte anomenat '%s'"

#~ msgid "Saving to '%s' ..."					#~ msgid "Saving to '%s' ..."
#~ msgstr "Desant a '%s' ..."					#~ msgstr "Desant a '%s' ..."

#~ msgid ""							#~ msgid ""
#~ "Error saving XML file\n"					#~ "Error saving XML file\n"
#~ "'%s'"							#~ "'%s'"
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "S'ha produït un error en desar el fitxer XML\n"		#~ "S'ha produït un error en desar el fitxer XML\n"
#~ "'%s'"							#~ "'%s'"

#~ msgid "No objects are selected"				#~ msgid "No objects are selected"
#~ msgstr "No hi ha cap objecte seleccionat"			#~ msgstr "No hi ha cap objecte seleccionat"

#~ msgid "Export: %s %s"					#~ msgid "Export: %s %s"
#~ msgstr "Exporta: %s %s"					#~ msgstr "Exporta: %s %s"

#~ msgid "TABLES"						#~ msgid "TABLES"
#~ msgstr "TAULES"						#~ msgstr "TAULES"

#~ msgid "VIEWS"						#~ msgid "VIEWS"
#~ msgstr "VISTES"						#~ msgstr "VISTES"

#~ msgid "Show file when done"					#~ msgid "Show file when done"
#~ msgstr "Mostra el fitxer en acabar"				#~ msgstr "Mostra el fitxer en acabar"

#~ msgid "Add object extra info"				#~ msgid "Add object extra info"
#~ msgstr "Afegeix informació addicional al objecte"		#~ msgstr "Afegeix informació addicional al objecte"

#~ msgid "GDA Config"						#~ msgid "GDA Config"
#~ msgstr "Configuració del GDA"				#~ msgstr "Configuració del GDA"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Load file to import"					#~ msgid "Load file to import"
#~ msgstr "Carrega el fitxer a la memòria intermèdia"		#~ msgstr "Carrega el fitxer a la memòria intermèdia"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Start importing data"					#~ msgid "Start importing data"
#~ msgstr "Comença l'exportació"				#~ msgstr "Comença l'exportació"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Clear all entries"					#~ msgid "Clear all entries"
#~ msgstr "Esborra tots els camps"				#~ msgstr "Esborra tots els camps"

#~ msgid "There were errors during the SQL execution"		#~ msgid "There were errors during the SQL execution"
#~ msgstr "Hi han hagut errors durant l'execució se la sentèn	#~ msgstr "Hi han hagut errors durant l'execució se la sentèn

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Transaction rolled back"				#~ msgid "Transaction rolled back"
#~ msgstr "Transacció iniciada"					#~ msgstr "Transacció iniciada"

#~ msgid "You must select a file to be imported"		#~ msgid "You must select a file to be imported"
#~ msgstr "Ha de seleccionar un fitxer a importar"		#~ msgstr "Ha de seleccionar un fitxer a importar"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Import: %s %s"					#~ msgid "Import: %s %s"
#~ msgstr "Importa: %s %s"					#~ msgstr "Importa: %s %s"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "From XML"						#~ msgid "From XML"
#~ msgstr "Desde XML"						#~ msgstr "Desde XML"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "From SQL"						#~ msgid "From SQL"
#~ msgstr "Desde SQL"						#~ msgstr "Desde SQL"

#~ msgid "Refresh log"						#~ msgid "Refresh log"
#~ msgstr "Refresca el registre"				#~ msgstr "Refresca el registre"

#~ msgid "File %s loaded"					#~ msgid "File %s loaded"
#~ msgstr "El fitxer %s s'ha carregat"				#~ msgstr "El fitxer %s s'ha carregat"

#~ msgid "GDA logs"						#~ msgid "GDA logs"
#~ msgstr "Registres del GDA"					#~ msgstr "Registres del GDA"

#~ msgid "Open connection..."					#~ msgid "Open connection..."
#~ msgstr "Obre la connexió..."					#~ msgstr "Obre la connexió..."

#~ msgid "Open a new connection"				#~ msgid "Open a new connection"
#~ msgstr "Obre una connexió nova "				#~ msgstr "Obre una connexió nova "

#~ msgid "Close connection"					#~ msgid "Close connection"
#~ msgstr "Tanca la connexió"					#~ msgstr "Tanca la connexió"

#~ msgid "Browse database objects"				#~ msgid "Browse database objects"
#~ msgstr "Navega per la base de dades d'objectes"		#~ msgstr "Navega per la base de dades d'objectes"

#~ msgid "Construct SQL statements"				#~ msgid "Construct SQL statements"
#~ msgstr "Crea ordres SQL"					#~ msgstr "Crea ordres SQL"

#~ msgid "Start/Stop Server Trace"				#~ msgid "Start/Stop Server Trace"
#~ msgstr "Inicia/atura el seguiment del servidor"		#~ msgstr "Inicia/atura el seguiment del servidor"

#~ msgid "Start or stop server trace"				#~ msgid "Start or stop server trace"
#~ msgstr "Inicia o atura el seguiment del servidor"		#~ msgstr "Inicia o atura el seguiment del servidor"

#~ msgid "View Server Trace"					#~ msgid "View Server Trace"
#~ msgstr "Visualitza el seguiment del servidor"		#~ msgstr "Visualitza el seguiment del servidor"

#~ msgid "View server trace file"				#~ msgid "View server trace file"
#~ msgstr "Visualitza el fitxer de seguiment del servidor"	#~ msgstr "Visualitza el fitxer de seguiment del servidor"

#~ msgid "Begin new transaction"				#~ msgid "Begin new transaction"
#~ msgstr "Comença una nova transacció"				#~ msgstr "Comença una nova transacció"

#~ msgid "Commit changes"					#~ msgid "Commit changes"
#~ msgstr "Canvis Commit"					#~ msgstr "Canvis Commit"

#~ msgid "Database Designer"					#~ msgid "Database Designer"
#~ msgstr "Dissenyador de bases de dades"			#~ msgstr "Dissenyador de bases de dades"

#~ msgid "Visual Database Designer"				#~ msgid "Visual Database Designer"
#~ msgstr "Dissenyador visual de bases de dades"		#~ msgstr "Dissenyador visual de bases de dades"

#~ msgid "Text editor"						#~ msgid "Text editor"
#~ msgstr "Editor de text"					#~ msgstr "Editor de text"

#~ msgid "Open the internal text editor"			#~ msgid "Open the internal text editor"
#~ msgstr "Obre l'editor de text intern"			#~ msgstr "Obre l'editor de text intern"

#~ msgid "Run shell"						#~ msgid "Run shell"
#~ msgstr "Executa la comanda de consola"			#~ msgstr "Executa la comanda de consola"

#~ msgid "Open shell window"					#~ msgid "Open shell window"
#~ msgstr "Obre la finestra de comandes de consola"		#~ msgstr "Obre la finestra de comandes de consola"

#~ msgid "Calculator"						#~ msgid "Calculator"
#~ msgstr "Calculadora"						#~ msgstr "Calculadora"

#~ msgid "Open desktop calculator"				#~ msgid "Open desktop calculator"
#~ msgstr "Obre la calculadora de l'escriptori"			#~ msgstr "Obre la calculadora de l'escriptori"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "The GDA configuration tool"				#~ msgid "The GDA configuration tool"
#~ msgstr "L'eina de configuració del GDA"			#~ msgstr "L'eina de configuració del GDA"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "GDA Builder"						#~ msgid "GDA Builder"
#~ msgstr "Constructor del GDA"					#~ msgstr "Constructor del GDA"

#~ msgid "The GDA development environment"			#~ msgid "The GDA development environment"
#~ msgstr "L'entorn de desenvolupament del GDA"			#~ msgstr "L'entorn de desenvolupament del GDA"

#~ msgid "GDA Configuration..."					#~ msgid "GDA Configuration..."
#~ msgstr "Configuració del GDA..."				#~ msgstr "Configuració del GDA..."

#~ msgid "Previous window"					#~ msgid "Previous window"
#~ msgstr "Finestra anterior"					#~ msgstr "Finestra anterior"

#~ msgid "Move to previous window on list"			#~ msgid "Move to previous window on list"
#~ msgstr "Mou-ho a la finestra anterior de la llista"		#~ msgstr "Mou-ho a la finestra anterior de la llista"

#~ msgid "Next window"						#~ msgid "Next window"
#~ msgstr "Finestra següent"					#~ msgstr "Finestra següent"

#~ msgid "Move to next window on list"				#~ msgid "Move to next window on list"
#~ msgstr "Mou-ho a la següent finestra de la llista"		#~ msgstr "Mou-ho a la següent finestra de la llista"

#~ msgid "Close current"					#~ msgid "Close current"
#~ msgstr "Tanca l'actual"					#~ msgstr "Tanca l'actual"

#~ msgid "Close active window"					#~ msgid "Close active window"
#~ msgstr "Tanca la finestra activa"				#~ msgstr "Tanca la finestra activa"

#~ msgid "Close all"						#~ msgid "Close all"
#~ msgstr "Tanca-ho tot"					#~ msgstr "Tanca-ho tot"

#~ msgid "Close all open windows"				#~ msgid "Close all open windows"
#~ msgstr "Tanca totes les finestres obertes"			#~ msgstr "Tanca totes les finestres obertes"

#~ msgid "Window"						#~ msgid "Window"
#~ msgstr "Finestra"						#~ msgstr "Finestra"

#~ msgid "GDA Logs"						#~ msgid "GDA Logs"
#~ msgstr "Registres del GDA"					#~ msgstr "Registres del GDA"

#~ msgid "Could not load editor font"				#~ msgid "Could not load editor font"
#~ msgstr "No és possible carregar el tipus de lletra de l'ed	#~ msgstr "No és possible carregar el tipus de lletra de l'ed

#~ msgid "Could not load grid font"				#~ msgid "Could not load grid font"
#~ msgstr "No és possible carregar el tipus de lletra de la q	#~ msgstr "No és possible carregar el tipus de lletra de la q

#~ msgid "Run Script"						#~ msgid "Run Script"
#~ msgstr "Executa l'script"					#~ msgstr "Executa l'script"

#~ msgid "Execute buffer as SQL script"				#~ msgid "Execute buffer as SQL script"
#~ msgstr "Executa la memòria intermèdia com un script SQL"	#~ msgstr "Executa la memòria intermèdia com un script SQL"

#~ msgid "Clear SQL window"					#~ msgid "Clear SQL window"
#~ msgstr "Buida la finestra SQL"				#~ msgstr "Buida la finestra SQL"

#~ msgid "Cut selected text to clipboard"			#~ msgid "Cut selected text to clipboard"
#~ msgstr "Retalla el text seleccionat cap al porta-retalls"	#~ msgstr "Retalla el text seleccionat cap al porta-retalls"

#~ msgid "Select SQL Script"					#~ msgid "Select SQL Script"
#~ msgstr "Selecciona l'script SQL"				#~ msgstr "Selecciona l'script SQL"

#~ msgid "Executing '%s'"					#~ msgid "Executing '%s'"
#~ msgstr "Executant '%s'"					#~ msgstr "Executant '%s'"

#~ msgid "Save SQL Script"					#~ msgid "Save SQL Script"
#~ msgstr "Desa l'script SQL"					#~ msgstr "Desa l'script SQL"

#~ msgid "Row %d - %d rows selected"				#~ msgid "Row %d - %d rows selected"
#~ msgstr "Fila %d - %d files seleccionades"			#~ msgstr "Fila %d - %d files seleccionades"

#~ msgid "Server trace stopped"					#~ msgid "Server trace stopped"
#~ msgstr "Seguiment del servidor aturat"			#~ msgstr "Seguiment del servidor aturat"

#~ msgid "Select Trace File"					#~ msgid "Select Trace File"
#~ msgstr "Selecciona el fitxer de seguiment"			#~ msgstr "Selecciona el fitxer de seguiment"

#~ msgid "Server trace to file %s started"			#~ msgid "Server trace to file %s started"
#~ msgstr "Seguiment del servidor cap al fitxer %s iniciat"	#~ msgstr "Seguiment del servidor cap al fitxer %s iniciat"

#~ msgid "Server Trace File"					#~ msgid "Server Trace File"
#~ msgstr "Fitxer de seguiment del servidor"			#~ msgstr "Fitxer de seguiment del servidor"

#~ msgid "Server trace is disabled for this connection"		#~ msgid "Server trace is disabled for this connection"
#~ msgstr "El seguiment del servidor està inhabilitat per a a	#~ msgstr "El seguiment del servidor està inhabilitat per a a

#~ msgid "File %s inserted"					#~ msgid "File %s inserted"
#~ msgstr "Fitxer %s insertat"					#~ msgstr "Fitxer %s insertat"

#~ msgid ""							#~ msgid ""
#~ "Error opening file\n"					#~ "Error opening file\n"
#~ " %s"							#~ " %s"
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "S'ha produït un error en obrir el fitxer\n"			#~ "S'ha produït un error en obrir el fitxer\n"
#~ " %s"							#~ " %s"

#~ msgid ""							#~ msgid ""
#~ "Error writing to file\n"					#~ "Error writing to file\n"
#~ " %s"							#~ " %s"
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "S'ha produït un error en escriure al fitxer\n"		#~ "S'ha produït un error en escriure al fitxer\n"
#~ " %s"							#~ " %s"

#~ msgid "Select all text in buffer"				#~ msgid "Select all text in buffer"
#~ msgstr "Selecciona tot el text de la memòria intermèdia"	#~ msgstr "Selecciona tot el text de la memòria intermèdia"

#~ msgid "Insert file..."					#~ msgid "Insert file..."
#~ msgstr "Inserta el fitxer..."				#~ msgstr "Inserta el fitxer..."

#~ msgid "Insert file into current position"			#~ msgid "Insert file into current position"
#~ msgstr "Inserta el fitxer en la posició actual"		#~ msgstr "Inserta el fitxer en la posició actual"

#~ msgid "Save to file..."					#~ msgid "Save to file..."
#~ msgstr "Desa al fitxer..."					#~ msgstr "Desa al fitxer..."

#~ msgid "Save widget contents to file"				#~ msgid "Save widget contents to file"
#~ msgstr "Desa el contingut del widget al fitxer"		#~ msgstr "Desa el contingut del widget al fitxer"

#~ msgid "Print..."						#~ msgid "Print..."
#~ msgstr "Imprimeix..."					#~ msgstr "Imprimeix..."

#~ msgid "Print buffer"						#~ msgid "Print buffer"
#~ msgstr "Imprimeix la memòria intermèdia"			#~ msgstr "Imprimeix la memòria intermèdia"

#~ msgid "<NULL>"						#~ msgid "<NULL>"
#~ msgstr "<NULL>"						#~ msgstr "<NULL>"

#~ msgid "<Unknown GDA Type(NULL)>"				#~ msgid "<Unknown GDA Type(NULL)>"
#~ msgstr "<Tipus del GDA desconegut(NULL)>"			#~ msgstr "<Tipus del GDA desconegut(NULL)>"

#~ msgid "TRUE"							#~ msgid "TRUE"
#~ msgstr "CERT"						#~ msgstr "CERT"

#~ msgid "FALSE"						#~ msgid "FALSE"
#~ msgstr "FALS"						#~ msgstr "FALS"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Configuration file saved"				#~ msgid "Configuration file saved"
#~ msgstr "Configuració del GDA"				#~ msgstr "Configuració del GDA"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Browse Database"					#~ msgid "Browse Database"
#~ msgstr "Navega per la base de dades"				#~ msgstr "Navega per la base de dades"

#~ msgid "Start export"						#~ msgid "Start export"
#~ msgstr "Comença l'exportació"				#~ msgstr "Comença l'exportació"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Clear all fields"					#~ msgid "Clear all fields"
#~ msgstr "Esborra tots els camps"				#~ msgstr "Esborra tots els camps"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Clear object selection"				#~ msgid "Clear object selection"
#~ msgstr "Esborra la selecció d'objectes"			#~ msgstr "Esborra la selecció d'objectes"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Select Command"					#~ msgid "Select Command"
#~ msgstr "Selecciona l'ordre"					#~ msgstr "Selecciona l'ordre"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Begin transaction failed"				#~ msgid "Begin transaction failed"
#~ msgstr "L'inici de la transacció ha fallat"			#~ msgstr "L'inici de la transacció ha fallat"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Commit transaction failed"				#~ msgid "Commit transaction failed"
#~ msgstr "El commit de la transacció ha fallat"		#~ msgstr "El commit de la transacció ha fallat"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Close configurator"					#~ msgid "Close configurator"
#~ msgstr "Tanca la connexió"					#~ msgstr "Tanca la connexió"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "SQL Front End"					#~ msgid "SQL Front End"
#~ msgstr "Entorn visual de SQL"				#~ msgstr "Entorn visual de SQL"

#~ msgid "The SQL front end"					#~ msgid "The SQL front end"
#~ msgstr "L'entorn visual de sentències SQL"			#~ msgstr "L'entorn visual de sentències SQL"

#~ msgid "%s: The server didn't respond."			#~ msgid "%s: The server didn't respond."
#~ msgstr "%s: El servidor no respon."				#~ msgstr "%s: El servidor no respon."

#~ msgid "%s: An Error occured in the CORBA system."		#~ msgid "%s: An Error occured in the CORBA system."
#~ msgstr "%s: Hi ha hagut un error en el sistema CORBA."	#~ msgstr "%s: Hi ha hagut un error en el sistema CORBA."

#~ msgid "Database '%s' not found in system configuration"	#~ msgid "Database '%s' not found in system configuration"
#~ msgstr "La base de dades '%s' no es troba en la configurac	#~ msgstr "La base de dades '%s' no es troba en la configurac

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Data source %s not found"				#~ msgid "Data source %s not found"
#~ msgstr "L'orígen de les dades %s no es troba"		#~ msgstr "L'orígen de les dades %s no es troba"

#~ msgid "Add property"						#~ msgid "Add property"
#~ msgstr "Afegeix una propietat"				#~ msgstr "Afegeix una propietat"

#~ msgid "Add a new property for this object"			#~ msgid "Add a new property for this object"
#~ msgstr "Afegeix una nova propietat per a aquest objecte"	#~ msgstr "Afegeix una nova propietat per a aquest objecte"

#~ msgid "Remove property"					#~ msgid "Remove property"
#~ msgstr "Esborra la propietat"				#~ msgstr "Esborra la propietat"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Add Property"						#~ msgid "Add Property"
#~ msgstr "Afegeix una propietat"				#~ msgstr "Afegeix una propietat"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Property"						#~ msgid "Property"
#~ msgstr "Propietat"						#~ msgstr "Propietat"

#~ msgid "ERROR: "						#~ msgid "ERROR: "
#~ msgstr "ERROR: "						#~ msgstr "ERROR: "

#~ msgid "MESSAGE: "						#~ msgid "MESSAGE: "
#~ msgstr "MISSATGE: "						#~ msgstr "MISSATGE: "

#~ msgid "thread is already running"				#~ msgid "thread is already running"
#~ msgstr "el procés está en marxa"				#~ msgstr "el procés está en marxa"

#~ msgid "Password to authenticate user"			#~ msgid "Password to authenticate user"
#~ msgstr "Contrasenya per validar l'usuari"			#~ msgstr "Contrasenya per validar l'usuari"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "To open/close the connection"				#~ msgid "To open/close the connection"
#~ msgstr "Tancar/obrir la connexió"				#~ msgstr "Tancar/obrir la connexió"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Could not initialize CORBA"				#~ msgid "Could not initialize CORBA"
#~ msgstr "No es pot iniciar CORBA"				#~ msgstr "No es pot iniciar CORBA"

#~ msgid "Disconnected from database"				#~ msgid "Disconnected from database"
#~ msgstr "Deconectat de la base de dades"			#~ msgstr "Deconectat de la base de dades"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Go to previous document"				#~ msgid "Go to previous document"
#~ msgstr "Anar al document previ"				#~ msgstr "Anar al document previ"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Go to next document"					#~ msgid "Go to next document"
#~ msgstr "Anar al següent document"				#~ msgstr "Anar al següent document"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Go to table of contents"				#~ msgid "Go to table of contents"
#~ msgstr "Anar a la taula de continguts"			#~ msgstr "Anar a la taula de continguts"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Could not load file '%s'"				#~ msgid "Could not load file '%s'"
#~ msgstr "No és pot carregar el fitxer '%s'"			#~ msgstr "No és pot carregar el fitxer '%s'"

#~ msgid "Screen"						#~ msgid "Screen"
#~ msgstr "Pantalla"						#~ msgstr "Pantalla"

#~ msgid "New screen"						#~ msgid "New screen"
#~ msgstr "Nova pantalla"					#~ msgstr "Nova pantalla"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Server"						#~ msgid "Server"
#~ msgstr "Servidor"						#~ msgstr "Servidor"

#~ msgid "New server"						#~ msgid "New server"
#~ msgstr "Nou servidor"					#~ msgstr "Nou servidor"

#~ msgid "Repository"						#~ msgid "Repository"
#~ msgstr "Biblioteca"						#~ msgstr "Biblioteca"

#~ msgid "New repository"					#~ msgid "New repository"
#~ msgstr "Nova biblioteca"					#~ msgstr "Nova biblioteca"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Open existing screen"					#~ msgid "Open existing screen"
#~ msgstr "Obre una pantalla existent"				#~ msgstr "Obre una pantalla existent"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Open existing server"					#~ msgid "Open existing server"
#~ msgstr "Obre un servidor existent"				#~ msgstr "Obre un servidor existent"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Open existing repository"				#~ msgid "Open existing repository"
#~ msgstr "Obre una biblioteca existent"			#~ msgstr "Obre una biblioteca existent"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Close current window"					#~ msgid "Close current window"
#~ msgstr "Tanca la finestra actual"				#~ msgstr "Tanca la finestra actual"

#~ msgid "New Screen/Report"					#~ msgid "New Screen/Report"
#~ msgstr "Nova Pantalla/Llistat"				#~ msgstr "Nova Pantalla/Llistat"

#~ msgid "Open Screen/Report"					#~ msgid "Open Screen/Report"
#~ msgstr "Obrir Pantalla/Llistat"				#~ msgstr "Obrir Pantalla/Llistat"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "database name"					#~ msgid "database name"
#~ msgstr "Nom de la  base de dades"				#~ msgstr "Nom de la  base de dades"

#~ msgid "DATABASE"						#~ msgid "DATABASE"
#~ msgstr "BASE DE DADES"					#~ msgstr "BASE DE DADES"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "user name"						#~ msgid "user name"
#~ msgstr "Nom d'usuari"					#~ msgstr "Nom d'usuari"

#~ msgid "USER-NAME"						#~ msgid "USER-NAME"
#~ msgstr "NOM D'USUARI"					#~ msgstr "NOM D'USUARI"

#~ msgid "password"						#~ msgid "password"
#~ msgstr "contrasenya"						#~ msgstr "contrasenya"

#~ msgid "PASSWORD"						#~ msgid "PASSWORD"
#~ msgstr "CONTRASENYA"						#~ msgstr "CONTRASENYA"

#~ msgid "FILE-NAME"						#~ msgid "FILE-NAME"
#~ msgstr "NOM DEL FITXER"					#~ msgstr "NOM DEL FITXER"

#~ msgid "%s: misconfigured DSN entry"				#~ msgid "%s: misconfigured DSN entry"
#~ msgstr "%s: entrada DSN mal configurada"			#~ msgstr "%s: entrada DSN mal configurada"

#~ msgid "%s: data source '%s' not found\n"			#~ msgid "%s: data source '%s' not found\n"
#~ msgstr "%s: orígen de les dades '%s' no existeix\n"		#~ msgstr "%s: orígen de les dades '%s' no existeix\n"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Clear command list"					#~ msgid "Clear command list"
#~ msgstr "Esborra la lista d'ordres"				#~ msgstr "Esborra la lista d'ordres"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""							#~ msgid ""
#~ "Could not open file\n"					#~ "Could not open file\n"
#~ "'%s'"							#~ "'%s'"
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "No és possible carregar el fitxer\n"			#~ "No és possible carregar el fitxer\n"
#~ " %s"							#~ " %s"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "No command selected"					#~ msgid "No command selected"
#~ msgstr "No hi ha cap ordre seleccionada"			#~ msgstr "No hi ha cap ordre seleccionada"

#~ msgid "Enter command text"					#~ msgid "Enter command text"
#~ msgstr "Entra texte de la ordre"				#~ msgstr "Entra texte de la ordre"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Insert at current position"				#~ msgid "Insert at current position"
#~ msgstr "Inserta el fitxer en la posició actual"		#~ msgstr "Inserta el fitxer en la posició actual"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Command separators"					#~ msgid "Command separators"
#~ msgstr "Separadors d'ordres"					#~ msgstr "Separadors d'ordres"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Append to current file"				#~ msgid "Append to current file"
#~ msgstr "Afegeix al fitxer actual"				#~ msgstr "Afegeix al fitxer actual"

#~ msgid "You must specifiy the characters used as command se	#~ msgid "You must specifiy the characters used as command se
#~ msgstr "Ha d'especificar els caràcters utilitzats com a se	#~ msgstr "Ha d'especificar els caràcters utilitzats com a se

#~ msgid "Up"							#~ msgid "Up"
#~ msgstr "Dalt"						#~ msgstr "Dalt"

#~ msgid "Down"							#~ msgid "Down"
#~ msgstr "Baix"						#~ msgstr "Baix"

#~ msgid "Send as XML"						#~ msgid "Send as XML"
#~ msgstr "Enviar com a XML"					#~ msgstr "Enviar com a XML"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Tab Position"						#~ msgid "Tab Position"
#~ msgstr "Posició dels tabuladors"				#~ msgstr "Posició dels tabuladors"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Grid"							#~ msgid "Grid"
#~ msgstr "Quadrícula"						#~ msgstr "Quadrícula"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Font"							#~ msgid "Font"
#~ msgstr "Tipus de lletra"					#~ msgstr "Tipus de lletra"

#~ msgid "Foreground Color"					#~ msgid "Foreground Color"
#~ msgstr "Color del texte"					#~ msgstr "Color del texte"

#~ msgid "Background Color"					#~ msgid "Background Color"
#~ msgstr "Color de fons"					#~ msgstr "Color de fons"

#~ msgid "Show row numbers"					#~ msgid "Show row numbers"
#~ msgstr "Mostra número de files"				#~ msgstr "Mostra número de files"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "User Interface"					#~ msgid "User Interface"
#~ msgstr "Interfície d'usuari"					#~ msgstr "Interfície d'usuari"

#~ msgid "GDA"							#~ msgid "GDA"
#~ msgstr "GDA"							#~ msgstr "GDA"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Close designer window"				#~ msgid "Close designer window"
#~ msgstr "Tanca la finestra de disseny"			#~ msgstr "Tanca la finestra de disseny"

#~ msgid "Apply"						#~ msgid "Apply"
#~ msgstr "Aplicar"						#~ msgstr "Aplicar"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Clear log file"					#~ msgid "Clear log file"
#~ msgstr "Esborra el fitxer de registre"			#~ msgstr "Esborra el fitxer de registre"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Refresh log viewer"					#~ msgid "Refresh log viewer"
#~ msgstr "Refresca el registre"				#~ msgstr "Refresca el registre"

#~ msgid ""							#~ msgid ""
#~ "Could not find any installed services. Either you don't h	#~ "Could not find any installed services. Either you don't h
#~ "any services installed or I don't know the path to find t	#~ "any services installed or I don't know the path to find t
#~ "In either case, please check your GNOME-DB installation."	#~ "In either case, please check your GNOME-DB installation."
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "No s'ha pogut trobar cap servei instalat. Tan pot ésser q	#~ "No s'ha pogut trobar cap servei instalat. Tan pot ésser q
#~ "tingui cap servei instalat com que no conegui el camí per	#~ "tingui cap servei instalat com que no conegui el camí per
#~ "En qualsevol case, si us plau comprovi la seva instalació	#~ "En qualsevol case, si us plau comprovi la seva instalació

#~ msgid "Service '%s' activated"				#~ msgid "Service '%s' activated"
#~ msgstr "Servei '%s' activat"					#~ msgstr "Servei '%s' activat"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Could not activate service '%s'"			#~ msgid "Could not activate service '%s'"
#~ msgstr "No és possible activar el servei %s"			#~ msgstr "No és possible activar el servei %s"

#~ msgid "Repo ID"						#~ msgid "Repo ID"
#~ msgstr "Biblio ID"						#~ msgstr "Biblio ID"

#~ msgid "Service Control"					#~ msgid "Service Control"
#~ msgstr "Control de Serveis"					#~ msgstr "Control de Serveis"

#~ msgid "Error code %ld"					#~ msgid "Error code %ld"
#~ msgstr "Codi d'error %ld"					#~ msgstr "Codi d'error %ld"

#~ msgid "error '%s' at %s"					#~ msgid "error '%s' at %s"
#~ msgstr "error '%s' en %s"					#~ msgstr "error '%s' en %s"

#~ msgid "Not available"					#~ msgid "Not available"
#~ msgstr "No disponible"					#~ msgstr "No disponible"

#~ msgid "Could not register INTERBASE provider implementatio	#~ msgid "Could not register INTERBASE provider implementatio
#~ msgstr "No es pot registrar la implementació del proveidor	#~ msgstr "No es pot registrar la implementació del proveidor

#~ msgid "Could not register LDAP provider implementation"	#~ msgid "Could not register LDAP provider implementation"
#~ msgstr "No es pot registrar la implamentació del proveidor	#~ msgstr "No es pot registrar la implamentació del proveidor

#~ msgid "You need Bonobo to load components!"			#~ msgid "You need Bonobo to load components!"
#~ msgstr "Necessita Bonobo per carregar els components!"	#~ msgstr "Necessita Bonobo per carregar els components!"

#~ msgid "Could not create GnomeDbControl"			#~ msgid "Could not create GnomeDbControl"
#~ msgstr "No es pot crear el control GnomDbControl"		#~ msgstr "No es pot crear el control GnomDbControl"

#~ msgid "new instance %p created"				#~ msgid "new instance %p created"
#~ msgstr "nova instancia %p creada"				#~ msgstr "nova instancia %p creada"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "DSN for the connection"				#~ msgid "DSN for the connection"
#~ msgstr "DSN per a la connexió"				#~ msgstr "DSN per a la connexió"

#~ msgid "User identity"					#~ msgid "User identity"
#~ msgstr "Identitat de l'usuari"				#~ msgstr "Identitat de l'usuari"

#~ msgid "User passord"						#~ msgid "User passord"
#~ msgstr "Contrasenya de l'usuari"				#~ msgstr "Contrasenya de l'usuari"

#~ msgid "Show/hide the user id"				#~ msgid "Show/hide the user id"
#~ msgstr "Mostra/Amaga el ID de l'usuari"			#~ msgstr "Mostra/Amaga el ID de l'usuari"

#~ msgid "Give it TRUE to reset/start the component"		#~ msgid "Give it TRUE to reset/start the component"
#~ msgstr "Dóna CERT per parar/arrancar el component"		#~ msgstr "Dóna CERT per parar/arrancar el component"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "User name setting"					#~ msgid "User name setting"
#~ msgstr "Configuració de l'usuari"				#~ msgstr "Configuració de l'usuari"

#~ msgid "Group name setting"					#~ msgid "Group name setting"
#~ msgstr "Configuració de grups"				#~ msgstr "Configuració de grups"

#~ msgid "Object type setting"					#~ msgid "Object type setting"
#~ msgstr "Configuració del tipus d'objecte"			#~ msgstr "Configuració del tipus d'objecte"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Object name setting"					#~ msgid "Object name setting"
#~ msgstr "Configuració de l'objecte"				#~ msgstr "Configuració de l'objecte"

#~ msgid "Access rigths"					#~ msgid "Access rigths"
#~ msgstr "Privilegis d'accés"					#~ msgstr "Privilegis d'accés"

#~ msgid "All users rights"					#~ msgid "All users rights"
#~ msgstr "Tots els privilegis d'accés"				#~ msgstr "Tots els privilegis d'accés"

#~ msgid "Groups rights"					#~ msgid "Groups rights"
#~ msgstr "Privilegis dels grups"				#~ msgstr "Privilegis dels grups"

#~ msgid "Group:"						#~ msgid "Group:"
#~ msgstr "Grup:"						#~ msgstr "Grup:"

#~ msgid "Individual users rights"				#~ msgid "Individual users rights"
#~ msgstr "Privilegis individuals de l'usuari"			#~ msgstr "Privilegis individuals de l'usuari"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "User:"						#~ msgid "User:"
#~ msgstr "Usuari:"						#~ msgstr "Usuari:"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Update/Delete"					#~ msgid "Update/Delete"
#~ msgstr "Actualitza/Suprimeix"				#~ msgstr "Actualitza/Suprimeix"

#~ msgid "Rule"							#~ msgid "Rule"
#~ msgstr "Regla"						#~ msgstr "Regla"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Sequence"						#~ msgid "Sequence"
#~ msgstr "Seqüència"						#~ msgstr "Seqüència"

#~ msgid "Index"						#~ msgid "Index"
#~ msgstr "Ã?ndex"						#~ msgstr "Ã?ndex"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Name:"						#~ msgid "Name:"
#~ msgstr "Nom:"						#~ msgstr "Nom:"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Could not instantiate the gnome-db-control"		#~ msgid "Could not instantiate the gnome-db-control"
#~ msgstr "No es pot instanciar el control gnome-db-control"	#~ msgstr "No es pot instanciar el control gnome-db-control"

#~ msgid "Group(s)"						#~ msgid "Group(s)"
#~ msgstr "Grup(s)"						#~ msgstr "Grup(s)"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Create DB"						#~ msgid "Create DB"
#~ msgstr "Crea DB"						#~ msgstr "Crea DB"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Create users"						#~ msgid "Create users"
#~ msgstr "Crea usuaris"					#~ msgstr "Crea usuaris"

#~ msgid "Valid until"						#~ msgid "Valid until"
#~ msgstr "Valit fins"						#~ msgstr "Valit fins"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Known database users"					#~ msgid "Known database users"
#~ msgstr "Usuaris de base de dades coneguts"			#~ msgstr "Usuaris de base de dades coneguts"

#~ msgid "Save as new user"					#~ msgid "Save as new user"
#~ msgstr "Desa com a usuari nou"				#~ msgstr "Desa com a usuari nou"

#~ msgid "Save modified user"					#~ msgid "Save modified user"
#~ msgstr "Desa l'usuari modificat"				#~ msgstr "Desa l'usuari modificat"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Delete user"						#~ msgid "Delete user"
#~ msgstr "Suprimeix usuari"					#~ msgstr "Suprimeix usuari"

#~ msgid "Yes"							#~ msgid "Yes"
#~ msgstr "Sí"							#~ msgstr "Sí"

#~ msgid "No"							#~ msgid "No"
#~ msgstr "No"							#~ msgstr "No"

#~ msgid "UI Test 3 Error"					#~ msgid "UI Test 3 Error"
#~ msgstr "Error en UI Test 3"					#~ msgstr "Error en UI Test 3"

#~ msgid "Record %8.0f"						#~ msgid "Record %8.0f"
#~ msgstr "Registre %8.0f"					#~ msgstr "Registre %8.0f"

#~ msgid "We could not load the glade interface description! 	#~ msgid "We could not load the glade interface description! 
#~ msgstr "No es pot carregar la descripció de glade! (%s)"	#~ msgstr "No es pot carregar la descripció de glade! (%s)"

#~ msgid "Could not get pointer to server implementation"	#~ msgid "Could not get pointer to server implementation"
#~ msgstr "No es pot obtenir el punter a la implementació del	#~ msgstr "No es pot obtenir el punter a la implementació del

#~ msgid "Starting provider %s with no implementation functio	#~ msgid "Starting provider %s with no implementation functio
#~ msgstr "Arrancant el proveidor %s sene implementació de fu	#~ msgstr "Arrancant el proveidor %s sene implementació de fu

#~ msgid "Could not get CORBA name service object"		#~ msgid "Could not get CORBA name service object"
#~ msgstr "No es pot obternir el nom CORBA de l'objecte servi	#~ msgstr "No es pot obternir el nom CORBA de l'objecte servi

#~ msgid "Registered with ID = %s"				#~ msgid "Registered with ID = %s"
#~ msgstr "Registrat amb ID = %s"				#~ msgstr "Registrat amb ID = %s"

#~ msgid "CORBA system exception %s"				#~ msgid "CORBA system exception %s"
#~ msgstr "Excepció CORBA de sistema %s"			#~ msgstr "Excepció CORBA de sistema %s"

#~ msgid "CORBA user exception: %s"				#~ msgid "CORBA user exception: %s"
#~ msgstr "Excepció CORBA d'usuari: %s"				#~ msgstr "Excepció CORBA d'usuari: %s"

#~ msgid "impl_GDA_Connection_open: opening connection with D	#~ msgid "impl_GDA_Connection_open: opening connection with D
#~ msgstr "impl_GDA_Connection_open: obrint conexió amb DSN: 	#~ msgstr "impl_GDA_Connection_open: obrint conexió amb DSN: 

#~ msgid "%s: not implemented"					#~ msgid "%s: not implemented"
#~ msgstr "%s: no implementat"					#~ msgstr "%s: no implementat"

#~ msgid "%s: text = '%s'"					#~ msgid "%s: text = '%s'"
#~ msgstr "%s: texte = '%s'"					#~ msgstr "%s: texte = '%s'"

#~ msgid "%s: length = %d"					#~ msgid "%s: length = %d"
#~ msgstr "%s: longitud = %d"					#~ msgstr "%s: longitud = %d"

#~ msgid "%s: sending field description for '%s'"		#~ msgid "%s: sending field description for '%s'"
#~ msgstr "%s: enviant camp de descripció per a '%s'"		#~ msgstr "%s: enviant camp de descripció per a '%s'"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Refresh all"						#~ msgid "Refresh all"
#~ msgstr "Refresca tot"					#~ msgstr "Refresca tot"

#~ msgid "Ok"							#~ msgid "Ok"
#~ msgstr "Aceptar"						#~ msgstr "Aceptar"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "GNOME-DB Controls browser"				#~ msgid "GNOME-DB Controls browser"
#~ msgstr "Navegador de controls GNOME-DB"			#~ msgstr "Navegador de controls GNOME-DB"

#~ msgid "New control"						#~ msgid "New control"
#~ msgstr "Nou control"						#~ msgstr "Nou control"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Close control"					#~ msgid "Close control"
#~ msgstr "Tanca el control"					#~ msgstr "Tanca el control"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Controls"						#~ msgid "Controls"
#~ msgstr "Controls"						#~ msgstr "Controls"

#~ msgid "Control settings"					#~ msgid "Control settings"
#~ msgstr "Configuració dels controls"				#~ msgstr "Configuració dels controls"

#~ msgid "PROVIDER"						#~ msgid "PROVIDER"
#~ msgstr "PROVEIDOR"						#~ msgstr "PROVEIDOR"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "table"						#~ msgid "table"
#~ msgstr "taula"						#~ msgstr "taula"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "TABLENAME"						#~ msgid "TABLENAME"
#~ msgstr "NOM DE LA TAULA"					#~ msgstr "NOM DE LA TAULA"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "TABLE NAME"						#~ msgid "TABLE NAME"
#~ msgstr "NOM DE LA TAULA"					#~ msgstr "NOM DE LA TAULA"

#~ msgid "Logging in"						#~ msgid "Logging in"
#~ msgstr "Conectant amb"					#~ msgstr "Conectant amb"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Run the GDA configuration tool"			#~ msgid "Run the GDA configuration tool"
#~ msgstr "Executa l'eina de configuració del GDA"		#~ msgstr "Executa l'eina de configuració del GDA"

#~ msgid "Run the GDA build environment"			#~ msgid "Run the GDA build environment"
#~ msgstr "Executa l'entorn de construcció del GDA"		#~ msgstr "Executa l'entorn de construcció del GDA"

#~ msgid "Transaction Support"					#~ msgid "Transaction Support"
#~ msgstr "Suport de transaccions"				#~ msgstr "Suport de transaccions"

#~ msgid "Printer setup..."					#~ msgid "Printer setup..."
#~ msgstr "Configuració de la impressora..."			#~ msgstr "Configuració de la impressora..."

#~ msgid "Open printer setup dialog"				#~ msgid "Open printer setup dialog"
#~ msgstr "Obre el diàleg de configuració de la impressora"	#~ msgstr "Obre el diàleg de configuració de la impressora"

#~ msgid "Exit"							#~ msgid "Exit"
#~ msgstr "Surt"						#~ msgstr "Surt"

#~ msgid "Reload config drivers"				#~ msgid "Reload config drivers"
#~ msgstr "Torna a carregar els controladors de la configurac	#~ msgstr "Torna a carregar els controladors de la configurac
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/ChangeLog ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/ChangeLog
							      >	2004-09-26  Adam Weinberger  <adamw gnome org>
							      >		* en_CA.po: Updated Canadian English translation.
							      >	2004-09-03  Laurent Dhima  <laurenti alblinux net>
							      >		* sq.po: Added Albanian translation.
							      >	2004-09-02  Alessio Frusciante  <algol firenze linux it>
							      >		* it.po: Updated Italian translation by
							      >		Alessio Dessì <alkex inwind it>.
							      >	2004-08-21  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>
							      >		* nb.po: Add.
							      >	2004-08-13  Tommi Vainikainen  <thv iki fi>
							      >		* fi.po: Unified some fields in po headers for Finnis
2004-08-11  Duarte Loreto <happyguy_pt hotmail com>		2004-08-11  Duarte Loreto <happyguy_pt hotmail com>

	* pt.po: Updated Portuguese translation.			* pt.po: Updated Portuguese translation.

2004-07-25  Christian Neumair  <chris gnome-de org>		2004-07-25  Christian Neumair  <chris gnome-de org>

	* de.po: Updated German translation.				* de.po: Updated German translation.

2004-07-24  Tommi Vainikainen  <thv iki fi>			2004-07-24  Tommi Vainikainen  <thv iki fi>

	* fi.po: Updated Finnish translation.				* fi.po: Updated Finnish translation.

2004-07-20  Laszlo Dvornik  <dvornik gnome hu>			2004-07-20  Laszlo Dvornik  <dvornik gnome hu>

	* hu.po: Updated Hungarian translation.				* hu.po: Updated Hungarian translation.

2004-07-18  Francisco Javier F. Serrador  <serrador cvs gnome	2004-07-18  Francisco Javier F. Serrador  <serrador cvs gnome

	* es.po: Updated Spanish translation.				* es.po: Updated Spanish translation.

2004-07-11  Takeshi AIHANA <aihana gnome gr jp>			2004-07-11  Takeshi AIHANA <aihana gnome gr jp>

	* ja.po: Updated Japanese translation by			* ja.po: Updated Japanese translation by
		 Ryoichi INAGAKI <inagaki ryo1 net>.				 Ryoichi INAGAKI <inagaki ryo1 net>.

2004-07-10  Vincent van Adrighem  <adrighem gnome org>		2004-07-10  Vincent van Adrighem  <adrighem gnome org>

	* nl.po: Translation updated by  Jan-Willem Harmanny.		* nl.po: Translation updated by  Jan-Willem Harmanny.

2004-07-07  Estêvão Samuel Procópio  <tevaum ig com br>		2004-07-07  Estêvão Samuel Procópio  <tevaum ig com br>

	* pt_BR.po: Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation.		* pt_BR.po: Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation.

2004-06-29  Gareth Owen  <gowen72 yahoo com>			2004-06-29  Gareth Owen  <gowen72 yahoo com>

	* en_GB.po: Updated British English translations by		* en_GB.po: Updated British English translations by
	David Lodge <dave cirt net>					David Lodge <dave cirt net>
2004-06-10  Adam Weinberger  <adamw gnome org>			2004-06-10  Adam Weinberger  <adamw gnome org>

	* en_CA.po: Updated Canadian English translation.		* en_CA.po: Updated Canadian English translation.

2004-06-07  Miloslav Trmac  <mitr volny cz>			2004-06-07  Miloslav Trmac  <mitr volny cz>

	* cs.po: Updated Czech translation.				* cs.po: Updated Czech translation.

2004-05-17  Gustavo Maciel Dias Vieira  <gustavo sagui org>	2004-05-17  Gustavo Maciel Dias Vieira  <gustavo sagui org>

	* pt_BR.po: Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation 		* pt_BR.po: Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation 
	Gustavo R. Montesino <grmontesino ig com br>.			Gustavo R. Montesino <grmontesino ig com br>.

2004-05-03  Francisco Javier F. Serrador  <serrador cvs gnome	2004-05-03  Francisco Javier F. Serrador  <serrador cvs gnome

	* es.po: Updated Spanish translation.				* es.po: Updated Spanish translation.

2004-05-03  Vincent van Adrighem  <adrighem gnome org>		2004-05-03  Vincent van Adrighem  <adrighem gnome org>

	* nl.po: Translation updated.					* nl.po: Translation updated.

2004-04-24  Duarte Loreto <happyguy_pt hotmail com>		2004-04-24  Duarte Loreto <happyguy_pt hotmail com>

	* pt.po: Updated and revised Portuguese translation.		* pt.po: Updated and revised Portuguese translation.

2004-04-21  Miloslav Trmac  <mitr volny cz>			2004-04-21  Miloslav Trmac  <mitr volny cz>

	* cs.po: Updated Czech translation.				* cs.po: Updated Czech translation.

2004-04-16  Adam Weinberger  <adamw gnome org>			2004-04-16  Adam Weinberger  <adamw gnome org>

	* en_CA.po: Added Canadian English translation.			* en_CA.po: Added Canadian English translation.

2004-04-13  Gareth Owen  <gowen72 yahoo com>			2004-04-13  Gareth Owen  <gowen72 yahoo com>

	* en_GB.po: Updated British English translation, fixe		* en_GB.po: Updated British English translation, fixe

2004-04-13  Gustavo Maciel Dias Vieira  <gdvieira zaz com br>	2004-04-13  Gustavo Maciel Dias Vieira  <gdvieira zaz com br>

	* pt_BR.po: Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation 		* pt_BR.po: Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation 
	Afonso Celso Medina <medina maua br>.				Afonso Celso Medina <medina maua br>.

2004-04-02  Gareth Owen  <gowen72 yahoo com>			2004-04-02  Gareth Owen  <gowen72 yahoo com>

	* en_GB.po: Added British English translation from		* en_GB.po: Added British English translation from
	David Lodge <dave cirt net>					David Lodge <dave cirt net>

2004-03-19  Evandro Fernandes Giovanini  <evandrofg ig com br	2004-03-19  Evandro Fernandes Giovanini  <evandrofg ig com br

	* pt_BR.po: Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation 		* pt_BR.po: Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation 
	Celso Medina <medina maua br>.					Celso Medina <medina maua br>.

2004-03-09  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>			2004-03-09  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>

	* no.po: Updated Norwegian translation.				* no.po: Updated Norwegian translation.

2004-02-29  Christophe Merlet  <redfox redfoxcenter org>	2004-02-29  Christophe Merlet  <redfox redfoxcenter org>

	* fr.po: Updated French translation.				* fr.po: Updated French translation.

2004-02-20  Danilo � egan  <dsegan gmx net>			2004-02-20  Danilo � egan  <dsegan gmx net>

	* sr.po, sr Latn po: Updated Serbian translation.		* sr.po, sr Latn po: Updated Serbian translation.

2004-02-07  Robert Sedak  <robert sedak sk htnet hr>		2004-02-07  Robert Sedak  <robert sedak sk htnet hr>

	* hr.po: Updated Croatian translation.				* hr.po: Updated Croatian translation.

2004-01-26  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>			2004-01-26  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>

	* POTFILES.in: Add minssing files.				* POTFILES.in: Add minssing files.
	* POTFILES.skip: Remove removed files.				* POTFILES.skip: Remove removed files.
	* no.po: Updated Norwegian translation.				* no.po: Updated Norwegian translation.

2002-11-22  Hasbullah Bin Pit <sebol ikhlas com>		2002-11-22  Hasbullah Bin Pit <sebol ikhlas com>

        * ms.po: Updated Malay translation. 			        * ms.po: Updated Malay translation. 
		by Norazah Abd Aziz<azahaa mimos my>				by Norazah Abd Aziz<azahaa mimos my>

2003-11-20  Kostas Papadimas <pkst gnome org>			2003-11-20  Kostas Papadimas <pkst gnome org>

	* el.po: Updated Greek translation.				* el.po: Updated Greek translation.

2003-11-08  Christophe Merlet  <redfox redfoxcenter org>	2003-11-08  Christophe Merlet  <redfox redfoxcenter org>

	* fr.po: Updated French translation.				* fr.po: Updated French translation.

2003-09-24  Stanislav Visnovsky <visnovsky nenya ms mff cuni 	2003-09-24  Stanislav Visnovsky <visnovsky nenya ms mff cuni 

	* sk.po: Updated Slovak translation.				* sk.po: Updated Slovak translation.

2003-08-26  Artur Flinta  <aflinta cvs gnome org>		2003-08-26  Artur Flinta  <aflinta cvs gnome org>

	* pl.po: Updated Polish translation.				* pl.po: Updated Polish translation.

2003-08-26  Duarte Loreto <happyguy_pt hotmail com>		2003-08-26  Duarte Loreto <happyguy_pt hotmail com>

	* pt.po: Updated Portuguese translation.			* pt.po: Updated Portuguese translation.

2003-08-25  Danilo � egan  <dsegan gmx net>			2003-08-25  Danilo � egan  <dsegan gmx net>

	* sr.po, sr Latn po: Updated Serbian translation.		* sr.po, sr Latn po: Updated Serbian translation.

2003-08-24  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>			2003-08-24  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>

	* no.po: Update Norwegian translation.				* no.po: Update Norwegian translation.

2003-08-23  Danilo � egan  <dsegan gmx net>			2003-08-23  Danilo � egan  <dsegan gmx net>

	* sr.po, sr Latn po: Updated Serbian translation.		* sr.po, sr Latn po: Updated Serbian translation.

2003-08-20  Pauli Virtanen  <pauli virtanen hut fi>		2003-08-20  Pauli Virtanen  <pauli virtanen hut fi>

	* fi.po: Updated Finnish translation from Tommi Vaini		* fi.po: Updated Finnish translation from Tommi Vaini

2003-08-13  Danilo � egan  <dsegan gmx net>			2003-08-13  Danilo � egan  <dsegan gmx net>

	* sr.po, sr Latn po: Updated Serbian translation.		* sr.po, sr Latn po: Updated Serbian translation.

2003-08-06  Christophe Merlet  <christophe merlet net>		2003-08-06  Christophe Merlet  <christophe merlet net>

	* fr.po: Updated French translation by				* fr.po: Updated French translation by
	Baptiste Mille-Mathias <bmm80 ifrance com>.			Baptiste Mille-Mathias <bmm80 ifrance com>.

2003-07-25  Vincent van Adrighem  <V vanAdrighem dirck mine n	2003-07-25  Vincent van Adrighem  <V vanAdrighem dirck mine n

	* nl.po: Dutch translation updated by  Jan-Willem Har		* nl.po: Dutch translation updated by  Jan-Willem Har

2003-07-18  Artur Flinta  <aflinta cvs gnome org>		2003-07-18  Artur Flinta  <aflinta cvs gnome org>

	* pl.po: Updated Polish translation.				* pl.po: Updated Polish translation.

2003-07-17  Vincent van Adrighem  <V vanAdrighem dirck mine n	2003-07-17  Vincent van Adrighem  <V vanAdrighem dirck mine n

	* nl.po: Dutch translation updated by Kees van den Br		* nl.po: Dutch translation updated by Kees van den Br

2003-07-17  Christian Neumair  <chris gnome-de org>		2003-07-17  Christian Neumair  <chris gnome-de org>

	* de.po: Updated German translation.				* de.po: Updated German translation.

2003-07-14  Pablo Gonzalo del Campo  <pablodc bigfoot com>	2003-07-14  Pablo Gonzalo del Campo  <pablodc bigfoot com>

        * es.po: Updated Spanish translation by			        * es.po: Updated Spanish translation by
                 Francisco Javier F. Serrador <serrador arrak	                 Francisco Javier F. Serrador <serrador arrak

2003-07-11  Duarte Loreto <happyguy_pt hotmail com>		2003-07-11  Duarte Loreto <happyguy_pt hotmail com>

        * pt.po: Updated Portuguese translation.		        * pt.po: Updated Portuguese translation.

2003-07-08  Miloslav Trmac  <mitr volny cz>			2003-07-08  Miloslav Trmac  <mitr volny cz>

	* cs.po: Updated Czech translation.				* cs.po: Updated Czech translation.

2003-07-07  Miloslav Trmac  <mitr volny cz>			2003-07-07  Miloslav Trmac  <mitr volny cz>

	* cs.po: Updated Czech translation.				* cs.po: Updated Czech translation.

2003-07-07  Vincent van Adrighem  <V vanAdrighem dirck mine n	2003-07-07  Vincent van Adrighem  <V vanAdrighem dirck mine n

	* nl.po: Dutch translation updated by Kees van den Br		* nl.po: Dutch translation updated by Kees van den Br

2003-07-07 Pablo Gonzalo del Campo  <pablodc bigfoot com>	2003-07-07 Pablo Gonzalo del Campo  <pablodc bigfoot com>

        * es.po: Updated Spanish translation by			        * es.po: Updated Spanish translation by
                 Francisco Javier F. Serrador <serrador arrak	                 Francisco Javier F. Serrador <serrador arrak

2003-07-07  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>		2003-07-07  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>

	* POTFILES.in: Added missing files, and removed non-e		* POTFILES.in: Added missing files, and removed non-e
	* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.				* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.

2003-07-05  Miloslav Trmac  <mitr volny cz>			2003-07-05  Miloslav Trmac  <mitr volny cz>

	* cs.po: Updated Czech translation.				* cs.po: Updated Czech translation.

2003-07-04  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>		2003-07-04  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>

	* POTFILES.in: Added missing files, and removed non-e		* POTFILES.in: Added missing files, and removed non-e
	* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.				* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.

2003-07-02  Pablo Gonzalo del Campo  <pablodc bigfoot com>	2003-07-02  Pablo Gonzalo del Campo  <pablodc bigfoot com>

        * es.po: Updated Spanish translation by			        * es.po: Updated Spanish translation by
                 Francisco Javier F. Serrador <serrador arrak	                 Francisco Javier F. Serrador <serrador arrak

2003-06-28  Valek Filippov  <frob df ru>			2003-06-28  Valek Filippov  <frob df ru>

	* ru.po: Updated russian translation.				* ru.po: Updated russian translation.

2003-06-26  Duarte Loreto <happyguy_pt hotmail com>		2003-06-26  Duarte Loreto <happyguy_pt hotmail com>

        * pt.po: Updated Portuguese translation.		        * pt.po: Updated Portuguese translation.

2003-06-24  Miloslav Trmac  <mitr volny cz>			2003-06-24  Miloslav Trmac  <mitr volny cz>

	* cs.po: Updated Czech translation.				* cs.po: Updated Czech translation.

2003-06-23  Miloslav Trmac  <mitr volny cz>			2003-06-23  Miloslav Trmac  <mitr volny cz>

	* cs.po: Updated Czech translation.				* cs.po: Updated Czech translation.

2003-06-23  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>		2003-06-23  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>

	* POTFILES.in: Added missing files.				* POTFILES.in: Added missing files.
	* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.				* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.

2003-06-21  Vincent van Adrighem  <V vanAdrighem dirck mine n	2003-06-21  Vincent van Adrighem  <V vanAdrighem dirck mine n

	* nl.po: Dutch translation updated by  Jan-Willem Har		* nl.po: Dutch translation updated by  Jan-Willem Har

2003-06-20  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>		2003-06-20  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>

	* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.				* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.

2003-06-18  Miloslav Trmac  <mitr volny cz>			2003-06-18  Miloslav Trmac  <mitr volny cz>

	* cs.po: Updated Czech translation.				* cs.po: Updated Czech translation.

2003-06-17  Pablo Gonzalo del Campo  <pablodc bigfoot com>	2003-06-17  Pablo Gonzalo del Campo  <pablodc bigfoot com>

        * es.po: Updated Spanish translation by			        * es.po: Updated Spanish translation by
                 Francisco Javier F. Serrador <serrador arrak	                 Francisco Javier F. Serrador <serrador arrak

2003-06-17  Abel Cheung  <maddog linux org hk>			2003-06-17  Abel Cheung  <maddog linux org hk>

	* POTFILES.in: Add components/gnome-components-shell.		* POTFILES.in: Add components/gnome-components-shell.

2003-06-14  Miloslav Trmac  <mitr volny cz>			2003-06-14  Miloslav Trmac  <mitr volny cz>

	* cs.po: Updated Czech translation.				* cs.po: Updated Czech translation.

2003-06-13  Guntupalli Karunakar  <karunakar freedomink org>	2003-06-13  Guntupalli Karunakar  <karunakar freedomink org>

	* ml.po: Added Malayalam translation by				* ml.po: Added Malayalam translation by
	FSF-India <locale gnu org in>.					FSF-India <locale gnu org in>.

2003-06-13  Vincent van Adrighem  <V vanAdrighem dirck mine n	2003-06-13  Vincent van Adrighem  <V vanAdrighem dirck mine n

	* nl.po: Dutch translation updated by  Jan-Willem Har		* nl.po: Dutch translation updated by  Jan-Willem Har

2003-06-11  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>		2003-06-11  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>

	* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.				* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.

2003-06-10  Abel Cheung  <maddog linux org hk>			2003-06-10  Abel Cheung  <maddog linux org hk>

	* zh_TW.po: Updated traditional Chinese translation.		* zh_TW.po: Updated traditional Chinese translation.

2003-06-06  Vincent van Adrighem  <V vanAdrighem dirck mine n	2003-06-06  Vincent van Adrighem  <V vanAdrighem dirck mine n

	* nl.po: Dutch translation updated by  Jan-Willem Har		* nl.po: Dutch translation updated by  Jan-Willem Har

2003-06-04  Abel Cheung  <maddog linux org hk>			2003-06-04  Abel Cheung  <maddog linux org hk>

	* ta.po: Fix broken encoding.					* ta.po: Fix broken encoding.

2003-05-31  Danilo � egan  <dsegan gmx net>			2003-05-31  Danilo � egan  <dsegan gmx net>

	* sr.po: This file wasn't committed: added now.			* sr.po: This file wasn't committed: added now.

2003-05-28  Danilo � egan  <dsegan gmx net>			2003-05-28  Danilo � egan  <dsegan gmx net>

	* sr.po, sr Latn po: Added Serbian translation by Ser		* sr.po, sr Latn po: Added Serbian translation by Ser
	(Prevod.org).							(Prevod.org).

2003-04-26  Vincent van Adrighem  <V vanAdrighem dirck mine n	2003-04-26  Vincent van Adrighem  <V vanAdrighem dirck mine n

	* nl.po: Dutch translation updated by  Jan-Willem Har		* nl.po: Dutch translation updated by  Jan-Willem Har

2003-04-10  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>		2003-04-10  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>

	* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.				* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.

2003-04-06  Christian Neumair  <chris gnome-de org>		2003-04-06  Christian Neumair  <chris gnome-de org>

	* de.po: Updated German translation.				* de.po: Updated German translation.

2003-04-05  Gustavo Maciel Dias Vieira  <gdvieira zaz com br>	2003-04-05  Gustavo Maciel Dias Vieira  <gdvieira zaz com br>

	* pt_BR.po: Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation 		* pt_BR.po: Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation 
	Folle de Menezes <afmenez terra com br>.			Folle de Menezes <afmenez terra com br>.

2003-04-04  Pablo Gonzalo del Campo  <pablodc bigfoot com>	2003-04-04  Pablo Gonzalo del Campo  <pablodc bigfoot com>

        * es.po: Updated Spanish translation.			        * es.po: Updated Spanish translation.

2003-03-31  Duarte Loreto <happyguy_pt hotmail com>		2003-03-31  Duarte Loreto <happyguy_pt hotmail com>

        * pt.po: Updated Portuguese translation.		        * pt.po: Updated Portuguese translation.

2003-03-31  Miloslav Trmac  <mitr volny cz>			2003-03-31  Miloslav Trmac  <mitr volny cz>

	* cs.po: Updated Czech translation.				* cs.po: Updated Czech translation.

2003-03-30  Vincent van Adrighem  <V vanAdrighem dirck mine n	2003-03-30  Vincent van Adrighem  <V vanAdrighem dirck mine n

	* nl.po: Dutch translation updated by Vincent van Adr		* nl.po: Dutch translation updated by Vincent van Adr

2003-03-16  Roozbeh Pournader  <roozbeh sharif edu>		2003-03-16  Roozbeh Pournader  <roozbeh sharif edu>

	* fa.po: Added Persian translation.				* fa.po: Added Persian translation.

2003-03-08  Christian Neumair  <chris gnome-de org>		2003-03-08  Christian Neumair  <chris gnome-de org>

	* de.po: Updated German translation.				* de.po: Updated German translation.

2003-03-04  Pablo Gonzalo del Campo  <pablodc bigfoot com>	2003-03-04  Pablo Gonzalo del Campo  <pablodc bigfoot com>

        * es.po: Updated Spanish translation.			        * es.po: Updated Spanish translation.

2003-02-27  Duarte Loreto <happyguy_pt hotmail com>		2003-02-27  Duarte Loreto <happyguy_pt hotmail com>

        * pt.po: Updated Portuguese translation.		        * pt.po: Updated Portuguese translation.

2003-02-26  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>		2003-02-26  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>

	* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.				* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.

2003-02-24  Zbigniew Chyla  <cyba gnome pl>			2003-02-24  Zbigniew Chyla  <cyba gnome pl>

	* pl.po: Updated Polish translation by				* pl.po: Updated Polish translation by
	GNOME PL Team <translators gnome pl>.				GNOME PL Team <translators gnome pl>.

2003-02-24  Vincent van Adrighem  <V vanAdrighem dirck mine n	2003-02-24  Vincent van Adrighem  <V vanAdrighem dirck mine n

	* nl.po: Dutch translation updated by  Jan-Willem Har		* nl.po: Dutch translation updated by  Jan-Willem Har

2003-02-24  Vincent van Adrighem  <V vanAdrighem dirck mine n	2003-02-24  Vincent van Adrighem  <V vanAdrighem dirck mine n

	* nl.po: Dutch translation updated by Vincent van Adr		* nl.po: Dutch translation updated by Vincent van Adr

2003-02-22  Gustavo Maciel Dias Vieira  <gdvieira zaz com br>	2003-02-22  Gustavo Maciel Dias Vieira  <gdvieira zaz com br>

	* pt_BR.po: Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation 		* pt_BR.po: Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation 
	Folle de Menezes <afmenez terra com br>.			Folle de Menezes <afmenez terra com br>.

2003-02-20  Miloslav Trmac  <mitr volny cz>			2003-02-20  Miloslav Trmac  <mitr volny cz>

	* cs.po: Updated Czech translation.				* cs.po: Updated Czech translation.

2003-02-09  Christian Neumair  <chris gnome-de org>		2003-02-09  Christian Neumair  <chris gnome-de org>

	* de.po: Updated German translation.				* de.po: Updated German translation.

2003-01-29  Christian Neumair  <chris gnome-de org>		2003-01-29  Christian Neumair  <chris gnome-de org>

	* de.po: Updated German translation.				* de.po: Updated German translation.

2003-01-29 Pablo Gonzalo del Campo <pablodc bigfoot com>	2003-01-29 Pablo Gonzalo del Campo <pablodc bigfoot com>

	* es.po: Updated Spanish translation.				* es.po: Updated Spanish translation.

2003-01-27  Stanislav Visnovsky  <visnovsky nenya ms mff cuni	2003-01-27  Stanislav Visnovsky  <visnovsky nenya ms mff cuni

	* sk.po: Updated Slovak translation.				* sk.po: Updated Slovak translation.

2003-01-24  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>			2003-01-24  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>

	* no.po: Updated Norwegian (bokmal) translation.		* no.po: Updated Norwegian (bokmal) translation.

2003-01-22  Evandro Fernandes Giovanini <evandrofg ig com br>	2003-01-22  Evandro Fernandes Giovanini <evandrofg ig com br>

	* pt_BR.po: Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation		* pt_BR.po: Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation
	from Alexandre Folle de Menezes <afmenez terra com br		from Alexandre Folle de Menezes <afmenez terra com br

2003-01-19  Christian Neumair  <chris gnome-de org>		2003-01-19  Christian Neumair  <chris gnome-de org>

	* de.po: Updated German translation.				* de.po: Updated German translation.

2003-01-17  Christian Neumair  <chris gnome-de org>		2003-01-17  Christian Neumair  <chris gnome-de org>

	* .cvsignore: Added "missing".					* .cvsignore: Added "missing".
	* POTFILES.skip: Added.						* POTFILES.skip: Added.
	* de.po: Updated German translation.				* de.po: Updated German translation.

2003-01-16  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>		2003-01-16  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>

	* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.				* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.

2003-01-13  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>		2003-01-13  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>

	* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.				* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.

2003-01-11  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>		2003-01-11  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>

	* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.				* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.

2003-01-03  Christian Neumair  <chris gnome-de org>		2003-01-03  Christian Neumair  <chris gnome-de org>

	* de.po: Updated German translation.				* de.po: Updated German translation.

2002-12-30 Pablo Gonzalo del Campo <pablodc bigfoot com>	2002-12-30 Pablo Gonzalo del Campo <pablodc bigfoot com>

	* es.po: Updated Spanish translation.				* es.po: Updated Spanish translation.

2002-12-27  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>		2002-12-27  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>

	* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.				* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.

2002-12-25  Miloslav Trmac  <mitr volny cz>			2002-12-25  Miloslav Trmac  <mitr volny cz>

	* cs.po: Updated Czech translation.				* cs.po: Updated Czech translation.

2002-12-12  Alessio Frusciante  <algol firenze linux it>	2002-12-12  Alessio Frusciante  <algol firenze linux it>

	* it.po: Updated Italian translation by Marco Parrone		* it.po: Updated Italian translation by Marco Parrone

2002-12-11  Christian Neumair  <chris gnome-de org>		2002-12-11  Christian Neumair  <chris gnome-de org>

	* POTFILES.in: Added libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c.		* POTFILES.in: Added libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c.
	* de.po: Updated German translation.				* de.po: Updated German translation.

2002-12-10 Pablo Gonzalo del Campo <pablodc bigfoot com>	2002-12-10 Pablo Gonzalo del Campo <pablodc bigfoot com>

	* es.po: Updated Spanish translation.				* es.po: Updated Spanish translation.

2002-11-28  Vincent van Adrighem <V vanAdrighem dirck mine nu	2002-11-28  Vincent van Adrighem <V vanAdrighem dirck mine nu

        * nl.po: Updated Dutch Translation (Jan-Willem Harman	        * nl.po: Updated Dutch Translation (Jan-Willem Harman

2002-11-22  Dmitry G. Mastrukov  <dmitry taurussoft org>	2002-11-22  Dmitry G. Mastrukov  <dmitry taurussoft org>

	* be.po: Updated Belarusian translation				* be.po: Updated Belarusian translation
	* from Belarusian team <i18n infonet by>.			* from Belarusian team <i18n infonet by>.

2002-11-17  Dmitry G. Mastrukov  <dmitry taurussoft org>	2002-11-17  Dmitry G. Mastrukov  <dmitry taurussoft org>

	* be.po: Added Belarusian translation				* be.po: Added Belarusian translation
	* from Belarusian team <i18n infonet by>.			* from Belarusian team <i18n infonet by>.

2002-11-15  Hasbullah Bin Pit <sebol ikhlas com>		2002-11-15  Hasbullah Bin Pit <sebol ikhlas com>

        * ms.po: Updated Malay Translation. 			        * ms.po: Updated Malay Translation. 

2002-11-13  Gustavo Maciel Dias Vieira  <gdvieira zaz com br>	2002-11-13  Gustavo Maciel Dias Vieira  <gdvieira zaz com br>

	* pt_BR.po: Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation 		* pt_BR.po: Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation 
	Folle de Menezes <afmenez terra com br>.			Folle de Menezes <afmenez terra com br>.

2002-10-25  Stanislav Brabec  <sbrabec suse cz>			2002-10-25  Stanislav Brabec  <sbrabec suse cz>

	* cs.po: Updated Czech translation from Michal Bukovj		* cs.po: Updated Czech translation from Michal Bukovj
	<bukm centrum cz>.						<bukm centrum cz>.

2002-10-24  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>		2002-10-24  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>

	* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.				* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.

2002-10-24  Dmitry G. Mastrukov  <dmitry taurussoft org>	2002-10-24  Dmitry G. Mastrukov  <dmitry taurussoft org>

	* ru.po: updated Russian translation				* ru.po: updated Russian translation

2002-10-14  Stanislav Brabec  <sbrabec suse cz>			2002-10-14  Stanislav Brabec  <sbrabec suse cz>

	* cs.po: Updated Czech translation from Michal Bukovj		* cs.po: Updated Czech translation from Michal Bukovj
	<bukm centrum cz>.						<bukm centrum cz>.

2002-10-06  Zbigniew Chyla  <cyba gnome pl>			2002-10-06  Zbigniew Chyla  <cyba gnome pl>

	* pl.po: Updated Polish translation by				* pl.po: Updated Polish translation by
	GNOME PL Team <translators gnome pl>.				GNOME PL Team <translators gnome pl>.

2002-09-30  Stanislav Brabec  <sbrabec suse cz>			2002-09-30  Stanislav Brabec  <sbrabec suse cz>

	* cs.po: Added Czech translation from Michal Bukovjan		* cs.po: Added Czech translation from Michal Bukovjan
	<bukm centrum cz>.						<bukm centrum cz>.

2002-09-25  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>		2002-09-25  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>

	* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.				* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.

2002-09-17  Ole Laursen  <olau hardworking dk>			2002-09-17  Ole Laursen  <olau hardworking dk>

	* da.po: Updated Danish translation.				* da.po: Updated Danish translation.

2002-09-14  Gustavo Maciel Dias Vieira  <gdvieira zaz com br>	2002-09-14  Gustavo Maciel Dias Vieira  <gdvieira zaz com br>

	* pt_BR.po: Updated pt_BR translation by Alexandre Fo		* pt_BR.po: Updated pt_BR translation by Alexandre Fo
	Menezes <afmenez terra com br>.					Menezes <afmenez terra com br>.

2002-09-12  Christian Neumair  <chris gnome-de org>		2002-09-12  Christian Neumair  <chris gnome-de org>

	* de.po: Updated German translation.				* de.po: Updated German translation.

2002-09-11  Dmitry G. Mastrukov  <dmitry taurussoft org>	2002-09-11  Dmitry G. Mastrukov  <dmitry taurussoft org>

	* ru.po: updated Russian translation.				* ru.po: updated Russian translation.

2002-09-11 Carlos Perello Marin <carlos gnome-db org>		2002-09-11 Carlos Perello Marin <carlos gnome-db org>

	* *.po: Updated and reencoded as UTF-8				* *.po: Updated and reencoded as UTF-8
	* README.translators: We don't accept any .po file th		* README.translators: We don't accept any .po file th
	UTF-8 charset.							UTF-8 charset.

2002-09-10  Hasbullah Bin Pit <sebol ikhlas com>		2002-09-10  Hasbullah Bin Pit <sebol ikhlas com>

	* ms.po: Updated Malay Translation.				* ms.po: Updated Malay Translation.

2002-09-06  Gustavo Maciel Dias Vieira  <gdvieira zaz com br>	2002-09-06  Gustavo Maciel Dias Vieira  <gdvieira zaz com br>

	* pt_BR.po: Updated pt_BR translation by Alexandre Fo		* pt_BR.po: Updated pt_BR translation by Alexandre Fo
	Menezes <afmenez terra com br>.					Menezes <afmenez terra com br>.

2002-09-01  Gustavo Maciel Dias Vieira  <gdvieira zaz com br>	2002-09-01  Gustavo Maciel Dias Vieira  <gdvieira zaz com br>

	* pt_BR.po: Updated pt_BR translation by Alexandre Fo		* pt_BR.po: Updated pt_BR translation by Alexandre Fo
	Menezes <afmenez terra com br>.					Menezes <afmenez terra com br>.

2002-08-27  Christian Neumair  <christian-neumair web de>	2002-08-27  Christian Neumair  <christian-neumair web de>

	* de.po: Updated German translation.				* de.po: Updated German translation.

2002-08-25  He Qiangqiang  <carton linux net cn>		2002-08-25  He Qiangqiang  <carton linux net cn>

	* zh_CN.po: Updated Simplified Chinese translation by		* zh_CN.po: Updated Simplified Chinese translation by
		    Wang Li <charles linux net cn>.				    Wang Li <charles linux net cn>.

2002-08-15  Duarte Loreto <happyguy_pt hotmail com>		2002-08-15  Duarte Loreto <happyguy_pt hotmail com>

        * pt.po: Updated Portuguese translation.		        * pt.po: Updated Portuguese translation.

2002-08-14  Ole Laursen  <olau hardworking dk>			2002-08-14  Ole Laursen  <olau hardworking dk>

	* da.po: Updated Danish translation.				* da.po: Updated Danish translation.

2002-08-10  Christian Neumair  <christian-neumair web de>	2002-08-10  Christian Neumair  <christian-neumair web de>

	* de.po: Updated German translation.				* de.po: Updated German translation.

2002-08-08  Zbigniew Chyla  <cyba gnome pl>			2002-08-08  Zbigniew Chyla  <cyba gnome pl>

	* pl.po: Updated Polish translation by				* pl.po: Updated Polish translation by
	GNOME PL Team <translators gnome pl>.				GNOME PL Team <translators gnome pl>.

2002-08-07 Pablo Gonzalo del Campo <pablodc bigfoot com>	2002-08-07 Pablo Gonzalo del Campo <pablodc bigfoot com>

	* es.po: Updated Spanish translation.				* es.po: Updated Spanish translation.

2002-08-07  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>		2002-08-07  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>

	* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.				* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.

2002-07-30  Pablo Saratxaga  <pablo mandrakesoft com>		2002-07-30  Pablo Saratxaga  <pablo mandrakesoft com>

	* vi.po: Updated Vietnamese file				* vi.po: Updated Vietnamese file

2002-07-24  Christian Meyer  <chrisime gnome org>		2002-07-24  Christian Meyer  <chrisime gnome org>

	* de.po: Updated German translation.				* de.po: Updated German translation.

2002-07-24  Zbigniew Chyla  <chyla gnome pl>			2002-07-24  Zbigniew Chyla  <chyla gnome pl>

	* pl.po: Updated Polish translation by				* pl.po: Updated Polish translation by
	GNOME PL Team <translators gnome pl>.				GNOME PL Team <translators gnome pl>.

2002-07-15  Ole Laursen  <olau hardworking dk>			2002-07-15  Ole Laursen  <olau hardworking dk>

	* da.po: Updated Danish translation.				* da.po: Updated Danish translation.

2002-07-13  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>			2002-07-13  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>

	* no.po: Updated Norwegian (bokmÃ?Â¥l) translation.		* no.po: Updated Norwegian (bokmÃ?Â¥l) translation.

2002-07-12 Pablo Gonzalo del Campo <pablodc bigfoot com>	2002-07-12 Pablo Gonzalo del Campo <pablodc bigfoot com>

	* es.po: Updated Spanish translation.				* es.po: Updated Spanish translation.

2002-07-12  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>		2002-07-12  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>

	* POTFILES.in: Added missing files.				* POTFILES.in: Added missing files.
	* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.				* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.

2002-07-03  Stanislav Visnovsky <visnovsky nenya ms mff cuni 	2002-07-03  Stanislav Visnovsky <visnovsky nenya ms mff cuni 

	* sk.po: Updated Slovak translation.				* sk.po: Updated Slovak translation.

2002-07-02  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>			2002-07-02  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>

	* no.po: Updated Norwegian (bokmÃ?Â¥l) translation.		* no.po: Updated Norwegian (bokmÃ?Â¥l) translation.

2002-06-18  Ole Laursen  <olau hardworking dk>			2002-06-18  Ole Laursen  <olau hardworking dk>

	* da.po: Updated Danish translation.				* da.po: Updated Danish translation.

2002-06-16 Pablo Gonzalo del Campo <pablodc bigfoot com>	2002-06-16 Pablo Gonzalo del Campo <pablodc bigfoot com>

	* es.po: Updated Spanish translation.				* es.po: Updated Spanish translation.

2002-06-16  Duarte Loreto <happyguy_pt hotmail com>		2002-06-16  Duarte Loreto <happyguy_pt hotmail com>

        * pt.po: Updated Portuguese translation.		        * pt.po: Updated Portuguese translation.

2002-06-16  Duarte Loreto <happyguy_pt hotmail com>		2002-06-16  Duarte Loreto <happyguy_pt hotmail com>

        * pt.po: Updated Portuguese translation.		        * pt.po: Updated Portuguese translation.

2002-06-14  Zbigniew Chyla  <chyla buy pl>			2002-06-14  Zbigniew Chyla  <chyla buy pl>

	* pl.po: Updated Polish translation by				* pl.po: Updated Polish translation by
	GNOME PL Team <translators gnome pl>.				GNOME PL Team <translators gnome pl>.

2002-06-13  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>		2002-06-13  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>

	* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.				* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.

2002-06-11  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>		2002-06-11  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>

	* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.				* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.

2002-06-10  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>			2002-06-10  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>

	* no.po: Updated Norwegian (bokmÃ?Â¥l) translation.		* no.po: Updated Norwegian (bokmÃ?Â¥l) translation.

2002-06-10  Changwoo Ryu  <cwryu debian org>			2002-06-10  Changwoo Ryu  <cwryu debian org>

	* ko.po: Updated Korean translation from Young-Ho Cha		* ko.po: Updated Korean translation from Young-Ho Cha
	<ganadist chollian net>.					<ganadist chollian net>.

2002-06-07  Zbigniew Chyla  <chyla buy pl>			2002-06-07  Zbigniew Chyla  <chyla buy pl>

	* pl.po: Updated Polish translation by				* pl.po: Updated Polish translation by
	GNOME PL Team <translators gnome pl>.				GNOME PL Team <translators gnome pl>.

2002-06-07  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>		2002-06-07  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>

	* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.				* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.

2002-06-05 Pablo Gonzalo del Campo <pablodc bigfoot com>	2002-06-05 Pablo Gonzalo del Campo <pablodc bigfoot com>

	* es.po: Updated Spanish translation.				* es.po: Updated Spanish translation.

2002-06-06  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>		2002-06-06  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>

	* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.				* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.

2002-06-05  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>		2002-06-05  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>

	* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.				* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.

2002-06-05  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>			2002-06-05  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>

	* no.po: Updated Norwegian (bokmÃ?Â¥l) translation.		* no.po: Updated Norwegian (bokmÃ?Â¥l) translation.

2002-06-05  Ole Laursen  <olau hardworking dk>			2002-06-05  Ole Laursen  <olau hardworking dk>

	* .cvsignore: Added messages.mo.				* .cvsignore: Added messages.mo.

2002-06-04  Ole Laursen  <olau hardworking dk>			2002-06-04  Ole Laursen  <olau hardworking dk>

	* da.po: Updated Danish translation.				* da.po: Updated Danish translation.

2002-06-04  Zbigniew Chyla  <chyla buy pl>			2002-06-04  Zbigniew Chyla  <chyla buy pl>

	* pl.po: Updated Polish translation by				* pl.po: Updated Polish translation by
	GNOME PL Team <translators gnome pl>.				GNOME PL Team <translators gnome pl>.

	* POTFILES.in: Added files:					* POTFILES.in: Added files:
	control-center/database-properties.desktop.in,			control-center/database-properties.desktop.in,
	control-center/database-capplet.c,				control-center/database-capplet.c,
	control-center/dsn-config.c,					control-center/dsn-config.c,
	control-center/main.c.						control-center/main.c.

2002-06-03  Stanislav Visnovsky <visnovsky nenya ms mff cuni 	2002-06-03  Stanislav Visnovsky <visnovsky nenya ms mff cuni 

	* sk.po: Updated Slovak translation.				* sk.po: Updated Slovak translation.

2002-06-01  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>			2002-06-01  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>

	* no.po: Updated Norwegian (bokmÃ?Â¥l) translation.		* no.po: Updated Norwegian (bokmÃ?Â¥l) translation.

2002-05-31 Pablo Gonzalo del Campo <pablodc bigfoot com>	2002-05-31 Pablo Gonzalo del Campo <pablodc bigfoot com>

	* es.po: Updated Spanish translation.				* es.po: Updated Spanish translation.

2002-05-01  Zbigniew Chyla  <cyba gnome pl>			2002-05-01  Zbigniew Chyla  <cyba gnome pl>

	* pl.po: Updated Polish translation by				* pl.po: Updated Polish translation by
	GNOME PL Team <translators gnome pl>.				GNOME PL Team <translators gnome pl>.

2002-05-31  Stanislav Visnovsky <visnovsky nenya ms mff cuni 	2002-05-31  Stanislav Visnovsky <visnovsky nenya ms mff cuni 

	* sk.po: Updated Slovak translation.				* sk.po: Updated Slovak translation.

2002-05-11  Ole Laursen  <olau hardworking dk>			2002-05-11  Ole Laursen  <olau hardworking dk>

	* da.po: Updated Danish translation.				* da.po: Updated Danish translation.

2002-05-08  Pablo Saratxaga <pablo mandrakesoft com>		2002-05-08  Pablo Saratxaga <pablo mandrakesoft com>

	* vi.po: Updated Vietnamese file				* vi.po: Updated Vietnamese file

2002-05-06  Duarte Loreto <happyguy_pt hotmail com>		2002-05-06  Duarte Loreto <happyguy_pt hotmail com>

        * pt.po: Updated Portuguese translation and converted	        * pt.po: Updated Portuguese translation and converted

2002-05-05  Christophe Merlet  <christophe merlet net>		2002-05-05  Christophe Merlet  <christophe merlet net>

	* fr.po: Updated French translation.				* fr.po: Updated French translation.

2002-05-04  Pablo Saratxaga <pablo mandrakesoft com>		2002-05-04  Pablo Saratxaga <pablo mandrakesoft com>

	* tr.po: Updated Turkish file					* tr.po: Updated Turkish file

2002-05-02  Changwoo Ryu  <cwryu debian org>			2002-05-02  Changwoo Ryu  <cwryu debian org>

	* ko.po: Updated Korean translation by Young-Ho, Cha		* ko.po: Updated Korean translation by Young-Ho, Cha
	<ganadist chollian net>.					<ganadist chollian net>.

2002-05-01  Pablo Saratxaga <pablo mandrakesoft com>		2002-05-01  Pablo Saratxaga <pablo mandrakesoft com>

	* vi.po: Added Vietnamese file					* vi.po: Added Vietnamese file

2002-04-28  Christophe Fergeau <teuf users sourceforge net>	2002-04-28  Christophe Fergeau <teuf users sourceforge net>

	* fr.po: converted to UTF-8					* fr.po: converted to UTF-8

2002-04-23  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>			2002-04-23  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>

	* no.po: Updated Norwegian (bokmÃ?Â¥l) translation.		* no.po: Updated Norwegian (bokmÃ?Â¥l) translation.

2002-04-15  Hasbullah Bin Pit <sebol ikhlas com>		2002-04-15  Hasbullah Bin Pit <sebol ikhlas com>

	* ms.po: Updated Malay Translation.				* ms.po: Updated Malay Translation.

2002-04-10  Stanislav Visnovsky <visnovsky nenya ms mff cuni 	2002-04-10  Stanislav Visnovsky <visnovsky nenya ms mff cuni 

	* sk.po: Updated Slovak translation.				* sk.po: Updated Slovak translation.

2002-04-09  Zbigniew Chyla  <cyba gnome pl>			2002-04-09  Zbigniew Chyla  <cyba gnome pl>

	* pl.po: Updated Polish translation by				* pl.po: Updated Polish translation by
	GNOME PL Team <translators gnome pl>.				GNOME PL Team <translators gnome pl>.

2002-04-02  Hasbullah Bin Pit <sebol ikhlas com>		2002-04-02  Hasbullah Bin Pit <sebol ikhlas com>

	* ms.po: Updated Malay Translation.				* ms.po: Updated Malay Translation.

2002-04-02  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>		2002-04-02  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>

	* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.				* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.

2002-04-01  Duarte Loreto <happyguy_pt hotmail com>		2002-04-01  Duarte Loreto <happyguy_pt hotmail com>

        * pt.po: Updated Portuguese translation.		        * pt.po: Updated Portuguese translation.

2002-03-28  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>			2002-03-28  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>

	* no.po: Updated Norwegian (bokmÃ?Â¥l) translation.		* no.po: Updated Norwegian (bokmÃ?Â¥l) translation.

2002-03-28  Zbigniew Chyla  <cyba gnome pl>			2002-03-28  Zbigniew Chyla  <cyba gnome pl>

	* pl.po: Updated Polish translation by				* pl.po: Updated Polish translation by
	GNOME PL Team <translators gnome pl>.				GNOME PL Team <translators gnome pl>.

2002-03-26  Stanislav Visnovsky <visnovsky nenya ms mff cuni 	2002-03-26  Stanislav Visnovsky <visnovsky nenya ms mff cuni 

	* sk.po: Updated Slovak translation.				* sk.po: Updated Slovak translation.

2002-03-22  Zbigniew Chyla  <cyba gnome pl>			2002-03-22  Zbigniew Chyla  <cyba gnome pl>

	* pl.po: Updated Polish translation by				* pl.po: Updated Polish translation by
	GNOME PL Team <translators gnome pl>.				GNOME PL Team <translators gnome pl>.

2002-03-20  Zbigniew Chyla  <cyba gnome pl>			2002-03-20  Zbigniew Chyla  <cyba gnome pl>

	* pl.po: Updated Polish translation by				* pl.po: Updated Polish translation by
	GNOME PL Team <translators gnome pl>.				GNOME PL Team <translators gnome pl>.

2002-03-18  Valek Filippov  <frob df ru>			2002-03-18  Valek Filippov  <frob df ru>

	* ru.po: Updated russian translation.				* ru.po: Updated russian translation.

2002-03-17  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>			2002-03-17  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>

	* no.po: Updated Norwegian (bokmÃ?Â¥l) translation.		* no.po: Updated Norwegian (bokmÃ?Â¥l) translation.

2002-03-16  Christian Meyer  <chrisime gnome org>		2002-03-16  Christian Meyer  <chrisime gnome org>

	* de.po: Updated German translation.				* de.po: Updated German translation.

2002-03-15  Valek Filippov  <frob df ru>			2002-03-15  Valek Filippov  <frob df ru>

	* ru.po: Updated russian translation.				* ru.po: Updated russian translation.

2002-03-15  Stanislav Visnovsky <visnovsky nenya ms mff cuni 	2002-03-15  Stanislav Visnovsky <visnovsky nenya ms mff cuni 

	* sk.po: Updated Slovak translation.				* sk.po: Updated Slovak translation.

2002-03-12  Duarte Loreto <happyguy_pt hotmail com>		2002-03-12  Duarte Loreto <happyguy_pt hotmail com>

        * pt.po: Updated Portuguese translation.		        * pt.po: Updated Portuguese translation.

2002-03-09  Zbigniew Chyla  <cyba gnome pl>			2002-03-09  Zbigniew Chyla  <cyba gnome pl>

	* pl.po: Updated Polish translation by				* pl.po: Updated Polish translation by
	GNOME PL Team <translators gnome pl>.				GNOME PL Team <translators gnome pl>.

2002-03-08  Valek Filippov  <frob df ru>			2002-03-08  Valek Filippov  <frob df ru>

	* ru.po: Updated russian translation.				* ru.po: Updated russian translation.

2002-03-07  Ole Laursen  <olau hardworking dk>			2002-03-07  Ole Laursen  <olau hardworking dk>

	* da.po: Updated Danish translation.				* da.po: Updated Danish translation.

2002-03-06  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-03-06  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* POTFILES.in: added missing files.				* POTFILES.in: added missing files.

2002-03-06  Duarte Loreto <happyguy_pt hotmail com>		2002-03-06  Duarte Loreto <happyguy_pt hotmail com>

        * pt.po: Updated Portuguese translation.		        * pt.po: Updated Portuguese translation.

2002-03-06  Zbigniew Chyla  <cyba gnome pl>			2002-03-06  Zbigniew Chyla  <cyba gnome pl>

	* pl.po: Updated Polish translation by				* pl.po: Updated Polish translation by
	GNOME PL Team <translators gnome pl>.				GNOME PL Team <translators gnome pl>.

2002-03-05  Stanislav Visnovsky <visnovsky nenya ms mff cuni 	2002-03-05  Stanislav Visnovsky <visnovsky nenya ms mff cuni 

	* sk.po: Updated Slovak translation.				* sk.po: Updated Slovak translation.

2002-03-05  Matthias Warkus  <mawarkus gnome org>		2002-03-05  Matthias Warkus  <mawarkus gnome org>

	* de.po: Updated German translation.				* de.po: Updated German translation.

2002-03-04  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>			2002-03-04  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>

	* no.po: Updated Norwegian (bokmÃ?Â¥l) translation.		* no.po: Updated Norwegian (bokmÃ?Â¥l) translation.

2002-03-04  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>		2002-03-04  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>

	* sv.po: Fixed Swedish translation.				* sv.po: Fixed Swedish translation.

2002-03-03  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>		2002-03-03  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>

	* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.				* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.

2002-03-03  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>			2002-03-03  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>

	* no.po: Updated Norwegian (bokmÃ?Â¥l) translation.		* no.po: Updated Norwegian (bokmÃ?Â¥l) translation.

2002-03-03  Abel Cheung  <maddog linux org hk>			2002-03-03  Abel Cheung  <maddog linux org hk>

	* nn.po: Removed empty file which is causing gettext		* nn.po: Removed empty file which is causing gettext
	error in i18n status page generation.				error in i18n status page generation.

2002-03-02  Ole Laursen  <olau hardworking dk>			2002-03-02  Ole Laursen  <olau hardworking dk>

	* da.po: Updated Danish translation.				* da.po: Updated Danish translation.

2002-03-02  Zbigniew Chyla  <cyba gnome pl>			2002-03-02  Zbigniew Chyla  <cyba gnome pl>

	* pl.po: Updated Polish translation by				* pl.po: Updated Polish translation by
	GNOME PL Team <translators gnome pl>.				GNOME PL Team <translators gnome pl>.

2002-03-01  Stanislav Visnovsky <visnovsky nenya ms mff cuni 	2002-03-01  Stanislav Visnovsky <visnovsky nenya ms mff cuni 

	* sk.po: Updated Slovak translation.				* sk.po: Updated Slovak translation.

2002-02-28  Stanislav Visnovsky <visnovsky nenya ms mff cuni 	2002-02-28  Stanislav Visnovsky <visnovsky nenya ms mff cuni 

	* sk.po: Updated Slovak translation.				* sk.po: Updated Slovak translation.

2002-02-12  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>			2002-02-12  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>

	* no.po: Updated Norwegian (bokmÃ?Â¥l) translation.		* no.po: Updated Norwegian (bokmÃ?Â¥l) translation.

2002-02-10  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>			2002-02-10  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>

	* no.po: Updated Norwegian (bokmÃ?Â¥l) translation.		* no.po: Updated Norwegian (bokmÃ?Â¥l) translation.

2002-02-10  Duarte Loreto <happyguy_pt hotmail com>		2002-02-10  Duarte Loreto <happyguy_pt hotmail com>

        * pt.po: Updated Portuguese translation.		        * pt.po: Updated Portuguese translation.

2002-02-03  Hasbullah Bin Pit <sebol ikhlas com>		2002-02-03  Hasbullah Bin Pit <sebol ikhlas com>

	* ms.po: Updated Malay Translation.				* ms.po: Updated Malay Translation.

2002-01-30  Ole Laursen  <olau hardworking dk>			2002-01-30  Ole Laursen  <olau hardworking dk>

	* da.po: Updated Danish translation.				* da.po: Updated Danish translation.

2002-01-30  Stanislav Visnovsky <visnovsky nenya ms mff cuni 	2002-01-30  Stanislav Visnovsky <visnovsky nenya ms mff cuni 

	* sk.po: Updated Slovak translation.				* sk.po: Updated Slovak translation.

2002-01-29  Wang Jian  <lark linux net cn>			2002-01-29  Wang Jian  <lark linux net cn>

	* zh_CN.po: Updated Simplified Chinese translation by		* zh_CN.po: Updated Simplified Chinese translation by
	Wang Li <charlesw1234 163 com>.					Wang Li <charlesw1234 163 com>.

2002-01-27  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>			2002-01-27  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>

	* no.po: Updated Norwegian (bokmÃ?Â¥l) translation.		* no.po: Updated Norwegian (bokmÃ?Â¥l) translation.

2002-01-27  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>		2002-01-27  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>

	* POTFILES.in: Added missing file.				* POTFILES.in: Added missing file.
	* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation, and converted i		* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation, and converted i

2002-01-22  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>		2002-01-22  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>

	* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.				* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.

2002-01-19  Hasbullah Bin Pit <sebol ikhlas com>		2002-01-19  Hasbullah Bin Pit <sebol ikhlas com>

	* ms.po: Added Malay Translation by				* ms.po: Added Malay Translation by
	 Afifi Omar (App) <mr_mohd_afifi yahoo com> and me ..		 Afifi Omar (App) <mr_mohd_afifi yahoo com> and me ..

2002-01-13  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>			2002-01-13  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>

	* no.po: Updated Norwegian (bokmÃ?Â¥l) translation.		* no.po: Updated Norwegian (bokmÃ?Â¥l) translation.

2002-01-10  Duarte Loreto <happyguy_pt hotmail com>		2002-01-10  Duarte Loreto <happyguy_pt hotmail com>

        * pt.po: Updated Portuguese translation.		        * pt.po: Updated Portuguese translation.

2002-01-09  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>		2002-01-09  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>

	* POTFILES.in: Sorted and added missing files.			* POTFILES.in: Sorted and added missing files.
	* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.				* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.

2002-01-09  Stanislav Visnovsky  <visnovsky nenya ms mff cuni	2002-01-09  Stanislav Visnovsky  <visnovsky nenya ms mff cuni

	* sk.po: Updated Slovak translation.				* sk.po: Updated Slovak translation.

2002-01-08  Duarte Loreto <happyguy_pt hotmail com>		2002-01-08  Duarte Loreto <happyguy_pt hotmail com>

        * pt.po: Updated Portuguese translation.		        * pt.po: Updated Portuguese translation.

2001-12-27  Duarte Loreto <happyguy_pt hotmail com>		2001-12-27  Duarte Loreto <happyguy_pt hotmail com>

        * pt.po: Added portuguese translation			        * pt.po: Added portuguese translation

2001-12-15  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>		2001-12-15  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>

	* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.				* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.

2001-12-13  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>			2001-12-13  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>

	* no.po: Updated Norwegian (bokmÃ?Â¥l) translation.		* no.po: Updated Norwegian (bokmÃ?Â¥l) translation.

2001-12-11  Stanislav Visnovsky  <visnovsky nenya ms mff cuni	2001-12-11  Stanislav Visnovsky  <visnovsky nenya ms mff cuni

	* sk.po: Updated Slovak translation.				* sk.po: Updated Slovak translation.

2001-12-04  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>		2001-12-04  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>

	* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.				* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.

2001-11-24  Wang Jian  <lark linux net cn>			2001-11-24  Wang Jian  <lark linux net cn>

	* zh_CN.po: Updated Simplified Chinese translation by		* zh_CN.po: Updated Simplified Chinese translation by
	Wang Li <charlesw1234 163 com>.					Wang Li <charlesw1234 163 com>.

2001-11-21  Carlos Perell�³ Mar�­n <carlos gnome-db org>	2001-11-21  Carlos Perell�³ Mar�­n <carlos gnome-db org>

	* POTFILES.ignore: Removed.					* POTFILES.ignore: Removed.

2001-11-21  Carlos Perell�³ Mar�­n <carlos gnome-db org>	2001-11-21  Carlos Perell�³ Mar�­n <carlos gnome-db org>

	* POTFILES.in: Fixed.						* POTFILES.in: Fixed.

2001-11-03  Carlos Perell�³ Mar�­n <carlos gnome-db org>	2001-11-03  Carlos Perell�³ Mar�­n <carlos gnome-db org>

	* POTFILES.in: Updated the recent changes.			* POTFILES.in: Updated the recent changes.

2001-10-14  Valek Filippov  <frob df ru>			2001-10-14  Valek Filippov  <frob df ru>

	* ru.po: Updated russian translation.				* ru.po: Updated russian translation.

2001-09-29  Fatih Demir <kabalak gtranslator org>		2001-09-29  Fatih Demir <kabalak gtranslator org>

	* ta.po: Added Tamil translation.				* ta.po: Added Tamil translation.

2001-09-27  Wang Jian  <lark linux net cn>			2001-09-27  Wang Jian  <lark linux net cn>

	* zh_CN.po: Added Simplified Chinese translation.		* zh_CN.po: Added Simplified Chinese translation.

2001-09-26  Pablo Saratxaga <pablo mandrakesoft com>		2001-09-26  Pablo Saratxaga <pablo mandrakesoft com>

	* az.po: Added Azeri file					* az.po: Added Azeri file
	* ca.po: Updated Catalan file					* ca.po: Updated Catalan file

2001-09-19  Carlos Perell�³ Mar�­n <carlos gnome-db org>	2001-09-19  Carlos Perell�³ Mar�­n <carlos gnome-db org>

	* POTFILES.in: Fixed						* POTFILES.in: Fixed

2001-09-22  Abel Cheung  <maddog linux org hk>			2001-09-22  Abel Cheung  <maddog linux org hk>

	* zh_TW.po: Update tranditional Chinese translation		* zh_TW.po: Update tranditional Chinese translation
	  from Joe Man <trmetal yahoo com hk>				  from Joe Man <trmetal yahoo com hk>

2001-09-04  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>		2001-09-04  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>

	* .cvsignore: Changed to ignore *.pot.				* .cvsignore: Changed to ignore *.pot.

2001-09-03  Stanislav Visnovsky  <visnovsky nenya ms mff cuni	2001-09-03  Stanislav Visnovsky  <visnovsky nenya ms mff cuni

	* sk.po: Updated Slovak translation.				* sk.po: Updated Slovak translation.

2001-09-02  Carlos Perell�³ Mar�­n <carlos gnome-db org>	2001-09-02  Carlos Perell�³ Mar�­n <carlos gnome-db org>

	* POTFILES.in: Updated.						* POTFILES.in: Updated.

2001-09-02  Abel Cheung  <maddog linux org hk>			2001-09-02  Abel Cheung  <maddog linux org hk>

	* zh_TW.po: Convert to UTF-8.					* zh_TW.po: Convert to UTF-8.

2001-08-31  Abel Cheung  <maddog linux org hk>			2001-08-31  Abel Cheung  <maddog linux org hk>

	* zh_TW.Big5.po: Rename to ......				* zh_TW.Big5.po: Rename to ......
	* zh_TW.po: This.						* zh_TW.po: This.

2001-08-20  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-08-20  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* POTFILES.in: removed source files from gnome-db		* POTFILES.in: removed source files from gnome-db

2001-08-17  Carlos Perell�³ Mar�­n <carlos gnome-db org>	2001-08-17  Carlos Perell�³ Mar�­n <carlos gnome-db org>

	* zh_TW.Big5: renamed to zh_TW.Big5.po				* zh_TW.Big5: renamed to zh_TW.Big5.po

2001-08-13  Valek Filippov  <frob df ru>			2001-08-13  Valek Filippov  <frob df ru>

	* ru.po: Updated russian translation.				* ru.po: Updated russian translation.

2001-08-02  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>		2001-08-02  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>

	* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.				* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.

2001-07-24  Stanislav Visnovsky  <visnovsky nenya ms mff cuni	2001-07-24  Stanislav Visnovsky  <visnovsky nenya ms mff cuni

	* sk.po: Updated Slovak translation.				* sk.po: Updated Slovak translation.

2001-07-24  Wang Jian  <lark linux net cn>			2001-07-24  Wang Jian  <lark linux net cn>

	* zh_TW.Big5: Added by Joe Man <trmetal yahoo com hk>		* zh_TW.Big5: Added by Joe Man <trmetal yahoo com hk>

2001-07-17  Stanislav Visnovsky  <visnovsky nenya ms mff cuni	2001-07-17  Stanislav Visnovsky  <visnovsky nenya ms mff cuni

	* sk.po: Updated Slovak translation.				* sk.po: Updated Slovak translation.

2001-07-15  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>			2001-07-15  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>

	* nn.po: Added Norwegian (nynorsk) translation.			* nn.po: Added Norwegian (nynorsk) translation.
	* no.po: Updated Norwegian (bokmÃ?Â¥l) translation.		* no.po: Updated Norwegian (bokmÃ?Â¥l) translation.
2001-07-07  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>		2001-07-07  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>

	* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.				* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.

2001-07-02  Akira TAGOH  <tagoh gnome-db org>			2001-07-02  Akira TAGOH  <tagoh gnome-db org>

	* ja.po: Updated Japanese translation.				* ja.po: Updated Japanese translation.

2001-06-01  Stanislav Visnovsky  <visnovsky nenya ms mff cuni	2001-06-01  Stanislav Visnovsky  <visnovsky nenya ms mff cuni

	* sk.po: Updated Slovak translation.				* sk.po: Updated Slovak translation.

2001-06-01  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>		2001-06-01  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>

	* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.				* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.

2001-06-01  gettextize  <bug-gnu-utils gnu org>			2001-06-01  gettextize  <bug-gnu-utils gnu org>

	* Makefile.in.in: Upgrade to gettext-0.10.38.			* Makefile.in.in: Upgrade to gettext-0.10.38.

2001-05-31  gettextize  <bug-gnu-utils gnu org>			2001-05-31  gettextize  <bug-gnu-utils gnu org>

	* Makefile.in.in: Upgrade to gettext-0.10.38.			* Makefile.in.in: Upgrade to gettext-0.10.38.

2001-05-31  gettextize  <bug-gnu-utils gnu org>			2001-05-31  gettextize  <bug-gnu-utils gnu org>

	* Makefile.in.in: Upgrade to gettext-0.10.38.			* Makefile.in.in: Upgrade to gettext-0.10.38.

2001-05-27  gettextize  <bug-gnu-utils gnu org>			2001-05-27  gettextize  <bug-gnu-utils gnu org>

	* Makefile.in.in: Upgrade to gettext-0.10.37.			* Makefile.in.in: Upgrade to gettext-0.10.37.

2001-05-27  gettextize  <bug-gnu-utils gnu org>			2001-05-27  gettextize  <bug-gnu-utils gnu org>

	* Makefile.in.in: Upgrade to gettext-0.10.37.			* Makefile.in.in: Upgrade to gettext-0.10.37.

2001-05-27  gettextize  <bug-gnu-utils gnu org>			2001-05-27  gettextize  <bug-gnu-utils gnu org>

	* Makefile.in.in: Upgrade to gettext-0.10.37.			* Makefile.in.in: Upgrade to gettext-0.10.37.

2001-05-27  gettextize  <bug-gnu-utils gnu org>			2001-05-27  gettextize  <bug-gnu-utils gnu org>

	* Makefile.in.in: Upgrade to gettext-0.10.37.			* Makefile.in.in: Upgrade to gettext-0.10.37.

2001-05-27  gettextize  <bug-gnu-utils gnu org>			2001-05-27  gettextize  <bug-gnu-utils gnu org>

	* Makefile.in.in: Upgrade to gettext-0.10.37.			* Makefile.in.in: Upgrade to gettext-0.10.37.

2001-05-26  gettextize  <bug-gnu-utils gnu org>			2001-05-26  gettextize  <bug-gnu-utils gnu org>

	* Makefile.in.in: Upgrade to gettext-0.10.37.			* Makefile.in.in: Upgrade to gettext-0.10.37.

2001-05-18  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>			2001-05-18  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>

	* no.po: Updated Norwegian translation.				* no.po: Updated Norwegian translation.
2001-05-21  Pablo Saratxaga <pablo mandrakesoft com>		2001-05-21  Pablo Saratxaga <pablo mandrakesoft com>

	* es.po,it.po,pl.po,pt_BR.po: fixed headers			* es.po,it.po,pl.po,pt_BR.po: fixed headers

2001-05-18  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>			2001-05-18  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>

	* POTFILES.in: Remove non-existant files.			* POTFILES.in: Remove non-existant files.
	* no.po: Updated Norwegian translation.				* no.po: Updated Norwegian translation.
2001-05-16  gettextize  <bug-gnu-utils gnu org>			2001-05-16  gettextize  <bug-gnu-utils gnu org>

	* Makefile.in.in: Upgrade to gettext-0.10.37.			* Makefile.in.in: Upgrade to gettext-0.10.37.

2001-05-11  gettextize  <bug-gnu-utils gnu org>			2001-05-11  gettextize  <bug-gnu-utils gnu org>

	* Makefile.in.in: Upgrade to gettext-0.10.37.			* Makefile.in.in: Upgrade to gettext-0.10.37.

2001-04-30  gettextize  <bug-gnu-utils gnu org>			2001-04-30  gettextize  <bug-gnu-utils gnu org>

	* Makefile.in.in: Upgrade to gettext-0.10.37.			* Makefile.in.in: Upgrade to gettext-0.10.37.

2001-04-30  Stanislav Visnovsky  <visnovsky nenya ms mff cuni	2001-04-30  Stanislav Visnovsky  <visnovsky nenya ms mff cuni

	* sk.po: Updated Slovak translation.				* sk.po: Updated Slovak translation.

2001-04-29  Christian Meyer  <chrisime gnome org>		2001-04-29  Christian Meyer  <chrisime gnome org>

	* de.po: Updated German translation.				* de.po: Updated German translation.

2001-04-23  Valek Filippov  <frob df ru>			2001-04-23  Valek Filippov  <frob df ru>

	* ru.po: Updated russian translation.				* ru.po: Updated russian translation.

2001-04-18  Stanislav Visnovsky  <visnovsky nenya ms mff cuni	2001-04-18  Stanislav Visnovsky  <visnovsky nenya ms mff cuni

	* sk.po: Updated Slovak translation.				* sk.po: Updated Slovak translation.

2001-04-18  gettextize  <bug-gnu-utils gnu org>			2001-04-18  gettextize  <bug-gnu-utils gnu org>

	* Makefile.in.in: Upgrade to gettext-0.10.36.			* Makefile.in.in: Upgrade to gettext-0.10.36.

2001-04-18  gettextize  <bug-gnu-utils gnu org>			2001-04-18  gettextize  <bug-gnu-utils gnu org>

	* Makefile.in.in: Upgrade to gettext-0.10.36.			* Makefile.in.in: Upgrade to gettext-0.10.36.

2001-04-18  gettextize  <bug-gnu-utils gnu org>			2001-04-18  gettextize  <bug-gnu-utils gnu org>

	* Makefile.in.in: Upgrade to gettext-0.10.36.			* Makefile.in.in: Upgrade to gettext-0.10.36.

2001-04-16  gettextize  <bug-gnu-utils gnu org>			2001-04-16  gettextize  <bug-gnu-utils gnu org>

	* Makefile.in.in: Upgrade to gettext-0.10.36.			* Makefile.in.in: Upgrade to gettext-0.10.36.

2001-04-15  gettextize  <bug-gnu-utils gnu org>			2001-04-15  gettextize  <bug-gnu-utils gnu org>

	* Makefile.in.in: Upgrade to gettext-0.10.36.			* Makefile.in.in: Upgrade to gettext-0.10.36.

2001-04-15  gettextize  <bug-gnu-utils gnu org>			2001-04-15  gettextize  <bug-gnu-utils gnu org>

	* Makefile.in.in: Upgrade to gettext-0.10.36.			* Makefile.in.in: Upgrade to gettext-0.10.36.

2001-04-15  gettextize  <bug-gnu-utils gnu org>			2001-04-15  gettextize  <bug-gnu-utils gnu org>

	* Makefile.in.in: Upgrade to gettext-0.10.36.			* Makefile.in.in: Upgrade to gettext-0.10.36.
	* cat-id-tbl.c: Remove file.					* cat-id-tbl.c: Remove file.
	* stamp-cat-id: Remove file.					* stamp-cat-id: Remove file.

2001-04-07  gettextize  <bug-gnu-utils gnu org>			2001-04-07  gettextize  <bug-gnu-utils gnu org>

	* Makefile.in.in: Upgrade to gettext-0.10.36.			* Makefile.in.in: Upgrade to gettext-0.10.36.

2001-04-07  gettextize  <bug-gnu-utils gnu org>			2001-04-07  gettextize  <bug-gnu-utils gnu org>

	* Makefile.in.in: Upgrade to gettext-0.10.36.			* Makefile.in.in: Upgrade to gettext-0.10.36.

2001-04-07  Akira TAGOH <tagoh gnome-db org>			2001-04-07  Akira TAGOH <tagoh gnome-db org>

	* ja.po: Updated Japanese translation.				* ja.po: Updated Japanese translation.

2001-03-11  Carlos Perells Marmn <carlos gnome-db org>		2001-03-11  Carlos Perells Marmn <carlos gnome-db org>

	* es.po: Updated Spanish translation by Antonio 		* es.po: Updated Spanish translation by Antonio 
	  de la Torre <cadenas arrakis es>				  de la Torre <cadenas arrakis es>

2001-03-10  Carlos Perells Marmn <carlos gnome-db org>		2001-03-10  Carlos Perells Marmn <carlos gnome-db org>

	* updated.sh: Removed because don't run correctly in 		* updated.sh: Removed because don't run correctly in 
	  situations, please use xml-i18n-update directly.		  situations, please use xml-i18n-update directly.

2001-02-14  Akira TAGOH  <tagoh gnome-db org>			2001-02-14  Akira TAGOH  <tagoh gnome-db org>

	* ja.po: Updated Japanese translation.				* ja.po: Updated Japanese translation.

2001-02-14  Stanislav Visnovsky  <visnovsky nenya ms mff cuni	2001-02-14  Stanislav Visnovsky  <visnovsky nenya ms mff cuni

	* sk.po: Updated Slovak translation.				* sk.po: Updated Slovak translation.

2001-02-13  Christophe Merlet  <christophe merlet net>		2001-02-13  Christophe Merlet  <christophe merlet net>

	* fr.po: Updated French translation.				* fr.po: Updated French translation.

2001-02-12  Christian Meyer  <cm ggtt de>			2001-02-12  Christian Meyer  <cm ggtt de>

	* de.po: Small fixes.						* de.po: Small fixes.

2001-02-12  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>		2001-02-12  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>

	* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.				* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.

2001-02-09  Valek Filippov  <frob df ru>			2001-02-09  Valek Filippov  <frob df ru>

	* ru.po: Updated russian translation.				* ru.po: Updated russian translation.

2001-02-05  Christian Meyer  <cm ggtt de>			2001-02-05  Christian Meyer  <cm ggtt de>

	* de.po: Updated German translation.				* de.po: Updated German translation.

2001-02-05  Stanislav Visnovsky  <visnovsky nenya ms mff cuni	2001-02-05  Stanislav Visnovsky  <visnovsky nenya ms mff cuni

	* sk.po: Updated Slovak translation.				* sk.po: Updated Slovak translation.

2001-01-31  Szabolcs Ban  <shooby gnome hu>			2001-01-31  Szabolcs Ban  <shooby gnome hu>

        * hu.po: Terminology fixes by Andras Timar <timar gno	        * hu.po: Terminology fixes by Andras Timar <timar gno

2001-01-29  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>			2001-01-29  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>

	* no.po: Updated Norwegian translation.				* no.po: Updated Norwegian translation.

2001-01-25  Carlos Perells Marmn <carlos gnome-db org>		2001-01-25  Carlos Perells Marmn <carlos gnome-db org>

	* README.tools, update.pl: removed because don't work		* README.tools, update.pl: removed because don't work
	  update.sh: Stolen from Nautilus, it's only a wrappe		  update.sh: Stolen from Nautilus, it's only a wrappe

2001-01-24  Szabolcs Ban  <shooby gnome hu>			2001-01-24  Szabolcs Ban  <shooby gnome hu>

        * hu.po: Tons of fixes by Andras and Emese (spelling,	        * hu.po: Tons of fixes by Andras and Emese (spelling,
          terminology, headers)					          terminology, headers)

2001-01-23  Carlos Perells Marmn <carlos gnome-db org>		2001-01-23  Carlos Perells Marmn <carlos gnome-db org>

        * *.po: Updated to add the new strings from *.desktop	        * *.po: Updated to add the new strings from *.desktop
	  Sorry, I hope this will be the last update to total		  Sorry, I hope this will be the last update to total
	  integration with xml-i18n-tools.				  integration with xml-i18n-tools.

2001-01-22  Carlos Perells Marmn <carlos gnome-db org>		2001-01-22  Carlos Perells Marmn <carlos gnome-db org>

	* *.po: Updated to add the new strings from *.oaf.in		* *.po: Updated to add the new strings from *.oaf.in

2001-01-11  Christophe Merlet  <christophe merlet net>		2001-01-11  Christophe Merlet  <christophe merlet net>

	* fr.po: Updated French translation.				* fr.po: Updated French translation.

2001-01-08  Szabolcs Ban <shooby gnome hu>			2001-01-08  Szabolcs Ban <shooby gnome hu>

	* hu.po: Updated Hungarian translations.			* hu.po: Updated Hungarian translations.

2001-01-02  Stanislav Visnovsky  <visnovsky nenya ms mff cuni	2001-01-02  Stanislav Visnovsky  <visnovsky nenya ms mff cuni

	* sk.po: Updated Slovak translation.				* sk.po: Updated Slovak translation.

2000-12-29  Fatih Demir	<kabalak gmx net>			2000-12-29  Fatih Demir	<kabalak gmx net>

	* ko.po: Added Korean translation by				* ko.po: Added Korean translation by
		YHC...								YHC...

2000-12-27  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>		2000-12-27  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>

	* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.				* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.

2000-12-27 Kai Lahmann <kl linuxfaqs de>			2000-12-27 Kai Lahmann <kl linuxfaqs de>

	* de.po: Updated German translation				* de.po: Updated German translation

2000-12-26  Valek Filippov  <frob df ru>			2000-12-26  Valek Filippov  <frob df ru>

	* ru.po: Updated russian translation.				* ru.po: Updated russian translation.

2000-12-22  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>		2000-12-22  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>

	* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.				* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.

2000-12-21  Valek Filippov  <frob df ru>			2000-12-21  Valek Filippov  <frob df ru>

	* ru.po: Updated russian translation.				* ru.po: Updated russian translation.

2000-12-20  Stanislav Visnovsky  <visnovsky nenya ms mff cuni	2000-12-20  Stanislav Visnovsky  <visnovsky nenya ms mff cuni

	* sk.po: Updated Slovak translation.				* sk.po: Updated Slovak translation.

2000-12-19  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>			2000-12-19  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>

	* no.po: Updated Norwegian translation.				* no.po: Updated Norwegian translation.
	* POTFILES.in: Added components/gnomedb-monikers-data		* POTFILES.in: Added components/gnomedb-monikers-data
2000-12-19  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>		2000-12-19  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>

	* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.				* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.

2000-12-13  Valek Filippov  <frob df ru>			2000-12-13  Valek Filippov  <frob df ru>

	* ru.po: Updated russian translation.				* ru.po: Updated russian translation.

2000-12-12  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>		2000-12-12  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>

	* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.				* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.

2000-12-12  Stanislav Visnovsky  <visnovsky nenya ms mff cuni	2000-12-12  Stanislav Visnovsky  <visnovsky nenya ms mff cuni

	* sk.po: Added Slovak translation.				* sk.po: Added Slovak translation.

2000-12-11  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>			2000-12-11  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>

	* no.po: Updated Norwegian translation.				* no.po: Updated Norwegian translation.

2000-12-11  Martin Norbdck  <d95mback dtek chalmers se>		2000-12-11  Martin Norbdck  <d95mback dtek chalmers se>

	* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation				* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation

2000-12-09  Simos Xenitellis  <simos hellug gr>			2000-12-09  Simos Xenitellis  <simos hellug gr>

	* el.po: Updated Greek translation.				* el.po: Updated Greek translation.

2000-12-05  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>		2000-12-05  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>

	* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.				* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.

2000-12-05  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>			2000-12-05  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>

	* no.po: Updated Norwegian translation.				* no.po: Updated Norwegian translation.

2000-12-04  Valek Filippov  <frob df ru>			2000-12-04  Valek Filippov  <frob df ru>

	* ru.po: Updated russian translation.				* ru.po: Updated russian translation.

2000-12-03  Kai Lahmann <kl linuxfaqs de>			2000-12-03  Kai Lahmann <kl linuxfaqs de>

	* de.po: Updated German translation				* de.po: Updated German translation

2000-12-01  Fatih Demir	<kabalak gmx net>			2000-12-01  Fatih Demir	<kabalak gmx net>

	* tr.po: Committed Turkish translation.				* tr.po: Committed Turkish translation.

2000-12-01  Valek Filippov  <frob df ru>			2000-12-01  Valek Filippov  <frob df ru>

	* ru.po: Updated russian translation.				* ru.po: Updated russian translation.

2000-11-29  Szabolcs BAN <shooby gnome hu>			2000-11-29  Szabolcs BAN <shooby gnome hu>

	* hu.po: Updated Hungarian translation.				* hu.po: Updated Hungarian translation.

2000-11-28  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>			2000-11-28  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>

	* no.po: Updated Norwegian translation.				* no.po: Updated Norwegian translation.

2000-11-21  Valek Filippov  <frob df ru>			2000-11-21  Valek Filippov  <frob df ru>

	* ru.po: Updated russian translation.				* ru.po: Updated russian translation.

2000-11-17  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>		2000-11-17  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>

	* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.				* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.

2000-11-14  Valek Filippov  <frob df ru>			2000-11-14  Valek Filippov  <frob df ru>

	* ru.po: Updated russian translation.				* ru.po: Updated russian translation.

2000-11-14  Jarkko Ranta  <jjranta cc joensuu fi>		2000-11-14  Jarkko Ranta  <jjranta cc joensuu fi>

	* fi.po: Added Finnish translation.				* fi.po: Added Finnish translation.

2000-11-13  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>		2000-11-13  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>

	* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.				* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.

2000-11-13  Yuri Syrota  <rasta renome rovno ua>		2000-11-13  Yuri Syrota  <rasta renome rovno ua>

	* uk.po: Updated Ukrainian translation.				* uk.po: Updated Ukrainian translation.

2000-11-04  Zbigniew Chyla  <cyba gnome pl>			2000-11-04  Zbigniew Chyla  <cyba gnome pl>

	* pl.po: Updated Polish translation				* pl.po: Updated Polish translation

2000-11-04  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>		2000-11-04  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>

	* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.				* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.

2000-11-04  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>			2000-11-04  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>

	* no.po: Updated Norwegian translation.				* no.po: Updated Norwegian translation.

2000-11-03  Kai Lahmann <kl linuxfaqs de>			2000-11-03  Kai Lahmann <kl linuxfaqs de>

	* de.po: Updated German translation				* de.po: Updated German translation

2000-11-02  Valek Filippov  <frob df ru>			2000-11-02  Valek Filippov  <frob df ru>

	* ru.po: Updated russian translation.				* ru.po: Updated russian translation.

2000-10-31  Szabolcs Ban  <shooby gnome hu>			2000-10-31  Szabolcs Ban  <shooby gnome hu>

	* hu.po: Updated Hungarian translation.				* hu.po: Updated Hungarian translation.

2000-10-30  Valek Filippov  <frob df ru>			2000-10-30  Valek Filippov  <frob df ru>

	* ru.po: Updated russian translation.				* ru.po: Updated russian translation.

2000-10-30  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>		2000-10-30  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>

	* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.				* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.

2000-10-29  Jesus Bravo Alvarez  <jba pobox com>		2000-10-29  Jesus Bravo Alvarez  <jba pobox com>

	* gl.po: Updated Galician translation.				* gl.po: Updated Galician translation.

2000-10-28  Kai Lahmann <kl linuxfaqs de>			2000-10-28  Kai Lahmann <kl linuxfaqs de>

	* de.po: Updated German translation				* de.po: Updated German translation

2000-10-25  Akira TAGOH  <tagoh gnome gr jp>			2000-10-25  Akira TAGOH  <tagoh gnome gr jp>

	* ja.po: Updated Japanese translation.				* ja.po: Updated Japanese translation.

2000-10-25  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>			2000-10-25  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>

	* no.po: Updated Norwegian translation.				* no.po: Updated Norwegian translation.

2000-10-23  Yuri Syrota  <rasta renome rovno ua>		2000-10-23  Yuri Syrota  <rasta renome rovno ua>

	* uk.po: Updated Ukrainian translation.				* uk.po: Updated Ukrainian translation.

2000-10-22  Christian Meyer  <cm ggtt de>			2000-10-22  Christian Meyer  <cm ggtt de>

	* de.po: Updated German translation.				* de.po: Updated German translation.
2000-10-21  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo linuxave net>			2000-10-21  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo linuxave net>

	* POTFILES.in: removed non-existant files			* POTFILES.in: removed non-existant files

2000-10-20  Valek Filippov  <frob df ru>			2000-10-20  Valek Filippov  <frob df ru>

	* ru.po: Updated russian translation.				* ru.po: Updated russian translation.

2000-10-19  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>		2000-10-19  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>

	* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.				* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.

2000-10-16  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>		2000-10-16  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>

	* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.				* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.

2000-10-15  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>			2000-10-15  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>

	* no.po: Updated Norwegian translation.				* no.po: Updated Norwegian translation.

2000-10-15  Almer S. Tigelaar  <almer1 dds nl>			2000-10-15  Almer S. Tigelaar  <almer1 dds nl>

	* nl.po: Add Dutch translation.					* nl.po: Add Dutch translation.

2000-10-15  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>		2000-10-15  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>

	* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.				* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.

2000-10-09  Christian Meyer  <cm ggtt de>			2000-10-09  Christian Meyer  <cm ggtt de>

	* de.po: Fixed German translation.				* de.po: Fixed German translation.
2000-10-08  Akira TAGOH <tagoh gnome gr jp>			2000-10-08  Akira TAGOH <tagoh gnome gr jp>

	* ja.po: Updated Japanese translation.				* ja.po: Updated Japanese translation.

2000-10-01  Kai Lahmann <kl linuxfaqs de>			2000-10-01  Kai Lahmann <kl linuxfaqs de>

	* de.po: Updated German translation				* de.po: Updated German translation

2000-09-28  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>			2000-09-28  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>

	* no.po: Updated Norwegian translation.				* no.po: Updated Norwegian translation.

2000-09-22  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>		2000-09-22  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>

	* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.				* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.

2000-09-22  Jesus Bravo Alvarez  <jba pobox com>		2000-09-22  Jesus Bravo Alvarez  <jba pobox com>

	* gl.po: Updated Galician translation.				* gl.po: Updated Galician translation.

2000-09-21  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>			2000-09-21  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>

	* no.po: Updated Norwegian translation.				* no.po: Updated Norwegian translation.
	* POTFILES.in: Added some files.				* POTFILES.in: Added some files.
	* POTFILES.ignore: Added this.					* POTFILES.ignore: Added this.
2000-09-19  Christian Meyer  <linux chrisime de>		2000-09-19  Christian Meyer  <linux chrisime de>

	* de.po: Updated German translation.				* de.po: Updated German translation.
2000-09-19  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>		2000-09-19  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>

	* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.				* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.
	* update.pl: Added Kjartan Maraas' well-known script.		* update.pl: Added Kjartan Maraas' well-known script.
	* update.sh: Added Kjartan Maraas' well-known script.		* update.sh: Added Kjartan Maraas' well-known script.
	* .cvsignore: Created a .cvsignore file.			* .cvsignore: Created a .cvsignore file.
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: cs.gmo
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/cs.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/cs.po
# libgnomedb cs.po Czech translation				# libgnomedb cs.po Czech translation
# Copyright (C) 2002 Free Software Foundation			# Copyright (C) 2002 Free Software Foundation
# Copyright (C) 2004 Miloslav Trmac <mitr volny cz>		# Copyright (C) 2004 Miloslav Trmac <mitr volny cz>
# This file is distributed under the same license as the libg	# This file is distributed under the same license as the libg
# Michal Bukovjan <bukm centrum cz>, 2002.			# Michal Bukovjan <bukm centrum cz>, 2002.
# Miloslav Trmac <mitr volny cz>, 2004.				# Miloslav Trmac <mitr volny cz>, 2004.
#								#
msgid ""							msgid ""
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: libgnomedb HEAD\n"				"Project-Id-Version: libgnomedb HEAD\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"					"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"			"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-06-07 11:11+0200\n"			"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-06-07 11:11+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Miloslav Trmac <mitr volny cz>\n"		"Last-Translator: Miloslav Trmac <mitr volny cz>\n"
"Language-Team: Czech <cs li org>\n"				"Language-Team: Czech <cs li org>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"						"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"			"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"				"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co
msgid "Data Sources"						msgid "Data Sources"
msgstr "Datové zdroje"						msgstr "Datové zdroje"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid
msgid "Providers"						msgid "Providers"
msgstr "Poskytovatelé"						msgstr "Poskytovatelé"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1
msgid "Configure your database environment"			msgid "Configure your database environment"
msgstr "Nastavte vaÅ¡e databázové prostÅ?edí"			msgstr "Nastavte vaÅ¡e databázové prostÅ?edí"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2
msgid "Database Access Properties "				msgid "Database Access Properties "
msgstr "Vlastnosti pÅ?ístupu k databázi "			msgstr "Vlastnosti pÅ?ístupu k databázi "

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380
msgid "Name"							msgid "Name"
msgstr "Název"							msgstr "Název"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
msgid "Description"						msgid "Description"
msgstr "Popis"							msgstr "Popis"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182
msgid "Configured data sources in the system"			msgid "Configured data sources in the system"
msgstr "Zdroje dat nastavené v systému"				msgstr "Zdroje dat nastavené v systému"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data sources are the means by which database connections are	"Data sources are the means by which database connections are
"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s	"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s
"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o	"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o
"name you identify the connections in the applications that m	"name you identify the connections in the applications that m
"DB for database access."					"DB for database access."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Zdroj dat je způsob, jakým se identifikuje pÅ?ipojení k datab	"Zdroj dat je způsob, jakým se identifikuje pÅ?ipojení k datab
"VÅ¡echny informace potÅ?ebné k otevÅ?ení pÅ?ipojení pomocí speci	"VÅ¡echny informace potÅ?ebné k otevÅ?ení pÅ?ipojení pomocí speci
"poskytovatele a databáze jsou uloženy pod unikátním názvem. 	"poskytovatele a databáze jsou uloženy pod unikátním názvem. 
"unikátního názvu pak oznaÄ?ujete spojení v aplikacích, které 	"unikátního názvu pak oznaÄ?ujete spojení v aplikacích, které 
"pÅ?ístup k databázi pomocí GNOME-DB."				"pÅ?ístup k databázi pomocí GNOME-DB."

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"	msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"
msgstr "Jste si jisti, že chcete odstranit zdroj dat '%s'?"	msgstr "Jste si jisti, že chcete odstranit zdroj dat '%s'?"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104
msgid "Data Source Properties"					msgid "Data Source Properties"
msgstr "Vlastnosti zdroje dat"					msgstr "Vlastnosti zdroje dat"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132
msgid "Basic"							msgid "Basic"
msgstr "Základní"						msgstr "Základní"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Tables"							msgid "Tables"
msgstr "Tabulky"						msgstr "Tabulky"

#: control-center/main.c:92					#: control-center/main.c:92
msgid "No valid data source info was created"			msgid "No valid data source info was created"
msgstr "Nebyly vytvoÅ?eny žádné platné údaje o zdroji dat"	msgstr "Nebyly vytvoÅ?eny žádné platné údaje o zdroji dat"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218	#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218
msgid "New data source"						msgid "New data source"
msgstr "Nový zdroj dat"						msgstr "Nový zdroj dat"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:215					#: control-center/main.c:215
msgid "Database Access Properties"				msgid "Database Access Properties"
msgstr "Vlastnosti pÅ?ístupu k databázi"				msgstr "Vlastnosti pÅ?ístupu k databázi"

#: control-center/provider-config.c:105				#: control-center/provider-config.c:105
msgid "Installed providers"					msgid "Installed providers"
msgstr "Nainstalovaní poskytovatelé"				msgstr "Nainstalovaní poskytovatelé"

#: control-center/provider-config.c:131				#: control-center/provider-config.c:131
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec	"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec
"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo	"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo
"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr	"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr
"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba	"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba
"etc."								"etc."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Poskytovatelé jsou externí zásuvné moduly, které poskytují p	"Poskytovatelé jsou externí zásuvné moduly, které poskytují p
"specifickému zdroji dat. Implicitní poskytovatel, který umož	"specifickému zdroji dat. Implicitní poskytovatel, který umož
"databázím uloženým v souborech XML, je vždy nainstalován. Da	"databázím uloženým v souborech XML, je vždy nainstalován. Da
"poskytovatelé obvykle dodávané s libgda/gnome-db jsou pro Po	"poskytovatelé obvykle dodávané s libgda/gnome-db jsou pro Po
"Oracle, Sybase, Interbase atd."				"Oracle, Sybase, Interbase atd."

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1
msgid "Database connection parameters file"			msgid "Database connection parameters file"
msgstr "Soubor s parametry pÅ?ipojení k databázi"		msgstr "Soubor s parametry pÅ?ipojení k databázi"

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2
msgid "Documents"						msgid "Documents"
msgstr "Dokumenty"						msgstr "Dokumenty"

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3
msgid "SQL code viewer"						msgid "SQL code viewer"
msgstr "ProhlížeÄ? kódu SQL"					msgstr "ProhlížeÄ? kódu SQL"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1
msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"			msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"
msgstr "Písmo použité v prvku mÅ?ížky"				msgstr "Písmo použité v prvku mÅ?ížky"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2
msgid "Number of spaces per tab"				msgid "Number of spaces per tab"
msgstr "PoÄ?et mezer na tabelátor"				msgstr "PoÄ?et mezer na tabelátor"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3
msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"			msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"
msgstr "Zobrazovat Ä?ísla Å?ádků v editoru zdrojů"		msgstr "Zobrazovat Ä?ísla Å?ádků v editoru zdrojů"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4
msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"			msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"
msgstr "ZvýrazÅ?ovat v editoru zdrojového kódu"			msgstr "ZvýrazÅ?ovat v editoru zdrojového kódu"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60
msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"			msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"
msgstr "Databázové služby pro prostÅ?edí pracovní plochy GNOME	msgstr "Databázové služby pro prostÅ?edí pracovní plochy GNOME

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1
msgid "About"							msgid "About"
msgstr "O aplikaci"						msgstr "O aplikaci"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2
msgid "About GNOME-DB"						msgid "About GNOME-DB"
msgstr "O GNOME-DB"						msgstr "O GNOME-DB"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3
msgid "Close this window"					msgid "Close this window"
msgstr "ZavÅ?ít toto okno"					msgstr "ZavÅ?ít toto okno"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4
msgid "Create new entry"					msgid "Create new entry"
msgstr "VytvoÅ?it novou položku"					msgstr "VytvoÅ?it novou položku"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5
msgid "Delete selected items"					msgid "Delete selected items"
msgstr "Odstranit vybrané položky"				msgstr "Odstranit vybrané položky"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6
msgid "Deselect all items"					msgid "Deselect all items"
msgstr "ZruÅ¡it výbÄ?r vÅ¡ech položek"				msgstr "ZruÅ¡it výbÄ?r vÅ¡ech položek"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7
msgid "Edit properties for selected item"			msgid "Edit properties for selected item"
msgstr "Upravit vlastnosti vybrané položky"			msgstr "Upravit vlastnosti vybrané položky"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8
msgid "Save connection parameters to file"			msgid "Save connection parameters to file"
msgstr "Uložit parametry pÅ?ipojení do souboru"			msgstr "Uložit parametry pÅ?ipojení do souboru"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414
msgid "Select _All"						msgid "Select _All"
msgstr "Vybrat _vše"						msgstr "Vybrat _vše"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10
msgid "Select all items"					msgid "Select all items"
msgstr "Vybrat všechny položky"					msgstr "Vybrat všechny položky"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11
msgid "View data sources"					msgid "View data sources"
msgstr "Zobrazit zdroje dat"					msgstr "Zobrazit zdroje dat"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12
msgid "View providers"						msgid "View providers"
msgstr "Zobrazit poskytovatele"					msgstr "Zobrazit poskytovatele"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42
msgid "_Clear Selection"					msgid "_Clear Selection"
msgstr "_ZruÅ¡it výbÄ?r"						msgstr "_ZruÅ¡it výbÄ?r"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14
msgid "_Close"							msgid "_Close"
msgstr "_ZavÅ?ít"						msgstr "_ZavÅ?ít"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15
msgid "_Data Sources"						msgid "_Data Sources"
msgstr "_Zdroje dat"						msgstr "_Zdroje dat"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16
msgid "_Database"						msgid "_Database"
msgstr "_Databáze"						msgstr "_Databáze"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17
msgid "_Delete"							msgid "_Delete"
msgstr "_Odstranit"						msgstr "_Odstranit"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18
msgid "_Edit"							msgid "_Edit"
msgstr "_Upravit"						msgstr "_Upravit"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19
msgid "_Help"							msgid "_Help"
msgstr "Nápo_vÄ?da"						msgstr "Nápo_vÄ?da"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20
msgid "_New Data Source..."					msgid "_New Data Source..."
msgstr "_Nový zdroj dat..."					msgstr "_Nový zdroj dat..."

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21
msgid "_Properties"						msgid "_Properties"
msgstr "_Vlastnosti"						msgstr "_Vlastnosti"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22
msgid "_Providers"						msgid "_Providers"
msgstr "_Poskytovatelé"						msgstr "_Poskytovatelé"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23
msgid "_Save Connection"					msgid "_Save Connection"
msgstr "_Uložit pÅ?ipojení"					msgstr "_Uložit pÅ?ipojení"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24
msgid "_View"							msgid "_View"
msgstr "_Zobrazit"						msgstr "_Zobrazit"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76
msgid "Structure"						msgid "Structure"
msgstr "Struktura"						msgstr "Struktura"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73
msgid "Data"							msgid "Data"
msgstr "Data"							msgstr "Data"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238
msgid "Not implemented yet!"					msgid "Not implemented yet!"
msgstr "Zatím neimplementováno!"				msgstr "Zatím neimplementováno!"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Database"						msgid "Database"
msgstr "Databáze"						msgstr "Databáze"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540
msgid "Loading database schemas..."				msgid "Loading database schemas..."
msgstr "Nahrávají se databázová schémata..."			msgstr "Nahrávají se databázová schémata..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632
msgid "Refreshing data..."					msgid "Refreshing data..."
msgstr "Obnovují se data..."					msgstr "Obnovují se data..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688
msgid "Views"							msgid "Views"
msgstr "Pohledy"						msgstr "Pohledy"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691
msgid "Indexes"							msgid "Indexes"
msgstr "Indexy"							msgstr "Indexy"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Sequences"						msgid "Sequences"
msgstr "Sekvence"						msgstr "Sekvence"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Procedures"						msgid "Procedures"
msgstr "Procedury"						msgstr "Procedury"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700
msgid "Triggers"						msgid "Triggers"
msgstr "Triggery"						msgstr "Triggery"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Aggregates"						msgid "Aggregates"
msgstr "Agregace"						msgstr "Agregace"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Types"							msgid "Types"
msgstr "Typy"							msgstr "Typy"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140
msgid "Could not query CORBA components"			msgid "Could not query CORBA components"
msgstr "Nelze se dotázat na komponenty CORBA"			msgstr "Nelze se dotázat na komponenty CORBA"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209
msgid "ID"							msgid "ID"
msgstr "ID"							msgstr "ID"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "Location"						msgid "Location"
msgstr "UmístÄ?ní"						msgstr "UmístÄ?ní"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212
msgid "Username"						msgid "Username"
msgstr "Jméno uživatele"					msgstr "Jméno uživatele"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213
msgid "Hostname"						msgid "Hostname"
msgstr "Jméno uživatele"					msgstr "Jméno uživatele"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214
msgid "Domain"							msgid "Domain"
msgstr "Doména"							msgstr "Doména"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"			msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"
msgstr "Nepodporovaný typ v GconfEntry: %d"			msgstr "Nepodporovaný typ v GconfEntry: %d"

#. create widgets						#. create widgets
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97
msgid "Settings"						msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Nastavení"						msgstr "Nastavení"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103
msgid "Data source name"					msgid "Data source name"
msgstr "Název zdroje dat"					msgstr "Název zdroje dat"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109
msgid "Connection string"					msgid "Connection string"
msgstr "PÅ?ipojovací Å?etÄ?zec"					msgstr "PÅ?ipojovací Å?etÄ?zec"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115
msgid "Provider"						msgid "Provider"
msgstr "Poskytovatel"						msgstr "Poskytovatel"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121
msgid "User name"						msgid "User name"
msgstr "Jméno uživatele"					msgstr "Jméno uživatele"

#. create feature list						#. create feature list
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128
msgid "Features"						msgid "Features"
msgstr "Vlastnosti"						msgstr "Vlastnosti"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190
msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"		msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"
msgstr "Musíte zadat název nového zdroje dat"			msgstr "Musíte zadat název nového zdroje dat"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197
msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac	msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac
msgstr "Názvy zdrojů dat mohou obsahovat jen alfanumerické zn	msgstr "Názvy zdrojů dat mohou obsahovat jen alfanumerické zn

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206
msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th	msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th
msgstr "Pod stejným názvem již je zaregistrován existující zd	msgstr "Pod stejným názvem již je zaregistrován existující zd

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213
msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"			msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"
msgstr "Názvy zdrojů dat nemohou obsahovat mezery"		msgstr "Názvy zdrojů dat nemohou obsahovat mezery"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217
msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n	msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n
msgstr "Názvy zdrojů dat mohou obsahovat jen písmena a Ä?íslic	msgstr "Názvy zdrojů dat mohou obsahovat jen písmena a Ä?íslic

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225
msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"	msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"
msgstr "Musíte vybrat poskytovatele pro nový zdroj dat"		msgstr "Musíte vybrat poskytovatele pro nový zdroj dat"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233
msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"		msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"
msgstr "Poskytovatel nebyl ve vašem nastavení nalezen"		msgstr "Poskytovatel nebyl ve vašem nastavení nalezen"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391
msgid "Add a new data source..."				msgid "Add a new data source..."
msgstr "PÅ?idat nový zdroj dat..."				msgstr "PÅ?idat nový zdroj dat..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392
msgid ""							msgid ""
"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"		"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"
"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"		"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"
"installation. Just follow the steps!"				"installation. Just follow the steps!"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Tento průvodce vás provede procesem\n"				"Tento průvodce vás provede procesem\n"
"vytvoÅ?ení nového zdroje dat pro vaÅ¡i instalaci\n"		"vytvoÅ?ení nového zdroje dat pro vaÅ¡i instalaci\n"
"GNOME-DB. Pouze následujte instrukce!"				"GNOME-DB. Pouze následujte instrukce!"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404
msgid "General Information"					msgid "General Information"
msgstr "Obecné informace"					msgstr "Obecné informace"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the basic information\n"	"The following fields represent the basic information\n"
"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n	"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n
"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"	"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"
"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"	"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"
"the default one."						"the default one."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Následující pole pÅ?edstavují položky se základními\n"		"Následující pole pÅ?edstavují položky se základními\n"
"informacemi pro váš nový zdroj dat. NÄ?které z nich (popis,\n	"informacemi pro váš nový zdroj dat. NÄ?které z nich (popis,\n
"jméno uživatele) jsou volitelné, ale jiné jsou povinné.\n"	"jméno uživatele) jsou volitelné, ale jiné jsou povinné.\n"
"Pokud nevíte, kterého poskytovatele máte použít, prostÄ?\n"	"Pokud nevíte, kterého poskytovatele máte použít, prostÄ?\n"
"vyberte toho implicitního."					"vyberte toho implicitního."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104
msgid "Data source _name:"					msgid "Data source _name:"
msgstr "_Název zdroje dat:"					msgstr "_Název zdroje dat:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114
msgid "_Provider:"						msgid "_Provider:"
msgstr "_Poskytovatel:"						msgstr "_Poskytovatel:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133
msgid "_Description:"						msgid "_Description:"
msgstr "_Popis:"						msgstr "_Popis:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142
msgid "_Username:"						msgid "_Username:"
msgstr "_Jméno uživatele:"					msgstr "_Jméno uživatele:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151
msgid "P_assword:"						msgid "P_assword:"
msgstr "_Heslo:"						msgstr "_Heslo:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454
msgid "Provider Parameters"					msgid "Provider Parameters"
msgstr "Parametry poskytovatele"				msgstr "Parametry poskytovatele"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the information needed by the	"The following fields represent the information needed by the
"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n	"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n
"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\	"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\
"the manual for more information."				"the manual for more information."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Následující pole pÅ?edstavují informace, které potÅ?ebuje posk	"Následující pole pÅ?edstavují informace, které potÅ?ebuje posk
"vybraný v pÅ?edchozím kroku pro otevÅ?ení daného spojení. Tyto	"vybraný v pÅ?edchozím kroku pro otevÅ?ení daného spojení. Tyto
"jsou specifické pro každého poskytovatele, takže další infor	"jsou specifické pro každého poskytovatele, takže další infor
"hledejte v manuálu."						"hledejte v manuálu."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481
msgid "All information retrieved"				msgid "All information retrieved"
msgstr "Všechny informace získány"				msgstr "Všechny informace získány"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482
msgid ""							msgid ""
"All information needed to create a new data source\n"		"All information needed to create a new data source\n"
"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"		"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"
"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"	"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"
"just select it when asked for a data source."			"just select it when asked for a data source."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"VÅ¡echny informace potÅ?ebné pro vytvoÅ?ení nového zdroje\n"	"VÅ¡echny informace potÅ?ebné pro vytvoÅ?ení nového zdroje\n"
"dat byly získány. Nyní zavÅ?ete tento dialog stisknutím\n"	"dat byly získány. Nyní zavÅ?ete tento dialog stisknutím\n"
"'Použít'. Chcete-li otevÅ?ít váš nový zdroj dat, prostÅ¡\n"	"'Použít'. Chcete-li otevÅ?ít váš nový zdroj dat, prostÅ¡\n"
"jej vyberte, když budete dotázáni na zdroj dat."		"jej vyberte, když budete dotázáni na zdroj dat."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124
msgid "Connection _string:"					msgid "Connection _string:"
msgstr "_PÅ?ipojovací Å?etÄ?zec:"					msgstr "_PÅ?ipojovací Å?etÄ?zec:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4
msgid "Error"							msgid "Error"
msgstr "Chyba"							msgstr "Chyba"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.
msgid "Show detail >>"						msgid "Show detail >>"
msgstr "Zobrazit podrobnosti >>"				msgstr "Zobrazit podrobnosti >>"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122
msgid "<< Hide detail"						msgid "<< Hide detail"
msgstr "<< Skrýt podrobnosti"					msgstr "<< Skrýt podrobnosti"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191
msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"	msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"
msgstr "V používaní databázi doÅ¡lo k chybÄ?"			msgstr "V používaní databázi doÅ¡lo k chybÄ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196
msgid "Error number"						msgid "Error number"
msgstr "Ä?íslo chyby"						msgstr "Ä?íslo chyby"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227
msgid "Details"							msgid "Details"
msgstr "Podrobnosti"						msgstr "Podrobnosti"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234
msgid "Source"							msgid "Source"
msgstr "Zdroj"							msgstr "Zdroj"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241
msgid "SQL state"						msgid "SQL state"
msgstr "Stav SQL"						msgstr "Stav SQL"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108
msgid "_Field:"							msgid "_Field:"
msgstr "_Pole:"							msgstr "_Pole:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118
msgid "_Text:"							msgid "_Text:"
msgstr "_Text:"							msgstr "_Text:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308
msgid "No records"						msgid "No records"
msgstr "Žádné záznamy"						msgstr "Žádné záznamy"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Record %d of %d"						msgid "Record %d of %d"
msgstr "Záznam %d z %d"						msgstr "Záznam %d z %d"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113
msgid "Recordset description"					msgid "Recordset description"
msgstr "Popis množiny záznamů"					msgstr "Popis množiny záznamů"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid ""							msgid ""
"File '%s' already exists.\n"					"File '%s' already exists.\n"
"Do you want to overwrite it?"					"Do you want to overwrite it?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Soubor %s již existuje.\n"					"Soubor %s již existuje.\n"
"Chcete jej pÅ?epsat?"						"Chcete jej pÅ?epsat?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149
msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."		msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."
msgstr "Pokud zvolíte Ano, obsah bude ztracen."			msgstr "Pokud zvolíte Ano, obsah bude ztracen."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Could not save file %s"					msgid "Could not save file %s"
msgstr "Nelze uložit soubor %s"					msgstr "Nelze uložit soubor %s"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224
msgid "You must specify a file name"				msgid "You must specify a file name"
msgstr "Musíte zadat název souboru"				msgstr "Musíte zadat název souboru"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230
msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"		msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"
msgstr "PÅ?i konverzi dat jsem získal prázdný soubor"		msgstr "PÅ?i konverzi dat jsem získal prázdný soubor"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261
msgid "Saving Model"						msgid "Saving Model"
msgstr "Ukládám model"						msgstr "Ukládám model"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272
msgid "File _name:"						msgid "File _name:"
msgstr "_Název souboru:"					msgstr "_Název souboru:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276
msgid "Select File"						msgid "Select File"
msgstr "Vyberte soubor"						msgstr "Vyberte soubor"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283
msgid "File _type:"						msgid "File _type:"
msgstr "_Typ souboru:"						msgstr "_Typ souboru:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291
msgid "Tab-delimited"						msgid "Tab-delimited"
msgstr "OddÄ?lený tabulátory"					msgstr "OddÄ?lený tabulátory"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294
msgid "Comma-delimited"						msgid "Comma-delimited"
msgstr "OddÄ?lený Ä?árkami"					msgstr "OddÄ?lený Ä?árkami"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:
msgid "XML"							msgid "XML"
msgstr "XML"							msgstr "XML"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355
msgid "View detail"						msgid "View detail"
msgstr "Zobrazit podrobnosti"					msgstr "Zobrazit podrobnosti"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427
msgid "Show Column _Titles"					msgid "Show Column _Titles"
msgstr "Zobrazovat _názvy sloupců"				msgstr "Zobrazovat _názvy sloupců"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442
msgid "Describe"						msgid "Describe"
msgstr "Popsat"							msgstr "Popsat"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443
msgid "View detail..."						msgid "View detail..."
msgstr "Zobrazit podrobnosti..."				msgstr "Zobrazit podrobnosti..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614
msgid "Title"							msgid "Title"
msgstr "Titulek"						msgstr "Titulek"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48
msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"	msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"
msgstr "Pokus o inicializaci již inicializovaného klienta"	msgstr "Pokus o inicializaci již inicializovaného klienta"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"		"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"
"to a data source"						"to a data source"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Pro otevÅ?ení spojení se zdrojem dat zadejte\n"			"Pro otevÅ?ení spojení se zdrojem dat zadejte\n"
"níže argumenty"						"níže argumenty"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253
msgid "Data Source:"						msgid "Data Source:"
msgstr "Zdroj dat:"						msgstr "Zdroj dat:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270
msgid "Username:"						msgid "Username:"
msgstr "Jméno uživatele:"					msgstr "Jméno uživatele:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279
msgid "Password:"						msgid "Password:"
msgstr "Heslo:"							msgstr "Heslo:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69
msgid "Fields"							msgid "Fields"
msgstr "Pole"							msgstr "Pole"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30
msgid "Commit"							msgid "Commit"
msgstr "Potvrdit"						msgstr "Potvrdit"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31
msgid "Connect"							msgid "Connect"
msgstr "PÅ?ipojit"						msgstr "PÅ?ipojit"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33
msgid "Designer"						msgid "Designer"
msgstr "NávrháÅ?"						msgstr "NávrháÅ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34
msgid "Disconnect"						msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr "Odpojit"						msgstr "Odpojit"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35
msgid "NoTransaction"						msgid "NoTransaction"
msgstr "ŽádnáTransakce"						msgstr "ŽádnáTransakce"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37
msgid "Query"							msgid "Query"
msgstr "Dotaz"							msgstr "Dotaz"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38
msgid "Rollback"						msgid "Rollback"
msgstr "Rollback"						msgstr "Rollback"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40
msgid "SQL"							msgid "SQL"
msgstr "SQL"							msgstr "SQL"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43
msgid "WithinTransaction"					msgid "WithinTransaction"
msgstr "VTransakci"						msgstr "VTransakci"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Error: %s"						msgid "Error: %s"
msgstr "Chyba: %s"						msgstr "Chyba: %s"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79
msgid "Table name"						msgid "Table name"
msgstr "Název tabulky"						msgstr "Název tabulky"

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93			#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Login for %s"						msgid "Login for %s"
msgstr "PÅ?ihlášení pro %s"					msgstr "PÅ?ihlášení pro %s"

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95					#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95
msgid "Login to database"					msgid "Login to database"
msgstr "PÅ?ihlásit se k databázi"				msgstr "PÅ?ihlásit se k databázi"

#: vfs/libmain.c:71						#: vfs/libmain.c:71
msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"				msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"
msgstr "GNOME VFS database: modul"				msgstr "GNOME VFS database: modul"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40
msgid "Table Properties"					msgid "Table Properties"
msgstr "Vlastnosti tabulky"					msgstr "Vlastnosti tabulky"

#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47
msgid "Table Name"						msgid "Table Name"
msgstr "Název tabulky"						msgstr "Název tabulky"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155
msgid "New"							msgid "New"
msgstr "Nová"							msgstr "Nová"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156
msgid "Create new table"					msgid "Create new table"
msgstr "VytvoÅ?it novou tabulku"					msgstr "VytvoÅ?it novou tabulku"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161
msgid "Properties"						msgid "Properties"
msgstr "Vlastnosti"						msgstr "Vlastnosti"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162
msgid "View table properties"					msgid "View table properties"
msgstr "Zobrazit vlastnosti tabulky"				msgstr "Zobrazit vlastnosti tabulky"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
msgid "UID"							msgid "UID"
msgstr "UID"							msgstr "UID"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "calendar"						msgid "calendar"
msgstr "kalendáÅ?"						msgstr "kalendáÅ?"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "summary"							msgid "summary"
msgstr "souhrn"							msgstr "souhrn"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "Summary"							msgid "Summary"
msgstr "Souhrn"							msgstr "Souhrn"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "location"						msgid "location"
msgstr "umístÄ?ní"						msgstr "umístÄ?ní"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "dtstart"							msgid "dtstart"
msgstr "poÄ?áteÄ?nídt"						msgstr "poÄ?áteÄ?nídt"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
msgid "Start time"						msgid "Start time"
msgstr "PoÄ?áteÄ?ní Ä?as"						msgstr "PoÄ?áteÄ?ní Ä?as"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "dtend"							msgid "dtend"
msgstr "koncovédt"						msgstr "koncovédt"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "End time"						msgid "End time"
msgstr "Koncový Ä?as"						msgstr "Koncový Ä?as"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
msgid "description"						msgid "description"
msgstr "popis"							msgstr "popis"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "classification"						msgid "classification"
msgstr "klasifikace"						msgstr "klasifikace"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "Classification"						msgid "Classification"
msgstr "Klasifikace"						msgstr "Klasifikace"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "transparency"						msgid "transparency"
msgstr "průhlednost"						msgstr "průhlednost"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "Transparency"						msgid "Transparency"
msgstr "Průhlednost"						msgstr "Průhlednost"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "categories"						msgid "categories"
msgstr "kategorie"						msgstr "kategorie"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "Categories"						msgid "Categories"
msgstr "Kategorie"						msgstr "Kategorie"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "tasks"							msgid "tasks"
msgstr "úkoly"							msgstr "úkoly"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "due"							msgid "due"
msgstr "termín"							msgstr "termín"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "Due date"						msgid "Due date"
msgstr "Termín"							msgstr "Termín"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "Start date"						msgid "Start date"
msgstr "PoÄ?áteÄ?ní datum"					msgstr "PoÄ?áteÄ?ní datum"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355
msgid "Public"							msgid "Public"
msgstr "VeÅ?ejné"						msgstr "VeÅ?ejné"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358
msgid "Private"							msgid "Private"
msgstr "Soukromé"						msgstr "Soukromé"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361
msgid "Confidential"						msgid "Confidential"
msgstr "DůvÄ?rné"						msgstr "DůvÄ?rné"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63
msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"		msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"
msgstr "Nemohu otevÅ?ít implicitní složku kalendáÅ?e"		msgstr "Nemohu otevÅ?ít implicitní složku kalendáÅ?e"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66
msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"			msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"
msgstr "Nemohu otevÅ?ít implicitní složku úkolů"			msgstr "Nemohu otevÅ?ít implicitní složku úkolů"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80
msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta	msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta
msgstr "Pro pÅ?ístup k implicitní složce kontaktů je vyžadován	msgstr "Pro pÅ?ístup k implicitní složce kontaktů je vyžadován

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83
msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"		msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"
msgstr "Nemohu otevÅ?ít implicitní složku kontaktů"		msgstr "Nemohu otevÅ?ít implicitní složku kontaktů"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100
msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"				msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"
msgstr "Nemohu inicializovat Bonobo"				msgstr "Nemohu inicializovat Bonobo"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212
msgid "Field name"						msgid "Field name"
msgstr "Název pole"						msgstr "Název pole"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213
msgid "Data type"						msgid "Data type"
msgstr "Typ dat"						msgstr "Typ dat"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214
msgid "Size"							msgid "Size"
msgstr "Velikost"						msgstr "Velikost"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215
msgid "Scale"							msgid "Scale"
msgstr "MÄ?Å?ítko"						msgstr "MÄ?Å?ítko"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216
msgid "Not null?"						msgid "Not null?"
msgstr "Není null?"						msgstr "Není null?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217
msgid "Primary key?"						msgid "Primary key?"
msgstr "Primární klíÄ??"						msgstr "Primární klíÄ??"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218
msgid "Unique index?"						msgid "Unique index?"
msgstr "JedineÄ?ný index?"					msgstr "JedineÄ?ný index?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219
msgid "References"						msgid "References"
msgstr "Odkazy"							msgstr "Odkazy"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220
msgid "Default value"						msgid "Default value"
msgstr "Implicitní hodnota"					msgstr "Implicitní hodnota"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239
msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l	msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l
msgstr "Je potÅ?eba název tabulky, ale nebyl urÄ?en v seznamu p	msgstr "Je potÅ?eba název tabulky, ale nebyl urÄ?en v seznamu p

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Table %s does not exist"					msgid "Table %s does not exist"
msgstr "Tabulka %s neexistuje"					msgstr "Tabulka %s neexistuje"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318
msgid "Scheduled events"					msgid "Scheduled events"
msgstr "Plánované události"					msgstr "Plánované události"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321
msgid "TODO list"						msgid "TODO list"
msgstr "Seznam úkolů"						msgstr "Seznam úkolů"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375
msgid "Owner"							msgid "Owner"
msgstr "Vlastník"						msgstr "Vlastník"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376
msgid "Comments"						msgid "Comments"
msgstr "Poznámky"						msgstr "Poznámky"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374
msgid "Type"							msgid "Type"
msgstr "Typ"							msgstr "Typ"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377
msgid "GDA type"						msgid "GDA type"
msgstr "Typ GDA"						msgstr "Typ GDA"

#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id	#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id
#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database	#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database
#. we can easily access that information			#. we can easily access that information
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382
msgid "local"							msgid "local"
msgstr "místní"							msgstr "místní"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217
msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr "Tvorba databází jeÅ¡tÄ? není podporována"			msgstr "Tvorba databází jeÅ¡tÄ? není podporována"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230
msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr "OdstraÅ?ování databází jeÅ¡tÄ? není podporováno"		msgstr "OdstraÅ?ování databází jeÅ¡tÄ? není podporováno"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244
msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"			msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"
msgstr "Schéma tabulek nemohlo být získáno"			msgstr "Schéma tabulek nemohlo být získáno"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268
msgid "Invalid SQL command"					msgid "Invalid SQL command"
msgstr "Neplatný pÅ?íkaz SQL"					msgstr "Neplatný pÅ?íkaz SQL"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353
msgid "Transactions are not supported"				msgid "Transactions are not supported"
msgstr "Transakce nejsou podporovány"				msgstr "Transakce nejsou podporovány"

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41
msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"		msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"
msgstr "Poskytovatel osobních dat Ximian Evolution"		msgstr "Poskytovatel osobních dat Ximian Evolution"

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task	"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Zdroj dat pro pÅ?ístup implicitnímu kalendáÅ?i, úkolům a konta	"Zdroj dat pro pÅ?ístup implicitnímu kalendáÅ?i, úkolům a konta

#~ msgid "Browse database..."					#~ msgid "Browse database..."
#~ msgstr "Procházet databázi..."				#~ msgstr "Procházet databázi..."

#~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .con	#~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .con
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Komponenta, která obsahuje položky kontextového menu pro 	#~ "Komponenta, která obsahuje položky kontextového menu pro 
#~ "connection"							#~ "connection"

#~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .sql	#~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .sql
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Komponenta, která obsahuje položky kontextového menu pro 	#~ "Komponenta, která obsahuje položky kontextového menu pro 

#~ msgid "Connection MIME handler component"			#~ msgid "Connection MIME handler component"
#~ msgstr "Komponenta pro obsluhu MIME pro spojení"		#~ msgstr "Komponenta pro obsluhu MIME pro spojení"

#~ msgid "Database component factory"				#~ msgid "Database component factory"
#~ msgstr "Generátor databázové komponenty"			#~ msgstr "Generátor databázové komponenty"

#~ msgid "Open in database connection..."			#~ msgid "Open in database connection..."
#~ msgstr "OtevÅ?ít v pÅ?ipojení k databázi..."			#~ msgstr "OtevÅ?ít v pÅ?ipojení k databázi..."

#~ msgid "SQL MIME handler component"				#~ msgid "SQL MIME handler component"
#~ msgstr "Komponenta pro obsluhu MIME SQL"			#~ msgstr "Komponenta pro obsluhu MIME SQL"

#~ msgid "Database browser"					#~ msgid "Database browser"
#~ msgstr "ProhlížeÄ? databáze"					#~ msgstr "ProhlížeÄ? databáze"

#~ msgid "Error viewer"						#~ msgid "Error viewer"
#~ msgstr "ProhlížeÄ? chyb"					#~ msgstr "ProhlížeÄ? chyb"

#~ msgid "SQL Viewer"						#~ msgid "SQL Viewer"
#~ msgstr "ProhlížeÄ? SQL"					#~ msgstr "ProhlížeÄ? SQL"

#~ msgid "Database configuration"				#~ msgid "Database configuration"
#~ msgstr "Nastavení databáze"					#~ msgstr "Nastavení databáze"

#~ msgid "Edit application preferences"				#~ msgid "Edit application preferences"
#~ msgstr "Upravit nastavení aplikace"				#~ msgstr "Upravit nastavení aplikace"

#~ msgid "New..."						#~ msgid "New..."
#~ msgstr "Nová..."						#~ msgstr "Nová..."

#~ msgid "_File"						#~ msgid "_File"
#~ msgstr "_Soubor"						#~ msgstr "_Soubor"

#~ msgid "_Properties..."					#~ msgid "_Properties..."
#~ msgstr "_Vlastnosti..."					#~ msgstr "_Vlastnosti..."

#~ msgid "_Settings"						#~ msgid "_Settings"
#~ msgstr "_Nastavení"						#~ msgstr "_Nastavení"

#~ msgid "Password"						#~ msgid "Password"
#~ msgstr "Heslo"						#~ msgstr "Heslo"

#~ msgid "Save as"						#~ msgid "Save as"
#~ msgstr "Uložit jako"						#~ msgstr "Uložit jako"

#~ msgid "Save to"						#~ msgid "Save to"
#~ msgstr "Uložit do"						#~ msgstr "Uložit do"

#~ msgid "XML file"						#~ msgid "XML file"
#~ msgstr "Soubor XML"						#~ msgstr "Soubor XML"

#~ msgid "Hide columns"						#~ msgid "Hide columns"
#~ msgstr "Skrýt sloupce"					#~ msgstr "Skrýt sloupce"

#~ msgid "Question"						#~ msgid "Question"
#~ msgstr "Otázka"						#~ msgstr "Otázka"

#~ msgid "Table Data"						#~ msgid "Table Data"
#~ msgstr "Data tabulky"					#~ msgstr "Data tabulky"

#~ msgid "View table data"					#~ msgid "View table data"
#~ msgstr "Zobrazit data tabulky"				#~ msgstr "Zobrazit data tabulky"

#~ msgid "Database Moniker factory"				#~ msgid "Database Moniker factory"
#~ msgstr "Generátor Ukazatele na databázi"			#~ msgstr "Generátor Ukazatele na databázi"

#~ msgid "database: moniker"					#~ msgid "database: moniker"
#~ msgstr "database: moniker"					#~ msgstr "database: moniker"

#~ msgid "Invalid format for connection string"			#~ msgid "Invalid format for connection string"
#~ msgstr "Neplatný formát pÅ?ipojovacího Å?etÄ?zce"		#~ msgstr "Neplatný formát pÅ?ipojovacího Å?etÄ?zce"

#~ msgid "Data sources"						#~ msgid "Data sources"
#~ msgstr "Zdroje dat"						#~ msgstr "Zdroje dat"

#~ msgid "Test Data Source"					#~ msgid "Test Data Source"
#~ msgstr "Testovat zdroj dat"					#~ msgstr "Testovat zdroj dat"

#~ msgid "Data source"						#~ msgid "Data source"
#~ msgstr "Zdroj dat"						#~ msgstr "Zdroj dat"

#~ msgid "Select all"						#~ msgid "Select all"
#~ msgstr "Vybrat vše"						#~ msgstr "Vybrat vše"

#~ msgid "Display column headers"				#~ msgid "Display column headers"
#~ msgstr "Zobrazit záhlaví sloupců"				#~ msgstr "Zobrazit záhlaví sloupců"

#~ msgid "Hide column headers"					#~ msgid "Hide column headers"
#~ msgstr "Skrýt záhlaví sloupců"				#~ msgstr "Skrýt záhlaví sloupců"

#~ msgid "Export data to different formats"			#~ msgid "Export data to different formats"
#~ msgstr "Exportovat data do různých formátů"			#~ msgstr "Exportovat data do různých formátů"

#~ msgid "Describe current data set"				#~ msgid "Describe current data set"
#~ msgstr "Popsat aktuální množinu dat"				#~ msgstr "Popsat aktuální množinu dat"

#~ msgid "View current data in more detail"			#~ msgid "View current data in more detail"
#~ msgstr "Zobrazit aktuální data podrobnÄ?ji"			#~ msgstr "Zobrazit aktuální data podrobnÄ?ji"
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: da.gmo
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/da.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/da.po
# Gnome-db in Danish.						# Gnome-db in Danish.
# Copyright (C) 2000, 02 Free Software Foundation, Inc.		# Copyright (C) 2000, 02 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# Birger Langkjer <birger langkjer image dk>, 2000.		# Birger Langkjer <birger langkjer image dk>, 2000.
# Keld Simonsen <keld dkuug dk>, 2000.				# Keld Simonsen <keld dkuug dk>, 2000.
# Ole Laursen <olau hardworking dk>, 2002.			# Ole Laursen <olau hardworking dk>, 2002.
#								#
# Konventioner:							# Konventioner:
#								#
#   provider -> udbyder						#   provider -> udbyder
#								#
msgid ""							msgid ""
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: GNOME db/CVS\n"				"Project-Id-Version: GNOME db/CVS\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"					"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"			"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2002-09-17 21:31+0200\n"			"PO-Revision-Date: 2002-09-17 21:31+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Ole Laursen <olau hardworking dk>\n"		"Last-Translator: Ole Laursen <olau hardworking dk>\n"
"Language-Team: Danish <dansk klid dk>\n"			"Language-Team: Danish <dansk klid dk>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"						"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"			"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"				"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co
msgid "Data Sources"						msgid "Data Sources"
msgstr "Datakilder"						msgstr "Datakilder"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid
msgid "Providers"						msgid "Providers"
msgstr "Udbydere"						msgstr "Udbydere"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1
msgid "Configure your database environment"			msgid "Configure your database environment"
msgstr "Konfigurér dit databasemiljø"				msgstr "Konfigurér dit databasemiljø"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Database Access Properties "				msgid "Database Access Properties "
msgstr "Databaseindstillinger"					msgstr "Databaseindstillinger"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380
msgid "Name"							msgid "Name"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
msgid "Description"						msgid "Description"
msgstr "Beskrivelse"						msgstr "Beskrivelse"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182
msgid "Configured data sources in the system"			msgid "Configured data sources in the system"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data sources are the means by which database connections are	"Data sources are the means by which database connections are
"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s	"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s
"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o	"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o
"name you identify the connections in the applications that m	"name you identify the connections in the applications that m
"DB for database access."					"DB for database access."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Datakilder er den måde databaseforbindelser identificeres på	"Datakilder er den måde databaseforbindelser identificeres på
"nødvendige oplysninger til at åbne en forbindelse til en udb	"nødvendige oplysninger til at åbne en forbindelse til en udb
"gemmes under et unikt navn. Dette kan så bruges til at ident	"gemmes under et unikt navn. Dette kan så bruges til at ident
"forbindelserne i de programmer der bruger libgda til databas	"forbindelserne i de programmer der bruger libgda til databas

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277
#, fuzzy, c-format						#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"	msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"
msgstr "Ã?nsker du at fjerne datakilden '%s'?"			msgstr "Ã?nsker du at fjerne datakilden '%s'?"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data Source Properties"					msgid "Data Source Properties"
msgstr "Datakildeindstillinger"					msgstr "Datakildeindstillinger"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132
msgid "Basic"							msgid "Basic"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Tables"							msgid "Tables"
msgstr "Tabeller"						msgstr "Tabeller"

#: control-center/main.c:92					#: control-center/main.c:92
msgid "No valid data source info was created"			msgid "No valid data source info was created"
msgstr "Ingen gyldige datakildeoplysninger blev oprettet"	msgstr "Ingen gyldige datakildeoplysninger blev oprettet"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218	#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218
msgid "New data source"						msgid "New data source"
msgstr "Ny datakilde"						msgstr "Ny datakilde"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:215					#: control-center/main.c:215
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Database Access Properties"				msgid "Database Access Properties"
msgstr "Databaseindstillinger"					msgstr "Databaseindstillinger"

#: control-center/provider-config.c:105				#: control-center/provider-config.c:105
msgid "Installed providers"					msgid "Installed providers"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/provider-config.c:131				#: control-center/provider-config.c:131
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec	"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec
"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo	"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo
"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr	"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr
"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba	"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba
"etc."								"etc."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Udbydere er eksterne udvidelsesmoduler der giver adgang til 	"Udbydere er eksterne udvidelsesmoduler der giver adgang til 
"datakilde. Standardudbyderen er altid installeret, hvilket g	"datakilde. Standardudbyderen er altid installeret, hvilket g
"databaser gemt i XML-filer. Andre udbydere der som regel dis	"databaser gemt i XML-filer. Andre udbydere der som regel dis
"med libgda/libgnome-db er PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Sybase,	"med libgda/libgnome-db er PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Sybase,

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1
msgid "Database connection parameters file"			msgid "Database connection parameters file"
msgstr "Parameterfil til en databaseforbindelse"		msgstr "Parameterfil til en databaseforbindelse"

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2
msgid "Documents"						msgid "Documents"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3
msgid "SQL code viewer"						msgid "SQL code viewer"
msgstr "SQL-kodefremviser"					msgstr "SQL-kodefremviser"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1
msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"			msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"
msgstr "Skrifttype som skal bruges i gitterkontrollen"		msgstr "Skrifttype som skal bruges i gitterkontrollen"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2
msgid "Number of spaces per tab"				msgid "Number of spaces per tab"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3
msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"			msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4
msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"			msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60
msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"			msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1
msgid "About"							msgid "About"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2
msgid "About GNOME-DB"						msgid "About GNOME-DB"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3
msgid "Close this window"					msgid "Close this window"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4
msgid "Create new entry"					msgid "Create new entry"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Delete selected items"					msgid "Delete selected items"
msgstr "Fravælg alle punkter i listen"				msgstr "Fravælg alle punkter i listen"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Deselect all items"					msgid "Deselect all items"
msgstr "Fravælg alle punkter i listen"				msgstr "Fravælg alle punkter i listen"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7
msgid "Edit properties for selected item"			msgid "Edit properties for selected item"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Save connection parameters to file"			msgid "Save connection parameters to file"
msgstr "Parameterfil til en databaseforbindelse"		msgstr "Parameterfil til en databaseforbindelse"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Select _All"						msgid "Select _All"
msgstr "Vælg alle"						msgstr "Vælg alle"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Select all items"					msgid "Select all items"
msgstr "Vælg alle punkter i listen"				msgstr "Vælg alle punkter i listen"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View data sources"					msgid "View data sources"
msgstr "Ny datakilde"						msgstr "Ny datakilde"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View providers"						msgid "View providers"
msgstr "Udbydere"						msgstr "Udbydere"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42
msgid "_Clear Selection"					msgid "_Clear Selection"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14
msgid "_Close"							msgid "_Close"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Data Sources"						msgid "_Data Sources"
msgstr "Datakilder"						msgstr "Datakilder"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Database"						msgid "_Database"
msgstr "Database"						msgstr "Database"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Delete"							msgid "_Delete"
msgstr "Slet"							msgstr "Slet"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Edit"							msgid "_Edit"
msgstr "Redigér"						msgstr "Redigér"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19
msgid "_Help"							msgid "_Help"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_New Data Source..."					msgid "_New Data Source..."
msgstr "Ny datakilde"						msgstr "Ny datakilde"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Properties"						msgid "_Properties"
msgstr "Procedurer"						msgstr "Procedurer"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Providers"						msgid "_Providers"
msgstr "Udbydere"						msgstr "Udbydere"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Save Connection"					msgid "_Save Connection"
msgstr "Gem i"							msgstr "Gem i"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_View"							msgid "_View"
msgstr "Visninger"						msgstr "Visninger"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76
msgid "Structure"						msgid "Structure"
msgstr "Struktur"						msgstr "Struktur"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73
msgid "Data"							msgid "Data"
msgstr "Data"							msgstr "Data"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238
msgid "Not implemented yet!"					msgid "Not implemented yet!"
msgstr "Ikke implementeret endnu!"				msgstr "Ikke implementeret endnu!"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Database"						msgid "Database"
msgstr "Database"						msgstr "Database"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540
msgid "Loading database schemas..."				msgid "Loading database schemas..."
msgstr "Indlæser databaseskemaer..."				msgstr "Indlæser databaseskemaer..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632
msgid "Refreshing data..."					msgid "Refreshing data..."
msgstr "Opdaterer data..."					msgstr "Opdaterer data..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688
msgid "Views"							msgid "Views"
msgstr "Visninger"						msgstr "Visninger"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691
msgid "Indexes"							msgid "Indexes"
msgstr "Indekser"						msgstr "Indekser"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Sequences"						msgid "Sequences"
msgstr "Sekvenser"						msgstr "Sekvenser"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Procedures"						msgid "Procedures"
msgstr "Procedurer"						msgstr "Procedurer"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700
msgid "Triggers"						msgid "Triggers"
msgstr "Triggere"						msgstr "Triggere"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Aggregates"						msgid "Aggregates"
msgstr "Aggregater"						msgstr "Aggregater"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Types"							msgid "Types"
msgstr "Typer"							msgstr "Typer"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140
msgid "Could not query CORBA components"			msgid "Could not query CORBA components"
msgstr "Kunne ikke forespørge CORBA-komponenter"		msgstr "Kunne ikke forespørge CORBA-komponenter"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209
msgid "ID"							msgid "ID"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "Location"						msgid "Location"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212
msgid "Username"						msgid "Username"
msgstr "Brugernavn"						msgstr "Brugernavn"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Hostname"						msgid "Hostname"
msgstr "Brugernavn"						msgstr "Brugernavn"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214
msgid "Domain"							msgid "Domain"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"			msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"
msgstr "Ikke-understøttet type i GconfEntry: %d"		msgstr "Ikke-understøttet type i GconfEntry: %d"

#. create widgets						#. create widgets
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97
msgid "Settings"						msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Indstillinger"						msgstr "Indstillinger"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103
msgid "Data source name"					msgid "Data source name"
msgstr "Datakildenavn"						msgstr "Datakildenavn"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109
msgid "Connection string"					msgid "Connection string"
msgstr "Forbindelsesstreng"					msgstr "Forbindelsesstreng"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115
msgid "Provider"						msgid "Provider"
msgstr "Udbyder"						msgstr "Udbyder"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121
msgid "User name"						msgid "User name"
msgstr "Brugernavn"						msgstr "Brugernavn"

#. create feature list						#. create feature list
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128
msgid "Features"						msgid "Features"
msgstr "Faciliteter"						msgstr "Faciliteter"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190
msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"		msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"
msgstr "Du skal indtaste et navn til den nye datakilde"		msgstr "Du skal indtaste et navn til den nye datakilde"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197
msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac	msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206
msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th	msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213
msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"			msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217
msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n	msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225
msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"	msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"
msgstr "Du skal vælge en udbyder til den nye datakilde"		msgstr "Du skal vælge en udbyder til den nye datakilde"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233
msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"		msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"
msgstr "Udbyder ikke fundet i konfigurationen"			msgstr "Udbyder ikke fundet i konfigurationen"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391
msgid "Add a new data source..."				msgid "Add a new data source..."
msgstr "Tilføj en ny datakilde..."				msgstr "Tilføj en ny datakilde..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392
msgid ""							msgid ""
"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"		"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"
"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"		"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"
"installation. Just follow the steps!"				"installation. Just follow the steps!"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Denne hjælper vil guide dig gennem oprettelsen\n"		"Denne hjælper vil guide dig gennem oprettelsen\n"
"af en ny datakilde for din Gnome-DB-installation.\n"		"af en ny datakilde for din Gnome-DB-installation.\n"
"Følg blot anvisningerne!"					"Følg blot anvisningerne!"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404
msgid "General Information"					msgid "General Information"
msgstr "Generelle oplysninger"					msgstr "Generelle oplysninger"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the basic information\n"	"The following fields represent the basic information\n"
"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n	"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n
"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"	"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"
"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"	"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"
"the default one."						"the default one."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"De følgende felter repræsenterer de grundlæggende\n"		"De følgende felter repræsenterer de grundlæggende\n"
"oplysninger om din nye datakilde. Nogle af dem\n"		"oplysninger om din nye datakilde. Nogle af dem\n"
"(beskrivelse, brugernavn) kan udelades, mens andre\n"		"(beskrivelse, brugernavn) kan udelades, mens andre\n"
"er påkrævede. Hvis du ikke ved hvilken udbyder du\n"		"er påkrævede. Hvis du ikke ved hvilken udbyder du\n"
"skal vælge, så fortsæt blot med den forvalgte."		"skal vælge, så fortsæt blot med den forvalgte."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data source _name:"					msgid "Data source _name:"
msgstr "Datakildenavn"						msgstr "Datakildenavn"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Provider:"						msgid "_Provider:"
msgstr "Udbyder"						msgstr "Udbyder"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Description:"						msgid "_Description:"
msgstr "Beskrivelse"						msgstr "Beskrivelse"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Username:"						msgid "_Username:"
msgstr "Brugernavn"						msgstr "Brugernavn"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "P_assword:"						msgid "P_assword:"
msgstr "Adgangskode"						msgstr "Adgangskode"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454
msgid "Provider Parameters"					msgid "Provider Parameters"
msgstr "Udbyderparametre"					msgstr "Udbyderparametre"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the information needed by the	"The following fields represent the information needed by the
"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n	"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n
"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\	"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\
"the manual for more information."				"the manual for more information."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"De følgende felter repræsenterer de oplysninger som den\n"	"De følgende felter repræsenterer de oplysninger som den\n"
"udbyder du valgte før, har brug for til at åbne en\n"		"udbyder du valgte før, har brug for til at åbne en\n"
"given forbindelse. Disse oplysninger er udbyderspecifikke,\n	"given forbindelse. Disse oplysninger er udbyderspecifikke,\n
"så kig i manualen for yderligere information."			"så kig i manualen for yderligere information."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481
msgid "All information retrieved"				msgid "All information retrieved"
msgstr "Alle oplysninger indsamlet"				msgstr "Alle oplysninger indsamlet"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid ""							msgid ""
"All information needed to create a new data source\n"		"All information needed to create a new data source\n"
"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"		"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"
"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"	"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"
"just select it when asked for a data source."			"just select it when asked for a data source."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Alle de oplysninger der er nødvendige for at oprette\n"	"Alle de oplysninger der er nødvendige for at oprette\n"
"en ny datakilde, er blevet indsamlet. Så tryk på\n"		"en ny datakilde, er blevet indsamlet. Så tryk på\n"
"'Anvend' for at lukke dette vindue. For at åbne\n"		"'Anvend' for at lukke dette vindue. For at åbne\n"
"den nyligt oprettede datakilde kan du blot vælge\n"		"den nyligt oprettede datakilde kan du blot vælge\n"
"den når du bliver spurgt efter en datakilde."			"den når du bliver spurgt efter en datakilde."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Connection _string:"					msgid "Connection _string:"
msgstr "Forbindelsesstreng"					msgstr "Forbindelsesstreng"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4
msgid "Error"							msgid "Error"
msgstr "Fejl"							msgstr "Fejl"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.
msgid "Show detail >>"						msgid "Show detail >>"
msgstr "Vis detaljer >>"					msgstr "Vis detaljer >>"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122
msgid "<< Hide detail"						msgid "<< Hide detail"
msgstr "<< Skjul detaljer"					msgstr "<< Skjul detaljer"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191
msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"	msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196
msgid "Error number"						msgid "Error number"
msgstr "Fejlnummer"						msgstr "Fejlnummer"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Details"							msgid "Details"
msgstr "Detalje"						msgstr "Detalje"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234
msgid "Source"							msgid "Source"
msgstr "Kilde"							msgstr "Kilde"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241
msgid "SQL state"						msgid "SQL state"
msgstr "SQL-tilstand"						msgstr "SQL-tilstand"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Field:"							msgid "_Field:"
msgstr "Titel"							msgstr "Titel"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Text:"							msgid "_Text:"
msgstr "Test"							msgstr "Test"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308
msgid "No records"						msgid "No records"
msgstr "Ingen opføringer"					msgstr "Ingen opføringer"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Record %d of %d"						msgid "Record %d of %d"
msgstr "Opføring %d af %d"					msgstr "Opføring %d af %d"

# RETMIG: recordset?						# RETMIG: recordset?
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113
msgid "Recordset description"					msgid "Recordset description"
msgstr "Beskrivelse"						msgstr "Beskrivelse"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid ""							msgid ""
"File '%s' already exists.\n"					"File '%s' already exists.\n"
"Do you want to overwrite it?"					"Do you want to overwrite it?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149
msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."		msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Could not save file %s"					msgid "Could not save file %s"
msgstr "Kunne ikke gemme filen %s"				msgstr "Kunne ikke gemme filen %s"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224
msgid "You must specify a file name"				msgid "You must specify a file name"
msgstr "Du skal angive et filnavn"				msgstr "Du skal angive et filnavn"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230
msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"		msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261
msgid "Saving Model"						msgid "Saving Model"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "File _name:"						msgid "File _name:"
msgstr "Tabelnavn"						msgstr "Tabelnavn"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276
msgid "Select File"						msgid "Select File"
msgstr "Vælg fil"						msgstr "Vælg fil"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283
msgid "File _type:"						msgid "File _type:"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Tab-delimited"						msgid "Tab-delimited"
msgstr "Tabulatoradskilt fil"					msgstr "Tabulatoradskilt fil"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Comma-delimited"						msgid "Comma-delimited"
msgstr "Kommaadskilt fil"					msgstr "Kommaadskilt fil"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:
msgid "XML"							msgid "XML"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355
msgid "View detail"						msgid "View detail"
msgstr "Vis detaljer"						msgstr "Vis detaljer"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Show Column _Titles"					msgid "Show Column _Titles"
msgstr "Vis kolonner"						msgstr "Vis kolonner"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Describe"						msgid "Describe"
msgstr "Beskriv..."						msgstr "Beskriv..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443
msgid "View detail..."						msgid "View detail..."
msgstr "Vis detaljer..."					msgstr "Vis detaljer..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614
msgid "Title"							msgid "Title"
msgstr "Titel"							msgstr "Titel"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48
msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"	msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"
msgstr "Forsøg på at klargøre en allerede klargjort klient"	msgstr "Forsøg på at klargøre en allerede klargjort klient"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"		"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"
"to a data source"						"to a data source"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data Source:"						msgid "Data Source:"
msgstr "Datakilde"						msgstr "Datakilde"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Username:"						msgid "Username:"
msgstr "Brugernavn"						msgstr "Brugernavn"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Password:"						msgid "Password:"
msgstr "Adgangskode"						msgstr "Adgangskode"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69
msgid "Fields"							msgid "Fields"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30
msgid "Commit"							msgid "Commit"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31
msgid "Connect"							msgid "Connect"
msgstr "Tilkobl"						msgstr "Tilkobl"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33
msgid "Designer"						msgid "Designer"
msgstr "Designer"						msgstr "Designer"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34
msgid "Disconnect"						msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr "Frakobl"						msgstr "Frakobl"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35
msgid "NoTransaction"						msgid "NoTransaction"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37
msgid "Query"							msgid "Query"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38
msgid "Rollback"						msgid "Rollback"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40
msgid "SQL"							msgid "SQL"
msgstr "SQL"							msgstr "SQL"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43
msgid "WithinTransaction"					msgid "WithinTransaction"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Error: %s"						msgid "Error: %s"
msgstr "Fejl: %s"						msgstr "Fejl: %s"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79
msgid "Table name"						msgid "Table name"
msgstr "Tabelnavn"						msgstr "Tabelnavn"

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93			#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Login for %s"						msgid "Login for %s"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95					#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95
msgid "Login to database"					msgid "Login to database"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: vfs/libmain.c:71						#: vfs/libmain.c:71
msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"				msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"
msgstr "\"database:\"-modul til Gnome-VFS"			msgstr "\"database:\"-modul til Gnome-VFS"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Table Properties"					msgid "Table Properties"
msgstr "Databaseindstillinger"					msgstr "Databaseindstillinger"

#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Table Name"						msgid "Table Name"
msgstr "Tabelnavn"						msgstr "Tabelnavn"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "New"							msgid "New"
msgstr "Ny"							msgstr "Ny"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156
msgid "Create new table"					msgid "Create new table"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Properties"						msgid "Properties"
msgstr "Procedurer"						msgstr "Procedurer"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View table properties"					msgid "View table properties"
msgstr "Databaseindstillinger"					msgstr "Databaseindstillinger"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
msgid "UID"							msgid "UID"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "calendar"						msgid "calendar"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "summary"							msgid "summary"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "Summary"							msgid "Summary"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "location"						msgid "location"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "dtstart"							msgid "dtstart"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
msgid "Start time"						msgid "Start time"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "dtend"							msgid "dtend"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "End time"						msgid "End time"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "description"						msgid "description"
msgstr "Beskrivelse"						msgstr "Beskrivelse"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "classification"						msgid "classification"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "Classification"						msgid "Classification"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "transparency"						msgid "transparency"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "Transparency"						msgid "Transparency"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "categories"						msgid "categories"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "Categories"						msgid "Categories"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "tasks"							msgid "tasks"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "due"							msgid "due"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "Due date"						msgid "Due date"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "Start date"						msgid "Start date"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355
msgid "Public"							msgid "Public"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358
msgid "Private"							msgid "Private"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361
msgid "Confidential"						msgid "Confidential"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63
msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"		msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66
msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"			msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80
msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta	msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"		msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"
msgstr "Kunne ikke åbne forbindelse til %s"			msgstr "Kunne ikke åbne forbindelse til %s"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100
msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"				msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Field name"						msgid "Field name"
msgstr "Brugernavn"						msgstr "Brugernavn"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data type"						msgid "Data type"
msgstr "Data"							msgstr "Data"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214
msgid "Size"							msgid "Size"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215
msgid "Scale"							msgid "Scale"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216
msgid "Not null?"						msgid "Not null?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217
msgid "Primary key?"						msgid "Primary key?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218
msgid "Unique index?"						msgid "Unique index?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "References"						msgid "References"
msgstr "Opdatér"						msgstr "Opdatér"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220
msgid "Default value"						msgid "Default value"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239
msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l	msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Table %s does not exist"					msgid "Table %s does not exist"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318
msgid "Scheduled events"					msgid "Scheduled events"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321
msgid "TODO list"						msgid "TODO list"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375
msgid "Owner"							msgid "Owner"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376
msgid "Comments"						msgid "Comments"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Type"							msgid "Type"
msgstr "Typer"							msgstr "Typer"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377
msgid "GDA type"						msgid "GDA type"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id	#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id
#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database	#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database
#. we can easily access that information			#. we can easily access that information
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382
msgid "local"							msgid "local"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217
msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230
msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244
msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"			msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268
msgid "Invalid SQL command"					msgid "Invalid SQL command"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353
msgid "Transactions are not supported"				msgid "Transactions are not supported"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41
msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"		msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task	"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Connection MIME handler component"			#~ msgid "Connection MIME handler component"
#~ msgstr "Forbindelsesfremviserkomponent"			#~ msgstr "Forbindelsesfremviserkomponent"

#~ msgid "Database component factory"				#~ msgid "Database component factory"
#~ msgstr "Databasekomponentfabrik"				#~ msgstr "Databasekomponentfabrik"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "SQL MIME handler component"				#~ msgid "SQL MIME handler component"
#~ msgstr "SQL-fremviserkomponent"				#~ msgstr "SQL-fremviserkomponent"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Database browser"					#~ msgid "Database browser"
#~ msgstr "Databaseindstillinger"				#~ msgstr "Databaseindstillinger"

#~ msgid "Error viewer"						#~ msgid "Error viewer"
#~ msgstr "Fejlfremviser"					#~ msgstr "Fejlfremviser"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "SQL Viewer"						#~ msgid "SQL Viewer"
#~ msgstr "SQL-kodefremviser"					#~ msgstr "SQL-kodefremviser"

#~ msgid "Database configuration"				#~ msgid "Database configuration"
#~ msgstr "Databasekonfiguration"				#~ msgstr "Databasekonfiguration"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "_Settings"						#~ msgid "_Settings"
#~ msgstr "Indstillinger"					#~ msgstr "Indstillinger"

#~ msgid "Password"						#~ msgid "Password"
#~ msgstr "Adgangskode"						#~ msgstr "Adgangskode"

#~ msgid "Save as"						#~ msgid "Save as"
#~ msgstr "Gem som"						#~ msgstr "Gem som"

#~ msgid "Save to"						#~ msgid "Save to"
#~ msgstr "Gem i"						#~ msgstr "Gem i"

#~ msgid "XML file"						#~ msgid "XML file"
#~ msgstr "XML-fil"						#~ msgstr "XML-fil"

#~ msgid "Hide columns"						#~ msgid "Hide columns"
#~ msgstr "Skjul kolonner"					#~ msgstr "Skjul kolonner"

#~ msgid "Question"						#~ msgid "Question"
#~ msgstr "Spørgsmål"						#~ msgstr "Spørgsmål"

#~ msgid "Database Moniker factory"				#~ msgid "Database Moniker factory"
#~ msgstr "Fabrik til databaseprotokolhåndtering"		#~ msgstr "Fabrik til databaseprotokolhåndtering"

#~ msgid "database: moniker"					#~ msgid "database: moniker"
#~ msgstr "database:-protokolhåndtering"			#~ msgstr "database:-protokolhåndtering"

#~ msgid "Failing to manufacture a '%s'"			#~ msgid "Failing to manufacture a '%s'"
#~ msgstr "Kunne ikke fabrikere en '%s'"			#~ msgstr "Kunne ikke fabrikere en '%s'"

#~ msgid "Invalid format for connection string"			#~ msgid "Invalid format for connection string"
#~ msgstr "Ugyldigt format for forbindelsesstreng"		#~ msgstr "Ugyldigt format for forbindelsesstreng"

#~ msgid "Data sources"						#~ msgid "Data sources"
#~ msgstr "Datakilder"						#~ msgstr "Datakilder"

#~ msgid "Test Data Source"					#~ msgid "Test Data Source"
#~ msgstr "Testdatakilde"					#~ msgstr "Testdatakilde"

#~ msgid "Connection to %s successful!"				#~ msgid "Connection to %s successful!"
#~ msgstr "Tilkobling til %s vellykket!"			#~ msgstr "Tilkobling til %s vellykket!"

#~ msgid ""							#~ msgid ""
#~ "Component that lets you open a .connection file and brows	#~ "Component that lets you open a .connection file and brows
#~ "specified on it"						#~ "specified on it"
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Komponent der lader åbne en .connection-fil og gennemse d	#~ "Komponent der lader åbne en .connection-fil og gennemse d
#~ "der er angivet i den"					#~ "der er angivet i den"

#~ msgid "Viewer for SQL source code"				#~ msgid "Viewer for SQL source code"
#~ msgstr "Fremviser til SQL-kildekode"				#~ msgstr "Fremviser til SQL-kildekode"

#~ msgid "Data source"						#~ msgid "Data source"
#~ msgstr "Datakilde"						#~ msgstr "Datakilde"

#~ msgid "Select all"						#~ msgid "Select all"
#~ msgstr "Vælg alle"						#~ msgstr "Vælg alle"

#~ msgid "Unselect all"						#~ msgid "Unselect all"
#~ msgstr "Fravælg alle"					#~ msgstr "Fravælg alle"

#~ msgid "OAFIID of the default component for the GNOME-DB sh	#~ msgid "OAFIID of the default component for the GNOME-DB sh
#~ msgstr "OAFIID for standardkomponenten for Gnome-DB-skalle	#~ msgstr "OAFIID for standardkomponenten for Gnome-DB-skalle

#~ msgid "Whether to save the shell window position on exit"	#~ msgid "Whether to save the shell window position on exit"
#~ msgstr "Om skalvinduets position gemmes ved afslutning"	#~ msgstr "Om skalvinduets position gemmes ved afslutning"

#~ msgid "Whether to show or not the shortcut bar on the fron	#~ msgid "Whether to show or not the shortcut bar on the fron
#~ msgstr "Om genvejslinjen vises i vinduet"			#~ msgstr "Om genvejslinjen vises i vinduet"

#~ msgid "Whether to show or not the summary bar on the front	#~ msgid "Whether to show or not the summary bar on the front
#~ msgstr "Om sammendragslinjen vises i vinduet"		#~ msgstr "Om sammendragslinjen vises i vinduet"

#~ msgid "Whether to use a fixed size/position for the shell 	#~ msgid "Whether to use a fixed size/position for the shell 
#~ msgstr "Om der bruges en fast størrelse og position for sk	#~ msgstr "Om der bruges en fast størrelse og position for sk

#~ msgid "Unselect All"						#~ msgid "Unselect All"
#~ msgstr "Fravælg alle"					#~ msgstr "Fravælg alle"

#~ msgid "Display column headers"				#~ msgid "Display column headers"
#~ msgstr "Vis kolonnetitler"					#~ msgstr "Vis kolonnetitler"

#~ msgid "Hide column headers"					#~ msgid "Hide column headers"
#~ msgstr "Skjul kolonnetitler"					#~ msgstr "Skjul kolonnetitler"

#~ msgid "Save as..."						#~ msgid "Save as..."
#~ msgstr "Gem som..."						#~ msgstr "Gem som..."

#~ msgid "Export data to different formats"			#~ msgid "Export data to different formats"
#~ msgstr "Eksportér data til forskellige formater"		#~ msgstr "Eksportér data til forskellige formater"

#~ msgid "Describe current data set"				#~ msgid "Describe current data set"
#~ msgstr "Beskriv det aktuelle datasæt"			#~ msgstr "Beskriv det aktuelle datasæt"

#~ msgid "View current data in more detail"			#~ msgid "View current data in more detail"
#~ msgstr "Vis de aktuelle data med flere detaljer"		#~ msgstr "Vis de aktuelle data med flere detaljer"

#~ msgid "Loading..."						#~ msgid "Loading..."
#~ msgstr "Indlæser..."						#~ msgstr "Indlæser..."

#~ msgid "Databases"						#~ msgid "Databases"
#~ msgstr "Databaser"						#~ msgstr "Databaser"
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: de.gmo
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/de.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/de.po
# German libgnomedb translation					# German libgnomedb translation
# Copyright (C) 1999-2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.	# Copyright (C) 1999-2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# Mathias Warkus <mwarkus gnome org>, 1999.			# Mathias Warkus <mwarkus gnome org>, 1999.
# Kai Lahmann <kl linuxfaqs de>, 2000.				# Kai Lahmann <kl linuxfaqs de>, 2000.
# Christian Meyer <chrisime gnome org>, 2000, 2001.		# Christian Meyer <chrisime gnome org>, 2000, 2001.
# Christian Neumair <chris gnome-de org>, 2002-2004.		# Christian Neumair <chris gnome-de org>, 2002-2004.
#								#
msgid ""							msgid ""
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: libgnomedb 1.1.6\n"			"Project-Id-Version: libgnomedb 1.1.6\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"					"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"			"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-07-25 12:05+0200\n"			"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-07-25 12:05+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Christian Neumair <chris gnome-de org>\n"	"Last-Translator: Christian Neumair <chris gnome-de org>\n"
"Language-Team: German <gnome-de gnome org>\n"			"Language-Team: German <gnome-de gnome org>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"						"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"			"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"				"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co
msgid "Data Sources"						msgid "Data Sources"
msgstr "Datenquellen"						msgstr "Datenquellen"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid
msgid "Providers"						msgid "Providers"
msgstr "Treiber"						msgstr "Treiber"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1
msgid "Configure your database environment"			msgid "Configure your database environment"
msgstr "Ihre Datenbankumgebung konfigurieren"			msgstr "Ihre Datenbankumgebung konfigurieren"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2
msgid "Database Access Properties "				msgid "Database Access Properties "
msgstr "Einstellungen zum Datenbankzugriff"			msgstr "Einstellungen zum Datenbankzugriff"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380
msgid "Name"							msgid "Name"
msgstr "Name"							msgstr "Name"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
msgid "Description"						msgid "Description"
msgstr "Beschreibung"						msgstr "Beschreibung"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182
msgid "Configured data sources in the system"			msgid "Configured data sources in the system"
msgstr "Konfigurierte Datenquellen auf dem System"		msgstr "Konfigurierte Datenquellen auf dem System"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data sources are the means by which database connections are	"Data sources are the means by which database connections are
"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s	"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s
"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o	"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o
"name you identify the connections in the applications that m	"name you identify the connections in the applications that m
"DB for database access."					"DB for database access."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Datenquellen sind die Bindeglieder, mit denen Datenbankverbi	"Datenquellen sind die Bindeglieder, mit denen Datenbankverbi
"DB identifiziert werden. Alle zum Verbindungsaufbau mit eine	"DB identifiziert werden. Alle zum Verbindungsaufbau mit eine
"Treiber-/Datenbankkombination benötigten Informationen werde	"Treiber-/Datenbankkombination benötigten Informationen werde
"Verwendung eines eindeutigen Namens gespeichert. Mittels die	"Verwendung eines eindeutigen Namens gespeichert. Mittels die
"Namen können Sie die Verbindungen in den Anwendungen identif	"Namen können Sie die Verbindungen in den Anwendungen identif
"GNOME-DB für den Datenbankzugriff verwenden."			"GNOME-DB für den Datenbankzugriff verwenden."

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"	msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"
msgstr "Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie die Datenquelle %s entferne	msgstr "Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie die Datenquelle %s entferne

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104
msgid "Data Source Properties"					msgid "Data Source Properties"
msgstr "Eigenschaften der Datenquelle"				msgstr "Eigenschaften der Datenquelle"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132
msgid "Basic"							msgid "Basic"
msgstr "Grundlegend"						msgstr "Grundlegend"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Tables"							msgid "Tables"
msgstr "Tabellen"						msgstr "Tabellen"

#: control-center/main.c:92					#: control-center/main.c:92
msgid "No valid data source info was created"			msgid "No valid data source info was created"
msgstr "Es wurden keine gültigen Datenquelleninformationen er	msgstr "Es wurden keine gültigen Datenquelleninformationen er

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218	#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218
msgid "New data source"						msgid "New data source"
msgstr "Neue Datenquelle"					msgstr "Neue Datenquelle"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:215					#: control-center/main.c:215
msgid "Database Access Properties"				msgid "Database Access Properties"
msgstr "Einstellungen zum Datenbankzugriff"			msgstr "Einstellungen zum Datenbankzugriff"

#: control-center/provider-config.c:105				#: control-center/provider-config.c:105
msgid "Installed providers"					msgid "Installed providers"
msgstr "Installierte Treiber"					msgstr "Installierte Treiber"

#: control-center/provider-config.c:131				#: control-center/provider-config.c:131
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec	"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec
"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo	"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo
"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr	"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr
"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba	"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba
"etc."								"etc."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Treiber sind externe Plugins, die Zugriff den auf eine spezi	"Treiber sind externe Plugins, die Zugriff den auf eine spezi
"Datenquelle ermöglichen. Der Vorgabetreiber, der Ihnen den Z	"Datenquelle ermöglichen. Der Vorgabetreiber, der Ihnen den Z
"XML-Dateien gespeicherte Datenbanken ermöglicht, ist immer i	"XML-Dateien gespeicherte Datenbanken ermöglicht, ist immer i
"Weitere Treiber werden i.d. Regel mit libgda/gnome-db ausgel	"Weitere Treiber werden i.d. Regel mit libgda/gnome-db ausgel
"umfassen PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Sybase, Interbase u.s.w.	"umfassen PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Sybase, Interbase u.s.w.

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1
msgid "Database connection parameters file"			msgid "Database connection parameters file"
msgstr "Parameterdatei für Datenbankverbindungen"		msgstr "Parameterdatei für Datenbankverbindungen"

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2
msgid "Documents"						msgid "Documents"
msgstr "Dokumente"						msgstr "Dokumente"

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3
msgid "SQL code viewer"						msgid "SQL code viewer"
msgstr "SQL-Code-Ansicht"					msgstr "SQL-Code-Ansicht"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1
msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"			msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"
msgstr "Im Gitter-Widget zu verwendende Schrift"		msgstr "Im Gitter-Widget zu verwendende Schrift"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2
msgid "Number of spaces per tab"				msgid "Number of spaces per tab"
msgstr "Anzahl der Leerzeichen pro Reiter"			msgstr "Anzahl der Leerzeichen pro Reiter"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3
msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"			msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"
msgstr "Zeilennummern im Quelleditor anzeigen"			msgstr "Zeilennummern im Quelleditor anzeigen"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4
msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"			msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"
msgstr "Highlighting im Quelltext-Editor verwenden"		msgstr "Highlighting im Quelltext-Editor verwenden"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60
msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"			msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"
msgstr "Datenbankdienste für den GNOME-Desktop"			msgstr "Datenbankdienste für den GNOME-Desktop"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1
msgid "About"							msgid "About"
msgstr "Info"							msgstr "Info"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2
msgid "About GNOME-DB"						msgid "About GNOME-DB"
msgstr "Info zu GNOME-DB"					msgstr "Info zu GNOME-DB"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3
msgid "Close this window"					msgid "Close this window"
msgstr "Dieses Fenster schlieÃ?en"				msgstr "Dieses Fenster schlieÃ?en"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4
msgid "Create new entry"					msgid "Create new entry"
msgstr "Neuen Eintrag anlegen"					msgstr "Neuen Eintrag anlegen"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5
msgid "Delete selected items"					msgid "Delete selected items"
msgstr "Gewählte Objekte löschen"				msgstr "Gewählte Objekte löschen"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6
msgid "Deselect all items"					msgid "Deselect all items"
msgstr "Alle Einträge abwählen"					msgstr "Alle Einträge abwählen"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7
msgid "Edit properties for selected item"			msgid "Edit properties for selected item"
msgstr "Eigenschaften des gewählten Objekts bearbeiten"		msgstr "Eigenschaften des gewählten Objekts bearbeiten"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8
msgid "Save connection parameters to file"			msgid "Save connection parameters to file"
msgstr "Verbindungsparameter in Datei speichern"		msgstr "Verbindungsparameter in Datei speichern"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414
msgid "Select _All"						msgid "Select _All"
msgstr "_Alle auswählen"					msgstr "_Alle auswählen"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10
msgid "Select all items"					msgid "Select all items"
msgstr "Alle Einträge auswählen"				msgstr "Alle Einträge auswählen"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11
msgid "View data sources"					msgid "View data sources"
msgstr "Datenquellen anzeigen"					msgstr "Datenquellen anzeigen"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12
msgid "View providers"						msgid "View providers"
msgstr "Treiber anzeigen"					msgstr "Treiber anzeigen"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42
msgid "_Clear Selection"					msgid "_Clear Selection"
msgstr "Auswahl _leeren"					msgstr "Auswahl _leeren"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14
msgid "_Close"							msgid "_Close"
msgstr "S_chlieÃ?en"						msgstr "S_chlieÃ?en"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15
msgid "_Data Sources"						msgid "_Data Sources"
msgstr "_Datenquellen"						msgstr "_Datenquellen"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16
msgid "_Database"						msgid "_Database"
msgstr "_Datenbank"						msgstr "_Datenbank"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17
msgid "_Delete"							msgid "_Delete"
msgstr "_Löschen"						msgstr "_Löschen"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18
msgid "_Edit"							msgid "_Edit"
msgstr "_Bearbeiten"						msgstr "_Bearbeiten"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19
msgid "_Help"							msgid "_Help"
msgstr "_Hilfe"							msgstr "_Hilfe"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20
msgid "_New Data Source..."					msgid "_New Data Source..."
msgstr "_Neue Datenquelle..."					msgstr "_Neue Datenquelle..."

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21
msgid "_Properties"						msgid "_Properties"
msgstr "Ei_genschaften"						msgstr "Ei_genschaften"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22
msgid "_Providers"						msgid "_Providers"
msgstr "_Treiber"						msgstr "_Treiber"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23
msgid "_Save Connection"					msgid "_Save Connection"
msgstr "Verbindung _speichern"					msgstr "Verbindung _speichern"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24
msgid "_View"							msgid "_View"
msgstr "_Ansicht"						msgstr "_Ansicht"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76
msgid "Structure"						msgid "Structure"
msgstr "Struktur"						msgstr "Struktur"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73
msgid "Data"							msgid "Data"
msgstr "Daten"							msgstr "Daten"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238
msgid "Not implemented yet!"					msgid "Not implemented yet!"
msgstr "Noch nicht implementiert!"				msgstr "Noch nicht implementiert!"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Database"						msgid "Database"
msgstr "Datenbank"						msgstr "Datenbank"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540
msgid "Loading database schemas..."				msgid "Loading database schemas..."
msgstr "Datenbank-Schemata werden geladen..."			msgstr "Datenbank-Schemata werden geladen..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632
msgid "Refreshing data..."					msgid "Refreshing data..."
msgstr "Daten werden neu eingelesen..."				msgstr "Daten werden neu eingelesen..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688
msgid "Views"							msgid "Views"
msgstr "Ansichten"						msgstr "Ansichten"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691
msgid "Indexes"							msgid "Indexes"
msgstr "Indizies"						msgstr "Indizies"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Sequences"						msgid "Sequences"
msgstr "Sequenzen"						msgstr "Sequenzen"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Procedures"						msgid "Procedures"
msgstr "Vorgänge"						msgstr "Vorgänge"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700
msgid "Triggers"						msgid "Triggers"
msgstr "Auslöser"						msgstr "Auslöser"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Aggregates"						msgid "Aggregates"
msgstr "Aggregate"						msgstr "Aggregate"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Types"							msgid "Types"
msgstr "Typen"							msgstr "Typen"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140
msgid "Could not query CORBA components"			msgid "Could not query CORBA components"
msgstr "CORBA-Komponenten konnten nicht abgefragt werden"	msgstr "CORBA-Komponenten konnten nicht abgefragt werden"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209
msgid "ID"							msgid "ID"
msgstr "Kennung"						msgstr "Kennung"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "Location"						msgid "Location"
msgstr "Ort"							msgstr "Ort"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212
msgid "Username"						msgid "Username"
msgstr "Benutzername"						msgstr "Benutzername"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213
msgid "Hostname"						msgid "Hostname"
msgstr "Rechnername"						msgstr "Rechnername"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214
msgid "Domain"							msgid "Domain"
msgstr "Domain"							msgstr "Domain"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"			msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"
msgstr "Nicht unterstützter Typ im GConfEntry: %d"		msgstr "Nicht unterstützter Typ im GConfEntry: %d"

#. create widgets						#. create widgets
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97
msgid "Settings"						msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Einstellungen"						msgstr "Einstellungen"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103
msgid "Data source name"					msgid "Data source name"
msgstr "Name der Datenquelle"					msgstr "Name der Datenquelle"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109
msgid "Connection string"					msgid "Connection string"
msgstr "Verbindungszeichenkette"				msgstr "Verbindungszeichenkette"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115
msgid "Provider"						msgid "Provider"
msgstr "Treiber"						msgstr "Treiber"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121
msgid "User name"						msgid "User name"
msgstr "Benutzername"						msgstr "Benutzername"

#. create feature list						#. create feature list
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128
msgid "Features"						msgid "Features"
msgstr "Merkmale"						msgstr "Merkmale"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190
msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"		msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"
msgstr "Sie müssen einen Namen für die neue Datenquelle angeb	msgstr "Sie müssen einen Namen für die neue Datenquelle angeb

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197
msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac	msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Datenquellennamen dürfen ausschlie�lich alphanumerische Zeic	"Datenquellennamen dürfen ausschlie�lich alphanumerische Zeic

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206
msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th	msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th
msgstr "Es wurde bereits eine gleichnamige Datenquelle regist	msgstr "Es wurde bereits eine gleichnamige Datenquelle regist

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213
msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"			msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"
msgstr "Datenquellennamen dürfen keine Leerzeichen enthalten"	msgstr "Datenquellennamen dürfen keine Leerzeichen enthalten"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217
msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n	msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Datenquellennamen dürfen ausschlie�lich ASCII-Buchstaben und	"Datenquellennamen dürfen ausschlie�lich ASCII-Buchstaben und
"enthalten"							"enthalten"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225
msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"	msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"
msgstr "Sie müssen einen Treiber für die neue Datenquelle aus	msgstr "Sie müssen einen Treiber für die neue Datenquelle aus

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233
msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"		msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"
msgstr "Der Treiber konnte in Ihrer Konfiguration nicht gefun	msgstr "Der Treiber konnte in Ihrer Konfiguration nicht gefun

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391
msgid "Add a new data source..."				msgid "Add a new data source..."
msgstr "Eine neue Datenquelle hinzufügen..."			msgstr "Eine neue Datenquelle hinzufügen..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392
msgid ""							msgid ""
"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"		"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"
"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"		"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"
"installation. Just follow the steps!"				"installation. Just follow the steps!"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Dieser Assistent wird Sie durch das Anlegen einer\n"		"Dieser Assistent wird Sie durch das Anlegen einer\n"
"neuen Datenquelle für Ihre GNOME-DB-Installation\n"		"neuen Datenquelle für Ihre GNOME-DB-Installation\n"
"führen. Folgen Sie einfach den Anweisungen!"			"führen. Folgen Sie einfach den Anweisungen!"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404
msgid "General Information"					msgid "General Information"
msgstr "Allgemeine Informationen"				msgstr "Allgemeine Informationen"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the basic information\n"	"The following fields represent the basic information\n"
"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n	"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n
"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"	"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"
"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"	"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"
"the default one."						"the default one."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Die folgenden Felder entsprechen den grundlegenden\n"		"Die folgenden Felder entsprechen den grundlegenden\n"
"Informationseinträgen für Ihre neue Datenquelle. Einige\n"	"Informationseinträgen für Ihre neue Datenquelle. Einige\n"
"von Ihnen (Beschreibung, Benutzername) sind optional,\n"	"von Ihnen (Beschreibung, Benutzername) sind optional,\n"
"während die anderen ausgefüllt werden müssen. Falls Sie\n"	"während die anderen ausgefüllt werden müssen. Falls Sie\n"
"nicht wissen, welchen Treiber Sie verwenden sollen,\n"		"nicht wissen, welchen Treiber Sie verwenden sollen,\n"
"wählen Sie einfach den Vorgabetreiber."			"wählen Sie einfach den Vorgabetreiber."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104
msgid "Data source _name:"					msgid "Data source _name:"
msgstr "_Name der Datenquelle:"					msgstr "_Name der Datenquelle:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114
msgid "_Provider:"						msgid "_Provider:"
msgstr "_Treiber:"						msgstr "_Treiber:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133
msgid "_Description:"						msgid "_Description:"
msgstr "B_eschreibung:"						msgstr "B_eschreibung:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142
msgid "_Username:"						msgid "_Username:"
msgstr "_Benutzername:"						msgstr "_Benutzername:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151
msgid "P_assword:"						msgid "P_assword:"
msgstr "_Passwort:"						msgstr "_Passwort:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454
msgid "Provider Parameters"					msgid "Provider Parameters"
msgstr "Treiberparameter"					msgstr "Treiberparameter"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the information needed by the	"The following fields represent the information needed by the
"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n	"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n
"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\	"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\
"the manual for more information."				"the manual for more information."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Die folgenden Felder entsprechen den Informationen, die die\	"Die folgenden Felder entsprechen den Informationen, die die\
"von Ihnen in der vorherigen Seite ausgewählte Quelle\n"	"von Ihnen in der vorherigen Seite ausgewählte Quelle\n"
"benötigt, um eine bestimmte Verbindung zu öffnen. Diese\n"	"benötigt, um eine bestimmte Verbindung zu öffnen. Diese\n"
"Informationen sind treiberspezifisch. Schlagen Sie daher im\	"Informationen sind treiberspezifisch. Schlagen Sie daher im\
"Handbuch nach, um weitere Informationen zu erhalten."		"Handbuch nach, um weitere Informationen zu erhalten."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481
msgid "All information retrieved"				msgid "All information retrieved"
msgstr "Alle Informationen erhalten"				msgstr "Alle Informationen erhalten"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482
msgid ""							msgid ""
"All information needed to create a new data source\n"		"All information needed to create a new data source\n"
"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"		"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"
"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"	"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"
"just select it when asked for a data source."			"just select it when asked for a data source."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Alle Informationen, die zum Anlegen einer neuen\n"		"Alle Informationen, die zum Anlegen einer neuen\n"
"Datenquelle notwendig sind, wurden erhalten. Bitte\n"		"Datenquelle notwendig sind, wurden erhalten. Bitte\n"
"klicken Sie nun »Anwenden«, um dieses Dialogfenster\n"		"klicken Sie nun »Anwenden«, um dieses Dialogfenster\n"
"zu schlieÃ?en. Um Ihre neu erstellte Datenquelle zu\n"		"zu schlieÃ?en. Um Ihre neu erstellte Datenquelle zu\n"
"öffnen, wählen Sie sie einfach, wenn Sie nach einer\n"		"öffnen, wählen Sie sie einfach, wenn Sie nach einer\n"
"Datenquelle gefragt werden."					"Datenquelle gefragt werden."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124
msgid "Connection _string:"					msgid "Connection _string:"
msgstr "Verbindungs_zeichenkette:"				msgstr "Verbindungs_zeichenkette:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4
msgid "Error"							msgid "Error"
msgstr "Fehler"							msgstr "Fehler"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.
msgid "Show detail >>"						msgid "Show detail >>"
msgstr "Details anzeigen >>"					msgstr "Details anzeigen >>"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122
msgid "<< Hide detail"						msgid "<< Hide detail"
msgstr "<< Details verbergen"					msgstr "<< Details verbergen"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191
msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"	msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"
msgstr "In der zu Grunde liegenden Datenbank ist ein Fehler a	msgstr "In der zu Grunde liegenden Datenbank ist ein Fehler a

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196
msgid "Error number"						msgid "Error number"
msgstr "Fehlernummer"						msgstr "Fehlernummer"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227
msgid "Details"							msgid "Details"
msgstr "Details"						msgstr "Details"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234
msgid "Source"							msgid "Source"
msgstr "Quelle"							msgstr "Quelle"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241
msgid "SQL state"						msgid "SQL state"
msgstr "SQL-Status"						msgstr "SQL-Status"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108
msgid "_Field:"							msgid "_Field:"
msgstr "_Feld:"							msgstr "_Feld:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118
msgid "_Text:"							msgid "_Text:"
msgstr "_Text:"							msgstr "_Text:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308
msgid "No records"						msgid "No records"
msgstr "Keine Datensätze"					msgstr "Keine Datensätze"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Record %d of %d"						msgid "Record %d of %d"
msgstr "Datensatz %d von %d"					msgstr "Datensatz %d von %d"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113
msgid "Recordset description"					msgid "Recordset description"
msgstr "Datensatz-Beschreibung"					msgstr "Datensatz-Beschreibung"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid ""							msgid ""
"File '%s' already exists.\n"					"File '%s' already exists.\n"
"Do you want to overwrite it?"					"Do you want to overwrite it?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Es existiert bereits eine Datei namens %s\n"			"Es existiert bereits eine Datei namens %s\n"
"Soll sie überschrieben werden?"				"Soll sie überschrieben werden?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149
msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."		msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."
msgstr "Falls Sie sich für »Ja« entscheiden, geht ihr Inhalt 	msgstr "Falls Sie sich für »Ja« entscheiden, geht ihr Inhalt 

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Could not save file %s"					msgid "Could not save file %s"
msgstr "Datei »%s« konnte nicht gespeichert werden"		msgstr "Datei »%s« konnte nicht gespeichert werden"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224
msgid "You must specify a file name"				msgid "You must specify a file name"
msgstr "Sie müssen einen Dateinamen angeben"			msgstr "Sie müssen einen Dateinamen angeben"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230
msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"		msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"
msgstr "Beim Konvertieren der Daten wurde eine leere Datei er	msgstr "Beim Konvertieren der Daten wurde eine leere Datei er

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261
msgid "Saving Model"						msgid "Saving Model"
msgstr "Modell wird gespeichert"				msgstr "Modell wird gespeichert"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272
msgid "File _name:"						msgid "File _name:"
msgstr "Datei_name:"						msgstr "Datei_name:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276
msgid "Select File"						msgid "Select File"
msgstr "Datei auswählen"					msgstr "Datei auswählen"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283
msgid "File _type:"						msgid "File _type:"
msgstr "Datei_typ:"						msgstr "Datei_typ:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291
msgid "Tab-delimited"						msgid "Tab-delimited"
msgstr "Durch Tabulatoren unterteilt"				msgstr "Durch Tabulatoren unterteilt"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294
msgid "Comma-delimited"						msgid "Comma-delimited"
msgstr "Durch Kommata unterteilt"				msgstr "Durch Kommata unterteilt"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:
msgid "XML"							msgid "XML"
msgstr "XML"							msgstr "XML"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355
msgid "View detail"						msgid "View detail"
msgstr "Details anzeigen"					msgstr "Details anzeigen"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427
msgid "Show Column _Titles"					msgid "Show Column _Titles"
msgstr "Spalten_titel anzeigen"					msgstr "Spalten_titel anzeigen"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442
msgid "Describe"						msgid "Describe"
msgstr "Beschreiben"						msgstr "Beschreiben"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443
msgid "View detail..."						msgid "View detail..."
msgstr "Details anzeigen..."					msgstr "Details anzeigen..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614
msgid "Title"							msgid "Title"
msgstr "Titel"							msgstr "Titel"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48
msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"	msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"
msgstr "Versuch, einen bereits initialisierten Client zu init	msgstr "Versuch, einen bereits initialisierten Client zu init

# CHECK								# CHECK
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"		"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"
"to a data source"						"to a data source"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Geben Sie unten die Argumente ein, um eine Verbindung\n"	"Geben Sie unten die Argumente ein, um eine Verbindung\n"
"mit einer Datenquelle aufzubauen"				"mit einer Datenquelle aufzubauen"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253
msgid "Data Source:"						msgid "Data Source:"
msgstr "Datenquelle:"						msgstr "Datenquelle:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270
msgid "Username:"						msgid "Username:"
msgstr "Benutzername:"						msgstr "Benutzername:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279
msgid "Password:"						msgid "Password:"
msgstr "Passwort:"						msgstr "Passwort:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69
msgid "Fields"							msgid "Fields"
msgstr "Felder"							msgstr "Felder"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30
msgid "Commit"							msgid "Commit"
msgstr "Ã?bernehmen"						msgstr "Ã?bernehmen"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31
msgid "Connect"							msgid "Connect"
msgstr "Verbinden"						msgstr "Verbinden"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33
msgid "Designer"						msgid "Designer"
msgstr "Designer"						msgstr "Designer"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34
msgid "Disconnect"						msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr "Trennen"						msgstr "Trennen"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35
msgid "NoTransaction"						msgid "NoTransaction"
msgstr "KeineTransaktion"					msgstr "KeineTransaktion"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37
msgid "Query"							msgid "Query"
msgstr "Abfrage"						msgstr "Abfrage"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38
msgid "Rollback"						msgid "Rollback"
msgstr "Zurücknehmen"						msgstr "Zurücknehmen"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40
msgid "SQL"							msgid "SQL"
msgstr "SQL"							msgstr "SQL"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43
msgid "WithinTransaction"					msgid "WithinTransaction"
msgstr "InnerhalbderTransaktion"				msgstr "InnerhalbderTransaktion"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Error: %s"						msgid "Error: %s"
msgstr "Fehler: %s"						msgstr "Fehler: %s"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79
msgid "Table name"						msgid "Table name"
msgstr "Tabellenname"						msgstr "Tabellenname"

# CHECK								# CHECK
#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93			#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Login for %s"						msgid "Login for %s"
msgstr "An %s anmelden"						msgstr "An %s anmelden"

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95					#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95
msgid "Login to database"					msgid "Login to database"
msgstr "An Datenbank anmelden"					msgstr "An Datenbank anmelden"

#: vfs/libmain.c:71						#: vfs/libmain.c:71
msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"				msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"
msgstr "GNOME-VFS-Datenbank: Modul"				msgstr "GNOME-VFS-Datenbank: Modul"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40
msgid "Table Properties"					msgid "Table Properties"
msgstr "Tabelleneigenschaften"					msgstr "Tabelleneigenschaften"

#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47
msgid "Table Name"						msgid "Table Name"
msgstr "Tabellenname"						msgstr "Tabellenname"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155
msgid "New"							msgid "New"
msgstr "Neu"							msgstr "Neu"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156
msgid "Create new table"					msgid "Create new table"
msgstr "Neue Tabelle anlegen"					msgstr "Neue Tabelle anlegen"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161
msgid "Properties"						msgid "Properties"
msgstr "Eigenschaften"						msgstr "Eigenschaften"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162
msgid "View table properties"					msgid "View table properties"
msgstr "Tabelleneigenschaften anzeigen"				msgstr "Tabelleneigenschaften anzeigen"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
msgid "UID"							msgid "UID"
msgstr "Benutzerkennung"					msgstr "Benutzerkennung"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "calendar"						msgid "calendar"
msgstr "Kalender"						msgstr "Kalender"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "summary"							msgid "summary"
msgstr "Zusammenfassung"					msgstr "Zusammenfassung"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "Summary"							msgid "Summary"
msgstr "Zusammenfassung"					msgstr "Zusammenfassung"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "location"						msgid "location"
msgstr "Ort"							msgstr "Ort"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "dtstart"							msgid "dtstart"
msgstr "Anfangsdatum"						msgstr "Anfangsdatum"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
msgid "Start time"						msgid "Start time"
msgstr "Anfangszeit"						msgstr "Anfangszeit"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "dtend"							msgid "dtend"
msgstr "Enddatum"						msgstr "Enddatum"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "End time"						msgid "End time"
msgstr "Endzeit"						msgstr "Endzeit"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
msgid "description"						msgid "description"
msgstr "Beschreibung"						msgstr "Beschreibung"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "classification"						msgid "classification"
msgstr "Einstufung"						msgstr "Einstufung"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "Classification"						msgid "Classification"
msgstr "Einstufung"						msgstr "Einstufung"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "transparency"						msgid "transparency"
msgstr "Transparenz"						msgstr "Transparenz"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "Transparency"						msgid "Transparency"
msgstr "Transparenz"						msgstr "Transparenz"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "categories"						msgid "categories"
msgstr "Kategorien"						msgstr "Kategorien"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "Categories"						msgid "Categories"
msgstr "Kategorien"						msgstr "Kategorien"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "tasks"							msgid "tasks"
msgstr "Aufgaben"						msgstr "Aufgaben"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "due"							msgid "due"
msgstr "fällig"							msgstr "fällig"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "Due date"						msgid "Due date"
msgstr "Fälligkeitsdatum"					msgstr "Fälligkeitsdatum"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "Start date"						msgid "Start date"
msgstr "Anfangsdatum"						msgstr "Anfangsdatum"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355
msgid "Public"							msgid "Public"
msgstr "Ã?ffentlich"						msgstr "Ã?ffentlich"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358
msgid "Private"							msgid "Private"
msgstr "Privat"							msgstr "Privat"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361
msgid "Confidential"						msgid "Confidential"
msgstr "Vertraulich"						msgstr "Vertraulich"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63
msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"		msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"
msgstr "Der Vorgabeordner für Kalender konnte nicht geöffnet 	msgstr "Der Vorgabeordner für Kalender konnte nicht geöffnet 

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66
msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"			msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"
msgstr "Der Vorgabeordner für Aufgaben konnte nicht geöffnet 	msgstr "Der Vorgabeordner für Aufgaben konnte nicht geöffnet 

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80
msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta	msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Zum Zugriff auf den Vorgabe-Kontaktordner ist eine Legitimat	"Zum Zugriff auf den Vorgabe-Kontaktordner ist eine Legitimat

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83
msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"		msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"
msgstr "Der·Vorgabeordner·für·Kontakte·konnte·nicht·geöffnet·	msgstr "Der·Vorgabeordner·für·Kontakte·konnte·nicht·geöffnet·

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100
msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"				msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"
msgstr "Bonobo konnte nicht initialisiert werden"		msgstr "Bonobo konnte nicht initialisiert werden"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212
msgid "Field name"						msgid "Field name"
msgstr "Feldname"						msgstr "Feldname"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213
msgid "Data type"						msgid "Data type"
msgstr "Datentyp"						msgstr "Datentyp"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214
msgid "Size"							msgid "Size"
msgstr "Grö�e"							msgstr "Grö�e"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215
msgid "Scale"							msgid "Scale"
msgstr "MaÃ?stab"						msgstr "MaÃ?stab"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216
msgid "Not null?"						msgid "Not null?"
msgstr "Nicht-Null?"						msgstr "Nicht-Null?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217
msgid "Primary key?"						msgid "Primary key?"
msgstr "Primärschlüssel?"					msgstr "Primärschlüssel?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218
msgid "Unique index?"						msgid "Unique index?"
msgstr "Eindeutiger Index?"					msgstr "Eindeutiger Index?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219
msgid "References"						msgid "References"
msgstr "Referenzen"						msgstr "Referenzen"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220
msgid "Default value"						msgid "Default value"
msgstr "Vorgabewert"						msgstr "Vorgabewert"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239
msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l	msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Es ist ein Tabellenname erforderlich, der Parameterliste wur	"Es ist ein Tabellenname erforderlich, der Parameterliste wur
"übergeben"							"übergeben"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Table %s does not exist"					msgid "Table %s does not exist"
msgstr "Die Tabelle %s existiert nicht"				msgstr "Die Tabelle %s existiert nicht"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318
msgid "Scheduled events"					msgid "Scheduled events"
msgstr "Geplante Ereignisse"					msgstr "Geplante Ereignisse"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321
msgid "TODO list"						msgid "TODO list"
msgstr "TODO-Liste"						msgstr "TODO-Liste"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375
msgid "Owner"							msgid "Owner"
msgstr "Besitzer"						msgstr "Besitzer"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376
msgid "Comments"						msgid "Comments"
msgstr "Kommentare"						msgstr "Kommentare"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374
msgid "Type"							msgid "Type"
msgstr "Typ"							msgstr "Typ"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377
msgid "GDA type"						msgid "GDA type"
msgstr "GDA-Typ"						msgstr "GDA-Typ"

#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id	#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id
#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database	#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database
#. we can easily access that information			#. we can easily access that information
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382
msgid "local"							msgid "local"
msgstr "lokal"							msgstr "lokal"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217
msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr "Das Anlegen von Datenbanken wird noch nicht unterstüt	msgstr "Das Anlegen von Datenbanken wird noch nicht unterstüt

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230
msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr "Das Entfernen von Datenbanken wird noch nicht unterst	msgstr "Das Entfernen von Datenbanken wird noch nicht unterst

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244
msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"			msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"
msgstr "Tabellenschema konnte nicht abgerufen werden"		msgstr "Tabellenschema konnte nicht abgerufen werden"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268
msgid "Invalid SQL command"					msgid "Invalid SQL command"
msgstr "Ungültiger SQL-Befehl"					msgstr "Ungültiger SQL-Befehl"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353
msgid "Transactions are not supported"				msgid "Transactions are not supported"
msgstr "Transaktionen werden noch·nicht·unterstützt"		msgstr "Transaktionen werden noch·nicht·unterstützt"

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41
msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"		msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"
msgstr "Treiber für persönliche Ximian Evolution-Daten"		msgstr "Treiber für persönliche Ximian Evolution-Daten"

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task	"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Evolution-Datenquellen zum Zugriff auf Vorgabekalender, -auf	"Evolution-Datenquellen zum Zugriff auf Vorgabekalender, -auf
"kontakte"							"kontakte"
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: el.gmo
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/el.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/el.po
# translation of el.po to Greek					# translation of el.po to Greek
# gnome-db Greek PO file					# gnome-db Greek PO file
# Copyright (C) 2000, 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.	# Copyright (C) 2000, 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
#								#
# 8Dec2000: 182 messages					# 8Dec2000: 182 messages
# kostas:20Nov2003, updated translation				# kostas:20Nov2003, updated translation
# Simos Xenitellis <simos hellug gr>, 2000.			# Simos Xenitellis <simos hellug gr>, 2000.
# Kostas Papadimas <pkst gnome org>, 2003.			# Kostas Papadimas <pkst gnome org>, 2003.
msgid ""							msgid ""
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: el\n"					"Project-Id-Version: el\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"					"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"			"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2003-11-20 18:58+0200\n"			"PO-Revision-Date: 2003-11-20 18:58+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Kostas Papadimas <pkst gnome org>\n"		"Last-Translator: Kostas Papadimas <pkst gnome org>\n"
"Language-Team: Greek <nls tux hellug gr>\n"			"Language-Team: Greek <nls tux hellug gr>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"						"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"			"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"				"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Generator: KBabel 1.0.2\n"					"X-Generator: KBabel 1.0.2\n"

#								#
#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co
msgid "Data Sources"						msgid "Data Sources"
msgstr "ΠηγέÏ? Î?εδομένÏ?ν"					msgstr "ΠηγέÏ? Î?εδομένÏ?ν"

#								#
#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid
msgid "Providers"						msgid "Providers"
msgstr "ΠαÏ?οÏ?είÏ?"						msgstr "ΠαÏ?οÏ?είÏ?"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1
msgid "Configure your database environment"			msgid "Configure your database environment"
msgstr "ΡÏ?θμιÏ?η Ï?εÏ?ιβάλλονÏ?οÏ? βάÏ?ηÏ? δεδομένÏ?ν"			msgstr "ΡÏ?θμιÏ?η Ï?εÏ?ιβάλλονÏ?οÏ? βάÏ?ηÏ? δεδομένÏ?ν"

#								#
#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Database Access Properties "				msgid "Database Access Properties "
msgstr "Î?διÏ?Ï?ηÏ?εÏ? βάÏ?ηÏ? δεδομένÏ?ν"				msgstr "Î?διÏ?Ï?ηÏ?εÏ? βάÏ?ηÏ? δεδομένÏ?ν"

#								#
#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380
msgid "Name"							msgid "Name"
msgstr "Î?νομα"							msgstr "Î?νομα"

#								#
#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
msgid "Description"						msgid "Description"
msgstr "ΠεÏ?ιγÏ?αÏ?ή"						msgstr "ΠεÏ?ιγÏ?αÏ?ή"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182
msgid "Configured data sources in the system"			msgid "Configured data sources in the system"
msgstr "ΡÏ?θμιÏ?η Ï?Ï?ν Ï?ηγÏ?ν δεδομένÏ?ν Ï?Ï?ο Ï?Ï?Ï?Ï?ημα"		msgstr "ΡÏ?θμιÏ?η Ï?Ï?ν Ï?ηγÏ?ν δεδομένÏ?ν Ï?Ï?ο Ï?Ï?Ï?Ï?ημα"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data sources are the means by which database connections are	"Data sources are the means by which database connections are
"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s	"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s
"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o	"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o
"name you identify the connections in the applications that m	"name you identify the connections in the applications that m
"DB for database access."					"DB for database access."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Î?ι Ï?ηγέÏ? δεδομένÏ?ν είναι Ï?α μέÏ?α με Ï?α οÏ?οία οι Ï?Ï?νδέÏ?ειÏ? βά	"Î?ι Ï?ηγέÏ? δεδομένÏ?ν είναι Ï?α μέÏ?α με Ï?α οÏ?οία οι Ï?Ï?νδέÏ?ειÏ? βά
"αναγνÏ?Ï?ίζονÏ?αι Ï?Ï?η GNOME-DB. 'Î?λεÏ? οι Ï?ληÏ?οÏ?οÏ?ίεÏ? Ï?οÏ? αÏ?αιÏ?ο	"αναγνÏ?Ï?ίζονÏ?αι Ï?Ï?η GNOME-DB. 'Î?λεÏ? οι Ï?ληÏ?οÏ?οÏ?ίεÏ? Ï?οÏ? αÏ?αιÏ?ο
"άνοιγμα μιαÏ? Ï?Ï?νδεÏ?ηÏ? για ένα Ï?Ï?γκεκÏ?ιμένο Ï?Ï?νδÏ?αÏ?μÏ? Ï?αÏ?οÏ?έα	"άνοιγμα μιαÏ? Ï?Ï?νδεÏ?ηÏ? για ένα Ï?Ï?γκεκÏ?ιμένο Ï?Ï?νδÏ?αÏ?μÏ? Ï?αÏ?οÏ?έα
"αÏ?οθηκεÏ?ονÏ?αι με Ï?ην Ï?Ï?ήÏ?η ενÏ?Ï? μοναδικοÏ? ονÏ?μαÏ?οÏ?. Î?έÏ?Ï? Ï?ηÏ?	"αÏ?οθηκεÏ?ονÏ?αι με Ï?ην Ï?Ï?ήÏ?η ενÏ?Ï? μοναδικοÏ? ονÏ?μαÏ?οÏ?. Î?έÏ?Ï? Ï?ηÏ?
"Ï?οÏ? μοναδικοÏ? ονÏ?μαÏ?οÏ? γίνεÏ?αι η αναγνÏ?Ï?ιÏ?η Ï?Ï?ν Ï?Ï?νδέÏ?εÏ?ν Ï?Ï?	"Ï?οÏ? μοναδικοÏ? ονÏ?μαÏ?οÏ? γίνεÏ?αι η αναγνÏ?Ï?ιÏ?η Ï?Ï?ν Ï?Ï?νδέÏ?εÏ?ν Ï?Ï?
"Ï?Ï?ηÏ?ιμοÏ?οιοÏ?ν Ï?ην GNOME-DBγια Ï?Ï?Ï?Ï?βαÏ?η Ï?ε βάÏ?η δεδομένÏ?ν."	"Ï?Ï?ηÏ?ιμοÏ?οιοÏ?ν Ï?ην GNOME-DBγια Ï?Ï?Ï?Ï?βαÏ?η Ï?ε βάÏ?η δεδομένÏ?ν."

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277
#, fuzzy, c-format						#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"	msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"
msgstr "Î?έλεÏ?ε να αÏ?ομακÏ?Ï?νεÏ?ε Ï?ην Ï?ηγή δεδομένÏ?ν '%s'?"	msgstr "Î?έλεÏ?ε να αÏ?ομακÏ?Ï?νεÏ?ε Ï?ην Ï?ηγή δεδομένÏ?ν '%s'?"

#								#
#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data Source Properties"					msgid "Data Source Properties"
msgstr "Î?διÏ?Ï?ηÏ?εÏ? Ï?ηγήÏ? δεδομένÏ?ν"				msgstr "Î?διÏ?Ï?ηÏ?εÏ? Ï?ηγήÏ? δεδομένÏ?ν"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132
msgid "Basic"							msgid "Basic"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#								#
#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Tables"							msgid "Tables"
msgstr "ΠίνακεÏ?"						msgstr "ΠίνακεÏ?"

#: control-center/main.c:92					#: control-center/main.c:92
msgid "No valid data source info was created"			msgid "No valid data source info was created"
msgstr "Î?εν δημιοÏ?Ï?γήθηκε έγκÏ?Ï?εÏ? Ï?ληÏ?οÏ?οÏ?ίεÏ? δεδομένÏ?ν Ï?ηγήÏ?	msgstr "Î?εν δημιοÏ?Ï?γήθηκε έγκÏ?Ï?εÏ? Ï?ληÏ?οÏ?οÏ?ίεÏ? δεδομένÏ?ν Ï?ηγήÏ?

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218	#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218
msgid "New data source"						msgid "New data source"
msgstr "Î?έα Ï?ηγή δεδομένÏ?ν"					msgstr "Î?έα Ï?ηγή δεδομένÏ?ν"

#								#
#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:215					#: control-center/main.c:215
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Database Access Properties"				msgid "Database Access Properties"
msgstr "Î?διÏ?Ï?ηÏ?εÏ? βάÏ?ηÏ? δεδομένÏ?ν"				msgstr "Î?διÏ?Ï?ηÏ?εÏ? βάÏ?ηÏ? δεδομένÏ?ν"

#								#
#: control-center/provider-config.c:105				#: control-center/provider-config.c:105
msgid "Installed providers"					msgid "Installed providers"
msgstr "Î?γκαÏ?εÏ?Ï?ημένοι Ï?αÏ?οÏ?είÏ?"				msgstr "Î?γκαÏ?εÏ?Ï?ημένοι Ï?αÏ?οÏ?είÏ?"

#: control-center/provider-config.c:131				#: control-center/provider-config.c:131
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec	"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec
"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo	"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo
"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr	"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr
"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba	"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba
"etc."								"etc."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Î?ι Ï?αÏ?οÏ?είÏ? είναι εξÏ?Ï?εÏ?ικέÏ? Ï?Ï?Ï?Ï?θεÏ?εÏ? λειÏ?οÏ?Ï?γίεÏ? Ï?οÏ? Ï?αÏ?έÏ?	"Î?ι Ï?αÏ?οÏ?είÏ? είναι εξÏ?Ï?εÏ?ικέÏ? Ï?Ï?Ï?Ï?θεÏ?εÏ? λειÏ?οÏ?Ï?γίεÏ? Ï?οÏ? Ï?αÏ?έÏ?
"μια Ï?Ï?γκεκÏ?ιμένη Ï?ηγή δεδομένÏ?ν. Î? Ï?Ï?οεÏ?ιλεγμένοÏ? Ï?αÏ?οÏ?έαÏ? ε	"μια Ï?Ï?γκεκÏ?ιμένη Ï?ηγή δεδομένÏ?ν. Î? Ï?Ï?οεÏ?ιλεγμένοÏ? Ï?αÏ?οÏ?έαÏ? ε
"εγκαÏ?εÏ?Ï?ημένοÏ? Ï?Ï?άγμα Ï?ο οÏ?οίο εÏ?ιÏ?Ï?έÏ?ει Ï?ην Ï?Ï?Ï?Ï?βαÏ?η Ï?ε βάÏ?	"εγκαÏ?εÏ?Ï?ημένοÏ? Ï?Ï?άγμα Ï?ο οÏ?οίο εÏ?ιÏ?Ï?έÏ?ει Ï?ην Ï?Ï?Ï?Ï?βαÏ?η Ï?ε βάÏ?
"Ï?οÏ? είναι Ï?ε αÏ?Ï?εία XML. Î?λλοι Ï?αÏ?οÏ?είÏ? Ï?Ï?νήθÏ?Ï? διανέμονÏ?αι 	"Ï?οÏ? είναι Ï?ε αÏ?Ï?εία XML. Î?λλοι Ï?αÏ?οÏ?είÏ? Ï?Ï?νήθÏ?Ï? διανέμονÏ?αι 
"libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Sybase, I	"libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Sybase, I

#								#
#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1
msgid "Database connection parameters file"			msgid "Database connection parameters file"
msgstr "Î?Ï?Ï?είο Ï?αÏ?αμέÏ?Ï?Ï?ν Ï?Ï?νδεÏ?ηÏ? βάÏ?ηÏ? δεδομένÏ?ν"		msgstr "Î?Ï?Ï?είο Ï?αÏ?αμέÏ?Ï?Ï?ν Ï?Ï?νδεÏ?ηÏ? βάÏ?ηÏ? δεδομένÏ?ν"

#								#
#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2
msgid "Documents"						msgid "Documents"
msgstr "Î?γγÏ?αÏ?α"						msgstr "Î?γγÏ?αÏ?α"

#								#
#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3
msgid "SQL code viewer"						msgid "SQL code viewer"
msgstr "Î?Ï?αÏ?μογή Ï?Ï?οβολήÏ? κÏ?δικα SQL"				msgstr "Î?Ï?αÏ?μογή Ï?Ï?οβολήÏ? κÏ?δικα SQL"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1
msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"			msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"
msgstr "Î?Ï?αμμαÏ?οÏ?ειÏ?ά Ï?οÏ? θα Ï?Ï?ηÏ?ιμοÏ?οιηθεί Ï?Ï?ο γÏ?αÏ?ικÏ? Ï?Ï?Ï?Ï?α	msgstr "Î?Ï?αμμαÏ?οÏ?ειÏ?ά Ï?οÏ? θα Ï?Ï?ηÏ?ιμοÏ?οιηθεί Ï?Ï?ο γÏ?αÏ?ικÏ? Ï?Ï?Ï?Ï?α

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2
msgid "Number of spaces per tab"				msgid "Number of spaces per tab"
msgstr "Î?Ï?ιθμοί διαÏ?Ï?ημάÏ?Ï?ν ανά Ï?Ï?ήλη"				msgstr "Î?Ï?ιθμοί διαÏ?Ï?ημάÏ?Ï?ν ανά Ï?Ï?ήλη"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3
msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"			msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"
msgstr "ΠÏ?οβολή αÏ?ιθμÏ?ν γÏ?αμμήÏ? Ï?Ï?ον εÏ?εξεÏ?γαÏ?Ï?ή Ï?ηγήÏ?"		msgstr "ΠÏ?οβολή αÏ?ιθμÏ?ν γÏ?αμμήÏ? Ï?Ï?ον εÏ?εξεÏ?γαÏ?Ï?ή Ï?ηγήÏ?"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4
msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"			msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"
msgstr "ΧÏ?ήÏ?η εÏ?ιÏ?ήμανÏ?ηÏ? Ï?Ï?ον εÏ?εξεÏ?γαÏ?Ï?ή Ï?ηγήÏ?"		msgstr "ΧÏ?ήÏ?η εÏ?ιÏ?ήμανÏ?ηÏ? Ï?Ï?ον εÏ?εξεÏ?γαÏ?Ï?ή Ï?ηγήÏ?"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60
msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"			msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"
msgstr "Î¥Ï?ηÏ?εÏ?ίεÏ? βάÏ?ηÏ? δεδομένÏ?ν για Ï?ην εÏ?ιÏ?άνεια εÏ?γαÏ?ίαÏ? 	msgstr "Î¥Ï?ηÏ?εÏ?ίεÏ? βάÏ?ηÏ? δεδομένÏ?ν για Ï?ην εÏ?ιÏ?άνεια εÏ?γαÏ?ίαÏ? 

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1
msgid "About"							msgid "About"
msgstr "ΠεÏ?ί"							msgstr "ΠεÏ?ί"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2
msgid "About GNOME-DB"						msgid "About GNOME-DB"
msgstr "ΣÏ?εÏ?ικά με Ï?ο GNOME-DB"					msgstr "ΣÏ?εÏ?ικά με Ï?ο GNOME-DB"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3
msgid "Close this window"					msgid "Close this window"
msgstr "Î?λείÏ?ιμο Ï?οÏ? Ï?αÏ?αθÏ?Ï?οÏ?"					msgstr "Î?λείÏ?ιμο Ï?οÏ? Ï?αÏ?αθÏ?Ï?οÏ?"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4
msgid "Create new entry"					msgid "Create new entry"
msgstr "Î?ημιοÏ?Ï?γία νέαÏ? καÏ?αÏ?Ï?Ï?ηÏ?ηÏ?"				msgstr "Î?ημιοÏ?Ï?γία νέαÏ? καÏ?αÏ?Ï?Ï?ηÏ?ηÏ?"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5
msgid "Delete selected items"					msgid "Delete selected items"
msgstr "Î?ιαγÏ?αÏ?ή εÏ?ιλεγμένÏ?ν ανÏ?ικειμένÏ?ν"			msgstr "Î?ιαγÏ?αÏ?ή εÏ?ιλεγμένÏ?ν ανÏ?ικειμένÏ?ν"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Deselect all items"					msgid "Deselect all items"
msgstr "Î?ιαγÏ?αÏ?ή εÏ?ιλεγμένÏ?ν ανÏ?ικειμένÏ?ν"			msgstr "Î?ιαγÏ?αÏ?ή εÏ?ιλεγμένÏ?ν ανÏ?ικειμένÏ?ν"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7
msgid "Edit properties for selected item"			msgid "Edit properties for selected item"
msgstr "Î?Ï?εξεÏ?γαÏ?ία ιδιοÏ?ήÏ?Ï?ν για Ï?ο εÏ?ιλεγμένο ανÏ?ικείμενο"	msgstr "Î?Ï?εξεÏ?γαÏ?ία ιδιοÏ?ήÏ?Ï?ν για Ï?ο εÏ?ιλεγμένο ανÏ?ικείμενο"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8
msgid "Save connection parameters to file"			msgid "Save connection parameters to file"
msgstr "Î?Ï?οθήκεÏ?Ï?η Ï?αÏ?αμέÏ?Ï?Ï?ν Ï?Ï?νδεÏ?ηÏ? Ï?ε αÏ?Ï?είο"		msgstr "Î?Ï?οθήκεÏ?Ï?η Ï?αÏ?αμέÏ?Ï?Ï?ν Ï?Ï?νδεÏ?ηÏ? Ï?ε αÏ?Ï?είο"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Select _All"						msgid "Select _All"
msgstr "Î?Ï?ιλογή Ï?λÏ?ν"						msgstr "Î?Ï?ιλογή Ï?λÏ?ν"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Select all items"					msgid "Select all items"
msgstr "Î?Ï?ιλογή Ï?λÏ?ν"						msgstr "Î?Ï?ιλογή Ï?λÏ?ν"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View data sources"					msgid "View data sources"
msgstr "Î?έα Ï?ηγή δεδομένÏ?ν"					msgstr "Î?έα Ï?ηγή δεδομένÏ?ν"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View providers"						msgid "View providers"
msgstr "ΠαÏ?οÏ?είÏ?"						msgstr "ΠαÏ?οÏ?είÏ?"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Clear Selection"					msgid "_Clear Selection"
msgstr "Î?αθαÏ?ιÏ?μÏ?Ï? εÏ?ιλογήÏ?"					msgstr "Î?αθαÏ?ιÏ?μÏ?Ï? εÏ?ιλογήÏ?"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14
msgid "_Close"							msgid "_Close"
msgstr "_Î?λείÏ?ιμο"						msgstr "_Î?λείÏ?ιμο"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Data Sources"						msgid "_Data Sources"
msgstr "ΠηγέÏ? Î?εδομένÏ?ν"					msgstr "ΠηγέÏ? Î?εδομένÏ?ν"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Database"						msgid "_Database"
msgstr "Î?άÏ?η δεδομένÏ?ν"						msgstr "Î?άÏ?η δεδομένÏ?ν"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17
msgid "_Delete"							msgid "_Delete"
msgstr "_Î?ιαγÏ?αÏ?ή"						msgstr "_Î?ιαγÏ?αÏ?ή"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18
msgid "_Edit"							msgid "_Edit"
msgstr "_Î?Ï?εξεÏ?γαÏ?ία"						msgstr "_Î?Ï?εξεÏ?γαÏ?ία"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19
msgid "_Help"							msgid "_Help"
msgstr "_Î?οήθεια"						msgstr "_Î?οήθεια"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_New Data Source..."					msgid "_New Data Source..."
msgstr "Î?έα Ï?ηγή δεδομένÏ?ν"					msgstr "Î?έα Ï?ηγή δεδομένÏ?ν"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Properties"						msgid "_Properties"
msgstr "Î?διÏ?Ï?ηÏ?εÏ?"						msgstr "Î?διÏ?Ï?ηÏ?εÏ?"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Providers"						msgid "_Providers"
msgstr "ΠαÏ?οÏ?είÏ?"						msgstr "ΠαÏ?οÏ?είÏ?"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23
msgid "_Save Connection"					msgid "_Save Connection"
msgstr "Î?Ï?οθήκεÏ?_Ï?η Ï?Ï?νδεÏ?ηÏ?"					msgstr "Î?Ï?οθήκεÏ?_Ï?η Ï?Ï?νδεÏ?ηÏ?"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_View"							msgid "_View"
msgstr "ΠÏ?οβολέÏ?"						msgstr "ΠÏ?οβολέÏ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76
msgid "Structure"						msgid "Structure"
msgstr "Î?ομή"							msgstr "Î?ομή"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73
msgid "Data"							msgid "Data"
msgstr "Î?εδομένα"						msgstr "Î?εδομένα"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238
msgid "Not implemented yet!"					msgid "Not implemented yet!"
msgstr "Î?εν έÏ?ει εÏ?αÏ?μοÏ?Ï?εί ακÏ?μα!"				msgstr "Î?εν έÏ?ει εÏ?αÏ?μοÏ?Ï?εί ακÏ?μα!"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Database"						msgid "Database"
msgstr "Î?άÏ?η δεδομένÏ?ν"						msgstr "Î?άÏ?η δεδομένÏ?ν"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540
msgid "Loading database schemas..."				msgid "Loading database schemas..."
msgstr "ΦÏ?Ï?Ï?Ï?Ï?η Ï?Ï?ημάÏ?Ï?ν βάÏ?ηÏ? δεδομένÏ?ν..."			msgstr "ΦÏ?Ï?Ï?Ï?Ï?η Ï?Ï?ημάÏ?Ï?ν βάÏ?ηÏ? δεδομένÏ?ν..."

#								#
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632
msgid "Refreshing data..."					msgid "Refreshing data..."
msgstr "Î?νανέÏ?Ï?η δεδομένÏ?ν..."					msgstr "Î?νανέÏ?Ï?η δεδομένÏ?ν..."

#								#
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688
msgid "Views"							msgid "Views"
msgstr "ΠÏ?οβολέÏ?"						msgstr "ΠÏ?οβολέÏ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691
msgid "Indexes"							msgid "Indexes"
msgstr "Indexes"						msgstr "Indexes"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Sequences"						msgid "Sequences"
msgstr "Î?κολοÏ?θίεÏ?"						msgstr "Î?κολοÏ?θίεÏ?"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Procedures"						msgid "Procedures"
msgstr "Î?ιαδικαÏ?ίεÏ?"						msgstr "Î?ιαδικαÏ?ίεÏ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700
msgid "Triggers"						msgid "Triggers"
msgstr "Triggers"						msgstr "Triggers"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Aggregates"						msgid "Aggregates"
msgstr "Î?νοÏ?οιήÏ?ειÏ?"						msgstr "Î?νοÏ?οιήÏ?ειÏ?"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Types"							msgid "Types"
msgstr "ΤÏ?Ï?οι"							msgstr "ΤÏ?Ï?οι"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140
msgid "Could not query CORBA components"			msgid "Could not query CORBA components"
msgstr "Î?δÏ?ναÏ?η η δημιοÏ?Ï?γία εÏ?Ï?Ï?ήμαÏ?οÏ? Ï?ε Ï?Ï?Ï?Ï?αÏ?ικά CORBA"	msgstr "Î?δÏ?ναÏ?η η δημιοÏ?Ï?γία εÏ?Ï?Ï?ήμαÏ?οÏ? Ï?ε Ï?Ï?Ï?Ï?αÏ?ικά CORBA"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209
msgid "ID"							msgid "ID"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "Location"						msgid "Location"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#								#
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212
msgid "Username"						msgid "Username"
msgstr "Î?νομα Ï?Ï?ήÏ?Ï?η"						msgstr "Î?νομα Ï?Ï?ήÏ?Ï?η"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Hostname"						msgid "Hostname"
msgstr "Î?νομα Ï?Ï?ήÏ?Ï?η"						msgstr "Î?νομα Ï?Ï?ήÏ?Ï?η"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214
msgid "Domain"							msgid "Domain"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"			msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"
msgstr "Î?η Ï?Ï?οÏ?Ï?ηÏ?ιζÏ?μενοÏ? Ï?Ï?Ï?οÏ? Ï?ε GconfEntry: %d"		msgstr "Î?η Ï?Ï?οÏ?Ï?ηÏ?ιζÏ?μενοÏ? Ï?Ï?Ï?οÏ? Ï?ε GconfEntry: %d"

#. create widgets						#. create widgets
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97
msgid "Settings"						msgid "Settings"
msgstr "ΡÏ?θμίÏ?ειÏ?"						msgstr "ΡÏ?θμίÏ?ειÏ?"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103
msgid "Data source name"					msgid "Data source name"
msgstr "Î?νομα Ï?ηγήÏ? δεδομένÏ?ν"					msgstr "Î?νομα Ï?ηγήÏ? δεδομένÏ?ν"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109
msgid "Connection string"					msgid "Connection string"
msgstr "Î?λÏ?αÏ?ιθμηÏ?ικÏ? Ï?Ï?νδεÏ?ηÏ?"					msgstr "Î?λÏ?αÏ?ιθμηÏ?ικÏ? Ï?Ï?νδεÏ?ηÏ?"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115
msgid "Provider"						msgid "Provider"
msgstr "ΠαÏ?οÏ?εÏ?Ï?"						msgstr "ΠαÏ?οÏ?εÏ?Ï?"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121
msgid "User name"						msgid "User name"
msgstr "Î?νομα Ï?Ï?ήÏ?Ï?η"						msgstr "Î?νομα Ï?Ï?ήÏ?Ï?η"

#								#
#. create feature list						#. create feature list
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128
msgid "Features"						msgid "Features"
msgstr "ΧαÏ?ακÏ?ηÏ?ιÏ?Ï?ικά"						msgstr "ΧαÏ?ακÏ?ηÏ?ιÏ?Ï?ικά"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190
msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"		msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"
msgstr "ΠÏ?έÏ?ει να ειÏ?άγεÏ?ε ένα Ï?νομα για Ï?η νέα Ï?ηγή δεδομένÏ?	msgstr "ΠÏ?έÏ?ει να ειÏ?άγεÏ?ε ένα Ï?νομα για Ï?η νέα Ï?ηγή δεδομένÏ?

#								#
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac	msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac
msgstr "Το Ï?νομα Ï?ηÏ? Ï?ηγήÏ? δεδομένÏ?ν δεν μÏ?οÏ?εί να Ï?εÏ?ιέÏ?ει δ	msgstr "Το Ï?νομα Ï?ηÏ? Ï?ηγήÏ? δεδομένÏ?ν δεν μÏ?οÏ?εί να Ï?εÏ?ιέÏ?ει δ

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206
msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th	msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th
msgstr "Î?ια Ï?Ï?άÏ?Ï?οÏ?Ï?α Ï?ηγή δεδομένÏ?ν έÏ?ει ήδη εγγÏ?αÏ?εί με Ï?ο 	msgstr "Î?ια Ï?Ï?άÏ?Ï?οÏ?Ï?α Ï?ηγή δεδομένÏ?ν έÏ?ει ήδη εγγÏ?αÏ?εί με Ï?ο 

#								#
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213
msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"			msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"
msgstr "Το Ï?νομα Ï?ηÏ? Ï?ηγήÏ? δεδομένÏ?ν δεν μÏ?οÏ?εί να Ï?εÏ?ιέÏ?ει δ	msgstr "Το Ï?νομα Ï?ηÏ? Ï?ηγήÏ? δεδομένÏ?ν δεν μÏ?οÏ?εί να Ï?εÏ?ιέÏ?ει δ

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217
msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n	msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Τα ονÏ?μαÏ?α Ï?ηγήÏ? δεδομένÏ?ν μÏ?οÏ?οÏ?ν να Ï?εÏ?ιέÏ?οÏ?ν μÏ?νο γÏ?άμμαÏ?	"Τα ονÏ?μαÏ?α Ï?ηγήÏ? δεδομένÏ?ν μÏ?οÏ?οÏ?ν να Ï?εÏ?ιέÏ?οÏ?ν μÏ?νο γÏ?άμμαÏ?
"ASCII"								"ASCII"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225
msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"	msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"
msgstr "ΠÏ?έÏ?ει να ειÏ?άγεÏ?ε ένα Ï?αÏ?οÏ?έα για Ï?η νέα Ï?ηγή δεδομέ	msgstr "ΠÏ?έÏ?ει να ειÏ?άγεÏ?ε ένα Ï?αÏ?οÏ?έα για Ï?η νέα Ï?ηγή δεδομέ

#								#
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233
msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"		msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"
msgstr "Î?εν βÏ?έθηκε Ï?αÏ?οÏ?έαÏ? Ï?Ï?ην Ï?Ï?θμιÏ?η Ï?αÏ?"			msgstr "Î?εν βÏ?έθηκε Ï?αÏ?οÏ?έαÏ? Ï?Ï?ην Ï?Ï?θμιÏ?η Ï?αÏ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391
msgid "Add a new data source..."				msgid "Add a new data source..."
msgstr "ΠÏ?οÏ?θήκη νέαÏ? Ï?ηγήÏ? δεδομένÏ?ν..."			msgstr "ΠÏ?οÏ?θήκη νέαÏ? Ï?ηγήÏ? δεδομένÏ?ν..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392
msgid ""							msgid ""
"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"		"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"
"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"		"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"
"installation. Just follow the steps!"				"installation. Just follow the steps!"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Î?Ï?Ï?Ï?Ï? ο βοηθÏ?Ï? θα Ï?αÏ? καθοδηγήÏ?ει Ï?Ï?ην διεÏ?γαÏ?ία\n"		"Î?Ï?Ï?Ï?Ï? ο βοηθÏ?Ï? θα Ï?αÏ? καθοδηγήÏ?ει Ï?Ï?ην διεÏ?γαÏ?ία\n"
"Ï?ηÏ? δημιοÏ?Ï?γίαÏ? μιαÏ? νέα Ï?ηγήÏ? δεδομένÏ?ν γιαÏ?ην εγκαÏ?άÏ?Ï?αÏ?η\	"Ï?ηÏ? δημιοÏ?Ï?γίαÏ? μιαÏ? νέα Ï?ηγήÏ? δεδομένÏ?ν γιαÏ?ην εγκαÏ?άÏ?Ï?αÏ?η\
"Ï?ηÏ? GNOME-DB. Î?Ï?λÏ?Ï? ακολοÏ?θήÏ?Ï?ε Ï?α βήμαÏ?α!"			"Ï?ηÏ? GNOME-DB. Î?Ï?λÏ?Ï? ακολοÏ?θήÏ?Ï?ε Ï?α βήμαÏ?α!"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404
msgid "General Information"					msgid "General Information"
msgstr "Î?ενικέÏ? ΠληÏ?οÏ?οÏ?ίεÏ?"					msgstr "Î?ενικέÏ? ΠληÏ?οÏ?οÏ?ίεÏ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the basic information\n"	"The following fields represent the basic information\n"
"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n	"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n
"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"	"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"
"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"	"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"
"the default one."						"the default one."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Τα ακÏ?λοÏ?θα Ï?εδία αναÏ?αÏ?ιÏ?Ï?οÏ?ν Ï?α βαÏ?ικά ανÏ?ικείμενα\n"	"Τα ακÏ?λοÏ?θα Ï?εδία αναÏ?αÏ?ιÏ?Ï?οÏ?ν Ï?α βαÏ?ικά ανÏ?ικείμενα\n"
"Ï?ληÏ?οÏ?οÏ?ιÏ?ν για Ï?η νέα Ï?ηγή δεδομένÏ?ν Ï?αÏ?. Î?άÏ?οια αÏ?Ï? αÏ?Ï?ά\n	"Ï?ληÏ?οÏ?οÏ?ιÏ?ν για Ï?η νέα Ï?ηγή δεδομένÏ?ν Ï?αÏ?. Î?άÏ?οια αÏ?Ï? αÏ?Ï?ά\n
"(Ï?εÏ?ιγÏ?αÏ?ή, Ï?νομα Ï?Ï?ήÏ?Ï?η) είναι Ï?Ï?οαιÏ?εÏ?ικά, ενÏ? Ï?α άλλα Ï?Ï?ο	"(Ï?εÏ?ιγÏ?αÏ?ή, Ï?νομα Ï?Ï?ήÏ?Ï?η) είναι Ï?Ï?οαιÏ?εÏ?ικά, ενÏ? Ï?α άλλα Ï?Ï?ο
"Î?ν δεν γνÏ?Ï?ίζεÏ?ε Ï?οιÏ?ν Ï?αÏ?οÏ?έα να εÏ?ιλέξεÏ?ε, διαλέξÏ?ε\n"	"Î?ν δεν γνÏ?Ï?ίζεÏ?ε Ï?οιÏ?ν Ï?αÏ?οÏ?έα να εÏ?ιλέξεÏ?ε, διαλέξÏ?ε\n"
"Ï?ον Ï?Ï?οεÏ?ιλεγμένο."						"Ï?ον Ï?Ï?οεÏ?ιλεγμένο."

#								#
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data source _name:"					msgid "Data source _name:"
msgstr "Î?νομα Ï?ηγήÏ? δεδομένÏ?ν"					msgstr "Î?νομα Ï?ηγήÏ? δεδομένÏ?ν"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Provider:"						msgid "_Provider:"
msgstr "ΠαÏ?οÏ?εÏ?Ï?"						msgstr "ΠαÏ?οÏ?εÏ?Ï?"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Description:"						msgid "_Description:"
msgstr "ΠεÏ?ιγÏ?αÏ?ή"						msgstr "ΠεÏ?ιγÏ?αÏ?ή"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Username:"						msgid "_Username:"
msgstr "Î?νομα Ï?Ï?ήÏ?Ï?η:"						msgstr "Î?νομα Ï?Ï?ήÏ?Ï?η:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "P_assword:"						msgid "P_assword:"
msgstr "Î?Ï?δικÏ?Ï?:"						msgstr "Î?Ï?δικÏ?Ï?:"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454
msgid "Provider Parameters"					msgid "Provider Parameters"
msgstr "ΠαÏ?άμεÏ?Ï?οι ΠαÏ?οÏ?έα"					msgstr "ΠαÏ?άμεÏ?Ï?οι ΠαÏ?οÏ?έα"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the information needed by the	"The following fields represent the information needed by the
"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n	"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n
"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\	"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\
"the manual for more information."				"the manual for more information."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Τα ακÏ?λοÏ?θα Ï?εδία αναÏ?αÏ?ιÏ?Ï?οÏ?ν Ï?ιÏ? Ï?ληÏ?οÏ?οÏ?ίεÏ? Ï?οÏ? αÏ?αιÏ?οÏ?νÏ?	"Τα ακÏ?λοÏ?θα Ï?εδία αναÏ?αÏ?ιÏ?Ï?οÏ?ν Ï?ιÏ? Ï?ληÏ?οÏ?οÏ?ίεÏ? Ï?οÏ? αÏ?αιÏ?οÏ?νÏ?
"αÏ?Ï? Ï?ο Ï?αÏ?οÏ?έα Ï?οÏ? εÏ?ιλέξαÏ?ε Ï?Ï?ην Ï?Ï?οηγοÏ?μενη Ï?ελίδα για να 	"αÏ?Ï? Ï?ο Ï?αÏ?οÏ?έα Ï?οÏ? εÏ?ιλέξαÏ?ε Ï?Ï?ην Ï?Ï?οηγοÏ?μενη Ï?ελίδα για να 
"μια δεδομένη Ï?Ï?νδεÏ?η. Î?Ï?Ï?έÏ? οι Ï?ληÏ?οÏ?οÏ?ίεÏ? είναι Ï?Ï?γκεκÏ?ιμέν	"μια δεδομένη Ï?Ï?νδεÏ?η. Î?Ï?Ï?έÏ? οι Ï?ληÏ?οÏ?οÏ?ίεÏ? είναι Ï?Ï?γκεκÏ?ιμέν
"Ï?αÏ?οÏ?έα, γι'αÏ?Ï?Ï? κοιÏ?άξÏ?ε Ï?ο εγÏ?ειÏ?ίδιο για Ï?εÏ?ιÏ?Ï?Ï?Ï?εÏ?εÏ? Ï?λη	"Ï?αÏ?οÏ?έα, γι'αÏ?Ï?Ï? κοιÏ?άξÏ?ε Ï?ο εγÏ?ειÏ?ίδιο για Ï?εÏ?ιÏ?Ï?Ï?Ï?εÏ?εÏ? Ï?λη

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481
msgid "All information retrieved"				msgid "All information retrieved"
msgstr "Î?λεÏ? οι Ï?ληÏ?οÏ?οÏ?ίεÏ? ανακÏ?ήθηκαν"			msgstr "Î?λεÏ? οι Ï?ληÏ?οÏ?οÏ?ίεÏ? ανακÏ?ήθηκαν"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid ""							msgid ""
"All information needed to create a new data source\n"		"All information needed to create a new data source\n"
"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"		"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"
"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"	"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"
"just select it when asked for a data source."			"just select it when asked for a data source."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Î?ήÏ?θηÏ?αν Ï?λεÏ? οι Ï?ληÏ?οÏ?οÏ?ίεÏ? Ï?οÏ? Ï?Ï?ειάζονÏ?αι για Ï?ην δημιοÏ?Ï?	"Î?ήÏ?θηÏ?αν Ï?λεÏ? οι Ï?ληÏ?οÏ?οÏ?ίεÏ? Ï?οÏ? Ï?Ï?ειάζονÏ?αι για Ï?ην δημιοÏ?Ï?
"μιαÏ? νέαÏ? Ï?ηγήÏ? δεδομένÏ?ν. ΤÏ?Ï?α Ï?αÏ?ήÏ?Ï?ε 'Î?Ï?αÏ?μογή' για να κλ	"μιαÏ? νέαÏ? Ï?ηγήÏ? δεδομένÏ?ν. ΤÏ?Ï?α Ï?αÏ?ήÏ?Ï?ε 'Î?Ï?αÏ?μογή' για να κλ
"αÏ?Ï?Ï? Ï?ο διάλογο. Î?ια να ανοίξεÏ?ε Ï?η νεοδημιοÏ?Ï?γηθείÏ?α Ï?ηγή δ	"αÏ?Ï?Ï? Ï?ο διάλογο. Î?ια να ανοίξεÏ?ε Ï?η νεοδημιοÏ?Ï?γηθείÏ?α Ï?ηγή δ
"αÏ?λά εÏ?ιλέξÏ?ε Ï?ην Ï?Ï?αν Ï?αÏ? ζηÏ?ηθεί Ï?ηγή δεδομένÏ?ν."		"αÏ?λά εÏ?ιλέξÏ?ε Ï?ην Ï?Ï?αν Ï?αÏ? ζηÏ?ηθεί Ï?ηγή δεδομένÏ?ν."

#								#
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Connection _string:"					msgid "Connection _string:"
msgstr "Î?λÏ?αÏ?ιθμηÏ?ικÏ? Ï?Ï?νδεÏ?ηÏ?"					msgstr "Î?λÏ?αÏ?ιθμηÏ?ικÏ? Ï?Ï?νδεÏ?ηÏ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4
msgid "Error"							msgid "Error"
msgstr "ΣÏ?άλμα"							msgstr "ΣÏ?άλμα"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.
msgid "Show detail >>"						msgid "Show detail >>"
msgstr "ΠÏ?οβολή λεÏ?Ï?ομέÏ?ειαÏ? >>"				msgstr "ΠÏ?οβολή λεÏ?Ï?ομέÏ?ειαÏ? >>"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122
msgid "<< Hide detail"						msgid "<< Hide detail"
msgstr "<< Î?Ï?Ï?κÏ?Ï?Ï?η λεÏ?Ï?ομέÏ?ειαÏ?"				msgstr "<< Î?Ï?Ï?κÏ?Ï?Ï?η λεÏ?Ï?ομέÏ?ειαÏ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191
msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"	msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"
msgstr "Î?ημιοÏ?Ï?γήθηκε Ï?Ï?άλμα Ï?Ï?ην underlying βάÏ?η δεδομένÏ?ν"	msgstr "Î?ημιοÏ?Ï?γήθηκε Ï?Ï?άλμα Ï?Ï?ην underlying βάÏ?η δεδομένÏ?ν"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196
msgid "Error number"						msgid "Error number"
msgstr "Î?Ï?ιθμÏ?Ï? Ï?Ï?άλμαÏ?οÏ?"					msgstr "Î?Ï?ιθμÏ?Ï? Ï?Ï?άλμαÏ?οÏ?"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227
msgid "Details"							msgid "Details"
msgstr "Î?εÏ?Ï?ομέÏ?ειεÏ?"						msgstr "Î?εÏ?Ï?ομέÏ?ειεÏ?"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234
msgid "Source"							msgid "Source"
msgstr "Πηγή"							msgstr "Πηγή"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241
msgid "SQL state"						msgid "SQL state"
msgstr "Î?αÏ?άÏ?Ï?αÏ?η SQL"						msgstr "Î?αÏ?άÏ?Ï?αÏ?η SQL"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Field:"							msgid "_Field:"
msgstr "Πεδία"							msgstr "Πεδία"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118
msgid "_Text:"							msgid "_Text:"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308
msgid "No records"						msgid "No records"
msgstr "Î?εν Ï?Ï?άÏ?Ï?οÏ?ν εγγÏ?αÏ?έÏ?"					msgstr "Î?εν Ï?Ï?άÏ?Ï?οÏ?ν εγγÏ?αÏ?έÏ?"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Record %d of %d"						msgid "Record %d of %d"
msgstr "Î?γγÏ?αÏ?ή %d αÏ?Ï? %d"					msgstr "Î?γγÏ?αÏ?ή %d αÏ?Ï? %d"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113
msgid "Recordset description"					msgid "Recordset description"
msgstr "ΠεÏ?ιγÏ?αÏ?ή Recordset"					msgstr "ΠεÏ?ιγÏ?αÏ?ή Recordset"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141
#, fuzzy, c-format						#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""							msgid ""
"File '%s' already exists.\n"					"File '%s' already exists.\n"
"Do you want to overwrite it?"					"Do you want to overwrite it?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Το αÏ?Ï?είο %s Ï?Ï?άÏ?Ï?ει ήδη\n"					"Το αÏ?Ï?είο %s Ï?Ï?άÏ?Ï?ει ήδη\n"
"Î?έλεÏ?ε να ανÏ?ικαÏ?Ï?αθεί?"					"Î?έλεÏ?ε να ανÏ?ικαÏ?Ï?αθεί?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149
msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."		msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#								#
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Could not save file %s"					msgid "Could not save file %s"
msgstr "Î?δÏ?ναÏ?η η αÏ?οθήκεÏ?Ï?η Ï?οÏ? αÏ?Ï?είοÏ? %s"			msgstr "Î?δÏ?ναÏ?η η αÏ?οθήκεÏ?Ï?η Ï?οÏ? αÏ?Ï?είοÏ? %s"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224
msgid "You must specify a file name"				msgid "You must specify a file name"
msgstr "ΠÏ?έÏ?ει να καθοÏ?ίÏ?εÏ?ε  ένα Ï?νομα αÏ?Ï?είοÏ?"		msgstr "ΠÏ?έÏ?ει να καθοÏ?ίÏ?εÏ?ε  ένα Ï?νομα αÏ?Ï?είοÏ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230
msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"		msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"
msgstr "Î?ήÏ?η κενοÏ? αÏ?Ï?είοÏ? καÏ?α Ï?ην μεÏ?αÏ?Ï?οÏ?ή Ï?Ï?ν δεδομένÏ?ν"	msgstr "Î?ήÏ?η κενοÏ? αÏ?Ï?είοÏ? καÏ?α Ï?ην μεÏ?αÏ?Ï?οÏ?ή Ï?Ï?ν δεδομένÏ?ν"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261
msgid "Saving Model"						msgid "Saving Model"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#								#
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "File _name:"						msgid "File _name:"
msgstr "Î?νομα Ï?ίνακα"						msgstr "Î?νομα Ï?ίνακα"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276
msgid "Select File"						msgid "Select File"
msgstr "Î?Ï?ιλογή Î?Ï?Ï?είοÏ?"					msgstr "Î?Ï?ιλογή Î?Ï?Ï?είοÏ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283
msgid "File _type:"						msgid "File _type:"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Tab-delimited"						msgid "Tab-delimited"
msgstr "Î?Ï?Ï?είο Tab-delimited"					msgstr "Î?Ï?Ï?είο Tab-delimited"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Comma-delimited"						msgid "Comma-delimited"
msgstr "Î?Ï?Ï?είο Comma-delimited "				msgstr "Î?Ï?Ï?είο Comma-delimited "

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:
msgid "XML"							msgid "XML"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#								#
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355
msgid "View detail"						msgid "View detail"
msgstr "ΠÏ?οβολή λεÏ?Ï?ομέÏ?ειαÏ?"					msgstr "ΠÏ?οβολή λεÏ?Ï?ομέÏ?ειαÏ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Show Column _Titles"					msgid "Show Column _Titles"
msgstr "Î?μÏ?άνιÏ?η Ï?Ï?ηλÏ?ν"					msgstr "Î?μÏ?άνιÏ?η Ï?Ï?ηλÏ?ν"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442
msgid "Describe"						msgid "Describe"
msgstr "ΠεÏ?ιγÏ?αÏ?ή"						msgstr "ΠεÏ?ιγÏ?αÏ?ή"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443
msgid "View detail..."						msgid "View detail..."
msgstr "ΠÏ?οβολή λεÏ?Ï?ομέÏ?ειαÏ?..."				msgstr "ΠÏ?οβολή λεÏ?Ï?ομέÏ?ειαÏ?..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614
msgid "Title"							msgid "Title"
msgstr "ΤίÏ?λοÏ?"							msgstr "ΤίÏ?λοÏ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48
msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"	msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"
msgstr "ΠÏ?οÏ?Ï?άθεια αÏ?Ï?ικοÏ?οίηÏ?ηÏ? ενÏ?Ï? ήδη αÏ?Ï?ικοÏ?οιημένοÏ? Ï?ελ	msgstr "ΠÏ?οÏ?Ï?άθεια αÏ?Ï?ικοÏ?οίηÏ?ηÏ? ενÏ?Ï? ήδη αÏ?Ï?ικοÏ?οιημένοÏ? Ï?ελ

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"		"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"
"to a data source"						"to a data source"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Î?ιÏ?άγεÏ?ε Ï?ιÏ? Ï?αÏ?ακάÏ?Ï? Ï?αÏ?άμεÏ?Ï?οÏ?Ï? για να ανοίξεÏ?ε\n"		"Î?ιÏ?άγεÏ?ε Ï?ιÏ? Ï?αÏ?ακάÏ?Ï? Ï?αÏ?άμεÏ?Ï?οÏ?Ï? για να ανοίξεÏ?ε\n"
"μιαÏ? Ï?ηγήÏ? δεδομένÏ?ν"						"μιαÏ? Ï?ηγήÏ? δεδομένÏ?ν"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253
msgid "Data Source:"						msgid "Data Source:"
msgstr "ΠηγέÏ? Î?εδομένÏ?ν:"					msgstr "ΠηγέÏ? Î?εδομένÏ?ν:"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270
msgid "Username:"						msgid "Username:"
msgstr "Î?νομα Ï?Ï?ήÏ?Ï?η:"						msgstr "Î?νομα Ï?Ï?ήÏ?Ï?η:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279
msgid "Password:"						msgid "Password:"
msgstr "Î?Ï?δικÏ?Ï?:"						msgstr "Î?Ï?δικÏ?Ï?:"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69
msgid "Fields"							msgid "Fields"
msgstr "Πεδία"							msgstr "Πεδία"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30
msgid "Commit"							msgid "Commit"
msgstr "Commit"							msgstr "Commit"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31
msgid "Connect"							msgid "Connect"
msgstr "ΣÏ?νδεÏ?η"						msgstr "ΣÏ?νδεÏ?η"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33
msgid "Designer"						msgid "Designer"
msgstr "ΣÏ?εδιαÏ?Ï?ήÏ?"						msgstr "ΣÏ?εδιαÏ?Ï?ήÏ?"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34
msgid "Disconnect"						msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr "Î?Ï?οÏ?Ï?νδεÏ?η"						msgstr "Î?Ï?οÏ?Ï?νδεÏ?η"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35
msgid "NoTransaction"						msgid "NoTransaction"
msgstr "NoTransaction"						msgstr "NoTransaction"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37
msgid "Query"							msgid "Query"
msgstr "Î?Ï?Ï?Ï?ημα"						msgstr "Î?Ï?Ï?Ï?ημα"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38
msgid "Rollback"						msgid "Rollback"
msgstr "Î?Ï?αναÏ?οÏ?ά"						msgstr "Î?Ï?αναÏ?οÏ?ά"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40
msgid "SQL"							msgid "SQL"
msgstr "SQL"							msgstr "SQL"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43
msgid "WithinTransaction"					msgid "WithinTransaction"
msgstr "WithinTransaction"					msgstr "WithinTransaction"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Error: %s"						msgid "Error: %s"
msgstr "ΣÏ?άλμα: %s"						msgstr "ΣÏ?άλμα: %s"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79
msgid "Table name"						msgid "Table name"
msgstr "Î?νομα Ï?ίνακα"						msgstr "Î?νομα Ï?ίνακα"

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93			#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Login for %s"						msgid "Login for %s"
msgstr "Î?ίÏ?οδοÏ? για %s"						msgstr "Î?ίÏ?οδοÏ? για %s"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95					#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95
msgid "Login to database"					msgid "Login to database"
msgstr "ΣÏ?νδεÏ?η με βάÏ?η δεδομένÏ?ν"				msgstr "ΣÏ?νδεÏ?η με βάÏ?η δεδομένÏ?ν"

#: vfs/libmain.c:71						#: vfs/libmain.c:71
msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"				msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"
msgstr "Î?άÏ?η δεδομένÏ?ν GNOME VFS: λειÏ?οÏ?Ï?γική μονάδα"		msgstr "Î?άÏ?η δεδομένÏ?ν GNOME VFS: λειÏ?οÏ?Ï?γική μονάδα"

#								#
#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40
msgid "Table Properties"					msgid "Table Properties"
msgstr "Î?διÏ?Ï?ηÏ?εÏ? Ï?ίνακα"					msgstr "Î?διÏ?Ï?ηÏ?εÏ? Ï?ίνακα"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47
msgid "Table Name"						msgid "Table Name"
msgstr "'Î?νομα Ï?ίνακα: "					msgstr "'Î?νομα Ï?ίνακα: "

#								#
#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155
msgid "New"							msgid "New"
msgstr "Î?έο"							msgstr "Î?έο"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156
msgid "Create new table"					msgid "Create new table"
msgstr "Î?ημιοÏ?Ï?γία νέοÏ? Ï?ίνακα"					msgstr "Î?ημιοÏ?Ï?γία νέοÏ? Ï?ίνακα"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161
msgid "Properties"						msgid "Properties"
msgstr "Î?διÏ?Ï?ηÏ?εÏ?"						msgstr "Î?διÏ?Ï?ηÏ?εÏ?"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162
msgid "View table properties"					msgid "View table properties"
msgstr "ΠÏ?οβολή ιδιοÏ?ήÏ?Ï?ν Ï?ίνακα"				msgstr "ΠÏ?οβολή ιδιοÏ?ήÏ?Ï?ν Ï?ίνακα"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
msgid "UID"							msgid "UID"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "calendar"						msgid "calendar"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "summary"							msgid "summary"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "Summary"							msgid "Summary"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "location"						msgid "location"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "dtstart"							msgid "dtstart"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
msgid "Start time"						msgid "Start time"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "dtend"							msgid "dtend"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "End time"						msgid "End time"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#								#
#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "description"						msgid "description"
msgstr "ΠεÏ?ιγÏ?αÏ?ή"						msgstr "ΠεÏ?ιγÏ?αÏ?ή"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "classification"						msgid "classification"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#								#
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Classification"						msgid "Classification"
msgstr "Î?αθαÏ?ιÏ?μÏ?Ï? εÏ?ιλογήÏ?"					msgstr "Î?αθαÏ?ιÏ?μÏ?Ï? εÏ?ιλογήÏ?"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "transparency"						msgid "transparency"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "Transparency"						msgid "Transparency"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "categories"						msgid "categories"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "Categories"						msgid "Categories"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "tasks"							msgid "tasks"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "due"							msgid "due"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "Due date"						msgid "Due date"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "Start date"						msgid "Start date"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355
msgid "Public"							msgid "Public"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358
msgid "Private"							msgid "Private"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361
msgid "Confidential"						msgid "Confidential"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63
msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"		msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66
msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"			msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80
msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta	msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83
msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"		msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100
msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"				msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#								#
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Field name"						msgid "Field name"
msgstr "Î?νομα Ï?Ï?ήÏ?Ï?η"						msgstr "Î?νομα Ï?Ï?ήÏ?Ï?η"

#								#
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data type"						msgid "Data type"
msgstr "Î?εδομένα"						msgstr "Î?εδομένα"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214
msgid "Size"							msgid "Size"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215
msgid "Scale"							msgid "Scale"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216
msgid "Not null?"						msgid "Not null?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217
msgid "Primary key?"						msgid "Primary key?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218
msgid "Unique index?"						msgid "Unique index?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#								#
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "References"						msgid "References"
msgstr "_ΠÏ?οÏ?ιμήÏ?ειÏ?"						msgstr "_ΠÏ?οÏ?ιμήÏ?ειÏ?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220
msgid "Default value"						msgid "Default value"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239
msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l	msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Table %s does not exist"					msgid "Table %s does not exist"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318
msgid "Scheduled events"					msgid "Scheduled events"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321
msgid "TODO list"						msgid "TODO list"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375
msgid "Owner"							msgid "Owner"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#								#
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Comments"						msgid "Comments"
msgstr "Commit"							msgstr "Commit"

#								#
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Type"							msgid "Type"
msgstr "ΤÏ?Ï?οι"							msgstr "ΤÏ?Ï?οι"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377
msgid "GDA type"						msgid "GDA type"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id	#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id
#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database	#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database
#. we can easily access that information			#. we can easily access that information
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382
msgid "local"							msgid "local"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217
msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230
msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244
msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"			msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268
msgid "Invalid SQL command"					msgid "Invalid SQL command"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353
msgid "Transactions are not supported"				msgid "Transactions are not supported"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41
msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"		msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task	"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#								#
#~ msgid "Browse database..."					#~ msgid "Browse database..."
#~ msgstr "Î?ξεÏ?εÏ?νηÏ?η βάÏ?ηÏ? δεδομένÏ?ν..."			#~ msgstr "Î?ξεÏ?εÏ?νηÏ?η βάÏ?ηÏ? δεδομένÏ?ν..."

#~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .con	#~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .con
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "ΣÏ?Ï?Ï?αÏ?ικÏ? Ï?οÏ? Ï?εÏ?ιέÏ?ει ανÏ?ικείμενα Ï?εÏ?ιεÏ?ομένοÏ? μενοÏ? για	#~ "ΣÏ?Ï?Ï?αÏ?ικÏ? Ï?οÏ? Ï?εÏ?ιέÏ?ει ανÏ?ικείμενα Ï?εÏ?ιεÏ?ομένοÏ? μενοÏ? για
#~ "connection"							#~ "connection"

#~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .sql	#~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .sql
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "ΣÏ?Ï?Ï?αÏ?ικÏ? Ï?οÏ? Ï?εÏ?ιέÏ?ει ανÏ?ικείμενα Ï?εÏ?ιεÏ?ομένοÏ? μενοÏ? για	#~ "ΣÏ?Ï?Ï?αÏ?ικÏ? Ï?οÏ? Ï?εÏ?ιέÏ?ει ανÏ?ικείμενα Ï?εÏ?ιεÏ?ομένοÏ? μενοÏ? για

#								#
#~ msgid "Connection MIME handler component"			#~ msgid "Connection MIME handler component"
#~ msgstr "ΣÏ?Ï?Ï?αÏ?ικÏ? Ï?ειÏ?ιÏ?μοÏ? Ï?Ï?νδεÏ?ηÏ?  MIME"			#~ msgstr "ΣÏ?Ï?Ï?αÏ?ικÏ? Ï?ειÏ?ιÏ?μοÏ? Ï?Ï?νδεÏ?ηÏ?  MIME"

#								#
#~ msgid "Database component factory"				#~ msgid "Database component factory"
#~ msgstr "Î?Ï?γοÏ?Ï?άÏ?ιο Ï?Ï?Ï?Ï?αÏ?ικοÏ? βάÏ?ηÏ? δεδομένÏ?ν"		#~ msgstr "Î?Ï?γοÏ?Ï?άÏ?ιο Ï?Ï?Ï?Ï?αÏ?ικοÏ? βάÏ?ηÏ? δεδομένÏ?ν"

#								#
#~ msgid "Open in database connection..."			#~ msgid "Open in database connection..."
#~ msgstr "Î?νοιγμα Ï?ε Ï?Ï?νδεÏ?η βάÏ?ηÏ? δεδομένÏ?ν..."		#~ msgstr "Î?νοιγμα Ï?ε Ï?Ï?νδεÏ?η βάÏ?ηÏ? δεδομένÏ?ν..."

#~ msgid "SQL MIME handler component"				#~ msgid "SQL MIME handler component"
#~ msgstr "ΣÏ?Ï?Ï?αÏ?ικÏ? Ï?ειÏ?ιÏ?μοÏ? SQL MIME"			#~ msgstr "ΣÏ?Ï?Ï?αÏ?ικÏ? Ï?ειÏ?ιÏ?μοÏ? SQL MIME"

#								#
#~ msgid "Database browser"					#~ msgid "Database browser"
#~ msgstr "ΠεÏ?ιηγηÏ?ήÏ? βάÏ?ηÏ? δεδομένÏ?ν"				#~ msgstr "ΠεÏ?ιηγηÏ?ήÏ? βάÏ?ηÏ? δεδομένÏ?ν"

#								#
#~ msgid "Error viewer"						#~ msgid "Error viewer"
#~ msgstr "ΣÏ?άλμα εÏ?αÏ?μογήÏ? Ï?Ï?οβολήÏ?"				#~ msgstr "ΣÏ?άλμα εÏ?αÏ?μογήÏ? Ï?Ï?οβολήÏ?"

#								#
#~ msgid "SQL Viewer"						#~ msgid "SQL Viewer"
#~ msgstr "Î?Ï?αÏ?μογή Ï?Ï?οβολήÏ? SQL "				#~ msgstr "Î?Ï?αÏ?μογή Ï?Ï?οβολήÏ? SQL "

#								#
#~ msgid "Database configuration"				#~ msgid "Database configuration"
#~ msgstr "ΡÏ?θμιÏ?η βάÏ?ηÏ? δεδομένÏ?ν"				#~ msgstr "ΡÏ?θμιÏ?η βάÏ?ηÏ? δεδομένÏ?ν"

#								#
#~ msgid "Edit application preferences"				#~ msgid "Edit application preferences"
#~ msgstr "Î?Ï?εξεÏ?γαÏ?ία Ï?Ï?οÏ?ιμήÏ?εÏ?ν εÏ?αÏ?μογήÏ?"			#~ msgstr "Î?Ï?εξεÏ?γαÏ?ία Ï?Ï?οÏ?ιμήÏ?εÏ?ν εÏ?αÏ?μογήÏ?"

#								#
#~ msgid "New..."						#~ msgid "New..."
#~ msgstr "Î?έο..."						#~ msgstr "Î?έο..."

#								#
#~ msgid "_Properties..."					#~ msgid "_Properties..."
#~ msgstr "_Î?διÏ?Ï?ηÏ?εÏ?..."					#~ msgstr "_Î?διÏ?Ï?ηÏ?εÏ?..."

#~ msgid "_Settings"						#~ msgid "_Settings"
#~ msgstr "_ΡÏ?θμίÏ?ειÏ?..."					#~ msgstr "_ΡÏ?θμίÏ?ειÏ?..."

#~ msgid "Password"						#~ msgid "Password"
#~ msgstr "Î?Ï?δικÏ?Ï?"						#~ msgstr "Î?Ï?δικÏ?Ï?"

#								#
#~ msgid "Save as"						#~ msgid "Save as"
#~ msgstr "Î?Ï?οθήκεÏ?Ï?η Ï?Ï?"					#~ msgstr "Î?Ï?οθήκεÏ?Ï?η Ï?Ï?"

#								#
#~ msgid "Save to"						#~ msgid "Save to"
#~ msgstr "Î?Ï?οθήκεÏ?Ï?η Ï?ε"					#~ msgstr "Î?Ï?οθήκεÏ?Ï?η Ï?ε"

#~ msgid "XML file"						#~ msgid "XML file"
#~ msgstr "Î?Ï?Ï?είο XML"						#~ msgstr "Î?Ï?Ï?είο XML"

#~ msgid "Hide columns"						#~ msgid "Hide columns"
#~ msgstr "Î?Ï?Ï?κÏ?Ï?Ï?η Ï?Ï?ηλÏ?ν"					#~ msgstr "Î?Ï?Ï?κÏ?Ï?Ï?η Ï?Ï?ηλÏ?ν"

#								#
#~ msgid "Question"						#~ msgid "Question"
#~ msgstr "Î?Ï?Ï?Ï?ηÏ?η"						#~ msgstr "Î?Ï?Ï?Ï?ηÏ?η"

#								#
#~ msgid "Database Moniker factory"				#~ msgid "Database Moniker factory"
#~ msgstr "Database Moniker factory"				#~ msgstr "Database Moniker factory"

#								#
#~ msgid "database: moniker"					#~ msgid "database: moniker"
#~ msgstr "database: moniker"					#~ msgstr "database: moniker"

#~ msgid "Failing to manufacture a '%s'"			#~ msgid "Failing to manufacture a '%s'"
#~ msgstr "Î?Ï?οÏ?Ï?Ï?ία καÏ?αÏ?κεÏ?ήÏ? ενÏ?Ï? '%s'"			#~ msgstr "Î?Ï?οÏ?Ï?Ï?ία καÏ?αÏ?κεÏ?ήÏ? ενÏ?Ï? '%s'"

#								#
#~ msgid "Invalid format for connection string"			#~ msgid "Invalid format for connection string"
#~ msgstr "Î?η έγκÏ?Ï?η μοÏ?Ï?ή για αλÏ?αÏ?ιθμηÏ?ικÏ? Ï?Ï?νδεÏ?ηÏ?"		#~ msgstr "Î?η έγκÏ?Ï?η μοÏ?Ï?ή για αλÏ?αÏ?ιθμηÏ?ικÏ? Ï?Ï?νδεÏ?ηÏ?"

#								#
#~ msgid "_File"						#~ msgid "_File"
#~ msgstr "_Î?Ï?Ï?είο"						#~ msgstr "_Î?Ï?Ï?είο"

#								#
#~ msgid "Table Data"						#~ msgid "Table Data"
#~ msgstr "Î?εδομένα Ï?ίνακα"					#~ msgstr "Î?εδομένα Ï?ίνακα"

#								#
#~ msgid "View table data"					#~ msgid "View table data"
#~ msgstr "ΠÏ?οβολή δεδομένÏ?ν Ï?ίνακα"				#~ msgstr "ΠÏ?οβολή δεδομένÏ?ν Ï?ίνακα"
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: en_CA.gmo
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/en_CA.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/en_CA.po
# Canadian English translation for libgnomedb			# Canadian English translation for libgnomedb
# Copyright (C) 2004 Adam Weinberger and the GNOME Foundation	# Copyright (C) 2004 Adam Weinberger and the GNOME Foundation
# This file is distributed under the same licence as the libg	# This file is distributed under the same licence as the libg
# Adam Weinberger <adamw gnome org>, 2004			# Adam Weinberger <adamw gnome org>, 2004
#								#
							      >	#
msgid ""							msgid ""
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: libgnomedb\n"				"Project-Id-Version: libgnomedb\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"					"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"		      |	"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-09-26 12:47-0400\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-06-10 19:42-0700\n"		      |	"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-09-26 19:42-0400\n"
"Last-Translator: Adam Weinberger <adamw gnome org>\n"		"Last-Translator: Adam Weinberger <adamw gnome org>\n"
"Language-Team: en_CA <adamw FreeBSD org>\n"			"Language-Team: en_CA <adamw FreeBSD org>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"						"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=uTF-8\n"			"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=uTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"				"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co
msgid "Data Sources"						msgid "Data Sources"
msgstr "Data Sources"						msgstr "Data Sources"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid
msgid "Providers"						msgid "Providers"
msgstr "Providers"						msgstr "Providers"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1
msgid "Configure your database environment"			msgid "Configure your database environment"
msgstr "Configure your database environment"			msgstr "Configure your database environment"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2
msgid "Database Access Properties "				msgid "Database Access Properties "
msgstr "Database Access Properties "				msgstr "Database Access Properties "

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380
msgid "Name"							msgid "Name"
msgstr "Name"							msgstr "Name"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
msgid "Description"						msgid "Description"
msgstr "Description"						msgstr "Description"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182
msgid "Configured data sources in the system"			msgid "Configured data sources in the system"
msgstr "Configured data sources in the system"			msgstr "Configured data sources in the system"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data sources are the means by which database connections are	"Data sources are the means by which database connections are
"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s	"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s
"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o	"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o
"name you identify the connections in the applications that m	"name you identify the connections in the applications that m
"DB for database access."					"DB for database access."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Data sources are the means by which database connections are	"Data sources are the means by which database connections are
"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s	"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s
"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o	"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o
"name you identify the connections in the applications that m	"name you identify the connections in the applications that m
"DB for database access."					"DB for database access."

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"	msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"
msgstr "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?	msgstr "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104
msgid "Data Source Properties"					msgid "Data Source Properties"
msgstr "Data Source Properties"					msgstr "Data Source Properties"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132
msgid "Basic"							msgid "Basic"
msgstr "Basic"							msgstr "Basic"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Tables"							msgid "Tables"
msgstr "Tables"							msgstr "Tables"

#: control-center/main.c:92					#: control-center/main.c:92
msgid "No valid data source info was created"			msgid "No valid data source info was created"
msgstr "No valid data source info was created"			msgstr "No valid data source info was created"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218	#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218
msgid "New data source"						msgid "New data source"
msgstr "New data source"					msgstr "New data source"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:215					#: control-center/main.c:215
msgid "Database Access Properties"				msgid "Database Access Properties"
msgstr "Database Access Properties"				msgstr "Database Access Properties"

#: control-center/provider-config.c:105				#: control-center/provider-config.c:105
msgid "Installed providers"					msgid "Installed providers"
msgstr "Installed providers"					msgstr "Installed providers"

#: control-center/provider-config.c:131				#: control-center/provider-config.c:131
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec	"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec
"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo	"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo
"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr	"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr
"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba	"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba
"etc."								"etc."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec	"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec
"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo	"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo
"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr	"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr
"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba	"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba
"etc."								"etc."

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1
msgid "Database connection parameters file"			msgid "Database connection parameters file"
msgstr "Database connection parameters file"			msgstr "Database connection parameters file"

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2
msgid "Documents"						msgid "Documents"
msgstr "Documents"						msgstr "Documents"

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3
msgid "SQL code viewer"						msgid "SQL code viewer"
msgstr "SQL code viewer"					msgstr "SQL code viewer"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1
msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"			msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"
msgstr "Font to be used in the grid widget"			msgstr "Font to be used in the grid widget"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2
msgid "Number of spaces per tab"				msgid "Number of spaces per tab"
msgstr "Number of spaces per tab"				msgstr "Number of spaces per tab"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3
msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"			msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"
msgstr "Show line numbers on source editor"			msgstr "Show line numbers on source editor"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4
msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"			msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"
msgstr "Use highlighting in source code editor"			msgstr "Use highlighting in source code editor"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60
msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"			msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"
msgstr "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"		msgstr "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1
msgid "About"							msgid "About"
msgstr "About"							msgstr "About"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2
msgid "About GNOME-DB"						msgid "About GNOME-DB"
msgstr "About GNOME-DB"						msgstr "About GNOME-DB"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3
msgid "Close this window"					msgid "Close this window"
msgstr "Close this window"					msgstr "Close this window"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4
msgid "Create new entry"					msgid "Create new entry"
msgstr "Create new entry"					msgstr "Create new entry"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5
msgid "Delete selected items"					msgid "Delete selected items"
msgstr "Delete selected items"					msgstr "Delete selected items"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6
msgid "Deselect all items"					msgid "Deselect all items"
msgstr "Deselect all items"					msgstr "Deselect all items"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7
msgid "Edit properties for selected item"			msgid "Edit properties for selected item"
msgstr "Edit properties for selected item"			msgstr "Edit properties for selected item"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8
msgid "Save connection parameters to file"			msgid "Save connection parameters to file"
msgstr "Save connection parameters to file"			msgstr "Save connection parameters to file"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414
msgid "Select _All"						msgid "Select _All"
msgstr "Select _All"						msgstr "Select _All"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10
msgid "Select all items"					msgid "Select all items"
msgstr "Select all items"					msgstr "Select all items"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11
msgid "View data sources"					msgid "View data sources"
msgstr "View data sources"					msgstr "View data sources"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12
msgid "View providers"						msgid "View providers"
msgstr "View providers"						msgstr "View providers"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42
msgid "_Clear Selection"					msgid "_Clear Selection"
msgstr "_Clear Selection"					msgstr "_Clear Selection"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14
msgid "_Close"							msgid "_Close"
msgstr "_Close"							msgstr "_Close"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15
msgid "_Data Sources"						msgid "_Data Sources"
msgstr "_Data Sources"						msgstr "_Data Sources"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16
msgid "_Database"						msgid "_Database"
msgstr "_Database"						msgstr "_Database"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17
msgid "_Delete"							msgid "_Delete"
msgstr "_Delete"						msgstr "_Delete"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18
msgid "_Edit"							msgid "_Edit"
msgstr "_Edit"							msgstr "_Edit"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19
msgid "_Help"							msgid "_Help"
msgstr "_Help"							msgstr "_Help"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20
msgid "_New Data Source..."					msgid "_New Data Source..."
msgstr "_New Data Source..."					msgstr "_New Data Source..."

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21
msgid "_Properties"						msgid "_Properties"
msgstr "_Properties"						msgstr "_Properties"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22
msgid "_Providers"						msgid "_Providers"
msgstr "_Providers"						msgstr "_Providers"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23
msgid "_Save Connection"					msgid "_Save Connection"
msgstr "_Save Connection"					msgstr "_Save Connection"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24
msgid "_View"							msgid "_View"
msgstr "_View"							msgstr "_View"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76
msgid "Structure"						msgid "Structure"
msgstr "Structure"						msgstr "Structure"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73
msgid "Data"							msgid "Data"
msgstr "Data"							msgstr "Data"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238
msgid "Not implemented yet!"					msgid "Not implemented yet!"
msgstr "Not implemented yet!"					msgstr "Not implemented yet!"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Database"						msgid "Database"
msgstr "Database"						msgstr "Database"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540
msgid "Loading database schemas..."				msgid "Loading database schemas..."
msgstr "Loading database schemas..."				msgstr "Loading database schemas..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632
msgid "Refreshing data..."					msgid "Refreshing data..."
msgstr "Refreshing data..."					msgstr "Refreshing data..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688
msgid "Views"							msgid "Views"
msgstr "Views"							msgstr "Views"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691
msgid "Indexes"							msgid "Indexes"
msgstr "Indexes"						msgstr "Indexes"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Sequences"						msgid "Sequences"
msgstr "Sequences"						msgstr "Sequences"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Procedures"						msgid "Procedures"
msgstr "Procedures"						msgstr "Procedures"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700
msgid "Triggers"						msgid "Triggers"
msgstr "Triggers"						msgstr "Triggers"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Aggregates"						msgid "Aggregates"
msgstr "Aggregates"						msgstr "Aggregates"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Types"							msgid "Types"
msgstr "Types"							msgstr "Types"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140
msgid "Could not query CORBA components"			msgid "Could not query CORBA components"
msgstr "Could not query CORBA components"			msgstr "Could not query CORBA components"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209
msgid "ID"							msgid "ID"
msgstr "ID"							msgstr "ID"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "Location"						msgid "Location"
msgstr "Location"						msgstr "Location"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212
msgid "Username"						msgid "Username"
msgstr "Username"						msgstr "Username"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213
msgid "Hostname"						msgid "Hostname"
msgstr "Hostname"						msgstr "Hostname"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214
msgid "Domain"							msgid "Domain"
msgstr "Domain"							msgstr "Domain"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"			msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"
msgstr "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"			msgstr "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"

#. create widgets						#. create widgets
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97
msgid "Settings"						msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Settings"						msgstr "Settings"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103
msgid "Data source name"					msgid "Data source name"
msgstr "Data source name"					msgstr "Data source name"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109
msgid "Connection string"					msgid "Connection string"
msgstr "Connection string"					msgstr "Connection string"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115
msgid "Provider"						msgid "Provider"
msgstr "Provider"						msgstr "Provider"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121
msgid "User name"						msgid "User name"
msgstr "User name"						msgstr "User name"

#. create feature list						#. create feature list
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128
msgid "Features"						msgid "Features"
msgstr "Features"						msgstr "Features"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190
msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"		msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"
msgstr "You must enter a name for the new data source"		msgstr "You must enter a name for the new data source"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197
msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac	msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac
msgstr "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric chara	msgstr "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric chara

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206
msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th	msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th
msgstr "An existing data source is already registered under t	msgstr "An existing data source is already registered under t

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213
msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"			msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"
msgstr "Data source names cannot contain spaces"		msgstr "Data source names cannot contain spaces"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217
msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n	msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n
msgstr "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and 	msgstr "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and 

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225
msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"	msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"
msgstr "You must select a provider for the new data source"	msgstr "You must select a provider for the new data source"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233
msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"		msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"
msgstr "Provider not found in your configuration"		msgstr "Provider not found in your configuration"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391
msgid "Add a new data source..."				msgid "Add a new data source..."
msgstr "Add a new data source..."				msgstr "Add a new data source..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392
msgid ""							msgid ""
"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"		"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"
"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"		"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"
"installation. Just follow the steps!"				"installation. Just follow the steps!"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"		"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"
"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"		"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"
"installation. Just follow the steps!"				"installation. Just follow the steps!"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404
msgid "General Information"					msgid "General Information"
msgstr "General Information"					msgstr "General Information"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the basic information\n"	"The following fields represent the basic information\n"
"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n	"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n
"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"	"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"
"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"	"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"
"the default one."						"the default one."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"The following fields represent the basic information\n"	"The following fields represent the basic information\n"
"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n	"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n
"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"	"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"
"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"	"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"
"the default one."						"the default one."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104
msgid "Data source _name:"					msgid "Data source _name:"
msgstr "Data source _name:"					msgstr "Data source _name:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114
msgid "_Provider:"						msgid "_Provider:"
msgstr "_Provider:"						msgstr "_Provider:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133
msgid "_Description:"						msgid "_Description:"
msgstr "_Description:"						msgstr "_Description:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142
msgid "_Username:"						msgid "_Username:"
msgstr "_Username:"						msgstr "_Username:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151
msgid "P_assword:"						msgid "P_assword:"
msgstr "P_assword:"						msgstr "P_assword:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454
msgid "Provider Parameters"					msgid "Provider Parameters"
msgstr "Provider Parameters"					msgstr "Provider Parameters"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the information needed by the	"The following fields represent the information needed by the
"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n	"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n
"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\	"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\
"the manual for more information."				"the manual for more information."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"The following fields represent the information needed by the	"The following fields represent the information needed by the
"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n	"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n
"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\	"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\
"the manual for more information."				"the manual for more information."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481
msgid "All information retrieved"				msgid "All information retrieved"
msgstr "All information retrieved"				msgstr "All information retrieved"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482
msgid ""							msgid ""
"All information needed to create a new data source\n"		"All information needed to create a new data source\n"
"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"		"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"
"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"	"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"
"just select it when asked for a data source."			"just select it when asked for a data source."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"All information needed to create a new data source\n"		"All information needed to create a new data source\n"
"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"		"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"
"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"      |	"this dialogue. To open your newly created data source,\n"
"just select it when asked for a data source."			"just select it when asked for a data source."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124
msgid "Connection _string:"					msgid "Connection _string:"
msgstr "Connection _string:"					msgstr "Connection _string:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4
msgid "Error"							msgid "Error"
msgstr "Error"							msgstr "Error"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.
msgid "Show detail >>"						msgid "Show detail >>"
msgstr "Show detail >>"						msgstr "Show detail >>"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122
msgid "<< Hide detail"						msgid "<< Hide detail"
msgstr "<< Hide detail"						msgstr "<< Hide detail"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191
msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"	msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"
msgstr "An error has occurred in the underlying database"	msgstr "An error has occurred in the underlying database"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196
msgid "Error number"						msgid "Error number"
msgstr "Error number"						msgstr "Error number"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227
msgid "Details"							msgid "Details"
msgstr "Details"						msgstr "Details"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234
msgid "Source"							msgid "Source"
msgstr "Source"							msgstr "Source"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241
msgid "SQL state"						msgid "SQL state"
msgstr "SQL state"						msgstr "SQL state"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108
msgid "_Field:"							msgid "_Field:"
msgstr "_Field:"						msgstr "_Field:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118
msgid "_Text:"							msgid "_Text:"
msgstr "_Text:"							msgstr "_Text:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308
msgid "No records"						msgid "No records"
msgstr "No records"						msgstr "No records"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Record %d of %d"						msgid "Record %d of %d"
msgstr "Record %d of %d"					msgstr "Record %d of %d"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113
msgid "Recordset description"					msgid "Recordset description"
msgstr "Recordset description"					msgstr "Recordset description"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid ""							msgid ""
"File '%s' already exists.\n"					"File '%s' already exists.\n"
"Do you want to overwrite it?"					"Do you want to overwrite it?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"File '%s' already exists.\n"					"File '%s' already exists.\n"
"Do you want to overwrite it?"					"Do you want to overwrite it?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149
msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."		msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."
msgstr "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."		msgstr "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Could not save file %s"					msgid "Could not save file %s"
msgstr "Could not save file %s"					msgstr "Could not save file %s"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224
msgid "You must specify a file name"				msgid "You must specify a file name"
msgstr "You must specify a file name"				msgstr "You must specify a file name"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230
msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"		msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"
msgstr "Got empty file while converting the data"		msgstr "Got empty file while converting the data"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261
msgid "Saving Model"						msgid "Saving Model"
msgstr "Saving Model"						msgstr "Saving Model"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272
msgid "File _name:"						msgid "File _name:"
msgstr "File _name:"						msgstr "File _name:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276
msgid "Select File"						msgid "Select File"
msgstr "Select File"						msgstr "Select File"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283
msgid "File _type:"						msgid "File _type:"
msgstr "File _type:"						msgstr "File _type:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291
msgid "Tab-delimited"						msgid "Tab-delimited"
msgstr "Tab-delimited"						msgstr "Tab-delimited"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294
msgid "Comma-delimited"						msgid "Comma-delimited"
msgstr "Comma-delimited"					msgstr "Comma-delimited"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:
msgid "XML"							msgid "XML"
msgstr "XML"							msgstr "XML"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355
msgid "View detail"						msgid "View detail"
msgstr "View detail"						msgstr "View detail"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427
msgid "Show Column _Titles"					msgid "Show Column _Titles"
msgstr "Show Column _Titles"					msgstr "Show Column _Titles"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442
msgid "Describe"						msgid "Describe"
msgstr "Describe"						msgstr "Describe"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443
msgid "View detail..."						msgid "View detail..."
msgstr "View detail..."						msgstr "View detail..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614
msgid "Title"							msgid "Title"
msgstr "Title"							msgstr "Title"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48
msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"	msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"
msgstr "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"	msgstr "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"		"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"
"to a data source"						"to a data source"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"		"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"
"to a data source"						"to a data source"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253
msgid "Data Source:"						msgid "Data Source:"
msgstr "Data Source:"						msgstr "Data Source:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270
msgid "Username:"						msgid "Username:"
msgstr "Username:"						msgstr "Username:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279
msgid "Password:"						msgid "Password:"
msgstr "Password:"						msgstr "Password:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69
msgid "Fields"							msgid "Fields"
msgstr "Fields"							msgstr "Fields"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30
msgid "Commit"							msgid "Commit"
msgstr "Commit"							msgstr "Commit"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31
msgid "Connect"							msgid "Connect"
msgstr "Connect"						msgstr "Connect"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33
msgid "Designer"						msgid "Designer"
msgstr "Designer"						msgstr "Designer"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34
msgid "Disconnect"						msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr "Disconnect"						msgstr "Disconnect"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35
msgid "NoTransaction"						msgid "NoTransaction"
msgstr "NoTransaction"						msgstr "NoTransaction"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37
msgid "Query"							msgid "Query"
msgstr "Query"							msgstr "Query"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38
msgid "Rollback"						msgid "Rollback"
msgstr "Rollback"						msgstr "Rollback"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40
msgid "SQL"							msgid "SQL"
msgstr "SQL"							msgstr "SQL"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43
msgid "WithinTransaction"					msgid "WithinTransaction"
msgstr "WithinTransaction"					msgstr "WithinTransaction"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Error: %s"						msgid "Error: %s"
msgstr "Error: %s"						msgstr "Error: %s"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79
msgid "Table name"						msgid "Table name"
msgstr "Table name"						msgstr "Table name"

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93			#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Login for %s"						msgid "Login for %s"
msgstr "Login for %s"						msgstr "Login for %s"

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95					#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95
msgid "Login to database"					msgid "Login to database"
msgstr "Login to database"					msgstr "Login to database"

#: vfs/libmain.c:71						#: vfs/libmain.c:71
msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"				msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"
msgstr "GNOME VFS database: module"				msgstr "GNOME VFS database: module"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40
msgid "Table Properties"					msgid "Table Properties"
msgstr "Table Properties"					msgstr "Table Properties"

#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47
msgid "Table Name"						msgid "Table Name"
msgstr "Table Name"						msgstr "Table Name"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155
msgid "New"							msgid "New"
msgstr "New"							msgstr "New"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156
msgid "Create new table"					msgid "Create new table"
msgstr "Create new table"					msgstr "Create new table"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161
msgid "Properties"						msgid "Properties"
msgstr "Properties"						msgstr "Properties"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162
msgid "View table properties"					msgid "View table properties"
msgstr "View table properties"					msgstr "View table properties"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
msgid "UID"							msgid "UID"
msgstr "UID"							msgstr "UID"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "calendar"						msgid "calendar"
msgstr "calendar"						msgstr "calendar"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "summary"							msgid "summary"
msgstr "summary"						msgstr "summary"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "Summary"							msgid "Summary"
msgstr "Summary"						msgstr "Summary"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "location"						msgid "location"
msgstr "location"						msgstr "location"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "dtstart"							msgid "dtstart"
msgstr "dtstart"						msgstr "dtstart"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
msgid "Start time"						msgid "Start time"
msgstr "Start time"						msgstr "Start time"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "dtend"							msgid "dtend"
msgstr "dtend"							msgstr "dtend"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "End time"						msgid "End time"
msgstr "End time"						msgstr "End time"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
msgid "description"						msgid "description"
msgstr "description"						msgstr "description"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "classification"						msgid "classification"
msgstr "classification"						msgstr "classification"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "Classification"						msgid "Classification"
msgstr "Classification"						msgstr "Classification"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "transparency"						msgid "transparency"
msgstr "transparency"						msgstr "transparency"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "Transparency"						msgid "Transparency"
msgstr "Transparency"						msgstr "Transparency"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "categories"						msgid "categories"
msgstr "categories"						msgstr "categories"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "Categories"						msgid "Categories"
msgstr "Categories"						msgstr "Categories"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "tasks"							msgid "tasks"
msgstr "tasks"							msgstr "tasks"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "due"							msgid "due"
msgstr "due"							msgstr "due"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "Due date"						msgid "Due date"
msgstr "Due date"						msgstr "Due date"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "Start date"						msgid "Start date"
msgstr "Start date"						msgstr "Start date"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355
msgid "Public"							msgid "Public"
msgstr "Public"							msgstr "Public"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358
msgid "Private"							msgid "Private"
msgstr "Private"						msgstr "Private"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361
msgid "Confidential"						msgid "Confidential"
msgstr "Confidential"						msgstr "Confidential"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63
msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"		msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"
msgstr "Could not open the default calendar folder"		msgstr "Could not open the default calendar folder"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66
msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"			msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"
msgstr "Could not open the default tasks folder"		msgstr "Could not open the default tasks folder"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80
msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta	msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta
msgstr "Authentication is required to access the default cont	msgstr "Authentication is required to access the default cont

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83
msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"		msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"
msgstr "Could not open the default contacts folder"		msgstr "Could not open the default contacts folder"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100
msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"				msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"
msgstr "Could not initialize Bonobo"				msgstr "Could not initialize Bonobo"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212
msgid "Field name"						msgid "Field name"
msgstr "Field name"						msgstr "Field name"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213
msgid "Data type"						msgid "Data type"
msgstr "Data type"						msgstr "Data type"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214
msgid "Size"							msgid "Size"
msgstr "Size"							msgstr "Size"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215
msgid "Scale"							msgid "Scale"
msgstr "Scale"							msgstr "Scale"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216
msgid "Not null?"						msgid "Not null?"
msgstr "Not null?"						msgstr "Not null?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217
msgid "Primary key?"						msgid "Primary key?"
msgstr "Primary key?"						msgstr "Primary key?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218
msgid "Unique index?"						msgid "Unique index?"
msgstr "Unique index?"						msgstr "Unique index?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219
msgid "References"						msgid "References"
msgstr "References"						msgstr "References"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220
msgid "Default value"						msgid "Default value"
msgstr "Default value"						msgstr "Default value"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239
msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l	msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l
msgstr "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter 	msgstr "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter 

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Table %s does not exist"					msgid "Table %s does not exist"
msgstr "Table %s does not exist"				msgstr "Table %s does not exist"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318
msgid "Scheduled events"					msgid "Scheduled events"
msgstr "Scheduled events"					msgstr "Scheduled events"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321
msgid "TODO list"						msgid "TODO list"
msgstr "TODO list"						msgstr "TODO list"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375
msgid "Owner"							msgid "Owner"
msgstr "Owner"							msgstr "Owner"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376
msgid "Comments"						msgid "Comments"
msgstr "Comments"						msgstr "Comments"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374
msgid "Type"							msgid "Type"
msgstr "Type"							msgstr "Type"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377
msgid "GDA type"						msgid "GDA type"
msgstr "GDA type"						msgstr "GDA type"

#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id	#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id
#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database	#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database
#. we can easily access that information			#. we can easily access that information
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382
msgid "local"							msgid "local"
msgstr "local"							msgstr "local"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217
msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr "Creation of databases is not supported yet"		msgstr "Creation of databases is not supported yet"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230
msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr "Removal of databases is not supported yet"		msgstr "Removal of databases is not supported yet"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244
msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"			msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"
msgstr "Tables schema could not be retrieved"			msgstr "Tables schema could not be retrieved"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268
msgid "Invalid SQL command"					msgid "Invalid SQL command"
msgstr "Invalid SQL command"					msgstr "Invalid SQL command"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353
msgid "Transactions are not supported"				msgid "Transactions are not supported"
msgstr "Transactions are not supported"				msgstr "Transactions are not supported"

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41
msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"		msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"
msgstr "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"		msgstr "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task	"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task	"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: en_GB.gmo
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/en_GB.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/en_GB.po
# English/GB translation of libgnomedb.				# English/GB translation of libgnomedb.
# Copyright (C) 2004 THE libgnomedb'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER		# Copyright (C) 2004 THE libgnomedb'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER
# This file is distributed under the same license as the libg	# This file is distributed under the same license as the libg
# David Lodge <dave cirt net>, 2004.				# David Lodge <dave cirt net>, 2004.
# , fuzzy							# , fuzzy
# 								# 
# 								# 
msgid ""							msgid ""
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: libgnomedb 1.0\n"				"Project-Id-Version: libgnomedb 1.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"					"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"			"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-06-29 21:25+0100\n"			"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-06-29 21:25+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: David Lodge <dave cirt net>\n"		"Last-Translator: David Lodge <dave cirt net>\n"
"Language-Team: English/GB <en li org>\n"			"Language-Team: English/GB <en li org>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"						"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"			"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"				"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co
msgid "Data Sources"						msgid "Data Sources"
msgstr "Data Sources"						msgstr "Data Sources"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid
msgid "Providers"						msgid "Providers"
msgstr "Providers"						msgstr "Providers"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1
msgid "Configure your database environment"			msgid "Configure your database environment"
msgstr "Configure your database environment"			msgstr "Configure your database environment"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2
msgid "Database Access Properties "				msgid "Database Access Properties "
msgstr "Database Access Properties "				msgstr "Database Access Properties "

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380
msgid "Name"							msgid "Name"
msgstr "Name"							msgstr "Name"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
msgid "Description"						msgid "Description"
msgstr "Description"						msgstr "Description"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182
msgid "Configured data sources in the system"			msgid "Configured data sources in the system"
msgstr "Configured data sources in the system"			msgstr "Configured data sources in the system"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data sources are the means by which database connections are	"Data sources are the means by which database connections are
"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s	"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s
"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o	"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o
"name you identify the connections in the applications that m	"name you identify the connections in the applications that m
"DB for database access."					"DB for database access."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Data sources are the means by which database connections are	"Data sources are the means by which database connections are
"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s	"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s
"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o	"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o
"name you identify the connections in the applications that m	"name you identify the connections in the applications that m
"DB for database access."					"DB for database access."

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"	msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"
msgstr "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?	msgstr "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104
msgid "Data Source Properties"					msgid "Data Source Properties"
msgstr "Data Source Properties"					msgstr "Data Source Properties"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132
msgid "Basic"							msgid "Basic"
msgstr "Basic"							msgstr "Basic"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Tables"							msgid "Tables"
msgstr "Tables"							msgstr "Tables"

#: control-center/main.c:92					#: control-center/main.c:92
msgid "No valid data source info was created"			msgid "No valid data source info was created"
msgstr "No valid data source info was created"			msgstr "No valid data source info was created"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218	#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218
msgid "New data source"						msgid "New data source"
msgstr "New data source"					msgstr "New data source"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:215					#: control-center/main.c:215
msgid "Database Access Properties"				msgid "Database Access Properties"
msgstr "Database Access Properties"				msgstr "Database Access Properties"

#: control-center/provider-config.c:105				#: control-center/provider-config.c:105
msgid "Installed providers"					msgid "Installed providers"
msgstr "Installed providers"					msgstr "Installed providers"

#: control-center/provider-config.c:131				#: control-center/provider-config.c:131
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec	"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec
"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo	"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo
"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr	"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr
"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba	"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba
"etc."								"etc."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec	"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec
"The default provider is always installed, which allows acces	"The default provider is always installed, which allows acces
"stored in XML files. Other providers usually distributed alo	"stored in XML files. Other providers usually distributed alo
"gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Sybase, Interbas	"gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Sybase, Interbas

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1
msgid "Database connection parameters file"			msgid "Database connection parameters file"
msgstr "Database connection parameters file"			msgstr "Database connection parameters file"

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2
msgid "Documents"						msgid "Documents"
msgstr "Documents"						msgstr "Documents"

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3
msgid "SQL code viewer"						msgid "SQL code viewer"
msgstr "SQL code viewer"					msgstr "SQL code viewer"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1
msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"			msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"
msgstr "Font to be used in the grid widget"			msgstr "Font to be used in the grid widget"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2
msgid "Number of spaces per tab"				msgid "Number of spaces per tab"
msgstr "Number of spaces per tab"				msgstr "Number of spaces per tab"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3
msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"			msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"
msgstr "Show line numbers on source editor"			msgstr "Show line numbers on source editor"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4
msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"			msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"
msgstr "Use highlighting in source code editor"			msgstr "Use highlighting in source code editor"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60
msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"			msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"
msgstr "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"		msgstr "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1
msgid "About"							msgid "About"
msgstr "About"							msgstr "About"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2
msgid "About GNOME-DB"						msgid "About GNOME-DB"
msgstr "About GNOME-DB"						msgstr "About GNOME-DB"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3
msgid "Close this window"					msgid "Close this window"
msgstr "Close this window"					msgstr "Close this window"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4
msgid "Create new entry"					msgid "Create new entry"
msgstr "Create new entry"					msgstr "Create new entry"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5
msgid "Delete selected items"					msgid "Delete selected items"
msgstr "Delete selected items"					msgstr "Delete selected items"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6
msgid "Deselect all items"					msgid "Deselect all items"
msgstr "Deselect all items"					msgstr "Deselect all items"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7
msgid "Edit properties for selected item"			msgid "Edit properties for selected item"
msgstr "Edit properties for selected item"			msgstr "Edit properties for selected item"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8
msgid "Save connection parameters to file"			msgid "Save connection parameters to file"
msgstr "Save connection parameters to file"			msgstr "Save connection parameters to file"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414
msgid "Select _All"						msgid "Select _All"
msgstr "Select _All"						msgstr "Select _All"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10
msgid "Select all items"					msgid "Select all items"
msgstr "Select all items"					msgstr "Select all items"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11
msgid "View data sources"					msgid "View data sources"
msgstr "View data sources"					msgstr "View data sources"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12
msgid "View providers"						msgid "View providers"
msgstr "View providers"						msgstr "View providers"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42
msgid "_Clear Selection"					msgid "_Clear Selection"
msgstr "_Clear Selection"					msgstr "_Clear Selection"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14
msgid "_Close"							msgid "_Close"
msgstr "_Close"							msgstr "_Close"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15
msgid "_Data Sources"						msgid "_Data Sources"
msgstr "_Data Sources"						msgstr "_Data Sources"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16
msgid "_Database"						msgid "_Database"
msgstr "_Database"						msgstr "_Database"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17
msgid "_Delete"							msgid "_Delete"
msgstr "_Delete"						msgstr "_Delete"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18
msgid "_Edit"							msgid "_Edit"
msgstr "_Edit"							msgstr "_Edit"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19
msgid "_Help"							msgid "_Help"
msgstr "_Help"							msgstr "_Help"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20
msgid "_New Data Source..."					msgid "_New Data Source..."
msgstr "_New Data Source..."					msgstr "_New Data Source..."

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21
msgid "_Properties"						msgid "_Properties"
msgstr "_Properties"						msgstr "_Properties"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22
msgid "_Providers"						msgid "_Providers"
msgstr "_Providers"						msgstr "_Providers"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23
msgid "_Save Connection"					msgid "_Save Connection"
msgstr "_Save Connection"					msgstr "_Save Connection"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24
msgid "_View"							msgid "_View"
msgstr "_View"							msgstr "_View"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76
msgid "Structure"						msgid "Structure"
msgstr "Structure"						msgstr "Structure"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73
msgid "Data"							msgid "Data"
msgstr "Data"							msgstr "Data"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238
msgid "Not implemented yet!"					msgid "Not implemented yet!"
msgstr "Not implemented yet!"					msgstr "Not implemented yet!"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Database"						msgid "Database"
msgstr "Database"						msgstr "Database"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540
msgid "Loading database schemas..."				msgid "Loading database schemas..."
msgstr "Loading database schemas..."				msgstr "Loading database schemas..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632
msgid "Refreshing data..."					msgid "Refreshing data..."
msgstr "Refreshing data..."					msgstr "Refreshing data..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688
msgid "Views"							msgid "Views"
msgstr "Views"							msgstr "Views"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691
msgid "Indexes"							msgid "Indexes"
msgstr "Indexes"						msgstr "Indexes"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Sequences"						msgid "Sequences"
msgstr "Sequences"						msgstr "Sequences"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Procedures"						msgid "Procedures"
msgstr "Procedures"						msgstr "Procedures"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700
msgid "Triggers"						msgid "Triggers"
msgstr "Triggers"						msgstr "Triggers"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Aggregates"						msgid "Aggregates"
msgstr "Aggregates"						msgstr "Aggregates"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Types"							msgid "Types"
msgstr "Types"							msgstr "Types"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140
msgid "Could not query CORBA components"			msgid "Could not query CORBA components"
msgstr "Could not query CORBA components"			msgstr "Could not query CORBA components"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209
msgid "ID"							msgid "ID"
msgstr "ID"							msgstr "ID"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "Location"						msgid "Location"
msgstr "Location"						msgstr "Location"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212
msgid "Username"						msgid "Username"
msgstr "Username"						msgstr "Username"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213
msgid "Hostname"						msgid "Hostname"
msgstr "Hostname"						msgstr "Hostname"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214
msgid "Domain"							msgid "Domain"
msgstr "Domain"							msgstr "Domain"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"			msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"
msgstr "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"			msgstr "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"

#. create widgets						#. create widgets
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97
msgid "Settings"						msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Settings"						msgstr "Settings"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103
msgid "Data source name"					msgid "Data source name"
msgstr "Data source name"					msgstr "Data source name"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109
msgid "Connection string"					msgid "Connection string"
msgstr "Connection string"					msgstr "Connection string"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115
msgid "Provider"						msgid "Provider"
msgstr "Provider"						msgstr "Provider"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121
msgid "User name"						msgid "User name"
msgstr "User name"						msgstr "User name"

#. create feature list						#. create feature list
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128
msgid "Features"						msgid "Features"
msgstr "Features"						msgstr "Features"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190
msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"		msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"
msgstr "You must enter a name for the new data source"		msgstr "You must enter a name for the new data source"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197
msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac	msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac
msgstr "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric chara	msgstr "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric chara

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206
msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th	msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th
msgstr "An existing data source is already registered under t	msgstr "An existing data source is already registered under t

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213
msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"			msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"
msgstr "Data source names cannot contain spaces"		msgstr "Data source names cannot contain spaces"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217
msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n	msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n
msgstr "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and 	msgstr "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and 

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225
msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"	msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"
msgstr "You must select a provider for the new data source"	msgstr "You must select a provider for the new data source"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233
msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"		msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"
msgstr "Provider not found in your configuration"		msgstr "Provider not found in your configuration"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391
msgid "Add a new data source..."				msgid "Add a new data source..."
msgstr "Add a new data source..."				msgstr "Add a new data source..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392
msgid ""							msgid ""
"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"		"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"
"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"		"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"
"installation. Just follow the steps!"				"installation. Just follow the steps!"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"		"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"
"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"		"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"
"installation. Just follow the steps!"				"installation. Just follow the steps!"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404
msgid "General Information"					msgid "General Information"
msgstr "General Information"					msgstr "General Information"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the basic information\n"	"The following fields represent the basic information\n"
"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n	"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n
"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"	"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"
"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"	"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"
"the default one."						"the default one."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"The following fields represent the basic information\n"	"The following fields represent the basic information\n"
"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n	"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n
"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"	"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"
"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"	"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"
"the default one"						"the default one"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104
msgid "Data source _name:"					msgid "Data source _name:"
msgstr "Data source _name:"					msgstr "Data source _name:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114
msgid "_Provider:"						msgid "_Provider:"
msgstr "_Provider:"						msgstr "_Provider:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133
msgid "_Description:"						msgid "_Description:"
msgstr "_Description:"						msgstr "_Description:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142
msgid "_Username:"						msgid "_Username:"
msgstr "_Username:"						msgstr "_Username:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151
msgid "P_assword:"						msgid "P_assword:"
msgstr "P_assword:"						msgstr "P_assword:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454
msgid "Provider Parameters"					msgid "Provider Parameters"
msgstr "Provider Parameters"					msgstr "Provider Parameters"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the information needed by the	"The following fields represent the information needed by the
"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n	"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n
"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\	"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\
"the manual for more information."				"the manual for more information."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"The following fields represent the information needed by the	"The following fields represent the information needed by the
"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n	"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n
"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\	"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\
"the manual for more information"				"the manual for more information"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481
msgid "All information retrieved"				msgid "All information retrieved"
msgstr "All information retrieved"				msgstr "All information retrieved"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482
msgid ""							msgid ""
"All information needed to create a new data source\n"		"All information needed to create a new data source\n"
"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"		"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"
"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"	"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"
"just select it when asked for a data source."			"just select it when asked for a data source."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"All information needed to create a new data source\n"		"All information needed to create a new data source\n"
"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"		"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"
"this dialogue. To open your newly created data source,\n"	"this dialogue. To open your newly created data source,\n"
"just select it when asked for a data source"			"just select it when asked for a data source"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124
msgid "Connection _string:"					msgid "Connection _string:"
msgstr "Connection _string:"					msgstr "Connection _string:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4
msgid "Error"							msgid "Error"
msgstr "Error"							msgstr "Error"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.
msgid "Show detail >>"						msgid "Show detail >>"
msgstr "Show detail >>"						msgstr "Show detail >>"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122
msgid "<< Hide detail"						msgid "<< Hide detail"
msgstr "<< Hide detail"						msgstr "<< Hide detail"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191
msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"	msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"
msgstr "An error has occurred in the underlying database"	msgstr "An error has occurred in the underlying database"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196
msgid "Error number"						msgid "Error number"
msgstr "Error number"						msgstr "Error number"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227
msgid "Details"							msgid "Details"
msgstr "Details"						msgstr "Details"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234
msgid "Source"							msgid "Source"
msgstr "Source"							msgstr "Source"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241
msgid "SQL state"						msgid "SQL state"
msgstr "SQL state"						msgstr "SQL state"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108
msgid "_Field:"							msgid "_Field:"
msgstr "_Field:"						msgstr "_Field:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118
msgid "_Text:"							msgid "_Text:"
msgstr "_Text:"							msgstr "_Text:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308
msgid "No records"						msgid "No records"
msgstr "No records"						msgstr "No records"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Record %d of %d"						msgid "Record %d of %d"
msgstr "Record %d of %d"					msgstr "Record %d of %d"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113
msgid "Recordset description"					msgid "Recordset description"
msgstr "Recordset description"					msgstr "Recordset description"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid ""							msgid ""
"File '%s' already exists.\n"					"File '%s' already exists.\n"
"Do you want to overwrite it?"					"Do you want to overwrite it?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"File '%s' already exists\n"					"File '%s' already exists\n"
"Do you want to overwrite it?"					"Do you want to overwrite it?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149
msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."		msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."
msgstr "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."		msgstr "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Could not save file %s"					msgid "Could not save file %s"
msgstr "Could not save file %s"					msgstr "Could not save file %s"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224
msgid "You must specify a file name"				msgid "You must specify a file name"
msgstr "You must specify a file name"				msgstr "You must specify a file name"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230
msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"		msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"
msgstr "Got empty file while converting the data"		msgstr "Got empty file while converting the data"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261
msgid "Saving Model"						msgid "Saving Model"
msgstr "Saving Model"						msgstr "Saving Model"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272
msgid "File _name:"						msgid "File _name:"
msgstr "File _name:"						msgstr "File _name:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276
msgid "Select File"						msgid "Select File"
msgstr "Select File"						msgstr "Select File"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283
msgid "File _type:"						msgid "File _type:"
msgstr "File _type:"						msgstr "File _type:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291
msgid "Tab-delimited"						msgid "Tab-delimited"
msgstr "Tab-delimited"						msgstr "Tab-delimited"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294
msgid "Comma-delimited"						msgid "Comma-delimited"
msgstr "Comma-delimited"					msgstr "Comma-delimited"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:
msgid "XML"							msgid "XML"
msgstr "XML"							msgstr "XML"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355
msgid "View detail"						msgid "View detail"
msgstr "View detail"						msgstr "View detail"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427
msgid "Show Column _Titles"					msgid "Show Column _Titles"
msgstr "Show Column _Titles"					msgstr "Show Column _Titles"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442
msgid "Describe"						msgid "Describe"
msgstr "Describe"						msgstr "Describe"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443
msgid "View detail..."						msgid "View detail..."
msgstr "View detail..."						msgstr "View detail..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614
msgid "Title"							msgid "Title"
msgstr "Title"							msgstr "Title"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48
msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"	msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"
msgstr "Attempt to initialise an already initialised client"	msgstr "Attempt to initialise an already initialised client"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"		"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"
"to a data source"						"to a data source"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"		"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"
"to a data source"						"to a data source"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253
msgid "Data Source:"						msgid "Data Source:"
msgstr "Data Source:"						msgstr "Data Source:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270
msgid "Username:"						msgid "Username:"
msgstr "Username:"						msgstr "Username:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279
msgid "Password:"						msgid "Password:"
msgstr "Password:"						msgstr "Password:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69
msgid "Fields"							msgid "Fields"
msgstr "Fields"							msgstr "Fields"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30
msgid "Commit"							msgid "Commit"
msgstr "Commit"							msgstr "Commit"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31
msgid "Connect"							msgid "Connect"
msgstr "Connect"						msgstr "Connect"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33
msgid "Designer"						msgid "Designer"
msgstr "Designer"						msgstr "Designer"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34
msgid "Disconnect"						msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr "Disconnect"						msgstr "Disconnect"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35
msgid "NoTransaction"						msgid "NoTransaction"
msgstr "NoTransaction"						msgstr "NoTransaction"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37
msgid "Query"							msgid "Query"
msgstr "Query"							msgstr "Query"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38
msgid "Rollback"						msgid "Rollback"
msgstr "Rollback"						msgstr "Rollback"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40
msgid "SQL"							msgid "SQL"
msgstr "SQL"							msgstr "SQL"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43
msgid "WithinTransaction"					msgid "WithinTransaction"
msgstr "WithinTransaction"					msgstr "WithinTransaction"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Error: %s"						msgid "Error: %s"
msgstr "Error: %s"						msgstr "Error: %s"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79
msgid "Table name"						msgid "Table name"
msgstr "Table name"						msgstr "Table name"

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93			#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Login for %s"						msgid "Login for %s"
msgstr "Login for %s"						msgstr "Login for %s"

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95					#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95
msgid "Login to database"					msgid "Login to database"
msgstr "Login to database"					msgstr "Login to database"

#: vfs/libmain.c:71						#: vfs/libmain.c:71
msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"				msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"
msgstr "GNOME VFS database: module"				msgstr "GNOME VFS database: module"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40
msgid "Table Properties"					msgid "Table Properties"
msgstr "Table Properties"					msgstr "Table Properties"

#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47
msgid "Table Name"						msgid "Table Name"
msgstr "Table Name"						msgstr "Table Name"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155
msgid "New"							msgid "New"
msgstr "New"							msgstr "New"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156
msgid "Create new table"					msgid "Create new table"
msgstr "Create new table"					msgstr "Create new table"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161
msgid "Properties"						msgid "Properties"
msgstr "Properties"						msgstr "Properties"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162
msgid "View table properties"					msgid "View table properties"
msgstr "View table properties"					msgstr "View table properties"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
msgid "UID"							msgid "UID"
msgstr "UID"							msgstr "UID"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "calendar"						msgid "calendar"
msgstr "calendar"						msgstr "calendar"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "summary"							msgid "summary"
msgstr "summary"						msgstr "summary"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "Summary"							msgid "Summary"
msgstr "Summary"						msgstr "Summary"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "location"						msgid "location"
msgstr "location"						msgstr "location"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "dtstart"							msgid "dtstart"
msgstr "dtstart"						msgstr "dtstart"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
msgid "Start time"						msgid "Start time"
msgstr "Start time"						msgstr "Start time"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "dtend"							msgid "dtend"
msgstr "dtend"							msgstr "dtend"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "End time"						msgid "End time"
msgstr "End time"						msgstr "End time"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
msgid "description"						msgid "description"
msgstr "description"						msgstr "description"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "classification"						msgid "classification"
msgstr "classification"						msgstr "classification"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "Classification"						msgid "Classification"
msgstr "Classification"						msgstr "Classification"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "transparency"						msgid "transparency"
msgstr "transparency"						msgstr "transparency"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "Transparency"						msgid "Transparency"
msgstr "Transparency"						msgstr "Transparency"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "categories"						msgid "categories"
msgstr "categories"						msgstr "categories"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "Categories"						msgid "Categories"
msgstr "Categories"						msgstr "Categories"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "tasks"							msgid "tasks"
msgstr "tasks"							msgstr "tasks"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "due"							msgid "due"
msgstr "due"							msgstr "due"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "Due date"						msgid "Due date"
msgstr "Due date"						msgstr "Due date"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "Start date"						msgid "Start date"
msgstr "Start date"						msgstr "Start date"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355
msgid "Public"							msgid "Public"
msgstr "Public"							msgstr "Public"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358
msgid "Private"							msgid "Private"
msgstr "Private"						msgstr "Private"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361
msgid "Confidential"						msgid "Confidential"
msgstr "Confidential"						msgstr "Confidential"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63
msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"		msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"
msgstr "Could not open the default calendar folder"		msgstr "Could not open the default calendar folder"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66
msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"			msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"
msgstr "Could not open the default tasks folder"		msgstr "Could not open the default tasks folder"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80
msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta	msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta
msgstr "Authentication is required to access the default cont	msgstr "Authentication is required to access the default cont

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83
msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"		msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"
msgstr "Could not open the default contacts folder"		msgstr "Could not open the default contacts folder"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100
msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"				msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"
msgstr "Could not initialise Bonobo"				msgstr "Could not initialise Bonobo"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212
msgid "Field name"						msgid "Field name"
msgstr "Field name"						msgstr "Field name"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213
msgid "Data type"						msgid "Data type"
msgstr "Data type"						msgstr "Data type"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214
msgid "Size"							msgid "Size"
msgstr "Size"							msgstr "Size"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215
msgid "Scale"							msgid "Scale"
msgstr "Scale"							msgstr "Scale"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216
msgid "Not null?"						msgid "Not null?"
msgstr "Not null?"						msgstr "Not null?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217
msgid "Primary key?"						msgid "Primary key?"
msgstr "Primary key?"						msgstr "Primary key?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218
msgid "Unique index?"						msgid "Unique index?"
msgstr "Unique index?"						msgstr "Unique index?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219
msgid "References"						msgid "References"
msgstr "References"						msgstr "References"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220
msgid "Default value"						msgid "Default value"
msgstr "Default value"						msgstr "Default value"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239
msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l	msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l
msgstr "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter 	msgstr "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter 

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Table %s does not exist"					msgid "Table %s does not exist"
msgstr "Table %s does not exist"				msgstr "Table %s does not exist"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318
msgid "Scheduled events"					msgid "Scheduled events"
msgstr "Scheduled events"					msgstr "Scheduled events"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321
msgid "TODO list"						msgid "TODO list"
msgstr "TODO list"						msgstr "TODO list"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375
msgid "Owner"							msgid "Owner"
msgstr "Owner"							msgstr "Owner"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376
msgid "Comments"						msgid "Comments"
msgstr "Comments"						msgstr "Comments"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374
msgid "Type"							msgid "Type"
msgstr "Type"							msgstr "Type"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377
msgid "GDA type"						msgid "GDA type"
msgstr "GDA type"						msgstr "GDA type"

#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id	#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id
#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database	#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database
#. we can easily access that information			#. we can easily access that information
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382
msgid "local"							msgid "local"
msgstr "local"							msgstr "local"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217
msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr "Creation of databases is not supported yet"		msgstr "Creation of databases is not supported yet"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230
msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr "Removal of databases is not supported yet"		msgstr "Removal of databases is not supported yet"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244
msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"			msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"
msgstr "Tables schema could not be retrieved"			msgstr "Tables schema could not be retrieved"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268
msgid "Invalid SQL command"					msgid "Invalid SQL command"
msgstr "Invalid SQL command"					msgstr "Invalid SQL command"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353
msgid "Transactions are not supported"				msgid "Transactions are not supported"
msgstr "Transactions are not supported"				msgstr "Transactions are not supported"

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41
msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"		msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"
msgstr "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"		msgstr "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task	"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task	"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task

#~ msgid "Browse database..."					#~ msgid "Browse database..."
#~ msgstr "Browse database..."					#~ msgstr "Browse database..."

#~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .con	#~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .con
#~ msgstr "Component that includes context menu items for .co	#~ msgstr "Component that includes context menu items for .co

#~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .sql	#~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .sql
#~ msgstr "Component that includes context menu items for .sq	#~ msgstr "Component that includes context menu items for .sq

#~ msgid "Connection MIME handler component"			#~ msgid "Connection MIME handler component"
#~ msgstr "Connection MIME handler component"			#~ msgstr "Connection MIME handler component"

#~ msgid "Database component factory"				#~ msgid "Database component factory"
#~ msgstr "Database component factory"				#~ msgstr "Database component factory"

#~ msgid "Open in database connection..."			#~ msgid "Open in database connection..."
#~ msgstr "Open in database connection..."			#~ msgstr "Open in database connection..."

#~ msgid "SQL MIME handler component"				#~ msgid "SQL MIME handler component"
#~ msgstr "SQL MIME handler component"				#~ msgstr "SQL MIME handler component"

#~ msgid "Database browser"					#~ msgid "Database browser"
#~ msgstr "Database browser"					#~ msgstr "Database browser"

#~ msgid "Error viewer"						#~ msgid "Error viewer"
#~ msgstr "Error viewer"					#~ msgstr "Error viewer"

#~ msgid "SQL Viewer"						#~ msgid "SQL Viewer"
#~ msgstr "SQL Viewer"						#~ msgstr "SQL Viewer"

#~ msgid "Database configuration"				#~ msgid "Database configuration"
#~ msgstr "Database configuration"				#~ msgstr "Database configuration"

#~ msgid "Edit application preferences"				#~ msgid "Edit application preferences"
#~ msgstr "Edit application preferences"			#~ msgstr "Edit application preferences"

#~ msgid "New..."						#~ msgid "New..."
#~ msgstr "New..."						#~ msgstr "New..."

#~ msgid "_File"						#~ msgid "_File"
#~ msgstr "_File"						#~ msgstr "_File"

#~ msgid "_Properties..."					#~ msgid "_Properties..."
#~ msgstr "_Properties..."					#~ msgstr "_Properties..."

#~ msgid "_Settings"						#~ msgid "_Settings"
#~ msgstr "_Settings"						#~ msgstr "_Settings"

#~ msgid "Password"						#~ msgid "Password"
#~ msgstr "Password"						#~ msgstr "Password"

#~ msgid "Save as"						#~ msgid "Save as"
#~ msgstr "Save as"						#~ msgstr "Save as"

#~ msgid "Save to"						#~ msgid "Save to"
#~ msgstr "Save to"						#~ msgstr "Save to"

#~ msgid "XML file"						#~ msgid "XML file"
#~ msgstr "XML file"						#~ msgstr "XML file"

#~ msgid "Hide columns"						#~ msgid "Hide columns"
#~ msgstr "Hide columns"					#~ msgstr "Hide columns"

#~ msgid "Question"						#~ msgid "Question"
#~ msgstr "Question"						#~ msgstr "Question"

#~ msgid "Table Data"						#~ msgid "Table Data"
#~ msgstr "Table Data"						#~ msgstr "Table Data"

#~ msgid "View table data"					#~ msgid "View table data"
#~ msgstr "View table data"					#~ msgstr "View table data"

#~ msgid "Database Moniker factory"				#~ msgid "Database Moniker factory"
#~ msgstr "Database Moniker factory"				#~ msgstr "Database Moniker factory"

#~ msgid "database: moniker"					#~ msgid "database: moniker"
#~ msgstr "database: moniker"					#~ msgstr "database: moniker"

#~ msgid "Failing to manufacture a '%s'"			#~ msgid "Failing to manufacture a '%s'"
#~ msgstr "Failing to manufacture a '%s'"			#~ msgstr "Failing to manufacture a '%s'"

#~ msgid "Invalid format for connection string"			#~ msgid "Invalid format for connection string"
#~ msgstr "Invalid format for connection string"		#~ msgstr "Invalid format for connection string"
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: es.gmo
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/es.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/es.po
# traducción de es.po al Spanish				# traducción de es.po al Spanish
# translation of es.po to Spanish				# translation of es.po to Spanish
# translation of libgnomedb.HEAD.es.po to Spanish		# translation of libgnomedb.HEAD.es.po to Spanish
# Gnome-db Spanish Translation					# Gnome-db Spanish Translation
# Copyright © 20001-2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.		# Copyright © 20001-2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This file is distributed under the same license as the gnom	# This file is distributed under the same license as the gnom
# Rodrigo Moya <rmoya chez com>, 1999.				# Rodrigo Moya <rmoya chez com>, 1999.
# Ismael Olea <olea hispafuentes com>, 2000.			# Ismael Olea <olea hispafuentes com>, 2000.
# Antonio de la Torre <adltorre terra es>, 2001.		# Antonio de la Torre <adltorre terra es>, 2001.
# Pablo Gonzalo del Campo <pablodc bigfoot com>, 2002-2003.	# Pablo Gonzalo del Campo <pablodc bigfoot com>, 2002-2003.
# Francisco Javier F. Serrador <serrador arrakis es>, 2003.	# Francisco Javier F. Serrador <serrador arrakis es>, 2003.
# Francisco Javier F. Serrador <serrador cvs gnome org>, 2004	# Francisco Javier F. Serrador <serrador cvs gnome org>, 2004
#								#
msgid ""							msgid ""
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: es\n"					"Project-Id-Version: es\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"					"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"			"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-07-18 15:33+0200\n"			"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-07-18 15:33+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Francisco Javier F. Serrador <serrador cvs 	"Last-Translator: Francisco Javier F. Serrador <serrador cvs 
"Language-Team: Spanish <traductores es gnome org>\n"		"Language-Team: Spanish <traductores es gnome org>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"						"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"			"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"				"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Generator: KBabel 1.3.1\n"					"X-Generator: KBabel 1.3.1\n"
"Plural-Forms:  nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"			"Plural-Forms:  nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co
msgid "Data Sources"						msgid "Data Sources"
msgstr "Orígenes de datos"					msgstr "Orígenes de datos"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid
msgid "Providers"						msgid "Providers"
msgstr "Proveedores"						msgstr "Proveedores"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1
msgid "Configure your database environment"			msgid "Configure your database environment"
msgstr "Configura el entorno de su base de datos"		msgstr "Configura el entorno de su base de datos"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2
msgid "Database Access Properties "				msgid "Database Access Properties "
msgstr "Propiedades de acceso de la base de datos"		msgstr "Propiedades de acceso de la base de datos"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380
msgid "Name"							msgid "Name"
msgstr "Nombre"							msgstr "Nombre"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
msgid "Description"						msgid "Description"
msgstr "Descripción"						msgstr "Descripción"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182
msgid "Configured data sources in the system"			msgid "Configured data sources in the system"
msgstr "Orígenes de datos configurados en el sistema"		msgstr "Orígenes de datos configurados en el sistema"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data sources are the means by which database connections are	"Data sources are the means by which database connections are
"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s	"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s
"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o	"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o
"name you identify the connections in the applications that m	"name you identify the connections in the applications that m
"DB for database access."					"DB for database access."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Las fuentes de datos son los medios por los cuales las conex	"Las fuentes de datos son los medios por los cuales las conex
"de datos son identificadas en GNOME-DB. Toda la información 	"de datos son identificadas en GNOME-DB. Toda la información 
"abrir una conexión hacia una combinación de proveedor o base	"abrir una conexión hacia una combinación de proveedor o base
"especifica es almacenada utilizando un nombre único. Es por 	"especifica es almacenada utilizando un nombre único. Es por 
"nombre único que usted identifica las conexiones en las apli	"nombre único que usted identifica las conexiones en las apli
"hacen uso de GNOME-DB para acceder a bases de datos."		"hacen uso de GNOME-DB para acceder a bases de datos."

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"	msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"
msgstr "¿Seguro que quiere eliminar el origen de datos «%s»?"	msgstr "¿Seguro que quiere eliminar el origen de datos «%s»?"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104
msgid "Data Source Properties"					msgid "Data Source Properties"
msgstr "Propiedades del origen de datos"			msgstr "Propiedades del origen de datos"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132
msgid "Basic"							msgid "Basic"
msgstr "Básico"							msgstr "Básico"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Tables"							msgid "Tables"
msgstr "Tablas"							msgstr "Tablas"

#: control-center/main.c:92					#: control-center/main.c:92
msgid "No valid data source info was created"			msgid "No valid data source info was created"
msgstr "No se creó una info de origen de datos válida"		msgstr "No se creó una info de origen de datos válida"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218	#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218
msgid "New data source"						msgid "New data source"
msgstr "Nuevo origen de datos"					msgstr "Nuevo origen de datos"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:215					#: control-center/main.c:215
msgid "Database Access Properties"				msgid "Database Access Properties"
msgstr "Propiedades de acceso a la base de datos"		msgstr "Propiedades de acceso a la base de datos"

#: control-center/provider-config.c:105				#: control-center/provider-config.c:105
msgid "Installed providers"					msgid "Installed providers"
msgstr "Proveedores instalados"					msgstr "Proveedores instalados"

#: control-center/provider-config.c:131				#: control-center/provider-config.c:131
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec	"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec
"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo	"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo
"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr	"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr
"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba	"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba
"etc."								"etc."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Los proveedores son complementos externos que proporcionan a	"Los proveedores son complementos externos que proporcionan a
"específico de origen de datos. El proveedor predeterminado s	"específico de origen de datos. El proveedor predeterminado s
"instalado, el cual permite acceder a bases de datos almacena	"instalado, el cual permite acceder a bases de datos almacena
"XML. Otros proveedores usualmente distribuidos con libgda/gn	"XML. Otros proveedores usualmente distribuidos con libgda/gn
"a PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Sybase, Interbase, etc."		"a PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Sybase, Interbase, etc."

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1
msgid "Database connection parameters file"			msgid "Database connection parameters file"
msgstr "Archivo de parámetros de conexión a la base de datos"	msgstr "Archivo de parámetros de conexión a la base de datos"

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2
msgid "Documents"						msgid "Documents"
msgstr "Documentos"						msgstr "Documentos"

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3
msgid "SQL code viewer"						msgid "SQL code viewer"
msgstr "Visor de código SQL"					msgstr "Visor de código SQL"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1
msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"			msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"
msgstr "Tipografía que se usará en el control grilla"		msgstr "Tipografía que se usará en el control grilla"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2
msgid "Number of spaces per tab"				msgid "Number of spaces per tab"
msgstr "Cantidad de espacios por tabulador"			msgstr "Cantidad de espacios por tabulador"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3
msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"			msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"
msgstr "Mostrar números de línea en el editor de fuentes"	msgstr "Mostrar números de línea en el editor de fuentes"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4
msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"			msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"
msgstr "Usar resaltado de sintaxis en el editor de código de 	msgstr "Usar resaltado de sintaxis en el editor de código de 

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60
msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"			msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"
msgstr "Servicios de base de datos para el Escritorio GNOME"	msgstr "Servicios de base de datos para el Escritorio GNOME"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1
msgid "About"							msgid "About"
msgstr "Acerca de"						msgstr "Acerca de"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2
msgid "About GNOME-DB"						msgid "About GNOME-DB"
msgstr "Acerca de GNOME-DB..."					msgstr "Acerca de GNOME-DB..."

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3
msgid "Close this window"					msgid "Close this window"
msgstr "Cierra esta ventana"					msgstr "Cierra esta ventana"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4
msgid "Create new entry"					msgid "Create new entry"
msgstr "Crea una entrada nueva"					msgstr "Crea una entrada nueva"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5
msgid "Delete selected items"					msgid "Delete selected items"
msgstr "Borra los elementos seleccionados"			msgstr "Borra los elementos seleccionados"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6
msgid "Deselect all items"					msgid "Deselect all items"
msgstr "Deseleccionar todos los elementos"			msgstr "Deseleccionar todos los elementos"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7
msgid "Edit properties for selected item"			msgid "Edit properties for selected item"
msgstr "Editar propiedades para el elemento seleccionado"	msgstr "Editar propiedades para el elemento seleccionado"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8
msgid "Save connection parameters to file"			msgid "Save connection parameters to file"
msgstr "Guardar parámetros de conexión en un archivo"		msgstr "Guardar parámetros de conexión en un archivo"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414
msgid "Select _All"						msgid "Select _All"
msgstr "Seleccionar _todo"					msgstr "Seleccionar _todo"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10
msgid "Select all items"					msgid "Select all items"
msgstr "Selecciona todos los elementos"				msgstr "Selecciona todos los elementos"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11
msgid "View data sources"					msgid "View data sources"
msgstr "Ver orígenes de datos"					msgstr "Ver orígenes de datos"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12
msgid "View providers"						msgid "View providers"
msgstr "Ver proveedores"					msgstr "Ver proveedores"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42
msgid "_Clear Selection"					msgid "_Clear Selection"
msgstr "_Vaciar selección"					msgstr "_Vaciar selección"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14
msgid "_Close"							msgid "_Close"
msgstr "_Cerrar"						msgstr "_Cerrar"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15
msgid "_Data Sources"						msgid "_Data Sources"
msgstr "Orígenes de _datos"					msgstr "Orígenes de _datos"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16
msgid "_Database"						msgid "_Database"
msgstr "Base de _datos"						msgstr "Base de _datos"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17
msgid "_Delete"							msgid "_Delete"
msgstr "_Borrar"						msgstr "_Borrar"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18
msgid "_Edit"							msgid "_Edit"
msgstr "_Editar"						msgstr "_Editar"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19
msgid "_Help"							msgid "_Help"
msgstr "A_yuda"							msgstr "A_yuda"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20
msgid "_New Data Source..."					msgid "_New Data Source..."
msgstr "Origen de datos nuevo..."				msgstr "Origen de datos nuevo..."

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21
msgid "_Properties"						msgid "_Properties"
msgstr "_Propiedades"						msgstr "_Propiedades"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22
msgid "_Providers"						msgid "_Providers"
msgstr "_Proveedores"						msgstr "_Proveedores"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23
msgid "_Save Connection"					msgid "_Save Connection"
msgstr "_Guardar conexión"					msgstr "_Guardar conexión"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24
msgid "_View"							msgid "_View"
msgstr "_Ver"							msgstr "_Ver"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76
msgid "Structure"						msgid "Structure"
msgstr "Estructura"						msgstr "Estructura"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73
msgid "Data"							msgid "Data"
msgstr "Datos"							msgstr "Datos"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238
msgid "Not implemented yet!"					msgid "Not implemented yet!"
msgstr "¡No implementado aún!"					msgstr "¡No implementado aún!"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Database"						msgid "Database"
msgstr "Base de datos"						msgstr "Base de datos"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540
msgid "Loading database schemas..."				msgid "Loading database schemas..."
msgstr "Cargando esquemas de la base de datos..."		msgstr "Cargando esquemas de la base de datos..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632
msgid "Refreshing data..."					msgid "Refreshing data..."
msgstr "Refrescando datos..."					msgstr "Refrescando datos..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688
msgid "Views"							msgid "Views"
msgstr "Vistas"							msgstr "Vistas"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691
msgid "Indexes"							msgid "Indexes"
msgstr "Ã?ndices"						msgstr "Ã?ndices"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Sequences"						msgid "Sequences"
msgstr "Secuencias"						msgstr "Secuencias"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Procedures"						msgid "Procedures"
msgstr "Procedimientos"						msgstr "Procedimientos"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700
msgid "Triggers"						msgid "Triggers"
msgstr "Disparadores"						msgstr "Disparadores"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Aggregates"						msgid "Aggregates"
msgstr "Agregados"						msgstr "Agregados"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Types"							msgid "Types"
msgstr "Tipos"							msgstr "Tipos"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140
msgid "Could not query CORBA components"			msgid "Could not query CORBA components"
msgstr "No se ha podido consultar los componentes CORBA"	msgstr "No se ha podido consultar los componentes CORBA"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209
msgid "ID"							msgid "ID"
msgstr "ID"							msgstr "ID"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "Location"						msgid "Location"
msgstr "Ubicación"						msgstr "Ubicación"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212
msgid "Username"						msgid "Username"
msgstr "Nombre de usuario"					msgstr "Nombre de usuario"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213
msgid "Hostname"						msgid "Hostname"
msgstr "Anfitrión"						msgstr "Anfitrión"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214
msgid "Domain"							msgid "Domain"
msgstr "Dominio"						msgstr "Dominio"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"			msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"
msgstr "Tipo no soportado en GconfEntry: %d"			msgstr "Tipo no soportado en GconfEntry: %d"

#. create widgets						#. create widgets
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97
msgid "Settings"						msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Configuraciones"					msgstr "Configuraciones"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103
msgid "Data source name"					msgid "Data source name"
msgstr "Nombre de la origen de datos"				msgstr "Nombre de la origen de datos"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109
msgid "Connection string"					msgid "Connection string"
msgstr "Cadena de conexión"					msgstr "Cadena de conexión"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115
msgid "Provider"						msgid "Provider"
msgstr "Proveedor"						msgstr "Proveedor"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121
msgid "User name"						msgid "User name"
msgstr "Nombre de usuario"					msgstr "Nombre de usuario"

#. create feature list						#. create feature list
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128
msgid "Features"						msgid "Features"
msgstr "Características"					msgstr "Características"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190
msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"		msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"
msgstr "Debe ingresar un nombre para la nueva origen de datos	msgstr "Debe ingresar un nombre para la nueva origen de datos

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197
msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac	msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Los nombres de los orígenes de datos sólo pueden contener ca	"Los nombres de los orígenes de datos sólo pueden contener ca
"alfanuméricos"							"alfanuméricos"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206
msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th	msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th
msgstr "Ya hay un origen de datos registrado con ese nombre"	msgstr "Ya hay un origen de datos registrado con ese nombre"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213
msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"			msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"
msgstr "Los nombres de los orígenes de datos no pueden conten	msgstr "Los nombres de los orígenes de datos no pueden conten

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217
msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n	msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Los nombres de los orígenes de datos sólo pueden contener ca	"Los nombres de los orígenes de datos sólo pueden contener ca
"números"							"números"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225
msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"	msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"
msgstr "Debe seleccionar un proveedor para la origen de datos	msgstr "Debe seleccionar un proveedor para la origen de datos

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233
msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"		msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"
msgstr "El proveedor no fue encontrado en su configuración"	msgstr "El proveedor no fue encontrado en su configuración"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391
msgid "Add a new data source..."				msgid "Add a new data source..."
msgstr "Agregar una nueva origen de datos..."			msgstr "Agregar una nueva origen de datos..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392
msgid ""							msgid ""
"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"		"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"
"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"		"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"
"installation. Just follow the steps!"				"installation. Just follow the steps!"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Este asistente le guiará a través del proceso de\n"		"Este asistente le guiará a través del proceso de\n"
"creación de una nueva origen de datos para su instalación\n"	"creación de una nueva origen de datos para su instalación\n"
"de GNOME-DB. ¡Sólo siga los pasos!"				"de GNOME-DB. ¡Sólo siga los pasos!"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404
msgid "General Information"					msgid "General Information"
msgstr "Información general"					msgstr "Información general"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the basic information\n"	"The following fields represent the basic information\n"
"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n	"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n
"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"	"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"
"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"	"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"
"the default one."						"the default one."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Los siguientes campos representan los elementos básicos de\n	"Los siguientes campos representan los elementos básicos de\n
"información para su origen de datos nuevo. Algunos de ellos\	"información para su origen de datos nuevo. Algunos de ellos\
"(descripción, usuario) son opcionales, mientras que los demá	"(descripción, usuario) son opcionales, mientras que los demá
"son obligatorios. Si no sabe qué proveedor utilizar, tan sol	"son obligatorios. Si no sabe qué proveedor utilizar, tan sol
"seleccione el predeterminado."					"seleccione el predeterminado."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104
msgid "Data source _name:"					msgid "Data source _name:"
msgstr "_Nombre del origen de datos:"				msgstr "_Nombre del origen de datos:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114
msgid "_Provider:"						msgid "_Provider:"
msgstr "_Proveedor:"						msgstr "_Proveedor:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133
msgid "_Description:"						msgid "_Description:"
msgstr "_Descripción:"						msgstr "_Descripción:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142
msgid "_Username:"						msgid "_Username:"
msgstr "_Usuario:"						msgstr "_Usuario:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151
msgid "P_assword:"						msgid "P_assword:"
msgstr "_Contraseña:"						msgstr "_Contraseña:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454
msgid "Provider Parameters"					msgid "Provider Parameters"
msgstr "Parámetros del proveedor"				msgstr "Parámetros del proveedor"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the information needed by the	"The following fields represent the information needed by the
"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n	"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n
"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\	"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\
"the manual for more information."				"the manual for more information."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Los siguientes campos representan la información que \n"	"Los siguientes campos representan la información que \n"
"necesita el proveedor que ha seleccionado en la página\n"	"necesita el proveedor que ha seleccionado en la página\n"
"anterior a abrir una conexión dada. Esta información es\n"	"anterior a abrir una conexión dada. Esta información es\n"
"específica del proveedor, así que consulte el manual si\n"	"específica del proveedor, así que consulte el manual si\n"
"necesita para más información."				"necesita para más información."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481
msgid "All information retrieved"				msgid "All information retrieved"
msgstr "Toda la información capturada"				msgstr "Toda la información capturada"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482
msgid ""							msgid ""
"All information needed to create a new data source\n"		"All information needed to create a new data source\n"
"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"		"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"
"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"	"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"
"just select it when asked for a data source."			"just select it when asked for a data source."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Se ha obtenido toda la información necesaria para crear\n"	"Se ha obtenido toda la información necesaria para crear\n"
"un origen de datos nuevo. Ahora pulse «Aplicar« para \n"	"un origen de datos nuevo. Ahora pulse «Aplicar« para \n"
"cerrar esta ventana. Para abrir su origen de datos  nuevo\n"	"cerrar esta ventana. Para abrir su origen de datos  nuevo\n"
"tan sólo selecciónelo cuando se le pida un origen de datos."	"tan sólo selecciónelo cuando se le pida un origen de datos."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124
msgid "Connection _string:"					msgid "Connection _string:"
msgstr "_Cadena de conexión:"					msgstr "_Cadena de conexión:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4
msgid "Error"							msgid "Error"
msgstr "Error"							msgstr "Error"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.
msgid "Show detail >>"						msgid "Show detail >>"
msgstr "Mostrar detalle >>"					msgstr "Mostrar detalle >>"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122
msgid "<< Hide detail"						msgid "<< Hide detail"
msgstr "<< Ocultar detalle"					msgstr "<< Ocultar detalle"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191
msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"	msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"
msgstr "Ha ocurrido un error en la base de datos subrayada"	msgstr "Ha ocurrido un error en la base de datos subrayada"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196
msgid "Error number"						msgid "Error number"
msgstr "Número de error"					msgstr "Número de error"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227
msgid "Details"							msgid "Details"
msgstr "Detalles"						msgstr "Detalles"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234
msgid "Source"							msgid "Source"
msgstr "Fuente"							msgstr "Fuente"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241
msgid "SQL state"						msgid "SQL state"
msgstr "Estado SQL"						msgstr "Estado SQL"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108
msgid "_Field:"							msgid "_Field:"
msgstr "_Campo:"						msgstr "_Campo:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118
msgid "_Text:"							msgid "_Text:"
msgstr "_Texto:"						msgstr "_Texto:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308
msgid "No records"						msgid "No records"
msgstr "No hay registros"					msgstr "No hay registros"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Record %d of %d"						msgid "Record %d of %d"
msgstr "Registro %d de %d"					msgstr "Registro %d de %d"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113
msgid "Recordset description"					msgid "Recordset description"
msgstr "Descripción del conjunto de registros"			msgstr "Descripción del conjunto de registros"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid ""							msgid ""
"File '%s' already exists.\n"					"File '%s' already exists.\n"
"Do you want to overwrite it?"					"Do you want to overwrite it?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"El archivo %s ya existe\n"					"El archivo %s ya existe\n"
"¿Desea sobreescribirlo?"					"¿Desea sobreescribirlo?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149
msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."		msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."
msgstr "Si elige sí, se perderá todo el contenido."		msgstr "Si elige sí, se perderá todo el contenido."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Could not save file %s"					msgid "Could not save file %s"
msgstr "No pudo guardarse el archivo %s"			msgstr "No pudo guardarse el archivo %s"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224
msgid "You must specify a file name"				msgid "You must specify a file name"
msgstr "Debe especificar el nombre de un archivo"		msgstr "Debe especificar el nombre de un archivo"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230
msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"		msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"
msgstr "Se obtuvo un archivo vacío mientras se convertían los	msgstr "Se obtuvo un archivo vacío mientras se convertían los

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261
msgid "Saving Model"						msgid "Saving Model"
msgstr "Modelo de guardado"					msgstr "Modelo de guardado"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272
msgid "File _name:"						msgid "File _name:"
msgstr "_Nombre de archivo:"					msgstr "_Nombre de archivo:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276
msgid "Select File"						msgid "Select File"
msgstr "Seleccionar archivo"					msgstr "Seleccionar archivo"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283
msgid "File _type:"						msgid "File _type:"
msgstr "_Tipo de archivo:"					msgstr "_Tipo de archivo:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291
msgid "Tab-delimited"						msgid "Tab-delimited"
msgstr "Delimitado por tabuladores"				msgstr "Delimitado por tabuladores"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294
msgid "Comma-delimited"						msgid "Comma-delimited"
msgstr "Delimitado por comas"					msgstr "Delimitado por comas"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:
msgid "XML"							msgid "XML"
msgstr "XML"							msgstr "XML"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355
msgid "View detail"						msgid "View detail"
msgstr "Ver detalles"						msgstr "Ver detalles"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427
msgid "Show Column _Titles"					msgid "Show Column _Titles"
msgstr "Mostrar los _títulos de las columnas"			msgstr "Mostrar los _títulos de las columnas"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442
msgid "Describe"						msgid "Describe"
msgstr "Describir"						msgstr "Describir"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443
msgid "View detail..."						msgid "View detail..."
msgstr "Ver detalles..."					msgstr "Ver detalles..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614
msgid "Title"							msgid "Title"
msgstr "Título"							msgstr "Título"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48
msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"	msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"
msgstr "Se intentó inicializar un cliente que ya se encuentra	msgstr "Se intentó inicializar un cliente que ya se encuentra

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"		"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"
"to a data source"						"to a data source"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Introduzca los siguientes argumentos para abrir una conexión	"Introduzca los siguientes argumentos para abrir una conexión
"a un origen de datos"						"a un origen de datos"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253
msgid "Data Source:"						msgid "Data Source:"
msgstr "Origen de datos:"					msgstr "Origen de datos:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270
msgid "Username:"						msgid "Username:"
msgstr "Nombre de usuario:"					msgstr "Nombre de usuario:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279
msgid "Password:"						msgid "Password:"
msgstr "Contraseña:"						msgstr "Contraseña:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69
msgid "Fields"							msgid "Fields"
msgstr "Campos"							msgstr "Campos"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30
msgid "Commit"							msgid "Commit"
msgstr "Efectuar"						msgstr "Efectuar"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31
msgid "Connect"							msgid "Connect"
msgstr "Conectar"						msgstr "Conectar"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33
msgid "Designer"						msgid "Designer"
msgstr "Diseñador"						msgstr "Diseñador"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34
msgid "Disconnect"						msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr "Desconectar"						msgstr "Desconectar"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35
msgid "NoTransaction"						msgid "NoTransaction"
msgstr "Sin transacción"					msgstr "Sin transacción"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37
msgid "Query"							msgid "Query"
msgstr "Consulta"						msgstr "Consulta"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38
msgid "Rollback"						msgid "Rollback"
msgstr "Deshacer"						msgstr "Deshacer"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40
msgid "SQL"							msgid "SQL"
msgstr "SQL"							msgstr "SQL"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43
msgid "WithinTransaction"					msgid "WithinTransaction"
msgstr "Dentro de la transacción"				msgstr "Dentro de la transacción"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Error: %s"						msgid "Error: %s"
msgstr "Error: %s"						msgstr "Error: %s"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79
msgid "Table name"						msgid "Table name"
msgstr "Nombre de la tabla"					msgstr "Nombre de la tabla"

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93			#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Login for %s"						msgid "Login for %s"
msgstr "Iniciar sesión para %s"					msgstr "Iniciar sesión para %s"

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95					#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95
msgid "Login to database"					msgid "Login to database"
msgstr "Iniciar sesión en la base de datos"			msgstr "Iniciar sesión en la base de datos"

#: vfs/libmain.c:71						#: vfs/libmain.c:71
msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"				msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"
msgstr "Base de datos GNOME VFS: módulo"			msgstr "Base de datos GNOME VFS: módulo"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40
msgid "Table Properties"					msgid "Table Properties"
msgstr "Propiedades de la tabla"				msgstr "Propiedades de la tabla"

#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47
msgid "Table Name"						msgid "Table Name"
msgstr "Nombre de la tabla"					msgstr "Nombre de la tabla"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155
msgid "New"							msgid "New"
msgstr "Nuevo"							msgstr "Nuevo"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156
msgid "Create new table"					msgid "Create new table"
msgstr "Crear tabla nueva"					msgstr "Crear tabla nueva"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161
msgid "Properties"						msgid "Properties"
msgstr "Propiedades"						msgstr "Propiedades"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162
msgid "View table properties"					msgid "View table properties"
msgstr "Ver propiedades de la tabla"				msgstr "Ver propiedades de la tabla"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
msgid "UID"							msgid "UID"
msgstr "UID"							msgstr "UID"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "calendar"						msgid "calendar"
msgstr "calendario"						msgstr "calendario"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "summary"							msgid "summary"
msgstr "resumen"						msgstr "resumen"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "Summary"							msgid "Summary"
msgstr "Resumen"						msgstr "Resumen"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "location"						msgid "location"
msgstr "ubicación"						msgstr "ubicación"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "dtstart"							msgid "dtstart"
msgstr "dtstart"						msgstr "dtstart"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
msgid "Start time"						msgid "Start time"
msgstr "Hora de inicio"						msgstr "Hora de inicio"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "dtend"							msgid "dtend"
msgstr "dtend"							msgstr "dtend"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "End time"						msgid "End time"
msgstr "Hora de finalización"					msgstr "Hora de finalización"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
msgid "description"						msgid "description"
msgstr "descripción"						msgstr "descripción"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "classification"						msgid "classification"
msgstr "clasificación"						msgstr "clasificación"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "Classification"						msgid "Classification"
msgstr "Clasificación"						msgstr "Clasificación"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "transparency"						msgid "transparency"
msgstr "transparencia"						msgstr "transparencia"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "Transparency"						msgid "Transparency"
msgstr "Transparencia"						msgstr "Transparencia"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "categories"						msgid "categories"
msgstr "categorías"						msgstr "categorías"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "Categories"						msgid "Categories"
msgstr "Categorías"						msgstr "Categorías"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "tasks"							msgid "tasks"
msgstr "tareas"							msgstr "tareas"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "due"							msgid "due"
msgstr "vencimiento"						msgstr "vencimiento"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "Due date"						msgid "Due date"
msgstr "Fecha de vencimiento"					msgstr "Fecha de vencimiento"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "Start date"						msgid "Start date"
msgstr "Fecha de inicio"					msgstr "Fecha de inicio"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355
msgid "Public"							msgid "Public"
msgstr "Público"						msgstr "Público"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358
msgid "Private"							msgid "Private"
msgstr "Privado"						msgstr "Privado"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361
msgid "Confidential"						msgid "Confidential"
msgstr "Confidencial"						msgstr "Confidencial"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63
msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"		msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"
msgstr "No se pudo abrir la carpeta de calendario predetermin	msgstr "No se pudo abrir la carpeta de calendario predetermin

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66
msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"			msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"
msgstr "No se pudo abrir la carpeta predeterminada de tareas"	msgstr "No se pudo abrir la carpeta predeterminada de tareas"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80
msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta	msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Se requiere autenticación para acceder a la carpeta de conta	"Se requiere autenticación para acceder a la carpeta de conta
"predeterminada"						"predeterminada"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83
msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"		msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"
msgstr "No se pudo abrir la carpeta de contactos predetermina	msgstr "No se pudo abrir la carpeta de contactos predetermina

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100
msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"				msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"
msgstr "No se pudo iniciar Bonobo"				msgstr "No se pudo iniciar Bonobo"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212
msgid "Field name"						msgid "Field name"
msgstr "Nombre del campo"					msgstr "Nombre del campo"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213
msgid "Data type"						msgid "Data type"
msgstr "Tipo de datos"						msgstr "Tipo de datos"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214
msgid "Size"							msgid "Size"
msgstr "Tamaño"							msgstr "Tamaño"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215
msgid "Scale"							msgid "Scale"
msgstr "Escala"							msgstr "Escala"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216
msgid "Not null?"						msgid "Not null?"
msgstr "¿No nulo?"						msgstr "¿No nulo?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217
msgid "Primary key?"						msgid "Primary key?"
msgstr "¿Clave primaria?"					msgstr "¿Clave primaria?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218
msgid "Unique index?"						msgid "Unique index?"
msgstr "¿�ndice único?"						msgstr "¿�ndice único?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219
msgid "References"						msgid "References"
msgstr "Referencias"						msgstr "Referencias"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220
msgid "Default value"						msgid "Default value"
msgstr "Valor predeterminado"					msgstr "Valor predeterminado"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239
msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l	msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Se necesita el nombre de la tabla pero no se especificó ning	"Se necesita el nombre de la tabla pero no se especificó ning
"de parámetros"							"de parámetros"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Table %s does not exist"					msgid "Table %s does not exist"
msgstr "La tabla %s no existe"					msgstr "La tabla %s no existe"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318
msgid "Scheduled events"					msgid "Scheduled events"
msgstr "Eventos programados"					msgstr "Eventos programados"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321
msgid "TODO list"						msgid "TODO list"
msgstr "Lista de cosas pendientes"				msgstr "Lista de cosas pendientes"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375
msgid "Owner"							msgid "Owner"
msgstr "Dueño"							msgstr "Dueño"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376
msgid "Comments"						msgid "Comments"
msgstr "Comentarios"						msgstr "Comentarios"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374
msgid "Type"							msgid "Type"
msgstr "Tipo"							msgstr "Tipo"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377
msgid "GDA type"						msgid "GDA type"
msgstr "Tipo GDA"						msgstr "Tipo GDA"

#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id	#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id
#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database	#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database
#. we can easily access that information			#. we can easily access that information
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382
msgid "local"							msgid "local"
msgstr "local"							msgstr "local"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217
msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr "La creación de bases de datos aún no está soportada"	msgstr "La creación de bases de datos aún no está soportada"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230
msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr "La eliminación de bases de datos aún no está soportad	msgstr "La eliminación de bases de datos aún no está soportad

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244
msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"			msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"
msgstr "El esquema de tablas no pudo ser obtenido"		msgstr "El esquema de tablas no pudo ser obtenido"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268
msgid "Invalid SQL command"					msgid "Invalid SQL command"
msgstr "Comando SQL inválido"					msgstr "Comando SQL inválido"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353
msgid "Transactions are not supported"				msgid "Transactions are not supported"
msgstr "Las transacciones no están soportadas"			msgstr "Las transacciones no están soportadas"

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41
msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"		msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"
msgstr "Proveedor para datos personales de Ximian Evolution"	msgstr "Proveedor para datos personales de Ximian Evolution"

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task	"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Origen de datos para acceder a las agenda, tareas y contacto	"Origen de datos para acceder a las agenda, tareas y contacto
"predeterminados de Evolution"					"predeterminados de Evolution"

#~ msgid "Browse database..."					#~ msgid "Browse database..."
#~ msgstr "Inspeccionar base de datos"				#~ msgstr "Inspeccionar base de datos"

#~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .con	#~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .con
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Componente que incluye elementos de menú contextual para 	#~ "Componente que incluye elementos de menú contextual para 
#~ "connection"							#~ "connection"

#~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .sql	#~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .sql
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Componente que incluye elementos de menú contextual para 	#~ "Componente que incluye elementos de menú contextual para 

#~ msgid "Connection MIME handler component"			#~ msgid "Connection MIME handler component"
#~ msgstr "Componente manipulador MIME de la conexión"		#~ msgstr "Componente manipulador MIME de la conexión"

#~ msgid "Database component factory"				#~ msgid "Database component factory"
#~ msgstr "Origen de componente de base de datos"		#~ msgstr "Origen de componente de base de datos"

#~ msgid "Open in database connection..."			#~ msgid "Open in database connection..."
#~ msgstr "Abrir conexión a la base de datos..."		#~ msgstr "Abrir conexión a la base de datos..."

#~ msgid "SQL MIME handler component"				#~ msgid "SQL MIME handler component"
#~ msgstr "Componente manipulador MIME SQL"			#~ msgstr "Componente manipulador MIME SQL"

#~ msgid "Database browser"					#~ msgid "Database browser"
#~ msgstr "Navegador de base de datos"				#~ msgstr "Navegador de base de datos"

#~ msgid "Error viewer"						#~ msgid "Error viewer"
#~ msgstr "Visor de error"					#~ msgstr "Visor de error"

#~ msgid "SQL Viewer"						#~ msgid "SQL Viewer"
#~ msgstr "Visor de código SQL"					#~ msgstr "Visor de código SQL"

#~ msgid "Database configuration"				#~ msgid "Database configuration"
#~ msgstr "Configuración de la base de datos"			#~ msgstr "Configuración de la base de datos"

#~ msgid "Edit application preferences"				#~ msgid "Edit application preferences"
#~ msgstr "Editar preferencias de la aplicación"		#~ msgstr "Editar preferencias de la aplicación"

#~ msgid "New..."						#~ msgid "New..."
#~ msgstr "Nuevo..."						#~ msgstr "Nuevo..."

#~ msgid "_Properties..."					#~ msgid "_Properties..."
#~ msgstr "_Propiedades..."					#~ msgstr "_Propiedades..."

#~ msgid "_Settings"						#~ msgid "_Settings"
#~ msgstr "_Configuración"					#~ msgstr "_Configuración"

#~ msgid "Password"						#~ msgid "Password"
#~ msgstr "Contraseña"						#~ msgstr "Contraseña"

#~ msgid "Save as"						#~ msgid "Save as"
#~ msgstr "Guardar como"					#~ msgstr "Guardar como"

#~ msgid "Save to"						#~ msgid "Save to"
#~ msgstr "Guardar a"						#~ msgstr "Guardar a"

#~ msgid "XML file"						#~ msgid "XML file"
#~ msgstr "Archivo XML"						#~ msgstr "Archivo XML"

#~ msgid "Show columns"						#~ msgid "Show columns"
#~ msgstr "Mostrar columnas"					#~ msgstr "Mostrar columnas"

#~ msgid "Hide columns"						#~ msgid "Hide columns"
#~ msgstr "Ocultar columnas"					#~ msgstr "Ocultar columnas"

#~ msgid "Question"						#~ msgid "Question"
#~ msgstr "Pregunta"						#~ msgstr "Pregunta"

#~ msgid "Database Moniker factory"				#~ msgid "Database Moniker factory"
#~ msgstr "Fábrica de base de datos moniker"			#~ msgstr "Fábrica de base de datos moniker"

#~ msgid "database: moniker"					#~ msgid "database: moniker"
#~ msgstr "Base de datos: moniker"				#~ msgstr "Base de datos: moniker"

#~ msgid "Failing to manufacture a '%s'"			#~ msgid "Failing to manufacture a '%s'"
#~ msgstr "Ha fallado la creación de un «%s»"			#~ msgstr "Ha fallado la creación de un «%s»"

#~ msgid "Invalid format for connection string"			#~ msgid "Invalid format for connection string"
#~ msgstr "Formato inválido para la cadena de conexión"		#~ msgstr "Formato inválido para la cadena de conexión"

#~ msgid "Data sources"						#~ msgid "Data sources"
#~ msgstr "Fuentes de datos"					#~ msgstr "Fuentes de datos"

#~ msgid "_File"						#~ msgid "_File"
#~ msgstr "_Archivo"						#~ msgstr "_Archivo"

#~ msgid "Test Data Source"					#~ msgid "Test Data Source"
#~ msgstr "Fuente de datos de pruebas"				#~ msgstr "Fuente de datos de pruebas"

#~ msgid "Connection to %s successful!"				#~ msgid "Connection to %s successful!"
#~ msgstr "Conectado con éxito a %s"				#~ msgstr "Conectado con éxito a %s"

#~ msgid "SQL viewer component"					#~ msgid "SQL viewer component"
#~ msgstr "Componente visor de SQL"				#~ msgstr "Componente visor de SQL"

#~ msgid "Viewer for SQL source code"				#~ msgid "Viewer for SQL source code"
#~ msgstr "Visor para código fuente de SQL"			#~ msgstr "Visor para código fuente de SQL"

#~ msgid ""							#~ msgid ""
#~ "Component that lets you open a .connection file and brows	#~ "Component that lets you open a .connection file and brows
#~ "specified on it"						#~ "specified on it"
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Componente que le permite abrir un archivo .connection y 	#~ "Componente que le permite abrir un archivo .connection y 
#~ "conexión especificada en él."				#~ "conexión especificada en él."

#~ msgid "Data source"						#~ msgid "Data source"
#~ msgstr "Fuentes de datos"					#~ msgstr "Fuentes de datos"

#~ msgid "Select all"						#~ msgid "Select all"
#~ msgstr "Seleccionar todo"					#~ msgstr "Seleccionar todo"

#~ msgid "Unselect all"						#~ msgid "Unselect all"
#~ msgstr "Des-seleccionar todo"				#~ msgstr "Des-seleccionar todo"

#~ msgid "OAFIID of the default component for the GNOME-DB sh	#~ msgid "OAFIID of the default component for the GNOME-DB sh
#~ msgstr "OAFIID del componente predeterminado para el inter	#~ msgstr "OAFIID del componente predeterminado para el inter

#~ msgid "Whether to save the shell window position on exit"	#~ msgid "Whether to save the shell window position on exit"
#~ msgstr "¿Debería guardar la posición de la ventana del int	#~ msgstr "¿Debería guardar la posición de la ventana del int

#~ msgid "Whether to show or not the shortcut bar on the fron	#~ msgid "Whether to show or not the shortcut bar on the fron
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "¿Debería mostrar o no la barra de atajos en la ventana de	#~ "¿Debería mostrar o no la barra de atajos en la ventana de

#~ msgid "Whether to show or not the summary bar on the front	#~ msgid "Whether to show or not the summary bar on the front
#~ msgstr "¿Debería mostrar o la barra de resumen en la venta	#~ msgstr "¿Debería mostrar o la barra de resumen en la venta

#~ msgid "Whether to use a fixed size/position for the shell 	#~ msgid "Whether to use a fixed size/position for the shell 
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "¿Debería usar un tamaño o posición fija para la ventana d	#~ "¿Debería usar un tamaño o posición fija para la ventana d

#~ msgid "Unselect All"						#~ msgid "Unselect All"
#~ msgstr "Des-seleccionar Todo"				#~ msgstr "Des-seleccionar Todo"

#~ msgid "Unselect all selected items in list"			#~ msgid "Unselect all selected items in list"
#~ msgstr "Des-Seleccionar todos los elementos seleccionados 	#~ msgstr "Des-Seleccionar todos los elementos seleccionados 

#~ msgid "Display column headers"				#~ msgid "Display column headers"
#~ msgstr "Mostrar las cabeceras de las columnas"		#~ msgstr "Mostrar las cabeceras de las columnas"

#~ msgid "Hide column headers"					#~ msgid "Hide column headers"
#~ msgstr "Ocultar las cabeceras de las columnas"		#~ msgstr "Ocultar las cabeceras de las columnas"

#~ msgid "Save as..."						#~ msgid "Save as..."
#~ msgstr "Guardar como..."					#~ msgstr "Guardar como..."

#~ msgid "Export data to different formats"			#~ msgid "Export data to different formats"
#~ msgstr "Exportar datos a formatos diferentes"		#~ msgstr "Exportar datos a formatos diferentes"

#~ msgid "Describe current data set"				#~ msgid "Describe current data set"
#~ msgstr "Describe el conjunto de datos actual"		#~ msgstr "Describe el conjunto de datos actual"

#~ msgid "View current data in more detail"			#~ msgid "View current data in more detail"
#~ msgstr "Ver los datos actuales en mas detalle"		#~ msgstr "Ver los datos actuales en mas detalle"

#~ msgid "Loading..."						#~ msgid "Loading..."
#~ msgstr "Cargando..."						#~ msgstr "Cargando..."

#~ msgid "Databases"						#~ msgid "Databases"
#~ msgstr "Bases de Datos"					#~ msgstr "Bases de Datos"

#~ msgid "Builder"						#~ msgid "Builder"
#~ msgstr "Desarrollador"					#~ msgstr "Desarrollador"

#~ msgid "GNOME-DB application builder component factory"	#~ msgid "GNOME-DB application builder component factory"
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Instalación del componente desarrollador de aplicaciones 	#~ "Instalación del componente desarrollador de aplicaciones 

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Create a new Perl script"				#~ msgid "Create a new Perl script"
#~ msgstr "Crear nuevo informe"					#~ msgstr "Crear nuevo informe"

#~ msgid "Report..."						#~ msgid "Report..."
#~ msgstr "Informe..."						#~ msgstr "Informe..."

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Open an existing Perl script"				#~ msgid "Open an existing Perl script"
#~ msgstr "Abrir un informe existente"				#~ msgstr "Abrir un informe existente"

#~ msgid "Open an existing report"				#~ msgid "Open an existing report"
#~ msgstr "Abrir un informe existente"				#~ msgstr "Abrir un informe existente"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "_New"							#~ msgid "_New"
#~ msgstr "Nuevo"						#~ msgstr "Nuevo"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "_Open"						#~ msgid "_Open"
#~ msgstr "Abrir"						#~ msgstr "Abrir"

#~ msgid "Add new module to project"				#~ msgid "Add new module to project"
#~ msgstr "Añadir nuevo módulo al proyecto"			#~ msgstr "Añadir nuevo módulo al proyecto"

#~ msgid "Open"							#~ msgid "Open"
#~ msgstr "Abrir"						#~ msgstr "Abrir"

#~ msgid "Open an existing module"				#~ msgid "Open an existing module"
#~ msgstr "Abrir un módulo existente"				#~ msgstr "Abrir un módulo existente"

#~ msgid "Export"						#~ msgid "Export"
#~ msgstr "Exportar"						#~ msgstr "Exportar"

#~ msgid "Logs"							#~ msgid "Logs"
#~ msgstr "Registros"						#~ msgstr "Registros"

#~ msgid "Close current connection"				#~ msgid "Close current connection"
#~ msgstr "Cerrar conexión actual"				#~ msgstr "Cerrar conexión actual"

#~ msgid "Browser"						#~ msgid "Browser"
#~ msgstr "Navegador"						#~ msgstr "Navegador"

#~ msgid "Activate database browser window"			#~ msgid "Activate database browser window"
#~ msgstr "Activar ventana del navegador de la base de datos"	#~ msgstr "Activar ventana del navegador de la base de datos"

#~ msgid "Activate SQL window"					#~ msgid "Activate SQL window"
#~ msgstr "Activar ventana SQL"					#~ msgstr "Activar ventana SQL"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Activate dbatch job window"				#~ msgid "Activate dbatch job window"
#~ msgstr "Activar ventana del navegador de la base de datos"	#~ msgstr "Activar ventana del navegador de la base de datos"

#~ msgid "Start a new database transaction"			#~ msgid "Start a new database transaction"
#~ msgstr "Comenzar nueva transacción de base de datos"		#~ msgstr "Comenzar nueva transacción de base de datos"

#~ msgid "Commit current transaction"				#~ msgid "Commit current transaction"
#~ msgstr "Iniciar la transacción actual"			#~ msgstr "Iniciar la transacción actual"

#~ msgid "Rollback current transaction"				#~ msgid "Rollback current transaction"
#~ msgstr "Bajar la transacción actual"				#~ msgstr "Bajar la transacción actual"

#~ msgid "Export database"					#~ msgid "Export database"
#~ msgstr "Exportar base de datos"				#~ msgstr "Exportar base de datos"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Make a copy of a database"				#~ msgid "Make a copy of a database"
#~ msgstr "Crear un nuevo diseño de base de datos"		#~ msgstr "Crear un nuevo diseño de base de datos"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Import database"					#~ msgid "Import database"
#~ msgstr "Exportar base de datos"				#~ msgstr "Exportar base de datos"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Import an export file into a database"		#~ msgid "Import an export file into a database"
#~ msgstr "Importar datos en la base de datos actual"		#~ msgstr "Importar datos en la base de datos actual"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "_Tools"						#~ msgid "_Tools"
#~ msgstr "Herramientas"					#~ msgstr "Herramientas"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Activate batch job window"				#~ msgid "Activate batch job window"
#~ msgstr "Activar ventana SQL"					#~ msgstr "Activar ventana SQL"

#~ msgid "Select"						#~ msgid "Select"
#~ msgstr "Seleccionar"						#~ msgstr "Seleccionar"

#~ msgid "Options"						#~ msgid "Options"
#~ msgstr "Opciones"						#~ msgstr "Opciones"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Log"							#~ msgid "Log"
#~ msgstr "Registros"						#~ msgstr "Registros"

#~ msgid "Run"							#~ msgid "Run"
#~ msgstr "Ejecutar"						#~ msgstr "Ejecutar"

#~ msgid "Execute current command"				#~ msgid "Execute current command"
#~ msgstr "Ejecutar comando actual"				#~ msgstr "Ejecutar comando actual"

#~ msgid "Select command from previous"				#~ msgid "Select command from previous"
#~ msgstr "Seleccionar comando del anterior"			#~ msgstr "Seleccionar comando del anterior"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Save command for later retrieval"			#~ msgid "Save command for later retrieval"
#~ msgstr "Guardar comando en archivo"				#~ msgstr "Guardar comando en archivo"

#~ msgid "Cut"							#~ msgid "Cut"
#~ msgstr "Cortar"						#~ msgstr "Cortar"

#~ msgid "Cut selected text"					#~ msgid "Cut selected text"
#~ msgstr "Cortar texto seleccionado"				#~ msgstr "Cortar texto seleccionado"

#~ msgid "Copy"							#~ msgid "Copy"
#~ msgstr "Copiar"						#~ msgstr "Copiar"

#~ msgid "Copy selected text"					#~ msgid "Copy selected text"
#~ msgstr "Copiar texto seleccionado"				#~ msgstr "Copiar texto seleccionado"

#~ msgid "Paste text from clipboard"				#~ msgid "Paste text from clipboard"
#~ msgstr "Pegar el texto del portapapeles"			#~ msgstr "Pegar el texto del portapapeles"

#~ msgid "Clear widget contents"				#~ msgid "Clear widget contents"
#~ msgstr "Vaciar el contenido"					#~ msgstr "Vaciar el contenido"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Open connection"					#~ msgid "Open connection"
#~ msgstr "Abrir Conexión"					#~ msgstr "Abrir Conexión"

#~ msgid "GDA Name"						#~ msgid "GDA Name"
#~ msgstr "Nombre GDA"						#~ msgstr "Nombre GDA"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "This is the name you use to refer to this connectio	#~ msgid "This is the name you use to refer to this connectio
#~ msgstr "Nombre de usuario para esta conexión"		#~ msgstr "Nombre de usuario para esta conexión"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Select the named query to be loaded"			#~ msgid "Select the named query to be loaded"
#~ msgstr "Seleccionar el nombre de la tabla"			#~ msgstr "Seleccionar el nombre de la tabla"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "From file"						#~ msgid "From file"
#~ msgstr "Fichero"						#~ msgstr "Fichero"

#~ msgid "Error loading file %s"				#~ msgid "Error loading file %s"
#~ msgstr "Error cargando archivo %s"				#~ msgstr "Error cargando archivo %s"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Save SQL command"					#~ msgid "Save SQL command"
#~ msgstr "Seleccionar Comando SQL"				#~ msgstr "Seleccionar Comando SQL"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Save command to a named query"			#~ msgid "Save command to a named query"
#~ msgstr "Guardar comando en archivo"				#~ msgstr "Guardar comando en archivo"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "To file"						#~ msgid "To file"
#~ msgstr "Prueba fallida"					#~ msgstr "Prueba fallida"

#~ msgid "Select SQL Command"					#~ msgid "Select SQL Command"
#~ msgstr "Seleccionar Comando SQL"				#~ msgstr "Seleccionar Comando SQL"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Last commands"					#~ msgid "Last commands"
#~ msgstr "Limpiar la lista de comando"				#~ msgstr "Limpiar la lista de comando"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Database design"					#~ msgid "Database design"
#~ msgstr "Diseñador de base de datos"				#~ msgstr "Diseñador de base de datos"

#~ msgid "Start with a new database design"			#~ msgid "Start with a new database design"
#~ msgstr "Iniciar con un nuevo diseño de base de datos"	#~ msgstr "Iniciar con un nuevo diseño de base de datos"

#~ msgid "Table..."						#~ msgid "Table..."
#~ msgstr "Tabla..."						#~ msgstr "Tabla..."

#~ msgid "Add a table to the database design"			#~ msgid "Add a table to the database design"
#~ msgstr "Añadir una tabla al diseño de la base de datos"	#~ msgstr "Añadir una tabla al diseño de la base de datos"

#~ msgid "Open an existing database design"			#~ msgid "Open an existing database design"
#~ msgstr "Abrir un diseño existente de base de datos"		#~ msgstr "Abrir un diseño existente de base de datos"

#~ msgid "Remove"						#~ msgid "Remove"
#~ msgstr "Eliminar"						#~ msgstr "Eliminar"

#~ msgid "Remove selected object"				#~ msgid "Remove selected object"
#~ msgstr "Eliminar el objeto seleccionado"			#~ msgstr "Eliminar el objeto seleccionado"

#~ msgid "Create new database design"				#~ msgid "Create new database design"
#~ msgstr "Crear un nuevo diseño de base de datos"		#~ msgstr "Crear un nuevo diseño de base de datos"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Save currently open file"				#~ msgid "Save currently open file"
#~ msgstr "Guardar el proyecto actual"				#~ msgstr "Guardar el proyecto actual"

#~ msgid "Refresh"						#~ msgid "Refresh"
#~ msgstr "Refrescar"						#~ msgstr "Refrescar"

#~ msgid "Reload database file contents"			#~ msgid "Reload database file contents"
#~ msgstr "Recargar los contenidos del archivo de base de dat	#~ msgstr "Recargar los contenidos del archivo de base de dat

#~ msgid "Add"							#~ msgid "Add"
#~ msgstr "Añadir"						#~ msgstr "Añadir"

#~ msgid "Add new object to the database"			#~ msgid "Add new object to the database"
#~ msgstr "Añadir nuevo objeto a la base de datos"		#~ msgstr "Añadir nuevo objeto a la base de datos"

#~ msgid "Select database design"				#~ msgid "Select database design"
#~ msgstr "Seleccionar diseño de base de datos"			#~ msgstr "Seleccionar diseño de base de datos"

#~ msgid "Save log to a disk file"				#~ msgid "Save log to a disk file"
#~ msgstr "Salvar registro a un archivo de disco"		#~ msgstr "Salvar registro a un archivo de disco"

#~ msgid "View"							#~ msgid "View"
#~ msgstr "Ver"							#~ msgstr "Ver"

#~ msgid "View selected log entry"				#~ msgid "View selected log entry"
#~ msgstr "Ver la entrada del registro seleccionada"		#~ msgstr "Ver la entrada del registro seleccionada"

#~ msgid "Error loading log for '%s'"				#~ msgid "Error loading log for '%s'"
#~ msgstr "Error cargando registro para '%s'"			#~ msgstr "Error cargando registro para '%s'"

#~ msgid "Save Log File"					#~ msgid "Save Log File"
#~ msgstr "Salvar Archivo de Registro"				#~ msgstr "Salvar Archivo de Registro"

#~ msgid "Could not create 'database:' moniker instance"	#~ msgid "Could not create 'database:' moniker instance"
#~ msgstr "No se pudo crear 'base de datos:' instancia monike	#~ msgstr "No se pudo crear 'base de datos:' instancia monike

#~ msgid "Load"							#~ msgid "Load"
#~ msgstr "Cargar"						#~ msgstr "Cargar"

#~ msgid "Component"						#~ msgid "Component"
#~ msgstr "Componente"						#~ msgstr "Componente"

#~ msgid "OAFIID"						#~ msgid "OAFIID"
#~ msgstr "OAFIID"						#~ msgstr "OAFIID"

#~ msgid "Unload"						#~ msgid "Unload"
#~ msgstr "Descargar"						#~ msgstr "Descargar"

#~ msgid "General"						#~ msgid "General"
#~ msgstr "General"						#~ msgstr "General"

#~ msgid "Save window position"					#~ msgid "Save window position"
#~ msgstr "Guardar posición de la ventana"			#~ msgstr "Guardar posición de la ventana"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Show tooltips"					#~ msgid "Show tooltips"
#~ msgstr "Mostrar los títulos de las columnas"			#~ msgstr "Mostrar los títulos de las columnas"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "_Database..."						#~ msgid "_Database..."
#~ msgstr "Base de Datos"					#~ msgstr "Base de Datos"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Perl script"						#~ msgid "Perl script"
#~ msgstr "Descripción"						#~ msgstr "Descripción"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Print preview"					#~ msgid "Print preview"
#~ msgstr "Imprimir rejilla"					#~ msgstr "Imprimir rejilla"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "_Quit"						#~ msgid "_Quit"
#~ msgstr "Salir"						#~ msgstr "Salir"

#~ msgid "Configure user preferences"				#~ msgid "Configure user preferences"
#~ msgstr "Configurar preferencias"				#~ msgstr "Configurar preferencias"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "GNOME-DB Manual"					#~ msgid "GNOME-DB Manual"
#~ msgstr "Front End de GNOME-DB"				#~ msgstr "Front End de GNOME-DB"

#~ msgid "View information about this application"		#~ msgid "View information about this application"
#~ msgstr "Ver información a cerca de esta aplicación"		#~ msgstr "Ver información a cerca de esta aplicación"

#~ msgid "Submit bug report"					#~ msgid "Submit bug report"
#~ msgstr "Enviar informe de fallo"				#~ msgstr "Enviar informe de fallo"

#~ msgid "Send a bug report to GNOME-DB developers"		#~ msgid "Send a bug report to GNOME-DB developers"
#~ msgstr "Enviar un informe de fallo a los desarrolladores d	#~ msgstr "Enviar un informe de fallo a los desarrolladores d

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "_Options"						#~ msgid "_Options"
#~ msgstr "Opciones"						#~ msgstr "Opciones"

#~ msgid "GNOME-DB Front End"					#~ msgid "GNOME-DB Front End"
#~ msgstr "Front End de GNOME-DB"				#~ msgstr "Front End de GNOME-DB"

#~ msgid "GNOME-DB Front End Application"			#~ msgid "GNOME-DB Front End Application"
#~ msgstr "Aplicación Front End de GNOME-DB"			#~ msgstr "Aplicación Front End de GNOME-DB"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Create new object of selected type"			#~ msgid "Create new object of selected type"
#~ msgstr "Crear nuevo proyecto"				#~ msgstr "Crear nuevo proyecto"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Show extra information about selected object"		#~ msgid "Show extra information about selected object"
#~ msgstr "Ver información a cerca de esta aplicación"		#~ msgstr "Ver información a cerca de esta aplicación"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Table data"						#~ msgid "Table data"
#~ msgstr "Nombre de la tabla"					#~ msgstr "Nombre de la tabla"

#~ msgid "Select Color"						#~ msgid "Select Color"
#~ msgstr "Seleccionar Color"					#~ msgstr "Seleccionar Color"

#~ msgid "Select Font"						#~ msgid "Select Font"
#~ msgstr "Seleccionar Fuente"					#~ msgstr "Seleccionar Fuente"

#~ msgid "Could not get GNOME_DB_Control interface"		#~ msgid "Could not get GNOME_DB_Control interface"
#~ msgstr "No se pudo obtener la interfaz GNOME_DB_Control"	#~ msgstr "No se pudo obtener la interfaz GNOME_DB_Control"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Add a new field to this table"			#~ msgid "Add a new field to this table"
#~ msgstr "Añadir nuevo objeto a la base de datos"		#~ msgstr "Añadir nuevo objeto a la base de datos"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Edit the selected field properties"			#~ msgid "Edit the selected field properties"
#~ msgstr "Editar el proveedor seleccionado"			#~ msgstr "Editar el proveedor seleccionado"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Could not find table %s"				#~ msgid "Could not find table %s"
#~ msgstr "No pudo cargarse el objeto %s"			#~ msgstr "No pudo cargarse el objeto %s"

#~ msgid "File %s is not a valid XML file"			#~ msgid "File %s is not a valid XML file"
#~ msgstr "El archivo %s no es un fichero XML válido"		#~ msgstr "El archivo %s no es un fichero XML válido"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Select file"						#~ msgid "Select file"
#~ msgstr "Seleccionar Archivo"					#~ msgstr "Seleccionar Archivo"

#~ msgid "DSN"							#~ msgid "DSN"
#~ msgstr "DSN"							#~ msgstr "DSN"

#~ msgid "Config"						#~ msgid "Config"
#~ msgstr "Configuración"					#~ msgstr "Configuración"

#~ msgid "Error while saving configuration!"			#~ msgid "Error while saving configuration!"
#~ msgstr "¡Se produjo un error al guardar la configuración!"	#~ msgstr "¡Se produjo un error al guardar la configuración!"

#~ msgid "sqlstate"						#~ msgid "sqlstate"
#~ msgstr "sqlstate"						#~ msgstr "sqlstate"

#~ msgid "Error 0 of 0"						#~ msgid "Error 0 of 0"
#~ msgstr "Error 0 de 0"					#~ msgstr "Error 0 de 0"

#~ msgid "Record View"						#~ msgid "Record View"
#~ msgstr "Vista de registros"					#~ msgstr "Vista de registros"

#~ msgid "Copy selection to clipboard"				#~ msgid "Copy selection to clipboard"
#~ msgstr "Copiar el texto seleccionado al portapapeles"	#~ msgstr "Copiar el texto seleccionado al portapapeles"

#~ msgid "Clear all selected rows"				#~ msgid "Clear all selected rows"
#~ msgstr "Limpiar todas las filas"				#~ msgstr "Limpiar todas las filas"

#~ msgid "Record view..."					#~ msgid "Record view..."
#~ msgstr "Vista de registro..."				#~ msgstr "Vista de registro..."

#~ msgid "View recordset record-by-record"			#~ msgid "View recordset record-by-record"
#~ msgstr "Ver el grupo de registros registro por registro"	#~ msgstr "Ver el grupo de registros registro por registro"

#~ msgid "Refresh grid contents"				#~ msgid "Refresh grid contents"
#~ msgstr "Refrescar contenidos de la rejilla"			#~ msgstr "Refrescar contenidos de la rejilla"

#~ msgid "Print grid"						#~ msgid "Print grid"
#~ msgstr "Imprimir rejilla"					#~ msgstr "Imprimir rejilla"

#~ msgid "Print grid contents"					#~ msgid "Print grid contents"
#~ msgstr "Imprimir los contenidos de la rejilla"		#~ msgstr "Imprimir los contenidos de la rejilla"

#~ msgid "Hide column titles"					#~ msgid "Hide column titles"
#~ msgstr "Ocultar los títulos de las columnas"			#~ msgstr "Ocultar los títulos de las columnas"

#~ msgid "User Name"						#~ msgid "User Name"
#~ msgstr "Nombre de usuario"					#~ msgstr "Nombre de usuario"

#~ msgid "GDA Datasource"					#~ msgid "GDA Datasource"
#~ msgstr "Fuente de datos GDA"					#~ msgstr "Fuente de datos GDA"

#~ msgid "Entry %d of %d"					#~ msgid "Entry %d of %d"
#~ msgstr "Entrada %d de %d"					#~ msgstr "Entrada %d de %d"

#~ msgid "Message"						#~ msgid "Message"
#~ msgstr "Mensaje"						#~ msgstr "Mensaje"

#~ msgid "Log Entry"						#~ msgid "Log Entry"
#~ msgstr "Entrada de Registro"					#~ msgstr "Entrada de Registro"

#~ msgid "Could not create file %s"				#~ msgid "Could not create file %s"
#~ msgstr "No se pudo crear el archivo %s"			#~ msgstr "No se pudo crear el archivo %s"

#~ msgid "Setup Printer"					#~ msgid "Setup Printer"
#~ msgstr "Configuración de Impresora"				#~ msgstr "Configuración de Impresora"

#~ msgid "Copyright The Free Software Foundation (C) 1998-200	#~ msgid "Copyright The Free Software Foundation (C) 1998-200
#~ msgstr "Copyright La Free Software Foundation (C) 1998-200	#~ msgstr "Copyright La Free Software Foundation (C) 1998-200

#~ msgid ""							#~ msgid ""
#~ "This program is part of the GNOME project for LINUX. GNOM	#~ "This program is part of the GNOME project for LINUX. GNOM
#~ "comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software,	#~ "comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software,
#~ "welcome to redistribute it under the conditions of the GN	#~ "welcome to redistribute it under the conditions of the GN
#~ "Licence."							#~ "Licence."
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Este programa es parte del proyecto GNOME para Linux. Gno	#~ "Este programa es parte del proyecto GNOME para Linux. Gno
#~ "viene con ABSOLUTAMENTE NINGUNA GARANTÃ?A. Es software gra	#~ "viene con ABSOLUTAMENTE NINGUNA GARANTÃ?A. Es software gra
#~ "libre para redistribuirlo bajo las condiciones de la Lice	#~ "libre para redistribuirlo bajo las condiciones de la Lice
#~ "General GNU."						#~ "General GNU."

#~ msgid ""							#~ msgid ""
#~ "Could not open file\n"					#~ "Could not open file\n"
#~ "%s"								#~ "%s"
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "No se pudo abrir el archivo\n"				#~ "No se pudo abrir el archivo\n"
#~ "%s"								#~ "%s"

#~ msgid "Unable to execute Bug Report Tool"			#~ msgid "Unable to execute Bug Report Tool"
#~ msgstr "Imposible ejecutar la Herramienta de Informe de Fa	#~ msgstr "Imposible ejecutar la Herramienta de Informe de Fa

#~ msgid "GNOME-DB manager component factory"			#~ msgid "GNOME-DB manager component factory"
#~ msgstr "Instalación del componente gestor de GNOME-DB"	#~ msgstr "Instalación del componente gestor de GNOME-DB"

#~ msgid "Manager"						#~ msgid "Manager"
#~ msgstr "Gestor"						#~ msgstr "Gestor"

#~ msgid "Manage connection data sources"			#~ msgid "Manage connection data sources"
#~ msgstr "Dirigir la conexión de las fuentes de datos"		#~ msgstr "Dirigir la conexión de las fuentes de datos"

#~ msgid "Manage available GDA providers"			#~ msgid "Manage available GDA providers"
#~ msgstr "Dirigir los proveedores GDA disponibles"		#~ msgstr "Dirigir los proveedores GDA disponibles"

#~ msgid "Edit"							#~ msgid "Edit"
#~ msgstr "Editar"						#~ msgstr "Editar"

#~ msgid "Edit selected data source"				#~ msgid "Edit selected data source"
#~ msgstr "Editar fuente de datos seleccionada"			#~ msgstr "Editar fuente de datos seleccionada"

#~ msgid "Refresh Data Sources list"				#~ msgid "Refresh Data Sources list"
#~ msgstr "Refrescar la lista de Fuentes de Datos"		#~ msgstr "Refrescar la lista de Fuentes de Datos"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Edit data source"					#~ msgid "Edit data source"
#~ msgstr "Editar fuente de datos seleccionada"			#~ msgstr "Editar fuente de datos seleccionada"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "There was an error while testing connection"		#~ msgid "There was an error while testing connection"
#~ msgstr "No hay conexiones abiertas"				#~ msgstr "No hay conexiones abiertas"

#~ msgid "Edit selected provider"				#~ msgid "Edit selected provider"
#~ msgstr "Editar el proveedor seleccionado"			#~ msgstr "Editar el proveedor seleccionado"

#~ msgid "Refresh providers list"				#~ msgid "Refresh providers list"
#~ msgstr "Refrescar la lista de proveedores"			#~ msgstr "Refrescar la lista de proveedores"

#~ msgid "Start selected provider"				#~ msgid "Start selected provider"
#~ msgstr "Iniciar el proveedor seleccionado"			#~ msgstr "Iniciar el proveedor seleccionado"

#~ msgid "Stop"							#~ msgid "Stop"
#~ msgstr "Detener"						#~ msgstr "Detener"

#~ msgid "Stop selected provider"				#~ msgid "Stop selected provider"
#~ msgstr "Detener el proveedor seleccionado"			#~ msgstr "Detener el proveedor seleccionado"

#~ msgid "Rolodex"						#~ msgid "Rolodex"
#~ msgstr "Rolodex"						#~ msgstr "Rolodex"

#~ msgid "Rolodex Application"					#~ msgid "Rolodex Application"
#~ msgstr "Aplicación Rolodex"					#~ msgstr "Aplicación Rolodex"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Export Database"					#~ msgid "Export Database"
#~ msgstr "Exportar base de datos"				#~ msgstr "Exportar base de datos"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Objects"						#~ msgid "Objects"
#~ msgstr "Nombre del objeto"					#~ msgstr "Nombre del objeto"

#~ msgid "Could not initialize GNOME_DB_Builder control"	#~ msgid "Could not initialize GNOME_DB_Builder control"
#~ msgstr "No pudo iniciarse el controlador de GNOME_DB_Build	#~ msgstr "No pudo iniciarse el controlador de GNOME_DB_Build

#~ msgid "GNOME-DB database designer component factory"		#~ msgid "GNOME-DB database designer component factory"
#~ msgstr "Instalación del componente de diseño de base de da	#~ msgstr "Instalación del componente de diseño de base de da

#~ msgid "GNOME-DB help viewer component factory"		#~ msgid "GNOME-DB help viewer component factory"
#~ msgstr "Instalación del componente visor de ayuda de GNOME	#~ msgstr "Instalación del componente visor de ayuda de GNOME

#~ msgid "GNOME-DB connection component factory"		#~ msgid "GNOME-DB connection component factory"
#~ msgstr "Instalación del componente de conexión de GNOME-DB	#~ msgstr "Instalación del componente de conexión de GNOME-DB

#~ msgid "GNOME-DB log viewer component factory"		#~ msgid "GNOME-DB log viewer component factory"
#~ msgstr "Instalación del componente visor de registro de GN	#~ msgstr "Instalación del componente visor de registro de GN

#~ msgid "Open SQL File"					#~ msgid "Open SQL File"
#~ msgstr "Abrir Fichero SQL"					#~ msgstr "Abrir Fichero SQL"

#~ msgid "Do Print"						#~ msgid "Do Print"
#~ msgstr "Imprimir"						#~ msgstr "Imprimir"

#~ msgid "Open SQL file"					#~ msgid "Open SQL file"
#~ msgstr "Abrir Archivo SQL"					#~ msgstr "Abrir Archivo SQL"

#~ msgid "Save SQL file"					#~ msgid "Save SQL file"
#~ msgstr "Guardar archivo SQL"					#~ msgstr "Guardar archivo SQL"

#~ msgid "Display previous page in history"			#~ msgid "Display previous page in history"
#~ msgstr "Mostrar página anterior del historial"		#~ msgstr "Mostrar página anterior del historial"

#~ msgid "Display help system home page"			#~ msgid "Display help system home page"
#~ msgstr "Mostrar la página principal de sistema de ayuda"	#~ msgstr "Mostrar la página principal de sistema de ayuda"

#~ msgid "Forward"						#~ msgid "Forward"
#~ msgstr "Adelante"						#~ msgstr "Adelante"

#~ msgid "Display next page in history"				#~ msgid "Display next page in history"
#~ msgstr "Mostrar la próxima página del historial"		#~ msgstr "Mostrar la próxima página del historial"

#~ msgid "Help System"						#~ msgid "Help System"
#~ msgstr "Sistema de Ayuda"					#~ msgstr "Sistema de Ayuda"

#~ msgid "Home page"						#~ msgid "Home page"
#~ msgstr "Página Principal"					#~ msgstr "Página Principal"

#~ msgid "Install"						#~ msgid "Install"
#~ msgstr "Instalar"						#~ msgstr "Instalar"

#~ msgid "Uninstall"						#~ msgid "Uninstall"
#~ msgstr "Desinstalar"						#~ msgstr "Desinstalar"

#~ msgid "Set as Home"						#~ msgid "Set as Home"
#~ msgstr "Establecer como Home"				#~ msgstr "Establecer como Home"

#~ msgid "No datasource '%s' defined in your GDA configuratio	#~ msgid "No datasource '%s' defined in your GDA configuratio
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Ninguna fuente de datos '%s' definida en tu archivo de co	#~ "Ninguna fuente de datos '%s' definida en tu archivo de co

#~ msgid "Could not allocate color"				#~ msgid "Could not allocate color"
#~ msgstr "No se pudo asignar color"				#~ msgstr "No se pudo asignar color"

#~ msgid "Could not initialize manager component"		#~ msgid "Could not initialize manager component"
#~ msgstr "No pudo iniciarse el componente de gestión"		#~ msgstr "No pudo iniciarse el componente de gestión"

#~ msgid "Could not create Database Moniker factory"		#~ msgid "Could not create Database Moniker factory"
#~ msgstr "No se pudo crear la instalación Moniker de Base de	#~ msgstr "No se pudo crear la instalación Moniker de Base de

#~ msgid "Project..."						#~ msgid "Project..."
#~ msgstr "Proyecto..."						#~ msgstr "Proyecto..."

#~ msgid "Open an existing project"				#~ msgid "Open an existing project"
#~ msgstr "Abrir un proyecto existente"				#~ msgstr "Abrir un proyecto existente"

#~ msgid "Open..."						#~ msgid "Open..."
#~ msgstr "Abrir..."						#~ msgstr "Abrir..."

#~ msgid "Close database connection"				#~ msgid "Close database connection"
#~ msgstr "Cerrar la conexión a la base de datos"		#~ msgstr "Cerrar la conexión a la base de datos"

#~ msgid "Browse"						#~ msgid "Browse"
#~ msgstr "Inspeccionar"					#~ msgstr "Inspeccionar"

#~ msgid "Open database browser"				#~ msgid "Open database browser"
#~ msgstr "Abrir el navegador de la base de datos"		#~ msgstr "Abrir el navegador de la base de datos"

#~ msgid "Import objects"					#~ msgid "Import objects"
#~ msgstr "Importar objetos"					#~ msgstr "Importar objetos"

#~ msgid "About gnome-db..."					#~ msgid "About gnome-db..."
#~ msgstr "Acerca de gnome-db..."				#~ msgstr "Acerca de gnome-db..."

#~ msgid "About this program"					#~ msgid "About this program"
#~ msgstr "Acerca de este programa"				#~ msgstr "Acerca de este programa"

#~ msgid "0 rows"						#~ msgid "0 rows"
#~ msgstr "0 filas"						#~ msgstr "0 filas"

#~ msgid "%d rows"						#~ msgid "%d rows"
#~ msgstr "%d filas"						#~ msgstr "%d filas"

#~ msgid "Object properties"					#~ msgid "Object properties"
#~ msgstr "Propiedades del objeto"				#~ msgstr "Propiedades del objeto"

#~ msgid "Close current view"					#~ msgid "Close current view"
#~ msgstr "Cerrar vista actual"					#~ msgstr "Cerrar vista actual"

#~ msgid "Connected to '%s'"					#~ msgid "Connected to '%s'"
#~ msgstr "Conectado a '%s'"					#~ msgstr "Conectado a '%s'"

#~ msgid "Ready"						#~ msgid "Ready"
#~ msgstr "Listo"						#~ msgstr "Listo"

#~ msgid "Connecting..."					#~ msgid "Connecting..."
#~ msgstr "Conectando..."					#~ msgstr "Conectando..."

#~ msgid "Unable to execute '%s'"				#~ msgid "Unable to execute '%s'"
#~ msgstr "Imposible ejecutar '%s'"				#~ msgstr "Imposible ejecutar '%s'"

#~ msgid "Load file into buffer"				#~ msgid "Load file into buffer"
#~ msgstr "Cargar archivo en el buffer"				#~ msgstr "Cargar archivo en el buffer"

#~ msgid "Paste clipboard contents"				#~ msgid "Paste clipboard contents"
#~ msgstr "Pegar los contenidos del portapapeles"		#~ msgstr "Pegar los contenidos del portapapeles"

#~ msgid "Query designer"					#~ msgid "Query designer"
#~ msgstr "Diseñador de búsqueda"				#~ msgstr "Diseñador de búsqueda"

#~ msgid "Import"						#~ msgid "Import"
#~ msgstr "Importar"						#~ msgstr "Importar"

#~ msgid "Command succeeded"					#~ msgid "Command succeeded"
#~ msgstr "Comando completado"					#~ msgstr "Comando completado"

#~ msgid "Transaction started successfully"			#~ msgid "Transaction started successfully"
#~ msgstr "Transacción iniciada correctamente"			#~ msgstr "Transacción iniciada correctamente"

#~ msgid "Rollback executed successfully"			#~ msgid "Rollback executed successfully"
#~ msgstr "Rollback ejecutado correctamente"			#~ msgstr "Rollback ejecutado correctamente"

#~ msgid "Revert"						#~ msgid "Revert"
#~ msgstr "Revertir"						#~ msgstr "Revertir"

#~ msgid "Close database designer"				#~ msgid "Close database designer"
#~ msgstr "Crear diseñador de base de datos"			#~ msgstr "Crear diseñador de base de datos"

#~ msgid "Open XML database"					#~ msgid "Open XML database"
#~ msgstr "Abrir base de datos XML"				#~ msgstr "Abrir base de datos XML"

#~ msgid "Loaded file %s"					#~ msgid "Loaded file %s"
#~ msgstr "Guardar archivo %s"					#~ msgstr "Guardar archivo %s"

#~ msgid "Refresh all lists"					#~ msgid "Refresh all lists"
#~ msgstr "Refrescar todas las listas"				#~ msgstr "Refrescar todas las listas"

#~ msgid "Close log viewer"					#~ msgid "Close log viewer"
#~ msgstr "Cerrar visor de registro"				#~ msgstr "Cerrar visor de registro"

#~ msgid "Open Connection..."					#~ msgid "Open Connection..."
#~ msgstr "Abrir Conexión..."					#~ msgstr "Abrir Conexión..."

#~ msgid "Disconnect all"					#~ msgid "Disconnect all"
#~ msgstr "Desconectar todos"					#~ msgstr "Desconectar todos"

#~ msgid "Close all connections"				#~ msgid "Close all connections"
#~ msgstr "Cerrar todas las conexiones"				#~ msgstr "Cerrar todas las conexiones"

#~ msgid "SQL Window"						#~ msgid "SQL Window"
#~ msgstr "Ventana SQL"						#~ msgstr "Ventana SQL"

#~ msgid "Query Designer"					#~ msgid "Query Designer"
#~ msgstr "Diseñador de Búsqueda"				#~ msgstr "Diseñador de Búsqueda"

#~ msgid "Discard all changes"					#~ msgid "Discard all changes"
#~ msgstr "Deshacer todos los cambios"				#~ msgstr "Deshacer todos los cambios"

#~ msgid "Configure"						#~ msgid "Configure"
#~ msgstr "Configurar"						#~ msgstr "Configurar"

#~ msgid "View logs"						#~ msgid "View logs"
#~ msgstr "Ver registros"					#~ msgstr "Ver registros"

#~ msgid "View service activity"				#~ msgid "View service activity"
#~ msgstr "Ver actividad del servicio"				#~ msgstr "Ver actividad del servicio"

#~ msgid "The GNOME-DB configuration tool"			#~ msgid "The GNOME-DB configuration tool"
#~ msgstr "La herramienta de configuración de GNOME-DB"		#~ msgstr "La herramienta de configuración de GNOME-DB"

#~ msgid "Preferences..."					#~ msgid "Preferences..."
#~ msgstr "Preferencias..."					#~ msgstr "Preferencias..."

#~ msgid "Save current configuration"				#~ msgid "Save current configuration"
#~ msgstr "Guardar configuración actual"			#~ msgstr "Guardar configuración actual"

#~ msgid "Unable to activate object %s"				#~ msgid "Unable to activate object %s"
#~ msgstr "Imposible activar el objeto %s"			#~ msgstr "Imposible activar el objeto %s"

#~ msgid "Could not register %s factory"			#~ msgid "Could not register %s factory"
#~ msgstr "No pudo registrase la instalación %s"		#~ msgstr "No pudo registrase la instalación %s"

#~ msgid "Browse selected data source"				#~ msgid "Browse selected data source"
#~ msgstr "Inspeccionar la fuente de datos seleccionada"	#~ msgstr "Inspeccionar la fuente de datos seleccionada"

#~ msgid "Browse Data Source"					#~ msgid "Browse Data Source"
#~ msgstr "Inspeccionar Fuente de Datos..."			#~ msgstr "Inspeccionar Fuente de Datos..."

#~ msgid "could not load browser control"			#~ msgid "could not load browser control"
#~ msgstr "no se pudo cargar el control de inspección"		#~ msgstr "no se pudo cargar el control de inspección"

#~ msgid "Data source %s not found"				#~ msgid "Data source %s not found"
#~ msgstr "No se encontró la fuentes de datos %s"		#~ msgstr "No se encontró la fuentes de datos %s"

#~ msgid "TRUE"							#~ msgid "TRUE"
#~ msgstr "SI"							#~ msgstr "SI"

#~ msgid "FALSE"						#~ msgid "FALSE"
#~ msgstr "NO"							#~ msgstr "NO"

#~ msgid "To open/close the connection"				#~ msgid "To open/close the connection"
#~ msgstr "Abrir/cerrar todas las conexiones"			#~ msgstr "Abrir/cerrar todas las conexiones"

#~ msgid "Could not initialize CORBA"				#~ msgid "Could not initialize CORBA"
#~ msgstr "No pudo iniciarse CORBA"				#~ msgstr "No pudo iniciarse CORBA"

#~ msgid "Connected to %s"					#~ msgid "Connected to %s"
#~ msgstr "Conectado a %s"					#~ msgstr "Conectado a %s"

#~ msgid "Go to previous document"				#~ msgid "Go to previous document"
#~ msgstr "Ir al documento anterior"				#~ msgstr "Ir al documento anterior"

#~ msgid "Go to next document"					#~ msgid "Go to next document"
#~ msgstr "Ir al documento siguiente"				#~ msgstr "Ir al documento siguiente"

#~ msgid "Server"						#~ msgid "Server"
#~ msgstr "Servidor"						#~ msgstr "Servidor"

#~ msgid "Repository"						#~ msgid "Repository"
#~ msgstr "Almacén"						#~ msgstr "Almacén"

#~ msgid "New repository"					#~ msgid "New repository"
#~ msgstr "Nuevo almacén"					#~ msgstr "Nuevo almacén"

#~ msgid "Open existing screen"					#~ msgid "Open existing screen"
#~ msgstr "Abrir pantalla existente"				#~ msgstr "Abrir pantalla existente"

#~ msgid "Open existing server"					#~ msgid "Open existing server"
#~ msgstr "Abrir servidor existente"				#~ msgstr "Abrir servidor existente"

#~ msgid "Open existing repository"				#~ msgid "Open existing repository"
#~ msgstr "Abrir almacén existente"				#~ msgstr "Abrir almacén existente"

#~ msgid "Close all"						#~ msgid "Close all"
#~ msgstr "Cerrar todas"					#~ msgstr "Cerrar todas"

#~ msgid "Close all open windows"				#~ msgid "Close all open windows"
#~ msgstr "Cerrar todas las ventanas"				#~ msgstr "Cerrar todas las ventanas"

#~ msgid "Undo last action"					#~ msgid "Undo last action"
#~ msgstr "Deshacer la última acción"				#~ msgstr "Deshacer la última acción"

#~ msgid "Redo"							#~ msgid "Redo"
#~ msgstr "Rehacer"						#~ msgstr "Rehacer"

#~ msgid "Copy selected text/item to the clipboard"		#~ msgid "Copy selected text/item to the clipboard"
#~ msgstr "Copiar texto/artículo seleccionado al portapapeles	#~ msgstr "Copiar texto/artículo seleccionado al portapapeles

#~ msgid "Open project"						#~ msgid "Open project"
#~ msgstr "Abrir proyecto"					#~ msgstr "Abrir proyecto"

#~ msgid "database name"					#~ msgid "database name"
#~ msgstr "nombre de la base de datos"				#~ msgstr "nombre de la base de datos"

#~ msgid "user name"						#~ msgid "user name"
#~ msgstr "nombre de usuario"					#~ msgstr "nombre de usuario"

#~ msgid "No command selected"					#~ msgid "No command selected"
#~ msgstr "Ningún comando seleccionado"				#~ msgstr "Ningún comando seleccionado"

#~ msgid "Insert at current position"				#~ msgid "Insert at current position"
#~ msgstr "Insertar en la posición actual"			#~ msgstr "Insertar en la posición actual"

#~ msgid "Command separators"					#~ msgid "Command separators"
#~ msgstr "Comando separadores"					#~ msgstr "Comando separadores"

#~ msgid "Append to current file"				#~ msgid "Append to current file"
#~ msgstr "Añadir al archivo actual"				#~ msgstr "Añadir al archivo actual"

#~ msgid "Configuration file saved"				#~ msgid "Configuration file saved"
#~ msgstr "Archivo de configuración guardado"			#~ msgstr "Archivo de configuración guardado"

#~ msgid "Add Environment Variable"				#~ msgid "Add Environment Variable"
#~ msgstr "Añadir variable de entorno"				#~ msgstr "Añadir variable de entorno"

#~ msgid "Editor Font"						#~ msgid "Editor Font"
#~ msgstr "Fuente del editor"					#~ msgstr "Fuente del editor"

#~ msgid "Tab Position"						#~ msgid "Tab Position"
#~ msgstr "Posición de las Pestañas"				#~ msgstr "Posición de las Pestañas"

#~ msgid "Top"							#~ msgid "Top"
#~ msgstr "Arriba"						#~ msgstr "Arriba"

#~ msgid "Bottom"						#~ msgid "Bottom"
#~ msgstr "Abajo"						#~ msgstr "Abajo"

#~ msgid "Left"							#~ msgid "Left"
#~ msgstr "Izquierda"						#~ msgstr "Izquierda"

#~ msgid "Right"						#~ msgid "Right"
#~ msgstr "Derecha"						#~ msgstr "Derecha"

#~ msgid "Grid"							#~ msgid "Grid"
#~ msgstr "Cuadrícula"						#~ msgstr "Cuadrícula"

#~ msgid "Font"							#~ msgid "Font"
#~ msgstr "Fuente"						#~ msgstr "Fuente"

#~ msgid "Browse Database"					#~ msgid "Browse Database"
#~ msgstr "Inspeccionar Base de Datos"				#~ msgstr "Inspeccionar Base de Datos"

#~ msgid "Close connection"					#~ msgid "Close connection"
#~ msgstr "Cerrar conexión"					#~ msgstr "Cerrar conexión"

#~ msgid "Clear all fields"					#~ msgid "Clear all fields"
#~ msgstr "Limpiar todas los campos"				#~ msgstr "Limpiar todas los campos"

#~ msgid "Object Identifiers"					#~ msgid "Object Identifiers"
#~ msgstr "Identificadores de Objetos"				#~ msgstr "Identificadores de Objetos"

#~ msgid "Object Inheritance"					#~ msgid "Object Inheritance"
#~ msgstr "Herencia de Objetos"					#~ msgstr "Herencia de Objetos"

#~ msgid ""							#~ msgid ""
#~ "Error reading from file\n"					#~ "Error reading from file\n"
#~ "'%s'"							#~ "'%s'"
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Error leyendo archivo\n"					#~ "Error leyendo archivo\n"
#~ "'%s'"							#~ "'%s'"

#~ msgid ""							#~ msgid ""
#~ "Error writing to file\n"					#~ "Error writing to file\n"
#~ "'%s'"							#~ "'%s'"
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Error escribiendo archivo\n"				#~ "Error escribiendo archivo\n"
#~ "'%s'"							#~ "'%s'"

#~ msgid "Begin transaction failed"				#~ msgid "Begin transaction failed"
#~ msgstr "Error al iniciar transacción"			#~ msgstr "Error al iniciar transacción"

#~ msgid "Commit transaction failed"				#~ msgid "Commit transaction failed"
#~ msgstr "Error al realizar transacción"			#~ msgstr "Error al realizar transacción"

#~ msgid "Command Timeout"					#~ msgid "Command Timeout"
#~ msgstr "Tiempo de espera del Comando"			#~ msgstr "Tiempo de espera del Comando"

#~ msgid "Connect Timeout"					#~ msgid "Connect Timeout"
#~ msgstr "Tiempo de espera de la Conexión"			#~ msgstr "Tiempo de espera de la Conexión"

#~ msgid "Trace File"						#~ msgid "Trace File"
#~ msgstr "Archivo de Trazas"					#~ msgstr "Archivo de Trazas"

#~ msgid "Clear all entries"					#~ msgid "Clear all entries"
#~ msgstr "Limpiar todas las entradas"				#~ msgstr "Limpiar todas las entradas"

#~ msgid "Clear log file"					#~ msgid "Clear log file"
#~ msgstr "Limpiar archivo de registro"				#~ msgstr "Limpiar archivo de registro"

#~ msgid "Refresh log viewer"					#~ msgid "Refresh log viewer"
#~ msgstr "Refrescar visor de registro"				#~ msgstr "Refrescar visor de registro"

#~ msgid "Activate selected service"				#~ msgid "Activate selected service"
#~ msgstr "Activar servicio seleccionado"			#~ msgstr "Activar servicio seleccionado"

#~ msgid "Stop selected service"				#~ msgid "Stop selected service"
#~ msgstr "Detener sevicio seleccionado"			#~ msgstr "Detener sevicio seleccionado"

#~ msgid "Could not activate service '%s'"			#~ msgid "Could not activate service '%s'"
#~ msgstr "No pudo activarse el servcio '%s'"			#~ msgstr "No pudo activarse el servcio '%s'"

#~ msgid "Repo ID"						#~ msgid "Repo ID"
#~ msgstr "Identificador de Alamcén"				#~ msgstr "Identificador de Alamcén"

#~ msgid "executing command '%s'"				#~ msgid "executing command '%s'"
#~ msgstr "ejecutando comando '%s'"				#~ msgstr "ejecutando comando '%s'"

#~ msgid "Executing command '%s'"				#~ msgid "Executing command '%s'"
#~ msgstr "Ejecutando comando '%s'"				#~ msgstr "Ejecutando comando '%s'"

#~ msgid "DSN for the connection"				#~ msgid "DSN for the connection"
#~ msgstr "DNS para la conexión"				#~ msgstr "DNS para la conexión"

#~ msgid "Object type setting"					#~ msgid "Object type setting"
#~ msgstr "Configuración de tipo de objeto"			#~ msgstr "Configuración de tipo de objeto"

#~ msgid "Object name setting"					#~ msgid "Object name setting"
#~ msgstr "Configuración de nombre de objeto"			#~ msgstr "Configuración de nombre de objeto"

#~ msgid "Update/Delete"					#~ msgid "Update/Delete"
#~ msgstr "Actualizar/Borrar"					#~ msgstr "Actualizar/Borrar"

#~ msgid "Name:"						#~ msgid "Name:"
#~ msgstr "Nombre:"						#~ msgstr "Nombre:"

#~ msgid "Create DB"						#~ msgid "Create DB"
#~ msgstr "Crear BD"						#~ msgstr "Crear BD"

#~ msgid "Create users"						#~ msgid "Create users"
#~ msgstr "Crear usuarios"					#~ msgstr "Crear usuarios"

#~ msgid "Known database users"					#~ msgid "Known database users"
#~ msgstr "Usuarios de la base de datos conocidos"		#~ msgstr "Usuarios de la base de datos conocidos"

#~ msgid "Delete user"						#~ msgid "Delete user"
#~ msgstr "Borrar usuario"					#~ msgstr "Borrar usuario"

#~ msgid "Ok"							#~ msgid "Ok"
#~ msgstr "Aceptar"						#~ msgstr "Aceptar"

#~ msgid "New control"						#~ msgid "New control"
#~ msgstr "Nuevo control"					#~ msgstr "Nuevo control"

#~ msgid "Close control"					#~ msgid "Close control"
#~ msgstr "Cerrar control"					#~ msgstr "Cerrar control"

#~ msgid "Controls"						#~ msgid "Controls"
#~ msgstr "Controles"						#~ msgstr "Controles"

#~ msgid "table"						#~ msgid "table"
#~ msgstr "tabla"						#~ msgstr "tabla"

#~ msgid "TABLENAME"						#~ msgid "TABLENAME"
#~ msgstr "NOMBRE DE LA TABLA"					#~ msgstr "NOMBRE DE LA TABLA"

#~ msgid "TABLE NAME"						#~ msgid "TABLE NAME"
#~ msgstr "NOBRE DE LA TABLA"					#~ msgstr "NOBRE DE LA TABLA"
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: fa.gmo
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/fa.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/fa.po
# Persian translation of libgnomedb.				# Persian translation of libgnomedb.
# Copyright (C) 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.		# Copyright (C) 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# Roozbeh Pournader <roozbeh sharif edu>, 2003.			# Roozbeh Pournader <roozbeh sharif edu>, 2003.
#								#
msgid ""							msgid ""
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: libgnomedb 0.11\n"				"Project-Id-Version: libgnomedb 0.11\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"					"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"			"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2003-03-16 19:05+0330\n"			"PO-Revision-Date: 2003-03-16 19:05+0330\n"
"Last-Translator: Roozbeh Pournader <roozbeh sharif edu>\n"	"Last-Translator: Roozbeh Pournader <roozbeh sharif edu>\n"
"Language-Team: Persian <farsi lists sharif edu>\n"		"Language-Team: Persian <farsi lists sharif edu>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"						"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"			"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"				"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co
msgid "Data Sources"						msgid "Data Sources"
msgstr "Ù?Ù?ابع دادÙ?â??اÛ?"						msgstr "Ù?Ù?ابع دادÙ?â??اÛ?"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid
msgid "Providers"						msgid "Providers"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1
msgid "Configure your database environment"			msgid "Configure your database environment"
msgstr "Ù¾Û?کربÙ?دÛ? Ù?Ø­Û?Ø· پاÛ?گاÙ?â??دادÙ?"				msgstr "Ù¾Û?کربÙ?دÛ? Ù?Ø­Û?Ø· پاÛ?گاÙ?â??دادÙ?"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Database Access Properties "				msgid "Database Access Properties "
msgstr "Ù?شخصات پاÛ?گاÙ?â??دادÙ?"					msgstr "Ù?شخصات پاÛ?گاÙ?â??دادÙ?"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380
msgid "Name"							msgid "Name"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
msgid "Description"						msgid "Description"
msgstr "تÙ?صÛ?Ù?"							msgstr "تÙ?صÛ?Ù?"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182
msgid "Configured data sources in the system"			msgid "Configured data sources in the system"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data sources are the means by which database connections are	"Data sources are the means by which database connections are
"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s	"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s
"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o	"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o
"name you identify the connections in the applications that m	"name you identify the connections in the applications that m
"DB for database access."					"DB for database access."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277
#, fuzzy, c-format						#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"	msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"
msgstr "Ø¢Û?ا Ù?Û?â??Ø®Ù?اÙ?Û?د Ù?Ù?بع دادÙ?â??اÛ? '%s' را حذÙ? Ú©Ù?Û?دØ?"		msgstr "Ø¢Û?ا Ù?Û?â??Ø®Ù?اÙ?Û?د Ù?Ù?بع دادÙ?â??اÛ? '%s' را حذÙ? Ú©Ù?Û?دØ?"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data Source Properties"					msgid "Data Source Properties"
msgstr "Ù?شخصات Ù?Ù?بع دادÙ?â??اÛ?"					msgstr "Ù?شخصات Ù?Ù?بع دادÙ?â??اÛ?"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132
msgid "Basic"							msgid "Basic"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Tables"							msgid "Tables"
msgstr "جدÙ?Ù?â??Ù?ا"							msgstr "جدÙ?Ù?â??Ù?ا"

#: control-center/main.c:92					#: control-center/main.c:92
msgid "No valid data source info was created"			msgid "No valid data source info was created"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218	#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218
msgid "New data source"						msgid "New data source"
msgstr "Ù?Ù?بع دادÙ?â??اÛ? جدÛ?د"					msgstr "Ù?Ù?بع دادÙ?â??اÛ? جدÛ?د"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:215					#: control-center/main.c:215
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Database Access Properties"				msgid "Database Access Properties"
msgstr "Ù?شخصات پاÛ?گاÙ?â??دادÙ?"					msgstr "Ù?شخصات پاÛ?گاÙ?â??دادÙ?"

#: control-center/provider-config.c:105				#: control-center/provider-config.c:105
msgid "Installed providers"					msgid "Installed providers"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/provider-config.c:131				#: control-center/provider-config.c:131
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec	"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec
"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo	"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo
"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr	"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr
"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba	"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba
"etc."								"etc."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1
msgid "Database connection parameters file"			msgid "Database connection parameters file"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2
msgid "Documents"						msgid "Documents"
msgstr "اسÙ?اد"							msgstr "اسÙ?اد"

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3
msgid "SQL code viewer"						msgid "SQL code viewer"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1
msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"			msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2
msgid "Number of spaces per tab"				msgid "Number of spaces per tab"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3
msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"			msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"
msgstr "Ù?Ù?اÛ?Ø´ Ø´Ù?ارÙ?â??Û? سطرÙ?ا در Ù?Û?راÛ?شگر Ù?بدأ"			msgstr "Ù?Ù?اÛ?Ø´ Ø´Ù?ارÙ?â??Û? سطرÙ?ا در Ù?Û?راÛ?شگر Ù?بدأ"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4
msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"			msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60
msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"			msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1
msgid "About"							msgid "About"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2
msgid "About GNOME-DB"						msgid "About GNOME-DB"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3
msgid "Close this window"					msgid "Close this window"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4
msgid "Create new entry"					msgid "Create new entry"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5
msgid "Delete selected items"					msgid "Delete selected items"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6
msgid "Deselect all items"					msgid "Deselect all items"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7
msgid "Edit properties for selected item"			msgid "Edit properties for selected item"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8
msgid "Save connection parameters to file"			msgid "Save connection parameters to file"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Select _All"						msgid "Select _All"
msgstr "اÙ?تخاب Ù?Ù?Ù?"						msgstr "اÙ?تخاب Ù?Ù?Ù?"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Select all items"					msgid "Select all items"
msgstr "اÙ?تخاب Ù?Ù?Ù?"						msgstr "اÙ?تخاب Ù?Ù?Ù?"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View data sources"					msgid "View data sources"
msgstr "Ù?Ù?بع دادÙ?â??اÛ? جدÛ?د"					msgstr "Ù?Ù?بع دادÙ?â??اÛ? جدÛ?د"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12
msgid "View providers"						msgid "View providers"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Clear Selection"					msgid "_Clear Selection"
msgstr "پاک کردÙ? اÙ?تخاب"					msgstr "پاک کردÙ? اÙ?تخاب"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14
msgid "_Close"							msgid "_Close"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Data Sources"						msgid "_Data Sources"
msgstr "Ù?Ù?ابع دادÙ?â??اÛ?"						msgstr "Ù?Ù?ابع دادÙ?â??اÛ?"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Database"						msgid "_Database"
msgstr "پاÛ?گاÙ?â??دادÙ?"						msgstr "پاÛ?گاÙ?â??دادÙ?"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17
msgid "_Delete"							msgid "_Delete"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18
msgid "_Edit"							msgid "_Edit"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19
msgid "_Help"							msgid "_Help"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_New Data Source..."					msgid "_New Data Source..."
msgstr "Ù?Ù?بع دادÙ?â??اÛ? جدÛ?د"					msgstr "Ù?Ù?بع دادÙ?â??اÛ? جدÛ?د"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Properties"						msgid "_Properties"
msgstr "Ù?شخصات پاÛ?گاÙ?â??دادÙ?"					msgstr "Ù?شخصات پاÛ?گاÙ?â??دادÙ?"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22
msgid "_Providers"						msgid "_Providers"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Save Connection"					msgid "_Save Connection"
msgstr "ذخÛ?رÙ? بÙ?"						msgstr "ذخÛ?رÙ? بÙ?"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_View"							msgid "_View"
msgstr "Ù?Ù?اÙ?ا"							msgstr "Ù?Ù?اÙ?ا"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76
msgid "Structure"						msgid "Structure"
msgstr "ساختار"							msgstr "ساختار"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73
msgid "Data"							msgid "Data"
msgstr "دادÙ?"							msgstr "دادÙ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238
msgid "Not implemented yet!"					msgid "Not implemented yet!"
msgstr "Ù?Ù?Ù?ز Ù¾Û?ادÙ?â??سازÛ? Ù?شدÙ? است!"				msgstr "Ù?Ù?Ù?ز Ù¾Û?ادÙ?â??سازÛ? Ù?شدÙ? است!"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Database"						msgid "Database"
msgstr "پاÛ?گاÙ?â??دادÙ?"						msgstr "پاÛ?گاÙ?â??دادÙ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540
msgid "Loading database schemas..."				msgid "Loading database schemas..."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632
msgid "Refreshing data..."					msgid "Refreshing data..."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688
msgid "Views"							msgid "Views"
msgstr "Ù?Ù?اÙ?ا"							msgstr "Ù?Ù?اÙ?ا"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691
msgid "Indexes"							msgid "Indexes"
msgstr "Ù?Ù?اÛ?Ù?â??Ù?ا"						msgstr "Ù?Ù?اÛ?Ù?â??Ù?ا"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Sequences"						msgid "Sequences"
msgstr "دÙ?باÙ?Ù?â??Ù?ا"						msgstr "دÙ?باÙ?Ù?â??Ù?ا"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Procedures"						msgid "Procedures"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700
msgid "Triggers"						msgid "Triggers"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Aggregates"						msgid "Aggregates"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Types"							msgid "Types"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140
msgid "Could not query CORBA components"			msgid "Could not query CORBA components"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209
msgid "ID"							msgid "ID"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "Location"						msgid "Location"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212
msgid "Username"						msgid "Username"
msgstr "Ù?اÙ? کاربر"						msgstr "Ù?اÙ? کاربر"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Hostname"						msgid "Hostname"
msgstr "Ù?اÙ? کاربر"						msgstr "Ù?اÙ? کاربر"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214
msgid "Domain"							msgid "Domain"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"			msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"
msgstr "Ù?Ù?ع پشتÛ?باÙ?Û?â??Ù?شدÙ? در GConfEntry: %d"			msgstr "Ù?Ù?ع پشتÛ?باÙ?Û?â??Ù?شدÙ? در GConfEntry: %d"

#. create widgets						#. create widgets
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97
msgid "Settings"						msgid "Settings"
msgstr "تÙ?ظÛ?Ù?ات"						msgstr "تÙ?ظÛ?Ù?ات"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103
msgid "Data source name"					msgid "Data source name"
msgstr "Ù?اÙ? Ù?Ù?بع دادÙ?â??اÛ?"					msgstr "Ù?اÙ? Ù?Ù?بع دادÙ?â??اÛ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109
msgid "Connection string"					msgid "Connection string"
msgstr "رشتÙ?â??Û? اتصاÙ?"						msgstr "رشتÙ?â??Û? اتصاÙ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115
msgid "Provider"						msgid "Provider"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121
msgid "User name"						msgid "User name"
msgstr "Ù?اÙ? کاربر"						msgstr "Ù?اÙ? کاربر"

#. create feature list						#. create feature list
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128
msgid "Features"						msgid "Features"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190
msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"		msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"
msgstr "Ø´Ù?ا باÛ?د براÛ? Ù?Ù?بع دادÙ?â??اÛ? جدÛ?د Ù?اÙ?Û? Ù?ارد Ú©Ù?Û?د"		msgstr "Ø´Ù?ا باÛ?د براÛ? Ù?Ù?بع دادÙ?â??اÛ? جدÛ?د Ù?اÙ?Û? Ù?ارد Ú©Ù?Û?د"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197
msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac	msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206
msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th	msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213
msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"			msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217
msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n	msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225
msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"	msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233
msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"		msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391
msgid "Add a new data source..."				msgid "Add a new data source..."
msgstr "اÙ?زÙ?دÙ? Ù?Ù?بع دادÙ?â??اÛ? جدÛ?د..."				msgstr "اÙ?زÙ?دÙ? Ù?Ù?بع دادÙ?â??اÛ? جدÛ?د..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392
msgid ""							msgid ""
"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"		"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"
"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"		"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"
"installation. Just follow the steps!"				"installation. Just follow the steps!"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404
msgid "General Information"					msgid "General Information"
msgstr "اطÙ?اعات عÙ?Ù?Ù?Û?"						msgstr "اطÙ?اعات عÙ?Ù?Ù?Û?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the basic information\n"	"The following fields represent the basic information\n"
"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n	"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n
"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"	"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"
"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"	"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"
"the default one."						"the default one."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data source _name:"					msgid "Data source _name:"
msgstr "Ù?اÙ? Ù?Ù?بع دادÙ?â??اÛ?"					msgstr "Ù?اÙ? Ù?Ù?بع دادÙ?â??اÛ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114
msgid "_Provider:"						msgid "_Provider:"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Description:"						msgid "_Description:"
msgstr "تÙ?صÛ?Ù?"							msgstr "تÙ?صÛ?Ù?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Username:"						msgid "_Username:"
msgstr "Ù?اÙ? کاربر"						msgstr "Ù?اÙ? کاربر"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "P_assword:"						msgid "P_assword:"
msgstr "گذرÙ?اÚ?Ù?"						msgstr "گذرÙ?اÚ?Ù?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454
msgid "Provider Parameters"					msgid "Provider Parameters"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the information needed by the	"The following fields represent the information needed by the
"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n	"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n
"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\	"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\
"the manual for more information."				"the manual for more information."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481
msgid "All information retrieved"				msgid "All information retrieved"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482
msgid ""							msgid ""
"All information needed to create a new data source\n"		"All information needed to create a new data source\n"
"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"		"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"
"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"	"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"
"just select it when asked for a data source."			"just select it when asked for a data source."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Connection _string:"					msgid "Connection _string:"
msgstr "رشتÙ?â??Û? اتصاÙ?"						msgstr "رشتÙ?â??Û? اتصاÙ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4
msgid "Error"							msgid "Error"
msgstr "خطا"							msgstr "خطا"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.
msgid "Show detail >>"						msgid "Show detail >>"
msgstr "Ù?Ù?اÛ?Ø´ جزئÛ?اتâ?? >>"					msgstr "Ù?Ù?اÛ?Ø´ جزئÛ?اتâ?? >>"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122
msgid "<< Hide detail"						msgid "<< Hide detail"
msgstr "<< Ù?Ø®Ù?Û? کردÙ? جزئÛ?ات"					msgstr "<< Ù?Ø®Ù?Û? کردÙ? جزئÛ?ات"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191
msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"	msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196
msgid "Error number"						msgid "Error number"
msgstr "Ø´Ù?ارÙ?â??Û? خطا"						msgstr "Ø´Ù?ارÙ?â??Û? خطا"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Details"							msgid "Details"
msgstr "جزئÛ?ات"							msgstr "جزئÛ?ات"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234
msgid "Source"							msgid "Source"
msgstr "Ù?Ù?بع"							msgstr "Ù?Ù?بع"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241
msgid "SQL state"						msgid "SQL state"
msgstr "Ù?ضعÛ?ت SQL"						msgstr "Ù?ضعÛ?ت SQL"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Field:"							msgid "_Field:"
msgstr "عÙ?Ù?اÙ?"							msgstr "عÙ?Ù?اÙ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Text:"							msgid "_Text:"
msgstr "آزÙ?اÛ?Ø´"							msgstr "آزÙ?اÛ?Ø´"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308
msgid "No records"						msgid "No records"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Record %d of %d"						msgid "Record %d of %d"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113
msgid "Recordset description"					msgid "Recordset description"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid ""							msgid ""
"File '%s' already exists.\n"					"File '%s' already exists.\n"
"Do you want to overwrite it?"					"Do you want to overwrite it?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149
msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."		msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Could not save file %s"					msgid "Could not save file %s"
msgstr "Ù?Ù?Û?â??تÙ?اÙ? پرÙ?Ù?دÙ?â??Û? %s را ذخÛ?رÙ? کرد"			msgstr "Ù?Ù?Û?â??تÙ?اÙ? پرÙ?Ù?دÙ?â??Û? %s را ذخÛ?رÙ? کرد"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224
msgid "You must specify a file name"				msgid "You must specify a file name"
msgstr "Ø´Ù?ا باÛ?د اسÙ? پرÙ?Ù?دÙ? را Ù?شخص Ú©Ù?Û?د"			msgstr "Ø´Ù?ا باÛ?د اسÙ? پرÙ?Ù?دÙ? را Ù?شخص Ú©Ù?Û?د"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230
msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"		msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261
msgid "Saving Model"						msgid "Saving Model"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "File _name:"						msgid "File _name:"
msgstr "Ù?اÙ? جدÙ?Ù?"						msgstr "Ù?اÙ? جدÙ?Ù?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276
msgid "Select File"						msgid "Select File"
msgstr "اÙ?تخاب پرÙ?Ù?دÙ?"						msgstr "اÙ?تخاب پرÙ?Ù?دÙ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283
msgid "File _type:"						msgid "File _type:"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291
msgid "Tab-delimited"						msgid "Tab-delimited"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294
msgid "Comma-delimited"						msgid "Comma-delimited"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:
msgid "XML"							msgid "XML"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355
msgid "View detail"						msgid "View detail"
msgstr "Ù?Ù?اÛ?Ø´ جزئÛ?ات"						msgstr "Ù?Ù?اÛ?Ø´ جزئÛ?ات"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Show Column _Titles"					msgid "Show Column _Titles"
msgstr "Ù?Ù?اÛ?Ø´ ستÙ?Ù?â??Ù?ا"						msgstr "Ù?Ù?اÛ?Ø´ ستÙ?Ù?â??Ù?ا"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442
msgid "Describe"						msgid "Describe"
msgstr "تÙ?صÛ?Ù?"							msgstr "تÙ?صÛ?Ù?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443
msgid "View detail..."						msgid "View detail..."
msgstr "Ù?Ù?اÛ?Ø´ جزئÛ?ات..."					msgstr "Ù?Ù?اÛ?Ø´ جزئÛ?ات..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614
msgid "Title"							msgid "Title"
msgstr "عÙ?Ù?اÙ?"							msgstr "عÙ?Ù?اÙ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48
msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"	msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"		"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"
"to a data source"						"to a data source"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data Source:"						msgid "Data Source:"
msgstr "Ù?Ù?بع دادÙ?â??اÛ?"						msgstr "Ù?Ù?بع دادÙ?â??اÛ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Username:"						msgid "Username:"
msgstr "Ù?اÙ? کاربر"						msgstr "Ù?اÙ? کاربر"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Password:"						msgid "Password:"
msgstr "گذرÙ?اÚ?Ù?"						msgstr "گذرÙ?اÚ?Ù?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69
msgid "Fields"							msgid "Fields"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30
msgid "Commit"							msgid "Commit"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31
msgid "Connect"							msgid "Connect"
msgstr "اتصاÙ?"							msgstr "اتصاÙ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33
msgid "Designer"						msgid "Designer"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34
msgid "Disconnect"						msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr "Ù?طع اتصاÙ?"						msgstr "Ù?طع اتصاÙ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35
msgid "NoTransaction"						msgid "NoTransaction"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37
msgid "Query"							msgid "Query"
msgstr "پرسâ??Ù?جÙ?"							msgstr "پرسâ??Ù?جÙ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38
msgid "Rollback"						msgid "Rollback"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40
msgid "SQL"							msgid "SQL"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43
msgid "WithinTransaction"					msgid "WithinTransaction"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Error: %s"						msgid "Error: %s"
msgstr "خطا: %s"						msgstr "خطا: %s"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79
msgid "Table name"						msgid "Table name"
msgstr "Ù?اÙ? جدÙ?Ù?"						msgstr "Ù?اÙ? جدÙ?Ù?"

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93			#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Login for %s"						msgid "Login for %s"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95					#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95
msgid "Login to database"					msgid "Login to database"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: vfs/libmain.c:71						#: vfs/libmain.c:71
msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"				msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Table Properties"					msgid "Table Properties"
msgstr "Ù?شخصات پاÛ?گاÙ?â??دادÙ?"					msgstr "Ù?شخصات پاÛ?گاÙ?â??دادÙ?"

#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Table Name"						msgid "Table Name"
msgstr "Ù?اÙ? جدÙ?Ù?"						msgstr "Ù?اÙ? جدÙ?Ù?"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155
msgid "New"							msgid "New"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156
msgid "Create new table"					msgid "Create new table"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Properties"						msgid "Properties"
msgstr "Ù?شخصات پاÛ?گاÙ?â??دادÙ?"					msgstr "Ù?شخصات پاÛ?گاÙ?â??دادÙ?"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View table properties"					msgid "View table properties"
msgstr "Ù?شخصات پاÛ?گاÙ?â??دادÙ?"					msgstr "Ù?شخصات پاÛ?گاÙ?â??دادÙ?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
msgid "UID"							msgid "UID"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "calendar"						msgid "calendar"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "summary"							msgid "summary"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "Summary"							msgid "Summary"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "location"						msgid "location"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "dtstart"							msgid "dtstart"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
msgid "Start time"						msgid "Start time"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "dtend"							msgid "dtend"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "End time"						msgid "End time"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "description"						msgid "description"
msgstr "تÙ?صÛ?Ù?"							msgstr "تÙ?صÛ?Ù?"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "classification"						msgid "classification"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Classification"						msgid "Classification"
msgstr "پاک کردÙ? اÙ?تخاب"					msgstr "پاک کردÙ? اÙ?تخاب"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "transparency"						msgid "transparency"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "Transparency"						msgid "Transparency"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "categories"						msgid "categories"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "Categories"						msgid "Categories"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "tasks"							msgid "tasks"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "due"							msgid "due"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "Due date"						msgid "Due date"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "Start date"						msgid "Start date"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355
msgid "Public"							msgid "Public"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358
msgid "Private"							msgid "Private"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361
msgid "Confidential"						msgid "Confidential"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63
msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"		msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66
msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"			msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80
msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta	msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"		msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"
msgstr "Ù?Ù?Û?â??تÙ?اÙ? اتصاÙ?Û? بÙ? %s باز کرد"				msgstr "Ù?Ù?Û?â??تÙ?اÙ? اتصاÙ?Û? بÙ? %s باز کرد"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100
msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"				msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Field name"						msgid "Field name"
msgstr "Ù?اÙ? کاربر"						msgstr "Ù?اÙ? کاربر"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data type"						msgid "Data type"
msgstr "دادÙ?"							msgstr "دادÙ?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214
msgid "Size"							msgid "Size"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215
msgid "Scale"							msgid "Scale"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216
msgid "Not null?"						msgid "Not null?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217
msgid "Primary key?"						msgid "Primary key?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218
msgid "Unique index?"						msgid "Unique index?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "References"						msgid "References"
msgstr "دÙ?باÙ?Ù?â??Ù?ا"						msgstr "دÙ?باÙ?Ù?â??Ù?ا"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220
msgid "Default value"						msgid "Default value"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239
msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l	msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Table %s does not exist"					msgid "Table %s does not exist"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318
msgid "Scheduled events"					msgid "Scheduled events"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321
msgid "TODO list"						msgid "TODO list"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375
msgid "Owner"							msgid "Owner"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Comments"						msgid "Comments"
msgstr "اسÙ?اد"							msgstr "اسÙ?اد"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374
msgid "Type"							msgid "Type"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377
msgid "GDA type"						msgid "GDA type"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id	#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id
#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database	#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database
#. we can easily access that information			#. we can easily access that information
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382
msgid "local"							msgid "local"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217
msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230
msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244
msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"			msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268
msgid "Invalid SQL command"					msgid "Invalid SQL command"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353
msgid "Transactions are not supported"				msgid "Transactions are not supported"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41
msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"		msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task	"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Database browser"					#~ msgid "Database browser"
#~ msgstr "Ù?شخصات پاÛ?گاÙ?â??دادÙ?"					#~ msgstr "Ù?شخصات پاÛ?گاÙ?â??دادÙ?"

#~ msgid "Database configuration"				#~ msgid "Database configuration"
#~ msgstr "Ù¾Û?کربÙ?دÛ? پاÛ?گاÙ?â??دادÙ?"					#~ msgstr "Ù¾Û?کربÙ?دÛ? پاÛ?گاÙ?â??دادÙ?"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "_Settings"						#~ msgid "_Settings"
#~ msgstr "تÙ?ظÛ?Ù?ات"						#~ msgstr "تÙ?ظÛ?Ù?ات"

#~ msgid "Password"						#~ msgid "Password"
#~ msgstr "گذرÙ?اÚ?Ù?"						#~ msgstr "گذرÙ?اÚ?Ù?"

#~ msgid "Save as"						#~ msgid "Save as"
#~ msgstr "ذخÛ?رÙ? با Ù?اÙ?"					#~ msgstr "ذخÛ?رÙ? با Ù?اÙ?"

#~ msgid "Save to"						#~ msgid "Save to"
#~ msgstr "ذخÛ?رÙ? بÙ?"						#~ msgstr "ذخÛ?رÙ? بÙ?"

#~ msgid "XML file"						#~ msgid "XML file"
#~ msgstr "پرÙ?Ù?دÙ?â??Û? XML"						#~ msgstr "پرÙ?Ù?دÙ?â??Û? XML"

#~ msgid "Hide columns"						#~ msgid "Hide columns"
#~ msgstr "Ù?Ø®Ù?Û? کردÙ? ستÙ?Ù?â??Ù?ا"					#~ msgstr "Ù?Ø®Ù?Û? کردÙ? ستÙ?Ù?â??Ù?ا"

#~ msgid "Question"						#~ msgid "Question"
#~ msgstr "سؤاÙ?"						#~ msgstr "سؤاÙ?"

#~ msgid "Invalid format for connection string"			#~ msgid "Invalid format for connection string"
#~ msgstr "Ù?اÙ?ب Ù?اÙ?عتبر براÛ? رشتÙ?â??Û? اتصاÙ?"			#~ msgstr "Ù?اÙ?ب Ù?اÙ?عتبر براÛ? رشتÙ?â??Û? اتصاÙ?"

#~ msgid "Data sources"						#~ msgid "Data sources"
#~ msgstr "Ù?Ù?ابع دادÙ?â??اÛ?"					#~ msgstr "Ù?Ù?ابع دادÙ?â??اÛ?"

#~ msgid "Test Data Source"					#~ msgid "Test Data Source"
#~ msgstr "آزÙ?اÛ?Ø´ Ù?Ù?بع دادÙ?â??اÛ?"					#~ msgstr "آزÙ?اÛ?Ø´ Ù?Ù?بع دادÙ?â??اÛ?"

#~ msgid "Connection to %s successful!"				#~ msgid "Connection to %s successful!"
#~ msgstr "اتصاÙ? بÙ? %s با Ù?Ù?Ù?Ù?Û?ت اÙ?جاÙ? شد!"			#~ msgstr "اتصاÙ? بÙ? %s با Ù?Ù?Ù?Ù?Û?ت اÙ?جاÙ? شد!"

#~ msgid "Data source"						#~ msgid "Data source"
#~ msgstr "Ù?Ù?بع دادÙ?â??اÛ?"						#~ msgstr "Ù?Ù?بع دادÙ?â??اÛ?"
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: fi.gmo
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/fi.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/fi.po
# gnome-db Finnish Translation					# gnome-db Finnish Translation
# http://gnome-fi.sourceforge.net				# http://gnome-fi.sourceforge.net
# Copyright (C) 2000,2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.	# Copyright (C) 2000,2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# Markku Verkkoniemi <myv iki fi>, 2000.			# Markku Verkkoniemi <myv iki fi>, 2000.
# Tommi Vainikainen <Tommi Vainikainen iki fi>, 2003-2004.	# Tommi Vainikainen <Tommi Vainikainen iki fi>, 2003-2004.
#								#
msgid ""							msgid ""
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: gnome-db\n"				"Project-Id-Version: gnome-db\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"					"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"			"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-07-24 11:22+0300\n"			"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-07-24 11:22+0300\n"
"Last-Translator: Tommi Vainikainen <Tommi Vainikainen iki fi	"Last-Translator: Tommi Vainikainen <Tommi Vainikainen iki fi
"Language-Team: Finnish <gnome-fi-laatu lists sourceforge org |	"Language-Team: Finnish <gnome-fi-laatu lists sourceforge net
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"						"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"			"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8-bit\n"				"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8-bit\n"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co
msgid "Data Sources"						msgid "Data Sources"
msgstr "Tietolähteet"						msgstr "Tietolähteet"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid
msgid "Providers"						msgid "Providers"
msgstr "Tuottajat"						msgstr "Tuottajat"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1
msgid "Configure your database environment"			msgid "Configure your database environment"
msgstr "Muokkaa tietokantaympäristön asetuksia"			msgstr "Muokkaa tietokantaympäristön asetuksia"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2
msgid "Database Access Properties "				msgid "Database Access Properties "
msgstr "Tietokannan pääsyoikeuksien ominaisuudet "		msgstr "Tietokannan pääsyoikeuksien ominaisuudet "

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380
msgid "Name"							msgid "Name"
msgstr "Nimi"							msgstr "Nimi"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
msgid "Description"						msgid "Description"
msgstr "Kuvaus"							msgstr "Kuvaus"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182
msgid "Configured data sources in the system"			msgid "Configured data sources in the system"
msgstr "Asetetut tietolähteet järjestelmässä"			msgstr "Asetetut tietolähteet järjestelmässä"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data sources are the means by which database connections are	"Data sources are the means by which database connections are
"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s	"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s
"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o	"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o
"name you identify the connections in the applications that m	"name you identify the connections in the applications that m
"DB for database access."					"DB for database access."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Tietolähteet ovat GNOME-DB:n keino tunnistaa tietokantayhtey	"Tietolähteet ovat GNOME-DB:n keino tunnistaa tietokantayhtey
"yhteyden tiettyyn tarjoaja/tietokanta-yhdistelmän avaamiseen	"yhteyden tiettyyn tarjoaja/tietokanta-yhdistelmän avaamiseen
"tiedot tallennetaan yksiselitteistä nimeä käyttäen. Tätä nim	"tiedot tallennetaan yksiselitteistä nimeä käyttäen. Tätä nim
"sovelluksissa, jotka käyttävät GNOME-DB:tä tietokantayhteyks	"sovelluksissa, jotka käyttävät GNOME-DB:tä tietokantayhteyks
"määritellään yhteydet."					"määritellään yhteydet."

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"	msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"
msgstr "Haluatko varmasti poistaa tietolähteen \"%s\"?"		msgstr "Haluatko varmasti poistaa tietolähteen \"%s\"?"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104
msgid "Data Source Properties"					msgid "Data Source Properties"
msgstr "Tietolähteen ominaisuudet"				msgstr "Tietolähteen ominaisuudet"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132
msgid "Basic"							msgid "Basic"
msgstr "Perus"							msgstr "Perus"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Tables"							msgid "Tables"
msgstr "Taulut"							msgstr "Taulut"

#: control-center/main.c:92					#: control-center/main.c:92
msgid "No valid data source info was created"			msgid "No valid data source info was created"
msgstr "Kelvollista tietolähdetietoa ei luotu"			msgstr "Kelvollista tietolähdetietoa ei luotu"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218	#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218
msgid "New data source"						msgid "New data source"
msgstr "Uusi tietolähde"					msgstr "Uusi tietolähde"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:215					#: control-center/main.c:215
msgid "Database Access Properties"				msgid "Database Access Properties"
msgstr "Tietokannan pääsyoikeuksien ominaisuudet"		msgstr "Tietokannan pääsyoikeuksien ominaisuudet"

#: control-center/provider-config.c:105				#: control-center/provider-config.c:105
msgid "Installed providers"					msgid "Installed providers"
msgstr "Asennetut tarjoajat"					msgstr "Asennetut tarjoajat"

#: control-center/provider-config.c:131				#: control-center/provider-config.c:131
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec	"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec
"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo	"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo
"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr	"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr
"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba	"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba
"etc."								"etc."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Tarjoajat ovat ulkoisia liitännäisiä, jotka tarjoavat pääsyn	"Tarjoajat ovat ulkoisia liitännäisiä, jotka tarjoavat pääsyn
"tietolähteisiin. Oletustarjoaja, joka käyttää XML-tiedostoih	"tietolähteisiin. Oletustarjoaja, joka käyttää XML-tiedostoih
"tietokantoja, on aina asennettuna. Muita yleisiä libgda/gnom	"tietokantoja, on aina asennettuna. Muita yleisiä libgda/gnom
"jaeltavia tarjoajia ovat PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Sybase, 	"jaeltavia tarjoajia ovat PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Sybase, 

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1
msgid "Database connection parameters file"			msgid "Database connection parameters file"
msgstr "Tietokantayhteyden parametritiedosto"			msgstr "Tietokantayhteyden parametritiedosto"

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2
msgid "Documents"						msgid "Documents"
msgstr "Asiakirjat"						msgstr "Asiakirjat"

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3
msgid "SQL code viewer"						msgid "SQL code viewer"
msgstr "SQL-koodinäkymä"					msgstr "SQL-koodinäkymä"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1
msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"			msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"
msgstr "Ruudukkosäätimessä käytettävä kirjasin"			msgstr "Ruudukkosäätimessä käytettävä kirjasin"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2
msgid "Number of spaces per tab"				msgid "Number of spaces per tab"
msgstr "Välilyöntien määrä sarkainta kohti"			msgstr "Välilyöntien määrä sarkainta kohti"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3
msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"			msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"
msgstr "Näytä rivinumerot lähdekoodieditorissa"			msgstr "Näytä rivinumerot lähdekoodieditorissa"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4
msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"			msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"
msgstr "Käytä korostusta lähdekoodieditorissa"			msgstr "Käytä korostusta lähdekoodieditorissa"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60
msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"			msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"
msgstr "Tietokantapalvelu Gnome-työpöydälle"			msgstr "Tietokantapalvelu Gnome-työpöydälle"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1
msgid "About"							msgid "About"
msgstr "Tietoja"						msgstr "Tietoja"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2
msgid "About GNOME-DB"						msgid "About GNOME-DB"
msgstr "Tietoja GNOME-DB:stä"					msgstr "Tietoja GNOME-DB:stä"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3
msgid "Close this window"					msgid "Close this window"
msgstr "Sulje tämä ikkuna"					msgstr "Sulje tämä ikkuna"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4
msgid "Create new entry"					msgid "Create new entry"
msgstr "Luo uusi merkintä"					msgstr "Luo uusi merkintä"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5
msgid "Delete selected items"					msgid "Delete selected items"
msgstr "Poista valitut kohdat"					msgstr "Poista valitut kohdat"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6
msgid "Deselect all items"					msgid "Deselect all items"
msgstr "Poista kaikki valinnat"					msgstr "Poista kaikki valinnat"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7
msgid "Edit properties for selected item"			msgid "Edit properties for selected item"
msgstr "Muokkaa valitun kohdan ominaisuuksia"			msgstr "Muokkaa valitun kohdan ominaisuuksia"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8
msgid "Save connection parameters to file"			msgid "Save connection parameters to file"
msgstr "Tallenna yhteysparametrit tiedostoon"			msgstr "Tallenna yhteysparametrit tiedostoon"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414
msgid "Select _All"						msgid "Select _All"
msgstr "Valitse _kaikki"					msgstr "Valitse _kaikki"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10
msgid "Select all items"					msgid "Select all items"
msgstr "Valitse kaikki"						msgstr "Valitse kaikki"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11
msgid "View data sources"					msgid "View data sources"
msgstr "Näytä tietolähteet"					msgstr "Näytä tietolähteet"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12
msgid "View providers"						msgid "View providers"
msgstr "Näytä tuottajat"					msgstr "Näytä tuottajat"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42
msgid "_Clear Selection"					msgid "_Clear Selection"
msgstr "_Tyhjennä valinta"					msgstr "_Tyhjennä valinta"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14
msgid "_Close"							msgid "_Close"
msgstr "_Sulje"							msgstr "_Sulje"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15
msgid "_Data Sources"						msgid "_Data Sources"
msgstr "_Tietolähteet"						msgstr "_Tietolähteet"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16
msgid "_Database"						msgid "_Database"
msgstr "_Tietokanta"						msgstr "_Tietokanta"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17
msgid "_Delete"							msgid "_Delete"
msgstr "_Poista"						msgstr "_Poista"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18
msgid "_Edit"							msgid "_Edit"
msgstr "_Muokkaa"						msgstr "_Muokkaa"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19
msgid "_Help"							msgid "_Help"
msgstr "_Ohje"							msgstr "_Ohje"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20
msgid "_New Data Source..."					msgid "_New Data Source..."
msgstr "_Uusi tietolähde..."					msgstr "_Uusi tietolähde..."

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21
msgid "_Properties"						msgid "_Properties"
msgstr "_Ominaisuudet"						msgstr "_Ominaisuudet"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22
msgid "_Providers"						msgid "_Providers"
msgstr "_Tuottajat"						msgstr "_Tuottajat"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23
msgid "_Save Connection"					msgid "_Save Connection"
msgstr "_Tallenna yhteys"					msgstr "_Tallenna yhteys"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24
msgid "_View"							msgid "_View"
msgstr "_Näkymä"						msgstr "_Näkymä"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76
msgid "Structure"						msgid "Structure"
msgstr "Rakenne"						msgstr "Rakenne"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73
msgid "Data"							msgid "Data"
msgstr "Tieto"							msgstr "Tieto"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238
msgid "Not implemented yet!"					msgid "Not implemented yet!"
msgstr "Ei vielä toteutettu!"					msgstr "Ei vielä toteutettu!"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Database"						msgid "Database"
msgstr "Tietokanta"						msgstr "Tietokanta"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540
msgid "Loading database schemas..."				msgid "Loading database schemas..."
msgstr "Ladataan tietokantakaavaimia..."			msgstr "Ladataan tietokantakaavaimia..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632
msgid "Refreshing data..."					msgid "Refreshing data..."
msgstr "Päivitä tiedot..."					msgstr "Päivitä tiedot..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688
msgid "Views"							msgid "Views"
msgstr "Näkymät"						msgstr "Näkymät"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691
msgid "Indexes"							msgid "Indexes"
msgstr "Hakemistot"						msgstr "Hakemistot"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Sequences"						msgid "Sequences"
msgstr "Sekvenssit"						msgstr "Sekvenssit"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Procedures"						msgid "Procedures"
msgstr "Toimintosarjat"						msgstr "Toimintosarjat"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700
msgid "Triggers"						msgid "Triggers"
msgstr "Liipaisimet"						msgstr "Liipaisimet"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Aggregates"						msgid "Aggregates"
msgstr "Koosteet"						msgstr "Koosteet"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Types"							msgid "Types"
msgstr "Tyypit"							msgstr "Tyypit"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140
msgid "Could not query CORBA components"			msgid "Could not query CORBA components"
msgstr "CORBA-komponentteja ei voitu kysellä"			msgstr "CORBA-komponentteja ei voitu kysellä"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209
msgid "ID"							msgid "ID"
msgstr "ID"							msgstr "ID"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "Location"						msgid "Location"
msgstr "Sijainti"						msgstr "Sijainti"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212
msgid "Username"						msgid "Username"
msgstr "Käyttäjätunnus"						msgstr "Käyttäjätunnus"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213
msgid "Hostname"						msgid "Hostname"
msgstr "Isäntänimi"						msgstr "Isäntänimi"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214
msgid "Domain"							msgid "Domain"
msgstr "Toimialue"						msgstr "Toimialue"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"			msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"
msgstr "GconfEntryssä ei-tuettu tyyppi: %d"			msgstr "GconfEntryssä ei-tuettu tyyppi: %d"

#. create widgets						#. create widgets
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97
msgid "Settings"						msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Asetukset"						msgstr "Asetukset"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103
msgid "Data source name"					msgid "Data source name"
msgstr "Tietolähteen nimi"					msgstr "Tietolähteen nimi"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109
msgid "Connection string"					msgid "Connection string"
msgstr "Yhteysmerkkijono"					msgstr "Yhteysmerkkijono"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115
msgid "Provider"						msgid "Provider"
msgstr "Tuottaja"						msgstr "Tuottaja"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121
msgid "User name"						msgid "User name"
msgstr "Käyttäjätunnus"						msgstr "Käyttäjätunnus"

#. create feature list						#. create feature list
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128
msgid "Features"						msgid "Features"
msgstr "Ominaisuudet"						msgstr "Ominaisuudet"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190
msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"		msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"
msgstr "Uudelle tietolähteelle täytyy antaa nimi"		msgstr "Uudelle tietolähteelle täytyy antaa nimi"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197
msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac	msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac
msgstr "Tietolähteen nimet voivat sisältää vain aakkosnumeeri	msgstr "Tietolähteen nimet voivat sisältää vain aakkosnumeeri

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206
msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th	msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th
msgstr "Olemassaoleva tietolähde on jo rekisteröity tälle nim	msgstr "Olemassaoleva tietolähde on jo rekisteröity tälle nim

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213
msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"			msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"
msgstr "Tietolähteen nimet eivät voi sisältää välilyöntejä"	msgstr "Tietolähteen nimet eivät voi sisältää välilyöntejä"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217
msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n	msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n
msgstr "Tietolähteen nimet voivat sisältää vain ASCII-kirjaim	msgstr "Tietolähteen nimet voivat sisältää vain ASCII-kirjaim

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225
msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"	msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"
msgstr "Uudelle tietolähteelle täytyy valita tarjoaja"		msgstr "Uudelle tietolähteelle täytyy valita tarjoaja"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233
msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"		msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"
msgstr "Asetuksistasi ei löytynyt tarjoajaa"			msgstr "Asetuksistasi ei löytynyt tarjoajaa"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391
msgid "Add a new data source..."				msgid "Add a new data source..."
msgstr "Lisää uusi tietolähde..."				msgstr "Lisää uusi tietolähde..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392
msgid ""							msgid ""
"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"		"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"
"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"		"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"
"installation. Just follow the steps!"				"installation. Just follow the steps!"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Tämä toiminto ohjaa uuden tietolähteen\n"			"Tämä toiminto ohjaa uuden tietolähteen\n"
"luomisen GNOME-DB-asennuksessa.\n"				"luomisen GNOME-DB-asennuksessa.\n"
"Seuraa vain vaiheita!"						"Seuraa vain vaiheita!"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404
msgid "General Information"					msgid "General Information"
msgstr "Yleiset tiedot"						msgstr "Yleiset tiedot"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the basic information\n"	"The following fields represent the basic information\n"
"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n	"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n
"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"	"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"
"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"	"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"
"the default one."						"the default one."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Seuraavat kentät esittävät perustiedot uudelle\n"		"Seuraavat kentät esittävät perustiedot uudelle\n"
"tietolähteellesi. Osa niistä on valinnaisia (kuvaus,\n"	"tietolähteellesi. Osa niistä on valinnaisia (kuvaus,\n"
"käyttäjätunnus), mutta toiset pakollisia. Jos et\n"		"käyttäjätunnus), mutta toiset pakollisia. Jos et\n"
"tiedä mitä tarjoajaa käytät, valitse oletus."			"tiedä mitä tarjoajaa käytät, valitse oletus."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104
msgid "Data source _name:"					msgid "Data source _name:"
msgstr "Tietolähteen _nimi:"					msgstr "Tietolähteen _nimi:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114
msgid "_Provider:"						msgid "_Provider:"
msgstr "_Tuottaja:"						msgstr "_Tuottaja:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133
msgid "_Description:"						msgid "_Description:"
msgstr "_Kuvaus:"						msgstr "_Kuvaus:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142
msgid "_Username:"						msgid "_Username:"
msgstr "_Käyttäjätunnus:"					msgstr "_Käyttäjätunnus:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151
msgid "P_assword:"						msgid "P_assword:"
msgstr "_Salasana:"						msgstr "_Salasana:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454
msgid "Provider Parameters"					msgid "Provider Parameters"
msgstr "Tuottajaparametrit"					msgstr "Tuottajaparametrit"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the information needed by the	"The following fields represent the information needed by the
"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n	"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n
"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\	"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\
"the manual for more information."				"the manual for more information."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Seuraavat kentät esittävät edellisellä sivulla valitun tarjo	"Seuraavat kentät esittävät edellisellä sivulla valitun tarjo
"yhteyden avaamisen tarvitsemia tietoja. Nämä tiedot ovat tar	"yhteyden avaamisen tarvitsemia tietoja. Nämä tiedot ovat tar
"joten kannattaa etsiä ohjekirjasta lisätietoa."		"joten kannattaa etsiä ohjekirjasta lisätietoa."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481
msgid "All information retrieved"				msgid "All information retrieved"
msgstr "Kaikki tiedot haettu"					msgstr "Kaikki tiedot haettu"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482
msgid ""							msgid ""
"All information needed to create a new data source\n"		"All information needed to create a new data source\n"
"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"		"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"
"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"	"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"
"just select it when asked for a data source."			"just select it when asked for a data source."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Uuden tietolähteen luomiseen tarvittavat\n"			"Uuden tietolähteen luomiseen tarvittavat\n"
"tiedot on haettu. Napsauta \"Toteuta\" sulkeaksi\n"		"tiedot on haettu. Napsauta \"Toteuta\" sulkeaksi\n"
"ikkunan. Juuri luotu tietolähde avataan\n"			"ikkunan. Juuri luotu tietolähde avataan\n"
"valitsemalla se kysyttäessä tietolähdettä."			"valitsemalla se kysyttäessä tietolähdettä."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124
msgid "Connection _string:"					msgid "Connection _string:"
msgstr "_Yhteysmerkkijono"					msgstr "_Yhteysmerkkijono"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4
msgid "Error"							msgid "Error"
msgstr "Virhe"							msgstr "Virhe"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.
msgid "Show detail >>"						msgid "Show detail >>"
msgstr "Näytä yksityiskohdat >>"				msgstr "Näytä yksityiskohdat >>"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122
msgid "<< Hide detail"						msgid "<< Hide detail"
msgstr "<< Piilota yksityiskohdat"				msgstr "<< Piilota yksityiskohdat"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191
msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"	msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"
msgstr "Alla olevassa tietokannassa tapahtui virhe"		msgstr "Alla olevassa tietokannassa tapahtui virhe"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196
msgid "Error number"						msgid "Error number"
msgstr "Virhenumero"						msgstr "Virhenumero"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227
msgid "Details"							msgid "Details"
msgstr "Yksityiskohdat"						msgstr "Yksityiskohdat"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234
msgid "Source"							msgid "Source"
msgstr "Lähde"							msgstr "Lähde"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241
msgid "SQL state"						msgid "SQL state"
msgstr "SQL-tila"						msgstr "SQL-tila"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108
msgid "_Field:"							msgid "_Field:"
msgstr "_Kenttä:"						msgstr "_Kenttä:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118
msgid "_Text:"							msgid "_Text:"
msgstr "_Teksti:"						msgstr "_Teksti:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308
msgid "No records"						msgid "No records"
msgstr "Ei tietueita"						msgstr "Ei tietueita"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Record %d of %d"						msgid "Record %d of %d"
msgstr "Tietue %d/%d"						msgstr "Tietue %d/%d"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113
msgid "Recordset description"					msgid "Recordset description"
msgstr "Tietuejoukon kuvaus"					msgstr "Tietuejoukon kuvaus"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid ""							msgid ""
"File '%s' already exists.\n"					"File '%s' already exists.\n"
"Do you want to overwrite it?"					"Do you want to overwrite it?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Tiedosto %s on jo olemassa\n"					"Tiedosto %s on jo olemassa\n"
"Haluatko ylikirjoittaa sen?"					"Haluatko ylikirjoittaa sen?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149
msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."		msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."
msgstr "Jos valitset Kyllä, sisältö häviää."			msgstr "Jos valitset Kyllä, sisältö häviää."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Could not save file %s"					msgid "Could not save file %s"
msgstr "Tiedostoa %s ei voi tallentaa"				msgstr "Tiedostoa %s ei voi tallentaa"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224
msgid "You must specify a file name"				msgid "You must specify a file name"
msgstr "Tiedostonimi täytyy antaa"				msgstr "Tiedostonimi täytyy antaa"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230
msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"		msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"
msgstr "Muunnettaessa tietoa tuli tyhjä tiedosto"		msgstr "Muunnettaessa tietoa tuli tyhjä tiedosto"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261
msgid "Saving Model"						msgid "Saving Model"
msgstr "Tallennetaan mallia"					msgstr "Tallennetaan mallia"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272
msgid "File _name:"						msgid "File _name:"
msgstr "Tiedosto_nimi:"						msgstr "Tiedosto_nimi:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276
msgid "Select File"						msgid "Select File"
msgstr "Valitse tiedosto"					msgstr "Valitse tiedosto"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283
msgid "File _type:"						msgid "File _type:"
msgstr "Tiedosto_tyyppi:"					msgstr "Tiedosto_tyyppi:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291
msgid "Tab-delimited"						msgid "Tab-delimited"
msgstr "Sarkaimin eroteltu"					msgstr "Sarkaimin eroteltu"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294
msgid "Comma-delimited"						msgid "Comma-delimited"
msgstr "Pilkulla eroteltu"					msgstr "Pilkulla eroteltu"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:
msgid "XML"							msgid "XML"
msgstr "XML"							msgstr "XML"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355
msgid "View detail"						msgid "View detail"
msgstr "Näytä yksityiskohdat"					msgstr "Näytä yksityiskohdat"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427
msgid "Show Column _Titles"					msgid "Show Column _Titles"
msgstr "Näytä sarakkeiden _nimet"				msgstr "Näytä sarakkeiden _nimet"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442
msgid "Describe"						msgid "Describe"
msgstr "Kuvaus"							msgstr "Kuvaus"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443
msgid "View detail..."						msgid "View detail..."
msgstr "Näytä yksityiskohdat..."				msgstr "Näytä yksityiskohdat..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614
msgid "Title"							msgid "Title"
msgstr "Nimi"							msgstr "Nimi"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48
msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"	msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"
msgstr "Yritys alustaa jo alustettu asiakas"			msgstr "Yritys alustaa jo alustettu asiakas"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"		"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"
"to a data source"						"to a data source"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Syötä alle valitsimet, joilla avataan yhteys\n"		"Syötä alle valitsimet, joilla avataan yhteys\n"
"tietolähteeseen"						"tietolähteeseen"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253
msgid "Data Source:"						msgid "Data Source:"
msgstr "Tietolähteet:"						msgstr "Tietolähteet:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270
msgid "Username:"						msgid "Username:"
msgstr "Käyttäjätunnus:"					msgstr "Käyttäjätunnus:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279
msgid "Password:"						msgid "Password:"
msgstr "Salasana:"						msgstr "Salasana:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69
msgid "Fields"							msgid "Fields"
msgstr "Kentät"							msgstr "Kentät"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30
msgid "Commit"							msgid "Commit"
msgstr "Toteuta"						msgstr "Toteuta"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31
msgid "Connect"							msgid "Connect"
msgstr "Ota yhteys"						msgstr "Ota yhteys"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33
msgid "Designer"						msgid "Designer"
msgstr "Suunnittelija"						msgstr "Suunnittelija"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34
msgid "Disconnect"						msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr "Katkaise yhteys"					msgstr "Katkaise yhteys"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35
msgid "NoTransaction"						msgid "NoTransaction"
msgstr "Ei transaktiota"					msgstr "Ei transaktiota"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37
msgid "Query"							msgid "Query"
msgstr "Kysely"							msgstr "Kysely"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38
msgid "Rollback"						msgid "Rollback"
msgstr "Peruutus"						msgstr "Peruutus"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40
msgid "SQL"							msgid "SQL"
msgstr "SQL"							msgstr "SQL"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43
msgid "WithinTransaction"					msgid "WithinTransaction"
msgstr "Transaktion sisällä"					msgstr "Transaktion sisällä"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Error: %s"						msgid "Error: %s"
msgstr "Virhe: %s"						msgstr "Virhe: %s"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79
msgid "Table name"						msgid "Table name"
msgstr "Taulunimi"						msgstr "Taulunimi"

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93			#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Login for %s"						msgid "Login for %s"
msgstr "Kirjautuminen osoitteeseen %s"				msgstr "Kirjautuminen osoitteeseen %s"

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95					#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95
msgid "Login to database"					msgid "Login to database"
msgstr "Ota yhteys tietokantaan"				msgstr "Ota yhteys tietokantaan"

#: vfs/libmain.c:71						#: vfs/libmain.c:71
msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"				msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"
msgstr "Gnomen database:-VFS-moduuli"				msgstr "Gnomen database:-VFS-moduuli"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40
msgid "Table Properties"					msgid "Table Properties"
msgstr "Taulun ominaisuudet"					msgstr "Taulun ominaisuudet"

#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47
msgid "Table Name"						msgid "Table Name"
msgstr "Taulunimi"						msgstr "Taulunimi"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155
msgid "New"							msgid "New"
msgstr "Uusi"							msgstr "Uusi"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156
msgid "Create new table"					msgid "Create new table"
msgstr "Luo uusi taulu"						msgstr "Luo uusi taulu"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161
msgid "Properties"						msgid "Properties"
msgstr "Ominaisuudet"						msgstr "Ominaisuudet"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162
msgid "View table properties"					msgid "View table properties"
msgstr "Näytä taulun ominaisuudet"				msgstr "Näytä taulun ominaisuudet"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
msgid "UID"							msgid "UID"
msgstr "UID"							msgstr "UID"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "calendar"						msgid "calendar"
msgstr "kalenteri"						msgstr "kalenteri"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "summary"							msgid "summary"
msgstr "yhteenveto"						msgstr "yhteenveto"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "Summary"							msgid "Summary"
msgstr "Yhteenveto"						msgstr "Yhteenveto"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "location"						msgid "location"
msgstr "sijainti"						msgstr "sijainti"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "dtstart"							msgid "dtstart"
msgstr "dtstart"						msgstr "dtstart"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
msgid "Start time"						msgid "Start time"
msgstr "Alkuaika"						msgstr "Alkuaika"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "dtend"							msgid "dtend"
msgstr "dtend"							msgstr "dtend"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "End time"						msgid "End time"
msgstr "Päättymisaika"						msgstr "Päättymisaika"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
msgid "description"						msgid "description"
msgstr "kuvaus"							msgstr "kuvaus"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "classification"						msgid "classification"
msgstr "luokitus"						msgstr "luokitus"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "Classification"						msgid "Classification"
msgstr "Luokitus"						msgstr "Luokitus"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "transparency"						msgid "transparency"
msgstr "läpinäkyvyys"						msgstr "läpinäkyvyys"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "Transparency"						msgid "Transparency"
msgstr "Läpinäkyvyys"						msgstr "Läpinäkyvyys"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "categories"						msgid "categories"
msgstr "luokat"							msgstr "luokat"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "Categories"						msgid "Categories"
msgstr "Luokat"							msgstr "Luokat"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "tasks"							msgid "tasks"
msgstr "tehtävät"						msgstr "tehtävät"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "due"							msgid "due"
msgstr "tapahtuma-aika"						msgstr "tapahtuma-aika"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "Due date"						msgid "Due date"
msgstr "Tapahtuu päivänä"					msgstr "Tapahtuu päivänä"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "Start date"						msgid "Start date"
msgstr "Lähtöpäivä"						msgstr "Lähtöpäivä"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355
msgid "Public"							msgid "Public"
msgstr "Julkinen"						msgstr "Julkinen"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358
msgid "Private"							msgid "Private"
msgstr "Yksityinen"						msgstr "Yksityinen"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361
msgid "Confidential"						msgid "Confidential"
msgstr "Luottamuksellinen"					msgstr "Luottamuksellinen"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63
msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"		msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"
msgstr "Oletettua kalenterikansiota ei voitu avata"		msgstr "Oletettua kalenterikansiota ei voitu avata"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66
msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"			msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"
msgstr "Oletettua tehtäväkansiota ei voitu avata"		msgstr "Oletettua tehtäväkansiota ei voitu avata"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80
msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta	msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta
msgstr "Oletettuun yhteystietokansioon pääseminen vaatii tode	msgstr "Oletettuun yhteystietokansioon pääseminen vaatii tode

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83
msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"		msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"
msgstr "Oletettua yhteystietokansiota ei voitu avata"		msgstr "Oletettua yhteystietokansiota ei voitu avata"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100
msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"				msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"
msgstr "Bonoboa ei voitu alustaa"				msgstr "Bonoboa ei voitu alustaa"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212
msgid "Field name"						msgid "Field name"
msgstr "Kentännimi"						msgstr "Kentännimi"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213
msgid "Data type"						msgid "Data type"
msgstr "Tietotyyppi"						msgstr "Tietotyyppi"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214
msgid "Size"							msgid "Size"
msgstr "Koko"							msgstr "Koko"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215
msgid "Scale"							msgid "Scale"
msgstr "Suhde"							msgstr "Suhde"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216
msgid "Not null?"						msgid "Not null?"
msgstr "Ei-tyhjä?"						msgstr "Ei-tyhjä?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217
msgid "Primary key?"						msgid "Primary key?"
msgstr "Ensisijainen avain?"					msgstr "Ensisijainen avain?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218
msgid "Unique index?"						msgid "Unique index?"
msgstr "Uniikki hakemisto?"					msgstr "Uniikki hakemisto?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219
msgid "References"						msgid "References"
msgstr "Viittaukset"						msgstr "Viittaukset"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220
msgid "Default value"						msgid "Default value"
msgstr "Oletusarvo"						msgstr "Oletusarvo"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239
msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l	msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l
msgstr "Taulun nimi tarvitaan, mutta parametrilistassa ei mää	msgstr "Taulun nimi tarvitaan, mutta parametrilistassa ei mää

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Table %s does not exist"					msgid "Table %s does not exist"
msgstr "Taulua %s ei ole olemassa"				msgstr "Taulua %s ei ole olemassa"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318
msgid "Scheduled events"					msgid "Scheduled events"
msgstr "Ajoitetut tapahtumat"					msgstr "Ajoitetut tapahtumat"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321
msgid "TODO list"						msgid "TODO list"
msgstr "TEHTÃ?VÃ?-lista"						msgstr "TEHTÃ?VÃ?-lista"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375
msgid "Owner"							msgid "Owner"
msgstr "Omistaja"						msgstr "Omistaja"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376
msgid "Comments"						msgid "Comments"
msgstr "Kommentit"						msgstr "Kommentit"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374
msgid "Type"							msgid "Type"
msgstr "Tyyppi"							msgstr "Tyyppi"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377
msgid "GDA type"						msgid "GDA type"
msgstr "GDA-tyyppi"						msgstr "GDA-tyyppi"

#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id	#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id
#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database	#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database
#. we can easily access that information			#. we can easily access that information
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382
msgid "local"							msgid "local"
msgstr "paikallinen"						msgstr "paikallinen"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217
msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr "Tietokantojen luomista ei vielä tueta"			msgstr "Tietokantojen luomista ei vielä tueta"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230
msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr "Tietokantojen poistamista ei vielä tueta"		msgstr "Tietokantojen poistamista ei vielä tueta"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244
msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"			msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"
msgstr "Taulun kaavainta ei voitu noutaa"			msgstr "Taulun kaavainta ei voitu noutaa"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268
msgid "Invalid SQL command"					msgid "Invalid SQL command"
msgstr "Virheellinen SQL-komento"				msgstr "Virheellinen SQL-komento"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353
msgid "Transactions are not supported"				msgid "Transactions are not supported"
msgstr "Transaktioita ei tueta"					msgstr "Transaktioita ei tueta"

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41
msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"		msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"
msgstr "Tarjoaja Ximian Evolutionin henkilökohtaisille tiedoi	msgstr "Tarjoaja Ximian Evolutionin henkilökohtaisille tiedoi

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task	"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Tietolähde Evolutionin oletuskalenteriin, -tehtäviin ja yhte	"Tietolähde Evolutionin oletuskalenteriin, -tehtäviin ja yhte
"pääsemiseksi"							"pääsemiseksi"

#~ msgid "Browse database..."					#~ msgid "Browse database..."
#~ msgstr "Selaa tietokantaa..."				#~ msgstr "Selaa tietokantaa..."

#~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .con	#~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .con
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Kontekstivalikon kohtia .connection-tiedostoille sisältäv	#~ "Kontekstivalikon kohtia .connection-tiedostoille sisältäv

#~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .sql	#~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .sql
#~ msgstr "Kontekstivalikon kohtia .sql-tiedostoille sisältäv	#~ msgstr "Kontekstivalikon kohtia .sql-tiedostoille sisältäv

#~ msgid "Connection MIME handler component"			#~ msgid "Connection MIME handler component"
#~ msgstr "Yhteys-MIME-käsittelijäkomponentti"			#~ msgstr "Yhteys-MIME-käsittelijäkomponentti"

#~ msgid "Database component factory"				#~ msgid "Database component factory"
#~ msgstr "Tietokantakomponenttitehdas"				#~ msgstr "Tietokantakomponenttitehdas"

#~ msgid "Open in database connection..."			#~ msgid "Open in database connection..."
#~ msgstr "Avaa uusi tietokantayhteys..."			#~ msgstr "Avaa uusi tietokantayhteys..."

#~ msgid "SQL MIME handler component"				#~ msgid "SQL MIME handler component"
#~ msgstr "SQL-MIME-käsittelijäkomponentti"			#~ msgstr "SQL-MIME-käsittelijäkomponentti"

#~ msgid "Database browser"					#~ msgid "Database browser"
#~ msgstr "Tietokantaselain"					#~ msgstr "Tietokantaselain"

#~ msgid "Error viewer"						#~ msgid "Error viewer"
#~ msgstr "Virhenäkymä"						#~ msgstr "Virhenäkymä"

#~ msgid "SQL Viewer"						#~ msgid "SQL Viewer"
#~ msgstr "SQL-näkymä"						#~ msgstr "SQL-näkymä"

#~ msgid "Database configuration"				#~ msgid "Database configuration"
#~ msgstr "Tietokannan asetukset"				#~ msgstr "Tietokannan asetukset"

#~ msgid "Edit application preferences"				#~ msgid "Edit application preferences"
#~ msgstr "Muokkaa sovelluksen ominaisuuksia"			#~ msgstr "Muokkaa sovelluksen ominaisuuksia"

#~ msgid "_Settings"						#~ msgid "_Settings"
#~ msgstr "_Asetukset"						#~ msgstr "_Asetukset"

#~ msgid "Password"						#~ msgid "Password"
#~ msgstr "Salasana"						#~ msgstr "Salasana"

#~ msgid "Save as"						#~ msgid "Save as"
#~ msgstr "Tallenna nimellä"					#~ msgstr "Tallenna nimellä"

#~ msgid "Save to"						#~ msgid "Save to"
#~ msgstr "Tallenna"						#~ msgstr "Tallenna"

#~ msgid "XML file"						#~ msgid "XML file"
#~ msgstr "XML-tiedosto"					#~ msgstr "XML-tiedosto"

#~ msgid "Hide columns"						#~ msgid "Hide columns"
#~ msgstr "Piilota sarakkeet"					#~ msgstr "Piilota sarakkeet"

#~ msgid "Question"						#~ msgid "Question"
#~ msgstr "Kysymys"						#~ msgstr "Kysymys"

#~ msgid "Database Moniker factory"				#~ msgid "Database Moniker factory"
#~ msgstr "Tietokanta-aliasolioiden tehdas"			#~ msgstr "Tietokanta-aliasolioiden tehdas"

#~ msgid "database: moniker"					#~ msgid "database: moniker"
#~ msgstr "database:-aliasolio"					#~ msgstr "database:-aliasolio"

#~ msgid "Failing to manufacture a '%s'"			#~ msgid "Failing to manufacture a '%s'"
#~ msgstr "Virhe valmistettaessa \"%s\"-aliasoliota"		#~ msgstr "Virhe valmistettaessa \"%s\"-aliasoliota"

#~ msgid "Invalid format for connection string"			#~ msgid "Invalid format for connection string"
#~ msgstr "Yhteysmerkkijonon muoto ei kelpaa"			#~ msgstr "Yhteysmerkkijonon muoto ei kelpaa"

#~ msgid "Data sources"						#~ msgid "Data sources"
#~ msgstr "Tietolähteet"					#~ msgstr "Tietolähteet"

#~ msgid "_File"						#~ msgid "_File"
#~ msgstr "_Tiedosto"						#~ msgstr "_Tiedosto"
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: fr.gmo
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/fr.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/fr.po
# French translation of libgnomedb.				# French translation of libgnomedb.
# Copyright (C) 1999-2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.	# Copyright (C) 1999-2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This file is distributed under the same licence as libgnome	# This file is distributed under the same licence as libgnome
#								#
# Vincent Renardias <vincent ldsol com>, 1999.			# Vincent Renardias <vincent ldsol com>, 1999.
# Christophe Merlet (RedFox) <redfox redfoxcenter org>, 2001-	# Christophe Merlet (RedFox) <redfox redfoxcenter org>, 2001-
# Baptiste MILLE-MATHIAS <bmm80 ifrance com>, 2003.		# Baptiste MILLE-MATHIAS <bmm80 ifrance com>, 2003.
#								#
msgid ""							msgid ""
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: libgnomedb 1.1.1\n"			"Project-Id-Version: libgnomedb 1.1.1\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"					"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"			"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-02-29 14:44+0100\n"			"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-02-29 14:44+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Christophe Merlet (RedFox) <redfox redfoxce	"Last-Translator: Christophe Merlet (RedFox) <redfox redfoxce
"Language-Team: GNOME French Team <gnomefr traduc org>\n"	"Language-Team: GNOME French Team <gnomefr traduc org>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"						"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"			"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"				"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co
msgid "Data Sources"						msgid "Data Sources"
msgstr "Sources de données"					msgstr "Sources de données"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid
msgid "Providers"						msgid "Providers"
msgstr "Fournisseurs"						msgstr "Fournisseurs"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1
msgid "Configure your database environment"			msgid "Configure your database environment"
msgstr "Configurer l'environnement de votre base de données"	msgstr "Configurer l'environnement de votre base de données"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2
msgid "Database Access Properties "				msgid "Database Access Properties "
msgstr "Propriétés d'accès à la base de données"		msgstr "Propriétés d'accès à la base de données"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380
msgid "Name"							msgid "Name"
msgstr "Nom"							msgstr "Nom"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
msgid "Description"						msgid "Description"
msgstr "Description"						msgstr "Description"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182
msgid "Configured data sources in the system"			msgid "Configured data sources in the system"
msgstr "Sources de données configurées dans le système"		msgstr "Sources de données configurées dans le système"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data sources are the means by which database connections are	"Data sources are the means by which database connections are
"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s	"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s
"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o	"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o
"name you identify the connections in the applications that m	"name you identify the connections in the applications that m
"DB for database access."					"DB for database access."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Les sources de données sont les moyens par lesquels les conn	"Les sources de données sont les moyens par lesquels les conn
"de données sont identifiés dans GNOME-DB. Toute information 	"de données sont identifiés dans GNOME-DB. Toute information 
"ouvrir une connexion vers un couple fournisseur/base de donn	"ouvrir une connexion vers un couple fournisseur/base de donn
"avec un nom unique. c'est en utilisant ce nom unique que vou	"avec un nom unique. c'est en utilisant ce nom unique que vou
"connexions dans les applications qui utilise GNOME-DB pour a	"connexions dans les applications qui utilise GNOME-DB pour a
"bases de données."						"bases de données."

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"	msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"
msgstr "�tes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer la source de donné	msgstr "�tes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer la source de donné

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104
msgid "Data Source Properties"					msgid "Data Source Properties"
msgstr "Propriétés de la source de données"			msgstr "Propriétés de la source de données"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132
msgid "Basic"							msgid "Basic"
msgstr "Basic"							msgstr "Basic"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Tables"							msgid "Tables"
msgstr "Tables"							msgstr "Tables"

#: control-center/main.c:92					#: control-center/main.c:92
msgid "No valid data source info was created"			msgid "No valid data source info was created"
msgstr "Aucune information valide de source de données n'a ét	msgstr "Aucune information valide de source de données n'a ét

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218	#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218
msgid "New data source"						msgid "New data source"
msgstr "Nouvelle source de données"				msgstr "Nouvelle source de données"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:215					#: control-center/main.c:215
msgid "Database Access Properties"				msgid "Database Access Properties"
msgstr "Propriétés d'accès à la base de données"		msgstr "Propriétés d'accès à la base de données"

#: control-center/provider-config.c:105				#: control-center/provider-config.c:105
msgid "Installed providers"					msgid "Installed providers"
msgstr "Fournisseurs installés"					msgstr "Fournisseurs installés"

#: control-center/provider-config.c:131				#: control-center/provider-config.c:131
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec	"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec
"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo	"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo
"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr	"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr
"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba	"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba
"etc."								"etc."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Les fournisseurs sont des greffons externes qui fournissent 	"Les fournisseurs sont des greffons externes qui fournissent 
"source de données spécifiques. Le fournisseur par défaut est	"source de données spécifiques. Le fournisseur par défaut est
"installé, ce qui permet d'accèder à des bases stockées comme	"installé, ce qui permet d'accèder à des bases stockées comme
"Les autres fournisseurs habituellement distribués avec libgd	"Les autres fournisseurs habituellement distribués avec libgd
"PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Sybase, Interbase, etc."		"PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Sybase, Interbase, etc."

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1
msgid "Database connection parameters file"			msgid "Database connection parameters file"
msgstr "Fichier des paramètres de connection à la base de don	msgstr "Fichier des paramètres de connection à la base de don

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2
msgid "Documents"						msgid "Documents"
msgstr "Documents"						msgstr "Documents"

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3
msgid "SQL code viewer"						msgid "SQL code viewer"
msgstr "Visionneur de code SQL"					msgstr "Visionneur de code SQL"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1
msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"			msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"
msgstr "Police à utiliser pour le widget grille"		msgstr "Police à utiliser pour le widget grille"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2
msgid "Number of spaces per tab"				msgid "Number of spaces per tab"
msgstr "Nombre d'espaces par tabulation"			msgstr "Nombre d'espaces par tabulation"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3
msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"			msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"
msgstr "Afficher les numéros de lignes dans l'éditeur de sour	msgstr "Afficher les numéros de lignes dans l'éditeur de sour

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4
msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"			msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"
msgstr "Activer la surbrillance dans l'éditeur de code source	msgstr "Activer la surbrillance dans l'éditeur de code source

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60
msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"			msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"
msgstr "Services de base de données pour le bureau GNOME"	msgstr "Services de base de données pour le bureau GNOME"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1
msgid "About"							msgid "About"
msgstr "Ã? propos"						msgstr "Ã? propos"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2
msgid "About GNOME-DB"						msgid "About GNOME-DB"
msgstr "Ã? propos de GNOME-DB"					msgstr "Ã? propos de GNOME-DB"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3
msgid "Close this window"					msgid "Close this window"
msgstr "Fermer cette fenêtre"					msgstr "Fermer cette fenêtre"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4
msgid "Create new entry"					msgid "Create new entry"
msgstr "Créer une nouvelle entrée"				msgstr "Créer une nouvelle entrée"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5
msgid "Delete selected items"					msgid "Delete selected items"
msgstr "Supprimer les objets sélectionnés"			msgstr "Supprimer les objets sélectionnés"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6
msgid "Deselect all items"					msgid "Deselect all items"
msgstr "Désélectionner tous les éléments"			msgstr "Désélectionner tous les éléments"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7
msgid "Edit properties for selected item"			msgid "Edit properties for selected item"
msgstr "�diter les propriétés de l'objet sélectionné"		msgstr "�diter les propriétés de l'objet sélectionné"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8
msgid "Save connection parameters to file"			msgid "Save connection parameters to file"
msgstr "Sauver les paramètres de connexion dans un fichier"	msgstr "Sauver les paramètres de connexion dans un fichier"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414
msgid "Select _All"						msgid "Select _All"
msgstr "_Tout sélectionner"					msgstr "_Tout sélectionner"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10
msgid "Select all items"					msgid "Select all items"
msgstr "Sélectionne tous les éléments"				msgstr "Sélectionne tous les éléments"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11
msgid "View data sources"					msgid "View data sources"
msgstr "Afficher les sources de données"			msgstr "Afficher les sources de données"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12
msgid "View providers"						msgid "View providers"
msgstr "Afficher les fournisseurs"				msgstr "Afficher les fournisseurs"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42
msgid "_Clear Selection"					msgid "_Clear Selection"
msgstr "_Effacer la sélection"					msgstr "_Effacer la sélection"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14
msgid "_Close"							msgid "_Close"
msgstr "_Fermer"						msgstr "_Fermer"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15
msgid "_Data Sources"						msgid "_Data Sources"
msgstr "_Sources de données"					msgstr "_Sources de données"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16
msgid "_Database"						msgid "_Database"
msgstr "_Base de données"					msgstr "_Base de données"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17
msgid "_Delete"							msgid "_Delete"
msgstr "_Supprimer"						msgstr "_Supprimer"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18
msgid "_Edit"							msgid "_Edit"
msgstr "_Ã?diter"						msgstr "_Ã?diter"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19
msgid "_Help"							msgid "_Help"
msgstr "_Aide"							msgstr "_Aide"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20
msgid "_New Data Source..."					msgid "_New Data Source..."
msgstr "_Nouvelle source de données..."				msgstr "_Nouvelle source de données..."

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21
msgid "_Properties"						msgid "_Properties"
msgstr "_Propriétés"						msgstr "_Propriétés"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22
msgid "_Providers"						msgid "_Providers"
msgstr "_Fournisseurs"						msgstr "_Fournisseurs"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23
msgid "_Save Connection"					msgid "_Save Connection"
msgstr "_Enregistrer la connexion"				msgstr "_Enregistrer la connexion"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24
msgid "_View"							msgid "_View"
msgstr "_Vue"							msgstr "_Vue"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76
msgid "Structure"						msgid "Structure"
msgstr "Structure"						msgstr "Structure"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73
msgid "Data"							msgid "Data"
msgstr "Donnée"							msgstr "Donnée"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238
msgid "Not implemented yet!"					msgid "Not implemented yet!"
msgstr "Pas encore implémenté!"					msgstr "Pas encore implémenté!"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Database"						msgid "Database"
msgstr "Base de données"					msgstr "Base de données"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540
msgid "Loading database schemas..."				msgid "Loading database schemas..."
msgstr "Chargement des schemas de base de données..."		msgstr "Chargement des schemas de base de données..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632
msgid "Refreshing data..."					msgid "Refreshing data..."
msgstr "Rafraîchissement des données..."			msgstr "Rafraîchissement des données..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688
msgid "Views"							msgid "Views"
msgstr "Vues"							msgstr "Vues"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691
msgid "Indexes"							msgid "Indexes"
msgstr "Index"							msgstr "Index"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Sequences"						msgid "Sequences"
msgstr "Séquences"						msgstr "Séquences"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Procedures"						msgid "Procedures"
msgstr "Procédures"						msgstr "Procédures"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700
msgid "Triggers"						msgid "Triggers"
msgstr "Triggers"						msgstr "Triggers"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Aggregates"						msgid "Aggregates"
msgstr "Aggrégations"						msgstr "Aggrégations"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Types"							msgid "Types"
msgstr "Types"							msgstr "Types"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140
msgid "Could not query CORBA components"			msgid "Could not query CORBA components"
msgstr "Impossible d'interroger les composants CORBA"		msgstr "Impossible d'interroger les composants CORBA"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209
msgid "ID"							msgid "ID"
msgstr "ID"							msgstr "ID"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "Location"						msgid "Location"
msgstr "Localisation"						msgstr "Localisation"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212
msgid "Username"						msgid "Username"
msgstr "Nom d'utilisateur"					msgstr "Nom d'utilisateur"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213
msgid "Hostname"						msgid "Hostname"
msgstr "Nom d'hôte"						msgstr "Nom d'hôte"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214
msgid "Domain"							msgid "Domain"
msgstr "Domaine"						msgstr "Domaine"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"			msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"
msgstr "Type non supporté dans GconfEntry : %d"			msgstr "Type non supporté dans GconfEntry : %d"

#. create widgets						#. create widgets
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97
msgid "Settings"						msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Paramètres"						msgstr "Paramètres"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103
msgid "Data source name"					msgid "Data source name"
msgstr "Nom de la source de données"				msgstr "Nom de la source de données"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109
msgid "Connection string"					msgid "Connection string"
msgstr "Chaîne de connexion"					msgstr "Chaîne de connexion"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115
msgid "Provider"						msgid "Provider"
msgstr "Fournisseur"						msgstr "Fournisseur"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121
msgid "User name"						msgid "User name"
msgstr "Nom d'utilisateur"					msgstr "Nom d'utilisateur"

#. create feature list						#. create feature list
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128
msgid "Features"						msgid "Features"
msgstr "Fonctionnalités"					msgstr "Fonctionnalités"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190
msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"		msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"
msgstr "Vous devez saisir un nom pour cette nouvelle source d	msgstr "Vous devez saisir un nom pour cette nouvelle source d

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac	msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac
msgstr "Le nom des sources de données ne peut contenir d'espa	msgstr "Le nom des sources de données ne peut contenir d'espa

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206
msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th	msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th
msgstr "Une source de données existante est déjà configurée s	msgstr "Une source de données existante est déjà configurée s

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213
msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"			msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"
msgstr "Le nom des sources de données ne peut contenir d'espa	msgstr "Le nom des sources de données ne peut contenir d'espa

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217
msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n	msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Le nom des sources de données ne peut contenir que des lettr	"Le nom des sources de données ne peut contenir que des lettr
"chiffres"							"chiffres"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225
msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"	msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Vous devez sélectionner un fourniseur pour cette nouvelle so	"Vous devez sélectionner un fourniseur pour cette nouvelle so

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233
msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"		msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"
msgstr "Fournisseur non trouvé dans votre configuration"	msgstr "Fournisseur non trouvé dans votre configuration"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391
msgid "Add a new data source..."				msgid "Add a new data source..."
msgstr "Ajouter une nouvelle source de données..."		msgstr "Ajouter une nouvelle source de données..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392
msgid ""							msgid ""
"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"		"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"
"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"		"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"
"installation. Just follow the steps!"				"installation. Just follow the steps!"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Le druide vous guidera a travers le processus de\n"		"Le druide vous guidera a travers le processus de\n"
"création d'une nouvelle source de données pour\n"		"création d'une nouvelle source de données pour\n"
"votre installation de GNOME-DB. Suivez juste les\n"		"votre installation de GNOME-DB. Suivez juste les\n"
"étapes !"							"étapes !"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404
msgid "General Information"					msgid "General Information"
msgstr "Information générale"					msgstr "Information générale"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the basic information\n"	"The following fields represent the basic information\n"
"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n	"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n
"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"	"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"
"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"	"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"
"the default one."						"the default one."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Les champs suivants représentent les éléments d'informations	"Les champs suivants représentent les éléments d'informations
"de base pour votre nouvelle source de données. Quelques uns\	"de base pour votre nouvelle source de données. Quelques uns\
"sont optionnels (description, nom d'utilisateur), alors que\	"sont optionnels (description, nom d'utilisateur), alors que\
"les autres sont indispensables. Si vous ne savez pas quel\n"	"les autres sont indispensables. Si vous ne savez pas quel\n"
"fournisseur utiliser, sélectionnez juste celui par défaut."	"fournisseur utiliser, sélectionnez juste celui par défaut."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104
msgid "Data source _name:"					msgid "Data source _name:"
msgstr "_Nom de la source de données :"				msgstr "_Nom de la source de données :"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114
msgid "_Provider:"						msgid "_Provider:"
msgstr "_Fournisseur :"						msgstr "_Fournisseur :"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133
msgid "_Description:"						msgid "_Description:"
msgstr "_Description :"						msgstr "_Description :"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142
msgid "_Username:"						msgid "_Username:"
msgstr "_Nom d'utilisateur :"					msgstr "_Nom d'utilisateur :"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151
msgid "P_assword:"						msgid "P_assword:"
msgstr "_Mot de passe :"					msgstr "_Mot de passe :"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454
msgid "Provider Parameters"					msgid "Provider Parameters"
msgstr "Paramètres du fournisseur"				msgstr "Paramètres du fournisseur"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the information needed by the	"The following fields represent the information needed by the
"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n	"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n
"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\	"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\
"the manual for more information."				"the manual for more information."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Les champs suivants représentent les informations requisent\	"Les champs suivants représentent les informations requisent\
"par le fournisseur que vous avez sélectionné dans la page\n"	"par le fournisseur que vous avez sélectionné dans la page\n"
"précédente pour ouvrir une connexion. Ces informations sont\	"précédente pour ouvrir une connexion. Ces informations sont\
"spécifique à chaque fournisseur, aussi veuillez consulter le	"spécifique à chaque fournisseur, aussi veuillez consulter le
"manuel pour plus d'informations."				"manuel pour plus d'informations."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481
msgid "All information retrieved"				msgid "All information retrieved"
msgstr "Toutes les informations récupérées"			msgstr "Toutes les informations récupérées"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482
msgid ""							msgid ""
"All information needed to create a new data source\n"		"All information needed to create a new data source\n"
"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"		"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"
"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"	"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"
"just select it when asked for a data source."			"just select it when asked for a data source."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Toutes les informations nécessaires pour créer une\n"		"Toutes les informations nécessaires pour créer une\n"
"nouvelle source de données ont été récupérée. Maintenant,\n"	"nouvelle source de données ont été récupérée. Maintenant,\n"
"pressez « Appliquer » pour fermer cette boîte dialogue.\n"	"pressez « Appliquer » pour fermer cette boîte dialogue.\n"
"Pour ouvrir votre source de données nouvellement créée,\n"	"Pour ouvrir votre source de données nouvellement créée,\n"
"sélectionnez-la juste lorsqu'il vous sera demandé\n"		"sélectionnez-la juste lorsqu'il vous sera demandé\n"
"une source de données."					"une source de données."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124
msgid "Connection _string:"					msgid "Connection _string:"
msgstr "_Chaîne de connexion :"					msgstr "_Chaîne de connexion :"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4
msgid "Error"							msgid "Error"
msgstr "Erreur"							msgstr "Erreur"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.
msgid "Show detail >>"						msgid "Show detail >>"
msgstr "Afficher le détail >>"					msgstr "Afficher le détail >>"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122
msgid "<< Hide detail"						msgid "<< Hide detail"
msgstr "<< Cacher le détail"					msgstr "<< Cacher le détail"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191
msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"	msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"
msgstr "Une erreur est apparue dans la base fondamentale"	msgstr "Une erreur est apparue dans la base fondamentale"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196
msgid "Error number"						msgid "Error number"
msgstr "Numéro d'erreur"					msgstr "Numéro d'erreur"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227
msgid "Details"							msgid "Details"
msgstr "Détails"						msgstr "Détails"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234
msgid "Source"							msgid "Source"
msgstr "Source"							msgstr "Source"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241
msgid "SQL state"						msgid "SQL state"
msgstr "Ã?tat SQL"						msgstr "Ã?tat SQL"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Field:"							msgid "_Field:"
msgstr "Champs"							msgstr "Champs"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118
msgid "_Text:"							msgid "_Text:"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308
msgid "No records"						msgid "No records"
msgstr "Aucun enregistrement"					msgstr "Aucun enregistrement"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Record %d of %d"						msgid "Record %d of %d"
msgstr "Enregistrement %d sur %d"				msgstr "Enregistrement %d sur %d"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113
msgid "Recordset description"					msgid "Recordset description"
msgstr "Description de l'enregistrement"			msgstr "Description de l'enregistrement"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid ""							msgid ""
"File '%s' already exists.\n"					"File '%s' already exists.\n"
"Do you want to overwrite it?"					"Do you want to overwrite it?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Le fichier %s existe déja\n"					"Le fichier %s existe déja\n"
"Voulez-vous l'écraser ?"					"Voulez-vous l'écraser ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149
msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."		msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."
msgstr "Si vous choisissez oui, le contenu sera perdu."		msgstr "Si vous choisissez oui, le contenu sera perdu."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Could not save file %s"					msgid "Could not save file %s"
msgstr "Ne peut enregistrer le fichier %s"			msgstr "Ne peut enregistrer le fichier %s"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224
msgid "You must specify a file name"				msgid "You must specify a file name"
msgstr "Vous devez spécifier un nom de fichier"			msgstr "Vous devez spécifier un nom de fichier"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230
msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"		msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"
msgstr "Reception d'un fichier vide lors de la conversion des	msgstr "Reception d'un fichier vide lors de la conversion des

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261
msgid "Saving Model"						msgid "Saving Model"
msgstr "Enregistrement du modèle"				msgstr "Enregistrement du modèle"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272
msgid "File _name:"						msgid "File _name:"
msgstr "_Nom du fichier :"					msgstr "_Nom du fichier :"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276
msgid "Select File"						msgid "Select File"
msgstr "Sélectionnez un fichier"				msgstr "Sélectionnez un fichier"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283
msgid "File _type:"						msgid "File _type:"
msgstr "_Type du fichier :"					msgstr "_Type du fichier :"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291
msgid "Tab-delimited"						msgid "Tab-delimited"
msgstr "Délimité par des tabulations"				msgstr "Délimité par des tabulations"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294
msgid "Comma-delimited"						msgid "Comma-delimited"
msgstr "Délimité par des virgules"				msgstr "Délimité par des virgules"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:
msgid "XML"							msgid "XML"
msgstr "XML"							msgstr "XML"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355
msgid "View detail"						msgid "View detail"
msgstr "Voir les détails"					msgstr "Voir les détails"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427
msgid "Show Column _Titles"					msgid "Show Column _Titles"
msgstr "Afficher les _titres de colonnes"			msgstr "Afficher les _titres de colonnes"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442
msgid "Describe"						msgid "Describe"
msgstr "Décrire"						msgstr "Décrire"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443
msgid "View detail..."						msgid "View detail..."
msgstr "Voir les détails..."					msgstr "Voir les détails..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614
msgid "Title"							msgid "Title"
msgstr "Titre"							msgstr "Titre"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48
msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"	msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"
msgstr "Tente d'initialiser un client déjà initialisé"		msgstr "Tente d'initialiser un client déjà initialisé"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"		"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"
"to a data source"						"to a data source"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Saisissez les arguments ci-dessous pour ouvrir\n"		"Saisissez les arguments ci-dessous pour ouvrir\n"
"une connection vers la dource de données"			"une connection vers la dource de données"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253
msgid "Data Source:"						msgid "Data Source:"
msgstr "Source de données :"					msgstr "Source de données :"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270
msgid "Username:"						msgid "Username:"
msgstr "Nom d'utilisateur :"					msgstr "Nom d'utilisateur :"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279
msgid "Password:"						msgid "Password:"
msgstr "Mot de passe :"						msgstr "Mot de passe :"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69
msgid "Fields"							msgid "Fields"
msgstr "Champs"							msgstr "Champs"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30
msgid "Commit"							msgid "Commit"
msgstr "Commit"							msgstr "Commit"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31
msgid "Connect"							msgid "Connect"
msgstr "Connexion"						msgstr "Connexion"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33
msgid "Designer"						msgid "Designer"
msgstr "Constructeur"						msgstr "Constructeur"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34
msgid "Disconnect"						msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr "Déconnexion"						msgstr "Déconnexion"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35
msgid "NoTransaction"						msgid "NoTransaction"
msgstr "NoTransaction"						msgstr "NoTransaction"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37
msgid "Query"							msgid "Query"
msgstr "Requête"						msgstr "Requête"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38
msgid "Rollback"						msgid "Rollback"
msgstr "Rollback"						msgstr "Rollback"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40
msgid "SQL"							msgid "SQL"
msgstr "SQL"							msgstr "SQL"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43
msgid "WithinTransaction"					msgid "WithinTransaction"
msgstr "WithinTransaction"					msgstr "WithinTransaction"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Error: %s"						msgid "Error: %s"
msgstr "Erreur : %s"						msgstr "Erreur : %s"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79
msgid "Table name"						msgid "Table name"
msgstr "Nom de la table"					msgstr "Nom de la table"

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93			#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Login for %s"						msgid "Login for %s"
msgstr "Ouvrir une session vers %s"				msgstr "Ouvrir une session vers %s"

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95					#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95
msgid "Login to database"					msgid "Login to database"
msgstr "Ouvrir une session vers une base"			msgstr "Ouvrir une session vers une base"

#: vfs/libmain.c:71						#: vfs/libmain.c:71
msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"				msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"
msgstr "Base de données GNOME VFS : module"			msgstr "Base de données GNOME VFS : module"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40
msgid "Table Properties"					msgid "Table Properties"
msgstr "Propriétés de la table"					msgstr "Propriétés de la table"

#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47
msgid "Table Name"						msgid "Table Name"
msgstr "Nom de la table"					msgstr "Nom de la table"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155
msgid "New"							msgid "New"
msgstr "Nouveau"						msgstr "Nouveau"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156
msgid "Create new table"					msgid "Create new table"
msgstr "Créer une nouvelle table"				msgstr "Créer une nouvelle table"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161
msgid "Properties"						msgid "Properties"
msgstr "Propriétés"						msgstr "Propriétés"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162
msgid "View table properties"					msgid "View table properties"
msgstr "Afficher les propriétés de la table"			msgstr "Afficher les propriétés de la table"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
msgid "UID"							msgid "UID"
msgstr "UID"							msgstr "UID"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "calendar"						msgid "calendar"
msgstr "calendrier"						msgstr "calendrier"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "summary"							msgid "summary"
msgstr "résumé"							msgstr "résumé"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "Summary"							msgid "Summary"
msgstr "Résumé"							msgstr "Résumé"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "location"						msgid "location"
msgstr "emplacement"						msgstr "emplacement"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "dtstart"							msgid "dtstart"
msgstr "dtstart"						msgstr "dtstart"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
msgid "Start time"						msgid "Start time"
msgstr "Heure du début"						msgstr "Heure du début"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "dtend"							msgid "dtend"
msgstr "dtend"							msgstr "dtend"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "End time"						msgid "End time"
msgstr "Heure de la fin"					msgstr "Heure de la fin"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
msgid "description"						msgid "description"
msgstr "description"						msgstr "description"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "classification"						msgid "classification"
msgstr "classification"						msgstr "classification"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "Classification"						msgid "Classification"
msgstr "Classification"						msgstr "Classification"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "transparency"						msgid "transparency"
msgstr "transparence"						msgstr "transparence"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "Transparency"						msgid "Transparency"
msgstr "Transparence"						msgstr "Transparence"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "categories"						msgid "categories"
msgstr "catégories"						msgstr "catégories"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "Categories"						msgid "Categories"
msgstr "Catégories"						msgstr "Catégories"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "tasks"							msgid "tasks"
msgstr "tâches"							msgstr "tâches"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "due"							msgid "due"
msgstr "échéance"						msgstr "échéance"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "Due date"						msgid "Due date"
msgstr "Date de l'échéance"					msgstr "Date de l'échéance"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "Start date"						msgid "Start date"
msgstr "Date de début"						msgstr "Date de début"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355
msgid "Public"							msgid "Public"
msgstr "Public"							msgstr "Public"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358
msgid "Private"							msgid "Private"
msgstr "Privé"							msgstr "Privé"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361
msgid "Confidential"						msgid "Confidential"
msgstr "Confidentiel"						msgstr "Confidentiel"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63
msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"		msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"
msgstr "Impossible d'ouvrir le dossier du calendrier par défa	msgstr "Impossible d'ouvrir le dossier du calendrier par défa

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66
msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"			msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"
msgstr "Impossible d'ouvrir le dossier des tâches par défaut"	msgstr "Impossible d'ouvrir le dossier des tâches par défaut"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80
msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta	msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"L'authentification est requise pour accéder au dossier de co	"L'authentification est requise pour accéder au dossier de co

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83
msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"		msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"
msgstr "Impossible d'ouvrir le dossier des contacts par défau	msgstr "Impossible d'ouvrir le dossier des contacts par défau

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100
msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"				msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"
msgstr "Impossible d'initialiser Bonobo"			msgstr "Impossible d'initialiser Bonobo"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212
msgid "Field name"						msgid "Field name"
msgstr "Nom du champ"						msgstr "Nom du champ"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213
msgid "Data type"						msgid "Data type"
msgstr "Type de donnée"						msgstr "Type de donnée"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214
msgid "Size"							msgid "Size"
msgstr "Taille"							msgstr "Taille"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215
msgid "Scale"							msgid "Scale"
msgstr "Ã?chelle"						msgstr "Ã?chelle"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216
msgid "Not null?"						msgid "Not null?"
msgstr "Non null ?"						msgstr "Non null ?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217
msgid "Primary key?"						msgid "Primary key?"
msgstr "Clé primaire ?"						msgstr "Clé primaire ?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218
msgid "Unique index?"						msgid "Unique index?"
msgstr "Index unique ?"						msgstr "Index unique ?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219
msgid "References"						msgid "References"
msgstr "Références"						msgstr "Références"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220
msgid "Default value"						msgid "Default value"
msgstr "Valeur par défaut"					msgstr "Valeur par défaut"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239
msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l	msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Le nom de la table est nécessaire mais aucun n'est spécifié 	"Le nom de la table est nécessaire mais aucun n'est spécifié 
"des paramètres"						"des paramètres"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Table %s does not exist"					msgid "Table %s does not exist"
msgstr "La table %s n'existe pas"				msgstr "La table %s n'existe pas"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318
msgid "Scheduled events"					msgid "Scheduled events"
msgstr "�vénements planifiés"					msgstr "�vénements planifiés"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321
msgid "TODO list"						msgid "TODO list"
msgstr "Liste à faire"						msgstr "Liste à faire"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375
msgid "Owner"							msgid "Owner"
msgstr "Propriétaire"						msgstr "Propriétaire"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376
msgid "Comments"						msgid "Comments"
msgstr "Commentaires"						msgstr "Commentaires"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374
msgid "Type"							msgid "Type"
msgstr "Type"							msgstr "Type"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377
msgid "GDA type"						msgid "GDA type"
msgstr "Type GDA"						msgstr "Type GDA"

#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id	#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id
#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database	#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database
#. we can easily access that information			#. we can easily access that information
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382
msgid "local"							msgid "local"
msgstr "lobal"							msgstr "lobal"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217
msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr "La création de bases de données n'est pas encore supp	msgstr "La création de bases de données n'est pas encore supp

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230
msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr "La suppression de bases de données n'est pas encre su	msgstr "La suppression de bases de données n'est pas encre su

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244
msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"			msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"
msgstr "Le schéma des tables ne peut être récupéré"		msgstr "Le schéma des tables ne peut être récupéré"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268
msgid "Invalid SQL command"					msgid "Invalid SQL command"
msgstr "Commande SQL non valide"				msgstr "Commande SQL non valide"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353
msgid "Transactions are not supported"				msgid "Transactions are not supported"
msgstr "Les transactions ne sont pas supportées"		msgstr "Les transactions ne sont pas supportées"

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41
msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"		msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"
msgstr "Fournissuer pour les données personnelles de Ximian E	msgstr "Fournissuer pour les données personnelles de Ximian E

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task	"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Source de données pour accéder au calendrier, aux tâches et 	"Source de données pour accéder au calendrier, aux tâches et 
"défaut d'Evolution"						"défaut d'Evolution"
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ga.gmo
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/ga.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/ga.po
# Irish (Gaeilge) translations for gnome-db			# Irish (Gaeilge) translations for gnome-db
# Copyright (C) 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc.		# Copyright (C) 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# Alastair McKinstry <mckinstry computer org>, 2000.		# Alastair McKinstry <mckinstry computer org>, 2000.
#								#
msgid ""							msgid ""
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: gnome-db CVS\n"				"Project-Id-Version: gnome-db CVS\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"					"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"			"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2000-03-13 18:23+0000\n"			"PO-Revision-Date: 2000-03-13 18:23+0000\n"
"Last-Translator:  Alastair McKinstry <mckinstry computer org	"Last-Translator:  Alastair McKinstry <mckinstry computer org
"Language-Team: Irish <ga li org>\n"				"Language-Team: Irish <ga li org>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"						"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"			"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8-bit\n"				"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8-bit\n"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co
msgid "Data Sources"						msgid "Data Sources"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Providers"						msgid "Providers"
msgstr "Albachtaí"						msgstr "Albachtaí"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1
msgid "Configure your database environment"			msgid "Configure your database environment"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Database Access Properties "				msgid "Database Access Properties "
msgstr "Sábháil le"						msgstr "Sábháil le"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380
msgid "Name"							msgid "Name"
msgstr "Ainm"							msgstr "Ainm"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
msgid "Description"						msgid "Description"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182
msgid "Configured data sources in the system"			msgid "Configured data sources in the system"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data sources are the means by which database connections are	"Data sources are the means by which database connections are
"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s	"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s
"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o	"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o
"name you identify the connections in the applications that m	"name you identify the connections in the applications that m
"DB for database access."					"DB for database access."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"	msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data Source Properties"					msgid "Data Source Properties"
msgstr "Sábháil le"						msgstr "Sábháil le"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132
msgid "Basic"							msgid "Basic"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Tables"							msgid "Tables"
msgstr "Ainm comhad"						msgstr "Ainm comhad"

#: control-center/main.c:92					#: control-center/main.c:92
msgid "No valid data source info was created"			msgid "No valid data source info was created"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218	#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218
msgid "New data source"						msgid "New data source"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:215					#: control-center/main.c:215
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Database Access Properties"				msgid "Database Access Properties"
msgstr "Sábháil le"						msgstr "Sábháil le"

#: control-center/provider-config.c:105				#: control-center/provider-config.c:105
msgid "Installed providers"					msgid "Installed providers"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/provider-config.c:131				#: control-center/provider-config.c:131
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec	"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec
"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo	"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo
"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr	"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr
"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba	"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba
"etc."								"etc."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1
msgid "Database connection parameters file"			msgid "Database connection parameters file"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2
msgid "Documents"						msgid "Documents"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3
msgid "SQL code viewer"						msgid "SQL code viewer"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1
msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"			msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2
msgid "Number of spaces per tab"				msgid "Number of spaces per tab"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3
msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"			msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4
msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"			msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60
msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"			msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1
msgid "About"							msgid "About"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2
msgid "About GNOME-DB"						msgid "About GNOME-DB"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3
msgid "Close this window"					msgid "Close this window"
msgstr "Dún an fhuinneog seo"					msgstr "Dún an fhuinneog seo"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4
msgid "Create new entry"					msgid "Create new entry"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5
msgid "Delete selected items"					msgid "Delete selected items"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Deselect all items"					msgid "Deselect all items"
msgstr "Tóg gach rud"						msgstr "Tóg gach rud"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7
msgid "Edit properties for selected item"			msgid "Edit properties for selected item"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8
msgid "Save connection parameters to file"			msgid "Save connection parameters to file"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Select _All"						msgid "Select _All"
msgstr "Tóg gach rud"						msgstr "Tóg gach rud"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Select all items"					msgid "Select all items"
msgstr "Tóg gach rud"						msgstr "Tóg gach rud"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View data sources"					msgid "View data sources"
msgstr "Sábháil le"						msgstr "Sábháil le"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View providers"						msgid "View providers"
msgstr "Albachtaí"						msgstr "Albachtaí"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42
msgid "_Clear Selection"					msgid "_Clear Selection"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Close"							msgid "_Close"
msgstr "Dún"							msgstr "Dún"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Data Sources"						msgid "_Data Sources"
msgstr "Sábháil le"						msgstr "Sábháil le"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Database"						msgid "_Database"
msgstr "Sábháil le"						msgstr "Sábháil le"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Delete"							msgid "_Delete"
msgstr "Dealaigh"						msgstr "Dealaigh"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Edit"							msgid "_Edit"
msgstr "Eagarthóir"						msgstr "Eagarthóir"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Help"							msgid "_Help"
msgstr "Cabhair"						msgstr "Cabhair"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_New Data Source..."					msgid "_New Data Source..."
msgstr "Sábháil le"						msgstr "Sábháil le"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Properties"						msgid "_Properties"
msgstr "Albachtaí"						msgstr "Albachtaí"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Providers"						msgid "_Providers"
msgstr "Albachtaí"						msgstr "Albachtaí"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Save Connection"					msgid "_Save Connection"
msgstr "Sábháil"						msgstr "Sábháil"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_View"							msgid "_View"
msgstr "Radharc"						msgstr "Radharc"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76
msgid "Structure"						msgid "Structure"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data"							msgid "Data"
msgstr "Greamhaigh"						msgstr "Greamhaigh"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238
msgid "Not implemented yet!"					msgid "Not implemented yet!"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Database"						msgid "Database"
msgstr "Sábháil le"						msgstr "Sábháil le"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540
msgid "Loading database schemas..."				msgid "Loading database schemas..."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632
msgid "Refreshing data..."					msgid "Refreshing data..."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Views"							msgid "Views"
msgstr "Radharc"						msgstr "Radharc"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691
msgid "Indexes"							msgid "Indexes"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Sequences"						msgid "Sequences"
msgstr "Roghnachais"						msgstr "Roghnachais"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Procedures"						msgid "Procedures"
msgstr "Albachtaí"						msgstr "Albachtaí"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700
msgid "Triggers"						msgid "Triggers"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Aggregates"						msgid "Aggregates"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Types"							msgid "Types"
msgstr "Ainm GDA"						msgstr "Ainm GDA"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140
msgid "Could not query CORBA components"			msgid "Could not query CORBA components"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209
msgid "ID"							msgid "ID"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "Location"						msgid "Location"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212
msgid "Username"						msgid "Username"
msgstr "�sáidtheoir"						msgstr "�sáidtheoir"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Hostname"						msgid "Hostname"
msgstr "�sáidtheoir"						msgstr "�sáidtheoir"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Domain"							msgid "Domain"
msgstr "Ordú"							msgstr "Ordú"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"			msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. create widgets						#. create widgets
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97
msgid "Settings"						msgid "Settings"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103
msgid "Data source name"					msgid "Data source name"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109
msgid "Connection string"					msgid "Connection string"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Provider"						msgid "Provider"
msgstr "Albachtaí"						msgstr "Albachtaí"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "User name"						msgid "User name"
msgstr "�sáidtheoir"						msgstr "�sáidtheoir"

#. create feature list						#. create feature list
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128
msgid "Features"						msgid "Features"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190
msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"		msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197
msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac	msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206
msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th	msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213
msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"			msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217
msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n	msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225
msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"	msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233
msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"		msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391
msgid "Add a new data source..."				msgid "Add a new data source..."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392
msgid ""							msgid ""
"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"		"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"
"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"		"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"
"installation. Just follow the steps!"				"installation. Just follow the steps!"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "General Information"					msgid "General Information"
msgstr "Eirigh as fiedhmchlár"					msgstr "Eirigh as fiedhmchlár"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the basic information\n"	"The following fields represent the basic information\n"
"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n	"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n
"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"	"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"
"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"	"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"
"the default one."						"the default one."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data source _name:"					msgid "Data source _name:"
msgstr "Sábháil le"						msgstr "Sábháil le"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Provider:"						msgid "_Provider:"
msgstr "Albachtaí"						msgstr "Albachtaí"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133
msgid "_Description:"						msgid "_Description:"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Username:"						msgid "_Username:"
msgstr "�sáidtheoir"						msgstr "�sáidtheoir"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151
msgid "P_assword:"						msgid "P_assword:"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Provider Parameters"					msgid "Provider Parameters"
msgstr "Albachtaí"						msgstr "Albachtaí"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the information needed by the	"The following fields represent the information needed by the
"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n	"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n
"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\	"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\
"the manual for more information."				"the manual for more information."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481
msgid "All information retrieved"				msgid "All information retrieved"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482
msgid ""							msgid ""
"All information needed to create a new data source\n"		"All information needed to create a new data source\n"
"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"		"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"
"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"	"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"
"just select it when asked for a data source."			"just select it when asked for a data source."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124
msgid "Connection _string:"					msgid "Connection _string:"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4
msgid "Error"							msgid "Error"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Show detail >>"						msgid "Show detail >>"
msgstr "Cabhair"						msgstr "Cabhair"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122
msgid "<< Hide detail"						msgid "<< Hide detail"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191
msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"	msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196
msgid "Error number"						msgid "Error number"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Details"							msgid "Details"
msgstr "Greamhaigh"						msgstr "Greamhaigh"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234
msgid "Source"							msgid "Source"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "SQL state"						msgid "SQL state"
msgstr "Greamhaigh"						msgstr "Greamhaigh"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Field:"							msgid "_Field:"
msgstr "Faigh"							msgstr "Faigh"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Text:"							msgid "_Text:"
msgstr "Ainm GDA"						msgstr "Ainm GDA"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308
msgid "No records"						msgid "No records"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Record %d of %d"						msgid "Record %d of %d"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113
msgid "Recordset description"					msgid "Recordset description"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid ""							msgid ""
"File '%s' already exists.\n"					"File '%s' already exists.\n"
"Do you want to overwrite it?"					"Do you want to overwrite it?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149
msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."		msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Could not save file %s"					msgid "Could not save file %s"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224
msgid "You must specify a file name"				msgid "You must specify a file name"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230
msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"		msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261
msgid "Saving Model"						msgid "Saving Model"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "File _name:"						msgid "File _name:"
msgstr "Ainm comhad"						msgstr "Ainm comhad"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276
msgid "Select File"						msgid "Select File"
msgstr "Tóg Comhad"						msgstr "Tóg Comhad"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "File _type:"						msgid "File _type:"
msgstr "Ainm comhad"						msgstr "Ainm comhad"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291
msgid "Tab-delimited"						msgid "Tab-delimited"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294
msgid "Comma-delimited"						msgid "Comma-delimited"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:
msgid "XML"							msgid "XML"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View detail"						msgid "View detail"
msgstr "Cabhair"						msgstr "Cabhair"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Show Column _Titles"					msgid "Show Column _Titles"
msgstr "Cabhair"						msgstr "Cabhair"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Describe"						msgid "Describe"
msgstr "Socraigh Printéir..."					msgstr "Socraigh Printéir..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443
msgid "View detail..."						msgid "View detail..."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Title"							msgid "Title"
msgstr "Comhad"							msgstr "Comhad"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48
msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"	msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"		"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"
"to a data source"						"to a data source"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data Source:"						msgid "Data Source:"
msgstr "Sábháil le"						msgstr "Sábháil le"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Username:"						msgid "Username:"
msgstr "�sáidtheoir"						msgstr "�sáidtheoir"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279
msgid "Password:"						msgid "Password:"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Fields"							msgid "Fields"
msgstr "Faigh"							msgstr "Faigh"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Commit"							msgid "Commit"
msgstr "Ordú"							msgstr "Ordú"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31
msgid "Connect"							msgid "Connect"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33
msgid "Designer"						msgid "Designer"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34
msgid "Disconnect"						msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35
msgid "NoTransaction"						msgid "NoTransaction"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37
msgid "Query"							msgid "Query"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38
msgid "Rollback"						msgid "Rollback"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40
msgid "SQL"							msgid "SQL"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43
msgid "WithinTransaction"					msgid "WithinTransaction"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Error: %s"						msgid "Error: %s"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Table name"						msgid "Table name"
msgstr "Ainm comhad"						msgstr "Ainm comhad"

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93			#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Login for %s"						msgid "Login for %s"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95					#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Login to database"					msgid "Login to database"
msgstr "Sábháil le"						msgstr "Sábháil le"

#: vfs/libmain.c:71						#: vfs/libmain.c:71
msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"				msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Table Properties"					msgid "Table Properties"
msgstr "Sábháil le"						msgstr "Sábháil le"

#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Table Name"						msgid "Table Name"
msgstr "Ainm comhad"						msgstr "Ainm comhad"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155
msgid "New"							msgid "New"
msgstr "Nua"							msgstr "Nua"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156
msgid "Create new table"					msgid "Create new table"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Properties"						msgid "Properties"
msgstr "Albachtaí"						msgstr "Albachtaí"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View table properties"					msgid "View table properties"
msgstr "Sábháil le"						msgstr "Sábháil le"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
msgid "UID"							msgid "UID"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "calendar"						msgid "calendar"
msgstr "Glan"							msgstr "Glan"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "summary"							msgid "summary"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "Summary"							msgid "Summary"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "location"						msgid "location"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "dtstart"							msgid "dtstart"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
msgid "Start time"						msgid "Start time"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "dtend"							msgid "dtend"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "End time"						msgid "End time"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
msgid "description"						msgid "description"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "classification"						msgid "classification"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "Classification"						msgid "Classification"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "transparency"						msgid "transparency"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "Transparency"						msgid "Transparency"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "categories"						msgid "categories"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "Categories"						msgid "Categories"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "tasks"							msgid "tasks"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "due"							msgid "due"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "Due date"						msgid "Due date"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "Start date"						msgid "Start date"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355
msgid "Public"							msgid "Public"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Private"							msgid "Private"
msgstr "Greamhaigh"						msgstr "Greamhaigh"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361
msgid "Confidential"						msgid "Confidential"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63
msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"		msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66
msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"			msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80
msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta	msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83
msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"		msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100
msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"				msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Field name"						msgid "Field name"
msgstr "Ainm comhad"						msgstr "Ainm comhad"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data type"						msgid "Data type"
msgstr "Greamhaigh"						msgstr "Greamhaigh"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214
msgid "Size"							msgid "Size"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Scale"							msgid "Scale"
msgstr "Sábháil"						msgstr "Sábháil"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216
msgid "Not null?"						msgid "Not null?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217
msgid "Primary key?"						msgid "Primary key?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218
msgid "Unique index?"						msgid "Unique index?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "References"						msgid "References"
msgstr "Roghnachais..."						msgstr "Roghnachais..."

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220
msgid "Default value"						msgid "Default value"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239
msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l	msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Table %s does not exist"					msgid "Table %s does not exist"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318
msgid "Scheduled events"					msgid "Scheduled events"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321
msgid "TODO list"						msgid "TODO list"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375
msgid "Owner"							msgid "Owner"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Comments"						msgid "Comments"
msgstr "Ordú"							msgstr "Ordú"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Type"							msgid "Type"
msgstr "Ainm GDA"						msgstr "Ainm GDA"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "GDA type"						msgid "GDA type"
msgstr "Ainm GDA"						msgstr "Ainm GDA"

#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id	#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id
#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database	#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database
#. we can easily access that information			#. we can easily access that information
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "local"							msgid "local"
msgstr "Sábháil"						msgstr "Sábháil"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217
msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230
msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244
msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"			msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Invalid SQL command"					msgid "Invalid SQL command"
msgstr "Oscail Comhad"						msgstr "Oscail Comhad"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353
msgid "Transactions are not supported"				msgid "Transactions are not supported"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41
msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"		msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task	"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Browse database..."					#~ msgid "Browse database..."
#~ msgstr "Sábháil le"						#~ msgstr "Sábháil le"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Database browser"					#~ msgid "Database browser"
#~ msgstr "Sábháil le"						#~ msgstr "Sábháil le"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Error viewer"						#~ msgid "Error viewer"
#~ msgstr "Albachtaí"						#~ msgstr "Albachtaí"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "SQL Viewer"						#~ msgid "SQL Viewer"
#~ msgstr "Fuinneog"						#~ msgstr "Fuinneog"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Edit application preferences"				#~ msgid "Edit application preferences"
#~ msgstr "Eirigh as fiedhmchlár"				#~ msgstr "Eirigh as fiedhmchlár"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "New..."						#~ msgid "New..."
#~ msgstr "Nua"							#~ msgstr "Nua"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Save as"						#~ msgid "Save as"
#~ msgstr "Sábháil"						#~ msgstr "Sábháil"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Save to"						#~ msgid "Save to"
#~ msgstr "Sábháil"						#~ msgstr "Sábháil"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Database Moniker factory"				#~ msgid "Database Moniker factory"
#~ msgstr "Sábháil le"						#~ msgstr "Sábháil le"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "database: moniker"					#~ msgid "database: moniker"
#~ msgstr "Sábháil le"						#~ msgstr "Sábháil le"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "_File"						#~ msgid "_File"
#~ msgstr "Radharc"						#~ msgstr "Radharc"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Select all"						#~ msgid "Select all"
#~ msgstr "Tóg gach rud"					#~ msgstr "Tóg gach rud"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Unselect all"						#~ msgid "Unselect all"
#~ msgstr "Tóg gach rud"					#~ msgstr "Tóg gach rud"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Unselect All"						#~ msgid "Unselect All"
#~ msgstr "Tóg gach rud"					#~ msgstr "Tóg gach rud"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Save as..."						#~ msgid "Save as..."
#~ msgstr "Sábháil Le..."					#~ msgstr "Sábháil Le..."

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Builder"						#~ msgid "Builder"
#~ msgstr "Bainisteoir GNOME-DB"				#~ msgstr "Bainisteoir GNOME-DB"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "_New"							#~ msgid "_New"
#~ msgstr "Nua"							#~ msgstr "Nua"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "_Open"						#~ msgid "_Open"
#~ msgstr "Oscail"						#~ msgstr "Oscail"

#~ msgid "Open"							#~ msgid "Open"
#~ msgstr "Oscail"						#~ msgstr "Oscail"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Export"						#~ msgid "Export"
#~ msgstr "Ealu"						#~ msgstr "Ealu"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Activate SQL window"					#~ msgid "Activate SQL window"
#~ msgstr "Fuinneog"						#~ msgstr "Fuinneog"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Activate dbatch job window"				#~ msgid "Activate dbatch job window"
#~ msgstr "Fuinneog"						#~ msgstr "Fuinneog"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Activate batch job window"				#~ msgid "Activate batch job window"
#~ msgstr "Fuinneog"						#~ msgstr "Fuinneog"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Select"						#~ msgid "Select"
#~ msgstr "Tóg gach rud"					#~ msgstr "Tóg gach rud"

#~ msgid "Options"						#~ msgid "Options"
#~ msgstr "Roghnachais"						#~ msgstr "Roghnachais"

#~ msgid "Run"							#~ msgid "Run"
#~ msgstr "Rith"						#~ msgstr "Rith"

#~ msgid "Cut"							#~ msgid "Cut"
#~ msgstr "Gearr"						#~ msgstr "Gearr"

#~ msgid "Copy"							#~ msgid "Copy"
#~ msgstr "Cóip"						#~ msgstr "Cóip"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "From file"						#~ msgid "From file"
#~ msgstr "Comhad"						#~ msgstr "Comhad"

#~ msgid "Remove"						#~ msgid "Remove"
#~ msgstr "Scríos"						#~ msgstr "Scríos"

#~ msgid "Add"							#~ msgid "Add"
#~ msgstr "Suim"						#~ msgstr "Suim"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Save Log File"					#~ msgid "Save Log File"
#~ msgstr "Oscail Comhad"					#~ msgstr "Oscail Comhad"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Save window position"					#~ msgid "Save window position"
#~ msgstr "Sábháil le"						#~ msgstr "Sábháil le"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "_Quit"						#~ msgid "_Quit"
#~ msgstr "Ealu"						#~ msgstr "Ealu"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "GNOME-DB Manual"					#~ msgid "GNOME-DB Manual"
#~ msgstr "Bainisteoir GNOME-DB"				#~ msgstr "Bainisteoir GNOME-DB"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "_Options"						#~ msgid "_Options"
#~ msgstr "Roghnachais"						#~ msgstr "Roghnachais"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "GNOME-DB Front End"					#~ msgid "GNOME-DB Front End"
#~ msgstr "Bainisteoir GNOME-DB"				#~ msgstr "Bainisteoir GNOME-DB"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "GNOME-DB Front End Application"			#~ msgid "GNOME-DB Front End Application"
#~ msgstr "Eirigh as fiedhmchlár"				#~ msgstr "Eirigh as fiedhmchlár"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Select Color"						#~ msgid "Select Color"
#~ msgstr "Tóg gach rud"					#~ msgstr "Tóg gach rud"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Select Font"						#~ msgid "Select Font"
#~ msgstr "Tóg Comhad"						#~ msgstr "Tóg Comhad"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Select file"						#~ msgid "Select file"
#~ msgstr "Tóg Comhad"						#~ msgstr "Tóg Comhad"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "User Name"						#~ msgid "User Name"
#~ msgstr "�sáidtheoir"						#~ msgstr "�sáidtheoir"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Manager"						#~ msgid "Manager"
#~ msgstr "Teanga"						#~ msgstr "Teanga"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Edit"							#~ msgid "Edit"
#~ msgstr "Eagarthóir"						#~ msgstr "Eagarthóir"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Rolodex Application"					#~ msgid "Rolodex Application"
#~ msgstr "Eirigh as fiedhmchlár"				#~ msgstr "Eirigh as fiedhmchlár"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Do Print"						#~ msgid "Do Print"
#~ msgstr "Priontáil"						#~ msgstr "Priontáil"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Open SQL file"					#~ msgid "Open SQL file"
#~ msgstr "Oscail Comhad"					#~ msgstr "Oscail Comhad"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Project..."						#~ msgid "Project..."
#~ msgstr "Priontáil..."					#~ msgstr "Priontáil..."

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Open..."						#~ msgid "Open..."
#~ msgstr "Oscail"						#~ msgstr "Oscail"

#~ msgid "About gnome-db..."					#~ msgid "About gnome-db..."
#~ msgstr "Faoi gnome-db..."					#~ msgstr "Faoi gnome-db..."

#~ msgid "About this program"					#~ msgid "About this program"
#~ msgstr "Faoi ríomhchlár seo"					#~ msgstr "Faoi ríomhchlár seo"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Revert"						#~ msgid "Revert"
#~ msgstr "Scríos"						#~ msgstr "Scríos"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "View logs"						#~ msgid "View logs"
#~ msgstr "Radharc"						#~ msgstr "Radharc"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Users"						#~ msgid "Users"
#~ msgstr "�sáidtheoir"						#~ msgstr "�sáidtheoir"

#~ msgid "Environment"						#~ msgid "Environment"
#~ msgstr "Imshaoil"						#~ msgstr "Imshaoil"

#~ msgid "Value"						#~ msgid "Value"
#~ msgstr "Luach"						#~ msgstr "Luach"

#~ msgid "Shell"						#~ msgid "Shell"
#~ msgstr "Blaosc"						#~ msgstr "Blaosc"

#~ msgid "Top"							#~ msgid "Top"
#~ msgstr "Barr"						#~ msgstr "Barr"

#~ msgid "Bottom"						#~ msgid "Bottom"
#~ msgstr "Bun"							#~ msgstr "Bun"

#~ msgid "Left"							#~ msgid "Left"
#~ msgstr "Clé"							#~ msgstr "Clé"

#~ msgid "Right"						#~ msgid "Right"
#~ msgstr "Deis"						#~ msgstr "Deis"

#~ msgid "Directory"						#~ msgid "Directory"
#~ msgstr "Fillteán"						#~ msgstr "Fillteán"

#~ msgid "Running '%s'"						#~ msgid "Running '%s'"
#~ msgstr "Ag rith '%s'"					#~ msgstr "Ag rith '%s'"

#~ msgid "GDA logs"						#~ msgid "GDA logs"
#~ msgstr "Loganna GDA"						#~ msgstr "Loganna GDA"

#~ msgid "Text editor"						#~ msgid "Text editor"
#~ msgstr "Eagathóir teacs"					#~ msgstr "Eagathóir teacs"

#~ msgid "Calculator"						#~ msgid "Calculator"
#~ msgstr "Aireamhán"						#~ msgstr "Aireamhán"

#~ msgid "Close all"						#~ msgid "Close all"
#~ msgstr "Dún gach rud"					#~ msgstr "Dún gach rud"

#~ msgid "Close all open windows"				#~ msgid "Close all open windows"
#~ msgstr "Dún gach fhuinneog oscailte"				#~ msgstr "Dún gach fhuinneog oscailte"
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: gl.gmo
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/gl.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/gl.po
# Galician translation of gnome-db.				# Galician translation of gnome-db.
# Copyright (C) 2000 Jesús Bravo �lvarez.			# Copyright (C) 2000 Jesús Bravo �lvarez.
# Jesús Bravo �lvarez <jba pobox com>, 2000.			# Jesús Bravo �lvarez <jba pobox com>, 2000.
#								#
# Proxecto Trasno - Adaptación do software libre á lingua gal	# Proxecto Trasno - Adaptación do software libre á lingua gal
# colaborar connosco, podes atopar máis información en http:/	# colaborar connosco, podes atopar máis información en http:/
#								#
# First Version: 2000-04-29 12:07+0200				# First Version: 2000-04-29 12:07+0200
#								#
msgid ""							msgid ""
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: gnome-db\n"				"Project-Id-Version: gnome-db\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"					"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"			"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2000-10-29 14:49+0100\n"			"PO-Revision-Date: 2000-10-29 14:49+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Jesús Bravo �lvarez <jba pobox com>\n"	"Last-Translator: Jesús Bravo �lvarez <jba pobox com>\n"
"Language-Team: Galician <trasno ceu fi udc es>\n"		"Language-Team: Galician <trasno ceu fi udc es>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"						"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"			"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"				"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data Sources"						msgid "Data Sources"
msgstr "Fontes de Datos"					msgstr "Fontes de Datos"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Providers"						msgid "Providers"
msgstr "Fornecedor"						msgstr "Fornecedor"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1
msgid "Configure your database environment"			msgid "Configure your database environment"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Database Access Properties "				msgid "Database Access Properties "
msgstr "Propiedades da Conexión"				msgstr "Propiedades da Conexión"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380
msgid "Name"							msgid "Name"
msgstr "Nome"							msgstr "Nome"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
msgid "Description"						msgid "Description"
msgstr "Descrición"						msgstr "Descrición"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182
msgid "Configured data sources in the system"			msgid "Configured data sources in the system"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data sources are the means by which database connections are	"Data sources are the means by which database connections are
"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s	"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s
"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o	"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o
"name you identify the connections in the applications that m	"name you identify the connections in the applications that m
"DB for database access."					"DB for database access."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"	msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data Source Properties"					msgid "Data Source Properties"
msgstr "¡A fonte de datos non ten nome!"			msgstr "¡A fonte de datos non ten nome!"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132
msgid "Basic"							msgid "Basic"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Tables"							msgid "Tables"
msgstr "Táboas"							msgstr "Táboas"

#: control-center/main.c:92					#: control-center/main.c:92
msgid "No valid data source info was created"			msgid "No valid data source info was created"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218	#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "New data source"						msgid "New data source"
msgstr "Engadir nova fonte de datos"				msgstr "Engadir nova fonte de datos"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:215					#: control-center/main.c:215
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Database Access Properties"				msgid "Database Access Properties"
msgstr "Propiedades da Conexión"				msgstr "Propiedades da Conexión"

#: control-center/provider-config.c:105				#: control-center/provider-config.c:105
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Installed providers"					msgid "Installed providers"
msgstr "Inicia-lo fornecedor seleccionado"			msgstr "Inicia-lo fornecedor seleccionado"

#: control-center/provider-config.c:131				#: control-center/provider-config.c:131
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec	"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec
"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo	"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo
"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr	"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr
"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba	"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba
"etc."								"etc."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Database connection parameters file"			msgid "Database connection parameters file"
msgstr "Pecha-la conexión á base de datos"			msgstr "Pecha-la conexión á base de datos"

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2
msgid "Documents"						msgid "Documents"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3
msgid "SQL code viewer"						msgid "SQL code viewer"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1
msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"			msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2
msgid "Number of spaces per tab"				msgid "Number of spaces per tab"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3
msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"			msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4
msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"			msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60
msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"			msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1
msgid "About"							msgid "About"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "About GNOME-DB"						msgid "About GNOME-DB"
msgstr "Acerca de GNOME-DB..."					msgstr "Acerca de GNOME-DB..."

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3
msgid "Close this window"					msgid "Close this window"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Create new entry"					msgid "Create new entry"
msgstr "Descrición"						msgstr "Descrición"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Delete selected items"					msgid "Delete selected items"
msgstr "Corta-lo texto seleccionado"				msgstr "Corta-lo texto seleccionado"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Deselect all items"					msgid "Deselect all items"
msgstr "Corta-lo texto seleccionado"				msgstr "Corta-lo texto seleccionado"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7
msgid "Edit properties for selected item"			msgid "Edit properties for selected item"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Save connection parameters to file"			msgid "Save connection parameters to file"
msgstr "Pecha-la conexión á base de datos"			msgstr "Pecha-la conexión á base de datos"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Select _All"						msgid "Select _All"
msgstr "Seleccionar todas"					msgstr "Seleccionar todas"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Select all items"					msgid "Select all items"
msgstr "Seleccionar tódalas ringleiras"				msgstr "Seleccionar tódalas ringleiras"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View data sources"					msgid "View data sources"
msgstr "Engadir nova fonte de datos"				msgstr "Engadir nova fonte de datos"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View providers"						msgid "View providers"
msgstr "Engadir un novo fornecedor"				msgstr "Engadir un novo fornecedor"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Clear Selection"					msgid "_Clear Selection"
msgstr "Baleirar selección"					msgstr "Baleirar selección"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Close"							msgid "_Close"
msgstr "Pechar"							msgstr "Pechar"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Data Sources"						msgid "_Data Sources"
msgstr "Fontes de Datos"					msgstr "Fontes de Datos"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Database"						msgid "_Database"
msgstr "Base de datos"						msgstr "Base de datos"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Delete"							msgid "_Delete"
msgstr "Seleccionar"						msgstr "Seleccionar"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Edit"							msgid "_Edit"
msgstr "Editar"							msgstr "Editar"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Help"							msgid "_Help"
msgstr "Axuda"							msgstr "Axuda"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_New Data Source..."					msgid "_New Data Source..."
msgstr "Engadir nova fonte de datos"				msgstr "Engadir nova fonte de datos"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Properties"						msgid "_Properties"
msgstr "Procedementos"						msgstr "Procedementos"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Providers"						msgid "_Providers"
msgstr "Fornecedor"						msgstr "Fornecedor"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Save Connection"					msgid "_Save Connection"
msgstr "�ltimas Conexións"					msgstr "�ltimas Conexións"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_View"							msgid "_View"
msgstr "Vistas"							msgstr "Vistas"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76
msgid "Structure"						msgid "Structure"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data"							msgid "Data"
msgstr "Data"							msgstr "Data"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238
msgid "Not implemented yet!"					msgid "Not implemented yet!"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Database"						msgid "Database"
msgstr "Base de datos"						msgstr "Base de datos"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540
msgid "Loading database schemas..."				msgid "Loading database schemas..."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Refreshing data..."					msgid "Refreshing data..."
msgstr "Actualizar enreixado"					msgstr "Actualizar enreixado"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688
msgid "Views"							msgid "Views"
msgstr "Vistas"							msgstr "Vistas"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691
msgid "Indexes"							msgid "Indexes"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Sequences"						msgid "Sequences"
msgstr "Preferencias"						msgstr "Preferencias"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Procedures"						msgid "Procedures"
msgstr "Procedementos"						msgstr "Procedementos"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700
msgid "Triggers"						msgid "Triggers"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Aggregates"						msgid "Aggregates"
msgstr "Agregados"						msgstr "Agregados"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Types"							msgid "Types"
msgstr "Tipos"							msgstr "Tipos"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Could not query CORBA components"			msgid "Could not query CORBA components"
msgstr "Non foi posible inicializa-lo compoñente %s"		msgstr "Non foi posible inicializa-lo compoñente %s"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209
msgid "ID"							msgid "ID"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "Location"						msgid "Location"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212
msgid "Username"						msgid "Username"
msgstr "Usuario"						msgstr "Usuario"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Hostname"						msgid "Hostname"
msgstr "Usuario"						msgstr "Usuario"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214
msgid "Domain"							msgid "Domain"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"			msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. create widgets						#. create widgets
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97
msgid "Settings"						msgid "Settings"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data source name"					msgid "Data source name"
msgstr "¡A fonte de datos non ten nome!"			msgstr "¡A fonte de datos non ten nome!"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Connection string"					msgid "Connection string"
msgstr "Propiedades da Conexión"				msgstr "Propiedades da Conexión"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115
msgid "Provider"						msgid "Provider"
msgstr "Fornecedor"						msgstr "Fornecedor"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "User name"						msgid "User name"
msgstr "Usuario"						msgstr "Usuario"

#. create feature list						#. create feature list
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128
msgid "Features"						msgid "Features"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190
msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"		msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac	msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac
msgstr "¡A fonte de datos non ten nome!"			msgstr "¡A fonte de datos non ten nome!"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206
msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th	msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"			msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"
msgstr "¡A fonte de datos non ten nome!"			msgstr "¡A fonte de datos non ten nome!"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217
msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n	msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225
msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"	msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"		msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Non se definiu a fonte de datos '%s' no seu ficheiro de conf	"Non se definiu a fonte de datos '%s' no seu ficheiro de conf

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Add a new data source..."				msgid "Add a new data source..."
msgstr "Engadir nova fonte de datos"				msgstr "Engadir nova fonte de datos"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392
msgid ""							msgid ""
"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"		"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"
"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"		"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"
"installation. Just follow the steps!"				"installation. Just follow the steps!"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "General Information"					msgid "General Information"
msgstr "Información Extra"					msgstr "Información Extra"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the basic information\n"	"The following fields represent the basic information\n"
"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n	"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n
"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"	"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"
"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"	"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"
"the default one."						"the default one."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data source _name:"					msgid "Data source _name:"
msgstr "¡A fonte de datos non ten nome!"			msgstr "¡A fonte de datos non ten nome!"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Provider:"						msgid "_Provider:"
msgstr "Fornecedor"						msgstr "Fornecedor"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Description:"						msgid "_Description:"
msgstr "Descrición"						msgstr "Descrición"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Username:"						msgid "_Username:"
msgstr "Usuario"						msgstr "Usuario"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "P_assword:"						msgid "P_assword:"
msgstr "Contrasinal"						msgstr "Contrasinal"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Provider Parameters"					msgid "Provider Parameters"
msgstr "Fornecedores"						msgstr "Fornecedores"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the information needed by the	"The following fields represent the information needed by the
"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n	"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n
"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\	"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\
"the manual for more information."				"the manual for more information."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481
msgid "All information retrieved"				msgid "All information retrieved"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482
msgid ""							msgid ""
"All information needed to create a new data source\n"		"All information needed to create a new data source\n"
"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"		"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"
"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"	"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"
"just select it when asked for a data source."			"just select it when asked for a data source."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Connection _string:"					msgid "Connection _string:"
msgstr "Propiedades da Conexión"				msgstr "Propiedades da Conexión"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4
msgid "Error"							msgid "Error"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Show detail >>"						msgid "Show detail >>"
msgstr "Amosar Axuda"						msgstr "Amosar Axuda"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122
msgid "<< Hide detail"						msgid "<< Hide detail"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191
msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"	msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Error number"						msgid "Error number"
msgstr "Visualizador de Erros"					msgstr "Visualizador de Erros"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Details"							msgid "Details"
msgstr "Datos"							msgstr "Datos"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234
msgid "Source"							msgid "Source"
msgstr "Fonte"							msgstr "Fonte"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "SQL state"						msgid "SQL state"
msgstr "Iniciar"						msgstr "Iniciar"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Field:"							msgid "_Field:"
msgstr "Ficheiro"						msgstr "Ficheiro"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Text:"							msgid "_Text:"
msgstr "Tipos"							msgstr "Tipos"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308
msgid "No records"						msgid "No records"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329
#, fuzzy, c-format						#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Record %d of %d"						msgid "Record %d of %d"
msgstr "Erro %d de %d"						msgstr "Erro %d de %d"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Recordset description"					msgid "Recordset description"
msgstr "Descrición"						msgstr "Descrición"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid ""							msgid ""
"File '%s' already exists.\n"					"File '%s' already exists.\n"
"Do you want to overwrite it?"					"Do you want to overwrite it?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149
msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."		msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Could not save file %s"					msgid "Could not save file %s"
msgstr "Non foi posible garda-lo ficheiro %s"			msgstr "Non foi posible garda-lo ficheiro %s"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224
msgid "You must specify a file name"				msgid "You must specify a file name"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230
msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"		msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261
msgid "Saving Model"						msgid "Saving Model"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "File _name:"						msgid "File _name:"
msgstr "Nome da táboa"						msgstr "Nome da táboa"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276
msgid "Select File"						msgid "Select File"
msgstr "Seleccionar Ficheiro"					msgstr "Seleccionar Ficheiro"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "File _type:"						msgid "File _type:"
msgstr "Nome da táboa"						msgstr "Nome da táboa"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291
msgid "Tab-delimited"						msgid "Tab-delimited"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294
msgid "Comma-delimited"						msgid "Comma-delimited"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:
msgid "XML"							msgid "XML"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View detail"						msgid "View detail"
msgstr "Amosar Axuda"						msgstr "Amosar Axuda"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Show Column _Titles"					msgid "Show Column _Titles"
msgstr "Amosa-los títulos das columnas"				msgstr "Amosa-los títulos das columnas"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Describe"						msgid "Describe"
msgstr "Descrición"						msgstr "Descrición"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443
msgid "View detail..."						msgid "View detail..."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Title"							msgid "Title"
msgstr "Hora"							msgstr "Hora"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48
msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"	msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"		"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"
"to a data source"						"to a data source"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data Source:"						msgid "Data Source:"
msgstr "Fontes de Datos"					msgstr "Fontes de Datos"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Username:"						msgid "Username:"
msgstr "Usuario"						msgstr "Usuario"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Password:"						msgid "Password:"
msgstr "Contrasinal"						msgstr "Contrasinal"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69
msgid "Fields"							msgid "Fields"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30
msgid "Commit"							msgid "Commit"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Connect"							msgid "Connect"
msgstr "Conectar..."						msgstr "Conectar..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33
msgid "Designer"						msgid "Designer"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34
msgid "Disconnect"						msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr "Desconectar"						msgstr "Desconectar"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35
msgid "NoTransaction"						msgid "NoTransaction"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37
msgid "Query"							msgid "Query"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38
msgid "Rollback"						msgid "Rollback"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40
msgid "SQL"							msgid "SQL"
msgstr "SQL"							msgstr "SQL"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "WithinTransaction"					msgid "WithinTransaction"
msgstr "Pecha-la conexión actual"				msgstr "Pecha-la conexión actual"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65
#, fuzzy, c-format						#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Error: %s"						msgid "Error: %s"
msgstr "Erro %d de %d"						msgstr "Erro %d de %d"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79
msgid "Table name"						msgid "Table name"
msgstr "Nome da táboa"						msgstr "Nome da táboa"

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93			#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Login for %s"						msgid "Login for %s"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95					#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Login to database"					msgid "Login to database"
msgstr "Conectar á base de datos"				msgstr "Conectar á base de datos"

#: vfs/libmain.c:71						#: vfs/libmain.c:71
msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"				msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Table Properties"					msgid "Table Properties"
msgstr "Propiedades da Conexión"				msgstr "Propiedades da Conexión"

#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Table Name"						msgid "Table Name"
msgstr "Nome da táboa"						msgstr "Nome da táboa"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155
msgid "New"							msgid "New"
msgstr "Novo"							msgstr "Novo"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Create new table"					msgid "Create new table"
msgstr "Iniciar cun novo deseño de base de datos"		msgstr "Iniciar cun novo deseño de base de datos"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Properties"						msgid "Properties"
msgstr "Procedementos"						msgstr "Procedementos"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View table properties"					msgid "View table properties"
msgstr "Propiedades da Conexión"				msgstr "Propiedades da Conexión"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
msgid "UID"							msgid "UID"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "calendar"						msgid "calendar"
msgstr "Limpar"							msgstr "Limpar"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "summary"							msgid "summary"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "Summary"							msgid "Summary"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "location"						msgid "location"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "dtstart"							msgid "dtstart"
msgstr "Iniciar"						msgstr "Iniciar"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Start time"						msgid "Start time"
msgstr "Iniciar"						msgstr "Iniciar"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "dtend"							msgid "dtend"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "End time"						msgid "End time"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "description"						msgid "description"
msgstr "Descrición"						msgstr "Descrición"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "classification"						msgid "classification"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Classification"						msgid "Classification"
msgstr "Baleirar selección"					msgstr "Baleirar selección"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "transparency"						msgid "transparency"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "Transparency"						msgid "Transparency"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "categories"						msgid "categories"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "Categories"						msgid "Categories"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "tasks"							msgid "tasks"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "due"							msgid "due"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "Due date"						msgid "Due date"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Start date"						msgid "Start date"
msgstr "Iniciar"						msgstr "Iniciar"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355
msgid "Public"							msgid "Public"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Private"							msgid "Private"
msgstr "Pegar"							msgstr "Pegar"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361
msgid "Confidential"						msgid "Confidential"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63
msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"		msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66
msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"			msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80
msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta	msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"		msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"
msgstr "Non foi posible abri-lo url %s"				msgstr "Non foi posible abri-lo url %s"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"				msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"
msgstr "Non foi posible inicializar Bonobo\n"			msgstr "Non foi posible inicializar Bonobo\n"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Field name"						msgid "Field name"
msgstr "Nome da táboa"						msgstr "Nome da táboa"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data type"						msgid "Data type"
msgstr "Data"							msgstr "Data"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214
msgid "Size"							msgid "Size"
msgstr "Tamaño"							msgstr "Tamaño"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215
msgid "Scale"							msgid "Scale"
msgstr "Escala"							msgstr "Escala"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216
msgid "Not null?"						msgid "Not null?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217
msgid "Primary key?"						msgid "Primary key?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218
msgid "Unique index?"						msgid "Unique index?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "References"						msgid "References"
msgstr "Actualizar"						msgstr "Actualizar"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220
msgid "Default value"						msgid "Default value"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239
msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l	msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Table %s does not exist"					msgid "Table %s does not exist"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318
msgid "Scheduled events"					msgid "Scheduled events"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321
msgid "TODO list"						msgid "TODO list"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375
msgid "Owner"							msgid "Owner"
msgstr "Dono"							msgstr "Dono"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376
msgid "Comments"						msgid "Comments"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Type"							msgid "Type"
msgstr "Tipos"							msgstr "Tipos"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "GDA type"						msgid "GDA type"
msgstr "Tipo de GDA"						msgstr "Tipo de GDA"

#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id	#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id
#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database	#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database
#. we can easily access that information			#. we can easily access that information
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "local"							msgid "local"
msgstr "Global"							msgstr "Global"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217
msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230
msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244
msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"			msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Invalid SQL command"					msgid "Invalid SQL command"
msgstr "Seleccione o Comando SQL"				msgstr "Seleccione o Comando SQL"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353
msgid "Transactions are not supported"				msgid "Transactions are not supported"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41
msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"		msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task	"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Browse database..."					#~ msgid "Browse database..."
#~ msgstr "Base de datos"					#~ msgstr "Base de datos"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Connection MIME handler component"			#~ msgid "Connection MIME handler component"
#~ msgstr "Non foi posible inicializa-lo compoñente de xestió	#~ msgstr "Non foi posible inicializa-lo compoñente de xestió

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Database component factory"				#~ msgid "Database component factory"
#~ msgstr "Non foi posible crea-lo ficheiro %s"			#~ msgstr "Non foi posible crea-lo ficheiro %s"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Open in database connection..."			#~ msgid "Open in database connection..."
#~ msgstr "Abrir unha nova conexión a base de datos"		#~ msgstr "Abrir unha nova conexión a base de datos"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Database browser"					#~ msgid "Database browser"
#~ msgstr "Abri-lo explorador de bases de datos"		#~ msgstr "Abri-lo explorador de bases de datos"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Error viewer"						#~ msgid "Error viewer"
#~ msgstr "Visualizador de Erros"				#~ msgstr "Visualizador de Erros"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Database configuration"				#~ msgid "Database configuration"
#~ msgstr "Non foi posible crea-lo ficheiro %s"			#~ msgstr "Non foi posible crea-lo ficheiro %s"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Edit application preferences"				#~ msgid "Edit application preferences"
#~ msgstr "Saír da aplicación"					#~ msgstr "Saír da aplicación"

#~ msgid "New..."						#~ msgid "New..."
#~ msgstr "Novo..."						#~ msgstr "Novo..."

#~ msgid "Password"						#~ msgid "Password"
#~ msgstr "Contrasinal"						#~ msgstr "Contrasinal"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Save as"						#~ msgid "Save as"
#~ msgstr "Gardar"						#~ msgstr "Gardar"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Save to"						#~ msgid "Save to"
#~ msgstr "Gardar"						#~ msgstr "Gardar"

#~ msgid "Show columns"						#~ msgid "Show columns"
#~ msgstr "Amosar columnas"					#~ msgstr "Amosar columnas"

#~ msgid "Hide columns"						#~ msgid "Hide columns"
#~ msgstr "Agochar columnas"					#~ msgstr "Agochar columnas"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Question"						#~ msgid "Question"
#~ msgstr "Descrición"						#~ msgstr "Descrición"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Database Moniker factory"				#~ msgid "Database Moniker factory"
#~ msgstr "Base de datos"					#~ msgstr "Base de datos"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "database: moniker"					#~ msgid "database: moniker"
#~ msgstr "Base de datos"					#~ msgstr "Base de datos"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Invalid format for connection string"			#~ msgid "Invalid format for connection string"
#~ msgstr "Propiedades da Conexión"				#~ msgstr "Propiedades da Conexión"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Data sources"						#~ msgid "Data sources"
#~ msgstr "Fontes de Datos"					#~ msgstr "Fontes de Datos"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Test Data Source"					#~ msgid "Test Data Source"
#~ msgstr "Fontes de Datos"					#~ msgstr "Fontes de Datos"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Connection to %s successful!"				#~ msgid "Connection to %s successful!"
#~ msgstr "Propiedades da Conexión"				#~ msgstr "Propiedades da Conexión"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Data source"						#~ msgid "Data source"
#~ msgstr "Fontes de Datos"					#~ msgstr "Fontes de Datos"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Select all"						#~ msgid "Select all"
#~ msgstr "Seleccionar todas"					#~ msgstr "Seleccionar todas"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Unselect all"						#~ msgid "Unselect all"
#~ msgstr "Seleccionar todas"					#~ msgstr "Seleccionar todas"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Unselect All"						#~ msgid "Unselect All"
#~ msgstr "Seleccionar todas"					#~ msgstr "Seleccionar todas"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Hide column headers"					#~ msgid "Hide column headers"
#~ msgstr "Agochar columnas"					#~ msgstr "Agochar columnas"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Describe current data set"				#~ msgid "Describe current data set"
#~ msgstr "Elimina-la fonte de datos actual"			#~ msgstr "Elimina-la fonte de datos actual"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "View current data in more detail"			#~ msgid "View current data in more detail"
#~ msgstr "Mirar propiedades da conexión actual"		#~ msgstr "Mirar propiedades da conexión actual"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Databases"						#~ msgid "Databases"
#~ msgstr "Base de datos"					#~ msgstr "Base de datos"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Builder"						#~ msgid "Builder"
#~ msgstr "Constructor de GNOME-DB"				#~ msgstr "Constructor de GNOME-DB"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Report..."						#~ msgid "Report..."
#~ msgstr "Vista como rexistros..."				#~ msgstr "Vista como rexistros..."

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Open an existing Perl script"				#~ msgid "Open an existing Perl script"
#~ msgstr "Abrir un módulo existente"				#~ msgstr "Abrir un módulo existente"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Open an existing report"				#~ msgid "Open an existing report"
#~ msgstr "Abrir un módulo existente"				#~ msgstr "Abrir un módulo existente"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "_New"							#~ msgid "_New"
#~ msgstr "Novo"						#~ msgstr "Novo"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "_Open"						#~ msgid "_Open"
#~ msgstr "Abrir"						#~ msgstr "Abrir"

#~ msgid "Add new module to project"				#~ msgid "Add new module to project"
#~ msgstr "Engadir un novo módulo ó proxecto"			#~ msgstr "Engadir un novo módulo ó proxecto"

#~ msgid "Open"							#~ msgid "Open"
#~ msgstr "Abrir"						#~ msgstr "Abrir"

#~ msgid "Open an existing module"				#~ msgid "Open an existing module"
#~ msgstr "Abrir un módulo existente"				#~ msgstr "Abrir un módulo existente"

#~ msgid "Close current connection"				#~ msgid "Close current connection"
#~ msgstr "Pecha-la conexión actual"				#~ msgstr "Pecha-la conexión actual"

#~ msgid "Browser"						#~ msgid "Browser"
#~ msgstr "Explorador"						#~ msgstr "Explorador"

#~ msgid "Activate database browser window"			#~ msgid "Activate database browser window"
#~ msgstr "Activa-la fiestra do explorador de bases de datos"	#~ msgstr "Activa-la fiestra do explorador de bases de datos"

#~ msgid "Activate SQL window"					#~ msgid "Activate SQL window"
#~ msgstr "Activar Fiestra SQL"					#~ msgstr "Activar Fiestra SQL"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Activate dbatch job window"				#~ msgid "Activate dbatch job window"
#~ msgstr "Activa-la fiestra do explorador de bases de datos"	#~ msgstr "Activa-la fiestra do explorador de bases de datos"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Start a new database transaction"			#~ msgid "Start a new database transaction"
#~ msgstr "Iniciar cun novo deseño de base de datos"		#~ msgstr "Iniciar cun novo deseño de base de datos"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Rollback current transaction"				#~ msgid "Rollback current transaction"
#~ msgstr "Pecha-la conexión actual"				#~ msgstr "Pecha-la conexión actual"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Make a copy of a database"				#~ msgid "Make a copy of a database"
#~ msgstr "Iniciar cun novo deseño de base de datos"		#~ msgstr "Iniciar cun novo deseño de base de datos"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Import database"					#~ msgid "Import database"
#~ msgstr "Conectar á base de datos"				#~ msgstr "Conectar á base de datos"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Activate batch job window"				#~ msgid "Activate batch job window"
#~ msgstr "Activar Fiestra SQL"					#~ msgstr "Activar Fiestra SQL"

#~ msgid "Options"						#~ msgid "Options"
#~ msgstr "Opcións"						#~ msgstr "Opcións"

#~ msgid "Run"							#~ msgid "Run"
#~ msgstr "Executar"						#~ msgstr "Executar"

#~ msgid "Execute current command"				#~ msgid "Execute current command"
#~ msgstr "Executa-lo comando actual"				#~ msgstr "Executa-lo comando actual"

#~ msgid "Select command from previous"				#~ msgid "Select command from previous"
#~ msgstr "Seleccionar comando a partir dos anteriores"		#~ msgstr "Seleccionar comando a partir dos anteriores"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Save command for later retrieval"			#~ msgid "Save command for later retrieval"
#~ msgstr "Gardar comando a un ficheiro"			#~ msgstr "Gardar comando a un ficheiro"

#~ msgid "Cut"							#~ msgid "Cut"
#~ msgstr "Cortar"						#~ msgstr "Cortar"

#~ msgid "Copy"							#~ msgid "Copy"
#~ msgstr "Copiar"						#~ msgstr "Copiar"

#~ msgid "Copy selected text"					#~ msgid "Copy selected text"
#~ msgstr "Copia-lo texto seleccionado"				#~ msgstr "Copia-lo texto seleccionado"

#~ msgid "Paste text from clipboard"				#~ msgid "Paste text from clipboard"
#~ msgstr "Pegar texto do cartafol"				#~ msgstr "Pegar texto do cartafol"

#~ msgid "Clear widget contents"				#~ msgid "Clear widget contents"
#~ msgstr "Limpar contidos do widget"				#~ msgstr "Limpar contidos do widget"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Open connection"					#~ msgid "Open connection"
#~ msgstr "Abrir Conexión"					#~ msgstr "Abrir Conexión"

#~ msgid "GDA Name"						#~ msgid "GDA Name"
#~ msgstr "Nome de GDA"						#~ msgstr "Nome de GDA"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "From file"						#~ msgid "From file"
#~ msgstr "Ficheiro"						#~ msgstr "Ficheiro"

#~ msgid "Error loading file %s"				#~ msgid "Error loading file %s"
#~ msgstr "Erro cargando o ficheiro %s"				#~ msgstr "Erro cargando o ficheiro %s"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Save SQL command"					#~ msgid "Save SQL command"
#~ msgstr "Seleccione o Comando SQL"				#~ msgstr "Seleccione o Comando SQL"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Save command to a named query"			#~ msgid "Save command to a named query"
#~ msgstr "Gardar comando a un ficheiro"			#~ msgstr "Gardar comando a un ficheiro"

#~ msgid "Select SQL Command"					#~ msgid "Select SQL Command"
#~ msgstr "Seleccione o Comando SQL"				#~ msgstr "Seleccione o Comando SQL"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Last commands"					#~ msgid "Last commands"
#~ msgstr "�ltimas Conexións"					#~ msgstr "�ltimas Conexións"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Database design"					#~ msgid "Database design"
#~ msgstr "Seleccionar o deseño de base de datos"		#~ msgstr "Seleccionar o deseño de base de datos"

#~ msgid "Start with a new database design"			#~ msgid "Start with a new database design"
#~ msgstr "Iniciar cun novo deseño de base de datos"		#~ msgstr "Iniciar cun novo deseño de base de datos"

#~ msgid "Table..."						#~ msgid "Table..."
#~ msgstr "Táboa..."						#~ msgstr "Táboa..."

#~ msgid "Add a table to the database design"			#~ msgid "Add a table to the database design"
#~ msgstr "Engadir unha táboa ó deseño de base de datos"	#~ msgstr "Engadir unha táboa ó deseño de base de datos"

#~ msgid "Open an existing database design"			#~ msgid "Open an existing database design"
#~ msgstr "Abrir un deseño de base de datos existente"		#~ msgstr "Abrir un deseño de base de datos existente"

#~ msgid "Remove"						#~ msgid "Remove"
#~ msgstr "Quitar"						#~ msgstr "Quitar"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Remove selected object"				#~ msgid "Remove selected object"
#~ msgstr "Copia-lo texto seleccionado"				#~ msgstr "Copia-lo texto seleccionado"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Create new database design"				#~ msgid "Create new database design"
#~ msgstr "Iniciar cun novo deseño de base de datos"		#~ msgstr "Iniciar cun novo deseño de base de datos"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Save currently open file"				#~ msgid "Save currently open file"
#~ msgstr "Gardar comando a un ficheiro"			#~ msgstr "Gardar comando a un ficheiro"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Reload database file contents"			#~ msgid "Reload database file contents"
#~ msgstr "Pecha-la conexión á base de datos"			#~ msgstr "Pecha-la conexión á base de datos"

#~ msgid "Add"							#~ msgid "Add"
#~ msgstr "Engadir"						#~ msgstr "Engadir"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Add new object to the database"			#~ msgid "Add new object to the database"
#~ msgstr "Engadir unha táboa ó deseño de base de datos"	#~ msgstr "Engadir unha táboa ó deseño de base de datos"

#~ msgid "Select database design"				#~ msgid "Select database design"
#~ msgstr "Seleccionar o deseño de base de datos"		#~ msgstr "Seleccionar o deseño de base de datos"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Save log to a disk file"				#~ msgid "Save log to a disk file"
#~ msgstr "Gardar comando a un ficheiro"			#~ msgstr "Gardar comando a un ficheiro"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "View"							#~ msgid "View"
#~ msgstr "Vistas"						#~ msgstr "Vistas"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "View selected log entry"				#~ msgid "View selected log entry"
#~ msgstr "Edita-lo fornecedor seleccionado"			#~ msgstr "Edita-lo fornecedor seleccionado"

#~ msgid "Error loading log for '%s'"				#~ msgid "Error loading log for '%s'"
#~ msgstr "Erro cargando o rexistro para '%s'"			#~ msgstr "Erro cargando o rexistro para '%s'"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Save Log File"					#~ msgid "Save Log File"
#~ msgstr "Gardar ficheiro SQL"					#~ msgstr "Gardar ficheiro SQL"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Could not create 'database:' moniker instance"	#~ msgid "Could not create 'database:' moniker instance"
#~ msgstr "Non foi posible crea-lo ficheiro %s"			#~ msgstr "Non foi posible crea-lo ficheiro %s"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Show tooltips"					#~ msgid "Show tooltips"
#~ msgstr "Amosa-los títulos das columnas"			#~ msgstr "Amosa-los títulos das columnas"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Perl script"						#~ msgid "Perl script"
#~ msgstr "Descrición"						#~ msgstr "Descrición"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Print preview"					#~ msgid "Print preview"
#~ msgstr "Imprimir enreixado"					#~ msgstr "Imprimir enreixado"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "_Quit"						#~ msgid "_Quit"
#~ msgstr "Saír"						#~ msgstr "Saír"

#~ msgid "Configure user preferences"				#~ msgid "Configure user preferences"
#~ msgstr "Configurar preferencias de usuario"			#~ msgstr "Configurar preferencias de usuario"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "GNOME-DB Manual"					#~ msgid "GNOME-DB Manual"
#~ msgstr "Manual de GNOME-DB"					#~ msgstr "Manual de GNOME-DB"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "libgda Manual"					#~ msgid "libgda Manual"
#~ msgstr "Manual da Libgda"					#~ msgstr "Manual da Libgda"

#~ msgid "View information about this application"		#~ msgid "View information about this application"
#~ msgstr "Ver información sobre esta aplicación"		#~ msgstr "Ver información sobre esta aplicación"

#~ msgid "Submit bug report"					#~ msgid "Submit bug report"
#~ msgstr "Enviar informe de erro"				#~ msgstr "Enviar informe de erro"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "_Options"						#~ msgid "_Options"
#~ msgstr "Opcións"						#~ msgstr "Opcións"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "GNOME-DB Front End"					#~ msgid "GNOME-DB Front End"
#~ msgstr "Manual de GNOME-DB"					#~ msgstr "Manual de GNOME-DB"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Show extra information about selected object"		#~ msgid "Show extra information about selected object"
#~ msgstr "Ver información sobre esta aplicación"		#~ msgstr "Ver información sobre esta aplicación"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Table data"						#~ msgid "Table data"
#~ msgstr "Nome da táboa"					#~ msgstr "Nome da táboa"

#~ msgid "Select Color"						#~ msgid "Select Color"
#~ msgstr "Seleccionar Cor"					#~ msgstr "Seleccionar Cor"

#~ msgid "Select Font"						#~ msgid "Select Font"
#~ msgstr "Seleccionar Fonte"					#~ msgstr "Seleccionar Fonte"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Add a new field to this table"			#~ msgid "Add a new field to this table"
#~ msgstr "Engadir unha táboa ó deseño de base de datos"	#~ msgstr "Engadir unha táboa ó deseño de base de datos"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Edit the selected field properties"			#~ msgid "Edit the selected field properties"
#~ msgstr "Edita-lo fornecedor seleccionado"			#~ msgstr "Edita-lo fornecedor seleccionado"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Could not find table %s"				#~ msgid "Could not find table %s"
#~ msgstr "Non foi posible abri-lo ficheiro %s"			#~ msgstr "Non foi posible abri-lo ficheiro %s"

#~ msgid "File %s is not a valid XML file"			#~ msgid "File %s is not a valid XML file"
#~ msgstr "O ficheiro %s non é un ficheiro XML válido"		#~ msgstr "O ficheiro %s non é un ficheiro XML válido"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Select file"						#~ msgid "Select file"
#~ msgstr "Seleccionar Ficheiro"				#~ msgstr "Seleccionar Ficheiro"

#~ msgid "DSN"							#~ msgid "DSN"
#~ msgstr "DSN"							#~ msgstr "DSN"

#~ msgid "Config"						#~ msgid "Config"
#~ msgstr "Configuración"					#~ msgstr "Configuración"

#~ msgid "Error while saving configuration!"			#~ msgid "Error while saving configuration!"
#~ msgstr "¡Erro gardando a configuración!"			#~ msgstr "¡Erro gardando a configuración!"

#~ msgid "sqlstate"						#~ msgid "sqlstate"
#~ msgstr "sqlstate"						#~ msgstr "sqlstate"

#~ msgid "Error 0 of 0"						#~ msgid "Error 0 of 0"
#~ msgstr "Erro 0 de 0"						#~ msgstr "Erro 0 de 0"

#~ msgid "Record View"						#~ msgid "Record View"
#~ msgstr "Vista como Rexistros"				#~ msgstr "Vista como Rexistros"

#~ msgid "Copy selection to clipboard"				#~ msgid "Copy selection to clipboard"
#~ msgstr "Copia-la selección no cartafol"			#~ msgstr "Copia-la selección no cartafol"

#~ msgid "Clear all selected rows"				#~ msgid "Clear all selected rows"
#~ msgstr "Baleirar tódalas ringleiras seleccionadas"		#~ msgstr "Baleirar tódalas ringleiras seleccionadas"

#~ msgid "Record view..."					#~ msgid "Record view..."
#~ msgstr "Vista como rexistros..."				#~ msgstr "Vista como rexistros..."

#~ msgid "View recordset record-by-record"			#~ msgid "View recordset record-by-record"
#~ msgstr "Ve-lo conxunto de rexistros rexistro-por-rexistro"	#~ msgstr "Ve-lo conxunto de rexistros rexistro-por-rexistro"

#~ msgid "Refresh grid contents"				#~ msgid "Refresh grid contents"
#~ msgstr "Actualiza-los contidos do enreixado"			#~ msgstr "Actualiza-los contidos do enreixado"

#~ msgid "Print grid"						#~ msgid "Print grid"
#~ msgstr "Imprimir enreixado"					#~ msgstr "Imprimir enreixado"

#~ msgid "Print grid contents"					#~ msgid "Print grid contents"
#~ msgstr "Imprimi-los contidos do enreixado"			#~ msgstr "Imprimi-los contidos do enreixado"

#~ msgid "Hide column titles"					#~ msgid "Hide column titles"
#~ msgstr "Agocha-los títulos das columnas"			#~ msgstr "Agocha-los títulos das columnas"

#~ msgid "User Name"						#~ msgid "User Name"
#~ msgstr "Nome de Usuario"					#~ msgstr "Nome de Usuario"

#~ msgid "GDA Datasource"					#~ msgid "GDA Datasource"
#~ msgstr "Fonte de datos de GDA"				#~ msgstr "Fonte de datos de GDA"

#~ msgid "Entry %d of %d"					#~ msgid "Entry %d of %d"
#~ msgstr "Entrada %d de %d"					#~ msgstr "Entrada %d de %d"

#~ msgid "Message"						#~ msgid "Message"
#~ msgstr "Mensaxe"						#~ msgstr "Mensaxe"

#~ msgid "Log Entry"						#~ msgid "Log Entry"
#~ msgstr "Entrada de Rexistro"					#~ msgstr "Entrada de Rexistro"

#~ msgid "Could not create file %s"				#~ msgid "Could not create file %s"
#~ msgstr "Non foi posible crea-lo ficheiro %s"			#~ msgstr "Non foi posible crea-lo ficheiro %s"

#~ msgid "Copyright The Free Software Foundation (C) 1998-200	#~ msgid "Copyright The Free Software Foundation (C) 1998-200
#~ msgstr "Copyright The Free Software Foundation (C) 1998-20	#~ msgstr "Copyright The Free Software Foundation (C) 1998-20

#~ msgid ""							#~ msgid ""
#~ "This program is part of the GNOME project for LINUX. GNOM	#~ "This program is part of the GNOME project for LINUX. GNOM
#~ "comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software,	#~ "comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software,
#~ "welcome to redistribute it under the conditions of the GN	#~ "welcome to redistribute it under the conditions of the GN
#~ "Licence."							#~ "Licence."
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Este programa é parte do proxecto GNOME para LINUX. GNOME	#~ "Este programa é parte do proxecto GNOME para LINUX. GNOME
#~ "sen ABSOLUTAMENTE NINGUNHA GARANT�A. Isto é software libr	#~ "sen ABSOLUTAMENTE NINGUNHA GARANT�A. Isto é software libr
#~ "benvido a redistribuílo baixo as condicións da Licencia P	#~ "benvido a redistribuílo baixo as condicións da Licencia P
#~ "GNU."							#~ "GNU."

#~ msgid ""							#~ msgid ""
#~ "Could not open file\n"					#~ "Could not open file\n"
#~ "%s"								#~ "%s"
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Non foi posible abri-lo ficheiro\n"				#~ "Non foi posible abri-lo ficheiro\n"
#~ " %s"							#~ " %s"

#~ msgid "Unable to execute Bug Report Tool"			#~ msgid "Unable to execute Bug Report Tool"
#~ msgstr "Non é posible executa-la Ferramenta de Informe de 	#~ msgstr "Non é posible executa-la Ferramenta de Informe de 

#~ msgid "Manage connection data sources"			#~ msgid "Manage connection data sources"
#~ msgstr "Xestionar fontes de datos da conexión"		#~ msgstr "Xestionar fontes de datos da conexión"

#~ msgid "Manage available GDA providers"			#~ msgid "Manage available GDA providers"
#~ msgstr "Xestionar fornecedores GDA dispoñibles"		#~ msgstr "Xestionar fornecedores GDA dispoñibles"

#~ msgid "Edit"							#~ msgid "Edit"
#~ msgstr "Editar"						#~ msgstr "Editar"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Edit selected data source"				#~ msgid "Edit selected data source"
#~ msgstr "Engadir nova fonte de datos"				#~ msgstr "Engadir nova fonte de datos"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Refresh Data Sources list"				#~ msgid "Refresh Data Sources list"
#~ msgstr "Actualiza-la lista de fornecedores"			#~ msgstr "Actualiza-la lista de fornecedores"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Edit data source"					#~ msgid "Edit data source"
#~ msgstr "Engadir nova fonte de datos"				#~ msgstr "Engadir nova fonte de datos"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "There was an error while testing connection"		#~ msgid "There was an error while testing connection"
#~ msgstr "¡Erro gardando a configuración!"			#~ msgstr "¡Erro gardando a configuración!"

#~ msgid "Edit selected provider"				#~ msgid "Edit selected provider"
#~ msgstr "Edita-lo fornecedor seleccionado"			#~ msgstr "Edita-lo fornecedor seleccionado"

#~ msgid "Refresh providers list"				#~ msgid "Refresh providers list"
#~ msgstr "Actualiza-la lista de fornecedores"			#~ msgstr "Actualiza-la lista de fornecedores"

#~ msgid "Stop"							#~ msgid "Stop"
#~ msgstr "Parar"						#~ msgstr "Parar"

#~ msgid "Stop selected provider"				#~ msgid "Stop selected provider"
#~ msgstr "Para-lo fornecedor seleccionado"			#~ msgstr "Para-lo fornecedor seleccionado"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Rolodex Application"					#~ msgid "Rolodex Application"
#~ msgstr "Saír da aplicación"					#~ msgstr "Saír da aplicación"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Export Database"					#~ msgid "Export Database"
#~ msgstr "Base de datos"					#~ msgstr "Base de datos"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Objects"						#~ msgid "Objects"
#~ msgstr "Nome do Obxecto"					#~ msgstr "Nome do Obxecto"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Could not initialize GNOME_DB_Builder control"	#~ msgid "Could not initialize GNOME_DB_Builder control"
#~ msgstr "Non foi posible inicializar Bonobo\n"		#~ msgstr "Non foi posible inicializar Bonobo\n"

#~ msgid "Open SQL File"					#~ msgid "Open SQL File"
#~ msgstr "Abrir Ficheiro SQL"					#~ msgstr "Abrir Ficheiro SQL"

#~ msgid "Open SQL file"					#~ msgid "Open SQL file"
#~ msgstr "Abrir ficheiro SQL"					#~ msgstr "Abrir ficheiro SQL"

#~ msgid "Save SQL file"					#~ msgid "Save SQL file"
#~ msgstr "Gardar ficheiro SQL"					#~ msgstr "Gardar ficheiro SQL"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Display help system home page"			#~ msgid "Display help system home page"
#~ msgstr "Abrir visualizador do sistema de axuda"		#~ msgstr "Abrir visualizador do sistema de axuda"

#~ msgid "No datasource '%s' defined in your GDA configuratio	#~ msgid "No datasource '%s' defined in your GDA configuratio
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Non se definiu a fonte de datos '%s' no seu ficheiro de c	#~ "Non se definiu a fonte de datos '%s' no seu ficheiro de c
#~ "GDA"							#~ "GDA"

#~ msgid "Could not allocate color"				#~ msgid "Could not allocate color"
#~ msgstr "Non foi posible asigna-la cor"			#~ msgstr "Non foi posible asigna-la cor"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Could not create Database Moniker factory"		#~ msgid "Could not create Database Moniker factory"
#~ msgstr "Non foi posible crea-lo ficheiro %s"			#~ msgstr "Non foi posible crea-lo ficheiro %s"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Project..."						#~ msgid "Project..."
#~ msgstr "Conectar..."						#~ msgstr "Conectar..."

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Open an existing project"				#~ msgid "Open an existing project"
#~ msgstr "Abrir un módulo existente"				#~ msgstr "Abrir un módulo existente"

#~ msgid "Open..."						#~ msgid "Open..."
#~ msgstr "Abrir..."						#~ msgstr "Abrir..."

#~ msgid "Browse"						#~ msgid "Browse"
#~ msgstr "Explorar"						#~ msgstr "Explorar"

#~ msgid "Import objects"					#~ msgid "Import objects"
#~ msgstr "Importar obxectos"					#~ msgstr "Importar obxectos"

#~ msgid "Import database objects into repository"		#~ msgid "Import database objects into repository"
#~ msgstr "Importar obxectos da base de datos no repositorio"	#~ msgstr "Importar obxectos da base de datos no repositorio"

#~ msgid "About gnome-db..."					#~ msgid "About gnome-db..."
#~ msgstr "Acerca de gnome-db..."				#~ msgstr "Acerca de gnome-db..."

#~ msgid "About this program"					#~ msgid "About this program"
#~ msgstr "Acerca deste programa"				#~ msgstr "Acerca deste programa"

#~ msgid "Open help system viewer"				#~ msgid "Open help system viewer"
#~ msgstr "Abrir visualizador do sistema de axuda"		#~ msgstr "Abrir visualizador do sistema de axuda"

#~ msgid "0 rows"						#~ msgid "0 rows"
#~ msgstr "0 ringleiras"					#~ msgstr "0 ringleiras"

#~ msgid "%d rows"						#~ msgid "%d rows"
#~ msgstr "%d ringleiras"					#~ msgstr "%d ringleiras"

#~ msgid "Close current view"					#~ msgid "Close current view"
#~ msgstr "Pecha-la vista actual"				#~ msgstr "Pecha-la vista actual"

#~ msgid "New Connection..."					#~ msgid "New Connection..."
#~ msgstr "Nova Conexión..."					#~ msgstr "Nova Conexión..."

#~ msgid "Disconnect all"					#~ msgid "Disconnect all"
#~ msgstr "Desconectar todas"					#~ msgstr "Desconectar todas"

#~ msgid "Close all connections"				#~ msgid "Close all connections"
#~ msgstr "Pechar tódalas conexións"				#~ msgstr "Pechar tódalas conexións"
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: hr.gmo
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/hr.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/hr.po
# Translation of libgnomedb to Croatiann			# Translation of libgnomedb to Croatiann
# Copyright (C) Croatiann team					# Copyright (C) Croatiann team
# Translators: Automatski Prijevod <>,Robert Sedak <robert.se	# Translators: Automatski Prijevod <>,Robert Sedak <robert.se
msgid ""							msgid ""
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: libgnomedb 0\n"				"Project-Id-Version: libgnomedb 0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"					"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"			"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-02-05 23:51+CET\n"			"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-02-05 23:51+CET\n"
"Last-Translator: auto\n"					"Last-Translator: auto\n"
"Language-Team: Croatian <lokalizacija linux hr>\n"		"Language-Team: Croatian <lokalizacija linux hr>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"						"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"			"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"				"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Generator: TransDict server\n"				"X-Generator: TransDict server\n"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co
msgid "Data Sources"						msgid "Data Sources"
msgstr "Izvori podataka"					msgstr "Izvori podataka"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid
msgid "Providers"						msgid "Providers"
msgstr "Posrednik"						msgstr "Posrednik"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1
msgid "Configure your database environment"			msgid "Configure your database environment"
msgstr "Podesi okružje baze podataka"				msgstr "Podesi okružje baze podataka"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2
msgid "Database Access Properties "				msgid "Database Access Properties "
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380
msgid "Name"							msgid "Name"
msgstr "Ime"							msgstr "Ime"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
msgid "Description"						msgid "Description"
msgstr "Opis"							msgstr "Opis"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182
msgid "Configured data sources in the system"			msgid "Configured data sources in the system"
msgstr "Podešeni izvori podataka na sistemu"			msgstr "Podešeni izvori podataka na sistemu"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data sources are the means by which database connections are	"Data sources are the means by which database connections are
"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s	"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s
"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o	"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o
"name you identify the connections in the applications that m	"name you identify the connections in the applications that m
"DB for database access."					"DB for database access."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Izvori podataka su naÄ?in na koji se pronalaze veze sa bazama	"Izvori podataka su naÄ?in na koji se pronalaze veze sa bazama
"paketu GNOME-DB. Svi podaci potrebni za spajanje na odreÄ?enu	"paketu GNOME-DB. Svi podaci potrebni za spajanje na odreÄ?enu
"dobavljaÄ?a i baze podataka Ä?uvaju se pod jedinstvenim imenom	"dobavljaÄ?a i baze podataka Ä?uvaju se pod jedinstvenim imenom
"jedinstvenog imenaidentificiraju se veze u programima koji k	"jedinstvenog imenaidentificiraju se veze u programima koji k
"za pristup bazama podataka."					"za pristup bazama podataka."

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"	msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104
msgid "Data Source Properties"					msgid "Data Source Properties"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132
msgid "Basic"							msgid "Basic"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Tables"							msgid "Tables"
msgstr "Tablice"						msgstr "Tablice"

#: control-center/main.c:92					#: control-center/main.c:92
msgid "No valid data source info was created"			msgid "No valid data source info was created"
msgstr "Nisu unijeti ispravni podaci o izvoru podataka"		msgstr "Nisu unijeti ispravni podaci o izvoru podataka"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218	#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218
msgid "New data source"						msgid "New data source"
msgstr "Novi izvor podataka"					msgstr "Novi izvor podataka"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:215					#: control-center/main.c:215
msgid "Database Access Properties"				msgid "Database Access Properties"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/provider-config.c:105				#: control-center/provider-config.c:105
msgid "Installed providers"					msgid "Installed providers"
msgstr "Instalirani posrednici"					msgstr "Instalirani posrednici"

#: control-center/provider-config.c:131				#: control-center/provider-config.c:131
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec	"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec
"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo	"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo
"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr	"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr
"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba	"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba
"etc."								"etc."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1
msgid "Database connection parameters file"			msgid "Database connection parameters file"
msgstr "Datoteka sa parametrima za spajanje sa bazom podataka	msgstr "Datoteka sa parametrima za spajanje sa bazom podataka

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2
msgid "Documents"						msgid "Documents"
msgstr "Dokumenti"						msgstr "Dokumenti"

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3
msgid "SQL code viewer"						msgid "SQL code viewer"
msgstr "PregledaÄ? SQL kôda"					msgstr "PregledaÄ? SQL kôda"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1
msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"			msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"
msgstr "Font koje se koristi u mreži linija"			msgstr "Font koje se koristi u mreži linija"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2
msgid "Number of spaces per tab"				msgid "Number of spaces per tab"
msgstr "Broj razmaka po tabulatoru"				msgstr "Broj razmaka po tabulatoru"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3
msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"			msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"
msgstr "Prikaži brojeve linija u ureÄ?ivaÄ?u izvornog koda"	msgstr "Prikaži brojeve linija u ureÄ?ivaÄ?u izvornog koda"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4
msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"			msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"
msgstr "Koristi isticanje izvornog koda u ureÄ?ivaÄ?u"		msgstr "Koristi isticanje izvornog koda u ureÄ?ivaÄ?u"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60
msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"			msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"
msgstr "Usluge baza podataka za radno okruženje GNOME"		msgstr "Usluge baza podataka za radno okruženje GNOME"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1
msgid "About"							msgid "About"
msgstr "O"							msgstr "O"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2
msgid "About GNOME-DB"						msgid "About GNOME-DB"
msgstr "O Gnom-DB-u"						msgstr "O Gnom-DB-u"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3
msgid "Close this window"					msgid "Close this window"
msgstr "Zatvori ovaj prozor"					msgstr "Zatvori ovaj prozor"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4
msgid "Create new entry"					msgid "Create new entry"
msgstr "Stvori novi unos"					msgstr "Stvori novi unos"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5
msgid "Delete selected items"					msgid "Delete selected items"
msgstr "Obriši odabrane stavke"					msgstr "Obriši odabrane stavke"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6
msgid "Deselect all items"					msgid "Deselect all items"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7
msgid "Edit properties for selected item"			msgid "Edit properties for selected item"
msgstr "Uredi osobine odabrane stavke"				msgstr "Uredi osobine odabrane stavke"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8
msgid "Save connection parameters to file"			msgid "Save connection parameters to file"
msgstr "SaÄ?uvaj parametre za povezivanje u datoteku"		msgstr "SaÄ?uvaj parametre za povezivanje u datoteku"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414
msgid "Select _All"						msgid "Select _All"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10
msgid "Select all items"					msgid "Select all items"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11
msgid "View data sources"					msgid "View data sources"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12
msgid "View providers"						msgid "View providers"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42
msgid "_Clear Selection"					msgid "_Clear Selection"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14
msgid "_Close"							msgid "_Close"
msgstr "_Zatvori"						msgstr "_Zatvori"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15
msgid "_Data Sources"						msgid "_Data Sources"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16
msgid "_Database"						msgid "_Database"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17
msgid "_Delete"							msgid "_Delete"
msgstr "_Obriši"						msgstr "_Obriši"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18
msgid "_Edit"							msgid "_Edit"
msgstr "_Uredi"							msgstr "_Uredi"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19
msgid "_Help"							msgid "_Help"
msgstr "_PomoÄ?"							msgstr "_PomoÄ?"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20
msgid "_New Data Source..."					msgid "_New Data Source..."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21
msgid "_Properties"						msgid "_Properties"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22
msgid "_Providers"						msgid "_Providers"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23
msgid "_Save Connection"					msgid "_Save Connection"
msgstr "_SaÄ?uvaj vezu"						msgstr "_SaÄ?uvaj vezu"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24
msgid "_View"							msgid "_View"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76
msgid "Structure"						msgid "Structure"
msgstr "Struktura"						msgstr "Struktura"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73
msgid "Data"							msgid "Data"
msgstr "Podatak"						msgstr "Podatak"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238
msgid "Not implemented yet!"					msgid "Not implemented yet!"
msgstr "Još nije napravljeno!"					msgstr "Još nije napravljeno!"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Database"						msgid "Database"
msgstr "Baza podataka"						msgstr "Baza podataka"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540
msgid "Loading database schemas..."				msgid "Loading database schemas..."
msgstr "UÄ?itava sheme baze podataka..."				msgstr "UÄ?itava sheme baze podataka..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632
msgid "Refreshing data..."					msgid "Refreshing data..."
msgstr "Osvežava podatke..."					msgstr "Osvežava podatke..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688
msgid "Views"							msgid "Views"
msgstr "Pogledi"						msgstr "Pogledi"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691
msgid "Indexes"							msgid "Indexes"
msgstr "Indeksi"						msgstr "Indeksi"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Sequences"						msgid "Sequences"
msgstr "Sekvence"						msgstr "Sekvence"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Procedures"						msgid "Procedures"
msgstr "Procedure"						msgstr "Procedure"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700
msgid "Triggers"						msgid "Triggers"
msgstr "OkidaÄ?i"						msgstr "OkidaÄ?i"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Aggregates"						msgid "Aggregates"
msgstr "Dopunske"						msgstr "Dopunske"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Types"							msgid "Types"
msgstr "Tipovi"							msgstr "Tipovi"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140
msgid "Could not query CORBA components"			msgid "Could not query CORBA components"
msgstr "Nije uspio poslati upit CORBA komponentama"		msgstr "Nije uspio poslati upit CORBA komponentama"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209
msgid "ID"							msgid "ID"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "Location"						msgid "Location"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Username"						msgid "Username"
msgstr "KorisniÄ?ko ime:"					msgstr "KorisniÄ?ko ime:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213
msgid "Hostname"						msgid "Hostname"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214
msgid "Domain"							msgid "Domain"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"			msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"
msgstr "Nepodržan tip za GKonf stavku: %d"			msgstr "Nepodržan tip za GKonf stavku: %d"

#. create widgets						#. create widgets
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97
msgid "Settings"						msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Postavke"						msgstr "Postavke"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103
msgid "Data source name"					msgid "Data source name"
msgstr "Ime izvora podataka"					msgstr "Ime izvora podataka"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109
msgid "Connection string"					msgid "Connection string"
msgstr "Niz znakova za vezu"					msgstr "Niz znakova za vezu"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115
msgid "Provider"						msgid "Provider"
msgstr "Davatelj"						msgstr "Davatelj"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121
msgid "User name"						msgid "User name"
msgstr "KorisniÄ?ko ime"						msgstr "KorisniÄ?ko ime"

#. create feature list						#. create feature list
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128
msgid "Features"						msgid "Features"
msgstr "MoguÄ?nosti"						msgstr "MoguÄ?nosti"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190
msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"		msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"
msgstr "Morate unijeti ime za novi izvor podataka"		msgstr "Morate unijeti ime za novi izvor podataka"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac	msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac
msgstr "Imena izvora podataka ne mogu sadržavati razmake"	msgstr "Imena izvora podataka ne mogu sadržavati razmake"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206
msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th	msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th
msgstr "PostojeÄ?i izvor podataka je veÄ? registriran pod istim	msgstr "PostojeÄ?i izvor podataka je veÄ? registriran pod istim

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213
msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"			msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"
msgstr "Imena izvora podataka ne mogu sadržavati razmake"	msgstr "Imena izvora podataka ne mogu sadržavati razmake"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217
msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n	msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n
msgstr "Imena izvora podataka mogu sadržavati samo brojeve i 	msgstr "Imena izvora podataka mogu sadržavati samo brojeve i 

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225
msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"	msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"
msgstr "Morate odabrati posrednika za novi izvor podataka"	msgstr "Morate odabrati posrednika za novi izvor podataka"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233
msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"		msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"
msgstr "Posrednik ne postoju meÄ?u vaÅ¡im podeÅ¡avanjima"		msgstr "Posrednik ne postoju meÄ?u vaÅ¡im podeÅ¡avanjima"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391
msgid "Add a new data source..."				msgid "Add a new data source..."
msgstr "Dodaj novi izvor podataka..."				msgstr "Dodaj novi izvor podataka..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392
msgid ""							msgid ""
"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"		"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"
"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"		"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"
"installation. Just follow the steps!"				"installation. Just follow the steps!"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Ovaj pomoÄ?nik Ä?e vas provesti kroz postupak\n"			"Ovaj pomoÄ?nik Ä?e vas provesti kroz postupak\n"
"izrade novog izvora podataka za vaš Gnom-DB sistem.\n"		"izrade novog izvora podataka za vaš Gnom-DB sistem.\n"
"Potrebno je samo da pratite korake!"				"Potrebno je samo da pratite korake!"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404
msgid "General Information"					msgid "General Information"
msgstr "OpÄ?e informacije"					msgstr "OpÄ?e informacije"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the basic information\n"	"The following fields represent the basic information\n"
"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n	"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n
"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"	"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"
"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"	"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"
"the default one."						"the default one."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104
msgid "Data source _name:"					msgid "Data source _name:"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114
msgid "_Provider:"						msgid "_Provider:"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133
msgid "_Description:"						msgid "_Description:"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142
msgid "_Username:"						msgid "_Username:"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151
msgid "P_assword:"						msgid "P_assword:"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454
msgid "Provider Parameters"					msgid "Provider Parameters"
msgstr "Parametri posrednika"					msgstr "Parametri posrednika"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the information needed by the	"The following fields represent the information needed by the
"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n	"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n
"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\	"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\
"the manual for more information."				"the manual for more information."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481
msgid "All information retrieved"				msgid "All information retrieved"
msgstr "Sve informacije su dobivene"				msgstr "Sve informacije su dobivene"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482
msgid ""							msgid ""
"All information needed to create a new data source\n"		"All information needed to create a new data source\n"
"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"		"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"
"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"	"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"
"just select it when asked for a data source."			"just select it when asked for a data source."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124
msgid "Connection _string:"					msgid "Connection _string:"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4
msgid "Error"							msgid "Error"
msgstr "Greška"							msgstr "Greška"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.
msgid "Show detail >>"						msgid "Show detail >>"
msgstr "Prikaži detalje >>"					msgstr "Prikaži detalje >>"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122
msgid "<< Hide detail"						msgid "<< Hide detail"
msgstr "<< Sakrij detalje"					msgstr "<< Sakrij detalje"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191
msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"	msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"
msgstr "DoÅ¡lo je do neoÄ?ekivane greÅ¡ke u samoj bazi podataka"	msgstr "DoÅ¡lo je do neoÄ?ekivane greÅ¡ke u samoj bazi podataka"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196
msgid "Error number"						msgid "Error number"
msgstr "Broj greške"						msgstr "Broj greške"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227
msgid "Details"							msgid "Details"
msgstr "Detalji"						msgstr "Detalji"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234
msgid "Source"							msgid "Source"
msgstr "Izvor"							msgstr "Izvor"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241
msgid "SQL state"						msgid "SQL state"
msgstr "SQL stanje"						msgstr "SQL stanje"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Field:"							msgid "_Field:"
msgstr "Polja"							msgstr "Polja"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118
msgid "_Text:"							msgid "_Text:"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308
msgid "No records"						msgid "No records"
msgstr "Nema podataka"						msgstr "Nema podataka"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Record %d of %d"						msgid "Record %d of %d"
msgstr "Red %d od %d"						msgstr "Red %d od %d"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113
msgid "Recordset description"					msgid "Recordset description"
msgstr "Opis podataka"						msgstr "Opis podataka"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid ""							msgid ""
"File '%s' already exists.\n"					"File '%s' already exists.\n"
"Do you want to overwrite it?"					"Do you want to overwrite it?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149
msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."		msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Could not save file %s"					msgid "Could not save file %s"
msgstr "Ne mogu spremiti datoteku  %s"				msgstr "Ne mogu spremiti datoteku  %s"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224
msgid "You must specify a file name"				msgid "You must specify a file name"
msgstr "Morate navesti ime datoteke"				msgstr "Morate navesti ime datoteke"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230
msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"		msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"
msgstr "Naišao na praznu datoteku pri pretvaranju podataka"	msgstr "Naišao na praznu datoteku pri pretvaranju podataka"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261
msgid "Saving Model"						msgid "Saving Model"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272
msgid "File _name:"						msgid "File _name:"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276
msgid "Select File"						msgid "Select File"
msgstr "Odaberi Datoteku"					msgstr "Odaberi Datoteku"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283
msgid "File _type:"						msgid "File _type:"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291
msgid "Tab-delimited"						msgid "Tab-delimited"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294
msgid "Comma-delimited"						msgid "Comma-delimited"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:
msgid "XML"							msgid "XML"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355
msgid "View detail"						msgid "View detail"
msgstr "Prikaži detalj"						msgstr "Prikaži detalj"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427
msgid "Show Column _Titles"					msgid "Show Column _Titles"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442
msgid "Describe"						msgid "Describe"
msgstr "Opiši"							msgstr "Opiši"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443
msgid "View detail..."						msgid "View detail..."
msgstr "Prikaži detalj..."					msgstr "Prikaži detalj..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614
msgid "Title"							msgid "Title"
msgstr "Naslov"							msgstr "Naslov"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48
msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"	msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"
msgstr "PokuÅ¡ava pokrenuti veÄ? pokrenutog klijenta"		msgstr "PokuÅ¡ava pokrenuti veÄ? pokrenutog klijenta"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"		"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"
"to a data source"						"to a data source"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Unesite ispod argumente da uspostavite vezu sa \n"		"Unesite ispod argumente da uspostavite vezu sa \n"
"izvorom podataka"						"izvorom podataka"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253
msgid "Data Source:"						msgid "Data Source:"
msgstr "Izvor podataka:"					msgstr "Izvor podataka:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270
msgid "Username:"						msgid "Username:"
msgstr "KorisniÄ?ko ime:"					msgstr "KorisniÄ?ko ime:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279
msgid "Password:"						msgid "Password:"
msgstr "Lozinka:"						msgstr "Lozinka:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69
msgid "Fields"							msgid "Fields"
msgstr "Polja"							msgstr "Polja"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30
msgid "Commit"							msgid "Commit"
msgstr "Pošalji"						msgstr "Pošalji"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31
msgid "Connect"							msgid "Connect"
msgstr "Spoji"							msgstr "Spoji"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33
msgid "Designer"						msgid "Designer"
msgstr "Dizajner"						msgstr "Dizajner"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34
msgid "Disconnect"						msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr "Prekini vezu"						msgstr "Prekini vezu"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35
msgid "NoTransaction"						msgid "NoTransaction"
msgstr "NemaTransakcija"					msgstr "NemaTransakcija"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37
msgid "Query"							msgid "Query"
msgstr "Upit"							msgstr "Upit"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38
msgid "Rollback"						msgid "Rollback"
msgstr "Vrati"							msgstr "Vrati"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40
msgid "SQL"							msgid "SQL"
msgstr "SQL"							msgstr "SQL"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43
msgid "WithinTransaction"					msgid "WithinTransaction"
msgstr "UnutarTransakcije"					msgstr "UnutarTransakcije"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Error: %s"						msgid "Error: %s"
msgstr "Greška: %s"						msgstr "Greška: %s"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79
msgid "Table name"						msgid "Table name"
msgstr "Ime tablice"						msgstr "Ime tablice"

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93			#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Login for %s"						msgid "Login for %s"
msgstr "Prijava za %s"						msgstr "Prijava za %s"

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95					#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95
msgid "Login to database"					msgid "Login to database"
msgstr "Prijava za bazu podataka"				msgstr "Prijava za bazu podataka"

#: vfs/libmain.c:71						#: vfs/libmain.c:71
msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"				msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"
msgstr "GNOME VFS baza podataka: dodatak"			msgstr "GNOME VFS baza podataka: dodatak"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40
msgid "Table Properties"					msgid "Table Properties"
msgstr "Svojstva tablice"					msgstr "Svojstva tablice"

#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47
msgid "Table Name"						msgid "Table Name"
msgstr "Ime tablice"						msgstr "Ime tablice"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155
msgid "New"							msgid "New"
msgstr "Novi"							msgstr "Novi"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156
msgid "Create new table"					msgid "Create new table"
msgstr "Stvori novu tablicu"					msgstr "Stvori novu tablicu"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161
msgid "Properties"						msgid "Properties"
msgstr "Svojstva"						msgstr "Svojstva"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162
msgid "View table properties"					msgid "View table properties"
msgstr "Pogledajte osobine tabele"				msgstr "Pogledajte osobine tabele"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
msgid "UID"							msgid "UID"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "calendar"						msgid "calendar"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "summary"							msgid "summary"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "Summary"							msgid "Summary"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "location"						msgid "location"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "dtstart"							msgid "dtstart"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
msgid "Start time"						msgid "Start time"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "dtend"							msgid "dtend"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "End time"						msgid "End time"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
msgid "description"						msgid "description"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "classification"						msgid "classification"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "Classification"						msgid "Classification"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "transparency"						msgid "transparency"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "Transparency"						msgid "Transparency"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "categories"						msgid "categories"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "Categories"						msgid "Categories"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "tasks"							msgid "tasks"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "due"							msgid "due"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "Due date"						msgid "Due date"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "Start date"						msgid "Start date"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355
msgid "Public"							msgid "Public"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358
msgid "Private"							msgid "Private"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361
msgid "Confidential"						msgid "Confidential"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63
msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"		msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66
msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"			msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80
msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta	msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83
msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"		msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100
msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"				msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212
msgid "Field name"						msgid "Field name"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213
msgid "Data type"						msgid "Data type"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214
msgid "Size"							msgid "Size"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215
msgid "Scale"							msgid "Scale"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216
msgid "Not null?"						msgid "Not null?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217
msgid "Primary key?"						msgid "Primary key?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218
msgid "Unique index?"						msgid "Unique index?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219
msgid "References"						msgid "References"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220
msgid "Default value"						msgid "Default value"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239
msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l	msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Table %s does not exist"					msgid "Table %s does not exist"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318
msgid "Scheduled events"					msgid "Scheduled events"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321
msgid "TODO list"						msgid "TODO list"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375
msgid "Owner"							msgid "Owner"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376
msgid "Comments"						msgid "Comments"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374
msgid "Type"							msgid "Type"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377
msgid "GDA type"						msgid "GDA type"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id	#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id
#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database	#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database
#. we can easily access that information			#. we can easily access that information
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382
msgid "local"							msgid "local"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217
msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230
msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244
msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"			msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268
msgid "Invalid SQL command"					msgid "Invalid SQL command"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353
msgid "Transactions are not supported"				msgid "Transactions are not supported"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41
msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"		msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task	"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: hu.gmo
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/hu.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/hu.po
# Hungarian translation of libgnomedb.				# Hungarian translation of libgnomedb.
# Copyright (C) 1999-2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.	# Copyright (C) 1999-2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This file is distributed under the same license as the libg	# This file is distributed under the same license as the libg
# Szabolcs Ban <shooby gnome hu>, 1999.				# Szabolcs Ban <shooby gnome hu>, 1999.
# Laszlo Dvornik <dvornik gnome hu>, 2004.			# Laszlo Dvornik <dvornik gnome hu>, 2004.
#								#
msgid ""							msgid ""
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: libgnomedb\n"				"Project-Id-Version: libgnomedb\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"					"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"			"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-07-20 15:17+0200\n"			"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-07-20 15:17+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Laszlo Dvornik <dvornik gnome hu>\n"		"Last-Translator: Laszlo Dvornik <dvornik gnome hu>\n"
"Language-Team: Hungarian <gnome gnome hu>\n"			"Language-Team: Hungarian <gnome gnome hu>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"						"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"			"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"				"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co
msgid "Data Sources"						msgid "Data Sources"
msgstr "Adatforrások"						msgstr "Adatforrások"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid
msgid "Providers"						msgid "Providers"
msgstr "Szolgáltatók"						msgstr "Szolgáltatók"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1
msgid "Configure your database environment"			msgid "Configure your database environment"
msgstr "Adatbázis-környezet beállítása"				msgstr "Adatbázis-környezet beállítása"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2
msgid "Database Access Properties "				msgid "Database Access Properties "
msgstr "Adatbázis-elérés tulajdonságai "			msgstr "Adatbázis-elérés tulajdonságai "

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380
msgid "Name"							msgid "Name"
msgstr "Név"							msgstr "Név"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
msgid "Description"						msgid "Description"
msgstr "Leírás"							msgstr "Leírás"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182
msgid "Configured data sources in the system"			msgid "Configured data sources in the system"
msgstr "Beállított adatforrások a rendszerben"			msgstr "Beállított adatforrások a rendszerben"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data sources are the means by which database connections are	"Data sources are the means by which database connections are
"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s	"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s
"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o	"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o
"name you identify the connections in the applications that m	"name you identify the connections in the applications that m
"DB for database access."					"DB for database access."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Adatforrások abban az értelemben, ahogy a GNOME-DB azonosítj	"Adatforrások abban az értelemben, ahogy a GNOME-DB azonosítj
"csatlakozásokat. Minden egy specifikus szolgáltató/adatbázis	"csatlakozásokat. Minden egy specifikus szolgáltató/adatbázis
"csatlakozás megnyitásához szükséges információ egyedi névvel	"csatlakozás megnyitásához szükséges információ egyedi névvel
"egyedi név használatával azonosíthatja a csatlakozásokat azo	"egyedi név használatával azonosíthatja a csatlakozásokat azo
"alkalmazásokban, amelyek a GNOME-DB-t használják adatbázis-e	"alkalmazásokban, amelyek a GNOME-DB-t használják adatbázis-e

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"	msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"
msgstr "Biztos el akarja távolítani a(z) '%s' adatforrást?"	msgstr "Biztos el akarja távolítani a(z) '%s' adatforrást?"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104
msgid "Data Source Properties"					msgid "Data Source Properties"
msgstr "Adatforrás tulajdonságai"				msgstr "Adatforrás tulajdonságai"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132
msgid "Basic"							msgid "Basic"
msgstr "Alap"							msgstr "Alap"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Tables"							msgid "Tables"
msgstr "Táblázatok"						msgstr "Táblázatok"

#: control-center/main.c:92					#: control-center/main.c:92
msgid "No valid data source info was created"			msgid "No valid data source info was created"
msgstr "Nem lett létrehozva érvényes adatforrás-információ"	msgstr "Nem lett létrehozva érvényes adatforrás-információ"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218	#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218
msgid "New data source"						msgid "New data source"
msgstr "�j adatforrás"						msgstr "�j adatforrás"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:215					#: control-center/main.c:215
msgid "Database Access Properties"				msgid "Database Access Properties"
msgstr "Adatbázis-elérés tulajdonságai"				msgstr "Adatbázis-elérés tulajdonságai"

#: control-center/provider-config.c:105				#: control-center/provider-config.c:105
msgid "Installed providers"					msgid "Installed providers"
msgstr "Telepített szolgáltatók"				msgstr "Telepített szolgáltatók"

#: control-center/provider-config.c:131				#: control-center/provider-config.c:131
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec	"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec
"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo	"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo
"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr	"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr
"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba	"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba
"etc."								"etc."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"A szolgáltatók olyan külsÅ? bÅ?vítmények, amelyek hozzáférést 	"A szolgáltatók olyan külsÅ? bÅ?vítmények, amelyek hozzáférést 
"specifikus adatforráshoz. Az alapértelmezett szolgáltató, am	"specifikus adatforráshoz. Az alapértelmezett szolgáltató, am
"nyújt az XML-fájlokban tárolt adatbázisokhoz, mindig telepít	"nyújt az XML-fájlokban tárolt adatbázisokhoz, mindig telepít
"szolgáltatók, mint például a PostgreSQL, a MySQL, az Oracle,	"szolgáltatók, mint például a PostgreSQL, a MySQL, az Oracle,
"Interbase, stb., általában a libgda-val vagy a gnome-db-vel 	"Interbase, stb., általában a libgda-val vagy a gnome-db-vel 
"terjesztésre."							"terjesztésre."

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1
msgid "Database connection parameters file"			msgid "Database connection parameters file"
msgstr "Adatbázis-csatlakozási paraméterek fájl"		msgstr "Adatbázis-csatlakozási paraméterek fájl"

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2
msgid "Documents"						msgid "Documents"
msgstr "Dokumentumok"						msgstr "Dokumentumok"

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3
msgid "SQL code viewer"						msgid "SQL code viewer"
msgstr "SQL-kódnézÅ?"						msgstr "SQL-kódnézÅ?"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1
msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"			msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"
msgstr "A rács widget-ben használandó betűkészlet"		msgstr "A rács widget-ben használandó betűkészlet"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2
msgid "Number of spaces per tab"				msgid "Number of spaces per tab"
msgstr "Tabulátoronkénti szóközök száma"			msgstr "Tabulátoronkénti szóközök száma"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3
msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"			msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"
msgstr "Sorszámok megjelenítése a forrásszerkesztÅ?ben"		msgstr "Sorszámok megjelenítése a forrásszerkesztÅ?ben"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4
msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"			msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"
msgstr "Kiemelés használata a forráskód-szerkesztÅ?ben"		msgstr "Kiemelés használata a forráskód-szerkesztÅ?ben"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60
msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"			msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"
msgstr "Adatbázis szolgáltatások a GNOME munkaasztalhoz"	msgstr "Adatbázis szolgáltatások a GNOME munkaasztalhoz"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1
msgid "About"							msgid "About"
msgstr "Névjegy"						msgstr "Névjegy"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2
msgid "About GNOME-DB"						msgid "About GNOME-DB"
msgstr "GNOME-DB névjegye"					msgstr "GNOME-DB névjegye"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3
msgid "Close this window"					msgid "Close this window"
msgstr "Ablak bezárása"						msgstr "Ablak bezárása"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4
msgid "Create new entry"					msgid "Create new entry"
msgstr "�j bejegyzés létrehozása"				msgstr "�j bejegyzés létrehozása"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5
msgid "Delete selected items"					msgid "Delete selected items"
msgstr "Kijelölt elemek törlése"				msgstr "Kijelölt elemek törlése"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6
msgid "Deselect all items"					msgid "Deselect all items"
msgstr "Megszünteti az összes fájl kijelölését"			msgstr "Megszünteti az összes fájl kijelölését"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7
msgid "Edit properties for selected item"			msgid "Edit properties for selected item"
msgstr "Kijelölt elem tulajdonságainak szerkesztése"		msgstr "Kijelölt elem tulajdonságainak szerkesztése"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8
msgid "Save connection parameters to file"			msgid "Save connection parameters to file"
msgstr "Csatlakozási paraméterek mentése fájlba"		msgstr "Csatlakozási paraméterek mentése fájlba"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414
msgid "Select _All"						msgid "Select _All"
msgstr "_Mindent kijelöl"					msgstr "_Mindent kijelöl"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10
msgid "Select all items"					msgid "Select all items"
msgstr "Minden elem kijelölése"					msgstr "Minden elem kijelölése"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11
msgid "View data sources"					msgid "View data sources"
msgstr "Adatforrások megtekintése"				msgstr "Adatforrások megtekintése"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12
msgid "View providers"						msgid "View providers"
msgstr "Szolgáltatók megtekintése"				msgstr "Szolgáltatók megtekintése"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42
msgid "_Clear Selection"					msgid "_Clear Selection"
msgstr "Kijelölés _törlése"					msgstr "Kijelölés _törlése"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14
msgid "_Close"							msgid "_Close"
msgstr "_Bezárás"						msgstr "_Bezárás"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15
msgid "_Data Sources"						msgid "_Data Sources"
msgstr "_Adatforrások"						msgstr "_Adatforrások"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16
msgid "_Database"						msgid "_Database"
msgstr "_Adatbázis"						msgstr "_Adatbázis"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17
msgid "_Delete"							msgid "_Delete"
msgstr "_Törlés"						msgstr "_Törlés"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18
msgid "_Edit"							msgid "_Edit"
msgstr "S_zerkesztés"						msgstr "S_zerkesztés"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19
msgid "_Help"							msgid "_Help"
msgstr "_Súgó"							msgstr "_Súgó"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20
msgid "_New Data Source..."					msgid "_New Data Source..."
msgstr "�_j adatforrás..."					msgstr "�_j adatforrás..."

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21
msgid "_Properties"						msgid "_Properties"
msgstr "_Tulajdonságok"						msgstr "_Tulajdonságok"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22
msgid "_Providers"						msgid "_Providers"
msgstr "Sz_olgáltatók"						msgstr "Sz_olgáltatók"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23
msgid "_Save Connection"					msgid "_Save Connection"
msgstr "Csatlakozás m_entése"					msgstr "Csatlakozás m_entése"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24
msgid "_View"							msgid "_View"
msgstr "_Nézet"							msgstr "_Nézet"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76
msgid "Structure"						msgid "Structure"
msgstr "Struktúra"						msgstr "Struktúra"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73
msgid "Data"							msgid "Data"
msgstr "Adat"							msgstr "Adat"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238
msgid "Not implemented yet!"					msgid "Not implemented yet!"
msgstr "Még nincs implementálva!"				msgstr "Még nincs implementálva!"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Database"						msgid "Database"
msgstr "Adatbázis"						msgstr "Adatbázis"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540
msgid "Loading database schemas..."				msgid "Loading database schemas..."
msgstr "Adatbázis-sémák betöltése..."				msgstr "Adatbázis-sémák betöltése..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632
msgid "Refreshing data..."					msgid "Refreshing data..."
msgstr "Adat frissítése..."					msgstr "Adat frissítése..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688
msgid "Views"							msgid "Views"
msgstr "Nézetek"						msgstr "Nézetek"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691
msgid "Indexes"							msgid "Indexes"
msgstr "Indexek"						msgstr "Indexek"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Sequences"						msgid "Sequences"
msgstr "Szekvenciák"						msgstr "Szekvenciák"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Procedures"						msgid "Procedures"
msgstr "Eljárások"						msgstr "Eljárások"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700
msgid "Triggers"						msgid "Triggers"
msgstr "EseménykezelÅ?k"						msgstr "EseménykezelÅ?k"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Aggregates"						msgid "Aggregates"
msgstr "Oszlopfüggvények"					msgstr "Oszlopfüggvények"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Types"							msgid "Types"
msgstr "Típusok"						msgstr "Típusok"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140
msgid "Could not query CORBA components"			msgid "Could not query CORBA components"
msgstr "Nem lehet lekérdezni a CORBA-komponenseket"		msgstr "Nem lehet lekérdezni a CORBA-komponenseket"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209
msgid "ID"							msgid "ID"
msgstr "Azonosító"						msgstr "Azonosító"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "Location"						msgid "Location"
msgstr "Hely"							msgstr "Hely"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212
msgid "Username"						msgid "Username"
msgstr "Felhasználónév"						msgstr "Felhasználónév"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213
msgid "Hostname"						msgid "Hostname"
msgstr "Gépnév"							msgstr "Gépnév"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214
msgid "Domain"							msgid "Domain"
msgstr "Tartomány"						msgstr "Tartomány"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"			msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"
msgstr "Nem támogatott típus a GconfEntry-ben: %d"		msgstr "Nem támogatott típus a GconfEntry-ben: %d"

#. create widgets						#. create widgets
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97
msgid "Settings"						msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Beállítások"						msgstr "Beállítások"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103
msgid "Data source name"					msgid "Data source name"
msgstr "Adatforrás neve"					msgstr "Adatforrás neve"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109
msgid "Connection string"					msgid "Connection string"
msgstr "Csatlakozási karakterlánc"				msgstr "Csatlakozási karakterlánc"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115
msgid "Provider"						msgid "Provider"
msgstr "Szolgáltató"						msgstr "Szolgáltató"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121
msgid "User name"						msgid "User name"
msgstr "Felhasználónév"						msgstr "Felhasználónév"

#. create feature list						#. create feature list
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128
msgid "Features"						msgid "Features"
msgstr "Szolgáltatások"						msgstr "Szolgáltatások"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190
msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"		msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"
msgstr "Meg kell adnia egy nevet az új adatforrásnak"		msgstr "Meg kell adnia egy nevet az új adatforrásnak"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197
msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac	msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac
msgstr "Az adatforrások nevei csak alfanumerikus karaktereket	msgstr "Az adatforrások nevei csak alfanumerikus karaktereket

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206
msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th	msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th
msgstr "Egy létezÅ? adatforrás már regisztrálva van ezen a név	msgstr "Egy létezÅ? adatforrás már regisztrálva van ezen a név

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213
msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"			msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"
msgstr "Az adatforrások nevei nem tartalmazhatnak szóközöket"	msgstr "Az adatforrások nevei nem tartalmazhatnak szóközöket"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217
msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n	msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n
msgstr "Az adatforrások nevei csak ASCII-betűket és -számokat	msgstr "Az adatforrások nevei csak ASCII-betűket és -számokat

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225
msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"	msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"
msgstr "Ki kell választania egy szolgáltatót az új adatforrás	msgstr "Ki kell választania egy szolgáltatót az új adatforrás

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233
msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"		msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"
msgstr "A szolgáltató nem található az �n beállításában"	msgstr "A szolgáltató nem található az �n beállításában"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391
msgid "Add a new data source..."				msgid "Add a new data source..."
msgstr "�j adatforrás hozzáadása..."				msgstr "�j adatforrás hozzáadása..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392
msgid ""							msgid ""
"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"		"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"
"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"		"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"
"installation. Just follow the steps!"				"installation. Just follow the steps!"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Ez a druida végigvezeti �nt a GNOME-DB telepítés\n"		"Ez a druida végigvezeti �nt a GNOME-DB telepítés\n"
"egy új adatforrásának létrehozási folyamatán.\n"		"egy új adatforrásának létrehozási folyamatán.\n"
"Csak kövesse a lépéseket!"					"Csak kövesse a lépéseket!"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404
msgid "General Information"					msgid "General Information"
msgstr "�ltalános információk"					msgstr "�ltalános információk"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the basic information\n"	"The following fields represent the basic information\n"
"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n	"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n
"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"	"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"
"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"	"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"
"the default one."						"the default one."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"A következÅ? mezÅ?k az Ã?n új adatforrásának alap\n"		"A következÅ? mezÅ?k az Ã?n új adatforrásának alap\n"
"adatelemeit jelentik. Néhány ezek közül (leírás,\n"		"adatelemeit jelentik. Néhány ezek közül (leírás,\n"
"felhasználónév) opcionális, míg mások kötelezÅ?ek.\n"		"felhasználónév) opcionális, míg mások kötelezÅ?ek.\n"
"Ha nem tudja, hogy melyik szolgáltatót használja,\n"		"Ha nem tudja, hogy melyik szolgáltatót használja,\n"
"válassza az alapértelmezettet."				"válassza az alapértelmezettet."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104
msgid "Data source _name:"					msgid "Data source _name:"
msgstr "Adatforrás _neve:"					msgstr "Adatforrás _neve:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114
msgid "_Provider:"						msgid "_Provider:"
msgstr "Sz_olgáltató:"						msgstr "Sz_olgáltató:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133
msgid "_Description:"						msgid "_Description:"
msgstr "_Leírás:"						msgstr "_Leírás:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142
msgid "_Username:"						msgid "_Username:"
msgstr "_Felhasználónév:"					msgstr "_Felhasználónév:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151
msgid "P_assword:"						msgid "P_assword:"
msgstr "_Jelszó:"						msgstr "_Jelszó:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454
msgid "Provider Parameters"					msgid "Provider Parameters"
msgstr "Szolgáltató paraméterei"				msgstr "Szolgáltató paraméterei"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the information needed by the	"The following fields represent the information needed by the
"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n	"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n
"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\	"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\
"the manual for more information."				"the manual for more information."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"A következÅ? mezÅ?k az elÅ?zÅ? oldalon kijelölt szolgáltató egy\	"A következÅ? mezÅ?k az elÅ?zÅ? oldalon kijelölt szolgáltató egy\
"megadott csatlakozás megnyitásához szükséges információit\n"	"megadott csatlakozás megnyitásához szükséges információit\n"
"jelentik. Ez az információ szolgáltatóspecifikus, további\n"	"jelentik. Ez az információ szolgáltatóspecifikus, további\n"
"információért tekintse meg a kézikönyvet."			"információért tekintse meg a kézikönyvet."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481
msgid "All information retrieved"				msgid "All information retrieved"
msgstr "Minden információ megszerezve"				msgstr "Minden információ megszerezve"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482
msgid ""							msgid ""
"All information needed to create a new data source\n"		"All information needed to create a new data source\n"
"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"		"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"
"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"	"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"
"just select it when asked for a data source."			"just select it when asked for a data source."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Az új adatforrás létrehozásához minden szükséges\n"		"Az új adatforrás létrehozásához minden szükséges\n"
"információ meg lett szerezve. Most kattintson az\n"		"információ meg lett szerezve. Most kattintson az\n"
"'Alkalmaz' gombra ezen párbeszédablak bezárásához.\n"		"'Alkalmaz' gombra ezen párbeszédablak bezárásához.\n"
"Az újonnan létrehozott adatforrás megnyitásához\n"		"Az újonnan létrehozott adatforrás megnyitásához\n"
"válassza ki azt az adatforrás bekérésénél."			"válassza ki azt az adatforrás bekérésénél."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124
msgid "Connection _string:"					msgid "Connection _string:"
msgstr "Csatlakozási _karakterlánc:"				msgstr "Csatlakozási _karakterlánc:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4
msgid "Error"							msgid "Error"
msgstr "Hiba"							msgstr "Hiba"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.
msgid "Show detail >>"						msgid "Show detail >>"
msgstr "Részletek megjelenítése >>"				msgstr "Részletek megjelenítése >>"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122
msgid "<< Hide detail"						msgid "<< Hide detail"
msgstr "<< Részletek elrejtése"					msgstr "<< Részletek elrejtése"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191
msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"	msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"
msgstr "Hiba történt az alapul szolgáló adatbázisban"		msgstr "Hiba történt az alapul szolgáló adatbázisban"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196
msgid "Error number"						msgid "Error number"
msgstr "Hibaszám"						msgstr "Hibaszám"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227
msgid "Details"							msgid "Details"
msgstr "Részletek"						msgstr "Részletek"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234
msgid "Source"							msgid "Source"
msgstr "Forrás"							msgstr "Forrás"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241
msgid "SQL state"						msgid "SQL state"
msgstr "SQL-állapot"						msgstr "SQL-állapot"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108
msgid "_Field:"							msgid "_Field:"
msgstr "_MezÅ?:"							msgstr "_MezÅ?:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118
msgid "_Text:"							msgid "_Text:"
msgstr "_Szöveg:"						msgstr "_Szöveg:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308
msgid "No records"						msgid "No records"
msgstr "Nincs rekord"						msgstr "Nincs rekord"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Record %d of %d"						msgid "Record %d of %d"
msgstr "Rekord %d / %d"						msgstr "Rekord %d / %d"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113
msgid "Recordset description"					msgid "Recordset description"
msgstr "Rekordkészlet leírása"					msgstr "Rekordkészlet leírása"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid ""							msgid ""
"File '%s' already exists.\n"					"File '%s' already exists.\n"
"Do you want to overwrite it?"					"Do you want to overwrite it?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"A(z) '%s' fájl már létezik.\n"					"A(z) '%s' fájl már létezik.\n"
"Felülírja?"							"Felülírja?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149
msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."		msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."
msgstr "Ha igennel válaszol, a tartalom el fog veszni."		msgstr "Ha igennel válaszol, a tartalom el fog veszni."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Could not save file %s"					msgid "Could not save file %s"
msgstr "Nem lehet menteni a(z) %s fájlt"			msgstr "Nem lehet menteni a(z) %s fájlt"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224
msgid "You must specify a file name"				msgid "You must specify a file name"
msgstr "Meg kell adnia egy fájlnevet"				msgstr "Meg kell adnia egy fájlnevet"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230
msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"		msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"
msgstr "�res fájl érkezett az adat konvertálása közben"		msgstr "�res fájl érkezett az adat konvertálása közben"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261
msgid "Saving Model"						msgid "Saving Model"
msgstr "Modell mentése"						msgstr "Modell mentése"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272
msgid "File _name:"						msgid "File _name:"
msgstr "Fájl_név:"						msgstr "Fájl_név:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276
msgid "Select File"						msgid "Select File"
msgstr "Fájl kiválasztása"					msgstr "Fájl kiválasztása"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283
msgid "File _type:"						msgid "File _type:"
msgstr "Fájl_típus:"						msgstr "Fájl_típus:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291
msgid "Tab-delimited"						msgid "Tab-delimited"
msgstr "Tabulátorral tagolt"					msgstr "Tabulátorral tagolt"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294
msgid "Comma-delimited"						msgid "Comma-delimited"
msgstr "PontosvesszÅ?vel tagolt"					msgstr "PontosvesszÅ?vel tagolt"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:
msgid "XML"							msgid "XML"
msgstr "XML"							msgstr "XML"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355
msgid "View detail"						msgid "View detail"
msgstr "Részletek megtekintése"					msgstr "Részletek megtekintése"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427
msgid "Show Column _Titles"					msgid "Show Column _Titles"
msgstr "Oszlop_címek megjelenítése"				msgstr "Oszlop_címek megjelenítése"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442
msgid "Describe"						msgid "Describe"
msgstr "Leírás"							msgstr "Leírás"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443
msgid "View detail..."						msgid "View detail..."
msgstr "Részletek megtekintése..."				msgstr "Részletek megtekintése..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614
msgid "Title"							msgid "Title"
msgstr "Cím"							msgstr "Cím"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48
msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"	msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"
msgstr "Kísérlet egy már inicializált kliens inicializálására	msgstr "Kísérlet egy már inicializált kliens inicializálására

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"		"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"
"to a data source"						"to a data source"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Adja meg alább a paramétereket az adatforráshoz\n"		"Adja meg alább a paramétereket az adatforráshoz\n"
"való csatlakozás megnyitásához"				"való csatlakozás megnyitásához"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253
msgid "Data Source:"						msgid "Data Source:"
msgstr "Adatforrás:"						msgstr "Adatforrás:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270
msgid "Username:"						msgid "Username:"
msgstr "Felhasználónév:"					msgstr "Felhasználónév:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279
msgid "Password:"						msgid "Password:"
msgstr "Jelszó:"						msgstr "Jelszó:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69
msgid "Fields"							msgid "Fields"
msgstr "MezÅ?k"							msgstr "MezÅ?k"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30
msgid "Commit"							msgid "Commit"
msgstr "�rvényesítés (commit)"					msgstr "�rvényesítés (commit)"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31
msgid "Connect"							msgid "Connect"
msgstr "Kapcsolódás"						msgstr "Kapcsolódás"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33
msgid "Designer"						msgid "Designer"
msgstr "TervezÅ?"						msgstr "TervezÅ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34
msgid "Disconnect"						msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr "Lekapcsolódás"						msgstr "Lekapcsolódás"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35
msgid "NoTransaction"						msgid "NoTransaction"
msgstr "NincsTranzakció"					msgstr "NincsTranzakció"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37
msgid "Query"							msgid "Query"
msgstr "Lekérdezés"						msgstr "Lekérdezés"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38
msgid "Rollback"						msgid "Rollback"
msgstr "Visszagörgetés"						msgstr "Visszagörgetés"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40
msgid "SQL"							msgid "SQL"
msgstr "SQL"							msgstr "SQL"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43
msgid "WithinTransaction"					msgid "WithinTransaction"
msgstr "TranzakciónBelül"					msgstr "TranzakciónBelül"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Error: %s"						msgid "Error: %s"
msgstr "Hiba: %s"						msgstr "Hiba: %s"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79
msgid "Table name"						msgid "Table name"
msgstr "Táblázatnév"						msgstr "Táblázatnév"

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93			#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Login for %s"						msgid "Login for %s"
msgstr "Bejelentkezés ehhez: %s"				msgstr "Bejelentkezés ehhez: %s"

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95					#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95
msgid "Login to database"					msgid "Login to database"
msgstr "Bejelentkezés az adatbázisba"				msgstr "Bejelentkezés az adatbázisba"

#: vfs/libmain.c:71						#: vfs/libmain.c:71
msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"				msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"
msgstr "GNOME VFS-adatbázis: modul"				msgstr "GNOME VFS-adatbázis: modul"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40
msgid "Table Properties"					msgid "Table Properties"
msgstr "Táblázat tulajdonságai"					msgstr "Táblázat tulajdonságai"

#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47
msgid "Table Name"						msgid "Table Name"
msgstr "Táblázatnév"						msgstr "Táblázatnév"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155
msgid "New"							msgid "New"
msgstr "Ã?j"							msgstr "Ã?j"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156
msgid "Create new table"					msgid "Create new table"
msgstr "�j táblázat létrehozása"				msgstr "�j táblázat létrehozása"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161
msgid "Properties"						msgid "Properties"
msgstr "Tulajdonságok"						msgstr "Tulajdonságok"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162
msgid "View table properties"					msgid "View table properties"
msgstr "Táblázat tulajdonságainak megtekintése"			msgstr "Táblázat tulajdonságainak megtekintése"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
msgid "UID"							msgid "UID"
msgstr "UID"							msgstr "UID"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "calendar"						msgid "calendar"
msgstr "naptár"							msgstr "naptár"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "summary"							msgid "summary"
msgstr "összefoglaló"						msgstr "összefoglaló"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "Summary"							msgid "Summary"
msgstr "�sszefoglaló"						msgstr "�sszefoglaló"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "location"						msgid "location"
msgstr "hely"							msgstr "hely"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "dtstart"							msgid "dtstart"
msgstr "kezdidÅ?"						msgstr "kezdidÅ?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
msgid "Start time"						msgid "Start time"
msgstr "Kezdési idÅ?"						msgstr "Kezdési idÅ?"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "dtend"							msgid "dtend"
msgstr "befidÅ?"							msgstr "befidÅ?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "End time"						msgid "End time"
msgstr "Befejezési idÅ?"						msgstr "Befejezési idÅ?"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
msgid "description"						msgid "description"
msgstr "leírás"							msgstr "leírás"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "classification"						msgid "classification"
msgstr "besorolás"						msgstr "besorolás"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "Classification"						msgid "Classification"
msgstr "Besorolás"						msgstr "Besorolás"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "transparency"						msgid "transparency"
msgstr "átlátszóság"						msgstr "átlátszóság"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "Transparency"						msgid "Transparency"
msgstr "�tlátszóság"						msgstr "�tlátszóság"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "categories"						msgid "categories"
msgstr "kategóriák"						msgstr "kategóriák"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "Categories"						msgid "Categories"
msgstr "Kategóriák"						msgstr "Kategóriák"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "tasks"							msgid "tasks"
msgstr "feladatok"						msgstr "feladatok"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "due"							msgid "due"
msgstr "határ"							msgstr "határ"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "Due date"						msgid "Due date"
msgstr "HatáridÅ?"						msgstr "HatáridÅ?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "Start date"						msgid "Start date"
msgstr "Kezdési idÅ?pont"					msgstr "Kezdési idÅ?pont"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355
msgid "Public"							msgid "Public"
msgstr "Nyilvános"						msgstr "Nyilvános"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358
msgid "Private"							msgid "Private"
msgstr "Személyes"						msgstr "Személyes"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361
msgid "Confidential"						msgid "Confidential"
msgstr "Bizalmas"						msgstr "Bizalmas"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63
msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"		msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"
msgstr "Nem lehet megnyitni az alapértelmezett naptármappát"	msgstr "Nem lehet megnyitni az alapértelmezett naptármappát"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66
msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"			msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"
msgstr "Nem lehet megnyitni az alapértelmezett feladatok-mapp	msgstr "Nem lehet megnyitni az alapértelmezett feladatok-mapp

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80
msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta	msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta
msgstr "Hitelesítés szükséges az alapértelmezett kapcsolatok-	msgstr "Hitelesítés szükséges az alapértelmezett kapcsolatok-

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83
msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"		msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"
msgstr "Nem lehet megnyitni az alapértelmezett kapcsolatok-ma	msgstr "Nem lehet megnyitni az alapértelmezett kapcsolatok-ma

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100
msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"				msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"
msgstr "Nem lehet inicializálni a Bonobo-t"			msgstr "Nem lehet inicializálni a Bonobo-t"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212
msgid "Field name"						msgid "Field name"
msgstr "MezÅ?név"						msgstr "MezÅ?név"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213
msgid "Data type"						msgid "Data type"
msgstr "Adattípus"						msgstr "Adattípus"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214
msgid "Size"							msgid "Size"
msgstr "Méret"							msgstr "Méret"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215
msgid "Scale"							msgid "Scale"
msgstr "Méretezés"						msgstr "Méretezés"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216
msgid "Not null?"						msgid "Not null?"
msgstr "Nem null?"						msgstr "Nem null?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217
msgid "Primary key?"						msgid "Primary key?"
msgstr "ElsÅ?dleges kulcs?"					msgstr "ElsÅ?dleges kulcs?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218
msgid "Unique index?"						msgid "Unique index?"
msgstr "Egyedi index?"						msgstr "Egyedi index?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219
msgid "References"						msgid "References"
msgstr "Hivatkozások"						msgstr "Hivatkozások"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220
msgid "Default value"						msgid "Default value"
msgstr "Alapértelmezett érték"					msgstr "Alapértelmezett érték"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239
msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l	msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l
msgstr "Táblázatnév szükséges, de nincs megadva a paraméter l	msgstr "Táblázatnév szükséges, de nincs megadva a paraméter l

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Table %s does not exist"					msgid "Table %s does not exist"
msgstr "A(z) %s táblázat nem létezik"				msgstr "A(z) %s táblázat nem létezik"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318
msgid "Scheduled events"					msgid "Scheduled events"
msgstr "�temezett események"					msgstr "�temezett események"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321
msgid "TODO list"						msgid "TODO list"
msgstr "Feladatok"						msgstr "Feladatok"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375
msgid "Owner"							msgid "Owner"
msgstr "Tulajdonos"						msgstr "Tulajdonos"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376
msgid "Comments"						msgid "Comments"
msgstr "Megjegyzések"						msgstr "Megjegyzések"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374
msgid "Type"							msgid "Type"
msgstr "Típus"							msgstr "Típus"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377
msgid "GDA type"						msgid "GDA type"
msgstr "GDA-típus"						msgstr "GDA-típus"

#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id	#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id
#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database	#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database
#. we can easily access that information			#. we can easily access that information
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382
msgid "local"							msgid "local"
msgstr "helyi"							msgstr "helyi"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217
msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr "Adatbázisok létrehozása még nem támogatott"		msgstr "Adatbázisok létrehozása még nem támogatott"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230
msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr "Adatbázisok eltávolítása még nem támogatott"		msgstr "Adatbázisok eltávolítása még nem támogatott"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244
msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"			msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"
msgstr "Nem lehet lekérni a táblázatok sémáit"			msgstr "Nem lehet lekérni a táblázatok sémáit"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268
msgid "Invalid SQL command"					msgid "Invalid SQL command"
msgstr "�rvénytelen SQL-parancs"				msgstr "�rvénytelen SQL-parancs"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353
msgid "Transactions are not supported"				msgid "Transactions are not supported"
msgstr "Tranzakciók nem támogatottak"				msgstr "Tranzakciók nem támogatottak"

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41
msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"		msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"
msgstr "Szolgáltató a Ximian Evolution személyes adatokhoz"	msgstr "Szolgáltató a Ximian Evolution személyes adatokhoz"

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task	"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Adatforrás az Evolution alapértelmezett naptárának, feladata	"Adatforrás az Evolution alapértelmezett naptárának, feladata
"névjegyeinek eléréséhez"					"névjegyeinek eléréséhez"
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: it.gmo
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/it.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/it.po
# Italian localization for libgnomedb				# Italian localization for libgnomedb
# Copyright (C) 2000,2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.	# Copyright (C) 2000,2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# Daniele Medri <madrid linux it>, 2000.			# Daniele Medri <madrid linux it>, 2000.
# Marco Parrone <marc0 autistici org>, 2002.			# Marco Parrone <marc0 autistici org>, 2002.
							      >	# Alessio Dessì <alkex inwind it>, 2004.
#								#
msgid ""							msgid ""
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: libgnomedb HEAD\n"				"Project-Id-Version: libgnomedb HEAD\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"					"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"		      |	"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-09-02 20:42+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2002-12-04 21:47+0100\n"		      |	"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-04-07 18:55+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Marco Parrone <marc0 autistici org>\n"	"Last-Translator: Marco Parrone <marc0 autistici org>\n"
"Language-Team: Italian <tp lists linux it>\n"			"Language-Team: Italian <tp lists linux it>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"						"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"			"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"				"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co
msgid "Data Sources"						msgid "Data Sources"
msgstr "Sorgenti di dati"					msgstr "Sorgenti di dati"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid
msgid "Providers"						msgid "Providers"
msgstr "Fornitori"						msgstr "Fornitori"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1
msgid "Configure your database environment"			msgid "Configure your database environment"
msgstr ""						      |	msgstr "Configurazione ambiente del database"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Database Access Properties "				msgid "Database Access Properties "
msgstr "Proprietà del database"					msgstr "Proprietà del database"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380
msgid "Name"							msgid "Name"
msgstr ""						      |	msgstr "Nome"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
msgid "Description"						msgid "Description"
msgstr "Descrizione"						msgstr "Descrizione"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182
msgid "Configured data sources in the system"			msgid "Configured data sources in the system"
msgstr ""						      |	msgstr "Sorgenti di dati configurate nel sistema"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data sources are the means by which database connections are	"Data sources are the means by which database connections are
"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s	"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s
"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o	"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o
"name you identify the connections in the applications that m	"name you identify the connections in the applications that m
"DB for database access."					"DB for database access."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Le sorgenti di dati sono i mezzi con cui GNOME-DB identifica	"Le sorgenti di dati sono i mezzi con cui GNOME-DB identifica
"di database. Tutte le informazioni richieste per aprire una 	"di database. Tutte le informazioni richieste per aprire una 
"verso un fornitore o verso una combo di database specifici s |	"verso un fornitore o una combinazione di database specifici 
"immagazzinate usando un nome unico. Ã? usando questo unico no	"immagazzinate usando un nome unico. Ã? usando questo unico no
"identificano le connessioni nelle applicazioni che fanno uso	"identificano le connessioni nelle applicazioni che fanno uso
"l'accesso a database."						"l'accesso a database."

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277
#, fuzzy, c-format						#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"	msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"
msgstr "Rimuovere la sorgente di dati «%s»?"			msgstr "Rimuovere la sorgente di dati «%s»?"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data Source Properties"					msgid "Data Source Properties"
msgstr "Proprietà della sorgente di dati"			msgstr "Proprietà della sorgente di dati"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132
msgid "Basic"							msgid "Basic"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Tables"							msgid "Tables"
msgstr "Tabelle"						msgstr "Tabelle"

#: control-center/main.c:92					#: control-center/main.c:92
msgid "No valid data source info was created"			msgid "No valid data source info was created"
msgstr "Non è stata creata nessuna informazione di sorgente d |	msgstr "Non è stata fornita nessuna informazione per la sorge

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218	#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218
msgid "New data source"						msgid "New data source"
msgstr "Nuova sorgente di dati"					msgstr "Nuova sorgente di dati"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:215					#: control-center/main.c:215
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Database Access Properties"				msgid "Database Access Properties"
msgstr "Proprietà del database"					msgstr "Proprietà del database"

#: control-center/provider-config.c:105				#: control-center/provider-config.c:105
msgid "Installed providers"					msgid "Installed providers"
msgstr ""						      |	msgstr "Fornitori installati"

#: control-center/provider-config.c:131				#: control-center/provider-config.c:131
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec	"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec
"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo	"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo
"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr	"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr
"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba	"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba
"etc."								"etc."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"I fornitori sono plugin esterni che forniscono accesso ad un	"I fornitori sono plugin esterni che forniscono accesso ad un
"dati specifica. Il fornitore predefinito è sempre installato	"dati specifica. Il fornitore predefinito è sempre installato
"permettere l'accesso ai database immagazzinati in file XML. 	"permettere l'accesso ai database immagazzinati in file XML. 
"distribuiti con libgda/gnome-db altri fornitori tra cui, sol	"distribuiti con libgda/gnome-db altri fornitori tra cui, sol
"PostgresSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Sybase, Interbase, ecc."		"PostgresSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Sybase, Interbase, ecc."

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1
msgid "Database connection parameters file"			msgid "Database connection parameters file"
msgstr ""						      |	msgstr "File dei parametri delle connessioni a database"

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2
msgid "Documents"						msgid "Documents"
msgstr ""						      |	msgstr "Documenti"

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3
msgid "SQL code viewer"						msgid "SQL code viewer"
msgstr ""						      |	msgstr "Visualizzatore di codice SQL"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1
msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"			msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"
msgstr ""						      |	msgstr "Tipo di carattere da usare per il widget griglia"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2
msgid "Number of spaces per tab"				msgid "Number of spaces per tab"
msgstr ""						      |	msgstr "Numero di spazi per il «tab»"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3
msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"			msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"
msgstr ""						      |	msgstr "Mostra i numeri di riga nell'editor di sorgenti"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4
msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"			msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"
msgstr ""						      |	msgstr "Usa l'evidenziazione nell'editor del codice sorgente"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60
msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"			msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"
msgstr ""						      |	msgstr "Servizi di database per GNOME Desktop"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1
msgid "About"							msgid "About"
msgstr ""						      |	msgstr "Informazioni"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2
msgid "About GNOME-DB"						msgid "About GNOME-DB"
msgstr ""						      |	msgstr "Informazioni su GNOME-DB"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3
msgid "Close this window"					msgid "Close this window"
msgstr ""						      |	msgstr "Chiude questa finestra"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4
msgid "Create new entry"					msgid "Create new entry"
msgstr ""						      |	msgstr "Crea un nuovo elemento"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5
#, fuzzy						      <
msgid "Delete selected items"					msgid "Delete selected items"
msgstr "Deseleziona tutte le voci selezionate nella lista"	msgstr "Deseleziona tutte le voci selezionate nella lista"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Deselect all items"					msgid "Deselect all items"
msgstr "Deseleziona tutte le voci selezionate nella lista"	msgstr "Deseleziona tutte le voci selezionate nella lista"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7
msgid "Edit properties for selected item"			msgid "Edit properties for selected item"
msgstr ""						      |	msgstr "Modifica le proprietà per l'elemento selezionato"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8
msgid "Save connection parameters to file"			msgid "Save connection parameters to file"
msgstr ""						      |	msgstr "Salva i parametri della connessione in un file"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Select _All"						msgid "Select _All"
msgstr "Seleziona tutto"					msgstr "Seleziona tutto"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Select all items"					msgid "Select all items"
msgstr "Seleziona tutte le voci nella lista"		      |	msgstr "Seleziona tutto"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View data sources"					msgid "View data sources"
msgstr "Nuova sorgente di dati"					msgstr "Nuova sorgente di dati"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View providers"						msgid "View providers"
msgstr "Fornitori"						msgstr "Fornitori"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42
							      >	#, fuzzy
msgid "_Clear Selection"					msgid "_Clear Selection"
msgstr ""						      |	msgstr "Cancella selezione"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14
msgid "_Close"							msgid "_Close"
msgstr ""						      |	msgstr "_Chiudi"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Data Sources"						msgid "_Data Sources"
msgstr "Sorgenti di dati"					msgstr "Sorgenti di dati"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Database"						msgid "_Database"
msgstr "Database"						msgstr "Database"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17
msgid "_Delete"							msgid "_Delete"
msgstr ""						      |	msgstr "Ca_ncella"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18
msgid "_Edit"							msgid "_Edit"
msgstr ""						      |	msgstr "_Modifica"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19
msgid "_Help"							msgid "_Help"
msgstr ""						      |	msgstr "A_iuto"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_New Data Source..."					msgid "_New Data Source..."
msgstr "Nuova sorgente di dati"					msgstr "Nuova sorgente di dati"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Properties"						msgid "_Properties"
msgstr "Procedure"					      |	msgstr "Proprietà"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Providers"						msgid "_Providers"
msgstr "Fornitori"						msgstr "Fornitori"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23
#, fuzzy						      <
msgid "_Save Connection"					msgid "_Save Connection"
msgstr "Salva in"					      |	msgstr "Sal_va connessione"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_View"							msgid "_View"
msgstr "Viste"							msgstr "Viste"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76
msgid "Structure"						msgid "Structure"
msgstr "Struttura"						msgstr "Struttura"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73
msgid "Data"							msgid "Data"
msgstr "Dati"							msgstr "Dati"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238
msgid "Not implemented yet!"					msgid "Not implemented yet!"
msgstr "Non ancora implementato!"				msgstr "Non ancora implementato!"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Database"						msgid "Database"
msgstr "Database"						msgstr "Database"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540
msgid "Loading database schemas..."				msgid "Loading database schemas..."
msgstr "Caricamento degli schemi di database..."		msgstr "Caricamento degli schemi di database..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632
msgid "Refreshing data..."					msgid "Refreshing data..."
msgstr "Aggiornamento dati..."					msgstr "Aggiornamento dati..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688
msgid "Views"							msgid "Views"
msgstr "Viste"							msgstr "Viste"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691
msgid "Indexes"							msgid "Indexes"
msgstr "Indici"							msgstr "Indici"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Sequences"						msgid "Sequences"
msgstr "Sequenze"						msgstr "Sequenze"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Procedures"						msgid "Procedures"
msgstr "Procedure"						msgstr "Procedure"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700
msgid "Triggers"						msgid "Triggers"
msgstr "Trigger"						msgstr "Trigger"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Aggregates"						msgid "Aggregates"
msgstr "Aggregati"						msgstr "Aggregati"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Types"							msgid "Types"
msgstr "Tipi"							msgstr "Tipi"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140
msgid "Could not query CORBA components"			msgid "Could not query CORBA components"
msgstr "Non è possibile interrogare componenti CORBA"		msgstr "Non è possibile interrogare componenti CORBA"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209
msgid "ID"							msgid "ID"
msgstr ""						      |	msgstr "ID"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "Location"						msgid "Location"
msgstr ""						      |	msgstr "Posizione"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212
msgid "Username"						msgid "Username"
msgstr "Nome utente"						msgstr "Nome utente"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213
#, fuzzy						      <
msgid "Hostname"						msgid "Hostname"
msgstr "Nome utente"					      |	msgstr "Nome host"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214
msgid "Domain"							msgid "Domain"
msgstr ""						      |	msgstr "Dominio"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"			msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"
msgstr "Tipo non supportato in GconfEntry: %d"			msgstr "Tipo non supportato in GconfEntry: %d"

#. create widgets						#. create widgets
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97
msgid "Settings"						msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Impostazioni"						msgstr "Impostazioni"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103
msgid "Data source name"					msgid "Data source name"
msgstr "Nome sorgente dati"					msgstr "Nome sorgente dati"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109
msgid "Connection string"					msgid "Connection string"
msgstr "Stringa di connessione"					msgstr "Stringa di connessione"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115
msgid "Provider"						msgid "Provider"
msgstr "Fornitore"						msgstr "Fornitore"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121
msgid "User name"						msgid "User name"
msgstr "Nome utente"						msgstr "Nome utente"

#. create feature list						#. create feature list
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128
msgid "Features"						msgid "Features"
msgstr "Caratteristiche"					msgstr "Caratteristiche"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190
msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"		msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"
msgstr "Bisogna inserire un nome per la nuova sorgente di dat |	msgstr "Ã? necessario inserire un nome per la nuova sorgente d

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197
							      >	#, fuzzy
msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac	msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac
msgstr ""						      |	msgstr "I nomi delle sorgenti di dati non possono contenere s

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206
msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th	msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th
msgstr ""						      |	msgstr "Esiste già una sorgente di dati con lo stesso nome"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213
msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"			msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"
msgstr ""						      |	msgstr "I nomi delle sorgenti di dati non possono contenere s

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217
msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n	msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
							      >	"I nomi delle sorgenti di dati possono contenere solo lettere

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225
msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"	msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"
msgstr "Bisogna selezionare un fornitore per la nuova sorgent |	msgstr "Ã? necessario selezionare un fornitore per la nuova so

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233
msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"		msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"
msgstr "Il fornitore non è stato trovato nella configurazione	msgstr "Il fornitore non è stato trovato nella configurazione

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391
msgid "Add a new data source..."				msgid "Add a new data source..."
msgstr "Aggiungi una nuova sorgente dati..."			msgstr "Aggiungi una nuova sorgente dati..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392
msgid ""							msgid ""
"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"		"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"
"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"		"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"
"installation. Just follow the steps!"				"installation. Just follow the steps!"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Quest'assistente farà da guida attraverso il processo di\n"  |	"L'assistente farà da guida attraverso il processo di creazio
"creazione di una nuova sorgente dati per l'installazione per |	"di una nuova sorgente dati per l'installazione personale\n"
"di GNOME-DB. Basta procedere un passo alla volta!"		"di GNOME-DB. Basta procedere un passo alla volta!"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404
msgid "General Information"					msgid "General Information"
msgstr "Informazioni generali"					msgstr "Informazioni generali"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the basic information\n"	"The following fields represent the basic information\n"
"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n	"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n
"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"	"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"
"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"	"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"
"the default one."						"the default one."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"I seguenti campi rappresentano le voci di informazioni\n"    |	"I seguenti campi rappresentano le voci di informazioni di ba
"di base per la nuova sorgente di dati. Alcune di esse (descr |	"per la nuova sorgente di dati. Alcune di esse (descrizione,\
"nome utente) sono opzionali, mentre le altre sono obbligator	"nome utente) sono opzionali, mentre le altre sono obbligator
"Se non si sà quale fornitore utilizzare, si selezioni\n"     |	"Se non si sà quale fornitore utilizzare, selezionare quello\
"quello predefinito"					      |	"predefinito"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data source _name:"					msgid "Data source _name:"
msgstr "Nome sorgente dati"					msgstr "Nome sorgente dati"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Provider:"						msgid "_Provider:"
msgstr "Fornitore"						msgstr "Fornitore"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Description:"						msgid "_Description:"
msgstr "Descrizione"						msgstr "Descrizione"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Username:"						msgid "_Username:"
msgstr "Nome utente"					      |	msgstr "Nome utente:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "P_assword:"						msgid "P_assword:"
msgstr "Password"					      |	msgstr "Password:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454
msgid "Provider Parameters"					msgid "Provider Parameters"
msgstr "Parametri del fornitore"				msgstr "Parametri del fornitore"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the information needed by the	"The following fields represent the information needed by the
"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n	"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n
"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\	"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\
"the manual for more information."				"the manual for more information."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"I seguenti campi rappresentano l'informazione richiesta\n"   |	"I seguenti campi rappresentano l'informazione richiesta dal 
"dal fornitore selezionato nella pagina precedente per aprire |	"selezionato nella pagina precedente per aprire una certa con
"una certa connessione. Questa informazione è specifica al fo |	"Questa informazione è specifica del fornitore, controllare i
"quindi si controlli il manuale per maggiori informazioni"    |	"maggiori informazioni"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481
msgid "All information retrieved"				msgid "All information retrieved"
msgstr "Sono state recuperate tutte le informazioni"		msgstr "Sono state recuperate tutte le informazioni"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid ""							msgid ""
"All information needed to create a new data source\n"		"All information needed to create a new data source\n"
"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"		"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"
"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"	"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"
"just select it when asked for a data source."			"just select it when asked for a data source."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Sono state recuperate tutte le informazioni necessarie per c	"Sono state recuperate tutte le informazioni necessarie per c
"una nuova sorgente di dati. Premere «Applica» per chiudere\n |	"una nuova sorgente di dati. Premere «Applica» per chiudere q
"questa finestra di dialogo. Per aprire la sorgente di dati a |	"finestra di dialogo. Per aprire la sorgente di dati appena c
"creata, basta selezionarla quando viene richiesta una sorgen |	"basta selezionarla quando viene richiesta una sorgente di da

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Connection _string:"					msgid "Connection _string:"
msgstr "Stringa di connessione"					msgstr "Stringa di connessione"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4
msgid "Error"							msgid "Error"
msgstr "Errore"							msgstr "Errore"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.
msgid "Show detail >>"						msgid "Show detail >>"
msgstr "Mostra dettagli >>"					msgstr "Mostra dettagli >>"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122
msgid "<< Hide detail"						msgid "<< Hide detail"
msgstr "<< Nascondi dettagli"					msgstr "<< Nascondi dettagli"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191
msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"	msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"
msgstr ""						      |	msgstr "Si è verificato un errore nel database sottostante"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196
msgid "Error number"						msgid "Error number"
msgstr "Numero d'errore"					msgstr "Numero d'errore"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227
#, fuzzy						      <
msgid "Details"							msgid "Details"
msgstr "Dettaglio"					      |	msgstr "Dettagli"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234
msgid "Source"							msgid "Source"
msgstr "Sorgente"						msgstr "Sorgente"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241
msgid "SQL state"						msgid "SQL state"
msgstr "Stato SQL"						msgstr "Stato SQL"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Field:"							msgid "_Field:"
msgstr "Titolo"						      |	msgstr "Campi"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118
#, fuzzy						      <
msgid "_Text:"							msgid "_Text:"
msgstr "Prova"						      |	msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308
msgid "No records"						msgid "No records"
msgstr "Nessun record"						msgstr "Nessun record"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Record %d of %d"						msgid "Record %d of %d"
msgstr "Record numero %d di %d"					msgstr "Record numero %d di %d"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113
msgid "Recordset description"					msgid "Recordset description"
msgstr "Descrizione del recordset"			      |	msgstr "Descrizione dell'insieme di record"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141
#, c-format						      |	#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""							msgid ""
"File '%s' already exists.\n"					"File '%s' already exists.\n"
"Do you want to overwrite it?"					"Do you want to overwrite it?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
							      >	"Il file %s esiste già\n"
							      >	"Sovrascriverlo?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149
msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."		msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Could not save file %s"					msgid "Could not save file %s"
msgstr "Non è possibile salvare il file %s"			msgstr "Non è possibile salvare il file %s"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224
msgid "You must specify a file name"				msgid "You must specify a file name"
msgstr "Bisogna specificare un nome di file"		      |	msgstr "Ã? necessario specificare un nome di file"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230
msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"		msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"
msgstr ""						      |	msgstr "Ricevuto file vuoto durante la conversione dei dati"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261
msgid "Saving Model"						msgid "Saving Model"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "File _name:"						msgid "File _name:"
msgstr "Nome tabella"						msgstr "Nome tabella"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276
msgid "Select File"						msgid "Select File"
msgstr "Seleziona file"						msgstr "Seleziona file"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283
msgid "File _type:"						msgid "File _type:"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Tab-delimited"						msgid "Tab-delimited"
msgstr "File delimitato da tabulazioni"				msgstr "File delimitato da tabulazioni"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Comma-delimited"						msgid "Comma-delimited"
msgstr "File delimitato da virgole"				msgstr "File delimitato da virgole"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:
msgid "XML"							msgid "XML"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355
msgid "View detail"						msgid "View detail"
msgstr "Visualizza dettaglio"					msgstr "Visualizza dettaglio"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Show Column _Titles"					msgid "Show Column _Titles"
msgstr "Mostra colonne"						msgstr "Mostra colonne"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442
#, fuzzy						      <
msgid "Describe"						msgid "Describe"
msgstr "Descrivi..."					      |	msgstr "Descrive"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443
msgid "View detail..."						msgid "View detail..."
msgstr "Mostra dettagli..."					msgstr "Mostra dettagli..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614
msgid "Title"							msgid "Title"
msgstr "Titolo"							msgstr "Titolo"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48
msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"	msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"
msgstr "� stato tentato di inizializzare un client già inizia |	msgstr "Si è tentato di inizializzare un client già inizializ

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"		"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"
"to a data source"						"to a data source"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
							      >	"Inserire gli argomenti per aprire una connessione\n"
							      >	"a una sorgente di dati qui sotto"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253
#, fuzzy						      <
msgid "Data Source:"						msgid "Data Source:"
msgstr "Sorgente dati"					      |	msgstr "Sorgente dati:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270
#, fuzzy						      <
msgid "Username:"						msgid "Username:"
msgstr "Nome utente"					      |	msgstr "Nome utente:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279
#, fuzzy						      <
msgid "Password:"						msgid "Password:"
msgstr "Password"					      |	msgstr "Password:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69
msgid "Fields"							msgid "Fields"
msgstr ""						      |	msgstr "Campi"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30
msgid "Commit"							msgid "Commit"
msgstr ""						      |	msgstr "Esegui commit"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31
msgid "Connect"							msgid "Connect"
msgstr ""						      |	msgstr "Connetti"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33
msgid "Designer"						msgid "Designer"
msgstr ""						      |	msgstr "Proggettista"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34
msgid "Disconnect"						msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr ""						      |	msgstr "Disconnetti"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35
msgid "NoTransaction"						msgid "NoTransaction"
msgstr ""						      |	msgstr "NessunaTransazione"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37
msgid "Query"							msgid "Query"
msgstr ""						      |	msgstr "Query"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38
msgid "Rollback"						msgid "Rollback"
msgstr ""						      |	msgstr "Reverti commit"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40
msgid "SQL"							msgid "SQL"
msgstr ""						      |	msgstr "SQL"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43
msgid "WithinTransaction"					msgid "WithinTransaction"
msgstr ""						      |	msgstr "InternamenteAllaTransazione"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65
#, fuzzy, c-format					      |	#, c-format
msgid "Error: %s"						msgid "Error: %s"
msgstr "Errore"						      |	msgstr "Errore: %s"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79
msgid "Table name"						msgid "Table name"
msgstr "Nome tabella"						msgstr "Nome tabella"

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93			#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Login for %s"						msgid "Login for %s"
msgstr ""						      |	msgstr "Login per %s"

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95					#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95
msgid "Login to database"					msgid "Login to database"
msgstr ""						      |	msgstr "Login al database"

#: vfs/libmain.c:71						#: vfs/libmain.c:71
msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"				msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"
msgstr "Database GNOME VFS: modulo"				msgstr "Database GNOME VFS: modulo"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40
#, fuzzy						      <
msgid "Table Properties"					msgid "Table Properties"
msgstr "Proprietà del database"				      |	msgstr "Proprietà della tabella"

#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47
#, fuzzy						      <
msgid "Table Name"						msgid "Table Name"
msgstr "Nome tabella"						msgstr "Nome tabella"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155
msgid "New"							msgid "New"
msgstr ""						      |	msgstr "Nuova"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156
msgid "Create new table"					msgid "Create new table"
msgstr ""						      |	msgstr "Crea una nuova tabella"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161
#, fuzzy						      <
msgid "Properties"						msgid "Properties"
msgstr "Procedure"					      |	msgstr "Proprietà"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162
#, fuzzy						      <
msgid "View table properties"					msgid "View table properties"
msgstr "Proprietà del database"				      |	msgstr "Visualizza proprietà della tabella"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
							      >	#, fuzzy
msgid "UID"							msgid "UID"
msgstr ""						      |	msgstr "ID"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "calendar"						msgid "calendar"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "summary"							msgid "summary"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "Summary"							msgid "Summary"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
							      >	#, fuzzy
msgid "location"						msgid "location"
msgstr ""						      |	msgstr "Posizione"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "dtstart"							msgid "dtstart"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
msgid "Start time"						msgid "Start time"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "dtend"							msgid "dtend"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "End time"						msgid "End time"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "description"						msgid "description"
msgstr "Descrizione"						msgstr "Descrizione"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "classification"						msgid "classification"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
							      >	#, fuzzy
msgid "Classification"						msgid "Classification"
msgstr ""						      |	msgstr "Cancella selezione"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "transparency"						msgid "transparency"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "Transparency"						msgid "Transparency"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "categories"						msgid "categories"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "Categories"						msgid "Categories"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "tasks"							msgid "tasks"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "due"							msgid "due"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "Due date"						msgid "Due date"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "Start date"						msgid "Start date"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355
msgid "Public"							msgid "Public"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358
msgid "Private"							msgid "Private"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361
msgid "Confidential"						msgid "Confidential"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63
msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"		msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66
msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"			msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80
msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta	msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83
#, fuzzy						      <
msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"		msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"
msgstr "Non è possibile aprire una connessione verso %s"      |	msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100
msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"				msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Field name"						msgid "Field name"
msgstr "Nome utente"						msgstr "Nome utente"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data type"						msgid "Data type"
msgstr "Dati"							msgstr "Dati"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214
msgid "Size"							msgid "Size"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215
msgid "Scale"							msgid "Scale"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216
msgid "Not null?"						msgid "Not null?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217
msgid "Primary key?"						msgid "Primary key?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218
msgid "Unique index?"						msgid "Unique index?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "References"						msgid "References"
msgstr "Sequenze"					      |	msgstr "Preferen_ze"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220
msgid "Default value"						msgid "Default value"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239
msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l	msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Table %s does not exist"					msgid "Table %s does not exist"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318
msgid "Scheduled events"					msgid "Scheduled events"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321
msgid "TODO list"						msgid "TODO list"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375
msgid "Owner"							msgid "Owner"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376
							      >	#, fuzzy
msgid "Comments"						msgid "Comments"
msgstr ""						      |	msgstr "Esegui commit"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Type"							msgid "Type"
msgstr "Tipi"							msgstr "Tipi"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377
msgid "GDA type"						msgid "GDA type"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id	#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id
#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database	#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database
#. we can easily access that information			#. we can easily access that information
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382
msgid "local"							msgid "local"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217
msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230
msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244
msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"			msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268
msgid "Invalid SQL command"					msgid "Invalid SQL command"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353
msgid "Transactions are not supported"				msgid "Transactions are not supported"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41
msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"		msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task	"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#, fuzzy						      |	#~ msgid "Browse database..."
							      >	#~ msgstr "Esplorazione database..."
							      >	#~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .con
							      >	#~ msgstr ""
							      >	#~ "Componente che include le voci del menu contestuale per i
							      >	#~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .sql
							      >	#~ msgstr "Componente che include le voci del menu contestual
							      >	#~ msgid "Connection MIME handler component"
							      >	#~ msgstr "Componente del gestore dei tipi di connessione MIM
							      >	#~ msgid "Database component factory"
							      >	#~ msgstr "Produttore di componenti Database"
							      >	#~ msgid "Open in database connection..."
							      >	#~ msgstr "Apre all'interno di una connessione a database..."
							      >	#~ msgid "SQL MIME handler component"
							      >	#~ msgstr "Componente del gestore di tipi MIME SQL"
#~ msgid "Database browser"					#~ msgid "Database browser"
#~ msgstr "Proprietà del database"			      |	#~ msgstr "Esploratore di database"

#~ msgid "Error viewer"						#~ msgid "Error viewer"
#~ msgstr "Visualizzatore di errore"				#~ msgstr "Visualizzatore di errore"

#, fuzzy						      |	#~ msgid "SQL Viewer"
							      >	#~ msgstr "Visualizzatore SQL"
#~ msgid "Database configuration"				#~ msgid "Database configuration"
#~ msgstr "Proprietà del database"			      |	#~ msgstr "Configurazione del database"
							      >	#~ msgid "Edit application preferences"
							      >	#~ msgstr "Modifica le preferenze dell'applicazione"
							      >	#~ msgid "New..."
							      >	#~ msgstr "Nuovo..."
							      >	#~ msgid "_File"
							      >	#~ msgstr "_File"
							      >	#~ msgid "_Properties..."
							      >	#~ msgstr "P_roprietà..."

#, fuzzy						      <
#~ msgid "_Settings"						#~ msgid "_Settings"
#~ msgstr "Impostazioni"				      |	#~ msgstr "Im_postazioni"

#~ msgid "Password"						#~ msgid "Password"
#~ msgstr "Password"						#~ msgstr "Password"

#~ msgid "Save as"						#~ msgid "Save as"
#~ msgstr "Salva come..."				      |	#~ msgstr "Salva come"

#~ msgid "Save to"						#~ msgid "Save to"
#~ msgstr "Salva in"						#~ msgstr "Salva in"

#~ msgid "XML file"						#~ msgid "XML file"
#~ msgstr "File XML"						#~ msgstr "File XML"

#~ msgid "Hide columns"						#~ msgid "Hide columns"
#~ msgstr "Nascondi colonne"					#~ msgstr "Nascondi colonne"

#~ msgid "Question"						#~ msgid "Question"
#~ msgstr "Domanda"						#~ msgstr "Domanda"

#, fuzzy						      |	#~ msgid "Table Data"
							      >	#~ msgstr "Tabella dei dati"
							      >	#~ msgid "View table data"
							      >	#~ msgstr "Visualizza dati della tabella"
#~ msgid "Database Moniker factory"				#~ msgid "Database Moniker factory"
#~ msgstr "Proprietà del database"			      |	#~ msgstr "Produttore Moniker del database"

#, fuzzy						      <
#~ msgid "database: moniker"					#~ msgid "database: moniker"
#~ msgstr "Proprietà del database"			      |	#~ msgstr "database: moniker"

#~ msgid "Failing to manufacture a '%s'"			#~ msgid "Failing to manufacture a '%s'"
#~ msgstr "� fallita la manifatturazione di un «%s»"	      |	#~ msgstr "Fallita la produzione di un «%s»"

#~ msgid "Invalid format for connection string"			#~ msgid "Invalid format for connection string"
#~ msgstr "Il formato per la stringa di connessione non è val	#~ msgstr "Il formato per la stringa di connessione non è val
#~ msgid "Data sources"					      <
#~ msgstr "Sorgenti di dati"				      <
#~ msgid "Test Data Source"				      <
#~ msgstr "Prova sorgente di dati"			      <
#~ msgid "Connection to %s successful!"			      <
#~ msgstr "Connessione verso %s riuscita!"		      <
#~ msgid "Data source"					      <
#~ msgstr "Sorgente di dati"				      <
#~ msgid "Select all"					      <
#~ msgstr "Seleziona tutto"				      <
#~ msgid "Unselect all"					      <
#~ msgstr "Deseleziona tutto"				      <
#~ msgid "Unselect All"					      <
#~ msgstr "Deseleziona tutto"				      <
#~ msgid "Display column headers"			      <
#~ msgstr "Visualizza intestazioni di colonna"		      <
#~ msgid "Hide column headers"				      <
#~ msgstr "Nascondi le intestazioni di colonna"		      <
#~ msgid "Save as..."					      <
#~ msgstr "Salva come..."				      <
#~ msgid "Export data to different formats"		      <
#~ msgstr "Esporta dati in formati differenti"		      <
#~ msgid "Describe current data set"			      <
#~ msgstr "Descrive il set di dati corrente"		      <
#~ msgid "View current data in more detail"		      <
#~ msgstr "Visualizza i dati correnti più in dettaglio"	      <
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ja.gmo
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/ja.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/ja.po
# gnome-db ja.po						# gnome-db ja.po
# Copyright (C) 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc.		# Copyright (C) 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# Yuusuke Tahara <tahara gnome gr jp>, 2000.			# Yuusuke Tahara <tahara gnome gr jp>, 2000.
# Akira TAGOH <tagoh gnome gr jp>, 2000.			# Akira TAGOH <tagoh gnome gr jp>, 2000.
# Ryoichi INAGAKI <ryo1 bc wakwak com>, 2003,2004.		# Ryoichi INAGAKI <ryo1 bc wakwak com>, 2003,2004.
#								#
msgid ""							msgid ""
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: libgnomedb HEAD\n"				"Project-Id-Version: libgnomedb HEAD\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"					"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"			"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-07-10 22:52+0900\n"			"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-07-10 22:52+0900\n"
"Last-Translator: Ryoichi INAGAKI <ryo1 bc wakwak com>\n"	"Last-Translator: Ryoichi INAGAKI <ryo1 bc wakwak com>\n"
"Language-Team: Japanese <translation gnome gr jp>\n"		"Language-Team: Japanese <translation gnome gr jp>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"						"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"			"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"				"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co
msgid "Data Sources"						msgid "Data Sources"
msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹"						msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid
msgid "Providers"						msgid "Providers"
msgstr "ã??ã?­ã??ã?¤ã??"						msgstr "ã??ã?­ã??ã?¤ã??"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1
msgid "Configure your database environment"			msgid "Configure your database environment"
msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹ã?®ç?°å¢?設å®?ã??è¡?ã??ã?¾ã??"			msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹ã?®ç?°å¢?設å®?ã??è¡?ã??ã?¾ã??"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2
msgid "Database Access Properties "				msgid "Database Access Properties "
msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹ã?¢ã?¯ã?»ã?¹ã?®ã??ã?­ã??ã??ã?£"			msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹ã?¢ã?¯ã?»ã?¹ã?®ã??ã?­ã??ã??ã?£"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380
msgid "Name"							msgid "Name"
msgstr "å??å??"							msgstr "å??å??"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
msgid "Description"						msgid "Description"
msgstr "説æ??"							msgstr "説æ??"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182
msgid "Configured data sources in the system"			msgid "Configured data sources in the system"
msgstr "ã?·ã?¹ã??ã? ã?«ã??ã??設å®?æ¸?ã?®ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹"			msgstr "ã?·ã?¹ã??ã? ã?«ã??ã??設å®?æ¸?ã?®ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data sources are the means by which database connections are	"Data sources are the means by which database connections are
"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s	"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s
"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o	"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o
"name you identify the connections in the applications that m	"name you identify the connections in the applications that m
"DB for database access."					"DB for database access."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹ã?¯ GNOME-DB ã?«ã??ã??ã?¦ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹æ?¥ç¶?ã??è­?å?¥ã??ã??ã??	"ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹ã?¯ GNOME-DB ã?«ã??ã??ã?¦ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹æ?¥ç¶?ã??è­?å?¥ã??ã??ã??
"å®?ã?®ã??ã?­ã??ã?¤ã??/ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹ã?®çµ?ã?¿å??ã??ã??ã?¸ã?®æ?¥ç¶?ã?«å¿?è¦?ã?ªå?¨æ??	"å®?ã?®ã??ã?­ã??ã?¤ã??/ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹ã?®çµ?ã?¿å??ã??ã??ã?¸ã?®æ?¥ç¶?ã?«å¿?è¦?ã?ªå?¨æ??
"å­?ã??ã?¾ã??ï¼?GNOME-DB ã??å?©ç?¨ã??ã?¦ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹ã?«ã?¢ã?¯ã?»ã?¹ã??ã??ã?¢ã??	"å­?ã??ã?¾ã??ï¼?GNOME-DB ã??å?©ç?¨ã??ã?¦ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹ã?«ã?¢ã?¯ã?»ã?¹ã??ã??ã?¢ã??
"ã?®ä¸?æ??ã?ªå??å??ã??å?©ç?¨ã??ã?¦ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹æ?¥ç¶?ã??è­?å?¥ã??ã?¾ã??ï¼?"		"ã?®ä¸?æ??ã?ªå??å??ã??å?©ç?¨ã??ã?¦ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹æ?¥ç¶?ã??è­?å?¥ã??ã?¾ã??ï¼?"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"	msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"
msgstr "æ?¬å½?ã?«ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹ '%s' ã??å??é?¤ã??ã?¦ã??ã??ã??ã??ã?®ã?§ã??ã???"	msgstr "æ?¬å½?ã?«ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹ '%s' ã??å??é?¤ã??ã?¦ã??ã??ã??ã??ã?®ã?§ã??ã???"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104
msgid "Data Source Properties"					msgid "Data Source Properties"
msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹ã?®ã??ã?­ã??ã??ã?£"				msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹ã?®ã??ã?­ã??ã??ã?£"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132
msgid "Basic"							msgid "Basic"
msgstr "��"							msgstr "��"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Tables"							msgid "Tables"
msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã??ã?«"						msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã??ã?«"

#: control-center/main.c:92					#: control-center/main.c:92
msgid "No valid data source info was created"			msgid "No valid data source info was created"
msgstr "é?©å??ã?ªã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹æ??å ±ã??ä½?æ??ã??ã??ã?¾ã??ã??ã?§ã??ã??"		msgstr "é?©å??ã?ªã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹æ??å ±ã??ä½?æ??ã??ã??ã?¾ã??ã??ã?§ã??ã??"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218	#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218
msgid "New data source"						msgid "New data source"
msgstr "æ?°è¦?ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹"					msgstr "æ?°è¦?ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:215					#: control-center/main.c:215
msgid "Database Access Properties"				msgid "Database Access Properties"
msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹ã?¢ã?¯ã?»ã?¹ã?®ã??ã?­ã??ã??ã?£"			msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹ã?¢ã?¯ã?»ã?¹ã?®ã??ã?­ã??ã??ã?£"

#: control-center/provider-config.c:105				#: control-center/provider-config.c:105
msgid "Installed providers"					msgid "Installed providers"
msgstr "ã?¤ã?³ã?¹ã??ã?¼ã?«æ¸?ã?®ã??ã?­ã??ã?¤ã??"				msgstr "ã?¤ã?³ã?¹ã??ã?¼ã?«æ¸?ã?®ã??ã?­ã??ã?¤ã??"

#: control-center/provider-config.c:131				#: control-center/provider-config.c:131
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec	"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec
"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo	"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo
"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr	"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr
"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba	"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba
"etc."								"etc."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"ã??ã?­ã??ã?¤ã??ã?¯ç?¹å®?ã?®ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹ã?¸ã?®ã?¢ã?¯ã?»ã?¹æ??段ã??æ??ä¾?ã??ã??å¤?é?¨	"ã??ã?­ã??ã?¤ã??ã?¯ç?¹å®?ã?®ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹ã?¸ã?®ã?¢ã?¯ã?»ã?¹æ??段ã??æ??ä¾?ã??ã??å¤?é?¨
"ã??ã??ã?©ã?«ã??ã?®ã??ã?­ã??ã?¤ã??ã?¯ã??ã?¤ã??å?©ç?¨å?¯è?½ã?§, XML ã??ã?¡ã?¤ã?«ã?§ä¿?å­?	"ã??ã??ã?©ã?«ã??ã?®ã??ã?­ã??ã?¤ã??ã?¯ã??ã?¤ã??å?©ç?¨å?¯è?½ã?§, XML ã??ã?¡ã?¤ã?«ã?§ä¿?å­?
"ã?¹ã?¸ã?®ã?¢ã?¯ã?»ã?¹ã??ã??ã??ã?¨ã??ã?§ã??ã?¾ã??ï¼?ä»?ã?®ã??ã?­ã??ã?¤ã??ã?¯é??常 libgd	"ã?¹ã?¸ã?®ã?¢ã?¯ã?»ã?¹ã??ã??ã??ã?¨ã??ã?§ã??ã?¾ã??ï¼?ä»?ã?®ã??ã?­ã??ã?¤ã??ã?¯é??常 libgd
"é??å¸?ã??ã??ã?¦ã??ã?¦ PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Sybase, Interbase,	"é??å¸?ã??ã??ã?¦ã??ã?¦ PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Sybase, Interbase,
"ã?¾ã??."								"ã?¾ã??."

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1
msgid "Database connection parameters file"			msgid "Database connection parameters file"
msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹ã?®æ?¥ç¶?ã??ã?©ã?¡ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¡ã?¤ã?«"			msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹ã?®æ?¥ç¶?ã??ã?©ã?¡ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¡ã?¤ã?«"

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2
msgid "Documents"						msgid "Documents"
msgstr "ã??ã?­ã?¥ã?¡ã?³ã??"						msgstr "ã??ã?­ã?¥ã?¡ã?³ã??"

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3
msgid "SQL code viewer"						msgid "SQL code viewer"
msgstr "SQLã?³ã?¼ã??ã??ã?¥ã?¼ã?¯"					msgstr "SQLã?³ã?¼ã??ã??ã?¥ã?¼ã?¯"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1
msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"			msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"
msgstr "表ã?§å?©ç?¨ã??ã??ã??ã?©ã?³ã??"					msgstr "表ã?§å?©ç?¨ã??ã??ã??ã?©ã?³ã??"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2
msgid "Number of spaces per tab"				msgid "Number of spaces per tab"
msgstr "ã?¿ã??ã??ã??ã??ã?®ç©ºç?½ã?®æ?°"					msgstr "ã?¿ã??ã??ã??ã??ã?®ç©ºç?½ã?®æ?°"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3
msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"			msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"
msgstr "ã?½ã?¼ã?¹ã?¨ã??ã?£ã?¿ä¸?ã?§è¡?ç?ªå?·ã??表示ã??ã??"			msgstr "ã?½ã?¼ã?¹ã?¨ã??ã?£ã?¿ä¸?ã?§è¡?ç?ªå?·ã??表示ã??ã??"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4
msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"			msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"
msgstr "ã?½ã?¼ã?¹ã?³ã?¼ã??ã?¨ã??ã?£ã?¿ã?§å¼·èª¿è¡¨ç¤ºã??使ç?¨ã??ã??"		msgstr "ã?½ã?¼ã?¹ã?³ã?¼ã??ã?¨ã??ã?£ã?¿ã?§å¼·èª¿è¡¨ç¤ºã??使ç?¨ã??ã??"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60
msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"			msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"
msgstr "GNOME ã??ã?¹ã?¯ã??ã??ã??ç?¨ã?®ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹ã?µã?¼ã??ã?¹"		msgstr "GNOME ã??ã?¹ã?¯ã??ã??ã??ç?¨ã?®ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹ã?µã?¼ã??ã?¹"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1
msgid "About"							msgid "About"
msgstr "æ??å ±"							msgstr "æ??å ±"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2
msgid "About GNOME-DB"						msgid "About GNOME-DB"
msgstr "GNOME-DB ã?«ã?¤ã??ã?¦..."					msgstr "GNOME-DB ã?«ã?¤ã??ã?¦..."

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3
msgid "Close this window"					msgid "Close this window"
msgstr "ã??ã?®ã?¦ã?£ã?³ã??ã?¦ã??é??ã??ã??"					msgstr "ã??ã?®ã?¦ã?£ã?³ã??ã?¦ã??é??ã??ã??"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4
msgid "Create new entry"					msgid "Create new entry"
msgstr "æ?°è¦?ã?¨ã?³ã??ã?ªã??ä½?æ??"					msgstr "æ?°è¦?ã?¨ã?³ã??ã?ªã??ä½?æ??"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5
msgid "Delete selected items"					msgid "Delete selected items"
msgstr "é?¸æ??ã??ã??ã?¢ã?¤ã??ã? ã?®å??é?¤"					msgstr "é?¸æ??ã??ã??ã?¢ã?¤ã??ã? ã?®å??é?¤"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6
msgid "Deselect all items"					msgid "Deselect all items"
msgstr "å?¨ã?¢ã?¤ã??ã? ã?®é?¸æ??解é?¤"					msgstr "å?¨ã?¢ã?¤ã??ã? ã?®é?¸æ??解é?¤"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7
msgid "Edit properties for selected item"			msgid "Edit properties for selected item"
msgstr "é?¸æ??ã??ã??ã?¢ã?¤ã??ã? ã?®ã??ã?­ã??ã??ã?£ã??ç·¨é??ã??ã?¾ã??"		msgstr "é?¸æ??ã??ã??ã?¢ã?¤ã??ã? ã?®ã??ã?­ã??ã??ã?£ã??ç·¨é??ã??ã?¾ã??"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8
msgid "Save connection parameters to file"			msgid "Save connection parameters to file"
msgstr "æ?¥ç¶?ã??ã?©ã?¡ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã??ã?¡ã?¤ã?«ã?«ä¿?å­?ã??ã?¾ã??"			msgstr "æ?¥ç¶?ã??ã?©ã?¡ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã??ã?¡ã?¤ã?«ã?«ä¿?å­?ã??ã?¾ã??"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414
msgid "Select _All"						msgid "Select _All"
msgstr "ã??ã?¹ã?¦é?¸æ??(_A)"						msgstr "ã??ã?¹ã?¦é?¸æ??(_A)"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10
msgid "Select all items"					msgid "Select all items"
msgstr "ã??ã?¹ã?¦ã?®ã?¢ã?¤ã??ã? ã??é?¸æ??ã??ã?¾ã??"				msgstr "ã??ã?¹ã?¦ã?®ã?¢ã?¤ã??ã? ã??é?¸æ??ã??ã?¾ã??"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11
msgid "View data sources"					msgid "View data sources"
msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹ã?®è¡¨ç¤º"					msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹ã?®è¡¨ç¤º"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12
msgid "View providers"						msgid "View providers"
msgstr "ã??ã?­ã??ã?¤ã??ã?®è¡¨ç¤º"					msgstr "ã??ã?­ã??ã?¤ã??ã?®è¡¨ç¤º"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42
msgid "_Clear Selection"					msgid "_Clear Selection"
msgstr "é?¸æ??ã??ã??ã??ã?®ã??æ¶?å?»(_C)"					msgstr "é?¸æ??ã??ã??ã??ã?®ã??æ¶?å?»(_C)"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14
msgid "_Close"							msgid "_Close"
msgstr "é??ã??ã??(_C)"						msgstr "é??ã??ã??(_C)"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15
msgid "_Data Sources"						msgid "_Data Sources"
msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹(_D)"					msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹(_D)"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16
msgid "_Database"						msgid "_Database"
msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹(_D)"					msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹(_D)"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17
msgid "_Delete"							msgid "_Delete"
msgstr "å??é?¤(_D)"						msgstr "å??é?¤(_D)"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18
msgid "_Edit"							msgid "_Edit"
msgstr "ç·¨é??(_E)"						msgstr "ç·¨é??(_E)"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19
msgid "_Help"							msgid "_Help"
msgstr "ã??ã?«ã??(_H)"						msgstr "ã??ã?«ã??(_H)"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20
msgid "_New Data Source..."					msgid "_New Data Source..."
msgstr "æ?°è¦?ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹(_N)..."				msgstr "æ?°è¦?ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹(_N)..."

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21
msgid "_Properties"						msgid "_Properties"
msgstr "ã??ã?­ã??ã??ã?£(_P)"						msgstr "ã??ã?­ã??ã??ã?£(_P)"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22
msgid "_Providers"						msgid "_Providers"
msgstr "ã??ã?­ã??ã?¤ã??(_P)"						msgstr "ã??ã?­ã??ã?¤ã??(_P)"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23
msgid "_Save Connection"					msgid "_Save Connection"
msgstr "�����(_S)"						msgstr "�����(_S)"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24
msgid "_View"							msgid "_View"
msgstr "表示(_V)"						msgstr "表示(_V)"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76
msgid "Structure"						msgid "Structure"
msgstr "��"							msgstr "��"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73
msgid "Data"							msgid "Data"
msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿"							msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238
msgid "Not implemented yet!"					msgid "Not implemented yet!"
msgstr "ã?¾ã? å®?è£?ã??ã??ã?¦ã?¾ã??ã??!"					msgstr "ã?¾ã? å®?è£?ã??ã??ã?¦ã?¾ã??ã??!"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Database"						msgid "Database"
msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹"						msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540
msgid "Loading database schemas..."				msgid "Loading database schemas..."
msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹ã?¹ã?­ã?¼ã??ã??読ã?¿è¾¼ã?¿ä¸­..."			msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹ã?¹ã?­ã?¼ã??ã??読ã?¿è¾¼ã?¿ä¸­..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632
msgid "Refreshing data..."					msgid "Refreshing data..."
msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??å??読ã?¿è¾¼ã?¿ä¸­..."				msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??å??読ã?¿è¾¼ã?¿ä¸­..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688
msgid "Views"							msgid "Views"
msgstr "ã??ã?¥ã?¼"							msgstr "ã??ã?¥ã?¼"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691
msgid "Indexes"							msgid "Indexes"
msgstr "ã?¤ã?³ã??ã??ã?¯ã?¹"						msgstr "ã?¤ã?³ã??ã??ã?¯ã?¹"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Sequences"						msgid "Sequences"
msgstr "��"							msgstr "��"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Procedures"						msgid "Procedures"
msgstr "ã??ã?­ã?·ã?¼ã?¸ã?£"						msgstr "ã??ã?­ã?·ã?¼ã?¸ã?£"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700
msgid "Triggers"						msgid "Triggers"
msgstr "ã??ã?ªã?¬"							msgstr "ã??ã?ªã?¬"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Aggregates"						msgid "Aggregates"
msgstr "��"							msgstr "��"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Types"							msgid "Types"
msgstr "å??"							msgstr "å??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140
msgid "Could not query CORBA components"			msgid "Could not query CORBA components"
msgstr "CORBAã?³ã?³ã??ã?¼ã??ã?³ã??ã?«å??ã??å??ã??ã??ã??ã??ã?¨ã??ã?§ã??ã?¾ã??ã??"	msgstr "CORBAã?³ã?³ã??ã?¼ã??ã?³ã??ã?«å??ã??å??ã??ã??ã??ã??ã?¨ã??ã?§ã??ã?¾ã??ã??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209
msgid "ID"							msgid "ID"
msgstr "ID"							msgstr "ID"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "Location"						msgid "Location"
msgstr "ä½?ç½®"							msgstr "ä½?ç½®"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212
msgid "Username"						msgid "Username"
msgstr "ã?¦ã?¼ã?¶å??"						msgstr "ã?¦ã?¼ã?¶å??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213
msgid "Hostname"						msgid "Hostname"
msgstr "ã??ã?¹ã??å??"						msgstr "ã??ã?¹ã??å??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214
msgid "Domain"							msgid "Domain"
msgstr "ã??ã?¡ã?¤ã?³"						msgstr "ã??ã?¡ã?¤ã?³"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"			msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"
msgstr "GconfEntry ã?§æ?ªã?µã??ã?¼ã??ã?®å??ã?§ã??: %d"			msgstr "GconfEntry ã?§æ?ªã?µã??ã?¼ã??ã?®å??ã?§ã??: %d"

#. create widgets						#. create widgets
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97
msgid "Settings"						msgid "Settings"
msgstr "設�"							msgstr "設�"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103
msgid "Data source name"					msgid "Data source name"
msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹å??"						msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹å??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109
msgid "Connection string"					msgid "Connection string"
msgstr "æ?¥ç¶?æ??å­?å??"						msgstr "æ?¥ç¶?æ??å­?å??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115
msgid "Provider"						msgid "Provider"
msgstr "ã??ã?­ã??ã?¤ã??"						msgstr "ã??ã?­ã??ã?¤ã??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121
msgid "User name"						msgid "User name"
msgstr "ã?¦ã?¼ã?¶å??"						msgstr "ã?¦ã?¼ã?¶å??"

#. create feature list						#. create feature list
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128
msgid "Features"						msgid "Features"
msgstr "æ©?è?½"							msgstr "æ©?è?½"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190
msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"		msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"
msgstr "æ?°è¦?ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹ã?®å??å??ã??æ??å®?ã??ã?ªã??ã??ã?°ã?ªã??ã?¾ã??ã??"	msgstr "æ?°è¦?ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹ã?®å??å??ã??æ??å®?ã??ã?ªã??ã??ã?°ã?ªã??ã?¾ã??ã??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197
msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac	msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac
msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹å??ã?¯ã?¢ã?«ã??ã?¡ã??ã??ã??ã??æ?°å­?ã?§ã?ªã??ã??ã?°ã?ªã??ã?¾	msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹å??ã?¯ã?¢ã?«ã??ã?¡ã??ã??ã??ã??æ?°å­?ã?§ã?ªã??ã??ã?°ã?ªã??ã?¾

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206
msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th	msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th
msgstr "æ?¢å­?ã?®ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹ã??ã??ã?§ã?«å??ã??å??å??ã?§ç?»é?²ã??ã??ã?¦ã??ã?¾ã??"	msgstr "æ?¢å­?ã?®ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹ã??ã??ã?§ã?«å??ã??å??å??ã?§ç?»é?²ã??ã??ã?¦ã??ã?¾ã??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213
msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"			msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"
msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹å??ã?«ç©ºç?½ã??å?«ã??ã??ã??ã?¨ã?¯ã?§ã??ã?¾ã??ã??"		msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹å??ã?«ç©ºç?½ã??å?«ã??ã??ã??ã?¨ã?¯ã?§ã??ã?¾ã??ã??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217
msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n	msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n
msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹å??ã?«ã?¯ ASCII ã?³ã?¼ã??ã?¨æ?°å­?ã? ã??ã??使ã??ã?¾ã??"	msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹å??ã?«ã?¯ ASCII ã?³ã?¼ã??ã?¨æ?°å­?ã? ã??ã??使ã??ã?¾ã??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225
msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"	msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"
msgstr "æ?°è¦?ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹ç?¨ã?®ã??ã?­ã??ã?¤ã??ã??é?¸æ??ã??ã?ªã??ã??ã?°ã?ªã??ã?¾	msgstr "æ?°è¦?ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹ç?¨ã?®ã??ã?­ã??ã?¤ã??ã??é?¸æ??ã??ã?ªã??ã??ã?°ã?ªã??ã?¾

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233
msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"		msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"
msgstr "設å®?ã?«ã??ã??ã??ã?­ã??ã?¤ã??ã??è¦?ã?¤ã??ã??ã?¾ã??ã??"			msgstr "設å®?ã?«ã??ã??ã??ã?­ã??ã?¤ã??ã??è¦?ã?¤ã??ã??ã?¾ã??ã??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391
msgid "Add a new data source..."				msgid "Add a new data source..."
msgstr "æ?°è¦?ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹ã?®è¿½å? ..."				msgstr "æ?°è¦?ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹ã?®è¿½å? ..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392
msgid ""							msgid ""
"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"		"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"
"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"		"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"
"installation. Just follow the steps!"				"installation. Just follow the steps!"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"ã??ã?®ã?¦ã?£ã?¶ã?¼ã??ã?¯ GNOME-DB ã?§æ?°è¦?ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹ã??ä½?æ??ã??ã??ã??ã?­ã?»	"ã??ã?®ã?¦ã?£ã?¶ã?¼ã??ã?¯ GNOME-DB ã?§æ?°è¦?ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹ã??ä½?æ??ã??ã??ã??ã?­ã?»
"ã?¹ã??ã??ã??ã?«ã??ã? å¾?ã??ã? ã??ã?§ã??!"					"ã?¹ã??ã??ã??ã?«ã??ã? å¾?ã??ã? ã??ã?§ã??!"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404
msgid "General Information"					msgid "General Information"
msgstr "ä¸?è?¬ç??ã?ªæ??å ±"						msgstr "ä¸?è?¬ç??ã?ªæ??å ±"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the basic information\n"	"The following fields represent the basic information\n"
"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n	"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n
"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"	"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"
"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"	"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"
"the default one."						"the default one."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"以ä¸?ã?®ã??ã?£ã?¼ã?«ã??ã?¯æ?°è¦?ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹ã?®å?ºæ?¬ç??ã?ªæ??å ±ã??表ã??ã?¦ã??ã?¾	"以ä¸?ã?®ã??ã?£ã?¼ã?«ã??ã?¯æ?°è¦?ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹ã?®å?ºæ?¬ç??ã?ªæ??å ±ã??表ã??ã?¦ã??ã?¾
"ã??ã?®ã??ã?¡ã?®ã??ã??ã?¤ã??ï¼?説æ??, ã?¦ã?¼ã?¶å??ï¼?ã?¯ã?ªã??ã?·ã?§ã?³ã?§ã??ã??ï¼?ã??ã?®	"ã??ã?®ã??ã?¡ã?®ã??ã??ã?¤ã??ï¼?説æ??, ã?¦ã?¼ã?¶å??ï¼?ã?¯ã?ªã??ã?·ã?§ã?³ã?§ã??ã??ï¼?ã??ã?®
"å¿?é ?ã?®æ??å ±ã?§ã??ï¼?ã?©ã?®ã??ã?­ã??ã?¤ã??ã??使ã?£ã?¦ã??ã??ã?®ã??ã??ã??ã??ã?ªã??ã?®ã?§	"å¿?é ?ã?®æ??å ±ã?§ã??ï¼?ã?©ã?®ã??ã?­ã??ã?¤ã??ã??使ã?£ã?¦ã??ã??ã?®ã??ã??ã??ã??ã?ªã??ã?®ã?§
"ã??ã??ã?©ã?«ã??ã?®ã??ã?®ã??ã??ã? é?¸æ??ã??ã?¦ã??ã? ã??ã??."			"ã??ã??ã?©ã?«ã??ã?®ã??ã?®ã??ã??ã? é?¸æ??ã??ã?¦ã??ã? ã??ã??."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104
msgid "Data source _name:"					msgid "Data source _name:"
msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹å??(_N):"					msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹å??(_N):"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114
msgid "_Provider:"						msgid "_Provider:"
msgstr "ã??ã?­ã??ã?¤ã??(_P):"					msgstr "ã??ã?­ã??ã?¤ã??(_P):"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133
msgid "_Description:"						msgid "_Description:"
msgstr "��(_D):"						msgstr "��(_D):"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142
msgid "_Username:"						msgid "_Username:"
msgstr "ã?¦ã?¼ã?¶å??(_U):"						msgstr "ã?¦ã?¼ã?¶å??(_U):"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151
msgid "P_assword:"						msgid "P_assword:"
msgstr "ã??ã?¹ã?¯ã?¼ã??(_A):"					msgstr "ã??ã?¹ã?¯ã?¼ã??(_A):"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454
msgid "Provider Parameters"					msgid "Provider Parameters"
msgstr "ã??ã?­ã??ã?¤ã??ã?®ã??ã?©ã?¡ã?¼ã?¿"					msgstr "ã??ã?­ã??ã?¤ã??ã?®ã??ã?©ã?¡ã?¼ã?¿"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the information needed by the	"The following fields represent the information needed by the
"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n	"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n
"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\	"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\
"the manual for more information."				"the manual for more information."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"以ä¸?ã?®ã??ã?£ã?¼ã?«ã??ã?¯å??ã?®ã??ã?¼ã?¸ã?§é?¸æ??ã??ã??ã??ã?­ã??ã?¤ã??ã?¨ã?®æ?¥ç¶?ã??é??	"以ä¸?ã?®ã??ã?£ã?¼ã?«ã??ã?¯å??ã?®ã??ã?¼ã?¸ã?§é?¸æ??ã??ã??ã??ã?­ã??ã?¤ã??ã?¨ã?®æ?¥ç¶?ã??é??
"å¿?è¦?ã?ªæ??å ±ã??表ã??ã?¦ã??ã?¾ã??ï¼?ã??ã?®æ??å ±ã?¯ã??ã?­ã??ã?¤ã??ã??ã?¨ã?«ç?¹å®?ã?®å½¢	"å¿?è¦?ã?ªæ??å ±ã??表ã??ã?¦ã??ã?¾ã??ï¼?ã??ã?®æ??å ±ã?¯ã??ã?­ã??ã?¤ã??ã??ã?¨ã?«ç?¹å®?ã?®å½¢
"ã??ã??ã??ã??ã?«ã?¤ã??ã?¦ã?®è©³ã??ã??æ??å ±ã?¯ã??ã??ã?¥ã?¢ã?«ã??確èª?ã??ã?¦ã??ã? ã??ã??ï¼?	"ã??ã??ã??ã??ã?«ã?¤ã??ã?¦ã?®è©³ã??ã??æ??å ±ã?¯ã??ã??ã?¥ã?¢ã?«ã??確èª?ã??ã?¦ã??ã? ã??ã??ï¼?

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481
msgid "All information retrieved"				msgid "All information retrieved"
msgstr "ã??ã?¹ã?¦ã?®æ??å ±ã??ã??ã??ã??ã?¾ã??ã??"				msgstr "ã??ã?¹ã?¦ã?®æ??å ±ã??ã??ã??ã??ã?¾ã??ã??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482
msgid ""							msgid ""
"All information needed to create a new data source\n"		"All information needed to create a new data source\n"
"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"		"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"
"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"	"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"
"just select it when asked for a data source."			"just select it when asked for a data source."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"æ?°ã??ã??ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹ã??ä½?æ??ã??ã??ã?®ã?«å¿?è¦?ã?ªã??ã?¹ã?¦ã?®æ??å ±ã??\n"	"æ?°ã??ã??ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹ã??ä½?æ??ã??ã??ã?®ã?«å¿?è¦?ã?ªã??ã?¹ã?¦ã?®æ??å ±ã??\n"
"é??ã?¾ã??ã?¾ã??ã??ï¼?ã??ã?®ã??ã?¤ã?¢ã?­ã?°ã??é??ã??ã??ã?«ã?¯ 'é?©ç?¨' ã??\n"		"é??ã?¾ã??ã?¾ã??ã??ï¼?ã??ã?®ã??ã?¤ã?¢ã?­ã?°ã??é??ã??ã??ã?«ã?¯ 'é?©ç?¨' ã??\n"
"ã?¯ã?ªã??ã?¯ã??ã?¦ã??ã? ã??ã??ï¼?æ?°ã??ã??ä½?æ??ã??ã??ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹ã??é??ã??ã?«ã?¯ï¼?	"ã?¯ã?ªã??ã?¯ã??ã?¦ã??ã? ã??ã??ï¼?æ?°ã??ã??ä½?æ??ã??ã??ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹ã??é??ã??ã?«ã?¯ï¼?
"å??ã??å??ã??ã??ã??ã??æ??ã?«é?¸æ??ã??ã??ã? ã??ã?§ã??."				"å??ã??å??ã??ã??ã??ã??æ??ã?«é?¸æ??ã??ã??ã? ã??ã?§ã??."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124
msgid "Connection _string:"					msgid "Connection _string:"
msgstr "æ?¥ç¶?æ??å­?å??(_S):"					msgstr "æ?¥ç¶?æ??å­?å??(_S):"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4
msgid "Error"							msgid "Error"
msgstr "���"							msgstr "���"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.
msgid "Show detail >>"						msgid "Show detail >>"
msgstr "詳細ã??表示 >>"						msgstr "詳細ã??表示 >>"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122
msgid "<< Hide detail"						msgid "<< Hide detail"
msgstr "<< 詳細ã??é? ã??"						msgstr "<< 詳細ã??é? ã??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191
msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"	msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"
msgstr "以ä¸?ã?®ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹ã?§ã?¨ã?©ã?¼ã??ç?ºç??ã??ã?¾ã??ã??"		msgstr "以ä¸?ã?®ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹ã?§ã?¨ã?©ã?¼ã??ç?ºç??ã??ã?¾ã??ã??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196
msgid "Error number"						msgid "Error number"
msgstr "�����"						msgstr "�����"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227
msgid "Details"							msgid "Details"
msgstr "詳細"							msgstr "詳細"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234
msgid "Source"							msgid "Source"
msgstr "���"							msgstr "���"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241
msgid "SQL state"						msgid "SQL state"
msgstr "SQL ç?¶æ??"						msgstr "SQL ç?¶æ??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108
msgid "_Field:"							msgid "_Field:"
msgstr "ã??ã?£ã?¼ã?«ã??(_F):"					msgstr "ã??ã?£ã?¼ã?«ã??(_F):"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118
msgid "_Text:"							msgid "_Text:"
msgstr "ã??ã?­ã?¹ã??(_T):"						msgstr "ã??ã?­ã?¹ã??(_T):"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308
msgid "No records"						msgid "No records"
msgstr "ã?¬ã?³ã?¼ã??ã?ªã??"						msgstr "ã?¬ã?³ã?¼ã??ã?ªã??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Record %d of %d"						msgid "Record %d of %d"
msgstr "ã?¬ã?³ã?¼ã?? %d / %d"					msgstr "ã?¬ã?³ã?¼ã?? %d / %d"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113
msgid "Recordset description"					msgid "Recordset description"
msgstr "ã?¬ã?³ã?¼ã??群ã?®æ¦?è¦?"					msgstr "ã?¬ã?³ã?¼ã??群ã?®æ¦?è¦?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid ""							msgid ""
"File '%s' already exists.\n"					"File '%s' already exists.\n"
"Do you want to overwrite it?"					"Do you want to overwrite it?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"ã??ã?¡ã?¤ã?« '%s' ã?¯ã??ã?§ã?«å­?å?¨ã??ã?¾ã??.\n"				"ã??ã?¡ã?¤ã?« '%s' ã?¯ã??ã?§ã?«å­?å?¨ã??ã?¾ã??.\n"
"ä¸?æ?¸ã??ã??ã?¦ã??ã??ã??ã??ã?§ã??ã???"					"ä¸?æ?¸ã??ã??ã?¦ã??ã??ã??ã??ã?§ã??ã???"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149
msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."		msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."
msgstr "ã??ã?¯ã??ã??ã??é?¸æ??ã??ã??ã?¨, å??容ã?¯å¤±ã??ã??ã?¾ã??."		msgstr "ã??ã?¯ã??ã??ã??é?¸æ??ã??ã??ã?¨, å??容ã?¯å¤±ã??ã??ã?¾ã??."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Could not save file %s"					msgid "Could not save file %s"
msgstr "ã??ã?¡ã?¤ã?« %s ã??ä¿?å­?ã??ã??ã??ã?¨ã??å?ºæ?¥ã?¾ã??ã??ã?§ã??ã??"		msgstr "ã??ã?¡ã?¤ã?« %s ã??ä¿?å­?ã??ã??ã??ã?¨ã??å?ºæ?¥ã?¾ã??ã??ã?§ã??ã??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224
msgid "You must specify a file name"				msgid "You must specify a file name"
msgstr "ã??ã?¡ã?¤ã?«å??ã??ã?¤ã??ã?ªã??ã??ã?°ã?ªã??ã?¾ã??ã??"			msgstr "ã??ã?¡ã?¤ã?«å??ã??ã?¤ã??ã?ªã??ã??ã?°ã?ªã??ã?¾ã??ã??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230
msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"		msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"
msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??å¤?æ??中ã?«ç©ºã?®ã??ã?¡ã?¤ã?«ã??å??å¾?ã??ã?¾ã??ã??"		msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??å¤?æ??中ã?«ç©ºã?®ã??ã?¡ã?¤ã?«ã??å??å¾?ã??ã?¾ã??ã??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261
msgid "Saving Model"						msgid "Saving Model"
msgstr "ã?¢ã??ã?«ã??ä¿?å­?中"						msgstr "ã?¢ã??ã?«ã??ä¿?å­?中"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272
msgid "File _name:"						msgid "File _name:"
msgstr "ã??ã?¡ã?¤ã?«å??(_N):"					msgstr "ã??ã?¡ã?¤ã?«å??(_N):"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276
msgid "Select File"						msgid "Select File"
msgstr "ã??ã?¡ã?¤ã?«é?¸æ??"						msgstr "ã??ã?¡ã?¤ã?«é?¸æ??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283
msgid "File _type:"						msgid "File _type:"
msgstr "ã??ã?¡ã?¤ã?«å½¢å¼?(_T):"					msgstr "ã??ã?¡ã?¤ã?«å½¢å¼?(_T):"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291
msgid "Tab-delimited"						msgid "Tab-delimited"
msgstr "ã?¿ã??å?ºå??ã??"						msgstr "ã?¿ã??å?ºå??ã??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294
msgid "Comma-delimited"						msgid "Comma-delimited"
msgstr "ã?«ã?³ã??å?ºå??ã??"						msgstr "ã?«ã?³ã??å?ºå??ã??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:
msgid "XML"							msgid "XML"
msgstr "XML"							msgstr "XML"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355
msgid "View detail"						msgid "View detail"
msgstr "詳細表示"						msgstr "詳細表示"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427
msgid "Show Column _Titles"					msgid "Show Column _Titles"
msgstr "ã?«ã?©ã? ã?¿ã?¤ã??ã?«ã?®è¡¨ç¤º(_T)"				msgstr "ã?«ã?©ã? ã?¿ã?¤ã??ã?«ã?®è¡¨ç¤º(_T)"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442
msgid "Describe"						msgid "Describe"
msgstr "��"							msgstr "��"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443
msgid "View detail..."						msgid "View detail..."
msgstr "詳細表示..."						msgstr "詳細表示..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614
msgid "Title"							msgid "Title"
msgstr "ã?¿ã?¤ã??ã?«"						msgstr "ã?¿ã?¤ã??ã?«"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48
msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"	msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"
msgstr "ã??ã?§ã?«å??æ??å??æ¸?ã?¿ã?®ã?¯ã?©ã?¤ã?¢ã?³ã??ã??å??æ??å??ã??ã??ã??ã?¨ã??ã?¦ã??	msgstr "ã??ã?§ã?«å??æ??å??æ¸?ã?¿ã?®ã?¯ã?©ã?¤ã?¢ã?³ã??ã??å??æ??å??ã??ã??ã??ã?¨ã??ã?¦ã??

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"		"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"
"to a data source"						"to a data source"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹ã?«æ?¥ç¶?ã??ã??ã??ã??ã?®å¼?æ?°ã??以ä¸?ã?«\n"			"ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹ã?«æ?¥ç¶?ã??ã??ã??ã??ã?®å¼?æ?°ã??以ä¸?ã?«\n"
"å?¥å??ã??ã?¦ã??ã? ã??ã??"						"å?¥å??ã??ã?¦ã??ã? ã??ã??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253
msgid "Data Source:"						msgid "Data Source:"
msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹:"						msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270
msgid "Username:"						msgid "Username:"
msgstr "ã?¦ã?¼ã?¶å??:"						msgstr "ã?¦ã?¼ã?¶å??:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279
msgid "Password:"						msgid "Password:"
msgstr "ã??ã?¹ã?¯ã?¼ã??:"						msgstr "ã??ã?¹ã?¯ã?¼ã??:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69
msgid "Fields"							msgid "Fields"
msgstr "ã??ã?£ã?¼ã?«ã??"						msgstr "ã??ã?£ã?¼ã?«ã??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30
msgid "Commit"							msgid "Commit"
msgstr "ã?³ã??ã??ã??"						msgstr "ã?³ã??ã??ã??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31
msgid "Connect"							msgid "Connect"
msgstr "��"							msgstr "��"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33
msgid "Designer"						msgid "Designer"
msgstr "ã??ã?¶ã?¤ã??"						msgstr "ã??ã?¶ã?¤ã??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34
msgid "Disconnect"						msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr "å??æ?­"							msgstr "å??æ?­"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35
msgid "NoTransaction"						msgid "NoTransaction"
msgstr "ã??ã?©ã?³ã?¶ã?¯ã?·ã?§ã?³ç?¡ã??"					msgstr "ã??ã?©ã?³ã?¶ã?¯ã?·ã?§ã?³ç?¡ã??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37
msgid "Query"							msgid "Query"
msgstr "���"							msgstr "���"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38
msgid "Rollback"						msgid "Rollback"
msgstr "ã?­ã?¼ã?«ã??ã??ã?¯"						msgstr "ã?­ã?¼ã?«ã??ã??ã?¯"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40
msgid "SQL"							msgid "SQL"
msgstr "SQL"							msgstr "SQL"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43
msgid "WithinTransaction"					msgid "WithinTransaction"
msgstr "ã??ã?©ã?³ã?¶ã?¯ã?·ã?§ã?³ä¸­"					msgstr "ã??ã?©ã?³ã?¶ã?¯ã?·ã?§ã?³ä¸­"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Error: %s"						msgid "Error: %s"
msgstr "���: %s"						msgstr "���: %s"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79
msgid "Table name"						msgid "Table name"
msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã??ã?«å??"						msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã??ã?«å??"

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93			#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Login for %s"						msgid "Login for %s"
msgstr "%s �����"						msgstr "%s �����"

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95					#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95
msgid "Login to database"					msgid "Login to database"
msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹ã?¸ã?­ã?°ã?¤ã?³"					msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹ã?¸ã?­ã?°ã?¤ã?³"

#: vfs/libmain.c:71						#: vfs/libmain.c:71
msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"				msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"
msgstr "GNOME VFS ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹: ã?¢ã?¸ã?¥ã?¼ã?«"			msgstr "GNOME VFS ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹: ã?¢ã?¸ã?¥ã?¼ã?«"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40
msgid "Table Properties"					msgid "Table Properties"
msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã??ã?«ã?®ã??ã?­ã??ã??ã?£"					msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã??ã?«ã?®ã??ã?­ã??ã??ã?£"

#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47
msgid "Table Name"						msgid "Table Name"
msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã??ã?«å??"						msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã??ã?«å??"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155
msgid "New"							msgid "New"
msgstr "��"							msgstr "��"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156
msgid "Create new table"					msgid "Create new table"
msgstr "æ?°è¦?ã??ã?¼ã??ã?«ã??ä½?æ??ã??ã?¾ã??"				msgstr "æ?°è¦?ã??ã?¼ã??ã?«ã??ä½?æ??ã??ã?¾ã??"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161
msgid "Properties"						msgid "Properties"
msgstr "ã??ã?­ã??ã??ã?£"						msgstr "ã??ã?­ã??ã??ã?£"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162
msgid "View table properties"					msgid "View table properties"
msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã??ã?«ã?®ã??ã?­ã??ã??ã?£ã??表示ã??ã?¾ã??"			msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã??ã?«ã?®ã??ã?­ã??ã??ã?£ã??表示ã??ã?¾ã??"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
msgid "UID"							msgid "UID"
msgstr "UID"							msgstr "UID"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "calendar"						msgid "calendar"
msgstr "ã?«ã?¬ã?³ã??ã?¼"						msgstr "ã?«ã?¬ã?³ã??ã?¼"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "summary"							msgid "summary"
msgstr "��"							msgstr "��"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "Summary"							msgid "Summary"
msgstr "��"							msgstr "��"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "location"						msgid "location"
msgstr "å ´æ??"							msgstr "å ´æ??"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "dtstart"							msgid "dtstart"
msgstr "dtstart"						msgstr "dtstart"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
msgid "Start time"						msgid "Start time"
msgstr "é??å§?æ??é??"						msgstr "é??å§?æ??é??"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "dtend"							msgid "dtend"
msgstr "dtend"							msgstr "dtend"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "End time"						msgid "End time"
msgstr "çµ?äº?æ??é??"						msgstr "çµ?äº?æ??é??"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
msgid "description"						msgid "description"
msgstr "説æ??"							msgstr "説æ??"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "classification"						msgid "classification"
msgstr "å?ºå??"							msgstr "å?ºå??"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "Classification"						msgid "Classification"
msgstr "å?ºå??"							msgstr "å?ºå??"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "transparency"						msgid "transparency"
msgstr "é??é??æ?§"							msgstr "é??é??æ?§"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "Transparency"						msgid "Transparency"
msgstr "é??é??æ?§"							msgstr "é??é??æ?§"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "categories"						msgid "categories"
msgstr "ã?«ã??ã?´ã?ª"						msgstr "ã?«ã??ã?´ã?ª"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "Categories"						msgid "Categories"
msgstr "ã?«ã??ã?´ã?ª"						msgstr "ã?«ã??ã?´ã?ª"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "tasks"							msgid "tasks"
msgstr "���"							msgstr "���"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "due"							msgid "due"
msgstr "æ??é??"							msgstr "æ??é??"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "Due date"						msgid "Due date"
msgstr "æ??æ?¥"							msgstr "æ??æ?¥"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "Start date"						msgid "Start date"
msgstr "é??å§?æ?¥ä»?"						msgstr "é??å§?æ?¥ä»?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355
msgid "Public"							msgid "Public"
msgstr "å?¬é??"							msgstr "å?¬é??"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358
msgid "Private"							msgid "Private"
msgstr "é??å?¬é??"							msgstr "é??å?¬é??"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361
msgid "Confidential"						msgid "Confidential"
msgstr "極�"							msgstr "極�"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63
msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"		msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"
msgstr "ã??ã??ã?©ã?«ã??ã?®ã?«ã?¬ã?³ã??ã?¼ã??ã?©ã?«ã??ã??é??ã??ã?¾ã??ã??"		msgstr "ã??ã??ã?©ã?«ã??ã?®ã?«ã?¬ã?³ã??ã?¼ã??ã?©ã?«ã??ã??é??ã??ã?¾ã??ã??"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66
msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"			msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"
msgstr "ã??ã??ã?©ã?«ã??ã?®ã?¿ã?¹ã?¯ã??ã?©ã?«ã??ã??é??ã??ã?¾ã??ã??"			msgstr "ã??ã??ã?©ã?«ã??ã?®ã?¿ã?¹ã?¯ã??ã?©ã?«ã??ã??é??ã??ã?¾ã??ã??"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80
msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta	msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta
msgstr "ã??ã??ã?©ã?«ã??ã?®é?£çµ¡å??ã??ã?©ã?«ã??ã?«ã?¢ã?¯ã?»ã?¹ã??ã??ã?«ã?¯èª?証ã??å¿?	msgstr "ã??ã??ã?©ã?«ã??ã?®é?£çµ¡å??ã??ã?©ã?«ã??ã?«ã?¢ã?¯ã?»ã?¹ã??ã??ã?«ã?¯èª?証ã??å¿?

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83
msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"		msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"
msgstr "ã??ã??ã?©ã?«ã??ã?®é?£çµ¡å??ã??ã?©ã?«ã?¿ã??é??ã??ã?¾ã??ã??"			msgstr "ã??ã??ã?©ã?«ã??ã?®é?£çµ¡å??ã??ã?©ã?«ã?¿ã??é??ã??ã?¾ã??ã??"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100
msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"				msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"
msgstr "Bonobo ã??å??æ??å??ã?§ã??ã?¾ã??ã??ã?§ã??ã??"			msgstr "Bonobo ã??å??æ??å??ã?§ã??ã?¾ã??ã??ã?§ã??ã??"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212
msgid "Field name"						msgid "Field name"
msgstr "ã??ã?£ã?¼ã?«ã??å??"						msgstr "ã??ã?£ã?¼ã?«ã??å??"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213
msgid "Data type"						msgid "Data type"
msgstr "æ?¥ä»?ã?®å??"						msgstr "æ?¥ä»?ã?®å??"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214
msgid "Size"							msgid "Size"
msgstr "���"							msgstr "���"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215
msgid "Scale"							msgid "Scale"
msgstr "����"						msgstr "����"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216
msgid "Not null?"						msgid "Not null?"
msgstr "nullã?§ã?ªã???"						msgstr "nullã?§ã?ªã???"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217
msgid "Primary key?"						msgid "Primary key?"
msgstr "主��?"						msgstr "主��?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218
msgid "Unique index?"						msgid "Unique index?"
msgstr "ä¸?æ??ã?ªã?¤ã?³ã??ã??ã?¯ã?¹?"					msgstr "ä¸?æ??ã?ªã?¤ã?³ã??ã??ã?¯ã?¹?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219
msgid "References"						msgid "References"
msgstr "å??ç?§"							msgstr "å??ç?§"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220
msgid "Default value"						msgid "Default value"
msgstr "ã??ã??ã?©ã?«ã??ã?®å?¤"						msgstr "ã??ã??ã?©ã?«ã??ã?®å?¤"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239
msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l	msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l
msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã??ã?«å??ã??å¿?è¦?ã?§ã??ã??ã??ã?©ã?¡ã?¼ã?¿ã?ªã?¹ã??ã?§ã?¯æ??å®?ã??ã??ã?¦	msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã??ã?«å??ã??å¿?è¦?ã?§ã??ã??ã??ã?©ã?¡ã?¼ã?¿ã?ªã?¹ã??ã?§ã?¯æ??å®?ã??ã??ã?¦

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Table %s does not exist"					msgid "Table %s does not exist"
msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã??ã?« %s ã?¯å­?å?¨ã??ã?¾ã??ã??"				msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã??ã?« %s ã?¯å­?å?¨ã??ã?¾ã??ã??"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318
msgid "Scheduled events"					msgid "Scheduled events"
msgstr "äº?å®?ã??ã??ã?¦ã??ã??å?ºæ?¥äº?"					msgstr "äº?å®?ã??ã??ã?¦ã??ã??å?ºæ?¥äº?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321
msgid "TODO list"						msgid "TODO list"
msgstr "TODO ã?ªã?¹ã??"						msgstr "TODO ã?ªã?¹ã??"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375
msgid "Owner"							msgid "Owner"
msgstr "æ??æ??è??"							msgstr "æ??æ??è??"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376
msgid "Comments"						msgid "Comments"
msgstr "ã?³ã?¡ã?³ã??"						msgstr "ã?³ã?¡ã?³ã??"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374
msgid "Type"							msgid "Type"
msgstr "å??"							msgstr "å??"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377
msgid "GDA type"						msgid "GDA type"
msgstr "GDA å??"							msgstr "GDA å??"

#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id	#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id
#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database	#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database
#. we can easily access that information			#. we can easily access that information
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382
msgid "local"							msgid "local"
msgstr "����"						msgstr "����"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217
msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹ã?®ä½?æ??ã?¯ã?¾ã? ã?µã??ã?¼ã??ã??ã?¦ã??ã?¾ã??ã??"		msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹ã?®ä½?æ??ã?¯ã?¾ã? ã?µã??ã?¼ã??ã??ã?¦ã??ã?¾ã??ã??"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230
msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹ã?®å??é?¤ã?¯ã?¾ã? ã?µã??ã?¼ã??ã??ã?¦ã??ã?¾ã??ã??"		msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹ã?®å??é?¤ã?¯ã?¾ã? ã?µã??ã?¼ã??ã??ã?¦ã??ã?¾ã??ã??"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244
msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"			msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"
msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã??ã?«ã?¹ã?­ã?¼ã??ã??æ¤?ç´¢ã?§ã??ã?¾ã??ã??ã?§ã??ã??"			msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã??ã?«ã?¹ã?­ã?¼ã??ã??æ¤?ç´¢ã?§ã??ã?¾ã??ã??ã?§ã??ã??"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268
msgid "Invalid SQL command"					msgid "Invalid SQL command"
msgstr "ä¸?æ­£ã?ª SQL ã?³ã??ã?³ã??ã?§ã??"				msgstr "ä¸?æ­£ã?ª SQL ã?³ã??ã?³ã??ã?§ã??"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353
msgid "Transactions are not supported"				msgid "Transactions are not supported"
msgstr "ã??ã?©ã?³ã?¶ã?¯ã?·ã?§ã?³ã?¯ã?µã??ã?¼ã??ã??ã?¦ã??ã?¾ã??ã??"			msgstr "ã??ã?©ã?³ã?¶ã?¯ã?·ã?§ã?³ã?¯ã?µã??ã?¼ã??ã??ã?¦ã??ã?¾ã??ã??"

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41
msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"		msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"
msgstr "Ximian Evolution ã?®å??人ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?«ã?¢ã?¯ã?»ã?¹ã??ã??ã??ã??ã?®ã??ã?­	msgstr "Ximian Evolution ã?®å??人ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?«ã?¢ã?¯ã?»ã?¹ã??ã??ã??ã??ã?®ã??ã?­

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task	"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Evolution ã?®ã??ã??ã?©ã?«ã??ã?«ã?¬ã?³ã??ã?¼, ã?¿ã?¹ã?¯, é?£çµ¡å??ã?«ã?¢ã?¯ã?»ã?¹ã??	"Evolution ã?®ã??ã??ã?©ã?«ã??ã?«ã?¬ã?³ã??ã?¼, ã?¿ã?¹ã?¯, é?£çµ¡å??ã?«ã?¢ã?¯ã?»ã?¹ã??
"���"							"���"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Browse database..."					#~ msgid "Browse database..."
#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹(_D)..."					#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹(_D)..."

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Database component factory"				#~ msgid "Database component factory"
#~ msgstr "GNOME-DB ã??ã??ã?¼ã?¸ã?£ã?³ã?³ã??ã?¼ã??ã?³ã??ã??ã?¡ã?¯ã??ã?ª"		#~ msgstr "GNOME-DB ã??ã??ã?¼ã?¸ã?£ã?³ã?³ã??ã?¼ã??ã?³ã??ã??ã?¡ã?¯ã??ã?ª"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Open in database connection..."			#~ msgid "Open in database connection..."
#~ msgstr "æ?°è¦?ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹æ?¥ç¶?ã??é??ã??ã?¾ã??"			#~ msgstr "æ?°è¦?ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹æ?¥ç¶?ã??é??ã??ã?¾ã??"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Database browser"					#~ msgid "Database browser"
#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹ã?¢ã??ã?«"					#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹ã?¢ã??ã?«"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Error viewer"						#~ msgid "Error viewer"
#~ msgstr "ã?¨ã?©ã?¼ã??ã?¥ã?¼ã?¢"					#~ msgstr "ã?¨ã?©ã?¼ã??ã?¥ã?¼ã?¢"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Database configuration"				#~ msgid "Database configuration"
#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹ã?¢ã??ã?«ã??ã?¡ã?¯ã??ã?ª"			#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹ã?¢ã??ã?«ã??ã?¡ã?¯ã??ã?ª"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Edit application preferences"				#~ msgid "Edit application preferences"
#~ msgstr "ã?¢ã??ã?ªã?±ã?¼ã?·ã?§ã?³ã??çµ?äº?ã??ã?¾ã??"			#~ msgstr "ã?¢ã??ã?ªã?±ã?¼ã?·ã?§ã?³ã??çµ?äº?ã??ã?¾ã??"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "New..."						#~ msgid "New..."
#~ msgstr "��"						#~ msgstr "��"

#~ msgid "Password"						#~ msgid "Password"
#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¹ã?¯ã?¼ã??"						#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¹ã?¯ã?¼ã??"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Save as"						#~ msgid "Save as"
#~ msgstr "ä¿?å­?"						#~ msgstr "ä¿?å­?"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Save to"						#~ msgid "Save to"
#~ msgstr "ä¿?å­?"						#~ msgstr "ä¿?å­?"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "XML file"						#~ msgid "XML file"
#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¡ã?¤ã?«ã?¸"						#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¡ã?¤ã?«ã?¸"

#~ msgid "Show columns"						#~ msgid "Show columns"
#~ msgstr "ã?«ã?©ã? ã??表示"					#~ msgstr "ã?«ã?©ã? ã??表示"

#~ msgid "Hide columns"						#~ msgid "Hide columns"
#~ msgstr "ã?«ã?©ã? ã??é??表示"					#~ msgstr "ã?«ã?©ã? ã??é??表示"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Question"						#~ msgid "Question"
#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¸ã?§ã?³"						#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¸ã?§ã?³"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Database Moniker factory"				#~ msgid "Database Moniker factory"
#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹ã?¢ã??ã?«ã??ã?¡ã?¯ã??ã?ª"			#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹ã?¢ã??ã?«ã??ã?¡ã?¯ã??ã?ª"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "database: moniker"					#~ msgid "database: moniker"
#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹ã?¢ã??ã?«ã??ã?¡ã?¯ã??ã?ª"			#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹ã?¢ã??ã?«ã??ã?¡ã?¯ã??ã?ª"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Invalid format for connection string"			#~ msgid "Invalid format for connection string"
#~ msgstr "æ?¥ç¶?ã??ã?­ã??ã??ã?£"					#~ msgstr "æ?¥ç¶?ã??ã?­ã??ã??ã?£"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Data sources"						#~ msgid "Data sources"
#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹"					#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Test Data Source"					#~ msgid "Test Data Source"
#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹"					#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Connection to %s successful!"				#~ msgid "Connection to %s successful!"
#~ msgstr "æ?¥ç¶?ã?¯æ??å??ã??ã?¾ã??ã??!"					#~ msgstr "æ?¥ç¶?ã?¯æ??å??ã??ã?¾ã??ã??!"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Data source"						#~ msgid "Data source"
#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹"					#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Select all"						#~ msgid "Select all"
#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¹ã?¦ã??é?¸æ??"					#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¹ã?¦ã??é?¸æ??"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Unselect all"						#~ msgid "Unselect all"
#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¹ã?¦ã??é?¸æ??"					#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¹ã?¦ã??é?¸æ??"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Unselect All"						#~ msgid "Unselect All"
#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¹ã?¦ã??é?¸æ??"					#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¹ã?¦ã??é?¸æ??"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Hide column headers"					#~ msgid "Hide column headers"
#~ msgstr "ã?«ã?©ã? ã??é??表示"					#~ msgstr "ã?«ã?©ã? ã??é??表示"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Describe current data set"				#~ msgid "Describe current data set"
#~ msgstr "ç?¾å?¨ã?®ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹ã??å??é?¤ã??ã?¾ã??"			#~ msgstr "ç?¾å?¨ã?®ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹ã??å??é?¤ã??ã?¾ã??"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "View current data in more detail"			#~ msgid "View current data in more detail"
#~ msgstr "ç?¾å?¨ã?®æ?¥ç¶?ã?®ã??ã?­ã??ã??ã?£ã??表示ã??ã?¾ã??"			#~ msgstr "ç?¾å?¨ã?®æ?¥ç¶?ã?®ã??ã?­ã??ã??ã?£ã??表示ã??ã?¾ã??"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Databases"						#~ msgid "Databases"
#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹"					#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹"

#~ msgid "Builder"						#~ msgid "Builder"
#~ msgstr "ã??ã?«ã??ã?¼"						#~ msgstr "ã??ã?«ã??ã?¼"

#~ msgid "GNOME-DB application builder component factory"	#~ msgid "GNOME-DB application builder component factory"
#~ msgstr "GNOME-DB ã?¢ã??ã?ªã?±ã?¼ã?·ã?§ã?³ã??ã?«ã??ã?¼ã?³ã?³ã??ã?¼ã??ã?³ã??ã??	#~ msgstr "GNOME-DB ã?¢ã??ã?ªã?±ã?¼ã?·ã?§ã?³ã??ã?«ã??ã?¼ã?³ã?³ã??ã?¼ã??ã?³ã??ã??

#~ msgid "Create a new Perl script"				#~ msgid "Create a new Perl script"
#~ msgstr "æ?°è¦?Perlã?¹ã?¯ã?ªã??ã??ã??ä½?æ??ã??ã?¾ã??"			#~ msgstr "æ?°è¦?Perlã?¹ã?¯ã?ªã??ã??ã??ä½?æ??ã??ã?¾ã??"

#~ msgid "Report..."						#~ msgid "Report..."
#~ msgstr "ã?¬ã??ã?¼ã??..."						#~ msgstr "ã?¬ã??ã?¼ã??..."

#~ msgid "Open an existing Perl script"				#~ msgid "Open an existing Perl script"
#~ msgstr "æ?¢å­?ã?®Perlã?¹ã?¯ã?ªã??ã??ã??é??ã??ã?¾ã??"			#~ msgstr "æ?¢å­?ã?®Perlã?¹ã?¯ã?ªã??ã??ã??é??ã??ã?¾ã??"

#~ msgid "Open an existing report"				#~ msgid "Open an existing report"
#~ msgstr "æ?¢å­?ã?®ã?¬ã??ã?¼ã??ã??é??ã??ã?¾ã??"				#~ msgstr "æ?¢å­?ã?®ã?¬ã??ã?¼ã??ã??é??ã??ã?¾ã??"

#~ msgid "_Open"						#~ msgid "_Open"
#~ msgstr "é??ã??(_O)"						#~ msgstr "é??ã??(_O)"

#~ msgid "Add new module to project"				#~ msgid "Add new module to project"
#~ msgstr "ã??ã?­ã?¸ã?§ã?¯ã??ã?¸æ?°è¦?ã?¢ã?¸ã?¥ã?¼ã?«ã??追å? ã??ã?¾ã??"		#~ msgstr "ã??ã?­ã?¸ã?§ã?¯ã??ã?¸æ?°è¦?ã?¢ã?¸ã?¥ã?¼ã?«ã??追å? ã??ã?¾ã??"

#~ msgid "Open"							#~ msgid "Open"
#~ msgstr "é??ã??"						#~ msgstr "é??ã??"

#~ msgid "Open an existing module"				#~ msgid "Open an existing module"
#~ msgstr "æ?¢å­?ã?®ã?¢ã?¸ã?¥ã?¼ã?«ã??é??ã??ã?¾ã??"				#~ msgstr "æ?¢å­?ã?®ã?¢ã?¸ã?¥ã?¼ã?«ã??é??ã??ã?¾ã??"

#~ msgid "Export"						#~ msgid "Export"
#~ msgstr "ã?¨ã?¯ã?¹ã??ã?¼ã??"					#~ msgstr "ã?¨ã?¯ã?¹ã??ã?¼ã??"

#~ msgid "Logs"							#~ msgid "Logs"
#~ msgstr "ã?­ã?°"						#~ msgstr "ã?­ã?°"

#~ msgid "Close current connection"				#~ msgid "Close current connection"
#~ msgstr "ç?¾å?¨ã?®æ?¥ç¶?ã??é??ã??ã?¾ã??"				#~ msgstr "ç?¾å?¨ã?®æ?¥ç¶?ã??é??ã??ã?¾ã??"

#~ msgid "Browser"						#~ msgid "Browser"
#~ msgstr "ã??ã?©ã?¦ã?¶"						#~ msgstr "ã??ã?©ã?¦ã?¶"

#~ msgid "Activate database browser window"			#~ msgid "Activate database browser window"
#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹ã??ã?©ã?¦ã?¶ã?¦ã?£ã?³ã??ã?¦ã??ã?¢ã?¯ã??ã?£ã??ã?«ã??ã?¾ã??	#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹ã??ã?©ã?¦ã?¶ã?¦ã?£ã?³ã??ã?¦ã??ã?¢ã?¯ã??ã?£ã??ã?«ã??ã?¾ã??

#~ msgid "Activate SQL window"					#~ msgid "Activate SQL window"
#~ msgstr "SQL ã?¦ã?£ã?³ã??ã?¦ã??ã?¢ã?¯ã??ã?£ã??ã?«ã??ã?¾ã??"			#~ msgstr "SQL ã?¦ã?£ã?³ã??ã?¦ã??ã?¢ã?¯ã??ã?£ã??ã?«ã??ã?¾ã??"

#~ msgid "Activate dbatch job window"				#~ msgid "Activate dbatch job window"
#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹ã??ã??ã??ã?¸ã?§ã??ã?¦ã?£ã?³ã??ã?¦ã??ã?¢ã?¯ã??ã?£ã??ã?«ã??	#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹ã??ã??ã??ã?¸ã?§ã??ã?¦ã?£ã?³ã??ã?¦ã??ã?¢ã?¯ã??ã?£ã??ã?«ã??

#~ msgid "Start a new database transaction"			#~ msgid "Start a new database transaction"
#~ msgstr "æ?°è¦?ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹ã??ã?©ã?³ã?¶ã?¯ã?·ã?§ã?³ã??é??å§?ã??ã?¾ã??"	#~ msgstr "æ?°è¦?ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹ã??ã?©ã?³ã?¶ã?¯ã?·ã?§ã?³ã??é??å§?ã??ã?¾ã??"

#~ msgid "Commit current transaction"				#~ msgid "Commit current transaction"
#~ msgstr "ç?¾å?¨ã?®ã??ã?©ã?³ã?¶ã?¯ã?·ã?§ã?³ã??ã?³ã??ã??ã??ã??ã?¾ã??"		#~ msgstr "ç?¾å?¨ã?®ã??ã?©ã?³ã?¶ã?¯ã?·ã?§ã?³ã??ã?³ã??ã??ã??ã??ã?¾ã??"

#~ msgid "Rollback current transaction"				#~ msgid "Rollback current transaction"
#~ msgstr "ç?¾å?¨ã?®ã??ã?©ã?³ã?¶ã?¯ã?·ã?§ã?³ã??ã?­ã?¼ã?«ã??ã??ã?¯ã??ã?¾ã??"		#~ msgstr "ç?¾å?¨ã?®ã??ã?©ã?³ã?¶ã?¯ã?·ã?§ã?³ã??ã?­ã?¼ã?«ã??ã??ã?¯ã??ã?¾ã??"

#~ msgid "Make a copy of a database"				#~ msgid "Make a copy of a database"
#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹ã?®ã?³ã??ã?¼ã??ä½?æ??ã??ã?¾ã??"			#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹ã?®ã?³ã??ã?¼ã??ä½?æ??ã??ã?¾ã??"

#~ msgid "Import database"					#~ msgid "Import database"
#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹ã?®ã?¤ã?³ã??ã?¼ã??"				#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹ã?®ã?¤ã?³ã??ã?¼ã??"

#~ msgid "Import an export file into a database"		#~ msgid "Import an export file into a database"
#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹ã?®ä¸­ã?«ã?¨ã?¯ã?¹ã??ã?¼ã??ã??ã?¡ã?¤ã?«ã??ã?¤ã?³ã??ã?¼ã??	#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹ã?®ä¸­ã?«ã?¨ã?¯ã?¹ã??ã?¼ã??ã??ã?¡ã?¤ã?«ã??ã?¤ã?³ã??ã?¼ã??

#~ msgid "_Tools"						#~ msgid "_Tools"
#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?«(_T)"						#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?«(_T)"

#~ msgid "Activate batch job window"				#~ msgid "Activate batch job window"
#~ msgstr "ã??ã??ã??ã?¸ã?§ã??ã?¦ã?£ã?³ã??ã?¦ã??ã?¢ã?¯ã??ã?£ã??ã?«ã??ã?¾ã??"		#~ msgstr "ã??ã??ã??ã?¸ã?§ã??ã?¦ã?£ã?³ã??ã?¦ã??ã?¢ã?¯ã??ã?£ã??ã?«ã??ã?¾ã??"

#~ msgid "Options"						#~ msgid "Options"
#~ msgstr "設�"						#~ msgstr "設�"

#~ msgid "Log"							#~ msgid "Log"
#~ msgstr "ã?­ã?°"						#~ msgstr "ã?­ã?°"

#~ msgid "Run"							#~ msgid "Run"
#~ msgstr "å®?è¡?"						#~ msgstr "å®?è¡?"

#~ msgid "Execute current command"				#~ msgid "Execute current command"
#~ msgstr "ç?¾å?¨ã?®ã?³ã??ã?³ã??ã??å®?è¡?ã??ã?¾ã??"				#~ msgstr "ç?¾å?¨ã?®ã?³ã??ã?³ã??ã??å®?è¡?ã??ã?¾ã??"

#~ msgid "Select command from previous"				#~ msgid "Select command from previous"
#~ msgstr "å??ã?®ã?³ã??ã?³ã??ã??ã??é?¸æ??ã??ã?¾ã??"				#~ msgstr "å??ã?®ã?³ã??ã?³ã??ã??ã??é?¸æ??ã??ã?¾ã??"

#~ msgid "Save command for later retrieval"			#~ msgid "Save command for later retrieval"
#~ msgstr "å¾?ã?§ä¿®æ­£ã??ã??ã?³ã??ã?³ã??ã??ä¿?å­?ã??ã?¾ã??"			#~ msgstr "å¾?ã?§ä¿®æ­£ã??ã??ã?³ã??ã?³ã??ã??ä¿?å­?ã??ã?¾ã??"

#~ msgid "Cut"							#~ msgid "Cut"
#~ msgstr "��"						#~ msgstr "��"

#~ msgid "Copy"							#~ msgid "Copy"
#~ msgstr "ã?³ã??ã?¼"						#~ msgstr "ã?³ã??ã?¼"

#~ msgid "Copy selected text"					#~ msgid "Copy selected text"
#~ msgstr "é?¸æ??ã??ã??ã??ã?­ã?¹ã??ã??ã?³ã??ã?¼ã??ã?¾ã??"			#~ msgstr "é?¸æ??ã??ã??ã??ã?­ã?¹ã??ã??ã?³ã??ã?¼ã??ã?¾ã??"

#~ msgid "Paste text from clipboard"				#~ msgid "Paste text from clipboard"
#~ msgstr "ã?¯ã?ªã??ã??ã??ã?¼ã??ã??ã??ã??ã?­ã?¹ã??ã??è²¼ã??ä»?ã??ã?¾ã??"		#~ msgstr "ã?¯ã?ªã??ã??ã??ã?¼ã??ã??ã??ã??ã?­ã?¹ã??ã??è²¼ã??ä»?ã??ã?¾ã??"

#~ msgid "Clear widget contents"				#~ msgid "Clear widget contents"
#~ msgstr "ã?¦ã?£ã?¸ã?§ã??ã??ã?®å??容ã??æ¶?å?»ã??ã?¾ã??"			#~ msgstr "ã?¦ã?£ã?¸ã?§ã??ã??ã?®å??容ã??æ¶?å?»ã??ã?¾ã??"

#~ msgid "Open connection"					#~ msgid "Open connection"
#~ msgstr "æ?¥ç¶?ã??é??ã??"						#~ msgstr "æ?¥ç¶?ã??é??ã??"

#~ msgid "GDA Name"						#~ msgid "GDA Name"
#~ msgstr "GDA å??"						#~ msgstr "GDA å??"

#~ msgid "This is the name you use to refer to this connectio	#~ msgid "This is the name you use to refer to this connectio
#~ msgstr "ã??ã??ã?¯ã??ã?®æ?¥ç¶?ã?¸å??ç?§ã?«ä½¿ã?£ã??å??å??ã?§ã??"		#~ msgstr "ã??ã??ã?¯ã??ã?®æ?¥ç¶?ã?¸å??ç?§ã?«ä½¿ã?£ã??å??å??ã?§ã??"

#~ msgid "This is the version supported by the GDA provider"	#~ msgid "This is the version supported by the GDA provider"
#~ msgstr "ã??ã??ã?¯ GDA ã??ã?­ã??ã?¤ã??ã?«ã??ã?£ã?¦ã?µã??ã?¼ã??ã??ã??ã??ã??ã?¼ã?¸	#~ msgstr "ã??ã??ã?¯ GDA ã??ã?­ã??ã?¤ã??ã?«ã??ã?£ã?¦ã?µã??ã?¼ã??ã??ã??ã??ã??ã?¼ã?¸

#~ msgid "From saved query"					#~ msgid "From saved query"
#~ msgstr "ä¿?å­?ã??ã??ã??ã?¯ã?¨ã?ª"					#~ msgstr "ä¿?å­?ã??ã??ã??ã?¯ã?¨ã?ª"

#~ msgid "From file"						#~ msgid "From file"
#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¡ã?¤ã?«"						#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¡ã?¤ã?«"

#~ msgid "Error loading file %s"				#~ msgid "Error loading file %s"
#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¡ã?¤ã?« %s ã??読ã?¿è¾¼ã?¿ä¸­ã?«ã?¨ã?©ã?¼ã??ç?ºç??ã??ã?¾ã??ã??"	#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¡ã?¤ã?« %s ã??読ã?¿è¾¼ã?¿ä¸­ã?«ã?¨ã?©ã?¼ã??ç?ºç??ã??ã?¾ã??ã??"

#~ msgid "Save SQL command"					#~ msgid "Save SQL command"
#~ msgstr "SQL ã?³ã??ã?³ã??ã??ä¿?å­?"					#~ msgstr "SQL ã?³ã??ã?³ã??ã??ä¿?å­?"

#~ msgid "Save command to a named query"			#~ msgid "Save command to a named query"
#~ msgstr "æ??å®?ã??ã??ã?¯ã?¨ã?ªã?¸ã?³ã??ã?³ã??ã??ä¿?å­?ã??ã?¾ã??"		#~ msgstr "æ??å®?ã??ã??ã?¯ã?¨ã?ªã?¸ã?³ã??ã?³ã??ã??ä¿?å­?ã??ã?¾ã??"

#~ msgid "Select SQL Command"					#~ msgid "Select SQL Command"
#~ msgstr "SQL ã?³ã??ã?³ã??ã??é?¸æ??ã??ã?¾ã??"				#~ msgstr "SQL ã?³ã??ã?³ã??ã??é?¸æ??ã??ã?¾ã??"

#~ msgid "Last commands"					#~ msgid "Last commands"
#~ msgstr "æ??å¾?ã?®ã?³ã??ã?³ã??"					#~ msgstr "æ??å¾?ã?®ã?³ã??ã?³ã??"

#~ msgid "Database design"					#~ msgid "Database design"
#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹ã??ã?¶ã?¤ã?³"				#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹ã??ã?¶ã?¤ã?³"

#~ msgid "Start with a new database design"			#~ msgid "Start with a new database design"
#~ msgstr "æ?°è¦?ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹ã??ã?¶ã?¤ã?³ã?§é??å§?ã??ã?¾ã??"		#~ msgstr "æ?°è¦?ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹ã??ã?¶ã?¤ã?³ã?§é??å§?ã??ã?¾ã??"

#~ msgid "Table..."						#~ msgid "Table..."
#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã??ã?«..."						#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã??ã?«..."

#~ msgid "Add a table to the database design"			#~ msgid "Add a table to the database design"
#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹ã??ã?¶ã?¤ã?³ã?¸ã??ã?¼ã??ã?«ã??追å? ã??ã?¾ã??"		#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹ã??ã?¶ã?¤ã?³ã?¸ã??ã?¼ã??ã?«ã??追å? ã??ã?¾ã??"

#~ msgid "Open an existing database design"			#~ msgid "Open an existing database design"
#~ msgstr "æ?¢å­?ã?®ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹ã??ã?¶ã?¤ã?³ã??é??ã??ã?¾ã??"		#~ msgstr "æ?¢å­?ã?®ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹ã??ã?¶ã?¤ã?³ã??é??ã??ã?¾ã??"

#~ msgid "Remove"						#~ msgid "Remove"
#~ msgstr "å??é?¤"						#~ msgstr "å??é?¤"

#~ msgid "Remove selected object"				#~ msgid "Remove selected object"
#~ msgstr "é?¸æ??ã??ã??ã?ªã??ã?¸ã?§ã?¯ã??ã??å??é?¤ã??ã?¾ã??"			#~ msgstr "é?¸æ??ã??ã??ã?ªã??ã?¸ã?§ã?¯ã??ã??å??é?¤ã??ã?¾ã??"

#~ msgid "Create new database design"				#~ msgid "Create new database design"
#~ msgstr "æ?°è¦?ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹ã??ã?¶ã?¤ã?³ã??ä½?æ??ã??ã?¾ã??"		#~ msgstr "æ?°è¦?ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹ã??ã?¶ã?¤ã?³ã??ä½?æ??ã??ã?¾ã??"

#~ msgid "Save currently open file"				#~ msgid "Save currently open file"
#~ msgstr "ç?¾å?¨é??ã??ã?¦ã??ã??ã??ã?¡ã?¤ã?«ã??ä¿?å­?ã??ã?¾ã??"			#~ msgstr "ç?¾å?¨é??ã??ã?¦ã??ã??ã??ã?¡ã?¤ã?«ã??ä¿?å­?ã??ã?¾ã??"

#~ msgid "Refresh"						#~ msgid "Refresh"
#~ msgstr "æ?´æ?°"						#~ msgstr "æ?´æ?°"

#~ msgid "Reload database file contents"			#~ msgid "Reload database file contents"
#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹ã??ã?¡ã?¤ã?«ã?³ã?³ã??ã?³ã??ã??ã?ªã?­ã?¼ã??ã??ã?¾ã??"	#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹ã??ã?¡ã?¤ã?«ã?³ã?³ã??ã?³ã??ã??ã?ªã?­ã?¼ã??ã??ã?¾ã??"

#~ msgid "Add"							#~ msgid "Add"
#~ msgstr "追�"						#~ msgstr "追�"

#~ msgid "Add new object to the database"			#~ msgid "Add new object to the database"
#~ msgstr "æ?°è¦?ã?ªã??ã?¸ã?§ã?¯ã??ã??ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹ã?«è¿½å? ã??ã?¾ã??"		#~ msgstr "æ?°è¦?ã?ªã??ã?¸ã?§ã?¯ã??ã??ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹ã?«è¿½å? ã??ã?¾ã??"

#~ msgid "Select database design"				#~ msgid "Select database design"
#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹ã??ã?¶ã?¤ã?³ã??é?¸æ??"				#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹ã??ã?¶ã?¤ã?³ã??é?¸æ??"

#~ msgid "Save log to a disk file"				#~ msgid "Save log to a disk file"
#~ msgstr "ã??ã?£ã?¹ã?¯ã?¸ã?­ã?°ã??ä¿?å­?ã??ã?¾ã??"				#~ msgstr "ã??ã?£ã?¹ã?¯ã?¸ã?­ã?°ã??ä¿?å­?ã??ã?¾ã??"

#~ msgid "View"							#~ msgid "View"
#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¥ã?¼"						#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¥ã?¼"

#~ msgid "View selected log entry"				#~ msgid "View selected log entry"
#~ msgstr "é?¸æ??ã??ã??ã?­ã?°ã?¨ã?³ã??ã?ªã??表示ã??ã?¾ã??"			#~ msgstr "é?¸æ??ã??ã??ã?­ã?°ã?¨ã?³ã??ã?ªã??表示ã??ã?¾ã??"

#~ msgid "Error loading log for '%s'"				#~ msgid "Error loading log for '%s'"
#~ msgstr "'%s' ã?®ã??ã??ã?®ã?­ã?°ã??読ã?¿è¾¼ã?¿ä¸­ã?«ã?¨ã?©ã?¼ã??ç?ºç??ã??ã?¾ã??	#~ msgstr "'%s' ã?®ã??ã??ã?®ã?­ã?°ã??読ã?¿è¾¼ã?¿ä¸­ã?«ã?¨ã?©ã?¼ã??ç?ºç??ã??ã?¾ã??

#~ msgid "Save Log File"					#~ msgid "Save Log File"
#~ msgstr "ã?­ã?°ã??ã?¡ã?¤ã?«ã??ä¿?å­?"					#~ msgstr "ã?­ã?°ã??ã?¡ã?¤ã?«ã??ä¿?å­?"

#~ msgid "Could not create 'database:' moniker instance"	#~ msgid "Could not create 'database:' moniker instance"
#~ msgstr "'database:'ã?¢ã??ã?«ã?¤ã?³ã?¹ã?¿ã?³ã?¹ã??ä½?æ??å?ºæ?¥ã?¾ã??ã??ã?§ã??	#~ msgstr "'database:'ã?¢ã??ã?«ã?¤ã?³ã?¹ã?¿ã?³ã?¹ã??ä½?æ??å?ºæ?¥ã?¾ã??ã??ã?§ã??

#~ msgid "Open Perl script"					#~ msgid "Open Perl script"
#~ msgstr "Perlã?¹ã?¯ã?ªã??ã??ã??é??ã??"				#~ msgstr "Perlã?¹ã?¯ã?ªã??ã??ã??é??ã??"

#~ msgid "Load"							#~ msgid "Load"
#~ msgstr "ã?­ã?¼ã??"						#~ msgstr "ã?­ã?¼ã??"

#~ msgid "Component"						#~ msgid "Component"
#~ msgstr "ã?³ã?³ã??ã?¼ã??ã?³ã??"					#~ msgstr "ã?³ã?³ã??ã?¼ã??ã?³ã??"

#~ msgid "OAFIID"						#~ msgid "OAFIID"
#~ msgstr "OAFIID"						#~ msgstr "OAFIID"

#~ msgid "Unload"						#~ msgid "Unload"
#~ msgstr "ã?¢ã?³ã?­ã?¼ã??"						#~ msgstr "ã?¢ã?³ã?­ã?¼ã??"

#~ msgid "General"						#~ msgid "General"
#~ msgstr "��"						#~ msgstr "��"

#~ msgid "Save window position"					#~ msgid "Save window position"
#~ msgstr "ã?¦ã?£ã?³ã??ã?¦ä½?ç½®ã??ä¿?å­?"				#~ msgstr "ã?¦ã?£ã?³ã??ã?¦ä½?ç½®ã??ä¿?å­?"

#~ msgid "Show tooltips"					#~ msgid "Show tooltips"
#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?«ã??ã??ã??ã??表示"					#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?«ã??ã??ã??ã??表示"

#~ msgid "Show tooltips for UI widgets"				#~ msgid "Show tooltips for UI widgets"
#~ msgstr "UIã?¦ã?£ã?¸ã?§ã??ã??ã?®ã??ã?¼ã?«ã??ã??ã??ã??表示"			#~ msgstr "UIã?¦ã?£ã?¸ã?§ã??ã??ã?®ã??ã?¼ã?«ã??ã??ã??ã??表示"

#~ msgid "Perl script"						#~ msgid "Perl script"
#~ msgstr "Perlã?¹ã?¯ã?ªã??ã??"					#~ msgstr "Perlã?¹ã?¯ã?ªã??ã??"

#~ msgid "Open a Perl script to be executed"			#~ msgid "Open a Perl script to be executed"
#~ msgstr "å®?è¡?ã??ã??ã??ã??ã?®Perlã?¹ã?¯ã?ªã??ã??ã??é??ã??ã?¾ã??"		#~ msgstr "å®?è¡?ã??ã??ã??ã??ã?®Perlã?¹ã?¯ã?ªã??ã??ã??é??ã??ã?¾ã??"

#~ msgid "Print preview"					#~ msgid "Print preview"
#~ msgstr "å?°å?·ã??ã?¬ã??ã?¥ã?¼"					#~ msgstr "å?°å?·ã??ã?¬ã??ã?¥ã?¼"

#~ msgid "_Quit"						#~ msgid "_Quit"
#~ msgstr "��(_Q)"						#~ msgstr "��(_Q)"

#~ msgid "Shortcut _bar"					#~ msgid "Shortcut _bar"
#~ msgstr "ã?·ã?§ã?¼ã??ã?«ã??ã??ã??ã?¼(_b)"				#~ msgstr "ã?·ã?§ã?¼ã??ã?«ã??ã??ã??ã?¼(_b)"

#~ msgid "Show/Hide shortcut bar"				#~ msgid "Show/Hide shortcut bar"
#~ msgstr "ã?·ã?§ã?¼ã??ã?«ã??ã??ã??ã?¼ã?®è¡¨ç¤º/é??表示ã??ã??ã?¾ã??"		#~ msgstr "ã?·ã?§ã?¼ã??ã?«ã??ã??ã??ã?¼ã?®è¡¨ç¤º/é??表示ã??ã??ã?¾ã??"

#~ msgid "Configure user preferences"				#~ msgid "Configure user preferences"
#~ msgstr "ã?¦ã?¼ã?¶ã?®è¨­å®?ã??è¡?ã??ã?¾ã??"				#~ msgstr "ã?¦ã?¼ã?¶ã?®è¨­å®?ã??è¡?ã??ã?¾ã??"

#~ msgid "GNOME-DB Manual"					#~ msgid "GNOME-DB Manual"
#~ msgstr "GNOME-DBã??ã??ã?¥ã?¢ã?«"					#~ msgstr "GNOME-DBã??ã??ã?¥ã?¢ã?«"

#~ msgid "Open the GNOME-DB online manual"			#~ msgid "Open the GNOME-DB online manual"
#~ msgstr "GNOME-DBã?ªã?³ã?©ã?¤ã?³ã??ã??ã?¥ã?¢ã?«ã??é??ã??ã?¾ã??"		#~ msgstr "GNOME-DBã?ªã?³ã?©ã?¤ã?³ã??ã??ã?¥ã?¢ã?«ã??é??ã??ã?¾ã??"

#~ msgid "libgda Manual"					#~ msgid "libgda Manual"
#~ msgstr "libgdaã??ã??ã?¥ã?¢ã?«"					#~ msgstr "libgdaã??ã??ã?¥ã?¢ã?«"

#~ msgid "Open the libgda online manual"			#~ msgid "Open the libgda online manual"
#~ msgstr "libgdaã?ªã?³ã?©ã?¤ã?³ã??ã??ã?¥ã?¢ã?«ã??é??ã??ã?¾ã??"		#~ msgstr "libgdaã?ªã?³ã?©ã?¤ã?³ã??ã??ã?¥ã?¢ã?«ã??é??ã??ã?¾ã??"

#~ msgid "libgda API Reference"					#~ msgid "libgda API Reference"
#~ msgstr "libgda APIã?ªã??ã?¡ã?¬ã?³ã?¹"				#~ msgstr "libgda APIã?ªã??ã?¡ã?¬ã?³ã?¹"

#~ msgid "Open the libgda API reference"			#~ msgid "Open the libgda API reference"
#~ msgstr "libgda APIã?ªã??ã?¡ã?¬ã?³ã?¹ã??é??ã??ã?¾ã??"			#~ msgstr "libgda APIã?ªã??ã?¡ã?¬ã?³ã?¹ã??é??ã??ã?¾ã??"

#~ msgid "View information about this application"		#~ msgid "View information about this application"
#~ msgstr "ã??ã?®ã?¢ã??ã?ªã?±ã?¼ã?·ã?§ã?³ã?«ã?¤ã??ã?¦ã?®æ??å ±ã??表示ã??ã?¾ã??"	#~ msgstr "ã??ã?®ã?¢ã??ã?ªã?±ã?¼ã?·ã?§ã?³ã?«ã?¤ã??ã?¦ã?®æ??å ±ã??表示ã??ã?¾ã??"

#~ msgid "Submit bug report"					#~ msgid "Submit bug report"
#~ msgstr "ä¸?å?·å??å ±å??ã??æ??å?º"					#~ msgstr "ä¸?å?·å??å ±å??ã??æ??å?º"

#~ msgid "Send a bug report to GNOME-DB developers"		#~ msgid "Send a bug report to GNOME-DB developers"
#~ msgstr "GNOME-DBé??ç?ºè??ã?¸ä¸?å?·å??å ±å??ã??é??ä¿¡ã??ã?¾ã??"		#~ msgstr "GNOME-DBé??ç?ºè??ã?¸ä¸?å?·å??å ±å??ã??é??ä¿¡ã??ã?¾ã??"

#~ msgid "_Options"						#~ msgid "_Options"
#~ msgstr "設�(_O)"						#~ msgstr "設�(_O)"

#~ msgid "GNOME-DB Front End"					#~ msgid "GNOME-DB Front End"
#~ msgstr "GNOME-DB ã??ã?­ã?³ã??ã?¨ã?³ã??"				#~ msgstr "GNOME-DB ã??ã?­ã?³ã??ã?¨ã?³ã??"

#~ msgid "GNOME-DB Front End Application"			#~ msgid "GNOME-DB Front End Application"
#~ msgstr "GNOME-DBã??ã?­ã?³ã??ã?¨ã?³ã??ã?¢ã??ã?ªã?±ã?¼ã?·ã?§ã?³"		#~ msgstr "GNOME-DBã??ã?­ã?³ã??ã?¨ã?³ã??ã?¢ã??ã?ªã?±ã?¼ã?·ã?§ã?³"

#~ msgid "Create new object of selected type"			#~ msgid "Create new object of selected type"
#~ msgstr "é?¸æ??ã??ã??ã??å??ã?®æ?°è¦?ã?ªã??ã?¸ã?§ã?¯ã??ã??ä½?æ??ã??ã?¾ã??"		#~ msgstr "é?¸æ??ã??ã??ã??å??ã?®æ?°è¦?ã?ªã??ã?¸ã?§ã?¯ã??ã??ä½?æ??ã??ã?¾ã??"

#~ msgid "Refresh current list of objects"			#~ msgid "Refresh current list of objects"
#~ msgstr "ç?¾å?¨ã?®ã?ªã??ã?¸ã?§ã?¯ã??ã?ªã?¹ã??ã??æ?´æ?°ã??ã?¾ã??"		#~ msgstr "ç?¾å?¨ã?®ã?ªã??ã?¸ã?§ã?¯ã??ã?ªã?¹ã??ã??æ?´æ?°ã??ã?¾ã??"

#~ msgid "Info"							#~ msgid "Info"
#~ msgstr "æ??å ±"						#~ msgstr "æ??å ±"

#~ msgid "Show extra information about selected object"		#~ msgid "Show extra information about selected object"
#~ msgstr "é?¸æ??ã??ã??ã?ªã??ã?¸ã?§ã?¯ã??ã?«ã?¤ã??ã?¦ã??ã?®ä»?ã?®æ??å ±ã??表示ã??ã?¾	#~ msgstr "é?¸æ??ã??ã??ã?ªã??ã?¸ã?§ã?¯ã??ã?«ã?¤ã??ã?¦ã??ã?®ä»?ã?®æ??å ±ã??表示ã??ã?¾

#~ msgid "Table data"						#~ msgid "Table data"
#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã??ã?«ã??ã?¼ã?¿"					#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã??ã?«ã??ã?¼ã?¿"

#~ msgid "Select Color"						#~ msgid "Select Color"
#~ msgstr "è?²ã?®é?¸æ??"						#~ msgstr "è?²ã?®é?¸æ??"

#~ msgid "Select Font"						#~ msgid "Select Font"
#~ msgstr "ã??ã?©ã?³ã??ã?®é?¸æ??"					#~ msgstr "ã??ã?©ã?³ã??ã?®é?¸æ??"

#~ msgid "Could not get GNOME_DB_Control interface"		#~ msgid "Could not get GNOME_DB_Control interface"
#~ msgstr "GNOME_DB_Control ã?¤ã?³ã?¿ã?¼ã??ã?§ã?¼ã?¹ã??å??å¾?ã??ã??ã??ã?¨ã??	#~ msgstr "GNOME_DB_Control ã?¤ã?³ã?¿ã?¼ã??ã?§ã?¼ã?¹ã??å??å¾?ã??ã??ã??ã?¨ã??

#~ msgid "Add field..."						#~ msgid "Add field..."
#~ msgstr "ã??ã?£ã?¼ã?«ã??ã?®è¿½å? ..."					#~ msgstr "ã??ã?£ã?¼ã?«ã??ã?®è¿½å? ..."

#~ msgid "Add a new field to this table"			#~ msgid "Add a new field to this table"
#~ msgstr "å??ã?®ã??ã?¼ã??ã?«ã?¸æ?°è¦?ã??ã?£ã?¼ã?«ã??ã??追å? ã??ã?¾ã??"		#~ msgstr "å??ã?®ã??ã?¼ã??ã?«ã?¸æ?°è¦?ã??ã?£ã?¼ã?«ã??ã??追å? ã??ã?¾ã??"

#~ msgid "Edit field..."					#~ msgid "Edit field..."
#~ msgstr "ã??ã?£ã?¼ã?«ã??ã?®ç·¨é??..."					#~ msgstr "ã??ã?£ã?¼ã?«ã??ã?®ç·¨é??..."

#~ msgid "Edit the selected field properties"			#~ msgid "Edit the selected field properties"
#~ msgstr "é?¸æ??ã??ã??ã??ã?£ã?¼ã?«ã??ã?®ã??ã?­ã??ã??ã?£ã??ç·¨é??ã??ã?¾ã??"		#~ msgstr "é?¸æ??ã??ã??ã??ã?£ã?¼ã?«ã??ã?®ã??ã?­ã??ã??ã?£ã??ç·¨é??ã??ã?¾ã??"

#~ msgid "Add field"						#~ msgid "Add field"
#~ msgstr "ã??ã?£ã?¼ã?«ã??ã?®è¿½å? "					#~ msgstr "ã??ã?£ã?¼ã?«ã??ã?®è¿½å? "

#~ msgid "Could not find table %s"				#~ msgid "Could not find table %s"
#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã??ã?« %s ã??è¦?ã?¤ã??ã??ã??ã?¨ã??å?ºæ?¥ã?¾ã??ã??ã?§ã??ã??"	#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã??ã?« %s ã??è¦?ã?¤ã??ã??ã??ã?¨ã??å?ºæ?¥ã?¾ã??ã??ã?§ã??ã??"

#~ msgid "There is already a field named %s"			#~ msgid "There is already a field named %s"
#~ msgstr "ã??ã?£ã?¼ã?«ã??å?? %s ã?¯ã??ã?§ã?«ã??ã??ã?¾ã??"			#~ msgstr "ã??ã?£ã?¼ã?«ã??å?? %s ã?¯ã??ã?§ã?«ã??ã??ã?¾ã??"

#~ msgid "File %s is not a valid XML file"			#~ msgid "File %s is not a valid XML file"
#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¡ã?¤ã?« %s ã?¯æ??å?¹ã?ª XML ã??ã?¡ã?¤ã?«ã?§ã?¯ã??ã??ã?¾ã??ã??"	#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¡ã?¤ã?« %s ã?¯æ??å?¹ã?ª XML ã??ã?¡ã?¤ã?«ã?§ã?¯ã??ã??ã?¾ã??ã??"

#~ msgid "Select file"						#~ msgid "Select file"
#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¡ã?¤ã?«é?¸æ??"					#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¡ã?¤ã?«é?¸æ??"

#~ msgid "DSN"							#~ msgid "DSN"
#~ msgstr "ã?½ã?¼ã?¹å??"						#~ msgstr "ã?½ã?¼ã?¹å??"

#~ msgid "Config"						#~ msgid "Config"
#~ msgstr "設�"						#~ msgstr "設�"

#~ msgid "Error while saving configuration!"			#~ msgid "Error while saving configuration!"
#~ msgstr "設å®?ã?®ä¿?å­?中ã?«ã?¨ã?©ã?¼ã??ç?ºç??ã??ã?¾ã??ã??!"			#~ msgstr "設å®?ã?®ä¿?å­?中ã?«ã?¨ã?©ã?¼ã??ç?ºç??ã??ã?¾ã??ã??!"

#~ msgid "Show Help"						#~ msgid "Show Help"
#~ msgstr "ã??ã?«ã??ã?®è¡¨ç¤º"					#~ msgstr "ã??ã?«ã??ã?®è¡¨ç¤º"

#~ msgid "sqlstate"						#~ msgid "sqlstate"
#~ msgstr "SQL æ??"						#~ msgstr "SQL æ??"

#~ msgid "Error 0 of 0"						#~ msgid "Error 0 of 0"
#~ msgstr "��� 0 / 0"					#~ msgstr "��� 0 / 0"

#~ msgid "Record View"						#~ msgid "Record View"
#~ msgstr "ã?¬ã?³ã?¼ã??ã??ã?¥ã?¼ã?¢"					#~ msgstr "ã?¬ã?³ã?¼ã??ã??ã?¥ã?¼ã?¢"

#~ msgid "Copy selection to clipboard"				#~ msgid "Copy selection to clipboard"
#~ msgstr "é?¸æ??ã??ã??ã??ã??ã?®ã??ã?¯ã?ªã??ã??ã??ã?¼ã??ã?¸ã?³ã??ã?¼ã??ã?¾ã??"	#~ msgstr "é?¸æ??ã??ã??ã??ã??ã?®ã??ã?¯ã?ªã??ã??ã??ã?¼ã??ã?¸ã?³ã??ã?¼ã??ã?¾ã??"

#~ msgid "Clear all selected rows"				#~ msgid "Clear all selected rows"
#~ msgstr "é?¸æ??ã??ã??ã??å??ã??ã??ã?¹ã?¦æ¶?å?»ã??ã?¾ã??"			#~ msgstr "é?¸æ??ã??ã??ã??å??ã??ã??ã?¹ã?¦æ¶?å?»ã??ã?¾ã??"

#~ msgid "Record view..."					#~ msgid "Record view..."
#~ msgstr "ã?¬ã?³ã?¼ã??表示..."					#~ msgstr "ã?¬ã?³ã?¼ã??表示..."

#~ msgid "View recordset record-by-record"			#~ msgid "View recordset record-by-record"
#~ msgstr "ã?¬ã?³ã?¼ã??æ¯?ã?«ã?¬ã?³ã?¼ã??ã?»ã??ã??ã??表示ã??ã?¾ã??"		#~ msgstr "ã?¬ã?³ã?¼ã??æ¯?ã?«ã?¬ã?³ã?¼ã??ã?»ã??ã??ã??表示ã??ã?¾ã??"

#~ msgid "Refresh grid contents"				#~ msgid "Refresh grid contents"
#~ msgstr "ã?°ã?ªã??ã??ã?®å??容ã??æ?´æ?°ã??ã?¾ã??"				#~ msgstr "ã?°ã?ªã??ã??ã?®å??容ã??æ?´æ?°ã??ã?¾ã??"

#~ msgid "Print grid"						#~ msgid "Print grid"
#~ msgstr "ã?°ã?ªã??ã??ã?®å?°å?·"					#~ msgstr "ã?°ã?ªã??ã??ã?®å?°å?·"

#~ msgid "Print grid contents"					#~ msgid "Print grid contents"
#~ msgstr "ã?°ã?ªã??ã??ã?®å??容ã??å?°å?·ã??ã?¾ã??"				#~ msgstr "ã?°ã?ªã??ã??ã?®å??容ã??å?°å?·ã??ã?¾ã??"

#~ msgid "Hide column titles"					#~ msgid "Hide column titles"
#~ msgstr "ã?«ã?©ã? ã?¿ã?¤ã??ã?«ã??表示ã??ã?¾ã??ã??"			#~ msgstr "ã?«ã?©ã? ã?¿ã?¤ã??ã?«ã??表示ã??ã?¾ã??ã??"

#~ msgid "User Name"						#~ msgid "User Name"
#~ msgstr "ã?¦ã?¼ã?¶å??"						#~ msgstr "ã?¦ã?¼ã?¶å??"

#~ msgid "GDA Datasource"					#~ msgid "GDA Datasource"
#~ msgstr "GDA ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹"					#~ msgstr "GDA ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹"

#~ msgid "Entry %d of %d"					#~ msgid "Entry %d of %d"
#~ msgstr "ã?¨ã?³ã??ã?ª %d / %d"					#~ msgstr "ã?¨ã?³ã??ã?ª %d / %d"

#~ msgid "Message"						#~ msgid "Message"
#~ msgstr "ã?¡ã??ã?»ã?¼ã?¸"						#~ msgstr "ã?¡ã??ã?»ã?¼ã?¸"

#~ msgid "Log Entry"						#~ msgid "Log Entry"
#~ msgstr "ã?­ã?°ã?¨ã?³ã??ã?ª"					#~ msgstr "ã?­ã?°ã?¨ã?³ã??ã?ª"

#~ msgid "Could not create file %s"				#~ msgid "Could not create file %s"
#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¡ã?¤ã?« %s ã??ä½?æ??ã??ã??ã??ã?¨ã??å?ºæ?¥ã?¾ã??ã??ã?§ã??ã??"	#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¡ã?¤ã?« %s ã??ä½?æ??ã??ã??ã??ã?¨ã??å?ºæ?¥ã?¾ã??ã??ã?§ã??ã??"

#~ msgid "Setup Printer"					#~ msgid "Setup Printer"
#~ msgstr "ã??ã?ªã?³ã?¿ã?®è¨­å®?"					#~ msgstr "ã??ã?ªã?³ã?¿ã?®è¨­å®?"

#~ msgid "Copyright The Free Software Foundation (C) 1998-200	#~ msgid "Copyright The Free Software Foundation (C) 1998-200
#~ msgstr "Copyright The Free Software Foundation (C) 1998-20	#~ msgstr "Copyright The Free Software Foundation (C) 1998-20

#~ msgid ""							#~ msgid ""
#~ "This program is part of the GNOME project for LINUX. GNOM	#~ "This program is part of the GNOME project for LINUX. GNOM
#~ "comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software,	#~ "comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software,
#~ "welcome to redistribute it under the conditions of the GN	#~ "welcome to redistribute it under the conditions of the GN
#~ "Licence."							#~ "Licence."
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "ã??ã?®ã??ã?­ã?°ã?©ã? ã?¯ LINUX ã?®ã??ã??ã?® GNOME ã??ã?­ã?¸ã?§ã?¯ã??ã?®ä¸?é?¨	#~ "ã??ã?®ã??ã?­ã?°ã?©ã? ã?¯ LINUX ã?®ã??ã??ã?® GNOME ã??ã?­ã?¸ã?§ã?¯ã??ã?®ä¸?é?¨
#~ "ã?¢ã?¯ã?»ã?¹ã?¯å®?å?¨ã?«ç?¡ä¿?証ã?§ã??. ã??ã??ã?¯ã??ã?ªã?¼ã?½ã??ã??ã?¦ã?§ã?¢ã?§, 	#~ "ã?¢ã?¯ã?»ã?¹ã?¯å®?å?¨ã?«ç?¡ä¿?証ã?§ã??. ã??ã??ã?¯ã??ã?ªã?¼ã?½ã??ã??ã?¦ã?§ã?¢ã?§, 
#~ "å?¬æ??使ç?¨æ?¿è«¾ ã?®æ?¡ä»¶ä¸?ã?§å??é??å¸?ã??ã??ã??ã?¨ã??å?ºæ?¥ã?¾ã??."		#~ "å?¬æ??使ç?¨æ?¿è«¾ ã?®æ?¡ä»¶ä¸?ã?§å??é??å¸?ã??ã??ã??ã?¨ã??å?ºæ?¥ã?¾ã??."

#~ msgid "Unable to execute Bug Report Tool"			#~ msgid "Unable to execute Bug Report Tool"
#~ msgstr "ä¸?å?·å??å ±å??ã??ã?¼ã?«ã??å®?è¡?ã??ã??ã??ã?¨ã??å?ºæ?¥ã?¾ã??ã??"		#~ msgstr "ä¸?å?·å??å ±å??ã??ã?¼ã?«ã??å®?è¡?ã??ã??ã??ã?¨ã??å?ºæ?¥ã?¾ã??ã??"

#~ msgid "Manager"						#~ msgid "Manager"
#~ msgstr "ã??ã??ã?¼ã?¸ã?£"						#~ msgstr "ã??ã??ã?¼ã?¸ã?£"

#~ msgid "Manage connection data sources"			#~ msgid "Manage connection data sources"
#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹æ?¥ç¶?ã??管ç??ã??ã?¾ã??"			#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹æ?¥ç¶?ã??管ç??ã??ã?¾ã??"

#~ msgid "Manage available GDA providers"			#~ msgid "Manage available GDA providers"
#~ msgstr "å?©ç?¨ã?§ã??ã?? GDA ã??ã?­ã??ã?¤ã??ã??管ç??ã??ã?¾ã??"		#~ msgstr "å?©ç?¨ã?§ã??ã?? GDA ã??ã?­ã??ã?¤ã??ã??管ç??ã??ã?¾ã??"

#~ msgid "Edit"							#~ msgid "Edit"
#~ msgstr "ç·¨é??"						#~ msgstr "ç·¨é??"

#~ msgid "Edit selected data source"				#~ msgid "Edit selected data source"
#~ msgstr "é?¸æ??ã??ã??ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹ã??ç·¨é??ã??ã?¾ã??"			#~ msgstr "é?¸æ??ã??ã??ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹ã??ç·¨é??ã??ã?¾ã??"

#~ msgid "Refresh Data Sources list"				#~ msgid "Refresh Data Sources list"
#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹ã?ªã?¹ã??ã??æ?´æ?°ã??ã?¾ã??"			#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹ã?ªã?¹ã??ã??æ?´æ?°ã??ã?¾ã??"

#~ msgid "Test settings for this datasource"			#~ msgid "Test settings for this datasource"
#~ msgstr "ã??ã?®ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹ã?®è¨­å®?ã??ã??ã?¹ã??ã??ã?¾ã??"		#~ msgstr "ã??ã?®ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹ã?®è¨­å®?ã??ã??ã?¹ã??ã??ã?¾ã??"

#~ msgid "Edit data source"					#~ msgid "Edit data source"
#~ msgstr "æ?°è¦?ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹ã?®ç·¨é??"				#~ msgstr "æ?°è¦?ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹ã?®ç·¨é??"

#~ msgid "There was an error while testing connection"		#~ msgid "There was an error while testing connection"
#~ msgstr "æ?¥ç¶?ã??ã?¹ã??中ã?«ã?¨ã?©ã?¼ã??ã??ã??ã?¾ã??ã??"			#~ msgstr "æ?¥ç¶?ã??ã?¹ã??中ã?«ã?¨ã?©ã?¼ã??ã??ã??ã?¾ã??ã??"

#~ msgid "Edit selected provider"				#~ msgid "Edit selected provider"
#~ msgstr "é?¸æ??ã??ã??ã??ã?­ã??ã?¤ã??ã??ç·¨é??ã??ã?¾ã??"			#~ msgstr "é?¸æ??ã??ã??ã??ã?­ã??ã?¤ã??ã??ç·¨é??ã??ã?¾ã??"

#~ msgid "Refresh providers list"				#~ msgid "Refresh providers list"
#~ msgstr "ã??ã?­ã??ã?¤ã??ã?ªã?¹ã??ã??æ?´æ?°ã??ã?¾ã??"			#~ msgstr "ã??ã?­ã??ã?¤ã??ã?ªã?¹ã??ã??æ?´æ?°ã??ã?¾ã??"

#~ msgid "Stop"							#~ msgid "Stop"
#~ msgstr "å??æ­¢"						#~ msgstr "å??æ­¢"

#~ msgid "Stop selected provider"				#~ msgid "Stop selected provider"
#~ msgstr "é?¸æ??ã??ã??ã??ã?­ã??ã?¤ã??ã??å??æ­¢ã??ã?¾ã??"			#~ msgstr "é?¸æ??ã??ã??ã??ã?­ã??ã?¤ã??ã??å??æ­¢ã??ã?¾ã??"

#~ msgid "Rolodex"						#~ msgid "Rolodex"
#~ msgstr "Rolodex"						#~ msgstr "Rolodex"

#~ msgid "Rolodex Application"					#~ msgid "Rolodex Application"
#~ msgstr "Rolodex ã?¢ã??ã?ªã?±ã?¼ã?·ã?§ã?³"				#~ msgstr "Rolodex ã?¢ã??ã?ªã?±ã?¼ã?·ã?§ã?³"
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ko.gmo
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/ko.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/ko.po
# libgnomedb ko.po						# libgnomedb ko.po
# Copyright (C) 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc.		# Copyright (C) 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# Young-Ho, Cha <ganadist chollian net>, 2000, 2002.		# Young-Ho, Cha <ganadist chollian net>, 2000, 2002.
#								#
msgid ""							msgid ""
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: libgnomedb $GNOMEDB_VERSION\n"		"Project-Id-Version: libgnomedb $GNOMEDB_VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"					"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"			"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2002-05-01 03:21+0900\n"			"PO-Revision-Date: 2002-05-01 03:21+0900\n"
"Last-Translator: Young-Ho Cha <ganadist chollian net>\n"	"Last-Translator: Young-Ho Cha <ganadist chollian net>\n"
"Language-Team: korean <gnome-kr-translation lists sourceforg	"Language-Team: korean <gnome-kr-translation lists sourceforg
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"						"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"			"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"				"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co
msgid "Data Sources"						msgid "Data Sources"
msgstr "ë?°ì?´í?° ì??ì?¤"						msgstr "ë?°ì?´í?° ì??ì?¤"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid
msgid "Providers"						msgid "Providers"
msgstr "ì ?ê³µì??"							msgstr "ì ?ê³µì??"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1
msgid "Configure your database environment"			msgid "Configure your database environment"
msgstr "ë?°ì?´í?° ë² ì?´ì?¤ í??ê²½ì?? ì?¤ì ?í?©ë??ë?¤"			msgstr "ë?°ì?´í?° ë² ì?´ì?¤ í??ê²½ì?? ì?¤ì ?í?©ë??ë?¤"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Database Access Properties "				msgid "Database Access Properties "
msgstr "���베�� �� �보"					msgstr "���베�� �� �보"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380
msgid "Name"							msgid "Name"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
msgid "Description"						msgid "Description"
msgstr "��"							msgstr "��"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182
msgid "Configured data sources in the system"			msgid "Configured data sources in the system"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data sources are the means by which database connections are	"Data sources are the means by which database connections are
"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s	"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s
"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o	"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o
"name you identify the connections in the applications that m	"name you identify the connections in the applications that m
"DB for database access."					"DB for database access."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"ë?°ì?´í?° ì??ì?¤ë?? libgdaì??ì?? ì?¸ì??í??ë?? ë?°ì?´í?°ë² ì?´ì?¤ ì?°ê²° í??ë?? ë°©	"ë?°ì?´í?° ì??ì?¤ë?? libgdaì??ì?? ì?¸ì??í??ë?? ë?°ì?´í?°ë² ì?´ì?¤ ì?°ê²° í??ë?? ë°©
"ë?°ì?´í?°ë² ì?´ì?¤-ì ?ê³µì?? ì?°ê²°ì?? í??ì??í?? 모ë?  ì ?ë³´ê°? ì ?ì?¥í?? ë?¤ì??, 	"ë?°ì?´í?°ë² ì?´ì?¤-ì ?ê³µì?? ì?°ê²°ì?? í??ì??í?? 모ë?  ì ?ë³´ê°? ì ?ì?¥í?? ë?¤ì??, 
"ì?? ì??í?? libgda를 ì??ì?©í??ë¡?ê·¸ë?¨ì??ì?? ì?¬ì?©í?  ì?? ì??ë?? ë?¨ì?¼í?? ì?´ë¦?	"ì?? ì??í?? libgda를 ì??ì?©í??ë¡?ê·¸ë?¨ì??ì?? ì?¬ì?©í?  ì?? ì??ë?? ë?¨ì?¼í?? ì?´ë¦?
"í?©ë??ë?¤."							"í?©ë??ë?¤."

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277
#, fuzzy, c-format						#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"	msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"
msgstr "ë?°ì?´í?° ì??ì?¤ '%s'를 ì§?ì?°ê² ì?µë??ê¹??"			msgstr "ë?°ì?´í?° ì??ì?¤ '%s'를 ì§?ì?°ê² ì?µë??ê¹??"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data Source Properties"					msgid "Data Source Properties"
msgstr "ë?°ì?´í?° ì??ì?¤ ë?±ë¡? ì ?ë³´"					msgstr "ë?°ì?´í?° ì??ì?¤ ë?±ë¡? ì ?ë³´"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132
msgid "Basic"							msgid "Basic"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Tables"							msgid "Tables"
msgstr "í??ì?´ë¸?"							msgstr "í??ì?´ë¸?"

#: control-center/main.c:92					#: control-center/main.c:92
msgid "No valid data source info was created"			msgid "No valid data source info was created"
msgstr "ì?¬ë°?른 ë?°ì?´í?° ì??ì?¤ ì ?ë³´ê°? ë§?ë?¤ì?´ì§?ì§? ì??ì??ì?µë??ë?¤"	msgstr "ì?¬ë°?른 ë?°ì?´í?° ì??ì?¤ ì ?ë³´ê°? ë§?ë?¤ì?´ì§?ì§? ì??ì??ì?µë??ë?¤"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218	#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218
msgid "New data source"						msgid "New data source"
msgstr "ì??ë¡?ì?´ ë?°ì?´í?° ì??ì?¤"					msgstr "ì??ë¡?ì?´ ë?°ì?´í?° ì??ì?¤"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:215					#: control-center/main.c:215
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Database Access Properties"				msgid "Database Access Properties"
msgstr "���베�� �� �보"					msgstr "���베�� �� �보"

#: control-center/provider-config.c:105				#: control-center/provider-config.c:105
msgid "Installed providers"					msgid "Installed providers"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/provider-config.c:131				#: control-center/provider-config.c:131
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec	"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec
"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo	"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo
"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr	"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr
"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba	"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba
"etc."								"etc."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1
msgid "Database connection parameters file"			msgid "Database connection parameters file"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2
msgid "Documents"						msgid "Documents"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3
msgid "SQL code viewer"						msgid "SQL code viewer"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1
msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"			msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"
msgstr "격ì?? ì??ì ¯ì??ì?? ì?¬ì?©ë??ë?? ê¸?ê¼´"				msgstr "격ì?? ì??ì ¯ì??ì?? ì?¬ì?©ë??ë?? ê¸?ê¼´"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2
msgid "Number of spaces per tab"				msgid "Number of spaces per tab"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3
msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"			msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4
msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"			msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60
msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"			msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1
msgid "About"							msgid "About"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2
msgid "About GNOME-DB"						msgid "About GNOME-DB"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3
msgid "Close this window"					msgid "Close this window"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4
msgid "Create new entry"					msgid "Create new entry"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Delete selected items"					msgid "Delete selected items"
msgstr "목ë¡?ì?? ì? í??ë?? 모ë?  í?­ëª©ì?? ì? í??ì·¨ì?? í?©ë??ë?¤"		msgstr "목ë¡?ì?? ì? í??ë?? 모ë?  í?­ëª©ì?? ì? í??ì·¨ì?? í?©ë??ë?¤"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Deselect all items"					msgid "Deselect all items"
msgstr "목ë¡?ì?? ì? í??ë?? 모ë?  í?­ëª©ì?? ì? í??ì·¨ì?? í?©ë??ë?¤"		msgstr "목ë¡?ì?? ì? í??ë?? 모ë?  í?­ëª©ì?? ì? í??ì·¨ì?? í?©ë??ë?¤"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7
msgid "Edit properties for selected item"			msgid "Edit properties for selected item"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8
msgid "Save connection parameters to file"			msgid "Save connection parameters to file"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Select _All"						msgid "Select _All"
msgstr "ì ?ì²´ ì? í??"						msgstr "ì ?ì²´ ì? í??"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Select all items"					msgid "Select all items"
msgstr "목ë¡?ì?? 모ë?  í?­ëª©ì?? ì? í??í?©ë??ë?¤"				msgstr "목ë¡?ì?? 모ë?  í?­ëª©ì?? ì? í??í?©ë??ë?¤"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View data sources"					msgid "View data sources"
msgstr "ì??ë¡?ì?´ ë?°ì?´í?° ì??ì?¤"					msgstr "ì??ë¡?ì?´ ë?°ì?´í?° ì??ì?¤"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View providers"						msgid "View providers"
msgstr "ì ?ê³µì??"							msgstr "ì ?ê³µì??"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42
msgid "_Clear Selection"					msgid "_Clear Selection"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14
msgid "_Close"							msgid "_Close"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Data Sources"						msgid "_Data Sources"
msgstr "ë?°ì?´í?° ì??ì?¤"						msgstr "ë?°ì?´í?° ì??ì?¤"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Database"						msgid "_Database"
msgstr "ë?°ì?´í?°ë² ì?´ì?¤"						msgstr "ë?°ì?´í?°ë² ì?´ì?¤"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17
msgid "_Delete"							msgid "_Delete"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18
msgid "_Edit"							msgid "_Edit"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19
msgid "_Help"							msgid "_Help"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_New Data Source..."					msgid "_New Data Source..."
msgstr "ì??ë¡?ì?´ ë?°ì?´í?° ì??ì?¤"					msgstr "ì??ë¡?ì?´ ë?°ì?´í?° ì??ì?¤"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Properties"						msgid "_Properties"
msgstr "í??ë¡?ì??ì ¸"						msgstr "í??ë¡?ì??ì ¸"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Providers"						msgid "_Providers"
msgstr "ì ?ê³µì??"							msgstr "ì ?ê³µì??"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Save Connection"					msgid "_Save Connection"
msgstr "ì ?ì?¥"							msgstr "ì ?ì?¥"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_View"							msgid "_View"
msgstr "보기"							msgstr "보기"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76
msgid "Structure"						msgid "Structure"
msgstr "구조"							msgstr "구조"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73
msgid "Data"							msgid "Data"
msgstr "ë?°ì?´í?°"							msgstr "ë?°ì?´í?°"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238
msgid "Not implemented yet!"					msgid "Not implemented yet!"
msgstr "ì??ì§? 구í??ë??ì§? ì??ì??!"					msgstr "ì??ì§? 구í??ë??ì§? ì??ì??!"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Database"						msgid "Database"
msgstr "ë?°ì?´í?°ë² ì?´ì?¤"						msgstr "ë?°ì?´í?°ë² ì?´ì?¤"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540
msgid "Loading database schemas..."				msgid "Loading database schemas..."
msgstr "ë?°ì?´í?°ë² ì?´ì?¤ ì?¤í?¤ë§? ì?½ë??ì¤?..."				msgstr "ë?°ì?´í?°ë² ì?´ì?¤ ì?¤í?¤ë§? ì?½ë??ì¤?..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632
msgid "Refreshing data..."					msgid "Refreshing data..."
msgstr "ë?°ì?´í?° ì??ë¡?고침..."					msgstr "ë?°ì?´í?° ì??ë¡?고침..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688
msgid "Views"							msgid "Views"
msgstr "보기"							msgstr "보기"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691
msgid "Indexes"							msgid "Indexes"
msgstr "ì??ì?¸"							msgstr "ì??ì?¸"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Sequences"						msgid "Sequences"
msgstr "ì??í??ì?¤"							msgstr "ì??í??ì?¤"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Procedures"						msgid "Procedures"
msgstr "í??ë¡?ì??ì ¸"						msgstr "í??ë¡?ì??ì ¸"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700
msgid "Triggers"						msgid "Triggers"
msgstr "�리거"							msgstr "�리거"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Aggregates"						msgid "Aggregates"
msgstr "��"							msgstr "��"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Types"							msgid "Types"
msgstr "í??ì??"							msgstr "í??ì??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140
msgid "Could not query CORBA components"			msgid "Could not query CORBA components"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209
msgid "ID"							msgid "ID"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "Location"						msgid "Location"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212
msgid "Username"						msgid "Username"
msgstr "ì?¬ì?©ì??ì?´ë¦?"						msgstr "ì?¬ì?©ì??ì?´ë¦?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Hostname"						msgid "Hostname"
msgstr "ì?¬ì?©ì??ì?´ë¦?"						msgstr "ì?¬ì?©ì??ì?´ë¦?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214
msgid "Domain"							msgid "Domain"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"			msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. create widgets						#. create widgets
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97
msgid "Settings"						msgid "Settings"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103
msgid "Data source name"					msgid "Data source name"
msgstr "ë?°ì?´í?° ì??ì?¤ ì?´ë¦?"					msgstr "ë?°ì?´í?° ì??ì?¤ ì?´ë¦?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109
msgid "Connection string"					msgid "Connection string"
msgstr "ì?°ê²° 문ì??ì?´"						msgstr "ì?°ê²° 문ì??ì?´"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115
msgid "Provider"						msgid "Provider"
msgstr "ì ?ê³µì??"							msgstr "ì ?ê³µì??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "User name"						msgid "User name"
msgstr "ì?¬ì?©ì??ì?´ë¦?"						msgstr "ì?¬ì?©ì??ì?´ë¦?"

#. create feature list						#. create feature list
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128
msgid "Features"						msgid "Features"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190
msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"		msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"
msgstr "ì??ë¡?ì?´ ë?°ì?´í?° ì??ì?¤ì?? ì?´ë¦?ì?? ì??ë ¥í??ì?¬ì?¼ í?©ë??ë?¤"		msgstr "ì??ë¡?ì?´ ë?°ì?´í?° ì??ì?¤ì?? ì?´ë¦?ì?? ì??ë ¥í??ì?¬ì?¼ í?©ë??ë?¤"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197
msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac	msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206
msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th	msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213
msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"			msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217
msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n	msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225
msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"	msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"
msgstr "ì??ë¡?ì?´ ë?°ì?´í?° ì??ì?¤ì?? ì ?ê³µì??를 ì? í??í??ì?¬ì?¼ í?©ë??ë?¤"	msgstr "ì??ë¡?ì?´ ë?°ì?´í?° ì??ì?¤ì?? ì ?ê³µì??를 ì? í??í??ì?¬ì?¼ í?©ë??ë?¤"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233
msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"		msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"
msgstr "ì?¤ì ?ì??ì?? ì ?ê³µì??를 ì°¾ì?? ì?? ì??ì?µë??ë?¤"			msgstr "ì?¤ì ?ì??ì?? ì ?ê³µì??를 ì°¾ì?? ì?? ì??ì?µë??ë?¤"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391
msgid "Add a new data source..."				msgid "Add a new data source..."
msgstr "ì??ë¡?ì?´ ë?°ì?´í?° ì??ì?¤ ì¶?ê°?..."				msgstr "ì??ë¡?ì?´ ë?°ì?´í?° ì??ì?¤ ì¶?ê°?..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392
msgid ""							msgid ""
"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"		"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"
"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"		"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"
"installation. Just follow the steps!"				"installation. Just follow the steps!"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"ì?´ ë§?ë²?ì?¬ë?? GNOME-DB ì?¤ì¹?ì??ì?? ì??ë¡?ì?´ ë?°ì?´í?° ì??ì?¤ë¥¼\n"		"ì?´ ë§?ë²?ì?¬ë?? GNOME-DB ì?¤ì¹?ì??ì?? ì??ë¡?ì?´ ë?°ì?´í?° ì??ì?¤ë¥¼\n"
"ë§?ë??ë??ë?° ë??ì??ì?? ì¤? ê²?ì??ë??ë?¤.\n"				"ë§?ë??ë??ë?° ë??ì??ì?? ì¤? ê²?ì??ë??ë?¤.\n"
"ë?¤ì?? ë?¨ê³?ë¡? ë?°ë?¼ì?¤ì?­ì??ì?¤!"					"ë?¤ì?? ë?¨ê³?ë¡? ë?°ë?¼ì?¤ì?­ì??ì?¤!"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404
msgid "General Information"					msgid "General Information"
msgstr "�� �보"						msgstr "�� �보"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the basic information\n"	"The following fields represent the basic information\n"
"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n	"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n
"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"	"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"
"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"	"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"
"the default one."						"the default one."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"ë?¤ì?? í??ë??ë?? ì??ë¡?ì?´ ë?°ì?´í?° ì??ì?¤ì?? ë??í?? 기본 ì ?보를 \n"		"ë?¤ì?? í??ë??ë?? ì??ë¡?ì?´ ë?°ì?´í?° ì??ì?¤ì?? ë??í?? 기본 ì ?보를 \n"
"ë³´ì?¬ì¤?ë??ë?¤. ëª?ëª? í?­ëª©(ì?¤ëª?, ì?¬ì?©ì??ì?´ë¦?)ì?? ì? í??ì?¬í?­ì?´ê³  \n"	"ë³´ì?¬ì¤?ë??ë?¤. ëª?ëª? í?­ëª©(ì?¤ëª?, ì?¬ì?©ì??ì?´ë¦?)ì?? ì? í??ì?¬í?­ì?´ê³  \n"
"ë??머ì§?ë?? í??ì??ì?¬í?­ ì??ë??ë?¤. ì?¬ì?©í?´ì?¼í?  ì ?ê³µì??를 모른ë?¤ë©´\n"	"ë??머ì§?ë?? í??ì??ì?¬í?­ ì??ë??ë?¤. ì?¬ì?©í?´ì?¼í?  ì ?ê³µì??를 모른ë?¤ë©´\n"
"기본ê°?ì?? ì? í??í??ì?­ì??ì?¤"						"기본ê°?ì?? ì? í??í??ì?­ì??ì?¤"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data source _name:"					msgid "Data source _name:"
msgstr "ë?°ì?´í?° ì??ì?¤ ì?´ë¦?"					msgstr "ë?°ì?´í?° ì??ì?¤ ì?´ë¦?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Provider:"						msgid "_Provider:"
msgstr "ì ?ê³µì??"							msgstr "ì ?ê³µì??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Description:"						msgid "_Description:"
msgstr "��"							msgstr "��"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Username:"						msgid "_Username:"
msgstr "ì?¬ì?©ì??ì?´ë¦?"						msgstr "ì?¬ì?©ì??ì?´ë¦?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "P_assword:"						msgid "P_assword:"
msgstr "ì??í?¸"							msgstr "ì??í?¸"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454
msgid "Provider Parameters"					msgid "Provider Parameters"
msgstr "ì ?ê³µì?? í??ë?¼ë©?í?°"					msgstr "ì ?ê³µì?? í??ë?¼ë©?í?°"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the information needed by the	"The following fields represent the information needed by the
"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n	"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n
"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\	"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\
"the manual for more information."				"the manual for more information."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"ë?¤ì?? í??ë??ë?? ì?°ê²°í?  ë?? ì ?ë²? í??ì?´ì§?ì??ì?? ì? í??í?? ì ?ê³µì??ì?? \n"	"ë?¤ì?? í??ë??ë?? ì?°ê²°í?  ë?? ì ?ë²? í??ì?´ì§?ì??ì?? ì? í??í?? ì ?ê³µì??ì?? \n"
"í??ì??í?? ì ?보를 ë³´ì?¬ì¤?ë??ë?¤. ì?´ ì ?ë³´ë?? ì ?ê³µì??ì?? ë?°ë?¼\n"		"í??ì??í?? ì ?보를 ë³´ì?¬ì¤?ë??ë?¤. ì?´ ì ?ë³´ë?? ì ?ê³µì??ì?? ë?°ë?¼\n"
"ë?¤ë¦?ë??ë?¤. ë?? ì??ì?¸í?? ì ?보를 ì??í??ë©´ ì?¤ëª?ì??를 í??ì?¸í??기 \n"	"ë?¤ë¦?ë??ë?¤. ë?? ì??ì?¸í?? ì ?보를 ì??í??ë©´ ì?¤ëª?ì??를 í??ì?¸í??기 \n"
"ë°?ë??ë??ë?¤"							"ë°?ë??ë??ë?¤"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481
msgid "All information retrieved"				msgid "All information retrieved"
msgstr "모ë?  ì ?ë³´ ë°?ì??"						msgstr "모ë?  ì ?ë³´ ë°?ì??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid ""							msgid ""
"All information needed to create a new data source\n"		"All information needed to create a new data source\n"
"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"		"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"
"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"	"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"
"just select it when asked for a data source."			"just select it when asked for a data source."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"ì??ë¡?ì?´ ë?°ì?´í?° ì??ì?¤ë¥¼ ë§?ë?¤ê¸° ì??í?´ í??ì??í?? ì ?보를 모ë??\n"		"ì??ë¡?ì?´ ë?°ì?´í?° ì??ì?¤ë¥¼ ë§?ë?¤ê¸° ì??í?´ í??ì??í?? ì ?보를 모ë??\n"
"ì?»ì??ì?µë??ë?¤. ì?´ì ? 'ì ?ì?©'ì?? ë??르면 ì?´ ë??í??ì??ì??를\n"		"ì?»ì??ì?µë??ë?¤. ì?´ì ? 'ì ?ì?©'ì?? ë??르면 ì?´ ë??í??ì??ì??를\n"
"ë?«ì?µë??ë?¤. ì??ë¡? ë§?ë?¤ì?´ì§? ë?°ì?´í?° ì??ì?¤ë¥¼ ì?´ë ¤ë©´\n"		"ë?«ì?µë??ë?¤. ì??ë¡? ë§?ë?¤ì?´ì§? ë?°ì?´í?° ì??ì?¤ë¥¼ ì?´ë ¤ë©´\n"
"ë?°ì?´í?° ì??ì?¤ë¥¼ ì??ì²­í? ë?? ì? í??í??ì?­ì??ì?¤"				"ë?°ì?´í?° ì??ì?¤ë¥¼ ì??ì²­í? ë?? ì? í??í??ì?­ì??ì?¤"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Connection _string:"					msgid "Connection _string:"
msgstr "ì?°ê²° 문ì??ì?´"						msgstr "ì?°ê²° 문ì??ì?´"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4
msgid "Error"							msgid "Error"
msgstr "��"							msgstr "��"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.
msgid "Show detail >>"						msgid "Show detail >>"
msgstr "ì??ì?¸í?? 보기 >>"						msgstr "ì??ì?¸í?? 보기 >>"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122
msgid "<< Hide detail"						msgid "<< Hide detail"
msgstr "ì??ì?¸í?? 보기 ì?¨ê¸°ê¸° >>"					msgstr "ì??ì?¸í?? 보기 ì?¨ê¸°ê¸° >>"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191
msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"	msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196
msgid "Error number"						msgid "Error number"
msgstr "�� ��"						msgstr "�� ��"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Details"							msgid "Details"
msgstr "ì??ì?¸í??"							msgstr "ì??ì?¸í??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234
msgid "Source"							msgid "Source"
msgstr "ì??ì?¤"							msgstr "ì??ì?¤"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241
msgid "SQL state"						msgid "SQL state"
msgstr "SQL ì??í??"						msgstr "SQL ì??í??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108
msgid "_Field:"							msgid "_Field:"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Text:"							msgid "_Text:"
msgstr "í??ì??"							msgstr "í??ì??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308
msgid "No records"						msgid "No records"
msgstr "ë ?ì½?ë?? ì??ì??"						msgstr "ë ?ì½?ë?? ì??ì??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Record %d of %d"						msgid "Record %d of %d"
msgstr "%2$dì¤? %1$d ë ?ì½?ë??"					msgstr "%2$dì¤? %1$d ë ?ì½?ë??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113
msgid "Recordset description"					msgid "Recordset description"
msgstr "ë ?ì½?ë??ì§?í?© ì?¤ëª?"					msgstr "ë ?ì½?ë??ì§?í?© ì?¤ëª?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid ""							msgid ""
"File '%s' already exists.\n"					"File '%s' already exists.\n"
"Do you want to overwrite it?"					"Do you want to overwrite it?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149
msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."		msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Could not save file %s"					msgid "Could not save file %s"
msgstr "í??ì?¼ %s를 ì ?ì?¥í? ì?? ì??ì??"				msgstr "í??ì?¼ %s를 ì ?ì?¥í? ì?? ì??ì??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224
msgid "You must specify a file name"				msgid "You must specify a file name"
msgstr "í??ì?¼ì?´ë¦?ì?? ì§?ì ?í??ì?¬ì?¼ í?©ë??ë?¤"				msgstr "í??ì?¼ì?´ë¦?ì?? ì§?ì ?í??ì?¬ì?¼ í?©ë??ë?¤"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230
msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"		msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261
msgid "Saving Model"						msgid "Saving Model"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "File _name:"						msgid "File _name:"
msgstr "í??ì?´ë¸? ì?´ë¦?"						msgstr "í??ì?´ë¸? ì?´ë¦?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276
msgid "Select File"						msgid "Select File"
msgstr "í??ì?¼ ì? í??"						msgstr "í??ì?¼ ì? í??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283
msgid "File _type:"						msgid "File _type:"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Tab-delimited"						msgid "Tab-delimited"
msgstr "í?­ì?¼ë¡? 구ë¶?ë?? í??ì?¼"					msgstr "í?­ì?¼ë¡? 구ë¶?ë?? í??ì?¼"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Comma-delimited"						msgid "Comma-delimited"
msgstr "ì?¼í??ë¡? 구ë¶?ë?? í??ì?¼"					msgstr "ì?¼í??ë¡? 구ë¶?ë?? í??ì?¼"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:
msgid "XML"							msgid "XML"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355
msgid "View detail"						msgid "View detail"
msgstr "ì??ì?¸í?? 보기"						msgstr "ì??ì?¸í?? 보기"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Show Column _Titles"					msgid "Show Column _Titles"
msgstr "� 보기"						msgstr "� 보기"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Describe"						msgid "Describe"
msgstr "��..."						msgstr "��..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443
msgid "View detail..."						msgid "View detail..."
msgstr "ì??ì?¸í?? 보기..."						msgstr "ì??ì?¸í?? 보기..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614
msgid "Title"							msgid "Title"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48
msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"	msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"
msgstr "ì?´ë¯¸ ì´?기í??ë?? í?´ë?¼ì?´ì?¸í?¸ì?? ë?¤ì?? ì´?기í?? í??ë ¤í?©ë??ë?¤"	msgstr "ì?´ë¯¸ ì´?기í??ë?? í?´ë?¼ì?´ì?¸í?¸ì?? ë?¤ì?? ì´?기í?? í??ë ¤í?©ë??ë?¤"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"		"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"
"to a data source"						"to a data source"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data Source:"						msgid "Data Source:"
msgstr "ë?°ì?´í?° ì??ì?¤"						msgstr "ë?°ì?´í?° ì??ì?¤"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Username:"						msgid "Username:"
msgstr "ì?¬ì?©ì??ì?´ë¦?"						msgstr "ì?¬ì?©ì??ì?´ë¦?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Password:"						msgid "Password:"
msgstr "ì??í?¸"							msgstr "ì??í?¸"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69
msgid "Fields"							msgid "Fields"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30
msgid "Commit"							msgid "Commit"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31
msgid "Connect"							msgid "Connect"
msgstr "ì?°ê²°"							msgstr "ì?°ê²°"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33
msgid "Designer"						msgid "Designer"
msgstr "ë??ì??ì?´ë??"						msgstr "ë??ì??ì?´ë??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34
msgid "Disconnect"						msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr "ì?°ê²° ë??기"						msgstr "ì?°ê²° ë??기"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35
msgid "NoTransaction"						msgid "NoTransaction"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37
msgid "Query"							msgid "Query"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38
msgid "Rollback"						msgid "Rollback"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40
msgid "SQL"							msgid "SQL"
msgstr "SQL"							msgstr "SQL"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43
msgid "WithinTransaction"					msgid "WithinTransaction"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Error: %s"						msgid "Error: %s"
msgstr "��: %s"						msgstr "��: %s"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79
msgid "Table name"						msgid "Table name"
msgstr "í??ì?´ë¸? ì?´ë¦?"						msgstr "í??ì?´ë¸? ì?´ë¦?"

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93			#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Login for %s"						msgid "Login for %s"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95					#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95
msgid "Login to database"					msgid "Login to database"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: vfs/libmain.c:71						#: vfs/libmain.c:71
msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"				msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Table Properties"					msgid "Table Properties"
msgstr "���베�� �� �보"					msgstr "���베�� �� �보"

#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Table Name"						msgid "Table Name"
msgstr "í??ì?´ë¸? ì?´ë¦?"						msgstr "í??ì?´ë¸? ì?´ë¦?"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155
msgid "New"							msgid "New"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156
msgid "Create new table"					msgid "Create new table"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Properties"						msgid "Properties"
msgstr "í??ë¡?ì??ì ¸"						msgstr "í??ë¡?ì??ì ¸"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View table properties"					msgid "View table properties"
msgstr "���베�� �� �보"					msgstr "���베�� �� �보"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
msgid "UID"							msgid "UID"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "calendar"						msgid "calendar"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "summary"							msgid "summary"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "Summary"							msgid "Summary"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "location"						msgid "location"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "dtstart"							msgid "dtstart"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
msgid "Start time"						msgid "Start time"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "dtend"							msgid "dtend"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "End time"						msgid "End time"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "description"						msgid "description"
msgstr "��"							msgstr "��"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "classification"						msgid "classification"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "Classification"						msgid "Classification"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "transparency"						msgid "transparency"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "Transparency"						msgid "Transparency"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "categories"						msgid "categories"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "Categories"						msgid "Categories"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "tasks"							msgid "tasks"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "due"							msgid "due"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "Due date"						msgid "Due date"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "Start date"						msgid "Start date"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355
msgid "Public"							msgid "Public"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358
msgid "Private"							msgid "Private"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361
msgid "Confidential"						msgid "Confidential"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63
msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"		msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66
msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"			msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80
msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta	msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"		msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"
msgstr "í??ì?¼ %s를 ì ?ì?¥í? ì?? ì??ì??"				msgstr "í??ì?¼ %s를 ì ?ì?¥í? ì?? ì??ì??"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100
msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"				msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Field name"						msgid "Field name"
msgstr "ì?¬ì?©ì??ì?´ë¦?"						msgstr "ì?¬ì?©ì??ì?´ë¦?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data type"						msgid "Data type"
msgstr "ë?°ì?´í?°"							msgstr "ë?°ì?´í?°"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214
msgid "Size"							msgid "Size"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215
msgid "Scale"							msgid "Scale"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216
msgid "Not null?"						msgid "Not null?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217
msgid "Primary key?"						msgid "Primary key?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218
msgid "Unique index?"						msgid "Unique index?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "References"						msgid "References"
msgstr "ì??í??ì?¤"							msgstr "ì??í??ì?¤"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220
msgid "Default value"						msgid "Default value"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239
msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l	msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Table %s does not exist"					msgid "Table %s does not exist"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318
msgid "Scheduled events"					msgid "Scheduled events"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321
msgid "TODO list"						msgid "TODO list"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375
msgid "Owner"							msgid "Owner"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376
msgid "Comments"						msgid "Comments"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Type"							msgid "Type"
msgstr "í??ì??"							msgstr "í??ì??"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377
msgid "GDA type"						msgid "GDA type"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id	#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id
#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database	#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database
#. we can easily access that information			#. we can easily access that information
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382
msgid "local"							msgid "local"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217
msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230
msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244
msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"			msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268
msgid "Invalid SQL command"					msgid "Invalid SQL command"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353
msgid "Transactions are not supported"				msgid "Transactions are not supported"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41
msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"		msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task	"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Database component factory"				#~ msgid "Database component factory"
#~ msgstr "���베�� ��"					#~ msgstr "���베�� ��"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Database browser"					#~ msgid "Database browser"
#~ msgstr "���베�� �� �보"				#~ msgstr "���베�� �� �보"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Error viewer"						#~ msgid "Error viewer"
#~ msgstr "�� ��"						#~ msgstr "�� ��"

#~ msgid "Database configuration"				#~ msgid "Database configuration"
#~ msgstr "���베�� ��"					#~ msgstr "���베�� ��"

#~ msgid "Password"						#~ msgid "Password"
#~ msgstr "ì??í?¸"						#~ msgstr "ì??í?¸"

#~ msgid "Save as"						#~ msgid "Save as"
#~ msgstr "�른 ���� ��"					#~ msgstr "�른 ���� ��"

#~ msgid "Save to"						#~ msgid "Save to"
#~ msgstr "ì ?ì?¥"						#~ msgstr "ì ?ì?¥"

#~ msgid "XML file"						#~ msgid "XML file"
#~ msgstr "XML í??ì?¼"						#~ msgstr "XML í??ì?¼"

#~ msgid "Hide columns"						#~ msgid "Hide columns"
#~ msgstr "� ��"						#~ msgstr "� ��"

#~ msgid "Question"						#~ msgid "Question"
#~ msgstr "�문"						#~ msgstr "�문"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Database Moniker factory"				#~ msgid "Database Moniker factory"
#~ msgstr "���베�� ��"					#~ msgstr "���베�� ��"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "database: moniker"					#~ msgid "database: moniker"
#~ msgstr "���베�� ��"					#~ msgstr "���베�� ��"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Invalid format for connection string"			#~ msgid "Invalid format for connection string"
#~ msgstr "ì?°ê²° 문ì??ì?´"						#~ msgstr "ì?°ê²° 문ì??ì?´"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Data sources"						#~ msgid "Data sources"
#~ msgstr "ë?°ì?´í?° ì??ì?¤"						#~ msgstr "ë?°ì?´í?° ì??ì?¤"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Test Data Source"					#~ msgid "Test Data Source"
#~ msgstr "ë?°ì?´í?° ì??ì?¤"						#~ msgstr "ë?°ì?´í?° ì??ì?¤"

#~ msgid "Data source"						#~ msgid "Data source"
#~ msgstr "ë?°ì?´í?° ì??ì?¤"						#~ msgstr "ë?°ì?´í?° ì??ì?¤"

#~ msgid "Select all"						#~ msgid "Select all"
#~ msgstr "모ë?? ì? í??"						#~ msgstr "모ë?? ì? í??"

#~ msgid "Unselect all"						#~ msgid "Unselect all"
#~ msgstr "모ë?? ì? í?? ì·¨ì??"					#~ msgstr "모ë?? ì? í?? ì·¨ì??"

#~ msgid "OAFIID of the default component for the GNOME-DB sh	#~ msgid "OAFIID of the default component for the GNOME-DB sh
#~ msgstr "GNOME-DB ì??ì?? 기본 구ì?±ì??ì?? OAFIID"			#~ msgstr "GNOME-DB ì??ì?? 기본 구ì?±ì??ì?? OAFIID"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Whether to show or not the shortcut bar on the fron	#~ msgid "Whether to show or not the shortcut bar on the fron
#~ msgstr "í??ë?°í?¸ì??ë?? ì°½ì?? ì??ì?½ ë§?ë??를 ë³´ì?¼ ê²?ì?¸ì§? ì?¬ë¶?"	#~ msgstr "í??ë?°í?¸ì??ë?? ì°½ì?? ì??ì?½ ë§?ë??를 ë³´ì?¼ ê²?ì?¸ì§? ì?¬ë¶?"

#~ msgid "Whether to show or not the summary bar on the front	#~ msgid "Whether to show or not the summary bar on the front
#~ msgstr "í??ë?°í?¸ì??ë?? ì°½ì?? ì??ì?½ ë§?ë??를 ë³´ì?¼ ê²?ì?¸ì§? ì?¬ë¶?"	#~ msgstr "í??ë?°í?¸ì??ë?? ì°½ì?? ì??ì?½ ë§?ë??를 ë³´ì?¼ ê²?ì?¸ì§? ì?¬ë¶?"

#~ msgid "Whether to use a fixed size/position for the shell 	#~ msgid "Whether to use a fixed size/position for the shell 
#~ msgstr "ì?? ì°½ì?? ê³ ì ?ë?? í?¬ê¸°/ì??ì¹?ë¡? ì?¬ì?©í?  ê²?ì?¸ì§? ì?¬ë¶?"	#~ msgstr "ì?? ì°½ì?? ê³ ì ?ë?? í?¬ê¸°/ì??ì¹?ë¡? ì?¬ì?©í?  ê²?ì?¸ì§? ì?¬ë¶?"

#~ msgid "Unselect All"						#~ msgid "Unselect All"
#~ msgstr "모ë?? ì? í?? ì·¨ì??"					#~ msgstr "모ë?? ì? í?? ì·¨ì??"

#~ msgid "Display column headers"				#~ msgid "Display column headers"
#~ msgstr "ì?´ ì ?목 í??ì??"					#~ msgstr "ì?´ ì ?목 í??ì??"

#~ msgid "Hide column headers"					#~ msgid "Hide column headers"
#~ msgstr "� �목 ��"					#~ msgstr "� �목 ��"

#~ msgid "Save as..."						#~ msgid "Save as..."
#~ msgstr "�른 ���� ��..."				#~ msgstr "�른 ���� ��..."

#~ msgid "Export data to different formats"			#~ msgid "Export data to different formats"
#~ msgstr "ë?°ì?´í?°ë¥¼ ë?¤ë¥¸ í??ì??ì?¼ë¡? ë³´ë??ë??ë?¤"			#~ msgstr "ë?°ì?´í?°ë¥¼ ë?¤ë¥¸ í??ì??ì?¼ë¡? ë³´ë??ë??ë?¤"

#~ msgid "Describe current data set"				#~ msgid "Describe current data set"
#~ msgstr "í??ì?¬ ë?°ì?´í?° ì§?í?©ì?? ì?¤ëª?í?©ë??ë?¤"			#~ msgstr "í??ì?¬ ë?°ì?´í?° ì§?í?©ì?? ì?¤ëª?í?©ë??ë?¤"

#~ msgid "View current data in more detail"			#~ msgid "View current data in more detail"
#~ msgstr "í??ì?¬ ì?°ê²°ì?? ì?¸ë¶?ì?¬í?­ì?? ë´?ë??ë?¤"			#~ msgstr "í??ì?¬ ì?°ê²°ì?? ì?¸ë¶?ì?¬í?­ì?? ë´?ë??ë?¤"

#~ msgid "Icon"							#~ msgid "Icon"
#~ msgstr "ì??ì?´ì½?"						#~ msgstr "ì??ì?´ì½?"

#~ msgid "Object name"						#~ msgid "Object name"
#~ msgstr "�체 ��"						#~ msgstr "�체 ��"
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: libgnomedb-2.pot
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: Makefile.in
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: Makefile.in.in
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po: mk.po
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ml.gmo
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/ml.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/ml.po
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACK	# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACK
# FSF-India <locale gnu org in>, 2003.				# FSF-India <locale gnu org in>, 2003.
#								#
msgid ""							msgid ""
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version:libgnomedb.HEAD\n"				"Project-Id-Version:libgnomedb.HEAD\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"					"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"			"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2003-07-05 10:29+0530\n"			"PO-Revision-Date: 2003-07-05 10:29+0530\n"
"Last-Translator: FSF-India <locale gnu org in>\n"		"Last-Translator: FSF-India <locale gnu org in>\n"
"Language-Team: Malayalam <locale gnu org in>\n"		"Language-Team: Malayalam <locale gnu org in>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"						"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"			"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"				"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co
msgid "Data Sources"						msgid "Data Sources"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid
msgid "Providers"						msgid "Providers"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1
msgid "Configure your database environment"			msgid "Configure your database environment"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Database Access Properties "				msgid "Database Access Properties "
msgstr "വസ�ത�താശ��ര�"						msgstr "വസ�ത�താശ��ര�"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380
msgid "Name"							msgid "Name"
msgstr "à´ªàµ?à´°â??àµ?"							msgstr "à´ªàµ?à´°â??àµ?"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
msgid "Description"						msgid "Description"
msgstr "വിവരണ�"							msgstr "വിവരണ�"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182
msgid "Configured data sources in the system"			msgid "Configured data sources in the system"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data sources are the means by which database connections are	"Data sources are the means by which database connections are
"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s	"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s
"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o	"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o
"name you identify the connections in the applications that m	"name you identify the connections in the applications that m
"DB for database access."					"DB for database access."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"	msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104
msgid "Data Source Properties"					msgid "Data Source Properties"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132
msgid "Basic"							msgid "Basic"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Tables"							msgid "Tables"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/main.c:92					#: control-center/main.c:92
msgid "No valid data source info was created"			msgid "No valid data source info was created"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218	#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218
msgid "New data source"						msgid "New data source"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:215					#: control-center/main.c:215
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Database Access Properties"				msgid "Database Access Properties"
msgstr "വസ�ത�താശ��ര�"						msgstr "വസ�ത�താശ��ര�"

#: control-center/provider-config.c:105				#: control-center/provider-config.c:105
msgid "Installed providers"					msgid "Installed providers"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/provider-config.c:131				#: control-center/provider-config.c:131
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec	"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec
"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo	"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo
"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr	"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr
"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba	"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba
"etc."								"etc."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1
msgid "Database connection parameters file"			msgid "Database connection parameters file"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2
msgid "Documents"						msgid "Documents"
msgstr "��രന�ഥ���ള�"						msgstr "��രന�ഥ���ള�"

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3
msgid "SQL code viewer"						msgid "SQL code viewer"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1
msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"			msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2
msgid "Number of spaces per tab"				msgid "Number of spaces per tab"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3
msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"			msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4
msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"			msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60
msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"			msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1
msgid "About"							msgid "About"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2
msgid "About GNOME-DB"						msgid "About GNOME-DB"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3
msgid "Close this window"					msgid "Close this window"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4
msgid "Create new entry"					msgid "Create new entry"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5
msgid "Delete selected items"					msgid "Delete selected items"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6
msgid "Deselect all items"					msgid "Deselect all items"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7
msgid "Edit properties for selected item"			msgid "Edit properties for selected item"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8
msgid "Save connection parameters to file"			msgid "Save connection parameters to file"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Select _All"						msgid "Select _All"
msgstr "�ല�ലാ� ത�ര�����������"					msgstr "�ല�ലാ� ത�ര�����������"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Select all items"					msgid "Select all items"
msgstr "�ല�ലാ� ത�ര�����������"					msgstr "�ല�ലാ� ത�ര�����������"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11
msgid "View data sources"					msgid "View data sources"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12
msgid "View providers"						msgid "View providers"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42
msgid "_Clear Selection"					msgid "_Clear Selection"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14
msgid "_Close"							msgid "_Close"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Data Sources"						msgid "_Data Sources"
msgstr "�റവി��"							msgstr "�റവി��"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Database"						msgid "_Database"
msgstr "വസ�ത�താശ��ര�"						msgstr "വസ�ത�താശ��ര�"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17
msgid "_Delete"							msgid "_Delete"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18
msgid "_Edit"							msgid "_Edit"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19
msgid "_Help"							msgid "_Help"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20
msgid "_New Data Source..."					msgid "_New Data Source..."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21
msgid "_Properties"						msgid "_Properties"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22
msgid "_Providers"						msgid "_Providers"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Save Connection"					msgid "_Save Connection"
msgstr "��ിപ�പി�����"						msgstr "��ിപ�പി�����"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_View"							msgid "_View"
msgstr "�ാഴ���ള�"							msgstr "�ാഴ���ള�"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76
msgid "Structure"						msgid "Structure"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73
msgid "Data"							msgid "Data"
msgstr "വസ�ത�ത"							msgstr "വസ�ത�ത"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238
msgid "Not implemented yet!"					msgid "Not implemented yet!"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Database"						msgid "Database"
msgstr "വസ�ത�താശ��ര�"						msgstr "വസ�ത�താശ��ര�"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540
msgid "Loading database schemas..."				msgid "Loading database schemas..."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632
msgid "Refreshing data..."					msgid "Refreshing data..."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688
msgid "Views"							msgid "Views"
msgstr "�ാഴ���ള�"							msgstr "�ാഴ���ള�"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691
msgid "Indexes"							msgid "Indexes"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Sequences"						msgid "Sequences"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Procedures"						msgid "Procedures"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700
msgid "Triggers"						msgid "Triggers"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Aggregates"						msgid "Aggregates"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Types"							msgid "Types"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140
msgid "Could not query CORBA components"			msgid "Could not query CORBA components"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209
msgid "ID"							msgid "ID"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "Location"						msgid "Location"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212
msgid "Username"						msgid "Username"
msgstr "�പയ���ത� നാമ�"						msgstr "�പയ���ത� നാമ�"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Hostname"						msgid "Hostname"
msgstr "�പയ���ത� നാമ�"						msgstr "�പയ���ത� നാമ�"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214
msgid "Domain"							msgid "Domain"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"			msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. create widgets						#. create widgets
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97
msgid "Settings"						msgid "Settings"
msgstr "സ�����രണ�"						msgstr "സ�����രണ�"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103
msgid "Data source name"					msgid "Data source name"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109
msgid "Connection string"					msgid "Connection string"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115
msgid "Provider"						msgid "Provider"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121
msgid "User name"						msgid "User name"
msgstr "�പയ���ത� നാമ�"						msgstr "�പയ���ത� നാമ�"

#. create feature list						#. create feature list
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128
msgid "Features"						msgid "Features"
msgstr "പ�രത�യ��ത�ള�"						msgstr "പ�രത�യ��ത�ള�"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190
msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"		msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197
msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac	msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206
msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th	msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213
msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"			msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217
msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n	msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225
msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"	msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233
msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"		msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391
msgid "Add a new data source..."				msgid "Add a new data source..."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392
msgid ""							msgid ""
"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"		"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"
"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"		"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"
"installation. Just follow the steps!"				"installation. Just follow the steps!"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404
msgid "General Information"					msgid "General Information"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the basic information\n"	"The following fields represent the basic information\n"
"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n	"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n
"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"	"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"
"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"	"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"
"the default one."						"the default one."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104
msgid "Data source _name:"					msgid "Data source _name:"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114
msgid "_Provider:"						msgid "_Provider:"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Description:"						msgid "_Description:"
msgstr "വിവരണ�"							msgstr "വിവരണ�"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Username:"						msgid "_Username:"
msgstr "�പയ���ത� നാമ�:"						msgstr "�പയ���ത� നാമ�:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "P_assword:"						msgid "P_assword:"
msgstr "��യാളവാ����:"						msgstr "��യാളവാ����:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454
msgid "Provider Parameters"					msgid "Provider Parameters"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the information needed by the	"The following fields represent the information needed by the
"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n	"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n
"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\	"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\
"the manual for more information."				"the manual for more information."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481
msgid "All information retrieved"				msgid "All information retrieved"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482
msgid ""							msgid ""
"All information needed to create a new data source\n"		"All information needed to create a new data source\n"
"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"		"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"
"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"	"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"
"just select it when asked for a data source."			"just select it when asked for a data source."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124
msgid "Connection _string:"					msgid "Connection _string:"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4
msgid "Error"							msgid "Error"
msgstr "പിശ��"							msgstr "പിശ��"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.
msgid "Show detail >>"						msgid "Show detail >>"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122
msgid "<< Hide detail"						msgid "<< Hide detail"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191
msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"	msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196
msgid "Error number"						msgid "Error number"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Details"							msgid "Details"
msgstr "വിശദവിവര���ള�"						msgstr "വിശദവിവര���ള�"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234
msgid "Source"							msgid "Source"
msgstr "�റവി��"							msgstr "�റവി��"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241
msgid "SQL state"						msgid "SQL state"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Field:"							msgid "_Field:"
msgstr "തല��������"						msgstr "തല��������"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Text:"							msgid "_Text:"
msgstr "പര���ഷി�����"						msgstr "പര���ഷി�����"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308
msgid "No records"						msgid "No records"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Record %d of %d"						msgid "Record %d of %d"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113
msgid "Recordset description"					msgid "Recordset description"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid ""							msgid ""
"File '%s' already exists.\n"					"File '%s' already exists.\n"
"Do you want to overwrite it?"					"Do you want to overwrite it?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149
msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."		msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Could not save file %s"					msgid "Could not save file %s"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224
msgid "You must specify a file name"				msgid "You must specify a file name"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230
msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"		msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261
msgid "Saving Model"						msgid "Saving Model"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "File _name:"						msgid "File _name:"
msgstr "�പയ���ത� നാമ�:"						msgstr "�പയ���ത� നാമ�:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276
msgid "Select File"						msgid "Select File"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283
msgid "File _type:"						msgid "File _type:"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291
msgid "Tab-delimited"						msgid "Tab-delimited"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294
msgid "Comma-delimited"						msgid "Comma-delimited"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:
msgid "XML"							msgid "XML"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355
msgid "View detail"						msgid "View detail"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427
msgid "Show Column _Titles"					msgid "Show Column _Titles"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442
msgid "Describe"						msgid "Describe"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443
msgid "View detail..."						msgid "View detail..."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614
msgid "Title"							msgid "Title"
msgstr "തല��������"						msgstr "തല��������"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48
msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"	msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"		"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"
"to a data source"						"to a data source"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253
msgid "Data Source:"						msgid "Data Source:"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270
msgid "Username:"						msgid "Username:"
msgstr "�പയ���ത� നാമ�:"						msgstr "�പയ���ത� നാമ�:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279
msgid "Password:"						msgid "Password:"
msgstr "��യാളവാ����:"						msgstr "��യാളവാ����:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69
msgid "Fields"							msgid "Fields"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30
msgid "Commit"							msgid "Commit"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Connect"							msgid "Connect"
msgstr "��ിപ�പി�����"						msgstr "��ിപ�പി�����"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33
msgid "Designer"						msgid "Designer"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34
msgid "Disconnect"						msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr "വി��ദി�����"						msgstr "വി��ദി�����"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35
msgid "NoTransaction"						msgid "NoTransaction"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37
msgid "Query"							msgid "Query"
msgstr "നിâ??â??â??à´°àµ?â??à´¦àµ?à´¦àµ?à´¶à´?"						msgstr "നിâ??â??â??à´°àµ?â??à´¦àµ?à´¦àµ?à´¶à´?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38
msgid "Rollback"						msgid "Rollback"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40
msgid "SQL"							msgid "SQL"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43
msgid "WithinTransaction"					msgid "WithinTransaction"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Error: %s"						msgid "Error: %s"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79
msgid "Table name"						msgid "Table name"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93			#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Login for %s"						msgid "Login for %s"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95					#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95
msgid "Login to database"					msgid "Login to database"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: vfs/libmain.c:71						#: vfs/libmain.c:71
msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"				msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40
msgid "Table Properties"					msgid "Table Properties"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47
msgid "Table Name"						msgid "Table Name"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155
msgid "New"							msgid "New"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156
msgid "Create new table"					msgid "Create new table"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161
msgid "Properties"						msgid "Properties"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162
msgid "View table properties"					msgid "View table properties"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
msgid "UID"							msgid "UID"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "calendar"						msgid "calendar"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "summary"							msgid "summary"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "Summary"							msgid "Summary"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "location"						msgid "location"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "dtstart"							msgid "dtstart"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
msgid "Start time"						msgid "Start time"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "dtend"							msgid "dtend"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "End time"						msgid "End time"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "description"						msgid "description"
msgstr "വിവരണ�"							msgstr "വിവരണ�"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "classification"						msgid "classification"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "Classification"						msgid "Classification"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "transparency"						msgid "transparency"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "Transparency"						msgid "Transparency"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "categories"						msgid "categories"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "Categories"						msgid "Categories"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "tasks"							msgid "tasks"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "due"							msgid "due"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "Due date"						msgid "Due date"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "Start date"						msgid "Start date"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355
msgid "Public"							msgid "Public"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358
msgid "Private"							msgid "Private"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361
msgid "Confidential"						msgid "Confidential"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63
msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"		msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66
msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"			msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80
msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta	msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83
msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"		msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100
msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"				msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Field name"						msgid "Field name"
msgstr "�പയ���ത� നാമ�"						msgstr "�പയ���ത� നാമ�"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data type"						msgid "Data type"
msgstr "വസ�ത�ത"							msgstr "വസ�ത�ത"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214
msgid "Size"							msgid "Size"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215
msgid "Scale"							msgid "Scale"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216
msgid "Not null?"						msgid "Not null?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217
msgid "Primary key?"						msgid "Primary key?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218
msgid "Unique index?"						msgid "Unique index?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219
msgid "References"						msgid "References"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220
msgid "Default value"						msgid "Default value"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239
msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l	msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Table %s does not exist"					msgid "Table %s does not exist"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318
msgid "Scheduled events"					msgid "Scheduled events"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321
msgid "TODO list"						msgid "TODO list"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375
msgid "Owner"							msgid "Owner"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Comments"						msgid "Comments"
msgstr "��രന�ഥ���ള�"						msgstr "��രന�ഥ���ള�"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374
msgid "Type"							msgid "Type"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377
msgid "GDA type"						msgid "GDA type"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id	#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id
#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database	#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database
#. we can easily access that information			#. we can easily access that information
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382
msgid "local"							msgid "local"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217
msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230
msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244
msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"			msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268
msgid "Invalid SQL command"					msgid "Invalid SQL command"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353
msgid "Transactions are not supported"				msgid "Transactions are not supported"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41
msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"		msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task	"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "_Settings"						#~ msgid "_Settings"
#~ msgstr "സ�����രണ�"						#~ msgstr "സ�����രണ�"

#~ msgid "Password"						#~ msgid "Password"
#~ msgstr "��യാളവാ��യ�"						#~ msgstr "��യാളവാ��യ�"

#~ msgid "Hide columns"						#~ msgid "Hide columns"
#~ msgstr "à´?à´¦àµ?à´¶àµ?യമായ നിരà´?à´³àµ?â??"					#~ msgstr "à´?à´¦àµ?à´¶àµ?യമായ നിരà´?à´³àµ?â??"

#~ msgid "Question"						#~ msgid "Question"
#~ msgstr "��ദ�യ�"						#~ msgstr "��ദ�യ�"
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ms.gmo
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/ms.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/ms.po
# Bahasa Melayu translation of libgnomedb.			# Bahasa Melayu translation of libgnomedb.
# Copyright (C) 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.		# Copyright (C) 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# 1. Mohamad Afifi Omar (App) <mr_mohd_afifi yahoo com>, 2002	# 1. Mohamad Afifi Omar (App) <mr_mohd_afifi yahoo com>, 2002
# 2. Hasbullah Bin Pit (sebol) <sebol ikhlas com>,2002.		# 2. Hasbullah Bin Pit (sebol) <sebol ikhlas com>,2002.
# 3. 								# 3. 
msgid ""							msgid ""
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: libgnomedb\n"				"Project-Id-Version: libgnomedb\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"					"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"			"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2003-11-23 05:46+0800\n"			"PO-Revision-Date: 2003-11-23 05:46+0800\n"
"Last-Translator: Hasbullah Bin Pit <sebol ikhlas com>\n"	"Last-Translator: Hasbullah Bin Pit <sebol ikhlas com>\n"
"Language-Team: Bahasa Melayu <gabai-penyumbang lists sourcef	"Language-Team: Bahasa Melayu <gabai-penyumbang lists sourcef
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"						"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"			"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"				"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co
msgid "Data Sources"						msgid "Data Sources"
msgstr "Sumber Data"						msgstr "Sumber Data"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid
msgid "Providers"						msgid "Providers"
msgstr "Pembekal"						msgstr "Pembekal"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1
msgid "Configure your database environment"			msgid "Configure your database environment"
msgstr "Konfigurasikan persekitaran pangkalandata"		msgstr "Konfigurasikan persekitaran pangkalandata"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Database Access Properties "				msgid "Database Access Properties "
msgstr "Ciri-ciri Pangkalan Data"				msgstr "Ciri-ciri Pangkalan Data"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380
msgid "Name"							msgid "Name"
msgstr "Nama"							msgstr "Nama"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
msgid "Description"						msgid "Description"
msgstr "Keterangan"						msgstr "Keterangan"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182
msgid "Configured data sources in the system"			msgid "Configured data sources in the system"
msgstr "Sumber data dikonfigurasikan pada sistem"		msgstr "Sumber data dikonfigurasikan pada sistem"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data sources are the means by which database connections are	"Data sources are the means by which database connections are
"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s	"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s
"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o	"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o
"name you identify the connections in the applications that m	"name you identify the connections in the applications that m
"DB for database access."					"DB for database access."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Sumber data merujuk kepada pangkalan data mana yang dikenalp	"Sumber data merujuk kepada pangkalan data mana yang dikenalp
"libgda. Semua maklumat diperlukan untuk membuka sambungan ke	"libgda. Semua maklumat diperlukan untuk membuka sambungan ke
"pembekal/pangkalandata tertentu disimpan menggunakan nama un	"pembekal/pangkalandata tertentu disimpan menggunakan nama un
"ini membolehkan anda mengenalpasti sambungan pada aplikasi y	"ini membolehkan anda mengenalpasti sambungan pada aplikasi y
"GNOMEDB untuk mengakses pangkalan data"			"GNOMEDB untuk mengakses pangkalan data"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277
#, fuzzy, c-format						#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"	msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"
msgstr "Adakah anda ingin membuang sumber data '%s'?"		msgstr "Adakah anda ingin membuang sumber data '%s'?"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data Source Properties"					msgid "Data Source Properties"
msgstr "Ciri-ciri sumber data"					msgstr "Ciri-ciri sumber data"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132
msgid "Basic"							msgid "Basic"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Tables"							msgid "Tables"
msgstr "Jadual"							msgstr "Jadual"

#: control-center/main.c:92					#: control-center/main.c:92
msgid "No valid data source info was created"			msgid "No valid data source info was created"
msgstr "Tiada maklumat sumber data yang sah dicipta"		msgstr "Tiada maklumat sumber data yang sah dicipta"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218	#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218
msgid "New data source"						msgid "New data source"
msgstr "Sumber data baru"					msgstr "Sumber data baru"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:215					#: control-center/main.c:215
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Database Access Properties"				msgid "Database Access Properties"
msgstr "Ciri-ciri Pangkalan Data"				msgstr "Ciri-ciri Pangkalan Data"

#: control-center/provider-config.c:105				#: control-center/provider-config.c:105
msgid "Installed providers"					msgid "Installed providers"
msgstr "Pembekal dipasang"					msgstr "Pembekal dipasang"

#: control-center/provider-config.c:131				#: control-center/provider-config.c:131
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec	"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec
"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo	"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo
"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr	"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr
"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba	"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba
"etc."								"etc."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Pembekal adalah plugin luaran yang membekal akses ke sumber 	"Pembekal adalah plugin luaran yang membekal akses ke sumber 
"Pembekal default sentiasa dipasang, membolehkan pengaksesan 	"Pembekal default sentiasa dipasang, membolehkan pengaksesan 
"yang disimpan pada fail XML. Pembekal lain yang biasanya dia	"yang disimpan pada fail XML. Pembekal lain yang biasanya dia
"libgda/gnome-db adalah PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Sybase, In	"libgda/gnome-db adalah PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Sybase, In

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1
msgid "Database connection parameters file"			msgid "Database connection parameters file"
msgstr "Parameter sambungan pangkalandata"			msgstr "Parameter sambungan pangkalandata"

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2
msgid "Documents"						msgid "Documents"
msgstr "Dokumen"						msgstr "Dokumen"

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3
msgid "SQL code viewer"						msgid "SQL code viewer"
msgstr "Pelihat kod SQL"					msgstr "Pelihat kod SQL"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1
msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"			msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"
msgstr "Fon untuk digunakan pada wiget grid"			msgstr "Fon untuk digunakan pada wiget grid"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2
msgid "Number of spaces per tab"				msgid "Number of spaces per tab"
msgstr "Langkaun nombor setiap tab"				msgstr "Langkaun nombor setiap tab"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3
msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"			msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"
msgstr "Tunjukkan baris nombor pada sumber editor"		msgstr "Tunjukkan baris nombor pada sumber editor"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4
msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"			msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"
msgstr "Gunakan penonjolan dalam sumber kod editor"		msgstr "Gunakan penonjolan dalam sumber kod editor"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60
msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"			msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"
msgstr "Servis pangkalan data bagi Desktop GNOME"		msgstr "Servis pangkalan data bagi Desktop GNOME"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1
msgid "About"							msgid "About"
msgstr "Perihal"						msgstr "Perihal"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2
msgid "About GNOME-DB"						msgid "About GNOME-DB"
msgstr "Perihal GNOME-DB"					msgstr "Perihal GNOME-DB"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3
msgid "Close this window"					msgid "Close this window"
msgstr "Tutup tetingkap ini"					msgstr "Tutup tetingkap ini"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4
msgid "Create new entry"					msgid "Create new entry"
msgstr "Wujudkan entri baru"					msgstr "Wujudkan entri baru"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5
msgid "Delete selected items"					msgid "Delete selected items"
msgstr "Hapuskan item yang dipilih"				msgstr "Hapuskan item yang dipilih"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Deselect all items"					msgid "Deselect all items"
msgstr "Hapuskan item yang dipilih"				msgstr "Hapuskan item yang dipilih"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7
msgid "Edit properties for selected item"			msgid "Edit properties for selected item"
msgstr "Edit ciri-ciri bagi item yang dipilih"			msgstr "Edit ciri-ciri bagi item yang dipilih"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8
msgid "Save connection parameters to file"			msgid "Save connection parameters to file"
msgstr "Simpan parameter sambungan ke dalam fail "		msgstr "Simpan parameter sambungan ke dalam fail "

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Select _All"						msgid "Select _All"
msgstr "Pilih Semua"						msgstr "Pilih Semua"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Select all items"					msgid "Select all items"
msgstr "Pilih Semua"						msgstr "Pilih Semua"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View data sources"					msgid "View data sources"
msgstr "Sumber data baru"					msgstr "Sumber data baru"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View providers"						msgid "View providers"
msgstr "Pembekal"						msgstr "Pembekal"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Clear Selection"					msgid "_Clear Selection"
msgstr "Kosongkan pilihan"					msgstr "Kosongkan pilihan"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14
msgid "_Close"							msgid "_Close"
msgstr "_Tutup"							msgstr "_Tutup"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Data Sources"						msgid "_Data Sources"
msgstr "Sumber Data"						msgstr "Sumber Data"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Database"						msgid "_Database"
msgstr "Pangkalan Data"						msgstr "Pangkalan Data"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17
msgid "_Delete"							msgid "_Delete"
msgstr "_Hapus"							msgstr "_Hapus"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18
msgid "_Edit"							msgid "_Edit"
msgstr "_Edit"							msgstr "_Edit"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19
msgid "_Help"							msgid "_Help"
msgstr "_Bantuan"						msgstr "_Bantuan"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_New Data Source..."					msgid "_New Data Source..."
msgstr "Sumber data baru"					msgstr "Sumber data baru"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Properties"						msgid "_Properties"
msgstr "_Ciri..."						msgstr "_Ciri..."

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Providers"						msgid "_Providers"
msgstr "Pembekal"						msgstr "Pembekal"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23
msgid "_Save Connection"					msgid "_Save Connection"
msgstr "_Simpan Sambungan"					msgstr "_Simpan Sambungan"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_View"							msgid "_View"
msgstr "Paparan"						msgstr "Paparan"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76
msgid "Structure"						msgid "Structure"
msgstr "Struktur"						msgstr "Struktur"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73
msgid "Data"							msgid "Data"
msgstr "Data"							msgstr "Data"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238
msgid "Not implemented yet!"					msgid "Not implemented yet!"
msgstr "Belum diimplementasikan lagi"				msgstr "Belum diimplementasikan lagi"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Database"						msgid "Database"
msgstr "Pangkalan Data"						msgstr "Pangkalan Data"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540
msgid "Loading database schemas..."				msgid "Loading database schemas..."
msgstr "Memuatkan skema pangkalan data..."			msgstr "Memuatkan skema pangkalan data..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632
msgid "Refreshing data..."					msgid "Refreshing data..."
msgstr "Muat semula data..."					msgstr "Muat semula data..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688
msgid "Views"							msgid "Views"
msgstr "Paparan"						msgstr "Paparan"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691
msgid "Indexes"							msgid "Indexes"
msgstr "Indeks"							msgstr "Indeks"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Sequences"						msgid "Sequences"
msgstr "Jujukan"						msgstr "Jujukan"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Procedures"						msgid "Procedures"
msgstr "Prosedur"						msgstr "Prosedur"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700
msgid "Triggers"						msgid "Triggers"
msgstr "Pemicu"							msgstr "Pemicu"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Aggregates"						msgid "Aggregates"
msgstr "Agregat"						msgstr "Agregat"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Types"							msgid "Types"
msgstr "Jenis"							msgstr "Jenis"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140
msgid "Could not query CORBA components"			msgid "Could not query CORBA components"
msgstr "Tak dapat kueri komponen CORBA"				msgstr "Tak dapat kueri komponen CORBA"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209
msgid "ID"							msgid "ID"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "Location"						msgid "Location"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212
msgid "Username"						msgid "Username"
msgstr "Namapengguna"						msgstr "Namapengguna"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Hostname"						msgid "Hostname"
msgstr "Namapengguna"						msgstr "Namapengguna"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214
msgid "Domain"							msgid "Domain"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"			msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"
msgstr "GconfEntry tidak disokong: %d"				msgstr "GconfEntry tidak disokong: %d"

#. create widgets						#. create widgets
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97
msgid "Settings"						msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Tetapan"						msgstr "Tetapan"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103
msgid "Data source name"					msgid "Data source name"
msgstr "Nama Sumber Data"					msgstr "Nama Sumber Data"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109
msgid "Connection string"					msgid "Connection string"
msgstr "Rentetan Sambungan"					msgstr "Rentetan Sambungan"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115
msgid "Provider"						msgid "Provider"
msgstr "Pembekal"						msgstr "Pembekal"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121
msgid "User name"						msgid "User name"
msgstr "Nama pengguna"						msgstr "Nama pengguna"

#. create feature list						#. create feature list
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128
msgid "Features"						msgid "Features"
msgstr "Sifat"							msgstr "Sifat"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190
msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"		msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"
msgstr "Anda mesti masukkan nama bagi sumber data baru"		msgstr "Anda mesti masukkan nama bagi sumber data baru"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac	msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac
msgstr "Nama sumber data tidak boleh mengandungi langkauan"	msgstr "Nama sumber data tidak boleh mengandungi langkauan"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206
msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th	msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th
msgstr "Sumber data sedia ada didaftarkan menggunakan nama yg	msgstr "Sumber data sedia ada didaftarkan menggunakan nama yg

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213
msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"			msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"
msgstr "Nama sumber data tidak boleh mengandungi langkauan"	msgstr "Nama sumber data tidak boleh mengandungi langkauan"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217
msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n	msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n
msgstr "Nama sumber data hanya boleh mengandungi huruf ASCII 	msgstr "Nama sumber data hanya boleh mengandungi huruf ASCII 

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225
msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"	msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"
msgstr "Anda mesti pilih pembekal bagi sumber data baru"	msgstr "Anda mesti pilih pembekal bagi sumber data baru"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233
msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"		msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"
msgstr "Pembekal tidak dijumpai pada konfigurasi"		msgstr "Pembekal tidak dijumpai pada konfigurasi"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391
msgid "Add a new data source..."				msgid "Add a new data source..."
msgstr "Tambah sumber data yang baru..."			msgstr "Tambah sumber data yang baru..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392
msgid ""							msgid ""
"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"		"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"
"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"		"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"
"installation. Just follow the steps!"				"installation. Just follow the steps!"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Druid ini akan mempimpin anda didalam proses\n"		"Druid ini akan mempimpin anda didalam proses\n"
"mencipta sumber data yang baru untuk pemasangan GNOME-DB\n"	"mencipta sumber data yang baru untuk pemasangan GNOME-DB\n"
"anda. Hanya ikut langkah-langkah!"				"anda. Hanya ikut langkah-langkah!"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404
msgid "General Information"					msgid "General Information"
msgstr "Maklumat Umum"						msgstr "Maklumat Umum"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the basic information\n"	"The following fields represent the basic information\n"
"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n	"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n
"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"	"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"
"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"	"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"
"the default one."						"the default one."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Medan-medan berikut memaparkan maklumat asas\n"		"Medan-medan berikut memaparkan maklumat asas\n"
"didalam sumber data baru anda itu. Sebahgian daripadanya (ke	"didalam sumber data baru anda itu. Sebahgian daripadanya (ke
"pengguna) adalah pilihan.\n"					"pengguna) adalah pilihan.\n"
"Walaubagaimanapun yang lain adalah wajib.\n"			"Walaubagaimanapun yang lain adalah wajib.\n"
"Jika anda tidak tahu pembekal yang mana hendak digunakan, Ha	"Jika anda tidak tahu pembekal yang mana hendak digunakan, Ha
"yang default."							"yang default."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data source _name:"					msgid "Data source _name:"
msgstr "Nama Sumber Data"					msgstr "Nama Sumber Data"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Provider:"						msgid "_Provider:"
msgstr "Pembekal"						msgstr "Pembekal"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Description:"						msgid "_Description:"
msgstr "Keterangan"						msgstr "Keterangan"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Username:"						msgid "_Username:"
msgstr "Namapengguna:"						msgstr "Namapengguna:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "P_assword:"						msgid "P_assword:"
msgstr "Katalaluan:"						msgstr "Katalaluan:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454
msgid "Provider Parameters"					msgid "Provider Parameters"
msgstr "Parameter Pembekal"					msgstr "Parameter Pembekal"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the information needed by the	"The following fields represent the information needed by the
"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n	"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n
"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\	"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\
"the manual for more information."				"the manual for more information."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Medan berikut memaparkan maklumat yang diperlukan oleh \n"	"Medan berikut memaparkan maklumat yang diperlukan oleh \n"
"pembekal yang anda pilih pada halaman terdahulu untuk membuk	"pembekal yang anda pilih pada halaman terdahulu untuk membuk
"sambungan yang diberi. Maklumat ini spesifik-pembekal, \n"	"sambungan yang diberi. Maklumat ini spesifik-pembekal, \n"
"oleh itu semak manual untuk maklumat lanjut"			"oleh itu semak manual untuk maklumat lanjut"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481
msgid "All information retrieved"				msgid "All information retrieved"
msgstr "Semua maklumat telah diterima"				msgstr "Semua maklumat telah diterima"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid ""							msgid ""
"All information needed to create a new data source\n"		"All information needed to create a new data source\n"
"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"		"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"
"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"	"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"
"just select it when asked for a data source."			"just select it when asked for a data source."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Semua maklumat diperlukan untuk mencipta sumber data yang\n"	"Semua maklumat diperlukan untuk mencipta sumber data yang\n"
"baru telah siap diterima. Tekan 'Terapkan' untuk menutup\n"	"baru telah siap diterima. Tekan 'Terapkan' untuk menutup\n"
"dialog ini. Untuk membuka sumber data baru, \n"		"dialog ini. Untuk membuka sumber data baru, \n"
"hanya pilih ia bila data sumber ditanya."			"hanya pilih ia bila data sumber ditanya."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Connection _string:"					msgid "Connection _string:"
msgstr "Rentetan Sambungan"					msgstr "Rentetan Sambungan"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4
msgid "Error"							msgid "Error"
msgstr "Ralat"							msgstr "Ralat"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.
msgid "Show detail >>"						msgid "Show detail >>"
msgstr "Papar terperinci >>"					msgstr "Papar terperinci >>"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122
msgid "<< Hide detail"						msgid "<< Hide detail"
msgstr "<< Sembunyi terperinci"					msgstr "<< Sembunyi terperinci"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191
msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"	msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"
msgstr "Ralat telah berlaku dalam pangkalan data lapisan bawa	msgstr "Ralat telah berlaku dalam pangkalan data lapisan bawa

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196
msgid "Error number"						msgid "Error number"
msgstr "Nombor Ralat"						msgstr "Nombor Ralat"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227
msgid "Details"							msgid "Details"
msgstr "Perincian"						msgstr "Perincian"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234
msgid "Source"							msgid "Source"
msgstr "Sumber"							msgstr "Sumber"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241
msgid "SQL state"						msgid "SQL state"
msgstr "Keadaan SQL"						msgstr "Keadaan SQL"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Field:"							msgid "_Field:"
msgstr "Medan"							msgstr "Medan"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118
msgid "_Text:"							msgid "_Text:"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308
msgid "No records"						msgid "No records"
msgstr "Tiada rekod"						msgstr "Tiada rekod"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Record %d of %d"						msgid "Record %d of %d"
msgstr "Rekod %d dari %d"					msgstr "Rekod %d dari %d"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113
msgid "Recordset description"					msgid "Recordset description"
msgstr "Keterangan setrekod"					msgstr "Keterangan setrekod"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141
#, fuzzy, c-format						#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""							msgid ""
"File '%s' already exists.\n"					"File '%s' already exists.\n"
"Do you want to overwrite it?"					"Do you want to overwrite it?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Fail %s sudah wujud\n"						"Fail %s sudah wujud\n"
"Anda mahu tulisgantinya?"					"Anda mahu tulisgantinya?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149
msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."		msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Could not save file %s"					msgid "Could not save file %s"
msgstr "Tak dapat menyimpan fail %s"				msgstr "Tak dapat menyimpan fail %s"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224
msgid "You must specify a file name"				msgid "You must specify a file name"
msgstr "Anda mesti nyatakan nama fail"				msgstr "Anda mesti nyatakan nama fail"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230
msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"		msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"
msgstr "Perolehi fail kosong semasa menukar data"		msgstr "Perolehi fail kosong semasa menukar data"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261
msgid "Saving Model"						msgid "Saving Model"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "File _name:"						msgid "File _name:"
msgstr "Nama jadual"						msgstr "Nama jadual"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276
msgid "Select File"						msgid "Select File"
msgstr "Pilih Fail"						msgstr "Pilih Fail"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283
msgid "File _type:"						msgid "File _type:"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Tab-delimited"						msgid "Tab-delimited"
msgstr "Fail dipisah-tab"					msgstr "Fail dipisah-tab"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Comma-delimited"						msgid "Comma-delimited"
msgstr "Fail dipisah-koma"					msgstr "Fail dipisah-koma"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:
msgid "XML"							msgid "XML"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355
msgid "View detail"						msgid "View detail"
msgstr "Lihat perincian"					msgstr "Lihat perincian"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Show Column _Titles"					msgid "Show Column _Titles"
msgstr "Papar kolum"						msgstr "Papar kolum"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442
msgid "Describe"						msgid "Describe"
msgstr "Huraikan"						msgstr "Huraikan"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443
msgid "View detail..."						msgid "View detail..."
msgstr "Lihat perincian..."					msgstr "Lihat perincian..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614
msgid "Title"							msgid "Title"
msgstr "Tajuk"							msgstr "Tajuk"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48
msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"	msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"
msgstr "Cuba  menginitialisasikan klien yang telah diinitiali	msgstr "Cuba  menginitialisasikan klien yang telah diinitiali

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"		"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"
"to a data source"						"to a data source"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Masukkan argumen dibawah untuk membuka sambungan\n"		"Masukkan argumen dibawah untuk membuka sambungan\n"
"ke sumber data"						"ke sumber data"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253
msgid "Data Source:"						msgid "Data Source:"
msgstr "Sumber Data:"						msgstr "Sumber Data:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270
msgid "Username:"						msgid "Username:"
msgstr "Namapengguna:"						msgstr "Namapengguna:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279
msgid "Password:"						msgid "Password:"
msgstr "Katalaluan:"						msgstr "Katalaluan:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69
msgid "Fields"							msgid "Fields"
msgstr "Medan"							msgstr "Medan"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30
msgid "Commit"							msgid "Commit"
msgstr "Laksana"						msgstr "Laksana"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31
msgid "Connect"							msgid "Connect"
msgstr "Sambung"						msgstr "Sambung"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33
msgid "Designer"						msgid "Designer"
msgstr "Pereka"							msgstr "Pereka"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34
msgid "Disconnect"						msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr "Putus"							msgstr "Putus"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35
msgid "NoTransaction"						msgid "NoTransaction"
msgstr "TiadaTransaksi"						msgstr "TiadaTransaksi"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37
msgid "Query"							msgid "Query"
msgstr "Kueri"							msgstr "Kueri"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38
msgid "Rollback"						msgid "Rollback"
msgstr "Ulangsemula"						msgstr "Ulangsemula"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40
msgid "SQL"							msgid "SQL"
msgstr "SQL"							msgstr "SQL"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43
msgid "WithinTransaction"					msgid "WithinTransaction"
msgstr "DalamTransaksi"						msgstr "DalamTransaksi"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Error: %s"						msgid "Error: %s"
msgstr "Ralat: %s"						msgstr "Ralat: %s"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79
msgid "Table name"						msgid "Table name"
msgstr "Nama jadual"						msgstr "Nama jadual"

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93			#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Login for %s"						msgid "Login for %s"
msgstr "Log masuk bagi %s"					msgstr "Log masuk bagi %s"

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95					#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95
msgid "Login to database"					msgid "Login to database"
msgstr "Log masuk ke pangkalan data"				msgstr "Log masuk ke pangkalan data"

#: vfs/libmain.c:71						#: vfs/libmain.c:71
msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"				msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"
msgstr "Pangkalan Data GNOME VFS: modul"			msgstr "Pangkalan Data GNOME VFS: modul"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Table Properties"					msgid "Table Properties"
msgstr "Ciri-ciri Pangkalan Data"				msgstr "Ciri-ciri Pangkalan Data"

#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Table Name"						msgid "Table Name"
msgstr "Nama jadual"						msgstr "Nama jadual"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "New"							msgid "New"
msgstr "Baru..."						msgstr "Baru..."

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Create new table"					msgid "Create new table"
msgstr "Wujudkan entri baru"					msgstr "Wujudkan entri baru"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Properties"						msgid "Properties"
msgstr "_Ciri..."						msgstr "_Ciri..."

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View table properties"					msgid "View table properties"
msgstr "Ciri-ciri Pangkalan Data"				msgstr "Ciri-ciri Pangkalan Data"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
msgid "UID"							msgid "UID"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "calendar"						msgid "calendar"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "summary"							msgid "summary"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "Summary"							msgid "Summary"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "location"						msgid "location"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "dtstart"							msgid "dtstart"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
msgid "Start time"						msgid "Start time"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "dtend"							msgid "dtend"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "End time"						msgid "End time"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "description"						msgid "description"
msgstr "Keterangan"						msgstr "Keterangan"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "classification"						msgid "classification"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Classification"						msgid "Classification"
msgstr "Kosongkan pilihan"					msgstr "Kosongkan pilihan"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "transparency"						msgid "transparency"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "Transparency"						msgid "Transparency"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "categories"						msgid "categories"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "Categories"						msgid "Categories"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "tasks"							msgid "tasks"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "due"							msgid "due"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "Due date"						msgid "Due date"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "Start date"						msgid "Start date"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355
msgid "Public"							msgid "Public"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358
msgid "Private"							msgid "Private"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361
msgid "Confidential"						msgid "Confidential"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63
msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"		msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66
msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"			msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80
msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta	msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83
msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"		msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100
msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"				msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Field name"						msgid "Field name"
msgstr "Nama pengguna"						msgstr "Nama pengguna"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data type"						msgid "Data type"
msgstr "Data"							msgstr "Data"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214
msgid "Size"							msgid "Size"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215
msgid "Scale"							msgid "Scale"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216
msgid "Not null?"						msgid "Not null?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217
msgid "Primary key?"						msgid "Primary key?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218
msgid "Unique index?"						msgid "Unique index?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "References"						msgid "References"
msgstr "_Keutamaan"						msgstr "_Keutamaan"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220
msgid "Default value"						msgid "Default value"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239
msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l	msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Table %s does not exist"					msgid "Table %s does not exist"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318
msgid "Scheduled events"					msgid "Scheduled events"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321
msgid "TODO list"						msgid "TODO list"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375
msgid "Owner"							msgid "Owner"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Comments"						msgid "Comments"
msgstr "Laksana"						msgstr "Laksana"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Type"							msgid "Type"
msgstr "Jenis"							msgstr "Jenis"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377
msgid "GDA type"						msgid "GDA type"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id	#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id
#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database	#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database
#. we can easily access that information			#. we can easily access that information
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382
msgid "local"							msgid "local"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217
msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230
msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244
msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"			msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268
msgid "Invalid SQL command"					msgid "Invalid SQL command"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353
msgid "Transactions are not supported"				msgid "Transactions are not supported"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41
msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"		msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task	"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#~ msgid "Browse database..."					#~ msgid "Browse database..."
#~ msgstr "Lungsuri pangkalan data..."				#~ msgstr "Lungsuri pangkalan data..."

#~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .con	#~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .con
#~ msgstr "Komponen yang mengandungi konteks menu item bagi f	#~ msgstr "Komponen yang mengandungi konteks menu item bagi f

#~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .sql	#~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .sql
#~ msgstr "Komponen yang mengandungi konteks menu item bagi f	#~ msgstr "Komponen yang mengandungi konteks menu item bagi f

#~ msgid "Connection MIME handler component"			#~ msgid "Connection MIME handler component"
#~ msgstr "Komponen sambungan pengendali MIME"			#~ msgstr "Komponen sambungan pengendali MIME"

#~ msgid "Database component factory"				#~ msgid "Database component factory"
#~ msgstr "Kilang komponen pangkalan data"			#~ msgstr "Kilang komponen pangkalan data"

#~ msgid "Open in database connection..."			#~ msgid "Open in database connection..."
#~ msgstr "Buka di sambungan pangkalan data..."			#~ msgstr "Buka di sambungan pangkalan data..."

#~ msgid "SQL MIME handler component"				#~ msgid "SQL MIME handler component"
#~ msgstr "Komponen pengendali SQL MIME"			#~ msgstr "Komponen pengendali SQL MIME"

#~ msgid "Database browser"					#~ msgid "Database browser"
#~ msgstr "Pelungsur Pangkalan Data"				#~ msgstr "Pelungsur Pangkalan Data"

#~ msgid "Error viewer"						#~ msgid "Error viewer"
#~ msgstr "Pelihat ralat"					#~ msgstr "Pelihat ralat"

#~ msgid "SQL Viewer"						#~ msgid "SQL Viewer"
#~ msgstr "Pelihat SQL"						#~ msgstr "Pelihat SQL"

#~ msgid "Database configuration"				#~ msgid "Database configuration"
#~ msgstr "Konfigurasi pangkalan data"				#~ msgstr "Konfigurasi pangkalan data"

#~ msgid "Edit application preferences"				#~ msgid "Edit application preferences"
#~ msgstr "Edit aplikasi keutamaan"				#~ msgstr "Edit aplikasi keutamaan"

#~ msgid "_Settings"						#~ msgid "_Settings"
#~ msgstr "_Tetapan"						#~ msgstr "_Tetapan"

#~ msgid "Password"						#~ msgid "Password"
#~ msgstr "Katalaluan"						#~ msgstr "Katalaluan"

#~ msgid "Save as"						#~ msgid "Save as"
#~ msgstr "Simpan sebagai"					#~ msgstr "Simpan sebagai"

#~ msgid "Save to"						#~ msgid "Save to"
#~ msgstr "Simpan ke"						#~ msgstr "Simpan ke"

#~ msgid "XML file"						#~ msgid "XML file"
#~ msgstr "Fail XML"						#~ msgstr "Fail XML"

#~ msgid "Hide columns"						#~ msgid "Hide columns"
#~ msgstr "Sembunyi kolum"					#~ msgstr "Sembunyi kolum"

#~ msgid "Question"						#~ msgid "Question"
#~ msgstr "Soalan"						#~ msgstr "Soalan"

#~ msgid "Database Moniker factory"				#~ msgid "Database Moniker factory"
#~ msgstr "Kilang Moniker Pangkalan Data"			#~ msgstr "Kilang Moniker Pangkalan Data"

#~ msgid "database: moniker"					#~ msgid "database: moniker"
#~ msgstr "PangkalanData: moniker"				#~ msgstr "PangkalanData: moniker"

#~ msgid "Failing to manufacture a '%s'"			#~ msgid "Failing to manufacture a '%s'"
#~ msgstr "Gagal membuat '%s'"					#~ msgstr "Gagal membuat '%s'"

#~ msgid "Invalid format for connection string"			#~ msgid "Invalid format for connection string"
#~ msgstr "Format rentetan sambungan tidak sah"			#~ msgstr "Format rentetan sambungan tidak sah"

#~ msgid "_File"						#~ msgid "_File"
#~ msgstr "_Fail"						#~ msgstr "_Fail"
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po: nb.po
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: nl.gmo
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/nl.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/nl.po
# GNOME-Db Dutch Translation.					# GNOME-Db Dutch Translation.
# Copyright (C) 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc.		# Copyright (C) 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# Almer S. Tichelaar <almer1 dds nl>, 2000.			# Almer S. Tichelaar <almer1 dds nl>, 2000.
# Jan-Willem Harmanny, 2004					# Jan-Willem Harmanny, 2004
#								#
msgid ""							msgid ""
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Gnome DB CVS\n"				"Project-Id-Version: Gnome DB CVS\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"					"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"			"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2002-03-08 10:30+0100\n"			"PO-Revision-Date: 2002-03-08 10:30+0100\n"
"Last-Translator:  Jan-Willem Harmanny <jwharmanny hotmail co	"Last-Translator:  Jan-Willem Harmanny <jwharmanny hotmail co
"Language-Team: Dutch <nl li org>\n"				"Language-Team: Dutch <nl li org>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"						"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"			"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"				"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co
msgid "Data Sources"						msgid "Data Sources"
msgstr "Gegevensbron"						msgstr "Gegevensbron"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid
msgid "Providers"						msgid "Providers"
msgstr "Aanbieders"						msgstr "Aanbieders"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1
msgid "Configure your database environment"			msgid "Configure your database environment"
msgstr "Configureer uw database omgeving"			msgstr "Configureer uw database omgeving"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2
msgid "Database Access Properties "				msgid "Database Access Properties "
msgstr "Database toegang eigenschappen"				msgstr "Database toegang eigenschappen"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380
msgid "Name"							msgid "Name"
msgstr "Naam"							msgstr "Naam"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
msgid "Description"						msgid "Description"
msgstr "Beschrijving"						msgstr "Beschrijving"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182
msgid "Configured data sources in the system"			msgid "Configured data sources in the system"
msgstr "Geconfigureerde gegevensbronnen in het systeem"		msgstr "Geconfigureerde gegevensbronnen in het systeem"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data sources are the means by which database connections are	"Data sources are the means by which database connections are
"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s	"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s
"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o	"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o
"name you identify the connections in the applications that m	"name you identify the connections in the applications that m
"DB for database access."					"DB for database access."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Gegevensbronnen zijn de middelen waarmee database verbinding	"Gegevensbronnen zijn de middelen waarmee database verbinding
"geïdentificeerd in GNOME-DB. Alle informatie die benodigd is	"geïdentificeerd in GNOME-DB. Alle informatie die benodigd is
"verbinding naar een specifieke aanbieder/database combo te o	"verbinding naar een specifieke aanbieder/database combo te o
"opgeslagen onder een unieke naam. Door deze unieke naam te g	"opgeslagen onder een unieke naam. Door deze unieke naam te g
"de verbindingen identificeren in de toepassingen die gebruik	"de verbindingen identificeren in de toepassingen die gebruik
"DB voor database toegang."					"DB voor database toegang."

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"	msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"
msgstr "Wilt u gegevensbron '%s' verwijderen?"			msgstr "Wilt u gegevensbron '%s' verwijderen?"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104
msgid "Data Source Properties"					msgid "Data Source Properties"
msgstr "Gegevensbron eigenschappen"				msgstr "Gegevensbron eigenschappen"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132
msgid "Basic"							msgid "Basic"
msgstr "Basis"							msgstr "Basis"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Tables"							msgid "Tables"
msgstr "Tabellen"						msgstr "Tabellen"

#: control-center/main.c:92					#: control-center/main.c:92
msgid "No valid data source info was created"			msgid "No valid data source info was created"
msgstr "Er is geen geldige gegevensbron informatie gecreëerd"	msgstr "Er is geen geldige gegevensbron informatie gecreëerd"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218	#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218
msgid "New data source"						msgid "New data source"
msgstr "Nieuwe gegevensbron"					msgstr "Nieuwe gegevensbron"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:215					#: control-center/main.c:215
msgid "Database Access Properties"				msgid "Database Access Properties"
msgstr "Eigenschappen van database toegang"			msgstr "Eigenschappen van database toegang"

#: control-center/provider-config.c:105				#: control-center/provider-config.c:105
msgid "Installed providers"					msgid "Installed providers"
msgstr "Geinstalleerde aanbieders"				msgstr "Geinstalleerde aanbieders"

#: control-center/provider-config.c:131				#: control-center/provider-config.c:131
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec	"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec
"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo	"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo
"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr	"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr
"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba	"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba
"etc."								"etc."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Aanbieders zijn externe plugins die toegang leveren tot een 	"Aanbieders zijn externe plugins die toegang leveren tot een 
"gegevensbron. De standaard aanbieder wordt altijd geïnstalle	"gegevensbron. De standaard aanbieder wordt altijd geïnstalle
"altijd toegang mogelijk is tot databases die in XML bestande	"altijd toegang mogelijk is tot databases die in XML bestande
"opgeslagen. Andere aanbieders die meestal met libgda/gnome-d	"opgeslagen. Andere aanbieders die meestal met libgda/gnome-d
"verspreid zijn PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Sybase, Interbase,	"verspreid zijn PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Sybase, Interbase,

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1
msgid "Database connection parameters file"			msgid "Database connection parameters file"
msgstr "Database verbinding parameters bestand"			msgstr "Database verbinding parameters bestand"

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2
msgid "Documents"						msgid "Documents"
msgstr "Documenten"						msgstr "Documenten"

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3
msgid "SQL code viewer"						msgid "SQL code viewer"
msgstr "SQL code bekijken"					msgstr "SQL code bekijken"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1
msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"			msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"
msgstr "Lettertype dat in het raster widget wordt gebruikt"	msgstr "Lettertype dat in het raster widget wordt gebruikt"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2
msgid "Number of spaces per tab"				msgid "Number of spaces per tab"
msgstr "Aantal spaties per tab"					msgstr "Aantal spaties per tab"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3
msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"			msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"
msgstr "Laat regelnummers zien in de bron editor"		msgstr "Laat regelnummers zien in de bron editor"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4
msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"			msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"
msgstr "Gebruik accentuering in de broncode editor"		msgstr "Gebruik accentuering in de broncode editor"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60
msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"			msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"
msgstr "Database-voorzieningen voor de GNOME werkomgeving"	msgstr "Database-voorzieningen voor de GNOME werkomgeving"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1
msgid "About"							msgid "About"
msgstr "Info"							msgstr "Info"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2
msgid "About GNOME-DB"						msgid "About GNOME-DB"
msgstr "Info over GNOME-DB"					msgstr "Info over GNOME-DB"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3
msgid "Close this window"					msgid "Close this window"
msgstr "Dit venster sluiten"					msgstr "Dit venster sluiten"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4
msgid "Create new entry"					msgid "Create new entry"
msgstr "Nieuwe ingang aanmaken"					msgstr "Nieuwe ingang aanmaken"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5
msgid "Delete selected items"					msgid "Delete selected items"
msgstr "Geselecteerde items verwijderen"			msgstr "Geselecteerde items verwijderen"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6
msgid "Deselect all items"					msgid "Deselect all items"
msgstr "Deselecteer alle items"					msgstr "Deselecteer alle items"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7
msgid "Edit properties for selected item"			msgid "Edit properties for selected item"
msgstr "Bewerk de eigenschappen van het geselecteerde item"	msgstr "Bewerk de eigenschappen van het geselecteerde item"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8
msgid "Save connection parameters to file"			msgid "Save connection parameters to file"
msgstr "Verbinding parameters opslaan naar bestand"		msgstr "Verbinding parameters opslaan naar bestand"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414
msgid "Select _All"						msgid "Select _All"
msgstr "_Alles selecteren"					msgstr "_Alles selecteren"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10
msgid "Select all items"					msgid "Select all items"
msgstr "Selecteer alle items"					msgstr "Selecteer alle items"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11
msgid "View data sources"					msgid "View data sources"
msgstr "Gegevensbronnen weergeven"				msgstr "Gegevensbronnen weergeven"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12
msgid "View providers"						msgid "View providers"
msgstr "Aanbieders weergeven"					msgstr "Aanbieders weergeven"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42
msgid "_Clear Selection"					msgid "_Clear Selection"
msgstr "Sele_ctie leegmaken"					msgstr "Sele_ctie leegmaken"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14
msgid "_Close"							msgid "_Close"
msgstr "Sl_uiten"						msgstr "Sl_uiten"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15
msgid "_Data Sources"						msgid "_Data Sources"
msgstr "_Gegevensbronnen"					msgstr "_Gegevensbronnen"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16
msgid "_Database"						msgid "_Database"
msgstr "_Database"						msgstr "_Database"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17
msgid "_Delete"							msgid "_Delete"
msgstr "_Verwijderen"						msgstr "_Verwijderen"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18
msgid "_Edit"							msgid "_Edit"
msgstr "Be_werken"						msgstr "Be_werken"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19
msgid "_Help"							msgid "_Help"
msgstr "_Hulp"							msgstr "_Hulp"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20
msgid "_New Data Source..."					msgid "_New Data Source..."
msgstr "_Nieuwe gegevensbron..."				msgstr "_Nieuwe gegevensbron..."

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21
msgid "_Properties"						msgid "_Properties"
msgstr "_Eigenschappen"						msgstr "_Eigenschappen"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22
msgid "_Providers"						msgid "_Providers"
msgstr "_Aanbieders"						msgstr "_Aanbieders"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23
msgid "_Save Connection"					msgid "_Save Connection"
msgstr "Verbinding op_slaan"					msgstr "Verbinding op_slaan"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24
msgid "_View"							msgid "_View"
msgstr "Beel_d"							msgstr "Beel_d"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76
msgid "Structure"						msgid "Structure"
msgstr "Structuur"						msgstr "Structuur"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73
msgid "Data"							msgid "Data"
msgstr "Gegevens"						msgstr "Gegevens"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238
msgid "Not implemented yet!"					msgid "Not implemented yet!"
msgstr "Nog niet geïmplementeerd!"				msgstr "Nog niet geïmplementeerd!"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Database"						msgid "Database"
msgstr "Database"						msgstr "Database"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540
msgid "Loading database schemas..."				msgid "Loading database schemas..."
msgstr "Laden van database schema's..."				msgstr "Laden van database schema's..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632
msgid "Refreshing data..."					msgid "Refreshing data..."
msgstr "Verversen van gegevens..."				msgstr "Verversen van gegevens..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688
msgid "Views"							msgid "Views"
msgstr "Aanzichten"						msgstr "Aanzichten"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691
msgid "Indexes"							msgid "Indexes"
msgstr "Indexen"						msgstr "Indexen"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Sequences"						msgid "Sequences"
msgstr "Sequenties"						msgstr "Sequenties"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Procedures"						msgid "Procedures"
msgstr "Procedures"						msgstr "Procedures"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700
msgid "Triggers"						msgid "Triggers"
msgstr "Schakelaars"						msgstr "Schakelaars"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Aggregates"						msgid "Aggregates"
msgstr "Aggregaten"						msgstr "Aggregaten"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Types"							msgid "Types"
msgstr "Typen"							msgstr "Typen"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140
msgid "Could not query CORBA components"			msgid "Could not query CORBA components"
msgstr "Kan geen query uitvoeren naar CORBA componenten"	msgstr "Kan geen query uitvoeren naar CORBA componenten"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209
msgid "ID"							msgid "ID"
msgstr "ID"							msgstr "ID"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "Location"						msgid "Location"
msgstr "Locatie"						msgstr "Locatie"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212
msgid "Username"						msgid "Username"
msgstr "Gebruikersnaam"						msgstr "Gebruikersnaam"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213
msgid "Hostname"						msgid "Hostname"
msgstr "Hostnaam"						msgstr "Hostnaam"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214
msgid "Domain"							msgid "Domain"
msgstr "Domein"							msgstr "Domein"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"			msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"
msgstr "Niet ondersteund type in GconfEntry: %d"		msgstr "Niet ondersteund type in GconfEntry: %d"

#. create widgets						#. create widgets
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97
msgid "Settings"						msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Instellingen"						msgstr "Instellingen"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103
msgid "Data source name"					msgid "Data source name"
msgstr "Gegevensbron naam"					msgstr "Gegevensbron naam"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109
msgid "Connection string"					msgid "Connection string"
msgstr "Verbinding string"					msgstr "Verbinding string"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115
msgid "Provider"						msgid "Provider"
msgstr "Aanbieder"						msgstr "Aanbieder"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121
msgid "User name"						msgid "User name"
msgstr "Naam gebruiker"						msgstr "Naam gebruiker"

#. create feature list						#. create feature list
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128
msgid "Features"						msgid "Features"
msgstr "Onderdelen"						msgstr "Onderdelen"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190
msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"		msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"
msgstr "Voer een naam in voor de nieuwe gegevensbron"		msgstr "Voer een naam in voor de nieuwe gegevensbron"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197
msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac	msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac
msgstr "Namen van gegevensbronnen kunnen alleen alfanumerieke	msgstr "Namen van gegevensbronnen kunnen alleen alfanumerieke

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206
msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th	msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th
msgstr "Een bestaande gegevensbron is reeds geregistreerd ond	msgstr "Een bestaande gegevensbron is reeds geregistreerd ond

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213
msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"			msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"
msgstr "Namen van gegevensbronnen kunnen geen spaties bevatte	msgstr "Namen van gegevensbronnen kunnen geen spaties bevatte

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217
msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n	msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Namen van gegevensbronnen kunnen alleen ASCII letters en cij	"Namen van gegevensbronnen kunnen alleen ASCII letters en cij

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225
msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"	msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"
msgstr "Selecteer een aanbieder voor de nieuwe gegevensbron"	msgstr "Selecteer een aanbieder voor de nieuwe gegevensbron"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233
msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"		msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"
msgstr "Aanbieder niet gevonden in uw configuratie"		msgstr "Aanbieder niet gevonden in uw configuratie"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391
msgid "Add a new data source..."				msgid "Add a new data source..."
msgstr "Voeg een nieuwe gegevensbron toe..."			msgstr "Voeg een nieuwe gegevensbron toe..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392
msgid ""							msgid ""
"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"		"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"
"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"		"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"
"installation. Just follow the steps!"				"installation. Just follow the steps!"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Deze assistent zal u begeleiden bij het aanmaken van\n"	"Deze assistent zal u begeleiden bij het aanmaken van\n"
"een nieuwe gegevensbron voor uw GNOME-DB\n"			"een nieuwe gegevensbron voor uw GNOME-DB\n"
"installatie. Volg gewoon de stappen!"				"installatie. Volg gewoon de stappen!"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404
msgid "General Information"					msgid "General Information"
msgstr "Algemene informatie"					msgstr "Algemene informatie"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the basic information\n"	"The following fields represent the basic information\n"
"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n	"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n
"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"	"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"
"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"	"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"
"the default one."						"the default one."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"De volgende velden representeren de basisinformatie\n"		"De volgende velden representeren de basisinformatie\n"
"van uw nieuwe gegevensbron. Sommige ervan (omschrijving,\n"	"van uw nieuwe gegevensbron. Sommige ervan (omschrijving,\n"
"gebruikersnaam) zijn optioneel, terwijl de andere verplicht\	"gebruikersnaam) zijn optioneel, terwijl de andere verplicht\
"zijn. Als u niet weet welke aanbieder u moet gebruiken kunt\	"zijn. Als u niet weet welke aanbieder u moet gebruiken kunt\
"u gewoon de standaardselectie volgen."				"u gewoon de standaardselectie volgen."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104
msgid "Data source _name:"					msgid "Data source _name:"
msgstr "_Naam van gegevensbron:"				msgstr "_Naam van gegevensbron:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114
msgid "_Provider:"						msgid "_Provider:"
msgstr "_Aanbieder:"						msgstr "_Aanbieder:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133
msgid "_Description:"						msgid "_Description:"
msgstr "_Beschrijving:"						msgstr "_Beschrijving:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142
msgid "_Username:"						msgid "_Username:"
msgstr "Gebr_uikersnaam:"					msgstr "Gebr_uikersnaam:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151
msgid "P_assword:"						msgid "P_assword:"
msgstr "W_achtwoord:"						msgstr "W_achtwoord:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454
msgid "Provider Parameters"					msgid "Provider Parameters"
msgstr "Aanbieder parameters"					msgstr "Aanbieder parameters"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the information needed by the	"The following fields represent the information needed by the
"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n	"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n
"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\	"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\
"the manual for more information."				"the manual for more information."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"De volgende velden representeren de informatie die benodigd 	"De volgende velden representeren de informatie die benodigd 
"door de aanbieder die u op de vorige pagina hebt geselecteer	"door de aanbieder die u op de vorige pagina hebt geselecteer
"om een opgegeven verbinding te openen. Deze informatie is\n"	"om een opgegeven verbinding te openen. Deze informatie is\n"
"aanbieder-specifiek, dus kijk in de handleiding voor meer in	"aanbieder-specifiek, dus kijk in de handleiding voor meer in

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481
msgid "All information retrieved"				msgid "All information retrieved"
msgstr "Alle informatie ontvangen"				msgstr "Alle informatie ontvangen"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482
msgid ""							msgid ""
"All information needed to create a new data source\n"		"All information needed to create a new data source\n"
"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"		"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"
"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"	"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"
"just select it when asked for a data source."			"just select it when asked for a data source."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Alle benodigde informatie voor het aanmaken van een\n"		"Alle benodigde informatie voor het aanmaken van een\n"
"nieuwe gegevensbron is ontvangen. Klik 'Toepassen' om\n"	"nieuwe gegevensbron is ontvangen. Klik 'Toepassen' om\n"
"deze dialoog te sluiten. Om een nieuwe gegevensbron te\n"	"deze dialoog te sluiten. Om een nieuwe gegevensbron te\n"
"openen, kunt u hem selecteren wanneer er om een\n"		"openen, kunt u hem selecteren wanneer er om een\n"
"gegevensbron wordt gevraagd."					"gegevensbron wordt gevraagd."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124
msgid "Connection _string:"					msgid "Connection _string:"
msgstr "Verbinding _string:"					msgstr "Verbinding _string:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4
msgid "Error"							msgid "Error"
msgstr "Fout"							msgstr "Fout"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.
msgid "Show detail >>"						msgid "Show detail >>"
msgstr "Geef details weer >>"					msgstr "Geef details weer >>"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122
msgid "<< Hide detail"						msgid "<< Hide detail"
msgstr "<< Verberg details"					msgstr "<< Verberg details"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191
msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"	msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"
msgstr "Een fout is opgetreden in de onderliggende database"	msgstr "Een fout is opgetreden in de onderliggende database"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196
msgid "Error number"						msgid "Error number"
msgstr "Foutnummer"						msgstr "Foutnummer"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227
msgid "Details"							msgid "Details"
msgstr "Details"						msgstr "Details"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234
msgid "Source"							msgid "Source"
msgstr "Bron"							msgstr "Bron"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241
msgid "SQL state"						msgid "SQL state"
msgstr "SQL status"						msgstr "SQL status"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108
msgid "_Field:"							msgid "_Field:"
msgstr "_Veld:"							msgstr "_Veld:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118
msgid "_Text:"							msgid "_Text:"
msgstr "_Tekst:"						msgstr "_Tekst:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308
msgid "No records"						msgid "No records"
msgstr "Geen records"						msgstr "Geen records"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Record %d of %d"						msgid "Record %d of %d"
msgstr "Record %d van %d"					msgstr "Record %d van %d"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113
msgid "Recordset description"					msgid "Recordset description"
msgstr "Recordset omschrijving"					msgstr "Recordset omschrijving"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid ""							msgid ""
"File '%s' already exists.\n"					"File '%s' already exists.\n"
"Do you want to overwrite it?"					"Do you want to overwrite it?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Bestand '%s' bestaat reeds.\n"					"Bestand '%s' bestaat reeds.\n"
"Wilt u het overschrijven?"					"Wilt u het overschrijven?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149
msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."		msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."
msgstr "Als u ja kiest, zal de inhoud verloren gaan."		msgstr "Als u ja kiest, zal de inhoud verloren gaan."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Could not save file %s"					msgid "Could not save file %s"
msgstr "Kan bestand %s niet opslaan"				msgstr "Kan bestand %s niet opslaan"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224
msgid "You must specify a file name"				msgid "You must specify a file name"
msgstr "Specificeer een bestandsnaam"				msgstr "Specificeer een bestandsnaam"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230
msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"		msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"
msgstr "Gegevensconversie leverde een leeg bestand op"		msgstr "Gegevensconversie leverde een leeg bestand op"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261
msgid "Saving Model"						msgid "Saving Model"
msgstr "Model opslaan"						msgstr "Model opslaan"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272
msgid "File _name:"						msgid "File _name:"
msgstr "Bestands_naam:"						msgstr "Bestands_naam:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276
msgid "Select File"						msgid "Select File"
msgstr "Selecteer bestand"					msgstr "Selecteer bestand"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283
msgid "File _type:"						msgid "File _type:"
msgstr "Bestands_type:"						msgstr "Bestands_type:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291
msgid "Tab-delimited"						msgid "Tab-delimited"
msgstr "Tab-delimited"						msgstr "Tab-delimited"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294
msgid "Comma-delimited"						msgid "Comma-delimited"
msgstr "Comma-delimited"					msgstr "Comma-delimited"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:
msgid "XML"							msgid "XML"
msgstr "XML"							msgstr "XML"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355
msgid "View detail"						msgid "View detail"
msgstr "Detail weergeven"					msgstr "Detail weergeven"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427
msgid "Show Column _Titles"					msgid "Show Column _Titles"
msgstr "Kolom_titels weergeven"					msgstr "Kolom_titels weergeven"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442
msgid "Describe"						msgid "Describe"
msgstr "Omschrijf"						msgstr "Omschrijf"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443
msgid "View detail..."						msgid "View detail..."
msgstr "Bekijk details..."					msgstr "Bekijk details..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614
msgid "Title"							msgid "Title"
msgstr "Titel"							msgstr "Titel"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48
msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"	msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"
msgstr "Probeer een al geïnitialiseerde client te initialiser	msgstr "Probeer een al geïnitialiseerde client te initialiser

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"		"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"
"to a data source"						"to a data source"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Voer de argumenten hieronder in om een verbinding\n"		"Voer de argumenten hieronder in om een verbinding\n"
"naar een gegevensbron te openen"				"naar een gegevensbron te openen"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253
msgid "Data Source:"						msgid "Data Source:"
msgstr "Gegevensbron:"						msgstr "Gegevensbron:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270
msgid "Username:"						msgid "Username:"
msgstr "Gebruikersnaam:"					msgstr "Gebruikersnaam:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279
msgid "Password:"						msgid "Password:"
msgstr "Wachtwoord:"						msgstr "Wachtwoord:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69
msgid "Fields"							msgid "Fields"
msgstr "Velden"							msgstr "Velden"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30
msgid "Commit"							msgid "Commit"
msgstr "Starten"						msgstr "Starten"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31
msgid "Connect"							msgid "Connect"
msgstr "Verbinden"						msgstr "Verbinden"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33
msgid "Designer"						msgid "Designer"
msgstr "Ontwerper"						msgstr "Ontwerper"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34
msgid "Disconnect"						msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr "Verbinding verbreken"					msgstr "Verbinding verbreken"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35
msgid "NoTransaction"						msgid "NoTransaction"
msgstr "GeenOverdracht"						msgstr "GeenOverdracht"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37
msgid "Query"							msgid "Query"
msgstr "Query"							msgstr "Query"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38
msgid "Rollback"						msgid "Rollback"
msgstr "Terugzetten"						msgstr "Terugzetten"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40
msgid "SQL"							msgid "SQL"
msgstr "SQL"							msgstr "SQL"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43
msgid "WithinTransaction"					msgid "WithinTransaction"
msgstr "BinnenOverdracht"					msgstr "BinnenOverdracht"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Error: %s"						msgid "Error: %s"
msgstr "Fout: %s"						msgstr "Fout: %s"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79
msgid "Table name"						msgid "Table name"
msgstr "Tabelnaam"						msgstr "Tabelnaam"

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93			#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Login for %s"						msgid "Login for %s"
msgstr "Login voor %s"						msgstr "Login voor %s"

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95					#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95
msgid "Login to database"					msgid "Login to database"
msgstr "Database inloggen"					msgstr "Database inloggen"

#: vfs/libmain.c:71						#: vfs/libmain.c:71
msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"				msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"
msgstr "GNOME VFS database: module"				msgstr "GNOME VFS database: module"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40
msgid "Table Properties"					msgid "Table Properties"
msgstr "Tabeleigenschappen"					msgstr "Tabeleigenschappen"

#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47
msgid "Table Name"						msgid "Table Name"
msgstr "Tabelnaam"						msgstr "Tabelnaam"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155
msgid "New"							msgid "New"
msgstr "Nieuw"							msgstr "Nieuw"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156
msgid "Create new table"					msgid "Create new table"
msgstr "Nieuwe tabel aanmaken"					msgstr "Nieuwe tabel aanmaken"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161
msgid "Properties"						msgid "Properties"
msgstr "Eigenschappen"						msgstr "Eigenschappen"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162
msgid "View table properties"					msgid "View table properties"
msgstr "Tabeleigenschappen weergeven"				msgstr "Tabeleigenschappen weergeven"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
msgid "UID"							msgid "UID"
msgstr "UID"							msgstr "UID"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "calendar"						msgid "calendar"
msgstr "kalender"						msgstr "kalender"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "summary"							msgid "summary"
msgstr "samenvatting"						msgstr "samenvatting"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "Summary"							msgid "Summary"
msgstr "Samenvatting"						msgstr "Samenvatting"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "location"						msgid "location"
msgstr "locatie"						msgstr "locatie"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "dtstart"							msgid "dtstart"
msgstr "dtstart"						msgstr "dtstart"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
msgid "Start time"						msgid "Start time"
msgstr "Starttijd"						msgstr "Starttijd"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "dtend"							msgid "dtend"
msgstr "dtend"							msgstr "dtend"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "End time"						msgid "End time"
msgstr "Eindtijd"						msgstr "Eindtijd"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
msgid "description"						msgid "description"
msgstr "omschrijving"						msgstr "omschrijving"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "classification"						msgid "classification"
msgstr "klassificatie"						msgstr "klassificatie"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "Classification"						msgid "Classification"
msgstr "Klassificatie"						msgstr "Klassificatie"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "transparency"						msgid "transparency"
msgstr "doorzichtigheid"					msgstr "doorzichtigheid"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "Transparency"						msgid "Transparency"
msgstr "Doorzichtigheid"					msgstr "Doorzichtigheid"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "categories"						msgid "categories"
msgstr "categoriën"						msgstr "categoriën"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "Categories"						msgid "Categories"
msgstr "Categoriën"						msgstr "Categoriën"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "tasks"							msgid "tasks"
msgstr "taken"							msgstr "taken"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "due"							msgid "due"
msgstr "afloopdatum"						msgstr "afloopdatum"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "Due date"						msgid "Due date"
msgstr "Afloopdatum"						msgstr "Afloopdatum"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "Start date"						msgid "Start date"
msgstr "Startdatum"						msgstr "Startdatum"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355
msgid "Public"							msgid "Public"
msgstr "Publiek"						msgstr "Publiek"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358
msgid "Private"							msgid "Private"
msgstr "Privé"							msgstr "Privé"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361
msgid "Confidential"						msgid "Confidential"
msgstr "Vertrouwelijk"						msgstr "Vertrouwelijk"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63
msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"		msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"
msgstr "De standaard kalender-map kan niet worden geopend"	msgstr "De standaard kalender-map kan niet worden geopend"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66
msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"			msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"
msgstr "De standaard taken-map kan niet worden geopend"		msgstr "De standaard taken-map kan niet worden geopend"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80
msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta	msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta
msgstr "Authenticatie is vereist voor toegang tot de standaar	msgstr "Authenticatie is vereist voor toegang tot de standaar

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83
msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"		msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"
msgstr "Kan de standaard contacten-map niet openen"		msgstr "Kan de standaard contacten-map niet openen"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100
msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"				msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"
msgstr "Kan Bonobo niet initialiseren"				msgstr "Kan Bonobo niet initialiseren"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212
msgid "Field name"						msgid "Field name"
msgstr "Veldnaam"						msgstr "Veldnaam"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213
msgid "Data type"						msgid "Data type"
msgstr "Gegevenstype"						msgstr "Gegevenstype"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214
msgid "Size"							msgid "Size"
msgstr "Grootte"						msgstr "Grootte"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215
msgid "Scale"							msgid "Scale"
msgstr "Schalen"						msgstr "Schalen"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216
msgid "Not null?"						msgid "Not null?"
msgstr "Niet null?"						msgstr "Niet null?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217
msgid "Primary key?"						msgid "Primary key?"
msgstr "Primaire sleutel?"					msgstr "Primaire sleutel?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218
msgid "Unique index?"						msgid "Unique index?"
msgstr "Unieke index?"						msgstr "Unieke index?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219
msgid "References"						msgid "References"
msgstr "Referenties"						msgstr "Referenties"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220
msgid "Default value"						msgid "Default value"
msgstr "Standaardwaarde"					msgstr "Standaardwaarde"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239
msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l	msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l
msgstr "Tabelnaam is benodigd maar niet gespecificeerd in de 	msgstr "Tabelnaam is benodigd maar niet gespecificeerd in de 

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Table %s does not exist"					msgid "Table %s does not exist"
msgstr "Tabel %s bestaat niet"					msgstr "Tabel %s bestaat niet"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318
msgid "Scheduled events"					msgid "Scheduled events"
msgstr "Geplande gebeurtenissen"				msgstr "Geplande gebeurtenissen"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321
msgid "TODO list"						msgid "TODO list"
msgstr "TODO lijst"						msgstr "TODO lijst"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375
msgid "Owner"							msgid "Owner"
msgstr "Eigenaar"						msgstr "Eigenaar"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376
msgid "Comments"						msgid "Comments"
msgstr "Commentaar"						msgstr "Commentaar"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374
msgid "Type"							msgid "Type"
msgstr "Type"							msgstr "Type"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377
msgid "GDA type"						msgid "GDA type"
msgstr "GDA type"						msgstr "GDA type"

#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id	#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id
#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database	#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database
#. we can easily access that information			#. we can easily access that information
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382
msgid "local"							msgid "local"
msgstr "lokaal"							msgstr "lokaal"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217
msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr "Het creëren van databases wordt nog niet ondersteund"	msgstr "Het creëren van databases wordt nog niet ondersteund"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230
msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr "Het verwijderen van databases wordt nog niet onderste	msgstr "Het verwijderen van databases wordt nog niet onderste

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244
msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"			msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"
msgstr "Tabellenschema kon niet worden opgehaald"		msgstr "Tabellenschema kon niet worden opgehaald"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268
msgid "Invalid SQL command"					msgid "Invalid SQL command"
msgstr "Ongeldig SQL commando"					msgstr "Ongeldig SQL commando"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353
msgid "Transactions are not supported"				msgid "Transactions are not supported"
msgstr "Transacties worden niet ondersteund"			msgstr "Transacties worden niet ondersteund"

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41
msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"		msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"
msgstr "Aanbieder voor Ximian Evolution persoonlijke gegevens	msgstr "Aanbieder voor Ximian Evolution persoonlijke gegevens

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task	"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Gegevensbron voor toegang tot Evolution's standaard kalender	"Gegevensbron voor toegang tot Evolution's standaard kalender
"contacten"							"contacten"

#~ msgid "Browse database..."					#~ msgid "Browse database..."
#~ msgstr "Bladeren door database..."				#~ msgstr "Bladeren door database..."

#~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .con	#~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .con
#~ msgstr "Component dat context menu items bevat voor .conne	#~ msgstr "Component dat context menu items bevat voor .conne

#~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .sql	#~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .sql
#~ msgstr "Component dat context menu items bevat voor .sql b	#~ msgstr "Component dat context menu items bevat voor .sql b

#~ msgid "Connection MIME handler component"			#~ msgid "Connection MIME handler component"
#~ msgstr "Verbinding MIME handler component"			#~ msgstr "Verbinding MIME handler component"

#~ msgid "Database component factory"				#~ msgid "Database component factory"
#~ msgstr "Database component fabriek"				#~ msgstr "Database component fabriek"

#~ msgid "Open in database connection..."			#~ msgid "Open in database connection..."
#~ msgstr "Open een nieuwe database verbinding..."		#~ msgstr "Open een nieuwe database verbinding..."

#~ msgid "SQL MIME handler component"				#~ msgid "SQL MIME handler component"
#~ msgstr "SQL MIME handler component"				#~ msgstr "SQL MIME handler component"

#~ msgid "Database browser"					#~ msgid "Database browser"
#~ msgstr "Database bladeren"					#~ msgstr "Database bladeren"

#~ msgid "Error viewer"						#~ msgid "Error viewer"
#~ msgstr "Fouten bekijken"					#~ msgstr "Fouten bekijken"

#~ msgid "SQL Viewer"						#~ msgid "SQL Viewer"
#~ msgstr "SQL bekijken"					#~ msgstr "SQL bekijken"

#~ msgid "Database configuration"				#~ msgid "Database configuration"
#~ msgstr "Database configuratie"				#~ msgstr "Database configuratie"

#~ msgid "Edit application preferences"				#~ msgid "Edit application preferences"
#~ msgstr "Eigenschappen van het programma bewerken"		#~ msgstr "Eigenschappen van het programma bewerken"

#~ msgid "_Settings"						#~ msgid "_Settings"
#~ msgstr "_Instellingen"					#~ msgstr "_Instellingen"

#~ msgid "Password"						#~ msgid "Password"
#~ msgstr "Wachtwoord"						#~ msgstr "Wachtwoord"

#~ msgid "Save as"						#~ msgid "Save as"
#~ msgstr "Opslaan als"						#~ msgstr "Opslaan als"

#~ msgid "Save to"						#~ msgid "Save to"
#~ msgstr "Opslaan naar"					#~ msgstr "Opslaan naar"

#~ msgid "XML file"						#~ msgid "XML file"
#~ msgstr "XML bestand"						#~ msgstr "XML bestand"

#~ msgid "Hide columns"						#~ msgid "Hide columns"
#~ msgstr "Verberg kolommen"					#~ msgstr "Verberg kolommen"

#~ msgid "Question"						#~ msgid "Question"
#~ msgstr "Vraag"						#~ msgstr "Vraag"

#~ msgid "Database Moniker factory"				#~ msgid "Database Moniker factory"
#~ msgstr "Database Moniker fabriek"				#~ msgstr "Database Moniker fabriek"

#~ msgid "database: moniker"					#~ msgid "database: moniker"
#~ msgstr "Database: moniker"					#~ msgstr "Database: moniker"

#~ msgid "Failing to manufacture a '%s'"			#~ msgid "Failing to manufacture a '%s'"
#~ msgstr "Fabriceren van een '%s' mislukt"			#~ msgstr "Fabriceren van een '%s' mislukt"

#~ msgid "Invalid format for connection string"			#~ msgid "Invalid format for connection string"
#~ msgstr "Ongeldige indeling van verbinding string"		#~ msgstr "Ongeldige indeling van verbinding string"

#~ msgid "Data sources"						#~ msgid "Data sources"
#~ msgstr "Gegevensbronnen"					#~ msgstr "Gegevensbronnen"

#~ msgid "_File"						#~ msgid "_File"
#~ msgstr "_Bestand"						#~ msgstr "_Bestand"

#~ msgid "Test Data Source"					#~ msgid "Test Data Source"
#~ msgstr "Test gegevensbron"					#~ msgstr "Test gegevensbron"

#~ msgid "Connection to %s successful!"				#~ msgid "Connection to %s successful!"
#~ msgstr "Verbinding naar %s succesvol!"			#~ msgstr "Verbinding naar %s succesvol!"

#~ msgid "SQL viewer component"					#~ msgid "SQL viewer component"
#~ msgstr "SQL bekijken component"				#~ msgstr "SQL bekijken component"

#~ msgid "Viewer for SQL source code"				#~ msgid "Viewer for SQL source code"
#~ msgstr "Bekijken van SQL broncode"				#~ msgstr "Bekijken van SQL broncode"

#~ msgid ""							#~ msgid ""
#~ "Component that lets you open a .connection file and brows	#~ "Component that lets you open a .connection file and brows
#~ "specified on it"						#~ "specified on it"
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Component dat je een .connection bestand laat openen en d	#~ "Component dat je een .connection bestand laat openen en d
#~ "gespecificeerde verbinding laat bladeren"			#~ "gespecificeerde verbinding laat bladeren"

#~ msgid "Data source"						#~ msgid "Data source"
#~ msgstr "Gegevensbron"					#~ msgstr "Gegevensbron"

#~ msgid "Select all"						#~ msgid "Select all"
#~ msgstr "Alles selecteren"					#~ msgstr "Alles selecteren"

#~ msgid "Unselect all"						#~ msgid "Unselect all"
#~ msgstr "Alles deselecteren"					#~ msgstr "Alles deselecteren"

#~ msgid "OAFIID of the default component for the GNOME-DB sh	#~ msgid "OAFIID of the default component for the GNOME-DB sh
#~ msgstr "OAFIID van de standaardcomponent van de GNOME-DB s	#~ msgstr "OAFIID van de standaardcomponent van de GNOME-DB s

#~ msgid "Whether to save the shell window position on exit"	#~ msgid "Whether to save the shell window position on exit"
#~ msgstr "Of de shell vensterpositie bij afsluiten moet word	#~ msgstr "Of de shell vensterpositie bij afsluiten moet word

#~ msgid "Whether to show or not the shortcut bar on the fron	#~ msgid "Whether to show or not the shortcut bar on the fron
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Of de snelkoppelingenbalk op het frontend venster moet wo	#~ "Of de snelkoppelingenbalk op het frontend venster moet wo

#~ msgid "Whether to show or not the summary bar on the front	#~ msgid "Whether to show or not the summary bar on the front
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Of de samenvattingsbalk op het frontend venster moet word	#~ "Of de samenvattingsbalk op het frontend venster moet word

#~ msgid "Whether to use a fixed size/position for the shell 	#~ msgid "Whether to use a fixed size/position for the shell 
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Of een vastgelegde afmeting/positie van het shell venster	#~ "Of een vastgelegde afmeting/positie van het shell venster

#~ msgid "Unselect All"						#~ msgid "Unselect All"
#~ msgstr "Alles deselecteren"					#~ msgstr "Alles deselecteren"

#~ msgid "Display column headers"				#~ msgid "Display column headers"
#~ msgstr "Geef kolom koppen weer"				#~ msgstr "Geef kolom koppen weer"

#~ msgid "Hide column headers"					#~ msgid "Hide column headers"
#~ msgstr "Verberg kolom koppen"				#~ msgstr "Verberg kolom koppen"

#~ msgid "Save as..."						#~ msgid "Save as..."
#~ msgstr "Opslaan als..."					#~ msgstr "Opslaan als..."

#~ msgid "Export data to different formats"			#~ msgid "Export data to different formats"
#~ msgstr "Exporteer gegevens naar andere indelingen"		#~ msgstr "Exporteer gegevens naar andere indelingen"

#~ msgid "Describe current data set"				#~ msgid "Describe current data set"
#~ msgstr "Omschrijf huidige gegevensset"			#~ msgstr "Omschrijf huidige gegevensset"

#~ msgid "View current data in more detail"			#~ msgid "View current data in more detail"
#~ msgstr "Bekijk huidige gegevens in meer detail"		#~ msgstr "Bekijk huidige gegevens in meer detail"

#~ msgid "Database component"					#~ msgid "Database component"
#~ msgstr "Database component"					#~ msgstr "Database component"

#~ msgid "Cancel"						#~ msgid "Cancel"
#~ msgstr "Annuleren"						#~ msgstr "Annuleren"

#~ msgid "Ok"							#~ msgid "Ok"
#~ msgstr "Ok"							#~ msgstr "Ok"

#~ msgid "Could not start transaction"				#~ msgid "Could not start transaction"
#~ msgstr "Kan overdracht niet starten"				#~ msgstr "Kan overdracht niet starten"

#~ msgid "Could not save transaction"				#~ msgid "Could not save transaction"
#~ msgstr "Kan overdracht niet opslaan"				#~ msgstr "Kan overdracht niet opslaan"

#~ msgid "Closing connection"					#~ msgid "Closing connection"
#~ msgstr "Bezig verbinding te sluiten"				#~ msgstr "Bezig verbinding te sluiten"

#~ msgid "Could not abort transaction"				#~ msgid "Could not abort transaction"
#~ msgstr "Kan overdracht niet afbreken"			#~ msgstr "Kan overdracht niet afbreken"

#~ msgid "Running command..."					#~ msgid "Running command..."
#~ msgstr "Commando wordt uitgevoerd..."			#~ msgstr "Commando wordt uitgevoerd..."

#~ msgid "%d rows returned"					#~ msgid "%d rows returned"
#~ msgstr "%d rijen als resultaat"				#~ msgstr "%d rijen als resultaat"

#~ msgid "1 row returned"					#~ msgid "1 row returned"
#~ msgstr "1 rij als resultaat"					#~ msgstr "1 rij als resultaat"

#~ msgid "Browser"						#~ msgid "Browser"
#~ msgstr "Browser"						#~ msgstr "Browser"

#~ msgid "Could not load file at %s"				#~ msgid "Could not load file at %s"
#~ msgstr "Kan bestand in %s niet laden"			#~ msgstr "Kan bestand in %s niet laden"

#~ msgid "Default GNOME-DB data source"				#~ msgid "Default GNOME-DB data source"
#~ msgstr "Standaard GNOME-DB gegevensbron"			#~ msgstr "Standaard GNOME-DB gegevensbron"

#~ msgid "GNOME Database Application"				#~ msgid "GNOME Database Application"
#~ msgstr "GNOME Database Applicatie"				#~ msgstr "GNOME Database Applicatie"

#~ msgid "GNOME-DB"						#~ msgid "GNOME-DB"
#~ msgstr "GNOME-DB"						#~ msgstr "GNOME-DB"

#~ msgid "Loading..."						#~ msgid "Loading..."
#~ msgstr "Laden..."						#~ msgstr "Laden..."

#~ msgid "The GNOME-DB front-end is now loading. Please wait.	#~ msgid "The GNOME-DB front-end is now loading. Please wait.
#~ msgstr "De GNOME-DB front-end is aan het laden... even ged	#~ msgstr "De GNOME-DB front-end is aan het laden... even ged

#~ msgid "Could not connect to session manager"			#~ msgid "Could not connect to session manager"
#~ msgstr "Kan niet verbinden met sessiebeheerder"		#~ msgstr "Kan niet verbinden met sessiebeheerder"

#~ msgid "Connection name"					#~ msgid "Connection name"
#~ msgstr "Verbinding naam"					#~ msgstr "Verbinding naam"

#~ msgid "Could not duplicate UIShell object"			#~ msgid "Could not duplicate UIShell object"
#~ msgstr "Kan UIShell object niet dupliceren"			#~ msgstr "Kan UIShell object niet dupliceren"

#~ msgid "Couldn't load config control"				#~ msgid "Couldn't load config control"
#~ msgstr "Kan configuratie beheer niet laden"			#~ msgstr "Kan configuratie beheer niet laden"

#~ msgid "General"						#~ msgid "General"
#~ msgstr "Algemeen"						#~ msgstr "Algemeen"

#~ msgid "Main window"						#~ msgid "Main window"
#~ msgstr "Hoofdvenster"					#~ msgstr "Hoofdvenster"

#~ msgid "Show shortcut bar"					#~ msgid "Show shortcut bar"
#~ msgstr "Toon snelkoppelingen balk"				#~ msgstr "Toon snelkoppelingen balk"

#~ msgid "Show summary"						#~ msgid "Show summary"
#~ msgstr "Toon samenvatting"					#~ msgstr "Toon samenvatting"

#~ msgid "Save window position"					#~ msgid "Save window position"
#~ msgstr "Bewaar venster positie"				#~ msgstr "Bewaar venster positie"

#~ msgid "Use fixed position/size"				#~ msgid "Use fixed position/size"
#~ msgstr "Gebruik aangepaste positie/afmeting"			#~ msgstr "Gebruik aangepaste positie/afmeting"

#~ msgid "Left"							#~ msgid "Left"
#~ msgstr "Links"						#~ msgstr "Links"

#~ msgid "Top"							#~ msgid "Top"
#~ msgstr "Boven"						#~ msgstr "Boven"

#~ msgid "Width"						#~ msgid "Width"
#~ msgstr "Breedte"						#~ msgstr "Breedte"

#~ msgid "Height"						#~ msgid "Height"
#~ msgstr "Hoogte"						#~ msgstr "Hoogte"

#~ msgid "Don't set size/position"				#~ msgid "Don't set size/position"
#~ msgstr "Afmeting/positie niet instellen"			#~ msgstr "Afmeting/positie niet instellen"

#~ msgid "GNOME-DB %s"						#~ msgid "GNOME-DB %s"
#~ msgstr "GNOME-DB %s"						#~ msgstr "GNOME-DB %s"

#~ msgid "Carlos Perello Marin <carlos gnome-db org>"		#~ msgid "Carlos Perello Marin <carlos gnome-db org>"
#~ msgstr "Carlos Perello Marin <carlos gnome-db org>"		#~ msgstr "Carlos Perello Marin <carlos gnome-db org>"

#~ msgid "Reinhard Muller <reinhard gnue org>"			#~ msgid "Reinhard Muller <reinhard gnue org>"
#~ msgstr "Reinhard Muller <reinhard gnue org>"			#~ msgstr "Reinhard Muller <reinhard gnue org>"

#~ msgid "Copyright 2001, The GNOME Foundation"			#~ msgid "Copyright 2001, The GNOME Foundation"
#~ msgstr "Copyright 2001, The GNOME Foundation"		#~ msgstr "Copyright 2001, The GNOME Foundation"

#~ msgid "Begin _transaction"					#~ msgid "Begin _transaction"
#~ msgstr "Begin _overdracht"					#~ msgstr "Begin _overdracht"

#~ msgid "C_ut"							#~ msgid "C_ut"
#~ msgstr "_Knippen"						#~ msgstr "_Knippen"

#~ msgid "Close current connection"				#~ msgid "Close current connection"
#~ msgstr "Huidige verbinding sluiten"				#~ msgstr "Huidige verbinding sluiten"

#~ msgid "Co_mmit transaction"					#~ msgid "Co_mmit transaction"
#~ msgstr "_Begin overdracht"					#~ msgstr "_Begin overdracht"

#~ msgid "Commit current transaction"				#~ msgid "Commit current transaction"
#~ msgstr "Begin huidige overdracht"				#~ msgstr "Begin huidige overdracht"

#~ msgid "Connection _Properties"				#~ msgid "Connection _Properties"
#~ msgstr "Verbinding _Eigenschappen"				#~ msgstr "Verbinding _Eigenschappen"

#~ msgid "Copy selected items to the clipboard"			#~ msgid "Copy selected items to the clipboard"
#~ msgstr "Kopiëer selectie naar het klembord"			#~ msgstr "Kopiëer selectie naar het klembord"

#~ msgid "Cut selected items to the clipboard"			#~ msgid "Cut selected items to the clipboard"
#~ msgstr "Knip selectie naar het klembord"			#~ msgstr "Knip selectie naar het klembord"

#~ msgid "E_xport database"					#~ msgid "E_xport database"
#~ msgstr "Database E_xporteren"				#~ msgstr "Database E_xporteren"

#~ msgid "Import data into an existing database"		#~ msgid "Import data into an existing database"
#~ msgstr "Importeer gegevens in een bestaande database"	#~ msgstr "Importeer gegevens in een bestaande database"

#~ msgid "Main toolbar"						#~ msgid "Main toolbar"
#~ msgstr "Hoofd werkbalk"					#~ msgstr "Hoofd werkbalk"

#~ msgid "Make a copy of a database"				#~ msgid "Make a copy of a database"
#~ msgstr "Maka een kopie van een database"			#~ msgstr "Maka een kopie van een database"

#~ msgid "Open a command previously saved"			#~ msgid "Open a command previously saved"
#~ msgstr "Open een eerder opgeslagen commando"			#~ msgstr "Open een eerder opgeslagen commando"

#~ msgid "Open the SQL command interface"			#~ msgid "Open the SQL command interface"
#~ msgstr "Open de SQL commando interface"			#~ msgstr "Open de SQL commando interface"

#~ msgid "Open the database browser for the current connectio	#~ msgid "Open the database browser for the current connectio
#~ msgstr "Open de database browser voor de huidige verbindin	#~ msgstr "Open de database browser voor de huidige verbindin

#~ msgid "Paste items from the clipboard"			#~ msgid "Paste items from the clipboard"
#~ msgstr "Plak items van het klembord"				#~ msgstr "Plak items van het klembord"

#~ msgid "Refresh"						#~ msgid "Refresh"
#~ msgstr "Vernieuwen"						#~ msgstr "Vernieuwen"

#~ msgid "Refresh lists"					#~ msgid "Refresh lists"
#~ msgstr "Vernieuw lijsten"					#~ msgstr "Vernieuw lijsten"

#~ msgid "Rollback current transaction"				#~ msgid "Rollback current transaction"
#~ msgstr "Huidige overdracht terugzetten"			#~ msgstr "Huidige overdracht terugzetten"

#~ msgid "Run"							#~ msgid "Run"
#~ msgstr "Uitvoeren"						#~ msgstr "Uitvoeren"

#~ msgid "Run current SQL command"				#~ msgid "Run current SQL command"
#~ msgstr "Huidig SQL commando uitvoeren"			#~ msgstr "Huidig SQL commando uitvoeren"

#~ msgid "SQL window"						#~ msgid "SQL window"
#~ msgstr "SQL venster"						#~ msgstr "SQL venster"

#~ msgid "Save current command"					#~ msgid "Save current command"
#~ msgstr "Huidig commando opslaan"				#~ msgstr "Huidig commando opslaan"

#~ msgid "Show connection properties"				#~ msgid "Show connection properties"
#~ msgstr "Laat eigenschappen verbinding zien"			#~ msgstr "Laat eigenschappen verbinding zien"

#~ msgid "Start a new transaction"				#~ msgid "Start a new transaction"
#~ msgstr "Start een nieuwe transactie"				#~ msgstr "Start een nieuwe transactie"

#~ msgid "_Connect"						#~ msgid "_Connect"
#~ msgstr "V_erbinden"						#~ msgstr "V_erbinden"

#~ msgid "_Copy"						#~ msgid "_Copy"
#~ msgstr "_Kopiëren"						#~ msgstr "_Kopiëren"

#~ msgid "_Disconnect"						#~ msgid "_Disconnect"
#~ msgstr "_Verbinding verbreken"				#~ msgstr "_Verbinding verbreken"

#~ msgid "_Open command"					#~ msgid "_Open command"
#~ msgstr "_Open commando"					#~ msgstr "_Open commando"

#~ msgid "_Refresh"						#~ msgid "_Refresh"
#~ msgstr "_Verniewen"						#~ msgstr "_Verniewen"

#~ msgid "_Rollback transaction"				#~ msgid "_Rollback transaction"
#~ msgstr "Overdracht _terugzetten"				#~ msgstr "Overdracht _terugzetten"

#~ msgid "_Run command"						#~ msgid "_Run command"
#~ msgstr "Commando _uitvoeren"					#~ msgstr "Commando _uitvoeren"

#~ msgid "_Run current command"					#~ msgid "_Run current command"
#~ msgstr "Huidig commando _uitvoeren"				#~ msgstr "Huidig commando _uitvoeren"

#~ msgid "_Save command"					#~ msgid "_Save command"
#~ msgstr "Commando _opslaan"					#~ msgstr "Commando _opslaan"

#~ msgid "_Tools"						#~ msgid "_Tools"
#~ msgstr "_Gereedschappen"					#~ msgstr "_Gereedschappen"

#~ msgid "Activate data source configuration window"		#~ msgid "Activate data source configuration window"
#~ msgstr "Activeer gegevensbron configuratie scherm"		#~ msgstr "Activeer gegevensbron configuratie scherm"

#~ msgid "Activate providers configuration window"		#~ msgid "Activate providers configuration window"
#~ msgstr "Activeer aanbieders configuratie scherm"		#~ msgstr "Activeer aanbieders configuratie scherm"

#~ msgid "Configure _Providers"					#~ msgid "Configure _Providers"
#~ msgstr "_Aanbieders instellen"				#~ msgstr "_Aanbieders instellen"

#~ msgid "Remove selected object from configuration"		#~ msgid "Remove selected object from configuration"
#~ msgstr "Verwijder geselecteerde object van configuratie"	#~ msgstr "Verwijder geselecteerde object van configuratie"

#~ msgid "_Data source"						#~ msgid "_Data source"
#~ msgstr "Gegevens_bron"					#~ msgstr "Gegevens_bron"

#~ msgid "Configure printing system"				#~ msgid "Configure printing system"
#~ msgstr "Configureer print systeem"				#~ msgstr "Configureer print systeem"

#~ msgid "E_xit"						#~ msgid "E_xit"
#~ msgstr "A_fsluiten"						#~ msgstr "A_fsluiten"

#~ msgid "Edit a script in your favorite editor"		#~ msgid "Edit a script in your favorite editor"
#~ msgstr "Bewerk een script in uw favorite editor"		#~ msgstr "Bewerk een script in uw favorite editor"

#~ msgid "Exit the program"					#~ msgid "Exit the program"
#~ msgstr "Programma beëindigen"				#~ msgstr "Programma beëindigen"

#~ msgid "Online GNOME-DB manual"				#~ msgid "Online GNOME-DB manual"
#~ msgstr "Online GNOME-DB handleiding"				#~ msgstr "Online GNOME-DB handleiding"

#~ msgid "Online libgda manual"					#~ msgid "Online libgda manual"
#~ msgstr "Online libgda handleiding"				#~ msgstr "Online libgda handleiding"

#~ msgid "Open _Perl script"					#~ msgid "Open _Perl script"
#~ msgstr "_Perl script openen"					#~ msgstr "_Perl script openen"

#~ msgid "Open a new GNOME-DB window"				#~ msgid "Open a new GNOME-DB window"
#~ msgstr "Open een nieuw GNOME-DB venster"			#~ msgstr "Open een nieuw GNOME-DB venster"

#~ msgid "Open and execute a Perl script"			#~ msgid "Open and execute a Perl script"
#~ msgstr "Een Perl script openen en uitvoeren"			#~ msgstr "Een Perl script openen en uitvoeren"

#~ msgid "Print _setup"						#~ msgid "Print _setup"
#~ msgstr "Print _instellingen"					#~ msgstr "Print _instellingen"

#~ msgid "S_cripts"						#~ msgid "S_cripts"
#~ msgstr "S_cripts"						#~ msgstr "S_cripts"

#~ msgid "Set program configuration"				#~ msgid "Set program configuration"
#~ msgstr "Stel programma configuratie in"			#~ msgstr "Stel programma configuratie in"

#~ msgid "Shortcut _bar"					#~ msgid "Shortcut _bar"
#~ msgstr "Snelkoppelingen _balk"				#~ msgstr "Snelkoppelingen _balk"

#~ msgid "Show information about GNOME-DB"			#~ msgid "Show information about GNOME-DB"
#~ msgstr "Geef informatie over GNOME-DB"			#~ msgstr "Geef informatie over GNOME-DB"

#~ msgid "Show/Hide the shortcut bar"				#~ msgid "Show/Hide the shortcut bar"
#~ msgstr "Toon/Verberg de snelkoppelingen balk"		#~ msgstr "Toon/Verberg de snelkoppelingen balk"

#~ msgid "Show/Hide the summary"				#~ msgid "Show/Hide the summary"
#~ msgstr "Toon/Verberg de samenvatting"			#~ msgstr "Toon/Verberg de samenvatting"

#~ msgid "Su_mmary"						#~ msgid "Su_mmary"
#~ msgstr "Samen_vatting"					#~ msgstr "Samen_vatting"

#~ msgid "Submit Bug Report"					#~ msgid "Submit Bug Report"
#~ msgstr "Verstuur Foutenrapport"				#~ msgstr "Verstuur Foutenrapport"

#~ msgid "Submit _Bug Report"					#~ msgid "Submit _Bug Report"
#~ msgstr "Verstuur _Foutenrapport"				#~ msgstr "Verstuur _Foutenrapport"

#~ msgid "Submit bug report using Bug Buddy."			#~ msgid "Submit bug report using Bug Buddy."
#~ msgstr "Verstuur een foutenrapport met Bug Buddy."		#~ msgstr "Verstuur een foutenrapport met Bug Buddy."

#~ msgid "View the GNOME-DB manual online."			#~ msgid "View the GNOME-DB manual online."
#~ msgstr "Bekijk de GNOME-DB handleiding online."		#~ msgstr "Bekijk de GNOME-DB handleiding online."

#~ msgid "View the libgda manual online."			#~ msgid "View the libgda manual online."
#~ msgstr "Bekijk de libgda handleiding online."		#~ msgstr "Bekijk de libgda handleiding online."

#~ msgid "_About GNOME-DB..."					#~ msgid "_About GNOME-DB..."
#~ msgstr "_Over GNOME-DB..."					#~ msgstr "_Over GNOME-DB..."

#~ msgid "_Edit script"						#~ msgid "_Edit script"
#~ msgstr "Script Be_werken"					#~ msgstr "Script Be_werken"

#~ msgid "_Window"						#~ msgid "_Window"
#~ msgstr "_Venster"						#~ msgstr "_Venster"

#~ msgid "GNOME-DB configuration component"			#~ msgid "GNOME-DB configuration component"
#~ msgstr "GNOME-DB configuratie component"			#~ msgstr "GNOME-DB configuratie component"

#~ msgid "No more clients. Terminating..."			#~ msgid "No more clients. Terminating..."
#~ msgstr "Geen clients meer. Afbreken..."			#~ msgstr "Geen clients meer. Afbreken..."
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: no.gmo
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/no.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/no.po
# Norwegian translation of gnome-db (bokmål dialect).		# Norwegian translation of gnome-db (bokmål dialect).
# Copyright © 1999-2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.		# Copyright © 1999-2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# Kjartan Maraas <kmaraas gnome org>, 1999-2004.		# Kjartan Maraas <kmaraas gnome org>, 1999-2004.
#								#
msgid ""							msgid ""
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: gnome-db 1.1\n"				"Project-Id-Version: gnome-db 1.1\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"					"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"			"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-03-09 17:49+0100\n"			"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-03-09 17:49+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Kjartan Maraas <kmaraas gnome org>\n"		"Last-Translator: Kjartan Maraas <kmaraas gnome org>\n"
"Language-Team: Norwegian <no li org>\n"			"Language-Team: Norwegian <no li org>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"						"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"			"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8-bit\n"				"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8-bit\n"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co
msgid "Data Sources"						msgid "Data Sources"
msgstr "Datakilder"						msgstr "Datakilder"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid
msgid "Providers"						msgid "Providers"
msgstr "Tilbydere"						msgstr "Tilbydere"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1
msgid "Configure your database environment"			msgid "Configure your database environment"
msgstr "Konfigurer ditt databasemiljø"				msgstr "Konfigurer ditt databasemiljø"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2
msgid "Database Access Properties "				msgid "Database Access Properties "
msgstr "Egenskaper for databaseaksess "				msgstr "Egenskaper for databaseaksess "

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380
msgid "Name"							msgid "Name"
msgstr "Navn"							msgstr "Navn"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
msgid "Description"						msgid "Description"
msgstr "Beskrivelse"						msgstr "Beskrivelse"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182
msgid "Configured data sources in the system"			msgid "Configured data sources in the system"
msgstr "Konfigurerte datakilder på systemet"			msgstr "Konfigurerte datakilder på systemet"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data sources are the means by which database connections are	"Data sources are the means by which database connections are
"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s	"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s
"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o	"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o
"name you identify the connections in the applications that m	"name you identify the connections in the applications that m
"DB for database access."					"DB for database access."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Datakilder er måten databsetilkoblinger identifiseres i GNOM	"Datakilder er måten databsetilkoblinger identifiseres i GNOM
"All informasjon som kreves for å åpne en tilkobling til en s	"All informasjon som kreves for å åpne en tilkobling til en s
"tilbyder-/database-kombinasjon lagres under et unikt navn. D	"tilbyder-/database-kombinasjon lagres under et unikt navn. D
"dette unike navnet du identifiserer tilkoblingene i programm	"dette unike navnet du identifiserer tilkoblingene i programm
"bruker GNOME-DB for databaseaksess."				"bruker GNOME-DB for databaseaksess."

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"	msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"
msgstr "Er du sikker på at du vil fjerne datakilde «%s»?"	msgstr "Er du sikker på at du vil fjerne datakilde «%s»?"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104
msgid "Data Source Properties"					msgid "Data Source Properties"
msgstr "Egenskaper for datakilde"				msgstr "Egenskaper for datakilde"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132
msgid "Basic"							msgid "Basic"
msgstr "Grunnleggende"						msgstr "Grunnleggende"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Tables"							msgid "Tables"
msgstr "Tabeller"						msgstr "Tabeller"

#: control-center/main.c:92					#: control-center/main.c:92
msgid "No valid data source info was created"			msgid "No valid data source info was created"
msgstr "Ingen gyldig informasjon for datakilde ble opprettet"	msgstr "Ingen gyldig informasjon for datakilde ble opprettet"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218	#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218
msgid "New data source"						msgid "New data source"
msgstr "Ny datakilde"						msgstr "Ny datakilde"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:215					#: control-center/main.c:215
msgid "Database Access Properties"				msgid "Database Access Properties"
msgstr "Egenskaper for databaseaksess"				msgstr "Egenskaper for databaseaksess"

#: control-center/provider-config.c:105				#: control-center/provider-config.c:105
msgid "Installed providers"					msgid "Installed providers"
msgstr "Installerte tilbydere"					msgstr "Installerte tilbydere"

#: control-center/provider-config.c:131				#: control-center/provider-config.c:131
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec	"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec
"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo	"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo
"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr	"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr
"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba	"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba
"etc."								"etc."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Tilbydere er eksterne tillegg som gir aksess til en spesifik	"Tilbydere er eksterne tillegg som gir aksess til en spesifik
"Forvalgt tilbyder er alltid installert, og gir tilgang til d	"Forvalgt tilbyder er alltid installert, og gir tilgang til d
"lagret i XML-filer. Andre tilbydere distribueres vanligvis s	"lagret i XML-filer. Andre tilbydere distribueres vanligvis s
"gnome-db og inkluderer PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Sybase, In	"gnome-db og inkluderer PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Sybase, In

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1
msgid "Database connection parameters file"			msgid "Database connection parameters file"
msgstr "Fil med parametere for databasetilkobling"		msgstr "Fil med parametere for databasetilkobling"

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2
msgid "Documents"						msgid "Documents"
msgstr "Dokumenter"						msgstr "Dokumenter"

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3
msgid "SQL code viewer"						msgid "SQL code viewer"
msgstr "SQL-kodevisning"					msgstr "SQL-kodevisning"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1
msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"			msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"
msgstr "Skrift som skal brukes i rutenettwidgetet"		msgstr "Skrift som skal brukes i rutenettwidgetet"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2
msgid "Number of spaces per tab"				msgid "Number of spaces per tab"
msgstr "Antall mellomrom per tabulator"				msgstr "Antall mellomrom per tabulator"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3
msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"			msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"
msgstr "Vis linjenummer i kilderedigering"			msgstr "Vis linjenummer i kilderedigering"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4
msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"			msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"
msgstr "Bruk utheving i kildekoderedigering"			msgstr "Bruk utheving i kildekoderedigering"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60
msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"			msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"
msgstr "Databasetjenester for GNOME skrivebordet"		msgstr "Databasetjenester for GNOME skrivebordet"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1
msgid "About"							msgid "About"
msgstr "Om"							msgstr "Om"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2
msgid "About GNOME-DB"						msgid "About GNOME-DB"
msgstr "Om GNOME-DB"						msgstr "Om GNOME-DB"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3
msgid "Close this window"					msgid "Close this window"
msgstr "Lukk dette vinduet"					msgstr "Lukk dette vinduet"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4
msgid "Create new entry"					msgid "Create new entry"
msgstr "Lag ny oppføring"					msgstr "Lag ny oppføring"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5
msgid "Delete selected items"					msgid "Delete selected items"
msgstr "Slett valgte oppføringer"				msgstr "Slett valgte oppføringer"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6
msgid "Deselect all items"					msgid "Deselect all items"
msgstr "Fjern merking av alle oppføringer"			msgstr "Fjern merking av alle oppføringer"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7
msgid "Edit properties for selected item"			msgid "Edit properties for selected item"
msgstr "Rediger egenskaper for valgt oppføring"			msgstr "Rediger egenskaper for valgt oppføring"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8
msgid "Save connection parameters to file"			msgid "Save connection parameters to file"
msgstr "Lagre tilkoblingsparametere til fil"			msgstr "Lagre tilkoblingsparametere til fil"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414
msgid "Select _All"						msgid "Select _All"
msgstr "Velg _alle"						msgstr "Velg _alle"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10
msgid "Select all items"					msgid "Select all items"
msgstr "Velg alle oppføringer"					msgstr "Velg alle oppføringer"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11
msgid "View data sources"					msgid "View data sources"
msgstr "Vis datakilde"						msgstr "Vis datakilde"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12
msgid "View providers"						msgid "View providers"
msgstr "Vis tilbydere"						msgstr "Vis tilbydere"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42
msgid "_Clear Selection"					msgid "_Clear Selection"
msgstr "_Tøm utvalg"						msgstr "_Tøm utvalg"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14
msgid "_Close"							msgid "_Close"
msgstr "_Lukk"							msgstr "_Lukk"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15
msgid "_Data Sources"						msgid "_Data Sources"
msgstr "_Datakilder"						msgstr "_Datakilder"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16
msgid "_Database"						msgid "_Database"
msgstr "_Database"						msgstr "_Database"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17
msgid "_Delete"							msgid "_Delete"
msgstr "_Slett"							msgstr "_Slett"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18
msgid "_Edit"							msgid "_Edit"
msgstr "R_ediger"						msgstr "R_ediger"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19
msgid "_Help"							msgid "_Help"
msgstr "_Hjelp"							msgstr "_Hjelp"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20
msgid "_New Data Source..."					msgid "_New Data Source..."
msgstr "_Ny datakilde..."					msgstr "_Ny datakilde..."

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21
msgid "_Properties"						msgid "_Properties"
msgstr "Egenska_per"						msgstr "Egenska_per"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22
msgid "_Providers"						msgid "_Providers"
msgstr "_Tilbydere"						msgstr "_Tilbydere"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23
msgid "_Save Connection"					msgid "_Save Connection"
msgstr "_Lagre tilkobling"					msgstr "_Lagre tilkobling"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24
msgid "_View"							msgid "_View"
msgstr "_Vis"							msgstr "_Vis"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76
msgid "Structure"						msgid "Structure"
msgstr "Struktur"						msgstr "Struktur"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73
msgid "Data"							msgid "Data"
msgstr "Data"							msgstr "Data"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238
msgid "Not implemented yet!"					msgid "Not implemented yet!"
msgstr "Ikke implementert ennå!"				msgstr "Ikke implementert ennå!"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Database"						msgid "Database"
msgstr "Database"						msgstr "Database"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540
msgid "Loading database schemas..."				msgid "Loading database schemas..."
msgstr "Laster databaseskjema..."				msgstr "Laster databaseskjema..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632
msgid "Refreshing data..."					msgid "Refreshing data..."
msgstr "Oppdaterer data..."					msgstr "Oppdaterer data..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688
msgid "Views"							msgid "Views"
msgstr "Visninger"						msgstr "Visninger"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691
msgid "Indexes"							msgid "Indexes"
msgstr "Indekser"						msgstr "Indekser"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Sequences"						msgid "Sequences"
msgstr "Sekvenser"						msgstr "Sekvenser"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Procedures"						msgid "Procedures"
msgstr "Prosedyrer"						msgstr "Prosedyrer"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700
msgid "Triggers"						msgid "Triggers"
msgstr "Utløsere"						msgstr "Utløsere"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Aggregates"						msgid "Aggregates"
msgstr "Aggregater"						msgstr "Aggregater"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Types"							msgid "Types"
msgstr "Typer"							msgstr "Typer"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140
msgid "Could not query CORBA components"			msgid "Could not query CORBA components"
msgstr "Kunne ikke spørre CORBA-komponenter"			msgstr "Kunne ikke spørre CORBA-komponenter"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209
msgid "ID"							msgid "ID"
msgstr "ID"							msgstr "ID"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "Location"						msgid "Location"
msgstr "Lokasjon"						msgstr "Lokasjon"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212
msgid "Username"						msgid "Username"
msgstr "Brukernavn"						msgstr "Brukernavn"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213
msgid "Hostname"						msgid "Hostname"
msgstr "Vertsnavn"						msgstr "Vertsnavn"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214
msgid "Domain"							msgid "Domain"
msgstr "Domene"							msgstr "Domene"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"			msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"
msgstr "Ikke-støttet type i GconfEntry: %d"			msgstr "Ikke-støttet type i GconfEntry: %d"

#. create widgets						#. create widgets
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97
msgid "Settings"						msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Innstillinger"						msgstr "Innstillinger"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103
msgid "Data source name"					msgid "Data source name"
msgstr "Navn på datakilde"					msgstr "Navn på datakilde"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109
msgid "Connection string"					msgid "Connection string"
msgstr "Tilkoblingsstreng"					msgstr "Tilkoblingsstreng"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115
msgid "Provider"						msgid "Provider"
msgstr "Tilbyder"						msgstr "Tilbyder"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121
msgid "User name"						msgid "User name"
msgstr "Brukernavn"						msgstr "Brukernavn"

#. create feature list						#. create feature list
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128
msgid "Features"						msgid "Features"
msgstr "Funksjoner"						msgstr "Funksjoner"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190
msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"		msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"
msgstr "Du må oppgi et navn for den nye datakilden"		msgstr "Du må oppgi et navn for den nye datakilden"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac	msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac
msgstr "Navn på datakilder kan ikke inneholde mellomrom"	msgstr "Navn på datakilder kan ikke inneholde mellomrom"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206
msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th	msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th
msgstr "En eksisterende datakilde er allerede registrert med 	msgstr "En eksisterende datakilde er allerede registrert med 

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213
msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"			msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"
msgstr "Navn på datakilder kan ikke inneholde mellomrom"	msgstr "Navn på datakilder kan ikke inneholde mellomrom"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217
msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n	msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Navn på datakilder kan kun inneholde bokstaver og tall i ASC	"Navn på datakilder kan kun inneholde bokstaver og tall i ASC

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225
msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"	msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"
msgstr "Du må velge en tilbyder for den nye datakilden"		msgstr "Du må velge en tilbyder for den nye datakilden"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233
msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"		msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"
msgstr "Tilbyder ikke funnet i din konfigurasjon"		msgstr "Tilbyder ikke funnet i din konfigurasjon"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391
msgid "Add a new data source..."				msgid "Add a new data source..."
msgstr "Legg til ny datakilde..."				msgstr "Legg til ny datakilde..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392
msgid ""							msgid ""
"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"		"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"
"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"		"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"
"installation. Just follow the steps!"				"installation. Just follow the steps!"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Denne assistenten vil lede deg gjennom prosessen\n"		"Denne assistenten vil lede deg gjennom prosessen\n"
"med å opprette en ny datakilde for din GNOME-DB\n"		"med å opprette en ny datakilde for din GNOME-DB\n"
"installasjon. Bare følg instruksjonene!"			"installasjon. Bare følg instruksjonene!"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404
msgid "General Information"					msgid "General Information"
msgstr "Generell informasjon"					msgstr "Generell informasjon"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the basic information\n"	"The following fields represent the basic information\n"
"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n	"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n
"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"	"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"
"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"	"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"
"the default one."						"the default one."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Følgende felt representerer den grunnleggende informasjonen\	"Følgende felt representerer den grunnleggende informasjonen\
"for din nye datakilde. Noen av dem (beskrivelse, brukernavn)	"for din nye datakilde. Noen av dem (beskrivelse, brukernavn)
"er valgfrie, mens andre kreves utfylt. Hvis du ikke vet\n"	"er valgfrie, mens andre kreves utfylt. Hvis du ikke vet\n"
"hvilken tilbyder som skal brukes kan du bruke forvalgt."	"hvilken tilbyder som skal brukes kan du bruke forvalgt."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104
msgid "Data source _name:"					msgid "Data source _name:"
msgstr "_Navn på datakilde:"					msgstr "_Navn på datakilde:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114
msgid "_Provider:"						msgid "_Provider:"
msgstr "_Tilbyder:"						msgstr "_Tilbyder:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133
msgid "_Description:"						msgid "_Description:"
msgstr "_Beskrivelse:"						msgstr "_Beskrivelse:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142
msgid "_Username:"						msgid "_Username:"
msgstr "Br_ukernavn:"						msgstr "Br_ukernavn:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151
msgid "P_assword:"						msgid "P_assword:"
msgstr "P_assord:"						msgstr "P_assord:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454
msgid "Provider Parameters"					msgid "Provider Parameters"
msgstr "Parametere for tilbyder"				msgstr "Parametere for tilbyder"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the information needed by the	"The following fields represent the information needed by the
"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n	"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n
"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\	"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\
"the manual for more information."				"the manual for more information."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Følgende felter representerer informasjonen som kreves for å	"Følgende felter representerer informasjonen som kreves for å
"åpne en gitt tilkobling av tilbyderen du valgte på forrige\n	"åpne en gitt tilkobling av tilbyderen du valgte på forrige\n
"side. Denne informasjonen er tilbyder-spesifikk, så sjekk\n"	"side. Denne informasjonen er tilbyder-spesifikk, så sjekk\n"
"håndboken for mer informasjon."				"håndboken for mer informasjon."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481
msgid "All information retrieved"				msgid "All information retrieved"
msgstr "Hentet all informasjon"					msgstr "Hentet all informasjon"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482
msgid ""							msgid ""
"All information needed to create a new data source\n"		"All information needed to create a new data source\n"
"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"		"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"
"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"	"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"
"just select it when asked for a data source."			"just select it when asked for a data source."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"All nødvendig informasjon for å opprette en ny datakilde\n"	"All nødvendig informasjon for å opprette en ny datakilde\n"
"er hentet. Trykk «Bruk» for å lukke denne dialogen.\n"		"er hentet. Trykk «Bruk» for å lukke denne dialogen.\n"
"For å åpne din nye datakilde må du velge den når du\n"		"For å åpne din nye datakilde må du velge den når du\n"
"blir spurt etter en datakilde."				"blir spurt etter en datakilde."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124
msgid "Connection _string:"					msgid "Connection _string:"
msgstr "Tilkoblings_streng:"					msgstr "Tilkoblings_streng:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4
msgid "Error"							msgid "Error"
msgstr "Feil"							msgstr "Feil"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.
msgid "Show detail >>"						msgid "Show detail >>"
msgstr "Vis detaljer >>"					msgstr "Vis detaljer >>"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122
msgid "<< Hide detail"						msgid "<< Hide detail"
msgstr "<< Skjul detaljer"					msgstr "<< Skjul detaljer"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191
msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"	msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"
msgstr "En feil har oppstått i den underliggende databasen"	msgstr "En feil har oppstått i den underliggende databasen"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196
msgid "Error number"						msgid "Error number"
msgstr "Feilnummer"						msgstr "Feilnummer"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227
msgid "Details"							msgid "Details"
msgstr "Detaljer"						msgstr "Detaljer"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234
msgid "Source"							msgid "Source"
msgstr "Kilde"							msgstr "Kilde"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241
msgid "SQL state"						msgid "SQL state"
msgstr "SQL-tilstand"						msgstr "SQL-tilstand"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Field:"							msgid "_Field:"
msgstr "Felt"							msgstr "Felt"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118
msgid "_Text:"							msgid "_Text:"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308
msgid "No records"						msgid "No records"
msgstr "Ingen poster"						msgstr "Ingen poster"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Record %d of %d"						msgid "Record %d of %d"
msgstr "Post %d av %d"						msgstr "Post %d av %d"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113
msgid "Recordset description"					msgid "Recordset description"
msgstr "Beskrivelse av postsett"				msgstr "Beskrivelse av postsett"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid ""							msgid ""
"File '%s' already exists.\n"					"File '%s' already exists.\n"
"Do you want to overwrite it?"					"Do you want to overwrite it?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Fil «%s» eksisterer allerede\n"				"Fil «%s» eksisterer allerede\n"
"Vil du overskrive den?"					"Vil du overskrive den?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149
msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."		msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."
msgstr "Hvis du velger å gjøre dette vil innholdet gå tapt."	msgstr "Hvis du velger å gjøre dette vil innholdet gå tapt."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Could not save file %s"					msgid "Could not save file %s"
msgstr "Kunne ikke lagre fil %s"				msgstr "Kunne ikke lagre fil %s"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224
msgid "You must specify a file name"				msgid "You must specify a file name"
msgstr "Du må spesifisere et filnavn"				msgstr "Du må spesifisere et filnavn"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230
msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"		msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"
msgstr "Fikk en tom fil under konvertering av data"		msgstr "Fikk en tom fil under konvertering av data"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261
msgid "Saving Model"						msgid "Saving Model"
msgstr "Lagrer modell"						msgstr "Lagrer modell"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272
msgid "File _name:"						msgid "File _name:"
msgstr "Fil_navn:"						msgstr "Fil_navn:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276
msgid "Select File"						msgid "Select File"
msgstr "Velg fil"						msgstr "Velg fil"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283
msgid "File _type:"						msgid "File _type:"
msgstr "Fil_type:"						msgstr "Fil_type:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291
msgid "Tab-delimited"						msgid "Tab-delimited"
msgstr "Tabulatorseparert"					msgstr "Tabulatorseparert"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294
msgid "Comma-delimited"						msgid "Comma-delimited"
msgstr "Kommaseparert"						msgstr "Kommaseparert"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:
msgid "XML"							msgid "XML"
msgstr "XML"							msgstr "XML"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355
msgid "View detail"						msgid "View detail"
msgstr "Vis detaljer"						msgstr "Vis detaljer"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427
msgid "Show Column _Titles"					msgid "Show Column _Titles"
msgstr "Vis kolonne_titler"					msgstr "Vis kolonne_titler"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442
msgid "Describe"						msgid "Describe"
msgstr "Beskriv"						msgstr "Beskriv"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443
msgid "View detail..."						msgid "View detail..."
msgstr "Vis detaljer..."					msgstr "Vis detaljer..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614
msgid "Title"							msgid "Title"
msgstr "Tittel"							msgstr "Tittel"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48
msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"	msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"
msgstr "Forsøk på å initiere en klient som allerede er initie	msgstr "Forsøk på å initiere en klient som allerede er initie

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"		"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"
"to a data source"						"to a data source"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Oppgi argumentene for åpning av en tilkobling\n"		"Oppgi argumentene for åpning av en tilkobling\n"
"til en datakilde under"					"til en datakilde under"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253
msgid "Data Source:"						msgid "Data Source:"
msgstr "Datakilde:"						msgstr "Datakilde:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270
msgid "Username:"						msgid "Username:"
msgstr "Brukernavn:"						msgstr "Brukernavn:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279
msgid "Password:"						msgid "Password:"
msgstr "Passord:"						msgstr "Passord:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69
msgid "Fields"							msgid "Fields"
msgstr "Felt"							msgstr "Felt"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30
msgid "Commit"							msgid "Commit"
msgstr "Utfør"							msgstr "Utfør"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31
msgid "Connect"							msgid "Connect"
msgstr "Koble til"						msgstr "Koble til"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33
msgid "Designer"						msgid "Designer"
msgstr "Utformer"						msgstr "Utformer"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34
msgid "Disconnect"						msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr "Koble fra"						msgstr "Koble fra"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35
msgid "NoTransaction"						msgid "NoTransaction"
msgstr "IngenTransaksjon"					msgstr "IngenTransaksjon"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37
msgid "Query"							msgid "Query"
msgstr "Spørring"						msgstr "Spørring"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38
msgid "Rollback"						msgid "Rollback"
msgstr "Tilbakerulling"						msgstr "Tilbakerulling"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40
msgid "SQL"							msgid "SQL"
msgstr "SQL"							msgstr "SQL"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43
msgid "WithinTransaction"					msgid "WithinTransaction"
msgstr "InnenTransaksjon"					msgstr "InnenTransaksjon"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Error: %s"						msgid "Error: %s"
msgstr "Feil: %s"						msgstr "Feil: %s"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79
msgid "Table name"						msgid "Table name"
msgstr "Tabellnavn"						msgstr "Tabellnavn"

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93			#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Login for %s"						msgid "Login for %s"
msgstr "Login for %s"						msgstr "Login for %s"

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95					#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95
msgid "Login to database"					msgid "Login to database"
msgstr "Logg inn i databasen"					msgstr "Logg inn i databasen"

#: vfs/libmain.c:71						#: vfs/libmain.c:71
msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"				msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"
msgstr "GNOME VFS-database: modul"				msgstr "GNOME VFS-database: modul"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40
msgid "Table Properties"					msgid "Table Properties"
msgstr "Egenskaper for tabell"					msgstr "Egenskaper for tabell"

#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47
msgid "Table Name"						msgid "Table Name"
msgstr "Tabellnavn"						msgstr "Tabellnavn"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155
msgid "New"							msgid "New"
msgstr "Ny"							msgstr "Ny"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156
msgid "Create new table"					msgid "Create new table"
msgstr "Lag ny tabell"						msgstr "Lag ny tabell"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161
msgid "Properties"						msgid "Properties"
msgstr "Egenskaper"						msgstr "Egenskaper"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162
msgid "View table properties"					msgid "View table properties"
msgstr "Vis egenskaper for tabell"				msgstr "Vis egenskaper for tabell"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
msgid "UID"							msgid "UID"
msgstr "UID"							msgstr "UID"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "calendar"						msgid "calendar"
msgstr "kalender"						msgstr "kalender"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "summary"							msgid "summary"
msgstr "sammendrag"						msgstr "sammendrag"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "Summary"							msgid "Summary"
msgstr "Sammendrag"						msgstr "Sammendrag"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "location"						msgid "location"
msgstr "lokasjon"						msgstr "lokasjon"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "dtstart"							msgid "dtstart"
msgstr "Starttid"						msgstr "Starttid"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
msgid "Start time"						msgid "Start time"
msgstr "Slutt-tid"						msgstr "Slutt-tid"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "dtend"							msgid "dtend"
msgstr "dtend"							msgstr "dtend"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "End time"						msgid "End time"
msgstr "Slutt-tid"						msgstr "Slutt-tid"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
msgid "description"						msgid "description"
msgstr "beskrivelse"						msgstr "beskrivelse"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "classification"						msgid "classification"
msgstr "klassifisering"						msgstr "klassifisering"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "Classification"						msgid "Classification"
msgstr "Klassifisering"						msgstr "Klassifisering"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "transparency"						msgid "transparency"
msgstr "gjennomsiktighet"					msgstr "gjennomsiktighet"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "Transparency"						msgid "Transparency"
msgstr "Gjennomsiktighet"					msgstr "Gjennomsiktighet"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "categories"						msgid "categories"
msgstr "kategorier"						msgstr "kategorier"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "Categories"						msgid "Categories"
msgstr "Kategorier"						msgstr "Kategorier"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "tasks"							msgid "tasks"
msgstr "oppgaver"						msgstr "oppgaver"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "due"							msgid "due"
msgstr "ferdig"							msgstr "ferdig"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "Due date"						msgid "Due date"
msgstr "Ferdigdato"						msgstr "Ferdigdato"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "Start date"						msgid "Start date"
msgstr "Startdato"						msgstr "Startdato"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355
msgid "Public"							msgid "Public"
msgstr "Offentlig"						msgstr "Offentlig"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358
msgid "Private"							msgid "Private"
msgstr "Privat"							msgstr "Privat"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361
msgid "Confidential"						msgid "Confidential"
msgstr "Konfidensiell"						msgstr "Konfidensiell"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63
msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"		msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"
msgstr "Kunne ikke åpne forvalgt kalendermappe"			msgstr "Kunne ikke åpne forvalgt kalendermappe"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66
msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"			msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"
msgstr "Kunne ikke åpne forvalgt oppgavemappe"			msgstr "Kunne ikke åpne forvalgt oppgavemappe"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80
msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta	msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta
msgstr "Autentisering kreves for å aksessere forvalgt kontakt	msgstr "Autentisering kreves for å aksessere forvalgt kontakt

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83
msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"		msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"
msgstr "Kunne ikke åpne forvalgt kontaktmappe"			msgstr "Kunne ikke åpne forvalgt kontaktmappe"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100
msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"				msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"
msgstr "Kunne ikke initiere Bonobo"				msgstr "Kunne ikke initiere Bonobo"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212
msgid "Field name"						msgid "Field name"
msgstr "Feltnavn"						msgstr "Feltnavn"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213
msgid "Data type"						msgid "Data type"
msgstr "Datatype"						msgstr "Datatype"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214
msgid "Size"							msgid "Size"
msgstr "Størrelse"						msgstr "Størrelse"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215
msgid "Scale"							msgid "Scale"
msgstr "Skala"							msgstr "Skala"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216
msgid "Not null?"						msgid "Not null?"
msgstr "Ikke null"						msgstr "Ikke null"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217
msgid "Primary key?"						msgid "Primary key?"
msgstr "Primærnøkkel?"						msgstr "Primærnøkkel?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218
msgid "Unique index?"						msgid "Unique index?"
msgstr "Unik indeks?"						msgstr "Unik indeks?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219
msgid "References"						msgid "References"
msgstr "Referanser"						msgstr "Referanser"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220
msgid "Default value"						msgid "Default value"
msgstr "Forvalgt verdi"						msgstr "Forvalgt verdi"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239
msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l	msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l
msgstr "Tabellnavn kreves men ble ikke oppgitt i parameterlis	msgstr "Tabellnavn kreves men ble ikke oppgitt i parameterlis

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Table %s does not exist"					msgid "Table %s does not exist"
msgstr "Tabell %s eksisterer ikke"				msgstr "Tabell %s eksisterer ikke"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318
msgid "Scheduled events"					msgid "Scheduled events"
msgstr "Planlagte hendelser"					msgstr "Planlagte hendelser"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321
msgid "TODO list"						msgid "TODO list"
msgstr "Oppgaveliste"						msgstr "Oppgaveliste"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375
msgid "Owner"							msgid "Owner"
msgstr "Eier"							msgstr "Eier"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376
msgid "Comments"						msgid "Comments"
msgstr "Kommentarer"						msgstr "Kommentarer"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374
msgid "Type"							msgid "Type"
msgstr "Type"							msgstr "Type"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377
msgid "GDA type"						msgid "GDA type"
msgstr "GDA-type"						msgstr "GDA-type"

#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id	#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id
#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database	#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database
#. we can easily access that information			#. we can easily access that information
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382
msgid "local"							msgid "local"
msgstr "lokal"							msgstr "lokal"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217
msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr "Oppretting av databaser støttes ikke ennå"		msgstr "Oppretting av databaser støttes ikke ennå"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230
msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr "Fjerning av databaser støttes ikke ennå"		msgstr "Fjerning av databaser støttes ikke ennå"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244
msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"			msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"
msgstr "Schema for tabeller kunne ikke hentes"			msgstr "Schema for tabeller kunne ikke hentes"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268
msgid "Invalid SQL command"					msgid "Invalid SQL command"
msgstr "Ugyldig SQL-kommando"					msgstr "Ugyldig SQL-kommando"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353
msgid "Transactions are not supported"				msgid "Transactions are not supported"
msgstr "Transaksjoner er ikke støttet"				msgstr "Transaksjoner er ikke støttet"

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41
msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"		msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"
msgstr "Tilbyder for personlige data fra Ximian Evolution"	msgstr "Tilbyder for personlige data fra Ximian Evolution"

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task	"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Datakilde for å aksessere Evolution's forvalgte kalender, op	"Datakilde for å aksessere Evolution's forvalgte kalender, op
"kontakter"							"kontakter"
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po: pa.po
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: pl.gmo
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/pl.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/pl.po
# Copyright (C) 2001-2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.	# Copyright (C) 2001-2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-		# -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
# AktualnÄ? wersjÄ? tego pliku możesz odnaleźÄ? w repozytorium c	# AktualnÄ? wersjÄ? tego pliku możesz odnaleźÄ? w repozytorium c
# (:pserver:anonymous cvs gnome pl:/home/cvs, puste hasÅ?o)	# (:pserver:anonymous cvs gnome pl:/home/cvs, puste hasÅ?o)
# JeÅ?li masz jakiekolwiek uwagi odnoszÄ?ce siÄ? do tÅ?umaczenia 	# JeÅ?li masz jakiekolwiek uwagi odnoszÄ?ce siÄ? do tÅ?umaczenia 
# pomóc w jego rozwijaniu i pielÄ?gnowaniu, napisz do nas na a	# pomóc w jego rozwijaniu i pielÄ?gnowaniu, napisz do nas na a
# translators gnome pl						# translators gnome pl
# -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-		# -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
msgid ""							msgid ""
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: libgnomedb\n"				"Project-Id-Version: libgnomedb\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"					"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"			"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2003-07-18 19:58+0100\n"			"PO-Revision-Date: 2003-07-18 19:58+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Gnome PL Team <translators gnome pl>\n"	"Last-Translator: Gnome PL Team <translators gnome pl>\n"
"Language-Team: Polish <pl li org>\n"				"Language-Team: Polish <pl li org>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"						"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"			"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"				"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co
msgid "Data Sources"						msgid "Data Sources"
msgstr "ŹródÅ?a danych"						msgstr "ŹródÅ?a danych"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid
msgid "Providers"						msgid "Providers"
msgstr "Dostarczyciele"						msgstr "Dostarczyciele"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1
msgid "Configure your database environment"			msgid "Configure your database environment"
msgstr "Konfiguracja Å?rodowiska bazodanowego"			msgstr "Konfiguracja Å?rodowiska bazodanowego"

#  create the dialog						#  create the dialog
#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Database Access Properties "				msgid "Database Access Properties "
msgstr "WÅ?aÅ?ciwoÅ?ci bazy danych"				msgstr "WÅ?aÅ?ciwoÅ?ci bazy danych"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380
msgid "Name"							msgid "Name"
msgstr "Nazwa"							msgstr "Nazwa"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
msgid "Description"						msgid "Description"
msgstr "Opis"							msgstr "Opis"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182
msgid "Configured data sources in the system"			msgid "Configured data sources in the system"
msgstr "Skonfigurowne w systemie źródÅ?a danych"			msgstr "Skonfigurowne w systemie źródÅ?a danych"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data sources are the means by which database connections are	"Data sources are the means by which database connections are
"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s	"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s
"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o	"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o
"name you identify the connections in the applications that m	"name you identify the connections in the applications that m
"DB for database access."					"DB for database access."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"ŹródÅ?a danych to sposób identyfikacji poÅ?Ä?czeÅ? z bazami dany	"ŹródÅ?a danych to sposób identyfikacji poÅ?Ä?czeÅ? z bazami dany
"Wszystkie informacje potrzebne przy nawiÄ?zaniu poÅ?Ä?czenia z 	"Wszystkie informacje potrzebne przy nawiÄ?zaniu poÅ?Ä?czenia z 
"danych poprzez obsÅ?ugujÄ?cego jÄ? dostarczyciela bazodanowego 	"danych poprzez obsÅ?ugujÄ?cego jÄ? dostarczyciela bazodanowego 
"unikatowÄ? nazwÄ?. Nazwa ta jest nastÄ?pnie używana w aplikacja	"unikatowÄ? nazwÄ?. Nazwa ta jest nastÄ?pnie używana w aplikacja
"do bazy danych za poÅ?rednictwem GNOME-DB."			"do bazy danych za poÅ?rednictwem GNOME-DB."

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277
#, fuzzy, c-format						#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"	msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"
msgstr "Czy chcesz usunÄ?Ä? źródÅ?o danych \"%s\"?"		msgstr "Czy chcesz usunÄ?Ä? źródÅ?o danych \"%s\"?"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data Source Properties"					msgid "Data Source Properties"
msgstr "WÅ?aÅ?ciwoÅ?ci źródÅ?a danych"				msgstr "WÅ?aÅ?ciwoÅ?ci źródÅ?a danych"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132
msgid "Basic"							msgid "Basic"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Tables"							msgid "Tables"
msgstr "Tabele"							msgstr "Tabele"

#: control-center/main.c:92					#: control-center/main.c:92
msgid "No valid data source info was created"			msgid "No valid data source info was created"
msgstr "Nie utworzono poprawnych informacji o źródle danych"	msgstr "Nie utworzono poprawnych informacji o źródle danych"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218	#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218
msgid "New data source"						msgid "New data source"
msgstr "Nowe źródÅ?o danych"					msgstr "Nowe źródÅ?o danych"

#  create the dialog						#  create the dialog
#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:215					#: control-center/main.c:215
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Database Access Properties"				msgid "Database Access Properties"
msgstr "WÅ?aÅ?ciwoÅ?ci bazy danych"				msgstr "WÅ?aÅ?ciwoÅ?ci bazy danych"

#: control-center/provider-config.c:105				#: control-center/provider-config.c:105
msgid "Installed providers"					msgid "Installed providers"
msgstr "Zainstalowani dostarczyciele"				msgstr "Zainstalowani dostarczyciele"

#: control-center/provider-config.c:131				#: control-center/provider-config.c:131
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec	"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec
"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo	"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo
"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr	"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr
"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba	"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba
"etc."								"etc."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Dostarczyciele to zewnÄ?trzne wtyczki, dajÄ?ce dostÄ?p do specy	"Dostarczyciele to zewnÄ?trzne wtyczki, dajÄ?ce dostÄ?p do specy
"danych. DomyÅ?lny dostarczyciel jest dostarczycielem zainstal	"danych. DomyÅ?lny dostarczyciel jest dostarczycielem zainstal
"pozwalajÄ?cym na dostÄ?p do baz danych zapisanych w plikach XM	"pozwalajÄ?cym na dostÄ?p do baz danych zapisanych w plikach XM
"dostarczycieli, zwykle dystrybuowanych wraz z libgda/gnome-d	"dostarczycieli, zwykle dystrybuowanych wraz z libgda/gnome-d
"PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Sybase, Interbase, itp."		"PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Sybase, Interbase, itp."

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1
msgid "Database connection parameters file"			msgid "Database connection parameters file"
msgstr "Plik z parametrami poÅ?Ä?czenia z bazÄ? danych."		msgstr "Plik z parametrami poÅ?Ä?czenia z bazÄ? danych."

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2
msgid "Documents"						msgid "Documents"
msgstr "Dokumenty"						msgstr "Dokumenty"

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3
msgid "SQL code viewer"						msgid "SQL code viewer"
msgstr "PrzeglÄ?darka kodu SQL-a"				msgstr "PrzeglÄ?darka kodu SQL-a"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1
msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"			msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"
msgstr "Czcionka używana przez widget siatki"			msgstr "Czcionka używana przez widget siatki"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2
msgid "Number of spaces per tab"				msgid "Number of spaces per tab"
msgstr "Liczba spacji, przypadajÄ?ca na tabulacjÄ?"		msgstr "Liczba spacji, przypadajÄ?ca na tabulacjÄ?"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3
msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"			msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"
msgstr "WyÅ?wietlanie numerów wierszy w edytorze kodu"		msgstr "WyÅ?wietlanie numerów wierszy w edytorze kodu"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4
msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"			msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"
msgstr "Wyróżnianie elementów skÅ?adniowych w edytorze kodu"	msgstr "Wyróżnianie elementów skÅ?adniowych w edytorze kodu"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60
msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"			msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"
msgstr "UsÅ?ugi bazodanowe dla pulpitu GNOME"			msgstr "UsÅ?ugi bazodanowe dla pulpitu GNOME"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1
msgid "About"							msgid "About"
msgstr "Informacje"						msgstr "Informacje"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2
msgid "About GNOME-DB"						msgid "About GNOME-DB"
msgstr "Informacje o GNOME-DB"					msgstr "Informacje o GNOME-DB"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3
msgid "Close this window"					msgid "Close this window"
msgstr "Zamyka to okno"						msgstr "Zamyka to okno"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4
msgid "Create new entry"					msgid "Create new entry"
msgstr "Tworzy nowy element"					msgstr "Tworzy nowy element"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5
msgid "Delete selected items"					msgid "Delete selected items"
msgstr "Usuwa zaznaczone elementy"				msgstr "Usuwa zaznaczone elementy"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Deselect all items"					msgid "Deselect all items"
msgstr "Usuwa zaznaczone elementy"				msgstr "Usuwa zaznaczone elementy"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7
msgid "Edit properties for selected item"			msgid "Edit properties for selected item"
msgstr "Modyfikuje wÅ?aÅ?ciwoÅ?ci zaznaczonego elementu"		msgstr "Modyfikuje wÅ?aÅ?ciwoÅ?ci zaznaczonego elementu"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8
msgid "Save connection parameters to file"			msgid "Save connection parameters to file"
msgstr "Zapis parametrów poÅ?Ä?czenia do pliku"			msgstr "Zapis parametrów poÅ?Ä?czenia do pliku"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Select _All"						msgid "Select _All"
msgstr "Zaznacz wszystkie"					msgstr "Zaznacz wszystkie"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Select all items"					msgid "Select all items"
msgstr "Zaznacz wszystkie"					msgstr "Zaznacz wszystkie"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View data sources"					msgid "View data sources"
msgstr "Nowe źródÅ?o danych"					msgstr "Nowe źródÅ?o danych"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View providers"						msgid "View providers"
msgstr "Dostarczyciele"						msgstr "Dostarczyciele"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Clear Selection"					msgid "_Clear Selection"
msgstr "WyczyÅ?Ä? zaznaczenie"					msgstr "WyczyÅ?Ä? zaznaczenie"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14
msgid "_Close"							msgid "_Close"
msgstr "_Zamknij"						msgstr "_Zamknij"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Data Sources"						msgid "_Data Sources"
msgstr "ŹródÅ?a danych"						msgstr "ŹródÅ?a danych"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Database"						msgid "_Database"
msgstr "Baza danych"						msgstr "Baza danych"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17
msgid "_Delete"							msgid "_Delete"
msgstr "_UsuÅ?"							msgstr "_UsuÅ?"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18
msgid "_Edit"							msgid "_Edit"
msgstr "_Edycja"						msgstr "_Edycja"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19
msgid "_Help"							msgid "_Help"
msgstr "Po_moc"							msgstr "Po_moc"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_New Data Source..."					msgid "_New Data Source..."
msgstr "Nowe źródÅ?o danych"					msgstr "Nowe źródÅ?o danych"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Properties"						msgid "_Properties"
msgstr "_WÅ?aÅ?ciwoÅ?ci..."					msgstr "_WÅ?aÅ?ciwoÅ?ci..."

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Providers"						msgid "_Providers"
msgstr "Dostarczyciele"						msgstr "Dostarczyciele"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23
msgid "_Save Connection"					msgid "_Save Connection"
msgstr "_Zapisz poÅ?Ä?czenie"					msgstr "_Zapisz poÅ?Ä?czenie"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_View"							msgid "_View"
msgstr "Perspektywy"						msgstr "Perspektywy"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76
msgid "Structure"						msgid "Structure"
msgstr "Struktura"						msgstr "Struktura"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73
msgid "Data"							msgid "Data"
msgstr "Dane"							msgstr "Dane"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238
msgid "Not implemented yet!"					msgid "Not implemented yet!"
msgstr "Jeszcze nie zaimplementowane!"				msgstr "Jeszcze nie zaimplementowane!"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Database"						msgid "Database"
msgstr "Baza danych"						msgstr "Baza danych"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540
msgid "Loading database schemas..."				msgid "Loading database schemas..."
msgstr "Odczytywanie schematów baz danych..."			msgstr "Odczytywanie schematów baz danych..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632
msgid "Refreshing data..."					msgid "Refreshing data..."
msgstr "OdÅ?wieżanie danych..."					msgstr "OdÅ?wieżanie danych..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688
msgid "Views"							msgid "Views"
msgstr "Perspektywy"						msgstr "Perspektywy"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691
msgid "Indexes"							msgid "Indexes"
msgstr "Indeksy"						msgstr "Indeksy"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Sequences"						msgid "Sequences"
msgstr "Sekwencje"						msgstr "Sekwencje"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Procedures"						msgid "Procedures"
msgstr "Procedury"						msgstr "Procedury"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700
msgid "Triggers"						msgid "Triggers"
msgstr "Wyzwalacze"						msgstr "Wyzwalacze"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Aggregates"						msgid "Aggregates"
msgstr "Agregaty"						msgstr "Agregaty"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Types"							msgid "Types"
msgstr "Typy"							msgstr "Typy"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140
msgid "Could not query CORBA components"			msgid "Could not query CORBA components"
msgstr "BÅ?Ä?d przy zapytaniu o komponenty Corby"			msgstr "BÅ?Ä?d przy zapytaniu o komponenty Corby"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209
msgid "ID"							msgid "ID"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "Location"						msgid "Location"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212
msgid "Username"						msgid "Username"
msgstr "Nazwa użytkownika"					msgstr "Nazwa użytkownika"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Hostname"						msgid "Hostname"
msgstr "Nazwa użytkownika"					msgstr "Nazwa użytkownika"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214
msgid "Domain"							msgid "Domain"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"			msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"
msgstr "NieobsÅ?ugiwany typ w GconfEntry: %d"			msgstr "NieobsÅ?ugiwany typ w GconfEntry: %d"

#. create widgets						#. create widgets
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97
msgid "Settings"						msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Ustawienia"						msgstr "Ustawienia"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103
msgid "Data source name"					msgid "Data source name"
msgstr "Nazwa źródÅ?a danych"					msgstr "Nazwa źródÅ?a danych"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109
msgid "Connection string"					msgid "Connection string"
msgstr "Napis identyfikujÄ?cy poÅ?Ä?czenie"			msgstr "Napis identyfikujÄ?cy poÅ?Ä?czenie"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115
msgid "Provider"						msgid "Provider"
msgstr "Dostarczyciel"						msgstr "Dostarczyciel"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121
msgid "User name"						msgid "User name"
msgstr "Nazwa użytkownika"					msgstr "Nazwa użytkownika"

#. create feature list						#. create feature list
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128
msgid "Features"						msgid "Features"
msgstr "Cechy"							msgstr "Cechy"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190
msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"		msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"
msgstr "Należy podaÄ? nazwÄ? nowego źródÅ?a danych"		msgstr "Należy podaÄ? nazwÄ? nowego źródÅ?a danych"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac	msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac
msgstr "Nazwa źródÅ?a danych nie może zawieraÄ? spacji"		msgstr "Nazwa źródÅ?a danych nie może zawieraÄ? spacji"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206
msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th	msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213
msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"			msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"
msgstr "Nazwa źródÅ?a danych nie może zawieraÄ? spacji"		msgstr "Nazwa źródÅ?a danych nie może zawieraÄ? spacji"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217
msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n	msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n
msgstr "Nazwa źródÅ?a danych może zawieraÄ? tylko litery i cyfr	msgstr "Nazwa źródÅ?a danych może zawieraÄ? tylko litery i cyfr

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225
msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"	msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"
msgstr "Należy wybraÄ? dostarczyciela nowego źródÅ?a danych"	msgstr "Należy wybraÄ? dostarczyciela nowego źródÅ?a danych"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233
msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"		msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"
msgstr "Nie odnaleziono dostarczyciela w konfiguracji"		msgstr "Nie odnaleziono dostarczyciela w konfiguracji"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391
msgid "Add a new data source..."				msgid "Add a new data source..."
msgstr "Dodanie nowego źródÅ?a danych..."			msgstr "Dodanie nowego źródÅ?a danych..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392
msgid ""							msgid ""
"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"		"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"
"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"		"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"
"installation. Just follow the steps!"				"installation. Just follow the steps!"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Druid ten przeprowadzi siÄ? przez proces tworzenia\n"		"Druid ten przeprowadzi siÄ? przez proces tworzenia\n"
"nowego źródÅ?a danych w twojej instalacji GNOME-DB.\n"		"nowego źródÅ?a danych w twojej instalacji GNOME-DB.\n"
"PostÄ?puj zgodnie z instrukcjami."				"PostÄ?puj zgodnie z instrukcjami."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404
msgid "General Information"					msgid "General Information"
msgstr "Ogólne informacje"					msgstr "Ogólne informacje"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the basic information\n"	"The following fields represent the basic information\n"
"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n	"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n
"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"	"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"
"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"	"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"
"the default one."						"the default one."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Poniższe pola odpowiadajÄ? podstawowym informacjom o nowym\n"	"Poniższe pola odpowiadajÄ? podstawowym informacjom o nowym\n"
"źródle danych. Niektóre z nich (opis, nazwa użytkownika) sÄ?\	"źródle danych. Niektóre z nich (opis, nazwa użytkownika) sÄ?\
"opcjonalne, podczas gdy inne sÄ? wymagane. JeÅ?li nie wiesz,\n	"opcjonalne, podczas gdy inne sÄ? wymagane. JeÅ?li nie wiesz,\n
"którego dostarczyciela wybraÄ?, wykorzystaj domyÅ?lnego."	"którego dostarczyciela wybraÄ?, wykorzystaj domyÅ?lnego."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data source _name:"					msgid "Data source _name:"
msgstr "Nazwa źródÅ?a danych"					msgstr "Nazwa źródÅ?a danych"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Provider:"						msgid "_Provider:"
msgstr "Dostarczyciel"						msgstr "Dostarczyciel"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Description:"						msgid "_Description:"
msgstr "Opis"							msgstr "Opis"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Username:"						msgid "_Username:"
msgstr "Nazwa użytkownika:"					msgstr "Nazwa użytkownika:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "P_assword:"						msgid "P_assword:"
msgstr "HasÅ?o:"							msgstr "HasÅ?o:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454
msgid "Provider Parameters"					msgid "Provider Parameters"
msgstr "Parametry dostarczyciela"				msgstr "Parametry dostarczyciela"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the information needed by the	"The following fields represent the information needed by the
"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n	"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n
"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\	"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\
"the manual for more information."				"the manual for more information."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Poniższe pola reprezentujÄ? informacje wymagane przez dostarc	"Poniższe pola reprezentujÄ? informacje wymagane przez dostarc
"wybranego na poprzedniej stronie, aby otworzyÄ? poÅ?Ä?czenie. D	"wybranego na poprzedniej stronie, aby otworzyÄ? poÅ?Ä?czenie. D
"specyficzne dla dostarczyciela, wiÄ?c aby uzyskaÄ? wiÄ?cej info	"specyficzne dla dostarczyciela, wiÄ?c aby uzyskaÄ? wiÄ?cej info
"do podrÄ?cznika."						"do podrÄ?cznika."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481
msgid "All information retrieved"				msgid "All information retrieved"
msgstr "Pobrano wszystkie informacje"				msgstr "Pobrano wszystkie informacje"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid ""							msgid ""
"All information needed to create a new data source\n"		"All information needed to create a new data source\n"
"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"		"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"
"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"	"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"
"just select it when asked for a data source."			"just select it when asked for a data source."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Uzyskano wszystkie informacje potrzebne do utworzenia\n"	"Uzyskano wszystkie informacje potrzebne do utworzenia\n"
"nowego źródÅ?a danych. Aby zamknÄ?Ä? to okno, kliknij\n"		"nowego źródÅ?a danych. Aby zamknÄ?Ä? to okno, kliknij\n"
"\"Zastosuj\". Aby otworzyÄ? utworzone źródÅ?o danych, po\n"	"\"Zastosuj\". Aby otworzyÄ? utworzone źródÅ?o danych, po\n"
"prostu wybierz je z listy przy proÅ?bie o wybór źródÅ?a."	"prostu wybierz je z listy przy proÅ?bie o wybór źródÅ?a."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Connection _string:"					msgid "Connection _string:"
msgstr "Napis identyfikujÄ?cy poÅ?Ä?czenie"			msgstr "Napis identyfikujÄ?cy poÅ?Ä?czenie"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4
msgid "Error"							msgid "Error"
msgstr "BÅ?Ä?d"							msgstr "BÅ?Ä?d"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.
msgid "Show detail >>"						msgid "Show detail >>"
msgstr "WyÅ?wietl szczegóÅ?y >>>"					msgstr "WyÅ?wietl szczegóÅ?y >>>"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122
msgid "<< Hide detail"						msgid "<< Hide detail"
msgstr "<< Ukryj szczegóÅ?y"					msgstr "<< Ukryj szczegóÅ?y"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191
msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"	msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"
msgstr "WystÄ?piÅ? bÅ?Ä?d w wykorzystywanej bazie danych"		msgstr "WystÄ?piÅ? bÅ?Ä?d w wykorzystywanej bazie danych"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196
msgid "Error number"						msgid "Error number"
msgstr "Numer bÅ?Ä?du"						msgstr "Numer bÅ?Ä?du"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227
msgid "Details"							msgid "Details"
msgstr "SzczegóÅ?y"						msgstr "SzczegóÅ?y"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234
msgid "Source"							msgid "Source"
msgstr "ŹródÅ?o"							msgstr "ŹródÅ?o"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241
msgid "SQL state"						msgid "SQL state"
msgstr "Stan SQL-a"						msgstr "Stan SQL-a"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Field:"							msgid "_Field:"
msgstr "Pola"							msgstr "Pola"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118
msgid "_Text:"							msgid "_Text:"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308
msgid "No records"						msgid "No records"
msgstr "Brak rekordów"						msgstr "Brak rekordów"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Record %d of %d"						msgid "Record %d of %d"
msgstr "%d. rekord z %d"					msgstr "%d. rekord z %d"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113
msgid "Recordset description"					msgid "Recordset description"
msgstr "Opis zbioru rekordów"					msgstr "Opis zbioru rekordów"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141
#, fuzzy, c-format						#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""							msgid ""
"File '%s' already exists.\n"					"File '%s' already exists.\n"
"Do you want to overwrite it?"					"Do you want to overwrite it?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Plik o nazwie %s już istnieje\n"				"Plik o nazwie %s już istnieje\n"
"Czy chcesz go nadpisaÄ??"					"Czy chcesz go nadpisaÄ??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149
msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."		msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Could not save file %s"					msgid "Could not save file %s"
msgstr "Nie można zapisaÄ? pliku \"%s\""				msgstr "Nie można zapisaÄ? pliku \"%s\""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224
msgid "You must specify a file name"				msgid "You must specify a file name"
msgstr "Należy podaÄ? nazwÄ? pliku"				msgstr "Należy podaÄ? nazwÄ? pliku"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230
msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"		msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"
msgstr "Przy konwertowaniu danych otrzymano pusty plik"		msgstr "Przy konwertowaniu danych otrzymano pusty plik"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261
msgid "Saving Model"						msgid "Saving Model"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "File _name:"						msgid "File _name:"
msgstr "nazwa tabeli"						msgstr "nazwa tabeli"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276
msgid "Select File"						msgid "Select File"
msgstr "Wybór pliku"						msgstr "Wybór pliku"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283
msgid "File _type:"						msgid "File _type:"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Tab-delimited"						msgid "Tab-delimited"
msgstr "Plik z polami rozdzielonymi tabulacjami"		msgstr "Plik z polami rozdzielonymi tabulacjami"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Comma-delimited"						msgid "Comma-delimited"
msgstr "Plik z polami rozdzielonymi przecinkami"		msgstr "Plik z polami rozdzielonymi przecinkami"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:
msgid "XML"							msgid "XML"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355
msgid "View detail"						msgid "View detail"
msgstr "Widok szczegóÅ?ów"					msgstr "Widok szczegóÅ?ów"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Show Column _Titles"					msgid "Show Column _Titles"
msgstr "WyÅ?wietl kolumny"					msgstr "WyÅ?wietl kolumny"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442
msgid "Describe"						msgid "Describe"
msgstr "Opisz"							msgstr "Opisz"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443
msgid "View detail..."						msgid "View detail..."
msgstr "WyÅ?wietl szczegóÅ?y..."					msgstr "WyÅ?wietl szczegóÅ?y..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614
msgid "Title"							msgid "Title"
msgstr "TytuÅ?"							msgstr "TytuÅ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48
msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"	msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"
msgstr "Próba zainicjowania już zainicjowanego klienta"		msgstr "Próba zainicjowania już zainicjowanego klienta"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"		"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"
"to a data source"						"to a data source"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Wprowadź poniżej argumenty, aby otworzyÄ? poÅ?Ä?czenie\n"		"Wprowadź poniżej argumenty, aby otworzyÄ? poÅ?Ä?czenie\n"
"ze źródÅ?em danych"						"ze źródÅ?em danych"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253
msgid "Data Source:"						msgid "Data Source:"
msgstr "ŹródÅ?o danych:"						msgstr "ŹródÅ?o danych:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270
msgid "Username:"						msgid "Username:"
msgstr "Nazwa użytkownika:"					msgstr "Nazwa użytkownika:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279
msgid "Password:"						msgid "Password:"
msgstr "HasÅ?o:"							msgstr "HasÅ?o:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69
msgid "Fields"							msgid "Fields"
msgstr "Pola"							msgstr "Pola"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30
msgid "Commit"							msgid "Commit"
msgstr "Zatwierdź"						msgstr "Zatwierdź"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31
msgid "Connect"							msgid "Connect"
msgstr "PoÅ?Ä?cz"							msgstr "PoÅ?Ä?cz"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33
msgid "Designer"						msgid "Designer"
msgstr "Projektant"						msgstr "Projektant"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34
msgid "Disconnect"						msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr "RozÅ?Ä?cz"						msgstr "RozÅ?Ä?cz"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35
msgid "NoTransaction"						msgid "NoTransaction"
msgstr "BrakTransakcji"						msgstr "BrakTransakcji"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37
msgid "Query"							msgid "Query"
msgstr "Zapytanie"						msgstr "Zapytanie"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38
msgid "Rollback"						msgid "Rollback"
msgstr "Wycofaj"						msgstr "Wycofaj"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40
msgid "SQL"							msgid "SQL"
msgstr "SQL"							msgstr "SQL"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43
msgid "WithinTransaction"					msgid "WithinTransaction"
msgstr "WewnÄ?trzTransakcji"					msgstr "WewnÄ?trzTransakcji"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Error: %s"						msgid "Error: %s"
msgstr "BÅ?Ä?d: %s"						msgstr "BÅ?Ä?d: %s"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79
msgid "Table name"						msgid "Table name"
msgstr "nazwa tabeli"						msgstr "nazwa tabeli"

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93			#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Login for %s"						msgid "Login for %s"
msgstr "Logowanie do %s"					msgstr "Logowanie do %s"

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95					#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95
msgid "Login to database"					msgid "Login to database"
msgstr "Logowanie do bazy danych"				msgstr "Logowanie do bazy danych"

#: vfs/libmain.c:71						#: vfs/libmain.c:71
msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"				msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"
msgstr "ModuÅ? GNOME VFS dla URI database:"			msgstr "ModuÅ? GNOME VFS dla URI database:"

#  create the dialog						#  create the dialog
#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Table Properties"					msgid "Table Properties"
msgstr "WÅ?aÅ?ciwoÅ?ci bazy danych"				msgstr "WÅ?aÅ?ciwoÅ?ci bazy danych"

#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Table Name"						msgid "Table Name"
msgstr "nazwa tabeli"						msgstr "nazwa tabeli"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "New"							msgid "New"
msgstr "Nowe..."						msgstr "Nowe..."

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Create new table"					msgid "Create new table"
msgstr "Tworzy nowy element"					msgstr "Tworzy nowy element"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Properties"						msgid "Properties"
msgstr "_WÅ?aÅ?ciwoÅ?ci..."					msgstr "_WÅ?aÅ?ciwoÅ?ci..."

#  create the dialog						#  create the dialog
#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View table properties"					msgid "View table properties"
msgstr "WÅ?aÅ?ciwoÅ?ci bazy danych"				msgstr "WÅ?aÅ?ciwoÅ?ci bazy danych"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
msgid "UID"							msgid "UID"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "calendar"						msgid "calendar"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "summary"							msgid "summary"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "Summary"							msgid "Summary"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "location"						msgid "location"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "dtstart"							msgid "dtstart"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
msgid "Start time"						msgid "Start time"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "dtend"							msgid "dtend"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "End time"						msgid "End time"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "description"						msgid "description"
msgstr "Opis"							msgstr "Opis"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "classification"						msgid "classification"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Classification"						msgid "Classification"
msgstr "WyczyÅ?Ä? zaznaczenie"					msgstr "WyczyÅ?Ä? zaznaczenie"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "transparency"						msgid "transparency"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "Transparency"						msgid "Transparency"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "categories"						msgid "categories"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "Categories"						msgid "Categories"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "tasks"							msgid "tasks"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "due"							msgid "due"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "Due date"						msgid "Due date"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "Start date"						msgid "Start date"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355
msgid "Public"							msgid "Public"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358
msgid "Private"							msgid "Private"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361
msgid "Confidential"						msgid "Confidential"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63
msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"		msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66
msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"			msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80
msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta	msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83
msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"		msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100
msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"				msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Field name"						msgid "Field name"
msgstr "Nazwa użytkownika"					msgstr "Nazwa użytkownika"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data type"						msgid "Data type"
msgstr "Dane"							msgstr "Dane"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214
msgid "Size"							msgid "Size"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215
msgid "Scale"							msgid "Scale"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216
msgid "Not null?"						msgid "Not null?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217
msgid "Primary key?"						msgid "Primary key?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218
msgid "Unique index?"						msgid "Unique index?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "References"						msgid "References"
msgstr "P_referencje"						msgstr "P_referencje"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220
msgid "Default value"						msgid "Default value"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239
msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l	msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Table %s does not exist"					msgid "Table %s does not exist"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318
msgid "Scheduled events"					msgid "Scheduled events"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321
msgid "TODO list"						msgid "TODO list"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375
msgid "Owner"							msgid "Owner"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Comments"						msgid "Comments"
msgstr "Zatwierdź"						msgstr "Zatwierdź"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Type"							msgid "Type"
msgstr "Typy"							msgstr "Typy"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377
msgid "GDA type"						msgid "GDA type"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id	#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id
#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database	#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database
#. we can easily access that information			#. we can easily access that information
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382
msgid "local"							msgid "local"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217
msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230
msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244
msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"			msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268
msgid "Invalid SQL command"					msgid "Invalid SQL command"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353
msgid "Transactions are not supported"				msgid "Transactions are not supported"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41
msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"		msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task	"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#~ msgid "Browse database..."					#~ msgid "Browse database..."
#~ msgstr "PrzeglÄ?daj bazÄ? danych..."				#~ msgstr "PrzeglÄ?daj bazÄ? danych..."

#~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .con	#~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .con
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Komponent zawierajÄ?cy obiekty menu kontekstowego dla plik	#~ "Komponent zawierajÄ?cy obiekty menu kontekstowego dla plik

#~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .sql	#~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .sql
#~ msgstr "Komponent zawierajÄ?cy obiekty menu kontekstego dla	#~ msgstr "Komponent zawierajÄ?cy obiekty menu kontekstego dla

#~ msgid "Connection MIME handler component"			#~ msgid "Connection MIME handler component"
#~ msgstr "Komponent uchwytu poÅ?Ä?czenia MIME"			#~ msgstr "Komponent uchwytu poÅ?Ä?czenia MIME"

#~ msgid "Database component factory"				#~ msgid "Database component factory"
#~ msgstr "Generator komponentu bazy danych"			#~ msgstr "Generator komponentu bazy danych"

#~ msgid "Open in database connection..."			#~ msgid "Open in database connection..."
#~ msgstr "Otwórz w poÅ?Ä?czeniu z bazÄ? danych..."		#~ msgstr "Otwórz w poÅ?Ä?czeniu z bazÄ? danych..."

#~ msgid "SQL MIME handler component"				#~ msgid "SQL MIME handler component"
#~ msgstr "Komponent uchwytu SQL MIME"				#~ msgstr "Komponent uchwytu SQL MIME"

#~ msgid "Database browser"					#~ msgid "Database browser"
#~ msgstr "PrzeglÄ?darka bazy danych"				#~ msgstr "PrzeglÄ?darka bazy danych"

#~ msgid "Error viewer"						#~ msgid "Error viewer"
#~ msgstr "PrzeglÄ?darka bÅ?Ä?dów"					#~ msgstr "PrzeglÄ?darka bÅ?Ä?dów"

#~ msgid "SQL Viewer"						#~ msgid "SQL Viewer"
#~ msgstr "PrzeglÄ?darka kodu SQL"				#~ msgstr "PrzeglÄ?darka kodu SQL"

#~ msgid "Database configuration"				#~ msgid "Database configuration"
#~ msgstr "Konfiguracja baz danych"				#~ msgstr "Konfiguracja baz danych"

#~ msgid "Edit application preferences"				#~ msgid "Edit application preferences"
#~ msgstr "Modyfikuje preferencje aplikacji"			#~ msgstr "Modyfikuje preferencje aplikacji"

#~ msgid "_Settings"						#~ msgid "_Settings"
#~ msgstr "_Ustawienia"						#~ msgstr "_Ustawienia"

#~ msgid "Password"						#~ msgid "Password"
#~ msgstr "HasÅ?o"						#~ msgstr "HasÅ?o"

#~ msgid "Save as"						#~ msgid "Save as"
#~ msgstr "Zapis pod podanÄ? nazwÄ?"				#~ msgstr "Zapis pod podanÄ? nazwÄ?"

#~ msgid "Save to"						#~ msgid "Save to"
#~ msgstr "Zapis do"						#~ msgstr "Zapis do"

#~ msgid "XML file"						#~ msgid "XML file"
#~ msgstr "Plik XML"						#~ msgstr "Plik XML"

#~ msgid "Hide columns"						#~ msgid "Hide columns"
#~ msgstr "Ukryj kolumny"					#~ msgstr "Ukryj kolumny"

#~ msgid "Question"						#~ msgid "Question"
#~ msgstr "Pytanie"						#~ msgstr "Pytanie"

#~ msgid "Database Moniker factory"				#~ msgid "Database Moniker factory"
#~ msgstr "Generator monikera bazy danych"			#~ msgstr "Generator monikera bazy danych"

#~ msgid "database: moniker"					#~ msgid "database: moniker"
#~ msgstr "moniker database:"					#~ msgstr "moniker database:"

#~ msgid "Failing to manufacture a '%s'"			#~ msgid "Failing to manufacture a '%s'"
#~ msgstr "Nie można wygenerowaÄ? \"%s\""			#~ msgstr "Nie można wygenerowaÄ? \"%s\""

#~ msgid "Invalid format for connection string"			#~ msgid "Invalid format for connection string"
#~ msgstr "Niepoprawny format napisu identyfikujÄ?cego poÅ?Ä?cze	#~ msgstr "Niepoprawny format napisu identyfikujÄ?cego poÅ?Ä?cze

#~ msgid "_File"						#~ msgid "_File"
#~ msgstr "_Plik"						#~ msgstr "_Plik"

#~ msgid "Data sources"						#~ msgid "Data sources"
#~ msgstr "ŹródÅ?a danych"					#~ msgstr "ŹródÅ?a danych"
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: POTFILES
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/POTFILES.in ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/POTFILES.in
# List of source files containing translatable strings.		# List of source files containing translatable strings.
# Please keep this list in alphabetical order.			# Please keep this list in alphabetical order.
control-center/database-capplet.c				control-center/database-capplet.c
control-center/database-properties.desktop.in			control-center/database-properties.desktop.in
control-center/dsn-config.c					control-center/dsn-config.c
control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c				control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c
control-center/main.c						control-center/main.c
control-center/provider-config.c				control-center/provider-config.c
data/libgnomedb.keys.in						data/libgnomedb.keys.in
data/libgnomedb.schemas.in					data/libgnomedb.schemas.in
libgnomedb/db-shell.c						libgnomedb/db-shell.c
libgnomedb/db-shell.xml						libgnomedb/db-shell.xml
libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c				libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c
libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c				libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c
libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c					libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c
libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c					libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c
libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c			libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c
libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c				libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c
libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c				libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c
libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c				libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c
libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c					libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c
libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c				libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c
libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c					libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c
libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c					libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c
libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c					libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c
libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c				libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c
libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c					libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c
libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c				libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c
libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c					libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c
libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c				libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c
libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c					libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c
libgnomedb/utils.c						libgnomedb/utils.c
vfs/libmain.c							vfs/libmain.c
libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c				libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c
libgnomedb/tables-page.c					libgnomedb/tables-page.c
providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c			providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c
providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c			providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c
providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c			providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c
providers/evolution/libmain.c					providers/evolution/libmain.c
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po: POTFILES.skip
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: pt_BR.gmo
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/pt_BR.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/pt_BR.po
# Translation of libgnomedb.HEAD.pt_BR.po to Brazilian Portug	# Translation of libgnomedb.HEAD.pt_BR.po to Brazilian Portug
# Copyright (C) 2002, 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.	# Copyright (C) 2002, 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This file is distributed under the same license as the libg	# This file is distributed under the same license as the libg
# based on the translation to Portuguese (pt) by		# based on the translation to Portuguese (pt) by
# Alexandre Folle de Menezes <afmenez terra com br>, 2002-200	# Alexandre Folle de Menezes <afmenez terra com br>, 2002-200
# Duarte Loreto <happyguy_pt hotmail com>, 2001, 2002.		# Duarte Loreto <happyguy_pt hotmail com>, 2001, 2002.
# Afonso Celso Medina <medina maua br>, 2004.			# Afonso Celso Medina <medina maua br>, 2004.
# Gustavo R. Montesino <grmontesino ig com br>, 2004.		# Gustavo R. Montesino <grmontesino ig com br>, 2004.
# Gustavo R. Montesino <grmontesino ig com br>, 2004.		# Gustavo R. Montesino <grmontesino ig com br>, 2004.
# 								# 
# 								# 
msgid ""							msgid ""
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: libgnomedb.release-1-0-branch.pt_BR\n"	"Project-Id-Version: libgnomedb.release-1-0-branch.pt_BR\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"					"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"			"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-07-06 22:50-0300\n"			"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-07-06 22:50-0300\n"
"Last-Translator: Afonso Celso Medina <medina maua br>\n"	"Last-Translator: Afonso Celso Medina <medina maua br>\n"
"Language-Team: Portuguese/Brazil\n"				"Language-Team: Portuguese/Brazil\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"						"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"			"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"				"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co
msgid "Data Sources"						msgid "Data Sources"
msgstr "Fontes de Dados"					msgstr "Fontes de Dados"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid
msgid "Providers"						msgid "Providers"
msgstr "Provedores"						msgstr "Provedores"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1
msgid "Configure your database environment"			msgid "Configure your database environment"
msgstr "Configura o seu ambiente de banco de dados"		msgstr "Configura o seu ambiente de banco de dados"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2
msgid "Database Access Properties "				msgid "Database Access Properties "
msgstr "Propriedades de Acesso ao Banco de Dados"		msgstr "Propriedades de Acesso ao Banco de Dados"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380
msgid "Name"							msgid "Name"
msgstr "Nome"							msgstr "Nome"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
msgid "Description"						msgid "Description"
msgstr "Descrição"						msgstr "Descrição"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182
msgid "Configured data sources in the system"			msgid "Configured data sources in the system"
msgstr "Fontes de dados configuradas no sistema"		msgstr "Fontes de dados configuradas no sistema"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data sources are the means by which database connections are	"Data sources are the means by which database connections are
"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s	"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s
"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o	"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o
"name you identify the connections in the applications that m	"name you identify the connections in the applications that m
"DB for database access."					"DB for database access."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Fontes de dados são a forma como as conexões com os bancos d	"Fontes de dados são a forma como as conexões com os bancos d
"identificadas no libgda. Toda informação necessária para est	"identificadas no libgda. Toda informação necessária para est
"conexão com um conjunto específico provedor/banco de dados é	"conexão com um conjunto específico provedor/banco de dados é
"um nome único. � através da utilização deste nome único que 	"um nome único. � através da utilização deste nome único que 
"identificar as conexões nas aplicações que utilizam o libgda	"identificar as conexões nas aplicações que utilizam o libgda
"banco de dados."						"banco de dados."

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"	msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"
msgstr "Você tem certeza que deseja remover a fonte de dados 	msgstr "Você tem certeza que deseja remover a fonte de dados 

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104
msgid "Data Source Properties"					msgid "Data Source Properties"
msgstr "Propriedades da Fonte de Dados"				msgstr "Propriedades da Fonte de Dados"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132
msgid "Basic"							msgid "Basic"
msgstr "Básico"							msgstr "Básico"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Tables"							msgid "Tables"
msgstr "Tabelas"						msgstr "Tabelas"

#: control-center/main.c:92					#: control-center/main.c:92
msgid "No valid data source info was created"			msgid "No valid data source info was created"
msgstr "Não foi criada info de fonte de dados válida"		msgstr "Não foi criada info de fonte de dados válida"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218	#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218
msgid "New data source"						msgid "New data source"
msgstr "Nova fonte de dados"					msgstr "Nova fonte de dados"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:215					#: control-center/main.c:215
msgid "Database Access Properties"				msgid "Database Access Properties"
msgstr "Propriedades de Acesso ao Banco de Dados"		msgstr "Propriedades de Acesso ao Banco de Dados"

#: control-center/provider-config.c:105				#: control-center/provider-config.c:105
msgid "Installed providers"					msgid "Installed providers"
msgstr "Provedores instalados"					msgstr "Provedores instalados"

#: control-center/provider-config.c:131				#: control-center/provider-config.c:131
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec	"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec
"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo	"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo
"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr	"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr
"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba	"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba
"etc."								"etc."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Provedores são plugins externos que fornecem acesso à uma fo	"Provedores são plugins externos que fornecem acesso à uma fo
"específica. O provedor padrão sempre está instalado, permiti	"específica. O provedor padrão sempre está instalado, permiti
"bancos de dados armazenadas em arquivos XML. Outros provedor	"bancos de dados armazenadas em arquivos XML. Outros provedor
"distribuídos com o libgda/gnome-db incluem PostgreSQL, MySQL	"distribuídos com o libgda/gnome-db incluem PostgreSQL, MySQL
"Sybase, Interbase, etc."					"Sybase, Interbase, etc."

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1
msgid "Database connection parameters file"			msgid "Database connection parameters file"
msgstr "Arquivo de parâmetros de conexão com o banco de dados	msgstr "Arquivo de parâmetros de conexão com o banco de dados

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2
msgid "Documents"						msgid "Documents"
msgstr "Documentos"						msgstr "Documentos"

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3
msgid "SQL code viewer"						msgid "SQL code viewer"
msgstr "Visualizador de código SQL"				msgstr "Visualizador de código SQL"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1
msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"			msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"
msgstr "Fonte a ser usada no widget da grade"			msgstr "Fonte a ser usada no widget da grade"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2
msgid "Number of spaces per tab"				msgid "Number of spaces per tab"
msgstr "Número de espaços por tabulação"			msgstr "Número de espaços por tabulação"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3
msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"			msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"
msgstr "Mostra os números das linhas no editor de código font	msgstr "Mostra os números das linhas no editor de código font

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4
msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"			msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"
msgstr "Usa destaque no editor de código fonte"			msgstr "Usa destaque no editor de código fonte"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60
msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"			msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"
msgstr "Serviços de bancos de dados para o Desktop GNOME"	msgstr "Serviços de bancos de dados para o Desktop GNOME"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1
msgid "About"							msgid "About"
msgstr "Sobre"							msgstr "Sobre"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2
msgid "About GNOME-DB"						msgid "About GNOME-DB"
msgstr "Sobre o GNOME-DB"					msgstr "Sobre o GNOME-DB"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3
msgid "Close this window"					msgid "Close this window"
msgstr "Fecha esta janela"					msgstr "Fecha esta janela"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4
msgid "Create new entry"					msgid "Create new entry"
msgstr "Cria uma nova entrada"					msgstr "Cria uma nova entrada"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5
msgid "Delete selected items"					msgid "Delete selected items"
msgstr "Exclui os itens selecionados"				msgstr "Exclui os itens selecionados"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6
msgid "Deselect all items"					msgid "Deselect all items"
msgstr "Deselecionar todos os itens"				msgstr "Deselecionar todos os itens"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7
msgid "Edit properties for selected item"			msgid "Edit properties for selected item"
msgstr "Edita as propriedades do item selecionado"		msgstr "Edita as propriedades do item selecionado"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8
msgid "Save connection parameters to file"			msgid "Save connection parameters to file"
msgstr "Salva os parâmetros de conexão em um arquivo"		msgstr "Salva os parâmetros de conexão em um arquivo"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414
msgid "Select _All"						msgid "Select _All"
msgstr "Selecion_ar Tudo"					msgstr "Selecion_ar Tudo"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10
msgid "Select all items"					msgid "Select all items"
msgstr "Selecionar todos os items"				msgstr "Selecionar todos os items"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11
msgid "View data sources"					msgid "View data sources"
msgstr "Ver fonte de dados"					msgstr "Ver fonte de dados"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12
msgid "View providers"						msgid "View providers"
msgstr "Ver provedores"						msgstr "Ver provedores"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42
msgid "_Clear Selection"					msgid "_Clear Selection"
msgstr "_Limpar a seleção"					msgstr "_Limpar a seleção"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14
msgid "_Close"							msgid "_Close"
msgstr "_Fechar"						msgstr "_Fechar"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15
msgid "_Data Sources"						msgid "_Data Sources"
msgstr "Fontes de _Dados"					msgstr "Fontes de _Dados"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16
msgid "_Database"						msgid "_Database"
msgstr "Banco de _Dados"					msgstr "Banco de _Dados"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17
msgid "_Delete"							msgid "_Delete"
msgstr "_Excluir"						msgstr "_Excluir"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18
msgid "_Edit"							msgid "_Edit"
msgstr "_Editar"						msgstr "_Editar"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19
msgid "_Help"							msgid "_Help"
msgstr "Aj_uda"							msgstr "Aj_uda"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20
msgid "_New Data Source..."					msgid "_New Data Source..."
msgstr "_Nova Fonte de Dados..."				msgstr "_Nova Fonte de Dados..."

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21
msgid "_Properties"						msgid "_Properties"
msgstr "_Propriedades"						msgstr "_Propriedades"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22
msgid "_Providers"						msgid "_Providers"
msgstr "_Provedores"						msgstr "_Provedores"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23
msgid "_Save Connection"					msgid "_Save Connection"
msgstr "_Salvar Conecção"					msgstr "_Salvar Conecção"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24
msgid "_View"							msgid "_View"
msgstr "_Ver"							msgstr "_Ver"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76
msgid "Structure"						msgid "Structure"
msgstr "Estrutura"						msgstr "Estrutura"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73
msgid "Data"							msgid "Data"
msgstr "Dados"							msgstr "Dados"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238
msgid "Not implemented yet!"					msgid "Not implemented yet!"
msgstr "Ainda não implementado!"				msgstr "Ainda não implementado!"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Database"						msgid "Database"
msgstr "Banco de Dados"						msgstr "Banco de Dados"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540
msgid "Loading database schemas..."				msgid "Loading database schemas..."
msgstr "Carregando esquemas de banco de dados..."		msgstr "Carregando esquemas de banco de dados..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632
msgid "Refreshing data..."					msgid "Refreshing data..."
msgstr "Atualizando dados..."					msgstr "Atualizando dados..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688
msgid "Views"							msgid "Views"
msgstr "Vistas"							msgstr "Vistas"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691
msgid "Indexes"							msgid "Indexes"
msgstr "Ã?ndices"						msgstr "Ã?ndices"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Sequences"						msgid "Sequences"
msgstr "Seqüências"						msgstr "Seqüências"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Procedures"						msgid "Procedures"
msgstr "Procedimentos"						msgstr "Procedimentos"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700
msgid "Triggers"						msgid "Triggers"
msgstr "Triggers"						msgstr "Triggers"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Aggregates"						msgid "Aggregates"
msgstr "Agregações"						msgstr "Agregações"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Types"							msgid "Types"
msgstr "Tipos"							msgstr "Tipos"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140
msgid "Could not query CORBA components"			msgid "Could not query CORBA components"
msgstr "Impossível restaurar os componentes CORBA"		msgstr "Impossível restaurar os componentes CORBA"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209
msgid "ID"							msgid "ID"
msgstr "ID"							msgstr "ID"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "Location"						msgid "Location"
msgstr "Localização"						msgstr "Localização"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212
msgid "Username"						msgid "Username"
msgstr "Usuário"						msgstr "Usuário"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213
msgid "Hostname"						msgid "Hostname"
msgstr "Hostname"						msgstr "Hostname"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214
msgid "Domain"							msgid "Domain"
msgstr "Domínio"						msgstr "Domínio"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"			msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"
msgstr "Tipo não suportado na GconfEntry: %d"			msgstr "Tipo não suportado na GconfEntry: %d"

#. create widgets						#. create widgets
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97
msgid "Settings"						msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Definições"						msgstr "Definições"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103
msgid "Data source name"					msgid "Data source name"
msgstr "Nome da fonte de dados"					msgstr "Nome da fonte de dados"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109
msgid "Connection string"					msgid "Connection string"
msgstr "String de conexão"					msgstr "String de conexão"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115
msgid "Provider"						msgid "Provider"
msgstr "Provedor"						msgstr "Provedor"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121
msgid "User name"						msgid "User name"
msgstr "Usuário"						msgstr "Usuário"

#. create feature list						#. create feature list
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128
msgid "Features"						msgid "Features"
msgstr "Recursos"						msgstr "Recursos"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190
msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"		msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"
msgstr "Você deve introduzir um nome para a nova fonte de dad	msgstr "Você deve introduzir um nome para a nova fonte de dad

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197
msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac	msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac
msgstr "Os nomes das fontes de dados só podem conter caracter	msgstr "Os nomes das fontes de dados só podem conter caracter

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206
msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th	msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th
msgstr "Uma fonte de dados existente já está registrada com o	msgstr "Uma fonte de dados existente já está registrada com o

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213
msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"			msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"
msgstr "Os nomes das fontes de dados não podem conter espaços	msgstr "Os nomes das fontes de dados não podem conter espaços

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217
msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n	msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Os nomes das fontes de dados devem conter apenas letras ASCI	"Os nomes das fontes de dados devem conter apenas letras ASCI

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225
msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"	msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"
msgstr "Você deve selecionar um servidor para a nova fonte de	msgstr "Você deve selecionar um servidor para a nova fonte de

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233
msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"		msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"
msgstr "Provedor não encontrado na sua configuração"		msgstr "Provedor não encontrado na sua configuração"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391
msgid "Add a new data source..."				msgid "Add a new data source..."
msgstr "Adicionar uma nova fonte de dados..."			msgstr "Adicionar uma nova fonte de dados..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392
msgid ""							msgid ""
"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"		"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"
"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"		"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"
"installation. Just follow the steps!"				"installation. Just follow the steps!"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Este assistente irá acompanhá-lo ao longo do processo\n"	"Este assistente irá acompanhá-lo ao longo do processo\n"
"de criação de uma nova fonte de dados para a sua\n"		"de criação de uma nova fonte de dados para a sua\n"
"instalação do GNOME-DB. Basta seguir os passos!"		"instalação do GNOME-DB. Basta seguir os passos!"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404
msgid "General Information"					msgid "General Information"
msgstr "Informação Geral"					msgstr "Informação Geral"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the basic information\n"	"The following fields represent the basic information\n"
"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n	"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n
"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"	"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"
"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"	"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"
"the default one."						"the default one."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Os campos a seguir representam os itens de informação\n"	"Os campos a seguir representam os itens de informação\n"
"básicos para a sua nova fonte de dados. Alguns deles\n"	"básicos para a sua nova fonte de dados. Alguns deles\n"
"(descrição, usuário) são opcionais, enquanto os outros são\n	"(descrição, usuário) são opcionais, enquanto os outros são\n
"obrigatórios. Caso não saiba que provedor utilizar, selecion	"obrigatórios. Caso não saiba que provedor utilizar, selecion
"o padrão"							"o padrão"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104
msgid "Data source _name:"					msgid "Data source _name:"
msgstr "_Nome da fonte de dados:"				msgstr "_Nome da fonte de dados:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114
msgid "_Provider:"						msgid "_Provider:"
msgstr "_Provedor:"						msgstr "_Provedor:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133
msgid "_Description:"						msgid "_Description:"
msgstr "_Descrição:"						msgstr "_Descrição:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142
msgid "_Username:"						msgid "_Username:"
msgstr "_Usuário:"						msgstr "_Usuário:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151
msgid "P_assword:"						msgid "P_assword:"
msgstr "_Senha:"						msgstr "_Senha:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454
msgid "Provider Parameters"					msgid "Provider Parameters"
msgstr "Parâmetros do Provedor"					msgstr "Parâmetros do Provedor"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the information needed by the	"The following fields represent the information needed by the
"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n	"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n
"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\	"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\
"the manual for more information."				"the manual for more information."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Os campos a seguir representam a informação que o provedor\n	"Os campos a seguir representam a informação que o provedor\n
"selecionado na página anterior necessita para abrir uma dada	"selecionado na página anterior necessita para abrir uma dada
"conexão. Esta informação é específica para o provedor, porta	"conexão. Esta informação é específica para o provedor, porta
"consulte o seu manual para mais informações."			"consulte o seu manual para mais informações."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481
msgid "All information retrieved"				msgid "All information retrieved"
msgstr "Toda a informação obtida"				msgstr "Toda a informação obtida"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482
msgid ""							msgid ""
"All information needed to create a new data source\n"		"All information needed to create a new data source\n"
"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"		"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"
"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"	"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"
"just select it when asked for a data source."			"just select it when asked for a data source."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Toda a informação necessária para criar uma nova fonte\n"	"Toda a informação necessária para criar uma nova fonte\n"
"de dados foi obtida. Agora, pressione 'Aplicar' para\n"	"de dados foi obtida. Agora, pressione 'Aplicar' para\n"
"fechar este diálogo. Para abrir a sua nova fonte de dados,\n	"fechar este diálogo. Para abrir a sua nova fonte de dados,\n
"basta selecioná-la quando lhe for solicitada alguma."		"basta selecioná-la quando lhe for solicitada alguma."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124
msgid "Connection _string:"					msgid "Connection _string:"
msgstr "_Texto de conexão:"					msgstr "_Texto de conexão:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4
msgid "Error"							msgid "Error"
msgstr "Erro"							msgstr "Erro"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.
msgid "Show detail >>"						msgid "Show detail >>"
msgstr "Mostrar detalhes >>"					msgstr "Mostrar detalhes >>"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122
msgid "<< Hide detail"						msgid "<< Hide detail"
msgstr "<< Ocultar detalhes"					msgstr "<< Ocultar detalhes"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191
msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"	msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"
msgstr "Ocorreu um erro no banco de dados base"			msgstr "Ocorreu um erro no banco de dados base"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196
msgid "Error number"						msgid "Error number"
msgstr "Número do erro"						msgstr "Número do erro"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227
msgid "Details"							msgid "Details"
msgstr "Detalhes"						msgstr "Detalhes"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234
msgid "Source"							msgid "Source"
msgstr "Origem"							msgstr "Origem"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241
msgid "SQL state"						msgid "SQL state"
msgstr "Estado do SQL"						msgstr "Estado do SQL"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108
msgid "_Field:"							msgid "_Field:"
msgstr "_Campo:"						msgstr "_Campo:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118
msgid "_Text:"							msgid "_Text:"
msgstr "_Texto:"						msgstr "_Texto:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308
msgid "No records"						msgid "No records"
msgstr "Nenhum registro"					msgstr "Nenhum registro"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Record %d of %d"						msgid "Record %d of %d"
msgstr "Registro %d de %d"					msgstr "Registro %d de %d"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113
msgid "Recordset description"					msgid "Recordset description"
msgstr "Descrição recordset"					msgstr "Descrição recordset"

# c-format							# c-format
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid ""							msgid ""
"File '%s' already exists.\n"					"File '%s' already exists.\n"
"Do you want to overwrite it?"					"Do you want to overwrite it?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"O arquivo %s já existe.\n"					"O arquivo %s já existe.\n"
"Sobrescrever?"							"Sobrescrever?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149
msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."		msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."
msgstr "Se você escolher sim, os conteúdos serão perdidos."	msgstr "Se você escolher sim, os conteúdos serão perdidos."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Could not save file %s"					msgid "Could not save file %s"
msgstr "Não foi possível salvar o arquivo %s"			msgstr "Não foi possível salvar o arquivo %s"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224
msgid "You must specify a file name"				msgid "You must specify a file name"
msgstr "Você deve indicar um nome de arquivo"			msgstr "Você deve indicar um nome de arquivo"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230
msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"		msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"
msgstr "Obtido um arquivo vazio durante a conversão de dados"	msgstr "Obtido um arquivo vazio durante a conversão de dados"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261
msgid "Saving Model"						msgid "Saving Model"
msgstr "Salvando Modelo"					msgstr "Salvando Modelo"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272
msgid "File _name:"						msgid "File _name:"
msgstr "_Nome do arquivo:"					msgstr "_Nome do arquivo:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276
msgid "Select File"						msgid "Select File"
msgstr "Selecionar Arquivo"					msgstr "Selecionar Arquivo"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283
msgid "File _type:"						msgid "File _type:"
msgstr "_Tipo de arquivo:"					msgstr "_Tipo de arquivo:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291
msgid "Tab-delimited"						msgid "Tab-delimited"
msgstr "Arquivo separado por tabulações"			msgstr "Arquivo separado por tabulações"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294
msgid "Comma-delimited"						msgid "Comma-delimited"
msgstr "Arquivo separado por vírgulas"				msgstr "Arquivo separado por vírgulas"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:
msgid "XML"							msgid "XML"
msgstr "XML"							msgstr "XML"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355
msgid "View detail"						msgid "View detail"
msgstr "Ver detalhes"						msgstr "Ver detalhes"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427
msgid "Show Column _Titles"					msgid "Show Column _Titles"
msgstr "Mostrar os _Títulos das Colunas"			msgstr "Mostrar os _Títulos das Colunas"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442
msgid "Describe"						msgid "Describe"
msgstr "Descrever"						msgstr "Descrever"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443
msgid "View detail..."						msgid "View detail..."
msgstr "Ver detalhes..."					msgstr "Ver detalhes..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614
msgid "Title"							msgid "Title"
msgstr "Título"							msgstr "Título"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48
msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"	msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"
msgstr "Tentativa de inicialização de um cliente já inicializ	msgstr "Tentativa de inicialização de um cliente já inicializ

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"		"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"
"to a data source"						"to a data source"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Use os argumentos abaixo para abrir a conexão\n"		"Use os argumentos abaixo para abrir a conexão\n"
"para uma fonte de dados"					"para uma fonte de dados"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253
msgid "Data Source:"						msgid "Data Source:"
msgstr "Fonte de Dados:"					msgstr "Fonte de Dados:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270
msgid "Username:"						msgid "Username:"
msgstr "Usuário:"						msgstr "Usuário:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279
msgid "Password:"						msgid "Password:"
msgstr "Senha:"							msgstr "Senha:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69
msgid "Fields"							msgid "Fields"
msgstr "Campos"							msgstr "Campos"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30
msgid "Commit"							msgid "Commit"
msgstr "Enviar (Commit)"					msgstr "Enviar (Commit)"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31
msgid "Connect"							msgid "Connect"
msgstr "Conectar"						msgstr "Conectar"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33
msgid "Designer"						msgid "Designer"
msgstr "Designer"						msgstr "Designer"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34
msgid "Disconnect"						msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr "Desconectar"						msgstr "Desconectar"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35
msgid "NoTransaction"						msgid "NoTransaction"
msgstr "Não-Transação"						msgstr "Não-Transação"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37
msgid "Query"							msgid "Query"
msgstr "Consultar"						msgstr "Consultar"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38
msgid "Rollback"						msgid "Rollback"
msgstr "Desfazer"						msgstr "Desfazer"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40
msgid "SQL"							msgid "SQL"
msgstr "SQL"							msgstr "SQL"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43
msgid "WithinTransaction"					msgid "WithinTransaction"
msgstr "WithinTransaction"					msgstr "WithinTransaction"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Error: %s"						msgid "Error: %s"
msgstr "Erro: %s"						msgstr "Erro: %s"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79
msgid "Table name"						msgid "Table name"
msgstr "Nome da tabela"						msgstr "Nome da tabela"

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93			#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Login for %s"						msgid "Login for %s"
msgstr "Login para %s"						msgstr "Login para %s"

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95					#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95
msgid "Login to database"					msgid "Login to database"
msgstr "Login para o banco de dados"				msgstr "Login para o banco de dados"

#: vfs/libmain.c:71						#: vfs/libmain.c:71
msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"				msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"
msgstr "Banco de dados GNOME VFS: módulo"			msgstr "Banco de dados GNOME VFS: módulo"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40
msgid "Table Properties"					msgid "Table Properties"
msgstr "Propriedades da Tabela"					msgstr "Propriedades da Tabela"

#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47
msgid "Table Name"						msgid "Table Name"
msgstr "Nome da Tabela"						msgstr "Nome da Tabela"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155
msgid "New"							msgid "New"
msgstr "Novo"							msgstr "Novo"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156
msgid "Create new table"					msgid "Create new table"
msgstr "Cria uma nova tabela"					msgstr "Cria uma nova tabela"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161
msgid "Properties"						msgid "Properties"
msgstr "Propriedades"						msgstr "Propriedades"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162
msgid "View table properties"					msgid "View table properties"
msgstr "Visualiza as propriedades da tabela"			msgstr "Visualiza as propriedades da tabela"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
msgid "UID"							msgid "UID"
msgstr "UID"							msgstr "UID"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "calendar"						msgid "calendar"
msgstr "calendário"						msgstr "calendário"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "summary"							msgid "summary"
msgstr "sumário"						msgstr "sumário"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "Summary"							msgid "Summary"
msgstr "Sumário"						msgstr "Sumário"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "location"						msgid "location"
msgstr "Localização"						msgstr "Localização"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "dtstart"							msgid "dtstart"
msgstr "dtstart"						msgstr "dtstart"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
msgid "Start time"						msgid "Start time"
msgstr "Tempo de Início"					msgstr "Tempo de Início"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "dtend"							msgid "dtend"
msgstr "dtend"							msgstr "dtend"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "End time"						msgid "End time"
msgstr "Tempo de término"					msgstr "Tempo de término"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
msgid "description"						msgid "description"
msgstr "descrição"						msgstr "descrição"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "classification"						msgid "classification"
msgstr "classificação"						msgstr "classificação"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "Classification"						msgid "Classification"
msgstr "Classificação"						msgstr "Classificação"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "transparency"						msgid "transparency"
msgstr "transparência"						msgstr "transparência"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "Transparency"						msgid "Transparency"
msgstr "Transparência"						msgstr "Transparência"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "categories"						msgid "categories"
msgstr "categorias"						msgstr "categorias"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "Categories"						msgid "Categories"
msgstr "Categorias"						msgstr "Categorias"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "tasks"							msgid "tasks"
msgstr "tarefas"						msgstr "tarefas"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "due"							msgid "due"
msgstr "completado"						msgstr "completado"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "Due date"						msgid "Due date"
msgstr "Data de término"					msgstr "Data de término"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "Start date"						msgid "Start date"
msgstr "Data de início"						msgstr "Data de início"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355
msgid "Public"							msgid "Public"
msgstr "Público"						msgstr "Público"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358
msgid "Private"							msgid "Private"
msgstr "Privado"						msgstr "Privado"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361
msgid "Confidential"						msgid "Confidential"
msgstr "Confidencial"						msgstr "Confidencial"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63
msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"		msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"
msgstr "Não foi possível abrir a pasta padrão do calendário"	msgstr "Não foi possível abrir a pasta padrão do calendário"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66
msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"			msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"
msgstr "Não foi possível abrir a pasta padrão das tarefas"	msgstr "Não foi possível abrir a pasta padrão das tarefas"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80
msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta	msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta
msgstr "� necessária uma autenticação para acessar a pasta pa	msgstr "� necessária uma autenticação para acessar a pasta pa

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83
msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"		msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"
msgstr "Não foi possível abrir a pasta padrão de contatos"	msgstr "Não foi possível abrir a pasta padrão de contatos"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100
msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"				msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"
msgstr "Não foi possível incializar o Bonobo"			msgstr "Não foi possível incializar o Bonobo"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212
msgid "Field name"						msgid "Field name"
msgstr "Nome do campo"						msgstr "Nome do campo"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213
msgid "Data type"						msgid "Data type"
msgstr "Tipo de dado"						msgstr "Tipo de dado"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214
msgid "Size"							msgid "Size"
msgstr "Tamanho"						msgstr "Tamanho"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215
msgid "Scale"							msgid "Scale"
msgstr "Escala"							msgstr "Escala"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216
msgid "Not null?"						msgid "Not null?"
msgstr "Não Nulo?"						msgstr "Não Nulo?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217
msgid "Primary key?"						msgid "Primary key?"
msgstr "Chave primária?"					msgstr "Chave primária?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218
msgid "Unique index?"						msgid "Unique index?"
msgstr "�ndice único?"						msgstr "�ndice único?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219
msgid "References"						msgid "References"
msgstr "Referências"						msgstr "Referências"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220
msgid "Default value"						msgid "Default value"
msgstr "Valor padrão"						msgstr "Valor padrão"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239
msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l	msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"O nome da tabela é necessário mas, não ele foi especificado 	"O nome da tabela é necessário mas, não ele foi especificado 
"parâmetros"							"parâmetros"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Table %s does not exist"					msgid "Table %s does not exist"
msgstr "A tabela %s não existe"					msgstr "A tabela %s não existe"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318
msgid "Scheduled events"					msgid "Scheduled events"
msgstr "Eventos agendados"					msgstr "Eventos agendados"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321
msgid "TODO list"						msgid "TODO list"
msgstr "Lista TODO"						msgstr "Lista TODO"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375
msgid "Owner"							msgid "Owner"
msgstr "Proprietário"						msgstr "Proprietário"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376
msgid "Comments"						msgid "Comments"
msgstr "Comentários"						msgstr "Comentários"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374
msgid "Type"							msgid "Type"
msgstr "Tipo"							msgstr "Tipo"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377
msgid "GDA type"						msgid "GDA type"
msgstr "Tipo GDA"						msgstr "Tipo GDA"

#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id	#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id
#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database	#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database
#. we can easily access that information			#. we can easily access that information
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382
msgid "local"							msgid "local"
msgstr "local"							msgstr "local"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217
msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr "A criação de bancos de dados ainda não é suportada"	msgstr "A criação de bancos de dados ainda não é suportada"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230
msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr "A remoção de bancos de dados ainda não é suportada"	msgstr "A remoção de bancos de dados ainda não é suportada"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244
msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"			msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"
msgstr "O esquema da tabela não pode ser obtido"		msgstr "O esquema da tabela não pode ser obtido"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268
msgid "Invalid SQL command"					msgid "Invalid SQL command"
msgstr "Comando SQL inválido"					msgstr "Comando SQL inválido"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353
msgid "Transactions are not supported"				msgid "Transactions are not supported"
msgstr "Transações não são suportadas"				msgstr "Transações não são suportadas"

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41
msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"		msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"
msgstr "Provedor para dados pessoas do Ximian Evolution"	msgstr "Provedor para dados pessoas do Ximian Evolution"

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task	"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Fonte de dados para acessar o calendário, tarefas e contatos	"Fonte de dados para acessar o calendário, tarefas e contatos
"Evolution"							"Evolution"
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: pt.gmo
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/pt.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/pt.po
# libgnomedb's Portuguese Translation				# libgnomedb's Portuguese Translation
# Copyright © 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 libgnomedb			# Copyright © 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 libgnomedb
# Distributed under the same licence as the libgnomedb packag	# Distributed under the same licence as the libgnomedb packag
# Duarte Loreto <happyguy_pt hotmail com>, 2001, 2002, 2003, 	# Duarte Loreto <happyguy_pt hotmail com>, 2001, 2002, 2003, 
#								#
msgid ""							msgid ""
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: 2.8\n"					"Project-Id-Version: 2.8\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"					"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"			"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-08-11 23:45+0000\n"			"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-08-11 23:45+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Duarte Loreto <happyguy_pt hotmail com>\n"	"Last-Translator: Duarte Loreto <happyguy_pt hotmail com>\n"
"Language-Team: Portuguese <gnome_pt yahoogroups com>\n"	"Language-Team: Portuguese <gnome_pt yahoogroups com>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"						"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"			"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"				"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co
msgid "Data Sources"						msgid "Data Sources"
msgstr "Fontes de Dados"					msgstr "Fontes de Dados"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid
msgid "Providers"						msgid "Providers"
msgstr "Fornecedores"						msgstr "Fornecedores"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1
msgid "Configure your database environment"			msgid "Configure your database environment"
msgstr "Configurar o seu ambiente de base de dados"		msgstr "Configurar o seu ambiente de base de dados"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2
msgid "Database Access Properties "				msgid "Database Access Properties "
msgstr "Propriedades de Acesso a Base de Dados "		msgstr "Propriedades de Acesso a Base de Dados "

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380
msgid "Name"							msgid "Name"
msgstr "Nome"							msgstr "Nome"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
msgid "Description"						msgid "Description"
msgstr "Descrição"						msgstr "Descrição"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182
msgid "Configured data sources in the system"			msgid "Configured data sources in the system"
msgstr "Fontes de dados configuradas no sistema"		msgstr "Fontes de dados configuradas no sistema"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data sources are the means by which database connections are	"Data sources are the means by which database connections are
"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s	"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s
"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o	"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o
"name you identify the connections in the applications that m	"name you identify the connections in the applications that m
"DB for database access."					"DB for database access."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Fontes de dados são a forma como as ligações a bases de dado	"Fontes de dados são a forma como as ligações a bases de dado
"identificadas no GNOME-DB. Toda a informação necessária para	"identificadas no GNOME-DB. Toda a informação necessária para
"ligação a um servidor/base de dados específico é armazenado 	"ligação a um servidor/base de dados específico é armazenado 
"único. � através da utilização deste nome único que poderá i	"único. � através da utilização deste nome único que poderá i
"ligações nas aplicações que utilizem o GNOME-DB para aceder 	"ligações nas aplicações que utilizem o GNOME-DB para aceder 

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"	msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"
msgstr "Tem a certeza de que deseja remover a fonte de dados 	msgstr "Tem a certeza de que deseja remover a fonte de dados 

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104
msgid "Data Source Properties"					msgid "Data Source Properties"
msgstr "Propriedades da Fonte de Dados"				msgstr "Propriedades da Fonte de Dados"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132
msgid "Basic"							msgid "Basic"
msgstr "Básico"							msgstr "Básico"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Tables"							msgid "Tables"
msgstr "Tabelas"						msgstr "Tabelas"

#: control-center/main.c:92					#: control-center/main.c:92
msgid "No valid data source info was created"			msgid "No valid data source info was created"
msgstr "Não foi criada informação de fonte de dados válida"	msgstr "Não foi criada informação de fonte de dados válida"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218	#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218
msgid "New data source"						msgid "New data source"
msgstr "Nova fonte de dados"					msgstr "Nova fonte de dados"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:215					#: control-center/main.c:215
msgid "Database Access Properties"				msgid "Database Access Properties"
msgstr "Propriedades de Acesso a Base de Dados"			msgstr "Propriedades de Acesso a Base de Dados"

#: control-center/provider-config.c:105				#: control-center/provider-config.c:105
msgid "Installed providers"					msgid "Installed providers"
msgstr "Fornecedores instalados"				msgstr "Fornecedores instalados"

#: control-center/provider-config.c:131				#: control-center/provider-config.c:131
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec	"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec
"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo	"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo
"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr	"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr
"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba	"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba
"etc."								"etc."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Fornecedores são plugins externos que fornecem acesso a uma 	"Fornecedores são plugins externos que fornecem acesso a uma 
"específica. O fornecedor por omissão está sempre instalado, 	"específica. O fornecedor por omissão está sempre instalado, 
"acesso a bases de dados armazenadas em ficheiros XML. Outros	"acesso a bases de dados armazenadas em ficheiros XML. Outros
"normalmente distribuídos com o libgda/gnome-db incluem Postg	"normalmente distribuídos com o libgda/gnome-db incluem Postg
"Oracle, Sybase, Interbase, etc."				"Oracle, Sybase, Interbase, etc."

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1
msgid "Database connection parameters file"			msgid "Database connection parameters file"
msgstr "Ficheiro de parâmetros de ligação à base de dados"	msgstr "Ficheiro de parâmetros de ligação à base de dados"

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2
msgid "Documents"						msgid "Documents"
msgstr "Documentos"						msgstr "Documentos"

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3
msgid "SQL code viewer"						msgid "SQL code viewer"
msgstr "Visualizador de código SQL"				msgstr "Visualizador de código SQL"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1
msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"			msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"
msgstr "Fonte a ser utilizada no widget de grelha"		msgstr "Fonte a ser utilizada no widget de grelha"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2
msgid "Number of spaces per tab"				msgid "Number of spaces per tab"
msgstr "Número de espaços por tabulação"			msgstr "Número de espaços por tabulação"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3
msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"			msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"
msgstr "Apresentar o número de linha no editor de código"	msgstr "Apresentar o número de linha no editor de código"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4
msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"			msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"
msgstr "Utilizar realçe no editor de código"			msgstr "Utilizar realçe no editor de código"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60
msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"			msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"
msgstr "Serviços de base de dados para o Ambiente de Trabalho	msgstr "Serviços de base de dados para o Ambiente de Trabalho

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1
msgid "About"							msgid "About"
msgstr "Sobre"							msgstr "Sobre"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2
msgid "About GNOME-DB"						msgid "About GNOME-DB"
msgstr "Sobre o GNOME-DB"					msgstr "Sobre o GNOME-DB"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3
msgid "Close this window"					msgid "Close this window"
msgstr "Fechar esta janela"					msgstr "Fechar esta janela"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4
msgid "Create new entry"					msgid "Create new entry"
msgstr "Criar uma nova entrada"					msgstr "Criar uma nova entrada"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5
msgid "Delete selected items"					msgid "Delete selected items"
msgstr "Apagar os itens seleccionados"				msgstr "Apagar os itens seleccionados"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6
msgid "Deselect all items"					msgid "Deselect all items"
msgstr "Des-seleccionar todos os itens"				msgstr "Des-seleccionar todos os itens"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7
msgid "Edit properties for selected item"			msgid "Edit properties for selected item"
msgstr "Editar as propriedades do item seleccionado"		msgstr "Editar as propriedades do item seleccionado"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8
msgid "Save connection parameters to file"			msgid "Save connection parameters to file"
msgstr "Gravar os parâmetros de ligação em ficheiro"		msgstr "Gravar os parâmetros de ligação em ficheiro"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414
msgid "Select _All"						msgid "Select _All"
msgstr "Seleccionar _Todos"					msgstr "Seleccionar _Todos"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10
msgid "Select all items"					msgid "Select all items"
msgstr "Seleccionar todos os itens"				msgstr "Seleccionar todos os itens"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11
msgid "View data sources"					msgid "View data sources"
msgstr "Ver as fontes de dados"					msgstr "Ver as fontes de dados"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12
msgid "View providers"						msgid "View providers"
msgstr "Ver os fornecedores"					msgstr "Ver os fornecedores"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42
msgid "_Clear Selection"					msgid "_Clear Selection"
msgstr "_Limpar a Selecção"					msgstr "_Limpar a Selecção"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14
msgid "_Close"							msgid "_Close"
msgstr "Fe_char"						msgstr "Fe_char"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15
msgid "_Data Sources"						msgid "_Data Sources"
msgstr "Fontes de _Dados"					msgstr "Fontes de _Dados"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16
msgid "_Database"						msgid "_Database"
msgstr "Base de _Dados"						msgstr "Base de _Dados"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17
msgid "_Delete"							msgid "_Delete"
msgstr "_Apagar"						msgstr "_Apagar"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18
msgid "_Edit"							msgid "_Edit"
msgstr "_Editar"						msgstr "_Editar"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19
msgid "_Help"							msgid "_Help"
msgstr "_Ajuda"							msgstr "_Ajuda"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20
msgid "_New Data Source..."					msgid "_New Data Source..."
msgstr "_Nova Fonte de Dados..."				msgstr "_Nova Fonte de Dados..."

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21
msgid "_Properties"						msgid "_Properties"
msgstr "_Propriedades"						msgstr "_Propriedades"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22
msgid "_Providers"						msgid "_Providers"
msgstr "_Fornecedores"						msgstr "_Fornecedores"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23
msgid "_Save Connection"					msgid "_Save Connection"
msgstr "_Gravar Ligação"					msgstr "_Gravar Ligação"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24
msgid "_View"							msgid "_View"
msgstr "_Ver"							msgstr "_Ver"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76
msgid "Structure"						msgid "Structure"
msgstr "Estrutura"						msgstr "Estrutura"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73
msgid "Data"							msgid "Data"
msgstr "Dados"							msgstr "Dados"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238
msgid "Not implemented yet!"					msgid "Not implemented yet!"
msgstr "Ainda não implementado!"				msgstr "Ainda não implementado!"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Database"						msgid "Database"
msgstr "Base de Dados"						msgstr "Base de Dados"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540
msgid "Loading database schemas..."				msgid "Loading database schemas..."
msgstr "A ler esquemas de base de dados..."			msgstr "A ler esquemas de base de dados..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632
msgid "Refreshing data..."					msgid "Refreshing data..."
msgstr "A actualizar os dados..."				msgstr "A actualizar os dados..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688
msgid "Views"							msgid "Views"
msgstr "Vistas"							msgstr "Vistas"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691
msgid "Indexes"							msgid "Indexes"
msgstr "Ã?ndices"						msgstr "Ã?ndices"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Sequences"						msgid "Sequences"
msgstr "Sequências"						msgstr "Sequências"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Procedures"						msgid "Procedures"
msgstr "Procedimentos"						msgstr "Procedimentos"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700
msgid "Triggers"						msgid "Triggers"
msgstr "Triggers"						msgstr "Triggers"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Aggregates"						msgid "Aggregates"
msgstr "Agregações"						msgstr "Agregações"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Types"							msgid "Types"
msgstr "Tipos"							msgstr "Tipos"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140
msgid "Could not query CORBA components"			msgid "Could not query CORBA components"
msgstr "Incapaz de questionar os componentes CORBA"		msgstr "Incapaz de questionar os componentes CORBA"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209
msgid "ID"							msgid "ID"
msgstr "ID"							msgstr "ID"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "Location"						msgid "Location"
msgstr "Localização"						msgstr "Localização"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212
msgid "Username"						msgid "Username"
msgstr "Utilizador"						msgstr "Utilizador"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213
msgid "Hostname"						msgid "Hostname"
msgstr "Servidor"						msgstr "Servidor"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214
msgid "Domain"							msgid "Domain"
msgstr "Domínio"						msgstr "Domínio"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"			msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"
msgstr "Tipo não suportado no GconfEntry: %d"			msgstr "Tipo não suportado no GconfEntry: %d"

#. create widgets						#. create widgets
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97
msgid "Settings"						msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Definições"						msgstr "Definições"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103
msgid "Data source name"					msgid "Data source name"
msgstr "Nome de fonte de dados"					msgstr "Nome de fonte de dados"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109
msgid "Connection string"					msgid "Connection string"
msgstr "Comando de ligação"					msgstr "Comando de ligação"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115
msgid "Provider"						msgid "Provider"
msgstr "Fornecedor"						msgstr "Fornecedor"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121
msgid "User name"						msgid "User name"
msgstr "Nome de utilizador"					msgstr "Nome de utilizador"

#. create feature list						#. create feature list
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128
msgid "Features"						msgid "Features"
msgstr "Funcionalidades"					msgstr "Funcionalidades"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190
msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"		msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"
msgstr "Tem de introduzir um nome para a nova fonte de dados"	msgstr "Tem de introduzir um nome para a nova fonte de dados"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197
msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac	msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac
msgstr "Nomes de fontes de dados apenas podem conter caracter	msgstr "Nomes de fontes de dados apenas podem conter caracter

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206
msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th	msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th
msgstr "Já existe uma fonte de dados registada com esse nome"	msgstr "Já existe uma fonte de dados registada com esse nome"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213
msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"			msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"
msgstr "Nomes de fontes de dados não podem conter espaços"	msgstr "Nomes de fontes de dados não podem conter espaços"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217
msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n	msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n
msgstr "Nomes de fontes de dados apenas podem conter letras e	msgstr "Nomes de fontes de dados apenas podem conter letras e

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225
msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"	msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"
msgstr "Tem de seleccionar um fornecedor para a nova fonte de	msgstr "Tem de seleccionar um fornecedor para a nova fonte de

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233
msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"		msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"
msgstr "Fornecedor não foi encontrado na sua configuração"	msgstr "Fornecedor não foi encontrado na sua configuração"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391
msgid "Add a new data source..."				msgid "Add a new data source..."
msgstr "Adicionar uma nova fonte de dados..."			msgstr "Adicionar uma nova fonte de dados..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392
msgid ""							msgid ""
"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"		"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"
"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"		"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"
"installation. Just follow the steps!"				"installation. Just follow the steps!"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Este assistente irá acompanhá-lo ao longo do processo\n"	"Este assistente irá acompanhá-lo ao longo do processo\n"
"de criação de uma nova fonte de dados para a sua\n"		"de criação de uma nova fonte de dados para a sua\n"
"instalação do GNOME-DB. Basta seguir os passos!"		"instalação do GNOME-DB. Basta seguir os passos!"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404
msgid "General Information"					msgid "General Information"
msgstr "Informação Geral"					msgstr "Informação Geral"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the basic information\n"	"The following fields represent the basic information\n"
"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n	"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n
"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"	"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"
"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"	"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"
"the default one."						"the default one."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Os campos seguintes representam os itens de informação\n"	"Os campos seguintes representam os itens de informação\n"
"básicos para a sua nova fonte de dados. Alguns deles\n"	"básicos para a sua nova fonte de dados. Alguns deles\n"
"(descrição, utilizador) são opcionais, mas os restantes são\	"(descrição, utilizador) são opcionais, mas os restantes são\
"obrigatórios. Se não sabe que fornecedor utilizar, seleccion	"obrigatórios. Se não sabe que fornecedor utilizar, seleccion
"o por omissão."						"o por omissão."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104
msgid "Data source _name:"					msgid "Data source _name:"
msgstr "_Nome da fonte de dados:"				msgstr "_Nome da fonte de dados:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114
msgid "_Provider:"						msgid "_Provider:"
msgstr "_Fornecedor:"						msgstr "_Fornecedor:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133
msgid "_Description:"						msgid "_Description:"
msgstr "_Descrição:"						msgstr "_Descrição:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142
msgid "_Username:"						msgid "_Username:"
msgstr "_Utilizador:"						msgstr "_Utilizador:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151
msgid "P_assword:"						msgid "P_assword:"
msgstr "_Senha:"						msgstr "_Senha:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454
msgid "Provider Parameters"					msgid "Provider Parameters"
msgstr "Parâmetros de Fornecedor"				msgstr "Parâmetros de Fornecedor"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the information needed by the	"The following fields represent the information needed by the
"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n	"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n
"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\	"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\
"the manual for more information."				"the manual for more information."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Os campos seguintes representam a informação que o fornecedo	"Os campos seguintes representam a informação que o fornecedo
"que seleccionou na página anterior necessita para abrir uma\	"que seleccionou na página anterior necessita para abrir uma\
"ligação. Esta informação é específica do fornecedor, pelo qu	"ligação. Esta informação é específica do fornecedor, pelo qu
"terá de consultar o seu manual para mais informações."		"terá de consultar o seu manual para mais informações."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481
msgid "All information retrieved"				msgid "All information retrieved"
msgstr "Foi obtida toda a informação"				msgstr "Foi obtida toda a informação"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482
msgid ""							msgid ""
"All information needed to create a new data source\n"		"All information needed to create a new data source\n"
"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"		"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"
"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"	"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"
"just select it when asked for a data source."			"just select it when asked for a data source."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Foi obtida toda a informação necessária para criar uma\n"	"Foi obtida toda a informação necessária para criar uma\n"
"nova fonte de dados. Agora, prima 'Aplicar' para fechar\n"	"nova fonte de dados. Agora, prima 'Aplicar' para fechar\n"
"este diálogo. Para abrir a sua nova fonte de dados, basta\n"	"este diálogo. Para abrir a sua nova fonte de dados, basta\n"
"seleccioná-la quando lhe for pedida a fonte de dados."		"seleccioná-la quando lhe for pedida a fonte de dados."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124
msgid "Connection _string:"					msgid "Connection _string:"
msgstr "_Expressão de ligação:"					msgstr "_Expressão de ligação:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4
msgid "Error"							msgid "Error"
msgstr "Erro"							msgstr "Erro"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.
msgid "Show detail >>"						msgid "Show detail >>"
msgstr "Apresentar detalhe >>"					msgstr "Apresentar detalhe >>"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122
msgid "<< Hide detail"						msgid "<< Hide detail"
msgstr "<< Esconder detalhe"					msgstr "<< Esconder detalhe"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191
msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"	msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"
msgstr "Ocorreu um erro na base de dados subjacente"		msgstr "Ocorreu um erro na base de dados subjacente"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196
msgid "Error number"						msgid "Error number"
msgstr "Número do erro"						msgstr "Número do erro"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227
msgid "Details"							msgid "Details"
msgstr "Detalhes"						msgstr "Detalhes"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234
msgid "Source"							msgid "Source"
msgstr "Origem"							msgstr "Origem"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241
msgid "SQL state"						msgid "SQL state"
msgstr "Estado SQL"						msgstr "Estado SQL"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108
msgid "_Field:"							msgid "_Field:"
msgstr "_Campo:"						msgstr "_Campo:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118
msgid "_Text:"							msgid "_Text:"
msgstr "_Texto:"						msgstr "_Texto:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308
msgid "No records"						msgid "No records"
msgstr "Nenhum registo"						msgstr "Nenhum registo"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Record %d of %d"						msgid "Record %d of %d"
msgstr "Registo %d de %d"					msgstr "Registo %d de %d"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113
msgid "Recordset description"					msgid "Recordset description"
msgstr "Descrição do conjunto de registos"			msgstr "Descrição do conjunto de registos"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid ""							msgid ""
"File '%s' already exists.\n"					"File '%s' already exists.\n"
"Do you want to overwrite it?"					"Do you want to overwrite it?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Ficheiro '%s' já existe.\n"					"Ficheiro '%s' já existe.\n"
"Deseja sobrepo-lo?"						"Deseja sobrepo-lo?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149
msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."		msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."
msgstr "Se seleccionar sim, o seu conteúdo será perdido."	msgstr "Se seleccionar sim, o seu conteúdo será perdido."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Could not save file %s"					msgid "Could not save file %s"
msgstr "Incapaz de gravar o ficheiro %s"			msgstr "Incapaz de gravar o ficheiro %s"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224
msgid "You must specify a file name"				msgid "You must specify a file name"
msgstr "Tem de indicar um nome de ficheiro"			msgstr "Tem de indicar um nome de ficheiro"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230
msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"		msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"
msgstr "Obteve um ficheiro vazio ao converter os dados"		msgstr "Obteve um ficheiro vazio ao converter os dados"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261
msgid "Saving Model"						msgid "Saving Model"
msgstr "Modelo de Gravação"					msgstr "Modelo de Gravação"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272
msgid "File _name:"						msgid "File _name:"
msgstr "_Nome do ficheiro:"					msgstr "_Nome do ficheiro:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276
msgid "Select File"						msgid "Select File"
msgstr "Seleccionar Ficheiro"					msgstr "Seleccionar Ficheiro"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283
msgid "File _type:"						msgid "File _type:"
msgstr "_Tipo de ficheiro:"					msgstr "_Tipo de ficheiro:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291
msgid "Tab-delimited"						msgid "Tab-delimited"
msgstr "Separado por tabulações"				msgstr "Separado por tabulações"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294
msgid "Comma-delimited"						msgid "Comma-delimited"
msgstr "Separado por vírgulas"					msgstr "Separado por vírgulas"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:
msgid "XML"							msgid "XML"
msgstr "XML"							msgstr "XML"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355
msgid "View detail"						msgid "View detail"
msgstr "Ver detalhe"						msgstr "Ver detalhe"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427
msgid "Show Column _Titles"					msgid "Show Column _Titles"
msgstr "Apresentar _Títulos das Colunas"			msgstr "Apresentar _Títulos das Colunas"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442
msgid "Describe"						msgid "Describe"
msgstr "Descrever"						msgstr "Descrever"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443
msgid "View detail..."						msgid "View detail..."
msgstr "Ver detalhe..."						msgstr "Ver detalhe..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614
msgid "Title"							msgid "Title"
msgstr "Título"							msgstr "Título"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48
msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"	msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"
msgstr "Tentativa de inicialização de um cliente já inicializ	msgstr "Tentativa de inicialização de um cliente já inicializ

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"		"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"
"to a data source"						"to a data source"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Introduza abaixo os argumentos para abrir uma\n"		"Introduza abaixo os argumentos para abrir uma\n"
"ligação a uma fonte de dados"					"ligação a uma fonte de dados"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253
msgid "Data Source:"						msgid "Data Source:"
msgstr "Fonte de Dados:"					msgstr "Fonte de Dados:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270
msgid "Username:"						msgid "Username:"
msgstr "Utilizador:"						msgstr "Utilizador:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279
msgid "Password:"						msgid "Password:"
msgstr "Senha:"							msgstr "Senha:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69
msgid "Fields"							msgid "Fields"
msgstr "Campos"							msgstr "Campos"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30
msgid "Commit"							msgid "Commit"
msgstr "Persistir"						msgstr "Persistir"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31
msgid "Connect"							msgid "Connect"
msgstr "Ligar"							msgstr "Ligar"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33
msgid "Designer"						msgid "Designer"
msgstr "Desenhador"						msgstr "Desenhador"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34
msgid "Disconnect"						msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr "Desligar"						msgstr "Desligar"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35
msgid "NoTransaction"						msgid "NoTransaction"
msgstr "SemTransacção"						msgstr "SemTransacção"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37
msgid "Query"							msgid "Query"
msgstr "Consulta"						msgstr "Consulta"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38
msgid "Rollback"						msgid "Rollback"
msgstr "Desfazer"						msgstr "Desfazer"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40
msgid "SQL"							msgid "SQL"
msgstr "SQL"							msgstr "SQL"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43
msgid "WithinTransaction"					msgid "WithinTransaction"
msgstr "DentroTransacção"					msgstr "DentroTransacção"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Error: %s"						msgid "Error: %s"
msgstr "Erro: %s"						msgstr "Erro: %s"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79
msgid "Table name"						msgid "Table name"
msgstr "Nome da tabela"						msgstr "Nome da tabela"

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93			#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Login for %s"						msgid "Login for %s"
msgstr "Início de sessão para %s"				msgstr "Início de sessão para %s"

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95					#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95
msgid "Login to database"					msgid "Login to database"
msgstr "Iniciar sessão na base de dados"			msgstr "Iniciar sessão na base de dados"

#: vfs/libmain.c:71						#: vfs/libmain.c:71
msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"				msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"
msgstr "Base de dados GNOME VFS: módulo"			msgstr "Base de dados GNOME VFS: módulo"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40
msgid "Table Properties"					msgid "Table Properties"
msgstr "Propriedades da Tabela"					msgstr "Propriedades da Tabela"

#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47
msgid "Table Name"						msgid "Table Name"
msgstr "Nome da Tabela"						msgstr "Nome da Tabela"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155
msgid "New"							msgid "New"
msgstr "Nova"							msgstr "Nova"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156
msgid "Create new table"					msgid "Create new table"
msgstr "Criar uma nova tabela"					msgstr "Criar uma nova tabela"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161
msgid "Properties"						msgid "Properties"
msgstr "Propriedades"						msgstr "Propriedades"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162
msgid "View table properties"					msgid "View table properties"
msgstr "ver as propriedades da tabela"				msgstr "ver as propriedades da tabela"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
msgid "UID"							msgid "UID"
msgstr "UID"							msgstr "UID"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "calendar"						msgid "calendar"
msgstr "calendário"						msgstr "calendário"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "summary"							msgid "summary"
msgstr "resumo"							msgstr "resumo"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "Summary"							msgid "Summary"
msgstr "Resumo"							msgstr "Resumo"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "location"						msgid "location"
msgstr "localização"						msgstr "localização"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "dtstart"							msgid "dtstart"
msgstr "datainício"						msgstr "datainício"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
msgid "Start time"						msgid "Start time"
msgstr "Data de início"						msgstr "Data de início"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "dtend"							msgid "dtend"
msgstr "datafim"						msgstr "datafim"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "End time"						msgid "End time"
msgstr "Data de final"						msgstr "Data de final"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
msgid "description"						msgid "description"
msgstr "descrição"						msgstr "descrição"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "classification"						msgid "classification"
msgstr "classificação"						msgstr "classificação"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "Classification"						msgid "Classification"
msgstr "Classificação"						msgstr "Classificação"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "transparency"						msgid "transparency"
msgstr "transparência"						msgstr "transparência"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "Transparency"						msgid "Transparency"
msgstr "Transparência"						msgstr "Transparência"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "categories"						msgid "categories"
msgstr "categorias"						msgstr "categorias"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "Categories"						msgid "Categories"
msgstr "Categorias"						msgstr "Categorias"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "tasks"							msgid "tasks"
msgstr "tarefas"						msgstr "tarefas"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "due"							msgid "due"
msgstr "datalimite"						msgstr "datalimite"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "Due date"						msgid "Due date"
msgstr "Data limite"						msgstr "Data limite"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "Start date"						msgid "Start date"
msgstr "Data de início"						msgstr "Data de início"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355
msgid "Public"							msgid "Public"
msgstr "Pública"						msgstr "Pública"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358
msgid "Private"							msgid "Private"
msgstr "Privada"						msgstr "Privada"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361
msgid "Confidential"						msgid "Confidential"
msgstr "Confidencial"						msgstr "Confidencial"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63
msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"		msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"
msgstr "Incapaz de abrir a pasta de calendário por omissão"	msgstr "Incapaz de abrir a pasta de calendário por omissão"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66
msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"			msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"
msgstr "Incapaz de abrir a pasta de tarefas por omissão"	msgstr "Incapaz de abrir a pasta de tarefas por omissão"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80
msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta	msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta
msgstr "� necessária autenticação para aceder à pasta de cont	msgstr "� necessária autenticação para aceder à pasta de cont

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83
msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"		msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"
msgstr "Incapaz de abrir a pasta de contactos por omissão"	msgstr "Incapaz de abrir a pasta de contactos por omissão"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100
msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"				msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"
msgstr "Incapaz de inicializar o Bonobo"			msgstr "Incapaz de inicializar o Bonobo"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212
msgid "Field name"						msgid "Field name"
msgstr "Nome do campo"						msgstr "Nome do campo"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213
msgid "Data type"						msgid "Data type"
msgstr "Tipo de dados"						msgstr "Tipo de dados"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214
msgid "Size"							msgid "Size"
msgstr "Tamanho"						msgstr "Tamanho"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215
msgid "Scale"							msgid "Scale"
msgstr "Escala"							msgstr "Escala"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216
msgid "Not null?"						msgid "Not null?"
msgstr "Não nulo?"						msgstr "Não nulo?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217
msgid "Primary key?"						msgid "Primary key?"
msgstr "Chave primária?"					msgstr "Chave primária?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218
msgid "Unique index?"						msgid "Unique index?"
msgstr "�ndice único?"						msgstr "�ndice único?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219
msgid "References"						msgid "References"
msgstr "Referências"						msgstr "Referências"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220
msgid "Default value"						msgid "Default value"
msgstr "Valor por omissão"					msgstr "Valor por omissão"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239
msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l	msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Nome de tabela é necessário mas nenhum foi especificado na l	"Nome de tabela é necessário mas nenhum foi especificado na l
"parâmetros"							"parâmetros"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Table %s does not exist"					msgid "Table %s does not exist"
msgstr "Tabela %s não existe"					msgstr "Tabela %s não existe"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318
msgid "Scheduled events"					msgid "Scheduled events"
msgstr "Eventos agendados"					msgstr "Eventos agendados"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321
msgid "TODO list"						msgid "TODO list"
msgstr "Lista de A Fazer"					msgstr "Lista de A Fazer"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375
msgid "Owner"							msgid "Owner"
msgstr "Dono"							msgstr "Dono"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376
msgid "Comments"						msgid "Comments"
msgstr "Comentários"						msgstr "Comentários"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374
msgid "Type"							msgid "Type"
msgstr "Tipo"							msgstr "Tipo"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377
msgid "GDA type"						msgid "GDA type"
msgstr "Tipo GDA"						msgstr "Tipo GDA"

#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id	#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id
#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database	#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database
#. we can easily access that information			#. we can easily access that information
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382
msgid "local"							msgid "local"
msgstr "local"							msgstr "local"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217
msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr "A criação de bases de dados ainda não é suportada"	msgstr "A criação de bases de dados ainda não é suportada"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230
msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr "A remoção de bases de dados ainda não é suportada"	msgstr "A remoção de bases de dados ainda não é suportada"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244
msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"			msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"
msgstr "Incapaz de obter o esquema da tabela"			msgstr "Incapaz de obter o esquema da tabela"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268
msgid "Invalid SQL command"					msgid "Invalid SQL command"
msgstr "Comando SQL inválido"					msgstr "Comando SQL inválido"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353
msgid "Transactions are not supported"				msgid "Transactions are not supported"
msgstr "Não são suportadas transacções"				msgstr "Não são suportadas transacções"

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41
msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"		msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"
msgstr "Fornecedor para dados pessoais Ximian Evolution"	msgstr "Fornecedor para dados pessoais Ximian Evolution"

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task	"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Fonte de dados para aceder ao calendário, tarefas e contacto	"Fonte de dados para aceder ao calendário, tarefas e contacto
"Evolution"							"Evolution"
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po: README.translators
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ru.gmo
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/ru.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/ru.po
# Copyright (C) 1999-2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.	# Copyright (C) 1999-2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# Valek Filippov <frob df ru>, 1999-2002, 2003			# Valek Filippov <frob df ru>, 1999-2002, 2003
# Dmitry G. Mastrukov <dmitry taurussoft org>, 2002.		# Dmitry G. Mastrukov <dmitry taurussoft org>, 2002.
#								#
msgid ""							msgid ""
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: libgnomedb\n"				"Project-Id-Version: libgnomedb\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"					"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"			"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2003-06-28 16:33+0400\n"			"PO-Revision-Date: 2003-06-28 16:33+0400\n"
"Last-Translator: Valek Filippov <frob df ru>\n"		"Last-Translator: Valek Filippov <frob df ru>\n"
"Language-Team: Russian <gnome-cyr gnome org>\n"		"Language-Team: Russian <gnome-cyr gnome org>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"						"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"			"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8-bit\n"				"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8-bit\n"

# fe/fe_main.c:205						# fe/fe_main.c:205
#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co
msgid "Data Sources"						msgid "Data Sources"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?Ñ?оÑ?ники даннÑ?Ñ?"					msgstr "Ð?Ñ?Ñ?оÑ?ники даннÑ?Ñ?"

# fe/fe_gdaconfig.c:315 gda-manager/main.c:144			# fe/fe_gdaconfig.c:315 gda-manager/main.c:144
#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid
msgid "Providers"						msgid "Providers"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?овайдеÑ?Ñ?"						msgstr "Ð?Ñ?овайдеÑ?Ñ?"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1
msgid "Configure your database environment"			msgid "Configure your database environment"
msgstr "Ð?аÑ?Ñ?Ñ?оиÑ?Ñ? окÑ?Ñ?жение баз даннÑ?Ñ?"				msgstr "Ð?аÑ?Ñ?Ñ?оиÑ?Ñ? окÑ?Ñ?жение баз даннÑ?Ñ?"

# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:245				# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:245
#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Database Access Properties "				msgid "Database Access Properties "
msgstr "Ð?аÑ?Ñ?Ñ?оиÑ?Ñ? базÑ? даннÑ?Ñ?"					msgstr "Ð?аÑ?Ñ?Ñ?оиÑ?Ñ? базÑ? даннÑ?Ñ?"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380
msgid "Name"							msgid "Name"
msgstr "Ð?азвание"						msgstr "Ð?азвание"

# fe/fe_gdaconfig.c:333 gda-manager/main.c:96 gda-manager/mai	# fe/fe_gdaconfig.c:333 gda-manager/main.c:96 gda-manager/mai
#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
msgid "Description"						msgid "Description"
msgstr "Ð?пиÑ?ание"						msgstr "Ð?пиÑ?ание"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182
msgid "Configured data sources in the system"			msgid "Configured data sources in the system"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data sources are the means by which database connections are	"Data sources are the means by which database connections are
"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s	"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s
"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o	"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o
"name you identify the connections in the applications that m	"name you identify the connections in the applications that m
"DB for database access."					"DB for database access."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Ð?Ñ?Ñ?оÑ?ник даннÑ?Ñ? - понÑ?Ñ?ие, по коÑ?оÑ?омÑ? Ñ?оединение Ñ? базой да	"Ð?Ñ?Ñ?оÑ?ник даннÑ?Ñ? - понÑ?Ñ?ие, по коÑ?оÑ?омÑ? Ñ?оединение Ñ? базой да
"иденÑ?иÑ?иÑ?иÑ?Ñ?еÑ?Ñ?Ñ? в Ñ?Ñ?еде GNOME-DB. Ð?Ñ?Ñ? инÑ?оÑ?маÑ?иÑ?, необÑ?одим	"иденÑ?иÑ?иÑ?иÑ?Ñ?еÑ?Ñ?Ñ? в Ñ?Ñ?еде GNOME-DB. Ð?Ñ?Ñ? инÑ?оÑ?маÑ?иÑ?, необÑ?одим
"Ñ?оединениÑ? Ñ? опÑ?еделÑ?ннÑ?м пÑ?овайдеÑ?ом и/или базой даннÑ?Ñ?, Ñ?о	"Ñ?оединениÑ? Ñ? опÑ?еделÑ?ннÑ?м пÑ?овайдеÑ?ом и/или базой даннÑ?Ñ?, Ñ?о
"иÑ?полÑ?зованием Ñ?никалÑ?ного имени. С помоÑ?Ñ?Ñ? Ñ?Ñ?ого имени пÑ?ил	"иÑ?полÑ?зованием Ñ?никалÑ?ного имени. С помоÑ?Ñ?Ñ? Ñ?Ñ?ого имени пÑ?ил
"иÑ?полÑ?зÑ?Ñ?Ñ? Ñ?Ñ?едÑ? GNOME-DB длÑ? доÑ?Ñ?Ñ?па к базе даннÑ?Ñ?."		"иÑ?полÑ?зÑ?Ñ?Ñ? Ñ?Ñ?едÑ? GNOME-DB длÑ? доÑ?Ñ?Ñ?па к базе даннÑ?Ñ?."

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277
#, fuzzy, c-format						#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"	msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"
msgstr "Ð?елаеÑ?е Ñ?бÑ?аÑ?Ñ? иÑ?Ñ?оÑ?ник даннÑ?Ñ? %s?"			msgstr "Ð?елаеÑ?е Ñ?бÑ?аÑ?Ñ? иÑ?Ñ?оÑ?ник даннÑ?Ñ? %s?"

# fe/fe_main.c:205						# fe/fe_main.c:205
#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data Source Properties"					msgid "Data Source Properties"
msgstr "Ð?аÑ?Ñ?Ñ?оиÑ?Ñ? иÑ?Ñ?оÑ?ник даннÑ?Ñ?"				msgstr "Ð?аÑ?Ñ?Ñ?оиÑ?Ñ? иÑ?Ñ?оÑ?ник даннÑ?Ñ?"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132
msgid "Basic"							msgid "Basic"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

# fe/fe_impexp.c:164 fe/fe_impexp.c:274 fe/fe_impexp.c:391	# fe/fe_impexp.c:164 fe/fe_impexp.c:274 fe/fe_impexp.c:391
# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:217				# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:217
#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Tables"							msgid "Tables"
msgstr "ТаблиÑ?Ñ?"						msgstr "ТаблиÑ?Ñ?"

#: control-center/main.c:92					#: control-center/main.c:92
msgid "No valid data source info was created"			msgid "No valid data source info was created"
msgstr "Ð?е бÑ?ло Ñ?оздано допÑ?Ñ?Ñ?имÑ?Ñ? иÑ?Ñ?оÑ?ников даннÑ?Ñ?"		msgstr "Ð?е бÑ?ло Ñ?оздано допÑ?Ñ?Ñ?имÑ?Ñ? иÑ?Ñ?оÑ?ников даннÑ?Ñ?"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218	#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218
msgid "New data source"						msgid "New data source"
msgstr "СоздаÑ?Ñ? иÑ?Ñ?оÑ?ник даннÑ?Ñ?"				msgstr "СоздаÑ?Ñ? иÑ?Ñ?оÑ?ник даннÑ?Ñ?"

# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:245				# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:245
#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:215					#: control-center/main.c:215
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Database Access Properties"				msgid "Database Access Properties"
msgstr "Ð?аÑ?Ñ?Ñ?оиÑ?Ñ? базÑ? даннÑ?Ñ?"					msgstr "Ð?аÑ?Ñ?Ñ?оиÑ?Ñ? базÑ? даннÑ?Ñ?"

#: control-center/provider-config.c:105				#: control-center/provider-config.c:105
msgid "Installed providers"					msgid "Installed providers"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/provider-config.c:131				#: control-center/provider-config.c:131
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec	"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec
"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo	"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo
"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr	"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr
"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba	"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba
"etc."								"etc."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Ð?Ñ?овайдеÑ? -  внеÑ?ний подклÑ?Ñ?аемÑ?й модÑ?лÑ?, пÑ?едоÑ?Ñ?авлÑ?Ñ?Ñ?ий до	"Ð?Ñ?овайдеÑ? -  внеÑ?ний подклÑ?Ñ?аемÑ?й модÑ?лÑ?, пÑ?едоÑ?Ñ?авлÑ?Ñ?Ñ?ий до
"опÑ?еделÑ?нномÑ? иÑ?Ñ?оÑ?никÑ? даннÑ?Ñ?. Ð?Ñ?Ñ?однÑ?й пÑ?овайдеÑ? Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?анавли	"опÑ?еделÑ?нномÑ? иÑ?Ñ?оÑ?никÑ? даннÑ?Ñ?. Ð?Ñ?Ñ?однÑ?й пÑ?овайдеÑ? Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?анавли
"он позволÑ?еÑ? полÑ?Ñ?иÑ?Ñ? доÑ?Ñ?Ñ?п к базам даннÑ?Ñ?, Ñ?Ñ?анимÑ?м в Ñ?айл	"он позволÑ?еÑ? полÑ?Ñ?иÑ?Ñ? доÑ?Ñ?Ñ?п к базам даннÑ?Ñ?, Ñ?Ñ?анимÑ?м в Ñ?айл
"XML. Ð?Ñ?Ñ?гие пÑ?овайдеÑ?Ñ?, обÑ?Ñ?но Ñ?аÑ?пÑ?оÑ?Ñ?Ñ?анÑ?емÑ?е Ñ?овмеÑ?Ñ?но Ñ? 	"XML. Ð?Ñ?Ñ?гие пÑ?овайдеÑ?Ñ?, обÑ?Ñ?но Ñ?аÑ?пÑ?оÑ?Ñ?Ñ?анÑ?емÑ?е Ñ?овмеÑ?Ñ?но Ñ? 
"вклÑ?Ñ?аÑ?Ñ? PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Sybase, Interbase и Ñ?.д.	"вклÑ?Ñ?аÑ?Ñ? PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Sybase, Interbase и Ñ?.д.

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1
msgid "Database connection parameters file"			msgid "Database connection parameters file"
msgstr "Файл паÑ?амеÑ?Ñ?ов Ñ?оединениÑ? Ñ? базой даннÑ?Ñ?"		msgstr "Файл паÑ?амеÑ?Ñ?ов Ñ?оединениÑ? Ñ? базой даннÑ?Ñ?"

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2
msgid "Documents"						msgid "Documents"
msgstr "Ð?окÑ?менÑ?Ñ?"						msgstr "Ð?окÑ?менÑ?Ñ?"

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3
msgid "SQL code viewer"						msgid "SQL code viewer"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?оÑ?моÑ?Ñ? кода SQL"					msgstr "Ð?Ñ?оÑ?моÑ?Ñ? кода SQL"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1
msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"			msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"
msgstr "ШÑ?иÑ?Ñ?, иÑ?полÑ?зÑ?емÑ?й в виджеÑ?е Ñ?аблиÑ?Ñ?"			msgstr "ШÑ?иÑ?Ñ?, иÑ?полÑ?зÑ?емÑ?й в виджеÑ?е Ñ?аблиÑ?Ñ?"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2
msgid "Number of spaces per tab"				msgid "Number of spaces per tab"
msgstr "ЧиÑ?ло пÑ?обелов в Ñ?абÑ?лÑ?Ñ?ии"				msgstr "ЧиÑ?ло пÑ?обелов в Ñ?абÑ?лÑ?Ñ?ии"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3
msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"			msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"
msgstr "Ð?оказÑ?ваÑ?Ñ? номеÑ?а Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?ок в Ñ?едакÑ?оÑ?е"			msgstr "Ð?оказÑ?ваÑ?Ñ? номеÑ?а Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?ок в Ñ?едакÑ?оÑ?е"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4
msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"			msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?полÑ?зоваÑ?Ñ? подÑ?веÑ?кÑ? в Ñ?едакÑ?оÑ?е кода"		msgstr "Ð?Ñ?полÑ?зоваÑ?Ñ? подÑ?веÑ?кÑ? в Ñ?едакÑ?оÑ?е кода"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60
msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"			msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"
msgstr "СеÑ?виÑ?Ñ? баз даннÑ?Ñ? длÑ? GNOME"				msgstr "СеÑ?виÑ?Ñ? баз даннÑ?Ñ? длÑ? GNOME"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1
msgid "About"							msgid "About"
msgstr "Ð? пÑ?огÑ?амме"						msgstr "Ð? пÑ?огÑ?амме"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2
msgid "About GNOME-DB"						msgid "About GNOME-DB"
msgstr "Ð? пÑ?огÑ?амме GNOME-DB"					msgstr "Ð? пÑ?огÑ?амме GNOME-DB"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3
msgid "Close this window"					msgid "Close this window"
msgstr "Ð?акÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? Ñ?Ñ?о окно"					msgstr "Ð?акÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? Ñ?Ñ?о окно"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4
msgid "Create new entry"					msgid "Create new entry"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5
msgid "Delete selected items"					msgid "Delete selected items"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6
msgid "Deselect all items"					msgid "Deselect all items"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7
msgid "Edit properties for selected item"			msgid "Edit properties for selected item"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Save connection parameters to file"			msgid "Save connection parameters to file"
msgstr "Файл паÑ?амеÑ?Ñ?ов Ñ?оединениÑ? Ñ? базой даннÑ?Ñ?"		msgstr "Файл паÑ?амеÑ?Ñ?ов Ñ?оединениÑ? Ñ? базой даннÑ?Ñ?"

# fe/fe_widget.c:34 fe/fe_widget.c:203 fe/fe_widget.c:222	# fe/fe_widget.c:34 fe/fe_widget.c:203 fe/fe_widget.c:222
#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Select _All"						msgid "Select _All"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?бÑ?аÑ?Ñ? вÑ?е"						msgstr "Ð?Ñ?бÑ?аÑ?Ñ? вÑ?е"

# fe/fe_widget.c:34 fe/fe_widget.c:203 fe/fe_widget.c:222	# fe/fe_widget.c:34 fe/fe_widget.c:203 fe/fe_widget.c:222
#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Select all items"					msgid "Select all items"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?бÑ?аÑ?Ñ? вÑ?е"						msgstr "Ð?Ñ?бÑ?аÑ?Ñ? вÑ?е"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View data sources"					msgid "View data sources"
msgstr "СоздаÑ?Ñ? иÑ?Ñ?оÑ?ник даннÑ?Ñ?"				msgstr "СоздаÑ?Ñ? иÑ?Ñ?оÑ?ник даннÑ?Ñ?"

# fe/fe_gdaconfig.c:315 gda-manager/main.c:144			# fe/fe_gdaconfig.c:315 gda-manager/main.c:144
#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View providers"						msgid "View providers"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?овайдеÑ?Ñ?"						msgstr "Ð?Ñ?овайдеÑ?Ñ?"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Clear Selection"					msgid "_Clear Selection"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?иÑ?Ñ?иÑ?Ñ? вÑ?деление"					msgstr "Ð?Ñ?иÑ?Ñ?иÑ?Ñ? вÑ?деление"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14
msgid "_Close"							msgid "_Close"
msgstr "Ð?акÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?"						msgstr "Ð?акÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?"

# fe/fe_main.c:205						# fe/fe_main.c:205
#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Data Sources"						msgid "_Data Sources"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?Ñ?оÑ?ники даннÑ?Ñ?"					msgstr "Ð?Ñ?Ñ?оÑ?ники даннÑ?Ñ?"

# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:245				# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:245
#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Database"						msgid "_Database"
msgstr "Ð?аза даннÑ?Ñ?"						msgstr "Ð?аза даннÑ?Ñ?"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17
msgid "_Delete"							msgid "_Delete"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18
msgid "_Edit"							msgid "_Edit"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19
msgid "_Help"							msgid "_Help"
msgstr "СпÑ?авка"						msgstr "СпÑ?авка"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_New Data Source..."					msgid "_New Data Source..."
msgstr "СоздаÑ?Ñ? иÑ?Ñ?оÑ?ник даннÑ?Ñ?"				msgstr "СоздаÑ?Ñ? иÑ?Ñ?оÑ?ник даннÑ?Ñ?"

# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:233				# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:233
#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Properties"						msgid "_Properties"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?оÑ?едÑ?Ñ?Ñ?"						msgstr "Ð?Ñ?оÑ?едÑ?Ñ?Ñ?"

# fe/fe_gdaconfig.c:315 gda-manager/main.c:144			# fe/fe_gdaconfig.c:315 gda-manager/main.c:144
#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Providers"						msgid "_Providers"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?овайдеÑ?Ñ?"						msgstr "Ð?Ñ?овайдеÑ?Ñ?"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Save Connection"					msgid "_Save Connection"
msgstr "СоÑ?Ñ?аниÑ?Ñ? в"						msgstr "СоÑ?Ñ?аниÑ?Ñ? в"

# fe/fe_impexp.c:392 gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:225		# fe/fe_impexp.c:392 gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:225
#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_View"							msgid "_View"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?едÑ?Ñ?авлениÑ?"						msgstr "Ð?Ñ?едÑ?Ñ?авлениÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76
msgid "Structure"						msgid "Structure"
msgstr "СÑ?Ñ?Ñ?кÑ?Ñ?Ñ?а"						msgstr "СÑ?Ñ?Ñ?кÑ?Ñ?Ñ?а"

# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:245				# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:245
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73
msgid "Data"							msgid "Data"
msgstr "Ð?аннÑ?е"							msgstr "Ð?аннÑ?е"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238
msgid "Not implemented yet!"					msgid "Not implemented yet!"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?Ñ? не Ñ?еализовано!"					msgstr "Ð?Ñ?Ñ? не Ñ?еализовано!"

# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:245				# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:245
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Database"						msgid "Database"
msgstr "Ð?аза даннÑ?Ñ?"						msgstr "Ð?аза даннÑ?Ñ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540
msgid "Loading database schemas..."				msgid "Loading database schemas..."
msgstr "Ð?агÑ?Ñ?зка Ñ?Ñ?ем базÑ? даннÑ?Ñ?..."				msgstr "Ð?агÑ?Ñ?зка Ñ?Ñ?ем базÑ? даннÑ?Ñ?..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632
msgid "Refreshing data..."					msgid "Refreshing data..."
msgstr "Ð?бновление даннÑ?Ñ?..."					msgstr "Ð?бновление даннÑ?Ñ?..."

# fe/fe_impexp.c:392 gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:225		# fe/fe_impexp.c:392 gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:225
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688
msgid "Views"							msgid "Views"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?едÑ?Ñ?авлениÑ?"						msgstr "Ð?Ñ?едÑ?Ñ?авлениÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691
msgid "Indexes"							msgid "Indexes"
msgstr "Ð?ндекÑ?Ñ?"						msgstr "Ð?ндекÑ?Ñ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Sequences"						msgid "Sequences"
msgstr "Ð?оÑ?ледоваÑ?елÑ?ноÑ?Ñ?и"					msgstr "Ð?оÑ?ледоваÑ?елÑ?ноÑ?Ñ?и"

# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:233				# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:233
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Procedures"						msgid "Procedures"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?оÑ?едÑ?Ñ?Ñ?"						msgstr "Ð?Ñ?оÑ?едÑ?Ñ?Ñ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700
msgid "Triggers"						msgid "Triggers"
msgstr "ТÑ?иггеÑ?Ñ?"						msgstr "ТÑ?иггеÑ?Ñ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Aggregates"						msgid "Aggregates"
msgstr "Ð?гÑ?егаÑ?Ñ?"						msgstr "Ð?гÑ?егаÑ?Ñ?"

# fe/fe_designer.c:98 fe/fe_designer.c:269 gda-manager/main.c	# fe/fe_designer.c:98 fe/fe_designer.c:269 gda-manager/main.c
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Types"							msgid "Types"
msgstr "ТипÑ?"							msgstr "ТипÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140
msgid "Could not query CORBA components"			msgid "Could not query CORBA components"
msgstr "Ð?е Ñ?далоÑ?Ñ? запÑ?оÑ?иÑ?Ñ? компоненÑ?Ñ? CORBA"			msgstr "Ð?е Ñ?далоÑ?Ñ? запÑ?оÑ?иÑ?Ñ? компоненÑ?Ñ? CORBA"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209
msgid "ID"							msgid "ID"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "Location"						msgid "Location"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212
msgid "Username"						msgid "Username"
msgstr "Ð?мÑ? полÑ?зоваÑ?елÑ?"					msgstr "Ð?мÑ? полÑ?зоваÑ?елÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Hostname"						msgid "Hostname"
msgstr "Ð?мÑ? полÑ?зоваÑ?елÑ?"					msgstr "Ð?мÑ? полÑ?зоваÑ?елÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214
msgid "Domain"							msgid "Domain"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"			msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"
msgstr "Ð?еподдеÑ?живаемÑ?й Ñ?ип в GconfEntry: %d"			msgstr "Ð?еподдеÑ?живаемÑ?й Ñ?ип в GconfEntry: %d"

#. create widgets						#. create widgets
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97
msgid "Settings"						msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Ð?аÑ?Ñ?Ñ?ойки"						msgstr "Ð?аÑ?Ñ?Ñ?ойки"

# fe/fe_main.c:205						# fe/fe_main.c:205
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103
msgid "Data source name"					msgid "Data source name"
msgstr "Ð?аименование иÑ?Ñ?оÑ?ника даннÑ?Ñ?"				msgstr "Ð?аименование иÑ?Ñ?оÑ?ника даннÑ?Ñ?"

# fe/fe_connection.c:88						# fe/fe_connection.c:88
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109
msgid "Connection string"					msgid "Connection string"
msgstr "СÑ?Ñ?ока Ñ?оединениÑ?"					msgstr "СÑ?Ñ?ока Ñ?оединениÑ?"

# fe/fe_gdaconfig.c:315 gda-manager/main.c:144			# fe/fe_gdaconfig.c:315 gda-manager/main.c:144
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115
msgid "Provider"						msgid "Provider"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?овайдеÑ?"						msgstr "Ð?Ñ?овайдеÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121
msgid "User name"						msgid "User name"
msgstr "Ð?мÑ? полÑ?зоваÑ?елÑ?"					msgstr "Ð?мÑ? полÑ?зоваÑ?елÑ?"

# fe/fe_main.c:205						# fe/fe_main.c:205
#. create feature list						#. create feature list
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128
msgid "Features"						msgid "Features"
msgstr "СвойÑ?Ñ?ва"						msgstr "СвойÑ?Ñ?ва"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190
msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"		msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ? должнÑ? Ñ?казаÑ?Ñ? название длÑ? нового иÑ?Ñ?оÑ?ника даннÑ?	msgstr "Ð?Ñ? должнÑ? Ñ?казаÑ?Ñ? название длÑ? нового иÑ?Ñ?оÑ?ника даннÑ?

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197
msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac	msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206
msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th	msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213
msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"			msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217
msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n	msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225
msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"	msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"
msgstr "Ð?еобÑ?одимо вÑ?бÑ?аÑ?Ñ? пÑ?овайдеÑ?а длÑ? нового иÑ?Ñ?оÑ?ника да	msgstr "Ð?еобÑ?одимо вÑ?бÑ?аÑ?Ñ? пÑ?овайдеÑ?а длÑ? нового иÑ?Ñ?оÑ?ника да

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233
msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"		msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?овайдеÑ? не найден в Ñ?екÑ?Ñ?ей конÑ?игÑ?Ñ?аÑ?ии"		msgstr "Ð?Ñ?овайдеÑ? не найден в Ñ?екÑ?Ñ?ей конÑ?игÑ?Ñ?аÑ?ии"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391
msgid "Add a new data source..."				msgid "Add a new data source..."
msgstr "Ð?обавиÑ?Ñ? новÑ?й иÑ?Ñ?оÑ?ник даннÑ?Ñ?..."			msgstr "Ð?обавиÑ?Ñ? новÑ?й иÑ?Ñ?оÑ?ник даннÑ?Ñ?..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392
msgid ""							msgid ""
"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"		"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"
"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"		"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"
"installation. Just follow the steps!"				"installation. Just follow the steps!"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"ЭÑ?оÑ? помоÑ?ник пÑ?оведÑ?Ñ? ваÑ? Ñ?еÑ?ез пÑ?оÑ?еÑ?Ñ?\n"			"ЭÑ?оÑ? помоÑ?ник пÑ?оведÑ?Ñ? ваÑ? Ñ?еÑ?ез пÑ?оÑ?еÑ?Ñ?\n"
"Ñ?озданиÑ? нового иÑ?Ñ?оÑ?ника даннÑ?Ñ? длÑ? ваÑ?ей\n"			"Ñ?озданиÑ? нового иÑ?Ñ?оÑ?ника даннÑ?Ñ? длÑ? ваÑ?ей\n"
"Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?ановки GNOME-DB."						"Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?ановки GNOME-DB."

# fe/fe_main.c:142 fe/fe_main.c:281				# fe/fe_main.c:142 fe/fe_main.c:281
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404
msgid "General Information"					msgid "General Information"
msgstr "Ð?бÑ?аÑ? инÑ?оÑ?маÑ?иÑ?"					msgstr "Ð?бÑ?аÑ? инÑ?оÑ?маÑ?иÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the basic information\n"	"The following fields represent the basic information\n"
"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n	"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n
"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"	"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"
"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"	"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"
"the default one."						"the default one."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"СледÑ?Ñ?Ñ?ие полÑ? пÑ?едÑ?Ñ?авлÑ?Ñ?Ñ? оÑ?новнÑ?Ñ? инÑ?оÑ?маÑ?иÑ? о ваÑ?ем\n"	"СледÑ?Ñ?Ñ?ие полÑ? пÑ?едÑ?Ñ?авлÑ?Ñ?Ñ? оÑ?новнÑ?Ñ? инÑ?оÑ?маÑ?иÑ? о ваÑ?ем\n"
"новом иÑ?Ñ?оÑ?нике даннÑ?Ñ?. Ð?екоÑ?оÑ?Ñ?е из ниÑ? (опиÑ?ание,\n"		"новом иÑ?Ñ?оÑ?нике даннÑ?Ñ?. Ð?екоÑ?оÑ?Ñ?е из ниÑ? (опиÑ?ание,\n"
"имÑ? полÑ?зоваÑ?елÑ?) не обÑ?заÑ?елÑ?нÑ?. Ð?Ñ?ли вÑ? не знаеÑ?е\n"		"имÑ? полÑ?зоваÑ?елÑ?) не обÑ?заÑ?елÑ?нÑ?. Ð?Ñ?ли вÑ? не знаеÑ?е\n"
"какого пÑ?овайдеÑ?а иÑ?полÑ?зоваÑ?Ñ?, вÑ?беÑ?иÑ?е Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?ановленного\n"	"какого пÑ?овайдеÑ?а иÑ?полÑ?зоваÑ?Ñ?, вÑ?беÑ?иÑ?е Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?ановленного\n"
"по Ñ?молÑ?аниÑ?"							"по Ñ?молÑ?аниÑ?"

# fe/fe_main.c:205						# fe/fe_main.c:205
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data source _name:"					msgid "Data source _name:"
msgstr "Ð?аименование иÑ?Ñ?оÑ?ника даннÑ?Ñ?"				msgstr "Ð?аименование иÑ?Ñ?оÑ?ника даннÑ?Ñ?"

# fe/fe_gdaconfig.c:315 gda-manager/main.c:144			# fe/fe_gdaconfig.c:315 gda-manager/main.c:144
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Provider:"						msgid "_Provider:"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?овайдеÑ?"						msgstr "Ð?Ñ?овайдеÑ?"

# fe/fe_gdaconfig.c:333 gda-manager/main.c:96 gda-manager/mai	# fe/fe_gdaconfig.c:333 gda-manager/main.c:96 gda-manager/mai
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Description:"						msgid "_Description:"
msgstr "Ð?пиÑ?ание"						msgstr "Ð?пиÑ?ание"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Username:"						msgid "_Username:"
msgstr "Ð?мÑ? полÑ?зоваÑ?елÑ?:"					msgstr "Ð?мÑ? полÑ?зоваÑ?елÑ?:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "P_assword:"						msgid "P_assword:"
msgstr "Ð?аÑ?олÑ?:"						msgstr "Ð?аÑ?олÑ?:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454
msgid "Provider Parameters"					msgid "Provider Parameters"
msgstr "Ð?аÑ?амеÑ?Ñ?Ñ? пÑ?овайдеÑ?а"					msgstr "Ð?аÑ?амеÑ?Ñ?Ñ? пÑ?овайдеÑ?а"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the information needed by the	"The following fields represent the information needed by the
"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n	"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n
"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\	"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\
"the manual for more information."				"the manual for more information."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"СледÑ?Ñ?Ñ?ие полÑ? пÑ?едÑ?Ñ?авлÑ?Ñ?Ñ? инÑ?оÑ?маÑ?иÑ?, необÑ?одимÑ?Ñ? вÑ?бÑ?анно	"СледÑ?Ñ?Ñ?ие полÑ? пÑ?едÑ?Ñ?авлÑ?Ñ?Ñ? инÑ?оÑ?маÑ?иÑ?, необÑ?одимÑ?Ñ? вÑ?бÑ?анно
"на пÑ?едÑ?дÑ?Ñ?ей Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?аниÑ?е пÑ?овайдеÑ?Ñ? длÑ? Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?ановлениÑ? Ñ?оединени	"на пÑ?едÑ?дÑ?Ñ?ей Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?аниÑ?е пÑ?овайдеÑ?Ñ? длÑ? Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?ановлениÑ? Ñ?оединени
"ЭÑ?а инÑ?оÑ?маÑ?иÑ? завиÑ?иÑ? оÑ? пÑ?овайдеÑ?а, поÑ?Ñ?омÑ? за дополниÑ?елÑ?	"ЭÑ?а инÑ?оÑ?маÑ?иÑ? завиÑ?иÑ? оÑ? пÑ?овайдеÑ?а, поÑ?Ñ?омÑ? за дополниÑ?елÑ?
"инÑ?оÑ?маÑ?ией обÑ?аÑ?иÑ?еÑ?Ñ? к докÑ?менÑ?аÑ?ии."			"инÑ?оÑ?маÑ?ией обÑ?аÑ?иÑ?еÑ?Ñ? к докÑ?менÑ?аÑ?ии."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481
msgid "All information retrieved"				msgid "All information retrieved"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?Ñ? инÑ?оÑ?маÑ?иÑ? полÑ?Ñ?ена"				msgstr "Ð?Ñ?Ñ? инÑ?оÑ?маÑ?иÑ? полÑ?Ñ?ена"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid ""							msgid ""
"All information needed to create a new data source\n"		"All information needed to create a new data source\n"
"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"		"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"
"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"	"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"
"just select it when asked for a data source."			"just select it when asked for a data source."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Ð?олÑ?Ñ?ена вÑ?Ñ? инÑ?оÑ?маÑ?иÑ?, необÑ?одимаÑ? длÑ? Ñ?озданиÑ? нового иÑ?Ñ?	"Ð?олÑ?Ñ?ена вÑ?Ñ? инÑ?оÑ?маÑ?иÑ?, необÑ?одимаÑ? длÑ? Ñ?озданиÑ? нового иÑ?Ñ?
"даннÑ?Ñ?. ТепеÑ?Ñ? нажмиÑ?е \"Ð?Ñ?имениÑ?Ñ?\", Ñ?Ñ?обÑ? закÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? Ñ?Ñ?оÑ? диа	"даннÑ?Ñ?. ТепеÑ?Ñ? нажмиÑ?е \"Ð?Ñ?имениÑ?Ñ?\", Ñ?Ñ?обÑ? закÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? Ñ?Ñ?оÑ? диа
"ЧÑ?обÑ? оÑ?кÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? Ñ?олÑ?ко Ñ?Ñ?о Ñ?озданнÑ?й иÑ?Ñ?оÑ?ник даннÑ?Ñ?, вÑ?беÑ?иÑ?е	"ЧÑ?обÑ? оÑ?кÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? Ñ?олÑ?ко Ñ?Ñ?о Ñ?озданнÑ?й иÑ?Ñ?оÑ?ник даннÑ?Ñ?, вÑ?беÑ?иÑ?е
"когда пÑ?огÑ?амма Ñ?пÑ?оÑ?иÑ? об иÑ?Ñ?оÑ?нике даннÑ?Ñ?"			"когда пÑ?огÑ?амма Ñ?пÑ?оÑ?иÑ? об иÑ?Ñ?оÑ?нике даннÑ?Ñ?"

# fe/fe_connection.c:88						# fe/fe_connection.c:88
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Connection _string:"					msgid "Connection _string:"
msgstr "СÑ?Ñ?ока Ñ?оединениÑ?"					msgstr "СÑ?Ñ?ока Ñ?оединениÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4
msgid "Error"							msgid "Error"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?ибка"							msgstr "Ð?Ñ?ибка"

# fe/fe_main.c:254						# fe/fe_main.c:254
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.
msgid "Show detail >>"						msgid "Show detail >>"
msgstr "Ð?оказаÑ?Ñ? подÑ?обноÑ?Ñ?и >>"				msgstr "Ð?оказаÑ?Ñ? подÑ?обноÑ?Ñ?и >>"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122
msgid "<< Hide detail"						msgid "<< Hide detail"
msgstr "<< СкÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? подÑ?обноÑ?Ñ?и"					msgstr "<< СкÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? подÑ?обноÑ?Ñ?и"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191
msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"	msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

# fe/fe_connection.c:30 fe/fe_main.c:155			# fe/fe_connection.c:30 fe/fe_main.c:155
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196
msgid "Error number"						msgid "Error number"
msgstr "Ð?омеÑ? оÑ?ибки"						msgstr "Ð?омеÑ? оÑ?ибки"

# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:245				# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:245
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227
msgid "Details"							msgid "Details"
msgstr "Ð?одÑ?обноÑ?Ñ?и"						msgstr "Ð?одÑ?обноÑ?Ñ?и"

# fe/fe_main.c:205						# fe/fe_main.c:205
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234
msgid "Source"							msgid "Source"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?Ñ?оÑ?ник даннÑ?Ñ?"					msgstr "Ð?Ñ?Ñ?оÑ?ник даннÑ?Ñ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241
msgid "SQL state"						msgid "SQL state"
msgstr "СоÑ?Ñ?оÑ?ние SQL"						msgstr "СоÑ?Ñ?оÑ?ние SQL"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Field:"							msgid "_Field:"
msgstr "Файл"							msgstr "Файл"

# fe/fe_designer.c:98 fe/fe_designer.c:269 gda-manager/main.c	# fe/fe_designer.c:98 fe/fe_designer.c:269 gda-manager/main.c
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Text:"							msgid "_Text:"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?овеÑ?иÑ?Ñ?"						msgstr "Ð?Ñ?овеÑ?иÑ?Ñ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308
msgid "No records"						msgid "No records"
msgstr "Ð?еÑ? запиÑ?ей"						msgstr "Ð?еÑ? запиÑ?ей"

# fe/fe_ui.c:143 fe/fe_ui.c:183					# fe/fe_ui.c:143 fe/fe_ui.c:183
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Record %d of %d"						msgid "Record %d of %d"
msgstr "Ð?апиÑ?Ñ? %d из %d"					msgstr "Ð?апиÑ?Ñ? %d из %d"

# fe/fe_gdaconfig.c:333 gda-manager/main.c:96 gda-manager/mai	# fe/fe_gdaconfig.c:333 gda-manager/main.c:96 gda-manager/mai
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113
msgid "Recordset description"					msgid "Recordset description"
msgstr "Ð?пиÑ?ание набоÑ?а запиÑ?ей"				msgstr "Ð?пиÑ?ание набоÑ?а запиÑ?ей"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141
#, fuzzy, c-format						#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""							msgid ""
"File '%s' already exists.\n"					"File '%s' already exists.\n"
"Do you want to overwrite it?"					"Do you want to overwrite it?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Файл %s Ñ?же Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?еÑ?Ñ?вÑ?еÑ?.\n"					"Файл %s Ñ?же Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?еÑ?Ñ?вÑ?еÑ?.\n"
"ХоÑ?иÑ?е пеÑ?епиÑ?аÑ?Ñ? его?"					"ХоÑ?иÑ?е пеÑ?епиÑ?аÑ?Ñ? его?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149
msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."		msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Could not save file %s"					msgid "Could not save file %s"
msgstr "Ð?е Ñ?далоÑ?Ñ? Ñ?оÑ?Ñ?аниÑ?Ñ? Ñ?айл %s"				msgstr "Ð?е Ñ?далоÑ?Ñ? Ñ?оÑ?Ñ?аниÑ?Ñ? Ñ?айл %s"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224
msgid "You must specify a file name"				msgid "You must specify a file name"
msgstr "Ð?еобÑ?одимо Ñ?казаÑ?Ñ? имÑ? Ñ?айла"				msgstr "Ð?еобÑ?одимо Ñ?казаÑ?Ñ? имÑ? Ñ?айла"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230
msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"		msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?и конвеÑ?Ñ?иÑ?овании даннÑ?Ñ? полÑ?Ñ?ен пÑ?Ñ?Ñ?ой Ñ?айл"		msgstr "Ð?Ñ?и конвеÑ?Ñ?иÑ?овании даннÑ?Ñ? полÑ?Ñ?ен пÑ?Ñ?Ñ?ой Ñ?айл"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261
msgid "Saving Model"						msgid "Saving Model"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

# fe/fe_impexp.c:164 fe/fe_impexp.c:274 fe/fe_impexp.c:391	# fe/fe_impexp.c:164 fe/fe_impexp.c:274 fe/fe_impexp.c:391
# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:217				# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:217
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "File _name:"						msgid "File _name:"
msgstr "Ð?аименование Ñ?аблиÑ?Ñ?"					msgstr "Ð?аименование Ñ?аблиÑ?Ñ?"

# fe/fe_widget.c:34 fe/fe_widget.c:203 fe/fe_widget.c:222	# fe/fe_widget.c:34 fe/fe_widget.c:203 fe/fe_widget.c:222
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276
msgid "Select File"						msgid "Select File"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?бÑ?аÑ?Ñ? Ñ?айл"						msgstr "Ð?Ñ?бÑ?аÑ?Ñ? Ñ?айл"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283
msgid "File _type:"						msgid "File _type:"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Tab-delimited"						msgid "Tab-delimited"
msgstr "Файл Ñ? Ñ?азделиÑ?елем в виде Ñ?абÑ?лÑ?Ñ?ии"			msgstr "Файл Ñ? Ñ?азделиÑ?елем в виде Ñ?абÑ?лÑ?Ñ?ии"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Comma-delimited"						msgid "Comma-delimited"
msgstr "Файл Ñ? Ñ?азделиÑ?елем в виде запÑ?Ñ?ой"			msgstr "Файл Ñ? Ñ?азделиÑ?елем в виде запÑ?Ñ?ой"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:
msgid "XML"							msgid "XML"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355
msgid "View detail"						msgid "View detail"
msgstr "Ð?оказаÑ?Ñ? подÑ?обноÑ?Ñ?и"					msgstr "Ð?оказаÑ?Ñ? подÑ?обноÑ?Ñ?и"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Show Column _Titles"					msgid "Show Column _Titles"
msgstr "Ð?оказаÑ?Ñ? Ñ?Ñ?олбÑ?Ñ?"					msgstr "Ð?оказаÑ?Ñ? Ñ?Ñ?олбÑ?Ñ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442
msgid "Describe"						msgid "Describe"
msgstr "Ð?пиÑ?аÑ?Ñ?"						msgstr "Ð?пиÑ?аÑ?Ñ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443
msgid "View detail..."						msgid "View detail..."
msgstr "Ð?оказаÑ?Ñ? подÑ?обноÑ?Ñ?и..."				msgstr "Ð?оказаÑ?Ñ? подÑ?обноÑ?Ñ?и..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614
msgid "Title"							msgid "Title"
msgstr "Ð?аголовок"						msgstr "Ð?аголовок"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48
msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"	msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"
msgstr "Ð?опÑ?Ñ?ка иниÑ?иализиÑ?оваÑ?Ñ? Ñ?же иниÑ?иализиÑ?ованного клие	msgstr "Ð?опÑ?Ñ?ка иниÑ?иализиÑ?оваÑ?Ñ? Ñ?же иниÑ?иализиÑ?ованного клие

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"		"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"
"to a data source"						"to a data source"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Ð?ведиÑ?е ниже аÑ?гÑ?менÑ?Ñ? длÑ? Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?ановлениÑ? Ñ?оединениÑ?\n"		"Ð?ведиÑ?е ниже аÑ?гÑ?менÑ?Ñ? длÑ? Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?ановлениÑ? Ñ?оединениÑ?\n"
"Ñ? иÑ?Ñ?оÑ?ником даннÑ?Ñ?"						"Ñ? иÑ?Ñ?оÑ?ником даннÑ?Ñ?"

# fe/fe_main.c:205						# fe/fe_main.c:205
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253
msgid "Data Source:"						msgid "Data Source:"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?Ñ?оÑ?ник даннÑ?Ñ?:"					msgstr "Ð?Ñ?Ñ?оÑ?ник даннÑ?Ñ?:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270
msgid "Username:"						msgid "Username:"
msgstr "Ð?мÑ? полÑ?зоваÑ?елÑ?:"					msgstr "Ð?мÑ? полÑ?зоваÑ?елÑ?:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279
msgid "Password:"						msgid "Password:"
msgstr "Ð?аÑ?олÑ?:"						msgstr "Ð?аÑ?олÑ?:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69
msgid "Fields"							msgid "Fields"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30
msgid "Commit"							msgid "Commit"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31
msgid "Connect"							msgid "Connect"
msgstr "Ð?одÑ?оединиÑ?Ñ?"						msgstr "Ð?одÑ?оединиÑ?Ñ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33
msgid "Designer"						msgid "Designer"
msgstr "Ð?онÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?кÑ?оÑ?"						msgstr "Ð?онÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?кÑ?оÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34
msgid "Disconnect"						msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr "РаÑ?Ñ?оединиÑ?Ñ?"						msgstr "РаÑ?Ñ?оединиÑ?Ñ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35
msgid "NoTransaction"						msgid "NoTransaction"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37
msgid "Query"							msgid "Query"
msgstr "Ð?апÑ?оÑ?"							msgstr "Ð?апÑ?оÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38
msgid "Rollback"						msgid "Rollback"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40
msgid "SQL"							msgid "SQL"
msgstr "SQL"							msgstr "SQL"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43
msgid "WithinTransaction"					msgid "WithinTransaction"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Error: %s"						msgid "Error: %s"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?ибка: %s"						msgstr "Ð?Ñ?ибка: %s"

# fe/fe_impexp.c:164 fe/fe_impexp.c:274 fe/fe_impexp.c:391	# fe/fe_impexp.c:164 fe/fe_impexp.c:274 fe/fe_impexp.c:391
# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:217				# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:217
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79
msgid "Table name"						msgid "Table name"
msgstr "Ð?аименование Ñ?аблиÑ?Ñ?"					msgstr "Ð?аименование Ñ?аблиÑ?Ñ?"

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93			#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Login for %s"						msgid "Login for %s"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95					#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95
msgid "Login to database"					msgid "Login to database"
msgstr "УÑ?Ñ?ановление Ñ?еанÑ?а Ñ?абоÑ?Ñ? Ñ? базой даннÑ?Ñ?"		msgstr "УÑ?Ñ?ановление Ñ?еанÑ?а Ñ?абоÑ?Ñ? Ñ? базой даннÑ?Ñ?"

#: vfs/libmain.c:71						#: vfs/libmain.c:71
msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"				msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"
msgstr "Ð?аза даннÑ?Ñ? VFS Ñ?Ñ?едÑ? GNOME: модÑ?лÑ?"			msgstr "Ð?аза даннÑ?Ñ? VFS Ñ?Ñ?едÑ? GNOME: модÑ?лÑ?"

# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:245				# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:245
#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Table Properties"					msgid "Table Properties"
msgstr "Ð?аÑ?Ñ?Ñ?оиÑ?Ñ? базÑ? даннÑ?Ñ?"					msgstr "Ð?аÑ?Ñ?Ñ?оиÑ?Ñ? базÑ? даннÑ?Ñ?"

# fe/fe_impexp.c:164 fe/fe_impexp.c:274 fe/fe_impexp.c:391	# fe/fe_impexp.c:164 fe/fe_impexp.c:274 fe/fe_impexp.c:391
# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:217				# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:217
#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Table Name"						msgid "Table Name"
msgstr "Ð?аименование Ñ?аблиÑ?Ñ?"					msgstr "Ð?аименование Ñ?аблиÑ?Ñ?"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155
msgid "New"							msgid "New"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156
msgid "Create new table"					msgid "Create new table"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:233				# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:233
#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Properties"						msgid "Properties"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?оÑ?едÑ?Ñ?Ñ?"						msgstr "Ð?Ñ?оÑ?едÑ?Ñ?Ñ?"

# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:245				# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:245
#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View table properties"					msgid "View table properties"
msgstr "Ð?аÑ?Ñ?Ñ?оиÑ?Ñ? базÑ? даннÑ?Ñ?"					msgstr "Ð?аÑ?Ñ?Ñ?оиÑ?Ñ? базÑ? даннÑ?Ñ?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
msgid "UID"							msgid "UID"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "calendar"						msgid "calendar"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "summary"							msgid "summary"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "Summary"							msgid "Summary"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "location"						msgid "location"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "dtstart"							msgid "dtstart"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
msgid "Start time"						msgid "Start time"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "dtend"							msgid "dtend"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "End time"						msgid "End time"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

# fe/fe_gdaconfig.c:333 gda-manager/main.c:96 gda-manager/mai	# fe/fe_gdaconfig.c:333 gda-manager/main.c:96 gda-manager/mai
#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "description"						msgid "description"
msgstr "Ð?пиÑ?ание"						msgstr "Ð?пиÑ?ание"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "classification"						msgid "classification"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Classification"						msgid "Classification"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?иÑ?Ñ?иÑ?Ñ? вÑ?деление"					msgstr "Ð?Ñ?иÑ?Ñ?иÑ?Ñ? вÑ?деление"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "transparency"						msgid "transparency"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "Transparency"						msgid "Transparency"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "categories"						msgid "categories"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "Categories"						msgid "Categories"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "tasks"							msgid "tasks"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "due"							msgid "due"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "Due date"						msgid "Due date"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "Start date"						msgid "Start date"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355
msgid "Public"							msgid "Public"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358
msgid "Private"							msgid "Private"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361
msgid "Confidential"						msgid "Confidential"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63
msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"		msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66
msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"			msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80
msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta	msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"		msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"
msgstr "Ð?е Ñ?далоÑ?Ñ? оÑ?кÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? Ñ?оединение Ñ? %s!"			msgstr "Ð?е Ñ?далоÑ?Ñ? оÑ?кÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? Ñ?оединение Ñ? %s!"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100
msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"				msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Field name"						msgid "Field name"
msgstr "Ð?мÑ? полÑ?зоваÑ?елÑ?"					msgstr "Ð?мÑ? полÑ?зоваÑ?елÑ?"

# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:245				# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:245
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data type"						msgid "Data type"
msgstr "Ð?аннÑ?е"							msgstr "Ð?аннÑ?е"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214
msgid "Size"							msgid "Size"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215
msgid "Scale"							msgid "Scale"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216
msgid "Not null?"						msgid "Not null?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217
msgid "Primary key?"						msgid "Primary key?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218
msgid "Unique index?"						msgid "Unique index?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "References"						msgid "References"
msgstr "Ð?аÑ?Ñ?Ñ?ойки"						msgstr "Ð?аÑ?Ñ?Ñ?ойки"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220
msgid "Default value"						msgid "Default value"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239
msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l	msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Table %s does not exist"					msgid "Table %s does not exist"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318
msgid "Scheduled events"					msgid "Scheduled events"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321
msgid "TODO list"						msgid "TODO list"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375
msgid "Owner"							msgid "Owner"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Comments"						msgid "Comments"
msgstr "Ð?окÑ?менÑ?Ñ?"						msgstr "Ð?окÑ?менÑ?Ñ?"

# fe/fe_designer.c:98 fe/fe_designer.c:269 gda-manager/main.c	# fe/fe_designer.c:98 fe/fe_designer.c:269 gda-manager/main.c
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Type"							msgid "Type"
msgstr "ТипÑ?"							msgstr "ТипÑ?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377
msgid "GDA type"						msgid "GDA type"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id	#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id
#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database	#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database
#. we can easily access that information			#. we can easily access that information
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382
msgid "local"							msgid "local"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217
msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230
msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244
msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"			msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268
msgid "Invalid SQL command"					msgid "Invalid SQL command"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353
msgid "Transactions are not supported"				msgid "Transactions are not supported"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41
msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"		msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task	"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#~ msgid "Browse database..."					#~ msgid "Browse database..."
#~ msgstr "Ð?Ñ?оÑ?моÑ?Ñ? базÑ? даннÑ?Ñ?..."				#~ msgstr "Ð?Ñ?оÑ?моÑ?Ñ? базÑ? даннÑ?Ñ?..."

#~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .con	#~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .con
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Ð?омпоненÑ? вклÑ?Ñ?аÑ?Ñ?ий Ñ?леменÑ?Ñ? конÑ?екÑ?Ñ?ного менÑ? длÑ? Ñ?айло	#~ "Ð?омпоненÑ? вклÑ?Ñ?аÑ?Ñ?ий Ñ?леменÑ?Ñ? конÑ?екÑ?Ñ?ного менÑ? длÑ? Ñ?айло

#~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .sql	#~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .sql
#~ msgstr "Ð?омпоненÑ? вклÑ?Ñ?аÑ?Ñ?ий Ñ?леменÑ?Ñ? конÑ?екÑ?Ñ?ного менÑ? дл	#~ msgstr "Ð?омпоненÑ? вклÑ?Ñ?аÑ?Ñ?ий Ñ?леменÑ?Ñ? конÑ?екÑ?Ñ?ного менÑ? дл

#~ msgid "Database component factory"				#~ msgid "Database component factory"
#~ msgstr "ФабÑ?ика компоненÑ?а базÑ? даннÑ?Ñ?"			#~ msgstr "ФабÑ?ика компоненÑ?а базÑ? даннÑ?Ñ?"

#~ msgid "Open in database connection..."			#~ msgid "Open in database connection..."
#~ msgstr "УÑ?Ñ?ановление Ñ?оединениÑ? Ñ? базой даннÑ?Ñ?..."		#~ msgstr "УÑ?Ñ?ановление Ñ?оединениÑ? Ñ? базой даннÑ?Ñ?..."

# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:245				# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:245
#~ msgid "Database browser"					#~ msgid "Database browser"
#~ msgstr "Ð?Ñ?огÑ?амма пÑ?оÑ?моÑ?Ñ?а базÑ? даннÑ?Ñ?"			#~ msgstr "Ð?Ñ?огÑ?амма пÑ?оÑ?моÑ?Ñ?а базÑ? даннÑ?Ñ?"

# fe/fe_connection.c:30 fe/fe_main.c:155			# fe/fe_connection.c:30 fe/fe_main.c:155
#~ msgid "Error viewer"						#~ msgid "Error viewer"
#~ msgstr "Ð?Ñ?оÑ?моÑ?Ñ? оÑ?ибки"					#~ msgstr "Ð?Ñ?оÑ?моÑ?Ñ? оÑ?ибки"

#~ msgid "SQL Viewer"						#~ msgid "SQL Viewer"
#~ msgstr "Ð?Ñ?оÑ?моÑ?Ñ? кода SQL"					#~ msgstr "Ð?Ñ?оÑ?моÑ?Ñ? кода SQL"

#~ msgid "Database configuration"				#~ msgid "Database configuration"
#~ msgstr "Ð?онÑ?игÑ?Ñ?аÑ?иÑ? баз даннÑ?Ñ?"				#~ msgstr "Ð?онÑ?игÑ?Ñ?аÑ?иÑ? баз даннÑ?Ñ?"

#~ msgid "Edit application preferences"				#~ msgid "Edit application preferences"
#~ msgstr "Ð?змениÑ?Ñ? наÑ?Ñ?Ñ?ойки пÑ?иложениÑ?"			#~ msgstr "Ð?змениÑ?Ñ? наÑ?Ñ?Ñ?ойки пÑ?иложениÑ?"

#~ msgid "_Settings"						#~ msgid "_Settings"
#~ msgstr "УÑ?Ñ?ановки"						#~ msgstr "УÑ?Ñ?ановки"

#~ msgid "Password"						#~ msgid "Password"
#~ msgstr "Ð?аÑ?олÑ?"						#~ msgstr "Ð?аÑ?олÑ?"

#~ msgid "Save as"						#~ msgid "Save as"
#~ msgstr "СоÑ?Ñ?аниÑ?Ñ? как"					#~ msgstr "СоÑ?Ñ?аниÑ?Ñ? как"

#~ msgid "Save to"						#~ msgid "Save to"
#~ msgstr "СоÑ?Ñ?аниÑ?Ñ? в"						#~ msgstr "СоÑ?Ñ?аниÑ?Ñ? в"

#~ msgid "XML file"						#~ msgid "XML file"
#~ msgstr "Файл в Ñ?оÑ?маÑ?е XML"					#~ msgstr "Файл в Ñ?оÑ?маÑ?е XML"

#~ msgid "Hide columns"						#~ msgid "Hide columns"
#~ msgstr "СкÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? Ñ?Ñ?олбÑ?Ñ?"					#~ msgstr "СкÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? Ñ?Ñ?олбÑ?Ñ?"

#~ msgid "Question"						#~ msgid "Question"
#~ msgstr "Ð?опÑ?оÑ?"						#~ msgstr "Ð?опÑ?оÑ?"

# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:245				# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:245
#~ msgid "Database Moniker factory"				#~ msgid "Database Moniker factory"
#~ msgstr "ФабÑ?ика моникеÑ?а базÑ? даннÑ?Ñ?"			#~ msgstr "ФабÑ?ика моникеÑ?а базÑ? даннÑ?Ñ?"

# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:245				# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:245
#~ msgid "database: moniker"					#~ msgid "database: moniker"
#~ msgstr "база даннÑ?Ñ?: моникеÑ?"				#~ msgstr "база даннÑ?Ñ?: моникеÑ?"

#~ msgid "Failing to manufacture a '%s'"			#~ msgid "Failing to manufacture a '%s'"
#~ msgstr "Сбой пÑ?и Ñ?оздании %s"				#~ msgstr "Сбой пÑ?и Ñ?оздании %s"

# fe/fe_connection.c:88						# fe/fe_connection.c:88
#~ msgid "Invalid format for connection string"			#~ msgid "Invalid format for connection string"
#~ msgstr "Ð?едопÑ?Ñ?Ñ?имÑ?й Ñ?оÑ?маÑ? Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?оки Ñ?оединениÑ?"		#~ msgstr "Ð?едопÑ?Ñ?Ñ?имÑ?й Ñ?оÑ?маÑ? Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?оки Ñ?оединениÑ?"

# fe/fe_main.c:205						# fe/fe_main.c:205
#~ msgid "Data sources"						#~ msgid "Data sources"
#~ msgstr "Ð?Ñ?Ñ?оÑ?ники даннÑ?Ñ?"					#~ msgstr "Ð?Ñ?Ñ?оÑ?ники даннÑ?Ñ?"

# fe/fe_main.c:205						# fe/fe_main.c:205
#~ msgid "Test Data Source"					#~ msgid "Test Data Source"
#~ msgstr "Ð?Ñ?овеÑ?иÑ?Ñ? иÑ?Ñ?оÑ?ник даннÑ?Ñ?"				#~ msgstr "Ð?Ñ?овеÑ?иÑ?Ñ? иÑ?Ñ?оÑ?ник даннÑ?Ñ?"

#~ msgid "Connection to %s successful!"				#~ msgid "Connection to %s successful!"
#~ msgstr "Соединение Ñ? %s пÑ?оÑ?ло Ñ?Ñ?пеÑ?но!"			#~ msgstr "Соединение Ñ? %s пÑ?оÑ?ло Ñ?Ñ?пеÑ?но!"
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: sk.gmo
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/sk.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/sk.po
# translation of libgnomedb.release-1-0-branch.sk.po to Slova	# translation of libgnomedb.release-1-0-branch.sk.po to Slova
# translation of libgnomedb.HEAD.sk.po to Slovak		# translation of libgnomedb.HEAD.sk.po to Slovak
# translation of sk.po to Slovak				# translation of sk.po to Slovak
# GNOME-DB Slovak translation.					# GNOME-DB Slovak translation.
# Copyright (C) 2000-2001,2002,2003 Free Software Foundation,	# Copyright (C) 2000-2001,2002,2003 Free Software Foundation,
# Stanislav Visnovsky <visnovsky nenya ms mff cuni cz>, 2000-	# Stanislav Visnovsky <visnovsky nenya ms mff cuni cz>, 2000-
# Stanislav Vi¹òovský <visnovsky nenya ms mff cuni cz>, 2002.	# Stanislav Vi¹òovský <visnovsky nenya ms mff cuni cz>, 2002.
# Stanislav Visnovsky <visnovsky kde org>, 2003.		# Stanislav Visnovsky <visnovsky kde org>, 2003.
#								#
msgid ""							msgid ""
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: libgnomedb.release-1-0-branch.sk\n"	"Project-Id-Version: libgnomedb.release-1-0-branch.sk\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"					"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"			"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2003-09-24 09:58+0200\n"			"PO-Revision-Date: 2003-09-24 09:58+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Stanislav Visnovsky <visnovsky kde org>\n"	"Last-Translator: Stanislav Visnovsky <visnovsky kde org>\n"
"Language-Team: Slovak <sk-i18n linux sk>\n"			"Language-Team: Slovak <sk-i18n linux sk>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"						"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-2\n"		"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-2\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"				"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Generator: KBabel 1.2\n"					"X-Generator: KBabel 1.2\n"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co
msgid "Data Sources"						msgid "Data Sources"
msgstr "Zdroje dát"						msgstr "Zdroje dát"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid
msgid "Providers"						msgid "Providers"
msgstr "Poskytovatelia"						msgstr "Poskytovatelia"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1
msgid "Configure your database environment"			msgid "Configure your database environment"
msgstr "Nastavte va¹e databázové prostredie"			msgstr "Nastavte va¹e databázové prostredie"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Database Access Properties "				msgid "Database Access Properties "
msgstr "Vlastnosti databáze"					msgstr "Vlastnosti databáze"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380
msgid "Name"							msgid "Name"
msgstr "Meno"							msgstr "Meno"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
msgid "Description"						msgid "Description"
msgstr "Popis"							msgstr "Popis"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182
msgid "Configured data sources in the system"			msgid "Configured data sources in the system"
msgstr "Nastavené zdroje dát v systéme"				msgstr "Nastavené zdroje dát v systéme"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data sources are the means by which database connections are	"Data sources are the means by which database connections are
"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s	"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s
"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o	"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o
"name you identify the connections in the applications that m	"name you identify the connections in the applications that m
"DB for database access."					"DB for database access."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Zdroje dát predstavujú identifikáciu databázových spojení v 	"Zdroje dát predstavujú identifikáciu databázových spojení v 
"potrebné informácie pre otvorenie spojenia s daným poskytova	"potrebné informácie pre otvorenie spojenia s daným poskytova
"sú ulo¾ené pod jednoznaèným menom. Pomocou tohto mena urèíte	"sú ulo¾ené pod jednoznaèným menom. Pomocou tohto mena urèíte
"aplikácie, ktoré pre prístup k databázam pou¾ívajú GNOME-DB.	"aplikácie, ktoré pre prístup k databázam pou¾ívajú GNOME-DB.

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277
#, fuzzy, c-format						#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"	msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"
msgstr "Chcete odstráni» zdroj dát '%s'?"			msgstr "Chcete odstráni» zdroj dát '%s'?"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data Source Properties"					msgid "Data Source Properties"
msgstr "Vlastnosti zdroja dát"					msgstr "Vlastnosti zdroja dát"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132
msgid "Basic"							msgid "Basic"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Tables"							msgid "Tables"
msgstr "Tabuµky"						msgstr "Tabuµky"

#: control-center/main.c:92					#: control-center/main.c:92
msgid "No valid data source info was created"			msgid "No valid data source info was created"
msgstr "Nebol vytvorený ¾iadny platný popis zdroja dát"		msgstr "Nebol vytvorený ¾iadny platný popis zdroja dát"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218	#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218
msgid "New data source"						msgid "New data source"
msgstr "Nový zdroj dát"						msgstr "Nový zdroj dát"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:215					#: control-center/main.c:215
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Database Access Properties"				msgid "Database Access Properties"
msgstr "Vlastnosti databáze"					msgstr "Vlastnosti databáze"

#: control-center/provider-config.c:105				#: control-center/provider-config.c:105
msgid "Installed providers"					msgid "Installed providers"
msgstr "Nain¹talovaní poskytovatelia"				msgstr "Nain¹talovaní poskytovatelia"

#: control-center/provider-config.c:131				#: control-center/provider-config.c:131
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec	"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec
"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo	"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo
"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr	"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr
"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba	"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba
"etc."								"etc."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Poskytovatelia sú externé moduly, ktoré poskytujú prístup k 	"Poskytovatelia sú externé moduly, ktoré poskytujú prístup k 
"dát. ©tandardný poskytovateµ je nain¹talovný v¾dy a umo¾òuje	"dát. ©tandardný poskytovateµ je nain¹talovný v¾dy a umo¾òuje
"súborom XML. Obvykle sú k dispozícii v libgda/gnome-db posky	"súborom XML. Obvykle sú k dispozícii v libgda/gnome-db posky
"PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Sybase, Interbase atï."		"PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Sybase, Interbase atï."

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1
msgid "Database connection parameters file"			msgid "Database connection parameters file"
msgstr "Súbor s parametrami spojenia s databázou"		msgstr "Súbor s parametrami spojenia s databázou"

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2
msgid "Documents"						msgid "Documents"
msgstr "Dokumenty"						msgstr "Dokumenty"

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3
msgid "SQL code viewer"						msgid "SQL code viewer"
msgstr "Prehliadaè kódu SQL"					msgstr "Prehliadaè kódu SQL"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1
msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"			msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"
msgstr "Písmo pou¾ité pre prvok mrie¾ky"			msgstr "Písmo pou¾ité pre prvok mrie¾ky"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2
msgid "Number of spaces per tab"				msgid "Number of spaces per tab"
msgstr "Poèet medzier na tabulátor"				msgstr "Poèet medzier na tabulátor"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3
msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"			msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"
msgstr "Zobrazi» èísla riadkov v editore"			msgstr "Zobrazi» èísla riadkov v editore"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4
msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"			msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"
msgstr "Pou¾i» zvýrazòovanie v editore"				msgstr "Pou¾i» zvýrazòovanie v editore"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60
msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"			msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"
msgstr "Databázové slu¾by pre prostredie GNOME"			msgstr "Databázové slu¾by pre prostredie GNOME"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1
msgid "About"							msgid "About"
msgstr "O programe"						msgstr "O programe"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2
msgid "About GNOME-DB"						msgid "About GNOME-DB"
msgstr "O GNOME-DB"						msgstr "O GNOME-DB"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3
msgid "Close this window"					msgid "Close this window"
msgstr "Zavrie toto okno"					msgstr "Zavrie toto okno"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4
msgid "Create new entry"					msgid "Create new entry"
msgstr "Vytvorí nový záznam"					msgstr "Vytvorí nový záznam"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5
msgid "Delete selected items"					msgid "Delete selected items"
msgstr "Odstráni vybrané polo¾ky"				msgstr "Odstráni vybrané polo¾ky"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Deselect all items"					msgid "Deselect all items"
msgstr "Odstráni vybrané polo¾ky"				msgstr "Odstráni vybrané polo¾ky"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7
msgid "Edit properties for selected item"			msgid "Edit properties for selected item"
msgstr "Upraví vlastnosti vybranej polo¾ky"			msgstr "Upraví vlastnosti vybranej polo¾ky"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8
msgid "Save connection parameters to file"			msgid "Save connection parameters to file"
msgstr "Ulo¾í parametre spojenia do súboru"			msgstr "Ulo¾í parametre spojenia do súboru"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Select _All"						msgid "Select _All"
msgstr "Vybra» v¹etko"						msgstr "Vybra» v¹etko"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Select all items"					msgid "Select all items"
msgstr "Vybra» v¹etko"						msgstr "Vybra» v¹etko"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View data sources"					msgid "View data sources"
msgstr "Nový zdroj dát"						msgstr "Nový zdroj dát"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View providers"						msgid "View providers"
msgstr "Poskytovatelia"						msgstr "Poskytovatelia"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Clear Selection"					msgid "_Clear Selection"
msgstr "Vyèisti» výber"						msgstr "Vyèisti» výber"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14
msgid "_Close"							msgid "_Close"
msgstr "_Zavrie»"						msgstr "_Zavrie»"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Data Sources"						msgid "_Data Sources"
msgstr "Zdroje dát"						msgstr "Zdroje dát"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Database"						msgid "_Database"
msgstr "Databáza"						msgstr "Databáza"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17
msgid "_Delete"							msgid "_Delete"
msgstr "_Odstráni»"						msgstr "_Odstráni»"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18
msgid "_Edit"							msgid "_Edit"
msgstr "_Upravi»"						msgstr "_Upravi»"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19
msgid "_Help"							msgid "_Help"
msgstr "_Pomocník"						msgstr "_Pomocník"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_New Data Source..."					msgid "_New Data Source..."
msgstr "Nový zdroj dát"						msgstr "Nový zdroj dát"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Properties"						msgid "_Properties"
msgstr "Vlastnosti"						msgstr "Vlastnosti"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Providers"						msgid "_Providers"
msgstr "Poskytovatelia"						msgstr "Poskytovatelia"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23
msgid "_Save Connection"					msgid "_Save Connection"
msgstr "_Ulo¾i» spojenie"					msgstr "_Ulo¾i» spojenie"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_View"							msgid "_View"
msgstr "Pohµady"						msgstr "Pohµady"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76
msgid "Structure"						msgid "Structure"
msgstr "©truktúra"						msgstr "©truktúra"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73
msgid "Data"							msgid "Data"
msgstr "Dáta"							msgstr "Dáta"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238
msgid "Not implemented yet!"					msgid "Not implemented yet!"
msgstr "E¹te neimplementované."					msgstr "E¹te neimplementované."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Database"						msgid "Database"
msgstr "Databáza"						msgstr "Databáza"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540
msgid "Loading database schemas..."				msgid "Loading database schemas..."
msgstr "Naèítavam schémy databáze..."				msgstr "Naèítavam schémy databáze..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632
msgid "Refreshing data..."					msgid "Refreshing data..."
msgstr "Aktualizujem dáta..."					msgstr "Aktualizujem dáta..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688
msgid "Views"							msgid "Views"
msgstr "Pohµady"						msgstr "Pohµady"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691
msgid "Indexes"							msgid "Indexes"
msgstr "Indexy"							msgstr "Indexy"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Sequences"						msgid "Sequences"
msgstr "Sekvencie"						msgstr "Sekvencie"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Procedures"						msgid "Procedures"
msgstr "Procedúry"						msgstr "Procedúry"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700
msgid "Triggers"						msgid "Triggers"
msgstr "Triggery"						msgstr "Triggery"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Aggregates"						msgid "Aggregates"
msgstr "Agregáty"						msgstr "Agregáty"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Types"							msgid "Types"
msgstr "Typy"							msgstr "Typy"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140
msgid "Could not query CORBA components"			msgid "Could not query CORBA components"
msgstr "Nepodarilo sa zisti» komponenty CORBA"			msgstr "Nepodarilo sa zisti» komponenty CORBA"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209
msgid "ID"							msgid "ID"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "Location"						msgid "Location"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212
msgid "Username"						msgid "Username"
msgstr "Pou¾ívateµské meno"					msgstr "Pou¾ívateµské meno"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Hostname"						msgid "Hostname"
msgstr "Pou¾ívateµské meno"					msgstr "Pou¾ívateµské meno"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214
msgid "Domain"							msgid "Domain"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"			msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"
msgstr "Nepodporovaný typ v GConfEntry: %d"			msgstr "Nepodporovaný typ v GConfEntry: %d"

#. create widgets						#. create widgets
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97
msgid "Settings"						msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Nastavenia"						msgstr "Nastavenia"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103
msgid "Data source name"					msgid "Data source name"
msgstr "Meno zdroja dát"					msgstr "Meno zdroja dát"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109
msgid "Connection string"					msgid "Connection string"
msgstr "Re»azec spojenia"					msgstr "Re»azec spojenia"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115
msgid "Provider"						msgid "Provider"
msgstr "Poskytovateµ"						msgstr "Poskytovateµ"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121
msgid "User name"						msgid "User name"
msgstr "Pou¾ívateµské meno"					msgstr "Pou¾ívateµské meno"

#. create feature list						#. create feature list
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128
msgid "Features"						msgid "Features"
msgstr "Funkcie"						msgstr "Funkcie"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190
msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"		msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"
msgstr "Musíte zada» meno pre nový zdroj dát"			msgstr "Musíte zada» meno pre nový zdroj dát"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac	msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac
msgstr "Mená zdrojov dát nesmú obsahova» medzery"		msgstr "Mená zdrojov dát nesmú obsahova» medzery"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206
msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th	msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213
msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"			msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"
msgstr "Mená zdrojov dát nesmú obsahova» medzery"		msgstr "Mená zdrojov dát nesmú obsahova» medzery"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217
msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n	msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n
msgstr "Mená zdrojov dát mô¾u obsahova» iba písmená ASCII a è	msgstr "Mená zdrojov dát mô¾u obsahova» iba písmená ASCII a è

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225
msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"	msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"
msgstr "Musíte vybra» poskytovateµa pre nový zdroj dát"		msgstr "Musíte vybra» poskytovateµa pre nový zdroj dát"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233
msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"		msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"
msgstr "Poskytovateµ nebol vo va¹om nastavení nájdený"		msgstr "Poskytovateµ nebol vo va¹om nastavení nájdený"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391
msgid "Add a new data source..."				msgid "Add a new data source..."
msgstr "Prida» nový zdroj dát..."				msgstr "Prida» nový zdroj dát..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392
msgid ""							msgid ""
"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"		"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"
"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"		"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"
"installation. Just follow the steps!"				"installation. Just follow the steps!"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Tento sprievodca vám pomô¾e vytvori» nový\n"			"Tento sprievodca vám pomô¾e vytvori» nový\n"
"zdroj dát pre GNOME-DB. Sledujte jeho kroky!"			"zdroj dát pre GNOME-DB. Sledujte jeho kroky!"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404
msgid "General Information"					msgid "General Information"
msgstr "V¹eobecné informácie"					msgstr "V¹eobecné informácie"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the basic information\n"	"The following fields represent the basic information\n"
"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n	"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n
"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"	"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"
"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"	"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"
"the default one."						"the default one."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Tieto polia obsahujú základné informácie pre vá¹\n"		"Tieto polia obsahujú základné informácie pre vá¹\n"
"nový zdroj dát. Niektoré z nich nie sú povinné (popis,\n"	"nový zdroj dát. Niektoré z nich nie sú povinné (popis,\n"
"pou¾ívateµské meno), ale niektoré vyplni» musíte.\n"		"pou¾ívateµské meno), ale niektoré vyplni» musíte.\n"
"Ak neviete, akého poskytovateµa pou¾i», vyberte\n"		"Ak neviete, akého poskytovateµa pou¾i», vyberte\n"
"¹tandardného."							"¹tandardného."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data source _name:"					msgid "Data source _name:"
msgstr "Meno zdroja dát"					msgstr "Meno zdroja dát"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Provider:"						msgid "_Provider:"
msgstr "Poskytovateµ"						msgstr "Poskytovateµ"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Description:"						msgid "_Description:"
msgstr "Popis"							msgstr "Popis"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Username:"						msgid "_Username:"
msgstr "Pou¾ívateµské meno:"					msgstr "Pou¾ívateµské meno:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "P_assword:"						msgid "P_assword:"
msgstr "Heslo:"							msgstr "Heslo:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454
msgid "Provider Parameters"					msgid "Provider Parameters"
msgstr "Parametre poskytovateµa"				msgstr "Parametre poskytovateµa"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the information needed by the	"The following fields represent the information needed by the
"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n	"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n
"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\	"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\
"the manual for more information."				"the manual for more information."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Nasledujúce polia obsahujú informáciu po¾adované\n"		"Nasledujúce polia obsahujú informáciu po¾adované\n"
"poskytovateµom, ktorého ste si vybrali, aby otvoril\n"		"poskytovateµom, ktorého ste si vybrali, aby otvoril\n"
"spojenie. Táto informácia závisí na poskytovateµovi,\n"	"spojenie. Táto informácia závisí na poskytovateµovi,\n"
"tak¾e detaily nájdete v manuáli."				"tak¾e detaily nájdete v manuáli."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481
msgid "All information retrieved"				msgid "All information retrieved"
msgstr "Získané v¹etky informácie"				msgstr "Získané v¹etky informácie"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid ""							msgid ""
"All information needed to create a new data source\n"		"All information needed to create a new data source\n"
"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"		"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"
"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"	"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"
"just select it when asked for a data source."			"just select it when asked for a data source."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Zadali ste v¹etky potrebné informácie pre vytvorenie\n"	"Zadali ste v¹etky potrebné informácie pre vytvorenie\n"
"nového zdroja dát. Stlaèením 'Dokonèi»' zatvoríte\n"		"nového zdroja dát. Stlaèením 'Dokonèi»' zatvoríte\n"
"tento dialóg a mô¾ete zaèa» vá¹ nový zdroj dát pou¾íva»."	"tento dialóg a mô¾ete zaèa» vá¹ nový zdroj dát pou¾íva»."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Connection _string:"					msgid "Connection _string:"
msgstr "Re»azec spojenia"					msgstr "Re»azec spojenia"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4
msgid "Error"							msgid "Error"
msgstr "Chyba"							msgstr "Chyba"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.
msgid "Show detail >>"						msgid "Show detail >>"
msgstr "Zobrazi» detaily >>"					msgstr "Zobrazi» detaily >>"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122
msgid "<< Hide detail"						msgid "<< Hide detail"
msgstr "<< Skry» detaily"					msgstr "<< Skry» detaily"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191
msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"	msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"
msgstr "V databáze sa vyskytla chyba"				msgstr "V databáze sa vyskytla chyba"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196
msgid "Error number"						msgid "Error number"
msgstr "Èíslo chyby"						msgstr "Èíslo chyby"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227
msgid "Details"							msgid "Details"
msgstr "Detaily"						msgstr "Detaily"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234
msgid "Source"							msgid "Source"
msgstr "Zdroj"							msgstr "Zdroj"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241
msgid "SQL state"						msgid "SQL state"
msgstr "Stav SQL"						msgstr "Stav SQL"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Field:"							msgid "_Field:"
msgstr "Polia"							msgstr "Polia"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118
msgid "_Text:"							msgid "_Text:"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308
msgid "No records"						msgid "No records"
msgstr "®iadne záznamy"						msgstr "®iadne záznamy"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Record %d of %d"						msgid "Record %d of %d"
msgstr "Záznam %d z %d"						msgstr "Záznam %d z %d"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113
msgid "Recordset description"					msgid "Recordset description"
msgstr "Popis skupiny záznamov"					msgstr "Popis skupiny záznamov"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141
#, fuzzy, c-format						#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""							msgid ""
"File '%s' already exists.\n"					"File '%s' already exists.\n"
"Do you want to overwrite it?"					"Do you want to overwrite it?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Súbor %s u¾ existuje.\n"					"Súbor %s u¾ existuje.\n"
"Chcete ho prepísa»?"						"Chcete ho prepísa»?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149
msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."		msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Could not save file %s"					msgid "Could not save file %s"
msgstr "Nepodarilo sa ulo¾i» súbor %s"				msgstr "Nepodarilo sa ulo¾i» súbor %s"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224
msgid "You must specify a file name"				msgid "You must specify a file name"
msgstr "Musíte zada» meno súboru"				msgstr "Musíte zada» meno súboru"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230
msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"		msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"
msgstr "Pri prevode dát získaný prázdny súbor"			msgstr "Pri prevode dát získaný prázdny súbor"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261
msgid "Saving Model"						msgid "Saving Model"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "File _name:"						msgid "File _name:"
msgstr "Meno tabuµky"						msgstr "Meno tabuµky"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276
msgid "Select File"						msgid "Select File"
msgstr "Vybra» súbor"						msgstr "Vybra» súbor"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283
msgid "File _type:"						msgid "File _type:"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Tab-delimited"						msgid "Tab-delimited"
msgstr "Súbor s dátami oddelenými tabulátormi"			msgstr "Súbor s dátami oddelenými tabulátormi"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Comma-delimited"						msgid "Comma-delimited"
msgstr "Súbor s dátami oddelenými èiarkami"			msgstr "Súbor s dátami oddelenými èiarkami"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:
msgid "XML"							msgid "XML"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355
msgid "View detail"						msgid "View detail"
msgstr "Zobrazi» detaily"					msgstr "Zobrazi» detaily"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Show Column _Titles"					msgid "Show Column _Titles"
msgstr "Zobrazi» ståpce"					msgstr "Zobrazi» ståpce"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442
msgid "Describe"						msgid "Describe"
msgstr "Popísa»"						msgstr "Popísa»"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443
msgid "View detail..."						msgid "View detail..."
msgstr "Zobrazi» detaily..."					msgstr "Zobrazi» detaily..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614
msgid "Title"							msgid "Title"
msgstr "Titulok"						msgstr "Titulok"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48
msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"	msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"
msgstr "Pokus o inicializáciu u¾ inicializovaného klienta"	msgstr "Pokus o inicializáciu u¾ inicializovaného klienta"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"		"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"
"to a data source"						"to a data source"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Zadajte argumenty pre otvorenie spojenia\n"			"Zadajte argumenty pre otvorenie spojenia\n"
"k zdroju dát"							"k zdroju dát"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253
msgid "Data Source:"						msgid "Data Source:"
msgstr "Zdroj dát:"						msgstr "Zdroj dát:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270
msgid "Username:"						msgid "Username:"
msgstr "Pou¾ívateµské meno:"					msgstr "Pou¾ívateµské meno:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279
msgid "Password:"						msgid "Password:"
msgstr "Heslo:"							msgstr "Heslo:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69
msgid "Fields"							msgid "Fields"
msgstr "Polia"							msgstr "Polia"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30
msgid "Commit"							msgid "Commit"
msgstr "Potvrdi»"						msgstr "Potvrdi»"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31
msgid "Connect"							msgid "Connect"
msgstr "Pripoji»"						msgstr "Pripoji»"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33
msgid "Designer"						msgid "Designer"
msgstr "Návrhár"						msgstr "Návrhár"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34
msgid "Disconnect"						msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr "Odpoji»"						msgstr "Odpoji»"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35
msgid "NoTransaction"						msgid "NoTransaction"
msgstr "Bez transakcie"						msgstr "Bez transakcie"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37
msgid "Query"							msgid "Query"
msgstr "Dotaz"							msgstr "Dotaz"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38
msgid "Rollback"						msgid "Rollback"
msgstr "Vráti» spä»"						msgstr "Vráti» spä»"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40
msgid "SQL"							msgid "SQL"
msgstr "SQL"							msgstr "SQL"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43
msgid "WithinTransaction"					msgid "WithinTransaction"
msgstr "V transakcii"						msgstr "V transakcii"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Error: %s"						msgid "Error: %s"
msgstr "Chyba: %s"						msgstr "Chyba: %s"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79
msgid "Table name"						msgid "Table name"
msgstr "Meno tabuµky"						msgstr "Meno tabuµky"

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93			#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Login for %s"						msgid "Login for %s"
msgstr "Prihlásenie pre %s"					msgstr "Prihlásenie pre %s"

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95					#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95
msgid "Login to database"					msgid "Login to database"
msgstr "Prihlásenie k databázi"					msgstr "Prihlásenie k databázi"

#: vfs/libmain.c:71						#: vfs/libmain.c:71
msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"				msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"
msgstr "Databáza GNOME VFS: modul"				msgstr "Databáza GNOME VFS: modul"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40
msgid "Table Properties"					msgid "Table Properties"
msgstr "Vlastnosti tabuµky"					msgstr "Vlastnosti tabuµky"

#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47
msgid "Table Name"						msgid "Table Name"
msgstr "Meno tabuµky"						msgstr "Meno tabuµky"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155
msgid "New"							msgid "New"
msgstr "Nový"							msgstr "Nový"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156
msgid "Create new table"					msgid "Create new table"
msgstr "Vytvori» novú tabuµku"					msgstr "Vytvori» novú tabuµku"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161
msgid "Properties"						msgid "Properties"
msgstr "Vlastnosti"						msgstr "Vlastnosti"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162
msgid "View table properties"					msgid "View table properties"
msgstr "Zobrazi» vlastnosti tabuµky"				msgstr "Zobrazi» vlastnosti tabuµky"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
msgid "UID"							msgid "UID"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "calendar"						msgid "calendar"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "summary"							msgid "summary"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "Summary"							msgid "Summary"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "location"						msgid "location"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "dtstart"							msgid "dtstart"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
msgid "Start time"						msgid "Start time"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "dtend"							msgid "dtend"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "End time"						msgid "End time"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "description"						msgid "description"
msgstr "Popis"							msgstr "Popis"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "classification"						msgid "classification"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Classification"						msgid "Classification"
msgstr "Vyèisti» výber"						msgstr "Vyèisti» výber"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "transparency"						msgid "transparency"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "Transparency"						msgid "Transparency"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "categories"						msgid "categories"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "Categories"						msgid "Categories"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "tasks"							msgid "tasks"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "due"							msgid "due"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "Due date"						msgid "Due date"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "Start date"						msgid "Start date"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355
msgid "Public"							msgid "Public"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358
msgid "Private"							msgid "Private"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361
msgid "Confidential"						msgid "Confidential"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63
msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"		msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66
msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"			msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80
msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta	msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83
msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"		msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100
msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"				msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Field name"						msgid "Field name"
msgstr "Pou¾ívateµské meno"					msgstr "Pou¾ívateµské meno"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data type"						msgid "Data type"
msgstr "Dáta"							msgstr "Dáta"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214
msgid "Size"							msgid "Size"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215
msgid "Scale"							msgid "Scale"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216
msgid "Not null?"						msgid "Not null?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217
msgid "Primary key?"						msgid "Primary key?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218
msgid "Unique index?"						msgid "Unique index?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "References"						msgid "References"
msgstr "Nas_tavenia"						msgstr "Nas_tavenia"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220
msgid "Default value"						msgid "Default value"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239
msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l	msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Table %s does not exist"					msgid "Table %s does not exist"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318
msgid "Scheduled events"					msgid "Scheduled events"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321
msgid "TODO list"						msgid "TODO list"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375
msgid "Owner"							msgid "Owner"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Comments"						msgid "Comments"
msgstr "Potvrdi»"						msgstr "Potvrdi»"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Type"							msgid "Type"
msgstr "Typy"							msgstr "Typy"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377
msgid "GDA type"						msgid "GDA type"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id	#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id
#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database	#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database
#. we can easily access that information			#. we can easily access that information
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382
msgid "local"							msgid "local"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217
msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230
msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244
msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"			msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268
msgid "Invalid SQL command"					msgid "Invalid SQL command"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353
msgid "Transactions are not supported"				msgid "Transactions are not supported"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41
msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"		msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task	"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#~ msgid "Browse database..."					#~ msgid "Browse database..."
#~ msgstr "Prechádza» databázu..."				#~ msgstr "Prechádza» databázu..."

#~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .con	#~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .con
#~ msgstr "Komponent, ktorý obsahuje kontextové menu pre súbo	#~ msgstr "Komponent, ktorý obsahuje kontextové menu pre súbo

#~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .sql	#~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .sql
#~ msgstr "Komponent, ktorý obsahuje kontextové menu pre súbo	#~ msgstr "Komponent, ktorý obsahuje kontextové menu pre súbo

#~ msgid "Connection MIME handler component"			#~ msgid "Connection MIME handler component"
#~ msgstr "Komponent pre spracovanie MIME spojenia"		#~ msgstr "Komponent pre spracovanie MIME spojenia"

#~ msgid "Database component factory"				#~ msgid "Database component factory"
#~ msgstr "Vytváracie rozhranie komponentu databáz"		#~ msgstr "Vytváracie rozhranie komponentu databáz"

#~ msgid "Open in database connection..."			#~ msgid "Open in database connection..."
#~ msgstr "Otvori» databázové spojenie..."			#~ msgstr "Otvori» databázové spojenie..."

#~ msgid "SQL MIME handler component"				#~ msgid "SQL MIME handler component"
#~ msgstr "Komponent MIME podpory SQL"				#~ msgstr "Komponent MIME podpory SQL"

#~ msgid "Database browser"					#~ msgid "Database browser"
#~ msgstr "Prehliadaè databáze"					#~ msgstr "Prehliadaè databáze"

#~ msgid "Error viewer"						#~ msgid "Error viewer"
#~ msgstr "Chyba prehliadaèa"					#~ msgstr "Chyba prehliadaèa"

#~ msgid "SQL Viewer"						#~ msgid "SQL Viewer"
#~ msgstr "Prehliadaè SQL"					#~ msgstr "Prehliadaè SQL"

#~ msgid "Database configuration"				#~ msgid "Database configuration"
#~ msgstr "Nastavenie databáze"					#~ msgstr "Nastavenie databáze"

#~ msgid "Edit application preferences"				#~ msgid "Edit application preferences"
#~ msgstr "Upraví nastavenie aplikácie"				#~ msgstr "Upraví nastavenie aplikácie"

#~ msgid "New..."						#~ msgid "New..."
#~ msgstr "Nový..."						#~ msgstr "Nový..."

#~ msgid "_Properties..."					#~ msgid "_Properties..."
#~ msgstr "_Vlastnosti..."					#~ msgstr "_Vlastnosti..."

#~ msgid "_Settings"						#~ msgid "_Settings"
#~ msgstr "Nas_tavenia"						#~ msgstr "Nas_tavenia"

#~ msgid "Password"						#~ msgid "Password"
#~ msgstr "Heslo"						#~ msgstr "Heslo"

#~ msgid "Save as"						#~ msgid "Save as"
#~ msgstr "Ulo¾i» ako"						#~ msgstr "Ulo¾i» ako"

#~ msgid "Save to"						#~ msgid "Save to"
#~ msgstr "Ulo¾i» do"						#~ msgstr "Ulo¾i» do"

#~ msgid "XML file"						#~ msgid "XML file"
#~ msgstr "Súbor XML"						#~ msgstr "Súbor XML"

#~ msgid "Hide columns"						#~ msgid "Hide columns"
#~ msgstr "Skry» ståpce"					#~ msgstr "Skry» ståpce"

#~ msgid "Question"						#~ msgid "Question"
#~ msgstr "Otázka"						#~ msgstr "Otázka"

#~ msgid "Database Moniker factory"				#~ msgid "Database Moniker factory"
#~ msgstr "Vytváracie rozhranie pre moniker databáze"		#~ msgstr "Vytváracie rozhranie pre moniker databáze"

#~ msgid "database: moniker"					#~ msgid "database: moniker"
#~ msgstr "Moniker database:"					#~ msgstr "Moniker database:"

#~ msgid "Failing to manufacture a '%s'"			#~ msgid "Failing to manufacture a '%s'"
#~ msgstr "Nepodarilo sa vytvori» '%s'"				#~ msgstr "Nepodarilo sa vytvori» '%s'"

#~ msgid "Invalid format for connection string"			#~ msgid "Invalid format for connection string"
#~ msgstr "Neplatný formát re»azca pripojenia"			#~ msgstr "Neplatný formát re»azca pripojenia"

#~ msgid "_File"						#~ msgid "_File"
#~ msgstr "_Súbor"						#~ msgstr "_Súbor"

#~ msgid "Table Data"						#~ msgid "Table Data"
#~ msgstr "Dáta tabuµky"					#~ msgstr "Dáta tabuµky"

#~ msgid "View table data"					#~ msgid "View table data"
#~ msgstr "Zobrazi» dáta tabuµky"				#~ msgstr "Zobrazi» dáta tabuµky"
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: sl.gmo
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/sl.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/sl.po
# Slovenian translation file for gnome-db.			# Slovenian translation file for gnome-db.
# Copyright (C) 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc.		# Copyright (C) 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# Andraz Tori <andraz tori1 guest arnes si> 2000		# Andraz Tori <andraz tori1 guest arnes si> 2000
#								#
msgid ""							msgid ""
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: gnome-db\n"				"Project-Id-Version: gnome-db\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"					"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"			"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2000-06-24 01:00+0200\n"			"PO-Revision-Date: 2000-06-24 01:00+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Andraz Tori <andraz tori1 guest arnes si>\n	"Last-Translator: Andraz Tori <andraz tori1 guest arnes si>\n
"Language-Team: Slovenian <sl li org>\n"			"Language-Team: Slovenian <sl li org>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"						"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"			"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"				"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co
msgid "Data Sources"						msgid "Data Sources"
msgstr "Viri podatkov"						msgstr "Viri podatkov"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid
msgid "Providers"						msgid "Providers"
msgstr "Nuditelji"						msgstr "Nuditelji"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1
msgid "Configure your database environment"			msgid "Configure your database environment"
msgstr "Nastavi okolje zbirke podatkov"				msgstr "Nastavi okolje zbirke podatkov"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Database Access Properties "				msgid "Database Access Properties "
msgstr "Lastnosti zbirke podatkov"				msgstr "Lastnosti zbirke podatkov"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380
msgid "Name"							msgid "Name"
msgstr "Ime"							msgstr "Ime"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
msgid "Description"						msgid "Description"
msgstr "Opis"							msgstr "Opis"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Configured data sources in the system"			msgid "Configured data sources in the system"
msgstr "Nastavi GDA vire podatkov"				msgstr "Nastavi GDA vire podatkov"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data sources are the means by which database connections are	"Data sources are the means by which database connections are
"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s	"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s
"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o	"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o
"name you identify the connections in the applications that m	"name you identify the connections in the applications that m
"DB for database access."					"DB for database access."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Viri podatkov so sredstva s katerimi se v libgda identificir	"Viri podatkov so sredstva s katerimi se v libgda identificir
"bazami podatkov. Vsi podatki, ki se potrebujejo za odprtje p	"bazami podatkov. Vsi podatki, ki se potrebujejo za odprtje p
"kombinacije doloÄ?enega nuditelja/zbirke podatkov so shranjen	"kombinacije doloÄ?enega nuditelja/zbirke podatkov so shranjen
"enoliÄ?nega imena. S tem enoliÄ?nim imenom identificirate pove	"enoliÄ?nega imena. S tem enoliÄ?nim imenom identificirate pove
"programih, ki uporabljajo libgda za dostop do zbirk podtakov	"programih, ki uporabljajo libgda za dostop do zbirk podtakov

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277
#, fuzzy, c-format						#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"	msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"
msgstr "Želite odstraniti vir podatkov '%s'?"			msgstr "Želite odstraniti vir podatkov '%s'?"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data Source Properties"					msgid "Data Source Properties"
msgstr "Lastnosti vira podatkov"				msgstr "Lastnosti vira podatkov"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Basic"							msgid "Basic"
msgstr "Nazaj"							msgstr "Nazaj"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Tables"							msgid "Tables"
msgstr "Tabele"							msgstr "Tabele"

#: control-center/main.c:92					#: control-center/main.c:92
msgid "No valid data source info was created"			msgid "No valid data source info was created"
msgstr "Ustvarjen ni bil noben veljaven podatek o viru podatk	msgstr "Ustvarjen ni bil noben veljaven podatek o viru podatk

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218	#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218
msgid "New data source"						msgid "New data source"
msgstr "Nov vir podatkov"					msgstr "Nov vir podatkov"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:215					#: control-center/main.c:215
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Database Access Properties"				msgid "Database Access Properties"
msgstr "Lastnosti zbirke podatkov"				msgstr "Lastnosti zbirke podatkov"

#: control-center/provider-config.c:105				#: control-center/provider-config.c:105
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Installed providers"					msgid "Installed providers"
msgstr "nuditelj podatkovne zbirke"				msgstr "nuditelj podatkovne zbirke"

#: control-center/provider-config.c:131				#: control-center/provider-config.c:131
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec	"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec
"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo	"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo
"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr	"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr
"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba	"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba
"etc."								"etc."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Database connection parameters file"			msgid "Database connection parameters file"
msgstr "Zapri povezavo z zbirko podatkov"			msgstr "Zapri povezavo z zbirko podatkov"

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Documents"						msgid "Documents"
msgstr "Komentarji"						msgstr "Komentarji"

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3
msgid "SQL code viewer"						msgid "SQL code viewer"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1
msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"			msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"
msgstr "Pisava, ki naj se uporabi za gradnik mreže"		msgstr "Pisava, ki naj se uporabi za gradnik mreže"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2
msgid "Number of spaces per tab"				msgid "Number of spaces per tab"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3
msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"			msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4
msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"			msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60
msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"			msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1
msgid "About"							msgid "About"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "About GNOME-DB"						msgid "About GNOME-DB"
msgstr "O GNOME-DB..."						msgstr "O GNOME-DB..."

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3
msgid "Close this window"					msgid "Close this window"
msgstr "Zapri to okno"						msgstr "Zapri to okno"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Create new entry"					msgid "Create new entry"
msgstr "Ustvari novo poroÄ?ilo"					msgstr "Ustvari novo poroÄ?ilo"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Delete selected items"					msgid "Delete selected items"
msgstr "Izreži izbran besedilo / izbran predmet"		msgstr "Izreži izbran besedilo / izbran predmet"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Deselect all items"					msgid "Deselect all items"
msgstr "Izreži izbran besedilo / izbran predmet"		msgstr "Izreži izbran besedilo / izbran predmet"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7
msgid "Edit properties for selected item"			msgid "Edit properties for selected item"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Save connection parameters to file"			msgid "Save connection parameters to file"
msgstr "Shrani vsebino gradnika v datoteko"			msgstr "Shrani vsebino gradnika v datoteko"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Select _All"						msgid "Select _All"
msgstr "Izberi vse"						msgstr "Izberi vse"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Select all items"					msgid "Select all items"
msgstr "Izberi vse predmete v seznamu"				msgstr "Izberi vse predmete v seznamu"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View data sources"					msgid "View data sources"
msgstr "Nov vir podatkov"					msgstr "Nov vir podatkov"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View providers"						msgid "View providers"
msgstr "Dodaj novega nuditelja"					msgstr "Dodaj novega nuditelja"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Clear Selection"					msgid "_Clear Selection"
msgstr "PoÄ?isti izbiro"						msgstr "PoÄ?isti izbiro"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Close"							msgid "_Close"
msgstr "Zapri"							msgstr "Zapri"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Data Sources"						msgid "_Data Sources"
msgstr "Viri podatkov"						msgstr "Viri podatkov"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16
msgid "_Database"						msgid "_Database"
msgstr "_Zbirka podatkov"					msgstr "_Zbirka podatkov"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Delete"							msgid "_Delete"
msgstr "Zbriši"							msgstr "Zbriši"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18
msgid "_Edit"							msgid "_Edit"
msgstr "_Uredi"							msgstr "_Uredi"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19
msgid "_Help"							msgid "_Help"
msgstr "_PomoÄ?"							msgstr "_PomoÄ?"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_New Data Source..."					msgid "_New Data Source..."
msgstr "Viri podatkov..."					msgstr "Viri podatkov..."

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Properties"						msgid "_Properties"
msgstr "Lastnosti"						msgstr "Lastnosti"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Providers"						msgid "_Providers"
msgstr "Nuditelji"						msgstr "Nuditelji"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Save Connection"					msgid "_Save Connection"
msgstr "Zadnje povezave"					msgstr "Zadnje povezave"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24
msgid "_View"							msgid "_View"
msgstr "Po_gled"						msgstr "Po_gled"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76
msgid "Structure"						msgid "Structure"
msgstr "Struktura"						msgstr "Struktura"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73
msgid "Data"							msgid "Data"
msgstr "Podatki"						msgstr "Podatki"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238
msgid "Not implemented yet!"					msgid "Not implemented yet!"
msgstr "Å e ni implementirano!"					msgstr "Å e ni implementirano!"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Database"						msgid "Database"
msgstr "Zbirka podatkov"					msgstr "Zbirka podatkov"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540
msgid "Loading database schemas..."				msgid "Loading database schemas..."
msgstr "Nalagam sheme zbirk podatkov..."			msgstr "Nalagam sheme zbirk podatkov..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632
msgid "Refreshing data..."					msgid "Refreshing data..."
msgstr "Osvežujem podatke..."					msgstr "Osvežujem podatke..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688
msgid "Views"							msgid "Views"
msgstr "Pogledi"						msgstr "Pogledi"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691
msgid "Indexes"							msgid "Indexes"
msgstr "Kazala"							msgstr "Kazala"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Sequences"						msgid "Sequences"
msgstr "Sekvence"						msgstr "Sekvence"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Procedures"						msgid "Procedures"
msgstr "Procedure"						msgstr "Procedure"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700
msgid "Triggers"						msgid "Triggers"
msgstr "Sprožilci"						msgstr "Sprožilci"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Aggregates"						msgid "Aggregates"
msgstr "Agregati"						msgstr "Agregati"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Types"							msgid "Types"
msgstr "Vrste"							msgstr "Vrste"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Could not query CORBA components"			msgid "Could not query CORBA components"
msgstr "Nisem mogel inicializirati komponente %s"		msgstr "Nisem mogel inicializirati komponente %s"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209
msgid "ID"							msgid "ID"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "Location"						msgid "Location"
msgstr "Lega"							msgstr "Lega"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212
msgid "Username"						msgid "Username"
msgstr "Uporabniško ime"					msgstr "Uporabniško ime"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Hostname"						msgid "Hostname"
msgstr "Strežnik"						msgstr "Strežnik"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Domain"							msgid "Domain"
msgstr "Ukaz"							msgstr "Ukaz"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"			msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. create widgets						#. create widgets
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97
msgid "Settings"						msgid "Settings"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103
msgid "Data source name"					msgid "Data source name"
msgstr "Ime vira podatkov"					msgstr "Ime vira podatkov"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109
msgid "Connection string"					msgid "Connection string"
msgstr "Niz povezave"						msgstr "Niz povezave"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115
msgid "Provider"						msgid "Provider"
msgstr "Nuditelj"						msgstr "Nuditelj"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121
msgid "User name"						msgid "User name"
msgstr "Uporabniško ime"					msgstr "Uporabniško ime"

#. create feature list						#. create feature list
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Features"						msgid "Features"
msgstr "Ustvari uporabnike"					msgstr "Ustvari uporabnike"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190
msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"		msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"
msgstr "Vpisati morate ime novega vira podatkov"		msgstr "Vpisati morate ime novega vira podatkov"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac	msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac
msgstr "Vir podatkov ne podpira transakcij"			msgstr "Vir podatkov ne podpira transakcij"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206
msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th	msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"			msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"
msgstr "Vir podatkov ne podpira transakcij"			msgstr "Vir podatkov ne podpira transakcij"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217
msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n	msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225
msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"	msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"
msgstr "Izbrati morate nuditelja za nov vir podatkov"		msgstr "Izbrati morate nuditelja za nov vir podatkov"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233
msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"		msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"
msgstr "Nuditelj v vaših nastavitvah ni bil najden"		msgstr "Nuditelj v vaših nastavitvah ni bil najden"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391
msgid "Add a new data source..."				msgid "Add a new data source..."
msgstr "Dodaj nov vir podatkov..."				msgstr "Dodaj nov vir podatkov..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392
msgid ""							msgid ""
"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"		"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"
"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"		"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"
"installation. Just follow the steps!"				"installation. Just follow the steps!"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Ta druid vas bo popeljal skozi proces ustvarjanja\n"		"Ta druid vas bo popeljal skozi proces ustvarjanja\n"
"novega vira podatkov za vašo namestitev GNOME-DB\n"		"novega vira podatkov za vašo namestitev GNOME-DB\n"
"Samo sledite korakom!"						"Samo sledite korakom!"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404
msgid "General Information"					msgid "General Information"
msgstr "Splošni podatki"					msgstr "Splošni podatki"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the basic information\n"	"The following fields represent the basic information\n"
"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n	"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n
"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"	"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"
"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"	"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"
"the default one."						"the default one."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"SledeÄ?a polja predstavljajo osnovne podatke za vaÅ¡\n"		"SledeÄ?a polja predstavljajo osnovne podatke za vaÅ¡\n"
"nov vir podatkov. Nekateri (opis, uporabniško ime) niso\n"	"nov vir podatkov. Nekateri (opis, uporabniško ime) niso\n"
"obvezni medtem, ko drugi so.\n"				"obvezni medtem, ko drugi so.\n"
"Ä?e ne veste katerega nuditelja uporabiti, izberite privzeteg	"Ä?e ne veste katerega nuditelja uporabiti, izberite privzeteg

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data source _name:"					msgid "Data source _name:"
msgstr "Ime vira podatkov"					msgstr "Ime vira podatkov"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Provider:"						msgid "_Provider:"
msgstr "Nuditelj"						msgstr "Nuditelj"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Description:"						msgid "_Description:"
msgstr "Opis"							msgstr "Opis"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Username:"						msgid "_Username:"
msgstr "Uporabniško ime"					msgstr "Uporabniško ime"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "P_assword:"						msgid "P_assword:"
msgstr "Geslo:"							msgstr "Geslo:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454
msgid "Provider Parameters"					msgid "Provider Parameters"
msgstr "Lastnosti nuditelja"					msgstr "Lastnosti nuditelja"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the information needed by the	"The following fields represent the information needed by the
"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n	"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n
"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\	"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\
"the manual for more information."				"the manual for more information."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"SledeÄ?a polja predstavljajo podatke, ki jih potrebuje \n"	"SledeÄ?a polja predstavljajo podatke, ki jih potrebuje \n"
"nuditelj, ki ste ga izbrali na prejšnji strani, za odprtje\n	"nuditelj, ki ste ga izbrali na prejšnji strani, za odprtje\n
"dane povezave. Te podatki so specifiÄ?ni za nuditelja, zato\n	"dane povezave. Te podatki so specifiÄ?ni za nuditelja, zato\n
"poglejte v priroÄ?nik za veÄ? podatkov"				"poglejte v priroÄ?nik za veÄ? podatkov"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481
msgid "All information retrieved"				msgid "All information retrieved"
msgstr "Vsi podatki pridobljeni"				msgstr "Vsi podatki pridobljeni"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid ""							msgid ""
"All information needed to create a new data source\n"		"All information needed to create a new data source\n"
"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"		"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"
"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"	"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"
"just select it when asked for a data source."			"just select it when asked for a data source."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Za ustvaritev novega vira podatkov imam vse podatke\n"		"Za ustvaritev novega vira podatkov imam vse podatke\n"
"Pritisnite \"Uveljavi\" za zaprtje tega dialoga.\n"		"Pritisnite \"Uveljavi\" za zaprtje tega dialoga.\n"
"Za odprtje novo ustvarjenega vira podatkov, ga \n"		"Za odprtje novo ustvarjenega vira podatkov, ga \n"
"izberite, ko ste povprašani po njem"				"izberite, ko ste povprašani po njem"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Connection _string:"					msgid "Connection _string:"
msgstr "Niz povezave"						msgstr "Niz povezave"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4
msgid "Error"							msgid "Error"
msgstr "Napaka"							msgstr "Napaka"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.
msgid "Show detail >>"						msgid "Show detail >>"
msgstr "Kaži podrobnosti >>"					msgstr "Kaži podrobnosti >>"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122
msgid "<< Hide detail"						msgid "<< Hide detail"
msgstr "<< Skrij podrobnosti"					msgstr "<< Skrij podrobnosti"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"	msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"
msgstr "%s: zgodila se je napaka med prinašanjem podatkov"	msgstr "%s: zgodila se je napaka med prinašanjem podatkov"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196
msgid "Error number"						msgid "Error number"
msgstr "Å tevilka napake"					msgstr "Å tevilka napake"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Details"							msgid "Details"
msgstr "Podrobnost"						msgstr "Podrobnost"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234
msgid "Source"							msgid "Source"
msgstr "Izvor"							msgstr "Izvor"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241
msgid "SQL state"						msgid "SQL state"
msgstr "Stanje SQL"						msgstr "Stanje SQL"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Field:"							msgid "_Field:"
msgstr "PoiÅ¡Ä?i"							msgstr "PoiÅ¡Ä?i"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Text:"							msgid "_Text:"
msgstr "Naprej"							msgstr "Naprej"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308
msgid "No records"						msgid "No records"
msgstr "Ni kartotek"						msgstr "Ni kartotek"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Record %d of %d"						msgid "Record %d of %d"
msgstr "Kartoteka %d od %d"					msgstr "Kartoteka %d od %d"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113
msgid "Recordset description"					msgid "Recordset description"
msgstr "Opis kartoteke"						msgstr "Opis kartoteke"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141
#, fuzzy, c-format						#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""							msgid ""
"File '%s' already exists.\n"					"File '%s' already exists.\n"
"Do you want to overwrite it?"					"Do you want to overwrite it?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Datoteka\n"							"Datoteka\n"
" '%s'\n"							" '%s'\n"
" je bila spremenjena.\n"					" je bila spremenjena.\n"
" Želite shraniti spremembe?"					" Želite shraniti spremembe?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149
msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."		msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Could not save file %s"					msgid "Could not save file %s"
msgstr "Nisem mogel shraniti datoteke %s"			msgstr "Nisem mogel shraniti datoteke %s"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224
msgid "You must specify a file name"				msgid "You must specify a file name"
msgstr "Navesti morate ime datoteke"				msgstr "Navesti morate ime datoteke"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230
msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"		msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Saving Model"						msgid "Saving Model"
msgstr "Shranjujem dnevnik...x"					msgstr "Shranjujem dnevnik...x"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "File _name:"						msgid "File _name:"
msgstr "Ime datoteke"						msgstr "Ime datoteke"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276
msgid "Select File"						msgid "Select File"
msgstr "Izberi datoteko"					msgstr "Izberi datoteko"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "File _type:"						msgid "File _type:"
msgstr "Ime datoteke"						msgstr "Ime datoteke"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Tab-delimited"						msgid "Tab-delimited"
msgstr "Z tabulatorji loÄ?ena datoteka"				msgstr "Z tabulatorji loÄ?ena datoteka"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Comma-delimited"						msgid "Comma-delimited"
msgstr "Z vejico loÄ?ena datoteka"				msgstr "Z vejico loÄ?ena datoteka"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "XML"							msgid "XML"
msgstr "V XML"							msgstr "V XML"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355
msgid "View detail"						msgid "View detail"
msgstr "Glej podrobnosti"					msgstr "Glej podrobnosti"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Show Column _Titles"					msgid "Show Column _Titles"
msgstr "Kaži naslove stolpcev"					msgstr "Kaži naslove stolpcev"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Describe"						msgid "Describe"
msgstr "Opiši..."						msgstr "Opiši..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443
msgid "View detail..."						msgid "View detail..."
msgstr "Glej podrobnosti..."					msgstr "Glej podrobnosti..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Title"							msgid "Title"
msgstr "Ä?as"							msgstr "Ä?as"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48
msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"	msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"
msgstr "Poskus inicializacije že inicializiranega odjemalca"	msgstr "Poskus inicializacije že inicializiranega odjemalca"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"		"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"
"to a data source"						"to a data source"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data Source:"						msgid "Data Source:"
msgstr "Vir podatkov"						msgstr "Vir podatkov"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Username:"						msgid "Username:"
msgstr "Uporabniško ime"					msgstr "Uporabniško ime"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279
msgid "Password:"						msgid "Password:"
msgstr "Geslo:"							msgstr "Geslo:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Fields"							msgid "Fields"
msgstr "PoiÅ¡Ä?i"							msgstr "PoiÅ¡Ä?i"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30
msgid "Commit"							msgid "Commit"
msgstr "Udejani"						msgstr "Udejani"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31
msgid "Connect"							msgid "Connect"
msgstr "Poveži se"						msgstr "Poveži se"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33
msgid "Designer"						msgid "Designer"
msgstr "Oblikovalec"						msgstr "Oblikovalec"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34
msgid "Disconnect"						msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr "Prekini povezavo"					msgstr "Prekini povezavo"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "NoTransaction"						msgid "NoTransaction"
msgstr "Transakcije"						msgstr "Transakcije"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Query"							msgid "Query"
msgstr "Poizvedbe"						msgstr "Poizvedbe"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38
msgid "Rollback"						msgid "Rollback"
msgstr "Zavrti nazaj"						msgstr "Zavrti nazaj"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40
msgid "SQL"							msgid "SQL"
msgstr "SQL"							msgstr "SQL"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "WithinTransaction"					msgid "WithinTransaction"
msgstr "ZaÄ?ni transakcijo"					msgstr "ZaÄ?ni transakcijo"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Error: %s"						msgid "Error: %s"
msgstr "Napaka: %s"						msgstr "Napaka: %s"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79
msgid "Table name"						msgid "Table name"
msgstr "Ime tabele"						msgstr "Ime tabele"

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93			#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93
#, fuzzy, c-format						#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Login for %s"						msgid "Login for %s"
msgstr "podatek '%s'"						msgstr "podatek '%s'"

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95					#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Login to database"					msgid "Login to database"
msgstr "Poveži se z zbirko podatkov"				msgstr "Poveži se z zbirko podatkov"

#: vfs/libmain.c:71						#: vfs/libmain.c:71
msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"				msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Table Properties"					msgid "Table Properties"
msgstr "Lastnosti zbirke podatkov"				msgstr "Lastnosti zbirke podatkov"

#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Table Name"						msgid "Table Name"
msgstr "Ime tabele"						msgstr "Ime tabele"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155
msgid "New"							msgid "New"
msgstr "Nov"							msgstr "Nov"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Create new table"					msgid "Create new table"
msgstr "Ustvari novo zbirko podatkov"				msgstr "Ustvari novo zbirko podatkov"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161
msgid "Properties"						msgid "Properties"
msgstr "Lastnosti"						msgstr "Lastnosti"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View table properties"					msgid "View table properties"
msgstr "Poglej lastnosti projekta"				msgstr "Poglej lastnosti projekta"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
msgid "UID"							msgid "UID"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "calendar"						msgid "calendar"
msgstr "PoÄ?isti"						msgstr "PoÄ?isti"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "summary"							msgid "summary"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "Summary"							msgid "Summary"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "location"						msgid "location"
msgstr "Lega"							msgstr "Lega"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "dtstart"							msgid "dtstart"
msgstr "ZaÄ?ni"							msgstr "ZaÄ?ni"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Start time"						msgid "Start time"
msgstr "ZaÄ?ni"							msgstr "ZaÄ?ni"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "dtend"							msgid "dtend"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "End time"						msgid "End time"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "description"						msgid "description"
msgstr "Opis"							msgstr "Opis"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "classification"						msgid "classification"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Classification"						msgid "Classification"
msgstr "PoÄ?isti izbiro"						msgstr "PoÄ?isti izbiro"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "transparency"						msgid "transparency"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "Transparency"						msgid "Transparency"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "categories"						msgid "categories"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "Categories"						msgid "Categories"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "tasks"							msgid "tasks"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "due"							msgid "due"
msgstr "Moduli"							msgstr "Moduli"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Due date"						msgid "Due date"
msgstr "Datum"							msgstr "Datum"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Start date"						msgid "Start date"
msgstr "ZaÄ?ni"							msgstr "ZaÄ?ni"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355
msgid "Public"							msgid "Public"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Private"							msgid "Private"
msgstr "Aktiviraj"						msgstr "Aktiviraj"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Confidential"						msgid "Confidential"
msgstr "Datoteka z nastavitvami"				msgstr "Datoteka z nastavitvami"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"		msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"
msgstr "ne morem alocirati držalca podatkov"			msgstr "ne morem alocirati držalca podatkov"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"			msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"
msgstr "ne morem alocirati držalca podatkov"			msgstr "ne morem alocirati držalca podatkov"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80
msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta	msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"		msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"
msgstr "ne morem alocirati držalca podatkov"			msgstr "ne morem alocirati držalca podatkov"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"				msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"
msgstr "Nisem mogel inicializirati Bonoba\n"			msgstr "Nisem mogel inicializirati Bonoba\n"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Field name"						msgid "Field name"
msgstr "Ime datoteke"						msgstr "Ime datoteke"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data type"						msgid "Data type"
msgstr "Podatki"						msgstr "Podatki"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214
msgid "Size"							msgid "Size"
msgstr "Velikost"						msgstr "Velikost"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215
msgid "Scale"							msgid "Scale"
msgstr "PoveÄ?aj/pomanjÅ¡aj"					msgstr "PoveÄ?aj/pomanjÅ¡aj"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216
msgid "Not null?"						msgid "Not null?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217
msgid "Primary key?"						msgid "Primary key?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218
msgid "Unique index?"						msgid "Unique index?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "References"						msgid "References"
msgstr "Nastavitve"						msgstr "Nastavitve"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220
msgid "Default value"						msgid "Default value"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239
msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l	msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247
#, fuzzy, c-format						#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Table %s does not exist"					msgid "Table %s does not exist"
msgstr "tabela %s že obstaja"					msgstr "tabela %s že obstaja"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318
msgid "Scheduled events"					msgid "Scheduled events"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321
msgid "TODO list"						msgid "TODO list"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375
msgid "Owner"							msgid "Owner"
msgstr "Lastnik"						msgstr "Lastnik"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Comments"						msgid "Comments"
msgstr "Komponente"						msgstr "Komponente"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Type"							msgid "Type"
msgstr "Vrste"							msgstr "Vrste"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "GDA type"						msgid "GDA type"
msgstr "Tip GDA"						msgstr "Tip GDA"

#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id	#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id
#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database	#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database
#. we can easily access that information			#. we can easily access that information
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "local"							msgid "local"
msgstr "Globalno"						msgstr "Globalno"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr "Transakcije niso podprte"				msgstr "Transakcije niso podprte"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230
msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244
msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"			msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Invalid SQL command"					msgid "Invalid SQL command"
msgstr "Odpri ukaz SQL"						msgstr "Odpri ukaz SQL"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Transactions are not supported"				msgid "Transactions are not supported"
msgstr "Transakcije niso podprte"				msgstr "Transakcije niso podprte"

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41
msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"		msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task	"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Browse database..."					#~ msgid "Browse database..."
#~ msgstr "Brskaj po zbirki podatkov"				#~ msgstr "Brskaj po zbirki podatkov"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Connection MIME handler component"			#~ msgid "Connection MIME handler component"
#~ msgstr "Povezava vzpostavljena"				#~ msgstr "Povezava vzpostavljena"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Database component factory"				#~ msgid "Database component factory"
#~ msgstr "Tovarna vzdevkov zbirk podatkov"			#~ msgstr "Tovarna vzdevkov zbirk podatkov"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Open in database connection..."			#~ msgid "Open in database connection..."
#~ msgstr "Odpri novo povezavo z zbirko podatkov"		#~ msgstr "Odpri novo povezavo z zbirko podatkov"

#~ msgid "Database browser"					#~ msgid "Database browser"
#~ msgstr "Brskalnik po zbirki podatkov"			#~ msgstr "Brskalnik po zbirki podatkov"

#~ msgid "Error viewer"						#~ msgid "Error viewer"
#~ msgstr "Pregledovalnik napak"				#~ msgstr "Pregledovalnik napak"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "SQL Viewer"						#~ msgid "SQL Viewer"
#~ msgstr "Pregledovalnik napak"				#~ msgstr "Pregledovalnik napak"

#~ msgid "Database configuration"				#~ msgid "Database configuration"
#~ msgstr "Nastavitev zbirke podatkov"				#~ msgstr "Nastavitev zbirke podatkov"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Edit application preferences"				#~ msgid "Edit application preferences"
#~ msgstr "Izhod iz programa"					#~ msgstr "Izhod iz programa"

#~ msgid "New..."						#~ msgid "New..."
#~ msgstr "Nov..."						#~ msgstr "Nov..."

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "_Properties..."					#~ msgid "_Properties..."
#~ msgstr "Lastnosti..."					#~ msgstr "Lastnosti..."

#~ msgid "Password"						#~ msgid "Password"
#~ msgstr "Geslo"						#~ msgstr "Geslo"

#~ msgid "Save as"						#~ msgid "Save as"
#~ msgstr "Shrani kot"						#~ msgstr "Shrani kot"

#~ msgid "Save to"						#~ msgid "Save to"
#~ msgstr "Shrani v"						#~ msgstr "Shrani v"

#~ msgid "XML file"						#~ msgid "XML file"
#~ msgstr "Datoteka XML"					#~ msgstr "Datoteka XML"

#~ msgid "Show columns"						#~ msgid "Show columns"
#~ msgstr "Kaži stolpce"					#~ msgstr "Kaži stolpce"

#~ msgid "Hide columns"						#~ msgid "Hide columns"
#~ msgstr "Skrij stolpce"					#~ msgstr "Skrij stolpce"

#~ msgid "Question"						#~ msgid "Question"
#~ msgstr "Vprašanje"						#~ msgstr "Vprašanje"

#~ msgid "Database Moniker factory"				#~ msgid "Database Moniker factory"
#~ msgstr "Tovarna vzdevkov zbirk podatkov"			#~ msgstr "Tovarna vzdevkov zbirk podatkov"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "database: moniker"					#~ msgid "database: moniker"
#~ msgstr "Vzdevek zbirke podatkov"				#~ msgstr "Vzdevek zbirke podatkov"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Failing to manufacture a '%s'"			#~ msgid "Failing to manufacture a '%s'"
#~ msgstr "Polnjenje ukazne strukture ni uspelo\n"		#~ msgstr "Polnjenje ukazne strukture ni uspelo\n"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Invalid format for connection string"			#~ msgid "Invalid format for connection string"
#~ msgstr "Niz povezave"					#~ msgstr "Niz povezave"

#~ msgid "Data source"						#~ msgid "Data source"
#~ msgstr "Vir podatkov"					#~ msgstr "Vir podatkov"

#~ msgid "Select all"						#~ msgid "Select all"
#~ msgstr "Izberi vse"						#~ msgstr "Izberi vse"

#~ msgid "Unselect all"						#~ msgid "Unselect all"
#~ msgstr "Odizberi vse"					#~ msgstr "Odizberi vse"

#~ msgid "Unselect All"						#~ msgid "Unselect All"
#~ msgstr "Odizberi vse"					#~ msgstr "Odizberi vse"

#~ msgid "Unselect all selected items in list"			#~ msgid "Unselect all selected items in list"
#~ msgstr "Odizberi vse izbrane predmete v seznamu"		#~ msgstr "Odizberi vse izbrane predmete v seznamu"

#~ msgid "Display column headers"				#~ msgid "Display column headers"
#~ msgstr "Kaži glave stolpcev"					#~ msgstr "Kaži glave stolpcev"

#~ msgid "Hide column headers"					#~ msgid "Hide column headers"
#~ msgstr "Skrij glave stolpcev"				#~ msgstr "Skrij glave stolpcev"

#~ msgid "Save as..."						#~ msgid "Save as..."
#~ msgstr "Shrani kot..."					#~ msgstr "Shrani kot..."

#~ msgid "Export data to different formats"			#~ msgid "Export data to different formats"
#~ msgstr "Izvoz podatkov v razliÄ?ne oblike zapisa"		#~ msgstr "Izvoz podatkov v razliÄ?ne oblike zapisa"

#~ msgid "Describe current data set"				#~ msgid "Describe current data set"
#~ msgstr "Opiši trenutno množico podatkov"			#~ msgstr "Opiši trenutno množico podatkov"

#~ msgid "View current data in more detail"			#~ msgid "View current data in more detail"
#~ msgstr "Trenutne podatke poglej podrobneje"			#~ msgstr "Trenutne podatke poglej podrobneje"

#~ msgid "OAFIID of the default component for the GNOME-DB sh	#~ msgid "OAFIID of the default component for the GNOME-DB sh
#~ msgstr "OAFIID privzete komponente za lupino GNOME-DB"	#~ msgstr "OAFIID privzete komponente za lupino GNOME-DB"

#~ msgid "Whether to save the shell window position on exit"	#~ msgid "Whether to save the shell window position on exit"
#~ msgstr "Ali naj se ob izhodu shrani položaj okna lupine"	#~ msgstr "Ali naj se ob izhodu shrani položaj okna lupine"

#~ msgid "Whether to show or not the shortcut bar on the fron	#~ msgid "Whether to show or not the shortcut bar on the fron
#~ msgstr "Ali naj se v vmesnikovem oknu kaže ali ne vrstica 	#~ msgstr "Ali naj se v vmesnikovem oknu kaže ali ne vrstica 

#~ msgid "Whether to show or not the summary bar on the front	#~ msgid "Whether to show or not the summary bar on the front
#~ msgstr "Ali naj se v vmesnikovem oknu kaže vrstica povzetk	#~ msgstr "Ali naj se v vmesnikovem oknu kaže vrstica povzetk

#~ msgid "Whether to use a fixed size/position for the shell 	#~ msgid "Whether to use a fixed size/position for the shell 
#~ msgstr "Ali naj bosta velikost in položaj okna lupine zamr	#~ msgstr "Ali naj bosta velikost in položaj okna lupine zamr

#~ msgid "Builder"						#~ msgid "Builder"
#~ msgstr "Graditelj"						#~ msgstr "Graditelj"

#~ msgid "GNOME-DB application builder component factory"	#~ msgid "GNOME-DB application builder component factory"
#~ msgstr "Tovarna komponent ustvarjalca programov GNOME-DB"	#~ msgstr "Tovarna komponent ustvarjalca programov GNOME-DB"

#~ msgid "Create a new Perl script"				#~ msgid "Create a new Perl script"
#~ msgstr "Ustvari novo skripto Perl"				#~ msgstr "Ustvari novo skripto Perl"

#~ msgid "Report..."						#~ msgid "Report..."
#~ msgstr "PoroÄ?ilo..."						#~ msgstr "PoroÄ?ilo..."

#~ msgid "Open an existing Perl script"				#~ msgid "Open an existing Perl script"
#~ msgstr "Odpri obstojeÄ?o skripto Perl"			#~ msgstr "Odpri obstojeÄ?o skripto Perl"

#~ msgid "Open an existing report"				#~ msgid "Open an existing report"
#~ msgstr "Odpri obstojeÄ?e poroÄ?ilo"				#~ msgstr "Odpri obstojeÄ?e poroÄ?ilo"

#~ msgid "_New"							#~ msgid "_New"
#~ msgstr "_Nov"						#~ msgstr "_Nov"

#~ msgid "_Open"						#~ msgid "_Open"
#~ msgstr "_Odpri"						#~ msgstr "_Odpri"

#~ msgid "_File"						#~ msgid "_File"
#~ msgstr "_Datoteka"						#~ msgstr "_Datoteka"

#~ msgid "Add new module to project"				#~ msgid "Add new module to project"
#~ msgstr "Dodaj nov modul v projekt"				#~ msgstr "Dodaj nov modul v projekt"

#~ msgid "Open"							#~ msgid "Open"
#~ msgstr "Odpri"						#~ msgstr "Odpri"

#~ msgid "Open an existing module"				#~ msgid "Open an existing module"
#~ msgstr "Odpri obstojeÄ? modul"				#~ msgstr "Odpri obstojeÄ? modul"

#~ msgid "Export"						#~ msgid "Export"
#~ msgstr "Izvozi"						#~ msgstr "Izvozi"

#~ msgid "Logs"							#~ msgid "Logs"
#~ msgstr "Dnevnik"						#~ msgstr "Dnevnik"

#~ msgid "Select"						#~ msgid "Select"
#~ msgstr "Izberi"						#~ msgstr "Izberi"

#~ msgid "State"						#~ msgid "State"
#~ msgstr "Stanje"						#~ msgstr "Stanje"

#~ msgid "Options"						#~ msgid "Options"
#~ msgstr "Možnosti"						#~ msgstr "Možnosti"

#~ msgid "Transaction mode"					#~ msgid "Transaction mode"
#~ msgstr "NaÄ?in transakcije"					#~ msgstr "NaÄ?in transakcije"

#~ msgid "Log"							#~ msgid "Log"
#~ msgstr "Dnevnik"						#~ msgstr "Dnevnik"

#~ msgid "Batch"						#~ msgid "Batch"
#~ msgstr "Serija"						#~ msgstr "Serija"

#~ msgid "Browser"						#~ msgid "Browser"
#~ msgstr "Brskalnik"						#~ msgstr "Brskalnik"

#~ msgid "Run"							#~ msgid "Run"
#~ msgstr "Poženi"						#~ msgstr "Poženi"

#~ msgid "Execute current command"				#~ msgid "Execute current command"
#~ msgstr "Izvedi trenutni ukaz"				#~ msgstr "Izvedi trenutni ukaz"

#~ msgid "Select command from previous"				#~ msgid "Select command from previous"
#~ msgstr "Izberi ukaz izmed prejšnjih"				#~ msgstr "Izberi ukaz izmed prejšnjih"

#~ msgid "Save"							#~ msgid "Save"
#~ msgstr "Shrani"						#~ msgstr "Shrani"

#~ msgid "Save command for later retrieval"			#~ msgid "Save command for later retrieval"
#~ msgstr "Shrani ukaz za kasnejšo ponovitev"			#~ msgstr "Shrani ukaz za kasnejšo ponovitev"

#~ msgid "Cut"							#~ msgid "Cut"
#~ msgstr "Izreži"						#~ msgstr "Izreži"

#~ msgid "Cut selected text"					#~ msgid "Cut selected text"
#~ msgstr "Izreži izbrano besedilo"				#~ msgstr "Izreži izbrano besedilo"

#~ msgid "Copy"							#~ msgid "Copy"
#~ msgstr "Kopiraj"						#~ msgstr "Kopiraj"

#~ msgid "Copy selected text"					#~ msgid "Copy selected text"
#~ msgstr "Kopiraj izbrano besedilo"				#~ msgstr "Kopiraj izbrano besedilo"

#~ msgid "Paste"						#~ msgid "Paste"
#~ msgstr "Prilepi"						#~ msgstr "Prilepi"

#~ msgid "Paste text from clipboard"				#~ msgid "Paste text from clipboard"
#~ msgstr "Prilepi besedilo iz odložiÅ¡Ä?a"			#~ msgstr "Prilepi besedilo iz odložiÅ¡Ä?a"

#~ msgid "Clear widget contents"				#~ msgid "Clear widget contents"
#~ msgstr "PoÄ?isti vsebino gradnika"				#~ msgstr "PoÄ?isti vsebino gradnika"

#~ msgid "Transaction started"					#~ msgid "Transaction started"
#~ msgstr "Transakcija zaÄ?eta"					#~ msgstr "Transakcija zaÄ?eta"

#~ msgid "Transaction finished successfully"			#~ msgid "Transaction finished successfully"
#~ msgstr "Transakcija je bila uspeÅ¡no zakljuÄ?ena"		#~ msgstr "Transakcija je bila uspeÅ¡no zakljuÄ?ena"

#~ msgid "Connection closed"					#~ msgid "Connection closed"
#~ msgstr "Povezava prekinjena"					#~ msgstr "Povezava prekinjena"

#~ msgid "Export database"					#~ msgid "Export database"
#~ msgstr "Izvozi zbirko podatkov"				#~ msgstr "Izvozi zbirko podatkov"

#~ msgid "1 row returned"					#~ msgid "1 row returned"
#~ msgstr "vrnjena 1 vrstica"					#~ msgstr "vrnjena 1 vrstica"

#~ msgid "%d rows returned"					#~ msgid "%d rows returned"
#~ msgstr "vrnjenih %d vrstic"					#~ msgstr "vrnjenih %d vrstic"

#~ msgid "Open connection"					#~ msgid "Open connection"
#~ msgstr "Odpri povezavo"					#~ msgstr "Odpri povezavo"

#~ msgid "Transaction aborted"					#~ msgid "Transaction aborted"
#~ msgstr "Transakcija prekinjena"				#~ msgstr "Transakcija prekinjena"

#~ msgid "Connection Properties"				#~ msgid "Connection Properties"
#~ msgstr "Lasnostni povezave"					#~ msgstr "Lasnostni povezave"

#~ msgid "GDA Name"						#~ msgid "GDA Name"
#~ msgstr "Ime GDA"						#~ msgstr "Ime GDA"

#~ msgid "Version"						#~ msgid "Version"
#~ msgstr "RazliÄ?ica"						#~ msgstr "RazliÄ?ica"

#~ msgid "Text copied to clipboard"				#~ msgid "Text copied to clipboard"
#~ msgstr "Besedilo skopirano na odložiÅ¡Ä?e"			#~ msgstr "Besedilo skopirano na odložiÅ¡Ä?e"

#~ msgid "Text cut into the clipboard"				#~ msgid "Text cut into the clipboard"
#~ msgstr "Besedilo izrezano na odložiÅ¡Ä?e"			#~ msgstr "Besedilo izrezano na odložiÅ¡Ä?e"

#~ msgid "From saved query"					#~ msgid "From saved query"
#~ msgstr "Iz shranjene poizvedbe"				#~ msgstr "Iz shranjene poizvedbe"

#~ msgid "From file"						#~ msgid "From file"
#~ msgstr "Iz datoteke"						#~ msgstr "Iz datoteke"

#~ msgid "Error loading file %s"				#~ msgid "Error loading file %s"
#~ msgstr "Napaka ob nalaganju datoteke %s"			#~ msgstr "Napaka ob nalaganju datoteke %s"

#~ msgid "Text pasted from the clipboard"			#~ msgid "Text pasted from the clipboard"
#~ msgstr "Besedilo prilepljeno iz odložiÅ¡Ä?a"			#~ msgstr "Besedilo prilepljeno iz odložiÅ¡Ä?a"

#~ msgid "Command executed successfully"			#~ msgid "Command executed successfully"
#~ msgstr "Ukaz izveden uspešno"				#~ msgstr "Ukaz izveden uspešno"

#~ msgid "Save SQL command"					#~ msgid "Save SQL command"
#~ msgstr "Shrani ukaz SQL"					#~ msgstr "Shrani ukaz SQL"

#~ msgid "To query"						#~ msgid "To query"
#~ msgstr "Za poizvedbo"					#~ msgstr "Za poizvedbo"

#~ msgid "Save command to a named query"			#~ msgid "Save command to a named query"
#~ msgstr "Shrani ukaz v imenovano poizvedbo"			#~ msgstr "Shrani ukaz v imenovano poizvedbo"

#~ msgid "To file"						#~ msgid "To file"
#~ msgstr "V datoteko"						#~ msgstr "V datoteko"

#~ msgid "Select the file to save the command to"		#~ msgid "Select the file to save the command to"
#~ msgstr "Izberi datoteko kamor naj se shrani ukaz"		#~ msgstr "Izberi datoteko kamor naj se shrani ukaz"

#~ msgid "Query must have a name"				#~ msgid "Query must have a name"
#~ msgstr "Poizvedba mora imeti ime"				#~ msgstr "Poizvedba mora imeti ime"

#~ msgid "Select SQL Command"					#~ msgid "Select SQL Command"
#~ msgstr "Izberi ukaz SQL"					#~ msgstr "Izberi ukaz SQL"

#~ msgid "Here is shown the currently selected command's text	#~ msgid "Here is shown the currently selected command's text
#~ msgstr "Tu je prikazano besedilo trenutno izbranega ukaza"	#~ msgstr "Tu je prikazano besedilo trenutno izbranega ukaza"

#~ msgid "Last commands"					#~ msgid "Last commands"
#~ msgstr "Nedavni ukazi"					#~ msgstr "Nedavni ukazi"

#~ msgid "This is a list of the last commands you've executed	#~ msgid "This is a list of the last commands you've executed
#~ msgstr "To je seznam nedavno izvedenih ukazov"		#~ msgstr "To je seznam nedavno izvedenih ukazov"

#~ msgid "Saved queries"					#~ msgid "Saved queries"
#~ msgstr "Shranjene poizvedbe"					#~ msgstr "Shranjene poizvedbe"

#~ msgid "This is a list of all the named queries you've stor	#~ msgid "This is a list of all the named queries you've stor
#~ msgstr "To je seznam poimenovanih poizvedb, ki ste jih shr	#~ msgstr "To je seznam poimenovanih poizvedb, ki ste jih shr

#~ msgid "Add new table"					#~ msgid "Add new table"
#~ msgstr "Dodaj novo tabelo"					#~ msgstr "Dodaj novo tabelo"

#~ msgid "Enter the name of the table to add"			#~ msgid "Enter the name of the table to add"
#~ msgstr "Vpišite ime tabele, ki naj se doda"			#~ msgstr "Vpišite ime tabele, ki naj se doda"

#~ msgid "Select database design"				#~ msgid "Select database design"
#~ msgstr "Izberi naÄ?rt zbirke podatkov"			#~ msgstr "Izberi naÄ?rt zbirke podatkov"

#~ msgid "Error loading log for '%s'"				#~ msgid "Error loading log for '%s'"
#~ msgstr "Napaka ob nalaganju dnevnika za '%s'"		#~ msgstr "Napaka ob nalaganju dnevnika za '%s'"

#~ msgid "Save Log File"					#~ msgid "Save Log File"
#~ msgstr "Shrani datoteko z dnevnikom"				#~ msgstr "Shrani datoteko z dnevnikom"

#~ msgid "Could not create 'database:' moniker instance"	#~ msgid "Could not create 'database:' moniker instance"
#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel ustvariti primerka vzdevka 'database:'	#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel ustvariti primerka vzdevka 'database:'

#~ msgid "Open Perl script"					#~ msgid "Open Perl script"
#~ msgstr "Odpri skripto Perl"					#~ msgstr "Odpri skripto Perl"

#~ msgid "Load"							#~ msgid "Load"
#~ msgstr "Naloži"						#~ msgstr "Naloži"

#~ msgid "Component"						#~ msgid "Component"
#~ msgstr "Komponenta"						#~ msgstr "Komponenta"

#~ msgid "OAFIID"						#~ msgid "OAFIID"
#~ msgstr "OAFIID"						#~ msgstr "OAFIID"

#~ msgid "Unload"						#~ msgid "Unload"
#~ msgstr "Odstrani"						#~ msgstr "Odstrani"

#~ msgid "General"						#~ msgid "General"
#~ msgstr "Splošno"						#~ msgstr "Splošno"

#~ msgid "Save window position"					#~ msgid "Save window position"
#~ msgstr "Shrani mesto okna"					#~ msgstr "Shrani mesto okna"

#~ msgid "Show tooltips"					#~ msgid "Show tooltips"
#~ msgstr "Kaži namige orodij"					#~ msgstr "Kaži namige orodij"

#~ msgid "Show tooltips for UI widgets"				#~ msgid "Show tooltips for UI widgets"
#~ msgstr "Kaži namige orodij za dele uporabniškega vmesnika"	#~ msgstr "Kaži namige orodij za dele uporabniškega vmesnika"

#~ msgid "GNOME-DB Front End"					#~ msgid "GNOME-DB Front End"
#~ msgstr "Vmesnik za GNOME-DB"					#~ msgstr "Vmesnik za GNOME-DB"

#~ msgid "GNOME-DB Front End Application"			#~ msgid "GNOME-DB Front End Application"
#~ msgstr "Vmesniški program GNOME-DB"				#~ msgstr "Vmesniški program GNOME-DB"

#~ msgid "Show table data"					#~ msgid "Show table data"
#~ msgstr "Kaži podatke tabele"					#~ msgstr "Kaži podatke tabele"

#~ msgid "Create new object of selected type"			#~ msgid "Create new object of selected type"
#~ msgstr "Ustvari nov predmet izbrane vrste"			#~ msgstr "Ustvari nov predmet izbrane vrste"

#~ msgid "Remove"						#~ msgid "Remove"
#~ msgstr "Odstrani"						#~ msgstr "Odstrani"

#~ msgid "Remove selected object"				#~ msgid "Remove selected object"
#~ msgstr "Odstrani izbrane predmete"				#~ msgstr "Odstrani izbrane predmete"

#~ msgid "Refresh"						#~ msgid "Refresh"
#~ msgstr "Osveži"						#~ msgstr "Osveži"

#~ msgid "Refresh current list of objects"			#~ msgid "Refresh current list of objects"
#~ msgstr "Osveži trenutni seznam predmetov"			#~ msgstr "Osveži trenutni seznam predmetov"

#~ msgid "Info"							#~ msgid "Info"
#~ msgstr "Podatki"						#~ msgstr "Podatki"

#~ msgid "Show extra information about selected object"		#~ msgid "Show extra information about selected object"
#~ msgstr "Kaži dodatne podake o izbranem predmetu"		#~ msgstr "Kaži dodatne podake o izbranem predmetu"

#~ msgid "Table data"						#~ msgid "Table data"
#~ msgstr "Podatki tabele"					#~ msgstr "Podatki tabele"

#~ msgid "Select Color"						#~ msgid "Select Color"
#~ msgstr "Izberi barvo"					#~ msgstr "Izberi barvo"

#~ msgid "Select Font"						#~ msgid "Select Font"
#~ msgstr "Izberi pisavo"					#~ msgstr "Izberi pisavo"

#~ msgid "Could not get GNOME_Database_UIControl interface"	#~ msgid "Could not get GNOME_Database_UIControl interface"
#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel dobiti vmesnika GNOME_Database_UIContr	#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel dobiti vmesnika GNOME_Database_UIContr

#~ msgid "Add field..."						#~ msgid "Add field..."
#~ msgstr "Dodaj polje..."					#~ msgstr "Dodaj polje..."

#~ msgid "Add a new field to this table"			#~ msgid "Add a new field to this table"
#~ msgstr "V to tabelo dodaj novo polje"			#~ msgstr "V to tabelo dodaj novo polje"

#~ msgid "Edit field..."					#~ msgid "Edit field..."
#~ msgstr "Uredi polje..."					#~ msgstr "Uredi polje..."

#~ msgid "Edit the selected field properties"			#~ msgid "Edit the selected field properties"
#~ msgstr "Uredi lastnosti izbranega polja"			#~ msgstr "Uredi lastnosti izbranega polja"

#~ msgid "Add field"						#~ msgid "Add field"
#~ msgstr "dodaj polje"						#~ msgstr "dodaj polje"

#~ msgid "Could not find table %s"				#~ msgid "Could not find table %s"
#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel najti tabele %s"				#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel najti tabele %s"

#~ msgid "There is already a field named %s"			#~ msgid "There is already a field named %s"
#~ msgstr "Polje z imenom %s že obstaja"			#~ msgstr "Polje z imenom %s že obstaja"

#~ msgid "File %s is not a valid XML file"			#~ msgid "File %s is not a valid XML file"
#~ msgstr "Datoteka %s ni veljavna datoteka XML"		#~ msgstr "Datoteka %s ni veljavna datoteka XML"

#~ msgid "Select file"						#~ msgid "Select file"
#~ msgstr "Izberi datoteko"					#~ msgstr "Izberi datoteko"

#~ msgid "DSN"							#~ msgid "DSN"
#~ msgstr "DSN"							#~ msgstr "DSN"

#~ msgid "Config"						#~ msgid "Config"
#~ msgstr "Nastavi"						#~ msgstr "Nastavi"

#~ msgid "Error while saving configuration!"			#~ msgid "Error while saving configuration!"
#~ msgstr "Napaka ob shranjevanju nastavitev!"			#~ msgstr "Napaka ob shranjevanju nastavitev!"

#~ msgid "Data source has no name!"				#~ msgid "Data source has no name!"
#~ msgstr "Vir podatkov nima imena!"				#~ msgstr "Vir podatkov nima imena!"

#~ msgid "Help"							#~ msgid "Help"
#~ msgstr "PomoÄ?"						#~ msgstr "PomoÄ?"

#~ msgid "Native message"					#~ msgid "Native message"
#~ msgstr "Izvorno sporoÄ?ilo"					#~ msgstr "Izvorno sporoÄ?ilo"

#~ msgid "Record View"						#~ msgid "Record View"
#~ msgstr "KartoteÄ?ni pogled"					#~ msgstr "KartoteÄ?ni pogled"

#~ msgid "Copy selection to clipboard"				#~ msgid "Copy selection to clipboard"
#~ msgstr "Kopiraj izbrano na odložiÅ¡Ä?e"			#~ msgstr "Kopiraj izbrano na odložiÅ¡Ä?e"

#~ msgid "Select all rows"					#~ msgid "Select all rows"
#~ msgstr "Izberi vse vrstice"					#~ msgstr "Izberi vse vrstice"

#~ msgid "Clear all selected rows"				#~ msgid "Clear all selected rows"
#~ msgstr "PoÄ?isti vse izbrane vrstice"				#~ msgstr "PoÄ?isti vse izbrane vrstice"

#~ msgid "Record view..."					#~ msgid "Record view..."
#~ msgstr "KartoteÄ?ni pogled..."				#~ msgstr "KartoteÄ?ni pogled..."

#~ msgid "View recordset record-by-record"			#~ msgid "View recordset record-by-record"
#~ msgstr "KartoteÄ?ni pogled, kartoteka po kartoteko"		#~ msgstr "KartoteÄ?ni pogled, kartoteka po kartoteko"

#~ msgid "Refresh grid"						#~ msgid "Refresh grid"
#~ msgstr "Osveži mrežo"					#~ msgstr "Osveži mrežo"

#~ msgid "Refresh grid contents"				#~ msgid "Refresh grid contents"
#~ msgstr "Osveži vsebino mreže"				#~ msgstr "Osveži vsebino mreže"

#~ msgid "Print grid"						#~ msgid "Print grid"
#~ msgstr "Natisni mrežo"					#~ msgstr "Natisni mrežo"

#~ msgid "Print grid contents"					#~ msgid "Print grid contents"
#~ msgstr "Natisni vsebino mreže"				#~ msgstr "Natisni vsebino mreže"

#~ msgid "Hide column titles"					#~ msgid "Hide column titles"
#~ msgstr "Skrij naslove stolpcev"				#~ msgstr "Skrij naslove stolpcev"

#~ msgid "User Name"						#~ msgid "User Name"
#~ msgstr "Uporabniško ime"					#~ msgstr "Uporabniško ime"

#~ msgid "GDA Datasource"					#~ msgid "GDA Datasource"
#~ msgstr "Vir podatkov GDA"					#~ msgstr "Vir podatkov GDA"

#~ msgid "Entry %d of %d"					#~ msgid "Entry %d of %d"
#~ msgstr "Vnos %d od %d"					#~ msgstr "Vnos %d od %d"

#~ msgid "Message"						#~ msgid "Message"
#~ msgstr "SporoÄ?ilo"						#~ msgstr "SporoÄ?ilo"

#~ msgid "Log Entry"						#~ msgid "Log Entry"
#~ msgstr "Vpis v dnevniku"					#~ msgstr "Vpis v dnevniku"

#~ msgid "Could not create file %s"				#~ msgid "Could not create file %s"
#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel stvariti datoteke %s"			#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel stvariti datoteke %s"

#~ msgid "Setup Printer"					#~ msgid "Setup Printer"
#~ msgstr "Nastavi tiskalnik"					#~ msgstr "Nastavi tiskalnik"

#~ msgid "Copyright The Free Software Foundation (C) 1998-200	#~ msgid "Copyright The Free Software Foundation (C) 1998-200
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Avtorske pravice pridržane (C) 1998-2000 Fundacija za pro	#~ "Avtorske pravice pridržane (C) 1998-2000 Fundacija za pro

#~ msgid ""							#~ msgid ""
#~ "This program is part of the GNOME project for LINUX. GNOM	#~ "This program is part of the GNOME project for LINUX. GNOM
#~ "comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software,	#~ "comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software,
#~ "welcome to redistribute it under the conditions of the GN	#~ "welcome to redistribute it under the conditions of the GN
#~ "Licence."							#~ "Licence."
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Ta program je del projekta GNOME za LINUX. GNOME Dostop d	#~ "Ta program je del projekta GNOME za LINUX. GNOME Dostop d
#~ "prihaja BREZ KAKRÅ NIHKOLI ZAGOTOVIL. To je prosto program	#~ "prihaja BREZ KAKRÅ NIHKOLI ZAGOTOVIL. To je prosto program
#~ "da ga razširjate naprej z upoštevanjem GNU Splošne Javne 	#~ "da ga razširjate naprej z upoštevanjem GNU Splošne Javne 

#~ msgid ""							#~ msgid ""
#~ "Could not open file\n"					#~ "Could not open file\n"
#~ "%s"								#~ "%s"
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Ne morem odpreti datoteke\n"				#~ "Ne morem odpreti datoteke\n"
#~ "%s"								#~ "%s"

#~ msgid "Bug-buddy was not found in your $PATH"		#~ msgid "Bug-buddy was not found in your $PATH"
#~ msgstr "Program Bug-buddy ni bil najden v vaši poti ($PATH	#~ msgstr "Program Bug-buddy ni bil najden v vaši poti ($PATH

#~ msgid "Unable to execute Bug Report Tool"			#~ msgid "Unable to execute Bug Report Tool"
#~ msgstr "Orodja za poroÄ?anje o hroÅ¡Ä?ih ne morem pognati"	#~ msgstr "Orodja za poroÄ?anje o hroÅ¡Ä?ih ne morem pognati"

#~ msgid "GNOME-DB manager component factory"			#~ msgid "GNOME-DB manager component factory"
#~ msgstr "Tovarna komponent upravljalnikov GNOME-DB"		#~ msgstr "Tovarna komponent upravljalnikov GNOME-DB"

#~ msgid "Manager"						#~ msgid "Manager"
#~ msgstr "Upravljalnik"					#~ msgstr "Upravljalnik"

#~ msgid "Add"							#~ msgid "Add"
#~ msgstr "Dodaj"						#~ msgstr "Dodaj"

#~ msgid "Edit"							#~ msgid "Edit"
#~ msgstr "Uredi"						#~ msgstr "Uredi"

#~ msgid "Edit selected data source"				#~ msgid "Edit selected data source"
#~ msgstr "Uredi izbran vir podatkov"				#~ msgstr "Uredi izbran vir podatkov"

#~ msgid "Refresh Data Sources list"				#~ msgid "Refresh Data Sources list"
#~ msgstr "Osveži seznam virov podatkov"			#~ msgstr "Osveži seznam virov podatkov"

#~ msgid "Test"							#~ msgid "Test"
#~ msgstr "Preizkus"						#~ msgstr "Preizkus"

#~ msgid "Test settings for this datasource"			#~ msgid "Test settings for this datasource"
#~ msgstr "Preizkusi nastavitve tega vira podatkov"		#~ msgstr "Preizkusi nastavitve tega vira podatkov"

#~ msgid "Edit data source"					#~ msgid "Edit data source"
#~ msgstr "Uredi vir podatkov"					#~ msgstr "Uredi vir podatkov"

#~ msgid "The connection was successful!"			#~ msgid "The connection was successful!"
#~ msgstr "Povezava je bila uspešna!"				#~ msgstr "Povezava je bila uspešna!"

#~ msgid "There was an error while testing connection"		#~ msgid "There was an error while testing connection"
#~ msgstr "Ob preizkušanju povezave se je zgodila napaka"	#~ msgstr "Ob preizkušanju povezave se je zgodila napaka"

#~ msgid "Edit selected provider"				#~ msgid "Edit selected provider"
#~ msgstr "Uredi izbranega nuditelja"				#~ msgstr "Uredi izbranega nuditelja"

#~ msgid "Refresh providers list"				#~ msgid "Refresh providers list"
#~ msgstr "Osveži seznam nuditeljev"				#~ msgstr "Osveži seznam nuditeljev"

#~ msgid "Start selected provider"				#~ msgid "Start selected provider"
#~ msgstr "ZaÄ?ni izbranega nuditelja"				#~ msgstr "ZaÄ?ni izbranega nuditelja"

#~ msgid "Stop"							#~ msgid "Stop"
#~ msgstr "Ustavi"						#~ msgstr "Ustavi"

#~ msgid "Stop selected provider"				#~ msgid "Stop selected provider"
#~ msgstr "Ustavi izbranega nuditelja"				#~ msgstr "Ustavi izbranega nuditelja"

#~ msgid "Rolodex"						#~ msgid "Rolodex"
#~ msgstr "Rolodex"						#~ msgstr "Rolodex"

#~ msgid "Rolodex Application"					#~ msgid "Rolodex Application"
#~ msgstr "Program Rolodex"					#~ msgstr "Program Rolodex"

#~ msgid "Close current connection"				#~ msgid "Close current connection"
#~ msgstr "Zapri trenutno povezavo"				#~ msgstr "Zapri trenutno povezavo"

#~ msgid "Activate database browser window"			#~ msgid "Activate database browser window"
#~ msgstr "Aktiviraj okno brskalnika po zbirki podatkov"	#~ msgstr "Aktiviraj okno brskalnika po zbirki podatkov"

#~ msgid "Activate SQL window"					#~ msgid "Activate SQL window"
#~ msgstr "Aktiviraj okno SQL"					#~ msgstr "Aktiviraj okno SQL"

#~ msgid "Activate dbatch job window"				#~ msgid "Activate dbatch job window"
#~ msgstr "Aktiviraj okno zaporednih poslov"			#~ msgstr "Aktiviraj okno zaporednih poslov"

#~ msgid "Start a new database transaction"			#~ msgid "Start a new database transaction"
#~ msgstr "ZaÄ?ni novo transakcijo"				#~ msgstr "ZaÄ?ni novo transakcijo"

#~ msgid "Commit current transaction"				#~ msgid "Commit current transaction"
#~ msgstr "Udejani trenutno transakcijo"			#~ msgstr "Udejani trenutno transakcijo"

#~ msgid "Rollback current transaction"				#~ msgid "Rollback current transaction"
#~ msgstr "Prevrti trenutno transakcijo nazaj"			#~ msgstr "Prevrti trenutno transakcijo nazaj"

#~ msgid "Make a copy of a database"				#~ msgid "Make a copy of a database"
#~ msgstr "Ustvari kopijo zbirke podatkov"			#~ msgstr "Ustvari kopijo zbirke podatkov"

#~ msgid "Import database"					#~ msgid "Import database"
#~ msgstr "Uvozi zbirko podatkov"				#~ msgstr "Uvozi zbirko podatkov"

#~ msgid "Import an export file into a database"		#~ msgid "Import an export file into a database"
#~ msgstr "Uvozi izvoženo datoteko v zbirko podatkov"		#~ msgstr "Uvozi izvoženo datoteko v zbirko podatkov"

#~ msgid "_Tools"						#~ msgid "_Tools"
#~ msgstr "_Orodja"						#~ msgstr "_Orodja"

#~ msgid "Activate batch job window"				#~ msgid "Activate batch job window"
#~ msgstr "Aktiviraj okno zaporednih poslov"			#~ msgstr "Aktiviraj okno zaporednih poslov"

#~ msgid ""							#~ msgid ""
#~ "This screen lets you navigate through the contents of you	#~ "This screen lets you navigate through the contents of you
#~ "looking at the tables, views, procedures, etc that may ha	#~ "looking at the tables, views, procedures, etc that may ha
#~ "Clicking on an icon in one of the lists on the left, will	#~ "Clicking on an icon in one of the lists on the left, will
#~ "extensive information about that selected object in the r	#~ "extensive information about that selected object in the r
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Ta zaslon vam omogoÄ?a navigacijo skozi vsebino vaÅ¡e zbirk	#~ "Ta zaslon vam omogoÄ?a navigacijo skozi vsebino vaÅ¡e zbirk
#~ "spregledom tabel, pogledov, procedur, itd.. Klik na ikono	#~ "spregledom tabel, pogledov, procedur, itd.. Klik na ikono
#~ "desni bo v desnem delu povzroÄ?il prikaz podrobnih informa	#~ "desni bo v desnem delu povzroÄ?il prikaz podrobnih informa
#~ "objektu."							#~ "objektu."

#~ msgid ""							#~ msgid ""
#~ "This widget allows you to send SQL commands to the databa	#~ "This widget allows you to send SQL commands to the databa
#~ "connected to. Just type in the command you want to run, a	#~ "connected to. Just type in the command you want to run, a
#~ "'Run' button on the small toolbar"				#~ "'Run' button on the small toolbar"
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Ta gradnik omogoÄ?a poÅ¡iljanje ukazov SQL v zbirko podatko	#~ "Ta gradnik omogoÄ?a poÅ¡iljanje ukazov SQL v zbirko podatko
#~ "povezani.Vpišite ukaz, ki ga želite pognati in pritisnite	#~ "povezani.Vpišite ukaz, ki ga želite pognati in pritisnite
#~ "v mali orodni vrstici."					#~ "v mali orodni vrstici."

#~ msgid ""							#~ msgid ""
#~ "Here will be shown the results returned by the database s	#~ "Here will be shown the results returned by the database s
#~ "response to the command you typed in"			#~ "response to the command you typed in"
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Tu se bodo pokazali rezultati, ki jih je vrnil strežnik z	#~ "Tu se bodo pokazali rezultati, ki jih je vrnil strežnik z
#~ "odgovor na ukaz, ki ste ga vnesli."				#~ "odgovor na ukaz, ki ste ga vnesli."

#~ msgid "This is the name you use to refer to this connectio	#~ msgid "This is the name you use to refer to this connectio
#~ msgstr "To je ime, ki ga uporabljate za navajanje te povez	#~ msgstr "To je ime, ki ga uporabljate za navajanje te povez

#~ msgid "This is the provider being used to access the datab	#~ msgid "This is the provider being used to access the datab
#~ msgstr "To je nuditelj, ki se uporablja za dostop do zbirk	#~ msgstr "To je nuditelj, ki se uporablja za dostop do zbirk

#~ msgid "This is the user name you use to log into the datab	#~ msgid "This is the user name you use to log into the datab
#~ msgstr "To je uporabniško ime, ki se uporabi za prijavo v 	#~ msgstr "To je uporabniško ime, ki se uporabi za prijavo v 

#~ msgid "This is the version supported by the GDA provider"	#~ msgid "This is the version supported by the GDA provider"
#~ msgstr "To je razliÄ?ica, ki je podprta s strani nuditelja 	#~ msgstr "To je razliÄ?ica, ki je podprta s strani nuditelja 

#~ msgid "Select the file containing the command to be loaded	#~ msgid "Select the file containing the command to be loaded
#~ msgstr "Izberi datoteko, ki vsebuje ukaz, ki naj se naloži	#~ msgstr "Izberi datoteko, ki vsebuje ukaz, ki naj se naloži

#~ msgid "Database design"					#~ msgid "Database design"
#~ msgstr "Oblika zbirke podatkov"				#~ msgstr "Oblika zbirke podatkov"

#~ msgid "Start with a new database design"			#~ msgid "Start with a new database design"
#~ msgstr "ZaÄ?ni z novim naÄ?rtom zbirke podatkov"		#~ msgstr "ZaÄ?ni z novim naÄ?rtom zbirke podatkov"

#~ msgid "Table..."						#~ msgid "Table..."
#~ msgstr "Tabela..."						#~ msgstr "Tabela..."

#~ msgid "Add a table to the database design"			#~ msgid "Add a table to the database design"
#~ msgstr "Dodaj tabelo v naÄ?rt zbirke podatkov"		#~ msgstr "Dodaj tabelo v naÄ?rt zbirke podatkov"

#~ msgid "Open an existing database design"			#~ msgid "Open an existing database design"
#~ msgstr "Odpri že obstojeÄ? naÄ?rt zbirke podatkov"		#~ msgstr "Odpri že obstojeÄ? naÄ?rt zbirke podatkov"

#~ msgid "Create new database design"				#~ msgid "Create new database design"
#~ msgstr "Ustvari novo obliko zbirke podatkov"			#~ msgstr "Ustvari novo obliko zbirke podatkov"

#~ msgid "Save currently open file"				#~ msgid "Save currently open file"
#~ msgstr "Shrani trenutno odprto datoteko"			#~ msgstr "Shrani trenutno odprto datoteko"

#~ msgid "Reload database file contents"			#~ msgid "Reload database file contents"
#~ msgstr "Znovaa naloži vsebino datoteke v bazo"		#~ msgstr "Znovaa naloži vsebino datoteke v bazo"

#~ msgid "Add new object to the database"			#~ msgid "Add new object to the database"
#~ msgstr "Dodaj nov predmet v zbirko podatkov"			#~ msgstr "Dodaj nov predmet v zbirko podatkov"

#~ msgid "Save log to a disk file"				#~ msgid "Save log to a disk file"
#~ msgstr "Shrani dnevnik v datoteko na disku"			#~ msgstr "Shrani dnevnik v datoteko na disku"

#~ msgid "View"							#~ msgid "View"
#~ msgstr "Pogled"						#~ msgstr "Pogled"

#~ msgid "View selected log entry"				#~ msgid "View selected log entry"
#~ msgstr "Poglej izbran dnevniški zapis"			#~ msgstr "Poglej izbran dnevniški zapis"

#~ msgid ""							#~ msgid ""
#~ "Use this option menu to select the provider whose log mes	#~ "Use this option menu to select the provider whose log mes
#~ "to see"							#~ "to see"
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Uporabite ta menu možnosti za izbiro nuditelja katerega d	#~ "Uporabite ta menu možnosti za izbiro nuditelja katerega d
#~ "sporoÄ?ila želite videti"					#~ "sporoÄ?ila želite videti"

#~ msgid ""							#~ msgid ""
#~ "This is a list of all log messages for the provider you'v	#~ "This is a list of all log messages for the provider you'v
#~ "can easily sort messages by any of the columns (but just 	#~ "can easily sort messages by any of the columns (but just 
#~ "them) as well as look at the messages individually, with 	#~ "them) as well as look at the messages individually, with 
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "To je seznam vseh dnevniÅ¡kih sporoÄ?il nuditelja, ki ste g	#~ "To je seznam vseh dnevniÅ¡kih sporoÄ?il nuditelja, ki ste g
#~ "Enostavno lahko uredite sporoÄ?ila po kateremkoli stolpcu 	#~ "Enostavno lahko uredite sporoÄ?ila po kateremkoli stolpcu 
#~ "lahko pa tudi pogledate v podrobnosti posameznih sporoÄ?il	#~ "lahko pa tudi pogledate v podrobnosti posameznih sporoÄ?il

#~ msgid "Show Help"						#~ msgid "Show Help"
#~ msgstr "KažI pomoÄ?"						#~ msgstr "KažI pomoÄ?"

#~ msgid "sqlstate"						#~ msgid "sqlstate"
#~ msgstr "sqlstate"						#~ msgstr "sqlstate"

#~ msgid "Error 0 of 0"						#~ msgid "Error 0 of 0"
#~ msgstr "Napaka 0 od 0"					#~ msgstr "Napaka 0 od 0"

#~ msgid "Manage connection data sources"			#~ msgid "Manage connection data sources"
#~ msgstr "Upravljal povezavo z viri podatkov"			#~ msgstr "Upravljal povezavo z viri podatkov"

#~ msgid "Manage available GDA providers"			#~ msgid "Manage available GDA providers"
#~ msgstr "Upravljaj nuditelje GDA, ki so na voljo"		#~ msgstr "Upravljaj nuditelje GDA, ki so na voljo"

#~ msgid "_Options"						#~ msgid "_Options"
#~ msgstr "_Možnosti"						#~ msgstr "_Možnosti"

#~ msgid "_Database..."						#~ msgid "_Database..."
#~ msgstr "_Zbirka podatkov..."					#~ msgstr "_Zbirka podatkov..."

#~ msgid "Perl script"						#~ msgid "Perl script"
#~ msgstr "Skripta Perl"					#~ msgstr "Skripta Perl"

#~ msgid "Open a Perl script to be executed"			#~ msgid "Open a Perl script to be executed"
#~ msgstr "Odpri skripto Perl za izvajanje"			#~ msgstr "Odpri skripto Perl za izvajanje"

#~ msgid "Print preview"					#~ msgid "Print preview"
#~ msgstr "Predogled tiskanja"					#~ msgstr "Predogled tiskanja"

#~ msgid "_Quit"						#~ msgid "_Quit"
#~ msgstr "Iz_hod"						#~ msgstr "Iz_hod"

#~ msgid "Shortcut _bar"					#~ msgid "Shortcut _bar"
#~ msgstr "Vrstica _bližnjic"					#~ msgstr "Vrstica _bližnjic"

#~ msgid "Show/Hide shortcut bar"				#~ msgid "Show/Hide shortcut bar"
#~ msgstr "Kaži/skrij vrstico bližnjic"				#~ msgstr "Kaži/skrij vrstico bližnjic"

#~ msgid "Configure user preferences"				#~ msgid "Configure user preferences"
#~ msgstr "Nastavi uporabniške nastavitve"			#~ msgstr "Nastavi uporabniške nastavitve"

#~ msgid "GNOME-DB Manual"					#~ msgid "GNOME-DB Manual"
#~ msgstr "PriroÄ?nik GNOME-DB"					#~ msgstr "PriroÄ?nik GNOME-DB"

#~ msgid "Open the GNOME-DB online manual"			#~ msgid "Open the GNOME-DB online manual"
#~ msgstr "Odpri spletni priroÄ?nik za GNOME-DB"			#~ msgstr "Odpri spletni priroÄ?nik za GNOME-DB"

#~ msgid "libgda Manual"					#~ msgid "libgda Manual"
#~ msgstr "PriroÄ?nik za libgda"					#~ msgstr "PriroÄ?nik za libgda"

#~ msgid "Open the libgda online manual"			#~ msgid "Open the libgda online manual"
#~ msgstr "Odpri spletni priroÄ?nik za libgda"			#~ msgstr "Odpri spletni priroÄ?nik za libgda"

#~ msgid "libgda API Reference"					#~ msgid "libgda API Reference"
#~ msgstr "Referenca za API libgda"				#~ msgstr "Referenca za API libgda"

#~ msgid "Open the libgda API reference"			#~ msgid "Open the libgda API reference"
#~ msgstr "Odpri referenco za API libgda"			#~ msgstr "Odpri referenco za API libgda"

#~ msgid "View information about this application"		#~ msgid "View information about this application"
#~ msgstr "Glej podatke o tej applikaciji"			#~ msgstr "Glej podatke o tej applikaciji"

#~ msgid "Submit bug report"					#~ msgid "Submit bug report"
#~ msgstr "PoÅ¡lji poroÄ?ilo o hroÅ¡Ä?u"				#~ msgstr "PoÅ¡lji poroÄ?ilo o hroÅ¡Ä?u"

#~ msgid "Send a bug report to GNOME-DB developers"		#~ msgid "Send a bug report to GNOME-DB developers"
#~ msgstr "PoÅ¡lji poroÄ?ilo o hroÄ?u razvilacem GNOME-DBja"	#~ msgstr "PoÅ¡lji poroÄ?ilo o hroÄ?u razvilacem GNOME-DBja"

#~ msgid "Export a database to a file or to another database"	#~ msgid "Export a database to a file or to another database"
#~ msgstr "Izvozi zbirko podatkov v datoteko ali v drugo zbir	#~ msgstr "Izvozi zbirko podatkov v datoteko ali v drugo zbir

#~ msgid "Export Database"					#~ msgid "Export Database"
#~ msgstr "Izvozi zbirko podatkov"				#~ msgstr "Izvozi zbirko podatkov"

#~ msgid "Could not activate export component"			#~ msgid "Could not activate export component"
#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel inicializirati izvozne komponente"	#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel inicializirati izvozne komponente"

#~ msgid "Could not allocate color"				#~ msgid "Could not allocate color"
#~ msgstr "Ne morem rezervirati barve"				#~ msgstr "Ne morem rezervirati barve"

#~ msgid "No datasource '%s' defined in your GDA configuratio	#~ msgid "No datasource '%s' defined in your GDA configuratio
#~ msgstr "Vir podatkov '%s' ni definiran v GDA nastavitveni 	#~ msgstr "Vir podatkov '%s' ni definiran v GDA nastavitveni 

#~ msgid "Open SQL File"					#~ msgid "Open SQL File"
#~ msgstr "Odpri datoteko SQL"					#~ msgstr "Odpri datoteko SQL"

#~ msgid "Open SQL file"					#~ msgid "Open SQL file"
#~ msgstr "Odpri datoteko SQL"					#~ msgstr "Odpri datoteko SQL"

#~ msgid "Save SQL file"					#~ msgid "Save SQL file"
#~ msgstr "Shrani SQL datoteko"					#~ msgstr "Shrani SQL datoteko"

#~ msgid "Could not initialize GNOME_DB_Builder control"	#~ msgid "Could not initialize GNOME_DB_Builder control"
#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel inicializirati kontrole GNOME_DB_Build	#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel inicializirati kontrole GNOME_DB_Build

#~ msgid "GNOME-DB database export component factory"		#~ msgid "GNOME-DB database export component factory"
#~ msgstr "Tovarna komponent izvozov zbirk podatkov GNOME-DB"	#~ msgstr "Tovarna komponent izvozov zbirk podatkov GNOME-DB"

#~ msgid "GNOME-DB database designer component factory"		#~ msgid "GNOME-DB database designer component factory"
#~ msgstr "Tovarna komponent oblikovalcev zbirk podatkov GNOM	#~ msgstr "Tovarna komponent oblikovalcev zbirk podatkov GNOM

#~ msgid "GNOME-DB help viewer component factory"		#~ msgid "GNOME-DB help viewer component factory"
#~ msgstr "Tovarna komponent pregledovalcev pomoÄ?i GNOME-DB"	#~ msgstr "Tovarna komponent pregledovalcev pomoÄ?i GNOME-DB"

#~ msgid "GNOME-DB connection component factory"		#~ msgid "GNOME-DB connection component factory"
#~ msgstr "Tovarna komponenet povezav GNOME-DB"			#~ msgstr "Tovarna komponenet povezav GNOME-DB"

#~ msgid "GNOME-DB log viewer component factory"		#~ msgid "GNOME-DB log viewer component factory"
#~ msgstr "Tovarna komponent pregledovalca dnevnika GNOME-DB"	#~ msgstr "Tovarna komponent pregledovalca dnevnika GNOME-DB"

#~ msgid "Do Print"						#~ msgid "Do Print"
#~ msgstr "Natisni"						#~ msgstr "Natisni"

#~ msgid "Display previous page in history"			#~ msgid "Display previous page in history"
#~ msgstr "Prikaži prejšnjo stran zgodovine"			#~ msgstr "Prikaži prejšnjo stran zgodovine"

#~ msgid "Home"							#~ msgid "Home"
#~ msgstr "Dom"							#~ msgstr "Dom"

#~ msgid "Display help system home page"			#~ msgid "Display help system home page"
#~ msgstr "Prikaži domaÄ?o stran sistema pomoÄ?i"			#~ msgstr "Prikaži domaÄ?o stran sistema pomoÄ?i"

#~ msgid "Forward"						#~ msgid "Forward"
#~ msgstr "Naprej"						#~ msgstr "Naprej"

#~ msgid "Display next page in history"				#~ msgid "Display next page in history"
#~ msgstr "Prikaži naslednjo stran iz zgodovine"		#~ msgstr "Prikaži naslednjo stran iz zgodovine"

#~ msgid "Help System"						#~ msgid "Help System"
#~ msgstr "Sistem pomoÄ?i"					#~ msgstr "Sistem pomoÄ?i"

#~ msgid "Home page"						#~ msgid "Home page"
#~ msgstr "DomaÄ?a stran"					#~ msgstr "DomaÄ?a stran"

#~ msgid "Install"						#~ msgid "Install"
#~ msgstr "Namesti"						#~ msgstr "Namesti"

#~ msgid "Uninstall"						#~ msgid "Uninstall"
#~ msgstr "Odstrani"						#~ msgstr "Odstrani"

#~ msgid "Set as Home"						#~ msgid "Set as Home"
#~ msgstr "Nastavi kot dom"					#~ msgstr "Nastavi kot dom"

#~ msgid "GNOME-DB Builder"					#~ msgid "GNOME-DB Builder"
#~ msgstr "GNOME-DB Graditelj"					#~ msgstr "GNOME-DB Graditelj"

#~ msgid "Open..."						#~ msgid "Open..."
#~ msgstr "Odpri..."						#~ msgstr "Odpri..."

#~ msgid "Connect..."						#~ msgid "Connect..."
#~ msgstr "Poveži se..."					#~ msgstr "Poveži se..."

#~ msgid "Browse"						#~ msgid "Browse"
#~ msgstr "Brskaj"						#~ msgstr "Brskaj"

#~ msgid "Open database browser"				#~ msgid "Open database browser"
#~ msgstr "Odpri brskalnik po zbirki podatkov"			#~ msgstr "Odpri brskalnik po zbirki podatkov"

#~ msgid "Import objects"					#~ msgid "Import objects"
#~ msgstr "Uvozi predmete"					#~ msgstr "Uvozi predmete"

#~ msgid "Import database objects into repository"		#~ msgid "Import database objects into repository"
#~ msgstr "Uvozi predmete zbirke podatkov v naložiÅ¡Ä?e"		#~ msgstr "Uvozi predmete zbirke podatkov v naložiÅ¡Ä?e"

#~ msgid "About gnome-db..."					#~ msgid "About gnome-db..."
#~ msgstr "O gnome-db..."					#~ msgstr "O gnome-db..."

#~ msgid "About this program"					#~ msgid "About this program"
#~ msgstr "O tem programu"					#~ msgstr "O tem programu"

#~ msgid "Open help system viewer"				#~ msgid "Open help system viewer"
#~ msgstr "Odpri brskalnik pomoÄ?i"				#~ msgstr "Odpri brskalnik pomoÄ?i"

#~ msgid "Close current view"					#~ msgid "Close current view"
#~ msgstr "Zapri trenuten pogled"				#~ msgstr "Zapri trenuten pogled"

#~ msgid "Object Name"						#~ msgid "Object Name"
#~ msgstr "Ime predmeta"					#~ msgstr "Ime predmeta"

#~ msgid "0 rows"						#~ msgid "0 rows"
#~ msgstr "0 vrstic"						#~ msgstr "0 vrstic"

#~ msgid "Could not open file %s"				#~ msgid "Could not open file %s"
#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel odpreti datoteke %s"			#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel odpreti datoteke %s"

#~ msgid "New Connection..."					#~ msgid "New Connection..."
#~ msgstr "Nova povezava..."					#~ msgstr "Nova povezava..."

#~ msgid "Disconnect all"					#~ msgid "Disconnect all"
#~ msgstr "Prekini vse povezave"				#~ msgstr "Prekini vse povezave"

#~ msgid "Close all connections"				#~ msgid "Close all connections"
#~ msgstr "Zapri vse povezave"					#~ msgstr "Zapri vse povezave"

#~ msgid "could not open connection to %s"			#~ msgid "could not open connection to %s"
#~ msgstr "ne morem odpreti povezave z %s"			#~ msgstr "ne morem odpreti povezave z %s"

#~ msgid "Data source %s not found"				#~ msgid "Data source %s not found"
#~ msgstr "Vir podatkov %s ni bil najden"			#~ msgstr "Vir podatkov %s ni bil najden"

#~ msgid "%s: The server didn't respond."			#~ msgid "%s: The server didn't respond."
#~ msgstr "%s: Strežnik se ni odzval."				#~ msgstr "%s: Strežnik se ni odzval."

#~ msgid "%s: An Error occured in the CORBA system."		#~ msgid "%s: An Error occured in the CORBA system."
#~ msgstr "%s: V sistemu CORBA se je zgodila napaka."		#~ msgstr "%s: V sistemu CORBA se je zgodila napaka."

#~ msgid "Database '%s' not found in system configuration"	#~ msgid "Database '%s' not found in system configuration"
#~ msgstr "Zbirka podatkov '%s' ni bila najdena v nastavitvah	#~ msgstr "Zbirka podatkov '%s' ni bila najdena v nastavitvah

#~ msgid "Could not open CORBA factory"				#~ msgid "Could not open CORBA factory"
#~ msgstr "Ne morem odpreti CORBA tovarne"			#~ msgstr "Ne morem odpreti CORBA tovarne"

#~ msgid "<NULL>"						#~ msgid "<NULL>"
#~ msgstr "<PRAZNO>"						#~ msgstr "<PRAZNO>"

#~ msgid "<Unknown GDA Type(NULL)>"				#~ msgid "<Unknown GDA Type(NULL)>"
#~ msgstr "<Neznan GDA Tip(NULA)>"				#~ msgstr "<Neznan GDA Tip(NULA)>"

#~ msgid "TRUE"							#~ msgid "TRUE"
#~ msgstr "RESNIÄ?NO"						#~ msgstr "RESNIÄ?NO"

#~ msgid "FALSE"						#~ msgid "FALSE"
#~ msgstr "NERESNIÄ?NO"						#~ msgstr "NERESNIÄ?NO"

#~ msgid "True"							#~ msgid "True"
#~ msgstr "ResniÄ?no"						#~ msgstr "ResniÄ?no"

#~ msgid "False"						#~ msgid "False"
#~ msgstr "NeresniÄ?no"						#~ msgstr "NeresniÄ?no"

#~ msgid "ERROR: "						#~ msgid "ERROR: "
#~ msgstr "NAPAKA: "						#~ msgstr "NAPAKA: "

#~ msgid "MESSAGE: "						#~ msgid "MESSAGE: "
#~ msgstr "SPOROÄ?ILO: "						#~ msgstr "SPOROÄ?ILO: "

#~ msgid "thread is already running"				#~ msgid "thread is already running"
#~ msgstr "nit že teÄ?e"						#~ msgstr "nit že teÄ?e"

#~ msgid "Password to authenticate user"			#~ msgid "Password to authenticate user"
#~ msgstr "Geslo za avtentifikacijo uporabnika"			#~ msgstr "Geslo za avtentifikacijo uporabnika"

#~ msgid "To open/close the connection"				#~ msgid "To open/close the connection"
#~ msgstr "Za odprtje/zaprtje povezave"				#~ msgstr "Za odprtje/zaprtje povezave"

#~ msgid "Could not initialize CORBA"				#~ msgid "Could not initialize CORBA"
#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel inicializirati CORBA-e"			#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel inicializirati CORBA-e"

#~ msgid "View requested to be activated but there is already	#~ msgid "View requested to be activated but there is already
#~ msgstr "Pogled se je hotel aktivirati, a aktivirani pogled	#~ msgstr "Pogled se je hotel aktivirati, a aktivirani pogled

#~ msgid "Ready"						#~ msgid "Ready"
#~ msgstr "Pripravljen"						#~ msgstr "Pripravljen"

#~ msgid "Unable to activate object %s"				#~ msgid "Unable to activate object %s"
#~ msgstr "Ne morem aktivirati predmeta %s"			#~ msgstr "Ne morem aktivirati predmeta %s"

#~ msgid "%s:%d: Could not create control widget"		#~ msgid "%s:%d: Could not create control widget"
#~ msgstr "%s:%d: Nisem mogel ustvariti kontrolnega gradnika"	#~ msgstr "%s:%d: Nisem mogel ustvariti kontrolnega gradnika"

#~ msgid "control has no property bag"				#~ msgid "control has no property bag"
#~ msgstr "kontrola nima vreÄ?e z lastnostmi"			#~ msgstr "kontrola nima vreÄ?e z lastnostmi"

#~ msgid "property %s not found"				#~ msgid "property %s not found"
#~ msgstr "lasnost %s ni bila najdena"				#~ msgstr "lasnost %s ni bila najdena"

#~ msgid "Factory %s already existing"				#~ msgid "Factory %s already existing"
#~ msgstr "Tovarna %s že obstaja"				#~ msgstr "Tovarna %s že obstaja"

#~ msgid "Could not register %s factory"			#~ msgid "Could not register %s factory"
#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel registrirati tovarne %s"			#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel registrirati tovarne %s"

#~ msgid "Connected to %s"					#~ msgid "Connected to %s"
#~ msgstr "Povezan z %s"					#~ msgstr "Povezan z %s"

#~ msgid "Disconnected from database"				#~ msgid "Disconnected from database"
#~ msgstr "Povezava z zbirko podatkov je bila prekinjena"	#~ msgstr "Povezava z zbirko podatkov je bila prekinjena"

#~ msgid "Go to previous document"				#~ msgid "Go to previous document"
#~ msgstr "Pojdi na prejšnji dokument"				#~ msgstr "Pojdi na prejšnji dokument"

#~ msgid "Go to next document"					#~ msgid "Go to next document"
#~ msgstr "Pojdi na naslednji dokument"				#~ msgstr "Pojdi na naslednji dokument"

#~ msgid "Go to table of contents"				#~ msgid "Go to table of contents"
#~ msgstr "Pojdi v stvarno kazalo"				#~ msgstr "Pojdi v stvarno kazalo"

#~ msgid "Could not load file '%s'"				#~ msgid "Could not load file '%s'"
#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel naložiti datoteke '%s'"			#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel naložiti datoteke '%s'"

#~ msgid "Screen"						#~ msgid "Screen"
#~ msgstr "Zaslon"						#~ msgstr "Zaslon"

#~ msgid "New screen"						#~ msgid "New screen"
#~ msgstr "Nov zaslon"						#~ msgstr "Nov zaslon"

#~ msgid "Server"						#~ msgid "Server"
#~ msgstr "Strežnik"						#~ msgstr "Strežnik"

#~ msgid "New server"						#~ msgid "New server"
#~ msgstr "Nov strežnik"					#~ msgstr "Nov strežnik"

#~ msgid "Repository"						#~ msgid "Repository"
#~ msgstr "NalagaliÅ¡Ä?e"						#~ msgstr "NalagaliÅ¡Ä?e"

#~ msgid "New repository"					#~ msgid "New repository"
#~ msgstr "Novo nalagaliÅ¡Ä?e"					#~ msgstr "Novo nalagaliÅ¡Ä?e"

#~ msgid "Open existing screen"					#~ msgid "Open existing screen"
#~ msgstr "Odpri že obstojeÄ? zaslon"				#~ msgstr "Odpri že obstojeÄ? zaslon"

#~ msgid "Open existing server"					#~ msgid "Open existing server"
#~ msgstr "Odpri obstojeÄ? strežnik"				#~ msgstr "Odpri obstojeÄ? strežnik"

#~ msgid "Open existing repository"				#~ msgid "Open existing repository"
#~ msgstr "Odpri obstojeÄ?e nalagaliÅ¡Ä?e"				#~ msgstr "Odpri obstojeÄ?e nalagaliÅ¡Ä?e"

#~ msgid "Close current window"					#~ msgid "Close current window"
#~ msgstr "Zapri trenutno okno"					#~ msgstr "Zapri trenutno okno"

#~ msgid "Close all"						#~ msgid "Close all"
#~ msgstr "Zapri vse"						#~ msgstr "Zapri vse"

#~ msgid "Close all open windows"				#~ msgid "Close all open windows"
#~ msgstr "Zapri vsa odprta okna"				#~ msgstr "Zapri vsa odprta okna"

#~ msgid "Undo last action"					#~ msgid "Undo last action"
#~ msgstr "Razveljavi zadnje dejanje"				#~ msgstr "Razveljavi zadnje dejanje"

#~ msgid "Redo"							#~ msgid "Redo"
#~ msgstr "Ponovi"						#~ msgstr "Ponovi"

#~ msgid "Revert last undone action"				#~ msgid "Revert last undone action"
#~ msgstr "Ponovi zadnjo razveljavljeno dejanje"		#~ msgstr "Ponovi zadnjo razveljavljeno dejanje"

#~ msgid "Copy selected text/item to the clipboard"		#~ msgid "Copy selected text/item to the clipboard"
#~ msgstr "Kopiraj izbrano besedilo / izbran predmet na odlož	#~ msgstr "Kopiraj izbrano besedilo / izbran predmet na odlož

#~ msgid "Paste clipboard contents"				#~ msgid "Paste clipboard contents"
#~ msgstr "Vstavi vsebino odložiÅ¡Ä?a"				#~ msgstr "Vstavi vsebino odložiÅ¡Ä?a"

#~ msgid "New project"						#~ msgid "New project"
#~ msgstr "Nov projekt"						#~ msgstr "Nov projekt"

#~ msgid "Open project"						#~ msgid "Open project"
#~ msgstr "Odpri projekt"					#~ msgstr "Odpri projekt"

#~ msgid "Save project"						#~ msgid "Save project"
#~ msgstr "Shrani proejkt"					#~ msgstr "Shrani proejkt"

#~ msgid "Save current project"					#~ msgid "Save current project"
#~ msgstr "Shrani trenutni projekt"				#~ msgstr "Shrani trenutni projekt"

#~ msgid "The GNOME-DB front end"				#~ msgid "The GNOME-DB front end"
#~ msgstr "GNOME-DB Vmesnik"					#~ msgstr "GNOME-DB Vmesnik"

#~ msgid "SQL Front End"					#~ msgid "SQL Front End"
#~ msgstr "SQL Vmesnik"						#~ msgstr "SQL Vmesnik"

#~ msgid "The SQL front end"					#~ msgid "The SQL front end"
#~ msgstr "SQL Vmesnik"						#~ msgstr "SQL Vmesnik"

#~ msgid "The GNOME-DB configuration tool"			#~ msgid "The GNOME-DB configuration tool"
#~ msgstr "GNOME-DB orodje za nastavitve"			#~ msgstr "GNOME-DB orodje za nastavitve"

#~ msgid "Project"						#~ msgid "Project"
#~ msgstr "Projekt"						#~ msgstr "Projekt"

#~ msgid "New Screen/Report"					#~ msgid "New Screen/Report"
#~ msgstr "Nov Zaslon/PoroÄ?ilo"					#~ msgstr "Nov Zaslon/PoroÄ?ilo"

#~ msgid "Open Screen/Report"					#~ msgid "Open Screen/Report"
#~ msgstr "Odpri Zaslon/PoroÄ?ilo"				#~ msgstr "Odpri Zaslon/PoroÄ?ilo"

#~ msgid "Unable to execute '%s'"				#~ msgid "Unable to execute '%s'"
#~ msgstr "Ne morem izvršiti '%s'"				#~ msgstr "Ne morem izvršiti '%s'"

#~ msgid "database name"					#~ msgid "database name"
#~ msgstr "ime zbirke podatkov"					#~ msgstr "ime zbirke podatkov"

#~ msgid "DATABASE"						#~ msgid "DATABASE"
#~ msgstr "ZBIRKA PODATKOV"					#~ msgstr "ZBIRKA PODATKOV"

#~ msgid "user name"						#~ msgid "user name"
#~ msgstr "uporabniško ime"					#~ msgstr "uporabniško ime"

#~ msgid "USER-NAME"						#~ msgid "USER-NAME"
#~ msgstr "UPORABNIÅ KO IME"					#~ msgstr "UPORABNIÅ KO IME"

#~ msgid "password"						#~ msgid "password"
#~ msgstr "geslo"						#~ msgstr "geslo"

#~ msgid "PASSWORD"						#~ msgid "PASSWORD"
#~ msgstr "GESLO"						#~ msgstr "GESLO"

#~ msgid "FILE-NAME"						#~ msgid "FILE-NAME"
#~ msgstr "IME-DATOTEKE"					#~ msgstr "IME-DATOTEKE"

#~ msgid "%s: misconfigured DSN entry"				#~ msgid "%s: misconfigured DSN entry"
#~ msgstr "%s: napaÄ?no nastavljen DNS vpis"			#~ msgstr "%s: napaÄ?no nastavljen DNS vpis"

#~ msgid "%s: data source '%s' not found\n"			#~ msgid "%s: data source '%s' not found\n"
#~ msgstr "%s: vir podatkov '%s' ni bil najden\n"		#~ msgstr "%s: vir podatkov '%s' ni bil najden\n"

#~ msgid "Could not register <PROVIDER-NAME> provider impleme	#~ msgid "Could not register <PROVIDER-NAME> provider impleme
#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel registrirati <PROVIDER-NAME> nuditelja	#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel registrirati <PROVIDER-NAME> nuditelja

#~ msgid "Execute"						#~ msgid "Execute"
#~ msgstr "Izvedi"						#~ msgstr "Izvedi"

#~ msgid "Execute batch file"					#~ msgid "Execute batch file"
#~ msgstr "Izvrši datoteko s serijo ukazov"			#~ msgstr "Izvrši datoteko s serijo ukazov"

#~ msgid "Clear command list"					#~ msgid "Clear command list"
#~ msgstr "Pobriši seznam ukazov"				#~ msgstr "Pobriši seznam ukazov"

#~ msgid ""							#~ msgid ""
#~ "Could not open file\n"					#~ "Could not open file\n"
#~ "'%s'"							#~ "'%s'"
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Ne morem odpreti datoteke \n"				#~ "Ne morem odpreti datoteke \n"
#~ "'%s'"							#~ "'%s'"

#~ msgid "No command selected"					#~ msgid "No command selected"
#~ msgstr "Noben ukaz ni izbran"				#~ msgstr "Noben ukaz ni izbran"

#~ msgid "Enter command text"					#~ msgid "Enter command text"
#~ msgstr "Vpiši besedilo ukaza"				#~ msgstr "Vpiši besedilo ukaza"

#~ msgid "Insert at current position"				#~ msgid "Insert at current position"
#~ msgstr "Vstavi na trenutni poziciji"				#~ msgstr "Vstavi na trenutni poziciji"

#~ msgid "Open File"						#~ msgid "Open File"
#~ msgstr "Odpri datoteko"					#~ msgstr "Odpri datoteko"

#~ msgid "Command separators"					#~ msgid "Command separators"
#~ msgstr "LoÄ?niki med ukazi"					#~ msgstr "LoÄ?niki med ukazi"

#~ msgid "Append to current file"				#~ msgid "Append to current file"
#~ msgstr "Dodaj trenutni datoteki"				#~ msgstr "Dodaj trenutni datoteki"

#~ msgid "You must specifiy the characters used as command se	#~ msgid "You must specifiy the characters used as command se
#~ msgstr "Navesti morate znake, ki naj se uporabijo kot loÄ?n	#~ msgstr "Navesti morate znake, ki naj se uporabijo kot loÄ?n

#~ msgid "Up"							#~ msgid "Up"
#~ msgstr "Gor"							#~ msgstr "Gor"

#~ msgid "Down"							#~ msgid "Down"
#~ msgstr "Dol"							#~ msgstr "Dol"

#~ msgid "Send as XML"						#~ msgid "Send as XML"
#~ msgstr "Pošlji kot XML"					#~ msgstr "Pošlji kot XML"

#~ msgid "Connected to '%s'"					#~ msgid "Connected to '%s'"
#~ msgstr "Povezan z '%s'"					#~ msgstr "Povezan z '%s'"

#~ msgid "Connecting..."					#~ msgid "Connecting..."
#~ msgstr "Povezujem se..."					#~ msgstr "Povezujem se..."

#~ msgid "Configuration file saved"				#~ msgid "Configuration file saved"
#~ msgstr "Datoteka z nastavitvami shranjena"			#~ msgstr "Datoteka z nastavitvami shranjena"

#~ msgid "Add Environment Variable"				#~ msgid "Add Environment Variable"
#~ msgstr "Dodaj Okoljsko Spremenljivko"			#~ msgstr "Dodaj Okoljsko Spremenljivko"

#~ msgid "Value"						#~ msgid "Value"
#~ msgstr "Vrednost"						#~ msgstr "Vrednost"

#~ msgid "Editor Font"						#~ msgid "Editor Font"
#~ msgstr "Pisava Urejevalnika"					#~ msgstr "Pisava Urejevalnika"

#~ msgid "Tab Position"						#~ msgid "Tab Position"
#~ msgstr "Pozicija tabulatorja"				#~ msgstr "Pozicija tabulatorja"

#~ msgid "Top"							#~ msgid "Top"
#~ msgstr "Zgoraj"						#~ msgstr "Zgoraj"

#~ msgid "Bottom"						#~ msgid "Bottom"
#~ msgstr "Spodaj"						#~ msgstr "Spodaj"

#~ msgid "Left"							#~ msgid "Left"
#~ msgstr "Levo"						#~ msgstr "Levo"

#~ msgid "Right"						#~ msgid "Right"
#~ msgstr "Desno"						#~ msgstr "Desno"

#~ msgid "Grid"							#~ msgid "Grid"
#~ msgstr "Mreža"						#~ msgstr "Mreža"

#~ msgid "Font"							#~ msgid "Font"
#~ msgstr "Pisava"						#~ msgstr "Pisava"

#~ msgid "Foreground Color"					#~ msgid "Foreground Color"
#~ msgstr "Barva ospredja"					#~ msgstr "Barva ospredja"

#~ msgid "Background Color"					#~ msgid "Background Color"
#~ msgstr "Barva ozadja"					#~ msgstr "Barva ozadja"

#~ msgid "Show row numbers"					#~ msgid "Show row numbers"
#~ msgstr "Kaži številke vrstic"				#~ msgstr "Kaži številke vrstic"

#~ msgid "User Interface"					#~ msgid "User Interface"
#~ msgstr "Uporabniški vmesnik"					#~ msgstr "Uporabniški vmesnik"

#~ msgid "Environment"						#~ msgid "Environment"
#~ msgstr "Okolje"						#~ msgstr "Okolje"

#~ msgid "GDA"							#~ msgid "GDA"
#~ msgstr "GDA"							#~ msgstr "GDA"

#~ msgid "SQL Window"						#~ msgid "SQL Window"
#~ msgstr "SQL Okno"						#~ msgstr "SQL Okno"

#~ msgid "Query designer"					#~ msgid "Query designer"
#~ msgstr "Oblikovalec poizvedb"				#~ msgstr "Oblikovalec poizvedb"

#~ msgid "Browse Database"					#~ msgid "Browse Database"
#~ msgstr "Brskaj po zbirki podatkov"				#~ msgstr "Brskaj po zbirki podatkov"

#~ msgid "Import"						#~ msgid "Import"
#~ msgstr "Uvozi"						#~ msgstr "Uvozi"

#~ msgid "Close connection"					#~ msgid "Close connection"
#~ msgstr "Zapri povezavo"					#~ msgstr "Zapri povezavo"

#~ msgid "Load file into buffer"				#~ msgid "Load file into buffer"
#~ msgstr "Naloži datoteko v medpomnilnik"			#~ msgstr "Naloži datoteko v medpomnilnik"

#~ msgid "Start export"						#~ msgid "Start export"
#~ msgstr "ZaÄ?ni izvoz"						#~ msgstr "ZaÄ?ni izvoz"

#~ msgid "Clear all fields"					#~ msgid "Clear all fields"
#~ msgstr "PoÄ?isti vsa polja"					#~ msgstr "PoÄ?isti vsa polja"

#~ msgid "Select all objects in database"			#~ msgid "Select all objects in database"
#~ msgstr "Izberi vse predmete v zbirki podatkov"		#~ msgstr "Izberi vse predmete v zbirki podatkov"

#~ msgid "Foreign keys"						#~ msgid "Foreign keys"
#~ msgstr "Tuji kljuÄ?i"						#~ msgstr "Tuji kljuÄ?i"

#~ msgid "Object Identifiers"					#~ msgid "Object Identifiers"
#~ msgstr "Identifikatorji Predmeta"				#~ msgstr "Identifikatorji Predmeta"

#~ msgid "Object Inheritance"					#~ msgid "Object Inheritance"
#~ msgstr "Dedovanje Predmeta"					#~ msgstr "Dedovanje Predmeta"

#~ msgid "SQL (Standard)"					#~ msgid "SQL (Standard)"
#~ msgstr "SQL (ObiÄ?ajen)"					#~ msgstr "SQL (ObiÄ?ajen)"

#~ msgid "SQL Sub-Selects"					#~ msgid "SQL Sub-Selects"
#~ msgstr "SQL podizbire"					#~ msgstr "SQL podizbire"

#~ msgid "Stored Procedures"					#~ msgid "Stored Procedures"
#~ msgstr "Shrajene procedure"					#~ msgstr "Shrajene procedure"

#~ msgid "XML Queries"						#~ msgid "XML Queries"
#~ msgstr "Poizvedbe XML"					#~ msgstr "Poizvedbe XML"

#~ msgid "Row %d - %d rows selected"				#~ msgid "Row %d - %d rows selected"
#~ msgstr "Vrstica %d - %d izbranih vrstic"			#~ msgstr "Vrstica %d - %d izbranih vrstic"

#~ msgid ""							#~ msgid ""
#~ "Error reading from file\n"					#~ "Error reading from file\n"
#~ "'%s'"							#~ "'%s'"
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Napaka ob branju iz datoteke\n"				#~ "Napaka ob branju iz datoteke\n"
#~ "'%s'"							#~ "'%s'"

#~ msgid "Command succeeded"					#~ msgid "Command succeeded"
#~ msgstr "Ukaz uspel"						#~ msgstr "Ukaz uspel"

#~ msgid ""							#~ msgid ""
#~ "Error writing to file\n"					#~ "Error writing to file\n"
#~ "'%s'"							#~ "'%s'"
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Napaka ob pisanju v datoteko\n"				#~ "Napaka ob pisanju v datoteko\n"
#~ "'%s'"							#~ "'%s'"

#~ msgid "Select Command"					#~ msgid "Select Command"
#~ msgstr "Izberi ukaz"						#~ msgstr "Izberi ukaz"

#~ msgid "Begin transaction failed"				#~ msgid "Begin transaction failed"
#~ msgstr "PriÄ?etek transakcije ni uspel"			#~ msgstr "PriÄ?etek transakcije ni uspel"

#~ msgid "Commit transaction failed"				#~ msgid "Commit transaction failed"
#~ msgstr "Udejanjenje transakcije ni uspelo"			#~ msgstr "Udejanjenje transakcije ni uspelo"

#~ msgid "Could not activate module %s"				#~ msgid "Could not activate module %s"
#~ msgstr "Ne morem aktivirati modula %s"			#~ msgstr "Ne morem aktivirati modula %s"

#~ msgid "Command Timeout"					#~ msgid "Command Timeout"
#~ msgstr "PreteÄ?ena Ä?asovna omejitev ukaza"			#~ msgstr "PreteÄ?ena Ä?asovna omejitev ukaza"

#~ msgid "Connect Timeout"					#~ msgid "Connect Timeout"
#~ msgstr "PreteÄ?ena Ä?asovna omejitev povezave"			#~ msgstr "PreteÄ?ena Ä?asovna omejitev povezave"

#~ msgid "Trace File"						#~ msgid "Trace File"
#~ msgstr "Datoteka s sledovi"					#~ msgstr "Datoteka s sledovi"

#~ msgid "Clear all entries"					#~ msgid "Clear all entries"
#~ msgstr "PoÄ?isti vse vnose"					#~ msgstr "PoÄ?isti vse vnose"

#~ msgid "Close designer window"				#~ msgid "Close designer window"
#~ msgstr "Zapri oblikovalsko okno"				#~ msgstr "Zapri oblikovalsko okno"

#~ msgid "Apply"						#~ msgid "Apply"
#~ msgstr "Uporabi"						#~ msgstr "Uporabi"

#~ msgid "Clear log file"					#~ msgid "Clear log file"
#~ msgstr "Pobriši dnevniško datoteko"				#~ msgstr "Pobriši dnevniško datoteko"

#~ msgid "Refresh log viewer"					#~ msgid "Refresh log viewer"
#~ msgstr "Osveži pregledovalnik dnevnika"			#~ msgstr "Osveži pregledovalnik dnevnika"

#~ msgid "Close log window"					#~ msgid "Close log window"
#~ msgstr "Zapri okno z dnevnikom"				#~ msgstr "Zapri okno z dnevnikom"

#~ msgid "Query Designer"					#~ msgid "Query Designer"
#~ msgstr "Oblikovalec Poizvedb"				#~ msgstr "Oblikovalec Poizvedb"

#~ msgid "Begin transaction"					#~ msgid "Begin transaction"
#~ msgstr "PriÄ?ni transakcijo"					#~ msgstr "PriÄ?ni transakcijo"

#~ msgid "Discard all changes"					#~ msgid "Discard all changes"
#~ msgstr "Zavrzi vse spremembe"				#~ msgstr "Zavrzi vse spremembe"

#~ msgid "Configure"						#~ msgid "Configure"
#~ msgstr "Nastavi"						#~ msgstr "Nastavi"

#~ msgid "View logs"						#~ msgid "View logs"
#~ msgstr "Poglej dnevnike"					#~ msgstr "Poglej dnevnike"

#~ msgid "View the different logs"				#~ msgid "View the different logs"
#~ msgstr "Poglej razliÄ?ne dnevnike"				#~ msgstr "Poglej razliÄ?ne dnevnike"

#~ msgid "Service control"					#~ msgid "Service control"
#~ msgstr "Kontrola storitev"					#~ msgstr "Kontrola storitev"

#~ msgid "View service activity"				#~ msgid "View service activity"
#~ msgstr "Poglej aktivnost storitev"				#~ msgstr "Poglej aktivnost storitev"

#~ msgid "The GNOME-DB Development Environment"			#~ msgid "The GNOME-DB Development Environment"
#~ msgstr "GNOME-DB Okolje za Razvoj"				#~ msgstr "GNOME-DB Okolje za Razvoj"

#~ msgid "Preferences..."					#~ msgid "Preferences..."
#~ msgstr "Nastavitve..."					#~ msgstr "Nastavitve..."

#~ msgid "Save current configuration"				#~ msgid "Save current configuration"
#~ msgstr "Shrani trenutne nastavitve"				#~ msgstr "Shrani trenutne nastavitve"

#~ msgid "Activate selected service"				#~ msgid "Activate selected service"
#~ msgstr "Aktiviraj izbrano storitev"				#~ msgstr "Aktiviraj izbrano storitev"

#~ msgid "Stop selected service"				#~ msgid "Stop selected service"
#~ msgstr "Ustavi izbrano storitev"				#~ msgstr "Ustavi izbrano storitev"

#~ msgid ""							#~ msgid ""
#~ "Could not find any installed services. Either you don't h	#~ "Could not find any installed services. Either you don't h
#~ "any services installed or I don't know the path to find t	#~ "any services installed or I don't know the path to find t
#~ "In either case, please check your GNOME-DB installation."	#~ "In either case, please check your GNOME-DB installation."
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Nisem naÅ¡el že nameÅ¡Ä?enih storitev. Ali nimate nobenih\n"	#~ "Nisem naÅ¡el že nameÅ¡Ä?enih storitev. Ali nimate nobenih\n"
#~ "nameÅ¡Ä?enih storitev ali pa te niso v poti, da bi jih naÅ¡e	#~ "nameÅ¡Ä?enih storitev ali pa te niso v poti, da bi jih naÅ¡e
#~ "V vsakem primeru prosim, da preverite namestitev GNOME-DB	#~ "V vsakem primeru prosim, da preverite namestitev GNOME-DB

#~ msgid "Service '%s' activated"				#~ msgid "Service '%s' activated"
#~ msgstr "Storitev '%s' aktivirana"				#~ msgstr "Storitev '%s' aktivirana"

#~ msgid "Could not activate service '%s'"			#~ msgid "Could not activate service '%s'"
#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel aktivirati storitve '%s'"		#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel aktivirati storitve '%s'"

#~ msgid "Repo ID"						#~ msgid "Repo ID"
#~ msgstr "Repo ID"						#~ msgstr "Repo ID"

#~ msgid "Service Control"					#~ msgid "Service Control"
#~ msgstr "Kontrola Storitve"					#~ msgstr "Kontrola Storitve"

#~ msgid "Error code %ld"					#~ msgid "Error code %ld"
#~ msgstr "Napaka Å¡tevilka %ld"					#~ msgstr "Napaka Å¡tevilka %ld"

#~ msgid "error '%s' at %s"					#~ msgid "error '%s' at %s"
#~ msgstr "napaka '%s' v %s"					#~ msgstr "napaka '%s' v %s"

#~ msgid "Not available"					#~ msgid "Not available"
#~ msgstr "Ni na voljo"						#~ msgstr "Ni na voljo"

#~ msgid "Could not register INTERBASE provider implementatio	#~ msgid "Could not register INTERBASE provider implementatio
#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel registrirati implementacije nuditelja 	#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel registrirati implementacije nuditelja 

#~ msgid "Port"							#~ msgid "Port"
#~ msgstr "Vrata"						#~ msgstr "Vrata"

#~ msgid "Authentication"					#~ msgid "Authentication"
#~ msgstr "Avtentifikacija"					#~ msgstr "Avtentifikacija"

#~ msgid "Could not create DSN config component"		#~ msgid "Could not create DSN config component"
#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel ustvariti DSN nastavitvene komponente"	#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel ustvariti DSN nastavitvene komponente"

#~ msgid "Could not register LDAP provider implementation"	#~ msgid "Could not register LDAP provider implementation"
#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel registrirati implementacije nuditelja 	#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel registrirati implementacije nuditelja 

#~ msgid "Select config component"				#~ msgid "Select config component"
#~ msgstr "Izberi nastavitveno komponento"			#~ msgstr "Izberi nastavitveno komponento"

#~ msgid "Browse selected data source"				#~ msgid "Browse selected data source"
#~ msgstr "Brskaj po izbranem viru podatkov"			#~ msgstr "Brskaj po izbranem viru podatkov"

#~ msgid "Browse Data Source"					#~ msgid "Browse Data Source"
#~ msgstr "Brskaj po Viru Podatkov"				#~ msgstr "Brskaj po Viru Podatkov"

#~ msgid "could not load browser control"			#~ msgid "could not load browser control"
#~ msgstr "nisem mogel naložiti kontrole brskalnika"		#~ msgstr "nisem mogel naložiti kontrole brskalnika"

#~ msgid "Load config component"				#~ msgid "Load config component"
#~ msgstr "Naloži namestitveno komponento"			#~ msgstr "Naloži namestitveno komponento"

#~ msgid "Users"						#~ msgid "Users"
#~ msgstr "Uporabniki"						#~ msgstr "Uporabniki"

#~ msgid "User access rights"					#~ msgid "User access rights"
#~ msgstr "Dovoljenja za dostop uporabnikov"			#~ msgstr "Dovoljenja za dostop uporabnikov"

#~ msgid "All"							#~ msgid "All"
#~ msgstr "Vsi"							#~ msgstr "Vsi"

#~ msgid "Open the database browser"				#~ msgid "Open the database browser"
#~ msgstr "Odpri brskalnik po zbirki podatkov"			#~ msgstr "Odpri brskalnik po zbirki podatkov"

#~ msgid "The GNOME-DB development environment"			#~ msgid "The GNOME-DB development environment"
#~ msgstr "GNOME-DB okolje za razvoj"				#~ msgstr "GNOME-DB okolje za razvoj"

#~ msgid "Configure GDA providers"				#~ msgid "Configure GDA providers"
#~ msgstr "Nastavi GDA nuditelje"				#~ msgstr "Nastavi GDA nuditelje"

#~ msgid "Configure GNOME-DB components"			#~ msgid "Configure GNOME-DB components"
#~ msgstr "Nastavi GNOME-DB komponente"				#~ msgstr "Nastavi GNOME-DB komponente"

#~ msgid "Remove selected provider"				#~ msgid "Remove selected provider"
#~ msgstr "Odstrani izbranega nuditelja"			#~ msgstr "Odstrani izbranega nuditelja"

#~ msgid "executing command '%s'"				#~ msgid "executing command '%s'"
#~ msgstr "izvajam ukaz '%s'"					#~ msgstr "izvajam ukaz '%s'"

#~ msgid "Could not create GnomeDbControl"			#~ msgid "Could not create GnomeDbControl"
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Nisem mogel ustvariti GnomeDbControl (Gnome kontrole za z	#~ "Nisem mogel ustvariti GnomeDbControl (Gnome kontrole za z

#~ msgid "Available databases"					#~ msgid "Available databases"
#~ msgstr "Zbirke podatkov na voljo"				#~ msgstr "Zbirke podatkov na voljo"

#~ msgid "Drop"							#~ msgid "Drop"
#~ msgstr "Spusti"						#~ msgstr "Spusti"

#~ msgid "new instance %p created"				#~ msgid "new instance %p created"
#~ msgstr "ustvarjena nova instanca %p"				#~ msgstr "ustvarjena nova instanca %p"

#~ msgid ""							#~ msgid ""
#~ "%s:%d: You cannot provide a UNIX_SOCKET if you also provi	#~ "%s:%d: You cannot provide a UNIX_SOCKET if you also provi
#~ "or a PORT. Please remove the UNIX_SOCKET, or remove both 	#~ "or a PORT. Please remove the UNIX_SOCKET, or remove both 
#~ "PORT options"						#~ "PORT options"
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "%s:%d: Ne morete doloÄ?iti UNIX_SOCKET Ä?e zraven doloÄ?ite 	#~ "%s:%d: Ne morete doloÄ?iti UNIX_SOCKET Ä?e zraven doloÄ?ite 
#~ "PORT. Prosim odstranite UNIX_SOCKET, ali odstranite obe H	#~ "PORT. Prosim odstranite UNIX_SOCKET, ali odstranite obe H
#~ "možnosti"							#~ "možnosti"

#~ msgid ""							#~ msgid ""
#~ "Opening connection with user=%s, password=%s, host=%shost	#~ "Opening connection with user=%s, password=%s, host=%shost
#~ "unix_socket=%s"						#~ "unix_socket=%s"
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Vzpostavljam povezavo z uporabnik=%s, geslo=%s, gostitelj	#~ "Vzpostavljam povezavo z uporabnik=%s, geslo=%s, gostitelj
#~ "vrata=%s, unix_socket=%s"					#~ "vrata=%s, unix_socket=%s"

#~ msgid "Unhandled SCHEMA_QTYPE %d"				#~ msgid "Unhandled SCHEMA_QTYPE %d"
#~ msgstr "Neoskrbljen SCHEMA_QTYPE %d"				#~ msgstr "Neoskrbljen SCHEMA_QTYPE %d"

#~ msgid "mysql_recset is NULL"					#~ msgid "mysql_recset is NULL"
#~ msgstr "mysql_recset je NIÄ?"					#~ msgstr "mysql_recset je NIÄ?"

#~ msgid "No table name given for SCHEMA_COLS"			#~ msgid "No table name given for SCHEMA_COLS"
#~ msgstr "Ni podanega imena tabele za SCHEMA_COLS"		#~ msgstr "Ni podanega imena tabele za SCHEMA_COLS"

#~ msgid "Could not register MySQL provider implementation"	#~ msgid "Could not register MySQL provider implementation"
#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel registrirati implementacije nuditelja 	#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel registrirati implementacije nuditelja 

#~ msgid "gda_odbc_connection_open_schema: Unhandled SCHEMA_Q	#~ msgid "gda_odbc_connection_open_schema: Unhandled SCHEMA_Q
#~ msgstr "gda_odbc_connection_open_schema: Neoskrbljen SCHEM	#~ msgstr "gda_odbc_connection_open_schema: Neoskrbljen SCHEM

#~ msgid "no text"						#~ msgid "no text"
#~ msgstr "ni besedila"						#~ msgstr "ni besedila"

#~ msgid "Could not register ODBC provider implementation"	#~ msgid "Could not register ODBC provider implementation"
#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel registrirati implementacije nuditelja 	#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel registrirati implementacije nuditelja 

#~ msgid "Could not allocate statement handle"			#~ msgid "Could not allocate statement handle"
#~ msgstr "Ne morem alocirati roÄ?ice stavka"			#~ msgstr "Ne morem alocirati roÄ?ice stavka"

#~ msgid "command object being created without associated con	#~ msgid "command object being created without associated con
#~ msgstr "ukazni predmet ustvarjen brez ustrezne povezave"	#~ msgstr "ukazni predmet ustvarjen brez ustrezne povezave"

#~ msgid "Executing command '%s'"				#~ msgid "Executing command '%s'"
#~ msgstr "Izvajam ukaz '%s'"					#~ msgstr "Izvajam ukaz '%s'"

#~ msgid "error in OCIHandleAlloc() HTYPE_SVCCTX"		#~ msgid "error in OCIHandleAlloc() HTYPE_SVCCTX"
#~ msgstr "napaka v OCIHandleAclloc() HTYPE_SVCCTX"		#~ msgstr "napaka v OCIHandleAclloc() HTYPE_SVCCTX"

#~ msgid "error in OCIHandleAlloc() HTYPE_SERVER"		#~ msgid "error in OCIHandleAlloc() HTYPE_SERVER"
#~ msgstr "napaka v OCIHandleAclloc() HTYPE_SERVER"		#~ msgstr "napaka v OCIHandleAclloc() HTYPE_SERVER"

#~ msgid "error in OCIHandleAlloc() HTYPE_ERROR"		#~ msgid "error in OCIHandleAlloc() HTYPE_ERROR"
#~ msgstr "napaka v OCIHandleAclloc() HTYPE_ERROR"		#~ msgstr "napaka v OCIHandleAclloc() HTYPE_ERROR"

#~ msgid "Unknown ORACLE type %ld"				#~ msgid "Unknown ORACLE type %ld"
#~ msgstr "Neznan ORACLE tip %ld"				#~ msgstr "Neznan ORACLE tip %ld"

#~ msgid "Unknown ORACLE data type in fill_field_values"	#~ msgid "Unknown ORACLE data type in fill_field_values"
#~ msgstr "Neznan Oraclov podatkovni tip v fill_field_values"	#~ msgstr "Neznan Oraclov podatkovni tip v fill_field_values"

#~ msgid "recordset object being created without associated c	#~ msgid "recordset object being created without associated c
#~ msgstr "kartoteÄ?ni predmet ustvarjen brez ustrezne povezav	#~ msgstr "kartoteÄ?ni predmet ustvarjen brez ustrezne povezav

#~ msgid "Could not register ORACLE provider implementation"	#~ msgid "Could not register ORACLE provider implementation"
#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel registrirati implementacije nuditelja 	#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel registrirati implementacije nuditelja 

#~ msgid "DSN for the connection"				#~ msgid "DSN for the connection"
#~ msgstr "DSN za povezavo"					#~ msgstr "DSN za povezavo"

#~ msgid "User identity"					#~ msgid "User identity"
#~ msgstr "Identiteta uporabnika"				#~ msgstr "Identiteta uporabnika"

#~ msgid "User passord"						#~ msgid "User passord"
#~ msgstr "Geslo uporabnika"					#~ msgstr "Geslo uporabnika"

#~ msgid "Show/hide the user id"				#~ msgid "Show/hide the user id"
#~ msgstr "Kaži/skrij id uporabnika"				#~ msgstr "Kaži/skrij id uporabnika"

#~ msgid "Give it TRUE to reset/start the component"		#~ msgid "Give it TRUE to reset/start the component"
#~ msgstr "Daj RESNIÄ?NO za ponastavitev/zagon komponente"	#~ msgstr "Daj RESNIÄ?NO za ponastavitev/zagon komponente"

#~ msgid "User name setting"					#~ msgid "User name setting"
#~ msgstr "Nastavitve imena uporabnika"				#~ msgstr "Nastavitve imena uporabnika"

#~ msgid "Group name setting"					#~ msgid "Group name setting"
#~ msgstr "Nastavitve imena skupine"				#~ msgstr "Nastavitve imena skupine"

#~ msgid "Object type setting"					#~ msgid "Object type setting"
#~ msgstr "Nastavitve tipa predmeta"				#~ msgstr "Nastavitve tipa predmeta"

#~ msgid "Object name setting"					#~ msgid "Object name setting"
#~ msgstr "Nastavitve imena predmeta"				#~ msgstr "Nastavitve imena predmeta"

#~ msgid "Access rigths"					#~ msgid "Access rigths"
#~ msgstr "Pravice dostopa"					#~ msgstr "Pravice dostopa"

#~ msgid "All users rights"					#~ msgid "All users rights"
#~ msgstr "Vse uporabniške pravice"				#~ msgstr "Vse uporabniške pravice"

#~ msgid "Groups rights"					#~ msgid "Groups rights"
#~ msgstr "Pravice skupine"					#~ msgstr "Pravice skupine"

#~ msgid "Group:"						#~ msgid "Group:"
#~ msgstr "Skupina:"						#~ msgstr "Skupina:"

#~ msgid "Individual users rights"				#~ msgid "Individual users rights"
#~ msgstr "Individualne pravice uporabnikov"			#~ msgstr "Individualne pravice uporabnikov"

#~ msgid "User:"						#~ msgid "User:"
#~ msgstr "Uporabnik:"						#~ msgstr "Uporabnik:"

#~ msgid "Update/Delete"					#~ msgid "Update/Delete"
#~ msgstr "Obnovi/Zbriši"					#~ msgstr "Obnovi/Zbriši"

#~ msgid "Rule"							#~ msgid "Rule"
#~ msgstr "Pravilo"						#~ msgstr "Pravilo"

#~ msgid "Sequence"						#~ msgid "Sequence"
#~ msgstr "Zaporedje"						#~ msgstr "Zaporedje"

#~ msgid "Index"						#~ msgid "Index"
#~ msgstr "Kazalo"						#~ msgstr "Kazalo"

#~ msgid "Name:"						#~ msgid "Name:"
#~ msgstr "Ime:"						#~ msgstr "Ime:"

#~ msgid "Could not instantiate the gnome-db-control"		#~ msgid "Could not instantiate the gnome-db-control"
#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel inicializirati gnome-db-kontrole"	#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel inicializirati gnome-db-kontrole"

#~ msgid "Group(s)"						#~ msgid "Group(s)"
#~ msgstr "Skupina(e)"						#~ msgstr "Skupina(e)"

#~ msgid "Create DB"						#~ msgid "Create DB"
#~ msgstr "Ustvari Zbirko Podatkov"				#~ msgstr "Ustvari Zbirko Podatkov"

#~ msgid "Valid until"						#~ msgid "Valid until"
#~ msgstr "Veljaven do"						#~ msgstr "Veljaven do"

#~ msgid "Save as new user"					#~ msgid "Save as new user"
#~ msgstr "Shrani kot novega uporabnika"			#~ msgstr "Shrani kot novega uporabnika"

#~ msgid "Save modified user"					#~ msgid "Save modified user"
#~ msgstr "Shrani spremenjenega uporabnika"			#~ msgstr "Shrani spremenjenega uporabnika"

#~ msgid "Delete user"						#~ msgid "Delete user"
#~ msgstr "Zbriši uporabnika"					#~ msgstr "Zbriši uporabnika"

#~ msgid "Yes"							#~ msgid "Yes"
#~ msgstr "Da"							#~ msgstr "Da"

#~ msgid "No"							#~ msgid "No"
#~ msgstr "Ne"							#~ msgstr "Ne"

#~ msgid "postgres_recset is NULL"				#~ msgid "postgres_recset is NULL"
#~ msgstr "postgres_recset je NIÄ?"				#~ msgstr "postgres_recset je NIÄ?"

#~ msgid "Could not register PostgreSQL provider implementati	#~ msgid "Could not register PostgreSQL provider implementati
#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel registrirati implementacije nuditelja 	#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel registrirati implementacije nuditelja 

#~ msgid "UI Test 3 Error"					#~ msgid "UI Test 3 Error"
#~ msgstr "UI Preizkus Napaka 3"				#~ msgstr "UI Preizkus Napaka 3"

#~ msgid "Record %8.0f"						#~ msgid "Record %8.0f"
#~ msgstr "Kartoteka %8.0f"					#~ msgstr "Kartoteka %8.0f"

#~ msgid "We could not load the glade interface description! 	#~ msgid "We could not load the glade interface description! 
#~ msgstr "Ne moremo naložiti glade opisa vmesnika (%s)"	#~ msgstr "Ne moremo naložiti glade opisa vmesnika (%s)"

#~ msgid "Could not get pointer to server implementation"	#~ msgid "Could not get pointer to server implementation"
#~ msgstr "Ne morem dobiti kazalca do implementacije strežnik	#~ msgstr "Ne morem dobiti kazalca do implementacije strežnik

#~ msgid "impl_GDA_Connection_open: opening connection with D	#~ msgid "impl_GDA_Connection_open: opening connection with D
#~ msgstr "impl_GDA_Connection_open: odpiram povezavo z DSN: 	#~ msgstr "impl_GDA_Connection_open: odpiram povezavo z DSN: 

#~ msgid "%s: not implemented"					#~ msgid "%s: not implemented"
#~ msgstr "%s: ni implementiran"				#~ msgstr "%s: ni implementiran"

#~ msgid "%s: length = %d"					#~ msgid "%s: length = %d"
#~ msgstr "%s: dolžina = %d"					#~ msgstr "%s: dolžina = %d"

#~ msgid "%s: sending field description for '%s'"		#~ msgid "%s: sending field description for '%s'"
#~ msgstr "%s: pošiljam opis polja za '%s'"			#~ msgstr "%s: pošiljam opis polja za '%s'"

#~ msgid "Starting provider %s with no implementation functio	#~ msgid "Starting provider %s with no implementation functio
#~ msgstr "PriÄ?enjam nuditelja %s brez implementiranih funkci	#~ msgstr "PriÄ?enjam nuditelja %s brez implementiranih funkci

#~ msgid ""							#~ msgid ""
#~ "OAF doesn't know about our IID; indicates broken installa	#~ "OAF doesn't know about our IID; indicates broken installa
#~ msgstr "OAF ne ve za naš IID; kar kaže na pokvarjeno names	#~ msgstr "OAF ne ve za naš IID; kar kaže na pokvarjeno names

#~ msgid ""							#~ msgid ""
#~ "Another instance of this provider is already registered w	#~ "Another instance of this provider is already registered w
#~ "Exiting..."							#~ "Exiting..."
#~ msgstr "Ena inštanca tega nuditelja je že registrirana pri	#~ msgstr "Ena inštanca tega nuditelja je že registrirana pri

#~ msgid "Unknown error registering this provider with OAF. E	#~ msgid "Unknown error registering this provider with OAF. E
#~ msgstr "Neznana napaka ob registraciji tega nuditelja pri 	#~ msgstr "Neznana napaka ob registraciji tega nuditelja pri 

#~ msgid "Could not get CORBA name service object"		#~ msgid "Could not get CORBA name service object"
#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel dobiti imena predmeta CORBA storitve"	#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel dobiti imena predmeta CORBA storitve"

#~ msgid "Registered with ID = %s"				#~ msgid "Registered with ID = %s"
#~ msgstr "Registriran z ID = %s"				#~ msgstr "Registriran z ID = %s"

#~ msgid "CORBA system exception %s"				#~ msgid "CORBA system exception %s"
#~ msgstr "CORBA sistemska izjema %s"				#~ msgstr "CORBA sistemska izjema %s"

#~ msgid "CORBA user exception: %s"				#~ msgid "CORBA user exception: %s"
#~ msgstr "CORBA uporabniška izjema : %s"			#~ msgstr "CORBA uporabniška izjema : %s"

#~ msgid "Received signal %d, shutting down"			#~ msgid "Received signal %d, shutting down"
#~ msgstr "Prejel signal %d, ustavljam se"			#~ msgstr "Prejel signal %d, ustavljam se"

#~ msgid "Received signal %d. Ignoring"				#~ msgid "Received signal %d. Ignoring"
#~ msgstr "Prejel signal %d. Ignoriram"				#~ msgstr "Prejel signal %d. Ignoriram"

#~ msgid "Connection seems to be dead"				#~ msgid "Connection seems to be dead"
#~ msgstr "Povezava izgleda mrtva"				#~ msgstr "Povezava izgleda mrtva"

#~ msgid "sending cmd failed"					#~ msgid "sending cmd failed"
#~ msgstr "pošiljanje ukaza ni uspelo"				#~ msgstr "pošiljanje ukaza ni uspelo"

#~ msgid "Allocating recordset failed"				#~ msgid "Allocating recordset failed"
#~ msgstr "Alociranje recordset-a ni uspelo"			#~ msgstr "Alociranje recordset-a ni uspelo"

#~ msgid "Getting recordset userdata failed"			#~ msgid "Getting recordset userdata failed"
#~ msgstr "Dobivanje recordset uporabniških podatkov ni uspel	#~ msgstr "Dobivanje recordset uporabniških podatkov ni uspel

#~ msgid "Command execution finished, all results processed"	#~ msgid "Command execution finished, all results processed"
#~ msgstr "Izvajanje ukaza konÄ?ano, vsi rezultati obdelani"	#~ msgstr "Izvajanje ukaza konÄ?ano, vsi rezultati obdelani"

#~ msgid "Execution of resultless command succeeded"		#~ msgid "Execution of resultless command succeeded"
#~ msgstr "Izvedba ukaza brez rezultatov je uspela"		#~ msgstr "Izvedba ukaza brez rezultatov je uspela"

#~ msgid "ct_results() returned %x"				#~ msgid "ct_results() returned %x"
#~ msgstr "ct_results() je vrnila %x"				#~ msgstr "ct_results() je vrnila %x"

#~ msgid "No further results, command completly succeeded."	#~ msgid "No further results, command completly succeeded."
#~ msgstr "Ni nadalnjih rezultatov, ukaz uspeÅ¡no zakljuÄ?en."	#~ msgstr "Ni nadalnjih rezultatov, ukaz uspeÅ¡no zakljuÄ?en."

#~ msgid "An error occured during command execution."		#~ msgid "An error occured during command execution."
#~ msgstr "Ob izvajanju ukaza se je zgudila napaka"		#~ msgstr "Ob izvajanju ukaza se je zgudila napaka"

#~ msgid "Cmd execution returned unknown result, may be an er	#~ msgid "Cmd execution returned unknown result, may be an er
#~ msgstr "Izvedba ukaza je vrnila neznan rezultat, lahko je 	#~ msgstr "Izvedba ukaza je vrnila neznan rezultat, lahko je 

#~ msgid "No data returned, freeing recordset structure"	#~ msgid "No data returned, freeing recordset structure"
#~ msgstr "Ni vrnjenih podatkov, sproÅ¡Ä?am recordset strukturo	#~ msgstr "Ni vrnjenih podatkov, sproÅ¡Ä?am recordset strukturo

#~ msgid "Freeing command structure failed"			#~ msgid "Freeing command structure failed"
#~ msgstr "SproÅ¡Ä?anje ukazne strukture ni uspelo"		#~ msgstr "SproÅ¡Ä?anje ukazne strukture ni uspelo"

#~ msgid "Error allocating error structure"			#~ msgid "Error allocating error structure"
#~ msgstr "Napaka ob alociranju strukture za napako"		#~ msgstr "Napaka ob alociranju strukture za napako"

#~ msgid "Not enough memory for sybase_Connection"		#~ msgid "Not enough memory for sybase_Connection"
#~ msgstr "Ni dovolj pomnilnika za sybase_Connection"		#~ msgstr "Ni dovolj pomnilnika za sybase_Connection"

#~ msgid "schema_cols: table_name '%s'"				#~ msgid "schema_cols: table_name '%s'"
#~ msgstr "schema_cols: table_name '%s'"			#~ msgstr "schema_cols: table_name '%s'"

#~ msgid "Could not allocate command structure"			#~ msgid "Could not allocate command structure"
#~ msgstr "Ne morem alocirati strukture ukaza"			#~ msgstr "Ne morem alocirati strukture ukaza"

#~ msgid "Could not allocate enough memory for query"		#~ msgid "Could not allocate enough memory for query"
#~ msgstr "Ne morem alocirati dovolj spomina za poizvedbo"	#~ msgstr "Ne morem alocirati dovolj spomina za poizvedbo"

#~ msgid "Could not get recordset in schema_cols"		#~ msgid "Could not get recordset in schema_cols"
#~ msgstr "Ne morem dobiti recordset-a v schema_cols "		#~ msgstr "Ne morem dobiti recordset-a v schema_cols "

#~ msgid "schema_tables: table name = '%s'"			#~ msgid "schema_tables: table name = '%s'"
#~ msgstr "schema_tables: ime tabele = '%s'"			#~ msgstr "schema_tables: ime tabele = '%s'"

#~ msgid "schema_tables: table_schema = '%s'"			#~ msgid "schema_tables: table_schema = '%s'"
#~ msgstr "scema_tables: tabele_schema = '%s'"			#~ msgstr "scema_tables: tabele_schema = '%s'"

#~ msgid "schema_procedures: proc_catalog = '%s' UNUSED!\n"	#~ msgid "schema_procedures: proc_catalog = '%s' UNUSED!\n"
#~ msgstr "schema_procedures: proc_catalog = '%s' NEUPORABLJE	#~ msgstr "schema_procedures: proc_catalog = '%s' NEUPORABLJE

#~ msgid "schema_procs: invalid constraint type %d"		#~ msgid "schema_procs: invalid constraint type %d"
#~ msgstr "schema_procs: neveljaven tip omejitve %d"		#~ msgstr "schema_procs: neveljaven tip omejitve %d"

#~ msgid "Could not allocate cmd structure"			#~ msgid "Could not allocate cmd structure"
#~ msgstr "Ne morem alocirati ukazne strukture"			#~ msgstr "Ne morem alocirati ukazne strukture"

#~ msgid "schema_procedures: proc_catalog = '%s' UNUSED!"	#~ msgid "schema_procedures: proc_catalog = '%s' UNUSED!"
#~ msgstr "schema_procedures: proc_catalog = '%s' NEUPORABLJE	#~ msgstr "schema_procedures: proc_catalog = '%s' NEUPORABLJE

#~ msgid "schema_tables: invalid constraint type %d"		#~ msgid "schema_tables: invalid constraint type %d"
#~ msgstr "schema_tables: neveljaven tip omejitve %d"		#~ msgstr "schema_tables: neveljaven tip omejitve %d"

#~ msgid "Invalid or unsupported constraint type: %d"		#~ msgid "Invalid or unsupported constraint type: %d"
#~ msgstr "Neveljaven ali nepodprt tip omejitve: %d"		#~ msgstr "Neveljaven ali nepodprt tip omejitve: %d"

#~ msgid "Could not allocate Gda_ServerCommand"			#~ msgid "Could not allocate Gda_ServerCommand"
#~ msgstr "Ne morem alocirati Gda_ServerCommand"		#~ msgstr "Ne morem alocirati Gda_ServerCommand"

#~ msgid "connection status: %x"				#~ msgid "connection status: %x"
#~ msgstr "stanje povezave: %x"					#~ msgstr "stanje povezave: %x"

#~ msgid "return code: %x"					#~ msgid "return code: %x"
#~ msgstr "vrnjena vrednost: %x"				#~ msgstr "vrnjena vrednost: %x"

#~ msgid "attempting reconnection"				#~ msgid "attempting reconnection"
#~ msgstr "poskušam se znova povezati"				#~ msgstr "poskušam se znova povezati"

#~ msgid "%sonnected to '%s'"					#~ msgid "%sonnected to '%s'"
#~ msgstr "%s povezan z '%s'"					#~ msgstr "%s povezan z '%s'"

#~ msgid "Selected database '%s'"				#~ msgid "Selected database '%s'"
#~ msgstr "Izbrana zbirka podatkov '%s'"			#~ msgstr "Izbrana zbirka podatkov '%s'"

#~ msgid "%s: Could not allocate cmd structure"			#~ msgid "%s: Could not allocate cmd structure"
#~ msgstr "%s: Ne morem alocirati ukazne strukture"		#~ msgstr "%s: Ne morem alocirati ukazne strukture"

#~ msgid "%s: Could not allocate memory for cmd string"		#~ msgid "%s: Could not allocate memory for cmd string"
#~ msgstr "%s: Ne morem alocirati pomnilnika za ukazni niz"	#~ msgstr "%s: Ne morem alocirati pomnilnika za ukazni niz"

#~ msgid "%s: ct_command failed"				#~ msgid "%s: ct_command failed"
#~ msgstr "%s: ct_command ni uspel"				#~ msgstr "%s: ct_command ni uspel"

#~ msgid "%s: sending command failed"				#~ msgid "%s: sending command failed"
#~ msgstr "%s: pošiljanje ukaza ni uspelo"			#~ msgstr "%s: pošiljanje ukaza ni uspelo"

#~ msgid "%s: selecting database failed"			#~ msgid "%s: selecting database failed"
#~ msgstr "%s: izbiranje zbirke podatkov ni uspelo"		#~ msgstr "%s: izbiranje zbirke podatkov ni uspelo"

#~ msgid "%s: use command failed"				#~ msgid "%s: use command failed"
#~ msgstr "%s: \"use\" ukaz ni uspel"				#~ msgstr "%s: \"use\" ukaz ni uspel"

#~ msgid "Could not allocate locale structure"			#~ msgid "Could not allocate locale structure"
#~ msgstr "Ne morem alocirati strukture locale"			#~ msgstr "Ne morem alocirati strukture locale"

#~ msgid "Could not set locale to '%s'"				#~ msgid "Could not set locale to '%s'"
#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel nastaviti locale na '%s'"		#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel nastaviti locale na '%s'"

#~ msgid "Could not configure locale to be '%s'"		#~ msgid "Could not configure locale to be '%s'"
#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel nastaviti locale, da bi bil '%s'"	#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel nastaviti locale, da bi bil '%s'"

#~ msgid "Could not drop locale structure"			#~ msgid "Could not drop locale structure"
#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel spustiti strukture locale"		#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel spustiti strukture locale"

#~ msgid "gda_sybase_error_make(%p,%p,%p,%p)"			#~ msgid "gda_sybase_error_make(%p,%p,%p,%p)"
#~ msgstr "gda_sybase_error_make(%p,%p,%p,%p)"			#~ msgstr "gda_sybase_error_make(%p,%p,%p,%p)"

#~ msgid "No error flag ist set, though %s is called. This ma	#~ msgid "No error flag ist set, though %s is called. This ma
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Nobena zastavica napake ni postavljena kljub klicu %s. To	#~ "Nobena zastavica napake ni postavljena kljub klicu %s. To

#~ msgid "cs_diag() initialized"				#~ msgid "cs_diag() initialized"
#~ msgstr "cs_diag() inicializiran"				#~ msgstr "cs_diag() inicializiran"

#~ msgid "Could not initialize cs_diag()"			#~ msgid "Could not initialize cs_diag()"
#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel inicializirati cs_diag()"		#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel inicializirati cs_diag()"

#~ msgid "ct_diag() initialized"				#~ msgid "ct_diag() initialized"
#~ msgstr "ct_diag() inicializiran"				#~ msgstr "ct_diag() inicializiran"

#~ msgid "Could not initialize ct_diag()"			#~ msgid "Could not initialize ct_diag()"
#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel inicializirati ct_diag()"		#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel inicializirati ct_diag()"

#~ msgid "%s could not find server implementation"		#~ msgid "%s could not find server implementation"
#~ msgstr "%s ne more najti implementacije strežnika"		#~ msgstr "%s ne more najti implementacije strežnika"

#~ msgid "%s could not get cnc userdata"			#~ msgid "%s could not get cnc userdata"
#~ msgstr "%s ne more dobit cnc podatkov uporabnika"		#~ msgstr "%s ne more dobit cnc podatkov uporabnika"

#~ msgid "Could not get # of messages"				#~ msgid "Could not get # of messages"
#~ msgstr "Ne morem dobiti # sporoÄ?il"				#~ msgstr "Ne morem dobiti # sporoÄ?il"

#~ msgid "%d ctlib messages to fetch"				#~ msgid "%d ctlib messages to fetch"
#~ msgstr "%d ctlib sporoÄ?ilo za prenos"			#~ msgstr "%d ctlib sporoÄ?ilo za prenos"

#~ msgid "%d ctlib message to fetch"				#~ msgid "%d ctlib message to fetch"
#~ msgstr "%d ctlib sporoÄ?il za prenos"				#~ msgstr "%d ctlib sporoÄ?il za prenos"

#~ msgid "error is nullpointer in gda_sybase_messages_handle"	#~ msgid "error is nullpointer in gda_sybase_messages_handle"
#~ msgstr "napaka v nultem kazalcu v gda_sybase_messages_hand	#~ msgstr "napaka v nultem kazalcu v gda_sybase_messages_hand

#~ msgid "Could not get # of server messages"			#~ msgid "Could not get # of server messages"
#~ msgstr "Ne morem dobiti # sporoÄ?il strežnika"		#~ msgstr "Ne morem dobiti # sporoÄ?il strežnika"

#~ msgid "Fetching %d client messages"				#~ msgid "Fetching %d client messages"
#~ msgstr "Dobivam %d odjemalÄ?evih sporoÄ?il"			#~ msgstr "Dobivam %d odjemalÄ?evih sporoÄ?il"

#~ msgid "Fetching %d client message"				#~ msgid "Fetching %d client message"
#~ msgstr "Dobivam %d odjemalÄ?evo sporoÄ?ilo"			#~ msgstr "Dobivam %d odjemalÄ?evo sporoÄ?ilo"

#~ msgid "Could not get client msg # %d"			#~ msgid "Could not get client msg # %d"
#~ msgstr "Ne morem dobiti sporoÄ?ila odjemalca # %d"		#~ msgstr "Ne morem dobiti sporoÄ?ila odjemalca # %d"

#~ msgid "Could not get # of client messages"			#~ msgid "Could not get # of client messages"
#~ msgstr "Ne morem dobiti # sporoÄ?il odjemalca"		#~ msgstr "Ne morem dobiti # sporoÄ?il odjemalca"

#~ msgid "Could not clear client messages"			#~ msgid "Could not clear client messages"
#~ msgstr "Ne morem poÄ?istiti sporoÄ?il odjemalca"		#~ msgstr "Ne morem poÄ?istiti sporoÄ?il odjemalca"

#~ msgid "Fetching %d server messages"				#~ msgid "Fetching %d server messages"
#~ msgstr "Dobivam %d sporoÄ?il strežnika"			#~ msgstr "Dobivam %d sporoÄ?il strežnika"

#~ msgid "Fetching %d server message"				#~ msgid "Fetching %d server message"
#~ msgstr "Dobivam %d sporoÄ?ilo strežnika"			#~ msgstr "Dobivam %d sporoÄ?ilo strežnika"

#~ msgid "Could not get server msg # %d"			#~ msgid "Could not get server msg # %d"
#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel dobiti strežnikovega sporoÄ?ila Å¡t. %d"	#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel dobiti strežnikovega sporoÄ?ila Å¡t. %d"

#~ msgid "Could not clear server messages"			#~ msgid "Could not clear server messages"
#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel poÄ?istiti strežnikovih sporoÄ?il"		#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel poÄ?istiti strežnikovih sporoÄ?il"

#~ msgid "Could not get # of cslib messages"			#~ msgid "Could not get # of cslib messages"
#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel dobiti # cslib sporoÄ?il"			#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel dobiti # cslib sporoÄ?il"

#~ msgid "Fetching %d cslib messages"				#~ msgid "Fetching %d cslib messages"
#~ msgstr "Dobivam %d cslib sporoÄ?il"				#~ msgstr "Dobivam %d cslib sporoÄ?il"

#~ msgid "Fetchong %d cslib message"				#~ msgid "Fetchong %d cslib message"
#~ msgstr "Dobivam %d cslib sporoÄ?ilo"				#~ msgstr "Dobivam %d cslib sporoÄ?ilo"

#~ msgid "Could not get cslib msg # %d"				#~ msgid "Could not get cslib msg # %d"
#~ msgstr "Ne morem dobiti cslib sporoÄ?ilo Å¡t. %d"		#~ msgstr "Ne morem dobiti cslib sporoÄ?ilo Å¡t. %d"

#~ msgid "Could not clear cslib messages"			#~ msgid "Could not clear cslib messages"
#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel poÄ?istiti cslib sporoÄ?il"		#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel poÄ?istiti cslib sporoÄ?il"

#~ msgid "Client message:"					#~ msgid "Client message:"
#~ msgstr "SporoÄ?ilo odjemalca:"				#~ msgstr "SporoÄ?ilo odjemalca:"

#~ msgid "CS-Library error:"					#~ msgid "CS-Library error:"
#~ msgstr "Napaka CS-Knjižnice:"				#~ msgstr "Napaka CS-Knjižnice:"

#~ msgid "fetch error at row %d"				#~ msgid "fetch error at row %d"
#~ msgstr "napaka pri prenosu v vrstici %d"			#~ msgstr "napaka pri prenosu v vrstici %d"

#~ msgid "CS_END_DATA on row %d; canceling"			#~ msgid "CS_END_DATA on row %d; canceling"
#~ msgstr "CS_END_DATA na vrstici %d; razveljavljam"		#~ msgstr "CS_END_DATA na vrstici %d; razveljavljam"

#~ msgid "%s: Error (%d)"					#~ msgid "%s: Error (%d)"
#~ msgstr "%s: Napaka (%d)"					#~ msgstr "%s: Napaka (%d)"

#~ msgid "Failed fetching # of columns"				#~ msgid "Failed fetching # of columns"
#~ msgstr "Nisem uspel prenesti # stolpcev"			#~ msgstr "Nisem uspel prenesti # stolpcev"

#~ msgid "Counted %d columns"					#~ msgid "Counted %d columns"
#~ msgstr "Preštel %d stolpcev"					#~ msgstr "Preštel %d stolpcev"

#~ msgid "%s could not allocate datafmt info"			#~ msgid "%s could not allocate datafmt info"
#~ msgstr "%s Ne morem alocirati datafmt podatkov"		#~ msgstr "%s Ne morem alocirati datafmt podatkov"

#~ msgid "%s could not allocate data fields"			#~ msgid "%s could not allocate data fields"
#~ msgstr "%s ne morem alocirati podatkovnih polj"		#~ msgstr "%s ne morem alocirati podatkovnih polj"

#~ msgid "ct_describe on col # %d"				#~ msgid "ct_describe on col # %d"
#~ msgstr "ct_describe v stolpcu Å¡t. %d"			#~ msgstr "ct_describe v stolpcu Å¡t. %d"

#~ msgid "ct_describe on col # %d failed"			#~ msgid "ct_describe on col # %d failed"
#~ msgstr "ct_describe v stolpcu Å¡t. %d ni uspel"		#~ msgstr "ct_describe v stolpcu Å¡t. %d ni uspel"

#~ msgid "ct_describe(%d): '%s', %d (%s)"			#~ msgid "ct_describe(%d): '%s', %d (%s)"
#~ msgstr "ct_describe(%d): '%s', %d (%s)"			#~ msgstr "ct_describe(%d): '%s', %d (%s)"

#~ msgid "could not ct_bind data holder to column"		#~ msgid "could not ct_bind data holder to column"
#~ msgstr "ne morem povezati ct_bind držalca podtakov na stol	#~ msgstr "ne morem povezati ct_bind držalca podtakov na stol

#~ msgid "illegal type detected, aborting"			#~ msgid "illegal type detected, aborting"
#~ msgstr "zaznan neveljaven tip, prekinjam"			#~ msgstr "zaznan neveljaven tip, prekinjam"

#~ msgid "Refresh all"						#~ msgid "Refresh all"
#~ msgstr "Osveži vse"						#~ msgstr "Osveži vse"

#~ msgid "Ok"							#~ msgid "Ok"
#~ msgstr "V redu"						#~ msgstr "V redu"

#~ msgid "GNOME-DB Controls browser"				#~ msgid "GNOME-DB Controls browser"
#~ msgstr "Brskalnik po kontrolah GNOME-DB"			#~ msgstr "Brskalnik po kontrolah GNOME-DB"

#~ msgid "New control"						#~ msgid "New control"
#~ msgstr "Nova kontrola"					#~ msgstr "Nova kontrola"

#~ msgid "Close control"					#~ msgid "Close control"
#~ msgstr "Zapri kontrolo"					#~ msgstr "Zapri kontrolo"

#~ msgid "Controls"						#~ msgid "Controls"
#~ msgstr "Kontrole"						#~ msgstr "Kontrole"

#~ msgid "Control settings"					#~ msgid "Control settings"
#~ msgstr "Nastavitve kontrole"					#~ msgstr "Nastavitve kontrole"

#~ msgid "PROVIDER"						#~ msgid "PROVIDER"
#~ msgstr "NUDITELJ"						#~ msgstr "NUDITELJ"

#~ msgid "table"						#~ msgid "table"
#~ msgstr "tabela"						#~ msgstr "tabela"

#~ msgid "TABLENAME"						#~ msgid "TABLENAME"
#~ msgstr "IMETABELE"						#~ msgstr "IMETABELE"

#~ msgid "TABLE NAME"						#~ msgid "TABLE NAME"
#~ msgstr "IME TABELE"						#~ msgstr "IME TABELE"

#~ msgid "Logging in"						#~ msgid "Logging in"
#~ msgstr "Prijavljam se"					#~ msgstr "Prijavljam se"

#~ msgid "You need Bonobo to load components!"			#~ msgid "You need Bonobo to load components!"
#~ msgstr "Za nalaganje komponent potrebujete Bonoba!"		#~ msgstr "Za nalaganje komponent potrebujete Bonoba!"

#~ msgid "Close configurator"					#~ msgid "Close configurator"
#~ msgstr "Zapri nastavitve"					#~ msgstr "Zapri nastavitve"

#~ msgid "%s: text = '%s'"					#~ msgid "%s: text = '%s'"
#~ msgstr "%s: besedilo = '%s'"					#~ msgstr "%s: besedilo = '%s'"

#~ msgid "Create script from object definition"			#~ msgid "Create script from object definition"
#~ msgstr "Ustvari skripto iz definicije predmeta"		#~ msgstr "Ustvari skripto iz definicije predmeta"

#~ msgid "Refresh all lists"					#~ msgid "Refresh all lists"
#~ msgstr "Osveži vse sezname"					#~ msgstr "Osveži vse sezname"

#~ msgid "Browser: %s %s"					#~ msgid "Browser: %s %s"
#~ msgstr "Brskalnik: %s %s"					#~ msgstr "Brskalnik: %s %s"

#~ msgid "Variable"						#~ msgid "Variable"
#~ msgstr "Spremenljivka"					#~ msgstr "Spremenljivka"

#~ msgid "Current"						#~ msgid "Current"
#~ msgstr "Trenutni"						#~ msgstr "Trenutni"

#~ msgid "Save options on exit"					#~ msgid "Save options on exit"
#~ msgstr "Shrani nastavitve ob izhodu"				#~ msgstr "Shrani nastavitve ob izhodu"

#~ msgid "Open connection dialog on entry"			#~ msgid "Open connection dialog on entry"
#~ msgstr "Ob vstopu odpri dialog s povezavami"			#~ msgstr "Ob vstopu odpri dialog s povezavami"

#~ msgid "Grid Font"						#~ msgid "Grid Font"
#~ msgstr "Pisava Mreže"					#~ msgstr "Pisava Mreže"

#~ msgid "Language"						#~ msgid "Language"
#~ msgstr "Jezik"						#~ msgstr "Jezik"

#~ msgid "Shell"						#~ msgid "Shell"
#~ msgstr "Lupina"						#~ msgstr "Lupina"

#~ msgid "Tabs position"					#~ msgid "Tabs position"
#~ msgstr "Pozicije tabulatorjev"				#~ msgstr "Pozicije tabulatorjev"

#~ msgid "Current Environment"					#~ msgid "Current Environment"
#~ msgstr "Trenutno Okolje"					#~ msgstr "Trenutno Okolje"

#~ msgid "Commit executed"					#~ msgid "Commit executed"
#~ msgstr "Izvršeno udejanjenje"				#~ msgstr "Izvršeno udejanjenje"

#~ msgid "Rollback executed"					#~ msgid "Rollback executed"
#~ msgstr "Izvršeno previtje nazaj"				#~ msgstr "Izvršeno previtje nazaj"

#~ msgid "Open database design from file"			#~ msgid "Open database design from file"
#~ msgstr "Odpri obliko zbirke podatkov iz datoteke"		#~ msgstr "Odpri obliko zbirke podatkov iz datoteke"

#~ msgid "Save database design to file"				#~ msgid "Save database design to file"
#~ msgstr "Shrani obliko zbirke podatkov v datoteko"		#~ msgstr "Shrani obliko zbirke podatkov v datoteko"

#~ msgid ""							#~ msgid ""
#~ "Error saving file\n"					#~ "Error saving file\n"
#~ "'%s'"							#~ "'%s'"
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Napaka pri shranjevanju datoteke\n"				#~ "Napaka pri shranjevanju datoteke\n"
#~ "'%s'"							#~ "'%s'"

#~ msgid "Save file with another name"				#~ msgid "Save file with another name"
#~ msgstr "Shrani v datoteko z drugim imenom"			#~ msgstr "Shrani v datoteko z drugim imenom"

#~ msgid "Print current file"					#~ msgid "Print current file"
#~ msgstr "Natisni trenutno datoteko"				#~ msgstr "Natisni trenutno datoteko"

#~ msgid "Paste clipboard's contents"				#~ msgid "Paste clipboard's contents"
#~ msgstr "Prilepi z odložiÅ¡Ä?a"					#~ msgstr "Prilepi z odložiÅ¡Ä?a"

#~ msgid "Run Command"						#~ msgid "Run Command"
#~ msgstr "Poženi Ukaz"						#~ msgstr "Poženi Ukaz"

#~ msgid "Directory"						#~ msgid "Directory"
#~ msgstr "Imenik"						#~ msgstr "Imenik"

#~ msgid ""							#~ msgid ""
#~ "Output from '%s'\n"						#~ "Output from '%s'\n"
#~ "In directory '%s'\n"					#~ "In directory '%s'\n"
#~ "\n"								#~ "\n"
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Izhod iz '%s'\n"						#~ "Izhod iz '%s'\n"
#~ "V imeniku '%s'\n"						#~ "V imeniku '%s'\n"
#~ "\n"								#~ "\n"

#~ msgid "Command '%s' completed"				#~ msgid "Command '%s' completed"
#~ msgstr "Ukaz '%s' je zakljuÄ?en"				#~ msgstr "Ukaz '%s' je zakljuÄ?en"

#~ msgid "Editor"						#~ msgid "Editor"
#~ msgstr "Urejevalnik"						#~ msgstr "Urejevalnik"

#~ msgid "Export selected data to XML file"			#~ msgid "Export selected data to XML file"
#~ msgstr "Izvozi izbrane podatke v XML datoteko"		#~ msgstr "Izvozi izbrane podatke v XML datoteko"

#~ msgid "To SQL"						#~ msgid "To SQL"
#~ msgstr "v SQL"						#~ msgstr "v SQL"

#~ msgid "Export selected data as a SQL script"			#~ msgid "Export selected data as a SQL script"
#~ msgstr "Izvozi izbrane podatke kot SQL skripto"		#~ msgstr "Izvozi izbrane podatke kot SQL skripto"

#~ msgid "Clear all widgets"					#~ msgid "Clear all widgets"
#~ msgstr "PoÄ?isti vse gradnike"				#~ msgstr "PoÄ?isti vse gradnike"

#~ msgid "You have to provide a file name"			#~ msgid "You have to provide a file name"
#~ msgstr "Vpisati morate ime datoteke"				#~ msgstr "Vpisati morate ime datoteke"

#~ msgid "Exporting object named '%s'"				#~ msgid "Exporting object named '%s'"
#~ msgstr "Izvažam predmet imenovan '%s'"			#~ msgstr "Izvažam predmet imenovan '%s'"

#~ msgid ""							#~ msgid ""
#~ "Error saving XML file\n"					#~ "Error saving XML file\n"
#~ "'%s'"							#~ "'%s'"
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Napaka pri shranjevanju XML datoteke\n"			#~ "Napaka pri shranjevanju XML datoteke\n"
#~ "'%s'"							#~ "'%s'"

#~ msgid "No objects are selected"				#~ msgid "No objects are selected"
#~ msgstr "Noben predmet ni izbran"				#~ msgstr "Noben predmet ni izbran"

#~ msgid "Export: %s %s"					#~ msgid "Export: %s %s"
#~ msgstr "Izvozi: %s %s"					#~ msgstr "Izvozi: %s %s"

#~ msgid "TABLES"						#~ msgid "TABLES"
#~ msgstr "TABELE"						#~ msgstr "TABELE"

#~ msgid "VIEWS"						#~ msgid "VIEWS"
#~ msgstr "POGLEDI"						#~ msgstr "POGLEDI"

#~ msgid "Export data"						#~ msgid "Export data"
#~ msgstr "Izvozi podatkte"					#~ msgstr "Izvozi podatkte"

#~ msgid "Show file when done"					#~ msgid "Show file when done"
#~ msgstr "Pokaži datoteko, ko bo konÄ?ana"			#~ msgstr "Pokaži datoteko, ko bo konÄ?ana"

#~ msgid "Add object extra info"				#~ msgid "Add object extra info"
#~ msgstr "Dodaj dodatne podatke o predmetu"			#~ msgstr "Dodaj dodatne podatke o predmetu"

#~ msgid "GDA Config"						#~ msgid "GDA Config"
#~ msgstr "Nastavitve GDA"					#~ msgstr "Nastavitve GDA"

#~ msgid "Load file to import"					#~ msgid "Load file to import"
#~ msgstr "Naloži datoteko za uvoz"				#~ msgstr "Naloži datoteko za uvoz"

#~ msgid "Start importing data"					#~ msgid "Start importing data"
#~ msgstr "ZaÄ?ni z uvozom podatkov"				#~ msgstr "ZaÄ?ni z uvozom podatkov"

#~ msgid "There were errors during the SQL execution"		#~ msgid "There were errors during the SQL execution"
#~ msgstr "Med izvananjem SQL ukazov so se zgodile napake"	#~ msgstr "Med izvananjem SQL ukazov so se zgodile napake"

#~ msgid "Transaction rolled back"				#~ msgid "Transaction rolled back"
#~ msgstr "Transakcija je bila prevrtena nazaj"			#~ msgstr "Transakcija je bila prevrtena nazaj"

#~ msgid "You must select a file to be imported"		#~ msgid "You must select a file to be imported"
#~ msgstr "Za uvoz morate izbrati datoteko"			#~ msgstr "Za uvoz morate izbrati datoteko"

#~ msgid "Import: %s %s"					#~ msgid "Import: %s %s"
#~ msgstr "Uvoz: %s %s"						#~ msgstr "Uvoz: %s %s"

#~ msgid "From XML"						#~ msgid "From XML"
#~ msgstr "Iz XML-ja"						#~ msgstr "Iz XML-ja"

#~ msgid "From SQL"						#~ msgid "From SQL"
#~ msgstr "Iz SQL-ja"						#~ msgstr "Iz SQL-ja"

#~ msgid "Refresh log"						#~ msgid "Refresh log"
#~ msgstr "Dnevnik osvežitev"					#~ msgstr "Dnevnik osvežitev"

#~ msgid "Save log file with a different name"			#~ msgid "Save log file with a different name"
#~ msgstr "Shrani datoteko z dnevnikom pod drugaÄ?nim imenom"	#~ msgstr "Shrani datoteko z dnevnikom pod drugaÄ?nim imenom"

#~ msgid "File %s loaded"					#~ msgid "File %s loaded"
#~ msgstr "Datoteka %s je naložena"				#~ msgstr "Datoteka %s je naložena"

#~ msgid "GDA logs"						#~ msgid "GDA logs"
#~ msgstr "GDA dnevnik"						#~ msgstr "GDA dnevnik"

#~ msgid "Open connection..."					#~ msgid "Open connection..."
#~ msgstr "Odpri povezavo..."					#~ msgstr "Odpri povezavo..."

#~ msgid "Object Browser"					#~ msgid "Object Browser"
#~ msgstr "Brskalnik po Predmetih"				#~ msgstr "Brskalnik po Predmetih"

#~ msgid "Browse database objects"				#~ msgid "Browse database objects"
#~ msgstr "Brskaj po predmetih zbirke podatkov"			#~ msgstr "Brskaj po predmetih zbirke podatkov"

#~ msgid "Construct SQL statements"				#~ msgid "Construct SQL statements"
#~ msgstr "Konstruiraj SQL stavke"				#~ msgstr "Konstruiraj SQL stavke"

#~ msgid "Start/Stop Server Trace"				#~ msgid "Start/Stop Server Trace"
#~ msgstr "ZaÄ?ni/Ustavi Strežnikov Podroben Dnevnik"		#~ msgstr "ZaÄ?ni/Ustavi Strežnikov Podroben Dnevnik"

#~ msgid "Start or stop server trace"				#~ msgid "Start or stop server trace"
#~ msgstr "ZaÄ?ni ali ustavi podroben strežnikov dnevnik"	#~ msgstr "ZaÄ?ni ali ustavi podroben strežnikov dnevnik"

#~ msgid "View Server Trace"					#~ msgid "View Server Trace"
#~ msgstr "Poglej podroben strežnikov dnevnik"			#~ msgstr "Poglej podroben strežnikov dnevnik"

#~ msgid "View server trace file"				#~ msgid "View server trace file"
#~ msgstr "Poglej datoteko s podrobnim dnevnikom strežnika"	#~ msgstr "Poglej datoteko s podrobnim dnevnikom strežnika"

#~ msgid "Begin new transaction"				#~ msgid "Begin new transaction"
#~ msgstr "ZaÄ?ni novo transakcijo"				#~ msgstr "ZaÄ?ni novo transakcijo"

#~ msgid "Commit changes"					#~ msgid "Commit changes"
#~ msgstr "Udejani spremembe"					#~ msgstr "Udejani spremembe"

#~ msgid "Database Designer"					#~ msgid "Database Designer"
#~ msgstr "Oblikovalec zbirke podatkov"				#~ msgstr "Oblikovalec zbirke podatkov"

#~ msgid "Visual Database Designer"				#~ msgid "Visual Database Designer"
#~ msgstr "Vizualni Oblikovalec Zbirke Podatkov"		#~ msgstr "Vizualni Oblikovalec Zbirke Podatkov"

#~ msgid "View GDA server log files"				#~ msgid "View GDA server log files"
#~ msgstr "Poglej GDA dnevnik strežnika"			#~ msgstr "Poglej GDA dnevnik strežnika"

#~ msgid "Text editor"						#~ msgid "Text editor"
#~ msgstr "Urejevalnik besedil"					#~ msgstr "Urejevalnik besedil"

#~ msgid "Open the internal text editor"			#~ msgid "Open the internal text editor"
#~ msgstr "Odpri notranji urejevalnik besedil"			#~ msgstr "Odpri notranji urejevalnik besedil"

#~ msgid "Run shell"						#~ msgid "Run shell"
#~ msgstr "Poženi lupino"					#~ msgstr "Poženi lupino"

#~ msgid "Open shell window"					#~ msgid "Open shell window"
#~ msgstr "Odpri okno z lupino"					#~ msgstr "Odpri okno z lupino"

#~ msgid "Calculator"						#~ msgid "Calculator"
#~ msgstr "Kalkulator"						#~ msgstr "Kalkulator"

#~ msgid "Open desktop calculator"				#~ msgid "Open desktop calculator"
#~ msgstr "Odpri kalkulator namizja"				#~ msgstr "Odpri kalkulator namizja"

#~ msgid "The GDA configuration tool"				#~ msgid "The GDA configuration tool"
#~ msgstr "Orodje za nastavljanje GDA"				#~ msgstr "Orodje za nastavljanje GDA"

#~ msgid "GDA Builder"						#~ msgid "GDA Builder"
#~ msgstr "Graditelj GDA"					#~ msgstr "Graditelj GDA"

#~ msgid "The GDA development environment"			#~ msgid "The GDA development environment"
#~ msgstr "Okolje za razvoj v GDA"				#~ msgstr "Okolje za razvoj v GDA"

#~ msgid "GDA Configuration..."					#~ msgid "GDA Configuration..."
#~ msgstr "Nastavitve GDA..."					#~ msgstr "Nastavitve GDA..."

#~ msgid "Previous window"					#~ msgid "Previous window"
#~ msgstr "Prejšnje okno"					#~ msgstr "Prejšnje okno"

#~ msgid "Move to previous window on list"			#~ msgid "Move to previous window on list"
#~ msgstr "Pojdi na prejšnje okno na seznamu"			#~ msgstr "Pojdi na prejšnje okno na seznamu"

#~ msgid "Next window"						#~ msgid "Next window"
#~ msgstr "Naslednje okno"					#~ msgstr "Naslednje okno"

#~ msgid "Move to next window on list"				#~ msgid "Move to next window on list"
#~ msgstr "Pojdi na naslednje okno na seznamu"			#~ msgstr "Pojdi na naslednje okno na seznamu"

#~ msgid "Close current"					#~ msgid "Close current"
#~ msgstr "Zapri trentno"					#~ msgstr "Zapri trentno"

#~ msgid "Close active window"					#~ msgid "Close active window"
#~ msgstr "Zapri dejavno okno"					#~ msgstr "Zapri dejavno okno"

#~ msgid "GDA Logs"						#~ msgid "GDA Logs"
#~ msgstr "GDA Dnevnik"						#~ msgstr "GDA Dnevnik"

#~ msgid "Previous"						#~ msgid "Previous"
#~ msgstr "Nazaj"						#~ msgstr "Nazaj"

#~ msgid "Could not load editor font"				#~ msgid "Could not load editor font"
#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel naložiti pisave urejevalnika"		#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel naložiti pisave urejevalnika"

#~ msgid "Could not load grid font"				#~ msgid "Could not load grid font"
#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel naložiti pisave mreže"			#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel naložiti pisave mreže"

#~ msgid "Run Script"						#~ msgid "Run Script"
#~ msgstr "Poženi Skripto"					#~ msgstr "Poženi Skripto"

#~ msgid "Execute buffer as SQL script"				#~ msgid "Execute buffer as SQL script"
#~ msgstr "Izvedi medpomnilnik kot SQL skripto"			#~ msgstr "Izvedi medpomnilnik kot SQL skripto"

#~ msgid "Clear SQL window"					#~ msgid "Clear SQL window"
#~ msgstr "PoÄ?isti SQL okno"					#~ msgstr "PoÄ?isti SQL okno"

#~ msgid "Select SQL Script"					#~ msgid "Select SQL Script"
#~ msgstr "Izberi SQL Skripto"					#~ msgstr "Izberi SQL Skripto"

#~ msgid "Save SQL Script"					#~ msgid "Save SQL Script"
#~ msgstr "Shrani SQL Skripto"					#~ msgstr "Shrani SQL Skripto"

#~ msgid "Server trace stopped"					#~ msgid "Server trace stopped"
#~ msgstr "Podroben dnevnik strežnika ustavljen"		#~ msgstr "Podroben dnevnik strežnika ustavljen"

#~ msgid "Select Trace File"					#~ msgid "Select Trace File"
#~ msgstr "Datoteka podrobnega dnevnika strežnika"		#~ msgstr "Datoteka podrobnega dnevnika strežnika"

#~ msgid "Server trace to file %s started"			#~ msgid "Server trace to file %s started"
#~ msgstr "Podroben dnevnik strežnika v datoteko %s zaÄ?et"	#~ msgstr "Podroben dnevnik strežnika v datoteko %s zaÄ?et"

#~ msgid "Server Trace File"					#~ msgid "Server Trace File"
#~ msgstr "Datoteka podrobnega dnevnika strežnika"		#~ msgstr "Datoteka podrobnega dnevnika strežnika"

#~ msgid "Server trace is disabled for this connection"		#~ msgid "Server trace is disabled for this connection"
#~ msgstr "Podrobni dnevnik strežnika je izkljuÄ?en za to pove	#~ msgstr "Podrobni dnevnik strežnika je izkljuÄ?en za to pove

#~ msgid "File %s inserted"					#~ msgid "File %s inserted"
#~ msgstr "Datoteka %s je bila vstavljena"			#~ msgstr "Datoteka %s je bila vstavljena"

#~ msgid ""							#~ msgid ""
#~ "Error opening file\n"					#~ "Error opening file\n"
#~ " %s"							#~ " %s"
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Napaka ob odpiranju datoteke\n"				#~ "Napaka ob odpiranju datoteke\n"
#~ " %s"							#~ " %s"

#~ msgid "Insert file..."					#~ msgid "Insert file..."
#~ msgstr "Vstavi datoteko..."					#~ msgstr "Vstavi datoteko..."

#~ msgid "Insert file into current position"			#~ msgid "Insert file into current position"
#~ msgstr "Vstavi datoteko na trenutno mesto"			#~ msgstr "Vstavi datoteko na trenutno mesto"

#~ msgid "Save to file..."					#~ msgid "Save to file..."
#~ msgstr "Shrani v datoteko..."				#~ msgstr "Shrani v datoteko..."

#~ msgid "Print buffer"						#~ msgid "Print buffer"
#~ msgstr "Natisni medpomnilnik"				#~ msgstr "Natisni medpomnilnik"

#~ msgid "Add property"						#~ msgid "Add property"
#~ msgstr "Dodaj lastnost"					#~ msgstr "Dodaj lastnost"

#~ msgid "Add a new property for this object"			#~ msgid "Add a new property for this object"
#~ msgstr "Dodaj novo lastnost temu predmetu"			#~ msgstr "Dodaj novo lastnost temu predmetu"

#~ msgid "Remove property"					#~ msgid "Remove property"
#~ msgstr "Odstrani lastnost"					#~ msgstr "Odstrani lastnost"

#~ msgid "Add Property"						#~ msgid "Add Property"
#~ msgstr "Dodaj lastnost"					#~ msgstr "Dodaj lastnost"

#~ msgid "Property"						#~ msgid "Property"
#~ msgstr "Lastnost"						#~ msgstr "Lastnost"

#~ msgid "Invalid behaviour in %s"				#~ msgid "Invalid behaviour in %s"
#~ msgstr "Neveljavno obnašanje v %s"				#~ msgstr "Neveljavno obnašanje v %s"

#~ msgid "GDA Providers"					#~ msgid "GDA Providers"
#~ msgstr "GDA Nuditelji"					#~ msgstr "GDA Nuditelji"
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po: sq.po
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: sr.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: sr Latn gmo
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/sr Latn po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/sr Latn po
# Serbian translation of libgnomedb				# Serbian translation of libgnomedb
# Courtesy of Prevod.org team (http://www.prevod.org/) -- 200	# Courtesy of Prevod.org team (http://www.prevod.org/) -- 200
# 								# 
# This file is distributed under the same license as the libg	# This file is distributed under the same license as the libg
# 								# 
# Maintainer: Danilo Å egan <dsegan gmx net>			# Maintainer: Danilo Å egan <dsegan gmx net>
#								#
msgid ""							msgid ""
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: libgnomedb\n"				"Project-Id-Version: libgnomedb\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"					"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"			"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-02-20 05:54+0100\n"			"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-02-20 05:54+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Danilo Å egan <danilo prevod org>\n"		"Last-Translator: Danilo Å egan <danilo prevod org>\n"
"Language-Team: Serbian (sr) <serbiangnome-lista nongnu org>\	"Language-Team: Serbian (sr) <serbiangnome-lista nongnu org>\
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"						"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"			"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"				"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co
msgid "Data Sources"						msgid "Data Sources"
msgstr "Izvori podataka"					msgstr "Izvori podataka"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid
msgid "Providers"						msgid "Providers"
msgstr "Posrednik"						msgstr "Posrednik"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1
msgid "Configure your database environment"			msgid "Configure your database environment"
msgstr "Podesite okruženje vaše baze podataka"			msgstr "Podesite okruženje vaše baze podataka"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2
msgid "Database Access Properties "				msgid "Database Access Properties "
msgstr "Osobine pristupa bazi podataka"				msgstr "Osobine pristupa bazi podataka"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380
msgid "Name"							msgid "Name"
msgstr "Ime"							msgstr "Ime"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
msgid "Description"						msgid "Description"
msgstr "Opis"							msgstr "Opis"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182
msgid "Configured data sources in the system"			msgid "Configured data sources in the system"
msgstr "Podešeni izvori podataka na sistemu"			msgstr "Podešeni izvori podataka na sistemu"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data sources are the means by which database connections are	"Data sources are the means by which database connections are
"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s	"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s
"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o	"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o
"name you identify the connections in the applications that m	"name you identify the connections in the applications that m
"DB for database access."					"DB for database access."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Izvori podataka su sredstvo kojim se identifikuju veze sa ba	"Izvori podataka su sredstvo kojim se identifikuju veze sa ba
"u. Svi podaci potrebi za uspostavljanje veze sa izabranim po	"u. Svi podaci potrebi za uspostavljanje veze sa izabranim po
"se Ä?uvaju uz jedinstveno ime. Upotrebom ovog jedinstvenog im	"se Ä?uvaju uz jedinstveno ime. Upotrebom ovog jedinstvenog im
"identifikuju veze u programima koji koriste Gnom-DB za prist	"identifikuju veze u programima koji koriste Gnom-DB za prist

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"	msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"
msgstr "Želite li da uklonite izvor podataka â??%sâ???"		msgstr "Želite li da uklonite izvor podataka â??%sâ???"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104
msgid "Data Source Properties"					msgid "Data Source Properties"
msgstr "Osobine izvora podataka"				msgstr "Osobine izvora podataka"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132
msgid "Basic"							msgid "Basic"
msgstr "Osnovno"						msgstr "Osnovno"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Tables"							msgid "Tables"
msgstr "Tabele"							msgstr "Tabele"

#: control-center/main.c:92					#: control-center/main.c:92
msgid "No valid data source info was created"			msgid "No valid data source info was created"
msgstr "Nisu uneti ispravni podaci o izvoru podataka"		msgstr "Nisu uneti ispravni podaci o izvoru podataka"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218	#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218
msgid "New data source"						msgid "New data source"
msgstr "Novi izvor podataka"					msgstr "Novi izvor podataka"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:215					#: control-center/main.c:215
msgid "Database Access Properties"				msgid "Database Access Properties"
msgstr "Osobine pristupa bazi podataka"				msgstr "Osobine pristupa bazi podataka"

#: control-center/provider-config.c:105				#: control-center/provider-config.c:105
msgid "Installed providers"					msgid "Installed providers"
msgstr "Instalirani posrednici"					msgstr "Instalirani posrednici"

#: control-center/provider-config.c:131				#: control-center/provider-config.c:131
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec	"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec
"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo	"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo
"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr	"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr
"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba	"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba
"etc."								"etc."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Posrednici su spoljaÅ¡nji dodaci koji omoguÄ?avaju pristup nar	"Posrednici su spoljaÅ¡nji dodaci koji omoguÄ?avaju pristup nar
"podataka. UobiÄ?ajeni posrednik je uvek instaliran, a on omog	"podataka. UobiÄ?ajeni posrednik je uvek instaliran, a on omog
"bazama u XML datotekama. Drugi posrednici koji se uglavnom Å¡	"bazama u XML datotekama. Drugi posrednici koji se uglavnom Å¡
"gnome-db ukljuÄ?uju PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Sybase, Interb	"gnome-db ukljuÄ?uju PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Sybase, Interb

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1
msgid "Database connection parameters file"			msgid "Database connection parameters file"
msgstr "Datoteka sa parametrima za povezivanje sa bazom podat	msgstr "Datoteka sa parametrima za povezivanje sa bazom podat

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2
msgid "Documents"						msgid "Documents"
msgstr "Dokumenta"						msgstr "Dokumenta"

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3
msgid "SQL code viewer"						msgid "SQL code viewer"
msgstr "PregledaÄ? SQL kôda"					msgstr "PregledaÄ? SQL kôda"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1
msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"			msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"
msgstr "Font koje se koristi u mreži linija"			msgstr "Font koje se koristi u mreži linija"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2
msgid "Number of spaces per tab"				msgid "Number of spaces per tab"
msgstr "Broj razmaka po tabulatoru"				msgstr "Broj razmaka po tabulatoru"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3
msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"			msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"
msgstr "Prikaži brojeve linija u ureÄ?ivaÄ?u izvornog koda"	msgstr "Prikaži brojeve linija u ureÄ?ivaÄ?u izvornog koda"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4
msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"			msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"
msgstr "Koristi isticanje izvornog koda u ureÄ?ivaÄ?u"		msgstr "Koristi isticanje izvornog koda u ureÄ?ivaÄ?u"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60
msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"			msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"
msgstr "Usluge baza podataka za radno okruženje Gnom"		msgstr "Usluge baza podataka za radno okruženje Gnom"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1
msgid "About"							msgid "About"
msgstr "O..."							msgstr "O..."

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2
msgid "About GNOME-DB"						msgid "About GNOME-DB"
msgstr "O GNOME-DB-u"						msgstr "O GNOME-DB-u"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3
msgid "Close this window"					msgid "Close this window"
msgstr "Zatvori ovaj prozor"					msgstr "Zatvori ovaj prozor"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4
msgid "Create new entry"					msgid "Create new entry"
msgstr "Napravi novu stavku"					msgstr "Napravi novu stavku"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5
msgid "Delete selected items"					msgid "Delete selected items"
msgstr "Obriši izabrane stavke"					msgstr "Obriši izabrane stavke"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6
msgid "Deselect all items"					msgid "Deselect all items"
msgstr "Poništi izbor svih stavki"				msgstr "Poništi izbor svih stavki"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7
msgid "Edit properties for selected item"			msgid "Edit properties for selected item"
msgstr "Uredi osobine izabrane stavke"				msgstr "Uredi osobine izabrane stavke"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8
msgid "Save connection parameters to file"			msgid "Save connection parameters to file"
msgstr "SaÄ?uvaj parametre za povezivanje u datoteku"		msgstr "SaÄ?uvaj parametre za povezivanje u datoteku"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414
msgid "Select _All"						msgid "Select _All"
msgstr "Izaberi _sve"						msgstr "Izaberi _sve"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10
msgid "Select all items"					msgid "Select all items"
msgstr "Izaberi sve stavke"					msgstr "Izaberi sve stavke"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11
msgid "View data sources"					msgid "View data sources"
msgstr "Pogledaj izvore podataka"				msgstr "Pogledaj izvore podataka"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12
msgid "View providers"						msgid "View providers"
msgstr "Pogledaj posrednike"					msgstr "Pogledaj posrednike"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42
msgid "_Clear Selection"					msgid "_Clear Selection"
msgstr "O_briši izbor"						msgstr "O_briši izbor"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14
msgid "_Close"							msgid "_Close"
msgstr "_Zatvori"						msgstr "_Zatvori"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15
msgid "_Data Sources"						msgid "_Data Sources"
msgstr "Iz_vori podataka"					msgstr "Iz_vori podataka"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16
msgid "_Database"						msgid "_Database"
msgstr "_Baza podataka"						msgstr "_Baza podataka"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17
msgid "_Delete"							msgid "_Delete"
msgstr "O_briši"						msgstr "O_briši"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18
msgid "_Edit"							msgid "_Edit"
msgstr "_UreÄ?ivanje"						msgstr "_UreÄ?ivanje"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19
msgid "_Help"							msgid "_Help"
msgstr "_PomoÄ?"							msgstr "_PomoÄ?"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20
msgid "_New Data Source..."					msgid "_New Data Source..."
msgstr "_Novi izvor podataka..."				msgstr "_Novi izvor podataka..."

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21
msgid "_Properties"						msgid "_Properties"
msgstr "O_sobine"						msgstr "O_sobine"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22
msgid "_Providers"						msgid "_Providers"
msgstr "_Posrednici"						msgstr "_Posrednici"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23
msgid "_Save Connection"					msgid "_Save Connection"
msgstr "_SaÄ?uvaj vezu"						msgstr "_SaÄ?uvaj vezu"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24
msgid "_View"							msgid "_View"
msgstr "P_regled"						msgstr "P_regled"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76
msgid "Structure"						msgid "Structure"
msgstr "Struktura"						msgstr "Struktura"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73
msgid "Data"							msgid "Data"
msgstr "Podaci"							msgstr "Podaci"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238
msgid "Not implemented yet!"					msgid "Not implemented yet!"
msgstr "Još uvek nije napravljeno!"				msgstr "Još uvek nije napravljeno!"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Database"						msgid "Database"
msgstr "Baza podataka"						msgstr "Baza podataka"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540
msgid "Loading database schemas..."				msgid "Loading database schemas..."
msgstr "UÄ?itava sheme baze podataka..."				msgstr "UÄ?itava sheme baze podataka..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632
msgid "Refreshing data..."					msgid "Refreshing data..."
msgstr "Osvežava podatke..."					msgstr "Osvežava podatke..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688
msgid "Views"							msgid "Views"
msgstr "Pregledi"						msgstr "Pregledi"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691
msgid "Indexes"							msgid "Indexes"
msgstr "Indeksi"						msgstr "Indeksi"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Sequences"						msgid "Sequences"
msgstr "Nizovi"							msgstr "Nizovi"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Procedures"						msgid "Procedures"
msgstr "Procedure"						msgstr "Procedure"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700
msgid "Triggers"						msgid "Triggers"
msgstr "OkidaÄ?i"						msgstr "OkidaÄ?i"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Aggregates"						msgid "Aggregates"
msgstr "Skupine"						msgstr "Skupine"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Types"							msgid "Types"
msgstr "Tipovi"							msgstr "Tipovi"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140
msgid "Could not query CORBA components"			msgid "Could not query CORBA components"
msgstr "Nije uspeo da pošalje upit CORBA komponentama"		msgstr "Nije uspeo da pošalje upit CORBA komponentama"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209
msgid "ID"							msgid "ID"
msgstr "IB"							msgstr "IB"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "Location"						msgid "Location"
msgstr "Položaj"						msgstr "Položaj"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212
msgid "Username"						msgid "Username"
msgstr "KorisniÄ?ko ime"						msgstr "KorisniÄ?ko ime"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213
msgid "Hostname"						msgid "Hostname"
msgstr "Ime raÄ?unara"						msgstr "Ime raÄ?unara"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214
msgid "Domain"							msgid "Domain"
msgstr "Domen"							msgstr "Domen"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"			msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"
msgstr "Nepodržan tip za GKonf stavku: %d"			msgstr "Nepodržan tip za GKonf stavku: %d"

#. create widgets						#. create widgets
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97
msgid "Settings"						msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Podešavanja"						msgstr "Podešavanja"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103
msgid "Data source name"					msgid "Data source name"
msgstr "Ime izvora podataka"					msgstr "Ime izvora podataka"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109
msgid "Connection string"					msgid "Connection string"
msgstr "Niz znakova za vezu"					msgstr "Niz znakova za vezu"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115
msgid "Provider"						msgid "Provider"
msgstr "Posrednik"						msgstr "Posrednik"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121
msgid "User name"						msgid "User name"
msgstr "KorisniÄ?ko ime"						msgstr "KorisniÄ?ko ime"

#. create feature list						#. create feature list
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128
msgid "Features"						msgid "Features"
msgstr "MoguÄ?nosti"						msgstr "MoguÄ?nosti"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190
msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"		msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"
msgstr "Morate uneti ime za novi izvor podataka"		msgstr "Morate uneti ime za novi izvor podataka"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac	msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac
msgstr "Imena izvora podataka ne smeju da sadrže razmake"	msgstr "Imena izvora podataka ne smeju da sadrže razmake"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206
msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th	msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th
msgstr "PostojeÄ?i izvor podataka je veÄ? prijavljen pod istim 	msgstr "PostojeÄ?i izvor podataka je veÄ? prijavljen pod istim 

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213
msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"			msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"
msgstr "Imena izvora podataka ne smeju da sadrže razmake"	msgstr "Imena izvora podataka ne smeju da sadrže razmake"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217
msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n	msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n
msgstr "Imena izvora podataka mogu da sadrže samo brojeve i e	msgstr "Imena izvora podataka mogu da sadrže samo brojeve i e

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225
msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"	msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"
msgstr "Morate izabrati posrednika za novi izvor podataka"	msgstr "Morate izabrati posrednika za novi izvor podataka"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233
msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"		msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"
msgstr "Posrednik ne postoju meÄ?u vaÅ¡im podeÅ¡avanjima"		msgstr "Posrednik ne postoju meÄ?u vaÅ¡im podeÅ¡avanjima"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391
msgid "Add a new data source..."				msgid "Add a new data source..."
msgstr "Dodaj novi izvor podataka..."				msgstr "Dodaj novi izvor podataka..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392
msgid ""							msgid ""
"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"		"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"
"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"		"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"
"installation. Just follow the steps!"				"installation. Just follow the steps!"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Ovaj pomoÄ?nik Ä?e vas provesti kroz postupak\n"			"Ovaj pomoÄ?nik Ä?e vas provesti kroz postupak\n"
"izrade novog izvora podataka za vaš Gnom-DB sistem.\n"		"izrade novog izvora podataka za vaš Gnom-DB sistem.\n"
"Potrebno je samo da pratite korake!"				"Potrebno je samo da pratite korake!"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404
msgid "General Information"					msgid "General Information"
msgstr "Opšti podaci"						msgstr "Opšti podaci"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the basic information\n"	"The following fields represent the basic information\n"
"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n	"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n
"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"	"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"
"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"	"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"
"the default one."						"the default one."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"SledeÄ?a polja predstavljaju osnovne podatke za vaÅ¡ novi \n"	"SledeÄ?a polja predstavljaju osnovne podatke za vaÅ¡ novi \n"
"izvor podataka. Neki od njih (opis, korisniÄ?ko ime) \n"	"izvor podataka. Neki od njih (opis, korisniÄ?ko ime) \n"
"nisu obavezni, dok drugi jesu.  Ukoliko ne znate kog \n"	"nisu obavezni, dok drugi jesu.  Ukoliko ne znate kog \n"
"posrednika da koristite, samo izaberite podrazumevani."	"posrednika da koristite, samo izaberite podrazumevani."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104
msgid "Data source _name:"					msgid "Data source _name:"
msgstr "_Ime izvora podataka:"					msgstr "_Ime izvora podataka:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114
msgid "_Provider:"						msgid "_Provider:"
msgstr "_Posrednik:"						msgstr "_Posrednik:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133
msgid "_Description:"						msgid "_Description:"
msgstr "_Opis:"							msgstr "_Opis:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142
msgid "_Username:"						msgid "_Username:"
msgstr "_KorisniÄ?ko ime:"					msgstr "_KorisniÄ?ko ime:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151
msgid "P_assword:"						msgid "P_assword:"
msgstr "_Lozinka:"						msgstr "_Lozinka:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454
msgid "Provider Parameters"					msgid "Provider Parameters"
msgstr "Parametri posrednika"					msgstr "Parametri posrednika"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the information needed by the	"The following fields represent the information needed by the
"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n	"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n
"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\	"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\
"the manual for more information."				"the manual for more information."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"SledeÄ?a polja predstavljaju podatke neophodne za posrednika\	"SledeÄ?a polja predstavljaju podatke neophodne za posrednika\
"koji ste izabrali na prethodnoj strani radi uspostavljanja\n	"koji ste izabrali na prethodnoj strani radi uspostavljanja\n
"veze. Ovi podaci zavise od posrednika, pa prvo proverite\n"	"veze. Ovi podaci zavise od posrednika, pa prvo proverite\n"
"uputstvo za detaljnije objašnjenje."				"uputstvo za detaljnije objašnjenje."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481
msgid "All information retrieved"				msgid "All information retrieved"
msgstr "Svi podaci su dobijeni"					msgstr "Svi podaci su dobijeni"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482
msgid ""							msgid ""
"All information needed to create a new data source\n"		"All information needed to create a new data source\n"
"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"		"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"
"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"	"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"
"just select it when asked for a data source."			"just select it when asked for a data source."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Svi podaci potrebni za pravljenje novog izvora podataka\n"	"Svi podaci potrebni za pravljenje novog izvora podataka\n"
"su dobavljeni. Sada, pritisnite â??Primeniâ?? da zatvorite\n"	"su dobavljeni. Sada, pritisnite â??Primeniâ?? da zatvorite\n"
"ovo prozorÄ?e. Da pristupite vaÅ¡em novootvorenom izvoru\n"	"ovo prozorÄ?e. Da pristupite vaÅ¡em novootvorenom izvoru\n"
"podataka, izaberite ga kada budete pitani za izvor podataka.	"podataka, izaberite ga kada budete pitani za izvor podataka.

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124
msgid "Connection _string:"					msgid "Connection _string:"
msgstr "Ni_ska za vezu:"					msgstr "Ni_ska za vezu:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4
msgid "Error"							msgid "Error"
msgstr "Greška"							msgstr "Greška"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.
msgid "Show detail >>"						msgid "Show detail >>"
msgstr "Prikaži detalje >>"					msgstr "Prikaži detalje >>"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122
msgid "<< Hide detail"						msgid "<< Hide detail"
msgstr "<< Sakrij detalje"					msgstr "<< Sakrij detalje"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191
msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"	msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"
msgstr "DoÅ¡lo je do neoÄ?ekivane u samoj bazi podataka"		msgstr "DoÅ¡lo je do neoÄ?ekivane u samoj bazi podataka"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196
msgid "Error number"						msgid "Error number"
msgstr "Broj greške"						msgstr "Broj greške"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227
msgid "Details"							msgid "Details"
msgstr "Detalji"						msgstr "Detalji"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234
msgid "Source"							msgid "Source"
msgstr "Izvor"							msgstr "Izvor"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241
msgid "SQL state"						msgid "SQL state"
msgstr "SQL stanje"						msgstr "SQL stanje"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Field:"							msgid "_Field:"
msgstr "Polja"							msgstr "Polja"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Text:"							msgid "_Text:"
msgstr "Proba"							msgstr "Proba"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308
msgid "No records"						msgid "No records"
msgstr "Nema podataka"						msgstr "Nema podataka"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Record %d of %d"						msgid "Record %d of %d"
msgstr "Red %d od %d"						msgstr "Red %d od %d"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113
msgid "Recordset description"					msgid "Recordset description"
msgstr "Opis podataka"						msgstr "Opis podataka"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid ""							msgid ""
"File '%s' already exists.\n"					"File '%s' already exists.\n"
"Do you want to overwrite it?"					"Do you want to overwrite it?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Datoteka â??%sâ?? veÄ? postoji.\n"					"Datoteka â??%sâ?? veÄ? postoji.\n"
"Želite li da je presnimite?"					"Želite li da je presnimite?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149
msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."		msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."
msgstr "Ukoliko izaberete da, sadržaj Ä?e biti izgubljen."	msgstr "Ukoliko izaberete da, sadržaj Ä?e biti izgubljen."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Could not save file %s"					msgid "Could not save file %s"
msgstr "Ne može da saÄ?uva datoteku %s"				msgstr "Ne može da saÄ?uva datoteku %s"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224
msgid "You must specify a file name"				msgid "You must specify a file name"
msgstr "Morate navesti ime datoteke"				msgstr "Morate navesti ime datoteke"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230
msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"		msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"
msgstr "Naišao na praznu datoteku pri pretvaranju podataka"	msgstr "Naišao na praznu datoteku pri pretvaranju podataka"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261
msgid "Saving Model"						msgid "Saving Model"
msgstr "Model Ä?uvanja"						msgstr "Model Ä?uvanja"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272
msgid "File _name:"						msgid "File _name:"
msgstr "Ime _datoteke:"						msgstr "Ime _datoteke:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276
msgid "Select File"						msgid "Select File"
msgstr "Odaberi datoteku"					msgstr "Odaberi datoteku"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283
msgid "File _type:"						msgid "File _type:"
msgstr "_Vrsta datoteke:"					msgstr "_Vrsta datoteke:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291
msgid "Tab-delimited"						msgid "Tab-delimited"
msgstr "Razdvojeni tabulatorom"					msgstr "Razdvojeni tabulatorom"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294
msgid "Comma-delimited"						msgid "Comma-delimited"
msgstr "Razdvojeni zapetom"					msgstr "Razdvojeni zapetom"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:
msgid "XML"							msgid "XML"
msgstr "XML"							msgstr "XML"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355
msgid "View detail"						msgid "View detail"
msgstr "Prikaži detalje"					msgstr "Prikaži detalje"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427
msgid "Show Column _Titles"					msgid "Show Column _Titles"
msgstr "Prikaži _naslove kolona"				msgstr "Prikaži _naslove kolona"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442
msgid "Describe"						msgid "Describe"
msgstr "Opiši"							msgstr "Opiši"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443
msgid "View detail..."						msgid "View detail..."
msgstr "Prikaži detalje..."					msgstr "Prikaži detalje..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614
msgid "Title"							msgid "Title"
msgstr "Naslov"							msgstr "Naslov"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48
msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"	msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"
msgstr "PokuÅ¡ava da pokrene veÄ? pokrenutog klijenta"		msgstr "PokuÅ¡ava da pokrene veÄ? pokrenutog klijenta"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"		"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"
"to a data source"						"to a data source"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Unesite ispod argumente da uspostavite vezu sa \n"		"Unesite ispod argumente da uspostavite vezu sa \n"
"izvorom podataka"						"izvorom podataka"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253
msgid "Data Source:"						msgid "Data Source:"
msgstr "Izvor podataka:"					msgstr "Izvor podataka:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270
msgid "Username:"						msgid "Username:"
msgstr "KorisniÄ?ko ime:"					msgstr "KorisniÄ?ko ime:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279
msgid "Password:"						msgid "Password:"
msgstr "Lozinka:"						msgstr "Lozinka:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69
msgid "Fields"							msgid "Fields"
msgstr "Polja"							msgstr "Polja"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30
msgid "Commit"							msgid "Commit"
msgstr "Pošalji"						msgstr "Pošalji"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31
msgid "Connect"							msgid "Connect"
msgstr "Poveži se"						msgstr "Poveži se"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33
msgid "Designer"						msgid "Designer"
msgstr "Dizajner"						msgstr "Dizajner"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34
msgid "Disconnect"						msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr "Prekini vezu"						msgstr "Prekini vezu"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35
msgid "NoTransaction"						msgid "NoTransaction"
msgstr "NemaTransakcija"					msgstr "NemaTransakcija"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37
msgid "Query"							msgid "Query"
msgstr "Upit"							msgstr "Upit"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38
msgid "Rollback"						msgid "Rollback"
msgstr "Vrati"							msgstr "Vrati"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40
msgid "SQL"							msgid "SQL"
msgstr "SQL"							msgstr "SQL"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43
msgid "WithinTransaction"					msgid "WithinTransaction"
msgstr "UnutarTransakcije"					msgstr "UnutarTransakcije"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Error: %s"						msgid "Error: %s"
msgstr "Greška: %s"						msgstr "Greška: %s"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79
msgid "Table name"						msgid "Table name"
msgstr "Ime tabele"						msgstr "Ime tabele"

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93			#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Login for %s"						msgid "Login for %s"
msgstr "Prijava za %s"						msgstr "Prijava za %s"

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95					#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95
msgid "Login to database"					msgid "Login to database"
msgstr "Prijava za bazu podataka"				msgstr "Prijava za bazu podataka"

#: vfs/libmain.c:71						#: vfs/libmain.c:71
msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"				msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"
msgstr "Gnom VFS baza podataka: dodatak"			msgstr "Gnom VFS baza podataka: dodatak"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40
msgid "Table Properties"					msgid "Table Properties"
msgstr "Osobine tabele"						msgstr "Osobine tabele"

#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47
msgid "Table Name"						msgid "Table Name"
msgstr "Ime tabele"						msgstr "Ime tabele"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155
msgid "New"							msgid "New"
msgstr "Nova"							msgstr "Nova"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156
msgid "Create new table"					msgid "Create new table"
msgstr "Napravi novu tabelu"					msgstr "Napravi novu tabelu"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161
msgid "Properties"						msgid "Properties"
msgstr "Osobine"						msgstr "Osobine"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162
msgid "View table properties"					msgid "View table properties"
msgstr "Pogledajte osobine tabele"				msgstr "Pogledajte osobine tabele"

# KorisniÄ?ki Identifikacioni Broj				# KorisniÄ?ki Identifikacioni Broj
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
msgid "UID"							msgid "UID"
msgstr "KIB"							msgstr "KIB"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "calendar"						msgid "calendar"
msgstr "kalendar"						msgstr "kalendar"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "summary"							msgid "summary"
msgstr "izveštaj"						msgstr "izveštaj"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "Summary"							msgid "Summary"
msgstr "Izveštaj"						msgstr "Izveštaj"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "location"						msgid "location"
msgstr "položaj"						msgstr "položaj"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "dtstart"							msgid "dtstart"
msgstr "dvpoÄ?etak"						msgstr "dvpoÄ?etak"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
msgid "Start time"						msgid "Start time"
msgstr "Vreme poÄ?etka"						msgstr "Vreme poÄ?etka"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "dtend"							msgid "dtend"
msgstr "dvkraj"							msgstr "dvkraj"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "End time"						msgid "End time"
msgstr "Vreme završetka"					msgstr "Vreme završetka"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
msgid "description"						msgid "description"
msgstr "opis"							msgstr "opis"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "classification"						msgid "classification"
msgstr "klasifikacija"						msgstr "klasifikacija"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "Classification"						msgid "Classification"
msgstr "Klasifikacija"						msgstr "Klasifikacija"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "transparency"						msgid "transparency"
msgstr "neprimetnost"						msgstr "neprimetnost"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "Transparency"						msgid "Transparency"
msgstr "Neprimetnost"						msgstr "Neprimetnost"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "categories"						msgid "categories"
msgstr "kategorije"						msgstr "kategorije"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "Categories"						msgid "Categories"
msgstr "Kategorije"						msgstr "Kategorije"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "tasks"							msgid "tasks"
msgstr "zaduženja"						msgstr "zaduženja"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "due"							msgid "due"
msgstr "rok"							msgstr "rok"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "Due date"						msgid "Due date"
msgstr "Rok"							msgstr "Rok"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "Start date"						msgid "Start date"
msgstr "Datum poÄ?etka"						msgstr "Datum poÄ?etka"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355
msgid "Public"							msgid "Public"
msgstr "Javni"							msgstr "Javni"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358
msgid "Private"							msgid "Private"
msgstr "Privatni"						msgstr "Privatni"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361
msgid "Confidential"						msgid "Confidential"
msgstr "Poverljivi"						msgstr "Poverljivi"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63
msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"		msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"
msgstr "Ne mogu da otvorim podrazumevani direktorijum kalenda	msgstr "Ne mogu da otvorim podrazumevani direktorijum kalenda

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66
msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"			msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"
msgstr "Ne mogu da otvorim podrazumevani direktorijum zadužen	msgstr "Ne mogu da otvorim podrazumevani direktorijum zadužen

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80
msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta	msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Neophodna je identifikacija za pristup podrazumevanom direkt	"Neophodna je identifikacija za pristup podrazumevanom direkt
"kontaktima"							"kontaktima"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83
msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"		msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"
msgstr "Ne mogu da otvorim podrazumevani direktorijum sa kont	msgstr "Ne mogu da otvorim podrazumevani direktorijum sa kont

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100
msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"				msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"
msgstr "Ne mogu da pokrenem Bonobo"				msgstr "Ne mogu da pokrenem Bonobo"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212
msgid "Field name"						msgid "Field name"
msgstr "Ime polja"						msgstr "Ime polja"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213
msgid "Data type"						msgid "Data type"
msgstr "Vrsta podataka"						msgstr "Vrsta podataka"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214
msgid "Size"							msgid "Size"
msgstr "VeliÄ?ina"						msgstr "VeliÄ?ina"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215
msgid "Scale"							msgid "Scale"
msgstr "Razmera"						msgstr "Razmera"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216
msgid "Not null?"						msgid "Not null?"
msgstr "Nije ništa (null)?"					msgstr "Nije ništa (null)?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217
msgid "Primary key?"						msgid "Primary key?"
msgstr "Primarni kljuÄ??"					msgstr "Primarni kljuÄ??"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218
msgid "Unique index?"						msgid "Unique index?"
msgstr "Jedinstveni indeks?"					msgstr "Jedinstveni indeks?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219
msgid "References"						msgid "References"
msgstr "Reference"						msgstr "Reference"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220
msgid "Default value"						msgid "Default value"
msgstr "Podrazumevana vrednost"					msgstr "Podrazumevana vrednost"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239
msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l	msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l
msgstr "Neophodno je ime tabele ali nijedno nije dato meÄ?u pa	msgstr "Neophodno je ime tabele ali nijedno nije dato meÄ?u pa

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Table %s does not exist"					msgid "Table %s does not exist"
msgstr "Tabela %s ne postoji"					msgstr "Tabela %s ne postoji"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318
msgid "Scheduled events"					msgid "Scheduled events"
msgstr "Zakazani dogaÄ?aji"					msgstr "Zakazani dogaÄ?aji"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321
msgid "TODO list"						msgid "TODO list"
msgstr "Spisak za uraditi"					msgstr "Spisak za uraditi"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375
msgid "Owner"							msgid "Owner"
msgstr "Vlasnik"						msgstr "Vlasnik"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376
msgid "Comments"						msgid "Comments"
msgstr "Primedbe"						msgstr "Primedbe"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374
msgid "Type"							msgid "Type"
msgstr "Vrsta"							msgstr "Vrsta"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377
msgid "GDA type"						msgid "GDA type"
msgstr "GDA vrsta"						msgstr "GDA vrsta"

#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id	#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id
#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database	#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database
#. we can easily access that information			#. we can easily access that information
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382
msgid "local"							msgid "local"
msgstr "lokalni"						msgstr "lokalni"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217
msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr "Pravljenje baza još uvek nije podržano"			msgstr "Pravljenje baza još uvek nije podržano"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230
msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr "Uklanjanje baza još uvek nije podržano"			msgstr "Uklanjanje baza još uvek nije podržano"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244
msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"			msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"
msgstr "Ne mogu da preuzmem Å¡emu tabela"			msgstr "Ne mogu da preuzmem Å¡emu tabela"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268
msgid "Invalid SQL command"					msgid "Invalid SQL command"
msgstr "Neispravna SQL naredba"					msgstr "Neispravna SQL naredba"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353
msgid "Transactions are not supported"				msgid "Transactions are not supported"
msgstr "Transakcije nisu podržane"				msgstr "Transakcije nisu podržane"

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41
msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"		msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"
msgstr "Posrednik za liÄ?ne podatke iz Evolucije"		msgstr "Posrednik za liÄ?ne podatke iz Evolucije"

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task	"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Izvor podataka za pristup podrazumevanom kalendaru, zaduženj	"Izvor podataka za pristup podrazumevanom kalendaru, zaduženj
"iz Evolucije"							"iz Evolucije"

#~ msgid "Browse database..."					#~ msgid "Browse database..."
#~ msgstr "Razgledaj bazu..."					#~ msgstr "Razgledaj bazu..."

#~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .con	#~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .con
#~ msgstr "Komponenta koja ukljuÄ?uje priruÄ?ne menije za .conn	#~ msgstr "Komponenta koja ukljuÄ?uje priruÄ?ne menije za .conn

#~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .sql	#~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .sql
#~ msgstr "Komponenta koja ukljuÄ?uje priruÄ?ne menije za .sql 	#~ msgstr "Komponenta koja ukljuÄ?uje priruÄ?ne menije za .sql 

#~ msgid "Connection MIME handler component"			#~ msgid "Connection MIME handler component"
#~ msgstr "MIME deo baratanje vezama"				#~ msgstr "MIME deo baratanje vezama"

#~ msgid "Database component factory"				#~ msgid "Database component factory"
#~ msgstr "Proizvodnja delova za bazu podataka"			#~ msgstr "Proizvodnja delova za bazu podataka"

#~ msgid "Open in database connection..."			#~ msgid "Open in database connection..."
#~ msgstr "Otvori vezu sa bazom podataka..."			#~ msgstr "Otvori vezu sa bazom podataka..."

#~ msgid "SQL MIME handler component"				#~ msgid "SQL MIME handler component"
#~ msgstr "MIME deo za baratanje SQL-om"			#~ msgstr "MIME deo za baratanje SQL-om"

#~ msgid "Database browser"					#~ msgid "Database browser"
#~ msgstr "Razgledanje baze"					#~ msgstr "Razgledanje baze"

#~ msgid "Error viewer"						#~ msgid "Error viewer"
#~ msgstr "Pregled grešaka"					#~ msgstr "Pregled grešaka"

#~ msgid "SQL Viewer"						#~ msgid "SQL Viewer"
#~ msgstr "PregledaÄ? SQL kôda"					#~ msgstr "PregledaÄ? SQL kôda"

#~ msgid "Database configuration"				#~ msgid "Database configuration"
#~ msgstr "Podešavanje baze podataka"				#~ msgstr "Podešavanje baze podataka"

#~ msgid "Edit application preferences"				#~ msgid "Edit application preferences"
#~ msgstr "Uredi postavke programa"				#~ msgstr "Uredi postavke programa"

#~ msgid "_Settings"						#~ msgid "_Settings"
#~ msgstr "Po_dešavanja"					#~ msgstr "Po_dešavanja"

#~ msgid "Password"						#~ msgid "Password"
#~ msgstr "Lozinka"						#~ msgstr "Lozinka"

#~ msgid "Save as"						#~ msgid "Save as"
#~ msgstr "SaÄ?uvaj kao"						#~ msgstr "SaÄ?uvaj kao"

#~ msgid "Save to"						#~ msgid "Save to"
#~ msgstr "SaÄ?uvaj u"						#~ msgstr "SaÄ?uvaj u"

#~ msgid "XML file"						#~ msgid "XML file"
#~ msgstr "XML datoteka"					#~ msgstr "XML datoteka"

#~ msgid "Hide columns"						#~ msgid "Hide columns"
#~ msgstr "Sakrij kolone"					#~ msgstr "Sakrij kolone"

#~ msgid "Question"						#~ msgid "Question"
#~ msgstr "Pitanje"						#~ msgstr "Pitanje"

#~ msgid "Database Moniker factory"				#~ msgid "Database Moniker factory"
#~ msgstr "Proizvodnja nadimaka baze podataka"			#~ msgstr "Proizvodnja nadimaka baze podataka"

#~ msgid "database: moniker"					#~ msgid "database: moniker"
#~ msgstr "baza: nadimci"					#~ msgstr "baza: nadimci"

#~ msgid "Failing to manufacture a '%s'"			#~ msgid "Failing to manufacture a '%s'"
#~ msgstr "Neuspela proizvodnja â??%sâ??"				#~ msgstr "Neuspela proizvodnja â??%sâ??"

#~ msgid "Invalid format for connection string"			#~ msgid "Invalid format for connection string"
#~ msgstr "Neispravan niz znakova za vezu"			#~ msgstr "Neispravan niz znakova za vezu"

#~ msgid "_File"						#~ msgid "_File"
#~ msgstr "_Datoteka"						#~ msgstr "_Datoteka"

#~ msgid "Data sources"						#~ msgid "Data sources"
#~ msgstr "Izvori podataka"					#~ msgstr "Izvori podataka"

#~ msgid "Test Data Source"					#~ msgid "Test Data Source"
#~ msgstr "Isprobaj izvor podatka"				#~ msgstr "Isprobaj izvor podatka"

#~ msgid "Connection to %s successful!"				#~ msgid "Connection to %s successful!"
#~ msgstr "Vesa sa %s uspešno uspostavljena!"			#~ msgstr "Vesa sa %s uspešno uspostavljena!"

#~ msgid ""							#~ msgid ""
#~ "Component that lets you open a .connection file and brows	#~ "Component that lets you open a .connection file and brows
#~ "specified on it"						#~ "specified on it"
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Deo koji omoguÄ?ava da otvorite â??.connectionâ?? datoteku i p	#~ "Deo koji omoguÄ?ava da otvorite â??.connectionâ?? datoteku i p
#~ "koju ona navodi"						#~ "koju ona navodi"

#~ msgid "Viewer for SQL source code"				#~ msgid "Viewer for SQL source code"
#~ msgstr "PregledaÄ? SQL izvornog koda"				#~ msgstr "PregledaÄ? SQL izvornog koda"

#~ msgid "Data source"						#~ msgid "Data source"
#~ msgstr "Izvor podataka"					#~ msgstr "Izvor podataka"
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/sr.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/sr.po
# Serbian translation of libgnomedb				# Serbian translation of libgnomedb
# Courtesy of Prevod.org team (http://www.prevod.org/) -- 200	# Courtesy of Prevod.org team (http://www.prevod.org/) -- 200
# 								# 
# This file is distributed under the same license as the libg	# This file is distributed under the same license as the libg
# 								# 
# Maintainer: Ð?анило Шеган <dsegan gmx net>			# Maintainer: Ð?анило Шеган <dsegan gmx net>
#								#
msgid ""							msgid ""
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: libgnomedb\n"				"Project-Id-Version: libgnomedb\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"					"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"			"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-02-20 05:54+0100\n"			"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-02-20 05:54+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Ð?анило Шеган <danilo prevod org>\n"		"Last-Translator: Ð?анило Шеган <danilo prevod org>\n"
"Language-Team: Serbian (sr) <serbiangnome-lista nongnu org>\	"Language-Team: Serbian (sr) <serbiangnome-lista nongnu org>\
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"						"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"			"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"				"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co
msgid "Data Sources"						msgid "Data Sources"
msgstr "Ð?звоÑ?и подаÑ?ака"					msgstr "Ð?звоÑ?и подаÑ?ака"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid
msgid "Providers"						msgid "Providers"
msgstr "Ð?оÑ?Ñ?едник"						msgstr "Ð?оÑ?Ñ?едник"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1
msgid "Configure your database environment"			msgid "Configure your database environment"
msgstr "Ð?одеÑ?иÑ?е окÑ?Ñ?жеÑ?е ваÑ?е базе подаÑ?ака"			msgstr "Ð?одеÑ?иÑ?е окÑ?Ñ?жеÑ?е ваÑ?е базе подаÑ?ака"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2
msgid "Database Access Properties "				msgid "Database Access Properties "
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?обине пÑ?иÑ?Ñ?Ñ?па бази подаÑ?ака"				msgstr "Ð?Ñ?обине пÑ?иÑ?Ñ?Ñ?па бази подаÑ?ака"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380
msgid "Name"							msgid "Name"
msgstr "Ð?ме"							msgstr "Ð?ме"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
msgid "Description"						msgid "Description"
msgstr "Ð?пиÑ?"							msgstr "Ð?пиÑ?"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182
msgid "Configured data sources in the system"			msgid "Configured data sources in the system"
msgstr "Ð?одеÑ?ени извоÑ?и подаÑ?ака на Ñ?иÑ?Ñ?емÑ?"			msgstr "Ð?одеÑ?ени извоÑ?и подаÑ?ака на Ñ?иÑ?Ñ?емÑ?"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data sources are the means by which database connections are	"Data sources are the means by which database connections are
"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s	"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s
"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o	"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o
"name you identify the connections in the applications that m	"name you identify the connections in the applications that m
"DB for database access."					"DB for database access."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Ð?звоÑ?и подаÑ?ака Ñ?Ñ? Ñ?Ñ?едÑ?Ñ?во коÑ?им Ñ?е иденÑ?иÑ?икÑ?Ñ?Ñ? везе Ñ?а ба	"Ð?звоÑ?и подаÑ?ака Ñ?Ñ? Ñ?Ñ?едÑ?Ñ?во коÑ?им Ñ?е иденÑ?иÑ?икÑ?Ñ?Ñ? везе Ñ?а ба
"Ñ?. Сви подаÑ?и поÑ?Ñ?еби за Ñ?Ñ?поÑ?Ñ?авÑ?аÑ?е везе Ñ?а изабÑ?аним поÑ?Ñ?	"Ñ?. Сви подаÑ?и поÑ?Ñ?еби за Ñ?Ñ?поÑ?Ñ?авÑ?аÑ?е везе Ñ?а изабÑ?аним поÑ?Ñ?
"Ñ?Ñ?ваÑ?Ñ? Ñ?з Ñ?единÑ?Ñ?вено име. УпоÑ?Ñ?ебом овог Ñ?единÑ?Ñ?веног имена	"Ñ?Ñ?ваÑ?Ñ? Ñ?з Ñ?единÑ?Ñ?вено име. УпоÑ?Ñ?ебом овог Ñ?единÑ?Ñ?веног имена
"везе Ñ? пÑ?огÑ?амима коÑ?и коÑ?иÑ?Ñ?е Ð?ном-DB за пÑ?иÑ?Ñ?Ñ?п базама."	"везе Ñ? пÑ?огÑ?амима коÑ?и коÑ?иÑ?Ñ?е Ð?ном-DB за пÑ?иÑ?Ñ?Ñ?п базама."

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"	msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"
msgstr "Ð?елиÑ?е ли да Ñ?клониÑ?е извоÑ? подаÑ?ака â??%sâ???"		msgstr "Ð?елиÑ?е ли да Ñ?клониÑ?е извоÑ? подаÑ?ака â??%sâ???"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104
msgid "Data Source Properties"					msgid "Data Source Properties"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?обине извоÑ?а подаÑ?ака"				msgstr "Ð?Ñ?обине извоÑ?а подаÑ?ака"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132
msgid "Basic"							msgid "Basic"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?новно"						msgstr "Ð?Ñ?новно"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Tables"							msgid "Tables"
msgstr "Табеле"							msgstr "Табеле"

#: control-center/main.c:92					#: control-center/main.c:92
msgid "No valid data source info was created"			msgid "No valid data source info was created"
msgstr "Ð?иÑ?Ñ? Ñ?неÑ?и иÑ?пÑ?авни подаÑ?и о извоÑ?Ñ? подаÑ?ака"		msgstr "Ð?иÑ?Ñ? Ñ?неÑ?и иÑ?пÑ?авни подаÑ?и о извоÑ?Ñ? подаÑ?ака"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218	#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218
msgid "New data source"						msgid "New data source"
msgstr "Ð?ови извоÑ? подаÑ?ака"					msgstr "Ð?ови извоÑ? подаÑ?ака"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:215					#: control-center/main.c:215
msgid "Database Access Properties"				msgid "Database Access Properties"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?обине пÑ?иÑ?Ñ?Ñ?па бази подаÑ?ака"				msgstr "Ð?Ñ?обине пÑ?иÑ?Ñ?Ñ?па бази подаÑ?ака"

#: control-center/provider-config.c:105				#: control-center/provider-config.c:105
msgid "Installed providers"					msgid "Installed providers"
msgstr "Ð?нÑ?Ñ?алиÑ?ани поÑ?Ñ?едниÑ?и"					msgstr "Ð?нÑ?Ñ?алиÑ?ани поÑ?Ñ?едниÑ?и"

#: control-center/provider-config.c:131				#: control-center/provider-config.c:131
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec	"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec
"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo	"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo
"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr	"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr
"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba	"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba
"etc."								"etc."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Ð?оÑ?Ñ?едниÑ?и Ñ?Ñ? Ñ?поÑ?аÑ?Ñ?и додаÑ?и коÑ?и омогÑ?Ñ?аваÑ?Ñ? пÑ?иÑ?Ñ?Ñ?п наÑ?оÑ?	"Ð?оÑ?Ñ?едниÑ?и Ñ?Ñ? Ñ?поÑ?аÑ?Ñ?и додаÑ?и коÑ?и омогÑ?Ñ?аваÑ?Ñ? пÑ?иÑ?Ñ?Ñ?п наÑ?оÑ?
"подаÑ?ака. УобиÑ?аÑ?ени поÑ?Ñ?едник Ñ?е Ñ?век инÑ?Ñ?алиÑ?ан, а он омог	"подаÑ?ака. УобиÑ?аÑ?ени поÑ?Ñ?едник Ñ?е Ñ?век инÑ?Ñ?алиÑ?ан, а он омог
"базама Ñ? XML даÑ?оÑ?екама. Ð?Ñ?Ñ?ги поÑ?Ñ?едниÑ?и коÑ?и Ñ?е Ñ?главном Ñ?	"базама Ñ? XML даÑ?оÑ?екама. Ð?Ñ?Ñ?ги поÑ?Ñ?едниÑ?и коÑ?и Ñ?е Ñ?главном Ñ?
"gnome-db Ñ?кÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Sybase, Interba	"gnome-db Ñ?кÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Sybase, Interba

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1
msgid "Database connection parameters file"			msgid "Database connection parameters file"
msgstr "Ð?аÑ?оÑ?ека Ñ?а паÑ?амеÑ?Ñ?има за повезиваÑ?е Ñ?а базом подаÑ?а	msgstr "Ð?аÑ?оÑ?ека Ñ?а паÑ?амеÑ?Ñ?има за повезиваÑ?е Ñ?а базом подаÑ?а

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2
msgid "Documents"						msgid "Documents"
msgstr "Ð?окÑ?менÑ?а"						msgstr "Ð?окÑ?менÑ?а"

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3
msgid "SQL code viewer"						msgid "SQL code viewer"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?егледаÑ? SQL кôда"					msgstr "Ð?Ñ?егледаÑ? SQL кôда"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1
msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"			msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"
msgstr "ФонÑ? коÑ?е Ñ?е коÑ?иÑ?Ñ?и Ñ? мÑ?ежи линиÑ?а"			msgstr "ФонÑ? коÑ?е Ñ?е коÑ?иÑ?Ñ?и Ñ? мÑ?ежи линиÑ?а"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2
msgid "Number of spaces per tab"				msgid "Number of spaces per tab"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?оÑ? Ñ?азмака по Ñ?абÑ?лаÑ?оÑ?Ñ?"				msgstr "Ð?Ñ?оÑ? Ñ?азмака по Ñ?абÑ?лаÑ?оÑ?Ñ?"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3
msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"			msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?икажи бÑ?оÑ?еве линиÑ?а Ñ? Ñ?Ñ?еÑ?иваÑ?Ñ? извоÑ?ног кода"	msgstr "Ð?Ñ?икажи бÑ?оÑ?еве линиÑ?а Ñ? Ñ?Ñ?еÑ?иваÑ?Ñ? извоÑ?ног кода"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4
msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"			msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"
msgstr "Ð?оÑ?иÑ?Ñ?и иÑ?Ñ?иÑ?аÑ?е извоÑ?ног кода Ñ? Ñ?Ñ?еÑ?иваÑ?Ñ?"		msgstr "Ð?оÑ?иÑ?Ñ?и иÑ?Ñ?иÑ?аÑ?е извоÑ?ног кода Ñ? Ñ?Ñ?еÑ?иваÑ?Ñ?"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60
msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"			msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"
msgstr "УÑ?лÑ?ге база подаÑ?ака за Ñ?адно окÑ?Ñ?жеÑ?е Ð?ном"		msgstr "УÑ?лÑ?ге база подаÑ?ака за Ñ?адно окÑ?Ñ?жеÑ?е Ð?ном"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1
msgid "About"							msgid "About"
msgstr "Ð?..."							msgstr "Ð?..."

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2
msgid "About GNOME-DB"						msgid "About GNOME-DB"
msgstr "Ð? GNOME-DB-Ñ?"						msgstr "Ð? GNOME-DB-Ñ?"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3
msgid "Close this window"					msgid "Close this window"
msgstr "Ð?аÑ?воÑ?и оваÑ? пÑ?озоÑ?"					msgstr "Ð?аÑ?воÑ?и оваÑ? пÑ?озоÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4
msgid "Create new entry"					msgid "Create new entry"
msgstr "Ð?апÑ?ави новÑ? Ñ?Ñ?авкÑ?"					msgstr "Ð?апÑ?ави новÑ? Ñ?Ñ?авкÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5
msgid "Delete selected items"					msgid "Delete selected items"
msgstr "Ð?бÑ?иÑ?и изабÑ?ане Ñ?Ñ?авке"					msgstr "Ð?бÑ?иÑ?и изабÑ?ане Ñ?Ñ?авке"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6
msgid "Deselect all items"					msgid "Deselect all items"
msgstr "Ð?ониÑ?Ñ?и избоÑ? Ñ?виÑ? Ñ?Ñ?авки"				msgstr "Ð?ониÑ?Ñ?и избоÑ? Ñ?виÑ? Ñ?Ñ?авки"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7
msgid "Edit properties for selected item"			msgid "Edit properties for selected item"
msgstr "УÑ?еди оÑ?обине изабÑ?ане Ñ?Ñ?авке"				msgstr "УÑ?еди оÑ?обине изабÑ?ане Ñ?Ñ?авке"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8
msgid "Save connection parameters to file"			msgid "Save connection parameters to file"
msgstr "СаÑ?Ñ?ваÑ? паÑ?амеÑ?Ñ?е за повезиваÑ?е Ñ? даÑ?оÑ?екÑ?"		msgstr "СаÑ?Ñ?ваÑ? паÑ?амеÑ?Ñ?е за повезиваÑ?е Ñ? даÑ?оÑ?екÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414
msgid "Select _All"						msgid "Select _All"
msgstr "Ð?забеÑ?и _Ñ?ве"						msgstr "Ð?забеÑ?и _Ñ?ве"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10
msgid "Select all items"					msgid "Select all items"
msgstr "Ð?забеÑ?и Ñ?ве Ñ?Ñ?авке"					msgstr "Ð?забеÑ?и Ñ?ве Ñ?Ñ?авке"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11
msgid "View data sources"					msgid "View data sources"
msgstr "Ð?огледаÑ? извоÑ?е подаÑ?ака"				msgstr "Ð?огледаÑ? извоÑ?е подаÑ?ака"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12
msgid "View providers"						msgid "View providers"
msgstr "Ð?огледаÑ? поÑ?Ñ?еднике"					msgstr "Ð?огледаÑ? поÑ?Ñ?еднике"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42
msgid "_Clear Selection"					msgid "_Clear Selection"
msgstr "Ð?_бÑ?иÑ?и избоÑ?"						msgstr "Ð?_бÑ?иÑ?и избоÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14
msgid "_Close"							msgid "_Close"
msgstr "_Ð?аÑ?воÑ?и"						msgstr "_Ð?аÑ?воÑ?и"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15
msgid "_Data Sources"						msgid "_Data Sources"
msgstr "Ð?з_воÑ?и подаÑ?ака"					msgstr "Ð?з_воÑ?и подаÑ?ака"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16
msgid "_Database"						msgid "_Database"
msgstr "_Ð?аза подаÑ?ака"						msgstr "_Ð?аза подаÑ?ака"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17
msgid "_Delete"							msgid "_Delete"
msgstr "Ð?_бÑ?иÑ?и"						msgstr "Ð?_бÑ?иÑ?и"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18
msgid "_Edit"							msgid "_Edit"
msgstr "_УÑ?еÑ?иваÑ?е"						msgstr "_УÑ?еÑ?иваÑ?е"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19
msgid "_Help"							msgid "_Help"
msgstr "_Ð?омоÑ?"							msgstr "_Ð?омоÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20
msgid "_New Data Source..."					msgid "_New Data Source..."
msgstr "_Ð?ови извоÑ? подаÑ?ака..."				msgstr "_Ð?ови извоÑ? подаÑ?ака..."

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21
msgid "_Properties"						msgid "_Properties"
msgstr "Ð?_Ñ?обине"						msgstr "Ð?_Ñ?обине"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22
msgid "_Providers"						msgid "_Providers"
msgstr "_Ð?оÑ?Ñ?едниÑ?и"						msgstr "_Ð?оÑ?Ñ?едниÑ?и"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23
msgid "_Save Connection"					msgid "_Save Connection"
msgstr "_СаÑ?Ñ?ваÑ? везÑ?"						msgstr "_СаÑ?Ñ?ваÑ? везÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24
msgid "_View"							msgid "_View"
msgstr "Ð?_Ñ?еглед"						msgstr "Ð?_Ñ?еглед"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76
msgid "Structure"						msgid "Structure"
msgstr "СÑ?Ñ?Ñ?кÑ?Ñ?Ñ?а"						msgstr "СÑ?Ñ?Ñ?кÑ?Ñ?Ñ?а"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73
msgid "Data"							msgid "Data"
msgstr "Ð?одаÑ?и"							msgstr "Ð?одаÑ?и"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238
msgid "Not implemented yet!"					msgid "Not implemented yet!"
msgstr "Ð?оÑ? Ñ?век ниÑ?е напÑ?авÑ?ено!"				msgstr "Ð?оÑ? Ñ?век ниÑ?е напÑ?авÑ?ено!"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Database"						msgid "Database"
msgstr "Ð?аза подаÑ?ака"						msgstr "Ð?аза подаÑ?ака"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540
msgid "Loading database schemas..."				msgid "Loading database schemas..."
msgstr "УÑ?иÑ?ава Ñ?Ñ?еме базе подаÑ?ака..."				msgstr "УÑ?иÑ?ава Ñ?Ñ?еме базе подаÑ?ака..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632
msgid "Refreshing data..."					msgid "Refreshing data..."
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?вежава подаÑ?ке..."					msgstr "Ð?Ñ?вежава подаÑ?ке..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688
msgid "Views"							msgid "Views"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?егледи"						msgstr "Ð?Ñ?егледи"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691
msgid "Indexes"							msgid "Indexes"
msgstr "Ð?ндекÑ?и"						msgstr "Ð?ндекÑ?и"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Sequences"						msgid "Sequences"
msgstr "Ð?изови"							msgstr "Ð?изови"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Procedures"						msgid "Procedures"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?оÑ?едÑ?Ñ?е"						msgstr "Ð?Ñ?оÑ?едÑ?Ñ?е"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700
msgid "Triggers"						msgid "Triggers"
msgstr "Ð?кидаÑ?и"						msgstr "Ð?кидаÑ?и"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Aggregates"						msgid "Aggregates"
msgstr "СкÑ?пине"						msgstr "СкÑ?пине"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Types"							msgid "Types"
msgstr "Типови"							msgstr "Типови"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140
msgid "Could not query CORBA components"			msgid "Could not query CORBA components"
msgstr "Ð?иÑ?е Ñ?Ñ?пео да поÑ?аÑ?е Ñ?пиÑ? CORBA компоненÑ?ама"		msgstr "Ð?иÑ?е Ñ?Ñ?пео да поÑ?аÑ?е Ñ?пиÑ? CORBA компоненÑ?ама"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209
msgid "ID"							msgid "ID"
msgstr "Ð?Ð?"							msgstr "Ð?Ð?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "Location"						msgid "Location"
msgstr "Ð?оложаÑ?"						msgstr "Ð?оложаÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212
msgid "Username"						msgid "Username"
msgstr "Ð?оÑ?иÑ?ниÑ?ко име"						msgstr "Ð?оÑ?иÑ?ниÑ?ко име"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213
msgid "Hostname"						msgid "Hostname"
msgstr "Ð?ме Ñ?аÑ?Ñ?наÑ?а"						msgstr "Ð?ме Ñ?аÑ?Ñ?наÑ?а"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214
msgid "Domain"							msgid "Domain"
msgstr "Ð?омен"							msgstr "Ð?омен"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"			msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"
msgstr "Ð?еподÑ?жан Ñ?ип за Ð?Ð?онÑ? Ñ?Ñ?авкÑ?: %d"			msgstr "Ð?еподÑ?жан Ñ?ип за Ð?Ð?онÑ? Ñ?Ñ?авкÑ?: %d"

#. create widgets						#. create widgets
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97
msgid "Settings"						msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Ð?одеÑ?аваÑ?а"						msgstr "Ð?одеÑ?аваÑ?а"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103
msgid "Data source name"					msgid "Data source name"
msgstr "Ð?ме извоÑ?а подаÑ?ака"					msgstr "Ð?ме извоÑ?а подаÑ?ака"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109
msgid "Connection string"					msgid "Connection string"
msgstr "Ð?из знакова за везÑ?"					msgstr "Ð?из знакова за везÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115
msgid "Provider"						msgid "Provider"
msgstr "Ð?оÑ?Ñ?едник"						msgstr "Ð?оÑ?Ñ?едник"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121
msgid "User name"						msgid "User name"
msgstr "Ð?оÑ?иÑ?ниÑ?ко име"						msgstr "Ð?оÑ?иÑ?ниÑ?ко име"

#. create feature list						#. create feature list
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128
msgid "Features"						msgid "Features"
msgstr "Ð?огÑ?Ñ?ноÑ?Ñ?и"						msgstr "Ð?огÑ?Ñ?ноÑ?Ñ?и"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190
msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"		msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"
msgstr "Ð?оÑ?аÑ?е Ñ?неÑ?и име за нови извоÑ? подаÑ?ака"		msgstr "Ð?оÑ?аÑ?е Ñ?неÑ?и име за нови извоÑ? подаÑ?ака"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac	msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac
msgstr "Ð?мена извоÑ?а подаÑ?ака не Ñ?меÑ?Ñ? да Ñ?адÑ?же Ñ?азмаке"	msgstr "Ð?мена извоÑ?а подаÑ?ака не Ñ?меÑ?Ñ? да Ñ?адÑ?же Ñ?азмаке"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206
msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th	msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th
msgstr "Ð?оÑ?Ñ?оÑ?еÑ?и извоÑ? подаÑ?ака Ñ?е веÑ? пÑ?иÑ?авÑ?ен под иÑ?Ñ?им и	msgstr "Ð?оÑ?Ñ?оÑ?еÑ?и извоÑ? подаÑ?ака Ñ?е веÑ? пÑ?иÑ?авÑ?ен под иÑ?Ñ?им и

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213
msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"			msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"
msgstr "Ð?мена извоÑ?а подаÑ?ака не Ñ?меÑ?Ñ? да Ñ?адÑ?же Ñ?азмаке"	msgstr "Ð?мена извоÑ?а подаÑ?ака не Ñ?меÑ?Ñ? да Ñ?адÑ?же Ñ?азмаке"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217
msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n	msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n
msgstr "Ð?мена извоÑ?а подаÑ?ака могÑ? да Ñ?адÑ?же Ñ?амо бÑ?оÑ?еве и е	msgstr "Ð?мена извоÑ?а подаÑ?ака могÑ? да Ñ?адÑ?же Ñ?амо бÑ?оÑ?еве и е

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225
msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"	msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"
msgstr "Ð?оÑ?аÑ?е изабÑ?аÑ?и поÑ?Ñ?едника за нови извоÑ? подаÑ?ака"	msgstr "Ð?оÑ?аÑ?е изабÑ?аÑ?и поÑ?Ñ?едника за нови извоÑ? подаÑ?ака"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233
msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"		msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"
msgstr "Ð?оÑ?Ñ?едник не поÑ?Ñ?оÑ?Ñ? меÑ?Ñ? ваÑ?им подеÑ?аваÑ?има"		msgstr "Ð?оÑ?Ñ?едник не поÑ?Ñ?оÑ?Ñ? меÑ?Ñ? ваÑ?им подеÑ?аваÑ?има"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391
msgid "Add a new data source..."				msgid "Add a new data source..."
msgstr "Ð?одаÑ? нови извоÑ? подаÑ?ака..."				msgstr "Ð?одаÑ? нови извоÑ? подаÑ?ака..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392
msgid ""							msgid ""
"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"		"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"
"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"		"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"
"installation. Just follow the steps!"				"installation. Just follow the steps!"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Ð?ваÑ? помоÑ?ник Ñ?е ваÑ? пÑ?овеÑ?Ñ?и кÑ?оз поÑ?Ñ?Ñ?пак\n"			"Ð?ваÑ? помоÑ?ник Ñ?е ваÑ? пÑ?овеÑ?Ñ?и кÑ?оз поÑ?Ñ?Ñ?пак\n"
"изÑ?аде новог извоÑ?а подаÑ?ака за ваÑ? Ð?ном-DB Ñ?иÑ?Ñ?ем.\n"		"изÑ?аде новог извоÑ?а подаÑ?ака за ваÑ? Ð?ном-DB Ñ?иÑ?Ñ?ем.\n"
"Ð?оÑ?Ñ?ебно Ñ?е Ñ?амо да пÑ?аÑ?иÑ?е коÑ?аке!"				"Ð?оÑ?Ñ?ебно Ñ?е Ñ?амо да пÑ?аÑ?иÑ?е коÑ?аке!"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404
msgid "General Information"					msgid "General Information"
msgstr "Ð?пÑ?Ñ?и подаÑ?и"						msgstr "Ð?пÑ?Ñ?и подаÑ?и"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the basic information\n"	"The following fields represent the basic information\n"
"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n	"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n
"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"	"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"
"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"	"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"
"the default one."						"the default one."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"СледеÑ?а поÑ?а пÑ?едÑ?Ñ?авÑ?аÑ?Ñ? оÑ?новне подаÑ?ке за ваÑ? нови \n"	"СледеÑ?а поÑ?а пÑ?едÑ?Ñ?авÑ?аÑ?Ñ? оÑ?новне подаÑ?ке за ваÑ? нови \n"
"извоÑ? подаÑ?ака. Ð?еки од Ñ?иÑ? (опиÑ?, коÑ?иÑ?ниÑ?ко име) \n"		"извоÑ? подаÑ?ака. Ð?еки од Ñ?иÑ? (опиÑ?, коÑ?иÑ?ниÑ?ко име) \n"
"ниÑ?Ñ? обавезни, док дÑ?Ñ?ги Ñ?еÑ?Ñ?.  Уколико не знаÑ?е ког \n"	"ниÑ?Ñ? обавезни, док дÑ?Ñ?ги Ñ?еÑ?Ñ?.  Уколико не знаÑ?е ког \n"
"поÑ?Ñ?едника да коÑ?иÑ?Ñ?иÑ?е, Ñ?амо изабеÑ?иÑ?е подÑ?азÑ?мевани."	"поÑ?Ñ?едника да коÑ?иÑ?Ñ?иÑ?е, Ñ?амо изабеÑ?иÑ?е подÑ?азÑ?мевани."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104
msgid "Data source _name:"					msgid "Data source _name:"
msgstr "_Ð?ме извоÑ?а подаÑ?ака:"					msgstr "_Ð?ме извоÑ?а подаÑ?ака:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114
msgid "_Provider:"						msgid "_Provider:"
msgstr "_Ð?оÑ?Ñ?едник:"						msgstr "_Ð?оÑ?Ñ?едник:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133
msgid "_Description:"						msgid "_Description:"
msgstr "_Ð?пиÑ?:"							msgstr "_Ð?пиÑ?:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142
msgid "_Username:"						msgid "_Username:"
msgstr "_Ð?оÑ?иÑ?ниÑ?ко име:"					msgstr "_Ð?оÑ?иÑ?ниÑ?ко име:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151
msgid "P_assword:"						msgid "P_assword:"
msgstr "_Ð?озинка:"						msgstr "_Ð?озинка:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454
msgid "Provider Parameters"					msgid "Provider Parameters"
msgstr "Ð?аÑ?амеÑ?Ñ?и поÑ?Ñ?едника"					msgstr "Ð?аÑ?амеÑ?Ñ?и поÑ?Ñ?едника"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the information needed by the	"The following fields represent the information needed by the
"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n	"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n
"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\	"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\
"the manual for more information."				"the manual for more information."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"СледеÑ?а поÑ?а пÑ?едÑ?Ñ?авÑ?аÑ?Ñ? подаÑ?ке неопÑ?одне за поÑ?Ñ?едника\n"	"СледеÑ?а поÑ?а пÑ?едÑ?Ñ?авÑ?аÑ?Ñ? подаÑ?ке неопÑ?одне за поÑ?Ñ?едника\n"
"коÑ?и Ñ?Ñ?е изабÑ?али на пÑ?еÑ?Ñ?одноÑ? Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?ани Ñ?ади Ñ?Ñ?поÑ?Ñ?авÑ?аÑ?а\n"	"коÑ?и Ñ?Ñ?е изабÑ?али на пÑ?еÑ?Ñ?одноÑ? Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?ани Ñ?ади Ñ?Ñ?поÑ?Ñ?авÑ?аÑ?а\n"
"везе. Ð?ви подаÑ?и завиÑ?е од поÑ?Ñ?едника, па пÑ?во пÑ?овеÑ?иÑ?е\n"	"везе. Ð?ви подаÑ?и завиÑ?е од поÑ?Ñ?едника, па пÑ?во пÑ?овеÑ?иÑ?е\n"
"Ñ?пÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?во за деÑ?аÑ?ниÑ?е обÑ?аÑ?Ñ?еÑ?е."				"Ñ?пÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?во за деÑ?аÑ?ниÑ?е обÑ?аÑ?Ñ?еÑ?е."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481
msgid "All information retrieved"				msgid "All information retrieved"
msgstr "Сви подаÑ?и Ñ?Ñ? добиÑ?ени"					msgstr "Сви подаÑ?и Ñ?Ñ? добиÑ?ени"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482
msgid ""							msgid ""
"All information needed to create a new data source\n"		"All information needed to create a new data source\n"
"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"		"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"
"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"	"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"
"just select it when asked for a data source."			"just select it when asked for a data source."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Сви подаÑ?и поÑ?Ñ?ебни за пÑ?авÑ?еÑ?е новог извоÑ?а подаÑ?ака\n"	"Сви подаÑ?и поÑ?Ñ?ебни за пÑ?авÑ?еÑ?е новог извоÑ?а подаÑ?ака\n"
"Ñ?Ñ? добавÑ?ени. Сада, пÑ?иÑ?иÑ?ниÑ?е â??Ð?Ñ?имениâ?? да заÑ?воÑ?иÑ?е\n"	"Ñ?Ñ? добавÑ?ени. Сада, пÑ?иÑ?иÑ?ниÑ?е â??Ð?Ñ?имениâ?? да заÑ?воÑ?иÑ?е\n"
"ово пÑ?озоÑ?Ñ?е. Ð?а пÑ?иÑ?Ñ?Ñ?пиÑ?е ваÑ?ем новооÑ?воÑ?еном извоÑ?Ñ?\n"	"ово пÑ?озоÑ?Ñ?е. Ð?а пÑ?иÑ?Ñ?Ñ?пиÑ?е ваÑ?ем новооÑ?воÑ?еном извоÑ?Ñ?\n"
"подаÑ?ака, изабеÑ?иÑ?е га када бÑ?деÑ?е пиÑ?ани за извоÑ? подаÑ?ака.	"подаÑ?ака, изабеÑ?иÑ?е га када бÑ?деÑ?е пиÑ?ани за извоÑ? подаÑ?ака.

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124
msgid "Connection _string:"					msgid "Connection _string:"
msgstr "Ð?и_Ñ?ка за везÑ?:"					msgstr "Ð?и_Ñ?ка за везÑ?:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4
msgid "Error"							msgid "Error"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?еÑ?ка"							msgstr "Ð?Ñ?еÑ?ка"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.
msgid "Show detail >>"						msgid "Show detail >>"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?икажи деÑ?аÑ?е >>"					msgstr "Ð?Ñ?икажи деÑ?аÑ?е >>"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122
msgid "<< Hide detail"						msgid "<< Hide detail"
msgstr "<< СакÑ?иÑ? деÑ?аÑ?е"					msgstr "<< СакÑ?иÑ? деÑ?аÑ?е"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191
msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"	msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"
msgstr "Ð?оÑ?ло Ñ?е до неоÑ?екиване Ñ? Ñ?амоÑ? бази подаÑ?ака"		msgstr "Ð?оÑ?ло Ñ?е до неоÑ?екиване Ñ? Ñ?амоÑ? бази подаÑ?ака"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196
msgid "Error number"						msgid "Error number"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?оÑ? гÑ?еÑ?ке"						msgstr "Ð?Ñ?оÑ? гÑ?еÑ?ке"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227
msgid "Details"							msgid "Details"
msgstr "Ð?еÑ?аÑ?и"							msgstr "Ð?еÑ?аÑ?и"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234
msgid "Source"							msgid "Source"
msgstr "Ð?звоÑ?"							msgstr "Ð?звоÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241
msgid "SQL state"						msgid "SQL state"
msgstr "SQL Ñ?Ñ?аÑ?е"						msgstr "SQL Ñ?Ñ?аÑ?е"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Field:"							msgid "_Field:"
msgstr "Ð?оÑ?а"							msgstr "Ð?оÑ?а"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Text:"							msgid "_Text:"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?оба"							msgstr "Ð?Ñ?оба"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308
msgid "No records"						msgid "No records"
msgstr "Ð?ема подаÑ?ака"						msgstr "Ð?ема подаÑ?ака"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Record %d of %d"						msgid "Record %d of %d"
msgstr "Ред %d од %d"						msgstr "Ред %d од %d"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113
msgid "Recordset description"					msgid "Recordset description"
msgstr "Ð?пиÑ? подаÑ?ака"						msgstr "Ð?пиÑ? подаÑ?ака"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid ""							msgid ""
"File '%s' already exists.\n"					"File '%s' already exists.\n"
"Do you want to overwrite it?"					"Do you want to overwrite it?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Ð?аÑ?оÑ?ека â??%sâ?? веÑ? поÑ?Ñ?оÑ?и.\n"					"Ð?аÑ?оÑ?ека â??%sâ?? веÑ? поÑ?Ñ?оÑ?и.\n"
"Ð?елиÑ?е ли да Ñ?е пÑ?еÑ?нимиÑ?е?"					"Ð?елиÑ?е ли да Ñ?е пÑ?еÑ?нимиÑ?е?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149
msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."		msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."
msgstr "Уколико изабеÑ?еÑ?е да, Ñ?адÑ?жаÑ? Ñ?е биÑ?и изгÑ?бÑ?ен."	msgstr "Уколико изабеÑ?еÑ?е да, Ñ?адÑ?жаÑ? Ñ?е биÑ?и изгÑ?бÑ?ен."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Could not save file %s"					msgid "Could not save file %s"
msgstr "Ð?е може да Ñ?аÑ?Ñ?ва даÑ?оÑ?екÑ? %s"				msgstr "Ð?е може да Ñ?аÑ?Ñ?ва даÑ?оÑ?екÑ? %s"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224
msgid "You must specify a file name"				msgid "You must specify a file name"
msgstr "Ð?оÑ?аÑ?е навеÑ?Ñ?и име даÑ?оÑ?еке"				msgstr "Ð?оÑ?аÑ?е навеÑ?Ñ?и име даÑ?оÑ?еке"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230
msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"		msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"
msgstr "Ð?аиÑ?ао на пÑ?азнÑ? даÑ?оÑ?екÑ? пÑ?и пÑ?еÑ?ваÑ?аÑ?Ñ? подаÑ?ака"	msgstr "Ð?аиÑ?ао на пÑ?азнÑ? даÑ?оÑ?екÑ? пÑ?и пÑ?еÑ?ваÑ?аÑ?Ñ? подаÑ?ака"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261
msgid "Saving Model"						msgid "Saving Model"
msgstr "Ð?одел Ñ?Ñ?ваÑ?а"						msgstr "Ð?одел Ñ?Ñ?ваÑ?а"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272
msgid "File _name:"						msgid "File _name:"
msgstr "Ð?ме _даÑ?оÑ?еке:"						msgstr "Ð?ме _даÑ?оÑ?еке:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276
msgid "Select File"						msgid "Select File"
msgstr "Ð?дабеÑ?и даÑ?оÑ?екÑ?"					msgstr "Ð?дабеÑ?и даÑ?оÑ?екÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283
msgid "File _type:"						msgid "File _type:"
msgstr "_Ð?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?а даÑ?оÑ?еке:"					msgstr "_Ð?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?а даÑ?оÑ?еке:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291
msgid "Tab-delimited"						msgid "Tab-delimited"
msgstr "РаздвоÑ?ени Ñ?абÑ?лаÑ?оÑ?ом"					msgstr "РаздвоÑ?ени Ñ?абÑ?лаÑ?оÑ?ом"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294
msgid "Comma-delimited"						msgid "Comma-delimited"
msgstr "РаздвоÑ?ени запеÑ?ом"					msgstr "РаздвоÑ?ени запеÑ?ом"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:
msgid "XML"							msgid "XML"
msgstr "XML"							msgstr "XML"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355
msgid "View detail"						msgid "View detail"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?икажи деÑ?аÑ?е"						msgstr "Ð?Ñ?икажи деÑ?аÑ?е"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427
msgid "Show Column _Titles"					msgid "Show Column _Titles"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?икажи _наÑ?лове колона"				msgstr "Ð?Ñ?икажи _наÑ?лове колона"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442
msgid "Describe"						msgid "Describe"
msgstr "Ð?пиÑ?и"							msgstr "Ð?пиÑ?и"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443
msgid "View detail..."						msgid "View detail..."
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?икажи деÑ?аÑ?е..."					msgstr "Ð?Ñ?икажи деÑ?аÑ?е..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614
msgid "Title"							msgid "Title"
msgstr "Ð?аÑ?лов"							msgstr "Ð?аÑ?лов"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48
msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"	msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"
msgstr "Ð?окÑ?Ñ?ава да покÑ?ене веÑ? покÑ?енÑ?Ñ?ог клиÑ?енÑ?а"		msgstr "Ð?окÑ?Ñ?ава да покÑ?ене веÑ? покÑ?енÑ?Ñ?ог клиÑ?енÑ?а"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"		"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"
"to a data source"						"to a data source"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"УнеÑ?иÑ?е иÑ?под аÑ?гÑ?менÑ?е да Ñ?Ñ?поÑ?Ñ?авиÑ?е везÑ? Ñ?а \n"		"УнеÑ?иÑ?е иÑ?под аÑ?гÑ?менÑ?е да Ñ?Ñ?поÑ?Ñ?авиÑ?е везÑ? Ñ?а \n"
"извоÑ?ом подаÑ?ака"						"извоÑ?ом подаÑ?ака"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253
msgid "Data Source:"						msgid "Data Source:"
msgstr "Ð?звоÑ? подаÑ?ака:"					msgstr "Ð?звоÑ? подаÑ?ака:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270
msgid "Username:"						msgid "Username:"
msgstr "Ð?оÑ?иÑ?ниÑ?ко име:"					msgstr "Ð?оÑ?иÑ?ниÑ?ко име:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279
msgid "Password:"						msgid "Password:"
msgstr "Ð?озинка:"						msgstr "Ð?озинка:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69
msgid "Fields"							msgid "Fields"
msgstr "Ð?оÑ?а"							msgstr "Ð?оÑ?а"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30
msgid "Commit"							msgid "Commit"
msgstr "Ð?оÑ?аÑ?и"							msgstr "Ð?оÑ?аÑ?и"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31
msgid "Connect"							msgid "Connect"
msgstr "Ð?овежи Ñ?е"						msgstr "Ð?овежи Ñ?е"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33
msgid "Designer"						msgid "Designer"
msgstr "Ð?изаÑ?неÑ?"						msgstr "Ð?изаÑ?неÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34
msgid "Disconnect"						msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?екини везÑ?"						msgstr "Ð?Ñ?екини везÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35
msgid "NoTransaction"						msgid "NoTransaction"
msgstr "Ð?емаТÑ?анÑ?акÑ?иÑ?а"					msgstr "Ð?емаТÑ?анÑ?акÑ?иÑ?а"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37
msgid "Query"							msgid "Query"
msgstr "УпиÑ?"							msgstr "УпиÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38
msgid "Rollback"						msgid "Rollback"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?аÑ?и"							msgstr "Ð?Ñ?аÑ?и"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40
msgid "SQL"							msgid "SQL"
msgstr "SQL"							msgstr "SQL"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43
msgid "WithinTransaction"					msgid "WithinTransaction"
msgstr "УнÑ?Ñ?аÑ?ТÑ?анÑ?акÑ?иÑ?е"					msgstr "УнÑ?Ñ?аÑ?ТÑ?анÑ?акÑ?иÑ?е"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Error: %s"						msgid "Error: %s"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?еÑ?ка: %s"						msgstr "Ð?Ñ?еÑ?ка: %s"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79
msgid "Table name"						msgid "Table name"
msgstr "Ð?ме Ñ?абеле"						msgstr "Ð?ме Ñ?абеле"

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93			#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Login for %s"						msgid "Login for %s"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?иÑ?ава за %s"						msgstr "Ð?Ñ?иÑ?ава за %s"

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95					#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95
msgid "Login to database"					msgid "Login to database"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?иÑ?ава за базÑ? подаÑ?ака"				msgstr "Ð?Ñ?иÑ?ава за базÑ? подаÑ?ака"

#: vfs/libmain.c:71						#: vfs/libmain.c:71
msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"				msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"
msgstr "Ð?ном Ð?ФС база подаÑ?ака: додаÑ?ак"			msgstr "Ð?ном Ð?ФС база подаÑ?ака: додаÑ?ак"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40
msgid "Table Properties"					msgid "Table Properties"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?обине Ñ?абеле"						msgstr "Ð?Ñ?обине Ñ?абеле"

#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47
msgid "Table Name"						msgid "Table Name"
msgstr "Ð?ме Ñ?абеле"						msgstr "Ð?ме Ñ?абеле"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155
msgid "New"							msgid "New"
msgstr "Ð?ова"							msgstr "Ð?ова"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156
msgid "Create new table"					msgid "Create new table"
msgstr "Ð?апÑ?ави новÑ? Ñ?абелÑ?"					msgstr "Ð?апÑ?ави новÑ? Ñ?абелÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161
msgid "Properties"						msgid "Properties"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?обине"						msgstr "Ð?Ñ?обине"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162
msgid "View table properties"					msgid "View table properties"
msgstr "Ð?огледаÑ?Ñ?е оÑ?обине Ñ?абеле"				msgstr "Ð?огледаÑ?Ñ?е оÑ?обине Ñ?абеле"

# Ð?оÑ?иÑ?ниÑ?ки Ð?денÑ?иÑ?икаÑ?иони Ð?Ñ?оÑ?				# Ð?оÑ?иÑ?ниÑ?ки Ð?денÑ?иÑ?икаÑ?иони Ð?Ñ?оÑ?
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
msgid "UID"							msgid "UID"
msgstr "Ð?Ð?Ð?"							msgstr "Ð?Ð?Ð?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "calendar"						msgid "calendar"
msgstr "календаÑ?"						msgstr "календаÑ?"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "summary"							msgid "summary"
msgstr "извеÑ?Ñ?аÑ?"						msgstr "извеÑ?Ñ?аÑ?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "Summary"							msgid "Summary"
msgstr "Ð?звеÑ?Ñ?аÑ?"						msgstr "Ð?звеÑ?Ñ?аÑ?"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "location"						msgid "location"
msgstr "положаÑ?"						msgstr "положаÑ?"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "dtstart"							msgid "dtstart"
msgstr "двпоÑ?еÑ?ак"						msgstr "двпоÑ?еÑ?ак"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
msgid "Start time"						msgid "Start time"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?еме поÑ?еÑ?ка"						msgstr "Ð?Ñ?еме поÑ?еÑ?ка"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "dtend"							msgid "dtend"
msgstr "двкÑ?аÑ?"							msgstr "двкÑ?аÑ?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "End time"						msgid "End time"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?еме завÑ?Ñ?еÑ?ка"					msgstr "Ð?Ñ?еме завÑ?Ñ?еÑ?ка"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
msgid "description"						msgid "description"
msgstr "опиÑ?"							msgstr "опиÑ?"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "classification"						msgid "classification"
msgstr "клаÑ?иÑ?икаÑ?иÑ?а"						msgstr "клаÑ?иÑ?икаÑ?иÑ?а"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "Classification"						msgid "Classification"
msgstr "Ð?лаÑ?иÑ?икаÑ?иÑ?а"						msgstr "Ð?лаÑ?иÑ?икаÑ?иÑ?а"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "transparency"						msgid "transparency"
msgstr "непÑ?имеÑ?ноÑ?Ñ?"						msgstr "непÑ?имеÑ?ноÑ?Ñ?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "Transparency"						msgid "Transparency"
msgstr "Ð?епÑ?имеÑ?ноÑ?Ñ?"						msgstr "Ð?епÑ?имеÑ?ноÑ?Ñ?"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "categories"						msgid "categories"
msgstr "каÑ?егоÑ?иÑ?е"						msgstr "каÑ?егоÑ?иÑ?е"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "Categories"						msgid "Categories"
msgstr "Ð?аÑ?егоÑ?иÑ?е"						msgstr "Ð?аÑ?егоÑ?иÑ?е"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "tasks"							msgid "tasks"
msgstr "задÑ?жеÑ?а"						msgstr "задÑ?жеÑ?а"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "due"							msgid "due"
msgstr "Ñ?ок"							msgstr "Ñ?ок"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "Due date"						msgid "Due date"
msgstr "Рок"							msgstr "Рок"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "Start date"						msgid "Start date"
msgstr "Ð?аÑ?Ñ?м поÑ?еÑ?ка"						msgstr "Ð?аÑ?Ñ?м поÑ?еÑ?ка"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355
msgid "Public"							msgid "Public"
msgstr "Ð?авни"							msgstr "Ð?авни"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358
msgid "Private"							msgid "Private"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?иваÑ?ни"						msgstr "Ð?Ñ?иваÑ?ни"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361
msgid "Confidential"						msgid "Confidential"
msgstr "Ð?овеÑ?Ñ?иви"						msgstr "Ð?овеÑ?Ñ?иви"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63
msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"		msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"
msgstr "Ð?е могÑ? да оÑ?воÑ?им подÑ?азÑ?мевани диÑ?екÑ?оÑ?иÑ?Ñ?м календа	msgstr "Ð?е могÑ? да оÑ?воÑ?им подÑ?азÑ?мевани диÑ?екÑ?оÑ?иÑ?Ñ?м календа

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66
msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"			msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"
msgstr "Ð?е могÑ? да оÑ?воÑ?им подÑ?азÑ?мевани диÑ?екÑ?оÑ?иÑ?Ñ?м задÑ?жеÑ?	msgstr "Ð?е могÑ? да оÑ?воÑ?им подÑ?азÑ?мевани диÑ?екÑ?оÑ?иÑ?Ñ?м задÑ?жеÑ?

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80
msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta	msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Ð?еопÑ?одна Ñ?е иденÑ?иÑ?икаÑ?иÑ?а за пÑ?иÑ?Ñ?Ñ?п подÑ?азÑ?меваном диÑ?екÑ?	"Ð?еопÑ?одна Ñ?е иденÑ?иÑ?икаÑ?иÑ?а за пÑ?иÑ?Ñ?Ñ?п подÑ?азÑ?меваном диÑ?екÑ?
"конÑ?акÑ?има"							"конÑ?акÑ?има"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83
msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"		msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"
msgstr "Ð?е могÑ? да оÑ?воÑ?им подÑ?азÑ?мевани диÑ?екÑ?оÑ?иÑ?Ñ?м Ñ?а конÑ?	msgstr "Ð?е могÑ? да оÑ?воÑ?им подÑ?азÑ?мевани диÑ?екÑ?оÑ?иÑ?Ñ?м Ñ?а конÑ?

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100
msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"				msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"
msgstr "Ð?е могÑ? да покÑ?енем Ð?онобо"				msgstr "Ð?е могÑ? да покÑ?енем Ð?онобо"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212
msgid "Field name"						msgid "Field name"
msgstr "Ð?ме поÑ?а"						msgstr "Ð?ме поÑ?а"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213
msgid "Data type"						msgid "Data type"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?а подаÑ?ака"						msgstr "Ð?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?а подаÑ?ака"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214
msgid "Size"							msgid "Size"
msgstr "Ð?елиÑ?ина"						msgstr "Ð?елиÑ?ина"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215
msgid "Scale"							msgid "Scale"
msgstr "РазмеÑ?а"						msgstr "РазмеÑ?а"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216
msgid "Not null?"						msgid "Not null?"
msgstr "Ð?иÑ?е ниÑ?Ñ?а (null)?"					msgstr "Ð?иÑ?е ниÑ?Ñ?а (null)?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217
msgid "Primary key?"						msgid "Primary key?"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?имаÑ?ни кÑ?Ñ?Ñ??"						msgstr "Ð?Ñ?имаÑ?ни кÑ?Ñ?Ñ??"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218
msgid "Unique index?"						msgid "Unique index?"
msgstr "Ð?единÑ?Ñ?вени индекÑ??"					msgstr "Ð?единÑ?Ñ?вени индекÑ??"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219
msgid "References"						msgid "References"
msgstr "РеÑ?еÑ?енÑ?е"						msgstr "РеÑ?еÑ?енÑ?е"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220
msgid "Default value"						msgid "Default value"
msgstr "Ð?одÑ?азÑ?мевана вÑ?едноÑ?Ñ?"					msgstr "Ð?одÑ?азÑ?мевана вÑ?едноÑ?Ñ?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239
msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l	msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l
msgstr "Ð?еопÑ?одно Ñ?е име Ñ?абеле али ниÑ?едно ниÑ?е даÑ?о меÑ?Ñ? па	msgstr "Ð?еопÑ?одно Ñ?е име Ñ?абеле али ниÑ?едно ниÑ?е даÑ?о меÑ?Ñ? па

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Table %s does not exist"					msgid "Table %s does not exist"
msgstr "Табела %s не поÑ?Ñ?оÑ?и"					msgstr "Табела %s не поÑ?Ñ?оÑ?и"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318
msgid "Scheduled events"					msgid "Scheduled events"
msgstr "Ð?аказани догаÑ?аÑ?и"					msgstr "Ð?аказани догаÑ?аÑ?и"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321
msgid "TODO list"						msgid "TODO list"
msgstr "СпиÑ?ак за Ñ?Ñ?адиÑ?и"					msgstr "СпиÑ?ак за Ñ?Ñ?адиÑ?и"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375
msgid "Owner"							msgid "Owner"
msgstr "Ð?лаÑ?ник"						msgstr "Ð?лаÑ?ник"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376
msgid "Comments"						msgid "Comments"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?имедбе"						msgstr "Ð?Ñ?имедбе"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374
msgid "Type"							msgid "Type"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?а"							msgstr "Ð?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?а"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377
msgid "GDA type"						msgid "GDA type"
msgstr "Ð?Ð?Ð? вÑ?Ñ?Ñ?а"						msgstr "Ð?Ð?Ð? вÑ?Ñ?Ñ?а"

#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id	#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id
#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database	#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database
#. we can easily access that information			#. we can easily access that information
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382
msgid "local"							msgid "local"
msgstr "локални"						msgstr "локални"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217
msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?авÑ?еÑ?е база Ñ?оÑ? Ñ?век ниÑ?е подÑ?жано"			msgstr "Ð?Ñ?авÑ?еÑ?е база Ñ?оÑ? Ñ?век ниÑ?е подÑ?жано"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230
msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr "УклаÑ?аÑ?е база Ñ?оÑ? Ñ?век ниÑ?е подÑ?жано"			msgstr "УклаÑ?аÑ?е база Ñ?оÑ? Ñ?век ниÑ?е подÑ?жано"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244
msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"			msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"
msgstr "Ð?е могÑ? да пÑ?еÑ?змем Ñ?емÑ? Ñ?абела"			msgstr "Ð?е могÑ? да пÑ?еÑ?змем Ñ?емÑ? Ñ?абела"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268
msgid "Invalid SQL command"					msgid "Invalid SQL command"
msgstr "Ð?еиÑ?пÑ?авна SQL наÑ?едба"					msgstr "Ð?еиÑ?пÑ?авна SQL наÑ?едба"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353
msgid "Transactions are not supported"				msgid "Transactions are not supported"
msgstr "ТÑ?анÑ?акÑ?иÑ?е ниÑ?Ñ? подÑ?жане"				msgstr "ТÑ?анÑ?акÑ?иÑ?е ниÑ?Ñ? подÑ?жане"

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41
msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"		msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"
msgstr "Ð?оÑ?Ñ?едник за лиÑ?не подаÑ?ке из Ð?волÑ?Ñ?иÑ?е"		msgstr "Ð?оÑ?Ñ?едник за лиÑ?не подаÑ?ке из Ð?волÑ?Ñ?иÑ?е"

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task	"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Ð?звоÑ? подаÑ?ака за пÑ?иÑ?Ñ?Ñ?п подÑ?азÑ?меваном календаÑ?Ñ?, задÑ?жеÑ?и	"Ð?звоÑ? подаÑ?ака за пÑ?иÑ?Ñ?Ñ?п подÑ?азÑ?меваном календаÑ?Ñ?, задÑ?жеÑ?и
"из Ð?волÑ?Ñ?иÑ?е"							"из Ð?волÑ?Ñ?иÑ?е"

#~ msgid "Browse database..."					#~ msgid "Browse database..."
#~ msgstr "РазгледаÑ? базÑ?..."					#~ msgstr "РазгледаÑ? базÑ?..."

#~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .con	#~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .con
#~ msgstr "Ð?омпоненÑ?а коÑ?а Ñ?кÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?е пÑ?иÑ?Ñ?Ñ?не мениÑ?е за .conne	#~ msgstr "Ð?омпоненÑ?а коÑ?а Ñ?кÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?е пÑ?иÑ?Ñ?Ñ?не мениÑ?е за .conne

#~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .sql	#~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .sql
#~ msgstr "Ð?омпоненÑ?а коÑ?а Ñ?кÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?е пÑ?иÑ?Ñ?Ñ?не мениÑ?е за .sql д	#~ msgstr "Ð?омпоненÑ?а коÑ?а Ñ?кÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?е пÑ?иÑ?Ñ?Ñ?не мениÑ?е за .sql д

#~ msgid "Connection MIME handler component"			#~ msgid "Connection MIME handler component"
#~ msgstr "Ð?Ð?Ð?Ð? део баÑ?аÑ?аÑ?е везама"				#~ msgstr "Ð?Ð?Ð?Ð? део баÑ?аÑ?аÑ?е везама"

#~ msgid "Database component factory"				#~ msgid "Database component factory"
#~ msgstr "Ð?Ñ?оизводÑ?а делова за базÑ? подаÑ?ака"			#~ msgstr "Ð?Ñ?оизводÑ?а делова за базÑ? подаÑ?ака"

#~ msgid "Open in database connection..."			#~ msgid "Open in database connection..."
#~ msgstr "Ð?Ñ?воÑ?и везÑ? Ñ?а базом подаÑ?ака..."			#~ msgstr "Ð?Ñ?воÑ?и везÑ? Ñ?а базом подаÑ?ака..."

#~ msgid "SQL MIME handler component"				#~ msgid "SQL MIME handler component"
#~ msgstr "Ð?Ð?Ð?Ð? део за баÑ?аÑ?аÑ?е SQL-ом"				#~ msgstr "Ð?Ð?Ð?Ð? део за баÑ?аÑ?аÑ?е SQL-ом"

#~ msgid "Database browser"					#~ msgid "Database browser"
#~ msgstr "РазгледаÑ?е базе"					#~ msgstr "РазгледаÑ?е базе"

#~ msgid "Error viewer"						#~ msgid "Error viewer"
#~ msgstr "Ð?Ñ?еглед гÑ?еÑ?ака"					#~ msgstr "Ð?Ñ?еглед гÑ?еÑ?ака"

#~ msgid "SQL Viewer"						#~ msgid "SQL Viewer"
#~ msgstr "Ð?Ñ?егледаÑ? SQL кôда"					#~ msgstr "Ð?Ñ?егледаÑ? SQL кôда"

#~ msgid "Database configuration"				#~ msgid "Database configuration"
#~ msgstr "Ð?одеÑ?аваÑ?е базе подаÑ?ака"				#~ msgstr "Ð?одеÑ?аваÑ?е базе подаÑ?ака"

#~ msgid "Edit application preferences"				#~ msgid "Edit application preferences"
#~ msgstr "УÑ?еди поÑ?Ñ?авке пÑ?огÑ?ама"				#~ msgstr "УÑ?еди поÑ?Ñ?авке пÑ?огÑ?ама"

#~ msgid "_Settings"						#~ msgid "_Settings"
#~ msgstr "Ð?о_деÑ?аваÑ?а"						#~ msgstr "Ð?о_деÑ?аваÑ?а"

#~ msgid "Password"						#~ msgid "Password"
#~ msgstr "Ð?озинка"						#~ msgstr "Ð?озинка"

#~ msgid "Save as"						#~ msgid "Save as"
#~ msgstr "СаÑ?Ñ?ваÑ? као"						#~ msgstr "СаÑ?Ñ?ваÑ? као"

#~ msgid "Save to"						#~ msgid "Save to"
#~ msgstr "СаÑ?Ñ?ваÑ? Ñ?"						#~ msgstr "СаÑ?Ñ?ваÑ? Ñ?"

#~ msgid "XML file"						#~ msgid "XML file"
#~ msgstr "XML даÑ?оÑ?ека"					#~ msgstr "XML даÑ?оÑ?ека"

#~ msgid "Hide columns"						#~ msgid "Hide columns"
#~ msgstr "СакÑ?иÑ? колоне"					#~ msgstr "СакÑ?иÑ? колоне"

#~ msgid "Question"						#~ msgid "Question"
#~ msgstr "Ð?иÑ?аÑ?е"						#~ msgstr "Ð?иÑ?аÑ?е"

#~ msgid "Database Moniker factory"				#~ msgid "Database Moniker factory"
#~ msgstr "Ð?Ñ?оизводÑ?а надимака базе подаÑ?ака"			#~ msgstr "Ð?Ñ?оизводÑ?а надимака базе подаÑ?ака"

#~ msgid "database: moniker"					#~ msgid "database: moniker"
#~ msgstr "база: надимÑ?и"					#~ msgstr "база: надимÑ?и"

#~ msgid "Failing to manufacture a '%s'"			#~ msgid "Failing to manufacture a '%s'"
#~ msgstr "Ð?еÑ?Ñ?пела пÑ?оизводÑ?а â??%sâ??"				#~ msgstr "Ð?еÑ?Ñ?пела пÑ?оизводÑ?а â??%sâ??"

#~ msgid "Invalid format for connection string"			#~ msgid "Invalid format for connection string"
#~ msgstr "Ð?еиÑ?пÑ?аван низ знакова за везÑ?"			#~ msgstr "Ð?еиÑ?пÑ?аван низ знакова за везÑ?"

#~ msgid "_File"						#~ msgid "_File"
#~ msgstr "_Ð?аÑ?оÑ?ека"						#~ msgstr "_Ð?аÑ?оÑ?ека"

#~ msgid "Data sources"						#~ msgid "Data sources"
#~ msgstr "Ð?звоÑ?и подаÑ?ака"					#~ msgstr "Ð?звоÑ?и подаÑ?ака"

#~ msgid "Test Data Source"					#~ msgid "Test Data Source"
#~ msgstr "Ð?Ñ?пÑ?обаÑ? извоÑ? подаÑ?ка"				#~ msgstr "Ð?Ñ?пÑ?обаÑ? извоÑ? подаÑ?ка"

#~ msgid "Connection to %s successful!"				#~ msgid "Connection to %s successful!"
#~ msgstr "Ð?еÑ?а Ñ?а %s Ñ?Ñ?пеÑ?но Ñ?Ñ?поÑ?Ñ?авÑ?ена!"			#~ msgstr "Ð?еÑ?а Ñ?а %s Ñ?Ñ?пеÑ?но Ñ?Ñ?поÑ?Ñ?авÑ?ена!"

#~ msgid ""							#~ msgid ""
#~ "Component that lets you open a .connection file and brows	#~ "Component that lets you open a .connection file and brows
#~ "specified on it"						#~ "specified on it"
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Ð?ео коÑ?и омогÑ?Ñ?ава да оÑ?воÑ?иÑ?е â??.connectionâ?? даÑ?оÑ?екÑ? и п	#~ "Ð?ео коÑ?и омогÑ?Ñ?ава да оÑ?воÑ?иÑ?е â??.connectionâ?? даÑ?оÑ?екÑ? и п
#~ "коÑ?Ñ? она наводи"						#~ "коÑ?Ñ? она наводи"

#~ msgid "Viewer for SQL source code"				#~ msgid "Viewer for SQL source code"
#~ msgstr "Ð?Ñ?егледаÑ? SQL извоÑ?ног кода"				#~ msgstr "Ð?Ñ?егледаÑ? SQL извоÑ?ног кода"

#~ msgid "Data source"						#~ msgid "Data source"
#~ msgstr "Ð?звоÑ? подаÑ?ака"					#~ msgstr "Ð?звоÑ? подаÑ?ака"
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: sv.gmo
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/sv.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/sv.po
# Swedish messages for libgnomedb.				# Swedish messages for libgnomedb.
# Copyright (C) 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 Free Software Fo	# Copyright (C) 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 Free Software Fo
# Andreas Hyden <a hyden cyberpoint se>, 2000.			# Andreas Hyden <a hyden cyberpoint se>, 2000.
# Christian Rose <menthos menthos com>, 2000, 2001, 2002, 200	# Christian Rose <menthos menthos com>, 2000, 2001, 2002, 200
# Martin Norbäck <d95mback dtek chalmers se>, 2000.		# Martin Norbäck <d95mback dtek chalmers se>, 2000.
#								#
# $Id: sv.po,v 1.82 2004/06/07 22:33:37 rodrigo Exp $	      |	# $Id: sv.po,v 1.83 2004/08/12 14:44:29 rodrigo Exp $
#								#
msgid ""							msgid ""
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: libgnomedb\n"				"Project-Id-Version: libgnomedb\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"					"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"			"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2003-07-07 16:02+0200\n"			"PO-Revision-Date: 2003-07-07 16:02+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Christian Rose <menthos menthos com>\n"	"Last-Translator: Christian Rose <menthos menthos com>\n"
"Language-Team: Swedish <sv li org>\n"				"Language-Team: Swedish <sv li org>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"						"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"			"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"				"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co
msgid "Data Sources"						msgid "Data Sources"
msgstr "Datakällor"						msgstr "Datakällor"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid
msgid "Providers"						msgid "Providers"
msgstr "Leverantörer"						msgstr "Leverantörer"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1
msgid "Configure your database environment"			msgid "Configure your database environment"
msgstr "Konfigurera din databasmiljö"				msgstr "Konfigurera din databasmiljö"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Database Access Properties "				msgid "Database Access Properties "
msgstr "Databasegenskaper"					msgstr "Databasegenskaper"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380
msgid "Name"							msgid "Name"
msgstr "Namn"							msgstr "Namn"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
msgid "Description"						msgid "Description"
msgstr "Beskrivning"						msgstr "Beskrivning"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182
msgid "Configured data sources in the system"			msgid "Configured data sources in the system"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data sources are the means by which database connections are	"Data sources are the means by which database connections are
"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s	"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s
"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o	"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o
"name you identify the connections in the applications that m	"name you identify the connections in the applications that m
"DB for database access."					"DB for database access."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Datakällor är det sätt som databasanslutningar identifieras 	"Datakällor är det sätt som databasanslutningar identifieras 
"information som behövs för att öppna en anslutning till en s	"information som behövs för att öppna en anslutning till en s
"leverantörs- och databaskombination lagras under ett unikt n	"leverantörs- och databaskombination lagras under ett unikt n
"detta unika namn som du identifierar anslutningarna i progra	"detta unika namn som du identifierar anslutningarna i progra
"GNOME-DB för databasåtkomst."					"GNOME-DB för databasåtkomst."

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277
#, fuzzy, c-format						#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"	msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"
msgstr "Vill du ta bort datakällan \"%s\"?"			msgstr "Vill du ta bort datakällan \"%s\"?"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data Source Properties"					msgid "Data Source Properties"
msgstr "Egenskaper för datakälla"				msgstr "Egenskaper för datakälla"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Basic"							msgid "Basic"
msgstr "Batch"							msgstr "Batch"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Tables"							msgid "Tables"
msgstr "Tabeller"						msgstr "Tabeller"

#: control-center/main.c:92					#: control-center/main.c:92
msgid "No valid data source info was created"			msgid "No valid data source info was created"
msgstr "Ingen giltig datakälleinformation skapades"		msgstr "Ingen giltig datakälleinformation skapades"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218	#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218
msgid "New data source"						msgid "New data source"
msgstr "Ny datakälla"						msgstr "Ny datakälla"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:215					#: control-center/main.c:215
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Database Access Properties"				msgid "Database Access Properties"
msgstr "Databasegenskaper"					msgstr "Databasegenskaper"

#: control-center/provider-config.c:105				#: control-center/provider-config.c:105
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Installed providers"					msgid "Installed providers"
msgstr "Starta markerad leverantör"				msgstr "Starta markerad leverantör"

#: control-center/provider-config.c:131				#: control-center/provider-config.c:131
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec	"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec
"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo	"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo
"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr	"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr
"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba	"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba
"etc."								"etc."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Leverantörer är externa insticksmoduler som tillhandahåller 	"Leverantörer är externa insticksmoduler som tillhandahåller 
"specifik datakälla. Standardleverantören är alltid installer	"specifik datakälla. Standardleverantören är alltid installer
"tillåter åtkomst till databaser som lagras i XML-filer. Andr	"tillåter åtkomst till databaser som lagras i XML-filer. Andr
"som vanligtvis distribueras tillsammans med libgda/libgnomed	"som vanligtvis distribueras tillsammans med libgda/libgnomed
"PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Sybase, Interbase, m.fl."		"PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Sybase, Interbase, m.fl."

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1
msgid "Database connection parameters file"			msgid "Database connection parameters file"
msgstr "Fil med databasanslutningsparametrar"			msgstr "Fil med databasanslutningsparametrar"

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2
msgid "Documents"						msgid "Documents"
msgstr "Dokument"						msgstr "Dokument"

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3
msgid "SQL code viewer"						msgid "SQL code viewer"
msgstr "SQL-kodvisare"						msgstr "SQL-kodvisare"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1
msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"			msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"
msgstr "Typsnitt att användas i rutnätswidgeten"		msgstr "Typsnitt att användas i rutnätswidgeten"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2
msgid "Number of spaces per tab"				msgid "Number of spaces per tab"
msgstr "Anntal blanksteg per tabulatortecken"			msgstr "Anntal blanksteg per tabulatortecken"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3
msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"			msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"
msgstr "Visa radnummer i källkodsredigeraren"			msgstr "Visa radnummer i källkodsredigeraren"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4
msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"			msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"
msgstr "Använd färgmarkering i källkodsredigeraren"		msgstr "Använd färgmarkering i källkodsredigeraren"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60
msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"			msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"
msgstr "Databastjänster för GNOME-skrivbordet"			msgstr "Databastjänster för GNOME-skrivbordet"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1
msgid "About"							msgid "About"
msgstr "Om"							msgstr "Om"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2
msgid "About GNOME-DB"						msgid "About GNOME-DB"
msgstr "Om GNOME-DB"						msgstr "Om GNOME-DB"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3
msgid "Close this window"					msgid "Close this window"
msgstr "Stäng detta fönster"					msgstr "Stäng detta fönster"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4
msgid "Create new entry"					msgid "Create new entry"
msgstr "Skapa ny post"						msgstr "Skapa ny post"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5
msgid "Delete selected items"					msgid "Delete selected items"
msgstr "Ta bort markerade objekt"				msgstr "Ta bort markerade objekt"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Deselect all items"					msgid "Deselect all items"
msgstr "Ta bort markerade objekt"				msgstr "Ta bort markerade objekt"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7
msgid "Edit properties for selected item"			msgid "Edit properties for selected item"
msgstr "Redigera egenskaper för markerat objekt"		msgstr "Redigera egenskaper för markerat objekt"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8
msgid "Save connection parameters to file"			msgid "Save connection parameters to file"
msgstr "Spara anslutningsparametrar till fil"			msgstr "Spara anslutningsparametrar till fil"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Select _All"						msgid "Select _All"
msgstr "Markera alla"						msgstr "Markera alla"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Select all items"					msgid "Select all items"
msgstr "Markera alla objekt i listan"				msgstr "Markera alla objekt i listan"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View data sources"					msgid "View data sources"
msgstr "Ny datakälla"						msgstr "Ny datakälla"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View providers"						msgid "View providers"
msgstr "Lägg till ny leverantör"				msgstr "Lägg till ny leverantör"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Clear Selection"					msgid "_Clear Selection"
msgstr "Töm markering"						msgstr "Töm markering"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14
msgid "_Close"							msgid "_Close"
msgstr "S_täng"							msgstr "S_täng"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Data Sources"						msgid "_Data Sources"
msgstr "Datakällor"						msgstr "Datakällor"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16
msgid "_Database"						msgid "_Database"
msgstr "_Databas"						msgstr "_Databas"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17
msgid "_Delete"							msgid "_Delete"
msgstr "_Ta bort"						msgstr "_Ta bort"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18
msgid "_Edit"							msgid "_Edit"
msgstr "_Redigera"						msgstr "_Redigera"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19
msgid "_Help"							msgid "_Help"
msgstr "_Hjälp"							msgstr "_Hjälp"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_New Data Source..."					msgid "_New Data Source..."
msgstr "Ny datakälla"						msgstr "Ny datakälla"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21
msgid "_Properties"						msgid "_Properties"
msgstr "_Egenskaper"						msgstr "_Egenskaper"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Providers"						msgid "_Providers"
msgstr "Leverantörer"						msgstr "Leverantörer"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23
msgid "_Save Connection"					msgid "_Save Connection"
msgstr "_Spara anslutning"					msgstr "_Spara anslutning"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_View"							msgid "_View"
msgstr "Visa"							msgstr "Visa"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76
msgid "Structure"						msgid "Structure"
msgstr "Struktur"						msgstr "Struktur"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73
msgid "Data"							msgid "Data"
msgstr "Data"							msgstr "Data"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238
msgid "Not implemented yet!"					msgid "Not implemented yet!"
msgstr "Inte implementerat än!"					msgstr "Inte implementerat än!"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Database"						msgid "Database"
msgstr "Databas"						msgstr "Databas"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540
msgid "Loading database schemas..."				msgid "Loading database schemas..."
msgstr "Läser in databasscheman..."				msgstr "Läser in databasscheman..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632
msgid "Refreshing data..."					msgid "Refreshing data..."
msgstr "Uppdaterar data..."					msgstr "Uppdaterar data..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688
msgid "Views"							msgid "Views"
msgstr "Vyer"							msgstr "Vyer"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691
msgid "Indexes"							msgid "Indexes"
msgstr "Index"							msgstr "Index"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Sequences"						msgid "Sequences"
msgstr "Sekvenser"						msgstr "Sekvenser"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Procedures"						msgid "Procedures"
msgstr "Procedurer"						msgstr "Procedurer"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700
msgid "Triggers"						msgid "Triggers"
msgstr "Utlösare"						msgstr "Utlösare"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Aggregates"						msgid "Aggregates"
msgstr "Aggregat"						msgstr "Aggregat"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Types"							msgid "Types"
msgstr "Typer"							msgstr "Typer"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140
msgid "Could not query CORBA components"			msgid "Could not query CORBA components"
msgstr "Kunde inte fråga CORBA-komponenter"			msgstr "Kunde inte fråga CORBA-komponenter"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209
msgid "ID"							msgid "ID"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "Location"						msgid "Location"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212
msgid "Username"						msgid "Username"
msgstr "Användarnamn"						msgstr "Användarnamn"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Hostname"						msgid "Hostname"
msgstr "Hem"							msgstr "Hem"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Domain"							msgid "Domain"
msgstr "Kommando"						msgstr "Kommando"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"			msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"
msgstr "Typen stöds inte i GconfEntry: %d"			msgstr "Typen stöds inte i GconfEntry: %d"

#. create widgets						#. create widgets
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97
msgid "Settings"						msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Inställningar"						msgstr "Inställningar"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103
msgid "Data source name"					msgid "Data source name"
msgstr "Namn på datakälla"					msgstr "Namn på datakälla"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109
msgid "Connection string"					msgid "Connection string"
msgstr "Anslutningssträng"					msgstr "Anslutningssträng"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115
msgid "Provider"						msgid "Provider"
msgstr "Leverantör"						msgstr "Leverantör"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121
msgid "User name"						msgid "User name"
msgstr "Användarnamn"						msgstr "Användarnamn"

#. create feature list						#. create feature list
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128
msgid "Features"						msgid "Features"
msgstr "Funktioner"						msgstr "Funktioner"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190
msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"		msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"
msgstr "Du måste ange ett namn på den nya datakällan"		msgstr "Du måste ange ett namn på den nya datakällan"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac	msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac
msgstr "Namn på datakällor kan inte innehålla blanksteg"	msgstr "Namn på datakällor kan inte innehålla blanksteg"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206
msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th	msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213
msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"			msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"
msgstr "Namn på datakällor kan inte innehålla blanksteg"	msgstr "Namn på datakällor kan inte innehålla blanksteg"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217
msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n	msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n
msgstr "Namn på datakällor kan endast innehålla ASCII-bokstäv	msgstr "Namn på datakällor kan endast innehålla ASCII-bokstäv

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225
msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"	msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"
msgstr "Du måste ange en leverantör för den nya datakällan"	msgstr "Du måste ange en leverantör för den nya datakällan"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233
msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"		msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"
msgstr "Leverantören hittades inte i din konfiguration"		msgstr "Leverantören hittades inte i din konfiguration"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391
msgid "Add a new data source..."				msgid "Add a new data source..."
msgstr "Lägg till en ny datakälla..."				msgstr "Lägg till en ny datakälla..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392
msgid ""							msgid ""
"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"		"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"
"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"		"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"
"installation. Just follow the steps!"				"installation. Just follow the steps!"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Denna guide kommer att hjälpa dig genom processen\n"		"Denna guide kommer att hjälpa dig genom processen\n"
"att skapa en ny datakälla för din GNOME-DB-\n"			"att skapa en ny datakälla för din GNOME-DB-\n"
"installation. Följ bara stegen!"				"installation. Följ bara stegen!"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404
msgid "General Information"					msgid "General Information"
msgstr "Allmän information"					msgstr "Allmän information"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the basic information\n"	"The following fields represent the basic information\n"
"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n	"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n
"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"	"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"
"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"	"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"
"the default one."						"the default one."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Följande fält representerar de grundläggande\n"		"Följande fält representerar de grundläggande\n"
"informationsobjekten för din nya datakälla. En del av dem \n	"informationsobjekten för din nya datakälla. En del av dem \n
"(beskrivning, användarnamn) är valfria, medan andra är\n"	"(beskrivning, användarnamn) är valfria, medan andra är\n"
"obligatoriska. Om du inte vet vilken leverantör du ska\n"	"obligatoriska. Om du inte vet vilken leverantör du ska\n"
"använda väljer du helt enkelt standardalternativet"		"använda väljer du helt enkelt standardalternativet"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data source _name:"					msgid "Data source _name:"
msgstr "Namn på datakälla"					msgstr "Namn på datakälla"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Provider:"						msgid "_Provider:"
msgstr "Leverantör"						msgstr "Leverantör"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Description:"						msgid "_Description:"
msgstr "Beskrivning"						msgstr "Beskrivning"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Username:"						msgid "_Username:"
msgstr "Användarnamn:"						msgstr "Användarnamn:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "P_assword:"						msgid "P_assword:"
msgstr "Lösenord:"						msgstr "Lösenord:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454
msgid "Provider Parameters"					msgid "Provider Parameters"
msgstr "Leverantörsparametrar"					msgstr "Leverantörsparametrar"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the information needed by the	"The following fields represent the information needed by the
"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n	"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n
"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\	"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\
"the manual for more information."				"the manual for more information."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"De följande fälten innehåller den information som behövs av\	"De följande fälten innehåller den information som behövs av\
"den leverantör du angav på föregående sida för att öppna en\	"den leverantör du angav på föregående sida för att öppna en\
"given anslutning. Denna information är leverantörsspecifik,\	"given anslutning. Denna information är leverantörsspecifik,\
"så se manualen för mer information"				"så se manualen för mer information"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481
msgid "All information retrieved"				msgid "All information retrieved"
msgstr "All information hämtad"					msgstr "All information hämtad"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid ""							msgid ""
"All information needed to create a new data source\n"		"All information needed to create a new data source\n"
"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"		"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"
"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"	"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"
"just select it when asked for a data source."			"just select it when asked for a data source."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"All information som krävs för att skapa en ny datakälla\n"	"All information som krävs för att skapa en ny datakälla\n"
"har hämtats. Nu kan du trycka \"Verkställ\" för att\n"		"har hämtats. Nu kan du trycka \"Verkställ\" för att\n"
"stänga detta dialogfönster. För att öppna den nyligen\n"	"stänga detta dialogfönster. För att öppna den nyligen\n"
"skapade datakällan väljer du den då du frågas om en\n"		"skapade datakällan väljer du den då du frågas om en\n"
"datakälla"							"datakälla"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Connection _string:"					msgid "Connection _string:"
msgstr "Anslutningssträng"					msgstr "Anslutningssträng"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4
msgid "Error"							msgid "Error"
msgstr "Fel"							msgstr "Fel"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.
msgid "Show detail >>"						msgid "Show detail >>"
msgstr "Visa detaljer >>"					msgstr "Visa detaljer >>"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122
msgid "<< Hide detail"						msgid "<< Hide detail"
msgstr "<< Dölj detaljer"					msgstr "<< Dölj detaljer"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191
msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"	msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"
msgstr "Ett fel inträffade i den underliggande databasen"	msgstr "Ett fel inträffade i den underliggande databasen"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196
msgid "Error number"						msgid "Error number"
msgstr "Felnummer"						msgstr "Felnummer"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227
msgid "Details"							msgid "Details"
msgstr "Detaljer"						msgstr "Detaljer"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234
msgid "Source"							msgid "Source"
msgstr "Källa"							msgstr "Källa"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241
msgid "SQL state"						msgid "SQL state"
msgstr "SQL-tillstånd"						msgstr "SQL-tillstånd"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Field:"							msgid "_Field:"
msgstr "Fält"							msgstr "Fält"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Text:"							msgid "_Text:"
msgstr "Nästa"							msgstr "Nästa"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308
msgid "No records"						msgid "No records"
msgstr "Inga poster"						msgstr "Inga poster"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Record %d of %d"						msgid "Record %d of %d"
msgstr "Post %d av %d"						msgstr "Post %d av %d"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113
msgid "Recordset description"					msgid "Recordset description"
msgstr "Postgruppsbeskrivning"					msgstr "Postgruppsbeskrivning"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141
#, fuzzy, c-format						#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""							msgid ""
"File '%s' already exists.\n"					"File '%s' already exists.\n"
"Do you want to overwrite it?"					"Do you want to overwrite it?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Filen %s finns redan\n"					"Filen %s finns redan\n"
"Vill du skriva över den?"					"Vill du skriva över den?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149
msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."		msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Could not save file %s"					msgid "Could not save file %s"
msgstr "Kunde inte spara filen %s"				msgstr "Kunde inte spara filen %s"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224
msgid "You must specify a file name"				msgid "You must specify a file name"
msgstr "Du måste ange ett filnamn"				msgstr "Du måste ange ett filnamn"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230
msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"		msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"
msgstr "Fick tom fil vid konvertering av data"			msgstr "Fick tom fil vid konvertering av data"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261
msgid "Saving Model"						msgid "Saving Model"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "File _name:"						msgid "File _name:"
msgstr "Filnamn"						msgstr "Filnamn"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276
msgid "Select File"						msgid "Select File"
msgstr "Välj fil"						msgstr "Välj fil"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "File _type:"						msgid "File _type:"
msgstr "Filnamn"						msgstr "Filnamn"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Tab-delimited"						msgid "Tab-delimited"
msgstr "Tabulatoravgränsad fil"					msgstr "Tabulatoravgränsad fil"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Comma-delimited"						msgid "Comma-delimited"
msgstr "Kommaavgränsad fil"					msgstr "Kommaavgränsad fil"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:
msgid "XML"							msgid "XML"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355
msgid "View detail"						msgid "View detail"
msgstr "Visa detaljer"						msgstr "Visa detaljer"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Show Column _Titles"					msgid "Show Column _Titles"
msgstr "Visa kolumnrubriker"					msgstr "Visa kolumnrubriker"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442
msgid "Describe"						msgid "Describe"
msgstr "Beskriv"						msgstr "Beskriv"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443
msgid "View detail..."						msgid "View detail..."
msgstr "Visa detaljer..."					msgstr "Visa detaljer..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614
msgid "Title"							msgid "Title"
msgstr "Titel"							msgstr "Titel"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48
msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"	msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"
msgstr "Försök att initiera en redan initierad klient"		msgstr "Försök att initiera en redan initierad klient"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"		"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"
"to a data source"						"to a data source"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Ange argumenten nedan för att öppna en anslutning\n"		"Ange argumenten nedan för att öppna en anslutning\n"
"till en datakälla"						"till en datakälla"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253
msgid "Data Source:"						msgid "Data Source:"
msgstr "Datakälla:"						msgstr "Datakälla:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270
msgid "Username:"						msgid "Username:"
msgstr "Användarnamn:"						msgstr "Användarnamn:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279
msgid "Password:"						msgid "Password:"
msgstr "Lösenord:"						msgstr "Lösenord:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69
msgid "Fields"							msgid "Fields"
msgstr "Fält"							msgstr "Fält"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30
msgid "Commit"							msgid "Commit"
msgstr "Verkställ"						msgstr "Verkställ"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31
msgid "Connect"							msgid "Connect"
msgstr "Anslut"							msgstr "Anslut"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33
msgid "Designer"						msgid "Designer"
msgstr "Designer"						msgstr "Designer"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34
msgid "Disconnect"						msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr "Koppla från"						msgstr "Koppla från"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35
msgid "NoTransaction"						msgid "NoTransaction"
msgstr "IngenTransaktion"					msgstr "IngenTransaktion"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37
msgid "Query"							msgid "Query"
msgstr "Fråga"							msgstr "Fråga"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38
msgid "Rollback"						msgid "Rollback"
msgstr "�terställ"						msgstr "�terställ"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40
msgid "SQL"							msgid "SQL"
msgstr "SQL"							msgstr "SQL"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43
msgid "WithinTransaction"					msgid "WithinTransaction"
msgstr "InomTransaktion"					msgstr "InomTransaktion"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Error: %s"						msgid "Error: %s"
msgstr "Fel: %s"						msgstr "Fel: %s"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79
msgid "Table name"						msgid "Table name"
msgstr "Tabellnamn"						msgstr "Tabellnamn"

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93			#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Login for %s"						msgid "Login for %s"
msgstr "Inloggning för %s"					msgstr "Inloggning för %s"

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95					#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95
msgid "Login to database"					msgid "Login to database"
msgstr "Inloggning till databas"				msgstr "Inloggning till databas"

#: vfs/libmain.c:71						#: vfs/libmain.c:71
msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"				msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"
msgstr "GNOME VFS-databas: modul"				msgstr "GNOME VFS-databas: modul"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Table Properties"					msgid "Table Properties"
msgstr "Databasegenskaper"					msgstr "Databasegenskaper"

#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Table Name"						msgid "Table Name"
msgstr "Tabellnamn"						msgstr "Tabellnamn"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155
msgid "New"							msgid "New"
msgstr "Ny"							msgstr "Ny"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Create new table"					msgid "Create new table"
msgstr "Skapa ny databas"					msgstr "Skapa ny databas"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161
msgid "Properties"						msgid "Properties"
msgstr "Egenskaper"						msgstr "Egenskaper"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View table properties"					msgid "View table properties"
msgstr "Databasegenskaper"					msgstr "Databasegenskaper"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
msgid "UID"							msgid "UID"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "calendar"						msgid "calendar"
msgstr "Skala"							msgstr "Skala"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "summary"							msgid "summary"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "Summary"							msgid "Summary"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "location"						msgid "location"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "dtstart"							msgid "dtstart"
msgstr "Starta"							msgstr "Starta"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Start time"						msgid "Start time"
msgstr "Starta"							msgstr "Starta"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "dtend"							msgid "dtend"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "End time"						msgid "End time"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "description"						msgid "description"
msgstr "Beskrivning"						msgstr "Beskrivning"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "classification"						msgid "classification"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Classification"						msgid "Classification"
msgstr "Töm markering"						msgstr "Töm markering"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "transparency"						msgid "transparency"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "Transparency"						msgid "Transparency"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "categories"						msgid "categories"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "Categories"						msgid "Categories"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "tasks"							msgid "tasks"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "due"							msgid "due"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Due date"						msgid "Due date"
msgstr "Datum"							msgstr "Datum"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Start date"						msgid "Start date"
msgstr "Starta"							msgstr "Starta"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355
msgid "Public"							msgid "Public"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Private"							msgid "Private"
msgstr "Klistra in"						msgstr "Klistra in"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361
msgid "Confidential"						msgid "Confidential"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63
msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"		msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66
msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"			msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80
msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta	msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"		msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"
msgstr "Kunde inte öppna anslutning till %s"			msgstr "Kunde inte öppna anslutning till %s"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"				msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"
msgstr "Kunde inte initiera Bonobo\n"				msgstr "Kunde inte initiera Bonobo\n"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Field name"						msgid "Field name"
msgstr "Filnamn"						msgstr "Filnamn"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data type"						msgid "Data type"
msgstr "Data"							msgstr "Data"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214
msgid "Size"							msgid "Size"
msgstr "Storlek"						msgstr "Storlek"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215
msgid "Scale"							msgid "Scale"
msgstr "Skala"							msgstr "Skala"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216
msgid "Not null?"						msgid "Not null?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217
msgid "Primary key?"						msgid "Primary key?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218
msgid "Unique index?"						msgid "Unique index?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "References"						msgid "References"
msgstr "Inställningar"						msgstr "Inställningar"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220
msgid "Default value"						msgid "Default value"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239
msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l	msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Table %s does not exist"					msgid "Table %s does not exist"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318
msgid "Scheduled events"					msgid "Scheduled events"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321
msgid "TODO list"						msgid "TODO list"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375
msgid "Owner"							msgid "Owner"
msgstr "Ã?gare"							msgstr "Ã?gare"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Comments"						msgid "Comments"
msgstr "Verkställ"						msgstr "Verkställ"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Type"							msgid "Type"
msgstr "Typer"							msgstr "Typer"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "GDA type"						msgid "GDA type"
msgstr "GDA-typ"						msgstr "GDA-typ"

#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id	#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id
#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database	#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database
#. we can easily access that information			#. we can easily access that information
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "local"							msgid "local"
msgstr "Global"							msgstr "Global"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr "Transaktioner stöds inte"				msgstr "Transaktioner stöds inte"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230
msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244
msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"			msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Invalid SQL command"					msgid "Invalid SQL command"
msgstr "Ã?ppna SQL-kommando"					msgstr "Ã?ppna SQL-kommando"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Transactions are not supported"				msgid "Transactions are not supported"
msgstr "Transaktioner stöds inte"				msgstr "Transaktioner stöds inte"

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41
msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"		msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task	"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#~ msgid "Browse database..."					#~ msgid "Browse database..."
#~ msgstr "Bläddra i databas..."				#~ msgstr "Bläddra i databas..."

#~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .con	#~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .con
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Komponent som inkluderar sammanhangsmenyposter för .conne	#~ "Komponent som inkluderar sammanhangsmenyposter för .conne

#~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .sql	#~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .sql
#~ msgstr "Komponent som inkluderar sammanhangsmenyposter för	#~ msgstr "Komponent som inkluderar sammanhangsmenyposter för

#~ msgid "Connection MIME handler component"			#~ msgid "Connection MIME handler component"
#~ msgstr "MIME-hanterarkomponent för anslutningar"		#~ msgstr "MIME-hanterarkomponent för anslutningar"

#~ msgid "Database component factory"				#~ msgid "Database component factory"
#~ msgstr "Databaskomponentfabrik"				#~ msgstr "Databaskomponentfabrik"

#~ msgid "Open in database connection..."			#~ msgid "Open in database connection..."
#~ msgstr "Ã?ppna i databasanslutning..."			#~ msgstr "Ã?ppna i databasanslutning..."

#~ msgid "SQL MIME handler component"				#~ msgid "SQL MIME handler component"
#~ msgstr "SQL MIME-hanterarkomponent"				#~ msgstr "SQL MIME-hanterarkomponent"

#~ msgid "Database browser"					#~ msgid "Database browser"
#~ msgstr "Databasbläddrare"					#~ msgstr "Databasbläddrare"

#~ msgid "Error viewer"						#~ msgid "Error viewer"
#~ msgstr "Felvisare"						#~ msgstr "Felvisare"

#~ msgid "SQL Viewer"						#~ msgid "SQL Viewer"
#~ msgstr "SQL-visare"						#~ msgstr "SQL-visare"

#~ msgid "Database configuration"				#~ msgid "Database configuration"
#~ msgstr "Databaskonfiguration"				#~ msgstr "Databaskonfiguration"

#~ msgid ""							#~ msgid ""
#~ "Providers are external plugins that provide access to a s	#~ "Providers are external plugins that provide access to a s
#~ "source The default provider is always installed, which al	#~ "source The default provider is always installed, which al
#~ "databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually di	#~ "databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually di
#~ "with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, S	#~ "with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, S
#~ "Interbase, etc."						#~ "Interbase, etc."
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Leverantörer är externa insticksmoduler som tillhandahåll	#~ "Leverantörer är externa insticksmoduler som tillhandahåll
#~ "en specifik datakälla. Standardleverantören är alltid ins	#~ "en specifik datakälla. Standardleverantören är alltid ins
#~ "den tillåter åtkomst till databaser som lagras i XML-file	#~ "den tillåter åtkomst till databaser som lagras i XML-file
#~ "leverantörer som vanligtvis distribueras tillsammans med 	#~ "leverantörer som vanligtvis distribueras tillsammans med 
#~ "libgnomedb inkluderar PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Sybase, 	#~ "libgnomedb inkluderar PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Sybase, 

#~ msgid "Edit application preferences"				#~ msgid "Edit application preferences"
#~ msgstr "Redigera programinställningar"			#~ msgstr "Redigera programinställningar"

#~ msgid "New..."						#~ msgid "New..."
#~ msgstr "Ny..."						#~ msgstr "Ny..."

#~ msgid "_Preferences"						#~ msgid "_Preferences"
#~ msgstr "_Inställningar"					#~ msgstr "_Inställningar"

#~ msgid "_Properties..."					#~ msgid "_Properties..."
#~ msgstr "_Egenskaper..."					#~ msgstr "_Egenskaper..."

#~ msgid "_Settings"						#~ msgid "_Settings"
#~ msgstr "_Inställningar"					#~ msgstr "_Inställningar"

#~ msgid "Password"						#~ msgid "Password"
#~ msgstr "Lösenord"						#~ msgstr "Lösenord"

#~ msgid "Save as"						#~ msgid "Save as"
#~ msgstr "Spara som"						#~ msgstr "Spara som"

#~ msgid "Save to"						#~ msgid "Save to"
#~ msgstr "Spara till"						#~ msgstr "Spara till"

#~ msgid "XML file"						#~ msgid "XML file"
#~ msgstr "XML-fil"						#~ msgstr "XML-fil"

#~ msgid "Show columns"						#~ msgid "Show columns"
#~ msgstr "Visa kolumner"					#~ msgstr "Visa kolumner"

#~ msgid "Hide columns"						#~ msgid "Hide columns"
#~ msgstr "Dölj kolumner"					#~ msgstr "Dölj kolumner"

#~ msgid "Question"						#~ msgid "Question"
#~ msgstr "Fråga"						#~ msgstr "Fråga"

#~ msgid "Database Moniker factory"				#~ msgid "Database Moniker factory"
#~ msgstr "Databasmonikerfabrik"				#~ msgstr "Databasmonikerfabrik"

#~ msgid "database: moniker"					#~ msgid "database: moniker"
#~ msgstr "databas: moniker"					#~ msgstr "databas: moniker"

#~ msgid "Failing to manufacture a '%s'"			#~ msgid "Failing to manufacture a '%s'"
#~ msgstr "Misslyckades med att producera en \"%s\""		#~ msgstr "Misslyckades med att producera en \"%s\""

#~ msgid "Invalid format for connection string"			#~ msgid "Invalid format for connection string"
#~ msgstr "Ogiltigt format för anslutningssträng"		#~ msgstr "Ogiltigt format för anslutningssträng"

#~ msgid "Data sources"						#~ msgid "Data sources"
#~ msgstr "Datakällor"						#~ msgstr "Datakällor"

#~ msgid "_File"						#~ msgid "_File"
#~ msgstr "_Arkiv"						#~ msgstr "_Arkiv"

#~ msgid "Delete"						#~ msgid "Delete"
#~ msgstr "Ta bort"						#~ msgstr "Ta bort"

#~ msgid "Properties..."					#~ msgid "Properties..."
#~ msgstr "Egenskaper..."					#~ msgstr "Egenskaper..."

#~ msgid "Test Data Source"					#~ msgid "Test Data Source"
#~ msgstr "Testa datakälla"					#~ msgstr "Testa datakälla"

#~ msgid "Connection to %s successful!"				#~ msgid "Connection to %s successful!"
#~ msgstr "Anslutning till %s lyckades!"			#~ msgstr "Anslutning till %s lyckades!"

#~ msgid "Test"							#~ msgid "Test"
#~ msgstr "Testa"						#~ msgstr "Testa"

#~ msgid "Save Connection"					#~ msgid "Save Connection"
#~ msgstr "Spara anslutning"					#~ msgstr "Spara anslutning"

#~ msgid "About..."						#~ msgid "About..."
#~ msgstr "Om..."						#~ msgstr "Om..."

#~ msgid "_About"						#~ msgid "_About"
#~ msgstr "_Om"							#~ msgstr "_Om"

#~ msgid "_About..."						#~ msgid "_About..."
#~ msgstr "_Om..."						#~ msgstr "_Om..."

#~ msgid "About GNOME-DB..."					#~ msgid "About GNOME-DB..."
#~ msgstr "Om GNOME-DB..."					#~ msgstr "Om GNOME-DB..."

#~ msgid "Help"							#~ msgid "Help"
#~ msgstr "Hjälp"						#~ msgstr "Hjälp"

#~ msgid "SQL viewer component"					#~ msgid "SQL viewer component"
#~ msgstr "SQL-visarkomponent"					#~ msgstr "SQL-visarkomponent"

#~ msgid "Viewer for SQL source code"				#~ msgid "Viewer for SQL source code"
#~ msgstr "Visare för SQL-källkod"				#~ msgstr "Visare för SQL-källkod"

#~ msgid "Database Browser"					#~ msgid "Database Browser"
#~ msgstr "Databasbläddrare"					#~ msgstr "Databasbläddrare"

#~ msgid "Close"						#~ msgid "Close"
#~ msgstr "Stäng"						#~ msgstr "Stäng"

#~ msgid ""							#~ msgid ""
#~ "Component that lets you open a .connection file and brows	#~ "Component that lets you open a .connection file and brows
#~ "specified on it"						#~ "specified on it"
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Komponent som låter dig öppna en .connection-fil och bläd	#~ "Komponent som låter dig öppna en .connection-fil och bläd
#~ "anslutning som är angiven i den"				#~ "anslutning som är angiven i den"

#~ msgid "Data source"						#~ msgid "Data source"
#~ msgstr "Datakälla"						#~ msgstr "Datakälla"

#~ msgid "Data Source"						#~ msgid "Data Source"
#~ msgstr "Datakälla"						#~ msgstr "Datakälla"

#~ msgid "Document"						#~ msgid "Document"
#~ msgstr "Dokument"						#~ msgstr "Dokument"

#~ msgid "Describe..."						#~ msgid "Describe..."
#~ msgstr "Beskriv..."						#~ msgstr "Beskriv..."

#~ msgid "Enter the arguments below to open a connection to a	#~ msgid "Enter the arguments below to open a connection to a
#~ msgstr "Ange argumenten nedan för att öppna en anslutning 	#~ msgstr "Ange argumenten nedan för att öppna en anslutning 

#~ msgid "Select all"						#~ msgid "Select all"
#~ msgstr "Markera alla"					#~ msgstr "Markera alla"

#~ msgid "Unselect all"						#~ msgid "Unselect all"
#~ msgstr "Avmarkera alla"					#~ msgstr "Avmarkera alla"

#~ msgid "Unselect All"						#~ msgid "Unselect All"
#~ msgstr "Avmarkera alla"					#~ msgstr "Avmarkera alla"

#~ msgid "Unselect all selected items in list"			#~ msgid "Unselect all selected items in list"
#~ msgstr "Avmarkera alla markerade objekt i listan"		#~ msgstr "Avmarkera alla markerade objekt i listan"

#~ msgid "Display column headers"				#~ msgid "Display column headers"
#~ msgstr "Visa kolumnrubriker"					#~ msgstr "Visa kolumnrubriker"

#~ msgid "Hide column headers"					#~ msgid "Hide column headers"
#~ msgstr "Dölj kolumnrubriker"					#~ msgstr "Dölj kolumnrubriker"

#~ msgid "Save as..."						#~ msgid "Save as..."
#~ msgstr "Spara som..."					#~ msgstr "Spara som..."

#~ msgid "Export data to different formats"			#~ msgid "Export data to different formats"
#~ msgstr "Exportera data till andra format"			#~ msgstr "Exportera data till andra format"

#~ msgid "Describe current data set"				#~ msgid "Describe current data set"
#~ msgstr "Beskriv aktuell datagrupp"				#~ msgstr "Beskriv aktuell datagrupp"

#~ msgid "View current data in more detail"			#~ msgid "View current data in more detail"
#~ msgstr "Visa aktuell data mer detaljerat"			#~ msgstr "Visa aktuell data mer detaljerat"

#~ msgid "OAFIID of the default component for the GNOME-DB sh	#~ msgid "OAFIID of the default component for the GNOME-DB sh
#~ msgstr "OAFIID av standardkomponenten för GNOME-DB-skalet"	#~ msgstr "OAFIID av standardkomponenten för GNOME-DB-skalet"

#~ msgid "Whether to save the shell window position on exit"	#~ msgid "Whether to save the shell window position on exit"
#~ msgstr "Huruvida skalets fönsterposition ska sparas vid av	#~ msgstr "Huruvida skalets fönsterposition ska sparas vid av

#~ msgid "Whether to show or not the shortcut bar on the fron	#~ msgid "Whether to show or not the shortcut bar on the fron
#~ msgstr "Huruvida genvägsraden ska visas eller inte"		#~ msgstr "Huruvida genvägsraden ska visas eller inte"

#~ msgid "Whether to show or not the summary bar on the front	#~ msgid "Whether to show or not the summary bar on the front
#~ msgstr "Huruvida sammanfattningsraden ska visas eller inte	#~ msgstr "Huruvida sammanfattningsraden ska visas eller inte

#~ msgid "Whether to use a fixed size/position for the shell 	#~ msgid "Whether to use a fixed size/position for the shell 
#~ msgstr "Huruvida en fast storlek/position på skalfönstret 	#~ msgstr "Huruvida en fast storlek/position på skalfönstret 

#~ msgid "No Transaction"					#~ msgid "No Transaction"
#~ msgstr "Ingen transaktion"					#~ msgstr "Ingen transaktion"

#~ msgid "No transaction"					#~ msgid "No transaction"
#~ msgstr "Ingen transaktion"					#~ msgstr "Ingen transaktion"

#~ msgid "Within Transaction"					#~ msgid "Within Transaction"
#~ msgstr "Inom transaktion"					#~ msgstr "Inom transaktion"

#~ msgid "Within transaction"					#~ msgid "Within transaction"
#~ msgstr "Inom transaktion"					#~ msgstr "Inom transaktion"

#~ msgid "NULL text in tree model."				#~ msgid "NULL text in tree model."
#~ msgstr "NULL-text i trädmodell."				#~ msgstr "NULL-text i trädmodell."

#~ msgid "Icon"							#~ msgid "Icon"
#~ msgstr "Ikon"						#~ msgstr "Ikon"

#~ msgid "Object name"						#~ msgid "Object name"
#~ msgstr "Objektnamn"						#~ msgstr "Objektnamn"

#~ msgid "Loading..."						#~ msgid "Loading..."
#~ msgstr "Läser in..."						#~ msgstr "Läser in..."

#~ msgid "Databases"						#~ msgid "Databases"
#~ msgstr "Databaser"						#~ msgstr "Databaser"

#~ msgid "Edit"							#~ msgid "Edit"
#~ msgstr "Redigera"						#~ msgstr "Redigera"

#~ msgid "Refresh"						#~ msgid "Refresh"
#~ msgstr "Uppdatera"						#~ msgstr "Uppdatera"

#~ msgid "Loading table data..."				#~ msgid "Loading table data..."
#~ msgstr "Läser in tabelldata..."				#~ msgstr "Läser in tabelldata..."

#~ msgid "Previous"						#~ msgid "Previous"
#~ msgstr "Föregående"						#~ msgstr "Föregående"

#~ msgid "Cancel"						#~ msgid "Cancel"
#~ msgstr "Avbryt"						#~ msgstr "Avbryt"

#~ msgid "OK"							#~ msgid "OK"
#~ msgstr "OK"							#~ msgstr "OK"

#~ msgid "Builder"						#~ msgid "Builder"
#~ msgstr "Byggare"						#~ msgstr "Byggare"

#~ msgid "GNOME-DB application builder component factory"	#~ msgid "GNOME-DB application builder component factory"
#~ msgstr "Komponentfabrik för GNOME-DB-programbyggaren"	#~ msgstr "Komponentfabrik för GNOME-DB-programbyggaren"

#~ msgid "Create a new Perl script"				#~ msgid "Create a new Perl script"
#~ msgstr "Skapa ett nytt Perlskript"				#~ msgstr "Skapa ett nytt Perlskript"

#~ msgid "Report..."						#~ msgid "Report..."
#~ msgstr "Rapport..."						#~ msgstr "Rapport..."

#~ msgid "Open an existing Perl script"				#~ msgid "Open an existing Perl script"
#~ msgstr "Ã?ppna ett existerande Perlskript"			#~ msgstr "Ã?ppna ett existerande Perlskript"

#~ msgid "Open an existing report"				#~ msgid "Open an existing report"
#~ msgstr "Ã?ppna en existerande rapport"			#~ msgstr "Ã?ppna en existerande rapport"

#~ msgid "_New"							#~ msgid "_New"
#~ msgstr "_Ny"							#~ msgstr "_Ny"

#~ msgid "_Open"						#~ msgid "_Open"
#~ msgstr "_Ã?ppna"						#~ msgstr "_Ã?ppna"

#~ msgid "Add new module to project"				#~ msgid "Add new module to project"
#~ msgstr "Lägg till ny modul till projektet"			#~ msgstr "Lägg till ny modul till projektet"

#~ msgid "Open"							#~ msgid "Open"
#~ msgstr "Ã?ppna"						#~ msgstr "Ã?ppna"

#~ msgid "Open an existing module"				#~ msgid "Open an existing module"
#~ msgstr "Ã?ppna en existerande modul"				#~ msgstr "Ã?ppna en existerande modul"

#~ msgid "Export"						#~ msgid "Export"
#~ msgstr "Export"						#~ msgstr "Export"

#~ msgid "Logs"							#~ msgid "Logs"
#~ msgstr "Loggar"						#~ msgstr "Loggar"

#~ msgid "State"						#~ msgid "State"
#~ msgstr "Tillstånd"						#~ msgstr "Tillstånd"

#~ msgid "Options"						#~ msgid "Options"
#~ msgstr "Alternativ"						#~ msgstr "Alternativ"

#~ msgid "Log"							#~ msgid "Log"
#~ msgstr "Logg"						#~ msgstr "Logg"

#~ msgid "Browser"						#~ msgid "Browser"
#~ msgstr "Bläddrare"						#~ msgstr "Bläddrare"

#~ msgid "Run"							#~ msgid "Run"
#~ msgstr "Kör"							#~ msgstr "Kör"

#~ msgid "Execute current command"				#~ msgid "Execute current command"
#~ msgstr "Kör aktuellt kommando"				#~ msgstr "Kör aktuellt kommando"

#~ msgid "Select command from previous"				#~ msgid "Select command from previous"
#~ msgstr "Välj kommando från föregående"			#~ msgstr "Välj kommando från föregående"

#~ msgid "Save command for later retrieval"			#~ msgid "Save command for later retrieval"
#~ msgstr "Spara kommando för senare åtkomst"			#~ msgstr "Spara kommando för senare åtkomst"

#~ msgid "Cut"							#~ msgid "Cut"
#~ msgstr "Klipp ut"						#~ msgstr "Klipp ut"

#~ msgid "Copy"							#~ msgid "Copy"
#~ msgstr "Kopiera"						#~ msgstr "Kopiera"

#~ msgid "Copy selected text"					#~ msgid "Copy selected text"
#~ msgstr "Kopiera markerad text"				#~ msgstr "Kopiera markerad text"

#~ msgid "Paste text from clipboard"				#~ msgid "Paste text from clipboard"
#~ msgstr "Klistra in text från urklipp"			#~ msgstr "Klistra in text från urklipp"

#~ msgid "Clear widget contents"				#~ msgid "Clear widget contents"
#~ msgstr "Töm widgetinnehållet"				#~ msgstr "Töm widgetinnehållet"

#~ msgid "Transaction started"					#~ msgid "Transaction started"
#~ msgstr "Transaktionen startade"				#~ msgstr "Transaktionen startade"

#~ msgid "Transaction finished successfully"			#~ msgid "Transaction finished successfully"
#~ msgstr "Transaktionen avslutades utan problem"		#~ msgstr "Transaktionen avslutades utan problem"

#~ msgid "1 row returned"					#~ msgid "1 row returned"
#~ msgstr "1 rad returnerades"					#~ msgstr "1 rad returnerades"

#~ msgid "%d rows returned"					#~ msgid "%d rows returned"
#~ msgstr "%d rader returnerades"				#~ msgstr "%d rader returnerades"

#~ msgid "Open connection"					#~ msgid "Open connection"
#~ msgstr "Ã?ppna anslutning"					#~ msgstr "Ã?ppna anslutning"

#~ msgid "Transaction aborted"					#~ msgid "Transaction aborted"
#~ msgstr "Transaktionen avbröts"				#~ msgstr "Transaktionen avbröts"

#~ msgid "Connection Properties"				#~ msgid "Connection Properties"
#~ msgstr "Anslutningsegenskaper"				#~ msgstr "Anslutningsegenskaper"

#~ msgid "GDA Name"						#~ msgid "GDA Name"
#~ msgstr "GDA-namn"						#~ msgstr "GDA-namn"

#~ msgid "Version"						#~ msgid "Version"
#~ msgstr "Version"						#~ msgstr "Version"

#~ msgid "Text copied to clipboard"				#~ msgid "Text copied to clipboard"
#~ msgstr "Text kopierad till urklipp"				#~ msgstr "Text kopierad till urklipp"

#~ msgid "Text cut into the clipboard"				#~ msgid "Text cut into the clipboard"
#~ msgstr "Text urklippt till urklipp"				#~ msgstr "Text urklippt till urklipp"

#~ msgid "From saved query"					#~ msgid "From saved query"
#~ msgstr "Från sparad fråga"					#~ msgstr "Från sparad fråga"

#~ msgid "From file"						#~ msgid "From file"
#~ msgstr "Från fil"						#~ msgstr "Från fil"

#~ msgid "Error loading file %s"				#~ msgid "Error loading file %s"
#~ msgstr "Fel vid inläsning av filen %s"			#~ msgstr "Fel vid inläsning av filen %s"

#~ msgid "Text pasted from the clipboard"			#~ msgid "Text pasted from the clipboard"
#~ msgstr "Text inklistrad från urklipp"			#~ msgstr "Text inklistrad från urklipp"

#~ msgid "Command executed successfully"			#~ msgid "Command executed successfully"
#~ msgstr "Kommandot kördes utan problem"			#~ msgstr "Kommandot kördes utan problem"

#~ msgid "Save SQL command"					#~ msgid "Save SQL command"
#~ msgstr "Spara SQL-kommando"					#~ msgstr "Spara SQL-kommando"

#~ msgid "Save command to a named query"			#~ msgid "Save command to a named query"
#~ msgstr "Spara kommando till en namngiven fråga"		#~ msgstr "Spara kommando till en namngiven fråga"

#~ msgid "Select the file to save the command to"		#~ msgid "Select the file to save the command to"
#~ msgstr "Välj den fil som kommandot ska sparas till"		#~ msgstr "Välj den fil som kommandot ska sparas till"

#~ msgid "Select SQL Command"					#~ msgid "Select SQL Command"
#~ msgstr "Välj SQL-kommando"					#~ msgstr "Välj SQL-kommando"

#~ msgid "Here is shown the currently selected command's text	#~ msgid "Here is shown the currently selected command's text
#~ msgstr "Här visas texten till det kommando som har markera	#~ msgstr "Här visas texten till det kommando som har markera

#~ msgid "Last commands"					#~ msgid "Last commands"
#~ msgstr "Senaste kommandon"					#~ msgstr "Senaste kommandon"

#~ msgid "This is a list of the last commands you've executed	#~ msgid "This is a list of the last commands you've executed
#~ msgstr "Det här är en lista över de senaste kommandona som	#~ msgstr "Det här är en lista över de senaste kommandona som

#~ msgid "Saved queries"					#~ msgid "Saved queries"
#~ msgstr "Sparade frågor"					#~ msgstr "Sparade frågor"

#~ msgid "This is a list of all the named queries you've stor	#~ msgid "This is a list of all the named queries you've stor
#~ msgstr "Det här är en lista med alla namngivna frågor som 	#~ msgstr "Det här är en lista med alla namngivna frågor som 

#~ msgid "Error Viewer"						#~ msgid "Error Viewer"
#~ msgstr "Felvisare"						#~ msgstr "Felvisare"

#~ msgid "Add new table"					#~ msgid "Add new table"
#~ msgstr "Lägg till ny tabell"					#~ msgstr "Lägg till ny tabell"

#~ msgid "Enter the name of the table to add"			#~ msgid "Enter the name of the table to add"
#~ msgstr "Ange namnet på tabellen som ska läggas till"		#~ msgstr "Ange namnet på tabellen som ska läggas till"

#~ msgid "Select database design"				#~ msgid "Select database design"
#~ msgstr "Välj databasdesign"					#~ msgstr "Välj databasdesign"

#~ msgid "Error loading log for '%s'"				#~ msgid "Error loading log for '%s'"
#~ msgstr "Fel vid inläsning av loggen för \"%s\""		#~ msgstr "Fel vid inläsning av loggen för \"%s\""

#~ msgid "Save Log File"					#~ msgid "Save Log File"
#~ msgstr "Spara loggfil"					#~ msgstr "Spara loggfil"

#~ msgid "Could not create 'database:' moniker instance"	#~ msgid "Could not create 'database:' moniker instance"
#~ msgstr "Kunde inte skapa \"database:\"-monikerinstans"	#~ msgstr "Kunde inte skapa \"database:\"-monikerinstans"

#~ msgid "Open Perl script"					#~ msgid "Open Perl script"
#~ msgstr "Ã?ppna Perlskript"					#~ msgstr "Ã?ppna Perlskript"

#~ msgid "Load"							#~ msgid "Load"
#~ msgstr "Läs in"						#~ msgstr "Läs in"

#~ msgid "Component"						#~ msgid "Component"
#~ msgstr "Komponent"						#~ msgstr "Komponent"

#~ msgid "OAFIID"						#~ msgid "OAFIID"
#~ msgstr "OAFIID"						#~ msgstr "OAFIID"

#~ msgid "Unload"						#~ msgid "Unload"
#~ msgstr "Glöm"						#~ msgstr "Glöm"

#~ msgid "General"						#~ msgid "General"
#~ msgstr "Allmänt"						#~ msgstr "Allmänt"

#~ msgid "Save window position"					#~ msgid "Save window position"
#~ msgstr "Spara fönsterposition"				#~ msgstr "Spara fönsterposition"

#~ msgid "Show tooltips"					#~ msgid "Show tooltips"
#~ msgstr "Visa verktygstips"					#~ msgstr "Visa verktygstips"

#~ msgid "Show tooltips for UI widgets"				#~ msgid "Show tooltips for UI widgets"
#~ msgstr "Visa verktygstips för UI-widgetar"			#~ msgstr "Visa verktygstips för UI-widgetar"

#~ msgid "GNOME-DB Front End"					#~ msgid "GNOME-DB Front End"
#~ msgstr "GNOME-DB-skal"					#~ msgstr "GNOME-DB-skal"

#~ msgid "GNOME-DB Front End Application"			#~ msgid "GNOME-DB Front End Application"
#~ msgstr "GNOME-DB-skalprogram"				#~ msgstr "GNOME-DB-skalprogram"

#~ msgid "Create new object of selected type"			#~ msgid "Create new object of selected type"
#~ msgstr "Skapa nytt projekt av markerad typ"			#~ msgstr "Skapa nytt projekt av markerad typ"

#~ msgid "Remove"						#~ msgid "Remove"
#~ msgstr "Ta bort"						#~ msgstr "Ta bort"

#~ msgid "Remove selected object"				#~ msgid "Remove selected object"
#~ msgstr "Ta bort markerat objekt"				#~ msgstr "Ta bort markerat objekt"

#~ msgid "Refresh current list of objects"			#~ msgid "Refresh current list of objects"
#~ msgstr "Uppdatera nuvarande lista med objekt"		#~ msgstr "Uppdatera nuvarande lista med objekt"

#~ msgid "Info"							#~ msgid "Info"
#~ msgstr "Information"						#~ msgstr "Information"

#~ msgid "Show extra information about selected object"		#~ msgid "Show extra information about selected object"
#~ msgstr "Visa extra information om det markerade objektet"	#~ msgstr "Visa extra information om det markerade objektet"

#~ msgid "Table data"						#~ msgid "Table data"
#~ msgstr "Tabelldata"						#~ msgstr "Tabelldata"

#~ msgid "Select Color"						#~ msgid "Select Color"
#~ msgstr "Välj färg"						#~ msgstr "Välj färg"

#~ msgid "Select Font"						#~ msgid "Select Font"
#~ msgstr "Välj typsnitt"					#~ msgstr "Välj typsnitt"

#~ msgid "Could not get GNOME_Database_UIControl interface"	#~ msgid "Could not get GNOME_Database_UIControl interface"
#~ msgstr "Kunde inte hämta GNOME_Database_UIControl-gränssni	#~ msgstr "Kunde inte hämta GNOME_Database_UIControl-gränssni

#~ msgid "Add field..."						#~ msgid "Add field..."
#~ msgstr "Lägg till fält..."					#~ msgstr "Lägg till fält..."

#~ msgid "Add a new field to this table"			#~ msgid "Add a new field to this table"
#~ msgstr "Lägg till ett nytt fält i denna tabell"		#~ msgstr "Lägg till ett nytt fält i denna tabell"

#~ msgid "Edit field..."					#~ msgid "Edit field..."
#~ msgstr "Redigera fält..."					#~ msgstr "Redigera fält..."

#~ msgid "Edit the selected field properties"			#~ msgid "Edit the selected field properties"
#~ msgstr "Redigera det markerade fältets egenskaper"		#~ msgstr "Redigera det markerade fältets egenskaper"

#~ msgid "Add field"						#~ msgid "Add field"
#~ msgstr "Lägg till fält"					#~ msgstr "Lägg till fält"

#~ msgid "Could not find table %s"				#~ msgid "Could not find table %s"
#~ msgstr "Kunde inte hitta tabellen %s"			#~ msgstr "Kunde inte hitta tabellen %s"

#~ msgid "There is already a field named %s"			#~ msgid "There is already a field named %s"
#~ msgstr "Det finns redan ett fält med namnet %s"		#~ msgstr "Det finns redan ett fält med namnet %s"

#~ msgid "File %s is not a valid XML file"			#~ msgid "File %s is not a valid XML file"
#~ msgstr "Filen %s är inte en giltig XML-fil"			#~ msgstr "Filen %s är inte en giltig XML-fil"

#~ msgid "Select file"						#~ msgid "Select file"
#~ msgstr "Välj fil"						#~ msgstr "Välj fil"

#~ msgid "DSN"							#~ msgid "DSN"
#~ msgstr "DSN"							#~ msgstr "DSN"

#~ msgid "Config"						#~ msgid "Config"
#~ msgstr "Konfig."						#~ msgstr "Konfig."

#~ msgid "Error while saving configuration!"			#~ msgid "Error while saving configuration!"
#~ msgstr "Fel vid sparande av konfigurationen!"		#~ msgstr "Fel vid sparande av konfigurationen!"

#~ msgid "Native message"					#~ msgid "Native message"
#~ msgstr "Inhemskt meddelande"					#~ msgstr "Inhemskt meddelande"

#~ msgid "Record View"						#~ msgid "Record View"
#~ msgstr "Postvy"						#~ msgstr "Postvy"

#~ msgid "Copy selection to clipboard"				#~ msgid "Copy selection to clipboard"
#~ msgstr "Kopiera markering till urklipp"			#~ msgstr "Kopiera markering till urklipp"

#~ msgid "Select all rows"					#~ msgid "Select all rows"
#~ msgstr "Markera alla rader"					#~ msgstr "Markera alla rader"

#~ msgid "Clear all selected rows"				#~ msgid "Clear all selected rows"
#~ msgstr "Töm alla markerade rader"				#~ msgstr "Töm alla markerade rader"

#~ msgid "Record view..."					#~ msgid "Record view..."
#~ msgstr "Postvy..."						#~ msgstr "Postvy..."

#~ msgid "View recordset record-by-record"			#~ msgid "View recordset record-by-record"
#~ msgstr "Visa postgrupp post-efter-post"			#~ msgstr "Visa postgrupp post-efter-post"

#~ msgid "Refresh grid contents"				#~ msgid "Refresh grid contents"
#~ msgstr "Uppdatera innehållet i rutnätet"			#~ msgstr "Uppdatera innehållet i rutnätet"

#~ msgid "Print grid"						#~ msgid "Print grid"
#~ msgstr "Skriv ut rutnätet"					#~ msgstr "Skriv ut rutnätet"

#~ msgid "Print grid contents"					#~ msgid "Print grid contents"
#~ msgstr "Skriv ut innehållet i rutnätet"			#~ msgstr "Skriv ut innehållet i rutnätet"

#~ msgid "Hide column titles"					#~ msgid "Hide column titles"
#~ msgstr "Dölj kolumnrubriker"					#~ msgstr "Dölj kolumnrubriker"

#~ msgid "User Name"						#~ msgid "User Name"
#~ msgstr "Användarnamn"					#~ msgstr "Användarnamn"

#~ msgid "GDA Datasource"					#~ msgid "GDA Datasource"
#~ msgstr "GDA-datakälla"					#~ msgstr "GDA-datakälla"

#~ msgid "Entry %d of %d"					#~ msgid "Entry %d of %d"
#~ msgstr "Post %d av %d"					#~ msgstr "Post %d av %d"

#~ msgid "Message"						#~ msgid "Message"
#~ msgstr "Meddelande"						#~ msgstr "Meddelande"

#~ msgid "Log Entry"						#~ msgid "Log Entry"
#~ msgstr "Loggpost"						#~ msgstr "Loggpost"

#~ msgid "Could not create file %s"				#~ msgid "Could not create file %s"
#~ msgstr "Kunde inte skapa filen %s"				#~ msgstr "Kunde inte skapa filen %s"

#~ msgid "Setup Printer"					#~ msgid "Setup Printer"
#~ msgstr "Ställ in skrivare"					#~ msgstr "Ställ in skrivare"

#~ msgid "Copyright The Free Software Foundation (C) 1998-200	#~ msgid "Copyright The Free Software Foundation (C) 1998-200
#~ msgstr "Copyright Free Software Foundation © 1998-2000"	#~ msgstr "Copyright Free Software Foundation © 1998-2000"

#~ msgid ""							#~ msgid ""
#~ "This program is part of the GNOME project for LINUX. GNOM	#~ "This program is part of the GNOME project for LINUX. GNOM
#~ "comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software,	#~ "comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software,
#~ "welcome to redistribute it under the conditions of the GN	#~ "welcome to redistribute it under the conditions of the GN
#~ "Licence."							#~ "Licence."
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Detta program är en del av GNOME-projeketet för LINUX. GN	#~ "Detta program är en del av GNOME-projeketet för LINUX. GN
#~ "kommer med INGEN SOM HELST GARANTI. Det är fri mjukvara, 	#~ "kommer med INGEN SOM HELST GARANTI. Det är fri mjukvara, 
#~ "vidaredistribuera det under villkoren i GNU General Publi	#~ "vidaredistribuera det under villkoren i GNU General Publi

#~ msgid "Bug-buddy was not found in your $PATH"		#~ msgid "Bug-buddy was not found in your $PATH"
#~ msgstr "Bug-buddy hittades inte i din $PATH"			#~ msgstr "Bug-buddy hittades inte i din $PATH"

#~ msgid "Unable to execute Bug Report Tool"			#~ msgid "Unable to execute Bug Report Tool"
#~ msgstr "Kunde inte köra felrapporteringsverktyget"		#~ msgstr "Kunde inte köra felrapporteringsverktyget"

#~ msgid "GNOME-DB manager component factory"			#~ msgid "GNOME-DB manager component factory"
#~ msgstr "Komponentfabrik för GNOME-DB-hanterare"		#~ msgstr "Komponentfabrik för GNOME-DB-hanterare"

#~ msgid "Manager"						#~ msgid "Manager"
#~ msgstr "Hanterare"						#~ msgstr "Hanterare"

#~ msgid "Add"							#~ msgid "Add"
#~ msgstr "Lägg till"						#~ msgstr "Lägg till"

#~ msgid "Edit selected data source"				#~ msgid "Edit selected data source"
#~ msgstr "Redigera markerad datakälla"				#~ msgstr "Redigera markerad datakälla"

#~ msgid "Refresh Data Sources list"				#~ msgid "Refresh Data Sources list"
#~ msgstr "Uppdatera listan med datakällor"			#~ msgstr "Uppdatera listan med datakällor"

#~ msgid "Test settings for this datasource"			#~ msgid "Test settings for this datasource"
#~ msgstr "Testa inställningarna för denna datakälla"		#~ msgstr "Testa inställningarna för denna datakälla"

#~ msgid "Edit data source"					#~ msgid "Edit data source"
#~ msgstr "Redigera datakälla"					#~ msgstr "Redigera datakälla"

#~ msgid "There was an error while testing connection"		#~ msgid "There was an error while testing connection"
#~ msgstr "Det uppstod ett fel vid testningen av anslutningen	#~ msgstr "Det uppstod ett fel vid testningen av anslutningen

#~ msgid "Edit selected provider"				#~ msgid "Edit selected provider"
#~ msgstr "Redigera markerad leverantör"			#~ msgstr "Redigera markerad leverantör"

#~ msgid "Refresh providers list"				#~ msgid "Refresh providers list"
#~ msgstr "Uppdatera leverantörslistan"				#~ msgstr "Uppdatera leverantörslistan"

#~ msgid "Stop"							#~ msgid "Stop"
#~ msgstr "Stoppa"						#~ msgstr "Stoppa"

#~ msgid "Stop selected provider"				#~ msgid "Stop selected provider"
#~ msgstr "Stoppa markerad leverantör"				#~ msgstr "Stoppa markerad leverantör"

#~ msgid "Rolodex"						#~ msgid "Rolodex"
#~ msgstr "Rolodex"						#~ msgstr "Rolodex"

#~ msgid "Rolodex Application"					#~ msgid "Rolodex Application"
#~ msgstr "Rolodex-programmet"					#~ msgstr "Rolodex-programmet"

#~ msgid "Show Help"						#~ msgid "Show Help"
#~ msgstr "Visa hjälp"						#~ msgstr "Visa hjälp"

#~ msgid "sqlstate"						#~ msgid "sqlstate"
#~ msgstr "sqlstate"						#~ msgstr "sqlstate"

#~ msgid "Error 0 of 0"						#~ msgid "Error 0 of 0"
#~ msgstr "Fel 0 av 0"						#~ msgstr "Fel 0 av 0"

#~ msgid "Close current connection"				#~ msgid "Close current connection"
#~ msgstr "Stäng aktuell anslutning"				#~ msgstr "Stäng aktuell anslutning"

#~ msgid "Activate database browser window"			#~ msgid "Activate database browser window"
#~ msgstr "�ppna databasbläddrarfönstret"			#~ msgstr "�ppna databasbläddrarfönstret"

#~ msgid "Activate SQL window"					#~ msgid "Activate SQL window"
#~ msgstr "Aktivera SQL-fönster"				#~ msgstr "Aktivera SQL-fönster"

#~ msgid "Activate dbatch job window"				#~ msgid "Activate dbatch job window"
#~ msgstr "Aktivera dbatch-arbetsfönstret"			#~ msgstr "Aktivera dbatch-arbetsfönstret"

#~ msgid "Start a new database transaction"			#~ msgid "Start a new database transaction"
#~ msgstr "Starta en ny databastransaktion"			#~ msgstr "Starta en ny databastransaktion"

#~ msgid "Commit current transaction"				#~ msgid "Commit current transaction"
#~ msgstr "Verkställ aktuell transaktion"			#~ msgstr "Verkställ aktuell transaktion"

#~ msgid "Rollback current transaction"				#~ msgid "Rollback current transaction"
#~ msgstr "�terställ aktuell transaktion"			#~ msgstr "�terställ aktuell transaktion"

#~ msgid "_Tools"						#~ msgid "_Tools"
#~ msgstr "Verkty_g"						#~ msgstr "Verkty_g"

#~ msgid "Activate batch job window"				#~ msgid "Activate batch job window"
#~ msgstr "Aktivera batch-arbetsfönstret"			#~ msgstr "Aktivera batch-arbetsfönstret"

#~ msgid ""							#~ msgid ""
#~ "This screen lets you navigate through the contents of you	#~ "This screen lets you navigate through the contents of you
#~ "looking at the tables, views, procedures, etc that may ha	#~ "looking at the tables, views, procedures, etc that may ha
#~ "Clicking on an icon in one of the lists on the left, will	#~ "Clicking on an icon in one of the lists on the left, will
#~ "extensive information about that selected object in the r	#~ "extensive information about that selected object in the r
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Denna skärm låter dig bläddra genom innehållet i din data	#~ "Denna skärm låter dig bläddra genom innehållet i din data
#~ "de tabeller, vyer, procedurer m.m. som kan ha skapats. Ge	#~ "de tabeller, vyer, procedurer m.m. som kan ha skapats. Ge
#~ "på en ikon i en av listorna till vänster kan du få utförl	#~ "på en ikon i en av listorna till vänster kan du få utförl
#~ "om det markerade objektet i den högra panelen"		#~ "om det markerade objektet i den högra panelen"

#~ msgid ""							#~ msgid ""
#~ "This widget allows you to send SQL commands to the databa	#~ "This widget allows you to send SQL commands to the databa
#~ "connected to. Just type in the command you want to run, a	#~ "connected to. Just type in the command you want to run, a
#~ "'Run' button on the small toolbar"				#~ "'Run' button on the small toolbar"
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Denna widget låter dig skicka SQL-kommandon till den data	#~ "Denna widget låter dig skicka SQL-kommandon till den data
#~ "ansluten till. Ange bara kommandot som du vill köra och t	#~ "ansluten till. Ange bara kommandot som du vill köra och t
#~ "\"Kör\" på den lilla vertygsraden"				#~ "\"Kör\" på den lilla vertygsraden"

#~ msgid ""							#~ msgid ""
#~ "Here will be shown the results returned by the database s	#~ "Here will be shown the results returned by the database s
#~ "response to the command you typed in"			#~ "response to the command you typed in"
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Här kommer att visas de resultat från databasservern som 	#~ "Här kommer att visas de resultat från databasservern som 
#~ "kommando du angav"						#~ "kommando du angav"

#~ msgid "This is the name you use to refer to this connectio	#~ msgid "This is the name you use to refer to this connectio
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Detta är det namn som du använder för att hänvisa till de	#~ "Detta är det namn som du använder för att hänvisa till de

#~ msgid "This is the provider being used to access the datab	#~ msgid "This is the provider being used to access the datab
#~ msgstr "Detta är den leverantör som används för att komma 	#~ msgstr "Detta är den leverantör som används för att komma 

#~ msgid "This is the user name you use to log into the datab	#~ msgid "This is the user name you use to log into the datab
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Detta är det användarnamn som du använder för att logga i	#~ "Detta är det användarnamn som du använder för att logga i

#~ msgid "This is the version supported by the GDA provider"	#~ msgid "This is the version supported by the GDA provider"
#~ msgstr "Detta är den version som stöds av GDA-leverantören	#~ msgstr "Detta är den version som stöds av GDA-leverantören

#~ msgid "Select the file containing the command to be loaded	#~ msgid "Select the file containing the command to be loaded
#~ msgstr "Välj den fil som innehåller kommandot som ska läsa	#~ msgstr "Välj den fil som innehåller kommandot som ska läsa

#~ msgid "Database design"					#~ msgid "Database design"
#~ msgstr "Databasdesign"					#~ msgstr "Databasdesign"

#~ msgid "Start with a new database design"			#~ msgid "Start with a new database design"
#~ msgstr "Starta med en ny databasdesign"			#~ msgstr "Starta med en ny databasdesign"

#~ msgid "Table..."						#~ msgid "Table..."
#~ msgstr "Tabell..."						#~ msgstr "Tabell..."

#~ msgid "Add a table to the database design"			#~ msgid "Add a table to the database design"
#~ msgstr "Lägg till en tabell till databasdesignen"		#~ msgstr "Lägg till en tabell till databasdesignen"

#~ msgid "Open an existing database design"			#~ msgid "Open an existing database design"
#~ msgstr "Ã?ppna en existerande databasdesign"			#~ msgstr "Ã?ppna en existerande databasdesign"

#~ msgid "Create new database design"				#~ msgid "Create new database design"
#~ msgstr "Skapa ny databasdesign"				#~ msgstr "Skapa ny databasdesign"

#~ msgid "Save currently open file"				#~ msgid "Save currently open file"
#~ msgstr "Spara aktuell öppen fil"				#~ msgstr "Spara aktuell öppen fil"

#~ msgid "Reload database file contents"			#~ msgid "Reload database file contents"
#~ msgstr "Läs om innehåll i databasfil"			#~ msgstr "Läs om innehåll i databasfil"

#~ msgid "Add new object to the database"			#~ msgid "Add new object to the database"
#~ msgstr "Lägg till nytt objekt till databasen"		#~ msgstr "Lägg till nytt objekt till databasen"

#~ msgid "Save log to a disk file"				#~ msgid "Save log to a disk file"
#~ msgstr "Spara loggen till en fil på disk"			#~ msgstr "Spara loggen till en fil på disk"

#~ msgid "View selected log entry"				#~ msgid "View selected log entry"
#~ msgstr "Visa markerad loggpost"				#~ msgstr "Visa markerad loggpost"

#~ msgid ""							#~ msgid ""
#~ "Use this option menu to select the provider whose log mes	#~ "Use this option menu to select the provider whose log mes
#~ "to see"							#~ "to see"
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Använd denna alternativmeny för att välja den leverantör 	#~ "Använd denna alternativmeny för att välja den leverantör 
#~ "loggmeddelanden du vill se"					#~ "loggmeddelanden du vill se"

#~ msgid ""							#~ msgid ""
#~ "This is a list of all log messages for the provider you'v	#~ "This is a list of all log messages for the provider you'v
#~ "can easily sort messages by any of the columns (but just 	#~ "can easily sort messages by any of the columns (but just 
#~ "them) as well as look at the messages individually, with 	#~ "them) as well as look at the messages individually, with 
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Det här är en lista med alla loggmeddelanden för den leve	#~ "Det här är en lista med alla loggmeddelanden för den leve
#~ "valt. Du kan enkelt sortera meddelanden efter någon av ko	#~ "valt. Du kan enkelt sortera meddelanden efter någon av ko
#~ "klicka på dem) och även titta på meddelandena individuell	#~ "klicka på dem) och även titta på meddelandena individuell
#~ "detaljerat"							#~ "detaljerat"

#~ msgid "Perl script"						#~ msgid "Perl script"
#~ msgstr "Perlskript"						#~ msgstr "Perlskript"

#~ msgid "Open a Perl script to be executed"			#~ msgid "Open a Perl script to be executed"
#~ msgstr "�ppna ett Perlskript som ska köras"			#~ msgstr "�ppna ett Perlskript som ska köras"

#~ msgid "Print preview"					#~ msgid "Print preview"
#~ msgstr "Förhandsgranska"					#~ msgstr "Förhandsgranska"

#~ msgid "_Quit"						#~ msgid "_Quit"
#~ msgstr "A_vsluta"						#~ msgstr "A_vsluta"

#~ msgid "Configure user preferences"				#~ msgid "Configure user preferences"
#~ msgstr "Konfigurera användarinställningar"			#~ msgstr "Konfigurera användarinställningar"

#~ msgid "GNOME-DB Manual"					#~ msgid "GNOME-DB Manual"
#~ msgstr "GNOME-DB-manual"					#~ msgstr "GNOME-DB-manual"

#~ msgid "Open the GNOME-DB online manual"			#~ msgid "Open the GNOME-DB online manual"
#~ msgstr "�ppna GNOME-DB:s manual på webben"			#~ msgstr "�ppna GNOME-DB:s manual på webben"

#~ msgid "libgda Manual"					#~ msgid "libgda Manual"
#~ msgstr "libgda-manual"					#~ msgstr "libgda-manual"

#~ msgid "Open the libgda online manual"			#~ msgid "Open the libgda online manual"
#~ msgstr "�ppna libgda:s manual på webben"			#~ msgstr "�ppna libgda:s manual på webben"

#~ msgid "libgda API Reference"					#~ msgid "libgda API Reference"
#~ msgstr "libgda API-referens"					#~ msgstr "libgda API-referens"

#~ msgid "Open the libgda API reference"			#~ msgid "Open the libgda API reference"
#~ msgstr "Ã?ppna libgda:s API-referens"				#~ msgstr "Ã?ppna libgda:s API-referens"

#~ msgid "View information about this application"		#~ msgid "View information about this application"
#~ msgstr "Visa information om det här programmet"		#~ msgstr "Visa information om det här programmet"

#~ msgid "Submit bug report"					#~ msgid "Submit bug report"
#~ msgstr "Skicka felrapport"					#~ msgstr "Skicka felrapport"

#~ msgid "Send a bug report to GNOME-DB developers"		#~ msgid "Send a bug report to GNOME-DB developers"
#~ msgstr "Skicka en buggrapport till utvecklarna av GNOME-DB	#~ msgstr "Skicka en buggrapport till utvecklarna av GNOME-DB

#~ msgid "_Options"						#~ msgid "_Options"
#~ msgstr "Alternati_v"						#~ msgstr "Alternati_v"

#~ msgid "Manage connection data sources"			#~ msgid "Manage connection data sources"
#~ msgstr "Hantera anslutningsdatakällor"			#~ msgstr "Hantera anslutningsdatakällor"

#~ msgid "Manage available GDA providers"			#~ msgid "Manage available GDA providers"
#~ msgstr "Hantera tillgängliga GDA-leverantörer"		#~ msgstr "Hantera tillgängliga GDA-leverantörer"

#~ msgid "Export Database"					#~ msgid "Export Database"
#~ msgstr "Exportera databas"					#~ msgstr "Exportera databas"

#~ msgid "Could not activate export component"			#~ msgid "Could not activate export component"
#~ msgstr "Kunde inte aktivera exportkomponenten"		#~ msgstr "Kunde inte aktivera exportkomponenten"

#~ msgid ""							#~ msgid ""
#~ "Select the database you want to export. If you want, you 	#~ "Select the database you want to export. If you want, you 
#~ "new connection by pressing the 'Connect' button"		#~ "new connection by pressing the 'Connect' button"
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Välj den databas som du vill exportera. Om du vill kan du	#~ "Välj den databas som du vill exportera. Om du vill kan du
#~ "ny anslutning genom att trycka på knappen \"Anslut\""	#~ "ny anslutning genom att trycka på knappen \"Anslut\""

#~ msgid ""							#~ msgid ""
#~ "Press this button if you want to open a new connection to	#~ "Press this button if you want to open a new connection to
#~ "be exported"						#~ "be exported"
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Tryck på denna knapp om du vill öppna en ny anslutning ti	#~ "Tryck på denna knapp om du vill öppna en ny anslutning ti
#~ "ska exporteras"						#~ "ska exporteras"

#~ msgid ""							#~ msgid ""
#~ "Press this button to start the export process with the op	#~ "Press this button to start the export process with the op
#~ "you've selected"						#~ "you've selected"
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Tryck på denna knapp för att starta exportprocessen med d	#~ "Tryck på denna knapp för att starta exportprocessen med d
#~ "objekt du har valt"						#~ "objekt du har valt"

#~ msgid "Output file"						#~ msgid "Output file"
#~ msgstr "Utdatafil"						#~ msgstr "Utdatafil"

#~ msgid "Select the file to which you want to save the datab	#~ msgid "Select the file to which you want to save the datab
#~ msgstr "Välj den fil som du vill spara databasinnehållet i	#~ msgstr "Välj den fil som du vill spara databasinnehållet i

#~ msgid "Export table data"					#~ msgid "Export table data"
#~ msgstr "Exportera tabelldata"				#~ msgstr "Exportera tabelldata"

#~ msgid ""							#~ msgid ""
#~ "When selected, the export process also saves the exported	#~ "When selected, the export process also saves the exported
#~ "If not selected, only the table structure is exported"	#~ "If not selected, only the table structure is exported"
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "När detta är markerat sparar exportprocessen även de expo	#~ "När detta är markerat sparar exportprocessen även de expo
#~ "tabellernas data. Om det inte är markerat exporteras bara	#~ "tabellernas data. Om det inte är markerat exporteras bara

#~ msgid "Select only highlighted objects"			#~ msgid "Select only highlighted objects"
#~ msgstr "Markera endast de aktiva objekten"			#~ msgstr "Markera endast de aktiva objekten"

#~ msgid "Unselect only highlighted objects"			#~ msgid "Unselect only highlighted objects"
#~ msgstr "Avmarkera endast aktiva objekt"			#~ msgstr "Avmarkera endast aktiva objekt"

#~ msgid "Could not initialize GNOME_DB_Builder control"	#~ msgid "Could not initialize GNOME_DB_Builder control"
#~ msgstr "Kunde inte initiera GNOME_DB_Builder-kontrollen"	#~ msgstr "Kunde inte initiera GNOME_DB_Builder-kontrollen"

#~ msgid "GNOME-DB database designer component factory"		#~ msgid "GNOME-DB database designer component factory"
#~ msgstr "Komponentfabrik för GNOME-DB-databasdesigner"	#~ msgstr "Komponentfabrik för GNOME-DB-databasdesigner"

#~ msgid "GNOME-DB help viewer component factory"		#~ msgid "GNOME-DB help viewer component factory"
#~ msgstr "Komponentfabrik för GNOME-DB-hjälpvy"		#~ msgstr "Komponentfabrik för GNOME-DB-hjälpvy"

#~ msgid "GNOME-DB connection component factory"		#~ msgid "GNOME-DB connection component factory"
#~ msgstr "Komponentfabrik för GNOME-DB-anslutningskomponent"	#~ msgstr "Komponentfabrik för GNOME-DB-anslutningskomponent"

#~ msgid "GNOME-DB log viewer component factory"		#~ msgid "GNOME-DB log viewer component factory"
#~ msgstr "Komponentfabrik för GNOME-DB-loggvisare"		#~ msgstr "Komponentfabrik för GNOME-DB-loggvisare"

#~ msgid "Open SQL File"					#~ msgid "Open SQL File"
#~ msgstr "Ã?ppna SQL-fil"					#~ msgstr "Ã?ppna SQL-fil"

#~ msgid "Do Print"						#~ msgid "Do Print"
#~ msgstr "Skriv ut"						#~ msgstr "Skriv ut"

#~ msgid "Open SQL file"					#~ msgid "Open SQL file"
#~ msgstr "Ã?ppna SQL-fil"					#~ msgstr "Ã?ppna SQL-fil"

#~ msgid "Save SQL file"					#~ msgid "Save SQL file"
#~ msgstr "Spara SQL-fil"					#~ msgstr "Spara SQL-fil"

#~ msgid "Display previous page in history"			#~ msgid "Display previous page in history"
#~ msgstr "Visa föregående sida i historiken"			#~ msgstr "Visa föregående sida i historiken"

#~ msgid "Display help system home page"			#~ msgid "Display help system home page"
#~ msgstr "Visa hjälpsystemets hemsida"				#~ msgstr "Visa hjälpsystemets hemsida"

#~ msgid "Forward"						#~ msgid "Forward"
#~ msgstr "Framåt"						#~ msgstr "Framåt"

#~ msgid "Display next page in history"				#~ msgid "Display next page in history"
#~ msgstr "Visa nästa sida i historiken"			#~ msgstr "Visa nästa sida i historiken"

#~ msgid "Help System"						#~ msgid "Help System"
#~ msgstr "Hjälpsystem"						#~ msgstr "Hjälpsystem"

#~ msgid "Home page"						#~ msgid "Home page"
#~ msgstr "Hemsida"						#~ msgstr "Hemsida"

#~ msgid "Install"						#~ msgid "Install"
#~ msgstr "Installera"						#~ msgstr "Installera"

#~ msgid "Uninstall"						#~ msgid "Uninstall"
#~ msgstr "Avinstallera"					#~ msgstr "Avinstallera"

#~ msgid "Set as Home"						#~ msgid "Set as Home"
#~ msgstr "Sätt som hemsida"					#~ msgstr "Sätt som hemsida"

#~ msgid "No datasource '%s' defined in your GDA configuratio	#~ msgid "No datasource '%s' defined in your GDA configuratio
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Ingen datakälla vid namn \"%s\" är angiven i din GDA-konf	#~ "Ingen datakälla vid namn \"%s\" är angiven i din GDA-konf

#~ msgid "Could not allocate color"				#~ msgid "Could not allocate color"
#~ msgstr "Kunde inte allokera färg"				#~ msgstr "Kunde inte allokera färg"

#~ msgid "Could not create Database Moniker factory"		#~ msgid "Could not create Database Moniker factory"
#~ msgstr "Kunde inte skapa databasmonikerfabrik"		#~ msgstr "Kunde inte skapa databasmonikerfabrik"

#~ msgid "Project..."						#~ msgid "Project..."
#~ msgstr "Projekt..."						#~ msgstr "Projekt..."

#~ msgid "Open an existing project"				#~ msgid "Open an existing project"
#~ msgstr "Ã?ppna ett existerande projekt"			#~ msgstr "Ã?ppna ett existerande projekt"

#~ msgid "Open..."						#~ msgid "Open..."
#~ msgstr "Ã?ppna..."						#~ msgstr "Ã?ppna..."

#~ msgid "Close database connection"				#~ msgid "Close database connection"
#~ msgstr "Stäng databasanslutning"				#~ msgstr "Stäng databasanslutning"

#~ msgid "Browse"						#~ msgid "Browse"
#~ msgstr "Bläddra"						#~ msgstr "Bläddra"

#~ msgid "Import objects"					#~ msgid "Import objects"
#~ msgstr "Importera objekt"					#~ msgstr "Importera objekt"

#~ msgid "Import database objects into repository"		#~ msgid "Import database objects into repository"
#~ msgstr "Importera databasobjekt till förvaringsplatsen"	#~ msgstr "Importera databasobjekt till förvaringsplatsen"

#~ msgid "About gnome-db..."					#~ msgid "About gnome-db..."
#~ msgstr "Om gnome-db..."					#~ msgstr "Om gnome-db..."

#~ msgid "About this program"					#~ msgid "About this program"
#~ msgstr "Om detta program"					#~ msgstr "Om detta program"

#~ msgid "Open help system viewer"				#~ msgid "Open help system viewer"
#~ msgstr "�ppna hjälpsystemsvisaren"				#~ msgstr "�ppna hjälpsystemsvisaren"

#~ msgid "0 rows"						#~ msgid "0 rows"
#~ msgstr "0 rader"						#~ msgstr "0 rader"
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ta.gmo
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/ta.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/ta.po
# Tamil translation of libgnomedb.				# Tamil translation of libgnomedb.
# Copyright (C) 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc.		# Copyright (C) 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# Dinesh Nadarajah <n_dinesh yahoo com>, 2001.			# Dinesh Nadarajah <n_dinesh yahoo com>, 2001.
#								#
msgid ""							msgid ""
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: libgnomedb\n"				"Project-Id-Version: libgnomedb\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"					"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"			"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2001-09-25 21:37-0400\n"			"PO-Revision-Date: 2001-09-25 21:37-0400\n"
"Last-Translator: Dinesh Nadarajah <n_dinesh yahoo com>\n"	"Last-Translator: Dinesh Nadarajah <n_dinesh yahoo com>\n"
"Language-Team: Tamil <tamilinix yahoogroups com>\n"		"Language-Team: Tamil <tamilinix yahoogroups com>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"						"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"			"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"				"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data Sources"						msgid "Data Sources"
msgstr "GDA தரவ�-ம�லம�"						msgstr "GDA தரவ�-ம�லம�"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Providers"						msgid "Providers"
msgstr "வழ����நர�"						msgstr "வழ����நர�"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1
msgid "Configure your database environment"			msgid "Configure your database environment"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Database Access Properties "				msgid "Database Access Properties "
msgstr "தி�தி"							msgstr "தி�தி"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380
msgid "Name"							msgid "Name"
msgstr "ப�யர�"							msgstr "ப�யர�"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
msgid "Description"						msgid "Description"
msgstr "விவாிப�ப�"						msgstr "விவாிப�ப�"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182
msgid "Configured data sources in the system"			msgid "Configured data sources in the system"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data sources are the means by which database connections are	"Data sources are the means by which database connections are
"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s	"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s
"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o	"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o
"name you identify the connections in the applications that m	"name you identify the connections in the applications that m
"DB for database access."					"DB for database access."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"	msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data Source Properties"					msgid "Data Source Properties"
msgstr "தரவ� ம�லத�திற��� ப�யர� �ி��யாத�!"				msgstr "தரவ� ம�லத�திற��� ப�யர� �ி��யாத�!"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132
msgid "Basic"							msgid "Basic"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Tables"							msgid "Tables"
msgstr "����வண��ள�"						msgstr "����வண��ள�"

#: control-center/main.c:92					#: control-center/main.c:92
msgid "No valid data source info was created"			msgid "No valid data source info was created"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218	#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "New data source"						msgid "New data source"
msgstr "GDA தரவ�-ம�லம�"						msgstr "GDA தரவ�-ம�லம�"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:215					#: control-center/main.c:215
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Database Access Properties"				msgid "Database Access Properties"
msgstr "தி�தி"							msgstr "தி�தி"

#: control-center/provider-config.c:105				#: control-center/provider-config.c:105
msgid "Installed providers"					msgid "Installed providers"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/provider-config.c:131				#: control-center/provider-config.c:131
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec	"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec
"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo	"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo
"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr	"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr
"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba	"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba
"etc."								"etc."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1
msgid "Database connection parameters file"			msgid "Database connection parameters file"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2
msgid "Documents"						msgid "Documents"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3
msgid "SQL code viewer"						msgid "SQL code viewer"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1
msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"			msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2
msgid "Number of spaces per tab"				msgid "Number of spaces per tab"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3
msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"			msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4
msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"			msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60
msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"			msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1
msgid "About"							msgid "About"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2
msgid "About GNOME-DB"						msgid "About GNOME-DB"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3
msgid "Close this window"					msgid "Close this window"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4
msgid "Create new entry"					msgid "Create new entry"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Delete selected items"					msgid "Delete selected items"
msgstr "த�ிவ� ��ய�த தரவ��� �ழ���வ�ம�"				msgstr "த�ிவ� ��ய�த தரவ��� �ழ���வ�ம�"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Deselect all items"					msgid "Deselect all items"
msgstr "த�ிவ� ��ய�த தரவ��� �ழ���வ�ம�"				msgstr "த�ிவ� ��ய�த தரவ��� �ழ���வ�ம�"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7
msgid "Edit properties for selected item"			msgid "Edit properties for selected item"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8
msgid "Save connection parameters to file"			msgid "Save connection parameters to file"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Select _All"						msgid "Select _All"
msgstr "��ப�ப� த�ரிவ� ��ய�"					msgstr "��ப�ப� த�ரிவ� ��ய�"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Select all items"					msgid "Select all items"
msgstr "��ப�ப� த�ரிவ� ��ய�"					msgstr "��ப�ப� த�ரிவ� ��ய�"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View data sources"					msgid "View data sources"
msgstr "GDA தரவ�-ம�லம�"						msgstr "GDA தரவ�-ம�லம�"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View providers"						msgid "View providers"
msgstr "வழ����நர�"						msgstr "வழ����நர�"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42
msgid "_Clear Selection"					msgid "_Clear Selection"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14
msgid "_Close"							msgid "_Close"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Data Sources"						msgid "_Data Sources"
msgstr "GDA தரவ�-ம�லம�"						msgstr "GDA தரவ�-ம�லம�"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Database"						msgid "_Database"
msgstr "தி�தி"							msgstr "தி�தி"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17
msgid "_Delete"							msgid "_Delete"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18
msgid "_Edit"							msgid "_Edit"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Help"							msgid "_Help"
msgstr "ம�தவி"							msgstr "ம�தவி"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_New Data Source..."					msgid "_New Data Source..."
msgstr "GDA தரவ�-ம�லம�"						msgstr "GDA தரவ�-ம�லம�"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Properties"						msgid "_Properties"
msgstr "��யல� ம�ற��ள�"						msgstr "��யல� ம�ற��ள�"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Providers"						msgid "_Providers"
msgstr "வழ����நர�"						msgstr "வழ����நர�"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Save Connection"					msgid "_Save Connection"
msgstr "����ி த��ர�ப��ள�"						msgstr "����ி த��ர�ப��ள�"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_View"							msgid "_View"
msgstr "�ா���ி�ள�"						msgstr "�ா���ி�ள�"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76
msgid "Structure"						msgid "Structure"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73
msgid "Data"							msgid "Data"
msgstr "தரவ�"							msgstr "தரவ�"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238
msgid "Not implemented yet!"					msgid "Not implemented yet!"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Database"						msgid "Database"
msgstr "தி�தி"							msgstr "தி�தி"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540
msgid "Loading database schemas..."				msgid "Loading database schemas..."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632
msgid "Refreshing data..."					msgid "Refreshing data..."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688
msgid "Views"							msgid "Views"
msgstr "�ா���ி�ள�"						msgstr "�ா���ி�ள�"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691
msgid "Indexes"							msgid "Indexes"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Sequences"						msgid "Sequences"
msgstr "வாி��ம�ற��ள�"						msgstr "வாி��ம�ற��ள�"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Procedures"						msgid "Procedures"
msgstr "��யல� ம�ற��ள�"						msgstr "��யல� ம�ற��ள�"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700
msgid "Triggers"						msgid "Triggers"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Aggregates"						msgid "Aggregates"
msgstr "திர�����ள�"						msgstr "திர�����ள�"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Types"							msgid "Types"
msgstr "வ���ள�"							msgstr "வ���ள�"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140
msgid "Could not query CORBA components"			msgid "Could not query CORBA components"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209
msgid "ID"							msgid "ID"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "Location"						msgid "Location"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212
msgid "Username"						msgid "Username"
msgstr "பயனர� ப�யர�"						msgstr "பயனர� ப�யர�"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Hostname"						msgid "Hostname"
msgstr "பயனர� ப�யர�"						msgstr "பயனர� ப�யர�"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214
msgid "Domain"							msgid "Domain"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"			msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. create widgets						#. create widgets
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97
msgid "Settings"						msgid "Settings"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data source name"					msgid "Data source name"
msgstr "தரவ� ம�லத�திற��� ப�யர� �ி��யாத�!"				msgstr "தரவ� ம�லத�திற��� ப�யர� �ி��யாத�!"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Connection string"					msgid "Connection string"
msgstr "����ி த��ர�ப��ள�"						msgstr "����ி த��ர�ப��ள�"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115
msgid "Provider"						msgid "Provider"
msgstr "வழ����நர�"						msgstr "வழ����நர�"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "User name"						msgid "User name"
msgstr "பயனர� ப�யர�"						msgstr "பயனர� ப�யர�"

#. create feature list						#. create feature list
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128
msgid "Features"						msgid "Features"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"		msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"
msgstr "ப�திய ப�லத�திற��� ந����ள� ப�யர� �ன�ற��� ��றிப�பி� வ�ண���ம�"	msgstr "ப�திய ப�லத�திற��� ந����ள� ப�யர� �ன�ற��� ��றிப�பி� வ�ண���ம�"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197
msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac	msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206
msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th	msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213
msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"			msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217
msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n	msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"	msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"
msgstr "ப�திய ப�லத�திற��� ந����ள� ப�யர� �ன�ற��� ��றிப�பி� வ�ண���ம�"	msgstr "ப�திய ப�லத�திற��� ந����ள� ப�யர� �ன�ற��� ��றிப�பி� வ�ண���ம�"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233
msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"		msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391
msgid "Add a new data source..."				msgid "Add a new data source..."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392
msgid ""							msgid ""
"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"		"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"
"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"		"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"
"installation. Just follow the steps!"				"installation. Just follow the steps!"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "General Information"					msgid "General Information"
msgstr "�தி�ப�ப�ியான த�வல�"					msgstr "�தி�ப�ப�ியான த�வல�"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the basic information\n"	"The following fields represent the basic information\n"
"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n	"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n
"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"	"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"
"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"	"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"
"the default one."						"the default one."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data source _name:"					msgid "Data source _name:"
msgstr "தரவ� ம�லத�திற��� ப�யர� �ி��யாத�!"				msgstr "தரவ� ம�லத�திற��� ப�யர� �ி��யாத�!"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Provider:"						msgid "_Provider:"
msgstr "வழ����நர�"						msgstr "வழ����நர�"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Description:"						msgid "_Description:"
msgstr "விவாிப�ப�"						msgstr "விவாிப�ப�"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Username:"						msgid "_Username:"
msgstr "பயனர� ப�யர�"						msgstr "பயனர� ப�யர�"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "P_assword:"						msgid "P_assword:"
msgstr "��வ�����ல�"						msgstr "��வ�����ல�"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454
msgid "Provider Parameters"					msgid "Provider Parameters"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the information needed by the	"The following fields represent the information needed by the
"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n	"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n
"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\	"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\
"the manual for more information."				"the manual for more information."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481
msgid "All information retrieved"				msgid "All information retrieved"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482
msgid ""							msgid ""
"All information needed to create a new data source\n"		"All information needed to create a new data source\n"
"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"		"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"
"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"	"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"
"just select it when asked for a data source."			"just select it when asked for a data source."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Connection _string:"					msgid "Connection _string:"
msgstr "����ி த��ர�ப��ள�"						msgstr "����ி த��ர�ப��ள�"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4
msgid "Error"							msgid "Error"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.
msgid "Show detail >>"						msgid "Show detail >>"
msgstr "விவர���ள��� �ாண�பி >>"					msgstr "விவர���ள��� �ாண�பி >>"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122
msgid "<< Hide detail"						msgid "<< Hide detail"
msgstr "<< விவர���ள� மற�"					msgstr "<< விவர���ள� மற�"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191
msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"	msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196
msgid "Error number"						msgid "Error number"
msgstr "பிழ� �ண�"						msgstr "பிழ� �ண�"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Details"							msgid "Details"
msgstr "விவர���ள�"						msgstr "விவர���ள�"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234
msgid "Source"							msgid "Source"
msgstr "ம�லம�"							msgstr "ம�லம�"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241
msgid "SQL state"						msgid "SQL state"
msgstr "SQL நில�"						msgstr "SQL நில�"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Field:"							msgid "_Field:"
msgstr "ந�ரம�"							msgstr "ந�ரம�"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Text:"							msgid "_Text:"
msgstr "வ���ள�"							msgstr "வ���ள�"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308
msgid "No records"						msgid "No records"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329
#, fuzzy, c-format						#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Record %d of %d"						msgid "Record %d of %d"
msgstr "ந�ழ� %d, %d �ன�"						msgstr "ந�ழ� %d, %d �ன�"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Recordset description"					msgid "Recordset description"
msgstr "விவாிப�ப�"						msgstr "விவாிப�ப�"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid ""							msgid ""
"File '%s' already exists.\n"					"File '%s' already exists.\n"
"Do you want to overwrite it?"					"Do you want to overwrite it?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149
msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."		msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217
#, fuzzy, c-format						#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Could not save file %s"					msgid "Could not save file %s"
msgstr "%s ��ப�ப� ப����� ம��ியவில�ல�"				msgstr "%s ��ப�ப� ப����� ம��ியவில�ல�"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224
msgid "You must specify a file name"				msgid "You must specify a file name"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230
msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"		msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261
msgid "Saving Model"						msgid "Saving Model"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "File _name:"						msgid "File _name:"
msgstr "����வண�ப� ப�யர�"						msgstr "����வண�ப� ப�யர�"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Select File"						msgid "Select File"
msgstr "��ப�ப� த�ரிவ� ��ய�"					msgstr "��ப�ப� த�ரிவ� ��ய�"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283
msgid "File _type:"						msgid "File _type:"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291
msgid "Tab-delimited"						msgid "Tab-delimited"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294
msgid "Comma-delimited"						msgid "Comma-delimited"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:
msgid "XML"							msgid "XML"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View detail"						msgid "View detail"
msgstr "<< விவர���ள� மற�"					msgstr "<< விவர���ள� மற�"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427
msgid "Show Column _Titles"					msgid "Show Column _Titles"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Describe"						msgid "Describe"
msgstr "விவாிப�ப�"						msgstr "விவாிப�ப�"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View detail..."						msgid "View detail..."
msgstr "<< விவர���ள� மற�"					msgstr "<< விவர���ள� மற�"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Title"							msgid "Title"
msgstr "ந�ரம�"							msgstr "ந�ரம�"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48
msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"	msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"		"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"
"to a data source"						"to a data source"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data Source:"						msgid "Data Source:"
msgstr "GDA தரவ�-ம�லம�"						msgstr "GDA தரவ�-ம�லம�"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Username:"						msgid "Username:"
msgstr "பயனர� ப�யர�"						msgstr "பயனர� ப�யர�"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Password:"						msgid "Password:"
msgstr "��வ�����ல�"						msgstr "��வ�����ல�"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69
msgid "Fields"							msgid "Fields"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Commit"							msgid "Commit"
msgstr "����ள�"							msgstr "����ள�"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31
msgid "Connect"							msgid "Connect"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33
msgid "Designer"						msgid "Designer"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34
msgid "Disconnect"						msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35
msgid "NoTransaction"						msgid "NoTransaction"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37
msgid "Query"							msgid "Query"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38
msgid "Rollback"						msgid "Rollback"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40
msgid "SQL"							msgid "SQL"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43
msgid "WithinTransaction"					msgid "WithinTransaction"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Error: %s"						msgid "Error: %s"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79
msgid "Table name"						msgid "Table name"
msgstr "����வண�ப� ப�யர�"						msgstr "����வண�ப� ப�யர�"

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93			#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Login for %s"						msgid "Login for %s"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95					#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95
msgid "Login to database"					msgid "Login to database"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: vfs/libmain.c:71						#: vfs/libmain.c:71
msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"				msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Table Properties"					msgid "Table Properties"
msgstr "தி�தி"							msgstr "தி�தி"

#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Table Name"						msgid "Table Name"
msgstr "����வண�ப� ப�யர�"						msgstr "����வண�ப� ப�யர�"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "New"							msgid "New"
msgstr "ப�தியத�"						msgstr "ப�தியத�"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156
msgid "Create new table"					msgid "Create new table"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Properties"						msgid "Properties"
msgstr "��யல� ம�ற��ள�"						msgstr "��யல� ம�ற��ள�"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View table properties"					msgid "View table properties"
msgstr "தி�தி"							msgstr "தி�தி"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
msgid "UID"							msgid "UID"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "calendar"						msgid "calendar"
msgstr "�ளவ���ல�"						msgstr "�ளவ���ல�"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "summary"							msgid "summary"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "Summary"							msgid "Summary"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "location"						msgid "location"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "dtstart"							msgid "dtstart"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
msgid "Start time"						msgid "Start time"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "dtend"							msgid "dtend"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "End time"						msgid "End time"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "description"						msgid "description"
msgstr "விவாிப�ப�"						msgstr "விவாிப�ப�"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "classification"						msgid "classification"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "Classification"						msgid "Classification"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "transparency"						msgid "transparency"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "Transparency"						msgid "Transparency"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "categories"						msgid "categories"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "Categories"						msgid "Categories"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "tasks"							msgid "tasks"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "due"							msgid "due"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "Due date"						msgid "Due date"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "Start date"						msgid "Start date"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355
msgid "Public"							msgid "Public"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358
msgid "Private"							msgid "Private"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361
msgid "Confidential"						msgid "Confidential"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63
msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"		msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66
msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"			msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80
msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta	msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"		msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"��ப�ப� திற��� ம��ியவில�ல�\n"					"��ப�ப� திற��� ம��ியவில�ல�\n"
"%s"								"%s"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"				msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"
msgstr "Bonobo த�����-மதிப�பளி��� ம��ியவில�ல�\n"			msgstr "Bonobo த�����-மதிப�பளி��� ம��ியவில�ல�\n"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Field name"						msgid "Field name"
msgstr "பயனர� ப�யர�"						msgstr "பயனர� ப�யர�"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data type"						msgid "Data type"
msgstr "தரவ�"							msgstr "தரவ�"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214
msgid "Size"							msgid "Size"
msgstr "�ளவ�"							msgstr "�ளவ�"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215
msgid "Scale"							msgid "Scale"
msgstr "�ளவ���ல�"						msgstr "�ளவ���ல�"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216
msgid "Not null?"						msgid "Not null?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217
msgid "Primary key?"						msgid "Primary key?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218
msgid "Unique index?"						msgid "Unique index?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "References"						msgid "References"
msgstr "ப�திப�பி"						msgstr "ப�திப�பி"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220
msgid "Default value"						msgid "Default value"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239
msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l	msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Table %s does not exist"					msgid "Table %s does not exist"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318
msgid "Scheduled events"					msgid "Scheduled events"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321
msgid "TODO list"						msgid "TODO list"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375
msgid "Owner"							msgid "Owner"
msgstr "��ந�த���ாரர�"						msgstr "��ந�த���ாரர�"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Comments"						msgid "Comments"
msgstr "����ள�"							msgstr "����ள�"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Type"							msgid "Type"
msgstr "வ���ள�"							msgstr "வ���ள�"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "GDA type"						msgid "GDA type"
msgstr "GDA வ��"						msgstr "GDA வ��"

#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id	#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id
#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database	#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database
#. we can easily access that information			#. we can easily access that information
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "local"							msgid "local"
msgstr "�ளவ���ல�"						msgstr "�ளவ���ல�"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217
msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230
msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244
msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"			msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268
msgid "Invalid SQL command"					msgid "Invalid SQL command"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353
msgid "Transactions are not supported"				msgid "Transactions are not supported"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41
msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"		msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task	"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Database browser"					#~ msgid "Database browser"
#~ msgstr "தி�தி"						#~ msgstr "தி�தி"

#~ msgid "Error viewer"						#~ msgid "Error viewer"
#~ msgstr "பிழ��� �ா���ி"						#~ msgstr "பிழ��� �ா���ி"

#~ msgid "Password"						#~ msgid "Password"
#~ msgstr "��வ�����ல�"						#~ msgstr "��வ�����ல�"

#~ msgid "Question"						#~ msgid "Question"
#~ msgstr "��ள�வி"						#~ msgstr "��ள�வி"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Database Moniker factory"				#~ msgid "Database Moniker factory"
#~ msgstr "தி�தி"						#~ msgstr "தி�தி"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "database: moniker"					#~ msgid "database: moniker"
#~ msgstr "தி�தி"						#~ msgstr "தி�தி"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Invalid format for connection string"			#~ msgid "Invalid format for connection string"
#~ msgstr "����ி த��ர�ப��ள�"					#~ msgstr "����ி த��ர�ப��ள�"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Data sources"						#~ msgid "Data sources"
#~ msgstr "GDA தரவ�-ம�லம�"					#~ msgstr "GDA தரவ�-ம�லம�"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Test Data Source"					#~ msgid "Test Data Source"
#~ msgstr "GDA தரவ�-ம�லம�"					#~ msgstr "GDA தரவ�-ம�லம�"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Data source"						#~ msgid "Data source"
#~ msgstr "GDA தரவ�-ம�லம�"					#~ msgstr "GDA தரவ�-ம�லம�"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Unselect all"						#~ msgid "Unselect all"
#~ msgstr "��ப�ப� த�ிவ� ��ய�"					#~ msgstr "��ப�ப� த�ிவ� ��ய�"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Unselect All"						#~ msgid "Unselect All"
#~ msgstr "��ப�ப� த�ிவ� ��ய�"					#~ msgstr "��ப�ப� த�ிவ� ��ய�"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Loading..."						#~ msgid "Loading..."
#~ msgstr "����வண�த� தரவ� �ாண�பி���வ�ம�"				#~ msgstr "����வண�த� தரவ� �ாண�பி���வ�ம�"

#~ msgid "Create new object of selected type"			#~ msgid "Create new object of selected type"
#~ msgstr "த�ிவ� ��ய�த வ��ப�ப�ன�ற� �ர� தரவ� ப�����வ�ம�"		#~ msgstr "த�ிவ� ��ய�த வ��ப�ப�ன�ற� �ர� தரவ� ப�����வ�ம�"

#~ msgid "Remove"						#~ msgid "Remove"
#~ msgstr "�ழ����"						#~ msgstr "�ழ����"

#~ msgid "Refresh current list of objects"			#~ msgid "Refresh current list of objects"
#~ msgstr "தற�ப�த�ய தரவ��ள� ப���ிய� ப�திப�பி���வ�ம�"			#~ msgstr "தற�ப�த�ய தரவ��ள� ப���ிய� ப�திப�பி���வ�ம�"

#~ msgid "Info"							#~ msgid "Info"
#~ msgstr "த�வல�"						#~ msgstr "த�வல�"

#~ msgid "Show extra information about selected object"		#~ msgid "Show extra information about selected object"
#~ msgstr "த�ிவ� ��ய�த தரவ�ப�பற�றி �தி�ப�ப�ியான த�வல� �ாண�பி���வ�ம�"	#~ msgstr "த�ிவ� ��ய�த தரவ�ப�பற�றி �தி�ப�ப�ியான த�வல� �ாண�பி���வ�ம�"

#~ msgid "Table data"						#~ msgid "Table data"
#~ msgstr "����வண�த� தரவ�"					#~ msgstr "����வண�த� தரவ�"

#~ msgid "Select Color"						#~ msgid "Select Color"
#~ msgstr "வண�ணம� த�ிவ� ��ய�"					#~ msgstr "வண�ணம� த�ிவ� ��ய�"

#~ msgid "Select Font"						#~ msgid "Select Font"
#~ msgstr "�ழ�த�த� வ�� த�ிவ� ��ய�"				#~ msgstr "�ழ�த�த� வ�� த�ிவ� ��ய�"

#~ msgid "Add field..."						#~ msgid "Add field..."
#~ msgstr "ப�லம� ������..."					#~ msgstr "ப�லம� ������..."

#~ msgid "Add a new field to this table"			#~ msgid "Add a new field to this table"
#~ msgstr "�ந�த ����வண����� ப�திய ப�லம� �ன�ற��� ������"		#~ msgstr "�ந�த ����வண����� ப�திய ப�லம� �ன�ற��� ������"

#~ msgid "Edit field..."					#~ msgid "Edit field..."
#~ msgstr "ப�லதத� பதிப�பி..."					#~ msgstr "ப�லதத� பதிப�பி..."

#~ msgid "Edit the selected field properties"			#~ msgid "Edit the selected field properties"
#~ msgstr "த�ரிவ� ��ய�த ப�லம� பண�ப��ள� பதிப�பி"			#~ msgstr "த�ரிவ� ��ய�த ப�லம� பண�ப��ள� பதிப�பி"

#~ msgid "Add field"						#~ msgid "Add field"
#~ msgstr "ப�லம� ������"						#~ msgstr "ப�லம� ������"

#~ msgid "Could not find table %s"				#~ msgid "Could not find table %s"
#~ msgstr "%s ����வண�ய��� �ண���பி�ி��� ம��ியவில�ல�"			#~ msgstr "%s ����வண�ய��� �ண���பி�ி��� ம��ியவில�ல�"

#~ msgid "There is already a field named %s"			#~ msgid "There is already a field named %s"
#~ msgstr "�ற���னவ� %s ப�யர���ண��� ப�லம� �ண���"			#~ msgstr "�ற���னவ� %s ப�யர���ண��� ப�லம� �ண���"

#~ msgid "File %s is not a valid XML file"			#~ msgid "File %s is not a valid XML file"
#~ msgstr "%s ��ப�ப� ��ல�ல�ப�ியற�ற XML ��ப�ப�"			#~ msgstr "%s ��ப�ப� ��ல�ல�ப�ியற�ற XML ��ப�ப�"

#~ msgid "GDA Name"						#~ msgid "GDA Name"
#~ msgstr "GDA ப�யர�"						#~ msgstr "GDA ப�யர�"

#~ msgid "DSN"							#~ msgid "DSN"
#~ msgstr "DSN"							#~ msgstr "DSN"

#~ msgid "Config"						#~ msgid "Config"
#~ msgstr "Config"						#~ msgstr "Config"

#~ msgid "Error while saving configuration!"			#~ msgid "Error while saving configuration!"
#~ msgstr "�ர�வம�ப�ப� ��மி����ம�ப�ப�த� பிழ�!"			#~ msgstr "�ர�வம�ப�ப� ��மி����ம�ப�ப�த� பிழ�!"

#~ msgid "Native message"					#~ msgid "Native message"
#~ msgstr "Native த�வல�"						#~ msgstr "Native த�வல�"

#~ msgid "User Name"						#~ msgid "User Name"
#~ msgstr "பயனர� ப�யர�"						#~ msgstr "பயனர� ப�யர�"

#~ msgid "Message"						#~ msgid "Message"
#~ msgstr "த�வல�"						#~ msgstr "த�வல�"

#~ msgid "Log Entry"						#~ msgid "Log Entry"
#~ msgstr "நில�ப�பதிவ� ந�ழ�"					#~ msgstr "நில�ப�பதிவ� ந�ழ�"

#~ msgid "Setup Printer"					#~ msgid "Setup Printer"
#~ msgstr "�����ப�ப�றிய� �ம�"					#~ msgstr "�����ப�ப�றிய� �ம�"

#~ msgid "Copyright The Free Software Foundation (C) 1998-200	#~ msgid "Copyright The Free Software Foundation (C) 1998-200
#~ msgstr "�லவ� ம�ன�ப�ர�ள� ������த�தாபனம� (C) 1998-2000"		#~ msgstr "�லவ� ம�ன�ப�ர�ள� ������த�தாபனம� (C) 1998-2000"

#~ msgid ""							#~ msgid ""
#~ "This program is part of the GNOME project for LINUX. GNOM	#~ "This program is part of the GNOME project for LINUX. GNOM
#~ "comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software,	#~ "comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software,
#~ "welcome to redistribute it under the conditions of the GN	#~ "welcome to redistribute it under the conditions of the GN
#~ "Licence."							#~ "Licence."
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "This program is part of the GNOME project for LINUX. GNOM	#~ "This program is part of the GNOME project for LINUX. GNOM
#~ "comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software,	#~ "comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software,
#~ "welcome to redistribute it under the conditions of the GN	#~ "welcome to redistribute it under the conditions of the GN
#~ "Licence."							#~ "Licence."

#~ msgid "Bug-buddy was not found in your $PATH"		#~ msgid "Bug-buddy was not found in your $PATH"
#~ msgstr "$PATH �ல� Bug-buddy �ண���பி�ி��� ம��ியவில�ல�"		#~ msgstr "$PATH �ல� Bug-buddy �ண���பி�ி��� ம��ியவில�ல�"

#~ msgid "Unable to execute Bug Report Tool"			#~ msgid "Unable to execute Bug Report Tool"
#~ msgstr "Bug Report Tool �ய���ம��ியவில�ல�"			#~ msgstr "Bug Report Tool �ய���ம��ியவில�ல�"
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: tr.gmo
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/tr.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/tr.po
# Copyright (C) YEAR Free Software Foundation, Inc.		# Copyright (C) YEAR Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# Controlled by NBB, 2000-11-30					# Controlled by NBB, 2000-11-30
msgid ""							msgid ""
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: libgnomedb 0.2.0\n"			"Project-Id-Version: libgnomedb 0.2.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"					"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"			"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2000-11-25 02:35+0200\n"			"PO-Revision-Date: 2000-11-25 02:35+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Görkem �etin <gorkem gelecek com tr>\n"	"Last-Translator: Görkem �etin <gorkem gelecek com tr>\n"
"Language-Team: Turkish <gnome-turk gnome org>\n"		"Language-Team: Turkish <gnome-turk gnome org>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"						"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"			"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8-bit\n"				"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8-bit\n"

# manager/gnomedb-mgr-callbacks.c:45 manager/gnomedb-mgr-call	# manager/gnomedb-mgr-callbacks.c:45 manager/gnomedb-mgr-call
# manager/gnomedb-mgr-dsn.c:173					# manager/gnomedb-mgr-dsn.c:173
#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data Sources"						msgid "Data Sources"
msgstr "Veri KaynaÄ?ı"						msgstr "Veri KaynaÄ?ı"

# components/gnomedb-com-connection.c:520 lib/gnome-db-dsn-co	# components/gnomedb-com-connection.c:520 lib/gnome-db-dsn-co
#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Providers"						msgid "Providers"
msgstr "SaÄ?layıcı"						msgstr "SaÄ?layıcı"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1
msgid "Configure your database environment"			msgid "Configure your database environment"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

# lib/gnome-db-log-viewer.c:154 lib/gnome-db-log-viewer.c:329	# lib/gnome-db-log-viewer.c:154 lib/gnome-db-log-viewer.c:329
#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Database Access Properties "				msgid "Database Access Properties "
msgstr "Veritabanları"						msgstr "Veritabanları"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380
msgid "Name"							msgid "Name"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

# lib/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:88 lib/gnome-db-error.c:170		# lib/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:88 lib/gnome-db-error.c:170
# manager/gnomedb-mgr-providers.c:102				# manager/gnomedb-mgr-providers.c:102
#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
msgid "Description"						msgid "Description"
msgstr "Açıklama"						msgstr "Açıklama"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182
msgid "Configured data sources in the system"			msgid "Configured data sources in the system"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data sources are the means by which database connections are	"Data sources are the means by which database connections are
"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s	"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s
"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o	"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o
"name you identify the connections in the applications that m	"name you identify the connections in the applications that m
"DB for database access."					"DB for database access."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"	msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

# lib/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:222					# lib/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:222
#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data Source Properties"					msgid "Data Source Properties"
msgstr "Veri kaynaÄ?ı ismi"					msgstr "Veri kaynaÄ?ı ismi"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132
msgid "Basic"							msgid "Basic"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

# lib/gnome-db-browser.c:458 lib/gnome-db-designer.c:35		# lib/gnome-db-browser.c:458 lib/gnome-db-designer.c:35
#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Tables"							msgid "Tables"
msgstr "Tablolar"						msgstr "Tablolar"

#: control-center/main.c:92					#: control-center/main.c:92
msgid "No valid data source info was created"			msgid "No valid data source info was created"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

# manager/gnomedb-mgr-dsn.c:38					# manager/gnomedb-mgr-dsn.c:38
#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218	#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "New data source"						msgid "New data source"
msgstr "Yeni bir veri kaynaÄ?ı ekle..."				msgstr "Yeni bir veri kaynaÄ?ı ekle..."

# lib/gnome-db-log-viewer.c:154 lib/gnome-db-log-viewer.c:329	# lib/gnome-db-log-viewer.c:154 lib/gnome-db-log-viewer.c:329
#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:215					#: control-center/main.c:215
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Database Access Properties"				msgid "Database Access Properties"
msgstr "Veritabanları"						msgstr "Veritabanları"

#: control-center/provider-config.c:105				#: control-center/provider-config.c:105
msgid "Installed providers"					msgid "Installed providers"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/provider-config.c:131				#: control-center/provider-config.c:131
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec	"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec
"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo	"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo
"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr	"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr
"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba	"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba
"etc."								"etc."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1
msgid "Database connection parameters file"			msgid "Database connection parameters file"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2
msgid "Documents"						msgid "Documents"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3
msgid "SQL code viewer"						msgid "SQL code viewer"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1
msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"			msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2
msgid "Number of spaces per tab"				msgid "Number of spaces per tab"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3
msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"			msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4
msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"			msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60
msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"			msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1
msgid "About"							msgid "About"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2
msgid "About GNOME-DB"						msgid "About GNOME-DB"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3
msgid "Close this window"					msgid "Close this window"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4
msgid "Create new entry"					msgid "Create new entry"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5
msgid "Delete selected items"					msgid "Delete selected items"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Deselect all items"					msgid "Deselect all items"
msgstr "Listedeki tüm öÄ?eleri seç"				msgstr "Listedeki tüm öÄ?eleri seç"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7
msgid "Edit properties for selected item"			msgid "Edit properties for selected item"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8
msgid "Save connection parameters to file"			msgid "Save connection parameters to file"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Select _All"						msgid "Select _All"
msgstr "Tümünü seç"						msgstr "Tümünü seç"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Select all items"					msgid "Select all items"
msgstr "Listedeki tüm öÄ?eleri seç"				msgstr "Listedeki tüm öÄ?eleri seç"

# manager/gnomedb-mgr-dsn.c:38					# manager/gnomedb-mgr-dsn.c:38
#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View data sources"					msgid "View data sources"
msgstr "Yeni bir veri kaynaÄ?ı ekle..."				msgstr "Yeni bir veri kaynaÄ?ı ekle..."

# components/gnomedb-com-connection.c:520 lib/gnome-db-dsn-co	# components/gnomedb-com-connection.c:520 lib/gnome-db-dsn-co
#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View providers"						msgid "View providers"
msgstr "SaÄ?layıcı"						msgstr "SaÄ?layıcı"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42
msgid "_Clear Selection"					msgid "_Clear Selection"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14
msgid "_Close"							msgid "_Close"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

# manager/gnomedb-mgr-callbacks.c:45 manager/gnomedb-mgr-call	# manager/gnomedb-mgr-callbacks.c:45 manager/gnomedb-mgr-call
# manager/gnomedb-mgr-dsn.c:173					# manager/gnomedb-mgr-dsn.c:173
#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Data Sources"						msgid "_Data Sources"
msgstr "Veri KaynaÄ?ı"						msgstr "Veri KaynaÄ?ı"

# lib/gnome-db-log-viewer.c:154 lib/gnome-db-log-viewer.c:329	# lib/gnome-db-log-viewer.c:154 lib/gnome-db-log-viewer.c:329
#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Database"						msgid "_Database"
msgstr "Veritabanı"						msgstr "Veritabanı"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17
msgid "_Delete"							msgid "_Delete"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18
msgid "_Edit"							msgid "_Edit"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19
msgid "_Help"							msgid "_Help"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

# manager/gnomedb-mgr-dsn.c:38					# manager/gnomedb-mgr-dsn.c:38
#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_New Data Source..."					msgid "_New Data Source..."
msgstr "Yeni bir veri kaynaÄ?ı ekle..."				msgstr "Yeni bir veri kaynaÄ?ı ekle..."

# lib/gnome-db-browser.c:474					# lib/gnome-db-browser.c:474
#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Properties"						msgid "_Properties"
msgstr "Yordamlar"						msgstr "Yordamlar"

# components/gnomedb-com-connection.c:520 lib/gnome-db-dsn-co	# components/gnomedb-com-connection.c:520 lib/gnome-db-dsn-co
#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Providers"						msgid "_Providers"
msgstr "SaÄ?layıcı"						msgstr "SaÄ?layıcı"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Save Connection"					msgid "_Save Connection"
msgstr "Kaydet"							msgstr "Kaydet"

# lib/gnome-db-browser.c:466 lib/gnome-db-designer.c:45		# lib/gnome-db-browser.c:466 lib/gnome-db-designer.c:45
#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_View"							msgid "_View"
msgstr "Görünümler"						msgstr "Görünümler"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76
msgid "Structure"						msgid "Structure"
msgstr "Yapı"							msgstr "Yapı"

# lib/gnome-db-log-viewer.c:154 lib/gnome-db-log-viewer.c:329	# lib/gnome-db-log-viewer.c:154 lib/gnome-db-log-viewer.c:329
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73
msgid "Data"							msgid "Data"
msgstr "Veri"							msgstr "Veri"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238
msgid "Not implemented yet!"					msgid "Not implemented yet!"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

# lib/gnome-db-log-viewer.c:154 lib/gnome-db-log-viewer.c:329	# lib/gnome-db-log-viewer.c:154 lib/gnome-db-log-viewer.c:329
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Database"						msgid "Database"
msgstr "Veritabanı"						msgstr "Veritabanı"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540
msgid "Loading database schemas..."				msgid "Loading database schemas..."
msgstr "Veritabanı Å?emaları yükleniyor..."			msgstr "Veritabanı Å?emaları yükleniyor..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632
msgid "Refreshing data..."					msgid "Refreshing data..."
msgstr "Veri tazeleniyor..."					msgstr "Veri tazeleniyor..."

# lib/gnome-db-browser.c:466 lib/gnome-db-designer.c:45		# lib/gnome-db-browser.c:466 lib/gnome-db-designer.c:45
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688
msgid "Views"							msgid "Views"
msgstr "Görünümler"						msgstr "Görünümler"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691
msgid "Indexes"							msgid "Indexes"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Sequences"						msgid "Sequences"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

# lib/gnome-db-browser.c:474					# lib/gnome-db-browser.c:474
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Procedures"						msgid "Procedures"
msgstr "Yordamlar"						msgstr "Yordamlar"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700
msgid "Triggers"						msgid "Triggers"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Aggregates"						msgid "Aggregates"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

# lib/gnome-db-browser.c:482					# lib/gnome-db-browser.c:482
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Types"							msgid "Types"
msgstr "Tipler"							msgstr "Tipler"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140
msgid "Could not query CORBA components"			msgid "Could not query CORBA components"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209
msgid "ID"							msgid "ID"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "Location"						msgid "Location"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

# lib/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:96 lib/gnome-db-login.c:241		# lib/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:96 lib/gnome-db-login.c:241
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212
msgid "Username"						msgid "Username"
msgstr "Kullanıcı Adı"						msgstr "Kullanıcı Adı"

# lib/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:96 lib/gnome-db-login.c:241		# lib/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:96 lib/gnome-db-login.c:241
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Hostname"						msgid "Hostname"
msgstr "Kullanıcı Adı"						msgstr "Kullanıcı Adı"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214
msgid "Domain"							msgid "Domain"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"			msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. create widgets						#. create widgets
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97
msgid "Settings"						msgid "Settings"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

# lib/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:222					# lib/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:222
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103
msgid "Data source name"					msgid "Data source name"
msgstr "Veri kaynaÄ?ı ismi"					msgstr "Veri kaynaÄ?ı ismi"

# components/gnomedb-com-connection.c:505			# components/gnomedb-com-connection.c:505
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109
msgid "Connection string"					msgid "Connection string"
msgstr "BaÄ?lantı dizisi"					msgstr "BaÄ?lantı dizisi"

# components/gnomedb-com-connection.c:520 lib/gnome-db-dsn-co	# components/gnomedb-com-connection.c:520 lib/gnome-db-dsn-co
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115
msgid "Provider"						msgid "Provider"
msgstr "SaÄ?layıcı"						msgstr "SaÄ?layıcı"

# lib/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:96 lib/gnome-db-login.c:241		# lib/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:96 lib/gnome-db-login.c:241
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "User name"						msgid "User name"
msgstr "Kullanıcı Adı"						msgstr "Kullanıcı Adı"

#. create feature list						#. create feature list
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128
msgid "Features"						msgid "Features"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190
msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"		msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"
msgstr "Yeni veri kaynaÄ?ı için bir isim belirtmelisiniz"	msgstr "Yeni veri kaynaÄ?ı için bir isim belirtmelisiniz"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197
msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac	msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206
msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th	msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213
msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"			msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217
msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n	msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225
msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"	msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"
msgstr "Yeni veri kaynaÄ?ı için bir isim belirtmelisiniz"	msgstr "Yeni veri kaynaÄ?ı için bir isim belirtmelisiniz"

# lib/gnome-db-login.c:107 lib/gnome-db-login.c:328		# lib/gnome-db-login.c:107 lib/gnome-db-login.c:328
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233
msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"		msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"
msgstr "Yapılandırma dosyasında saÄ?layıcı tanımlanmamıÅ?"	msgstr "Yapılandırma dosyasında saÄ?layıcı tanımlanmamıÅ?"

# manager/gnomedb-mgr-dsn.c:38					# manager/gnomedb-mgr-dsn.c:38
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391
msgid "Add a new data source..."				msgid "Add a new data source..."
msgstr "Yeni bir veri kaynaÄ?ı ekle..."				msgstr "Yeni bir veri kaynaÄ?ı ekle..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392
msgid ""							msgid ""
"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"		"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"
"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"		"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"
"installation. Just follow the steps!"				"installation. Just follow the steps!"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

# lib/gnome-db-browser.c:520					# lib/gnome-db-browser.c:520
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404
msgid "General Information"					msgid "General Information"
msgstr "Genel Bilgi"						msgstr "Genel Bilgi"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the basic information\n"	"The following fields represent the basic information\n"
"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n	"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n
"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"	"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"
"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"	"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"
"the default one."						"the default one."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

# lib/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:222					# lib/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:222
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data source _name:"					msgid "Data source _name:"
msgstr "Veri kaynaÄ?ı ismi"					msgstr "Veri kaynaÄ?ı ismi"

# components/gnomedb-com-connection.c:520 lib/gnome-db-dsn-co	# components/gnomedb-com-connection.c:520 lib/gnome-db-dsn-co
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Provider:"						msgid "_Provider:"
msgstr "SaÄ?layıcı"						msgstr "SaÄ?layıcı"

# lib/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:88 lib/gnome-db-error.c:170		# lib/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:88 lib/gnome-db-error.c:170
# manager/gnomedb-mgr-providers.c:102				# manager/gnomedb-mgr-providers.c:102
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Description:"						msgid "_Description:"
msgstr "Açıklama"						msgstr "Açıklama"

# lib/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:96 lib/gnome-db-login.c:241		# lib/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:96 lib/gnome-db-login.c:241
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Username:"						msgid "_Username:"
msgstr "Kullanıcı Adı"						msgstr "Kullanıcı Adı"

# lib/gnome-db-login.c:250					# lib/gnome-db-login.c:250
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "P_assword:"						msgid "P_assword:"
msgstr "Parola"							msgstr "Parola"

# manager/gnomedb-mgr-callbacks.c:48 manager/gnomedb-mgr-call	# manager/gnomedb-mgr-callbacks.c:48 manager/gnomedb-mgr-call
# manager/gnomedb-mgr-providers.c:121				# manager/gnomedb-mgr-providers.c:121
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454
msgid "Provider Parameters"					msgid "Provider Parameters"
msgstr "SaÄ?layıcı Parametreleri"				msgstr "SaÄ?layıcı Parametreleri"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the information needed by the	"The following fields represent the information needed by the
"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n	"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n
"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\	"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\
"the manual for more information."				"the manual for more information."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481
msgid "All information retrieved"				msgid "All information retrieved"
msgstr "Tüm bilgiler alındı"					msgstr "Tüm bilgiler alındı"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid ""							msgid ""
"All information needed to create a new data source\n"		"All information needed to create a new data source\n"
"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"		"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"
"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"	"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"
"just select it when asked for a data source."			"just select it when asked for a data source."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Yeni bir veri kaynaÄ?ını tanımlamak için gereken\n"		"Yeni bir veri kaynaÄ?ını tanımlamak için gereken\n"
"tüm bilgiler alındı. Bu pencereyi kapatmak için\n"		"tüm bilgiler alındı. Bu pencereyi kapatmak için\n"
"lütfen 'Uygula' düÄ?mesine tıklayın. Yeni oluÅ?turulan\n"	"lütfen 'Uygula' düÄ?mesine tıklayın. Yeni oluÅ?turulan\n"
"veri kaynaÄ?ına eriÅ?mek amacıyla size veri kaynaÄ?ı\n"		"veri kaynaÄ?ına eriÅ?mek amacıyla size veri kaynaÄ?ı\n"
"yeri sorulacaktır."						"yeri sorulacaktır."

# components/gnomedb-com-connection.c:505			# components/gnomedb-com-connection.c:505
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Connection _string:"					msgid "Connection _string:"
msgstr "BaÄ?lantı dizisi"					msgstr "BaÄ?lantı dizisi"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4
msgid "Error"							msgid "Error"
msgstr "Hata"							msgstr "Hata"

# lib/gnome-db-error.c:191					# lib/gnome-db-error.c:191
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.
msgid "Show detail >>"						msgid "Show detail >>"
msgstr "Ayrıntıları göster >>"					msgstr "Ayrıntıları göster >>"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122
msgid "<< Hide detail"						msgid "<< Hide detail"
msgstr "<< Ayrıntıları gizle"					msgstr "<< Ayrıntıları gizle"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191
msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"	msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

# components/gnomedb-com-connection-pool.c:35			# components/gnomedb-com-connection-pool.c:35
# components/gnomedb-com-connection.c:445			# components/gnomedb-com-connection.c:445
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196
msgid "Error number"						msgid "Error number"
msgstr "Hata numarası"						msgstr "Hata numarası"

# lib/gnome-db-browser.c:505					# lib/gnome-db-browser.c:505
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Details"							msgid "Details"
msgstr "Ayrıntı"						msgstr "Ayrıntı"

# lib/gnome-db-error.c:196					# lib/gnome-db-error.c:196
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234
msgid "Source"							msgid "Source"
msgstr "Kaynak"							msgstr "Kaynak"

# frontend/gnomedb-fe-config.c:138 manager/gnomedb-mgr-provid	# frontend/gnomedb-fe-config.c:138 manager/gnomedb-mgr-provid
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241
msgid "SQL state"						msgid "SQL state"
msgstr "SQL durumu"						msgstr "SQL durumu"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108
msgid "_Field:"							msgid "_Field:"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

# lib/gnome-db-browser.c:482					# lib/gnome-db-browser.c:482
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Text:"							msgid "_Text:"
msgstr "Tipler"							msgstr "Tipler"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308
msgid "No records"						msgid "No records"
msgstr "Kayıt yok"						msgstr "Kayıt yok"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Record %d of %d"						msgid "Record %d of %d"
msgstr "Kayıt %d / %d"						msgstr "Kayıt %d / %d"

# lib/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:88 lib/gnome-db-error.c:170		# lib/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:88 lib/gnome-db-error.c:170
# manager/gnomedb-mgr-providers.c:102				# manager/gnomedb-mgr-providers.c:102
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113
msgid "Recordset description"					msgid "Recordset description"
msgstr "Kayıt seti açıklaması"					msgstr "Kayıt seti açıklaması"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid ""							msgid ""
"File '%s' already exists.\n"					"File '%s' already exists.\n"
"Do you want to overwrite it?"					"Do you want to overwrite it?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149
msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."		msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Could not save file %s"					msgid "Could not save file %s"
msgstr "Dosya %s adıyla kaydedilemedi"				msgstr "Dosya %s adıyla kaydedilemedi"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224
msgid "You must specify a file name"				msgid "You must specify a file name"
msgstr "Bir dosya adı belirtmelisiniz"				msgstr "Bir dosya adı belirtmelisiniz"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230
msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"		msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261
msgid "Saving Model"						msgid "Saving Model"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

# lib/gnome-db-designer.c:83					# lib/gnome-db-designer.c:83
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "File _name:"						msgid "File _name:"
msgstr "Tablo ismi"						msgstr "Tablo ismi"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276
msgid "Select File"						msgid "Select File"
msgstr "Dosya Seç"						msgstr "Dosya Seç"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283
msgid "File _type:"						msgid "File _type:"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Tab-delimited"						msgid "Tab-delimited"
msgstr "Sekme ile ayrılmıÅ? dosya"				msgstr "Sekme ile ayrılmıÅ? dosya"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Comma-delimited"						msgid "Comma-delimited"
msgstr "Virgül ile ayrılmıÅ? dosya"				msgstr "Virgül ile ayrılmıÅ? dosya"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:
msgid "XML"							msgid "XML"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355
msgid "View detail"						msgid "View detail"
msgstr "<< Ayrıntıları göster"					msgstr "<< Ayrıntıları göster"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427
msgid "Show Column _Titles"					msgid "Show Column _Titles"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Describe"						msgid "Describe"
msgstr "Tanımla..."						msgstr "Tanımla..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443
msgid "View detail..."						msgid "View detail..."
msgstr "Ayrıntıları göster..."					msgstr "Ayrıntıları göster..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614
msgid "Title"							msgid "Title"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48
msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"	msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"
msgstr "Daha önce hazırlanmıÅ? bir program yeniden hazırlanama	msgstr "Daha önce hazırlanmıÅ? bir program yeniden hazırlanama

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"		"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"
"to a data source"						"to a data source"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

# manager/gnomedb-mgr-callbacks.c:45 manager/gnomedb-mgr-call	# manager/gnomedb-mgr-callbacks.c:45 manager/gnomedb-mgr-call
# manager/gnomedb-mgr-dsn.c:173					# manager/gnomedb-mgr-dsn.c:173
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data Source:"						msgid "Data Source:"
msgstr "Veri KaynaÄ?ı"						msgstr "Veri KaynaÄ?ı"

# lib/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:96 lib/gnome-db-login.c:241		# lib/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:96 lib/gnome-db-login.c:241
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Username:"						msgid "Username:"
msgstr "Kullanıcı Adı"						msgstr "Kullanıcı Adı"

# lib/gnome-db-login.c:250					# lib/gnome-db-login.c:250
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Password:"						msgid "Password:"
msgstr "Parola"							msgstr "Parola"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69
msgid "Fields"							msgid "Fields"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30
msgid "Commit"							msgid "Commit"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31
msgid "Connect"							msgid "Connect"
msgstr "BaÄ?lan"							msgstr "BaÄ?lan"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33
msgid "Designer"						msgid "Designer"
msgstr "Tasarımcı"						msgstr "Tasarımcı"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34
msgid "Disconnect"						msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr "BaÄ?lantıyı kes"						msgstr "BaÄ?lantıyı kes"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35
msgid "NoTransaction"						msgid "NoTransaction"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37
msgid "Query"							msgid "Query"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38
msgid "Rollback"						msgid "Rollback"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40
msgid "SQL"							msgid "SQL"
msgstr "SQL"							msgstr "SQL"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43
msgid "WithinTransaction"					msgid "WithinTransaction"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65
#, fuzzy, c-format						#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Error: %s"						msgid "Error: %s"
msgstr "Hata"							msgstr "Hata"

# lib/gnome-db-designer.c:83					# lib/gnome-db-designer.c:83
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79
msgid "Table name"						msgid "Table name"
msgstr "Tablo ismi"						msgstr "Tablo ismi"

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93			#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Login for %s"						msgid "Login for %s"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95					#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95
msgid "Login to database"					msgid "Login to database"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: vfs/libmain.c:71						#: vfs/libmain.c:71
msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"				msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

# lib/gnome-db-log-viewer.c:154 lib/gnome-db-log-viewer.c:329	# lib/gnome-db-log-viewer.c:154 lib/gnome-db-log-viewer.c:329
#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Table Properties"					msgid "Table Properties"
msgstr "Veritabanları"						msgstr "Veritabanları"

# lib/gnome-db-designer.c:83					# lib/gnome-db-designer.c:83
#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Table Name"						msgid "Table Name"
msgstr "Tablo ismi"						msgstr "Tablo ismi"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155
msgid "New"							msgid "New"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156
msgid "Create new table"					msgid "Create new table"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

# lib/gnome-db-browser.c:474					# lib/gnome-db-browser.c:474
#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Properties"						msgid "Properties"
msgstr "Yordamlar"						msgstr "Yordamlar"

# lib/gnome-db-log-viewer.c:154 lib/gnome-db-log-viewer.c:329	# lib/gnome-db-log-viewer.c:154 lib/gnome-db-log-viewer.c:329
#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View table properties"					msgid "View table properties"
msgstr "Veritabanları"						msgstr "Veritabanları"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
msgid "UID"							msgid "UID"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "calendar"						msgid "calendar"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "summary"							msgid "summary"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "Summary"							msgid "Summary"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "location"						msgid "location"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "dtstart"							msgid "dtstart"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
msgid "Start time"						msgid "Start time"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "dtend"							msgid "dtend"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "End time"						msgid "End time"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

# lib/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:88 lib/gnome-db-error.c:170		# lib/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:88 lib/gnome-db-error.c:170
# manager/gnomedb-mgr-providers.c:102				# manager/gnomedb-mgr-providers.c:102
#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "description"						msgid "description"
msgstr "Açıklama"						msgstr "Açıklama"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "classification"						msgid "classification"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "Classification"						msgid "Classification"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "transparency"						msgid "transparency"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "Transparency"						msgid "Transparency"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "categories"						msgid "categories"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "Categories"						msgid "Categories"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "tasks"							msgid "tasks"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "due"							msgid "due"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "Due date"						msgid "Due date"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "Start date"						msgid "Start date"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355
msgid "Public"							msgid "Public"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358
msgid "Private"							msgid "Private"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361
msgid "Confidential"						msgid "Confidential"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63
msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"		msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66
msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"			msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80
msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta	msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"		msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"
msgstr "Dosya %s adıyla kaydedilemedi"				msgstr "Dosya %s adıyla kaydedilemedi"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100
msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"				msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

# lib/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:96 lib/gnome-db-login.c:241		# lib/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:96 lib/gnome-db-login.c:241
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Field name"						msgid "Field name"
msgstr "Kullanıcı Adı"						msgstr "Kullanıcı Adı"

# lib/gnome-db-log-viewer.c:154 lib/gnome-db-log-viewer.c:329	# lib/gnome-db-log-viewer.c:154 lib/gnome-db-log-viewer.c:329
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data type"						msgid "Data type"
msgstr "Veri"							msgstr "Veri"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214
msgid "Size"							msgid "Size"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215
msgid "Scale"							msgid "Scale"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216
msgid "Not null?"						msgid "Not null?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217
msgid "Primary key?"						msgid "Primary key?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218
msgid "Unique index?"						msgid "Unique index?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219
msgid "References"						msgid "References"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220
msgid "Default value"						msgid "Default value"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239
msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l	msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Table %s does not exist"					msgid "Table %s does not exist"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318
msgid "Scheduled events"					msgid "Scheduled events"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321
msgid "TODO list"						msgid "TODO list"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375
msgid "Owner"							msgid "Owner"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376
msgid "Comments"						msgid "Comments"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

# lib/gnome-db-browser.c:482					# lib/gnome-db-browser.c:482
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Type"							msgid "Type"
msgstr "Tipler"							msgstr "Tipler"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377
msgid "GDA type"						msgid "GDA type"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id	#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id
#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database	#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database
#. we can easily access that information			#. we can easily access that information
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382
msgid "local"							msgid "local"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217
msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230
msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244
msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"			msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268
msgid "Invalid SQL command"					msgid "Invalid SQL command"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353
msgid "Transactions are not supported"				msgid "Transactions are not supported"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41
msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"		msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task	"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

# lib/gnome-db-log-viewer.c:154 lib/gnome-db-log-viewer.c:329	# lib/gnome-db-log-viewer.c:154 lib/gnome-db-log-viewer.c:329
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Database browser"					#~ msgid "Database browser"
#~ msgstr "Veritabanları"					#~ msgstr "Veritabanları"

# components/gnomedb-com-connection-pool.c:35			# components/gnomedb-com-connection-pool.c:35
# components/gnomedb-com-connection.c:445			# components/gnomedb-com-connection.c:445
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Error viewer"						#~ msgid "Error viewer"
#~ msgstr "Hata numarası"					#~ msgstr "Hata numarası"

# lib/gnome-db-login.c:250					# lib/gnome-db-login.c:250
#~ msgid "Password"						#~ msgid "Password"
#~ msgstr "Parola"						#~ msgstr "Parola"

#~ msgid "Save as"						#~ msgid "Save as"
#~ msgstr "Farklı kaydet"					#~ msgstr "Farklı kaydet"

#~ msgid "Save to"						#~ msgid "Save to"
#~ msgstr "Kaydet"						#~ msgstr "Kaydet"

#~ msgid "XML file"						#~ msgid "XML file"
#~ msgstr "XML dosyası"						#~ msgstr "XML dosyası"

# lib/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:88 lib/gnome-db-error.c:170		# lib/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:88 lib/gnome-db-error.c:170
# manager/gnomedb-mgr-providers.c:102				# manager/gnomedb-mgr-providers.c:102
#~ msgid "Question"						#~ msgid "Question"
#~ msgstr "Soru"						#~ msgstr "Soru"

# lib/gnome-db-log-viewer.c:154 lib/gnome-db-log-viewer.c:329	# lib/gnome-db-log-viewer.c:154 lib/gnome-db-log-viewer.c:329
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Database Moniker factory"				#~ msgid "Database Moniker factory"
#~ msgstr "Veritabanları"					#~ msgstr "Veritabanları"

# lib/gnome-db-log-viewer.c:154 lib/gnome-db-log-viewer.c:329	# lib/gnome-db-log-viewer.c:154 lib/gnome-db-log-viewer.c:329
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "database: moniker"					#~ msgid "database: moniker"
#~ msgstr "Veritabanları"					#~ msgstr "Veritabanları"

# components/gnomedb-com-connection.c:505			# components/gnomedb-com-connection.c:505
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Invalid format for connection string"			#~ msgid "Invalid format for connection string"
#~ msgstr "BaÄ?lantı dizisi"					#~ msgstr "BaÄ?lantı dizisi"

# manager/gnomedb-mgr-callbacks.c:45 manager/gnomedb-mgr-call	# manager/gnomedb-mgr-callbacks.c:45 manager/gnomedb-mgr-call
# manager/gnomedb-mgr-dsn.c:173					# manager/gnomedb-mgr-dsn.c:173
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Data sources"						#~ msgid "Data sources"
#~ msgstr "Veri KaynaÄ?ı"					#~ msgstr "Veri KaynaÄ?ı"

# manager/gnomedb-mgr-callbacks.c:45 manager/gnomedb-mgr-call	# manager/gnomedb-mgr-callbacks.c:45 manager/gnomedb-mgr-call
# manager/gnomedb-mgr-dsn.c:173					# manager/gnomedb-mgr-dsn.c:173
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Test Data Source"					#~ msgid "Test Data Source"
#~ msgstr "Veri KaynaÄ?ı"					#~ msgstr "Veri KaynaÄ?ı"

# manager/gnomedb-mgr-callbacks.c:45 manager/gnomedb-mgr-call	# manager/gnomedb-mgr-callbacks.c:45 manager/gnomedb-mgr-call
# manager/gnomedb-mgr-dsn.c:173					# manager/gnomedb-mgr-dsn.c:173
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Data source"						#~ msgid "Data source"
#~ msgstr "Veri KaynaÄ?ı"					#~ msgstr "Veri KaynaÄ?ı"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Select all"						#~ msgid "Select all"
#~ msgstr "Tümünü seç"						#~ msgstr "Tümünü seç"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Unselect all"						#~ msgid "Unselect all"
#~ msgstr "Hiçbirisini Seçme"					#~ msgstr "Hiçbirisini Seçme"

#~ msgid "Unselect All"						#~ msgid "Unselect All"
#~ msgstr "Hiçbirisini Seçme"					#~ msgstr "Hiçbirisini Seçme"

#~ msgid "Save as..."						#~ msgid "Save as..."
#~ msgstr "Farklı kaydet..."					#~ msgstr "Farklı kaydet..."

#~ msgid "View current data in more detail"			#~ msgid "View current data in more detail"
#~ msgstr "Güncel veriyi daha detaylı görüntüle"		#~ msgstr "Güncel veriyi daha detaylı görüntüle"

#~ msgid "Loading..."						#~ msgid "Loading..."
#~ msgstr "Yükleniyor"						#~ msgstr "Yükleniyor"
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: uk.gmo
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/uk.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/uk.po
# Ukrainian translation of gnome-db.				# Ukrainian translation of gnome-db.
# Copyright (C) 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc.		# Copyright (C) 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# Yuri Syrota <rasta renome rovno ua>, 1999.			# Yuri Syrota <rasta renome rovno ua>, 1999.
#								#
msgid ""							msgid ""
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: gnome-db 0.0.25\n"				"Project-Id-Version: gnome-db 0.0.25\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"					"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"			"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2003-02-25 06:55--500\n"			"PO-Revision-Date: 2003-02-25 06:55--500\n"
"Last-Translator: Yuriy Syrota <yuri renome rovno ua>\n"	"Last-Translator: Yuriy Syrota <yuri renome rovno ua>\n"
"Language-Team: Ukrainian <uk li org>\n"			"Language-Team: Ukrainian <uk li org>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"						"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"			"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"				"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co
msgid "Data Sources"						msgid "Data Sources"
msgstr "Ð?жеÑ?ела даниÑ?"						msgstr "Ð?жеÑ?ела даниÑ?"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid
msgid "Providers"						msgid "Providers"
msgstr "Ð?оÑ?Ñ?аÑ?алÑ?ники"						msgstr "Ð?оÑ?Ñ?аÑ?алÑ?ники"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1
msgid "Configure your database environment"			msgid "Configure your database environment"
msgstr "Ð?алаÑ?Ñ?Ñ?ваÑ?и ваÑ?е Ñ?еÑ?едовиÑ?е баз даниÑ?"			msgstr "Ð?алаÑ?Ñ?Ñ?ваÑ?и ваÑ?е Ñ?еÑ?едовиÑ?е баз даниÑ?"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Database Access Properties "				msgid "Database Access Properties "
msgstr "Ð?лаÑ?Ñ?ивоÑ?Ñ?Ñ? бази даниÑ?"					msgstr "Ð?лаÑ?Ñ?ивоÑ?Ñ?Ñ? бази даниÑ?"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380
msgid "Name"							msgid "Name"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
msgid "Description"						msgid "Description"
msgstr "Ð?пиÑ?"							msgstr "Ð?пиÑ?"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182
msgid "Configured data sources in the system"			msgid "Configured data sources in the system"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data sources are the means by which database connections are	"Data sources are the means by which database connections are
"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s	"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s
"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o	"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o
"name you identify the connections in the applications that m	"name you identify the connections in the applications that m
"DB for database access."					"DB for database access."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Ð?жело даниÑ? â?? понÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?, за Ñ?ким з'Ñ?днаннÑ? з базоÑ? даниÑ? Ñ?денÑ?	"Ð?жело даниÑ? â?? понÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?, за Ñ?ким з'Ñ?днаннÑ? з базоÑ? даниÑ? Ñ?денÑ?
"Ñ?еÑ?едовиÑ?Ñ? GNOME-DB. Ð?Ñ?Ñ? Ñ?нÑ?оÑ?маÑ?Ñ?Ñ?, необÑ?Ñ?дна длÑ? вÑ?Ñ?ановле	"Ñ?еÑ?едовиÑ?Ñ? GNOME-DB. Ð?Ñ?Ñ? Ñ?нÑ?оÑ?маÑ?Ñ?Ñ?, необÑ?Ñ?дна длÑ? вÑ?Ñ?ановле
"певним поÑ?Ñ?аÑ?алÑ?ником Ñ?и базоÑ? даниÑ?, збеÑ?Ñ?гаÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? з викоÑ?иÑ?	"певним поÑ?Ñ?аÑ?алÑ?ником Ñ?и базоÑ? даниÑ?, збеÑ?Ñ?гаÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? з викоÑ?иÑ?
"Ñ?нÑ?калÑ?ноÑ? назви. Ð?а допомогоÑ? Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? назви додаÑ?ки викоÑ?иÑ?Ñ?ов	"Ñ?нÑ?калÑ?ноÑ? назви. Ð?а допомогоÑ? Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? назви додаÑ?ки викоÑ?иÑ?Ñ?ов
"длÑ? доÑ?Ñ?Ñ?пÑ? до баз даниÑ?."					"длÑ? доÑ?Ñ?Ñ?пÑ? до баз даниÑ?."

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277
#, fuzzy, c-format						#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"	msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"
msgstr "Ð?и Ñ?оÑ?еÑ?е видалиÑ?и джеÑ?ело даниÑ? \"%s\"?"		msgstr "Ð?и Ñ?оÑ?еÑ?е видалиÑ?и джеÑ?ело даниÑ? \"%s\"?"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data Source Properties"					msgid "Data Source Properties"
msgstr "Ð?лаÑ?Ñ?ивоÑ?Ñ?Ñ? джеÑ?ела даниÑ?"				msgstr "Ð?лаÑ?Ñ?ивоÑ?Ñ?Ñ? джеÑ?ела даниÑ?"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132
msgid "Basic"							msgid "Basic"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Tables"							msgid "Tables"
msgstr "ТаблиÑ?Ñ?"						msgstr "ТаблиÑ?Ñ?"

#: control-center/main.c:92					#: control-center/main.c:92
msgid "No valid data source info was created"			msgid "No valid data source info was created"
msgstr "Ð?е бÑ?ло Ñ?Ñ?воÑ?ено пÑ?авилÑ?но Ñ?Ñ?оÑ?мованиÑ? джеÑ?ел даниÑ?"	msgstr "Ð?е бÑ?ло Ñ?Ñ?воÑ?ено пÑ?авилÑ?но Ñ?Ñ?оÑ?мованиÑ? джеÑ?ел даниÑ?"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218	#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218
msgid "New data source"						msgid "New data source"
msgstr "Ð?ове джеÑ?ело даниÑ?"					msgstr "Ð?ове джеÑ?ело даниÑ?"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:215					#: control-center/main.c:215
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Database Access Properties"				msgid "Database Access Properties"
msgstr "Ð?лаÑ?Ñ?ивоÑ?Ñ?Ñ? бази даниÑ?"					msgstr "Ð?лаÑ?Ñ?ивоÑ?Ñ?Ñ? бази даниÑ?"

#: control-center/provider-config.c:105				#: control-center/provider-config.c:105
msgid "Installed providers"					msgid "Installed providers"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/provider-config.c:131				#: control-center/provider-config.c:131
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec	"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec
"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo	"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo
"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr	"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr
"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba	"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba
"etc."								"etc."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Ð?оÑ?Ñ?аÑ?алÑ?ник â?? зовнÑ?Ñ?нÑ? доповненнÑ?, Ñ?о надаÑ? доÑ?Ñ?Ñ?п до певно	"Ð?оÑ?Ñ?аÑ?алÑ?ник â?? зовнÑ?Ñ?нÑ? доповненнÑ?, Ñ?о надаÑ? доÑ?Ñ?Ñ?п до певно
"даниÑ?. Ð?оÑ?аÑ?ковий поÑ?Ñ?аÑ?алÑ?ник вÑ?Ñ?ановлÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? завжди, вÑ?н до	"даниÑ?. Ð?оÑ?аÑ?ковий поÑ?Ñ?аÑ?алÑ?ник вÑ?Ñ?ановлÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? завжди, вÑ?н до
"доÑ?Ñ?Ñ?п до баз даниÑ?, Ñ?о збеÑ?Ñ?гаÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? Ñ? Ñ?айлаÑ? Ñ?оÑ?маÑ?Ñ? XML. Ð?	"доÑ?Ñ?Ñ?п до баз даниÑ?, Ñ?о збеÑ?Ñ?гаÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? Ñ? Ñ?айлаÑ? Ñ?оÑ?маÑ?Ñ? XML. Ð?
"поÑ?Ñ?аÑ?алÑ?ники, Ñ?о зазвиÑ?ай Ñ?озповÑ?Ñ?джÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? Ñ?азом з libgda/g	"поÑ?Ñ?аÑ?алÑ?ники, Ñ?о зазвиÑ?ай Ñ?озповÑ?Ñ?джÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? Ñ?азом з libgda/g
"вклÑ?Ñ?аÑ?Ñ?Ñ? Ñ?нÑ?еÑ?Ñ?ейÑ?и до PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Sybase, I	"вклÑ?Ñ?аÑ?Ñ?Ñ? Ñ?нÑ?еÑ?Ñ?ейÑ?и до PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Sybase, I

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1
msgid "Database connection parameters file"			msgid "Database connection parameters file"
msgstr "Файл паÑ?амеÑ?Ñ?Ñ?в з'Ñ?днаннÑ? з базоÑ? даниÑ?"		msgstr "Файл паÑ?амеÑ?Ñ?Ñ?в з'Ñ?днаннÑ? з базоÑ? даниÑ?"

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2
msgid "Documents"						msgid "Documents"
msgstr "Ð?окÑ?менÑ?и"						msgstr "Ð?окÑ?менÑ?и"

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3
msgid "SQL code viewer"						msgid "SQL code viewer"
msgstr "Ð?еÑ?еглÑ?д кодÑ? SQL"					msgstr "Ð?еÑ?еглÑ?д кодÑ? SQL"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1
msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"			msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"
msgstr "ШÑ?иÑ?Ñ? комÑ?Ñ?ок"						msgstr "ШÑ?иÑ?Ñ? комÑ?Ñ?ок"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2
msgid "Number of spaces per tab"				msgid "Number of spaces per tab"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?лÑ?кÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? пÑ?опÑ?Ñ?кÑ?в Ñ? Ñ?абÑ?лÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?"			msgstr "Ð?Ñ?лÑ?кÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? пÑ?опÑ?Ñ?кÑ?в Ñ? Ñ?абÑ?лÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3
msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"			msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"
msgstr "Ð?оказÑ?ваÑ?и номеÑ?и Ñ?Ñ?дкÑ?в Ñ? Ñ?едакÑ?оÑ?Ñ? кодÑ?"		msgstr "Ð?оказÑ?ваÑ?и номеÑ?и Ñ?Ñ?дкÑ?в Ñ? Ñ?едакÑ?оÑ?Ñ? кодÑ?"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4
msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"			msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"
msgstr "УвÑ?мкнÑ?Ñ?и пÑ?дÑ?вÑ?Ñ?кÑ? в Ñ?едакÑ?оÑ?Ñ? кодÑ?"			msgstr "УвÑ?мкнÑ?Ñ?и пÑ?дÑ?вÑ?Ñ?кÑ? в Ñ?едакÑ?оÑ?Ñ? кодÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60
msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"			msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1
msgid "About"							msgid "About"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2
msgid "About GNOME-DB"						msgid "About GNOME-DB"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3
msgid "Close this window"					msgid "Close this window"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4
msgid "Create new entry"					msgid "Create new entry"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5
msgid "Delete selected items"					msgid "Delete selected items"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6
msgid "Deselect all items"					msgid "Deselect all items"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7
msgid "Edit properties for selected item"			msgid "Edit properties for selected item"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Save connection parameters to file"			msgid "Save connection parameters to file"
msgstr "Файл паÑ?амеÑ?Ñ?Ñ?в з'Ñ?днаннÑ? з базоÑ? даниÑ?"		msgstr "Файл паÑ?амеÑ?Ñ?Ñ?в з'Ñ?днаннÑ? з базоÑ? даниÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Select _All"						msgid "Select _All"
msgstr "Ð?ибÑ?аÑ?и вÑ?е"						msgstr "Ð?ибÑ?аÑ?и вÑ?е"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Select all items"					msgid "Select all items"
msgstr "Ð?ибÑ?аÑ?и вÑ?е"						msgstr "Ð?ибÑ?аÑ?и вÑ?е"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View data sources"					msgid "View data sources"
msgstr "Ð?ове джеÑ?ело даниÑ?"					msgstr "Ð?ове джеÑ?ело даниÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View providers"						msgid "View providers"
msgstr "Ð?оÑ?Ñ?аÑ?алÑ?ники"						msgstr "Ð?оÑ?Ñ?аÑ?алÑ?ники"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Clear Selection"					msgid "_Clear Selection"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?иÑ?Ñ?иÑ?и вибÑ?ане"					msgstr "Ð?Ñ?иÑ?Ñ?иÑ?и вибÑ?ане"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14
msgid "_Close"							msgid "_Close"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Data Sources"						msgid "_Data Sources"
msgstr "Ð?жеÑ?ела даниÑ?"						msgstr "Ð?жеÑ?ела даниÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Database"						msgid "_Database"
msgstr "Ð?аза даниÑ?"						msgstr "Ð?аза даниÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17
msgid "_Delete"							msgid "_Delete"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18
msgid "_Edit"							msgid "_Edit"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19
msgid "_Help"							msgid "_Help"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_New Data Source..."					msgid "_New Data Source..."
msgstr "Ð?ове джеÑ?ело даниÑ?"					msgstr "Ð?ове джеÑ?ело даниÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Properties"						msgid "_Properties"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?оÑ?едÑ?Ñ?и"						msgstr "Ð?Ñ?оÑ?едÑ?Ñ?и"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Providers"						msgid "_Providers"
msgstr "Ð?оÑ?Ñ?аÑ?алÑ?ники"						msgstr "Ð?оÑ?Ñ?аÑ?алÑ?ники"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Save Connection"					msgid "_Save Connection"
msgstr "Ð?беÑ?егÑ?и Ñ?"						msgstr "Ð?беÑ?егÑ?и Ñ?"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_View"							msgid "_View"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?едÑ?Ñ?авленнÑ?"						msgstr "Ð?Ñ?едÑ?Ñ?авленнÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76
msgid "Structure"						msgid "Structure"
msgstr "СÑ?Ñ?Ñ?кÑ?Ñ?Ñ?а"						msgstr "СÑ?Ñ?Ñ?кÑ?Ñ?Ñ?а"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73
msgid "Data"							msgid "Data"
msgstr "Ð?анÑ?"							msgstr "Ð?анÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238
msgid "Not implemented yet!"					msgid "Not implemented yet!"
msgstr "Ще не Ñ?еалÑ?зовано!"					msgstr "Ще не Ñ?еалÑ?зовано!"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Database"						msgid "Database"
msgstr "Ð?аза даниÑ?"						msgstr "Ð?аза даниÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540
msgid "Loading database schemas..."				msgid "Loading database schemas..."
msgstr "Ð?аванÑ?аженнÑ? Ñ?Ñ?ем баз даниÑ?..."				msgstr "Ð?аванÑ?аженнÑ? Ñ?Ñ?ем баз даниÑ?..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632
msgid "Refreshing data..."					msgid "Refreshing data..."
msgstr "Ð?оновленнÑ? даниÑ?..."					msgstr "Ð?оновленнÑ? даниÑ?..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688
msgid "Views"							msgid "Views"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?едÑ?Ñ?авленнÑ?"						msgstr "Ð?Ñ?едÑ?Ñ?авленнÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691
msgid "Indexes"							msgid "Indexes"
msgstr "Ð?ндекÑ?и"						msgstr "Ð?ндекÑ?и"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Sequences"						msgid "Sequences"
msgstr "Ð?оÑ?лÑ?довноÑ?Ñ?Ñ?"						msgstr "Ð?оÑ?лÑ?довноÑ?Ñ?Ñ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Procedures"						msgid "Procedures"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?оÑ?едÑ?Ñ?и"						msgstr "Ð?Ñ?оÑ?едÑ?Ñ?и"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700
msgid "Triggers"						msgid "Triggers"
msgstr "ТÑ?игеÑ?и"						msgstr "ТÑ?игеÑ?и"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Aggregates"						msgid "Aggregates"
msgstr "Ð?гÑ?егаÑ?и"						msgstr "Ð?гÑ?егаÑ?и"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Types"							msgid "Types"
msgstr "Типи"							msgstr "Типи"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140
msgid "Could not query CORBA components"			msgid "Could not query CORBA components"
msgstr "Ð?е вдалоÑ?Ñ? опиÑ?аÑ?и компоненÑ?и CORBA"			msgstr "Ð?е вдалоÑ?Ñ? опиÑ?аÑ?и компоненÑ?и CORBA"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209
msgid "ID"							msgid "ID"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "Location"						msgid "Location"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212
msgid "Username"						msgid "Username"
msgstr "Ð?оÑ?иÑ?Ñ?Ñ?ваÑ?"						msgstr "Ð?оÑ?иÑ?Ñ?Ñ?ваÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Hostname"						msgid "Hostname"
msgstr "Ð?оÑ?иÑ?Ñ?Ñ?ваÑ?"						msgstr "Ð?оÑ?иÑ?Ñ?Ñ?ваÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214
msgid "Domain"							msgid "Domain"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"			msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"
msgstr "Ð?епÑ?дÑ?Ñ?имÑ?ваний Ñ?ип Ñ? GconfEntry: %d"			msgstr "Ð?епÑ?дÑ?Ñ?имÑ?ваний Ñ?ип Ñ? GconfEntry: %d"

#. create widgets						#. create widgets
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97
msgid "Settings"						msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Ð?аÑ?амеÑ?Ñ?и"						msgstr "Ð?аÑ?амеÑ?Ñ?и"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103
msgid "Data source name"					msgid "Data source name"
msgstr "Ð?азва джеÑ?ела даниÑ?"					msgstr "Ð?азва джеÑ?ела даниÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109
msgid "Connection string"					msgid "Connection string"
msgstr "РÑ?док з'Ñ?днаннÑ?"					msgstr "РÑ?док з'Ñ?днаннÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115
msgid "Provider"						msgid "Provider"
msgstr "Ð?оÑ?Ñ?аÑ?алÑ?ник"						msgstr "Ð?оÑ?Ñ?аÑ?алÑ?ник"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121
msgid "User name"						msgid "User name"
msgstr "Ð?оÑ?иÑ?Ñ?Ñ?ваÑ?"						msgstr "Ð?оÑ?иÑ?Ñ?Ñ?ваÑ?"

#. create feature list						#. create feature list
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128
msgid "Features"						msgid "Features"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?обливÑ? можливоÑ?Ñ?Ñ?"					msgstr "Ð?Ñ?обливÑ? можливоÑ?Ñ?Ñ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190
msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"		msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"
msgstr "Ð?еобÑ?Ñ?дно ввеÑ?Ñ?и назвÑ? нового джеÑ?ела даниÑ?"		msgstr "Ð?еобÑ?Ñ?дно ввеÑ?Ñ?и назвÑ? нового джеÑ?ела даниÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197
msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac	msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206
msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th	msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213
msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"			msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217
msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n	msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225
msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"	msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"
msgstr "Ð?еобÑ?Ñ?дно вибÑ?аÑ?и поÑ?Ñ?аÑ?алÑ?ника длÑ? нового джеÑ?ела да	msgstr "Ð?еобÑ?Ñ?дно вибÑ?аÑ?и поÑ?Ñ?аÑ?алÑ?ника длÑ? нового джеÑ?ела да

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233
msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"		msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"
msgstr "Ð?оÑ?Ñ?аÑ?алÑ?ника не знайдено Ñ? ваÑ?Ñ?й конÑ?Ñ?гÑ?Ñ?аÑ?Ñ?Ñ?"		msgstr "Ð?оÑ?Ñ?аÑ?алÑ?ника не знайдено Ñ? ваÑ?Ñ?й конÑ?Ñ?гÑ?Ñ?аÑ?Ñ?Ñ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391
msgid "Add a new data source..."				msgid "Add a new data source..."
msgstr "Ð?одаÑ?и нове джеÑ?ело даниÑ?..."				msgstr "Ð?одаÑ?и нове джеÑ?ело даниÑ?..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392
msgid ""							msgid ""
"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"		"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"
"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"		"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"
"installation. Just follow the steps!"				"installation. Just follow the steps!"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Цей дÑ?Ñ?Ñ?д пÑ?оведе ваÑ? кÑ?Ñ?зÑ? пÑ?оÑ?еÑ? Ñ?Ñ?воÑ?еннÑ? нового\n"		"Цей дÑ?Ñ?Ñ?д пÑ?оведе ваÑ? кÑ?Ñ?зÑ? пÑ?оÑ?еÑ? Ñ?Ñ?воÑ?еннÑ? нового\n"
"джеÑ?ела даниÑ? длÑ? ваÑ?ого вÑ?Ñ?ановленнÑ? GNOME-DB.\n"		"джеÑ?ела даниÑ? длÑ? ваÑ?ого вÑ?Ñ?ановленнÑ? GNOME-DB.\n"
"Ð?иÑ? Ñ?обÑ?Ñ?Ñ? кÑ?оки!"						"Ð?иÑ? Ñ?обÑ?Ñ?Ñ? кÑ?оки!"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404
msgid "General Information"					msgid "General Information"
msgstr "Ð?агалÑ?на Ñ?нÑ?оÑ?маÑ?Ñ?Ñ?"					msgstr "Ð?агалÑ?на Ñ?нÑ?оÑ?маÑ?Ñ?Ñ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the basic information\n"	"The following fields represent the basic information\n"
"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n	"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n
"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"	"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"
"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"	"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"
"the default one."						"the default one."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Ð?аÑ?Ñ?Ñ?пнÑ? полÑ? пÑ?едÑ?Ñ?авлÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? оÑ?новнÑ? Ñ?нÑ?оÑ?маÑ?Ñ?йнÑ?\n"		"Ð?аÑ?Ñ?Ñ?пнÑ? полÑ? пÑ?едÑ?Ñ?авлÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? оÑ?новнÑ? Ñ?нÑ?оÑ?маÑ?Ñ?йнÑ?\n"
"елеменÑ?и ваÑ?ого нового джеÑ?ела даниÑ?. Ð?еÑ?кÑ? з\n"		"елеменÑ?и ваÑ?ого нового джеÑ?ела даниÑ?. Ð?еÑ?кÑ? з\n"
"ниÑ? (опиÑ?, коÑ?иÑ?Ñ?Ñ?ваÑ?) Ñ? необов'Ñ?зковими, в Ñ?ой Ñ?аÑ?\n"		"ниÑ? (опиÑ?, коÑ?иÑ?Ñ?Ñ?ваÑ?) Ñ? необов'Ñ?зковими, в Ñ?ой Ñ?аÑ?\n"
"Ñ?к Ñ?нÑ?Ñ? Ñ? обов'Ñ?зковими. ЯкÑ?о ви не знаÑ?Ñ?е, Ñ?кого\n"		"Ñ?к Ñ?нÑ?Ñ? Ñ? обов'Ñ?зковими. ЯкÑ?о ви не знаÑ?Ñ?е, Ñ?кого\n"
"поÑ?Ñ?аÑ?алÑ?ника викоÑ?иÑ?Ñ?овÑ?ваÑ?и, Ñ?о вибеÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?\n"			"поÑ?Ñ?аÑ?алÑ?ника викоÑ?иÑ?Ñ?овÑ?ваÑ?и, Ñ?о вибеÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?\n"
"Ñ?ипового."							"Ñ?ипового."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data source _name:"					msgid "Data source _name:"
msgstr "Ð?азва джеÑ?ела даниÑ?"					msgstr "Ð?азва джеÑ?ела даниÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Provider:"						msgid "_Provider:"
msgstr "Ð?оÑ?Ñ?аÑ?алÑ?ник"						msgstr "Ð?оÑ?Ñ?аÑ?алÑ?ник"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Description:"						msgid "_Description:"
msgstr "Ð?пиÑ?"							msgstr "Ð?пиÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Username:"						msgid "_Username:"
msgstr "Ð?оÑ?иÑ?Ñ?Ñ?ваÑ?"						msgstr "Ð?оÑ?иÑ?Ñ?Ñ?ваÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "P_assword:"						msgid "P_assword:"
msgstr "Ð?аÑ?олÑ?"							msgstr "Ð?аÑ?олÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454
msgid "Provider Parameters"					msgid "Provider Parameters"
msgstr "Ð?аÑ?амеÑ?Ñ?и поÑ?Ñ?аÑ?алÑ?ника"				msgstr "Ð?аÑ?амеÑ?Ñ?и поÑ?Ñ?аÑ?алÑ?ника"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the information needed by the	"The following fields represent the information needed by the
"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n	"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n
"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\	"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\
"the manual for more information."				"the manual for more information."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Ð?аÑ?Ñ?Ñ?пнÑ? полÑ? пÑ?едÑ?Ñ?авлÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? Ñ?нÑ?оÑ?маÑ?Ñ?Ñ? необÑ?Ñ?днÑ?\n"		"Ð?аÑ?Ñ?Ñ?пнÑ? полÑ? пÑ?едÑ?Ñ?авлÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? Ñ?нÑ?оÑ?маÑ?Ñ?Ñ? необÑ?Ñ?днÑ?\n"
"вибÑ?аномÑ? вами Ñ? попеÑ?еднÑ?й Ñ?Ñ?оÑ?Ñ?нÑ?Ñ? поÑ?Ñ?аÑ?алÑ?никÑ?\n"		"вибÑ?аномÑ? вами Ñ? попеÑ?еднÑ?й Ñ?Ñ?оÑ?Ñ?нÑ?Ñ? поÑ?Ñ?аÑ?алÑ?никÑ?\n"
"длÑ? вÑ?дкÑ?иÑ?Ñ?Ñ? вказаного з'Ñ?днаннÑ?. ЦÑ? Ñ?нÑ?оÑ?маÑ?Ñ?Ñ?\n"		"длÑ? вÑ?дкÑ?иÑ?Ñ?Ñ? вказаного з'Ñ?днаннÑ?. ЦÑ? Ñ?нÑ?оÑ?маÑ?Ñ?Ñ?\n"
"залежна вÑ?д поÑ?Ñ?аÑ?алÑ?ника, звеÑ?нÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? до поÑ?Ñ?бника\n"		"залежна вÑ?д поÑ?Ñ?аÑ?алÑ?ника, звеÑ?нÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? до поÑ?Ñ?бника\n"
"длÑ? докладнÑ?Ñ?оÑ? Ñ?нÑ?оÑ?маÑ?Ñ?Ñ?."					"длÑ? докладнÑ?Ñ?оÑ? Ñ?нÑ?оÑ?маÑ?Ñ?Ñ?."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481
msgid "All information retrieved"				msgid "All information retrieved"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?Ñ? Ñ?нÑ?оÑ?маÑ?Ñ?Ñ? оÑ?Ñ?имано"				msgstr "Ð?Ñ?Ñ? Ñ?нÑ?оÑ?маÑ?Ñ?Ñ? оÑ?Ñ?имано"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid ""							msgid ""
"All information needed to create a new data source\n"		"All information needed to create a new data source\n"
"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"		"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"
"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"	"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"
"just select it when asked for a data source."			"just select it when asked for a data source."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Ð?Ñ?Ñ? Ñ?нÑ?оÑ?маÑ?Ñ?Ñ?, необÑ?Ñ?днÑ? длÑ? Ñ?Ñ?воÑ?еннÑ? нового джеÑ?ела даниÑ?	"Ð?Ñ?Ñ? Ñ?нÑ?оÑ?маÑ?Ñ?Ñ?, необÑ?Ñ?днÑ? длÑ? Ñ?Ñ?воÑ?еннÑ? нового джеÑ?ела даниÑ?
"оÑ?Ñ?имано. Ð?аÑ?аз наÑ?иÑ?нÑ?Ñ?Ñ? \"Ð?аÑ?Ñ?оÑ?Ñ?ваÑ?и\" длÑ? закÑ?иÑ?Ñ?Ñ? дÑ?ало	"оÑ?Ñ?имано. Ð?аÑ?аз наÑ?иÑ?нÑ?Ñ?Ñ? \"Ð?аÑ?Ñ?оÑ?Ñ?ваÑ?и\" длÑ? закÑ?иÑ?Ñ?Ñ? дÑ?ало
"Ð?лÑ? вÑ?дкÑ?иÑ?Ñ?Ñ? ваÑ?ого новоÑ?Ñ?воÑ?еного джеÑ?ела даниÑ?, лиÑ?\n"	"Ð?лÑ? вÑ?дкÑ?иÑ?Ñ?Ñ? ваÑ?ого новоÑ?Ñ?воÑ?еного джеÑ?ела даниÑ?, лиÑ?\n"
"вибеÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? його, коли бÑ?де необÑ?Ñ?дно Ñ?коÑ?иÑ?Ñ?Ñ?ваÑ?иÑ?Ñ? джеÑ?елом д	"вибеÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? його, коли бÑ?де необÑ?Ñ?дно Ñ?коÑ?иÑ?Ñ?Ñ?ваÑ?иÑ?Ñ? джеÑ?елом д

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Connection _string:"					msgid "Connection _string:"
msgstr "РÑ?док з'Ñ?днаннÑ?"					msgstr "РÑ?док з'Ñ?днаннÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4
msgid "Error"							msgid "Error"
msgstr "Ð?омилка"						msgstr "Ð?омилка"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.
msgid "Show detail >>"						msgid "Show detail >>"
msgstr "Ð?оказаÑ?и подÑ?обиÑ?Ñ? >>"					msgstr "Ð?оказаÑ?и подÑ?обиÑ?Ñ? >>"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122
msgid "<< Hide detail"						msgid "<< Hide detail"
msgstr "<< Ð?Ñ?ибÑ?аÑ?и подÑ?обиÑ?Ñ?"					msgstr "<< Ð?Ñ?ибÑ?аÑ?и подÑ?обиÑ?Ñ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191
msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"	msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"
msgstr "Ð?иникла помилка в оÑ?новнÑ?й базÑ? даниÑ?"			msgstr "Ð?иникла помилка в оÑ?новнÑ?й базÑ? даниÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196
msgid "Error number"						msgid "Error number"
msgstr "Ð?омеÑ? помилки"						msgstr "Ð?омеÑ? помилки"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Details"							msgid "Details"
msgstr "Ð?еÑ?алÑ?но"						msgstr "Ð?еÑ?алÑ?но"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234
msgid "Source"							msgid "Source"
msgstr "Ð?жеÑ?ело"						msgstr "Ð?жеÑ?ело"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241
msgid "SQL state"						msgid "SQL state"
msgstr "СÑ?ан SQL"						msgstr "СÑ?ан SQL"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Field:"							msgid "_Field:"
msgstr "Ð?азва"							msgstr "Ð?азва"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Text:"							msgid "_Text:"
msgstr "ТеÑ?Ñ?"							msgstr "ТеÑ?Ñ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308
msgid "No records"						msgid "No records"
msgstr "Ð?емаÑ? запиÑ?Ñ?в"						msgstr "Ð?емаÑ? запиÑ?Ñ?в"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Record %d of %d"						msgid "Record %d of %d"
msgstr "Ð?апиÑ? %d з %d"						msgstr "Ð?апиÑ? %d з %d"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113
msgid "Recordset description"					msgid "Recordset description"
msgstr "Ð?пиÑ? набоÑ?Ñ? запиÑ?Ñ?в"					msgstr "Ð?пиÑ? набоÑ?Ñ? запиÑ?Ñ?в"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141
#, fuzzy, c-format						#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""							msgid ""
"File '%s' already exists.\n"					"File '%s' already exists.\n"
"Do you want to overwrite it?"					"Do you want to overwrite it?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Файл %s вже Ñ?Ñ?нÑ?Ñ?.\n"						"Файл %s вже Ñ?Ñ?нÑ?Ñ?.\n"
"Ð?ажаÑ?Ñ?е пеÑ?епиÑ?аÑ?и його?"					"Ð?ажаÑ?Ñ?е пеÑ?епиÑ?аÑ?и його?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149
msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."		msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Could not save file %s"					msgid "Could not save file %s"
msgstr "Ð?е вдалоÑ?Ñ? збеÑ?егÑ?и Ñ?айл %s"				msgstr "Ð?е вдалоÑ?Ñ? збеÑ?егÑ?и Ñ?айл %s"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224
msgid "You must specify a file name"				msgid "You must specify a file name"
msgstr "Ð?еобÑ?Ñ?дно вказаÑ?и назвÑ? Ñ?айла"				msgstr "Ð?еобÑ?Ñ?дно вказаÑ?и назвÑ? Ñ?айла"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230
msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"		msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?Ñ?имано поÑ?ожнÑ?й Ñ?айл пÑ?д Ñ?аÑ? пеÑ?еÑ?воÑ?еннÑ? даниÑ?"	msgstr "Ð?Ñ?Ñ?имано поÑ?ожнÑ?й Ñ?айл пÑ?д Ñ?аÑ? пеÑ?еÑ?воÑ?еннÑ? даниÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261
msgid "Saving Model"						msgid "Saving Model"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "File _name:"						msgid "File _name:"
msgstr "Ð?азва Ñ?аблиÑ?Ñ?"						msgstr "Ð?азва Ñ?аблиÑ?Ñ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276
msgid "Select File"						msgid "Select File"
msgstr "Ð?ибÑ?Ñ? Ñ?айла"						msgstr "Ð?ибÑ?Ñ? Ñ?айла"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283
msgid "File _type:"						msgid "File _type:"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Tab-delimited"						msgid "Tab-delimited"
msgstr "РоздÑ?лений Ñ?абÑ?лÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?ми Ñ?айл"				msgstr "РоздÑ?лений Ñ?абÑ?лÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?ми Ñ?айл"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Comma-delimited"						msgid "Comma-delimited"
msgstr "РоздÑ?лений комами Ñ?айл"					msgstr "РоздÑ?лений комами Ñ?айл"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:
msgid "XML"							msgid "XML"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355
msgid "View detail"						msgid "View detail"
msgstr "Ð?оказаÑ?и подÑ?обиÑ?Ñ?"					msgstr "Ð?оказаÑ?и подÑ?обиÑ?Ñ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Show Column _Titles"					msgid "Show Column _Titles"
msgstr "Ð?оказаÑ?и Ñ?Ñ?овпÑ?ики"					msgstr "Ð?оказаÑ?и Ñ?Ñ?овпÑ?ики"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442
msgid "Describe"						msgid "Describe"
msgstr "Ð?пиÑ?аÑ?и"						msgstr "Ð?пиÑ?аÑ?и"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443
msgid "View detail..."						msgid "View detail..."
msgstr "Ð?оказаÑ?и подÑ?обиÑ?Ñ?..."					msgstr "Ð?оказаÑ?и подÑ?обиÑ?Ñ?..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614
msgid "Title"							msgid "Title"
msgstr "Ð?азва"							msgstr "Ð?азва"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48
msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"	msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"
msgstr "СпÑ?оба Ñ?нÑ?Ñ?Ñ?алÑ?зÑ?ваÑ?и вже Ñ?нÑ?Ñ?Ñ?алÑ?зованого клÑ?Ñ?нÑ?а"	msgstr "СпÑ?оба Ñ?нÑ?Ñ?Ñ?алÑ?зÑ?ваÑ?и вже Ñ?нÑ?Ñ?Ñ?алÑ?зованого клÑ?Ñ?нÑ?а"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"		"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"
"to a data source"						"to a data source"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Ð?ведÑ?Ñ?Ñ? аÑ?гÑ?менÑ?и длÑ? вÑ?Ñ?ановленнÑ?\n"				"Ð?ведÑ?Ñ?Ñ? аÑ?гÑ?менÑ?и длÑ? вÑ?Ñ?ановленнÑ?\n"
"з'Ñ?днаннÑ? з джеÑ?елом даниÑ?"					"з'Ñ?днаннÑ? з джеÑ?елом даниÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data Source:"						msgid "Data Source:"
msgstr "Ð?жеÑ?ело даниÑ?"						msgstr "Ð?жеÑ?ело даниÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Username:"						msgid "Username:"
msgstr "Ð?оÑ?иÑ?Ñ?Ñ?ваÑ?"						msgstr "Ð?оÑ?иÑ?Ñ?Ñ?ваÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Password:"						msgid "Password:"
msgstr "Ð?аÑ?олÑ?"							msgstr "Ð?аÑ?олÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69
msgid "Fields"							msgid "Fields"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30
msgid "Commit"							msgid "Commit"
msgstr "Ð?акÑ?Ñ?пиÑ?и"						msgstr "Ð?акÑ?Ñ?пиÑ?и"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31
msgid "Connect"							msgid "Connect"
msgstr "Ð?'Ñ?днаÑ?иÑ?Ñ?"						msgstr "Ð?'Ñ?днаÑ?иÑ?Ñ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33
msgid "Designer"						msgid "Designer"
msgstr "Ð?изайнеÑ?"						msgstr "Ð?изайнеÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34
msgid "Disconnect"						msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr "Роз'Ñ?днаÑ?иÑ?Ñ?"						msgstr "Роз'Ñ?днаÑ?иÑ?Ñ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35
msgid "NoTransaction"						msgid "NoTransaction"
msgstr "Ð?ез Ñ?Ñ?анзакÑ?Ñ?Ñ?"						msgstr "Ð?ез Ñ?Ñ?анзакÑ?Ñ?Ñ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37
msgid "Query"							msgid "Query"
msgstr "Ð?апиÑ?"							msgstr "Ð?апиÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38
msgid "Rollback"						msgid "Rollback"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?дкоÑ?иÑ?и"						msgstr "Ð?Ñ?дкоÑ?иÑ?и"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40
msgid "SQL"							msgid "SQL"
msgstr "SQL"							msgstr "SQL"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43
msgid "WithinTransaction"					msgid "WithinTransaction"
msgstr "Ð? Ñ?Ñ?анзакÑ?Ñ?Ñ?"						msgstr "Ð? Ñ?Ñ?анзакÑ?Ñ?Ñ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Error: %s"						msgid "Error: %s"
msgstr "Ð?омилка: %s"						msgstr "Ð?омилка: %s"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79
msgid "Table name"						msgid "Table name"
msgstr "Ð?азва Ñ?аблиÑ?Ñ?"						msgstr "Ð?азва Ñ?аблиÑ?Ñ?"

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93			#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Login for %s"						msgid "Login for %s"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95					#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95
msgid "Login to database"					msgid "Login to database"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: vfs/libmain.c:71						#: vfs/libmain.c:71
msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"				msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"
msgstr "Ð?аза даниÑ? Ð?ФС Ñ?еÑ?едовиÑ?а GNOME: модÑ?лÑ?"		msgstr "Ð?аза даниÑ? Ð?ФС Ñ?еÑ?едовиÑ?а GNOME: модÑ?лÑ?"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Table Properties"					msgid "Table Properties"
msgstr "Ð?лаÑ?Ñ?ивоÑ?Ñ?Ñ? бази даниÑ?"					msgstr "Ð?лаÑ?Ñ?ивоÑ?Ñ?Ñ? бази даниÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Table Name"						msgid "Table Name"
msgstr "Ð?азва Ñ?аблиÑ?Ñ?"						msgstr "Ð?азва Ñ?аблиÑ?Ñ?"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155
msgid "New"							msgid "New"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156
msgid "Create new table"					msgid "Create new table"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Properties"						msgid "Properties"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?оÑ?едÑ?Ñ?и"						msgstr "Ð?Ñ?оÑ?едÑ?Ñ?и"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View table properties"					msgid "View table properties"
msgstr "Ð?лаÑ?Ñ?ивоÑ?Ñ?Ñ? бази даниÑ?"					msgstr "Ð?лаÑ?Ñ?ивоÑ?Ñ?Ñ? бази даниÑ?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
msgid "UID"							msgid "UID"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "calendar"						msgid "calendar"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "summary"							msgid "summary"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "Summary"							msgid "Summary"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "location"						msgid "location"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "dtstart"							msgid "dtstart"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
msgid "Start time"						msgid "Start time"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "dtend"							msgid "dtend"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "End time"						msgid "End time"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "description"						msgid "description"
msgstr "Ð?пиÑ?"							msgstr "Ð?пиÑ?"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "classification"						msgid "classification"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Classification"						msgid "Classification"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?иÑ?Ñ?иÑ?и вибÑ?ане"					msgstr "Ð?Ñ?иÑ?Ñ?иÑ?и вибÑ?ане"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "transparency"						msgid "transparency"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "Transparency"						msgid "Transparency"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "categories"						msgid "categories"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "Categories"						msgid "Categories"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "tasks"							msgid "tasks"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "due"							msgid "due"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "Due date"						msgid "Due date"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "Start date"						msgid "Start date"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355
msgid "Public"							msgid "Public"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358
msgid "Private"							msgid "Private"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361
msgid "Confidential"						msgid "Confidential"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63
msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"		msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66
msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"			msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80
msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta	msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"		msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"
msgstr "Ð?е вдалоÑ?Ñ? вÑ?Ñ?ановиÑ?и з'Ñ?днаннÑ? з %s"			msgstr "Ð?е вдалоÑ?Ñ? вÑ?Ñ?ановиÑ?и з'Ñ?днаннÑ? з %s"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100
msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"				msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Field name"						msgid "Field name"
msgstr "Ð?оÑ?иÑ?Ñ?Ñ?ваÑ?"						msgstr "Ð?оÑ?иÑ?Ñ?Ñ?ваÑ?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data type"						msgid "Data type"
msgstr "Ð?анÑ?"							msgstr "Ð?анÑ?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214
msgid "Size"							msgid "Size"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215
msgid "Scale"							msgid "Scale"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216
msgid "Not null?"						msgid "Not null?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217
msgid "Primary key?"						msgid "Primary key?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218
msgid "Unique index?"						msgid "Unique index?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "References"						msgid "References"
msgstr "Ð?оÑ?лÑ?довноÑ?Ñ?Ñ?"						msgstr "Ð?оÑ?лÑ?довноÑ?Ñ?Ñ?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220
msgid "Default value"						msgid "Default value"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239
msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l	msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Table %s does not exist"					msgid "Table %s does not exist"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318
msgid "Scheduled events"					msgid "Scheduled events"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321
msgid "TODO list"						msgid "TODO list"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375
msgid "Owner"							msgid "Owner"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Comments"						msgid "Comments"
msgstr "Ð?акÑ?Ñ?пиÑ?и"						msgstr "Ð?акÑ?Ñ?пиÑ?и"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Type"							msgid "Type"
msgstr "Типи"							msgstr "Типи"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377
msgid "GDA type"						msgid "GDA type"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id	#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id
#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database	#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database
#. we can easily access that information			#. we can easily access that information
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382
msgid "local"							msgid "local"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217
msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230
msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244
msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"			msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268
msgid "Invalid SQL command"					msgid "Invalid SQL command"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353
msgid "Transactions are not supported"				msgid "Transactions are not supported"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41
msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"		msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task	"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Connection MIME handler component"			#~ msgid "Connection MIME handler component"
#~ msgstr "Ð?омпоненÑ? пеÑ?еглÑ?дÑ? з'Ñ?днаннÑ?"			#~ msgstr "Ð?омпоненÑ? пеÑ?еглÑ?дÑ? з'Ñ?днаннÑ?"

#~ msgid "Database component factory"				#~ msgid "Database component factory"
#~ msgstr "ФабÑ?ика компоненÑ?Ñ?в баз даниÑ?"			#~ msgstr "ФабÑ?ика компоненÑ?Ñ?в баз даниÑ?"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "SQL MIME handler component"				#~ msgid "SQL MIME handler component"
#~ msgstr "Ð?омпоненÑ? пеÑ?еглÑ?дÑ? SQL"				#~ msgstr "Ð?омпоненÑ? пеÑ?еглÑ?дÑ? SQL"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Database browser"					#~ msgid "Database browser"
#~ msgstr "Ð?лаÑ?Ñ?ивоÑ?Ñ?Ñ? бази даниÑ?"				#~ msgstr "Ð?лаÑ?Ñ?ивоÑ?Ñ?Ñ? бази даниÑ?"

#~ msgid "Error viewer"						#~ msgid "Error viewer"
#~ msgstr "Ð?еÑ?еглÑ?д помилок"					#~ msgstr "Ð?еÑ?еглÑ?д помилок"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "SQL Viewer"						#~ msgid "SQL Viewer"
#~ msgstr "Ð?еÑ?еглÑ?д кодÑ? SQL"					#~ msgstr "Ð?еÑ?еглÑ?д кодÑ? SQL"

#~ msgid "Database configuration"				#~ msgid "Database configuration"
#~ msgstr "Ð?онÑ?Ñ?гÑ?Ñ?аÑ?Ñ?Ñ? бази даниÑ?"				#~ msgstr "Ð?онÑ?Ñ?гÑ?Ñ?аÑ?Ñ?Ñ? бази даниÑ?"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "_Settings"						#~ msgid "_Settings"
#~ msgstr "Ð?аÑ?амеÑ?Ñ?и"						#~ msgstr "Ð?аÑ?амеÑ?Ñ?и"

#~ msgid "Password"						#~ msgid "Password"
#~ msgstr "Ð?аÑ?олÑ?"						#~ msgstr "Ð?аÑ?олÑ?"

#~ msgid "Save as"						#~ msgid "Save as"
#~ msgstr "Ð?беÑ?егÑ?и Ñ?к"						#~ msgstr "Ð?беÑ?егÑ?и Ñ?к"

#~ msgid "Save to"						#~ msgid "Save to"
#~ msgstr "Ð?беÑ?егÑ?и Ñ?"						#~ msgstr "Ð?беÑ?егÑ?и Ñ?"

#~ msgid "XML file"						#~ msgid "XML file"
#~ msgstr "Файл Ñ? Ñ?оÑ?маÑ?Ñ? XML"					#~ msgstr "Файл Ñ? Ñ?оÑ?маÑ?Ñ? XML"

#~ msgid "Hide columns"						#~ msgid "Hide columns"
#~ msgstr "СÑ?оваÑ?и Ñ?Ñ?овпÑ?ики"					#~ msgstr "СÑ?оваÑ?и Ñ?Ñ?овпÑ?ики"

#~ msgid "Question"						#~ msgid "Question"
#~ msgstr "Ð?апиÑ?аннÑ?"						#~ msgstr "Ð?апиÑ?аннÑ?"

#~ msgid "Database Moniker factory"				#~ msgid "Database Moniker factory"
#~ msgstr "ФабÑ?ика монÑ?кеÑ?Ñ?в бази даниÑ?"			#~ msgstr "ФабÑ?ика монÑ?кеÑ?Ñ?в бази даниÑ?"

#~ msgid "database: moniker"					#~ msgid "database: moniker"
#~ msgstr "база даниÑ?: монÑ?кеÑ?"					#~ msgstr "база даниÑ?: монÑ?кеÑ?"

#~ msgid "Failing to manufacture a '%s'"			#~ msgid "Failing to manufacture a '%s'"
#~ msgstr "Ð?е вдалоÑ?Ñ? згенеÑ?Ñ?ваÑ?и \"%s\""			#~ msgstr "Ð?е вдалоÑ?Ñ? згенеÑ?Ñ?ваÑ?и \"%s\""

#~ msgid "Invalid format for connection string"			#~ msgid "Invalid format for connection string"
#~ msgstr "Ð?епÑ?авилÑ?ний Ñ?оÑ?маÑ? Ñ?Ñ?дка з'Ñ?днаннÑ?"			#~ msgstr "Ð?епÑ?авилÑ?ний Ñ?оÑ?маÑ? Ñ?Ñ?дка з'Ñ?днаннÑ?"

#~ msgid "Data sources"						#~ msgid "Data sources"
#~ msgstr "Ð?жеÑ?ела даниÑ?"					#~ msgstr "Ð?жеÑ?ела даниÑ?"

#~ msgid "Test Data Source"					#~ msgid "Test Data Source"
#~ msgstr "ТеÑ?Ñ? джеÑ?ела даниÑ?"					#~ msgstr "ТеÑ?Ñ? джеÑ?ела даниÑ?"

#~ msgid "Connection to %s successful!"				#~ msgid "Connection to %s successful!"
#~ msgstr "УÑ?пÑ?Ñ?но вÑ?Ñ?ановлено з'Ñ?днаннÑ? з %s"			#~ msgstr "УÑ?пÑ?Ñ?но вÑ?Ñ?ановлено з'Ñ?днаннÑ? з %s"

#~ msgid ""							#~ msgid ""
#~ "Component that lets you open a .connection file and brows	#~ "Component that lets you open a .connection file and brows
#~ "specified on it"						#~ "specified on it"
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Ð?омпоненÑ?, Ñ?о дозволÑ?Ñ? вÑ?дкÑ?иваÑ?и Ñ?айли Ñ?ипÑ? .connection 	#~ "Ð?омпоненÑ?, Ñ?о дозволÑ?Ñ? вÑ?дкÑ?иваÑ?и Ñ?айли Ñ?ипÑ? .connection 
#~ "з'Ñ?днаннÑ?, визнаÑ?енÑ? в ниÑ?"					#~ "з'Ñ?днаннÑ?, визнаÑ?енÑ? в ниÑ?"

#~ msgid "Viewer for SQL source code"				#~ msgid "Viewer for SQL source code"
#~ msgstr "Ð?еÑ?еглÑ?даÑ? кодÑ? SQL"					#~ msgstr "Ð?еÑ?еглÑ?даÑ? кодÑ? SQL"

#~ msgid "Data source"						#~ msgid "Data source"
#~ msgstr "Ð?жеÑ?ело даниÑ?"					#~ msgstr "Ð?жеÑ?ело даниÑ?"
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: vi.gmo
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/vi.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/vi.po
# Copyright (C) 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc,		# Copyright (C) 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc,
# This file is distributed under the same license as the libg	# This file is distributed under the same license as the libg
# pclouds <pclouds gmx net>, 2002.				# pclouds <pclouds gmx net>, 2002.
#								#
msgid ""							msgid ""
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: libgnomedb VERSION\n"			"Project-Id-Version: libgnomedb VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"					"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"			"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2002-07-26 21:27+0700\n"			"PO-Revision-Date: 2002-07-26 21:27+0700\n"
"Last-Translator: pclouds <pclouds gmx net>\n"			"Last-Translator: pclouds <pclouds gmx net>\n"
"Language-Team: GnomeVI <gnomevi-list lists sourceforge net>\	"Language-Team: GnomeVI <gnomevi-list lists sourceforge net>\
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"						"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"			"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"				"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co
msgid "Data Sources"						msgid "Data Sources"
msgstr "Ngu�n dữ li�u"						msgstr "Ngu�n dữ li�u"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid
msgid "Providers"						msgid "Providers"
msgstr "B� cung cấp"						msgstr "B� cung cấp"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1
msgid "Configure your database environment"			msgid "Configure your database environment"
msgstr "Cấu hình môi trư�ng cơ s� dữ li�u"			msgstr "Cấu hình môi trư�ng cơ s� dữ li�u"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Database Access Properties "				msgid "Database Access Properties "
msgstr "Thu�c tính cơ s� dữ li�u"				msgstr "Thu�c tính cơ s� dữ li�u"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380
msgid "Name"							msgid "Name"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
msgid "Description"						msgid "Description"
msgstr "Mô tả"							msgstr "Mô tả"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182
msgid "Configured data sources in the system"			msgid "Configured data sources in the system"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data sources are the means by which database connections are	"Data sources are the means by which database connections are
"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s	"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s
"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o	"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o
"name you identify the connections in the applications that m	"name you identify the connections in the applications that m
"DB for database access."					"DB for database access."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Ngu�n dữ li�u là cách libgda nhận di�n các kết n�i cơ s� dữ 	"Ngu�n dữ li�u là cách libgda nhận di�n các kết n�i cơ s� dữ 
"libgda. Má»?i thông tin cần thiết Ä?á»? má»? kết ná»?i tá»?i bá»? cung cấ	"libgda. Má»?i thông tin cần thiết Ä?á»? má»? kết ná»?i tá»?i bá»? cung cấ
"xác Ä?á»?nh Ä?á»?u Ä?ược lÆ°u bằng má»?t cái tên duy nhất. Nó sẽ Ä?ược 	"xác Ä?á»?nh Ä?á»?u Ä?ược lÆ°u bằng má»?t cái tên duy nhất. Nó sẽ Ä?ược 
"xác Ä?á»?nh kết ná»?i trong ứng dùng cần dùng libgda Ä?á»? truy xuất	"xác Ä?á»?nh kết ná»?i trong ứng dùng cần dùng libgda Ä?á»? truy xuất

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277
#, fuzzy, c-format						#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"	msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"
msgstr "Bạn có mu�n loại b� ngu�n dữ li�u '%s' không?"		msgstr "Bạn có mu�n loại b� ngu�n dữ li�u '%s' không?"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data Source Properties"					msgid "Data Source Properties"
msgstr "Thu�c tính ngu�n dữ li�u"				msgstr "Thu�c tính ngu�n dữ li�u"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132
msgid "Basic"							msgid "Basic"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Tables"							msgid "Tables"
msgstr "Bảng"							msgstr "Bảng"

#: control-center/main.c:92					#: control-center/main.c:92
msgid "No valid data source info was created"			msgid "No valid data source info was created"
msgstr "Không có nguá»?n dữ liá»?u hợp lá»? nào Ä?ược tạo"		msgstr "Không có nguá»?n dữ liá»?u hợp lá»? nào Ä?ược tạo"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218	#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218
msgid "New data source"						msgid "New data source"
msgstr "Ngu�n dữ li�u m�i"					msgstr "Ngu�n dữ li�u m�i"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:215					#: control-center/main.c:215
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Database Access Properties"				msgid "Database Access Properties"
msgstr "Thu�c tính cơ s� dữ li�u"				msgstr "Thu�c tính cơ s� dữ li�u"

#: control-center/provider-config.c:105				#: control-center/provider-config.c:105
msgid "Installed providers"					msgid "Installed providers"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/provider-config.c:131				#: control-center/provider-config.c:131
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec	"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec
"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo	"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo
"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr	"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr
"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba	"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba
"etc."								"etc."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"B� cung cấp là plugin ngoại cung cấp truy cập ngu�n dữ li�u 	"B� cung cấp là plugin ngoại cung cấp truy cập ngu�n dữ li�u 
"cung cấp mặc Ä?á»?nh luôn Ä?ược cài Ä?ặt, cho phép truy cập dữ li	"cung cấp mặc Ä?á»?nh luôn Ä?ược cài Ä?ặt, cho phép truy cập dữ li
"trong các tập tin XML. Bá»? cung cấp khác thÆ°á»?ng Ä?ược phân phá»?	"trong các tập tin XML. Bá»? cung cấp khác thÆ°á»?ng Ä?ược phân phá»?
"libgda/gnome-db bao gá»?m PortgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Sybase, I	"libgda/gnome-db bao gá»?m PortgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Sybase, I

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Database connection parameters file"			msgid "Database connection parameters file"
msgstr "Tập tin tham s� kết n�i cơ s� dữ li�u"			msgstr "Tập tin tham s� kết n�i cơ s� dữ li�u"

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2
msgid "Documents"						msgid "Documents"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3
msgid "SQL code viewer"						msgid "SQL code viewer"
msgstr "B� xem mã SQL"						msgstr "B� xem mã SQL"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1
msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"			msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"
msgstr "Font Ä?ược dùng trong widget lÆ°á»?i"			msgstr "Font Ä?ược dùng trong widget lÆ°á»?i"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2
msgid "Number of spaces per tab"				msgid "Number of spaces per tab"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3
msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"			msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4
msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"			msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60
msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"			msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1
msgid "About"							msgid "About"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2
msgid "About GNOME-DB"						msgid "About GNOME-DB"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3
msgid "Close this window"					msgid "Close this window"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4
msgid "Create new entry"					msgid "Create new entry"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Delete selected items"					msgid "Delete selected items"
msgstr "B� ch�n m�i mục trong danh sách"			msgstr "B� ch�n m�i mục trong danh sách"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Deselect all items"					msgid "Deselect all items"
msgstr "B� ch�n m�i mục trong danh sách"			msgstr "B� ch�n m�i mục trong danh sách"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7
msgid "Edit properties for selected item"			msgid "Edit properties for selected item"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Save connection parameters to file"			msgid "Save connection parameters to file"
msgstr "Tập tin tham s� kết n�i cơ s� dữ li�u"			msgstr "Tập tin tham s� kết n�i cơ s� dữ li�u"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Select _All"						msgid "Select _All"
msgstr "Ch�n tất cả"						msgstr "Ch�n tất cả"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Select all items"					msgid "Select all items"
msgstr "Ch�n m�i mục trong danh sách"				msgstr "Ch�n m�i mục trong danh sách"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View data sources"					msgid "View data sources"
msgstr "Ngu�n dữ li�u m�i"					msgstr "Ngu�n dữ li�u m�i"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View providers"						msgid "View providers"
msgstr "B� cung cấp"						msgstr "B� cung cấp"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42
msgid "_Clear Selection"					msgid "_Clear Selection"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14
msgid "_Close"							msgid "_Close"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Data Sources"						msgid "_Data Sources"
msgstr "Ngu�n dữ li�u"						msgstr "Ngu�n dữ li�u"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Database"						msgid "_Database"
msgstr "Cơ s� dữ li�u"						msgstr "Cơ s� dữ li�u"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17
msgid "_Delete"							msgid "_Delete"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18
msgid "_Edit"							msgid "_Edit"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19
msgid "_Help"							msgid "_Help"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_New Data Source..."					msgid "_New Data Source..."
msgstr "Ngu�n dữ li�u m�i"					msgstr "Ngu�n dữ li�u m�i"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Properties"						msgid "_Properties"
msgstr "Thủ tục"						msgstr "Thủ tục"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Providers"						msgid "_Providers"
msgstr "B� cung cấp"						msgstr "B� cung cấp"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Save Connection"					msgid "_Save Connection"
msgstr "Lưu vào"						msgstr "Lưu vào"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_View"							msgid "_View"
msgstr "View"							msgstr "View"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76
msgid "Structure"						msgid "Structure"
msgstr "Cấu trúc"						msgstr "Cấu trúc"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73
msgid "Data"							msgid "Data"
msgstr "Dữ li�u"						msgstr "Dữ li�u"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238
msgid "Not implemented yet!"					msgid "Not implemented yet!"
msgstr "Chưa làm!"						msgstr "Chưa làm!"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Database"						msgid "Database"
msgstr "Cơ s� dữ li�u"						msgstr "Cơ s� dữ li�u"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540
msgid "Loading database schemas..."				msgid "Loading database schemas..."
msgstr "Ä?ang nạp lược Ä?á»? cÆ¡ sá»? dữ liá»?u..."			msgstr "Ä?ang nạp lược Ä?á»? cÆ¡ sá»? dữ liá»?u..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632
msgid "Refreshing data..."					msgid "Refreshing data..."
msgstr "Ä?ang Ä?á»?c lại dữ liá»?u..."				msgstr "Ä?ang Ä?á»?c lại dữ liá»?u..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688
msgid "Views"							msgid "Views"
msgstr "View"							msgstr "View"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691
msgid "Indexes"							msgid "Indexes"
msgstr "Index"							msgstr "Index"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Sequences"						msgid "Sequences"
msgstr "Sequence"						msgstr "Sequence"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Procedures"						msgid "Procedures"
msgstr "Thủ tục"						msgstr "Thủ tục"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Triggers"						msgid "Triggers"
msgstr "Triggers"						msgstr "Triggers"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Aggregates"						msgid "Aggregates"
msgstr "Aggregates"						msgstr "Aggregates"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Types"							msgid "Types"
msgstr "Kiá»?u"							msgstr "Kiá»?u"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140
msgid "Could not query CORBA components"			msgid "Could not query CORBA components"
msgstr "Không th� truy vấn thành phần CORBA"			msgstr "Không th� truy vấn thành phần CORBA"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209
msgid "ID"							msgid "ID"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "Location"						msgid "Location"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212
msgid "Username"						msgid "Username"
msgstr "Tên ngư�i dùng"						msgstr "Tên ngư�i dùng"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Hostname"						msgid "Hostname"
msgstr "Tên ngư�i dùng"						msgstr "Tên ngư�i dùng"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214
msgid "Domain"							msgid "Domain"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"			msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"
msgstr "Loại không h� trợ trong GconfEntry: %d"			msgstr "Loại không h� trợ trong GconfEntry: %d"

#. create widgets						#. create widgets
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97
msgid "Settings"						msgid "Settings"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103
msgid "Data source name"					msgid "Data source name"
msgstr "Tên ngu�n dữ li�u"					msgstr "Tên ngu�n dữ li�u"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109
msgid "Connection string"					msgid "Connection string"
msgstr "Chu�i kết n�i"						msgstr "Chu�i kết n�i"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115
msgid "Provider"						msgid "Provider"
msgstr "b� cung cấp"						msgstr "b� cung cấp"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "User name"						msgid "User name"
msgstr "Tên ngư�i dùng"						msgstr "Tên ngư�i dùng"

#. create feature list						#. create feature list
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128
msgid "Features"						msgid "Features"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190
msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"		msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"
msgstr "Bạn phải nhập tên ngu�n dữ li�u m�i"			msgstr "Bạn phải nhập tên ngu�n dữ li�u m�i"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197
msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac	msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206
msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th	msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213
msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"			msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217
msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n	msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225
msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"	msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"
msgstr "Bạn phải ch�n b� cung cấp ngu�n dữ li�u m�i"		msgstr "Bạn phải ch�n b� cung cấp ngu�n dữ li�u m�i"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233
msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"		msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"
msgstr "Không tìm thấy ngu�n cung cấp trong cấu hình của bạn"	msgstr "Không tìm thấy ngu�n cung cấp trong cấu hình của bạn"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391
msgid "Add a new data source..."				msgid "Add a new data source..."
msgstr "Thêm ngu�n dữ li�u m�i..."				msgstr "Thêm ngu�n dữ li�u m�i..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392
msgid ""							msgid ""
"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"		"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"
"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"		"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"
"installation. Just follow the steps!"				"installation. Just follow the steps!"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Druid này sẽ hư�ng dẫn bạn tạo ngu�n dữ li�u m�i cho\n"	"Druid này sẽ hư�ng dẫn bạn tạo ngu�n dữ li�u m�i cho\n"
"cài Ä?ặt GNOME-DB của bạn. Chá»? cần theo các bÆ°á»?c sau Ä?ây!"	"cài Ä?ặt GNOME-DB của bạn. Chá»? cần theo các bÆ°á»?c sau Ä?ây!"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404
msgid "General Information"					msgid "General Information"
msgstr "Thông tin chung"					msgstr "Thông tin chung"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the basic information\n"	"The following fields represent the basic information\n"
"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n	"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n
"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"	"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"
"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"	"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"
"the default one."						"the default one."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Các trÆ°á»?ng sau Ä?ại diá»?n cho các mục thông tin cÆ¡ bản cho\n"	"Các trÆ°á»?ng sau Ä?ại diá»?n cho các mục thông tin cÆ¡ bản cho\n"
"ngu�n dữ li�u m�i của bạn. Vài thông tin (mô tả, tên ngư�i\n	"ngu�n dữ li�u m�i của bạn. Vài thông tin (mô tả, tên ngư�i\n
"dùng) là tùy chá»?n, có hay không Ä?á»?u Ä?ược.\n"			"dùng) là tùy chá»?n, có hay không Ä?á»?u Ä?ược.\n"
"Nếu bạn không biết dùng b� cung cấp nào, ch� vi�c ch�n b�\n"	"Nếu bạn không biết dùng b� cung cấp nào, ch� vi�c ch�n b�\n"
"cung cấp mặc Ä?á»?nh"						"cung cấp mặc Ä?á»?nh"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data source _name:"					msgid "Data source _name:"
msgstr "Tên ngu�n dữ li�u"					msgstr "Tên ngu�n dữ li�u"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Provider:"						msgid "_Provider:"
msgstr "b� cung cấp"						msgstr "b� cung cấp"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Description:"						msgid "_Description:"
msgstr "Mô tả"							msgstr "Mô tả"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Username:"						msgid "_Username:"
msgstr "Tên ngư�i dùng"						msgstr "Tên ngư�i dùng"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "P_assword:"						msgid "P_assword:"
msgstr "Mật khẩu"						msgstr "Mật khẩu"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454
msgid "Provider Parameters"					msgid "Provider Parameters"
msgstr "Tham s� b� cung cấp"					msgstr "Tham s� b� cung cấp"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the information needed by the	"The following fields represent the information needed by the
"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n	"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n
"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\	"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\
"the manual for more information."				"the manual for more information."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Các trư�ng sau tượng trưng cho thông tin cần b�i b� cung cấp	"Các trư�ng sau tượng trưng cho thông tin cần b�i b� cung cấp
"mà bạn chá»?n trong trang trÆ°á»?c Ä?á»? má»? má»?t kết ná»?i Ä?ược yêu cầu	"mà bạn chá»?n trong trang trÆ°á»?c Ä?á»? má»? má»?t kết ná»?i Ä?ược yêu cầu
"Thông tin này là tùy vào b� cung cấp, vì thế nên ki�m tra lạ	"Thông tin này là tùy vào b� cung cấp, vì thế nên ki�m tra lạ
"tài liá»?u hÆ°á»?ng dẫn Ä?á»? có các thông tin chi tiết hÆ¡n."		"tài liá»?u hÆ°á»?ng dẫn Ä?á»? có các thông tin chi tiết hÆ¡n."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481
msgid "All information retrieved"				msgid "All information retrieved"
msgstr "Má»?i thông tin Ä?ã nhận"					msgstr "Má»?i thông tin Ä?ã nhận"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid ""							msgid ""
"All information needed to create a new data source\n"		"All information needed to create a new data source\n"
"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"		"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"
"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"	"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"
"just select it when asked for a data source."			"just select it when asked for a data source."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Má»?i thông tin cần thiết Ä?á»? tạo nguá»?n dữ liá»?u má»?i Ä?ã có.\n"	"Má»?i thông tin cần thiết Ä?á»? tạo nguá»?n dữ liá»?u má»?i Ä?ã có.\n"
"Bây giá»? hãy nhấn 'Ã?p dụng' Ä?á»? Ä?óng há»?p thoại này. Ä?á»?\n"	"Bây giá»? hãy nhấn 'Ã?p dụng' Ä?á»? Ä?óng há»?p thoại này. Ä?á»?\n"
"m� ngu�n dữ li�u m�i tạo của bạn, ch� cần ch�n nó khi\n"	"m� ngu�n dữ li�u m�i tạo của bạn, ch� cần ch�n nó khi\n"
"Ä?ược yêu cầu chá»?n nguá»?n dữ liá»?u"				"Ä?ược yêu cầu chá»?n nguá»?n dữ liá»?u"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Connection _string:"					msgid "Connection _string:"
msgstr "Chu�i kết n�i"						msgstr "Chu�i kết n�i"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4
msgid "Error"							msgid "Error"
msgstr "Lá»?i"							msgstr "Lá»?i"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.
msgid "Show detail >>"						msgid "Show detail >>"
msgstr "Xem chi tiết >>"					msgstr "Xem chi tiết >>"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122
msgid "<< Hide detail"						msgid "<< Hide detail"
msgstr "<< Ẩn chi tiết"						msgstr "<< Ẩn chi tiết"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191
msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"	msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196
msgid "Error number"						msgid "Error number"
msgstr "Sá»? hiá»?u lá»?i"						msgstr "Sá»? hiá»?u lá»?i"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Details"							msgid "Details"
msgstr "Chi tiết"						msgstr "Chi tiết"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234
msgid "Source"							msgid "Source"
msgstr "Nguá»?n"							msgstr "Nguá»?n"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241
msgid "SQL state"						msgid "SQL state"
msgstr "Trạng thái SQL"						msgstr "Trạng thái SQL"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Field:"							msgid "_Field:"
msgstr "Tá»±a Ä?á»?"							msgstr "Tá»±a Ä?á»?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Text:"							msgid "_Text:"
msgstr "Kiá»?u"							msgstr "Kiá»?u"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308
msgid "No records"						msgid "No records"
msgstr "Không có bản ghi"					msgstr "Không có bản ghi"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Record %d of %d"						msgid "Record %d of %d"
msgstr "%d trên %d bản ghi"					msgstr "%d trên %d bản ghi"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113
msgid "Recordset description"					msgid "Recordset description"
msgstr "Mô tả recordset"					msgstr "Mô tả recordset"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid ""							msgid ""
"File '%s' already exists.\n"					"File '%s' already exists.\n"
"Do you want to overwrite it?"					"Do you want to overwrite it?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149
msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."		msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Could not save file %s"					msgid "Could not save file %s"
msgstr "Không th� lưu tập tin %s"				msgstr "Không th� lưu tập tin %s"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224
msgid "You must specify a file name"				msgid "You must specify a file name"
msgstr "Bạn phải xác Ä?á»?nh tên tập tin"				msgstr "Bạn phải xác Ä?á»?nh tên tập tin"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230
msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"		msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261
msgid "Saving Model"						msgid "Saving Model"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "File _name:"						msgid "File _name:"
msgstr "Tên bảng"						msgstr "Tên bảng"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276
msgid "Select File"						msgid "Select File"
msgstr "Ch�n tập tin"						msgstr "Ch�n tập tin"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283
msgid "File _type:"						msgid "File _type:"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Tab-delimited"						msgid "Tab-delimited"
msgstr "Tập Tin phân cách tab"					msgstr "Tập Tin phân cách tab"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Comma-delimited"						msgid "Comma-delimited"
msgstr "Tập tin phân cách dấu phẩy"				msgstr "Tập tin phân cách dấu phẩy"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:
msgid "XML"							msgid "XML"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355
msgid "View detail"						msgid "View detail"
msgstr "Xem chi tiết"						msgstr "Xem chi tiết"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Show Column _Titles"					msgid "Show Column _Titles"
msgstr "Hiá»?n cá»?t"						msgstr "Hiá»?n cá»?t"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Describe"						msgid "Describe"
msgstr "Mô tả..."						msgstr "Mô tả..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443
msgid "View detail..."						msgid "View detail..."
msgstr "Xem chi tiết..."					msgstr "Xem chi tiết..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614
msgid "Title"							msgid "Title"
msgstr "Tá»±a Ä?á»?"							msgstr "Tá»±a Ä?á»?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48
msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"	msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"
msgstr "Thá»­ khá»?i Ä?á»?ng má»?t client Ä?ã Ä?ược khá»?i Ä?á»?ng"		msgstr "Thá»­ khá»?i Ä?á»?ng má»?t client Ä?ã Ä?ược khá»?i Ä?á»?ng"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"		"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"
"to a data source"						"to a data source"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data Source:"						msgid "Data Source:"
msgstr "Ngu�n dữ li�u"						msgstr "Ngu�n dữ li�u"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Username:"						msgid "Username:"
msgstr "Tên ngư�i dùng"						msgstr "Tên ngư�i dùng"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Password:"						msgid "Password:"
msgstr "Mật khẩu"						msgstr "Mật khẩu"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69
msgid "Fields"							msgid "Fields"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30
msgid "Commit"							msgid "Commit"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31
msgid "Connect"							msgid "Connect"
msgstr "Kết n�i"						msgstr "Kết n�i"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33
msgid "Designer"						msgid "Designer"
msgstr "B� thiết kế"						msgstr "B� thiết kế"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34
msgid "Disconnect"						msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr "Ngắt kết n�i"						msgstr "Ngắt kết n�i"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35
msgid "NoTransaction"						msgid "NoTransaction"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37
msgid "Query"							msgid "Query"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38
msgid "Rollback"						msgid "Rollback"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40
msgid "SQL"							msgid "SQL"
msgstr "SQL"							msgstr "SQL"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43
msgid "WithinTransaction"					msgid "WithinTransaction"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Error: %s"						msgid "Error: %s"
msgstr "Lá»?i: %s"						msgstr "Lá»?i: %s"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79
msgid "Table name"						msgid "Table name"
msgstr "Tên bảng"						msgstr "Tên bảng"

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93			#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Login for %s"						msgid "Login for %s"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95					#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95
msgid "Login to database"					msgid "Login to database"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: vfs/libmain.c:71						#: vfs/libmain.c:71
msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"				msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"
msgstr "Cơ s� dữ li�u GNOME VFS: module"			msgstr "Cơ s� dữ li�u GNOME VFS: module"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Table Properties"					msgid "Table Properties"
msgstr "Thu�c tính cơ s� dữ li�u"				msgstr "Thu�c tính cơ s� dữ li�u"

#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Table Name"						msgid "Table Name"
msgstr "Tên bảng"						msgstr "Tên bảng"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155
msgid "New"							msgid "New"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156
msgid "Create new table"					msgid "Create new table"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Properties"						msgid "Properties"
msgstr "Thủ tục"						msgstr "Thủ tục"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View table properties"					msgid "View table properties"
msgstr "Thu�c tính cơ s� dữ li�u"				msgstr "Thu�c tính cơ s� dữ li�u"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
msgid "UID"							msgid "UID"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "calendar"						msgid "calendar"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "summary"							msgid "summary"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "Summary"							msgid "Summary"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "location"						msgid "location"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "dtstart"							msgid "dtstart"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
msgid "Start time"						msgid "Start time"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "dtend"							msgid "dtend"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "End time"						msgid "End time"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "description"						msgid "description"
msgstr "Mô tả"							msgstr "Mô tả"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "classification"						msgid "classification"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "Classification"						msgid "Classification"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "transparency"						msgid "transparency"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "Transparency"						msgid "Transparency"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "categories"						msgid "categories"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "Categories"						msgid "Categories"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "tasks"							msgid "tasks"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "due"							msgid "due"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "Due date"						msgid "Due date"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "Start date"						msgid "Start date"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355
msgid "Public"							msgid "Public"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358
msgid "Private"							msgid "Private"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361
msgid "Confidential"						msgid "Confidential"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63
msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"		msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66
msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"			msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80
msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta	msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"		msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"
msgstr "Không th� lưu tập tin %s"				msgstr "Không th� lưu tập tin %s"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100
msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"				msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Field name"						msgid "Field name"
msgstr "Tên ngư�i dùng"						msgstr "Tên ngư�i dùng"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data type"						msgid "Data type"
msgstr "Dữ li�u"						msgstr "Dữ li�u"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214
msgid "Size"							msgid "Size"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215
msgid "Scale"							msgid "Scale"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216
msgid "Not null?"						msgid "Not null?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217
msgid "Primary key?"						msgid "Primary key?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218
msgid "Unique index?"						msgid "Unique index?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "References"						msgid "References"
msgstr "Sequence"						msgstr "Sequence"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220
msgid "Default value"						msgid "Default value"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239
msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l	msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Table %s does not exist"					msgid "Table %s does not exist"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318
msgid "Scheduled events"					msgid "Scheduled events"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321
msgid "TODO list"						msgid "TODO list"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375
msgid "Owner"							msgid "Owner"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376
msgid "Comments"						msgid "Comments"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Type"							msgid "Type"
msgstr "Kiá»?u"							msgstr "Kiá»?u"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377
msgid "GDA type"						msgid "GDA type"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id	#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id
#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database	#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database
#. we can easily access that information			#. we can easily access that information
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382
msgid "local"							msgid "local"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217
msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230
msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244
msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"			msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268
msgid "Invalid SQL command"					msgid "Invalid SQL command"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353
msgid "Transactions are not supported"				msgid "Transactions are not supported"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41
msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"		msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task	"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Connection MIME handler component"			#~ msgid "Connection MIME handler component"
#~ msgstr "Thành phần B� xem kết n�i"				#~ msgstr "Thành phần B� xem kết n�i"

#~ msgid "Database component factory"				#~ msgid "Database component factory"
#~ msgstr "Factory thành phần cơ s� dữ li�u"			#~ msgstr "Factory thành phần cơ s� dữ li�u"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "SQL MIME handler component"				#~ msgid "SQL MIME handler component"
#~ msgstr "Thành phần B� xem SQL"				#~ msgstr "Thành phần B� xem SQL"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Database browser"					#~ msgid "Database browser"
#~ msgstr "Thu�c tính cơ s� dữ li�u"				#~ msgstr "Thu�c tính cơ s� dữ li�u"

#~ msgid "Error viewer"						#~ msgid "Error viewer"
#~ msgstr "Bá»? xem lá»?i"						#~ msgstr "Bá»? xem lá»?i"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "SQL Viewer"						#~ msgid "SQL Viewer"
#~ msgstr "B� xem mã SQL"					#~ msgstr "B� xem mã SQL"

#~ msgid "Database configuration"				#~ msgid "Database configuration"
#~ msgstr "Cấu hình cơ s� dữ li�u"				#~ msgstr "Cấu hình cơ s� dữ li�u"

#~ msgid "Password"						#~ msgid "Password"
#~ msgstr "Mật khẩu"						#~ msgstr "Mật khẩu"

#~ msgid "Save as"						#~ msgid "Save as"
#~ msgstr "Lưu là"						#~ msgstr "Lưu là"

#~ msgid "Save to"						#~ msgid "Save to"
#~ msgstr "Lưu vào"						#~ msgstr "Lưu vào"

#~ msgid "XML file"						#~ msgid "XML file"
#~ msgstr "Tập tin XML"						#~ msgstr "Tập tin XML"

#~ msgid "Hide columns"						#~ msgid "Hide columns"
#~ msgstr "Ẩn c�t"						#~ msgstr "Ẩn c�t"

#~ msgid "Question"						#~ msgid "Question"
#~ msgstr "Câu h�i"						#~ msgstr "Câu h�i"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Database Moniker factory"				#~ msgid "Database Moniker factory"
#~ msgstr "Database Moniker factory"				#~ msgstr "Database Moniker factory"

#~ msgid "database: moniker"					#~ msgid "database: moniker"
#~ msgstr "cơ s� dữ li�u: moniker"				#~ msgstr "cơ s� dữ li�u: moniker"

#~ msgid "Failing to manufacture a '%s'"			#~ msgid "Failing to manufacture a '%s'"
#~ msgstr "L�i sản xuất '%s'"					#~ msgstr "L�i sản xuất '%s'"

#~ msgid "Invalid format for connection string"			#~ msgid "Invalid format for connection string"
#~ msgstr "dạng thức chu�i kết n�i không hợp l�"		#~ msgstr "dạng thức chu�i kết n�i không hợp l�"

#~ msgid "Data sources"						#~ msgid "Data sources"
#~ msgstr "Ngu�n dữ li�u"					#~ msgstr "Ngu�n dữ li�u"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Test Data Source"					#~ msgid "Test Data Source"
#~ msgstr "Ngu�n dữ li�u"					#~ msgstr "Ngu�n dữ li�u"

#~ msgid ""							#~ msgid ""
#~ "Component that lets you open a .connection file and brows	#~ "Component that lets you open a .connection file and brows
#~ "specified on it"						#~ "specified on it"
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Thành phần cho phép bạn m� tập tin .connection và duy�t k	#~ "Thành phần cho phép bạn m� tập tin .connection và duy�t k

#~ msgid "Viewer for SQL source code"				#~ msgid "Viewer for SQL source code"
#~ msgstr "B� xem mã SQL"					#~ msgstr "B� xem mã SQL"

#~ msgid "Data source"						#~ msgid "Data source"
#~ msgstr "Ngu�n dữ li�u"					#~ msgstr "Ngu�n dữ li�u"

#~ msgid "Select all"						#~ msgid "Select all"
#~ msgstr "Ch�n tất cả"						#~ msgstr "Ch�n tất cả"

#~ msgid "Unselect all"						#~ msgid "Unselect all"
#~ msgstr "B� ch�n tất cả"					#~ msgstr "B� ch�n tất cả"

#~ msgid "OAFIID of the default component for the GNOME-DB sh	#~ msgid "OAFIID of the default component for the GNOME-DB sh
#~ msgstr "OAFIID của thành phần mặc Ä?á»?nh cho GNOME-DB Shell"	#~ msgstr "OAFIID của thành phần mặc Ä?á»?nh cho GNOME-DB Shell"

#~ msgid "Whether to save the shell window position on exit"	#~ msgid "Whether to save the shell window position on exit"
#~ msgstr "Có lưu v� trí cửa s� khi thoát hay không"		#~ msgstr "Có lưu v� trí cửa s� khi thoát hay không"

#~ msgid "Whether to show or not the shortcut bar on the fron	#~ msgid "Whether to show or not the shortcut bar on the fron
#~ msgstr "Có hi�n thanh l�i tắt trên cửa s� chính không"	#~ msgstr "Có hi�n thanh l�i tắt trên cửa s� chính không"

#~ msgid "Whether to show or not the summary bar on the front	#~ msgid "Whether to show or not the summary bar on the front
#~ msgstr "Có hi�n thanh tóm tắt trên cửa s� chính không"	#~ msgstr "Có hi�n thanh tóm tắt trên cửa s� chính không"

#~ msgid "Whether to use a fixed size/position for the shell 	#~ msgid "Whether to use a fixed size/position for the shell 
#~ msgstr "Có dùng kích thÆ°á»?c/vá»? trí cá»? Ä?á»?nh cho cá»­a sá»? shell	#~ msgstr "Có dùng kích thÆ°á»?c/vá»? trí cá»? Ä?á»?nh cho cá»­a sá»? shell

#~ msgid "Unselect All"						#~ msgid "Unselect All"
#~ msgstr "B� ch�n tất cả"					#~ msgstr "B� ch�n tất cả"

#~ msgid "Display column headers"				#~ msgid "Display column headers"
#~ msgstr "Hi�n tên c�t"					#~ msgstr "Hi�n tên c�t"

#~ msgid "Hide column headers"					#~ msgid "Hide column headers"
#~ msgstr "Ẩn tên c�t"						#~ msgstr "Ẩn tên c�t"

#~ msgid "Save as..."						#~ msgid "Save as..."
#~ msgstr "Lưu là..."						#~ msgstr "Lưu là..."

#~ msgid "Export data to different formats"			#~ msgid "Export data to different formats"
#~ msgstr "Xuất khẩu dữ li�u v�i dạng thức khác"		#~ msgstr "Xuất khẩu dữ li�u v�i dạng thức khác"

#~ msgid "Describe current data set"				#~ msgid "Describe current data set"
#~ msgstr "Mô tả tập dữ li�u hi�n th�i"				#~ msgstr "Mô tả tập dữ li�u hi�n th�i"

#~ msgid "View current data in more detail"			#~ msgid "View current data in more detail"
#~ msgstr "Xem dữ li�u hi�n th�i chi tiết hơn"			#~ msgstr "Xem dữ li�u hi�n th�i chi tiết hơn"

#~ msgid "Icon"							#~ msgid "Icon"
#~ msgstr "Bi�u tượng"						#~ msgstr "Bi�u tượng"

#~ msgid "Object name"						#~ msgid "Object name"
#~ msgstr "Tên Ä?á»?i tượng"					#~ msgstr "Tên Ä?á»?i tượng"

#~ msgid "Loading..."						#~ msgid "Loading..."
#~ msgstr "Ä?ang nạp..."						#~ msgstr "Ä?ang nạp..."

#~ msgid "Databases"						#~ msgid "Databases"
#~ msgstr "Cơ s� dữ li�u"					#~ msgstr "Cơ s� dữ li�u"

#~ msgid "Loading table data..."				#~ msgid "Loading table data..."
#~ msgstr "Ä?ang nạp dữ liá»?u bảng..."				#~ msgstr "Ä?ang nạp dữ liá»?u bảng..."
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: zh_CN.gmo
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/zh_CN.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/zh_CN.po
# Copyright (C) YEAR Free Software Foundation, Inc.		# Copyright (C) YEAR Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# Wang Li <charles linux net cn>, 2001				# Wang Li <charles linux net cn>, 2001
#								#
msgid ""							msgid ""
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: gnome-db 0.2.10\n"				"Project-Id-Version: gnome-db 0.2.10\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"					"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"			"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2002-08-25 17:41+0800\n"			"PO-Revision-Date: 2002-08-25 17:41+0800\n"
"Last-Translator: Wang Li <charles linux net cn>\n"		"Last-Translator: Wang Li <charles linux net cn>\n"
"Language-Team: zh_CN <i18n-translation lists linux net cn>\n	"Language-Team: zh_CN <i18n-translation lists linux net cn>\n
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"						"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"			"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"				"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co
msgid "Data Sources"						msgid "Data Sources"
msgstr "���"							msgstr "���"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid
msgid "Providers"						msgid "Providers"
msgstr "æ??ä¾?è??"							msgstr "æ??ä¾?è??"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1
msgid "Configure your database environment"			msgid "Configure your database environment"
msgstr "é??ç½®æ?°æ?®åº?ç?¯å¢?"						msgstr "é??ç½®æ?°æ?®åº?ç?¯å¢?"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Database Access Properties "				msgid "Database Access Properties "
msgstr "�����"						msgstr "�����"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380
msgid "Name"							msgid "Name"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
msgid "Description"						msgid "Description"
msgstr "æ??è¿°"							msgstr "æ??è¿°"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182
msgid "Configured data sources in the system"			msgid "Configured data sources in the system"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data sources are the means by which database connections are	"Data sources are the means by which database connections are
"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s	"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s
"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o	"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o
"name you identify the connections in the applications that m	"name you identify the connections in the applications that m
"DB for database access."					"DB for database access."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"æ?°æ?®æº?æ?¯ libgda è¯?å?«æ?°æ?®åº?è¿?æ?¥ç??ä¾?æ?®ã??è¿?æ?¥ä¸?个æ??å®?ç??æ??ä¾?è??/	"æ?°æ?®æº?æ?¯ libgda è¯?å?«æ?°æ?®åº?è¿?æ?¥ç??ä¾?æ?®ã??è¿?æ?¥ä¸?个æ??å®?ç??æ??ä¾?è??/
"æ??æ??ä¿¡æ?¯é?½ç?¨ä¸?个å?¯ä¸?ç??å??å­?ä¿?å­?èµ·æ?¥ã??é??è¿?è¿?个å?¯ä¸?ç??å??å­?ï¼?æ?¨å°±	"æ??æ??ä¿¡æ?¯é?½ç?¨ä¸?个å?¯ä¸?ç??å??å­?ä¿?å­?èµ·æ?¥ã??é??è¿?è¿?个å?¯ä¸?ç??å??å­?ï¼?æ?¨å°±
"libgda æ?¥è¿?è¡?æ?°æ?®åº?å­?å??ç??åº?ç?¨ç¨?åº?中æ ?è¯?è¿?æ?¥ã??"			"libgda æ?¥è¿?è¡?æ?°æ?®åº?å­?å??ç??åº?ç?¨ç¨?åº?中æ ?è¯?è¿?æ?¥ã??"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277
#, fuzzy, c-format						#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"	msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"
msgstr "æ?¨ç¡®å®?è¦?å? é?¤â??%sâ??æ?°æ?®æº?ï¼?"				msgstr "æ?¨ç¡®å®?è¦?å? é?¤â??%sâ??æ?°æ?®æº?ï¼?"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data Source Properties"					msgid "Data Source Properties"
msgstr "�����"						msgstr "�����"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132
msgid "Basic"							msgid "Basic"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Tables"							msgid "Tables"
msgstr "表格"							msgstr "表格"

#: control-center/main.c:92					#: control-center/main.c:92
msgid "No valid data source info was created"			msgid "No valid data source info was created"
msgstr "没æ??建ç«?æ??æ??ç??æ?°æ?®æº?ä¿¡æ?¯"				msgstr "没æ??建ç«?æ??æ??ç??æ?°æ?®æº?ä¿¡æ?¯"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218	#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218
msgid "New data source"						msgid "New data source"
msgstr "����"						msgstr "����"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:215					#: control-center/main.c:215
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Database Access Properties"				msgid "Database Access Properties"
msgstr "�����"						msgstr "�����"

#: control-center/provider-config.c:105				#: control-center/provider-config.c:105
msgid "Installed providers"					msgid "Installed providers"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/provider-config.c:131				#: control-center/provider-config.c:131
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec	"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec
"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo	"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo
"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr	"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr
"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba	"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba
"etc."								"etc."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"æ??ä¾?è??æ?¯æ??ä¾?å?°ç?¹å®?æ?°æ?®æº?ç??访é?®ç??å¤?é?¨æ??件ã??é»?认å®?è£?ç??æ??ä¾?è??å??	"æ??ä¾?è??æ?¯æ??ä¾?å?°ç?¹å®?æ?°æ?®æº?ç??访é?®ç??å¤?é?¨æ??件ã??é»?认å®?è£?ç??æ??ä¾?è??å??
"æ??件中ç??æ?°æ?®åº?ã??ä¸?è?¬é?? libgda/gnome-db å??å¸?ç??å?¶ä»?æ??ä¾?è??å??æ?¬ 	"æ??件中ç??æ?°æ?®åº?ã??ä¸?è?¬é?? libgda/gnome-db å??å¸?ç??å?¶ä»?æ??ä¾?è??å??æ?¬ 
"MySQLï¼?Oracleï¼?Sybaseï¼?Interbase ç­?ã??"				"MySQLï¼?Oracleï¼?Sybaseï¼?Interbase ç­?ã??"

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1
msgid "Database connection parameters file"			msgid "Database connection parameters file"
msgstr "æ?°æ?®åº?è¿?æ?¥å??æ?°æ??件"					msgstr "æ?°æ?®åº?è¿?æ?¥å??æ?°æ??件"

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2
msgid "Documents"						msgid "Documents"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3
msgid "SQL code viewer"						msgid "SQL code viewer"
msgstr "SQL 代ç ?æ?¥ç??å?¨"						msgstr "SQL 代ç ?æ?¥ç??å?¨"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1
msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"			msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"
msgstr "ç½?æ ¼é?¨ä»¶ä¸­è¦?使ç?¨ç??å­?ä½?"					msgstr "ç½?æ ¼é?¨ä»¶ä¸­è¦?使ç?¨ç??å­?ä½?"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2
msgid "Number of spaces per tab"				msgid "Number of spaces per tab"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3
msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"			msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4
msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"			msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60
msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"			msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1
msgid "About"							msgid "About"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2
msgid "About GNOME-DB"						msgid "About GNOME-DB"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3
msgid "Close this window"					msgid "Close this window"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4
msgid "Create new entry"					msgid "Create new entry"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Delete selected items"					msgid "Delete selected items"
msgstr "å??æ¶?对å??表中æ??æ??é??中项ç?®ç??é??æ?©"				msgstr "å??æ¶?对å??表中æ??æ??é??中项ç?®ç??é??æ?©"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Deselect all items"					msgid "Deselect all items"
msgstr "å??æ¶?对å??表中æ??æ??é??中项ç?®ç??é??æ?©"				msgstr "å??æ¶?对å??表中æ??æ??é??中项ç?®ç??é??æ?©"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7
msgid "Edit properties for selected item"			msgid "Edit properties for selected item"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Save connection parameters to file"			msgid "Save connection parameters to file"
msgstr "æ?°æ?®åº?è¿?æ?¥å??æ?°æ??件"					msgstr "æ?°æ?®åº?è¿?æ?¥å??æ?°æ??件"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Select _All"						msgid "Select _All"
msgstr "å?¨é??"							msgstr "å?¨é??"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Select all items"					msgid "Select all items"
msgstr "é??æ?©å??表中ç??æ??æ??项ç?®"					msgstr "é??æ?©å??表中ç??æ??æ??项ç?®"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View data sources"					msgid "View data sources"
msgstr "����"						msgstr "����"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View providers"						msgid "View providers"
msgstr "æ??ä¾?è??"							msgstr "æ??ä¾?è??"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42
msgid "_Clear Selection"					msgid "_Clear Selection"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Close"							msgid "_Close"
msgstr "��"							msgstr "��"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Data Sources"						msgid "_Data Sources"
msgstr "���"							msgstr "���"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Database"						msgid "_Database"
msgstr "���"							msgstr "���"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17
msgid "_Delete"							msgid "_Delete"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18
msgid "_Edit"							msgid "_Edit"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19
msgid "_Help"							msgid "_Help"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_New Data Source..."					msgid "_New Data Source..."
msgstr "����"						msgstr "����"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Properties"						msgid "_Properties"
msgstr "��"							msgstr "��"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Providers"						msgid "_Providers"
msgstr "æ??ä¾?è??"							msgstr "æ??ä¾?è??"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Save Connection"					msgid "_Save Connection"
msgstr "ä¿?å­?å?°"							msgstr "ä¿?å­?å?°"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_View"							msgid "_View"
msgstr "��"							msgstr "��"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76
msgid "Structure"						msgid "Structure"
msgstr "ç»?æ??"							msgstr "ç»?æ??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73
msgid "Data"							msgid "Data"
msgstr "æ?°æ?®"							msgstr "æ?°æ?®"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238
msgid "Not implemented yet!"					msgid "Not implemented yet!"
msgstr "����"						msgstr "����"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Database"						msgid "Database"
msgstr "���"							msgstr "���"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540
msgid "Loading database schemas..."				msgid "Loading database schemas..."
msgstr "正������模�..."					msgstr "正������模�..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632
msgid "Refreshing data..."					msgid "Refreshing data..."
msgstr "正�����..."					msgstr "正�����..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688
msgid "Views"							msgid "Views"
msgstr "��"							msgstr "��"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691
msgid "Indexes"							msgid "Indexes"
msgstr "索�"							msgstr "索�"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Sequences"						msgid "Sequences"
msgstr "åº?å??"							msgstr "åº?å??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Procedures"						msgid "Procedures"
msgstr "��"							msgstr "��"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700
msgid "Triggers"						msgid "Triggers"
msgstr "触å??å?¨"							msgstr "触å??å?¨"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Aggregates"						msgid "Aggregates"
msgstr "è??å??"							msgstr "è??å??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Types"							msgid "Types"
msgstr "ç±»å??"							msgstr "ç±»å??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140
msgid "Could not query CORBA components"			msgid "Could not query CORBA components"
msgstr "���询 CORBA �件"					msgstr "���询 CORBA �件"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209
msgid "ID"							msgid "ID"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "Location"						msgid "Location"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212
msgid "Username"						msgid "Username"
msgstr "ç?¨æ?·å??"							msgstr "ç?¨æ?·å??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Hostname"						msgid "Hostname"
msgstr "ç?¨æ?·å??"							msgstr "ç?¨æ?·å??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214
msgid "Domain"							msgid "Domain"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"			msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"
msgstr "GconfEntry 中å­?å?¨ä¸?æ?¯æ??ç??ç±»å??ï¼?%d"			msgstr "GconfEntry 中å­?å?¨ä¸?æ?¯æ??ç??ç±»å??ï¼?%d"

#. create widgets						#. create widgets
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97
msgid "Settings"						msgid "Settings"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103
msgid "Data source name"					msgid "Data source name"
msgstr "æ?°æ?®æº?å??称"						msgstr "æ?°æ?®æº?å??称"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109
msgid "Connection string"					msgid "Connection string"
msgstr "���符串"						msgstr "���符串"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115
msgid "Provider"						msgid "Provider"
msgstr "æ??ä¾?è??"							msgstr "æ??ä¾?è??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "User name"						msgid "User name"
msgstr "ç?¨æ?·å??"							msgstr "ç?¨æ?·å??"

#. create feature list						#. create feature list
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128
msgid "Features"						msgid "Features"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190
msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"		msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"
msgstr "æ?¨å¿?须为æ?°æ?°æ?®æº?è¾?å?¥ä¸?个å??称"				msgstr "æ?¨å¿?须为æ?°æ?°æ?®æº?è¾?å?¥ä¸?个å??称"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197
msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac	msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206
msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th	msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213
msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"			msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217
msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n	msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225
msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"	msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"
msgstr "æ?¨å¿?须为æ?°æ?°æ?®æº?é??æ?©ä¸?个æ??ä¾?è??"				msgstr "æ?¨å¿?须为æ?°æ?°æ?®æº?é??æ?©ä¸?个æ??ä¾?è??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233
msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"		msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"
msgstr "å?¨æ?¨ç??é??置中æ?ªæ?¾å?°æ??ä¾?è??"				msgstr "å?¨æ?¨ç??é??置中æ?ªæ?¾å?°æ??ä¾?è??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391
msgid "Add a new data source..."				msgid "Add a new data source..."
msgstr "添��个����..."					msgstr "添��个����..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392
msgid ""							msgid ""
"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"		"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"
"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"		"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"
"installation. Just follow the steps!"				"installation. Just follow the steps!"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"该å??导å°?å?¨æ?¨å®?è£? GNOME-DB 中\n"				"该å??导å°?å?¨æ?¨å®?è£? GNOME-DB 中\n"
"æ??å¼?æ?¨å®?æ??å??建æ?°æ?°æ?®æº?ç??æ?´ä¸ª\n"				"æ??å¼?æ?¨å®?æ??å??建æ?°æ?°æ?®æº?ç??æ?´ä¸ª\n"
"è¿?ç¨?ã??请è·?é??è¿?äº?步骤ï¼?"					"è¿?ç¨?ã??请è·?é??è¿?äº?步骤ï¼?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404
msgid "General Information"					msgid "General Information"
msgstr "é??ç?¨ä¿¡æ?¯"						msgstr "é??ç?¨ä¿¡æ?¯"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the basic information\n"	"The following fields represent the basic information\n"
"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n	"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n
"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"	"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"
"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"	"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"
"the default one."						"the default one."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"以ä¸?å??æ?¯æ?¨æ?°æ?°æ?®æº?ç??å?ºæ?¬ä¿¡æ?¯é¡¹ç?®ã??\n"				"以ä¸?å??æ?¯æ?¨æ?°æ?°æ?®æº?ç??å?ºæ?¬ä¿¡æ?¯é¡¹ç?®ã??\n"
"å?¶ä¸­æ??äº?项ç?®(æ??è¿°ï¼?ç?¨æ?·å??)æ?¯å?¯é??\n"				"å?¶ä¸­æ??äº?项ç?®(æ??è¿°ï¼?ç?¨æ?·å??)æ?¯å?¯é??\n"
"ç??ï¼?è??å?¶å®?ä¸?äº?å??å¿?é¡»è¾?å?¥ã??å¦?æ??ä½ \n"				"ç??ï¼?è??å?¶å®?ä¸?äº?å??å¿?é¡»è¾?å?¥ã??å¦?æ??ä½ \n"
"ä¸?ç?¥é??该使ç?¨å?ªä¸ªæ??ä¾?è??ï¼?请é??æ?©\n"				"ä¸?ç?¥é??该使ç?¨å?ªä¸ªæ??ä¾?è??ï¼?请é??æ?©\n"
"�认�"							"�认�"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data source _name:"					msgid "Data source _name:"
msgstr "æ?°æ?®æº?å??称"						msgstr "æ?°æ?®æº?å??称"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Provider:"						msgid "_Provider:"
msgstr "æ??ä¾?è??"							msgstr "æ??ä¾?è??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Description:"						msgid "_Description:"
msgstr "æ??è¿°"							msgstr "æ??è¿°"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Username:"						msgid "_Username:"
msgstr "ç?¨æ?·å??"							msgstr "ç?¨æ?·å??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "P_assword:"						msgid "P_assword:"
msgstr "�令"							msgstr "�令"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454
msgid "Provider Parameters"					msgid "Provider Parameters"
msgstr "æ??ä¾?è??å??æ?°"						msgstr "æ??ä¾?è??å??æ?°"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the information needed by the	"The following fields represent the information needed by the
"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n	"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n
"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\	"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\
"the manual for more information."				"the manual for more information."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"以ä¸?å??ç»?å?ºäº?æ?¨å?¨ä¸?ä¸?页中é??æ?©ç??æ??ä¾?è??\n"			"以ä¸?å??ç»?å?ºäº?æ?¨å?¨ä¸?ä¸?页中é??æ?©ç??æ??ä¾?è??\n"
"ç?¨ä»¥æ??å¼?ç»?å®?è¿?æ?¥æ??å¿?é¡»ç??ä¿¡æ?¯ã??该信æ?¯\n"			"ç?¨ä»¥æ??å¼?ç»?å®?è¿?æ?¥æ??å¿?é¡»ç??ä¿¡æ?¯ã??该信æ?¯\n"
"ä¾?æ??ä¾?è??ç??ä¸?å??è??ä¸?å??ï¼?æ??以请æ?¥ç??æ??å??\n"			"ä¾?æ??ä¾?è??ç??ä¸?å??è??ä¸?å??ï¼?æ??以请æ?¥ç??æ??å??\n"
"以便è?·å¾?æ?´å¤?ç??ä¿¡æ?¯"						"以便è?·å¾?æ?´å¤?ç??ä¿¡æ?¯"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481
msgid "All information retrieved"				msgid "All information retrieved"
msgstr "æ??æ??ä¿¡æ?¯é?½å·²æ£?ç´¢"					msgstr "æ??æ??ä¿¡æ?¯é?½å·²æ£?ç´¢"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid ""							msgid ""
"All information needed to create a new data source\n"		"All information needed to create a new data source\n"
"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"		"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"
"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"	"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"
"just select it when asked for a data source."			"just select it when asked for a data source."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"æ??æ??å??建æ?°æ?°æ?®æº?ç??ä¿¡æ?¯é?½å·²æ£?ç´¢ã??\n"				"æ??æ??å??建æ?°æ?°æ?®æº?ç??ä¿¡æ?¯é?½å·²æ£?ç´¢ã??\n"
"ç?¹å?»â??åº?ç?¨â??以å?³é?­è¯¥å¯¹è¯?æ¡?ã??\n"					"ç?¹å?»â??åº?ç?¨â??以å?³é?­è¯¥å¯¹è¯?æ¡?ã??\n"
"为äº?æ??å¼?æ?¨æ?°å??建ç??æ?°æ?®æº?ï¼?\n"					"为äº?æ??å¼?æ?¨æ?°å??建ç??æ?°æ?®æº?ï¼?\n"
"å?¨è¯¢é?®æ?°æ?®æº?æ?¶é??æ?©å®?å?³å?¯"					"å?¨è¯¢é?®æ?°æ?®æº?æ?¶é??æ?©å®?å?³å?¯"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Connection _string:"					msgid "Connection _string:"
msgstr "���符串"						msgstr "���符串"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4
msgid "Error"							msgid "Error"
msgstr "é??误"							msgstr "é??误"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.
msgid "Show detail >>"						msgid "Show detail >>"
msgstr "æ?¾ç¤ºç»?è?? >>"						msgstr "æ?¾ç¤ºç»?è?? >>"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122
msgid "<< Hide detail"						msgid "<< Hide detail"
msgstr "<< é??è??ç»?è??"						msgstr "<< é??è??ç»?è??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191
msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"	msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196
msgid "Error number"						msgid "Error number"
msgstr "é??误æ?°å­?"						msgstr "é??误æ?°å­?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Details"							msgid "Details"
msgstr "ç»?è??"							msgstr "ç»?è??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234
msgid "Source"							msgid "Source"
msgstr "�"							msgstr "�"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241
msgid "SQL state"						msgid "SQL state"
msgstr "SQL ç?¶æ??"						msgstr "SQL ç?¶æ??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Field:"							msgid "_Field:"
msgstr "��"							msgstr "��"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Text:"							msgid "_Text:"
msgstr "��步"							msgstr "��步"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308
msgid "No records"						msgid "No records"
msgstr "没æ??è®°å½?"						msgstr "没æ??è®°å½?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Record %d of %d"						msgid "Record %d of %d"
msgstr "è®°å½? %d/%d"						msgstr "è®°å½? %d/%d"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113
msgid "Recordset description"					msgid "Recordset description"
msgstr "è®°å½?é??æ??è¿°"						msgstr "è®°å½?é??æ??è¿°"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid ""							msgid ""
"File '%s' already exists.\n"					"File '%s' already exists.\n"
"Do you want to overwrite it?"					"Do you want to overwrite it?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149
msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."		msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Could not save file %s"					msgid "Could not save file %s"
msgstr "æ? æ³?ä¿?å­?æ??件 %s"					msgstr "æ? æ³?ä¿?å­?æ??件 %s"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224
msgid "You must specify a file name"				msgid "You must specify a file name"
msgstr "æ?¨å¿?é¡»ç»?å?ºæ??件å??"					msgstr "æ?¨å¿?é¡»ç»?å?ºæ??件å??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230
msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"		msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261
msgid "Saving Model"						msgid "Saving Model"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "File _name:"						msgid "File _name:"
msgstr "表格å??称"						msgstr "表格å??称"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276
msgid "Select File"						msgid "Select File"
msgstr "é??æ?©æ??件"						msgstr "é??æ?©æ??件"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283
msgid "File _type:"						msgid "File _type:"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Tab-delimited"						msgid "Tab-delimited"
msgstr "Tab å??é??ç??æ??件"						msgstr "Tab å??é??ç??æ??件"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Comma-delimited"						msgid "Comma-delimited"
msgstr "é??å?·å??é??ç??æ??件"						msgstr "é??å?·å??é??ç??æ??件"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:
msgid "XML"							msgid "XML"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355
msgid "View detail"						msgid "View detail"
msgstr "æ?¥ç??ç»?è??"						msgstr "æ?¥ç??ç»?è??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Show Column _Titles"					msgid "Show Column _Titles"
msgstr "æ?¾ç¤ºå??"							msgstr "æ?¾ç¤ºå??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Describe"						msgid "Describe"
msgstr "æ??è¿°..."						msgstr "æ??è¿°..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443
msgid "View detail..."						msgid "View detail..."
msgstr "æ?¥ç??ç»?è??..."						msgstr "æ?¥ç??ç»?è??..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614
msgid "Title"							msgid "Title"
msgstr "��"							msgstr "��"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48
msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"	msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"
msgstr "è¯?å?¾å??å§?å??ä¸?个已å??å§?å??ç??客æ?·ç«¯"				msgstr "è¯?å?¾å??å§?å??ä¸?个已å??å§?å??ç??客æ?·ç«¯"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"		"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"
"to a data source"						"to a data source"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data Source:"						msgid "Data Source:"
msgstr "���"							msgstr "���"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Username:"						msgid "Username:"
msgstr "ç?¨æ?·å??"							msgstr "ç?¨æ?·å??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Password:"						msgid "Password:"
msgstr "�令"							msgstr "�令"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69
msgid "Fields"							msgid "Fields"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30
msgid "Commit"							msgid "Commit"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31
msgid "Connect"							msgid "Connect"
msgstr "è¿?æ?¥"							msgstr "è¿?æ?¥"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33
msgid "Designer"						msgid "Designer"
msgstr "设计è??"							msgstr "设计è??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34
msgid "Disconnect"						msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr "æ?­å¼?è¿?æ?¥"						msgstr "æ?­å¼?è¿?æ?¥"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35
msgid "NoTransaction"						msgid "NoTransaction"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37
msgid "Query"							msgid "Query"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38
msgid "Rollback"						msgid "Rollback"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40
msgid "SQL"							msgid "SQL"
msgstr "SQL"							msgstr "SQL"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43
msgid "WithinTransaction"					msgid "WithinTransaction"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Error: %s"						msgid "Error: %s"
msgstr "é??误ï¼?%s"						msgstr "é??误ï¼?%s"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79
msgid "Table name"						msgid "Table name"
msgstr "表格å??称"						msgstr "表格å??称"

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93			#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Login for %s"						msgid "Login for %s"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95					#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95
msgid "Login to database"					msgid "Login to database"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: vfs/libmain.c:71						#: vfs/libmain.c:71
msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"				msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"
msgstr "GNOME VFS æ?°æ?®åº?ï¼?模å??"					msgstr "GNOME VFS æ?°æ?®åº?ï¼?模å??"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Table Properties"					msgid "Table Properties"
msgstr "�����"						msgstr "�����"

#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Table Name"						msgid "Table Name"
msgstr "表格å??称"						msgstr "表格å??称"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155
msgid "New"							msgid "New"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156
msgid "Create new table"					msgid "Create new table"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Properties"						msgid "Properties"
msgstr "��"							msgstr "��"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View table properties"					msgid "View table properties"
msgstr "�����"						msgstr "�����"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
msgid "UID"							msgid "UID"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "calendar"						msgid "calendar"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "summary"							msgid "summary"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "Summary"							msgid "Summary"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "location"						msgid "location"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "dtstart"							msgid "dtstart"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
msgid "Start time"						msgid "Start time"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "dtend"							msgid "dtend"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "End time"						msgid "End time"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "description"						msgid "description"
msgstr "æ??è¿°"							msgstr "æ??è¿°"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "classification"						msgid "classification"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "Classification"						msgid "Classification"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "transparency"						msgid "transparency"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "Transparency"						msgid "Transparency"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "categories"						msgid "categories"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "Categories"						msgid "Categories"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "tasks"							msgid "tasks"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "due"							msgid "due"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "Due date"						msgid "Due date"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "Start date"						msgid "Start date"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355
msgid "Public"							msgid "Public"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358
msgid "Private"							msgid "Private"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361
msgid "Confidential"						msgid "Confidential"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63
msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"		msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66
msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"			msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80
msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta	msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"		msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"
msgstr "æ? æ³?æ??å¼?å?° %s ç??è¿?æ?¥"					msgstr "æ? æ³?æ??å¼?å?° %s ç??è¿?æ?¥"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100
msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"				msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Field name"						msgid "Field name"
msgstr "ç?¨æ?·å??"							msgstr "ç?¨æ?·å??"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data type"						msgid "Data type"
msgstr "æ?°æ?®"							msgstr "æ?°æ?®"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214
msgid "Size"							msgid "Size"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215
msgid "Scale"							msgid "Scale"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216
msgid "Not null?"						msgid "Not null?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217
msgid "Primary key?"						msgid "Primary key?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218
msgid "Unique index?"						msgid "Unique index?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "References"						msgid "References"
msgstr "åº?å??"							msgstr "åº?å??"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220
msgid "Default value"						msgid "Default value"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239
msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l	msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Table %s does not exist"					msgid "Table %s does not exist"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318
msgid "Scheduled events"					msgid "Scheduled events"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321
msgid "TODO list"						msgid "TODO list"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375
msgid "Owner"							msgid "Owner"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376
msgid "Comments"						msgid "Comments"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Type"							msgid "Type"
msgstr "ç±»å??"							msgstr "ç±»å??"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377
msgid "GDA type"						msgid "GDA type"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id	#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id
#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database	#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database
#. we can easily access that information			#. we can easily access that information
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382
msgid "local"							msgid "local"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217
msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230
msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244
msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"			msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268
msgid "Invalid SQL command"					msgid "Invalid SQL command"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353
msgid "Transactions are not supported"				msgid "Transactions are not supported"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41
msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"		msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task	"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Connection MIME handler component"			#~ msgid "Connection MIME handler component"
#~ msgstr "è¿?æ?¥æ?¥ç??å?¨ç»?件"					#~ msgstr "è¿?æ?¥æ?¥ç??å?¨ç»?件"

#~ msgid "Database component factory"				#~ msgid "Database component factory"
#~ msgstr "æ?°æ?®åº?ç»?件工å??"					#~ msgstr "æ?°æ?®åº?ç»?件工å??"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "SQL MIME handler component"				#~ msgid "SQL MIME handler component"
#~ msgstr "SQL æ?¥ç??å?¨ç»?件"					#~ msgstr "SQL æ?¥ç??å?¨ç»?件"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Database browser"					#~ msgid "Database browser"
#~ msgstr "�����"						#~ msgstr "�����"

#~ msgid "Error viewer"						#~ msgid "Error viewer"
#~ msgstr "é??误æ?¥ç??å?¨"						#~ msgstr "é??误æ?¥ç??å?¨"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "SQL Viewer"						#~ msgid "SQL Viewer"
#~ msgstr "SQL 代ç ?æ?¥ç??å?¨"					#~ msgstr "SQL 代ç ?æ?¥ç??å?¨"

#~ msgid "Database configuration"				#~ msgid "Database configuration"
#~ msgstr "æ?°æ?®åº?é??ç½®"						#~ msgstr "æ?°æ?®åº?é??ç½®"

#~ msgid "Password"						#~ msgid "Password"
#~ msgstr "�令"						#~ msgstr "�令"

#~ msgid "Save as"						#~ msgid "Save as"
#~ msgstr "��为"						#~ msgstr "��为"

#~ msgid "Save to"						#~ msgid "Save to"
#~ msgstr "ä¿?å­?å?°"						#~ msgstr "ä¿?å­?å?°"

#~ msgid "XML file"						#~ msgid "XML file"
#~ msgstr "XML æ??件"						#~ msgstr "XML æ??件"

#~ msgid "Hide columns"						#~ msgid "Hide columns"
#~ msgstr "é??è??å??"						#~ msgstr "é??è??å??"

#~ msgid "Question"						#~ msgid "Question"
#~ msgstr "��"						#~ msgstr "��"

#~ msgid "Invalid format for connection string"			#~ msgid "Invalid format for connection string"
#~ msgstr "è¿?æ?¥å­?符串格å¼?æ? æ??"					#~ msgstr "è¿?æ?¥å­?符串格å¼?æ? æ??"

#~ msgid "Data sources"						#~ msgid "Data sources"
#~ msgstr "���"						#~ msgstr "���"

#~ msgid "Test Data Source"					#~ msgid "Test Data Source"
#~ msgstr "�����"						#~ msgstr "�����"

#~ msgid "Connection to %s successful!"				#~ msgid "Connection to %s successful!"
#~ msgstr "è¿?æ?¥ %s æ??å??ï¼?"					#~ msgstr "è¿?æ?¥ %s æ??å??ï¼?"

#~ msgid "Test"							#~ msgid "Test"
#~ msgstr "��"						#~ msgstr "��"

#~ msgid ""							#~ msgid ""
#~ "Component that lets you open a .connection file and brows	#~ "Component that lets you open a .connection file and brows
#~ "specified on it"						#~ "specified on it"
#~ msgstr "å??许æ?¨æ??å¼?ä¸?个 .connection æ??件并æµ?è§?å?¶ä¸­æ??å®?ç??è¿?	#~ msgstr "å??许æ?¨æ??å¼?ä¸?个 .connection æ??件并æµ?è§?å?¶ä¸­æ??å®?ç??è¿?

#~ msgid "Viewer for SQL source code"				#~ msgid "Viewer for SQL source code"
#~ msgstr "SQL æº?ç ?æ?¥ç??å?¨"					#~ msgstr "SQL æº?ç ?æ?¥ç??å?¨"

#~ msgid "Data source"						#~ msgid "Data source"
#~ msgstr "���"						#~ msgstr "���"

#~ msgid "Select all"						#~ msgid "Select all"
#~ msgstr "å?¨é??"						#~ msgstr "å?¨é??"

#~ msgid "Unselect all"						#~ msgid "Unselect all"
#~ msgstr "æ¸?é?¤æ??æ??é??æ?©"					#~ msgstr "æ¸?é?¤æ??æ??é??æ?©"

#~ msgid "Whether to save the shell window position on exit"	#~ msgid "Whether to save the shell window position on exit"
#~ msgstr "é??å?ºæ?¶æ?¯å?¦ä¿?å­? shell çª?å?£ä½?ç½®"			#~ msgstr "é??å?ºæ?¶æ?¯å?¦ä¿?å­? shell çª?å?£ä½?ç½®"

#~ msgid "Whether to show or not the shortcut bar on the fron	#~ msgid "Whether to show or not the shortcut bar on the fron
#~ msgstr "æ?¯å?¦å?¨å??å?°çª?å?£æ?¾ç¤ºå¿«æ?·æ ?"				#~ msgstr "æ?¯å?¦å?¨å??å?°çª?å?£æ?¾ç¤ºå¿«æ?·æ ?"

#~ msgid "Whether to show or not the summary bar on the front	#~ msgid "Whether to show or not the summary bar on the front
#~ msgstr "æ?¯å?¦å?¨å??å?°çª?å?£æ?¾ç¤ºæ??è¦?æ ?"				#~ msgstr "æ?¯å?¦å?¨å??å?°çª?å?£æ?¾ç¤ºæ??è¦?æ ?"

#~ msgid "Whether to use a fixed size/position for the shell 	#~ msgid "Whether to use a fixed size/position for the shell 
#~ msgstr "shell çª?å?£æ?¯å?¦ä½¿ç?¨å?ºå®?ç??大å°?å??ä½?ç½®"			#~ msgstr "shell çª?å?£æ?¯å?¦ä½¿ç?¨å?ºå®?ç??大å°?å??ä½?ç½®"

#~ msgid "Unselect All"						#~ msgid "Unselect All"
#~ msgstr "æ¸?é?¤æ??æ??é??æ?©"					#~ msgstr "æ¸?é?¤æ??æ??é??æ?©"

#~ msgid "Display column headers"				#~ msgid "Display column headers"
#~ msgstr "æ?¾ç¤ºå??头"						#~ msgstr "æ?¾ç¤ºå??头"

#~ msgid "Hide column headers"					#~ msgid "Hide column headers"
#~ msgstr "é??è??å??头"						#~ msgstr "é??è??å??头"

#~ msgid "Save as..."						#~ msgid "Save as..."
#~ msgstr "��为..."						#~ msgstr "��为..."

#~ msgid "Export data to different formats"			#~ msgid "Export data to different formats"
#~ msgstr "å°?æ?°æ?®å¯¼å?ºä¸ºä¸?å??ç??æ ¼å¼?"				#~ msgstr "å°?æ?°æ?®å¯¼å?ºä¸ºä¸?å??ç??æ ¼å¼?"

#~ msgid "Describe current data set"				#~ msgid "Describe current data set"
#~ msgstr "æ??è¿°å½?å??æ?°æ?®é??"					#~ msgstr "æ??è¿°å½?å??æ?°æ?®é??"

#~ msgid "View current data in more detail"			#~ msgid "View current data in more detail"
#~ msgstr "以æ?´ç»?è?´ç??æ?¹å¼?æ?¥ç??å½?å??æ?°æ?®"				#~ msgstr "以æ?´ç»?è?´ç??æ?¹å¼?æ?¥ç??å½?å??æ?°æ?®"

#~ msgid "Loading..."						#~ msgid "Loading..."
#~ msgstr "正���..."						#~ msgstr "正���..."

#~ msgid "Previous"						#~ msgid "Previous"
#~ msgstr "��步"						#~ msgstr "��步"

#~ msgid "Cancel"						#~ msgid "Cancel"
#~ msgstr "å??æ¶?"						#~ msgstr "å??æ¶?"

#~ msgid "OK"							#~ msgid "OK"
#~ msgstr "确认"						#~ msgstr "确认"
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: zh_TW.gmo
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/zh_TW.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/zh_TW.po
# traditional Chinese translation for libgnomedb		# traditional Chinese translation for libgnomedb
# Copyright (C) 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc.		# Copyright (C) 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# Joe Man <trmetal yahoo com hk>, 2001.				# Joe Man <trmetal yahoo com hk>, 2001.
# Abel Cheung <maddog linux org hk>, 2003.			# Abel Cheung <maddog linux org hk>, 2003.
#								#
msgid ""							msgid ""
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: libgnomedb 0.12.1\n"			"Project-Id-Version: libgnomedb 0.12.1\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"					"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"			"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2003-06-10 09:35+0800\n"			"PO-Revision-Date: 2003-06-10 09:35+0800\n"
"Last-Translator: Abel Cheung <maddog linux org hk>\n"		"Last-Translator: Abel Cheung <maddog linux org hk>\n"
"Language-Team: Chinese (traditional) <zh-l10n linux org tw>\	"Language-Team: Chinese (traditional) <zh-l10n linux org tw>\
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"						"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"			"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"				"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co
msgid "Data Sources"						msgid "Data Sources"
msgstr "æ?¸æ??ä¾?æº?"						msgstr "æ?¸æ??ä¾?æº?"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid
msgid "Providers"						msgid "Providers"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1
msgid "Configure your database environment"			msgid "Configure your database environment"
msgstr "設å®?æ?¸æ??庫ç?°å¢?"						msgstr "設å®?æ?¸æ??庫ç?°å¢?"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Database Access Properties "				msgid "Database Access Properties "
msgstr "æ?¸æ??庫屬æ?§"						msgstr "æ?¸æ??庫屬æ?§"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380
msgid "Name"							msgid "Name"
msgstr "å??稱"							msgstr "å??稱"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
msgid "Description"						msgid "Description"
msgstr "說æ??"							msgstr "說æ??"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182
msgid "Configured data sources in the system"			msgid "Configured data sources in the system"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data sources are the means by which database connections are	"Data sources are the means by which database connections are
"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s	"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s
"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o	"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o
"name you identify the connections in the applications that m	"name you identify the connections in the applications that m
"DB for database access."					"DB for database access."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277
#, fuzzy, c-format						#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"	msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"
msgstr "æ?¯å?¦ç§»é?¤â??%sâ??æ?¸æ??ä¾?æº?ï¼?"					msgstr "æ?¯å?¦ç§»é?¤â??%sâ??æ?¸æ??ä¾?æº?ï¼?"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data Source Properties"					msgid "Data Source Properties"
msgstr "æ?¸æ??ä¾?æº?屬æ?§"						msgstr "æ?¸æ??ä¾?æº?屬æ?§"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132
msgid "Basic"							msgid "Basic"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Tables"							msgid "Tables"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/main.c:92					#: control-center/main.c:92
msgid "No valid data source info was created"			msgid "No valid data source info was created"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218	#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218
msgid "New data source"						msgid "New data source"
msgstr "æ?°å¢?æ?¸æ??ä¾?æº?"						msgstr "æ?°å¢?æ?¸æ??ä¾?æº?"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:215					#: control-center/main.c:215
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Database Access Properties"				msgid "Database Access Properties"
msgstr "æ?¸æ??庫屬æ?§"						msgstr "æ?¸æ??庫屬æ?§"

#: control-center/provider-config.c:105				#: control-center/provider-config.c:105
msgid "Installed providers"					msgid "Installed providers"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/provider-config.c:131				#: control-center/provider-config.c:131
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec	"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec
"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo	"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo
"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr	"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr
"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba	"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba
"etc."								"etc."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1
msgid "Database connection parameters file"			msgid "Database connection parameters file"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2
msgid "Documents"						msgid "Documents"
msgstr "æ??件"							msgstr "æ??件"

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3
msgid "SQL code viewer"						msgid "SQL code viewer"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1
msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"			msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2
msgid "Number of spaces per tab"				msgid "Number of spaces per tab"
msgstr "tab å­?å??ä½?ç??空格æ?¸ç?®"					msgstr "tab å­?å??ä½?ç??空格æ?¸ç?®"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3
msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"			msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"
msgstr "å?¨æº?代碼編輯å?¨ä¸­é¡¯ç¤ºè¡?è??"				msgstr "å?¨æº?代碼編輯å?¨ä¸­é¡¯ç¤ºè¡?è??"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4
msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"			msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"
msgstr "��代碼編輯�中�強顯示����"			msgstr "��代碼編輯�中�強顯示����"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60
msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"			msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1
msgid "About"							msgid "About"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2
msgid "About GNOME-DB"						msgid "About GNOME-DB"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3
msgid "Close this window"					msgid "Close this window"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4
msgid "Create new entry"					msgid "Create new entry"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5
msgid "Delete selected items"					msgid "Delete selected items"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6
msgid "Deselect all items"					msgid "Deselect all items"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7
msgid "Edit properties for selected item"			msgid "Edit properties for selected item"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8
msgid "Save connection parameters to file"			msgid "Save connection parameters to file"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Select _All"						msgid "Select _All"
msgstr "å?¨é?¨é?¸å??"						msgstr "å?¨é?¨é?¸å??"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Select all items"					msgid "Select all items"
msgstr "å?¨é?¨é?¸å??"						msgstr "å?¨é?¨é?¸å??"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View data sources"					msgid "View data sources"
msgstr "æ?°å¢?æ?¸æ??ä¾?æº?"						msgstr "æ?°å¢?æ?¸æ??ä¾?æº?"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12
msgid "View providers"						msgid "View providers"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42
msgid "_Clear Selection"					msgid "_Clear Selection"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14
msgid "_Close"							msgid "_Close"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Data Sources"						msgid "_Data Sources"
msgstr "æ?¸æ??ä¾?æº?"						msgstr "æ?¸æ??ä¾?æº?"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Database"						msgid "_Database"
msgstr "æ?¸æ??庫"							msgstr "æ?¸æ??庫"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17
msgid "_Delete"							msgid "_Delete"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18
msgid "_Edit"							msgid "_Edit"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19
msgid "_Help"							msgid "_Help"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_New Data Source..."					msgid "_New Data Source..."
msgstr "æ?°å¢?æ?¸æ??ä¾?æº?"						msgstr "æ?°å¢?æ?¸æ??ä¾?æº?"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Properties"						msgid "_Properties"
msgstr "æ?¸æ??庫屬æ?§"						msgstr "æ?¸æ??庫屬æ?§"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22
msgid "_Providers"						msgid "_Providers"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Save Connection"					msgid "_Save Connection"
msgstr "���"							msgstr "���"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_View"							msgid "_View"
msgstr "��"							msgstr "��"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76
msgid "Structure"						msgid "Structure"
msgstr "��"							msgstr "��"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73
msgid "Data"							msgid "Data"
msgstr "æ?¸æ??"							msgstr "æ?¸æ??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238
msgid "Not implemented yet!"					msgid "Not implemented yet!"
msgstr "æ?ªå®?æ??å??è?½ï¼?"						msgstr "æ?ªå®?æ??å??è?½ï¼?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Database"						msgid "Database"
msgstr "æ?¸æ??庫"							msgstr "æ?¸æ??庫"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540
msgid "Loading database schemas..."				msgid "Loading database schemas..."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632
msgid "Refreshing data..."					msgid "Refreshing data..."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688
msgid "Views"							msgid "Views"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691
msgid "Indexes"							msgid "Indexes"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Sequences"						msgid "Sequences"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Procedures"						msgid "Procedures"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700
msgid "Triggers"						msgid "Triggers"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Aggregates"						msgid "Aggregates"
msgstr "總�"							msgstr "總�"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Types"							msgid "Types"
msgstr "é¡?å??"							msgstr "é¡?å??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140
msgid "Could not query CORBA components"			msgid "Could not query CORBA components"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209
msgid "ID"							msgid "ID"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "Location"						msgid "Location"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212
msgid "Username"						msgid "Username"
msgstr "ç?¨æ?¶å??稱"						msgstr "ç?¨æ?¶å??稱"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Hostname"						msgid "Hostname"
msgstr "ç?¨æ?¶å??稱"						msgstr "ç?¨æ?¶å??稱"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214
msgid "Domain"							msgid "Domain"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"			msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. create widgets						#. create widgets
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97
msgid "Settings"						msgid "Settings"
msgstr "設�"							msgstr "設�"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103
msgid "Data source name"					msgid "Data source name"
msgstr "æ?¸æ??ä¾?æº?å??稱"						msgstr "æ?¸æ??ä¾?æº?å??稱"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109
msgid "Connection string"					msgid "Connection string"
msgstr "���串"						msgstr "���串"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115
msgid "Provider"						msgid "Provider"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121
msgid "User name"						msgid "User name"
msgstr "ç?¨æ?¶å??稱"						msgstr "ç?¨æ?¶å??稱"

#. create feature list						#. create feature list
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128
msgid "Features"						msgid "Features"
msgstr "å??è?½"							msgstr "å??è?½"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190
msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"		msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"
msgstr "æ?¨å¿?é ?ç?ºæ?°ç??æ?¸æ??ä¾?æº?å?½å??"				msgstr "æ?¨å¿?é ?ç?ºæ?°ç??æ?¸æ??ä¾?æº?å?½å??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197
msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac	msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206
msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th	msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213
msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"			msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217
msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n	msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225
msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"	msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233
msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"		msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391
msgid "Add a new data source..."				msgid "Add a new data source..."
msgstr "æ?°å¢?æ?¸æ??ä¾?æº?..."					msgstr "æ?°å¢?æ?¸æ??ä¾?æº?..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392
msgid ""							msgid ""
"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"		"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"
"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"		"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"
"installation. Just follow the steps!"				"installation. Just follow the steps!"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404
msgid "General Information"					msgid "General Information"
msgstr "����"						msgstr "����"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the basic information\n"	"The following fields represent the basic information\n"
"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n	"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n
"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"	"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"
"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"	"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"
"the default one."						"the default one."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data source _name:"					msgid "Data source _name:"
msgstr "æ?¸æ??ä¾?æº?å??稱"						msgstr "æ?¸æ??ä¾?æº?å??稱"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114
msgid "_Provider:"						msgid "_Provider:"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Description:"						msgid "_Description:"
msgstr "說æ??"							msgstr "說æ??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Username:"						msgid "_Username:"
msgstr "ç?¨æ?¶å??稱ï¼?"						msgstr "ç?¨æ?¶å??稱ï¼?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "P_assword:"						msgid "P_assword:"
msgstr "�碼�"							msgstr "�碼�"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454
msgid "Provider Parameters"					msgid "Provider Parameters"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the information needed by the	"The following fields represent the information needed by the
"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n	"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n
"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\	"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\
"the manual for more information."				"the manual for more information."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481
msgid "All information retrieved"				msgid "All information retrieved"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482
msgid ""							msgid ""
"All information needed to create a new data source\n"		"All information needed to create a new data source\n"
"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"		"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"
"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"	"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"
"just select it when asked for a data source."			"just select it when asked for a data source."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Connection _string:"					msgid "Connection _string:"
msgstr "���串"						msgstr "���串"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4
msgid "Error"							msgid "Error"
msgstr "�誤"							msgstr "�誤"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.
msgid "Show detail >>"						msgid "Show detail >>"
msgstr "顯示詳細è³?æ?? >>"					msgstr "顯示詳細è³?æ?? >>"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122
msgid "<< Hide detail"						msgid "<< Hide detail"
msgstr "<< é?±è??詳細è³?æ??"					msgstr "<< é?±è??詳細è³?æ??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191
msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"	msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196
msgid "Error number"						msgid "Error number"
msgstr "é?¯èª¤ç·¨è??"						msgstr "é?¯èª¤ç·¨è??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Details"							msgid "Details"
msgstr "詳細è³?æ??"						msgstr "詳細è³?æ??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234
msgid "Source"							msgid "Source"
msgstr "��"							msgstr "��"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241
msgid "SQL state"						msgid "SQL state"
msgstr "SQL ç??æ??"						msgstr "SQL ç??æ??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108
msgid "_Field:"							msgid "_Field:"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Text:"							msgid "_Text:"
msgstr "測試"							msgstr "測試"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308
msgid "No records"						msgid "No records"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Record %d of %d"						msgid "Record %d of %d"
msgstr "%2$d ä¹? %1$d ç­?æ?¸æ??"					msgstr "%2$d ä¹? %1$d ç­?æ?¸æ??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113
msgid "Recordset description"					msgid "Recordset description"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141
#, fuzzy, c-format						#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""							msgid ""
"File '%s' already exists.\n"					"File '%s' already exists.\n"
"Do you want to overwrite it?"					"Do you want to overwrite it?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"�� %s 已���\n"						"�� %s 已���\n"
"���寫該���"						"���寫該���"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149
msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."		msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Could not save file %s"					msgid "Could not save file %s"
msgstr "������ %s"					msgstr "������ %s"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224
msgid "You must specify a file name"				msgid "You must specify a file name"
msgstr "æ?¨å¿?é ?æ??å®?æª?æ¡?å??稱"					msgstr "æ?¨å¿?é ?æ??å®?æª?æ¡?å??稱"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230
msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"		msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261
msgid "Saving Model"						msgid "Saving Model"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "File _name:"						msgid "File _name:"
msgstr "表格å??稱"						msgstr "表格å??稱"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276
msgid "Select File"						msgid "Select File"
msgstr "é?¸å??æª?æ¡?"						msgstr "é?¸å??æª?æ¡?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283
msgid "File _type:"						msgid "File _type:"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Tab-delimited"						msgid "Tab-delimited"
msgstr "Tab å­?符å??é??æª?æ¡?"					msgstr "Tab å­?符å??é??æª?æ¡?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Comma-delimited"						msgid "Comma-delimited"
msgstr "é??è??å??é??æª?æ¡?"						msgstr "é??è??å??é??æª?æ¡?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:
msgid "XML"							msgid "XML"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355
msgid "View detail"						msgid "View detail"
msgstr "顯示詳細è³?æ??"						msgstr "顯示詳細è³?æ??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Show Column _Titles"					msgid "Show Column _Titles"
msgstr "顯示��"						msgstr "顯示��"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442
msgid "Describe"						msgid "Describe"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443
msgid "View detail..."						msgid "View detail..."
msgstr "顯示詳細è³?æ??..."					msgstr "顯示詳細è³?æ??..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614
msgid "Title"							msgid "Title"
msgstr "��"							msgstr "��"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48
msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"	msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"		"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"
"to a data source"						"to a data source"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253
msgid "Data Source:"						msgid "Data Source:"
msgstr "æ?¸æ??ä¾?æº?ï¼?"						msgstr "æ?¸æ??ä¾?æº?ï¼?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270
msgid "Username:"						msgid "Username:"
msgstr "ç?¨æ?¶å??稱ï¼?"						msgstr "ç?¨æ?¶å??稱ï¼?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279
msgid "Password:"						msgid "Password:"
msgstr "�碼�"							msgstr "�碼�"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69
msgid "Fields"							msgid "Fields"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30
msgid "Commit"							msgid "Commit"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31
msgid "Connect"							msgid "Connect"
msgstr "��"							msgstr "��"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33
msgid "Designer"						msgid "Designer"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34
msgid "Disconnect"						msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr "æ?·ç·?"							msgstr "æ?·ç·?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35
msgid "NoTransaction"						msgid "NoTransaction"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37
msgid "Query"							msgid "Query"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38
msgid "Rollback"						msgid "Rollback"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40
msgid "SQL"							msgid "SQL"
msgstr "SQL"							msgstr "SQL"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43
msgid "WithinTransaction"					msgid "WithinTransaction"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Error: %s"						msgid "Error: %s"
msgstr "�誤�%s"						msgstr "�誤�%s"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79
msgid "Table name"						msgid "Table name"
msgstr "表格å??稱"						msgstr "表格å??稱"

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93			#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Login for %s"						msgid "Login for %s"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95					#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95
msgid "Login to database"					msgid "Login to database"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: vfs/libmain.c:71						#: vfs/libmain.c:71
msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"				msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Table Properties"					msgid "Table Properties"
msgstr "æ?¸æ??庫屬æ?§"						msgstr "æ?¸æ??庫屬æ?§"

#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Table Name"						msgid "Table Name"
msgstr "表格å??稱"						msgstr "表格å??稱"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155
msgid "New"							msgid "New"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156
msgid "Create new table"					msgid "Create new table"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Properties"						msgid "Properties"
msgstr "æ?¸æ??庫屬æ?§"						msgstr "æ?¸æ??庫屬æ?§"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View table properties"					msgid "View table properties"
msgstr "æ?¸æ??庫屬æ?§"						msgstr "æ?¸æ??庫屬æ?§"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
msgid "UID"							msgid "UID"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "calendar"						msgid "calendar"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "summary"							msgid "summary"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "Summary"							msgid "Summary"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "location"						msgid "location"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "dtstart"							msgid "dtstart"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
msgid "Start time"						msgid "Start time"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "dtend"							msgid "dtend"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "End time"						msgid "End time"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "description"						msgid "description"
msgstr "說æ??"							msgstr "說æ??"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "classification"						msgid "classification"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "Classification"						msgid "Classification"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "transparency"						msgid "transparency"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "Transparency"						msgid "Transparency"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "categories"						msgid "categories"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "Categories"						msgid "Categories"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "tasks"							msgid "tasks"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "due"							msgid "due"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "Due date"						msgid "Due date"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "Start date"						msgid "Start date"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355
msgid "Public"							msgid "Public"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358
msgid "Private"							msgid "Private"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361
msgid "Confidential"						msgid "Confidential"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63
msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"		msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66
msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"			msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80
msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta	msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83
msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"		msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100
msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"				msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Field name"						msgid "Field name"
msgstr "ç?¨æ?¶å??稱"						msgstr "ç?¨æ?¶å??稱"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data type"						msgid "Data type"
msgstr "æ?¸æ??"							msgstr "æ?¸æ??"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214
msgid "Size"							msgid "Size"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215
msgid "Scale"							msgid "Scale"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216
msgid "Not null?"						msgid "Not null?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217
msgid "Primary key?"						msgid "Primary key?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218
msgid "Unique index?"						msgid "Unique index?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219
msgid "References"						msgid "References"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220
msgid "Default value"						msgid "Default value"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239
msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l	msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Table %s does not exist"					msgid "Table %s does not exist"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318
msgid "Scheduled events"					msgid "Scheduled events"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321
msgid "TODO list"						msgid "TODO list"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375
msgid "Owner"							msgid "Owner"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Comments"						msgid "Comments"
msgstr "æ??件"							msgstr "æ??件"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Type"							msgid "Type"
msgstr "é¡?å??"							msgstr "é¡?å??"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377
msgid "GDA type"						msgid "GDA type"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id	#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id
#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database	#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database
#. we can easily access that information			#. we can easily access that information
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382
msgid "local"							msgid "local"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217
msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230
msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244
msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"			msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268
msgid "Invalid SQL command"					msgid "Invalid SQL command"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353
msgid "Transactions are not supported"				msgid "Transactions are not supported"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41
msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"		msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task	"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Database browser"					#~ msgid "Database browser"
#~ msgstr "æ?¸æ??庫屬æ?§"						#~ msgstr "æ?¸æ??庫屬æ?§"

#~ msgid "Error viewer"						#~ msgid "Error viewer"
#~ msgstr "�誤����"					#~ msgstr "�誤����"

#~ msgid "Database configuration"				#~ msgid "Database configuration"
#~ msgstr "æ?¸æ??庫çµ?æ??"						#~ msgstr "æ?¸æ??庫çµ?æ??"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "_Settings"						#~ msgid "_Settings"
#~ msgstr "設�"						#~ msgstr "設�"

#~ msgid "Password"						#~ msgid "Password"
#~ msgstr "�碼"						#~ msgstr "�碼"

#~ msgid "Save as"						#~ msgid "Save as"
#~ msgstr "���"						#~ msgstr "���"

#~ msgid "Save to"						#~ msgid "Save to"
#~ msgstr "���"						#~ msgstr "���"

#~ msgid "XML file"						#~ msgid "XML file"
#~ msgstr "XML ��"						#~ msgstr "XML ��"

#~ msgid "Hide columns"						#~ msgid "Hide columns"
#~ msgstr "é?±è??æ¬?ä½?"						#~ msgstr "é?±è??æ¬?ä½?"

#~ msgid "Question"						#~ msgid "Question"
#~ msgstr "å??é¡?"						#~ msgstr "å??é¡?"

#~ msgid "Data sources"						#~ msgid "Data sources"
#~ msgstr "æ?¸æ??ä¾?æº?"						#~ msgstr "æ?¸æ??ä¾?æº?"

#~ msgid "Test Data Source"					#~ msgid "Test Data Source"
#~ msgstr "測試æ?¸æ??ä¾?æº?"					#~ msgstr "測試æ?¸æ??ä¾?æº?"

#~ msgid "Connection to %s successful!"				#~ msgid "Connection to %s successful!"
#~ msgstr "é?£ç·?è?³ %s æ??å??ï¼?"					#~ msgstr "é?£ç·?è?³ %s æ??å??ï¼?"
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: providers
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/README ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/README
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: stamp.h
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/stamp.h.in ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/stamp.h.in
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/testing: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/testing: .deps
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/testing: Makefile
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/testing/Makefile.am ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/testing/Makefile.am
test_progs = \							test_progs = \
	test-dsn-selector \						test-dsn-selector \
	test-editor							test-editor
else								else
test_progs = 							test_progs = 
endif								endif

noinst_PROGRAMS = $(test_progs) test-grid			noinst_PROGRAMS = $(test_progs) test-grid
	-I$(top_srcdir) \						-I$(top_srcdir) \
	-I$(top_builddir) \						-I$(top_builddir) \

test_grid_SOURCES = test-grid.c					test_grid_SOURCES = test-grid.c
test_grid_LDADD = $(top_builddir)/libgnomedb/libgnomedb-2.la 	test_grid_LDADD = $(top_builddir)/libgnomedb/libgnomedb-2.la 

test_dsn_selector_SOURCES = test-dsn-selector.c			test_dsn_selector_SOURCES = test-dsn-selector.c
test_dsn_selector_LDADD = $(top_builddir)/libgnomedb/libgnome	test_dsn_selector_LDADD = $(top_builddir)/libgnomedb/libgnome

test_editor_SOURCES = test-editor.c				test_editor_SOURCES = test-editor.c
test_editor_LDADD = $(top_builddir)/libgnomedb/libgnomedb-2.l	test_editor_LDADD = $(top_builddir)/libgnomedb/libgnomedb-2.l
endif								endif
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/testing: Makefile.in
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/testing/test-dsn-selector.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/testing/test-dsn-selector.c
/* GNOME DB test program					/* GNOME DB test program
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 * 	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 * 	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public Licens	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public Licens
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * General Public License for more details.			 * General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
 * License along with this Program; see the file COPYING.  If	 * License along with this Program; see the file COPYING.  If
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#include <libgnomedb/libgnomedb.h>				#include <libgnomedb/libgnomedb.h>
#include <libgnomeui/gnome-ui-init.h>				#include <libgnomeui/gnome-ui-init.h>

#include "../libgnomedb/gnome-db-window.h"			#include "../libgnomedb/gnome-db-window.h"

static void							static void
window_closed_cb (GnomeDbWindow *window, gpointer user_data)	window_closed_cb (GnomeDbWindow *window, gpointer user_data)
{								{
	gnome_db_main_quit ();						gnome_db_main_quit ();
}								}

static void							static void
create_window (gpointer user_data)				create_window (gpointer user_data)
{								{
	GtkWidget *window;						GtkWidget *window;
	GtkWidget *selector;						GtkWidget *selector;

	window = gnome_db_window_new ("test-dsn-selector", NU		window = gnome_db_window_new ("test-dsn-selector", NU
	g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (window), "close", G_CALLB		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (window), "close", G_CALLB

	selector = gnome_db_data_source_selector_new (NULL);		selector = gnome_db_data_source_selector_new (NULL);
	gtk_widget_show (selector);					gtk_widget_show (selector);
	gnome_db_window_set_contents (GNOME_DB_WINDOW (window		gnome_db_window_set_contents (GNOME_DB_WINDOW (window

	gnome_db_window_show (GNOME_DB_WINDOW (window));		gnome_db_window_show (GNOME_DB_WINDOW (window));
}								}

int								int
main (int argc, char *argv[])					main (int argc, char *argv[])
{								{
	gnome_db_init ("test-dsn-selector", VERSION, argc, ar		gnome_db_init ("test-dsn-selector", VERSION, argc, ar
	gnome_program_init ("test-dsn-selector", VERSION,		gnome_program_init ("test-dsn-selector", VERSION,
                            LIBGNOMEUI_MODULE,			                            LIBGNOMEUI_MODULE,
                            argc, argv, NULL);			                            argc, argv, NULL);

	gnome_db_main_run ((GdaInitFunc) create_window, NULL)		gnome_db_main_run ((GdaInitFunc) create_window, NULL)
	return 0;							return 0;
}								}
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/testing/test-editor.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/testing/test-editor.c
/* GNOME DB test program					/* GNOME DB test program
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 * 	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 * 	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public Licens	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public Licens
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * General Public License for more details.			 * General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
 * License along with this Program; see the file COPYING.  If	 * License along with this Program; see the file COPYING.  If
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#include <libgnomedb/libgnomedb.h>				#include <libgnomedb/libgnomedb.h>
#include <libgnomeui/gnome-ui-init.h>				#include <libgnomeui/gnome-ui-init.h>

#include "../libgnomedb/gnome-db-window.h"			#include "../libgnomedb/gnome-db-window.h"

static void							static void
window_closed_cb (GnomeDbWindow *window, gpointer user_data)	window_closed_cb (GnomeDbWindow *window, gpointer user_data)
{								{
	gnome_db_main_quit ();						gnome_db_main_quit ();
}								}

static void							static void
create_window (gpointer user_data)				create_window (gpointer user_data)
{								{
	GtkWidget *window;						GtkWidget *window;
	GtkWidget *editor;						GtkWidget *editor;

	window = gnome_db_window_new ("test-dsn-selector", NU		window = gnome_db_window_new ("test-dsn-selector", NU
	g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (window), "close", G_CALLB		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (window), "close", G_CALLB

	editor = gnome_db_editor_new ();				editor = gnome_db_editor_new ();
	gtk_widget_show (editor);					gtk_widget_show (editor);
	gnome_db_window_set_contents (GNOME_DB_WINDOW (window		gnome_db_window_set_contents (GNOME_DB_WINDOW (window

	gnome_db_window_show (GNOME_DB_WINDOW (window));		gnome_db_window_show (GNOME_DB_WINDOW (window));
}								}

int								int
main (int argc, char *argv[])					main (int argc, char *argv[])
{								{
	gnome_db_init ("test-editor", VERSION, argc, argv);		gnome_db_init ("test-editor", VERSION, argc, argv);
	gnome_program_init ("test-editor", VERSION,			gnome_program_init ("test-editor", VERSION,
                            LIBGNOMEUI_MODULE,			                            LIBGNOMEUI_MODULE,
                            argc, argv, NULL);			                            argc, argv, NULL);

	gnome_db_main_run ((GdaInitFunc) create_window, NULL)		gnome_db_main_run ((GdaInitFunc) create_window, NULL)
	return 0;							return 0;
}								}
diff -rbBpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/testing/test-grid.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/testing/test-grid.c
/* GNOME DB test program					/* GNOME DB test program
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 * 	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 * 	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public Licens	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public Licens
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * General Public License for more details.			 * General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
 * License along with this Program; see the file COPYING.  If	 * License along with this Program; see the file COPYING.  If
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#include <libgda/libgda.h>					#include <libgda/libgda.h>
#include <libgnomedb/libgnomedb.h>				#include <libgnomedb/libgnomedb.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-window.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-window.h>
#include <libgnomeui/gnome-ui-init.h>				#include <libgnomeui/gnome-ui-init.h>
#else								#else
#include <gtk/gtk.h>						#include <gtk/gtk.h>
#endif								#endif

static void							static void
window_closed_cb (GtkWindow *window, gpointer user_data)	window_closed_cb (GtkWindow *window, gpointer user_data)
{								{
	gnome_db_main_quit ();						gnome_db_main_quit ();
}								}

static GdaDataModel *						static GdaDataModel *
create_data_model (void)					create_data_model (void)
{								{
	gint i;								gint i;
	GdaDataModel *model;						GdaDataModel *model;

	model = gda_data_model_array_new (6);				model = gda_data_model_array_new (6);

	for (i = 0; i < 50; i++) {					for (i = 0; i < 50; i++) {
		GList *values = NULL;						GList *values = NULL;

		values = g_list_append (values, gda_value_new			values = g_list_append (values, gda_value_new
		values = g_list_append (values, gda_value_new			values = g_list_append (values, gda_value_new
		values = g_list_append (values, gda_value_new			values = g_list_append (values, gda_value_new
		values = g_list_append (values, gda_value_new			values = g_list_append (values, gda_value_new
		values = g_list_append (values, gda_value_new			values = g_list_append (values, gda_value_new
		values = g_list_append (values, gda_value_new			values = g_list_append (values, gda_value_new

		gda_data_model_append_row (model, values);			gda_data_model_append_row (model, values);

		g_list_foreach (values, (GFunc) gda_value_fre			g_list_foreach (values, (GFunc) gda_value_fre
		g_list_free (values);						g_list_free (values);
	}								}

	return model;							return model;
}								}

static void							static void
create_window (gpointer user_data)				create_window (gpointer user_data)
{								{
	GtkWidget *window;						GtkWidget *window;
	GtkWidget *grid;						GtkWidget *grid;
	GdaDataModel *model;						GdaDataModel *model;

	window = gnome_db_window_new ("test-grid", NULL, NULL		window = gnome_db_window_new ("test-grid", NULL, NULL
#else								#else
	window = gtk_window_new (GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL);			window = gtk_window_new (GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL);
	gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW(window), "test-grid"		gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW(window), "test-grid"
#endif								#endif
	g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (window), "close", G_CALLB		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (window), "close", G_CALLB
	gtk_widget_set_usize (window, 500, 400);			gtk_widget_set_usize (window, 500, 400);
	grid = gnome_db_grid_new ();					grid = gnome_db_grid_new ();
	gtk_widget_show (grid);						gtk_widget_show (grid);
	gnome_db_window_set_contents (GNOME_DB_WINDOW (window		gnome_db_window_set_contents (GNOME_DB_WINDOW (window
#else								#else
	gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (window), grid);		gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (window), grid);
#endif								#endif

	/* create the data model to be shown */				/* create the data model to be shown */
	model = create_data_model ();					model = create_data_model ();
	gnome_db_grid_set_model (GNOME_DB_GRID (grid), GDA_DA		gnome_db_grid_set_model (GNOME_DB_GRID (grid), GDA_DA
	g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (model));				g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (model));
	gnome_db_window_show (GNOME_DB_WINDOW (window));		gnome_db_window_show (GNOME_DB_WINDOW (window));
#else								#else
	gtk_widget_show_all (window);					gtk_widget_show_all (window);
#endif								#endif
}								}

int								int
main (int argc, char *argv[])					main (int argc, char *argv[])
{								{
	bind_textdomain_codeset (GETTEXT_PACKAGE, "UTF-8");		bind_textdomain_codeset (GETTEXT_PACKAGE, "UTF-8");
	textdomain (GETTEXT_PACKAGE);					textdomain (GETTEXT_PACKAGE);	

	gda_init ("test-grid", VERSION, argc, argv);			gda_init ("test-grid", VERSION, argc, argv);
	gnome_program_init ("test-grid", VERSION,			gnome_program_init ("test-grid", VERSION,
                            LIBGNOMEUI_MODULE,			                            LIBGNOMEUI_MODULE,
                            argc, argv, NULL);			                            argc, argv, NULL);
#else								#else
	gtk_init (&argc, &argv);					gtk_init (&argc, &argv);
#endif								#endif

	gnome_db_main_run ((GdaInitFunc) create_window, NULL)		gnome_db_main_run ((GdaInitFunc) create_window, NULL)
	return 0;							return 0;
}								}
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: vfs
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/acconfig.h ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/acconfig.h
#undef PACKAGE							#undef PACKAGE
#undef VERSION							#undef VERSION
#undef HAVE_GETTEXT						#undef HAVE_GETTEXT
#undef ENABLE_NLS						#undef ENABLE_NLS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: aclocal.m4
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/AUTHORS ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/AUTHORS
Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org> (libgnomedb)		Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org> (libgnomedb)
Vivien Malerba <malerba gnome-db org> (libgnomedb)		Vivien Malerba <malerba gnome-db org> (libgnomedb)
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: autogen.sh
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/ChangeLog ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/ChangeLog
							      >	2004-09-25  Gustavo R. Montesino <grmontesino ig com br>
							      >		Fixes #150791
							      >		* libgnomedb/tables-page.c (tables_page_set_connectio
							      >		old connection, not the new one.
							      >	2004-09-22  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
							      >		* configure.in: removed GNOME_COMPILE_WARNINGS macro.
							      >	2004-08-21  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>
							      >		* configure.in: Add «nb» to ALL_LINGUAS.
							      >	2004-08-12  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
							      >		Released 1.1.6.
2004-08-08  Gustavo R. Montesino <grmontesino ig com br>	2004-08-08  Gustavo R. Montesino <grmontesino ig com br>

	Fixes #149609							Fixes #149609

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c (gnome_db_form_set_curre		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c (gnome_db_form_set_curre
	for compilation with GCC 3.4.					for compilation with GCC 3.4.

2004-08-06  Daniel Espinosa Ortiz <esodan yahoo com mx>		2004-08-06  Daniel Espinosa Ortiz <esodan yahoo com mx>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c (gnome_db_option_menu_ge		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c (gnome_db_option_menu_ge
	get the current selection via gtk_menu_get_active().		get the current selection via gtk_menu_get_active().

2004-07-31  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2004-07-31  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c (sync_from_gda): start		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c (sync_from_gda): start
	libgda's configuration with a clear GConf section.		libgda's configuration with a clear GConf section.
	(sync_from_gda): if the key refers to a section, use 		(sync_from_gda): if the key refers to a section, use 
	remove the section.						remove the section.
	(gnome_db_config_remove_data_source): remove the sect		(gnome_db_config_remove_data_source): remove the sect
	libgda configuration also.					libgda configuration also.

	* control-center/dsn-config.c (dsn_config_delete): re		* control-center/dsn-config.c (dsn_config_delete): re
	after removing data sources.					after removing data sources.

2004-07-22  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2004-07-22  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	Released 1.1.5.							Released 1.1.5.

2004-07-16  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2004-07-16  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* Makefile.am: EXTRA_DIST mkinstalldirs				* Makefile.am: EXTRA_DIST mkinstalldirs

2004-06-07  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2004-06-07  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	Released 1.1.4.							Released 1.1.4.

2004-06-07  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2004-06-07  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* configure.in: fixed gtk-doc checks.				* configure.in: fixed gtk-doc checks.

	* doc/Makefile.am: make it output XML instead of SGML		* doc/Makefile.am: make it output XML instead of SGML

	* doc/C/libgnomedb-docs.sgml: converted to XML.			* doc/C/libgnomedb-docs.sgml: converted to XML.

2004-06-06  Gustavo R. Montesino <ikki_gerrard yahoo com br>	2004-06-06  Gustavo R. Montesino <ikki_gerrard yahoo com br>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.[ch]: New widget to		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.[ch]: New widget to
	field and a search text from the user.				field and a search text from the user.

2004-06-03  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2004-06-03  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* configure.in: removed obsolete GNOME_PLATFORM_GNOME		* configure.in: removed obsolete GNOME_PLATFORM_GNOME

2004-06-01  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2004-06-01  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	Released 1.1.3							Released 1.1.3

2004-05-31  Jürg Billeter <j bitron ch>				2004-05-31  Jürg Billeter <j bitron ch>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c: fixes for compilation w		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c: fixes for compilation w

2004-05-07  Vivien Malerba <malerba gnome-db org>		2004-05-07  Vivien Malerba <malerba gnome-db org>

	* Added GnomeDb stock icons for relations			* Added GnomeDb stock icons for relations

2004-04-26  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2004-04-26  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	Released 1.1.2							Released 1.1.2

2004-04-18  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2004-04-18  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	Fixes #139098							Fixes #139098

	* Makefile.am: only build documentation if gtk-doc is		* Makefile.am: only build documentation if gtk-doc is

2004-04-16  Adam Weinberger  <adamw gnome org>			2004-04-16  Adam Weinberger  <adamw gnome org>

	* configure.in: Added en_CA to ALL_LINGUAS.			* configure.in: Added en_CA to ALL_LINGUAS.

2004-04-12  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2004-04-12  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c (general_nex		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c (general_nex
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c (gnome_db_dsn_conf		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c (gnome_db_dsn_conf
	dont allow spaces on data source names.				dont allow spaces on data source names.

2004-04-12  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2004-04-12  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb.spec.in: removed missing files.			* libgnomedb.spec.in: removed missing files.

2004-04-06  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2004-04-06  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c (gnome_db_config_remov		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c (gnome_db_config_remov
	gconf_client_recursive_unset to remove all traces of 		gconf_client_recursive_unset to remove all traces of 

2004-04-06  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2004-04-06  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.[ch] (gnome_db_grid_select		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.[ch] (gnome_db_grid_select
	function.							function.

2004-04-04  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2004-04-04  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-data-source-selector.c (show_da		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-data-source-selector.c (show_da
	re-added removed (?) code to show all data sources.		re-added removed (?) code to show all data sources.

	* configure.in: require libgda >= 1.1.1.			* configure.in: require libgda >= 1.1.1.

2004-04-02  Gareth Owen  <gowen72 yahoo com>			2004-04-02  Gareth Owen  <gowen72 yahoo com>

	* configure.in: Added en_GB to ALL_LINGUAS			* configure.in: Added en_GB to ALL_LINGUAS

2004-04-02  Leonardo Boshell <p kapcoweb com>			2004-04-02  Leonardo Boshell <p kapcoweb com>

	* doc/C/Makefile.am: added fdl-appendix.sgml to $cont		* doc/C/Makefile.am: added fdl-appendix.sgml to $cont

2004-04-02  Stephane LOEUILLET <bugs leroutier net>		2004-04-02  Stephane LOEUILLET <bugs leroutier net>

	Fixes #138197							Fixes #138197

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:					* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c: fixed gtk-doc c		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c: fixed gtk-doc c

2004-04-01  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2004-04-01  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	Released 1.1.1							Released 1.1.1

2004-03-17  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2004-03-17  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c (general_nex		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c (general_nex
	s/gda_config_free_provider_info/gda_provider_info_fre		s/gda_config_free_provider_info/gda_provider_info_fre

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c: removed non-existant h		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c: removed non-existant h

2004-03-11  Julio M. Merino Vidal <jmmv menta net>		2004-03-11  Julio M. Merino Vidal <jmmv menta net>

	Fixes #136886							Fixes #136886

	* control-center/database-properties.desktop.in: use 		* control-center/database-properties.desktop.in: use 
	desktop entry icon.						desktop entry icon.

2004-03-09  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2004-03-09  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c (gnome_db_option_menu_se		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c (gnome_db_option_menu_se
	make sure the menu is valid before using it.			make sure the menu is valid before using it.

2004-03-08  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2004-03-08  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c: removed non-installed		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c: removed non-installed
	from libgda.							from libgda.

2004-02-16  Laurent Sansonetti <lrz gnome org>			2004-02-16  Laurent Sansonetti <lrz gnome org>

	Fixes #130730							Fixes #130730

	* libgnome/gnome-db-config.c: Added missing implement		* libgnome/gnome-db-config.c: Added missing implement
	gnome_db_config_get_component_data_model ().			gnome_db_config_get_component_data_model ().

	Fixes #131365							Fixes #131365

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-data-source-selector.c (show_da		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-data-source-selector.c (show_da
	Calls gnome_db_option_menu_set_selection () with a va		Calls gnome_db_option_menu_set_selection () with a va

2004-02-09  Yomasz K³oczko <kloczek pld org pl>			2004-02-09  Yomasz K³oczko <kloczek pld org pl>

	* configure.in: Trivial cleanup: remove AC_SUBST(CFLA		* configure.in: Trivial cleanup: remove AC_SUBST(CFLA
	  substed by default.						  substed by default.

2004-02-07  Robert Sedak  <robert sedak sk htnet hr>		2004-02-07  Robert Sedak  <robert sedak sk htnet hr>

        * configure.in: Added "hr" (Croatian) to ALL_LINGUAS.	        * configure.in: Added "hr" (Croatian) to ALL_LINGUAS.

2004-01-25  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2004-01-25  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.[ch]			* providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.[ch]
	(gda_calendar_model_new): added a GdaConnection argum		(gda_calendar_model_new): added a GdaConnection argum
	(gda_calendar_model_is_updatable): call e_cal_is_read		(gda_calendar_model_is_updatable): call e_cal_is_read
	know if the calendar source can be updated or not.		know if the calendar source can be updated or not.
	(gda_calendar_model_class_init): s/is_editable/is_upd		(gda_calendar_model_class_init): s/is_editable/is_upd

2004-01-25  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2004-01-25  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.h: fixed parameter name m		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.h: fixed parameter name m

2004-01-24  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2004-01-24  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.[ch]:			* providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.[ch]:
	* providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.[ch]:		* providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.[ch]:
	adapted to evolution-data-server's API.				adapted to evolution-data-server's API.

	* providers/evolution/Makefile.am: added missing comp		* providers/evolution/Makefile.am: added missing comp
	and linking flags.						and linking flags.

	* configure.in: added missing code to get the Evoluti		* configure.in: added missing code to get the Evoluti

2004-01-24  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2004-01-24  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* providers/evolution/*: merged gda-evolution module.		* providers/evolution/*: merged gda-evolution module.

	* providers/Makefile.am:					* providers/Makefile.am:
	* configure.in: added new directories to build.			* configure.in: added new directories to build.

2004-01-17  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2004-01-17  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c (gnome_db_grid_set_colum		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c (gnome_db_grid_set_colum
	gda_data_model_get_n_columns to get the number of col		gda_data_model_get_n_columns to get the number of col

2004-01-16  Jon Willeke <willeke users sourceforge net>		2004-01-16  Jon Willeke <willeke users sourceforge net>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-list.c (gnome_db_list_new_with_		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-list.c (gnome_db_list_new_with_
	NULL models to be passed, in which case we create an 		NULL models to be passed, in which case we create an 

2004-01-16  Philippe Charlier <p charlier chello be>		2004-01-16  Philippe Charlier <p charlier chello be>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.[ch] (gnome_db_grid_set_co		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.[ch] (gnome_db_grid_set_co
	gnome_db_grid_get_column_visible): new API functions.		gnome_db_grid_get_column_visible): new API functions.

2004-01-15  Jon Willeke <willeke users sourceforge net>		2004-01-15  Jon Willeke <willeke users sourceforge net>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c: use a grid instead of a		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c: use a grid instead of a

2004.01-13  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2004.01-13  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-data-source-selector.h: fixed a		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-data-source-selector.h: fixed a
	was leading to confusion.					was leading to confusion.

2004-01-12  J.H.M. Dassen (Ray) <jdassen debian org>		2004-01-12  J.H.M. Dassen (Ray) <jdassen debian org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c: Declare gnome_d		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c: Declare gnome_d
	fix "implicit declaration" warning.				fix "implicit declaration" warning.
	* testing/test-grid.c: #include <libgnomedb/libgnomed		* testing/test-grid.c: #include <libgnomedb/libgnomed
	several "implicit declaration" warnings.			several "implicit declaration" warnings.

2004-01-10  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2004-01-10  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	Fixes #131113							Fixes #131113

	* glade/glade-gnomedb.c: added missing header.			* glade/glade-gnomedb.c: added missing header.

2004-01-07  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2004-01-07  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-model.c: re-enabled the search 		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-model.c: re-enabled the search 
	GtkTreeView's.							GtkTreeView's.

2004-01-06  Stephane Wirtel <stephane wirtel brutele be>	2004-01-06  Stephane Wirtel <stephane wirtel brutele be>

	* libgnomedb/libgnomedb.c: add some commentaries.		* libgnomedb/libgnomedb.c: add some commentaries.

2004-01-05  Laurent Sansonetti <lrz gnome org>			2004-01-05  Laurent Sansonetti <lrz gnome org>

	* control-center/database-properties.desktop.in:		* control-center/database-properties.desktop.in:
	* control-center/main.c:					* control-center/main.c:
	Set gnome-database-properties main menu's entry & win		Set gnome-database-properties main menu's entry & win
	to 'Database Access Properties'.				to 'Database Access Properties'.

2004-01-04  Laurent Sansonetti <lrz gnome org>			2004-01-04  Laurent Sansonetti <lrz gnome org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c (gnome_db_grid_show_colu		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c (gnome_db_grid_show_colu
	  gnome_db_grid_hide_column): Removed obsolete implem		  gnome_db_grid_hide_column): Removed obsolete implem
	  since they are defined as macros in gnome-db-grid.h		  since they are defined as macros in gnome-db-grid.h

2004-01-04  Laurent Sansonetti <lrz gnome org>			2004-01-04  Laurent Sansonetti <lrz gnome org>

	* control-center/database-capplet.[ch]:				* control-center/database-capplet.[ch]:
	- Moved DSN_PAGE & DSN_PROVIDER macros from .c to .h 		- Moved DSN_PAGE & DSN_PROVIDER macros from .c to .h 
	- Added new capplet functions (database_capplet_selec		- Added new capplet functions (database_capplet_selec
	  database_capplet_deselect_all, database_capplet_has		  database_capplet_deselect_all, database_capplet_has
	  database_capplet_switch).					  database_capplet_switch).

	* control-center/dsn-config.[ch]:				* control-center/dsn-config.[ch]:
	- Added new items in the popup menu (properties & del		- Added new items in the popup menu (properties & del
	- Display a HIG confirmation alert before removing da		- Display a HIG confirmation alert before removing da
	- Added new functions (dsn_config_select_all, dsn_con		- Added new functions (dsn_config_select_all, dsn_con
	  dsn_config_has_selection).					  dsn_config_has_selection).

	* control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:			* control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:
	- Introduced instant-apply, with a revert button ;		- Introduced instant-apply, with a revert button ;
	- Capitalized dialog's title ; 					- Capitalized dialog's title ; 
	- Removed separator and fixed border width ;			- Removed separator and fixed border width ;
	- Set the first notebook page title to "Basic" instea		- Set the first notebook page title to "Basic" instea

	* control-center/main.c:					* control-center/main.c:
	- Menu items are auto-sensitive, according to the cur		- Menu items are auto-sensitive, according to the cur
	  tab (data source or provider) ;				  tab (data source or provider) ;
	- Follows db-shell changes.					- Follows db-shell changes.
	* control-center/provider-config.[ch]:				* control-center/provider-config.[ch]:
	- Fixed a typo (missing final dot) in the tip ;			- Fixed a typo (missing final dot) in the tip ;
	- Added new functions (provider_config_select_all,		- Added new functions (provider_config_select_all,
	  provider_config_unselect_all, provider_config_has_s		  provider_config_unselect_all, provider_config_has_s

	* libgnomedb/db-shell.[ch]:					* libgnomedb/db-shell.[ch]:
	- Added myself to the about dialog ;				- Added myself to the about dialog ;
	- Introduced DEFINE_VERB_CB & DEFINE_LIST_CB to defin		- Introduced DEFINE_VERB_CB & DEFINE_LIST_CB to defin
	  listeners callbacks ;						  listeners callbacks ;
	- Added and fixed verbs/listeners following db-shell.		- Added and fixed verbs/listeners following db-shell.
	- Introduced DbShellCallbacks structure (which contai		- Introduced DbShellCallbacks structure (which contai
	  all callbacks) ;						  all callbacks) ;
	- db_shell_new uses DbShellCallbacks instead of passi		- db_shell_new uses DbShellCallbacks instead of passi
	  pointer as a parameter.					  pointer as a parameter.

	* libgnomedb/db-shell.xml:					* libgnomedb/db-shell.xml:
	- Added commands for each sub-menu (Database, Edit an		- Added commands for each sub-menu (Database, Edit an
	- Added 'View/Data Source' and 'View/Providers' ;		- Added 'View/Data Source' and 'View/Providers' ;
	- Added 'Edit/Select All' and 'Edit/Clear Selection' 		- Added 'Edit/Select All' and 'Edit/Clear Selection' 
	- Renamed 'Database/New' to 'Database/New Data Source		- Renamed 'Database/New' to 'Database/New Data Source
	- Moved 'Properties' from 'Edit' to 'Database' ;		- Moved 'Properties' from 'Edit' to 'Database' ;
	- Fixed accelerators according to HIG ;				- Fixed accelerators according to HIG ;
	- Removed 'Settings'.						- Removed 'Settings'.

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:			* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:
	- Added mnemonics for UI elements ;				- Added mnemonics for UI elements ;
	- Fixed missing final dots in some labels.			- Fixed missing final dots in some labels.
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:				* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:
	- Added mnemonics for UI elements ;				- Added mnemonics for UI elements ;
	- Fixed packing settings to make the widget expandabl		- Fixed packing settings to make the widget expandabl

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.[ch]:				* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.[ch]:
	- Display a HIG confirmation alert before overwrittin		- Display a HIG confirmation alert before overwrittin
	  saving the model's content ;					  saving the model's content ;
	- HIG'ied the saving model dialog box ;				- HIG'ied the saving model dialog box ;
	- Replaced 'Hide/Show columns' popup menu items with 		- Replaced 'Hide/Show columns' popup menu items with 
	  item named 'Show Column Titles' ;				  item named 'Show Column Titles' ;
	- Added separators in the popup menu ;				- Added separators in the popup menu ;
	- Added new functions (gnome_db_grid_[set|get]_column		- Added new functions (gnome_db_grid_[set|get]_column
	  and shortcuts (gnome_db_grid_[show|hide]_column_tit		  and shortcuts (gnome_db_grid_[show|hide]_column_tit

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.[ch]:				* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.[ch]:
	- Created labels support mnemonics ;				- Created labels support mnemonics ;
	- Added a new function (gnome_db_new_alert) to build 		- Added a new function (gnome_db_new_alert) to build 
	  re-implemented existing functions (gnome_db_show_er		  re-implemented existing functions (gnome_db_show_er
	  gnome_db_show_message) to use it ;				  gnome_db_show_message) to use it ;
	- Added new functions (gnome_db_new_menu_item, 			- Added new functions (gnome_db_new_menu_item, 
	  gnome_db_new_check_menu_item) ;				  gnome_db_new_check_menu_item) ;
	- Removed function gnome_db_yes_no_dialog.			- Removed function gnome_db_yes_no_dialog.

2004-01-03  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2004-01-03  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* Makefile.am:							* Makefile.am:
	* configure.in:							* configure.in:
	* components/*:							* components/*:
	* monikers/*: removed obsolete stuff.				* monikers/*: removed obsolete stuff.

2003-12-17  Stephane Wirtel <stephane wirtel brutele be>	2003-12-17  Stephane Wirtel <stephane wirtel brutele be>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.[ch] (gnome_db_combo_get_		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.[ch] (gnome_db_combo_get_
	gnome_db_combo_get_column): new API functions.			gnome_db_combo_get_column): new API functions.
2003-12-17  Stephane Wirtel <stephane wirtel brutele be>	2003-12-17  Stephane Wirtel <stephane wirtel brutele be>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c (tree_view_row_activated		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c (tree_view_row_activated
	popup_button_pressed_cb): add a cast GTK_TREE_VIEW, G		popup_button_pressed_cb): add a cast GTK_TREE_VIEW, G
	and change g_return_if_fail to g_return_val_if_fail i		and change g_return_if_fail to g_return_val_if_fail i
	popup_button_pressed_cb.					popup_button_pressed_cb.

2003-12-17  Stephane Wirtel <stephane wirtel brutele be>	2003-12-17  Stephane Wirtel <stephane wirtel brutele be>

	* libgnomedb/utils.c (client_notification_cb): add a 		* libgnomedb/utils.c (client_notification_cb): add a 
	GList * ), and add a 'break' in the 'default' section		GList * ), and add a 'break' in the 'default' section
	switch.								switch.

	* libgnomedb/sql-viewer.c (sql_viewer_init): fixed wa		* libgnomedb/sql-viewer.c (sql_viewer_init): fixed wa

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.c (gnome_db_combo_new_wit		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.c (gnome_db_combo_new_wit
	new API function.						new API function.

2003-12-17  Stephane Wirtel <stephane wirtel brutele be>	2003-12-17  Stephane Wirtel <stephane wirtel brutele be>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c (tree_view_row_activated		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c (tree_view_row_activated
	popup_button_pressed_cb): add a cast GTK_TREE_VIEW, G		popup_button_pressed_cb): add a cast GTK_TREE_VIEW, G
	and change g_return_if_fail to g_return_val_if_fail i		and change g_return_if_fail to g_return_val_if_fail i
	popup_button_pressed_cb.					popup_button_pressed_cb.
2003-12-17  Stephane Wirtel <stephane wirtel brutele be>	2003-12-17  Stephane Wirtel <stephane wirtel brutele be>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.[ch] (gnome_db_grid_get_co		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.[ch] (gnome_db_grid_get_co
	gnome_db_grid_set_column_title): new API functions.		gnome_db_grid_set_column_title): new API functions.

2003-12-11  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-12-11  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.[ch] (gnome_db_grid_hide_c		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.[ch] (gnome_db_grid_hide_c
	gnome_db_grid_show_column): new functions to hide/sho		gnome_db_grid_show_column): new functions to hide/sho

2003-12-09  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-12-09  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c (selection_foreach): rem		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c (selection_foreach): rem
	condition that prevented the signal to be emitted for		condition that prevented the signal to be emitted for
	except the first one.						except the first one.

2003-12-07  Marius Andreiana <marius galuna ro>			2003-12-07  Marius Andreiana <marius galuna ro>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-model.c (sort_values): use gda_		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-model.c (sort_values): use gda_
	to compare the values.						to compare the values.

2003-11-30  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-11-30  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/db-shell.c (db_shell_new): set the icon 		* libgnomedb/db-shell.c (db_shell_new): set the icon 

2003-11-30  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-11-30  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-list.[ch] (gnome_db_list_get_se		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-list.[ch] (gnome_db_list_get_se
	new function.							new function.

	* libgnomedb/tables-page.c: reorganized to display th		* libgnomedb/tables-page.c: reorganized to display th
	and the data of the currently selected one.			and the data of the currently selected one.
	(grid_row_selected_cb): display the data of the curre		(grid_row_selected_cb): display the data of the curre
	table in the data grid.						table in the data grid.
	(grid_selection_cleated_cb): clear the data grid.		(grid_selection_cleated_cb): clear the data grid.
	(tables_page_new): don't add a 'Data' button, since w		(tables_page_new): don't add a 'Data' button, since w
	data now directly, create the data grid, and made the		data now directly, create the data grid, and made the
	a simple list.							a simple list.
	(view_data_cb): remove callback for removed button.		(view_data_cb): remove callback for removed button.

2003-11-28  Gonzalo Paniagua Javier <gonzalo gnome-db org>	2003-11-28  Gonzalo Paniagua Javier <gonzalo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.c:					* libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.c:
	(gnome_db_combo_set_model): bind the model to the com		(gnome_db_combo_set_model): bind the model to the com

2003-11-28  Gonzalo Paniagua Javier <gonzalo gnome-db org>	2003-11-28  Gonzalo Paniagua Javier <gonzalo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.c: implemented gnome_db_c		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.c: implemented gnome_db_c

2003-11-24  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-11-24  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	Released 1.1.0							Released 1.1.0

2003-11-24  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-11-24  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/db-shell.c:					* libgnomedb/db-shell.c:
	* libgnomedb/db-shell.xml: use 'Database' instead of 		* libgnomedb/db-shell.xml: use 'Database' instead of 
	menu bar, since we don't deal with files.			menu bar, since we don't deal with files.

2003-11-14  Frederic Crozat  <fcrozat mandrakesoft com>		2003-11-14  Frederic Crozat  <fcrozat mandrakesoft com>

	* components/main.c:						* components/main.c:
	* glade/glade-gnomedb.c:					* glade/glade-gnomedb.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:					* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:				* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:					* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:
	* libgnomedb/utils.c:						* libgnomedb/utils.c:
	Add missing header includes.					Add missing header includes.

	* monikers/Makefile.am:						* monikers/Makefile.am:
	Use libdir instead of prefix/lib.				Use libdir instead of prefix/lib.

2003-10-28  Laurent Sansonetti <laurent datarescue be> 		2003-10-28  Laurent Sansonetti <laurent datarescue be> 

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c (general_nex		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c (general_nex
	dont create a new dsn if an existing one has the same		dont create a new dsn if an existing one has the same

2003-10-12  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-10-12  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	Fixes #123173							Fixes #123173

	* configure.in: use gtksourceview-1.0 instead of gtks		* configure.in: use gtksourceview-1.0 instead of gtks

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-editor.c: adapted to latest ver		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-editor.c: adapted to latest ver
	gtksourceview.							gtksourceview.
	(gnome_db_editor_load_from_file): use GtkTextBuffer f		(gnome_db_editor_load_from_file): use GtkTextBuffer f
	instead of non-existent GtkSouceBuffer functions.		instead of non-existent GtkSouceBuffer functions.
	(configuration_changed_cb, gnome_db_editor_init):		(configuration_changed_cb, gnome_db_editor_init):
	s/gtk_source_view_set_tab_stop/gtk_source_view_set_ta		s/gtk_source_view_set_tab_stop/gtk_source_view_set_ta
	(create_tags_for_sql): disabled missing calls.			(create_tags_for_sql): disabled missing calls.
2003-10-11  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-10-11  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* control-center/dsn-config.c (dsn_config_new):			* control-center/dsn-config.c (dsn_config_new):
	* control-center/provider-config.c (provider_config_n		* control-center/provider-config.c (provider_config_n
	hard-code colors for text, use the default.			hard-code colors for text, use the default.

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-gray-bar.c (gnome_db_gray_bar_f		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-gray-bar.c (gnome_db_gray_bar_f
	g_free the GtkWidget's.						g_free the GtkWidget's.

2003-09-25  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-09-25  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-editor.c:					* libgnomedb/gnome-db-editor.c:
	* configure.in: depend on gtksourceview-1.0.			* configure.in: depend on gtksourceview-1.0.

2003-09-19  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-09-19  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.[ch] (gnome_db_option_menu		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.[ch] (gnome_db_option_menu
	new function.							new function.

2003-09-19  Álvaro Peña  <apg esware com>			2003-09-19  Álvaro Peña  <apg esware com>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-gray-bar.c (gnome_db_gray_bar_s		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-gray-bar.c (gnome_db_gray_bar_s
	Fill the background with the current gtk style color.		Fill the background with the current gtk style color.
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c (gnome_db_login_		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c (gnome_db_login_
	Labels can't be selected					Labels can't be selected
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c (gnome_db_login_constru		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c (gnome_db_login_constru
	can't be selected						can't be selected

2003-09-18  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-09-18  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* configure.in: bumped so version number.			* configure.in: bumped so version number.

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.[ch] (gnome_db_option_menu		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.[ch] (gnome_db_option_menu
	changed to return the menu item just added.			changed to return the menu item just added.

2003-09-13  Akira TAGOH <tagoh gnome-db org>			2003-09-13  Akira TAGOH <tagoh gnome-db org>

	* configure.in: don't output					* configure.in: don't output
	  components/GNOME_Database_Components.server.in.		  components/GNOME_Database_Components.server.in.

	* components/GNOME_Database_Components.server.in.in: 		* components/GNOME_Database_Components.server.in.in: 
	  hardcoded location. (#122108)					  hardcoded location. (#122108)

	* components/Makefile.am: fixed to generate .sever.in		* components/Makefile.am: fixed to generate .sever.in

2003-09-03  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-09-03  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	Fixes #121312							Fixes #121312

	* control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c (notebook_sw		* control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c (notebook_sw
	fixed duplicated variable names.				fixed duplicated variable names.

2003-08-27  Daniel Baeyens <daniel baeyens hispalinux es>	2003-08-27  Daniel Baeyens <daniel baeyens hispalinux es>

	* libgnomedb/libgnomedb.h: removed WITH_GNOME_BUILD d		* libgnomedb/libgnomedb.h: removed WITH_GNOME_BUILD d
	sorted all the includes. Removed gnome-db-window.h re		sorted all the includes. Removed gnome-db-window.h re
	avoid external access.						avoid external access.

	* control-center/main.c:					* control-center/main.c:	
	testing/test-dsn-selector.c:					testing/test-dsn-selector.c:
	testing/test-editor.c: included	"../libgnomedb/gnome-		testing/test-editor.c: included	"../libgnomedb/gnome-

	* glade/glade-gnomedb.c: removed gnome-db-window regi		* glade/glade-gnomedb.c: removed gnome-db-window regi

2003-08-25  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-08-25  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.[ch] (gnome_db_grid_set_sh		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.[ch] (gnome_db_grid_set_sh
	(gnome_db_grid_get_show_title_icon): renamed.			(gnome_db_grid_get_show_title_icon): renamed.

	* control-center/dsn-config.c (dsn_config_new):			* control-center/dsn-config.c (dsn_config_new):
	* control-center/provider-config.c (provider_config_n		* control-center/provider-config.c (provider_config_n
	icon for the title bar on each page.				icon for the title bar on each page.

2003-08-24  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-08-24  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/utils.[ch] (db_connect_dialog_for_dsn): 		* libgnomedb/utils.[ch] (db_connect_dialog_for_dsn): 

	* control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c (notebook_sw		* control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c (notebook_sw
	use the new db_connect_dialog_for_dsn() function.		use the new db_connect_dialog_for_dsn() function.

2003-08-21  Daniel Baeyens <daniel baeyens hispalinux es>	2003-08-21  Daniel Baeyens <daniel baeyens hispalinux es>

	* libgnomedb/Makefile.am: gnome-db-query-builder.c ad		* libgnomedb/Makefile.am: gnome-db-query-builder.c ad

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c: Added a missin		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c: Added a missin
2003-08-16  �lvaro Peña <apg esware com>			2003-08-16  �lvaro Peña <apg esware com>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-gray-bar.[ch]: Now is a GtkBin,		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-gray-bar.[ch]: Now is a GtkBin,
	an icon on the left side of the text.				an icon on the left side of the text.

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.[ch]: Added functions to m		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.[ch]: Added functions to m
	the icon.							the icon.
2003-08-06  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-08-06  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	Released 0.91.0							Released 0.91.0

2003-07-26  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-07-26  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.[ch]: implemente		* libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.[ch]: implemente
	for displaying table properties.				for displaying table properties.

	* libgnomedb/tables-page.c (tables_page_new): create 		* libgnomedb/tables-page.c (tables_page_new): create 
	(grid_row_selected_cb): enable buttons when rows are 		(grid_row_selected_cb): enable buttons when rows are 
	(grid_selection_cleared_cb): disable buttons.			(grid_selection_cleared_cb): disable buttons.
	(view_properties_cb, view_data_cb): callbacks for too		(view_properties_cb, view_data_cb): callbacks for too

2003-07-16  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-07-16  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/tables-page.[ch] (tables_page_new): remo		* libgnomedb/tables-page.[ch] (tables_page_new): remo
	useless parameter.						useless parameter.
	(tables_page_set_connection): new function.			(tables_page_set_connection): new function.

	* control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c (dsn_propert		* control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c (dsn_propert
	connect to "switch-page" signal on the notebook.		connect to "switch-page" signal on the notebook.
	(notebook_switch_page_cb): if trying to switch to a t		(notebook_switch_page_cb): if trying to switch to a t
	the first one, open a connection dialog.			the first one, open a connection dialog.

2003-07-13  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-07-13  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* configure.in: increased minor version number.			* configure.in: increased minor version number.

2003-07-13  Daniel Baeyens <daniel baeyens eresmas net>		2003-07-13  Daniel Baeyens <daniel baeyens eresmas net>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-editor.[ch] (gnome_db_editor_ge		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-editor.[ch] (gnome_db_editor_ge
	function.							function.

2003-07-11  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-07-11  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-gray-bar.c (gnome_db_gray_bar_g		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-gray-bar.c (gnome_db_gray_bar_g
	call gnome_db_gray_bar_get_text instead of getting th		call gnome_db_gray_bar_get_text instead of getting th
	the label.							the label.

2003-07-10  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-07-10  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-gray-bar.c: added 'real_text' f		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-gray-bar.c: added 'real_text' f
	track of the real text (without markup) for the label		track of the real text (without markup) for the label
	(gnome_db_gray_bar_init): initialize new field.			(gnome_db_gray_bar_init): initialize new field.
	(gnome_db_gray_bar_finalize): free new field.			(gnome_db_gray_bar_finalize): free new field.
	(gnome_db_gray_bar_set_text): assign the real text st		(gnome_db_gray_bar_set_text): assign the real text st
	real_text field.						real_text field.
	(gnome_db_gray_bar_get_text): new function.			(gnome_db_gray_bar_get_text): new function.

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-gray-bar.h: added new function 		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-gray-bar.h: added new function 

	* doc/C/*: updated.						* doc/C/*: updated.

	* configure.in: increased minor version number.			* configure.in: increased minor version number.

2003-07-07  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-07-07  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.[ch]: added "changed		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.[ch]: added "changed

	* control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.[ch]: implemen		* control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.[ch]: implemen
	dialog for data source properties configuration.		dialog for data source properties configuration.

	* control-center/dsn-config.c (dsn_config_edit_proper		* control-center/dsn-config.c (dsn_config_edit_proper
	create such a simple dialog, create a dsn_properties_		create such a simple dialog, create a dsn_properties_
	(list_double_clicked_cb): new callback.				(list_double_clicked_cb): new callback.

	* components/utils.[ch]:					* components/utils.[ch]:
	* components/Makefile.am: moved utility functions...		* components/Makefile.am: moved utility functions...

	* libgnomedb/utils.[ch]:					* libgnomedb/utils.[ch]:
	* libgnomedb/Makefile.am: ...to here.				* libgnomedb/Makefile.am: ...to here.

	* libgnomedb/tables-page.[ch]: new widget that provid		* libgnomedb/tables-page.[ch]: new widget that provid
	managing tables.						managing tables.

2003-07-06  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-07-06  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/db-shell.c (command_edit_properties): im		* libgnomedb/db-shell.c (command_edit_properties): im
	function.							function.

	* control-center/dsn-config.[ch] (dsn_config_edit_pro		* control-center/dsn-config.[ch] (dsn_config_edit_pro
	  dsn_config_delete): new functions.				  dsn_config_delete): new functions.

	* control-center/database-capplet.[ch]				* control-center/database-capplet.[ch]
	(database_capplet_edit_properties, database_capplet_d		(database_capplet_edit_properties, database_capplet_d
	functions.							functions.

	* control-center/main.c (edit_properties_cb): new cal		* control-center/main.c (edit_properties_cb): new cal

2003-07-06  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-07-06  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.[ch]: new widget 		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.[ch]: new widget 
	building SQL queries.						building SQL queries.

	* libgnomedb/libgnomedb.h:					* libgnomedb/libgnomedb.h:
	* libgnomedb/Makefile.am: added new file.			* libgnomedb/Makefile.am: added new file.

	* doc/C/libgnomedb-docs.sgml:					* doc/C/libgnomedb-docs.sgml:
	* doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-query-builder.sgml: added docs 		* doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-query-builder.sgml: added docs 

	* libgnomedb/db-shell.[ch]: s/DbShellFileNewFunc/DbSh		* libgnomedb/db-shell.[ch]: s/DbShellFileNewFunc/DbSh
	(db_shell_new): added new argument for specifying the		(db_shell_new): added new argument for specifying the
	used to answer to the 'Edit Preferences' menu item		used to answer to the 'Edit Preferences' menu item
	(command_edit_properties): new verb callback function		(command_edit_properties): new verb callback function
	(sensitize_ui): take into account the new menu items.		(sensitize_ui): take into account the new menu items.

	* libgnomedb/db-shell.xml: added new menu items.		* libgnomedb/db-shell.xml: added new menu items.

	* control-center/provider-config.c (provider_config_n		* control-center/provider-config.c (provider_config_n
	button box.							button box.
	(refresh_list_cb): removed unused callbacks.			(refresh_list_cb): removed unused callbacks.

	* control-center/dsn-config.c (dsn_config_new): remov		* control-center/dsn-config.c (dsn_config_new): remov
	(test_dsn_cb): removed unused callback.				(test_dsn_cb): removed unused callback.

	* control-center/main.c (create_main_window): adapted		* control-center/main.c (create_main_window): adapted
	(edit_properties_cb): implementation for Edit->Proper		(edit_properties_cb): implementation for Edit->Proper

	* components/connection-mime-handler.c (listener_even		* components/connection-mime-handler.c (listener_even
	* components/sql-mime-handler.c (listener_event_cb): 		* components/sql-mime-handler.c (listener_event_cb): 
	DBShell changes.						DBShell changes.

2003-07-05  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-07-05  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c (gnome_db_new_table_widg		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c (gnome_db_new_table_widg
	GtkTable creation.						GtkTable creation.

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c (gnome_db_dsn_conf		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c (gnome_db_dsn_conf
	HIG-ified.							HIG-ified.
	(foreach_edit_cb): HIG-ified data source properties d		(foreach_edit_cb): HIG-ified data source properties d

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c (gnome_db_login_constru		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c (gnome_db_login_constru
	* control-center/provider-config.c (provider_config_n		* control-center/provider-config.c (provider_config_n
	* control-center/dsn-config.c (dsn_config_new): remov		* control-center/dsn-config.c (dsn_config_new): remov

2003-07-04  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-07-04  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/db-shell.xml: added 'Save Connection' an		* libgnomedb/db-shell.xml: added 'Save Connection' an
	items.								items.

	* libgnomedb/db-shell.c (db_shell_new): associate, wi		* libgnomedb/db-shell.c (db_shell_new): associate, wi
	g_object_set_data, the private structure to the widge		g_object_set_data, the private structure to the widge
	(sensitize_ui): new function for enabling/disabling t		(sensitize_ui): new function for enabling/disabling t
	menu items. Added new arguments to specify callbacks 		menu items. Added new arguments to specify callbacks 
	verbs.								verbs.
	(command_save_connection): implemented new menu item.		(command_save_connection): implemented new menu item.
	(command_new): implemented new menu item.			(command_new): implemented new menu item.

	* control-center/main.c (create_main_window): renamed		* control-center/main.c (create_main_window): renamed
	creates a window, not a dialog.					creates a window, not a dialog.
	(window_closed_cb): callback for the "close" signal o		(window_closed_cb): callback for the "close" signal o
	(file_new_cb): implemented the 'New datasource' here.		(file_new_cb): implemented the 'New datasource' here.

	* control-center/dsn-config.c (new_dsn_cb): removed.		* control-center/dsn-config.c (new_dsn_cb): removed.

	* components/sql-mime-handler.c (listener_event_cb):		* components/sql-mime-handler.c (listener_event_cb):
	* components/connection-mime-handler.c (listener_even		* components/connection-mime-handler.c (listener_even
	changes in DbShell widget API.					changes in DbShell widget API.

2003-07-04  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-07-04  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* components/utils.c (db_connect_dialog): use a Gnome		* components/utils.c (db_connect_dialog): use a Gnome
	instead of the custom-made dialog.				instead of the custom-made dialog.

2003-07-04  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-07-04  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* components/Makefile.am:					* components/Makefile.am:
	* components/db-shell.[ch]:					* components/db-shell.[ch]:
	* components/gnome-components-shell.xml:			* components/gnome-components-shell.xml:
	* components/sql-viewer.[ch]: moved DbShell and SqlVi		* components/sql-viewer.[ch]: moved DbShell and SqlVi

	* libgnomedb/Makefile.am:					* libgnomedb/Makefile.am:
	* libgnomedb/db-shell.[ch]:					* libgnomedb/db-shell.[ch]:
	* libgnomedb/db-shell.xml:					* libgnomedb/db-shell.xml:
	* libgnomedb/sql-viewer.[ch]: ...to here.			* libgnomedb/sql-viewer.[ch]: ...to here.

	* components/sql-mime-handler.c:				* components/sql-mime-handler.c:
	* components/connection-mime-handler.c: updated heade		* components/connection-mime-handler.c: updated heade

2003-07-04  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-07-04  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	Fixes #108023							Fixes #108023

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c (general_nex		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c (general_nex
	added check for invalid characters in the data source		added check for invalid characters in the data source

2003-07-04  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-07-04  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/Makefile.am: removed gnome-db-window.h f		* libgnomedb/Makefile.am: removed gnome-db-window.h f
	installed headers.						installed headers.

	* control-center/dsn-config.c (test_dsn_cb): use a Gn		* control-center/dsn-config.c (test_dsn_cb): use a Gn
	instead of a custom-made dialog.				instead of a custom-made dialog.

2003-07-04  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-07-04  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c (gnome_db_login_constru		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c (gnome_db_login_constru
	hidden button to start the data source configuration 		hidden button to start the data source configuration 
	(gnome_db_login_set_enable_create_button): new functi		(gnome_db_login_set_enable_create_button): new functi
	(add_dsn_cb): callback for the 'Create datasource' bu		(add_dsn_cb): callback for the 'Create datasource' bu
	create a dialog with a GnomeDbDsnConfigDruid on it.		create a dialog with a GnomeDbDsnConfigDruid on it.
	(druid_finished_cb): when the druid is done, save the		(druid_finished_cb): when the druid is done, save the

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c (gnome_db_login_		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c (gnome_db_login_
	the login widget to display the 'Create datasource' b		the login widget to display the 'Create datasource' b

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-data-source-selector.c			* libgnomedb/gnome-db-data-source-selector.c
	(gnome_db_data_source_selector_init): set up a listen		(gnome_db_data_source_selector_init): set up a listen
	configuration changes.						configuration changes.
	(config_changed_cb): callback for listening for confi		(config_changed_cb): callback for listening for confi
	(gnome_db_data_source_selector_finalize): unset the c		(gnome_db_data_source_selector_finalize): unset the c

	* control-center/dsn-config.c: added a listener for c		* control-center/dsn-config.c: added a listener for c
	(free_private_data): remove the configuration listene		(free_private_data): remove the configuration listene
	(druid_finished_cb, foreach_edit_cb, foreach_remove_c		(druid_finished_cb, foreach_edit_cb, foreach_remove_c
	show_data_sources, since we'll get automatic notifica		show_data_sources, since we'll get automatic notifica
	change in the configuration.					change in the configuration.
	(dsn_config_new): don't create the 'Refresh' button.		(dsn_config_new): don't create the 'Refresh' button.
	(refresh_list_cb): removed.					(refresh_list_cb): removed.
	(dsn_config_new): set up config listener here.			(dsn_config_new): set up config listener here.
	(config_changed_cb): callback for configuration chang		(config_changed_cb): callback for configuration chang

2003-07-04  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-07-04  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* configure.in:							* configure.in:
	* Makefile.am: removed VFS module from the build.		* Makefile.am: removed VFS module from the build.

2003-07-04  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-07-04  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.[ch] (gnome_db_login_set_		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.[ch] (gnome_db_login_set_
	function.							function.

	* doc/C/tmpl/*: updated documentation from the source		* doc/C/tmpl/*: updated documentation from the source

	* configure.in: increased minor version number.			* configure.in: increased minor version number.

2003-07-03  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-07-03  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	Released 0.90.0							Released 0.90.0

2003-06-30  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-06-30  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.[ch]				* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.[ch]
	(gnome_db_login_dialog_get_login_widget): new functio		(gnome_db_login_dialog_get_login_widget): new functio

2003-06-22  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-06-22  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c (gnome_db_error_init): 		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c (gnome_db_error_init): 
	widget, by removing the frame on the details area.		widget, by removing the frame on the details area.

	* components/connection-mime-handler.c (listener_even		* components/connection-mime-handler.c (listener_even
	* components/sql-mime-handler.c (listener_event_cb): 		* components/sql-mime-handler.c (listener_event_cb): 
	BonoboListener if no connections are open.			BonoboListener if no connections are open.

2003-06-22  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-06-22  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* components/sql-viewer.c (sql_viewer_init): use a VP		* components/sql-viewer.c (sql_viewer_init): use a VP
	contain the SQL editor and the grid.				contain the SQL editor and the grid.

	* components/gnome-components-shell.xml: added more U		* components/gnome-components-shell.xml: added more U
	* components/db-shell.c (command_preferences): implem		* components/db-shell.c (command_preferences): implem

2003-06-20  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-06-20  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* components/sql-viewer.[ch]: re-worked to be a widge		* components/sql-viewer.[ch]: re-worked to be a widge

	* components/sql-mime-handler.[ch]: added MIME action		* components/sql-mime-handler.[ch]: added MIME action
	SQL files.							SQL files.

	* components/main.c: dont use the SQL viewer componen		* components/main.c: dont use the SQL viewer componen
	MIME handler component.						MIME handler component.

	* components/connection-mime-handler.c: moved generic		* components/connection-mime-handler.c: moved generic
	connection/management functions to utils.c.			connection/management functions to utils.c.
	(listener_event_cb): don't leak the connection.			(listener_event_cb): don't leak the connection.
	* components/utils.[ch]: generic database functions m		* components/utils.[ch]: generic database functions m
	connection-mime-handler.c.					connection-mime-handler.c.
	* components/GNOME_Database_Components.server.in.in: 		* components/GNOME_Database_Components.server.in.in: 
	components' information.					components' information.

	* components/Makefile.am: updated file list.			* components/Makefile.am: updated file list.

2003-06-13  Guntupalli Karunakar  <karunakar freedomink org>	2003-06-13  Guntupalli Karunakar  <karunakar freedomink org>

	* configure.in: Added "ml" in ALL_LINGUAS.			* configure.in: Added "ml" in ALL_LINGUAS.

2003-06-12  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-06-12  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c (gnome_db_config_get_l		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c (gnome_db_config_get_l
	preload one level if GCong keys when monitoring direc		preload one level if GCong keys when monitoring direc

2003-06-12  Adam Williams <adam morrison-ind com>		2003-06-12  Adam Williams <adam morrison-ind com>

	* libgnomedb.spec.in: added all libglade module files		* libgnomedb.spec.in: added all libglade module files
	unpackaged files errors.					unpackaged files errors.

2003-06-12  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-06-12  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	Fixes #114830							Fixes #114830

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c (gnome_db_error_		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c (gnome_db_error_
	gtk_window_set_icon instead of gtk_window_set_icon_fr		gtk_window_set_icon instead of gtk_window_set_icon_fr
	remove dependency on GTK+ 2.2.x.				remove dependency on GTK+ 2.2.x.

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c (menu_describe_cb, menu_		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c (menu_describe_cb, menu_
	menu_view_detail_cb): ditto.					menu_view_detail_cb): ditto.

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c (gnome_db_login_		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c (gnome_db_login_
	ditto.								ditto.

	* configure.in: depend again on GTK+ >= 2.0.0.			* configure.in: depend again on GTK+ >= 2.0.0.

2003-06-12  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-06-12  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* components/connection-mime-handler.c (listener_even		* components/connection-mime-handler.c (listener_even
	of open windows on the listener.				of open windows on the listener.
	(window_closed_cb): and unref the listener when no mo		(window_closed_cb): and unref the listener when no mo
	left.								left.
	(client_notification_cb): added client event manageme		(client_notification_cb): added client event manageme
	(db_connect_dialog): connected to GdaClient's "event_		(db_connect_dialog): connected to GdaClient's "event_
	signal. Also, use the username and password from the 		signal. Also, use the username and password from the 
	dialog, not from the connection file.				dialog, not from the connection file.

2003-06-11  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-06-11  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* components/db-shell.[ch]: implementation of generic		* components/db-shell.[ch]: implementation of generic

	* components/connection-mime-handler.c (db_connect_di		* components/connection-mime-handler.c (db_connect_di
	to actually open the connection to the database.		to actually open the connection to the database.

	* components/gnome-components-shell.xml: added UI fil		* components/gnome-components-shell.xml: added UI fil

	* components/Makefile.am: added new files.			* components/Makefile.am: added new files.

2003-06-11  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-06-11  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	Fixes #114830							Fixes #114830

	* configure.in: require gtk+ >= 2.2.0.				* configure.in: require gtk+ >= 2.2.0.

2003-06-09  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-06-09  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.[ch] (gnome_db_login_set_		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.[ch] (gnome_db_login_set_
	(gnome_db_login_set_password): new functions.			(gnome_db_login_set_password): new functions.

	* components/connection-viewer.[ch]: removed non-work		* components/connection-viewer.[ch]: removed non-work

	* components/connection-mime-handler.[ch]: added MIME		* components/connection-mime-handler.[ch]: added MIME
	plugin for .connection files (defined in libgda).		plugin for .connection files (defined in libgda).

	* components/main.c (factory_callback): create a Conn		* components/main.c (factory_callback): create a Conn
	instead of a ConnectionViewer component.			instead of a ConnectionViewer component.

	* components/GNOME_Database_Components.server.in:		* components/GNOME_Database_Components.server.in:
	* components/Makefile.am: updated.				* components/Makefile.am: updated.

2003-06-08  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-06-08  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	Released 0.12.1							Released 0.12.1

2003-06-03  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-06-03  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* control-center/provider-config.c (show_providers): 		* control-center/provider-config.c (show_providers): 
	to avoid so many duplicates.					to avoid so many duplicates.

2003-06-03  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-06-03  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	Fixes #114205							Fixes #114205

	* configure.in: bumped soname version correctly.		* configure.in: bumped soname version correctly.

2003-06-02  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-06-02  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* control-center/dsn-config.c (show_data_sources): s/		* control-center/dsn-config.c (show_data_sources): s/
	since there are too many 'Data sources' in the dialog		since there are too many 'Data sources' in the dialog

	* glade/Makefile.am: added missing $CFLAGS and $LIBS.		* glade/Makefile.am: added missing $CFLAGS and $LIBS.

2003-05-31  Christophe Merlet  <redfox redfoxcenter org>	2003-05-31  Christophe Merlet  <redfox redfoxcenter org>

	* configure.in: Fixed typo. LIBGALDE_CFLAGS -> LIBGLA		* configure.in: Fixed typo. LIBGALDE_CFLAGS -> LIBGLA
	have_libgdade -> have_libglade.					have_libgdade -> have_libglade.

2003-05-31  Danilo � egan  <dsegan gmx net>			2003-05-31  Danilo � egan  <dsegan gmx net>

	* configure.in: There was no "sr" and "sr Latn" in AL		* configure.in: There was no "sr" and "sr Latn" in AL
	Readded.							Readded.

2003-05-30  Adam Tauno Williams <adam morrison-ind com>		2003-05-30  Adam Tauno Williams <adam morrison-ind com>

	* libgnomedb.spec.in: added missing static libraries.		* libgnomedb.spec.in: added missing static libraries.

2003-05-28  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-05-28  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	Released 0.12.0							Released 0.12.0

2003-05-28  Danilo � egan  <dsegan gmx net>			2003-05-28  Danilo � egan  <dsegan gmx net>

	* configure.in: Added "sr" and "sr Latn" to ALL_LINGU		* configure.in: Added "sr" and "sr Latn" to ALL_LINGU

2003-05-26  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-05-26  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c (activation_property_t		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c (activation_property_t
	new GdaParameter API.						new GdaParameter API.

	* testing/Makefile.am: hopefully fixed problem with a		* testing/Makefile.am: hopefully fixed problem with a

	* configure.in: require newest version of libgda.		* configure.in: require newest version of libgda.

2003-05-12  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-05-12  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.[ch] (gnome_db_form_get_cu		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.[ch] (gnome_db_form_get_cu
	(gnome_db_form_set_current_row): new functions.			(gnome_db_form_set_current_row): new functions.

	* configure.in: incremented versions.				* configure.in: incremented versions.

2003-04-18  Dmitry G. Mastrukov <dmitry taurussoft org>		2003-04-18  Dmitry G. Mastrukov <dmitry taurussoft org>

	* Makefile.am:							* Makefile.am:
	* acconfig.h:							* acconfig.h:
	* components/Makefile.am:					* components/Makefile.am:
	* configure.in:							* configure.in:
	* control-center/Makefile.am:					* control-center/Makefile.am:
	* control-center/database-capplet.c:				* control-center/database-capplet.c:
	* control-center/dsn-config.c:					* control-center/dsn-config.c:
	* control-center/main.c:					* control-center/main.c:
	* control-center/provider-config.c:				* control-center/provider-config.c:
	* glade/Makefile.am:						* glade/Makefile.am:
	* libgnomedb.pc.in:						* libgnomedb.pc.in:
	* libgnomedb/Makefile.am:					* libgnomedb/Makefile.am:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:				* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:				* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:				* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:					* libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:			* libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:			* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:				* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c: (gnome_db_error		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c: (gnome_db_error
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:					* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:					* libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c: (menu_describe_cb),		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c: (menu_describe_cb),
	(menu_save_as_cb), (menu_view_detail_cb),			(menu_save_as_cb), (menu_view_detail_cb),
	(popup_button_pressed_cb):					(popup_button_pressed_cb):
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-i18n.h:					* libgnomedb/gnome-db-i18n.h:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c: (gnome_db_init), (gnome		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c: (gnome_db_init), (gnome
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c: (gnome_db_login		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c: (gnome_db_login
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:					* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:					* libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:				* libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c: (gnome_db_yes_no_dialog		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c: (gnome_db_yes_no_dialog
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h:					* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h:
	* libgnomedb/libgnomedb.h:					* libgnomedb/libgnomedb.h:
	* monikers/Makefile.am:						* monikers/Makefile.am:
	* monikers/factory.c:						* monikers/factory.c:
	* monikers/moniker-database.c:					* monikers/moniker-database.c:
	* testing/Makefile.am:						* testing/Makefile.am:
	* testing/test-grid.c: (window_closed_cb), (create_wi		* testing/test-grid.c: (window_closed_cb), (create_wi
	* vfs/dbvfs.c:							* vfs/dbvfs.c:
	* vfs/libmain.c: Modifications to make libgnomedb bei		* vfs/libmain.c: Modifications to make libgnomedb bei
	only with gtk+/libgda.						only with gtk+/libgda.

2003-03-31  ��lvaro Pe�±a <alvaropg telefonica net>		2003-03-31  ��lvaro Pe�±a <alvaropg telefonica net>

	* data/gnome-db-database_24x24.png:				* data/gnome-db-database_24x24.png:
	* data/gnome-db-database_48x48.png:				* data/gnome-db-database_48x48.png:
	* data/gnome-db-database-login_48x48.png:			* data/gnome-db-database-login_48x48.png:
	* data/Makefile.am: added new stock icons.			* data/Makefile.am: added new stock icons.

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:				* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c: UI tweaks and fixes.		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c: UI tweaks and fixes.

2003-03-16  Roozbeh Pournader <roozbeh sharif edu>		2003-03-16  Roozbeh Pournader <roozbeh sharif edu>

	* configure.in: Added "fa" to ALL_LINGUAS.			* configure.in: Added "fa" to ALL_LINGUAS.

2003-03-10  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-03-10  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.[ch] (gnome_db_push_cursor		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.[ch] (gnome_db_push_cursor
	gnome_db_pop_cursor_busy): new functions.			gnome_db_pop_cursor_busy): new functions.

	* configure.in: bumped package and soname version num		* configure.in: bumped package and soname version num

2003-03-09  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-03-09  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-model.c (default_value_set_func		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-model.c (default_value_set_func
	use markup, just setting the "foreground" property on		use markup, just setting the "foreground" property on
	renderer is enough to set the text color.			renderer is enough to set the text color.

2003-03-09  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-03-09  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	Released 0.11.0							Released 0.11.0

2003-03-08  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-03-08  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	Fixes #106402							Fixes #106402

	* configure.in: set GNOMEDB_AGE to 0.				* configure.in: set GNOMEDB_AGE to 0.

2003-03-03  Alvaro Pe�±a <alvaro pena hispalinux es>		2003-03-03  Alvaro Pe�±a <alvaro pena hispalinux es>

	* control-center/dsn-config.c:					* control-center/dsn-config.c:
	* control-center/main.c:					* control-center/main.c:
	* control-center/provider-config.c: HIG-ification.		* control-center/provider-config.c: HIG-ification.

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-gray-bar.c (gnome_db_gray_bar_i		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-gray-bar.c (gnome_db_gray_bar_i
	more spacing for the label and use HIG-recommended al		more spacing for the label and use HIG-recommended al

2003-02-19  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-02-19  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	Fixes 106402							Fixes 106402

	* configure.in: incresad soname,				* configure.in: incresad soname,

2003-02-15  Julio Merino <jmmv hispabsd org>			2003-02-15  Julio Merino <jmmv hispabsd org>

	Fixes #106122							Fixes #106122

	* configure.in: added --with-html-dir argument.			* configure.in: added --with-html-dir argument.

	* doc/C/Makefile.am: use HTML_DIR as defined in confi		* doc/C/Makefile.am: use HTML_DIR as defined in confi

2003-02-15  Julio Merino <jmmv hispabsd org>			2003-02-15  Julio Merino <jmmv hispabsd org>

	Fixes #106121							Fixes #106121

	* data/Makefile.am: use variables defined by AM_GCONF		* data/Makefile.am: use variables defined by AM_GCONF

2003-02-15  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-02-15  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* configure.in: upped minor version.				* configure.in: upped minor version.

	* data/Makefile.am:						* data/Makefile.am:
	* data/gnome-db-commit_24x24.png:				* data/gnome-db-commit_24x24.png:
	* data/gnome-db-rollback_24x24.png: added new stock i		* data/gnome-db-rollback_24x24.png: added new stock i

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.h: added new stock icons 		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.h: added new stock icons 

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c (get_stock_icons): regi		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c (get_stock_icons): regi
	stock icons.							stock icons.

2003-02-09  Christian Neumair  <chris gnome-de org>		2003-02-09  Christian Neumair  <chris gnome-de org>

	* .cvsignore: Added "autom4te*.cache".				* .cvsignore: Added "autom4te*.cache".
	* data/libgnomedb.keys.in: Marked category and descri		* data/libgnomedb.keys.in: Marked category and descri
	translation.							translation.

2003-01-29  Yanko Kaneti <yaneti declera com>			2003-01-29  Yanko Kaneti <yaneti declera com>

	* libgnomedb.spec.in: adds scrollkeeper bits and --di		* libgnomedb.spec.in: adds scrollkeeper bits and --di

2003-01-27  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-01-27  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	Released 0.10.0							Released 0.10.0

2003-01-26  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-01-26  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-editor.c (gnome_db_editor_load_		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-editor.c (gnome_db_editor_load_
	pass a correct GError parameter to gtk_source_buffer_		pass a correct GError parameter to gtk_source_buffer_

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c (gnome_db_select_file_di		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c (gnome_db_select_file_di
	gtk_dialog_run for running the file selection dialog.		gtk_dialog_run for running the file selection dialog.

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c (popup_button_pressed_cb		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c (popup_button_pressed_cb
	add_popup_menu_item): added pixmaps to some menu item		add_popup_menu_item): added pixmaps to some menu item

2003-01-26  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-01-26  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c (model_row_removed_cb): 		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c (model_row_removed_cb): 
	the hash table.							the hash table.

2003-01-25  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-01-25  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.h: added "create_popup_men		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.h: added "create_popup_men

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c (setup_grid): don't use 		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c (setup_grid): don't use 
	for the popup menu, but connect to the "button_press_		for the popup menu, but connect to the "button_press_
	on the widget.							on the widget.
	(popup_button_pressed_cb): create the popup menu here		(popup_button_pressed_cb): create the popup menu here
	"create_popup_menu" signal so that applications can a		"create_popup_menu" signal so that applications can a
	the menu.							the menu.
	(gnome_db_grid_class_init): added new signal.			(gnome_db_grid_class_init): added new signal.

2003-01-25  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-01-25  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.h: added "double_clicked" 		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.h: added "double_clicked" 

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c (gnome_db_grid_class_ini		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c (gnome_db_grid_class_ini
	signal to GnomeDbGrid class.					signal to GnomeDbGrid class.
	(setup_grid): connect to "row_activated" signal on tr		(setup_grid): connect to "row_activated" signal on tr
	(tree_view_row_activated_cb): marshal "row_activated"		(tree_view_row_activated_cb): marshal "row_activated"
	"double_clicked".						"double_clicked".

2003-01-24  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-01-24  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c (gnome_db_grid_set_model		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c (gnome_db_grid_set_model
	row_removed signal on model.					row_removed signal on model.
	(model_row_removed_cb): update the internal row data 		(model_row_removed_cb): update the internal row data 
	removed from the model.						removed from the model.
	(gnome_db_grid_finalize): don't leak the data model.		(gnome_db_grid_finalize): don't leak the data model.

2003-01-22  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-01-22  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-model.c (gnome_db_model_to_gtk_		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-model.c (gnome_db_model_to_gtk_
	connect to "clicked" signal on all GtkTreeViewColumn'		connect to "clicked" signal on all GtkTreeViewColumn'
	(column_clicked_cb): set the search column to the col		(column_clicked_cb): set the search column to the col

2003-01-22  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-01-22  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-model.c (gnome_db_model_to_gtk_		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-model.c (gnome_db_model_to_gtk_
	search function and column on the tree view.			search function and column on the tree view.
	(tree_view_equal_func): equal_func for the tree view.		(tree_view_equal_func): equal_func for the tree view.

2003-01-19  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-01-19  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-gray-bar.c (gnome_db_gray_bar_i		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-gray-bar.c (gnome_db_gray_bar_i
	little space in front of the label.				little space in front of the label.

2003-01-19  Gonzalo Paniagua Javier <gonzalo gnome-db org>	2003-01-19  Gonzalo Paniagua Javier <gonzalo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c: no need to 		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c: no need to 
	now.								now.

2003-01-19  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-01-19  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-editor.c (create_tags_for_sql):		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-editor.c (create_tags_for_sql):
	SQL keywords.							SQL keywords.

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c (gnome_db_login_		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c (gnome_db_login_
	added nice pixmap to the dialog.				added nice pixmap to the dialog.

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c (gnome_db_login_constru		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c (gnome_db_login_constru
	table attachment options.					table attachment options.

2003-01-18  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-01-18  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c (gnome_db_grid_set_model		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c (gnome_db_grid_set_model
	per-row data when we change the data model.			per-row data when we change the data model.

2003-01-18  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-01-18  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	Fixes #90056							Fixes #90056

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c: added suppo		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c: added suppo
	remembering values between pages.				remembering values between pages.
	(general_next_pressed_cb): set initial value of entri		(general_next_pressed_cb): set initial value of entri
	remembered values, if available.				remembered values, if available.
	(gnome_db_dsn_config_druid_init): initialize remember		(gnome_db_dsn_config_druid_init): initialize remember
	table and connected to "back" signal on the providers		table and connected to "back" signal on the providers
	page.								page.
	(provider_back_pressed_cb): set remembered values her		(provider_back_pressed_cb): set remembered values her

	* control-center/dsn-config.c (select_all_cb, unselec		* control-center/dsn-config.c (select_all_cb, unselec
	removed useless buttons.					removed useless buttons.

	* control-center/main.c (create_dialog): made the dia		* control-center/main.c (create_dialog): made the dia

2003-01-17  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-01-17  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-model.c (model_row_inserted_cb,		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-model.c (model_row_inserted_cb,
	model_row_updated_cb, model_row_removed_cb): respond 		model_row_updated_cb, model_row_removed_cb): respond 
	data model and spread the changes to the GtkTreeModel		data model and spread the changes to the GtkTreeModel

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.[ch] (gnome_db_grid_get_ro		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.[ch] (gnome_db_grid_get_ro
	gnome_db_grid_set_row_data): new functions to easy th		gnome_db_grid_set_row_data): new functions to easy th
	GtkCList's to GnomeDbGrid's in Mergeant.			GtkCList's to GnomeDbGrid's in Mergeant.
	(gnome_db_grid_init): create row data hash table.		(gnome_db_grid_init): create row data hash table.
	(gnome_db_grid_finalize): destroy row data hash table		(gnome_db_grid_finalize): destroy row data hash table
	(gnome_db_grid_find_row_from_data): new function.		(gnome_db_grid_find_row_from_data): new function.

2003-01-17  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-01-17  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c (general_nex		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c (general_nex
	hide characters for PASSWORD entry.				hide characters for PASSWORD entry.

2003-01-17  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-01-17  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c (gnome_db_init): set mor		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c (gnome_db_init): set mor
	GnomeProgram we initialize.					GnomeProgram we initialize.

	* libgnomedb/Makefile.am: added needed -D's for gnome		* libgnomedb/Makefile.am: added needed -D's for gnome

2003-01-16  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-01-16  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c (gnome_db_error_init): 		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c (gnome_db_error_init): 
	the GnomeDbError widget.					the GnomeDbError widget.
	(detail_button_clicked_cb): made sure we show all wid		(detail_button_clicked_cb): made sure we show all wid

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c (gnome_db_error_		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c (gnome_db_error_
	the dialog title if specified.					the dialog title if specified.
	(gnome_db_error_dialog_set_title): ditto.			(gnome_db_error_dialog_set_title): ditto.

2003-01-16  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-01-16  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-model.c (default_value_set_func		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-model.c (default_value_set_func
	toggle_value_set_func): set correct vertical alignmen		toggle_value_set_func): set correct vertical alignmen

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-editor.c (create_tags_for_sql):		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-editor.c (create_tags_for_sql):
	keywords.							keywords.

2003-01-15  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-01-15  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c (save_as_response_cb): u		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c (save_as_response_cb): u
	standalone argument in call to gda_data_model_to_xml.		standalone argument in call to gda_data_model_to_xml.
	an error message if we don't get a valid body.			an error message if we don't get a valid body.

2003-01-15  Gonzalo Paniagua Javier <gonzalo gnome-db org>	2003-01-15  Gonzalo Paniagua Javier <gonzalo gnome-db org>

	* configure.in: removed config.h.				* configure.in: removed config.h.

	* components/Makefile.am:					* components/Makefile.am:
	* control-center/Makefile.am:					* control-center/Makefile.am:
	* glade/Makefile.am:						* glade/Makefile.am:
	* libgnomedb/Makefile.am:					* libgnomedb/Makefile.am:
	* monikers/Makefile.am:						* monikers/Makefile.am:
	* testing/Makefile.am:						* testing/Makefile.am:
	* vfs/Makefile.am: prepend $(top_srcdir) and $(top_bu		* vfs/Makefile.am: prepend $(top_srcdir) and $(top_bu

	* components/main.c:						* components/main.c:
	* control-center/database-capplet.c:				* control-center/database-capplet.c:
	* control-center/dsn-config.c:					* control-center/dsn-config.c:
	* control-center/main.c:					* control-center/main.c:
	* glade/glade-gnomedb.c:					* glade/glade-gnomedb.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:				* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:				* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:				* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:					* libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:			* libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-data-source-selector.c:			* libgnomedb/gnome-db-data-source-selector.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:			* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:				* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-editor.c:					* libgnomedb/gnome-db-editor.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:				* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:					* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:					* libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:					* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:					* libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:				* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:					* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-model.c:					* libgnomedb/gnome-db-model.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:					* libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:				* libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c:					* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c:
	* monikers/factory.c:						* monikers/factory.c:
	* monikers/moniker-database.c:					* monikers/moniker-database.c:
	* testing/test-dsn-selector.c:					* testing/test-dsn-selector.c:
	* testing/test-editor.c:					* testing/test-editor.c:
	* testing/test-grid.c:						* testing/test-grid.c:
	* vfs/dbclient.c:						* vfs/dbclient.c:
	* vfs/dbvfs.c:							* vfs/dbvfs.c:
	* vfs/libmain.c: removed config.h. Some warnings remo		* vfs/libmain.c: removed config.h. Some warnings remo

2003-01-15  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-01-15  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* configure.in: fixed optional GtkSourceView flags.		* configure.in: fixed optional GtkSourceView flags.

2003-01-14  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-01-14  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* Makefile.am:							* Makefile.am:
	* vfs/dbvfs.c: fixed compilation problems and re-enab		* vfs/dbvfs.c: fixed compilation problems and re-enab
	building.							building.

	* libgnomedb/libgnomedb.h: added missing header.		* libgnomedb/libgnomedb.h: added missing header.

	* glade/glade-gnomedb.c (glade_module_register_widget		* glade/glade-gnomedb.c (glade_module_register_widget
	new widgets.							new widgets.

2003-01-12  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-01-12  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.h:					* libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.h:
	* data/libgnomedb.schemas.in: added new config entry.		* data/libgnomedb.schemas.in: added new config entry.

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-editor.c (configuration_changed		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-editor.c (configuration_changed
	to manage changes in new configuration entry.			to manage changes in new configuration entry.
	(gnome_db_editor_init): set highlighting depending on		(gnome_db_editor_init): set highlighting depending on
	configuration entry value.					configuration entry value.

2003-01-12  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-01-12  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-editor.c (create_tags_for_sql):		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-editor.c (create_tags_for_sql):
	from keyword tag. Added tag for comments.			from keyword tag. Added tag for comments.

2003-01-11  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-01-11  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-editor.[ch] (gnome_db_editor_ge		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-editor.[ch] (gnome_db_editor_ge
	gnome_db_editor_set_highlight): new functions.			gnome_db_editor_set_highlight): new functions.

2003-01-11  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-01-11  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* Makefile.am: disabled VFS directory.				* Makefile.am: disabled VFS directory.

	* configure.in: added check for (optional) gtksourcev		* configure.in: added check for (optional) gtksourcev

	* libgnomedb/Makefile.am:					* libgnomedb/Makefile.am:
	* libgnomedb/libgnomedb.h:					* libgnomedb/libgnomedb.h:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-editor.[ch]: new widget.			* libgnomedb/gnome-db-editor.[ch]: new widget.

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-sql-editor.[ch]: removed, will 		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-sql-editor.[ch]: removed, will 
	the more generic GnomeDbEditor.					the more generic GnomeDbEditor.

	* doc/C/*: added new documentation.				* doc/C/*: added new documentation.

	* data/libgnomedb.schemas.in:					* data/libgnomedb.schemas.in:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.h: added new configurati		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.h: added new configurati

	* testing/Makefile.am:						* testing/Makefile.am:
	* testing/test-editor.c: new test program.			* testing/test-editor.c: new test program.

2003-01-10  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-01-10  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* data/Makefile.am:						* data/Makefile.am:
	* data/gnome-db-no-transaction.png:				* data/gnome-db-no-transaction.png:
	* data/gnome-db-within-transaction.png:				* data/gnome-db-within-transaction.png:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.[ch]: added new icons to 		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.[ch]: added new icons to 

2003-01-09  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2003-01-09  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* control-center/main.c (main): implemented session m		* control-center/main.c (main): implemented session m

2002-12-29  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-12-29  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* vfs/dbvfs.c (dbvfs_do_open_directory, dbvfs_do_clos		* vfs/dbvfs.c (dbvfs_do_open_directory, dbvfs_do_clos
	dbvfs_do_read_directory): implemented for the root di		dbvfs_do_read_directory): implemented for the root di

	* libgnomedb/libgnomedb.h:					* libgnomedb/libgnomedb.h:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-icon-list.[ch]: re-added icon l		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-icon-list.[ch]: re-added icon l

	* doc/C/*: added new widget to documentation.			* doc/C/*: added new widget to documentation.

2002-12-23  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-12-23  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c (save_as_response_cb): i		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c (save_as_response_cb): i
	exists, ask the user for confirmation to overwrite it		exists, ask the user for confirmation to overwrite it
	destroy the dialog if no filename is given.			destroy the dialog if no filename is given.

2002-12-23  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-12-23  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c (menu_save_as_cb): made 		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c (menu_save_as_cb): made 
	modal, since it was making the application hang when 		modal, since it was making the application hang when 
	was opened from the dialog.					was opened from the dialog.
	(save_as_response_cb): moved the response management 		(save_as_response_cb): moved the response management 
	here.								here.

2002-12-19  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-12-19  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* control-center/provider-config.c (provider_config_n		* control-center/provider-config.c (provider_config_n
	fixed weird size of provider list widget.			fixed weird size of provider list widget.

2002-12-16  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-12-16  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* components/GNOME_Database_Components.server.in.in: 		* components/GNOME_Database_Components.server.in.in: 
	for binary.							for binary.

2002-12-13  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-12-13  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* configure.in: added --enable/disable-gtk-doc argume		* configure.in: added --enable/disable-gtk-doc argume
	gtk-doc stuff.							gtk-doc stuff.

2002-11-17  Dmitry G. Mastrukov  <dmitry taurussoft org>	2002-11-17  Dmitry G. Mastrukov  <dmitry taurussoft org>

	* configure.in: Added Belarusian to ALL_LINGUAS.		* configure.in: Added Belarusian to ALL_LINGUAS.

2002-10-29  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-10-29  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* components/connection-viewer.c (pstream_load):		* components/connection-viewer.c (pstream_load):
	* control-center/dsn-config.c (test_dsn_cb): adapted 		* control-center/dsn-config.c (test_dsn_cb): adapted 
	gda_client_open_connection.					gda_client_open_connection.

2002-10-28  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-10-28  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c (get_stock_icons): moved		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c (get_stock_icons): moved
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c (gnome_db_stock_init): 		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c (gnome_db_stock_init): 
	that we can initialize the stock icons without having		that we can initialize the stock icons without having
	initialization done in gnome_db_init.				initialization done in gnome_db_init.

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c				* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c
	(gnome_db_login_dialog_class_init): call gnome_db_sto		(gnome_db_login_dialog_class_init): call gnome_db_sto

2002-10-26  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-10-26  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c (gnome_db_option_menu_se		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c (gnome_db_option_menu_se
	return immediately if pointers are NULL.			return immediately if pointers are NULL.

2002-10-24  Carlos Perell�³ Mar�­n <carlos gnome-db org>	2002-10-24  Carlos Perell�³ Mar�­n <carlos gnome-db org>

	* vfs/libmain.c: Fixed i18n.					* vfs/libmain.c: Fixed i18n.

2002-10-23  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-10-23  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	Released 0.8.199						Released 0.8.199

2002-10-23  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-10-23  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	Fixes #95959							Fixes #95959

	* control-center/dsn-config.c (dsn_config_new): don't		* control-center/dsn-config.c (dsn_config_new): don't
	since users shouldn't even have to know what it is.		since users shouldn't even have to know what it is.

2002-10-12  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-10-12  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c (get_stock_icons): regis		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c (get_stock_icons): regis

2002-10-08  Gonzalo Paniagua Javier <gonzalo gnome-db org>	2002-10-08  Gonzalo Paniagua Javier <gonzalo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c: fixed bug #90058.		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c: fixed bug #90058.

2002-10-07  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-10-07  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c (gnome_db_option_menu_se		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c (gnome_db_option_menu_se
	gtk_option_menu_set_history to set the active option 		gtk_option_menu_set_history to set the active option 
	menu.								menu.

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-data-source-selector.c (show_da		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-data-source-selector.c (show_da
	activate always the default item.				activate always the default item.

2002-10-06  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-10-06  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.[ch] (gnome_db_stock_get_		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.[ch] (gnome_db_stock_get_
	function.							function.

	* libgnomedb/Makefile.am: added new file.			* libgnomedb/Makefile.am: added new file.
2002-10-01  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-10-01  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* doc/C/libgnomedb-docs.sgml:					* doc/C/libgnomedb-docs.sgml:
	* doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-config.sgml: added missing API 		* doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-config.sgml: added missing API 

2002-09-30  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-09-30  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* configure.in: added check for scrollkeeper.			* configure.in: added check for scrollkeeper.

	* doc/Makefile.am:						* doc/Makefile.am:
	* doc/libgnomedb-C.omf.in: added OMF file.			* doc/libgnomedb-C.omf.in: added OMF file.
2002-09-30  Stanislav Brabec  <sbrabec suse cz>			2002-09-30  Stanislav Brabec  <sbrabec suse cz>

	* configure.in: Added cs to ALL_LINGUAS.			* configure.in: Added cs to ALL_LINGUAS.

2002-09-25  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-09-25  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c (gnome_db_error_init): 		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c (gnome_db_error_init): 
	attaching widgets to table.					attaching widgets to table.

2002-09-23  Gonzalo Paniagua Javier <gonzalo gnome-db org>	2002-09-23  Gonzalo Paniagua Javier <gonzalo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c: removed more leaks.		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c: removed more leaks.

2002-09-09  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-09-09  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	Released 0.8.193						Released 0.8.193

2002-08-19  Ben Liblit  <liblit acm org>			2002-08-19  Ben Liblit  <liblit acm org>

	* libgnomedb.spec.in: fix version number substitution		* libgnomedb.spec.in: fix version number substitution

	* libgnomedb.spec.in: update files list to match what		* libgnomedb.spec.in: update files list to match what
	install" actually installs					install" actually installs

	* libgnomedb.spec.in: add URL tag pointing to GNOME-D		* libgnomedb.spec.in: add URL tag pointing to GNOME-D
	web site							web site
	* Makefile.am: no need to explicitly list "*.in" file		* Makefile.am: no need to explicitly list "*.in" file
	distribution, as automake takes care of these implici		distribution, as automake takes care of these implici
	standard $(EXTRA_DIST) list for distributing spec fil		standard $(EXTRA_DIST) list for distributing spec fil

2002-08-18  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-08-18  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.[ch]: mov		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.[ch]: mov
	gnome-db's library.						gnome-db's library.

	* libgnomedb/Makefile.am: added new files.			* libgnomedb/Makefile.am: added new files.

	* doc/C/libgnomedb-docs.sgml:					* doc/C/libgnomedb-docs.sgml:
	* doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-connection-properties.sgml: add		* doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-connection-properties.sgml: add
	documentation.							documentation.
2002-08-07  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-08-07  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* control-center/dsn-config.c (test_dsn_cb): set gnom		* control-center/dsn-config.c (test_dsn_cb): set gnom
	dialog window.							dialog window.

2002-08-06  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-08-06  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* control-center/dsn-config.c (test_dsn_cb): callback		* control-center/dsn-config.c (test_dsn_cb): callback
	'Test DSN' button.						'Test DSN' button.

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.[ch] (gnome_db_show_messag		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.[ch] (gnome_db_show_messag

2002-07-09  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-07-09  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c: added a title bar (opti		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c: added a title bar (opti
	(gnome_db_grid_get_title): new function.			(gnome_db_grid_get_title): new function.
	(gnome_db_grid_set_title): new function.			(gnome_db_grid_set_title): new function.
	(gnome_db_grid_get_show_title): new function.			(gnome_db_grid_get_show_title): new function.
	(gnome_db_grid_set_show_title): new function.			(gnome_db_grid_set_show_title): new function.

	* control-center/provider-config.c (provider_config_n		* control-center/provider-config.c (provider_config_n
	* control-center/dsn-config.c (dsn_config_new): use a		* control-center/dsn-config.c (dsn_config_new): use a
	grid.								grid.

2002-07-08  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-07-08  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	Released 0.8.192						Released 0.8.192

2002-07-03  Gonzalo Paniagua Javier <gonzalo gnome-db org>	2002-07-03  Gonzalo Paniagua Javier <gonzalo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:					* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:
	(detail_button_clicked_cb): resize the window it its 		(detail_button_clicked_cb): resize the window it its 
	changed when details are displayed.				changed when details are displayed.

2002-07-01  Gonzalo Paniagua Javier <gonzalo gnome-db org>	2002-07-01  Gonzalo Paniagua Javier <gonzalo gnome-db org>

	* components/main.c:						* components/main.c:
	(client_error_cb): don't free the list of errors.		(client_error_cb): don't free the list of errors.

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c: fixed warning.			* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c: fixed warning.

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:					* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:
	(detail_button_clicked_cb): fixed.				(detail_button_clicked_cb): fixed.

	(gnome_db_error_show): make a copy of the error list 		(gnome_db_error_show): make a copy of the error list 
	number of errors in the list.					number of errors in the list.

	(gnome_db_error_next): use the value stored before.		(gnome_db_error_next): use the value stored before.

	(gnome_db_error_get_position): new. Returns the posit		(gnome_db_error_get_position): new. Returns the posit
	being displayed.						being displayed.
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.h: added prototype for		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.h: added prototype for
	gnome_db_error_get_position ().					gnome_db_error_get_position ().

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:				* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:
	(gnome_db_error_dialog_show_errors): make the dialog 		(gnome_db_error_dialog_show_errors): make the dialog 
	the close button is pressed. Change the sensitiveness		the close button is pressed. Change the sensitiveness
	and Next buttons depending on the position and the nu		and Next buttons depending on the position and the nu

2002-06-25  Gonzalo Paniagua Javier <gonzalo gnome-db org>	2002-06-25  Gonzalo Paniagua Javier <gonzalo gnome-db org>

	* control-center/dsn-config.c:					* control-center/dsn-config.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:				* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-data-source-selector.c:			* libgnomedb/gnome-db-data-source-selector.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c: changed gda		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c: changed gda
	gnome_db-config_*.						gnome_db-config_*.

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.[ch]: use gconf again. O		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.[ch]: use gconf again. O
	syncs contents of .libgda/config file to gconf config		syncs contents of .libgda/config file to gconf config
	listener will sync back to .libgda/config any change 		listener will sync back to .libgda/config any change 

2002-06-13  Gonzalo Paniagua Javier <gonzalo gnome-db org>	2002-06-13  Gonzalo Paniagua Javier <gonzalo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:				* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:
	(tree_value_set_func): reimplemented to use 2 cell re		(tree_value_set_func): reimplemented to use 2 cell re
	same column.							same column.
	(gnome-db-browser-init): create only one column with 		(gnome-db-browser-init): create only one column with 

	The changes to the above functions make the left tree		The changes to the above functions make the left tree
	the icon and text correctly instead of showing the ic		the icon and text correctly instead of showing the ic

	(gnome-db-browser-refresh): set the combobox with an 		(gnome-db-browser-refresh): set the combobox with an 
	and deactivate it instead of setting the strings with		and deactivate it instead of setting the strings with
	Use GDA_IS_CONNECTION before calling gda_connection_i		Use GDA_IS_CONNECTION before calling gda_connection_i
	This changes avoid warnings.					This changes avoid warnings.

2002-06-11  Gonzalo Paniagua Javier <gonzalo gnome-db org>	2002-06-11  Gonzalo Paniagua Javier <gonzalo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c: fixed crash when exi		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c: fixed crash when exi
	gnome-db-components.						gnome-db-components.

2002-06-10  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>			2002-06-10  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>

	* control-center/dsn-config.c: Improve english in a s		* control-center/dsn-config.c: Improve english in a s
2002-06-06  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-06-06  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c (tree_selection_chang		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c (tree_selection_chang
	a button to notebook tabs so that we can close them.		a button to notebook tabs so that we can close them.

2002-06-06  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-06-06  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-model.c (gnome_db_model_to_gtk_		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-model.c (gnome_db_model_to_gtk_
	it use a GtkTreeStore. Tree-like data models to be su		it use a GtkTreeStore. Tree-like data models to be su

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.h: added #define's for t		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.h: added #define's for t
	configuration entries.						configuration entries.

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c: restructured (again)		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c: restructured (again)
	look&feel (I hope).						look&feel (I hope).

	* data/gnome-db*16x16.png: added new placeholder imag		* data/gnome-db*16x16.png: added new placeholder imag
	replaced by proper ones.					replaced by proper ones.

2002-06-05  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-06-05  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* control-center/dsn-config.c (dsn_config_new):			* control-center/dsn-config.c (dsn_config_new):
	* control-center/provider-config.c (provider_config_n		* control-center/provider-config.c (provider_config_n
	UI, with some tweaks and some new pixmaps.			UI, with some tweaks and some new pixmaps.

2002-06-04  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-06-04  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-model.c (gnome_db_model_to_gtk_		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-model.c (gnome_db_model_to_gtk_
	fixed sorting of data in the tree view.				fixed sorting of data in the tree view.

	* control-center/Makefile.am:					* control-center/Makefile.am:
	* control-center/database-capplet.c:				* control-center/database-capplet.c:
	* control-center/provider-config.[ch]: added provider		* control-center/provider-config.[ch]: added provider
	page to the notebook.						page to the notebook.

2002-06-04  Zbigniew Chyla  <cyba gnome pl>			2002-06-04  Zbigniew Chyla  <cyba gnome pl>

	* control-center/database-capplet.c, control-center/d		* control-center/database-capplet.c, control-center/d
	Added missing includes (config.h, gtk/gtklabel.h).		Added missing includes (config.h, gtk/gtklabel.h).

2002-06-04  Damon Chaplin  <damon ximian com>			2002-06-04  Damon Chaplin  <damon ximian com>

	* components/main.c: include <locale.h> so it compile		* components/main.c: include <locale.h> so it compile

2002-06-03  Gonzalo Paniagua Javier <gonzalo gnome-db org>	2002-06-03  Gonzalo Paniagua Javier <gonzalo gnome-db org>

	* control-center/dsn-config.c: included libgnomeui/gn		* control-center/dsn-config.c: included libgnomeui/gn
	Include the password in the calls to gda_config_save_		Include the password in the calls to gda_config_save_

	* control-center/main.c: included libgnomeui/gnome-wi		* control-center/main.c: included libgnomeui/gnome-wi

2002-06-02  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-06-02  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:			* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c: allow edition of 		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c: allow edition of 
	entry, which will go to the configuration file.			entry, which will go to the configuration file.

	* control-center/dsn-config.c (druid_finished_cb):		* control-center/dsn-config.c (druid_finished_cb):
	(foreach_edit_cb): added @password parameter in call 		(foreach_edit_cb): added @password parameter in call 
	gda_config_save_data_source.					gda_config_save_data_source.

2002-05-31  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-05-31  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* control-center/dsn-config.c (dsn_config_new): use a		* control-center/dsn-config.c (dsn_config_new): use a
	the help part. Fixed ugliness of the help label.		the help part. Fixed ugliness of the help label.

2002-05-31  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-05-31  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c (menu_hide_columns_cb):		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c (menu_hide_columns_cb):
	(menu_show_columns_cb): new callbacks for popup menu 		(menu_show_columns_cb): new callbacks for popup menu 
	(menu_describe_cb): commented out, until GnomeDbTable		(menu_describe_cb): commented out, until GnomeDbTable
	fully implemented.						fully implemented.

	* control-center/dsn-config.c (dsn_config_new): don't		* control-center/dsn-config.c (dsn_config_new): don't
	GtkFrame as the container. The main GtkNotebook has a		GtkFrame as the container. The main GtkNotebook has a
	on it. Also, added help part to the dialog.			on it. Also, added help part to the dialog.
	(show_data_sources): only display name and descriptio		(show_data_sources): only display name and descriptio
	detailed information, there's the edition dialog.		detailed information, there's the edition dialog.

2002-05-31  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-05-31  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* doc/C/libgnomedb-docs.sgml:					* doc/C/libgnomedb-docs.sgml:
	* doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-stock.sgml: added new API docum		* doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-stock.sgml: added new API docum

2002-05-30  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-05-30  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* Makefile.am:							* Makefile.am:
	* configure.in: made building of the VFS module optio		* configure.in: made building of the VFS module optio

	* control-center/*: added basic control center applet		* control-center/*: added basic control center applet
	configuration (based on the manager component in GNOM		configuration (based on the manager component in GNOM

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.[ch] (gnome_db_grid_foreac		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.[ch] (gnome_db_grid_foreac
	new function.							new function.

2002-05-30  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-05-30  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* po/POTFILES.in:						* po/POTFILES.in:
	* data/Makefile.am:						* data/Makefile.am:
	* data/libgnomedb.schemas.in: fixed schemas file, as 		* data/libgnomedb.schemas.in: fixed schemas file, as 
	Kenneth.							Kenneth.

2002-05-28  Akira Tagoh <tagoh gnome-db org>			2002-05-28  Akira Tagoh <tagoh gnome-db org>

	Fixes #83185.							Fixes #83185.

	* configure.in: 						* configure.in: 
	* components/Makefile.am:					* components/Makefile.am:
	* components/GNOME_Database_Components.server.in: ins		* components/GNOME_Database_Components.server.in: ins
	components in libexecdir.					components in libexecdir.

2002-05-28  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-05-28  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* Makefile.am: install pixmaps in $datadir/pixmaps/li		* Makefile.am: install pixmaps in $datadir/pixmaps/li
	#831849). Thanks to Akira Tagoh <tagoh gnome-db org>		#831849). Thanks to Akira Tagoh <tagoh gnome-db org>

2002-05-24  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-05-24  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	Released 0.8.191						Released 0.8.191

2002-05-20  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-05-20  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-model.c (sort_values): check po		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-model.c (sort_values): check po
	using them on strcmp.						using them on strcmp.

	* configure.in:							* configure.in:
	* Makefile.am: added new components/ directory.			* Makefile.am: added new components/ directory.

	* components/main.c: main file for the gnome-database		* components/main.c: main file for the gnome-database
	binary.								binary.

	* components/connection-viewer.[ch]: implementation o		* components/connection-viewer.[ch]: implementation o
	viewer control, which manages the application/x-gnome		viewer control, which manages the application/x-gnome
	MIME type.							MIME type.

	* components/sql-viewer.[ch]: a SQL code viewer.		* components/sql-viewer.[ch]: a SQL code viewer.

	* data/Makefile.am:						* data/Makefile.am:
	* data/libgnomedb.keys.in:					* data/libgnomedb.keys.in:
	* data/libgnomedb.mime: added support for our MIME ty		* data/libgnomedb.mime: added support for our MIME ty

2002-05-19  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-05-19  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* configure.in:							* configure.in:
	* Makefile.am:							* Makefile.am:
	* monikers/*: added database: monikers from gnome-db 		* monikers/*: added database: monikers from gnome-db 

2002-05-13  Gonzalo Paniagua Javier <gonzalo gnome-db org>	2002-05-13  Gonzalo Paniagua Javier <gonzalo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-model.c:					* libgnomedb/gnome-db-model.c:
	(gnome_db_model_to_gtk_tree_view): always free the at		(gnome_db_model_to_gtk_tree_view): always free the at
	when the column is a boolean value.				when the column is a boolean value.

2002-05-09  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-05-09  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* testing/test-grid.c: replaced usage of			* testing/test-grid.c: replaced usage of
	gda_data_model_array_append_row with gda_data_model_a		gda_data_model_array_append_row with gda_data_model_a

2002-05-04  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-05-04  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* Release 0.8.190						* Release 0.8.190

2002-05-03  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-05-03  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* Makefile.am: install gnome-db.png in $(datadir)/pix		* Makefile.am: install gnome-db.png in $(datadir)/pix

2002-05-01  Pablo Saratxaga <pablo mandrakesoft com>		2002-05-01  Pablo Saratxaga <pablo mandrakesoft com>

	* configure.in: Added Vietnamese (vi) to ALL_LINGUAS		* configure.in: Added Vietnamese (vi) to ALL_LINGUAS

2002-04-28  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-04-28  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* configure.in: sorted out some version checks. Added		* configure.in: sorted out some version checks. Added
	to AC_OUTPUT. Added check for gnome-vfs-module-2.0.		to AC_OUTPUT. Added check for gnome-vfs-module-2.0.

	* Makefile.am: added vfs directory to SUBDIRS.			* Makefile.am: added vfs directory to SUBDIRS.

	* vfs/libmain.c: main file for the GNOME VFS module f		* vfs/libmain.c: main file for the GNOME VFS module f
	databases.							databases.

	* vfs/dbclient.[ch]: file for managing DB connections		* vfs/dbclient.[ch]: file for managing DB connections

	* vfs/dbvfs.[ch]: implementation of the GnomeVFSMetho		* vfs/dbvfs.[ch]: implementation of the GnomeVFSMetho

	* vfs/database-module.conf: configuration file for th		* vfs/database-module.conf: configuration file for th

2002-04-22  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-04-22  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* configure.in: require explicitly bonobo-activation,		* configure.in: require explicitly bonobo-activation,
	not a libgda dependency anymore.				not a libgda dependency anymore.

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.[ch]: new files.			* libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.[ch]: new files.

2002-04-22  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-04-22  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* configure.in: require libgda >= 0.8.190.			* configure.in: require libgda >= 0.8.190.

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-model.c:					* libgnomedb/gnome-db-model.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c: adapted to a few change		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c: adapted to a few change
2002-04-22  Murray Cumming  <murrayc usa net>			2002-04-22  Murray Cumming  <murrayc usa net>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-window.c: gnome_db_window_new()		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-window.c: gnome_db_window_new()
	Uses construct-time properties instead of bonobo_wind		Uses construct-time properties instead of bonobo_wind
	which should no longer be used now that bonobo_window		which should no longer be used now that bonobo_window
	just a convenience wrapper for g_object_new().			just a convenience wrapper for g_object_new().
	By the way, it looks like gnome_db_window_new() is al		By the way, it looks like gnome_db_window_new() is al
	there should be no code in a _new() function other th		there should be no code in a _new() function other th
	g_object_new().							g_object_new().

2002-04-14  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-04-14  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* Makefile.am:							* Makefile.am:
	* data/Makefile.am:						* data/Makefile.am:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:			* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:				* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:					* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:				* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c:					* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c:
	* libgnomedb/Makefile.am: install pixmaps in			* libgnomedb/Makefile.am: install pixmaps in
	$(datadir)/pixmaps/libgnomedb.					$(datadir)/pixmaps/libgnomedb.
2002-04-13  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-04-13  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* data/gnome-db-database_24x24.png:				* data/gnome-db-database_24x24.png:
	* data/gnome-db-designer_24x24.png:				* data/gnome-db-designer_24x24.png:
	* data/gnome-db-sql_24x24.png: fixed versions of thes		* data/gnome-db-sql_24x24.png: fixed versions of thes
	Alvaro Pe�±a Gonzalez <alvaropg mac com>			Alvaro Pe�±a Gonzalez <alvaropg mac com>

2002-04-10  Zbigniew Chyla  <cyba gnome pl>			2002-04-10  Zbigniew Chyla  <cyba gnome pl>


	* configure.in: defined BONOBO_EXPLICIT_TRANSLATION_D		* configure.in: defined BONOBO_EXPLICIT_TRANSLATION_D

	* libgda/Makefile.am: set LIBGDA_LOCALEDIR to $(datad		* libgda/Makefile.am: set LIBGDA_LOCALEDIR to $(datad

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c,				* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c,
	libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c, libgnomedb/gnome		libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c, libgnomedb/gnome
	libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c,				libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c,
	libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c, libgnomedb/gnome-db		libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c, libgnomedb/gnome-db
	libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c, libgnomedb/gnome-db-form		libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c, libgnomedb/gnome-db-form
	libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c, libgnomedb/gnome-db-login		libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c, libgnomedb/gnome-db-login
	libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c, libgnomedb/gnome-db-tabl		libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c, libgnomedb/gnome-db-tabl
	added missing includes to fix i18n.				added missing includes to fix i18n.

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c (_gnome_db_gettext): rem		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c (_gnome_db_gettext): rem
	added missing includes.						added missing includes.

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c (gnome_db_init): initial		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c (gnome_db_init): initial
	added missing includes.						added missing includes.

	* Makefile.am (libgnomedb_2_la_SOURCES): removed gnom		* Makefile.am (libgnomedb_2_la_SOURCES): removed gnom

	* libgnomedbgnome-db-intl.h: removed file.			* libgnomedbgnome-db-intl.h: removed file.

2002-04-01  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-04-01  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c: refactored to be mor		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c: refactored to be mor
	the creation of the different object tabs and added s		the creation of the different object tabs and added s
	(initialize_object_widgets): don't hardcode the posit		(initialize_object_widgets): don't hardcode the posit
	(object_selected_cb) (object_selection_cleared_cb): r		(object_selected_cb) (object_selection_cleared_cb): r
	specific functions with those generic ones.			specific functions with those generic ones.

2002-04-01  Gonzalo Paniagua Javier <gonzalo gnome-db org>	2002-04-01  Gonzalo Paniagua Javier <gonzalo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-list.c (gnome_db_list_set_model		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-list.c (gnome_db_list_set_model
	possible NULL in 'model'.					possible NULL in 'model'.

2002-03-30  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-03-30  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c (gnome_db_select_file_di		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c (gnome_db_select_file_di
	the dialog widget appropriately.				the dialog widget appropriately.

2002-03-30  Gonzalo Paniagua Javier <gonzalo gnome-db org>	2002-03-30  Gonzalo Paniagua Javier <gonzalo gnome-db org>

	* doc/C/libgnomedb-docs.sgml: added GNOME-DB entity.		* doc/C/libgnomedb-docs.sgml: added GNOME-DB entity.
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c: removed a warning.		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c: removed a warning.

2002-03-29  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-03-29  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.[ch] (gnome_db_select_file		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.[ch] (gnome_db_select_file
	function.							function.

2002-03-26  Daniel Morgan <danmorg sc rr com>			2002-03-26  Daniel Morgan <danmorg sc rr com>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-sql-editor.[ch]: new widget, a 		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-sql-editor.[ch]: new widget, a 
	editor, with syntax highlighting, multiple command su		editor, with syntax highlighting, multiple command su
	other nice features we'll be adding.				other nice features we'll be adding.

	* libgnomedb/libgnomedb.h:					* libgnomedb/libgnomedb.h:
	* libgnomedb/Makefile.am: added new file.			* libgnomedb/Makefile.am: added new file.

	* doc/C/libgnomedb-docs.sgml:					* doc/C/libgnomedb-docs.sgml:
	* doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-sql-editor.sgml: added document		* doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-sql-editor.sgml: added document
	for new widget.							for new widget.
2002-03-25  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-03-25  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.[ch]: base it on GtkVBox, 		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.[ch]: base it on GtkVBox, 
	(create_navigator): set correct alignment for the cur		(create_navigator): set correct alignment for the cur
	indicator label. Added a separator between the field 		indicator label. Added a separator between the field 
	the navigation bar.						the navigation bar.

2002-03-24  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-03-24  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.[ch] (gnome_db_new_vsepara		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.[ch] (gnome_db_new_vsepara
	function.							function.

2002-03-23  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-03-23  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c (gnome_db_new_label_widg		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c (gnome_db_new_label_widg
	alignment on all labels.					alignment on all labels.

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c (gnome_db_login_		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c (gnome_db_login_
	stock icons for buttons.					stock icons for buttons.

	* data/libgnomedb.schemas: added FixedWindowPos confi		* data/libgnomedb.schemas: added FixedWindowPos confi

2002-03-22  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-03-22  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control-widget.[ch]			* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control-widget.[ch]
	(gnome_db_control_widget_get_ui_container): new funct		(gnome_db_control_widget_get_ui_container): new funct
	(gnome_db_control_widget_new_from_corba): new functio		(gnome_db_control_widget_new_from_corba): new functio

	* data/gnome-db-connect_24x24.png:				* data/gnome-db-connect_24x24.png:
	* data/gnome-db-disconnect_24x24.png:				* data/gnome-db-disconnect_24x24.png:
	* data/gnome-db-database_24x24.png:				* data/gnome-db-database_24x24.png:
	* data/gnome-db-designer_24x24.png:				* data/gnome-db-designer_24x24.png:
	* data/gnome-db-tables_24x24.png: new versions for th		* data/gnome-db-tables_24x24.png: new versions for th
	Alvaro Pe�±a Gonzalez <cybdeep bigfoot com>			Alvaro Pe�±a Gonzalez <cybdeep bigfoot com>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:					* libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.h: added new icons.			* libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.h: added new icons.
2002-03-21  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-03-21  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.[ch] (gnome_db_new_file_en		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.[ch] (gnome_db_new_file_en
	function.							function.
	(gnome_db_new_radio_button_widget): new function.		(gnome_db_new_radio_button_widget): new function.

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c (menu_save_as_cb): imple		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c (menu_save_as_cb): imple
	popup menu option.						popup menu option.

2002-03-21  Gonzalo Paniagua Javier <gonzalo gnome-db org>	2002-03-21  Gonzalo Paniagua Javier <gonzalo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:				* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:				* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-data-source-selector.c:			* libgnomedb/gnome-db-data-source-selector.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:			* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:				* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:				* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:					* libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:					* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:				* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-model.c:					* libgnomedb/gnome-db-model.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c: removed warnings.			* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c: removed warnings.

2002-03-21  Gonzalo Paniagua Javier <gonzalo gnome-db org>	2002-03-21  Gonzalo Paniagua Javier <gonzalo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-model.c (gnome_db_model_to_gtk_		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-model.c (gnome_db_model_to_gtk_
	double the underscores for column titles.			double the underscores for column titles.

2002-03-20  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-03-20  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c				* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c
	(gnome_db_browser_tables_clear): clear also the table		(gnome_db_browser_tables_clear): clear also the table

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c (gnome_db_brows		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c (gnome_db_brows
	implemented the 'Data' tab.					implemented the 'Data' tab.
	(gnome_db_browser_views_clear): implemented.			(gnome_db_browser_views_clear): implemented.
	(gnome_db_browser_views_new): created widgets.			(gnome_db_browser_views_new): created widgets.

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c: added support for vi		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c: added support for vi

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c (create_navigator): for 		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c (create_navigator): for 
	use check button widgets.					use check button widgets.
	(show_navigator_row): ditto.					(show_navigator_row): ditto.

2002-03-19  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-03-19  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-model.c (default_value_set_func		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-model.c (default_value_set_func
	numeric values.							numeric values.

2002-03-18  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-03-18  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c (gnome_db_brow		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c (gnome_db_brow
	get table description and display it.				get table description and display it.

2002-03-17  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-03-17  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.[ch]: added "progress_m		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.[ch]: added "progress_m
	(table_selected_cb): emit "progress_message" signal o		(table_selected_cb): emit "progress_message" signal o
	(gnome_db_browser_set_connection): ditto.			(gnome_db_browser_set_connection): ditto.
	(gnome_db_browser_refresh): ditto.				(gnome_db_browser_refresh): ditto.

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c (gnome_db_grid_class_ini		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c (gnome_db_grid_class_ini
	copy&pasted code.						copy&pasted code.
	(selection_changed_cb): manage correctly GTK_SELECTIO		(selection_changed_cb): manage correctly GTK_SELECTIO
	(selection_foreach): callback function to emit signal		(selection_foreach): callback function to emit signal
	selection grids have their selection changed.			selection grids have their selection changed.

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-list.c (gnome_db_list_init): se		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-list.c (gnome_db_list_init): se
	to multiple when creating the list.				to multiple when creating the list.

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-model.c (gnome_db_model_to_gtk_		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-model.c (gnome_db_model_to_gtk_
	special case BOOLEAN values, to show them as toggle b		special case BOOLEAN values, to show them as toggle b
	(toggle_value_set_func): new function for managing BO		(toggle_value_set_func): new function for managing BO
	(default_value_set_func): show numbers in a different		(default_value_set_func): show numbers in a different

2002-03-16  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-03-16  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.[ch] (gnome_db_browser_		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.[ch] (gnome_db_browser_
	function.							function.

2002-03-15  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-03-15  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c (gnome_db_yes_no_dialog)		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c (gnome_db_yes_no_dialog)
	GtkMessageDialog, to look nicer.				GtkMessageDialog, to look nicer.

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control-widget.c				* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control-widget.c
	(gnome_db_control_widget_finalize): don't unref the i		(gnome_db_control_widget_finalize): don't unref the i
	widget, which is destroyed when destroying the contai		widget, which is destroyed when destroying the contai

2002-03-12  Gonzalo Paniagua Javier <gonzalo gnome-db org>	2002-03-12  Gonzalo Paniagua Javier <gonzalo gnome-db org>

	* configure.in: don't check for the version of intlto		* configure.in: don't check for the version of intlto

2002-03-04  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-03-04  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c: added a GtkSelectionMod		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c: added a GtkSelectionMod
	private structure.						private structure.
	(setup_grid): set the selection mode to the remembere		(setup_grid): set the selection mode to the remembere
	(gnome_db_grid_init): default selection mode to MULTI		(gnome_db_grid_init): default selection mode to MULTI
	(gnome_db_grid_select_all): use gnome_db_grid_set_sel		(gnome_db_grid_select_all): use gnome_db_grid_set_sel
	not gtk_tree_selection_set_mode, since we need to do 		not gtk_tree_selection_set_mode, since we need to do 
	(gnome_db_grid_set_selection_mode): remember selectio		(gnome_db_grid_set_selection_mode): remember selectio
	(menu_select_all_cb, menu_unselect_all_cb): new popup		(menu_select_all_cb, menu_unselect_all_cb): new popup

	* data/libgnomedb.schemas: added 'ShowShortcut' and '		* data/libgnomedb.schemas: added 'ShowShortcut' and '
	configuration entries.						configuration entries.

2002-03-03  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-03-03  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.[ch] (gnome_db_yes_no_dial		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.[ch] (gnome_db_yes_no_dial

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c (add_to_stri		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c (add_to_stri
	the parameters that have a value.				the parameters that have a value.
	(params_to_string): set retval to an empty string ins		(params_to_string): set retval to an empty string ins
	when no parameters are given for the connection strin		when no parameters are given for the connection strin

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c (menu_describe_cb, menu_		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c (menu_describe_cb, menu_
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c (gnome_db_error_		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c (gnome_db_error_
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c (gnome_db_login_		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c (gnome_db_login_
	set icon for dialog windows.					set icon for dialog windows.

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c (create_navigator): crea		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c (create_navigator): crea
	all fields in the data model.					all fields in the data model.
	(setup_widgets_for_model): clean up all internal widg		(setup_widgets_for_model): clean up all internal widg
	(gnome_db_form_init): initialize all internal widgets		(gnome_db_form_init): initialize all internal widgets
	to "clicked" signals on buttons.				to "clicked" signals on buttons.
	(gnome_db_form_finalize): g_list_free list of entries		(gnome_db_form_finalize): g_list_free list of entries
	(navigator_first_cb, navigator_back_cb, navigator_fwd		(navigator_first_cb, navigator_back_cb, navigator_fwd
	navigator_last_cb): callback functions for navigation		navigator_last_cb): callback functions for navigation

2002-03-03  Abel Cheung  <maddog linux org hk>			2002-03-03  Abel Cheung  <maddog linux org hk>

	* configure.in: Removed nn from ALL_LINGUAS.			* configure.in: Removed nn from ALL_LINGUAS.

2002-02-26  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-02-26  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c (gnome_db_brow		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c (gnome_db_brow
	replace the GnomeDbTableEditor with a simple GnomeDbG		replace the GnomeDbTableEditor with a simple GnomeDbG

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c: use new stock icons for		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c: use new stock icons for

2002-02-26  Chris Chabot <chabotc reviewboard com>		2002-02-26  Chris Chabot <chabotc reviewboard com>

	* libgnomedb.spec.in: new version.				* libgnomedb.spec.in: new version.

2002-02-25  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-02-25  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.h: new file.			* libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.h: new file.

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c (gnome_db_init): initial		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c (gnome_db_init): initial
	stock icons we install.						stock icons we install.

2002-02-24  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-02-24  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.[ch]: new widget.			* libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.[ch]: new widget.

	* doc/C/libgnomedb-docs.sgml:					* doc/C/libgnomedb-docs.sgml:
	* doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-form.sgml: added section for ne		* doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-form.sgml: added section for ne

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.[ch] (gnome_db_new_popup_m		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.[ch] (gnome_db_new_popup_m
	function.							function.

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c: added popup menu for ba		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c: added popup menu for ba
	(setup_grid): create the popup menu.				(setup_grid): create the popup menu.
	(menu_view_detail_cb): callback for the 'View detail'		(menu_view_detail_cb): callback for the 'View detail'
	(menu_describe_cb): callback for the 'Describe' popup		(menu_describe_cb): callback for the 'Describe' popup

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c (gnome_db_error_		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c (gnome_db_error_
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c (gnome_db_login_		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c (gnome_db_login_
	GTK stock names for icons.					GTK stock names for icons.

2002-02-23  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-02-23  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control.[ch]: added "get_proper		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control.[ch]: added "get_proper
	"set_property" signals.						"set_property" signals.
	(get_prop_cb): emit "get_property" signal.			(get_prop_cb): emit "get_property" signal.
	(set_prop_cb): emit "set_property" signal.			(set_prop_cb): emit "set_property" signal.

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-report-editor.[ch]: new widget.		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-report-editor.[ch]: new widget.

	* doc/C/libgnomedb-docs.sgml:					* doc/C/libgnomedb-docs.sgml:
	* doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-report-editor.sgml: added secti		* doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-report-editor.sgml: added secti

2002-02-22  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-02-22  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-window.[ch] (gnome_db_window_ge		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-window.[ch] (gnome_db_window_ge
	new function.							new function.

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c (initialize_object_wi		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c (initialize_object_wi
	triggers tab.							triggers tab.

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c (gnome_db_main_quit): us		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c (gnome_db_main_quit): us
	gtk_main_quit instead of bonobo_main_quit, since we a		gtk_main_quit instead of bonobo_main_quit, since we a
	running loops with bonobo_ui_main.				running loops with bonobo_ui_main.

2002-02-22  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>			2002-02-22  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c: Remove unsupported #ifd		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c: Remove unsupported #ifd
2002-02-20  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-02-20  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c (initialize_object_wi		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c (initialize_object_wi
	aggregates tab.							aggregates tab.

2002-02-10  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-02-10  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	Released 0.8.103 version.					Released 0.8.103 version.

2002-02-09  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-02-09  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c (fill_provid		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c (fill_provid
	removed.							removed.
	(gnome_db_dsn_config_druid_init): use a GnomeDbProvid		(gnome_db_dsn_config_druid_init): use a GnomeDbProvid

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-provider-selector.[ch]: new wid		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-provider-selector.[ch]: new wid

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c (fill_provider_men		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c (fill_provider_men
	(gnome_db_dsn_config_init): use a GnomeDbProviderSele		(gnome_db_dsn_config_init): use a GnomeDbProviderSele

	* doc/C/libgnomedb-docs.sgml:					* doc/C/libgnomedb-docs.sgml:
	* doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-provider-selector.sgml:			* doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-provider-selector.sgml:
	* doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-data-source-selector.sgml: adde		* doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-data-source-selector.sgml: adde

2002-02-08  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-02-08  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.[ch] (gnome_db_option_menu		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.[ch] (gnome_db_option_menu
	new function.							new function.

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c (gnome_db_dsn_conf		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c (gnome_db_dsn_conf
	use gnome_db_option_menu_set_selection to set the pro		use gnome_db_option_menu_set_selection to set the pro
	with the data source being shown.				with the data source being shown.

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c (load_data_sources): re		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c (load_data_sources): re
	(gnome_db_login_construct): use a GnomeDbDataSourceSe		(gnome_db_login_construct): use a GnomeDbDataSourceSe
	instead of GtkOptionMenu.					instead of GtkOptionMenu.
	(gnome_db_login_get_dsn): call gnome_db_option_menu_g		(gnome_db_login_get_dsn): call gnome_db_option_menu_g

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-data-source-selector.[ch]: new 		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-data-source-selector.[ch]: new 

	* testing/test-dsn-selector.c: new test program.		* testing/test-dsn-selector.c: new test program.

	* glade/glade-gnomedb.c: added GnomeDbDataSourceSelec		* glade/glade-gnomedb.c: added GnomeDbDataSourceSelec

2002-01-29  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-01-29  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* configure.in: bumped version number to 0.8.103		* configure.in: bumped version number to 0.8.103

2002-01-28  Gonzalo Paniagua Javier <gonzalo gnome-db org>	2002-01-28  Gonzalo Paniagua Javier <gonzalo gnome-db org>

	* doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-model.sgml:				* doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-model.sgml:
	* doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-util.sgml:				* doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-util.sgml:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-procedures.c:			* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-procedures.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-types.c:				* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-types.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control-widget.c:				* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control-widget.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control.c:				* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:			* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:				* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:					* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-gray-bar.c:				* libgnomedb/gnome-db-gray-bar.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:					* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:					* libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-intl.h:					* libgnomedb/gnome-db-intl.h:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-list.c:					* libgnomedb/gnome-db-list.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:					* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c:					* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-window.c:					* libgnomedb/gnome-db-window.c:
	* testing/test-grid.c: removed compile warnings.		* testing/test-grid.c: removed compile warnings.

2002-01-27  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-01-27  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c (gnome_db_dsn_conf		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c (gnome_db_dsn_conf
	(gnome_db_dsn_config_set_info): new functions.			(gnome_db_dsn_config_set_info): new functions.

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c (gnome_db_show_error): d		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c (gnome_db_show_error): d
	dialog after running it.					dialog after running it.

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c (gnome_db_grid_select_al		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c (gnome_db_grid_select_al
	selection mode to GTK_SELECTION_MULTIPLE.			selection mode to GTK_SELECTION_MULTIPLE.

2002-01-26  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-01-26  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c			* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c
	(gnome_db_dsn_config_druid_init): set up signals for 		(gnome_db_dsn_config_druid_init): set up signals for 
	added provider specific page.					added provider specific page.
	(general_next_pressed_cb): respond to "next" signal o		(general_next_pressed_cb): respond to "next" signal o
	page, so that we can set up the specific fields we ne		page, so that we can set up the specific fields we ne
	provider parameters page.					provider parameters page.

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.[ch] (gnome_db_option_menu		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.[ch] (gnome_db_option_menu
	new function.							new function.

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.[ch]: implemented.		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.[ch]: implemented.

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.[ch] (gnome_db_grid_get_se		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.[ch] (gnome_db_grid_get_se
	(gnome_db_grid_select_all): new function.			(gnome_db_grid_select_all): new function.
	(gnome_db_grid_unselect_all): new function.			(gnome_db_grid_unselect_all): new function.

2002-01-25  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-01-25  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c			* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c
	(gnome_db_dsn_config_druid_init): completed creation 		(gnome_db_dsn_config_druid_init): completed creation 
	info page.							info page.
	(fill_provider_menu): new function for filling up the		(fill_provider_menu): new function for filling up the
	option menu.							option menu.

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.[ch] (gnome_db_new_option_		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.[ch] (gnome_db_new_option_
	new function.							new function.
	(gnome_db_option_menu_add_item): new function.			(gnome_db_option_menu_add_item): new function.

2002-01-22  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>		2002-01-22  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>

        * sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.			        * sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.

2002-01-21  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-01-21  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c			* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c
	(gnome_db_dsn_config_druid_init): fixed strings to ma		(gnome_db_dsn_config_druid_init): fixed strings to ma
	text.								text.

2002-01-21  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-01-21  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c (gnome_db_new_tree_view_		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c (gnome_db_new_tree_view_
	rules hint for created tree views.				rules hint for created tree views.

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.[ch] (gnome_db_grid_set_se		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.[ch] (gnome_db_grid_set_se
	(gnome_db_grid_get_selection_mode): new function		(gnome_db_grid_get_selection_mode): new function

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-model.c (gnome_db_model_to_gtk_		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-model.c (gnome_db_model_to_gtk_
	support for sorting						support for sorting
	(sort_values): sorting function					(sort_values): sorting function

2002-01-20  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-01-20  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-private.c:			* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-private.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:				* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-types.c:				* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-types.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:				* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c: fixed compilation wa		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c: fixed compilation wa

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-private.h: new file for		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-private.h: new file for
	needed for all gnome-db-browser* files				needed for all gnome-db-browser* files

2002-01-20  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-01-20  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* ChangeLog: merged all ChangeLog's into a single fil		* ChangeLog: merged all ChangeLog's into a single fil

2002-01-15  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-01-15  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control.[ch]: added "activated"		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control.[ch]: added "activated"
	class								class

2002-01-14  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-01-14  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-window.c (gnome_db_window_new):		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-window.c (gnome_db_window_new):

2002-01-14  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-01-14  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* configure.in: added glade directory and added libgl		* configure.in: added glade directory and added libgl
	of required libraries						of required libraries
	* Makefile.am: added glade directory				* Makefile.am: added glade directory

2002-01-13  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-01-13  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c (gnome_db_init): initial		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c (gnome_db_init): initial

2002-01-13  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-01-13  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	Added libglade module for GNOME-DB widgets			Added libglade module for GNOME-DB widgets

2002-01-13  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-01-13  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* doc/C/sgml/gnome-db-combo.sgml:				* doc/C/sgml/gnome-db-combo.sgml:
	* doc/C/libgnomedb-docs.sgml: added GnomeDbCombo widg		* doc/C/libgnomedb-docs.sgml: added GnomeDbCombo widg

2002-01-13  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-01-13  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* configure.in: bumped version number to 0.8.102		* configure.in: bumped version number to 0.8.102

2002-01-13  Gonzalo Paniagua Javier <gonzalo gnome-db org>	2002-01-13  Gonzalo Paniagua Javier <gonzalo gnome-db org>

	* testing/test-grid.c: assign copyright to the GNOME 		* testing/test-grid.c: assign copyright to the GNOME 

2002-01-13  Gonzalo Paniagua Javier <gonzalo gnome-db org>	2002-01-13  Gonzalo Paniagua Javier <gonzalo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/*.[ch]: Changed copyright to the GNOME F		* libgnomedb/*.[ch]: Changed copyright to the GNOME F

2002-01-13  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-01-13  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c (gnome_db_error_		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c (gnome_db_error_
	to connect to the "response" signal on the dialog, si		to connect to the "response" signal on the dialog, si
	gtk_dialog_run in gnome_db_error_dialog_show_errors		gtk_dialog_run in gnome_db_error_dialog_show_errors

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.[ch]: re-added widget fro		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.[ch]: re-added widget fro

2002-01-11  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-01-11  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* configure.in: use GNOME_COMPILE_WARNINGS, and remov		* configure.in: use GNOME_COMPILE_WARNINGS, and remov
	obsolete GNOME_COMMON_INIT macro				obsolete GNOME_COMMON_INIT macro

2002-01-08  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-01-08  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.[ch]: new widget		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.[ch]: new widget

2002-01-08  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-01-08  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-dsn-config.sgml:				* doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-dsn-config.sgml:
	* doc/C/libgnomedb-docs.sgml: added new section (Gnom		* doc/C/libgnomedb-docs.sgml: added new section (Gnom

2002-01-08  Duarte Loreto <happyguy_pt hotmail com>		2002-01-08  Duarte Loreto <happyguy_pt hotmail com>

        * pt.po: Updated Portuguese translation.		        * pt.po: Updated Portuguese translation.

2002-01-07  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-01-07  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:				* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-gray-bar.c:				* libgnomedb/gnome-db-gray-bar.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:					* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-list.c:					* libgnomedb/gnome-db-list.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c				* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:					* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-window.c:					* libgnomedb/gnome-db-window.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c: added GParamSpec's f		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c: added GParamSpec's f
	GNOME #59710							GNOME #59710

2002-01-07  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-01-07  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* doc/C/tmpl/libgnomedb.sgml:					* doc/C/tmpl/libgnomedb.sgml:
	* doc/C/libgnomedb-docs.sgml: added new section (Libr		* doc/C/libgnomedb-docs.sgml: added new section (Libr

2002-01-05  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-01-05  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:				* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-procedures.c:			* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-procedures.c:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-types.c: added support 		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-types.c: added support 

2002-01-01  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-01-01  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c: implemented bas		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c: implemented bas

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c: use a GnomeDb		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c: use a GnomeDb
	display the table's structure					display the table's structure

	* libgnomedb/libgnomedb.h:					* libgnomedb/libgnomedb.h:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c (gnome_db_init): new fun		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c (gnome_db_init): new fun
	(gnome_db_main_run): new function				(gnome_db_main_run): new function
	(gnome_db_main_quit): new function				(gnome_db_main_quit): new function

2002-01-01  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-01-01  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* data/libgnomedb.schemas: added /apps/gnome-db/Shell		* data/libgnomedb.schemas: added /apps/gnome-db/Shell
	entry to the GConf schemas					entry to the GConf schemas

2001-12-31  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-12-31  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c (setup_grid): function t		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c (setup_grid): function t
	properties when creating a new GtkTreeView			properties when creating a new GtkTreeView

	* libgnomedb/libgnomedb-private.h: new private header		* libgnomedb/libgnomedb-private.h: new private header

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c (initialize_object_wi		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c (initialize_object_wi
	GnomeDbList's signals so that we can show the detail 		GnomeDbList's signals so that we can show the detail 
	are selected in the object list					are selected in the object list
	(table_selected_cb): new function				(table_selected_cb): new function
	(table_selection_cleared_cb): new function			(table_selection_cleared_cb): new function

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c (gnome_db_brow		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c (gnome_db_brow
	(gnome_db_browser_tables_clear): new functions			(gnome_db_browser_tables_clear): new functions

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-list.[ch]: added "row_selected"		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-list.[ch]: added "row_selected"
	signals.							signals.
	(gnome_db_list_get_model): new function				(gnome_db_list_get_model): new function

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.[ch]: new widget		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.[ch]: new widget

2001-12-30  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-12-30  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-types.c: new file for t		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-types.c: new file for t
	detail widget for types in the GnomeDbBrowser widget		detail widget for types in the GnomeDbBrowser widget

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c (initialize_object_wi		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c (initialize_object_wi
	(gnome_db_browser_init): disable popup menus in GtkNo		(gnome_db_browser_init): disable popup menus in GtkNo
	(notebook_page_changed_cb): callback to synchronize t		(notebook_page_changed_cb): callback to synchronize t
	in the widget							in the widget

2001-12-29  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-12-29  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-list.c (gnome_db_list_set_model		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-list.c (gnome_db_list_set_model
	on the internal GnomeDbGrid					on the internal GnomeDbGrid

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c (gnome_db_browser_set		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c (gnome_db_browser_set
	implement this function						implement this function

2001-12-28  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-12-28  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.[ch] (gnome_db_set_widget_		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.[ch] (gnome_db_set_widget_
	(gnome_db_set_widget_fg_color): new function			(gnome_db_set_widget_fg_color): new function

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.[ch] (gnome_db_browser_		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.[ch] (gnome_db_browser_
	(gnome_db_browser_set_connection): new functions		(gnome_db_browser_set_connection): new functions

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c (gnome_db_brow		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c (gnome_db_brow
	the 'Data' tab							the 'Data' tab

2001-12-28  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-12-28  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* data/libgnomedb.schemas: added some more schema ent		* data/libgnomedb.schemas: added some more schema ent

2001-12-28  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-12-28  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* configure.in: bumped version to 0.8.99			* configure.in: bumped version to 0.8.99

2001-12-27  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-12-27  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.[ch]: added new GnomeDb		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.[ch]: added new GnomeDb

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-broser-tables.c: new file for t		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-broser-tables.c: new file for t
	detail widget for tables in the GnomeDbBrowser widget		detail widget for tables in the GnomeDbBrowser widget

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-list.[ch]: added new GnomeDbLis		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-list.[ch]: added new GnomeDbLis

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.[ch] (gnome_db_new_grid_wi		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.[ch] (gnome_db_new_grid_wi

2001-12-27  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-12-27  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* doc/C/tmpl/*:							* doc/C/tmpl/*:
	* doc/C/libgnomedb-docs.sgml: added new widgets			* doc/C/libgnomedb-docs.sgml: added new widgets

2001-12-27  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-12-27  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* data/*.png: added new pixmaps by Alvaro Pe�±a <cybd		* data/*.png: added new pixmaps by Alvaro Pe�±a <cybd

2001-12-27  Duarte Loreto <happyguy_pt hotmail com>		2001-12-27  Duarte Loreto <happyguy_pt hotmail com>

        * pt.po: Added portuguese translation			        * pt.po: Added portuguese translation

2001-12-27  Duarte Loreto <happyguy_pt hotmail com>		2001-12-27  Duarte Loreto <happyguy_pt hotmail com>

        * configure.in: Added portuguese to ALL_LINGUAS		        * configure.in: Added portuguese to ALL_LINGUAS

2001-12-23  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-12-23  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c (gnome_db_error_		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c (gnome_db_error_
	"response" signal on the dialog, so that we can close		"response" signal on the dialog, so that we can close
	(dialog_response_cb): close the dialog on GTK_RESPONS		(dialog_response_cb): close the dialog on GTK_RESPONS

2001-12-22  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-12-22  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c (gnome_db_new_scrolled_w		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c (gnome_db_new_scrolled_w
	default shadow type for all created scrolled windows		default shadow type for all created scrolled windows

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-model.c (gnome_db_model_to_gtk_		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-model.c (gnome_db_model_to_gtk_
	gda_data_model_get_n_columns/rows in each pass in the		gda_data_model_get_n_columns/rows in each pass in the
	Just call the functions before entering the loop		Just call the functions before entering the loop

2001-12-21  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-12-21  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c (gnome_db_login_		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c (gnome_db_login_
	order for dialog buttons					order for dialog buttons

2001-12-21  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-12-21  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* doc/C/fdl-appendix.sgml:					* doc/C/fdl-appendix.sgml:
	* doc/C/libgnomedb-docs.sgml: added GNU FDL appendix		* doc/C/libgnomedb-docs.sgml: added GNU FDL appendix

	Made API reference build again					Made API reference build again

2001-12-21  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-12-21  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* configure.in: re-enable doc/ directory			* configure.in: re-enable doc/ directory

2001-12-19  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-12-19  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

        * gnome-db-util.[ch] (gnome_db_text_get_text): new fu	        * gnome-db-util.[ch] (gnome_db_text_get_text): new fu

2001-12-13  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-12-13  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.[ch] (gnome_db_new_hbutton		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.[ch] (gnome_db_new_hbutton
	(gnome_db_new_vbox_widget): new function			(gnome_db_new_vbox_widget): new function

2001-12-11  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-12-11  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* configure.in: s/AM_GCONF_SOURCE2/AM_GCONF_SOURCE_2		* configure.in: s/AM_GCONF_SOURCE2/AM_GCONF_SOURCE_2

	* libgnomedb.pc.in: also require libgnomeui-2.0 and g		* libgnomedb.pc.in: also require libgnomeui-2.0 and g

2001-12-10  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-12-10  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c (gnome_db_show_error): r		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c (gnome_db_show_error): r
	usage with GtkMessageDialog					usage with GtkMessageDialog

2001-12-10  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-12-10  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* configure.in: added support for GConf schemas			* configure.in: added support for GConf schemas

	* Makefile.am: added data/ directory				* Makefile.am: added data/ directory

2001-12-09  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-12-09  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c (gnome_db_show_error): n		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c (gnome_db_show_error): n

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c (gnome_db_login_		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c (gnome_db_login_
	(gnome_db_login_dialog_get_dsn): new function			(gnome_db_login_dialog_get_dsn): new function
	(gnome_db_login_dialog_get_username): new function		(gnome_db_login_dialog_get_username): new function
	(gnome_db_login_dialog_get_password): new function		(gnome_db_login_dialog_get_password): new function

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c (load_data_sources): lo		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c (load_data_sources): lo

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.[ch]: new impl		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.[ch]: new impl
	libgnomeui2's GnomeDruid					libgnomeui2's GnomeDruid

	* libgnomedb/libgnomedb.h: added missing header files		* libgnomedb/libgnomedb.h: added missing header files

2001-12-09  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-12-09  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* data/added data/ directory, where all data files wi		* data/added data/ directory, where all data files wi

	* data/libgnomedb.schemas: GConf schema file			* data/libgnomedb.schemas: GConf schema file

2001-12-09  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-12-09  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* gnome-db.png: moved here from gnome-db			* gnome-db.png: moved here from gnome-db

2001-12-08  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-12-08  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control.c (gnome_db_control_con		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control.c (gnome_db_control_con
	the widget from which to create the BonoboControl		the widget from which to create the BonoboControl

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c (gnome_db_new_hbox_widge		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c (gnome_db_new_hbox_widge

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control-widget.c: some fixes wh		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control-widget.c: some fixes wh
	GnomeDbControlWidget to BonoboWidget, which is no lon		GnomeDbControlWidget to BonoboWidget, which is no lon

2001-12-07  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-12-07  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c: s/gnome_db_entry_set_e		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c: s/gnome_db_entry_set_e
	gtk_editable_set_editable					gtk_editable_set_editable

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.[ch] (gnome_db_entry_set_e		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.[ch] (gnome_db_entry_set_e
	function							function

2001-12-07  Cleber Rodrigues <cleberrrjr bol com br>		2001-12-07  Cleber Rodrigues <cleberrrjr bol com br>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c: fixed gnome_db_new_entr		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c: fixed gnome_db_new_entr
	gtk_editable_set_editable instead of gnome_db_entry_s		gtk_editable_set_editable instead of gnome_db_entry_s

2001-12-02  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-12-02  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.[ch]: restarte		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.[ch]: restarte
	one in the GNOME 1.x branch					one in the GNOME 1.x branch

2001-12-02  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-12-02  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-selector.[ch]: new w		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-selector.[ch]: new w

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-gray-bar.c (gnome_db_gray_bar_s		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-gray-bar.c (gnome_db_gray_bar_s
	text in white and bold						text in white and bold

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control-widget.c (gnome_db_cont		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control-widget.c (gnome_db_cont
	new function							new function

2001-12-01  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-12-01  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control-widget.c (gnome_db_cont		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control-widget.c (gnome_db_cont
	don't gtk_widget_destroy the BonoboWidget, just g_obj		don't gtk_widget_destroy the BonoboWidget, just g_obj

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-gray-bar.[ch]: new widget			* libgnomedb/gnome-db-gray-bar.[ch]: new widget

2001-11-28  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-11-28  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control-widget.[ch] (gnome_db_c		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control-widget.[ch] (gnome_db_c
	new function, for child classes					new function, for child classes
	(gnome_db_control_widget_new): call gnome_db_control_		(gnome_db_control_widget_new): call gnome_db_control_

2001-11-24  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-11-24  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c (gnome_db_new_label_widg		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c (gnome_db_new_label_widg
	create to be selectable						create to be selectable

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control-widget.[ch]: changed to		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control-widget.[ch]: changed to
	not on BonoboWidget, and thus load the BonoboWidget w		not on BonoboWidget, and thus load the BonoboWidget w
	the GtkVBox							the GtkVBox

2001-11-23  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-11-23  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c: include glib-object.h, 		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c: include glib-object.h, 

2001-11-21  Carlos Perell�³ Mar�­n <carlos gnome-db org>	2001-11-21  Carlos Perell�³ Mar�­n <carlos gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-intl.h: Added to be able to use		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-intl.h: Added to be able to use
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h (_gnome_db_gettext):  Ad		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h (_gnome_db_gettext):  Ad
	be able to use gettext at libgnomedb (stolen from gli		be able to use gettext at libgnomedb (stolen from gli
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c, gnome-db-error.		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c, gnome-db-error.
	gnome-db-login.c: Updated to use gnome-db-intl.h.		gnome-db-login.c: Updated to use gnome-db-intl.h.

2001-11-21  Carlos Perell�³ Mar�­n <carlos gnome-db org>	2001-11-21  Carlos Perell�³ Mar�­n <carlos gnome-db org>

        * configure.in: Changed GETTEXT_PACKAGE from libgnome	        * configure.in: Changed GETTEXT_PACKAGE from libgnome
	libgnomedb-2							libgnomedb-2
2001-11-21  Carlos Perell�³ Mar�­n <carlos gnome-db org>	2001-11-21  Carlos Perell�³ Mar�­n <carlos gnome-db org>

	* Makefile.am, acconfig.h, configure.in: Migrated to 		* Makefile.am, acconfig.h, configure.in: Migrated to 
	i18n fixes.							i18n fixes.

2001-11-20  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-11-20  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c (gnome_db_login_get_dsn		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c (gnome_db_login_get_dsn
	gnome_db_login_dsn						gnome_db_login_dsn

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c (gnome_db_text_copy_clip		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c (gnome_db_text_copy_clip
	(gnome_db_text_cut_clipboard): new function			(gnome_db_text_cut_clipboard): new function
	(gnome_db_text_paste_clipboard): new function			(gnome_db_text_paste_clipboard): new function
	(gnome_db_new_vpaned_widget): new function			(gnome_db_new_vpaned_widget): new function

2001-11-18  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-11-18  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c (gnome_db_new_entry_widg		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c (gnome_db_new_entry_widg
	editable' parameter, so that we can set the editable 		editable' parameter, so that we can set the editable 
	of the GtkEntry when creating this type of widget.		of the GtkEntry when creating this type of widget.
	(gnome_db_new_button_widget): new function			(gnome_db_new_button_widget): new function
	(gnome_db_new_button_widget_from_stock): new function		(gnome_db_new_button_widget_from_stock): new function

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c: removed obsolete infor		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c: removed obsolete infor
	(native message, help url, real command)			(native message, help url, real command)

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.h: fixed GNOME_DB_		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.h: fixed GNOME_DB_

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c: adapted to changes in 		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c: adapted to changes in 

2001-11-18  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-11-18  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.[ch] (gnome_db_text_insert		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.[ch] (gnome_db_text_insert
	(gnome_db_text_clear): new function				(gnome_db_text_clear): new function

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c: replaced GtkText usage		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c: replaced GtkText usage

2001-11-16  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-11-16  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.[ch]:				* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.[ch]:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.[ch]: back-ported 		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.[ch]: back-ported 

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.[ch] (gnome_db_new_text_wi		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.[ch] (gnome_db_new_text_wi
	(gnome_db_text_get_char_count): new function			(gnome_db_text_get_char_count): new function
	(gnome_db_text_get_line_count): new function			(gnome_db_text_get_line_count): new function

2001-11-10  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-11-10  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.[ch] (gnome_db_new_frame_w		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.[ch] (gnome_db_new_frame_w
	(gnome_db_new_toolbar_widget): new function			(gnome_db_new_toolbar_widget): new function

2001-11-10  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-11-10  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.[ch] (gnome_db_new_noteboo		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.[ch] (gnome_db_new_noteboo

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control-widget.[ch] (gnome_db_c		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control-widget.[ch] (gnome_db_c
	new function							new function

2001-11-07  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-11-07  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* testing/test-grid.c (create_model): new function th		* testing/test-grid.c (create_model): new function th
	complicated data model to be shown				complicated data model to be shown

2001-11-07  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-11-07  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control-widget.[ch]: back-porte		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control-widget.[ch]: back-porte

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control.[ch]: back-ported from 		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control.[ch]: back-ported from 

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.[ch] (gnome_db_grid_hide_c		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.[ch] (gnome_db_grid_hide_c
	(gnome_db_show_column_titles): new functions			(gnome_db_show_column_titles): new functions

2001-11-06  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-11-06  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.[ch]: new version		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.[ch]: new version

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.[ch]: new version			* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.[ch]: new version

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.[ch] (gnome_db_new_table_w		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.[ch] (gnome_db_new_table_w
	(gnome_db_new_label_widget): new function			(gnome_db_new_label_widget): new function
	(gnome_db_new_entry_widget): new function			(gnome_db_new_entry_widget): new function
	(gnome_db_new_combo_widget): new function			(gnome_db_new_combo_widget): new function
	(gnome_db_entry_set_editable): new function			(gnome_db_entry_set_editable): new function

2001-11-04  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-11-04  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-model.c (value_set_func): fixed		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-model.c (value_set_func): fixed
	to gda_data_model_get_value_at					to gda_data_model_get_value_at

2001-11-03  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-11-03  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* testing/test-grid.c: test program to test the new g		* testing/test-grid.c: test program to test the new g

2001-11-03  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-11-03  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-window.[ch]: back-ported from t		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-window.[ch]: back-ported from t

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.[ch] (gnome_db_new_status_		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.[ch] (gnome_db_new_status_

2001-11-03  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-11-03  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c (gnome_db_new_scrolled_w		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c (gnome_db_new_scrolled_w
	(gnome_db_new_tree_view_widget): new functions			(gnome_db_new_tree_view_widget): new functions

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.[ch] (gnome_db_grid_set_fr		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.[ch] (gnome_db_grid_set_fr
	(gnome_db_grid_new_with_recordset): removed, as GdaRe		(gnome_db_grid_new_with_recordset): removed, as GdaRe
	now a subclass of GdaDataModel, so we don't need anym		now a subclass of GdaDataModel, so we don't need anym
	specific GdaRecordset-related methods				specific GdaRecordset-related methods

2001-11-03  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-11-03  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* Makefile.am: install libgnomedb.pc				* Makefile.am: install libgnomedb.pc

	* libgnomedb.pc.in: adapted to new header locations		* libgnomedb.pc.in: adapted to new header locations

	* configure.in: dumped library age to 1				* configure.in: dumped library age to 1

2001-11-02  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-11-02  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-model.[ch]: new file for utilit		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-model.[ch]: new file for utilit
	between our data-models and the GtkTreeModel stuff		between our data-models and the GtkTreeModel stuff

	* libgnomedb/new location for the library and start o		* libgnomedb/new location for the library and start o
	the new libgda							the new libgda

2001-11-02  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-11-02  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* lib/*: removed. The library is now in libgnomedb/		* lib/*: removed. The library is now in libgnomedb/

	* configure.in: check for libgda, not libgda-client. 		* configure.in: check for libgda, not libgda-client. 
	to 0.9.0							to 0.9.0

2001-10-29  Akira TAGOH <tagoh gnome-db org>			2001-10-29  Akira TAGOH <tagoh gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/Makefile.am: Added library age.			* libgnomedb/Makefile.am: Added library age.

2001-10-29  Akira TAGOH  <tagoh gnome-db org>			2001-10-29  Akira TAGOH  <tagoh gnome-db org>

	* configure.in: Added library age variables.			* configure.in: Added library age variables.

2001-10-08  Abel Cheung  <maddog linux org hk>			2001-10-08  Abel Cheung  <maddog linux org hk>

	* configure.in: CERTIFIED_GNOMIE, bye-bye.			* configure.in: CERTIFIED_GNOMIE, bye-bye.

2001-09-29  Fatih Demir <kabalak gtranslator org>		2001-09-29  Fatih Demir <kabalak gtranslator org>

	* configure.in: Added "ta" to the languages list.		* configure.in: Added "ta" to the languages list.

2001-09-27  Wang Jian  <lark linux net cn>			2001-09-27  Wang Jian  <lark linux net cn>

	* configure.in(ALL_LINGUAS): Added zh_CN.			* configure.in(ALL_LINGUAS): Added zh_CN.

2001-09-26  Pablo Saratxaga <pablo mandrakesoft com>		2001-09-26  Pablo Saratxaga <pablo mandrakesoft com>

	* configure.in: Added AZeri (az) to ALL_LINGUAS			* configure.in: Added AZeri (az) to ALL_LINGUAS

2001-09-17  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-09-17  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.c: removed the "error" si		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.c: removed the "error" si
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-component.[ch]: removed, since 		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-component.[ch]: removed, since 
	anymore								anymore

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control-widget.c (gnome_db_cont		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control-widget.c (gnome_db_cont
	removed, as this kind of functions (to retrieve infor		removed, as this kind of functions (to retrieve infor
	about CORBA components) will be present in libgda		about CORBA components) will be present in libgda
	(gnome_db_control_widget_get_repo_id): converted from		(gnome_db_control_widget_get_repo_id): converted from
	to a function							to a function
	Removed all GNOME::Database::UIShellComponent related		Removed all GNOME::Database::UIShellComponent related
	since this will be implemented on the front end level		since this will be implemented on the front end level

2001-09-11  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-09-11  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-list.[ch]: rewritten to be a sp		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-list.[ch]: rewritten to be a sp
	with one-column only						with one-column only

2001-09-04  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-09-04  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-model.[ch] (gnome_db_model_to_g		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-model.[ch] (gnome_db_model_to_g
	for converting a GdaDataModel into a GtkTreeModel		for converting a GdaDataModel into a GtkTreeModel

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.[ch]: started new grid wid		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.[ch]: started new grid wid
	GTK 2.0 widgets, and not on the ugly GtkCList			GTK 2.0 widgets, and not on the ugly GtkCList

2001-08-31  Abel Cheung  <maddog linux org hk>			2001-08-31  Abel Cheung  <maddog linux org hk>

	* configure.in (ALL_LINGUAS): zh_TW.Big5 -> zh_TW		* configure.in (ALL_LINGUAS): zh_TW.Big5 -> zh_TW

2001-08-28  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-08-28  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control-widget.[ch]:			* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control-widget.[ch]:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dataset.[ch]:				* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dataset.[ch]:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.[ch]:				* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.[ch]:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-icon-list.[ch]:				* libgnomedb/gnome-db-icon-list.[ch]:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-list.[ch]:				* libgnomedb/gnome-db-list.[ch]:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-log-viewer.[ch]:				* libgnomedb/gnome-db-log-viewer.[ch]:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.[ch]:				* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.[ch]:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.[ch]: moved all class mem		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.[ch]: moved all class mem

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-icon-list.[ch] (gnome_db_icon_l		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-icon-list.[ch] (gnome_db_icon_l
	this #define to a function, as now all class members 		this #define to a function, as now all class members 
	can't be accessed directly					can't be accessed directly

2001-08-27  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-08-27  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* added all auto*-related files					* added all auto*-related files

2001-08-24  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-08-24  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h: added some useful #defi		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h: added some useful #defi

2001-08-23  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-08-23  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dlg.[ch]: renamed to gnom		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dlg.[ch]: renamed to gnom
	name of the class is GnomeDbErrorDialog				name of the class is GnomeDbErrorDialog

2001-08-22  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-08-22  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c (gnome_db_main_run, gnom		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c (gnome_db_main_run, gnom

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-shortcut.[ch]: re-moved to gnom		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-shortcut.[ch]: re-moved to gnom
	very useless in a DB-bound widgets library			very useless in a DB-bound widgets library

2001-08-20  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-08-20  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h (gnome_db_new_vpaned_wid		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h (gnome_db_new_vpaned_wid

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-shell-component*: removed, sinc		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-shell-component*: removed, sinc
	end, now in gnome-db/lib					end, now in gnome-db/lib

2001-08-20  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-08-20  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* doc/C/moved reference from gnome-db module			* doc/C/moved reference from gnome-db module

2001-08-19  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-08-19  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* splitted from gnome-db to have the widgets library 		* splitted from gnome-db to have the widgets library 
	package/module							package/module

2001-08-18  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-08-18  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control.[ch]:				* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control.[ch]:
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-shell-component.[ch]: s/GnomeDb		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-shell-component.[ch]: s/GnomeDb

2001-08-07  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-08-07  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

        * libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.c (show_recordset): free 	        * libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.c (show_recordset): free 

        * libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c (gnome_db_login_new): d	        * libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c (gnome_db_login_new): d

2001-08-01  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-08-01  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.c (gnome_db_set_recordset		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.c (gnome_db_set_recordset
	recordset, just unref it, and ref the new one			recordset, just unref it, and ref the new one

	* libgnomedb/*.c: added some inline documentation		* libgnomedb/*.c: added some inline documentation

2001-07-30  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-07-30  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c: removed the frame wi		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c: removed the frame wi
	detail pane, and made some UI tweaks				detail pane, and made some UI tweaks

2001-07-29  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-07-29  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-designer.c (gnome_db_designer_r		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-designer.c (gnome_db_designer_r
	the list returned by gda_xml_database_get_tables, whi		the list returned by gda_xml_database_get_tables, whi
	xmlNodePtr, but a GList						xmlNodePtr, but a GList

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-export.c (run_button_clicked_cb		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-export.c (run_button_clicked_cb
	running the export process					running the export process
	(export_finished_cb, export_cancelled_cb): re-enable 		(export_finished_cb, export_cancelled_cb): re-enable 

2001-07-28  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-07-28  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-export.c: make it work with the		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-export.c: make it work with the
	GdaExport class							GdaExport class

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c (gnome_db_yes_no_dialog)		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c (gnome_db_yes_no_dialog)

2001-07-25  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-07-25  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c (gnome_db_grid_set_recor		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c (gnome_db_grid_set_recor
	the given GdaRecordset, so it's now safe to free the 		the given GdaRecordset, so it's now safe to free the 
	after calling gnome_db_grid_set_recordset			after calling gnome_db_grid_set_recordset

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dataset.c (gnome_db_dataset_set		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dataset.c (gnome_db_dataset_set

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-list.c (gnome_db_list_set_recor		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-list.c (gnome_db_list_set_recor

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-entry.c (gnome_db_entry_set_rec		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-entry.c (gnome_db_entry_set_rec

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-label.c (gnome_db_label_set_rec		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-label.c (gnome_db_label_set_rec

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-icon-list.c (gnome_db_icon_list		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-icon-list.c (gnome_db_icon_list

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c: call gda_recordset_f		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c: call gda_recordset_f
	gnome_db_grid_set_recordset					gnome_db_grid_set_recordset

2001-07-24  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-07-24  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-export.c: first working UI vers		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-export.c: first working UI vers

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c (gnome_db_new_spin_butto		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c (gnome_db_new_spin_butto
	contained function to create spin buttons			contained function to create spin buttons

2001-07-18  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-07-18  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c: made the widget to sho		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c: made the widget to sho
	a GtkText							a GtkText

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dlg.c: don't set size of 		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dlg.c: don't set size of 

2001-07-16  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-07-16  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.[ch]: rework user interfa		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.[ch]: rework user interfa
	widget								widget

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dlg.[ch]: renamed object 		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dlg.[ch]: renamed object 

2001-07-15  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-07-15  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c: added support for vi		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c: added support for vi
	and sequences							and sequences

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-shortcut.c (gnome_db_shortcut_r		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-shortcut.c (gnome_db_shortcut_r
	background color						background color

2001-07-07  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-07-07  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-designer.c: connect to the GdaX		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-designer.c: connect to the GdaX
	signal, and refresh the view on that signal			signal, and refresh the view on that signal

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.[ch]: new widget c		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.[ch]: new widget c
	edition of a table (its columns and settings)			edition of a table (its columns and settings)

2001-07-05  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-07-05  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c (gnome_db_browser_sho		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c (gnome_db_browser_sho
	(gnome_db_browser_set_arg):					(gnome_db_browser_set_arg):
	(gnome_db_browser_get_arg): GtkArg's				(gnome_db_browser_get_arg): GtkArg's

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.c (gnome_db_combo_destroy		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.c (gnome_db_combo_destroy
	method								method
	(gnome_db_combo_set_arg):					(gnome_db_combo_set_arg):
	(gnome_db_combo_get_arg): GtkArg's				(gnome_db_combo_get_arg): GtkArg's

2001-07-04  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-07-04  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c: fixed parameters passed		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c: fixed parameters passed

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c: manage correctly last 		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c: manage correctly last 

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control.[ch]:				* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control.[ch]:
	  gnome-db-control-corba.[ch]:					  gnome-db-control-corba.[ch]:
	  gnome-db-control-widget.[ch]: IDL namespace changes		  gnome-db-control-widget.[ch]: IDL namespace changes

2001-07-03  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-07-03  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-window.[ch]: replace all usage 		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-window.[ch]: replace all usage 
	bonobo-ui-compat functions with the correct XML-based		bonobo-ui-compat functions with the correct XML-based

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c (druid_finis		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c (druid_finis
	the first parameter to the DSN connection string		the first parameter to the DSN connection string

2001-06-26  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-06-26  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c (gnome_db_grid_copy_clip		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c (gnome_db_grid_copy_clip

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c (gnome_db_config_get_s		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c (gnome_db_config_get_s
	the list returned by oaf_query					the list returned by oaf_query

2001-06-20  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-06-20  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-export.[ch]: renamed variable '		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-export.[ch]: renamed variable '
	make GCC 3.0 and C++ compilers happy				make GCC 3.0 and C++ compilers happy

2001-06-14  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-06-14  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control.c: take into account th		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control.c: take into account th
	(setOwner and unsetOwner)					(setOwner and unsetOwner)
	Added 2 new signals for those 2 methods				Added 2 new signals for those 2 methods
	Call bonobo_object_construct with the correct CORBA o		Call bonobo_object_construct with the correct CORBA o

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control-corba.c (impl_GNOME_DB_		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control-corba.c (impl_GNOME_DB_
	implemented							implemented
	(impl_GNOME_DB_Control_unsetOwner): implemented			(impl_GNOME_DB_Control_unsetOwner): implemented

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control-widget.c (gnome_db_cont		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control-widget.c (gnome_db_cont
	implemented							implemented
	(gnome_db_control_widget_unset_owner): implemented		(gnome_db_control_widget_unset_owner): implemented

2001-06-13  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-06-13  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-export.[ch]: new widget to act 		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-export.[ch]: new widget to act 
	new GdaExport class						new GdaExport class

2001-06-08  Roger Pilkey <rpilkey magma ca>			2001-06-08  Roger Pilkey <rpilkey magma ca>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c: removed GAL #include		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c: removed GAL #include

2001-06-05  Rodrigo Moya  <rodrigo gnome-db org>		2001-06-05  Rodrigo Moya  <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control-widget.c: proper handli		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control-widget.c: proper handli

2001-06-01  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-06-01  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c (druid_finis		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c (druid_finis
	";PARAM=VALUE" to DSN string instead of only ";VALUE"		";PARAM=VALUE" to DSN string instead of only ";VALUE"

2001-05-18  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-05-18  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-designer.[ch]: made all GnomeDb		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-designer.[ch]: made all GnomeDb
	private								private
	(gnome_db_designer_get_filename): new function			(gnome_db_designer_get_filename): new function
	(gnome_db_designer_set_filename): new function			(gnome_db_designer_set_filename): new function
	(gnome_db_designer_save): new function				(gnome_db_designer_save): new function

2001-05-03  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-05-03  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control.c (gnome_db_control_get		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control.c (gnome_db_control_get
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c: remove detail pane w		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c: remove detail pane w
	notebook tabs							notebook tabs
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c (druid_finis		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c (druid_finis
	to the DSN string if the user actually typed somethin		to the DSN string if the user actually typed somethin

2001-04-27  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-04-27  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c (show_table_data_cb):		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c (show_table_data_cb):
	table's data							table's data

2001-04-26  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-04-26  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-log-viewer.c: some UI tweaks		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-log-viewer.c: some UI tweaks

2001-04-23  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-04-23  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c (gnome_db_ds		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c (gnome_db_ds
	to GnomeDruid's "cancel" signal					to GnomeDruid's "cancel" signal

2001-04-18  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-04-18  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/e-*paned*: imported EPaned widgets from 		* libgnomedb/e-*paned*: imported EPaned widgets from 
	that dependency, since we're only using the paned		that dependency, since we're only using the paned
	widgets. As soon as some "decent" paned widget is		widgets. As soon as some "decent" paned widget is
	available in GTK+ or gnome-libs, these files will be		available in GTK+ or gnome-libs, these files will be
	removed								removed

2001-04-17  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-04-17  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.[ch]: rework it to make i		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.[ch]: rework it to make i

2001-04-16  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-04-16  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control.h: do not include gnome		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control.h: do not include gnome
	since it's a private file, not to be installed			since it's a private file, not to be installed
	* libgnomedb/Makefile.am: also install GnomeDB.h (ORB		* libgnomedb/Makefile.am: also install GnomeDB.h (ORB
	needed by gnome-db-control.h					needed by gnome-db-control.h
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c (gnome_db_set_widget_too		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c (gnome_db_set_widget_too
	if 'Show tooltips' option is enabled				if 'Show tooltips' option is enabled
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.h: added new configure s		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.h: added new configure s

2001-04-15  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-04-15  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c: disable "Global" 		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c: disable "Global" 
	sources are allowed						sources are allowed
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.[ch] (gnome_db_set_widget_		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.[ch] (gnome_db_set_widget_
	to add tooltips to widgets					to add tooltips to widgets

2001-04-12  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-04-12  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.[ch]: added Gn		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.[ch]: added Gn
	for easy addition of new data sources				for easy addition of new data sources

2001-04-11  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-04-11  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c: attempt a new look&f		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c: attempt a new look&f
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-icon-list.[ch]: improved look		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-icon-list.[ch]: improved look

2001-04-08  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-04-08  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control.c, gnome-db-control.h, 		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control.c, gnome-db-control.h, 
	gnome-db-control-corba.h: changed from BonoboObject t		gnome-db-control-corba.h: changed from BonoboObject t
	(by Michael Meeks)						(by Michael Meeks)
2001-04-01  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-04-01  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c (gnome_db_load_window_co		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c (gnome_db_load_window_co
	(gnome_db_save_window_config): use "/apps" prefix for		(gnome_db_save_window_config): use "/apps" prefix for
	configuration strings						configuration strings

2001-03-30  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-03-30  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.[ch] (gnome_db_config_ge		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.[ch] (gnome_db_config_ge
	function to retrieve the list of saved SQL queries		function to retrieve the list of saved SQL queries
	Changed config prefix from /gnome-db to /apps/gnome-d		Changed config prefix from /gnome-db to /apps/gnome-d
	(gnome_db_config_get_saved_xml_queries): ditto for XM		(gnome_db_config_get_saved_xml_queries): ditto for XM
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c: new rework, now with		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c: new rework, now with
	and some new options						and some new options

2001-03-20  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-03-20  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-moniker.[ch]: replaced the use 		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-moniker.[ch]: replaced the use 
	BonoboMonikerSimple						BonoboMonikerSimple

2001-03-18  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-03-18  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/*.h: cleaned up #include mess by only in		* libgnomedb/*.h: cleaned up #include mess by only in
	are really needed						are really needed
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-print.c: started support for pr		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-print.c: started support for pr
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c: added Gerhard to list o		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c: added Gerhard to list o

2001-03-17  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-03-17  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-help.[ch]: remove this *f #* us		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-help.[ch]: remove this *f #* us
	thing it did was add a dependency on gtkhtml. Will be		thing it did was add a dependency on gtkhtml. Will be
	to use the EBrowser component					to use the EBrowser component
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control.[ch]: removed as the Gn		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control.[ch]: removed as the Gn
	almost useless: it was a wrapper for the BonoboGeneri		almost useless: it was a wrapper for the BonoboGeneri
	object, but now it's not needed anymore				object, but now it's not needed anymore
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control-instance.[ch]: moved to		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control-instance.[ch]: moved to
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control-corba.[ch], gnome-db.h:		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control-corba.[ch], gnome-db.h:
	GnomeDbControl/GnomeDbControlInstance change			GnomeDbControl/GnomeDbControlInstance change

2001-01-03	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>		2001-01-03	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/added GnomeDbEntry widget, which is a da		* libgnomedb/added GnomeDbEntry widget, which is a da
	* libgnomedb/added GnomeDbLabel widget, which is a da		* libgnomedb/added GnomeDbLabel widget, which is a da

2000-12-20	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>		2000-12-20	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/impl_GNOME_DB_Control_do*Clipboard: impl		* libgnomedb/impl_GNOME_DB_Control_do*Clipboard: impl

2000-12-19	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>		2000-12-19	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control-*: fixed GnomeDB CORBA 		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control-*: fixed GnomeDB CORBA 
	now calls to our custom IDL interface from the Bonobo		now calls to our custom IDL interface from the Bonobo

2000-12-17	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>		2000-12-17	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.[ch]: added gnome_db_show_		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.[ch]: added gnome_db_show_
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.[ch]: added function		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.[ch]: added function
	structure members						structure members
2000-12-10	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>		2000-12-10	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.[ch]: added convenience f		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.[ch]: added convenience f
	private structure members					private structure members
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dlg.[ch]: small code clea		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dlg.[ch]: small code clea

2000-12-06	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>		2000-12-06	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-help.[ch]: worked a bit on maki		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-help.[ch]: worked a bit on maki
	usable								usable

2000-12-03	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>		2000-12-03	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/started GnomeDbMoniker class, for easing		* libgnomedb/started GnomeDbMoniker class, for easing
	of monikers							of monikers

2000-12-02	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>		2000-12-02	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-log-viewer.[ch]: implemented gn		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-log-viewer.[ch]: implemented gn

2000-11-24	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>		2000-11-24	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* libgnomedb/added correct license notices (LGPL) to 		* libgnomedb/added correct license notices (LGPL) to 

2000-11-19	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo linuxave net>		2000-11-19	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo linuxave net>

	* libgnomedb/changed GnomeDB subdomain to DB			* libgnomedb/changed GnomeDB subdomain to DB

2000-11-18	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo linuxave net>		2000-11-18	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo linuxave net>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control*: implemented new do* I		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control*: implemented new do* I

2000-11-17	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo linuxave net>		2000-11-17	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo linuxave net>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control-corba.c: s/GnomeDB_/GNO		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control-corba.c: s/GnomeDB_/GNO
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control-widget.c: s/GnomeDB_/GN		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control-widget.c: s/GnomeDB_/GN
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control-instance.c: s/GnomeDB_/		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control-instance.c: s/GnomeDB_/

2000-11-12	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo linuxave net>		2000-11-12	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo linuxave net>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control*: implemented common me		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-control*: implemented common me
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser: show extra info in dia		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser: show extra info in dia
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-designer: removed paned window		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-designer: removed paned window

2000-11-01	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo linuxave net>		2000-11-01	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo linuxave net>

	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-help.[ch]: added functions for 		* libgnomedb/gnome-db-help.[ch]: added functions for 
	the help viewer's history					the help viewer's history

2000-10-27	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo linuxave net>		2000-10-27	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo linuxave net>

	* libgnomedb/improved printer setup dialog stuff		* libgnomedb/improved printer setup dialog stuff

2000-10-22	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo linuxave net>		2000-10-22	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo linuxave net>

	* libgnomedb/small fixes to make at last control acti		* libgnomedb/small fixes to make at last control acti
	work								work

2000-10-21	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo linuxave net>		2000-10-21	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo linuxave net>

	* libgnomedb/reworked the Bonobo menu and toolbar mer		* libgnomedb/reworked the Bonobo menu and toolbar mer
	* libgnomedb/added bonobo-ui-compat* as a temporary m		* libgnomedb/added bonobo-ui-compat* as a temporary m
	* libgnomedb/removed the GnomeDbFactory object, not n		* libgnomedb/removed the GnomeDbFactory object, not n
	* libgnomedb/separated GnomeDbControl/ControlInstance		* libgnomedb/separated GnomeDbControl/ControlInstance
	  different objects						  different objects

2000-10-17	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo linuxave net>		2000-10-17	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo linuxave net>
	* libgnomedb/made basic menu merging. Though, a lot o		* libgnomedb/made basic menu merging. Though, a lot o
	to insert controls' menus in the right place, and to 		to insert controls' menus in the right place, and to 
	it correctly.							it correctly.
2000-10-15	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo linuxave net>		2000-10-15	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo linuxave net>
	* libgnomedb/created ChangeLog					* libgnomedb/created ChangeLog

2004-10-05  Daniel Espinosa Ortiz <esodan yahoo com mx>	      <
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.c ported to GtkComboBoxEn <
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.h ported to GtkComboBoxEn <
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c added the method to hide <
	buttons and to know if they are displayed.	      <
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c added the event notifica <
	of row (cliking a navigation button).		      <
	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c added the method to set/ <
	a GnomeDateEdit (just a propoused utility!!!!)	      <
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: components
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: config.guess
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: config.log
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: config.status
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: config.sub
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: configure
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/configure.in ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/configure.in
AC_PREREQ(2.52)							AC_PREREQ(2.52)
AC_INIT(libgnomedb/libgnomedb.h)				AC_INIT(libgnomedb/libgnomedb.h)



#								#
# Making releases:						# Making releases:
# - If interfaces have been changed or added, set GNOMEDB_CUR	# - If interfaces have been changed or added, set GNOMEDB_CUR
# - If binary compatibility has been broken (e.g. removed or 	# - If binary compatibility has been broken (e.g. removed or 
# - If interfaces is the same as the previous version, set GN	# - If interfaces is the same as the previous version, set GN
#								#






dnl ******************************				dnl ******************************
dnl Checks for programs						dnl Checks for programs
dnl ******************************				dnl ******************************

dnl ******************************				dnl ******************************
dnl Scrollkeeper						dnl Scrollkeeper
dnl ******************************				dnl ******************************
AC_PATH_PROG(SCROLLKEEPER_CONFIG, scrollkeeper-config,no)	AC_PATH_PROG(SCROLLKEEPER_CONFIG, scrollkeeper-config,no)
if test x$SCROLLKEEPER_CONFIG = xno; then			if test x$SCROLLKEEPER_CONFIG = xno; then
  AC_MSG_ERROR(Couldn't find scrollkeeper-config -- please in	  AC_MSG_ERROR(Couldn't find scrollkeeper-config -- please in
fi								fi
SCROLLKEEPER_LOCALSTATE_DIR=`scrollkeeper-config --pkglocalst	SCROLLKEEPER_LOCALSTATE_DIR=`scrollkeeper-config --pkglocalst

dnl ******************************				dnl ******************************
dnl Translations						dnl Translations
dnl ******************************				dnl ******************************
GETTEXT_PACKAGE=libgnomedb-2					GETTEXT_PACKAGE=libgnomedb-2
ALL_LINGUAS="az be ca cs da de el en_CA en_GB es fa fi fr ga  |	ALL_LINGUAS="az be ca cs da de el en_CA en_GB es fa fi fr ga 

dnl ******************************				dnl ******************************
dnl GConf schemas						dnl GConf schemas
dnl ******************************				dnl ******************************
AC_PATH_PROG(GCONFTOOL, gconftool-2)				AC_PATH_PROG(GCONFTOOL, gconftool-2)

dnl ******************************				dnl ******************************
dnl Checks for libraries					dnl Checks for libraries
dnl ******************************				dnl ******************************
GNOME_COMPILE_WARNINGS(maximum)				      <

GTK_MODULES="gtk+-2.0 >= 2.4.0"					GTK_MODULES="gtk+-2.0 >= 2.4.0"
LIBGDA_MODULES="libgda >= 1.1.1"				LIBGDA_MODULES="libgda >= 1.1.1"
GNOME_MODULES="libgnomeui-2.0 >= 1.103 bonobo-activation-2.0 	GNOME_MODULES="libgnomeui-2.0 >= 1.103 bonobo-activation-2.0 
LIBGLADE_MODULES="libglade-2.0"					LIBGLADE_MODULES="libglade-2.0"


AC_ARG_ENABLE(gnome, [  --enable-gnome      Build with GNOME 	AC_ARG_ENABLE(gnome, [  --enable-gnome      Build with GNOME 
if test x$enable_gnome = xauto || test x$enable_gnome = xyes 	if test x$enable_gnome = xauto || test x$enable_gnome = xyes 
   if test x"$have_gnome" = "xyes"; then			   if test x"$have_gnome" = "xyes"; then
         enable_gnome=yes					         enable_gnome=yes
   else								   else
         enable_gnome=no 					         enable_gnome=no 
   fi								   fi
else								else
   enable_gnome=no         					   enable_gnome=no         
fi								fi

AM_CONDITIONAL(BUILD_WITH_GNOME, test x$enable_gnome = xyes)	AM_CONDITIONAL(BUILD_WITH_GNOME, test x$enable_gnome = xyes)

AM_CONDITIONAL(HAVE_LIBGLADE, test x"$have_libglade" = "xyes"	AM_CONDITIONAL(HAVE_LIBGLADE, test x"$have_libglade" = "xyes"
if test x"$have_libglade" = "xyes"				if test x"$have_libglade" = "xyes"
then								then
fi								fi

PKG_CHECK_MODULES(GTKSOURCEVIEW, gtksourceview-1.0, have_gtks	PKG_CHECK_MODULES(GTKSOURCEVIEW, gtksourceview-1.0, have_gtks
AM_CONDITIONAL(HAVE_GTKSOURCEVIEW, test x"$have_gtksourceview	AM_CONDITIONAL(HAVE_GTKSOURCEVIEW, test x"$have_gtksourceview
if test x"$have_gtksourceview" = "xyes"				if test x"$have_gtksourceview" = "xyes"
then								then
fi								fi

PKG_CHECK_MODULES(GDA_EVOLUTION, libecal-1.0 libebook-1.0, ha	PKG_CHECK_MODULES(GDA_EVOLUTION, libecal-1.0 libebook-1.0, ha
if test x"$have_evolution" = "xyes"				if test x"$have_evolution" = "xyes"
then								then
	EVOLUTION_VERSION=`pkg-config --modversion evolution-		EVOLUTION_VERSION=`pkg-config --modversion evolution-
fi								fi
AM_CONDITIONAL(HAVE_EVOLUTION, test x"$have_evolution" = "xye	AM_CONDITIONAL(HAVE_EVOLUTION, test x"$have_evolution" = "xye


dnl ******************************				dnl ******************************
dnl gtk-doc							dnl gtk-doc
dnl ******************************				dnl ******************************

AC_ARG_WITH(html-dir, [  --with-html-dir=PATH path to install	AC_ARG_WITH(html-dir, [  --with-html-dir=PATH path to install
if test "x$with_html_dir" = "x" ; then				if test "x$with_html_dir" = "x" ; then
  HTML_DIR='${datadir}/gtk-doc/html'				  HTML_DIR='${datadir}/gtk-doc/html'
else								else
  HTML_DIR=$with_html_dir					  HTML_DIR=$with_html_dir
fi								fi
gtk_doc_min_version=1.0						gtk_doc_min_version=1.0
AC_MSG_CHECKING([gtk-doc version >= $gtk_doc_min_version])	AC_MSG_CHECKING([gtk-doc version >= $gtk_doc_min_version])
if pkg-config --atleast-version=$gtk_doc_min_version gtk-doc;	if pkg-config --atleast-version=$gtk_doc_min_version gtk-doc;
  AC_MSG_RESULT(yes)						  AC_MSG_RESULT(yes)
  GTKDOC=true							  GTKDOC=true
else								else
  AC_MSG_RESULT(no)						  AC_MSG_RESULT(no)
  GTKDOC=false							  GTKDOC=false
fi								fi
dnl Let people disable the gtk-doc stuff.			dnl Let people disable the gtk-doc stuff.
AC_ARG_ENABLE(gtk-doc, [  --enable-gtk-doc  Use gtk-doc to bu	AC_ARG_ENABLE(gtk-doc, [  --enable-gtk-doc  Use gtk-doc to bu
if test x$enable_gtk_doc = xauto ; then				if test x$enable_gtk_doc = xauto ; then
  if test x$GTKDOC = xtrue ; then				  if test x$GTKDOC = xtrue ; then
    enable_gtk_doc=yes						    enable_gtk_doc=yes
  else								  else
    enable_gtk_doc=no						    enable_gtk_doc=no
  fi								  fi
fi								fi
AM_CONDITIONAL(ENABLE_GTK_DOC, test x$enable_gtk_doc = xyes)	AM_CONDITIONAL(ENABLE_GTK_DOC, test x$enable_gtk_doc = xyes)

Makefile							Makefile
libgnomedb.spec							libgnomedb.spec
libgnomedb.pc							libgnomedb.pc
control-center/Makefile						control-center/Makefile
data/Makefile							data/Makefile
doc/Makefile							doc/Makefile
doc/libgnomedb-C.omf						doc/libgnomedb-C.omf
doc/C/Makefile							doc/C/Makefile
glade/Makefile							glade/Makefile
libgnomedb/Makefile						libgnomedb/Makefile
po/Makefile.in							po/Makefile.in
testing/Makefile						testing/Makefile
stamp.h								stamp.h
])								])

Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/control-center: CVS
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/control-center/database-capplet.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/control-center/database-capplet.c
/* GNOME-DB Configurator					/* GNOME-DB Configurator
 * Copyright (C) 2000-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 2000-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as pu	 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as pu
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the Lice	 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the Lice
 * (at your option) any later version.				 * (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * GNU Library General Public License for more details.		 * GNU Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public 	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public 
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Softwar	 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Softwar
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 	 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 
 */								 */

#include <gtk/gtklabel.h>					#include <gtk/gtklabel.h>
#include <gtk/gtknotebook.h>					#include <gtk/gtknotebook.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-i18n.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-i18n.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h>
#include "database-capplet.h"					#include "database-capplet.h"
#include "dsn-config.h"						#include "dsn-config.h"
#include "provider-config.h"					#include "provider-config.h"

/*								/*
 * Public functions						 * Public functions
 */								 */

GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
database_capplet_new (void)					database_capplet_new (void)
{								{
	GtkWidget *capplet;						GtkWidget *capplet;
	GtkWidget *dsn;							GtkWidget *dsn;
	GtkWidget *provider;						GtkWidget *provider;

	capplet = gnome_db_new_notebook_widget ();			capplet = gnome_db_new_notebook_widget ();

	/* data source configuration page */				/* data source configuration page */
	dsn = dsn_config_new ();					dsn = dsn_config_new ();
	g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (capplet), DSN_PAGE, dsn)		g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (capplet), DSN_PAGE, dsn)
	gtk_notebook_append_page (GTK_NOTEBOOK (capplet), dsn		gtk_notebook_append_page (GTK_NOTEBOOK (capplet), dsn
				  gtk_label_new (_("Data Sour					  gtk_label_new (_("Data Sour

	/* providers configuration page */				/* providers configuration page */
	provider = provider_config_new ();				provider = provider_config_new ();
	g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (capplet), PROVIDER_PAGE,		g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (capplet), PROVIDER_PAGE,
	gtk_notebook_append_page (GTK_NOTEBOOK (capplet), pro		gtk_notebook_append_page (GTK_NOTEBOOK (capplet), pro
				  gtk_label_new (_("Providers					  gtk_label_new (_("Providers

	return capplet;							return capplet;
}								}

void								void
database_capplet_delete (GtkWidget *capplet)			database_capplet_delete (GtkWidget *capplet)
{								{
	GtkWidget *dsn, *provider, *current_widget;			GtkWidget *dsn, *provider, *current_widget;
	gint current;							gint current;

	dsn = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (capplet), DSN_PAGE		dsn = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (capplet), DSN_PAGE
	provider = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (capplet), PRO		provider = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (capplet), PRO

	current = gtk_notebook_get_current_page (GTK_NOTEBOOK		current = gtk_notebook_get_current_page (GTK_NOTEBOOK
	if (current == -1)						if (current == -1)
		return;								return;

	current_widget = gtk_notebook_get_nth_page (GTK_NOTEB		current_widget = gtk_notebook_get_nth_page (GTK_NOTEB
	if (current_widget == dsn)					if (current_widget == dsn)
		dsn_config_delete (dsn);					dsn_config_delete (dsn);
}								}

void								void
database_capplet_edit_properties (GtkWidget *capplet)		database_capplet_edit_properties (GtkWidget *capplet)
{								{
	GtkWidget *dsn, *provider, *current_widget;			GtkWidget *dsn, *provider, *current_widget;
	gint current;							gint current;

	dsn = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (capplet), DSN_PAGE		dsn = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (capplet), DSN_PAGE
	provider = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (capplet), PRO		provider = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (capplet), PRO

	current = gtk_notebook_get_current_page (GTK_NOTEBOOK		current = gtk_notebook_get_current_page (GTK_NOTEBOOK
	if (current == -1)						if (current == -1)
		return;								return;

	current_widget = gtk_notebook_get_nth_page (GTK_NOTEB		current_widget = gtk_notebook_get_nth_page (GTK_NOTEB
	if (current_widget == dsn)					if (current_widget == dsn)
		dsn_config_edit_properties (dsn);				dsn_config_edit_properties (dsn);
}								}

void								void
database_capplet_select_all (GtkWidget *capplet)		database_capplet_select_all (GtkWidget *capplet)
{								{
	GtkWidget *dsn, *provider, *current_widget;			GtkWidget *dsn, *provider, *current_widget;
	gint current;							gint current;

	dsn = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (capplet), DSN_PAGE		dsn = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (capplet), DSN_PAGE
	provider = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (capplet), PRO		provider = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (capplet), PRO

	current = gtk_notebook_get_current_page (GTK_NOTEBOOK		current = gtk_notebook_get_current_page (GTK_NOTEBOOK
	if (current == -1)						if (current == -1)
		return;								return;

	current_widget = gtk_notebook_get_nth_page (GTK_NOTEB		current_widget = gtk_notebook_get_nth_page (GTK_NOTEB
	if (current_widget == dsn)					if (current_widget == dsn)
		dsn_config_select_all (dsn);					dsn_config_select_all (dsn);
	else								else
		if (current_widget == provider)					if (current_widget == provider)
			provider_config_select_all (provider)				provider_config_select_all (provider)
}								}

void								void
database_capplet_deselect_all (GtkWidget *capplet)		database_capplet_deselect_all (GtkWidget *capplet)
{								{
	GtkWidget *dsn, *provider, *current_widget;			GtkWidget *dsn, *provider, *current_widget;
	gint current;							gint current;

	dsn = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (capplet), DSN_PAGE		dsn = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (capplet), DSN_PAGE
	provider = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (capplet), PRO		provider = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (capplet), PRO

	current = gtk_notebook_get_current_page (GTK_NOTEBOOK		current = gtk_notebook_get_current_page (GTK_NOTEBOOK
	if (current == -1)						if (current == -1)
		return;								return;

	current_widget = gtk_notebook_get_nth_page (GTK_NOTEB		current_widget = gtk_notebook_get_nth_page (GTK_NOTEB
	if (current_widget == dsn)					if (current_widget == dsn)
		dsn_config_unselect_all (dsn);					dsn_config_unselect_all (dsn);
	else								else
		if (current_widget == provider)					if (current_widget == provider)
			provider_config_unselect_all (provide				provider_config_unselect_all (provide
}								}

gboolean							gboolean
database_capplet_has_selection (GtkWidget *capplet)		database_capplet_has_selection (GtkWidget *capplet)
{								{
	GtkWidget *dsn, *provider, *current_widget;			GtkWidget *dsn, *provider, *current_widget;
	gint current;							gint current;

	dsn = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (capplet), DSN_PAGE		dsn = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (capplet), DSN_PAGE
	provider = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (capplet), PRO		provider = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (capplet), PRO

	current = gtk_notebook_get_current_page (GTK_NOTEBOOK		current = gtk_notebook_get_current_page (GTK_NOTEBOOK
	if (current == -1)						if (current == -1)
		return FALSE;							return FALSE;

	current_widget = gtk_notebook_get_nth_page (GTK_NOTEB		current_widget = gtk_notebook_get_nth_page (GTK_NOTEB
	if (current_widget == dsn)					if (current_widget == dsn)
		return dsn_config_has_selection (dsn);				return dsn_config_has_selection (dsn);
	else								else
		if (current_widget == provider)					if (current_widget == provider)
			return provider_config_has_selection 				return provider_config_has_selection 
	return FALSE;							return FALSE;
}								}

void								void
database_capplet_switch (GtkWidget *capplet, const gchar *pag	database_capplet_switch (GtkWidget *capplet, const gchar *pag
{								{
	GtkWidget *notebook_page;					GtkWidget *notebook_page;
	gint num;							gint num;
	notebook_page = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (capplet)		notebook_page = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (capplet)
	g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_WIDGET (notebook_page));		g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_WIDGET (notebook_page));
	num = gtk_notebook_page_num (GTK_NOTEBOOK (capplet), 		num = gtk_notebook_page_num (GTK_NOTEBOOK (capplet), 
	g_return_if_fail (num != -1);					g_return_if_fail (num != -1);

	gtk_notebook_set_current_page (GTK_NOTEBOOK (capplet)		gtk_notebook_set_current_page (GTK_NOTEBOOK (capplet)
}								}
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/control-center/database-capplet.h ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/control-center/database-capplet.h
/* GNOME-DB Components						/* GNOME-DB Components
 * Copyright (C) 2000-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 2000-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as pu	 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as pu
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the Lice	 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the Lice
 * (at your option) any later version.				 * (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * GNU Library General Public License for more details.		 * GNU Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public 	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public 
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Softwar	 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Softwar
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 	 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 
 */								 */

#if !defined(__database_capplet_h__)				#if !defined(__database_capplet_h__)
#  define __database_capplet_h__				#  define __database_capplet_h__

#include <gtk/gtkwidget.h>					#include <gtk/gtkwidget.h>

#define DSN_PAGE      "DSN_Page"				#define DSN_PAGE      "DSN_Page"
#define PROVIDER_PAGE "Provider_Page"				#define PROVIDER_PAGE "Provider_Page"

GtkWidget *database_capplet_new (void);				GtkWidget *database_capplet_new (void);
void       database_capplet_edit_properties (GtkWidget *cappl	void       database_capplet_edit_properties (GtkWidget *cappl
void       database_capplet_delete (GtkWidget *capplet);	void       database_capplet_delete (GtkWidget *capplet);
void       database_capplet_select_all (GtkWidget *capplet);	void       database_capplet_select_all (GtkWidget *capplet);
void       database_capplet_deselect_all (GtkWidget *capplet)	void       database_capplet_deselect_all (GtkWidget *capplet)
gboolean   database_capplet_has_selection (GtkWidget *capplet	gboolean   database_capplet_has_selection (GtkWidget *capplet
void       database_capplet_switch (GtkWidget *capplet, const	void       database_capplet_switch (GtkWidget *capplet, const

#endif								#endif
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/control-center: database-properties.desktop
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/control-center/database-properties.desktop.in ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/control-center/database-properties.desktop.in
[Desktop Entry]							[Desktop Entry]
_Name=Database Access Properties 				_Name=Database Access Properties 
_Comment=Configure your database environment			_Comment=Configure your database environment
Icon=libgnomedb/gnome-db.png					Icon=libgnomedb/gnome-db.png
Exec=gnome-database-properties					Exec=gnome-database-properties
Terminal=0							Terminal=0
Type=Application						Type=Application
Categories=Application;Settings;AdvancedSettings;		Categories=Application;Settings;AdvancedSettings;
StartupNotify=true						StartupNotify=true
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/control-center: .deps
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/control-center/dsn-config.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/control-center/dsn-config.c
/* GNOME-DB Components						/* GNOME-DB Components
 * Copyright (C) 2000-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 2000-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as pu	 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as pu
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the Lice	 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the Lice
 * (at your option) any later version.				 * (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * GNU Library General Public License for more details.		 * GNU Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public 	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public 
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Softwar	 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Softwar
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 	 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 
 */								 */

#include <libgda/gda-client.h>					#include <libgda/gda-client.h>
#include <libgda/gda-config.h>					#include <libgda/gda-config.h>
#include <libgda/gda-data-model-array.h>			#include <libgda/gda-data-model-array.h>
#include <gtk/gtkstock.h>					#include <gtk/gtkstock.h>
#include <gtk/gtktable.h>					#include <gtk/gtktable.h>
#include <gtk/gtkvbbox.h>					#include <gtk/gtkvbbox.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.h>		#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.h>			#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-i18n.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-i18n.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.h>			#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h>
#include <libgnomeui/gnome-window-icon.h>			#include <libgnomeui/gnome-window-icon.h>
#include "dsn-config.h"						#include "dsn-config.h"
#include "dsn-properties-dialog.h"				#include "dsn-properties-dialog.h"

#define DSN_CONFIG_DATA "DSN_ConfigData"			#define DSN_CONFIG_DATA "DSN_ConfigData"

typedef struct {						typedef struct {
	GtkWidget *dsn_list;						GtkWidget *dsn_list;
	GtkWidget *dialog;						GtkWidget *dialog;
	gint config_listener;						gint config_listener;
} DsnConfigPrivate;						} DsnConfigPrivate;

static void							static void
free_private_data (gpointer data)				free_private_data (gpointer data)
{								{
	DsnConfigPrivate *priv = (DsnConfigPrivate *) data;		DsnConfigPrivate *priv = (DsnConfigPrivate *) data;

	if (priv->config_listener != -1) {				if (priv->config_listener != -1) {
		gnome_db_config_remove_listener (priv->config			gnome_db_config_remove_listener (priv->config
		priv->config_listener = -1;					priv->config_listener = -1;
	}								}

	g_free (priv);							g_free (priv);
}								}

static void							static void
show_data_sources (DsnConfigPrivate *priv)			show_data_sources (DsnConfigPrivate *priv)
{								{
	GList *dsn_list;						GList *dsn_list;
	GList *l;							GList *l;
	GdaDataModel *model;						GdaDataModel *model;

	/* create the data model */					/* create the data model */
	model = gda_data_model_array_new (2);				model = gda_data_model_array_new (2);
	gda_data_model_set_column_title (model, 0, _("Name"))		gda_data_model_set_column_title (model, 0, _("Name"))
	gda_data_model_set_column_title (model, 1, _("Descrip		gda_data_model_set_column_title (model, 1, _("Descrip

	dsn_list = gnome_db_config_get_data_source_list ();		dsn_list = gnome_db_config_get_data_source_list ();
	for (l = dsn_list; l != NULL; l = l->next) {			for (l = dsn_list; l != NULL; l = l->next) {
		GList *value_list;						GList *value_list;
		GdaDataSourceInfo *dsn_info = l->data;				GdaDataSourceInfo *dsn_info = l->data;

		value_list = g_list_append (NULL, gda_value_n			value_list = g_list_append (NULL, gda_value_n
		value_list = g_list_append (value_list, gda_v			value_list = g_list_append (value_list, gda_v

		gda_data_model_append_row (model, (const GLis			gda_data_model_append_row (model, (const GLis

		g_list_foreach (value_list, (GFunc) gda_value			g_list_foreach (value_list, (GFunc) gda_value
		g_list_free (value_list);					g_list_free (value_list);
	}								}

	gnome_db_config_free_data_source_list (dsn_list);		gnome_db_config_free_data_source_list (dsn_list);

	/* display the new data model */				/* display the new data model */
	gnome_db_grid_set_model (GNOME_DB_GRID (priv->dsn_lis		gnome_db_grid_set_model (GNOME_DB_GRID (priv->dsn_lis
	g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (model));				g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (model));
}								}

/*								/*
 * Callbacks							 * Callbacks
 */								 */

static void							static void
config_changed_cb (GConfClient *conf_client, guint cnxn_id, G	config_changed_cb (GConfClient *conf_client, guint cnxn_id, G
{								{
	show_data_sources (user_data);					show_data_sources (user_data);
}								}

static void							static void
list_double_clicked_cb (GnomeDbGrid *grid, gint row, gpointer	list_double_clicked_cb (GnomeDbGrid *grid, gint row, gpointer
{								{
	dsn_config_edit_properties (GTK_WIDGET (user_data));		dsn_config_edit_properties (GTK_WIDGET (user_data));
}								}

static void							static void
list_popup_properties_cb (GtkWidget *menu, gpointer user_data	list_popup_properties_cb (GtkWidget *menu, gpointer user_data
{								{
	dsn_config_edit_properties (GTK_WIDGET (user_data));		dsn_config_edit_properties (GTK_WIDGET (user_data));
}								}

static void							static void
list_popup_delete_cb (GtkWidget *menu, gpointer user_data)	list_popup_delete_cb (GtkWidget *menu, gpointer user_data)
{								{
	dsn_config_delete (GTK_WIDGET (user_data));			dsn_config_delete (GTK_WIDGET (user_data));
}								}

static void							static void
list_popup_cb (GnomeDbGrid *grid, GtkMenu *menu, gpointer use	list_popup_cb (GnomeDbGrid *grid, GtkMenu *menu, gpointer use
{								{
	GtkWidget *item_delete, *item_properties;			GtkWidget *item_delete, *item_properties;
	gboolean ok;							gboolean ok;

	item_delete = gnome_db_new_menu_item (GTK_STOCK_DELET		item_delete = gnome_db_new_menu_item (GTK_STOCK_DELET
					      TRUE,							      TRUE,
					      G_CALLBACK (lis						      G_CALLBACK (lis
					      user_data);						      user_data);
	item_properties = gnome_db_new_menu_item (GTK_STOCK_P		item_properties = gnome_db_new_menu_item (GTK_STOCK_P
						  TRUE,								  TRUE,
						  G_CALLBACK 							  G_CALLBACK 
						  user_data);							  user_data);

	ok = gnome_db_grid_get_selection (grid) != NULL;		ok = gnome_db_grid_get_selection (grid) != NULL;
	gtk_widget_set_sensitive (item_delete, ok);			gtk_widget_set_sensitive (item_delete, ok);
	gtk_widget_set_sensitive (item_properties, ok);			gtk_widget_set_sensitive (item_properties, ok);

	gtk_menu_prepend (menu, gtk_separator_menu_item_new (		gtk_menu_prepend (menu, gtk_separator_menu_item_new (
	gtk_menu_prepend (menu, item_delete);				gtk_menu_prepend (menu, item_delete);
	gtk_menu_prepend (menu, gtk_separator_menu_item_new (		gtk_menu_prepend (menu, gtk_separator_menu_item_new (
	gtk_menu_prepend (menu, item_properties);			gtk_menu_prepend (menu, item_properties);
}								}

/*								/*
 * Public functions						 * Public functions
 */								 */

GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
dsn_config_new (void)						dsn_config_new (void)
{								{
	DsnConfigPrivate *priv;						DsnConfigPrivate *priv;
	GtkWidget *dsn;							GtkWidget *dsn;
	GtkWidget *table;						GtkWidget *table;
	GtkWidget *box;							GtkWidget *box;
	GtkWidget *button;						GtkWidget *button;
	GtkWidget *label;						GtkWidget *label;
	gchar *title;							gchar *title;

	priv = g_new0 (DsnConfigPrivate, 1);				priv = g_new0 (DsnConfigPrivate, 1);
	dsn = gnome_db_new_vbox_widget (FALSE, 6);			dsn = gnome_db_new_vbox_widget (FALSE, 6);
        gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (dsn), 	        gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (dsn), 
	g_object_set_data_full (G_OBJECT (dsn), DSN_CONFIG_DA		g_object_set_data_full (G_OBJECT (dsn), DSN_CONFIG_DA
				(GDestroyNotify) free_private					(GDestroyNotify) free_private

	/* set up config listener */					/* set up config listener */
	priv->config_listener = gnome_db_config_add_listener 		priv->config_listener = gnome_db_config_add_listener 

	/* create the main table */					/* create the main table */
	table = gnome_db_new_table_widget (2, 1, FALSE);		table = gnome_db_new_table_widget (2, 1, FALSE);
	gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (dsn), table, TRUE, TRUE,		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (dsn), table, TRUE, TRUE,

	/* create the data source list */				/* create the data source list */
	priv->dsn_list = gnome_db_grid_new ();				priv->dsn_list = gnome_db_grid_new ();

	title = g_strdup_printf ("<b>%s</b>\n%s", _("Data Sou		title = g_strdup_printf ("<b>%s</b>\n%s", _("Data Sou
				 _("Configured data sources i					 _("Configured data sources i
	gnome_db_grid_set_title (GNOME_DB_GRID (priv->dsn_lis		gnome_db_grid_set_title (GNOME_DB_GRID (priv->dsn_lis
	g_free (title);							g_free (title);

	gnome_db_grid_set_show_title (GNOME_DB_GRID (priv->ds		gnome_db_grid_set_show_title (GNOME_DB_GRID (priv->ds
	gnome_db_grid_set_show_title_icon (GNOME_DB_GRID (pri		gnome_db_grid_set_show_title_icon (GNOME_DB_GRID (pri
	gnome_db_grid_set_title_icon_from_stock (GNOME_DB_GRI		gnome_db_grid_set_title_icon_from_stock (GNOME_DB_GRI
	gtk_widget_show (priv->dsn_list);				gtk_widget_show (priv->dsn_list);
	g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (priv->dsn_list), "double_		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (priv->dsn_list), "double_
			  G_CALLBACK (list_double_clicked_cb)				  G_CALLBACK (list_double_clicked_cb)
	g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (priv->dsn_list), "create_		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (priv->dsn_list), "create_
			  G_CALLBACK (list_popup_cb), dsn);				  G_CALLBACK (list_popup_cb), dsn);
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), priv->dsn_list, 		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), priv->dsn_list, 
			  0, 0);							  0, 0);
	show_data_sources (priv);					show_data_sources (priv);

	/* add tip */							/* add tip */
	box = gnome_db_new_hbox_widget (FALSE, 6);			box = gnome_db_new_hbox_widget (FALSE, 6);
        gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (box), 	        gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (box), 
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), box, 0, 1, 1, 2,		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), box, 0, 1, 1, 2,
			  GTK_FILL,							  GTK_FILL,
			  GTK_FILL,							  GTK_FILL,
                          0, 0);				                          0, 0);

	button = gtk_image_new_from_stock (GTK_STOCK_DIALOG_I		button = gtk_image_new_from_stock (GTK_STOCK_DIALOG_I
        gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (button), 0.5, 0.0);	        gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (button), 0.5, 0.0);
	gtk_widget_show (button);					gtk_widget_show (button);
	gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (box), button, FALSE, FAL		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (box), button, FALSE, FAL

	label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (				label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (
		_("Data sources are the means by which databa			_("Data sources are the means by which databa
		  "connections are identified in GNOME-DB. Al			  "connections are identified in GNOME-DB. Al
		  "information needed to open a connection to			  "information needed to open a connection to
		  "a specific provider/database combo is stor			  "a specific provider/database combo is stor
		  "a unique name. It is by use of this unique			  "a unique name. It is by use of this unique
		  "you identify the connections in the applic			  "you identify the connections in the applic
		  "that make use of GNOME-DB for database acc			  "that make use of GNOME-DB for database acc
	gtk_label_set_line_wrap (GTK_LABEL (label), TRUE);		gtk_label_set_line_wrap (GTK_LABEL (label), TRUE);
        gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (label), 0.0, 0.0);	        gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (label), 0.0, 0.0);
        gtk_label_set_justify (GTK_LABEL (label), GTK_JUSTIFY	        gtk_label_set_justify (GTK_LABEL (label), GTK_JUSTIFY
	gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (box), label, TRUE, TRUE,		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (box), label, TRUE, TRUE,
	return dsn;							return dsn;
}								}

void								void
dsn_config_edit_properties (GtkWidget *dsn)			dsn_config_edit_properties (GtkWidget *dsn)
{								{
	DsnConfigPrivate *priv;						DsnConfigPrivate *priv;
	GdaDataModel *model;						GdaDataModel *model;
	GList *selection;						GList *selection;
	gchar *str;							gchar *str;

	priv = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (dsn), DSN_CONFIG_		priv = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (dsn), DSN_CONFIG_

	selection = gnome_db_grid_get_selection (GNOME_DB_GRI		selection = gnome_db_grid_get_selection (GNOME_DB_GRI
	if (!selection)							if (!selection)
		return;								return;

	model = gnome_db_grid_get_model (GNOME_DB_GRID (priv-		model = gnome_db_grid_get_model (GNOME_DB_GRID (priv-
	if (!GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (model))					if (!GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (model))
		return;								return;

	str = gda_value_stringify (					str = gda_value_stringify (
		(GdaValue *) gda_data_model_get_value_at (mod			(GdaValue *) gda_data_model_get_value_at (mod

	dsn_properties_dialog (GTK_WINDOW (gtk_widget_get_top		dsn_properties_dialog (GTK_WINDOW (gtk_widget_get_top

	g_list_free (selection);					g_list_free (selection);
	g_free (str);							g_free (str);
}								}

static void							static void
foreach_remove_cb (GnomeDbGrid *grid, gint row, gpointer user	foreach_remove_cb (GnomeDbGrid *grid, gint row, gpointer user
{								{
	DsnConfigPrivate *priv;						DsnConfigPrivate *priv;
	GdaDataModel *model;						GdaDataModel *model;
	GtkWidget *dialog;						GtkWidget *dialog;
	GtkWidget *button;						GtkWidget *button;
	gchar *str;							gchar *str;
	gchar *dsn;							gchar *dsn;

	priv = (DsnConfigPrivate *) user_data;				priv = (DsnConfigPrivate *) user_data;
	model = gnome_db_grid_get_model (GNOME_DB_GRID (priv-		model = gnome_db_grid_get_model (GNOME_DB_GRID (priv-
	if (!GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (model))					if (!GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (model))
		return;								return;

	dsn = gda_value_stringify (					dsn = gda_value_stringify (
		(GdaValue *) gda_data_model_get_value_at (mod			(GdaValue *) gda_data_model_get_value_at (mod
	if (dsn == NULL)						if (dsn == NULL)
		return;								return;

	str = g_strdup_printf (						str = g_strdup_printf (
		_("Are you sure you want to remove the data s			_("Are you sure you want to remove the data s
		dsn);								dsn);

	dialog = gnome_db_new_alert (					dialog = gnome_db_new_alert (
		GTK_WINDOW (gtk_widget_get_toplevel (priv->ds			GTK_WINDOW (gtk_widget_get_toplevel (priv->ds
		str,								str,
		NULL);								NULL);
	button = gtk_button_new_from_stock (GTK_STOCK_CANCEL)		button = gtk_button_new_from_stock (GTK_STOCK_CANCEL)
	gtk_dialog_add_action_widget (GTK_DIALOG (dialog),		gtk_dialog_add_action_widget (GTK_DIALOG (dialog),
				      button,							      button,
	button = gtk_button_new_from_stock (GTK_STOCK_DELETE)		button = gtk_button_new_from_stock (GTK_STOCK_DELETE)
	gtk_dialog_add_action_widget (GTK_DIALOG (dialog),		gtk_dialog_add_action_widget (GTK_DIALOG (dialog),
				      button,							      button,
				      GTK_RESPONSE_OK);						      GTK_RESPONSE_OK);
	gtk_dialog_set_default_response (GTK_DIALOG (dialog),		gtk_dialog_set_default_response (GTK_DIALOG (dialog),
	gtk_widget_show_all (dialog);					gtk_widget_show_all (dialog);
	if (gtk_dialog_run (GTK_DIALOG (dialog)) == GTK_RESPO		if (gtk_dialog_run (GTK_DIALOG (dialog)) == GTK_RESPO
		gnome_db_config_remove_data_source (dsn);			gnome_db_config_remove_data_source (dsn);

	/* free memory */						/* free memory */
	gtk_widget_destroy (dialog);					gtk_widget_destroy (dialog);
	g_free (dsn);							g_free (dsn);
	g_free (str);							g_free (str);
}								}

void								void
dsn_config_delete (GtkWidget *dsn)				dsn_config_delete (GtkWidget *dsn)
{								{
	DsnConfigPrivate *priv;						DsnConfigPrivate *priv;

	priv = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (dsn), DSN_CONFIG_		priv = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (dsn), DSN_CONFIG_
	gnome_db_grid_foreach_selected (GNOME_DB_GRID (priv->		gnome_db_grid_foreach_selected (GNOME_DB_GRID (priv->
					(GnomeDbGridForeachFu						(GnomeDbGridForeachFu
					priv);								priv);

	show_data_sources (priv);					show_data_sources (priv);
}								}

void								void
dsn_config_select_all (GtkWidget *dsn)				dsn_config_select_all (GtkWidget *dsn)
{								{
	DsnConfigPrivate *priv;						DsnConfigPrivate *priv;

	priv = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (dsn), DSN_CONFIG_		priv = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (dsn), DSN_CONFIG_
	gnome_db_grid_select_all (GNOME_DB_GRID (priv->dsn_li		gnome_db_grid_select_all (GNOME_DB_GRID (priv->dsn_li
}								}

void								void
dsn_config_unselect_all (GtkWidget *dsn)			dsn_config_unselect_all (GtkWidget *dsn)
{								{
	DsnConfigPrivate *priv;						DsnConfigPrivate *priv;

	priv = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (dsn), DSN_CONFIG_		priv = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (dsn), DSN_CONFIG_
	gnome_db_grid_unselect_all (GNOME_DB_GRID (priv->dsn_		gnome_db_grid_unselect_all (GNOME_DB_GRID (priv->dsn_
}								}

gboolean							gboolean
dsn_config_has_selection (GtkWidget *dsn)			dsn_config_has_selection (GtkWidget *dsn)
{								{
	DsnConfigPrivate *priv;						DsnConfigPrivate *priv;

	priv = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (dsn), DSN_CONFIG_		priv = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (dsn), DSN_CONFIG_
	return gnome_db_grid_get_selection (GNOME_DB_GRID (pr		return gnome_db_grid_get_selection (GNOME_DB_GRID (pr
}								}
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/control-center/dsn-config.h ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/control-center/dsn-config.h
/* GNOME-DB Components						/* GNOME-DB Components
 * Copyright (C) 2000-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 2000-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as pu	 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as pu
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the Lice	 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the Lice
 * (at your option) any later version.				 * (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * GNU Library General Public License for more details.		 * GNU Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public 	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public 
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Softwar	 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Softwar
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 	 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 
 */								 */

#if !defined(__dsn_config_h__)					#if !defined(__dsn_config_h__)
#  define __dsn_config_h__					#  define __dsn_config_h__

#include <gtk/gtkwidget.h>					#include <gtk/gtkwidget.h>

GtkWidget *dsn_config_new (void);				GtkWidget *dsn_config_new (void);
void       dsn_config_edit_properties (GtkWidget *dsn);		void       dsn_config_edit_properties (GtkWidget *dsn);
void       dsn_config_delete (GtkWidget *dsn);			void       dsn_config_delete (GtkWidget *dsn);
void       dsn_config_select_all (GtkWidget *dsn);		void       dsn_config_select_all (GtkWidget *dsn);
void       dsn_config_unselect_all (GtkWidget *dsn);		void       dsn_config_unselect_all (GtkWidget *dsn);
gboolean   dsn_config_has_selection (GtkWidget *dsn);		gboolean   dsn_config_has_selection (GtkWidget *dsn);

#endif								#endif
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c
/* GNOME-DB Components						/* GNOME-DB Components
 * Copyright (C) 2000-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 2000-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as pu	 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as pu
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the Lice	 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the Lice
 * (at your option) any later version.				 * (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * GNU Library General Public License for more details.		 * GNU Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public 	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public 
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Softwar	 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Softwar
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 	 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 
 */								 */

#include <gtk/gtkdialog.h>					#include <gtk/gtkdialog.h>
#include <gtk/gtklabel.h>					#include <gtk/gtklabel.h>
#include <gtk/gtknotebook.h>					#include <gtk/gtknotebook.h>
#include <gtk/gtkstock.h>					#include <gtk/gtkstock.h>
#include <gtk/gtktable.h>					#include <gtk/gtktable.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.h>			#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-i18n.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-i18n.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h>
#include <libgnomedb/tables-page.h>				#include <libgnomedb/tables-page.h>
#include <libgnomedb/utils.h>					#include <libgnomedb/utils.h>
#include "dsn-properties-dialog.h"				#include "dsn-properties-dialog.h"

enum {								enum {
};								};

static void							static void
save_dsn (GnomeDbDsnConfig *props)				save_dsn (GnomeDbDsnConfig *props)
{								{
	GdaDataSourceInfo *dsn_info;					GdaDataSourceInfo *dsn_info;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_DSN_CONFIG (props));		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_DSN_CONFIG (props));
	dsn_info = gnome_db_dsn_config_get_info (GNOME_DB_DSN		dsn_info = gnome_db_dsn_config_get_info (GNOME_DB_DSN
	if (dsn_info) {							if (dsn_info) {
		gnome_db_config_save_data_source (dsn_info->n			gnome_db_config_save_data_source (dsn_info->n
						  dsn_info->p							  dsn_info->p
						  dsn_info->c							  dsn_info->c
						  dsn_info->d							  dsn_info->d
						  dsn_info->u							  dsn_info->u
						  dsn_info->p							  dsn_info->p
		gnome_db_config_free_data_source_info (dsn_in			gnome_db_config_free_data_source_info (dsn_in
	}								}
}								}

static void							static void
dsn_changed_cb (GnomeDbDsnConfig *config, gpointer user_data)	dsn_changed_cb (GnomeDbDsnConfig *config, gpointer user_data)
{								{
	gtk_dialog_set_response_sensitive (GTK_DIALOG (user_d		gtk_dialog_set_response_sensitive (GTK_DIALOG (user_d
	save_dsn (config);						save_dsn (config);
}								}

static void							static void
notebook_switch_page_cb (GtkNotebook *notebook,			notebook_switch_page_cb (GtkNotebook *notebook,
			 GtkNotebookPage *page,						 GtkNotebookPage *page,
			 gint page_num,							 gint page_num,
			 gpointer user_data)						 gpointer user_data)
{								{
	GtkWidget *w;							GtkWidget *w;
	GdaConnection *cnc;						GdaConnection *cnc;

	cnc = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (notebook), "GdaCon		cnc = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (notebook), "GdaCon
	if (GDA_IS_CONNECTION (cnc))					if (GDA_IS_CONNECTION (cnc))
		return;								return;
	if (page_num == 0)						if (page_num == 0)
		return;								return;

	w = (GtkWidget *) user_data;					w = (GtkWidget *) user_data;

	cnc = db_connect_dialog_for_dsn (g_object_get_data (G		cnc = db_connect_dialog_for_dsn (g_object_get_data (G
	if (GDA_IS_CONNECTION (cnc)) {					if (GDA_IS_CONNECTION (cnc)) {
		tables_page_set_connection (w, cnc);				tables_page_set_connection (w, cnc);

		g_object_set_data_full (G_OBJECT (notebook), 			g_object_set_data_full (G_OBJECT (notebook), 
					cnc, g_object_unref);						cnc, g_object_unref);
	} else								} else
		gtk_notebook_set_current_page (notebook, 0);			gtk_notebook_set_current_page (notebook, 0);
}								}

void								void
dsn_properties_dialog (GtkWindow *parent, const gchar *dsn)	dsn_properties_dialog (GtkWindow *parent, const gchar *dsn)
{								{
	GdaDataSourceInfo *old_dsn_info;				GdaDataSourceInfo *old_dsn_info;
	GtkWidget *dialog, *props, *notebook, *page;			GtkWidget *dialog, *props, *notebook, *page;
	GdkPixbuf *icon;						GdkPixbuf *icon;

	old_dsn_info = gnome_db_config_find_data_source (dsn)		old_dsn_info = gnome_db_config_find_data_source (dsn)
	if (!old_dsn_info)						if (!old_dsn_info)
		return;								return;

	/* create the dialog */						/* create the dialog */
	dialog = gtk_dialog_new_with_buttons (				dialog = gtk_dialog_new_with_buttons (
		_("Data Source Properties"),					_("Data Source Properties"),
		NULL);								NULL);
	gtk_dialog_set_has_separator (GTK_DIALOG (dialog), FA		gtk_dialog_set_has_separator (GTK_DIALOG (dialog), FA
	gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (dialog		gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (dialog
	gtk_dialog_set_response_sensitive (GTK_DIALOG (dialog		gtk_dialog_set_response_sensitive (GTK_DIALOG (dialog

	icon = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file (LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR 		icon = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file (LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR 
	if (icon) {							if (icon) {
		gtk_window_set_icon (GTK_WINDOW (dialog), ico			gtk_window_set_icon (GTK_WINDOW (dialog), ico
		g_object_unref (icon);						g_object_unref (icon);
	}								}

	gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (GTK_DI		gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (GTK_DI
	notebook = gnome_db_new_notebook_widget ();			notebook = gnome_db_new_notebook_widget ();
	gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (notebo		gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (notebo
	gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (GTK_DIALOG (dialog)->vbo		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (GTK_DIALOG (dialog)->vbo

	g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (notebook), "GdaDataSourc		g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (notebook), "GdaDataSourc

	/* create data source settings page */				/* create data source settings page */
	props = gnome_db_dsn_config_new ();				props = gnome_db_dsn_config_new ();
	gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (props)		gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (props)
	gnome_db_dsn_config_set_info (GNOME_DB_DSN_CONFIG (pr		gnome_db_dsn_config_set_info (GNOME_DB_DSN_CONFIG (pr
	gtk_widget_show (props);					gtk_widget_show (props);
	g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (props), "changed", G_CALL		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (props), "changed", G_CALL
	gtk_notebook_append_page (GTK_NOTEBOOK (notebook), pr		gtk_notebook_append_page (GTK_NOTEBOOK (notebook), pr

	/* create tables page */					/* create tables page */
	page = tables_page_new ();					page = tables_page_new ();
	gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (page),		gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (page),
	gtk_notebook_append_page (GTK_NOTEBOOK (notebook), pa		gtk_notebook_append_page (GTK_NOTEBOOK (notebook), pa

	g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (notebook), "switch-page",		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (notebook), "switch-page",
			  G_CALLBACK (notebook_switch_page_cb				  G_CALLBACK (notebook_switch_page_cb

	/* run the dialog */						/* run the dialog */
	while (gtk_dialog_run (GTK_DIALOG (dialog)) == REVERT		while (gtk_dialog_run (GTK_DIALOG (dialog)) == REVERT
		/* reverting changes... */					/* reverting changes... */
		gnome_db_dsn_config_set_info (GNOME_DB_DSN_CO			gnome_db_dsn_config_set_info (GNOME_DB_DSN_CO
		gtk_dialog_set_response_sensitive (GTK_DIALOG			gtk_dialog_set_response_sensitive (GTK_DIALOG
	}								}
	gtk_widget_destroy (dialog);					gtk_widget_destroy (dialog);

	/* free memory */						/* free memory */
	gnome_db_config_free_data_source_info (old_dsn_info);		gnome_db_config_free_data_source_info (old_dsn_info);
}								}
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.h ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.h
/* GNOME-DB Components						/* GNOME-DB Components
 * Copyright (C) 2000-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 2000-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as pu	 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as pu
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the Lice	 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the Lice
 * (at your option) any later version.				 * (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * GNU Library General Public License for more details.		 * GNU Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public 	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public 
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Softwar	 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Softwar
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 	 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 
 */								 */

#if !defined(__dsn_properties_dialog_h__)			#if !defined(__dsn_properties_dialog_h__)
#  define __dsn_properties_dialog_h__				#  define __dsn_properties_dialog_h__

#include <gtk/gtkwindow.h>					#include <gtk/gtkwindow.h>

void dsn_properties_dialog (GtkWindow *parent, const gchar *d	void dsn_properties_dialog (GtkWindow *parent, const gchar *d

#endif								#endif
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/control-center/main.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/control-center/main.c
/* GNOME-DB Components						/* GNOME-DB Components
 * Copyright (C) 2000-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 2000-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as pu	 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as pu
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the Lice	 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the Lice
 * (at your option) any later version.				 * (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * GNU Library General Public License for more details.		 * GNU Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public 	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public 
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Softwar	 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Softwar
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 	 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 
 */								 */

#include <string.h>						#include <string.h>
#include <gtk/gtkdialog.h>					#include <gtk/gtkdialog.h>
#include <gtk/gtkstock.h>					#include <gtk/gtkstock.h>
#include <libgnomedb/libgnomedb.h>				#include <libgnomedb/libgnomedb.h>
#include <libgnomedb/db-shell.h>				#include <libgnomedb/db-shell.h>
#include <libgnomeui/gnome-client.h>				#include <libgnomeui/gnome-client.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-i18n.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-i18n.h>
#include <libgnomeui/gnome-window-icon.h>			#include <libgnomeui/gnome-window-icon.h>
#include "database-capplet.h"					#include "database-capplet.h"

#include "../libgnomedb/gnome-db-window.h"			#include "../libgnomedb/gnome-db-window.h"

static void							static void
prepare_menu (GnomeDbWindow *window, GtkNotebook *notebook)	prepare_menu (GnomeDbWindow *window, GtkNotebook *notebook)
{								{
	GtkWidget *current_widget, *wdsn;				GtkWidget *current_widget, *wdsn;
	gboolean dsn, selection;					gboolean dsn, selection;
	BonoboUIComponent *uic;						BonoboUIComponent *uic;
	gint current;							gint current;
	current = gtk_notebook_get_current_page (notebook);		current = gtk_notebook_get_current_page (notebook);
	g_return_if_fail (current != -1);				g_return_if_fail (current != -1);
	current_widget = gtk_notebook_get_nth_page (notebook,		current_widget = gtk_notebook_get_nth_page (notebook,
	g_return_if_fail (current_widget != NULL);			g_return_if_fail (current_widget != NULL);

	wdsn = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (notebook), DSN_PA		wdsn = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (notebook), DSN_PA
	dsn = current_widget == wdsn;					dsn = current_widget == wdsn;
	selection = database_capplet_has_selection (GTK_WIDGE		selection = database_capplet_has_selection (GTK_WIDGE

	uic = gnome_db_window_get_ui_component (window);		uic = gnome_db_window_get_ui_component (window);
	bonobo_ui_component_set_prop (uic, "/commands/Databas		bonobo_ui_component_set_prop (uic, "/commands/Databas
				      "sensitive", dsn && sel					      "sensitive", dsn && sel
				      NULL);							      NULL);
	bonobo_ui_component_set_prop (uic, "/commands/EditDel		bonobo_ui_component_set_prop (uic, "/commands/EditDel
				      "sensitive", dsn && sel					      "sensitive", dsn && sel
				      NULL);							      NULL);
	bonobo_ui_component_set_prop (uic, "/commands/ViewDat		bonobo_ui_component_set_prop (uic, "/commands/ViewDat
				      "state", dsn ? "1" : "0					      "state", dsn ? "1" : "0
	bonobo_ui_component_set_prop (uic, "/commands/ViewPro		bonobo_ui_component_set_prop (uic, "/commands/ViewPro
				      "state", dsn ? "0" : "1					      "state", dsn ? "0" : "1
}								}

/*								/*
 * Callbacks							 * Callbacks
 */								 */

/* Database */							/* Database */
static void							static void
menu_database_cb (GtkWidget *shell, gpointer user_data)		menu_database_cb (GtkWidget *shell, gpointer user_data)
{								{
	prepare_menu (GNOME_DB_WINDOW (shell), GTK_NOTEBOOK (		prepare_menu (GNOME_DB_WINDOW (shell), GTK_NOTEBOOK (
}								}

/* Database/New */						/* Database/New */
static void							static void
druid_finished_cb (GnomeDbDsnConfigDruid *druid, gboolean err	druid_finished_cb (GnomeDbDsnConfigDruid *druid, gboolean err
{								{
	const GdaDataSourceInfo *dsn_info;				const GdaDataSourceInfo *dsn_info;

	if (!error) {							if (!error) {
		dsn_info = gnome_db_dsn_config_druid_get_dsn 			dsn_info = gnome_db_dsn_config_druid_get_dsn 
		if (dsn_info) {							if (dsn_info) {
			gnome_db_config_save_data_source (dsn				gnome_db_config_save_data_source (dsn
							  dsn								  dsn
							  dsn								  dsn
							  dsn								  dsn
							  dsn								  dsn
							  dsn								  dsn
		}								}
		else								else
			gnome_db_show_error (_("No valid data				gnome_db_show_error (_("No valid data
	}								}

	gtk_widget_destroy (GTK_WIDGET (user_data));			gtk_widget_destroy (GTK_WIDGET (user_data));
}								}

static void							static void
file_new_cb (GtkWidget *shell, gpointer user_data)		file_new_cb (GtkWidget *shell, gpointer user_data)
{								{
	GtkWidget *druid, *dialog;					GtkWidget *druid, *dialog;
	GdkPixbuf *icon;						GdkPixbuf *icon;

	/* create the window to contain the druid */			/* create the window to contain the druid */
	dialog = gtk_dialog_new_with_buttons (				dialog = gtk_dialog_new_with_buttons (
		_("New data source"),						_("New data source"),
		GTK_WINDOW (shell),						GTK_WINDOW (shell),
		0, NULL);							0, NULL);

	icon = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file (LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR 		icon = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file (LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR 
	if (icon) {							if (icon) {
		gtk_window_set_icon (GTK_WINDOW (dialog), ico			gtk_window_set_icon (GTK_WINDOW (dialog), ico
		g_object_unref (icon);						g_object_unref (icon);
	}								}
	gtk_dialog_set_has_separator (GTK_DIALOG (dialog), FA		gtk_dialog_set_has_separator (GTK_DIALOG (dialog), FA

	druid = gnome_db_dsn_config_druid_new ();			druid = gnome_db_dsn_config_druid_new ();
	g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (druid), "finished",			g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (druid), "finished",
			  G_CALLBACK (druid_finished_cb), dia				  G_CALLBACK (druid_finished_cb), dia
	gtk_widget_show (druid);					gtk_widget_show (druid);
	gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (GTK_DIALOG (dialog)->vbo		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (GTK_DIALOG (dialog)->vbo

	/* run the dialog */						/* run the dialog */
	gtk_widget_show (dialog);					gtk_widget_show (dialog);
}								}

/* Database/Properties */					/* Database/Properties */
static void							static void
file_properties_cb (GtkWidget *shell, gpointer user_data)	file_properties_cb (GtkWidget *shell, gpointer user_data)
{								{
	database_capplet_edit_properties (GTK_WIDGET (user_da		database_capplet_edit_properties (GTK_WIDGET (user_da
}								}

/* Database/Close */						/* Database/Close */
static void							static void
window_closed_cb (GnomeDbWindow *window, gpointer user_data)	window_closed_cb (GnomeDbWindow *window, gpointer user_data)
{								{
	gnome_db_main_quit ();						gnome_db_main_quit ();
}								}

/* Edit */							/* Edit */
static void							static void
menu_edit_cb (GtkWidget *shell, gpointer user_data)		menu_edit_cb (GtkWidget *shell, gpointer user_data)
{								{
	prepare_menu (GNOME_DB_WINDOW (shell), GTK_NOTEBOOK (		prepare_menu (GNOME_DB_WINDOW (shell), GTK_NOTEBOOK (
}								}

/* Edit/Delete */						/* Edit/Delete */
static void							static void
edit_delete_cb (GtkWidget *shell, gpointer user_data)		edit_delete_cb (GtkWidget *shell, gpointer user_data)
{								{
	database_capplet_delete (GTK_WIDGET (user_data));		database_capplet_delete (GTK_WIDGET (user_data));
}								}

/* Edit/Select All */						/* Edit/Select All */
static void							static void
edit_select_all_cb (GtkWidget *shell, gpointer user_data)	edit_select_all_cb (GtkWidget *shell, gpointer user_data)
{								{
	database_capplet_select_all (GTK_WIDGET (user_data));		database_capplet_select_all (GTK_WIDGET (user_data));
}								}

/* Edit/Clear Selection */					/* Edit/Clear Selection */
static void							static void
edit_deselect_all_cb (GtkWidget *shell, gpointer user_data)	edit_deselect_all_cb (GtkWidget *shell, gpointer user_data)
{								{
	database_capplet_deselect_all (GTK_WIDGET (user_data)		database_capplet_deselect_all (GTK_WIDGET (user_data)
}								}

/* View */							/* View */
static void							static void
menu_view_cb (GtkWidget *shell, gpointer user_data)		menu_view_cb (GtkWidget *shell, gpointer user_data)
{								{
	prepare_menu (GNOME_DB_WINDOW (shell), GTK_NOTEBOOK (		prepare_menu (GNOME_DB_WINDOW (shell), GTK_NOTEBOOK (
}								}

/* View/Data Sources */						/* View/Data Sources */
static void							static void
view_data_sources_cb (GtkWidget *shell, gpointer user_data)	view_data_sources_cb (GtkWidget *shell, gpointer user_data)
{								{
	database_capplet_switch (GTK_WIDGET (user_data), DSN_		database_capplet_switch (GTK_WIDGET (user_data), DSN_
}								}

/* View/Providers */						/* View/Providers */
static void							static void
view_providers_cb (GtkWidget *shell, gpointer user_data)	view_providers_cb (GtkWidget *shell, gpointer user_data)
{								{
	database_capplet_switch (GTK_WIDGET (user_data), PROV		database_capplet_switch (GTK_WIDGET (user_data), PROV
}								}

static void							static void
create_main_window (gpointer user_data)				create_main_window (gpointer user_data)
{								{
	DbShellCallbacks *callbacks;					DbShellCallbacks *callbacks;
	GtkWidget *window;						GtkWidget *window;
	GtkWidget *capplet;						GtkWidget *capplet;

	capplet = database_capplet_new ();				capplet = database_capplet_new ();
        gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (capple	        gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (capple

	/* setup callbacks */						/* setup callbacks */
	callbacks = g_new0 (DbShellCallbacks, 1);			callbacks = g_new0 (DbShellCallbacks, 1);
	memset (callbacks, 0, sizeof (DbShellCallbacks));		memset (callbacks, 0, sizeof (DbShellCallbacks));
	callbacks->menu_database_func = menu_database_cb;		callbacks->menu_database_func = menu_database_cb;
	callbacks->new_func = file_new_cb;				callbacks->new_func = file_new_cb;
	callbacks->edit_properties_func = file_properties_cb;		callbacks->edit_properties_func = file_properties_cb;
	callbacks->menu_edit_func = menu_edit_cb;			callbacks->menu_edit_func = menu_edit_cb;
	callbacks->delete_func = edit_delete_cb;			callbacks->delete_func = edit_delete_cb;
	callbacks->select_all_func = edit_select_all_cb;		callbacks->select_all_func = edit_select_all_cb;
	callbacks->deselect_all_func = edit_deselect_all_cb;		callbacks->deselect_all_func = edit_deselect_all_cb;
	callbacks->menu_view_func = menu_view_cb;			callbacks->menu_view_func = menu_view_cb;
	callbacks->view_data_sources_func = view_data_sources		callbacks->view_data_sources_func = view_data_sources
	callbacks->view_providers_func = view_providers_cb;		callbacks->view_providers_func = view_providers_cb;

	/* create the dialog */						/* create the dialog */
	window = db_shell_new (_("Database Access Properties"		window = db_shell_new (_("Database Access Properties"
			       capplet,							       capplet,
			       NULL,							       NULL,
			       callbacks,						       callbacks,
			       capplet);						       capplet);
	gtk_window_set_position (GTK_WINDOW (window), GTK_WIN		gtk_window_set_position (GTK_WINDOW (window), GTK_WIN
	gnome_db_window_show (GNOME_DB_WINDOW (window));		gnome_db_window_show (GNOME_DB_WINDOW (window));

	g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (window), "close",			g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (window), "close",
			  G_CALLBACK (window_closed_cb), NULL				  G_CALLBACK (window_closed_cb), NULL
}								}

int								int
main (int argc, char *argv[])					main (int argc, char *argv[])
{								{
	GnomeClient *session_client;					GnomeClient *session_client;

	bind_textdomain_codeset (GETTEXT_PACKAGE, "UTF-8");		bind_textdomain_codeset (GETTEXT_PACKAGE, "UTF-8");
	textdomain (GETTEXT_PACKAGE);					textdomain (GETTEXT_PACKAGE);

	gnome_db_init ("gnome-database-properties", VERSION, 		gnome_db_init ("gnome-database-properties", VERSION, 

	/* session management */					/* session management */
	session_client = gnome_master_client ();			session_client = gnome_master_client ();
	gnome_client_set_restart_style (session_client, GNOME		gnome_client_set_restart_style (session_client, GNOME

	/* application loop */						/* application loop */
	gnome_db_main_run ((GdaInitFunc) create_main_window, 		gnome_db_main_run ((GdaInitFunc) create_main_window, 

	return 0;							return 0;
}								}
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/control-center: Makefile
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/control-center/Makefile.am ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/control-center/Makefile.am
bin_PROGRAMS=gnome-database-properties				bin_PROGRAMS=gnome-database-properties

	-I$(top_srcdir) \						-I$(top_srcdir) \
	-I$(top_builddir) \						-I$(top_builddir) \
	-DLIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR=\""$(datadir)/pixmaps/libgnomed		-DLIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR=\""$(datadir)/pixmaps/libgnomed
	-DLIBGNOMEDB_LOCALEDIR=\""$(datadir)/locale"\"			-DLIBGNOMEDB_LOCALEDIR=\""$(datadir)/locale"\"

gnome_database_properties_SOURCES=\				gnome_database_properties_SOURCES=\
	database-capplet.c \						database-capplet.c \
	database-capplet.h \						database-capplet.h \
	dsn-config.c \							dsn-config.c \
	dsn-config.h \							dsn-config.h \
	dsn-properties-dialog.c \					dsn-properties-dialog.c \
	dsn-properties-dialog.h \					dsn-properties-dialog.h \
	main.c \							main.c \
	provider-config.c \						provider-config.c \
	provider-config.h						provider-config.h
gnome_database_properties_LDADD=\				gnome_database_properties_LDADD=\
	$(top_builddir)/libgnomedb/libgnomedb-2.la			$(top_builddir)/libgnomedb/libgnomedb-2.la


desktopdir=$(datadir)/control-center-2.0/capplets		desktopdir=$(datadir)/control-center-2.0/capplets
Desktop_in_files = database-properties.desktop.in		Desktop_in_files = database-properties.desktop.in
desktop_DATA = $(Desktop_in_files:.desktop.in=.desktop)		desktop_DATA = $(Desktop_in_files:.desktop.in=.desktop)

EXTRA_DIST=$(Desktop_in_files)					EXTRA_DIST=$(Desktop_in_files)
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/control-center: Makefile.in
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/control-center/provider-config.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/control-center/provider-config.c
/* GNOME-DB Configurator					/* GNOME-DB Configurator
 * Copyright (C) 2000-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 2000-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as pu	 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as pu
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the Lice	 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the Lice
 * (at your option) any later version.				 * (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * GNU Library General Public License for more details.		 * GNU Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public 	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public 
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Softwar	 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Softwar
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 	 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 
 */								 */

#include <libgda/gda-config.h>					#include <libgda/gda-config.h>
#include <libgda/gda-data-model-array.h>			#include <libgda/gda-data-model-array.h>
#include <gtk/gtkimage.h>					#include <gtk/gtkimage.h>
#include <gtk/gtklabel.h>					#include <gtk/gtklabel.h>
#include <gtk/gtkstock.h>					#include <gtk/gtkstock.h>
#include <gtk/gtktable.h>					#include <gtk/gtktable.h>
#include <gtk/gtkvbbox.h>					#include <gtk/gtkvbbox.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-i18n.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-i18n.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h>
#include "provider-config.h"					#include "provider-config.h"

#define PROVIDER_CONFIG_DATA "Provider_ConfigData"		#define PROVIDER_CONFIG_DATA "Provider_ConfigData"

typedef struct {						typedef struct {
	GtkWidget *provider_list;					GtkWidget *provider_list;
} ProviderConfigPrivate;					} ProviderConfigPrivate;

/*								/*
 * Private functions						 * Private functions
 */								 */

static void							static void
show_providers (ProviderConfigPrivate *priv)			show_providers (ProviderConfigPrivate *priv)
{								{
	GdaDataModel *model;						GdaDataModel *model;
	GList *prv_list, *l;						GList *prv_list, *l;

	/* create the data model */					/* create the data model */
	model = gda_data_model_array_new (2);				model = gda_data_model_array_new (2);
	gda_data_model_set_column_title (model, 0, _("Name"))		gda_data_model_set_column_title (model, 0, _("Name"))
	gda_data_model_set_column_title (model, 1, _("Descrip		gda_data_model_set_column_title (model, 1, _("Descrip

	prv_list = gda_config_get_provider_list ();			prv_list = gda_config_get_provider_list ();
	for (l = prv_list; l != NULL; l = l->next) {			for (l = prv_list; l != NULL; l = l->next) {
		GList *value_list;						GList *value_list;
		GdaProviderInfo *prv_info = (GdaProviderInfo 			GdaProviderInfo *prv_info = (GdaProviderInfo 

		value_list = g_list_append (NULL, gda_value_n			value_list = g_list_append (NULL, gda_value_n
		value_list = g_list_append (value_list, gda_v			value_list = g_list_append (value_list, gda_v

		gda_data_model_append_row (model, (const GLis			gda_data_model_append_row (model, (const GLis

		g_list_foreach (value_list, (GFunc) gda_value			g_list_foreach (value_list, (GFunc) gda_value
		g_list_free (value_list);					g_list_free (value_list);
	}								}

	gda_config_free_provider_list (prv_list);			gda_config_free_provider_list (prv_list);

	/* display the new data model */				/* display the new data model */
	gnome_db_grid_set_model (GNOME_DB_GRID (priv->provide		gnome_db_grid_set_model (GNOME_DB_GRID (priv->provide
	g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (model));				g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (model));
}								}

/*								/*
 * Public functions						 * Public functions
 */								 */

GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
provider_config_new (void)					provider_config_new (void)
{								{
	ProviderConfigPrivate *priv;					ProviderConfigPrivate *priv;
	GtkWidget *provider;						GtkWidget *provider;
	GtkWidget *table;						GtkWidget *table;
	GtkWidget *box;							GtkWidget *box;
	GtkWidget *button;						GtkWidget *button;
	GtkWidget *label;						GtkWidget *label;
	gchar *title;							gchar *title;

	priv = g_new0 (ProviderConfigPrivate, 1);			priv = g_new0 (ProviderConfigPrivate, 1);
	provider = gnome_db_new_vbox_widget (FALSE, 6);			provider = gnome_db_new_vbox_widget (FALSE, 6);
        gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (provid	        gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (provid
	g_object_set_data_full (G_OBJECT (provider), PROVIDER		g_object_set_data_full (G_OBJECT (provider), PROVIDER
				(GDestroyNotify) g_free);					(GDestroyNotify) g_free);

	table = gnome_db_new_table_widget (2, 1, FALSE);		table = gnome_db_new_table_widget (2, 1, FALSE);
	gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (provider), table, TRUE, 		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (provider), table, TRUE, 

	/* create the provider list */					/* create the provider list */
	priv->provider_list = gnome_db_grid_new ();			priv->provider_list = gnome_db_grid_new ();

	title = g_strdup_printf ("<b>%s</b>\n%s", _("Provider		title = g_strdup_printf ("<b>%s</b>\n%s", _("Provider
				 _("Installed providers"));					 _("Installed providers"));
	gnome_db_grid_set_title (GNOME_DB_GRID (priv->provide		gnome_db_grid_set_title (GNOME_DB_GRID (priv->provide
	g_free (title);							g_free (title);

	gnome_db_grid_set_show_title (GNOME_DB_GRID (priv->pr		gnome_db_grid_set_show_title (GNOME_DB_GRID (priv->pr
	gnome_db_grid_set_show_title_icon (GNOME_DB_GRID (pri		gnome_db_grid_set_show_title_icon (GNOME_DB_GRID (pri
	gnome_db_grid_set_title_icon_from_stock (GNOME_DB_GRI		gnome_db_grid_set_title_icon_from_stock (GNOME_DB_GRI
	gtk_widget_show (priv->provider_list);				gtk_widget_show (priv->provider_list);
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), priv->provider_l		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), priv->provider_l
			  0, 0);							  0, 0);
	show_providers (priv);						show_providers (priv);

	/* add tip */							/* add tip */
	box = gnome_db_new_hbox_widget (FALSE, 6);			box = gnome_db_new_hbox_widget (FALSE, 6);
        gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (box), 	        gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (box), 
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), box, 0, 1, 1, 2,		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), box, 0, 1, 1, 2,
			  GTK_FILL, GTK_FILL, 0, 0);					  GTK_FILL, GTK_FILL, 0, 0);

	button = gtk_image_new_from_stock (GTK_STOCK_DIALOG_I		button = gtk_image_new_from_stock (GTK_STOCK_DIALOG_I
        gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (button), 0.5, 0.0);	        gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (button), 0.5, 0.0);
	gtk_widget_show (button);					gtk_widget_show (button);
	gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (box), button, FALSE, FAL		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (box), button, FALSE, FAL

	label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (				label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (
		_("Providers are external plugins that provid			_("Providers are external plugins that provid
		  "to a specific data source. The default pro			  "to a specific data source. The default pro
		  "always installed, which allows access to d			  "always installed, which allows access to d
		  "stored in XML files. Other providers usual			  "stored in XML files. Other providers usual
		  "distributed along with libgda/gnome-db inc			  "distributed along with libgda/gnome-db inc
		  "PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Sybase, Interba			  "PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Sybase, Interba
	gtk_label_set_line_wrap (GTK_LABEL (label), TRUE);		gtk_label_set_line_wrap (GTK_LABEL (label), TRUE);
        gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (label), 0.0, 0.0);	        gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (label), 0.0, 0.0);
        gtk_label_set_justify (GTK_LABEL (label), GTK_JUSTIFY	        gtk_label_set_justify (GTK_LABEL (label), GTK_JUSTIFY
	gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (box), label, TRUE, TRUE,		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (box), label, TRUE, TRUE,

	return provider;						return provider;
}								}

void								void
provider_config_select_all (GtkWidget *provider)		provider_config_select_all (GtkWidget *provider)
{								{
	ProviderConfigPrivate *priv;					ProviderConfigPrivate *priv;

	priv = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (provider), PROVID		priv = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (provider), PROVID
	gnome_db_grid_select_all (GNOME_DB_GRID (priv->provid		gnome_db_grid_select_all (GNOME_DB_GRID (priv->provid
}								}

void								void
provider_config_unselect_all (GtkWidget *provider)		provider_config_unselect_all (GtkWidget *provider)
{								{
	ProviderConfigPrivate *priv;					ProviderConfigPrivate *priv;

	priv = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (provider), PROVID		priv = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (provider), PROVID
	gnome_db_grid_unselect_all (GNOME_DB_GRID (priv->prov		gnome_db_grid_unselect_all (GNOME_DB_GRID (priv->prov
}								}

gboolean							gboolean
provider_config_has_selection (GtkWidget *provider)		provider_config_has_selection (GtkWidget *provider)
{								{
	ProviderConfigPrivate *priv;					ProviderConfigPrivate *priv;

	priv = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (provider), PROVID		priv = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (provider), PROVID
	return gnome_db_grid_get_selection (GNOME_DB_GRID (pr		return gnome_db_grid_get_selection (GNOME_DB_GRID (pr
}								}
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/control-center/provider-config.h ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/control-center/provider-config.h
/* GNOME-DB Configurator					/* GNOME-DB Configurator
 * Copyright (C) 2000-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 2000-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as pu	 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as pu
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the Lice	 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the Lice
 * (at your option) any later version.				 * (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * GNU Library General Public License for more details.		 * GNU Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public 	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public 
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Softwar	 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Softwar
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 	 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 
 */								 */

#if !defined(__provider_config_h__)				#if !defined(__provider_config_h__)
#  define __provider_config_h__					#  define __provider_config_h__

#include <gtk/gtkwidget.h>					#include <gtk/gtkwidget.h>

GtkWidget *provider_config_new (void);				GtkWidget *provider_config_new (void);
void       provider_config_select_all (GtkWidget *provider);	void       provider_config_select_all (GtkWidget *provider);
void       provider_config_unselect_all (GtkWidget *provider)	void       provider_config_unselect_all (GtkWidget *provider)
gboolean   provider_config_has_selection (GtkWidget *provider	gboolean   provider_config_has_selection (GtkWidget *provider

#endif								#endif
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: COPYING
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: CVS
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/data: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/data: libgnomedb.keys
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/data/libgnomedb.keys.in ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/data/libgnomedb.keys.in
application/x-gnome-db-connection				application/x-gnome-db-connection
	_description=Database connection parameters file		_description=Database connection parameters file
	default_action_type=component					default_action_type=component
	short_list_component_iids=OAFIID:GNOME_Database_Conne		short_list_component_iids=OAFIID:GNOME_Database_Conne
	short_list_component_iids_for_novice_user_level=OAFII		short_list_component_iids_for_novice_user_level=OAFII
	short_list_component_iids_for_intermediate_user_level		short_list_component_iids_for_intermediate_user_level
	short_list_component_iids_for_hacker_user_level=OAFII		short_list_component_iids_for_hacker_user_level=OAFII
	icon-filename= icondir@/gnome-db-connect_24x24.png		icon-filename= icondir@/gnome-db-connect_24x24.png
	_category=Documents						_category=Documents

text/x-sql							text/x-sql
	_description=SQL code viewer					_description=SQL code viewer
	default_action_type=component					default_action_type=component
	short_list_component_iids=OAFIID:GNOME_Database_SqlVi		short_list_component_iids=OAFIID:GNOME_Database_SqlVi
	short_list_component_iids_for_novice_user_level=OAFII		short_list_component_iids_for_novice_user_level=OAFII
	short_list_component_iids_for_intermediate_user_level		short_list_component_iids_for_intermediate_user_level
	short_list_component_iids_for_hacker_user_level=OAFII		short_list_component_iids_for_hacker_user_level=OAFII
	icon-filename= icondir@/gnome-db-sql_24x24.png			icon-filename= icondir@/gnome-db-sql_24x24.png
	_category=Documents						_category=Documents
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/data/libgnomedb.mime ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/data/libgnomedb.mime
application/x-gnome-db-connection				application/x-gnome-db-connection
	ext: connection							ext: connection

application/x-gnome-db-database					application/x-gnome-db-database
	ext: database							ext: database

text/x-sql							text/x-sql
	ext: sql							ext: sql
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/data: libgnomedb.schemas
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/data/libgnomedb.schemas.in ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/data/libgnomedb.schemas.in
<?xml version="1.0"?>						<?xml version="1.0"?>
<gconfschemafile>						<gconfschemafile>
  <schemalist>							  <schemalist>
    <schema>							    <schema>
      <applyto>/apps/gnome-db/UI/GridFont</applyto>		      <applyto>/apps/gnome-db/UI/GridFont</applyto>
      <key>/schemas/apps/gnome-db/UI/GridFont</key>		      <key>/schemas/apps/gnome-db/UI/GridFont</key>
      <owner>gnome</owner>					      <owner>gnome</owner>
      <type>string</type>					      <type>string</type>
      <locale name="C">						      <locale name="C">
        <short>Font to be used in the grid widget</short>	        <short>Font to be used in the grid widget</short>
	<long></long>							<long></long>
      </locale>							      </locale>
    </schema>							    </schema>
    <schema>							    <schema>
      <applyto>/apps/gnome-db/Editor/Highlight</applyto>	      <applyto>/apps/gnome-db/Editor/Highlight</applyto>
      <key>/schemas/apps/gnome-db/Editor/Highlight</key>	      <key>/schemas/apps/gnome-db/Editor/Highlight</key>
      <owner>gnome</owner>					      <owner>gnome</owner>
      <type>bool</type>						      <type>bool</type>
      <default>true</default>					      <default>true</default>
      <locale name="C">						      <locale name="C">
        <short>Use highlighting in source code editor</short>	        <short>Use highlighting in source code editor</short>
	<long></long>							<long></long>
      </locale>							      </locale>
    </schema>							    </schema>

    <schema>							    <schema>
      <applyto>/apps/gnome-db/Editor/ShowLineNumbers</applyto	      <applyto>/apps/gnome-db/Editor/ShowLineNumbers</applyto
      <key>/schemas/apps/gnome-db/Editor/ShowLineNumbers</key	      <key>/schemas/apps/gnome-db/Editor/ShowLineNumbers</key
      <owner>gnome</owner>					      <owner>gnome</owner>
      <type>bool</type>						      <type>bool</type>
      <default>false</default>					      <default>false</default>
      <locale name="C">						      <locale name="C">
        <short>Show line numbers on source editor</short>	        <short>Show line numbers on source editor</short>
	<long></long>							<long></long>
      </locale>							      </locale>
    </schema>							    </schema>

    <schema>							    <schema>
      <applyto>/apps/gnome-db/Editor/TabStop</applyto>		      <applyto>/apps/gnome-db/Editor/TabStop</applyto>
      <key>/schemas/apps/gnome-db/Editor/TabStop</key>		      <key>/schemas/apps/gnome-db/Editor/TabStop</key>
      <owner>gnome</owner>					      <owner>gnome</owner>
      <type>int</type>						      <type>int</type>
      <locale name="C">						      <locale name="C">
        <short>Number of spaces per tab</short>			        <short>Number of spaces per tab</short>
	<long></long>							<long></long>
      </locale>							      </locale>
    </schema>							    </schema>

  </schemalist>							  </schemalist>
</gconfschemafile>						</gconfschemafile>
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/data: Makefile
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/data/Makefile.am ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/data/Makefile.am

# GConf schemas							# GConf schemas
schemadir   = $(GCONF_SCHEMA_FILE_DIR)				schemadir   = $(GCONF_SCHEMA_FILE_DIR)
schema_DATA = libgnomedb.schemas				schema_DATA = libgnomedb.schemas


install-data-local:						install-data-local:
else								else
install-data-local:						install-data-local:
endif								endif

# Pixmaps							# Pixmaps
pixmapdir=$(datadir)/pixmaps/libgnomedb				pixmapdir=$(datadir)/pixmaps/libgnomedb
pixmap_DATA= \							pixmap_DATA= \
	gnome-db-aggregates_16x16.png \					gnome-db-aggregates_16x16.png \
	gnome-db-aggregates_24x24.png \					gnome-db-aggregates_24x24.png \
	gnome-db-commit_24x24.png \					gnome-db-commit_24x24.png \
	gnome-db-connect_24x24.png \					gnome-db-connect_24x24.png \
	gnome-db-disconnect_24x24.png \					gnome-db-disconnect_24x24.png \
	gnome-db-database_16x16.png \					gnome-db-database_16x16.png \
	gnome-db-database_24x24.png \					gnome-db-database_24x24.png \
	gnome-db-database_48x48.png \					gnome-db-database_48x48.png \
	gnome-db-database-login_48x48.png \				gnome-db-database-login_48x48.png \
	gnome-db-designer_24x24.png \					gnome-db-designer_24x24.png \
	gnome-db-field_16x16.png \					gnome-db-field_16x16.png \
	gnome-db-indexes_16x16.png \					gnome-db-indexes_16x16.png \
	gnome-db-no-transaction_24x24.png \				gnome-db-no-transaction_24x24.png \
	gnome-db-procedures_16x16.png \					gnome-db-procedures_16x16.png \
	gnome-db-procedures_24x24.png \					gnome-db-procedures_24x24.png \
	gnome-db-query_16x16.png \					gnome-db-query_16x16.png \
	gnome-db-query_24x24.png \					gnome-db-query_24x24.png \
	gnome-db-relations_16x16.png \					gnome-db-relations_16x16.png \
	gnome-db-relations_24x24.png \					gnome-db-relations_24x24.png \
	gnome-db-rollback_24x24.png \					gnome-db-rollback_24x24.png \
	gnome-db-sequences_16x16.png \					gnome-db-sequences_16x16.png \
	gnome-db-sequences_24x24.png \					gnome-db-sequences_24x24.png \
	gnome-db-sql_16x16.png \					gnome-db-sql_16x16.png \
	gnome-db-sql_24x24.png \					gnome-db-sql_24x24.png \
	gnome-db-table_16x16.png \					gnome-db-table_16x16.png \
	gnome-db-tables_16x16.png \					gnome-db-tables_16x16.png \
	gnome-db-tables_24x24.png \					gnome-db-tables_24x24.png \
	gnome-db-triggers_16x16.png \					gnome-db-triggers_16x16.png \
	gnome-db-types_16x16.png \					gnome-db-types_16x16.png \
	gnome-db-types_24x24.png \					gnome-db-types_24x24.png \
	gnome-db-views_16x16.png \					gnome-db-views_16x16.png \
	gnome-db-within-transaction_24x24.png				gnome-db-within-transaction_24x24.png

# MIME data							# MIME data
Mimedir = $(datadir)/mime-info					Mimedir = $(datadir)/mime-info
Mime_DATA = libgnomedb.keys libgnomedb.mime			Mime_DATA = libgnomedb.keys libgnomedb.mime

keys_in_files = libgnomedb.keys.in				keys_in_files = libgnomedb.keys.in
keys_files = $(keys_in_files:.keys.in=.keys)			keys_files = $(keys_in_files:.keys.in=.keys)

	libgnomedb.schemas.in \						libgnomedb.schemas.in \
	$(pixmap_DATA) \						$(pixmap_DATA) \
	libgnomedb.keys.in \						libgnomedb.keys.in \
	libgnomedb.mime							libgnomedb.mime
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/data: Makefile.in
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: depcomp
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc/C: CVS
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/fdl-appendix.sgml ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc/C/fdl-appendix.sgml
<!--  								<!--  
     The GNU Free Documentation License 1.1 in DocBook		     The GNU Free Documentation License 1.1 in DocBook
     Markup by Eric Baudais <baudais okstate edu>		     Markup by Eric Baudais <baudais okstate edu>
     Maintained by the GNOME Documentation Project		     Maintained by the GNOME Documentation Project
     http://developer.gnome.org/projects/gdp			     http://developer.gnome.org/projects/gdp
     Version: 1.0.1						     Version: 1.0.1
     Last Modified: Nov 16, 2000				     Last Modified: Nov 16, 2000
-->								-->

<appendix id="fdl">						<appendix id="fdl">
  <docinfo>							  <docinfo>
    <releaseinfo>						    <releaseinfo>
      Version 1.1, March 2000					      Version 1.1, March 2000
    </releaseinfo>						    </releaseinfo>
    <copyright>							    <copyright>
      <year>2000</year><holder>Free Software Foundation, Inc.	      <year>2000</year><holder>Free Software Foundation, Inc.
    </copyright>						    </copyright>
    <legalnotice id="fdl-legalnotice">				    <legalnotice id="fdl-legalnotice">
      <para>							      <para>
	<address>Free Software Foundation, Inc. <street>59 Te		<address>Free Software Foundation, Inc. <street>59 Te
        Suite 330</street>, <city>Boston</city>, <state>MA</s	        Suite 330</street>, <city>Boston</city>, <state>MA</s
        <postcode>02111-1307</postcode>  <country>USA</countr	        <postcode>02111-1307</postcode>  <country>USA</countr
	Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim		Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim
        license document, but changing it is not allowed.	        license document, but changing it is not allowed.
      </para>							      </para>
    </legalnotice>						    </legalnotice>
  </docinfo>							  </docinfo>
  <title>GNU Free Documentation License</title>			  <title>GNU Free Documentation License</title>

  <sect1 id="fdl-preamble">					  <sect1 id="fdl-preamble">
    <title>0. PREAMBLE</title>					    <title>0. PREAMBLE</title>
    <para>							    <para>
      The purpose of this License is to make a manual, textbo	      The purpose of this License is to make a manual, textbo
      other written document <quote>free</quote> in the sense	      other written document <quote>free</quote> in the sense
      freedom: to assure everyone the effective freedom to co	      freedom: to assure everyone the effective freedom to co
      redistribute it, with or without modifying it, either	      redistribute it, with or without modifying it, either
      commercially or noncommercially. Secondarily, this Lice	      commercially or noncommercially. Secondarily, this Lice
      preserves for the author and publisher a way to get cre	      preserves for the author and publisher a way to get cre
      their work, while not being considered responsible for	      their work, while not being considered responsible for
      modifications made by others.				      modifications made by others.
    </para>							    </para>
    <para>							    <para>
      This License is a kind of <quote>copyleft</quote>, whic	      This License is a kind of <quote>copyleft</quote>, whic
      that derivative works of the document must themselves b	      that derivative works of the document must themselves b
      the same sense. It complements the GNU General Public L	      the same sense. It complements the GNU General Public L
      which is a copyleft license designed for free software.	      which is a copyleft license designed for free software.
    </para>							    </para>
    <para>							    <para>
      We have designed this License in order to use it for ma	      We have designed this License in order to use it for ma
      free software, because free software needs free documen	      free software, because free software needs free documen
      free program should come with manuals providing the sam	      free program should come with manuals providing the sam
      freedoms that the software does. But this License is no	      freedoms that the software does. But this License is no
      to software manuals; it can be used for any textual wor	      to software manuals; it can be used for any textual wor
      regardless of subject matter or whether it is published	      regardless of subject matter or whether it is published
      printed book. We recommend this License principally for	      printed book. We recommend this License principally for
      whose purpose is instruction or reference.		      whose purpose is instruction or reference.
    </para>							    </para>
  </sect1>							  </sect1>
  <sect1 id="fdl-section1">					  <sect1 id="fdl-section1">
    <para id="fdl-document">					    <para id="fdl-document">
      This License applies to any manual or other work that c	      This License applies to any manual or other work that c
      notice placed by the copyright holder saying it can be	      notice placed by the copyright holder saying it can be
      distributed under the terms of this License. The		      distributed under the terms of this License. The
      <quote>Document</quote>, below, refers to any such manu	      <quote>Document</quote>, below, refers to any such manu
      work. Any member of the public is a licensee, and is ad	      work. Any member of the public is a licensee, and is ad
      as <quote>you</quote>.					      as <quote>you</quote>.
    </para>							    </para>
    <para id="fdl-modified">					    <para id="fdl-modified">
      A <quote>Modified Version</quote> of the Document means	      A <quote>Modified Version</quote> of the Document means
      containing the Document or a portion of it, either copi	      containing the Document or a portion of it, either copi
      verbatim, or with modifications and/or translated into 	      verbatim, or with modifications and/or translated into 
      language.							      language.
    </para>							    </para>
    <para id="fdl-secondary">					    <para id="fdl-secondary">
      A <quote>Secondary Section</quote> is a named appendix 	      A <quote>Secondary Section</quote> is a named appendix 
      front-matter section of the <link				      front-matter section of the <link
      linkend="fdl-document">Document</link> that deals exclu	      linkend="fdl-document">Document</link> that deals exclu
      with the relationship of the publishers or authors of t	      with the relationship of the publishers or authors of t
      Document to the Document's overall subject (or to relat	      Document to the Document's overall subject (or to relat
      matters) and contains nothing that could fall directly 	      matters) and contains nothing that could fall directly 
      that overall subject. (For example, if the Document is 	      that overall subject. (For example, if the Document is 
      textbook of mathematics, a Secondary Section may not ex	      textbook of mathematics, a Secondary Section may not ex
      mathematics.)  The relationship could be a matter of hi	      mathematics.)  The relationship could be a matter of hi
      connection with the subject or with related matters, or	      connection with the subject or with related matters, or
      legal, commercial, philosophical, ethical or political 	      legal, commercial, philosophical, ethical or political 
      regarding them.						      regarding them.
    </para>							    </para>

    <para id="fdl-invariant">					    <para id="fdl-invariant">
      The <quote>Invariant Sections</quote> are certain <link	      The <quote>Invariant Sections</quote> are certain <link
      linkend="fdl-secondary"> Secondary Sections</link> whos	      linkend="fdl-secondary"> Secondary Sections</link> whos
      are designated, as being those of Invariant Sections, i	      are designated, as being those of Invariant Sections, i
      notice that says that the <link				      notice that says that the <link
      linkend="fdl-document">Document</link> is released unde	      linkend="fdl-document">Document</link> is released unde
      License.							      License.
    </para>							    </para>
    <para id="fdl-cover-texts">					    <para id="fdl-cover-texts">
      The <quote>Cover Texts</quote> are certain short passag	      The <quote>Cover Texts</quote> are certain short passag
      text that are listed, as Front-Cover Texts or Back-Cove	      text that are listed, as Front-Cover Texts or Back-Cove
      in the notice that says that the <link			      in the notice that says that the <link
      linkend="fdl-document">Document</link> is released unde	      linkend="fdl-document">Document</link> is released unde
      License.							      License.
    </para>							    </para>
    <para id="fdl-transparent">					    <para id="fdl-transparent">
      A <quote>Transparent</quote> copy of the <link		      A <quote>Transparent</quote> copy of the <link
      linkend="fdl-document"> Document</link> means a machine	      linkend="fdl-document"> Document</link> means a machine
      copy, represented in a format whose specification is av	      copy, represented in a format whose specification is av
      to the general public, whose contents can be viewed and	      to the general public, whose contents can be viewed and
      directly and straightforwardly with generic text editor	      directly and straightforwardly with generic text editor
      images composed of pixels) generic paint programs or (f	      images composed of pixels) generic paint programs or (f
      drawings) some widely available drawing editor, and tha	      drawings) some widely available drawing editor, and tha
      suitable for input to text formatters or for automatic	      suitable for input to text formatters or for automatic
      translation to a variety of formats suitable for input 	      translation to a variety of formats suitable for input 
      formatters. A copy made in an otherwise Transparent fil	      formatters. A copy made in an otherwise Transparent fil
      whose markup has been designed to thwart or discourage	      whose markup has been designed to thwart or discourage
      subsequent modification by readers is not Transparent. 	      subsequent modification by readers is not Transparent. 
      that is not <quote>Transparent</quote> is called		      that is not <quote>Transparent</quote> is called
      <quote>Opaque</quote>.					      <quote>Opaque</quote>.
    </para>							    </para>
    <para>							    <para>
      Examples of suitable formats for Transparent copies inc	      Examples of suitable formats for Transparent copies inc
      plain ASCII without markup, Texinfo input format, LaTeX	      plain ASCII without markup, Texinfo input format, LaTeX
      format, SGML or XML using a publicly available DTD, and	      format, SGML or XML using a publicly available DTD, and
      standard-conforming simple HTML designed for human	      standard-conforming simple HTML designed for human
      modification. Opaque formats include PostScript, PDF,	      modification. Opaque formats include PostScript, PDF,
      proprietary formats that can be read and edited only by	      proprietary formats that can be read and edited only by
      proprietary word processors, SGML or XML for which the 	      proprietary word processors, SGML or XML for which the 
      and/or processing tools are not generally available, an	      and/or processing tools are not generally available, an
      machine-generated HTML produced by some word processors	      machine-generated HTML produced by some word processors
      output purposes only.					      output purposes only.
    </para>							    </para>
    <para id="fdl-title-page">					    <para id="fdl-title-page">
      The <quote>Title Page</quote> means, for a printed book	      The <quote>Title Page</quote> means, for a printed book
      title page itself, plus such following pages as are nee	      title page itself, plus such following pages as are nee
      hold, legibly, the material this License requires to ap	      hold, legibly, the material this License requires to ap
      the title page. For works in formats which do not have 	      the title page. For works in formats which do not have 
      page as such, <quote>Title Page</quote> means the text 	      page as such, <quote>Title Page</quote> means the text 
      most prominent appearance of the work's title, precedin	      most prominent appearance of the work's title, precedin
      beginning of the body of the text.			      beginning of the body of the text.
    </para>							    </para>
  </sect1>							  </sect1>
  <sect1 id="fdl-section2">					  <sect1 id="fdl-section2">
    <title>2. VERBATIM COPYING</title>				    <title>2. VERBATIM COPYING</title>
    <para>							    <para>
      You may copy and distribute the <link			      You may copy and distribute the <link
      linkend="fdl-document">Document</link> in any medium, e	      linkend="fdl-document">Document</link> in any medium, e
      commercially or noncommercially, provided that this Lic	      commercially or noncommercially, provided that this Lic
      copyright notices, and the license notice saying this L	      copyright notices, and the license notice saying this L
      applies to the Document are reproduced in all copies, a	      applies to the Document are reproduced in all copies, a
      you add no other conditions whatsoever to those of this	      you add no other conditions whatsoever to those of this
      License. You may not use technical measures to obstruct	      License. You may not use technical measures to obstruct
      control the reading or further copying of the copies yo	      control the reading or further copying of the copies yo
      distribute. However, you may accept compensation in exc	      distribute. However, you may accept compensation in exc
      copies. If you distribute a large enough number of copi	      copies. If you distribute a large enough number of copi
      must also follow the conditions in <link			      must also follow the conditions in <link
      linkend="fdl-section3">section 3</link>.			      linkend="fdl-section3">section 3</link>.
    </para>							    </para>
    <para>							    <para>
      You may also lend copies, under the same conditions sta	      You may also lend copies, under the same conditions sta
      above, and you may publicly display copies.		      above, and you may publicly display copies.
    </para>							    </para>
    </sect1>							    </sect1>
  <sect1 id="fdl-section3">					  <sect1 id="fdl-section3">
    <title>3. COPYING IN QUANTITY</title>			    <title>3. COPYING IN QUANTITY</title>
    <para>							    <para>
      If you publish printed copies of the <link		      If you publish printed copies of the <link
      linkend="fdl-document">Document</link> numbering more t	      linkend="fdl-document">Document</link> numbering more t
      and the Document's license notice requires <link		      and the Document's license notice requires <link
      linkend="fdl-cover-texts">Cover Texts</link>, you must 	      linkend="fdl-cover-texts">Cover Texts</link>, you must 
      the copies in covers that carry, clearly and legibly, a	      the copies in covers that carry, clearly and legibly, a
      Cover Texts: Front-Cover Texts on the front cover, and	      Cover Texts: Front-Cover Texts on the front cover, and
      Back-Cover Texts on the back cover. Both covers must al	      Back-Cover Texts on the back cover. Both covers must al
      clearly and legibly identify you as the publisher of th	      clearly and legibly identify you as the publisher of th
      copies. The front cover must present the full title wit	      copies. The front cover must present the full title wit
      words of the title equally prominent and visible. You m	      words of the title equally prominent and visible. You m
      other material on the covers in addition. Copying with 	      other material on the covers in addition. Copying with 
      limited to the covers, as long as they preserve the tit	      limited to the covers, as long as they preserve the tit
      <link linkend="fdl-document">Document</link> and satisf	      <link linkend="fdl-document">Document</link> and satisf
      conditions, can be treated as verbatim copying in other	      conditions, can be treated as verbatim copying in other
      respects.							      respects.
    </para>							    </para>
    <para>							    <para>
      If the required texts for either cover are too volumino	      If the required texts for either cover are too volumino
      legibly, you should put the first ones listed (as many 	      legibly, you should put the first ones listed (as many 
      reasonably) on the actual cover, and continue the rest 	      reasonably) on the actual cover, and continue the rest 
      adjacent pages.						      adjacent pages.
    </para>							    </para>
    <para>							    <para>
      If you publish or distribute <link			      If you publish or distribute <link
      linkend="fdl-transparent">Opaque</link> copies of the <	      linkend="fdl-transparent">Opaque</link> copies of the <
      linkend="fdl-document">Document</link> numbering more t	      linkend="fdl-document">Document</link> numbering more t
      you must either include a machine-readable <link		      you must either include a machine-readable <link
      linkend="fdl-transparent">Transparent</link> copy along	      linkend="fdl-transparent">Transparent</link> copy along
      each Opaque copy, or state in or with each Opaque copy 	      each Opaque copy, or state in or with each Opaque copy 
      publicly-accessible computer-network location containin	      publicly-accessible computer-network location containin
      complete Transparent copy of the Document, free of adde	      complete Transparent copy of the Document, free of adde
      material, which the general network-using public has ac	      material, which the general network-using public has ac
      download anonymously at no charge using public-standard	      download anonymously at no charge using public-standard
      protocols. If you use the latter option, you must take	      protocols. If you use the latter option, you must take
      reasonably prudent steps, when you begin distribution o	      reasonably prudent steps, when you begin distribution o
      copies in quantity, to ensure that this Transparent cop	      copies in quantity, to ensure that this Transparent cop
      remain thus accessible at the stated location until at 	      remain thus accessible at the stated location until at 
      year after the last time you distribute an Opaque copy 	      year after the last time you distribute an Opaque copy 
      or through your agents or retailers) of that edition to	      or through your agents or retailers) of that edition to
      public.							      public.
    </para>							    </para>
    <para>							    <para>
      It is requested, but not required, that you contact the	      It is requested, but not required, that you contact the
      of the <link linkend="fdl-document">Document</link> wel	      of the <link linkend="fdl-document">Document</link> wel
      redistributing any large number of copies, to give them	      redistributing any large number of copies, to give them
      to provide you with an updated version of the Document.	      to provide you with an updated version of the Document.
    </para>							    </para>
    </sect1>							    </sect1>
  <sect1 id="fdl-section4">					  <sect1 id="fdl-section4">
    <title>4. MODIFICATIONS</title>				    <title>4. MODIFICATIONS</title>
    <para>							    <para>
      You may copy and distribute a <link			      You may copy and distribute a <link
      linkend="fdl-modified">Modified Version</link> of the <	      linkend="fdl-modified">Modified Version</link> of the <
      linkend="fdl-document">Document</link> under the condit	      linkend="fdl-document">Document</link> under the condit
      sections <link linkend="fdl-section2">2</link> and <lin	      sections <link linkend="fdl-section2">2</link> and <lin
      linkend="fdl-section3">3</link> above, provided that yo	      linkend="fdl-section3">3</link> above, provided that yo
      the Modified Version under precisely this License, with	      the Modified Version under precisely this License, with
      Modified Version filling the role of the Document, thus	      Modified Version filling the role of the Document, thus
      licensing distribution and modification of the Modified	      licensing distribution and modification of the Modified
      to whoever possesses a copy of it. In addition, you mus	      to whoever possesses a copy of it. In addition, you mus
      these things in the Modified Version:			      these things in the Modified Version:
    </para>							    </para>
    <itemizedlist mark="opencircle">				    <itemizedlist mark="opencircle">
      <listitem>						      <listitem>
	<formalpara>							<formalpara>
	  <title>A</title>						  <title>A</title>
	  <para>							  <para>
	    Use in the <link linkend="fdl-title-page">Title		    Use in the <link linkend="fdl-title-page">Title
	    Page</link> (and on the covers, if any) a title d		    Page</link> (and on the covers, if any) a title d
	    from that of the <link					    from that of the <link
	    linkend="fdl-document">Document</link>, and from 		    linkend="fdl-document">Document</link>, and from 
	    previous versions (which should, if there were an		    previous versions (which should, if there were an
	    listed in the History section of the Document). Y		    listed in the History section of the Document). Y
	    use the same title as a previous version if the o		    use the same title as a previous version if the o
	    publisher of that version gives permission.			    publisher of that version gives permission.
	  </para>							  </para>
	</formalpara>							</formalpara>
      </listitem>						      </listitem>
      <listitem>						      <listitem>
	<formalpara>							<formalpara>
	  <title>B</title>						  <title>B</title>
	  <para>							  <para>
	    List on the <link linkend="fdl-title-page">Title		    List on the <link linkend="fdl-title-page">Title
	    Page</link>, as authors, one or more persons or e		    Page</link>, as authors, one or more persons or e
	    responsible for authorship of the modifications i		    responsible for authorship of the modifications i
	    <link linkend="fdl-modified">Modified Version</li		    <link linkend="fdl-modified">Modified Version</li
	    together with at least five of the principal auth		    together with at least five of the principal auth
	    the <link linkend="fdl-document">Document</link> 		    the <link linkend="fdl-document">Document</link> 
	    its principal authors, if it has less than five).		    its principal authors, if it has less than five).
	  </para>							  </para>
	</formalpara>							</formalpara>
      </listitem>						      </listitem>
      <listitem>						      <listitem>
	<formalpara>							<formalpara>
	  <title>C</title>						  <title>C</title>
	  <para>							  <para>
	    State on the <link linkend="fdl-title-page">Title		    State on the <link linkend="fdl-title-page">Title
	    Page</link> the name of the publisher of the <lin		    Page</link> the name of the publisher of the <lin
	    linkend="fdl-modified">Modified Version</link>, a		    linkend="fdl-modified">Modified Version</link>, a
	    publisher.							    publisher.
	  </para>							  </para>
	</formalpara>							</formalpara>
      </listitem>						      </listitem>
      <listitem>						      <listitem>
	<formalpara>							<formalpara>
	  <title>D</title>						  <title>D</title>
	  <para>							  <para>
	    Preserve all the copyright notices of the <link		    Preserve all the copyright notices of the <link
	    linkend="fdl-document">Document</link>.			    linkend="fdl-document">Document</link>.
	  </para>							  </para>
	</formalpara>							</formalpara>
      </listitem>						      </listitem>
      <listitem>						      <listitem>
	<formalpara>							<formalpara>
	  <title>E</title>						  <title>E</title>
	  <para>							  <para>
	    Add an appropriate copyright notice for your modi		    Add an appropriate copyright notice for your modi
	    adjacent to the other copyright notices.			    adjacent to the other copyright notices.
	  </para>							  </para>
	</formalpara>							</formalpara>
      </listitem>						      </listitem>
      <listitem>						      <listitem>
	<formalpara>							<formalpara>
	  <title>F</title>						  <title>F</title>
	  <para>							  <para>
	    Include, immediately after the copyright notices,		    Include, immediately after the copyright notices,
	    license notice giving the public permission to us		    license notice giving the public permission to us
	    <link linkend="fdl-modified">Modified Version</li		    <link linkend="fdl-modified">Modified Version</li
	    the terms of this License, in the form shown in t		    the terms of this License, in the form shown in t
	    Addendum below.						    Addendum below.
	  </para>							  </para>
	</formalpara>							</formalpara>
      </listitem>						      </listitem>
      <listitem>						      <listitem>
	<formalpara>							<formalpara>
	  <title>G</title>						  <title>G</title>
	  <para>							  <para>
	    Preserve in that license notice the full lists of		    Preserve in that license notice the full lists of
	    linkend="fdl-invariant"> Invariant Sections</link		    linkend="fdl-invariant"> Invariant Sections</link
	    required <link linkend="fdl-cover-texts">Cover		    required <link linkend="fdl-cover-texts">Cover
	    Texts</link> given in the <link				    Texts</link> given in the <link
	    linkend="fdl-document">Document's</link> license 		    linkend="fdl-document">Document's</link> license 
	  </para>							  </para>
	</formalpara>							</formalpara>
      </listitem>						      </listitem>
      <listitem>						      <listitem>
	<formalpara>							<formalpara>
	  <title>H</title>						  <title>H</title>
	  <para>							  <para>
	    Include an unaltered copy of this License.			    Include an unaltered copy of this License.
	  </para>							  </para>
	</formalpara>							</formalpara>
      </listitem>						      </listitem>
      <listitem>						      <listitem>
	<formalpara>							<formalpara>
	  <title>I</title>						  <title>I</title>
	  <para>							  <para>
	    Preserve the section entitled <quote>History</quo		    Preserve the section entitled <quote>History</quo
	    its title, and add to it an item stating at least		    its title, and add to it an item stating at least
	    title, year, new authors, and publisher of the <l		    title, year, new authors, and publisher of the <l
	    linkend="fdl-modified">Modified Version </link>as		    linkend="fdl-modified">Modified Version </link>as
	    the <link linkend="fdl-title-page">Title Page</li		    the <link linkend="fdl-title-page">Title Page</li
	    there is no section entitled <quote>History</quot		    there is no section entitled <quote>History</quot
	    <link linkend="fdl-document">Document</link>, cre		    <link linkend="fdl-document">Document</link>, cre
	    stating the title, year, authors, and publisher o		    stating the title, year, authors, and publisher o
	    Document as given on its Title Page, then add an 		    Document as given on its Title Page, then add an 
	    describing the Modified Version as stated in the 		    describing the Modified Version as stated in the 
	    sentence.							    sentence.
	  </para>							  </para>
	</formalpara>							</formalpara>
      </listitem>						      </listitem>
      <listitem>						      <listitem>
	<formalpara>							<formalpara>
	  <title>J</title>						  <title>J</title>
	  <para>							  <para>
	    Preserve the network location, if any, given in t		    Preserve the network location, if any, given in t
	    linkend="fdl-document">Document</link> for public		    linkend="fdl-document">Document</link> for public
	    to a <link linkend="fdl-transparent">Transparent<		    to a <link linkend="fdl-transparent">Transparent<
	    copy of the Document, and likewise the network lo		    copy of the Document, and likewise the network lo
	    given in the Document for previous versions it wa		    given in the Document for previous versions it wa
	    on. These may be placed in the <quote>History</qu		    on. These may be placed in the <quote>History</qu
	    section.  You may omit a network location for a w		    section.  You may omit a network location for a w
	    was published at least four years before the Docu		    was published at least four years before the Docu
	    itself, or if the original publisher of the versi		    itself, or if the original publisher of the versi
	    refers to gives permission.					    refers to gives permission.
	  </para>							  </para>
	</formalpara>							</formalpara>
      </listitem>						      </listitem>
      <listitem>						      <listitem>
	<formalpara>							<formalpara>
	  <title>K</title>						  <title>K</title>
	  <para>							  <para>
	    In any section entitled <quote>Acknowledgements</		    In any section entitled <quote>Acknowledgements</
	    <quote>Dedications</quote>, preserve the section'		    <quote>Dedications</quote>, preserve the section'
	    and preserve in the section all the substance and		    and preserve in the section all the substance and
	    each of the contributor acknowledgements and/or		    each of the contributor acknowledgements and/or
	    dedications given therein.					    dedications given therein.
	  </para>							  </para>
	</formalpara>							</formalpara>
      </listitem>						      </listitem>
      <listitem>						      <listitem>
	<formalpara>							<formalpara>
	  <title>L</title>						  <title>L</title>
	  <para>							  <para>
	    Preserve all the <link linkend="fdl-invariant">In		    Preserve all the <link linkend="fdl-invariant">In
	    Sections</link> of the <link				    Sections</link> of the <link
	    linkend="fdl-document">Document</link>, unaltered		    linkend="fdl-document">Document</link>, unaltered
	    text and in their titles.  Section numbers or the		    text and in their titles.  Section numbers or the
	    equivalent are not considered part of the section		    equivalent are not considered part of the section
	  </para>							  </para>
	</formalpara>							</formalpara>
      </listitem>						      </listitem>
      <listitem>						      <listitem>
	<formalpara>							<formalpara>
	  <title>M</title>						  <title>M</title>
	  <para>							  <para>
	    Delete any section entitled					    Delete any section entitled
	    <quote>Endorsements</quote>. Such a section may n		    <quote>Endorsements</quote>. Such a section may n
	    included in the <link linkend="fdl-modified">Modi		    included in the <link linkend="fdl-modified">Modi
	    Version</link>.						    Version</link>.
	  </para>							  </para>
	</formalpara>							</formalpara>
      </listitem>						      </listitem>
      <listitem>						      <listitem>
	<formalpara>							<formalpara>
	  <title>N</title>						  <title>N</title>
	  <para>							  <para>
	    Do not retitle any existing section as			    Do not retitle any existing section as
	    <quote>Endorsements</quote> or to conflict in tit		    <quote>Endorsements</quote> or to conflict in tit
	    any <link linkend="fdl-invariant">Invariant			    any <link linkend="fdl-invariant">Invariant
	    Section</link>.						    Section</link>.
	  </para>							  </para>
	</formalpara>							</formalpara>
      </listitem>						      </listitem>
    </itemizedlist>						    </itemizedlist>
    <para>							    <para>
      If the <link linkend="fdl-modified">Modified Version</l	      If the <link linkend="fdl-modified">Modified Version</l
      includes new front-matter sections or appendices that q	      includes new front-matter sections or appendices that q
      <link linkend="fdl-secondary">Secondary Sections</link>	      <link linkend="fdl-secondary">Secondary Sections</link>
      contain no material copied from the Document, you may a	      contain no material copied from the Document, you may a
      option designate some or all of these sections as invar	      option designate some or all of these sections as invar
      do this, add their titles to the list of <link		      do this, add their titles to the list of <link
      linkend="fdl-invariant">Invariant Sections</link> in th	      linkend="fdl-invariant">Invariant Sections</link> in th
      Modified Version's license notice.  These titles must b	      Modified Version's license notice.  These titles must b
      distinct from any other section titles.			      distinct from any other section titles.
    </para>							    </para>
    <para>							    <para>
      You may add a section entitled <quote>Endorsements</quo	      You may add a section entitled <quote>Endorsements</quo
      provided it contains nothing but endorsements of your <	      provided it contains nothing but endorsements of your <
      linkend="fdl-modified">Modified Version</link> by vario	      linkend="fdl-modified">Modified Version</link> by vario
      parties--for example, statements of peer review or that	      parties--for example, statements of peer review or that
      has been approved by an organization as the authoritati	      has been approved by an organization as the authoritati
      definition of a standard.					      definition of a standard.
    </para>							    </para>
    <para>							    <para>
      You may add a passage of up to five words as a <link	      You may add a passage of up to five words as a <link
      linkend="fdl-cover-texts">Front-Cover Text</link>, and 	      linkend="fdl-cover-texts">Front-Cover Text</link>, and 
      of up to 25 words as a <link				      of up to 25 words as a <link
      linkend="fdl-cover-texts">Back-Cover Text</link>, to th	      linkend="fdl-cover-texts">Back-Cover Text</link>, to th
      the list of <link linkend="fdl-cover-texts">Cover Texts	      the list of <link linkend="fdl-cover-texts">Cover Texts
      in the <link linkend="fdl-modified">Modified Version</l	      in the <link linkend="fdl-modified">Modified Version</l
      Only one passage of Front-Cover Text and one of Back-Co	      Only one passage of Front-Cover Text and one of Back-Co
      may be added by (or through arrangements made by) any o	      may be added by (or through arrangements made by) any o
      entity. If the <link linkend="fdl-document">Document</l	      entity. If the <link linkend="fdl-document">Document</l
      already includes a cover text for the same cover, previ	      already includes a cover text for the same cover, previ
      added by you or by arrangement made by the same entity 	      added by you or by arrangement made by the same entity 
      acting on behalf of, you may not add another; but you m	      acting on behalf of, you may not add another; but you m
      replace the old one, on explicit permission from the pr	      replace the old one, on explicit permission from the pr
      publisher that added the old one.				      publisher that added the old one.
    </para>							    </para>
    <para>							    <para>
      The author(s) and publisher(s) of the <link		      The author(s) and publisher(s) of the <link
      linkend="fdl-document">Document</link> do not by this L	      linkend="fdl-document">Document</link> do not by this L
      give permission to use their names for publicity for or	      give permission to use their names for publicity for or
      assert or imply endorsement of any <link			      assert or imply endorsement of any <link
      linkend="fdl-modified">Modified Version </link>.		      linkend="fdl-modified">Modified Version </link>.
    </para>							    </para>
  </sect1>							  </sect1>
  <sect1 id="fdl-section5">					  <sect1 id="fdl-section5">
    <title>5. COMBINING DOCUMENTS</title>			    <title>5. COMBINING DOCUMENTS</title>
    <para>							    <para>
      You may combine the <link linkend="fdl-document">Docume	      You may combine the <link linkend="fdl-document">Docume
      with other documents released under this License, under	      with other documents released under this License, under
      terms defined in <link linkend="fdl-section4">section 4	      terms defined in <link linkend="fdl-section4">section 4
      above for modified versions, provided that you include 	      above for modified versions, provided that you include 
      combination all of the <link linkend="fdl-invariant">In	      combination all of the <link linkend="fdl-invariant">In
      Sections</link> of all of the original documents, unmod	      Sections</link> of all of the original documents, unmod
      and list them all as Invariant Sections of your combine	      and list them all as Invariant Sections of your combine
      its license notice.					      its license notice.
    </para>							    </para>
    <para>							    <para>
      The combined work need only contain one copy of this Li	      The combined work need only contain one copy of this Li
      and multiple identical <link linkend="fdl-invariant">In	      and multiple identical <link linkend="fdl-invariant">In
      Sections</link> may be replaced with a single copy. If 	      Sections</link> may be replaced with a single copy. If 
      multiple Invariant Sections with the same name but diff	      multiple Invariant Sections with the same name but diff
      contents, make the title of each such section unique by	      contents, make the title of each such section unique by
      at the end of it, in parentheses, the name of the origi	      at the end of it, in parentheses, the name of the origi
      author or publisher of that section if known, or else a	      author or publisher of that section if known, or else a
      number. Make the same adjustment to the section titles 	      number. Make the same adjustment to the section titles 
      list of Invariant Sections in the license notice of the	      list of Invariant Sections in the license notice of the
      work.							      work.
    </para>							    </para>
    <para>							    <para>
      In the combination, you must combine any sections entit	      In the combination, you must combine any sections entit
      <quote>History</quote> in the various original document	      <quote>History</quote> in the various original document
      forming one section entitled <quote>History</quote>; li	      forming one section entitled <quote>History</quote>; li
      combine any sections entitled <quote>Acknowledgements</	      combine any sections entitled <quote>Acknowledgements</
      and any sections entitled <quote>Dedications</quote>.  	      and any sections entitled <quote>Dedications</quote>.  
      delete all sections entitled <quote>Endorsements.</quot	      delete all sections entitled <quote>Endorsements.</quot
    </para>							    </para>
    </sect1>							    </sect1>
  <sect1 id="fdl-section6">					  <sect1 id="fdl-section6">
    <title>6. COLLECTIONS OF DOCUMENTS</title>			    <title>6. COLLECTIONS OF DOCUMENTS</title>
    <para>							    <para>
      You may make a collection consisting of the <link		      You may make a collection consisting of the <link
      linkend="fdl-document">Document</link> and other docume	      linkend="fdl-document">Document</link> and other docume
      released under this License, and replace the individual	      released under this License, and replace the individual
      of this License in the various documents with a single 	      of this License in the various documents with a single 
      is included in the collection, provided that you follow	      is included in the collection, provided that you follow
      rules of this License for verbatim copying of each of t	      rules of this License for verbatim copying of each of t
      documents in all other respects.				      documents in all other respects.
    </para>							    </para>
    <para>							    <para>
      You may extract a single document from such a collectio	      You may extract a single document from such a collectio
      dispbibute it individually under this License, provided	      dispbibute it individually under this License, provided
      insert a copy of this License into the extracted docume	      insert a copy of this License into the extracted docume
      follow this License in all other respects regarding ver	      follow this License in all other respects regarding ver
      copying of that document.					      copying of that document.
    </para>							    </para>
    </sect1>							    </sect1>
  <sect1 id="fdl-section7">					  <sect1 id="fdl-section7">
    <para>							    <para>
      A compilation of the <link				      A compilation of the <link
      linkend="fdl-document">Document</link> or its derivativ	      linkend="fdl-document">Document</link> or its derivativ
      other separate and independent documents or works, in o	      other separate and independent documents or works, in o
      volume of a storage or distribution medium, does not as	      volume of a storage or distribution medium, does not as
      count as a <link linkend="fdl-modified">Modified Versio	      count as a <link linkend="fdl-modified">Modified Versio
      of the Document, provided no compilation copyright is c	      of the Document, provided no compilation copyright is c
      for the compilation.  Such a compilation is called an	      for the compilation.  Such a compilation is called an
      <quote>aggregate</quote>, and this License does not app	      <quote>aggregate</quote>, and this License does not app
      other self-contained works thus compiled with the Docum	      other self-contained works thus compiled with the Docum
      account of their being thus compiled, if they are not t	      account of their being thus compiled, if they are not t
      derivative works of the Document.  If the <link		      derivative works of the Document.  If the <link
      linkend="fdl-cover-texts">Cover Text</link> requirement	      linkend="fdl-cover-texts">Cover Text</link> requirement
      linkend="fdl-section3">section 3</link> is applicable t	      linkend="fdl-section3">section 3</link> is applicable t
      copies of the Document, then if the Document is less th	      copies of the Document, then if the Document is less th
      quarter of the entire aggregate, the Document's Cover T	      quarter of the entire aggregate, the Document's Cover T
      be placed on covers that surround only the Document wit	      be placed on covers that surround only the Document wit
      aggregate. Otherwise they must appear on covers around 	      aggregate. Otherwise they must appear on covers around 
      aggregate.						      aggregate.
    </para>							    </para>
    </sect1>							    </sect1>
  <sect1 id="fdl-section8">					  <sect1 id="fdl-section8">
    <title>8. TRANSLATION</title>				    <title>8. TRANSLATION</title>
    <para>							    <para>
      Translation is considered a kind of modification, so yo	      Translation is considered a kind of modification, so yo
      distribute translations of the <link			      distribute translations of the <link
      linkend="fdl-document">Document</link> under the terms 	      linkend="fdl-document">Document</link> under the terms 
      linkend="fdl-section4">section 4</link>. Replacing <lin	      linkend="fdl-section4">section 4</link>. Replacing <lin
      linkend="fdl-invariant"> Invariant Sections</link> with	      linkend="fdl-invariant"> Invariant Sections</link> with
      translations requires special permission from their cop	      translations requires special permission from their cop
      holders, but you may include translations of some or al	      holders, but you may include translations of some or al
      Invariant Sections in addition to the original versions	      Invariant Sections in addition to the original versions
      Invariant Sections. You may include a translation of th	      Invariant Sections. You may include a translation of th
      License provided that you also include the original Eng	      License provided that you also include the original Eng
      version of this License. In case of a disagreement betw	      version of this License. In case of a disagreement betw
      translation and the original English version of this Li	      translation and the original English version of this Li
      the original English version will prevail.		      the original English version will prevail.
    </para>							    </para>
    </sect1>							    </sect1>
  <sect1 id="fdl-section9">					  <sect1 id="fdl-section9">
    <title>9. TERMINATION</title>				    <title>9. TERMINATION</title>
    <para>							    <para>
      You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the	      You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the
      linkend="fdl-document">Document</link> except as expres	      linkend="fdl-document">Document</link> except as expres
      provided for under this License. Any other attempt to c	      provided for under this License. Any other attempt to c
      modify, sublicense or distribute the Document is void, 	      modify, sublicense or distribute the Document is void, 
      automatically terminate your rights under this License.	      automatically terminate your rights under this License.
      parties who have received copies, or rights, from you u	      parties who have received copies, or rights, from you u
      License will not have their licenses terminated so long	      License will not have their licenses terminated so long
      parties remain in full compliance.			      parties remain in full compliance.
    </para>							    </para>
    </sect1>							    </sect1>
  <sect1 id="fdl-section10">					  <sect1 id="fdl-section10">
    <title>10. FUTURE REVISIONS OF THIS LICENSE</title>		    <title>10. FUTURE REVISIONS OF THIS LICENSE</title>
    <para>							    <para>
      The <ulink type="http"					      The <ulink type="http"
      url="http://www.gnu.org/fsf/fsf.html";>Free Software	      url="http://www.gnu.org/fsf/fsf.html";>Free Software
      Foundation</ulink> may publish new, revised versions of	      Foundation</ulink> may publish new, revised versions of
      Free Documentation License from time to time. Such new 	      Free Documentation License from time to time. Such new 
      will be similar in spirit to the present version, but m	      will be similar in spirit to the present version, but m
      in detail to address new problems or concerns. See <uli	      in detail to address new problems or concerns. See <uli
      type="http"						      type="http"
      url="http://www.gnu.org/copyleft";>http://www.gnu.org/co	      url="http://www.gnu.org/copyleft";>http://www.gnu.org/co
    </para>							    </para>
    <para>							    <para>
      Each version of the License is given a distinguishing v	      Each version of the License is given a distinguishing v
      number. If the <link linkend="fdl-document">Document</l	      number. If the <link linkend="fdl-document">Document</l
      specifies that a particular numbered version of this Li	      specifies that a particular numbered version of this Li
      <quote>or any later version</quote> applies to it, you 	      <quote>or any later version</quote> applies to it, you 
      option of following the terms and conditions either of 	      option of following the terms and conditions either of 
      specified version or of any later version that has been	      specified version or of any later version that has been
      published (not as a draft) by the Free Software Foundat	      published (not as a draft) by the Free Software Foundat
      the Document does not specify a version number of this 	      the Document does not specify a version number of this 
      you may choose any version ever published (not as a dra	      you may choose any version ever published (not as a dra
      the Free Software Foundation.				      the Free Software Foundation.
    </para>							    </para>
  </sect1>							  </sect1>

  <sect1 id="fdl-using">					  <sect1 id="fdl-using">
    <title>Addendum</title>					    <title>Addendum</title>
    <para>							    <para>
      To use this License in a document you have written, inc	      To use this License in a document you have written, inc
      the License in the document and put the following copyr	      the License in the document and put the following copyr
      license notices just after the title page:		      license notices just after the title page:
    </para>							    </para>
    <blockquote>						    <blockquote>
      <para>							      <para>
	Copyright &copy; YEAR YOUR NAME.				Copyright &copy; YEAR YOUR NAME.
      </para>							      </para>
      <para>							      <para>
	Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modi		Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modi
	document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentatio		document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentatio
	License, Version 1.1 or any later version published b		License, Version 1.1 or any later version published b
	Free Software Foundation; with the <link			Free Software Foundation; with the <link
	linkend="fdl-invariant">Invariant Sections</link> bei		linkend="fdl-invariant">Invariant Sections</link> bei
	THEIR TITLES, with the <link					THEIR TITLES, with the <link
	linkend="fdl-cover-texts">Front-Cover Texts</link> be		linkend="fdl-cover-texts">Front-Cover Texts</link> be
	and with the <link linkend="fdl-cover-texts">Back-Cov		and with the <link linkend="fdl-cover-texts">Back-Cov
	Texts</link> being LIST.  A copy of the license is in		Texts</link> being LIST.  A copy of the license is in
	the section entitled <quote>GNU Free Documentation		the section entitled <quote>GNU Free Documentation
	License</quote>.						License</quote>.
      </para>							      </para>
    </blockquote>						    </blockquote>
    <para>							    <para>
      If you have no <link linkend="fdl-invariant">Invariant	      If you have no <link linkend="fdl-invariant">Invariant
      Sections</link>, write <quote>with no Invariant Section	      Sections</link>, write <quote>with no Invariant Section
      instead of saying which ones are invariant.  If you hav	      instead of saying which ones are invariant.  If you hav
      <link linkend="fdl-cover-texts">Front-Cover Texts</link	      <link linkend="fdl-cover-texts">Front-Cover Texts</link
      <quote>no Front-Cover Texts</quote> instead of		      <quote>no Front-Cover Texts</quote> instead of
      <quote>Front-Cover Texts being LIST</quote>; likewise f	      <quote>Front-Cover Texts being LIST</quote>; likewise f
      linkend="fdl-cover-texts">Back-Cover Texts</link>.	      linkend="fdl-cover-texts">Back-Cover Texts</link>.
    </para>							    </para>
    <para>							    <para>
      If your document contains nontrivial examples of progra	      If your document contains nontrivial examples of progra
      we recommend releasing these examples in parallel under	      we recommend releasing these examples in parallel under
      choice of free software license, such as the <ulink typ	      choice of free software license, such as the <ulink typ
      url="http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html";> GNU General	      url="http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html";> GNU General
      License</ulink>, to permit their use in free software.	      License</ulink>, to permit their use in free software.
    </para>							    </para>
  </sect1>							  </sect1>
</appendix>  							</appendix>  

Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C: html
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C: libgnomedb-decl-list.txt
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C: libgnomedb-decl.txt
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/libgnomedb-docs.sgml ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc/C/libgnomedb-docs.sgml
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<!ENTITY libgnomedb-init SYSTEM "xml/libgnomedb.xml">		<!ENTITY libgnomedb-init SYSTEM "xml/libgnomedb.xml">
<!ENTITY libgnomedb-browser SYSTEM "xml/gnome-db-browser.xml"	<!ENTITY libgnomedb-browser SYSTEM "xml/gnome-db-browser.xml"
<!ENTITY libgnomedb-combo SYSTEM "xml/gnome-db-combo.xml">	<!ENTITY libgnomedb-combo SYSTEM "xml/gnome-db-combo.xml">
<!ENTITY libgnomedb-config SYSTEM "xml/gnome-db-config.xml">	<!ENTITY libgnomedb-config SYSTEM "xml/gnome-db-config.xml">
<!ENTITY libgnomedb-connection-properties SYSTEM "xml/gnome-d	<!ENTITY libgnomedb-connection-properties SYSTEM "xml/gnome-d
<!ENTITY libgnomedb-connection-selector SYSTEM "xml/gnome-db-	<!ENTITY libgnomedb-connection-selector SYSTEM "xml/gnome-db-
<!ENTITY libgnomedb-control-widget SYSTEM "xml/gnome-db-contr	<!ENTITY libgnomedb-control-widget SYSTEM "xml/gnome-db-contr
<!ENTITY libgnomedb-control SYSTEM "xml/gnome-db-control.xml"	<!ENTITY libgnomedb-control SYSTEM "xml/gnome-db-control.xml"
<!ENTITY libgnomedb-data-source-selector SYSTEM "xml/gnome-db	<!ENTITY libgnomedb-data-source-selector SYSTEM "xml/gnome-db
<!ENTITY libgnomedb-dsn-config-druid SYSTEM "xml/gnome-db-dsn	<!ENTITY libgnomedb-dsn-config-druid SYSTEM "xml/gnome-db-dsn
<!ENTITY libgnomedb-dsn-config SYSTEM "xml/gnome-db-dsn-confi	<!ENTITY libgnomedb-dsn-config SYSTEM "xml/gnome-db-dsn-confi
<!ENTITY libgnomedb-editor SYSTEM "xml/gnome-db-editor.xml">	<!ENTITY libgnomedb-editor SYSTEM "xml/gnome-db-editor.xml">
<!ENTITY libgnomedb-error-dialog SYSTEM "xml/gnome-db-error-d	<!ENTITY libgnomedb-error-dialog SYSTEM "xml/gnome-db-error-d
<!ENTITY libgnomedb-error SYSTEM "xml/gnome-db-error.xml">	<!ENTITY libgnomedb-error SYSTEM "xml/gnome-db-error.xml">
<!ENTITY libgnomedb-form SYSTEM "xml/gnome-db-form.xml">	<!ENTITY libgnomedb-form SYSTEM "xml/gnome-db-form.xml">
<!ENTITY libgnomedb-find-dialog SYSTEM "xml/gnome-db-find-dia	<!ENTITY libgnomedb-find-dialog SYSTEM "xml/gnome-db-find-dia
<!ENTITY libgnomedb-gray-bar SYSTEM "xml/gnome-db-gray-bar.xm	<!ENTITY libgnomedb-gray-bar SYSTEM "xml/gnome-db-gray-bar.xm
<!ENTITY libgnomedb-grid SYSTEM "xml/gnome-db-grid.xml">	<!ENTITY libgnomedb-grid SYSTEM "xml/gnome-db-grid.xml">
<!ENTITY libgnomedb-icon-list SYSTEM "xml/gnome-db-icon-list.	<!ENTITY libgnomedb-icon-list SYSTEM "xml/gnome-db-icon-list.
<!ENTITY libgnomedb-list SYSTEM "xml/gnome-db-list.xml">	<!ENTITY libgnomedb-list SYSTEM "xml/gnome-db-list.xml">
<!ENTITY libgnomedb-login-dialog SYSTEM "xml/gnome-db-login-d	<!ENTITY libgnomedb-login-dialog SYSTEM "xml/gnome-db-login-d
<!ENTITY libgnomedb-login SYSTEM "xml/gnome-db-login.xml">	<!ENTITY libgnomedb-login SYSTEM "xml/gnome-db-login.xml">
<!ENTITY libgnomedb-model SYSTEM "xml/gnome-db-model.xml">	<!ENTITY libgnomedb-model SYSTEM "xml/gnome-db-model.xml">
<!ENTITY libgnomedb-provider-selector SYSTEM "xml/gnome-db-pr	<!ENTITY libgnomedb-provider-selector SYSTEM "xml/gnome-db-pr
<!ENTITY libgnomedb-query-builder SYSTEM "xml/gnome-db-query-	<!ENTITY libgnomedb-query-builder SYSTEM "xml/gnome-db-query-
<!ENTITY libgnomedb-report-editor SYSTEM "xml/gnome-db-report	<!ENTITY libgnomedb-report-editor SYSTEM "xml/gnome-db-report
<!ENTITY libgnomedb-stock SYSTEM "xml/gnome-db-stock.xml">	<!ENTITY libgnomedb-stock SYSTEM "xml/gnome-db-stock.xml">
<!ENTITY libgnomedb-table-editor SYSTEM "xml/gnome-db-table-e	<!ENTITY libgnomedb-table-editor SYSTEM "xml/gnome-db-table-e
<!ENTITY libgnomedb-util SYSTEM "xml/gnome-db-util.xml">	<!ENTITY libgnomedb-util SYSTEM "xml/gnome-db-util.xml">
<!ENTITY libgnomedb-window SYSTEM "xml/gnome-db-window.xml">	<!ENTITY libgnomedb-window SYSTEM "xml/gnome-db-window.xml">
<!ENTITY LIBGDA "<application>libgda</application>">		<!ENTITY LIBGDA "<application>libgda</application>">
<!ENTITY LIBGNOMEDB "<application>libgnomedb</application>">	<!ENTITY LIBGNOMEDB "<application>libgnomedb</application>">
<!ENTITY GNOME-DB "<application>GNOME-DB</application>">	<!ENTITY GNOME-DB "<application>GNOME-DB</application>">
<!ENTITY fdl-appendix SYSTEM "fdl-appendix.sgml">		<!ENTITY fdl-appendix SYSTEM "fdl-appendix.sgml">
]>								]>
<book id="index">						<book id="index">
  <bookinfo>							  <bookinfo>
    <title>libgnomedb Reference Manual</title>			    <title>libgnomedb Reference Manual</title>
    <authorgroup>						    <authorgroup>
      <author>							      <author>
        <firstname>Rodrigo</firstname>				        <firstname>Rodrigo</firstname>
        <surname>Moya</surname>					        <surname>Moya</surname>
        <affiliation>						        <affiliation>
          <address><email>rodrigo gnome-db org</email></addre	          <address><email>rodrigo gnome-db org</email></addre
        </affiliation>						        </affiliation>
      </author>							      </author>
    </authorgroup>						    </authorgroup>
    <date>2001 December</date>					    <date>2001 December</date>
    <copyright>							    <copyright>
      <year>2001-2002</year>					      <year>2001-2002</year>
      <holder>The GNOME Foundation</holder>			      <holder>The GNOME Foundation</holder>
    </copyright>						    </copyright>
    <abstract>							    <abstract>
      <para>							      <para>
	&LIBGNOMEDB; is a data-bound UI library, based on &LI		&LIBGNOMEDB; is a data-bound UI library, based on &LI
      </para>							      </para>
    </abstract>							    </abstract>
    <legalnotice id="legalnotice">				    <legalnotice id="legalnotice">
      <para>							      <para>
        Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modi	        Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modi
        under the terms of the <link linkend="fdl"><citetitle	        under the terms of the <link linkend="fdl"><citetitle
        Free Documentation License</citetitle></link>, Versio	        Free Documentation License</citetitle></link>, Versio
        version published by the Free Software Foundation wit	        version published by the Free Software Foundation wit
        Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Tex	        Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Tex
        license can be found in <xref linkend="fdl">Appendix 	        license can be found in <xref linkend="fdl">Appendix 
      </para>							      </para>
      <para>							      <para>
        Many of the names used by companies to distinguish th	        Many of the names used by companies to distinguish th
        services are claimed as trademarks. Where those names	        services are claimed as trademarks. Where those names
        GNOME documentation, and those trademarks are made aw	        GNOME documentation, and those trademarks are made aw
        of the GNOME Documentation Project, the names have be	        of the GNOME Documentation Project, the names have be
        or initial caps.					        or initial caps.
      </para>							      </para>
    </legalnotice>						    </legalnotice>
  </bookinfo>							  </bookinfo>

  <chapter id="libgnomedb-introduction">			  <chapter id="libgnomedb-introduction">
    <title>Introduction</title>					    <title>Introduction</title>
    <para>							    <para>
      While &LIBGDA; provides the low level data access bits 	      While &LIBGDA; provides the low level data access bits 
      &LIBGNOMEDB; provides a rich set of UI features targete	      &LIBGNOMEDB; provides a rich set of UI features targete
      development of data access applications.			      development of data access applications.
    </para>							    </para>
    <para>							    <para>
      Using &LIBGNOMEDB; your GTK/GNOME application data acce	      Using &LIBGNOMEDB; your GTK/GNOME application data acce
      be covered. You'll have available, nicely integrated wi	      be covered. You'll have available, nicely integrated wi
      the GNOME libraries, a whole set of data-bound widgets.	      the GNOME libraries, a whole set of data-bound widgets.
    </para>							    </para>
  </chapter>							  </chapter>
  <chapter id="libgnomedb-basic">				  <chapter id="libgnomedb-basic">
    <title>Basic features</title>				    <title>Basic features</title>
    <para>							    <para>
      This section describes the low level and basic features	      This section describes the low level and basic features
      by libgnomedb. Most of this stuff is not directly relat	      by libgnomedb. Most of this stuff is not directly relat
      database access widgets, but you may find interesting t	      database access widgets, but you may find interesting t
      of this in your applications.				      of this in your applications.
    </para>							    </para>
    &libgnomedb-init;						    &libgnomedb-init;
    &libgnomedb-config;						    &libgnomedb-config;
    &libgnomedb-util;						    &libgnomedb-util;
    &libgnomedb-gray-bar;					    &libgnomedb-gray-bar;
    &libgnomedb-model;						    &libgnomedb-model;
  </chapter>							  </chapter>
  <chapter id="libgnomedb-widgets">				  <chapter id="libgnomedb-widgets">
    <title>Data bound widgets</title>				    <title>Data bound widgets</title>
    <para>							    <para>
      The main feature provided by libgnomedb is a rich set o	      The main feature provided by libgnomedb is a rich set o
      widgets, ranging from the simplest ones, such as entry 	      widgets, ranging from the simplest ones, such as entry 
      labels, to the most full-featured ones you can imagine.	      labels, to the most full-featured ones you can imagine.
    </para>							    </para>
    &libgnomedb-browser;					    &libgnomedb-browser;
    &libgnomedb-combo;						    &libgnomedb-combo;
    &libgnomedb-connection-properties;				    &libgnomedb-connection-properties;
    &libgnomedb-connection-selector;				    &libgnomedb-connection-selector;
    &libgnomedb-data-source-selector;				    &libgnomedb-data-source-selector;
    &libgnomedb-dsn-config-druid;				    &libgnomedb-dsn-config-druid;
    &libgnomedb-dsn-config;					    &libgnomedb-dsn-config;
    &libgnomedb-editor;						    &libgnomedb-editor;
    &libgnomedb-error-dialog;					    &libgnomedb-error-dialog;
    &libgnomedb-error;						    &libgnomedb-error;
    &libgnomedb-form;						    &libgnomedb-form;
    &libgnomedb-find-dialog;					    &libgnomedb-find-dialog;
    &libgnomedb-grid;						    &libgnomedb-grid;
    &libgnomedb-icon-list;					    &libgnomedb-icon-list;
    &libgnomedb-list;						    &libgnomedb-list;
    &libgnomedb-login-dialog;					    &libgnomedb-login-dialog;
    &libgnomedb-login;						    &libgnomedb-login;
    &libgnomedb-provider-selector;				    &libgnomedb-provider-selector;
    &libgnomedb-query-builder;					    &libgnomedb-query-builder;
    &libgnomedb-table-editor;					    &libgnomedb-table-editor;
    &libgnomedb-report-editor;					    &libgnomedb-report-editor;
  </chapter>							  </chapter>
  <chapter id="libgnomedb-bonobo">				  <chapter id="libgnomedb-bonobo">
    <title>Bonobo utilities</title>				    <title>Bonobo utilities</title>
    <para>							    <para>
      As the integration of libgnomedb with Bonobo, the GNOME	      As the integration of libgnomedb with Bonobo, the GNOME
      is as big as you can imagine, libgnomedb provides itsel	      is as big as you can imagine, libgnomedb provides itsel
      useful features that make component programming even ea	      useful features that make component programming even ea
      is with plain Bonobo API. The following stuff is used i	      is with plain Bonobo API. The following stuff is used i
      libgnomedb, but is also made available for you to use i	      libgnomedb, but is also made available for you to use i
      feel like.						      feel like.
    </para>							    </para>
    &libgnomedb-control-widget;					    &libgnomedb-control-widget;
    &libgnomedb-control;					    &libgnomedb-control;
    &libgnomedb-stock;						    &libgnomedb-stock;
    &libgnomedb-window;						    &libgnomedb-window;
  </chapter>							  </chapter>
  &fdl-appendix;						  &fdl-appendix;
</book>								</book>
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/libgnomedb-sections.txt ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc/C/libgnomedb-sections.txt
<FILE>gnome-db-browser</FILE>					<FILE>gnome-db-browser</FILE>
GnomeDbBrowserPrivate						GnomeDbBrowserPrivate
<TITLE>GnomeDbBrowser</TITLE>					<TITLE>GnomeDbBrowser</TITLE>
gnome_db_browser_new						gnome_db_browser_new
gnome_db_browser_get_connection					gnome_db_browser_get_connection
gnome_db_browser_set_connection					gnome_db_browser_set_connection
gnome_db_browser_refresh					gnome_db_browser_refresh
<SUBSECTION Standard>						<SUBSECTION Standard>
gnome_db_browser_get_type					gnome_db_browser_get_type

<FILE>gnome-db-combo</FILE>					<FILE>gnome-db-combo</FILE>
GnomeDbComboPrivate						GnomeDbComboPrivate
<TITLE>GnomeDbCombo</TITLE>					<TITLE>GnomeDbCombo</TITLE>
gnome_db_combo_new						gnome_db_combo_new
gnome_db_combo_new_with_model					gnome_db_combo_new_with_model
gnome_db_combo_set_model					gnome_db_combo_set_model
gnome_db_combo_get_model					gnome_db_combo_get_model
gnome_db_combo_get_column					gnome_db_combo_get_column
<SUBSECTION Standard>						<SUBSECTION Standard>
gnome_db_combo_get_type						gnome_db_combo_get_type

<FILE>gnome-db-connection-properties</FILE>			<FILE>gnome-db-connection-properties</FILE>
GnomeDbConnectionPropertiesPrivate				GnomeDbConnectionPropertiesPrivate
<TITLE>GnomeDbConnectionProperties</TITLE>			<TITLE>GnomeDbConnectionProperties</TITLE>
gnome_db_connection_properties_new				gnome_db_connection_properties_new
gnome_db_connection_properties_get_connection			gnome_db_connection_properties_get_connection
gnome_db_connection_properties_set_connection			gnome_db_connection_properties_set_connection
<SUBSECTION Standard>						<SUBSECTION Standard>
gnome_db_connection_properties_get_type				gnome_db_connection_properties_get_type

<FILE>gnome-db-connection-selector</FILE>			<FILE>gnome-db-connection-selector</FILE>
GnomeDbConnectionSelectorPrivate				GnomeDbConnectionSelectorPrivate
<TITLE>GnomeDbConnectionSelector</TITLE>			<TITLE>GnomeDbConnectionSelector</TITLE>
gnome_db_connection_selector_new				gnome_db_connection_selector_new
<SUBSECTION Standard>						<SUBSECTION Standard>
gnome_db_connection_selector_get_type				gnome_db_connection_selector_get_type

<FILE>gnome-db-control-widget</FILE>				<FILE>gnome-db-control-widget</FILE>
GnomeDbControlWidgetPrivate					GnomeDbControlWidgetPrivate
<TITLE>GnomeDbControlWidget</TITLE>				<TITLE>GnomeDbControlWidget</TITLE>
gnome_db_control_widget_construct				gnome_db_control_widget_construct
gnome_db_control_widget_new					gnome_db_control_widget_new
gnome_db_control_widget_new_from_corba				gnome_db_control_widget_new_from_corba
gnome_db_control_widget_is_alive				gnome_db_control_widget_is_alive
gnome_db_control_widget_activate				gnome_db_control_widget_activate
gnome_db_control_widget_deactivate				gnome_db_control_widget_deactivate
gnome_db_control_widget_get_id					gnome_db_control_widget_get_id
gnome_db_control_widget_get_objref				gnome_db_control_widget_get_objref
gnome_db_control_widget_get_ui_container			gnome_db_control_widget_get_ui_container
<SUBSECTION Standard>						<SUBSECTION Standard>
gnome_db_control_widget_get_type				gnome_db_control_widget_get_type

<FILE>gnome-db-control</FILE>					<FILE>gnome-db-control</FILE>
GnomeDbControlPrivate						GnomeDbControlPrivate
<TITLE>GnomeDbControl</TITLE>					<TITLE>GnomeDbControl</TITLE>
gnome_db_control_construct					gnome_db_control_construct
gnome_db_control_new						gnome_db_control_new
gnome_db_control_set_ui						gnome_db_control_set_ui
gnome_db_control_activate					gnome_db_control_activate
gnome_db_control_deactivate					gnome_db_control_deactivate
gnome_db_control_set_status					gnome_db_control_set_status
<SUBSECTION Standard>						<SUBSECTION Standard>
gnome_db_control_get_type					gnome_db_control_get_type

<FILE>gnome-db-data-source-selector</FILE>			<FILE>gnome-db-data-source-selector</FILE>
GnomeDbDataSourceSelectorPrivate				GnomeDbDataSourceSelectorPrivate
<TITLE>GnomeDbDataSourceSelector</TITLE>			<TITLE>GnomeDbDataSourceSelector</TITLE>
gnome_db_data_source_selector_new				gnome_db_data_source_selector_new
<SUBSECTION Standard>						<SUBSECTION Standard>
gnome_db_data_source_selector_get_type				gnome_db_data_source_selector_get_type

<FILE>gnome-db-dsn-config-druid</FILE>				<FILE>gnome-db-dsn-config-druid</FILE>
GnomeDbDsnConfigDruidPrivate					GnomeDbDsnConfigDruidPrivate
<TITLE>GnomeDbDsnConfigDruid</TITLE>				<TITLE>GnomeDbDsnConfigDruid</TITLE>
gnome_db_dsn_config_druid_new					gnome_db_dsn_config_druid_new
gnome_db_dsn_config_druid_get_dsn				gnome_db_dsn_config_druid_get_dsn
<SUBSECTION Standard>						<SUBSECTION Standard>
gnome_db_dsn_config_druid_get_type				gnome_db_dsn_config_druid_get_type

<FILE>gnome-db-dsn-config</FILE>				<FILE>gnome-db-dsn-config</FILE>
GnomeDbDsnConfigPrivate						GnomeDbDsnConfigPrivate
<TITLE>GnomeDbDsnConfig</TITLE>					<TITLE>GnomeDbDsnConfig</TITLE>
gnome_db_dsn_config_new						gnome_db_dsn_config_new
gnome_db_dsn_config_get_info					gnome_db_dsn_config_get_info
gnome_db_dsn_config_set_info					gnome_db_dsn_config_set_info
<SUBSECTION Standard>						<SUBSECTION Standard>
gnome_db_dsn_config_get_type					gnome_db_dsn_config_get_type

<FILE>gnome-db-editor</FILE>					<FILE>gnome-db-editor</FILE>
GnomeDbEditorPrivate						GnomeDbEditorPrivate
<TITLE>GnomeDbEditor</TITLE>					<TITLE>GnomeDbEditor</TITLE>
gnome_db_editor_new						gnome_db_editor_new
gnome_db_editor_get_editable					gnome_db_editor_get_editable
gnome_db_editor_set_editable					gnome_db_editor_set_editable
gnome_db_editor_get_highlight					gnome_db_editor_get_highlight
gnome_db_editor_set_highlight					gnome_db_editor_set_highlight
gnome_db_editor_set_text					gnome_db_editor_set_text
gnome_db_editor_get_all_text					gnome_db_editor_get_all_text
gnome_db_editor_load_from_file					gnome_db_editor_load_from_file
gnome_db_editor_save_to_file					gnome_db_editor_save_to_file
gnome_db_editor_copy_clipboard					gnome_db_editor_copy_clipboard
gnome_db_editor_cut_clipboard					gnome_db_editor_cut_clipboard
gnome_db_editor_paste_clipboard					gnome_db_editor_paste_clipboard
<SUBSECTION Standard>						<SUBSECTION Standard>
gnome_db_editor_get_type					gnome_db_editor_get_type

<FILE>gnome-db-error-dialog</FILE>				<FILE>gnome-db-error-dialog</FILE>
GnomeDbErrorDialogPrivate					GnomeDbErrorDialogPrivate
<TITLE>GnomeDbErrorDialog</TITLE>				<TITLE>GnomeDbErrorDialog</TITLE>
gnome_db_error_dialog_new					gnome_db_error_dialog_new
gnome_db_error_dialog_show_errors				gnome_db_error_dialog_show_errors
gnome_db_error_dialog_get_title					gnome_db_error_dialog_get_title
gnome_db_error_dialog_set_title					gnome_db_error_dialog_set_title
<SUBSECTION Standard>						<SUBSECTION Standard>
gnome_db_error_dialog_get_type					gnome_db_error_dialog_get_type

<FILE>gnome-db-error</FILE>					<FILE>gnome-db-error</FILE>
GnomeDbErrorPrivate						GnomeDbErrorPrivate
<TITLE>GnomeDbError</TITLE>					<TITLE>GnomeDbError</TITLE>
gnome_db_error_new						gnome_db_error_new
gnome_db_error_clear						gnome_db_error_clear
gnome_db_error_show						gnome_db_error_show
gnome_db_error_prev						gnome_db_error_prev
gnome_db_error_next						gnome_db_error_next
gnome_db_error_get_position					gnome_db_error_get_position
<SUBSECTION Standard>						<SUBSECTION Standard>
gnome_db_error_get_type						gnome_db_error_get_type

<FILE>gnome-db-form</FILE>					<FILE>gnome-db-form</FILE>
GnomeDbFormPrivate						GnomeDbFormPrivate
<TITLE>GnomeDbForm</TITLE>					<TITLE>GnomeDbForm</TITLE>
GnomeDbFormType							GnomeDbFormType
gnome_db_form_new						gnome_db_form_new
gnome_db_form_get_form_type					gnome_db_form_get_form_type
gnome_db_form_set_form_type					gnome_db_form_set_form_type
gnome_db_form_get_model						gnome_db_form_get_model
gnome_db_form_set_model						gnome_db_form_set_model
gnome_db_form_get_current_row					gnome_db_form_get_current_row
gnome_db_form_set_current_row					gnome_db_form_set_current_row
<SUBSECTION Standard>						<SUBSECTION Standard>
gnome_db_form_get_type						gnome_db_form_get_type

<FILE>gnome-db-gray-bar</FILE>					<FILE>gnome-db-gray-bar</FILE>
GnomeDbGrayBarPrivate						GnomeDbGrayBarPrivate
<TITLE>GnomeDbGrayBar</TITLE>					<TITLE>GnomeDbGrayBar</TITLE>
gnome_db_gray_bar_new						gnome_db_gray_bar_new
gnome_db_gray_bar_get_text					gnome_db_gray_bar_get_text
gnome_db_gray_bar_set_text					gnome_db_gray_bar_set_text
gnome_db_gray_bar_set_icon_from_file				gnome_db_gray_bar_set_icon_from_file
gnome_db_gray_bar_set_icon_from_stock				gnome_db_gray_bar_set_icon_from_stock
gnome_db_gray_bar_set_show_icon					gnome_db_gray_bar_set_show_icon
gnome_db_gray_bar_get_show_icon					gnome_db_gray_bar_get_show_icon
<SUBSECTION Standard>						<SUBSECTION Standard>
gnome_db_gray_bar_get_type					gnome_db_gray_bar_get_type

<FILE>gnome-db-grid</FILE>					<FILE>gnome-db-grid</FILE>
GnomeDbGridPrivate						GnomeDbGridPrivate
GnomeDbGridForeachFunc						GnomeDbGridForeachFunc
<TITLE>GnomeDbGrid</TITLE>					<TITLE>GnomeDbGrid</TITLE>
gnome_db_grid_new						gnome_db_grid_new
gnome_db_grid_new_with_model					gnome_db_grid_new_with_model
gnome_db_grid_get_title						gnome_db_grid_get_title
gnome_db_grid_set_title						gnome_db_grid_set_title
gnome_db_grid_set_column_title					gnome_db_grid_set_column_title
gnome_db_grid_get_column_title					gnome_db_grid_get_column_title
gnome_db_grid_get_show_title					gnome_db_grid_get_show_title
gnome_db_grid_set_show_title					gnome_db_grid_set_show_title
gnome_db_grid_set_title_icon_from_file				gnome_db_grid_set_title_icon_from_file
gnome_db_grid_set_title_icon_from_stock				gnome_db_grid_set_title_icon_from_stock
gnome_db_grid_set_show_title_icon				gnome_db_grid_set_show_title_icon
gnome_db_grid_get_show_title_icon				gnome_db_grid_get_show_title_icon
gnome_db_grid_get_model						gnome_db_grid_get_model
gnome_db_grid_set_model						gnome_db_grid_set_model
gnome_db_grid_get_selection					gnome_db_grid_get_selection
gnome_db_grid_foreach_selected					gnome_db_grid_foreach_selected
gnome_db_grid_select_row					gnome_db_grid_select_row
gnome_db_grid_select_all					gnome_db_grid_select_all
gnome_db_grid_unselect_all					gnome_db_grid_unselect_all
gnome_db_grid_get_selection_mode				gnome_db_grid_get_selection_mode
gnome_db_grid_set_selection_mode				gnome_db_grid_set_selection_mode
gnome_db_grid_set_column_titles_visible				gnome_db_grid_set_column_titles_visible
gnome_db_grid_get_column_titles_visible				gnome_db_grid_get_column_titles_visible
gnome_db_grid_show_column_titles				gnome_db_grid_show_column_titles
gnome_db_grid_hide_column_titles				gnome_db_grid_hide_column_titles
gnome_db_grid_set_column_visible				gnome_db_grid_set_column_visible
gnome_db_grid_get_column_visible				gnome_db_grid_get_column_visible
gnome_db_grid_get_row_data					gnome_db_grid_get_row_data
gnome_db_grid_set_row_data					gnome_db_grid_set_row_data
gnome_db_grid_find_row_from_data				gnome_db_grid_find_row_from_data
<SUBSECTION Standard>						<SUBSECTION Standard>
gnome_db_grid_get_type						gnome_db_grid_get_type

<FILE>gnome-db-icon-list</FILE>					<FILE>gnome-db-icon-list</FILE>
GnomeDbIconListPrivate						GnomeDbIconListPrivate
<TITLE>GnomeDbIconList</TITLE>					<TITLE>GnomeDbIconList</TITLE>
gnome_db_icon_list_new						gnome_db_icon_list_new
gnome_db_icon_list_set_model					gnome_db_icon_list_set_model
<SUBSECTION Standard>						<SUBSECTION Standard>
gnome_db_icon_list_get_type					gnome_db_icon_list_get_type

<FILE>gnome-db-list</FILE>					<FILE>gnome-db-list</FILE>
GnomeDbListPrivate						GnomeDbListPrivate
<TITLE>GnomeDbList</TITLE>					<TITLE>GnomeDbList</TITLE>
gnome_db_list_new						gnome_db_list_new
gnome_db_list_new_with_model					gnome_db_list_new_with_model
gnome_db_list_get_model						gnome_db_list_get_model
gnome_db_list_set_model						gnome_db_list_set_model
gnome_db_list_get_selection					gnome_db_list_get_selection
<SUBSECTION Standard>						<SUBSECTION Standard>
gnome_db_list_get_type						gnome_db_list_get_type

<FILE>gnome-db-login-dialog</FILE>				<FILE>gnome-db-login-dialog</FILE>
GnomeDbLoginDialogPrivate					GnomeDbLoginDialogPrivate
<TITLE>GnomeDbLoginDialog</TITLE>				<TITLE>GnomeDbLoginDialog</TITLE>
gnome_db_login_dialog_new					gnome_db_login_dialog_new
gnome_db_login_dialog_run					gnome_db_login_dialog_run
gnome_db_login_dialog_get_dsn					gnome_db_login_dialog_get_dsn
gnome_db_login_dialog_get_username				gnome_db_login_dialog_get_username
gnome_db_login_dialog_get_password				gnome_db_login_dialog_get_password
gnome_db_login_dialog_get_login_widget				gnome_db_login_dialog_get_login_widget
<SUBSECTION Standard>						<SUBSECTION Standard>
gnome_db_login_dialog_get_type					gnome_db_login_dialog_get_type

<FILE>gnome-db-login</FILE>					<FILE>gnome-db-login</FILE>
GnomeDbLoginPrivate						GnomeDbLoginPrivate
<TITLE>GnomeDbLogin</TITLE>					<TITLE>GnomeDbLogin</TITLE>
gnome_db_login_new						gnome_db_login_new
gnome_db_login_get_dsn						gnome_db_login_get_dsn
gnome_db_login_set_dsn						gnome_db_login_set_dsn
gnome_db_login_get_username					gnome_db_login_get_username
gnome_db_login_set_username					gnome_db_login_set_username
gnome_db_login_get_password					gnome_db_login_get_password
gnome_db_login_set_password					gnome_db_login_set_password
gnome_db_login_set_enable_create_button				gnome_db_login_set_enable_create_button
<SUBSECTION Standard>						<SUBSECTION Standard>
gnome_db_login_get_type						gnome_db_login_get_type

<FILE>gnome-db-provider-selector</FILE>				<FILE>gnome-db-provider-selector</FILE>
GnomeDbProviderSelectorPrivate					GnomeDbProviderSelectorPrivate
<TITLE>GnomeDbProviderSelector</TITLE>				<TITLE>GnomeDbProviderSelector</TITLE>
gnome_db_provider_selector_new					gnome_db_provider_selector_new
<SUBSECTION Standard>						<SUBSECTION Standard>
gnome_db_provider_selector_get_type				gnome_db_provider_selector_get_type

<FILE>gnome-db-query-builder</FILE>				<FILE>gnome-db-query-builder</FILE>
GnomeDbQueryBuilderPrivate					GnomeDbQueryBuilderPrivate
<TITLE>GnomeDbQueryBuilder</TITLE>				<TITLE>GnomeDbQueryBuilder</TITLE>
gnome_db_query_builder_new					gnome_db_query_builder_new
gnome_db_query_builder_get_connection				gnome_db_query_builder_get_connection
gnome_db_query_builder_set_connection				gnome_db_query_builder_set_connection
<SUBSECTION Standard>						<SUBSECTION Standard>
gnome_db_query_builder_get_type					gnome_db_query_builder_get_type

<FILE>gnome-db-report-editor</FILE>				<FILE>gnome-db-report-editor</FILE>
GnomeDbReportEditorPrivate					GnomeDbReportEditorPrivate
<TITLE>GnomeDbReportEditor</TITLE>				<TITLE>GnomeDbReportEditor</TITLE>
gnome_db_report_editor_new					gnome_db_report_editor_new
<SUBSECTION Standard>						<SUBSECTION Standard>
gnome_db_report_editor_get_type					gnome_db_report_editor_get_type

<FILE>gnome-db-table-editor</FILE>				<FILE>gnome-db-table-editor</FILE>
GnomeDbTableEditorPrivate					GnomeDbTableEditorPrivate
<TITLE>GnomeDbTableEditor</TITLE>				<TITLE>GnomeDbTableEditor</TITLE>
gnome_db_table_editor_new					gnome_db_table_editor_new
<SUBSECTION Standard>						<SUBSECTION Standard>
gnome_db_table_editor_get_type					gnome_db_table_editor_get_type

<FILE>gnome-db-window</FILE>					<FILE>gnome-db-window</FILE>
GnomeDbWindowPrivate						GnomeDbWindowPrivate
<TITLE>GnomeDbWindow</TITLE>					<TITLE>GnomeDbWindow</TITLE>
gnome_db_window_new						gnome_db_window_new
gnome_db_window_close						gnome_db_window_close
gnome_db_window_show						gnome_db_window_show
gnome_db_window_get_contents					gnome_db_window_get_contents
gnome_db_window_set_contents					gnome_db_window_set_contents
gnome_db_window_set_status					gnome_db_window_set_status
gnome_db_window_get_ui_component				gnome_db_window_get_ui_component
gnome_db_window_get_ui_container				gnome_db_window_get_ui_container
<SUBSECTION Standard>						<SUBSECTION Standard>
gnome_db_window_get_type					gnome_db_window_get_type

<FILE>gnome-db-find-dialog</FILE>				<FILE>gnome-db-find-dialog</FILE>
GnomeDbFindDialogPrivate					GnomeDbFindDialogPrivate
<TITLE>GnomeDbFindDialog</TITLE>				<TITLE>GnomeDbFindDialog</TITLE>
gnome_db_find_dialog_new					gnome_db_find_dialog_new
gnome_db_find_dialog_new_with_model				gnome_db_find_dialog_new_with_model
gnome_db_find_dialog_run					gnome_db_find_dialog_run
gnome_db_find_dialog_add_field					gnome_db_find_dialog_add_field
gnome_db_find_dialog_add_fields_from_model			gnome_db_find_dialog_add_fields_from_model
gnome_db_find_dialog_get_field					gnome_db_find_dialog_get_field
gnome_db_find_dialog_get_text					gnome_db_find_dialog_get_text
<SUBSECTION Standard>						<SUBSECTION Standard>
gnome_db_find_dialog_get_type					gnome_db_find_dialog_get_type

<FILE>gnome-db-browser-private</FILE>				<FILE>gnome-db-browser-private</FILE>
gnome_db_browser_procedures_new					gnome_db_browser_procedures_new
gnome_db_browser_tables_new					gnome_db_browser_tables_new
gnome_db_browser_tables_show					gnome_db_browser_tables_show
gnome_db_browser_tables_clear					gnome_db_browser_tables_clear
gnome_db_browser_types_new					gnome_db_browser_types_new
gnome_db_browser_views_new					gnome_db_browser_views_new
gnome_db_browser_views_show					gnome_db_browser_views_show
gnome_db_browser_views_clear					gnome_db_browser_views_clear

<FILE>gnome-db-config</FILE>					<FILE>gnome-db-config</FILE>
GnomeDbComponentType						GnomeDbComponentType
GnomeDbComponentInfo						GnomeDbComponentInfo
gnome_db_config_get_component_list				gnome_db_config_get_component_list
gnome_db_config_free_component_list				gnome_db_config_free_component_list
gnome_db_config_get_component_data_model			gnome_db_config_get_component_data_model
gnome_db_config_get_string					gnome_db_config_get_string
gnome_db_config_get_int						gnome_db_config_get_int
gnome_db_config_get_float					gnome_db_config_get_float
gnome_db_config_get_boolean					gnome_db_config_get_boolean
gnome_db_config_set_string					gnome_db_config_set_string
gnome_db_config_set_int						gnome_db_config_set_int
gnome_db_config_set_float					gnome_db_config_set_float
gnome_db_config_set_boolean					gnome_db_config_set_boolean
gnome_db_config_remove_section					gnome_db_config_remove_section
gnome_db_config_remove_key					gnome_db_config_remove_key
gnome_db_config_has_section					gnome_db_config_has_section
gnome_db_config_has_key						gnome_db_config_has_key
gnome_db_config_list_sections					gnome_db_config_list_sections
gnome_db_config_list_keys					gnome_db_config_list_keys
gnome_db_config_free_list					gnome_db_config_free_list
gnome_db_config_get_data_source_list				gnome_db_config_get_data_source_list
gnome_db_config_find_data_source				gnome_db_config_find_data_source
gnome_db_config_copy_data_source_info				gnome_db_config_copy_data_source_info
gnome_db_config_free_data_source_info				gnome_db_config_free_data_source_info
gnome_db_config_free_data_source_list				gnome_db_config_free_data_source_list
gnome_db_config_remove_data_source				gnome_db_config_remove_data_source
gnome_db_config_save_data_source				gnome_db_config_save_data_source
gnome_db_config_add_listener					gnome_db_config_add_listener
gnome_db_config_remove_listener					gnome_db_config_remove_listener

<FILE>libgnomedb</FILE>						<FILE>libgnomedb</FILE>
gnome_db_init							gnome_db_init
gnome_db_main_run						gnome_db_main_run
gnome_db_main_quit						gnome_db_main_quit

<FILE>gnome-db-i18n</FILE>					<FILE>gnome-db-i18n</FILE>
_								_
N_								N_
textdomain							textdomain
gettext								gettext
dgettext							dgettext
dcgettext							dcgettext
bindtextdomain							bindtextdomain
bind_textdomain_codeset						bind_textdomain_codeset

<FILE>gnome-db-model</FILE>					<FILE>gnome-db-model</FILE>
gnome_db_model_to_gtk_tree_view					gnome_db_model_to_gtk_tree_view

<FILE>gnome-db-stock</FILE>					<FILE>gnome-db-stock</FILE>
gnome_db_stock_get_icon_pixbuf					gnome_db_stock_get_icon_pixbuf
gnome_db_stock_get_icon_pixbuf_file				gnome_db_stock_get_icon_pixbuf_file
gnome_db_stock_get_icon_path					gnome_db_stock_get_icon_path

<FILE>gnome-db-util</FILE>					<FILE>gnome-db-util</FILE>
gnome_db_new_browser_widget					gnome_db_new_browser_widget
gnome_db_new_button_widget					gnome_db_new_button_widget
gnome_db_new_button_widget_from_stock				gnome_db_new_button_widget_from_stock
gnome_db_new_check_button_widget				gnome_db_new_check_button_widget
gnome_db_new_combo_widget					gnome_db_new_combo_widget
gnome_db_new_entry_widget					gnome_db_new_entry_widget
gnome_db_new_file_entry_widget					gnome_db_new_file_entry_widget
gnome_db_new_frame_widget					gnome_db_new_frame_widget
gnome_db_new_grid_widget					gnome_db_new_grid_widget
gnome_db_new_hbox_widget					gnome_db_new_hbox_widget
gnome_db_new_hbutton_box_widget					gnome_db_new_hbutton_box_widget
gnome_db_new_hpaned_widget					gnome_db_new_hpaned_widget
gnome_db_new_hseparator_widget					gnome_db_new_hseparator_widget
gnome_db_new_label_widget					gnome_db_new_label_widget
gnome_db_new_notebook_widget					gnome_db_new_notebook_widget
gnome_db_new_option_menu_widget					gnome_db_new_option_menu_widget
gnome_db_new_popup_menu						gnome_db_new_popup_menu
gnome_db_new_radio_button_widget				gnome_db_new_radio_button_widget
gnome_db_new_scrolled_window_widget				gnome_db_new_scrolled_window_widget
gnome_db_new_status_bar_widget					gnome_db_new_status_bar_widget
gnome_db_new_table_widget					gnome_db_new_table_widget
gnome_db_new_text_widget					gnome_db_new_text_widget
gnome_db_new_toolbar_widget					gnome_db_new_toolbar_widget
gnome_db_new_tree_view_widget					gnome_db_new_tree_view_widget
gnome_db_new_vbox_widget					gnome_db_new_vbox_widget
gnome_db_new_vpaned_widget					gnome_db_new_vpaned_widget
gnome_db_new_vseparator_widget					gnome_db_new_vseparator_widget
gnome_db_set_widget_bg_color					gnome_db_set_widget_bg_color
gnome_db_set_widget_fg_color					gnome_db_set_widget_fg_color
gnome_db_option_menu_add_item					gnome_db_option_menu_add_item
gnome_db_option_menu_add_stock_item				gnome_db_option_menu_add_stock_item
gnome_db_option_menu_add_separator				gnome_db_option_menu_add_separator
gnome_db_option_menu_get_selection				gnome_db_option_menu_get_selection
gnome_db_option_menu_set_selection				gnome_db_option_menu_set_selection
gnome_db_text_clear						gnome_db_text_clear
gnome_db_text_copy_clipboard					gnome_db_text_copy_clipboard
gnome_db_text_cut_clipboard					gnome_db_text_cut_clipboard
gnome_db_text_get_char_count					gnome_db_text_get_char_count
gnome_db_text_get_line_count					gnome_db_text_get_line_count
gnome_db_text_get_text						gnome_db_text_get_text
gnome_db_text_insert_at_cursor					gnome_db_text_insert_at_cursor
gnome_db_text_paste_clipboard					gnome_db_text_paste_clipboard
gnome_db_text_set_text						gnome_db_text_set_text
gnome_db_select_file_dialog					gnome_db_select_file_dialog
gnome_db_new_alert						gnome_db_new_alert
gnome_db_show_error						gnome_db_show_error
gnome_db_show_message						gnome_db_show_message
gnome_db_push_cursor_busy					gnome_db_push_cursor_busy
gnome_db_pop_cursor_busy					gnome_db_pop_cursor_busy
gnome_db_new_menu_item						gnome_db_new_menu_item
gnome_db_new_check_menu_item					gnome_db_new_check_menu_item

<FILE>libgnomedb-private</FILE>					<FILE>libgnomedb-private</FILE>
DataModelInfo							DataModelInfo

<FILE>sql-viewer</FILE>						<FILE>sql-viewer</FILE>
<TITLE>SqlViewer</TITLE>					<TITLE>SqlViewer</TITLE>
sql_viewer_get_type						sql_viewer_get_type
sql_viewer_new							sql_viewer_new

<FILE>table-properties-dialog</FILE>				<FILE>table-properties-dialog</FILE>
table_properties_dialog						table_properties_dialog

<FILE>tables-page</FILE>					<FILE>tables-page</FILE>
tables_page_new							tables_page_new
tables_page_set_connection					tables_page_set_connection

<FILE>utils</FILE>						<FILE>utils</FILE>
db_connect_dialog_for_dsn					db_connect_dialog_for_dsn
db_connect_dialog						db_connect_dialog
db_connect							db_connect

<FILE>db-shell</FILE>						<FILE>db-shell</FILE>
DbShellCallbackFunc						DbShellCallbackFunc
DbShellCallbacks						DbShellCallbacks
db_shell_new							db_shell_new

diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/libgnomedb.types ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc/C/libgnomedb.types
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C: libgnomedb-undocumented.txt
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C: Makefile
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/Makefile.am ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc/C/Makefile.am
## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in	## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in

# The name of the module, e.g. 'glib'.				# The name of the module, e.g. 'glib'.
DOC_MODULE=libgnomedb						DOC_MODULE=libgnomedb

# The top-level SGML file. Change it if you want.		# The top-level SGML file. Change it if you want.

# The directory containing the source code. Relative to $(src	# The directory containing the source code. Relative to $(src
# gtk-doc will search all .c & .h files beneath here for inli	# gtk-doc will search all .c & .h files beneath here for inli
# documenting functions and macros.				# documenting functions and macros.
DOC_SOURCE_DIR=../../libgnomedb					DOC_SOURCE_DIR=../../libgnomedb

# Extra options to supply to gtkdoc-scan.			# Extra options to supply to gtkdoc-scan.

# Extra options to supply to gtkdoc-mkdb.			# Extra options to supply to gtkdoc-mkdb.
MKDB_OPTIONS=--output-format=xml				MKDB_OPTIONS=--output-format=xml

# Extra options to supply to gtkdoc-fixref.			# Extra options to supply to gtkdoc-fixref.

# Used for dependencies.					# Used for dependencies.

# Header files to ignore when scanning.				# Header files to ignore when scanning.
IGNORE_HFILES=config.h acconfig.h gnome-db-intl.h		IGNORE_HFILES=config.h acconfig.h gnome-db-intl.h

# Images to copy into HTML directory.				# Images to copy into HTML directory.

# Extra SGML files that are included by $(DOC_MAIN_SGML_FILE)	# Extra SGML files that are included by $(DOC_MAIN_SGML_FILE)
content_files = fdl-appendix.sgml				content_files = fdl-appendix.sgml

# Other files to distribute.					# Other files to distribute.
extra_files =							extra_files =

# CFLAGS and LDFLAGS for compiling scan program. Only needed 	# CFLAGS and LDFLAGS for compiling scan program. Only needed 
# contains GtkObjects/GObjects and you want to document signa	# contains GtkObjects/GObjects and you want to document signa
GTKDOC_CFLAGS = $(LIBGNOMEDB_CFLAGS) -I$(top_srcdir) -I$(top_	GTKDOC_CFLAGS = $(LIBGNOMEDB_CFLAGS) -I$(top_srcdir) -I$(top_

GTKDOC_CC=$(LIBTOOL) --mode=compile $(CC)			GTKDOC_CC=$(LIBTOOL) --mode=compile $(CC)
GTKDOC_LD=$(LIBTOOL) --mode=link $(CC)				GTKDOC_LD=$(LIBTOOL) --mode=link $(CC)

# If you need to override some of the declarations, place the	# If you need to override some of the declarations, place the
# $(DOC_MODULE)-overrides.txt file and uncomment the second l	# $(DOC_MODULE)-overrides.txt file and uncomment the second l
#DOC_OVERRIDES = $(DOC_MODULE)-overrides.txt			#DOC_OVERRIDES = $(DOC_MODULE)-overrides.txt

#############################################################	#############################################################
# Everything below here is generic and you shouldn't need to 	# Everything below here is generic and you shouldn't need to 
#############################################################	#############################################################


EXTRA_DIST = 				\			EXTRA_DIST = 				\
	$(content_files)		\				$(content_files)		\
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	$(DOC_MODULE)-sections.txt	\				$(DOC_MODULE)-sections.txt	\

DOC_STAMPS=scan-build.stamp tmpl-build.stamp sgml-build.stamp	DOC_STAMPS=scan-build.stamp tmpl-build.stamp sgml-build.stamp
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	$(DOC_MODULE).signals						$(DOC_MODULE).signals

all-local: html-build.stamp					all-local: html-build.stamp

#### scan ####							#### scan ####

scan-build.stamp: $(HFILE_GLOB)					scan-build.stamp: $(HFILE_GLOB)
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	if grep -l '^..*$$' $(srcdir)/$(DOC_MODULE).types > /		if grep -l '^..*$$' $(srcdir)/$(DOC_MODULE).types > /
	else \								else \
	    cd $(srcdir) ; \						    cd $(srcdir) ; \
	    for i in $(SCANOBJ_FILES) ; do \				    for i in $(SCANOBJ_FILES) ; do \
               test -f $$i || touch $$i ; \			               test -f $$i || touch $$i ; \
	    done \							    done \
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	  gtkdoc-scan --module=$(DOC_MODULE) --source-dir=$(D		  gtkdoc-scan --module=$(DOC_MODULE) --source-dir=$(D
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$(DOC_MODULE)-decl.txt $(SCANOBJ_FILES): scan-build.stamp	$(DOC_MODULE)-decl.txt $(SCANOBJ_FILES): scan-build.stamp
	@true								@true

#### templates ####						#### templates ####

tmpl-build.stamp: $(DOC_MODULE)-decl.txt $(SCANOBJ_FILES) $(D	tmpl-build.stamp: $(DOC_MODULE)-decl.txt $(SCANOBJ_FILES) $(D
	@echo '*** Rebuilding template files ***'			@echo '*** Rebuilding template files ***'
	cd $(srcdir) && gtkdoc-mktmpl --module=$(DOC_MODULE)		cd $(srcdir) && gtkdoc-mktmpl --module=$(DOC_MODULE)
	touch tmpl-build.stamp						touch tmpl-build.stamp

tmpl.stamp: tmpl-build.stamp					tmpl.stamp: tmpl-build.stamp
	@true								@true

#### sgml ####							#### sgml ####

sgml-build.stamp: tmpl.stamp $(CFILE_GLOB) $(srcdir)/tmpl/*.s	sgml-build.stamp: tmpl.stamp $(CFILE_GLOB) $(srcdir)/tmpl/*.s
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	gtkdoc-mkdb --module=$(DOC_MODULE) --source-dir=$(DOC		gtkdoc-mkdb --module=$(DOC_MODULE) --source-dir=$(DOC
	touch sgml-build.stamp						touch sgml-build.stamp

sgml.stamp: sgml-build.stamp					sgml.stamp: sgml-build.stamp
	@true								@true

#### html ####							#### html ####

html-build.stamp: sgml.stamp $(DOC_MAIN_SGML_FILE) $(content_	html-build.stamp: sgml.stamp $(DOC_MAIN_SGML_FILE) $(content_
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	cd $(srcdir)/html && gtkdoc-mkhtml $(DOC_MODULE) ../$		cd $(srcdir)/html && gtkdoc-mkhtml $(DOC_MODULE) ../$
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	@echo '-- Fixing Crossreferences' 				@echo '-- Fixing Crossreferences' 
	cd $(srcdir) && gtkdoc-fixxref --module-dir=html --ht		cd $(srcdir) && gtkdoc-fixxref --module-dir=html --ht
	touch html-build.stamp						touch html-build.stamp
endif								endif

##############							##############

clean-local:							clean-local:
	rm -f *~ *.bak $(SCANOBJ_FILES) *-unused.txt $(DOC_ST		rm -f *~ *.bak $(SCANOBJ_FILES) *-unused.txt $(DOC_ST

maintainer-clean-local: clean					maintainer-clean-local: clean
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install-data-local:						install-data-local:
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	(installfiles=`echo $(srcdir)/html/*.html`; \			(installfiles=`echo $(srcdir)/html/*.html`; \
	if test "$$installfiles" = '$(srcdir)/html/*.html'; \		if test "$$installfiles" = '$(srcdir)/html/*.html'; \
	then echo '-- Nothing to install' ; \				then echo '-- Nothing to install' ; \
	else \								else \
	  for i in $$installfiles; do \					  for i in $$installfiles; do \
	    echo '-- Installing '$$i ; \				    echo '-- Installing '$$i ; \
	  done; \							  done; \
	  echo '-- Installing $(srcdir)/html/index.sgml' ; \		  echo '-- Installing $(srcdir)/html/index.sgml' ; \
	  $(INSTALL_DATA) $(srcdir)/html/index.sgml $(DESTDIR		  $(INSTALL_DATA) $(srcdir)/html/index.sgml $(DESTDIR
	fi)								fi)

#								#
# Require gtk-doc when making dist				# Require gtk-doc when making dist
#								#
dist-check-gtkdoc:						dist-check-gtkdoc:
else								else
dist-check-gtkdoc:						dist-check-gtkdoc:
	@echo "*** gtk-doc must be installed and enabled in o		@echo "*** gtk-doc must be installed and enabled in o
	@false								@false
endif								endif

dist-hook: dist-check-gtkdoc html-build.stamp dist-hook-local	dist-hook: dist-check-gtkdoc html-build.stamp dist-hook-local
	mkdir $(distdir)/tmpl						mkdir $(distdir)/tmpl
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	images=$(HTML_IMAGES) ;    	      \				images=$(HTML_IMAGES) ;    	      \
	for i in $$images ; do		      \				for i in $$images ; do		      \
	  cp $(srcdir)/$$i $(distdir)/html ;  \				  cp $(srcdir)/$$i $(distdir)/html ;  \
	done								done

.PHONY : dist-hook-local					.PHONY : dist-hook-local
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C: Makefile.in
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc/C/tmpl: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: db-shell.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: gnome-db-browser-private.sgml
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-browser.sgml ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-browser.sgml
<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->				<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->
GnomeDbBrowser							GnomeDbBrowser

<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->			<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->
Database browser widget						Database browser widget

<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->			<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->
<para>								<para>
  The GnomeDbBrowser widget provides a way to visually show t	  The GnomeDbBrowser widget provides a way to visually show t
  structure of a database in a nice looking widget.		  structure of a database in a nice looking widget.
</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->				<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### STRUCT GnomeDbBrowserPrivate ##### -->		<!-- ##### STRUCT GnomeDbBrowserPrivate ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_browser_new ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_browser_new ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_browser_get_connection ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_browser_get_connection ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@browser: 							@browser: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_browser_set_connection ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_browser_set_connection ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@browser: 							@browser: 
@cnc: 								@cnc: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_browser_refresh ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_browser_refresh ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@browser: 							@browser: 

diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-combo.sgml ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-combo.sgml
<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->				<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->
GnomeDbCombo							GnomeDbCombo

<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->			<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->

<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->			<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->				<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### STRUCT GnomeDbComboPrivate ##### -->			<!-- ##### STRUCT GnomeDbComboPrivate ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_combo_new ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_combo_new ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_combo_new_with_model ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_combo_new_with_model ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@model: 							@model: 
@pos: 								@pos: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_combo_set_model ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_combo_set_model ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@combo: 							@combo: 
@model: 							@model: 
@col: 								@col: 
<!-- # Unused Parameters # -->					<!-- # Unused Parameters # -->
@pos: 								@pos: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_combo_get_model ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_combo_get_model ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@combo: 							@combo: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_combo_get_column ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_combo_get_column ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@combo: 							@combo: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-config.sgml ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-config.sgml
<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->				<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->
gnome-db-config							gnome-db-config

<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->			<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->

<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->			<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->				<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### ENUM GnomeDbComponentType ##### -->			<!-- ##### ENUM GnomeDbComponentType ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>


<!-- ##### STRUCT GnomeDbComponentInfo ##### -->		<!-- ##### STRUCT GnomeDbComponentInfo ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@id: 								@id: 
@location: 							@location: 
@type: 								@type: 
@description: 							@description: 
@repo_ids: 							@repo_ids: 
@username: 							@username: 
@hostname: 							@hostname: 
@domain: 							@domain: 
@properties: 							@properties: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_config_get_component_list ##### 	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_config_get_component_list ##### 
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@query: 							@query: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_config_free_component_list #####	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_config_free_component_list #####
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@list: 								@list: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_config_get_component_data_model 	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_config_get_component_data_model 
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@query: 							@query: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_config_get_string ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_config_get_string ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@path: 								@path: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_config_get_int ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_config_get_int ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@path: 								@path: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_config_get_float ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_config_get_float ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@path: 								@path: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_config_get_boolean ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_config_get_boolean ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@path: 								@path: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_config_set_string ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_config_set_string ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@path: 								@path: 
@new_value: 							@new_value: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_config_set_int ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_config_set_int ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@path: 								@path: 
@new_value: 							@new_value: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_config_set_float ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_config_set_float ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@path: 								@path: 
@new_value: 							@new_value: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_config_set_boolean ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_config_set_boolean ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@path: 								@path: 
@new_value: 							@new_value: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_config_remove_section ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_config_remove_section ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@path: 								@path: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_config_remove_key ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_config_remove_key ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@path: 								@path: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_config_has_section ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_config_has_section ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@path: 								@path: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_config_has_key ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_config_has_key ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@path: 								@path: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_config_list_sections ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_config_list_sections ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@path: 								@path: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_config_list_keys ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_config_list_keys ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@path: 								@path: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_config_free_list ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_config_free_list ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@list: 								@list: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_config_get_data_source_list ####	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_config_get_data_source_list ####
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_config_find_data_source ##### --	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_config_find_data_source ##### --
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@name: 								@name: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_config_copy_data_source_info ###	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_config_copy_data_source_info ###
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@src: 								@src: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_config_free_data_source_info ###	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_config_free_data_source_info ###
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@info: 								@info: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_config_free_data_source_list ###	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_config_free_data_source_list ###
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@list: 								@list: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_config_remove_data_source ##### 	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_config_remove_data_source ##### 
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@name: 								@name: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_config_save_data_source ##### --	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_config_save_data_source ##### --
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@name: 								@name: 
@provider: 							@provider: 
@cnc_string: 							@cnc_string: 
@description: 							@description: 
@username: 							@username: 
@password: 							@password: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_config_add_listener ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_config_add_listener ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@path: 								@path: 
@func: 								@func: 
@user_data: 							@user_data: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_config_remove_listener ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_config_remove_listener ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@id: 								@id: 

<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-connection-properties.sgml ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-connection-properties.sgml
<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->				<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->
GnomeDbConnectionProperties					GnomeDbConnectionProperties

<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->			<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->

<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->			<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->				<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### STRUCT GnomeDbConnectionPropertiesPrivate ##### --	<!-- ##### STRUCT GnomeDbConnectionPropertiesPrivate ##### --
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_connection_properties_new ##### 	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_connection_properties_new ##### 
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@cnc: 								@cnc: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_connection_properties_get_connec	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_connection_properties_get_connec
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@props: 							@props: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_connection_properties_set_connec	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_connection_properties_set_connec
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@props: 							@props: 
@cnc: 								@cnc: 

diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-connection-selector.sgml ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-connection-selector.sgml
<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->				<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->
GnomeDbConnectionSelector					GnomeDbConnectionSelector

<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->			<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->
Connection selector widget					Connection selector widget

<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->			<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->				<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### STRUCT GnomeDbConnectionSelectorPrivate ##### -->	<!-- ##### STRUCT GnomeDbConnectionSelectorPrivate ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_connection_selector_new ##### --	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_connection_selector_new ##### --
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@Returns: 							@Returns: 

diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-control.sgml ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-control.sgml
<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->				<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->
GnomeDbControl							GnomeDbControl

<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->			<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->
Bonobo control implementation wrapper				Bonobo control implementation wrapper

<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->			<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->				<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### STRUCT GnomeDbControlPrivate ##### -->		<!-- ##### STRUCT GnomeDbControlPrivate ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_control_construct ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_control_construct ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@control: 							@control: 
@widget: 							@widget: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_control_new ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_control_new ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@widget: 							@widget: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_control_set_ui ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_control_set_ui ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@control: 							@control: 
@app_prefix: 							@app_prefix: 
@ui_xml_file: 							@ui_xml_file: 
@verbs: 							@verbs: 
@user_data: 							@user_data: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_control_activate ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_control_activate ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@control: 							@control: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_control_deactivate ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_control_deactivate ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@control: 							@control: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_control_set_status ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_control_set_status ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@control: 							@control: 
@msg: 								@msg: 

diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-control-widget.sgml ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-control-widget.sgml
<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->				<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->
GnomeDbControlWidget						GnomeDbControlWidget

<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->			<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->
Bonobo control client side widget				Bonobo control client side widget

<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->			<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->				<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### STRUCT GnomeDbControlWidgetPrivate ##### -->		<!-- ##### STRUCT GnomeDbControlWidgetPrivate ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_control_widget_construct ##### -	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_control_widget_construct ##### -
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@wid: 								@wid: 
@id: 								@id: 
@uic: 								@uic: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_control_widget_new ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_control_widget_new ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@id: 								@id: 
@uic: 								@uic: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_control_widget_new_from_corba ##	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_control_widget_new_from_corba ##
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@control: 							@control: 
@uic: 								@uic: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_control_widget_is_alive ##### --	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_control_widget_is_alive ##### --
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@wid: 								@wid: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_control_widget_activate ##### --	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_control_widget_activate ##### --
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@wid: 								@wid: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_control_widget_deactivate ##### 	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_control_widget_deactivate ##### 
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@wid: 								@wid: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_control_widget_get_id ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_control_widget_get_id ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@wid: 								@wid: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_control_widget_get_objref ##### 	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_control_widget_get_objref ##### 
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@wid: 								@wid: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_control_widget_get_ui_container 	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_control_widget_get_ui_container 
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@wid: 								@wid: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-data-source-selector.sgml ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-data-source-selector.sgml
<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->				<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->
GnomeDbDataSourceSelector					GnomeDbDataSourceSelector

<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->			<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->

<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->			<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->				<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### STRUCT GnomeDbDataSourceSelectorPrivate ##### -->	<!-- ##### STRUCT GnomeDbDataSourceSelectorPrivate ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_data_source_selector_new ##### -	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_data_source_selector_new ##### -
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@name: 								@name: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 
<!-- # Unused Parameters # -->					<!-- # Unused Parameters # -->
@provider: 							@provider: 

diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.sgml ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.sgml
<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->				<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->
GnomeDbDsnConfigDruid						GnomeDbDsnConfigDruid

<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->			<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->

<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->			<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->				<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### STRUCT GnomeDbDsnConfigDruidPrivate ##### -->	<!-- ##### STRUCT GnomeDbDsnConfigDruidPrivate ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_dsn_config_druid_new ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_dsn_config_druid_new ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_dsn_config_druid_get_dsn ##### -	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_dsn_config_druid_get_dsn ##### -
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@druid: 							@druid: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-dsn-config.sgml ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-dsn-config.sgml
<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->				<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->
GnomeDbDsnConfig						GnomeDbDsnConfig

<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->			<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->

<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->			<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->				<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### STRUCT GnomeDbDsnConfigPrivate ##### -->		<!-- ##### STRUCT GnomeDbDsnConfigPrivate ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_dsn_config_new ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_dsn_config_new ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_dsn_config_get_info ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_dsn_config_get_info ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@config: 							@config: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_dsn_config_set_info ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_dsn_config_set_info ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@config: 							@config: 
@dsn_info: 							@dsn_info: 

diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-editor.sgml ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-editor.sgml
<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->				<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->
GnomeDbEditor							GnomeDbEditor

<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->			<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->

<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->			<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->				<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### STRUCT GnomeDbEditorPrivate ##### -->		<!-- ##### STRUCT GnomeDbEditorPrivate ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_editor_new ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_editor_new ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_editor_get_editable ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_editor_get_editable ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@editor: 							@editor: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_editor_set_editable ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_editor_set_editable ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@editor: 							@editor: 
@editable: 							@editable: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_editor_get_highlight ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_editor_get_highlight ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@editor: 							@editor: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_editor_set_highlight ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_editor_set_highlight ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@editor: 							@editor: 
@highlight: 							@highlight: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_editor_set_text ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_editor_set_text ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@editor: 							@editor: 
@text: 								@text: 
@len: 								@len: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_editor_get_all_text ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_editor_get_all_text ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@editor: 							@editor: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_editor_load_from_file ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_editor_load_from_file ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@editor: 							@editor: 
@filename: 							@filename: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_editor_save_to_file ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_editor_save_to_file ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@editor: 							@editor: 
@filename: 							@filename: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_editor_copy_clipboard ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_editor_copy_clipboard ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@editor: 							@editor: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_editor_cut_clipboard ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_editor_cut_clipboard ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@editor: 							@editor: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_editor_paste_clipboard ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_editor_paste_clipboard ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@editor: 							@editor: 

diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-error-dialog.sgml ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-error-dialog.sgml
<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->				<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->
GnomeDbErrorDialog						GnomeDbErrorDialog

<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->			<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->
Error dialog widget						Error dialog widget

<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->			<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->				<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### STRUCT GnomeDbErrorDialogPrivate ##### -->		<!-- ##### STRUCT GnomeDbErrorDialogPrivate ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_error_dialog_new ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_error_dialog_new ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@title: 							@title: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_error_dialog_show_errors ##### -	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_error_dialog_show_errors ##### -
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@dialog: 							@dialog: 
@error_list: 							@error_list: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_error_dialog_get_title ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_error_dialog_get_title ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@dialog: 							@dialog: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_error_dialog_set_title ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_error_dialog_set_title ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@dialog: 							@dialog: 
@title: 							@title: 

diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-error.sgml ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-error.sgml
<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->				<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->
GnomeDbError							GnomeDbError

<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->			<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->
Error display widget						Error display widget

<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->			<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->				<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### STRUCT GnomeDbErrorPrivate ##### -->			<!-- ##### STRUCT GnomeDbErrorPrivate ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_error_new ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_error_new ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_error_clear ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_error_clear ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@error_widget: 							@error_widget: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_error_show ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_error_show ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@error_widget: 							@error_widget: 
@errors: 							@errors: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_error_prev ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_error_prev ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@error_widget: 							@error_widget: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_error_next ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_error_next ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@error_widget: 							@error_widget: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_error_get_position ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_error_get_position ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@error_widget: 							@error_widget: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-find-dialog.sgml ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-find-dialog.sgml
<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->				<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->
GnomeDbFindDialog						GnomeDbFindDialog

<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->			<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->

<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->			<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->				<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### STRUCT GnomeDbFindDialogPrivate ##### -->		<!-- ##### STRUCT GnomeDbFindDialogPrivate ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_find_dialog_new ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_find_dialog_new ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@title: 							@title: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_find_dialog_new_with_model #####	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_find_dialog_new_with_model #####
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@title: 							@title: 
@dm: 								@dm: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_find_dialog_run ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_find_dialog_run ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@dialog: 							@dialog: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_find_dialog_add_field ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_find_dialog_add_field ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@dialog: 							@dialog: 
@field: 							@field: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_find_dialog_add_fields_from_mode	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_find_dialog_add_fields_from_mode
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@dialog: 							@dialog: 
@dm: 								@dm: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_find_dialog_get_field ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_find_dialog_get_field ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@dialog: 							@dialog: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_find_dialog_get_text ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_find_dialog_get_text ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@dialog: 							@dialog: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: gnome-db-find-dialog.sgml.bak
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-form.sgml ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-form.sgml
<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->				<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->
gnome-db-form							gnome-db-form

<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->			<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->

<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->			<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->				<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### STRUCT GnomeDbFormPrivate ##### -->			<!-- ##### STRUCT GnomeDbFormPrivate ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### ENUM GnomeDbFormType ##### -->			<!-- ##### ENUM GnomeDbFormType ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>


<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_form_new ##### -->			<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_form_new ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_form_get_form_type ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_form_get_form_type ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@form: 								@form: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_form_set_form_type ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_form_set_form_type ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@form: 								@form: 
@type: 								@type: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_form_get_model ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_form_get_model ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@form: 								@form: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_form_set_model ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_form_set_model ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@form: 								@form: 
@model: 							@model: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_form_get_current_row ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_form_get_current_row ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@form: 								@form: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_form_set_current_row ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_form_set_current_row ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@form: 								@form: 
@row: 								@row: 

diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-gray-bar.sgml ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-gray-bar.sgml
<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->				<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->
GnomeDbGrayBar							GnomeDbGrayBar

<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->			<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->
Nice looking gray bar widget					Nice looking gray bar widget

<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->			<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->				<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### STRUCT GnomeDbGrayBarPrivate ##### -->		<!-- ##### STRUCT GnomeDbGrayBarPrivate ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_gray_bar_new ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_gray_bar_new ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@text: 								@text: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_gray_bar_get_text ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_gray_bar_get_text ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@bar: 								@bar: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_gray_bar_set_text ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_gray_bar_set_text ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@bar: 								@bar: 
@text: 								@text: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_gray_bar_set_icon_from_file ####	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_gray_bar_set_icon_from_file ####
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@bar: 								@bar: 
@file: 								@file: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_gray_bar_set_icon_from_stock ###	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_gray_bar_set_icon_from_stock ###
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@bar: 								@bar: 
@stock_id: 							@stock_id: 
@size: 								@size: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_gray_bar_set_show_icon ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_gray_bar_set_show_icon ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@bar: 								@bar: 
@show: 								@show: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_gray_bar_get_show_icon ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_gray_bar_get_show_icon ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@bar: 								@bar: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-grid.sgml ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-grid.sgml
<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->				<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->
GnomeDbGrid							GnomeDbGrid

<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->			<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->
Database grid widget						Database grid widget

<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->			<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->				<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### STRUCT GnomeDbGridPrivate ##### -->			<!-- ##### STRUCT GnomeDbGridPrivate ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### USER_FUNCTION GnomeDbGridForeachFunc ##### -->	<!-- ##### USER_FUNCTION GnomeDbGridForeachFunc ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@grid: 								@grid: 
@row: 								@row: 
@user_data: 							@user_data: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_grid_new ##### -->			<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_grid_new ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_grid_new_with_model ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_grid_new_with_model ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@model: 							@model: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_grid_get_title ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_grid_get_title ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@grid: 								@grid: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_grid_set_title ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_grid_set_title ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@grid: 								@grid: 
@title: 							@title: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_grid_set_column_title ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_grid_set_column_title ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@grid: 								@grid: 
@col: 								@col: 
@title: 							@title: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_grid_get_column_title ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_grid_get_column_title ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@grid: 								@grid: 
@col: 								@col: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_grid_get_show_title ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_grid_get_show_title ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@grid: 								@grid: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_grid_set_show_title ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_grid_set_show_title ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@grid: 								@grid: 
@show: 								@show: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_grid_set_title_icon_from_file ##	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_grid_set_title_icon_from_file ##
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@grid: 								@grid: 
@file: 								@file: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_grid_set_title_icon_from_stock #	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_grid_set_title_icon_from_stock #
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@grid: 								@grid: 
@stock_id: 							@stock_id: 
@size: 								@size: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_grid_set_show_title_icon ##### -	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_grid_set_show_title_icon ##### -
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@grid: 								@grid: 
@show: 								@show: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_grid_get_show_title_icon ##### -	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_grid_get_show_title_icon ##### -
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@grid: 								@grid: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_grid_get_model ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_grid_get_model ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@grid: 								@grid: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_grid_set_model ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_grid_set_model ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@grid: 								@grid: 
@model: 							@model: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_grid_get_selection ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_grid_get_selection ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@grid: 								@grid: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_grid_foreach_selected ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_grid_foreach_selected ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@grid: 								@grid: 
@foreach_func: 							@foreach_func: 
@user_data: 							@user_data: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_grid_select_row ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_grid_select_row ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@grid: 								@grid: 
@row: 								@row: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_grid_select_all ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_grid_select_all ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@grid: 								@grid: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_grid_unselect_all ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_grid_unselect_all ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@grid: 								@grid: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_grid_get_selection_mode ##### --	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_grid_get_selection_mode ##### --
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@grid: 								@grid: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_grid_set_selection_mode ##### --	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_grid_set_selection_mode ##### --
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@grid: 								@grid: 
@mode: 								@mode: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_grid_set_column_titles_visible #	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_grid_set_column_titles_visible #
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@grid: 								@grid: 
@visible: 							@visible: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_grid_get_column_titles_visible #	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_grid_get_column_titles_visible #
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@grid: 								@grid: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### MACRO gnome_db_grid_show_column_titles ##### -->	<!-- ##### MACRO gnome_db_grid_show_column_titles ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@grid: 								@grid: 

<!-- ##### MACRO gnome_db_grid_hide_column_titles ##### -->	<!-- ##### MACRO gnome_db_grid_hide_column_titles ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@grid: 								@grid: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_grid_set_column_visible ##### --	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_grid_set_column_visible ##### --
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@grid: 								@grid: 
@col: 								@col: 
@visible: 							@visible: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_grid_get_column_visible ##### --	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_grid_get_column_visible ##### --
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@grid: 								@grid: 
@col: 								@col: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_grid_get_row_data ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_grid_get_row_data ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@grid: 								@grid: 
@row: 								@row: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_grid_set_row_data ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_grid_set_row_data ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@grid: 								@grid: 
@row: 								@row: 
@data: 								@data: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_grid_find_row_from_data ##### --	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_grid_find_row_from_data ##### --
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@grid: 								@grid: 
@data: 								@data: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: gnome-db-i18n.sgml
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-icon-list.sgml ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-icon-list.sgml
<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->				<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->
GnomeDbIconList							GnomeDbIconList

<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->			<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->

<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->			<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->				<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### STRUCT GnomeDbIconListPrivate ##### -->		<!-- ##### STRUCT GnomeDbIconListPrivate ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_icon_list_new ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_icon_list_new ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@icon_width: 							@icon_width: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_icon_list_set_model ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_icon_list_set_model ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@list: 								@list: 
@model: 							@model: 

diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-list.sgml ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-list.sgml
<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->				<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->
GnomeDbList							GnomeDbList

<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->			<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->
Data-bound list widget						Data-bound list widget

<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->			<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->				<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### STRUCT GnomeDbListPrivate ##### -->			<!-- ##### STRUCT GnomeDbListPrivate ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_list_new ##### -->			<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_list_new ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_list_new_with_model ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_list_new_with_model ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@model: 							@model: 
@col: 								@col: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_list_get_model ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_list_get_model ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@list: 								@list: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_list_set_model ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_list_set_model ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@list: 								@list: 
@model: 							@model: 
@col: 								@col: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_list_get_selection ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_list_get_selection ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@list: 								@list: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-login-dialog.sgml ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-login-dialog.sgml
<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->				<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->
GnomeDbLoginDialog						GnomeDbLoginDialog

<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->			<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->
Login dialog widget						Login dialog widget

<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->			<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->				<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### STRUCT GnomeDbLoginDialogPrivate ##### -->		<!-- ##### STRUCT GnomeDbLoginDialogPrivate ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_login_dialog_new ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_login_dialog_new ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@title: 							@title: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_login_dialog_run ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_login_dialog_run ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@dialog: 							@dialog: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_login_dialog_get_dsn ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_login_dialog_get_dsn ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@dialog: 							@dialog: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_login_dialog_get_username ##### 	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_login_dialog_get_username ##### 
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@dialog: 							@dialog: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_login_dialog_get_password ##### 	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_login_dialog_get_password ##### 
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@dialog: 							@dialog: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_login_dialog_get_login_widget ##	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_login_dialog_get_login_widget ##
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@dialog: 							@dialog: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-login.sgml ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-login.sgml
<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->				<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->
GnomeDbLogin							GnomeDbLogin

<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->			<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->
Login widget							Login widget

<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->			<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->				<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### STRUCT GnomeDbLoginPrivate ##### -->			<!-- ##### STRUCT GnomeDbLoginPrivate ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_login_new ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_login_new ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@dsn: 								@dsn: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_login_get_dsn ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_login_get_dsn ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@login: 							@login: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_login_set_dsn ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_login_set_dsn ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@login: 							@login: 
@dsn: 								@dsn: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_login_get_username ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_login_get_username ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@login: 							@login: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_login_set_username ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_login_set_username ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@login: 							@login: 
@username: 							@username: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_login_get_password ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_login_get_password ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@login: 							@login: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_login_set_password ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_login_set_password ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@login: 							@login: 
@password: 							@password: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_login_set_enable_create_button #	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_login_set_enable_create_button #
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@login: 							@login: 
@enable: 							@enable: 

diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-model.sgml ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-model.sgml
<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->				<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->
gnome-db-model							gnome-db-model

<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->			<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->
Data models-related utility functions				Data models-related utility functions

<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->			<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->				<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_model_to_gtk_tree_view ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_model_to_gtk_tree_view ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@model: 							@model: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-provider-selector.sgml ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-provider-selector.sgml
<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->				<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->
GnomeDbProviderSelector						GnomeDbProviderSelector

<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->			<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->

<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->			<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->				<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### STRUCT GnomeDbProviderSelectorPrivate ##### -->	<!-- ##### STRUCT GnomeDbProviderSelectorPrivate ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_provider_selector_new ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_provider_selector_new ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@Returns: 							@Returns: 

diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-query-builder.sgml ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-query-builder.sgml
<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->				<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->
GnomeDbQueryBuilder						GnomeDbQueryBuilder

<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->			<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->

<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->			<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->				<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### STRUCT GnomeDbQueryBuilderPrivate ##### -->		<!-- ##### STRUCT GnomeDbQueryBuilderPrivate ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_query_builder_new ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_query_builder_new ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@cnc: 								@cnc: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_query_builder_get_connection ###	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_query_builder_get_connection ###
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@builder: 							@builder: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_query_builder_set_connection ###	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_query_builder_set_connection ###
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@builder: 							@builder: 
@cnc: 								@cnc: 

diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-report-editor.sgml ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-report-editor.sgml
<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->				<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->
GnomeDbReportEditor						GnomeDbReportEditor

<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->			<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->

<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->			<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->				<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### STRUCT GnomeDbReportEditorPrivate ##### -->		<!-- ##### STRUCT GnomeDbReportEditorPrivate ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_report_editor_new ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_report_editor_new ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@Returns: 							@Returns: 

diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-stock.sgml ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-stock.sgml
<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->				<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->
gnome-db-stock							gnome-db-stock

<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->			<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->

<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->			<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->				<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### MACRO GNOME_DB_STOCK_COMMIT ##### -->		<!-- ##### MACRO GNOME_DB_STOCK_COMMIT ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### MACRO GNOME_DB_STOCK_CONNECT ##### -->		<!-- ##### MACRO GNOME_DB_STOCK_CONNECT ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### MACRO GNOME_DB_STOCK_DATABASE ##### -->		<!-- ##### MACRO GNOME_DB_STOCK_DATABASE ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### MACRO GNOME_DB_STOCK_DESIGNER ##### -->		<!-- ##### MACRO GNOME_DB_STOCK_DESIGNER ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### MACRO GNOME_DB_STOCK_QUERY ##### -->			<!-- ##### MACRO GNOME_DB_STOCK_QUERY ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### MACRO GNOME_DB_STOCK_ROLLBACK ##### -->		<!-- ##### MACRO GNOME_DB_STOCK_ROLLBACK ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### MACRO GNOME_DB_STOCK_SEQUENCES ##### -->		<!-- ##### MACRO GNOME_DB_STOCK_SEQUENCES ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### MACRO GNOME_DB_STOCK_SQL ##### -->			<!-- ##### MACRO GNOME_DB_STOCK_SQL ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### MACRO GNOME_DB_STOCK_TABLES ##### -->		<!-- ##### MACRO GNOME_DB_STOCK_TABLES ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### MACRO GNOME_DB_STOCK_TYPES ##### -->			<!-- ##### MACRO GNOME_DB_STOCK_TYPES ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### MACRO GNOME_DB_STOCK_RELATIONS ##### -->		<!-- ##### MACRO GNOME_DB_STOCK_RELATIONS ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_stock_get_icon_pixbuf ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_stock_get_icon_pixbuf ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@stock_id: 							@stock_id: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_stock_get_icon_pixbuf_file #####	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_stock_get_icon_pixbuf_file #####
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@pixmapfile: 							@pixmapfile: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_stock_get_icon_path ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_stock_get_icon_path ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@stock_id: 							@stock_id: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-table-editor.sgml ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-table-editor.sgml
<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->				<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->
GnomeDbTableEditor						GnomeDbTableEditor

<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->			<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->

<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->			<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->				<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### STRUCT GnomeDbTableEditorPrivate ##### -->		<!-- ##### STRUCT GnomeDbTableEditorPrivate ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_table_editor_new ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_table_editor_new ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@Returns: 							@Returns: 

diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-util.sgml ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-util.sgml
<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->				<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->
gnome-db-util							gnome-db-util

<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->			<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->
Utility functions						Utility functions

<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->			<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->				<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_new_browser_widget ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_new_browser_widget ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_new_button_widget ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_new_button_widget ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@label: 							@label: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_new_button_widget_from_stock ###	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_new_button_widget_from_stock ###
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@stock_id: 							@stock_id: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_new_check_button_widget ##### --	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_new_check_button_widget ##### --
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@label: 							@label: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_new_combo_widget ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_new_combo_widget ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_new_entry_widget ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_new_entry_widget ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@max_length: 							@max_length: 
@editable: 							@editable: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_new_file_entry_widget ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_new_file_entry_widget ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@history_id: 							@history_id: 
@title: 							@title: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_new_frame_widget ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_new_frame_widget ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@title: 							@title: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_new_grid_widget ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_new_grid_widget ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@model: 							@model: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_new_hbox_widget ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_new_hbox_widget ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@homogenous: 							@homogenous: 
@spacing: 							@spacing: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_new_hbutton_box_widget ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_new_hbutton_box_widget ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_new_hpaned_widget ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_new_hpaned_widget ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_new_hseparator_widget ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_new_hseparator_widget ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_new_label_widget ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_new_label_widget ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@text: 								@text: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_new_notebook_widget ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_new_notebook_widget ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_new_option_menu_widget ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_new_option_menu_widget ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_new_popup_menu ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_new_popup_menu ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@parent: 							@parent: 
@ui_info: 							@ui_info: 
@user_data: 							@user_data: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_new_radio_button_widget ##### --	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_new_radio_button_widget ##### --
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@group: 							@group: 
@label: 							@label: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_new_scrolled_window_widget #####	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_new_scrolled_window_widget #####
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_new_status_bar_widget ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_new_status_bar_widget ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_new_table_widget ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_new_table_widget ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@rows: 								@rows: 
@cols: 								@cols: 
@homogenous: 							@homogenous: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_new_text_widget ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_new_text_widget ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@contents: 							@contents: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_new_toolbar_widget ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_new_toolbar_widget ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@orientation: 							@orientation: 
@style: 							@style: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_new_tree_view_widget ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_new_tree_view_widget ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@model: 							@model: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_new_vbox_widget ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_new_vbox_widget ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@homogenous: 							@homogenous: 
@spacing: 							@spacing: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_new_vpaned_widget ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_new_vpaned_widget ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_new_vseparator_widget ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_new_vseparator_widget ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_set_widget_bg_color ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_set_widget_bg_color ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@widget: 							@widget: 
@color: 							@color: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_set_widget_fg_color ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_set_widget_fg_color ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@widget: 							@widget: 
@color: 							@color: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_option_menu_add_item ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_option_menu_add_item ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@option_menu: 							@option_menu: 
@label: 							@label: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_option_menu_add_stock_item #####	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_option_menu_add_stock_item #####
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@option_menu: 							@option_menu: 
@stock_id: 							@stock_id: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_option_menu_add_separator ##### 	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_option_menu_add_separator ##### 
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@option_menu: 							@option_menu: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_option_menu_get_selection ##### 	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_option_menu_get_selection ##### 
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@option_menu: 							@option_menu: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_option_menu_set_selection ##### 	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_option_menu_set_selection ##### 
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@option_menu: 							@option_menu: 
@selection: 							@selection: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_text_clear ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_text_clear ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@text: 								@text: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_text_copy_clipboard ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_text_copy_clipboard ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@text: 								@text: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_text_cut_clipboard ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_text_cut_clipboard ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@text: 								@text: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_text_get_char_count ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_text_get_char_count ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@text: 								@text: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_text_get_line_count ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_text_get_line_count ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@text: 								@text: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_text_get_text ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_text_get_text ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@text: 								@text: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_text_insert_at_cursor ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_text_insert_at_cursor ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@text: 								@text: 
@contents: 							@contents: 
@len: 								@len: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_text_paste_clipboard ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_text_paste_clipboard ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@text: 								@text: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_text_set_text ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_text_set_text ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@text: 								@text: 
@contents: 							@contents: 
@len: 								@len: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_select_file_dialog ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_select_file_dialog ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@parent: 							@parent: 
@title: 							@title: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_new_alert ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_new_alert ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@parent: 							@parent: 
@type: 								@type: 
@primary_text: 							@primary_text: 
@secondary_text: 						@secondary_text: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_show_error ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_show_error ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@format: 							@format: 
@Varargs: 							@Varargs: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_show_message ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_show_message ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@format: 							@format: 
@Varargs: 							@Varargs: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_push_cursor_busy ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_push_cursor_busy ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@window: 							@window: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_pop_cursor_busy ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_pop_cursor_busy ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@window: 							@window: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_new_menu_item ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_new_menu_item ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@label: 							@label: 
@pixmap: 							@pixmap: 
@cb_func: 							@cb_func: 
@user_data: 							@user_data: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_new_check_menu_item ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_new_check_menu_item ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@label: 							@label: 
@active: 							@active: 
@cb_func: 							@cb_func: 
@user_data: 							@user_data: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-window.sgml ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-window.sgml
<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->				<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->
GnomeDbWindow							GnomeDbWindow

<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->			<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->
Application main window widget					Application main window widget

<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->			<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->				<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### STRUCT GnomeDbWindowPrivate ##### -->		<!-- ##### STRUCT GnomeDbWindowPrivate ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_window_new ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_window_new ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@name: 								@name: 
@app_prefix: 							@app_prefix: 
@ui_xml_file: 							@ui_xml_file: 
@verbs: 							@verbs: 
@data: 								@data: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_window_close ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_window_close ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@window: 							@window: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_window_show ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_window_show ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@window: 							@window: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_window_get_contents ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_window_get_contents ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@window: 							@window: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_window_set_contents ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_window_set_contents ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@window: 							@window: 
@contents: 							@contents: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_window_set_status ##### -->	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_window_set_status ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@window: 							@window: 
@status: 							@status: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_window_get_ui_component ##### --	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_window_get_ui_component ##### --
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@window: 							@window: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_window_get_ui_container ##### --	<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_window_get_ui_container ##### --
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@window: 							@window: 
@Returns: 							@Returns: 

Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: libgnomedb-private.sgml
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl/libgnomedb.sgml ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc/C/tmpl/libgnomedb.sgml
<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->				<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->
libgnomedb							libgnomedb

<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->			<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->
Library initialization and main loop				Library initialization and main loop

<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->			<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->				<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_init ##### -->			<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_init ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@app_id: 							@app_id: 
@version: 							@version: 
@nargs: 							@nargs: 
@args: 								@args: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_main_run ##### -->			<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_main_run ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

@init_func: 							@init_func: 
@user_data: 							@user_data: 

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_main_quit ##### -->		<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_db_main_quit ##### -->
<para>								<para>

</para>								</para>

Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: libgnomedb-unused.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: sql-viewer.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: table-properties-dialog.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: tables-page.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: utils.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C: xml
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc: libgnomedb-C.omf
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/libgnomedb-C.omf.in ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc/libgnomedb-C.omf.in
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>				<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE omf PUBLIC "-//OMF//DTD Scrollkeeper OMF Variant V1	<!DOCTYPE omf PUBLIC "-//OMF//DTD Scrollkeeper OMF Variant V1
<omf> 								<omf> 
  <resource>							  <resource>
    <creator>							    <creator>
      Rodrigo Moya						      Rodrigo Moya
    </creator>							    </creator>
    <title>							    <title>
      GNOME-DB widget library Manual				      GNOME-DB widget library Manual
    </title>							    </title>
    <date>August 2002</date>					    <date>August 2002</date>
    <subject category="GNOME|Development"/>			    <subject category="GNOME|Development"/>
    <description>						    <description>
      Complete manual for the use of the libgnomedb widget li	      Complete manual for the use of the libgnomedb widget li
    </description>						    </description>
    <type>user's guide</type>					    <type>user's guide</type>
    <format mime="text/html"/>					    <format mime="text/html"/>
    <identifier url="file:/@prefix@/share/gtk-doc/html/libgno	    <identifier url="file:/@prefix@/share/gtk-doc/html/libgno
    <language code="C"/>					    <language code="C"/>
    <relation seriesid="0c3a2de2-d4ca-11d6-8994-cd3caececda4"	    <relation seriesid="0c3a2de2-d4ca-11d6-8994-cd3caececda4"
    <rights type="GNU FDL" license.version="1.1"/>		    <rights type="GNU FDL" license.version="1.1"/>
  </resource>							  </resource>
</omf>								</omf>
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc: Makefile
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/Makefile.am ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc/Makefile.am

omf_dest_dir=$(datadir)/omf/libgnomedb				omf_dest_dir=$(datadir)/omf/libgnomedb
scrollkeeper_localstate_dir = $(SCROLLKEEPER_LOCALSTATE_DIR)	scrollkeeper_localstate_dir = $(SCROLLKEEPER_LOCALSTATE_DIR)

install-data-local:						install-data-local:
	$(mkinstalldirs) $(DESTDIR)$(omf_dest_dir)			$(mkinstalldirs) $(DESTDIR)$(omf_dest_dir)
	-for file in $(srcdir)/*.omf; do                     		-for file in $(srcdir)/*.omf; do                     
	$(INSTALL_DATA) $$file $(DESTDIR)$(omf_dest_dir); \		$(INSTALL_DATA) $$file $(DESTDIR)$(omf_dest_dir); \
	done								done
	-scrollkeeper-update -p $(scrollkeeper_localstate_dir		-scrollkeeper-update -p $(scrollkeeper_localstate_dir

uninstall-local:						uninstall-local:
	-for file in $(srcdir)/*.omf; do                     		-for file in $(srcdir)/*.omf; do                     
	basefile=`basename $$file`;                     \		basefile=`basename $$file`;                     \
	rm -f $(omf_dest_dir)/$$basefile;               \		rm -f $(omf_dest_dir)/$$basefile;               \
	done								done
	-rmdir $(omf_dest_dir)						-rmdir $(omf_dest_dir)
	-scrollkeeper-update -p $(scrollkeeper_localstate_dir		-scrollkeeper-update -p $(scrollkeeper_localstate_dir

	libgnomedb-C.omf.in						libgnomedb-C.omf.in
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc: Makefile.in
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc: reference
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/glade: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/glade: .deps
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/glade/glade-gnomedb.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/glade/glade-gnomedb.c
/* Glade GNOME-DB module					/* Glade GNOME-DB module
 * Copyright (C) 2001-2002, The GNOME Foundation		 * Copyright (C) 2001-2002, The GNOME Foundation
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#include <string.h>						#include <string.h>
#include <libgnomedb/libgnomedb.h>				#include <libgnomedb/libgnomedb.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-window.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-window.h>
#include <glade/glade-init.h>					#include <glade/glade-init.h>
#include <glade/glade-build.h>					#include <glade/glade-build.h>

/*								/*
 * Private functions						 * Private functions
 */								 */

static GtkWidget *						static GtkWidget *
gnomedb_dialog_find_internal_child (GladeXML *xml,		gnomedb_dialog_find_internal_child (GladeXML *xml,
				    GtkWidget *parent,						    GtkWidget *parent,
				    const gchar *childname)					    const gchar *childname)
{								{
	if (!strcmp(childname, "vbox"))					if (!strcmp(childname, "vbox"))
		return GTK_DIALOG (parent)->vbox;				return GTK_DIALOG (parent)->vbox;
	else if (!strcmp (childname, "action_area"))			else if (!strcmp (childname, "action_area"))
		return GTK_DIALOG (parent)->action_area;			return GTK_DIALOG (parent)->action_area;

	return NULL;							return NULL;
}								}

static GtkWidget *						static GtkWidget *
gnomedb_window_find_internal_child (GladeXML    *xml,		gnomedb_window_find_internal_child (GladeXML    *xml,
				    GtkWidget   *parent,					    GtkWidget   *parent,
				    const gchar *childname)					    const gchar *childname)
{								{
        if (!strcmp (childname, "vbox")) {			        if (!strcmp (childname, "vbox")) {
                GtkWidget *ret;					                GtkWidget *ret;

                if ((ret = bonobo_window_get_contents (BONOBO	                if ((ret = bonobo_window_get_contents (BONOBO
                        return ret;				                        return ret;
                else {						                else {
                        GtkWidget *box;				                        GtkWidget *box;

                        box = gtk_vbox_new (FALSE, 0);		                        box = gtk_vbox_new (FALSE, 0);
                        bonobo_window_set_contents (BONOBO_WI	                        bonobo_window_set_contents (BONOBO_WI

                        return box;				                        return box;
                }						                }
        }							        }

	return NULL;							return NULL;
}								}

/* this macro puts a version check function into the module *	/* this macro puts a version check function into the module *

void								void
glade_module_register_widgets (void)				glade_module_register_widgets (void)
{								{
	glade_require ("gtk");						glade_require ("gtk");
	glade_require ("gnome");					glade_require ("gnome");

	glade_register_widget (GNOME_DB_TYPE_BROWSER,			glade_register_widget (GNOME_DB_TYPE_BROWSER,
			       glade_standard_build_widget,				       glade_standard_build_widget,
			       NULL, NULL);						       NULL, NULL);
	glade_register_widget (GNOME_DB_TYPE_COMBO,			glade_register_widget (GNOME_DB_TYPE_COMBO,
			       glade_standard_build_widget,				       glade_standard_build_widget,
			       NULL, NULL);						       NULL, NULL);
	glade_register_widget (GNOME_DB_TYPE_CONNECTION_PROPE		glade_register_widget (GNOME_DB_TYPE_CONNECTION_PROPE
			       glade_standard_build_widget,				       glade_standard_build_widget,
			       NULL, NULL);						       NULL, NULL);
	glade_register_widget (GNOME_DB_TYPE_CONNECTION_SELEC		glade_register_widget (GNOME_DB_TYPE_CONNECTION_SELEC
			       glade_standard_build_widget,				       glade_standard_build_widget,
			       NULL, NULL);						       NULL, NULL);
	glade_register_widget (GNOME_DB_TYPE_DATA_SOURCE_SELE		glade_register_widget (GNOME_DB_TYPE_DATA_SOURCE_SELE
			       glade_standard_build_widget,				       glade_standard_build_widget,
			       NULL, NULL);						       NULL, NULL);
	glade_register_widget (GNOME_DB_TYPE_DSN_CONFIG_DRUID		glade_register_widget (GNOME_DB_TYPE_DSN_CONFIG_DRUID
			       glade_standard_build_widget,				       glade_standard_build_widget,
			       NULL, NULL);						       NULL, NULL);
	glade_register_widget (GNOME_DB_TYPE_DSN_CONFIG,		glade_register_widget (GNOME_DB_TYPE_DSN_CONFIG,
			       glade_standard_build_widget,				       glade_standard_build_widget,
			       NULL, NULL);						       NULL, NULL);
	glade_register_widget (GNOME_DB_TYPE_EDITOR,			glade_register_widget (GNOME_DB_TYPE_EDITOR,
			       glade_standard_build_widget,				       glade_standard_build_widget,
			       NULL, NULL);						       NULL, NULL);
	glade_register_widget (GNOME_DB_TYPE_ERROR,			glade_register_widget (GNOME_DB_TYPE_ERROR,
			       glade_standard_build_widget,				       glade_standard_build_widget,
			       NULL, NULL);						       NULL, NULL);
	glade_register_widget (GNOME_DB_TYPE_ERROR_DIALOG,		glade_register_widget (GNOME_DB_TYPE_ERROR_DIALOG,
			       NULL, glade_standard_build_chi				       NULL, glade_standard_build_chi
			       gnomedb_dialog_find_internal_c				       gnomedb_dialog_find_internal_c
	glade_register_widget (GNOME_DB_TYPE_FIND_DIALOG,		glade_register_widget (GNOME_DB_TYPE_FIND_DIALOG,
			       NULL, glade_standard_build_chi				       NULL, glade_standard_build_chi
			       gnomedb_dialog_find_internal_c				       gnomedb_dialog_find_internal_c
	glade_register_widget (GNOME_DB_TYPE_FORM,			glade_register_widget (GNOME_DB_TYPE_FORM,
			       glade_standard_build_widget,				       glade_standard_build_widget,
			       NULL, NULL);						       NULL, NULL);
	glade_register_widget (GNOME_DB_TYPE_GRAY_BAR,			glade_register_widget (GNOME_DB_TYPE_GRAY_BAR,
			       glade_standard_build_widget,				       glade_standard_build_widget,
			       NULL, NULL);						       NULL, NULL);
	glade_register_widget (GNOME_DB_TYPE_GRID,			glade_register_widget (GNOME_DB_TYPE_GRID,
			       glade_standard_build_widget,				       glade_standard_build_widget,
			       NULL, NULL);						       NULL, NULL);
	glade_register_widget (GNOME_DB_TYPE_ICON_LIST,			glade_register_widget (GNOME_DB_TYPE_ICON_LIST,
			       glade_standard_build_widget,				       glade_standard_build_widget,
			       NULL, NULL);						       NULL, NULL);
	glade_register_widget (GNOME_DB_TYPE_LIST,			glade_register_widget (GNOME_DB_TYPE_LIST,
			       glade_standard_build_widget,				       glade_standard_build_widget,
			       NULL, NULL);						       NULL, NULL);
	glade_register_widget (GNOME_DB_TYPE_LOGIN,			glade_register_widget (GNOME_DB_TYPE_LOGIN,
			       glade_standard_build_widget,				       glade_standard_build_widget,
			       NULL, NULL);						       NULL, NULL);
	glade_register_widget (GNOME_DB_TYPE_LOGIN_DIALOG,		glade_register_widget (GNOME_DB_TYPE_LOGIN_DIALOG,
			       NULL, glade_standard_build_chi				       NULL, glade_standard_build_chi
			       gnomedb_dialog_find_internal_c				       gnomedb_dialog_find_internal_c
	glade_register_widget (GNOME_DB_TYPE_PROVIDER_SELECTO		glade_register_widget (GNOME_DB_TYPE_PROVIDER_SELECTO
			       glade_standard_build_widget,				       glade_standard_build_widget,
			       NULL, NULL);						       NULL, NULL);
	glade_register_widget (GNOME_DB_TYPE_TABLE_EDITOR,		glade_register_widget (GNOME_DB_TYPE_TABLE_EDITOR,
			       glade_standard_build_widget,				       glade_standard_build_widget,
			       NULL, NULL);						       NULL, NULL);

	glade_provide ("gnomedb");					glade_provide ("gnomedb");
}								}
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/glade: Makefile
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/glade/Makefile.am ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/glade/Makefile.am
## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in	## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in

	-I$(top_srcdir)					\		-I$(top_srcdir)					\
	-I$(top_builddir)				\		-I$(top_builddir)				\
	-DG_LOG_DOMAIN=\"GnomeDB\"			\		-DG_LOG_DOMAIN=\"GnomeDB\"			\

glademoduledir = $(libdir)/libglade/2.0				glademoduledir = $(libdir)/libglade/2.0
glademodule_LTLIBRARIES = libgnomedb.la				glademodule_LTLIBRARIES = libgnomedb.la

libgnomedb_la_LIBADD = \					libgnomedb_la_LIBADD = \
	$(top_builddir)/libgnomedb/libgnomedb-2.la	\		$(top_builddir)/libgnomedb/libgnomedb-2.la	\

libgnomedb_la_LDFLAGS = \					libgnomedb_la_LDFLAGS = \
	-export-dynamic -module -avoid-version				-export-dynamic -module -avoid-version

libgnomedb_la_SOURCES = \					libgnomedb_la_SOURCES = \
	glade-gnomedb.c							glade-gnomedb.c
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/glade: Makefile.in
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: HACKING
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: INSTALL
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: install-sh
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: intltool-extract
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: intltool-extract.in
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: intltool-merge
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: intltool-merge.in
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: intltool-update
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: intltool-update.in
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: lib
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb: CVS
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/db-shell.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/db-shell.c
/* GNOME-DB Components						/* GNOME-DB Components
 * Copyright (C) 2000-2003 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 2000-2003 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as pu	 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as pu
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the Lice	 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the Lice
 * (at your option) any later version.				 * (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * GNU Library General Public License for more details.		 * GNU Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public 	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public 
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Softwar	 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Softwar
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 	 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 
 */								 */

#include <libgnomeui/gnome-about.h>				#include <libgnomeui/gnome-about.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-i18n.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-i18n.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-window.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-window.h>
#include "db-shell.h"						#include "db-shell.h"

typedef struct {						typedef struct {
	GtkWidget *shell;						GtkWidget *shell;
	GdaConnection *cnc;						GdaConnection *cnc;
	DbShellCallbacks *callbacks;					DbShellCallbacks *callbacks;
	gpointer user_data;						gpointer user_data;
} DbShellData;							} DbShellData;

static void							static void
command_about (BonoboUIComponent *uic, void *data, const char	command_about (BonoboUIComponent *uic, void *data, const char
{								{
	GdkPixbuf *icon;						GdkPixbuf *icon;
	GtkWidget *dialog;						GtkWidget *dialog;
	const gchar *authors[] = {					const gchar *authors[] = {
		"Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>",				"Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>",
		"Vivien Malerba <malerba gnome-db org>",			"Vivien Malerba <malerba gnome-db org>",
		"Carlos Perello Marin <carlos gnome-db org>",			"Carlos Perello Marin <carlos gnome-db org>",
		"Gonzalo Paniagua Javier <gonzalo gnome-db or			"Gonzalo Paniagua Javier <gonzalo gnome-db or
		"Laurent Sansonetti <lrz gnome org>",				"Laurent Sansonetti <lrz gnome org>",
		NULL								NULL
	};								};
	const gchar *documenters[] = {					const gchar *documenters[] = {
		"Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>",				"Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>",
		NULL								NULL
	};								};
	const gchar *translator_credits =				const gchar *translator_credits =
		"Christian Rose <menthos menthos com> Swedish			"Christian Rose <menthos menthos com> Swedish
		"Kjartan Maraas <kmaraas online no> Norwegian			"Kjartan Maraas <kmaraas online no> Norwegian
	DbShellData *dsd = data;					DbShellData *dsd = data;

	icon = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file (LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR 		icon = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file (LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR 

	dialog = gnome_about_new ("GNOME-DB", VERSION,			dialog = gnome_about_new ("GNOME-DB", VERSION,
				  "(C) 1998-2003 GNOME Founda					  "(C) 1998-2003 GNOME Founda
				  _("Database services for th					  _("Database services for th
				  authors,							  authors,
				  documenters,							  documenters,
				  translator_credits,						  translator_credits,
				  icon);							  icon);
	g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (dialog), "destroy",			g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (dialog), "destroy",
			  G_CALLBACK (gtk_widget_destroyed),				  G_CALLBACK (gtk_widget_destroyed),
			  &dialog);							  &dialog);
	gtk_window_set_transient_for (GTK_WINDOW (dialog), GT		gtk_window_set_transient_for (GTK_WINDOW (dialog), GT
	gtk_widget_show (dialog);					gtk_widget_show (dialog);

}								}

static void							static void
command_close (BonoboUIComponent *uic, void *data, const char	command_close (BonoboUIComponent *uic, void *data, const char
{								{
	DbShellData *dsd = data;					DbShellData *dsd = data;

	gnome_db_window_close (GNOME_DB_WINDOW (dsd->shell));		gnome_db_window_close (GNOME_DB_WINDOW (dsd->shell));
}								}

#define DEFINE_VERB_CB(x)					#define DEFINE_VERB_CB(x)				
	static void command_##x (BonoboUIComponent *uic, void		static void command_##x (BonoboUIComponent *uic, void
	{								{						
		DbShellData *dsd = data; 					DbShellData *dsd = data; 		
		if (dsd->callbacks->x##_func) 					if (dsd->callbacks->x##_func) 		
			dsd->callbacks->x##_func (dsd->shell,				dsd->callbacks->x##_func (dsd->shell,
	}								}

#define DEFINE_LIST_CB(x)					#define DEFINE_LIST_CB(x)				
	static void command_##x (BonoboUIComponent *component		static void command_##x (BonoboUIComponent *component
				 Bonobo_UIComponent_EventType					 Bonobo_UIComponent_EventType
				 gpointer data)							 gpointer data)		
	{								{						
		DbShellData *dsd = data; 					DbShellData *dsd = data; 		
		if (dsd->callbacks->x##_func) 					if (dsd->callbacks->x##_func) 		
			dsd->callbacks->x##_func (dsd->shell,				dsd->callbacks->x##_func (dsd->shell,
	}								}

DEFINE_VERB_CB (menu_database)					DEFINE_VERB_CB (menu_database)
DEFINE_VERB_CB (edit_properties)				DEFINE_VERB_CB (edit_properties)
DEFINE_VERB_CB (save_connection)				DEFINE_VERB_CB (save_connection)
DEFINE_VERB_CB (menu_edit)					DEFINE_VERB_CB (menu_edit)
DEFINE_VERB_CB (delete)						DEFINE_VERB_CB (delete)
DEFINE_VERB_CB (select_all)					DEFINE_VERB_CB (select_all)
DEFINE_VERB_CB (deselect_all)					DEFINE_VERB_CB (deselect_all)
DEFINE_VERB_CB (menu_view)					DEFINE_VERB_CB (menu_view)

DEFINE_LIST_CB (view_data_sources)				DEFINE_LIST_CB (view_data_sources)
DEFINE_LIST_CB (view_providers)					DEFINE_LIST_CB (view_providers)

#undef DEFINE_VERB_CB						#undef DEFINE_VERB_CB
#undef DEFINE_LIST_CB						#undef DEFINE_LIST_CB

static BonoboUIVerb db_shell_verbs [] = {			static BonoboUIVerb db_shell_verbs [] = {
	BONOBO_UI_VERB ("Database", command_menu_database),		BONOBO_UI_VERB ("Database", command_menu_database),
	BONOBO_UI_VERB ("DatabaseClose", command_close),		BONOBO_UI_VERB ("DatabaseClose", command_close),
	BONOBO_UI_VERB ("DatabaseNew", command_new),			BONOBO_UI_VERB ("DatabaseNew", command_new),
	BONOBO_UI_VERB ("DatabaseSaveConnection", command_sav		BONOBO_UI_VERB ("DatabaseSaveConnection", command_sav
	BONOBO_UI_VERB ("DatabaseProperties", command_edit_pr		BONOBO_UI_VERB ("DatabaseProperties", command_edit_pr
	BONOBO_UI_VERB ("Edit", command_menu_edit),			BONOBO_UI_VERB ("Edit", command_menu_edit),
	BONOBO_UI_VERB ("EditDelete", command_delete),			BONOBO_UI_VERB ("EditDelete", command_delete),
	BONOBO_UI_VERB ("EditSelectAll", command_select_all),		BONOBO_UI_VERB ("EditSelectAll", command_select_all),
	BONOBO_UI_VERB ("EditDeselectAll", command_deselect_a		BONOBO_UI_VERB ("EditDeselectAll", command_deselect_a
	BONOBO_UI_VERB ("View", command_menu_view),			BONOBO_UI_VERB ("View", command_menu_view),
	BONOBO_UI_VERB ("HelpAbout", command_about),			BONOBO_UI_VERB ("HelpAbout", command_about),
};								};

static void							static void
shell_closed_cb (GnomeDbWindow *window, gpointer user_data)	shell_closed_cb (GnomeDbWindow *window, gpointer user_data)
{								{
	DbShellData *dsd = user_data;					DbShellData *dsd = user_data;

	dsd->shell = NULL;						dsd->shell = NULL;
	dsd->cnc = NULL;						dsd->cnc = NULL;
	g_free (dsd->callbacks);					g_free (dsd->callbacks);
	g_free (dsd);							g_free (dsd);

	g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (window), "GNOME_DB_Shell		g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (window), "GNOME_DB_Shell
}								}

static void							static void
sensitize_ui (DbShellData *dsd)					sensitize_ui (DbShellData *dsd)
{								{
	gboolean connected;						gboolean connected;
	BonoboUIComponent *uic;						BonoboUIComponent *uic;

	connected = GDA_IS_CONNECTION (dsd->cnc) && gda_conne		connected = GDA_IS_CONNECTION (dsd->cnc) && gda_conne
	uic = gnome_db_window_get_ui_component (GNOME_DB_WIND		uic = gnome_db_window_get_ui_component (GNOME_DB_WIND

	bonobo_ui_component_set_prop (uic, "/commands/Databas		bonobo_ui_component_set_prop (uic, "/commands/Databas
				      connected ? "0" : "1",					      connected ? "0" : "1",
				      NULL);							      NULL);
	bonobo_ui_component_set_prop (uic, "/commands/Databas		bonobo_ui_component_set_prop (uic, "/commands/Databas
				      dsd->callbacks->new_fun					      dsd->callbacks->new_fun
				      NULL);							      NULL);
	bonobo_ui_component_set_prop (uic, "/commands/Databas		bonobo_ui_component_set_prop (uic, "/commands/Databas
				      dsd->callbacks->edit_pr					      dsd->callbacks->edit_pr
				      NULL);							      NULL);
	bonobo_ui_component_set_prop (uic, "/commands/EditDel		bonobo_ui_component_set_prop (uic, "/commands/EditDel
				      dsd->callbacks->delete_					      dsd->callbacks->delete_
				      NULL);							      NULL);
	bonobo_ui_component_set_prop (uic, "/commands/EditSel		bonobo_ui_component_set_prop (uic, "/commands/EditSel
				      dsd->callbacks->select_					      dsd->callbacks->select_
				      NULL);							      NULL);
	bonobo_ui_component_set_prop (uic, "/commands/EditDes		bonobo_ui_component_set_prop (uic, "/commands/EditDes
				      dsd->callbacks->deselec					      dsd->callbacks->deselec
				      NULL);							      NULL);
}								}

GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
db_shell_new (const gchar *title,				db_shell_new (const gchar *title,
	      GtkWidget *widget,					      GtkWidget *widget,
	      GdaConnection *cnc,					      GdaConnection *cnc,
	      DbShellCallbacks *callbacks,				      DbShellCallbacks *callbacks,
	      gpointer user_data)					      gpointer user_data)
{								{
	BonoboUIComponent *uic;						BonoboUIComponent *uic;
	DbShellData *dsd;						DbShellData *dsd;
	GdkPixbuf *icon;						GdkPixbuf *icon;

	dsd = g_new0 (DbShellData, 1);					dsd = g_new0 (DbShellData, 1);
	dsd->cnc = cnc;							dsd->cnc = cnc;
	dsd->callbacks = callbacks;					dsd->callbacks = callbacks;
	dsd->user_data = user_data;					dsd->user_data = user_data;

	/* create the main window */					/* create the main window */
	dsd->shell = gnome_db_window_new (title, PREFIX,		dsd->shell = gnome_db_window_new (title, PREFIX,
					  db_shell_verbs, dsd						  db_shell_verbs, dsd
	g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (dsd->shell), "GNOME_DB_S		g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (dsd->shell), "GNOME_DB_S
	g_signal_connect_after (dsd->shell, "close", G_CALLBA		g_signal_connect_after (dsd->shell, "close", G_CALLBA

	icon = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file (LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR 		icon = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file (LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR 
	if (icon) {							if (icon) {
		gtk_window_set_icon (GTK_WINDOW (dsd->shell),			gtk_window_set_icon (GTK_WINDOW (dsd->shell),
		g_object_unref (icon);						g_object_unref (icon);
	}								}
	/* FIXME: move this code in gnome_db_window_new () */		/* FIXME: move this code in gnome_db_window_new () */
	uic = gnome_db_window_get_ui_component (GNOME_DB_WIND		uic = gnome_db_window_get_ui_component (GNOME_DB_WIND
	bonobo_ui_component_add_listener (uic, "ViewDataSourc		bonobo_ui_component_add_listener (uic, "ViewDataSourc
					  command_view_data_s						  command_view_data_s
	bonobo_ui_component_add_listener (uic, "ViewProviders		bonobo_ui_component_add_listener (uic, "ViewProviders
					  command_view_provid						  command_view_provid

	gnome_db_window_set_contents (GNOME_DB_WINDOW (dsd->s		gnome_db_window_set_contents (GNOME_DB_WINDOW (dsd->s
	gtk_window_set_default_size (GTK_WINDOW (dsd->shell),		gtk_window_set_default_size (GTK_WINDOW (dsd->shell),

	sensitize_ui (dsd);						sensitize_ui (dsd);

	return dsd->shell;						return dsd->shell;
}								}
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/db-shell.h ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/db-shell.h
/* GNOME-DB Components						/* GNOME-DB Components
 * Copyright (C) 2000-2003 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 2000-2003 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as pu	 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as pu
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the Lice	 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the Lice
 * (at your option) any later version.				 * (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * GNU Library General Public License for more details.		 * GNU Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public 	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public 
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Softwar	 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Softwar
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 	 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 
 */								 */

#if !defined(__db_shell_h__)					#if !defined(__db_shell_h__)
#  define __db_shell_h__					#  define __db_shell_h__

#include <libgda/gda-connection.h>				#include <libgda/gda-connection.h>
#include <gtk/gtkwidget.h>					#include <gtk/gtkwidget.h>

typedef void (* DbShellCallbackFunc) (GtkWidget *shell, gpoin	typedef void (* DbShellCallbackFunc) (GtkWidget *shell, gpoin

typedef struct {						typedef struct {
	DbShellCallbackFunc menu_database_func;				DbShellCallbackFunc menu_database_func;
	DbShellCallbackFunc new_func;					DbShellCallbackFunc new_func;
	DbShellCallbackFunc edit_properties_func;			DbShellCallbackFunc edit_properties_func;
	DbShellCallbackFunc save_connection_func;			DbShellCallbackFunc save_connection_func;
	DbShellCallbackFunc menu_edit_func;				DbShellCallbackFunc menu_edit_func;
	DbShellCallbackFunc delete_func;				DbShellCallbackFunc delete_func;
	DbShellCallbackFunc select_all_func;				DbShellCallbackFunc select_all_func;
	DbShellCallbackFunc deselect_all_func;				DbShellCallbackFunc deselect_all_func;
	DbShellCallbackFunc menu_view_func;				DbShellCallbackFunc menu_view_func;
	DbShellCallbackFunc view_data_sources_func;			DbShellCallbackFunc view_data_sources_func;
	DbShellCallbackFunc view_providers_func;			DbShellCallbackFunc view_providers_func;
} DbShellCallbacks;						} DbShellCallbacks;

GtkWidget *db_shell_new (const gchar *title,			GtkWidget *db_shell_new (const gchar *title,
			 GtkWidget *widget,						 GtkWidget *widget,
			 GdaConnection *cnc,						 GdaConnection *cnc,
			 DbShellCallbacks *callbacks,					 DbShellCallbacks *callbacks,
			 gpointer user_data);						 gpointer user_data);

#endif								#endif
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/db-shell.xml ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/db-shell.xml
<Root>								<Root>
  <commands>							  <commands>
    <cmd name="Database"/>					    <cmd name="Database"/>
    <cmd name="DatabaseNew" _tip="Create new entry" pixtype="	    <cmd name="DatabaseNew" _tip="Create new entry" pixtype="
    <cmd name="DatabaseSaveConnection" _tip="Save connection 	    <cmd name="DatabaseSaveConnection" _tip="Save connection 
    <cmd name="DatabaseProperties" _tip="Edit properties for 	    <cmd name="DatabaseProperties" _tip="Edit properties for 
    <cmd name="DatabaseClose" _tip="Close this window" pixtyp	    <cmd name="DatabaseClose" _tip="Close this window" pixtyp
    <cmd name="Edit"/>						    <cmd name="Edit"/>
    <cmd name="EditDelete" _tip="Delete selected items" pixty	    <cmd name="EditDelete" _tip="Delete selected items" pixty
    <cmd name="EditSelectAll" _tip="Select all items" accel="	    <cmd name="EditSelectAll" _tip="Select all items" accel="
    <cmd name="EditDeselectAll" _tip="Deselect all items" acc	    <cmd name="EditDeselectAll" _tip="Deselect all items" acc
    <cmd name="View"/>						    <cmd name="View"/>
    <cmd name="ViewDataSources" _tip="View data sources" acce	    <cmd name="ViewDataSources" _tip="View data sources" acce
    <cmd name="ViewProviders" _tip="View providers" accel="*A	    <cmd name="ViewProviders" _tip="View providers" accel="*A
    <cmd name="HelpAbout" _tip="About GNOME-DB" pixtype="stoc	    <cmd name="HelpAbout" _tip="About GNOME-DB" pixtype="stoc
  </commands>							  </commands>
  <menu id="MenuBar">						  <menu id="MenuBar">
    <submenu name="Database" verb="Database" _label="_Databas	    <submenu name="Database" verb="Database" _label="_Databas
      <menuitem name="DatabaseNew" verb="DatabaseNew" _label=	      <menuitem name="DatabaseNew" verb="DatabaseNew" _label=
      <menuitem name="DatabaseSaveConnection" verb="DatabaseS	      <menuitem name="DatabaseSaveConnection" verb="DatabaseS
      <separator/>						      <separator/>
      <menuitem name="DatabaseProperties" verb="DatabasePrope	      <menuitem name="DatabaseProperties" verb="DatabasePrope
      <separator/>						      <separator/>
      <menuitem name="DatabaseClose" verb="DatabaseClose" _la	      <menuitem name="DatabaseClose" verb="DatabaseClose" _la
    </submenu>							    </submenu>
    <submenu name="Edit" verb="Edit" _label="_Edit">		    <submenu name="Edit" verb="Edit" _label="_Edit">
      <menuitem name="EditDelete" verb="EditDelete" _label="_	      <menuitem name="EditDelete" verb="EditDelete" _label="_
      <separator/>						      <separator/>
      <menuitem name="EditSelectAll" verb="EditSelectAll" _la	      <menuitem name="EditSelectAll" verb="EditSelectAll" _la
      <menuitem name="EditDeselectAll" verb="EditDeselectAll"	      <menuitem name="EditDeselectAll" verb="EditDeselectAll"
    </submenu>							    </submenu>
    <submenu name="View" verb="View" _label="_View"> 		    <submenu name="View" verb="View" _label="_View"> 
      <menuitem name="ViewDataSources" verb="ViewDataSources"	      <menuitem name="ViewDataSources" verb="ViewDataSources"
      <menuitem name="ViewProviders" verb="ViewProviders" _la	      <menuitem name="ViewProviders" verb="ViewProviders" _la
    </submenu>							    </submenu>
    <submenu name="Help" _label="_Help">			    <submenu name="Help" _label="_Help">
      <menuitem name="HelpAbout" verb="HelpAbout" _label="Abo	      <menuitem name="HelpAbout" verb="HelpAbout" _label="Abo
    </submenu>							    </submenu>
  </menu>							  </menu>
</Root>								</Root>
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb: .deps
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#include <string.h>						#include <string.h>
#include <libgda/gda-config.h>					#include <libgda/gda-config.h>
#include <libgda/gda-connection.h>				#include <libgda/gda-connection.h>
#include <gdk-pixbuf/gdk-pixbuf.h>				#include <gdk-pixbuf/gdk-pixbuf.h>
#include <gtk/gtkcellrendererpixbuf.h>				#include <gtk/gtkcellrendererpixbuf.h>
#include <gtk/gtkcellrenderertext.h>				#include <gtk/gtkcellrenderertext.h>
#include <gtk/gtkcombo.h>					#include <gtk/gtkcombo.h>
#include <gtk/gtkentry.h>					#include <gtk/gtkentry.h>
#include <gtk/gtkimage.h>					#include <gtk/gtkimage.h>
#include <gtk/gtklabel.h>					#include <gtk/gtklabel.h>
#include <gtk/gtknotebook.h>					#include <gtk/gtknotebook.h>
#include <gtk/gtkpaned.h>					#include <gtk/gtkpaned.h>
#include <gtk/gtktable.h>					#include <gtk/gtktable.h>
#include <gtk/gtktreeselection.h>				#include <gtk/gtktreeselection.h>
#include <gtk/gtktreestore.h>					#include <gtk/gtktreestore.h>
#include <gtk/gtktreeview.h>					#include <gtk/gtktreeview.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.h>			#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-list.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-list.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h>
#include "gnome-db-i18n.h"					#include "gnome-db-i18n.h"
#include "gnome-db-browser-private.h"				#include "gnome-db-browser-private.h"


typedef struct {						typedef struct {
	GtkTreeIter top;						GtkTreeIter top;
	GdaConnectionSchema schema;					GdaConnectionSchema schema;
	GdkPixbuf *pixbuf;						GdkPixbuf *pixbuf;
} ObjectNodeData;						} ObjectNodeData;

typedef struct {						typedef struct {
	GnomeDbBrowser *browser;					GnomeDbBrowser *browser;
	GtkWidget *widget;						GtkWidget *widget;
	GdaConnectionSchema schema;					GdaConnectionSchema schema;
	gchar *name;							gchar *name;
} ObjectDetailData;						} ObjectDetailData;

struct _GnomeDbBrowserPrivate {					struct _GnomeDbBrowserPrivate {
	GdaConnection *cnc;						GdaConnection *cnc;

	/* widgets */							/* widgets */
	GtkWidget *paned;						GtkWidget *paned;
	GtkWidget *db_selector;						GtkWidget *db_selector;
	GtkWidget *scroll;						GtkWidget *scroll;
	GtkWidget *object_list;						GtkWidget *object_list;
	GtkWidget *detail_notebook;					GtkWidget *detail_notebook;

	GList *object_nodes;						GList *object_nodes;
	GList *detail_widgets;						GList *detail_widgets;
};								};

static void gnome_db_browser_class_init   (GnomeDbBrowserClas	static void gnome_db_browser_class_init   (GnomeDbBrowserClas
static void gnome_db_browser_init         (GnomeDbBrowser *br	static void gnome_db_browser_init         (GnomeDbBrowser *br
					   GnomeDbBrowserClas						   GnomeDbBrowserClas
static void gnome_db_browser_set_property (GObject *object,	static void gnome_db_browser_set_property (GObject *object,
					   guint paramid,						   guint paramid,
					   const GValue *valu						   const GValue *valu
					   GParamSpec *pspec)						   GParamSpec *pspec)
static void gnome_db_browser_get_property (GObject *object,	static void gnome_db_browser_get_property (GObject *object,
					   guint param_id,						   guint param_id,
					   GValue *value,						   GValue *value,
					   GParamSpec *pspec)						   GParamSpec *pspec)
static void gnome_db_browser_finalize     (GObject *object);	static void gnome_db_browser_finalize     (GObject *object);

enum {								enum {
	PROP_0,								PROP_0,
};								};

enum {								enum {
};								};

static gint browser_signals[LAST_SIGNAL];			static gint browser_signals[LAST_SIGNAL];
static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL;			static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL;

/*								/*
 * Callbacks							 * Callbacks
 */								 */

static void							static void
close_tab_cb (GtkButton *button, gpointer user_data)		close_tab_cb (GtkButton *button, gpointer user_data)
{								{
	ObjectDetailData *detail_data = (ObjectDetailData *) 		ObjectDetailData *detail_data = (ObjectDetailData *) 

	detail_data->browser->priv->detail_widgets = g_list_r		detail_data->browser->priv->detail_widgets = g_list_r
		detail_data->browser->priv->detail_widgets, d			detail_data->browser->priv->detail_widgets, d
	gtk_notebook_remove_page (					gtk_notebook_remove_page (
		GTK_NOTEBOOK (detail_data->browser->priv->det			GTK_NOTEBOOK (detail_data->browser->priv->det
		gtk_notebook_page_num (						gtk_notebook_page_num (
			GTK_NOTEBOOK (detail_data->browser->p				GTK_NOTEBOOK (detail_data->browser->p
			detail_data->widget));						detail_data->widget));

	g_free (detail_data->name);					g_free (detail_data->name);
	g_free (detail_data);						g_free (detail_data);
}								}

static void							static void
paned_notification_cb (GObject *object, GParamSpec *pspec, gp	paned_notification_cb (GObject *object, GParamSpec *pspec, gp
{								{
	GnomeDbBrowser *browser = (GnomeDbBrowser *) user_dat		GnomeDbBrowser *browser = (GnomeDbBrowser *) user_dat

	g_return_if_fail (G_IS_PARAM_SPEC (pspec));			g_return_if_fail (G_IS_PARAM_SPEC (pspec));
	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_BROWSER (browser));		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_BROWSER (browser));

	if (!strcmp (pspec->name, "position")) {			if (!strcmp (pspec->name, "position")) {
		gnome_db_config_set_int (GNOME_DB_CONFIG_KEY_			gnome_db_config_set_int (GNOME_DB_CONFIG_KEY_
				    gtk_paned_get_position (G					    gtk_paned_get_position (G
	}								}
}								}

static void							static void
tree_selection_changed_cb (GtkTreeSelection *selection, gpoin	tree_selection_changed_cb (GtkTreeSelection *selection, gpoin
{								{
	GtkTreeModel *tree_model;					GtkTreeModel *tree_model;
	GtkTreeIter iter;						GtkTreeIter iter;
	gchar *object_name;						gchar *object_name;
	GList *l;							GList *l;
	ObjectNodeData *node_data = NULL;				ObjectNodeData *node_data = NULL;
	ObjectDetailData *detail_data = NULL;				ObjectDetailData *detail_data = NULL;
	GtkWidget *button;						GtkWidget *button;
	GtkWidget *box = NULL;						GtkWidget *box = NULL;
	GtkWidget *label;						GtkWidget *label;
	gboolean add_tab = TRUE;					gboolean add_tab = TRUE;
	GnomeDbBrowser *browser = (GnomeDbBrowser *) user_dat		GnomeDbBrowser *browser = (GnomeDbBrowser *) user_dat

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_BROWSER (browser));		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_BROWSER (browser));

	/* retrieve the selection from the tree */			/* retrieve the selection from the tree */
	if (!gtk_tree_selection_get_selected (selection, &tre		if (!gtk_tree_selection_get_selected (selection, &tre
		return;								return;

	gtk_tree_model_get (tree_model, &iter, 1, &object_nam		gtk_tree_model_get (tree_model, &iter, 1, &object_nam

	for (l = browser->priv->object_nodes; l != NULL; l = 		for (l = browser->priv->object_nodes; l != NULL; l = 
		GtkTreeIter parent;						GtkTreeIter parent;
		ObjectNodeData *tmp = (ObjectNodeData *) l->d			ObjectNodeData *tmp = (ObjectNodeData *) l->d

		if (gtk_tree_model_iter_parent (tree_model, &			if (gtk_tree_model_iter_parent (tree_model, &
			if (parent.stamp == tmp->top.stamp &&				if (parent.stamp == tmp->top.stamp &&
			    parent.user_data == tmp->top.user				    parent.user_data == tmp->top.user
				node_data = tmp;						node_data = tmp;
				break;								break;
			}								}
		}								}
	}								}

	if (!node_data) // Parent not found!!!				if (!node_data) // Parent not found!!!
		return;								return;

	/* now search if we're already displaying this object		/* now search if we're already displaying this object
	for (l = browser->priv->detail_widgets; l != NULL; l 		for (l = browser->priv->detail_widgets; l != NULL; l 
		detail_data = (ObjectDetailData *) l->data;			detail_data = (ObjectDetailData *) l->data;
		if (detail_data->schema == node_data->schema 			if (detail_data->schema == node_data->schema 
		    !strcmp (detail_data->name, object_name))			    !strcmp (detail_data->name, object_name))
			add_tab = FALSE;						add_tab = FALSE;
			break;								break;
		}								}
	}								}

	if (add_tab) {							if (add_tab) {
		gchar *s;							gchar *s;

		/* not being displayed, so display it */			/* not being displayed, so display it */
		detail_data = g_new0 (ObjectDetailData, 1);			detail_data = g_new0 (ObjectDetailData, 1);
		detail_data->browser = browser;					detail_data->browser = browser;
		detail_data->schema = node_data->schema;			detail_data->schema = node_data->schema;
		detail_data->name = g_strdup (object_name);			detail_data->name = g_strdup (object_name);

		browser->priv->detail_widgets = g_list_append			browser->priv->detail_widgets = g_list_append

		box = gnome_db_new_hbox_widget (FALSE, 1);			box = gnome_db_new_hbox_widget (FALSE, 1);
		button = gtk_image_new_from_pixbuf (node_data			button = gtk_image_new_from_pixbuf (node_data
		gtk_widget_show (button);					gtk_widget_show (button);
		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (box), button, FA			gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (box), button, FA
		label = gnome_db_new_label_widget ("");				label = gnome_db_new_label_widget ("");
		s = g_strdup_printf ("<small>%s</small>", obj			s = g_strdup_printf ("<small>%s</small>", obj
		gtk_label_set_markup (GTK_LABEL (label), s);			gtk_label_set_markup (GTK_LABEL (label), s);
		g_free (s);							g_free (s);
		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (box), label, FAL			gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (box), label, FAL

		button = gtk_button_new ();					button = gtk_button_new ();
		gtk_button_set_relief (GTK_BUTTON (button), G			gtk_button_set_relief (GTK_BUTTON (button), G
		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (button), "clicked			g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (button), "clicked
				  G_CALLBACK (close_tab_cb), 					  G_CALLBACK (close_tab_cb), 
		gtk_widget_show (button);					gtk_widget_show (button);
		label = gnome_db_new_label_widget ("");				label = gnome_db_new_label_widget ("");
		gtk_label_set_markup (GTK_LABEL (label), "<sm			gtk_label_set_markup (GTK_LABEL (label), "<sm
		gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (button), la			gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (button), la
		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (box), button, FA			gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (box), button, FA
	}								}

	switch (detail_data->schema) {					switch (detail_data->schema) {
		if (add_tab)							if (add_tab)
			detail_data->widget = gnome_db_browse				detail_data->widget = gnome_db_browse
		gnome_db_browser_tables_show (detail_data->wi			gnome_db_browser_tables_show (detail_data->wi
		break;								break;
		if (add_tab)							if (add_tab)
			detail_data->widget = gnome_db_browse				detail_data->widget = gnome_db_browse
		break;								break;
		if (add_tab)							if (add_tab)
			detail_data->widget = gnome_db_browse				detail_data->widget = gnome_db_browse
		break;								break;
		if (add_tab)							if (add_tab)
			detail_data->widget = gnome_db_browse				detail_data->widget = gnome_db_browse
		gnome_db_browser_views_show (detail_data->wid			gnome_db_browser_views_show (detail_data->wid
		break;								break;
	default :							default :
		detail_data->widget = gnome_db_new_label_widg			detail_data->widget = gnome_db_new_label_widg
		break;								break;
	}								}

	if (add_tab) {							if (add_tab) {
		gtk_notebook_append_page (GTK_NOTEBOOK (brows			gtk_notebook_append_page (GTK_NOTEBOOK (brows
					  detail_data->widget						  detail_data->widget
	}								}

	gtk_notebook_set_current_page (					gtk_notebook_set_current_page (
		GTK_NOTEBOOK (browser->priv->detail_notebook)			GTK_NOTEBOOK (browser->priv->detail_notebook)
		gtk_notebook_page_num (GTK_NOTEBOOK (browser-			gtk_notebook_page_num (GTK_NOTEBOOK (browser-
				       detail_data->widget));					       detail_data->widget));
}								}

/*								/*
 * Private functions						 * Private functions
 */								 */

static void							static void
tree_value_set_func (GtkTreeViewColumn *tree_column,		tree_value_set_func (GtkTreeViewColumn *tree_column,
			    GtkCellRenderer *cell,					    GtkCellRenderer *cell,
			    GtkTreeModel *model,					    GtkTreeModel *model,
			    GtkTreeIter *iter,						    GtkTreeIter *iter,
			    gpointer user_data)						    gpointer user_data)
{								{
	GdkPixbuf *pixbuf;						GdkPixbuf *pixbuf;
	gchar *text;							gchar *text;
	GList *renderers;						GList *renderers;
	gtk_tree_model_get (model, iter, 0, &pixbuf, 1, &text		gtk_tree_model_get (model, iter, 0, &pixbuf, 1, &text
	renderers = gtk_tree_view_column_get_cell_renderers (		renderers = gtk_tree_view_column_get_cell_renderers (
	cell = renderers->data;						cell = renderers->data;
	g_object_set (G_OBJECT (cell), "pixbuf", pixbuf, NULL		g_object_set (G_OBJECT (cell), "pixbuf", pixbuf, NULL
	cell = renderers->next->data;					cell = renderers->next->data;
	g_object_set (G_OBJECT (cell), "text", text, NULL);		g_object_set (G_OBJECT (cell), "text", text, NULL);
	g_list_free (renderers);					g_list_free (renderers);
}								}

/*								/*
 * GnomeDbBrowser class implementation				 * GnomeDbBrowser class implementation
 */								 */

static void							static void
gnome_db_browser_class_init (GnomeDbBrowserClass *klass)	gnome_db_browser_class_init (GnomeDbBrowserClass *klass)
{								{
	GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);		GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);

	parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);		parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);

	object_class->set_property = gnome_db_browser_set_pro		object_class->set_property = gnome_db_browser_set_pro
	object_class->get_property = gnome_db_browser_get_pro		object_class->get_property = gnome_db_browser_get_pro
	object_class->finalize = gnome_db_browser_finalize;		object_class->finalize = gnome_db_browser_finalize;

	/* add class properties */					/* add class properties */
	g_object_class_install_property (				g_object_class_install_property (
		object_class, PROP_CONNECTION,					object_class, PROP_CONNECTION,
		g_param_spec_object ("connection", NULL, NULL			g_param_spec_object ("connection", NULL, NULL

	/* add class signals */						/* add class signals */
	browser_signals[PROGRESS_MESSAGE] =				browser_signals[PROGRESS_MESSAGE] =
		g_signal_new ("progress_message",				g_signal_new ("progress_message",
			      G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class				      G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class
			      G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,					      G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,
			      G_STRUCT_OFFSET (GnomeDbBrowser				      G_STRUCT_OFFSET (GnomeDbBrowser
			      NULL, NULL,						      NULL, NULL,
			      g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__STRING				      g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__STRING
			      G_TYPE_NONE, 1, G_TYPE_STRING);				      G_TYPE_NONE, 1, G_TYPE_STRING);
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_browser_init (GnomeDbBrowser *browser, GnomeDbBrowse	gnome_db_browser_init (GnomeDbBrowser *browser, GnomeDbBrowse
{								{
	GtkWidget *table;						GtkWidget *table;
	GtkWidget *label;						GtkWidget *label;
	GtkCellRenderer *renderer;					GtkCellRenderer *renderer;
	GtkTreeViewColumn *column;					GtkTreeViewColumn *column;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_BROWSER (browser));		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_BROWSER (browser));

	/* allocate private structure */				/* allocate private structure */
	browser->priv = g_new0 (GnomeDbBrowserPrivate, 1);		browser->priv = g_new0 (GnomeDbBrowserPrivate, 1);
	browser->priv->cnc = NULL;					browser->priv->cnc = NULL;
	browser->priv->object_nodes = NULL;				browser->priv->object_nodes = NULL;
	browser->priv->detail_widgets = NULL;				browser->priv->detail_widgets = NULL;

	/* set up widgets */						/* set up widgets */
	table = gnome_db_new_table_widget (2, 8, FALSE);		table = gnome_db_new_table_widget (2, 8, FALSE);
	gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (browser), table, TRUE, T		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (browser), table, TRUE, T

	label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (_("Database"));		label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (_("Database"));
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), label, 0, 1, 0, 		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), label, 0, 1, 0, 
	browser->priv->db_selector = gnome_db_new_combo_widge		browser->priv->db_selector = gnome_db_new_combo_widge
	gtk_combo_set_value_in_list (GTK_COMBO (browser->priv		gtk_combo_set_value_in_list (GTK_COMBO (browser->priv
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), browser->priv->d		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), browser->priv->d
			  1, 2, 0, 1, GTK_SHRINK, GTK_SHRINK,				  1, 2, 0, 1, GTK_SHRINK, GTK_SHRINK,

	browser->priv->paned = gnome_db_new_hpaned_widget ();		browser->priv->paned = gnome_db_new_hpaned_widget ();
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), browser->priv->p		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), browser->priv->p
			  2, 2);							  2, 2);

	browser->priv->scroll = gnome_db_new_scrolled_window_		browser->priv->scroll = gnome_db_new_scrolled_window_
	browser->priv->object_list = gnome_db_new_tree_view_w		browser->priv->object_list = gnome_db_new_tree_view_w
	gtk_tree_view_set_rules_hint (GTK_TREE_VIEW (browser-		gtk_tree_view_set_rules_hint (GTK_TREE_VIEW (browser-
	g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (gtk_tree_view_get_selecti		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (gtk_tree_view_get_selecti
					    GTK_TREE_VIEW (br						    GTK_TREE_VIEW (br
			  G_CALLBACK (tree_selection_changed_				  G_CALLBACK (tree_selection_changed_
	gtk_tree_view_set_headers_visible (GTK_TREE_VIEW (bro		gtk_tree_view_set_headers_visible (GTK_TREE_VIEW (bro
	gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (browser->priv->scro		gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (browser->priv->scro
	gtk_paned_add1 (GTK_PANED (browser->priv->paned), bro		gtk_paned_add1 (GTK_PANED (browser->priv->paned), bro

	/* Create column */						/* Create column */
	column = gtk_tree_view_column_new ();				column = gtk_tree_view_column_new ();

	renderer = gtk_cell_renderer_pixbuf_new ();			renderer = gtk_cell_renderer_pixbuf_new ();
	gtk_tree_view_column_pack_start (column, renderer, FA		gtk_tree_view_column_pack_start (column, renderer, FA
	gtk_tree_view_column_set_cell_data_func (column,		gtk_tree_view_column_set_cell_data_func (column,
						 renderer,							 renderer,
			                         tree_value_s				                         tree_value_s
						 NULL, NULL);							 NULL, NULL);
	renderer = gtk_cell_renderer_text_new ();			renderer = gtk_cell_renderer_text_new ();
	gtk_tree_view_column_pack_start (column, renderer, TR		gtk_tree_view_column_pack_start (column, renderer, TR
	gtk_tree_view_append_column (GTK_TREE_VIEW (browser->		gtk_tree_view_append_column (GTK_TREE_VIEW (browser->

	gnome_db_browser_refresh (browser);				gnome_db_browser_refresh (browser);

	browser->priv->detail_notebook = gnome_db_new_noteboo		browser->priv->detail_notebook = gnome_db_new_noteboo
	gtk_notebook_set_show_border (GTK_NOTEBOOK (browser->		gtk_notebook_set_show_border (GTK_NOTEBOOK (browser->
	gtk_notebook_set_show_tabs (GTK_NOTEBOOK (browser->pr		gtk_notebook_set_show_tabs (GTK_NOTEBOOK (browser->pr
	gtk_notebook_popup_disable (GTK_NOTEBOOK (browser->pr		gtk_notebook_popup_disable (GTK_NOTEBOOK (browser->pr
	gtk_paned_add2 (GTK_PANED (browser->priv->paned), bro		gtk_paned_add2 (GTK_PANED (browser->priv->paned), bro

	/* load configuration */					/* load configuration */
	if (gnome_db_config_has_key (GNOME_DB_CONFIG_KEY_BROW		if (gnome_db_config_has_key (GNOME_DB_CONFIG_KEY_BROW
		gtk_paned_set_position (GTK_PANED (browser->p			gtk_paned_set_position (GTK_PANED (browser->p
					gnome_db_config_get_i						gnome_db_config_get_i
	}								}

	g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (browser->priv->paned), "n		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (browser->priv->paned), "n
			  G_CALLBACK (paned_notification_cb),				  G_CALLBACK (paned_notification_cb),

	gnome_db_browser_refresh (browser);				gnome_db_browser_refresh (browser);
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_browser_set_property (GObject *object,			gnome_db_browser_set_property (GObject *object,
			       guint param_id,						       guint param_id,
			       const GValue *value,					       const GValue *value,
			       GParamSpec *pspec)					       GParamSpec *pspec)
{								{
	GnomeDbBrowser *browser = (GnomeDbBrowser *) object;		GnomeDbBrowser *browser = (GnomeDbBrowser *) object;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_BROWSER (browser));		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_BROWSER (browser));

	switch (param_id) {						switch (param_id) {
		gnome_db_browser_set_connection (browser,			gnome_db_browser_set_connection (browser,
		break;								break;
	default :							default :
		break;								break;
	}								}
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_browser_get_property (GObject *object,			gnome_db_browser_get_property (GObject *object,
			       guint param_id,						       guint param_id,
			       GValue *value,						       GValue *value,
			       GParamSpec *pspec)					       GParamSpec *pspec)
{								{
	GnomeDbBrowser *browser = (GnomeDbBrowser *) object;		GnomeDbBrowser *browser = (GnomeDbBrowser *) object;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_BROWSER (browser));		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_BROWSER (browser));

	switch (param_id) {						switch (param_id) {
		g_value_set_object (value, G_OBJECT (browser-			g_value_set_object (value, G_OBJECT (browser-
		break;								break;
	default:							default:
		break;								break;
	}								}
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_browser_finalize (GObject *object)			gnome_db_browser_finalize (GObject *object)
{								{
	GnomeDbBrowser *browser = (GnomeDbBrowser *) object;		GnomeDbBrowser *browser = (GnomeDbBrowser *) object;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_BROWSER (browser));		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_BROWSER (browser));

	/* free memory */						/* free memory */
	if (GDA_IS_CONNECTION (browser->priv->cnc)) {			if (GDA_IS_CONNECTION (browser->priv->cnc)) {
		g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (browser->priv->cnc)			g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (browser->priv->cnc)
		browser->priv->cnc = NULL;					browser->priv->cnc = NULL;
	}								}

	if (browser->priv->object_nodes) {				if (browser->priv->object_nodes) {
		g_list_foreach (browser->priv->object_nodes, 			g_list_foreach (browser->priv->object_nodes, 
		g_list_free (browser->priv->object_nodes);			g_list_free (browser->priv->object_nodes);
		browser->priv->object_nodes = NULL;				browser->priv->object_nodes = NULL;
	}								}

	if (browser->priv->detail_widgets) {				if (browser->priv->detail_widgets) {
		GList *l;							GList *l;

		while ((l = browser->priv->detail_widgets)) {			while ((l = browser->priv->detail_widgets)) {
			ObjectDetailData *detail_data = (Obje				ObjectDetailData *detail_data = (Obje

			browser->priv->detail_widgets = g_lis				browser->priv->detail_widgets = g_lis
			g_free (detail_data->name);					g_free (detail_data->name);
			g_free (detail_data);						g_free (detail_data);
		}								}
	}								}

	g_free (browser->priv);						g_free (browser->priv);
	browser->priv = NULL;						browser->priv = NULL;

	/* chain to parent class */					/* chain to parent class */
	parent_class->finalize (object);				parent_class->finalize (object);
}								}

GType								GType
gnome_db_browser_get_type (void)				gnome_db_browser_get_type (void)
{								{
	static GType type = 0;						static GType type = 0;

	if (!type) {							if (!type) {
		static const GTypeInfo info = {					static const GTypeInfo info = {
			sizeof (GnomeDbBrowserClass),					sizeof (GnomeDbBrowserClass),
			(GBaseInitFunc) NULL,						(GBaseInitFunc) NULL,
			(GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL,					(GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL,
			(GClassInitFunc) gnome_db_browser_cla				(GClassInitFunc) gnome_db_browser_cla
			NULL,								NULL,
			NULL,								NULL,
			sizeof (GnomeDbBrowser),					sizeof (GnomeDbBrowser),
			0,								0,
			(GInstanceInitFunc) gnome_db_browser_				(GInstanceInitFunc) gnome_db_browser_
		};								};
		type = g_type_register_static (PARENT_TYPE, "			type = g_type_register_static (PARENT_TYPE, "
	}								}
	return type;							return type;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_browser_new						 * gnome_db_browser_new
 *								 *
 * Create a new #GnomeDbBrowser widget. This widget lets you 	 * Create a new #GnomeDbBrowser widget. This widget lets you 
 * users a complete database browser, which lets him/her navi	 * users a complete database browser, which lets him/her navi
 * his/her database objects (tables, views, procedures, etc),	 * his/her database objects (tables, views, procedures, etc),
 * visual way.							 * visual way.
 *								 *
 * Returns: the newly created object.				 * Returns: the newly created object.
 */								 */
GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_browser_new (void)					gnome_db_browser_new (void)
{								{
	GnomeDbBrowser *browser;					GnomeDbBrowser *browser;

	browser = g_object_new (GNOME_DB_TYPE_BROWSER, NULL);		browser = g_object_new (GNOME_DB_TYPE_BROWSER, NULL);
	return GTK_WIDGET (browser);					return GTK_WIDGET (browser);
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_browser_get_connection				 * gnome_db_browser_get_connection
 * @browser: a #GnomeDbBrowser widget.				 * @browser: a #GnomeDbBrowser widget.
 *								 *
 * Retrieve the #GdaConnection object being used by the given	 * Retrieve the #GdaConnection object being used by the given
 * widget. The connection object associated with the browser 	 * widget. The connection object associated with the browser 
 * show the objects for that connection.			 * show the objects for that connection.
 *								 *
 * Returns: a #GdaConnection object.				 * Returns: a #GdaConnection object.
 */								 */
GdaConnection *							GdaConnection *
gnome_db_browser_get_connection (GnomeDbBrowser *browser)	gnome_db_browser_get_connection (GnomeDbBrowser *browser)
{								{
	g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_BROWSER (browser), 		g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_BROWSER (browser), 
	return browser->priv->cnc;					return browser->priv->cnc;
}								}

/*								/*
 * gnome_db_browser_set_connection				 * gnome_db_browser_set_connection
 * @browser: a #GnomeDbBrowser widget.				 * @browser: a #GnomeDbBrowser widget.
 * @cnc: a #GdaConnection object.				 * @cnc: a #GdaConnection object.
 *								 *
 * Associates a #GdaConnection object with the given browser 	 * Associates a #GdaConnection object with the given browser 
 * make the browser widget refresh its widgets and immediatel	 * make the browser widget refresh its widgets and immediatel
 * the objects contained in the new connection (@cnc).		 * the objects contained in the new connection (@cnc).
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_browser_set_connection (GnomeDbBrowser *browser, Gda	gnome_db_browser_set_connection (GnomeDbBrowser *browser, Gda
{								{
	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_BROWSER (browser));		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_BROWSER (browser));

	g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (browser), browser_signals[PR		g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (browser), browser_signals[PR
		       0, _("Loading database schemas..."));			       0, _("Loading database schemas..."));

	/* clear the current setup */					/* clear the current setup */
	if (GDA_IS_CONNECTION (browser->priv->cnc)) {			if (GDA_IS_CONNECTION (browser->priv->cnc)) {
		g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (browser->priv->cnc)			g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (browser->priv->cnc)
		browser->priv->cnc = NULL;					browser->priv->cnc = NULL;
	}								}

	/* refresh views */						/* refresh views */
	if (GDA_IS_CONNECTION (cnc))					if (GDA_IS_CONNECTION (cnc))
		g_object_ref (G_OBJECT (cnc));					g_object_ref (G_OBJECT (cnc));
	browser->priv->cnc = cnc;					browser->priv->cnc = cnc;

	gnome_db_browser_refresh (browser);				gnome_db_browser_refresh (browser);

	g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (browser), browser_signals[PR		g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (browser), browser_signals[PR
}								}

static void							static void
add_schema_objects (GnomeDbBrowser *browser,			add_schema_objects (GnomeDbBrowser *browser,
		    GtkTreeStore *store,					    GtkTreeStore *store,
		    GdaConnectionSchema schema,					    GdaConnectionSchema schema,
		    GdaConnectionFeature ask_feature,				    GdaConnectionFeature ask_feature,
		    const gchar *title,						    const gchar *title,
		    const gchar *pixmap)					    const gchar *pixmap)
{								{
	GdaDataModel *model;						GdaDataModel *model;
	gint rows, i;							gint rows, i;
	ObjectNodeData *node_data;					ObjectNodeData *node_data;

	if (!GDA_IS_CONNECTION (browser->priv->cnc))			if (!GDA_IS_CONNECTION (browser->priv->cnc))
		return;								return;

	/* check if the underlying provider supports it */		/* check if the underlying provider supports it */
	if (ask_feature) {						if (ask_feature) {
		if (!gda_connection_supports (browser->priv->			if (!gda_connection_supports (browser->priv->
			return;								return;
	}								}

	model = gda_connection_get_schema (browser->priv->cnc		model = gda_connection_get_schema (browser->priv->cnc
	if (!GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (model))					if (!GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (model))
		return;								return;
	rows = gda_data_model_get_n_rows (model);			rows = gda_data_model_get_n_rows (model);
	if (!rows) {							if (!rows) {
		g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (model));				g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (model));
		return;								return;
	}								}

	node_data = g_new0 (ObjectNodeData, 1);				node_data = g_new0 (ObjectNodeData, 1);
	node_data->schema = schema;					node_data->schema = schema;

	/* create top node for these schema objects */			/* create top node for these schema objects */
	node_data->pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file (pixmap,		node_data->pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file (pixmap,

	gtk_tree_store_append (store, &node_data->top, NULL);		gtk_tree_store_append (store, &node_data->top, NULL);
	gtk_tree_store_set (store, &node_data->top, 0, node_d		gtk_tree_store_set (store, &node_data->top, 0, node_d

	/* fill in this node of the tree */				/* fill in this node of the tree */
	for (i = 0; i < rows; i++) {					for (i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
		gchar *value;							gchar *value;
		GtkTreeIter node;						GtkTreeIter node;

		value = gda_value_stringify (gda_data_model_g			value = gda_value_stringify (gda_data_model_g
		gtk_tree_store_append (store, &node, &node_da			gtk_tree_store_append (store, &node, &node_da
		gtk_tree_store_set (store, &node, 0, node_dat			gtk_tree_store_set (store, &node, 0, node_dat

		g_free (value);							g_free (value);
	}								}

	g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (model));				g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (model));
	gdk_pixbuf_unref (node_data->pixbuf);				gdk_pixbuf_unref (node_data->pixbuf);

	/* update internal lists */					/* update internal lists */
	browser->priv->object_nodes = g_list_append (browser-		browser->priv->object_nodes = g_list_append (browser-
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_browser_refresh					 * gnome_db_browser_refresh
 * @browser: a #GnomeDbBrowser widget.				 * @browser: a #GnomeDbBrowser widget.
 *								 *
 * Make the browser widget refresh its currently displayed da	 * Make the browser widget refresh its currently displayed da
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_browser_refresh (GnomeDbBrowser *browser)		gnome_db_browser_refresh (GnomeDbBrowser *browser)
{								{
	GtkTreeStore *store;						GtkTreeStore *store;
	GdaDataModel *model;						GdaDataModel *model;
	GList *l;							GList *l;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_BROWSER (browser));		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_BROWSER (browser));

	g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (browser), browser_signals[PR		g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (browser), browser_signals[PR
		       0, _("Refreshing data..."));				       0, _("Refreshing data..."));

	/* clear up widgets and structures */				/* clear up widgets and structures */
	g_list_foreach (browser->priv->object_nodes, (GFunc) 		g_list_foreach (browser->priv->object_nodes, (GFunc) 
	g_list_free (browser->priv->object_nodes);			g_list_free (browser->priv->object_nodes);
	browser->priv->object_nodes = NULL;				browser->priv->object_nodes = NULL;

	l = g_list_append (NULL, "");					l = g_list_append (NULL, "");
	gtk_combo_set_popdown_strings (GTK_COMBO (browser->pr		gtk_combo_set_popdown_strings (GTK_COMBO (browser->pr
	g_list_free (l);						g_list_free (l);
	gtk_widget_set_sensitive (GTK_WIDGET (browser->priv->		gtk_widget_set_sensitive (GTK_WIDGET (browser->priv->

	while ((l = browser->priv->detail_widgets)) {			while ((l = browser->priv->detail_widgets)) {
		ObjectDetailData *detail_data = (ObjectDetail			ObjectDetailData *detail_data = (ObjectDetail

		browser->priv->detail_widgets = g_list_remove			browser->priv->detail_widgets = g_list_remove
		gtk_notebook_remove_page (GTK_NOTEBOOK (brows			gtk_notebook_remove_page (GTK_NOTEBOOK (brows
					  gtk_notebook_page_n						  gtk_notebook_page_n
						  detail_data							  detail_data
		g_free (detail_data->name);					g_free (detail_data->name);
		g_free (detail_data);						g_free (detail_data);
	}								}

	/* list of databases */						/* list of databases */
	if (GDA_IS_CONNECTION (browser->priv->cnc) &&			if (GDA_IS_CONNECTION (browser->priv->cnc) &&
	    gda_connection_is_open (browser->priv->cnc)) {		    gda_connection_is_open (browser->priv->cnc)) {
		GList *strs = NULL;						GList *strs = NULL;
		gint rows, r;							gint rows, r;

		model = gda_connection_get_schema (browser->p			model = gda_connection_get_schema (browser->p
						   GDA_CONNEC							   GDA_CONNEC
						   NULL);							   NULL);
		rows = gda_data_model_get_n_rows (model);			rows = gda_data_model_get_n_rows (model);
		for (r = 0; r < rows; r++) {					for (r = 0; r < rows; r++) {
			gchar *s;							gchar *s;

			s = gda_value_stringify (gda_data_mod				s = gda_value_stringify (gda_data_mod
			strs = g_list_append (strs, s);					strs = g_list_append (strs, s);
		}								}

		gtk_combo_set_popdown_strings (GTK_COMBO (bro			gtk_combo_set_popdown_strings (GTK_COMBO (bro
					       strs);							       strs);
		gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (GTK_COMBO (bro			gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (GTK_COMBO (bro
				    gda_connection_get_databa					    gda_connection_get_databa
		gtk_widget_set_sensitive (GTK_WIDGET (browser			gtk_widget_set_sensitive (GTK_WIDGET (browser

		g_list_foreach (strs, (GFunc) g_free, NULL);			g_list_foreach (strs, (GFunc) g_free, NULL);
		g_list_free (strs);						g_list_free (strs);
	}								}

	/* create the new tree model */					/* create the new tree model */
	store = gtk_tree_store_new (2, GDK_TYPE_PIXBUF, G_TYP		store = gtk_tree_store_new (2, GDK_TYPE_PIXBUF, G_TYP
	add_schema_objects (browser, store, GDA_CONNECTION_SC		add_schema_objects (browser, store, GDA_CONNECTION_SC
			    0, _("Tables"), LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSD				    0, _("Tables"), LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSD
	add_schema_objects (browser, store, GDA_CONNECTION_SC		add_schema_objects (browser, store, GDA_CONNECTION_SC
			    LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR "/gnome-db-vi				    LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR "/gnome-db-vi
	add_schema_objects (browser, store, GDA_CONNECTION_SC		add_schema_objects (browser, store, GDA_CONNECTION_SC
			    LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR "/gnome-db-in				    LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR "/gnome-db-in
	add_schema_objects (browser, store, GDA_CONNECTION_SC		add_schema_objects (browser, store, GDA_CONNECTION_SC
			    LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR "/gnome-db-sq				    LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR "/gnome-db-sq
	add_schema_objects (browser, store, GDA_CONNECTION_SC		add_schema_objects (browser, store, GDA_CONNECTION_SC
			    LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR "/gnome-db-pr				    LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR "/gnome-db-pr
	add_schema_objects (browser, store, GDA_CONNECTION_SC		add_schema_objects (browser, store, GDA_CONNECTION_SC
			    LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR "/gnome-db-tr				    LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR "/gnome-db-tr
	add_schema_objects (browser, store, GDA_CONNECTION_SC		add_schema_objects (browser, store, GDA_CONNECTION_SC
			    LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR "/gnome-db-ag				    LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR "/gnome-db-ag
	add_schema_objects (browser, store, GDA_CONNECTION_SC		add_schema_objects (browser, store, GDA_CONNECTION_SC
			    0, _("Types"), LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDI				    0, _("Types"), LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDI

	/* display the new data */					/* display the new data */
	gtk_tree_view_set_model (GTK_TREE_VIEW (browser->priv		gtk_tree_view_set_model (GTK_TREE_VIEW (browser->priv
				 GTK_TREE_MODEL (store));					 GTK_TREE_MODEL (store));
	g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (store));				g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (store));
	g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (browser), browser_signals[PR		g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (browser), browser_signals[PR
}								}
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.h ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.h
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#if !defined(__gnome_db_browser_h__)				#if !defined(__gnome_db_browser_h__)
#  define __gnome_db_browser_h__				#  define __gnome_db_browser_h__

#include <libgda/gda-connection.h>				#include <libgda/gda-connection.h>
#include <gtk/gtkvbox.h>					#include <gtk/gtkvbox.h>


#define GNOME_DB_TYPE_BROWSER            (gnome_db_browser_ge	#define GNOME_DB_TYPE_BROWSER            (gnome_db_browser_ge
#define GNOME_DB_BROWSER(obj)            (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTAN	#define GNOME_DB_BROWSER(obj)            (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTAN

typedef struct _GnomeDbBrowser        GnomeDbBrowser;		typedef struct _GnomeDbBrowser        GnomeDbBrowser;
typedef struct _GnomeDbBrowserClass   GnomeDbBrowserClass;	typedef struct _GnomeDbBrowserClass   GnomeDbBrowserClass;
typedef struct _GnomeDbBrowserPrivate GnomeDbBrowserPrivate;	typedef struct _GnomeDbBrowserPrivate GnomeDbBrowserPrivate;

struct _GnomeDbBrowser {					struct _GnomeDbBrowser {
	GtkVBox parent;							GtkVBox parent;
	GnomeDbBrowserPrivate *priv;					GnomeDbBrowserPrivate *priv;
};								};

struct _GnomeDbBrowserClass {					struct _GnomeDbBrowserClass {
	GtkVBoxClass parent_class;					GtkVBoxClass parent_class;

	/* signals */							/* signals */
	void (* progress_message) (GnomeDbBrowser *browser, c		void (* progress_message) (GnomeDbBrowser *browser, c
};								};

GType          gnome_db_browser_get_type (void);		GType          gnome_db_browser_get_type (void);
GtkWidget     *gnome_db_browser_new (void);			GtkWidget     *gnome_db_browser_new (void);
GdaConnection *gnome_db_browser_get_connection (GnomeDbBrowse	GdaConnection *gnome_db_browser_get_connection (GnomeDbBrowse
void           gnome_db_browser_set_connection (GnomeDbBrowse	void           gnome_db_browser_set_connection (GnomeDbBrowse
void           gnome_db_browser_refresh (GnomeDbBrowser *brow	void           gnome_db_browser_refresh (GnomeDbBrowser *brow


#endif								#endif
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-private.h ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-private.h
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#if !defined(__gnome_db_browser_private_h__)			#if !defined(__gnome_db_browser_private_h__)
#  define __gnome_db_browser_private_h__			#  define __gnome_db_browser_private_h__

#include <libgda/gda-connection.h>				#include <libgda/gda-connection.h>
#include <gtk/gtkwidget.h>					#include <gtk/gtkwidget.h>


GtkWidget  *gnome_db_browser_procedures_new (void);		GtkWidget  *gnome_db_browser_procedures_new (void);
GtkWidget  *gnome_db_browser_tables_new (void);			GtkWidget  *gnome_db_browser_tables_new (void);
void        gnome_db_browser_tables_show (GtkWidget *widget,	void        gnome_db_browser_tables_show (GtkWidget *widget,
					  GdaConnection *cnc,						  GdaConnection *cnc,
					  const gchar *str);						  const gchar *str);
void        gnome_db_browser_tables_clear (GtkWidget *widget)	void        gnome_db_browser_tables_clear (GtkWidget *widget)
GtkWidget  *gnome_db_browser_types_new (void);			GtkWidget  *gnome_db_browser_types_new (void);
GtkWidget  *gnome_db_browser_views_new (void);			GtkWidget  *gnome_db_browser_views_new (void);
void        gnome_db_browser_views_show (GtkWidget *widget,	void        gnome_db_browser_views_show (GtkWidget *widget,
					 GdaConnection *cnc,						 GdaConnection *cnc,
					 const gchar *str);						 const gchar *str);
void        gnome_db_browser_views_clear (GtkWidget *widget);	void        gnome_db_browser_views_clear (GtkWidget *widget);


#endif								#endif
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-procedures.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-procedures.c
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.h>			#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h>
#include "gnome-db-browser-private.h"				#include "gnome-db-browser-private.h"

/*								/*
 * Public functions						 * Public functions
 */								 */

GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_browser_procedures_new (void)				gnome_db_browser_procedures_new (void)
{								{
	GtkWidget *container;						GtkWidget *container;

	container = gnome_db_new_label_widget ("ToDo");			container = gnome_db_new_label_widget ("ToDo");
	return container;						return container;
}								}
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#include <gtk/gtklabel.h>					#include <gtk/gtklabel.h>
#include <gtk/gtknotebook.h>					#include <gtk/gtknotebook.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.h>			#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.h>			#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h>
#include "gnome-db-i18n.h"					#include "gnome-db-i18n.h"
#include "gnome-db-browser-private.h"				#include "gnome-db-browser-private.h"

typedef struct {						typedef struct {
	GtkWidget *container;						GtkWidget *container;
	GtkWidget *table_struct;					GtkWidget *table_struct;
	GtkWidget *data_grid;						GtkWidget *data_grid;
} GnomeDbBrowserTablesPrivate;					} GnomeDbBrowserTablesPrivate;

/*								/*
 * Private functions						 * Private functions
 */								 */

static void							static void
free_private_data (gpointer data)				free_private_data (gpointer data)
{								{
	GnomeDbBrowserTablesPrivate *priv = (GnomeDbBrowserTa		GnomeDbBrowserTablesPrivate *priv = (GnomeDbBrowserTa

	g_return_if_fail (priv != NULL);				g_return_if_fail (priv != NULL);

	g_free (priv);							g_free (priv);
}								}

/*								/*
 * Public functions						 * Public functions
 */								 */

GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_browser_tables_new (void)				gnome_db_browser_tables_new (void)
{								{
	GtkWidget *box;							GtkWidget *box;
	GnomeDbBrowserTablesPrivate *priv;				GnomeDbBrowserTablesPrivate *priv;

	priv = g_new0 (GnomeDbBrowserTablesPrivate, 1);			priv = g_new0 (GnomeDbBrowserTablesPrivate, 1);
	priv->container = gnome_db_new_notebook_widget ();		priv->container = gnome_db_new_notebook_widget ();
	gtk_notebook_popup_disable (GTK_NOTEBOOK (priv->conta		gtk_notebook_popup_disable (GTK_NOTEBOOK (priv->conta
	g_object_set_data_full (G_OBJECT (priv->container), "		g_object_set_data_full (G_OBJECT (priv->container), "
				priv, (GDestroyNotify) free_p					priv, (GDestroyNotify) free_p

	gtk_widget_show (priv->container);				gtk_widget_show (priv->container);

	/* create the 'Structure' tab */				/* create the 'Structure' tab */
	box = gnome_db_new_vbox_widget (FALSE, 0);			box = gnome_db_new_vbox_widget (FALSE, 0);
	priv->table_struct = gnome_db_new_grid_widget (NULL);		priv->table_struct = gnome_db_new_grid_widget (NULL);
	gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (box), priv->table_struct		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (box), priv->table_struct
	gtk_notebook_append_page (GTK_NOTEBOOK (priv->contain		gtk_notebook_append_page (GTK_NOTEBOOK (priv->contain
				  box,								  box,
				  gtk_label_new (_("Structure					  gtk_label_new (_("Structure

	/* create 'Data' tab */						/* create 'Data' tab */
	box = gnome_db_new_vbox_widget (FALSE, 0);			box = gnome_db_new_vbox_widget (FALSE, 0);
	priv->data_grid = gnome_db_new_grid_widget (NULL);		priv->data_grid = gnome_db_new_grid_widget (NULL);
	gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (box), priv->data_grid, T		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (box), priv->data_grid, T
	gtk_notebook_append_page (GTK_NOTEBOOK (priv->contain		gtk_notebook_append_page (GTK_NOTEBOOK (priv->contain
				  box,								  box,
				  gtk_label_new (_("Data")));					  gtk_label_new (_("Data")));

	return priv->container;						return priv->container;
}								}

void								void
gnome_db_browser_tables_show (GtkWidget *widget, GdaConnectio	gnome_db_browser_tables_show (GtkWidget *widget, GdaConnectio
{								{
	GnomeDbBrowserTablesPrivate *priv;				GnomeDbBrowserTablesPrivate *priv;
	GList *reclist;							GList *reclist;
	GdaCommand *cmd;						GdaCommand *cmd;
	GdaDataModel *fields;						GdaDataModel *fields;
	GdaParameterList *params;					GdaParameterList *params;

	g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget));			g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget));
	g_return_if_fail (GDA_IS_CONNECTION (cnc));			g_return_if_fail (GDA_IS_CONNECTION (cnc));
	g_return_if_fail (str != NULL);					g_return_if_fail (str != NULL);

	priv = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (widget), "GnomeDb		priv = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (widget), "GnomeDb
	if (!priv)							if (!priv)
		return;								return;

	gnome_db_browser_tables_clear (widget);				gnome_db_browser_tables_clear (widget);

	/* get table structure */					/* get table structure */
	params = gda_parameter_list_new ();				params = gda_parameter_list_new ();
	gda_parameter_list_add_parameter (params, gda_paramet		gda_parameter_list_add_parameter (params, gda_paramet
	fields = gda_connection_get_schema (cnc, GDA_CONNECTI		fields = gda_connection_get_schema (cnc, GDA_CONNECTI

	gnome_db_grid_set_model (GNOME_DB_GRID (priv->table_s		gnome_db_grid_set_model (GNOME_DB_GRID (priv->table_s

	gda_parameter_list_free (params);				gda_parameter_list_free (params);
	g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (fields));				g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (fields));
	/* get table data */						/* get table data */
	cmd = gda_command_new (str, GDA_COMMAND_TYPE_TABLE, 0		cmd = gda_command_new (str, GDA_COMMAND_TYPE_TABLE, 0
	reclist = gda_connection_execute_command (cnc, cmd, N		reclist = gda_connection_execute_command (cnc, cmd, N
	if (reclist) {							if (reclist) {
		gnome_db_grid_set_model (GNOME_DB_GRID (priv-			gnome_db_grid_set_model (GNOME_DB_GRID (priv-
					 GDA_DATA_MODEL (recl						 GDA_DATA_MODEL (recl

		g_list_foreach (reclist, (GFunc) g_object_unr			g_list_foreach (reclist, (GFunc) g_object_unr
		g_list_free (reclist);						g_list_free (reclist);
	}								}

	/* free memory */						/* free memory */
	gda_command_free (cmd);						gda_command_free (cmd);
}								}

void								void
gnome_db_browser_tables_clear (GtkWidget *widget)		gnome_db_browser_tables_clear (GtkWidget *widget)
{								{
	GnomeDbBrowserTablesPrivate *priv;				GnomeDbBrowserTablesPrivate *priv;

	priv = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (widget), "GnomeDb		priv = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (widget), "GnomeDb
	if (!priv)							if (!priv)
		return;								return;

	gnome_db_grid_set_model (GNOME_DB_GRID (priv->table_s		gnome_db_grid_set_model (GNOME_DB_GRID (priv->table_s
	gnome_db_grid_set_model (GNOME_DB_GRID (priv->data_gr		gnome_db_grid_set_model (GNOME_DB_GRID (priv->data_gr
}								}
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-types.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-types.c
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.h>			#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h>
#include "gnome-db-browser-private.h"				#include "gnome-db-browser-private.h"

typedef struct {						typedef struct {
} GnomeDbBrowserTypesPrivate;					} GnomeDbBrowserTypesPrivate;

/*								/*
 * Public functions						 * Public functions
 */								 */

GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_browser_types_new (void)				gnome_db_browser_types_new (void)
{								{
	GtkWidget *container;						GtkWidget *container;

	container = gnome_db_new_label_widget ("ToDo");			container = gnome_db_new_label_widget ("ToDo");
	return container;						return container;
}								}
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#include <gtk/gtklabel.h>					#include <gtk/gtklabel.h>
#include <gtk/gtknotebook.h>					#include <gtk/gtknotebook.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.h>			#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h>
#include "gnome-db-i18n.h"					#include "gnome-db-i18n.h"
#include "gnome-db-browser-private.h"				#include "gnome-db-browser-private.h"

typedef struct {						typedef struct {
	GtkWidget *container;						GtkWidget *container;
	GtkWidget *view_struct;						GtkWidget *view_struct;
	GtkWidget *data_grid;						GtkWidget *data_grid;
} GnomeDbBrowserViewsPrivate;					} GnomeDbBrowserViewsPrivate;

/*								/*
 * Private functions						 * Private functions
 */								 */

static void							static void
free_private_data (gpointer data)				free_private_data (gpointer data)
{								{
	GnomeDbBrowserViewsPrivate *priv = (GnomeDbBrowserVie		GnomeDbBrowserViewsPrivate *priv = (GnomeDbBrowserVie

	g_return_if_fail (priv != NULL);				g_return_if_fail (priv != NULL);

	g_free (priv);							g_free (priv);
}								}

/*								/*
 * Public functions						 * Public functions
 */								 */

GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_browser_views_new (void)				gnome_db_browser_views_new (void)
{								{
	GtkWidget *box;							GtkWidget *box;
	GnomeDbBrowserViewsPrivate *priv;				GnomeDbBrowserViewsPrivate *priv;

	priv = g_new0 (GnomeDbBrowserViewsPrivate, 1);			priv = g_new0 (GnomeDbBrowserViewsPrivate, 1);
	priv->container = gnome_db_new_notebook_widget ();		priv->container = gnome_db_new_notebook_widget ();
	gtk_notebook_popup_disable (GTK_NOTEBOOK (priv->conta		gtk_notebook_popup_disable (GTK_NOTEBOOK (priv->conta
	g_object_set_data_full (G_OBJECT (priv->container), "		g_object_set_data_full (G_OBJECT (priv->container), "
				priv, (GDestroyNotify) free_p					priv, (GDestroyNotify) free_p

	/* create the 'Data' tab */					/* create the 'Data' tab */
	box = gnome_db_new_vbox_widget (FALSE, 0);			box = gnome_db_new_vbox_widget (FALSE, 0);
	priv->data_grid = gnome_db_new_grid_widget (NULL);		priv->data_grid = gnome_db_new_grid_widget (NULL);
	gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (box), priv->data_grid, T		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (box), priv->data_grid, T
	gtk_notebook_append_page (GTK_NOTEBOOK (priv->contain		gtk_notebook_append_page (GTK_NOTEBOOK (priv->contain
				  box,								  box,
				  gtk_label_new (_("Data")));					  gtk_label_new (_("Data")));

	return priv->container;						return priv->container;
}								}

void								void
gnome_db_browser_views_show (GtkWidget *widget, GdaConnection	gnome_db_browser_views_show (GtkWidget *widget, GdaConnection
{								{
	GnomeDbBrowserViewsPrivate *priv;				GnomeDbBrowserViewsPrivate *priv;
	GList *reclist;							GList *reclist;
	GdaCommand *cmd;						GdaCommand *cmd;

	g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget));			g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget));
	g_return_if_fail (GDA_IS_CONNECTION (cnc));			g_return_if_fail (GDA_IS_CONNECTION (cnc));
	g_return_if_fail (str != NULL);					g_return_if_fail (str != NULL);

	priv = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (widget), "GnomeDb		priv = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (widget), "GnomeDb
	if (!priv)							if (!priv)
		return;								return;

	gnome_db_browser_views_clear (widget);				gnome_db_browser_views_clear (widget);

	/* get table data */						/* get table data */
	cmd = gda_command_new (str, GDA_COMMAND_TYPE_TABLE, 0		cmd = gda_command_new (str, GDA_COMMAND_TYPE_TABLE, 0
	reclist = gda_connection_execute_command (cnc, cmd, N		reclist = gda_connection_execute_command (cnc, cmd, N
	if (reclist) {							if (reclist) {
		gnome_db_grid_set_model (GNOME_DB_GRID (priv-			gnome_db_grid_set_model (GNOME_DB_GRID (priv-
					 GDA_DATA_MODEL (recl						 GDA_DATA_MODEL (recl

		g_list_foreach (reclist, (GFunc) g_object_unr			g_list_foreach (reclist, (GFunc) g_object_unr
		g_list_free (reclist);						g_list_free (reclist);
	}								}

	/* free memory */						/* free memory */
	gda_command_free (cmd);						gda_command_free (cmd);
}								}

void								void
gnome_db_browser_views_clear (GtkWidget *widget)		gnome_db_browser_views_clear (GtkWidget *widget)
{								{
	GnomeDbBrowserViewsPrivate *priv;				GnomeDbBrowserViewsPrivate *priv;

	priv = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (widget), "GnomeDb		priv = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (widget), "GnomeDb
	if (!priv)							if (!priv)
		return;								return;

	gnome_db_grid_set_model (GNOME_DB_GRID (priv->data_gr		gnome_db_grid_set_model (GNOME_DB_GRID (priv->data_gr
}								}
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.c
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 The Free Software Foundation		 * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 The Free Software Foundation
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.h>


struct _GnomeDbComboPrivate {					struct _GnomeDbComboPrivate {
	GdaDataModel *model;						GdaDataModel *model;
	gint col;							gint col;
};								};

static void gnome_db_combo_class_init   (GnomeDbComboClass *k	static void gnome_db_combo_class_init   (GnomeDbComboClass *k
static void gnome_db_combo_init         (GnomeDbCombo *combo,	static void gnome_db_combo_init         (GnomeDbCombo *combo,
					   GnomeDbComboClass 						   GnomeDbComboClass 
static void gnome_db_combo_set_property (GObject *object,	static void gnome_db_combo_set_property (GObject *object,
					   guint paramid,						   guint paramid,
					   const GValue *valu						   const GValue *valu
					   GParamSpec *pspec)						   GParamSpec *pspec)
static void gnome_db_combo_get_property (GObject *object,	static void gnome_db_combo_get_property (GObject *object,
					   guint param_id,						   guint param_id,
					   GValue *value,						   GValue *value,
					   GParamSpec *pspec)						   GParamSpec *pspec)
static void gnome_db_combo_finalize     (GObject *object);	static void gnome_db_combo_finalize     (GObject *object);
static void model_changed_cb 		(GdaDataModel *model,	static void model_changed_cb 		(GdaDataModel *model,
					 gpointer user_data);						 gpointer user_data);

enum {								enum {
	PROP_0,								PROP_0,
};								};

enum {							      <
	MODEL_CHANGED,					      <
	LAST_SIGNAL					      <
};							      <
static gint combo_signals[LAST_SIGNAL];			      <
static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL;			static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL;

/*								/*
 * GnomeDbCombo class implementation				 * GnomeDbCombo class implementation
 */								 */

static void							static void
gnome_db_combo_class_init (GnomeDbComboClass *klass)		gnome_db_combo_class_init (GnomeDbComboClass *klass)
{								{
	GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);		GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);

	parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);		parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);

	object_class->set_property = gnome_db_combo_set_prope		object_class->set_property = gnome_db_combo_set_prope
	object_class->get_property = gnome_db_combo_get_prope		object_class->get_property = gnome_db_combo_get_prope
	object_class->finalize = gnome_db_combo_finalize;		object_class->finalize = gnome_db_combo_finalize;

	/* add class properties */					/* add class properties */
	g_object_class_install_property (				g_object_class_install_property (
		object_class, PROP_MODEL,					object_class, PROP_MODEL,
		g_param_spec_object ("model", NULL, NULL,			g_param_spec_object ("model", NULL, NULL,
	/* add class signals */				      <
	combo_signals[MODEL_CHANGED] =			      <
		g_signal_new ("model_changed",		      <
			      G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class <
			      G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,	      <
			      G_STRUCT_OFFSET (GnomeDbComboCl <
			      NULL, NULL,		      <
			      g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID,  <
			      G_TYPE_NONE, 0);		      <
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_combo_init (GnomeDbCombo *combo, GnomeDbComboClass *	gnome_db_combo_init (GnomeDbCombo *combo, GnomeDbComboClass *
{								{
	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_COMBO (combo));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_COMBO (combo));

	/* allocate private structure */				/* allocate private structure */
	combo->priv = g_new0 (GnomeDbComboPrivate, 1);			combo->priv = g_new0 (GnomeDbComboPrivate, 1);
	combo->priv->model = NULL;					combo->priv->model = NULL;
	combo->priv->col = 0;				      <
	gtk_combo_box_set_model(GTK_COMBO_BOX(combo), NULL);  <
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_combo_set_property (GObject *object,			gnome_db_combo_set_property (GObject *object,
			     guint param_id,						     guint param_id,
			     const GValue *value,					     const GValue *value,
			     GParamSpec *pspec)						     GParamSpec *pspec)
{								{
	GnomeDbCombo *combo = (GnomeDbCombo *) object;			GnomeDbCombo *combo = (GnomeDbCombo *) object;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_COMBO (combo));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_COMBO (combo));

	switch (param_id) {						switch (param_id) {
	case PROP_MODEL :						case PROP_MODEL :
		gnome_db_combo_set_model (combo,				gnome_db_combo_set_model (combo,
					  GDA_DATA_MODEL (g_v						  GDA_DATA_MODEL (g_v
					  0);								  0);
		break;								break;
	default :							default :
		break;								break;
	}								}
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_combo_get_property (GObject *object,			gnome_db_combo_get_property (GObject *object,
			     guint param_id,						     guint param_id,
			     GValue *value,						     GValue *value,
			     GParamSpec *pspec)						     GParamSpec *pspec)
{								{
	GnomeDbCombo *combo = (GnomeDbCombo *) object;			GnomeDbCombo *combo = (GnomeDbCombo *) object;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_COMBO (combo));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_COMBO (combo));

	switch (param_id) {						switch (param_id) {
	case PROP_MODEL :						case PROP_MODEL :
		g_value_set_object (value, G_OBJECT (combo->p			g_value_set_object (value, G_OBJECT (combo->p
		break;								break;
	default :							default :
		break;								break;
	}								}
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_combo_finalize (GObject *object)			gnome_db_combo_finalize (GObject *object)
{								{
	GnomeDbCombo *combo = (GnomeDbCombo *) object;			GnomeDbCombo *combo = (GnomeDbCombo *) object;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_COMBO (combo));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_COMBO (combo));

	/* free memory */						/* free memory */
	if (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (combo->priv->model)) {			if (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (combo->priv->model)) {
		g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func (G_OBJEC			g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func (G_OBJEC
		g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (combo->priv->model)			g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (combo->priv->model)
		combo->priv->model = NULL;					combo->priv->model = NULL;
	}								}

	g_free (combo->priv);						g_free (combo->priv);
	combo->priv = NULL;						combo->priv = NULL;

	/* chain to parent class */					/* chain to parent class */
	parent_class->finalize (object);				parent_class->finalize (object);
}								}

GType								GType
gnome_db_combo_get_type (void)					gnome_db_combo_get_type (void)
{								{
	static GType type = 0;						static GType type = 0;

	if (!type) {							if (!type) {
		static const GTypeInfo info = {					static const GTypeInfo info = {
			sizeof (GnomeDbComboClass),					sizeof (GnomeDbComboClass),
			(GBaseInitFunc) NULL,						(GBaseInitFunc) NULL,
			(GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL,					(GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL,
			(GClassInitFunc) gnome_db_combo_class				(GClassInitFunc) gnome_db_combo_class
			NULL,								NULL,
			NULL,								NULL,
			sizeof (GnomeDbCombo),						sizeof (GnomeDbCombo),
			0,								0,
			(GInstanceInitFunc) gnome_db_combo_in				(GInstanceInitFunc) gnome_db_combo_in
		};								};
		type = g_type_register_static (PARENT_TYPE, "			type = g_type_register_static (PARENT_TYPE, "
	}								}
	return type;							return type;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_combo_new						 * gnome_db_combo_new
 *								 *
 * Create a new GnomeDbCombo widget.				 * Create a new GnomeDbCombo widget.
 *								 *
 * Returns: the newly-created widget.				 * Returns: the newly-created widget.
 */								 */
GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_combo_new (void)					gnome_db_combo_new (void)
{								{
	GnomeDbCombo *combo;						GnomeDbCombo *combo;

	combo = g_object_new (GNOME_DB_TYPE_COMBO, NULL);		combo = g_object_new (GNOME_DB_TYPE_COMBO, NULL);
	return GTK_WIDGET (combo);					return GTK_WIDGET (combo);
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_combo_new_with_model				 * gnome_db_combo_new_with_model
 * @model: a #GdaDataModel object.				 * @model: a #GdaDataModel object.
 * @col: the column in the model to be shown.			 * @col: the column in the model to be shown.
 *								 *
 * Create a new GnomeDbCombo widget with a model.		 * Create a new GnomeDbCombo widget with a model.
 *								 *
 * Returns: the newly-created widget.				 * Returns: the newly-created widget.
 */								 */
GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_combo_new_with_model (GdaDataModel *model, gint col)	gnome_db_combo_new_with_model (GdaDataModel *model, gint col)
{								{
	GnomeDbCombo *combo;						GnomeDbCombo *combo;
	g_return_val_if_fail (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (model), NULL		g_return_val_if_fail (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (model), NULL
	g_return_val_if_fail (col >= 0 && col < gda_data_mode |		g_return_val_if_fail (col >= 0, NULL);

	combo = gnome_db_combo_new();					combo = gnome_db_combo_new();
	if (combo != NULL) {						if (combo != NULL) {
		gnome_db_combo_set_model (GNOME_DB_COMBO (com			gnome_db_combo_set_model (GNOME_DB_COMBO (com
	}								}

	return GTK_WIDGET (combo);					return GTK_WIDGET (combo);
}								}

static void							static void
model_changed_cb (GdaDataModel *model, gpointer user_data)	model_changed_cb (GdaDataModel *model, gpointer user_data)
{								{
	GnomeDbCombo *combo = GNOME_DB_COMBO (user_data);		GnomeDbCombo *combo = GNOME_DB_COMBO (user_data);
	gint rows, i;					      |		gint rows, i, cols;
	GdaValue *value;				      |		const GdaValue *value;
	GtkTreeStore *combo_model;			      |		GList *list = NULL;
	GtkTreeIter iter;				      |
	g_return_if_fail (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (model));			g_return_if_fail (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (model));
	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_COMBO (combo));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_COMBO (combo));

							      >		cols = gda_data_model_get_n_columns (model);
	rows = gda_data_model_get_n_rows (model);			rows = gda_data_model_get_n_rows (model);
							      |		if (rows == 0 || cols < combo->priv->col) {
	combo_model = gtk_tree_store_new(1, G_TYPE_STRING);   |			list = g_list_append (list, "");
	/* Set the values to ListStore */		      |			gtk_combo_set_popdown_strings (GTK_COMBO (com
							      >			g_list_free (list);
							      >			return;
							      >		}

	for (i = 0; i < rows; i++) {					for (i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
		gtk_tree_store_append(combo_model,&iter, NULL <
		value = gda_data_model_get_value_at (model, c			value = gda_data_model_get_value_at (model, c
		gtk_tree_store_set(combo_model,&iter,0,gda_va |			list = g_list_append (list, gda_value_stringi
	}								}
	gtk_combo_box_set_model(GTK_COMBO_BOX(combo), combo_m |
	gtk_combo_box_entry_set_text_column(GTK_COMBO_BOX_ENT |		gtk_combo_set_popdown_strings (GTK_COMBO (combo), lis
							      |		g_list_foreach (list, (GFunc) g_free, NULL);
							      >		g_list_free (list);
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_combo_set_model					 * gnome_db_combo_set_model
 * @combo: a #GnomeDbCombo widget.				 * @combo: a #GnomeDbCombo widget.
 * @model: a #GdaDataModel object.				 * @model: a #GdaDataModel object.
 * @col: column in the model to be shown.			 * @col: column in the model to be shown.
 *								 *
 * Associate a #GdaDataModel with the given combo widget. Doi	 * Associate a #GdaDataModel with the given combo widget. Doi
 * combo widget refresh its list of values and display the va	 * combo widget refresh its list of values and display the va
 * in the model, in the given position. A NULL @model will ma	 * in the model, in the given position. A NULL @model will ma
 * and disassociate the previous model, if any.			 * and disassociate the previous model, if any.
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_combo_set_model (GnomeDbCombo *combo, GdaDataModel *	gnome_db_combo_set_model (GnomeDbCombo *combo, GdaDataModel *
{								{
							      |		GList *list = NULL;
	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_COMBO (combo));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_COMBO (combo));
	g_return_if_fail (model == NULL || GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL 		g_return_if_fail (model == NULL || GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL 
	g_return_if_fail (col >= 0 && col < gda_data_model_ge <

	if (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (combo->priv->model)) {			if (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (combo->priv->model)) {
							      >			g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func (G_OBJEC
		g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (combo->priv->model)			g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (combo->priv->model)
	}								}
	g_object_ref (G_OBJECT (model));		      |
	combo->priv->model = model;					combo->priv->model = model;
	combo->priv->col = col;				      |		if (model != NULL) {
	model_changed_cb (model, combo);		      |			g_object_ref (G_OBJECT (model));
	g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (combo), combo_signals[MODEL_ |			g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (combo->priv->mode
							      >					  G_CALLBACK (model_changed_c
							      >			combo->priv->col = col;
							      >			model_changed_cb (model, combo);
							      >		} else {
							      >			list = g_list_append (list, "");
							      >			gtk_combo_set_popdown_strings (GTK_COMBO (com
							      >			g_list_free (list);
							      >		}
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_combo_get_model					 * gnome_db_combo_get_model
 * @combo: a #GnomeDbCombo widget.				 * @combo: a #GnomeDbCombo widget.
 *								 *
 * This function returns the #GdaDataModel stored in the #Gno	 * This function returns the #GdaDataModel stored in the #Gno
 *								 *
 * Returns: a #GdaDataModel containing the data from the #Gno	 * Returns: a #GdaDataModel containing the data from the #Gno
 */								 */
GdaDataModel *							GdaDataModel *
gnome_db_combo_get_model (GnomeDbCombo *combo)			gnome_db_combo_get_model (GnomeDbCombo *combo)
{								{
	g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_COMBO (combo), NULL		g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_COMBO (combo), NULL

	if (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (combo->priv->model)) {			if (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (combo->priv->model)) {
		return GDA_DATA_MODEL (combo->priv->model);			return GDA_DATA_MODEL (combo->priv->model);
	}								}
	return NULL;							return NULL;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_combo_get_column					 * gnome_db_combo_get_column
 * @combo: a #GnomeDbCombo widget.				 * @combo: a #GnomeDbCombo widget.
 *								 *
 * This function return the column.				 * This function return the column.
 * 								 * 
 * Returns: the column of the #GdaDataModel showed by the #Gn |	 * Returns: the column of the #GdaDataModel stored by the #Gn
 */								 */
gint								gint
gnome_db_combo_get_column (GnomeDbCombo *combo)			gnome_db_combo_get_column (GnomeDbCombo *combo)
{								{
	g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_COMBO (combo), -1);		g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_COMBO (combo), -1);
	if (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (combo->priv->model)) {			if (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (combo->priv->model)) {
		return combo->priv->col;					return combo->priv->col;
	}								}
	return -1;							return -1;
}								}
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.h ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.h
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 The Free Software Foundation		 * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 The Free Software Foundation
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#if !defined(__gnome_db_combo_h__)				#if !defined(__gnome_db_combo_h__)
#  define __gnome_db_combo_h__					#  define __gnome_db_combo_h__

#include <libgda/gda-data-model.h>				#include <libgda/gda-data-model.h>
#include <gtk/gtkcomboboxentry.h>			      |	#include <gtk/gtkcombo.h>
#include <gtk/gtktreestore.h>				      <


#define GNOME_DB_TYPE_COMBO            (gnome_db_combo_get_ty	#define GNOME_DB_TYPE_COMBO            (gnome_db_combo_get_ty
#define GNOME_DB_COMBO(obj)            (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE	#define GNOME_DB_COMBO(obj)            (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE

typedef struct _GnomeDbCombo        GnomeDbCombo;		typedef struct _GnomeDbCombo        GnomeDbCombo;
typedef struct _GnomeDbComboClass   GnomeDbComboClass;		typedef struct _GnomeDbComboClass   GnomeDbComboClass;
typedef struct _GnomeDbComboPrivate GnomeDbComboPrivate;	typedef struct _GnomeDbComboPrivate GnomeDbComboPrivate;

struct _GnomeDbCombo {						struct _GnomeDbCombo {
	GtkComboBoxEntry combo;				      |		GtkCombo combo;
	GnomeDbComboPrivate *priv;					GnomeDbComboPrivate *priv;
};								};

struct _GnomeDbComboClass {					struct _GnomeDbComboClass {
	GtkComboBoxEntryClass parent_class;		      |		GtkComboClass parent_class;
	void (* model_changed) (GnomeDbCombo *combo);	      <
};								};

GType      gnome_db_combo_get_type (void);			GType      gnome_db_combo_get_type (void);
GtkWidget *gnome_db_combo_new (void);				GtkWidget *gnome_db_combo_new (void);
GtkWidget *gnome_db_combo_new_with_model (GdaDataModel *model	GtkWidget *gnome_db_combo_new_with_model (GdaDataModel *model
void       gnome_db_combo_set_model (GnomeDbCombo *combo, Gda	void       gnome_db_combo_set_model (GnomeDbCombo *combo, Gda
GdaDataModel *gnome_db_combo_get_model (GnomeDbCombo *combo);	GdaDataModel *gnome_db_combo_get_model (GnomeDbCombo *combo);
gint       gnome_db_combo_get_column (GnomeDbCombo *combo);	gint       gnome_db_combo_get_column (GnomeDbCombo *combo);


#endif								#endif
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *      Gonzalo Paniagua Javier <gonzalo gnome-db org>		 *      Gonzalo Paniagua Javier <gonzalo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#include <string.h>						#include <string.h>
#include <bonobo-activation/bonobo-activation.h>		#include <bonobo-activation/bonobo-activation.h>
#include <bonobo/bonobo-exception.h>				#include <bonobo/bonobo-exception.h>
#include "gnome-db-i18n.h"					#include "gnome-db-i18n.h"
#include <gconf/gconf.h>					#include <gconf/gconf.h>
#include <libgda/gda-data-model-array.h>			#include <libgda/gda-data-model-array.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.h>

static GList *							static GList *
activation_property_to_list (Bonobo_ActivationProperty *prop)	activation_property_to_list (Bonobo_ActivationProperty *prop)
{								{
	GList *list = NULL;						GList *list = NULL;

	g_return_val_if_fail (prop != NULL, NULL);			g_return_val_if_fail (prop != NULL, NULL);

	if (prop->v._d == Bonobo_ACTIVATION_P_STRING)			if (prop->v._d == Bonobo_ACTIVATION_P_STRING)
		list = g_list_append (list, g_strdup (prop->v			list = g_list_append (list, g_strdup (prop->v
	else if (prop->v._d == Bonobo_ACTIVATION_P_STRINGV) {		else if (prop->v._d == Bonobo_ACTIVATION_P_STRINGV) {
		gint j;								gint j;
		Bonobo_StringList strlist = prop->v._u.value_			Bonobo_StringList strlist = prop->v._u.value_

		for (j = 0; j < strlist._length; j++) {				for (j = 0; j < strlist._length; j++) {
                        gchar *str = g_strdup (strlist._buffe	                        gchar *str = g_strdup (strlist._buffe
			list = g_list_append (list, str);				list = g_list_append (list, str);
		}								}
	}								}

	return list;							return list;
}								}

static gchar *							static gchar *
activation_property_to_string (Bonobo_ActivationProperty *pro	activation_property_to_string (Bonobo_ActivationProperty *pro
{								{
	g_return_val_if_fail (prop != NULL, NULL);			g_return_val_if_fail (prop != NULL, NULL);

	if (prop->v._d == Bonobo_ACTIVATION_P_STRING)			if (prop->v._d == Bonobo_ACTIVATION_P_STRING)
		return g_strdup (prop->v._u.value_string);			return g_strdup (prop->v._u.value_string);
	else if (prop->v._d == Bonobo_ACTIVATION_P_STRINGV) {		else if (prop->v._d == Bonobo_ACTIVATION_P_STRINGV) {
		gint j;								gint j;
		GString *str = NULL;						GString *str = NULL;
		Bonobo_StringList strlist = prop->v._u.value_			Bonobo_StringList strlist = prop->v._u.value_
		for (j = 0; j < strlist._length; j++) {				for (j = 0; j < strlist._length; j++) {
			if (!str)							if (!str)
				str = g_string_new (strlist._					str = g_string_new (strlist._
			else {								else {
				str = g_string_append (str, "					str = g_string_append (str, "
				str = g_string_append (str, s					str = g_string_append (str, s
			}								}
		}								}
		if (str) {							if (str) {
			gchar *ret = str->str;						gchar *ret = str->str;
			g_string_free (str, FALSE);					g_string_free (str, FALSE);
			return ret;							return ret;
		}								}
	}								}

	return NULL;							return NULL;
}								}

static GdaParameter *						static GdaParameter *
activation_property_to_parameter (Bonobo_ActivationProperty *	activation_property_to_parameter (Bonobo_ActivationProperty *
{								{
        GdaParameter *param;					        GdaParameter *param;
        gchar *str;						        gchar *str;

        g_return_val_if_fail (prop != NULL, NULL);		        g_return_val_if_fail (prop != NULL, NULL);

        switch (prop->v._d) {					        switch (prop->v._d) {
        case Bonobo_ACTIVATION_P_STRING :			        case Bonobo_ACTIVATION_P_STRING :
                param = gda_parameter_new_string ((const gcha	                param = gda_parameter_new_string ((const gcha
                break;						                break;
        case Bonobo_ACTIVATION_P_NUMBER :			        case Bonobo_ACTIVATION_P_NUMBER :
                param = gda_parameter_new_double ((const gcha	                param = gda_parameter_new_double ((const gcha
                break;						                break;
        case Bonobo_ACTIVATION_P_BOOLEAN :			        case Bonobo_ACTIVATION_P_BOOLEAN :
                param = gda_parameter_new_boolean ((const gch	                param = gda_parameter_new_boolean ((const gch
                break;						                break;
        case Bonobo_ACTIVATION_P_STRINGV :			        case Bonobo_ACTIVATION_P_STRINGV :
                str = activation_property_to_string (prop);	                str = activation_property_to_string (prop);
                if (str) {					                if (str) {
			param = gda_parameter_new_string ((co				param = gda_parameter_new_string ((co
                        g_free (str);				                        g_free (str);
                } else						                } else
			param = NULL;							param = NULL;
                break;						                break;
        default :						        default :
                param = NULL;					                param = NULL;
        }							        }

	return param;							return param;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_config_get_component_list				 * gnome_db_config_get_component_list
 * @query: condition for components to be retrieved.		 * @query: condition for components to be retrieved.
 *								 *
 * Return a list of all components currently installed in	 * Return a list of all components currently installed in
 * the system that match the given query (see			 * the system that match the given query (see
 * BonoboActivation documentation). Each of the nodes		 * BonoboActivation documentation). Each of the nodes
 * in the returned GList is a #GnomeDbComponentInfo. To free	 * in the returned GList is a #GnomeDbComponentInfo. To free
 * the returned list, call the #gnome_db_config_free_componen	 * the returned list, call the #gnome_db_config_free_componen
 * function.							 * function.
 *								 *
 * Returns: a GList of #GnomeDbComponentInfo structures.	 * Returns: a GList of #GnomeDbComponentInfo structures.
 */								 */
GList *								GList *
gnome_db_config_get_component_list (const gchar *query)		gnome_db_config_get_component_list (const gchar *query)
{								{
	CORBA_Environment ev;						CORBA_Environment ev;
	Bonobo_ServerInfoList *server_list;				Bonobo_ServerInfoList *server_list;
	gint i;								gint i;
	GList *list = NULL;						GList *list = NULL;

	CORBA_exception_init (&ev);					CORBA_exception_init (&ev);
	server_list = bonobo_activation_query (query, NULL, &		server_list = bonobo_activation_query (query, NULL, &
	if (BONOBO_EX (&ev)) {						if (BONOBO_EX (&ev)) {
		gda_log_error (_("Could not query CORBA compo			gda_log_error (_("Could not query CORBA compo
		CORBA_exception_free (&ev);					CORBA_exception_free (&ev);
		return NULL;							return NULL;
	}								}

	/* create the list to be returned from the CORBA sequ		/* create the list to be returned from the CORBA sequ
	for (i = 0; i < server_list->_length; i++) {			for (i = 0; i < server_list->_length; i++) {
		GnomeDbComponentInfo *comp_info;				GnomeDbComponentInfo *comp_info;
		gint j;								gint j;
		Bonobo_ServerInfo *bonobo_info = &server_list			Bonobo_ServerInfo *bonobo_info = &server_list

		comp_info = g_new0 (GnomeDbComponentInfo, 1);			comp_info = g_new0 (GnomeDbComponentInfo, 1);
		comp_info->id = g_strdup (bonobo_info->iid);			comp_info->id = g_strdup (bonobo_info->iid);
		comp_info->location = g_strdup (bonobo_info->			comp_info->location = g_strdup (bonobo_info->
		comp_info->description = activation_property_			comp_info->description = activation_property_
			(Bonobo_ActivationProperty *) bonobo_				(Bonobo_ActivationProperty *) bonobo_
		comp_info->repo_ids = activation_property_to_			comp_info->repo_ids = activation_property_to_
			bonobo_server_info_prop_find (bonobo_				bonobo_server_info_prop_find (bonobo_
		comp_info->username = g_strdup (bonobo_info->			comp_info->username = g_strdup (bonobo_info->
		comp_info->hostname = g_strdup (bonobo_info->			comp_info->hostname = g_strdup (bonobo_info->
		comp_info->domain = g_strdup (bonobo_info->do			comp_info->domain = g_strdup (bonobo_info->do
		if (!strcmp (bonobo_info->server_type, "exe")			if (!strcmp (bonobo_info->server_type, "exe")
			comp_info->type = GNOME_DB_COMPONENT_				comp_info->type = GNOME_DB_COMPONENT_
		else if (!strcmp (bonobo_info->server_type, "			else if (!strcmp (bonobo_info->server_type, "
			comp_info->type = GNOME_DB_COMPONENT_				comp_info->type = GNOME_DB_COMPONENT_
		else if (!strcmp (bonobo_info->server_type, "			else if (!strcmp (bonobo_info->server_type, "
			comp_info->type = GNOME_DB_COMPONENT_				comp_info->type = GNOME_DB_COMPONENT_
		else								else
			comp_info->type = GNOME_DB_COMPONENT_				comp_info->type = GNOME_DB_COMPONENT_

		/* get all properties */					/* get all properties */
		comp_info->properties = gda_parameter_list_ne			comp_info->properties = gda_parameter_list_ne
		for (j = 0; j < bonobo_info->props._length; j			for (j = 0; j < bonobo_info->props._length; j
			GdaParameter *param;						GdaParameter *param;
			param = activation_property_to_parame				param = activation_property_to_parame
				&bonobo_info->props._buffer[j					&bonobo_info->props._buffer[j
			if (param != NULL) {						if (param != NULL) {
				gda_parameter_list_add_parame					gda_parameter_list_add_parame
					comp_info->properties						comp_info->properties
			}								}
		}								}
		list = g_list_append (list, comp_info);				list = g_list_append (list, comp_info);
	}								}

	CORBA_free (server_list);					CORBA_free (server_list);
	return list;							return list;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_config_get_component_data_model			 * gnome_db_config_get_component_data_model
 * @query: condition for components to be retrieved.		 * @query: condition for components to be retrieved.
 *								 *
 * Return a list of all components currently installed in	 * Return a list of all components currently installed in
 * the system that match the given query (see			 * the system that match the given query (see
 * BonoboActivation documentation).				 * BonoboActivation documentation).
 *								 *
 * Returns: a #GdaDataModel object, or %NULL on failure.	 * Returns: a #GdaDataModel object, or %NULL on failure.
 */								 */
GdaDataModel *							GdaDataModel *
gnome_db_config_get_component_data_model (const gchar *query)	gnome_db_config_get_component_data_model (const gchar *query)
{								{
	GdaDataModel *model;						GdaDataModel *model;
	GList *list, *i;						GList *list, *i;
	list = gnome_db_config_get_component_list (query);		list = gnome_db_config_get_component_list (query);
	g_return_val_if_fail (list != NULL, NULL);			g_return_val_if_fail (list != NULL, NULL);

	model = gda_data_model_array_new (6);				model = gda_data_model_array_new (6);
	gda_data_model_set_column_title (model, 0, _("ID"));		gda_data_model_set_column_title (model, 0, _("ID"));
	gda_data_model_set_column_title (model, 1, _("Locatio		gda_data_model_set_column_title (model, 1, _("Locatio
	gda_data_model_set_column_title (model, 2, _("Descrip		gda_data_model_set_column_title (model, 2, _("Descrip
	gda_data_model_set_column_title (model, 3, _("Usernam		gda_data_model_set_column_title (model, 3, _("Usernam
	gda_data_model_set_column_title (model, 4, _("Hostnam		gda_data_model_set_column_title (model, 4, _("Hostnam
	gda_data_model_set_column_title (model, 5, _("Domain"		gda_data_model_set_column_title (model, 5, _("Domain"
	for (i = list; i != NULL; i = i->next) {			for (i = list; i != NULL; i = i->next) {
		GnomeDbComponentInfo *info;					GnomeDbComponentInfo *info;
		GList *row = NULL;						GList *row = NULL;
		info = (GnomeDbComponentInfo *) i->data;			info = (GnomeDbComponentInfo *) i->data;
		row = g_list_append (row,					row = g_list_append (row,
				     gda_value_new_string (in					     gda_value_new_string (in
		row = g_list_append (row,					row = g_list_append (row,
				     gda_value_new_string (in					     gda_value_new_string (in
		row = g_list_append (row,					row = g_list_append (row,
				     gda_value_new_string (in					     gda_value_new_string (in
		row = g_list_append (row,					row = g_list_append (row,
				     gda_value_new_string (in					     gda_value_new_string (in
		row = g_list_append (row,					row = g_list_append (row,
				     gda_value_new_string (in					     gda_value_new_string (in
		row = g_list_append (row,					row = g_list_append (row,
				     gda_value_new_string (in					     gda_value_new_string (in

		gda_data_model_append_row (GDA_DATA_MODEL (mo			gda_data_model_append_row (GDA_DATA_MODEL (mo
	}								}
	/* free memory */						/* free memory */
	gnome_db_config_free_component_list (list);			gnome_db_config_free_component_list (list);

	return model;							return model;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_config_free_component_list				 * gnome_db_config_free_component_list
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_config_free_component_list (GList *list)		gnome_db_config_free_component_list (GList *list)
{								{
	GList *l;							GList *l;

	for (l = g_list_first (list); l; l = l->next) {			for (l = g_list_first (list); l; l = l->next) {
		GnomeDbComponentInfo *comp_info = (GnomeDbCom			GnomeDbComponentInfo *comp_info = (GnomeDbCom

		if (comp_info != NULL) {					if (comp_info != NULL) {
			g_free (comp_info->id);						g_free (comp_info->id);
			g_free (comp_info->location);					g_free (comp_info->location);
			g_free (comp_info->description);				g_free (comp_info->description);
                        g_free (comp_info->username);		                        g_free (comp_info->username);
			g_free (comp_info->hostname);					g_free (comp_info->hostname);
			g_free (comp_info->domain);					g_free (comp_info->domain);
			g_list_foreach (comp_info->repo_ids, 				g_list_foreach (comp_info->repo_ids, 
			g_list_free (comp_info->repo_ids);				g_list_free (comp_info->repo_ids);
			gda_parameter_list_free (comp_info->p				gda_parameter_list_free (comp_info->p
			g_free (comp_info);						g_free (comp_info);
		}								}
	}								}

	g_list_free (list);						g_list_free (list);
}								}

/*								/*
 * Copies configuration from gda_config file to gconf		 * Copies configuration from gda_config file to gconf
 */								 */
static void							static void
sync_from_gda ()						sync_from_gda ()
{								{
	GList *s;							GList *s;
	GList *sections;						GList *sections;
	GList *e;							GList *e;
	GList *entries;							GList *entries;
	gchar *spath;							gchar *spath;
	gchar *epath;							gchar *epath;
	gchar *type;							gchar *type;
	gchar *str;							gchar *str;

	/* clear the previous data sources */				/* clear the previous data sources */
	gnome_db_config_remove_section (GDA_CONFIG_SECTION_DA		gnome_db_config_remove_section (GDA_CONFIG_SECTION_DA

	/* add all data sources from the libgda configuration		/* add all data sources from the libgda configuration
	sections = gda_config_list_sections (GDA_CONFIG_BASE)		sections = gda_config_list_sections (GDA_CONFIG_BASE)
	for (s = sections; s; s = s->next){				for (s = sections; s; s = s->next){
		spath = g_strdup_printf ("%s/%s", GDA_CONFIG_			spath = g_strdup_printf ("%s/%s", GDA_CONFIG_
						  (char *) s-							  (char *) s-
		entries = gda_config_list_keys (spath);				entries = gda_config_list_keys (spath);
		for (e = entries; e; e = e->next){				for (e = entries; e; e = e->next){
			epath = g_strdup_printf ("%s/%s", spa				epath = g_strdup_printf ("%s/%s", spa
			type = gda_config_get_type (epath);				type = gda_config_get_type (epath);
			g_assert (type);						g_assert (type);
			if (!strcmp (type, "string")) {					if (!strcmp (type, "string")) {
				str = gda_config_get_string (					str = gda_config_get_string (
				gnome_db_config_set_string (e					gnome_db_config_set_string (e
				g_free (str);							g_free (str);
			} else if (!strcmp (type, "bool"))				} else if (!strcmp (type, "bool"))
				gnome_db_config_set_boolean (					gnome_db_config_set_boolean (
						gda_config_ge							gda_config_ge
			else if (!strcmp (type, "float"))				else if (!strcmp (type, "float"))
				gnome_db_config_set_float (ep					gnome_db_config_set_float (ep
						gda_config_ge							gda_config_ge
			else if (!strcmp (type, "long"))				else if (!strcmp (type, "long"))
				gnome_db_config_set_int (epat					gnome_db_config_set_int (epat
						gda_config_ge							gda_config_ge
			else								else
				g_assert_not_reached ();					g_assert_not_reached ();
			g_free (type);							g_free (type);
			g_free (epath);							g_free (epath);
		}								}
		gda_config_free_list (entries);					gda_config_free_list (entries);
		g_free (spath);							g_free (spath);
	}								}
	gda_config_free_list (sections);				gda_config_free_list (sections);
}								}

static void							static void
sync_to_gda (GConfClient *client,				sync_to_gda (GConfClient *client,
	     guint cnxn_id,						     guint cnxn_id,
	     GConfEntry *entry,						     GConfEntry *entry,
	     gpointer user_data)					     gpointer user_data)
{								{
	const gchar *key;						const gchar *key;
	const GConfValue *value;					const GConfValue *value;

	g_return_if_fail (entry != NULL);				g_return_if_fail (entry != NULL);

	key = gconf_entry_get_key (entry);				key = gconf_entry_get_key (entry);
	value = gconf_entry_get_value (entry);				value = gconf_entry_get_value (entry);
	if (value == NULL) {						if (value == NULL) {
		if (gda_config_has_section (key))				if (gda_config_has_section (key))
			gda_config_remove_section (key);				gda_config_remove_section (key);
		else								else
			gda_config_remove_key (key);					gda_config_remove_key (key);
		return;								return;
	}								}

	switch (value->type) {						switch (value->type) {
		gda_config_set_string (key, gconf_value_get_s			gda_config_set_string (key, gconf_value_get_s
		break;								break;
		gda_config_set_int (key, gconf_value_get_int 			gda_config_set_int (key, gconf_value_get_int 
		break;								break;
		gda_config_set_float (key, gconf_value_get_fl			gda_config_set_float (key, gconf_value_get_fl
		break;								break;
		gda_config_set_boolean (key, gconf_value_get_			gda_config_set_boolean (key, gconf_value_get_
		break;								break;
	default:							default:
		g_warning (_("Unsupported type in GconfEntry:			g_warning (_("Unsupported type in GconfEntry:
	}								}
}								}

static GConfClient *conf_client;				static GConfClient *conf_client;

static GConfClient *						static GConfClient *
get_conf_client ()						get_conf_client ()
{								{
	if (!conf_client) {						if (!conf_client) {
		/* initialize GConf */						/* initialize GConf */
		if (!gconf_is_initialized ())					if (!gconf_is_initialized ())
			gconf_init (0, NULL, NULL);					gconf_init (0, NULL, NULL);
		conf_client = gconf_client_get_default ();			conf_client = gconf_client_get_default ();
		sync_from_gda ();						sync_from_gda ();
		gnome_db_config_add_listener (GDA_CONFIG_BASE			gnome_db_config_add_listener (GDA_CONFIG_BASE
	}								}
	return conf_client;						return conf_client;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_config_get_string					 * gnome_db_config_get_string
 * @path: path to the configuration entry			 * @path: path to the configuration entry
 *								 *
 * Gets the value of the specified configuration entry as a s	 * Gets the value of the specified configuration entry as a s
 * are then responsible to free the returned string		 * are then responsible to free the returned string
 *								 *
 * Returns: the value stored at the given entry			 * Returns: the value stored at the given entry
 */								 */
gchar *								gchar *
gnome_db_config_get_string (const gchar * path)			gnome_db_config_get_string (const gchar * path)
{								{
	return gconf_client_get_string (get_conf_client (), p		return gconf_client_get_string (get_conf_client (), p
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_config_get_int					 * gnome_db_config_get_int
 * @path: path to the configuration entry			 * @path: path to the configuration entry
 *								 *
 * Gets the value of the specified configuration entry as an 	 * Gets the value of the specified configuration entry as an 
 *								 *
 * Returns: the value stored at the given entry			 * Returns: the value stored at the given entry
 */								 */
gint								gint
gnome_db_config_get_int (const gchar * path)			gnome_db_config_get_int (const gchar * path)
{								{
	return gconf_client_get_int (get_conf_client (), path		return gconf_client_get_int (get_conf_client (), path
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_config_get_float					 * gnome_db_config_get_float
 * @path: path to the configuration entry			 * @path: path to the configuration entry
 *								 *
 * Gets the value of the specified configuration entry as a f	 * Gets the value of the specified configuration entry as a f
 *								 *
 * Returns: the value stored at the given entry			 * Returns: the value stored at the given entry
 */								 */
gdouble								gdouble
gnome_db_config_get_float (const gchar * path)			gnome_db_config_get_float (const gchar * path)
{								{
	return gconf_client_get_float (get_conf_client (), pa		return gconf_client_get_float (get_conf_client (), pa
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_config_get_boolean					 * gnome_db_config_get_boolean
 * @path: path to the configuration entry			 * @path: path to the configuration entry
 *								 *
 * Gets the value of the specified configuration entry as a b	 * Gets the value of the specified configuration entry as a b
 *								 *
 * Returns: the value stored at the given entry			 * Returns: the value stored at the given entry
 */								 */
gboolean							gboolean
gnome_db_config_get_boolean (const gchar * path)		gnome_db_config_get_boolean (const gchar * path)
{								{
	return gconf_client_get_bool (get_conf_client (), pat		return gconf_client_get_bool (get_conf_client (), pat
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_config_set_string					 * gnome_db_config_set_string
 * @path: path to the configuration entry			 * @path: path to the configuration entry
 * @new_value: new value					 * @new_value: new value
 *								 *
 * Sets the given configuration entry to contain a string	 * Sets the given configuration entry to contain a string
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_config_set_string (const gchar * path, const gchar *	gnome_db_config_set_string (const gchar * path, const gchar *
{								{
	gconf_client_set_string (get_conf_client (), path, ne		gconf_client_set_string (get_conf_client (), path, ne
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_config_set_int					 * gnome_db_config_set_int
 * @path: path to the configuration entry			 * @path: path to the configuration entry
 * @new_value: new value					 * @new_value: new value
 *								 *
 * Sets the given configuration entry to contain an integer	 * Sets the given configuration entry to contain an integer
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_config_set_int (const gchar * path, gint new_value)	gnome_db_config_set_int (const gchar * path, gint new_value)
{								{
	gconf_client_set_int (get_conf_client (), path, new_v		gconf_client_set_int (get_conf_client (), path, new_v
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_config_set_float					 * gnome_db_config_set_float
 * @path: path to the configuration entry			 * @path: path to the configuration entry
 * @new_value: new value					 * @new_value: new value
 *								 *
 * Sets the given configuration entry to contain a float	 * Sets the given configuration entry to contain a float
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_config_set_float (const gchar * path, gdouble new_va	gnome_db_config_set_float (const gchar * path, gdouble new_va
{								{
	gconf_client_set_float (get_conf_client (), path, new		gconf_client_set_float (get_conf_client (), path, new
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_config_set_boolean					 * gnome_db_config_set_boolean
 * @path: path to the configuration entry			 * @path: path to the configuration entry
 * @new_value: new value					 * @new_value: new value
 *								 *
 * Sets the given configuration entry to contain a boolean	 * Sets the given configuration entry to contain a boolean
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_config_set_boolean (const gchar * path, gboolean new	gnome_db_config_set_boolean (const gchar * path, gboolean new
{								{
	g_return_if_fail (path != NULL);				g_return_if_fail (path != NULL);
	gconf_client_set_bool (get_conf_client (), path, new_		gconf_client_set_bool (get_conf_client (), path, new_
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_config_remove_section				 * gnome_db_config_remove_section
 * @path: path to the configuration section			 * @path: path to the configuration section
 *								 *
 * Remove the given section from the configuration database	 * Remove the given section from the configuration database
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_config_remove_section (const gchar * path)		gnome_db_config_remove_section (const gchar * path)
{								{
	g_return_if_fail (path != NULL);				g_return_if_fail (path != NULL);
	gconf_client_recursive_unset (get_conf_client (), pat		gconf_client_recursive_unset (get_conf_client (), pat
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_config_remove_key					 * gnome_db_config_remove_key
 * @path: path to the configuration entry			 * @path: path to the configuration entry
 *								 *
 * Remove the given entry from the configuration database	 * Remove the given entry from the configuration database
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_config_remove_key (const gchar * path)			gnome_db_config_remove_key (const gchar * path)
{								{
	gconf_client_unset (get_conf_client (), path, NULL);		gconf_client_unset (get_conf_client (), path, NULL);
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_config_has_section					 * gnome_db_config_has_section
 * @path: path to the configuration section			 * @path: path to the configuration section
 *								 *
 * Checks whether the given section exists in the configurati	 * Checks whether the given section exists in the configurati
 * system							 * system
 *								 *
 * Returns: TRUE if the section exists, FALSE otherwise		 * Returns: TRUE if the section exists, FALSE otherwise
 */								 */
gboolean							gboolean
gnome_db_config_has_section (const gchar * path)		gnome_db_config_has_section (const gchar * path)
{								{
	return gconf_client_dir_exists (get_conf_client (), p		return gconf_client_dir_exists (get_conf_client (), p
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_config_has_key					 * gnome_db_config_has_key
 * @path: path to the configuration key				 * @path: path to the configuration key
 *								 *
 * Check whether the given key exists in the configuration sy	 * Check whether the given key exists in the configuration sy
 *								 *
 * Returns: TRUE if the entry exists, FALSE otherwise		 * Returns: TRUE if the entry exists, FALSE otherwise
 */								 */
gboolean							gboolean
gnome_db_config_has_key (const gchar * path)			gnome_db_config_has_key (const gchar * path)
{								{
	GConfValue *value;						GConfValue *value;

	g_return_val_if_fail (path != NULL, FALSE);			g_return_val_if_fail (path != NULL, FALSE);

	value = gconf_client_get (get_conf_client (), path, N		value = gconf_client_get (get_conf_client (), path, N
	if (value) {							if (value) {
		gconf_value_free (value);					gconf_value_free (value);
		return TRUE;							return TRUE;
	}								}
	return FALSE;							return FALSE;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_config_list_sections				 * gnome_db_config_list_sections
 * @path: path for root dir					 * @path: path for root dir
 *								 *
 * Return a GList containing the names of all the sections av	 * Return a GList containing the names of all the sections av
 * under the given root directory.				 * under the given root directory.
 *								 *
 * To free the returned value, you can use #gnome_db_config_f	 * To free the returned value, you can use #gnome_db_config_f
 *								 *
 * Returns: a list containing all the section names		 * Returns: a list containing all the section names
 */								 */
GList *								GList *
gnome_db_config_list_sections (const gchar * path)		gnome_db_config_list_sections (const gchar * path)
{								{
	GList *ret = NULL;						GList *ret = NULL;
	GSList *slist;							GSList *slist;

	g_return_val_if_fail (path != NULL, NULL);			g_return_val_if_fail (path != NULL, NULL);

	slist = gconf_client_all_dirs (get_conf_client (), pa		slist = gconf_client_all_dirs (get_conf_client (), pa
	if (slist) {							if (slist) {
		GSList *node;							GSList *node;

		for (node = slist; node != NULL; node = g_sli			for (node = slist; node != NULL; node = g_sli
			gchar *section_name = strrchr ((const				gchar *section_name = strrchr ((const
			if (section_name) {						if (section_name) {
				ret = g_list_append (ret, g_s					ret = g_list_append (ret, g_s
			}								}
		}								}
		g_slist_foreach (slist, (GFunc) g_free, NULL)			g_slist_foreach (slist, (GFunc) g_free, NULL)
		g_slist_free (slist);						g_slist_free (slist);
	}								}
	return ret;							return ret;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_config_list_keys					 * gnome_db_config_list_keys
 * @path: path for root dir					 * @path: path for root dir
 *								 *
 * Returns a list of all keys that exist under the given path	 * Returns a list of all keys that exist under the given path
 *								 *
 * To free the returned value, you can use #gnome_db_config_f	 * To free the returned value, you can use #gnome_db_config_f
 *								 *
 * Returns: a list containing all the key names			 * Returns: a list containing all the key names
 */								 */
GList *								GList *
gnome_db_config_list_keys (const gchar * path)			gnome_db_config_list_keys (const gchar * path)
{								{
	GList *ret = NULL;						GList *ret = NULL;
	GSList *slist;							GSList *slist;

	g_return_val_if_fail (path != NULL, NULL);			g_return_val_if_fail (path != NULL, NULL);

	slist = gconf_client_all_entries (get_conf_client (),		slist = gconf_client_all_entries (get_conf_client (),
	if (slist) {							if (slist) {
		GSList *node;							GSList *node;

		for (node = slist; node != NULL; node = g_sli			for (node = slist; node != NULL; node = g_sli
			GConfEntry *entry = (GConfEntry *) no				GConfEntry *entry = (GConfEntry *) no
			if (entry) {							if (entry) {
				gchar *entry_name;						gchar *entry_name;

				entry_name =							entry_name =
					strrchr ((const char 						strrchr ((const char 
						 gconf_entry_							 gconf_entry_
						 '/');								 '/');
				if (entry_name) {						if (entry_name) {
					ret = g_list_append (						ret = g_list_append (
				}								}
				gconf_entry_free (entry);					gconf_entry_free (entry);
			}								}
		}								}
		g_slist_free (slist);						g_slist_free (slist);
	}								}
	return ret;							return ret;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_config_free_list					 * gnome_db_config_free_list
 * @list: list to be freed					 * @list: list to be freed
 *								 *
 * Free all memory used by the given GList, which must be the	 * Free all memory used by the given GList, which must be the
 * from either #gnome_db_config_list_sections and #gnome_db_c	 * from either #gnome_db_config_list_sections and #gnome_db_c
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_config_free_list (GList * list)			gnome_db_config_free_list (GList * list)
{								{
	while (list != NULL) {						while (list != NULL) {
		gchar *str = (gchar *) list->data;				gchar *str = (gchar *) list->data;
		list = g_list_remove (list, (gpointer) str);			list = g_list_remove (list, (gpointer) str);
		g_free ((gpointer) str);					g_free ((gpointer) str);
	}								}
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_config_get_data_source_list				 * gnome_db_config_get_data_source_list
 *								 *
 * Retrieves information about available data sources.		 * Retrieves information about available data sources.
 *								 *
 * Returns: a GList of #GdaDatasourceInfo structures.		 * Returns: a GList of #GdaDatasourceInfo structures.
 */								 */
GList *								GList *
gnome_db_config_get_data_source_list (void)			gnome_db_config_get_data_source_list (void)
{								{
	GList *list = NULL;						GList *list = NULL;
	GList *sections;						GList *sections;
	GList *l;							GList *l;

	sections = gnome_db_config_list_sections (GDA_CONFIG_		sections = gnome_db_config_list_sections (GDA_CONFIG_
	for (l = sections; l != NULL; l = l->next) {			for (l = sections; l != NULL; l = l->next) {
		gchar *tmp;							gchar *tmp;
		GdaDataSourceInfo *info;					GdaDataSourceInfo *info;

		info = g_new0 (GdaDataSourceInfo, 1);				info = g_new0 (GdaDataSourceInfo, 1);
		info->name = g_strdup ((const gchar *) l->dat			info->name = g_strdup ((const gchar *) l->dat

		/* get the provider */						/* get the provider */
		tmp = g_strdup_printf ("%s/%s/Provider", GDA_			tmp = g_strdup_printf ("%s/%s/Provider", GDA_
		info->provider = gnome_db_config_get_string (			info->provider = gnome_db_config_get_string (
		g_free (tmp);							g_free (tmp);

		/* get the connection string */					/* get the connection string */
		tmp = g_strdup_printf ("%s/%s/DSN", GDA_CONFI			tmp = g_strdup_printf ("%s/%s/DSN", GDA_CONFI
		info->cnc_string = gnome_db_config_get_string			info->cnc_string = gnome_db_config_get_string
		g_free (tmp);							g_free (tmp);

		/* get the description */					/* get the description */
		tmp = g_strdup_printf ("%s/%s/Description", G			tmp = g_strdup_printf ("%s/%s/Description", G
		info->description = gnome_db_config_get_strin			info->description = gnome_db_config_get_strin
		g_free (tmp);							g_free (tmp);

		/* get the user name */						/* get the user name */
		tmp = g_strdup_printf ("%s/%s/Username", GDA_			tmp = g_strdup_printf ("%s/%s/Username", GDA_
		info->username = gnome_db_config_get_string (			info->username = gnome_db_config_get_string (
		g_free (tmp);							g_free (tmp);

		/* get the password */						/* get the password */
		tmp = g_strdup_printf ("%s/%s/Password", GDA_			tmp = g_strdup_printf ("%s/%s/Password", GDA_
		info->password = gnome_db_config_get_string (			info->password = gnome_db_config_get_string (
		g_free (tmp);							g_free (tmp);

		list = g_list_append (list, info);				list = g_list_append (list, info);
	}								}

	gnome_db_config_free_list (sections);				gnome_db_config_free_list (sections);

	return list;							return list;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_config_find_data_source				 * gnome_db_config_find_data_source
 * @name: name of the data source to look for.			 * @name: name of the data source to look for.
 *								 *
 * Looks for a data source given its name.			 * Looks for a data source given its name.
 * The search is case insensitive.				 * The search is case insensitive.
 *								 *
 * Returns: a #GdaDatasourceInfo structure.			 * Returns: a #GdaDatasourceInfo structure.
 */								 */
GdaDataSourceInfo *						GdaDataSourceInfo *
gnome_db_config_find_data_source (const gchar *name)		gnome_db_config_find_data_source (const gchar *name)
{								{
	GList *dsnlist;							GList *dsnlist;
	GList *l;							GList *l;
	GdaDataSourceInfo *info = NULL;					GdaDataSourceInfo *info = NULL;

	g_return_val_if_fail (name != NULL, NULL);			g_return_val_if_fail (name != NULL, NULL);

	dsnlist = gnome_db_config_get_data_source_list ();		dsnlist = gnome_db_config_get_data_source_list ();
	for (l = dsnlist; l != NULL; l = l->next) {			for (l = dsnlist; l != NULL; l = l->next) {
		GdaDataSourceInfo *tmp_info = (GdaDataSourceI			GdaDataSourceInfo *tmp_info = (GdaDataSourceI

		if (tmp_info && !strcmp (tmp_info->name, name			if (tmp_info && !strcmp (tmp_info->name, name
			info = gnome_db_config_copy_data_sour				info = gnome_db_config_copy_data_sour
			break;								break;
		}								}
	}								}

	gnome_db_config_free_data_source_list (dsnlist);		gnome_db_config_free_data_source_list (dsnlist);

	return info;							return info;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_config_copy_data_source_info			 * gnome_db_config_copy_data_source_info
 * @src: #GdaDataSourceInfo to copy				 * @src: #GdaDataSourceInfo to copy
 *								 *
 * Copies a #GdaDataSourceInfo structure.			 * Copies a #GdaDataSourceInfo structure.
 *								 *
 * Returns: a copy of @src.					 * Returns: a copy of @src.
 */								 */
GdaDataSourceInfo *						GdaDataSourceInfo *
gnome_db_config_copy_data_source_info (GdaDataSourceInfo *src	gnome_db_config_copy_data_source_info (GdaDataSourceInfo *src
{								{
	GdaDataSourceInfo *info;					GdaDataSourceInfo *info;

	g_return_val_if_fail (src != NULL, NULL);			g_return_val_if_fail (src != NULL, NULL);

	info = g_new0 (GdaDataSourceInfo, 1);				info = g_new0 (GdaDataSourceInfo, 1);
	info->name = g_strdup (src->name);				info->name = g_strdup (src->name);
	info->provider = g_strdup (src->provider);			info->provider = g_strdup (src->provider);
	info->cnc_string = g_strdup (src->cnc_string);			info->cnc_string = g_strdup (src->cnc_string);
	info->description = g_strdup (src->description);		info->description = g_strdup (src->description);
	info->username = g_strdup (src->username);			info->username = g_strdup (src->username);
	info->password = g_strdup (src->password);			info->password = g_strdup (src->password);

	return info;							return info;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_config_free_data_source_list			 * gnome_db_config_free_data_source_list
 * @list: a GList returned by #gnome_db_config_get_data_sourc	 * @list: a GList returned by #gnome_db_config_get_data_sourc
 *								 *
 * Frees the @list.						 * Frees the @list.
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_config_free_data_source_list (GList *list)		gnome_db_config_free_data_source_list (GList *list)
{								{
	GList *l;							GList *l;
	GdaDataSourceInfo *info;					GdaDataSourceInfo *info;

	for (l = list; l; l = l->next) {				for (l = list; l; l = l->next) {
		info = l->data;							info = l->data;
		l->data = NULL;							l->data = NULL;
		gnome_db_config_free_data_source_info (info);			gnome_db_config_free_data_source_info (info);
	}								}

	g_list_remove_all (list, NULL);					g_list_remove_all (list, NULL);
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_config_save_data_source				 * gnome_db_config_save_data_source
 * @name: Name for the data source to be saved.			 * @name: Name for the data source to be saved.
 * @provider: Provider ID for the new data source.		 * @provider: Provider ID for the new data source.
 * @cnc_string: Connection string for the new data source.	 * @cnc_string: Connection string for the new data source.
 * @description: Description for the new data source.		 * @description: Description for the new data source.
 * @username: User name for the new data source.		 * @username: User name for the new data source.
 * @password: Password to use when authenticating @username.	 * @password: Password to use when authenticating @username.
 *								 *
 * Adds a new data source (or update an existing one) to the 	 * Adds a new data source (or update an existing one) to the 
 * configuration, based on the parameters given.		 * configuration, based on the parameters given.
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_config_save_data_source (const gchar *name,		gnome_db_config_save_data_source (const gchar *name,
			     const gchar *provider,					     const gchar *provider,
			     const gchar *cnc_string,					     const gchar *cnc_string,
			     const gchar *description,					     const gchar *description,
			     const gchar *username,					     const gchar *username,
			     const gchar *password)					     const gchar *password)
{								{
	GString *str;							GString *str;
	gint trunc_len;							gint trunc_len;

	g_return_if_fail (name != NULL);				g_return_if_fail (name != NULL);
	g_return_if_fail (provider != NULL);				g_return_if_fail (provider != NULL);

	str = g_string_new ("");					str = g_string_new ("");
	g_string_printf (str, "%s/%s/", GDA_CONFIG_SECTION_DA		g_string_printf (str, "%s/%s/", GDA_CONFIG_SECTION_DA
	trunc_len = strlen (str->str);					trunc_len = strlen (str->str);
	/* set the provider */						/* set the provider */
	g_string_append (str, "Provider");				g_string_append (str, "Provider");
	gnome_db_config_set_string (str->str, provider);		gnome_db_config_set_string (str->str, provider);
	g_string_truncate (str, trunc_len);				g_string_truncate (str, trunc_len);

	/* set the connection string */					/* set the connection string */
	if (cnc_string) {						if (cnc_string) {
		g_string_append (str, "DSN");					g_string_append (str, "DSN");
		gnome_db_config_set_string (str->str, cnc_str			gnome_db_config_set_string (str->str, cnc_str
		g_string_truncate (str, trunc_len);				g_string_truncate (str, trunc_len);
	}								}

	/* set the description */					/* set the description */
	if (description) {						if (description) {
		g_string_append (str, "Description");				g_string_append (str, "Description");
		gnome_db_config_set_string (str->str, descrip			gnome_db_config_set_string (str->str, descrip
		g_string_truncate (str, trunc_len);				g_string_truncate (str, trunc_len);
	}								}

	/* set the username */						/* set the username */
	if (username) {							if (username) {
		g_string_append (str, "Username");				g_string_append (str, "Username");
		gnome_db_config_set_string (str->str, usernam			gnome_db_config_set_string (str->str, usernam
		g_string_truncate (str, trunc_len);				g_string_truncate (str, trunc_len);
	}								}

	/* set the password */						/* set the password */
	if (password) {							if (password) {
		g_string_append (str, "Password");				g_string_append (str, "Password");
		gnome_db_config_set_string (str->str, passwor			gnome_db_config_set_string (str->str, passwor
		g_string_truncate (str, trunc_len);				g_string_truncate (str, trunc_len);
	}								}
	g_string_free (str, TRUE);					g_string_free (str, TRUE);
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_config_remove_data_source				 * gnome_db_config_remove_data_source
 * @name: Name for the data source to be removed.		 * @name: Name for the data source to be removed.
 *								 *
 * Removes the given data source from the GDA configuration.	 * Removes the given data source from the GDA configuration.
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_config_remove_data_source (const gchar *name)		gnome_db_config_remove_data_source (const gchar *name)
{								{
	gchar *dir;							gchar *dir;

	g_return_if_fail (name != NULL);				g_return_if_fail (name != NULL);

	dir = g_strdup_printf ("%s/%s", GDA_CONFIG_SECTION_DA		dir = g_strdup_printf ("%s/%s", GDA_CONFIG_SECTION_DA
	gnome_db_config_remove_section (dir);				gnome_db_config_remove_section (dir);
	gda_config_remove_section (dir);				gda_config_remove_section (dir);
	g_free (dir);							g_free (dir);
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_config_free_data_source_info			 * gnome_db_config_free_data_source_info
 * @info: the struture to deallocate.				 * @info: the struture to deallocate.
 *								 *
 * Frees the resources allocated by a #GdaDataSourceInfo.	 * Frees the resources allocated by a #GdaDataSourceInfo.
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_config_free_data_source_info (GdaDataSourceInfo *inf	gnome_db_config_free_data_source_info (GdaDataSourceInfo *inf
{								{
	g_return_if_fail (info != NULL);				g_return_if_fail (info != NULL);

	g_free (info->name);						g_free (info->name);
	g_free (info->provider);					g_free (info->provider);
	g_free (info->cnc_string);					g_free (info->cnc_string);
	g_free (info->description);					g_free (info->description);
	g_free (info->username);					g_free (info->username);
	g_free (info->password);					g_free (info->password);

	g_free (info);							g_free (info);
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_config_add_listener					 * gnome_db_config_add_listener
 * @path: configuration path to listen to.			 * @path: configuration path to listen to.
 * @func: callback function.					 * @func: callback function.
 * @user_data: data to be passed to the callback function.	 * @user_data: data to be passed to the callback function.
 *								 *
 * Installs a configuration listener, which is a callback fun	 * Installs a configuration listener, which is a callback fun
 * which will be called every time a change occurs on a given	 * which will be called every time a change occurs on a given
 * configuration entry.						 * configuration entry.
 *								 *
 * Returns: the ID of the listener, which you will need for	 * Returns: the ID of the listener, which you will need for
 * calling #gda_config_remove_listener. If an error occurs,	 * calling #gda_config_remove_listener. If an error occurs,
 * 0 is returned.						 * 0 is returned.
 */								 */
guint								guint
gnome_db_config_add_listener (const gchar *path, 		gnome_db_config_add_listener (const gchar *path, 
			      GConfClientNotifyFunc func, 				      GConfClientNotifyFunc func, 
			      gpointer user_data)					      gpointer user_data)
{								{
	gconf_client_add_dir (get_conf_client (),			gconf_client_add_dir (get_conf_client (),
			      path,							      path,
			      NULL);							      NULL);

	return gconf_client_notify_add (get_conf_client (),		return gconf_client_notify_add (get_conf_client (),
					path,								path,
					func,								func,
					user_data,							user_data,
					NULL,								NULL,
					NULL);								NULL);
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_config_remove_listener				 * gnome_db_config_remove_listener
 * @id: the value returned from the call to #gnome_db_config_	 * @id: the value returned from the call to #gnome_db_config_
 *								 *
 * Removes a previously installed configuration listener.	 * Removes a previously installed configuration listener.
 */								 */
void gnome_db_config_remove_listener (guint id)			void gnome_db_config_remove_listener (guint id)
{								{
	gconf_client_notify_remove (get_conf_client (), id);		gconf_client_notify_remove (get_conf_client (), id);
}								}

diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.h ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.h
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *      Gonzalo Paniagua Javier <gonzalo gnome-db org>		 *      Gonzalo Paniagua Javier <gonzalo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#if !defined(__gnome_db_config_h__)				#if !defined(__gnome_db_config_h__)
#  define __gnome_db_config_h__					#  define __gnome_db_config_h__

#include <gconf/gconf-client.h>					#include <gconf/gconf-client.h>
#include <libgda/gda-config.h>					#include <libgda/gda-config.h>
#include <libgda/gda-data-model.h>				#include <libgda/gda-data-model.h>


/*								/*
 * CORBA components configuration				 * CORBA components configuration
 */								 */

typedef enum {							typedef enum {
} GnomeDbComponentType;						} GnomeDbComponentType;

typedef struct {						typedef struct {
	gchar *id;							gchar *id;
	gchar *location;						gchar *location;
	GnomeDbComponentType type;					GnomeDbComponentType type;
	gchar *description;						gchar *description;
	GList *repo_ids;						GList *repo_ids;
	gchar *username;						gchar *username;
	gchar *hostname;						gchar *hostname;
	gchar *domain;							gchar *domain;
	GdaParameterList *properties;					GdaParameterList *properties;
} GnomeDbComponentInfo;						} GnomeDbComponentInfo;

GList        *gnome_db_config_get_component_list (const gchar	GList        *gnome_db_config_get_component_list (const gchar
void          gnome_db_config_free_component_list (GList *lis	void          gnome_db_config_free_component_list (GList *lis
GdaDataModel *gnome_db_config_get_component_data_model (const	GdaDataModel *gnome_db_config_get_component_data_model (const
gchar 	     *gnome_db_config_get_string (const gchar *path);	gchar 	     *gnome_db_config_get_string (const gchar *path);
gint 	      gnome_db_config_get_int (const gchar *path);	gint 	      gnome_db_config_get_int (const gchar *path);
gdouble       gnome_db_config_get_float (const gchar *path);	gdouble       gnome_db_config_get_float (const gchar *path);
gboolean      gnome_db_config_get_boolean (const gchar *path)	gboolean      gnome_db_config_get_boolean (const gchar *path)
void 	      gnome_db_config_set_string (const gchar *path,	void 	      gnome_db_config_set_string (const gchar *path,
					  const gchar *new_va						  const gchar *new_va
void 	      gnome_db_config_set_int (const gchar *path, gin	void 	      gnome_db_config_set_int (const gchar *path, gin
void 	      gnome_db_config_set_float (const gchar *path, g	void 	      gnome_db_config_set_float (const gchar *path, g
void 	      gnome_db_config_set_boolean (const gchar *path,	void 	      gnome_db_config_set_boolean (const gchar *path,
					   gboolean new_value						   gboolean new_value

void 	      gnome_db_config_remove_section (const gchar *pa	void 	      gnome_db_config_remove_section (const gchar *pa
void 	      gnome_db_config_remove_key (const gchar *path);	void 	      gnome_db_config_remove_key (const gchar *path);

gboolean      gnome_db_config_has_section (const gchar *path)	gboolean      gnome_db_config_has_section (const gchar *path)
gboolean      gnome_db_config_has_key (const gchar *path);	gboolean      gnome_db_config_has_key (const gchar *path);

GList 	     *gnome_db_config_list_sections (const gchar *pat	GList 	     *gnome_db_config_list_sections (const gchar *pat
GList        *gnome_db_config_list_keys (const gchar *path);	GList        *gnome_db_config_list_keys (const gchar *path);
void          gnome_db_config_free_list (GList *list);		void          gnome_db_config_free_list (GList *list);

GList 	     *gnome_db_config_get_data_source_list (void);	GList 	     *gnome_db_config_get_data_source_list (void);
GdaDataSourceInfo *gnome_db_config_find_data_source (const gc	GdaDataSourceInfo *gnome_db_config_find_data_source (const gc
GdaDataSourceInfo *gnome_db_config_copy_data_source_info (Gda	GdaDataSourceInfo *gnome_db_config_copy_data_source_info (Gda
void 	      gnome_db_config_free_data_source_info (GdaDataS	void 	      gnome_db_config_free_data_source_info (GdaDataS
void 	      gnome_db_config_free_data_source_list (GList *l	void 	      gnome_db_config_free_data_source_list (GList *l
void	      gnome_db_config_remove_data_source (const gchar	void	      gnome_db_config_remove_data_source (const gchar
void	      gnome_db_config_save_data_source (const gchar *	void	      gnome_db_config_save_data_source (const gchar *
					        const gchar *						        const gchar *
					        const gchar *						        const gchar *
					        const gchar *						        const gchar *
					        const gchar *						        const gchar *
					        const gchar *						        const gchar *

guint 	      gnome_db_config_add_listener (const gchar *path	guint 	      gnome_db_config_add_listener (const gchar *path
					    GConfClientNotify						    GConfClientNotify
					    gpointer user_dat						    gpointer user_dat

void          gnome_db_config_remove_listener (guint id);	void          gnome_db_config_remove_listener (guint id);

/*								/*
 * Known configuration entries					 * Known configuration entries
 */								 */

#define GNOME_DB_CONFIG_KEY_EDITOR_TAB_STOP          "/apps/g	#define GNOME_DB_CONFIG_KEY_EDITOR_TAB_STOP          "/apps/g


#endif								#endif
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#include "gnome-db-i18n.h"					#include "gnome-db-i18n.h"
#include <gtk/gtkentry.h>					#include <gtk/gtkentry.h>
#include <gtk/gtktable.h>					#include <gtk/gtktable.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h>
#include "gnome-db-connection-properties.h"			#include "gnome-db-connection-properties.h"


struct _GnomeDbConnectionPropertiesPrivate {			struct _GnomeDbConnectionPropertiesPrivate {
	GdaConnection *cnc;						GdaConnection *cnc;

	/* widgets */							/* widgets */
	GtkWidget *connection_name;					GtkWidget *connection_name;
	GtkWidget *connection_string;					GtkWidget *connection_string;
	GtkWidget *connection_provider;					GtkWidget *connection_provider;
	GtkWidget *connection_username;					GtkWidget *connection_username;
	GtkWidget *feature_list;					GtkWidget *feature_list;
};								};

static void gnome_db_connection_properties_class_init (GnomeD	static void gnome_db_connection_properties_class_init (GnomeD
static void gnome_db_connection_properties_init       (GnomeD	static void gnome_db_connection_properties_init       (GnomeD
						       GnomeD							       GnomeD
static void gnome_db_connection_properties_finalize   (GObjec	static void gnome_db_connection_properties_finalize   (GObjec

static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL;			static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL;

/*								/*
 * Private functions						 * Private functions
 */								 */

static void							static void
refresh_widget (GnomeDbConnectionProperties *props)		refresh_widget (GnomeDbConnectionProperties *props)
{								{

	gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (props->priv->connectio		gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (props->priv->connectio
			    gda_connection_get_dsn (props->pr				    gda_connection_get_dsn (props->pr
	gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (props->priv->connectio		gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (props->priv->connectio
			    gda_connection_get_cnc_string (pr				    gda_connection_get_cnc_string (pr
	gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (props->priv->connectio		gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (props->priv->connectio
			    gda_connection_get_provider (prop				    gda_connection_get_provider (prop
	gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (props->priv->connectio		gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (props->priv->connectio
			    gda_connection_get_username (prop				    gda_connection_get_username (prop
}								}

/*								/*
 * GnomeDbConnectionProperties class implementation		 * GnomeDbConnectionProperties class implementation
 */								 */

static void							static void
gnome_db_connection_properties_class_init (GnomeDbConnectionP	gnome_db_connection_properties_class_init (GnomeDbConnectionP
{								{
	GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);		GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);

	parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);		parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);

	object_class->finalize = gnome_db_connection_properti		object_class->finalize = gnome_db_connection_properti
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_connection_properties_init (GnomeDbConnectionPropert	gnome_db_connection_properties_init (GnomeDbConnectionPropert
				     GnomeDbConnectionPropert					     GnomeDbConnectionPropert
{								{
	GtkWidget *frame;						GtkWidget *frame;
	GtkWidget *table;						GtkWidget *table;
	GtkWidget *label;						GtkWidget *label;


	/* allocate internal structure */				/* allocate internal structure */
	props->priv = g_new0 (GnomeDbConnectionPropertiesPriv		props->priv = g_new0 (GnomeDbConnectionPropertiesPriv
	props->priv->cnc = NULL;					props->priv->cnc = NULL;

	/* create widgets */						/* create widgets */
	frame = gnome_db_new_frame_widget (_("Settings"));		frame = gnome_db_new_frame_widget (_("Settings"));
	gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (props), frame, TRUE, TRU		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (props), frame, TRUE, TRU

	table = gnome_db_new_table_widget (6, 3, FALSE);		table = gnome_db_new_table_widget (6, 3, FALSE);
	gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (frame), table);		gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (frame), table);

	label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (_("Data source nam		label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (_("Data source nam
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), label, 0, 1, 0, 		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), label, 0, 1, 0, 
	props->priv->connection_name = gnome_db_new_entry_wid		props->priv->connection_name = gnome_db_new_entry_wid
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), props->priv->con		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), props->priv->con
			  1, 2, 0, 1, GTK_FILL, GTK_FILL, 2, 				  1, 2, 0, 1, GTK_FILL, GTK_FILL, 2, 

	label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (_("Connection stri		label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (_("Connection stri
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), label, 0, 1, 1, 		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), label, 0, 1, 1, 
	props->priv->connection_string = gnome_db_new_entry_w		props->priv->connection_string = gnome_db_new_entry_w
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), props->priv->con		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), props->priv->con
			  1, 2, 1, 2, GTK_FILL, GTK_FILL, 2, 				  1, 2, 1, 2, GTK_FILL, GTK_FILL, 2, 

	label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (_("Provider"));		label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (_("Provider"));
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), label, 0, 1, 2, 		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), label, 0, 1, 2, 
	props->priv->connection_provider = gnome_db_new_entry		props->priv->connection_provider = gnome_db_new_entry
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), props->priv->con		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), props->priv->con
			  1, 2, 2, 3, GTK_FILL, GTK_FILL, 2, 				  1, 2, 2, 3, GTK_FILL, GTK_FILL, 2, 

	label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (_("User name"));		label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (_("User name"));
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), label, 0, 1, 3, 		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), label, 0, 1, 3, 
	props->priv->connection_username = gnome_db_new_entry		props->priv->connection_username = gnome_db_new_entry
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), props->priv->con		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), props->priv->con
			  1, 2, 3, 4, GTK_FILL, GTK_FILL, 2, 				  1, 2, 3, 4, GTK_FILL, GTK_FILL, 2, 

	/* create feature list */					/* create feature list */
	frame = gnome_db_new_frame_widget (_("Features"));		frame = gnome_db_new_frame_widget (_("Features"));
	gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (props), frame, TRUE, TRU		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (props), frame, TRUE, TRU

	props->priv->feature_list = gnome_db_new_grid_widget 		props->priv->feature_list = gnome_db_new_grid_widget 
	gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (frame), props->priv		gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (frame), props->priv
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_connection_properties_finalize (GObject *object)	gnome_db_connection_properties_finalize (GObject *object)
{								{
	GnomeDbConnectionProperties *props = (GnomeDbConnecti		GnomeDbConnectionProperties *props = (GnomeDbConnecti


	/* free memory */						/* free memory */
	if (GDA_IS_CONNECTION (props->priv->cnc)) {			if (GDA_IS_CONNECTION (props->priv->cnc)) {
		g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (props->priv->cnc));			g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (props->priv->cnc));
		props->priv->cnc = NULL;					props->priv->cnc = NULL;
	}								}

	g_free (props->priv);						g_free (props->priv);
	props->priv = NULL;						props->priv = NULL;

	/* chain to parent class */					/* chain to parent class */
	parent_class->finalize (object);				parent_class->finalize (object);
}								}

GType								GType
gnome_db_connection_properties_get_type (void)			gnome_db_connection_properties_get_type (void)
{								{
	static GType type = 0;						static GType type = 0;

	if (!type) {							if (!type) {
		static const GTypeInfo info = {					static const GTypeInfo info = {
			sizeof (GnomeDbConnectionPropertiesCl				sizeof (GnomeDbConnectionPropertiesCl
			(GBaseInitFunc) NULL,						(GBaseInitFunc) NULL,
			(GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL,					(GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL,
			(GClassInitFunc) gnome_db_connection_				(GClassInitFunc) gnome_db_connection_
			NULL,								NULL,
			NULL,								NULL,
			sizeof (GnomeDbConnectionProperties),				sizeof (GnomeDbConnectionProperties),
			0,								0,
			(GInstanceInitFunc) gnome_db_connecti				(GInstanceInitFunc) gnome_db_connecti
		};								};
		type = g_type_register_static (PARENT_TYPE,			type = g_type_register_static (PARENT_TYPE,
					       "GnomeDbConnec						       "GnomeDbConnec
					       &info, 0);						       &info, 0);
	}								}
	return type;							return type;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_connection_properties_new				 * gnome_db_connection_properties_new
 * @cnc: a #GdaConnection object.				 * @cnc: a #GdaConnection object.
 *								 *
 * Create a new #GnomeDbConnectionProperties widget.		 * Create a new #GnomeDbConnectionProperties widget.
 */								 */
GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_connection_properties_new (GdaConnection *cnc)		gnome_db_connection_properties_new (GdaConnection *cnc)
{								{
	GnomeDbConnectionProperties *props;				GnomeDbConnectionProperties *props;

	props = g_object_new (GNOME_DB_TYPE_CONNECTION_PROPER		props = g_object_new (GNOME_DB_TYPE_CONNECTION_PROPER
	if (GDA_IS_CONNECTION (cnc)) {					if (GDA_IS_CONNECTION (cnc)) {
		g_object_ref (G_OBJECT (cnc));					g_object_ref (G_OBJECT (cnc));
		props->priv->cnc = cnc;						props->priv->cnc = cnc;
		refresh_widget (props);						refresh_widget (props);
	}								}

	return GTK_WIDGET (props);					return GTK_WIDGET (props);
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_connection_properties_get_connection		 * gnome_db_connection_properties_get_connection
 */								 */
GdaConnection *							GdaConnection *
gnome_db_connection_properties_get_connection (GnomeDbConnect	gnome_db_connection_properties_get_connection (GnomeDbConnect
{								{
	g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_CONNECTION_PROPERTI		g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_CONNECTION_PROPERTI
	return props->priv->cnc;					return props->priv->cnc;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_connection_properties_set_connection		 * gnome_db_connection_properties_set_connection
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_connection_properties_set_connection (GnomeDbConnect	gnome_db_connection_properties_set_connection (GnomeDbConnect
					       GdaConnection 						       GdaConnection 
{								{

	if (GDA_IS_CONNECTION (props->priv->cnc))			if (GDA_IS_CONNECTION (props->priv->cnc))
		g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (props->priv->cnc));			g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (props->priv->cnc));

	props->priv->cnc = cnc;						props->priv->cnc = cnc;
	if (GDA_IS_CONNECTION (props->priv->cnc)) {			if (GDA_IS_CONNECTION (props->priv->cnc)) {
		g_object_ref (G_OBJECT (props->priv->cnc));			g_object_ref (G_OBJECT (props->priv->cnc));
		refresh_widget (props);						refresh_widget (props);
	}								}
}								}
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.h ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.h
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#if !defined(__gnome_db_connection_properties_h__)		#if !defined(__gnome_db_connection_properties_h__)
#  define __gnome_db_connection_properties_h__			#  define __gnome_db_connection_properties_h__

#include <libgda/gda-connection.h>				#include <libgda/gda-connection.h>
#include <gtk/gtkvbox.h>					#include <gtk/gtkvbox.h>



typedef struct _GnomeDbConnectionProperties        GnomeDbCon	typedef struct _GnomeDbConnectionProperties        GnomeDbCon
typedef struct _GnomeDbConnectionPropertiesClass   GnomeDbCon	typedef struct _GnomeDbConnectionPropertiesClass   GnomeDbCon
typedef struct _GnomeDbConnectionPropertiesPrivate GnomeDbCon	typedef struct _GnomeDbConnectionPropertiesPrivate GnomeDbCon

struct _GnomeDbConnectionProperties {				struct _GnomeDbConnectionProperties {
	GtkVBox vbox;							GtkVBox vbox;
	GnomeDbConnectionPropertiesPrivate *priv;			GnomeDbConnectionPropertiesPrivate *priv;
};								};

struct _GnomeDbConnectionPropertiesClass {			struct _GnomeDbConnectionPropertiesClass {
	GtkVBoxClass parent_class;					GtkVBoxClass parent_class;
};								};

GType          gnome_db_connection_properties_get_type (void)	GType          gnome_db_connection_properties_get_type (void)
GtkWidget     *gnome_db_connection_properties_new (GdaConnect	GtkWidget     *gnome_db_connection_properties_new (GdaConnect
GdaConnection *gnome_db_connection_properties_get_connection 	GdaConnection *gnome_db_connection_properties_get_connection 
void           gnome_db_connection_properties_set_connection 	void           gnome_db_connection_properties_set_connection 


#endif								#endif
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-selector.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-selector.c
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-selector.h>		#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-selector.h>


struct _GnomeDbConnectionSelectorPrivate {			struct _GnomeDbConnectionSelectorPrivate {
};								};

static void gnome_db_connection_selector_class_init (GnomeDbC	static void gnome_db_connection_selector_class_init (GnomeDbC
static void gnome_db_connection_selector_init       (GnomeDbC	static void gnome_db_connection_selector_init       (GnomeDbC
						     GnomeDbC							     GnomeDbC
static void gnome_db_connection_selector_finalize   (GObject 	static void gnome_db_connection_selector_finalize   (GObject 

static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL;			static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL;

/*								/*
 * GnomeDbConnectionSelector class implementation		 * GnomeDbConnectionSelector class implementation
 */								 */

static void							static void
gnome_db_connection_selector_class_init (GnomeDbConnectionSel	gnome_db_connection_selector_class_init (GnomeDbConnectionSel
{								{
	GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);		GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);

	parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);		parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);

	object_class->finalize = gnome_db_connection_selector		object_class->finalize = gnome_db_connection_selector
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_connection_selector_init (GnomeDbConnectionSelector 	gnome_db_connection_selector_init (GnomeDbConnectionSelector 
				   GnomeDbConnectionSelectorC					   GnomeDbConnectionSelectorC
{								{
	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_CONNECTION_SELECTOR (se		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_CONNECTION_SELECTOR (se

	selector->priv = g_new0 (GnomeDbConnectionSelectorPri		selector->priv = g_new0 (GnomeDbConnectionSelectorPri

	/* set up widgets */						/* set up widgets */
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_connection_selector_finalize (GObject *object)		gnome_db_connection_selector_finalize (GObject *object)
{								{
	GnomeDbConnectionSelector *selector = (GnomeDbConnect		GnomeDbConnectionSelector *selector = (GnomeDbConnect

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_CONNECTION_SELECTOR (se		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_CONNECTION_SELECTOR (se

	g_free (selector->priv);					g_free (selector->priv);
	selector->priv = NULL;						selector->priv = NULL;

	parent_class->finalize (object);				parent_class->finalize (object);
}								}

GType								GType
gnome_db_connection_selector_get_type (void)			gnome_db_connection_selector_get_type (void)
{								{
	static GType type = 0;						static GType type = 0;

	if (!type) {							if (!type) {
		static const GTypeInfo info = {					static const GTypeInfo info = {
			sizeof (GnomeDbConnectionSelectorClas				sizeof (GnomeDbConnectionSelectorClas
			(GBaseInitFunc) NULL,						(GBaseInitFunc) NULL,
			(GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL,					(GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL,
			(GClassInitFunc) gnome_db_connection_				(GClassInitFunc) gnome_db_connection_
			NULL,								NULL,
			NULL,								NULL,
			sizeof (GnomeDbConnectionSelector),				sizeof (GnomeDbConnectionSelector),
			0,								0,
			(GInstanceInitFunc) gnome_db_connecti				(GInstanceInitFunc) gnome_db_connecti
		};								};
		type = g_type_register_static (PARENT_TYPE,			type = g_type_register_static (PARENT_TYPE,
					       "GnomeDbConnec						       "GnomeDbConnec
					       &info, 0);						       &info, 0);
	}								}
	return type;							return type;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_connection_selector_new				 * gnome_db_connection_selector_new
 *								 *
 * Create a new #GnomeDbConnectionSelector widget.		 * Create a new #GnomeDbConnectionSelector widget.
 *								 *
 * Returns: the newly created widget.				 * Returns: the newly created widget.
 */								 */
GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_connection_selector_new (void)				gnome_db_connection_selector_new (void)
{								{
	GnomeDbConnectionSelector *selector;				GnomeDbConnectionSelector *selector;

	selector = g_object_new (GNOME_DB_TYPE_CONNECTION_SEL		selector = g_object_new (GNOME_DB_TYPE_CONNECTION_SEL
	return GTK_WIDGET (selector);					return GTK_WIDGET (selector);
}								}
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-selector.h ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-selector.h
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#if !defined(__gnome_db_connection_selector_h__)		#if !defined(__gnome_db_connection_selector_h__)
#  define __gnome_db_connection_selector_h__			#  define __gnome_db_connection_selector_h__

#include <gtk/gtkoptionmenu.h>					#include <gtk/gtkoptionmenu.h>


#define GNOME_DB_TYPE_CONNECTION_SELECTOR            (gnome_d	#define GNOME_DB_TYPE_CONNECTION_SELECTOR            (gnome_d
#define GNOME_DB_CONNECTION_SELECTOR(obj)            (G_TYPE_	#define GNOME_DB_CONNECTION_SELECTOR(obj)            (G_TYPE_

typedef struct _GnomeDbConnectionSelector        GnomeDbConne	typedef struct _GnomeDbConnectionSelector        GnomeDbConne
typedef struct _GnomeDbConnectionSelectorClass   GnomeDbConne	typedef struct _GnomeDbConnectionSelectorClass   GnomeDbConne
typedef struct _GnomeDbConnectionSelectorPrivate GnomeDbConne	typedef struct _GnomeDbConnectionSelectorPrivate GnomeDbConne

struct _GnomeDbConnectionSelector {				struct _GnomeDbConnectionSelector {
	GtkOptionMenu menu;						GtkOptionMenu menu;
	GnomeDbConnectionSelectorPrivate *priv;				GnomeDbConnectionSelectorPrivate *priv;
};								};

struct _GnomeDbConnectionSelectorClass {			struct _GnomeDbConnectionSelectorClass {
	GtkOptionMenuClass parent_class;				GtkOptionMenuClass parent_class;
};								};

GType      gnome_db_connection_selector_get_type (void);	GType      gnome_db_connection_selector_get_type (void);
GtkWidget *gnome_db_connection_selector_new (void);		GtkWidget *gnome_db_connection_selector_new (void);


#endif								#endif
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-control.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-control.c
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#include <bonobo/bonobo-property-bag.h>				#include <bonobo/bonobo-property-bag.h>
#include <libgda/gda-marshal.h>					#include <libgda/gda-marshal.h>
#include <bonobo/bonobo-ui-util.h>				#include <bonobo/bonobo-ui-util.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-control.h>			#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-control.h>


struct _GnomeDbControlPrivate {					struct _GnomeDbControlPrivate {
	BonoboPropertyBag *properties;					BonoboPropertyBag *properties;

	/* UI properties */						/* UI properties */
	gchar *app_prefix;						gchar *app_prefix;
	gchar *ui_xml_file;						gchar *ui_xml_file;
	BonoboUIVerb *verbs;						BonoboUIVerb *verbs;
	gpointer cb_user_data;						gpointer cb_user_data;
};								};

static void gnome_db_control_class_init (GnomeDbControlClass 	static void gnome_db_control_class_init (GnomeDbControlClass 
static void gnome_db_control_init       (GnomeDbControl *cont	static void gnome_db_control_init       (GnomeDbControl *cont
static void gnome_db_control_finalize   (GObject *object);	static void gnome_db_control_finalize   (GObject *object);

enum {								enum {
};								};

static gint control_signals[LAST_SIGNAL];			static gint control_signals[LAST_SIGNAL];
static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL;			static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL;

/*								/*
 * Callbacks							 * Callbacks
 */								 */

static void							static void
control_activated_cb (BonoboControl *bonobo_control, gboolean	control_activated_cb (BonoboControl *bonobo_control, gboolean
{								{
	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_CONTROL (bonobo_control		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_CONTROL (bonobo_control

        if (activate) {						        if (activate) {
                gnome_db_control_activate (GNOME_DB_CONTROL (	                gnome_db_control_activate (GNOME_DB_CONTROL (
		g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (bonobo_control), con			g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (bonobo_control), con
	}								}
        else							        else
                gnome_db_control_deactivate (GNOME_DB_CONTROL	                gnome_db_control_deactivate (GNOME_DB_CONTROL
}								}

static void							static void
get_prop_cb (BonoboPropertyBag *bag, BonoboArg *arg, guint ar	get_prop_cb (BonoboPropertyBag *bag, BonoboArg *arg, guint ar
{								{
        GnomeDbControl *control = (GnomeDbControl *) user_dat	        GnomeDbControl *control = (GnomeDbControl *) user_dat

        g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_CONTROL (control));	        g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_CONTROL (control));
	g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (control), control_signals[GE		g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (control), control_signals[GE
}								}

static void							static void
set_prop_cb (BonoboPropertyBag *bag, const BonoboArg *arg, gu	set_prop_cb (BonoboPropertyBag *bag, const BonoboArg *arg, gu
{								{
        GnomeDbControl *control = (GnomeDbControl *) user_dat	        GnomeDbControl *control = (GnomeDbControl *) user_dat

        g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_CONTROL (control));	        g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_CONTROL (control));
	g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (control), control_signals[SE		g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (control), control_signals[SE
}								}

/*								/*
 * GnomeDbControl class implementation				 * GnomeDbControl class implementation
 */								 */

static void							static void
gnome_db_control_class_init (GnomeDbControlClass *klass)	gnome_db_control_class_init (GnomeDbControlClass *klass)
{								{
	GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);		GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);

	parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);		parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);

	object_class->finalize = gnome_db_control_finalize;		object_class->finalize = gnome_db_control_finalize;

	/* add class signals */						/* add class signals */
	control_signals[ACTIVATED] =					control_signals[ACTIVATED] =
		g_signal_new ("activated",					g_signal_new ("activated",
			      G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class				      G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class
			      G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,					      G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,
			      G_STRUCT_OFFSET (GnomeDbControl				      G_STRUCT_OFFSET (GnomeDbControl
		              NULL, NULL,					              NULL, NULL,
			      g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID,				      g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID,
			      G_TYPE_NONE, 0);						      G_TYPE_NONE, 0);
	control_signals[GET_PROPERTY] =					control_signals[GET_PROPERTY] =
		g_signal_new ("get_property",					g_signal_new ("get_property",
			      G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class				      G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class
			      G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,					      G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,
			      G_STRUCT_OFFSET (GnomeDbControl				      G_STRUCT_OFFSET (GnomeDbControl
			      NULL, NULL,						      NULL, NULL,
			      gda_marshal_VOID__POINTER_UINT,				      gda_marshal_VOID__POINTER_UINT,
	control_signals[SET_PROPERTY] =					control_signals[SET_PROPERTY] =
		g_signal_new ("set_property",					g_signal_new ("set_property",
			      G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class				      G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class
			      G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,					      G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,
			      G_STRUCT_OFFSET (GnomeDbControl				      G_STRUCT_OFFSET (GnomeDbControl
			      NULL, NULL,						      NULL, NULL,
			      gda_marshal_VOID__POINTER_UINT,				      gda_marshal_VOID__POINTER_UINT,
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_control_init (GnomeDbControl *control, GnomeDbContro	gnome_db_control_init (GnomeDbControl *control, GnomeDbContro
{								{
	/* allocate the internal structure */				/* allocate the internal structure */
	control->priv = g_new0 (GnomeDbControlPrivate, 1);		control->priv = g_new0 (GnomeDbControlPrivate, 1);
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_control_finalize (GObject *object)			gnome_db_control_finalize (GObject *object)
{								{
	GnomeDbControl *control = (GnomeDbControl *) object;		GnomeDbControl *control = (GnomeDbControl *) object;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_CONTROL (control));		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_CONTROL (control));

	/* free memory */						/* free memory */
	if (control->priv->app_prefix != NULL) {			if (control->priv->app_prefix != NULL) {
		g_free (control->priv->app_prefix);				g_free (control->priv->app_prefix);
		control->priv->app_prefix = NULL;				control->priv->app_prefix = NULL;
	}								}
	if (control->priv->ui_xml_file != NULL) {			if (control->priv->ui_xml_file != NULL) {
		g_free (control->priv->ui_xml_file);				g_free (control->priv->ui_xml_file);
		control->priv->ui_xml_file = NULL;				control->priv->ui_xml_file = NULL;
	}								}

	g_free (control->priv);						g_free (control->priv);
	control->priv = NULL;						control->priv = NULL;

	parent_class->finalize (object);				parent_class->finalize (object);
}								}

GType								GType
gnome_db_control_get_type (void)				gnome_db_control_get_type (void)
{								{
	static GType type = 0;						static GType type = 0;

	if (!type) {							if (!type) {
		static const GTypeInfo info = {					static const GTypeInfo info = {
			sizeof (GnomeDbControlClass),					sizeof (GnomeDbControlClass),
			(GBaseInitFunc) NULL,						(GBaseInitFunc) NULL,
			(GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL,					(GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL,
			(GClassInitFunc) gnome_db_control_cla				(GClassInitFunc) gnome_db_control_cla
			NULL,								NULL,
			NULL,								NULL,
			sizeof (GnomeDbControl),					sizeof (GnomeDbControl),
			0,								0,
			(GInstanceInitFunc) gnome_db_control_				(GInstanceInitFunc) gnome_db_control_
		};								};
		type = g_type_register_static (PARENT_TYPE, "			type = g_type_register_static (PARENT_TYPE, "
	}								}
	return type;							return type;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_control_construct					 * gnome_db_control_construct
 */								 */
GnomeDbControl *						GnomeDbControl *
gnome_db_control_construct (GnomeDbControl *control, GtkWidge	gnome_db_control_construct (GnomeDbControl *control, GtkWidge
{								{
	g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_CONTROL (control), 		g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_CONTROL (control), 
	g_return_val_if_fail (GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget), control		g_return_val_if_fail (GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget), control

	gtk_widget_show (widget);					gtk_widget_show (widget);
	control = GNOME_DB_CONTROL (bonobo_control_construct 		control = GNOME_DB_CONTROL (bonobo_control_construct 
					    BONOBO_CONTROL (c						    BONOBO_CONTROL (c

	/* set up the Bonobo control */					/* set up the Bonobo control */
	g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (control), "activate",		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (control), "activate",
			  G_CALLBACK (control_activated_cb), 				  G_CALLBACK (control_activated_cb), 

	control->priv->properties = bonobo_property_bag_new (		control->priv->properties = bonobo_property_bag_new (
		(BonoboPropertyGetFn) get_prop_cb,				(BonoboPropertyGetFn) get_prop_cb,
                (BonoboPropertySetFn) set_prop_cb,		                (BonoboPropertySetFn) set_prop_cb,
                (gpointer) control);				                (gpointer) control);
	bonobo_control_set_properties (					bonobo_control_set_properties (
		BONOBO_CONTROL (control),					BONOBO_CONTROL (control),
		bonobo_object_corba_objref (BONOBO_OBJECT (co			bonobo_object_corba_objref (BONOBO_OBJECT (co
		NULL);								NULL);

	return control;							return control;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_control_new						 * gnome_db_control_new
 * @widget: the widget to be wrapped by the control		 * @widget: the widget to be wrapped by the control
 *								 *
 * Creates a new #GnomeDbControl object, which is an instance	 * Creates a new #GnomeDbControl object, which is an instance
 * Bonobo::Control CORBA interface, with some useful addition	 * Bonobo::Control CORBA interface, with some useful addition
 *								 *
 * When calling this function, you must specify an already cr	 * When calling this function, you must specify an already cr
 * #GtkWidget, which is the one that will be used for creatin	 * #GtkWidget, which is the one that will be used for creatin
 * Bonobo control. You should use this class if you intend to	 * Bonobo control. You should use this class if you intend to
 * own Bonobo controls.						 * own Bonobo controls.
 *								 *
 * Returns: the newly created #GnomeDbControl object.		 * Returns: the newly created #GnomeDbControl object.
 */								 */
GnomeDbControl *						GnomeDbControl *
gnome_db_control_new (GtkWidget *widget)			gnome_db_control_new (GtkWidget *widget)
{								{
	GnomeDbControl *control;					GnomeDbControl *control;

	control = g_object_new (GNOME_DB_TYPE_CONTROL, NULL);		control = g_object_new (GNOME_DB_TYPE_CONTROL, NULL);
	return gnome_db_control_construct (control, widget);		return gnome_db_control_construct (control, widget);
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_control_set_ui					 * gnome_db_control_set_ui
 * @control: a #GnomeDbControl object				 * @control: a #GnomeDbControl object
 * @app_prefix: the prefix where your application data is ins	 * @app_prefix: the prefix where your application data is ins
 * used by the underlying Bonobo code, which searches for the	 * used by the underlying Bonobo code, which searches for the
 * that directory						 * that directory
 * @ui_xml_file: name of the file in @app_prefix that contain	 * @ui_xml_file: name of the file in @app_prefix that contain
 * description of the component's UI				 * description of the component's UI
 * @verbs: list of verbs and corresponding actions		 * @verbs: list of verbs and corresponding actions
 * @user_data: data to be passed to the verb callback functio	 * @user_data: data to be passed to the verb callback functio
 *								 *
 * Sets the UI for the given #GnomeDbControl object. This is 	 * Sets the UI for the given #GnomeDbControl object. This is 
 * specifying a file that contains the description of the UI 	 * specifying a file that contains the description of the UI 
 * documentation) and a set of verbs and their corresponding 	 * documentation) and a set of verbs and their corresponding 
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_control_set_ui (GnomeDbControl *control,		gnome_db_control_set_ui (GnomeDbControl *control,
                         const gchar *app_prefix,		                         const gchar *app_prefix,
                         const gchar *ui_xml_file,		                         const gchar *ui_xml_file,
                         BonoboUIVerb *verbs,			                         BonoboUIVerb *verbs,
                         gpointer user_data)			                         gpointer user_data)
{								{
	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_CONTROL (control));		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_CONTROL (control));

        if (control->priv->app_prefix != NULL)			        if (control->priv->app_prefix != NULL)
                g_free (control->priv->app_prefix);		                g_free (control->priv->app_prefix);
        control->priv->app_prefix = g_strdup (app_prefix);	        control->priv->app_prefix = g_strdup (app_prefix);

        if (control->priv->ui_xml_file != NULL)			        if (control->priv->ui_xml_file != NULL)
                g_free (control->priv->ui_xml_file);		                g_free (control->priv->ui_xml_file);
        control->priv->ui_xml_file = g_strdup (ui_xml_file);	        control->priv->ui_xml_file = g_strdup (ui_xml_file);

        control->priv->verbs = verbs;				        control->priv->verbs = verbs;
        control->priv->cb_user_data = user_data;		        control->priv->cb_user_data = user_data;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_control_activate					 * gnome_db_control_activate
 * @control: a #GnomeDbControl object				 * @control: a #GnomeDbControl object
 *								 *
 * Activates the given #GnomeDbControl object. This means tha	 * Activates the given #GnomeDbControl object. This means tha
 * this control is merged with the UI of the container.		 * this control is merged with the UI of the container.
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_control_activate (GnomeDbControl *control)		gnome_db_control_activate (GnomeDbControl *control)
{								{
        BonoboUIComponent *uic;					        BonoboUIComponent *uic;

        g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_CONTROL (control));	        g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_CONTROL (control));

        uic = bonobo_control_get_ui_component (BONOBO_CONTROL	        uic = bonobo_control_get_ui_component (BONOBO_CONTROL
        if (uic != NULL) {					        if (uic != NULL) {
                Bonobo_UIContainer remote_ui_container;		                Bonobo_UIContainer remote_ui_container;

                remote_ui_container = bonobo_control_get_remo	                remote_ui_container = bonobo_control_get_remo
			BONOBO_CONTROL (control), NULL);				BONOBO_CONTROL (control), NULL);
                bonobo_ui_component_set_container (uic, remot	                bonobo_ui_component_set_container (uic, remot
                bonobo_object_release_unref (remote_ui_contai	                bonobo_object_release_unref (remote_ui_contai

                bonobo_ui_component_add_verb_list_with_data (	                bonobo_ui_component_add_verb_list_with_data (
                        uic, control->priv->verbs, control->p	                        uic, control->priv->verbs, control->p
                bonobo_ui_component_freeze (uic, NULL);		                bonobo_ui_component_freeze (uic, NULL);
                bonobo_ui_util_set_ui (uic,			                bonobo_ui_util_set_ui (uic,
                                       control->priv->app_pre	                                       control->priv->app_pre
                                       control->priv->ui_xml_	                                       control->priv->ui_xml_
                                       g_get_prgname(), NULL)	                                       g_get_prgname(), NULL)
                bonobo_ui_component_thaw (uic, NULL);		                bonobo_ui_component_thaw (uic, NULL);
        }							        }
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_control_deactivate					 * gnome_db_control_deactivate
 * @control: a #GnomeDbControl object				 * @control: a #GnomeDbControl object
 *								 *
 * Deactivates the given #GnomeDbControl object, which means 	 * Deactivates the given #GnomeDbControl object, which means 
 * control's UI is removed from the container's.		 * control's UI is removed from the container's.
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_control_deactivate (GnomeDbControl *control)		gnome_db_control_deactivate (GnomeDbControl *control)
{								{
        BonoboUIComponent* uic;					        BonoboUIComponent* uic;

        g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_CONTROL (control));	        g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_CONTROL (control));

        uic = bonobo_control_get_ui_component (BONOBO_CONTROL	        uic = bonobo_control_get_ui_component (BONOBO_CONTROL
        if (uic) {						        if (uic) {
                bonobo_ui_component_rm (uic, "/", NULL);	                bonobo_ui_component_rm (uic, "/", NULL);
                bonobo_ui_component_unset_container (uic, NUL	                bonobo_ui_component_unset_container (uic, NUL
        }							        }
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_control_set_status					 * gnome_db_control_set_status
 * @control: a #GnomeDbControl object				 * @control: a #GnomeDbControl object
 * @msg: message to show on the status bar			 * @msg: message to show on the status bar
 *								 *
 * Displays the given message on the container's status bar. 	 * Displays the given message on the container's status bar. 
 * #GnomeDbWindow for your containers, you automatically have	 * #GnomeDbWindow for your containers, you automatically have
 * bar on your window, and, with this function, you can set t	 * bar on your window, and, with this function, you can set t
 * to be displayed on that status bar from the components.	 * to be displayed on that status bar from the components.
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_control_set_status (GnomeDbControl *control, const g	gnome_db_control_set_status (GnomeDbControl *control, const g
{								{
        BonoboUIComponent* uic;					        BonoboUIComponent* uic;

        g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_CONTROL (control));		        g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_CONTROL (control));

        uic = bonobo_control_get_ui_component (BONOBO_CONTROL	        uic = bonobo_control_get_ui_component (BONOBO_CONTROL
        if (uic)						        if (uic)
                bonobo_ui_component_set_status (uic, msg, NUL	                bonobo_ui_component_set_status (uic, msg, NUL
}								}
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-control.h ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-control.h
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#if !defined(__gnome_db_control_h__)				#if !defined(__gnome_db_control_h__)
#  define __gnome_db_control_h__				#  define __gnome_db_control_h__

#include <bonobo/bonobo-control.h>				#include <bonobo/bonobo-control.h>
#include <libgda/gda-value.h>					#include <libgda/gda-value.h>


#define GNOME_DB_TYPE_CONTROL            (gnome_db_control_ge	#define GNOME_DB_TYPE_CONTROL            (gnome_db_control_ge
#define GNOME_DB_CONTROL(obj)            (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTAN	#define GNOME_DB_CONTROL(obj)            (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTAN

typedef struct _GnomeDbControl        GnomeDbControl;		typedef struct _GnomeDbControl        GnomeDbControl;
typedef struct _GnomeDbControlClass   GnomeDbControlClass;	typedef struct _GnomeDbControlClass   GnomeDbControlClass;
typedef struct _GnomeDbControlPrivate GnomeDbControlPrivate;	typedef struct _GnomeDbControlPrivate GnomeDbControlPrivate;

struct _GnomeDbControl {					struct _GnomeDbControl {
	BonoboControl control;						BonoboControl control;
	GnomeDbControlPrivate *priv;					GnomeDbControlPrivate *priv;
};								};

struct _GnomeDbControlClass {					struct _GnomeDbControlClass {
	BonoboControlClass parent_class;				BonoboControlClass parent_class;

	/* signals */							/* signals */
	void (* activated)    (GnomeDbControl *control);		void (* activated)    (GnomeDbControl *control);
	void (* get_property) (GnomeDbControl *control, GdaVa		void (* get_property) (GnomeDbControl *control, GdaVa
	void (* set_property) (GnomeDbControl *control, const		void (* set_property) (GnomeDbControl *control, const
};								};

GType           gnome_db_control_get_type (void);		GType           gnome_db_control_get_type (void);
GnomeDbControl *gnome_db_control_construct (GnomeDbControl *c	GnomeDbControl *gnome_db_control_construct (GnomeDbControl *c
GnomeDbControl *gnome_db_control_new (GtkWidget *widget);	GnomeDbControl *gnome_db_control_new (GtkWidget *widget);
void            gnome_db_control_set_ui (GnomeDbControl *cont	void            gnome_db_control_set_ui (GnomeDbControl *cont
					 const gchar *app_pre						 const gchar *app_pre
					 const gchar *ui_xml_						 const gchar *ui_xml_
					 BonoboUIVerb *verbs,						 BonoboUIVerb *verbs,
					 gpointer user_data);						 gpointer user_data);
void            gnome_db_control_activate (GnomeDbControl *co	void            gnome_db_control_activate (GnomeDbControl *co
void            gnome_db_control_deactivate (GnomeDbControl *	void            gnome_db_control_deactivate (GnomeDbControl *
void            gnome_db_control_set_status (GnomeDbControl *	void            gnome_db_control_set_status (GnomeDbControl *


#endif								#endif
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-control-widget.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-control-widget.c
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 2000-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 2000-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *      Vivien Malerba <malerba gnome-db org>			 *      Vivien Malerba <malerba gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#include <bonobo/bonobo-widget.h>				#include <bonobo/bonobo-widget.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-control-widget.h>			#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-control-widget.h>


struct _GnomeDbControlWidgetPrivate {				struct _GnomeDbControlWidgetPrivate {
	GtkWidget *bonobo_widget;					GtkWidget *bonobo_widget;
	gchar *iid;							gchar *iid;
};								};

static void gnome_db_control_widget_class_init (GnomeDbContro	static void gnome_db_control_widget_class_init (GnomeDbContro
static void gnome_db_control_widget_init       (GnomeDbContro	static void gnome_db_control_widget_init       (GnomeDbContro
						GnomeDbContro							GnomeDbContro
static void gnome_db_control_widget_finalize   (GObject *obje	static void gnome_db_control_widget_finalize   (GObject *obje

static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL;			static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL;

/*								/*
 * GnomeDbControlWidget class implementation			 * GnomeDbControlWidget class implementation
 */								 */

static void							static void
gnome_db_control_widget_class_init (GnomeDbControlWidgetClass	gnome_db_control_widget_class_init (GnomeDbControlWidgetClass
{								{
	GObjectClass* object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS(klass);		GObjectClass* object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS(klass);

	parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);		parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);

	object_class->finalize = gnome_db_control_widget_fina		object_class->finalize = gnome_db_control_widget_fina
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_control_widget_init (GnomeDbControlWidget *wid, Gnom	gnome_db_control_widget_init (GnomeDbControlWidget *wid, Gnom
{								{
	g_return_if_fail(GNOME_DB_IS_CONTROL_WIDGET(wid));		g_return_if_fail(GNOME_DB_IS_CONTROL_WIDGET(wid));

	wid->priv = g_new0 (GnomeDbControlWidgetPrivate, 1);		wid->priv = g_new0 (GnomeDbControlWidgetPrivate, 1);
	wid->priv->bonobo_widget = NULL;				wid->priv->bonobo_widget = NULL;
	wid->priv->iid = NULL;						wid->priv->iid = NULL;
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_control_widget_finalize (GObject *object)		gnome_db_control_widget_finalize (GObject *object)
{								{
	GnomeDbControlWidget *wid = (GnomeDbControlWidget *) 		GnomeDbControlWidget *wid = (GnomeDbControlWidget *) 

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_CONTROL_WIDGET (wid));		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_CONTROL_WIDGET (wid));

	/* free memory */						/* free memory */
	g_free (wid->priv->iid);					g_free (wid->priv->iid);
	wid->priv->iid = NULL;						wid->priv->iid = NULL;

	g_free (wid->priv);						g_free (wid->priv);
	wid->priv = NULL;						wid->priv = NULL;

	parent_class->finalize (object);				parent_class->finalize (object);
}								}

GType								GType
gnome_db_control_widget_get_type (void)				gnome_db_control_widget_get_type (void)
{								{
	static GType type = 0;						static GType type = 0;

	if (!type) {							if (!type) {
		static const GTypeInfo info = {					static const GTypeInfo info = {
			sizeof (GnomeDbControlWidgetClass),				sizeof (GnomeDbControlWidgetClass),
			(GBaseInitFunc) NULL,						(GBaseInitFunc) NULL,
			(GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL,					(GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL,
			(GClassInitFunc) gnome_db_control_wid				(GClassInitFunc) gnome_db_control_wid
			NULL,								NULL,
			NULL,								NULL,
			sizeof (GnomeDbControlWidget),					sizeof (GnomeDbControlWidget),
			0,								0,
			(GInstanceInitFunc) gnome_db_control_				(GInstanceInitFunc) gnome_db_control_
		};								};
		type = g_type_register_static (PARENT_TYPE, "			type = g_type_register_static (PARENT_TYPE, "
					       &info, 0);						       &info, 0);
	}								}
	return type;							return type;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_control_widget_construct				 * gnome_db_control_widget_construct
 */								 */
GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_control_widget_construct (GnomeDbControlWidget *wid,	gnome_db_control_widget_construct (GnomeDbControlWidget *wid,
				   const gchar *id,						   const gchar *id,
				   Bonobo_UIContainer uic)					   Bonobo_UIContainer uic)
{								{
	g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_CONTROL_WIDGET (wid		g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_CONTROL_WIDGET (wid

	wid->priv->iid = g_strdup(id);					wid->priv->iid = g_strdup(id);

	/* load the Bonobo control */					/* load the Bonobo control */
	wid->priv->bonobo_widget = bonobo_widget_new_control 		wid->priv->bonobo_widget = bonobo_widget_new_control 
	if (!BONOBO_IS_WIDGET (wid->priv->bonobo_widget)) {		if (!BONOBO_IS_WIDGET (wid->priv->bonobo_widget)) {
		wid->priv->bonobo_widget = NULL;				wid->priv->bonobo_widget = NULL;
		g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (wid));				g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (wid));
		return NULL;							return NULL;
	}								}

	gtk_widget_show (wid->priv->bonobo_widget);			gtk_widget_show (wid->priv->bonobo_widget);
	gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (wid), wid->priv->bonobo_		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (wid), wid->priv->bonobo_

	return GTK_WIDGET (wid);					return GTK_WIDGET (wid);
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_control_widget_new					 * gnome_db_control_widget_new
 * @id: ID of the Bonobo control to be loaded			 * @id: ID of the Bonobo control to be loaded
 * @uic: a reference to the Bonobo_UIContainer to use for the	 * @uic: a reference to the Bonobo_UIContainer to use for the
 *								 *
 * Creates a new widget that loads the Bonobo control specifi	 * Creates a new widget that loads the Bonobo control specifi
 * @id parameter.						 * @id parameter.
 * The second argument, @uic, is needed to associate a Bonobo	 * The second argument, @uic, is needed to associate a Bonobo
 * with the new control, so that menus and toolbars are merge	 * with the new control, so that menus and toolbars are merge
 * easily done by using a #GnomeDbWindow for all your Bonobo 	 * easily done by using a #GnomeDbWindow for all your Bonobo 
 * and then use the #gnome_db_window_get_ui_container to retr	 * and then use the #gnome_db_window_get_ui_container to retr
 * Bonobo_UIContainer associated with the #GnomeDbWindow widg	 * Bonobo_UIContainer associated with the #GnomeDbWindow widg
 *								 *
 * Returns: a pointer to the newly-created widget		 * Returns: a pointer to the newly-created widget
 */								 */
GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_control_widget_new (const gchar *id, Bonobo_UIContai	gnome_db_control_widget_new (const gchar *id, Bonobo_UIContai
{								{
	GnomeDbControlWidget *wid;					GnomeDbControlWidget *wid;
	g_return_val_if_fail(id != NULL, NULL);				g_return_val_if_fail(id != NULL, NULL);
	wid = g_object_new (GNOME_DB_TYPE_CONTROL_WIDGET, NUL		wid = g_object_new (GNOME_DB_TYPE_CONTROL_WIDGET, NUL
	return gnome_db_control_widget_construct (wid, id, ui		return gnome_db_control_widget_construct (wid, id, ui
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_control_widget_new_from_corba			 * gnome_db_control_widget_new_from_corba
 */								 */
GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_control_widget_new_from_corba (Bonobo_Control contro	gnome_db_control_widget_new_from_corba (Bonobo_Control contro
{								{
	GnomeDbControlWidget *wid;					GnomeDbControlWidget *wid;

	g_return_val_if_fail (control != CORBA_OBJECT_NIL, NU		g_return_val_if_fail (control != CORBA_OBJECT_NIL, NU

	wid = g_object_new (GNOME_DB_TYPE_CONTROL_WIDGET, NUL		wid = g_object_new (GNOME_DB_TYPE_CONTROL_WIDGET, NUL

	wid->priv->bonobo_widget = bonobo_widget_new_control_		wid->priv->bonobo_widget = bonobo_widget_new_control_
	if (!BONOBO_IS_WIDGET (wid->priv->bonobo_widget)) {		if (!BONOBO_IS_WIDGET (wid->priv->bonobo_widget)) {
		g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (wid));				g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (wid));
		return NULL;							return NULL;
	}								}

	gtk_widget_show (wid->priv->bonobo_widget);			gtk_widget_show (wid->priv->bonobo_widget);
	gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (wid), wid->priv->bonobo_		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (wid), wid->priv->bonobo_

	return GTK_WIDGET (wid);					return GTK_WIDGET (wid);
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_control_widget_is_alive				 * gnome_db_control_widget_is_alive
 * @wid: a #GnomeDbControlWidget widget				 * @wid: a #GnomeDbControlWidget widget
 *								 *
 * Pings the given #GnomeDbControlWidget widget to see if the	 * Pings the given #GnomeDbControlWidget widget to see if the
 * CORBA server is still alive.					 * CORBA server is still alive.
 *								 *
 * Returns: TRUE if alive, FALSE if dead.			 * Returns: TRUE if alive, FALSE if dead.
 */								 */
gboolean							gboolean
gnome_db_control_widget_is_alive (GnomeDbControlWidget *wid)	gnome_db_control_widget_is_alive (GnomeDbControlWidget *wid)
{								{
	BonoboControlFrame *control_frame;				BonoboControlFrame *control_frame;
	CORBA_Object corba_object;					CORBA_Object corba_object;
	CORBA_Environment ev;						CORBA_Environment ev;
	gboolean is_dead;						gboolean is_dead;

	g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_CONTROL_WIDGET (wid		g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_CONTROL_WIDGET (wid

	control_frame = bonobo_widget_get_control_frame (		control_frame = bonobo_widget_get_control_frame (
		BONOBO_WIDGET (wid->priv->bonobo_widget));			BONOBO_WIDGET (wid->priv->bonobo_widget));
	corba_object = bonobo_control_frame_get_control (cont		corba_object = bonobo_control_frame_get_control (cont

	CORBA_exception_init (&ev);					CORBA_exception_init (&ev);
	is_dead = CORBA_Object_non_existent (corba_object, &e		is_dead = CORBA_Object_non_existent (corba_object, &e
	CORBA_exception_free (&ev);					CORBA_exception_free (&ev);

	return !is_dead;						return !is_dead;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_control_widget_activate				 * gnome_db_control_widget_activate
 * @wid: a #GnomeDbControlWidget widget				 * @wid: a #GnomeDbControlWidget widget
 *								 *
 * Activates the given #GnomeDbControlWidget widget. This mea	 * Activates the given #GnomeDbControlWidget widget. This mea
 * underlying control's menus and toolbars will be merged wit	 * underlying control's menus and toolbars will be merged wit
 * and toolbars of the container being used, generally a #Gno	 * and toolbars of the container being used, generally a #Gno
 * widget.							 * widget.
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_control_widget_activate (GnomeDbControlWidget *wid)	gnome_db_control_widget_activate (GnomeDbControlWidget *wid)
{								{
	BonoboControlFrame *control_frame;				BonoboControlFrame *control_frame;
	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_CONTROL_WIDGET (wid));		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_CONTROL_WIDGET (wid));
	control_frame = bonobo_widget_get_control_frame (		control_frame = bonobo_widget_get_control_frame (
		BONOBO_WIDGET (wid->priv->bonobo_widget));			BONOBO_WIDGET (wid->priv->bonobo_widget));
	bonobo_control_frame_set_autoactivate (control_frame,		bonobo_control_frame_set_autoactivate (control_frame,
	bonobo_control_frame_control_activate (control_frame)		bonobo_control_frame_control_activate (control_frame)
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_control_widget_deactivate				 * gnome_db_control_widget_deactivate
 * @wid: a #GnomeDbControlWidget widget				 * @wid: a #GnomeDbControlWidget widget
 *								 *
 * Deactivates the given #GnomeDbControlWidget widget. This m	 * Deactivates the given #GnomeDbControlWidget widget. This m
 * of the control's menus and toolbars are removed from the c	 * of the control's menus and toolbars are removed from the c
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_control_widget_deactivate (GnomeDbControlWidget *wid	gnome_db_control_widget_deactivate (GnomeDbControlWidget *wid
{								{
	BonoboControlFrame *control_frame;				BonoboControlFrame *control_frame;
	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_CONTROL_WIDGET (wid));		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_CONTROL_WIDGET (wid));
	control_frame = bonobo_widget_get_control_frame (		control_frame = bonobo_widget_get_control_frame (
		BONOBO_WIDGET (wid->priv->bonobo_widget));			BONOBO_WIDGET (wid->priv->bonobo_widget));
	bonobo_control_frame_set_autoactivate (control_frame,		bonobo_control_frame_set_autoactivate (control_frame,
	bonobo_control_frame_control_deactivate (control_fram		bonobo_control_frame_control_deactivate (control_fram
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_control_widget_get_id				 * gnome_db_control_widget_get_id
 * @wid: a #GnomeDbControlWidget widget.			 * @wid: a #GnomeDbControlWidget widget.
 *								 *
 * Returns the ID of the underlying control.			 * Returns the ID of the underlying control.
 */								 */
const gchar *							const gchar *
gnome_db_control_widget_get_id (GnomeDbControlWidget *wid)	gnome_db_control_widget_get_id (GnomeDbControlWidget *wid)
{								{
	g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_CONTROL_WIDGET (wid		g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_CONTROL_WIDGET (wid
	return wid->priv->iid;						return wid->priv->iid;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_control_widget_get_objref				 * gnome_db_control_widget_get_objref
 */								 */
Bonobo_Unknown							Bonobo_Unknown
gnome_db_control_widget_get_objref (GnomeDbControlWidget *wid	gnome_db_control_widget_get_objref (GnomeDbControlWidget *wid
{								{
	g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_CONTROL_WIDGET (wid		g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_CONTROL_WIDGET (wid
	g_return_val_if_fail (BONOBO_IS_WIDGET (wid->priv->bo		g_return_val_if_fail (BONOBO_IS_WIDGET (wid->priv->bo

	return bonobo_widget_get_objref (BONOBO_WIDGET (wid->		return bonobo_widget_get_objref (BONOBO_WIDGET (wid->
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_control_widget_get_ui_container			 * gnome_db_control_widget_get_ui_container
 */								 */
Bonobo_UIContainer						Bonobo_UIContainer
gnome_db_control_widget_get_ui_container (GnomeDbControlWidge	gnome_db_control_widget_get_ui_container (GnomeDbControlWidge
{								{
	g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_CONTROL_WIDGET (wid		g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_CONTROL_WIDGET (wid
	g_return_val_if_fail (BONOBO_IS_WIDGET (wid->priv->bo		g_return_val_if_fail (BONOBO_IS_WIDGET (wid->priv->bo

	return bonobo_widget_get_ui_container (BONOBO_WIDGET 		return bonobo_widget_get_ui_container (BONOBO_WIDGET 
}								}
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-control-widget.h ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-control-widget.h
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 2000-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 2000-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *      Vivien Malerba <malerba gnome-db org>			 *      Vivien Malerba <malerba gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#if !defined(__gnome_db_control_widget_h__)			#if !defined(__gnome_db_control_widget_h__)
#  define __gnome_db_control_widget_h__				#  define __gnome_db_control_widget_h__

#include <bonobo/Bonobo.h>					#include <bonobo/Bonobo.h>
#include <gtk/gtkvbox.h>					#include <gtk/gtkvbox.h>


#define GNOME_DB_TYPE_CONTROL_WIDGET            (gnome_db_con	#define GNOME_DB_TYPE_CONTROL_WIDGET            (gnome_db_con
#define GNOME_DB_CONTROL_WIDGET(obj)            (G_TYPE_CHECK	#define GNOME_DB_CONTROL_WIDGET(obj)            (G_TYPE_CHECK

typedef struct _GnomeDbControlWidget        GnomeDbControlWid	typedef struct _GnomeDbControlWidget        GnomeDbControlWid
typedef struct _GnomeDbControlWidgetClass   GnomeDbControlWid	typedef struct _GnomeDbControlWidgetClass   GnomeDbControlWid
typedef struct _GnomeDbControlWidgetPrivate GnomeDbControlWid	typedef struct _GnomeDbControlWidgetPrivate GnomeDbControlWid

struct _GnomeDbControlWidget {					struct _GnomeDbControlWidget {
	GtkVBox box;							GtkVBox box;
	GnomeDbControlWidgetPrivate *priv;				GnomeDbControlWidgetPrivate *priv;
};								};

struct _GnomeDbControlWidgetClass {				struct _GnomeDbControlWidgetClass {
	GtkVBoxClass parent_class;					GtkVBoxClass parent_class;
};								};

GType              gnome_db_control_widget_get_type (void);	GType              gnome_db_control_widget_get_type (void);
GtkWidget         *gnome_db_control_widget_construct (GnomeDb	GtkWidget         *gnome_db_control_widget_construct (GnomeDb
						      const g							      const g
						      Bonobo_							      Bonobo_
GtkWidget         *gnome_db_control_widget_new (const gchar *	GtkWidget         *gnome_db_control_widget_new (const gchar *
GtkWidget         *gnome_db_control_widget_new_from_corba (Bo	GtkWidget         *gnome_db_control_widget_new_from_corba (Bo
							   Bo								   Bo

gboolean           gnome_db_control_widget_is_alive (GnomeDbC	gboolean           gnome_db_control_widget_is_alive (GnomeDbC

void               gnome_db_control_widget_activate (GnomeDbC	void               gnome_db_control_widget_activate (GnomeDbC
void               gnome_db_control_widget_deactivate (GnomeD	void               gnome_db_control_widget_deactivate (GnomeD

const gchar       *gnome_db_control_widget_get_id (GnomeDbCon	const gchar       *gnome_db_control_widget_get_id (GnomeDbCon
Bonobo_Unknown     gnome_db_control_widget_get_objref (GnomeD	Bonobo_Unknown     gnome_db_control_widget_get_objref (GnomeD
Bonobo_UIContainer gnome_db_control_widget_get_ui_container (	Bonobo_UIContainer gnome_db_control_widget_get_ui_container (


#endif								#endif
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-data-source-selector.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-data-source-selector.c
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#include <string.h>						#include <string.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-data-source-selector.h>		#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-data-source-selector.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h>


struct _GnomeDbDataSourceSelectorPrivate {			struct _GnomeDbDataSourceSelectorPrivate {
	guint config_listener;						guint config_listener;
};								};

static void gnome_db_data_source_selector_class_init (GnomeDb	static void gnome_db_data_source_selector_class_init (GnomeDb
static void gnome_db_data_source_selector_init       (GnomeDb	static void gnome_db_data_source_selector_init       (GnomeDb
						      GnomeDb							      GnomeDb
static void gnome_db_data_source_selector_finalize   (GObject	static void gnome_db_data_source_selector_finalize   (GObject

static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL;			static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL;

/*								/*
 * Private functions						 * Private functions
 */								 */

static void							static void
show_data_sources (GnomeDbDataSourceSelector *selector, const	show_data_sources (GnomeDbDataSourceSelector *selector, const
{								{
	GdaDataSourceInfo *dsn_info = NULL;				GdaDataSourceInfo *dsn_info = NULL;
							      >		GList *dsn_list, *l;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_DATA_SOURCE_SELECTOR (s		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_DATA_SOURCE_SELECTOR (s

	gtk_option_menu_remove_menu (GTK_OPTION_MENU (selecto		gtk_option_menu_remove_menu (GTK_OPTION_MENU (selecto
							      >		/* load data sources */
							      >		dsn_list = gnome_db_config_get_data_source_list ();
							      >		for (l = dsn_list; l != NULL; l = l->next) {
							      >			GdaDataSourceInfo *dsn_info = (GdaDataSourceI

							      >			if (!dsn_info)
							      >				continue;
							      >			if (name != NULL && strcmp (name, dsn_info->n
							      >				continue;
							      >			/* add the data source to the option menu */
							      >			gnome_db_option_menu_add_item (GTK_OPTION_MEN
							      >		}
	if (name != NULL) {						if (name != NULL) {
		dsn_info = gnome_db_config_find_data_source (			dsn_info = gnome_db_config_find_data_source (
		if (dsn_info != NULL) {						if (dsn_info != NULL) {
			gnome_db_option_menu_add_item (GTK_OP				gnome_db_option_menu_add_item (GTK_OP
						       dsn_in							       dsn_in
			gnome_db_option_menu_set_selection (G				gnome_db_option_menu_set_selection (G
							    d								    d
			gnome_db_config_free_data_source_info				gnome_db_config_free_data_source_info
		}								}
	} else {							} else {
		GList *dsn_list, *l;						GList *dsn_list, *l;

		dsn_list = gnome_db_config_get_data_source_li			dsn_list = gnome_db_config_get_data_source_li
		for (l = dsn_list; l != NULL; l = l->next) {			for (l = dsn_list; l != NULL; l = l->next) {
			dsn_info = (GdaDataSourceInfo *) l->d				dsn_info = (GdaDataSourceInfo *) l->d
			if (!dsn_info)							if (!dsn_info)
				continue;							continue;

			/* add the data source to the option 				/* add the data source to the option 
			gnome_db_option_menu_add_item (GTK_OP				gnome_db_option_menu_add_item (GTK_OP
		}								}

		gnome_db_config_free_data_source_list (dsn_li			gnome_db_config_free_data_source_list (dsn_li

		gtk_option_menu_set_history (GTK_OPTION_MENU 			gtk_option_menu_set_history (GTK_OPTION_MENU 
	}								}
}								}

/*								/*
 * GnomeDbDataSourceSelector class implementation		 * GnomeDbDataSourceSelector class implementation
 */								 */

static void							static void
gnome_db_data_source_selector_class_init (GnomeDbDataSourceSe	gnome_db_data_source_selector_class_init (GnomeDbDataSourceSe
{								{
	GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);		GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);

	parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);		parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);

	object_class->finalize = gnome_db_data_source_selecto		object_class->finalize = gnome_db_data_source_selecto
}								}

static void							static void
config_changed_cb (GConfClient *conf_client, guint cnxn_id, G	config_changed_cb (GConfClient *conf_client, guint cnxn_id, G
{								{
	const gchar *current_dsn;					const gchar *current_dsn;
	GnomeDbDataSourceSelector *selector = (GnomeDbDataSou		GnomeDbDataSourceSelector *selector = (GnomeDbDataSou

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_DATA_SOURCE_SELECTOR (s		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_DATA_SOURCE_SELECTOR (s

	current_dsn = g_strdup (gnome_db_option_menu_get_sele		current_dsn = g_strdup (gnome_db_option_menu_get_sele
	show_data_sources (selector, NULL);				show_data_sources (selector, NULL);
	gnome_db_option_menu_set_selection (GTK_OPTION_MENU (		gnome_db_option_menu_set_selection (GTK_OPTION_MENU (
	g_free (current_dsn);						g_free (current_dsn);
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_data_source_selector_init (GnomeDbDataSourceSelector	gnome_db_data_source_selector_init (GnomeDbDataSourceSelector
				    GnomeDbDataSourceSelector					    GnomeDbDataSourceSelector
{								{
	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_DATA_SOURCE_SELECTOR (s		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_DATA_SOURCE_SELECTOR (s

	/* allocate private structure */				/* allocate private structure */
	selector->priv = g_new0 (GnomeDbDataSourceSelectorPri		selector->priv = g_new0 (GnomeDbDataSourceSelectorPri

	/* add listener for configuration */				/* add listener for configuration */
	selector->priv->config_listener = gnome_db_config_add		selector->priv->config_listener = gnome_db_config_add
		"/apps/libgda/Datasources",					"/apps/libgda/Datasources",
		(GConfClientNotifyFunc) config_changed_cb,			(GConfClientNotifyFunc) config_changed_cb,
		selector);							selector);
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_data_source_selector_finalize (GObject *object)	gnome_db_data_source_selector_finalize (GObject *object)
{								{
	GnomeDbDataSourceSelector *selector = (GnomeDbDataSou		GnomeDbDataSourceSelector *selector = (GnomeDbDataSou

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_DATA_SOURCE_SELECTOR (s		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_DATA_SOURCE_SELECTOR (s

	if (selector->priv->config_listener != -1) {			if (selector->priv->config_listener != -1) {
		gnome_db_config_remove_listener (selector->pr			gnome_db_config_remove_listener (selector->pr
		selector->priv->config_listener = -1;				selector->priv->config_listener = -1;
	}								}

	/* free memory */						/* free memory */
	g_free (selector->priv);					g_free (selector->priv);
	selector->priv = NULL;						selector->priv = NULL;

	parent_class->finalize (object);				parent_class->finalize (object);
}								}

GType								GType
gnome_db_data_source_selector_get_type (void)			gnome_db_data_source_selector_get_type (void)
{								{
	static GType type = 0;						static GType type = 0;

	if (!type) {							if (!type) {
		static const GTypeInfo info = {					static const GTypeInfo info = {
			sizeof (GnomeDbDataSourceSelectorClas				sizeof (GnomeDbDataSourceSelectorClas
			(GBaseInitFunc) NULL,						(GBaseInitFunc) NULL,
			(GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL,					(GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL,
			(GClassInitFunc) gnome_db_data_source				(GClassInitFunc) gnome_db_data_source
			NULL,								NULL,
			NULL,								NULL,
			sizeof (GnomeDbDataSourceSelector),				sizeof (GnomeDbDataSourceSelector),
			0,								0,
			(GInstanceInitFunc) gnome_db_data_sou				(GInstanceInitFunc) gnome_db_data_sou
		};								};
		type = g_type_register_static (PARENT_TYPE,			type = g_type_register_static (PARENT_TYPE,
					       "GnomeDbDataSo						       "GnomeDbDataSo
					       &info, 0);						       &info, 0);
	}								}
	return type;							return type;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_data_source_selector_new				 * gnome_db_data_source_selector_new
 * @name: name of data source to display.			 * @name: name of data source to display.
 *								 *
 * Create a new #GnomeDbDataSourceSelector, which is just a #	 * Create a new #GnomeDbDataSourceSelector, which is just a #
 * which displays, as its menu items, all the data sources cu	 * which displays, as its menu items, all the data sources cu
 * configured in the system. It is useful for connection and 	 * configured in the system. It is useful for connection and 
 * screens, where the user has to choose a data source to wor	 * screens, where the user has to choose a data source to wor
 *								 *
 * Returns: the newly created widget.				 * Returns: the newly created widget.
 */								 */
GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_data_source_selector_new (const gchar *name)		gnome_db_data_source_selector_new (const gchar *name)
{								{
	GnomeDbDataSourceSelector *selector;				GnomeDbDataSourceSelector *selector;

	selector = g_object_new (GNOME_DB_TYPE_DATA_SOURCE_SE		selector = g_object_new (GNOME_DB_TYPE_DATA_SOURCE_SE
	show_data_sources (selector, name);				show_data_sources (selector, name);

	return GTK_WIDGET (selector);					return GTK_WIDGET (selector);
}								}
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-data-source-selector.h ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-data-source-selector.h
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#if !defined(__gnome_db_data_source_selector_h__)		#if !defined(__gnome_db_data_source_selector_h__)
#  define __gnome_db_data_source_selector_h__			#  define __gnome_db_data_source_selector_h__

#include <gtk/gtkoptionmenu.h>					#include <gtk/gtkoptionmenu.h>


#define GNOME_DB_TYPE_DATA_SOURCE_SELECTOR            (gnome_	#define GNOME_DB_TYPE_DATA_SOURCE_SELECTOR            (gnome_
#define GNOME_DB_DATA_SOURCE_SELECTOR(obj)            (G_TYPE	#define GNOME_DB_DATA_SOURCE_SELECTOR(obj)            (G_TYPE

typedef struct _GnomeDbDataSourceSelector        GnomeDbDataS	typedef struct _GnomeDbDataSourceSelector        GnomeDbDataS
typedef struct _GnomeDbDataSourceSelectorClass   GnomeDbDataS	typedef struct _GnomeDbDataSourceSelectorClass   GnomeDbDataS
typedef struct _GnomeDbDataSourceSelectorPrivate GnomeDbDataS	typedef struct _GnomeDbDataSourceSelectorPrivate GnomeDbDataS

struct _GnomeDbDataSourceSelector {				struct _GnomeDbDataSourceSelector {
	GtkOptionMenu menu;						GtkOptionMenu menu;
	GnomeDbDataSourceSelectorPrivate *priv;				GnomeDbDataSourceSelectorPrivate *priv;
};								};

struct _GnomeDbDataSourceSelectorClass {			struct _GnomeDbDataSourceSelectorClass {
	GtkOptionMenuClass parent_class;				GtkOptionMenuClass parent_class;
};								};

GType      gnome_db_data_source_selector_get_type (void);	GType      gnome_db_data_source_selector_get_type (void);
GtkWidget *gnome_db_data_source_selector_new (const gchar *na	GtkWidget *gnome_db_data_source_selector_new (const gchar *na


#endif								#endif
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation			 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#include <gtk/gtklabel.h>					#include <gtk/gtklabel.h>
#include <gtk/gtktable.h>					#include <gtk/gtktable.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.h>			#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-provider-selector.h>		#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-provider-selector.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h>
#include "gnome-db-i18n.h"					#include "gnome-db-i18n.h"


struct _GnomeDbDsnConfigPrivate {				struct _GnomeDbDsnConfigPrivate {
	GtkWidget *wname;						GtkWidget *wname;
	GtkWidget *wprovider;						GtkWidget *wprovider;
	GtkWidget *wstring;						GtkWidget *wstring;
	GtkWidget *wdesc;						GtkWidget *wdesc;
	GtkWidget *wuser;						GtkWidget *wuser;
	GtkWidget *wpassword;						GtkWidget *wpassword;
};								};

static void gnome_db_dsn_config_class_init (GnomeDbDsnConfigC	static void gnome_db_dsn_config_class_init (GnomeDbDsnConfigC
static void gnome_db_dsn_config_init       (GnomeDbDsnConfig 	static void gnome_db_dsn_config_init       (GnomeDbDsnConfig 
					    GnomeDbDsnConfigC						    GnomeDbDsnConfigC
static void gnome_db_dsn_config_finalize   (GObject *object);	static void gnome_db_dsn_config_finalize   (GObject *object);

enum {								enum {
};								};

static gint gnome_db_dsn_config_signals[LAST_SIGNAL] = { 0 };	static gint gnome_db_dsn_config_signals[LAST_SIGNAL] = { 0 };
static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL;			static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL;

/*								/*
 * Private functions						 * Private functions
 */								 */

/*								/*
 * GnomeDbDsnConfig class implementation			 * GnomeDbDsnConfig class implementation
 */								 */

static void							static void
gnome_db_dsn_config_class_init (GnomeDbDsnConfigClass *klass)	gnome_db_dsn_config_class_init (GnomeDbDsnConfigClass *klass)
{								{
	GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);		GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);

	parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);		parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);

	object_class->finalize = gnome_db_dsn_config_finalize		object_class->finalize = gnome_db_dsn_config_finalize
	klass->changed = NULL;						klass->changed = NULL;

	/* add class signals */						/* add class signals */
	gnome_db_dsn_config_signals[CHANGED] =				gnome_db_dsn_config_signals[CHANGED] =
		g_signal_new ("changed",					g_signal_new ("changed",
			      G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class				      G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class
			      G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,					      G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,
			      G_STRUCT_OFFSET (GnomeDbDsnConf				      G_STRUCT_OFFSET (GnomeDbDsnConf
			      NULL, NULL,						      NULL, NULL,
			      g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID,				      g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID,
			      G_TYPE_NONE, 0);						      G_TYPE_NONE, 0);
}								}

static void							static void
field_changed_cb (GtkWidget *widget, GnomeDbDsnConfig *config	field_changed_cb (GtkWidget *widget, GnomeDbDsnConfig *config
{								{
	g_signal_emit (config, gnome_db_dsn_config_signals[CH		g_signal_emit (config, gnome_db_dsn_config_signals[CH
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_dsn_config_init (GnomeDbDsnConfig *config, GnomeDbDs	gnome_db_dsn_config_init (GnomeDbDsnConfig *config, GnomeDbDs
{								{
	GtkWidget *table;						GtkWidget *table;
	GtkWidget *label;						GtkWidget *label;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_DSN_CONFIG (config));		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_DSN_CONFIG (config));

	/* allocate private structure */				/* allocate private structure */
	config->priv = g_new0 (GnomeDbDsnConfigPrivate, 1);		config->priv = g_new0 (GnomeDbDsnConfigPrivate, 1);

	/* set up widgets */						/* set up widgets */
	table = gnome_db_new_table_widget (6, 3, FALSE);		table = gnome_db_new_table_widget (6, 3, FALSE);
	gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (config), table, TRUE, TR		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (config), table, TRUE, TR

	label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (_("Data source _na		label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (_("Data source _na
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), label, 0, 1, 0, 		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), label, 0, 1, 0, 
	config->priv->wname = gnome_db_new_entry_widget (0, T		config->priv->wname = gnome_db_new_entry_widget (0, T
	gtk_label_set_mnemonic_widget (GTK_LABEL (label), con		gtk_label_set_mnemonic_widget (GTK_LABEL (label), con
	gtk_widget_set_sensitive (config->priv->wname, FALSE)		gtk_widget_set_sensitive (config->priv->wname, FALSE)
	g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (config->priv->wname), "ch		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (config->priv->wname), "ch
			  G_CALLBACK (field_changed_cb), conf				  G_CALLBACK (field_changed_cb), conf
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), config->priv->wn		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), config->priv->wn

	label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (_("_Provider:"));		label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (_("_Provider:"));
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), label, 0, 1, 1, 		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), label, 0, 1, 1, 
	config->priv->wprovider = gnome_db_provider_selector_		config->priv->wprovider = gnome_db_provider_selector_
	gtk_label_set_mnemonic_widget (GTK_LABEL (label), con		gtk_label_set_mnemonic_widget (GTK_LABEL (label), con
	gtk_widget_show (config->priv->wprovider);			gtk_widget_show (config->priv->wprovider);
	g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (config->priv->wprovider),		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (config->priv->wprovider),
			  G_CALLBACK (field_changed_cb), conf				  G_CALLBACK (field_changed_cb), conf
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), config->priv->wp		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), config->priv->wp

	label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (_("Connection _str		label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (_("Connection _str
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), label, 0, 1, 2, 		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), label, 0, 1, 2, 
	config->priv->wstring = gnome_db_new_entry_widget (0,		config->priv->wstring = gnome_db_new_entry_widget (0,
	gtk_label_set_mnemonic_widget (GTK_LABEL (label), con		gtk_label_set_mnemonic_widget (GTK_LABEL (label), con
	g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (config->priv->wstring), "		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (config->priv->wstring), "
			  G_CALLBACK (field_changed_cb), conf				  G_CALLBACK (field_changed_cb), conf
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), config->priv->ws		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), config->priv->ws

	label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (_("_Description:")		label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (_("_Description:")
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), label, 0, 1, 3, 		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), label, 0, 1, 3, 
	config->priv->wdesc = gnome_db_new_entry_widget (0, T		config->priv->wdesc = gnome_db_new_entry_widget (0, T
	gtk_label_set_mnemonic_widget (GTK_LABEL (label), con		gtk_label_set_mnemonic_widget (GTK_LABEL (label), con
	g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (config->priv->wdesc), "ch		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (config->priv->wdesc), "ch
			  G_CALLBACK (field_changed_cb), conf				  G_CALLBACK (field_changed_cb), conf
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), config->priv->wd		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), config->priv->wd

	label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (_("_Username:"));		label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (_("_Username:"));
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), label, 0, 1, 4, 		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), label, 0, 1, 4, 
	config->priv->wuser = gnome_db_new_entry_widget (0, T		config->priv->wuser = gnome_db_new_entry_widget (0, T
	gtk_label_set_mnemonic_widget (GTK_LABEL (label), con		gtk_label_set_mnemonic_widget (GTK_LABEL (label), con
	g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (config->priv->wuser), "ch		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (config->priv->wuser), "ch
			  G_CALLBACK (field_changed_cb), conf				  G_CALLBACK (field_changed_cb), conf
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), config->priv->wu		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), config->priv->wu

	label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (_("P_assword:"));		label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (_("P_assword:"));
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), label, 0, 1, 5, 		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), label, 0, 1, 5, 
	config->priv->wpassword = gnome_db_new_entry_widget (		config->priv->wpassword = gnome_db_new_entry_widget (
	gtk_label_set_mnemonic_widget (GTK_LABEL (label), con		gtk_label_set_mnemonic_widget (GTK_LABEL (label), con
	gtk_entry_set_visibility (GTK_ENTRY (config->priv->wp		gtk_entry_set_visibility (GTK_ENTRY (config->priv->wp
	g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (config->priv->wpassword),		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (config->priv->wpassword),
			  G_CALLBACK (field_changed_cb), conf				  G_CALLBACK (field_changed_cb), conf
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), config->priv->wp		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), config->priv->wp
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_dsn_config_finalize (GObject *object)			gnome_db_dsn_config_finalize (GObject *object)
{								{
	GnomeDbDsnConfig *config = (GnomeDbDsnConfig *) objec		GnomeDbDsnConfig *config = (GnomeDbDsnConfig *) objec

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_DSN_CONFIG (config));		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_DSN_CONFIG (config));

	/* free memory */						/* free memory */
	g_free (config->priv);						g_free (config->priv);
	config->priv = NULL;						config->priv = NULL;

	/* chain to parent class */					/* chain to parent class */
	parent_class->finalize (object);				parent_class->finalize (object);
}								}

GType								GType
gnome_db_dsn_config_get_type (void)				gnome_db_dsn_config_get_type (void)
{								{
	static GType type = 0;						static GType type = 0;

	if (!type) {							if (!type) {
		static const GTypeInfo info = {					static const GTypeInfo info = {
			sizeof (GnomeDbDsnConfigClass),					sizeof (GnomeDbDsnConfigClass),
			(GBaseInitFunc) NULL,						(GBaseInitFunc) NULL,
			(GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL,					(GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL,
			(GClassInitFunc) gnome_db_dsn_config_				(GClassInitFunc) gnome_db_dsn_config_
			NULL,								NULL,
			NULL,								NULL,
			sizeof (GnomeDbDsnConfig),					sizeof (GnomeDbDsnConfig),
			0,								0,
			(GInstanceInitFunc) gnome_db_dsn_conf				(GInstanceInitFunc) gnome_db_dsn_conf
		};								};
		type = g_type_register_static (PARENT_TYPE, "			type = g_type_register_static (PARENT_TYPE, "
					       &info, 0);						       &info, 0);
	}								}
	return type;							return type;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_dsn_config_new					 * gnome_db_dsn_config_new
 */								 */
GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_dsn_config_new (void)					gnome_db_dsn_config_new (void)
{								{
	GnomeDbDsnConfig *config;					GnomeDbDsnConfig *config;

	config = g_object_new (GNOME_DB_TYPE_DSN_CONFIG, NULL		config = g_object_new (GNOME_DB_TYPE_DSN_CONFIG, NULL
	return GTK_WIDGET (config);					return GTK_WIDGET (config);
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_dsn_config_get_info					 * gnome_db_dsn_config_get_info
 */								 */
GdaDataSourceInfo *						GdaDataSourceInfo *
gnome_db_dsn_config_get_info (GnomeDbDsnConfig *config)		gnome_db_dsn_config_get_info (GnomeDbDsnConfig *config)
{								{
	gint i;								gint i;
	GdaDataSourceInfo *dsn_info;					GdaDataSourceInfo *dsn_info;

	g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_DSN_CONFIG (config)		g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_DSN_CONFIG (config)

	dsn_info = g_new0 (GdaDataSourceInfo, 1);			dsn_info = g_new0 (GdaDataSourceInfo, 1);
	dsn_info->name = g_strdup (gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_EN		dsn_info->name = g_strdup (gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_EN
	for (i = 0; i < strlen (dsn_info->name); i++) {			for (i = 0; i < strlen (dsn_info->name); i++) {
		if (!g_ascii_isalnum (dsn_info->name[i])) {			if (!g_ascii_isalnum (dsn_info->name[i])) {
			dsn_info->name[i] = '_';					dsn_info->name[i] = '_';
		}								}
	}								}

	dsn_info->provider = g_strdup (					dsn_info->provider = g_strdup (
		gnome_db_option_menu_get_selection (GTK_OPTIO			gnome_db_option_menu_get_selection (GTK_OPTIO
	dsn_info->cnc_string = g_strdup (				dsn_info->cnc_string = g_strdup (
		gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY (config->priv->			gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY (config->priv->
	dsn_info->description = g_strdup (				dsn_info->description = g_strdup (
		gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY (config->priv->			gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY (config->priv->
	dsn_info->username = g_strdup (gtk_entry_get_text (GT		dsn_info->username = g_strdup (gtk_entry_get_text (GT
	dsn_info->password = g_strdup (gtk_entry_get_text (GT		dsn_info->password = g_strdup (gtk_entry_get_text (GT

	return dsn_info;						return dsn_info;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_dsn_config_set_info					 * gnome_db_dsn_config_set_info
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_dsn_config_set_info (GnomeDbDsnConfig *config, const	gnome_db_dsn_config_set_info (GnomeDbDsnConfig *config, const
{								{
	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_DSN_CONFIG (config));		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_DSN_CONFIG (config));
	g_return_if_fail (dsn_info != NULL);				g_return_if_fail (dsn_info != NULL);

	gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (config->priv->wname), 		gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (config->priv->wname), 
	gnome_db_option_menu_set_selection (GTK_OPTION_MENU (		gnome_db_option_menu_set_selection (GTK_OPTION_MENU (
					    dsn_info->provide						    dsn_info->provide
	gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (config->priv->wstring)		gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (config->priv->wstring)
	gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (config->priv->wdesc), 		gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (config->priv->wdesc), 
	gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (config->priv->wuser), 		gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (config->priv->wuser), 
	gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (config->priv->wpasswor		gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (config->priv->wpasswor
}								}
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation			 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#include <string.h>						#include <string.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.h>
#include <gdk-pixbuf/gdk-pixbuf.h>				#include <gdk-pixbuf/gdk-pixbuf.h>
#include <libgnomeui/gnome-druid-page-edge.h>			#include <libgnomeui/gnome-druid-page-edge.h>
#include <libgnomeui/gnome-druid-page-standard.h>		#include <libgnomeui/gnome-druid-page-standard.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.h>		#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-provider-selector.h>		#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-provider-selector.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h>
#include "gnome-db-i18n.h"					#include "gnome-db-i18n.h"


struct _GnomeDbDsnConfigDruidPrivate {				struct _GnomeDbDsnConfigDruidPrivate {
	GdaDataSourceInfo *dsn_info;					GdaDataSourceInfo *dsn_info;

	GdkPixbuf *logo;						GdkPixbuf *logo;

	/* widgets */							/* widgets */
	GtkWidget *start_page;						GtkWidget *start_page;
	GtkWidget *general_page;					GtkWidget *general_page;
	GtkWidget *general_name;					GtkWidget *general_name;
	GtkWidget *general_provider;					GtkWidget *general_provider;
	GtkWidget *general_description;					GtkWidget *general_description;
	GtkWidget *general_username;					GtkWidget *general_username;
	GtkWidget *general_password;					GtkWidget *general_password;
	GtkWidget *provider_page;					GtkWidget *provider_page;
	GtkWidget *provider_container;					GtkWidget *provider_container;
	GtkWidget *provider_detail;					GtkWidget *provider_detail;
	GHashTable *provider_params;					GHashTable *provider_params;
	GHashTable *remembered_values;					GHashTable *remembered_values;
	GtkWidget *end_page;						GtkWidget *end_page;
};								};

static void gnome_db_dsn_config_druid_class_init (GnomeDbDsnC	static void gnome_db_dsn_config_druid_class_init (GnomeDbDsnC
static void gnome_db_dsn_config_druid_init       (GnomeDbDsnC	static void gnome_db_dsn_config_druid_init       (GnomeDbDsnC
						  GnomeDbDsnC							  GnomeDbDsnC
static void gnome_db_dsn_config_druid_finalize   (GObject *ob	static void gnome_db_dsn_config_druid_finalize   (GObject *ob

enum {								enum {
};								};

static gint config_druid_signals[LAST_SIGNAL] = { 0, };		static gint config_druid_signals[LAST_SIGNAL] = { 0, };
static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL;			static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL;

/*								/*
 * Private functions						 * Private functions
 */								 */

static void							static void
add_to_string (gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_da	add_to_string (gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_da
{								{
	const gchar *contents;						const gchar *contents;
	GString **str = (GString **) user_data;				GString **str = (GString **) user_data;

	if (GTK_IS_ENTRY (value)) {					if (GTK_IS_ENTRY (value)) {
		contents = gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY (val			contents = gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY (val
		if (!contents || !contents[0])					if (!contents || !contents[0])
			return;								return;

		if (*str)							if (*str)
			*str = g_string_append (*str, ";");				*str = g_string_append (*str, ";");
		else								else
			*str = g_string_new ("");					*str = g_string_new ("");

		*str = g_string_append (*str, (const gchar *)			*str = g_string_append (*str, (const gchar *)
		*str = g_string_append (*str, "=");				*str = g_string_append (*str, "=");
		*str = g_string_append (*str, contents);			*str = g_string_append (*str, contents);
	}								}
}								}

static gchar *							static gchar *
params_to_string (GnomeDbDsnConfigDruid *druid)			params_to_string (GnomeDbDsnConfigDruid *druid)
{								{
	GString *str = NULL;						GString *str = NULL;
	gchar *retval;							gchar *retval;

	g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_DSN_CONFIG_DRUID (d		g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_DSN_CONFIG_DRUID (d

	g_hash_table_foreach (druid->priv->provider_params, (		g_hash_table_foreach (druid->priv->provider_params, (
	if (str) {							if (str) {
		retval = str->str;						retval = str->str;
		g_string_free (str, FALSE);					g_string_free (str, FALSE);
	}								}
	else								else
		retval = g_strdup ("");						retval = g_strdup ("");

	return retval;							return retval;
}								}

static gboolean							static gboolean
remove_hash_func (gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user	remove_hash_func (gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user
{								{
	g_free (key);							g_free (key);
	return TRUE;							return TRUE;
}								}

static gboolean							static gboolean
remove_remembered_hash (gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointe	remove_remembered_hash (gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointe
{								{
	g_free (key);							g_free (key);
	g_free (value);							g_free (value);
	return TRUE;							return TRUE;
}								}

/*								/*
 * Callbacks							 * Callbacks
 */								 */

static void							static void
druid_cancelled_cb (GnomeDruidPage *druid_page, GtkWidget *dr	druid_cancelled_cb (GnomeDruidPage *druid_page, GtkWidget *dr
{								{
	GnomeDbDsnConfigDruid *druid = (GnomeDbDsnConfigDruid		GnomeDbDsnConfigDruid *druid = (GnomeDbDsnConfigDruid

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_DSN_CONFIG_DRUID (druid		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_DSN_CONFIG_DRUID (druid
	g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (druid), config_druid_signals		g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (druid), config_druid_signals
}								}

static void							static void
druid_finished_cb (GnomeDruidPage *druid_page, GtkWidget *dru	druid_finished_cb (GnomeDruidPage *druid_page, GtkWidget *dru
{								{
	GnomeDbDsnConfigDruid *druid = (GnomeDbDsnConfigDruid		GnomeDbDsnConfigDruid *druid = (GnomeDbDsnConfigDruid

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_DSN_CONFIG_DRUID (druid		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_DSN_CONFIG_DRUID (druid

	/* set the internal dsn_info with the values of the w		/* set the internal dsn_info with the values of the w
	if (druid->priv->dsn_info)					if (druid->priv->dsn_info)
		gnome_db_config_free_data_source_info (druid-			gnome_db_config_free_data_source_info (druid-

	druid->priv->dsn_info = g_new0 (GdaDataSourceInfo, 1)		druid->priv->dsn_info = g_new0 (GdaDataSourceInfo, 1)
	druid->priv->dsn_info->name =					druid->priv->dsn_info->name =
		g_strdup (gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY (drui			g_strdup (gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY (drui
	druid->priv->dsn_info->provider =				druid->priv->dsn_info->provider =
		g_strdup (gnome_db_option_menu_get_selection 			g_strdup (gnome_db_option_menu_get_selection 
				  GTK_OPTION_MENU (druid->pri					  GTK_OPTION_MENU (druid->pri
	druid->priv->dsn_info->cnc_string = params_to_string 		druid->priv->dsn_info->cnc_string = params_to_string 
	druid->priv->dsn_info->description =				druid->priv->dsn_info->description =
		g_strdup (gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY (drui			g_strdup (gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY (drui
	druid->priv->dsn_info->username =				druid->priv->dsn_info->username =
		g_strdup (gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY (drui			g_strdup (gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY (drui
	druid->priv->dsn_info->password =				druid->priv->dsn_info->password =
		g_strdup (gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY (drui			g_strdup (gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY (drui

	/* notify listeners */						/* notify listeners */
	g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (druid), config_druid_signals		g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (druid), config_druid_signals
}								}

static gboolean							static gboolean
general_next_pressed_cb (GnomeDruidPage *druid_page,		general_next_pressed_cb (GnomeDruidPage *druid_page,
			 GtkWidget *druid_widget,					 GtkWidget *druid_widget,
			 gpointer user_data)						 gpointer user_data)
{								{
	GdaDataSourceInfo *dsn_info;					GdaDataSourceInfo *dsn_info;
	GdaProviderInfo *prov_info;					GdaProviderInfo *prov_info;
	GList *l;							GList *l;
	gint i;								gint i;
	const gchar *name;						const gchar *name;
	const gchar *provider;						const gchar *provider;
	GnomeDbDsnConfigDruid *druid = (GnomeDbDsnConfigDruid		GnomeDbDsnConfigDruid *druid = (GnomeDbDsnConfigDruid

	g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_DSN_CONFIG_DRUID (d		g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_DSN_CONFIG_DRUID (d

	/* check required fields have values */				/* check required fields have values */
	name = gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY (druid->priv->ge		name = gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY (druid->priv->ge
	if (!name || strlen (name) < 1) {				if (!name || strlen (name) < 1) {
		gnome_db_show_error (_("You must enter a name			gnome_db_show_error (_("You must enter a name
		gtk_widget_grab_focus (druid->priv->general_n			gtk_widget_grab_focus (druid->priv->general_n
		return TRUE;							return TRUE;
	}								}

	for (i = 0; i < strlen (name); i++) {				for (i = 0; i < strlen (name); i++) {
		if (!g_ascii_isalnum (name[i])) {				if (!g_ascii_isalnum (name[i])) {
			gnome_db_show_error (_("Data source n				gnome_db_show_error (_("Data source n
			gtk_widget_grab_focus (druid->priv->g				gtk_widget_grab_focus (druid->priv->g
			return TRUE;							return TRUE;
		}								}
	}								}

	dsn_info = gnome_db_config_find_data_source (name);		dsn_info = gnome_db_config_find_data_source (name);
	if (dsn_info != NULL) {						if (dsn_info != NULL) {
		gnome_db_config_free_data_source_info (dsn_in			gnome_db_config_free_data_source_info (dsn_in
		gnome_db_show_error (_("An existing data sour			gnome_db_show_error (_("An existing data sour
		gtk_widget_grab_focus (druid->priv->general_n			gtk_widget_grab_focus (druid->priv->general_n
		return TRUE;							return TRUE;
	}								}

	for (i = 0; i < strlen (name); i++) {				for (i = 0; i < strlen (name); i++) {
		if (g_ascii_isspace (name[i])) {				if (g_ascii_isspace (name[i])) {
			gnome_db_show_error (_("Data source n				gnome_db_show_error (_("Data source n
			gtk_widget_grab_focus (druid->priv->g				gtk_widget_grab_focus (druid->priv->g
			return TRUE;							return TRUE;
		} else if (!g_ascii_isalnum (name[i])) {			} else if (!g_ascii_isalnum (name[i])) {
			gnome_db_show_error (_("Data source n				gnome_db_show_error (_("Data source n
			gtk_widget_grab_focus (druid->priv->g				gtk_widget_grab_focus (druid->priv->g
			return TRUE;							return TRUE;
		}								}
	}								}

	provider = gnome_db_option_menu_get_selection (GTK_OP		provider = gnome_db_option_menu_get_selection (GTK_OP
	if (!provider) {						if (!provider) {
		gnome_db_show_error (_("You must select a pro			gnome_db_show_error (_("You must select a pro
		gtk_widget_grab_focus (druid->priv->general_p			gtk_widget_grab_focus (druid->priv->general_p
		return TRUE;							return TRUE;
	}								}

	/* set up widgets for this specific provider */			/* set up widgets for this specific provider */
	prov_info = gda_config_get_provider_by_name (provider		prov_info = gda_config_get_provider_by_name (provider
	if (!prov_info) {						if (!prov_info) {
		gnome_db_show_error (_("Provider not found in			gnome_db_show_error (_("Provider not found in
		gtk_widget_grab_focus (druid->priv->general_p			gtk_widget_grab_focus (druid->priv->general_p
		return TRUE;							return TRUE;
	}								}

	g_hash_table_foreach_remove (druid->priv->provider_pa		g_hash_table_foreach_remove (druid->priv->provider_pa
				     (GHRFunc) remove_hash_fu					     (GHRFunc) remove_hash_fu
				     NULL);							     NULL);
	if (GTK_IS_WIDGET (druid->priv->provider_detail))		if (GTK_IS_WIDGET (druid->priv->provider_detail))
		gtk_widget_destroy (druid->priv->provider_det			gtk_widget_destroy (druid->priv->provider_det

	druid->priv->provider_detail = gnome_db_new_vbox_widg		druid->priv->provider_detail = gnome_db_new_vbox_widg
	for (l = prov_info->gda_params; l != NULL; l = l->nex		for (l = prov_info->gda_params; l != NULL; l = l->nex
		const gchar *param;						const gchar *param;
		GtkWidget *box;							GtkWidget *box;
		GtkWidget *label;						GtkWidget *label;
		GtkWidget *widget;						GtkWidget *widget;

		param = (const gchar *) l->data;				param = (const gchar *) l->data;
		if (param) {							if (param) {
			GHashTable *values;						GHashTable *values;
			gchar *title;							gchar *title;

			box = gnome_db_new_hbox_widget (TRUE,				box = gnome_db_new_hbox_widget (TRUE,
			title = g_strdup_printf ("_%s:", para				title = g_strdup_printf ("_%s:", para
			label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (ti				label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (ti
			g_free (title);							g_free (title);
			gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (box), la				gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (box), la
			widget = gnome_db_new_entry_widget (0				widget = gnome_db_new_entry_widget (0
			gtk_label_set_mnemonic_widget (GTK_LA				gtk_label_set_mnemonic_widget (GTK_LA
			if (!g_strcasecmp (param, "PASSWORD")				if (!g_strcasecmp (param, "PASSWORD")
				gtk_entry_set_visibility (GTK					gtk_entry_set_visibility (GTK

			/* set remembered value */					/* set remembered value */
			if ((values = g_hash_table_lookup (dr				if ((values = g_hash_table_lookup (dr
				gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY					gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY
						    g_hash_ta							    g_hash_ta
			} else {							} else {
				if (!g_strcasecmp (param, "US					if (!g_strcasecmp (param, "US
					gtk_entry_set_text (						gtk_entry_set_text (
						GTK_ENTRY (wi							GTK_ENTRY (wi
						gtk_entry_get							gtk_entry_get
				} else if (!g_strcasecmp (par					} else if (!g_strcasecmp (par
					gtk_entry_set_text (						gtk_entry_set_text (
						GTK_ENTRY (wi							GTK_ENTRY (wi
						gtk_entry_get							gtk_entry_get
				}								}
			}								}

			gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (box), wi				gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (box), wi
			gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (druid->p				gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (druid->p
					    box, TRUE, TRUE, 						    box, TRUE, TRUE, 

			g_hash_table_insert (druid->priv->pro				g_hash_table_insert (druid->priv->pro
					     g_strdup (param)						     g_strdup (param)
					     widget);							     widget);
		}								}
	}								}

	gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (druid->priv->provider_co		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (druid->priv->provider_co
			    druid->priv->provider_detail, TRU				    druid->priv->provider_detail, TRU

	gda_provider_info_free (prov_info);				gda_provider_info_free (prov_info);

	return FALSE;							return FALSE;
}								}

static void							static void
add_remembered_hash (gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer u	add_remembered_hash (gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer u
{								{
	GHashTable *htable;						GHashTable *htable;
	const gchar *provider;						const gchar *provider;
	const gchar *param_name = key;					const gchar *param_name = key;
	const gchar *entry_value;					const gchar *entry_value;
	GtkWidget *entry = (GtkWidget *) value;				GtkWidget *entry = (GtkWidget *) value;
	GnomeDbDsnConfigDruid *druid = (GnomeDbDsnConfigDruid		GnomeDbDsnConfigDruid *druid = (GnomeDbDsnConfigDruid

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_DSN_CONFIG_DRUID (druid		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_DSN_CONFIG_DRUID (druid

	provider = gnome_db_option_menu_get_selection (GTK_OP		provider = gnome_db_option_menu_get_selection (GTK_OP
	entry_value = gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY (entry));		entry_value = gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY (entry));

	htable = g_hash_table_lookup (druid->priv->remembered		htable = g_hash_table_lookup (druid->priv->remembered
	if (htable) {							if (htable) {
		gpointer orig_key, orig_value;					gpointer orig_key, orig_value;

		if (g_hash_table_lookup_extended (htable, par			if (g_hash_table_lookup_extended (htable, par
			g_hash_table_remove (htable, param_na				g_hash_table_remove (htable, param_na
			g_free (orig_key);						g_free (orig_key);
			g_free (orig_value);						g_free (orig_value);
		}								}
	} else {							} else {
		htable = g_hash_table_new (g_str_hash, g_str_			htable = g_hash_table_new (g_str_hash, g_str_
		g_hash_table_insert (druid->priv->remembered_			g_hash_table_insert (druid->priv->remembered_
	}								}

	g_hash_table_insert (htable, g_strdup (param_name), g		g_hash_table_insert (htable, g_strdup (param_name), g
}								}

static gboolean							static gboolean
provider_back_pressed_cb (GnomeDruidPage *druid_page,		provider_back_pressed_cb (GnomeDruidPage *druid_page,
			  GtkWidget *druid_widget,					  GtkWidget *druid_widget,
			  gpointer user_data)						  gpointer user_data)
{								{
	GnomeDbDsnConfigDruid *druid = (GnomeDbDsnConfigDruid		GnomeDbDsnConfigDruid *druid = (GnomeDbDsnConfigDruid

	g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_DSN_CONFIG_DRUID (d		g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_DSN_CONFIG_DRUID (d

	g_hash_table_foreach (druid->priv->provider_params, (		g_hash_table_foreach (druid->priv->provider_params, (
	return FALSE;							return FALSE;
}								}

/*								/*
 * GnomeDbDsnConfigDruid class implementation			 * GnomeDbDsnConfigDruid class implementation
 */								 */

static void							static void
gnome_db_dsn_config_druid_class_init (GnomeDbDsnConfigDruidCl	gnome_db_dsn_config_druid_class_init (GnomeDbDsnConfigDruidCl
{								{
	GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);		GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);

	parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);		parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);

	config_druid_signals[FINISHED] =				config_druid_signals[FINISHED] =
		g_signal_new ("finished",					g_signal_new ("finished",
			      G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class				      G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class
			      G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,					      G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,
			      G_STRUCT_OFFSET (GnomeDbDsnConf				      G_STRUCT_OFFSET (GnomeDbDsnConf
			      NULL, NULL,						      NULL, NULL,
			      g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__INT,				      g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__INT,
			      G_TYPE_NONE, 1, G_TYPE_INT);				      G_TYPE_NONE, 1, G_TYPE_INT);

	object_class->finalize = gnome_db_dsn_config_druid_fi		object_class->finalize = gnome_db_dsn_config_druid_fi
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_dsn_config_druid_init (GnomeDbDsnConfigDruid *druid,	gnome_db_dsn_config_druid_init (GnomeDbDsnConfigDruid *druid,
				GnomeDbDsnConfigDruidClass *k					GnomeDbDsnConfigDruidClass *k
{								{
	GtkWidget *label;						GtkWidget *label;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_DSN_CONFIG_DRUID (druid		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_DSN_CONFIG_DRUID (druid

	/* create private structure */					/* create private structure */
	druid->priv = g_new0 (GnomeDbDsnConfigDruidPrivate, 1		druid->priv = g_new0 (GnomeDbDsnConfigDruidPrivate, 1
	druid->priv->dsn_info = g_new0 (GdaDataSourceInfo, 1)		druid->priv->dsn_info = g_new0 (GdaDataSourceInfo, 1)
	druid->priv->provider_detail = NULL;				druid->priv->provider_detail = NULL;
	druid->priv->provider_params = g_hash_table_new (g_st		druid->priv->provider_params = g_hash_table_new (g_st
	druid->priv->remembered_values = g_hash_table_new (g_		druid->priv->remembered_values = g_hash_table_new (g_

	/* load icons */						/* load icons */
	druid->priv->logo = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file (LIBGNOM		druid->priv->logo = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file (LIBGNOM

	/* set up widgets */						/* set up widgets */
	gnome_druid_set_show_help (GNOME_DRUID (druid), FALSE		gnome_druid_set_show_help (GNOME_DRUID (druid), FALSE

	/* start page */						/* start page */
	druid->priv->start_page = gnome_druid_page_edge_new_w		druid->priv->start_page = gnome_druid_page_edge_new_w
		GNOME_EDGE_START, TRUE, _("Add a new data sou			GNOME_EDGE_START, TRUE, _("Add a new data sou
		_("This druid will guide you through the proc			_("This druid will guide you through the proc
		  "creating a new data source for your GNOME-			  "creating a new data source for your GNOME-
		  "installation. Just follow the steps!"),			  "installation. Just follow the steps!"),
		druid->priv->logo, NULL, NULL);					druid->priv->logo, NULL, NULL);
	gtk_widget_show (druid->priv->start_page);			gtk_widget_show (druid->priv->start_page);
	gnome_druid_append_page (GNOME_DRUID (druid),			gnome_druid_append_page (GNOME_DRUID (druid),
				 GNOME_DRUID_PAGE (druid->pri					 GNOME_DRUID_PAGE (druid->pri

	g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (druid->priv->start_page),		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (druid->priv->start_page),

	/* general info page */						/* general info page */
	druid->priv->general_page = gnome_druid_page_standard		druid->priv->general_page = gnome_druid_page_standard
		_("General Information"), druid->priv->logo, 			_("General Information"), druid->priv->logo, 

	label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (NULL);			label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (NULL);
	gtk_label_set_markup (GTK_LABEL (label),			gtk_label_set_markup (GTK_LABEL (label),
		_("The following fields represent the basic i			_("The following fields represent the basic i
		  "items for your new data source. Some of th			  "items for your new data source. Some of th
		  "username) are optional, whereas the others			  "username) are optional, whereas the others
		  "If you don't know which provider to use, j			  "If you don't know which provider to use, j
		  "the default one."));						  "the default one."));
	gnome_druid_page_standard_append_item (				gnome_druid_page_standard_append_item (
		GNOME_DRUID_PAGE_STANDARD (druid->priv->gener			GNOME_DRUID_PAGE_STANDARD (druid->priv->gener

	druid->priv->general_name = gnome_db_new_entry_widget		druid->priv->general_name = gnome_db_new_entry_widget
	gnome_druid_page_standard_append_item (				gnome_druid_page_standard_append_item (
		GNOME_DRUID_PAGE_STANDARD (druid->priv->gener			GNOME_DRUID_PAGE_STANDARD (druid->priv->gener
		_("Data source _name:"), druid->priv->general			_("Data source _name:"), druid->priv->general

	druid->priv->general_provider = gnome_db_provider_sel		druid->priv->general_provider = gnome_db_provider_sel
	gtk_widget_show (druid->priv->general_provider);		gtk_widget_show (druid->priv->general_provider);
	gnome_druid_page_standard_append_item (				gnome_druid_page_standard_append_item (
		GNOME_DRUID_PAGE_STANDARD (druid->priv->gener			GNOME_DRUID_PAGE_STANDARD (druid->priv->gener
		_("_Provider:"), druid->priv->general_provide			_("_Provider:"), druid->priv->general_provide

	druid->priv->general_description = gnome_db_new_entry		druid->priv->general_description = gnome_db_new_entry
	gnome_druid_page_standard_append_item (				gnome_druid_page_standard_append_item (
		GNOME_DRUID_PAGE_STANDARD (druid->priv->gener			GNOME_DRUID_PAGE_STANDARD (druid->priv->gener
		_("_Description:"), druid->priv->general_desc			_("_Description:"), druid->priv->general_desc

	druid->priv->general_username = gnome_db_new_entry_wi		druid->priv->general_username = gnome_db_new_entry_wi
	gnome_druid_page_standard_append_item (				gnome_druid_page_standard_append_item (
		GNOME_DRUID_PAGE_STANDARD (druid->priv->gener			GNOME_DRUID_PAGE_STANDARD (druid->priv->gener
		_("_Username:"), druid->priv->general_usernam			_("_Username:"), druid->priv->general_usernam

	druid->priv->general_password = gnome_db_new_entry_wi		druid->priv->general_password = gnome_db_new_entry_wi
	gtk_entry_set_visibility (GTK_ENTRY (druid->priv->gen		gtk_entry_set_visibility (GTK_ENTRY (druid->priv->gen
	gnome_druid_page_standard_append_item (				gnome_druid_page_standard_append_item (
		GNOME_DRUID_PAGE_STANDARD (druid->priv->gener			GNOME_DRUID_PAGE_STANDARD (druid->priv->gener
		_("P_assword:"), druid->priv->general_passwor			_("P_assword:"), druid->priv->general_passwor

	gtk_widget_show (druid->priv->general_page);			gtk_widget_show (druid->priv->general_page);
	gnome_druid_append_page (GNOME_DRUID (druid),			gnome_druid_append_page (GNOME_DRUID (druid),
				 GNOME_DRUID_PAGE (druid->pri					 GNOME_DRUID_PAGE (druid->pri

	g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (druid->priv->general_page		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (druid->priv->general_page
			  G_CALLBACK (druid_cancelled_cb), dr				  G_CALLBACK (druid_cancelled_cb), dr
	g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (druid->priv->general_page		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (druid->priv->general_page
			  G_CALLBACK (general_next_pressed_cb				  G_CALLBACK (general_next_pressed_cb

	/* provider parameters page */					/* provider parameters page */
	druid->priv->provider_page = gnome_druid_page_standar		druid->priv->provider_page = gnome_druid_page_standar
		_("Provider Parameters"), druid->priv->logo, 			_("Provider Parameters"), druid->priv->logo, 

	label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (NULL);			label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (NULL);
	gtk_label_set_markup (GTK_LABEL (label),			gtk_label_set_markup (GTK_LABEL (label),
		_("The following fields represent the informa			_("The following fields represent the informa
		  "provider you selected in the previous page			  "provider you selected in the previous page
		  "connection. This information is provider-s			  "connection. This information is provider-s
		  "the manual for more information."));				  "the manual for more information."));
	gnome_druid_page_standard_append_item (				gnome_druid_page_standard_append_item (
		GNOME_DRUID_PAGE_STANDARD (druid->priv->provi			GNOME_DRUID_PAGE_STANDARD (druid->priv->provi

	druid->priv->provider_container = gnome_db_new_vbox_w		druid->priv->provider_container = gnome_db_new_vbox_w
	gnome_druid_page_standard_append_item (				gnome_druid_page_standard_append_item (
		GNOME_DRUID_PAGE_STANDARD (druid->priv->provi			GNOME_DRUID_PAGE_STANDARD (druid->priv->provi
		druid->priv->provider_container, NULL);				druid->priv->provider_container, NULL);

	gtk_widget_show (druid->priv->provider_page);			gtk_widget_show (druid->priv->provider_page);
	gnome_druid_append_page (GNOME_DRUID (druid),			gnome_druid_append_page (GNOME_DRUID (druid),
				 GNOME_DRUID_PAGE (druid->pri					 GNOME_DRUID_PAGE (druid->pri

	g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (druid->priv->provider_pag		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (druid->priv->provider_pag
			  G_CALLBACK (druid_cancelled_cb), dr				  G_CALLBACK (druid_cancelled_cb), dr
	g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (druid->priv->provider_pag		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (druid->priv->provider_pag
			  G_CALLBACK (provider_back_pressed_c				  G_CALLBACK (provider_back_pressed_c

	/* end page */							/* end page */
	druid->priv->end_page = gnome_druid_page_edge_new_wit		druid->priv->end_page = gnome_druid_page_edge_new_wit
		GNOME_EDGE_FINISH, TRUE, _("All information r			GNOME_EDGE_FINISH, TRUE, _("All information r
		_("All information needed to create a new dat			_("All information needed to create a new dat
		  "has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to 			  "has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to 
		  "this dialog. To open your newly created da			  "this dialog. To open your newly created da
		  "just select it when asked for a data sourc			  "just select it when asked for a data sourc
		  druid->priv->logo, NULL, NULL);				  druid->priv->logo, NULL, NULL);
	gtk_widget_show (druid->priv->end_page);			gtk_widget_show (druid->priv->end_page);
	gnome_druid_append_page (GNOME_DRUID (druid),			gnome_druid_append_page (GNOME_DRUID (druid),
				 GNOME_DRUID_PAGE (druid->pri					 GNOME_DRUID_PAGE (druid->pri

	g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (druid->priv->end_page), "		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (druid->priv->end_page), "
	g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (druid->priv->end_page), "		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (druid->priv->end_page), "
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_dsn_config_druid_finalize (GObject *object)		gnome_db_dsn_config_druid_finalize (GObject *object)
{								{
	GnomeDbDsnConfigDruid *druid = (GnomeDbDsnConfigDruid		GnomeDbDsnConfigDruid *druid = (GnomeDbDsnConfigDruid

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_DSN_CONFIG_DRUID (druid		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_DSN_CONFIG_DRUID (druid

	/* free memory */						/* free memory */
	gdk_pixbuf_unref (druid->priv->logo);				gdk_pixbuf_unref (druid->priv->logo);
	gnome_db_config_free_data_source_info (druid->priv->d		gnome_db_config_free_data_source_info (druid->priv->d

	g_hash_table_foreach_remove (druid->priv->provider_pa		g_hash_table_foreach_remove (druid->priv->provider_pa
				     (GHRFunc) remove_hash_fu					     (GHRFunc) remove_hash_fu
				     NULL);							     NULL);
	g_hash_table_destroy (druid->priv->provider_params);		g_hash_table_destroy (druid->priv->provider_params);
	druid->priv->provider_params = NULL;				druid->priv->provider_params = NULL;

	g_hash_table_foreach_remove (druid->priv->remembered_		g_hash_table_foreach_remove (druid->priv->remembered_
				     (GHRFunc) remove_remembe					     (GHRFunc) remove_remembe
				     NULL);							     NULL);
	g_hash_table_destroy (druid->priv->remembered_values)		g_hash_table_destroy (druid->priv->remembered_values)
	druid->priv->remembered_values = NULL;				druid->priv->remembered_values = NULL;

	g_free (druid->priv);						g_free (druid->priv);
	druid->priv = NULL;						druid->priv = NULL;

	parent_class->finalize (object);				parent_class->finalize (object);
}								}

GType								GType
gnome_db_dsn_config_druid_get_type (void)			gnome_db_dsn_config_druid_get_type (void)
{								{
	static GType type = 0;						static GType type = 0;

	if (!type) {							if (!type) {
		static const GTypeInfo info = {					static const GTypeInfo info = {
			sizeof (GnomeDbDsnConfigDruidClass),				sizeof (GnomeDbDsnConfigDruidClass),
			(GBaseInitFunc) NULL,						(GBaseInitFunc) NULL,
			(GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL,					(GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL,
			(GClassInitFunc) gnome_db_dsn_config_				(GClassInitFunc) gnome_db_dsn_config_
			NULL,								NULL,
			NULL,								NULL,
			sizeof (GnomeDbDsnConfigDruid),					sizeof (GnomeDbDsnConfigDruid),
			0,								0,
			(GInstanceInitFunc) gnome_db_dsn_conf				(GInstanceInitFunc) gnome_db_dsn_conf
		};								};
		type = g_type_register_static (PARENT_TYPE, "			type = g_type_register_static (PARENT_TYPE, "
					       &info, 0);						       &info, 0);
	}								}
	return type;							return type;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_dsn_config_druid_new				 * gnome_db_dsn_config_druid_new
 */								 */
GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_dsn_config_druid_new (void)				gnome_db_dsn_config_druid_new (void)
{								{
	GnomeDbDsnConfigDruid *druid;					GnomeDbDsnConfigDruid *druid;

	druid = g_object_new (GNOME_DB_TYPE_DSN_CONFIG_DRUID,		druid = g_object_new (GNOME_DB_TYPE_DSN_CONFIG_DRUID,
	return GTK_WIDGET (druid);					return GTK_WIDGET (druid);
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_dsn_config_druid_get_dsn				 * gnome_db_dsn_config_druid_get_dsn
 */								 */
const GdaDataSourceInfo *					const GdaDataSourceInfo *
gnome_db_dsn_config_druid_get_dsn (GnomeDbDsnConfigDruid *dru	gnome_db_dsn_config_druid_get_dsn (GnomeDbDsnConfigDruid *dru
{								{
	g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_DSN_CONFIG_DRUID (d		g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_DSN_CONFIG_DRUID (d
	return (const GdaDataSourceInfo *) druid->priv->dsn_i		return (const GdaDataSourceInfo *) druid->priv->dsn_i
}								}
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.h ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.h
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation			 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#ifndef __gnome_db_dsn_config_druid_h__				#ifndef __gnome_db_dsn_config_druid_h__
#define __gnome_db_dsn_config_druid_h__ 1			#define __gnome_db_dsn_config_druid_h__ 1

#include <libgda/gda-config.h>					#include <libgda/gda-config.h>
#include <libgnomeui/gnome-druid.h>				#include <libgnomeui/gnome-druid.h>


#define GNOME_DB_TYPE_DSN_CONFIG_DRUID            (gnome_db_d	#define GNOME_DB_TYPE_DSN_CONFIG_DRUID            (gnome_db_d
#define GNOME_DB_DSN_CONFIG_DRUID(obj)            (G_TYPE_CHE	#define GNOME_DB_DSN_CONFIG_DRUID(obj)            (G_TYPE_CHE

typedef struct _GnomeDbDsnConfigDruid        GnomeDbDsnConfig	typedef struct _GnomeDbDsnConfigDruid        GnomeDbDsnConfig
typedef struct _GnomeDbDsnConfigDruidClass   GnomeDbDsnConfig	typedef struct _GnomeDbDsnConfigDruidClass   GnomeDbDsnConfig
typedef struct _GnomeDbDsnConfigDruidPrivate GnomeDbDsnConfig	typedef struct _GnomeDbDsnConfigDruidPrivate GnomeDbDsnConfig

struct _GnomeDbDsnConfigDruid {					struct _GnomeDbDsnConfigDruid {
	GnomeDruid druid;						GnomeDruid druid;
	GnomeDbDsnConfigDruidPrivate *priv;				GnomeDbDsnConfigDruidPrivate *priv;
};								};

struct _GnomeDbDsnConfigDruidClass {				struct _GnomeDbDsnConfigDruidClass {
	GnomeDruidClass parent_class;					GnomeDruidClass parent_class;

	void (* finished) (GnomeDbDsnConfigDruid *druid, gboo		void (* finished) (GnomeDbDsnConfigDruid *druid, gboo
};								};

GType                    gnome_db_dsn_config_druid_get_type (	GType                    gnome_db_dsn_config_druid_get_type (

GtkWidget               *gnome_db_dsn_config_druid_new (void)	GtkWidget               *gnome_db_dsn_config_druid_new (void)
const GdaDataSourceInfo *gnome_db_dsn_config_druid_get_dsn (G	const GdaDataSourceInfo *gnome_db_dsn_config_druid_get_dsn (G


#endif								#endif
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.h ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.h
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation			 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#if !defined(__gnome_db_dsn_config_h__)				#if !defined(__gnome_db_dsn_config_h__)
#  define __gnome_db_dsn_config_h__				#  define __gnome_db_dsn_config_h__

#include <libgda/gda-config.h>					#include <libgda/gda-config.h>
#include <gtk/gtkvbox.h>					#include <gtk/gtkvbox.h>


#define GNOME_DB_TYPE_DSN_CONFIG            (gnome_db_dsn_con	#define GNOME_DB_TYPE_DSN_CONFIG            (gnome_db_dsn_con
#define GNOME_DB_DSN_CONFIG(obj)            (G_TYPE_CHECK_INS	#define GNOME_DB_DSN_CONFIG(obj)            (G_TYPE_CHECK_INS

typedef struct _GnomeDbDsnConfig        GnomeDbDsnConfig;	typedef struct _GnomeDbDsnConfig        GnomeDbDsnConfig;
typedef struct _GnomeDbDsnConfigClass   GnomeDbDsnConfigClass	typedef struct _GnomeDbDsnConfigClass   GnomeDbDsnConfigClass
typedef struct _GnomeDbDsnConfigPrivate GnomeDbDsnConfigPriva	typedef struct _GnomeDbDsnConfigPrivate GnomeDbDsnConfigPriva

struct _GnomeDbDsnConfig {					struct _GnomeDbDsnConfig {
	GtkVBox box;							GtkVBox box;
	GnomeDbDsnConfigPrivate *priv;					GnomeDbDsnConfigPrivate *priv;
};								};

struct _GnomeDbDsnConfigClass {					struct _GnomeDbDsnConfigClass {
	GtkVBoxClass parent_class;					GtkVBoxClass parent_class;

	/* signals */							/* signals */
	void (* changed) (GnomeDbDsnConfig *config);			void (* changed) (GnomeDbDsnConfig *config);
};								};

GType              gnome_db_dsn_config_get_type (void);		GType              gnome_db_dsn_config_get_type (void);
GtkWidget         *gnome_db_dsn_config_new (void);		GtkWidget         *gnome_db_dsn_config_new (void);

GdaDataSourceInfo *gnome_db_dsn_config_get_info (GnomeDbDsnCo	GdaDataSourceInfo *gnome_db_dsn_config_get_info (GnomeDbDsnCo
void               gnome_db_dsn_config_set_info (GnomeDbDsnCo	void               gnome_db_dsn_config_set_info (GnomeDbDsnCo
						 const GdaDat							 const GdaDat


#endif								#endif
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-editor.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-editor.c
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#include <string.h>						#include <string.h>
#include <gtk/gtkscrolledwindow.h>				#include <gtk/gtkscrolledwindow.h>
#include <gtksourceview/gtksourceview.h>			#include <gtksourceview/gtksourceview.h>
#endif								#endif
#include <libgda/gda-util.h>					#include <libgda/gda-util.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-editor.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-editor.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h>


typedef void (* CreateTagsFunc) (GnomeDbEditor *editor, const	typedef void (* CreateTagsFunc) (GnomeDbEditor *editor, const

struct _GnomeDbEditorPrivate {					struct _GnomeDbEditorPrivate {
	GtkWidget *scrolled_window;					GtkWidget *scrolled_window;
	GtkWidget *text;						GtkWidget *text;
	guint config_lid;						guint config_lid;
};								};

static void gnome_db_editor_class_init (GnomeDbEditorClass *k	static void gnome_db_editor_class_init (GnomeDbEditorClass *k
static void gnome_db_editor_init       (GnomeDbEditor *editor	static void gnome_db_editor_init       (GnomeDbEditor *editor
static void gnome_db_editor_finalize   (GObject *object);	static void gnome_db_editor_finalize   (GObject *object);

static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL;			static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL;
static GHashTable *supported_languages = NULL;			static GHashTable *supported_languages = NULL;
static gint number_of_objects = 0;				static gint number_of_objects = 0;

/*								/*
 * Private functions						 * Private functions
 */								 */
static void							static void
create_tags_for_sql (GnomeDbEditor *editor, const gchar *lang	create_tags_for_sql (GnomeDbEditor *editor, const gchar *lang
{								{
	GtkTextBuffer *buffer;						GtkTextBuffer *buffer;
	GtkTextTag *tag;						GtkTextTag *tag;
	GList *tag_list = NULL;						GList *tag_list = NULL;
#endif								#endif

	g_return_if_fail (language != NULL);				g_return_if_fail (language != NULL);
	g_return_if_fail (!strcmp (language, GNOME_DB_EDITOR_		g_return_if_fail (!strcmp (language, GNOME_DB_EDITOR_

	buffer = gtk_text_view_get_buffer (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (edi		buffer = gtk_text_view_get_buffer (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (edi
	/* add SQL keywords */						/* add SQL keywords */
	tag = gtk_pattern_tag_new ("keywords",				tag = gtk_pattern_tag_new ("keywords",
				   "\\b\\(add\\|alter\\|and\\					   "\\b\\(add\\|alter\\|and\\
				   "\\|drop\\|exists\\|from\\					   "\\|drop\\|exists\\|from\\
				   "\\|is\\|key\\|not\\|null\					   "\\|is\\|key\\|not\\|null\
				   "\\|rollback\\|select\\|se					   "\\|rollback\\|select\\|se
				   "\\|table\\|unique\\|updat					   "\\|table\\|unique\\|updat
	g_object_set (G_OBJECT (tag), "foreground", "blue", N		g_object_set (G_OBJECT (tag), "foreground", "blue", N
	tag_list = g_list_append (tag_list, tag);			tag_list = g_list_append (tag_list, tag);

	/* add aggregates */						/* add aggregates */
	tag = gtk_pattern_tag_new ("functions",				tag = gtk_pattern_tag_new ("functions",
                                   "\\b\\(avg\\|count\\|max\\	                                   "\\b\\(avg\\|count\\|max\\
        g_object_set (G_OBJECT (tag), "foreground", "navy", N	        g_object_set (G_OBJECT (tag), "foreground", "navy", N
        tag_list = g_list_append (tag_list, tag);		        tag_list = g_list_append (tag_list, tag);

	/* add strings and numbers */					/* add strings and numbers */
	tag = gtk_syntax_tag_new ("string", "\"", "\"");		tag = gtk_syntax_tag_new ("string", "\"", "\"");
        g_object_set (G_OBJECT (tag), "foreground", "forest g	        g_object_set (G_OBJECT (tag), "foreground", "forest g
        tag_list = g_list_append (tag_list, tag);		        tag_list = g_list_append (tag_list, tag);

	tag = gtk_syntax_tag_new ("single_quoted_string", "'"		tag = gtk_syntax_tag_new ("single_quoted_string", "'"
        g_object_set (G_OBJECT (tag), "foreground", "forest g	        g_object_set (G_OBJECT (tag), "foreground", "forest g
        tag_list = g_list_append (tag_list, tag);		        tag_list = g_list_append (tag_list, tag);

	tag = gtk_pattern_tag_new ("numbers", "\\b[0-9]+\\.?\		tag = gtk_pattern_tag_new ("numbers", "\\b[0-9]+\\.?\
        g_object_set (G_OBJECT (tag), "weight", PANGO_WEIGHT_	        g_object_set (G_OBJECT (tag), "weight", PANGO_WEIGHT_
        tag_list = g_list_append (tag_list, tag);		        tag_list = g_list_append (tag_list, tag);

	/* add comments */						/* add comments */
	tag = gtk_syntax_tag_new ("comment", "--", "\n");		tag = gtk_syntax_tag_new ("comment", "--", "\n");
        g_object_set (G_OBJECT (tag), "foreground", "gray", "	        g_object_set (G_OBJECT (tag), "foreground", "gray", "
        tag_list = g_list_append (tag_list, tag);		        tag_list = g_list_append (tag_list, tag);

        tag = gtk_syntax_tag_new ("comment_multiline", "/\\*"	        tag = gtk_syntax_tag_new ("comment_multiline", "/\\*"
        g_object_set (G_OBJECT (tag), "foreground", "gray", "	        g_object_set (G_OBJECT (tag), "foreground", "gray", "
        tag_list = g_list_append (tag_list, tag);		        tag_list = g_list_append (tag_list, tag);

	/* install new tags */						/* install new tags */
	/* FIXME: gtk_source_buffer_install_regex_tags (GTK_S		/* FIXME: gtk_source_buffer_install_regex_tags (GTK_S
	g_list_free (tag_list);						g_list_free (tag_list);
#endif								#endif
}								}

/*								/*
 * GnomeDbEditor class implementation				 * GnomeDbEditor class implementation
 */								 */

static void							static void
gnome_db_editor_class_init (GnomeDbEditorClass *klass)		gnome_db_editor_class_init (GnomeDbEditorClass *klass)
{								{
	GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);		GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);

	parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);		parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);

	object_class->finalize = gnome_db_editor_finalize;		object_class->finalize = gnome_db_editor_finalize;
}								}

static void							static void
configuration_changed_cb (GConfClient *conf_client, guint cnx	configuration_changed_cb (GConfClient *conf_client, guint cnx
{								{
	GnomeDbEditor *editor = (GnomeDbEditor *) user_data;		GnomeDbEditor *editor = (GnomeDbEditor *) user_data;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_EDITOR (editor));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_EDITOR (editor));

	if (!strcmp (entry->key, GNOME_DB_CONFIG_KEY_EDITOR_S		if (!strcmp (entry->key, GNOME_DB_CONFIG_KEY_EDITOR_S
		gtk_source_view_set_show_line_numbers (				gtk_source_view_set_show_line_numbers (
			GTK_SOURCE_VIEW (editor->priv->text),				GTK_SOURCE_VIEW (editor->priv->text),
			gnome_db_config_get_boolean (GNOME_DB				gnome_db_config_get_boolean (GNOME_DB
#else								#else
#endif								#endif
	} else if (!strcmp (entry->key, GNOME_DB_CONFIG_KEY_E		} else if (!strcmp (entry->key, GNOME_DB_CONFIG_KEY_E
		gtk_source_view_set_tabs_width (				gtk_source_view_set_tabs_width (
			GTK_SOURCE_VIEW (editor->priv->text),				GTK_SOURCE_VIEW (editor->priv->text),
			gnome_db_config_get_int (GNOME_DB_CON				gnome_db_config_get_int (GNOME_DB_CON
#else								#else
#endif								#endif
	} else if (!strcmp (entry->key, GNOME_DB_CONFIG_KEY_E		} else if (!strcmp (entry->key, GNOME_DB_CONFIG_KEY_E
		gnome_db_editor_set_highlight (editor,				gnome_db_editor_set_highlight (editor,
					       gnome_db_confi						       gnome_db_confi
	}								}
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_editor_init (GnomeDbEditor *editor, GnomeDbEditorCla	gnome_db_editor_init (GnomeDbEditor *editor, GnomeDbEditorCla
{								{
	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_EDITOR (editor));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_EDITOR (editor));

	/* allocate private structure */				/* allocate private structure */
	editor->priv = g_new0 (GnomeDbEditorPrivate, 1);		editor->priv = g_new0 (GnomeDbEditorPrivate, 1);

	editor->priv->config_lid = gnome_db_config_add_listen		editor->priv->config_lid = gnome_db_config_add_listen
		"/apps/gnome-db/Editor",					"/apps/gnome-db/Editor",
		(GConfClientNotifyFunc) configuration_changed			(GConfClientNotifyFunc) configuration_changed
		editor);							editor);

	/* set up widgets */						/* set up widgets */
	editor->priv->scrolled_window = gnome_db_new_scrolled		editor->priv->scrolled_window = gnome_db_new_scrolled
	gtk_scrolled_window_set_policy (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (		gtk_scrolled_window_set_policy (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (
	gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (editor), editor->priv->s		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (editor), editor->priv->s

	editor->priv->text = gtk_source_view_new ();			editor->priv->text = gtk_source_view_new ();
	gtk_source_buffer_set_highlight (gtk_text_view_get_bu		gtk_source_buffer_set_highlight (gtk_text_view_get_bu
					 gnome_db_config_get_						 gnome_db_config_get_
	gtk_source_view_set_show_line_numbers (				gtk_source_view_set_show_line_numbers (
		GTK_SOURCE_VIEW (editor->priv->text),				GTK_SOURCE_VIEW (editor->priv->text),
		gnome_db_config_get_boolean (GNOME_DB_CONFIG_			gnome_db_config_get_boolean (GNOME_DB_CONFIG_
	gtk_source_view_set_tabs_width (				gtk_source_view_set_tabs_width (
		GTK_SOURCE_VIEW (editor->priv->text),				GTK_SOURCE_VIEW (editor->priv->text),
		gnome_db_config_get_int (GNOME_DB_CONFIG_KEY_			gnome_db_config_get_int (GNOME_DB_CONFIG_KEY_
	gtk_widget_show (editor->priv->text);				gtk_widget_show (editor->priv->text);
#else								#else
	editor->priv->text = gnome_db_new_text_widget (NULL);		editor->priv->text = gnome_db_new_text_widget (NULL);
#endif								#endif

	gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (editor->priv->scrol		gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (editor->priv->scrol

	/* initialize common data */					/* initialize common data */
	number_of_objects++;						number_of_objects++;
	if (!supported_languages) {					if (!supported_languages) {
		supported_languages = g_hash_table_new (g_str			supported_languages = g_hash_table_new (g_str

		/* add the built-in languages */				/* add the built-in languages */
		g_hash_table_insert (supported_languages, GNO			g_hash_table_insert (supported_languages, GNO
	}								}
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_editor_finalize (GObject *object)			gnome_db_editor_finalize (GObject *object)
{								{
	GnomeDbEditor *editor = (GnomeDbEditor *) object;		GnomeDbEditor *editor = (GnomeDbEditor *) object;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_EDITOR (editor));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_EDITOR (editor));

	/* free memory */						/* free memory */
	g_free (editor->priv);						g_free (editor->priv);
	editor->priv = NULL;						editor->priv = NULL;

	parent_class->finalize (object);				parent_class->finalize (object);

	/* update common data */					/* update common data */
	number_of_objects--;						number_of_objects--;
	if (number_of_objects == 0) {					if (number_of_objects == 0) {
		g_hash_table_destroy (supported_languages);			g_hash_table_destroy (supported_languages);
		supported_languages = NULL;					supported_languages = NULL;
	}								}
}								}

GType								GType
gnome_db_editor_get_type (void)					gnome_db_editor_get_type (void)
{								{
	static GType type = 0;						static GType type = 0;

	if (!type) {							if (!type) {
		static const GTypeInfo info = {					static const GTypeInfo info = {
			sizeof (GnomeDbEditorClass),					sizeof (GnomeDbEditorClass),
			(GBaseInitFunc) NULL,						(GBaseInitFunc) NULL,
			(GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL,					(GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL,
			(GClassInitFunc) gnome_db_editor_clas				(GClassInitFunc) gnome_db_editor_clas
			NULL,								NULL,
			NULL,								NULL,
			sizeof (GnomeDbEditor),						sizeof (GnomeDbEditor),
			0,								0,
			(GInstanceInitFunc) gnome_db_editor_i				(GInstanceInitFunc) gnome_db_editor_i
		};								};
		type = g_type_register_static (PARENT_TYPE, "			type = g_type_register_static (PARENT_TYPE, "
	}								}
	return type;							return type;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_editor_new						 * gnome_db_editor_new
 *								 *
 * Create a new #GnomeDbEditor widget, which is a multiline t	 * Create a new #GnomeDbEditor widget, which is a multiline t
 * with support for several languages used to write database 	 * with support for several languages used to write database 
 * procedures and functions. If libgnomedb was compiled with 	 * procedures and functions. If libgnomedb was compiled with 
 * in, this widget will support syntax highlighting for all s	 * in, this widget will support syntax highlighting for all s
 * languages.							 * languages.
 *								 *
 * Returns: the newly created widget.				 * Returns: the newly created widget.
 */								 */
GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_editor_new (void)					gnome_db_editor_new (void)
{								{
	GnomeDbEditor *editor;						GnomeDbEditor *editor;

	editor = g_object_new (GNOME_DB_TYPE_EDITOR, NULL);		editor = g_object_new (GNOME_DB_TYPE_EDITOR, NULL);
	create_tags_for_sql (editor, GNOME_DB_EDITOR_LANGUAGE		create_tags_for_sql (editor, GNOME_DB_EDITOR_LANGUAGE

	return GTK_WIDGET (editor);					return GTK_WIDGET (editor);
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_editor_get_editable					 * gnome_db_editor_get_editable
 * @editor: a #GnomeDbEditor widget.				 * @editor: a #GnomeDbEditor widget.
 *								 *
 * Retrieve the editable status of the given editor widget.	 * Retrieve the editable status of the given editor widget.
 *								 *
 * Returns: the editable status.				 * Returns: the editable status.
 */								 */
gboolean							gboolean
gnome_db_editor_get_editable (GnomeDbEditor *editor)		gnome_db_editor_get_editable (GnomeDbEditor *editor)
{								{
        g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_EDITOR (editor), FA	        g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_EDITOR (editor), FA
        return gtk_text_view_get_editable (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (edi	        return gtk_text_view_get_editable (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (edi
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_editor_set_editable					 * gnome_db_editor_set_editable
 * @editor: a #GnomeDbEditor widget.				 * @editor: a #GnomeDbEditor widget.
 * @editable: editable state.					 * @editable: editable state.
 *								 *
 * Set the editable state of the given editor widget.		 * Set the editable state of the given editor widget.
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_editor_set_editable (GnomeDbEditor *editor, gboolean	gnome_db_editor_set_editable (GnomeDbEditor *editor, gboolean
{								{
	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_EDITOR (editor));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_EDITOR (editor));
	gtk_text_view_set_editable (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (editor->pr		gtk_text_view_set_editable (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (editor->pr
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_editor_get_highlight				 * gnome_db_editor_get_highlight
 * @editor: a #GnomeDbEditor widget.				 * @editor: a #GnomeDbEditor widget.
 *								 *
 * Retrieve the highlighting status of the given editor widge	 * Retrieve the highlighting status of the given editor widge
 *								 *
 * Returns: the highlighting status.				 * Returns: the highlighting status.
 */								 */
gboolean							gboolean
gnome_db_editor_get_highlight (GnomeDbEditor *editor)		gnome_db_editor_get_highlight (GnomeDbEditor *editor)
{								{
	g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_EDITOR (editor), FA		g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_EDITOR (editor), FA

	return gtk_source_buffer_get_highlight (			return gtk_source_buffer_get_highlight (
		GTK_SOURCE_BUFFER (gtk_text_view_get_buffer (			GTK_SOURCE_BUFFER (gtk_text_view_get_buffer (
#else								#else
	return FALSE;							return FALSE;
#endif								#endif
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_editor_set_highlight				 * gnome_db_editor_set_highlight
 * @editor: a #GnomeDbEditor widget.				 * @editor: a #GnomeDbEditor widget.
 * @highlight: highlighting status.				 * @highlight: highlighting status.
 *								 *
 * Set the highlighting status on the given editor widget.	 * Set the highlighting status on the given editor widget.
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_editor_set_highlight (GnomeDbEditor *editor, gboolea	gnome_db_editor_set_highlight (GnomeDbEditor *editor, gboolea
{								{
	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_EDITOR (editor));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_EDITOR (editor));

	gtk_source_buffer_set_highlight (				gtk_source_buffer_set_highlight (
		GTK_SOURCE_BUFFER (gtk_text_view_get_buffer (			GTK_SOURCE_BUFFER (gtk_text_view_get_buffer (
#endif								#endif
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_editor_set_text					 * gnome_db_editor_set_text
 * @editor: a #GnomeDbEditor widget.				 * @editor: a #GnomeDbEditor widget.
 * @text: text to display in the editor.			 * @text: text to display in the editor.
 * @len: length of @text.					 * @len: length of @text.
 *								 *
 * Set the contents of the given editor widget.			 * Set the contents of the given editor widget.
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_editor_set_text (GnomeDbEditor *editor, const gchar 	gnome_db_editor_set_text (GnomeDbEditor *editor, const gchar 
{								{
	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_EDITOR (editor));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_EDITOR (editor));
	gnome_db_text_set_text (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (editor->priv->		gnome_db_text_set_text (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (editor->priv->
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_editor_get_all_text					 * gnome_db_editor_get_all_text
 * @editor: a #GnomeDbEditor widget.				 * @editor: a #GnomeDbEditor widget.
 *								 *
 * Retrieve the full contents of the given editor widget.	 * Retrieve the full contents of the given editor widget.
 *								 *
 * Returns: the current contents of the editor buffer. You mu	 * Returns: the current contents of the editor buffer. You mu
 * the returned value when no longer needed.			 * the returned value when no longer needed.
 */								 */
gchar *								gchar *
gnome_db_editor_get_all_text (GnomeDbEditor *editor)		gnome_db_editor_get_all_text (GnomeDbEditor *editor)
{								{
	g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_EDITOR (editor), NU		g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_EDITOR (editor), NU
	return gnome_db_text_get_text (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (editor-		return gnome_db_text_get_text (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (editor-
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_editor_load_from_file				 * gnome_db_editor_load_from_file
 * @editor: a #GnomeDbEditor widget.				 * @editor: a #GnomeDbEditor widget.
 * @filename: the file to be loaded.				 * @filename: the file to be loaded.
 *								 *
 * Load the given filename into the editor widget.		 * Load the given filename into the editor widget.
 *								 *
 * Returns: TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.		 * Returns: TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.
 */								 */
gboolean							gboolean
gnome_db_editor_load_from_file (GnomeDbEditor *editor, const 	gnome_db_editor_load_from_file (GnomeDbEditor *editor, const 
{								{
	gboolean retval = TRUE;						gboolean retval = TRUE;
	gchar *contents;						gchar *contents;
	GError *err = NULL;						GError *err = NULL;

	g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_EDITOR (editor), FA		g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_EDITOR (editor), FA
	g_return_val_if_fail (filename != NULL, FALSE);			g_return_val_if_fail (filename != NULL, FALSE);

	contents = gda_file_load (filename);				contents = gda_file_load (filename);
	if (contents) {							if (contents) {
		gnome_db_text_set_text (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (editor			gnome_db_text_set_text (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (editor
		g_free (contents);						g_free (contents);
	} else {							} else {
		retval = FALSE;							retval = FALSE;
	}								}

	return retval;							return retval;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_editor_save_to_file					 * gnome_db_editor_save_to_file
 * @editor: a #GnomeDbEditor widget.				 * @editor: a #GnomeDbEditor widget.
 * @filename: the file to save to.				 * @filename: the file to save to.
 *								 *
 * Save the current editor contents to the given file.		 * Save the current editor contents to the given file.
 *								 *
 * Returns: TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.		 * Returns: TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.
 */								 */
gboolean							gboolean
gnome_db_editor_save_to_file (GnomeDbEditor *editor, const gc	gnome_db_editor_save_to_file (GnomeDbEditor *editor, const gc
{								{
	gchar *contents;						gchar *contents;
	gboolean retval = TRUE;						gboolean retval = TRUE;

	g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_EDITOR (editor), FA		g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_EDITOR (editor), FA
	g_return_val_if_fail (filename != NULL, FALSE);			g_return_val_if_fail (filename != NULL, FALSE);

	contents = gnome_db_text_get_text (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (edi		contents = gnome_db_text_get_text (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (edi
	if (!gda_file_save (filename, contents, strlen (conte		if (!gda_file_save (filename, contents, strlen (conte
		retval = FALSE;							retval = FALSE;

	g_free (contents);						g_free (contents);

	return retval;							return retval;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_editor_copy_clipboard				 * gnome_db_editor_copy_clipboard
 * @editor: a #GnomeDbEditor widget.				 * @editor: a #GnomeDbEditor widget.
 *								 *
 * Copy currently selected text in the given editor widget to	 * Copy currently selected text in the given editor widget to
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_editor_copy_clipboard (GnomeDbEditor *editor)		gnome_db_editor_copy_clipboard (GnomeDbEditor *editor)
{								{
	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_EDITOR (editor));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_EDITOR (editor));
	gnome_db_text_copy_clipboard (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (editor->		gnome_db_text_copy_clipboard (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (editor->
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_editor_cut_clipboard				 * gnome_db_editor_cut_clipboard
 * @editor: a #GnomeDbEditor widget.				 * @editor: a #GnomeDbEditor widget.
 *								 *
 * Moves currently selected text in the given editor widget t	 * Moves currently selected text in the given editor widget t
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_editor_cut_clipboard (GnomeDbEditor *editor)		gnome_db_editor_cut_clipboard (GnomeDbEditor *editor)
{								{
	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_EDITOR (editor));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_EDITOR (editor));
	gnome_db_text_cut_clipboard (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (editor->p		gnome_db_text_cut_clipboard (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (editor->p
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_editor_paste_clipboard				 * gnome_db_editor_paste_clipboard
 * @editor: a #GnomeDbEditor widget.				 * @editor: a #GnomeDbEditor widget.
 *								 *
 * Paste clipboard contents into editor widget, at the curren	 * Paste clipboard contents into editor widget, at the curren
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_editor_paste_clipboard (GnomeDbEditor *editor)		gnome_db_editor_paste_clipboard (GnomeDbEditor *editor)
{								{
	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_EDITOR (editor));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_EDITOR (editor));
	gnome_db_text_paste_clipboard (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (editor-		gnome_db_text_paste_clipboard (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (editor-
}								}
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-editor.h ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-editor.h
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#if !defined(__gnome_db_editor_h__)				#if !defined(__gnome_db_editor_h__)
#  define __gnome_db_editor_h__					#  define __gnome_db_editor_h__

#include <gtk/gtkvbox.h>					#include <gtk/gtkvbox.h>


#define GNOME_DB_TYPE_EDITOR            (gnome_db_editor_get_	#define GNOME_DB_TYPE_EDITOR            (gnome_db_editor_get_
#define GNOME_DB_EDITOR(obj)            (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANC	#define GNOME_DB_EDITOR(obj)            (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANC

typedef struct _GnomeDbEditor        GnomeDbEditor;		typedef struct _GnomeDbEditor        GnomeDbEditor;
typedef struct _GnomeDbEditorClass   GnomeDbEditorClass;	typedef struct _GnomeDbEditorClass   GnomeDbEditorClass;
typedef struct _GnomeDbEditorPrivate GnomeDbEditorPrivate;	typedef struct _GnomeDbEditorPrivate GnomeDbEditorPrivate;

struct _GnomeDbEditor {						struct _GnomeDbEditor {
	GtkVBox parent;							GtkVBox parent;
	GnomeDbEditorPrivate *priv;					GnomeDbEditorPrivate *priv;
};								};

struct _GnomeDbEditorClass {					struct _GnomeDbEditorClass {
	GtkVBoxClass parent_class;					GtkVBoxClass parent_class;

	/* signals */							/* signals */
	void (* text_changed) (GnomeDbEditor editor);			void (* text_changed) (GnomeDbEditor editor);
};								};


GType      gnome_db_editor_get_type (void);			GType      gnome_db_editor_get_type (void);
GtkWidget *gnome_db_editor_new (void);				GtkWidget *gnome_db_editor_new (void);

gboolean   gnome_db_editor_get_editable (GnomeDbEditor *edito	gboolean   gnome_db_editor_get_editable (GnomeDbEditor *edito
void       gnome_db_editor_set_editable (GnomeDbEditor *edito	void       gnome_db_editor_set_editable (GnomeDbEditor *edito
gboolean   gnome_db_editor_get_highlight (GnomeDbEditor *edit	gboolean   gnome_db_editor_get_highlight (GnomeDbEditor *edit
void       gnome_db_editor_set_highlight (GnomeDbEditor *edit	void       gnome_db_editor_set_highlight (GnomeDbEditor *edit
void       gnome_db_editor_set_text (GnomeDbEditor *editor, c	void       gnome_db_editor_set_text (GnomeDbEditor *editor, c
gchar     *gnome_db_editor_get_all_text (GnomeDbEditor *edito	gchar     *gnome_db_editor_get_all_text (GnomeDbEditor *edito
gboolean   gnome_db_editor_load_from_file (GnomeDbEditor *edi	gboolean   gnome_db_editor_load_from_file (GnomeDbEditor *edi
gboolean   gnome_db_editor_save_to_file (GnomeDbEditor *edito	gboolean   gnome_db_editor_save_to_file (GnomeDbEditor *edito

void       gnome_db_editor_copy_clipboard (GnomeDbEditor *edi	void       gnome_db_editor_copy_clipboard (GnomeDbEditor *edi
void       gnome_db_editor_cut_clipboard (GnomeDbEditor *edit	void       gnome_db_editor_cut_clipboard (GnomeDbEditor *edit
void       gnome_db_editor_paste_clipboard (GnomeDbEditor *ed	void       gnome_db_editor_paste_clipboard (GnomeDbEditor *ed


#endif								#endif
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 1998-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 1998-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *	Michael Lausch <michael lausch at>			 *	Michael Lausch <michael lausch at>
 *	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#include <string.h>						#include <string.h>
#include <libgda/gda-error.h>					#include <libgda/gda-error.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h>
#include <gtk/gtkbutton.h>					#include <gtk/gtkbutton.h>
#include <gtk/gtkentry.h>					#include <gtk/gtkentry.h>
#include <gtk/gtkimage.h>					#include <gtk/gtkimage.h>
#include <gtk/gtklabel.h>					#include <gtk/gtklabel.h>
#include <gtk/gtkstock.h>					#include <gtk/gtkstock.h>
#include <gtk/gtktable.h>					#include <gtk/gtktable.h>
#include <gtk/gtktextview.h>					#include <gtk/gtktextview.h>
#include "gnome-db-i18n.h"					#include "gnome-db-i18n.h"


struct _GnomeDbErrorPrivate {					struct _GnomeDbErrorPrivate {
	GList *current_list;						GList *current_list;
	gint nerrors;							gint nerrors;
	gint current_pos;						gint current_pos;

	GtkWidget *error_number;					GtkWidget *error_number;
	GtkWidget *error_description;					GtkWidget *error_description;

	gint height; // Height of the dialog window when no d		gint height; // Height of the dialog window when no d
	GtkWidget *detail_button;					GtkWidget *detail_button;
	GtkWidget *detail_container;					GtkWidget *detail_container;
	GtkWidget *error_source;					GtkWidget *error_source;
	GtkWidget *error_sqlstate;					GtkWidget *error_sqlstate;
};								};

static void gnome_db_error_class_init (GnomeDbErrorClass *kla	static void gnome_db_error_class_init (GnomeDbErrorClass *kla
static void gnome_db_error_init       (GnomeDbError *error, G	static void gnome_db_error_init       (GnomeDbError *error, G
static void gnome_db_error_finalize   (GObject *object);	static void gnome_db_error_finalize   (GObject *object);

static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL;			static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL;

/*								/*
 * Private functions						 * Private functions
 */								 */
static void							static void
display_current_error (GnomeDbError *error_widget)		display_current_error (GnomeDbError *error_widget)
{								{
	GdaError *error;						GdaError *error;
	GList *l;							GList *l;
	gchar *tmp;							gchar *tmp;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_ERROR (error_widget));		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_ERROR (error_widget));

	l = g_list_nth (error_widget->priv->current_list,		l = g_list_nth (error_widget->priv->current_list,
			error_widget->priv->current_pos);				error_widget->priv->current_pos);
	if (!l)								if (!l)
		return;								return;

	error = GDA_ERROR (l->data);					error = GDA_ERROR (l->data);
	tmp = g_strdup_printf ("%ld", gda_error_get_number (e		tmp = g_strdup_printf ("%ld", gda_error_get_number (e
	gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (error_widget->priv->er		gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (error_widget->priv->er
	g_free (tmp);							g_free (tmp);

	tmp = (gchar *) gda_error_get_description (error);		tmp = (gchar *) gda_error_get_description (error);
	gnome_db_text_set_text (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (error_widget->		gnome_db_text_set_text (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (error_widget->
				tmp, strlen (tmp));						tmp, strlen (tmp));

	gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (error_widget->priv->er		gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (error_widget->priv->er
			    gda_error_get_source (error));				    gda_error_get_source (error));
	gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (error_widget->priv->er		gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (error_widget->priv->er
			    gda_error_get_sqlstate (error));				    gda_error_get_sqlstate (error));
}								}

/*								/*
 * Callbacks							 * Callbacks
 */								 */
static void							static void
detail_button_clicked_cb (GtkButton *button, gpointer user_da	detail_button_clicked_cb (GtkButton *button, gpointer user_da
{								{
	GtkButton *btn;							GtkButton *btn;
	GnomeDbError *error_widget = (GnomeDbError *) user_da		GnomeDbError *error_widget = (GnomeDbError *) user_da
	gint width;							gint width;
	gint height;							gint height;
	GtkWindow *window;						GtkWindow *window;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_ERROR (error_widget));		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_ERROR (error_widget));

	window = GTK_WINDOW (gtk_widget_get_toplevel (GTK_WID		window = GTK_WINDOW (gtk_widget_get_toplevel (GTK_WID
	if (!GTK_WIDGET_TOPLEVEL (window))				if (!GTK_WIDGET_TOPLEVEL (window))
		window = NULL;							window = NULL;

	btn = GTK_BUTTON (error_widget->priv->detail_button);		btn = GTK_BUTTON (error_widget->priv->detail_button);
	if (GTK_WIDGET_VISIBLE (error_widget->priv->detail_co		if (GTK_WIDGET_VISIBLE (error_widget->priv->detail_co
		gtk_widget_hide (error_widget->priv->detail_c			gtk_widget_hide (error_widget->priv->detail_c
		g_object_set (G_OBJECT (btn), "label", _("Sho			g_object_set (G_OBJECT (btn), "label", _("Sho
		if (window){							if (window){
			gtk_window_get_size (window, &width, 				gtk_window_get_size (window, &width, 
			gtk_window_resize (window,					gtk_window_resize (window,
					   width,							   width,
					   error_widget->priv						   error_widget->priv
		}								}
	} else {							} else {
		gtk_widget_show_all (error_widget->priv->deta			gtk_widget_show_all (error_widget->priv->deta
		g_object_set (G_OBJECT (btn), "label", _("<< 			g_object_set (G_OBJECT (btn), "label", _("<< 
		if (window){							if (window){
			gtk_window_get_size (window,					gtk_window_get_size (window,
					     &width,							     &width,
					     &error_widget->p						     &error_widget->p
		}								}
	}								}
}								}

/*								/*
 * GnomeDbError class implementation				 * GnomeDbError class implementation
 */								 */

GType								GType
gnome_db_error_get_type(void)					gnome_db_error_get_type(void)
{								{
	static GType type = 0;						static GType type = 0;

	if (!type) {							if (!type) {
		static const GTypeInfo info = {					static const GTypeInfo info = {
			sizeof (GnomeDbErrorClass),					sizeof (GnomeDbErrorClass),
			(GBaseInitFunc) NULL,						(GBaseInitFunc) NULL,
			(GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL,					(GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL,
			(GClassInitFunc) gnome_db_error_class				(GClassInitFunc) gnome_db_error_class
			NULL,								NULL,
			NULL,								NULL,
			sizeof (GnomeDbError),						sizeof (GnomeDbError),
			0,								0,
			(GInstanceInitFunc) gnome_db_error_in				(GInstanceInitFunc) gnome_db_error_in
		};								};
		type = g_type_register_static (GTK_TYPE_VBOX,			type = g_type_register_static (GTK_TYPE_VBOX,
	}								}
	return type;							return type;
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_error_class_init (GnomeDbErrorClass *klass)		gnome_db_error_class_init (GnomeDbErrorClass *klass)
{								{
	GObjectClass* object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);		GObjectClass* object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);

	parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);		parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);

	object_class->finalize = gnome_db_error_finalize;		object_class->finalize = gnome_db_error_finalize;
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_error_init (GnomeDbError *error_widget, GnomeDbError	gnome_db_error_init (GnomeDbError *error_widget, GnomeDbError
{								{
	GtkWidget *table;						GtkWidget *table;
	GtkWidget *label;						GtkWidget *label;
	GtkWidget *scroll;						GtkWidget *scroll;
	GtkWidget *image;						GtkWidget *image;
	gchar *str;							gchar *str;

	error_widget->priv = g_new (GnomeDbErrorPrivate, 1);		error_widget->priv = g_new (GnomeDbErrorPrivate, 1);
	error_widget->priv->current_list = NULL;			error_widget->priv->current_list = NULL;
	error_widget->priv->current_pos = -1;				error_widget->priv->current_pos = -1;

	/* create main container */					/* create main container */
	table = gnome_db_new_table_widget (4, 4, FALSE);		table = gnome_db_new_table_widget (4, 4, FALSE);
	gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (error_widget), table, TR		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (error_widget), table, TR

	image = gtk_image_new_from_stock (GTK_STOCK_DIALOG_ER		image = gtk_image_new_from_stock (GTK_STOCK_DIALOG_ER
	gtk_widget_show (image);					gtk_widget_show (image);
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), image, 0, 1, 0, 		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), image, 0, 1, 0, 

	label = gnome_db_new_label_widget ("");				label = gnome_db_new_label_widget ("");
	gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (label), 0.5, 0.5);		gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (label), 0.5, 0.5);
	str = g_strdup_printf ("<b>%s</b>",				str = g_strdup_printf ("<b>%s</b>",
			       _("An error has occurred in th				       _("An error has occurred in th
	gtk_label_set_markup (GTK_LABEL (label), str);			gtk_label_set_markup (GTK_LABEL (label), str);
	g_free (str);							g_free (str);
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), label, 1, 4, 0, 		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), label, 1, 4, 0, 
	label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (_("Error number"))		label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (_("Error number"))
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), label, 1, 2, 1, 		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), label, 1, 2, 1, 
	error_widget->priv->error_number = gnome_db_new_entry		error_widget->priv->error_number = gnome_db_new_entry
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), error_widget->pr		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), error_widget->pr
			  2, 3, 1, 2, GTK_FILL, GTK_FILL, 3, 				  2, 3, 1, 2, GTK_FILL, GTK_FILL, 3, 

	error_widget->priv->detail_button = gnome_db_new_butt		error_widget->priv->detail_button = gnome_db_new_butt
	gtk_signal_connect (GTK_OBJECT (error_widget->priv->d		gtk_signal_connect (GTK_OBJECT (error_widget->priv->d
			    "clicked",							    "clicked",
			    GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC (detail_button_cl				    GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC (detail_button_cl
			    error_widget);						    error_widget);
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), error_widget->pr		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), error_widget->pr
			  3, 4, 1, 2, GTK_FILL, GTK_FILL, 3, 				  3, 4, 1, 2, GTK_FILL, GTK_FILL, 3, 

	label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (_("Description"));		label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (_("Description"));
	gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (label), 0.0, 0.0);		gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (label), 0.0, 0.0);
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), label, 1, 2, 2, 		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), label, 1, 2, 2, 
	scroll = gnome_db_new_scrolled_window_widget ();		scroll = gnome_db_new_scrolled_window_widget ();
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), scroll, 2, 3, 2,		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), scroll, 2, 3, 2,
	error_widget->priv->error_description = gnome_db_new_		error_widget->priv->error_description = gnome_db_new_
	gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (scroll), error_widg		gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (scroll), error_widg

	/* create the detail container */				/* create the detail container */
	error_widget->priv->detail_container = gnome_db_new_t		error_widget->priv->detail_container = gnome_db_new_t
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), error_widget->pr		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), error_widget->pr
			  0, 4, 3, 4, GTK_FILL | GTK_SHRINK |				  0, 4, 3, 4, GTK_FILL | GTK_SHRINK |

	label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (NULL);			label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (NULL);
	str = g_strdup_printf ("<b>%s</b>", _("Details"));		str = g_strdup_printf ("<b>%s</b>", _("Details"));
	gtk_label_set_markup (GTK_LABEL (label), str);			gtk_label_set_markup (GTK_LABEL (label), str);
	g_free (str);							g_free (str);
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (error_widget->priv->deta		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (error_widget->priv->deta
			  GTK_FILL, 6, 6);						  GTK_FILL, 6, 6);

	label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (_("Source"));		label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (_("Source"));
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (error_widget->priv->deta		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (error_widget->priv->deta
			  GTK_FILL, GTK_FILL, 6, 6);					  GTK_FILL, GTK_FILL, 6, 6);
	error_widget->priv->error_source = gnome_db_new_entry		error_widget->priv->error_source = gnome_db_new_entry
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (error_widget->priv->deta		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (error_widget->priv->deta
			  2, 3, 1, 2, GTK_FILL | GTK_EXPAND |				  2, 3, 1, 2, GTK_FILL | GTK_EXPAND |

	label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (_("SQL state"));		label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (_("SQL state"));
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (error_widget->priv->deta		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (error_widget->priv->deta
			  GTK_FILL, GTK_FILL, 6, 6);					  GTK_FILL, GTK_FILL, 6, 6);
	error_widget->priv->error_sqlstate = gnome_db_new_ent		error_widget->priv->error_sqlstate = gnome_db_new_ent
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (error_widget->priv->deta		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (error_widget->priv->deta
			  2, 3, 2, 3, GTK_FILL | GTK_EXPAND |				  2, 3, 2, 3, GTK_FILL | GTK_EXPAND |

	gtk_widget_hide (error_widget->priv->detail_container		gtk_widget_hide (error_widget->priv->detail_container
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_error_finalize (GObject *object)			gnome_db_error_finalize (GObject *object)
{								{
	GnomeDbError *error_widget = (GnomeDbError *) object;		GnomeDbError *error_widget = (GnomeDbError *) object;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_ERROR (error_widget));		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_ERROR (error_widget));

	/* free memory */						/* free memory */
	gda_error_list_free (error_widget->priv->current_list		gda_error_list_free (error_widget->priv->current_list
	g_free (error_widget->priv);					g_free (error_widget->priv);
	error_widget->priv = NULL;					error_widget->priv = NULL;

	parent_class->finalize (object);				parent_class->finalize (object);
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_error_new						 * gnome_db_error_new
 *								 *
 * Create a new GnomeDbError widget, which is a special widge	 * Create a new GnomeDbError widget, which is a special widge
 * traverse errors occurred for a given connection. It is a s	 * traverse errors occurred for a given connection. It is a s
 * widget that you can pack into any widget you want.		 * widget that you can pack into any widget you want.
 *								 *
 * Returns: a pointer to the new widget, or NULL on error	 * Returns: a pointer to the new widget, or NULL on error
 */								 */
GtkWidget*							GtkWidget*
gnome_db_error_new (void)					gnome_db_error_new (void)
{								{
	GnomeDbError *error_widget;					GnomeDbError *error_widget;
	error_widget = g_object_new (GNOME_DB_TYPE_ERROR, NUL		error_widget = g_object_new (GNOME_DB_TYPE_ERROR, NUL
	return GTK_WIDGET (error_widget);				return GTK_WIDGET (error_widget);
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_error_clear						 * gnome_db_error_clear
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_error_clear (GnomeDbError *error_widget)		gnome_db_error_clear (GnomeDbError *error_widget)
{								{
	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_ERROR (error_widget));		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_ERROR (error_widget));

	gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (error_widget->priv->er		gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (error_widget->priv->er
	gnome_db_text_clear (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (error_widget->pri		gnome_db_text_clear (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (error_widget->pri
	gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (error_widget->priv->er		gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (error_widget->priv->er
	gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (error_widget->priv->er		gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (error_widget->priv->er

	gda_error_list_free (error_widget->priv->current_list		gda_error_list_free (error_widget->priv->current_list
	error_widget->priv->current_list = NULL;			error_widget->priv->current_list = NULL;
	error_widget->priv->nerrors = 0;				error_widget->priv->nerrors = 0;
	error_widget->priv->current_pos = 0;				error_widget->priv->current_pos = 0;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_error_show						 * gnome_db_error_show
 * @error_widget: the GnomeDbError widget			 * @error_widget: the GnomeDbError widget
 *								 *
 * Update the given #GnomeDbError widget to show the latest e	 * Update the given #GnomeDbError widget to show the latest e
 * from the connection associated with it.			 * from the connection associated with it.
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_error_show (GnomeDbError *error_widget, GList *error	gnome_db_error_show (GnomeDbError *error_widget, GList *error
{								{
	GList *new_list;						GList *new_list;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_ERROR (error_widget));		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_ERROR (error_widget));

	gnome_db_error_clear (error_widget);				gnome_db_error_clear (error_widget);
	new_list = gda_error_list_copy (errors);			new_list = gda_error_list_copy (errors);
	error_widget->priv->nerrors = g_list_length (new_list		error_widget->priv->nerrors = g_list_length (new_list

	error_widget->priv->current_list = new_list;			error_widget->priv->current_list = new_list;
	display_current_error (error_widget);				display_current_error (error_widget);
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_error_prev						 * gnome_db_error_prev
 * @error_widget: the GnomeDbError widget			 * @error_widget: the GnomeDbError widget
 *								 *
 * Display the previous error in the given GnomeDbError widge	 * Display the previous error in the given GnomeDbError widge
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_error_prev (GnomeDbError* error_widget)		gnome_db_error_prev (GnomeDbError* error_widget)
{								{
	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_ERROR (error_widget));		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_ERROR (error_widget));

	if (error_widget->priv->current_pos > 0) {			if (error_widget->priv->current_pos > 0) {
		error_widget->priv->current_pos--;				error_widget->priv->current_pos--;
		display_current_error (error_widget);				display_current_error (error_widget);
	}								}
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_error_next						 * gnome_db_error_next
 * @error_widget: the GnomeDbError widget			 * @error_widget: the GnomeDbError widget
 *								 *
 * Display the next error in the given GnomeDbError widget	 * Display the next error in the given GnomeDbError widget
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_error_next (GnomeDbError* error_widget)		gnome_db_error_next (GnomeDbError* error_widget)
{								{
	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_ERROR (error_widget));		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_ERROR (error_widget));

	if (error_widget->priv->current_pos < error_widget->p		if (error_widget->priv->current_pos < error_widget->p
		error_widget->priv->current_pos++;				error_widget->priv->current_pos++;
		display_current_error (error_widget);				display_current_error (error_widget);
	}								}
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_error_get_position					 * gnome_db_error_get_position
 * @error_widget: the GnomeDbError widget.			 * @error_widget: the GnomeDbError widget.
 *								 *
 * Get the position of the error being displayed.		 * Get the position of the error being displayed.
 *								 *
 * Returns: a non-negative integer on success.			 * Returns: a non-negative integer on success.
 */								 */
gint								gint
gnome_db_error_get_position (GnomeDbError *error_widget)	gnome_db_error_get_position (GnomeDbError *error_widget)
{								{
	g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_ERROR (error_widget		g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_ERROR (error_widget

	if (!GTK_WIDGET_VISIBLE (GTK_WIDGET (error_widget)))		if (!GTK_WIDGET_VISIBLE (GTK_WIDGET (error_widget)))
		return -1;							return -1;

	return error_widget->priv->current_pos;				return error_widget->priv->current_pos;
}								}

diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 1998-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 1998-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Michael Lausch <michael lausch at>			 *      Michael Lausch <michael lausch at>
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#include <gtk/gtkstock.h>					#include <gtk/gtkstock.h>
#include <gtk/gtkwindow.h>					#include <gtk/gtkwindow.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.h>			#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h>
#include "gnome-db-i18n.h"					#include "gnome-db-i18n.h"

struct _GnomeDbErrorDialogPrivate {				struct _GnomeDbErrorDialogPrivate {
	GnomeDbError *error_widget;					GnomeDbError *error_widget;
	gchar *title;							gchar *title;
};								};

static void gnome_db_error_dialog_class_init   (GnomeDbErrorD	static void gnome_db_error_dialog_class_init   (GnomeDbErrorD
static void gnome_db_error_dialog_init         (GnomeDbErrorD	static void gnome_db_error_dialog_init         (GnomeDbErrorD
					        GnomeDbErrorD						        GnomeDbErrorD
static void gnome_db_error_dialog_set_property (GObject *obje	static void gnome_db_error_dialog_set_property (GObject *obje
						guint paramid							guint paramid
						const GValue 							const GValue 
						GParamSpec *p							GParamSpec *p
static void gnome_db_error_dialog_get_property (GObject *obje	static void gnome_db_error_dialog_get_property (GObject *obje
						guint param_i							guint param_i
						GValue *value							GValue *value
						GParamSpec *p							GParamSpec *p
static void gnome_db_error_dialog_finalize   (GObject *object	static void gnome_db_error_dialog_finalize   (GObject *object

enum {								enum {
	PROP_0,								PROP_0,
};								};

static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL;			static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL;

/*								/*
 * Callbacks							 * Callbacks
 */								 */

/*								/*
 * GnomeDbErrorDialog class implementation			 * GnomeDbErrorDialog class implementation
 */								 */
GType								GType
gnome_db_error_dialog_get_type (void)				gnome_db_error_dialog_get_type (void)
{								{
	static GType type = 0;						static GType type = 0;

	if (!type) {							if (!type) {
		static const GTypeInfo info = {					static const GTypeInfo info = {
			sizeof (GnomeDbErrorDialogClass),				sizeof (GnomeDbErrorDialogClass),
			(GBaseInitFunc) NULL,						(GBaseInitFunc) NULL,
			(GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL,					(GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL,
			(GClassInitFunc) gnome_db_error_dialo				(GClassInitFunc) gnome_db_error_dialo
			NULL,								NULL,
			NULL,								NULL,
			sizeof (GnomeDbErrorDialog),					sizeof (GnomeDbErrorDialog),
			0,								0,
			(GInstanceInitFunc) gnome_db_error_di				(GInstanceInitFunc) gnome_db_error_di
		};								};
		type = g_type_register_static (GTK_TYPE_DIALO			type = g_type_register_static (GTK_TYPE_DIALO
	}								}
	return type;							return type;
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_error_dialog_class_init (GnomeDbErrorDialogClass *kl	gnome_db_error_dialog_class_init (GnomeDbErrorDialogClass *kl
{								{
	GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);		GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);

	parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);		parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);

	object_class->set_property = gnome_db_error_dialog_se		object_class->set_property = gnome_db_error_dialog_se
	object_class->get_property = gnome_db_error_dialog_ge		object_class->get_property = gnome_db_error_dialog_ge
	object_class->finalize = gnome_db_error_dialog_finali		object_class->finalize = gnome_db_error_dialog_finali

	/* add class properties */					/* add class properties */
	g_object_class_install_property (				g_object_class_install_property (
		object_class, PROP_TITLE,					object_class, PROP_TITLE,
		g_param_spec_string ("title", NULL, NULL, _("			g_param_spec_string ("title", NULL, NULL, _("
}								}
static void							static void
gnome_db_error_dialog_init (GnomeDbErrorDialog *dialog, Gnome	gnome_db_error_dialog_init (GnomeDbErrorDialog *dialog, Gnome
{								{
	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_ERROR_DIALOG (dialog));		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_ERROR_DIALOG (dialog));

	/* allocate private structure */				/* allocate private structure */
	dialog->priv = g_new (GnomeDbErrorDialogPrivate, 1);		dialog->priv = g_new (GnomeDbErrorDialogPrivate, 1);
	dialog->priv->title = NULL;					dialog->priv->title = NULL;

	/* create the error viewer */					/* create the error viewer */
	dialog->priv->error_widget = GNOME_DB_ERROR (gnome_db		dialog->priv->error_widget = GNOME_DB_ERROR (gnome_db
	gtk_widget_show (GTK_WIDGET (dialog->priv->error_widg		gtk_widget_show (GTK_WIDGET (dialog->priv->error_widg

	gtk_dialog_add_button (GTK_DIALOG (dialog), GTK_STOCK		gtk_dialog_add_button (GTK_DIALOG (dialog), GTK_STOCK
	gtk_dialog_add_button (GTK_DIALOG (dialog), GTK_STOCK		gtk_dialog_add_button (GTK_DIALOG (dialog), GTK_STOCK
	gtk_dialog_add_button (GTK_DIALOG (dialog), GTK_STOCK		gtk_dialog_add_button (GTK_DIALOG (dialog), GTK_STOCK

	gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (GTK_DIALOG (dialog)->vbo		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (GTK_DIALOG (dialog)->vbo
			    GTK_WIDGET (dialog->priv->error_w				    GTK_WIDGET (dialog->priv->error_w
			    TRUE, TRUE, 0);						    TRUE, TRUE, 0);
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_error_dialog_set_property (GObject *object,		gnome_db_error_dialog_set_property (GObject *object,
				    guint param_id,						    guint param_id,
				    const GValue *value,					    const GValue *value,
				    GParamSpec *pspec)						    GParamSpec *pspec)
{								{
	GnomeDbErrorDialog *dialog = (GnomeDbErrorDialog *) o		GnomeDbErrorDialog *dialog = (GnomeDbErrorDialog *) o

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_ERROR_DIALOG (dialog));		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_ERROR_DIALOG (dialog));

	switch (param_id) {						switch (param_id) {
	case PROP_TITLE :						case PROP_TITLE :
		gnome_db_error_dialog_set_title (dialog, g_va			gnome_db_error_dialog_set_title (dialog, g_va
		break;								break;
	default :							default :
		break;								break;
	}								}
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_error_dialog_get_property (GObject *object,		gnome_db_error_dialog_get_property (GObject *object,
				    guint param_id,						    guint param_id,
				    GValue *value,						    GValue *value,
				    GParamSpec *pspec)						    GParamSpec *pspec)
{								{
	GnomeDbErrorDialog *dialog = (GnomeDbErrorDialog *) o		GnomeDbErrorDialog *dialog = (GnomeDbErrorDialog *) o

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_ERROR_DIALOG (dialog));		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_ERROR_DIALOG (dialog));

	switch (param_id) {						switch (param_id) {
	case PROP_TITLE :						case PROP_TITLE :
		g_value_set_string (value, dialog->priv->titl			g_value_set_string (value, dialog->priv->titl
		break;								break;
	default:							default:
		break;								break;
	}								}
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_error_dialog_finalize (GObject *object)		gnome_db_error_dialog_finalize (GObject *object)
{								{
	GnomeDbErrorDialog *dialog = (GnomeDbErrorDialog *) o		GnomeDbErrorDialog *dialog = (GnomeDbErrorDialog *) o

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_ERROR_DIALOG (dialog));		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_ERROR_DIALOG (dialog));

	/* free memory */						/* free memory */
	if (dialog->priv->title)					if (dialog->priv->title)
		g_free (dialog->priv->title);					g_free (dialog->priv->title);
	g_free (dialog->priv);						g_free (dialog->priv);
	dialog->priv = NULL;						dialog->priv = NULL;

	parent_class->finalize (object);				parent_class->finalize (object);
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_error_dialog_new					 * gnome_db_error_dialog_new
 * @title: title of the dialog box				 * @title: title of the dialog box
 *								 *
 * Create a new GnomeDbErrorDialog, which is a subclass of th	 * Create a new GnomeDbErrorDialog, which is a subclass of th
 * widget, just acting as a container for a GnomeDbError widg	 * widget, just acting as a container for a GnomeDbError widg
 *								 *
 * Returns: a pointer to the new widget, or NULL on error	 * Returns: a pointer to the new widget, or NULL on error
 */								 */
GtkWidget*							GtkWidget*
gnome_db_error_dialog_new (gchar *title)			gnome_db_error_dialog_new (gchar *title)
{								{
	GnomeDbErrorDialog *dialog;					GnomeDbErrorDialog *dialog;
	GdkPixbuf *icon;						GdkPixbuf *icon;

	dialog = g_object_new (GNOME_DB_TYPE_ERROR_DIALOG, NU		dialog = g_object_new (GNOME_DB_TYPE_ERROR_DIALOG, NU
	if (title)							if (title)
		gnome_db_error_dialog_set_title (dialog, titl			gnome_db_error_dialog_set_title (dialog, titl

	icon = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file (LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR 		icon = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file (LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR 
	if (icon) {							if (icon) {
		gtk_window_set_icon (GTK_WINDOW (dialog), ico			gtk_window_set_icon (GTK_WINDOW (dialog), ico
		g_object_unref (icon);						g_object_unref (icon);
	}								}

	if (title)							if (title)
		gnome_db_error_dialog_set_title (dialog, titl			gnome_db_error_dialog_set_title (dialog, titl

	return GTK_WIDGET (dialog);					return GTK_WIDGET (dialog);
}								}

static void							static void
change_sensitiveness (GnomeDbErrorDialog *dialog, GnomeDbErro	change_sensitiveness (GnomeDbErrorDialog *dialog, GnomeDbErro
{								{
	gint pos;							gint pos;

	pos = gnome_db_error_get_position (error_widget);		pos = gnome_db_error_get_position (error_widget);
	gtk_dialog_set_response_sensitive (GTK_DIALOG (dialog		gtk_dialog_set_response_sensitive (GTK_DIALOG (dialog
					   pos > 0);							   pos > 0);

	gtk_dialog_set_response_sensitive (GTK_DIALOG (dialog		gtk_dialog_set_response_sensitive (GTK_DIALOG (dialog
					   pos < max - 1);						   pos < max - 1);
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_error_dialog_show_errors				 * gnome_db_error_dialog_show_errors
 * @dialog: the GnomeDbErrorDialog widget			 * @dialog: the GnomeDbErrorDialog widget
 * @error_list: list of errors to show				 * @error_list: list of errors to show
 *								 *
 * Pops up the given GnomeDbErrorDialog widget, displaying an	 * Pops up the given GnomeDbErrorDialog widget, displaying an
 * may be reported for the connection being used by this widg	 * may be reported for the connection being used by this widg
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_error_dialog_show_errors (GnomeDbErrorDialog *dialog	gnome_db_error_dialog_show_errors (GnomeDbErrorDialog *dialog
                                   GList *error_list)		                                   GList *error_list)
{								{
	gint ret;							gint ret;
	GnomeDbError *error_widget;					GnomeDbError *error_widget;
	gint max;							gint max;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_ERROR_DIALOG (dialog));		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_ERROR_DIALOG (dialog));

	max = g_list_length (error_list);				max = g_list_length (error_list);
	error_widget = GNOME_DB_ERROR (dialog->priv->error_wi		error_widget = GNOME_DB_ERROR (dialog->priv->error_wi

	gnome_db_error_show (GNOME_DB_ERROR (error_widget), e		gnome_db_error_show (GNOME_DB_ERROR (error_widget), e
	change_sensitiveness (dialog, error_widget, max);		change_sensitiveness (dialog, error_widget, max);

	while ((ret = gtk_dialog_run (GTK_DIALOG (dialog))) !		while ((ret = gtk_dialog_run (GTK_DIALOG (dialog))) !
		switch (ret) {							switch (ret) {
			gnome_db_error_prev (GNOME_DB_ERROR (				gnome_db_error_prev (GNOME_DB_ERROR (
			change_sensitiveness (dialog, error_w				change_sensitiveness (dialog, error_w
			break;								break;
		case GTK_RESPONSE_NO :						case GTK_RESPONSE_NO :
			gnome_db_error_next (GNOME_DB_ERROR (				gnome_db_error_next (GNOME_DB_ERROR (
			change_sensitiveness (dialog, error_w				change_sensitiveness (dialog, error_w
			break;								break;
		}								}
	}								}
	gtk_widget_destroy (GTK_WIDGET (dialog));			gtk_widget_destroy (GTK_WIDGET (dialog));
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_error_dialog_set_title				 * gnome_db_error_dialog_set_title
 */								 */
const gchar *							const gchar *
gnome_db_error_dialog_get_title (GnomeDbErrorDialog *dialog)	gnome_db_error_dialog_get_title (GnomeDbErrorDialog *dialog)
{								{
	g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_ERROR_DIALOG (dialo		g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_ERROR_DIALOG (dialo
	return (const gchar *) dialog->priv->title;			return (const gchar *) dialog->priv->title;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_error_dialog_set_title				 * gnome_db_error_dialog_set_title
 * @dialog: the GnomeDbErrorDialog widget			 * @dialog: the GnomeDbErrorDialog widget
 * @title: title to be shown					 * @title: title to be shown
 *								 *
 * Change the title for the given GnomeDbErrorDialog widget	 * Change the title for the given GnomeDbErrorDialog widget
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_error_dialog_set_title (GnomeDbErrorDialog *dialog, 	gnome_db_error_dialog_set_title (GnomeDbErrorDialog *dialog, 
{								{
	g_return_if_fail(GNOME_DB_IS_ERROR_DIALOG(dialog));		g_return_if_fail(GNOME_DB_IS_ERROR_DIALOG(dialog));
	g_return_if_fail(title != 0);					g_return_if_fail(title != 0);

	if (dialog->priv->title != 0)					if (dialog->priv->title != 0)
		g_free((gpointer) dialog->priv->title);				g_free((gpointer) dialog->priv->title);
	dialog->priv->title = g_strdup(title);				dialog->priv->title = g_strdup(title);

	gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (dialog), title);		gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (dialog), title);
}								}
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.h ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.h
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 1998-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 1998-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *	Michael Lausch <michael lausch at>			 *	Michael Lausch <michael lausch at>
 *	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#ifndef __gnome_db_error_dialog_h__				#ifndef __gnome_db_error_dialog_h__
#define __gnome_db_error_dialog_h__ 1				#define __gnome_db_error_dialog_h__ 1

#include <gtk/gtkdialog.h>					#include <gtk/gtkdialog.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.h>


#define GNOME_DB_TYPE_ERROR_DIALOG            (gnome_db_error	#define GNOME_DB_TYPE_ERROR_DIALOG            (gnome_db_error
#define GNOME_DB_ERROR_DIALOG(obj)            (G_TYPE_CHECK_I	#define GNOME_DB_ERROR_DIALOG(obj)            (G_TYPE_CHECK_I

typedef struct _GnomeDbErrorDialog        GnomeDbErrorDialog;	typedef struct _GnomeDbErrorDialog        GnomeDbErrorDialog;
typedef struct _GnomeDbErrorDialogClass   GnomeDbErrorDialogC	typedef struct _GnomeDbErrorDialogClass   GnomeDbErrorDialogC
typedef struct _GnomeDbErrorDialogPrivate GnomeDbErrorDialogP	typedef struct _GnomeDbErrorDialogPrivate GnomeDbErrorDialogP

struct _GnomeDbErrorDialog {					struct _GnomeDbErrorDialog {
	GtkDialog dialog;						GtkDialog dialog;
	GnomeDbErrorDialogPrivate *priv;				GnomeDbErrorDialogPrivate *priv;
};								};

struct _GnomeDbErrorDialogClass {				struct _GnomeDbErrorDialogClass {
	GtkDialogClass parent_class;					GtkDialogClass parent_class;
};								};

GType        gnome_db_error_dialog_get_type       (void);	GType        gnome_db_error_dialog_get_type       (void);

GtkWidget   *gnome_db_error_dialog_new            (gchar *tit	GtkWidget   *gnome_db_error_dialog_new            (gchar *tit
void         gnome_db_error_dialog_show_errors    (GnomeDbErr	void         gnome_db_error_dialog_show_errors    (GnomeDbErr
						   GList *err							   GList *err

const gchar *gnome_db_error_dialog_get_title      (GnomeDbErr	const gchar *gnome_db_error_dialog_get_title      (GnomeDbErr
void         gnome_db_error_dialog_set_title      (GnomeDbErr	void         gnome_db_error_dialog_set_title      (GnomeDbErr
						   const gcha							   const gcha


#endif								#endif
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.h ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.h
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 1998-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 1998-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *	Michael Lausch <michael lausch at>			 *	Michael Lausch <michael lausch at>
 *	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#ifndef __gnome_db_error_h__					#ifndef __gnome_db_error_h__
#define __gnome_db_error_h__ 1					#define __gnome_db_error_h__ 1

#include <gtk/gtkvbox.h>					#include <gtk/gtkvbox.h>


#define GNOME_DB_TYPE_ERROR            (gnome_db_error_get_ty	#define GNOME_DB_TYPE_ERROR            (gnome_db_error_get_ty
#define GNOME_DB_ERROR(obj)            (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE	#define GNOME_DB_ERROR(obj)            (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE

typedef struct _GnomeDbError        GnomeDbError;		typedef struct _GnomeDbError        GnomeDbError;
typedef struct _GnomeDbErrorClass   GnomeDbErrorClass;		typedef struct _GnomeDbErrorClass   GnomeDbErrorClass;
typedef struct _GnomeDbErrorPrivate GnomeDbErrorPrivate;	typedef struct _GnomeDbErrorPrivate GnomeDbErrorPrivate;

struct _GnomeDbError {						struct _GnomeDbError {
	GtkVBox              box;					GtkVBox              box;
	GnomeDbErrorPrivate* priv;					GnomeDbErrorPrivate* priv;
};								};

struct _GnomeDbErrorClass {					struct _GnomeDbErrorClass {
	GtkVBoxClass parent_class;					GtkVBoxClass parent_class;
};								};

GType          gnome_db_error_get_type       (void);		GType          gnome_db_error_get_type       (void);

GtkWidget*     gnome_db_error_new            (void);		GtkWidget*     gnome_db_error_new            (void);
void           gnome_db_error_clear          (GnomeDbError *e	void           gnome_db_error_clear          (GnomeDbError *e
void           gnome_db_error_show           (GnomeDbError *e	void           gnome_db_error_show           (GnomeDbError *e
                                              GList *errors);	                                              GList *errors);
void           gnome_db_error_prev           (GnomeDbError *e	void           gnome_db_error_prev           (GnomeDbError *e
void           gnome_db_error_next           (GnomeDbError *e	void           gnome_db_error_next           (GnomeDbError *e
gint	       gnome_db_error_get_position   (GnomeDbError *e	gint	       gnome_db_error_get_position   (GnomeDbError *e

#endif								#endif
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Gustavo R. Montesino <ikki_gerrard yahoo com br>	 *      Gustavo R. Montesino <ikki_gerrard yahoo com br>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#include <gtk/gtkcomboboxentry.h>				#include <gtk/gtkcomboboxentry.h>
#include <gtk/gtkdialog.h>					#include <gtk/gtkdialog.h>
#include <gtk/gtkentry.h>					#include <gtk/gtkentry.h>
#include <gtk/gtklabel.h>					#include <gtk/gtklabel.h>
#include <gtk/gtkstock.h>					#include <gtk/gtkstock.h>
#include <gtk/gtktable.h>					#include <gtk/gtktable.h>
#include <libgda/gda-data-model.h>				#include <libgda/gda-data-model.h>

#include "gnome-db-find-dialog.h"				#include "gnome-db-find-dialog.h"
#include "gnome-db-i18n.h"					#include "gnome-db-i18n.h"

struct _GnomeDbFindDialogPrivate {				struct _GnomeDbFindDialogPrivate {
	GtkComboBoxEntry *fields;					GtkComboBoxEntry *fields;
	GtkEntry *text;							GtkEntry *text;
};								};

enum {								enum {
	P_FIELD = 1,							P_FIELD = 1,
  	P_STRING						  	P_STRING
};								};

static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL;			static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL;

/* Private misc functions */					/* Private misc functions */

static void							static void
gnome_db_find_dialog_set_property (GObject *object, guint par	gnome_db_find_dialog_set_property (GObject *object, guint par
				   const GValue *value, GPara					   const GValue *value, GPara
{								{
	GnomeDbFindDialog *dialog = (GnomeDbFindDialog *) obj		GnomeDbFindDialog *dialog = (GnomeDbFindDialog *) obj
	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FIND_DIALOG (dialog));		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FIND_DIALOG (dialog));

	switch (param_id) {						switch (param_id) {
	default: 							default: 
		break;								break;
  	}							  	}
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_find_dialog_get_property (GObject *object, guint par	gnome_db_find_dialog_get_property (GObject *object, guint par
				   GValue *value, GParamSpec 					   GValue *value, GParamSpec 
{								{
	GnomeDbFindDialog *dialog = (GnomeDbFindDialog *) obj		GnomeDbFindDialog *dialog = (GnomeDbFindDialog *) obj
	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FIND_DIALOG (dialog));		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FIND_DIALOG (dialog));

  	switch (param_id) {					  	switch (param_id) {
	case P_FIELD:							case P_FIELD:
		g_value_set_string (value, gtk_entry_get_text			g_value_set_string (value, gtk_entry_get_text
					    GTK_ENTRY (GTK_BI						    GTK_ENTRY (GTK_BI
		break;								break;
	case P_STRING:							case P_STRING:
		g_value_set_string (value, 					g_value_set_string (value, 
				    gtk_entry_get_text (dialo					    gtk_entry_get_text (dialo
		break;								break;
	default:							default:
		break;								break;
  	}							  	}
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_find_dialog_init (GnomeDbFindDialog *dialog, GnomeDb	gnome_db_find_dialog_init (GnomeDbFindDialog *dialog, GnomeDb
{								{
	GtkTable  *table;						GtkTable  *table;
	GtkLabel  *label;						GtkLabel  *label;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FIND_DIALOG (dialog));		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FIND_DIALOG (dialog));

	dialog -> priv = g_new0 (GnomeDbFindDialogPrivate, 1)		dialog -> priv = g_new0 (GnomeDbFindDialogPrivate, 1)

	gtk_dialog_add_button (GTK_DIALOG (dialog), GTK_STOCK		gtk_dialog_add_button (GTK_DIALOG (dialog), GTK_STOCK
	gtk_dialog_add_button (GTK_DIALOG (dialog), GTK_STOCK		gtk_dialog_add_button (GTK_DIALOG (dialog), GTK_STOCK
	gtk_dialog_set_default_response (GTK_DIALOG (dialog),		gtk_dialog_set_default_response (GTK_DIALOG (dialog),

	table = GTK_TABLE (gtk_table_new (2, 2, FALSE));		table = GTK_TABLE (gtk_table_new (2, 2, FALSE));
	gtk_widget_show (GTK_WIDGET (table));				gtk_widget_show (GTK_WIDGET (table));
	gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (table)		gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (table)
	gtk_table_set_col_spacings (table, 30);				gtk_table_set_col_spacings (table, 30);
	gtk_table_set_row_spacings (table, 5);				gtk_table_set_row_spacings (table, 5);
	gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (GTK_DIALOG (dialog)		gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (GTK_DIALOG (dialog)

	label = GTK_LABEL (gtk_label_new_with_mnemonic (_("_F		label = GTK_LABEL (gtk_label_new_with_mnemonic (_("_F
	gtk_widget_show (GTK_WIDGET (label));				gtk_widget_show (GTK_WIDGET (label));
	gtk_table_attach_defaults (table, GTK_WIDGET (label),		gtk_table_attach_defaults (table, GTK_WIDGET (label),

	dialog -> priv -> fields = GTK_COMBO_BOX_ENTRY (gtk_c		dialog -> priv -> fields = GTK_COMBO_BOX_ENTRY (gtk_c
	gtk_widget_show (GTK_WIDGET (dialog -> priv -> fields		gtk_widget_show (GTK_WIDGET (dialog -> priv -> fields
	gtk_table_attach_defaults (table, GTK_WIDGET (dialog 		gtk_table_attach_defaults (table, GTK_WIDGET (dialog 
	gtk_label_set_mnemonic_widget (label, GTK_WIDGET (dia		gtk_label_set_mnemonic_widget (label, GTK_WIDGET (dia

	label = GTK_LABEL (gtk_label_new_with_mnemonic (_("_T		label = GTK_LABEL (gtk_label_new_with_mnemonic (_("_T
	gtk_widget_show (GTK_WIDGET (label));				gtk_widget_show (GTK_WIDGET (label));
	gtk_table_attach_defaults (table, GTK_WIDGET (label),		gtk_table_attach_defaults (table, GTK_WIDGET (label),

	dialog -> priv -> text = GTK_ENTRY (gtk_entry_new());		dialog -> priv -> text = GTK_ENTRY (gtk_entry_new());
	gtk_widget_show (GTK_WIDGET (dialog -> priv -> text))		gtk_widget_show (GTK_WIDGET (dialog -> priv -> text))
	gtk_table_attach_defaults (table, GTK_WIDGET (dialog 		gtk_table_attach_defaults (table, GTK_WIDGET (dialog 

	gtk_label_set_mnemonic_widget (GTK_LABEL (label), GTK		gtk_label_set_mnemonic_widget (GTK_LABEL (label), GTK
}								}

/* Class */							/* Class */

static void							static void
gnome_db_find_dialog_finalize (GObject *object)			gnome_db_find_dialog_finalize (GObject *object)
{								{
	GnomeDbFindDialog *dialog = (GnomeDbFindDialog *) obj		GnomeDbFindDialog *dialog = (GnomeDbFindDialog *) obj
	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FIND_DIALOG (dialog));		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FIND_DIALOG (dialog));

	g_free (dialog -> priv);					g_free (dialog -> priv);
	dialog -> priv = NULL;						dialog -> priv = NULL;

	parent_class -> finalize (object); 				parent_class -> finalize (object); 
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_find_dialog_class_init (GnomeDbFindDialogClass *klas	gnome_db_find_dialog_class_init (GnomeDbFindDialogClass *klas
{								{
	GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);		GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);
	parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);		parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);

	object_class -> set_property = gnome_db_find_dialog_s		object_class -> set_property = gnome_db_find_dialog_s
	object_class -> get_property = gnome_db_find_dialog_g		object_class -> get_property = gnome_db_find_dialog_g
	object_class -> finalize     = gnome_db_find_dialog_f		object_class -> finalize     = gnome_db_find_dialog_f

	/* Properties */						/* Properties */
	g_object_class_install_property (object_class, P_FIEL		g_object_class_install_property (object_class, P_FIEL
					 g_param_spec_string 						 g_param_spec_string 
	g_object_class_install_property (object_class, P_STRI		g_object_class_install_property (object_class, P_STRI
					 g_param_spec_string 						 g_param_spec_string 
}								}

/* Type Registration */						/* Type Registration */

GType								GType
gnome_db_find_dialog_get_type (void)				gnome_db_find_dialog_get_type (void)
{								{
	static GType type = 0;						static GType type = 0;

	if (!type) {							if (!type) {
		static const GTypeInfo info = {					static const GTypeInfo info = {
			sizeof (GnomeDbFindDialogClass),				sizeof (GnomeDbFindDialogClass),
			(GBaseInitFunc) NULL,						(GBaseInitFunc) NULL,
			(GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL,					(GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL,
			(GClassInitFunc) gnome_db_find_dialog				(GClassInitFunc) gnome_db_find_dialog
			NULL,								NULL,
			NULL,								NULL,
			sizeof (GnomeDbFindDialog),					sizeof (GnomeDbFindDialog),
			0,								0,
			(GInstanceInitFunc) gnome_db_find_dia				(GInstanceInitFunc) gnome_db_find_dia
		};								};
		type = g_type_register_static (GTK_TYPE_DIALO			type = g_type_register_static (GTK_TYPE_DIALO
	}								}
	return type;							return type;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_find_dialog_new					 * gnome_db_find_dialog_new
 * @title: the title of the dialog				 * @title: the title of the dialog
 * 								 * 
 * Creates a new #GnomeDbFindDialog.				 * Creates a new #GnomeDbFindDialog.
 *								 *
 * Returns: a #GnomeDbFindDialog				 * Returns: a #GnomeDbFindDialog
 */								 */
GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_find_dialog_new (const gchar *title)			gnome_db_find_dialog_new (const gchar *title)
{								{
	GnomeDbFindDialog *dialog;					GnomeDbFindDialog *dialog;
	dialog = g_object_new (GNOME_DB_TYPE_FIND_DIALOG, NUL		dialog = g_object_new (GNOME_DB_TYPE_FIND_DIALOG, NUL
	gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (dialog), title);		gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (dialog), title);

	return dialog;							return dialog;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_find_dialog_new_with_model				 * gnome_db_find_dialog_new_with_model
 * @title: the title of the dialog				 * @title: the title of the dialog
 * @dm: a #GdaDataModel						 * @dm: a #GdaDataModel
 *								 *
 * Creates a new #GnomeDbFindDialog and adds the fields of @d	 * Creates a new #GnomeDbFindDialog and adds the fields of @d
 * combo.							 * combo.
 *								 *
 * Returns: a #GnomeDbFindDialog				 * Returns: a #GnomeDbFindDialog
 */								 */
GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_find_dialog_new_with_model (const gchar *title, GdaD	gnome_db_find_dialog_new_with_model (const gchar *title, GdaD
{								{
	g_return_val_if_fail (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (dm), NULL);		g_return_val_if_fail (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (dm), NULL);
	g_object_ref (dm);						g_object_ref (dm);
	GnomeDbFindDialog *dialog = gnome_db_find_dialog_new 		GnomeDbFindDialog *dialog = gnome_db_find_dialog_new 
	gnome_db_find_dialog_add_fields_from_model (dialog, d		gnome_db_find_dialog_add_fields_from_model (dialog, d

	g_object_unref (dm);						g_object_unref (dm);

	return dialog;							return dialog;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_find_dialog_run					 * gnome_db_find_dialog_run
 * @dialog: a #GnomeDbFindDialog				 * @dialog: a #GnomeDbFindDialog
 *								 *
 * Shows the @dialog to the user and wait for his/her input.	 * Shows the @dialog to the user and wait for his/her input.
 *								 *
 * Returns: true if the user clicks "find", false otherwise.	 * Returns: true if the user clicks "find", false otherwise.
 */								 */
gboolean							gboolean
gnome_db_find_dialog_run (GnomeDbFindDialog *dialog)		gnome_db_find_dialog_run (GnomeDbFindDialog *dialog)
{								{
	g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FIND_DIALOG (dialog		g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FIND_DIALOG (dialog

	if (gtk_dialog_run (GTK_DIALOG (dialog)) == GTK_RESPO		if (gtk_dialog_run (GTK_DIALOG (dialog)) == GTK_RESPO
		return TRUE;							return TRUE;
	return FALSE;							return FALSE;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_find_dialog_add_field				 * gnome_db_find_dialog_add_field
 * @dialog: a #GnomeDbFindDialog				 * @dialog: a #GnomeDbFindDialog
 * @field: the field's name					 * @field: the field's name
 * 								 * 
 * Adds @field to the Fields combo.				 * Adds @field to the Fields combo.
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_find_dialog_add_field (GnomeDbFindDialog *dialog, co	gnome_db_find_dialog_add_field (GnomeDbFindDialog *dialog, co
{								{
	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FIND_DIALOG (dialog));		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FIND_DIALOG (dialog));
	gtk_combo_box_append_text (GTK_COMBO_BOX (dialog -> p		gtk_combo_box_append_text (GTK_COMBO_BOX (dialog -> p
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_find_dialog_add_fields_from_model			 * gnome_db_find_dialog_add_fields_from_model
 * @dialog: a #GnomeDbFindDialog				 * @dialog: a #GnomeDbFindDialog
 * @dm: a #GdaDataModel						 * @dm: a #GdaDataModel
 *								 *
 * Adds all the fields of @dm into the Fields combo.		 * Adds all the fields of @dm into the Fields combo.
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_find_dialog_add_fields_from_model (GnomeDbFindDialog	gnome_db_find_dialog_add_fields_from_model (GnomeDbFindDialog
{								{
	gint i;								gint i;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FIND_DIALOG (dialog));		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FIND_DIALOG (dialog));
	g_return_if_fail (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (dm));			g_return_if_fail (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (dm));

	g_object_ref (dm);						g_object_ref (dm);

	for (i = 0; i < gda_data_model_get_n_columns (dm); i+		for (i = 0; i < gda_data_model_get_n_columns (dm); i+
		gnome_db_find_dialog_add_field (dialog, 			gnome_db_find_dialog_add_field (dialog, 
						gda_data_mode							gda_data_mode
	}								}

	g_object_unref (dm);						g_object_unref (dm);
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_find_dialog_get_text				 * gnome_db_find_dialog_get_text
 * @dialog: a #GnomeDbFindDialog widget				 * @dialog: a #GnomeDbFindDialog widget
 * 								 * 
 * Gets the current search text in @dialog.			 * Gets the current search text in @dialog.
 *								 *
 * Returns: text to find					 * Returns: text to find
 */								 */
G_CONST_RETURN gchar*						G_CONST_RETURN gchar*
gnome_db_find_dialog_get_text (GnomeDbFindDialog *dialog)	gnome_db_find_dialog_get_text (GnomeDbFindDialog *dialog)
{								{
	g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FIND_DIALOG (dialog		g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FIND_DIALOG (dialog

	return gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY (dialog -> priv 		return gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY (dialog -> priv 
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_find_dialog_get_field				 * gnome_db_find_dialog_get_field
 * @dialog: a #GnomeDbFindDialog widget				 * @dialog: a #GnomeDbFindDialog widget
 *								 *
 * Gets the currently selected field in @dialog.		 * Gets the currently selected field in @dialog.
 *								 *
 * Returns: name of the selected field				 * Returns: name of the selected field
 */								 */
G_CONST_RETURN gchar*						G_CONST_RETURN gchar*
gnome_db_find_dialog_get_field (GnomeDbFindDialog *dialog)	gnome_db_find_dialog_get_field (GnomeDbFindDialog *dialog)
{								{
	g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FIND_DIALOG (dialog		g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FIND_DIALOG (dialog

	return gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY (GTK_BIN (			return gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY (GTK_BIN (
		dialog -> priv -> fields) -> child));				dialog -> priv -> fields) -> child));
}								}
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.h ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.h
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Gustavo R. Montesino <ikki_gerrard yahoo com br>	 *      Gustavo R. Montesino <ikki_gerrard yahoo com br>
 * 								 * 
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * 								 * 
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 * 								 * 
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#if !defined(__gnome_db_find_dialog_h__)			#if !defined(__gnome_db_find_dialog_h__)
#define __gnome_db_find_dialog_h__ 1				#define __gnome_db_find_dialog_h__ 1


#define GNOME_DB_TYPE_FIND_DIALOG            (gnome_db_find_d	#define GNOME_DB_TYPE_FIND_DIALOG            (gnome_db_find_d
#define GNOME_DB_FIND_DIALOG(obj)            (G_TYPE_CHECK_IN	#define GNOME_DB_FIND_DIALOG(obj)            (G_TYPE_CHECK_IN

typedef struct _GnomeDbFindDialog        GnomeDbFindDialog;	typedef struct _GnomeDbFindDialog        GnomeDbFindDialog;
typedef struct _GnomeDbFindDialogClass   GnomeDbFindDialogCla	typedef struct _GnomeDbFindDialogClass   GnomeDbFindDialogCla
typedef struct _GnomeDbFindDialogPrivate GnomeDbFindDialogPri	typedef struct _GnomeDbFindDialogPrivate GnomeDbFindDialogPri

struct _GnomeDbFindDialog {					struct _GnomeDbFindDialog {
	/*< PRIVATE >*/							/*< PRIVATE >*/
	GtkDialog dialog;						GtkDialog dialog;
	GnomeDbFindDialogPrivate *priv;					GnomeDbFindDialogPrivate *priv;
};								};

struct _GnomeDbFindDialogClass {				struct _GnomeDbFindDialogClass {
	GtkDialogClass parent_class;					GtkDialogClass parent_class;
};								};

GType                  gnome_db_find_dialog_get_type (void);	GType                  gnome_db_find_dialog_get_type (void);

GtkWidget             *gnome_db_find_dialog_new (const gchar 	GtkWidget             *gnome_db_find_dialog_new (const gchar 
GtkWidget             *gnome_db_find_dialog_new_with_model (c	GtkWidget             *gnome_db_find_dialog_new_with_model (c

gboolean               gnome_db_find_dialog_run (GnomeDbFindD	gboolean               gnome_db_find_dialog_run (GnomeDbFindD

void                   gnome_db_find_dialog_add_field (GnomeD	void                   gnome_db_find_dialog_add_field (GnomeD
void                   gnome_db_find_dialog_add_fields_from_m	void                   gnome_db_find_dialog_add_fields_from_m

G_CONST_RETURN gchar*  gnome_db_find_dialog_get_field (GnomeD	G_CONST_RETURN gchar*  gnome_db_find_dialog_get_field (GnomeD
G_CONST_RETURN gchar*  gnome_db_find_dialog_get_text (GnomeDb	G_CONST_RETURN gchar*  gnome_db_find_dialog_get_text (GnomeDb


#endif /* __gnome_db_find_dialog_h__ */				#endif /* __gnome_db_find_dialog_h__ */
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#include <gtk/gtkbbox.h>					#include <gtk/gtkbbox.h>
#include <gtk/gtkentry.h>					#include <gtk/gtkentry.h>
#include <gtk/gtkenums.h>					#include <gtk/gtkenums.h>
#include <gtk/gtklabel.h>					#include <gtk/gtklabel.h>
#include <gtk/gtkstock.h>					#include <gtk/gtkstock.h>
#include <gtk/gtktable.h>					#include <gtk/gtktable.h>
#include <gtk/gtktogglebutton.h>				#include <gtk/gtktogglebutton.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h>
#include "gnome-db-i18n.h"					#include "gnome-db-i18n.h"


struct _GnomeDbFormPrivate {					struct _GnomeDbFormPrivate {
	GdaDataModel *data_model;					GdaDataModel *data_model;
	GnomeDbFormType type;						GnomeDbFormType type;
	gboolean show_navigator_buttons;		      <

	/* widgets */							/* widgets */
	GtkWidget *form_container;					GtkWidget *form_container;

	GList *navigator_widgets; /* navigator widget */		GList *navigator_widgets; /* navigator widget */
	GtkWidget *navigator_label;					GtkWidget *navigator_label;
	GtkWidget *navigator_first;					GtkWidget *navigator_first;
	GtkWidget *navigator_back;					GtkWidget *navigator_back;
	GtkWidget *navigator_fwd;					GtkWidget *navigator_fwd;
	GtkWidget *navigator_last;					GtkWidget *navigator_last;
	gint navigator_current_row;					gint navigator_current_row;
};								};

static void gnome_db_form_class_init   (GnomeDbFormClass *kla	static void gnome_db_form_class_init   (GnomeDbFormClass *kla
static void gnome_db_form_init         (GnomeDbForm *form, Gn	static void gnome_db_form_init         (GnomeDbForm *form, Gn
static void gnome_db_form_set_property (GObject *object,	static void gnome_db_form_set_property (GObject *object,
					guint paramid,							guint paramid,
					const GValue *value,						const GValue *value,
					GParamSpec *pspec);						GParamSpec *pspec);
static void gnome_db_form_get_property (GObject *object,	static void gnome_db_form_get_property (GObject *object,
					guint param_id,							guint param_id,
					GValue *value,							GValue *value,
					GParamSpec *pspec);						GParamSpec *pspec);
static void gnome_db_form_finalize     (GObject *object);	static void gnome_db_form_finalize     (GObject *object);

static void show_navigator_row (GnomeDbForm *form);		static void show_navigator_row (GnomeDbForm *form);

enum {								enum {
	ROW_CHANGED,					      <
};								};

static gint form_signals[LAST_SIGNAL];				static gint form_signals[LAST_SIGNAL];
static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL;			static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL;

/*								/*
 * Callbacks							 * Callbacks
 */								 */

static void							static void
navigator_first_cb (GtkButton *button, gpointer user_data)	navigator_first_cb (GtkButton *button, gpointer user_data)
{								{
	GnomeDbForm *form = (GnomeDbForm *) user_data;			GnomeDbForm *form = (GnomeDbForm *) user_data;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FORM (form));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FORM (form));

	form->priv->navigator_current_row = 0;				form->priv->navigator_current_row = 0;
	show_navigator_row (form);					show_navigator_row (form);
	g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (form), form_signals[ROW_CHAN <
}								}

static void							static void
navigator_back_cb (GtkButton *button, gpointer user_data)	navigator_back_cb (GtkButton *button, gpointer user_data)
{								{
	GnomeDbForm *form = (GnomeDbForm *) user_data;			GnomeDbForm *form = (GnomeDbForm *) user_data;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FORM (form));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FORM (form));

	if (form->priv->navigator_current_row > 0) {			if (form->priv->navigator_current_row > 0) {
		form->priv->navigator_current_row--;				form->priv->navigator_current_row--;
		show_navigator_row (form);					show_navigator_row (form);
	}								}
	g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (form), form_signals[ROW_CHAN <
}								}

static void							static void
navigator_forward_cb (GtkButton *button, gpointer user_data)	navigator_forward_cb (GtkButton *button, gpointer user_data)
{								{
	gint max_rows;							gint max_rows;
	GnomeDbForm *form = (GnomeDbForm *) user_data;			GnomeDbForm *form = (GnomeDbForm *) user_data;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FORM (form));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FORM (form));

	max_rows = gda_data_model_get_n_rows (form->priv->dat		max_rows = gda_data_model_get_n_rows (form->priv->dat

	if (form->priv->navigator_current_row < max_rows) {		if (form->priv->navigator_current_row < max_rows) {
		form->priv->navigator_current_row++;				form->priv->navigator_current_row++;
		show_navigator_row (form);					show_navigator_row (form);
	}								}
	g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (form), form_signals[ROW_CHAN <
}								}

static void							static void
navigator_last_cb (GtkButton *button, gpointer user_data)	navigator_last_cb (GtkButton *button, gpointer user_data)
{								{
	GnomeDbForm *form = (GnomeDbForm *) user_data;			GnomeDbForm *form = (GnomeDbForm *) user_data;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FORM (form));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FORM (form));

	form->priv->navigator_current_row = gda_data_model_ge		form->priv->navigator_current_row = gda_data_model_ge
	show_navigator_row (form);					show_navigator_row (form);
	g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (form), form_signals[ROW_CHAN <
}								}

/*								/*
 * Private functions						 * Private functions
 */								 */

static GtkWidget *						static GtkWidget *
create_navigator (GnomeDbForm *form)				create_navigator (GnomeDbForm *form)
{								{
	GtkWidget *navigator;						GtkWidget *navigator;
	GtkWidget *bbox;						GtkWidget *bbox;
	GtkWidget *sep;							GtkWidget *sep;
	gint cols;							gint cols;
	gint col;							gint col;

	g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FORM (form), NULL);		g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FORM (form), NULL);
	g_return_val_if_fail (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (form->priv->		g_return_val_if_fail (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (form->priv->

	cols = gda_data_model_get_n_columns (form->priv->data		cols = gda_data_model_get_n_columns (form->priv->data
	navigator = gnome_db_new_table_widget (cols + 3, 3, F		navigator = gnome_db_new_table_widget (cols + 3, 3, F
	form->priv->navigator_current_row = 0;				form->priv->navigator_current_row = 0;

	/* create the entry widgets for each field */			/* create the entry widgets for each field */
	for (col = 0; col < cols; col++) {				for (col = 0; col < cols; col++) {
		GtkWidget *label;						GtkWidget *label;
		GtkWidget *entry;						GtkWidget *entry;
		GdaFieldAttributes *fa;						GdaFieldAttributes *fa;

		fa = gda_data_model_describe_column (form->pr			fa = gda_data_model_describe_column (form->pr

		label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (gda_field_			label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (gda_field_
		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (navigator), labe			gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (navigator), labe
				  GTK_FILL, GTK_FILL, 2, 2);					  GTK_FILL, GTK_FILL, 2, 2);

		switch (gda_field_attributes_get_gdatype (fa)			switch (gda_field_attributes_get_gdatype (fa)
			entry = gnome_db_new_check_button_wid				entry = gnome_db_new_check_button_wid
			gtk_widget_set_sensitive (entry, FALS				gtk_widget_set_sensitive (entry, FALS
			break;								break;
		default :							default :
			entry = gnome_db_new_entry_widget (0,				entry = gnome_db_new_entry_widget (0,
			break;								break;
		}								}

		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (navigator), entr			gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (navigator), entr
				  GTK_FILL, GTK_FILL, 2, 2);					  GTK_FILL, GTK_FILL, 2, 2);
		form->priv->navigator_widgets = g_list_append			form->priv->navigator_widgets = g_list_append
			form->priv->navigator_widgets,					form->priv->navigator_widgets,
			entry);								entry);

		gda_field_attributes_free (fa);					gda_field_attributes_free (fa);
	}								}

	sep = gnome_db_new_vseparator_widget ();			sep = gnome_db_new_vseparator_widget ();
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (navigator), sep, 0, 3, c		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (navigator), sep, 0, 3, c

							      |		form->priv->navigator_label = gnome_db_new_label_widg
	if(form->priv->show_navigator_buttons) {	      |		gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (form->priv->navigat
		form->priv->navigator_label = gnome_db_new_la |		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (navigator), form->priv->
		gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (form->priv- |				  cols + 1, cols + 2,
		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (navigator), form |				  GTK_FILL, GTK_FILL | GTK_EXPAND | G
				  cols + 1, cols + 2,	      |
				  GTK_FILL, GTK_FILL | GTK_EX |		/* create navigation buttons */
							      |		bbox = gnome_db_new_hbutton_box_widget ();
		/* create navigation buttons */		      |		gtk_button_box_set_layout (GTK_BUTTON_BOX (bbox), GTK
							      |		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (navigator), bbox, 0, 3, 
		bbox = gnome_db_new_hbutton_box_widget ();    |				  GTK_FILL, GTK_FILL | GTK_EXPAND | G
		gtk_button_box_set_layout (GTK_BUTTON_BOX (bb |
		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (navigator), bbox |		form->priv->navigator_first = gnome_db_new_button_wid
				  GTK_FILL, GTK_FILL | GTK_EX |		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (form->priv->navigator_fir
							      |				  G_CALLBACK (navigator_first_cb), fo
		form->priv->navigator_first = gnome_db_new_bu |		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (bbox), form->priv->navig
		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (form->priv->navig |
				  G_CALLBACK (navigator_first |		form->priv->navigator_back = gnome_db_new_button_widg
		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (bbox), form->pri |		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (form->priv->navigator_bac
							      |				  G_CALLBACK (navigator_back_cb), for
		form->priv->navigator_back = gnome_db_new_but |		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (bbox), form->priv->navig
		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (form->priv->navig |
				  G_CALLBACK (navigator_back_ |		form->priv->navigator_fwd = gnome_db_new_button_widge
		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (bbox), form->pri |		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (form->priv->navigator_fwd
							      |				  G_CALLBACK (navigator_forward_cb), 
		form->priv->navigator_fwd = gnome_db_new_butt |		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (bbox), form->priv->navig
		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (form->priv->navig |
				  G_CALLBACK (navigator_forwa |		form->priv->navigator_last = gnome_db_new_button_widg
		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (bbox), form->pri |		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (form->priv->navigator_las
							      |				  G_CALLBACK (navigator_last_cb), for
		form->priv->navigator_last = gnome_db_new_but |		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (bbox), form->priv->navig
		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (form->priv->navig |
				  G_CALLBACK (navigator_last_ <
		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (bbox), form->pri <
	}						      <
	show_navigator_row (form);					show_navigator_row (form);

	return navigator;						return navigator;
}								}

static GtkWidget *						static GtkWidget *
create_list (GnomeDbForm *form)					create_list (GnomeDbForm *form)
{								{
	g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FORM (form), NULL);		g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FORM (form), NULL);
	g_return_val_if_fail (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (form->priv->		g_return_val_if_fail (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (form->priv->

	return gnome_db_new_grid_widget (form->priv->data_mod		return gnome_db_new_grid_widget (form->priv->data_mod
}								}

static void							static void
setup_widgets_for_model (GnomeDbForm *form)			setup_widgets_for_model (GnomeDbForm *form)
{								{
	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FORM (form));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FORM (form));
	/* destroy previous widgets */					/* destroy previous widgets */
	if (form->priv->form_container)					if (form->priv->form_container)
		gtk_widget_destroy (form->priv->form_containe			gtk_widget_destroy (form->priv->form_containe
	if (form->priv->navigator_widgets) {				if (form->priv->navigator_widgets) {
		g_list_free (form->priv->navigator_widgets);			g_list_free (form->priv->navigator_widgets);
		form->priv->navigator_widgets = NULL;				form->priv->navigator_widgets = NULL;
	}								}

	/* create the new form depending on the type */			/* create the new form depending on the type */
	switch (form->priv->type) {					switch (form->priv->type) {
		form->priv->form_container = create_navigator			form->priv->form_container = create_navigator
		break;								break;
		form->priv->form_container = create_list (for			form->priv->form_container = create_list (for
		break;								break;
	default :							default :
		form->priv->form_container = NULL;				form->priv->form_container = NULL;
		break;								break;
	}								}

	if (!form->priv->form_container)				if (!form->priv->form_container)
	{						      <
		return;								return;
	}						      <

	gtk_widget_show (form->priv->form_container);			gtk_widget_show (form->priv->form_container);
	gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (form), form->priv->form_		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (form), form->priv->form_
}								}

static void							static void
show_navigator_row (GnomeDbForm *form)				show_navigator_row (GnomeDbForm *form)
{								{
	gint i;								gint i;
	GList *l;							GList *l;
	gint total_rows;						gint total_rows;
	gchar *tmp;							gchar *tmp;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FORM (form));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FORM (form));

	if (!GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (form->priv->data_model)) {		if (!GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (form->priv->data_model)) {
		gtk_label_set_text (GTK_LABEL (form->priv->na			gtk_label_set_text (GTK_LABEL (form->priv->na
		return;								return;
	}								}

	total_rows = gda_data_model_get_n_rows (form->priv->d		total_rows = gda_data_model_get_n_rows (form->priv->d

	for (i = 0, l = form->priv->navigator_widgets; l != N		for (i = 0, l = form->priv->navigator_widgets; l != N
		const GdaValue *value;						const GdaValue *value;

		value = gda_data_model_get_value_at (form->pr			value = gda_data_model_get_value_at (form->pr
						     form->pr							     form->pr
		if (value) {							if (value) {
			gchar *str;							gchar *str;

			if (gda_value_isa ((GdaValue *) value				if (gda_value_isa ((GdaValue *) value
				gtk_toggle_button_set_active 					gtk_toggle_button_set_active 
			}								}
			else {								else {
				str = gda_value_stringify ((G					str = gda_value_stringify ((G
				gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY					gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY
				g_free (str);							g_free (str);
			}								}
		}								}
		else								else
			gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (l->dat				gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (l->dat
	}								}

	if (total_rows <= 0) {						if (total_rows <= 0) {
		gtk_widget_set_sensitive (form->priv->navigat			gtk_widget_set_sensitive (form->priv->navigat
		gtk_widget_set_sensitive (form->priv->navigat			gtk_widget_set_sensitive (form->priv->navigat
		gtk_widget_set_sensitive (form->priv->navigat			gtk_widget_set_sensitive (form->priv->navigat
		gtk_widget_set_sensitive (form->priv->navigat			gtk_widget_set_sensitive (form->priv->navigat
		gtk_label_set_text (GTK_LABEL (form->priv->na			gtk_label_set_text (GTK_LABEL (form->priv->na
	}								}
	else {								else {
		if (form->priv->navigator_current_row == 0) {			if (form->priv->navigator_current_row == 0) {
			gtk_widget_set_sensitive (form->priv-				gtk_widget_set_sensitive (form->priv-
			gtk_widget_set_sensitive (form->priv-				gtk_widget_set_sensitive (form->priv-
		}								}
		else {								else {
			gtk_widget_set_sensitive (form->priv-				gtk_widget_set_sensitive (form->priv-
			gtk_widget_set_sensitive (form->priv-				gtk_widget_set_sensitive (form->priv-
		}								}

		if (form->priv->navigator_current_row == tota			if (form->priv->navigator_current_row == tota
			gtk_widget_set_sensitive (form->priv-				gtk_widget_set_sensitive (form->priv-
			gtk_widget_set_sensitive (form->priv-				gtk_widget_set_sensitive (form->priv-
		}								}
		else {								else {
			gtk_widget_set_sensitive (form->priv-				gtk_widget_set_sensitive (form->priv-
			gtk_widget_set_sensitive (form->priv-				gtk_widget_set_sensitive (form->priv-
		}								}

		tmp = g_strdup_printf (_("Record %d of %d"),			tmp = g_strdup_printf (_("Record %d of %d"),
				       form->priv->navigator_					       form->priv->navigator_
				       total_rows);						       total_rows);
		gtk_label_set_text (GTK_LABEL (form->priv->na			gtk_label_set_text (GTK_LABEL (form->priv->na
		g_free (tmp);							g_free (tmp);
	}								}
}								}

/*								/*
 * GnomeDbForm class implementation				 * GnomeDbForm class implementation
 */								 */

static void							static void
gnome_db_form_class_init (GnomeDbFormClass *klass)		gnome_db_form_class_init (GnomeDbFormClass *klass)
{								{
	GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);		GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);

	parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);		parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);

	object_class->set_property = gnome_db_form_set_proper		object_class->set_property = gnome_db_form_set_proper
	object_class->get_property = gnome_db_form_get_proper		object_class->get_property = gnome_db_form_get_proper
	object_class->finalize = gnome_db_form_finalize;		object_class->finalize = gnome_db_form_finalize;

	/* add class signals */						/* add class signals */
	form_signals[MODEL_CHANGED] =					form_signals[MODEL_CHANGED] =
		g_signal_new ("model_changed",					g_signal_new ("model_changed",
			      G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class				      G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class
			      G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,					      G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,
			      G_STRUCT_OFFSET (GnomeDbFormCla				      G_STRUCT_OFFSET (GnomeDbFormCla
			      NULL, NULL,						      NULL, NULL,
			      g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID,				      g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID,
			      G_TYPE_NONE, 0);						      G_TYPE_NONE, 0);
	form_signals[ROW_CHANGED] =			      <
		g_signal_new ("row_changed",		      <
			      G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class <
			      G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,	      <
			      G_STRUCT_OFFSET (GnomeDbFormCla <
			      NULL, NULL,		      <
			      g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID,  <
			      G_TYPE_NONE, 0);		      <
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_form_init (GnomeDbForm *form, GnomeDbFormClass *klas	gnome_db_form_init (GnomeDbForm *form, GnomeDbFormClass *klas
{								{
	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FORM (form));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FORM (form));

	/* allocate private structure */				/* allocate private structure */
	form->priv = g_new0 (GnomeDbFormPrivate, 1);			form->priv = g_new0 (GnomeDbFormPrivate, 1);
	form->priv->data_model = NULL;					form->priv->data_model = NULL;
	form->priv->type = GNOME_DB_FORM_TYPE_NAVIGATOR;		form->priv->type = GNOME_DB_FORM_TYPE_NAVIGATOR;
	form->priv->form_container = NULL;				form->priv->form_container = NULL;
	form->priv->navigator_widgets = NULL;				form->priv->navigator_widgets = NULL;
	form->priv->navigator_label = NULL;				form->priv->navigator_label = NULL;
	form->priv->show_navigator_buttons = TRUE;	      <
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_form_set_property (GObject *object,			gnome_db_form_set_property (GObject *object,
			    guint param_id,						    guint param_id,
			    const GValue *value,					    const GValue *value,
			    GParamSpec *pspec)						    GParamSpec *pspec)
{								{
	GnomeDbForm *form = (GnomeDbForm *) object;			GnomeDbForm *form = (GnomeDbForm *) object;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FORM (form));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FORM (form));

	switch (param_id) {						switch (param_id) {
	default :							default :
		break;								break;
	}								}
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_form_get_property (GObject *object,			gnome_db_form_get_property (GObject *object,
			    guint param_id,						    guint param_id,
			    GValue *value,						    GValue *value,
			    GParamSpec *pspec)						    GParamSpec *pspec)
{								{
	GnomeDbForm *form = (GnomeDbForm *) object;			GnomeDbForm *form = (GnomeDbForm *) object;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FORM (form));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FORM (form));

	switch (param_id) {						switch (param_id) {
	default:							default:
		break;								break;
	}								}
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_form_finalize (GObject *object)			gnome_db_form_finalize (GObject *object)
{								{
	GnomeDbForm *form = (GnomeDbForm *) object;			GnomeDbForm *form = (GnomeDbForm *) object;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FORM (form));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FORM (form));

	/* free memory */						/* free memory */
	if (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (form->priv->data_model)) {		if (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (form->priv->data_model)) {
		g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (form->priv->data_mo			g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (form->priv->data_mo
		form->priv->data_model = NULL;					form->priv->data_model = NULL;
	}								}

	if (form->priv->navigator_widgets) {				if (form->priv->navigator_widgets) {
		g_list_free (form->priv->navigator_widgets);			g_list_free (form->priv->navigator_widgets);
		form->priv->navigator_widgets = NULL;				form->priv->navigator_widgets = NULL;
	}								}

	g_free (form->priv);						g_free (form->priv);
	form->priv = NULL;						form->priv = NULL;

	/* chain to parent class */					/* chain to parent class */
	parent_class->finalize (object);				parent_class->finalize (object);
}								}

GType								GType
gnome_db_form_get_type (void)					gnome_db_form_get_type (void)
{								{
	static GType type = 0;						static GType type = 0;

	if (!type) {							if (!type) {
		static const GTypeInfo info = {					static const GTypeInfo info = {
			sizeof (GnomeDbFormClass),					sizeof (GnomeDbFormClass),
			(GBaseInitFunc) NULL,						(GBaseInitFunc) NULL,
			(GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL,					(GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL,
			(GClassInitFunc) gnome_db_form_class_				(GClassInitFunc) gnome_db_form_class_
			NULL,								NULL,
			NULL,								NULL,
			sizeof (GnomeDbForm),						sizeof (GnomeDbForm),
			0,								0,
			(GInstanceInitFunc) gnome_db_form_ini				(GInstanceInitFunc) gnome_db_form_ini
		};								};
		type = g_type_register_static (PARENT_TYPE, "			type = g_type_register_static (PARENT_TYPE, "
	}								}
	return type;							return type;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_form_new						 * gnome_db_form_new
 *								 *
 * Create a new #GnomeDbForm widget, which is a high-level wi	 * Create a new #GnomeDbForm widget, which is a high-level wi
 * lets you display recordsets in many different ways, such a	 * lets you display recordsets in many different ways, such a
 * record-by-record, etc.					 * record-by-record, etc.
 *								 *
 * Returns: the newly created widget.				 * Returns: the newly created widget.
 */								 */
GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_form_new (void)					gnome_db_form_new (void)
{								{
	GnomeDbForm *form;						GnomeDbForm *form;

	form = g_object_new (GNOME_DB_TYPE_FORM, NULL);			form = g_object_new (GNOME_DB_TYPE_FORM, NULL);
	return GTK_WIDGET (form);					return GTK_WIDGET (form);
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_form_get_form_type					 * gnome_db_form_get_form_type
 */								 */
GnomeDbFormType							GnomeDbFormType
gnome_db_form_get_form_type (GnomeDbForm *form)			gnome_db_form_get_form_type (GnomeDbForm *form)
{								{
	g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FORM (form), -1);		g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FORM (form), -1);
	return form->priv->type;					return form->priv->type;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_form_set_form_type					 * gnome_db_form_set_form_type
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_form_set_form_type (GnomeDbForm *form, GnomeDbFormTy	gnome_db_form_set_form_type (GnomeDbForm *form, GnomeDbFormTy
{								{
	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FORM (form));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FORM (form));

	form->priv->type = type;					form->priv->type = type;
	setup_widgets_for_model (form);					setup_widgets_for_model (form);
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_form_get_model					 * gnome_db_form_get_model
 * @form: a #GnomeDbForm widget.				 * @form: a #GnomeDbForm widget.
 *								 *
 * Return the #GdaDataModel being used by the given widget.	 * Return the #GdaDataModel being used by the given widget.
 */								 */
GdaDataModel *							GdaDataModel *
gnome_db_form_get_model (GnomeDbForm *form)			gnome_db_form_get_model (GnomeDbForm *form)
{								{
	g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FORM (form), NULL);		g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FORM (form), NULL);
	return form->priv->data_model;					return form->priv->data_model;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_form_set_model					 * gnome_db_form_set_model
 * @form: a #GnomeDbForm widget.				 * @form: a #GnomeDbForm widget.
 * @model: the data model to associate the widget with.		 * @model: the data model to associate the widget with.
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_form_set_model (GnomeDbForm *form, GdaDataModel *mod	gnome_db_form_set_model (GnomeDbForm *form, GdaDataModel *mod
{								{
	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FORM (form));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FORM (form));
	g_return_if_fail (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (model));	      <

	if (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (form->priv->data_model))			if (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (form->priv->data_model))
		g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (form->priv->data_mo			g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (form->priv->data_mo

		g_object_ref (G_OBJECT (model));	      |		g_object_ref (G_OBJECT (model));
		form->priv->data_model = model;		      |		form->priv->data_model = model;
		setup_widgets_for_model (form);		      |
		g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (form), form_signals[ |		setup_widgets_for_model (form);
	}						      |		g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (form), form_signals[MODEL_CH
							      >	}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_form_get_current_row				 * gnome_db_form_get_current_row
 * @form: a #GnomeDbForm widget.				 * @form: a #GnomeDbForm widget.
 *								 *
 * Get the row currently being shown (navigator form) or curr	 * Get the row currently being shown (navigator form) or curr
 * (list form) by the given form widget.			 * (list form) by the given form widget.
 *								 *
 * Returns: the current row.					 * Returns: the current row.
 */								 */
gint								gint
gnome_db_form_get_current_row (GnomeDbForm *form)		gnome_db_form_get_current_row (GnomeDbForm *form)
{								{
	GList *selection;						GList *selection;
	gint ret;							gint ret;

	g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FORM (form), -1);		g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FORM (form), -1);

	switch (form->priv->type) {					switch (form->priv->type) {
		return form->priv->navigator_current_row;			return form->priv->navigator_current_row;
		g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (form-			g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (form-

		selection = gnome_db_grid_get_selection (GNOM			selection = gnome_db_grid_get_selection (GNOM
		if (selection) {						if (selection) {
			ret = GPOINTER_TO_INT (selection->dat				ret = GPOINTER_TO_INT (selection->dat
			g_list_free (selection);					g_list_free (selection);
			return ret;							return ret;
		}								}
		break;								break;
	}								}

	return -1;							return -1;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_form_set_current_row				 * gnome_db_form_set_current_row
 * @form: a #GnomeDbForm widget.				 * @form: a #GnomeDbForm widget.
 * @row: the new row to display.				 * @row: the new row to display.
 *								 *
 * Sets the current row on the given form widget.		 * Sets the current row on the given form widget.
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_form_set_current_row (GnomeDbForm *form, gint row)	gnome_db_form_set_current_row (GnomeDbForm *form, gint row)
{								{
	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FORM (form));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FORM (form));
	g_return_if_fail (row >= 0);					g_return_if_fail (row >= 0);
	g_return_if_fail (row < gda_data_model_get_n_rows (fo		g_return_if_fail (row < gda_data_model_get_n_rows (fo

	switch (form->priv->type) {					switch (form->priv->type) {
		form->priv->navigator_current_row = row;			form->priv->navigator_current_row = row;
		show_navigator_row (form);					show_navigator_row (form);
		break;								break;
		break;								break;
	}								}
}								}
void							      <
gnome_db_form_show_navigator_buttons(GnomeDbForm *form, gbool <
{							      <
	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FORM (form));	      <
	form->priv->show_navigator_buttons= value;	      <
	setup_widgets_for_model(form);			      <
}							      <
gboolean						      <
gnome_db_form_is_navigator_buttons_shown(GnomeDbForm *form)   <
{							      <
	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FORM (form));	      <
	return form->priv->show_navigator_buttons;	      <
}							      <
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.h ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.h
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#if !defined(__gnome_db_form_h__)				#if !defined(__gnome_db_form_h__)
#  define __gnome_db_form_h__					#  define __gnome_db_form_h__

#include <libgda/gda-data-model.h>				#include <libgda/gda-data-model.h>
#include <gtk/gtkvbox.h>					#include <gtk/gtkvbox.h>


#define GNOME_DB_TYPE_FORM            (gnome_db_form_get_type	#define GNOME_DB_TYPE_FORM            (gnome_db_form_get_type
#define GNOME_DB_FORM(obj)            (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_	#define GNOME_DB_FORM(obj)            (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_

typedef struct _GnomeDbForm        GnomeDbForm;			typedef struct _GnomeDbForm        GnomeDbForm;
typedef struct _GnomeDbFormClass   GnomeDbFormClass;		typedef struct _GnomeDbFormClass   GnomeDbFormClass;
typedef struct _GnomeDbFormPrivate GnomeDbFormPrivate;		typedef struct _GnomeDbFormPrivate GnomeDbFormPrivate;

struct _GnomeDbForm {						struct _GnomeDbForm {
	GtkVBox frame;							GtkVBox frame;
	GnomeDbFormPrivate *priv;					GnomeDbFormPrivate *priv;
};								};

struct _GnomeDbFormClass {					struct _GnomeDbFormClass {
	GtkVBoxClass parent_class;					GtkVBoxClass parent_class;

	/* signals */							/* signals */
	void (* model_changed) (GnomeDbForm *form);			void (* model_changed) (GnomeDbForm *form);
	void (* row_changed) (GnomeDbForm *form);	      <
};								};

typedef enum {							typedef enum {
} GnomeDbFormType;						} GnomeDbFormType;

GType            gnome_db_form_get_type (void);			GType            gnome_db_form_get_type (void);
GtkWidget       *gnome_db_form_new (void);			GtkWidget       *gnome_db_form_new (void);
GnomeDbFormType  gnome_db_form_get_form_type (GnomeDbForm *fo	GnomeDbFormType  gnome_db_form_get_form_type (GnomeDbForm *fo
void             gnome_db_form_set_form_type (GnomeDbForm *fo	void             gnome_db_form_set_form_type (GnomeDbForm *fo
GdaDataModel    *gnome_db_form_get_model (GnomeDbForm *form);	GdaDataModel    *gnome_db_form_get_model (GnomeDbForm *form);
void             gnome_db_form_set_model (GnomeDbForm *form, 	void             gnome_db_form_set_model (GnomeDbForm *form, 
gint             gnome_db_form_get_current_row (GnomeDbForm *	gint             gnome_db_form_get_current_row (GnomeDbForm *
void             gnome_db_form_set_current_row (GnomeDbForm *	void             gnome_db_form_set_current_row (GnomeDbForm *
void			 gnome_db_form_show_navigator_buttons <
gboolean         gnome_db_form_is_navigator_buttons_shown(Gno <


#endif								#endif
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-gray-bar.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-gray-bar.c
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#include <gtk/gtk.h>						#include <gtk/gtk.h>
#include <gdk/gdk.h>						#include <gdk/gdk.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-gray-bar.h>			#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-gray-bar.h>


struct _GnomeDbGrayBarPrivate {					struct _GnomeDbGrayBarPrivate {
	GtkWidget *hbox;						GtkWidget *hbox;
	GtkWidget *icon;						GtkWidget *icon;
	gboolean   show_icon;						gboolean   show_icon;
	GtkWidget *label;						GtkWidget *label;
};								};

static void gnome_db_gray_bar_class_init   (GnomeDbGrayBarCla	static void gnome_db_gray_bar_class_init   (GnomeDbGrayBarCla
static void gnome_db_gray_bar_init         (GnomeDbGrayBar   	static void gnome_db_gray_bar_init         (GnomeDbGrayBar   
					    GnomeDbGrayBarCla						    GnomeDbGrayBarCla
static void gnome_db_gray_bar_realize      (GtkWidget        	static void gnome_db_gray_bar_realize      (GtkWidget        
static void gnome_db_gray_bar_size_request (GtkWidget        	static void gnome_db_gray_bar_size_request (GtkWidget        
					    GtkRequisition   						    GtkRequisition   
static void gnome_db_gray_bar_allocate     (GtkWidget        	static void gnome_db_gray_bar_allocate     (GtkWidget        
					    GtkAllocation    						    GtkAllocation    
static void gnome_db_gray_bar_paint        (GtkWidget        	static void gnome_db_gray_bar_paint        (GtkWidget        
					    GdkRectangle     						    GdkRectangle     
static gint gnome_db_gray_bar_expose       (GtkWidget        	static gint gnome_db_gray_bar_expose       (GtkWidget        
					    GdkEventExpose   						    GdkEventExpose   
static void gnome_db_gray_bar_style_set    (GtkWidget        	static void gnome_db_gray_bar_style_set    (GtkWidget        
					    GtkStyle         						    GtkStyle         
static void gnome_db_gray_bar_set_property (GObject          	static void gnome_db_gray_bar_set_property (GObject          
					    guint            						    guint            
					    const GValue     						    const GValue     
					    GParamSpec       						    GParamSpec       
static void gnome_db_gray_bar_get_property (GObject          	static void gnome_db_gray_bar_get_property (GObject          
					    guint            						    guint            
					    GValue           						    GValue           
					    GParamSpec       						    GParamSpec       
static void gnome_db_gray_bar_finalize     (GObject          	static void gnome_db_gray_bar_finalize     (GObject          

enum {								enum {
	PROP_0,								PROP_0,
};								};

static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL;			static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL;

/*								/*
 * GnomeDbGrayBar class implementation				 * GnomeDbGrayBar class implementation
 */								 */

static void							static void
gnome_db_gray_bar_realize (GtkWidget *widget)			gnome_db_gray_bar_realize (GtkWidget *widget)
{								{
	GdkWindowAttr attributes;					GdkWindowAttr attributes;
	gint attributes_mask;						gint attributes_mask;
	gint border_width;						gint border_width;
	border_width = GTK_CONTAINER (widget)->border_width;		border_width = GTK_CONTAINER (widget)->border_width;
	attributes.x = widget->allocation.x + border_width;		attributes.x = widget->allocation.x + border_width;
	attributes.y = widget->allocation.y + border_width;		attributes.y = widget->allocation.y + border_width;
	attributes.width = widget->allocation.width - 2*borde		attributes.width = widget->allocation.width - 2*borde
	attributes.height = widget->allocation.height - 2*bor		attributes.height = widget->allocation.height - 2*bor
	attributes.window_type = GDK_WINDOW_CHILD;			attributes.window_type = GDK_WINDOW_CHILD;
	attributes.wclass = GDK_INPUT_OUTPUT;				attributes.wclass = GDK_INPUT_OUTPUT;
	attributes.visual = gtk_widget_get_visual (widget);		attributes.visual = gtk_widget_get_visual (widget);
	attributes.colormap = gtk_widget_get_colormap (widget		attributes.colormap = gtk_widget_get_colormap (widget
	attributes.event_mask = gtk_widget_get_events (widget		attributes.event_mask = gtk_widget_get_events (widget
	attributes_mask = GDK_WA_X | GDK_WA_Y | GDK_WA_VISUAL		attributes_mask = GDK_WA_X | GDK_WA_Y | GDK_WA_VISUAL
	widget->window = gdk_window_new (gtk_widget_get_paren		widget->window = gdk_window_new (gtk_widget_get_paren
	gdk_window_set_user_data (widget->window, widget);		gdk_window_set_user_data (widget->window, widget);
	widget->style = gtk_style_attach (widget->style, widg		widget->style = gtk_style_attach (widget->style, widg
	gtk_style_set_background (widget->style, widget->wind		gtk_style_set_background (widget->style, widget->wind
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_gray_bar_size_request (GtkWidget *widget, GtkRequisi	gnome_db_gray_bar_size_request (GtkWidget *widget, GtkRequisi
{								{
	GtkBin *bin = GTK_BIN (widget);					GtkBin *bin = GTK_BIN (widget);
	GtkRequisition child_requisition;				GtkRequisition child_requisition;
	requisition->width = GTK_CONTAINER (widget)->border_w		requisition->width = GTK_CONTAINER (widget)->border_w
	requisition->height = GTK_CONTAINER (widget)->border_		requisition->height = GTK_CONTAINER (widget)->border_
	if (bin->child && GTK_WIDGET_VISIBLE (bin->child)) {		if (bin->child && GTK_WIDGET_VISIBLE (bin->child)) {
		gtk_widget_size_request (bin->child, &child_r			gtk_widget_size_request (bin->child, &child_r
		requisition->width += child_requisition.width			requisition->width += child_requisition.width
		requisition->height += child_requisition.heig			requisition->height += child_requisition.heig
	}								}
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_gray_bar_allocate (GtkWidget *widget, GtkAllocation 	gnome_db_gray_bar_allocate (GtkWidget *widget, GtkAllocation 
{								{
	GtkBin *bin;							GtkBin *bin;
	GtkAllocation child_allocation;					GtkAllocation child_allocation;
	widget->allocation = *allocation;				widget->allocation = *allocation;
	bin = GTK_BIN (widget);						bin = GTK_BIN (widget);
	child_allocation.x = 0;						child_allocation.x = 0;
	child_allocation.y = 0;						child_allocation.y = 0;
	child_allocation.width = MAX (allocation->width - GTK		child_allocation.width = MAX (allocation->width - GTK
	child_allocation.height = MAX (allocation->height - G		child_allocation.height = MAX (allocation->height - G
	if (GTK_WIDGET_REALIZED (widget)) {				if (GTK_WIDGET_REALIZED (widget)) {
		gdk_window_move_resize (widget->window,				gdk_window_move_resize (widget->window,
					allocation->x + GTK_C						allocation->x + GTK_C
					allocation->y + GTK_C						allocation->y + GTK_C
					child_allocation.widt						child_allocation.widt
					child_allocation.heig						child_allocation.heig
	}								}
	if (bin->child)							if (bin->child)
		gtk_widget_size_allocate (bin->child, &child_			gtk_widget_size_allocate (bin->child, &child_
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_gray_bar_style_set (GtkWidget *w, GtkStyle *previous	gnome_db_gray_bar_style_set (GtkWidget *w, GtkStyle *previous
{								{
	static int in_style_set = 0;					static int in_style_set = 0;
	GtkStyle   *style;						GtkStyle   *style;

	if (in_style_set > 0)						if (in_style_set > 0)
                return;						                return;

        in_style_set ++;					        in_style_set ++;

	style = gtk_rc_get_style (GTK_WIDGET (w));			style = gtk_rc_get_style (GTK_WIDGET (w));
	gtk_widget_modify_bg (GTK_WIDGET (w), GTK_STATE_NORMA		gtk_widget_modify_bg (GTK_WIDGET (w), GTK_STATE_NORMA

	in_style_set --;						in_style_set --;

	GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (parent_class)->style_set (w, previo		GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (parent_class)->style_set (w, previo
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_gray_bar_paint (GtkWidget *widget, GdkRectangle *are	gnome_db_gray_bar_paint (GtkWidget *widget, GdkRectangle *are
{								{
	if (!GTK_WIDGET_APP_PAINTABLE (widget)) {			if (!GTK_WIDGET_APP_PAINTABLE (widget)) {
		gtk_paint_flat_box (widget->style, widget->wi			gtk_paint_flat_box (widget->style, widget->wi
				    widget->state, GTK_SHADOW					    widget->state, GTK_SHADOW
				    area, widget, "gnomedbgra					    area, widget, "gnomedbgra
				    1, 1,							    1, 1,
				    (widget->allocation.width					    (widget->allocation.width
				    (widget->allocation.heigh					    (widget->allocation.heigh
		gdk_draw_rectangle (widget->window,				gdk_draw_rectangle (widget->window,
				    widget->style->black_gc,					    widget->style->black_gc,
				    FALSE,							    FALSE,
				    0,								    0,
				    0,								    0,
				    (widget->allocation.width					    (widget->allocation.width
				    (widget->allocation.heigh					    (widget->allocation.heigh
	}								}
}								}

static gboolean							static gboolean
gnome_db_gray_bar_expose (GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventExpose *	gnome_db_gray_bar_expose (GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventExpose *
{   								{   
	g_return_val_if_fail (widget != NULL, FALSE);			g_return_val_if_fail (widget != NULL, FALSE);
	g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRAY_BAR (widget), 		g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRAY_BAR (widget), 
	g_return_val_if_fail (event != NULL, FALSE);			g_return_val_if_fail (event != NULL, FALSE);
	if (event->count > 0)						if (event->count > 0)
		return FALSE;							return FALSE;
	if (GTK_WIDGET_DRAWABLE (widget)) {				if (GTK_WIDGET_DRAWABLE (widget)) {
		gnome_db_gray_bar_paint (widget, &event->area			gnome_db_gray_bar_paint (widget, &event->area
		(* GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (parent_class)->expose_ev			(* GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (parent_class)->expose_ev
	}								}

	return FALSE;							return FALSE;
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_gray_bar_class_init (GnomeDbGrayBarClass *klass)	gnome_db_gray_bar_class_init (GnomeDbGrayBarClass *klass)
{								{
	GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);		GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);
	GtkWidgetClass *widget_class = GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (klas		GtkWidgetClass *widget_class = GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (klas

	parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);		parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);

	object_class->set_property  = gnome_db_gray_bar_set_p		object_class->set_property  = gnome_db_gray_bar_set_p
	object_class->get_property  = gnome_db_gray_bar_get_p		object_class->get_property  = gnome_db_gray_bar_get_p
	object_class->finalize      = gnome_db_gray_bar_final		object_class->finalize      = gnome_db_gray_bar_final
	widget_class->style_set     = gnome_db_gray_bar_style		widget_class->style_set     = gnome_db_gray_bar_style
	widget_class->realize       = gnome_db_gray_bar_reali		widget_class->realize       = gnome_db_gray_bar_reali
	widget_class->size_request  = gnome_db_gray_bar_size_		widget_class->size_request  = gnome_db_gray_bar_size_
	widget_class->size_allocate = gnome_db_gray_bar_alloc		widget_class->size_allocate = gnome_db_gray_bar_alloc
	widget_class->expose_event  = gnome_db_gray_bar_expos		widget_class->expose_event  = gnome_db_gray_bar_expos

	/* add class properties */					/* add class properties */
	g_object_class_install_property (				g_object_class_install_property (
		object_class, PROP_TEXT,					object_class, PROP_TEXT,
		g_param_spec_string ("text", NULL, NULL, NULL			g_param_spec_string ("text", NULL, NULL, NULL
	g_object_class_install_property (				g_object_class_install_property (
		object_class, PROP_SHOW_ICON,					object_class, PROP_SHOW_ICON,
		g_param_spec_string ("show_icon", NULL, NULL,			g_param_spec_string ("show_icon", NULL, NULL,
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_gray_bar_init (GnomeDbGrayBar *bar, GnomeDbGrayBarCl	gnome_db_gray_bar_init (GnomeDbGrayBar *bar, GnomeDbGrayBarCl
{								{
	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRAY_BAR (bar));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRAY_BAR (bar));
	bar->priv = g_new0 (GnomeDbGrayBarPrivate, 1);			bar->priv = g_new0 (GnomeDbGrayBarPrivate, 1);
	bar->priv->hbox = gtk_hbox_new (FALSE, 6);			bar->priv->hbox = gtk_hbox_new (FALSE, 6);
	gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (bar->p		gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (bar->p
	bar->priv->show_icon = FALSE;					bar->priv->show_icon = FALSE;
	bar->priv->icon = gtk_image_new_from_stock (GTK_STOCK		bar->priv->icon = gtk_image_new_from_stock (GTK_STOCK
	gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (bar->priv->icon), 0		gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (bar->priv->icon), 0
	gtk_widget_hide (bar->priv->icon);				gtk_widget_hide (bar->priv->icon);
	gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (bar->priv->hbox), bar->p		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (bar->priv->hbox), bar->p
			    FALSE, TRUE, 0);						    FALSE, TRUE, 0);
	bar->priv->label = gtk_label_new ("");				bar->priv->label = gtk_label_new ("");
	gtk_label_set_selectable (GTK_LABEL (bar->priv->label		gtk_label_set_selectable (GTK_LABEL (bar->priv->label
	gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (bar->priv->label), 		gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (bar->priv->label), 
	gtk_box_pack_end (GTK_BOX (bar->priv->hbox), bar->pri		gtk_box_pack_end (GTK_BOX (bar->priv->hbox), bar->pri
			  TRUE, TRUE, 0);						  TRUE, TRUE, 0);
	gtk_widget_show (bar->priv->label);				gtk_widget_show (bar->priv->label);
	gtk_widget_show (bar->priv->hbox);				gtk_widget_show (bar->priv->hbox);
	gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (bar), bar->priv->hb		gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (bar), bar->priv->hb
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_gray_bar_set_property (GObject *object,		gnome_db_gray_bar_set_property (GObject *object,
				guint param_id,							guint param_id,
				const GValue *value,						const GValue *value,
				GParamSpec *pspec)						GParamSpec *pspec)
{								{
	GnomeDbGrayBar *bar = (GnomeDbGrayBar *) object;		GnomeDbGrayBar *bar = (GnomeDbGrayBar *) object;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRAY_BAR (bar));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRAY_BAR (bar));

	switch (param_id) {						switch (param_id) {
	case PROP_TEXT :						case PROP_TEXT :
		gnome_db_gray_bar_set_text (bar, g_value_get_			gnome_db_gray_bar_set_text (bar, g_value_get_
		break;								break;
	default :							default :
		break;								break;
	}								}
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_gray_bar_get_property (GObject *object,		gnome_db_gray_bar_get_property (GObject *object,
				guint param_id,							guint param_id,
				GValue *value,							GValue *value,
				GParamSpec *pspec)						GParamSpec *pspec)
{								{
	GnomeDbGrayBar *bar = (GnomeDbGrayBar *) object;		GnomeDbGrayBar *bar = (GnomeDbGrayBar *) object;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRAY_BAR (bar));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRAY_BAR (bar));

	switch (param_id) {						switch (param_id) {
	case PROP_TEXT :						case PROP_TEXT :
		g_value_set_string (value, gnome_db_gray_bar_			g_value_set_string (value, gnome_db_gray_bar_
		break;								break;
	default:							default:
		break;								break;
	}								}
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_gray_bar_finalize (GObject *object)			gnome_db_gray_bar_finalize (GObject *object)
{								{
	GnomeDbGrayBar *bar = (GnomeDbGrayBar *) object;		GnomeDbGrayBar *bar = (GnomeDbGrayBar *) object;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRAY_BAR (bar));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRAY_BAR (bar));

	if (bar->priv) {						if (bar->priv) {
		bar->priv->label = NULL;					bar->priv->label = NULL;
		bar->priv->icon = NULL;						bar->priv->icon = NULL;
		bar->priv->hbox = NULL;						bar->priv->hbox = NULL;

		g_free (bar->priv);						g_free (bar->priv);
		bar->priv = NULL;						bar->priv = NULL;
	}								}

	parent_class->finalize (object);				parent_class->finalize (object);
}								}

GType								GType
gnome_db_gray_bar_get_type (void)				gnome_db_gray_bar_get_type (void)
{								{
	static GType type = 0;						static GType type = 0;

	if (!type) {							if (!type) {
		static const GTypeInfo info = {					static const GTypeInfo info = {
			sizeof (GnomeDbGrayBarClass),					sizeof (GnomeDbGrayBarClass),
			(GBaseInitFunc) NULL,						(GBaseInitFunc) NULL,
			(GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL,					(GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL,
			(GClassInitFunc) gnome_db_gray_bar_cl				(GClassInitFunc) gnome_db_gray_bar_cl
			NULL,								NULL,
			NULL,								NULL,
			sizeof (GnomeDbGrayBar),					sizeof (GnomeDbGrayBar),
			0,								0,
			(GInstanceInitFunc) gnome_db_gray_bar				(GInstanceInitFunc) gnome_db_gray_bar
		};								};
		type = g_type_register_static (PARENT_TYPE, "			type = g_type_register_static (PARENT_TYPE, "
	}								}
	return type;							return type;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_gray_bar_new					 * gnome_db_gray_bar_new
 */								 */
GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_gray_bar_new (const gchar *label)			gnome_db_gray_bar_new (const gchar *label)
{								{
	GnomeDbGrayBar *bar;						GnomeDbGrayBar *bar;

	bar = g_object_new (GNOME_DB_TYPE_GRAY_BAR, NULL);		bar = g_object_new (GNOME_DB_TYPE_GRAY_BAR, NULL);
	gnome_db_gray_bar_set_text (bar, label);			gnome_db_gray_bar_set_text (bar, label);

	return GTK_WIDGET (bar);					return GTK_WIDGET (bar);
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_gray_bar_get_text					 * gnome_db_gray_bar_get_text
 * @bar: A #GnomeDbGrayBar widget.				 * @bar: A #GnomeDbGrayBar widget.
 *								 *
 * Get the text being displayed in the given gray bar widget.	 * Get the text being displayed in the given gray bar widget.
 * does not include any embedded underlines indicating mnemon	 * does not include any embedded underlines indicating mnemon
 * Pango markup.						 * Pango markup.
 *								 *
 * Returns: the text in the widget.				 * Returns: the text in the widget.
 */								 */
const gchar *							const gchar *
gnome_db_gray_bar_get_text (GnomeDbGrayBar *bar)		gnome_db_gray_bar_get_text (GnomeDbGrayBar *bar)
{								{
	gchar *text;							gchar *text;
	g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRAY_BAR (bar), NUL		g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRAY_BAR (bar), NUL

	text = gtk_label_get_text (GTK_LABEL (bar->priv->labe		text = gtk_label_get_text (GTK_LABEL (bar->priv->labe

	return (const gchar *) text;					return (const gchar *) text;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_gray_bar_set_text					 * gnome_db_gray_bar_set_text
 * @bar: A #GnomeDbGrayBar widget				 * @bar: A #GnomeDbGrayBar widget
 *								 *
 * Set the text displayed in the given gray bar widget. This 	 * Set the text displayed in the given gray bar widget. This 
 * embedded underlines indicating mnemonics or Pango markup.	 * embedded underlines indicating mnemonics or Pango markup.
 * 								 * 
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_gray_bar_set_text (GnomeDbGrayBar *bar, const gchar 	gnome_db_gray_bar_set_text (GnomeDbGrayBar *bar, const gchar 
{								{
	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRAY_BAR (bar));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRAY_BAR (bar));

	gtk_label_set_markup (GTK_LABEL (bar->priv->label), t		gtk_label_set_markup (GTK_LABEL (bar->priv->label), t
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_gray_set_icon_from_file				 * gnome_db_gray_set_icon_from_file
 * @bar: A #GnomeDbGrayBar widget.				 * @bar: A #GnomeDbGrayBar widget.
 * @file: filename.						 * @file: filename.
 *								 *
 * Set the icon displayed in the given gray bar widget. This 	 * Set the icon displayed in the given gray bar widget. This 
 * embedded underlines indicating mnemonics or Pango markup.	 * embedded underlines indicating mnemonics or Pango markup.
 * 								 * 
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_gray_bar_set_icon_from_file (GnomeDbGrayBar *bar, co	gnome_db_gray_bar_set_icon_from_file (GnomeDbGrayBar *bar, co
{								{
	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRAY_BAR (bar));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRAY_BAR (bar));
	gtk_image_set_from_file (GTK_IMAGE (bar->priv->icon),		gtk_image_set_from_file (GTK_IMAGE (bar->priv->icon),
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_gray_set_icon_from_stock				 * gnome_db_gray_set_icon_from_stock
 * @bar: a #GnomeDbGrayBar widget.				 * @bar: a #GnomeDbGrayBar widget.
 * @stock_id: a stock icon name.				 * @stock_id: a stock icon name.
 * @size: a tock icon size.					 * @size: a tock icon size.
 *								 *
 * Set the icon using a stock icon for the given gray bar.	 * Set the icon using a stock icon for the given gray bar.
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_gray_bar_set_icon_from_stock (GnomeDbGrayBar *bar, c	gnome_db_gray_bar_set_icon_from_stock (GnomeDbGrayBar *bar, c
{								{
	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRAY_BAR (bar));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRAY_BAR (bar));
	gtk_image_set_from_stock (GTK_IMAGE (bar->priv->icon)		gtk_image_set_from_stock (GTK_IMAGE (bar->priv->icon)
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_gray_bar_set_show_icon				 * gnome_db_gray_bar_set_show_icon
 * @bar: a #GnomeDbGrayBar widget.				 * @bar: a #GnomeDbGrayBar widget.
 * @show: whether to show the icon or not.			 * @show: whether to show the icon or not.
 *								 *
 * Set the icon displaying mode for the given grid.		 * Set the icon displaying mode for the given grid.
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_gray_bar_set_show_icon (GnomeDbGrayBar *bar, gboolea	gnome_db_gray_bar_set_show_icon (GnomeDbGrayBar *bar, gboolea
{								{
	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRAY_BAR (bar));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRAY_BAR (bar));

	if (show) {							if (show) {
		gtk_widget_show (bar->priv->icon);				gtk_widget_show (bar->priv->icon);
		bar->priv->show_icon = TRUE;					bar->priv->show_icon = TRUE;
	} else {							} else {
		gtk_widget_hide (bar->priv->icon);				gtk_widget_hide (bar->priv->icon);
		bar->priv->show_icon = FALSE;					bar->priv->show_icon = FALSE;
	}								}
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_gray_bar_get_show_icon				 * gnome_db_gray_bar_get_show_icon
 * @bar: a #GnomeDbGrayBar widget.				 * @bar: a #GnomeDbGrayBar widget.
 *								 *
 * Get whether the icon is being shown for the given gray bar	 * Get whether the icon is being shown for the given gray bar
 *								 *
 * Returns: TRUE if the icon is shown, FALSE if not.		 * Returns: TRUE if the icon is shown, FALSE if not.
 */								 */
gboolean							gboolean
gnome_db_gray_bar_get_show_icon (GnomeDbGrayBar *bar)		gnome_db_gray_bar_get_show_icon (GnomeDbGrayBar *bar)
{								{
	g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRAY_BAR (bar), FAL		g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRAY_BAR (bar), FAL

	return bar->priv->show_icon;					return bar->priv->show_icon;	
}								}
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-gray-bar.h ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-gray-bar.h
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#if !defined(__gnome_db_gray_bar_h__)				#if !defined(__gnome_db_gray_bar_h__)
#  define __gnome_db_gray_bar_h__				#  define __gnome_db_gray_bar_h__

#include <gtk/gtkbin.h>						#include <gtk/gtkbin.h>
#include <gtk/gtkimage.h>					#include <gtk/gtkimage.h>


#define GNOME_DB_TYPE_GRAY_BAR            (gnome_db_gray_bar_	#define GNOME_DB_TYPE_GRAY_BAR            (gnome_db_gray_bar_
#define GNOME_DB_GRAY_BAR(obj)            (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTA	#define GNOME_DB_GRAY_BAR(obj)            (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTA

typedef struct _GnomeDbGrayBar        GnomeDbGrayBar;		typedef struct _GnomeDbGrayBar        GnomeDbGrayBar;
typedef struct _GnomeDbGrayBarClass   GnomeDbGrayBarClass;	typedef struct _GnomeDbGrayBarClass   GnomeDbGrayBarClass;
typedef struct _GnomeDbGrayBarPrivate GnomeDbGrayBarPrivate;	typedef struct _GnomeDbGrayBarPrivate GnomeDbGrayBarPrivate;

struct _GnomeDbGrayBar {					struct _GnomeDbGrayBar {
	GtkBin bin;							GtkBin bin;
	GnomeDbGrayBarPrivate *priv;					GnomeDbGrayBarPrivate *priv;
};								};

struct _GnomeDbGrayBarClass {					struct _GnomeDbGrayBarClass {
	GtkBinClass parent_class;					GtkBinClass parent_class;
};								};

GType        gnome_db_gray_bar_get_type (void);			GType        gnome_db_gray_bar_get_type (void);
GtkWidget   *gnome_db_gray_bar_new (const gchar *text);		GtkWidget   *gnome_db_gray_bar_new (const gchar *text);
const gchar *gnome_db_gray_bar_get_text (GnomeDbGrayBar *bar)	const gchar *gnome_db_gray_bar_get_text (GnomeDbGrayBar *bar)
void         gnome_db_gray_bar_set_text (GnomeDbGrayBar *bar,	void         gnome_db_gray_bar_set_text (GnomeDbGrayBar *bar,
void         gnome_db_gray_bar_set_icon_from_file  (GnomeDbGr	void         gnome_db_gray_bar_set_icon_from_file  (GnomeDbGr
void         gnome_db_gray_bar_set_icon_from_stock (GnomeDbGr	void         gnome_db_gray_bar_set_icon_from_stock (GnomeDbGr
void         gnome_db_gray_bar_set_show_icon       (GnomeDbGr	void         gnome_db_gray_bar_set_show_icon       (GnomeDbGr
gboolean     gnome_db_gray_bar_get_show_icon       (GnomeDbGr	gboolean     gnome_db_gray_bar_get_show_icon       (GnomeDbGr


#endif								#endif
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#include <string.h>						#include <string.h>
#include <glib/gfileutils.h>					#include <glib/gfileutils.h>
#include <libgda/gda-util.h>					#include <libgda/gda-util.h>
#include <gtk/gtkcheckmenuitem.h>				#include <gtk/gtkcheckmenuitem.h>
#include <gtk/gtkdialog.h>					#include <gtk/gtkdialog.h>
#include <gtk/gtklabel.h>					#include <gtk/gtklabel.h>
#include <gtk/gtkradiobutton.h>					#include <gtk/gtkradiobutton.h>
#include <gtk/gtkseparatormenuitem.h>				#include <gtk/gtkseparatormenuitem.h>
#include <gtk/gtkstock.h>					#include <gtk/gtkstock.h>
#include <gtk/gtktable.h>					#include <gtk/gtktable.h>
#include <gtk/gtktreeselection.h>				#include <gtk/gtktreeselection.h>
#include <gtk/gtktreeview.h>					#include <gtk/gtktreeview.h>
#include <gtk/gtkwindow.h>					#include <gtk/gtkwindow.h>
#include <gobject/gmarshal.h>					#include <gobject/gmarshal.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-gray-bar.h>			#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-gray-bar.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-model.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-model.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.h>			#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.h>
#include <libgnomeui/gnome-file-entry.h>			#include <libgnomeui/gnome-file-entry.h>
#endif								#endif
#include "gnome-db-i18n.h"					#include "gnome-db-i18n.h"
#include "libgnomedb-private.h"					#include "libgnomedb-private.h"


struct _GnomeDbGridPrivate {					struct _GnomeDbGridPrivate {
	GdaDataModel *model;						GdaDataModel *model;

	/* widgets */							/* widgets */
	GtkWidget *title;						GtkWidget *title;
	GtkWidget *scroll;						GtkWidget *scroll;
	GtkWidget *tree_view;						GtkWidget *tree_view;

	gchar *title_string;						gchar *title_string;
	gboolean show_title;						gboolean show_title;
	GtkSelectionMode selection_mode;				GtkSelectionMode selection_mode;

	GHashTable *row_data;						GHashTable *row_data;
};								};

static void gnome_db_grid_class_init   (GnomeDbGridClass *kla	static void gnome_db_grid_class_init   (GnomeDbGridClass *kla
static void gnome_db_grid_init         (GnomeDbGrid *grid, Gn	static void gnome_db_grid_init         (GnomeDbGrid *grid, Gn
static void gnome_db_grid_set_property (GObject *object,	static void gnome_db_grid_set_property (GObject *object,
					guint paramid,							guint paramid,
					const GValue *value,						const GValue *value,
					GParamSpec *pspec);						GParamSpec *pspec);
static void gnome_db_grid_get_property (GObject *object,	static void gnome_db_grid_get_property (GObject *object,
					guint param_id,							guint param_id,
					GValue *value,							GValue *value,
					GParamSpec *pspec);						GParamSpec *pspec);
static void gnome_db_grid_finalize   (GObject *object);		static void gnome_db_grid_finalize   (GObject *object);

enum {								enum {
};								};

enum {								enum {
	PROP_0,								PROP_0,
};								};

static gint gnome_db_grid_signals[LAST_SIGNAL] = { 0 };		static gint gnome_db_grid_signals[LAST_SIGNAL] = { 0 };
static GdkAtom clipboard_atom = GDK_NONE;			static GdkAtom clipboard_atom = GDK_NONE;
static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL;			static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL;

/*								/*
 * Callbacks							 * Callbacks
 */								 */

#if 0								#if 0
static void							static void
menu_describe_cb (GtkWidget *widget, gpointer user_data)	menu_describe_cb (GtkWidget *widget, gpointer user_data)
{								{
	GtkWidget *dialog;						GtkWidget *dialog;
	GtkWidget *description;						GtkWidget *description;
	GdkPixbuf *icon;						GdkPixbuf *icon;
	GnomeDbGrid *grid = (GnomeDbGrid *) user_data;			GnomeDbGrid *grid = (GnomeDbGrid *) user_data;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid));

	/* create the dialog */						/* create the dialog */
	dialog = gtk_dialog_new_with_buttons (				dialog = gtk_dialog_new_with_buttons (
		_("Recordset description"),					_("Recordset description"),
		GTK_WINDOW (gtk_widget_get_toplevel (GTK_WIDG			GTK_WINDOW (gtk_widget_get_toplevel (GTK_WIDG
		NULL);								NULL);

	icon = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file (LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR 		icon = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file (LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR 
	if (icon) {							if (icon) {
		gtk_window_set_icon (GTK_WINDOW (dialog), ico			gtk_window_set_icon (GTK_WINDOW (dialog), ico
		g_object_unref (icon);						g_object_unref (icon);
	}								}

	description = gnome_db_table_editor_new ();			description = gnome_db_table_editor_new ();
	gtk_widget_show (description);					gtk_widget_show (description);
	gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (GTK_DIALOG (dialog)->vbo		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (GTK_DIALOG (dialog)->vbo

	/* run the dialog */						/* run the dialog */
	gtk_dialog_run (GTK_DIALOG (dialog));				gtk_dialog_run (GTK_DIALOG (dialog));
	gtk_widget_destroy (dialog);					gtk_widget_destroy (dialog);
}								}
#endif								#endif

static gboolean							static gboolean
confirm_overwrite (GtkWindow *parent, const gchar *path)	confirm_overwrite (GtkWindow *parent, const gchar *path)
{								{
	GtkWidget *dialog, *button;					GtkWidget *dialog, *button;
	gboolean yes;							gboolean yes;
	gchar *msg;							gchar *msg;

	msg = g_strdup_printf (_("File '%s' already exists.\n		msg = g_strdup_printf (_("File '%s' already exists.\n
				 "Do you want to overwrite it					 "Do you want to overwrite it

	/* build the dialog */						/* build the dialog */
	dialog = gnome_db_new_alert (					dialog = gnome_db_new_alert (
		NULL,								NULL,
		msg,								msg,
		_("If you choose yes, the contents will be lo			_("If you choose yes, the contents will be lo
	button = gtk_button_new_from_stock (GTK_STOCK_CANCEL)		button = gtk_button_new_from_stock (GTK_STOCK_CANCEL)
	gtk_dialog_add_action_widget (GTK_DIALOG (dialog),		gtk_dialog_add_action_widget (GTK_DIALOG (dialog),
				      button,							      button,
				      GTK_RESPONSE_NO);						      GTK_RESPONSE_NO);
	gtk_dialog_add_action_widget (GTK_DIALOG (dialog),		gtk_dialog_add_action_widget (GTK_DIALOG (dialog),
				      gtk_button_new_from_sto					      gtk_button_new_from_sto
				      GTK_RESPONSE_YES);					      GTK_RESPONSE_YES);
	gtk_dialog_set_default_response (GTK_DIALOG (dialog),		gtk_dialog_set_default_response (GTK_DIALOG (dialog),

	/* run the dialog */						/* run the dialog */
	gtk_widget_show_all (dialog);					gtk_widget_show_all (dialog);
	yes = gtk_dialog_run (GTK_DIALOG (dialog)) == GTK_RES		yes = gtk_dialog_run (GTK_DIALOG (dialog)) == GTK_RES

	/* free memory */						/* free memory */
	gtk_widget_destroy (dialog);					gtk_widget_destroy (dialog);
	g_free (msg);							g_free (msg);
	return yes;							return yes;
}								}
static void							static void
save_as_response_cb (GtkDialog *dialog, guint response_id, gp	save_as_response_cb (GtkDialog *dialog, guint response_id, gp
{								{
	GtkWidget *types;						GtkWidget *types;
	GtkWidget *sel_type;						GtkWidget *sel_type;
	GtkWidget *to_tab;						GtkWidget *to_tab;
	GtkWidget *to_comma;						GtkWidget *to_comma;
	GtkWidget *to_xml;						GtkWidget *to_xml;
	GtkWidget *filename;						GtkWidget *filename;
	GnomeDbGrid *grid = (GnomeDbGrid *) user_data;			GnomeDbGrid *grid = (GnomeDbGrid *) user_data;

	if (response_id == GTK_RESPONSE_OK) {				if (response_id == GTK_RESPONSE_OK) {
		gchar *body;							gchar *body;
		gchar *path;							gchar *path;

		types = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (dialog),			types = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (dialog),
		to_tab = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (dialog)			to_tab = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (dialog)
		to_comma = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (dialo			to_comma = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (dialo
		to_xml = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (dialog)			to_xml = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (dialog)
		filename = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (dialo			filename = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (dialo

		sel_type = gtk_menu_get_active (				sel_type = gtk_menu_get_active (
			GTK_MENU (gtk_option_menu_get_menu (G				GTK_MENU (gtk_option_menu_get_menu (G

		if (sel_type == to_tab)						if (sel_type == to_tab)
			body = gda_data_model_to_tab_separate				body = gda_data_model_to_tab_separate
		else if (sel_type == to_comma)					else if (sel_type == to_comma)
			body = gda_data_model_to_comma_separa				body = gda_data_model_to_comma_separa
		else if (sel_type == to_xml)					else if (sel_type == to_xml)
			body = gda_data_model_to_xml (grid->p				body = gda_data_model_to_xml (grid->p
		else								else
			body = NULL;							body = NULL;

		if (body) {							if (body) {
			path = gnome_file_entry_get_full_path				path = gnome_file_entry_get_full_path
			if (path) {							if (path) {
				if (g_file_test (path, G_FILE					if (g_file_test (path, G_FILE
					if (!confirm_overwrit						if (!confirm_overwrit
						g_free (body)							g_free (body)
						g_free (path)							g_free (path)
						return;								return;
					}								}
				}								}

				if (!gda_file_save (path, bod					if (!gda_file_save (path, bod
					gnome_db_show_error (						gnome_db_show_error (
					g_free (body);							g_free (body);
					g_free (path);							g_free (path);
					return;								return;
				}								}
				g_free (path);							g_free (path);
			} else {							} else {
				gnome_db_show_error (_("You m					gnome_db_show_error (_("You m
				g_free (body);							g_free (body);
				return;								return;
			}								}
			g_free (body);							g_free (body);
		} else								} else
			gnome_db_show_error (_("Got empty fil				gnome_db_show_error (_("Got empty fil
	}								}

	gtk_widget_destroy (GTK_WIDGET (dialog));			gtk_widget_destroy (GTK_WIDGET (dialog));
}								}

static void							static void
filename_changed_cb (GtkWidget *widget, GtkDialog *dialog)	filename_changed_cb (GtkWidget *widget, GtkDialog *dialog)
{								{
	gboolean ok = gnome_file_entry_get_full_path (GNOME_F		gboolean ok = gnome_file_entry_get_full_path (GNOME_F
	gtk_dialog_set_response_sensitive (dialog, GTK_RESPON		gtk_dialog_set_response_sensitive (dialog, GTK_RESPON
}								}

static void							static void
menu_save_as_cb (GtkWidget *widget, gpointer user_data)		menu_save_as_cb (GtkWidget *widget, gpointer user_data)
{								{
	GtkWidget *dialog;						GtkWidget *dialog;
	GtkWidget *table;						GtkWidget *table;
	GtkWidget *label;						GtkWidget *label;
	GtkWidget *filename;						GtkWidget *filename;
	GtkWidget *types;						GtkWidget *types;
	GtkWidget *to_tab;						GtkWidget *to_tab;
	GtkWidget *to_comma;						GtkWidget *to_comma;
	GtkWidget *to_xml;						GtkWidget *to_xml;
	GnomeDbGrid *grid = (GnomeDbGrid *) user_data;			GnomeDbGrid *grid = (GnomeDbGrid *) user_data;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid));
	g_return_if_fail (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (grid->priv->mode		g_return_if_fail (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (grid->priv->mode

	/* create dialog box */						/* create dialog box */
	dialog = gtk_dialog_new_with_buttons (				dialog = gtk_dialog_new_with_buttons (
		_("Saving Model"),						_("Saving Model"),
		GTK_WINDOW (gtk_widget_get_toplevel (GTK_WIDG			GTK_WINDOW (gtk_widget_get_toplevel (GTK_WIDG
		NULL);								NULL);
	gtk_window_set_resizable (GTK_WINDOW (dialog), FALSE)		gtk_window_set_resizable (GTK_WINDOW (dialog), FALSE)
	gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (dialog		gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (dialog
	gtk_dialog_set_response_sensitive (GTK_DIALOG (dialog		gtk_dialog_set_response_sensitive (GTK_DIALOG (dialog

	table = gnome_db_new_table_widget (2, 2, FALSE);		table = gnome_db_new_table_widget (2, 2, FALSE);
	gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (GTK_DIALOG (dialog)->vbo		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (GTK_DIALOG (dialog)->vbo
	label = gtk_label_new_with_mnemonic (_("File _name:")		label = gtk_label_new_with_mnemonic (_("File _name:")
	gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (label), 0.0, 0.0);		gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (label), 0.0, 0.0);
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), label, 0, 1, 0, 		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), label, 0, 1, 0, 
	filename = gnome_db_new_file_entry_widget ("gnome-db-		filename = gnome_db_new_file_entry_widget ("gnome-db-
						   _("Select 							   _("Select 
	g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (filename), "changed",		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (filename), "changed",
			  G_CALLBACK (filename_changed_cb), d				  G_CALLBACK (filename_changed_cb), d
	g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (dialog), "filename", fil		g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (dialog), "filename", fil
	gtk_label_set_mnemonic_widget (GTK_LABEL (label), fil		gtk_label_set_mnemonic_widget (GTK_LABEL (label), fil
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), filename, 1, 2, 		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), filename, 1, 2, 

	label = gtk_label_new_with_mnemonic (_("File _type:")		label = gtk_label_new_with_mnemonic (_("File _type:")
	gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (label), 0.0, 0.0);		gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (label), 0.0, 0.0);
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), label, 0, 1, 1, 		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), label, 0, 1, 1, 
	types = gnome_db_new_option_menu_widget ();			types = gnome_db_new_option_menu_widget ();
	gtk_label_set_mnemonic_widget (GTK_LABEL (label), typ		gtk_label_set_mnemonic_widget (GTK_LABEL (label), typ
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), types, 1, 2, 1, 		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), types, 1, 2, 1, 
	g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (dialog), "types", types)		g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (dialog), "types", types)
	to_tab = gnome_db_option_menu_add_item (GTK_OPTION_ME		to_tab = gnome_db_option_menu_add_item (GTK_OPTION_ME
						_("Tab-delimi							_("Tab-delimi
	g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (dialog), "to_tab", to_ta		g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (dialog), "to_tab", to_ta
	to_comma = gnome_db_option_menu_add_item (GTK_OPTION_		to_comma = gnome_db_option_menu_add_item (GTK_OPTION_
						  _("Comma-de							  _("Comma-de
	g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (dialog), "to_comma", to_		g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (dialog), "to_comma", to_
	to_xml = gnome_db_option_menu_add_item (GTK_OPTION_ME		to_xml = gnome_db_option_menu_add_item (GTK_OPTION_ME
						_("XML"));							_("XML"));
	gnome_db_option_menu_set_selection (GTK_OPTION_MENU (		gnome_db_option_menu_set_selection (GTK_OPTION_MENU (
	g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (dialog), "to_xml", to_xm		g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (dialog), "to_xml", to_xm

	/* run the dialog */						/* run the dialog */
	g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (dialog), "response", G_CA		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (dialog), "response", G_CA
	gtk_widget_show_all (dialog);					gtk_widget_show_all (dialog);
}								}
#endif								#endif

static void							static void
menu_select_all_cb (GtkWidget *widget, gpointer user_data)	menu_select_all_cb (GtkWidget *widget, gpointer user_data)
{								{
	GnomeDbGrid *grid = (GnomeDbGrid *) user_data;			GnomeDbGrid *grid = (GnomeDbGrid *) user_data;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid));
	gnome_db_grid_select_all (grid);				gnome_db_grid_select_all (grid);
}								}

static void							static void
menu_show_columns_cb (GtkWidget *widget, gpointer user_data)	menu_show_columns_cb (GtkWidget *widget, gpointer user_data)
{								{
	GnomeDbGrid *grid;						GnomeDbGrid *grid;
	GtkCheckMenuItem *item;						GtkCheckMenuItem *item;

	grid = (GnomeDbGrid *) user_data;				grid = (GnomeDbGrid *) user_data;
	item = (GtkCheckMenuItem *) widget;				item = (GtkCheckMenuItem *) widget;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid));
	g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_CHECK_MENU_ITEM (item));		g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_CHECK_MENU_ITEM (item));

	gnome_db_grid_set_column_titles_visible (			gnome_db_grid_set_column_titles_visible (
		grid, 								grid, 
		gtk_check_menu_item_get_active (item));				gtk_check_menu_item_get_active (item));
}								}

static void							static void
menu_unselect_all_cb (GtkWidget *widget, gpointer user_data)	menu_unselect_all_cb (GtkWidget *widget, gpointer user_data)
{								{
	GnomeDbGrid *grid = (GnomeDbGrid *) user_data;			GnomeDbGrid *grid = (GnomeDbGrid *) user_data;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid));
	gnome_db_grid_unselect_all (grid);				gnome_db_grid_unselect_all (grid);
}								}

#if 0								#if 0
static void							static void
menu_view_detail_cb (GtkWidget *widget, gpointer user_data)	menu_view_detail_cb (GtkWidget *widget, gpointer user_data)
{								{
	GtkWidget *dialog;						GtkWidget *dialog;
	GtkWidget *form;						GtkWidget *form;
	GdkPixbuf *icon;						GdkPixbuf *icon;
	GnomeDbGrid *grid = (GnomeDbGrid *) user_data;			GnomeDbGrid *grid = (GnomeDbGrid *) user_data;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid));

	/* create the dialog */						/* create the dialog */
	dialog = gtk_dialog_new_with_buttons (				dialog = gtk_dialog_new_with_buttons (
		_("View detail"),						_("View detail"),
		GTK_WINDOW (gtk_widget_get_toplevel (GTK_WIDG			GTK_WINDOW (gtk_widget_get_toplevel (GTK_WIDG
		NULL);								NULL);

	icon = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file (LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR 		icon = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file (LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR 
	if (icon) {							if (icon) {
		gtk_window_set_icon (GTK_WINDOW (dialog), ico			gtk_window_set_icon (GTK_WINDOW (dialog), ico
		g_object_unref (icon);						g_object_unref (icon);
	}								}

	form = gnome_db_form_new ();					form = gnome_db_form_new ();
	gtk_widget_show (form);						gtk_widget_show (form);
	gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (GTK_DIALOG (dialog)->vbo		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (GTK_DIALOG (dialog)->vbo
	gnome_db_form_set_form_type (GNOME_DB_FORM (form), GN		gnome_db_form_set_form_type (GNOME_DB_FORM (form), GN
	gnome_db_form_set_model (GNOME_DB_FORM (form), grid->		gnome_db_form_set_model (GNOME_DB_FORM (form), grid->

	/* run the dialog */						/* run the dialog */
	gtk_dialog_run (GTK_DIALOG (dialog));				gtk_dialog_run (GTK_DIALOG (dialog));
	gtk_widget_destroy (dialog);					gtk_widget_destroy (dialog);
}								}
#endif								#endif

static void							static void
model_row_removed_cb (GdaDataModel *model, gint row, gpointer	model_row_removed_cb (GdaDataModel *model, gint row, gpointer
{								{
	gint i, rows;							gint i, rows;
	gpointer key, value;						gpointer key, value;
	GnomeDbGrid *grid = (GnomeDbGrid *) user_data;			GnomeDbGrid *grid = (GnomeDbGrid *) user_data;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid));

	rows = gda_data_model_get_n_rows (grid->priv->model);		rows = gda_data_model_get_n_rows (grid->priv->model);
	for (i = row; i <= rows; i++) {					for (i = row; i <= rows; i++) {
		if (g_hash_table_lookup_extended (grid->priv-			if (g_hash_table_lookup_extended (grid->priv-
			g_hash_table_remove (grid->priv->row_				g_hash_table_remove (grid->priv->row_
			if (i > row) {							if (i > row) {
				/* update the rows */						/* update the rows */
				g_hash_table_insert (grid->pr					g_hash_table_insert (grid->pr
			}								}
		}								}
	}								}
}								}

static gint							static gint
popup_button_pressed_cb (GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventButton *e	popup_button_pressed_cb (GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventButton *e
{								{
	GtkWidget *menu;						GtkWidget *menu;
	GnomeDbGrid *grid = (GnomeDbGrid *) user_data;			GnomeDbGrid *grid = (GnomeDbGrid *) user_data;

	g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid), FALSE)		g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid), FALSE)
	if (event->button != 3)						if (event->button != 3)
		return FALSE;							return FALSE;

	/* create the menu */						/* create the menu */
	menu = gtk_menu_new ();						menu = gtk_menu_new ();
	gtk_menu_append (						gtk_menu_append (
		GTK_MENU (menu),						GTK_MENU (menu),
		gnome_db_new_menu_item (_("Select _All"),			gnome_db_new_menu_item (_("Select _All"),
					FALSE,								FALSE,
					G_CALLBACK (menu_sele						G_CALLBACK (menu_sele
					grid));								grid));	
	gtk_menu_append (						gtk_menu_append (
		GTK_MENU (menu),						GTK_MENU (menu),
		gnome_db_new_menu_item (_("_Clear Selection")			gnome_db_new_menu_item (_("_Clear Selection")
					FALSE,								FALSE,
					G_CALLBACK (menu_unse						G_CALLBACK (menu_unse
					grid));								grid));
	gtk_menu_append (						gtk_menu_append (
		GTK_MENU (menu),						GTK_MENU (menu),
		gnome_db_new_check_menu_item (					gnome_db_new_check_menu_item (
			_("Show Column _Titles"),					_("Show Column _Titles"),
			gnome_db_grid_get_column_titles_visib				gnome_db_grid_get_column_titles_visib
			G_CALLBACK (menu_show_columns_cb),				G_CALLBACK (menu_show_columns_cb),
			grid));								grid));

	gtk_menu_append (GTK_MENU (menu), gtk_separator_menu_		gtk_menu_append (GTK_MENU (menu), gtk_separator_menu_
	gtk_menu_append (						gtk_menu_append (
		GTK_MENU (menu),						GTK_MENU (menu),
		gnome_db_new_menu_item (GTK_STOCK_SAVE_AS,			gnome_db_new_menu_item (GTK_STOCK_SAVE_AS,
					TRUE,								TRUE,
				      	G_CALLBACK (menu_save					      	G_CALLBACK (menu_save
					grid));								grid));
#endif								#endif
#if 0								#if 0
	add_popup_menu_item (GTK_MENU (menu), _("Describe"), 		add_popup_menu_item (GTK_MENU (menu), _("Describe"), 
	add_popup_menu_item (GTK_MENU (menu), _("View detail.		add_popup_menu_item (GTK_MENU (menu), _("View detail.
#endif								#endif

	/* allow listeners to add their custom menu items */		/* allow listeners to add their custom menu items */
	g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (grid), gnome_db_grid_signals		g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (grid), gnome_db_grid_signals
	gtk_menu_popup (GTK_MENU (menu), NULL, NULL, NULL, NU		gtk_menu_popup (GTK_MENU (menu), NULL, NULL, NULL, NU
	gtk_widget_show_all (menu);					gtk_widget_show_all (menu);

	return TRUE;							return TRUE;
}								}

static void							static void
selection_foreach (GtkTreeModel *tree_model,			selection_foreach (GtkTreeModel *tree_model,
		   GtkTreePath *path,						   GtkTreePath *path,
		   GtkTreeIter *iter,						   GtkTreeIter *iter,
		   gpointer user_data)						   gpointer user_data)
{								{
	DataModelInfo *iter_info;					DataModelInfo *iter_info;
	GnomeDbGrid *grid = (GnomeDbGrid *) user_data;			GnomeDbGrid *grid = (GnomeDbGrid *) user_data;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid));
	g_return_if_fail (iter != NULL);				g_return_if_fail (iter != NULL);

	gtk_tree_model_get (tree_model, iter, 0, &iter_info, 		gtk_tree_model_get (tree_model, iter, 0, &iter_info, 
	if (iter_info) {						if (iter_info) {
		g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (grid), gnome_db_grid			g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (grid), gnome_db_grid
			       0, iter_info->row);					       0, iter_info->row);
	}								}
}								}

static void							static void
selection_changed_cb (GtkTreeSelection *selection, gpointer u	selection_changed_cb (GtkTreeSelection *selection, gpointer u
{								{
	GtkTreeModel *tree_model;					GtkTreeModel *tree_model;
	GtkTreeIter iter;						GtkTreeIter iter;
	GnomeDbGrid *grid = (GnomeDbGrid *) user_data;			GnomeDbGrid *grid = (GnomeDbGrid *) user_data;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid));

	switch (gtk_tree_selection_get_mode (selection)) {		switch (gtk_tree_selection_get_mode (selection)) {
		gtk_tree_selection_selected_foreach (				gtk_tree_selection_selected_foreach (
			selection,							selection,
			(GtkTreeSelectionForeachFunc) selecti				(GtkTreeSelectionForeachFunc) selecti
			grid);								grid);
		break;								break;
	default :							default :
		if (gtk_tree_selection_get_selected (selectio			if (gtk_tree_selection_get_selected (selectio
			DataModelInfo *iter_info;					DataModelInfo *iter_info;

			gtk_tree_model_get (tree_model, &iter				gtk_tree_model_get (tree_model, &iter
			g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (grid), gnome				g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (grid), gnome
				       0, iter_info->row);					       0, iter_info->row);
		}								}
		else								else
			g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (grid),					g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (grid),
				       gnome_db_grid_signals[					       gnome_db_grid_signals[
		break;								break;
	}								}
}								}

static void							static void
tree_view_row_activated_cb (GtkTreeView *tree_view, GtkTreePa	tree_view_row_activated_cb (GtkTreeView *tree_view, GtkTreePa
			    GtkTreeViewColumn *column, gpoint				    GtkTreeViewColumn *column, gpoint
{								{
	GtkTreeIter iter;						GtkTreeIter iter;
	DataModelInfo *info = NULL;					DataModelInfo *info = NULL;
	GnomeDbGrid *grid = (GnomeDbGrid *) user_data;			GnomeDbGrid *grid = (GnomeDbGrid *) user_data;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid));

	if (!gtk_tree_model_get_iter (gtk_tree_view_get_model		if (!gtk_tree_model_get_iter (gtk_tree_view_get_model
		return;								return;

	gtk_tree_model_get (gtk_tree_view_get_model (GTK_TREE		gtk_tree_model_get (gtk_tree_view_get_model (GTK_TREE
	if (!info)							if (!info)
		return;								return;

	g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (grid), gnome_db_grid_signals		g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (grid), gnome_db_grid_signals
}								}

/*								/*
 * Private functions						 * Private functions
 */								 */

static void							static void
setup_grid (GnomeDbGrid *grid)					setup_grid (GnomeDbGrid *grid)
{								{
	GtkTreeSelection *selection;					GtkTreeSelection *selection;

	g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (grid->priv->tree_view), "		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (grid->priv->tree_view), "
			  G_CALLBACK (tree_view_row_activated				  G_CALLBACK (tree_view_row_activated
	g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (grid->priv->tree_view), "		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (grid->priv->tree_view), "
			  G_CALLBACK (popup_button_pressed_cb				  G_CALLBACK (popup_button_pressed_cb

	/* setup selection stuff */					/* setup selection stuff */
	selection = gtk_tree_view_get_selection (GTK_TREE_VIE		selection = gtk_tree_view_get_selection (GTK_TREE_VIE
	gtk_tree_selection_set_mode (selection, grid->priv->s		gtk_tree_selection_set_mode (selection, grid->priv->s
	g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (selection), "changed",		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (selection), "changed",
			  G_CALLBACK (selection_changed_cb), 				  G_CALLBACK (selection_changed_cb), 
}								}

/*								/*
 * GnomeDbGrid class implementation				 * GnomeDbGrid class implementation
 */								 */

static void							static void
gnome_db_grid_class_init (GnomeDbGridClass *klass)		gnome_db_grid_class_init (GnomeDbGridClass *klass)
{								{
	GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);		GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);

	parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);		parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);

	object_class->set_property = gnome_db_grid_set_proper		object_class->set_property = gnome_db_grid_set_proper
	object_class->get_property = gnome_db_grid_get_proper		object_class->get_property = gnome_db_grid_get_proper
	object_class->finalize = gnome_db_grid_finalize;		object_class->finalize = gnome_db_grid_finalize;
	klass->row_selected = NULL;					klass->row_selected = NULL;
	klass->selection_cleared = NULL;				klass->selection_cleared = NULL;

	/* add class properties */					/* add class properties */
	g_object_class_install_property (				g_object_class_install_property (
		object_class, PROP_MODEL,					object_class, PROP_MODEL,
		g_param_spec_object ("model", NULL, NULL,			g_param_spec_object ("model", NULL, NULL,

	/* add class signals */						/* add class signals */
	gnome_db_grid_signals[ROW_SELECTED] =				gnome_db_grid_signals[ROW_SELECTED] =
		g_signal_new ("row_selected",					g_signal_new ("row_selected",
			      G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class				      G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class
			      G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,					      G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,
			      G_STRUCT_OFFSET (GnomeDbGridCla				      G_STRUCT_OFFSET (GnomeDbGridCla
			      NULL, NULL,						      NULL, NULL,
			      g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__INT,				      g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__INT,
			      G_TYPE_NONE, 1, G_TYPE_INT);				      G_TYPE_NONE, 1, G_TYPE_INT);
	gnome_db_grid_signals[SELECTION_CLEARED] =			gnome_db_grid_signals[SELECTION_CLEARED] =
		g_signal_new ("selection_cleared",				g_signal_new ("selection_cleared",
			      G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class				      G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class
			      G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,					      G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,
			      G_STRUCT_OFFSET (GnomeDbGridCla				      G_STRUCT_OFFSET (GnomeDbGridCla
			      NULL, NULL,						      NULL, NULL,
			      g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID,				      g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID,
			      G_TYPE_NONE, 0);						      G_TYPE_NONE, 0);
	gnome_db_grid_signals[DOUBLE_CLICKED] =				gnome_db_grid_signals[DOUBLE_CLICKED] =
		g_signal_new ("double_clicked",					g_signal_new ("double_clicked",
			      G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class				      G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class
			      G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,					      G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,
			      G_STRUCT_OFFSET (GnomeDbGridCla				      G_STRUCT_OFFSET (GnomeDbGridCla
			      NULL, NULL,						      NULL, NULL,
			      g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__INT,				      g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__INT,
			      G_TYPE_NONE, 1, G_TYPE_INT);				      G_TYPE_NONE, 1, G_TYPE_INT);
	gnome_db_grid_signals[CREATE_POPUP_MENU] =			gnome_db_grid_signals[CREATE_POPUP_MENU] =
		g_signal_new ("create_popup_menu",				g_signal_new ("create_popup_menu",
			      G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class				      G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class
			      G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,					      G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,
			      G_STRUCT_OFFSET (GnomeDbGridCla				      G_STRUCT_OFFSET (GnomeDbGridCla
			      NULL, NULL,						      NULL, NULL,
			      g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__POINTE				      g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__POINTE

	/* clipboard atom */						/* clipboard atom */
	if (!clipboard_atom)						if (!clipboard_atom)
		clipboard_atom = gdk_atom_intern ("CLIPBOARD"			clipboard_atom = gdk_atom_intern ("CLIPBOARD"
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_grid_init (GnomeDbGrid *grid, GnomeDbGridClass *klas	gnome_db_grid_init (GnomeDbGrid *grid, GnomeDbGridClass *klas
{								{
	/* allocate the internal structure */				/* allocate the internal structure */
	grid->priv = g_new0 (GnomeDbGridPrivate, 1);			grid->priv = g_new0 (GnomeDbGridPrivate, 1);
	grid->priv->show_title = FALSE;					grid->priv->show_title = FALSE;
	grid->priv->title_string = g_strdup (_("Title"));		grid->priv->title_string = g_strdup (_("Title"));
	grid->priv->row_data = g_hash_table_new (g_direct_has		grid->priv->row_data = g_hash_table_new (g_direct_has

	/* set up widgets */						/* set up widgets */
	grid->priv->title = gnome_db_gray_bar_new (grid->priv		grid->priv->title = gnome_db_gray_bar_new (grid->priv
	gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (grid), grid->priv->title		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (grid), grid->priv->title

	grid->priv->scroll = gnome_db_new_scrolled_window_wid		grid->priv->scroll = gnome_db_new_scrolled_window_wid
	gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (grid), grid->priv->scrol		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (grid), grid->priv->scrol

	grid->priv->tree_view = gnome_db_new_tree_view_widget		grid->priv->tree_view = gnome_db_new_tree_view_widget
	gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (grid->priv->scroll)		gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (grid->priv->scroll)
	setup_grid (grid);						setup_grid (grid);

	gnome_db_grid_set_selection_mode (grid, GTK_SELECTION		gnome_db_grid_set_selection_mode (grid, GTK_SELECTION
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_grid_set_property (GObject *object,			gnome_db_grid_set_property (GObject *object,
			    guint param_id,						    guint param_id,
			    const GValue *value,					    const GValue *value,
			    GParamSpec *pspec)						    GParamSpec *pspec)
{								{
	GnomeDbGrid *grid = (GnomeDbGrid *) object;			GnomeDbGrid *grid = (GnomeDbGrid *) object;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid));

	switch (param_id) {						switch (param_id) {
	case PROP_MODEL :						case PROP_MODEL :
		gnome_db_grid_set_model (grid, GDA_DATA_MODEL			gnome_db_grid_set_model (grid, GDA_DATA_MODEL
		break;								break;
	default :							default :
		break;								break;
	}								}
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_grid_get_property (GObject *object,			gnome_db_grid_get_property (GObject *object,
			    guint param_id,						    guint param_id,
			    GValue *value,						    GValue *value,
			    GParamSpec *pspec)						    GParamSpec *pspec)
{								{
	GnomeDbGrid *grid = (GnomeDbGrid *) object;			GnomeDbGrid *grid = (GnomeDbGrid *) object;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid));

	switch (param_id) {						switch (param_id) {
	case PROP_MODEL :						case PROP_MODEL :
		g_value_set_object (value, G_OBJECT (grid->pr			g_value_set_object (value, G_OBJECT (grid->pr
		break;								break;
	default:							default:
		break;								break;
	}								}
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_grid_finalize (GObject *object)			gnome_db_grid_finalize (GObject *object)
{								{
	GnomeDbGrid *grid = (GnomeDbGrid *) object;			GnomeDbGrid *grid = (GnomeDbGrid *) object;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid));

	/* free memory */						/* free memory */
	if (grid->priv->title_string) {					if (grid->priv->title_string) {
		g_free (grid->priv->title_string);				g_free (grid->priv->title_string);
		grid->priv->title_string = NULL;				grid->priv->title_string = NULL;
	}								}

	if (grid->priv->model) {					if (grid->priv->model) {
		g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func (G_OBJEC			g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func (G_OBJEC
		g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (grid->priv->model))			g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (grid->priv->model))
		grid->priv->model = NULL;					grid->priv->model = NULL;
	}								}

	g_hash_table_destroy (grid->priv->row_data);			g_hash_table_destroy (grid->priv->row_data);
	grid->priv->row_data = NULL;					grid->priv->row_data = NULL;

	g_free (grid->priv);						g_free (grid->priv);
	grid->priv = NULL;						grid->priv = NULL;

	parent_class->finalize (object);				parent_class->finalize (object);
}								}

GType								GType
gnome_db_grid_get_type (void)					gnome_db_grid_get_type (void)
{								{
	static GType type = 0;						static GType type = 0;

	if (!type) {							if (!type) {
		static const GTypeInfo info = {					static const GTypeInfo info = {
			sizeof (GnomeDbGridClass),					sizeof (GnomeDbGridClass),
			(GBaseInitFunc) NULL,						(GBaseInitFunc) NULL,
			(GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL,					(GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL,
			(GClassInitFunc) gnome_db_grid_class_				(GClassInitFunc) gnome_db_grid_class_
			NULL,								NULL,
			NULL,								NULL,
			sizeof (GnomeDbGrid),						sizeof (GnomeDbGrid),
			0,								0,
			(GInstanceInitFunc) gnome_db_grid_ini				(GInstanceInitFunc) gnome_db_grid_ini
		};								};
		type = g_type_register_static (PARENT_TYPE, "			type = g_type_register_static (PARENT_TYPE, "
	}								}
	return type;							return type;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_grid_new						 * gnome_db_grid_new
 * 								 * 
 * Create a #GnomeDbGrid.					 * Create a #GnomeDbGrid.
 *								 *
 * Returns: a GtkWidget widget.					 * Returns: a GtkWidget widget.
 */								 */
GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_grid_new (void)					gnome_db_grid_new (void)
{								{
	GnomeDbGrid *grid;						GnomeDbGrid *grid;

	grid = g_object_new (GNOME_DB_TYPE_GRID, NULL);			grid = g_object_new (GNOME_DB_TYPE_GRID, NULL);
	return GTK_WIDGET (grid);					return GTK_WIDGET (grid);
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_grid_new_with_model					 * gnome_db_grid_new_with_model
 * @model: a #GdaDataModel variable.				 * @model: a #GdaDataModel variable.
 * 								 * 
 * Create a #GnomeDbGrid with a #GdaDataModel.			 * Create a #GnomeDbGrid with a #GdaDataModel.
 *								 *
 * Returns: a GtkWidget widget.					 * Returns: a GtkWidget widget.
 */								 */
GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_grid_new_with_model (GdaDataModel *model)		gnome_db_grid_new_with_model (GdaDataModel *model)
{								{
	GnomeDbGrid *grid;						GnomeDbGrid *grid;

	grid = g_object_new (GNOME_DB_TYPE_GRID, NULL);			grid = g_object_new (GNOME_DB_TYPE_GRID, NULL);
	gnome_db_grid_set_model (grid, model);				gnome_db_grid_set_model (grid, model);
	return GTK_WIDGET (grid);					return GTK_WIDGET (grid);
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_grid_get_title					 * gnome_db_grid_get_title
 * @grid: a #GnomeDbGrid widget.				 * @grid: a #GnomeDbGrid widget.
 *								 *
 * Get the title for the given grid.				 * Get the title for the given grid.
 *								 *
 * Returns: the title associated with the grid.			 * Returns: the title associated with the grid.
 */								 */
const gchar *							const gchar *
gnome_db_grid_get_title (GnomeDbGrid *grid)			gnome_db_grid_get_title (GnomeDbGrid *grid)
{								{
	g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid), NULL);		g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid), NULL);
	return (const gchar *) grid->priv->title_string;		return (const gchar *) grid->priv->title_string;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_grid_set_title					 * gnome_db_grid_set_title
 * @grid: a #GnomeDbGrid widget.				 * @grid: a #GnomeDbGrid widget.
 * @title: new title.						 * @title: new title.
 *								 *
 * Set the title for the given grid.				 * Set the title for the given grid.
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_grid_set_title (GnomeDbGrid *grid, const gchar *titl	gnome_db_grid_set_title (GnomeDbGrid *grid, const gchar *titl
{								{
	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid));

	if (grid->priv->title_string)					if (grid->priv->title_string)
		g_free (grid->priv->title_string);				g_free (grid->priv->title_string);

	grid->priv->title_string = g_strdup (title);			grid->priv->title_string = g_strdup (title);

	gnome_db_gray_bar_set_text (GNOME_DB_GRAY_BAR (grid->		gnome_db_gray_bar_set_text (GNOME_DB_GRAY_BAR (grid->
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_grid_set_column_title				 * gnome_db_grid_set_column_title
 * @grid: a #GnomeDbGrid widget					 * @grid: a #GnomeDbGrid widget
 * @col: the number of the column to change the title		 * @col: the number of the column to change the title
 * @title: the new title for this column			 * @title: the new title for this column
 *								 *
 * Sets the title for a column					 * Sets the title for a column
 */								 */
void 								void 
gnome_db_grid_set_column_title (GnomeDbGrid *grid, gint col, 	gnome_db_grid_set_column_title (GnomeDbGrid *grid, gint col, 
{								{
	GtkTreeViewColumn *column = NULL;				GtkTreeViewColumn *column = NULL;
	gint number_columns;						gint number_columns;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid));
	g_return_if_fail (title != NULL);				g_return_if_fail (title != NULL);

	number_columns = gda_data_model_get_n_columns (grid->		number_columns = gda_data_model_get_n_columns (grid->
	if (col >= 0 && col < number_columns) {				if (col >= 0 && col < number_columns) {
		column = gtk_tree_view_get_column ( GTK_TREE_			column = gtk_tree_view_get_column ( GTK_TREE_
		gtk_tree_view_column_set_title (column, title			gtk_tree_view_column_set_title (column, title
	}								}
}								}

/** 								/** 
 * gnome_db_grid_get_column_title				 * gnome_db_grid_get_column_title
 * @grid: a #GnomeDbGrid widget					 * @grid: a #GnomeDbGrid widget
 * @col: the number of the column to get the title		 * @col: the number of the column to get the title
 *								 *
 * Get the title of a column					 * Get the title of a column
 * Returns: the title of a column.				 * Returns: the title of a column.
 */								 */
const gchar *							const gchar *
gnome_db_grid_get_column_title (GnomeDbGrid *grid, gint col)	gnome_db_grid_get_column_title (GnomeDbGrid *grid, gint col)
{								{
	GtkTreeViewColumn *column = NULL;				GtkTreeViewColumn *column = NULL;
	gchar *title = NULL;						gchar *title = NULL;

	g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid), NULL);		g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid), NULL);
	column = gtk_tree_view_get_column (GTK_TREE_VIEW (gri		column = gtk_tree_view_get_column (GTK_TREE_VIEW (gri
	title = gtk_tree_view_column_get_title (column);		title = gtk_tree_view_column_get_title (column);

	return title;							return title;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_grid_get_show_title					 * gnome_db_grid_get_show_title
 * @grid: a #GnomeDbGrid widget.				 * @grid: a #GnomeDbGrid widget.
 *								 *
 * Get whether the title is being shown for the given grid.	 * Get whether the title is being shown for the given grid.
 *								 *
 * Returns: TRUE if the title is shown, FALSE if not.		 * Returns: TRUE if the title is shown, FALSE if not.
 */								 */
gboolean							gboolean
gnome_db_grid_get_show_title (GnomeDbGrid *grid)		gnome_db_grid_get_show_title (GnomeDbGrid *grid)
{								{
	g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid), FALSE)		g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid), FALSE)
	return grid->priv->show_title;					return grid->priv->show_title;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_grid_set_show_title					 * gnome_db_grid_set_show_title
 * @grid: a #GnomeDbGrid widget.				 * @grid: a #GnomeDbGrid widget.
 * @show: whether to show the title or not.			 * @show: whether to show the title or not.
 *								 *
 * Set the title displaying mode for the given grid.		 * Set the title displaying mode for the given grid.
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_grid_set_show_title (GnomeDbGrid *grid, gboolean sho	gnome_db_grid_set_show_title (GnomeDbGrid *grid, gboolean sho
{								{
	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid));

	grid->priv->show_title = show;					grid->priv->show_title = show;
	if (show)							if (show)
		gtk_widget_show (grid->priv->title);				gtk_widget_show (grid->priv->title);
	else								else
		gtk_widget_hide (grid->priv->title);				gtk_widget_hide (grid->priv->title);
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_grid_set_title_icon_from_file			 * gnome_db_grid_set_title_icon_from_file
 * @grid: a #GnomeDbGrid widget.				 * @grid: a #GnomeDbGrid widget.
 * @file: image filename.					 * @file: image filename.
 *								 *
 * Set the icon for the given grid.				 * Set the icon for the given grid.
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_grid_set_title_icon_from_file (GnomeDbGrid *grid, co	gnome_db_grid_set_title_icon_from_file (GnomeDbGrid *grid, co
{								{
	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid));

	gnome_db_gray_bar_set_icon_from_file (GNOME_DB_GRAY_B		gnome_db_gray_bar_set_icon_from_file (GNOME_DB_GRAY_B
					      file);							      file);
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_grid_set_title_icon_from_stock			 * gnome_db_grid_set_title_icon_from_stock
 * @grid: a #GnomeDbGrid widget.				 * @grid: a #GnomeDbGrid widget.
 * @stock_id: a stock icon name.				 * @stock_id: a stock icon name.
 * @size: a stock icon size.					 * @size: a stock icon size.
 *								 *
 * Set the icon using a stock icon for the given grid.		 * Set the icon using a stock icon for the given grid.
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_grid_set_title_icon_from_stock (GnomeDbGrid *grid,	gnome_db_grid_set_title_icon_from_stock (GnomeDbGrid *grid,
					 const gchar *stock_i						 const gchar *stock_i
					 GtkIconSize  size)						 GtkIconSize  size)
{								{
	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid));
	gnome_db_gray_bar_set_icon_from_stock (GNOME_DB_GRAY_		gnome_db_gray_bar_set_icon_from_stock (GNOME_DB_GRAY_
					       stock_id, size						       stock_id, size
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_grid_set_show_title_icon				 * gnome_db_grid_set_show_title_icon
 * @grid: a #GnomeDbGrid widget.				 * @grid: a #GnomeDbGrid widget.
 * @show: whether to show the icon or not.			 * @show: whether to show the icon or not.
 *								 *
 * Set the icon displaying mode for the given grid.		 * Set the icon displaying mode for the given grid.
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_grid_set_show_title_icon (GnomeDbGrid *grid, gboolea	gnome_db_grid_set_show_title_icon (GnomeDbGrid *grid, gboolea
{								{
	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid));
	gnome_db_gray_bar_set_show_icon (GNOME_DB_GRAY_BAR (g		gnome_db_gray_bar_set_show_icon (GNOME_DB_GRAY_BAR (g
					 show);								 show);
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_grid_get_show_title_icon				 * gnome_db_grid_get_show_title_icon
 * @grid: a #GnomeDbGrid widget.				 * @grid: a #GnomeDbGrid widget.
 *								 *
 * Get whether the icon is being shown for the given grid.	 * Get whether the icon is being shown for the given grid.
 *								 *
 * Returns: TRUE if the icon is shown, FALSE if not.		 * Returns: TRUE if the icon is shown, FALSE if not.
 */								 */
gboolean							gboolean
gnome_db_grid_get_show_title_icon (GnomeDbGrid *grid)		gnome_db_grid_get_show_title_icon (GnomeDbGrid *grid)
{								{
	g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid), FALSE)		g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid), FALSE)
	return gnome_db_gray_bar_get_show_icon (GNOME_DB_GRAY		return gnome_db_gray_bar_get_show_icon (GNOME_DB_GRAY
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_grid_get_model					 * gnome_db_grid_get_model
 * @grid: a #GnomeDbGrid widget.				 * @grid: a #GnomeDbGrid widget.
 *								 *
 * Retrieve the #GdaDataModel associated with this #GnomeDbGr	 * Retrieve the #GdaDataModel associated with this #GnomeDbGr
 * 								 * 
 * Returns: a #GdaDataModel widget.				 * Returns: a #GdaDataModel widget.
 */								 */
GdaDataModel *							GdaDataModel *
gnome_db_grid_get_model (GnomeDbGrid *grid)			gnome_db_grid_get_model (GnomeDbGrid *grid)
{								{
	g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid), NULL);		g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid), NULL);
	return grid->priv->model;					return grid->priv->model;
}								}

static void							static void
dummy_remove_hash (gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer use	dummy_remove_hash (gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer use
{								{
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_grid_set_model					 * gnome_db_grid_set_model
 * @grid: a #GnomeDbGrid widget.				 * @grid: a #GnomeDbGrid widget.
 * @model: a #GdaDataModel widget.				 * @model: a #GdaDataModel widget.
 *								 *
 * Set the new model for the given grid.			 * Set the new model for the given grid.
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_grid_set_model (GnomeDbGrid *grid, GdaDataModel *mod	gnome_db_grid_set_model (GnomeDbGrid *grid, GdaDataModel *mod
{								{
	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid));

	/* clean up current data */					/* clean up current data */
	if (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (grid->priv->model)) {			if (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (grid->priv->model)) {
		g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func (G_OBJEC			g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func (G_OBJEC
		g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (grid->priv->model))			g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (grid->priv->model))
	}								}

	g_hash_table_foreach_remove (grid->priv->row_data, (G		g_hash_table_foreach_remove (grid->priv->row_data, (G

	grid->priv->model = model;					grid->priv->model = model;
	if (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (model)) {				if (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (model)) {
		g_object_ref (G_OBJECT (model));				g_object_ref (G_OBJECT (model));
		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (grid->priv->model			g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (grid->priv->model
				  G_CALLBACK (model_row_remov					  G_CALLBACK (model_row_remov
	} else {							} else {
		/* just empty the grid and return */				/* just empty the grid and return */
		gtk_tree_view_set_model (GTK_TREE_VIEW (grid-			gtk_tree_view_set_model (GTK_TREE_VIEW (grid-
		return;								return;
	}								}

	/* redisplay the GtkTreeView */					/* redisplay the GtkTreeView */
	gtk_widget_destroy (grid->priv->tree_view);			gtk_widget_destroy (grid->priv->tree_view);
	grid->priv->tree_view = GTK_WIDGET (gnome_db_model_to		grid->priv->tree_view = GTK_WIDGET (gnome_db_model_to
	gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (grid->priv->scroll)		gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (grid->priv->scroll)
	gtk_widget_show (grid->priv->tree_view);			gtk_widget_show (grid->priv->tree_view);
	setup_grid (grid);						setup_grid (grid);
}								}

static void							static void
foreach_selected_cb (GtkTreeModel *tree_model,			foreach_selected_cb (GtkTreeModel *tree_model,
		     GtkTreePath *path,						     GtkTreePath *path,
		     GtkTreeIter *iter,						     GtkTreeIter *iter,
		     gpointer user_data)					     gpointer user_data)
{								{
	DataModelInfo *iter_info;					DataModelInfo *iter_info;
	GList **list = (GList **) user_data;				GList **list = (GList **) user_data;

	gtk_tree_model_get (tree_model, iter, 0, &iter_info, 		gtk_tree_model_get (tree_model, iter, 0, &iter_info, 
	if (iter_info)							if (iter_info)
		*list = g_list_append (*list, GINT_TO_POINTER			*list = g_list_append (*list, GINT_TO_POINTER
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_grid_get_selection					 * gnome_db_grid_get_selection
 * @grid: a #GnomeDbGrid widget.				 * @grid: a #GnomeDbGrid widget.
 *								 *
 * Returns the list of the currently selected rows in a		 * Returns the list of the currently selected rows in a
 * #GnomeDbGrid widget. The returned value is a list of integ	 * #GnomeDbGrid widget. The returned value is a list of integ
 * which represent each of the selected rows.			 * which represent each of the selected rows.
 *								 *
 * Returns: a GList of integers. This list should be freed (b	 * Returns: a GList of integers. This list should be freed (b
 * #g_list_free) when no longer needed.				 * #g_list_free) when no longer needed.
 */								 */
GList *								GList *
gnome_db_grid_get_selection (GnomeDbGrid *grid)			gnome_db_grid_get_selection (GnomeDbGrid *grid)
{								{	
	GtkTreeSelection *selection;					GtkTreeSelection *selection;
	GList *list = NULL;						GList *list = NULL;

	g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid), NULL);		g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid), NULL);

	selection = gtk_tree_view_get_selection (GTK_TREE_VIE		selection = gtk_tree_view_get_selection (GTK_TREE_VIE
	gtk_tree_selection_selected_foreach (				gtk_tree_selection_selected_foreach (
		selection,							selection,
		(GtkTreeSelectionForeachFunc) foreach_selecte			(GtkTreeSelectionForeachFunc) foreach_selecte
		&list);								&list);

	return list;							return list;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_grid_foreach_selected				 * gnome_db_grid_foreach_selected
 * @grid: a #GnomeDbGrid widget.				 * @grid: a #GnomeDbGrid widget.
 * @foreach_func: function to be called for each selected row	 * @foreach_func: function to be called for each selected row
 * @user_data: data to pass over to @foreach_func.		 * @user_data: data to pass over to @foreach_func.
 *								 *
 * Call the given function for each selected row in the #Gnom	 * Call the given function for each selected row in the #Gnom
 * widget.							 * widget.
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_grid_foreach_selected (GnomeDbGrid *grid,		gnome_db_grid_foreach_selected (GnomeDbGrid *grid,
				GnomeDbGridForeachFunc foreac					GnomeDbGridForeachFunc foreac
				gpointer user_data)						gpointer user_data)
{								{
	GList *selection;						GList *selection;
	GList *l;							GList *l;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid));
	g_return_if_fail (foreach_func != NULL);			g_return_if_fail (foreach_func != NULL);

	selection = gnome_db_grid_get_selection (grid);			selection = gnome_db_grid_get_selection (grid);
	for (l = selection; l != NULL; l = l->next)			for (l = selection; l != NULL; l = l->next)
		foreach_func (grid, GPOINTER_TO_INT (l->data)			foreach_func (grid, GPOINTER_TO_INT (l->data)
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_grid_select_row:					 * gnome_db_grid_select_row:
 * @grid: a #GnomeDbGrid widget.				 * @grid: a #GnomeDbGrid widget.
 * @row: the number of the row to be selected.			 * @row: the number of the row to be selected.
 *								 *
 * Select the given row in the #GnomeDbGrid widget.		 * Select the given row in the #GnomeDbGrid widget.
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_grid_select_row (GnomeDbGrid *grid, gint row)		gnome_db_grid_select_row (GnomeDbGrid *grid, gint row)
{								{
	GtkTreePath *path;						GtkTreePath *path;
	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid));
	path = gtk_tree_path_new ();					path = gtk_tree_path_new ();
	gtk_tree_path_append_index (path, row);				gtk_tree_path_append_index (path, row);
	gtk_tree_selection_select_path (gtk_tree_view_get_sel		gtk_tree_selection_select_path (gtk_tree_view_get_sel
					path);								path);

	gtk_tree_path_free (path);					gtk_tree_path_free (path);
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_grid_select_all					 * gnome_db_grid_select_all
 * @grid: a #GnomeDbGrid widget.				 * @grid: a #GnomeDbGrid widget.
 *								 *
 * Select all rows in the #GnomeDbGrid widget.			 * Select all rows in the #GnomeDbGrid widget.
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_grid_select_all (GnomeDbGrid *grid)			gnome_db_grid_select_all (GnomeDbGrid *grid)
{								{
	GtkTreeSelection *selection;					GtkTreeSelection *selection;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid));

	selection = gtk_tree_view_get_selection (GTK_TREE_VIE		selection = gtk_tree_view_get_selection (GTK_TREE_VIE
	gnome_db_grid_set_selection_mode (grid, GTK_SELECTION		gnome_db_grid_set_selection_mode (grid, GTK_SELECTION
	gtk_tree_selection_select_all (selection);			gtk_tree_selection_select_all (selection);
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_grid_unselect_all					 * gnome_db_grid_unselect_all
 * @grid: a #GnomeDbGrid widget.				 * @grid: a #GnomeDbGrid widget.
 * 								 * 
 * Unselect all rows of the #GnomeDbGrid widget.		 * Unselect all rows of the #GnomeDbGrid widget.
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_grid_unselect_all (GnomeDbGrid *grid)			gnome_db_grid_unselect_all (GnomeDbGrid *grid)
{								{
	GtkTreeSelection *selection;					GtkTreeSelection *selection;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid));

	selection = gtk_tree_view_get_selection (GTK_TREE_VIE		selection = gtk_tree_view_get_selection (GTK_TREE_VIE
	gtk_tree_selection_unselect_all (selection);			gtk_tree_selection_unselect_all (selection);
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_grid_get_selection_mode				 * gnome_db_grid_get_selection_mode
 * @grid: a #GnomeDbGrid widget.				 * @grid: a #GnomeDbGrid widget.
 *								 *
 * Retrieve the selection mode of a #GnomeDbGrid widget.	 * Retrieve the selection mode of a #GnomeDbGrid widget.
 *								 *
 * Returns: a GtkSelectionMode widget.				 * Returns: a GtkSelectionMode widget.
 */								 */
GtkSelectionMode						GtkSelectionMode
gnome_db_grid_get_selection_mode (GnomeDbGrid *grid)		gnome_db_grid_get_selection_mode (GnomeDbGrid *grid)
{								{
	GtkTreeSelection *selection;					GtkTreeSelection *selection;

	g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid), GTK_SE		g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid), GTK_SE

	selection = gtk_tree_view_get_selection (GTK_TREE_VIE		selection = gtk_tree_view_get_selection (GTK_TREE_VIE
	return gtk_tree_selection_get_mode (selection);			return gtk_tree_selection_get_mode (selection);
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_set_selection_mode					 * gnome_db_set_selection_mode
 * @grid: a #GnomeDbGrid widget.				 * @grid: a #GnomeDbGrid widget.
 * @mode: a GtkSelectionMode widget.				 * @mode: a GtkSelectionMode widget.
 * 								 * 
 * Set the new selection mode for this #GnomeDbGrid widget.	 * Set the new selection mode for this #GnomeDbGrid widget.
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_grid_set_selection_mode (GnomeDbGrid *grid, GtkSelec	gnome_db_grid_set_selection_mode (GnomeDbGrid *grid, GtkSelec
{								{
	GtkTreeSelection *selection;					GtkTreeSelection *selection;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid));

	selection = gtk_tree_view_get_selection (GTK_TREE_VIE		selection = gtk_tree_view_get_selection (GTK_TREE_VIE
	gtk_tree_selection_set_mode (selection, mode);			gtk_tree_selection_set_mode (selection, mode);

	grid->priv->selection_mode = mode;				grid->priv->selection_mode = mode;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_grid_set_column_titles_visible			 * gnome_db_grid_set_column_titles_visible
 * @grid: a #GnomeDbGrid widget.				 * @grid: a #GnomeDbGrid widget.
 * @visible: a gboolean.					 * @visible: a gboolean.
 * 								 * 
 * Hide or Show the titles of the #GnomeDbGrid widget.		 * Hide or Show the titles of the #GnomeDbGrid widget.
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_grid_set_column_titles_visible (GnomeDbGrid *grid, g	gnome_db_grid_set_column_titles_visible (GnomeDbGrid *grid, g
{								{
	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid));
	gtk_tree_view_set_headers_visible (GTK_TREE_VIEW (gri		gtk_tree_view_set_headers_visible (GTK_TREE_VIEW (gri
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_grid_get_column_titles_visible			 * gnome_db_grid_get_column_titles_visible
 * @grid: a #GnomeDbGrid widget.				 * @grid: a #GnomeDbGrid widget.
 *								 *
 * Retrieve a gboolean ( TRUE or FALSE ).			 * Retrieve a gboolean ( TRUE or FALSE ).
 */								 */
gboolean							gboolean
gnome_db_grid_get_column_titles_visible (GnomeDbGrid *grid)	gnome_db_grid_get_column_titles_visible (GnomeDbGrid *grid)
{								{
	g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid), FALSE)		g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid), FALSE)
	return gtk_tree_view_get_headers_visible (GTK_TREE_VI		return gtk_tree_view_get_headers_visible (GTK_TREE_VI
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_grid_get_row_data					 * gnome_db_grid_get_row_data
 * @grid: a #GnomeDbGrid widget.				 * @grid: a #GnomeDbGrid widget.
 * @row: the row to retrieve data for.				 * @row: the row to retrieve data for.
 *								 *
 * Get the data associated (see #gnome_db_grid_set_row_data) 	 * Get the data associated (see #gnome_db_grid_set_row_data) 
 *								 *
 * Returns: the data associated with the given row.		 * Returns: the data associated with the given row.
 */								 */
gpointer							gpointer
gnome_db_grid_get_row_data (GnomeDbGrid *grid, gint row)	gnome_db_grid_get_row_data (GnomeDbGrid *grid, gint row)
{								{
	g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid), NULL);		g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid), NULL);
	return g_hash_table_lookup (grid->priv->row_data, GIN		return g_hash_table_lookup (grid->priv->row_data, GIN
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_grid_set_row_data					 * gnome_db_grid_set_row_data
 * @grid: a #GnomeDbGrid widget.				 * @grid: a #GnomeDbGrid widget.
 * @row: the row to set the data for.				 * @row: the row to set the data for.
 * @data: the data.						 * @data: the data.
 *								 *
 * Associate a given data pointer with the given row in the g	 * Associate a given data pointer with the given row in the g
 * allows you to store context-specific data for each row on 	 * allows you to store context-specific data for each row on 
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_grid_set_row_data (GnomeDbGrid *grid, gint row, gpoi	gnome_db_grid_set_row_data (GnomeDbGrid *grid, gint row, gpoi
{								{
	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid));
	g_return_if_fail (row >= 0);					g_return_if_fail (row >= 0);
	g_return_if_fail (grid->priv->model != NULL);			g_return_if_fail (grid->priv->model != NULL);
	g_return_if_fail (row < gda_data_model_get_n_rows (gr		g_return_if_fail (row < gda_data_model_get_n_rows (gr

	if (g_hash_table_lookup (grid->priv->row_data, GINT_T		if (g_hash_table_lookup (grid->priv->row_data, GINT_T
		g_hash_table_remove (grid->priv->row_data, GI			g_hash_table_remove (grid->priv->row_data, GI

	if (data)							if (data)
		g_hash_table_insert (grid->priv->row_data, GI			g_hash_table_insert (grid->priv->row_data, GI
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_grid_set_column_visible				 * gnome_db_grid_set_column_visible
 * @grid: a #GnomeDbGrid widget.				 * @grid: a #GnomeDbGrid widget.
 * @col: column number.						 * @col: column number.
 * @visible: a gboolean.					 * @visible: a gboolean.
 * 								 * 
 * Hide or Show the column "col" of the #GnomeDbGrid widget.	 * Hide or Show the column "col" of the #GnomeDbGrid widget.
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_grid_set_column_visible (GnomeDbGrid *grid, gint col	gnome_db_grid_set_column_visible (GnomeDbGrid *grid, gint col
{								{
	GtkTreeViewColumn *column = NULL;				GtkTreeViewColumn *column = NULL;
	gint number_columns;						gint number_columns;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid));

	number_columns = gda_data_model_get_n_columns (grid->		number_columns = gda_data_model_get_n_columns (grid->
	if (col >= 0 && col < number_columns) {				if (col >= 0 && col < number_columns) {
		column = gtk_tree_view_get_column (GTK_TREE_V			column = gtk_tree_view_get_column (GTK_TREE_V
		gtk_tree_view_column_set_visible (column, vis			gtk_tree_view_column_set_visible (column, vis
	}								}
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_grid_get_column_visible				 * gnome_db_grid_get_column_visible
 * @grid: a #GnomeDbGrid widget.				 * @grid: a #GnomeDbGrid widget.
 * @col: column number.						 * @col: column number.
 *								 *
 * Retrieve a gboolean ( TRUE or FALSE ).			 * Retrieve a gboolean ( TRUE or FALSE ).
 */								 */
gboolean							gboolean
gnome_db_grid_get_column_visible (GnomeDbGrid *grid, gint col	gnome_db_grid_get_column_visible (GnomeDbGrid *grid, gint col
{								{
	GtkTreeViewColumn *column = NULL;				GtkTreeViewColumn *column = NULL;
	gint number_columns;						gint number_columns;

	g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid), FALSE)		g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid), FALSE)

	number_columns = gda_data_model_get_n_columns (grid->		number_columns = gda_data_model_get_n_columns (grid->
	if (col >= 0 && col < number_columns) {				if (col >= 0 && col < number_columns) {
		column = gtk_tree_view_get_column (GTK_TREE_V			column = gtk_tree_view_get_column (GTK_TREE_V
		return gtk_tree_view_column_get_visible (colu			return gtk_tree_view_column_get_visible (colu
	}								}

	return FALSE;							return FALSE;
}								}

typedef struct {						typedef struct {
	gint row;							gint row;
	gpointer search_data;						gpointer search_data;
} find_data_t;							} find_data_t;

static void							static void
find_by_data_in_hash (gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer 	find_by_data_in_hash (gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer 
{								{
	find_data_t *fdata = data;					find_data_t *fdata = data;

	if (fdata->row == -1) {						if (fdata->row == -1) {
		if (fdata->search_data == value)				if (fdata->search_data == value)
			fdata->row = GPOINTER_TO_INT (key) - 				fdata->row = GPOINTER_TO_INT (key) - 
	}								}
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_grid_find_row_from_data				 * gnome_db_grid_find_row_from_data
 * @grid: a #GnomeDbGrid widget.				 * @grid: a #GnomeDbGrid widget.
 * @data: data to search for.					 * @data: data to search for.
 *								 *
 * Find the row number for the row to which the given data is	 * Find the row number for the row to which the given data is
 *								 *
 * Returns: the row number if found, or -1 if not.		 * Returns: the row number if found, or -1 if not.
 */								 */
gint								gint
gnome_db_grid_find_row_from_data (GnomeDbGrid *grid, gpointer	gnome_db_grid_find_row_from_data (GnomeDbGrid *grid, gpointer
{								{
	find_data_t fdata;						find_data_t fdata;

	g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid), -1);		g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_GRID (grid), -1);
	g_return_val_if_fail (data != NULL, -1);			g_return_val_if_fail (data != NULL, -1);

	fdata.row = -1;							fdata.row = -1;
	fdata.search_data = data;					fdata.search_data = data;
	g_hash_table_foreach (grid->priv->row_data, (GHFunc) 		g_hash_table_foreach (grid->priv->row_data, (GHFunc) 
	return fdata.row;						return fdata.row;
}								}
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.h ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.h
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#if !defined(__gnome_db_grid_h__)				#if !defined(__gnome_db_grid_h__)
#  define __gnome_db_grid_h__					#  define __gnome_db_grid_h__

#include <gtk/gtkvbox.h>					#include <gtk/gtkvbox.h>
#include <libgda/gda-data-model.h>				#include <libgda/gda-data-model.h>


#define GNOME_DB_TYPE_GRID            (gnome_db_grid_get_type	#define GNOME_DB_TYPE_GRID            (gnome_db_grid_get_type
#define GNOME_DB_GRID(obj)            (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_	#define GNOME_DB_GRID(obj)            (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_

typedef struct _GnomeDbGrid        GnomeDbGrid;			typedef struct _GnomeDbGrid        GnomeDbGrid;
typedef struct _GnomeDbGridClass   GnomeDbGridClass;		typedef struct _GnomeDbGridClass   GnomeDbGridClass;
typedef struct _GnomeDbGridPrivate GnomeDbGridPrivate;		typedef struct _GnomeDbGridPrivate GnomeDbGridPrivate;

typedef void (* GnomeDbGridForeachFunc) (GnomeDbGrid *grid, g	typedef void (* GnomeDbGridForeachFunc) (GnomeDbGrid *grid, g

struct _GnomeDbGrid {						struct _GnomeDbGrid {
	GtkVBox parent;							GtkVBox parent;
	GnomeDbGridPrivate *priv;					GnomeDbGridPrivate *priv;
};								};

struct _GnomeDbGridClass {					struct _GnomeDbGridClass {
	GtkVBoxClass parent_class;					GtkVBoxClass parent_class;

	/* signals */							/* signals */
	void (* row_selected) (GnomeDbGrid *grid, gint row);		void (* row_selected) (GnomeDbGrid *grid, gint row);
	void (* selection_cleared) (GnomeDbGrid *grid);			void (* selection_cleared) (GnomeDbGrid *grid);
	void (* double_clicked) (GnomeDbGrid *grid, gint row)		void (* double_clicked) (GnomeDbGrid *grid, gint row)
	void (* create_popup_menu) (GnomeDbGrid *grid, GtkWid		void (* create_popup_menu) (GnomeDbGrid *grid, GtkWid
};								};

GType            gnome_db_grid_get_type (void);			GType            gnome_db_grid_get_type (void);
GtkWidget       *gnome_db_grid_new (void);			GtkWidget       *gnome_db_grid_new (void);
GtkWidget       *gnome_db_grid_new_with_model (GdaDataModel *	GtkWidget       *gnome_db_grid_new_with_model (GdaDataModel *

const gchar     *gnome_db_grid_get_title (GnomeDbGrid *grid);	const gchar     *gnome_db_grid_get_title (GnomeDbGrid *grid);
void             gnome_db_grid_set_title (GnomeDbGrid *grid, 	void             gnome_db_grid_set_title (GnomeDbGrid *grid, 
void             gnome_db_grid_set_column_title (GnomeDbGrid 	void             gnome_db_grid_set_column_title (GnomeDbGrid 
const gchar     *gnome_db_grid_get_column_title (GnomeDbGrid 	const gchar     *gnome_db_grid_get_column_title (GnomeDbGrid 
gboolean         gnome_db_grid_get_show_title (GnomeDbGrid *g	gboolean         gnome_db_grid_get_show_title (GnomeDbGrid *g
void             gnome_db_grid_set_show_title (GnomeDbGrid *g	void             gnome_db_grid_set_show_title (GnomeDbGrid *g
void             gnome_db_grid_set_title_icon_from_file (Gnom	void             gnome_db_grid_set_title_icon_from_file (Gnom
void             gnome_db_grid_set_title_icon_from_stock (Gno	void             gnome_db_grid_set_title_icon_from_stock (Gno
void             gnome_db_grid_set_show_title_icon (GnomeDbGr	void             gnome_db_grid_set_show_title_icon (GnomeDbGr
gboolean         gnome_db_grid_get_show_title_icon (GnomeDbGr	gboolean         gnome_db_grid_get_show_title_icon (GnomeDbGr

GdaDataModel    *gnome_db_grid_get_model (GnomeDbGrid *grid);	GdaDataModel    *gnome_db_grid_get_model (GnomeDbGrid *grid);
void             gnome_db_grid_set_model (GnomeDbGrid *grid, 	void             gnome_db_grid_set_model (GnomeDbGrid *grid, 
GList           *gnome_db_grid_get_selection (GnomeDbGrid *gr	GList           *gnome_db_grid_get_selection (GnomeDbGrid *gr
void             gnome_db_grid_foreach_selected (GnomeDbGrid 	void             gnome_db_grid_foreach_selected (GnomeDbGrid 
						 GnomeDbGridF							 GnomeDbGridF
						 gpointer use							 gpointer use
void             gnome_db_grid_select_row (GnomeDbGrid *grid,	void             gnome_db_grid_select_row (GnomeDbGrid *grid,
void             gnome_db_grid_select_all (GnomeDbGrid *grid)	void             gnome_db_grid_select_all (GnomeDbGrid *grid)
void             gnome_db_grid_unselect_all (GnomeDbGrid *gri	void             gnome_db_grid_unselect_all (GnomeDbGrid *gri
GtkSelectionMode gnome_db_grid_get_selection_mode (GnomeDbGri	GtkSelectionMode gnome_db_grid_get_selection_mode (GnomeDbGri
void             gnome_db_grid_set_selection_mode (GnomeDbGri	void             gnome_db_grid_set_selection_mode (GnomeDbGri
						   GtkSelecti							   GtkSelecti

void             gnome_db_grid_set_column_titles_visible (Gno	void             gnome_db_grid_set_column_titles_visible (Gno
gboolean         gnome_db_grid_get_column_titles_visible (Gno	gboolean         gnome_db_grid_get_column_titles_visible (Gno
#define gnome_db_grid_show_column_titles(grid) \		#define gnome_db_grid_show_column_titles(grid) \
	(gnome_db_grid_set_column_titles_visible (grid, TRUE)		(gnome_db_grid_set_column_titles_visible (grid, TRUE)
#define gnome_db_grid_hide_column_titles(grid) \		#define gnome_db_grid_hide_column_titles(grid) \
	(gnome_db_grid_set_column_titles_visible (grid, FALSE		(gnome_db_grid_set_column_titles_visible (grid, FALSE
void             gnome_db_grid_set_column_visible (GnomeDbGri	void             gnome_db_grid_set_column_visible (GnomeDbGri
gboolean         gnome_db_grid_get_column_visible (GnomeDbGri	gboolean         gnome_db_grid_get_column_visible (GnomeDbGri

gpointer         gnome_db_grid_get_row_data (GnomeDbGrid *gri	gpointer         gnome_db_grid_get_row_data (GnomeDbGrid *gri
void             gnome_db_grid_set_row_data (GnomeDbGrid *gri	void             gnome_db_grid_set_row_data (GnomeDbGrid *gri
gint             gnome_db_grid_find_row_from_data (GnomeDbGri	gint             gnome_db_grid_find_row_from_data (GnomeDbGri


#endif								#endif
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-i18n.h ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-i18n.h
/*								/*
 * Copyright (C) 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 Free Software Foundat	 * Copyright (C) 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 Free Software Foundat
 * All rights reserved.						 * All rights reserved.
 *								 *
 * This file is part of the Gnome Library.			 * This file is part of the Gnome Library.
 *								 *
 * The Gnome Library is free software; you can redistribute i	 * The Gnome Library is free software; you can redistribute i
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * The Gnome Library is distributed in the hope that it will 	 * The Gnome Library is distributed in the hope that it will 
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with the Gnome Library; see the file COPYING	 * License along with the Gnome Library; see the file COPYING
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */
/*								/*
 */								 */

/*								/*
 * Handles all of the internationalization configuration opti	 * Handles all of the internationalization configuration opti
 * Author: Tom Tromey <tromey creche cygnus com>		 * Author: Tom Tromey <tromey creche cygnus com>
 */								 */

#ifndef __GNOME_DB_I18N_H__					#ifndef __GNOME_DB_I18N_H__
#define __GNOME_DB_I18N_H__ 1					#define __GNOME_DB_I18N_H__ 1

#include <glib.h>						#include <glib.h>


#if !defined(__GNOME_DB_I18NP_H__)				#if !defined(__GNOME_DB_I18NP_H__)

#ifdef ENABLE_NLS						#ifdef ENABLE_NLS
#    include <libintl.h>					#    include <libintl.h>
#        undef _						#        undef _
#        define _(String) dgettext (GNOME_DB_EXPLICIT_TRANSLA	#        define _(String) dgettext (GNOME_DB_EXPLICIT_TRANSLA
#    else 							#    else 
#        define _(String) gettext (String)			#        define _(String) gettext (String)
#    endif							#    endif
#    ifdef gettext_noop						#    ifdef gettext_noop
#        define N_(String) gettext_noop (String)		#        define N_(String) gettext_noop (String)
#    else							#    else
#        define N_(String) (String)				#        define N_(String) (String)
#    endif							#    endif
#else								#else
/* Stubs that do something close enough.  */			/* Stubs that do something close enough.  */
#    undef textdomain						#    undef textdomain
#    define textdomain(String) (String)				#    define textdomain(String) (String)
#    undef gettext						#    undef gettext
#    define gettext(String) (String)				#    define gettext(String) (String)
#    undef dgettext						#    undef dgettext
#    define dgettext(Domain,Message) (Message)			#    define dgettext(Domain,Message) (Message)
#    undef dcgettext						#    undef dcgettext
#    define dcgettext(Domain,Message,Type) (Message)		#    define dcgettext(Domain,Message,Type) (Message)
#    undef bindtextdomain					#    undef bindtextdomain
#    define bindtextdomain(Domain,Directory) (Domain)		#    define bindtextdomain(Domain,Directory) (Domain)
#    undef bind_textdomain_codeset				#    undef bind_textdomain_codeset
#    define bind_textdomain_codeset(Domain,CodeSet) (Domain)	#    define bind_textdomain_codeset(Domain,CodeSet) (Domain)
#    undef _							#    undef _
#    define _(String) (String)					#    define _(String) (String)
#    undef N_							#    undef N_
#    define N_(String) (String)					#    define N_(String) (String)
#endif								#endif

#endif								#endif


#endif /* __GNOME_DB_I18N_H__ */				#endif /* __GNOME_DB_I18N_H__ */
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-icon-list.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-icon-list.c
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-icon-list.h>			#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-icon-list.h>


struct _GnomeDbIconListPrivate {				struct _GnomeDbIconListPrivate {
	GdaDataModel *model;						GdaDataModel *model;
};								};

static void gnome_db_icon_list_class_init (GnomeDbIconListCla	static void gnome_db_icon_list_class_init (GnomeDbIconListCla
static void gnome_db_icon_list_init (GnomeDbIconList *list, G	static void gnome_db_icon_list_init (GnomeDbIconList *list, G
static void gnome_db_icon_list_set_property (GObject *object,	static void gnome_db_icon_list_set_property (GObject *object,
					     guint paramid,						     guint paramid,
					     const GValue *va						     const GValue *va
					     GParamSpec *pspe						     GParamSpec *pspe
static void gnome_db_icon_list_get_property (GObject *object,	static void gnome_db_icon_list_get_property (GObject *object,
					     guint param_id,						     guint param_id,
					     GValue *value,						     GValue *value,
					     GParamSpec *pspe						     GParamSpec *pspe
static void gnome_db_icon_list_finalize (GObject *object);	static void gnome_db_icon_list_finalize (GObject *object);

enum {								enum {
	PROP_0,								PROP_0,
};								};

static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL;			static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL;

/*								/*
 * GnomeDbIconList class implementation				 * GnomeDbIconList class implementation
 */								 */

static void							static void
gnome_db_icon_list_class_init (GnomeDbIconListClass *klass)	gnome_db_icon_list_class_init (GnomeDbIconListClass *klass)
{								{
	GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);		GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);

	parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);		parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);

	object_class->set_property = gnome_db_icon_list_set_p		object_class->set_property = gnome_db_icon_list_set_p
	object_class->get_property = gnome_db_icon_list_get_p		object_class->get_property = gnome_db_icon_list_get_p
	object_class->finalize = gnome_db_icon_list_finalize;		object_class->finalize = gnome_db_icon_list_finalize;

	/* add class properties */					/* add class properties */
	g_object_class_install_property (				g_object_class_install_property (
		object_class, PROP_MODEL,					object_class, PROP_MODEL,
		g_param_spec_object ("model", NULL, NULL,			g_param_spec_object ("model", NULL, NULL,
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_icon_list_init (GnomeDbIconList *list, GnomeDbIconLi	gnome_db_icon_list_init (GnomeDbIconList *list, GnomeDbIconLi
{								{
	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_ICON_LIST (list));		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_ICON_LIST (list));

	/* allocate private structure */				/* allocate private structure */
	list->priv = g_new0 (GnomeDbIconListPrivate, 1);		list->priv = g_new0 (GnomeDbIconListPrivate, 1);
	list->priv->model = NULL;					list->priv->model = NULL;
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_icon_list_set_property (GObject *object,		gnome_db_icon_list_set_property (GObject *object,
				 guint param_id,						 guint param_id,
				 const GValue *value,						 const GValue *value,
				 GParamSpec *pspec)						 GParamSpec *pspec)
{								{
	GnomeDbIconList *list = (GnomeDbIconList *) object;		GnomeDbIconList *list = (GnomeDbIconList *) object;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_ICON_LIST (list));		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_ICON_LIST (list));

	switch (param_id) {						switch (param_id) {
	case PROP_MODEL :						case PROP_MODEL :
		gnome_db_icon_list_set_model (list,				gnome_db_icon_list_set_model (list,
					      GDA_DATA_MODEL 						      GDA_DATA_MODEL 
		break;								break;
	default :							default :
		break;								break;
	}								}
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_icon_list_get_property (GObject *object,		gnome_db_icon_list_get_property (GObject *object,
				 guint param_id,						 guint param_id,
				 GValue *value,							 GValue *value,
				 GParamSpec *pspec)						 GParamSpec *pspec)
{								{
	GnomeDbIconList *list = (GnomeDbIconList *) object;		GnomeDbIconList *list = (GnomeDbIconList *) object;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_ICON_LIST (list));		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_ICON_LIST (list));

	switch (param_id) {						switch (param_id) {
	case PROP_MODEL :						case PROP_MODEL :
		g_value_set_object (value, G_OBJECT (list->pr			g_value_set_object (value, G_OBJECT (list->pr
		break;								break;
	default:							default:
		break;								break;
	}								}
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_icon_list_finalize (GObject *object)			gnome_db_icon_list_finalize (GObject *object)
{								{
	GnomeDbIconList *list = (GnomeDbIconList *) object;		GnomeDbIconList *list = (GnomeDbIconList *) object;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_ICON_LIST (list));		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_ICON_LIST (list));

	/* free memory */						/* free memory */
	if (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (list->priv->model)) {			if (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (list->priv->model)) {
		g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (list->priv->model))			g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (list->priv->model))
		list->priv->model = NULL;					list->priv->model = NULL;
	}								}

	g_free (list->priv);						g_free (list->priv);
	list->priv = NULL;						list->priv = NULL;

	/* chain to parent class */					/* chain to parent class */
	parent_class->finalize (object);				parent_class->finalize (object);
}								}

GType								GType
gnome_db_icon_list_get_type (void)				gnome_db_icon_list_get_type (void)
{								{
	static GType type = 0;						static GType type = 0;

	if (!type) {							if (!type) {
		static const GTypeInfo info = {					static const GTypeInfo info = {
			sizeof (GnomeDbIconListClass),					sizeof (GnomeDbIconListClass),
			(GBaseInitFunc) NULL,						(GBaseInitFunc) NULL,
			(GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL,					(GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL,
			(GClassInitFunc) gnome_db_icon_list_c				(GClassInitFunc) gnome_db_icon_list_c
			NULL,								NULL,
			NULL,								NULL,
			sizeof (GnomeDbIconList),					sizeof (GnomeDbIconList),
			0,								0,
			(GInstanceInitFunc) gnome_db_icon_lis				(GInstanceInitFunc) gnome_db_icon_lis
		};								};
		type = g_type_register_static (PARENT_TYPE, "			type = g_type_register_static (PARENT_TYPE, "
	}								}
	return type;							return type;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_icon_list_new					 * gnome_db_icon_list_new
 * @icon_width: Width to use for the icons.			 * @icon_width: Width to use for the icons.
 *								 *
 * Create a new #GnomeDbIconList widget, a scrollable icon li	 * Create a new #GnomeDbIconList widget, a scrollable icon li
 * a GDA data model.						 * a GDA data model.
 *								 *
 * Returns: the newly created widget.				 * Returns: the newly created widget.
 */								 */
GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_icon_list_new (guint icon_width)			gnome_db_icon_list_new (guint icon_width)
{								{
	GnomeDbIconList *list;						GnomeDbIconList *list;

	list = g_object_new (GNOME_DB_TYPE_ICON_LIST, NULL);		list = g_object_new (GNOME_DB_TYPE_ICON_LIST, NULL);
	return GTK_WIDGET (list);					return GTK_WIDGET (list);
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_icon_list_set_model					 * gnome_db_icon_list_set_model
 * @list: A #GnomeDbIconList widget.				 * @list: A #GnomeDbIconList widget.
 * @model: A #GdaDataModel containing the data to be displaye	 * @model: A #GdaDataModel containing the data to be displaye
 *								 *
 * Associate a data model with the given icon list widget.	 * Associate a data model with the given icon list widget.
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_icon_list_set_model (GnomeDbIconList *list, GdaDataM	gnome_db_icon_list_set_model (GnomeDbIconList *list, GdaDataM
{								{
}								}
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-icon-list.h ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-icon-list.h
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#if !defined(__gnome_db_icon_list_h__)				#if !defined(__gnome_db_icon_list_h__)
#  define __gnome_db_icon_list_h__				#  define __gnome_db_icon_list_h__

#include <libgda/gda-data-model.h>				#include <libgda/gda-data-model.h>
#include <libgnomeui/gnome-icon-list.h>				#include <libgnomeui/gnome-icon-list.h>


#define GNOME_DB_TYPE_ICON_LIST            (gnome_db_icon_lis	#define GNOME_DB_TYPE_ICON_LIST            (gnome_db_icon_lis
#define GNOME_DB_ICON_LIST(obj)            (G_TYPE_CHECK_INST	#define GNOME_DB_ICON_LIST(obj)            (G_TYPE_CHECK_INST

typedef struct _GnomeDbIconList        GnomeDbIconList;		typedef struct _GnomeDbIconList        GnomeDbIconList;
typedef struct _GnomeDbIconListClass   GnomeDbIconListClass;	typedef struct _GnomeDbIconListClass   GnomeDbIconListClass;
typedef struct _GnomeDbIconListPrivate GnomeDbIconListPrivate	typedef struct _GnomeDbIconListPrivate GnomeDbIconListPrivate

struct _GnomeDbIconList {					struct _GnomeDbIconList {
	GnomeIconList list;						GnomeIconList list;
	GnomeDbIconListPrivate *priv;					GnomeDbIconListPrivate *priv;
};								};

struct _GnomeDbIconListClass {					struct _GnomeDbIconListClass {
	GnomeIconListClass parent_class;				GnomeIconListClass parent_class;
};								};

GType      gnome_db_icon_list_get_type (void);			GType      gnome_db_icon_list_get_type (void);
GtkWidget *gnome_db_icon_list_new (guint icon_width);		GtkWidget *gnome_db_icon_list_new (guint icon_width);
void       gnome_db_icon_list_set_model (GnomeDbIconList *lis	void       gnome_db_icon_list_set_model (GnomeDbIconList *lis


#endif								#endif
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 * 	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 * 	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#include <bonobo/bonobo-ui-main.h>				#include <bonobo/bonobo-ui-main.h>
#endif								#endif
#include <glade/glade-init.h>					#include <glade/glade-init.h>
#endif								#endif
#include <libgda/libgda.h>					#include <libgda/libgda.h>
#include <libgnomeui/gnome-ui-init.h>				#include <libgnomeui/gnome-ui-init.h>
#endif								#endif
#include <libgnomedb/libgnomedb.h>				#include <libgnomedb/libgnomedb.h>
#include "gnome-db-i18n.h"					#include "gnome-db-i18n.h"

extern void gnome_db_stock_init (void);				extern void gnome_db_stock_init (void);

/*								/*
 * Public functions						 * Public functions
 */								 */

void								void
gnome_db_init (const gchar *app_id, const gchar *version, gin	gnome_db_init (const gchar *app_id, const gchar *version, gin
{								{
	static gboolean initialized = FALSE;				static gboolean initialized = FALSE;

	if (initialized) {						if (initialized) {
		gda_log_error (_("Attempt to initialize an al			gda_log_error (_("Attempt to initialize an al
		return;								return;
	}								}

	bind_textdomain_codeset (GETTEXT_PACKAGE, "UTF-8");		bind_textdomain_codeset (GETTEXT_PACKAGE, "UTF-8");

	gda_init (app_id, version, nargs, args);			gda_init (app_id, version, nargs, args);
	gnome_program_init (app_id, version, LIBGNOMEUI_MODUL		gnome_program_init (app_id, version, LIBGNOMEUI_MODUL

	if (!bonobo_ui_is_initialized ())				if (!bonobo_ui_is_initialized ())
		bonobo_ui_init (app_id, version, &nargs, args			bonobo_ui_init (app_id, version, &nargs, args
#else								#else
	gtk_init (nargs, args);						gtk_init (nargs, args);
#endif								#endif

	glade_init ();							glade_init ();
#endif								#endif
	gnome_db_stock_init ();						gnome_db_stock_init ();
}								}

typedef struct {						typedef struct {
	GdaInitFunc init_func;						GdaInitFunc init_func;
	gpointer user_data;						gpointer user_data;
} InitCbData;							} InitCbData;

static gboolean							static gboolean
idle_cb (gpointer user_data)					idle_cb (gpointer user_data)
{								{
	InitCbData *cb_data = (InitCbData *) user_data;			InitCbData *cb_data = (InitCbData *) user_data;

	g_return_val_if_fail (cb_data != NULL, FALSE);			g_return_val_if_fail (cb_data != NULL, FALSE);

	if (cb_data->init_func)						if (cb_data->init_func)
		cb_data->init_func (cb_data->user_data);			cb_data->init_func (cb_data->user_data);

	g_free (cb_data);						g_free (cb_data);

	return FALSE;							return FALSE;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_main_run						 * gnome_db_main_run
 * @init_func: function to be called when everything has been	 * @init_func: function to be called when everything has been
 * @user_data: data to be passed to the init function		 * @user_data: data to be passed to the init function
 *								 *
 * Runs the GNOME-DB main loop, which is nothing more than th	 * Runs the GNOME-DB main loop, which is nothing more than th
 * loop, but with internally added stuff specific for applica	 * loop, but with internally added stuff specific for applica
 * libgda/libgnomedb.						 * libgda/libgnomedb.
 *								 *
 * You can specify a function to be called after everything h	 * You can specify a function to be called after everything h
 * initialized (that is, for initializing your own stuff).	 * initialized (that is, for initializing your own stuff).
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_main_run (GdaInitFunc init_func, gpointer user_data)	gnome_db_main_run (GdaInitFunc init_func, gpointer user_data)
{								{
	if (init_func) {						if (init_func) {
		InitCbData *cb_data;						InitCbData *cb_data;

		cb_data = g_new (InitCbData, 1);				cb_data = g_new (InitCbData, 1);
		cb_data->init_func = init_func;					cb_data->init_func = init_func;
		cb_data->user_data = user_data;					cb_data->user_data = user_data;

		g_idle_add ((GSourceFunc) idle_cb, cb_data);			g_idle_add ((GSourceFunc) idle_cb, cb_data);
	}								}

	bonobo_ui_main ();						bonobo_ui_main ();
#else								#else
	gtk_main();							gtk_main();
#endif								#endif	
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_main_quit						 * gnome_db_main_quit
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_main_quit (void)					gnome_db_main_quit (void)
{								{
	gtk_main_quit ();						gtk_main_quit ();
}								}
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-list.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-list.c
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#include <libgda/gda-data-model-list.h>				#include <libgda/gda-data-model-list.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-list.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-list.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h>


struct _GnomeDbListPrivate {					struct _GnomeDbListPrivate {
	GdaDataModel *data_model;					GdaDataModel *data_model;
	GtkWidget *grid;						GtkWidget *grid;
};								};

static void gnome_db_list_class_init   (GnomeDbListClass *kla	static void gnome_db_list_class_init   (GnomeDbListClass *kla
static void gnome_db_list_init         (GnomeDbList *list, Gn	static void gnome_db_list_init         (GnomeDbList *list, Gn
static void gnome_db_list_set_property (GObject *object,	static void gnome_db_list_set_property (GObject *object,
					guint paramid,							guint paramid,
					const GValue *value,						const GValue *value,
					GParamSpec *pspec);						GParamSpec *pspec);
static void gnome_db_list_get_property (GObject *object,	static void gnome_db_list_get_property (GObject *object,
					guint param_id,							guint param_id,
					GValue *value,							GValue *value,
					GParamSpec *pspec);						GParamSpec *pspec);
static void gnome_db_list_finalize     (GObject *object);	static void gnome_db_list_finalize     (GObject *object);

enum {								enum {
};								};

enum {								enum {
	PROP_0,								PROP_0,
};								};

static gint list_signals[LAST_SIGNAL];				static gint list_signals[LAST_SIGNAL];
static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL;			static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL;

/*								/*
 * Callbacks							 * Callbacks
 */								 */

static void							static void
grid_row_selected_cb (GnomeDbGrid *grid, gint row, gpointer u	grid_row_selected_cb (GnomeDbGrid *grid, gint row, gpointer u
{								{
	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_LIST (user_data));		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_LIST (user_data));
	g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (user_data), list_signals[ROW		g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (user_data), list_signals[ROW
}								}

static void							static void
grid_selection_cleared_cb (GnomeDbGrid *grid, gpointer user_d	grid_selection_cleared_cb (GnomeDbGrid *grid, gpointer user_d
{								{
	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_LIST (user_data));		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_LIST (user_data));
	g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (user_data), list_signals[SEL		g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (user_data), list_signals[SEL
}								}

/*								/*
 * GnomeDbList class implementation				 * GnomeDbList class implementation
 */								 */

static void							static void
gnome_db_list_class_init (GnomeDbListClass *klass)		gnome_db_list_class_init (GnomeDbListClass *klass)
{								{
	GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);		GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);

	parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);		parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);

	object_class->set_property = gnome_db_list_set_proper		object_class->set_property = gnome_db_list_set_proper
	object_class->get_property = gnome_db_list_get_proper		object_class->get_property = gnome_db_list_get_proper
	object_class->finalize = gnome_db_list_finalize;		object_class->finalize = gnome_db_list_finalize;

	/* add class properties */					/* add class properties */
	g_object_class_install_property (				g_object_class_install_property (
		object_class, PROP_MODEL,					object_class, PROP_MODEL,
		g_param_spec_object ("model", NULL, NULL,			g_param_spec_object ("model", NULL, NULL,

	/* add class signals */						/* add class signals */
	list_signals[ROW_SELECTED] =					list_signals[ROW_SELECTED] =
		g_signal_new ("row_selected",					g_signal_new ("row_selected",
			      G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class				      G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class
			      G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,					      G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,
			      G_STRUCT_OFFSET (GnomeDbGridCla				      G_STRUCT_OFFSET (GnomeDbGridCla
			      NULL, NULL,						      NULL, NULL,
			      g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__INT,				      g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__INT,
			      G_TYPE_NONE, 1, G_TYPE_INT);				      G_TYPE_NONE, 1, G_TYPE_INT);
	list_signals[SELECTION_CLEARED] =				list_signals[SELECTION_CLEARED] =
		g_signal_new ("selection_cleared",				g_signal_new ("selection_cleared",
			      G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class				      G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class
			      G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,					      G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,
			      G_STRUCT_OFFSET (GnomeDbGridCla				      G_STRUCT_OFFSET (GnomeDbGridCla
			      NULL, NULL,						      NULL, NULL,
			      g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID,				      g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID,
			      G_TYPE_NONE, 0);						      G_TYPE_NONE, 0);
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_list_init (GnomeDbList *list, GnomeDbListClass *klas	gnome_db_list_init (GnomeDbList *list, GnomeDbListClass *klas
{								{
	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_LIST (list));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_LIST (list));

	/* allocate private structure */				/* allocate private structure */
	list->priv = g_new0 (GnomeDbListPrivate, 1);			list->priv = g_new0 (GnomeDbListPrivate, 1);
	list->priv->data_model = NULL;					list->priv->data_model = NULL;

	/* set up widgets */						/* set up widgets */
	list->priv->grid = gnome_db_new_grid_widget (NULL);		list->priv->grid = gnome_db_new_grid_widget (NULL);
	gnome_db_grid_set_selection_mode (GNOME_DB_GRID (list		gnome_db_grid_set_selection_mode (GNOME_DB_GRID (list
	g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (list->priv->grid), "row_s		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (list->priv->grid), "row_s
			  G_CALLBACK (grid_row_selected_cb), 				  G_CALLBACK (grid_row_selected_cb), 
	g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (list->priv->grid), "selec		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (list->priv->grid), "selec
			  G_CALLBACK (grid_selection_cleared_				  G_CALLBACK (grid_selection_cleared_
	gnome_db_grid_hide_column_titles (GNOME_DB_GRID (list		gnome_db_grid_hide_column_titles (GNOME_DB_GRID (list
	gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (list), list->priv->grid,		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (list), list->priv->grid,
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_list_set_property (GObject *object,			gnome_db_list_set_property (GObject *object,
			    guint param_id,						    guint param_id,
			    const GValue *value,					    const GValue *value,
			    GParamSpec *pspec)						    GParamSpec *pspec)
{								{
	GnomeDbList *list = (GnomeDbList *) object;			GnomeDbList *list = (GnomeDbList *) object;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_LIST (list));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_LIST (list));

	switch (param_id) {						switch (param_id) {
	case PROP_MODEL :						case PROP_MODEL :
		gnome_db_list_set_model (list,					gnome_db_list_set_model (list,
					 GDA_DATA_MODEL (g_va						 GDA_DATA_MODEL (g_va
					 0);								 0);
		break;								break;
	default :							default :
		break;								break;
	}								}
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_list_get_property (GObject *object,			gnome_db_list_get_property (GObject *object,
			    guint param_id,						    guint param_id,
			    GValue *value,						    GValue *value,
			    GParamSpec *pspec)						    GParamSpec *pspec)
{								{
	GnomeDbList *list = (GnomeDbList *) object;			GnomeDbList *list = (GnomeDbList *) object;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_LIST (list));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_LIST (list));

	switch (param_id) {						switch (param_id) {
	case PROP_MODEL :						case PROP_MODEL :
		g_value_set_object (value, G_OBJECT (list->pr			g_value_set_object (value, G_OBJECT (list->pr
		break;								break;
	default:							default:
		break;								break;
	}								}
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_list_finalize (GObject *object)			gnome_db_list_finalize (GObject *object)
{								{
	GnomeDbList *list = (GnomeDbList *) object;			GnomeDbList *list = (GnomeDbList *) object;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_LIST (list));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_LIST (list));

	/* free memory */						/* free memory */
	if (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (list->priv->data_model)) {		if (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (list->priv->data_model)) {
		g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (list->priv->data_mo			g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (list->priv->data_mo
		list->priv->data_model = NULL;					list->priv->data_model = NULL;
	}								}

	g_free (list->priv);						g_free (list->priv);
	list->priv = NULL;						list->priv = NULL;

	/* chain to parent class */					/* chain to parent class */
	parent_class->finalize (object);				parent_class->finalize (object);
}								}

GType								GType
gnome_db_list_get_type (void)					gnome_db_list_get_type (void)
{								{
	static GType type = 0;						static GType type = 0;

	if (!type) {							if (!type) {
		static const GTypeInfo info = {					static const GTypeInfo info = {
			sizeof (GnomeDbListClass),					sizeof (GnomeDbListClass),
			(GBaseInitFunc) NULL,						(GBaseInitFunc) NULL,
			(GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL,					(GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL,
			(GClassInitFunc) gnome_db_list_class_				(GClassInitFunc) gnome_db_list_class_
			NULL,								NULL,
			NULL,								NULL,
			sizeof (GnomeDbList),						sizeof (GnomeDbList),
			0,								0,
			(GInstanceInitFunc) gnome_db_list_ini				(GInstanceInitFunc) gnome_db_list_ini
		};								};
		type = g_type_register_static (PARENT_TYPE, "			type = g_type_register_static (PARENT_TYPE, "
	}								}
	return type;							return type;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_list_new						 * gnome_db_list_new
 *								 *
 * Create a new #GnomeDbList widget, which lets you display l	 * Create a new #GnomeDbList widget, which lets you display l
 * of columns.							 * of columns.
 *								 *
 * Returns: the newly created object				 * Returns: the newly created object
 */								 */
GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_list_new (void)					gnome_db_list_new (void)
{								{
	GnomeDbList *list;						GnomeDbList *list;

	list = g_object_new (GNOME_DB_TYPE_LIST, NULL);			list = g_object_new (GNOME_DB_TYPE_LIST, NULL);
	return GTK_WIDGET (list);					return GTK_WIDGET (list);
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_list_new_with_model					 * gnome_db_list_new_with_model
 */								 */
GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_list_new_with_model (GdaDataModel *model, gint col)	gnome_db_list_new_with_model (GdaDataModel *model, gint col)
{								{
	GtkWidget *list;						GtkWidget *list;

	list = gnome_db_list_new ();					list = gnome_db_list_new ();
	gnome_db_list_set_model (GNOME_DB_LIST (list), model,		gnome_db_list_set_model (GNOME_DB_LIST (list), model,

	return list;							return list;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_list_get_model					 * gnome_db_list_get_model
 */								 */
GdaDataModel *							GdaDataModel *
gnome_db_list_get_model (GnomeDbList *list)			gnome_db_list_get_model (GnomeDbList *list)
{								{
	g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_LIST (list), NULL);		g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_LIST (list), NULL);
	return list->priv->data_model;					return list->priv->data_model;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_list_set_model					 * gnome_db_list_set_model
 * @list: a #GnomeDbList widget.				 * @list: a #GnomeDbList widget.
 * @model: a #GdaDataModel object.				 * @model: a #GdaDataModel object.
 * @col: column to be shown from the data model.		 * @col: column to be shown from the data model.
 *								 *
 * Set the data model to be displayed by the #GnomeDbList wid	 * Set the data model to be displayed by the #GnomeDbList wid
 * As this widget just shows single-columns data models, you 	 * As this widget just shows single-columns data models, you 
 * to specify, along with the #GdaDataModel object, the colum	 * to specify, along with the #GdaDataModel object, the colum
 * to be shown.							 * to be shown.
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_list_set_model (GnomeDbList *list, GdaDataModel *mod	gnome_db_list_set_model (GnomeDbList *list, GdaDataModel *mod
{								{
	gint n;								gint n;
	gint row_count;							gint row_count;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_LIST (list));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_LIST (list));

	/* free previous data model */					/* free previous data model */
	if (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (list->priv->data_model)) {		if (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (list->priv->data_model)) {
		g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (list->priv->data_mo			g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (list->priv->data_mo
		list->priv->data_model = NULL;					list->priv->data_model = NULL;
	}								}

	/* fill in our private data model */				/* fill in our private data model */
	list->priv->data_model = gda_data_model_list_new ();		list->priv->data_model = gda_data_model_list_new ();

	if (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (model)) {				if (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (model)) {
		row_count = gda_data_model_get_n_rows (model)			row_count = gda_data_model_get_n_rows (model)
		for (n = 0; n < row_count; n++) {				for (n = 0; n < row_count; n++) {
			const GdaValue *value;						const GdaValue *value;

			value = gda_data_model_get_value_at (				value = gda_data_model_get_value_at (
			if (value != NULL) {						if (value != NULL) {
				gda_data_model_list_append_va					gda_data_model_list_append_va
					value);								value);
			}								}
		}								}
	}								}

	gnome_db_grid_set_model (GNOME_DB_GRID (list->priv->g		gnome_db_grid_set_model (GNOME_DB_GRID (list->priv->g
	gnome_db_grid_hide_column_titles (GNOME_DB_GRID (list		gnome_db_grid_hide_column_titles (GNOME_DB_GRID (list
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_list_get_selection:					 * gnome_db_list_get_selection:
 * @list: a #GnomeDbList widget.				 * @list: a #GnomeDbList widget.
 *								 *
 * Gets the list of selected rows in the given %GnomeDbList w	 * Gets the list of selected rows in the given %GnomeDbList w
 *								 *
 * Returns: a GList of integers representing the numbers of t	 * Returns: a GList of integers representing the numbers of t
 * rows. This list should be freed (by calling * #g_list_free	 * rows. This list should be freed (by calling * #g_list_free
 * longer needed.						 * longer needed.
 */								 */
GList *								GList *
gnome_db_list_get_selection (GnomeDbList *list)			gnome_db_list_get_selection (GnomeDbList *list)
{								{
	g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_LIST (list), NULL);		g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_LIST (list), NULL);
	return gnome_db_grid_get_selection (GNOME_DB_GRID (li		return gnome_db_grid_get_selection (GNOME_DB_GRID (li
}								}
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-list.h ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-list.h
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#if !defined(__gnome_db_list_h__)				#if !defined(__gnome_db_list_h__)
#  define __gnome_db_list_h__					#  define __gnome_db_list_h__

#include <libgda/gda-data-model.h>				#include <libgda/gda-data-model.h>
#include <gtk/gtkvbox.h>					#include <gtk/gtkvbox.h>


#define GNOME_DB_TYPE_LIST            (gnome_db_list_get_type	#define GNOME_DB_TYPE_LIST            (gnome_db_list_get_type
#define GNOME_DB_LIST(obj)            (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_	#define GNOME_DB_LIST(obj)            (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_

typedef struct _GnomeDbList        GnomeDbList;			typedef struct _GnomeDbList        GnomeDbList;
typedef struct _GnomeDbListClass   GnomeDbListClass;		typedef struct _GnomeDbListClass   GnomeDbListClass;
typedef struct _GnomeDbListPrivate GnomeDbListPrivate;		typedef struct _GnomeDbListPrivate GnomeDbListPrivate;

struct _GnomeDbList {						struct _GnomeDbList {
	GtkVBox parent;							GtkVBox parent;
	GnomeDbListPrivate *priv;					GnomeDbListPrivate *priv;
};								};

struct _GnomeDbListClass {					struct _GnomeDbListClass {
	GtkVBoxClass parent_class;					GtkVBoxClass parent_class;

	/* signals */							/* signals */
	void (* row_selected)      (GnomeDbList *list, gint r		void (* row_selected)      (GnomeDbList *list, gint r
	void (* selection_cleared) (GnomeDbList *list);			void (* selection_cleared) (GnomeDbList *list);
};								};

GType         gnome_db_list_get_type (void);			GType         gnome_db_list_get_type (void);
GtkWidget    *gnome_db_list_new (void);				GtkWidget    *gnome_db_list_new (void);
GtkWidget    *gnome_db_list_new_with_model (GdaDataModel *mod	GtkWidget    *gnome_db_list_new_with_model (GdaDataModel *mod
GdaDataModel *gnome_db_list_get_model (GnomeDbList *list);	GdaDataModel *gnome_db_list_get_model (GnomeDbList *list);
void          gnome_db_list_set_model (GnomeDbList *list, Gda	void          gnome_db_list_set_model (GnomeDbList *list, Gda
GList        *gnome_db_list_get_selection (GnomeDbList *list)	GList        *gnome_db_list_get_selection (GnomeDbList *list)


#endif								#endif
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#include <libgda/gda-config.h>					#include <libgda/gda-config.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-data-source-selector.h>		#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-data-source-selector.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.h>		#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-i18n.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-i18n.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h>
#include <gtk/gtklabel.h>					#include <gtk/gtklabel.h>
#include <gtk/gtktable.h>					#include <gtk/gtktable.h>
#include <gtk/gtkstock.h>					#include <gtk/gtkstock.h>

struct _GnomeDbLoginPrivate {					struct _GnomeDbLoginPrivate {
	gchar *dsn_name;						gchar *dsn_name;
	GtkWidget *dsn_entry;						GtkWidget *dsn_entry;
	GtkWidget *create_dsn_button;					GtkWidget *create_dsn_button;
	gboolean hiding_button;						gboolean hiding_button;
	GtkWidget *username_entry;					GtkWidget *username_entry;
	GtkWidget *password_entry;					GtkWidget *password_entry;
};								};

static void gnome_db_login_class_init   (GnomeDbLoginClass *k	static void gnome_db_login_class_init   (GnomeDbLoginClass *k
static void gnome_db_login_init         (GnomeDbLogin *login,	static void gnome_db_login_init         (GnomeDbLogin *login,
static void gnome_db_login_set_property (GObject *object,	static void gnome_db_login_set_property (GObject *object,
					 guint paramid,							 guint paramid,
					 const GValue *value,						 const GValue *value,
					 GParamSpec *pspec);						 GParamSpec *pspec);
static void gnome_db_login_get_property (GObject *object,	static void gnome_db_login_get_property (GObject *object,
					 guint param_id,						 guint param_id,
					 GValue *value,							 GValue *value,
					 GParamSpec *pspec);						 GParamSpec *pspec);
static void gnome_db_login_finalize     (GObject *object);	static void gnome_db_login_finalize     (GObject *object);

enum {								enum {
	PROP_0,								PROP_0,
};								};

static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL;			static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL;

/*								/*
 * Private functions						 * Private functions
 */								 */

/*								/*
 * GnomeDbLogin class implementation				 * GnomeDbLogin class implementation
 */								 */

static void							static void
gnome_db_login_class_init (GnomeDbLoginClass *klass)		gnome_db_login_class_init (GnomeDbLoginClass *klass)
{								{
	GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);		GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);

	parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);		parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);

	object_class->set_property = gnome_db_login_set_prope		object_class->set_property = gnome_db_login_set_prope
	object_class->get_property = gnome_db_login_get_prope		object_class->get_property = gnome_db_login_get_prope
	object_class->finalize = gnome_db_login_finalize;		object_class->finalize = gnome_db_login_finalize;

	/* add class properties */					/* add class properties */
	g_object_class_install_property (				g_object_class_install_property (
		object_class, PROP_DSN,						object_class, PROP_DSN,
		g_param_spec_string ("dsn", NULL, NULL, NULL,			g_param_spec_string ("dsn", NULL, NULL, NULL,
	g_object_class_install_property (				g_object_class_install_property (
		object_class, PROP_USERNAME,					object_class, PROP_USERNAME,
		g_param_spec_string ("username", NULL, NULL, 			g_param_spec_string ("username", NULL, NULL, 
	g_object_class_install_property (				g_object_class_install_property (
		object_class, PROP_PASSWORD,					object_class, PROP_PASSWORD,
		g_param_spec_string ("password", NULL, NULL, 			g_param_spec_string ("password", NULL, NULL, 
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_login_init (GnomeDbLogin *login, GnomeDbLoginClass *	gnome_db_login_init (GnomeDbLogin *login, GnomeDbLoginClass *
{								{
	/* allocate the internal structure */				/* allocate the internal structure */
	login->priv = g_new0 (GnomeDbLoginPrivate, 1);			login->priv = g_new0 (GnomeDbLoginPrivate, 1);
	login->priv->dsn_name = NULL;					login->priv->dsn_name = NULL;
	login->priv->hiding_button = TRUE;				login->priv->hiding_button = TRUE;
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_login_set_property (GObject *object,			gnome_db_login_set_property (GObject *object,
			     guint param_id,						     guint param_id,
			     const GValue *value,					     const GValue *value,
			     GParamSpec *pspec)						     GParamSpec *pspec)
{								{
	GnomeDbLogin *login = (GnomeDbLogin *) object;			GnomeDbLogin *login = (GnomeDbLogin *) object;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_LOGIN (login));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_LOGIN (login));

	switch (param_id) {						switch (param_id) {
	default :							default :
		break;								break;
	}								}
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_login_get_property (GObject *object,			gnome_db_login_get_property (GObject *object,
			       guint param_id,						       guint param_id,
			       GValue *value,						       GValue *value,
			       GParamSpec *pspec)					       GParamSpec *pspec)
{								{
	GnomeDbLogin *login = (GnomeDbLogin *) object;			GnomeDbLogin *login = (GnomeDbLogin *) object;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_LOGIN (login));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_LOGIN (login));

	switch (param_id) {						switch (param_id) {
	case PROP_DSN :							case PROP_DSN :
		g_value_set_string (value, gnome_db_login_get			g_value_set_string (value, gnome_db_login_get
		break;								break;
		g_value_set_string (value, gnome_db_login_get			g_value_set_string (value, gnome_db_login_get
		break;								break;
		g_value_set_string (value, gnome_db_login_get			g_value_set_string (value, gnome_db_login_get
		break;								break;
	default:							default:
		break;								break;
	}								}
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_login_finalize (GObject *object)			gnome_db_login_finalize (GObject *object)
{								{
	GnomeDbLogin *login = (GnomeDbLogin *) object;			GnomeDbLogin *login = (GnomeDbLogin *) object;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_LOGIN (login));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_LOGIN (login));

	/* free memory */						/* free memory */
	if (login->priv->dsn_name != NULL) {				if (login->priv->dsn_name != NULL) {
		g_free (login->priv->dsn_name);					g_free (login->priv->dsn_name);
		login->priv->dsn_name = NULL;					login->priv->dsn_name = NULL;
	}								}

	g_free (login->priv);						g_free (login->priv);
	login->priv = NULL;						login->priv = NULL;

	parent_class->finalize (object);				parent_class->finalize (object);
}								}

GType								GType
gnome_db_login_get_type (void)					gnome_db_login_get_type (void)
{								{
	static GType type = 0;						static GType type = 0;

	if (!type) {							if (!type) {
		static const GTypeInfo info = {					static const GTypeInfo info = {
			sizeof (GnomeDbLoginClass),					sizeof (GnomeDbLoginClass),
			(GBaseInitFunc) NULL,						(GBaseInitFunc) NULL,
			(GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL,					(GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL,
			(GClassInitFunc) gnome_db_login_class				(GClassInitFunc) gnome_db_login_class
			NULL,								NULL,
			NULL,								NULL,
			sizeof (GnomeDbLogin),						sizeof (GnomeDbLogin),
			0,								0,
			(GInstanceInitFunc) gnome_db_login_in				(GInstanceInitFunc) gnome_db_login_in
		};								};
		type = g_type_register_static (GTK_TYPE_VBOX,			type = g_type_register_static (GTK_TYPE_VBOX,
	}								}
	return type;							return type;
}								}

static void							static void
druid_finished_cb (GnomeDbDsnConfigDruid *druid, gboolean err	druid_finished_cb (GnomeDbDsnConfigDruid *druid, gboolean err
{								{
	const GdaDataSourceInfo *dsn_info;				const GdaDataSourceInfo *dsn_info;

	if (!error) {							if (!error) {
		dsn_info = gnome_db_dsn_config_druid_get_dsn 			dsn_info = gnome_db_dsn_config_druid_get_dsn 
		if (dsn_info) {							if (dsn_info) {
			gnome_db_config_save_data_source (dsn				gnome_db_config_save_data_source (dsn
							  dsn								  dsn
							  dsn								  dsn
							  dsn								  dsn
							  dsn								  dsn
							  dsn								  dsn
		}								}
	}								}

	gtk_widget_destroy (gtk_widget_get_toplevel (GTK_WIDG		gtk_widget_destroy (gtk_widget_get_toplevel (GTK_WIDG
	gtk_widget_set_sensitive (gtk_widget_get_toplevel (GT		gtk_widget_set_sensitive (gtk_widget_get_toplevel (GT
}								}

static void							static void
add_dsn_cb (GtkButton *button, GnomeDbLogin *login)		add_dsn_cb (GtkButton *button, GnomeDbLogin *login)
{								{
	GtkWidget *druid, *dialog;					GtkWidget *druid, *dialog;
	GdkPixbuf *icon;						GdkPixbuf *icon;

	gtk_widget_set_sensitive (gtk_widget_get_toplevel (GT		gtk_widget_set_sensitive (gtk_widget_get_toplevel (GT

	/* create the dialog */						/* create the dialog */
	dialog = gtk_dialog_new_with_buttons (_("New data sou		dialog = gtk_dialog_new_with_buttons (_("New data sou
					      GTK_WINDOW (gtk						      GTK_WINDOW (gtk
					      0, NULL);							      0, NULL);
	icon = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file (LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR 		icon = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file (LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR 
	if (icon) {							if (icon) {
		gtk_window_set_icon (GTK_WINDOW (dialog), ico			gtk_window_set_icon (GTK_WINDOW (dialog), ico
		g_object_unref (icon);						g_object_unref (icon);
	}								}

	druid = gnome_db_dsn_config_druid_new ();			druid = gnome_db_dsn_config_druid_new ();
	g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (druid), "finished",			g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (druid), "finished",
			  G_CALLBACK (druid_finished_cb), log				  G_CALLBACK (druid_finished_cb), log
	gtk_widget_show (druid);					gtk_widget_show (druid);
	gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (GTK_DIALOG (dialog)->vbo		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (GTK_DIALOG (dialog)->vbo

	/* run the dialog */						/* run the dialog */
	gtk_widget_show (dialog);					gtk_widget_show (dialog);
}								}

static GtkWidget *						static GtkWidget *
gnome_db_login_construct (GnomeDbLogin *login, const gchar *d	gnome_db_login_construct (GnomeDbLogin *login, const gchar *d
{								{
	GtkWidget *table;						GtkWidget *table;
	GtkWidget *label;						GtkWidget *label;

	g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_LOGIN (login), GTK_		g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_LOGIN (login), GTK_

	if (dsn != NULL)						if (dsn != NULL)
		login->priv->dsn_name = g_strdup (dsn);				login->priv->dsn_name = g_strdup (dsn);
	else								else
		login->priv->dsn_name = NULL;					login->priv->dsn_name = NULL;

	table = gnome_db_new_table_widget (3, 3, FALSE);		table = gnome_db_new_table_widget (3, 3, FALSE);
	gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (login), table, TRUE, TRU		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (login), table, TRUE, TRU

	label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (_("Data Source:"))		label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (_("Data Source:"))
        gtk_label_set_justify (GTK_LABEL (label), GTK_JUSTIFY	        gtk_label_set_justify (GTK_LABEL (label), GTK_JUSTIFY
	gtk_label_set_selectable (GTK_LABEL (label), FALSE);		gtk_label_set_selectable (GTK_LABEL (label), FALSE);
        gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (label), 0.0, 0.5);	        gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (label), 0.0, 0.5);
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), label, 0, 1, 0, 		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), label, 0, 1, 0, 
	login->priv->dsn_entry = gnome_db_data_source_selecto		login->priv->dsn_entry = gnome_db_data_source_selecto
	gtk_widget_show (login->priv->dsn_entry);			gtk_widget_show (login->priv->dsn_entry);
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), login->priv->dsn		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), login->priv->dsn

	login->priv->create_dsn_button = gnome_db_new_button_		login->priv->create_dsn_button = gnome_db_new_button_
	g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (login->priv->create_dsn_b		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (login->priv->create_dsn_b
			  G_CALLBACK (add_dsn_cb), login);				  G_CALLBACK (add_dsn_cb), login);
	gtk_widget_hide (login->priv->create_dsn_button);		gtk_widget_hide (login->priv->create_dsn_button);
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), login->priv->cre		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), login->priv->cre
			  GTK_FILL, GTK_FILL, 0, 0);					  GTK_FILL, GTK_FILL, 0, 0);

	label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (_("Username:"));		label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (_("Username:"));
        gtk_label_set_justify (GTK_LABEL (label), GTK_JUSTIFY	        gtk_label_set_justify (GTK_LABEL (label), GTK_JUSTIFY
	gtk_label_set_selectable (GTK_LABEL (label), FALSE);		gtk_label_set_selectable (GTK_LABEL (label), FALSE);
        gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (label), 0.0, 0.5);	        gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (label), 0.0, 0.5);
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), label, 0, 1, 1, 		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), label, 0, 1, 1, 
	login->priv->username_entry = gnome_db_new_entry_widg		login->priv->username_entry = gnome_db_new_entry_widg
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), login->priv->use		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), login->priv->use

	label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (_("Password:"));		label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (_("Password:"));
        gtk_label_set_justify (GTK_LABEL (label), GTK_JUSTIFY	        gtk_label_set_justify (GTK_LABEL (label), GTK_JUSTIFY
	gtk_label_set_selectable (GTK_LABEL (label), FALSE);		gtk_label_set_selectable (GTK_LABEL (label), FALSE);
        gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (label), 0.0, 0.5);	        gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (label), 0.0, 0.5);
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), label, 0, 1, 2, 		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), label, 0, 1, 2, 
	login->priv->password_entry = gnome_db_new_entry_widg		login->priv->password_entry = gnome_db_new_entry_widg
	gtk_entry_set_visibility (GTK_ENTRY (login->priv->pas		gtk_entry_set_visibility (GTK_ENTRY (login->priv->pas
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), login->priv->pas		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), login->priv->pas

	return GTK_WIDGET (login);					return GTK_WIDGET (login);
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_login_new						 * gnome_db_login_new
 */								 */
GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_login_new (const gchar *dsn)				gnome_db_login_new (const gchar *dsn)
{								{
	GnomeDbLogin *login;						GnomeDbLogin *login;

	login = g_object_new (GNOME_DB_TYPE_LOGIN, NULL);		login = g_object_new (GNOME_DB_TYPE_LOGIN, NULL);
	return gnome_db_login_construct (login, dsn);			return gnome_db_login_construct (login, dsn);
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_login_get_dsn					 * gnome_db_login_get_dsn
 */								 */
const gchar *							const gchar *
gnome_db_login_get_dsn (GnomeDbLogin *login)			gnome_db_login_get_dsn (GnomeDbLogin *login)
{								{
	g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_LOGIN (login), NULL		g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_LOGIN (login), NULL

	if (login->priv->dsn_name)					if (login->priv->dsn_name)
		return (const gchar *) login->priv->dsn_name;			return (const gchar *) login->priv->dsn_name;

	return gnome_db_option_menu_get_selection (GTK_OPTION		return gnome_db_option_menu_get_selection (GTK_OPTION
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_login_set_dsn					 * gnome_db_login_set_dsn
 * @login: A #GnomeDbLogin widget.				 * @login: A #GnomeDbLogin widget.
 * @dsn: Data source name.					 * @dsn: Data source name.
 *								 *
 * Set the data source name on the given #GnomeDbLogin widget	 * Set the data source name on the given #GnomeDbLogin widget
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_login_set_dsn (GnomeDbLogin *login, const gchar *dsn	gnome_db_login_set_dsn (GnomeDbLogin *login, const gchar *dsn
{								{
	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_LOGIN (login));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_LOGIN (login));
							      >		g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_OPTION_MENU(login->priv->dsn
	gnome_db_option_menu_set_selection (GTK_OPTION_MENU (		gnome_db_option_menu_set_selection (GTK_OPTION_MENU (
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_login_get_username					 * gnome_db_login_get_username
 * @login: A #GnomeDbLogin widget.				 * @login: A #GnomeDbLogin widget.
 *								 *
 * Get the value currently entered in the username text entry	 * Get the value currently entered in the username text entry
 *								 *
 * Returns: the username being entered in the login widget.	 * Returns: the username being entered in the login widget.
 */								 */
const gchar *							const gchar *
gnome_db_login_get_username (GnomeDbLogin *login)		gnome_db_login_get_username (GnomeDbLogin *login)
{								{
	g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_LOGIN (login), NULL		g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_LOGIN (login), NULL
	return gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY (login->priv->us		return gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY (login->priv->us
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_login_set_username					 * gnome_db_login_set_username
 * @login: a #GnomeDbLogin widget.				 * @login: a #GnomeDbLogin widget.
 * @username: username to display in the widget.		 * @username: username to display in the widget.
 *								 *
 * Sets the user name to be displayed in the given #GnomeDbLo	 * Sets the user name to be displayed in the given #GnomeDbLo
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_login_set_username (GnomeDbLogin *login, const gchar	gnome_db_login_set_username (GnomeDbLogin *login, const gchar
{								{
	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_LOGIN (login));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_LOGIN (login));
	gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (login->priv->username_		gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (login->priv->username_
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_login_get_password					 * gnome_db_login_get_password
 */								 */
const gchar *							const gchar *
gnome_db_login_get_password (GnomeDbLogin *login)		gnome_db_login_get_password (GnomeDbLogin *login)
{								{
	g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_LOGIN (login), NULL		g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_LOGIN (login), NULL
	return gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY (login->priv->pa		return gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY (login->priv->pa
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_login_set_password					 * gnome_db_login_set_password
 * @login: a #GnomeDbLogin widget.				 * @login: a #GnomeDbLogin widget.
 * @password: password to display in the widget.		 * @password: password to display in the widget.
 *								 *
 * Sets the password to be displayed in the given #GnomeDbLog	 * Sets the password to be displayed in the given #GnomeDbLog
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_login_set_password (GnomeDbLogin *login, const gchar	gnome_db_login_set_password (GnomeDbLogin *login, const gchar
{								{
	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_LOGIN (login));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_LOGIN (login));
	gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (login->priv->password_		gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (login->priv->password_
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_login_set_enable_create_button			 * gnome_db_login_set_enable_create_button
 * @login: A #GnomeDbLogin widget.				 * @login: A #GnomeDbLogin widget.
 * @enable: Flag to enable/disable the button.			 * @enable: Flag to enable/disable the button.
 *								 *
 * Enable/disable the button for allowing the user to create 	 * Enable/disable the button for allowing the user to create 
 * from the login widget. This button is disabled by default,	 * from the login widget. This button is disabled by default,
 * allows the user to start the database properties configura	 * allows the user to start the database properties configura
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_login_set_enable_create_button (GnomeDbLogin *login,	gnome_db_login_set_enable_create_button (GnomeDbLogin *login,
{								{
	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_LOGIN (login));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_LOGIN (login));

	if (login->priv->hiding_button && enable) {			if (login->priv->hiding_button && enable) {
		login->priv->hiding_button = FALSE;				login->priv->hiding_button = FALSE;
		gtk_widget_show (login->priv->create_dsn_butt			gtk_widget_show (login->priv->create_dsn_butt
	} else if (!login->priv->hiding_button && !enable) {		} else if (!login->priv->hiding_button && !enable) {
		login->priv->hiding_button = TRUE;				login->priv->hiding_button = TRUE;
		gtk_widget_hide (login->priv->create_dsn_butt			gtk_widget_hide (login->priv->create_dsn_butt
	}								}
}								}
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#include <gtk/gtkimage.h>					#include <gtk/gtkimage.h>
#include <gtk/gtklabel.h>					#include <gtk/gtklabel.h>
#include <gtk/gtkstock.h>					#include <gtk/gtkstock.h>
#include <gtk/gtktable.h>					#include <gtk/gtktable.h>
#include <gtk/gtkwindow.h>					#include <gtk/gtkwindow.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.h>			#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h>
#include "gnome-db-i18n.h"					#include "gnome-db-i18n.h"

extern void gnome_db_stock_init (void);				extern void gnome_db_stock_init (void);

struct _GnomeDbLoginDialogPrivate {				struct _GnomeDbLoginDialogPrivate {
	GtkWidget *login;						GtkWidget *login;
};								};

static void gnome_db_login_dialog_class_init   (GnomeDbLoginD	static void gnome_db_login_dialog_class_init   (GnomeDbLoginD
static void gnome_db_login_dialog_init         (GnomeDbLoginD	static void gnome_db_login_dialog_init         (GnomeDbLoginD
						GnomeDbLoginD							GnomeDbLoginD
static void gnome_db_login_dialog_set_property (GObject *obje	static void gnome_db_login_dialog_set_property (GObject *obje
						guint paramid							guint paramid
						const GValue 							const GValue 
						GParamSpec *p							GParamSpec *p
static void gnome_db_login_dialog_get_property (GObject *obje	static void gnome_db_login_dialog_get_property (GObject *obje
						guint param_i							guint param_i
						GValue *value							GValue *value
						GParamSpec *p							GParamSpec *p
static void gnome_db_login_dialog_finalize     (GObject *obje	static void gnome_db_login_dialog_finalize     (GObject *obje

enum {								enum {
	PROP_0,								PROP_0,
};								};

static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL;			static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL;

/*								/*
 * GnomeDbLoginDialog class implementation			 * GnomeDbLoginDialog class implementation
 */								 */

static void							static void
gnome_db_login_dialog_class_init (GnomeDbLoginDialogClass *kl	gnome_db_login_dialog_class_init (GnomeDbLoginDialogClass *kl
{								{
	GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);		GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);

	parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);		parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);

	object_class->set_property = gnome_db_login_dialog_se		object_class->set_property = gnome_db_login_dialog_se
	object_class->get_property = gnome_db_login_dialog_ge		object_class->get_property = gnome_db_login_dialog_ge
	object_class->finalize = gnome_db_login_dialog_finali		object_class->finalize = gnome_db_login_dialog_finali

	/* add class properties */					/* add class properties */
	g_object_class_install_property (				g_object_class_install_property (
		object_class, PROP_DSN,						object_class, PROP_DSN,
		g_param_spec_string ("dsn", NULL, NULL, NULL,			g_param_spec_string ("dsn", NULL, NULL, NULL,
	g_object_class_install_property (				g_object_class_install_property (
		object_class, PROP_USERNAME,					object_class, PROP_USERNAME,
		g_param_spec_string ("username", NULL, NULL, 			g_param_spec_string ("username", NULL, NULL, 
	g_object_class_install_property (				g_object_class_install_property (
		object_class, PROP_PASSWORD,					object_class, PROP_PASSWORD,
		g_param_spec_string ("password", NULL, NULL, 			g_param_spec_string ("password", NULL, NULL, 

	gnome_db_stock_init ();						gnome_db_stock_init ();
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_login_dialog_init (GnomeDbLoginDialog *dialog, Gnome	gnome_db_login_dialog_init (GnomeDbLoginDialog *dialog, Gnome
{								{
	GtkWidget *hbox, *vbox, *image, *label;				GtkWidget *hbox, *vbox, *image, *label;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_LOGIN_DIALOG (dialog));		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_LOGIN_DIALOG (dialog));

	dialog->priv = g_new0 (GnomeDbLoginDialogPrivate, 1);		dialog->priv = g_new0 (GnomeDbLoginDialogPrivate, 1);
	gtk_dialog_add_button (GTK_DIALOG (dialog), GTK_STOCK		gtk_dialog_add_button (GTK_DIALOG (dialog), GTK_STOCK
	gtk_dialog_add_button (GTK_DIALOG (dialog), GNOME_DB_		gtk_dialog_add_button (GTK_DIALOG (dialog), GNOME_DB_
	gtk_dialog_set_default_response (GTK_DIALOG (dialog),		gtk_dialog_set_default_response (GTK_DIALOG (dialog),

	gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (dialog		gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (dialog
        gtk_box_set_spacing (GTK_BOX (GTK_DIALOG (dialog)->vb	        gtk_box_set_spacing (GTK_BOX (GTK_DIALOG (dialog)->vb
        gtk_dialog_set_has_separator (GTK_DIALOG (dialog), FA	        gtk_dialog_set_has_separator (GTK_DIALOG (dialog), FA
        gtk_window_set_resizable (GTK_WINDOW (dialog), FALSE)	        gtk_window_set_resizable (GTK_WINDOW (dialog), FALSE)

	hbox = gtk_hbox_new (FALSE, 12);				hbox = gtk_hbox_new (FALSE, 12);
	gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (hbox),		gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (hbox),
	gtk_widget_show (hbox);						gtk_widget_show (hbox);
	gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (GTK_DIALOG (dialog)->vbo		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (GTK_DIALOG (dialog)->vbo

	/* image = gtk_image_new_from_stock (GNOME_DB_STOCK_D		/* image = gtk_image_new_from_stock (GNOME_DB_STOCK_D
	image = gtk_image_new_from_file (LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR 		image = gtk_image_new_from_file (LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR 
        gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (image), 0.5, 0.0);	        gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (image), 0.5, 0.0);
	gtk_widget_show (image);					gtk_widget_show (image);
	gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (hbox), image, FALSE, FAL		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (hbox), image, FALSE, FAL

	vbox = gtk_vbox_new (FALSE, 12);				vbox = gtk_vbox_new (FALSE, 12);
	gtk_widget_show (vbox);						gtk_widget_show (vbox);
	label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (_("Enter the argum		label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (_("Enter the argum
					     "to a data sourc						     "to a data sourc
	gtk_label_set_justify (GTK_LABEL (label), GTK_JUSTIFY		gtk_label_set_justify (GTK_LABEL (label), GTK_JUSTIFY
        gtk_label_set_line_wrap (GTK_LABEL (label), TRUE);	        gtk_label_set_line_wrap (GTK_LABEL (label), TRUE);
	gtk_label_set_selectable (GTK_LABEL (label), FALSE);		gtk_label_set_selectable (GTK_LABEL (label), FALSE);
	gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (label), 0.0, 0.0);		gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (label), 0.0, 0.0);
	gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (vbox), label, TRUE, TRUE		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (vbox), label, TRUE, TRUE

	dialog->priv->login = gnome_db_login_new (NULL);		dialog->priv->login = gnome_db_login_new (NULL);
	gnome_db_login_set_enable_create_button (GNOME_DB_LOG		gnome_db_login_set_enable_create_button (GNOME_DB_LOG
	gtk_widget_show (dialog->priv->login);				gtk_widget_show (dialog->priv->login);
	gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (vbox), dialog->priv->log		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (vbox), dialog->priv->log
	gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (hbox), vbox, TRUE, TRUE,		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (hbox), vbox, TRUE, TRUE,
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_login_dialog_set_property (GObject *object,		gnome_db_login_dialog_set_property (GObject *object,
				    guint param_id,						    guint param_id,
				    const GValue *value,					    const GValue *value,
				    GParamSpec *pspec)						    GParamSpec *pspec)
{								{
	GnomeDbLoginDialog *dialog = (GnomeDbLoginDialog *) o		GnomeDbLoginDialog *dialog = (GnomeDbLoginDialog *) o

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_LOGIN_DIALOG (dialog));		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_LOGIN_DIALOG (dialog));

	switch (param_id) {						switch (param_id) {
	default :							default :
		break;								break;
	}								}
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_login_dialog_get_property (GObject *object,		gnome_db_login_dialog_get_property (GObject *object,
				    guint param_id,						    guint param_id,
				    GValue *value,						    GValue *value,
				    GParamSpec *pspec)						    GParamSpec *pspec)
{								{
	GnomeDbLoginDialog *dialog = (GnomeDbLoginDialog *) o		GnomeDbLoginDialog *dialog = (GnomeDbLoginDialog *) o

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_LOGIN_DIALOG (dialog));		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_LOGIN_DIALOG (dialog));

	switch (param_id) {						switch (param_id) {
	case PROP_DSN :							case PROP_DSN :
		g_value_set_string (						g_value_set_string (
			value,								value,
			gnome_db_login_get_dsn (GNOME_DB_LOGI				gnome_db_login_get_dsn (GNOME_DB_LOGI
		break;								break;
		g_value_set_string (						g_value_set_string (
			value,								value,
			gnome_db_login_get_username (GNOME_DB				gnome_db_login_get_username (GNOME_DB
		break;								break;
		g_value_set_string (						g_value_set_string (
			value,								value,
			gnome_db_login_get_password (GNOME_DB				gnome_db_login_get_password (GNOME_DB
		break;								break;
	default:							default:
		break;								break;
	}								}
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_login_dialog_finalize (GObject *object)		gnome_db_login_dialog_finalize (GObject *object)
{								{
	GnomeDbLoginDialog *dialog = (GnomeDbLoginDialog *) o		GnomeDbLoginDialog *dialog = (GnomeDbLoginDialog *) o

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_LOGIN_DIALOG (dialog));		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_LOGIN_DIALOG (dialog));

	/* free memory */						/* free memory */
	g_free (dialog->priv);						g_free (dialog->priv);
	dialog->priv = NULL;						dialog->priv = NULL;

	parent_class->finalize (object);				parent_class->finalize (object);
}								}

GType								GType
gnome_db_login_dialog_get_type (void)				gnome_db_login_dialog_get_type (void)
{								{
	static GType type = 0;						static GType type = 0;

	if (!type) {							if (!type) {
		static const GTypeInfo info = {					static const GTypeInfo info = {
			sizeof (GnomeDbLoginDialogClass),				sizeof (GnomeDbLoginDialogClass),
			(GBaseInitFunc) NULL,						(GBaseInitFunc) NULL,
			(GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL,					(GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL,
			(GClassInitFunc) gnome_db_login_dialo				(GClassInitFunc) gnome_db_login_dialo
			NULL,								NULL,
			NULL,								NULL,
			sizeof (GnomeDbLoginDialog),					sizeof (GnomeDbLoginDialog),
			0,								0,
			(GInstanceInitFunc) gnome_db_login_di				(GInstanceInitFunc) gnome_db_login_di
		};								};
		type = g_type_register_static (GTK_TYPE_DIALO			type = g_type_register_static (GTK_TYPE_DIALO
	}								}
	return type;							return type;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_login_dialog_new					 * gnome_db_login_dialog_new
 */								 */
GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_login_dialog_new (const gchar *title)			gnome_db_login_dialog_new (const gchar *title)
{								{
	GdkPixbuf *icon;						GdkPixbuf *icon;
	GnomeDbLoginDialog *dialog;					GnomeDbLoginDialog *dialog;

	dialog = g_object_new (GNOME_DB_TYPE_LOGIN_DIALOG, NU		dialog = g_object_new (GNOME_DB_TYPE_LOGIN_DIALOG, NU
	gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (dialog), title);		gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (dialog), title);

	icon = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file (LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR 		icon = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file (LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR 
	if (icon) {							if (icon) {
		gtk_window_set_icon (GTK_WINDOW (dialog), ico			gtk_window_set_icon (GTK_WINDOW (dialog), ico
		g_object_unref (icon);						g_object_unref (icon);
	}								}

	return GTK_WIDGET (dialog);					return GTK_WIDGET (dialog);
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_login_dialog_run					 * gnome_db_login_dialog_run
 */								 */
gboolean							gboolean
gnome_db_login_dialog_run (GnomeDbLoginDialog *dialog)		gnome_db_login_dialog_run (GnomeDbLoginDialog *dialog)
{								{
	g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_LOGIN_DIALOG (dialo		g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_LOGIN_DIALOG (dialo

	if (gtk_dialog_run (GTK_DIALOG (dialog)) == GTK_RESPO		if (gtk_dialog_run (GTK_DIALOG (dialog)) == GTK_RESPO
		return TRUE;							return TRUE;

	return FALSE;							return FALSE;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_login_dialog_get_dsn				 * gnome_db_login_dialog_get_dsn
 */								 */
const gchar *gnome_db_login_dialog_get_dsn (GnomeDbLoginDialo	const gchar *gnome_db_login_dialog_get_dsn (GnomeDbLoginDialo
{								{
	g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_LOGIN_DIALOG (dialo		g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_LOGIN_DIALOG (dialo
	return gnome_db_login_get_dsn (GNOME_DB_LOGIN (dialog		return gnome_db_login_get_dsn (GNOME_DB_LOGIN (dialog
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_login_dialog_get_username				 * gnome_db_login_dialog_get_username
 */								 */
const gchar *gnome_db_login_dialog_get_username (GnomeDbLogin	const gchar *gnome_db_login_dialog_get_username (GnomeDbLogin
{								{
	g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_LOGIN_DIALOG (dialo		g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_LOGIN_DIALOG (dialo
	return gnome_db_login_get_username (GNOME_DB_LOGIN (d		return gnome_db_login_get_username (GNOME_DB_LOGIN (d
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_login_dialog_get_password				 * gnome_db_login_dialog_get_password
 */								 */
const gchar *gnome_db_login_dialog_get_password (GnomeDbLogin	const gchar *gnome_db_login_dialog_get_password (GnomeDbLogin
{								{
	g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_LOGIN_DIALOG (dialo		g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_LOGIN_DIALOG (dialo
	return gnome_db_login_get_password (GNOME_DB_LOGIN (d		return gnome_db_login_get_password (GNOME_DB_LOGIN (d
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_login_dialog_get_login_widget			 * gnome_db_login_dialog_get_login_widget
 * @dialog: A #GnomeDbLoginDialog widget.			 * @dialog: A #GnomeDbLoginDialog widget.
 *								 *
 * Get the #GnomeDbLogin widget contained in a #GnomeDbLoginD	 * Get the #GnomeDbLogin widget contained in a #GnomeDbLoginD
 *								 *
 * Returns: the login widget contained in the dialog.		 * Returns: the login widget contained in the dialog.
 */								 */
GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_login_dialog_get_login_widget (GnomeDbLoginDialog *d	gnome_db_login_dialog_get_login_widget (GnomeDbLoginDialog *d
{								{
	g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_LOGIN_DIALOG (dialo		g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_LOGIN_DIALOG (dialo
	return dialog->priv->login;					return dialog->priv->login;
}								}
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.h ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.h
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#if !defined(__gnome_db_login_dialog_h__)			#if !defined(__gnome_db_login_dialog_h__)
#  define __gnome_db_login_dialog_h__				#  define __gnome_db_login_dialog_h__

#include <gtk/gtkdialog.h>					#include <gtk/gtkdialog.h>


#define GNOME_DB_TYPE_LOGIN_DIALOG            (gnome_db_login	#define GNOME_DB_TYPE_LOGIN_DIALOG            (gnome_db_login
#define GNOME_DB_LOGIN_DIALOG(obj)            (G_TYPE_CHECK_I	#define GNOME_DB_LOGIN_DIALOG(obj)            (G_TYPE_CHECK_I

typedef struct _GnomeDbLoginDialog        GnomeDbLoginDialog;	typedef struct _GnomeDbLoginDialog        GnomeDbLoginDialog;
typedef struct _GnomeDbLoginDialogClass   GnomeDbLoginDialogC	typedef struct _GnomeDbLoginDialogClass   GnomeDbLoginDialogC
typedef struct _GnomeDbLoginDialogPrivate GnomeDbLoginDialogP	typedef struct _GnomeDbLoginDialogPrivate GnomeDbLoginDialogP

struct _GnomeDbLoginDialog {					struct _GnomeDbLoginDialog {
	GtkDialog dialog;						GtkDialog dialog;
	GnomeDbLoginDialogPrivate *priv;				GnomeDbLoginDialogPrivate *priv;
};								};

struct _GnomeDbLoginDialogClass {				struct _GnomeDbLoginDialogClass {
	GtkDialogClass parent_class;					GtkDialogClass parent_class;
};								};

GType        gnome_db_login_dialog_get_type (void);		GType        gnome_db_login_dialog_get_type (void);
GtkWidget   *gnome_db_login_dialog_new (const gchar *title);	GtkWidget   *gnome_db_login_dialog_new (const gchar *title);
gboolean     gnome_db_login_dialog_run (GnomeDbLoginDialog *d	gboolean     gnome_db_login_dialog_run (GnomeDbLoginDialog *d
const gchar *gnome_db_login_dialog_get_dsn (GnomeDbLoginDialo	const gchar *gnome_db_login_dialog_get_dsn (GnomeDbLoginDialo
const gchar *gnome_db_login_dialog_get_username (GnomeDbLogin	const gchar *gnome_db_login_dialog_get_username (GnomeDbLogin
const gchar *gnome_db_login_dialog_get_password (GnomeDbLogin	const gchar *gnome_db_login_dialog_get_password (GnomeDbLogin

GtkWidget   *gnome_db_login_dialog_get_login_widget (GnomeDbL	GtkWidget   *gnome_db_login_dialog_get_login_widget (GnomeDbL


#endif								#endif
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.h ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.h
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#if !defined(__gnome_db_login_h__)				#if !defined(__gnome_db_login_h__)
#  define __gnome_db_login_h__					#  define __gnome_db_login_h__

#include <gtk/gtkvbox.h>					#include <gtk/gtkvbox.h>


#define GNOME_DB_TYPE_LOGIN            (gnome_db_login_get_ty	#define GNOME_DB_TYPE_LOGIN            (gnome_db_login_get_ty
#define GNOME_DB_LOGIN(obj)            (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE	#define GNOME_DB_LOGIN(obj)            (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE

typedef struct _GnomeDbLogin        GnomeDbLogin;		typedef struct _GnomeDbLogin        GnomeDbLogin;
typedef struct _GnomeDbLoginClass   GnomeDbLoginClass;		typedef struct _GnomeDbLoginClass   GnomeDbLoginClass;
typedef struct _GnomeDbLoginPrivate GnomeDbLoginPrivate;	typedef struct _GnomeDbLoginPrivate GnomeDbLoginPrivate;

struct _GnomeDbLogin {						struct _GnomeDbLogin {
	GtkVBox parent;							GtkVBox parent;
	GnomeDbLoginPrivate *priv;					GnomeDbLoginPrivate *priv;
};								};

struct _GnomeDbLoginClass {					struct _GnomeDbLoginClass {
	GtkVBoxClass parent_class;					GtkVBoxClass parent_class;
};								};

GType        gnome_db_login_get_type (void);			GType        gnome_db_login_get_type (void);
GtkWidget   *gnome_db_login_new (const gchar *dsn);		GtkWidget   *gnome_db_login_new (const gchar *dsn);
const gchar *gnome_db_login_get_dsn (GnomeDbLogin *login);	const gchar *gnome_db_login_get_dsn (GnomeDbLogin *login);
void         gnome_db_login_set_dsn (GnomeDbLogin *login, con	void         gnome_db_login_set_dsn (GnomeDbLogin *login, con
const gchar *gnome_db_login_get_username (GnomeDbLogin *login	const gchar *gnome_db_login_get_username (GnomeDbLogin *login
void         gnome_db_login_set_username (GnomeDbLogin *login	void         gnome_db_login_set_username (GnomeDbLogin *login
const gchar *gnome_db_login_get_password (GnomeDbLogin *login	const gchar *gnome_db_login_get_password (GnomeDbLogin *login
void         gnome_db_login_set_password (GnomeDbLogin *login	void         gnome_db_login_set_password (GnomeDbLogin *login

void         gnome_db_login_set_enable_create_button (GnomeDb	void         gnome_db_login_set_enable_create_button (GnomeDb


#endif								#endif
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-model.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-model.c
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 * 	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 * 	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#include <string.h>						#include <string.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-model.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-model.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h>
#include <gtk/gtkcellrenderertext.h>				#include <gtk/gtkcellrenderertext.h>
#include <gtk/gtkcellrenderertoggle.h>				#include <gtk/gtkcellrenderertoggle.h>
#include <gtk/gtktreestore.h>					#include <gtk/gtktreestore.h>
#include <gtk/gtktreeview.h>					#include <gtk/gtktreeview.h>
#include <gtk/gtktreeviewcolumn.h>				#include <gtk/gtktreeviewcolumn.h>
#include "libgnomedb-private.h"					#include "libgnomedb-private.h"

#define DATA_MODEL_INFO_TYPE data_model_info_get_type ()	#define DATA_MODEL_INFO_TYPE data_model_info_get_type ()

/*								/*
 * Private functions						 * Private functions
 */								 */

static void							static void
data_model_info_free (DataModelInfo *info)			data_model_info_free (DataModelInfo *info)
{								{
	g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (info->model));			g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (info->model));
	g_free (info);							g_free (info);
}								}

static DataModelInfo *						static DataModelInfo *
data_model_info_copy (DataModelInfo *src)			data_model_info_copy (DataModelInfo *src)
{								{
	DataModelInfo *info;						DataModelInfo *info;

	g_return_val_if_fail (src != NULL, NULL);			g_return_val_if_fail (src != NULL, NULL);

	info = g_new0 (DataModelInfo, 1);				info = g_new0 (DataModelInfo, 1);
	info->row = src->row;						info->row = src->row;
	info->model = src->model;					info->model = src->model;
	if (info->model)						if (info->model)
		g_object_ref (G_OBJECT (info->model));				g_object_ref (G_OBJECT (info->model));

	return info;							return info;
}								}

static GType							static GType
data_model_info_get_type (void)					data_model_info_get_type (void)
{								{
	static GType type = 0;						static GType type = 0;

	if (!type) {							if (!type) {
		type = g_boxed_type_register_static (				type = g_boxed_type_register_static (
			"GNOME_DB_DataModelInfo",					"GNOME_DB_DataModelInfo",
			(GBoxedCopyFunc) data_model_info_copy				(GBoxedCopyFunc) data_model_info_copy
			(GBoxedFreeFunc) data_model_info_free				(GBoxedFreeFunc) data_model_info_free
	}								}
	return type;							return type;
}								}

static void							static void
column_clicked_cb (GtkTreeViewColumn *column, gpointer user_d	column_clicked_cb (GtkTreeViewColumn *column, gpointer user_d
{								{
	gtk_tree_view_set_search_column (GTK_TREE_VIEW (user_		gtk_tree_view_set_search_column (GTK_TREE_VIEW (user_
					 gtk_tree_view_column						 gtk_tree_view_column
}								}

static gint							static gint
sort_values (GtkTreeModel *model, GtkTreeIter *itera, GtkTree	sort_values (GtkTreeModel *model, GtkTreeIter *itera, GtkTree
{								{
	DataModelInfo *infoa, *infob;					DataModelInfo *infoa, *infob;
	const GdaValue *valuea, *valueb;				const GdaValue *valuea, *valueb;

	gtk_tree_model_get (model, itera, 0, &infoa, -1);		gtk_tree_model_get (model, itera, 0, &infoa, -1);
	gtk_tree_model_get (model, iterb, 0, &infob, -1);		gtk_tree_model_get (model, iterb, 0, &infob, -1);
	if (!infoa || !infob)						if (!infoa || !infob)
		return 0;							return 0;

	valuea = gda_data_model_get_value_at (infoa->model,		valuea = gda_data_model_get_value_at (infoa->model,
					      GPOINTER_TO_INT						      GPOINTER_TO_INT
					      infoa->row);						      infoa->row);
	valueb = gda_data_model_get_value_at (infob->model,		valueb = gda_data_model_get_value_at (infob->model,
					      GPOINTER_TO_INT						      GPOINTER_TO_INT
					      infob->row);						      infob->row);
	return gda_value_compare (valuea, valueb);			return gda_value_compare (valuea, valueb);
}								}

/*								/*
 * Callbacks							 * Callbacks
 */								 */

static void							static void
default_value_set_func (GtkTreeViewColumn *tree_column,		default_value_set_func (GtkTreeViewColumn *tree_column,
			GtkCellRenderer *cell,						GtkCellRenderer *cell,
			GtkTreeModel *model,						GtkTreeModel *model,
			GtkTreeIter *iter,						GtkTreeIter *iter,
			gpointer user_data)						gpointer user_data)
{								{
	DataModelInfo *info = NULL;					DataModelInfo *info = NULL;
	GdaValue *value;						GdaValue *value;
	gchar *txt;							gchar *txt;

	gtk_tree_model_get (model, iter, 0, &info, -1);			gtk_tree_model_get (model, iter, 0, &info, -1);
	if (!info)							if (!info)
		return;								return;

	value = (const GdaValue *) gda_data_model_get_value_a		value = (const GdaValue *) gda_data_model_get_value_a
					     GPOINTER_TO_INT 						     GPOINTER_TO_INT 
					     info->row);						     info->row);
	if (!value)							if (!value)
		return;								return;

	txt = gda_value_stringify (value);				txt = gda_value_stringify (value);
	if (gda_value_isa (value, GDA_VALUE_TYPE_BIGINT)		if (gda_value_isa (value, GDA_VALUE_TYPE_BIGINT)
	    || gda_value_isa (value, GDA_VALUE_TYPE_DOUBLE)		    || gda_value_isa (value, GDA_VALUE_TYPE_DOUBLE)
	    || gda_value_isa (value, GDA_VALUE_TYPE_INTEGER)		    || gda_value_isa (value, GDA_VALUE_TYPE_INTEGER)
	    || gda_value_isa (value, GDA_VALUE_TYPE_NUMERIC)		    || gda_value_isa (value, GDA_VALUE_TYPE_NUMERIC)
	    || gda_value_isa (value, GDA_VALUE_TYPE_SINGLE)		    || gda_value_isa (value, GDA_VALUE_TYPE_SINGLE)
	    || gda_value_isa (value, GDA_VALUE_TYPE_SMALLINT)		    || gda_value_isa (value, GDA_VALUE_TYPE_SMALLINT)
	    || gda_value_isa (value, GDA_VALUE_TYPE_TINYINT))		    || gda_value_isa (value, GDA_VALUE_TYPE_TINYINT))
		/* FIXME: get color for numbers from configur			/* FIXME: get color for numbers from configur
		g_object_set (G_OBJECT (cell), "text", txt,			g_object_set (G_OBJECT (cell), "text", txt,
			      "foreground", "blue",					      "foreground", "blue",
			      "xalign", 1.0,						      "xalign", 1.0,
			      "yalign", 0.0, NULL);					      "yalign", 0.0, NULL);
	} else								} else
		g_object_set (G_OBJECT (cell), "text", txt, "			g_object_set (G_OBJECT (cell), "text", txt, "

	g_free (txt);							g_free (txt);
}								}

static void							static void
toggle_value_set_func (GtkTreeViewColumn *tree_column,		toggle_value_set_func (GtkTreeViewColumn *tree_column,
		       GtkCellRenderer *cell,					       GtkCellRenderer *cell,
		       GtkTreeModel *model,					       GtkTreeModel *model,
		       GtkTreeIter *iter,					       GtkTreeIter *iter,
		       gpointer user_data)					       gpointer user_data)
{								{
	DataModelInfo *info = NULL;					DataModelInfo *info = NULL;
	const GdaValue *value;						const GdaValue *value;

	gtk_tree_model_get (model, iter, 0, &info, -1);			gtk_tree_model_get (model, iter, 0, &info, -1);
	if (!info)							if (!info)
		return;								return;

	value = gda_data_model_get_value_at (info->model,		value = gda_data_model_get_value_at (info->model,
					     GPOINTER_TO_INT 						     GPOINTER_TO_INT 
					     info->row);						     info->row);
	if (!value)							if (!value)
		return;								return;

	gtk_cell_renderer_toggle_set_active (GTK_CELL_RENDERE		gtk_cell_renderer_toggle_set_active (GTK_CELL_RENDERE
					     gda_value_get_bo						     gda_value_get_bo
	g_object_set (G_OBJECT (cell), "xalign", 0.0, "yalign		g_object_set (G_OBJECT (cell), "xalign", 0.0, "yalign
}								}

static gchar *							static gchar *
double_underscores (const gchar *str)				double_underscores (const gchar *str)
{								{
	gchar **arr;							gchar **arr;
	gchar *ret;							gchar *ret;

	arr = g_strsplit (str, "_", 0);					arr = g_strsplit (str, "_", 0);
	ret = g_strjoinv ("__", arr);					ret = g_strjoinv ("__", arr);
	g_strfreev (arr);						g_strfreev (arr);

	return ret;							return ret;
}								}

static void							static void
add_tree_model_row (GtkTreeStore *tree_model, GdaDataModel *m	add_tree_model_row (GtkTreeStore *tree_model, GdaDataModel *m
		    GtkTreeIter *parent, gint row)				    GtkTreeIter *parent, gint row)
{								{
	DataModelInfo info;						DataModelInfo info;
	GtkTreeIter iter;						GtkTreeIter iter;
	const GdaValue *value;						const GdaValue *value;

	info.row = row;							info.row = row;
	info.model = model;						info.model = model;
	gtk_tree_store_append (tree_model, &iter, parent);		gtk_tree_store_append (tree_model, &iter, parent);
	gtk_tree_store_set (tree_model, &iter, 0, &info, -1);		gtk_tree_store_set (tree_model, &iter, 0, &info, -1);

	/* if column 0 of this row contains a GdaValueList,		/* if column 0 of this row contains a GdaValueList,
	   then, add a child row */					   then, add a child row */
	value = gda_data_model_get_value_at (model, 0, row);		value = gda_data_model_get_value_at (model, 0, row);
	if (value && value->type == GDA_VALUE_TYPE_LIST) {		if (value && value->type == GDA_VALUE_TYPE_LIST) {
	}								}
}								}

static void							static void
model_row_inserted_cb (GdaDataModel *model, gint row, gpointe	model_row_inserted_cb (GdaDataModel *model, gint row, gpointe
{								{
	GtkTreeView *tree_view = user_data;				GtkTreeView *tree_view = user_data;

	add_tree_model_row (gtk_tree_view_get_model (tree_vie		add_tree_model_row (gtk_tree_view_get_model (tree_vie
}								}

static void							static void
model_row_updated_cb (GdaDataModel *model, gint row, gpointer	model_row_updated_cb (GdaDataModel *model, gint row, gpointer
{								{
	GtkTreeIter iter;						GtkTreeIter iter;
	GtkTreePath *path;						GtkTreePath *path;
	GtkTreeView *tree_view = user_data;				GtkTreeView *tree_view = user_data;

	gtk_tree_model_iter_nth_child (gtk_tree_view_get_mode		gtk_tree_model_iter_nth_child (gtk_tree_view_get_mode
	path = gtk_tree_path_new ();					path = gtk_tree_path_new ();
	gtk_tree_path_append_index (path, row);				gtk_tree_path_append_index (path, row);
	gtk_tree_model_row_changed (gtk_tree_view_get_model (		gtk_tree_model_row_changed (gtk_tree_view_get_model (

	gtk_tree_path_free (path);					gtk_tree_path_free (path);
}								}

static void							static void
model_row_removed_cb (GdaDataModel *model, gint row, gpointer	model_row_removed_cb (GdaDataModel *model, gint row, gpointer
{								{
	GtkTreePath *path;						GtkTreePath *path;
	GtkTreeView *tree_view = user_data;				GtkTreeView *tree_view = user_data;

	path = gtk_tree_path_new ();					path = gtk_tree_path_new ();
	gtk_tree_path_append_index (path, row);				gtk_tree_path_append_index (path, row);
	gtk_tree_model_row_deleted (gtk_tree_view_get_model (		gtk_tree_model_row_deleted (gtk_tree_view_get_model (

	gtk_tree_path_free (path);					gtk_tree_path_free (path);
}								}

static gboolean							static gboolean
tree_view_equal_func (GtkTreeModel *model,			tree_view_equal_func (GtkTreeModel *model,
		      gint column,						      gint column,
		      const gchar *key,						      const gchar *key,
		      GtkTreeIter *iter,					      GtkTreeIter *iter,
		      gpointer user_data)					      gpointer user_data)
{								{
	DataModelInfo *info = NULL;					DataModelInfo *info = NULL;
	const GdaValue *value;						const GdaValue *value;
	gint key_len;							gint key_len;
	gboolean retval = TRUE;						gboolean retval = TRUE;
	gchar *normalized_string, *normalized_key, *tmp, *cas		gchar *normalized_string, *normalized_key, *tmp, *cas

	gtk_tree_model_get (model, iter, 0, &info, -1);			gtk_tree_model_get (model, iter, 0, &info, -1);
	if (!info)							if (!info)
		return TRUE;							return TRUE;

	value = gda_data_model_get_value_at (info->model, col		value = gda_data_model_get_value_at (info->model, col
	if (!value)							if (!value)
		return TRUE;							return TRUE;

	/* normalize strings for UTF8 */				/* normalize strings for UTF8 */
	tmp = gda_value_stringify (value);				tmp = gda_value_stringify (value);
	normalized_string = g_utf8_normalize (tmp, -1, G_NORM		normalized_string = g_utf8_normalize (tmp, -1, G_NORM
	normalized_key = g_utf8_normalize (key, -1, G_NORMALI		normalized_key = g_utf8_normalize (key, -1, G_NORMALI
	case_ns = g_utf8_casefold (normalized_string, -1);		case_ns = g_utf8_casefold (normalized_string, -1);
	case_nk = g_utf8_casefold (normalized_key, -1);			case_nk = g_utf8_casefold (normalized_key, -1);

	g_free (tmp);							g_free (tmp);

	key_len = strlen (case_nk);					key_len = strlen (case_nk);
	if (!strncmp (case_nk, case_ns, key_len))			if (!strncmp (case_nk, case_ns, key_len))
		retval = FALSE;							retval = FALSE;

	g_free (normalized_key);					g_free (normalized_key);
	g_free (normalized_string);					g_free (normalized_string);
	g_free (case_nk);						g_free (case_nk);
	g_free (case_ns);						g_free (case_ns);
	return retval;							return retval;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_model_to_gtk_tree_view				 * gnome_db_model_to_gtk_tree_view
 * @model: a #GdaDataModel object.				 * @model: a #GdaDataModel object.
 *								 *
 * Convert a #GdaDataModel into a GtkTreeView widget, filled 	 * Convert a #GdaDataModel into a GtkTreeView widget, filled 
 * with the corresponding GtkTreeModel.				 * with the corresponding GtkTreeModel.
 *								 *
 * Returns: a pointer to the newly created object.		 * Returns: a pointer to the newly created object.
 */								 */
GtkTreeView *							GtkTreeView *
gnome_db_model_to_gtk_tree_view (GdaDataModel *model)		gnome_db_model_to_gtk_tree_view (GdaDataModel *model)
{								{
	gint i;								gint i;
	gint row_count;							gint row_count;
	gint col_count;							gint col_count;
	GtkTreeView *tree_view;						GtkTreeView *tree_view;
	GtkTreeStore *tree_model = NULL;				GtkTreeStore *tree_model = NULL;

	tree_model = gtk_tree_store_new (1, DATA_MODEL_INFO_T		tree_model = gtk_tree_store_new (1, DATA_MODEL_INFO_T
	row_count = gda_data_model_get_n_rows (model);			row_count = gda_data_model_get_n_rows (model);
	for (i = 0; i < row_count; i++) {				for (i = 0; i < row_count; i++) {
		add_tree_model_row (tree_model, model, NULL, 			add_tree_model_row (tree_model, model, NULL, 
	}								}

	/* create the tree view widget */				/* create the tree view widget */
	tree_view = GTK_TREE_VIEW (gnome_db_new_tree_view_wid		tree_view = GTK_TREE_VIEW (gnome_db_new_tree_view_wid
					   GTK_TREE_MODEL (tr						   GTK_TREE_MODEL (tr
	g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (tree_model));				g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (tree_model));

	col_count = gda_data_model_get_n_columns (model);		col_count = gda_data_model_get_n_columns (model);
	if (col_count > 0) {						if (col_count > 0) {
		gtk_tree_view_set_search_equal_func (GTK_TREE			gtk_tree_view_set_search_equal_func (GTK_TREE
						     (GtkTree							     (GtkTree
						     tree_vie							     tree_vie
		gtk_tree_view_set_search_column (GTK_TREE_VIE			gtk_tree_view_set_search_column (GTK_TREE_VIE
	}								}

	for (i = 0; i < col_count; i++) {				for (i = 0; i < col_count; i++) {
		GtkTreeViewColumn *column;					GtkTreeViewColumn *column;
		GtkCellRenderer *renderer;					GtkCellRenderer *renderer;
		GdaFieldAttributes *attrs;					GdaFieldAttributes *attrs;
		gchar *title;							gchar *title;
		gboolean alloc_title;						gboolean alloc_title;

		alloc_title = FALSE;						alloc_title = FALSE;
		title = (gchar *) gda_data_model_get_column_t			title = (gchar *) gda_data_model_get_column_t
		if (title && strchr (title, '_')) {				if (title && strchr (title, '_')) {
			title = double_underscores (title);				title = double_underscores (title);
			alloc_title = TRUE;						alloc_title = TRUE;
		}								}
		attrs = gda_data_model_describe_column (model			attrs = gda_data_model_describe_column (model
		if (attrs && attrs->gda_type == GDA_VALUE_TYP			if (attrs && attrs->gda_type == GDA_VALUE_TYP
			renderer = gtk_cell_renderer_toggle_n				renderer = gtk_cell_renderer_toggle_n
			gtk_tree_view_insert_column_with_data				gtk_tree_view_insert_column_with_data
				GTK_TREE_VIEW (tree_view),					GTK_TREE_VIEW (tree_view),
				i,								i,
				title,								title,
				renderer,							renderer,
				toggle_value_set_func,						toggle_value_set_func,
				NULL);								NULL);
		} else {							} else {
			renderer = gtk_cell_renderer_text_new				renderer = gtk_cell_renderer_text_new
			gtk_tree_view_insert_column_with_data				gtk_tree_view_insert_column_with_data
				GTK_TREE_VIEW (tree_view),					GTK_TREE_VIEW (tree_view),
				i,								i,
				title,								title,
				renderer,							renderer,
				default_value_set_func,						default_value_set_func,
				NULL);								NULL);
		}								}

		if (alloc_title)						if (alloc_title)
			g_free (title);							g_free (title);

		column = gtk_tree_view_get_column (GTK_TREE_V			column = gtk_tree_view_get_column (GTK_TREE_V
		gtk_tree_view_column_set_sort_column_id (colu			gtk_tree_view_column_set_sort_column_id (colu
		gtk_tree_view_column_set_resizable (column, T			gtk_tree_view_column_set_resizable (column, T
		gtk_tree_view_column_set_clickable (column, T			gtk_tree_view_column_set_clickable (column, T
		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (column), "clicked			g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (column), "clicked
				  G_CALLBACK (column_clicked_					  G_CALLBACK (column_clicked_

		gtk_tree_sortable_set_sort_func (GTK_TREE_SOR			gtk_tree_sortable_set_sort_func (GTK_TREE_SOR
						 i, sort_valu							 i, sort_valu
						 NULL);								 NULL);
		if (attrs)							if (attrs)
			gda_field_attributes_free (attrs);				gda_field_attributes_free (attrs);
	}								}

	gtk_tree_view_set_headers_clickable (GTK_TREE_VIEW (t		gtk_tree_view_set_headers_clickable (GTK_TREE_VIEW (t

	/* connect to data model's signals */				/* connect to data model's signals */
	g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (model), "row_inserted", G		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (model), "row_inserted", G
	g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (model), "row_updated", G_		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (model), "row_updated", G_
	g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (model), "row_removed", G_		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (model), "row_removed", G_

	return tree_view;						return tree_view;
}								}
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-model.h ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-model.h
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 * 	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 * 	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#if !defined(__gnome_db_model_h__)				#if !defined(__gnome_db_model_h__)
#  define __gnome_db_model_h__					#  define __gnome_db_model_h__

#include <libgda/gda-data-model.h>				#include <libgda/gda-data-model.h>
#include <gtk/gtktreeview.h>					#include <gtk/gtktreeview.h>


GtkTreeView *gnome_db_model_to_gtk_tree_view (GdaDataModel *m	GtkTreeView *gnome_db_model_to_gtk_tree_view (GdaDataModel *m


#endif								#endif
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-provider-selector.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-provider-selector.c
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#include <libgda/gda-config.h>					#include <libgda/gda-config.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-provider-selector.h>		#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-provider-selector.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h>


struct _GnomeDbProviderSelectorPrivate {			struct _GnomeDbProviderSelectorPrivate {
};								};

static void gnome_db_provider_selector_class_init (GnomeDbPro	static void gnome_db_provider_selector_class_init (GnomeDbPro
static void gnome_db_provider_selector_init       (GnomeDbPro	static void gnome_db_provider_selector_init       (GnomeDbPro
						   GnomeDbPro							   GnomeDbPro
static void gnome_db_provider_selector_finalize   (GObject *o	static void gnome_db_provider_selector_finalize   (GObject *o

static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL;			static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL;

/*								/*
 * Private functions						 * Private functions
 */								 */

static void							static void
show_providers (GnomeDbProviderSelector *selector)		show_providers (GnomeDbProviderSelector *selector)
{								{
	GList *prov_list;						GList *prov_list;
	GList *l;							GList *l;

	gtk_option_menu_remove_menu (GTK_OPTION_MENU (selecto		gtk_option_menu_remove_menu (GTK_OPTION_MENU (selecto

	/* get provider list */						/* get provider list */
	prov_list = gda_config_get_provider_list ();			prov_list = gda_config_get_provider_list ();
	for (l = prov_list; l != NULL; l = l->next) {			for (l = prov_list; l != NULL; l = l->next) {
		GdaProviderInfo *prov_info = (GdaProviderInfo			GdaProviderInfo *prov_info = (GdaProviderInfo

		if (!prov_info)							if (!prov_info)
			continue;							continue;

		gnome_db_option_menu_add_item (GTK_OPTION_MEN			gnome_db_option_menu_add_item (GTK_OPTION_MEN
	}								}

	gda_config_free_provider_list (prov_list);			gda_config_free_provider_list (prov_list);
}								}

/*								/*
 * GnomeDbProviderSelector class implementation			 * GnomeDbProviderSelector class implementation
 */								 */

static void							static void
gnome_db_provider_selector_class_init (GnomeDbProviderSelecto	gnome_db_provider_selector_class_init (GnomeDbProviderSelecto
{								{
	GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);		GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);

	parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);		parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);

	object_class->finalize = gnome_db_provider_selector_f		object_class->finalize = gnome_db_provider_selector_f
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_provider_selector_init (GnomeDbProviderSelector *sel	gnome_db_provider_selector_init (GnomeDbProviderSelector *sel
				 GnomeDbProviderSelectorClass					 GnomeDbProviderSelectorClass
{								{
	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_PROVIDER_SELECTOR (sele		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_PROVIDER_SELECTOR (sele

	selector->priv = g_new0 (GnomeDbProviderSelectorPriva		selector->priv = g_new0 (GnomeDbProviderSelectorPriva
	show_providers (selector);					show_providers (selector);
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_provider_selector_finalize (GObject *object)		gnome_db_provider_selector_finalize (GObject *object)
{								{
	GnomeDbProviderSelector *selector = (GnomeDbProviderS		GnomeDbProviderSelector *selector = (GnomeDbProviderS

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_PROVIDER_SELECTOR (sele		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_PROVIDER_SELECTOR (sele

	g_free (selector->priv);					g_free (selector->priv);
	selector->priv = NULL;						selector->priv = NULL;

	parent_class->finalize (object);				parent_class->finalize (object);
}								}

GType								GType
gnome_db_provider_selector_get_type (void)			gnome_db_provider_selector_get_type (void)
{								{
	static GType type = 0;						static GType type = 0;

	if (!type) {							if (!type) {
		static const GTypeInfo info = {					static const GTypeInfo info = {
			sizeof (GnomeDbProviderSelectorClass)				sizeof (GnomeDbProviderSelectorClass)
			(GBaseInitFunc) NULL,						(GBaseInitFunc) NULL,
			(GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL,					(GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL,
			(GClassInitFunc) gnome_db_provider_se				(GClassInitFunc) gnome_db_provider_se
			NULL,								NULL,
			NULL,								NULL,
			sizeof (GnomeDbProviderSelector),				sizeof (GnomeDbProviderSelector),
			0,								0,
			(GInstanceInitFunc) gnome_db_provider				(GInstanceInitFunc) gnome_db_provider
		};								};
		type = g_type_register_static (PARENT_TYPE,			type = g_type_register_static (PARENT_TYPE,
					       "GnomeDbProvid						       "GnomeDbProvid
					       &info, 0);						       &info, 0);
	}								}
	return type;							return type;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_provider_selector_new				 * gnome_db_provider_selector_new
 *								 *
 * Create a new #GnomeDbProviderSelector widget.		 * Create a new #GnomeDbProviderSelector widget.
 *								 *
 * Returns: the newly created widget.				 * Returns: the newly created widget.
 */								 */
GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_provider_selector_new (void)				gnome_db_provider_selector_new (void)
{								{
	GnomeDbProviderSelector *selector;				GnomeDbProviderSelector *selector;

	selector = g_object_new (GNOME_DB_TYPE_PROVIDER_SELEC		selector = g_object_new (GNOME_DB_TYPE_PROVIDER_SELEC
	return GTK_WIDGET (selector);					return GTK_WIDGET (selector);
}								}
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-provider-selector.h ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-provider-selector.h
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#if !defined(__gnome_db_provider_selector_h__)			#if !defined(__gnome_db_provider_selector_h__)
#  define __gnome_db_provider_selector_h__			#  define __gnome_db_provider_selector_h__

#include <gtk/gtkoptionmenu.h>					#include <gtk/gtkoptionmenu.h>


#define GNOME_DB_TYPE_PROVIDER_SELECTOR            (gnome_db_	#define GNOME_DB_TYPE_PROVIDER_SELECTOR            (gnome_db_
#define GNOME_DB_PROVIDER_SELECTOR(obj)            (G_TYPE_CH	#define GNOME_DB_PROVIDER_SELECTOR(obj)            (G_TYPE_CH

typedef struct _GnomeDbProviderSelector        GnomeDbProvide	typedef struct _GnomeDbProviderSelector        GnomeDbProvide
typedef struct _GnomeDbProviderSelectorClass   GnomeDbProvide	typedef struct _GnomeDbProviderSelectorClass   GnomeDbProvide
typedef struct _GnomeDbProviderSelectorPrivate GnomeDbProvide	typedef struct _GnomeDbProviderSelectorPrivate GnomeDbProvide

struct _GnomeDbProviderSelector {				struct _GnomeDbProviderSelector {
	GtkOptionMenu menu;						GtkOptionMenu menu;
	GnomeDbProviderSelectorPrivate *priv;				GnomeDbProviderSelectorPrivate *priv;
};								};

struct _GnomeDbProviderSelectorClass {				struct _GnomeDbProviderSelectorClass {
	GtkOptionMenuClass parent_class;				GtkOptionMenuClass parent_class;
};								};

GType      gnome_db_provider_selector_get_type (void);		GType      gnome_db_provider_selector_get_type (void);
GtkWidget *gnome_db_provider_selector_new (void);		GtkWidget *gnome_db_provider_selector_new (void);


#endif								#endif
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#include <gtk/gtklabel.h>					#include <gtk/gtklabel.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-i18n.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-i18n.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.h>			#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h>

#include <gtk/gtktable.h>					#include <gtk/gtktable.h>

struct _GnomeDbQueryBuilderPrivate {				struct _GnomeDbQueryBuilderPrivate {
	GdaConnection *cnc;						GdaConnection *cnc;

	GtkWidget *table_selector;					GtkWidget *table_selector;
	GtkWidget *table_fields;					GtkWidget *table_fields;
};								};

static void gnome_db_query_builder_class_init (GnomeDbQueryBu	static void gnome_db_query_builder_class_init (GnomeDbQueryBu
static void gnome_db_query_builder_init (GnomeDbQueryBuilder 	static void gnome_db_query_builder_init (GnomeDbQueryBuilder 
static void gnome_db_query_builder_finalize (GObject *object)	static void gnome_db_query_builder_finalize (GObject *object)

static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL;			static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL;

static void							static void
gnome_db_query_builder_class_init (GnomeDbQueryBuilderClass *	gnome_db_query_builder_class_init (GnomeDbQueryBuilderClass *
{								{
	GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);		GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);

	parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);		parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);

	object_class->finalize = gnome_db_query_builder_final		object_class->finalize = gnome_db_query_builder_final
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_query_builder_init (GnomeDbQueryBuilder *builder, Gn	gnome_db_query_builder_init (GnomeDbQueryBuilder *builder, Gn
{								{
	GtkWidget *table, *label;					GtkWidget *table, *label;
	gchar *str;							gchar *str;

	builder->priv = g_new0 (GnomeDbQueryBuilderPrivate, 1		builder->priv = g_new0 (GnomeDbQueryBuilderPrivate, 1
	builder->priv->cnc = NULL;					builder->priv->cnc = NULL;

	/* create main table */						/* create main table */
	table = gnome_db_new_table_widget (6, 6, FALSE);		table = gnome_db_new_table_widget (6, 6, FALSE);
	gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (builder), table, TRUE, T		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (builder), table, TRUE, T

	/* create field selection area */				/* create field selection area */
	label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (NULL);			label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (NULL);
	str = g_strdup_printf ("<b>%s</b>", _("Fields"));		str = g_strdup_printf ("<b>%s</b>", _("Fields"));
	gtk_label_set_markup (GTK_LABEL (label), str);			gtk_label_set_markup (GTK_LABEL (label), str);
	g_free (str);							g_free (str);
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), label, 0, 6, 0, 		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), label, 0, 6, 0, 

	builder->priv->table_selector = gnome_db_new_option_m		builder->priv->table_selector = gnome_db_new_option_m
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), builder->priv->t		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), builder->priv->t
			  GTK_FILL, GTK_FILL, 6, 6);					  GTK_FILL, GTK_FILL, 6, 6);

	builder->priv->table_fields = gnome_db_grid_new ();		builder->priv->table_fields = gnome_db_grid_new ();
	gtk_widget_show (builder->priv->table_fields);			gtk_widget_show (builder->priv->table_fields);
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), builder->priv->t		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), builder->priv->t
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_query_builder_finalize (GObject *object)		gnome_db_query_builder_finalize (GObject *object)
{								{
	GnomeDbQueryBuilder *builder = (GnomeDbQueryBuilder *		GnomeDbQueryBuilder *builder = (GnomeDbQueryBuilder *

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_QUERY_BUILDER (builder)		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_QUERY_BUILDER (builder)

	/* free memory */						/* free memory */
	if (builder->priv) {						if (builder->priv) {
		if (GDA_IS_CONNECTION (builder->priv->cnc)) {			if (GDA_IS_CONNECTION (builder->priv->cnc)) {
			g_object_unref (builder->priv->cnc);				g_object_unref (builder->priv->cnc);
			builder->priv->cnc = NULL;					builder->priv->cnc = NULL;
		}								}

		builder->priv = NULL;						builder->priv = NULL;
	}								}

	parent_class->finalize (object);				parent_class->finalize (object);
}								}

GType								GType
gnome_db_query_builder_get_type (void)				gnome_db_query_builder_get_type (void)
{								{
	static GType type = 0;						static GType type = 0;

	if (!type) {							if (!type) {
		static const GTypeInfo info = {					static const GTypeInfo info = {
			sizeof (GnomeDbQueryBuilderClass),				sizeof (GnomeDbQueryBuilderClass),
			(GBaseInitFunc) NULL,						(GBaseInitFunc) NULL,
			(GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL,					(GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL,
			(GClassInitFunc) gnome_db_query_build				(GClassInitFunc) gnome_db_query_build
			NULL,								NULL,
			NULL,								NULL,
			sizeof (GnomeDbQueryBuilder),					sizeof (GnomeDbQueryBuilder),
			0,								0,
			(GInstanceInitFunc) gnome_db_query_bu				(GInstanceInitFunc) gnome_db_query_bu
		};								};
		type = g_type_register_static (GTK_TYPE_VBOX,			type = g_type_register_static (GTK_TYPE_VBOX,
	}								}
	return type;							return type;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_query_builder_new					 * gnome_db_query_builder_new
 * @cnc: A #GdaConnection object.				 * @cnc: A #GdaConnection object.
 *								 *
 * Create a new #GnomeDbQueryBuilder widget, which presents a	 * Create a new #GnomeDbQueryBuilder widget, which presents a
 * of building SQL queries.					 * of building SQL queries.
 *								 *
 * Returns: the newly-created widget.				 * Returns: the newly-created widget.
 */								 */
GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_query_builder_new (GdaConnection *cnc)			gnome_db_query_builder_new (GdaConnection *cnc)
{								{
	GnomeDbQueryBuilder *builder;					GnomeDbQueryBuilder *builder;

	builder = g_object_new (GNOME_DB_TYPE_QUERY_BUILDER, 		builder = g_object_new (GNOME_DB_TYPE_QUERY_BUILDER, 

	if (GDA_IS_CONNECTION (cnc))					if (GDA_IS_CONNECTION (cnc))
		gnome_db_query_builder_set_connection (builde			gnome_db_query_builder_set_connection (builde

	return (GtkWidget *) builder;					return (GtkWidget *) builder;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_query_builder_get_connection			 * gnome_db_query_builder_get_connection
 * @builder: A #GnomeDbQueryBuilder widget.			 * @builder: A #GnomeDbQueryBuilder widget.
 *								 *
 * Get the #GdaConnection associated with the given query bui	 * Get the #GdaConnection associated with the given query bui
 *								 *
 * Returns: the associated connection.				 * Returns: the associated connection.
 */								 */
GdaConnection *							GdaConnection *
gnome_db_query_builder_get_connection (GnomeDbQueryBuilder *b	gnome_db_query_builder_get_connection (GnomeDbQueryBuilder *b
{								{
	g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_QUERY_BUILDER (buil		g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_QUERY_BUILDER (buil
	return builder->priv->cnc;					return builder->priv->cnc;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_query_builder_set_connection			 * gnome_db_query_builder_set_connection
 * @builder: A #GnomeDbQueryBuilder widget.			 * @builder: A #GnomeDbQueryBuilder widget.
 * @cnc: The connection to use in the widget.			 * @cnc: The connection to use in the widget.
 *								 *
 * Associate a #GdaConnection with the given query builder wi	 * Associate a #GdaConnection with the given query builder wi
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_query_builder_set_connection (GnomeDbQueryBuilder *b	gnome_db_query_builder_set_connection (GnomeDbQueryBuilder *b
{								{
	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_QUERY_BUILDER (builder)		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_QUERY_BUILDER (builder)

	if (GDA_IS_CONNECTION (builder->priv->cnc))			if (GDA_IS_CONNECTION (builder->priv->cnc))
		g_object_unref (builder->priv->cnc);				g_object_unref (builder->priv->cnc);

	builder->priv->cnc = cnc;					builder->priv->cnc = cnc;
	if (GDA_IS_CONNECTION (cnc)) {					if (GDA_IS_CONNECTION (cnc)) {
		g_object_ref (cnc);						g_object_ref (cnc);

		/* FIXME: refresh all widgets */				/* FIXME: refresh all widgets */
	}								}
}								}
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.h ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.h
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#if !defined(__gnome_db_query_builder_h__)			#if !defined(__gnome_db_query_builder_h__)
#  define __gnome_db_query_builder_h__				#  define __gnome_db_query_builder_h__

#include <libgda/gda-connection.h>				#include <libgda/gda-connection.h>
#include <gtk/gtkvbox.h>					#include <gtk/gtkvbox.h>


#define GNOME_DB_TYPE_QUERY_BUILDER            (gnome_db_quer	#define GNOME_DB_TYPE_QUERY_BUILDER            (gnome_db_quer
#define GNOME_DB_QUERY_BUILDER(obj)            (G_TYPE_CHECK_	#define GNOME_DB_QUERY_BUILDER(obj)            (G_TYPE_CHECK_

typedef struct _GnomeDbQueryBuilder        GnomeDbQueryBuilde	typedef struct _GnomeDbQueryBuilder        GnomeDbQueryBuilde
typedef struct _GnomeDbQueryBuilderClass   GnomeDbQueryBuilde	typedef struct _GnomeDbQueryBuilderClass   GnomeDbQueryBuilde
typedef struct _GnomeDbQueryBuilderPrivate GnomeDbQueryBuilde	typedef struct _GnomeDbQueryBuilderPrivate GnomeDbQueryBuilde

struct _GnomeDbQueryBuilder {					struct _GnomeDbQueryBuilder {
	GtkVBox vbox;							GtkVBox vbox;
	GnomeDbQueryBuilderPrivate *priv;				GnomeDbQueryBuilderPrivate *priv;
};								};

struct _GnomeDbQueryBuilderClass {				struct _GnomeDbQueryBuilderClass {
	GtkVBoxClass parent_class;					GtkVBoxClass parent_class;
};								};

GType          gnome_db_query_builder_get_type (void);		GType          gnome_db_query_builder_get_type (void);
GtkWidget     *gnome_db_query_builder_new (GdaConnection *cnc	GtkWidget     *gnome_db_query_builder_new (GdaConnection *cnc

GdaConnection *gnome_db_query_builder_get_connection (GnomeDb	GdaConnection *gnome_db_query_builder_get_connection (GnomeDb
void           gnome_db_query_builder_set_connection (GnomeDb	void           gnome_db_query_builder_set_connection (GnomeDb
						      GdaConn							      GdaConn


#endif								#endif
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-report-editor.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-report-editor.c
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-report-editor.h>			#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-report-editor.h>


struct _GnomeDbReportEditorPrivate {				struct _GnomeDbReportEditorPrivate {
};								};

static void gnome_db_report_editor_class_init   (GnomeDbRepor	static void gnome_db_report_editor_class_init   (GnomeDbRepor
static void gnome_db_report_editor_init         (GnomeDbRepor	static void gnome_db_report_editor_init         (GnomeDbRepor
						 GnomeDbRepor							 GnomeDbRepor
static void gnome_db_report_editor_set_property (GObject *obj	static void gnome_db_report_editor_set_property (GObject *obj
						 guint parami							 guint parami
						 const GValue							 const GValue
						 GParamSpec *							 GParamSpec *
static void gnome_db_report_editor_get_property (GObject *obj	static void gnome_db_report_editor_get_property (GObject *obj
						 guint param_							 guint param_
						 GValue *valu							 GValue *valu
						 GParamSpec *							 GParamSpec *
static void gnome_db_report_editor_finalize     (GObject *obj	static void gnome_db_report_editor_finalize     (GObject *obj

static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL;			static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL;

/*								/*
 * GnomeDbReportEditor class implementation			 * GnomeDbReportEditor class implementation
 */								 */

static void							static void
gnome_db_report_editor_class_init (GnomeDbReportEditorClass *	gnome_db_report_editor_class_init (GnomeDbReportEditorClass *
{								{
	GObjectClass* object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS(klass);		GObjectClass* object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS(klass);

	parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);		parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);

	object_class->set_property = gnome_db_report_editor_s		object_class->set_property = gnome_db_report_editor_s
	object_class->get_property = gnome_db_report_editor_g		object_class->get_property = gnome_db_report_editor_g
	object_class->finalize = gnome_db_report_editor_final		object_class->finalize = gnome_db_report_editor_final
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_report_editor_init (GnomeDbReportEditor *editor, Gno	gnome_db_report_editor_init (GnomeDbReportEditor *editor, Gno
{								{
	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_REPORT_EDITOR (editor))		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_REPORT_EDITOR (editor))

	/* allocate private structure */				/* allocate private structure */
	editor->priv = g_new0 (GnomeDbReportEditorPrivate, 1)		editor->priv = g_new0 (GnomeDbReportEditorPrivate, 1)
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_report_editor_set_property (GObject *object,		gnome_db_report_editor_set_property (GObject *object,
				     guint param_id,						     guint param_id,
				     const GValue *value,					     const GValue *value,
				     GParamSpec *pspec)						     GParamSpec *pspec)
{								{
	GnomeDbReportEditor *editor = (GnomeDbReportEditor *)		GnomeDbReportEditor *editor = (GnomeDbReportEditor *)

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_REPORT_EDITOR (editor))		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_REPORT_EDITOR (editor))

	switch (param_id) {						switch (param_id) {
	default :							default :
		break;								break;
	}								}
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_report_editor_get_property (GObject *object,		gnome_db_report_editor_get_property (GObject *object,
				     guint param_id,						     guint param_id,
				     GValue *value,						     GValue *value,
				     GParamSpec *pspec)						     GParamSpec *pspec)
{								{
	GnomeDbReportEditor *editor = (GnomeDbReportEditor *)		GnomeDbReportEditor *editor = (GnomeDbReportEditor *)

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_REPORT_EDITOR (editor))		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_REPORT_EDITOR (editor))

	switch (param_id) {						switch (param_id) {
	default :							default :
		break;								break;
	}								}
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_report_editor_finalize (GObject *object)		gnome_db_report_editor_finalize (GObject *object)
{								{
	GnomeDbReportEditor *editor = (GnomeDbReportEditor *)		GnomeDbReportEditor *editor = (GnomeDbReportEditor *)

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_REPORT_EDITOR (editor))		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_REPORT_EDITOR (editor))

	/* free memory */						/* free memory */
	g_free (editor->priv);						g_free (editor->priv);
	editor->priv = NULL;						editor->priv = NULL;

	/* chain to parent handler */					/* chain to parent handler */
	parent_class->finalize (object);				parent_class->finalize (object);
}								}

GType								GType
gnome_db_report_editor_get_type (void)				gnome_db_report_editor_get_type (void)
{								{
	static GType type = 0;						static GType type = 0;

	if (!type) {							if (!type) {
		static const GTypeInfo info = {					static const GTypeInfo info = {
			sizeof (GnomeDbReportEditorClass),				sizeof (GnomeDbReportEditorClass),
			(GBaseInitFunc) NULL,						(GBaseInitFunc) NULL,
			(GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL,					(GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL,
			(GClassInitFunc) gnome_db_report_edit				(GClassInitFunc) gnome_db_report_edit
			NULL,								NULL,
			NULL,								NULL,
			sizeof (GnomeDbReportEditor),					sizeof (GnomeDbReportEditor),
			0,								0,
			(GInstanceInitFunc) gnome_db_report_e				(GInstanceInitFunc) gnome_db_report_e
		};								};
		type = g_type_register_static (PARENT_TYPE, "			type = g_type_register_static (PARENT_TYPE, "
	}								}
	return type;							return type;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_report_editor_new					 * gnome_db_report_editor_new
 *								 *
 * Create a new #GnomeDbReportEditor widget, which is a high-	 * Create a new #GnomeDbReportEditor widget, which is a high-
 * that lets users edit a report file, as defined by the GDA 	 * that lets users edit a report file, as defined by the GDA 
 *								 *
 * Returns: the newly created widget.				 * Returns: the newly created widget.
 */								 */
GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_report_editor_new (void)				gnome_db_report_editor_new (void)
{								{
	GnomeDbReportEditor *editor;					GnomeDbReportEditor *editor;

	editor = g_object_new (GNOME_DB_TYPE_REPORT_EDITOR, N		editor = g_object_new (GNOME_DB_TYPE_REPORT_EDITOR, N
	return GTK_WIDGET (editor);					return GTK_WIDGET (editor);
}								}
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-report-editor.h ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-report-editor.h
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#if !defined(__gnome_db_report_editor_h__)			#if !defined(__gnome_db_report_editor_h__)
#  define __gnome_db_report_editor_h__				#  define __gnome_db_report_editor_h__

#include <gtk/gtkvbox.h>					#include <gtk/gtkvbox.h>


#define GNOME_DB_TYPE_REPORT_EDITOR            (gnome_db_repo	#define GNOME_DB_TYPE_REPORT_EDITOR            (gnome_db_repo
#define GNOME_DB_REPORT_EDITOR(obj)            (G_TYPE_CHECK_	#define GNOME_DB_REPORT_EDITOR(obj)            (G_TYPE_CHECK_

typedef struct _GnomeDbReportEditor        GnomeDbReportEdito	typedef struct _GnomeDbReportEditor        GnomeDbReportEdito
typedef struct _GnomeDbReportEditorClass   GnomeDbReportEdito	typedef struct _GnomeDbReportEditorClass   GnomeDbReportEdito
typedef struct _GnomeDbReportEditorPrivate GnomeDbReportEdito	typedef struct _GnomeDbReportEditorPrivate GnomeDbReportEdito

struct _GnomeDbReportEditor {					struct _GnomeDbReportEditor {
	GtkVBox box;							GtkVBox box;
	GnomeDbReportEditorPrivate *priv;				GnomeDbReportEditorPrivate *priv;
};								};

struct _GnomeDbReportEditorClass {				struct _GnomeDbReportEditorClass {
	GtkVBoxClass parent_class;					GtkVBoxClass parent_class;
};								};

GType      gnome_db_report_editor_get_type (void);		GType      gnome_db_report_editor_get_type (void);
GtkWidget *gnome_db_report_editor_new (void);			GtkWidget *gnome_db_report_editor_new (void);


#endif								#endif
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 * 	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 * 	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#include <gtk/gtkiconfactory.h>					#include <gtk/gtkiconfactory.h>
#include <gtk/gtkstock.h>					#include <gtk/gtkstock.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.h>
#include "gnome-db-i18n.h"					#include "gnome-db-i18n.h"

static GtkStockItem builtin_icons [] = {			static GtkStockItem builtin_icons [] = {
	{ GNOME_DB_STOCK_AGGREGATES, N_("Aggregates"), 0, 0, 		{ GNOME_DB_STOCK_AGGREGATES, N_("Aggregates"), 0, 0, 
	{ GNOME_DB_STOCK_COMMIT, N_("Commit"), 0, 0, GETTEXT_		{ GNOME_DB_STOCK_COMMIT, N_("Commit"), 0, 0, GETTEXT_
	{ GNOME_DB_STOCK_CONNECT, N_("Connect"), 0, 0, GETTEX		{ GNOME_DB_STOCK_CONNECT, N_("Connect"), 0, 0, GETTEX
	{ GNOME_DB_STOCK_DATABASE, N_("Database"), 0, 0, GETT		{ GNOME_DB_STOCK_DATABASE, N_("Database"), 0, 0, GETT
	{ GNOME_DB_STOCK_DESIGNER, N_("Designer"), 0, 0, GETT		{ GNOME_DB_STOCK_DESIGNER, N_("Designer"), 0, 0, GETT
	{ GNOME_DB_STOCK_DISCONNECT, N_("Disconnect"), 0, 0, 		{ GNOME_DB_STOCK_DISCONNECT, N_("Disconnect"), 0, 0, 
	{ GNOME_DB_STOCK_PROCEDURES, N_("Procedures"), 0, 0, 		{ GNOME_DB_STOCK_PROCEDURES, N_("Procedures"), 0, 0, 
	{ GNOME_DB_STOCK_ROLLBACK, N_("Rollback"), 0, 0, GETT		{ GNOME_DB_STOCK_ROLLBACK, N_("Rollback"), 0, 0, GETT
	{ GNOME_DB_STOCK_SEQUENCES, N_("Sequences"), 0, 0, GE		{ GNOME_DB_STOCK_SEQUENCES, N_("Sequences"), 0, 0, GE
	{ GNOME_DB_STOCK_TABLES, N_("Tables"), 0, 0, GETTEXT_		{ GNOME_DB_STOCK_TABLES, N_("Tables"), 0, 0, GETTEXT_
};								};

void gnome_db_stock_init (void);				void gnome_db_stock_init (void);

/*								/*
 * Private functions						 * Private functions
 */								 */

static void							static void
add_sized (GtkIconFactory *factory,				add_sized (GtkIconFactory *factory,
	   const gchar *pixfile,					   const gchar *pixfile,
	   GtkIconSize size,						   GtkIconSize size,
	   const gchar *stock_id)					   const gchar *stock_id)
{								{
	GtkIconSet *set;						GtkIconSet *set;
	GtkIconSource *source;						GtkIconSource *source;
	GdkPixbuf *pixbuf;						GdkPixbuf *pixbuf;
	GError *err = NULL;						GError *err = NULL;

	pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file (pixfile, &err);		pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file (pixfile, &err);
	if (err) {							if (err) {
		gda_log_error (_("Error: %s"), err->message);			gda_log_error (_("Error: %s"), err->message);
		g_error_free (err);						g_error_free (err);
		return;								return;
	}								}

	source = gtk_icon_source_new ();				source = gtk_icon_source_new ();
	gtk_icon_source_set_pixbuf (source, pixbuf);			gtk_icon_source_set_pixbuf (source, pixbuf);
	gtk_icon_source_set_size (source, size);			gtk_icon_source_set_size (source, size);

	set = gtk_icon_set_new ();					set = gtk_icon_set_new ();
	gtk_icon_set_add_source (set, source);				gtk_icon_set_add_source (set, source);

	gtk_icon_factory_add (factory, stock_id, set);			gtk_icon_factory_add (factory, stock_id, set);

	g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (pixbuf));				g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (pixbuf));
	gtk_icon_source_free (source);					gtk_icon_source_free (source);
	gtk_icon_set_unref (set);					gtk_icon_set_unref (set);
}								}

static void							static void
get_stock_icons (GtkIconFactory *factory)			get_stock_icons (GtkIconFactory *factory)
{								{
	add_sized (factory, LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR "/gnome-db-ag		add_sized (factory, LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR "/gnome-db-ag
	add_sized (factory, LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR "/gnome-db-co		add_sized (factory, LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR "/gnome-db-co
	add_sized (factory, LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR "/gnome-db-co		add_sized (factory, LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR "/gnome-db-co
	add_sized (factory, LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR "/gnome-db-da		add_sized (factory, LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR "/gnome-db-da
	add_sized (factory,  LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR "/gnome-db-d		add_sized (factory,  LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR "/gnome-db-d
	add_sized (factory, LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR "/gnome-db-di		add_sized (factory, LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR "/gnome-db-di
	add_sized (factory, LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR "/gnome-db-no		add_sized (factory, LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR "/gnome-db-no
	add_sized (factory, LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR "/gnome-db-pr		add_sized (factory, LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR "/gnome-db-pr
	add_sized (factory, LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR "/gnome-db-qu		add_sized (factory, LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR "/gnome-db-qu
	add_sized (factory, LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR "/gnome-db-ro		add_sized (factory, LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR "/gnome-db-ro
	add_sized (factory, LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR "/gnome-db-se		add_sized (factory, LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR "/gnome-db-se
	add_sized (factory,  LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR "/gnome-db-s		add_sized (factory,  LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR "/gnome-db-s
	add_sized (factory,  LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR "/gnome-db-t		add_sized (factory,  LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR "/gnome-db-t
	add_sized (factory, LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR "/gnome-db-ty		add_sized (factory, LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR "/gnome-db-ty
	add_sized (factory, LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR "/gnome-db-wi		add_sized (factory, LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR "/gnome-db-wi
	add_sized (factory, LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR "/gnome-db-re		add_sized (factory, LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR "/gnome-db-re
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_stock_init						 * gnome_db_stock_init
 *								 *
 * Private function for initialization of the stock icons.	 * Private function for initialization of the stock icons.
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_stock_init (void)					gnome_db_stock_init (void)
{								{
	GtkIconFactory *factory;					GtkIconFactory *factory;
	static gboolean initialized = FALSE;				static gboolean initialized = FALSE;

	if (initialized)						if (initialized)
		return;								return;

	/* install our stock icons */					/* install our stock icons */
	factory = gtk_icon_factory_new ();				factory = gtk_icon_factory_new ();
	get_stock_icons (factory);					get_stock_icons (factory);
	gtk_icon_factory_add_default (factory);				gtk_icon_factory_add_default (factory);

	gtk_stock_add_static (builtin_icons, G_N_ELEMENTS (bu		gtk_stock_add_static (builtin_icons, G_N_ELEMENTS (bu

	initialized = TRUE;						initialized = TRUE;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_stock_get_icon_pixbuf				 * gnome_db_stock_get_icon_pixbuf
 * @stock_id: ID of icon to get.				 * @stock_id: ID of icon to get.
 *								 *
 * Get the given stock icon as a GdkPixbuf.			 * Get the given stock icon as a GdkPixbuf.
 *								 *
 * Returns: a GdkPixbuf representing the loaded icon.		 * Returns: a GdkPixbuf representing the loaded icon.
 */								 */
GdkPixbuf *							GdkPixbuf *
gnome_db_stock_get_icon_pixbuf (const gchar *stock_id)		gnome_db_stock_get_icon_pixbuf (const gchar *stock_id)
{								{
	gchar *path;							gchar *path;
	GdkPixbuf *pixbuf;						GdkPixbuf *pixbuf;

	g_return_val_if_fail (stock_id != NULL, NULL);			g_return_val_if_fail (stock_id != NULL, NULL);

	path = gnome_db_stock_get_icon_path (stock_id);			path = gnome_db_stock_get_icon_path (stock_id);
	if (!path)							if (!path)
		return NULL;							return NULL;

	pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file (path, NULL);			pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file (path, NULL);

	g_free (path);							g_free (path);

	return pixbuf;							return pixbuf;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_stock_get_icon_pixbuf_file				 * gnome_db_stock_get_icon_pixbuf_file
 * @pixmapfile: the real filename of the icon to get.		 * @pixmapfile: the real filename of the icon to get.
 *								 *
 * Get the given icon as a GdkPixbuf.				 * Get the given icon as a GdkPixbuf.
 *								 *
 * Returns: a GdkPixbuf representing the loaded icon.		 * Returns: a GdkPixbuf representing the loaded icon.
 */								 */
GdkPixbuf *							GdkPixbuf *
gnome_db_stock_get_icon_pixbuf_file (const gchar *pixmapfile)	gnome_db_stock_get_icon_pixbuf_file (const gchar *pixmapfile)
{								{
	gchar *path;							gchar *path;
	GdkPixbuf *pixbuf;						GdkPixbuf *pixbuf;

	g_return_val_if_fail (pixmapfile != NULL, NULL);		g_return_val_if_fail (pixmapfile != NULL, NULL);

	path = g_strdup_printf ("%s/%s", LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR,		path = g_strdup_printf ("%s/%s", LIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR,
	if (!path)							if (!path)
		return NULL;							return NULL;

	pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file (path, NULL);			pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file (path, NULL);

	g_free (path);							g_free (path);

	return pixbuf;							return pixbuf;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_stock_get_icon_path					 * gnome_db_stock_get_icon_path
 * @stock_id: Icon id to get path.				 * @stock_id: Icon id to get path.
 *								 *
 * Return the full path of the given stock icon.		 * Return the full path of the given stock icon.
 *								 *
 * Returns: the full path of the given stock icon. The return	 * Returns: the full path of the given stock icon. The return
 * value must be freed by the caller when no longer needed.	 * value must be freed by the caller when no longer needed.
 */								 */
gchar *								gchar *
gnome_db_stock_get_icon_path (const gchar *stock_id)		gnome_db_stock_get_icon_path (const gchar *stock_id)
{								{
	gchar *path;							gchar *path;

	g_return_val_if_fail (stock_id != NULL, NULL);			g_return_val_if_fail (stock_id != NULL, NULL);

	path = g_strdup_printf ("%s/%s_24x24.png", LIBGNOMEDB		path = g_strdup_printf ("%s/%s_24x24.png", LIBGNOMEDB
	return path;							return path;
}								}
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.h ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.h
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 * 	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 * 	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#if !defined(__gnome_db_stock_h__)				#if !defined(__gnome_db_stock_h__)
#  define __gnome_db_stock_h__					#  define __gnome_db_stock_h__

#include <gdk-pixbuf/gdk-pixbuf.h>				#include <gdk-pixbuf/gdk-pixbuf.h>


#define GNOME_DB_STOCK_AGGREGATES         "gnome-db-aggregate	#define GNOME_DB_STOCK_AGGREGATES         "gnome-db-aggregate
#define GNOME_DB_STOCK_COMMIT             "gnome-db-commit"	#define GNOME_DB_STOCK_COMMIT             "gnome-db-commit"
#define GNOME_DB_STOCK_CONNECT            "gnome-db-connect"	#define GNOME_DB_STOCK_CONNECT            "gnome-db-connect"
#define GNOME_DB_STOCK_DISCONNECT         "gnome-db-disconnec	#define GNOME_DB_STOCK_DISCONNECT         "gnome-db-disconnec
#define GNOME_DB_STOCK_DATABASE           "gnome-db-database"	#define GNOME_DB_STOCK_DATABASE           "gnome-db-database"
#define GNOME_DB_STOCK_DESIGNER           "gnome-db-designer"	#define GNOME_DB_STOCK_DESIGNER           "gnome-db-designer"
#define GNOME_DB_STOCK_NO_TRANSACTION     "gnome-db-no-transa	#define GNOME_DB_STOCK_NO_TRANSACTION     "gnome-db-no-transa
#define GNOME_DB_STOCK_PROCEDURES         "gnome-db-procedure	#define GNOME_DB_STOCK_PROCEDURES         "gnome-db-procedure
#define GNOME_DB_STOCK_QUERY              "gnome-db-query"	#define GNOME_DB_STOCK_QUERY              "gnome-db-query"
#define GNOME_DB_STOCK_ROLLBACK           "gnome-db-rollback"	#define GNOME_DB_STOCK_ROLLBACK           "gnome-db-rollback"
#define GNOME_DB_STOCK_SEQUENCES          "gnome-db-sequences	#define GNOME_DB_STOCK_SEQUENCES          "gnome-db-sequences
#define GNOME_DB_STOCK_SQL                "gnome-db-sql"	#define GNOME_DB_STOCK_SQL                "gnome-db-sql"
#define GNOME_DB_STOCK_TABLES             "gnome-db-tables"	#define GNOME_DB_STOCK_TABLES             "gnome-db-tables"
#define GNOME_DB_STOCK_TYPES              "gnome-db-types"	#define GNOME_DB_STOCK_TYPES              "gnome-db-types"
#define GNOME_DB_STOCK_WITHIN_TRANSACTION "gnome-db-within-tr	#define GNOME_DB_STOCK_WITHIN_TRANSACTION "gnome-db-within-tr
#define GNOME_DB_STOCK_RELATIONS          "gnome-db-relations	#define GNOME_DB_STOCK_RELATIONS          "gnome-db-relations

GdkPixbuf *gnome_db_stock_get_icon_pixbuf (const gchar *stock	GdkPixbuf *gnome_db_stock_get_icon_pixbuf (const gchar *stock
GdkPixbuf *gnome_db_stock_get_icon_pixbuf_file (const gchar *	GdkPixbuf *gnome_db_stock_get_icon_pixbuf_file (const gchar *
gchar     *gnome_db_stock_get_icon_path (const gchar *stock_i	gchar     *gnome_db_stock_get_icon_path (const gchar *stock_i


#endif								#endif
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 * 	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 * 	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#include <gtk/gtkbox.h>						#include <gtk/gtkbox.h>
#include <gtk/gtktable.h>					#include <gtk/gtktable.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.h>			#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h>
#include "gnome-db-i18n.h"					#include "gnome-db-i18n.h"


struct _GnomeDbTableEditorPrivate {				struct _GnomeDbTableEditorPrivate {
	/* widgets */							/* widgets */
	GtkWidget *name_entry;						GtkWidget *name_entry;
	GtkWidget *field_box;						GtkWidget *field_box;
};								};

static void gnome_db_table_editor_class_init (GnomeDbTableEdi	static void gnome_db_table_editor_class_init (GnomeDbTableEdi
static void gnome_db_table_editor_init       (GnomeDbTableEdi	static void gnome_db_table_editor_init       (GnomeDbTableEdi
					      GnomeDbTableEdi						      GnomeDbTableEdi
static void gnome_db_table_editor_finalize   (GObject *object	static void gnome_db_table_editor_finalize   (GObject *object

static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL;			static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL;

/*								/*
 * Private functions						 * Private functions
 */								 */

/*								/*
 * GnomeDbTableEditor class implementation			 * GnomeDbTableEditor class implementation
 */								 */

static void							static void
gnome_db_table_editor_class_init (GnomeDbTableEditorClass *kl	gnome_db_table_editor_class_init (GnomeDbTableEditorClass *kl
{								{
	GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);		GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);

	parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);		parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);

	object_class->finalize = gnome_db_table_editor_finali		object_class->finalize = gnome_db_table_editor_finali
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_table_editor_init (GnomeDbTableEditor *editor,		gnome_db_table_editor_init (GnomeDbTableEditor *editor,
			    GnomeDbTableEditorClass *klass)				    GnomeDbTableEditorClass *klass)
{								{
	GtkWidget *table;						GtkWidget *table;
	GtkWidget *label;						GtkWidget *label;
	GtkWidget *scroll;						GtkWidget *scroll;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_TABLE_EDITOR (editor));		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_TABLE_EDITOR (editor));

	/* allocate internal structure */				/* allocate internal structure */
	editor->priv = g_new0 (GnomeDbTableEditorPrivate, 1);		editor->priv = g_new0 (GnomeDbTableEditorPrivate, 1);

	/* setup widgets */						/* setup widgets */
	table = gnome_db_new_table_widget (4, 4, FALSE);		table = gnome_db_new_table_widget (4, 4, FALSE);
	gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (editor), table, TRUE, TR		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (editor), table, TRUE, TR

	label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (_("Table name"));		label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (_("Table name"));
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), label, 0, 1, 0, 		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), label, 0, 1, 0, 
	editor->priv->name_entry = gnome_db_new_entry_widget 		editor->priv->name_entry = gnome_db_new_entry_widget 
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), editor->priv->na		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), editor->priv->na
			  GTK_FILL, GTK_FILL, 2, 2);					  GTK_FILL, GTK_FILL, 2, 2);

	scroll = gnome_db_new_scrolled_window_widget ();		scroll = gnome_db_new_scrolled_window_widget ();
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), scroll, 0, 4, 1,		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), scroll, 0, 4, 1,
	editor->priv->field_box = gnome_db_new_vbox_widget (F		editor->priv->field_box = gnome_db_new_vbox_widget (F
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_table_editor_finalize (GObject *object)		gnome_db_table_editor_finalize (GObject *object)
{								{
	GnomeDbTableEditor *editor = (GnomeDbTableEditor *) o		GnomeDbTableEditor *editor = (GnomeDbTableEditor *) o

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_TABLE_EDITOR (editor));		g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_TABLE_EDITOR (editor));

	/* free memory */						/* free memory */
	g_free (editor->priv);						g_free (editor->priv);
	editor->priv = NULL;						editor->priv = NULL;

	/* chain to parent class */					/* chain to parent class */
	parent_class->finalize (object);				parent_class->finalize (object);
}								}

GType								GType
gnome_db_table_editor_get_type (void)				gnome_db_table_editor_get_type (void)
{								{
	static GType type = 0;						static GType type = 0;

	if (!type) {							if (!type) {
		static const GTypeInfo info = {					static const GTypeInfo info = {
			sizeof (GnomeDbTableEditorClass),				sizeof (GnomeDbTableEditorClass),
			(GBaseInitFunc) NULL,						(GBaseInitFunc) NULL,
			(GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL,					(GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL,
			(GClassInitFunc) gnome_db_table_edito				(GClassInitFunc) gnome_db_table_edito
			NULL,								NULL,
			NULL,								NULL,
			sizeof (GnomeDbTableEditor),					sizeof (GnomeDbTableEditor),
			0,								0,
			(GInstanceInitFunc) gnome_db_table_ed				(GInstanceInitFunc) gnome_db_table_ed
		};								};
		type = g_type_register_static (PARENT_TYPE, "			type = g_type_register_static (PARENT_TYPE, "
	}								}
	return type;							return type;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_table_editor_new					 * gnome_db_table_editor_new
 *								 *
 * Create a new #GnomeDbTableEditor widget, which lets the us	 * Create a new #GnomeDbTableEditor widget, which lets the us
 * display and modify a table's structure.			 * display and modify a table's structure.
 *								 *
 * Returns: the newly created widget.				 * Returns: the newly created widget.
 */								 */
GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_table_editor_new (void)				gnome_db_table_editor_new (void)
{								{
	GnomeDbTableEditor *editor;					GnomeDbTableEditor *editor;

	editor = g_object_new (GNOME_DB_TYPE_TABLE_EDITOR, NU		editor = g_object_new (GNOME_DB_TYPE_TABLE_EDITOR, NU
	return GTK_WIDGET (editor);					return GTK_WIDGET (editor);
}								}
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.h ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.h
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 * 	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 * 	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#if !defined(__gnome_db_table_editor_h__)			#if !defined(__gnome_db_table_editor_h__)
#  define __gnome_db_table_editor_h__				#  define __gnome_db_table_editor_h__

#include <gtk/gtkvbox.h>					#include <gtk/gtkvbox.h>


#define GNOME_DB_TYPE_TABLE_EDITOR            (gnome_db_table	#define GNOME_DB_TYPE_TABLE_EDITOR            (gnome_db_table
#define GNOME_DB_TABLE_EDITOR(obj)            (G_TYPE_CHECK_I	#define GNOME_DB_TABLE_EDITOR(obj)            (G_TYPE_CHECK_I

typedef struct _GnomeDbTableEditor        GnomeDbTableEditor;	typedef struct _GnomeDbTableEditor        GnomeDbTableEditor;
typedef struct _GnomeDbTableEditorClass   GnomeDbTableEditorC	typedef struct _GnomeDbTableEditorClass   GnomeDbTableEditorC
typedef struct _GnomeDbTableEditorPrivate GnomeDbTableEditorP	typedef struct _GnomeDbTableEditorPrivate GnomeDbTableEditorP

struct _GnomeDbTableEditor {					struct _GnomeDbTableEditor {
	GtkVBox box;							GtkVBox box;
	GnomeDbTableEditorPrivate *priv;				GnomeDbTableEditorPrivate *priv;
};								};

struct _GnomeDbTableEditorClass {				struct _GnomeDbTableEditorClass {
	GtkVBoxClass parent_class;					GtkVBoxClass parent_class;
};								};

GType      gnome_db_table_editor_get_type (void);		GType      gnome_db_table_editor_get_type (void);
GtkWidget *gnome_db_table_editor_new (void);			GtkWidget *gnome_db_table_editor_new (void);


#endif								#endif
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *      Carlos Perelló Marín <carlos gnome-db org>		 *      Carlos Perelló Marín <carlos gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#include <string.h>						#include <string.h>
#include <libintl.h>						#include <libintl.h>
#include <glib-object.h>					#include <glib-object.h>
#include <gtk/gtkbutton.h>					#include <gtk/gtkbutton.h>
#include <gtk/gtkcheckbutton.h>					#include <gtk/gtkcheckbutton.h>
#include <gtk/gtkcheckmenuitem.h>				#include <gtk/gtkcheckmenuitem.h>
#include <gtk/gtkcombo.h>					#include <gtk/gtkcombo.h>
#include <gtk/gtkfilesel.h>					#include <gtk/gtkfilesel.h>
#include <gtk/gtkframe.h>					#include <gtk/gtkframe.h>
#include <gtk/gtkhbbox.h>					#include <gtk/gtkhbbox.h>
#include <gtk/gtkhbox.h>					#include <gtk/gtkhbox.h>
#include <gtk/gtkhpaned.h>					#include <gtk/gtkhpaned.h>
#include <gtk/gtkhseparator.h>					#include <gtk/gtkhseparator.h>
#include <gtk/gtkimage.h>					#include <gtk/gtkimage.h>
#include <gtk/gtkimagemenuitem.h>				#include <gtk/gtkimagemenuitem.h>
#include <gtk/gtklabel.h>					#include <gtk/gtklabel.h>
#include <gtk/gtkmain.h>					#include <gtk/gtkmain.h>
#include <gtk/gtkmenu.h>					#include <gtk/gtkmenu.h>
#include <gtk/gtkmenuitem.h>					#include <gtk/gtkmenuitem.h>
#include <gtk/gtkmenushell.h>					#include <gtk/gtkmenushell.h>
#include <gtk/gtkmessagedialog.h>				#include <gtk/gtkmessagedialog.h>
#include <gtk/gtknotebook.h>					#include <gtk/gtknotebook.h>
#include <gtk/gtkradiobutton.h>					#include <gtk/gtkradiobutton.h>
#include <gtk/gtkscrolledwindow.h>				#include <gtk/gtkscrolledwindow.h>
#include <gtk/gtkseparatormenuitem.h>				#include <gtk/gtkseparatormenuitem.h>
#include <gtk/gtkstatusbar.h>					#include <gtk/gtkstatusbar.h>
#include <gtk/gtkstock.h>					#include <gtk/gtkstock.h>
#include <gtk/gtktable.h>					#include <gtk/gtktable.h>
#include <gtk/gtktextbuffer.h>					#include <gtk/gtktextbuffer.h>
#include <gtk/gtktreeview.h>					#include <gtk/gtktreeview.h>
#include <gtk/gtkvbox.h>					#include <gtk/gtkvbox.h>
#include <gtk/gtkvpaned.h>					#include <gtk/gtkvpaned.h>
#include <gtk/gtkvseparator.h>					#include <gtk/gtkvseparator.h>
#include <gtk/gtkwindow.h>					#include <gtk/gtkwindow.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.h>			#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.h>
#endif								#endif
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h>
#include <libgnomeui/gnome-file-entry.h>			#include <libgnomeui/gnome-file-entry.h>
#endif								#endif
#include "gnome-db-i18n.h"					#include "gnome-db-i18n.h"

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_new_browser_widget					 * gnome_db_new_browser_widget
 */								 */
GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_new_browser_widget (void)				gnome_db_new_browser_widget (void)
{								{
	GtkWidget *browser;						GtkWidget *browser;

	browser = gnome_db_browser_new ();				browser = gnome_db_browser_new ();
	gtk_widget_show (browser);					gtk_widget_show (browser);

	return browser;							return browser;
}								}
#endif								#endif

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_new_button_widget					 * gnome_db_new_button_widget
 */								 */
GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_new_button_widget (const gchar *label)			gnome_db_new_button_widget (const gchar *label)
{								{
	GtkWidget *button;						GtkWidget *button;

	if (label != NULL)						if (label != NULL)
		button = gtk_button_new_with_label (label);			button = gtk_button_new_with_label (label);
	else								else
		button = gtk_button_new ();					button = gtk_button_new ();
	gtk_widget_show (button);					gtk_widget_show (button);

	return button;							return button;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_new_button_widget_from_stock			 * gnome_db_new_button_widget_from_stock
 */								 */
GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_new_button_widget_from_stock (const gchar *stock_id)	gnome_db_new_button_widget_from_stock (const gchar *stock_id)
{								{
	GtkWidget *button;						GtkWidget *button;

	button = gtk_button_new_from_stock (stock_id);			button = gtk_button_new_from_stock (stock_id);
	gtk_widget_show (button);					gtk_widget_show (button);

	return button;							return button;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_new_check_button_widget				 * gnome_db_new_check_button_widget
 */								 */
GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_new_check_button_widget (const gchar *label)		gnome_db_new_check_button_widget (const gchar *label)
{								{
	GtkWidget *check;						GtkWidget *check;

	if (label != NULL)						if (label != NULL)
		check = gtk_check_button_new_with_label (labe			check = gtk_check_button_new_with_label (labe
	else								else
		check = gtk_check_button_new ();				check = gtk_check_button_new ();
	gtk_widget_show (check);					gtk_widget_show (check);

	return check;							return check;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_new_combo_widget					 * gnome_db_new_combo_widget
 */								 */
GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_new_combo_widget (void)				gnome_db_new_combo_widget (void)
{								{
	GtkWidget *combo;						GtkWidget *combo;

	combo = gtk_combo_box_entry_new ();		      |		combo = gtk_combo_new ();
	gtk_widget_show (combo);					gtk_widget_show (combo);

	return combo;							return combo;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_new_entry_widget					 * gnome_db_new_entry_widget
 */								 */
GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_new_entry_widget (gint max_length, gboolean editable	gnome_db_new_entry_widget (gint max_length, gboolean editable
{								{
	GtkWidget *entry;						GtkWidget *entry;

	entry = gtk_entry_new ();					entry = gtk_entry_new ();
	if (max_length > 0)						if (max_length > 0)
		gtk_entry_set_max_length (GTK_ENTRY (entry), 			gtk_entry_set_max_length (GTK_ENTRY (entry), 
	gtk_editable_set_editable (GTK_EDITABLE (entry), edit		gtk_editable_set_editable (GTK_EDITABLE (entry), edit
	gtk_widget_show (entry);					gtk_widget_show (entry);

	return entry;							return entry;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_new_file_entry_widget				 * gnome_db_new_file_entry_widget
 */								 */
GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_new_file_entry_widget (const gchar *history_id, cons	gnome_db_new_file_entry_widget (const gchar *history_id, cons
{								{
	GtkWidget *entry;						GtkWidget *entry;

	entry = gnome_file_entry_new (history_id, title);		entry = gnome_file_entry_new (history_id, title);
	gtk_widget_show (entry);					gtk_widget_show (entry);

	return entry;							return entry;
}								}
#endif								#endif

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_new_frame_widget					 * gnome_db_new_frame_widget
 */								 */
GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_new_frame_widget (const gchar *title)			gnome_db_new_frame_widget (const gchar *title)
{								{
	GtkWidget *frame;						GtkWidget *frame;

	frame = gtk_frame_new (title);					frame = gtk_frame_new (title);
	gtk_widget_show (frame);					gtk_widget_show (frame);

	return frame;							return frame;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_new_grid_widget					 * gnome_db_new_grid_widget
 */								 */
GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_new_grid_widget (GdaDataModel *model)			gnome_db_new_grid_widget (GdaDataModel *model)
{								{
	GtkWidget *grid;						GtkWidget *grid;

	if (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (model))					if (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (model))
		grid = gnome_db_grid_new_with_model (model);			grid = gnome_db_grid_new_with_model (model);
	else								else
		grid = gnome_db_grid_new ();					grid = gnome_db_grid_new ();
	gtk_widget_show (grid);						gtk_widget_show (grid);

	return grid;							return grid;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_new_hbox_widget					 * gnome_db_new_hbox_widget
 */								 */
GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_new_hbox_widget (gboolean homogenous, gint spacing)	gnome_db_new_hbox_widget (gboolean homogenous, gint spacing)
{								{
	GtkWidget *hbox;						GtkWidget *hbox;

	hbox = gtk_hbox_new (homogenous, spacing);			hbox = gtk_hbox_new (homogenous, spacing);
	gtk_widget_show (hbox);						gtk_widget_show (hbox);

	return hbox;							return hbox;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_new_hbutton_box_widget				 * gnome_db_new_hbutton_box_widget
 */								 */
GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_new_hbutton_box_widget (void)				gnome_db_new_hbutton_box_widget (void)
{								{
	GtkWidget *hbbox;						GtkWidget *hbbox;

	hbbox = gtk_hbutton_box_new ();					hbbox = gtk_hbutton_box_new ();
	gtk_widget_show (hbbox);					gtk_widget_show (hbbox);

	return hbbox;							return hbbox;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_new_hpaned_widget					 * gnome_db_new_hpaned_widget
 */								 */
GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_new_hpaned_widget (void)				gnome_db_new_hpaned_widget (void)
{								{
	GtkWidget *hpaned;						GtkWidget *hpaned;

	hpaned = gtk_hpaned_new ();					hpaned = gtk_hpaned_new ();
	gtk_widget_show (hpaned);					gtk_widget_show (hpaned);

	return hpaned;							return hpaned;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_new_hseparator_widget				 * gnome_db_new_hseparator_widget
 */								 */
GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_new_hseparator_widget (void)				gnome_db_new_hseparator_widget (void)
{								{
	GtkWidget *hsep;						GtkWidget *hsep;

	hsep = gtk_hseparator_new ();					hsep = gtk_hseparator_new ();
	gtk_widget_show (hsep);						gtk_widget_show (hsep);

	return hsep;							return hsep;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_new_label_widget					 * gnome_db_new_label_widget
 */								 */
GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_new_label_widget (const gchar *text)			gnome_db_new_label_widget (const gchar *text)
{								{
	GtkWidget *label;						GtkWidget *label;

	label = gtk_label_new_with_mnemonic (text);			label = gtk_label_new_with_mnemonic (text);
	gtk_label_set_selectable (GTK_LABEL (label), TRUE);		gtk_label_set_selectable (GTK_LABEL (label), TRUE);
	gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (label), 0.0, 0.5);		gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (label), 0.0, 0.5);
	gtk_widget_show (label);					gtk_widget_show (label);

	return label;							return label;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_new_notebook_widget					 * gnome_db_new_notebook_widget
 */								 */
GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_new_notebook_widget (void)				gnome_db_new_notebook_widget (void)
{								{
	GtkWidget *notebook;						GtkWidget *notebook;

	notebook = gtk_notebook_new ();					notebook = gtk_notebook_new ();
	gtk_notebook_set_show_tabs (GTK_NOTEBOOK (notebook), 		gtk_notebook_set_show_tabs (GTK_NOTEBOOK (notebook), 
	gtk_notebook_set_scrollable (GTK_NOTEBOOK (notebook),		gtk_notebook_set_scrollable (GTK_NOTEBOOK (notebook),
	gtk_notebook_popup_enable (GTK_NOTEBOOK (notebook));		gtk_notebook_popup_enable (GTK_NOTEBOOK (notebook));
	gtk_widget_show (notebook);					gtk_widget_show (notebook);

	return notebook;						return notebook;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_new_option_menu_widget				 * gnome_db_new_option_menu_widget
 */								 */
GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_new_option_menu_widget (void)				gnome_db_new_option_menu_widget (void)
{								{
	GtkWidget *option_menu;						GtkWidget *option_menu;

	option_menu = gtk_option_menu_new ();				option_menu = gtk_option_menu_new ();
	gtk_widget_show (option_menu);					gtk_widget_show (option_menu);

	return option_menu;						return option_menu;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_new_popup_menu					 * gnome_db_new_popup_menu
 */								 */
GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_new_popup_menu (GtkWidget *parent, GnomeUIInfo *ui_i	gnome_db_new_popup_menu (GtkWidget *parent, GnomeUIInfo *ui_i
{								{
	GtkWidget *popup_menu;						GtkWidget *popup_menu;

        g_return_val_if_fail (parent != NULL, NULL);		        g_return_val_if_fail (parent != NULL, NULL);
        g_return_val_if_fail (ui_info != NULL, NULL);		        g_return_val_if_fail (ui_info != NULL, NULL);

        popup_menu = gnome_popup_menu_new (ui_info);		        popup_menu = gnome_popup_menu_new (ui_info);
        gnome_popup_menu_attach (popup_menu, parent, user_dat	        gnome_popup_menu_attach (popup_menu, parent, user_dat

        return popup_menu;					        return popup_menu;
}								}
#endif								#endif

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_new_radio_button_widget				 * gnome_db_new_radio_button_widget
 */								 */
GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_new_radio_button_widget (GSList *group, const gchar 	gnome_db_new_radio_button_widget (GSList *group, const gchar 
{								{
	GtkWidget *radio;						GtkWidget *radio;

	radio = gtk_radio_button_new_with_label (group, label		radio = gtk_radio_button_new_with_label (group, label
	gtk_widget_show (radio);					gtk_widget_show (radio);

	return radio;							return radio;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_new_scrolled_window_widget				 * gnome_db_new_scrolled_window_widget
 */								 */
GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_new_scrolled_window_widget (void)			gnome_db_new_scrolled_window_widget (void)
{								{
	GtkWidget *scroll;						GtkWidget *scroll;

	scroll = gtk_scrolled_window_new (NULL, NULL);			scroll = gtk_scrolled_window_new (NULL, NULL);
	gtk_scrolled_window_set_policy (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (		gtk_scrolled_window_set_policy (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (
	gtk_scrolled_window_set_shadow_type (GTK_SCROLLED_WIN		gtk_scrolled_window_set_shadow_type (GTK_SCROLLED_WIN
					     GTK_SHADOW_IN);						     GTK_SHADOW_IN);
	gtk_widget_show (scroll);					gtk_widget_show (scroll);

	return scroll;							return scroll;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_new_status_bar_widget				 * gnome_db_new_status_bar_widget
 */								 */
GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_new_status_bar_widget (void)				gnome_db_new_status_bar_widget (void)
{								{
        GtkWidget* status;					        GtkWidget* status;

        status = gtk_statusbar_new ();				        status = gtk_statusbar_new ();
        gtk_widget_show (status);				        gtk_widget_show (status);

        return status;						        return status;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_new_table_widget					 * gnome_db_new_table_widget
 */								 */
GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_new_table_widget (gint rows, gint cols, gboolean hom	gnome_db_new_table_widget (gint rows, gint cols, gboolean hom
{								{
	GtkWidget *table;						GtkWidget *table;

	table = gtk_table_new (rows, cols, homogenous);			table = gtk_table_new (rows, cols, homogenous);
	gtk_table_set_row_spacings (GTK_TABLE (table), 6);		gtk_table_set_row_spacings (GTK_TABLE (table), 6);
        gtk_table_set_col_spacings (GTK_TABLE (table), 6);	        gtk_table_set_col_spacings (GTK_TABLE (table), 6);

	gtk_widget_show (table);					gtk_widget_show (table);

	return table;							return table;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_new_text_widget					 * gnome_db_new_text_widget
 */								 */
GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_new_text_widget (const gchar *contents)		gnome_db_new_text_widget (const gchar *contents)
{								{
	GtkWidget *text;						GtkWidget *text;
	GtkTextBuffer *buffer;						GtkTextBuffer *buffer;

	if (contents != NULL) {						if (contents != NULL) {
		buffer = gtk_text_buffer_new (NULL);				buffer = gtk_text_buffer_new (NULL);
		gtk_text_buffer_set_text (buffer, contents, s			gtk_text_buffer_set_text (buffer, contents, s

		text = gtk_text_view_new_with_buffer (buffer)			text = gtk_text_view_new_with_buffer (buffer)
	}								}
	else								else
		text = gtk_text_view_new ();					text = gtk_text_view_new ();

	gtk_widget_show (text);						gtk_widget_show (text);

	return text;							return text;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_new_toolbar_widget					 * gnome_db_new_toolbar_widget
 */								 */
GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_new_toolbar_widget (GtkOrientation orientation, GtkT	gnome_db_new_toolbar_widget (GtkOrientation orientation, GtkT
{								{
	GtkWidget *toolbar;						GtkWidget *toolbar;

	toolbar = gtk_toolbar_new ();					toolbar = gtk_toolbar_new ();
	gtk_toolbar_set_orientation (GTK_TOOLBAR (toolbar), o		gtk_toolbar_set_orientation (GTK_TOOLBAR (toolbar), o
	gtk_toolbar_set_style (GTK_TOOLBAR (toolbar), style);		gtk_toolbar_set_style (GTK_TOOLBAR (toolbar), style);
	gtk_widget_show (toolbar);					gtk_widget_show (toolbar);

	return toolbar;							return toolbar;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_new_tree_view_widget				 * gnome_db_new_tree_view_widget
 */								 */
GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_new_tree_view_widget (GtkTreeModel *model)		gnome_db_new_tree_view_widget (GtkTreeModel *model)
{								{
	GtkWidget *tree_view;						GtkWidget *tree_view;

	tree_view = model ?						tree_view = model ?
		gtk_tree_view_new_with_model (model) :				gtk_tree_view_new_with_model (model) :
		gtk_tree_view_new ();						gtk_tree_view_new ();
	gtk_tree_view_set_rules_hint (GTK_TREE_VIEW (tree_vie		gtk_tree_view_set_rules_hint (GTK_TREE_VIEW (tree_vie
	gtk_widget_show (tree_view);					gtk_widget_show (tree_view);

	return tree_view;						return tree_view;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_new_vbox_widget					 * gnome_db_new_vbox_widget
 */								 */
GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_new_vbox_widget (gboolean homogenous, gint spacing)	gnome_db_new_vbox_widget (gboolean homogenous, gint spacing)
{								{
	GtkWidget *vbox;						GtkWidget *vbox;

	vbox = gtk_vbox_new (homogenous, spacing);			vbox = gtk_vbox_new (homogenous, spacing);
	gtk_widget_show (vbox);						gtk_widget_show (vbox);

	return vbox;							return vbox;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_new_vpaned_widget					 * gnome_db_new_vpaned_widget
 */								 */
GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_new_vpaned_widget (void)				gnome_db_new_vpaned_widget (void)
{								{
	GtkWidget *vpaned;						GtkWidget *vpaned;

	vpaned = gtk_vpaned_new ();					vpaned = gtk_vpaned_new ();
	gtk_widget_show (vpaned);					gtk_widget_show (vpaned);

	return vpaned;							return vpaned;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_new_vseparator_widget				 * gnome_db_new_vseparator_widget
 */								 */
GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_new_vseparator_widget (void)				gnome_db_new_vseparator_widget (void)
{								{
	GtkWidget *sep;							GtkWidget *sep;

	sep = gtk_vseparator_new ();					sep = gtk_vseparator_new ();
	gtk_widget_show (sep);						gtk_widget_show (sep);

	return sep;							return sep;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_set_widget_bg_color					 * gnome_db_set_widget_bg_color
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_set_widget_bg_color (GtkWidget *widget, const gchar 	gnome_db_set_widget_bg_color (GtkWidget *widget, const gchar 
{								{
	GdkColor gdk_color;						GdkColor gdk_color;

	g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget));			g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget));

	gdk_color_parse (color, &gdk_color);				gdk_color_parse (color, &gdk_color);
	gtk_widget_modify_bg (widget, GTK_STATE_NORMAL, &gdk_		gtk_widget_modify_bg (widget, GTK_STATE_NORMAL, &gdk_
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_set_widget_fg_color					 * gnome_db_set_widget_fg_color
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_set_widget_fg_color (GtkWidget *widget, const gchar 	gnome_db_set_widget_fg_color (GtkWidget *widget, const gchar 
{								{
	GdkColor gdk_color;						GdkColor gdk_color;

	g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget));			g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget));

	gdk_color_parse (color, &gdk_color);				gdk_color_parse (color, &gdk_color);
	gtk_widget_modify_fg (widget, GTK_STATE_NORMAL, &gdk_		gtk_widget_modify_fg (widget, GTK_STATE_NORMAL, &gdk_
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_option_menu_add_item				 * gnome_db_option_menu_add_item
 */								 */
GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_option_menu_add_item (GtkOptionMenu *option_menu, co	gnome_db_option_menu_add_item (GtkOptionMenu *option_menu, co
{								{
	GtkWidget *menu;						GtkWidget *menu;
	GtkWidget *menu_item;						GtkWidget *menu_item;

	g_return_val_if_fail (GTK_IS_OPTION_MENU (option_menu		g_return_val_if_fail (GTK_IS_OPTION_MENU (option_menu
	g_return_val_if_fail (label != NULL, NULL);			g_return_val_if_fail (label != NULL, NULL);

	menu = gtk_option_menu_get_menu (option_menu);			menu = gtk_option_menu_get_menu (option_menu);
	if (!GTK_IS_MENU (menu)) {					if (!GTK_IS_MENU (menu)) {
		menu = gtk_menu_new ();						menu = gtk_menu_new ();
		gtk_option_menu_set_menu (option_menu, menu);			gtk_option_menu_set_menu (option_menu, menu);
		gtk_widget_show (menu);						gtk_widget_show (menu);
	}								}

	menu_item = gtk_menu_item_new_with_label (label);		menu_item = gtk_menu_item_new_with_label (label);
	gtk_widget_show (menu_item);					gtk_widget_show (menu_item);
	g_object_set_data_full (G_OBJECT (menu_item), "GNOME:		g_object_set_data_full (G_OBJECT (menu_item), "GNOME:
				g_strdup (label), (GDestroyNo					g_strdup (label), (GDestroyNo

	gtk_menu_shell_append (GTK_MENU_SHELL (menu), menu_it		gtk_menu_shell_append (GTK_MENU_SHELL (menu), menu_it

	return menu_item;						return menu_item;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_option_menu_add_stock_item				 * gnome_db_option_menu_add_stock_item
 */								 */
GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_option_menu_add_stock_item (GtkOptionMenu *option_me	gnome_db_option_menu_add_stock_item (GtkOptionMenu *option_me
{								{
	GtkWidget *menu;						GtkWidget *menu;
	GtkWidget *menu_item;						GtkWidget *menu_item;

	g_return_val_if_fail (GTK_IS_OPTION_MENU (option_menu		g_return_val_if_fail (GTK_IS_OPTION_MENU (option_menu
	g_return_val_if_fail (stock_id != NULL, NULL);			g_return_val_if_fail (stock_id != NULL, NULL);

	menu = gtk_option_menu_get_menu (option_menu);			menu = gtk_option_menu_get_menu (option_menu);
	if (!GTK_IS_MENU (menu)) {					if (!GTK_IS_MENU (menu)) {
		menu = gtk_menu_new ();						menu = gtk_menu_new ();
		gtk_option_menu_set_menu (option_menu, menu);			gtk_option_menu_set_menu (option_menu, menu);
		gtk_widget_show (menu);						gtk_widget_show (menu);
	}								}

	menu_item = gtk_image_menu_item_new_from_stock (stock		menu_item = gtk_image_menu_item_new_from_stock (stock
	gtk_widget_show (menu_item);					gtk_widget_show (menu_item);
	g_object_set_data_full (G_OBJECT (menu_item), "GNOME:		g_object_set_data_full (G_OBJECT (menu_item), "GNOME:
				g_strdup (stock_id), (GDestro					g_strdup (stock_id), (GDestro

	gtk_menu_shell_append (GTK_MENU_SHELL (menu), menu_it		gtk_menu_shell_append (GTK_MENU_SHELL (menu), menu_it

	return menu_item;						return menu_item;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_option_menu_add_separator				 * gnome_db_option_menu_add_separator
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_option_menu_add_separator (GtkOptionMenu *option_men	gnome_db_option_menu_add_separator (GtkOptionMenu *option_men
{								{
	GtkWidget *menu;						GtkWidget *menu;
	GtkWidget *menu_item;						GtkWidget *menu_item;

	g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_OPTION_MENU (option_menu));		g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_OPTION_MENU (option_menu));

	menu = gtk_option_menu_get_menu (option_menu);			menu = gtk_option_menu_get_menu (option_menu);
	if (!GTK_IS_MENU (menu)) {					if (!GTK_IS_MENU (menu)) {
		menu = gtk_menu_new ();						menu = gtk_menu_new ();
		gtk_option_menu_set_menu (option_menu, menu);			gtk_option_menu_set_menu (option_menu, menu);
		gtk_widget_show (menu);						gtk_widget_show (menu);
	}								}

	menu_item = gtk_separator_menu_item_new ();			menu_item = gtk_separator_menu_item_new ();
	gtk_widget_show (menu_item);					gtk_widget_show (menu_item);

	gtk_menu_shell_append (GTK_MENU_SHELL (menu), menu_it		gtk_menu_shell_append (GTK_MENU_SHELL (menu), menu_it
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_option_menu_get_selection				 * gnome_db_option_menu_get_selection
 */								 */
const gchar *							const gchar *
gnome_db_option_menu_get_selection (GtkOptionMenu *option_men	gnome_db_option_menu_get_selection (GtkOptionMenu *option_men
{								{
	GtkWidget *menu_item;						GtkWidget *menu_item;
	GtkWidget *menu;						GtkWidget *menu;

	g_return_val_if_fail (GTK_IS_OPTION_MENU (option_menu		g_return_val_if_fail (GTK_IS_OPTION_MENU (option_menu

	menu = gtk_option_menu_get_menu(option_menu);			menu = gtk_option_menu_get_menu(option_menu);
	menu_item = gtk_menu_get_active(menu);				menu_item = gtk_menu_get_active(menu);

	if (GTK_IS_MENU_ITEM (menu_item)) {				if (GTK_IS_MENU_ITEM (menu_item)) {
		return (const gchar *) g_object_get_data (G_O			return (const gchar *) g_object_get_data (G_O
							  "GN								  "GN
	}								}

	return NULL;							return NULL;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_option_menu_set_selection				 * gnome_db_option_menu_set_selection
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_option_menu_set_selection (GtkOptionMenu *option_men	gnome_db_option_menu_set_selection (GtkOptionMenu *option_men
{								{
	GList *l;							GList *l;
	gint i;								gint i;
	GtkWidget *menu;						GtkWidget *menu;

	g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_OPTION_MENU (option_menu));		g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_OPTION_MENU (option_menu));
	g_return_if_fail (selection != NULL);				g_return_if_fail (selection != NULL);

	menu = gtk_option_menu_get_menu (option_menu);			menu = gtk_option_menu_get_menu (option_menu);
	if (!GTK_IS_MENU_SHELL (menu))					if (!GTK_IS_MENU_SHELL (menu))
		return;								return;

	for (l = GTK_MENU_SHELL (menu)->children, i = 0; l !=		for (l = GTK_MENU_SHELL (menu)->children, i = 0; l !=
		const gchar *str;						const gchar *str;
		GtkWidget *menu_item = GTK_WIDGET (l->data);			GtkWidget *menu_item = GTK_WIDGET (l->data);

		str = (const gchar *) g_object_get_data (G_OB			str = (const gchar *) g_object_get_data (G_OB
							 "GNO								 "GNO
		if (str && !strcmp (str, selection)) {				if (str && !strcmp (str, selection)) {
			gtk_option_menu_set_history (option_m				gtk_option_menu_set_history (option_m
			break;								break;
		}								}
	}								}
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_text_clear						 * gnome_db_text_clear
 * @text: a #GtkTextView widget					 * @text: a #GtkTextView widget
 *								 *
 * Clear the contents of the given text view widget.		 * Clear the contents of the given text view widget.
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_text_clear (GtkTextView *text)				gnome_db_text_clear (GtkTextView *text)
{								{
	GtkTextIter start;						GtkTextIter start;
	GtkTextIter end;						GtkTextIter end;
	gint char_count;						gint char_count;
	GtkTextBuffer *buffer;						GtkTextBuffer *buffer;

	g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_TEXT_VIEW (text));			g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_TEXT_VIEW (text));

	buffer = gtk_text_view_get_buffer (text);			buffer = gtk_text_view_get_buffer (text);
	char_count = gnome_db_text_get_char_count (text);		char_count = gnome_db_text_get_char_count (text);

	gtk_text_buffer_get_iter_at_offset (buffer, &start, 0		gtk_text_buffer_get_iter_at_offset (buffer, &start, 0
	gtk_text_buffer_get_iter_at_offset (buffer, &end, cha		gtk_text_buffer_get_iter_at_offset (buffer, &end, cha

	gtk_text_buffer_delete (buffer, &start, &end);			gtk_text_buffer_delete (buffer, &start, &end);
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_text_copy_clipboard					 * gnome_db_text_copy_clipboard
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_text_copy_clipboard (GtkTextView *text)		gnome_db_text_copy_clipboard (GtkTextView *text)
{								{
	g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_TEXT_VIEW (text));			g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_TEXT_VIEW (text));
	gtk_text_buffer_copy_clipboard (gtk_text_view_get_buf		gtk_text_buffer_copy_clipboard (gtk_text_view_get_buf
					gtk_clipboard_get (GD						gtk_clipboard_get (GD
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_text_cut_clipboard					 * gnome_db_text_cut_clipboard
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_text_cut_clipboard (GtkTextView *text)			gnome_db_text_cut_clipboard (GtkTextView *text)
{								{
	g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_TEXT_VIEW (text));			g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_TEXT_VIEW (text));
	gtk_text_buffer_cut_clipboard (gtk_text_view_get_buff		gtk_text_buffer_cut_clipboard (gtk_text_view_get_buff
				       gtk_clipboard_get (GDK					       gtk_clipboard_get (GDK
				       gtk_text_view_get_edit					       gtk_text_view_get_edit
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_text_get_char_count					 * gnome_db_text_get_char_count
 */								 */
gint								gint
gnome_db_text_get_char_count (GtkTextView *text)		gnome_db_text_get_char_count (GtkTextView *text)
{								{
	g_return_val_if_fail (GTK_IS_TEXT_VIEW (text), -1);		g_return_val_if_fail (GTK_IS_TEXT_VIEW (text), -1);
	return gtk_text_buffer_get_char_count (gtk_text_view_		return gtk_text_buffer_get_char_count (gtk_text_view_
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_text_get_line_count					 * gnome_db_text_get_line_count
 */								 */
gint								gint
gnome_db_text_get_line_count (GtkTextView *text)		gnome_db_text_get_line_count (GtkTextView *text)
{								{
	g_return_val_if_fail (GTK_IS_TEXT_VIEW (text), -1);		g_return_val_if_fail (GTK_IS_TEXT_VIEW (text), -1);
	return gtk_text_buffer_get_line_count (gtk_text_view_		return gtk_text_buffer_get_line_count (gtk_text_view_
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_text_get_text					 * gnome_db_text_get_text
 */								 */
gchar *								gchar *
gnome_db_text_get_text (GtkTextView *text)			gnome_db_text_get_text (GtkTextView *text)
{								{
	GtkTextBuffer *buffer;						GtkTextBuffer *buffer;
	GtkTextIter start;						GtkTextIter start;
	GtkTextIter end;						GtkTextIter end;
	gint char_count;						gint char_count;

	g_return_val_if_fail (GTK_IS_TEXT_VIEW (text), NULL);		g_return_val_if_fail (GTK_IS_TEXT_VIEW (text), NULL);

	buffer = gtk_text_view_get_buffer (text);			buffer = gtk_text_view_get_buffer (text);
	char_count = gnome_db_text_get_char_count (text);		char_count = gnome_db_text_get_char_count (text);

	gtk_text_buffer_get_iter_at_offset (buffer, &start, 0		gtk_text_buffer_get_iter_at_offset (buffer, &start, 0
	gtk_text_buffer_get_iter_at_offset (buffer, &end, cha		gtk_text_buffer_get_iter_at_offset (buffer, &end, cha

	return gtk_text_buffer_get_text (gtk_text_view_get_bu		return gtk_text_buffer_get_text (gtk_text_view_get_bu
					 &start, &end, FALSE)						 &start, &end, FALSE)
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_text_insert_at_cursor				 * gnome_db_text_insert_at_cursor
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_text_insert_at_cursor (GtkTextView *text, const gcha	gnome_db_text_insert_at_cursor (GtkTextView *text, const gcha
{								{
	g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_TEXT_VIEW (text));			g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_TEXT_VIEW (text));
	g_return_if_fail (contents != NULL);				g_return_if_fail (contents != NULL);

	gtk_text_buffer_insert_at_cursor (gtk_text_view_get_b		gtk_text_buffer_insert_at_cursor (gtk_text_view_get_b
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_text_paste_clipboard				 * gnome_db_text_paste_clipboard
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_text_paste_clipboard (GtkTextView *text)		gnome_db_text_paste_clipboard (GtkTextView *text)
{								{
	g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_TEXT_VIEW (text));			g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_TEXT_VIEW (text));
	gtk_text_buffer_paste_clipboard (gtk_text_view_get_bu		gtk_text_buffer_paste_clipboard (gtk_text_view_get_bu
					 gtk_clipboard_get (G						 gtk_clipboard_get (G
					 NULL,								 NULL,
					 gtk_text_view_get_ed						 gtk_text_view_get_ed
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_text_set_text					 * gnome_db_text_set_text
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_text_set_text (GtkTextView *text, const gchar *conte	gnome_db_text_set_text (GtkTextView *text, const gchar *conte
{								{
	g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_TEXT_VIEW (text));			g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_TEXT_VIEW (text));
	gtk_text_buffer_set_text (gtk_text_view_get_buffer (t		gtk_text_buffer_set_text (gtk_text_view_get_buffer (t
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_select_file_dialog					 * gnome_db_select_file_dialog
 */								 */
gchar *								gchar *
gnome_db_select_file_dialog (GtkWidget *parent, const gchar *	gnome_db_select_file_dialog (GtkWidget *parent, const gchar *
{								{
	GtkWidget *filesel;						GtkWidget *filesel;
        gchar *res = NULL;					        gchar *res = NULL;

        /* create dialog */					        /* create dialog */
        filesel = gtk_file_selection_new (title);		        filesel = gtk_file_selection_new (title);
	if (GTK_IS_WINDOW (parent)) {					if (GTK_IS_WINDOW (parent)) {
		gtk_window_set_transient_for (GTK_WINDOW (fil			gtk_window_set_transient_for (GTK_WINDOW (fil
				              GTK_WINDOW (par					              GTK_WINDOW (par
	}								}
        gtk_file_selection_show_fileop_buttons (GTK_FILE_SELE	        gtk_file_selection_show_fileop_buttons (GTK_FILE_SELE

        /* wait for selection from user */			        /* wait for selection from user */
	if (gtk_dialog_run (GTK_DIALOG (filesel)) == GTK_RESP		if (gtk_dialog_run (GTK_DIALOG (filesel)) == GTK_RESP
		res = g_strdup (gtk_file_selection_get_filena			res = g_strdup (gtk_file_selection_get_filena
        else							        else
		res = NULL;							res = NULL;

        /* clean up */						        /* clean up */
        gtk_widget_destroy (filesel);				        gtk_widget_destroy (filesel);

        return res;						        return res;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_new_alert						 * gnome_db_new_alert
 */								 */
GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_new_alert (GtkWindow *parent,				gnome_db_new_alert (GtkWindow *parent,
		    GtkMessageType type,					    GtkMessageType type,
		    const gchar *primary_text,					    const gchar *primary_text,
		    const gchar *secondary_text)				    const gchar *secondary_text)
{								{
	const gchar *stock_id = NULL;					const gchar *stock_id = NULL;
	gchar *str;							gchar *str;
	GtkWidget *dialog;						GtkWidget *dialog;
	GtkWidget *image;						GtkWidget *image;
	GtkWidget *label;						GtkWidget *label;
	GtkWidget *hbox;						GtkWidget *hbox;
	GtkWidget *vbox;						GtkWidget *vbox;

	g_return_val_if_fail (primary_text != NULL, NULL);		g_return_val_if_fail (primary_text != NULL, NULL);

	dialog = gtk_dialog_new_with_buttons ("",			dialog = gtk_dialog_new_with_buttons ("",
					     parent,							     parent,
					     GTK_DIALOG_NO_SE						     GTK_DIALOG_NO_SE
					     NULL);							     NULL);
	gtk_window_set_resizable (GTK_WINDOW (dialog), FALSE)		gtk_window_set_resizable (GTK_WINDOW (dialog), FALSE)
	gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (dialog		gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (dialog
	gtk_box_set_spacing (GTK_BOX (GTK_DIALOG (dialog)->vb		gtk_box_set_spacing (GTK_BOX (GTK_DIALOG (dialog)->vb

	hbox = gtk_hbox_new (FALSE, 12);				hbox = gtk_hbox_new (FALSE, 12);
	gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (hbox),		gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (hbox),
	gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (GTK_DIALOG (dialog)->vbo		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (GTK_DIALOG (dialog)->vbo
			    TRUE, TRUE, 0);						    TRUE, TRUE, 0);

	switch (type) {							switch (type) {
		stock_id = GTK_STOCK_DIALOG_INFO;				stock_id = GTK_STOCK_DIALOG_INFO;
		break;								break;
		break;								break;
		break;								break;
		break;								break;
	}								}
	g_return_val_if_fail (stock_id != NULL, NULL);			g_return_val_if_fail (stock_id != NULL, NULL);

	image = gtk_image_new_from_stock (stock_id,			image = gtk_image_new_from_stock (stock_id,
	gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (image), 0.5, 0.0);		gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (image), 0.5, 0.0);
	gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (hbox), image, TRUE, TRUE		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (hbox), image, TRUE, TRUE

	vbox = gtk_vbox_new (FALSE, 6);					vbox = gtk_vbox_new (FALSE, 6);
	gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (hbox), vbox, TRUE, TRUE,		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (hbox), vbox, TRUE, TRUE,

	label = gtk_label_new (NULL);					label = gtk_label_new (NULL);
	gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (label), 0.0, 0.5);		gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (label), 0.0, 0.5);
	gtk_label_set_line_wrap (GTK_LABEL (label), TRUE);		gtk_label_set_line_wrap (GTK_LABEL (label), TRUE);
	str = g_strconcat ("<span weight=\"bold\" size=\"larg		str = g_strconcat ("<span weight=\"bold\" size=\"larg
			   primary_text,						   primary_text,
			   "</span>",							   "</span>",
			   NULL);							   NULL);
	gtk_label_set_markup (GTK_LABEL (label), str);			gtk_label_set_markup (GTK_LABEL (label), str);
	g_free (str);							g_free (str);
	gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (vbox), label, TRUE, TRUE		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (vbox), label, TRUE, TRUE

	if (secondary_text != NULL) {					if (secondary_text != NULL) {
		label = gtk_label_new (secondary_text);				label = gtk_label_new (secondary_text);
		gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (label), 0.0			gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (label), 0.0
		gtk_label_set_line_wrap (GTK_LABEL (label), T			gtk_label_set_line_wrap (GTK_LABEL (label), T
		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (vbox), label, TR			gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (vbox), label, TR
	}								}

	return dialog;							return dialog;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_show_error						 * gnome_db_show_error
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_show_error (const gchar *format, ...)			gnome_db_show_error (const gchar *format, ...)
{								{
	va_list args;							va_list args;
        gchar sz[2048];						        gchar sz[2048];
	GtkWidget *dialog;						GtkWidget *dialog;

	/* build the message string */					/* build the message string */
        va_start (args, format);				        va_start (args, format);
        vsnprintf (sz, sizeof sz, format, args);		        vsnprintf (sz, sizeof sz, format, args);
        va_end (args);						        va_end (args);

	/* create the error message dialog */				/* create the error message dialog */
	dialog = gnome_db_new_alert (NULL, GTK_MESSAGE_ERROR,		dialog = gnome_db_new_alert (NULL, GTK_MESSAGE_ERROR,
	gtk_dialog_add_action_widget (GTK_DIALOG (dialog),		gtk_dialog_add_action_widget (GTK_DIALOG (dialog),
				      gtk_button_new_from_sto					      gtk_button_new_from_sto
				      GTK_RESPONSE_OK);						      GTK_RESPONSE_OK);
	gtk_widget_show_all (dialog);					gtk_widget_show_all (dialog);
	gtk_dialog_run (GTK_DIALOG (dialog));				gtk_dialog_run (GTK_DIALOG (dialog));
	gtk_widget_destroy (dialog);					gtk_widget_destroy (dialog);
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_show_message					 * gnome_db_show_message
 * @format: Format string.					 * @format: Format string.
 *								 *
 * Displays an information message to the user.			 * Displays an information message to the user.
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_show_message (const gchar *format, ...)		gnome_db_show_message (const gchar *format, ...)
{								{
	va_list args;							va_list args;
        gchar sz[2048];						        gchar sz[2048];
	GtkWidget *dialog;						GtkWidget *dialog;

	/* build the message string */					/* build the message string */
        va_start (args, format);				        va_start (args, format);
        vsnprintf (sz, sizeof sz, format, args);		        vsnprintf (sz, sizeof sz, format, args);
        va_end (args);						        va_end (args);

	/* create the info message dialog */				/* create the info message dialog */
	dialog = gnome_db_new_alert (NULL, GTK_MESSAGE_INFO, 		dialog = gnome_db_new_alert (NULL, GTK_MESSAGE_INFO, 
	gtk_dialog_add_action_widget (GTK_DIALOG (dialog),		gtk_dialog_add_action_widget (GTK_DIALOG (dialog),
				      gtk_button_new_from_sto					      gtk_button_new_from_sto
				      GTK_RESPONSE_OK);						      GTK_RESPONSE_OK);
	gtk_widget_show_all (dialog);					gtk_widget_show_all (dialog);
	gtk_dialog_run (GTK_DIALOG (dialog));				gtk_dialog_run (GTK_DIALOG (dialog));
	gtk_widget_destroy (dialog);					gtk_widget_destroy (dialog);
}								}

void								void
gnome_db_push_cursor_busy (GtkWidget *window)			gnome_db_push_cursor_busy (GtkWidget *window)
{								{
        int busy = GPOINTER_TO_INT (g_object_get_data (G_OBJE	        int busy = GPOINTER_TO_INT (g_object_get_data (G_OBJE
        busy ++;						        busy ++;
        if (busy == 1) {					        if (busy == 1) {
                gtk_widget_set_sensitive (window, FALSE);	                gtk_widget_set_sensitive (window, FALSE);
                if (window->window != NULL) {			                if (window->window != NULL) {
                        GdkCursor *cursor = gdk_cursor_new (G	                        GdkCursor *cursor = gdk_cursor_new (G
                        gdk_window_set_cursor (window->window	                        gdk_window_set_cursor (window->window
                        gdk_cursor_unref (cursor);		                        gdk_cursor_unref (cursor);
                        gdk_flush ();				                        gdk_flush ();
                }						                }
        }							        }
        g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (window), "GnomeDb:Window	        g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (window), "GnomeDb:Window
}								}
void								void
gnome_db_pop_cursor_busy (GtkWidget *window)			gnome_db_pop_cursor_busy (GtkWidget *window)
{								{
        int busy = GPOINTER_TO_INT (g_object_get_data (G_OBJE	        int busy = GPOINTER_TO_INT (g_object_get_data (G_OBJE
        busy --;						        busy --;
        if (busy <= 0) {					        if (busy <= 0) {
                gtk_widget_set_sensitive (window, TRUE);	                gtk_widget_set_sensitive (window, TRUE);
                if (window->window != NULL)			                if (window->window != NULL)
                        gdk_window_set_cursor (window->window	                        gdk_window_set_cursor (window->window
                g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (window),		                g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (window),
                                   "Panel:WindowBusy", NULL);	                                   "Panel:WindowBusy", NULL);
        } else {						        } else {
                g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (window), "Panel:	                g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (window), "Panel:
        }							        }
}								}

GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_new_check_menu_item (const gchar *label,		gnome_db_new_check_menu_item (const gchar *label,
			      gboolean active,						      gboolean active,
			      GCallback cb_func,					      GCallback cb_func,
			      gpointer user_data)					      gpointer user_data)
{								{
	GtkWidget *item;						GtkWidget *item;
	item = gtk_check_menu_item_new_with_mnemonic (label);		item = gtk_check_menu_item_new_with_mnemonic (label);
	gtk_check_menu_item_set_active (GTK_CHECK_MENU_ITEM (		gtk_check_menu_item_set_active (GTK_CHECK_MENU_ITEM (
	g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (item), "toggled",			g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (item), "toggled",
			  G_CALLBACK (cb_func), user_data);				  G_CALLBACK (cb_func), user_data);

	return item;							return item;
}								}

GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_new_menu_item (const gchar *label,			gnome_db_new_menu_item (const gchar *label,
		 	gboolean pixmap,					 	gboolean pixmap,
		        GCallback cb_func,					        GCallback cb_func,
			gpointer user_data)						gpointer user_data)
{								{
	GtkWidget *item;						GtkWidget *item;

	if (pixmap)							if (pixmap)
		item = gtk_image_menu_item_new_from_stock (la			item = gtk_image_menu_item_new_from_stock (la
	else								else
		item = gtk_menu_item_new_with_mnemonic (label			item = gtk_menu_item_new_with_mnemonic (label
	g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (item), "activate",			g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (item), "activate",
			  G_CALLBACK (cb_func), user_data);				  G_CALLBACK (cb_func), user_data);

	return item;							return item;
}								}
/**							      <
 * gnome_db_value_get_from_date_edit saves the contents of a  <
 * 							      <
 * @dateedit: a #GnomeDateEdit widget			      <
 * Returns: #GdaValue in the #GnomeDateEdit widget.	      <
 */							      <
GdaValue *						      <
gnome_db_value_get_from_date_edit(GnomeDateEdit *dateedit)    <
{							      <
	time_t time;					      <
	GDate *date = NULL;				      <
	GdaDate gda_date;				      <
	GdaValue *val = NULL;				      <
	time = gnome_date_edit_get_time(dateedit);	      <
	date = g_date_new();				      <
	g_date_set_time(date, time);			      <
	gda_date.year = (gshort) g_date_get_year(date);	      <
	gda_date.month = (gushort) g_date_get_month(date);    <
	gda_date.day = (gushort) g_date_get_day(date);	      <
	val = gda_value_new_date(&gda_date);		      <
	return val;					      <
}							      <
/**							      <
 * gnome_db_date_edit_set_from_value set the contents of a #G <
 * 							      <
 * @dateedit: a #GnomeDateEdit widget			      <
 * @value: a #GdaValue to save to.			      <
 * Returns: #GdaValue in the #GnomeDateEdit widget.	      <
 */							      <
void							      <
gnome_db_date_edit_set_from_value(GnomeDateEdit *dateedit, Gd <
{							      <
	time_t time;					      <
	GdaDate *gda_date;				      <
	GDate *date;					      <
	struct tm tm_struct;				      <
	gda_date = gda_value_get_date(value);		      <
	date = g_date_new();				      <
	g_date_set_dmy(date, (GDateDay) gda_date->day,	      <
						(GDateMonth)  <
						(GDateYear) g <
	g_date_to_struct_tm(date,&tm_struct);		      <
	time = mktime(&tm_struct);			      <
	gnome_date_edit_set_time(dateedit,time);	      <
}							      <
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 * 	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 * 	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#if !defined(__gnome_db_util_h__)				#if !defined(__gnome_db_util_h__)
#  define __gnome_db_util_h__					#  define __gnome_db_util_h__

#include <libgda/gda-data-model.h>				#include <libgda/gda-data-model.h>
#include <libgda/gda-value.h>				      <
#include <gtk/gtkentry.h>					#include <gtk/gtkentry.h>
#include <gtk/gtkmessagedialog.h>				#include <gtk/gtkmessagedialog.h>
#include <gtk/gtkoptionmenu.h>					#include <gtk/gtkoptionmenu.h>
#include <gtk/gtktextview.h>					#include <gtk/gtktextview.h>
#include <gtk/gtktoolbar.h>					#include <gtk/gtktoolbar.h>
#include <gtk/gtktreemodel.h>					#include <gtk/gtktreemodel.h>
#include <gtk/gtkwidget.h>					#include <gtk/gtkwidget.h>
#include <gtk/gtkwindow.h>					#include <gtk/gtkwindow.h>
#include <libgnomeui/gnome-popup-menu.h>			#include <libgnomeui/gnome-popup-menu.h>
#include <libgnomeui/gnome-dateedit.h>			      <
#endif								#endif


GtkWidget   *gnome_db_new_browser_widget (void);		GtkWidget   *gnome_db_new_browser_widget (void);
#endif								#endif
GtkWidget   *gnome_db_new_button_widget (const gchar *label);	GtkWidget   *gnome_db_new_button_widget (const gchar *label);
GtkWidget   *gnome_db_new_button_widget_from_stock (const gch	GtkWidget   *gnome_db_new_button_widget_from_stock (const gch
GtkWidget   *gnome_db_new_check_button_widget (const gchar *l	GtkWidget   *gnome_db_new_check_button_widget (const gchar *l
GtkWidget   *gnome_db_new_combo_widget (void);			GtkWidget   *gnome_db_new_combo_widget (void);
GtkWidget   *gnome_db_new_entry_widget (gint max_length, gboo	GtkWidget   *gnome_db_new_entry_widget (gint max_length, gboo
GtkWidget   *gnome_db_new_file_entry_widget (const gchar *his	GtkWidget   *gnome_db_new_file_entry_widget (const gchar *his
#endif								#endif
GtkWidget   *gnome_db_new_frame_widget (const gchar *title);	GtkWidget   *gnome_db_new_frame_widget (const gchar *title);
GtkWidget   *gnome_db_new_grid_widget (GdaDataModel *model);	GtkWidget   *gnome_db_new_grid_widget (GdaDataModel *model);
GtkWidget   *gnome_db_new_hbox_widget (gboolean homogenous, g	GtkWidget   *gnome_db_new_hbox_widget (gboolean homogenous, g
GtkWidget   *gnome_db_new_hbutton_box_widget (void);		GtkWidget   *gnome_db_new_hbutton_box_widget (void);
GtkWidget   *gnome_db_new_hpaned_widget (void);			GtkWidget   *gnome_db_new_hpaned_widget (void);
GtkWidget   *gnome_db_new_hseparator_widget (void);		GtkWidget   *gnome_db_new_hseparator_widget (void);
GtkWidget   *gnome_db_new_label_widget (const gchar *text);	GtkWidget   *gnome_db_new_label_widget (const gchar *text);
GtkWidget   *gnome_db_new_notebook_widget (void);		GtkWidget   *gnome_db_new_notebook_widget (void);
GtkWidget   *gnome_db_new_option_menu_widget (void);		GtkWidget   *gnome_db_new_option_menu_widget (void);
GtkWidget   *gnome_db_new_popup_menu (GtkWidget *parent,	GtkWidget   *gnome_db_new_popup_menu (GtkWidget *parent,
				      GnomeUIInfo *ui_info,					      GnomeUIInfo *ui_info,
				      gpointer user_data);					      gpointer user_data);
#endif								#endif
GtkWidget   *gnome_db_new_radio_button_widget (GSList *group,	GtkWidget   *gnome_db_new_radio_button_widget (GSList *group,
GtkWidget   *gnome_db_new_scrolled_window_widget (void);	GtkWidget   *gnome_db_new_scrolled_window_widget (void);
GtkWidget   *gnome_db_new_status_bar_widget (void);		GtkWidget   *gnome_db_new_status_bar_widget (void);
GtkWidget   *gnome_db_new_table_widget (gint rows, gint cols,	GtkWidget   *gnome_db_new_table_widget (gint rows, gint cols,
GtkWidget   *gnome_db_new_text_widget (const gchar *contents)	GtkWidget   *gnome_db_new_text_widget (const gchar *contents)
GtkWidget   *gnome_db_new_toolbar_widget (GtkOrientation orie	GtkWidget   *gnome_db_new_toolbar_widget (GtkOrientation orie
GtkWidget   *gnome_db_new_tree_view_widget (GtkTreeModel *mod	GtkWidget   *gnome_db_new_tree_view_widget (GtkTreeModel *mod
GtkWidget   *gnome_db_new_vbox_widget (gboolean homogenous, g	GtkWidget   *gnome_db_new_vbox_widget (gboolean homogenous, g
GtkWidget   *gnome_db_new_vpaned_widget (void);			GtkWidget   *gnome_db_new_vpaned_widget (void);
GtkWidget   *gnome_db_new_vseparator_widget (void);		GtkWidget   *gnome_db_new_vseparator_widget (void);

void         gnome_db_set_widget_bg_color (GtkWidget *widget,	void         gnome_db_set_widget_bg_color (GtkWidget *widget,
void         gnome_db_set_widget_fg_color (GtkWidget *widget,	void         gnome_db_set_widget_fg_color (GtkWidget *widget,

GtkWidget   *gnome_db_option_menu_add_item (GtkOptionMenu *op	GtkWidget   *gnome_db_option_menu_add_item (GtkOptionMenu *op
GtkWidget   *gnome_db_option_menu_add_stock_item (GtkOptionMe	GtkWidget   *gnome_db_option_menu_add_stock_item (GtkOptionMe
void         gnome_db_option_menu_add_separator (GtkOptionMen	void         gnome_db_option_menu_add_separator (GtkOptionMen
const gchar *gnome_db_option_menu_get_selection (GtkOptionMen	const gchar *gnome_db_option_menu_get_selection (GtkOptionMen
void         gnome_db_option_menu_set_selection (GtkOptionMen	void         gnome_db_option_menu_set_selection (GtkOptionMen
						 const gchar 							 const gchar 

void         gnome_db_text_clear (GtkTextView *text);		void         gnome_db_text_clear (GtkTextView *text);
void         gnome_db_text_copy_clipboard (GtkTextView *text)	void         gnome_db_text_copy_clipboard (GtkTextView *text)
void         gnome_db_text_cut_clipboard (GtkTextView *text);	void         gnome_db_text_cut_clipboard (GtkTextView *text);
gint         gnome_db_text_get_char_count (GtkTextView *text)	gint         gnome_db_text_get_char_count (GtkTextView *text)
gint         gnome_db_text_get_line_count (GtkTextView *text)	gint         gnome_db_text_get_line_count (GtkTextView *text)
gchar       *gnome_db_text_get_text (GtkTextView *text);	gchar       *gnome_db_text_get_text (GtkTextView *text);
void         gnome_db_text_insert_at_cursor (GtkTextView *tex	void         gnome_db_text_insert_at_cursor (GtkTextView *tex
void         gnome_db_text_paste_clipboard (GtkTextView *text	void         gnome_db_text_paste_clipboard (GtkTextView *text
void         gnome_db_text_set_text (GtkTextView *text, const	void         gnome_db_text_set_text (GtkTextView *text, const

gchar       *gnome_db_select_file_dialog (GtkWidget *parent, 	gchar       *gnome_db_select_file_dialog (GtkWidget *parent, 

GtkWidget   *gnome_db_new_alert (GtkWindow *parent,		GtkWidget   *gnome_db_new_alert (GtkWindow *parent,
				 GtkMessageType type,						 GtkMessageType type,
				 const gchar *primary_text,					 const gchar *primary_text,
				 const gchar *secondary_text)					 const gchar *secondary_text)

void         gnome_db_show_error (const gchar *format, ...);	void         gnome_db_show_error (const gchar *format, ...);
void         gnome_db_show_message (const gchar *format, ...)	void         gnome_db_show_message (const gchar *format, ...)

void         gnome_db_push_cursor_busy (GtkWidget *window);	void         gnome_db_push_cursor_busy (GtkWidget *window);
void         gnome_db_pop_cursor_busy (GtkWidget *window);	void         gnome_db_pop_cursor_busy (GtkWidget *window);

GtkWidget   *gnome_db_new_menu_item (const gchar *label,	GtkWidget   *gnome_db_new_menu_item (const gchar *label,
				     gboolean pixmap,						     gboolean pixmap,
				     GCallback cb_func,						     GCallback cb_func,
				     gpointer user_data);					     gpointer user_data);
GtkWidget   *gnome_db_new_check_menu_item (const gchar *label	GtkWidget   *gnome_db_new_check_menu_item (const gchar *label
					   gboolean active,						   gboolean active,
					   GCallback cb_func,						   GCallback cb_func,
					   gpointer user_data						   gpointer user_data

GdaValue	*gnome_db_value_get_from_date_edit(GnomeDateE <
void		 gnome_db_date_edit_set_from_value(GnomeDateE <

#endif								#endif
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-window.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-window.c
/* GNOME DB components libary					/* GNOME DB components libary
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 * 	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 * 	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#include <gtk/gtkwidget.h>					#include <gtk/gtkwidget.h>
#include <bonobo/bonobo-control.h>				#include <bonobo/bonobo-control.h>
#include <bonobo/bonobo-ui-component.h>				#include <bonobo/bonobo-ui-component.h>
#include <bonobo/bonobo-ui-container.h>				#include <bonobo/bonobo-ui-container.h>
#include <bonobo/bonobo-ui-util.h>				#include <bonobo/bonobo-ui-util.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-window.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-window.h>


struct _GnomeDbWindowPrivate {					struct _GnomeDbWindowPrivate {
	BonoboUIComponent *ui_component;				BonoboUIComponent *ui_component;
	GtkWidget *status_bar;						GtkWidget *status_bar;
	GtkWidget *progress_bar;					GtkWidget *progress_bar;
};								};

static void gnome_db_window_class_init   (GnomeDbWindowClass 	static void gnome_db_window_class_init   (GnomeDbWindowClass 
static void gnome_db_window_init         (GnomeDbWindow *wind	static void gnome_db_window_init         (GnomeDbWindow *wind
static void gnome_db_window_set_property (GObject *object,	static void gnome_db_window_set_property (GObject *object,
					  guint paramid,						  guint paramid,
					  const GValue *value						  const GValue *value
					  GParamSpec *pspec);						  GParamSpec *pspec);
static void gnome_db_window_get_property (GObject *object,	static void gnome_db_window_get_property (GObject *object,
					  guint param_id,						  guint param_id,
					  GValue *value,						  GValue *value,
					  GParamSpec *pspec);						  GParamSpec *pspec);
static void gnome_db_window_finalize     (GObject *object);	static void gnome_db_window_finalize     (GObject *object);

enum {								enum {
	CLOSE,								CLOSE,
};								};

enum {								enum {
	PROP_0,								PROP_0,
};								};

static gint db_window_signals[LAST_SIGNAL];			static gint db_window_signals[LAST_SIGNAL];
static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL;			static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL;

/*								/*
 * Callbacks							 * Callbacks
 */								 */

static gboolean							static gboolean
delete_event_cb (GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventAny *event, gpoin	delete_event_cb (GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventAny *event, gpoin
{								{
	return FALSE;							return FALSE;
}								}

static void							static void
window_destroyed_cb (GtkWidget *widget, gpointer user_data)	window_destroyed_cb (GtkWidget *widget, gpointer user_data)
{								{
	GnomeDbWindow *window = (GnomeDbWindow *) widget;		GnomeDbWindow *window = (GnomeDbWindow *) widget;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_WINDOW (window));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_WINDOW (window));
	g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT(window), db_window_signals[CL		g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT(window), db_window_signals[CL
}								}

/*								/*
 * GnomeDbWindow class implementation				 * GnomeDbWindow class implementation
 */								 */

static void							static void
gnome_db_window_class_init (GnomeDbWindowClass *klass)		gnome_db_window_class_init (GnomeDbWindowClass *klass)
{								{
	GObjectClass* object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS(klass);		GObjectClass* object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS(klass);

	parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);		parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);

	object_class->set_property = gnome_db_window_set_prop		object_class->set_property = gnome_db_window_set_prop
	object_class->get_property = gnome_db_window_get_prop		object_class->get_property = gnome_db_window_get_prop
	object_class->finalize = gnome_db_window_finalize;		object_class->finalize = gnome_db_window_finalize;
	klass->close = NULL; // FIXME: add default close hand		klass->close = NULL; // FIXME: add default close hand

	/* add class properties */					/* add class properties */
	g_object_class_install_property (				g_object_class_install_property (
		object_class, PROP_CONTENTS,					object_class, PROP_CONTENTS,
		g_param_spec_object ("contents", NULL, NULL,			g_param_spec_object ("contents", NULL, NULL,
				     GTK_TYPE_WIDGET,						     GTK_TYPE_WIDGET,
	g_object_class_install_property (				g_object_class_install_property (
		object_class, PROP_STATUS,					object_class, PROP_STATUS,
		g_param_spec_string ("status", NULL, NULL, NU			g_param_spec_string ("status", NULL, NULL, NU

	/* add class signals */						/* add class signals */
	db_window_signals[CLOSE] =					db_window_signals[CLOSE] =
		g_signal_new ("close",						g_signal_new ("close",
			      G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class				      G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class
			      G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,					      G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,
			      G_STRUCT_OFFSET (GnomeDbWindowC				      G_STRUCT_OFFSET (GnomeDbWindowC
		              NULL, NULL,					              NULL, NULL,
			      g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID,				      g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID,
			      G_TYPE_NONE, 0);						      G_TYPE_NONE, 0);
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_window_init (GnomeDbWindow *window, GnomeDbWindowCla	gnome_db_window_init (GnomeDbWindow *window, GnomeDbWindowCla
{								{
	window->priv = g_new0(GnomeDbWindowPrivate, 1);			window->priv = g_new0(GnomeDbWindowPrivate, 1);
	window->priv->progress_bar = NULL;				window->priv->progress_bar = NULL;
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_window_set_property (GObject *object,			gnome_db_window_set_property (GObject *object,
			      guint param_id,						      guint param_id,
			      const GValue *value,					      const GValue *value,
			      GParamSpec *pspec)					      GParamSpec *pspec)
{								{
	GnomeDbWindow *window = (GnomeDbWindow *) object;		GnomeDbWindow *window = (GnomeDbWindow *) object;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_WINDOW (window));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_WINDOW (window));

	switch (param_id) {						switch (param_id) {
		gnome_db_window_set_contents (					gnome_db_window_set_contents (
			window,								window,
			GTK_WIDGET (g_value_get_object (value				GTK_WIDGET (g_value_get_object (value
		break;								break;
	case PROP_STATUS :						case PROP_STATUS :
		gnome_db_window_set_status (window, g_value_g			gnome_db_window_set_status (window, g_value_g
		break;								break;
	default :							default :
		break;								break;
	}								}
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_window_get_property (GObject *object,			gnome_db_window_get_property (GObject *object,
			      guint param_id,						      guint param_id,
			      GValue *value,						      GValue *value,
			      GParamSpec *pspec)					      GParamSpec *pspec)
{								{
	GnomeDbWindow *window = (GnomeDbWindow *) object;		GnomeDbWindow *window = (GnomeDbWindow *) object;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_WINDOW (window));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_WINDOW (window));

	switch (param_id) {						switch (param_id) {
		g_value_set_object (value,					g_value_set_object (value,
				    G_OBJECT (gnome_db_window					    G_OBJECT (gnome_db_window
		break;								break;
	default:							default:
		break;								break;
	}								}
}								}

static void							static void
gnome_db_window_finalize (GObject *object)			gnome_db_window_finalize (GObject *object)
{								{
	GnomeDbWindow *window = (GnomeDbWindow *) object;		GnomeDbWindow *window = (GnomeDbWindow *) object;

	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_WINDOW (window));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_WINDOW (window));

	/* free memory */						/* free memory */
	g_free ((gpointer) window->priv);				g_free ((gpointer) window->priv);
	window->priv = NULL;						window->priv = NULL;

	/* chain to parent handler */					/* chain to parent handler */
	parent_class->finalize (object);				parent_class->finalize (object);
}								}

GType								GType
gnome_db_window_get_type (void)					gnome_db_window_get_type (void)
{								{
	static GType type = 0;						static GType type = 0;

	if (!type) {							if (!type) {
		static const GTypeInfo info = {					static const GTypeInfo info = {
			sizeof (GnomeDbWindowClass),					sizeof (GnomeDbWindowClass),
			(GBaseInitFunc) NULL,						(GBaseInitFunc) NULL,
			(GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL,					(GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL,
			(GClassInitFunc) gnome_db_window_clas				(GClassInitFunc) gnome_db_window_clas
			NULL,								NULL,
			NULL,								NULL,
			sizeof (GnomeDbWindow),						sizeof (GnomeDbWindow),
			0,								0,
			(GInstanceInitFunc) gnome_db_window_i				(GInstanceInitFunc) gnome_db_window_i
		};								};
		type = g_type_register_static (PARENT_TYPE, "			type = g_type_register_static (PARENT_TYPE, "
	}								}
	return type;							return type;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_window_new						 * gnome_db_window_new
 * @name: name of the window 					 * @name: name of the window 
 * @app_prefix: prefix used for the UI XML file (/usr/share, 	 * @app_prefix: prefix used for the UI XML file (/usr/share, 
 * @ui_xml_file: XML file that describes the UI for this wind	 * @ui_xml_file: XML file that describes the UI for this wind
 * @verbs: UI verbs handlers					 * @verbs: UI verbs handlers
 * @data: data to be passed to callbacks			 * @data: data to be passed to callbacks
 * 								 * 
 * Create a new GnomeDbWindow widget, which is a convenience 	 * Create a new GnomeDbWindow widget, which is a convenience 
 * manages a typical application window, with its menus and t	 * manages a typical application window, with its menus and t
 * from this, it implements a full-features Bonobo container,	 * from this, it implements a full-features Bonobo container,
 * you easily add Bonobo support to your applications.		 * you easily add Bonobo support to your applications.
 */								 */
GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_window_new (const gchar *name,				gnome_db_window_new (const gchar *name,
		     const gchar *app_prefix,					     const gchar *app_prefix,
		     const gchar *ui_xml_file,					     const gchar *ui_xml_file,
		     BonoboUIVerb *verbs,					     BonoboUIVerb *verbs,
		     gpointer data)						     gpointer data)
{								{
	GnomeDbWindow *window;						GnomeDbWindow *window;
	BonoboUIContainer *ui_container;				BonoboUIContainer *ui_container;
	Bonobo_UIContainer corba_container;				Bonobo_UIContainer corba_container;

	/* create the window */						/* create the window */
	window = g_object_new (GNOME_DB_TYPE_WINDOW, "win_nam		window = g_object_new (GNOME_DB_TYPE_WINDOW, "win_nam
	g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (window), "delete_event",		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (window), "delete_event",
			  G_CALLBACK (delete_event_cb), NULL)				  G_CALLBACK (delete_event_cb), NULL)
	g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (window), "destroy",			g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (window), "destroy",
			  G_CALLBACK (window_destroyed_cb), N				  G_CALLBACK (window_destroyed_cb), N

	ui_container = bonobo_window_get_ui_container ( BONOB		ui_container = bonobo_window_get_ui_container ( BONOB
	corba_container = BONOBO_OBJREF (ui_container);			corba_container = BONOBO_OBJREF (ui_container);
	window->priv->ui_component = bonobo_ui_component_new 		window->priv->ui_component = bonobo_ui_component_new 
	bonobo_ui_component_set_container (window->priv->ui_c		bonobo_ui_component_set_container (window->priv->ui_c

	/* set UI for window */						/* set UI for window */
	if (verbs != NULL && ui_xml_file != NULL) {			if (verbs != NULL && ui_xml_file != NULL) {
		bonobo_ui_component_freeze (window->priv->ui_			bonobo_ui_component_freeze (window->priv->ui_
		bonobo_ui_util_set_ui (window->priv->ui_compo			bonobo_ui_util_set_ui (window->priv->ui_compo
				       app_prefix, ui_xml_fil					       app_prefix, ui_xml_fil
		bonobo_ui_component_add_verb_list_with_data (			bonobo_ui_component_add_verb_list_with_data (
		bonobo_ui_component_thaw (window->priv->ui_co			bonobo_ui_component_thaw (window->priv->ui_co
	}								}

	return GTK_WIDGET (window);					return GTK_WIDGET (window);
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_window_close					 * gnome_db_window_close
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_window_close (GnomeDbWindow *window)			gnome_db_window_close (GnomeDbWindow *window)
{								{
	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_WINDOW (window));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_WINDOW (window));
	gtk_widget_destroy (GTK_WIDGET (window));			gtk_widget_destroy (GTK_WIDGET (window));
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_window_show						 * gnome_db_window_show
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_window_show (GnomeDbWindow *window)			gnome_db_window_show (GnomeDbWindow *window)
{								{
	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_WINDOW (window));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_WINDOW (window));
	gtk_widget_show_all (GTK_WIDGET (window));			gtk_widget_show_all (GTK_WIDGET (window));
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_window_get_contents					 * gnome_db_window_get_contents
 */								 */
GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
gnome_db_window_get_contents (GnomeDbWindow *window)		gnome_db_window_get_contents (GnomeDbWindow *window)
{								{
	g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_WINDOW (window), NU		g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_WINDOW (window), NU
	return bonobo_window_get_contents (BONOBO_WINDOW (win		return bonobo_window_get_contents (BONOBO_WINDOW (win
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_window_set_contents					 * gnome_db_window_set_contents
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_window_set_contents (GnomeDbWindow *window, GtkWidge	gnome_db_window_set_contents (GnomeDbWindow *window, GtkWidge
{								{
	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_WINDOW (window));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_WINDOW (window));
	g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_WIDGET (contents));			g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_WIDGET (contents));
	bonobo_window_set_contents (BONOBO_WINDOW (window), c		bonobo_window_set_contents (BONOBO_WINDOW (window), c
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_window_set_status					 * gnome_db_window_set_status
 */								 */
void								void
gnome_db_window_set_status (GnomeDbWindow *window, const gcha	gnome_db_window_set_status (GnomeDbWindow *window, const gcha
{								{
	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_WINDOW (window));			g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_WINDOW (window));

	bonobo_ui_component_set_status (window->priv->ui_comp		bonobo_ui_component_set_status (window->priv->ui_comp
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_window_get_ui_component				 * gnome_db_window_get_ui_component
 * @window: a #GnomeDbWindow widget.				 * @window: a #GnomeDbWindow widget.
 *								 *
 * Return the #BonoboUIComponent associated with the given wi	 * Return the #BonoboUIComponent associated with the given wi
 */								 */
BonoboUIComponent *						BonoboUIComponent *
gnome_db_window_get_ui_component (GnomeDbWindow *window)	gnome_db_window_get_ui_component (GnomeDbWindow *window)
{								{
	g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_WINDOW (window), NU		g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_WINDOW (window), NU
	return window->priv->ui_component;				return window->priv->ui_component;
}								}

/**								/**
 * gnome_db_window_get_ui_container				 * gnome_db_window_get_ui_container
 */								 */
Bonobo_UIContainer						Bonobo_UIContainer
gnome_db_window_get_ui_container (GnomeDbWindow *window)	gnome_db_window_get_ui_container (GnomeDbWindow *window)
{								{
	g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_WINDOW (window), NU		g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_WINDOW (window), NU
	return bonobo_ui_component_get_container (window->pri		return bonobo_ui_component_get_container (window->pri
}								}

diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-window.h ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-window.h
/* GNOME DB components libary					/* GNOME DB components libary
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 * 	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 * 	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */
#if !defined(__gnome_db_window_h__)				#if !defined(__gnome_db_window_h__)
#  define __gnome_db_window_h__					#  define __gnome_db_window_h__

#include <bonobo/bonobo-ui-component.h>				#include <bonobo/bonobo-ui-component.h>
#include <bonobo/bonobo-window.h>				#include <bonobo/bonobo-window.h>


#define GNOME_DB_TYPE_WINDOW            (gnome_db_window_get_	#define GNOME_DB_TYPE_WINDOW            (gnome_db_window_get_
#define GNOME_DB_WINDOW(obj)            (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANC	#define GNOME_DB_WINDOW(obj)            (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANC

typedef struct _GnomeDbWindow        GnomeDbWindow;		typedef struct _GnomeDbWindow        GnomeDbWindow;
typedef struct _GnomeDbWindowClass   GnomeDbWindowClass;	typedef struct _GnomeDbWindowClass   GnomeDbWindowClass;
typedef struct _GnomeDbWindowPrivate GnomeDbWindowPrivate;	typedef struct _GnomeDbWindowPrivate GnomeDbWindowPrivate;

struct _GnomeDbWindow {						struct _GnomeDbWindow {
	BonoboWindow          window;					BonoboWindow          window;
	GnomeDbWindowPrivate* priv;					GnomeDbWindowPrivate* priv;
};								};

struct _GnomeDbWindowClass {					struct _GnomeDbWindowClass {
	BonoboWindowClass parent_class;					BonoboWindowClass parent_class;
	void (* close) (GnomeDbWindow *window);				void (* close) (GnomeDbWindow *window);
};								};

GType              gnome_db_window_get_type         (void);	GType              gnome_db_window_get_type         (void);

GtkWidget*         gnome_db_window_new              (const gc	GtkWidget*         gnome_db_window_new              (const gc
						     const gc							     const gc
                                                     const gc	                                                     const gc
						     BonoboUI							     BonoboUI
                                                     gpointer	                                                     gpointer
void               gnome_db_window_close            (GnomeDbW	void               gnome_db_window_close            (GnomeDbW
void               gnome_db_window_show             (GnomeDbW	void               gnome_db_window_show             (GnomeDbW

GtkWidget*         gnome_db_window_get_contents     (GnomeDbW	GtkWidget*         gnome_db_window_get_contents     (GnomeDbW
void               gnome_db_window_set_contents     (GnomeDbW	void               gnome_db_window_set_contents     (GnomeDbW
						     GtkWidge							     GtkWidge
void               gnome_db_window_set_status       (GnomeDbW	void               gnome_db_window_set_status       (GnomeDbW
						     const gc							     const gc

BonoboUIComponent *gnome_db_window_get_ui_component (GnomeDbW	BonoboUIComponent *gnome_db_window_get_ui_component (GnomeDbW
Bonobo_UIContainer gnome_db_window_get_ui_container (GnomeDbW	Bonobo_UIContainer gnome_db_window_get_ui_container (GnomeDbW


#endif								#endif
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/libgnomedb.h ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/libgnomedb.h
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 * 	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 * 	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */
#if !defined(_LIBGNOME_DB_H_)					#if !defined(_LIBGNOME_DB_H_)
#  define _LIBGNOME_DB_H_					#  define _LIBGNOME_DB_H_

#include <libgda/libgda.h>					#include <libgda/libgda.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.h>			#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.h>		#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-selector.h>		#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-selector.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-control.h>			#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-control.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-control-widget.h>			#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-control-widget.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-data-source-selector.h>		#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-data-source-selector.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.h>			#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.h>		#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-editor.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-editor.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.h>			#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.h>			#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-gray-bar.h>			#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-gray-bar.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-i18n.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-i18n.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-icon-list.h>			#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-icon-list.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-list.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-list.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.h>			#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-model.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-model.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-provider-selector.h>		#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-provider-selector.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.h>			#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-report-editor.h>			#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-report-editor.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.h>			#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h>


void gnome_db_init (const gchar *app_id, const gchar *version	void gnome_db_init (const gchar *app_id, const gchar *version

void gnome_db_main_run (GdaInitFunc init_func, gpointer user_	void gnome_db_main_run (GdaInitFunc init_func, gpointer user_
void gnome_db_main_quit (void);					void gnome_db_main_quit (void);


#endif								#endif
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/libgnomedb-private.h ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/libgnomedb-private.h
/* GNOME DB library						/* GNOME DB library
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 * 	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 * 	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Library is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Publi
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * Library General Public License for more details.		 * Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.	 * License along with this Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */
#if !defined(_LIBGNOME_DB_PRIVATE_H_)				#if !defined(_LIBGNOME_DB_PRIVATE_H_)

/* structure stored for each GtkTreeIter in gnome_db_model_* 	/* structure stored for each GtkTreeIter in gnome_db_model_* 
typedef struct {						typedef struct {
	gint row;							gint row;
	GdaDataModel *model;						GdaDataModel *model;
} DataModelInfo;						} DataModelInfo;

#endif								#endif
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb: Makefile
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/Makefile.am ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/Makefile.am
lib_LTLIBRARIES = libgnomedb-2.la				lib_LTLIBRARIES = libgnomedb-2.la

	-I$(top_srcdir) \						-I$(top_srcdir) \
	-I$(top_builddir) \						-I$(top_builddir) \
	-DLIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR=\""$(datadir)/pixmaps/libgnomed		-DLIBGNOMEDB_ICONSDIR=\""$(datadir)/pixmaps/libgnomed
	-DLIBGNOMEDB_DATADIR=\""$(datadir)/gnome-db"\" \		-DLIBGNOMEDB_DATADIR=\""$(datadir)/gnome-db"\" \
	-DLIBGNOMEDB_LOCALEDIR=\""$(datadir)/locale"\" \		-DLIBGNOMEDB_LOCALEDIR=\""$(datadir)/locale"\" \
	-DLIBGNOMEDB_UIDIR=\""$(datadir)/gnome-db/ui"\" \		-DLIBGNOMEDB_UIDIR=\""$(datadir)/gnome-db/ui"\" \
	-DPREFIX=\""$(prefix)"\" \					-DPREFIX=\""$(prefix)"\" \
	-DSYSCONFDIR=\""$(sysconfdir)"\" \				-DSYSCONFDIR=\""$(sysconfdir)"\" \
	-DDATADIR=\""$(datadir)"\" \					-DDATADIR=\""$(datadir)"\" \
	-DLIBDIR=\""$(libdir)"\"					-DLIBDIR=\""$(libdir)"\"

withgnome_headers = \						withgnome_headers = \
	gnome-db-browser.h \						gnome-db-browser.h \
	gnome-db-data-source-selector.h \				gnome-db-data-source-selector.h \
	gnome-db-config.h \						gnome-db-config.h \
	gnome-db-control.h \						gnome-db-control.h \
	gnome-db-control-widget.h \					gnome-db-control-widget.h \
	gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.h \					gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.h \
	gnome-db-editor.h \						gnome-db-editor.h \
	gnome-db-icon-list.h \						gnome-db-icon-list.h \
	gnome-db-login.h \						gnome-db-login.h \
	gnome-db-login-dialog.h						gnome-db-login-dialog.h
else								else
withgnome_headers = 						withgnome_headers = 
endif								endif

gnomedb_headers = \						gnomedb_headers = \
	gnome-db-combo.h \						gnome-db-combo.h \
	gnome-db-connection-properties.h \				gnome-db-connection-properties.h \
	gnome-db-connection-selector.h \				gnome-db-connection-selector.h \
	gnome-db-dsn-config.h \						gnome-db-dsn-config.h \
	gnome-db-error.h \						gnome-db-error.h \
	gnome-db-error-dialog.h \					gnome-db-error-dialog.h \
	gnome-db-find-dialog.h \					gnome-db-find-dialog.h \
	gnome-db-form.h \						gnome-db-form.h \
	gnome-db-gray-bar.h \						gnome-db-gray-bar.h \
	gnome-db-grid.h \						gnome-db-grid.h \
	gnome-db-i18n.h \						gnome-db-i18n.h \
	gnome-db-list.h \						gnome-db-list.h \
	gnome-db-model.h \						gnome-db-model.h \
	gnome-db-provider-selector.h \					gnome-db-provider-selector.h \
	gnome-db-query-builder.h \					gnome-db-query-builder.h \
	gnome-db-report-editor.h \					gnome-db-report-editor.h \
	gnome-db-stock.h \						gnome-db-stock.h \
	gnome-db-table-editor.h \					gnome-db-table-editor.h \
	gnome-db-util.h \						gnome-db-util.h \
	$(withgnome_headers) \						$(withgnome_headers) \
	libgnomedb.h 							libgnomedb.h 

gnomedbincludedir=$(includedir)/libgnomedb			gnomedbincludedir=$(includedir)/libgnomedb
gnomedbinclude_HEADERS=$(gnomedb_headers)			gnomedbinclude_HEADERS=$(gnomedb_headers)

withgnome_sources = \						withgnome_sources = \
	gnome-db-browser.c \						gnome-db-browser.c \
	gnome-db-browser-private.h \					gnome-db-browser-private.h \
	gnome-db-browser-procedures.c \					gnome-db-browser-procedures.c \
	gnome-db-browser-tables.c \					gnome-db-browser-tables.c \
	gnome-db-browser-types.c \					gnome-db-browser-types.c \
	gnome-db-browser-views.c \					gnome-db-browser-views.c \
	gnome-db-config.c \						gnome-db-config.c \
	gnome-db-control.c \						gnome-db-control.c \
	gnome-db-control-widget.c \					gnome-db-control-widget.c \
	gnome-db-data-source-selector.c \				gnome-db-data-source-selector.c \
	gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c \					gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c \
	gnome-db-editor.c \						gnome-db-editor.c \
	gnome-db-icon-list.c \						gnome-db-icon-list.c \
	gnome-db-login.c \						gnome-db-login.c \
	gnome-db-login-dialog.c \					gnome-db-login-dialog.c \
	gnome-db-window.c \						gnome-db-window.c \
	gnome-db-window.h						gnome-db-window.h
else								else
withgnome_sources = 						withgnome_sources = 
endif								endif

libgnomedb_2_la_SOURCES = \					libgnomedb_2_la_SOURCES = \
	db-shell.c \							db-shell.c \
	db-shell.h \							db-shell.h \
	sql-viewer.c \							sql-viewer.c \
	sql-viewer.h \							sql-viewer.h \
	table-properties-dialog.c \					table-properties-dialog.c \
	table-properties-dialog.h \					table-properties-dialog.h \
	tables-page.c \							tables-page.c \
	tables-page.h \							tables-page.h \
	utils.c \							utils.c \
	utils.h \							utils.h \
	$(gnomedb_headers) \						$(gnomedb_headers) \
	gnome-db-combo.c \						gnome-db-combo.c \
	gnome-db-connection-properties.c \				gnome-db-connection-properties.c \
	gnome-db-connection-selector.c \				gnome-db-connection-selector.c \
	gnome-db-dsn-config.c \						gnome-db-dsn-config.c \
	gnome-db-error.c \						gnome-db-error.c \
	gnome-db-error-dialog.c \					gnome-db-error-dialog.c \
	gnome-db-form.c \						gnome-db-form.c \
	gnome-db-gray-bar.c \						gnome-db-gray-bar.c \
	gnome-db-grid.c \						gnome-db-grid.c \
	gnome-db-find-dialog.c \					gnome-db-find-dialog.c \
	gnome-db-init.c \						gnome-db-init.c \
	gnome-db-list.c \						gnome-db-list.c \
	gnome-db-model.c \						gnome-db-model.c \
	gnome-db-provider-selector.c \					gnome-db-provider-selector.c \
	gnome-db-query-builder.c \					gnome-db-query-builder.c \
	gnome-db-report-editor.c \					gnome-db-report-editor.c \
	gnome-db-stock.c \						gnome-db-stock.c \
	gnome-db-table-editor.c \					gnome-db-table-editor.c \
	gnome-db-util.c \						gnome-db-util.c \
	$(withgnome_sources) \						$(withgnome_sources) \
	libgnomedb-private.h						libgnomedb-private.h

libgnomedb_2_la_LDFLAGS = -version-info $(GNOMEDB_CURRENT):$(	libgnomedb_2_la_LDFLAGS = -version-info $(GNOMEDB_CURRENT):$(

uidir=$(datadir)/gnome-db/ui					uidir=$(datadir)/gnome-db/ui
ui_DATA=db-shell.xml						ui_DATA=db-shell.xml

EXTRA_DIST = $(ui_DATA)						EXTRA_DIST = $(ui_DATA)
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb: Makefile.in
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/sql-viewer.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/sql-viewer.c
/* GNOME-DB Components						/* GNOME-DB Components
 * Copyright (C) 2000-2003 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 2000-2003 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as pu	 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as pu
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the Lice	 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the Lice
 * (at your option) any later version.				 * (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * GNU Library General Public License for more details.		 * GNU Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public 	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public 
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Softwar	 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Softwar
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 	 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 
 */								 */

#include <gtk/gtktable.h>					#include <gtk/gtktable.h>
#include <gtk/gtkvpaned.h>					#include <gtk/gtkvpaned.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-editor.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-editor.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h>
#include "sql-viewer.h"						#include "sql-viewer.h"


static void sql_viewer_class_init (SqlViewerClass *klass);	static void sql_viewer_class_init (SqlViewerClass *klass);
static void sql_viewer_init (SqlViewer *viewer, SqlViewerClas	static void sql_viewer_init (SqlViewer *viewer, SqlViewerClas
static void sql_viewer_finalize (GObject *object);		static void sql_viewer_finalize (GObject *object);

static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL;			static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL;

static void							static void
sql_viewer_class_init (SqlViewerClass *klass)			sql_viewer_class_init (SqlViewerClass *klass)
{								{
	GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);		GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);

	parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);		parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);

	object_class->finalize = sql_viewer_finalize;			object_class->finalize = sql_viewer_finalize;
}								}

static void							static void
sql_viewer_init (SqlViewer *viewer, SqlViewerClass *klass)	sql_viewer_init (SqlViewer *viewer, SqlViewerClass *klass)
{								{
	GtkWidget *table, *paned;					GtkWidget *table, *paned;

	/* create widgets */						/* create widgets */
	table = gnome_db_new_table_widget (2, 1, FALSE);		table = gnome_db_new_table_widget (2, 1, FALSE);
	gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (viewer), table, TRUE, TR		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (viewer), table, TRUE, TR

	paned = gnome_db_new_vpaned_widget ();				paned = gnome_db_new_vpaned_widget ();
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), paned, 0, 1, 1, 		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), paned, 0, 1, 1, 

	/* create SQL editor */						/* create SQL editor */
	viewer->sql_editor = gnome_db_editor_new ();			viewer->sql_editor = gnome_db_editor_new ();
	gtk_widget_show (viewer->sql_editor);				gtk_widget_show (viewer->sql_editor);
	gtk_paned_add1 (GTK_PANED (paned), viewer->sql_editor		gtk_paned_add1 (GTK_PANED (paned), viewer->sql_editor

	/* create the grid */						/* create the grid */
	viewer->grid = gnome_db_grid_new ();				viewer->grid = gnome_db_grid_new ();
	gtk_widget_show (viewer->grid);					gtk_widget_show (viewer->grid);
	gtk_paned_add2 (GTK_PANED (paned), viewer->grid);		gtk_paned_add2 (GTK_PANED (paned), viewer->grid);
}								}

static void							static void
sql_viewer_finalize (GObject *object)				sql_viewer_finalize (GObject *object)
{								{
	parent_class->finalize (object);				parent_class->finalize (object);
}								}

GType								GType
sql_viewer_get_type (void)					sql_viewer_get_type (void)
{								{
        static GType type = 0;					        static GType type = 0;
        if (!type) {						        if (!type) {
                static const GTypeInfo info = {			                static const GTypeInfo info = {
                        sizeof (SqlViewerClass),		                        sizeof (SqlViewerClass),
                        (GBaseInitFunc) NULL,			                        (GBaseInitFunc) NULL,
                        (GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL,		                        (GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL,
                        (GClassInitFunc) sql_viewer_class_ini	                        (GClassInitFunc) sql_viewer_class_ini
                        NULL,					                        NULL,
                        NULL,					                        NULL,
                        sizeof (SqlViewer),			                        sizeof (SqlViewer),
                        0,					                        0,
                        (GInstanceInitFunc) sql_viewer_init	                        (GInstanceInitFunc) sql_viewer_init
                };						                };
                type = g_type_register_static (PARENT_TYPE, "	                type = g_type_register_static (PARENT_TYPE, "
        }							        }
        return type;						        return type;
}								}

GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
sql_viewer_new (GdaConnection *cnc, const gchar *sql)		sql_viewer_new (GdaConnection *cnc, const gchar *sql)
{								{
	SqlViewer *viewer;						SqlViewer *viewer;

	viewer = g_object_new (TYPE_SQL_VIEWER, NULL);			viewer = g_object_new (TYPE_SQL_VIEWER, NULL);

	return GTK_WIDGET (viewer);					return GTK_WIDGET (viewer);
}								}

diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/sql-viewer.h ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/sql-viewer.h
/* GNOME-DB Components						/* GNOME-DB Components
 * Copyright (C) 2000-2003 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 2000-2003 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as pu	 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as pu
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the Lice	 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the Lice
 * (at your option) any later version.				 * (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * GNU Library General Public License for more details.		 * GNU Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public 	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public 
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Softwar	 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Softwar
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 	 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 
 */								 */

#if !defined(__sql_viewer_h__)					#if !defined(__sql_viewer_h__)
#  define __sql_viewer_h__					#  define __sql_viewer_h__

#include <libgda/gda-connection.h>				#include <libgda/gda-connection.h>
#include <gtk/gtkvbox.h>					#include <gtk/gtkvbox.h>


#define TYPE_SQL_VIEWER            (sql_viewer_get_type())	#define TYPE_SQL_VIEWER            (sql_viewer_get_type())
#define SQL_VIEWER(obj)            (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAS	#define SQL_VIEWER(obj)            (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAS

typedef struct {						typedef struct {
	GtkVBox parent;							GtkVBox parent;

	/* private fields */						/* private fields */
	GtkWidget *sql_editor;						GtkWidget *sql_editor;
	GtkWidget *grid;						GtkWidget *grid;
} SqlViewer;							} SqlViewer;

typedef struct {						typedef struct {
	GtkVBoxClass parent_class;					GtkVBoxClass parent_class;
} SqlViewerClass;						} SqlViewerClass;

GType      sql_viewer_get_type (void);				GType      sql_viewer_get_type (void);
GtkWidget *sql_viewer_new (GdaConnection *cnc, const gchar *s	GtkWidget *sql_viewer_new (GdaConnection *cnc, const gchar *s


#endif								#endif
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c
/* GNOME-DB Library						/* GNOME-DB Library
 * Copyright (C) 2000-2003 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 2000-2003 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as pu	 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as pu
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the Lice	 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the Lice
 * (at your option) any later version.				 * (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * GNU Library General Public License for more details.		 * GNU Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public 	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public 
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Softwar	 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Softwar
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 	 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 
 */								 */

#include <libgda/gda-data-model.h>				#include <libgda/gda-data-model.h>
#include <gtk/gtkdialog.h>					#include <gtk/gtkdialog.h>
#include <gtk/gtkentry.h>					#include <gtk/gtkentry.h>
#include <gtk/gtkstock.h>					#include <gtk/gtkstock.h>
#include <gtk/gtktable.h>					#include <gtk/gtktable.h>
#include <libgnome/gnome-i18n.h>				#include <libgnome/gnome-i18n.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h>
#include "table-properties-dialog.h"				#include "table-properties-dialog.h"

void								void
table_properties_dialog (GtkWindow *parent, GdaConnection *cn	table_properties_dialog (GtkWindow *parent, GdaConnection *cn
{								{
	GtkWidget *dialog, *table, *grid, *label, *entry;		GtkWidget *dialog, *table, *grid, *label, *entry;
	GdaParameterList *params;					GdaParameterList *params;
	GdaDataModel *fields_model;					GdaDataModel *fields_model;

	/* create the dialog */						/* create the dialog */
	dialog = gtk_dialog_new_with_buttons (_("Table Proper		dialog = gtk_dialog_new_with_buttons (_("Table Proper
					      GTK_STOCK_CLOSE						      GTK_STOCK_CLOSE
					      NULL);							      NULL);

	table = gnome_db_new_table_widget (2, 3, FALSE);		table = gnome_db_new_table_widget (2, 3, FALSE);
	gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (GTK_DIALOG (dialog)->vbo		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (GTK_DIALOG (dialog)->vbo

	label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (_("Table Name"));		label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (_("Table Name"));
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), label, 0, 1, 0, 		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), label, 0, 1, 0, 
	entry = gnome_db_new_entry_widget (0, FALSE);			entry = gnome_db_new_entry_widget (0, FALSE);
	gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (entry), table_name);		gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (entry), table_name);
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), entry, 1, 2, 0, 		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), entry, 1, 2, 0, 

	params = gda_parameter_list_new ();				params = gda_parameter_list_new ();
	gda_parameter_list_add_parameter (params, gda_paramet		gda_parameter_list_add_parameter (params, gda_paramet
	fields_model = gda_connection_get_schema (cnc, GDA_CO		fields_model = gda_connection_get_schema (cnc, GDA_CO
	grid = gnome_db_grid_new_with_model (fields_model);		grid = gnome_db_grid_new_with_model (fields_model);
	gtk_widget_show (grid);						gtk_widget_show (grid);
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), grid, 0, 3, 1, 2		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), grid, 0, 3, 1, 2

	/* run the dialog */						/* run the dialog */
	gtk_dialog_run (GTK_DIALOG (dialog));				gtk_dialog_run (GTK_DIALOG (dialog));
	gtk_widget_destroy (dialog);					gtk_widget_destroy (dialog);

	/* free memory */						/* free memory */
	gda_parameter_list_free (params);				gda_parameter_list_free (params);
	g_object_unref (fields_model);					g_object_unref (fields_model);
}								}
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.h ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.h
/* GNOME-DB Library						/* GNOME-DB Library
 * Copyright (C) 2000-2003 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 2000-2003 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as pu	 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as pu
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the Lice	 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the Lice
 * (at your option) any later version.				 * (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * GNU Library General Public License for more details.		 * GNU Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public 	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public 
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Softwar	 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Softwar
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 	 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 
 */								 */

#if !defined(__table_properties_dialog_h__)			#if !defined(__table_properties_dialog_h__)
#  define __table_properties_dialog_h__				#  define __table_properties_dialog_h__

#include <libgda/gda-connection.h>				#include <libgda/gda-connection.h>
#include <gtk/gtkwindow.h>					#include <gtk/gtkwindow.h>

void table_properties_dialog (GtkWindow *parent, GdaConnectio	void table_properties_dialog (GtkWindow *parent, GdaConnectio

#endif								#endif
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/tables-page.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/tables-page.c
/* GNOME-DB Library						/* GNOME-DB Library
 * Copyright (C) 2000-2003 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 2000-2003 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as pu	 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as pu
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the Lice	 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the Lice
 * (at your option) any later version.				 * (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * GNU Library General Public License for more details.		 * GNU Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public 	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public 
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Softwar	 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Softwar
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 	 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 
 */								 */

#include <libgda/gda-xml-connection.h>				#include <libgda/gda-xml-connection.h>
#include <gtk/gtkdialog.h>					#include <gtk/gtkdialog.h>
#include <gtk/gtkimage.h>					#include <gtk/gtkimage.h>
#include <gtk/gtkpaned.h>					#include <gtk/gtkpaned.h>
#include <gtk/gtkstock.h>					#include <gtk/gtkstock.h>
#include <gtk/gtktable.h>					#include <gtk/gtktable.h>
#include <gtk/gtktoolbar.h>					#include <gtk/gtktoolbar.h>
#include <libgnome/gnome-i18n.h>				#include <libgnome/gnome-i18n.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-list.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-list.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h>
#include "table-properties-dialog.h"				#include "table-properties-dialog.h"
#include "tables-page.h"					#include "tables-page.h"

typedef struct {						typedef struct {
	GdaConnection *cnc;						GdaConnection *cnc;
	GtkWidget *toolbar;						GtkWidget *toolbar;
	GtkWidget *tables_list;						GtkWidget *tables_list;
	GtkWidget *data_grid;						GtkWidget *data_grid;
	GtkWidget *new_button;						GtkWidget *new_button;
	GtkWidget *props_button;					GtkWidget *props_button;
} TablesPagePrivate;						} TablesPagePrivate;

static void							static void
free_private_data (gpointer user_data)				free_private_data (gpointer user_data)
{								{
	TablesPagePrivate *priv = user_data;				TablesPagePrivate *priv = user_data;

	if (priv->cnc) {						if (priv->cnc) {
		g_object_unref (priv->cnc);					g_object_unref (priv->cnc);
		priv->cnc = NULL;						priv->cnc = NULL;
	}								}

	g_free (priv);							g_free (priv);
}								}

static void							static void
grid_row_selected_cb (GnomeDbGrid *grid, gint row, gpointer u	grid_row_selected_cb (GnomeDbGrid *grid, gint row, gpointer u
{								{
	GList *selected;						GList *selected;
	GdaDataModel *model;						GdaDataModel *model;
	const GdaValue *value;						const GdaValue *value;
	gchar *table_name;						gchar *table_name;
	TablesPagePrivate *priv = (TablesPagePrivate *) user_		TablesPagePrivate *priv = (TablesPagePrivate *) user_

	gtk_widget_set_sensitive (priv->props_button, TRUE);		gtk_widget_set_sensitive (priv->props_button, TRUE);

	/* get the selection from the tables grid */			/* get the selection from the tables grid */
	selected = gnome_db_list_get_selection (GNOME_DB_LIST		selected = gnome_db_list_get_selection (GNOME_DB_LIST
	if (!selected)							if (!selected)
		return;								return;

	/* retrieve the table name */					/* retrieve the table name */
	model = gnome_db_list_get_model (GNOME_DB_LIST (priv-		model = gnome_db_list_get_model (GNOME_DB_LIST (priv-
	value = gda_data_model_get_value_at (model, 0, GPOINT		value = gda_data_model_get_value_at (model, 0, GPOINT
	table_name = gda_value_stringify (value);			table_name = gda_value_stringify (value);

	if (table_name) {						if (table_name) {
		GdaCommand *cmd;						GdaCommand *cmd;

		cmd = gda_command_new (table_name, GDA_COMMAN			cmd = gda_command_new (table_name, GDA_COMMAN
		model = gda_connection_execute_single_command			model = gda_connection_execute_single_command

		if (model) {							if (model) {
			gnome_db_grid_set_model (GNOME_DB_GRI				gnome_db_grid_set_model (GNOME_DB_GRI
			g_object_unref (model);						g_object_unref (model);
		} else								} else
			gnome_db_grid_set_model (GNOME_DB_GRI				gnome_db_grid_set_model (GNOME_DB_GRI

		gda_command_free (cmd);						gda_command_free (cmd);
		g_free (table_name);						g_free (table_name);
	} else								} else
		gnome_db_grid_set_model (GNOME_DB_GRID (priv-			gnome_db_grid_set_model (GNOME_DB_GRID (priv-

	/* free memory */						/* free memory */
	g_list_free (selected);						g_list_free (selected);
}								}

static void							static void
grid_selection_cleared_cb (GnomeDbGrid *grid, gpointer user_d	grid_selection_cleared_cb (GnomeDbGrid *grid, gpointer user_d
{								{
       	TablesPagePrivate *priv = (TablesPagePrivate *) user_	       	TablesPagePrivate *priv = (TablesPagePrivate *) user_

	gtk_widget_set_sensitive (priv->props_button, FALSE);		gtk_widget_set_sensitive (priv->props_button, FALSE);
	gnome_db_grid_set_model (GNOME_DB_GRID (priv->data_gr		gnome_db_grid_set_model (GNOME_DB_GRID (priv->data_gr
}								}

static void							static void
view_properties_cb (GtkWidget *widget, gpointer user_data)	view_properties_cb (GtkWidget *widget, gpointer user_data)
{								{
	GList *selected;						GList *selected;
	GdaDataModel *model;						GdaDataModel *model;
	const GdaValue *value;						const GdaValue *value;
	gchar *table_name;						gchar *table_name;
	TablesPagePrivate *priv = (TablesPagePrivate *) user_		TablesPagePrivate *priv = (TablesPagePrivate *) user_

	/* get the selection from the grid */				/* get the selection from the grid */
	selected = gnome_db_list_get_selection (GNOME_DB_LIST		selected = gnome_db_list_get_selection (GNOME_DB_LIST
	if (!selected)							if (!selected)
		return;								return;

	/* retrieve the table name */					/* retrieve the table name */
	model = gnome_db_list_get_model (GNOME_DB_LIST (priv-		model = gnome_db_list_get_model (GNOME_DB_LIST (priv-
	value = gda_data_model_get_value_at (model, 0, GPOINT		value = gda_data_model_get_value_at (model, 0, GPOINT
	table_name = gda_value_stringify (value);			table_name = gda_value_stringify (value);

	if (table_name) {						if (table_name) {
		table_properties_dialog (GTK_WINDOW (gtk_widg			table_properties_dialog (GTK_WINDOW (gtk_widg
					 priv->cnc, table_nam						 priv->cnc, table_nam
		g_free (table_name);						g_free (table_name);
	}								}

	/* free memory */						/* free memory */
	g_list_free (selected);						g_list_free (selected);
}								}

GtkWidget *							GtkWidget *
tables_page_new (void)						tables_page_new (void)
{								{
	GtkWidget *page, *paned;					GtkWidget *page, *paned;
	TablesPagePrivate *priv;					TablesPagePrivate *priv;

	page = gnome_db_new_table_widget (3, 2, FALSE);			page = gnome_db_new_table_widget (3, 2, FALSE);
	gtk_widget_show (page);						gtk_widget_show (page);

	priv = g_new0 (TablesPagePrivate, 1);				priv = g_new0 (TablesPagePrivate, 1);
	g_object_set_data_full (G_OBJECT (page), "TablesPageP		g_object_set_data_full (G_OBJECT (page), "TablesPageP

	/* create the toolbar */					/* create the toolbar */
	priv->toolbar = gnome_db_new_toolbar_widget (GTK_ORIE		priv->toolbar = gnome_db_new_toolbar_widget (GTK_ORIE
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (page), priv->toolbar, 0,		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (page), priv->toolbar, 0,

	priv->new_button = gtk_toolbar_append_item (GTK_TOOLB		priv->new_button = gtk_toolbar_append_item (GTK_TOOLB
						    _("Create							    _("Create
						    gtk_image							    gtk_image
						    NULL, pri							    NULL, pri
	gtk_widget_set_sensitive (priv->new_button, FALSE);		gtk_widget_set_sensitive (priv->new_button, FALSE);

	priv->props_button = gtk_toolbar_append_item (GTK_TOO		priv->props_button = gtk_toolbar_append_item (GTK_TOO
						      _("View							      _("View
						      gtk_ima							      gtk_ima
						      GTK_SIG							      GTK_SIG
	gtk_widget_set_sensitive (priv->props_button, FALSE);		gtk_widget_set_sensitive (priv->props_button, FALSE);

	/* create the paned widget to contain the tables list		/* create the paned widget to contain the tables list
	paned = gnome_db_new_hpaned_widget ();				paned = gnome_db_new_hpaned_widget ();
	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (page), paned, 0, 2, 1, 2		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (page), paned, 0, 2, 1, 2

	/* create the tables list */					/* create the tables list */
	priv->tables_list = gnome_db_list_new ();			priv->tables_list = gnome_db_list_new ();
	g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (priv->tables_list), "row_		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (priv->tables_list), "row_
	g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (priv->tables_list), "sele		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (priv->tables_list), "sele
	gtk_widget_show (priv->tables_list);				gtk_widget_show (priv->tables_list);
	gtk_paned_add1 (GTK_PANED (paned), priv->tables_list)		gtk_paned_add1 (GTK_PANED (paned), priv->tables_list)

	/* create the data grid */					/* create the data grid */
	priv->data_grid = gnome_db_grid_new ();				priv->data_grid = gnome_db_grid_new ();
	gtk_widget_show (priv->data_grid);				gtk_widget_show (priv->data_grid);
	gtk_paned_add2 (GTK_PANED (paned), priv->data_grid);		gtk_paned_add2 (GTK_PANED (paned), priv->data_grid);

	return page;							return page;
}								}

void								void
tables_page_set_connection (GtkWidget *tp, GdaConnection *cnc	tables_page_set_connection (GtkWidget *tp, GdaConnection *cnc
{								{
	TablesPagePrivate *priv;					TablesPagePrivate *priv;

	priv = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (tp), "TablesPageP		priv = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (tp), "TablesPageP
	if (!priv)							if (!priv)
		return;								return;

	if (priv->cnc)							if (priv->cnc)
		g_object_unref (cnc);			      |			g_object_unref (priv->cnc);

	priv->cnc = cnc;						priv->cnc = cnc;
	if (GDA_IS_CONNECTION (priv->cnc)) {				if (GDA_IS_CONNECTION (priv->cnc)) {
		GdaDataModel *model;						GdaDataModel *model;

		g_object_ref (priv->cnc);					g_object_ref (priv->cnc);

		model = gda_connection_get_schema (cnc,GDA_CO			model = gda_connection_get_schema (cnc,GDA_CO
		gnome_db_list_set_model (GNOME_DB_LIST (priv-			gnome_db_list_set_model (GNOME_DB_LIST (priv-

		g_object_unref (model);						g_object_unref (model);
	}								}
}								}
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/tables-page.h ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/tables-page.h
/* GNOME-DB Library						/* GNOME-DB Library
 * Copyright (C) 2000-2003 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 2000-2003 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as pu	 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as pu
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the Lice	 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the Lice
 * (at your option) any later version.				 * (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * GNU Library General Public License for more details.		 * GNU Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public 	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public 
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Softwar	 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Softwar
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 	 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 
 */								 */

#if !defined(__tables_page_h__)					#if !defined(__tables_page_h__)
#  define __tables_page_h__					#  define __tables_page_h__

#include <libgda/gda-connection.h>				#include <libgda/gda-connection.h>
#include <gtk/gtkwidget.h>					#include <gtk/gtkwidget.h>

GtkWidget *tables_page_new (void);				GtkWidget *tables_page_new (void);
void       tables_page_set_connection (GtkWidget *tp, GdaConn	void       tables_page_set_connection (GtkWidget *tp, GdaConn

#endif								#endif
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/utils.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/utils.c
/* GNOME-DB Library						/* GNOME-DB Library
 * Copyright (C) 2000-2003 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 2000-2003 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as pu	 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as pu
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the Lice	 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the Lice
 * (at your option) any later version.				 * (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * GNU Library General Public License for more details.		 * GNU Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public 	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public 
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Softwar	 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Softwar
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 	 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 
 */								 */

#include <string.h>						#include <string.h>
#include <gtk/gtkdialog.h>					#include <gtk/gtkdialog.h>
#include <gtk/gtkstock.h>					#include <gtk/gtkstock.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.h>			#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-i18n.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-i18n.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.h>			#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.h>
#include <libgnomevfs/gnome-vfs-ops.h>				#include <libgnomevfs/gnome-vfs-ops.h>
#include "utils.h"						#include "utils.h"

static GdaClient *db_client = NULL;				static GdaClient *db_client = NULL;

static void							static void
client_notification_cb (GdaClient *client,			client_notification_cb (GdaClient *client,
			GdaConnection *cnc,						GdaConnection *cnc,
			GdaClientEvent event,						GdaClientEvent event,
			GdaParameterList *params)					GdaParameterList *params)
{								{
	GtkWidget *dialog;						GtkWidget *dialog;

	switch (event) {						switch (event) {
		dialog = gnome_db_error_dialog_new (_("Error"			dialog = gnome_db_error_dialog_new (_("Error"
		gnome_db_error_dialog_show_errors (GNOME_DB_E			gnome_db_error_dialog_show_errors (GNOME_DB_E
						   (GList *) 							   (GList *) 
		break;								break;
	default :							default :
		break;								break;
	}								}
}								}

GdaConnection *							GdaConnection *
db_connect_dialog_for_dsn (const gchar *dsn)			db_connect_dialog_for_dsn (const gchar *dsn)
{								{
	GtkWidget *dialog, *login;					GtkWidget *dialog, *login;
	gchar *title;							gchar *title;
	GdaConnection *cnc = NULL;					GdaConnection *cnc = NULL;

	title = g_strdup_printf (_("Login for %s"), dsn);		title = g_strdup_printf (_("Login for %s"), dsn);
	dialog = gnome_db_login_dialog_new (title);			dialog = gnome_db_login_dialog_new (title);
	login = gnome_db_login_dialog_get_login_widget (GNOME		login = gnome_db_login_dialog_get_login_widget (GNOME
	gnome_db_login_set_dsn (GNOME_DB_LOGIN (login), dsn);		gnome_db_login_set_dsn (GNOME_DB_LOGIN (login), dsn);

	if (gnome_db_login_dialog_run (GNOME_DB_LOGIN_DIALOG 		if (gnome_db_login_dialog_run (GNOME_DB_LOGIN_DIALOG 
		if (!db_client) {						if (!db_client) {
			db_client = gda_client_new ();					db_client = gda_client_new ();
			g_signal_connect (db_client, "event_n				g_signal_connect (db_client, "event_n
					  G_CALLBACK (client_						  G_CALLBACK (client_
		}								}

		cnc = gda_client_open_connection (db_client,			cnc = gda_client_open_connection (db_client,
						  gnome_db_lo							  gnome_db_lo
						  gnome_db_lo							  gnome_db_lo
						  gnome_db_lo							  gnome_db_lo
						  0);								  0);
	}								}

	gtk_widget_destroy (dialog);					gtk_widget_destroy (dialog);

	return cnc;							return cnc;
}								}

GdaConnection *							GdaConnection *
db_connect_dialog (GdaXmlConnection *xmlcnc)			db_connect_dialog (GdaXmlConnection *xmlcnc)
{								{
	GtkWidget *dialog, *login;					GtkWidget *dialog, *login;
	gchar *title;							gchar *title;
	GdaConnection *cnc = NULL;					GdaConnection *cnc = NULL;

	if (GDA_IS_XML_CONNECTION (xmlcnc))				if (GDA_IS_XML_CONNECTION (xmlcnc))
		title = g_strdup_printf (_("Login for %s"), g			title = g_strdup_printf (_("Login for %s"), g
	else								else
		title = g_strdup (_("Login to database"));			title = g_strdup (_("Login to database"));

	dialog = gnome_db_login_dialog_new (title);			dialog = gnome_db_login_dialog_new (title);
	login = gnome_db_login_dialog_get_login_widget (GNOME		login = gnome_db_login_dialog_get_login_widget (GNOME
	if (xmlcnc) {							if (xmlcnc) {
		gnome_db_login_set_dsn (GNOME_DB_LOGIN (login			gnome_db_login_set_dsn (GNOME_DB_LOGIN (login
		gnome_db_login_set_username (GNOME_DB_LOGIN (			gnome_db_login_set_username (GNOME_DB_LOGIN (
		gnome_db_login_set_password (GNOME_DB_LOGIN (			gnome_db_login_set_password (GNOME_DB_LOGIN (
	}								}

	if (gnome_db_login_dialog_run (GNOME_DB_LOGIN_DIALOG 		if (gnome_db_login_dialog_run (GNOME_DB_LOGIN_DIALOG 
		if (!db_client) {						if (!db_client) {
			db_client = gda_client_new ();					db_client = gda_client_new ();
			g_signal_connect (db_client, "event_n				g_signal_connect (db_client, "event_n
					  G_CALLBACK (client_						  G_CALLBACK (client_
		}								}

		cnc = gda_client_open_connection (db_client,			cnc = gda_client_open_connection (db_client,
						  gnome_db_lo							  gnome_db_lo
						  gnome_db_lo							  gnome_db_lo
						  gnome_db_lo							  gnome_db_lo
						  0);								  0);
	}								}

	gtk_widget_destroy (dialog);					gtk_widget_destroy (dialog);

	return cnc;							return cnc;
}								}

GdaConnection *							GdaConnection *
db_connect (const gchar *uri)					db_connect (const gchar *uri)
{								{
	GnomeVFSHandle *handle;						GnomeVFSHandle *handle;
	GString *str = NULL;						GString *str = NULL;
	GdaConnection *cnc = NULL;					GdaConnection *cnc = NULL;

	g_return_val_if_fail (uri != NULL, NULL);			g_return_val_if_fail (uri != NULL, NULL);

	if (!uri)							if (!uri)
		return db_connect_dialog (NULL);				return db_connect_dialog (NULL);

	if (gnome_vfs_open (&handle, uri, GNOME_VFS_OPEN_READ		if (gnome_vfs_open (&handle, uri, GNOME_VFS_OPEN_READ
		GnomeVFSResult vfsres;						GnomeVFSResult vfsres;
		gchar buffer[8193];						gchar buffer[8193];

		do {								do {
			GnomeVFSFileSize bytes_read;					GnomeVFSFileSize bytes_read;

			memset (buffer, 0, sizeof (buffer));				memset (buffer, 0, sizeof (buffer));
			vfsres = gnome_vfs_read (handle, buff				vfsres = gnome_vfs_read (handle, buff
			if (vfsres == GNOME_VFS_OK) {					if (vfsres == GNOME_VFS_OK) {
				if (!str)							if (!str)
					str = g_string_new (b						str = g_string_new (b
				else								else
					str = g_string_append						str = g_string_append
			} else if (vfsres == GNOME_VFS_ERROR_				} else if (vfsres == GNOME_VFS_ERROR_
				GdaXmlConnection *xmlcnc;					GdaXmlConnection *xmlcnc;

				xmlcnc = gda_xml_connection_n					xmlcnc = gda_xml_connection_n
				if (xmlcnc) {							if (xmlcnc) {
					cnc = db_connect_dial						cnc = db_connect_dial
					g_object_unref (xmlcn						g_object_unref (xmlcn
				}								}
			}								}
		} while (vfsres == GNOME_VFS_OK);				} while (vfsres == GNOME_VFS_OK);

		gnome_vfs_close (handle);					gnome_vfs_close (handle);
		if (str)							if (str)
			g_string_free (str, TRUE);					g_string_free (str, TRUE);
	}								}
	return cnc;							return cnc;
}								}
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/utils.h ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/utils.h
/* GNOME-DB Components						/* GNOME-DB Components
 * Copyright (C) 2000-2003 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 2000-2003 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 *      Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as pu	 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as pu
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the Lice	 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the Lice
 * (at your option) any later version.				 * (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * GNU Library General Public License for more details.		 * GNU Library General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public 	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public 
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Softwar	 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Softwar
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 	 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 
 */								 */

#if !defined(__utils_h__)					#if !defined(__utils_h__)
#  define __utils_h__						#  define __utils_h__

#include <libgda/gda-client.h>					#include <libgda/gda-client.h>
#include <libgda/gda-xml-connection.h>				#include <libgda/gda-xml-connection.h>

GdaConnection *db_connect_dialog_for_dsn (const gchar *dsn);	GdaConnection *db_connect_dialog_for_dsn (const gchar *dsn);
GdaConnection *db_connect_dialog (GdaXmlConnection *xmlcnc);	GdaConnection *db_connect_dialog (GdaXmlConnection *xmlcnc);
GdaConnection *db_connect (const gchar *uri);			GdaConnection *db_connect (const gchar *uri);

#endif								#endif
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: libgnomedb.pc
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb.pc.in ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb.pc.in
prefix= prefix@							prefix= prefix@
exec_prefix= exec_prefix@					exec_prefix= exec_prefix@
libdir= libdir@							libdir= libdir@
includedir= includedir@						includedir= includedir@
idldir= datadir@/idl						idldir= datadir@/idl

Name: libgnomedb						Name: libgnomedb
Description: libgnomedb						Description: libgnomedb
Version: @VERSION@						Version: @VERSION@
Libs: -L${libdir} -lgnomedb-2					Libs: -L${libdir} -lgnomedb-2
Cflags: -I${includedir}						Cflags: -I${includedir}

Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: libgnomedb.spec
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb.spec.in ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb.spec.in
Summary:         Library for writing gnome database programs	Summary:         Library for writing gnome database programs
Name:            libgnomedb					Name:            libgnomedb
Version:         @VERSION@					Version:         @VERSION@
Release:         1						Release:         1
Source:          %{name}-%{version}.tar.gz			Source:          %{name}-%{version}.tar.gz
URL:             http://www.gnome-db.org/			URL:             http://www.gnome-db.org/
Group:           System Environment/Libraries			Group:           System Environment/Libraries
License:         LGPL						License:         LGPL
BuildRoot:       %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-root		BuildRoot:       %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-root
BuildRequires:   pkgconfig >= 0.8				BuildRequires:   pkgconfig >= 0.8
Requires:        libgnomeui >= 1.103.0				Requires:        libgnomeui >= 1.103.0
Requires:        libgda >= @VERSION@				Requires:        libgda >= @VERSION@
Requires:        gtk2 >= 1.3.6					Requires:        gtk2 >= 1.3.6
Requires:        libbonoboui					Requires:        libbonoboui
Requires:        libglade2					Requires:        libglade2
BuildRequires:   libgnomeui-devel >= 1.103.0			BuildRequires:   libgnomeui-devel >= 1.103.0
BuildRequires:   libgda-devel >= @VERSION@			BuildRequires:   libgda-devel >= @VERSION@
BuildRequires:   gtk2-devel >= 1.3.6				BuildRequires:   gtk2-devel >= 1.3.6
BuildRequires:   libbonoboui-devel				BuildRequires:   libbonoboui-devel
BuildRequires:   libglade2-devel				BuildRequires:   libglade2-devel

%description							%description
libgnomedb is a library that eases the task of writing		libgnomedb is a library that eases the task of writing
gnome database programs.					gnome database programs.

%package devel							%package devel
Summary:         Development libraries and header files for l	Summary:         Development libraries and header files for l
Group:           Development/Libraries				Group:           Development/Libraries
Requires:        %name = %{version}				Requires:        %name = %{version}
Requires:        pkgconfig >= 0.8				Requires:        pkgconfig >= 0.8
Requires:        libgnomeui >= 1.103.0				Requires:        libgnomeui >= 1.103.0
Requires:        libgnomeui-devel >= 1.103.0			Requires:        libgnomeui-devel >= 1.103.0
Requires:        libgda >= @VERSION@				Requires:        libgda >= @VERSION@
Requires:        libgda-devel >= @VERSION@			Requires:        libgda-devel >= @VERSION@
Requires:        gtk2 >= 1.3.6					Requires:        gtk2 >= 1.3.6
Requires:        gtk2-devel >= 1.3.6				Requires:        gtk2-devel >= 1.3.6
Requires:        libbonoboui					Requires:        libbonoboui
Requires:        libbonoboui-devel				Requires:        libbonoboui-devel
Requires:        libglade2					Requires:        libglade2
Requires:        libglade2-devel				Requires:        libglade2-devel

%description devel						%description devel
This package contains the header files and libraries needed t	This package contains the header files and libraries needed t
or compile programs that use libgda.				or compile programs that use libgda.

%prep								%prep
%setup -q -n %{name}-%{version}					%setup -q -n %{name}-%{version}

%build								%build
%configure --disable-gtk-doc					%configure --disable-gtk-doc
make %{?_smp_mflags}						make %{?_smp_mflags}

%install							%install
rm -rf %{buildroot}						rm -rf %{buildroot}
%makeinstall							%makeinstall

%find_lang libgnomedb-2						%find_lang libgnomedb-2

%post								%post
/sbin/ldconfig							/sbin/ldconfig
export GCONF_CONFIG_SOURCE=`gconftool-2 --get-default-source`	export GCONF_CONFIG_SOURCE=`gconftool-2 --get-default-source`

for SCHEMA in %{_sysconfdir}/gconf/schemas/libgnomedb.schemas	for SCHEMA in %{_sysconfdir}/gconf/schemas/libgnomedb.schemas
/usr/bin/gconftool-2 --makefile-install-rule $SCHEMA > /dev/n	/usr/bin/gconftool-2 --makefile-install-rule $SCHEMA > /dev/n
done								done

%postun -p /sbin/ldconfig					%postun -p /sbin/ldconfig

%post devel							%post devel
if which scrollkeeper-update >/dev/null 2>&1; then scrollkeep	if which scrollkeeper-update >/dev/null 2>&1; then scrollkeep

%postun devel							%postun devel
if which scrollkeeper-update >/dev/null 2>&1; then scrollkeep	if which scrollkeeper-update >/dev/null 2>&1; then scrollkeep

%clean								%clean
rm -rf %{buildroot}						rm -rf %{buildroot}

%files -f libgnomedb-2.lang					%files -f libgnomedb-2.lang
%defattr(-,root,root)						%defattr(-,root,root)
%{_bindir}/*							%{_bindir}/*
%{_datadir}/control-center-2.0/capplets/*			%{_datadir}/control-center-2.0/capplets/*
%{_datadir}/mime-info/*						%{_datadir}/mime-info/*
%{_datadir}/pixmaps/libgnomedb					%{_datadir}/pixmaps/libgnomedb
%{_libdir}/*.so.*						%{_libdir}/*.so.*
%{_libdir}/bonobo/monikers/*.so					%{_libdir}/bonobo/monikers/*.so
%{_libdir}/bonobo/monikers/*.a					%{_libdir}/bonobo/monikers/*.a
%{_libdir}/bonobo/monikers/*.la					%{_libdir}/bonobo/monikers/*.la
%{_libdir}/bonobo/servers/*					%{_libdir}/bonobo/servers/*
%{_libdir}/libglade/2.0/*					%{_libdir}/libglade/2.0/*
%{_libexecdir}/*						%{_libexecdir}/*
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/gconf/schemas/*		%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/gconf/schemas/*

%files devel							%files devel
%defattr(-,root,root)						%defattr(-,root,root)
%doc %{_datadir}/gtk-doc/html/libgnomedb			%doc %{_datadir}/gtk-doc/html/libgnomedb
%{_datadir}/omf/*						%{_datadir}/omf/*
%{_includedir}/libgnomedb					%{_includedir}/libgnomedb
%{_libdir}/*.a							%{_libdir}/*.a
%{_libdir}/*.la							%{_libdir}/*.la
%{_libdir}/*.so							%{_libdir}/*.so
%{_libdir}/pkgconfig/*						%{_libdir}/pkgconfig/*

%changelog							%changelog
* Tue Jan 28 2003 Yanko Kaneti <yaneti delcera com>		* Tue Jan 28 2003 Yanko Kaneti <yaneti delcera com>
- Package and add the omf/scrollkeeper bits.			- Package and add the omf/scrollkeeper bits.
- --disable-gtk-doc to configure because the generated docs a	- --disable-gtk-doc to configure because the generated docs a

* Mon Aug 19 2002 Ben Liblit <liblit acm org>			* Mon Aug 19 2002 Ben Liblit <liblit acm org>
- Fixed version number substitutions				- Fixed version number substitutions
- Updated files list to match what "make install" actually in	- Updated files list to match what "make install" actually in
- Added URL tag pointing to GNOME-DB project's web site		- Added URL tag pointing to GNOME-DB project's web site

* Mon Feb 25 2002 Chris Chabot <chabotc reviewboard com>	* Mon Feb 25 2002 Chris Chabot <chabotc reviewboard com>
- Cleaned up formatting						- Cleaned up formatting
- Added requirements						- Added requirements

* Thu Feb 21 2002 Chris Chabot <chabotc reviewboard com>	* Thu Feb 21 2002 Chris Chabot <chabotc reviewboard com>
- Initial spec file						- Initial spec file
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: libtool
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: ltmain.sh
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: Makefile
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/Makefile.am ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/Makefile.am
else								else
endif								endif

GNOME_DIRECTORY=control-center					GNOME_DIRECTORY=control-center
else								else
endif								endif

else								else
endif								endif

SUBDIRS = \							SUBDIRS = \
	po \								po \
	libgnomedb \							libgnomedb \
	testing \							testing \
	data								data

	gnome-db.png \							gnome-db.png \
	libgnomedb.spec \						libgnomedb.spec \
	intltool-extract.in \						intltool-extract.in \
	intltool-merge.in \						intltool-merge.in \
	intltool-update.in \						intltool-update.in \
	mkinstalldirs							mkinstalldirs

pixmapdir=$(datadir)/pixmaps/libgnomedb				pixmapdir=$(datadir)/pixmaps/libgnomedb
pixmap_DATA=gnome-db.png					pixmap_DATA=gnome-db.png

pkgconfigdir=$(libdir)/pkgconfig				pkgconfigdir=$(libdir)/pkgconfig
pkgconfig_DATA = libgnomedb.pc					pkgconfig_DATA = libgnomedb.pc

all-local: libgnomedb.spec					all-local: libgnomedb.spec
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: Makefile.in
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: missing
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: mkinstalldirs
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: monikers
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/NEWS ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/NEWS
libgnomedb 1.0.4, 2004-04-18					libgnomedb 1.0.4, 2004-04-18
----------------------------					----------------------------

 - Fixed parameter mismatch in GnomeDbCombo API (rodrigo)	 - Fixed parameter mismatch in GnomeDbCombo API (rodrigo)
 - Added missing implementation for gnome_db_config_get_compo	 - Added missing implementation for gnome_db_config_get_compo
 - Fixed desktop icon location (julio)				 - Fixed desktop icon location (julio)
 - Fixed gtk-doc comments (stephane)				 - Fixed gtk-doc comments (stephane)
 - Removed missing files in spec file (rodrigo)			 - Removed missing files in spec file (rodrigo)
 - Make sure the GUI doesnt allow data source names with spac	 - Make sure the GUI doesnt allow data source names with spac
 - Only build documentation if gtk-doc is enabled (rodrigo)	 - Only build documentation if gtk-doc is enabled (rodrigo)
 - Updated translations:					 - Updated translations:
        - ca (jordi)						        - ca (jordi)
        - cs (mitr)						        - cs (mitr)
	- de (christian)						- de (christian)
	- en_CA (adam)							- en_CA (adam)
	- en_GB (dave)							- en_GB (dave)
	- es (francisco)						- es (francisco)
	- fi (tvainika)							- fi (tvainika)
        - ga (alastairmck)					        - ga (alastairmck)
	- hr (rsedak)							- hr (rsedak)
	- hu (andras)							- hu (andras)
	- id (mohammad)							- id (mohammad)
	- it (algol)							- it (algol)
	- nl (vincent)							- nl (vincent)
        - no (kjartan)						        - no (kjartan)
	- pt_BR (evandro, gustavo)					- pt_BR (evandro, gustavo)
	- sr Latin (danilo)						- sr Latin (danilo)

libgnomedb 1.0.3, 2004-01-16					libgnomedb 1.0.3, 2004-01-16
----------------------------					----------------------------

 - Fixed sorting in grid widget (marius)			 - Fixed sorting in grid widget (marius)
 - Fixed selection signal emission in grid widget (rodrigo)	 - Fixed selection signal emission in grid widget (rodrigo)
 - Fixed libglade module compilation problems (rodrigo)		 - Fixed libglade module compilation problems (rodrigo)
 - Fixed compilation problems on Debian (jdassen)		 - Fixed compilation problems on Debian (jdassen)
 - Use a grid instead of a list in form widget (jon)		 - Use a grid instead of a list in form widget (jon)
 - Updated translations:					 - Updated translations:
        - ja (aihana)						        - ja (aihana)
        - nl (adrighem)						        - nl (adrighem)

libgnomedb 1.0.2, 2003-11-30					libgnomedb 1.0.2, 2003-11-30
----------------------------					----------------------------

 - Avoid creating data sources with duplicating names in Gnom	 - Avoid creating data sources with duplicating names in Gnom
   widget (laurent)						   widget (laurent)
 - Fixes for 64bit platforms (fredreric)			 - Fixes for 64bit platforms (fredreric)
 - Implemented missing gnome_db_combo_set_model (gonzalo)	 - Implemented missing gnome_db_combo_set_model (gonzalo)
 - Updated translations:					 - Updated translations:
        - cs (miroslav)						        - cs (miroslav)
	- el (pkst)							- el (pkst)
	- fi (pauli)							- fi (pauli)
	- nl (vincent)							- nl (vincent)
	- pt (duarte)							- pt (duarte)
	- sr (danilo)							- sr (danilo)
        - sw (christian)					        - sw (christian)

libgnomedb 1.0.1, 2003-10-13					libgnomedb 1.0.1, 2003-10-13
----------------------------					----------------------------

 - Fixed problems with gtksourceview compilation (rodrigo)	 - Fixed problems with gtksourceview compilation (rodrigo)
 - Made labels non-selectable in gray bar widget (álvaro)	 - Made labels non-selectable in gray bar widget (álvaro)
 - Fill background color with GTK style color in gray bar (ál	 - Fill background color with GTK style color in gray bar (ál
 - Use GTK default text color in grid titles for		 - Use GTK default text color in grid titles for
   gnome-database-properties (rodrigo)				   gnome-database-properties (rodrigo)
 - Dont g_free GtkWidget's in gray bar widget finalization (r	 - Dont g_free GtkWidget's in gray bar widget finalization (r
 - Updated translations:					 - Updated translations:
        - sk (stanislav)					        - sk (stanislav)

libgnomedb 1.0.0, 2003-09-14					libgnomedb 1.0.0, 2003-09-14
----------------------------					----------------------------

 - Fixed #122108 - generating .server is not flexible (tagoh)	 - Fixed #122108 - generating .server is not flexible (tagoh)

libgnomedb 0.99.0, 2003-09-10					libgnomedb 0.99.0, 2003-09-10
-----------------------------					-----------------------------

 - Added a (configurable) icon to GnomeDbGrayBar (apg)		 - Added a (configurable) icon to GnomeDbGrayBar (apg)
 - Use icons for gnome-database-properties tabs (rodrigo)	 - Use icons for gnome-database-properties tabs (rodrigo)
 - Removed ugly BUILD_WITH_GNOME in public headers (daniel)	 - Removed ugly BUILD_WITH_GNOME in public headers (daniel)
 - Updated translations:					 - Updated translations:
        - ca (jordim)						        - ca (jordim)
        - cs (mitr)						        - cs (mitr)
	- de (cneumair)							- de (cneumair)
        - es (pablodc)						        - es (pablodc)
        - fi (pvirtane)						        - fi (pvirtane)
	- fr (redfox)							- fr (redfox)
	- no (kmaraas)							- no (kmaraas)
	- pl (aflinta)							- pl (aflinta)
	- pt (dnloreto)							- pt (dnloreto)
	- sl (minmax)							- sl (minmax)
        - sr (danilo)						        - sr (danilo)
	- sv (menthos)							- sv (menthos)

libgnomedb 0.91.0, 2003-08-06					libgnomedb 0.91.0, 2003-08-06
-----------------------------					-----------------------------

 - Extended GnomeDbLogin API (rodrigo)				 - Extended GnomeDbLogin API (rodrigo)
 - Added a 'Create DSN' button on the GnomeDbLogin widget (ro	 - Added a 'Create DSN' button on the GnomeDbLogin widget (ro
 - Redid UI for database properties configuration applet (rod	 - Redid UI for database properties configuration applet (rod
 - Fixed #108023 (rodrigo)					 - Fixed #108023 (rodrigo)
 - Some HIG-ification (apg, rodrigo)				 - Some HIG-ification (apg, rodrigo)
 - Added query builder widget, to be used in Gnumeric and Abi	 - Added query builder widget, to be used in Gnumeric and Abi
 - Extended GnomeDbEditor API (daniel)				 - Extended GnomeDbEditor API (daniel)
 - More API documentation (rodrigo)				 - More API documentation (rodrigo)
 - Updated translations:					 - Updated translations:
        - cs (mitr)						        - cs (mitr)
	- de (cneumair)							- de (cneumair)
	- es (pablodc)							- es (pablodc)
	- nl (adrighem)							- nl (adrighem)
	- pl (aflinta)							- pl (aflinta)
	- pt (dnloreto)							- pt (dnloreto)
        - sv (menthos)						        - sv (menthos)

libgnomedb 0.90.0, 2003-07-03					libgnomedb 0.90.0, 2003-07-03
-----------------------------					-----------------------------

 - Added missing entry points to GnomeDbLoginDialog API (rodr	 - Added missing entry points to GnomeDbLoginDialog API (rodr
 - Removed non-working MIME components (rodrigo)		 - Removed non-working MIME components (rodrigo)
 - Added MIME actions component for SQL and connection files 	 - Added MIME actions component for SQL and connection files 
 - Removed dependencies on GTK+ 2.2 (rodrigo)			 - Removed dependencies on GTK+ 2.2 (rodrigo)
 - Added missing files to spec file (adam)			 - Added missing files to spec file (adam)
 - Added preloading of GConf keys (rodrigo)			 - Added preloading of GConf keys (rodrigo)
 - Catched missing translatable strings (baddog)		 - Catched missing translatable strings (baddog)
 - HIG-ify the error dialog widget (rodrigo)			 - HIG-ify the error dialog widget (rodrigo)
 - Updated translations:					 - Updated translations:
        - be (dmitrym)						        - be (dmitrym)
        - cs (mitr)						        - cs (mitr)
	- es (pablodc)							- es (pablodc)
        - ml (karunakar)					        - ml (karunakar)
        - nl (vincent)						        - nl (vincent)
	- pt (dnloreto)							- pt (dnloreto)
	- ru (frob)							- ru (frob)
        - sv (menthos)						        - sv (menthos)
        - zh_TW (baddog)					        - zh_TW (baddog)

libgnomedb 0.12.2, 2003-06-13					libgnomedb 0.12.2, 2003-06-13
-----------------------------					-----------------------------

 - Backported patches from HEAD to remove dependency on GTK+ 	 - Backported patches from HEAD to remove dependency on GTK+ 
 - Fixed list of libglade module files (daniel)			 - Fixed list of libglade module files (daniel)

libgnomedb 0.12.1, 2003-06-08					libgnomedb 0.12.1, 2003-06-08
-----------------------------					-----------------------------

 - Added missing static libraries to the spec file (adam)	 - Added missing static libraries to the spec file (adam)
 - Fixed typo in configure.in (redfox)				 - Fixed typo in configure.in (redfox)
 - Simplified column titles in data sources and providers con	 - Simplified column titles in data sources and providers con
 - Added missing CFLAGS for libglade module (rodrigo)		 - Added missing CFLAGS for libglade module (rodrigo)
 - Fixed soname numbering (rodrigo)				 - Fixed soname numbering (rodrigo)
 - Updated translations:					 - Updated translations:
        - nl (adrighem)						        - nl (adrighem)
        - sr (danilo)						        - sr (danilo)
	- ta (baddog)							- ta (baddog)

libgnomedb 0.12, 2003-05-28					libgnomedb 0.12, 2003-05-28
---------------------------					---------------------------

 - Added new stock icons (apg)					 - Added new stock icons (apg)
 - HIG-ified the login dialog widget (apg)			 - HIG-ified the login dialog widget (apg)
 - Added support for GTK/libgda-only compilation (dmitrym)	 - Added support for GTK/libgda-only compilation (dmitrym)
 - Extended GnomeDbForm API (rodrigo)				 - Extended GnomeDbForm API (rodrigo)
 - Updated translations:					 - Updated translations:
        - cs (mitr)						        - cs (mitr)
	- de (cneumair)							- de (cneumair)
	- es (pablodc)							- es (pablodc)
        - fa (roozbeh)						        - fa (roozbeh)
	- nl (adrighem)							- nl (adrighem)
	- pt (dnloreto)							- pt (dnloreto)
	- pt_BR (gdvieira)						- pt_BR (gdvieira)
	- sv (menthos)							- sv (menthos)

libgnomedb 0.11, 2003-03-08					libgnomedb 0.11, 2003-03-08
---------------------------					---------------------------

 - Marked missing strings in .keys file for translation (cneu	 - Marked missing strings in .keys file for translation (cneu
 - Added new stock icons for COMMIT and ROLLBACK (rodrigo)	 - Added new stock icons for COMMIT and ROLLBACK (rodrigo)
 - Fixed #106121 (julio)					 - Fixed #106121 (julio)
 - Fixed #106122 (julio)					 - Fixed #106122 (julio)
 - Fixed #106402 (rodrigo)					 - Fixed #106402 (rodrigo)
 - HIG-ify the gray bar widget (apg)				 - HIG-ify the gray bar widget (apg)
 - Fixed #106402 (tagoh)					 - Fixed #106402 (tagoh)
 - Spec file fixes (yanko)					 - Spec file fixes (yanko)
 - Updated translations:					 - Updated translations:
	- cs (mitr)							- cs (mitr)
	- de (cneumair)							- de (cneumair)
	- es (pablodc)							- es (pablodc)
	- nl (adrighem)							- nl (adrighem)
	- pl (chyla)							- pl (chyla)
	- pt (dnloreto)							- pt (dnloreto)
	- pt_BR (gdvieira)						- pt_BR (gdvieira)
	- sv (menthos)							- sv (menthos)
	- uk (rasta)							- uk (rasta)

libgnomedb 0.10, 2003-01-27					libgnomedb 0.10, 2003-01-27
---------------------------					---------------------------

 - Added --disable-gtk-doc argument to configure (rodrigo)	 - Added --disable-gtk-doc argument to configure (rodrigo)
 - Fixed .server file paths (rodrigo)				 - Fixed .server file paths (rodrigo)
 - Fixed weird size of provider list in configuration dialog 	 - Fixed weird size of provider list in configuration dialog 
 - Fixed modal dialog on 'save as..' grid's menu item and mad	 - Fixed modal dialog on 'save as..' grid's menu item and mad
   actually ask the user if he wants to overwrite existing fi	   actually ask the user if he wants to overwrite existing fi
 - Re-Added GnomeDbIconList from the 1.4 version (rodrigo)	 - Re-Added GnomeDbIconList from the 1.4 version (rodrigo)
 - Implemented session management (rodrigo)			 - Implemented session management (rodrigo)
 - Replaced GnomeDbSqlEditor widget with a more generic Gnome	 - Replaced GnomeDbSqlEditor widget with a more generic Gnome
   to support many languages (rodrigo)				   to support many languages (rodrigo)
 - Removed obsolete config.h files all over (gonzalo)		 - Removed obsolete config.h files all over (gonzalo)
 - Fixed alignment for grid's cells (rodrigo)			 - Fixed alignment for grid's cells (rodrigo)
 - Improved look of error and login dialogs (rodrigo)		 - Improved look of error and login dialogs (rodrigo)
 - Remember values between GnomeDbDsnConfigDruid's pages (rod	 - Remember values between GnomeDbDsnConfigDruid's pages (rod
 - Many improvements on GnomeDbGrid (rodrigo)			 - Many improvements on GnomeDbGrid (rodrigo)
 - Updated translations:					 - Updated translations:
        - de (cneumair)						        - de (cneumair)
	- es (pablodc)							- es (pablodc)
	- it (algol)							- it (algol)
	- no (kmaraas)							- no (kmaraas)
	- pt_BR (evandrofg)						- pt_BR (evandrofg)
	- sl (minmax)							- sl (minmax)
	- sv (menthos)							- sv (menthos)

libgnomedb 0.9, 2002-12-10					libgnomedb 0.9, 2002-12-10
--------------------------					--------------------------

 - Splitted stock icons initialization from the main library 	 - Splitted stock icons initialization from the main library 
   to have the GnomeDbLogin/GnomeDbLoginDialog widgets work c	   to have the GnomeDbLogin/GnomeDbLoginDialog widgets work c
   in Glade (rodrigo)						   in Glade (rodrigo)
 - Updated translations:					 - Updated translations:
        - be (dmitrym)						        - be (dmitrym)
        - cs (Michal Bukovjan)					        - cs (Michal Bukovjan)
	- de (cneumair)							- de (cneumair)
	- es (pablodc)							- es (pablodc)
	- ms (sebol)							- ms (sebol)
	- nl (adrighem)							- nl (adrighem)
	- pt_BR (gdvieira)						- pt_BR (gdvieira)
        - sv (menthos)						        - sv (menthos)

libgnomedb 0.8.199, 2002-10-23					libgnomedb 0.8.199, 2002-10-23
------------------------------					------------------------------

 - Fixed leaks in configuration API (gonzalo)			 - Fixed leaks in configuration API (gonzalo)
 - i18n/UTF8 fixes (carlos)					 - i18n/UTF8 fixes (carlos)
 - Fixed ugliness in error dialog widget (rodrigo)		 - Fixed ugliness in error dialog widget (rodrigo)
 - Added OMF setup (rodrigo, frederic)				 - Added OMF setup (rodrigo, frederic)
 - Improved stock icons API, to allow direct access to the st	 - Improved stock icons API, to allow direct access to the st
 - Fixed initial selection problem in option menus (rodrigo)	 - Fixed initial selection problem in option menus (rodrigo)
 - Fixed #90058 (gonzalo)					 - Fixed #90058 (gonzalo)
 - New stock icons (vivien)					 - New stock icons (vivien)
 - Fixed #95959 (rodrigo)					 - Fixed #95959 (rodrigo)
 - Updated translations:					 - Updated translations:
        - cs (utx)						        - cs (utx)
        - da (olau)						        - da (olau)
        - de (cneumair)						        - de (cneumair)
        - ms (sebol)						        - ms (sebol)
	- pl (chyla)							- pl (chyla)
	- pt_BR (gdvieira)						- pt_BR (gdvieira)
	- ru (dmitrym)							- ru (dmitrym)
	- sv (menthos)							- sv (menthos)

libgnomedb 0.8.193, 2002-09-09					libgnomedb 0.8.193, 2002-09-09
------------------------------					------------------------------

 - Added optional title bar to GnomeDbGrid widget (rodrigo)	 - Added optional title bar to GnomeDbGrid widget (rodrigo)
 - Added 'Test DSN' option on the gnome-database-properties a	 - Added 'Test DSN' option on the gnome-database-properties a
 - Added GnomeDbConnectionProperties widget from GNOME-DB (ro	 - Added GnomeDbConnectionProperties widget from GNOME-DB (ro
 - Fixed spec files (ben)					 - Fixed spec files (ben)
 - Updated translations:					 - Updated translations:
        - da (olau)						        - da (olau)
        - de (chrisime, cneumair)				        - de (chrisime, cneumair)
        - es (pablodc)						        - es (pablodc)
        - no (kmaraas)						        - no (kmaraas)
        - pl (chyla)						        - pl (chyla)
        - pt (dnloreto)						        - pt (dnloreto)
        - pt_BR (gdvieira)					        - pt_BR (gdvieira)
        - sv (menthos)						        - sv (menthos)
        - vi (pablo)						        - vi (pablo)
        - zh_CN (carton)					        - zh_CN (carton)

libgnomedb 0.8.192, 2002-07-08					libgnomedb 0.8.192, 2002-07-08
------------------------------					------------------------------

 - Fixed parallel installation of pixmaps (tagoh)		 - Fixed parallel installation of pixmaps (tagoh)
 - Fixed parallel installation of Bonobo components (tagoh)	 - Fixed parallel installation of Bonobo components (tagoh)
 - Fixed schema files for translation (rodrigo)			 - Fixed schema files for translation (rodrigo)
 - Added control center applet for database connections confi	 - Added control center applet for database connections confi
 - Extended GnomeDbGrid API (rodrigo)				 - Extended GnomeDbGrid API (rodrigo)
 - Allow edition of passwords associated with data sources (r	 - Allow edition of passwords associated with data sources (r
 - Small compilation fixes (damon)				 - Small compilation fixes (damon)
 - New & improved GnomeDbBrowser widget (rodrigo, gonzalo)	 - New & improved GnomeDbBrowser widget (rodrigo, gonzalo)
 - Fixed English sentences (kmaraas)				 - Fixed English sentences (kmaraas)
 - Fixed crash when exiting gnome-db-components (gonzalo)	 - Fixed crash when exiting gnome-db-components (gonzalo)
 - Added gnome_db_config API based on Gconf and synchronized 	 - Added gnome_db_config API based on Gconf and synchronized 
   API in libgda (gonzalo)					   API in libgda (gonzalo)
 - Fixed displaying of errors in GnomeDbError widget (gonzalo	 - Fixed displaying of errors in GnomeDbError widget (gonzalo
 - Updated translations:					 - Updated translations:
        - da (olau)						        - da (olau)
        - es (pablodc)						        - es (pablodc)
        - ko (cwryu)						        - ko (cwryu)
        - no (kmaraas)						        - no (kmaraas)
        - pl (chyla)						        - pl (chyla)
        - pt (dnloreto)						        - pt (dnloreto)
        - sk (stano)						        - sk (stano)
        - sl (minmax)						        - sl (minmax)
        - sv (menthos)						        - sv (menthos)

libgnomedb 0.8.191, 2002-05-24					libgnomedb 0.8.191, 2002-05-24
------------------------------					------------------------------

 - Fixed memory leak in model management (gonzalo)		 - Fixed memory leak in model management (gonzalo)
 - Moved database: monikers from gnome-db (rodrigo)		 - Moved database: monikers from gnome-db (rodrigo)
 - Updated translations:					 - Updated translations:
        - da (olau)						        - da (olau)
   	- fr (redfox)						   	- fr (redfox)
	- pt (dnloreto)							- pt (dnloreto)
	- vi (pablo)							- vi (pablo)

libgnomedb 0.8.190, 2002-05-04					libgnomedb 0.8.190, 2002-05-04
------------------------------					------------------------------

 - Fixed docs building (gonzalo)				 - Fixed docs building (gonzalo)
 - I18N fixes (chyla)						 - I18N fixes (chyla)
 - New stock icons (apg)					 - New stock icons (apg)
 - Fixed GnomeDbWindow creation (murrayc)			 - Fixed GnomeDbWindow creation (murrayc)
 - Started GnomeVFS database: method (rodrigo)			 - Started GnomeVFS database: method (rodrigo)
 - Updated translations:					 - Updated translations:
    	- fr (cfergeau)						    	- fr (cfergeau)
	- ko (cwryu)							- ko (cwryu)
	- ms (sebol)							- ms (sebol)
	- no (kmaraas)							- no (kmaraas)
	- pl (chyla)							- pl (chyla)
	- pt (dnloreto)							- pt (dnloreto)
	- sk (stano)							- sk (stano)
	- sl (minmax)							- sl (minmax)
	- sv (menthos)							- sv (menthos)
	- tr (pablo)							- tr (pablo)
	- vi (pablo)							- vi (pablo)

libgnomedb 0.8.105, 2002-03-26					libgnomedb 0.8.105, 2002-03-26
------------------------------					------------------------------

 - Improved Yes/No dialog (rodrigo)				 - Improved Yes/No dialog (rodrigo)
 - Fixed reference problems with BonoboWidget's (rodrigo)	 - Fixed reference problems with BonoboWidget's (rodrigo)
 - Extended GnomeDbBrowser API (rodrigo)			 - Extended GnomeDbBrowser API (rodrigo)
 - Fixed selections in GnomeDbGrid and GnomeDbList (rodrigo)	 - Fixed selections in GnomeDbGrid and GnomeDbList (rodrigo)
 - Made GnomeDbGrid display BOOLEAN values as check boxes (ro	 - Made GnomeDbGrid display BOOLEAN values as check boxes (ro
 - Display numbers correctly in GnomeDbGrid (rodrigo)		 - Display numbers correctly in GnomeDbGrid (rodrigo)
 - Use check buttons for BOOLEAN values in GnomeDbForm (rodri	 - Use check buttons for BOOLEAN values in GnomeDbForm (rodri
 - Added basic support for VIEWS in GnomeDbBrowser (rodrigo)	 - Added basic support for VIEWS in GnomeDbBrowser (rodrigo)
 - Fixed displaying of column titles in tree models (gonzalo)	 - Fixed displaying of column titles in tree models (gonzalo)
 - Added 'Save us' menu item to the popup menu for GnomeDbGri	 - Added 'Save us' menu item to the popup menu for GnomeDbGri
   which allows to save the displayed data to different forma	   which allows to save the displayed data to different forma
   such as comma or tab-separated files, XML, etc (rodrigo)	   such as comma or tab-separated files, XML, etc (rodrigo)
 - New icons (apg)						 - New icons (apg)
 - New GnomeDbSqlEditor widget, with syntax hightlighting, mu	 - New GnomeDbSqlEditor widget, with syntax hightlighting, mu
   command support, etc (daniel)				   command support, etc (daniel)
 - Updated translations:					 - Updated translations:
        - de (chrisime)						        - de (chrisime)
        - no (kmaraas)						        - no (kmaraas)
        - pl (chyla)						        - pl (chyla)
        - ru (frob)						        - ru (frob)
        - sk (stano)						        - sk (stano)

libgnomedb 0.8.104, 2002-03-07					libgnomedb 0.8.104, 2002-03-07
------------------------------					------------------------------

 - Added support for aggregates and triggers in GnomeDbBrowse	 - Added support for aggregates and triggers in GnomeDbBrowse
 - Some i18n fixes in the code (kmaraas)			 - Some i18n fixes in the code (kmaraas)
 - Fixed Bonobo main loop problems (rodrigo)			 - Fixed Bonobo main loop problems (rodrigo)
 - Extended GnomeDbWindow API (rodrigo)				 - Extended GnomeDbWindow API (rodrigo)
 - Started GnomeDbReportEditor widget (rodrigo)			 - Started GnomeDbReportEditor widget (rodrigo)
 - Made properties work for GnomeDbControl (rodrigo)		 - Made properties work for GnomeDbControl (rodrigo)
 - Added new GnomeDbForm widget, for navigating recordsets (r	 - Added new GnomeDbForm widget, for navigating recordsets (r
 - Added popup menu to GnomeDbGrid widget (rodrigo)		 - Added popup menu to GnomeDbGrid widget (rodrigo)
 - Use stock icons for all buttons in dialog windows (rodrigo	 - Use stock icons for all buttons in dialog windows (rodrigo
 - Reparent correctly all dialog windows (rodrigo)		 - Reparent correctly all dialog windows (rodrigo)
 - Install our stock icons with the rest of GTK/GNOME's (rodr	 - Install our stock icons with the rest of GTK/GNOME's (rodr
 - New spec files (chris)					 - New spec files (chris)
 - Fixed creation of connection string in config druid (rodri	 - Fixed creation of connection string in config druid (rodri
 - Updated translations:					 - Updated translations:
 	- da (olau)						 	- da (olau)
	- de (mawarkus)							- de (mawarkus)
	- nl (adrighem)							- nl (adrighem)
 	- no (kmaraas)						 	- no (kmaraas)
	- pl (chyla)							- pl (chyla)
	- pt (dnloreto)							- pt (dnloreto)
	- ru (frob)							- ru (frob)
	- sk (stano)							- sk (stano)
	- sl (minmax)							- sl (minmax)
	- sv (menthos)							- sv (menthos)
	- tr (gorkem)							- tr (gorkem)
	- uk (rasta)							- uk (rasta)

libgnomedb 0.8.103, 2002-02-10					libgnomedb 0.8.103, 2002-02-10
------------------------------					------------------------------

 - Added GnomeDbDataSourceSelector widget (rodrigo)		 - Added GnomeDbDataSourceSelector widget (rodrigo)
 - Added GnomeDbProviderSelector widget (rodrigo)		 - Added GnomeDbProviderSelector widget (rodrigo)
 - Use GnomeDbDataSourceSelector and				 - Use GnomeDbDataSourceSelector and
   GnomeDbProviderSelector where appropriate (rodrigo)		   GnomeDbProviderSelector where appropriate (rodrigo)
 - Updated translations:					 - Updated translations:
 	- sk (stano)						 	- sk (stano)
	- da (olau)							- da (olau)
	- ms (sebol)							- ms (sebol)
	- pt (dnloreto)							- pt (dnloreto)
	- no (kmaraas)							- no (kmaraas)

libgnomedb 0.8.102, 2002-01-30					libgnomedb 0.8.102, 2002-01-30
------------------------------					------------------------------

 - re-added GnomeDbCombo widget from stable branch (rodrigo)	 - re-added GnomeDbCombo widget from stable branch (rodrigo)
 - added libglade module (rodrigo)				 - added libglade module (rodrigo)
 - added more API documentation (rodrigo)			 - added more API documentation (rodrigo)
 - warning-free compilation (gonzalo)				 - warning-free compilation (gonzalo)
 - improved grid widget (rodrigo)				 - improved grid widget (rodrigo)
 - made GnomeDbDsnConfigDruid work (rodrigo)			 - made GnomeDbDsnConfigDruid work (rodrigo)
 - made GnomeDbDsnConfig work (rodrigo)				 - made GnomeDbDsnConfig work (rodrigo)
 - updated translations:					 - updated translations:
 	- no (kmaraas)						 	- no (kmaraas)
	- ms (sebol)							- ms (sebol)
	- sk (stano)							- sk (stano)
	- sv (menthos)							- sv (menthos)
	- zh_CN (lark)							- zh_CN (lark)

libgnomedb 0.8.101, 2002-01-13					libgnomedb 0.8.101, 2002-01-13
------------------------------					------------------------------

 - made all widgets support GParamSpec's, so that we can easi	 - made all widgets support GParamSpec's, so that we can easi
   them into Glade/libglade (Rodrigo)				   them into Glade/libglade (Rodrigo)
 - extended API documentation (Rodrigo)				 - extended API documentation (Rodrigo)
 - Updated translations:					 - Updated translations:
 	- pt (dnloreto)						 	- pt (dnloreto)
	- sk (stano)							- sk (stano)
	- sv (menthos)							- sv (menthos)

libgnomedb 0.8.100, 2002-01-06					libgnomedb 0.8.100, 2002-01-06
------------------------------					------------------------------

 - added support for all new schemas to GnomeDbBrowser widget	 - added support for all new schemas to GnomeDbBrowser widget
   and made the detail work for tables (Rodrigo)		   and made the detail work for tables (Rodrigo)
 - UI and feature improvements in GnomeDbGrid, GnomeDbList,	 - UI and feature improvements in GnomeDbGrid, GnomeDbList,
   GnomeDbLogin/Dialog (Rodrigo)				   GnomeDbLogin/Dialog (Rodrigo)
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: az.gmo
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/az.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/az.po
# Copyright (C) YEAR Free Software Foundation, Inc.		# Copyright (C) YEAR Free Software Foundation, Inc.
#								#
msgid ""							msgid ""
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: libgnomedb 0.3.1\n"			"Project-Id-Version: libgnomedb 0.3.1\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"					"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"			"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2001-09-20 11:10+0200\n"			"PO-Revision-Date: 2001-09-20 11:10+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Vasif Ismailoglu MD <azerb_linux hotmail co	"Last-Translator: Vasif Ismailoglu MD <azerb_linux hotmail co
"Language-Team: Azerbaijani Turkish\n"				"Language-Team: Azerbaijani Turkish\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"						"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"			"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"				"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data Sources"						msgid "Data Sources"
msgstr "GDA VerilÉ?nlÉ?r MÉ?nbÉ?yi"					msgstr "GDA VerilÉ?nlÉ?r MÉ?nbÉ?yi"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Providers"						msgid "Providers"
msgstr "XidmÉ?tçi"						msgstr "XidmÉ?tçi"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1
msgid "Configure your database environment"			msgid "Configure your database environment"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Database Access Properties "				msgid "Database Access Properties "
msgstr "Tarix"							msgstr "Tarix"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380
msgid "Name"							msgid "Name"
msgstr "Ad"							msgstr "Ad"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
msgid "Description"						msgid "Description"
msgstr "Ä°zahat"							msgstr "Ä°zahat"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182
msgid "Configured data sources in the system"			msgid "Configured data sources in the system"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data sources are the means by which database connections are	"Data sources are the means by which database connections are
"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s	"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s
"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o	"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o
"name you identify the connections in the applications that m	"name you identify the connections in the applications that m
"DB for database access."					"DB for database access."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"	msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data Source Properties"					msgid "Data Source Properties"
msgstr "VerilÉ?nlÉ?r mÉ?nbÉ?yinin adı yoxdur!"			msgstr "VerilÉ?nlÉ?r mÉ?nbÉ?yinin adı yoxdur!"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132
msgid "Basic"							msgid "Basic"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Tables"							msgid "Tables"
msgstr "CÉ?dvÉ?llÉ?r"						msgstr "CÉ?dvÉ?llÉ?r"

#: control-center/main.c:92					#: control-center/main.c:92
msgid "No valid data source info was created"			msgid "No valid data source info was created"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218	#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "New data source"						msgid "New data source"
msgstr "GDA VerilÉ?nlÉ?r MÉ?nbÉ?yi"					msgstr "GDA VerilÉ?nlÉ?r MÉ?nbÉ?yi"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:215					#: control-center/main.c:215
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Database Access Properties"				msgid "Database Access Properties"
msgstr "Tarix"							msgstr "Tarix"

#: control-center/provider-config.c:105				#: control-center/provider-config.c:105
msgid "Installed providers"					msgid "Installed providers"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/provider-config.c:131				#: control-center/provider-config.c:131
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec	"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec
"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo	"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo
"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr	"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr
"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba	"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba
"etc."								"etc."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1
msgid "Database connection parameters file"			msgid "Database connection parameters file"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2
msgid "Documents"						msgid "Documents"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3
msgid "SQL code viewer"						msgid "SQL code viewer"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1
msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"			msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2
msgid "Number of spaces per tab"				msgid "Number of spaces per tab"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3
msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"			msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4
msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"			msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60
msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"			msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1
msgid "About"							msgid "About"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2
msgid "About GNOME-DB"						msgid "About GNOME-DB"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3
msgid "Close this window"					msgid "Close this window"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4
msgid "Create new entry"					msgid "Create new entry"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Delete selected items"					msgid "Delete selected items"
msgstr "Seçili cismi çıxart"					msgstr "Seçili cismi çıxart"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Deselect all items"					msgid "Deselect all items"
msgstr "Seçili cismi çıxart"					msgstr "Seçili cismi çıxart"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7
msgid "Edit properties for selected item"			msgid "Edit properties for selected item"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8
msgid "Save connection parameters to file"			msgid "Save connection parameters to file"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Select _All"						msgid "Select _All"
msgstr "Fayl seç"						msgstr "Fayl seç"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Select all items"					msgid "Select all items"
msgstr "Fayl seç"						msgstr "Fayl seç"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View data sources"					msgid "View data sources"
msgstr "GDA VerilÉ?nlÉ?r MÉ?nbÉ?yi"					msgstr "GDA VerilÉ?nlÉ?r MÉ?nbÉ?yi"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View providers"						msgid "View providers"
msgstr "XidmÉ?tçi"						msgstr "XidmÉ?tçi"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42
msgid "_Clear Selection"					msgid "_Clear Selection"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14
msgid "_Close"							msgid "_Close"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Data Sources"						msgid "_Data Sources"
msgstr "GDA VerilÉ?nlÉ?r MÉ?nbÉ?yi"					msgstr "GDA VerilÉ?nlÉ?r MÉ?nbÉ?yi"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Database"						msgid "_Database"
msgstr "Tarix"							msgstr "Tarix"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17
msgid "_Delete"							msgid "_Delete"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18
msgid "_Edit"							msgid "_Edit"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Help"							msgid "_Help"
msgstr "Yardım"							msgstr "Yardım"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_New Data Source..."					msgid "_New Data Source..."
msgstr "GDA VerilÉ?nlÉ?r MÉ?nbÉ?yi"					msgstr "GDA VerilÉ?nlÉ?r MÉ?nbÉ?yi"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Properties"						msgid "_Properties"
msgstr "Proseduralar"						msgstr "Proseduralar"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Providers"						msgid "_Providers"
msgstr "XidmÉ?tçi"						msgstr "XidmÉ?tçi"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Save Connection"					msgid "_Save Connection"
msgstr "Axırıncı BaÄ?lantılar"					msgstr "Axırıncı BaÄ?lantılar"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_View"							msgid "_View"
msgstr "NümayiÅ?lÉ?r"						msgstr "NümayiÅ?lÉ?r"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76
msgid "Structure"						msgid "Structure"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73
msgid "Data"							msgid "Data"
msgstr "VerilÉ?nlÉ?r"						msgstr "VerilÉ?nlÉ?r"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238
msgid "Not implemented yet!"					msgid "Not implemented yet!"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Database"						msgid "Database"
msgstr "Tarix"							msgstr "Tarix"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540
msgid "Loading database schemas..."				msgid "Loading database schemas..."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632
msgid "Refreshing data..."					msgid "Refreshing data..."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688
msgid "Views"							msgid "Views"
msgstr "NümayiÅ?lÉ?r"						msgstr "NümayiÅ?lÉ?r"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691
msgid "Indexes"							msgid "Indexes"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Sequences"						msgid "Sequences"
msgstr "Sekvensiyalar"						msgstr "Sekvensiyalar"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Procedures"						msgid "Procedures"
msgstr "Proseduralar"						msgstr "Proseduralar"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700
msgid "Triggers"						msgid "Triggers"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Aggregates"						msgid "Aggregates"
msgstr "Aqreqatlar"						msgstr "Aqreqatlar"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Types"							msgid "Types"
msgstr "NövlÉ?r"							msgstr "NövlÉ?r"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140
msgid "Could not query CORBA components"			msgid "Could not query CORBA components"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209
msgid "ID"							msgid "ID"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "Location"						msgid "Location"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212
msgid "Username"						msgid "Username"
msgstr "Ä°stifadÉ?çi Adı"						msgstr "Ä°stifadÉ?çi Adı"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Hostname"						msgid "Hostname"
msgstr "Ä°stifadÉ?çi Adı"						msgstr "Ä°stifadÉ?çi Adı"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214
msgid "Domain"							msgid "Domain"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"			msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. create widgets						#. create widgets
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97
msgid "Settings"						msgid "Settings"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data source name"					msgid "Data source name"
msgstr "VerilÉ?nlÉ?r mÉ?nbÉ?yinin adı yoxdur!"			msgstr "VerilÉ?nlÉ?r mÉ?nbÉ?yinin adı yoxdur!"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Connection string"					msgid "Connection string"
msgstr "Axırıncı BaÄ?lantılar"					msgstr "Axırıncı BaÄ?lantılar"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115
msgid "Provider"						msgid "Provider"
msgstr "XidmÉ?tçi"						msgstr "XidmÉ?tçi"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "User name"						msgid "User name"
msgstr "Ä°stifadÉ?çi Adı"						msgstr "Ä°stifadÉ?çi Adı"

#. create feature list						#. create feature list
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128
msgid "Features"						msgid "Features"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"		msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"
msgstr "Yeni yuvaya ad vermÉ?lisiniz"				msgstr "Yeni yuvaya ad vermÉ?lisiniz"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197
msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac	msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206
msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th	msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213
msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"			msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217
msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n	msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"	msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"
msgstr "Yeni yuvaya ad vermÉ?lisiniz"				msgstr "Yeni yuvaya ad vermÉ?lisiniz"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233
msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"		msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391
msgid "Add a new data source..."				msgid "Add a new data source..."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392
msgid ""							msgid ""
"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"		"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"
"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"		"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"
"installation. Just follow the steps!"				"installation. Just follow the steps!"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "General Information"					msgid "General Information"
msgstr "Æ?lavÉ? mÉ?lumat"						msgstr "Æ?lavÉ? mÉ?lumat"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the basic information\n"	"The following fields represent the basic information\n"
"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n	"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n
"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"	"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"
"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"	"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"
"the default one."						"the default one."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data source _name:"					msgid "Data source _name:"
msgstr "VerilÉ?nlÉ?r mÉ?nbÉ?yinin adı yoxdur!"			msgstr "VerilÉ?nlÉ?r mÉ?nbÉ?yinin adı yoxdur!"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Provider:"						msgid "_Provider:"
msgstr "XidmÉ?tçi"						msgstr "XidmÉ?tçi"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Description:"						msgid "_Description:"
msgstr "Ä°zahat"							msgstr "Ä°zahat"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Username:"						msgid "_Username:"
msgstr "Ä°stifadÉ?çi Adı"						msgstr "Ä°stifadÉ?çi Adı"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "P_assword:"						msgid "P_assword:"
msgstr "Parol"							msgstr "Parol"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454
msgid "Provider Parameters"					msgid "Provider Parameters"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the information needed by the	"The following fields represent the information needed by the
"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n	"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n
"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\	"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\
"the manual for more information."				"the manual for more information."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481
msgid "All information retrieved"				msgid "All information retrieved"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482
msgid ""							msgid ""
"All information needed to create a new data source\n"		"All information needed to create a new data source\n"
"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"		"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"
"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"	"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"
"just select it when asked for a data source."			"just select it when asked for a data source."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Connection _string:"					msgid "Connection _string:"
msgstr "Axırıncı BaÄ?lantılar"					msgstr "Axırıncı BaÄ?lantılar"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4
msgid "Error"							msgid "Error"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.
msgid "Show detail >>"						msgid "Show detail >>"
msgstr "TÉ?fsilatı göstÉ?r >>"					msgstr "TÉ?fsilatı göstÉ?r >>"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122
msgid "<< Hide detail"						msgid "<< Hide detail"
msgstr "<< TÉ?fsilatı gizlÉ?"					msgstr "<< TÉ?fsilatı gizlÉ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191
msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"	msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196
msgid "Error number"						msgid "Error number"
msgstr "XÉ?ta nömrÉ?si"						msgstr "XÉ?ta nömrÉ?si"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Details"							msgid "Details"
msgstr "TÉ?fsilat"						msgstr "TÉ?fsilat"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234
msgid "Source"							msgid "Source"
msgstr "MÉ?nbÉ?"							msgstr "MÉ?nbÉ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241
msgid "SQL state"						msgid "SQL state"
msgstr "SQL vÉ?ziyyÉ?ti"						msgstr "SQL vÉ?ziyyÉ?ti"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Field:"							msgid "_Field:"
msgstr "Vaxt"							msgstr "Vaxt"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Text:"							msgid "_Text:"
msgstr "NövlÉ?r"							msgstr "NövlÉ?r"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308
msgid "No records"						msgid "No records"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329
#, fuzzy, c-format						#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Record %d of %d"						msgid "Record %d of %d"
msgstr "%2$d-nin %1$d yuvası"					msgstr "%2$d-nin %1$d yuvası"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Recordset description"					msgid "Recordset description"
msgstr "Ä°zahat"							msgstr "Ä°zahat"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid ""							msgid ""
"File '%s' already exists.\n"					"File '%s' already exists.\n"
"Do you want to overwrite it?"					"Do you want to overwrite it?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149
msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."		msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217
#, fuzzy, c-format						#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Could not save file %s"					msgid "Could not save file %s"
msgstr "%s faylı yaradıla bilmir"				msgstr "%s faylı yaradıla bilmir"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224
msgid "You must specify a file name"				msgid "You must specify a file name"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230
msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"		msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261
msgid "Saving Model"						msgid "Saving Model"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "File _name:"						msgid "File _name:"
msgstr "CÉ?dvÉ?l adı"						msgstr "CÉ?dvÉ?l adı"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Select File"						msgid "Select File"
msgstr "Fayl seç"						msgstr "Fayl seç"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283
msgid "File _type:"						msgid "File _type:"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291
msgid "Tab-delimited"						msgid "Tab-delimited"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294
msgid "Comma-delimited"						msgid "Comma-delimited"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:
msgid "XML"							msgid "XML"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View detail"						msgid "View detail"
msgstr "<< TÉ?fsilatı gizlÉ?"					msgstr "<< TÉ?fsilatı gizlÉ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427
msgid "Show Column _Titles"					msgid "Show Column _Titles"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Describe"						msgid "Describe"
msgstr "Ä°zahat"							msgstr "Ä°zahat"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View detail..."						msgid "View detail..."
msgstr "<< TÉ?fsilatı gizlÉ?"					msgstr "<< TÉ?fsilatı gizlÉ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Title"							msgid "Title"
msgstr "Vaxt"							msgstr "Vaxt"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48
msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"	msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"		"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"
"to a data source"						"to a data source"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data Source:"						msgid "Data Source:"
msgstr "GDA VerilÉ?nlÉ?r MÉ?nbÉ?yi"					msgstr "GDA VerilÉ?nlÉ?r MÉ?nbÉ?yi"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Username:"						msgid "Username:"
msgstr "Ä°stifadÉ?çi Adı"						msgstr "Ä°stifadÉ?çi Adı"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Password:"						msgid "Password:"
msgstr "Parol"							msgstr "Parol"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69
msgid "Fields"							msgid "Fields"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Commit"							msgid "Commit"
msgstr "Æ?mr"							msgstr "Æ?mr"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31
msgid "Connect"							msgid "Connect"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33
msgid "Designer"						msgid "Designer"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34
msgid "Disconnect"						msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35
msgid "NoTransaction"						msgid "NoTransaction"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37
msgid "Query"							msgid "Query"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38
msgid "Rollback"						msgid "Rollback"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40
msgid "SQL"							msgid "SQL"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43
msgid "WithinTransaction"					msgid "WithinTransaction"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Error: %s"						msgid "Error: %s"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79
msgid "Table name"						msgid "Table name"
msgstr "CÉ?dvÉ?l adı"						msgstr "CÉ?dvÉ?l adı"

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93			#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Login for %s"						msgid "Login for %s"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95					#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95
msgid "Login to database"					msgid "Login to database"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: vfs/libmain.c:71						#: vfs/libmain.c:71
msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"				msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Table Properties"					msgid "Table Properties"
msgstr "Tarix"							msgstr "Tarix"

#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Table Name"						msgid "Table Name"
msgstr "CÉ?dvÉ?l adı"						msgstr "CÉ?dvÉ?l adı"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "New"							msgid "New"
msgstr "Yeni"							msgstr "Yeni"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156
msgid "Create new table"					msgid "Create new table"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Properties"						msgid "Properties"
msgstr "Proseduralar"						msgstr "Proseduralar"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View table properties"					msgid "View table properties"
msgstr "Tarix"							msgstr "Tarix"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
msgid "UID"							msgid "UID"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "calendar"						msgid "calendar"
msgstr "Miqyas"							msgstr "Miqyas"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "summary"							msgid "summary"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "Summary"							msgid "Summary"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "location"						msgid "location"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "dtstart"							msgid "dtstart"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
msgid "Start time"						msgid "Start time"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "dtend"							msgid "dtend"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "End time"						msgid "End time"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "description"						msgid "description"
msgstr "Ä°zahat"							msgstr "Ä°zahat"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "classification"						msgid "classification"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "Classification"						msgid "Classification"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "transparency"						msgid "transparency"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "Transparency"						msgid "Transparency"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "categories"						msgid "categories"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "Categories"						msgid "Categories"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "tasks"							msgid "tasks"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "due"							msgid "due"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "Due date"						msgid "Due date"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "Start date"						msgid "Start date"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355
msgid "Public"							msgid "Public"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358
msgid "Private"							msgid "Private"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361
msgid "Confidential"						msgid "Confidential"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63
msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"		msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66
msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"			msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80
msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta	msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"		msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Fayl açıla bilmir\n"						"Fayl açıla bilmir\n"
"%s"								"%s"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"				msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"
msgstr "Bonobo hazırlana bilmir\n"				msgstr "Bonobo hazırlana bilmir\n"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Field name"						msgid "Field name"
msgstr "Ä°stifadÉ?çi Adı"						msgstr "Ä°stifadÉ?çi Adı"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data type"						msgid "Data type"
msgstr "VerilÉ?nlÉ?r"						msgstr "VerilÉ?nlÉ?r"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214
msgid "Size"							msgid "Size"
msgstr "Boy"							msgstr "Boy"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215
msgid "Scale"							msgid "Scale"
msgstr "Miqyas"							msgstr "Miqyas"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216
msgid "Not null?"						msgid "Not null?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217
msgid "Primary key?"						msgid "Primary key?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218
msgid "Unique index?"						msgid "Unique index?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "References"						msgid "References"
msgstr "YenilÉ?"							msgstr "YenilÉ?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220
msgid "Default value"						msgid "Default value"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239
msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l	msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Table %s does not exist"					msgid "Table %s does not exist"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318
msgid "Scheduled events"					msgid "Scheduled events"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321
msgid "TODO list"						msgid "TODO list"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375
msgid "Owner"							msgid "Owner"
msgstr "YiyÉ?"							msgstr "YiyÉ?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Comments"						msgid "Comments"
msgstr "Æ?mr"							msgstr "Æ?mr"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Type"							msgid "Type"
msgstr "NövlÉ?r"							msgstr "NövlÉ?r"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "GDA type"						msgid "GDA type"
msgstr "GDA Növü"						msgstr "GDA Növü"

#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id	#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id
#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database	#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database
#. we can easily access that information			#. we can easily access that information
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "local"							msgid "local"
msgstr "Miqyas"							msgstr "Miqyas"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217
msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230
msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244
msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"			msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268
msgid "Invalid SQL command"					msgid "Invalid SQL command"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353
msgid "Transactions are not supported"				msgid "Transactions are not supported"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41
msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"		msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task	"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Database browser"					#~ msgid "Database browser"
#~ msgstr "Tarix"						#~ msgstr "Tarix"

#~ msgid "Error viewer"						#~ msgid "Error viewer"
#~ msgstr "XÉ?ta göstÉ?rici"					#~ msgstr "XÉ?ta göstÉ?rici"

#~ msgid "Password"						#~ msgid "Password"
#~ msgstr "Parol"						#~ msgstr "Parol"

#~ msgid "Question"						#~ msgid "Question"
#~ msgstr "Sual"						#~ msgstr "Sual"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Database Moniker factory"				#~ msgid "Database Moniker factory"
#~ msgstr "Tarix"						#~ msgstr "Tarix"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "database: moniker"					#~ msgid "database: moniker"
#~ msgstr "Tarix"						#~ msgstr "Tarix"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Invalid format for connection string"			#~ msgid "Invalid format for connection string"
#~ msgstr "Axırıncı BaÄ?lantılar"				#~ msgstr "Axırıncı BaÄ?lantılar"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Data sources"						#~ msgid "Data sources"
#~ msgstr "GDA VerilÉ?nlÉ?r MÉ?nbÉ?yi"				#~ msgstr "GDA VerilÉ?nlÉ?r MÉ?nbÉ?yi"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Test Data Source"					#~ msgid "Test Data Source"
#~ msgstr "GDA VerilÉ?nlÉ?r MÉ?nbÉ?yi"				#~ msgstr "GDA VerilÉ?nlÉ?r MÉ?nbÉ?yi"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Data source"						#~ msgid "Data source"
#~ msgstr "GDA VerilÉ?nlÉ?r MÉ?nbÉ?yi"				#~ msgstr "GDA VerilÉ?nlÉ?r MÉ?nbÉ?yi"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Unselect all"						#~ msgid "Unselect all"
#~ msgstr "Fayl Seç"						#~ msgstr "Fayl Seç"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Unselect All"						#~ msgid "Unselect All"
#~ msgstr "Fayl Seç"						#~ msgstr "Fayl Seç"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Loading..."						#~ msgid "Loading..."
#~ msgstr "CÉ?dvÉ?l verilÉ?nlÉ?rini göstÉ?r"				#~ msgstr "CÉ?dvÉ?l verilÉ?nlÉ?rini göstÉ?r"

#~ msgid "Create new object of selected type"			#~ msgid "Create new object of selected type"
#~ msgstr "Seçili növdÉ? yeni cism yarat"			#~ msgstr "Seçili növdÉ? yeni cism yarat"

#~ msgid "Remove"						#~ msgid "Remove"
#~ msgstr "�ıxart"						#~ msgstr "�ıxart"

#~ msgid "Refresh current list of objects"			#~ msgid "Refresh current list of objects"
#~ msgstr "Cari cism siyahısını yenilÉ?"				#~ msgstr "Cari cism siyahısını yenilÉ?"

#~ msgid "Info"							#~ msgid "Info"
#~ msgstr "Ä°nfo"						#~ msgstr "Ä°nfo"

#~ msgid "Show extra information about selected object"		#~ msgid "Show extra information about selected object"
#~ msgstr "Seçili cismlÉ?r barÉ?sindÉ? É?lavÉ? mÉ?lumat göstÉ?r"	#~ msgstr "Seçili cismlÉ?r barÉ?sindÉ? É?lavÉ? mÉ?lumat göstÉ?r"

#~ msgid "Table data"						#~ msgid "Table data"
#~ msgstr "CÉ?dvÉ?l verilÉ?nlÉ?ri"					#~ msgstr "CÉ?dvÉ?l verilÉ?nlÉ?ri"

#~ msgid "Select Color"						#~ msgid "Select Color"
#~ msgstr "RÉ?ng Seç"						#~ msgstr "RÉ?ng Seç"

#~ msgid "Select Font"						#~ msgid "Select Font"
#~ msgstr "Yazı Növü Seç"					#~ msgstr "Yazı Növü Seç"

#~ msgid "Add field..."						#~ msgid "Add field..."
#~ msgstr "Yuva É?lavÉ? et..."					#~ msgstr "Yuva É?lavÉ? et..."

#~ msgid "Add a new field to this table"			#~ msgid "Add a new field to this table"
#~ msgstr "CÉ?dvÉ?lÉ? yeni yuva É?lavÉ? et"				#~ msgstr "CÉ?dvÉ?lÉ? yeni yuva É?lavÉ? et"

#~ msgid "Edit field..."					#~ msgid "Edit field..."
#~ msgstr "Yuvanı düzÉ?lt..."					#~ msgstr "Yuvanı düzÉ?lt..."

#~ msgid "Edit the selected field properties"			#~ msgid "Edit the selected field properties"
#~ msgstr "Seçili yuva xassÉ?lÉ?rini düzÉ?lt"			#~ msgstr "Seçili yuva xassÉ?lÉ?rini düzÉ?lt"

#~ msgid "Add field"						#~ msgid "Add field"
#~ msgstr "Yuva É?lavÉ? et"					#~ msgstr "Yuva É?lavÉ? et"

#~ msgid "Could not find table %s"				#~ msgid "Could not find table %s"
#~ msgstr "%s cÉ?dvÉ?li tapıla bilmir"				#~ msgstr "%s cÉ?dvÉ?li tapıla bilmir"

#~ msgid "There is already a field named %s"			#~ msgid "There is already a field named %s"
#~ msgstr "%s adlı yuva onsuz da vardır"			#~ msgstr "%s adlı yuva onsuz da vardır"

#~ msgid "File %s is not a valid XML file"			#~ msgid "File %s is not a valid XML file"
#~ msgstr "%s faylı hökmlü XML faylı deyildir"			#~ msgstr "%s faylı hökmlü XML faylı deyildir"

#~ msgid "GDA Name"						#~ msgid "GDA Name"
#~ msgstr "GDA Adı"						#~ msgstr "GDA Adı"

#~ msgid "DSN"							#~ msgid "DSN"
#~ msgstr "DSN"							#~ msgstr "DSN"

#~ msgid "Config"						#~ msgid "Config"
#~ msgstr "KöklÉ?mÉ?"						#~ msgstr "KöklÉ?mÉ?"

#~ msgid "Error while saving configuration!"			#~ msgid "Error while saving configuration!"
#~ msgstr "QurÄ?ular qeyd edilirkÉ?n xÉ?ta baÅ? verdi!"		#~ msgstr "QurÄ?ular qeyd edilirkÉ?n xÉ?ta baÅ? verdi!"

#~ msgid "Native message"					#~ msgid "Native message"
#~ msgstr "Nativ ismarıc"					#~ msgstr "Nativ ismarıc"

#~ msgid "User Name"						#~ msgid "User Name"
#~ msgstr "Ä°stifadÉ?çinin Adı"					#~ msgstr "Ä°stifadÉ?çinin Adı"

#~ msgid "Message"						#~ msgid "Message"
#~ msgstr "İsmarıc"						#~ msgstr "İsmarıc"

#~ msgid "Log Entry"						#~ msgid "Log Entry"
#~ msgstr "Qeyd GiriÅ?i"						#~ msgstr "Qeyd GiriÅ?i"

#~ msgid "Setup Printer"					#~ msgid "Setup Printer"
#~ msgstr "Ã?ap Edicini Sazla"					#~ msgstr "Ã?ap Edicini Sazla"

#~ msgid "Copyright The Free Software Foundation (C) 1998-200	#~ msgid "Copyright The Free Software Foundation (C) 1998-200
#~ msgstr "Copyright The Free Software Foundation (C) 1998-20	#~ msgstr "Copyright The Free Software Foundation (C) 1998-20

#~ msgid ""							#~ msgid ""
#~ "This program is part of the GNOME project for LINUX. GNOM	#~ "This program is part of the GNOME project for LINUX. GNOM
#~ "comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software,	#~ "comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software,
#~ "welcome to redistribute it under the conditions of the GN	#~ "welcome to redistribute it under the conditions of the GN
#~ "Licence."							#~ "Licence."
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "This program is part of the GNOME project for LINUX. GNOM	#~ "This program is part of the GNOME project for LINUX. GNOM
#~ "comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software,	#~ "comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software,
#~ "welcome to redistribute it under the conditions of the GN	#~ "welcome to redistribute it under the conditions of the GN
#~ "Licence."							#~ "Licence."

#~ msgid "Bug-buddy was not found in your $PATH"		#~ msgid "Bug-buddy was not found in your $PATH"
#~ msgstr "Sizin $PATH-da Bug-buddy tapıla bilmÉ?di"		#~ msgstr "Sizin $PATH-da Bug-buddy tapıla bilmÉ?di"

#~ msgid "Unable to execute Bug Report Tool"			#~ msgid "Unable to execute Bug Report Tool"
#~ msgstr "XÉ?ta Raport VasitÉ?si icra edilÉ? bilmÉ?di!"		#~ msgstr "XÉ?ta Raport VasitÉ?si icra edilÉ? bilmÉ?di!"
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: be.gmo
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/be.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/be.po
# Copyright (C) 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.		# Copyright (C) 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# Ales Nyakhaychyk <i18n infonet by>, 2002.			# Ales Nyakhaychyk <i18n infonet by>, 2002.
#								#
msgid ""							msgid ""
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: libgnomedb 0.9\n"				"Project-Id-Version: libgnomedb 0.9\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"					"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"			"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2002-11-20 09:53+0200\n"			"PO-Revision-Date: 2002-11-20 09:53+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Ales Nyakhaychyk <i18n infonet by>\n"		"Last-Translator: Ales Nyakhaychyk <i18n infonet by>\n"
"Language-Team: Belarusian <i18n mova org>\n"			"Language-Team: Belarusian <i18n mova org>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"						"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"			"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"				"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Generator: KBabel 0.9.6\n"					"X-Generator: KBabel 0.9.6\n"

# fe/fe_main.c:205						# fe/fe_main.c:205
#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co
msgid "Data Sources"						msgid "Data Sources"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?Ñ?нÑ?Ñ?Ñ? данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?"					msgstr "Ð?Ñ?Ñ?нÑ?Ñ?Ñ? данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?"

# fe/fe_gdaconfig.c:315 gda-manager/main.c:144			# fe/fe_gdaconfig.c:315 gda-manager/main.c:144
#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid
msgid "Providers"						msgid "Providers"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?апаноÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?кÑ?"						msgstr "Ð?Ñ?апаноÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?кÑ?"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1
msgid "Configure your database environment"			msgid "Configure your database environment"
msgstr "Ð?аладзÑ?Ñ?е аÑ?Ñ?Ñ?оджанÑ?не ваÑ?ае базÑ? данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?"		msgstr "Ð?аладзÑ?Ñ?е аÑ?Ñ?Ñ?оджанÑ?не ваÑ?ае базÑ? данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?"

# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:245				# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:245
#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Database Access Properties "				msgid "Database Access Properties "
msgstr "Ð?еÑ?авагÑ? базÑ? данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?"					msgstr "Ð?еÑ?авагÑ? базÑ? данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380
msgid "Name"							msgid "Name"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

# fe/fe_gdaconfig.c:333 gda-manager/main.c:96 gda-manager/mai	# fe/fe_gdaconfig.c:333 gda-manager/main.c:96 gda-manager/mai
#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
msgid "Description"						msgid "Description"
msgstr "Ð?пÑ?Ñ?анÑ?не"						msgstr "Ð?пÑ?Ñ?анÑ?не"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182
msgid "Configured data sources in the system"			msgid "Configured data sources in the system"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data sources are the means by which database connections are	"Data sources are the means by which database connections are
"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s	"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s
"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o	"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o
"name you identify the connections in the applications that m	"name you identify the connections in the applications that m
"DB for database access."					"DB for database access."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277
#, fuzzy, c-format						#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"	msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ? жадаеÑ?е вÑ?далÑ?Ñ?Ñ? '%s' кÑ?Ñ?нÑ?Ñ?Ñ? данÑ?нÑ?Ñ??"		msgstr "Ð?Ñ? жадаеÑ?е вÑ?далÑ?Ñ?Ñ? '%s' кÑ?Ñ?нÑ?Ñ?Ñ? данÑ?нÑ?Ñ??"

# fe/fe_main.c:205						# fe/fe_main.c:205
#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data Source Properties"					msgid "Data Source Properties"
msgstr "Ð?еÑ?авагÑ? кÑ?Ñ?нÑ?Ñ?Ñ? данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?"				msgstr "Ð?еÑ?авагÑ? кÑ?Ñ?нÑ?Ñ?Ñ? данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132
msgid "Basic"							msgid "Basic"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

# fe/fe_impexp.c:164 fe/fe_impexp.c:274 fe/fe_impexp.c:391	# fe/fe_impexp.c:164 fe/fe_impexp.c:274 fe/fe_impexp.c:391
# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:217				# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:217
#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Tables"							msgid "Tables"
msgstr "ТаблÑ?Ñ?Ñ?"						msgstr "ТаблÑ?Ñ?Ñ?"

#: control-center/main.c:92					#: control-center/main.c:92
msgid "No valid data source info was created"			msgid "No valid data source info was created"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ? бÑ?дзе Ñ?Ñ?воÑ?ана Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?аÑ?Ñ?нÑ?Ñ? данÑ?нÑ?Ñ? кÑ?Ñ?нÑ?Ñ? зÑ?веÑ?Ñ?ак"	msgstr "Ð?Ñ? бÑ?дзе Ñ?Ñ?воÑ?ана Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?аÑ?Ñ?нÑ?Ñ? данÑ?нÑ?Ñ? кÑ?Ñ?нÑ?Ñ? зÑ?веÑ?Ñ?ак"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218	#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218
msgid "New data source"						msgid "New data source"
msgstr "Ð?адаÑ?Ñ? новÑ?Ñ? кÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?"				msgstr "Ð?адаÑ?Ñ? новÑ?Ñ? кÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?"

# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:245				# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:245
#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:215					#: control-center/main.c:215
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Database Access Properties"				msgid "Database Access Properties"
msgstr "Ð?еÑ?авагÑ? базÑ? данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?"					msgstr "Ð?еÑ?авагÑ? базÑ? данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?"

#: control-center/provider-config.c:105				#: control-center/provider-config.c:105
msgid "Installed providers"					msgid "Installed providers"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/provider-config.c:131				#: control-center/provider-config.c:131
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec	"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec
"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo	"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo
"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr	"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr
"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba	"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba
"etc."								"etc."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1
msgid "Database connection parameters file"			msgid "Database connection parameters file"
msgstr "Файл паÑ?амÑ?Ñ?Ñ?аÑ? злÑ?Ñ?Ñ?нÑ?нÑ? базÑ? данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?"			msgstr "Файл паÑ?амÑ?Ñ?Ñ?аÑ? злÑ?Ñ?Ñ?нÑ?нÑ? базÑ? данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?"

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2
msgid "Documents"						msgid "Documents"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3
msgid "SQL code viewer"						msgid "SQL code viewer"
msgstr "пÑ?аглÑ?далÑ?нÑ?к кодÑ? SQL"					msgstr "пÑ?аглÑ?далÑ?нÑ?к кодÑ? SQL"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1
msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"			msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"
msgstr "ШÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? длÑ? вÑ?каÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?анÑ?нÑ? Ñ? вÑ?джÑ?Ñ?е grid"			msgstr "ШÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? длÑ? вÑ?каÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?анÑ?нÑ? Ñ? вÑ?джÑ?Ñ?е grid"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2
msgid "Number of spaces per tab"				msgid "Number of spaces per tab"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3
msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"			msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4
msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"			msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60
msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"			msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1
msgid "About"							msgid "About"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2
msgid "About GNOME-DB"						msgid "About GNOME-DB"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3
msgid "Close this window"					msgid "Close this window"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4
msgid "Create new entry"					msgid "Create new entry"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Delete selected items"					msgid "Delete selected items"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?нÑ?Ñ?Ñ? вÑ?лÑ?Ñ?енÑ?не з Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? абÑ?анÑ?Ñ? Ñ?леменÑ?аÑ? Ñ? Ñ?Ñ?пÑ?Ñ?е"	msgstr "Ð?Ñ?нÑ?Ñ?Ñ? вÑ?лÑ?Ñ?енÑ?не з Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? абÑ?анÑ?Ñ? Ñ?леменÑ?аÑ? Ñ? Ñ?Ñ?пÑ?Ñ?е"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Deselect all items"					msgid "Deselect all items"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?нÑ?Ñ?Ñ? вÑ?лÑ?Ñ?енÑ?не з Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? абÑ?анÑ?Ñ? Ñ?леменÑ?аÑ? Ñ? Ñ?Ñ?пÑ?Ñ?е"	msgstr "Ð?Ñ?нÑ?Ñ?Ñ? вÑ?лÑ?Ñ?енÑ?не з Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? абÑ?анÑ?Ñ? Ñ?леменÑ?аÑ? Ñ? Ñ?Ñ?пÑ?Ñ?е"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7
msgid "Edit properties for selected item"			msgid "Edit properties for selected item"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Save connection parameters to file"			msgid "Save connection parameters to file"
msgstr "Файл паÑ?амÑ?Ñ?Ñ?аÑ? злÑ?Ñ?Ñ?нÑ?нÑ? базÑ? данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?"			msgstr "Файл паÑ?амÑ?Ñ?Ñ?аÑ? злÑ?Ñ?Ñ?нÑ?нÑ? базÑ? данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?"

# fe/fe_widget.c:34 fe/fe_widget.c:203 fe/fe_widget.c:222	# fe/fe_widget.c:34 fe/fe_widget.c:203 fe/fe_widget.c:222
#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Select _All"						msgid "Select _All"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?лÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?"						msgstr "Ð?Ñ?лÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Select all items"					msgid "Select all items"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?лÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? Ñ?Ñ?е Ñ?лемÑ?нÑ?Ñ? Ñ?а Ñ?Ñ?пÑ?Ñ?Ñ?"			msgstr "Ð?Ñ?лÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? Ñ?Ñ?е Ñ?лемÑ?нÑ?Ñ? Ñ?а Ñ?Ñ?пÑ?Ñ?Ñ?"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View data sources"					msgid "View data sources"
msgstr "Ð?адаÑ?Ñ? новÑ?Ñ? кÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?"				msgstr "Ð?адаÑ?Ñ? новÑ?Ñ? кÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?"

# fe/fe_gdaconfig.c:315 gda-manager/main.c:144			# fe/fe_gdaconfig.c:315 gda-manager/main.c:144
#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View providers"						msgid "View providers"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?апаноÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?кÑ?"						msgstr "Ð?Ñ?апаноÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?кÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42
msgid "_Clear Selection"					msgid "_Clear Selection"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14
msgid "_Close"							msgid "_Close"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

# fe/fe_main.c:205						# fe/fe_main.c:205
#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Data Sources"						msgid "_Data Sources"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?Ñ?нÑ?Ñ?Ñ? данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?"					msgstr "Ð?Ñ?Ñ?нÑ?Ñ?Ñ? данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?"

# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:245				# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:245
#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Database"						msgid "_Database"
msgstr "Ð?аза данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?"						msgstr "Ð?аза данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17
msgid "_Delete"							msgid "_Delete"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18
msgid "_Edit"							msgid "_Edit"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19
msgid "_Help"							msgid "_Help"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_New Data Source..."					msgid "_New Data Source..."
msgstr "Ð?адаÑ?Ñ? новÑ?Ñ? кÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?"				msgstr "Ð?адаÑ?Ñ? новÑ?Ñ? кÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?"

# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:233				# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:233
#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Properties"						msgid "_Properties"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?аÑ?Ñ?дÑ?Ñ?Ñ?"						msgstr "Ð?Ñ?аÑ?Ñ?дÑ?Ñ?Ñ?"

# fe/fe_gdaconfig.c:315 gda-manager/main.c:144			# fe/fe_gdaconfig.c:315 gda-manager/main.c:144
#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Providers"						msgid "_Providers"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?апаноÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?кÑ?"						msgstr "Ð?Ñ?апаноÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?кÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Save Connection"					msgid "_Save Connection"
msgstr "Ð?аÑ?аваÑ?Ñ? Ñ?..."						msgstr "Ð?аÑ?аваÑ?Ñ? Ñ?..."

# fe/fe_impexp.c:392 gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:225		# fe/fe_impexp.c:392 gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:225
#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_View"							msgid "_View"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?глÑ?дÑ?"						msgstr "Ð?Ñ?глÑ?дÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76
msgid "Structure"						msgid "Structure"
msgstr "СÑ?Ñ?Ñ?кÑ?Ñ?Ñ?а"						msgstr "СÑ?Ñ?Ñ?кÑ?Ñ?Ñ?а"

# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:245				# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:245
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73
msgid "Data"							msgid "Data"
msgstr "Ð?анÑ?нÑ?"							msgstr "Ð?анÑ?нÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238
msgid "Not implemented yet!"					msgid "Not implemented yet!"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ? зÑ?облена, Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?!"					msgstr "Ð?Ñ? зÑ?облена, Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?!"

# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:245				# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:245
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Database"						msgid "Database"
msgstr "Ð?аза данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?"						msgstr "Ð?аза данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540
msgid "Loading database schemas..."				msgid "Loading database schemas..."
msgstr "Ð?агÑ?Ñ?зка Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?м базÑ? данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?..."				msgstr "Ð?агÑ?Ñ?зка Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?м базÑ? данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632
msgid "Refreshing data..."					msgid "Refreshing data..."
msgstr "Ð?бнаÑ?ленÑ?не данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?..."					msgstr "Ð?бнаÑ?ленÑ?не данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?..."

# fe/fe_impexp.c:392 gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:225		# fe/fe_impexp.c:392 gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:225
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688
msgid "Views"							msgid "Views"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?глÑ?дÑ?"						msgstr "Ð?Ñ?глÑ?дÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691
msgid "Indexes"							msgid "Indexes"
msgstr "Ð?ндÑ?кÑ?Ñ?"						msgstr "Ð?ндÑ?кÑ?Ñ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Sequences"						msgid "Sequences"
msgstr "Ð?аÑ?Ñ?лÑ?доÑ?наÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?"					msgstr "Ð?аÑ?Ñ?лÑ?доÑ?наÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?"

# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:233				# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:233
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Procedures"						msgid "Procedures"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?аÑ?Ñ?дÑ?Ñ?Ñ?"						msgstr "Ð?Ñ?аÑ?Ñ?дÑ?Ñ?Ñ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700
msgid "Triggers"						msgid "Triggers"
msgstr "ТÑ?Ñ?геÑ?Ñ?"						msgstr "ТÑ?Ñ?геÑ?Ñ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Aggregates"						msgid "Aggregates"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?злÑ?"							msgstr "Ð?Ñ?злÑ?"

# fe/fe_designer.c:98 fe/fe_designer.c:269 gda-manager/main.c	# fe/fe_designer.c:98 fe/fe_designer.c:269 gda-manager/main.c
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Types"							msgid "Types"
msgstr "ТÑ?пÑ?"							msgstr "ТÑ?пÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140
msgid "Could not query CORBA components"			msgid "Could not query CORBA components"
msgstr "Ð?емагÑ?Ñ?ма апÑ?Ñ?аÑ?Ñ? кампанÑ?нÑ?Ñ? CORBA"			msgstr "Ð?емагÑ?Ñ?ма апÑ?Ñ?аÑ?Ñ? кампанÑ?нÑ?Ñ? CORBA"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209
msgid "ID"							msgid "ID"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "Location"						msgid "Location"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212
msgid "Username"						msgid "Username"
msgstr "Ð?мÑ? каÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?алÑ?нÑ?ка"					msgstr "Ð?мÑ? каÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?алÑ?нÑ?ка"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Hostname"						msgid "Hostname"
msgstr "Ð?мÑ? каÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?алÑ?нÑ?ка"					msgstr "Ð?мÑ? каÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?алÑ?нÑ?ка"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214
msgid "Domain"							msgid "Domain"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"			msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"
msgstr "Ð?епадÑ?Ñ?Ñ?млÑ?ваемÑ? вÑ?д Ñ? GconfEntry: %d"			msgstr "Ð?епадÑ?Ñ?Ñ?млÑ?ваемÑ? вÑ?д Ñ? GconfEntry: %d"

#. create widgets						#. create widgets
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97
msgid "Settings"						msgid "Settings"
msgstr "УÑ?Ñ?алÑ?Ñ?кÑ?"						msgstr "УÑ?Ñ?алÑ?Ñ?кÑ?"

# fe/fe_main.c:205						# fe/fe_main.c:205
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103
msgid "Data source name"					msgid "Data source name"
msgstr "Ð?азоÑ? кÑ?Ñ?нÑ?Ñ?Ñ? данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?"					msgstr "Ð?азоÑ? кÑ?Ñ?нÑ?Ñ?Ñ? данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?"

# fe/fe_connection.c:88						# fe/fe_connection.c:88
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109
msgid "Connection string"					msgid "Connection string"
msgstr "Радок злÑ?Ñ?Ñ?нÑ?нÑ?"					msgstr "Радок злÑ?Ñ?Ñ?нÑ?нÑ?"

# fe/fe_gdaconfig.c:315 gda-manager/main.c:144			# fe/fe_gdaconfig.c:315 gda-manager/main.c:144
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115
msgid "Provider"						msgid "Provider"
msgstr "Ð?аÑ?Ñ?аÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?к"						msgstr "Ð?аÑ?Ñ?аÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?к"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121
msgid "User name"						msgid "User name"
msgstr "Ð?мÑ? каÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?алÑ?нÑ?ка"					msgstr "Ð?мÑ? каÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?алÑ?нÑ?ка"

# fe/fe_main.c:205						# fe/fe_main.c:205
#. create feature list						#. create feature list
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128
msgid "Features"						msgid "Features"
msgstr "Ð?агÑ?Ñ?маÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?"						msgstr "Ð?агÑ?Ñ?маÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190
msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"		msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"
msgstr "Ð?ам паÑ?Ñ?Ñ?бна Ñ?веÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? назоÑ? длÑ? новае кÑ?Ñ?нÑ?Ñ?Ñ? базÑ? дан	msgstr "Ð?ам паÑ?Ñ?Ñ?бна Ñ?веÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? назоÑ? длÑ? новае кÑ?Ñ?нÑ?Ñ?Ñ? базÑ? дан

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197
msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac	msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206
msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th	msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213
msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"			msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217
msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n	msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225
msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"	msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"
msgstr "Ð?ам паÑ?Ñ?Ñ?бна абÑ?аÑ?Ñ? паÑ?Ñ?аÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?ка длÑ? новае кÑ?Ñ?нÑ?Ñ?Ñ? дан	msgstr "Ð?ам паÑ?Ñ?Ñ?бна абÑ?аÑ?Ñ? паÑ?Ñ?аÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?ка длÑ? новае кÑ?Ñ?нÑ?Ñ?Ñ? дан

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233
msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"		msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"
msgstr "Ð?аÑ?Ñ?аÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?к не адÑ?Ñ?канÑ? Ñ? ваÑ?ае канÑ?вÑ?гÑ?Ñ?аÑ?Ñ?Ñ?"		msgstr "Ð?аÑ?Ñ?аÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?к не адÑ?Ñ?канÑ? Ñ? ваÑ?ае канÑ?вÑ?гÑ?Ñ?аÑ?Ñ?Ñ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391
msgid "Add a new data source..."				msgid "Add a new data source..."
msgstr "Ð?адаÑ?Ñ? новÑ?Ñ? кÑ?Ñ?нÑ?Ñ?кÑ? данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?..."			msgstr "Ð?адаÑ?Ñ? новÑ?Ñ? кÑ?Ñ?нÑ?Ñ?кÑ? данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392
msgid ""							msgid ""
"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"		"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"
"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"		"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"
"installation. Just follow the steps!"				"installation. Just follow the steps!"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Ð?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? дапаможнÑ?к пÑ?авÑ?дзе ваÑ? пÑ?аз Ñ?Ñ?апÑ? Ñ?Ñ?ваÑ?Ñ?нÑ?нÑ?\n"		"Ð?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? дапаможнÑ?к пÑ?авÑ?дзе ваÑ? пÑ?аз Ñ?Ñ?апÑ? Ñ?Ñ?ваÑ?Ñ?нÑ?нÑ?\n"
"новае кÑ?Ñ?нÑ?Ñ?Ñ? данÑ?нÑ?Ñ? длÑ? ваÑ?ае GNOME-DB Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?алÑ?Ñ?к?.\n"		"новае кÑ?Ñ?нÑ?Ñ?Ñ? данÑ?нÑ?Ñ? длÑ? ваÑ?ае GNOME-DB Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?алÑ?Ñ?к?.\n"
"ТолÑ?кÑ? Ñ?ледÑ?йÑ?е кÑ?окам!"					"ТолÑ?кÑ? Ñ?ледÑ?йÑ?е кÑ?окам!"

# fe/fe_main.c:142 fe/fe_main.c:281				# fe/fe_main.c:142 fe/fe_main.c:281
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404
msgid "General Information"					msgid "General Information"
msgstr "Ð?гÑ?лÑ?нÑ?Ñ? зÑ?веÑ?Ñ?кÑ?"					msgstr "Ð?гÑ?лÑ?нÑ?Ñ? зÑ?веÑ?Ñ?кÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the basic information\n"	"The following fields represent the basic information\n"
"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n	"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n
"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"	"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"
"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"	"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"
"the default one."						"the default one."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Ð?аÑ?Ñ?Ñ?пнÑ?Ñ? палÑ? Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?лÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? аÑ?ноÑ?нÑ?Ñ? зÑ?веÑ?Ñ?кÑ? аб новае\n"		"Ð?аÑ?Ñ?Ñ?пнÑ?Ñ? палÑ? Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?лÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? аÑ?ноÑ?нÑ?Ñ? зÑ?веÑ?Ñ?кÑ? аб новае\n"
"кÑ?Ñ?нÑ?Ñ?Ñ? данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?. Ð?екаÑ?оÑ?Ñ?Ñ? зÑ? Ñ?Ñ? (апÑ?Ñ?анÑ?не,\n"		"кÑ?Ñ?нÑ?Ñ?Ñ? данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?. Ð?екаÑ?оÑ?Ñ?Ñ? зÑ? Ñ?Ñ? (апÑ?Ñ?анÑ?не,\n"
"Ñ?мÑ? каÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?алÑ?нÑ?ка) не абавÑ?зковÑ?. Ð?алÑ? вÑ? нÑ? ведаеÑ?е\n"	"Ñ?мÑ? каÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?алÑ?нÑ?ка) не абавÑ?зковÑ?. Ð?алÑ? вÑ? нÑ? ведаеÑ?е\n"
"Ñ?кога паÑ?Ñ?аÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?ка вÑ?каÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?оÑ?ваÑ?Ñ?, абÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?е Ñ?аго, Ñ?кÑ?\n"		"Ñ?кога паÑ?Ñ?аÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?ка вÑ?каÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?оÑ?ваÑ?Ñ?, абÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?е Ñ?аго, Ñ?кÑ?\n"
"вÑ?каÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?оÑ?вÑ?ваеÑ?Ñ?а без дамоÑ?ленаÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?."			"вÑ?каÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?оÑ?вÑ?ваеÑ?Ñ?а без дамоÑ?ленаÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?."

# fe/fe_main.c:205						# fe/fe_main.c:205
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data source _name:"					msgid "Data source _name:"
msgstr "Ð?азоÑ? кÑ?Ñ?нÑ?Ñ?Ñ? данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?"					msgstr "Ð?азоÑ? кÑ?Ñ?нÑ?Ñ?Ñ? данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?"

# fe/fe_gdaconfig.c:315 gda-manager/main.c:144			# fe/fe_gdaconfig.c:315 gda-manager/main.c:144
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Provider:"						msgid "_Provider:"
msgstr "Ð?аÑ?Ñ?аÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?к"						msgstr "Ð?аÑ?Ñ?аÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?к"

# fe/fe_gdaconfig.c:333 gda-manager/main.c:96 gda-manager/mai	# fe/fe_gdaconfig.c:333 gda-manager/main.c:96 gda-manager/mai
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Description:"						msgid "_Description:"
msgstr "Ð?пÑ?Ñ?анÑ?не"						msgstr "Ð?пÑ?Ñ?анÑ?не"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Username:"						msgid "_Username:"
msgstr "Ð?мÑ? каÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?алÑ?нÑ?ка"					msgstr "Ð?мÑ? каÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?алÑ?нÑ?ка"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "P_assword:"						msgid "P_assword:"
msgstr "Ð?аÑ?олÑ?"							msgstr "Ð?аÑ?олÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454
msgid "Provider Parameters"					msgid "Provider Parameters"
msgstr "Ð?аÑ?амÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? паÑ?Ñ?аÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?ка"					msgstr "Ð?аÑ?амÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? паÑ?Ñ?аÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?ка"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the information needed by the	"The following fields represent the information needed by the
"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n	"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n
"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\	"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\
"the manual for more information."				"the manual for more information."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481
msgid "All information retrieved"				msgid "All information retrieved"
msgstr "УÑ?е зÑ?веÑ?Ñ?кÑ? аÑ?Ñ?Ñ?манÑ?"					msgstr "УÑ?е зÑ?веÑ?Ñ?кÑ? аÑ?Ñ?Ñ?манÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid ""							msgid ""
"All information needed to create a new data source\n"		"All information needed to create a new data source\n"
"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"		"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"
"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"	"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"
"just select it when asked for a data source."			"just select it when asked for a data source."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"УÑ?е зÑ?веÑ?Ñ?кÑ? неабÑ?однÑ?Ñ? длÑ? Ñ?Ñ?ваÑ?Ñ?нÑ?нÑ? новае кÑ?Ñ?нÑ?Ñ?Ñ? данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?	"УÑ?е зÑ?веÑ?Ñ?кÑ? неабÑ?однÑ?Ñ? длÑ? Ñ?Ñ?ваÑ?Ñ?нÑ?нÑ? новае кÑ?Ñ?нÑ?Ñ?Ñ? данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?
"бÑ?лÑ? аÑ?Ñ?Ñ?манÑ?. Ð?аÑ?аз наÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?нÑ?Ñ?е 'УжÑ?Ñ?Ñ?' каб заÑ?Ñ?нÑ?Ñ?Ñ? гÑ?Ñ?Ñ? дÑ?	"бÑ?лÑ? аÑ?Ñ?Ñ?манÑ?. Ð?аÑ?аз наÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?нÑ?Ñ?е 'УжÑ?Ñ?Ñ?' каб заÑ?Ñ?нÑ?Ñ?Ñ? гÑ?Ñ?Ñ? дÑ?
"Ð?аб адÑ?Ñ?нÑ?Ñ?Ñ? ваÑ?Ñ?Ñ? новÑ?Ñ?, Ñ?олÑ?кÑ? Ñ?Ñ?о Ñ?Ñ?воÑ?анÑ?Ñ?, кÑ?Ñ?нÑ?Ñ?Ñ? данÑ?	"Ð?аб адÑ?Ñ?нÑ?Ñ?Ñ? ваÑ?Ñ?Ñ? новÑ?Ñ?, Ñ?олÑ?кÑ? Ñ?Ñ?о Ñ?Ñ?воÑ?анÑ?Ñ?, кÑ?Ñ?нÑ?Ñ?Ñ? данÑ?
"калÑ? запÑ?Ñ?аÑ?Ñ?Ñ? кÑ?Ñ?нÑ?Ñ?Ñ? данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?."				"калÑ? запÑ?Ñ?аÑ?Ñ?Ñ? кÑ?Ñ?нÑ?Ñ?Ñ? данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?."

# fe/fe_connection.c:88						# fe/fe_connection.c:88
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Connection _string:"					msgid "Connection _string:"
msgstr "Радок злÑ?Ñ?Ñ?нÑ?нÑ?"					msgstr "Радок злÑ?Ñ?Ñ?нÑ?нÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4
msgid "Error"							msgid "Error"
msgstr "Ð?амÑ?лка"						msgstr "Ð?амÑ?лка"

# fe/fe_main.c:254						# fe/fe_main.c:254
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.
msgid "Show detail >>"						msgid "Show detail >>"
msgstr "Ð?адÑ?абÑ?знаÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? >>"					msgstr "Ð?адÑ?абÑ?знаÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? >>"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122
msgid "<< Hide detail"						msgid "<< Hide detail"
msgstr "<< СÑ?аваÑ?Ñ? падÑ?абÑ?знаÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?"				msgstr "<< СÑ?аваÑ?Ñ? падÑ?абÑ?знаÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191
msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"	msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

# fe/fe_connection.c:30 fe/fe_main.c:155			# fe/fe_connection.c:30 fe/fe_main.c:155
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196
msgid "Error number"						msgid "Error number"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?маÑ? памÑ?лкÑ?"						msgstr "Ð?Ñ?маÑ? памÑ?лкÑ?"

# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:245				# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:245
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Details"							msgid "Details"
msgstr "Ð?адÑ?абÑ?знаÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?"						msgstr "Ð?адÑ?абÑ?знаÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?"

# fe/fe_main.c:205						# fe/fe_main.c:205
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234
msgid "Source"							msgid "Source"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?Ñ?нÑ?Ñ?а"						msgstr "Ð?Ñ?Ñ?нÑ?Ñ?а"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241
msgid "SQL state"						msgid "SQL state"
msgstr "СÑ?ан SQL"						msgstr "СÑ?ан SQL"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Field:"							msgid "_Field:"
msgstr "Ð?азва"							msgstr "Ð?азва"

# fe/fe_designer.c:98 fe/fe_designer.c:269 gda-manager/main.c	# fe/fe_designer.c:98 fe/fe_designer.c:269 gda-manager/main.c
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Text:"							msgid "_Text:"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?авеÑ?ка"						msgstr "Ð?Ñ?авеÑ?ка"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308
msgid "No records"						msgid "No records"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?ма запÑ?Ñ?аÑ?"						msgstr "Ð?Ñ?ма запÑ?Ñ?аÑ?"

# fe/fe_ui.c:143 fe/fe_ui.c:183					# fe/fe_ui.c:143 fe/fe_ui.c:183
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Record %d of %d"						msgid "Record %d of %d"
msgstr "Ð?апÑ?Ñ? %d з %d"						msgstr "Ð?апÑ?Ñ? %d з %d"

# fe/fe_gdaconfig.c:333 gda-manager/main.c:96 gda-manager/mai	# fe/fe_gdaconfig.c:333 gda-manager/main.c:96 gda-manager/mai
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113
msgid "Recordset description"					msgid "Recordset description"
msgstr "Ð?пÑ?Ñ?анÑ?не набоÑ?Ñ? запÑ?Ñ?аÑ?"				msgstr "Ð?пÑ?Ñ?анÑ?не набоÑ?Ñ? запÑ?Ñ?аÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid ""							msgid ""
"File '%s' already exists.\n"					"File '%s' already exists.\n"
"Do you want to overwrite it?"					"Do you want to overwrite it?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149
msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."		msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Could not save file %s"					msgid "Could not save file %s"
msgstr "Ð?емагÑ?Ñ?ма заÑ?аваÑ?Ñ? Ñ?айл %s"				msgstr "Ð?емагÑ?Ñ?ма заÑ?аваÑ?Ñ? Ñ?айл %s"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224
msgid "You must specify a file name"				msgid "You must specify a file name"
msgstr "Ð?ам паÑ?Ñ?Ñ?бна задаÑ?Ñ? назоÑ? Ñ?айлÑ?"			msgstr "Ð?ам паÑ?Ñ?Ñ?бна задаÑ?Ñ? назоÑ? Ñ?айлÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230
msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"		msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261
msgid "Saving Model"						msgid "Saving Model"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

# fe/fe_impexp.c:164 fe/fe_impexp.c:274 fe/fe_impexp.c:391	# fe/fe_impexp.c:164 fe/fe_impexp.c:274 fe/fe_impexp.c:391
# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:217				# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:217
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "File _name:"						msgid "File _name:"
msgstr "Ð?азоÑ? Ñ?аблÑ?Ñ?Ñ?"						msgstr "Ð?азоÑ? Ñ?аблÑ?Ñ?Ñ?"

# fe/fe_widget.c:34 fe/fe_widget.c:203 fe/fe_widget.c:222	# fe/fe_widget.c:34 fe/fe_widget.c:203 fe/fe_widget.c:222
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276
msgid "Select File"						msgid "Select File"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?лÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? Ñ?айл"						msgstr "Ð?Ñ?лÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? Ñ?айл"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283
msgid "File _type:"						msgid "File _type:"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Tab-delimited"						msgid "Tab-delimited"
msgstr "Файл з Tab-падзÑ?лÑ?лÑ?нÑ?кам"				msgstr "Файл з Tab-падзÑ?лÑ?лÑ?нÑ?кам"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Comma-delimited"						msgid "Comma-delimited"
msgstr "Файл з коÑ?кай-падзÑ?лÑ?лÑ?нÑ?кам"				msgstr "Файл з коÑ?кай-падзÑ?лÑ?лÑ?нÑ?кам"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:
msgid "XML"							msgid "XML"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355
msgid "View detail"						msgid "View detail"
msgstr "Ð?аглÑ?дзеÑ?Ñ? падÑ?абÑ?знаÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?"				msgstr "Ð?аглÑ?дзеÑ?Ñ? падÑ?абÑ?знаÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Show Column _Titles"					msgid "Show Column _Titles"
msgstr "Ð?аказаÑ?Ñ? Ñ?Ñ?аÑ?бÑ?Ñ?"					msgstr "Ð?аказаÑ?Ñ? Ñ?Ñ?аÑ?бÑ?Ñ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Describe"						msgid "Describe"
msgstr "Ð?пÑ?Ñ?аÑ?Ñ?..."						msgstr "Ð?пÑ?Ñ?аÑ?Ñ?..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443
msgid "View detail..."						msgid "View detail..."
msgstr "Ð?аказаÑ?Ñ? падÑ?абÑ?знаÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?..."				msgstr "Ð?аказаÑ?Ñ? падÑ?абÑ?знаÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614
msgid "Title"							msgid "Title"
msgstr "Ð?азва"							msgstr "Ð?азва"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48
msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"	msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"СпÑ?оба Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?алÑ?ваÑ?Ñ? паÑ?аÑ?ковае знаÑ?Ñ?нÑ?не Ñ?пажÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? з Ñ?жо Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?алÑ?	"СпÑ?оба Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?алÑ?ваÑ?Ñ? паÑ?аÑ?ковае знаÑ?Ñ?нÑ?не Ñ?пажÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? з Ñ?жо Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?алÑ?
"знаÑ?Ñ?нÑ?нем"							"знаÑ?Ñ?нÑ?нем"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"		"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"
"to a data source"						"to a data source"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

# fe/fe_main.c:205						# fe/fe_main.c:205
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data Source:"						msgid "Data Source:"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?Ñ?нÑ?Ñ?а данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?"					msgstr "Ð?Ñ?Ñ?нÑ?Ñ?а данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Username:"						msgid "Username:"
msgstr "Ð?мÑ? каÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?алÑ?нÑ?ка"					msgstr "Ð?мÑ? каÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?алÑ?нÑ?ка"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Password:"						msgid "Password:"
msgstr "Ð?аÑ?олÑ?"							msgstr "Ð?аÑ?олÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69
msgid "Fields"							msgid "Fields"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30
msgid "Commit"							msgid "Commit"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31
msgid "Connect"							msgid "Connect"
msgstr "Ð?лÑ?Ñ?Ñ?нÑ?не"						msgstr "Ð?лÑ?Ñ?Ñ?нÑ?не"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33
msgid "Designer"						msgid "Designer"
msgstr "РаÑ?пÑ?аÑ?оÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?к"						msgstr "РаÑ?пÑ?аÑ?оÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?к"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34
msgid "Disconnect"						msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr "РазаÑ?ваÑ?Ñ? злÑ?Ñ?Ñ?нÑ?не"					msgstr "РазаÑ?ваÑ?Ñ? злÑ?Ñ?Ñ?нÑ?не"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35
msgid "NoTransaction"						msgid "NoTransaction"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37
msgid "Query"							msgid "Query"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38
msgid "Rollback"						msgid "Rollback"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40
msgid "SQL"							msgid "SQL"
msgstr "SQL"							msgstr "SQL"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43
msgid "WithinTransaction"					msgid "WithinTransaction"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Error: %s"						msgid "Error: %s"
msgstr "Ð?амÑ?лка: %s"						msgstr "Ð?амÑ?лка: %s"

# fe/fe_impexp.c:164 fe/fe_impexp.c:274 fe/fe_impexp.c:391	# fe/fe_impexp.c:164 fe/fe_impexp.c:274 fe/fe_impexp.c:391
# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:217				# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:217
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79
msgid "Table name"						msgid "Table name"
msgstr "Ð?азоÑ? Ñ?аблÑ?Ñ?Ñ?"						msgstr "Ð?азоÑ? Ñ?аблÑ?Ñ?Ñ?"

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93			#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Login for %s"						msgid "Login for %s"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95					#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95
msgid "Login to database"					msgid "Login to database"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: vfs/libmain.c:71						#: vfs/libmain.c:71
msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"				msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"
msgstr "GNOME VFS база данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?: модÑ?лÑ?"				msgstr "GNOME VFS база данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?: модÑ?лÑ?"

# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:245				# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:245
#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Table Properties"					msgid "Table Properties"
msgstr "Ð?еÑ?авагÑ? базÑ? данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?"					msgstr "Ð?еÑ?авагÑ? базÑ? данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?"

# fe/fe_impexp.c:164 fe/fe_impexp.c:274 fe/fe_impexp.c:391	# fe/fe_impexp.c:164 fe/fe_impexp.c:274 fe/fe_impexp.c:391
# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:217				# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:217
#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Table Name"						msgid "Table Name"
msgstr "Ð?азоÑ? Ñ?аблÑ?Ñ?Ñ?"						msgstr "Ð?азоÑ? Ñ?аблÑ?Ñ?Ñ?"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155
msgid "New"							msgid "New"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156
msgid "Create new table"					msgid "Create new table"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:233				# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:233
#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Properties"						msgid "Properties"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?аÑ?Ñ?дÑ?Ñ?Ñ?"						msgstr "Ð?Ñ?аÑ?Ñ?дÑ?Ñ?Ñ?"

# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:245				# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:245
#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View table properties"					msgid "View table properties"
msgstr "Ð?еÑ?авагÑ? базÑ? данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?"					msgstr "Ð?еÑ?авагÑ? базÑ? данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
msgid "UID"							msgid "UID"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "calendar"						msgid "calendar"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "summary"							msgid "summary"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "Summary"							msgid "Summary"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "location"						msgid "location"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "dtstart"							msgid "dtstart"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
msgid "Start time"						msgid "Start time"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "dtend"							msgid "dtend"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "End time"						msgid "End time"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

# fe/fe_gdaconfig.c:333 gda-manager/main.c:96 gda-manager/mai	# fe/fe_gdaconfig.c:333 gda-manager/main.c:96 gda-manager/mai
#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "description"						msgid "description"
msgstr "Ð?пÑ?Ñ?анÑ?не"						msgstr "Ð?пÑ?Ñ?анÑ?не"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "classification"						msgid "classification"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "Classification"						msgid "Classification"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "transparency"						msgid "transparency"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "Transparency"						msgid "Transparency"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "categories"						msgid "categories"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "Categories"						msgid "Categories"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "tasks"							msgid "tasks"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "due"							msgid "due"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "Due date"						msgid "Due date"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "Start date"						msgid "Start date"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355
msgid "Public"							msgid "Public"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358
msgid "Private"							msgid "Private"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361
msgid "Confidential"						msgid "Confidential"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63
msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"		msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66
msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"			msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80
msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta	msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"		msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"
msgstr "Ð?емагÑ?Ñ?ма адÑ?Ñ?нÑ?Ñ?Ñ? злÑ?Ñ?Ñ?нÑ?не з %s"			msgstr "Ð?емагÑ?Ñ?ма адÑ?Ñ?нÑ?Ñ?Ñ? злÑ?Ñ?Ñ?нÑ?не з %s"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100
msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"				msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Field name"						msgid "Field name"
msgstr "Ð?мÑ? каÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?алÑ?нÑ?ка"					msgstr "Ð?мÑ? каÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?алÑ?нÑ?ка"

# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:245				# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:245
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data type"						msgid "Data type"
msgstr "Ð?анÑ?нÑ?"							msgstr "Ð?анÑ?нÑ?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214
msgid "Size"							msgid "Size"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215
msgid "Scale"							msgid "Scale"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216
msgid "Not null?"						msgid "Not null?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217
msgid "Primary key?"						msgid "Primary key?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218
msgid "Unique index?"						msgid "Unique index?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "References"						msgid "References"
msgstr "Ð?аÑ?Ñ?лÑ?доÑ?наÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?"					msgstr "Ð?аÑ?Ñ?лÑ?доÑ?наÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220
msgid "Default value"						msgid "Default value"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239
msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l	msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Table %s does not exist"					msgid "Table %s does not exist"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318
msgid "Scheduled events"					msgid "Scheduled events"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321
msgid "TODO list"						msgid "TODO list"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375
msgid "Owner"							msgid "Owner"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376
msgid "Comments"						msgid "Comments"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

# fe/fe_designer.c:98 fe/fe_designer.c:269 gda-manager/main.c	# fe/fe_designer.c:98 fe/fe_designer.c:269 gda-manager/main.c
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Type"							msgid "Type"
msgstr "ТÑ?пÑ?"							msgstr "ТÑ?пÑ?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377
msgid "GDA type"						msgid "GDA type"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id	#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id
#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database	#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database
#. we can easily access that information			#. we can easily access that information
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382
msgid "local"							msgid "local"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217
msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230
msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244
msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"			msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268
msgid "Invalid SQL command"					msgid "Invalid SQL command"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353
msgid "Transactions are not supported"				msgid "Transactions are not supported"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41
msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"		msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task	"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Connection MIME handler component"			#~ msgid "Connection MIME handler component"
#~ msgstr "Ð?ампанÑ?нÑ? пÑ?аглÑ?далÑ?нÑ?ка злÑ?Ñ?Ñ?нÑ?нÑ?"			#~ msgstr "Ð?ампанÑ?нÑ? пÑ?аглÑ?далÑ?нÑ?ка злÑ?Ñ?Ñ?нÑ?нÑ?"

#~ msgid "Database component factory"				#~ msgid "Database component factory"
#~ msgstr "Ð?Ñ?Ñ?воÑ?Ñ?аÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? кампанÑ?нÑ?аÑ? базÑ? данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?"		#~ msgstr "Ð?Ñ?Ñ?воÑ?Ñ?аÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? кампанÑ?нÑ?аÑ? базÑ? данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "SQL MIME handler component"				#~ msgid "SQL MIME handler component"
#~ msgstr "кампанÑ?нÑ? пÑ?аглÑ?дÑ? SQL"				#~ msgstr "кампанÑ?нÑ? пÑ?аглÑ?дÑ? SQL"

# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:245				# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:245
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Database browser"					#~ msgid "Database browser"
#~ msgstr "Ð?еÑ?авагÑ? базÑ? данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?"				#~ msgstr "Ð?еÑ?авагÑ? базÑ? данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?"

# fe/fe_connection.c:30 fe/fe_main.c:155			# fe/fe_connection.c:30 fe/fe_main.c:155
#~ msgid "Error viewer"						#~ msgid "Error viewer"
#~ msgstr "Ð?амÑ?лка пÑ?аглÑ?далÑ?нÑ?кÑ?"				#~ msgstr "Ð?амÑ?лка пÑ?аглÑ?далÑ?нÑ?кÑ?"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "SQL Viewer"						#~ msgid "SQL Viewer"
#~ msgstr "пÑ?аглÑ?далÑ?нÑ?к кодÑ? SQL"				#~ msgstr "пÑ?аглÑ?далÑ?нÑ?к кодÑ? SQL"

#~ msgid "Database configuration"				#~ msgid "Database configuration"
#~ msgstr "Ð?аладжванÑ?не базÑ? данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?"				#~ msgstr "Ð?аладжванÑ?не базÑ? данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "_Settings"						#~ msgid "_Settings"
#~ msgstr "УÑ?Ñ?алÑ?Ñ?кÑ?"						#~ msgstr "УÑ?Ñ?алÑ?Ñ?кÑ?"

#~ msgid "Password"						#~ msgid "Password"
#~ msgstr "Ð?аÑ?олÑ?"						#~ msgstr "Ð?аÑ?олÑ?"

#~ msgid "Save as"						#~ msgid "Save as"
#~ msgstr "Ð?аÑ?аваÑ?Ñ? Ñ?к..."					#~ msgstr "Ð?аÑ?аваÑ?Ñ? Ñ?к..."

#~ msgid "Save to"						#~ msgid "Save to"
#~ msgstr "Ð?аÑ?аваÑ?Ñ? Ñ?..."					#~ msgstr "Ð?аÑ?аваÑ?Ñ? Ñ?..."

#~ msgid "XML file"						#~ msgid "XML file"
#~ msgstr "XML Ñ?айл"						#~ msgstr "XML Ñ?айл"

#~ msgid "Hide columns"						#~ msgid "Hide columns"
#~ msgstr "СÑ?аваÑ?Ñ? Ñ?Ñ?аÑ?бÑ?Ñ?"					#~ msgstr "СÑ?аваÑ?Ñ? Ñ?Ñ?аÑ?бÑ?Ñ?"

#~ msgid "Question"						#~ msgid "Question"
#~ msgstr "Ð?Ñ?Ñ?анÑ?не"						#~ msgstr "Ð?Ñ?Ñ?анÑ?не"

#~ msgid "Database Moniker factory"				#~ msgid "Database Moniker factory"
#~ msgstr "Ð?Ñ?Ñ?воÑ?Ñ?аÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? мÑ?нÑ?Ñ?кÑ? базÑ? данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?"			#~ msgstr "Ð?Ñ?Ñ?воÑ?Ñ?аÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? мÑ?нÑ?Ñ?кÑ? базÑ? данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?"

#~ msgid "database: moniker"					#~ msgid "database: moniker"
#~ msgstr "база данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?: мÑ?нÑ?Ñ?ка"				#~ msgstr "база данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?: мÑ?нÑ?Ñ?ка"

#~ msgid "Failing to manufacture a '%s'"			#~ msgid "Failing to manufacture a '%s'"
#~ msgstr "Ð?амÑ?лка вÑ?Ñ?воÑ?Ñ?аÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? '%s'"				#~ msgstr "Ð?амÑ?лка вÑ?Ñ?воÑ?Ñ?аÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? '%s'"

# fe/fe_connection.c:88						# fe/fe_connection.c:88
#~ msgid "Invalid format for connection string"			#~ msgid "Invalid format for connection string"
#~ msgstr "Ð?еÑ?Ñ?Ñ?аÑ?Ñ?нÑ? Ñ?аÑ?маÑ? длÑ? Ñ?адкÑ? злÑ?Ñ?Ñ?нÑ?нÑ?"		#~ msgstr "Ð?еÑ?Ñ?Ñ?аÑ?Ñ?нÑ? Ñ?аÑ?маÑ? длÑ? Ñ?адкÑ? злÑ?Ñ?Ñ?нÑ?нÑ?"

# fe/fe_main.c:205						# fe/fe_main.c:205
#~ msgid "Data sources"						#~ msgid "Data sources"
#~ msgstr "Ð?Ñ?Ñ?нÑ?Ñ?Ñ? данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?"					#~ msgstr "Ð?Ñ?Ñ?нÑ?Ñ?Ñ? данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?"

# fe/fe_main.c:205						# fe/fe_main.c:205
#~ msgid "Test Data Source"					#~ msgid "Test Data Source"
#~ msgstr "Ð?Ñ?авеÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? кÑ?Ñ?нÑ?Ñ?Ñ? данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?"				#~ msgstr "Ð?Ñ?авеÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? кÑ?Ñ?нÑ?Ñ?Ñ? данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?"

#~ msgid "Connection to %s successful!"				#~ msgid "Connection to %s successful!"
#~ msgstr "Ð?лÑ?Ñ?Ñ?нÑ?не з %s паÑ?Ñ?пÑ?Ñ?овае!"				#~ msgstr "Ð?лÑ?Ñ?Ñ?нÑ?не з %s паÑ?Ñ?пÑ?Ñ?овае!"

#~ msgid ""							#~ msgid ""
#~ "Component that lets you open a .connection file and brows	#~ "Component that lets you open a .connection file and brows
#~ "specified on it"						#~ "specified on it"
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "СаÑ?Ñ?аÑ?наÑ? Ñ?аÑ?Ñ?ка, Ñ?каÑ? дазвалÑ?е вам адÑ?Ñ?нÑ?Ñ?Ñ? Ñ?айл .connec	#~ "СаÑ?Ñ?аÑ?наÑ? Ñ?аÑ?Ñ?ка, Ñ?каÑ? дазвалÑ?е вам адÑ?Ñ?нÑ?Ñ?Ñ? Ñ?айл .connec
#~ "пÑ?аглÑ?даÑ?Ñ? злÑ?Ñ?Ñ?нÑ?не, пазнаÑ?анае Ñ?м."			#~ "пÑ?аглÑ?даÑ?Ñ? злÑ?Ñ?Ñ?нÑ?не, пазнаÑ?анае Ñ?м."

#~ msgid "Viewer for SQL source code"				#~ msgid "Viewer for SQL source code"
#~ msgstr "Ð?Ñ?аглÑ?далÑ?нÑ?к зÑ?Ñ?однага кодÑ? SQL"			#~ msgstr "Ð?Ñ?аглÑ?далÑ?нÑ?к зÑ?Ñ?однага кодÑ? SQL"

# fe/fe_main.c:205						# fe/fe_main.c:205
#~ msgid "Data source"						#~ msgid "Data source"
#~ msgstr "Ð?Ñ?Ñ?нÑ?Ñ?а данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?"					#~ msgstr "Ð?Ñ?Ñ?нÑ?Ñ?а данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?"

# fe/fe_widget.c:34 fe/fe_widget.c:203 fe/fe_widget.c:222	# fe/fe_widget.c:34 fe/fe_widget.c:203 fe/fe_widget.c:222
#~ msgid "Select all"						#~ msgid "Select all"
#~ msgstr "Ð?Ñ?лÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?"					#~ msgstr "Ð?Ñ?лÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?"

# fe/fe_widget.c:34 fe/fe_widget.c:203 fe/fe_widget.c:222	# fe/fe_widget.c:34 fe/fe_widget.c:203 fe/fe_widget.c:222
#~ msgid "Unselect all"						#~ msgid "Unselect all"
#~ msgstr "Ð?дмÑ?нÑ?Ñ?Ñ? вÑ?лÑ?Ñ?Ñ?нÑ?не"					#~ msgstr "Ð?дмÑ?нÑ?Ñ?Ñ? вÑ?лÑ?Ñ?Ñ?нÑ?не"

#~ msgid "OAFIID of the default component for the GNOME-DB sh	#~ msgid "OAFIID of the default component for the GNOME-DB sh
#~ msgstr "OAFIID длÑ? неабÑ?моÑ?ленага кампанÑ?нÑ?Ñ? длÑ? абалонкÑ? 	#~ msgstr "OAFIID длÑ? неабÑ?моÑ?ленага кампанÑ?нÑ?Ñ? длÑ? абалонкÑ? 

#~ msgid "Whether to save the shell window position on exit"	#~ msgid "Whether to save the shell window position on exit"
#~ msgstr "ЦÑ? заÑ?оÑ?ваÑ?Ñ? пÑ?Ñ? вÑ?Ñ?адзÑ? Ñ?Ñ?ановÑ?Ñ?Ñ?а акна абалонкÑ?"	#~ msgstr "ЦÑ? заÑ?оÑ?ваÑ?Ñ? пÑ?Ñ? вÑ?Ñ?адзÑ? Ñ?Ñ?ановÑ?Ñ?Ñ?а акна абалонкÑ?"

#~ msgid "Whether to use a fixed size/position for the shell 	#~ msgid "Whether to use a fixed size/position for the shell 
#~ msgstr "ЦÑ? вÑ?каÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?оÑ?ваÑ?Ñ? нÑ?зÑ?меннÑ? памеÑ?/Ñ?Ñ?ан длÑ? shell-а	#~ msgstr "ЦÑ? вÑ?каÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?оÑ?ваÑ?Ñ? нÑ?зÑ?меннÑ? памеÑ?/Ñ?Ñ?ан длÑ? shell-а

# fe/fe_widget.c:34 fe/fe_widget.c:203 fe/fe_widget.c:222	# fe/fe_widget.c:34 fe/fe_widget.c:203 fe/fe_widget.c:222
#~ msgid "Unselect All"						#~ msgid "Unselect All"
#~ msgstr "Ð?Ñ?нÑ?Ñ?Ñ? вÑ?лÑ?Ñ?Ñ?нÑ?не з Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?"				#~ msgstr "Ð?Ñ?нÑ?Ñ?Ñ? вÑ?лÑ?Ñ?Ñ?нÑ?не з Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?"

#~ msgid "Display column headers"				#~ msgid "Display column headers"
#~ msgstr "Ð?аказаÑ?Ñ? загалоÑ?кÑ? Ñ?Ñ?аÑ?бÑ?оÑ?"				#~ msgstr "Ð?аказаÑ?Ñ? загалоÑ?кÑ? Ñ?Ñ?аÑ?бÑ?оÑ?"

#~ msgid "Hide column headers"					#~ msgid "Hide column headers"
#~ msgstr "СÑ?аваÑ?Ñ? загалоÑ?кÑ? Ñ?Ñ?аÑ?бÑ?оÑ?"				#~ msgstr "СÑ?аваÑ?Ñ? загалоÑ?кÑ? Ñ?Ñ?аÑ?бÑ?оÑ?"

#~ msgid "Save as..."						#~ msgid "Save as..."
#~ msgstr "Ð?аÑ?аваÑ?Ñ? Ñ?к..."					#~ msgstr "Ð?аÑ?аваÑ?Ñ? Ñ?к..."

#~ msgid "Export data to different formats"			#~ msgid "Export data to different formats"
#~ msgstr "ЭкÑ?паÑ?Ñ?аваÑ?Ñ? данÑ?нÑ? Ñ? Ñ?нÑ?Ñ?Ñ? Ñ?аÑ?маÑ?Ñ?"			#~ msgstr "ЭкÑ?паÑ?Ñ?аваÑ?Ñ? данÑ?нÑ? Ñ? Ñ?нÑ?Ñ?Ñ? Ñ?аÑ?маÑ?Ñ?"

#~ msgid "Describe current data set"				#~ msgid "Describe current data set"
#~ msgstr "Ð?пÑ?Ñ?аÑ?Ñ? бÑ?гÑ?Ñ?Ñ? набоÑ? данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?"			#~ msgstr "Ð?пÑ?Ñ?аÑ?Ñ? бÑ?гÑ?Ñ?Ñ? набоÑ? данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?"

#~ msgid "View current data in more detail"			#~ msgid "View current data in more detail"
#~ msgstr "Ð?аказаÑ?Ñ? болÑ?Ñ? зÑ?веÑ?Ñ?ак аб бÑ?гÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?"		#~ msgstr "Ð?аказаÑ?Ñ? болÑ?Ñ? зÑ?веÑ?Ñ?ак аб бÑ?гÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? данÑ?нÑ?Ñ?"
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ca.gmo
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/ca.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/ca.po
# libgnomedb translation to Catalan.				# libgnomedb translation to Catalan.
# Copyright (C) 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc.		# Copyright (C) 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# Softcatalà <info softcatala org>, 2001.			# Softcatalà <info softcatala org>, 2001.
#								#
msgid ""							msgid ""
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: libgnomedb 0.3.1\n"			"Project-Id-Version: libgnomedb 0.3.1\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"					"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"			"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2001-09-26 21:29+02:00\n"			"PO-Revision-Date: 2001-09-26 21:29+02:00\n"
"Last-Translator: Softcatalà <tradgnome softcatala org>\n"	"Last-Translator: Softcatalà <tradgnome softcatala org>\n"
"Language-Team: \n"						"Language-Team: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"						"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"			"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"				"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co
msgid "Data Sources"						msgid "Data Sources"
msgstr "Orígens de les dades"					msgstr "Orígens de les dades"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Providers"						msgid "Providers"
msgstr "Proveidors"						msgstr "Proveidors"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Configure your database environment"			msgid "Configure your database environment"
msgstr "Configura la dades de dades subratllada"		msgstr "Configura la dades de dades subratllada"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Database Access Properties "				msgid "Database Access Properties "
msgstr "Navegador de bases de dades"				msgstr "Navegador de bases de dades"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380
msgid "Name"							msgid "Name"
msgstr "Nom"							msgstr "Nom"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
msgid "Description"						msgid "Description"
msgstr "Descripció"						msgstr "Descripció"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Configured data sources in the system"			msgid "Configured data sources in the system"
msgstr "Configura els orígens de les dades del GDA"		msgstr "Configura els orígens de les dades del GDA"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data sources are the means by which database connections are	"Data sources are the means by which database connections are
"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s	"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s
"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o	"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o
"name you identify the connections in the applications that m	"name you identify the connections in the applications that m
"DB for database access."					"DB for database access."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"	msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data Source Properties"					msgid "Data Source Properties"
msgstr "Orígens de les dades"					msgstr "Orígens de les dades"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Basic"							msgid "Basic"
msgstr "Endarrera"						msgstr "Endarrera"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Tables"							msgid "Tables"
msgstr "Taules"							msgstr "Taules"

#: control-center/main.c:92					#: control-center/main.c:92
msgid "No valid data source info was created"			msgid "No valid data source info was created"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218	#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "New data source"						msgid "New data source"
msgstr "Afegeix nous orígens de dades"				msgstr "Afegeix nous orígens de dades"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:215					#: control-center/main.c:215
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Database Access Properties"				msgid "Database Access Properties"
msgstr "Navegador de bases de dades"				msgstr "Navegador de bases de dades"

#: control-center/provider-config.c:105				#: control-center/provider-config.c:105
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Installed providers"					msgid "Installed providers"
msgstr "Activa els serveis seleccionats"			msgstr "Activa els serveis seleccionats"

#: control-center/provider-config.c:131				#: control-center/provider-config.c:131
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec	"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec
"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo	"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo
"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr	"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr
"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba	"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba
"etc."								"etc."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Database connection parameters file"			msgid "Database connection parameters file"
msgstr "Tanca la connexió de la base de dades"			msgstr "Tanca la connexió de la base de dades"

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Documents"						msgid "Documents"
msgstr "Commit"							msgstr "Commit"

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "SQL code viewer"						msgid "SQL code viewer"
msgstr "Visualitzador d'errors"					msgstr "Visualitzador d'errors"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1
msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"			msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2
msgid "Number of spaces per tab"				msgid "Number of spaces per tab"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3
msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"			msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4
msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"			msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60
msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"			msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1
msgid "About"							msgid "About"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2
msgid "About GNOME-DB"						msgid "About GNOME-DB"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3
msgid "Close this window"					msgid "Close this window"
msgstr "Tanca aquesta finestra"					msgstr "Tanca aquesta finestra"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Create new entry"					msgid "Create new entry"
msgstr "Crea un fitxer buit nou"				msgstr "Crea un fitxer buit nou"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Delete selected items"					msgid "Delete selected items"
msgstr "Retalla el text seleccionat"				msgstr "Retalla el text seleccionat"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Deselect all items"					msgid "Deselect all items"
msgstr "Retalla el text seleccionat"				msgstr "Retalla el text seleccionat"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7
msgid "Edit properties for selected item"			msgid "Edit properties for selected item"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Save connection parameters to file"			msgid "Save connection parameters to file"
msgstr "Tanca la connexió de la base de dades"			msgstr "Tanca la connexió de la base de dades"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Select _All"						msgid "Select _All"
msgstr "Selecciona-ho tot"					msgstr "Selecciona-ho tot"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Select all items"					msgid "Select all items"
msgstr "Selecciona tot els objectes en la base de dades"	msgstr "Selecciona tot els objectes en la base de dades"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View data sources"					msgid "View data sources"
msgstr "Afegeix nous orígens de dades"				msgstr "Afegeix nous orígens de dades"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View providers"						msgid "View providers"
msgstr "Visualitza els fitxers de registre del servidor del G	msgstr "Visualitza els fitxers de registre del servidor del G

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Clear Selection"					msgid "_Clear Selection"
msgstr "Esborra la selecció"					msgstr "Esborra la selecció"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Close"							msgid "_Close"
msgstr "Tanca"							msgstr "Tanca"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Data Sources"						msgid "_Data Sources"
msgstr "Orígens de les dades"					msgstr "Orígens de les dades"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Database"						msgid "_Database"
msgstr "Base de dades"						msgstr "Base de dades"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Delete"							msgid "_Delete"
msgstr "Suprimeix"						msgstr "Suprimeix"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Edit"							msgid "_Edit"
msgstr "Editor"							msgstr "Editor"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Help"							msgid "_Help"
msgstr "Ajuda"							msgstr "Ajuda"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_New Data Source..."					msgid "_New Data Source..."
msgstr "Orígens de les dades..."				msgstr "Orígens de les dades..."

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Properties"						msgid "_Properties"
msgstr "Propietats"						msgstr "Propietats"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Providers"						msgid "_Providers"
msgstr "Proveidors"						msgstr "Proveidors"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Save Connection"					msgid "_Save Connection"
msgstr "Ã?ltimes connexions"					msgstr "Ã?ltimes connexions"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_View"							msgid "_View"
msgstr "Visualitza"						msgstr "Visualitza"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76
msgid "Structure"						msgid "Structure"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73
msgid "Data"							msgid "Data"
msgstr "Dades"							msgstr "Dades"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Not implemented yet!"					msgid "Not implemented yet!"
msgstr "%s no implementat"					msgstr "%s no implementat"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Database"						msgid "Database"
msgstr "Base de dades"						msgstr "Base de dades"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Loading database schemas..."				msgid "Loading database schemas..."
msgstr "Obre el navegador de base de dades"			msgstr "Obre el navegador de base de dades"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Refreshing data..."					msgid "Refreshing data..."
msgstr "Actualitza les dades"					msgstr "Actualitza les dades"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688
msgid "Views"							msgid "Views"
msgstr "Vistes"							msgstr "Vistes"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691
msgid "Indexes"							msgid "Indexes"
msgstr "Indexos"						msgstr "Indexos"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Sequences"						msgid "Sequences"
msgstr "Seqüències"						msgstr "Seqüències"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Procedures"						msgid "Procedures"
msgstr "Procediments"						msgstr "Procediments"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700
msgid "Triggers"						msgid "Triggers"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Aggregates"						msgid "Aggregates"
msgstr "Afegits"						msgstr "Afegits"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Types"							msgid "Types"
msgstr "Tipus"							msgstr "Tipus"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Could not query CORBA components"			msgid "Could not query CORBA components"
msgstr "No es pot iniciar el component %s"			msgstr "No es pot iniciar el component %s"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209
msgid "ID"							msgid "ID"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "Location"						msgid "Location"
msgstr "Localització"						msgstr "Localització"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212
msgid "Username"						msgid "Username"
msgstr "Nom d'usuari"						msgstr "Nom d'usuari"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Hostname"						msgid "Hostname"
msgstr "Casa"							msgstr "Casa"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Domain"							msgid "Domain"
msgstr "Ordre"							msgstr "Ordre"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"			msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. create widgets						#. create widgets
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97
msgid "Settings"						msgid "Settings"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data source name"					msgid "Data source name"
msgstr "Nom de l'órígen de les dades"				msgstr "Nom de l'órígen de les dades"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Connection string"					msgid "Connection string"
msgstr "Propietats de la connexió"				msgstr "Propietats de la connexió"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115
msgid "Provider"						msgid "Provider"
msgstr "Proveidor"						msgstr "Proveidor"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "User name"						msgid "User name"
msgstr "Nom d'usuari"						msgstr "Nom d'usuari"

#. create feature list						#. create feature list
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128
msgid "Features"						msgid "Features"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"		msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"
msgstr "Heu d'indicar un nom per al nou camp"			msgstr "Heu d'indicar un nom per al nou camp"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac	msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac
msgstr "L'orígen de les dades no soporta transaccions"		msgstr "L'orígen de les dades no soporta transaccions"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206
msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th	msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"			msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"
msgstr "L'orígen de les dades no soporta transaccions"		msgstr "L'orígen de les dades no soporta transaccions"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217
msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n	msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"	msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"
msgstr "Heu d'indicar un nom per al nou camp"			msgstr "Heu d'indicar un nom per al nou camp"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"		msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"
msgstr "L'orígen de les dades no s'ha trobat en la configurac	msgstr "L'orígen de les dades no s'ha trobat en la configurac

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Add a new data source..."				msgid "Add a new data source..."
msgstr "Afegeix nous orígens de dades"				msgstr "Afegeix nous orígens de dades"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392
msgid ""							msgid ""
"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"		"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"
"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"		"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"
"installation. Just follow the steps!"				"installation. Just follow the steps!"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "General Information"					msgid "General Information"
msgstr "Informació addicional"					msgstr "Informació addicional"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the basic information\n"	"The following fields represent the basic information\n"
"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n	"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n
"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"	"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"
"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"	"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"
"the default one."						"the default one."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data source _name:"					msgid "Data source _name:"
msgstr "Nom de l'órígen de les dades"				msgstr "Nom de l'órígen de les dades"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Provider:"						msgid "_Provider:"
msgstr "Proveidor"						msgstr "Proveidor"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Description:"						msgid "_Description:"
msgstr "Descripció"						msgstr "Descripció"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Username:"						msgid "_Username:"
msgstr "Nom d'usuari"						msgstr "Nom d'usuari"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "P_assword:"						msgid "P_assword:"
msgstr "Contrasenya"						msgstr "Contrasenya"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Provider Parameters"					msgid "Provider Parameters"
msgstr "Característiques del proveidor"				msgstr "Característiques del proveidor"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the information needed by the	"The following fields represent the information needed by the
"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n	"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n
"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\	"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\
"the manual for more information."				"the manual for more information."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481
msgid "All information retrieved"				msgid "All information retrieved"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482
msgid ""							msgid ""
"All information needed to create a new data source\n"		"All information needed to create a new data source\n"
"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"		"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"
"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"	"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"
"just select it when asked for a data source."			"just select it when asked for a data source."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Connection _string:"					msgid "Connection _string:"
msgstr "Propietats de la connexió"				msgstr "Propietats de la connexió"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Error"							msgid "Error"
msgstr "error"							msgstr "error"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.
msgid "Show detail >>"						msgid "Show detail >>"
msgstr "Mostra el detall >>"					msgstr "Mostra el detall >>"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122
msgid "<< Hide detail"						msgid "<< Hide detail"
msgstr "<< Amaga el detall"					msgstr "<< Amaga el detall"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"	msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"
msgstr "%s: error ocurregut durant navegació de les dades"	msgstr "%s: error ocurregut durant navegació de les dades"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196
msgid "Error number"						msgid "Error number"
msgstr "Número d'error"						msgstr "Número d'error"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Details"							msgid "Details"
msgstr "Detall"							msgstr "Detall"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234
msgid "Source"							msgid "Source"
msgstr "Font"							msgstr "Font"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241
msgid "SQL state"						msgid "SQL state"
msgstr "Estat SQL"						msgstr "Estat SQL"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Field:"							msgid "_Field:"
msgstr "Busca"							msgstr "Busca"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Text:"							msgid "_Text:"
msgstr "Següent"						msgstr "Següent"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "No records"						msgid "No records"
msgstr "Nou llistat"						msgstr "Nou llistat"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329
#, fuzzy, c-format						#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Record %d of %d"						msgid "Record %d of %d"
msgstr "Error %d de %d"						msgstr "Error %d de %d"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Recordset description"					msgid "Recordset description"
msgstr "Descripció"						msgstr "Descripció"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141
#, fuzzy, c-format						#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""							msgid ""
"File '%s' already exists.\n"					"File '%s' already exists.\n"
"Do you want to overwrite it?"					"Do you want to overwrite it?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"El fitxer\n"							"El fitxer\n"
" '%s'\n"							" '%s'\n"
" ha estat modificat.\n"					" ha estat modificat.\n"
" Voleu desar els canvis?"					" Voleu desar els canvis?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149
msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."		msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217
#, fuzzy, c-format						#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Could not save file %s"					msgid "Could not save file %s"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"No és possible carregar el fitxer\n"				"No és possible carregar el fitxer\n"
" %s"								" %s"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "You must specify a file name"				msgid "You must specify a file name"
msgstr "Ha d'especificar un fitxer per ser carregat"		msgstr "Ha d'especificar un fitxer per ser carregat"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230
msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"		msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261
msgid "Saving Model"						msgid "Saving Model"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "File _name:"						msgid "File _name:"
msgstr "Nom del fitxer"						msgstr "Nom del fitxer"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276
msgid "Select File"						msgid "Select File"
msgstr "Selecciona un fitxer"					msgstr "Selecciona un fitxer"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "File _type:"						msgid "File _type:"
msgstr "Nom del fitxer"						msgstr "Nom del fitxer"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Tab-delimited"						msgid "Tab-delimited"
msgstr "Ordre fallida"						msgstr "Ordre fallida"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Comma-delimited"						msgid "Comma-delimited"
msgstr "Ordre fallida"						msgstr "Ordre fallida"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "XML"							msgid "XML"
msgstr "A XML"							msgstr "A XML"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View detail"						msgid "View detail"
msgstr "<< Amaga el detall"					msgstr "<< Amaga el detall"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Show Column _Titles"					msgid "Show Column _Titles"
msgstr "Mostra els títols de les columnes"			msgstr "Mostra els títols de les columnes"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Describe"						msgid "Describe"
msgstr "Crea l'script"						msgstr "Crea l'script"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View detail..."						msgid "View detail..."
msgstr "<< Amaga el detall"					msgstr "<< Amaga el detall"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Title"							msgid "Title"
msgstr "Selecciona un fitxer"					msgstr "Selecciona un fitxer"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48
msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"	msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"		"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"
"to a data source"						"to a data source"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data Source:"						msgid "Data Source:"
msgstr "Orígens de les dades"					msgstr "Orígens de les dades"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Username:"						msgid "Username:"
msgstr "Nom d'usuari"						msgstr "Nom d'usuari"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279
msgid "Password:"						msgid "Password:"
msgstr "Contrasenya"						msgstr "Contrasenya"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Fields"							msgid "Fields"
msgstr "Busca"							msgstr "Busca"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30
msgid "Commit"							msgid "Commit"
msgstr "Commit"							msgstr "Commit"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31
msgid "Connect"							msgid "Connect"
msgstr "Connecta"						msgstr "Connecta"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33
msgid "Designer"						msgid "Designer"
msgstr "Dissenyador"						msgstr "Dissenyador"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34
msgid "Disconnect"						msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr "Desconnecta"						msgstr "Desconnecta"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "NoTransaction"						msgid "NoTransaction"
msgstr "Transacció iniciada"					msgstr "Transacció iniciada"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Query"							msgid "Query"
msgstr "Consultes"						msgstr "Consultes"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38
msgid "Rollback"						msgid "Rollback"
msgstr "Rollback"						msgstr "Rollback"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "SQL"							msgid "SQL"
msgstr "A SQL"							msgstr "A SQL"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "WithinTransaction"					msgid "WithinTransaction"
msgstr "Comença la transacció"					msgstr "Comença la transacció"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65
#, fuzzy, c-format						#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Error: %s"						msgid "Error: %s"
msgstr "error"							msgstr "error"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79
msgid "Table name"						msgid "Table name"
msgstr "Nom de la taula"					msgstr "Nom de la taula"

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93			#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Login for %s"						msgid "Login for %s"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95					#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Login to database"					msgid "Login to database"
msgstr "Connecta amb la base de dades"				msgstr "Connecta amb la base de dades"

#: vfs/libmain.c:71						#: vfs/libmain.c:71
msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"				msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Table Properties"					msgid "Table Properties"
msgstr "Navegador de bases de dades"				msgstr "Navegador de bases de dades"

#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Table Name"						msgid "Table Name"
msgstr "Nom de la taula"					msgstr "Nom de la taula"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155
msgid "New"							msgid "New"
msgstr "Nou"							msgstr "Nou"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Create new table"					msgid "Create new table"
msgstr "Crea un disseny nou de base de dades"			msgstr "Crea un disseny nou de base de dades"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Properties"						msgid "Properties"
msgstr "Propietats"						msgstr "Propietats"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View table properties"					msgid "View table properties"
msgstr "Navegador de bases de dades"				msgstr "Navegador de bases de dades"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
msgid "UID"							msgid "UID"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "calendar"						msgid "calendar"
msgstr "Escala"							msgstr "Escala"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "summary"							msgid "summary"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "Summary"							msgid "Summary"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "location"						msgid "location"
msgstr "Localització"						msgstr "Localització"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "dtstart"							msgid "dtstart"
msgstr "Comença"						msgstr "Comença"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Start time"						msgid "Start time"
msgstr "Comença"						msgstr "Comença"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "dtend"							msgid "dtend"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "End time"						msgid "End time"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "description"						msgid "description"
msgstr "Descripció"						msgstr "Descripció"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "classification"						msgid "classification"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Classification"						msgid "Classification"
msgstr "Esborra la selecció"					msgstr "Esborra la selecció"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "transparency"						msgid "transparency"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "Transparency"						msgid "Transparency"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "categories"						msgid "categories"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "Categories"						msgid "Categories"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "tasks"							msgid "tasks"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "due"							msgid "due"
msgstr "Mòdul"							msgstr "Mòdul"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Due date"						msgid "Due date"
msgstr "Data"							msgstr "Data"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Start date"						msgid "Start date"
msgstr "Comença"						msgstr "Comença"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355
msgid "Public"							msgid "Public"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Private"							msgid "Private"
msgstr "Activa"							msgstr "Activa"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Confidential"						msgid "Confidential"
msgstr "Fitxer de configuració"					msgstr "Fitxer de configuració"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"		msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"
msgstr "No es pot obrir l'objecte CORBA"			msgstr "No es pot obrir l'objecte CORBA"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"			msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"
msgstr "No es pot obrir l'objecte CORBA"			msgstr "No es pot obrir l'objecte CORBA"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80
msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta	msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"		msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"
msgstr "No es pot obrir l'objecte CORBA"			msgstr "No es pot obrir l'objecte CORBA"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"				msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"
msgstr "No es pot iniciar Bonobo\n"				msgstr "No es pot iniciar Bonobo\n"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Field name"						msgid "Field name"
msgstr "Nom del fitxer"						msgstr "Nom del fitxer"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data type"						msgid "Data type"
msgstr "Dades"							msgstr "Dades"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214
msgid "Size"							msgid "Size"
msgstr "Mida"							msgstr "Mida"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215
msgid "Scale"							msgid "Scale"
msgstr "Escala"							msgstr "Escala"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216
msgid "Not null?"						msgid "Not null?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217
msgid "Primary key?"						msgid "Primary key?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218
msgid "Unique index?"						msgid "Unique index?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "References"						msgid "References"
msgstr "Preferències"						msgstr "Preferències"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220
msgid "Default value"						msgid "Default value"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239
msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l	msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Table %s does not exist"					msgid "Table %s does not exist"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318
msgid "Scheduled events"					msgid "Scheduled events"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321
msgid "TODO list"						msgid "TODO list"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375
msgid "Owner"							msgid "Owner"
msgstr "Propietari"						msgstr "Propietari"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Comments"						msgid "Comments"
msgstr "Commit"							msgstr "Commit"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Type"							msgid "Type"
msgstr "Tipus"							msgstr "Tipus"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "GDA type"						msgid "GDA type"
msgstr "Tipus GDA"						msgstr "Tipus GDA"

#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id	#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id
#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database	#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database
#. we can easily access that information			#. we can easily access that information
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "local"							msgid "local"
msgstr "Global"							msgstr "Global"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr "Transacció no suportada"				msgstr "Transacció no suportada"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230
msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244
msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"			msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Invalid SQL command"					msgid "Invalid SQL command"
msgstr "Executa l'ordre SQL"					msgstr "Executa l'ordre SQL"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Transactions are not supported"				msgid "Transactions are not supported"
msgstr "Transacció no suportada"				msgstr "Transacció no suportada"

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41
msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"		msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task	"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Browse database..."					#~ msgid "Browse database..."
#~ msgstr "Navega per la base de dades"				#~ msgstr "Navega per la base de dades"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Connection MIME handler component"			#~ msgid "Connection MIME handler component"
#~ msgstr "No és possible truncar el fitxer %s"			#~ msgstr "No és possible truncar el fitxer %s"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Database component factory"				#~ msgid "Database component factory"
#~ msgstr "No es pot registrar el control fàbrica"		#~ msgstr "No es pot registrar el control fàbrica"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Open in database connection..."			#~ msgid "Open in database connection..."
#~ msgstr "Tanca la connexió de la base de dades"		#~ msgstr "Tanca la connexió de la base de dades"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "SQL MIME handler component"				#~ msgid "SQL MIME handler component"
#~ msgstr "Carrega la configuració del component"		#~ msgstr "Carrega la configuració del component"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Database browser"					#~ msgid "Database browser"
#~ msgstr "Obre el navegador de base de dades"			#~ msgstr "Obre el navegador de base de dades"

#~ msgid "Error viewer"						#~ msgid "Error viewer"
#~ msgstr "Visualitzador d'errors"				#~ msgstr "Visualitzador d'errors"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "SQL Viewer"						#~ msgid "SQL Viewer"
#~ msgstr "Visualitzador d'errors"				#~ msgstr "Visualitzador d'errors"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Database configuration"				#~ msgid "Database configuration"
#~ msgstr "Configuració del GDA"				#~ msgstr "Configuració del GDA"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Edit application preferences"				#~ msgid "Edit application preferences"
#~ msgstr "Surt de l'aplicació"					#~ msgstr "Surt de l'aplicació"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "New..."						#~ msgid "New..."
#~ msgstr "Nou"							#~ msgstr "Nou"

#~ msgid "Password"						#~ msgid "Password"
#~ msgstr "Contrasenya"						#~ msgstr "Contrasenya"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Save as"						#~ msgid "Save as"
#~ msgstr "Anomena i desa"					#~ msgstr "Anomena i desa"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Save to"						#~ msgid "Save to"
#~ msgstr "Desa les opcions"					#~ msgstr "Desa les opcions"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "XML file"						#~ msgid "XML file"
#~ msgstr "Selecciona un fitxer XML"				#~ msgstr "Selecciona un fitxer XML"

#~ msgid "Show columns"						#~ msgid "Show columns"
#~ msgstr "Mostra les columnes"					#~ msgstr "Mostra les columnes"

#~ msgid "Hide columns"						#~ msgid "Hide columns"
#~ msgstr "Amaga les columnes"					#~ msgstr "Amaga les columnes"

#~ msgid "Question"						#~ msgid "Question"
#~ msgstr "Questió"						#~ msgstr "Questió"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Database Moniker factory"				#~ msgid "Database Moniker factory"
#~ msgstr "No es pot registrar el control fàbrica"		#~ msgstr "No es pot registrar el control fàbrica"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "database: moniker"					#~ msgid "database: moniker"
#~ msgstr "Nom de la base de dades"				#~ msgstr "Nom de la base de dades"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Invalid format for connection string"			#~ msgid "Invalid format for connection string"
#~ msgstr "Propietats de la connexió"				#~ msgstr "Propietats de la connexió"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Data sources"						#~ msgid "Data sources"
#~ msgstr "Orígens de les dades"				#~ msgstr "Orígens de les dades"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "_File"						#~ msgid "_File"
#~ msgstr "Fitxer"						#~ msgstr "Fitxer"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Test Data Source"					#~ msgid "Test Data Source"
#~ msgstr "Orígens de les dades"				#~ msgstr "Orígens de les dades"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Connection to %s successful!"				#~ msgid "Connection to %s successful!"
#~ msgstr "Commit executat correctament"			#~ msgstr "Commit executat correctament"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Could not open connection to %s"			#~ msgid "Could not open connection to %s"
#~ msgstr "No es possible obrir la conexió a '%s'"		#~ msgstr "No es possible obrir la conexió a '%s'"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Test"							#~ msgid "Test"
#~ msgstr "Tipus"						#~ msgstr "Tipus"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Data source"						#~ msgid "Data source"
#~ msgstr "Orígens de les dades"				#~ msgstr "Orígens de les dades"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Select all"						#~ msgid "Select all"
#~ msgstr "Selecciona-ho tot"					#~ msgstr "Selecciona-ho tot"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Unselect all"						#~ msgid "Unselect all"
#~ msgstr "Deselecciona"					#~ msgstr "Deselecciona"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Unselect All"						#~ msgid "Unselect All"
#~ msgstr "Deselecciona"					#~ msgstr "Deselecciona"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Unselect all selected items in list"			#~ msgid "Unselect all selected items in list"
#~ msgstr "Selecciona tot els objectes en la base de dades"	#~ msgstr "Selecciona tot els objectes en la base de dades"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Hide column headers"					#~ msgid "Hide column headers"
#~ msgstr "Amaga les columnes"					#~ msgstr "Amaga les columnes"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Save as..."						#~ msgid "Save as..."
#~ msgstr "Anomena i desa..."					#~ msgstr "Anomena i desa..."

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Export data to different formats"			#~ msgid "Export data to different formats"
#~ msgstr "Exporta les dades a diferents formats"		#~ msgstr "Exporta les dades a diferents formats"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Describe current data set"				#~ msgid "Describe current data set"
#~ msgstr "Esborra els orígens de dades seleccionats"		#~ msgstr "Esborra els orígens de dades seleccionats"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "View current data in more detail"			#~ msgid "View current data in more detail"
#~ msgstr "Visualitza les propietats de la connexió"		#~ msgstr "Visualitza les propietats de la connexió"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Loading..."						#~ msgid "Loading..."
#~ msgstr "Carregant..."					#~ msgstr "Carregant..."

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Databases"						#~ msgid "Databases"
#~ msgstr "Base de dades"					#~ msgstr "Base de dades"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Loading table data..."				#~ msgid "Loading table data..."
#~ msgstr "Mostra les dades de la taula"			#~ msgstr "Mostra les dades de la taula"

#~ msgid "Previous"						#~ msgid "Previous"
#~ msgstr "Anterior"						#~ msgstr "Anterior"

#~ msgid "Create new object of selected type"			#~ msgid "Create new object of selected type"
#~ msgstr "Crea un objecte nou del tipus seleccionat"		#~ msgstr "Crea un objecte nou del tipus seleccionat"

#~ msgid "Remove"						#~ msgid "Remove"
#~ msgstr "Elimina"						#~ msgstr "Elimina"

#~ msgid "Remove selected object"				#~ msgid "Remove selected object"
#~ msgstr "Elimina l'objecte seleccionat"			#~ msgstr "Elimina l'objecte seleccionat"

#~ msgid "Refresh"						#~ msgid "Refresh"
#~ msgstr "Refresca"						#~ msgstr "Refresca"

#~ msgid "Refresh current list of objects"			#~ msgid "Refresh current list of objects"
#~ msgstr "Refresca la llista actual d'objectes"		#~ msgstr "Refresca la llista actual d'objectes"

#~ msgid "Info"							#~ msgid "Info"
#~ msgstr "Informació"						#~ msgstr "Informació"

#~ msgid "Show extra information about selected object"		#~ msgid "Show extra information about selected object"
#~ msgstr "Mostra informació addicional sobre l'objecte selec	#~ msgstr "Mostra informació addicional sobre l'objecte selec

#~ msgid "Table data"						#~ msgid "Table data"
#~ msgstr "Dades de la taula"					#~ msgstr "Dades de la taula"

#~ msgid "Select Color"						#~ msgid "Select Color"
#~ msgstr "Seleccioneu un color"				#~ msgstr "Seleccioneu un color"

#~ msgid "Select Font"						#~ msgid "Select Font"
#~ msgstr "Seleccioneu un tipus de lletra"			#~ msgstr "Seleccioneu un tipus de lletra"

#~ msgid "Add field..."						#~ msgid "Add field..."
#~ msgstr "Afegeix un camp..."					#~ msgstr "Afegeix un camp..."

#~ msgid "Add a new field to this table"			#~ msgid "Add a new field to this table"
#~ msgstr "Afegeix un camp nou a aquesta taula"			#~ msgstr "Afegeix un camp nou a aquesta taula"

#~ msgid "Edit field..."					#~ msgid "Edit field..."
#~ msgstr "Edita el camp..."					#~ msgstr "Edita el camp..."

#~ msgid "Edit the selected field properties"			#~ msgid "Edit the selected field properties"
#~ msgstr "Edita les propietats del camp seleccionat"		#~ msgstr "Edita les propietats del camp seleccionat"

#~ msgid "Add field"						#~ msgid "Add field"
#~ msgstr "Afegeix un camp"					#~ msgstr "Afegeix un camp"

#~ msgid "Could not find table %s"				#~ msgid "Could not find table %s"
#~ msgstr "No s'ha pogut trobar la taula %s"			#~ msgstr "No s'ha pogut trobar la taula %s"

#~ msgid "There is already a field named %s"			#~ msgid "There is already a field named %s"
#~ msgstr "Ja hi ha un camp anomenat %s"			#~ msgstr "Ja hi ha un camp anomenat %s"

#~ msgid "File %s is not a valid XML file"			#~ msgid "File %s is not a valid XML file"
#~ msgstr "El fitxer %s no és un fitxer XML vàlid"		#~ msgstr "El fitxer %s no és un fitxer XML vàlid"

#~ msgid "Select file"						#~ msgid "Select file"
#~ msgstr "Seleccioneu un fitxer"				#~ msgstr "Seleccioneu un fitxer"

#~ msgid "GDA Name"						#~ msgid "GDA Name"
#~ msgstr "Nom del GDA"						#~ msgstr "Nom del GDA"

#~ msgid "DSN"							#~ msgid "DSN"
#~ msgstr "DSN"							#~ msgstr "DSN"

#~ msgid "Config"						#~ msgid "Config"
#~ msgstr "Configuració"					#~ msgstr "Configuració"

#~ msgid "Error while saving configuration!"			#~ msgid "Error while saving configuration!"
#~ msgstr "S'ha produït un error en desar la configuració!"	#~ msgstr "S'ha produït un error en desar la configuració!"

#~ msgid "Data source has no name!"				#~ msgid "Data source has no name!"
#~ msgstr "L'origen de les dades no té cap nom!"		#~ msgstr "L'origen de les dades no té cap nom!"

#~ msgid "Native message"					#~ msgid "Native message"
#~ msgstr "Missatge natiu"					#~ msgstr "Missatge natiu"

#~ msgid "User Name"						#~ msgid "User Name"
#~ msgstr "Nom d'usuari"					#~ msgstr "Nom d'usuari"

#~ msgid "GDA Datasource"					#~ msgid "GDA Datasource"
#~ msgstr "Font de les dades GDA"				#~ msgstr "Font de les dades GDA"

#~ msgid "Entry %d of %d"					#~ msgid "Entry %d of %d"
#~ msgstr "Entrada %d de %d"					#~ msgstr "Entrada %d de %d"

#~ msgid "Time"							#~ msgid "Time"
#~ msgstr "Hora"						#~ msgstr "Hora"

#~ msgid "Message"						#~ msgid "Message"
#~ msgstr "Missatge"						#~ msgstr "Missatge"

#~ msgid "Log Entry"						#~ msgid "Log Entry"
#~ msgstr "Entrada del registre"				#~ msgstr "Entrada del registre"

#~ msgid "Could not create file %s"				#~ msgid "Could not create file %s"
#~ msgstr "No s'ha pogut crear el fitxer %s"			#~ msgstr "No s'ha pogut crear el fitxer %s"

#~ msgid "Setup Printer"					#~ msgid "Setup Printer"
#~ msgstr "Configura la impressora"				#~ msgstr "Configura la impressora"

#~ msgid "Copyright The Free Software Foundation (C) 1998-200	#~ msgid "Copyright The Free Software Foundation (C) 1998-200
#~ msgstr "Copyright The Free Software Foundation (C) 1998-20	#~ msgstr "Copyright The Free Software Foundation (C) 1998-20

#~ msgid ""							#~ msgid ""
#~ "This program is part of the GNOME project for LINUX. GNOM	#~ "This program is part of the GNOME project for LINUX. GNOM
#~ "comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software,	#~ "comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software,
#~ "welcome to redistribute it under the conditions of the GN	#~ "welcome to redistribute it under the conditions of the GN
#~ "Licence."							#~ "Licence."
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Aquest programa és part del projecte GNOME per LINUX. El 	#~ "Aquest programa és part del projecte GNOME per LINUX. El 
#~ "Access ve sense CAP MENA DE GARANTIA. Aquest programari é	#~ "Access ve sense CAP MENA DE GARANTIA. Aquest programari é
#~ "distribució, per tant, podeu redistribuir-lo sota les con	#~ "distribució, per tant, podeu redistribuir-lo sota les con
#~ "llicència GNU (General Public Licence)."			#~ "llicència GNU (General Public Licence)."

#~ msgid ""							#~ msgid ""
#~ "Could not open file\n"					#~ "Could not open file\n"
#~ "%s"								#~ "%s"
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "No s'ha pogut obrir el fitxer\n"				#~ "No s'ha pogut obrir el fitxer\n"
#~ "%s"								#~ "%s"

#~ msgid "Bug-buddy was not found in your $PATH"		#~ msgid "Bug-buddy was not found in your $PATH"
#~ msgstr "No s'ha trobat Bug-buddy al $PATH"			#~ msgstr "No s'ha trobat Bug-buddy al $PATH"

#~ msgid "Unable to execute Bug Report Tool"			#~ msgid "Unable to execute Bug Report Tool"
#~ msgstr "No és possible executar l'eina per imformar d'erro	#~ msgstr "No és possible executar l'eina per imformar d'erro

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Builder"						#~ msgid "Builder"
#~ msgstr "Constructor de sentències SQL"			#~ msgstr "Constructor de sentències SQL"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Create a new Perl script"				#~ msgid "Create a new Perl script"
#~ msgstr "Crea l'script"					#~ msgstr "Crea l'script"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Report..."						#~ msgid "Report..."
#~ msgstr "Llistat"						#~ msgstr "Llistat"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Open an existing Perl script"				#~ msgid "Open an existing Perl script"
#~ msgstr "Obre un llistat existent"				#~ msgstr "Obre un llistat existent"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Open an existing report"				#~ msgid "Open an existing report"
#~ msgstr "Obre un llistat existent"				#~ msgstr "Obre un llistat existent"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "_New"							#~ msgid "_New"
#~ msgstr "Nou"							#~ msgstr "Nou"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "_Open"						#~ msgid "_Open"
#~ msgstr "Obre"						#~ msgstr "Obre"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Add new module to project"				#~ msgid "Add new module to project"
#~ msgstr "Afegeix un nou objecte"				#~ msgstr "Afegeix un nou objecte"

#~ msgid "Open"							#~ msgid "Open"
#~ msgstr "Obre"						#~ msgstr "Obre"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Open an existing module"				#~ msgid "Open an existing module"
#~ msgstr "Obre un fitxer existent"				#~ msgstr "Obre un fitxer existent"

#~ msgid "Export"						#~ msgid "Export"
#~ msgstr "Exporta"						#~ msgstr "Exporta"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Logs"							#~ msgid "Logs"
#~ msgstr "Registres del GDA"					#~ msgstr "Registres del GDA"

#~ msgid "Close current connection"				#~ msgid "Close current connection"
#~ msgstr "Tanca la connexió actual"				#~ msgstr "Tanca la connexió actual"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Browser"						#~ msgid "Browser"
#~ msgstr "Navegador"						#~ msgstr "Navegador"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Activate database browser window"			#~ msgid "Activate database browser window"
#~ msgstr "Obre el navegador de base de dades"			#~ msgstr "Obre el navegador de base de dades"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Activate SQL window"					#~ msgid "Activate SQL window"
#~ msgstr "Finestra SQL"					#~ msgstr "Finestra SQL"

#~ msgid "Batch"						#~ msgid "Batch"
#~ msgstr "Ordres"						#~ msgstr "Ordres"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Activate dbatch job window"				#~ msgid "Activate dbatch job window"
#~ msgstr "Obre el navegador de base de dades"			#~ msgstr "Obre el navegador de base de dades"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Start a new database transaction"			#~ msgid "Start a new database transaction"
#~ msgstr "Crea un disseny nou de base de dades"		#~ msgstr "Crea un disseny nou de base de dades"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Commit current transaction"				#~ msgid "Commit current transaction"
#~ msgstr "Comença la transacció"				#~ msgstr "Comença la transacció"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Rollback current transaction"				#~ msgid "Rollback current transaction"
#~ msgstr "El rollback de la transacció ha fallat"		#~ msgstr "El rollback de la transacció ha fallat"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Export database"					#~ msgid "Export database"
#~ msgstr "Exporta les dades"					#~ msgstr "Exporta les dades"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Make a copy of a database"				#~ msgid "Make a copy of a database"
#~ msgstr "Crea un disseny nou de base de dades"		#~ msgstr "Crea un disseny nou de base de dades"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Import database"					#~ msgid "Import database"
#~ msgstr "Exporta les dades"					#~ msgstr "Exporta les dades"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Import an export file into a database"		#~ msgid "Import an export file into a database"
#~ msgstr "Importa les dades a la base de dades"		#~ msgstr "Importa les dades a la base de dades"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "_Tools"						#~ msgid "_Tools"
#~ msgstr "Eines"						#~ msgstr "Eines"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Activate batch job window"				#~ msgid "Activate batch job window"
#~ msgstr "Finestra SQL"					#~ msgstr "Finestra SQL"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Select"						#~ msgid "Select"
#~ msgstr "Selecciona"						#~ msgstr "Selecciona"

#~ msgid "Options"						#~ msgid "Options"
#~ msgstr "Opcions"						#~ msgstr "Opcions"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Transaction mode"					#~ msgid "Transaction mode"
#~ msgstr "Transacció iniciada"					#~ msgstr "Transacció iniciada"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Log"							#~ msgid "Log"
#~ msgstr "Registres del GDA"					#~ msgstr "Registres del GDA"

#~ msgid "Run"							#~ msgid "Run"
#~ msgstr "Executa"						#~ msgstr "Executa"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Execute current command"				#~ msgid "Execute current command"
#~ msgstr "Executa l'ordre actual"				#~ msgstr "Executa l'ordre actual"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Select command from previous"				#~ msgid "Select command from previous"
#~ msgstr "Selecciona desde comandes prèvies"			#~ msgstr "Selecciona desde comandes prèvies"

#~ msgid "Save"							#~ msgid "Save"
#~ msgstr "Desa"						#~ msgstr "Desa"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Save command for later retrieval"			#~ msgid "Save command for later retrieval"
#~ msgstr "Desa el fitxer actual"				#~ msgstr "Desa el fitxer actual"

#~ msgid "Cut"							#~ msgid "Cut"
#~ msgstr "Retalla"						#~ msgstr "Retalla"

#~ msgid "Copy"							#~ msgid "Copy"
#~ msgstr "Copia"						#~ msgstr "Copia"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Copy selected text"					#~ msgid "Copy selected text"
#~ msgstr "Retalla el text seleccionat"				#~ msgstr "Retalla el text seleccionat"

#~ msgid "Paste"						#~ msgid "Paste"
#~ msgstr "Enganxa"						#~ msgstr "Enganxa"

#~ msgid "Paste text from clipboard"				#~ msgid "Paste text from clipboard"
#~ msgstr "Enganxa el text des del porta-retalls"		#~ msgstr "Enganxa el text des del porta-retalls"

#~ msgid "Clear"						#~ msgid "Clear"
#~ msgstr "Esborra"						#~ msgstr "Esborra"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Clear widget contents"				#~ msgid "Clear widget contents"
#~ msgstr "Esborra el contingut del fitxer"			#~ msgstr "Esborra el contingut del fitxer"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Open connection"					#~ msgid "Open connection"
#~ msgstr "Obre la connexió"					#~ msgstr "Obre la connexió"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "This is the name you use to refer to this connectio	#~ msgid "This is the name you use to refer to this connectio
#~ msgstr "Nom de l'usuari a utilitzar en la conexió"		#~ msgstr "Nom de l'usuari a utilitzar en la conexió"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Version"						#~ msgid "Version"
#~ msgstr "Versió"						#~ msgstr "Versió"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Select the named query to be loaded"			#~ msgid "Select the named query to be loaded"
#~ msgstr "Selecciona el nom de la taula"			#~ msgstr "Selecciona el nom de la taula"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "From file"						#~ msgid "From file"
#~ msgstr "Fitxer"						#~ msgstr "Fitxer"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Error loading file %s"				#~ msgid "Error loading file %s"
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "S'ha produït un error en llegir el fitxer\n"		#~ "S'ha produït un error en llegir el fitxer\n"
#~ " %s"							#~ " %s"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Save SQL command"					#~ msgid "Save SQL command"
#~ msgstr "Selecciona l'ordre SQL"				#~ msgstr "Selecciona l'ordre SQL"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Save command to a named query"			#~ msgid "Save command to a named query"
#~ msgstr "Desa el fitxer actual"				#~ msgstr "Desa el fitxer actual"

#~ msgid "Select SQL Command"					#~ msgid "Select SQL Command"
#~ msgstr "Selecciona l'ordre SQL"				#~ msgstr "Selecciona l'ordre SQL"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Last commands"					#~ msgid "Last commands"
#~ msgstr "Finestra d'ordres"					#~ msgstr "Finestra d'ordres"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Saved queries"					#~ msgid "Saved queries"
#~ msgstr "Desa la memòria intermèdia actual"			#~ msgstr "Desa la memòria intermèdia actual"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Database design"					#~ msgid "Database design"
#~ msgstr "Dissenyador de bases de dades"			#~ msgstr "Dissenyador de bases de dades"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Start with a new database design"			#~ msgid "Start with a new database design"
#~ msgstr "Crea un disseny nou de base de dades"		#~ msgstr "Crea un disseny nou de base de dades"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Table..."						#~ msgid "Table..."
#~ msgstr "Taula"						#~ msgstr "Taula"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Add a table to the database design"			#~ msgid "Add a table to the database design"
#~ msgstr "Obre el dissenyador de base de dades"		#~ msgstr "Obre el dissenyador de base de dades"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Open an existing database design"			#~ msgid "Open an existing database design"
#~ msgstr "Obre el dissenyador de base de dades"		#~ msgstr "Obre el dissenyador de base de dades"

#~ msgid "Create new database design"				#~ msgid "Create new database design"
#~ msgstr "Crea un disseny nou de base de dades"		#~ msgstr "Crea un disseny nou de base de dades"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Save currently open file"				#~ msgid "Save currently open file"
#~ msgstr "Desa la memòria intermèdia actual"			#~ msgstr "Desa la memòria intermèdia actual"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Reload database file contents"			#~ msgid "Reload database file contents"
#~ msgstr "Esborra el contingut del fitxer"			#~ msgstr "Esborra el contingut del fitxer"

#~ msgid "Add"							#~ msgid "Add"
#~ msgstr "Afegeix"						#~ msgstr "Afegeix"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Add new object to the database"			#~ msgid "Add new object to the database"
#~ msgstr "Connecta amb la base de dades"			#~ msgstr "Connecta amb la base de dades"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Select database design"				#~ msgid "Select database design"
#~ msgstr "Desa el disseny de base de dades"			#~ msgstr "Desa el disseny de base de dades"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Save log to a disk file"				#~ msgid "Save log to a disk file"
#~ msgstr "Desa el disseny de base de dades a un fitxer"	#~ msgstr "Desa el disseny de base de dades a un fitxer"

#~ msgid "View"							#~ msgid "View"
#~ msgstr "Visualitza"						#~ msgstr "Visualitza"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "View selected log entry"				#~ msgid "View selected log entry"
#~ msgstr "Visualitza la entrada seleccionada"			#~ msgstr "Visualitza la entrada seleccionada"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Error loading log for '%s'"				#~ msgid "Error loading log for '%s'"
#~ msgstr "S'ha produït un error en carregar el fitxer '%s'"	#~ msgstr "S'ha produït un error en carregar el fitxer '%s'"

#~ msgid "Save Log File"					#~ msgid "Save Log File"
#~ msgstr "Desa el fitxer del registre"				#~ msgstr "Desa el fitxer del registre"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Could not create 'database:' moniker instance"	#~ msgid "Could not create 'database:' moniker instance"
#~ msgstr "No és possible truncar el fitxer %s"			#~ msgstr "No és possible truncar el fitxer %s"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Open Perl script"					#~ msgid "Open Perl script"
#~ msgstr "Crea l'script"					#~ msgstr "Crea l'script"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Load"							#~ msgid "Load"
#~ msgstr "Carrega"						#~ msgstr "Carrega"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Component"						#~ msgid "Component"
#~ msgstr "Connecta"						#~ msgstr "Connecta"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Unload"						#~ msgid "Unload"
#~ msgstr "Carrega"						#~ msgstr "Carrega"

#~ msgid "General"						#~ msgid "General"
#~ msgstr "General"						#~ msgstr "General"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Save window position"					#~ msgid "Save window position"
#~ msgstr "Desa les opcions"					#~ msgstr "Desa les opcions"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Show tooltips"					#~ msgid "Show tooltips"
#~ msgstr "Mostra els títols de les columnes"			#~ msgstr "Mostra els títols de les columnes"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "_Database..."						#~ msgid "_Database..."
#~ msgstr "Base de dades"					#~ msgstr "Base de dades"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Perl script"						#~ msgid "Perl script"
#~ msgstr "Crea l'script"					#~ msgstr "Crea l'script"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Print preview"					#~ msgid "Print preview"
#~ msgstr "Imprimeix la quadrícula"				#~ msgstr "Imprimeix la quadrícula"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "_Quit"						#~ msgid "_Quit"
#~ msgstr "Surt"						#~ msgstr "Surt"

#~ msgid "Configure user preferences"				#~ msgid "Configure user preferences"
#~ msgstr "Configura les preferències d'usuari"			#~ msgstr "Configura les preferències d'usuari"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "GNOME-DB Manual"					#~ msgid "GNOME-DB Manual"
#~ msgstr "Gestor del GNOME-DB"					#~ msgstr "Gestor del GNOME-DB"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Open the GNOME-DB online manual"			#~ msgid "Open the GNOME-DB online manual"
#~ msgstr "Gestor del GNOME-DB"					#~ msgstr "Gestor del GNOME-DB"

#~ msgid "Submit bug report"					#~ msgid "Submit bug report"
#~ msgstr "Envia una nota de error"				#~ msgstr "Envia una nota de error"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "_Options"						#~ msgid "_Options"
#~ msgstr "Opcions"						#~ msgstr "Opcions"

#~ msgid "GNOME-DB Front End"					#~ msgid "GNOME-DB Front End"
#~ msgstr "Entorn visual del GNOME-DB"				#~ msgstr "Entorn visual del GNOME-DB"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "GNOME-DB Front End Application"			#~ msgid "GNOME-DB Front End Application"
#~ msgstr "Entorn visual del GNOME-DB"				#~ msgstr "Entorn visual del GNOME-DB"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Could not get GNOME_DB_Control interface"		#~ msgid "Could not get GNOME_DB_Control interface"
#~ msgstr "No es pot registrar el control fàbrica"		#~ msgstr "No es pot registrar el control fàbrica"

#~ msgid "sqlstate"						#~ msgid "sqlstate"
#~ msgstr "sqlstate"						#~ msgstr "sqlstate"

#~ msgid "Error 0 of 0"						#~ msgid "Error 0 of 0"
#~ msgstr "Error 0 de 0"					#~ msgstr "Error 0 de 0"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Record View"						#~ msgid "Record View"
#~ msgstr "Desa la vista"					#~ msgstr "Desa la vista"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Copy selection to clipboard"				#~ msgid "Copy selection to clipboard"
#~ msgstr "Copia el text seleccionat al porta-retalls"		#~ msgstr "Copia el text seleccionat al porta-retalls"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Select all rows"					#~ msgid "Select all rows"
#~ msgstr "Selecciona totes les files"				#~ msgstr "Selecciona totes les files"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Clear all selected rows"				#~ msgid "Clear all selected rows"
#~ msgstr "Esborra tots els camps"				#~ msgstr "Esborra tots els camps"

#~ msgid "Record view..."					#~ msgid "Record view..."
#~ msgstr "Desa les vistes..."					#~ msgstr "Desa les vistes..."

#~ msgid "View recordset record-by-record"			#~ msgid "View recordset record-by-record"
#~ msgstr "Visualitza les dades registre a registre"		#~ msgstr "Visualitza les dades registre a registre"

#~ msgid "Refresh grid"						#~ msgid "Refresh grid"
#~ msgstr "Refresca la quadrícula"				#~ msgstr "Refresca la quadrícula"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Refresh grid contents"				#~ msgid "Refresh grid contents"
#~ msgstr "Refresca el contingut de la quadrícula"		#~ msgstr "Refresca el contingut de la quadrícula"

#~ msgid "Print grid"						#~ msgid "Print grid"
#~ msgstr "Imprimeix la quadrícula"				#~ msgstr "Imprimeix la quadrícula"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Print grid contents"					#~ msgid "Print grid contents"
#~ msgstr "Imprimeix el contingut de la quadrícula"		#~ msgstr "Imprimeix el contingut de la quadrícula"

#~ msgid "Hide column titles"					#~ msgid "Hide column titles"
#~ msgstr "Amaga els títols de les columnes"			#~ msgstr "Amaga els títols de les columnes"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Manager"						#~ msgid "Manager"
#~ msgstr "Gestor del GDA"					#~ msgstr "Gestor del GDA"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Manage connection data sources"			#~ msgid "Manage connection data sources"
#~ msgstr "Obre el diàleg de connexió en entrar"		#~ msgstr "Obre el diàleg de connexió en entrar"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Manage available GDA providers"			#~ msgid "Manage available GDA providers"
#~ msgstr "Proveidor de bases de dades"				#~ msgstr "Proveidor de bases de dades"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Edit"							#~ msgid "Edit"
#~ msgstr "Editor"						#~ msgstr "Editor"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Edit selected data source"				#~ msgid "Edit selected data source"
#~ msgstr "Edita els orígens de dades seleccionats"		#~ msgstr "Edita els orígens de dades seleccionats"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Refresh Data Sources list"				#~ msgid "Refresh Data Sources list"
#~ msgstr "Refresca la llista de serveis"			#~ msgstr "Refresca la llista de serveis"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Edit data source"					#~ msgid "Edit data source"
#~ msgstr "Edita els orígens de dades seleccionats"		#~ msgstr "Edita els orígens de dades seleccionats"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "There was an error while testing connection"		#~ msgid "There was an error while testing connection"
#~ msgstr "No hi han conexions obertes"				#~ msgstr "No hi han conexions obertes"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Add new provider"					#~ msgid "Add new provider"
#~ msgstr "Afegeix un nou objecte"				#~ msgstr "Afegeix un nou objecte"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Edit selected provider"				#~ msgid "Edit selected provider"
#~ msgstr "Activa els serveis seleccionats"			#~ msgstr "Activa els serveis seleccionats"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Refresh providers list"				#~ msgid "Refresh providers list"
#~ msgstr "Refresca la llista de serveis"			#~ msgstr "Refresca la llista de serveis"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Stop selected provider"				#~ msgid "Stop selected provider"
#~ msgstr "Activa els serveis seleccionats"			#~ msgstr "Activa els serveis seleccionats"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Rolodex Application"					#~ msgid "Rolodex Application"
#~ msgstr "Surt de l'aplicació"					#~ msgstr "Surt de l'aplicació"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Export a database to a file or to another database"	#~ msgid "Export a database to a file or to another database"
#~ msgstr "Importa les dades a la base de dades"		#~ msgstr "Importa les dades a la base de dades"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Export Database"					#~ msgid "Export Database"
#~ msgstr "Exporta les dades"					#~ msgstr "Exporta les dades"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Output file"						#~ msgid "Output file"
#~ msgstr "Obre un fitxer"					#~ msgstr "Obre un fitxer"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Export table data"					#~ msgid "Export table data"
#~ msgstr "Exporta les dades"					#~ msgstr "Exporta les dades"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Objects"						#~ msgid "Objects"
#~ msgstr "Nom del objecte"					#~ msgstr "Nom del objecte"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Could not initialize GNOME_DB_Builder control"	#~ msgid "Could not initialize GNOME_DB_Builder control"
#~ msgstr "No es pot iniciar Bonobo"				#~ msgstr "No es pot iniciar Bonobo"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "GNOME-DB connection component factory"		#~ msgid "GNOME-DB connection component factory"
#~ msgstr "No s'ha pogut obrir la connexió"			#~ msgstr "No s'ha pogut obrir la connexió"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "GNOME-DB log viewer component factory"		#~ msgid "GNOME-DB log viewer component factory"
#~ msgstr "Selecciona la configuració del component"		#~ msgstr "Selecciona la configuració del component"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Open SQL File"					#~ msgid "Open SQL File"
#~ msgstr "Obre un fitxer XML"					#~ msgstr "Obre un fitxer XML"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Do Print"						#~ msgid "Do Print"
#~ msgstr "Imprimeix"						#~ msgstr "Imprimeix"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Open SQL file"					#~ msgid "Open SQL file"
#~ msgstr "Obre un fitxer"					#~ msgstr "Obre un fitxer"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Save SQL file"					#~ msgid "Save SQL file"
#~ msgstr "Desa al fitxer"					#~ msgstr "Desa al fitxer"

#~ msgid "Forward"						#~ msgid "Forward"
#~ msgstr "Endavant"						#~ msgstr "Endavant"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Home page"						#~ msgid "Home page"
#~ msgstr "Casa"						#~ msgstr "Casa"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Install"						#~ msgid "Install"
#~ msgstr "Inserta"						#~ msgstr "Inserta"

#~ msgid "No datasource '%s' defined in your GDA configuratio	#~ msgid "No datasource '%s' defined in your GDA configuratio
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "No hi ha l'orígen de les dades '%s' definit en el seu fit	#~ "No hi ha l'orígen de les dades '%s' definit en el seu fit
#~ "configuració GDA"						#~ "configuració GDA"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Could not allocate color"				#~ msgid "Could not allocate color"
#~ msgstr "No és possible truncar el fitxer %s"			#~ msgstr "No és possible truncar el fitxer %s"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Could not initialize manager component"		#~ msgid "Could not initialize manager component"
#~ msgstr "No es pot iniciar el component %s"			#~ msgstr "No es pot iniciar el component %s"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Could not create Database Moniker factory"		#~ msgid "Could not create Database Moniker factory"
#~ msgstr "No es pot registrar el control fàbrica"		#~ msgstr "No es pot registrar el control fàbrica"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Project..."						#~ msgid "Project..."
#~ msgstr "Projecte"						#~ msgstr "Projecte"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Open an existing project"				#~ msgid "Open an existing project"
#~ msgstr "Obre un fitxer existent"				#~ msgstr "Obre un fitxer existent"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "GNOME-DB Builder"					#~ msgid "GNOME-DB Builder"
#~ msgstr "Constructor del GNOME-DB"				#~ msgstr "Constructor del GNOME-DB"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Open..."						#~ msgid "Open..."
#~ msgstr "Obre"						#~ msgstr "Obre"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Connect..."						#~ msgid "Connect..."
#~ msgstr "Connectant..."					#~ msgstr "Connectant..."

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Browse"						#~ msgid "Browse"
#~ msgstr "Navegador"						#~ msgstr "Navegador"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Import objects"					#~ msgid "Import objects"
#~ msgstr "Importa objectes"					#~ msgstr "Importa objectes"

#~ msgid "Import database objects into repository"		#~ msgid "Import database objects into repository"
#~ msgstr "Importa objectes de la base de dades a la bibliote	#~ msgstr "Importa objectes de la base de dades a la bibliote

#~ msgid "About gnome-db..."					#~ msgid "About gnome-db..."
#~ msgstr "Quant al gnome-db..."				#~ msgstr "Quant al gnome-db..."

#~ msgid "About this program"					#~ msgid "About this program"
#~ msgstr "Quant aquest programa"				#~ msgstr "Quant aquest programa"

#~ msgid "0 rows"						#~ msgid "0 rows"
#~ msgstr "0 files"						#~ msgstr "0 files"

#~ msgid "%d rows"						#~ msgid "%d rows"
#~ msgstr "%d files"						#~ msgstr "%d files"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Object properties"					#~ msgid "Object properties"
#~ msgstr "Explorador d'objectes"				#~ msgstr "Explorador d'objectes"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Close current view"					#~ msgid "Close current view"
#~ msgstr "Tanca el fitxer actual"				#~ msgstr "Tanca el fitxer actual"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Could not open file %s"				#~ msgid "Could not open file %s"
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "No és possible carregar el fitxer\n"			#~ "No és possible carregar el fitxer\n"
#~ " %s"							#~ " %s"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Connected to '%s'"					#~ msgid "Connected to '%s'"
#~ msgstr "Connectat a %s"					#~ msgstr "Connectat a %s"

#~ msgid "Ready"						#~ msgid "Ready"
#~ msgstr "Preparat"						#~ msgstr "Preparat"

#~ msgid "Connecting..."					#~ msgid "Connecting..."
#~ msgstr "Connectant..."					#~ msgstr "Connectant..."

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Service Manager"					#~ msgid "Service Manager"
#~ msgstr "Control dels serveis"				#~ msgstr "Control dels serveis"

#~ msgid "Unable to execute '%s'"				#~ msgid "Unable to execute '%s'"
#~ msgstr "No és possible executar '%s'"			#~ msgstr "No és possible executar '%s'"

#~ msgid "Execute"						#~ msgid "Execute"
#~ msgstr "Executar"						#~ msgstr "Executar"

#~ msgid "Load file into buffer"				#~ msgid "Load file into buffer"
#~ msgstr "Carrega el fitxer a la memòria intermèdia"		#~ msgstr "Carrega el fitxer a la memòria intermèdia"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Paste clipboard contents"				#~ msgid "Paste clipboard contents"
#~ msgstr "Enganxa el contingut del porta-retalls"		#~ msgstr "Enganxa el contingut del porta-retalls"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Query designer"					#~ msgid "Query designer"
#~ msgstr "Dissenyador"						#~ msgstr "Dissenyador"

#~ msgid "Import"						#~ msgid "Import"
#~ msgstr "Importa"						#~ msgstr "Importa"

#~ msgid "Command succeeded"					#~ msgid "Command succeeded"
#~ msgstr "Ordre reeixida"					#~ msgstr "Ordre reeixida"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Transaction started successfully"			#~ msgid "Transaction started successfully"
#~ msgstr "La transacció ha finalitzat correctament"		#~ msgstr "La transacció ha finalitzat correctament"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Rollback executed successfully"			#~ msgid "Rollback executed successfully"
#~ msgstr "Rollback executat correctament"			#~ msgstr "Rollback executat correctament"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Revert"						#~ msgid "Revert"
#~ msgstr "Elimina"						#~ msgstr "Elimina"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Close database designer"				#~ msgid "Close database designer"
#~ msgstr "Disseny nou de base de dades"			#~ msgstr "Disseny nou de base de dades"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Open XML database"					#~ msgid "Open XML database"
#~ msgstr "Obre un disseny de base de dades"			#~ msgstr "Obre un disseny de base de dades"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Loaded file %s"					#~ msgid "Loaded file %s"
#~ msgstr "Escriu el fitxer %s"					#~ msgstr "Escriu el fitxer %s"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Save Database"					#~ msgid "Save Database"
#~ msgstr "Base de dades"					#~ msgstr "Base de dades"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Save file under a different name"			#~ msgid "Save file under a different name"
#~ msgstr "Desa el fitxer del registre amb un nom diferent"	#~ msgstr "Desa el fitxer del registre amb un nom diferent"

#~ msgid "Refresh all lists"					#~ msgid "Refresh all lists"
#~ msgstr "Refresca totes les llistes"				#~ msgstr "Refresca totes les llistes"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Close log viewer"					#~ msgid "Close log viewer"
#~ msgstr "Tanca la finestra del registre"			#~ msgstr "Tanca la finestra del registre"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Open Connection..."					#~ msgid "Open Connection..."
#~ msgstr "Obre la connexió..."					#~ msgstr "Obre la connexió..."

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Disconnect all"					#~ msgid "Disconnect all"
#~ msgstr "Desconnecta tot"					#~ msgstr "Desconnecta tot"

#~ msgid "Close all connections"				#~ msgid "Close all connections"
#~ msgstr "Tanca totes les connexions"				#~ msgstr "Tanca totes les connexions"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "SQL Window"						#~ msgid "SQL Window"
#~ msgstr "Finestra SQL"					#~ msgstr "Finestra SQL"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Query Designer"					#~ msgid "Query Designer"
#~ msgstr "Dissenyador de consultes"				#~ msgstr "Dissenyador de consultes"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Begin transaction"					#~ msgid "Begin transaction"
#~ msgstr "Comença la transacció"				#~ msgstr "Comença la transacció"

#~ msgid "Discard all changes"					#~ msgid "Discard all changes"
#~ msgstr "Descarta tots els canvis"				#~ msgstr "Descarta tots els canvis"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Configure"						#~ msgid "Configure"
#~ msgstr "Configura"						#~ msgstr "Configura"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "View logs"						#~ msgid "View logs"
#~ msgstr "Visualitza fitxers de log"				#~ msgstr "Visualitza fitxers de log"

#~ msgid "View the different logs"				#~ msgid "View the different logs"
#~ msgstr "Visualitza fitxers de logs diferents"		#~ msgstr "Visualitza fitxers de logs diferents"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Service manager"					#~ msgid "Service manager"
#~ msgstr "Control dels serveis"				#~ msgstr "Control dels serveis"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "View service activity"				#~ msgid "View service activity"
#~ msgstr "Visualitza l'activitat dels serveis"			#~ msgstr "Visualitza l'activitat dels serveis"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "The GNOME-DB configuration tool"			#~ msgid "The GNOME-DB configuration tool"
#~ msgstr "L'eina de configuració del GDA"			#~ msgstr "L'eina de configuració del GDA"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "The GNOME-DB Development Environment"			#~ msgid "The GNOME-DB Development Environment"
#~ msgstr "L'entorn de desenvolupament del GDA"			#~ msgstr "L'entorn de desenvolupament del GDA"

#~ msgid "Preferences..."					#~ msgid "Preferences..."
#~ msgstr "Preferències...."					#~ msgstr "Preferències...."

#~ msgid "Save current configuration"				#~ msgid "Save current configuration"
#~ msgstr "Desa la configuració actual"				#~ msgstr "Desa la configuració actual"

#~ msgid "View requested to be activated but there is already	#~ msgid "View requested to be activated but there is already
#~ msgstr "Vista demanada per activarse però ja es la vista a	#~ msgstr "Vista demanada per activarse però ja es la vista a

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Unable to activate object %s"				#~ msgid "Unable to activate object %s"
#~ msgstr "No és possible activar l'objecte %s"			#~ msgstr "No és possible activar l'objecte %s"

#~ msgid "%s:%d: Could not create control widget"		#~ msgid "%s:%d: Could not create control widget"
#~ msgstr "%s:%d: No es pot crear el control widget"		#~ msgstr "%s:%d: No es pot crear el control widget"

#~ msgid "control has no property bag"				#~ msgid "control has no property bag"
#~ msgstr "el control no té propietats"				#~ msgstr "el control no té propietats"

#~ msgid "property %s not found"				#~ msgid "property %s not found"
#~ msgstr "la propietat %s no s'ha trobat"			#~ msgstr "la propietat %s no s'ha trobat"

#~ msgid "Factory %s already existing"				#~ msgid "Factory %s already existing"
#~ msgstr "Control fàbrica %s existeix"				#~ msgstr "Control fàbrica %s existeix"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Could not register %s factory"			#~ msgid "Could not register %s factory"
#~ msgstr "No és pot registrar el control fàbrica %s"		#~ msgstr "No és pot registrar el control fàbrica %s"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Select config component"				#~ msgid "Select config component"
#~ msgstr "Selecciona la configuració del component"		#~ msgstr "Selecciona la configuració del component"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Browse selected data source"				#~ msgid "Browse selected data source"
#~ msgstr "Navega per la base de dades seleccionada"		#~ msgstr "Navega per la base de dades seleccionada"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Browse Data Source"					#~ msgid "Browse Data Source"
#~ msgstr "Orígens de les dades"				#~ msgstr "Orígens de les dades"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "could not load browser control"			#~ msgid "could not load browser control"
#~ msgstr "No és possible carregar el control navegador"	#~ msgstr "No és possible carregar el control navegador"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Users"						#~ msgid "Users"
#~ msgstr "Usuaris"						#~ msgstr "Usuaris"

#~ msgid "User access rights"					#~ msgid "User access rights"
#~ msgstr "Privilegis d'accés del usuari"			#~ msgstr "Privilegis d'accés del usuari"

#~ msgid "All"							#~ msgid "All"
#~ msgstr "Tot"							#~ msgstr "Tot"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "The GNOME-DB front end"				#~ msgid "The GNOME-DB front end"
#~ msgstr "Entorn visual del GNOME-DB"				#~ msgstr "Entorn visual del GNOME-DB"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "The GNOME-DB development environment"			#~ msgid "The GNOME-DB development environment"
#~ msgstr "L'entorn de desenvolupament del GDA"			#~ msgstr "L'entorn de desenvolupament del GDA"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Configure GDA providers"				#~ msgid "Configure GDA providers"
#~ msgstr "Configura els orígens de les dades del GDA"		#~ msgstr "Configura els orígens de les dades del GDA"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Configure GNOME-DB components"			#~ msgid "Configure GNOME-DB components"
#~ msgstr "Carrega la configuració del component"		#~ msgstr "Carrega la configuració del component"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Remove selected provider"				#~ msgid "Remove selected provider"
#~ msgstr "Esborra les propietats seleccionades"		#~ msgstr "Esborra les propietats seleccionades"

#~ msgid "Create script from object definition"			#~ msgid "Create script from object definition"
#~ msgstr "Crea un script a partir de la definició de l'objec	#~ msgstr "Crea un script a partir de la definició de l'objec

#~ msgid "Browser: %s %s"					#~ msgid "Browser: %s %s"
#~ msgstr "Navegador: %s %s"					#~ msgstr "Navegador: %s %s"

#~ msgid "Environment"						#~ msgid "Environment"
#~ msgstr "Entorn"						#~ msgstr "Entorn"

#~ msgid "Variable"						#~ msgid "Variable"
#~ msgstr "Variable"						#~ msgstr "Variable"

#~ msgid "Value"						#~ msgid "Value"
#~ msgstr "Valor"						#~ msgstr "Valor"

#~ msgid "Current"						#~ msgid "Current"
#~ msgstr "Actual"						#~ msgstr "Actual"

#~ msgid "Save options on exit"					#~ msgid "Save options on exit"
#~ msgstr "Desa les opcions en sortir"				#~ msgstr "Desa les opcions en sortir"

#~ msgid "Open connection dialog on entry"			#~ msgid "Open connection dialog on entry"
#~ msgstr "Obre el diàleg de connexió en entrar"		#~ msgstr "Obre el diàleg de connexió en entrar"

#~ msgid "Editor Font"						#~ msgid "Editor Font"
#~ msgstr "Tipus de lletra de l'editor"				#~ msgstr "Tipus de lletra de l'editor"

#~ msgid "Grid Font"						#~ msgid "Grid Font"
#~ msgstr "Tipus de lletra de la quadrícula"			#~ msgstr "Tipus de lletra de la quadrícula"

#~ msgid "Language"						#~ msgid "Language"
#~ msgstr "Llenguatge"						#~ msgstr "Llenguatge"

#~ msgid "Shell"						#~ msgid "Shell"
#~ msgstr "Comanda de consola"					#~ msgstr "Comanda de consola"

#~ msgid "Tabs position"					#~ msgid "Tabs position"
#~ msgstr "Posició dels tabuladors"				#~ msgstr "Posició dels tabuladors"

#~ msgid "Top"							#~ msgid "Top"
#~ msgstr "Superior"						#~ msgstr "Superior"

#~ msgid "Bottom"						#~ msgid "Bottom"
#~ msgstr "Inferior"						#~ msgstr "Inferior"

#~ msgid "Left"							#~ msgid "Left"
#~ msgstr "Esquerra"						#~ msgstr "Esquerra"

#~ msgid "Right"						#~ msgid "Right"
#~ msgstr "Dreta"						#~ msgstr "Dreta"

#~ msgid "Add Environment Variable"				#~ msgid "Add Environment Variable"
#~ msgstr "Afegeix la variable d'entorn"			#~ msgstr "Afegeix la variable d'entorn"

#~ msgid "Current Environment"					#~ msgid "Current Environment"
#~ msgstr "Entorn actual"					#~ msgstr "Entorn actual"

#~ msgid "Connected to %s"					#~ msgid "Connected to %s"
#~ msgstr "Connectat a %s"					#~ msgstr "Connectat a %s"

#~ msgid "Object Identifiers"					#~ msgid "Object Identifiers"
#~ msgstr "Idenfificadors dels objectes"			#~ msgstr "Idenfificadors dels objectes"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Object Inheritance"					#~ msgid "Object Inheritance"
#~ msgstr "Nom del objecte"					#~ msgstr "Nom del objecte"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Stored Procedures"					#~ msgid "Stored Procedures"
#~ msgstr "Procediments"					#~ msgstr "Procediments"

#~ msgid "XML Queries"						#~ msgid "XML Queries"
#~ msgstr "Consultes XML"					#~ msgstr "Consultes XML"

#~ msgid "Transaction started"					#~ msgid "Transaction started"
#~ msgstr "Transacció iniciada"					#~ msgstr "Transacció iniciada"

#~ msgid "Commit executed"					#~ msgid "Commit executed"
#~ msgstr "Commit executat"					#~ msgstr "Commit executat"

#~ msgid "Rollback executed"					#~ msgid "Rollback executed"
#~ msgstr "Rollback executat"					#~ msgstr "Rollback executat"

#~ msgid "Command Timeout"					#~ msgid "Command Timeout"
#~ msgstr "Temps d'espera d'execució exhaurit"			#~ msgstr "Temps d'espera d'execució exhaurit"

#~ msgid "Connect Timeout"					#~ msgid "Connect Timeout"
#~ msgstr "Temps d'espera de connexió exhaurit"			#~ msgstr "Temps d'espera de connexió exhaurit"

#~ msgid "Trace File"						#~ msgid "Trace File"
#~ msgstr "Fitxer de seguiment"					#~ msgstr "Fitxer de seguiment"

#~ msgid "Open database design from file"			#~ msgid "Open database design from file"
#~ msgstr "Obre un disseny de base de dades des d'un fitxer"	#~ msgstr "Obre un disseny de base de dades des d'un fitxer"

#~ msgid ""							#~ msgid ""
#~ "Error saving file\n"					#~ "Error saving file\n"
#~ "'%s'"							#~ "'%s'"
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "S'ha produït un error en desar el fitxer\n"			#~ "S'ha produït un error en desar el fitxer\n"
#~ "'%s'"							#~ "'%s'"

#~ msgid "Save file with another name"				#~ msgid "Save file with another name"
#~ msgstr "Desa el fitxer amb un altre nom"			#~ msgstr "Desa el fitxer amb un altre nom"

#~ msgid "Print current file"					#~ msgid "Print current file"
#~ msgstr "Imprimeix el fitxer actual"				#~ msgstr "Imprimeix el fitxer actual"

#~ msgid "Copy selected text to clipboard"			#~ msgid "Copy selected text to clipboard"
#~ msgstr "Copia el text seleccionat al porta-retalls"		#~ msgstr "Copia el text seleccionat al porta-retalls"

#~ msgid "Paste clipboard's contents"				#~ msgid "Paste clipboard's contents"
#~ msgstr "Enganxa el contingut del porta-retalls"		#~ msgstr "Enganxa el contingut del porta-retalls"

#~ msgid "Run Command"						#~ msgid "Run Command"
#~ msgstr "Executa l'ordre"					#~ msgstr "Executa l'ordre"

#~ msgid "Directory"						#~ msgid "Directory"
#~ msgstr "Directori"						#~ msgstr "Directori"

#~ msgid "Could not change to directory '%s'"			#~ msgid "Could not change to directory '%s'"
#~ msgstr "No es possible canviar al directori '%s'"		#~ msgstr "No es possible canviar al directori '%s'"

#~ msgid "Running '%s'"						#~ msgid "Running '%s'"
#~ msgstr "Executant '%s'"					#~ msgstr "Executant '%s'"

#~ msgid ""							#~ msgid ""
#~ "Output from '%s'\n"						#~ "Output from '%s'\n"
#~ "In directory '%s'\n"					#~ "In directory '%s'\n"
#~ "\n"								#~ "\n"
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Sortida des de '%s'\n"					#~ "Sortida des de '%s'\n"
#~ "Al directori '%s'\n"					#~ "Al directori '%s'\n"
#~ "\n"								#~ "\n"

#~ msgid "Command '%s' completed"				#~ msgid "Command '%s' completed"
#~ msgstr "Ordre '%s' completada"				#~ msgstr "Ordre '%s' completada"

#~ msgid "Editor"						#~ msgid "Editor"
#~ msgstr "Editor"						#~ msgstr "Editor"

#~ msgid "Export selected data to XML file"			#~ msgid "Export selected data to XML file"
#~ msgstr "Exporta les dades seleccionades a un fitxer XML"	#~ msgstr "Exporta les dades seleccionades a un fitxer XML"

#~ msgid "To SQL"						#~ msgid "To SQL"
#~ msgstr "A SQL"						#~ msgstr "A SQL"

#~ msgid "Export selected data as a SQL script"			#~ msgid "Export selected data as a SQL script"
#~ msgstr "Exporta les dades seleccionades com un fitxer SQL"	#~ msgstr "Exporta les dades seleccionades com un fitxer SQL"

#~ msgid "Clear all widgets"					#~ msgid "Clear all widgets"
#~ msgstr "Esborra tots els widgets"				#~ msgstr "Esborra tots els widgets"

#~ msgid "You have to provide a file name"			#~ msgid "You have to provide a file name"
#~ msgstr "Heu d'indicar un nom de fitxer"			#~ msgstr "Heu d'indicar un nom de fitxer"

#~ msgid "Exporting object named '%s'"				#~ msgid "Exporting object named '%s'"
#~ msgstr "Exportant l'objecte anomenat '%s'"			#~ msgstr "Exportant l'objecte anomenat '%s'"

#~ msgid "Saving to '%s' ..."					#~ msgid "Saving to '%s' ..."
#~ msgstr "Desant a '%s' ..."					#~ msgstr "Desant a '%s' ..."

#~ msgid ""							#~ msgid ""
#~ "Error saving XML file\n"					#~ "Error saving XML file\n"
#~ "'%s'"							#~ "'%s'"
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "S'ha produït un error en desar el fitxer XML\n"		#~ "S'ha produït un error en desar el fitxer XML\n"
#~ "'%s'"							#~ "'%s'"

#~ msgid "No objects are selected"				#~ msgid "No objects are selected"
#~ msgstr "No hi ha cap objecte seleccionat"			#~ msgstr "No hi ha cap objecte seleccionat"

#~ msgid "Export: %s %s"					#~ msgid "Export: %s %s"
#~ msgstr "Exporta: %s %s"					#~ msgstr "Exporta: %s %s"

#~ msgid "TABLES"						#~ msgid "TABLES"
#~ msgstr "TAULES"						#~ msgstr "TAULES"

#~ msgid "VIEWS"						#~ msgid "VIEWS"
#~ msgstr "VISTES"						#~ msgstr "VISTES"

#~ msgid "Show file when done"					#~ msgid "Show file when done"
#~ msgstr "Mostra el fitxer en acabar"				#~ msgstr "Mostra el fitxer en acabar"

#~ msgid "Add object extra info"				#~ msgid "Add object extra info"
#~ msgstr "Afegeix informació addicional al objecte"		#~ msgstr "Afegeix informació addicional al objecte"

#~ msgid "GDA Config"						#~ msgid "GDA Config"
#~ msgstr "Configuració del GDA"				#~ msgstr "Configuració del GDA"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Load file to import"					#~ msgid "Load file to import"
#~ msgstr "Carrega el fitxer a la memòria intermèdia"		#~ msgstr "Carrega el fitxer a la memòria intermèdia"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Start importing data"					#~ msgid "Start importing data"
#~ msgstr "Comença l'exportació"				#~ msgstr "Comença l'exportació"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Clear all entries"					#~ msgid "Clear all entries"
#~ msgstr "Esborra tots els camps"				#~ msgstr "Esborra tots els camps"

#~ msgid "There were errors during the SQL execution"		#~ msgid "There were errors during the SQL execution"
#~ msgstr "Hi han hagut errors durant l'execució se la sentèn	#~ msgstr "Hi han hagut errors durant l'execució se la sentèn

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Transaction rolled back"				#~ msgid "Transaction rolled back"
#~ msgstr "Transacció iniciada"					#~ msgstr "Transacció iniciada"

#~ msgid "You must select a file to be imported"		#~ msgid "You must select a file to be imported"
#~ msgstr "Ha de seleccionar un fitxer a importar"		#~ msgstr "Ha de seleccionar un fitxer a importar"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Import: %s %s"					#~ msgid "Import: %s %s"
#~ msgstr "Importa: %s %s"					#~ msgstr "Importa: %s %s"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "From XML"						#~ msgid "From XML"
#~ msgstr "Desde XML"						#~ msgstr "Desde XML"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "From SQL"						#~ msgid "From SQL"
#~ msgstr "Desde SQL"						#~ msgstr "Desde SQL"

#~ msgid "Refresh log"						#~ msgid "Refresh log"
#~ msgstr "Refresca el registre"				#~ msgstr "Refresca el registre"

#~ msgid "File %s loaded"					#~ msgid "File %s loaded"
#~ msgstr "El fitxer %s s'ha carregat"				#~ msgstr "El fitxer %s s'ha carregat"

#~ msgid "GDA logs"						#~ msgid "GDA logs"
#~ msgstr "Registres del GDA"					#~ msgstr "Registres del GDA"

#~ msgid "Open connection..."					#~ msgid "Open connection..."
#~ msgstr "Obre la connexió..."					#~ msgstr "Obre la connexió..."

#~ msgid "Open a new connection"				#~ msgid "Open a new connection"
#~ msgstr "Obre una connexió nova "				#~ msgstr "Obre una connexió nova "

#~ msgid "Close connection"					#~ msgid "Close connection"
#~ msgstr "Tanca la connexió"					#~ msgstr "Tanca la connexió"

#~ msgid "Browse database objects"				#~ msgid "Browse database objects"
#~ msgstr "Navega per la base de dades d'objectes"		#~ msgstr "Navega per la base de dades d'objectes"

#~ msgid "Construct SQL statements"				#~ msgid "Construct SQL statements"
#~ msgstr "Crea ordres SQL"					#~ msgstr "Crea ordres SQL"

#~ msgid "Start/Stop Server Trace"				#~ msgid "Start/Stop Server Trace"
#~ msgstr "Inicia/atura el seguiment del servidor"		#~ msgstr "Inicia/atura el seguiment del servidor"

#~ msgid "Start or stop server trace"				#~ msgid "Start or stop server trace"
#~ msgstr "Inicia o atura el seguiment del servidor"		#~ msgstr "Inicia o atura el seguiment del servidor"

#~ msgid "View Server Trace"					#~ msgid "View Server Trace"
#~ msgstr "Visualitza el seguiment del servidor"		#~ msgstr "Visualitza el seguiment del servidor"

#~ msgid "View server trace file"				#~ msgid "View server trace file"
#~ msgstr "Visualitza el fitxer de seguiment del servidor"	#~ msgstr "Visualitza el fitxer de seguiment del servidor"

#~ msgid "Begin new transaction"				#~ msgid "Begin new transaction"
#~ msgstr "Comença una nova transacció"				#~ msgstr "Comença una nova transacció"

#~ msgid "Commit changes"					#~ msgid "Commit changes"
#~ msgstr "Canvis Commit"					#~ msgstr "Canvis Commit"

#~ msgid "Database Designer"					#~ msgid "Database Designer"
#~ msgstr "Dissenyador de bases de dades"			#~ msgstr "Dissenyador de bases de dades"

#~ msgid "Visual Database Designer"				#~ msgid "Visual Database Designer"
#~ msgstr "Dissenyador visual de bases de dades"		#~ msgstr "Dissenyador visual de bases de dades"

#~ msgid "Text editor"						#~ msgid "Text editor"
#~ msgstr "Editor de text"					#~ msgstr "Editor de text"

#~ msgid "Open the internal text editor"			#~ msgid "Open the internal text editor"
#~ msgstr "Obre l'editor de text intern"			#~ msgstr "Obre l'editor de text intern"

#~ msgid "Run shell"						#~ msgid "Run shell"
#~ msgstr "Executa la comanda de consola"			#~ msgstr "Executa la comanda de consola"

#~ msgid "Open shell window"					#~ msgid "Open shell window"
#~ msgstr "Obre la finestra de comandes de consola"		#~ msgstr "Obre la finestra de comandes de consola"

#~ msgid "Calculator"						#~ msgid "Calculator"
#~ msgstr "Calculadora"						#~ msgstr "Calculadora"

#~ msgid "Open desktop calculator"				#~ msgid "Open desktop calculator"
#~ msgstr "Obre la calculadora de l'escriptori"			#~ msgstr "Obre la calculadora de l'escriptori"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "The GDA configuration tool"				#~ msgid "The GDA configuration tool"
#~ msgstr "L'eina de configuració del GDA"			#~ msgstr "L'eina de configuració del GDA"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "GDA Builder"						#~ msgid "GDA Builder"
#~ msgstr "Constructor del GDA"					#~ msgstr "Constructor del GDA"

#~ msgid "The GDA development environment"			#~ msgid "The GDA development environment"
#~ msgstr "L'entorn de desenvolupament del GDA"			#~ msgstr "L'entorn de desenvolupament del GDA"

#~ msgid "GDA Configuration..."					#~ msgid "GDA Configuration..."
#~ msgstr "Configuració del GDA..."				#~ msgstr "Configuració del GDA..."

#~ msgid "Previous window"					#~ msgid "Previous window"
#~ msgstr "Finestra anterior"					#~ msgstr "Finestra anterior"

#~ msgid "Move to previous window on list"			#~ msgid "Move to previous window on list"
#~ msgstr "Mou-ho a la finestra anterior de la llista"		#~ msgstr "Mou-ho a la finestra anterior de la llista"

#~ msgid "Next window"						#~ msgid "Next window"
#~ msgstr "Finestra següent"					#~ msgstr "Finestra següent"

#~ msgid "Move to next window on list"				#~ msgid "Move to next window on list"
#~ msgstr "Mou-ho a la següent finestra de la llista"		#~ msgstr "Mou-ho a la següent finestra de la llista"

#~ msgid "Close current"					#~ msgid "Close current"
#~ msgstr "Tanca l'actual"					#~ msgstr "Tanca l'actual"

#~ msgid "Close active window"					#~ msgid "Close active window"
#~ msgstr "Tanca la finestra activa"				#~ msgstr "Tanca la finestra activa"

#~ msgid "Close all"						#~ msgid "Close all"
#~ msgstr "Tanca-ho tot"					#~ msgstr "Tanca-ho tot"

#~ msgid "Close all open windows"				#~ msgid "Close all open windows"
#~ msgstr "Tanca totes les finestres obertes"			#~ msgstr "Tanca totes les finestres obertes"

#~ msgid "Window"						#~ msgid "Window"
#~ msgstr "Finestra"						#~ msgstr "Finestra"

#~ msgid "GDA Logs"						#~ msgid "GDA Logs"
#~ msgstr "Registres del GDA"					#~ msgstr "Registres del GDA"

#~ msgid "Could not load editor font"				#~ msgid "Could not load editor font"
#~ msgstr "No és possible carregar el tipus de lletra de l'ed	#~ msgstr "No és possible carregar el tipus de lletra de l'ed

#~ msgid "Could not load grid font"				#~ msgid "Could not load grid font"
#~ msgstr "No és possible carregar el tipus de lletra de la q	#~ msgstr "No és possible carregar el tipus de lletra de la q

#~ msgid "Run Script"						#~ msgid "Run Script"
#~ msgstr "Executa l'script"					#~ msgstr "Executa l'script"

#~ msgid "Execute buffer as SQL script"				#~ msgid "Execute buffer as SQL script"
#~ msgstr "Executa la memòria intermèdia com un script SQL"	#~ msgstr "Executa la memòria intermèdia com un script SQL"

#~ msgid "Clear SQL window"					#~ msgid "Clear SQL window"
#~ msgstr "Buida la finestra SQL"				#~ msgstr "Buida la finestra SQL"

#~ msgid "Cut selected text to clipboard"			#~ msgid "Cut selected text to clipboard"
#~ msgstr "Retalla el text seleccionat cap al porta-retalls"	#~ msgstr "Retalla el text seleccionat cap al porta-retalls"

#~ msgid "Select SQL Script"					#~ msgid "Select SQL Script"
#~ msgstr "Selecciona l'script SQL"				#~ msgstr "Selecciona l'script SQL"

#~ msgid "Executing '%s'"					#~ msgid "Executing '%s'"
#~ msgstr "Executant '%s'"					#~ msgstr "Executant '%s'"

#~ msgid "Save SQL Script"					#~ msgid "Save SQL Script"
#~ msgstr "Desa l'script SQL"					#~ msgstr "Desa l'script SQL"

#~ msgid "Row %d - %d rows selected"				#~ msgid "Row %d - %d rows selected"
#~ msgstr "Fila %d - %d files seleccionades"			#~ msgstr "Fila %d - %d files seleccionades"

#~ msgid "Server trace stopped"					#~ msgid "Server trace stopped"
#~ msgstr "Seguiment del servidor aturat"			#~ msgstr "Seguiment del servidor aturat"

#~ msgid "Select Trace File"					#~ msgid "Select Trace File"
#~ msgstr "Selecciona el fitxer de seguiment"			#~ msgstr "Selecciona el fitxer de seguiment"

#~ msgid "Server trace to file %s started"			#~ msgid "Server trace to file %s started"
#~ msgstr "Seguiment del servidor cap al fitxer %s iniciat"	#~ msgstr "Seguiment del servidor cap al fitxer %s iniciat"

#~ msgid "Server Trace File"					#~ msgid "Server Trace File"
#~ msgstr "Fitxer de seguiment del servidor"			#~ msgstr "Fitxer de seguiment del servidor"

#~ msgid "Server trace is disabled for this connection"		#~ msgid "Server trace is disabled for this connection"
#~ msgstr "El seguiment del servidor està inhabilitat per a a	#~ msgstr "El seguiment del servidor està inhabilitat per a a

#~ msgid "File %s inserted"					#~ msgid "File %s inserted"
#~ msgstr "Fitxer %s insertat"					#~ msgstr "Fitxer %s insertat"

#~ msgid ""							#~ msgid ""
#~ "Error opening file\n"					#~ "Error opening file\n"
#~ " %s"							#~ " %s"
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "S'ha produït un error en obrir el fitxer\n"			#~ "S'ha produït un error en obrir el fitxer\n"
#~ " %s"							#~ " %s"

#~ msgid ""							#~ msgid ""
#~ "Error writing to file\n"					#~ "Error writing to file\n"
#~ " %s"							#~ " %s"
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "S'ha produït un error en escriure al fitxer\n"		#~ "S'ha produït un error en escriure al fitxer\n"
#~ " %s"							#~ " %s"

#~ msgid "Select all text in buffer"				#~ msgid "Select all text in buffer"
#~ msgstr "Selecciona tot el text de la memòria intermèdia"	#~ msgstr "Selecciona tot el text de la memòria intermèdia"

#~ msgid "Insert file..."					#~ msgid "Insert file..."
#~ msgstr "Inserta el fitxer..."				#~ msgstr "Inserta el fitxer..."

#~ msgid "Insert file into current position"			#~ msgid "Insert file into current position"
#~ msgstr "Inserta el fitxer en la posició actual"		#~ msgstr "Inserta el fitxer en la posició actual"

#~ msgid "Save to file..."					#~ msgid "Save to file..."
#~ msgstr "Desa al fitxer..."					#~ msgstr "Desa al fitxer..."

#~ msgid "Save widget contents to file"				#~ msgid "Save widget contents to file"
#~ msgstr "Desa el contingut del widget al fitxer"		#~ msgstr "Desa el contingut del widget al fitxer"

#~ msgid "Print..."						#~ msgid "Print..."
#~ msgstr "Imprimeix..."					#~ msgstr "Imprimeix..."

#~ msgid "Print buffer"						#~ msgid "Print buffer"
#~ msgstr "Imprimeix la memòria intermèdia"			#~ msgstr "Imprimeix la memòria intermèdia"

#~ msgid "<NULL>"						#~ msgid "<NULL>"
#~ msgstr "<NULL>"						#~ msgstr "<NULL>"

#~ msgid "<Unknown GDA Type(NULL)>"				#~ msgid "<Unknown GDA Type(NULL)>"
#~ msgstr "<Tipus del GDA desconegut(NULL)>"			#~ msgstr "<Tipus del GDA desconegut(NULL)>"

#~ msgid "TRUE"							#~ msgid "TRUE"
#~ msgstr "CERT"						#~ msgstr "CERT"

#~ msgid "FALSE"						#~ msgid "FALSE"
#~ msgstr "FALS"						#~ msgstr "FALS"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Configuration file saved"				#~ msgid "Configuration file saved"
#~ msgstr "Configuració del GDA"				#~ msgstr "Configuració del GDA"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Browse Database"					#~ msgid "Browse Database"
#~ msgstr "Navega per la base de dades"				#~ msgstr "Navega per la base de dades"

#~ msgid "Start export"						#~ msgid "Start export"
#~ msgstr "Comença l'exportació"				#~ msgstr "Comença l'exportació"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Clear all fields"					#~ msgid "Clear all fields"
#~ msgstr "Esborra tots els camps"				#~ msgstr "Esborra tots els camps"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Clear object selection"				#~ msgid "Clear object selection"
#~ msgstr "Esborra la selecció d'objectes"			#~ msgstr "Esborra la selecció d'objectes"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Select Command"					#~ msgid "Select Command"
#~ msgstr "Selecciona l'ordre"					#~ msgstr "Selecciona l'ordre"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Begin transaction failed"				#~ msgid "Begin transaction failed"
#~ msgstr "L'inici de la transacció ha fallat"			#~ msgstr "L'inici de la transacció ha fallat"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Commit transaction failed"				#~ msgid "Commit transaction failed"
#~ msgstr "El commit de la transacció ha fallat"		#~ msgstr "El commit de la transacció ha fallat"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Close configurator"					#~ msgid "Close configurator"
#~ msgstr "Tanca la connexió"					#~ msgstr "Tanca la connexió"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "SQL Front End"					#~ msgid "SQL Front End"
#~ msgstr "Entorn visual de SQL"				#~ msgstr "Entorn visual de SQL"

#~ msgid "The SQL front end"					#~ msgid "The SQL front end"
#~ msgstr "L'entorn visual de sentències SQL"			#~ msgstr "L'entorn visual de sentències SQL"

#~ msgid "%s: The server didn't respond."			#~ msgid "%s: The server didn't respond."
#~ msgstr "%s: El servidor no respon."				#~ msgstr "%s: El servidor no respon."

#~ msgid "%s: An Error occured in the CORBA system."		#~ msgid "%s: An Error occured in the CORBA system."
#~ msgstr "%s: Hi ha hagut un error en el sistema CORBA."	#~ msgstr "%s: Hi ha hagut un error en el sistema CORBA."

#~ msgid "Database '%s' not found in system configuration"	#~ msgid "Database '%s' not found in system configuration"
#~ msgstr "La base de dades '%s' no es troba en la configurac	#~ msgstr "La base de dades '%s' no es troba en la configurac

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Data source %s not found"				#~ msgid "Data source %s not found"
#~ msgstr "L'orígen de les dades %s no es troba"		#~ msgstr "L'orígen de les dades %s no es troba"

#~ msgid "Add property"						#~ msgid "Add property"
#~ msgstr "Afegeix una propietat"				#~ msgstr "Afegeix una propietat"

#~ msgid "Add a new property for this object"			#~ msgid "Add a new property for this object"
#~ msgstr "Afegeix una nova propietat per a aquest objecte"	#~ msgstr "Afegeix una nova propietat per a aquest objecte"

#~ msgid "Remove property"					#~ msgid "Remove property"
#~ msgstr "Esborra la propietat"				#~ msgstr "Esborra la propietat"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Add Property"						#~ msgid "Add Property"
#~ msgstr "Afegeix una propietat"				#~ msgstr "Afegeix una propietat"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Property"						#~ msgid "Property"
#~ msgstr "Propietat"						#~ msgstr "Propietat"

#~ msgid "ERROR: "						#~ msgid "ERROR: "
#~ msgstr "ERROR: "						#~ msgstr "ERROR: "

#~ msgid "MESSAGE: "						#~ msgid "MESSAGE: "
#~ msgstr "MISSATGE: "						#~ msgstr "MISSATGE: "

#~ msgid "thread is already running"				#~ msgid "thread is already running"
#~ msgstr "el procés está en marxa"				#~ msgstr "el procés está en marxa"

#~ msgid "Password to authenticate user"			#~ msgid "Password to authenticate user"
#~ msgstr "Contrasenya per validar l'usuari"			#~ msgstr "Contrasenya per validar l'usuari"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "To open/close the connection"				#~ msgid "To open/close the connection"
#~ msgstr "Tancar/obrir la connexió"				#~ msgstr "Tancar/obrir la connexió"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Could not initialize CORBA"				#~ msgid "Could not initialize CORBA"
#~ msgstr "No es pot iniciar CORBA"				#~ msgstr "No es pot iniciar CORBA"

#~ msgid "Disconnected from database"				#~ msgid "Disconnected from database"
#~ msgstr "Deconectat de la base de dades"			#~ msgstr "Deconectat de la base de dades"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Go to previous document"				#~ msgid "Go to previous document"
#~ msgstr "Anar al document previ"				#~ msgstr "Anar al document previ"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Go to next document"					#~ msgid "Go to next document"
#~ msgstr "Anar al següent document"				#~ msgstr "Anar al següent document"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Go to table of contents"				#~ msgid "Go to table of contents"
#~ msgstr "Anar a la taula de continguts"			#~ msgstr "Anar a la taula de continguts"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Could not load file '%s'"				#~ msgid "Could not load file '%s'"
#~ msgstr "No és pot carregar el fitxer '%s'"			#~ msgstr "No és pot carregar el fitxer '%s'"

#~ msgid "Screen"						#~ msgid "Screen"
#~ msgstr "Pantalla"						#~ msgstr "Pantalla"

#~ msgid "New screen"						#~ msgid "New screen"
#~ msgstr "Nova pantalla"					#~ msgstr "Nova pantalla"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Server"						#~ msgid "Server"
#~ msgstr "Servidor"						#~ msgstr "Servidor"

#~ msgid "New server"						#~ msgid "New server"
#~ msgstr "Nou servidor"					#~ msgstr "Nou servidor"

#~ msgid "Repository"						#~ msgid "Repository"
#~ msgstr "Biblioteca"						#~ msgstr "Biblioteca"

#~ msgid "New repository"					#~ msgid "New repository"
#~ msgstr "Nova biblioteca"					#~ msgstr "Nova biblioteca"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Open existing screen"					#~ msgid "Open existing screen"
#~ msgstr "Obre una pantalla existent"				#~ msgstr "Obre una pantalla existent"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Open existing server"					#~ msgid "Open existing server"
#~ msgstr "Obre un servidor existent"				#~ msgstr "Obre un servidor existent"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Open existing repository"				#~ msgid "Open existing repository"
#~ msgstr "Obre una biblioteca existent"			#~ msgstr "Obre una biblioteca existent"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Close current window"					#~ msgid "Close current window"
#~ msgstr "Tanca la finestra actual"				#~ msgstr "Tanca la finestra actual"

#~ msgid "New Screen/Report"					#~ msgid "New Screen/Report"
#~ msgstr "Nova Pantalla/Llistat"				#~ msgstr "Nova Pantalla/Llistat"

#~ msgid "Open Screen/Report"					#~ msgid "Open Screen/Report"
#~ msgstr "Obrir Pantalla/Llistat"				#~ msgstr "Obrir Pantalla/Llistat"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "database name"					#~ msgid "database name"
#~ msgstr "Nom de la  base de dades"				#~ msgstr "Nom de la  base de dades"

#~ msgid "DATABASE"						#~ msgid "DATABASE"
#~ msgstr "BASE DE DADES"					#~ msgstr "BASE DE DADES"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "user name"						#~ msgid "user name"
#~ msgstr "Nom d'usuari"					#~ msgstr "Nom d'usuari"

#~ msgid "USER-NAME"						#~ msgid "USER-NAME"
#~ msgstr "NOM D'USUARI"					#~ msgstr "NOM D'USUARI"

#~ msgid "password"						#~ msgid "password"
#~ msgstr "contrasenya"						#~ msgstr "contrasenya"

#~ msgid "PASSWORD"						#~ msgid "PASSWORD"
#~ msgstr "CONTRASENYA"						#~ msgstr "CONTRASENYA"

#~ msgid "FILE-NAME"						#~ msgid "FILE-NAME"
#~ msgstr "NOM DEL FITXER"					#~ msgstr "NOM DEL FITXER"

#~ msgid "%s: misconfigured DSN entry"				#~ msgid "%s: misconfigured DSN entry"
#~ msgstr "%s: entrada DSN mal configurada"			#~ msgstr "%s: entrada DSN mal configurada"

#~ msgid "%s: data source '%s' not found\n"			#~ msgid "%s: data source '%s' not found\n"
#~ msgstr "%s: orígen de les dades '%s' no existeix\n"		#~ msgstr "%s: orígen de les dades '%s' no existeix\n"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Clear command list"					#~ msgid "Clear command list"
#~ msgstr "Esborra la lista d'ordres"				#~ msgstr "Esborra la lista d'ordres"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""							#~ msgid ""
#~ "Could not open file\n"					#~ "Could not open file\n"
#~ "'%s'"							#~ "'%s'"
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "No és possible carregar el fitxer\n"			#~ "No és possible carregar el fitxer\n"
#~ " %s"							#~ " %s"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "No command selected"					#~ msgid "No command selected"
#~ msgstr "No hi ha cap ordre seleccionada"			#~ msgstr "No hi ha cap ordre seleccionada"

#~ msgid "Enter command text"					#~ msgid "Enter command text"
#~ msgstr "Entra texte de la ordre"				#~ msgstr "Entra texte de la ordre"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Insert at current position"				#~ msgid "Insert at current position"
#~ msgstr "Inserta el fitxer en la posició actual"		#~ msgstr "Inserta el fitxer en la posició actual"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Command separators"					#~ msgid "Command separators"
#~ msgstr "Separadors d'ordres"					#~ msgstr "Separadors d'ordres"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Append to current file"				#~ msgid "Append to current file"
#~ msgstr "Afegeix al fitxer actual"				#~ msgstr "Afegeix al fitxer actual"

#~ msgid "You must specifiy the characters used as command se	#~ msgid "You must specifiy the characters used as command se
#~ msgstr "Ha d'especificar els caràcters utilitzats com a se	#~ msgstr "Ha d'especificar els caràcters utilitzats com a se

#~ msgid "Up"							#~ msgid "Up"
#~ msgstr "Dalt"						#~ msgstr "Dalt"

#~ msgid "Down"							#~ msgid "Down"
#~ msgstr "Baix"						#~ msgstr "Baix"

#~ msgid "Send as XML"						#~ msgid "Send as XML"
#~ msgstr "Enviar com a XML"					#~ msgstr "Enviar com a XML"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Tab Position"						#~ msgid "Tab Position"
#~ msgstr "Posició dels tabuladors"				#~ msgstr "Posició dels tabuladors"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Grid"							#~ msgid "Grid"
#~ msgstr "Quadrícula"						#~ msgstr "Quadrícula"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Font"							#~ msgid "Font"
#~ msgstr "Tipus de lletra"					#~ msgstr "Tipus de lletra"

#~ msgid "Foreground Color"					#~ msgid "Foreground Color"
#~ msgstr "Color del texte"					#~ msgstr "Color del texte"

#~ msgid "Background Color"					#~ msgid "Background Color"
#~ msgstr "Color de fons"					#~ msgstr "Color de fons"

#~ msgid "Show row numbers"					#~ msgid "Show row numbers"
#~ msgstr "Mostra número de files"				#~ msgstr "Mostra número de files"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "User Interface"					#~ msgid "User Interface"
#~ msgstr "Interfície d'usuari"					#~ msgstr "Interfície d'usuari"

#~ msgid "GDA"							#~ msgid "GDA"
#~ msgstr "GDA"							#~ msgstr "GDA"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Close designer window"				#~ msgid "Close designer window"
#~ msgstr "Tanca la finestra de disseny"			#~ msgstr "Tanca la finestra de disseny"

#~ msgid "Apply"						#~ msgid "Apply"
#~ msgstr "Aplicar"						#~ msgstr "Aplicar"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Clear log file"					#~ msgid "Clear log file"
#~ msgstr "Esborra el fitxer de registre"			#~ msgstr "Esborra el fitxer de registre"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Refresh log viewer"					#~ msgid "Refresh log viewer"
#~ msgstr "Refresca el registre"				#~ msgstr "Refresca el registre"

#~ msgid ""							#~ msgid ""
#~ "Could not find any installed services. Either you don't h	#~ "Could not find any installed services. Either you don't h
#~ "any services installed or I don't know the path to find t	#~ "any services installed or I don't know the path to find t
#~ "In either case, please check your GNOME-DB installation."	#~ "In either case, please check your GNOME-DB installation."
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "No s'ha pogut trobar cap servei instalat. Tan pot ésser q	#~ "No s'ha pogut trobar cap servei instalat. Tan pot ésser q
#~ "tingui cap servei instalat com que no conegui el camí per	#~ "tingui cap servei instalat com que no conegui el camí per
#~ "En qualsevol case, si us plau comprovi la seva instalació	#~ "En qualsevol case, si us plau comprovi la seva instalació

#~ msgid "Service '%s' activated"				#~ msgid "Service '%s' activated"
#~ msgstr "Servei '%s' activat"					#~ msgstr "Servei '%s' activat"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Could not activate service '%s'"			#~ msgid "Could not activate service '%s'"
#~ msgstr "No és possible activar el servei %s"			#~ msgstr "No és possible activar el servei %s"

#~ msgid "Repo ID"						#~ msgid "Repo ID"
#~ msgstr "Biblio ID"						#~ msgstr "Biblio ID"

#~ msgid "Service Control"					#~ msgid "Service Control"
#~ msgstr "Control de Serveis"					#~ msgstr "Control de Serveis"

#~ msgid "Error code %ld"					#~ msgid "Error code %ld"
#~ msgstr "Codi d'error %ld"					#~ msgstr "Codi d'error %ld"

#~ msgid "error '%s' at %s"					#~ msgid "error '%s' at %s"
#~ msgstr "error '%s' en %s"					#~ msgstr "error '%s' en %s"

#~ msgid "Not available"					#~ msgid "Not available"
#~ msgstr "No disponible"					#~ msgstr "No disponible"

#~ msgid "Could not register INTERBASE provider implementatio	#~ msgid "Could not register INTERBASE provider implementatio
#~ msgstr "No es pot registrar la implementació del proveidor	#~ msgstr "No es pot registrar la implementació del proveidor

#~ msgid "Could not register LDAP provider implementation"	#~ msgid "Could not register LDAP provider implementation"
#~ msgstr "No es pot registrar la implamentació del proveidor	#~ msgstr "No es pot registrar la implamentació del proveidor

#~ msgid "You need Bonobo to load components!"			#~ msgid "You need Bonobo to load components!"
#~ msgstr "Necessita Bonobo per carregar els components!"	#~ msgstr "Necessita Bonobo per carregar els components!"

#~ msgid "Could not create GnomeDbControl"			#~ msgid "Could not create GnomeDbControl"
#~ msgstr "No es pot crear el control GnomDbControl"		#~ msgstr "No es pot crear el control GnomDbControl"

#~ msgid "new instance %p created"				#~ msgid "new instance %p created"
#~ msgstr "nova instancia %p creada"				#~ msgstr "nova instancia %p creada"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "DSN for the connection"				#~ msgid "DSN for the connection"
#~ msgstr "DSN per a la connexió"				#~ msgstr "DSN per a la connexió"

#~ msgid "User identity"					#~ msgid "User identity"
#~ msgstr "Identitat de l'usuari"				#~ msgstr "Identitat de l'usuari"

#~ msgid "User passord"						#~ msgid "User passord"
#~ msgstr "Contrasenya de l'usuari"				#~ msgstr "Contrasenya de l'usuari"

#~ msgid "Show/hide the user id"				#~ msgid "Show/hide the user id"
#~ msgstr "Mostra/Amaga el ID de l'usuari"			#~ msgstr "Mostra/Amaga el ID de l'usuari"

#~ msgid "Give it TRUE to reset/start the component"		#~ msgid "Give it TRUE to reset/start the component"
#~ msgstr "Dóna CERT per parar/arrancar el component"		#~ msgstr "Dóna CERT per parar/arrancar el component"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "User name setting"					#~ msgid "User name setting"
#~ msgstr "Configuració de l'usuari"				#~ msgstr "Configuració de l'usuari"

#~ msgid "Group name setting"					#~ msgid "Group name setting"
#~ msgstr "Configuració de grups"				#~ msgstr "Configuració de grups"

#~ msgid "Object type setting"					#~ msgid "Object type setting"
#~ msgstr "Configuració del tipus d'objecte"			#~ msgstr "Configuració del tipus d'objecte"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Object name setting"					#~ msgid "Object name setting"
#~ msgstr "Configuració de l'objecte"				#~ msgstr "Configuració de l'objecte"

#~ msgid "Access rigths"					#~ msgid "Access rigths"
#~ msgstr "Privilegis d'accés"					#~ msgstr "Privilegis d'accés"

#~ msgid "All users rights"					#~ msgid "All users rights"
#~ msgstr "Tots els privilegis d'accés"				#~ msgstr "Tots els privilegis d'accés"

#~ msgid "Groups rights"					#~ msgid "Groups rights"
#~ msgstr "Privilegis dels grups"				#~ msgstr "Privilegis dels grups"

#~ msgid "Group:"						#~ msgid "Group:"
#~ msgstr "Grup:"						#~ msgstr "Grup:"

#~ msgid "Individual users rights"				#~ msgid "Individual users rights"
#~ msgstr "Privilegis individuals de l'usuari"			#~ msgstr "Privilegis individuals de l'usuari"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "User:"						#~ msgid "User:"
#~ msgstr "Usuari:"						#~ msgstr "Usuari:"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Update/Delete"					#~ msgid "Update/Delete"
#~ msgstr "Actualitza/Suprimeix"				#~ msgstr "Actualitza/Suprimeix"

#~ msgid "Rule"							#~ msgid "Rule"
#~ msgstr "Regla"						#~ msgstr "Regla"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Sequence"						#~ msgid "Sequence"
#~ msgstr "Seqüència"						#~ msgstr "Seqüència"

#~ msgid "Index"						#~ msgid "Index"
#~ msgstr "Ã?ndex"						#~ msgstr "Ã?ndex"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Name:"						#~ msgid "Name:"
#~ msgstr "Nom:"						#~ msgstr "Nom:"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Could not instantiate the gnome-db-control"		#~ msgid "Could not instantiate the gnome-db-control"
#~ msgstr "No es pot instanciar el control gnome-db-control"	#~ msgstr "No es pot instanciar el control gnome-db-control"

#~ msgid "Group(s)"						#~ msgid "Group(s)"
#~ msgstr "Grup(s)"						#~ msgstr "Grup(s)"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Create DB"						#~ msgid "Create DB"
#~ msgstr "Crea DB"						#~ msgstr "Crea DB"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Create users"						#~ msgid "Create users"
#~ msgstr "Crea usuaris"					#~ msgstr "Crea usuaris"

#~ msgid "Valid until"						#~ msgid "Valid until"
#~ msgstr "Valit fins"						#~ msgstr "Valit fins"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Known database users"					#~ msgid "Known database users"
#~ msgstr "Usuaris de base de dades coneguts"			#~ msgstr "Usuaris de base de dades coneguts"

#~ msgid "Save as new user"					#~ msgid "Save as new user"
#~ msgstr "Desa com a usuari nou"				#~ msgstr "Desa com a usuari nou"

#~ msgid "Save modified user"					#~ msgid "Save modified user"
#~ msgstr "Desa l'usuari modificat"				#~ msgstr "Desa l'usuari modificat"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Delete user"						#~ msgid "Delete user"
#~ msgstr "Suprimeix usuari"					#~ msgstr "Suprimeix usuari"

#~ msgid "Yes"							#~ msgid "Yes"
#~ msgstr "Sí"							#~ msgstr "Sí"

#~ msgid "No"							#~ msgid "No"
#~ msgstr "No"							#~ msgstr "No"

#~ msgid "UI Test 3 Error"					#~ msgid "UI Test 3 Error"
#~ msgstr "Error en UI Test 3"					#~ msgstr "Error en UI Test 3"

#~ msgid "Record %8.0f"						#~ msgid "Record %8.0f"
#~ msgstr "Registre %8.0f"					#~ msgstr "Registre %8.0f"

#~ msgid "We could not load the glade interface description! 	#~ msgid "We could not load the glade interface description! 
#~ msgstr "No es pot carregar la descripció de glade! (%s)"	#~ msgstr "No es pot carregar la descripció de glade! (%s)"

#~ msgid "Could not get pointer to server implementation"	#~ msgid "Could not get pointer to server implementation"
#~ msgstr "No es pot obtenir el punter a la implementació del	#~ msgstr "No es pot obtenir el punter a la implementació del

#~ msgid "Starting provider %s with no implementation functio	#~ msgid "Starting provider %s with no implementation functio
#~ msgstr "Arrancant el proveidor %s sene implementació de fu	#~ msgstr "Arrancant el proveidor %s sene implementació de fu

#~ msgid "Could not get CORBA name service object"		#~ msgid "Could not get CORBA name service object"
#~ msgstr "No es pot obternir el nom CORBA de l'objecte servi	#~ msgstr "No es pot obternir el nom CORBA de l'objecte servi

#~ msgid "Registered with ID = %s"				#~ msgid "Registered with ID = %s"
#~ msgstr "Registrat amb ID = %s"				#~ msgstr "Registrat amb ID = %s"

#~ msgid "CORBA system exception %s"				#~ msgid "CORBA system exception %s"
#~ msgstr "Excepció CORBA de sistema %s"			#~ msgstr "Excepció CORBA de sistema %s"

#~ msgid "CORBA user exception: %s"				#~ msgid "CORBA user exception: %s"
#~ msgstr "Excepció CORBA d'usuari: %s"				#~ msgstr "Excepció CORBA d'usuari: %s"

#~ msgid "impl_GDA_Connection_open: opening connection with D	#~ msgid "impl_GDA_Connection_open: opening connection with D
#~ msgstr "impl_GDA_Connection_open: obrint conexió amb DSN: 	#~ msgstr "impl_GDA_Connection_open: obrint conexió amb DSN: 

#~ msgid "%s: not implemented"					#~ msgid "%s: not implemented"
#~ msgstr "%s: no implementat"					#~ msgstr "%s: no implementat"

#~ msgid "%s: text = '%s'"					#~ msgid "%s: text = '%s'"
#~ msgstr "%s: texte = '%s'"					#~ msgstr "%s: texte = '%s'"

#~ msgid "%s: length = %d"					#~ msgid "%s: length = %d"
#~ msgstr "%s: longitud = %d"					#~ msgstr "%s: longitud = %d"

#~ msgid "%s: sending field description for '%s'"		#~ msgid "%s: sending field description for '%s'"
#~ msgstr "%s: enviant camp de descripció per a '%s'"		#~ msgstr "%s: enviant camp de descripció per a '%s'"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Refresh all"						#~ msgid "Refresh all"
#~ msgstr "Refresca tot"					#~ msgstr "Refresca tot"

#~ msgid "Ok"							#~ msgid "Ok"
#~ msgstr "Aceptar"						#~ msgstr "Aceptar"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "GNOME-DB Controls browser"				#~ msgid "GNOME-DB Controls browser"
#~ msgstr "Navegador de controls GNOME-DB"			#~ msgstr "Navegador de controls GNOME-DB"

#~ msgid "New control"						#~ msgid "New control"
#~ msgstr "Nou control"						#~ msgstr "Nou control"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Close control"					#~ msgid "Close control"
#~ msgstr "Tanca el control"					#~ msgstr "Tanca el control"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Controls"						#~ msgid "Controls"
#~ msgstr "Controls"						#~ msgstr "Controls"

#~ msgid "Control settings"					#~ msgid "Control settings"
#~ msgstr "Configuració dels controls"				#~ msgstr "Configuració dels controls"

#~ msgid "PROVIDER"						#~ msgid "PROVIDER"
#~ msgstr "PROVEIDOR"						#~ msgstr "PROVEIDOR"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "table"						#~ msgid "table"
#~ msgstr "taula"						#~ msgstr "taula"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "TABLENAME"						#~ msgid "TABLENAME"
#~ msgstr "NOM DE LA TAULA"					#~ msgstr "NOM DE LA TAULA"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "TABLE NAME"						#~ msgid "TABLE NAME"
#~ msgstr "NOM DE LA TAULA"					#~ msgstr "NOM DE LA TAULA"

#~ msgid "Logging in"						#~ msgid "Logging in"
#~ msgstr "Conectant amb"					#~ msgstr "Conectant amb"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Run the GDA configuration tool"			#~ msgid "Run the GDA configuration tool"
#~ msgstr "Executa l'eina de configuració del GDA"		#~ msgstr "Executa l'eina de configuració del GDA"

#~ msgid "Run the GDA build environment"			#~ msgid "Run the GDA build environment"
#~ msgstr "Executa l'entorn de construcció del GDA"		#~ msgstr "Executa l'entorn de construcció del GDA"

#~ msgid "Transaction Support"					#~ msgid "Transaction Support"
#~ msgstr "Suport de transaccions"				#~ msgstr "Suport de transaccions"

#~ msgid "Printer setup..."					#~ msgid "Printer setup..."
#~ msgstr "Configuració de la impressora..."			#~ msgstr "Configuració de la impressora..."

#~ msgid "Open printer setup dialog"				#~ msgid "Open printer setup dialog"
#~ msgstr "Obre el diàleg de configuració de la impressora"	#~ msgstr "Obre el diàleg de configuració de la impressora"

#~ msgid "Exit"							#~ msgid "Exit"
#~ msgstr "Surt"						#~ msgstr "Surt"

#~ msgid "Reload config drivers"				#~ msgid "Reload config drivers"
#~ msgstr "Torna a carregar els controladors de la configurac	#~ msgstr "Torna a carregar els controladors de la configurac
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/ChangeLog ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/ChangeLog
							      >	2004-09-26  Adam Weinberger  <adamw gnome org>
							      >		* en_CA.po: Updated Canadian English translation.
							      >	2004-09-03  Laurent Dhima  <laurenti alblinux net>
							      >		* sq.po: Added Albanian translation.
							      >	2004-09-02  Alessio Frusciante  <algol firenze linux it>
							      >		* it.po: Updated Italian translation by
							      >		Alessio Dessì <alkex inwind it>.
							      >	2004-08-21  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>
							      >		* nb.po: Add.
							      >	2004-08-13  Tommi Vainikainen  <thv iki fi>
							      >		* fi.po: Unified some fields in po headers for Finnis
2004-08-11  Duarte Loreto <happyguy_pt hotmail com>		2004-08-11  Duarte Loreto <happyguy_pt hotmail com>

	* pt.po: Updated Portuguese translation.			* pt.po: Updated Portuguese translation.

2004-07-25  Christian Neumair  <chris gnome-de org>		2004-07-25  Christian Neumair  <chris gnome-de org>

	* de.po: Updated German translation.				* de.po: Updated German translation.

2004-07-24  Tommi Vainikainen  <thv iki fi>			2004-07-24  Tommi Vainikainen  <thv iki fi>

	* fi.po: Updated Finnish translation.				* fi.po: Updated Finnish translation.

2004-07-20  Laszlo Dvornik  <dvornik gnome hu>			2004-07-20  Laszlo Dvornik  <dvornik gnome hu>

	* hu.po: Updated Hungarian translation.				* hu.po: Updated Hungarian translation.

2004-07-18  Francisco Javier F. Serrador  <serrador cvs gnome	2004-07-18  Francisco Javier F. Serrador  <serrador cvs gnome

	* es.po: Updated Spanish translation.				* es.po: Updated Spanish translation.

2004-07-11  Takeshi AIHANA <aihana gnome gr jp>			2004-07-11  Takeshi AIHANA <aihana gnome gr jp>

	* ja.po: Updated Japanese translation by			* ja.po: Updated Japanese translation by
		 Ryoichi INAGAKI <inagaki ryo1 net>.				 Ryoichi INAGAKI <inagaki ryo1 net>.

2004-07-10  Vincent van Adrighem  <adrighem gnome org>		2004-07-10  Vincent van Adrighem  <adrighem gnome org>

	* nl.po: Translation updated by  Jan-Willem Harmanny.		* nl.po: Translation updated by  Jan-Willem Harmanny.

2004-07-07  Estêvão Samuel Procópio  <tevaum ig com br>		2004-07-07  Estêvão Samuel Procópio  <tevaum ig com br>

	* pt_BR.po: Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation.		* pt_BR.po: Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation.

2004-06-29  Gareth Owen  <gowen72 yahoo com>			2004-06-29  Gareth Owen  <gowen72 yahoo com>

	* en_GB.po: Updated British English translations by		* en_GB.po: Updated British English translations by
	David Lodge <dave cirt net>					David Lodge <dave cirt net>
2004-06-10  Adam Weinberger  <adamw gnome org>			2004-06-10  Adam Weinberger  <adamw gnome org>

	* en_CA.po: Updated Canadian English translation.		* en_CA.po: Updated Canadian English translation.

2004-06-07  Miloslav Trmac  <mitr volny cz>			2004-06-07  Miloslav Trmac  <mitr volny cz>

	* cs.po: Updated Czech translation.				* cs.po: Updated Czech translation.

2004-05-17  Gustavo Maciel Dias Vieira  <gustavo sagui org>	2004-05-17  Gustavo Maciel Dias Vieira  <gustavo sagui org>

	* pt_BR.po: Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation 		* pt_BR.po: Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation 
	Gustavo R. Montesino <grmontesino ig com br>.			Gustavo R. Montesino <grmontesino ig com br>.

2004-05-03  Francisco Javier F. Serrador  <serrador cvs gnome	2004-05-03  Francisco Javier F. Serrador  <serrador cvs gnome

	* es.po: Updated Spanish translation.				* es.po: Updated Spanish translation.

2004-05-03  Vincent van Adrighem  <adrighem gnome org>		2004-05-03  Vincent van Adrighem  <adrighem gnome org>

	* nl.po: Translation updated.					* nl.po: Translation updated.

2004-04-24  Duarte Loreto <happyguy_pt hotmail com>		2004-04-24  Duarte Loreto <happyguy_pt hotmail com>

	* pt.po: Updated and revised Portuguese translation.		* pt.po: Updated and revised Portuguese translation.

2004-04-21  Miloslav Trmac  <mitr volny cz>			2004-04-21  Miloslav Trmac  <mitr volny cz>

	* cs.po: Updated Czech translation.				* cs.po: Updated Czech translation.

2004-04-16  Adam Weinberger  <adamw gnome org>			2004-04-16  Adam Weinberger  <adamw gnome org>

	* en_CA.po: Added Canadian English translation.			* en_CA.po: Added Canadian English translation.

2004-04-13  Gareth Owen  <gowen72 yahoo com>			2004-04-13  Gareth Owen  <gowen72 yahoo com>

	* en_GB.po: Updated British English translation, fixe		* en_GB.po: Updated British English translation, fixe

2004-04-13  Gustavo Maciel Dias Vieira  <gdvieira zaz com br>	2004-04-13  Gustavo Maciel Dias Vieira  <gdvieira zaz com br>

	* pt_BR.po: Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation 		* pt_BR.po: Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation 
	Afonso Celso Medina <medina maua br>.				Afonso Celso Medina <medina maua br>.

2004-04-02  Gareth Owen  <gowen72 yahoo com>			2004-04-02  Gareth Owen  <gowen72 yahoo com>

	* en_GB.po: Added British English translation from		* en_GB.po: Added British English translation from
	David Lodge <dave cirt net>					David Lodge <dave cirt net>

2004-03-19  Evandro Fernandes Giovanini  <evandrofg ig com br	2004-03-19  Evandro Fernandes Giovanini  <evandrofg ig com br

	* pt_BR.po: Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation 		* pt_BR.po: Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation 
	Celso Medina <medina maua br>.					Celso Medina <medina maua br>.

2004-03-09  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>			2004-03-09  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>

	* no.po: Updated Norwegian translation.				* no.po: Updated Norwegian translation.

2004-02-29  Christophe Merlet  <redfox redfoxcenter org>	2004-02-29  Christophe Merlet  <redfox redfoxcenter org>

	* fr.po: Updated French translation.				* fr.po: Updated French translation.

2004-02-20  Danilo � egan  <dsegan gmx net>			2004-02-20  Danilo � egan  <dsegan gmx net>

	* sr.po, sr Latn po: Updated Serbian translation.		* sr.po, sr Latn po: Updated Serbian translation.

2004-02-07  Robert Sedak  <robert sedak sk htnet hr>		2004-02-07  Robert Sedak  <robert sedak sk htnet hr>

	* hr.po: Updated Croatian translation.				* hr.po: Updated Croatian translation.

2004-01-26  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>			2004-01-26  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>

	* POTFILES.in: Add minssing files.				* POTFILES.in: Add minssing files.
	* POTFILES.skip: Remove removed files.				* POTFILES.skip: Remove removed files.
	* no.po: Updated Norwegian translation.				* no.po: Updated Norwegian translation.

2002-11-22  Hasbullah Bin Pit <sebol ikhlas com>		2002-11-22  Hasbullah Bin Pit <sebol ikhlas com>

        * ms.po: Updated Malay translation. 			        * ms.po: Updated Malay translation. 
		by Norazah Abd Aziz<azahaa mimos my>				by Norazah Abd Aziz<azahaa mimos my>

2003-11-20  Kostas Papadimas <pkst gnome org>			2003-11-20  Kostas Papadimas <pkst gnome org>

	* el.po: Updated Greek translation.				* el.po: Updated Greek translation.

2003-11-08  Christophe Merlet  <redfox redfoxcenter org>	2003-11-08  Christophe Merlet  <redfox redfoxcenter org>

	* fr.po: Updated French translation.				* fr.po: Updated French translation.

2003-09-24  Stanislav Visnovsky <visnovsky nenya ms mff cuni 	2003-09-24  Stanislav Visnovsky <visnovsky nenya ms mff cuni 

	* sk.po: Updated Slovak translation.				* sk.po: Updated Slovak translation.

2003-08-26  Artur Flinta  <aflinta cvs gnome org>		2003-08-26  Artur Flinta  <aflinta cvs gnome org>

	* pl.po: Updated Polish translation.				* pl.po: Updated Polish translation.

2003-08-26  Duarte Loreto <happyguy_pt hotmail com>		2003-08-26  Duarte Loreto <happyguy_pt hotmail com>

	* pt.po: Updated Portuguese translation.			* pt.po: Updated Portuguese translation.

2003-08-25  Danilo � egan  <dsegan gmx net>			2003-08-25  Danilo � egan  <dsegan gmx net>

	* sr.po, sr Latn po: Updated Serbian translation.		* sr.po, sr Latn po: Updated Serbian translation.

2003-08-24  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>			2003-08-24  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>

	* no.po: Update Norwegian translation.				* no.po: Update Norwegian translation.

2003-08-23  Danilo � egan  <dsegan gmx net>			2003-08-23  Danilo � egan  <dsegan gmx net>

	* sr.po, sr Latn po: Updated Serbian translation.		* sr.po, sr Latn po: Updated Serbian translation.

2003-08-20  Pauli Virtanen  <pauli virtanen hut fi>		2003-08-20  Pauli Virtanen  <pauli virtanen hut fi>

	* fi.po: Updated Finnish translation from Tommi Vaini		* fi.po: Updated Finnish translation from Tommi Vaini

2003-08-13  Danilo � egan  <dsegan gmx net>			2003-08-13  Danilo � egan  <dsegan gmx net>

	* sr.po, sr Latn po: Updated Serbian translation.		* sr.po, sr Latn po: Updated Serbian translation.

2003-08-06  Christophe Merlet  <christophe merlet net>		2003-08-06  Christophe Merlet  <christophe merlet net>

	* fr.po: Updated French translation by				* fr.po: Updated French translation by
	Baptiste Mille-Mathias <bmm80 ifrance com>.			Baptiste Mille-Mathias <bmm80 ifrance com>.

2003-07-25  Vincent van Adrighem  <V vanAdrighem dirck mine n	2003-07-25  Vincent van Adrighem  <V vanAdrighem dirck mine n

	* nl.po: Dutch translation updated by  Jan-Willem Har		* nl.po: Dutch translation updated by  Jan-Willem Har

2003-07-18  Artur Flinta  <aflinta cvs gnome org>		2003-07-18  Artur Flinta  <aflinta cvs gnome org>

	* pl.po: Updated Polish translation.				* pl.po: Updated Polish translation.

2003-07-17  Vincent van Adrighem  <V vanAdrighem dirck mine n	2003-07-17  Vincent van Adrighem  <V vanAdrighem dirck mine n

	* nl.po: Dutch translation updated by Kees van den Br		* nl.po: Dutch translation updated by Kees van den Br

2003-07-17  Christian Neumair  <chris gnome-de org>		2003-07-17  Christian Neumair  <chris gnome-de org>

	* de.po: Updated German translation.				* de.po: Updated German translation.

2003-07-14  Pablo Gonzalo del Campo  <pablodc bigfoot com>	2003-07-14  Pablo Gonzalo del Campo  <pablodc bigfoot com>

        * es.po: Updated Spanish translation by			        * es.po: Updated Spanish translation by
                 Francisco Javier F. Serrador <serrador arrak	                 Francisco Javier F. Serrador <serrador arrak

2003-07-11  Duarte Loreto <happyguy_pt hotmail com>		2003-07-11  Duarte Loreto <happyguy_pt hotmail com>

        * pt.po: Updated Portuguese translation.		        * pt.po: Updated Portuguese translation.

2003-07-08  Miloslav Trmac  <mitr volny cz>			2003-07-08  Miloslav Trmac  <mitr volny cz>

	* cs.po: Updated Czech translation.				* cs.po: Updated Czech translation.

2003-07-07  Miloslav Trmac  <mitr volny cz>			2003-07-07  Miloslav Trmac  <mitr volny cz>

	* cs.po: Updated Czech translation.				* cs.po: Updated Czech translation.

2003-07-07  Vincent van Adrighem  <V vanAdrighem dirck mine n	2003-07-07  Vincent van Adrighem  <V vanAdrighem dirck mine n

	* nl.po: Dutch translation updated by Kees van den Br		* nl.po: Dutch translation updated by Kees van den Br

2003-07-07 Pablo Gonzalo del Campo  <pablodc bigfoot com>	2003-07-07 Pablo Gonzalo del Campo  <pablodc bigfoot com>

        * es.po: Updated Spanish translation by			        * es.po: Updated Spanish translation by
                 Francisco Javier F. Serrador <serrador arrak	                 Francisco Javier F. Serrador <serrador arrak

2003-07-07  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>		2003-07-07  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>

	* POTFILES.in: Added missing files, and removed non-e		* POTFILES.in: Added missing files, and removed non-e
	* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.				* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.

2003-07-05  Miloslav Trmac  <mitr volny cz>			2003-07-05  Miloslav Trmac  <mitr volny cz>

	* cs.po: Updated Czech translation.				* cs.po: Updated Czech translation.

2003-07-04  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>		2003-07-04  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>

	* POTFILES.in: Added missing files, and removed non-e		* POTFILES.in: Added missing files, and removed non-e
	* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.				* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.

2003-07-02  Pablo Gonzalo del Campo  <pablodc bigfoot com>	2003-07-02  Pablo Gonzalo del Campo  <pablodc bigfoot com>

        * es.po: Updated Spanish translation by			        * es.po: Updated Spanish translation by
                 Francisco Javier F. Serrador <serrador arrak	                 Francisco Javier F. Serrador <serrador arrak

2003-06-28  Valek Filippov  <frob df ru>			2003-06-28  Valek Filippov  <frob df ru>

	* ru.po: Updated russian translation.				* ru.po: Updated russian translation.

2003-06-26  Duarte Loreto <happyguy_pt hotmail com>		2003-06-26  Duarte Loreto <happyguy_pt hotmail com>

        * pt.po: Updated Portuguese translation.		        * pt.po: Updated Portuguese translation.

2003-06-24  Miloslav Trmac  <mitr volny cz>			2003-06-24  Miloslav Trmac  <mitr volny cz>

	* cs.po: Updated Czech translation.				* cs.po: Updated Czech translation.

2003-06-23  Miloslav Trmac  <mitr volny cz>			2003-06-23  Miloslav Trmac  <mitr volny cz>

	* cs.po: Updated Czech translation.				* cs.po: Updated Czech translation.

2003-06-23  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>		2003-06-23  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>

	* POTFILES.in: Added missing files.				* POTFILES.in: Added missing files.
	* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.				* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.

2003-06-21  Vincent van Adrighem  <V vanAdrighem dirck mine n	2003-06-21  Vincent van Adrighem  <V vanAdrighem dirck mine n

	* nl.po: Dutch translation updated by  Jan-Willem Har		* nl.po: Dutch translation updated by  Jan-Willem Har

2003-06-20  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>		2003-06-20  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>

	* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.				* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.

2003-06-18  Miloslav Trmac  <mitr volny cz>			2003-06-18  Miloslav Trmac  <mitr volny cz>

	* cs.po: Updated Czech translation.				* cs.po: Updated Czech translation.

2003-06-17  Pablo Gonzalo del Campo  <pablodc bigfoot com>	2003-06-17  Pablo Gonzalo del Campo  <pablodc bigfoot com>

        * es.po: Updated Spanish translation by			        * es.po: Updated Spanish translation by
                 Francisco Javier F. Serrador <serrador arrak	                 Francisco Javier F. Serrador <serrador arrak

2003-06-17  Abel Cheung  <maddog linux org hk>			2003-06-17  Abel Cheung  <maddog linux org hk>

	* POTFILES.in: Add components/gnome-components-shell.		* POTFILES.in: Add components/gnome-components-shell.

2003-06-14  Miloslav Trmac  <mitr volny cz>			2003-06-14  Miloslav Trmac  <mitr volny cz>

	* cs.po: Updated Czech translation.				* cs.po: Updated Czech translation.

2003-06-13  Guntupalli Karunakar  <karunakar freedomink org>	2003-06-13  Guntupalli Karunakar  <karunakar freedomink org>

	* ml.po: Added Malayalam translation by				* ml.po: Added Malayalam translation by
	FSF-India <locale gnu org in>.					FSF-India <locale gnu org in>.

2003-06-13  Vincent van Adrighem  <V vanAdrighem dirck mine n	2003-06-13  Vincent van Adrighem  <V vanAdrighem dirck mine n

	* nl.po: Dutch translation updated by  Jan-Willem Har		* nl.po: Dutch translation updated by  Jan-Willem Har

2003-06-11  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>		2003-06-11  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>

	* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.				* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.

2003-06-10  Abel Cheung  <maddog linux org hk>			2003-06-10  Abel Cheung  <maddog linux org hk>

	* zh_TW.po: Updated traditional Chinese translation.		* zh_TW.po: Updated traditional Chinese translation.

2003-06-06  Vincent van Adrighem  <V vanAdrighem dirck mine n	2003-06-06  Vincent van Adrighem  <V vanAdrighem dirck mine n

	* nl.po: Dutch translation updated by  Jan-Willem Har		* nl.po: Dutch translation updated by  Jan-Willem Har

2003-06-04  Abel Cheung  <maddog linux org hk>			2003-06-04  Abel Cheung  <maddog linux org hk>

	* ta.po: Fix broken encoding.					* ta.po: Fix broken encoding.

2003-05-31  Danilo � egan  <dsegan gmx net>			2003-05-31  Danilo � egan  <dsegan gmx net>

	* sr.po: This file wasn't committed: added now.			* sr.po: This file wasn't committed: added now.

2003-05-28  Danilo � egan  <dsegan gmx net>			2003-05-28  Danilo � egan  <dsegan gmx net>

	* sr.po, sr Latn po: Added Serbian translation by Ser		* sr.po, sr Latn po: Added Serbian translation by Ser
	(Prevod.org).							(Prevod.org).

2003-04-26  Vincent van Adrighem  <V vanAdrighem dirck mine n	2003-04-26  Vincent van Adrighem  <V vanAdrighem dirck mine n

	* nl.po: Dutch translation updated by  Jan-Willem Har		* nl.po: Dutch translation updated by  Jan-Willem Har

2003-04-10  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>		2003-04-10  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>

	* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.				* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.

2003-04-06  Christian Neumair  <chris gnome-de org>		2003-04-06  Christian Neumair  <chris gnome-de org>

	* de.po: Updated German translation.				* de.po: Updated German translation.

2003-04-05  Gustavo Maciel Dias Vieira  <gdvieira zaz com br>	2003-04-05  Gustavo Maciel Dias Vieira  <gdvieira zaz com br>

	* pt_BR.po: Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation 		* pt_BR.po: Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation 
	Folle de Menezes <afmenez terra com br>.			Folle de Menezes <afmenez terra com br>.

2003-04-04  Pablo Gonzalo del Campo  <pablodc bigfoot com>	2003-04-04  Pablo Gonzalo del Campo  <pablodc bigfoot com>

        * es.po: Updated Spanish translation.			        * es.po: Updated Spanish translation.

2003-03-31  Duarte Loreto <happyguy_pt hotmail com>		2003-03-31  Duarte Loreto <happyguy_pt hotmail com>

        * pt.po: Updated Portuguese translation.		        * pt.po: Updated Portuguese translation.

2003-03-31  Miloslav Trmac  <mitr volny cz>			2003-03-31  Miloslav Trmac  <mitr volny cz>

	* cs.po: Updated Czech translation.				* cs.po: Updated Czech translation.

2003-03-30  Vincent van Adrighem  <V vanAdrighem dirck mine n	2003-03-30  Vincent van Adrighem  <V vanAdrighem dirck mine n

	* nl.po: Dutch translation updated by Vincent van Adr		* nl.po: Dutch translation updated by Vincent van Adr

2003-03-16  Roozbeh Pournader  <roozbeh sharif edu>		2003-03-16  Roozbeh Pournader  <roozbeh sharif edu>

	* fa.po: Added Persian translation.				* fa.po: Added Persian translation.

2003-03-08  Christian Neumair  <chris gnome-de org>		2003-03-08  Christian Neumair  <chris gnome-de org>

	* de.po: Updated German translation.				* de.po: Updated German translation.

2003-03-04  Pablo Gonzalo del Campo  <pablodc bigfoot com>	2003-03-04  Pablo Gonzalo del Campo  <pablodc bigfoot com>

        * es.po: Updated Spanish translation.			        * es.po: Updated Spanish translation.

2003-02-27  Duarte Loreto <happyguy_pt hotmail com>		2003-02-27  Duarte Loreto <happyguy_pt hotmail com>

        * pt.po: Updated Portuguese translation.		        * pt.po: Updated Portuguese translation.

2003-02-26  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>		2003-02-26  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>

	* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.				* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.

2003-02-24  Zbigniew Chyla  <cyba gnome pl>			2003-02-24  Zbigniew Chyla  <cyba gnome pl>

	* pl.po: Updated Polish translation by				* pl.po: Updated Polish translation by
	GNOME PL Team <translators gnome pl>.				GNOME PL Team <translators gnome pl>.

2003-02-24  Vincent van Adrighem  <V vanAdrighem dirck mine n	2003-02-24  Vincent van Adrighem  <V vanAdrighem dirck mine n

	* nl.po: Dutch translation updated by  Jan-Willem Har		* nl.po: Dutch translation updated by  Jan-Willem Har

2003-02-24  Vincent van Adrighem  <V vanAdrighem dirck mine n	2003-02-24  Vincent van Adrighem  <V vanAdrighem dirck mine n

	* nl.po: Dutch translation updated by Vincent van Adr		* nl.po: Dutch translation updated by Vincent van Adr

2003-02-22  Gustavo Maciel Dias Vieira  <gdvieira zaz com br>	2003-02-22  Gustavo Maciel Dias Vieira  <gdvieira zaz com br>

	* pt_BR.po: Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation 		* pt_BR.po: Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation 
	Folle de Menezes <afmenez terra com br>.			Folle de Menezes <afmenez terra com br>.

2003-02-20  Miloslav Trmac  <mitr volny cz>			2003-02-20  Miloslav Trmac  <mitr volny cz>

	* cs.po: Updated Czech translation.				* cs.po: Updated Czech translation.

2003-02-09  Christian Neumair  <chris gnome-de org>		2003-02-09  Christian Neumair  <chris gnome-de org>

	* de.po: Updated German translation.				* de.po: Updated German translation.

2003-01-29  Christian Neumair  <chris gnome-de org>		2003-01-29  Christian Neumair  <chris gnome-de org>

	* de.po: Updated German translation.				* de.po: Updated German translation.

2003-01-29 Pablo Gonzalo del Campo <pablodc bigfoot com>	2003-01-29 Pablo Gonzalo del Campo <pablodc bigfoot com>

	* es.po: Updated Spanish translation.				* es.po: Updated Spanish translation.

2003-01-27  Stanislav Visnovsky  <visnovsky nenya ms mff cuni	2003-01-27  Stanislav Visnovsky  <visnovsky nenya ms mff cuni

	* sk.po: Updated Slovak translation.				* sk.po: Updated Slovak translation.

2003-01-24  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>			2003-01-24  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>

	* no.po: Updated Norwegian (bokmal) translation.		* no.po: Updated Norwegian (bokmal) translation.

2003-01-22  Evandro Fernandes Giovanini <evandrofg ig com br>	2003-01-22  Evandro Fernandes Giovanini <evandrofg ig com br>

	* pt_BR.po: Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation		* pt_BR.po: Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation
	from Alexandre Folle de Menezes <afmenez terra com br		from Alexandre Folle de Menezes <afmenez terra com br

2003-01-19  Christian Neumair  <chris gnome-de org>		2003-01-19  Christian Neumair  <chris gnome-de org>

	* de.po: Updated German translation.				* de.po: Updated German translation.

2003-01-17  Christian Neumair  <chris gnome-de org>		2003-01-17  Christian Neumair  <chris gnome-de org>

	* .cvsignore: Added "missing".					* .cvsignore: Added "missing".
	* POTFILES.skip: Added.						* POTFILES.skip: Added.
	* de.po: Updated German translation.				* de.po: Updated German translation.

2003-01-16  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>		2003-01-16  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>

	* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.				* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.

2003-01-13  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>		2003-01-13  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>

	* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.				* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.

2003-01-11  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>		2003-01-11  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>

	* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.				* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.

2003-01-03  Christian Neumair  <chris gnome-de org>		2003-01-03  Christian Neumair  <chris gnome-de org>

	* de.po: Updated German translation.				* de.po: Updated German translation.

2002-12-30 Pablo Gonzalo del Campo <pablodc bigfoot com>	2002-12-30 Pablo Gonzalo del Campo <pablodc bigfoot com>

	* es.po: Updated Spanish translation.				* es.po: Updated Spanish translation.

2002-12-27  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>		2002-12-27  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>

	* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.				* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.

2002-12-25  Miloslav Trmac  <mitr volny cz>			2002-12-25  Miloslav Trmac  <mitr volny cz>

	* cs.po: Updated Czech translation.				* cs.po: Updated Czech translation.

2002-12-12  Alessio Frusciante  <algol firenze linux it>	2002-12-12  Alessio Frusciante  <algol firenze linux it>

	* it.po: Updated Italian translation by Marco Parrone		* it.po: Updated Italian translation by Marco Parrone

2002-12-11  Christian Neumair  <chris gnome-de org>		2002-12-11  Christian Neumair  <chris gnome-de org>

	* POTFILES.in: Added libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c.		* POTFILES.in: Added libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c.
	* de.po: Updated German translation.				* de.po: Updated German translation.

2002-12-10 Pablo Gonzalo del Campo <pablodc bigfoot com>	2002-12-10 Pablo Gonzalo del Campo <pablodc bigfoot com>

	* es.po: Updated Spanish translation.				* es.po: Updated Spanish translation.

2002-11-28  Vincent van Adrighem <V vanAdrighem dirck mine nu	2002-11-28  Vincent van Adrighem <V vanAdrighem dirck mine nu

        * nl.po: Updated Dutch Translation (Jan-Willem Harman	        * nl.po: Updated Dutch Translation (Jan-Willem Harman

2002-11-22  Dmitry G. Mastrukov  <dmitry taurussoft org>	2002-11-22  Dmitry G. Mastrukov  <dmitry taurussoft org>

	* be.po: Updated Belarusian translation				* be.po: Updated Belarusian translation
	* from Belarusian team <i18n infonet by>.			* from Belarusian team <i18n infonet by>.

2002-11-17  Dmitry G. Mastrukov  <dmitry taurussoft org>	2002-11-17  Dmitry G. Mastrukov  <dmitry taurussoft org>

	* be.po: Added Belarusian translation				* be.po: Added Belarusian translation
	* from Belarusian team <i18n infonet by>.			* from Belarusian team <i18n infonet by>.

2002-11-15  Hasbullah Bin Pit <sebol ikhlas com>		2002-11-15  Hasbullah Bin Pit <sebol ikhlas com>

        * ms.po: Updated Malay Translation. 			        * ms.po: Updated Malay Translation. 

2002-11-13  Gustavo Maciel Dias Vieira  <gdvieira zaz com br>	2002-11-13  Gustavo Maciel Dias Vieira  <gdvieira zaz com br>

	* pt_BR.po: Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation 		* pt_BR.po: Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation 
	Folle de Menezes <afmenez terra com br>.			Folle de Menezes <afmenez terra com br>.

2002-10-25  Stanislav Brabec  <sbrabec suse cz>			2002-10-25  Stanislav Brabec  <sbrabec suse cz>

	* cs.po: Updated Czech translation from Michal Bukovj		* cs.po: Updated Czech translation from Michal Bukovj
	<bukm centrum cz>.						<bukm centrum cz>.

2002-10-24  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>		2002-10-24  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>

	* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.				* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.

2002-10-24  Dmitry G. Mastrukov  <dmitry taurussoft org>	2002-10-24  Dmitry G. Mastrukov  <dmitry taurussoft org>

	* ru.po: updated Russian translation				* ru.po: updated Russian translation

2002-10-14  Stanislav Brabec  <sbrabec suse cz>			2002-10-14  Stanislav Brabec  <sbrabec suse cz>

	* cs.po: Updated Czech translation from Michal Bukovj		* cs.po: Updated Czech translation from Michal Bukovj
	<bukm centrum cz>.						<bukm centrum cz>.

2002-10-06  Zbigniew Chyla  <cyba gnome pl>			2002-10-06  Zbigniew Chyla  <cyba gnome pl>

	* pl.po: Updated Polish translation by				* pl.po: Updated Polish translation by
	GNOME PL Team <translators gnome pl>.				GNOME PL Team <translators gnome pl>.

2002-09-30  Stanislav Brabec  <sbrabec suse cz>			2002-09-30  Stanislav Brabec  <sbrabec suse cz>

	* cs.po: Added Czech translation from Michal Bukovjan		* cs.po: Added Czech translation from Michal Bukovjan
	<bukm centrum cz>.						<bukm centrum cz>.

2002-09-25  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>		2002-09-25  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>

	* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.				* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.

2002-09-17  Ole Laursen  <olau hardworking dk>			2002-09-17  Ole Laursen  <olau hardworking dk>

	* da.po: Updated Danish translation.				* da.po: Updated Danish translation.

2002-09-14  Gustavo Maciel Dias Vieira  <gdvieira zaz com br>	2002-09-14  Gustavo Maciel Dias Vieira  <gdvieira zaz com br>

	* pt_BR.po: Updated pt_BR translation by Alexandre Fo		* pt_BR.po: Updated pt_BR translation by Alexandre Fo
	Menezes <afmenez terra com br>.					Menezes <afmenez terra com br>.

2002-09-12  Christian Neumair  <chris gnome-de org>		2002-09-12  Christian Neumair  <chris gnome-de org>

	* de.po: Updated German translation.				* de.po: Updated German translation.

2002-09-11  Dmitry G. Mastrukov  <dmitry taurussoft org>	2002-09-11  Dmitry G. Mastrukov  <dmitry taurussoft org>

	* ru.po: updated Russian translation.				* ru.po: updated Russian translation.

2002-09-11 Carlos Perello Marin <carlos gnome-db org>		2002-09-11 Carlos Perello Marin <carlos gnome-db org>

	* *.po: Updated and reencoded as UTF-8				* *.po: Updated and reencoded as UTF-8
	* README.translators: We don't accept any .po file th		* README.translators: We don't accept any .po file th
	UTF-8 charset.							UTF-8 charset.

2002-09-10  Hasbullah Bin Pit <sebol ikhlas com>		2002-09-10  Hasbullah Bin Pit <sebol ikhlas com>

	* ms.po: Updated Malay Translation.				* ms.po: Updated Malay Translation.

2002-09-06  Gustavo Maciel Dias Vieira  <gdvieira zaz com br>	2002-09-06  Gustavo Maciel Dias Vieira  <gdvieira zaz com br>

	* pt_BR.po: Updated pt_BR translation by Alexandre Fo		* pt_BR.po: Updated pt_BR translation by Alexandre Fo
	Menezes <afmenez terra com br>.					Menezes <afmenez terra com br>.

2002-09-01  Gustavo Maciel Dias Vieira  <gdvieira zaz com br>	2002-09-01  Gustavo Maciel Dias Vieira  <gdvieira zaz com br>

	* pt_BR.po: Updated pt_BR translation by Alexandre Fo		* pt_BR.po: Updated pt_BR translation by Alexandre Fo
	Menezes <afmenez terra com br>.					Menezes <afmenez terra com br>.

2002-08-27  Christian Neumair  <christian-neumair web de>	2002-08-27  Christian Neumair  <christian-neumair web de>

	* de.po: Updated German translation.				* de.po: Updated German translation.

2002-08-25  He Qiangqiang  <carton linux net cn>		2002-08-25  He Qiangqiang  <carton linux net cn>

	* zh_CN.po: Updated Simplified Chinese translation by		* zh_CN.po: Updated Simplified Chinese translation by
		    Wang Li <charles linux net cn>.				    Wang Li <charles linux net cn>.

2002-08-15  Duarte Loreto <happyguy_pt hotmail com>		2002-08-15  Duarte Loreto <happyguy_pt hotmail com>

        * pt.po: Updated Portuguese translation.		        * pt.po: Updated Portuguese translation.

2002-08-14  Ole Laursen  <olau hardworking dk>			2002-08-14  Ole Laursen  <olau hardworking dk>

	* da.po: Updated Danish translation.				* da.po: Updated Danish translation.

2002-08-10  Christian Neumair  <christian-neumair web de>	2002-08-10  Christian Neumair  <christian-neumair web de>

	* de.po: Updated German translation.				* de.po: Updated German translation.

2002-08-08  Zbigniew Chyla  <cyba gnome pl>			2002-08-08  Zbigniew Chyla  <cyba gnome pl>

	* pl.po: Updated Polish translation by				* pl.po: Updated Polish translation by
	GNOME PL Team <translators gnome pl>.				GNOME PL Team <translators gnome pl>.

2002-08-07 Pablo Gonzalo del Campo <pablodc bigfoot com>	2002-08-07 Pablo Gonzalo del Campo <pablodc bigfoot com>

	* es.po: Updated Spanish translation.				* es.po: Updated Spanish translation.

2002-08-07  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>		2002-08-07  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>

	* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.				* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.

2002-07-30  Pablo Saratxaga  <pablo mandrakesoft com>		2002-07-30  Pablo Saratxaga  <pablo mandrakesoft com>

	* vi.po: Updated Vietnamese file				* vi.po: Updated Vietnamese file

2002-07-24  Christian Meyer  <chrisime gnome org>		2002-07-24  Christian Meyer  <chrisime gnome org>

	* de.po: Updated German translation.				* de.po: Updated German translation.

2002-07-24  Zbigniew Chyla  <chyla gnome pl>			2002-07-24  Zbigniew Chyla  <chyla gnome pl>

	* pl.po: Updated Polish translation by				* pl.po: Updated Polish translation by
	GNOME PL Team <translators gnome pl>.				GNOME PL Team <translators gnome pl>.

2002-07-15  Ole Laursen  <olau hardworking dk>			2002-07-15  Ole Laursen  <olau hardworking dk>

	* da.po: Updated Danish translation.				* da.po: Updated Danish translation.

2002-07-13  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>			2002-07-13  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>

	* no.po: Updated Norwegian (bokmÃ?Â¥l) translation.		* no.po: Updated Norwegian (bokmÃ?Â¥l) translation.

2002-07-12 Pablo Gonzalo del Campo <pablodc bigfoot com>	2002-07-12 Pablo Gonzalo del Campo <pablodc bigfoot com>

	* es.po: Updated Spanish translation.				* es.po: Updated Spanish translation.

2002-07-12  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>		2002-07-12  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>

	* POTFILES.in: Added missing files.				* POTFILES.in: Added missing files.
	* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.				* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.

2002-07-03  Stanislav Visnovsky <visnovsky nenya ms mff cuni 	2002-07-03  Stanislav Visnovsky <visnovsky nenya ms mff cuni 

	* sk.po: Updated Slovak translation.				* sk.po: Updated Slovak translation.

2002-07-02  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>			2002-07-02  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>

	* no.po: Updated Norwegian (bokmÃ?Â¥l) translation.		* no.po: Updated Norwegian (bokmÃ?Â¥l) translation.

2002-06-18  Ole Laursen  <olau hardworking dk>			2002-06-18  Ole Laursen  <olau hardworking dk>

	* da.po: Updated Danish translation.				* da.po: Updated Danish translation.

2002-06-16 Pablo Gonzalo del Campo <pablodc bigfoot com>	2002-06-16 Pablo Gonzalo del Campo <pablodc bigfoot com>

	* es.po: Updated Spanish translation.				* es.po: Updated Spanish translation.

2002-06-16  Duarte Loreto <happyguy_pt hotmail com>		2002-06-16  Duarte Loreto <happyguy_pt hotmail com>

        * pt.po: Updated Portuguese translation.		        * pt.po: Updated Portuguese translation.

2002-06-16  Duarte Loreto <happyguy_pt hotmail com>		2002-06-16  Duarte Loreto <happyguy_pt hotmail com>

        * pt.po: Updated Portuguese translation.		        * pt.po: Updated Portuguese translation.

2002-06-14  Zbigniew Chyla  <chyla buy pl>			2002-06-14  Zbigniew Chyla  <chyla buy pl>

	* pl.po: Updated Polish translation by				* pl.po: Updated Polish translation by
	GNOME PL Team <translators gnome pl>.				GNOME PL Team <translators gnome pl>.

2002-06-13  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>		2002-06-13  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>

	* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.				* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.

2002-06-11  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>		2002-06-11  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>

	* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.				* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.

2002-06-10  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>			2002-06-10  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>

	* no.po: Updated Norwegian (bokmÃ?Â¥l) translation.		* no.po: Updated Norwegian (bokmÃ?Â¥l) translation.

2002-06-10  Changwoo Ryu  <cwryu debian org>			2002-06-10  Changwoo Ryu  <cwryu debian org>

	* ko.po: Updated Korean translation from Young-Ho Cha		* ko.po: Updated Korean translation from Young-Ho Cha
	<ganadist chollian net>.					<ganadist chollian net>.

2002-06-07  Zbigniew Chyla  <chyla buy pl>			2002-06-07  Zbigniew Chyla  <chyla buy pl>

	* pl.po: Updated Polish translation by				* pl.po: Updated Polish translation by
	GNOME PL Team <translators gnome pl>.				GNOME PL Team <translators gnome pl>.

2002-06-07  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>		2002-06-07  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>

	* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.				* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.

2002-06-05 Pablo Gonzalo del Campo <pablodc bigfoot com>	2002-06-05 Pablo Gonzalo del Campo <pablodc bigfoot com>

	* es.po: Updated Spanish translation.				* es.po: Updated Spanish translation.

2002-06-06  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>		2002-06-06  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>

	* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.				* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.

2002-06-05  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>		2002-06-05  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>

	* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.				* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.

2002-06-05  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>			2002-06-05  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>

	* no.po: Updated Norwegian (bokmÃ?Â¥l) translation.		* no.po: Updated Norwegian (bokmÃ?Â¥l) translation.

2002-06-05  Ole Laursen  <olau hardworking dk>			2002-06-05  Ole Laursen  <olau hardworking dk>

	* .cvsignore: Added messages.mo.				* .cvsignore: Added messages.mo.

2002-06-04  Ole Laursen  <olau hardworking dk>			2002-06-04  Ole Laursen  <olau hardworking dk>

	* da.po: Updated Danish translation.				* da.po: Updated Danish translation.

2002-06-04  Zbigniew Chyla  <chyla buy pl>			2002-06-04  Zbigniew Chyla  <chyla buy pl>

	* pl.po: Updated Polish translation by				* pl.po: Updated Polish translation by
	GNOME PL Team <translators gnome pl>.				GNOME PL Team <translators gnome pl>.

	* POTFILES.in: Added files:					* POTFILES.in: Added files:
	control-center/database-properties.desktop.in,			control-center/database-properties.desktop.in,
	control-center/database-capplet.c,				control-center/database-capplet.c,
	control-center/dsn-config.c,					control-center/dsn-config.c,
	control-center/main.c.						control-center/main.c.

2002-06-03  Stanislav Visnovsky <visnovsky nenya ms mff cuni 	2002-06-03  Stanislav Visnovsky <visnovsky nenya ms mff cuni 

	* sk.po: Updated Slovak translation.				* sk.po: Updated Slovak translation.

2002-06-01  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>			2002-06-01  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>

	* no.po: Updated Norwegian (bokmÃ?Â¥l) translation.		* no.po: Updated Norwegian (bokmÃ?Â¥l) translation.

2002-05-31 Pablo Gonzalo del Campo <pablodc bigfoot com>	2002-05-31 Pablo Gonzalo del Campo <pablodc bigfoot com>

	* es.po: Updated Spanish translation.				* es.po: Updated Spanish translation.

2002-05-01  Zbigniew Chyla  <cyba gnome pl>			2002-05-01  Zbigniew Chyla  <cyba gnome pl>

	* pl.po: Updated Polish translation by				* pl.po: Updated Polish translation by
	GNOME PL Team <translators gnome pl>.				GNOME PL Team <translators gnome pl>.

2002-05-31  Stanislav Visnovsky <visnovsky nenya ms mff cuni 	2002-05-31  Stanislav Visnovsky <visnovsky nenya ms mff cuni 

	* sk.po: Updated Slovak translation.				* sk.po: Updated Slovak translation.

2002-05-11  Ole Laursen  <olau hardworking dk>			2002-05-11  Ole Laursen  <olau hardworking dk>

	* da.po: Updated Danish translation.				* da.po: Updated Danish translation.

2002-05-08  Pablo Saratxaga <pablo mandrakesoft com>		2002-05-08  Pablo Saratxaga <pablo mandrakesoft com>

	* vi.po: Updated Vietnamese file				* vi.po: Updated Vietnamese file

2002-05-06  Duarte Loreto <happyguy_pt hotmail com>		2002-05-06  Duarte Loreto <happyguy_pt hotmail com>

        * pt.po: Updated Portuguese translation and converted	        * pt.po: Updated Portuguese translation and converted

2002-05-05  Christophe Merlet  <christophe merlet net>		2002-05-05  Christophe Merlet  <christophe merlet net>

	* fr.po: Updated French translation.				* fr.po: Updated French translation.

2002-05-04  Pablo Saratxaga <pablo mandrakesoft com>		2002-05-04  Pablo Saratxaga <pablo mandrakesoft com>

	* tr.po: Updated Turkish file					* tr.po: Updated Turkish file

2002-05-02  Changwoo Ryu  <cwryu debian org>			2002-05-02  Changwoo Ryu  <cwryu debian org>

	* ko.po: Updated Korean translation by Young-Ho, Cha		* ko.po: Updated Korean translation by Young-Ho, Cha
	<ganadist chollian net>.					<ganadist chollian net>.

2002-05-01  Pablo Saratxaga <pablo mandrakesoft com>		2002-05-01  Pablo Saratxaga <pablo mandrakesoft com>

	* vi.po: Added Vietnamese file					* vi.po: Added Vietnamese file

2002-04-28  Christophe Fergeau <teuf users sourceforge net>	2002-04-28  Christophe Fergeau <teuf users sourceforge net>

	* fr.po: converted to UTF-8					* fr.po: converted to UTF-8

2002-04-23  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>			2002-04-23  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>

	* no.po: Updated Norwegian (bokmÃ?Â¥l) translation.		* no.po: Updated Norwegian (bokmÃ?Â¥l) translation.

2002-04-15  Hasbullah Bin Pit <sebol ikhlas com>		2002-04-15  Hasbullah Bin Pit <sebol ikhlas com>

	* ms.po: Updated Malay Translation.				* ms.po: Updated Malay Translation.

2002-04-10  Stanislav Visnovsky <visnovsky nenya ms mff cuni 	2002-04-10  Stanislav Visnovsky <visnovsky nenya ms mff cuni 

	* sk.po: Updated Slovak translation.				* sk.po: Updated Slovak translation.

2002-04-09  Zbigniew Chyla  <cyba gnome pl>			2002-04-09  Zbigniew Chyla  <cyba gnome pl>

	* pl.po: Updated Polish translation by				* pl.po: Updated Polish translation by
	GNOME PL Team <translators gnome pl>.				GNOME PL Team <translators gnome pl>.

2002-04-02  Hasbullah Bin Pit <sebol ikhlas com>		2002-04-02  Hasbullah Bin Pit <sebol ikhlas com>

	* ms.po: Updated Malay Translation.				* ms.po: Updated Malay Translation.

2002-04-02  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>		2002-04-02  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>

	* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.				* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.

2002-04-01  Duarte Loreto <happyguy_pt hotmail com>		2002-04-01  Duarte Loreto <happyguy_pt hotmail com>

        * pt.po: Updated Portuguese translation.		        * pt.po: Updated Portuguese translation.

2002-03-28  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>			2002-03-28  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>

	* no.po: Updated Norwegian (bokmÃ?Â¥l) translation.		* no.po: Updated Norwegian (bokmÃ?Â¥l) translation.

2002-03-28  Zbigniew Chyla  <cyba gnome pl>			2002-03-28  Zbigniew Chyla  <cyba gnome pl>

	* pl.po: Updated Polish translation by				* pl.po: Updated Polish translation by
	GNOME PL Team <translators gnome pl>.				GNOME PL Team <translators gnome pl>.

2002-03-26  Stanislav Visnovsky <visnovsky nenya ms mff cuni 	2002-03-26  Stanislav Visnovsky <visnovsky nenya ms mff cuni 

	* sk.po: Updated Slovak translation.				* sk.po: Updated Slovak translation.

2002-03-22  Zbigniew Chyla  <cyba gnome pl>			2002-03-22  Zbigniew Chyla  <cyba gnome pl>

	* pl.po: Updated Polish translation by				* pl.po: Updated Polish translation by
	GNOME PL Team <translators gnome pl>.				GNOME PL Team <translators gnome pl>.

2002-03-20  Zbigniew Chyla  <cyba gnome pl>			2002-03-20  Zbigniew Chyla  <cyba gnome pl>

	* pl.po: Updated Polish translation by				* pl.po: Updated Polish translation by
	GNOME PL Team <translators gnome pl>.				GNOME PL Team <translators gnome pl>.

2002-03-18  Valek Filippov  <frob df ru>			2002-03-18  Valek Filippov  <frob df ru>

	* ru.po: Updated russian translation.				* ru.po: Updated russian translation.

2002-03-17  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>			2002-03-17  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>

	* no.po: Updated Norwegian (bokmÃ?Â¥l) translation.		* no.po: Updated Norwegian (bokmÃ?Â¥l) translation.

2002-03-16  Christian Meyer  <chrisime gnome org>		2002-03-16  Christian Meyer  <chrisime gnome org>

	* de.po: Updated German translation.				* de.po: Updated German translation.

2002-03-15  Valek Filippov  <frob df ru>			2002-03-15  Valek Filippov  <frob df ru>

	* ru.po: Updated russian translation.				* ru.po: Updated russian translation.

2002-03-15  Stanislav Visnovsky <visnovsky nenya ms mff cuni 	2002-03-15  Stanislav Visnovsky <visnovsky nenya ms mff cuni 

	* sk.po: Updated Slovak translation.				* sk.po: Updated Slovak translation.

2002-03-12  Duarte Loreto <happyguy_pt hotmail com>		2002-03-12  Duarte Loreto <happyguy_pt hotmail com>

        * pt.po: Updated Portuguese translation.		        * pt.po: Updated Portuguese translation.

2002-03-09  Zbigniew Chyla  <cyba gnome pl>			2002-03-09  Zbigniew Chyla  <cyba gnome pl>

	* pl.po: Updated Polish translation by				* pl.po: Updated Polish translation by
	GNOME PL Team <translators gnome pl>.				GNOME PL Team <translators gnome pl>.

2002-03-08  Valek Filippov  <frob df ru>			2002-03-08  Valek Filippov  <frob df ru>

	* ru.po: Updated russian translation.				* ru.po: Updated russian translation.

2002-03-07  Ole Laursen  <olau hardworking dk>			2002-03-07  Ole Laursen  <olau hardworking dk>

	* da.po: Updated Danish translation.				* da.po: Updated Danish translation.

2002-03-06  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2002-03-06  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* POTFILES.in: added missing files.				* POTFILES.in: added missing files.

2002-03-06  Duarte Loreto <happyguy_pt hotmail com>		2002-03-06  Duarte Loreto <happyguy_pt hotmail com>

        * pt.po: Updated Portuguese translation.		        * pt.po: Updated Portuguese translation.

2002-03-06  Zbigniew Chyla  <cyba gnome pl>			2002-03-06  Zbigniew Chyla  <cyba gnome pl>

	* pl.po: Updated Polish translation by				* pl.po: Updated Polish translation by
	GNOME PL Team <translators gnome pl>.				GNOME PL Team <translators gnome pl>.

2002-03-05  Stanislav Visnovsky <visnovsky nenya ms mff cuni 	2002-03-05  Stanislav Visnovsky <visnovsky nenya ms mff cuni 

	* sk.po: Updated Slovak translation.				* sk.po: Updated Slovak translation.

2002-03-05  Matthias Warkus  <mawarkus gnome org>		2002-03-05  Matthias Warkus  <mawarkus gnome org>

	* de.po: Updated German translation.				* de.po: Updated German translation.

2002-03-04  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>			2002-03-04  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>

	* no.po: Updated Norwegian (bokmÃ?Â¥l) translation.		* no.po: Updated Norwegian (bokmÃ?Â¥l) translation.

2002-03-04  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>		2002-03-04  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>

	* sv.po: Fixed Swedish translation.				* sv.po: Fixed Swedish translation.

2002-03-03  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>		2002-03-03  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>

	* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.				* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.

2002-03-03  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>			2002-03-03  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>

	* no.po: Updated Norwegian (bokmÃ?Â¥l) translation.		* no.po: Updated Norwegian (bokmÃ?Â¥l) translation.

2002-03-03  Abel Cheung  <maddog linux org hk>			2002-03-03  Abel Cheung  <maddog linux org hk>

	* nn.po: Removed empty file which is causing gettext		* nn.po: Removed empty file which is causing gettext
	error in i18n status page generation.				error in i18n status page generation.

2002-03-02  Ole Laursen  <olau hardworking dk>			2002-03-02  Ole Laursen  <olau hardworking dk>

	* da.po: Updated Danish translation.				* da.po: Updated Danish translation.

2002-03-02  Zbigniew Chyla  <cyba gnome pl>			2002-03-02  Zbigniew Chyla  <cyba gnome pl>

	* pl.po: Updated Polish translation by				* pl.po: Updated Polish translation by
	GNOME PL Team <translators gnome pl>.				GNOME PL Team <translators gnome pl>.

2002-03-01  Stanislav Visnovsky <visnovsky nenya ms mff cuni 	2002-03-01  Stanislav Visnovsky <visnovsky nenya ms mff cuni 

	* sk.po: Updated Slovak translation.				* sk.po: Updated Slovak translation.

2002-02-28  Stanislav Visnovsky <visnovsky nenya ms mff cuni 	2002-02-28  Stanislav Visnovsky <visnovsky nenya ms mff cuni 

	* sk.po: Updated Slovak translation.				* sk.po: Updated Slovak translation.

2002-02-12  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>			2002-02-12  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>

	* no.po: Updated Norwegian (bokmÃ?Â¥l) translation.		* no.po: Updated Norwegian (bokmÃ?Â¥l) translation.

2002-02-10  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>			2002-02-10  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>

	* no.po: Updated Norwegian (bokmÃ?Â¥l) translation.		* no.po: Updated Norwegian (bokmÃ?Â¥l) translation.

2002-02-10  Duarte Loreto <happyguy_pt hotmail com>		2002-02-10  Duarte Loreto <happyguy_pt hotmail com>

        * pt.po: Updated Portuguese translation.		        * pt.po: Updated Portuguese translation.

2002-02-03  Hasbullah Bin Pit <sebol ikhlas com>		2002-02-03  Hasbullah Bin Pit <sebol ikhlas com>

	* ms.po: Updated Malay Translation.				* ms.po: Updated Malay Translation.

2002-01-30  Ole Laursen  <olau hardworking dk>			2002-01-30  Ole Laursen  <olau hardworking dk>

	* da.po: Updated Danish translation.				* da.po: Updated Danish translation.

2002-01-30  Stanislav Visnovsky <visnovsky nenya ms mff cuni 	2002-01-30  Stanislav Visnovsky <visnovsky nenya ms mff cuni 

	* sk.po: Updated Slovak translation.				* sk.po: Updated Slovak translation.

2002-01-29  Wang Jian  <lark linux net cn>			2002-01-29  Wang Jian  <lark linux net cn>

	* zh_CN.po: Updated Simplified Chinese translation by		* zh_CN.po: Updated Simplified Chinese translation by
	Wang Li <charlesw1234 163 com>.					Wang Li <charlesw1234 163 com>.

2002-01-27  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>			2002-01-27  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>

	* no.po: Updated Norwegian (bokmÃ?Â¥l) translation.		* no.po: Updated Norwegian (bokmÃ?Â¥l) translation.

2002-01-27  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>		2002-01-27  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>

	* POTFILES.in: Added missing file.				* POTFILES.in: Added missing file.
	* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation, and converted i		* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation, and converted i

2002-01-22  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>		2002-01-22  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>

	* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.				* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.

2002-01-19  Hasbullah Bin Pit <sebol ikhlas com>		2002-01-19  Hasbullah Bin Pit <sebol ikhlas com>

	* ms.po: Added Malay Translation by				* ms.po: Added Malay Translation by
	 Afifi Omar (App) <mr_mohd_afifi yahoo com> and me ..		 Afifi Omar (App) <mr_mohd_afifi yahoo com> and me ..

2002-01-13  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>			2002-01-13  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>

	* no.po: Updated Norwegian (bokmÃ?Â¥l) translation.		* no.po: Updated Norwegian (bokmÃ?Â¥l) translation.

2002-01-10  Duarte Loreto <happyguy_pt hotmail com>		2002-01-10  Duarte Loreto <happyguy_pt hotmail com>

        * pt.po: Updated Portuguese translation.		        * pt.po: Updated Portuguese translation.

2002-01-09  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>		2002-01-09  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>

	* POTFILES.in: Sorted and added missing files.			* POTFILES.in: Sorted and added missing files.
	* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.				* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.

2002-01-09  Stanislav Visnovsky  <visnovsky nenya ms mff cuni	2002-01-09  Stanislav Visnovsky  <visnovsky nenya ms mff cuni

	* sk.po: Updated Slovak translation.				* sk.po: Updated Slovak translation.

2002-01-08  Duarte Loreto <happyguy_pt hotmail com>		2002-01-08  Duarte Loreto <happyguy_pt hotmail com>

        * pt.po: Updated Portuguese translation.		        * pt.po: Updated Portuguese translation.

2001-12-27  Duarte Loreto <happyguy_pt hotmail com>		2001-12-27  Duarte Loreto <happyguy_pt hotmail com>

        * pt.po: Added portuguese translation			        * pt.po: Added portuguese translation

2001-12-15  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>		2001-12-15  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>

	* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.				* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.

2001-12-13  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>			2001-12-13  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>

	* no.po: Updated Norwegian (bokmÃ?Â¥l) translation.		* no.po: Updated Norwegian (bokmÃ?Â¥l) translation.

2001-12-11  Stanislav Visnovsky  <visnovsky nenya ms mff cuni	2001-12-11  Stanislav Visnovsky  <visnovsky nenya ms mff cuni

	* sk.po: Updated Slovak translation.				* sk.po: Updated Slovak translation.

2001-12-04  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>		2001-12-04  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>

	* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.				* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.

2001-11-24  Wang Jian  <lark linux net cn>			2001-11-24  Wang Jian  <lark linux net cn>

	* zh_CN.po: Updated Simplified Chinese translation by		* zh_CN.po: Updated Simplified Chinese translation by
	Wang Li <charlesw1234 163 com>.					Wang Li <charlesw1234 163 com>.

2001-11-21  Carlos Perell�³ Mar�­n <carlos gnome-db org>	2001-11-21  Carlos Perell�³ Mar�­n <carlos gnome-db org>

	* POTFILES.ignore: Removed.					* POTFILES.ignore: Removed.

2001-11-21  Carlos Perell�³ Mar�­n <carlos gnome-db org>	2001-11-21  Carlos Perell�³ Mar�­n <carlos gnome-db org>

	* POTFILES.in: Fixed.						* POTFILES.in: Fixed.

2001-11-03  Carlos Perell�³ Mar�­n <carlos gnome-db org>	2001-11-03  Carlos Perell�³ Mar�­n <carlos gnome-db org>

	* POTFILES.in: Updated the recent changes.			* POTFILES.in: Updated the recent changes.

2001-10-14  Valek Filippov  <frob df ru>			2001-10-14  Valek Filippov  <frob df ru>

	* ru.po: Updated russian translation.				* ru.po: Updated russian translation.

2001-09-29  Fatih Demir <kabalak gtranslator org>		2001-09-29  Fatih Demir <kabalak gtranslator org>

	* ta.po: Added Tamil translation.				* ta.po: Added Tamil translation.

2001-09-27  Wang Jian  <lark linux net cn>			2001-09-27  Wang Jian  <lark linux net cn>

	* zh_CN.po: Added Simplified Chinese translation.		* zh_CN.po: Added Simplified Chinese translation.

2001-09-26  Pablo Saratxaga <pablo mandrakesoft com>		2001-09-26  Pablo Saratxaga <pablo mandrakesoft com>

	* az.po: Added Azeri file					* az.po: Added Azeri file
	* ca.po: Updated Catalan file					* ca.po: Updated Catalan file

2001-09-19  Carlos Perell�³ Mar�­n <carlos gnome-db org>	2001-09-19  Carlos Perell�³ Mar�­n <carlos gnome-db org>

	* POTFILES.in: Fixed						* POTFILES.in: Fixed

2001-09-22  Abel Cheung  <maddog linux org hk>			2001-09-22  Abel Cheung  <maddog linux org hk>

	* zh_TW.po: Update tranditional Chinese translation		* zh_TW.po: Update tranditional Chinese translation
	  from Joe Man <trmetal yahoo com hk>				  from Joe Man <trmetal yahoo com hk>

2001-09-04  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>		2001-09-04  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>

	* .cvsignore: Changed to ignore *.pot.				* .cvsignore: Changed to ignore *.pot.

2001-09-03  Stanislav Visnovsky  <visnovsky nenya ms mff cuni	2001-09-03  Stanislav Visnovsky  <visnovsky nenya ms mff cuni

	* sk.po: Updated Slovak translation.				* sk.po: Updated Slovak translation.

2001-09-02  Carlos Perell�³ Mar�­n <carlos gnome-db org>	2001-09-02  Carlos Perell�³ Mar�­n <carlos gnome-db org>

	* POTFILES.in: Updated.						* POTFILES.in: Updated.

2001-09-02  Abel Cheung  <maddog linux org hk>			2001-09-02  Abel Cheung  <maddog linux org hk>

	* zh_TW.po: Convert to UTF-8.					* zh_TW.po: Convert to UTF-8.

2001-08-31  Abel Cheung  <maddog linux org hk>			2001-08-31  Abel Cheung  <maddog linux org hk>

	* zh_TW.Big5.po: Rename to ......				* zh_TW.Big5.po: Rename to ......
	* zh_TW.po: This.						* zh_TW.po: This.

2001-08-20  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			2001-08-20  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

	* POTFILES.in: removed source files from gnome-db		* POTFILES.in: removed source files from gnome-db

2001-08-17  Carlos Perell�³ Mar�­n <carlos gnome-db org>	2001-08-17  Carlos Perell�³ Mar�­n <carlos gnome-db org>

	* zh_TW.Big5: renamed to zh_TW.Big5.po				* zh_TW.Big5: renamed to zh_TW.Big5.po

2001-08-13  Valek Filippov  <frob df ru>			2001-08-13  Valek Filippov  <frob df ru>

	* ru.po: Updated russian translation.				* ru.po: Updated russian translation.

2001-08-02  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>		2001-08-02  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>

	* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.				* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.

2001-07-24  Stanislav Visnovsky  <visnovsky nenya ms mff cuni	2001-07-24  Stanislav Visnovsky  <visnovsky nenya ms mff cuni

	* sk.po: Updated Slovak translation.				* sk.po: Updated Slovak translation.

2001-07-24  Wang Jian  <lark linux net cn>			2001-07-24  Wang Jian  <lark linux net cn>

	* zh_TW.Big5: Added by Joe Man <trmetal yahoo com hk>		* zh_TW.Big5: Added by Joe Man <trmetal yahoo com hk>

2001-07-17  Stanislav Visnovsky  <visnovsky nenya ms mff cuni	2001-07-17  Stanislav Visnovsky  <visnovsky nenya ms mff cuni

	* sk.po: Updated Slovak translation.				* sk.po: Updated Slovak translation.

2001-07-15  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>			2001-07-15  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>

	* nn.po: Added Norwegian (nynorsk) translation.			* nn.po: Added Norwegian (nynorsk) translation.
	* no.po: Updated Norwegian (bokmÃ?Â¥l) translation.		* no.po: Updated Norwegian (bokmÃ?Â¥l) translation.
2001-07-07  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>		2001-07-07  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>

	* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.				* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.

2001-07-02  Akira TAGOH  <tagoh gnome-db org>			2001-07-02  Akira TAGOH  <tagoh gnome-db org>

	* ja.po: Updated Japanese translation.				* ja.po: Updated Japanese translation.

2001-06-01  Stanislav Visnovsky  <visnovsky nenya ms mff cuni	2001-06-01  Stanislav Visnovsky  <visnovsky nenya ms mff cuni

	* sk.po: Updated Slovak translation.				* sk.po: Updated Slovak translation.

2001-06-01  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>		2001-06-01  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>

	* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.				* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.

2001-06-01  gettextize  <bug-gnu-utils gnu org>			2001-06-01  gettextize  <bug-gnu-utils gnu org>

	* Makefile.in.in: Upgrade to gettext-0.10.38.			* Makefile.in.in: Upgrade to gettext-0.10.38.

2001-05-31  gettextize  <bug-gnu-utils gnu org>			2001-05-31  gettextize  <bug-gnu-utils gnu org>

	* Makefile.in.in: Upgrade to gettext-0.10.38.			* Makefile.in.in: Upgrade to gettext-0.10.38.

2001-05-31  gettextize  <bug-gnu-utils gnu org>			2001-05-31  gettextize  <bug-gnu-utils gnu org>

	* Makefile.in.in: Upgrade to gettext-0.10.38.			* Makefile.in.in: Upgrade to gettext-0.10.38.

2001-05-27  gettextize  <bug-gnu-utils gnu org>			2001-05-27  gettextize  <bug-gnu-utils gnu org>

	* Makefile.in.in: Upgrade to gettext-0.10.37.			* Makefile.in.in: Upgrade to gettext-0.10.37.

2001-05-27  gettextize  <bug-gnu-utils gnu org>			2001-05-27  gettextize  <bug-gnu-utils gnu org>

	* Makefile.in.in: Upgrade to gettext-0.10.37.			* Makefile.in.in: Upgrade to gettext-0.10.37.

2001-05-27  gettextize  <bug-gnu-utils gnu org>			2001-05-27  gettextize  <bug-gnu-utils gnu org>

	* Makefile.in.in: Upgrade to gettext-0.10.37.			* Makefile.in.in: Upgrade to gettext-0.10.37.

2001-05-27  gettextize  <bug-gnu-utils gnu org>			2001-05-27  gettextize  <bug-gnu-utils gnu org>

	* Makefile.in.in: Upgrade to gettext-0.10.37.			* Makefile.in.in: Upgrade to gettext-0.10.37.

2001-05-27  gettextize  <bug-gnu-utils gnu org>			2001-05-27  gettextize  <bug-gnu-utils gnu org>

	* Makefile.in.in: Upgrade to gettext-0.10.37.			* Makefile.in.in: Upgrade to gettext-0.10.37.

2001-05-26  gettextize  <bug-gnu-utils gnu org>			2001-05-26  gettextize  <bug-gnu-utils gnu org>

	* Makefile.in.in: Upgrade to gettext-0.10.37.			* Makefile.in.in: Upgrade to gettext-0.10.37.

2001-05-18  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>			2001-05-18  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>

	* no.po: Updated Norwegian translation.				* no.po: Updated Norwegian translation.
2001-05-21  Pablo Saratxaga <pablo mandrakesoft com>		2001-05-21  Pablo Saratxaga <pablo mandrakesoft com>

	* es.po,it.po,pl.po,pt_BR.po: fixed headers			* es.po,it.po,pl.po,pt_BR.po: fixed headers

2001-05-18  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>			2001-05-18  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>

	* POTFILES.in: Remove non-existant files.			* POTFILES.in: Remove non-existant files.
	* no.po: Updated Norwegian translation.				* no.po: Updated Norwegian translation.
2001-05-16  gettextize  <bug-gnu-utils gnu org>			2001-05-16  gettextize  <bug-gnu-utils gnu org>

	* Makefile.in.in: Upgrade to gettext-0.10.37.			* Makefile.in.in: Upgrade to gettext-0.10.37.

2001-05-11  gettextize  <bug-gnu-utils gnu org>			2001-05-11  gettextize  <bug-gnu-utils gnu org>

	* Makefile.in.in: Upgrade to gettext-0.10.37.			* Makefile.in.in: Upgrade to gettext-0.10.37.

2001-04-30  gettextize  <bug-gnu-utils gnu org>			2001-04-30  gettextize  <bug-gnu-utils gnu org>

	* Makefile.in.in: Upgrade to gettext-0.10.37.			* Makefile.in.in: Upgrade to gettext-0.10.37.

2001-04-30  Stanislav Visnovsky  <visnovsky nenya ms mff cuni	2001-04-30  Stanislav Visnovsky  <visnovsky nenya ms mff cuni

	* sk.po: Updated Slovak translation.				* sk.po: Updated Slovak translation.

2001-04-29  Christian Meyer  <chrisime gnome org>		2001-04-29  Christian Meyer  <chrisime gnome org>

	* de.po: Updated German translation.				* de.po: Updated German translation.

2001-04-23  Valek Filippov  <frob df ru>			2001-04-23  Valek Filippov  <frob df ru>

	* ru.po: Updated russian translation.				* ru.po: Updated russian translation.

2001-04-18  Stanislav Visnovsky  <visnovsky nenya ms mff cuni	2001-04-18  Stanislav Visnovsky  <visnovsky nenya ms mff cuni

	* sk.po: Updated Slovak translation.				* sk.po: Updated Slovak translation.

2001-04-18  gettextize  <bug-gnu-utils gnu org>			2001-04-18  gettextize  <bug-gnu-utils gnu org>

	* Makefile.in.in: Upgrade to gettext-0.10.36.			* Makefile.in.in: Upgrade to gettext-0.10.36.

2001-04-18  gettextize  <bug-gnu-utils gnu org>			2001-04-18  gettextize  <bug-gnu-utils gnu org>

	* Makefile.in.in: Upgrade to gettext-0.10.36.			* Makefile.in.in: Upgrade to gettext-0.10.36.

2001-04-18  gettextize  <bug-gnu-utils gnu org>			2001-04-18  gettextize  <bug-gnu-utils gnu org>

	* Makefile.in.in: Upgrade to gettext-0.10.36.			* Makefile.in.in: Upgrade to gettext-0.10.36.

2001-04-16  gettextize  <bug-gnu-utils gnu org>			2001-04-16  gettextize  <bug-gnu-utils gnu org>

	* Makefile.in.in: Upgrade to gettext-0.10.36.			* Makefile.in.in: Upgrade to gettext-0.10.36.

2001-04-15  gettextize  <bug-gnu-utils gnu org>			2001-04-15  gettextize  <bug-gnu-utils gnu org>

	* Makefile.in.in: Upgrade to gettext-0.10.36.			* Makefile.in.in: Upgrade to gettext-0.10.36.

2001-04-15  gettextize  <bug-gnu-utils gnu org>			2001-04-15  gettextize  <bug-gnu-utils gnu org>

	* Makefile.in.in: Upgrade to gettext-0.10.36.			* Makefile.in.in: Upgrade to gettext-0.10.36.

2001-04-15  gettextize  <bug-gnu-utils gnu org>			2001-04-15  gettextize  <bug-gnu-utils gnu org>

	* Makefile.in.in: Upgrade to gettext-0.10.36.			* Makefile.in.in: Upgrade to gettext-0.10.36.
	* cat-id-tbl.c: Remove file.					* cat-id-tbl.c: Remove file.
	* stamp-cat-id: Remove file.					* stamp-cat-id: Remove file.

2001-04-07  gettextize  <bug-gnu-utils gnu org>			2001-04-07  gettextize  <bug-gnu-utils gnu org>

	* Makefile.in.in: Upgrade to gettext-0.10.36.			* Makefile.in.in: Upgrade to gettext-0.10.36.

2001-04-07  gettextize  <bug-gnu-utils gnu org>			2001-04-07  gettextize  <bug-gnu-utils gnu org>

	* Makefile.in.in: Upgrade to gettext-0.10.36.			* Makefile.in.in: Upgrade to gettext-0.10.36.

2001-04-07  Akira TAGOH <tagoh gnome-db org>			2001-04-07  Akira TAGOH <tagoh gnome-db org>

	* ja.po: Updated Japanese translation.				* ja.po: Updated Japanese translation.

2001-03-11  Carlos Perells Marmn <carlos gnome-db org>		2001-03-11  Carlos Perells Marmn <carlos gnome-db org>

	* es.po: Updated Spanish translation by Antonio 		* es.po: Updated Spanish translation by Antonio 
	  de la Torre <cadenas arrakis es>				  de la Torre <cadenas arrakis es>

2001-03-10  Carlos Perells Marmn <carlos gnome-db org>		2001-03-10  Carlos Perells Marmn <carlos gnome-db org>

	* updated.sh: Removed because don't run correctly in 		* updated.sh: Removed because don't run correctly in 
	  situations, please use xml-i18n-update directly.		  situations, please use xml-i18n-update directly.

2001-02-14  Akira TAGOH  <tagoh gnome-db org>			2001-02-14  Akira TAGOH  <tagoh gnome-db org>

	* ja.po: Updated Japanese translation.				* ja.po: Updated Japanese translation.

2001-02-14  Stanislav Visnovsky  <visnovsky nenya ms mff cuni	2001-02-14  Stanislav Visnovsky  <visnovsky nenya ms mff cuni

	* sk.po: Updated Slovak translation.				* sk.po: Updated Slovak translation.

2001-02-13  Christophe Merlet  <christophe merlet net>		2001-02-13  Christophe Merlet  <christophe merlet net>

	* fr.po: Updated French translation.				* fr.po: Updated French translation.

2001-02-12  Christian Meyer  <cm ggtt de>			2001-02-12  Christian Meyer  <cm ggtt de>

	* de.po: Small fixes.						* de.po: Small fixes.

2001-02-12  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>		2001-02-12  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>

	* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.				* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.

2001-02-09  Valek Filippov  <frob df ru>			2001-02-09  Valek Filippov  <frob df ru>

	* ru.po: Updated russian translation.				* ru.po: Updated russian translation.

2001-02-05  Christian Meyer  <cm ggtt de>			2001-02-05  Christian Meyer  <cm ggtt de>

	* de.po: Updated German translation.				* de.po: Updated German translation.

2001-02-05  Stanislav Visnovsky  <visnovsky nenya ms mff cuni	2001-02-05  Stanislav Visnovsky  <visnovsky nenya ms mff cuni

	* sk.po: Updated Slovak translation.				* sk.po: Updated Slovak translation.

2001-01-31  Szabolcs Ban  <shooby gnome hu>			2001-01-31  Szabolcs Ban  <shooby gnome hu>

        * hu.po: Terminology fixes by Andras Timar <timar gno	        * hu.po: Terminology fixes by Andras Timar <timar gno

2001-01-29  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>			2001-01-29  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>

	* no.po: Updated Norwegian translation.				* no.po: Updated Norwegian translation.

2001-01-25  Carlos Perells Marmn <carlos gnome-db org>		2001-01-25  Carlos Perells Marmn <carlos gnome-db org>

	* README.tools, update.pl: removed because don't work		* README.tools, update.pl: removed because don't work
	  update.sh: Stolen from Nautilus, it's only a wrappe		  update.sh: Stolen from Nautilus, it's only a wrappe

2001-01-24  Szabolcs Ban  <shooby gnome hu>			2001-01-24  Szabolcs Ban  <shooby gnome hu>

        * hu.po: Tons of fixes by Andras and Emese (spelling,	        * hu.po: Tons of fixes by Andras and Emese (spelling,
          terminology, headers)					          terminology, headers)

2001-01-23  Carlos Perells Marmn <carlos gnome-db org>		2001-01-23  Carlos Perells Marmn <carlos gnome-db org>

        * *.po: Updated to add the new strings from *.desktop	        * *.po: Updated to add the new strings from *.desktop
	  Sorry, I hope this will be the last update to total		  Sorry, I hope this will be the last update to total
	  integration with xml-i18n-tools.				  integration with xml-i18n-tools.

2001-01-22  Carlos Perells Marmn <carlos gnome-db org>		2001-01-22  Carlos Perells Marmn <carlos gnome-db org>

	* *.po: Updated to add the new strings from *.oaf.in		* *.po: Updated to add the new strings from *.oaf.in

2001-01-11  Christophe Merlet  <christophe merlet net>		2001-01-11  Christophe Merlet  <christophe merlet net>

	* fr.po: Updated French translation.				* fr.po: Updated French translation.

2001-01-08  Szabolcs Ban <shooby gnome hu>			2001-01-08  Szabolcs Ban <shooby gnome hu>

	* hu.po: Updated Hungarian translations.			* hu.po: Updated Hungarian translations.

2001-01-02  Stanislav Visnovsky  <visnovsky nenya ms mff cuni	2001-01-02  Stanislav Visnovsky  <visnovsky nenya ms mff cuni

	* sk.po: Updated Slovak translation.				* sk.po: Updated Slovak translation.

2000-12-29  Fatih Demir	<kabalak gmx net>			2000-12-29  Fatih Demir	<kabalak gmx net>

	* ko.po: Added Korean translation by				* ko.po: Added Korean translation by
		YHC...								YHC...

2000-12-27  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>		2000-12-27  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>

	* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.				* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.

2000-12-27 Kai Lahmann <kl linuxfaqs de>			2000-12-27 Kai Lahmann <kl linuxfaqs de>

	* de.po: Updated German translation				* de.po: Updated German translation

2000-12-26  Valek Filippov  <frob df ru>			2000-12-26  Valek Filippov  <frob df ru>

	* ru.po: Updated russian translation.				* ru.po: Updated russian translation.

2000-12-22  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>		2000-12-22  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>

	* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.				* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.

2000-12-21  Valek Filippov  <frob df ru>			2000-12-21  Valek Filippov  <frob df ru>

	* ru.po: Updated russian translation.				* ru.po: Updated russian translation.

2000-12-20  Stanislav Visnovsky  <visnovsky nenya ms mff cuni	2000-12-20  Stanislav Visnovsky  <visnovsky nenya ms mff cuni

	* sk.po: Updated Slovak translation.				* sk.po: Updated Slovak translation.

2000-12-19  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>			2000-12-19  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>

	* no.po: Updated Norwegian translation.				* no.po: Updated Norwegian translation.
	* POTFILES.in: Added components/gnomedb-monikers-data		* POTFILES.in: Added components/gnomedb-monikers-data
2000-12-19  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>		2000-12-19  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>

	* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.				* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.

2000-12-13  Valek Filippov  <frob df ru>			2000-12-13  Valek Filippov  <frob df ru>

	* ru.po: Updated russian translation.				* ru.po: Updated russian translation.

2000-12-12  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>		2000-12-12  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>

	* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.				* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.

2000-12-12  Stanislav Visnovsky  <visnovsky nenya ms mff cuni	2000-12-12  Stanislav Visnovsky  <visnovsky nenya ms mff cuni

	* sk.po: Added Slovak translation.				* sk.po: Added Slovak translation.

2000-12-11  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>			2000-12-11  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>

	* no.po: Updated Norwegian translation.				* no.po: Updated Norwegian translation.

2000-12-11  Martin Norbdck  <d95mback dtek chalmers se>		2000-12-11  Martin Norbdck  <d95mback dtek chalmers se>

	* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation				* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation

2000-12-09  Simos Xenitellis  <simos hellug gr>			2000-12-09  Simos Xenitellis  <simos hellug gr>

	* el.po: Updated Greek translation.				* el.po: Updated Greek translation.

2000-12-05  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>		2000-12-05  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>

	* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.				* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.

2000-12-05  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>			2000-12-05  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>

	* no.po: Updated Norwegian translation.				* no.po: Updated Norwegian translation.

2000-12-04  Valek Filippov  <frob df ru>			2000-12-04  Valek Filippov  <frob df ru>

	* ru.po: Updated russian translation.				* ru.po: Updated russian translation.

2000-12-03  Kai Lahmann <kl linuxfaqs de>			2000-12-03  Kai Lahmann <kl linuxfaqs de>

	* de.po: Updated German translation				* de.po: Updated German translation

2000-12-01  Fatih Demir	<kabalak gmx net>			2000-12-01  Fatih Demir	<kabalak gmx net>

	* tr.po: Committed Turkish translation.				* tr.po: Committed Turkish translation.

2000-12-01  Valek Filippov  <frob df ru>			2000-12-01  Valek Filippov  <frob df ru>

	* ru.po: Updated russian translation.				* ru.po: Updated russian translation.

2000-11-29  Szabolcs BAN <shooby gnome hu>			2000-11-29  Szabolcs BAN <shooby gnome hu>

	* hu.po: Updated Hungarian translation.				* hu.po: Updated Hungarian translation.

2000-11-28  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>			2000-11-28  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>

	* no.po: Updated Norwegian translation.				* no.po: Updated Norwegian translation.

2000-11-21  Valek Filippov  <frob df ru>			2000-11-21  Valek Filippov  <frob df ru>

	* ru.po: Updated russian translation.				* ru.po: Updated russian translation.

2000-11-17  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>		2000-11-17  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>

	* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.				* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.

2000-11-14  Valek Filippov  <frob df ru>			2000-11-14  Valek Filippov  <frob df ru>

	* ru.po: Updated russian translation.				* ru.po: Updated russian translation.

2000-11-14  Jarkko Ranta  <jjranta cc joensuu fi>		2000-11-14  Jarkko Ranta  <jjranta cc joensuu fi>

	* fi.po: Added Finnish translation.				* fi.po: Added Finnish translation.

2000-11-13  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>		2000-11-13  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>

	* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.				* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.

2000-11-13  Yuri Syrota  <rasta renome rovno ua>		2000-11-13  Yuri Syrota  <rasta renome rovno ua>

	* uk.po: Updated Ukrainian translation.				* uk.po: Updated Ukrainian translation.

2000-11-04  Zbigniew Chyla  <cyba gnome pl>			2000-11-04  Zbigniew Chyla  <cyba gnome pl>

	* pl.po: Updated Polish translation				* pl.po: Updated Polish translation

2000-11-04  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>		2000-11-04  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>

	* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.				* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.

2000-11-04  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>			2000-11-04  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>

	* no.po: Updated Norwegian translation.				* no.po: Updated Norwegian translation.

2000-11-03  Kai Lahmann <kl linuxfaqs de>			2000-11-03  Kai Lahmann <kl linuxfaqs de>

	* de.po: Updated German translation				* de.po: Updated German translation

2000-11-02  Valek Filippov  <frob df ru>			2000-11-02  Valek Filippov  <frob df ru>

	* ru.po: Updated russian translation.				* ru.po: Updated russian translation.

2000-10-31  Szabolcs Ban  <shooby gnome hu>			2000-10-31  Szabolcs Ban  <shooby gnome hu>

	* hu.po: Updated Hungarian translation.				* hu.po: Updated Hungarian translation.

2000-10-30  Valek Filippov  <frob df ru>			2000-10-30  Valek Filippov  <frob df ru>

	* ru.po: Updated russian translation.				* ru.po: Updated russian translation.

2000-10-30  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>		2000-10-30  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>

	* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.				* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.

2000-10-29  Jesus Bravo Alvarez  <jba pobox com>		2000-10-29  Jesus Bravo Alvarez  <jba pobox com>

	* gl.po: Updated Galician translation.				* gl.po: Updated Galician translation.

2000-10-28  Kai Lahmann <kl linuxfaqs de>			2000-10-28  Kai Lahmann <kl linuxfaqs de>

	* de.po: Updated German translation				* de.po: Updated German translation

2000-10-25  Akira TAGOH  <tagoh gnome gr jp>			2000-10-25  Akira TAGOH  <tagoh gnome gr jp>

	* ja.po: Updated Japanese translation.				* ja.po: Updated Japanese translation.

2000-10-25  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>			2000-10-25  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>

	* no.po: Updated Norwegian translation.				* no.po: Updated Norwegian translation.

2000-10-23  Yuri Syrota  <rasta renome rovno ua>		2000-10-23  Yuri Syrota  <rasta renome rovno ua>

	* uk.po: Updated Ukrainian translation.				* uk.po: Updated Ukrainian translation.

2000-10-22  Christian Meyer  <cm ggtt de>			2000-10-22  Christian Meyer  <cm ggtt de>

	* de.po: Updated German translation.				* de.po: Updated German translation.
2000-10-21  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo linuxave net>			2000-10-21  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo linuxave net>

	* POTFILES.in: removed non-existant files			* POTFILES.in: removed non-existant files

2000-10-20  Valek Filippov  <frob df ru>			2000-10-20  Valek Filippov  <frob df ru>

	* ru.po: Updated russian translation.				* ru.po: Updated russian translation.

2000-10-19  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>		2000-10-19  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>

	* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.				* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.

2000-10-16  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>		2000-10-16  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>

	* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.				* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.

2000-10-15  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>			2000-10-15  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>

	* no.po: Updated Norwegian translation.				* no.po: Updated Norwegian translation.

2000-10-15  Almer S. Tigelaar  <almer1 dds nl>			2000-10-15  Almer S. Tigelaar  <almer1 dds nl>

	* nl.po: Add Dutch translation.					* nl.po: Add Dutch translation.

2000-10-15  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>		2000-10-15  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>

	* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.				* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.

2000-10-09  Christian Meyer  <cm ggtt de>			2000-10-09  Christian Meyer  <cm ggtt de>

	* de.po: Fixed German translation.				* de.po: Fixed German translation.
2000-10-08  Akira TAGOH <tagoh gnome gr jp>			2000-10-08  Akira TAGOH <tagoh gnome gr jp>

	* ja.po: Updated Japanese translation.				* ja.po: Updated Japanese translation.

2000-10-01  Kai Lahmann <kl linuxfaqs de>			2000-10-01  Kai Lahmann <kl linuxfaqs de>

	* de.po: Updated German translation				* de.po: Updated German translation

2000-09-28  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>			2000-09-28  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>

	* no.po: Updated Norwegian translation.				* no.po: Updated Norwegian translation.

2000-09-22  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>		2000-09-22  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>

	* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.				* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.

2000-09-22  Jesus Bravo Alvarez  <jba pobox com>		2000-09-22  Jesus Bravo Alvarez  <jba pobox com>

	* gl.po: Updated Galician translation.				* gl.po: Updated Galician translation.

2000-09-21  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>			2000-09-21  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>

	* no.po: Updated Norwegian translation.				* no.po: Updated Norwegian translation.
	* POTFILES.in: Added some files.				* POTFILES.in: Added some files.
	* POTFILES.ignore: Added this.					* POTFILES.ignore: Added this.
2000-09-19  Christian Meyer  <linux chrisime de>		2000-09-19  Christian Meyer  <linux chrisime de>

	* de.po: Updated German translation.				* de.po: Updated German translation.
2000-09-19  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>		2000-09-19  Christian Rose  <menthos menthos com>

	* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.				* sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.
	* update.pl: Added Kjartan Maraas' well-known script.		* update.pl: Added Kjartan Maraas' well-known script.
	* update.sh: Added Kjartan Maraas' well-known script.		* update.sh: Added Kjartan Maraas' well-known script.
	* .cvsignore: Created a .cvsignore file.			* .cvsignore: Created a .cvsignore file.
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: cs.gmo
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/cs.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/cs.po
# libgnomedb cs.po Czech translation				# libgnomedb cs.po Czech translation
# Copyright (C) 2002 Free Software Foundation			# Copyright (C) 2002 Free Software Foundation
# Copyright (C) 2004 Miloslav Trmac <mitr volny cz>		# Copyright (C) 2004 Miloslav Trmac <mitr volny cz>
# This file is distributed under the same license as the libg	# This file is distributed under the same license as the libg
# Michal Bukovjan <bukm centrum cz>, 2002.			# Michal Bukovjan <bukm centrum cz>, 2002.
# Miloslav Trmac <mitr volny cz>, 2004.				# Miloslav Trmac <mitr volny cz>, 2004.
#								#
msgid ""							msgid ""
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: libgnomedb HEAD\n"				"Project-Id-Version: libgnomedb HEAD\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"					"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"			"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-06-07 11:11+0200\n"			"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-06-07 11:11+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Miloslav Trmac <mitr volny cz>\n"		"Last-Translator: Miloslav Trmac <mitr volny cz>\n"
"Language-Team: Czech <cs li org>\n"				"Language-Team: Czech <cs li org>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"						"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"			"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"				"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co
msgid "Data Sources"						msgid "Data Sources"
msgstr "Datové zdroje"						msgstr "Datové zdroje"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid
msgid "Providers"						msgid "Providers"
msgstr "Poskytovatelé"						msgstr "Poskytovatelé"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1
msgid "Configure your database environment"			msgid "Configure your database environment"
msgstr "Nastavte vaÅ¡e databázové prostÅ?edí"			msgstr "Nastavte vaÅ¡e databázové prostÅ?edí"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2
msgid "Database Access Properties "				msgid "Database Access Properties "
msgstr "Vlastnosti pÅ?ístupu k databázi "			msgstr "Vlastnosti pÅ?ístupu k databázi "

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380
msgid "Name"							msgid "Name"
msgstr "Název"							msgstr "Název"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
msgid "Description"						msgid "Description"
msgstr "Popis"							msgstr "Popis"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182
msgid "Configured data sources in the system"			msgid "Configured data sources in the system"
msgstr "Zdroje dat nastavené v systému"				msgstr "Zdroje dat nastavené v systému"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data sources are the means by which database connections are	"Data sources are the means by which database connections are
"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s	"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s
"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o	"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o
"name you identify the connections in the applications that m	"name you identify the connections in the applications that m
"DB for database access."					"DB for database access."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Zdroj dat je způsob, jakým se identifikuje pÅ?ipojení k datab	"Zdroj dat je způsob, jakým se identifikuje pÅ?ipojení k datab
"VÅ¡echny informace potÅ?ebné k otevÅ?ení pÅ?ipojení pomocí speci	"VÅ¡echny informace potÅ?ebné k otevÅ?ení pÅ?ipojení pomocí speci
"poskytovatele a databáze jsou uloženy pod unikátním názvem. 	"poskytovatele a databáze jsou uloženy pod unikátním názvem. 
"unikátního názvu pak oznaÄ?ujete spojení v aplikacích, které 	"unikátního názvu pak oznaÄ?ujete spojení v aplikacích, které 
"pÅ?ístup k databázi pomocí GNOME-DB."				"pÅ?ístup k databázi pomocí GNOME-DB."

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"	msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"
msgstr "Jste si jisti, že chcete odstranit zdroj dat '%s'?"	msgstr "Jste si jisti, že chcete odstranit zdroj dat '%s'?"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104
msgid "Data Source Properties"					msgid "Data Source Properties"
msgstr "Vlastnosti zdroje dat"					msgstr "Vlastnosti zdroje dat"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132
msgid "Basic"							msgid "Basic"
msgstr "Základní"						msgstr "Základní"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Tables"							msgid "Tables"
msgstr "Tabulky"						msgstr "Tabulky"

#: control-center/main.c:92					#: control-center/main.c:92
msgid "No valid data source info was created"			msgid "No valid data source info was created"
msgstr "Nebyly vytvoÅ?eny žádné platné údaje o zdroji dat"	msgstr "Nebyly vytvoÅ?eny žádné platné údaje o zdroji dat"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218	#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218
msgid "New data source"						msgid "New data source"
msgstr "Nový zdroj dat"						msgstr "Nový zdroj dat"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:215					#: control-center/main.c:215
msgid "Database Access Properties"				msgid "Database Access Properties"
msgstr "Vlastnosti pÅ?ístupu k databázi"				msgstr "Vlastnosti pÅ?ístupu k databázi"

#: control-center/provider-config.c:105				#: control-center/provider-config.c:105
msgid "Installed providers"					msgid "Installed providers"
msgstr "Nainstalovaní poskytovatelé"				msgstr "Nainstalovaní poskytovatelé"

#: control-center/provider-config.c:131				#: control-center/provider-config.c:131
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec	"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec
"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo	"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo
"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr	"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr
"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba	"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba
"etc."								"etc."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Poskytovatelé jsou externí zásuvné moduly, které poskytují p	"Poskytovatelé jsou externí zásuvné moduly, které poskytují p
"specifickému zdroji dat. Implicitní poskytovatel, který umož	"specifickému zdroji dat. Implicitní poskytovatel, který umož
"databázím uloženým v souborech XML, je vždy nainstalován. Da	"databázím uloženým v souborech XML, je vždy nainstalován. Da
"poskytovatelé obvykle dodávané s libgda/gnome-db jsou pro Po	"poskytovatelé obvykle dodávané s libgda/gnome-db jsou pro Po
"Oracle, Sybase, Interbase atd."				"Oracle, Sybase, Interbase atd."

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1
msgid "Database connection parameters file"			msgid "Database connection parameters file"
msgstr "Soubor s parametry pÅ?ipojení k databázi"		msgstr "Soubor s parametry pÅ?ipojení k databázi"

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2
msgid "Documents"						msgid "Documents"
msgstr "Dokumenty"						msgstr "Dokumenty"

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3
msgid "SQL code viewer"						msgid "SQL code viewer"
msgstr "ProhlížeÄ? kódu SQL"					msgstr "ProhlížeÄ? kódu SQL"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1
msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"			msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"
msgstr "Písmo použité v prvku mÅ?ížky"				msgstr "Písmo použité v prvku mÅ?ížky"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2
msgid "Number of spaces per tab"				msgid "Number of spaces per tab"
msgstr "PoÄ?et mezer na tabelátor"				msgstr "PoÄ?et mezer na tabelátor"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3
msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"			msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"
msgstr "Zobrazovat Ä?ísla Å?ádků v editoru zdrojů"		msgstr "Zobrazovat Ä?ísla Å?ádků v editoru zdrojů"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4
msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"			msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"
msgstr "ZvýrazÅ?ovat v editoru zdrojového kódu"			msgstr "ZvýrazÅ?ovat v editoru zdrojového kódu"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60
msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"			msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"
msgstr "Databázové služby pro prostÅ?edí pracovní plochy GNOME	msgstr "Databázové služby pro prostÅ?edí pracovní plochy GNOME

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1
msgid "About"							msgid "About"
msgstr "O aplikaci"						msgstr "O aplikaci"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2
msgid "About GNOME-DB"						msgid "About GNOME-DB"
msgstr "O GNOME-DB"						msgstr "O GNOME-DB"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3
msgid "Close this window"					msgid "Close this window"
msgstr "ZavÅ?ít toto okno"					msgstr "ZavÅ?ít toto okno"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4
msgid "Create new entry"					msgid "Create new entry"
msgstr "VytvoÅ?it novou položku"					msgstr "VytvoÅ?it novou položku"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5
msgid "Delete selected items"					msgid "Delete selected items"
msgstr "Odstranit vybrané položky"				msgstr "Odstranit vybrané položky"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6
msgid "Deselect all items"					msgid "Deselect all items"
msgstr "ZruÅ¡it výbÄ?r vÅ¡ech položek"				msgstr "ZruÅ¡it výbÄ?r vÅ¡ech položek"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7
msgid "Edit properties for selected item"			msgid "Edit properties for selected item"
msgstr "Upravit vlastnosti vybrané položky"			msgstr "Upravit vlastnosti vybrané položky"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8
msgid "Save connection parameters to file"			msgid "Save connection parameters to file"
msgstr "Uložit parametry pÅ?ipojení do souboru"			msgstr "Uložit parametry pÅ?ipojení do souboru"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414
msgid "Select _All"						msgid "Select _All"
msgstr "Vybrat _vše"						msgstr "Vybrat _vše"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10
msgid "Select all items"					msgid "Select all items"
msgstr "Vybrat všechny položky"					msgstr "Vybrat všechny položky"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11
msgid "View data sources"					msgid "View data sources"
msgstr "Zobrazit zdroje dat"					msgstr "Zobrazit zdroje dat"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12
msgid "View providers"						msgid "View providers"
msgstr "Zobrazit poskytovatele"					msgstr "Zobrazit poskytovatele"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42
msgid "_Clear Selection"					msgid "_Clear Selection"
msgstr "_ZruÅ¡it výbÄ?r"						msgstr "_ZruÅ¡it výbÄ?r"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14
msgid "_Close"							msgid "_Close"
msgstr "_ZavÅ?ít"						msgstr "_ZavÅ?ít"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15
msgid "_Data Sources"						msgid "_Data Sources"
msgstr "_Zdroje dat"						msgstr "_Zdroje dat"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16
msgid "_Database"						msgid "_Database"
msgstr "_Databáze"						msgstr "_Databáze"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17
msgid "_Delete"							msgid "_Delete"
msgstr "_Odstranit"						msgstr "_Odstranit"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18
msgid "_Edit"							msgid "_Edit"
msgstr "_Upravit"						msgstr "_Upravit"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19
msgid "_Help"							msgid "_Help"
msgstr "Nápo_vÄ?da"						msgstr "Nápo_vÄ?da"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20
msgid "_New Data Source..."					msgid "_New Data Source..."
msgstr "_Nový zdroj dat..."					msgstr "_Nový zdroj dat..."

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21
msgid "_Properties"						msgid "_Properties"
msgstr "_Vlastnosti"						msgstr "_Vlastnosti"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22
msgid "_Providers"						msgid "_Providers"
msgstr "_Poskytovatelé"						msgstr "_Poskytovatelé"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23
msgid "_Save Connection"					msgid "_Save Connection"
msgstr "_Uložit pÅ?ipojení"					msgstr "_Uložit pÅ?ipojení"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24
msgid "_View"							msgid "_View"
msgstr "_Zobrazit"						msgstr "_Zobrazit"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76
msgid "Structure"						msgid "Structure"
msgstr "Struktura"						msgstr "Struktura"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73
msgid "Data"							msgid "Data"
msgstr "Data"							msgstr "Data"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238
msgid "Not implemented yet!"					msgid "Not implemented yet!"
msgstr "Zatím neimplementováno!"				msgstr "Zatím neimplementováno!"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Database"						msgid "Database"
msgstr "Databáze"						msgstr "Databáze"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540
msgid "Loading database schemas..."				msgid "Loading database schemas..."
msgstr "Nahrávají se databázová schémata..."			msgstr "Nahrávají se databázová schémata..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632
msgid "Refreshing data..."					msgid "Refreshing data..."
msgstr "Obnovují se data..."					msgstr "Obnovují se data..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688
msgid "Views"							msgid "Views"
msgstr "Pohledy"						msgstr "Pohledy"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691
msgid "Indexes"							msgid "Indexes"
msgstr "Indexy"							msgstr "Indexy"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Sequences"						msgid "Sequences"
msgstr "Sekvence"						msgstr "Sekvence"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Procedures"						msgid "Procedures"
msgstr "Procedury"						msgstr "Procedury"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700
msgid "Triggers"						msgid "Triggers"
msgstr "Triggery"						msgstr "Triggery"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Aggregates"						msgid "Aggregates"
msgstr "Agregace"						msgstr "Agregace"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Types"							msgid "Types"
msgstr "Typy"							msgstr "Typy"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140
msgid "Could not query CORBA components"			msgid "Could not query CORBA components"
msgstr "Nelze se dotázat na komponenty CORBA"			msgstr "Nelze se dotázat na komponenty CORBA"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209
msgid "ID"							msgid "ID"
msgstr "ID"							msgstr "ID"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "Location"						msgid "Location"
msgstr "UmístÄ?ní"						msgstr "UmístÄ?ní"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212
msgid "Username"						msgid "Username"
msgstr "Jméno uživatele"					msgstr "Jméno uživatele"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213
msgid "Hostname"						msgid "Hostname"
msgstr "Jméno uživatele"					msgstr "Jméno uživatele"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214
msgid "Domain"							msgid "Domain"
msgstr "Doména"							msgstr "Doména"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"			msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"
msgstr "Nepodporovaný typ v GconfEntry: %d"			msgstr "Nepodporovaný typ v GconfEntry: %d"

#. create widgets						#. create widgets
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97
msgid "Settings"						msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Nastavení"						msgstr "Nastavení"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103
msgid "Data source name"					msgid "Data source name"
msgstr "Název zdroje dat"					msgstr "Název zdroje dat"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109
msgid "Connection string"					msgid "Connection string"
msgstr "PÅ?ipojovací Å?etÄ?zec"					msgstr "PÅ?ipojovací Å?etÄ?zec"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115
msgid "Provider"						msgid "Provider"
msgstr "Poskytovatel"						msgstr "Poskytovatel"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121
msgid "User name"						msgid "User name"
msgstr "Jméno uživatele"					msgstr "Jméno uživatele"

#. create feature list						#. create feature list
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128
msgid "Features"						msgid "Features"
msgstr "Vlastnosti"						msgstr "Vlastnosti"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190
msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"		msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"
msgstr "Musíte zadat název nového zdroje dat"			msgstr "Musíte zadat název nového zdroje dat"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197
msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac	msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac
msgstr "Názvy zdrojů dat mohou obsahovat jen alfanumerické zn	msgstr "Názvy zdrojů dat mohou obsahovat jen alfanumerické zn

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206
msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th	msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th
msgstr "Pod stejným názvem již je zaregistrován existující zd	msgstr "Pod stejným názvem již je zaregistrován existující zd

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213
msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"			msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"
msgstr "Názvy zdrojů dat nemohou obsahovat mezery"		msgstr "Názvy zdrojů dat nemohou obsahovat mezery"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217
msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n	msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n
msgstr "Názvy zdrojů dat mohou obsahovat jen písmena a Ä?íslic	msgstr "Názvy zdrojů dat mohou obsahovat jen písmena a Ä?íslic

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225
msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"	msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"
msgstr "Musíte vybrat poskytovatele pro nový zdroj dat"		msgstr "Musíte vybrat poskytovatele pro nový zdroj dat"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233
msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"		msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"
msgstr "Poskytovatel nebyl ve vašem nastavení nalezen"		msgstr "Poskytovatel nebyl ve vašem nastavení nalezen"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391
msgid "Add a new data source..."				msgid "Add a new data source..."
msgstr "PÅ?idat nový zdroj dat..."				msgstr "PÅ?idat nový zdroj dat..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392
msgid ""							msgid ""
"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"		"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"
"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"		"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"
"installation. Just follow the steps!"				"installation. Just follow the steps!"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Tento průvodce vás provede procesem\n"				"Tento průvodce vás provede procesem\n"
"vytvoÅ?ení nového zdroje dat pro vaÅ¡i instalaci\n"		"vytvoÅ?ení nového zdroje dat pro vaÅ¡i instalaci\n"
"GNOME-DB. Pouze následujte instrukce!"				"GNOME-DB. Pouze následujte instrukce!"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404
msgid "General Information"					msgid "General Information"
msgstr "Obecné informace"					msgstr "Obecné informace"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the basic information\n"	"The following fields represent the basic information\n"
"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n	"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n
"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"	"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"
"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"	"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"
"the default one."						"the default one."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Následující pole pÅ?edstavují položky se základními\n"		"Následující pole pÅ?edstavují položky se základními\n"
"informacemi pro váš nový zdroj dat. NÄ?které z nich (popis,\n	"informacemi pro váš nový zdroj dat. NÄ?které z nich (popis,\n
"jméno uživatele) jsou volitelné, ale jiné jsou povinné.\n"	"jméno uživatele) jsou volitelné, ale jiné jsou povinné.\n"
"Pokud nevíte, kterého poskytovatele máte použít, prostÄ?\n"	"Pokud nevíte, kterého poskytovatele máte použít, prostÄ?\n"
"vyberte toho implicitního."					"vyberte toho implicitního."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104
msgid "Data source _name:"					msgid "Data source _name:"
msgstr "_Název zdroje dat:"					msgstr "_Název zdroje dat:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114
msgid "_Provider:"						msgid "_Provider:"
msgstr "_Poskytovatel:"						msgstr "_Poskytovatel:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133
msgid "_Description:"						msgid "_Description:"
msgstr "_Popis:"						msgstr "_Popis:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142
msgid "_Username:"						msgid "_Username:"
msgstr "_Jméno uživatele:"					msgstr "_Jméno uživatele:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151
msgid "P_assword:"						msgid "P_assword:"
msgstr "_Heslo:"						msgstr "_Heslo:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454
msgid "Provider Parameters"					msgid "Provider Parameters"
msgstr "Parametry poskytovatele"				msgstr "Parametry poskytovatele"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the information needed by the	"The following fields represent the information needed by the
"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n	"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n
"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\	"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\
"the manual for more information."				"the manual for more information."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Následující pole pÅ?edstavují informace, které potÅ?ebuje posk	"Následující pole pÅ?edstavují informace, které potÅ?ebuje posk
"vybraný v pÅ?edchozím kroku pro otevÅ?ení daného spojení. Tyto	"vybraný v pÅ?edchozím kroku pro otevÅ?ení daného spojení. Tyto
"jsou specifické pro každého poskytovatele, takže další infor	"jsou specifické pro každého poskytovatele, takže další infor
"hledejte v manuálu."						"hledejte v manuálu."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481
msgid "All information retrieved"				msgid "All information retrieved"
msgstr "Všechny informace získány"				msgstr "Všechny informace získány"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482
msgid ""							msgid ""
"All information needed to create a new data source\n"		"All information needed to create a new data source\n"
"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"		"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"
"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"	"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"
"just select it when asked for a data source."			"just select it when asked for a data source."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"VÅ¡echny informace potÅ?ebné pro vytvoÅ?ení nového zdroje\n"	"VÅ¡echny informace potÅ?ebné pro vytvoÅ?ení nového zdroje\n"
"dat byly získány. Nyní zavÅ?ete tento dialog stisknutím\n"	"dat byly získány. Nyní zavÅ?ete tento dialog stisknutím\n"
"'Použít'. Chcete-li otevÅ?ít váš nový zdroj dat, prostÅ¡\n"	"'Použít'. Chcete-li otevÅ?ít váš nový zdroj dat, prostÅ¡\n"
"jej vyberte, když budete dotázáni na zdroj dat."		"jej vyberte, když budete dotázáni na zdroj dat."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124
msgid "Connection _string:"					msgid "Connection _string:"
msgstr "_PÅ?ipojovací Å?etÄ?zec:"					msgstr "_PÅ?ipojovací Å?etÄ?zec:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4
msgid "Error"							msgid "Error"
msgstr "Chyba"							msgstr "Chyba"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.
msgid "Show detail >>"						msgid "Show detail >>"
msgstr "Zobrazit podrobnosti >>"				msgstr "Zobrazit podrobnosti >>"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122
msgid "<< Hide detail"						msgid "<< Hide detail"
msgstr "<< Skrýt podrobnosti"					msgstr "<< Skrýt podrobnosti"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191
msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"	msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"
msgstr "V používaní databázi doÅ¡lo k chybÄ?"			msgstr "V používaní databázi doÅ¡lo k chybÄ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196
msgid "Error number"						msgid "Error number"
msgstr "Ä?íslo chyby"						msgstr "Ä?íslo chyby"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227
msgid "Details"							msgid "Details"
msgstr "Podrobnosti"						msgstr "Podrobnosti"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234
msgid "Source"							msgid "Source"
msgstr "Zdroj"							msgstr "Zdroj"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241
msgid "SQL state"						msgid "SQL state"
msgstr "Stav SQL"						msgstr "Stav SQL"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108
msgid "_Field:"							msgid "_Field:"
msgstr "_Pole:"							msgstr "_Pole:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118
msgid "_Text:"							msgid "_Text:"
msgstr "_Text:"							msgstr "_Text:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308
msgid "No records"						msgid "No records"
msgstr "Žádné záznamy"						msgstr "Žádné záznamy"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Record %d of %d"						msgid "Record %d of %d"
msgstr "Záznam %d z %d"						msgstr "Záznam %d z %d"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113
msgid "Recordset description"					msgid "Recordset description"
msgstr "Popis množiny záznamů"					msgstr "Popis množiny záznamů"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid ""							msgid ""
"File '%s' already exists.\n"					"File '%s' already exists.\n"
"Do you want to overwrite it?"					"Do you want to overwrite it?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Soubor %s již existuje.\n"					"Soubor %s již existuje.\n"
"Chcete jej pÅ?epsat?"						"Chcete jej pÅ?epsat?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149
msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."		msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."
msgstr "Pokud zvolíte Ano, obsah bude ztracen."			msgstr "Pokud zvolíte Ano, obsah bude ztracen."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Could not save file %s"					msgid "Could not save file %s"
msgstr "Nelze uložit soubor %s"					msgstr "Nelze uložit soubor %s"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224
msgid "You must specify a file name"				msgid "You must specify a file name"
msgstr "Musíte zadat název souboru"				msgstr "Musíte zadat název souboru"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230
msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"		msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"
msgstr "PÅ?i konverzi dat jsem získal prázdný soubor"		msgstr "PÅ?i konverzi dat jsem získal prázdný soubor"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261
msgid "Saving Model"						msgid "Saving Model"
msgstr "Ukládám model"						msgstr "Ukládám model"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272
msgid "File _name:"						msgid "File _name:"
msgstr "_Název souboru:"					msgstr "_Název souboru:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276
msgid "Select File"						msgid "Select File"
msgstr "Vyberte soubor"						msgstr "Vyberte soubor"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283
msgid "File _type:"						msgid "File _type:"
msgstr "_Typ souboru:"						msgstr "_Typ souboru:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291
msgid "Tab-delimited"						msgid "Tab-delimited"
msgstr "OddÄ?lený tabulátory"					msgstr "OddÄ?lený tabulátory"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294
msgid "Comma-delimited"						msgid "Comma-delimited"
msgstr "OddÄ?lený Ä?árkami"					msgstr "OddÄ?lený Ä?árkami"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:
msgid "XML"							msgid "XML"
msgstr "XML"							msgstr "XML"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355
msgid "View detail"						msgid "View detail"
msgstr "Zobrazit podrobnosti"					msgstr "Zobrazit podrobnosti"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427
msgid "Show Column _Titles"					msgid "Show Column _Titles"
msgstr "Zobrazovat _názvy sloupců"				msgstr "Zobrazovat _názvy sloupců"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442
msgid "Describe"						msgid "Describe"
msgstr "Popsat"							msgstr "Popsat"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443
msgid "View detail..."						msgid "View detail..."
msgstr "Zobrazit podrobnosti..."				msgstr "Zobrazit podrobnosti..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614
msgid "Title"							msgid "Title"
msgstr "Titulek"						msgstr "Titulek"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48
msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"	msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"
msgstr "Pokus o inicializaci již inicializovaného klienta"	msgstr "Pokus o inicializaci již inicializovaného klienta"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"		"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"
"to a data source"						"to a data source"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Pro otevÅ?ení spojení se zdrojem dat zadejte\n"			"Pro otevÅ?ení spojení se zdrojem dat zadejte\n"
"níže argumenty"						"níže argumenty"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253
msgid "Data Source:"						msgid "Data Source:"
msgstr "Zdroj dat:"						msgstr "Zdroj dat:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270
msgid "Username:"						msgid "Username:"
msgstr "Jméno uživatele:"					msgstr "Jméno uživatele:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279
msgid "Password:"						msgid "Password:"
msgstr "Heslo:"							msgstr "Heslo:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69
msgid "Fields"							msgid "Fields"
msgstr "Pole"							msgstr "Pole"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30
msgid "Commit"							msgid "Commit"
msgstr "Potvrdit"						msgstr "Potvrdit"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31
msgid "Connect"							msgid "Connect"
msgstr "PÅ?ipojit"						msgstr "PÅ?ipojit"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33
msgid "Designer"						msgid "Designer"
msgstr "NávrháÅ?"						msgstr "NávrháÅ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34
msgid "Disconnect"						msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr "Odpojit"						msgstr "Odpojit"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35
msgid "NoTransaction"						msgid "NoTransaction"
msgstr "ŽádnáTransakce"						msgstr "ŽádnáTransakce"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37
msgid "Query"							msgid "Query"
msgstr "Dotaz"							msgstr "Dotaz"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38
msgid "Rollback"						msgid "Rollback"
msgstr "Rollback"						msgstr "Rollback"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40
msgid "SQL"							msgid "SQL"
msgstr "SQL"							msgstr "SQL"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43
msgid "WithinTransaction"					msgid "WithinTransaction"
msgstr "VTransakci"						msgstr "VTransakci"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Error: %s"						msgid "Error: %s"
msgstr "Chyba: %s"						msgstr "Chyba: %s"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79
msgid "Table name"						msgid "Table name"
msgstr "Název tabulky"						msgstr "Název tabulky"

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93			#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Login for %s"						msgid "Login for %s"
msgstr "PÅ?ihlášení pro %s"					msgstr "PÅ?ihlášení pro %s"

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95					#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95
msgid "Login to database"					msgid "Login to database"
msgstr "PÅ?ihlásit se k databázi"				msgstr "PÅ?ihlásit se k databázi"

#: vfs/libmain.c:71						#: vfs/libmain.c:71
msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"				msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"
msgstr "GNOME VFS database: modul"				msgstr "GNOME VFS database: modul"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40
msgid "Table Properties"					msgid "Table Properties"
msgstr "Vlastnosti tabulky"					msgstr "Vlastnosti tabulky"

#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47
msgid "Table Name"						msgid "Table Name"
msgstr "Název tabulky"						msgstr "Název tabulky"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155
msgid "New"							msgid "New"
msgstr "Nová"							msgstr "Nová"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156
msgid "Create new table"					msgid "Create new table"
msgstr "VytvoÅ?it novou tabulku"					msgstr "VytvoÅ?it novou tabulku"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161
msgid "Properties"						msgid "Properties"
msgstr "Vlastnosti"						msgstr "Vlastnosti"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162
msgid "View table properties"					msgid "View table properties"
msgstr "Zobrazit vlastnosti tabulky"				msgstr "Zobrazit vlastnosti tabulky"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
msgid "UID"							msgid "UID"
msgstr "UID"							msgstr "UID"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "calendar"						msgid "calendar"
msgstr "kalendáÅ?"						msgstr "kalendáÅ?"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "summary"							msgid "summary"
msgstr "souhrn"							msgstr "souhrn"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "Summary"							msgid "Summary"
msgstr "Souhrn"							msgstr "Souhrn"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "location"						msgid "location"
msgstr "umístÄ?ní"						msgstr "umístÄ?ní"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "dtstart"							msgid "dtstart"
msgstr "poÄ?áteÄ?nídt"						msgstr "poÄ?áteÄ?nídt"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
msgid "Start time"						msgid "Start time"
msgstr "PoÄ?áteÄ?ní Ä?as"						msgstr "PoÄ?áteÄ?ní Ä?as"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "dtend"							msgid "dtend"
msgstr "koncovédt"						msgstr "koncovédt"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "End time"						msgid "End time"
msgstr "Koncový Ä?as"						msgstr "Koncový Ä?as"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
msgid "description"						msgid "description"
msgstr "popis"							msgstr "popis"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "classification"						msgid "classification"
msgstr "klasifikace"						msgstr "klasifikace"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "Classification"						msgid "Classification"
msgstr "Klasifikace"						msgstr "Klasifikace"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "transparency"						msgid "transparency"
msgstr "průhlednost"						msgstr "průhlednost"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "Transparency"						msgid "Transparency"
msgstr "Průhlednost"						msgstr "Průhlednost"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "categories"						msgid "categories"
msgstr "kategorie"						msgstr "kategorie"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "Categories"						msgid "Categories"
msgstr "Kategorie"						msgstr "Kategorie"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "tasks"							msgid "tasks"
msgstr "úkoly"							msgstr "úkoly"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "due"							msgid "due"
msgstr "termín"							msgstr "termín"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "Due date"						msgid "Due date"
msgstr "Termín"							msgstr "Termín"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "Start date"						msgid "Start date"
msgstr "PoÄ?áteÄ?ní datum"					msgstr "PoÄ?áteÄ?ní datum"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355
msgid "Public"							msgid "Public"
msgstr "VeÅ?ejné"						msgstr "VeÅ?ejné"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358
msgid "Private"							msgid "Private"
msgstr "Soukromé"						msgstr "Soukromé"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361
msgid "Confidential"						msgid "Confidential"
msgstr "DůvÄ?rné"						msgstr "DůvÄ?rné"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63
msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"		msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"
msgstr "Nemohu otevÅ?ít implicitní složku kalendáÅ?e"		msgstr "Nemohu otevÅ?ít implicitní složku kalendáÅ?e"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66
msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"			msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"
msgstr "Nemohu otevÅ?ít implicitní složku úkolů"			msgstr "Nemohu otevÅ?ít implicitní složku úkolů"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80
msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta	msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta
msgstr "Pro pÅ?ístup k implicitní složce kontaktů je vyžadován	msgstr "Pro pÅ?ístup k implicitní složce kontaktů je vyžadován

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83
msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"		msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"
msgstr "Nemohu otevÅ?ít implicitní složku kontaktů"		msgstr "Nemohu otevÅ?ít implicitní složku kontaktů"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100
msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"				msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"
msgstr "Nemohu inicializovat Bonobo"				msgstr "Nemohu inicializovat Bonobo"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212
msgid "Field name"						msgid "Field name"
msgstr "Název pole"						msgstr "Název pole"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213
msgid "Data type"						msgid "Data type"
msgstr "Typ dat"						msgstr "Typ dat"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214
msgid "Size"							msgid "Size"
msgstr "Velikost"						msgstr "Velikost"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215
msgid "Scale"							msgid "Scale"
msgstr "MÄ?Å?ítko"						msgstr "MÄ?Å?ítko"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216
msgid "Not null?"						msgid "Not null?"
msgstr "Není null?"						msgstr "Není null?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217
msgid "Primary key?"						msgid "Primary key?"
msgstr "Primární klíÄ??"						msgstr "Primární klíÄ??"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218
msgid "Unique index?"						msgid "Unique index?"
msgstr "JedineÄ?ný index?"					msgstr "JedineÄ?ný index?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219
msgid "References"						msgid "References"
msgstr "Odkazy"							msgstr "Odkazy"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220
msgid "Default value"						msgid "Default value"
msgstr "Implicitní hodnota"					msgstr "Implicitní hodnota"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239
msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l	msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l
msgstr "Je potÅ?eba název tabulky, ale nebyl urÄ?en v seznamu p	msgstr "Je potÅ?eba název tabulky, ale nebyl urÄ?en v seznamu p

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Table %s does not exist"					msgid "Table %s does not exist"
msgstr "Tabulka %s neexistuje"					msgstr "Tabulka %s neexistuje"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318
msgid "Scheduled events"					msgid "Scheduled events"
msgstr "Plánované události"					msgstr "Plánované události"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321
msgid "TODO list"						msgid "TODO list"
msgstr "Seznam úkolů"						msgstr "Seznam úkolů"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375
msgid "Owner"							msgid "Owner"
msgstr "Vlastník"						msgstr "Vlastník"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376
msgid "Comments"						msgid "Comments"
msgstr "Poznámky"						msgstr "Poznámky"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374
msgid "Type"							msgid "Type"
msgstr "Typ"							msgstr "Typ"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377
msgid "GDA type"						msgid "GDA type"
msgstr "Typ GDA"						msgstr "Typ GDA"

#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id	#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id
#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database	#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database
#. we can easily access that information			#. we can easily access that information
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382
msgid "local"							msgid "local"
msgstr "místní"							msgstr "místní"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217
msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr "Tvorba databází jeÅ¡tÄ? není podporována"			msgstr "Tvorba databází jeÅ¡tÄ? není podporována"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230
msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr "OdstraÅ?ování databází jeÅ¡tÄ? není podporováno"		msgstr "OdstraÅ?ování databází jeÅ¡tÄ? není podporováno"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244
msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"			msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"
msgstr "Schéma tabulek nemohlo být získáno"			msgstr "Schéma tabulek nemohlo být získáno"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268
msgid "Invalid SQL command"					msgid "Invalid SQL command"
msgstr "Neplatný pÅ?íkaz SQL"					msgstr "Neplatný pÅ?íkaz SQL"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353
msgid "Transactions are not supported"				msgid "Transactions are not supported"
msgstr "Transakce nejsou podporovány"				msgstr "Transakce nejsou podporovány"

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41
msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"		msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"
msgstr "Poskytovatel osobních dat Ximian Evolution"		msgstr "Poskytovatel osobních dat Ximian Evolution"

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task	"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Zdroj dat pro pÅ?ístup implicitnímu kalendáÅ?i, úkolům a konta	"Zdroj dat pro pÅ?ístup implicitnímu kalendáÅ?i, úkolům a konta

#~ msgid "Browse database..."					#~ msgid "Browse database..."
#~ msgstr "Procházet databázi..."				#~ msgstr "Procházet databázi..."

#~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .con	#~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .con
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Komponenta, která obsahuje položky kontextového menu pro 	#~ "Komponenta, která obsahuje položky kontextového menu pro 
#~ "connection"							#~ "connection"

#~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .sql	#~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .sql
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Komponenta, která obsahuje položky kontextového menu pro 	#~ "Komponenta, která obsahuje položky kontextového menu pro 

#~ msgid "Connection MIME handler component"			#~ msgid "Connection MIME handler component"
#~ msgstr "Komponenta pro obsluhu MIME pro spojení"		#~ msgstr "Komponenta pro obsluhu MIME pro spojení"

#~ msgid "Database component factory"				#~ msgid "Database component factory"
#~ msgstr "Generátor databázové komponenty"			#~ msgstr "Generátor databázové komponenty"

#~ msgid "Open in database connection..."			#~ msgid "Open in database connection..."
#~ msgstr "OtevÅ?ít v pÅ?ipojení k databázi..."			#~ msgstr "OtevÅ?ít v pÅ?ipojení k databázi..."

#~ msgid "SQL MIME handler component"				#~ msgid "SQL MIME handler component"
#~ msgstr "Komponenta pro obsluhu MIME SQL"			#~ msgstr "Komponenta pro obsluhu MIME SQL"

#~ msgid "Database browser"					#~ msgid "Database browser"
#~ msgstr "ProhlížeÄ? databáze"					#~ msgstr "ProhlížeÄ? databáze"

#~ msgid "Error viewer"						#~ msgid "Error viewer"
#~ msgstr "ProhlížeÄ? chyb"					#~ msgstr "ProhlížeÄ? chyb"

#~ msgid "SQL Viewer"						#~ msgid "SQL Viewer"
#~ msgstr "ProhlížeÄ? SQL"					#~ msgstr "ProhlížeÄ? SQL"

#~ msgid "Database configuration"				#~ msgid "Database configuration"
#~ msgstr "Nastavení databáze"					#~ msgstr "Nastavení databáze"

#~ msgid "Edit application preferences"				#~ msgid "Edit application preferences"
#~ msgstr "Upravit nastavení aplikace"				#~ msgstr "Upravit nastavení aplikace"

#~ msgid "New..."						#~ msgid "New..."
#~ msgstr "Nová..."						#~ msgstr "Nová..."

#~ msgid "_File"						#~ msgid "_File"
#~ msgstr "_Soubor"						#~ msgstr "_Soubor"

#~ msgid "_Properties..."					#~ msgid "_Properties..."
#~ msgstr "_Vlastnosti..."					#~ msgstr "_Vlastnosti..."

#~ msgid "_Settings"						#~ msgid "_Settings"
#~ msgstr "_Nastavení"						#~ msgstr "_Nastavení"

#~ msgid "Password"						#~ msgid "Password"
#~ msgstr "Heslo"						#~ msgstr "Heslo"

#~ msgid "Save as"						#~ msgid "Save as"
#~ msgstr "Uložit jako"						#~ msgstr "Uložit jako"

#~ msgid "Save to"						#~ msgid "Save to"
#~ msgstr "Uložit do"						#~ msgstr "Uložit do"

#~ msgid "XML file"						#~ msgid "XML file"
#~ msgstr "Soubor XML"						#~ msgstr "Soubor XML"

#~ msgid "Hide columns"						#~ msgid "Hide columns"
#~ msgstr "Skrýt sloupce"					#~ msgstr "Skrýt sloupce"

#~ msgid "Question"						#~ msgid "Question"
#~ msgstr "Otázka"						#~ msgstr "Otázka"

#~ msgid "Table Data"						#~ msgid "Table Data"
#~ msgstr "Data tabulky"					#~ msgstr "Data tabulky"

#~ msgid "View table data"					#~ msgid "View table data"
#~ msgstr "Zobrazit data tabulky"				#~ msgstr "Zobrazit data tabulky"

#~ msgid "Database Moniker factory"				#~ msgid "Database Moniker factory"
#~ msgstr "Generátor Ukazatele na databázi"			#~ msgstr "Generátor Ukazatele na databázi"

#~ msgid "database: moniker"					#~ msgid "database: moniker"
#~ msgstr "database: moniker"					#~ msgstr "database: moniker"

#~ msgid "Invalid format for connection string"			#~ msgid "Invalid format for connection string"
#~ msgstr "Neplatný formát pÅ?ipojovacího Å?etÄ?zce"		#~ msgstr "Neplatný formát pÅ?ipojovacího Å?etÄ?zce"

#~ msgid "Data sources"						#~ msgid "Data sources"
#~ msgstr "Zdroje dat"						#~ msgstr "Zdroje dat"

#~ msgid "Test Data Source"					#~ msgid "Test Data Source"
#~ msgstr "Testovat zdroj dat"					#~ msgstr "Testovat zdroj dat"

#~ msgid "Data source"						#~ msgid "Data source"
#~ msgstr "Zdroj dat"						#~ msgstr "Zdroj dat"

#~ msgid "Select all"						#~ msgid "Select all"
#~ msgstr "Vybrat vše"						#~ msgstr "Vybrat vše"

#~ msgid "Display column headers"				#~ msgid "Display column headers"
#~ msgstr "Zobrazit záhlaví sloupců"				#~ msgstr "Zobrazit záhlaví sloupců"

#~ msgid "Hide column headers"					#~ msgid "Hide column headers"
#~ msgstr "Skrýt záhlaví sloupců"				#~ msgstr "Skrýt záhlaví sloupců"

#~ msgid "Export data to different formats"			#~ msgid "Export data to different formats"
#~ msgstr "Exportovat data do různých formátů"			#~ msgstr "Exportovat data do různých formátů"

#~ msgid "Describe current data set"				#~ msgid "Describe current data set"
#~ msgstr "Popsat aktuální množinu dat"				#~ msgstr "Popsat aktuální množinu dat"

#~ msgid "View current data in more detail"			#~ msgid "View current data in more detail"
#~ msgstr "Zobrazit aktuální data podrobnÄ?ji"			#~ msgstr "Zobrazit aktuální data podrobnÄ?ji"
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: da.gmo
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/da.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/da.po
# Gnome-db in Danish.						# Gnome-db in Danish.
# Copyright (C) 2000, 02 Free Software Foundation, Inc.		# Copyright (C) 2000, 02 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# Birger Langkjer <birger langkjer image dk>, 2000.		# Birger Langkjer <birger langkjer image dk>, 2000.
# Keld Simonsen <keld dkuug dk>, 2000.				# Keld Simonsen <keld dkuug dk>, 2000.
# Ole Laursen <olau hardworking dk>, 2002.			# Ole Laursen <olau hardworking dk>, 2002.
#								#
# Konventioner:							# Konventioner:
#								#
#   provider -> udbyder						#   provider -> udbyder
#								#
msgid ""							msgid ""
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: GNOME db/CVS\n"				"Project-Id-Version: GNOME db/CVS\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"					"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"			"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2002-09-17 21:31+0200\n"			"PO-Revision-Date: 2002-09-17 21:31+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Ole Laursen <olau hardworking dk>\n"		"Last-Translator: Ole Laursen <olau hardworking dk>\n"
"Language-Team: Danish <dansk klid dk>\n"			"Language-Team: Danish <dansk klid dk>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"						"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"			"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"				"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co
msgid "Data Sources"						msgid "Data Sources"
msgstr "Datakilder"						msgstr "Datakilder"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid
msgid "Providers"						msgid "Providers"
msgstr "Udbydere"						msgstr "Udbydere"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1
msgid "Configure your database environment"			msgid "Configure your database environment"
msgstr "Konfigurér dit databasemiljø"				msgstr "Konfigurér dit databasemiljø"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Database Access Properties "				msgid "Database Access Properties "
msgstr "Databaseindstillinger"					msgstr "Databaseindstillinger"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380
msgid "Name"							msgid "Name"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
msgid "Description"						msgid "Description"
msgstr "Beskrivelse"						msgstr "Beskrivelse"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182
msgid "Configured data sources in the system"			msgid "Configured data sources in the system"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data sources are the means by which database connections are	"Data sources are the means by which database connections are
"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s	"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s
"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o	"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o
"name you identify the connections in the applications that m	"name you identify the connections in the applications that m
"DB for database access."					"DB for database access."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Datakilder er den måde databaseforbindelser identificeres på	"Datakilder er den måde databaseforbindelser identificeres på
"nødvendige oplysninger til at åbne en forbindelse til en udb	"nødvendige oplysninger til at åbne en forbindelse til en udb
"gemmes under et unikt navn. Dette kan så bruges til at ident	"gemmes under et unikt navn. Dette kan så bruges til at ident
"forbindelserne i de programmer der bruger libgda til databas	"forbindelserne i de programmer der bruger libgda til databas

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277
#, fuzzy, c-format						#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"	msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"
msgstr "Ã?nsker du at fjerne datakilden '%s'?"			msgstr "Ã?nsker du at fjerne datakilden '%s'?"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data Source Properties"					msgid "Data Source Properties"
msgstr "Datakildeindstillinger"					msgstr "Datakildeindstillinger"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132
msgid "Basic"							msgid "Basic"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Tables"							msgid "Tables"
msgstr "Tabeller"						msgstr "Tabeller"

#: control-center/main.c:92					#: control-center/main.c:92
msgid "No valid data source info was created"			msgid "No valid data source info was created"
msgstr "Ingen gyldige datakildeoplysninger blev oprettet"	msgstr "Ingen gyldige datakildeoplysninger blev oprettet"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218	#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218
msgid "New data source"						msgid "New data source"
msgstr "Ny datakilde"						msgstr "Ny datakilde"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:215					#: control-center/main.c:215
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Database Access Properties"				msgid "Database Access Properties"
msgstr "Databaseindstillinger"					msgstr "Databaseindstillinger"

#: control-center/provider-config.c:105				#: control-center/provider-config.c:105
msgid "Installed providers"					msgid "Installed providers"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/provider-config.c:131				#: control-center/provider-config.c:131
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec	"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec
"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo	"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo
"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr	"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr
"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba	"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba
"etc."								"etc."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Udbydere er eksterne udvidelsesmoduler der giver adgang til 	"Udbydere er eksterne udvidelsesmoduler der giver adgang til 
"datakilde. Standardudbyderen er altid installeret, hvilket g	"datakilde. Standardudbyderen er altid installeret, hvilket g
"databaser gemt i XML-filer. Andre udbydere der som regel dis	"databaser gemt i XML-filer. Andre udbydere der som regel dis
"med libgda/libgnome-db er PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Sybase,	"med libgda/libgnome-db er PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Sybase,

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1
msgid "Database connection parameters file"			msgid "Database connection parameters file"
msgstr "Parameterfil til en databaseforbindelse"		msgstr "Parameterfil til en databaseforbindelse"

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2
msgid "Documents"						msgid "Documents"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3
msgid "SQL code viewer"						msgid "SQL code viewer"
msgstr "SQL-kodefremviser"					msgstr "SQL-kodefremviser"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1
msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"			msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"
msgstr "Skrifttype som skal bruges i gitterkontrollen"		msgstr "Skrifttype som skal bruges i gitterkontrollen"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2
msgid "Number of spaces per tab"				msgid "Number of spaces per tab"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3
msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"			msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4
msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"			msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60
msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"			msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1
msgid "About"							msgid "About"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2
msgid "About GNOME-DB"						msgid "About GNOME-DB"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3
msgid "Close this window"					msgid "Close this window"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4
msgid "Create new entry"					msgid "Create new entry"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Delete selected items"					msgid "Delete selected items"
msgstr "Fravælg alle punkter i listen"				msgstr "Fravælg alle punkter i listen"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Deselect all items"					msgid "Deselect all items"
msgstr "Fravælg alle punkter i listen"				msgstr "Fravælg alle punkter i listen"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7
msgid "Edit properties for selected item"			msgid "Edit properties for selected item"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Save connection parameters to file"			msgid "Save connection parameters to file"
msgstr "Parameterfil til en databaseforbindelse"		msgstr "Parameterfil til en databaseforbindelse"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Select _All"						msgid "Select _All"
msgstr "Vælg alle"						msgstr "Vælg alle"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Select all items"					msgid "Select all items"
msgstr "Vælg alle punkter i listen"				msgstr "Vælg alle punkter i listen"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View data sources"					msgid "View data sources"
msgstr "Ny datakilde"						msgstr "Ny datakilde"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View providers"						msgid "View providers"
msgstr "Udbydere"						msgstr "Udbydere"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42
msgid "_Clear Selection"					msgid "_Clear Selection"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14
msgid "_Close"							msgid "_Close"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Data Sources"						msgid "_Data Sources"
msgstr "Datakilder"						msgstr "Datakilder"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Database"						msgid "_Database"
msgstr "Database"						msgstr "Database"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Delete"							msgid "_Delete"
msgstr "Slet"							msgstr "Slet"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Edit"							msgid "_Edit"
msgstr "Redigér"						msgstr "Redigér"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19
msgid "_Help"							msgid "_Help"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_New Data Source..."					msgid "_New Data Source..."
msgstr "Ny datakilde"						msgstr "Ny datakilde"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Properties"						msgid "_Properties"
msgstr "Procedurer"						msgstr "Procedurer"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Providers"						msgid "_Providers"
msgstr "Udbydere"						msgstr "Udbydere"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Save Connection"					msgid "_Save Connection"
msgstr "Gem i"							msgstr "Gem i"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_View"							msgid "_View"
msgstr "Visninger"						msgstr "Visninger"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76
msgid "Structure"						msgid "Structure"
msgstr "Struktur"						msgstr "Struktur"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73
msgid "Data"							msgid "Data"
msgstr "Data"							msgstr "Data"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238
msgid "Not implemented yet!"					msgid "Not implemented yet!"
msgstr "Ikke implementeret endnu!"				msgstr "Ikke implementeret endnu!"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Database"						msgid "Database"
msgstr "Database"						msgstr "Database"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540
msgid "Loading database schemas..."				msgid "Loading database schemas..."
msgstr "Indlæser databaseskemaer..."				msgstr "Indlæser databaseskemaer..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632
msgid "Refreshing data..."					msgid "Refreshing data..."
msgstr "Opdaterer data..."					msgstr "Opdaterer data..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688
msgid "Views"							msgid "Views"
msgstr "Visninger"						msgstr "Visninger"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691
msgid "Indexes"							msgid "Indexes"
msgstr "Indekser"						msgstr "Indekser"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Sequences"						msgid "Sequences"
msgstr "Sekvenser"						msgstr "Sekvenser"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Procedures"						msgid "Procedures"
msgstr "Procedurer"						msgstr "Procedurer"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700
msgid "Triggers"						msgid "Triggers"
msgstr "Triggere"						msgstr "Triggere"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Aggregates"						msgid "Aggregates"
msgstr "Aggregater"						msgstr "Aggregater"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Types"							msgid "Types"
msgstr "Typer"							msgstr "Typer"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140
msgid "Could not query CORBA components"			msgid "Could not query CORBA components"
msgstr "Kunne ikke forespørge CORBA-komponenter"		msgstr "Kunne ikke forespørge CORBA-komponenter"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209
msgid "ID"							msgid "ID"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "Location"						msgid "Location"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212
msgid "Username"						msgid "Username"
msgstr "Brugernavn"						msgstr "Brugernavn"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Hostname"						msgid "Hostname"
msgstr "Brugernavn"						msgstr "Brugernavn"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214
msgid "Domain"							msgid "Domain"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"			msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"
msgstr "Ikke-understøttet type i GconfEntry: %d"		msgstr "Ikke-understøttet type i GconfEntry: %d"

#. create widgets						#. create widgets
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97
msgid "Settings"						msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Indstillinger"						msgstr "Indstillinger"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103
msgid "Data source name"					msgid "Data source name"
msgstr "Datakildenavn"						msgstr "Datakildenavn"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109
msgid "Connection string"					msgid "Connection string"
msgstr "Forbindelsesstreng"					msgstr "Forbindelsesstreng"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115
msgid "Provider"						msgid "Provider"
msgstr "Udbyder"						msgstr "Udbyder"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121
msgid "User name"						msgid "User name"
msgstr "Brugernavn"						msgstr "Brugernavn"

#. create feature list						#. create feature list
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128
msgid "Features"						msgid "Features"
msgstr "Faciliteter"						msgstr "Faciliteter"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190
msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"		msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"
msgstr "Du skal indtaste et navn til den nye datakilde"		msgstr "Du skal indtaste et navn til den nye datakilde"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197
msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac	msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206
msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th	msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213
msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"			msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217
msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n	msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225
msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"	msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"
msgstr "Du skal vælge en udbyder til den nye datakilde"		msgstr "Du skal vælge en udbyder til den nye datakilde"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233
msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"		msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"
msgstr "Udbyder ikke fundet i konfigurationen"			msgstr "Udbyder ikke fundet i konfigurationen"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391
msgid "Add a new data source..."				msgid "Add a new data source..."
msgstr "Tilføj en ny datakilde..."				msgstr "Tilføj en ny datakilde..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392
msgid ""							msgid ""
"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"		"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"
"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"		"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"
"installation. Just follow the steps!"				"installation. Just follow the steps!"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Denne hjælper vil guide dig gennem oprettelsen\n"		"Denne hjælper vil guide dig gennem oprettelsen\n"
"af en ny datakilde for din Gnome-DB-installation.\n"		"af en ny datakilde for din Gnome-DB-installation.\n"
"Følg blot anvisningerne!"					"Følg blot anvisningerne!"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404
msgid "General Information"					msgid "General Information"
msgstr "Generelle oplysninger"					msgstr "Generelle oplysninger"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the basic information\n"	"The following fields represent the basic information\n"
"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n	"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n
"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"	"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"
"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"	"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"
"the default one."						"the default one."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"De følgende felter repræsenterer de grundlæggende\n"		"De følgende felter repræsenterer de grundlæggende\n"
"oplysninger om din nye datakilde. Nogle af dem\n"		"oplysninger om din nye datakilde. Nogle af dem\n"
"(beskrivelse, brugernavn) kan udelades, mens andre\n"		"(beskrivelse, brugernavn) kan udelades, mens andre\n"
"er påkrævede. Hvis du ikke ved hvilken udbyder du\n"		"er påkrævede. Hvis du ikke ved hvilken udbyder du\n"
"skal vælge, så fortsæt blot med den forvalgte."		"skal vælge, så fortsæt blot med den forvalgte."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data source _name:"					msgid "Data source _name:"
msgstr "Datakildenavn"						msgstr "Datakildenavn"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Provider:"						msgid "_Provider:"
msgstr "Udbyder"						msgstr "Udbyder"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Description:"						msgid "_Description:"
msgstr "Beskrivelse"						msgstr "Beskrivelse"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Username:"						msgid "_Username:"
msgstr "Brugernavn"						msgstr "Brugernavn"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "P_assword:"						msgid "P_assword:"
msgstr "Adgangskode"						msgstr "Adgangskode"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454
msgid "Provider Parameters"					msgid "Provider Parameters"
msgstr "Udbyderparametre"					msgstr "Udbyderparametre"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the information needed by the	"The following fields represent the information needed by the
"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n	"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n
"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\	"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\
"the manual for more information."				"the manual for more information."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"De følgende felter repræsenterer de oplysninger som den\n"	"De følgende felter repræsenterer de oplysninger som den\n"
"udbyder du valgte før, har brug for til at åbne en\n"		"udbyder du valgte før, har brug for til at åbne en\n"
"given forbindelse. Disse oplysninger er udbyderspecifikke,\n	"given forbindelse. Disse oplysninger er udbyderspecifikke,\n
"så kig i manualen for yderligere information."			"så kig i manualen for yderligere information."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481
msgid "All information retrieved"				msgid "All information retrieved"
msgstr "Alle oplysninger indsamlet"				msgstr "Alle oplysninger indsamlet"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid ""							msgid ""
"All information needed to create a new data source\n"		"All information needed to create a new data source\n"
"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"		"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"
"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"	"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"
"just select it when asked for a data source."			"just select it when asked for a data source."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Alle de oplysninger der er nødvendige for at oprette\n"	"Alle de oplysninger der er nødvendige for at oprette\n"
"en ny datakilde, er blevet indsamlet. Så tryk på\n"		"en ny datakilde, er blevet indsamlet. Så tryk på\n"
"'Anvend' for at lukke dette vindue. For at åbne\n"		"'Anvend' for at lukke dette vindue. For at åbne\n"
"den nyligt oprettede datakilde kan du blot vælge\n"		"den nyligt oprettede datakilde kan du blot vælge\n"
"den når du bliver spurgt efter en datakilde."			"den når du bliver spurgt efter en datakilde."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Connection _string:"					msgid "Connection _string:"
msgstr "Forbindelsesstreng"					msgstr "Forbindelsesstreng"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4
msgid "Error"							msgid "Error"
msgstr "Fejl"							msgstr "Fejl"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.
msgid "Show detail >>"						msgid "Show detail >>"
msgstr "Vis detaljer >>"					msgstr "Vis detaljer >>"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122
msgid "<< Hide detail"						msgid "<< Hide detail"
msgstr "<< Skjul detaljer"					msgstr "<< Skjul detaljer"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191
msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"	msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196
msgid "Error number"						msgid "Error number"
msgstr "Fejlnummer"						msgstr "Fejlnummer"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Details"							msgid "Details"
msgstr "Detalje"						msgstr "Detalje"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234
msgid "Source"							msgid "Source"
msgstr "Kilde"							msgstr "Kilde"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241
msgid "SQL state"						msgid "SQL state"
msgstr "SQL-tilstand"						msgstr "SQL-tilstand"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Field:"							msgid "_Field:"
msgstr "Titel"							msgstr "Titel"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Text:"							msgid "_Text:"
msgstr "Test"							msgstr "Test"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308
msgid "No records"						msgid "No records"
msgstr "Ingen opføringer"					msgstr "Ingen opføringer"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Record %d of %d"						msgid "Record %d of %d"
msgstr "Opføring %d af %d"					msgstr "Opføring %d af %d"

# RETMIG: recordset?						# RETMIG: recordset?
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113
msgid "Recordset description"					msgid "Recordset description"
msgstr "Beskrivelse"						msgstr "Beskrivelse"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid ""							msgid ""
"File '%s' already exists.\n"					"File '%s' already exists.\n"
"Do you want to overwrite it?"					"Do you want to overwrite it?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149
msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."		msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Could not save file %s"					msgid "Could not save file %s"
msgstr "Kunne ikke gemme filen %s"				msgstr "Kunne ikke gemme filen %s"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224
msgid "You must specify a file name"				msgid "You must specify a file name"
msgstr "Du skal angive et filnavn"				msgstr "Du skal angive et filnavn"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230
msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"		msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261
msgid "Saving Model"						msgid "Saving Model"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "File _name:"						msgid "File _name:"
msgstr "Tabelnavn"						msgstr "Tabelnavn"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276
msgid "Select File"						msgid "Select File"
msgstr "Vælg fil"						msgstr "Vælg fil"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283
msgid "File _type:"						msgid "File _type:"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Tab-delimited"						msgid "Tab-delimited"
msgstr "Tabulatoradskilt fil"					msgstr "Tabulatoradskilt fil"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Comma-delimited"						msgid "Comma-delimited"
msgstr "Kommaadskilt fil"					msgstr "Kommaadskilt fil"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:
msgid "XML"							msgid "XML"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355
msgid "View detail"						msgid "View detail"
msgstr "Vis detaljer"						msgstr "Vis detaljer"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Show Column _Titles"					msgid "Show Column _Titles"
msgstr "Vis kolonner"						msgstr "Vis kolonner"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Describe"						msgid "Describe"
msgstr "Beskriv..."						msgstr "Beskriv..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443
msgid "View detail..."						msgid "View detail..."
msgstr "Vis detaljer..."					msgstr "Vis detaljer..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614
msgid "Title"							msgid "Title"
msgstr "Titel"							msgstr "Titel"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48
msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"	msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"
msgstr "Forsøg på at klargøre en allerede klargjort klient"	msgstr "Forsøg på at klargøre en allerede klargjort klient"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"		"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"
"to a data source"						"to a data source"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data Source:"						msgid "Data Source:"
msgstr "Datakilde"						msgstr "Datakilde"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Username:"						msgid "Username:"
msgstr "Brugernavn"						msgstr "Brugernavn"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Password:"						msgid "Password:"
msgstr "Adgangskode"						msgstr "Adgangskode"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69
msgid "Fields"							msgid "Fields"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30
msgid "Commit"							msgid "Commit"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31
msgid "Connect"							msgid "Connect"
msgstr "Tilkobl"						msgstr "Tilkobl"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33
msgid "Designer"						msgid "Designer"
msgstr "Designer"						msgstr "Designer"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34
msgid "Disconnect"						msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr "Frakobl"						msgstr "Frakobl"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35
msgid "NoTransaction"						msgid "NoTransaction"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37
msgid "Query"							msgid "Query"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38
msgid "Rollback"						msgid "Rollback"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40
msgid "SQL"							msgid "SQL"
msgstr "SQL"							msgstr "SQL"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43
msgid "WithinTransaction"					msgid "WithinTransaction"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Error: %s"						msgid "Error: %s"
msgstr "Fejl: %s"						msgstr "Fejl: %s"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79
msgid "Table name"						msgid "Table name"
msgstr "Tabelnavn"						msgstr "Tabelnavn"

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93			#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Login for %s"						msgid "Login for %s"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95					#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95
msgid "Login to database"					msgid "Login to database"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: vfs/libmain.c:71						#: vfs/libmain.c:71
msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"				msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"
msgstr "\"database:\"-modul til Gnome-VFS"			msgstr "\"database:\"-modul til Gnome-VFS"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Table Properties"					msgid "Table Properties"
msgstr "Databaseindstillinger"					msgstr "Databaseindstillinger"

#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Table Name"						msgid "Table Name"
msgstr "Tabelnavn"						msgstr "Tabelnavn"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "New"							msgid "New"
msgstr "Ny"							msgstr "Ny"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156
msgid "Create new table"					msgid "Create new table"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Properties"						msgid "Properties"
msgstr "Procedurer"						msgstr "Procedurer"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View table properties"					msgid "View table properties"
msgstr "Databaseindstillinger"					msgstr "Databaseindstillinger"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
msgid "UID"							msgid "UID"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "calendar"						msgid "calendar"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "summary"							msgid "summary"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "Summary"							msgid "Summary"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "location"						msgid "location"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "dtstart"							msgid "dtstart"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
msgid "Start time"						msgid "Start time"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "dtend"							msgid "dtend"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "End time"						msgid "End time"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "description"						msgid "description"
msgstr "Beskrivelse"						msgstr "Beskrivelse"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "classification"						msgid "classification"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "Classification"						msgid "Classification"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "transparency"						msgid "transparency"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "Transparency"						msgid "Transparency"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "categories"						msgid "categories"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "Categories"						msgid "Categories"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "tasks"							msgid "tasks"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "due"							msgid "due"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "Due date"						msgid "Due date"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "Start date"						msgid "Start date"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355
msgid "Public"							msgid "Public"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358
msgid "Private"							msgid "Private"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361
msgid "Confidential"						msgid "Confidential"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63
msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"		msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66
msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"			msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80
msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta	msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"		msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"
msgstr "Kunne ikke åbne forbindelse til %s"			msgstr "Kunne ikke åbne forbindelse til %s"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100
msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"				msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Field name"						msgid "Field name"
msgstr "Brugernavn"						msgstr "Brugernavn"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data type"						msgid "Data type"
msgstr "Data"							msgstr "Data"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214
msgid "Size"							msgid "Size"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215
msgid "Scale"							msgid "Scale"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216
msgid "Not null?"						msgid "Not null?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217
msgid "Primary key?"						msgid "Primary key?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218
msgid "Unique index?"						msgid "Unique index?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "References"						msgid "References"
msgstr "Opdatér"						msgstr "Opdatér"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220
msgid "Default value"						msgid "Default value"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239
msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l	msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Table %s does not exist"					msgid "Table %s does not exist"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318
msgid "Scheduled events"					msgid "Scheduled events"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321
msgid "TODO list"						msgid "TODO list"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375
msgid "Owner"							msgid "Owner"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376
msgid "Comments"						msgid "Comments"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Type"							msgid "Type"
msgstr "Typer"							msgstr "Typer"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377
msgid "GDA type"						msgid "GDA type"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id	#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id
#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database	#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database
#. we can easily access that information			#. we can easily access that information
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382
msgid "local"							msgid "local"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217
msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230
msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244
msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"			msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268
msgid "Invalid SQL command"					msgid "Invalid SQL command"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353
msgid "Transactions are not supported"				msgid "Transactions are not supported"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41
msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"		msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task	"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Connection MIME handler component"			#~ msgid "Connection MIME handler component"
#~ msgstr "Forbindelsesfremviserkomponent"			#~ msgstr "Forbindelsesfremviserkomponent"

#~ msgid "Database component factory"				#~ msgid "Database component factory"
#~ msgstr "Databasekomponentfabrik"				#~ msgstr "Databasekomponentfabrik"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "SQL MIME handler component"				#~ msgid "SQL MIME handler component"
#~ msgstr "SQL-fremviserkomponent"				#~ msgstr "SQL-fremviserkomponent"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Database browser"					#~ msgid "Database browser"
#~ msgstr "Databaseindstillinger"				#~ msgstr "Databaseindstillinger"

#~ msgid "Error viewer"						#~ msgid "Error viewer"
#~ msgstr "Fejlfremviser"					#~ msgstr "Fejlfremviser"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "SQL Viewer"						#~ msgid "SQL Viewer"
#~ msgstr "SQL-kodefremviser"					#~ msgstr "SQL-kodefremviser"

#~ msgid "Database configuration"				#~ msgid "Database configuration"
#~ msgstr "Databasekonfiguration"				#~ msgstr "Databasekonfiguration"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "_Settings"						#~ msgid "_Settings"
#~ msgstr "Indstillinger"					#~ msgstr "Indstillinger"

#~ msgid "Password"						#~ msgid "Password"
#~ msgstr "Adgangskode"						#~ msgstr "Adgangskode"

#~ msgid "Save as"						#~ msgid "Save as"
#~ msgstr "Gem som"						#~ msgstr "Gem som"

#~ msgid "Save to"						#~ msgid "Save to"
#~ msgstr "Gem i"						#~ msgstr "Gem i"

#~ msgid "XML file"						#~ msgid "XML file"
#~ msgstr "XML-fil"						#~ msgstr "XML-fil"

#~ msgid "Hide columns"						#~ msgid "Hide columns"
#~ msgstr "Skjul kolonner"					#~ msgstr "Skjul kolonner"

#~ msgid "Question"						#~ msgid "Question"
#~ msgstr "Spørgsmål"						#~ msgstr "Spørgsmål"

#~ msgid "Database Moniker factory"				#~ msgid "Database Moniker factory"
#~ msgstr "Fabrik til databaseprotokolhåndtering"		#~ msgstr "Fabrik til databaseprotokolhåndtering"

#~ msgid "database: moniker"					#~ msgid "database: moniker"
#~ msgstr "database:-protokolhåndtering"			#~ msgstr "database:-protokolhåndtering"

#~ msgid "Failing to manufacture a '%s'"			#~ msgid "Failing to manufacture a '%s'"
#~ msgstr "Kunne ikke fabrikere en '%s'"			#~ msgstr "Kunne ikke fabrikere en '%s'"

#~ msgid "Invalid format for connection string"			#~ msgid "Invalid format for connection string"
#~ msgstr "Ugyldigt format for forbindelsesstreng"		#~ msgstr "Ugyldigt format for forbindelsesstreng"

#~ msgid "Data sources"						#~ msgid "Data sources"
#~ msgstr "Datakilder"						#~ msgstr "Datakilder"

#~ msgid "Test Data Source"					#~ msgid "Test Data Source"
#~ msgstr "Testdatakilde"					#~ msgstr "Testdatakilde"

#~ msgid "Connection to %s successful!"				#~ msgid "Connection to %s successful!"
#~ msgstr "Tilkobling til %s vellykket!"			#~ msgstr "Tilkobling til %s vellykket!"

#~ msgid ""							#~ msgid ""
#~ "Component that lets you open a .connection file and brows	#~ "Component that lets you open a .connection file and brows
#~ "specified on it"						#~ "specified on it"
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Komponent der lader åbne en .connection-fil og gennemse d	#~ "Komponent der lader åbne en .connection-fil og gennemse d
#~ "der er angivet i den"					#~ "der er angivet i den"

#~ msgid "Viewer for SQL source code"				#~ msgid "Viewer for SQL source code"
#~ msgstr "Fremviser til SQL-kildekode"				#~ msgstr "Fremviser til SQL-kildekode"

#~ msgid "Data source"						#~ msgid "Data source"
#~ msgstr "Datakilde"						#~ msgstr "Datakilde"

#~ msgid "Select all"						#~ msgid "Select all"
#~ msgstr "Vælg alle"						#~ msgstr "Vælg alle"

#~ msgid "Unselect all"						#~ msgid "Unselect all"
#~ msgstr "Fravælg alle"					#~ msgstr "Fravælg alle"

#~ msgid "OAFIID of the default component for the GNOME-DB sh	#~ msgid "OAFIID of the default component for the GNOME-DB sh
#~ msgstr "OAFIID for standardkomponenten for Gnome-DB-skalle	#~ msgstr "OAFIID for standardkomponenten for Gnome-DB-skalle

#~ msgid "Whether to save the shell window position on exit"	#~ msgid "Whether to save the shell window position on exit"
#~ msgstr "Om skalvinduets position gemmes ved afslutning"	#~ msgstr "Om skalvinduets position gemmes ved afslutning"

#~ msgid "Whether to show or not the shortcut bar on the fron	#~ msgid "Whether to show or not the shortcut bar on the fron
#~ msgstr "Om genvejslinjen vises i vinduet"			#~ msgstr "Om genvejslinjen vises i vinduet"

#~ msgid "Whether to show or not the summary bar on the front	#~ msgid "Whether to show or not the summary bar on the front
#~ msgstr "Om sammendragslinjen vises i vinduet"		#~ msgstr "Om sammendragslinjen vises i vinduet"

#~ msgid "Whether to use a fixed size/position for the shell 	#~ msgid "Whether to use a fixed size/position for the shell 
#~ msgstr "Om der bruges en fast størrelse og position for sk	#~ msgstr "Om der bruges en fast størrelse og position for sk

#~ msgid "Unselect All"						#~ msgid "Unselect All"
#~ msgstr "Fravælg alle"					#~ msgstr "Fravælg alle"

#~ msgid "Display column headers"				#~ msgid "Display column headers"
#~ msgstr "Vis kolonnetitler"					#~ msgstr "Vis kolonnetitler"

#~ msgid "Hide column headers"					#~ msgid "Hide column headers"
#~ msgstr "Skjul kolonnetitler"					#~ msgstr "Skjul kolonnetitler"

#~ msgid "Save as..."						#~ msgid "Save as..."
#~ msgstr "Gem som..."						#~ msgstr "Gem som..."

#~ msgid "Export data to different formats"			#~ msgid "Export data to different formats"
#~ msgstr "Eksportér data til forskellige formater"		#~ msgstr "Eksportér data til forskellige formater"

#~ msgid "Describe current data set"				#~ msgid "Describe current data set"
#~ msgstr "Beskriv det aktuelle datasæt"			#~ msgstr "Beskriv det aktuelle datasæt"

#~ msgid "View current data in more detail"			#~ msgid "View current data in more detail"
#~ msgstr "Vis de aktuelle data med flere detaljer"		#~ msgstr "Vis de aktuelle data med flere detaljer"

#~ msgid "Loading..."						#~ msgid "Loading..."
#~ msgstr "Indlæser..."						#~ msgstr "Indlæser..."

#~ msgid "Databases"						#~ msgid "Databases"
#~ msgstr "Databaser"						#~ msgstr "Databaser"
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: de.gmo
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/de.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/de.po
# German libgnomedb translation					# German libgnomedb translation
# Copyright (C) 1999-2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.	# Copyright (C) 1999-2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# Mathias Warkus <mwarkus gnome org>, 1999.			# Mathias Warkus <mwarkus gnome org>, 1999.
# Kai Lahmann <kl linuxfaqs de>, 2000.				# Kai Lahmann <kl linuxfaqs de>, 2000.
# Christian Meyer <chrisime gnome org>, 2000, 2001.		# Christian Meyer <chrisime gnome org>, 2000, 2001.
# Christian Neumair <chris gnome-de org>, 2002-2004.		# Christian Neumair <chris gnome-de org>, 2002-2004.
#								#
msgid ""							msgid ""
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: libgnomedb 1.1.6\n"			"Project-Id-Version: libgnomedb 1.1.6\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"					"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"			"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-07-25 12:05+0200\n"			"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-07-25 12:05+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Christian Neumair <chris gnome-de org>\n"	"Last-Translator: Christian Neumair <chris gnome-de org>\n"
"Language-Team: German <gnome-de gnome org>\n"			"Language-Team: German <gnome-de gnome org>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"						"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"			"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"				"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co
msgid "Data Sources"						msgid "Data Sources"
msgstr "Datenquellen"						msgstr "Datenquellen"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid
msgid "Providers"						msgid "Providers"
msgstr "Treiber"						msgstr "Treiber"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1
msgid "Configure your database environment"			msgid "Configure your database environment"
msgstr "Ihre Datenbankumgebung konfigurieren"			msgstr "Ihre Datenbankumgebung konfigurieren"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2
msgid "Database Access Properties "				msgid "Database Access Properties "
msgstr "Einstellungen zum Datenbankzugriff"			msgstr "Einstellungen zum Datenbankzugriff"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380
msgid "Name"							msgid "Name"
msgstr "Name"							msgstr "Name"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
msgid "Description"						msgid "Description"
msgstr "Beschreibung"						msgstr "Beschreibung"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182
msgid "Configured data sources in the system"			msgid "Configured data sources in the system"
msgstr "Konfigurierte Datenquellen auf dem System"		msgstr "Konfigurierte Datenquellen auf dem System"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data sources are the means by which database connections are	"Data sources are the means by which database connections are
"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s	"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s
"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o	"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o
"name you identify the connections in the applications that m	"name you identify the connections in the applications that m
"DB for database access."					"DB for database access."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Datenquellen sind die Bindeglieder, mit denen Datenbankverbi	"Datenquellen sind die Bindeglieder, mit denen Datenbankverbi
"DB identifiziert werden. Alle zum Verbindungsaufbau mit eine	"DB identifiziert werden. Alle zum Verbindungsaufbau mit eine
"Treiber-/Datenbankkombination benötigten Informationen werde	"Treiber-/Datenbankkombination benötigten Informationen werde
"Verwendung eines eindeutigen Namens gespeichert. Mittels die	"Verwendung eines eindeutigen Namens gespeichert. Mittels die
"Namen können Sie die Verbindungen in den Anwendungen identif	"Namen können Sie die Verbindungen in den Anwendungen identif
"GNOME-DB für den Datenbankzugriff verwenden."			"GNOME-DB für den Datenbankzugriff verwenden."

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"	msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"
msgstr "Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie die Datenquelle %s entferne	msgstr "Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie die Datenquelle %s entferne

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104
msgid "Data Source Properties"					msgid "Data Source Properties"
msgstr "Eigenschaften der Datenquelle"				msgstr "Eigenschaften der Datenquelle"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132
msgid "Basic"							msgid "Basic"
msgstr "Grundlegend"						msgstr "Grundlegend"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Tables"							msgid "Tables"
msgstr "Tabellen"						msgstr "Tabellen"

#: control-center/main.c:92					#: control-center/main.c:92
msgid "No valid data source info was created"			msgid "No valid data source info was created"
msgstr "Es wurden keine gültigen Datenquelleninformationen er	msgstr "Es wurden keine gültigen Datenquelleninformationen er

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218	#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218
msgid "New data source"						msgid "New data source"
msgstr "Neue Datenquelle"					msgstr "Neue Datenquelle"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:215					#: control-center/main.c:215
msgid "Database Access Properties"				msgid "Database Access Properties"
msgstr "Einstellungen zum Datenbankzugriff"			msgstr "Einstellungen zum Datenbankzugriff"

#: control-center/provider-config.c:105				#: control-center/provider-config.c:105
msgid "Installed providers"					msgid "Installed providers"
msgstr "Installierte Treiber"					msgstr "Installierte Treiber"

#: control-center/provider-config.c:131				#: control-center/provider-config.c:131
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec	"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec
"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo	"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo
"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr	"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr
"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba	"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba
"etc."								"etc."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Treiber sind externe Plugins, die Zugriff den auf eine spezi	"Treiber sind externe Plugins, die Zugriff den auf eine spezi
"Datenquelle ermöglichen. Der Vorgabetreiber, der Ihnen den Z	"Datenquelle ermöglichen. Der Vorgabetreiber, der Ihnen den Z
"XML-Dateien gespeicherte Datenbanken ermöglicht, ist immer i	"XML-Dateien gespeicherte Datenbanken ermöglicht, ist immer i
"Weitere Treiber werden i.d. Regel mit libgda/gnome-db ausgel	"Weitere Treiber werden i.d. Regel mit libgda/gnome-db ausgel
"umfassen PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Sybase, Interbase u.s.w.	"umfassen PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Sybase, Interbase u.s.w.

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1
msgid "Database connection parameters file"			msgid "Database connection parameters file"
msgstr "Parameterdatei für Datenbankverbindungen"		msgstr "Parameterdatei für Datenbankverbindungen"

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2
msgid "Documents"						msgid "Documents"
msgstr "Dokumente"						msgstr "Dokumente"

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3
msgid "SQL code viewer"						msgid "SQL code viewer"
msgstr "SQL-Code-Ansicht"					msgstr "SQL-Code-Ansicht"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1
msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"			msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"
msgstr "Im Gitter-Widget zu verwendende Schrift"		msgstr "Im Gitter-Widget zu verwendende Schrift"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2
msgid "Number of spaces per tab"				msgid "Number of spaces per tab"
msgstr "Anzahl der Leerzeichen pro Reiter"			msgstr "Anzahl der Leerzeichen pro Reiter"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3
msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"			msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"
msgstr "Zeilennummern im Quelleditor anzeigen"			msgstr "Zeilennummern im Quelleditor anzeigen"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4
msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"			msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"
msgstr "Highlighting im Quelltext-Editor verwenden"		msgstr "Highlighting im Quelltext-Editor verwenden"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60
msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"			msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"
msgstr "Datenbankdienste für den GNOME-Desktop"			msgstr "Datenbankdienste für den GNOME-Desktop"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1
msgid "About"							msgid "About"
msgstr "Info"							msgstr "Info"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2
msgid "About GNOME-DB"						msgid "About GNOME-DB"
msgstr "Info zu GNOME-DB"					msgstr "Info zu GNOME-DB"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3
msgid "Close this window"					msgid "Close this window"
msgstr "Dieses Fenster schlieÃ?en"				msgstr "Dieses Fenster schlieÃ?en"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4
msgid "Create new entry"					msgid "Create new entry"
msgstr "Neuen Eintrag anlegen"					msgstr "Neuen Eintrag anlegen"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5
msgid "Delete selected items"					msgid "Delete selected items"
msgstr "Gewählte Objekte löschen"				msgstr "Gewählte Objekte löschen"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6
msgid "Deselect all items"					msgid "Deselect all items"
msgstr "Alle Einträge abwählen"					msgstr "Alle Einträge abwählen"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7
msgid "Edit properties for selected item"			msgid "Edit properties for selected item"
msgstr "Eigenschaften des gewählten Objekts bearbeiten"		msgstr "Eigenschaften des gewählten Objekts bearbeiten"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8
msgid "Save connection parameters to file"			msgid "Save connection parameters to file"
msgstr "Verbindungsparameter in Datei speichern"		msgstr "Verbindungsparameter in Datei speichern"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414
msgid "Select _All"						msgid "Select _All"
msgstr "_Alle auswählen"					msgstr "_Alle auswählen"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10
msgid "Select all items"					msgid "Select all items"
msgstr "Alle Einträge auswählen"				msgstr "Alle Einträge auswählen"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11
msgid "View data sources"					msgid "View data sources"
msgstr "Datenquellen anzeigen"					msgstr "Datenquellen anzeigen"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12
msgid "View providers"						msgid "View providers"
msgstr "Treiber anzeigen"					msgstr "Treiber anzeigen"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42
msgid "_Clear Selection"					msgid "_Clear Selection"
msgstr "Auswahl _leeren"					msgstr "Auswahl _leeren"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14
msgid "_Close"							msgid "_Close"
msgstr "S_chlieÃ?en"						msgstr "S_chlieÃ?en"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15
msgid "_Data Sources"						msgid "_Data Sources"
msgstr "_Datenquellen"						msgstr "_Datenquellen"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16
msgid "_Database"						msgid "_Database"
msgstr "_Datenbank"						msgstr "_Datenbank"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17
msgid "_Delete"							msgid "_Delete"
msgstr "_Löschen"						msgstr "_Löschen"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18
msgid "_Edit"							msgid "_Edit"
msgstr "_Bearbeiten"						msgstr "_Bearbeiten"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19
msgid "_Help"							msgid "_Help"
msgstr "_Hilfe"							msgstr "_Hilfe"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20
msgid "_New Data Source..."					msgid "_New Data Source..."
msgstr "_Neue Datenquelle..."					msgstr "_Neue Datenquelle..."

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21
msgid "_Properties"						msgid "_Properties"
msgstr "Ei_genschaften"						msgstr "Ei_genschaften"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22
msgid "_Providers"						msgid "_Providers"
msgstr "_Treiber"						msgstr "_Treiber"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23
msgid "_Save Connection"					msgid "_Save Connection"
msgstr "Verbindung _speichern"					msgstr "Verbindung _speichern"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24
msgid "_View"							msgid "_View"
msgstr "_Ansicht"						msgstr "_Ansicht"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76
msgid "Structure"						msgid "Structure"
msgstr "Struktur"						msgstr "Struktur"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73
msgid "Data"							msgid "Data"
msgstr "Daten"							msgstr "Daten"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238
msgid "Not implemented yet!"					msgid "Not implemented yet!"
msgstr "Noch nicht implementiert!"				msgstr "Noch nicht implementiert!"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Database"						msgid "Database"
msgstr "Datenbank"						msgstr "Datenbank"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540
msgid "Loading database schemas..."				msgid "Loading database schemas..."
msgstr "Datenbank-Schemata werden geladen..."			msgstr "Datenbank-Schemata werden geladen..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632
msgid "Refreshing data..."					msgid "Refreshing data..."
msgstr "Daten werden neu eingelesen..."				msgstr "Daten werden neu eingelesen..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688
msgid "Views"							msgid "Views"
msgstr "Ansichten"						msgstr "Ansichten"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691
msgid "Indexes"							msgid "Indexes"
msgstr "Indizies"						msgstr "Indizies"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Sequences"						msgid "Sequences"
msgstr "Sequenzen"						msgstr "Sequenzen"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Procedures"						msgid "Procedures"
msgstr "Vorgänge"						msgstr "Vorgänge"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700
msgid "Triggers"						msgid "Triggers"
msgstr "Auslöser"						msgstr "Auslöser"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Aggregates"						msgid "Aggregates"
msgstr "Aggregate"						msgstr "Aggregate"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Types"							msgid "Types"
msgstr "Typen"							msgstr "Typen"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140
msgid "Could not query CORBA components"			msgid "Could not query CORBA components"
msgstr "CORBA-Komponenten konnten nicht abgefragt werden"	msgstr "CORBA-Komponenten konnten nicht abgefragt werden"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209
msgid "ID"							msgid "ID"
msgstr "Kennung"						msgstr "Kennung"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "Location"						msgid "Location"
msgstr "Ort"							msgstr "Ort"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212
msgid "Username"						msgid "Username"
msgstr "Benutzername"						msgstr "Benutzername"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213
msgid "Hostname"						msgid "Hostname"
msgstr "Rechnername"						msgstr "Rechnername"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214
msgid "Domain"							msgid "Domain"
msgstr "Domain"							msgstr "Domain"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"			msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"
msgstr "Nicht unterstützter Typ im GConfEntry: %d"		msgstr "Nicht unterstützter Typ im GConfEntry: %d"

#. create widgets						#. create widgets
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97
msgid "Settings"						msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Einstellungen"						msgstr "Einstellungen"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103
msgid "Data source name"					msgid "Data source name"
msgstr "Name der Datenquelle"					msgstr "Name der Datenquelle"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109
msgid "Connection string"					msgid "Connection string"
msgstr "Verbindungszeichenkette"				msgstr "Verbindungszeichenkette"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115
msgid "Provider"						msgid "Provider"
msgstr "Treiber"						msgstr "Treiber"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121
msgid "User name"						msgid "User name"
msgstr "Benutzername"						msgstr "Benutzername"

#. create feature list						#. create feature list
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128
msgid "Features"						msgid "Features"
msgstr "Merkmale"						msgstr "Merkmale"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190
msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"		msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"
msgstr "Sie müssen einen Namen für die neue Datenquelle angeb	msgstr "Sie müssen einen Namen für die neue Datenquelle angeb

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197
msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac	msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Datenquellennamen dürfen ausschlie�lich alphanumerische Zeic	"Datenquellennamen dürfen ausschlie�lich alphanumerische Zeic

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206
msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th	msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th
msgstr "Es wurde bereits eine gleichnamige Datenquelle regist	msgstr "Es wurde bereits eine gleichnamige Datenquelle regist

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213
msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"			msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"
msgstr "Datenquellennamen dürfen keine Leerzeichen enthalten"	msgstr "Datenquellennamen dürfen keine Leerzeichen enthalten"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217
msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n	msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Datenquellennamen dürfen ausschlie�lich ASCII-Buchstaben und	"Datenquellennamen dürfen ausschlie�lich ASCII-Buchstaben und
"enthalten"							"enthalten"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225
msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"	msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"
msgstr "Sie müssen einen Treiber für die neue Datenquelle aus	msgstr "Sie müssen einen Treiber für die neue Datenquelle aus

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233
msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"		msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"
msgstr "Der Treiber konnte in Ihrer Konfiguration nicht gefun	msgstr "Der Treiber konnte in Ihrer Konfiguration nicht gefun

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391
msgid "Add a new data source..."				msgid "Add a new data source..."
msgstr "Eine neue Datenquelle hinzufügen..."			msgstr "Eine neue Datenquelle hinzufügen..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392
msgid ""							msgid ""
"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"		"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"
"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"		"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"
"installation. Just follow the steps!"				"installation. Just follow the steps!"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Dieser Assistent wird Sie durch das Anlegen einer\n"		"Dieser Assistent wird Sie durch das Anlegen einer\n"
"neuen Datenquelle für Ihre GNOME-DB-Installation\n"		"neuen Datenquelle für Ihre GNOME-DB-Installation\n"
"führen. Folgen Sie einfach den Anweisungen!"			"führen. Folgen Sie einfach den Anweisungen!"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404
msgid "General Information"					msgid "General Information"
msgstr "Allgemeine Informationen"				msgstr "Allgemeine Informationen"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the basic information\n"	"The following fields represent the basic information\n"
"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n	"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n
"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"	"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"
"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"	"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"
"the default one."						"the default one."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Die folgenden Felder entsprechen den grundlegenden\n"		"Die folgenden Felder entsprechen den grundlegenden\n"
"Informationseinträgen für Ihre neue Datenquelle. Einige\n"	"Informationseinträgen für Ihre neue Datenquelle. Einige\n"
"von Ihnen (Beschreibung, Benutzername) sind optional,\n"	"von Ihnen (Beschreibung, Benutzername) sind optional,\n"
"während die anderen ausgefüllt werden müssen. Falls Sie\n"	"während die anderen ausgefüllt werden müssen. Falls Sie\n"
"nicht wissen, welchen Treiber Sie verwenden sollen,\n"		"nicht wissen, welchen Treiber Sie verwenden sollen,\n"
"wählen Sie einfach den Vorgabetreiber."			"wählen Sie einfach den Vorgabetreiber."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104
msgid "Data source _name:"					msgid "Data source _name:"
msgstr "_Name der Datenquelle:"					msgstr "_Name der Datenquelle:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114
msgid "_Provider:"						msgid "_Provider:"
msgstr "_Treiber:"						msgstr "_Treiber:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133
msgid "_Description:"						msgid "_Description:"
msgstr "B_eschreibung:"						msgstr "B_eschreibung:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142
msgid "_Username:"						msgid "_Username:"
msgstr "_Benutzername:"						msgstr "_Benutzername:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151
msgid "P_assword:"						msgid "P_assword:"
msgstr "_Passwort:"						msgstr "_Passwort:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454
msgid "Provider Parameters"					msgid "Provider Parameters"
msgstr "Treiberparameter"					msgstr "Treiberparameter"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the information needed by the	"The following fields represent the information needed by the
"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n	"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n
"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\	"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\
"the manual for more information."				"the manual for more information."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Die folgenden Felder entsprechen den Informationen, die die\	"Die folgenden Felder entsprechen den Informationen, die die\
"von Ihnen in der vorherigen Seite ausgewählte Quelle\n"	"von Ihnen in der vorherigen Seite ausgewählte Quelle\n"
"benötigt, um eine bestimmte Verbindung zu öffnen. Diese\n"	"benötigt, um eine bestimmte Verbindung zu öffnen. Diese\n"
"Informationen sind treiberspezifisch. Schlagen Sie daher im\	"Informationen sind treiberspezifisch. Schlagen Sie daher im\
"Handbuch nach, um weitere Informationen zu erhalten."		"Handbuch nach, um weitere Informationen zu erhalten."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481
msgid "All information retrieved"				msgid "All information retrieved"
msgstr "Alle Informationen erhalten"				msgstr "Alle Informationen erhalten"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482
msgid ""							msgid ""
"All information needed to create a new data source\n"		"All information needed to create a new data source\n"
"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"		"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"
"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"	"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"
"just select it when asked for a data source."			"just select it when asked for a data source."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Alle Informationen, die zum Anlegen einer neuen\n"		"Alle Informationen, die zum Anlegen einer neuen\n"
"Datenquelle notwendig sind, wurden erhalten. Bitte\n"		"Datenquelle notwendig sind, wurden erhalten. Bitte\n"
"klicken Sie nun »Anwenden«, um dieses Dialogfenster\n"		"klicken Sie nun »Anwenden«, um dieses Dialogfenster\n"
"zu schlieÃ?en. Um Ihre neu erstellte Datenquelle zu\n"		"zu schlieÃ?en. Um Ihre neu erstellte Datenquelle zu\n"
"öffnen, wählen Sie sie einfach, wenn Sie nach einer\n"		"öffnen, wählen Sie sie einfach, wenn Sie nach einer\n"
"Datenquelle gefragt werden."					"Datenquelle gefragt werden."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124
msgid "Connection _string:"					msgid "Connection _string:"
msgstr "Verbindungs_zeichenkette:"				msgstr "Verbindungs_zeichenkette:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4
msgid "Error"							msgid "Error"
msgstr "Fehler"							msgstr "Fehler"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.
msgid "Show detail >>"						msgid "Show detail >>"
msgstr "Details anzeigen >>"					msgstr "Details anzeigen >>"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122
msgid "<< Hide detail"						msgid "<< Hide detail"
msgstr "<< Details verbergen"					msgstr "<< Details verbergen"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191
msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"	msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"
msgstr "In der zu Grunde liegenden Datenbank ist ein Fehler a	msgstr "In der zu Grunde liegenden Datenbank ist ein Fehler a

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196
msgid "Error number"						msgid "Error number"
msgstr "Fehlernummer"						msgstr "Fehlernummer"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227
msgid "Details"							msgid "Details"
msgstr "Details"						msgstr "Details"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234
msgid "Source"							msgid "Source"
msgstr "Quelle"							msgstr "Quelle"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241
msgid "SQL state"						msgid "SQL state"
msgstr "SQL-Status"						msgstr "SQL-Status"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108
msgid "_Field:"							msgid "_Field:"
msgstr "_Feld:"							msgstr "_Feld:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118
msgid "_Text:"							msgid "_Text:"
msgstr "_Text:"							msgstr "_Text:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308
msgid "No records"						msgid "No records"
msgstr "Keine Datensätze"					msgstr "Keine Datensätze"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Record %d of %d"						msgid "Record %d of %d"
msgstr "Datensatz %d von %d"					msgstr "Datensatz %d von %d"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113
msgid "Recordset description"					msgid "Recordset description"
msgstr "Datensatz-Beschreibung"					msgstr "Datensatz-Beschreibung"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid ""							msgid ""
"File '%s' already exists.\n"					"File '%s' already exists.\n"
"Do you want to overwrite it?"					"Do you want to overwrite it?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Es existiert bereits eine Datei namens %s\n"			"Es existiert bereits eine Datei namens %s\n"
"Soll sie überschrieben werden?"				"Soll sie überschrieben werden?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149
msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."		msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."
msgstr "Falls Sie sich für »Ja« entscheiden, geht ihr Inhalt 	msgstr "Falls Sie sich für »Ja« entscheiden, geht ihr Inhalt 

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Could not save file %s"					msgid "Could not save file %s"
msgstr "Datei »%s« konnte nicht gespeichert werden"		msgstr "Datei »%s« konnte nicht gespeichert werden"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224
msgid "You must specify a file name"				msgid "You must specify a file name"
msgstr "Sie müssen einen Dateinamen angeben"			msgstr "Sie müssen einen Dateinamen angeben"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230
msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"		msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"
msgstr "Beim Konvertieren der Daten wurde eine leere Datei er	msgstr "Beim Konvertieren der Daten wurde eine leere Datei er

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261
msgid "Saving Model"						msgid "Saving Model"
msgstr "Modell wird gespeichert"				msgstr "Modell wird gespeichert"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272
msgid "File _name:"						msgid "File _name:"
msgstr "Datei_name:"						msgstr "Datei_name:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276
msgid "Select File"						msgid "Select File"
msgstr "Datei auswählen"					msgstr "Datei auswählen"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283
msgid "File _type:"						msgid "File _type:"
msgstr "Datei_typ:"						msgstr "Datei_typ:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291
msgid "Tab-delimited"						msgid "Tab-delimited"
msgstr "Durch Tabulatoren unterteilt"				msgstr "Durch Tabulatoren unterteilt"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294
msgid "Comma-delimited"						msgid "Comma-delimited"
msgstr "Durch Kommata unterteilt"				msgstr "Durch Kommata unterteilt"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:
msgid "XML"							msgid "XML"
msgstr "XML"							msgstr "XML"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355
msgid "View detail"						msgid "View detail"
msgstr "Details anzeigen"					msgstr "Details anzeigen"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427
msgid "Show Column _Titles"					msgid "Show Column _Titles"
msgstr "Spalten_titel anzeigen"					msgstr "Spalten_titel anzeigen"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442
msgid "Describe"						msgid "Describe"
msgstr "Beschreiben"						msgstr "Beschreiben"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443
msgid "View detail..."						msgid "View detail..."
msgstr "Details anzeigen..."					msgstr "Details anzeigen..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614
msgid "Title"							msgid "Title"
msgstr "Titel"							msgstr "Titel"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48
msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"	msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"
msgstr "Versuch, einen bereits initialisierten Client zu init	msgstr "Versuch, einen bereits initialisierten Client zu init

# CHECK								# CHECK
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"		"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"
"to a data source"						"to a data source"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Geben Sie unten die Argumente ein, um eine Verbindung\n"	"Geben Sie unten die Argumente ein, um eine Verbindung\n"
"mit einer Datenquelle aufzubauen"				"mit einer Datenquelle aufzubauen"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253
msgid "Data Source:"						msgid "Data Source:"
msgstr "Datenquelle:"						msgstr "Datenquelle:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270
msgid "Username:"						msgid "Username:"
msgstr "Benutzername:"						msgstr "Benutzername:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279
msgid "Password:"						msgid "Password:"
msgstr "Passwort:"						msgstr "Passwort:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69
msgid "Fields"							msgid "Fields"
msgstr "Felder"							msgstr "Felder"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30
msgid "Commit"							msgid "Commit"
msgstr "Ã?bernehmen"						msgstr "Ã?bernehmen"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31
msgid "Connect"							msgid "Connect"
msgstr "Verbinden"						msgstr "Verbinden"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33
msgid "Designer"						msgid "Designer"
msgstr "Designer"						msgstr "Designer"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34
msgid "Disconnect"						msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr "Trennen"						msgstr "Trennen"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35
msgid "NoTransaction"						msgid "NoTransaction"
msgstr "KeineTransaktion"					msgstr "KeineTransaktion"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37
msgid "Query"							msgid "Query"
msgstr "Abfrage"						msgstr "Abfrage"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38
msgid "Rollback"						msgid "Rollback"
msgstr "Zurücknehmen"						msgstr "Zurücknehmen"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40
msgid "SQL"							msgid "SQL"
msgstr "SQL"							msgstr "SQL"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43
msgid "WithinTransaction"					msgid "WithinTransaction"
msgstr "InnerhalbderTransaktion"				msgstr "InnerhalbderTransaktion"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Error: %s"						msgid "Error: %s"
msgstr "Fehler: %s"						msgstr "Fehler: %s"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79
msgid "Table name"						msgid "Table name"
msgstr "Tabellenname"						msgstr "Tabellenname"

# CHECK								# CHECK
#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93			#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Login for %s"						msgid "Login for %s"
msgstr "An %s anmelden"						msgstr "An %s anmelden"

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95					#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95
msgid "Login to database"					msgid "Login to database"
msgstr "An Datenbank anmelden"					msgstr "An Datenbank anmelden"

#: vfs/libmain.c:71						#: vfs/libmain.c:71
msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"				msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"
msgstr "GNOME-VFS-Datenbank: Modul"				msgstr "GNOME-VFS-Datenbank: Modul"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40
msgid "Table Properties"					msgid "Table Properties"
msgstr "Tabelleneigenschaften"					msgstr "Tabelleneigenschaften"

#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47
msgid "Table Name"						msgid "Table Name"
msgstr "Tabellenname"						msgstr "Tabellenname"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155
msgid "New"							msgid "New"
msgstr "Neu"							msgstr "Neu"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156
msgid "Create new table"					msgid "Create new table"
msgstr "Neue Tabelle anlegen"					msgstr "Neue Tabelle anlegen"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161
msgid "Properties"						msgid "Properties"
msgstr "Eigenschaften"						msgstr "Eigenschaften"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162
msgid "View table properties"					msgid "View table properties"
msgstr "Tabelleneigenschaften anzeigen"				msgstr "Tabelleneigenschaften anzeigen"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
msgid "UID"							msgid "UID"
msgstr "Benutzerkennung"					msgstr "Benutzerkennung"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "calendar"						msgid "calendar"
msgstr "Kalender"						msgstr "Kalender"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "summary"							msgid "summary"
msgstr "Zusammenfassung"					msgstr "Zusammenfassung"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "Summary"							msgid "Summary"
msgstr "Zusammenfassung"					msgstr "Zusammenfassung"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "location"						msgid "location"
msgstr "Ort"							msgstr "Ort"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "dtstart"							msgid "dtstart"
msgstr "Anfangsdatum"						msgstr "Anfangsdatum"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
msgid "Start time"						msgid "Start time"
msgstr "Anfangszeit"						msgstr "Anfangszeit"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "dtend"							msgid "dtend"
msgstr "Enddatum"						msgstr "Enddatum"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "End time"						msgid "End time"
msgstr "Endzeit"						msgstr "Endzeit"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
msgid "description"						msgid "description"
msgstr "Beschreibung"						msgstr "Beschreibung"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "classification"						msgid "classification"
msgstr "Einstufung"						msgstr "Einstufung"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "Classification"						msgid "Classification"
msgstr "Einstufung"						msgstr "Einstufung"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "transparency"						msgid "transparency"
msgstr "Transparenz"						msgstr "Transparenz"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "Transparency"						msgid "Transparency"
msgstr "Transparenz"						msgstr "Transparenz"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "categories"						msgid "categories"
msgstr "Kategorien"						msgstr "Kategorien"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "Categories"						msgid "Categories"
msgstr "Kategorien"						msgstr "Kategorien"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "tasks"							msgid "tasks"
msgstr "Aufgaben"						msgstr "Aufgaben"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "due"							msgid "due"
msgstr "fällig"							msgstr "fällig"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "Due date"						msgid "Due date"
msgstr "Fälligkeitsdatum"					msgstr "Fälligkeitsdatum"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "Start date"						msgid "Start date"
msgstr "Anfangsdatum"						msgstr "Anfangsdatum"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355
msgid "Public"							msgid "Public"
msgstr "Ã?ffentlich"						msgstr "Ã?ffentlich"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358
msgid "Private"							msgid "Private"
msgstr "Privat"							msgstr "Privat"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361
msgid "Confidential"						msgid "Confidential"
msgstr "Vertraulich"						msgstr "Vertraulich"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63
msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"		msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"
msgstr "Der Vorgabeordner für Kalender konnte nicht geöffnet 	msgstr "Der Vorgabeordner für Kalender konnte nicht geöffnet 

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66
msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"			msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"
msgstr "Der Vorgabeordner für Aufgaben konnte nicht geöffnet 	msgstr "Der Vorgabeordner für Aufgaben konnte nicht geöffnet 

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80
msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta	msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Zum Zugriff auf den Vorgabe-Kontaktordner ist eine Legitimat	"Zum Zugriff auf den Vorgabe-Kontaktordner ist eine Legitimat

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83
msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"		msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"
msgstr "Der·Vorgabeordner·für·Kontakte·konnte·nicht·geöffnet·	msgstr "Der·Vorgabeordner·für·Kontakte·konnte·nicht·geöffnet·

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100
msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"				msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"
msgstr "Bonobo konnte nicht initialisiert werden"		msgstr "Bonobo konnte nicht initialisiert werden"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212
msgid "Field name"						msgid "Field name"
msgstr "Feldname"						msgstr "Feldname"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213
msgid "Data type"						msgid "Data type"
msgstr "Datentyp"						msgstr "Datentyp"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214
msgid "Size"							msgid "Size"
msgstr "Grö�e"							msgstr "Grö�e"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215
msgid "Scale"							msgid "Scale"
msgstr "MaÃ?stab"						msgstr "MaÃ?stab"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216
msgid "Not null?"						msgid "Not null?"
msgstr "Nicht-Null?"						msgstr "Nicht-Null?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217
msgid "Primary key?"						msgid "Primary key?"
msgstr "Primärschlüssel?"					msgstr "Primärschlüssel?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218
msgid "Unique index?"						msgid "Unique index?"
msgstr "Eindeutiger Index?"					msgstr "Eindeutiger Index?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219
msgid "References"						msgid "References"
msgstr "Referenzen"						msgstr "Referenzen"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220
msgid "Default value"						msgid "Default value"
msgstr "Vorgabewert"						msgstr "Vorgabewert"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239
msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l	msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Es ist ein Tabellenname erforderlich, der Parameterliste wur	"Es ist ein Tabellenname erforderlich, der Parameterliste wur
"übergeben"							"übergeben"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Table %s does not exist"					msgid "Table %s does not exist"
msgstr "Die Tabelle %s existiert nicht"				msgstr "Die Tabelle %s existiert nicht"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318
msgid "Scheduled events"					msgid "Scheduled events"
msgstr "Geplante Ereignisse"					msgstr "Geplante Ereignisse"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321
msgid "TODO list"						msgid "TODO list"
msgstr "TODO-Liste"						msgstr "TODO-Liste"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375
msgid "Owner"							msgid "Owner"
msgstr "Besitzer"						msgstr "Besitzer"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376
msgid "Comments"						msgid "Comments"
msgstr "Kommentare"						msgstr "Kommentare"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374
msgid "Type"							msgid "Type"
msgstr "Typ"							msgstr "Typ"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377
msgid "GDA type"						msgid "GDA type"
msgstr "GDA-Typ"						msgstr "GDA-Typ"

#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id	#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id
#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database	#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database
#. we can easily access that information			#. we can easily access that information
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382
msgid "local"							msgid "local"
msgstr "lokal"							msgstr "lokal"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217
msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr "Das Anlegen von Datenbanken wird noch nicht unterstüt	msgstr "Das Anlegen von Datenbanken wird noch nicht unterstüt

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230
msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr "Das Entfernen von Datenbanken wird noch nicht unterst	msgstr "Das Entfernen von Datenbanken wird noch nicht unterst

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244
msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"			msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"
msgstr "Tabellenschema konnte nicht abgerufen werden"		msgstr "Tabellenschema konnte nicht abgerufen werden"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268
msgid "Invalid SQL command"					msgid "Invalid SQL command"
msgstr "Ungültiger SQL-Befehl"					msgstr "Ungültiger SQL-Befehl"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353
msgid "Transactions are not supported"				msgid "Transactions are not supported"
msgstr "Transaktionen werden noch·nicht·unterstützt"		msgstr "Transaktionen werden noch·nicht·unterstützt"

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41
msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"		msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"
msgstr "Treiber für persönliche Ximian Evolution-Daten"		msgstr "Treiber für persönliche Ximian Evolution-Daten"

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task	"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Evolution-Datenquellen zum Zugriff auf Vorgabekalender, -auf	"Evolution-Datenquellen zum Zugriff auf Vorgabekalender, -auf
"kontakte"							"kontakte"
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: el.gmo
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/el.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/el.po
# translation of el.po to Greek					# translation of el.po to Greek
# gnome-db Greek PO file					# gnome-db Greek PO file
# Copyright (C) 2000, 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.	# Copyright (C) 2000, 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
#								#
# 8Dec2000: 182 messages					# 8Dec2000: 182 messages
# kostas:20Nov2003, updated translation				# kostas:20Nov2003, updated translation
# Simos Xenitellis <simos hellug gr>, 2000.			# Simos Xenitellis <simos hellug gr>, 2000.
# Kostas Papadimas <pkst gnome org>, 2003.			# Kostas Papadimas <pkst gnome org>, 2003.
msgid ""							msgid ""
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: el\n"					"Project-Id-Version: el\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"					"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"			"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2003-11-20 18:58+0200\n"			"PO-Revision-Date: 2003-11-20 18:58+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Kostas Papadimas <pkst gnome org>\n"		"Last-Translator: Kostas Papadimas <pkst gnome org>\n"
"Language-Team: Greek <nls tux hellug gr>\n"			"Language-Team: Greek <nls tux hellug gr>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"						"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"			"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"				"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Generator: KBabel 1.0.2\n"					"X-Generator: KBabel 1.0.2\n"

#								#
#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co
msgid "Data Sources"						msgid "Data Sources"
msgstr "ΠηγέÏ? Î?εδομένÏ?ν"					msgstr "ΠηγέÏ? Î?εδομένÏ?ν"

#								#
#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid
msgid "Providers"						msgid "Providers"
msgstr "ΠαÏ?οÏ?είÏ?"						msgstr "ΠαÏ?οÏ?είÏ?"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1
msgid "Configure your database environment"			msgid "Configure your database environment"
msgstr "ΡÏ?θμιÏ?η Ï?εÏ?ιβάλλονÏ?οÏ? βάÏ?ηÏ? δεδομένÏ?ν"			msgstr "ΡÏ?θμιÏ?η Ï?εÏ?ιβάλλονÏ?οÏ? βάÏ?ηÏ? δεδομένÏ?ν"

#								#
#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Database Access Properties "				msgid "Database Access Properties "
msgstr "Î?διÏ?Ï?ηÏ?εÏ? βάÏ?ηÏ? δεδομένÏ?ν"				msgstr "Î?διÏ?Ï?ηÏ?εÏ? βάÏ?ηÏ? δεδομένÏ?ν"

#								#
#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380
msgid "Name"							msgid "Name"
msgstr "Î?νομα"							msgstr "Î?νομα"

#								#
#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
msgid "Description"						msgid "Description"
msgstr "ΠεÏ?ιγÏ?αÏ?ή"						msgstr "ΠεÏ?ιγÏ?αÏ?ή"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182
msgid "Configured data sources in the system"			msgid "Configured data sources in the system"
msgstr "ΡÏ?θμιÏ?η Ï?Ï?ν Ï?ηγÏ?ν δεδομένÏ?ν Ï?Ï?ο Ï?Ï?Ï?Ï?ημα"		msgstr "ΡÏ?θμιÏ?η Ï?Ï?ν Ï?ηγÏ?ν δεδομένÏ?ν Ï?Ï?ο Ï?Ï?Ï?Ï?ημα"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data sources are the means by which database connections are	"Data sources are the means by which database connections are
"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s	"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s
"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o	"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o
"name you identify the connections in the applications that m	"name you identify the connections in the applications that m
"DB for database access."					"DB for database access."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Î?ι Ï?ηγέÏ? δεδομένÏ?ν είναι Ï?α μέÏ?α με Ï?α οÏ?οία οι Ï?Ï?νδέÏ?ειÏ? βά	"Î?ι Ï?ηγέÏ? δεδομένÏ?ν είναι Ï?α μέÏ?α με Ï?α οÏ?οία οι Ï?Ï?νδέÏ?ειÏ? βά
"αναγνÏ?Ï?ίζονÏ?αι Ï?Ï?η GNOME-DB. 'Î?λεÏ? οι Ï?ληÏ?οÏ?οÏ?ίεÏ? Ï?οÏ? αÏ?αιÏ?ο	"αναγνÏ?Ï?ίζονÏ?αι Ï?Ï?η GNOME-DB. 'Î?λεÏ? οι Ï?ληÏ?οÏ?οÏ?ίεÏ? Ï?οÏ? αÏ?αιÏ?ο
"άνοιγμα μιαÏ? Ï?Ï?νδεÏ?ηÏ? για ένα Ï?Ï?γκεκÏ?ιμένο Ï?Ï?νδÏ?αÏ?μÏ? Ï?αÏ?οÏ?έα	"άνοιγμα μιαÏ? Ï?Ï?νδεÏ?ηÏ? για ένα Ï?Ï?γκεκÏ?ιμένο Ï?Ï?νδÏ?αÏ?μÏ? Ï?αÏ?οÏ?έα
"αÏ?οθηκεÏ?ονÏ?αι με Ï?ην Ï?Ï?ήÏ?η ενÏ?Ï? μοναδικοÏ? ονÏ?μαÏ?οÏ?. Î?έÏ?Ï? Ï?ηÏ?	"αÏ?οθηκεÏ?ονÏ?αι με Ï?ην Ï?Ï?ήÏ?η ενÏ?Ï? μοναδικοÏ? ονÏ?μαÏ?οÏ?. Î?έÏ?Ï? Ï?ηÏ?
"Ï?οÏ? μοναδικοÏ? ονÏ?μαÏ?οÏ? γίνεÏ?αι η αναγνÏ?Ï?ιÏ?η Ï?Ï?ν Ï?Ï?νδέÏ?εÏ?ν Ï?Ï?	"Ï?οÏ? μοναδικοÏ? ονÏ?μαÏ?οÏ? γίνεÏ?αι η αναγνÏ?Ï?ιÏ?η Ï?Ï?ν Ï?Ï?νδέÏ?εÏ?ν Ï?Ï?
"Ï?Ï?ηÏ?ιμοÏ?οιοÏ?ν Ï?ην GNOME-DBγια Ï?Ï?Ï?Ï?βαÏ?η Ï?ε βάÏ?η δεδομένÏ?ν."	"Ï?Ï?ηÏ?ιμοÏ?οιοÏ?ν Ï?ην GNOME-DBγια Ï?Ï?Ï?Ï?βαÏ?η Ï?ε βάÏ?η δεδομένÏ?ν."

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277
#, fuzzy, c-format						#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"	msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"
msgstr "Î?έλεÏ?ε να αÏ?ομακÏ?Ï?νεÏ?ε Ï?ην Ï?ηγή δεδομένÏ?ν '%s'?"	msgstr "Î?έλεÏ?ε να αÏ?ομακÏ?Ï?νεÏ?ε Ï?ην Ï?ηγή δεδομένÏ?ν '%s'?"

#								#
#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data Source Properties"					msgid "Data Source Properties"
msgstr "Î?διÏ?Ï?ηÏ?εÏ? Ï?ηγήÏ? δεδομένÏ?ν"				msgstr "Î?διÏ?Ï?ηÏ?εÏ? Ï?ηγήÏ? δεδομένÏ?ν"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132
msgid "Basic"							msgid "Basic"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#								#
#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Tables"							msgid "Tables"
msgstr "ΠίνακεÏ?"						msgstr "ΠίνακεÏ?"

#: control-center/main.c:92					#: control-center/main.c:92
msgid "No valid data source info was created"			msgid "No valid data source info was created"
msgstr "Î?εν δημιοÏ?Ï?γήθηκε έγκÏ?Ï?εÏ? Ï?ληÏ?οÏ?οÏ?ίεÏ? δεδομένÏ?ν Ï?ηγήÏ?	msgstr "Î?εν δημιοÏ?Ï?γήθηκε έγκÏ?Ï?εÏ? Ï?ληÏ?οÏ?οÏ?ίεÏ? δεδομένÏ?ν Ï?ηγήÏ?

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218	#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218
msgid "New data source"						msgid "New data source"
msgstr "Î?έα Ï?ηγή δεδομένÏ?ν"					msgstr "Î?έα Ï?ηγή δεδομένÏ?ν"

#								#
#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:215					#: control-center/main.c:215
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Database Access Properties"				msgid "Database Access Properties"
msgstr "Î?διÏ?Ï?ηÏ?εÏ? βάÏ?ηÏ? δεδομένÏ?ν"				msgstr "Î?διÏ?Ï?ηÏ?εÏ? βάÏ?ηÏ? δεδομένÏ?ν"

#								#
#: control-center/provider-config.c:105				#: control-center/provider-config.c:105
msgid "Installed providers"					msgid "Installed providers"
msgstr "Î?γκαÏ?εÏ?Ï?ημένοι Ï?αÏ?οÏ?είÏ?"				msgstr "Î?γκαÏ?εÏ?Ï?ημένοι Ï?αÏ?οÏ?είÏ?"

#: control-center/provider-config.c:131				#: control-center/provider-config.c:131
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec	"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec
"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo	"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo
"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr	"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr
"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba	"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba
"etc."								"etc."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Î?ι Ï?αÏ?οÏ?είÏ? είναι εξÏ?Ï?εÏ?ικέÏ? Ï?Ï?Ï?Ï?θεÏ?εÏ? λειÏ?οÏ?Ï?γίεÏ? Ï?οÏ? Ï?αÏ?έÏ?	"Î?ι Ï?αÏ?οÏ?είÏ? είναι εξÏ?Ï?εÏ?ικέÏ? Ï?Ï?Ï?Ï?θεÏ?εÏ? λειÏ?οÏ?Ï?γίεÏ? Ï?οÏ? Ï?αÏ?έÏ?
"μια Ï?Ï?γκεκÏ?ιμένη Ï?ηγή δεδομένÏ?ν. Î? Ï?Ï?οεÏ?ιλεγμένοÏ? Ï?αÏ?οÏ?έαÏ? ε	"μια Ï?Ï?γκεκÏ?ιμένη Ï?ηγή δεδομένÏ?ν. Î? Ï?Ï?οεÏ?ιλεγμένοÏ? Ï?αÏ?οÏ?έαÏ? ε
"εγκαÏ?εÏ?Ï?ημένοÏ? Ï?Ï?άγμα Ï?ο οÏ?οίο εÏ?ιÏ?Ï?έÏ?ει Ï?ην Ï?Ï?Ï?Ï?βαÏ?η Ï?ε βάÏ?	"εγκαÏ?εÏ?Ï?ημένοÏ? Ï?Ï?άγμα Ï?ο οÏ?οίο εÏ?ιÏ?Ï?έÏ?ει Ï?ην Ï?Ï?Ï?Ï?βαÏ?η Ï?ε βάÏ?
"Ï?οÏ? είναι Ï?ε αÏ?Ï?εία XML. Î?λλοι Ï?αÏ?οÏ?είÏ? Ï?Ï?νήθÏ?Ï? διανέμονÏ?αι 	"Ï?οÏ? είναι Ï?ε αÏ?Ï?εία XML. Î?λλοι Ï?αÏ?οÏ?είÏ? Ï?Ï?νήθÏ?Ï? διανέμονÏ?αι 
"libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Sybase, I	"libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Sybase, I

#								#
#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1
msgid "Database connection parameters file"			msgid "Database connection parameters file"
msgstr "Î?Ï?Ï?είο Ï?αÏ?αμέÏ?Ï?Ï?ν Ï?Ï?νδεÏ?ηÏ? βάÏ?ηÏ? δεδομένÏ?ν"		msgstr "Î?Ï?Ï?είο Ï?αÏ?αμέÏ?Ï?Ï?ν Ï?Ï?νδεÏ?ηÏ? βάÏ?ηÏ? δεδομένÏ?ν"

#								#
#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2
msgid "Documents"						msgid "Documents"
msgstr "Î?γγÏ?αÏ?α"						msgstr "Î?γγÏ?αÏ?α"

#								#
#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3
msgid "SQL code viewer"						msgid "SQL code viewer"
msgstr "Î?Ï?αÏ?μογή Ï?Ï?οβολήÏ? κÏ?δικα SQL"				msgstr "Î?Ï?αÏ?μογή Ï?Ï?οβολήÏ? κÏ?δικα SQL"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1
msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"			msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"
msgstr "Î?Ï?αμμαÏ?οÏ?ειÏ?ά Ï?οÏ? θα Ï?Ï?ηÏ?ιμοÏ?οιηθεί Ï?Ï?ο γÏ?αÏ?ικÏ? Ï?Ï?Ï?Ï?α	msgstr "Î?Ï?αμμαÏ?οÏ?ειÏ?ά Ï?οÏ? θα Ï?Ï?ηÏ?ιμοÏ?οιηθεί Ï?Ï?ο γÏ?αÏ?ικÏ? Ï?Ï?Ï?Ï?α

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2
msgid "Number of spaces per tab"				msgid "Number of spaces per tab"
msgstr "Î?Ï?ιθμοί διαÏ?Ï?ημάÏ?Ï?ν ανά Ï?Ï?ήλη"				msgstr "Î?Ï?ιθμοί διαÏ?Ï?ημάÏ?Ï?ν ανά Ï?Ï?ήλη"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3
msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"			msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"
msgstr "ΠÏ?οβολή αÏ?ιθμÏ?ν γÏ?αμμήÏ? Ï?Ï?ον εÏ?εξεÏ?γαÏ?Ï?ή Ï?ηγήÏ?"		msgstr "ΠÏ?οβολή αÏ?ιθμÏ?ν γÏ?αμμήÏ? Ï?Ï?ον εÏ?εξεÏ?γαÏ?Ï?ή Ï?ηγήÏ?"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4
msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"			msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"
msgstr "ΧÏ?ήÏ?η εÏ?ιÏ?ήμανÏ?ηÏ? Ï?Ï?ον εÏ?εξεÏ?γαÏ?Ï?ή Ï?ηγήÏ?"		msgstr "ΧÏ?ήÏ?η εÏ?ιÏ?ήμανÏ?ηÏ? Ï?Ï?ον εÏ?εξεÏ?γαÏ?Ï?ή Ï?ηγήÏ?"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60
msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"			msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"
msgstr "Î¥Ï?ηÏ?εÏ?ίεÏ? βάÏ?ηÏ? δεδομένÏ?ν για Ï?ην εÏ?ιÏ?άνεια εÏ?γαÏ?ίαÏ? 	msgstr "Î¥Ï?ηÏ?εÏ?ίεÏ? βάÏ?ηÏ? δεδομένÏ?ν για Ï?ην εÏ?ιÏ?άνεια εÏ?γαÏ?ίαÏ? 

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1
msgid "About"							msgid "About"
msgstr "ΠεÏ?ί"							msgstr "ΠεÏ?ί"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2
msgid "About GNOME-DB"						msgid "About GNOME-DB"
msgstr "ΣÏ?εÏ?ικά με Ï?ο GNOME-DB"					msgstr "ΣÏ?εÏ?ικά με Ï?ο GNOME-DB"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3
msgid "Close this window"					msgid "Close this window"
msgstr "Î?λείÏ?ιμο Ï?οÏ? Ï?αÏ?αθÏ?Ï?οÏ?"					msgstr "Î?λείÏ?ιμο Ï?οÏ? Ï?αÏ?αθÏ?Ï?οÏ?"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4
msgid "Create new entry"					msgid "Create new entry"
msgstr "Î?ημιοÏ?Ï?γία νέαÏ? καÏ?αÏ?Ï?Ï?ηÏ?ηÏ?"				msgstr "Î?ημιοÏ?Ï?γία νέαÏ? καÏ?αÏ?Ï?Ï?ηÏ?ηÏ?"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5
msgid "Delete selected items"					msgid "Delete selected items"
msgstr "Î?ιαγÏ?αÏ?ή εÏ?ιλεγμένÏ?ν ανÏ?ικειμένÏ?ν"			msgstr "Î?ιαγÏ?αÏ?ή εÏ?ιλεγμένÏ?ν ανÏ?ικειμένÏ?ν"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Deselect all items"					msgid "Deselect all items"
msgstr "Î?ιαγÏ?αÏ?ή εÏ?ιλεγμένÏ?ν ανÏ?ικειμένÏ?ν"			msgstr "Î?ιαγÏ?αÏ?ή εÏ?ιλεγμένÏ?ν ανÏ?ικειμένÏ?ν"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7
msgid "Edit properties for selected item"			msgid "Edit properties for selected item"
msgstr "Î?Ï?εξεÏ?γαÏ?ία ιδιοÏ?ήÏ?Ï?ν για Ï?ο εÏ?ιλεγμένο ανÏ?ικείμενο"	msgstr "Î?Ï?εξεÏ?γαÏ?ία ιδιοÏ?ήÏ?Ï?ν για Ï?ο εÏ?ιλεγμένο ανÏ?ικείμενο"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8
msgid "Save connection parameters to file"			msgid "Save connection parameters to file"
msgstr "Î?Ï?οθήκεÏ?Ï?η Ï?αÏ?αμέÏ?Ï?Ï?ν Ï?Ï?νδεÏ?ηÏ? Ï?ε αÏ?Ï?είο"		msgstr "Î?Ï?οθήκεÏ?Ï?η Ï?αÏ?αμέÏ?Ï?Ï?ν Ï?Ï?νδεÏ?ηÏ? Ï?ε αÏ?Ï?είο"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Select _All"						msgid "Select _All"
msgstr "Î?Ï?ιλογή Ï?λÏ?ν"						msgstr "Î?Ï?ιλογή Ï?λÏ?ν"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Select all items"					msgid "Select all items"
msgstr "Î?Ï?ιλογή Ï?λÏ?ν"						msgstr "Î?Ï?ιλογή Ï?λÏ?ν"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View data sources"					msgid "View data sources"
msgstr "Î?έα Ï?ηγή δεδομένÏ?ν"					msgstr "Î?έα Ï?ηγή δεδομένÏ?ν"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View providers"						msgid "View providers"
msgstr "ΠαÏ?οÏ?είÏ?"						msgstr "ΠαÏ?οÏ?είÏ?"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Clear Selection"					msgid "_Clear Selection"
msgstr "Î?αθαÏ?ιÏ?μÏ?Ï? εÏ?ιλογήÏ?"					msgstr "Î?αθαÏ?ιÏ?μÏ?Ï? εÏ?ιλογήÏ?"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14
msgid "_Close"							msgid "_Close"
msgstr "_Î?λείÏ?ιμο"						msgstr "_Î?λείÏ?ιμο"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Data Sources"						msgid "_Data Sources"
msgstr "ΠηγέÏ? Î?εδομένÏ?ν"					msgstr "ΠηγέÏ? Î?εδομένÏ?ν"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Database"						msgid "_Database"
msgstr "Î?άÏ?η δεδομένÏ?ν"						msgstr "Î?άÏ?η δεδομένÏ?ν"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17
msgid "_Delete"							msgid "_Delete"
msgstr "_Î?ιαγÏ?αÏ?ή"						msgstr "_Î?ιαγÏ?αÏ?ή"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18
msgid "_Edit"							msgid "_Edit"
msgstr "_Î?Ï?εξεÏ?γαÏ?ία"						msgstr "_Î?Ï?εξεÏ?γαÏ?ία"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19
msgid "_Help"							msgid "_Help"
msgstr "_Î?οήθεια"						msgstr "_Î?οήθεια"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_New Data Source..."					msgid "_New Data Source..."
msgstr "Î?έα Ï?ηγή δεδομένÏ?ν"					msgstr "Î?έα Ï?ηγή δεδομένÏ?ν"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Properties"						msgid "_Properties"
msgstr "Î?διÏ?Ï?ηÏ?εÏ?"						msgstr "Î?διÏ?Ï?ηÏ?εÏ?"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Providers"						msgid "_Providers"
msgstr "ΠαÏ?οÏ?είÏ?"						msgstr "ΠαÏ?οÏ?είÏ?"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23
msgid "_Save Connection"					msgid "_Save Connection"
msgstr "Î?Ï?οθήκεÏ?_Ï?η Ï?Ï?νδεÏ?ηÏ?"					msgstr "Î?Ï?οθήκεÏ?_Ï?η Ï?Ï?νδεÏ?ηÏ?"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_View"							msgid "_View"
msgstr "ΠÏ?οβολέÏ?"						msgstr "ΠÏ?οβολέÏ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76
msgid "Structure"						msgid "Structure"
msgstr "Î?ομή"							msgstr "Î?ομή"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73
msgid "Data"							msgid "Data"
msgstr "Î?εδομένα"						msgstr "Î?εδομένα"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238
msgid "Not implemented yet!"					msgid "Not implemented yet!"
msgstr "Î?εν έÏ?ει εÏ?αÏ?μοÏ?Ï?εί ακÏ?μα!"				msgstr "Î?εν έÏ?ει εÏ?αÏ?μοÏ?Ï?εί ακÏ?μα!"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Database"						msgid "Database"
msgstr "Î?άÏ?η δεδομένÏ?ν"						msgstr "Î?άÏ?η δεδομένÏ?ν"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540
msgid "Loading database schemas..."				msgid "Loading database schemas..."
msgstr "ΦÏ?Ï?Ï?Ï?Ï?η Ï?Ï?ημάÏ?Ï?ν βάÏ?ηÏ? δεδομένÏ?ν..."			msgstr "ΦÏ?Ï?Ï?Ï?Ï?η Ï?Ï?ημάÏ?Ï?ν βάÏ?ηÏ? δεδομένÏ?ν..."

#								#
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632
msgid "Refreshing data..."					msgid "Refreshing data..."
msgstr "Î?νανέÏ?Ï?η δεδομένÏ?ν..."					msgstr "Î?νανέÏ?Ï?η δεδομένÏ?ν..."

#								#
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688
msgid "Views"							msgid "Views"
msgstr "ΠÏ?οβολέÏ?"						msgstr "ΠÏ?οβολέÏ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691
msgid "Indexes"							msgid "Indexes"
msgstr "Indexes"						msgstr "Indexes"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Sequences"						msgid "Sequences"
msgstr "Î?κολοÏ?θίεÏ?"						msgstr "Î?κολοÏ?θίεÏ?"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Procedures"						msgid "Procedures"
msgstr "Î?ιαδικαÏ?ίεÏ?"						msgstr "Î?ιαδικαÏ?ίεÏ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700
msgid "Triggers"						msgid "Triggers"
msgstr "Triggers"						msgstr "Triggers"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Aggregates"						msgid "Aggregates"
msgstr "Î?νοÏ?οιήÏ?ειÏ?"						msgstr "Î?νοÏ?οιήÏ?ειÏ?"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Types"							msgid "Types"
msgstr "ΤÏ?Ï?οι"							msgstr "ΤÏ?Ï?οι"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140
msgid "Could not query CORBA components"			msgid "Could not query CORBA components"
msgstr "Î?δÏ?ναÏ?η η δημιοÏ?Ï?γία εÏ?Ï?Ï?ήμαÏ?οÏ? Ï?ε Ï?Ï?Ï?Ï?αÏ?ικά CORBA"	msgstr "Î?δÏ?ναÏ?η η δημιοÏ?Ï?γία εÏ?Ï?Ï?ήμαÏ?οÏ? Ï?ε Ï?Ï?Ï?Ï?αÏ?ικά CORBA"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209
msgid "ID"							msgid "ID"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "Location"						msgid "Location"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#								#
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212
msgid "Username"						msgid "Username"
msgstr "Î?νομα Ï?Ï?ήÏ?Ï?η"						msgstr "Î?νομα Ï?Ï?ήÏ?Ï?η"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Hostname"						msgid "Hostname"
msgstr "Î?νομα Ï?Ï?ήÏ?Ï?η"						msgstr "Î?νομα Ï?Ï?ήÏ?Ï?η"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214
msgid "Domain"							msgid "Domain"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"			msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"
msgstr "Î?η Ï?Ï?οÏ?Ï?ηÏ?ιζÏ?μενοÏ? Ï?Ï?Ï?οÏ? Ï?ε GconfEntry: %d"		msgstr "Î?η Ï?Ï?οÏ?Ï?ηÏ?ιζÏ?μενοÏ? Ï?Ï?Ï?οÏ? Ï?ε GconfEntry: %d"

#. create widgets						#. create widgets
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97
msgid "Settings"						msgid "Settings"
msgstr "ΡÏ?θμίÏ?ειÏ?"						msgstr "ΡÏ?θμίÏ?ειÏ?"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103
msgid "Data source name"					msgid "Data source name"
msgstr "Î?νομα Ï?ηγήÏ? δεδομένÏ?ν"					msgstr "Î?νομα Ï?ηγήÏ? δεδομένÏ?ν"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109
msgid "Connection string"					msgid "Connection string"
msgstr "Î?λÏ?αÏ?ιθμηÏ?ικÏ? Ï?Ï?νδεÏ?ηÏ?"					msgstr "Î?λÏ?αÏ?ιθμηÏ?ικÏ? Ï?Ï?νδεÏ?ηÏ?"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115
msgid "Provider"						msgid "Provider"
msgstr "ΠαÏ?οÏ?εÏ?Ï?"						msgstr "ΠαÏ?οÏ?εÏ?Ï?"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121
msgid "User name"						msgid "User name"
msgstr "Î?νομα Ï?Ï?ήÏ?Ï?η"						msgstr "Î?νομα Ï?Ï?ήÏ?Ï?η"

#								#
#. create feature list						#. create feature list
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128
msgid "Features"						msgid "Features"
msgstr "ΧαÏ?ακÏ?ηÏ?ιÏ?Ï?ικά"						msgstr "ΧαÏ?ακÏ?ηÏ?ιÏ?Ï?ικά"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190
msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"		msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"
msgstr "ΠÏ?έÏ?ει να ειÏ?άγεÏ?ε ένα Ï?νομα για Ï?η νέα Ï?ηγή δεδομένÏ?	msgstr "ΠÏ?έÏ?ει να ειÏ?άγεÏ?ε ένα Ï?νομα για Ï?η νέα Ï?ηγή δεδομένÏ?

#								#
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac	msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac
msgstr "Το Ï?νομα Ï?ηÏ? Ï?ηγήÏ? δεδομένÏ?ν δεν μÏ?οÏ?εί να Ï?εÏ?ιέÏ?ει δ	msgstr "Το Ï?νομα Ï?ηÏ? Ï?ηγήÏ? δεδομένÏ?ν δεν μÏ?οÏ?εί να Ï?εÏ?ιέÏ?ει δ

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206
msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th	msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th
msgstr "Î?ια Ï?Ï?άÏ?Ï?οÏ?Ï?α Ï?ηγή δεδομένÏ?ν έÏ?ει ήδη εγγÏ?αÏ?εί με Ï?ο 	msgstr "Î?ια Ï?Ï?άÏ?Ï?οÏ?Ï?α Ï?ηγή δεδομένÏ?ν έÏ?ει ήδη εγγÏ?αÏ?εί με Ï?ο 

#								#
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213
msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"			msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"
msgstr "Το Ï?νομα Ï?ηÏ? Ï?ηγήÏ? δεδομένÏ?ν δεν μÏ?οÏ?εί να Ï?εÏ?ιέÏ?ει δ	msgstr "Το Ï?νομα Ï?ηÏ? Ï?ηγήÏ? δεδομένÏ?ν δεν μÏ?οÏ?εί να Ï?εÏ?ιέÏ?ει δ

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217
msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n	msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Τα ονÏ?μαÏ?α Ï?ηγήÏ? δεδομένÏ?ν μÏ?οÏ?οÏ?ν να Ï?εÏ?ιέÏ?οÏ?ν μÏ?νο γÏ?άμμαÏ?	"Τα ονÏ?μαÏ?α Ï?ηγήÏ? δεδομένÏ?ν μÏ?οÏ?οÏ?ν να Ï?εÏ?ιέÏ?οÏ?ν μÏ?νο γÏ?άμμαÏ?
"ASCII"								"ASCII"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225
msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"	msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"
msgstr "ΠÏ?έÏ?ει να ειÏ?άγεÏ?ε ένα Ï?αÏ?οÏ?έα για Ï?η νέα Ï?ηγή δεδομέ	msgstr "ΠÏ?έÏ?ει να ειÏ?άγεÏ?ε ένα Ï?αÏ?οÏ?έα για Ï?η νέα Ï?ηγή δεδομέ

#								#
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233
msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"		msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"
msgstr "Î?εν βÏ?έθηκε Ï?αÏ?οÏ?έαÏ? Ï?Ï?ην Ï?Ï?θμιÏ?η Ï?αÏ?"			msgstr "Î?εν βÏ?έθηκε Ï?αÏ?οÏ?έαÏ? Ï?Ï?ην Ï?Ï?θμιÏ?η Ï?αÏ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391
msgid "Add a new data source..."				msgid "Add a new data source..."
msgstr "ΠÏ?οÏ?θήκη νέαÏ? Ï?ηγήÏ? δεδομένÏ?ν..."			msgstr "ΠÏ?οÏ?θήκη νέαÏ? Ï?ηγήÏ? δεδομένÏ?ν..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392
msgid ""							msgid ""
"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"		"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"
"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"		"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"
"installation. Just follow the steps!"				"installation. Just follow the steps!"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Î?Ï?Ï?Ï?Ï? ο βοηθÏ?Ï? θα Ï?αÏ? καθοδηγήÏ?ει Ï?Ï?ην διεÏ?γαÏ?ία\n"		"Î?Ï?Ï?Ï?Ï? ο βοηθÏ?Ï? θα Ï?αÏ? καθοδηγήÏ?ει Ï?Ï?ην διεÏ?γαÏ?ία\n"
"Ï?ηÏ? δημιοÏ?Ï?γίαÏ? μιαÏ? νέα Ï?ηγήÏ? δεδομένÏ?ν γιαÏ?ην εγκαÏ?άÏ?Ï?αÏ?η\	"Ï?ηÏ? δημιοÏ?Ï?γίαÏ? μιαÏ? νέα Ï?ηγήÏ? δεδομένÏ?ν γιαÏ?ην εγκαÏ?άÏ?Ï?αÏ?η\
"Ï?ηÏ? GNOME-DB. Î?Ï?λÏ?Ï? ακολοÏ?θήÏ?Ï?ε Ï?α βήμαÏ?α!"			"Ï?ηÏ? GNOME-DB. Î?Ï?λÏ?Ï? ακολοÏ?θήÏ?Ï?ε Ï?α βήμαÏ?α!"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404
msgid "General Information"					msgid "General Information"
msgstr "Î?ενικέÏ? ΠληÏ?οÏ?οÏ?ίεÏ?"					msgstr "Î?ενικέÏ? ΠληÏ?οÏ?οÏ?ίεÏ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the basic information\n"	"The following fields represent the basic information\n"
"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n	"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n
"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"	"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"
"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"	"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"
"the default one."						"the default one."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Τα ακÏ?λοÏ?θα Ï?εδία αναÏ?αÏ?ιÏ?Ï?οÏ?ν Ï?α βαÏ?ικά ανÏ?ικείμενα\n"	"Τα ακÏ?λοÏ?θα Ï?εδία αναÏ?αÏ?ιÏ?Ï?οÏ?ν Ï?α βαÏ?ικά ανÏ?ικείμενα\n"
"Ï?ληÏ?οÏ?οÏ?ιÏ?ν για Ï?η νέα Ï?ηγή δεδομένÏ?ν Ï?αÏ?. Î?άÏ?οια αÏ?Ï? αÏ?Ï?ά\n	"Ï?ληÏ?οÏ?οÏ?ιÏ?ν για Ï?η νέα Ï?ηγή δεδομένÏ?ν Ï?αÏ?. Î?άÏ?οια αÏ?Ï? αÏ?Ï?ά\n
"(Ï?εÏ?ιγÏ?αÏ?ή, Ï?νομα Ï?Ï?ήÏ?Ï?η) είναι Ï?Ï?οαιÏ?εÏ?ικά, ενÏ? Ï?α άλλα Ï?Ï?ο	"(Ï?εÏ?ιγÏ?αÏ?ή, Ï?νομα Ï?Ï?ήÏ?Ï?η) είναι Ï?Ï?οαιÏ?εÏ?ικά, ενÏ? Ï?α άλλα Ï?Ï?ο
"Î?ν δεν γνÏ?Ï?ίζεÏ?ε Ï?οιÏ?ν Ï?αÏ?οÏ?έα να εÏ?ιλέξεÏ?ε, διαλέξÏ?ε\n"	"Î?ν δεν γνÏ?Ï?ίζεÏ?ε Ï?οιÏ?ν Ï?αÏ?οÏ?έα να εÏ?ιλέξεÏ?ε, διαλέξÏ?ε\n"
"Ï?ον Ï?Ï?οεÏ?ιλεγμένο."						"Ï?ον Ï?Ï?οεÏ?ιλεγμένο."

#								#
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data source _name:"					msgid "Data source _name:"
msgstr "Î?νομα Ï?ηγήÏ? δεδομένÏ?ν"					msgstr "Î?νομα Ï?ηγήÏ? δεδομένÏ?ν"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Provider:"						msgid "_Provider:"
msgstr "ΠαÏ?οÏ?εÏ?Ï?"						msgstr "ΠαÏ?οÏ?εÏ?Ï?"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Description:"						msgid "_Description:"
msgstr "ΠεÏ?ιγÏ?αÏ?ή"						msgstr "ΠεÏ?ιγÏ?αÏ?ή"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Username:"						msgid "_Username:"
msgstr "Î?νομα Ï?Ï?ήÏ?Ï?η:"						msgstr "Î?νομα Ï?Ï?ήÏ?Ï?η:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "P_assword:"						msgid "P_assword:"
msgstr "Î?Ï?δικÏ?Ï?:"						msgstr "Î?Ï?δικÏ?Ï?:"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454
msgid "Provider Parameters"					msgid "Provider Parameters"
msgstr "ΠαÏ?άμεÏ?Ï?οι ΠαÏ?οÏ?έα"					msgstr "ΠαÏ?άμεÏ?Ï?οι ΠαÏ?οÏ?έα"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the information needed by the	"The following fields represent the information needed by the
"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n	"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n
"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\	"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\
"the manual for more information."				"the manual for more information."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Τα ακÏ?λοÏ?θα Ï?εδία αναÏ?αÏ?ιÏ?Ï?οÏ?ν Ï?ιÏ? Ï?ληÏ?οÏ?οÏ?ίεÏ? Ï?οÏ? αÏ?αιÏ?οÏ?νÏ?	"Τα ακÏ?λοÏ?θα Ï?εδία αναÏ?αÏ?ιÏ?Ï?οÏ?ν Ï?ιÏ? Ï?ληÏ?οÏ?οÏ?ίεÏ? Ï?οÏ? αÏ?αιÏ?οÏ?νÏ?
"αÏ?Ï? Ï?ο Ï?αÏ?οÏ?έα Ï?οÏ? εÏ?ιλέξαÏ?ε Ï?Ï?ην Ï?Ï?οηγοÏ?μενη Ï?ελίδα για να 	"αÏ?Ï? Ï?ο Ï?αÏ?οÏ?έα Ï?οÏ? εÏ?ιλέξαÏ?ε Ï?Ï?ην Ï?Ï?οηγοÏ?μενη Ï?ελίδα για να 
"μια δεδομένη Ï?Ï?νδεÏ?η. Î?Ï?Ï?έÏ? οι Ï?ληÏ?οÏ?οÏ?ίεÏ? είναι Ï?Ï?γκεκÏ?ιμέν	"μια δεδομένη Ï?Ï?νδεÏ?η. Î?Ï?Ï?έÏ? οι Ï?ληÏ?οÏ?οÏ?ίεÏ? είναι Ï?Ï?γκεκÏ?ιμέν
"Ï?αÏ?οÏ?έα, γι'αÏ?Ï?Ï? κοιÏ?άξÏ?ε Ï?ο εγÏ?ειÏ?ίδιο για Ï?εÏ?ιÏ?Ï?Ï?Ï?εÏ?εÏ? Ï?λη	"Ï?αÏ?οÏ?έα, γι'αÏ?Ï?Ï? κοιÏ?άξÏ?ε Ï?ο εγÏ?ειÏ?ίδιο για Ï?εÏ?ιÏ?Ï?Ï?Ï?εÏ?εÏ? Ï?λη

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481
msgid "All information retrieved"				msgid "All information retrieved"
msgstr "Î?λεÏ? οι Ï?ληÏ?οÏ?οÏ?ίεÏ? ανακÏ?ήθηκαν"			msgstr "Î?λεÏ? οι Ï?ληÏ?οÏ?οÏ?ίεÏ? ανακÏ?ήθηκαν"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid ""							msgid ""
"All information needed to create a new data source\n"		"All information needed to create a new data source\n"
"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"		"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"
"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"	"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"
"just select it when asked for a data source."			"just select it when asked for a data source."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Î?ήÏ?θηÏ?αν Ï?λεÏ? οι Ï?ληÏ?οÏ?οÏ?ίεÏ? Ï?οÏ? Ï?Ï?ειάζονÏ?αι για Ï?ην δημιοÏ?Ï?	"Î?ήÏ?θηÏ?αν Ï?λεÏ? οι Ï?ληÏ?οÏ?οÏ?ίεÏ? Ï?οÏ? Ï?Ï?ειάζονÏ?αι για Ï?ην δημιοÏ?Ï?
"μιαÏ? νέαÏ? Ï?ηγήÏ? δεδομένÏ?ν. ΤÏ?Ï?α Ï?αÏ?ήÏ?Ï?ε 'Î?Ï?αÏ?μογή' για να κλ	"μιαÏ? νέαÏ? Ï?ηγήÏ? δεδομένÏ?ν. ΤÏ?Ï?α Ï?αÏ?ήÏ?Ï?ε 'Î?Ï?αÏ?μογή' για να κλ
"αÏ?Ï?Ï? Ï?ο διάλογο. Î?ια να ανοίξεÏ?ε Ï?η νεοδημιοÏ?Ï?γηθείÏ?α Ï?ηγή δ	"αÏ?Ï?Ï? Ï?ο διάλογο. Î?ια να ανοίξεÏ?ε Ï?η νεοδημιοÏ?Ï?γηθείÏ?α Ï?ηγή δ
"αÏ?λά εÏ?ιλέξÏ?ε Ï?ην Ï?Ï?αν Ï?αÏ? ζηÏ?ηθεί Ï?ηγή δεδομένÏ?ν."		"αÏ?λά εÏ?ιλέξÏ?ε Ï?ην Ï?Ï?αν Ï?αÏ? ζηÏ?ηθεί Ï?ηγή δεδομένÏ?ν."

#								#
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Connection _string:"					msgid "Connection _string:"
msgstr "Î?λÏ?αÏ?ιθμηÏ?ικÏ? Ï?Ï?νδεÏ?ηÏ?"					msgstr "Î?λÏ?αÏ?ιθμηÏ?ικÏ? Ï?Ï?νδεÏ?ηÏ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4
msgid "Error"							msgid "Error"
msgstr "ΣÏ?άλμα"							msgstr "ΣÏ?άλμα"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.
msgid "Show detail >>"						msgid "Show detail >>"
msgstr "ΠÏ?οβολή λεÏ?Ï?ομέÏ?ειαÏ? >>"				msgstr "ΠÏ?οβολή λεÏ?Ï?ομέÏ?ειαÏ? >>"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122
msgid "<< Hide detail"						msgid "<< Hide detail"
msgstr "<< Î?Ï?Ï?κÏ?Ï?Ï?η λεÏ?Ï?ομέÏ?ειαÏ?"				msgstr "<< Î?Ï?Ï?κÏ?Ï?Ï?η λεÏ?Ï?ομέÏ?ειαÏ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191
msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"	msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"
msgstr "Î?ημιοÏ?Ï?γήθηκε Ï?Ï?άλμα Ï?Ï?ην underlying βάÏ?η δεδομένÏ?ν"	msgstr "Î?ημιοÏ?Ï?γήθηκε Ï?Ï?άλμα Ï?Ï?ην underlying βάÏ?η δεδομένÏ?ν"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196
msgid "Error number"						msgid "Error number"
msgstr "Î?Ï?ιθμÏ?Ï? Ï?Ï?άλμαÏ?οÏ?"					msgstr "Î?Ï?ιθμÏ?Ï? Ï?Ï?άλμαÏ?οÏ?"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227
msgid "Details"							msgid "Details"
msgstr "Î?εÏ?Ï?ομέÏ?ειεÏ?"						msgstr "Î?εÏ?Ï?ομέÏ?ειεÏ?"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234
msgid "Source"							msgid "Source"
msgstr "Πηγή"							msgstr "Πηγή"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241
msgid "SQL state"						msgid "SQL state"
msgstr "Î?αÏ?άÏ?Ï?αÏ?η SQL"						msgstr "Î?αÏ?άÏ?Ï?αÏ?η SQL"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Field:"							msgid "_Field:"
msgstr "Πεδία"							msgstr "Πεδία"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118
msgid "_Text:"							msgid "_Text:"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308
msgid "No records"						msgid "No records"
msgstr "Î?εν Ï?Ï?άÏ?Ï?οÏ?ν εγγÏ?αÏ?έÏ?"					msgstr "Î?εν Ï?Ï?άÏ?Ï?οÏ?ν εγγÏ?αÏ?έÏ?"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Record %d of %d"						msgid "Record %d of %d"
msgstr "Î?γγÏ?αÏ?ή %d αÏ?Ï? %d"					msgstr "Î?γγÏ?αÏ?ή %d αÏ?Ï? %d"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113
msgid "Recordset description"					msgid "Recordset description"
msgstr "ΠεÏ?ιγÏ?αÏ?ή Recordset"					msgstr "ΠεÏ?ιγÏ?αÏ?ή Recordset"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141
#, fuzzy, c-format						#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""							msgid ""
"File '%s' already exists.\n"					"File '%s' already exists.\n"
"Do you want to overwrite it?"					"Do you want to overwrite it?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Το αÏ?Ï?είο %s Ï?Ï?άÏ?Ï?ει ήδη\n"					"Το αÏ?Ï?είο %s Ï?Ï?άÏ?Ï?ει ήδη\n"
"Î?έλεÏ?ε να ανÏ?ικαÏ?Ï?αθεί?"					"Î?έλεÏ?ε να ανÏ?ικαÏ?Ï?αθεί?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149
msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."		msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#								#
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Could not save file %s"					msgid "Could not save file %s"
msgstr "Î?δÏ?ναÏ?η η αÏ?οθήκεÏ?Ï?η Ï?οÏ? αÏ?Ï?είοÏ? %s"			msgstr "Î?δÏ?ναÏ?η η αÏ?οθήκεÏ?Ï?η Ï?οÏ? αÏ?Ï?είοÏ? %s"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224
msgid "You must specify a file name"				msgid "You must specify a file name"
msgstr "ΠÏ?έÏ?ει να καθοÏ?ίÏ?εÏ?ε  ένα Ï?νομα αÏ?Ï?είοÏ?"		msgstr "ΠÏ?έÏ?ει να καθοÏ?ίÏ?εÏ?ε  ένα Ï?νομα αÏ?Ï?είοÏ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230
msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"		msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"
msgstr "Î?ήÏ?η κενοÏ? αÏ?Ï?είοÏ? καÏ?α Ï?ην μεÏ?αÏ?Ï?οÏ?ή Ï?Ï?ν δεδομένÏ?ν"	msgstr "Î?ήÏ?η κενοÏ? αÏ?Ï?είοÏ? καÏ?α Ï?ην μεÏ?αÏ?Ï?οÏ?ή Ï?Ï?ν δεδομένÏ?ν"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261
msgid "Saving Model"						msgid "Saving Model"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#								#
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "File _name:"						msgid "File _name:"
msgstr "Î?νομα Ï?ίνακα"						msgstr "Î?νομα Ï?ίνακα"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276
msgid "Select File"						msgid "Select File"
msgstr "Î?Ï?ιλογή Î?Ï?Ï?είοÏ?"					msgstr "Î?Ï?ιλογή Î?Ï?Ï?είοÏ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283
msgid "File _type:"						msgid "File _type:"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Tab-delimited"						msgid "Tab-delimited"
msgstr "Î?Ï?Ï?είο Tab-delimited"					msgstr "Î?Ï?Ï?είο Tab-delimited"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Comma-delimited"						msgid "Comma-delimited"
msgstr "Î?Ï?Ï?είο Comma-delimited "				msgstr "Î?Ï?Ï?είο Comma-delimited "

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:
msgid "XML"							msgid "XML"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#								#
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355
msgid "View detail"						msgid "View detail"
msgstr "ΠÏ?οβολή λεÏ?Ï?ομέÏ?ειαÏ?"					msgstr "ΠÏ?οβολή λεÏ?Ï?ομέÏ?ειαÏ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Show Column _Titles"					msgid "Show Column _Titles"
msgstr "Î?μÏ?άνιÏ?η Ï?Ï?ηλÏ?ν"					msgstr "Î?μÏ?άνιÏ?η Ï?Ï?ηλÏ?ν"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442
msgid "Describe"						msgid "Describe"
msgstr "ΠεÏ?ιγÏ?αÏ?ή"						msgstr "ΠεÏ?ιγÏ?αÏ?ή"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443
msgid "View detail..."						msgid "View detail..."
msgstr "ΠÏ?οβολή λεÏ?Ï?ομέÏ?ειαÏ?..."				msgstr "ΠÏ?οβολή λεÏ?Ï?ομέÏ?ειαÏ?..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614
msgid "Title"							msgid "Title"
msgstr "ΤίÏ?λοÏ?"							msgstr "ΤίÏ?λοÏ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48
msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"	msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"
msgstr "ΠÏ?οÏ?Ï?άθεια αÏ?Ï?ικοÏ?οίηÏ?ηÏ? ενÏ?Ï? ήδη αÏ?Ï?ικοÏ?οιημένοÏ? Ï?ελ	msgstr "ΠÏ?οÏ?Ï?άθεια αÏ?Ï?ικοÏ?οίηÏ?ηÏ? ενÏ?Ï? ήδη αÏ?Ï?ικοÏ?οιημένοÏ? Ï?ελ

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"		"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"
"to a data source"						"to a data source"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Î?ιÏ?άγεÏ?ε Ï?ιÏ? Ï?αÏ?ακάÏ?Ï? Ï?αÏ?άμεÏ?Ï?οÏ?Ï? για να ανοίξεÏ?ε\n"		"Î?ιÏ?άγεÏ?ε Ï?ιÏ? Ï?αÏ?ακάÏ?Ï? Ï?αÏ?άμεÏ?Ï?οÏ?Ï? για να ανοίξεÏ?ε\n"
"μιαÏ? Ï?ηγήÏ? δεδομένÏ?ν"						"μιαÏ? Ï?ηγήÏ? δεδομένÏ?ν"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253
msgid "Data Source:"						msgid "Data Source:"
msgstr "ΠηγέÏ? Î?εδομένÏ?ν:"					msgstr "ΠηγέÏ? Î?εδομένÏ?ν:"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270
msgid "Username:"						msgid "Username:"
msgstr "Î?νομα Ï?Ï?ήÏ?Ï?η:"						msgstr "Î?νομα Ï?Ï?ήÏ?Ï?η:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279
msgid "Password:"						msgid "Password:"
msgstr "Î?Ï?δικÏ?Ï?:"						msgstr "Î?Ï?δικÏ?Ï?:"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69
msgid "Fields"							msgid "Fields"
msgstr "Πεδία"							msgstr "Πεδία"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30
msgid "Commit"							msgid "Commit"
msgstr "Commit"							msgstr "Commit"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31
msgid "Connect"							msgid "Connect"
msgstr "ΣÏ?νδεÏ?η"						msgstr "ΣÏ?νδεÏ?η"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33
msgid "Designer"						msgid "Designer"
msgstr "ΣÏ?εδιαÏ?Ï?ήÏ?"						msgstr "ΣÏ?εδιαÏ?Ï?ήÏ?"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34
msgid "Disconnect"						msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr "Î?Ï?οÏ?Ï?νδεÏ?η"						msgstr "Î?Ï?οÏ?Ï?νδεÏ?η"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35
msgid "NoTransaction"						msgid "NoTransaction"
msgstr "NoTransaction"						msgstr "NoTransaction"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37
msgid "Query"							msgid "Query"
msgstr "Î?Ï?Ï?Ï?ημα"						msgstr "Î?Ï?Ï?Ï?ημα"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38
msgid "Rollback"						msgid "Rollback"
msgstr "Î?Ï?αναÏ?οÏ?ά"						msgstr "Î?Ï?αναÏ?οÏ?ά"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40
msgid "SQL"							msgid "SQL"
msgstr "SQL"							msgstr "SQL"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43
msgid "WithinTransaction"					msgid "WithinTransaction"
msgstr "WithinTransaction"					msgstr "WithinTransaction"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Error: %s"						msgid "Error: %s"
msgstr "ΣÏ?άλμα: %s"						msgstr "ΣÏ?άλμα: %s"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79
msgid "Table name"						msgid "Table name"
msgstr "Î?νομα Ï?ίνακα"						msgstr "Î?νομα Ï?ίνακα"

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93			#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Login for %s"						msgid "Login for %s"
msgstr "Î?ίÏ?οδοÏ? για %s"						msgstr "Î?ίÏ?οδοÏ? για %s"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95					#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95
msgid "Login to database"					msgid "Login to database"
msgstr "ΣÏ?νδεÏ?η με βάÏ?η δεδομένÏ?ν"				msgstr "ΣÏ?νδεÏ?η με βάÏ?η δεδομένÏ?ν"

#: vfs/libmain.c:71						#: vfs/libmain.c:71
msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"				msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"
msgstr "Î?άÏ?η δεδομένÏ?ν GNOME VFS: λειÏ?οÏ?Ï?γική μονάδα"		msgstr "Î?άÏ?η δεδομένÏ?ν GNOME VFS: λειÏ?οÏ?Ï?γική μονάδα"

#								#
#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40
msgid "Table Properties"					msgid "Table Properties"
msgstr "Î?διÏ?Ï?ηÏ?εÏ? Ï?ίνακα"					msgstr "Î?διÏ?Ï?ηÏ?εÏ? Ï?ίνακα"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47
msgid "Table Name"						msgid "Table Name"
msgstr "'Î?νομα Ï?ίνακα: "					msgstr "'Î?νομα Ï?ίνακα: "

#								#
#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155
msgid "New"							msgid "New"
msgstr "Î?έο"							msgstr "Î?έο"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156
msgid "Create new table"					msgid "Create new table"
msgstr "Î?ημιοÏ?Ï?γία νέοÏ? Ï?ίνακα"					msgstr "Î?ημιοÏ?Ï?γία νέοÏ? Ï?ίνακα"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161
msgid "Properties"						msgid "Properties"
msgstr "Î?διÏ?Ï?ηÏ?εÏ?"						msgstr "Î?διÏ?Ï?ηÏ?εÏ?"

#								#
#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162
msgid "View table properties"					msgid "View table properties"
msgstr "ΠÏ?οβολή ιδιοÏ?ήÏ?Ï?ν Ï?ίνακα"				msgstr "ΠÏ?οβολή ιδιοÏ?ήÏ?Ï?ν Ï?ίνακα"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
msgid "UID"							msgid "UID"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "calendar"						msgid "calendar"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "summary"							msgid "summary"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "Summary"							msgid "Summary"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "location"						msgid "location"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "dtstart"							msgid "dtstart"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
msgid "Start time"						msgid "Start time"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "dtend"							msgid "dtend"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "End time"						msgid "End time"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#								#
#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "description"						msgid "description"
msgstr "ΠεÏ?ιγÏ?αÏ?ή"						msgstr "ΠεÏ?ιγÏ?αÏ?ή"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "classification"						msgid "classification"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#								#
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Classification"						msgid "Classification"
msgstr "Î?αθαÏ?ιÏ?μÏ?Ï? εÏ?ιλογήÏ?"					msgstr "Î?αθαÏ?ιÏ?μÏ?Ï? εÏ?ιλογήÏ?"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "transparency"						msgid "transparency"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "Transparency"						msgid "Transparency"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "categories"						msgid "categories"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "Categories"						msgid "Categories"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "tasks"							msgid "tasks"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "due"							msgid "due"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "Due date"						msgid "Due date"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "Start date"						msgid "Start date"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355
msgid "Public"							msgid "Public"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358
msgid "Private"							msgid "Private"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361
msgid "Confidential"						msgid "Confidential"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63
msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"		msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66
msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"			msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80
msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta	msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83
msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"		msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100
msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"				msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#								#
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Field name"						msgid "Field name"
msgstr "Î?νομα Ï?Ï?ήÏ?Ï?η"						msgstr "Î?νομα Ï?Ï?ήÏ?Ï?η"

#								#
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data type"						msgid "Data type"
msgstr "Î?εδομένα"						msgstr "Î?εδομένα"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214
msgid "Size"							msgid "Size"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215
msgid "Scale"							msgid "Scale"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216
msgid "Not null?"						msgid "Not null?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217
msgid "Primary key?"						msgid "Primary key?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218
msgid "Unique index?"						msgid "Unique index?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#								#
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "References"						msgid "References"
msgstr "_ΠÏ?οÏ?ιμήÏ?ειÏ?"						msgstr "_ΠÏ?οÏ?ιμήÏ?ειÏ?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220
msgid "Default value"						msgid "Default value"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239
msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l	msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Table %s does not exist"					msgid "Table %s does not exist"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318
msgid "Scheduled events"					msgid "Scheduled events"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321
msgid "TODO list"						msgid "TODO list"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375
msgid "Owner"							msgid "Owner"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#								#
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Comments"						msgid "Comments"
msgstr "Commit"							msgstr "Commit"

#								#
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Type"							msgid "Type"
msgstr "ΤÏ?Ï?οι"							msgstr "ΤÏ?Ï?οι"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377
msgid "GDA type"						msgid "GDA type"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id	#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id
#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database	#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database
#. we can easily access that information			#. we can easily access that information
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382
msgid "local"							msgid "local"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217
msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230
msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244
msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"			msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268
msgid "Invalid SQL command"					msgid "Invalid SQL command"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353
msgid "Transactions are not supported"				msgid "Transactions are not supported"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41
msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"		msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task	"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#								#
#~ msgid "Browse database..."					#~ msgid "Browse database..."
#~ msgstr "Î?ξεÏ?εÏ?νηÏ?η βάÏ?ηÏ? δεδομένÏ?ν..."			#~ msgstr "Î?ξεÏ?εÏ?νηÏ?η βάÏ?ηÏ? δεδομένÏ?ν..."

#~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .con	#~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .con
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "ΣÏ?Ï?Ï?αÏ?ικÏ? Ï?οÏ? Ï?εÏ?ιέÏ?ει ανÏ?ικείμενα Ï?εÏ?ιεÏ?ομένοÏ? μενοÏ? για	#~ "ΣÏ?Ï?Ï?αÏ?ικÏ? Ï?οÏ? Ï?εÏ?ιέÏ?ει ανÏ?ικείμενα Ï?εÏ?ιεÏ?ομένοÏ? μενοÏ? για
#~ "connection"							#~ "connection"

#~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .sql	#~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .sql
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "ΣÏ?Ï?Ï?αÏ?ικÏ? Ï?οÏ? Ï?εÏ?ιέÏ?ει ανÏ?ικείμενα Ï?εÏ?ιεÏ?ομένοÏ? μενοÏ? για	#~ "ΣÏ?Ï?Ï?αÏ?ικÏ? Ï?οÏ? Ï?εÏ?ιέÏ?ει ανÏ?ικείμενα Ï?εÏ?ιεÏ?ομένοÏ? μενοÏ? για

#								#
#~ msgid "Connection MIME handler component"			#~ msgid "Connection MIME handler component"
#~ msgstr "ΣÏ?Ï?Ï?αÏ?ικÏ? Ï?ειÏ?ιÏ?μοÏ? Ï?Ï?νδεÏ?ηÏ?  MIME"			#~ msgstr "ΣÏ?Ï?Ï?αÏ?ικÏ? Ï?ειÏ?ιÏ?μοÏ? Ï?Ï?νδεÏ?ηÏ?  MIME"

#								#
#~ msgid "Database component factory"				#~ msgid "Database component factory"
#~ msgstr "Î?Ï?γοÏ?Ï?άÏ?ιο Ï?Ï?Ï?Ï?αÏ?ικοÏ? βάÏ?ηÏ? δεδομένÏ?ν"		#~ msgstr "Î?Ï?γοÏ?Ï?άÏ?ιο Ï?Ï?Ï?Ï?αÏ?ικοÏ? βάÏ?ηÏ? δεδομένÏ?ν"

#								#
#~ msgid "Open in database connection..."			#~ msgid "Open in database connection..."
#~ msgstr "Î?νοιγμα Ï?ε Ï?Ï?νδεÏ?η βάÏ?ηÏ? δεδομένÏ?ν..."		#~ msgstr "Î?νοιγμα Ï?ε Ï?Ï?νδεÏ?η βάÏ?ηÏ? δεδομένÏ?ν..."

#~ msgid "SQL MIME handler component"				#~ msgid "SQL MIME handler component"
#~ msgstr "ΣÏ?Ï?Ï?αÏ?ικÏ? Ï?ειÏ?ιÏ?μοÏ? SQL MIME"			#~ msgstr "ΣÏ?Ï?Ï?αÏ?ικÏ? Ï?ειÏ?ιÏ?μοÏ? SQL MIME"

#								#
#~ msgid "Database browser"					#~ msgid "Database browser"
#~ msgstr "ΠεÏ?ιηγηÏ?ήÏ? βάÏ?ηÏ? δεδομένÏ?ν"				#~ msgstr "ΠεÏ?ιηγηÏ?ήÏ? βάÏ?ηÏ? δεδομένÏ?ν"

#								#
#~ msgid "Error viewer"						#~ msgid "Error viewer"
#~ msgstr "ΣÏ?άλμα εÏ?αÏ?μογήÏ? Ï?Ï?οβολήÏ?"				#~ msgstr "ΣÏ?άλμα εÏ?αÏ?μογήÏ? Ï?Ï?οβολήÏ?"

#								#
#~ msgid "SQL Viewer"						#~ msgid "SQL Viewer"
#~ msgstr "Î?Ï?αÏ?μογή Ï?Ï?οβολήÏ? SQL "				#~ msgstr "Î?Ï?αÏ?μογή Ï?Ï?οβολήÏ? SQL "

#								#
#~ msgid "Database configuration"				#~ msgid "Database configuration"
#~ msgstr "ΡÏ?θμιÏ?η βάÏ?ηÏ? δεδομένÏ?ν"				#~ msgstr "ΡÏ?θμιÏ?η βάÏ?ηÏ? δεδομένÏ?ν"

#								#
#~ msgid "Edit application preferences"				#~ msgid "Edit application preferences"
#~ msgstr "Î?Ï?εξεÏ?γαÏ?ία Ï?Ï?οÏ?ιμήÏ?εÏ?ν εÏ?αÏ?μογήÏ?"			#~ msgstr "Î?Ï?εξεÏ?γαÏ?ία Ï?Ï?οÏ?ιμήÏ?εÏ?ν εÏ?αÏ?μογήÏ?"

#								#
#~ msgid "New..."						#~ msgid "New..."
#~ msgstr "Î?έο..."						#~ msgstr "Î?έο..."

#								#
#~ msgid "_Properties..."					#~ msgid "_Properties..."
#~ msgstr "_Î?διÏ?Ï?ηÏ?εÏ?..."					#~ msgstr "_Î?διÏ?Ï?ηÏ?εÏ?..."

#~ msgid "_Settings"						#~ msgid "_Settings"
#~ msgstr "_ΡÏ?θμίÏ?ειÏ?..."					#~ msgstr "_ΡÏ?θμίÏ?ειÏ?..."

#~ msgid "Password"						#~ msgid "Password"
#~ msgstr "Î?Ï?δικÏ?Ï?"						#~ msgstr "Î?Ï?δικÏ?Ï?"

#								#
#~ msgid "Save as"						#~ msgid "Save as"
#~ msgstr "Î?Ï?οθήκεÏ?Ï?η Ï?Ï?"					#~ msgstr "Î?Ï?οθήκεÏ?Ï?η Ï?Ï?"

#								#
#~ msgid "Save to"						#~ msgid "Save to"
#~ msgstr "Î?Ï?οθήκεÏ?Ï?η Ï?ε"					#~ msgstr "Î?Ï?οθήκεÏ?Ï?η Ï?ε"

#~ msgid "XML file"						#~ msgid "XML file"
#~ msgstr "Î?Ï?Ï?είο XML"						#~ msgstr "Î?Ï?Ï?είο XML"

#~ msgid "Hide columns"						#~ msgid "Hide columns"
#~ msgstr "Î?Ï?Ï?κÏ?Ï?Ï?η Ï?Ï?ηλÏ?ν"					#~ msgstr "Î?Ï?Ï?κÏ?Ï?Ï?η Ï?Ï?ηλÏ?ν"

#								#
#~ msgid "Question"						#~ msgid "Question"
#~ msgstr "Î?Ï?Ï?Ï?ηÏ?η"						#~ msgstr "Î?Ï?Ï?Ï?ηÏ?η"

#								#
#~ msgid "Database Moniker factory"				#~ msgid "Database Moniker factory"
#~ msgstr "Database Moniker factory"				#~ msgstr "Database Moniker factory"

#								#
#~ msgid "database: moniker"					#~ msgid "database: moniker"
#~ msgstr "database: moniker"					#~ msgstr "database: moniker"

#~ msgid "Failing to manufacture a '%s'"			#~ msgid "Failing to manufacture a '%s'"
#~ msgstr "Î?Ï?οÏ?Ï?Ï?ία καÏ?αÏ?κεÏ?ήÏ? ενÏ?Ï? '%s'"			#~ msgstr "Î?Ï?οÏ?Ï?Ï?ία καÏ?αÏ?κεÏ?ήÏ? ενÏ?Ï? '%s'"

#								#
#~ msgid "Invalid format for connection string"			#~ msgid "Invalid format for connection string"
#~ msgstr "Î?η έγκÏ?Ï?η μοÏ?Ï?ή για αλÏ?αÏ?ιθμηÏ?ικÏ? Ï?Ï?νδεÏ?ηÏ?"		#~ msgstr "Î?η έγκÏ?Ï?η μοÏ?Ï?ή για αλÏ?αÏ?ιθμηÏ?ικÏ? Ï?Ï?νδεÏ?ηÏ?"

#								#
#~ msgid "_File"						#~ msgid "_File"
#~ msgstr "_Î?Ï?Ï?είο"						#~ msgstr "_Î?Ï?Ï?είο"

#								#
#~ msgid "Table Data"						#~ msgid "Table Data"
#~ msgstr "Î?εδομένα Ï?ίνακα"					#~ msgstr "Î?εδομένα Ï?ίνακα"

#								#
#~ msgid "View table data"					#~ msgid "View table data"
#~ msgstr "ΠÏ?οβολή δεδομένÏ?ν Ï?ίνακα"				#~ msgstr "ΠÏ?οβολή δεδομένÏ?ν Ï?ίνακα"
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: en_CA.gmo
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/en_CA.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/en_CA.po
# Canadian English translation for libgnomedb			# Canadian English translation for libgnomedb
# Copyright (C) 2004 Adam Weinberger and the GNOME Foundation	# Copyright (C) 2004 Adam Weinberger and the GNOME Foundation
# This file is distributed under the same licence as the libg	# This file is distributed under the same licence as the libg
# Adam Weinberger <adamw gnome org>, 2004			# Adam Weinberger <adamw gnome org>, 2004
#								#
							      >	#
msgid ""							msgid ""
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: libgnomedb\n"				"Project-Id-Version: libgnomedb\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"					"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"		      |	"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-09-26 12:47-0400\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-06-10 19:42-0700\n"		      |	"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-09-26 19:42-0400\n"
"Last-Translator: Adam Weinberger <adamw gnome org>\n"		"Last-Translator: Adam Weinberger <adamw gnome org>\n"
"Language-Team: en_CA <adamw FreeBSD org>\n"			"Language-Team: en_CA <adamw FreeBSD org>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"						"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=uTF-8\n"			"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=uTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"				"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co
msgid "Data Sources"						msgid "Data Sources"
msgstr "Data Sources"						msgstr "Data Sources"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid
msgid "Providers"						msgid "Providers"
msgstr "Providers"						msgstr "Providers"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1
msgid "Configure your database environment"			msgid "Configure your database environment"
msgstr "Configure your database environment"			msgstr "Configure your database environment"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2
msgid "Database Access Properties "				msgid "Database Access Properties "
msgstr "Database Access Properties "				msgstr "Database Access Properties "

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380
msgid "Name"							msgid "Name"
msgstr "Name"							msgstr "Name"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
msgid "Description"						msgid "Description"
msgstr "Description"						msgstr "Description"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182
msgid "Configured data sources in the system"			msgid "Configured data sources in the system"
msgstr "Configured data sources in the system"			msgstr "Configured data sources in the system"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data sources are the means by which database connections are	"Data sources are the means by which database connections are
"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s	"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s
"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o	"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o
"name you identify the connections in the applications that m	"name you identify the connections in the applications that m
"DB for database access."					"DB for database access."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Data sources are the means by which database connections are	"Data sources are the means by which database connections are
"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s	"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s
"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o	"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o
"name you identify the connections in the applications that m	"name you identify the connections in the applications that m
"DB for database access."					"DB for database access."

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"	msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"
msgstr "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?	msgstr "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104
msgid "Data Source Properties"					msgid "Data Source Properties"
msgstr "Data Source Properties"					msgstr "Data Source Properties"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132
msgid "Basic"							msgid "Basic"
msgstr "Basic"							msgstr "Basic"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Tables"							msgid "Tables"
msgstr "Tables"							msgstr "Tables"

#: control-center/main.c:92					#: control-center/main.c:92
msgid "No valid data source info was created"			msgid "No valid data source info was created"
msgstr "No valid data source info was created"			msgstr "No valid data source info was created"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218	#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218
msgid "New data source"						msgid "New data source"
msgstr "New data source"					msgstr "New data source"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:215					#: control-center/main.c:215
msgid "Database Access Properties"				msgid "Database Access Properties"
msgstr "Database Access Properties"				msgstr "Database Access Properties"

#: control-center/provider-config.c:105				#: control-center/provider-config.c:105
msgid "Installed providers"					msgid "Installed providers"
msgstr "Installed providers"					msgstr "Installed providers"

#: control-center/provider-config.c:131				#: control-center/provider-config.c:131
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec	"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec
"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo	"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo
"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr	"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr
"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba	"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba
"etc."								"etc."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec	"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec
"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo	"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo
"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr	"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr
"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba	"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba
"etc."								"etc."

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1
msgid "Database connection parameters file"			msgid "Database connection parameters file"
msgstr "Database connection parameters file"			msgstr "Database connection parameters file"

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2
msgid "Documents"						msgid "Documents"
msgstr "Documents"						msgstr "Documents"

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3
msgid "SQL code viewer"						msgid "SQL code viewer"
msgstr "SQL code viewer"					msgstr "SQL code viewer"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1
msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"			msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"
msgstr "Font to be used in the grid widget"			msgstr "Font to be used in the grid widget"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2
msgid "Number of spaces per tab"				msgid "Number of spaces per tab"
msgstr "Number of spaces per tab"				msgstr "Number of spaces per tab"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3
msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"			msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"
msgstr "Show line numbers on source editor"			msgstr "Show line numbers on source editor"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4
msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"			msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"
msgstr "Use highlighting in source code editor"			msgstr "Use highlighting in source code editor"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60
msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"			msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"
msgstr "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"		msgstr "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1
msgid "About"							msgid "About"
msgstr "About"							msgstr "About"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2
msgid "About GNOME-DB"						msgid "About GNOME-DB"
msgstr "About GNOME-DB"						msgstr "About GNOME-DB"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3
msgid "Close this window"					msgid "Close this window"
msgstr "Close this window"					msgstr "Close this window"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4
msgid "Create new entry"					msgid "Create new entry"
msgstr "Create new entry"					msgstr "Create new entry"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5
msgid "Delete selected items"					msgid "Delete selected items"
msgstr "Delete selected items"					msgstr "Delete selected items"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6
msgid "Deselect all items"					msgid "Deselect all items"
msgstr "Deselect all items"					msgstr "Deselect all items"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7
msgid "Edit properties for selected item"			msgid "Edit properties for selected item"
msgstr "Edit properties for selected item"			msgstr "Edit properties for selected item"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8
msgid "Save connection parameters to file"			msgid "Save connection parameters to file"
msgstr "Save connection parameters to file"			msgstr "Save connection parameters to file"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414
msgid "Select _All"						msgid "Select _All"
msgstr "Select _All"						msgstr "Select _All"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10
msgid "Select all items"					msgid "Select all items"
msgstr "Select all items"					msgstr "Select all items"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11
msgid "View data sources"					msgid "View data sources"
msgstr "View data sources"					msgstr "View data sources"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12
msgid "View providers"						msgid "View providers"
msgstr "View providers"						msgstr "View providers"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42
msgid "_Clear Selection"					msgid "_Clear Selection"
msgstr "_Clear Selection"					msgstr "_Clear Selection"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14
msgid "_Close"							msgid "_Close"
msgstr "_Close"							msgstr "_Close"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15
msgid "_Data Sources"						msgid "_Data Sources"
msgstr "_Data Sources"						msgstr "_Data Sources"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16
msgid "_Database"						msgid "_Database"
msgstr "_Database"						msgstr "_Database"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17
msgid "_Delete"							msgid "_Delete"
msgstr "_Delete"						msgstr "_Delete"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18
msgid "_Edit"							msgid "_Edit"
msgstr "_Edit"							msgstr "_Edit"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19
msgid "_Help"							msgid "_Help"
msgstr "_Help"							msgstr "_Help"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20
msgid "_New Data Source..."					msgid "_New Data Source..."
msgstr "_New Data Source..."					msgstr "_New Data Source..."

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21
msgid "_Properties"						msgid "_Properties"
msgstr "_Properties"						msgstr "_Properties"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22
msgid "_Providers"						msgid "_Providers"
msgstr "_Providers"						msgstr "_Providers"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23
msgid "_Save Connection"					msgid "_Save Connection"
msgstr "_Save Connection"					msgstr "_Save Connection"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24
msgid "_View"							msgid "_View"
msgstr "_View"							msgstr "_View"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76
msgid "Structure"						msgid "Structure"
msgstr "Structure"						msgstr "Structure"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73
msgid "Data"							msgid "Data"
msgstr "Data"							msgstr "Data"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238
msgid "Not implemented yet!"					msgid "Not implemented yet!"
msgstr "Not implemented yet!"					msgstr "Not implemented yet!"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Database"						msgid "Database"
msgstr "Database"						msgstr "Database"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540
msgid "Loading database schemas..."				msgid "Loading database schemas..."
msgstr "Loading database schemas..."				msgstr "Loading database schemas..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632
msgid "Refreshing data..."					msgid "Refreshing data..."
msgstr "Refreshing data..."					msgstr "Refreshing data..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688
msgid "Views"							msgid "Views"
msgstr "Views"							msgstr "Views"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691
msgid "Indexes"							msgid "Indexes"
msgstr "Indexes"						msgstr "Indexes"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Sequences"						msgid "Sequences"
msgstr "Sequences"						msgstr "Sequences"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Procedures"						msgid "Procedures"
msgstr "Procedures"						msgstr "Procedures"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700
msgid "Triggers"						msgid "Triggers"
msgstr "Triggers"						msgstr "Triggers"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Aggregates"						msgid "Aggregates"
msgstr "Aggregates"						msgstr "Aggregates"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Types"							msgid "Types"
msgstr "Types"							msgstr "Types"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140
msgid "Could not query CORBA components"			msgid "Could not query CORBA components"
msgstr "Could not query CORBA components"			msgstr "Could not query CORBA components"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209
msgid "ID"							msgid "ID"
msgstr "ID"							msgstr "ID"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "Location"						msgid "Location"
msgstr "Location"						msgstr "Location"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212
msgid "Username"						msgid "Username"
msgstr "Username"						msgstr "Username"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213
msgid "Hostname"						msgid "Hostname"
msgstr "Hostname"						msgstr "Hostname"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214
msgid "Domain"							msgid "Domain"
msgstr "Domain"							msgstr "Domain"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"			msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"
msgstr "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"			msgstr "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"

#. create widgets						#. create widgets
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97
msgid "Settings"						msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Settings"						msgstr "Settings"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103
msgid "Data source name"					msgid "Data source name"
msgstr "Data source name"					msgstr "Data source name"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109
msgid "Connection string"					msgid "Connection string"
msgstr "Connection string"					msgstr "Connection string"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115
msgid "Provider"						msgid "Provider"
msgstr "Provider"						msgstr "Provider"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121
msgid "User name"						msgid "User name"
msgstr "User name"						msgstr "User name"

#. create feature list						#. create feature list
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128
msgid "Features"						msgid "Features"
msgstr "Features"						msgstr "Features"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190
msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"		msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"
msgstr "You must enter a name for the new data source"		msgstr "You must enter a name for the new data source"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197
msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac	msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac
msgstr "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric chara	msgstr "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric chara

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206
msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th	msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th
msgstr "An existing data source is already registered under t	msgstr "An existing data source is already registered under t

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213
msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"			msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"
msgstr "Data source names cannot contain spaces"		msgstr "Data source names cannot contain spaces"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217
msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n	msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n
msgstr "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and 	msgstr "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and 

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225
msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"	msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"
msgstr "You must select a provider for the new data source"	msgstr "You must select a provider for the new data source"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233
msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"		msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"
msgstr "Provider not found in your configuration"		msgstr "Provider not found in your configuration"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391
msgid "Add a new data source..."				msgid "Add a new data source..."
msgstr "Add a new data source..."				msgstr "Add a new data source..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392
msgid ""							msgid ""
"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"		"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"
"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"		"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"
"installation. Just follow the steps!"				"installation. Just follow the steps!"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"		"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"
"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"		"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"
"installation. Just follow the steps!"				"installation. Just follow the steps!"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404
msgid "General Information"					msgid "General Information"
msgstr "General Information"					msgstr "General Information"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the basic information\n"	"The following fields represent the basic information\n"
"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n	"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n
"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"	"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"
"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"	"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"
"the default one."						"the default one."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"The following fields represent the basic information\n"	"The following fields represent the basic information\n"
"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n	"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n
"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"	"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"
"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"	"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"
"the default one."						"the default one."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104
msgid "Data source _name:"					msgid "Data source _name:"
msgstr "Data source _name:"					msgstr "Data source _name:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114
msgid "_Provider:"						msgid "_Provider:"
msgstr "_Provider:"						msgstr "_Provider:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133
msgid "_Description:"						msgid "_Description:"
msgstr "_Description:"						msgstr "_Description:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142
msgid "_Username:"						msgid "_Username:"
msgstr "_Username:"						msgstr "_Username:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151
msgid "P_assword:"						msgid "P_assword:"
msgstr "P_assword:"						msgstr "P_assword:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454
msgid "Provider Parameters"					msgid "Provider Parameters"
msgstr "Provider Parameters"					msgstr "Provider Parameters"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the information needed by the	"The following fields represent the information needed by the
"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n	"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n
"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\	"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\
"the manual for more information."				"the manual for more information."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"The following fields represent the information needed by the	"The following fields represent the information needed by the
"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n	"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n
"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\	"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\
"the manual for more information."				"the manual for more information."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481
msgid "All information retrieved"				msgid "All information retrieved"
msgstr "All information retrieved"				msgstr "All information retrieved"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482
msgid ""							msgid ""
"All information needed to create a new data source\n"		"All information needed to create a new data source\n"
"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"		"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"
"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"	"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"
"just select it when asked for a data source."			"just select it when asked for a data source."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"All information needed to create a new data source\n"		"All information needed to create a new data source\n"
"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"		"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"
"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"      |	"this dialogue. To open your newly created data source,\n"
"just select it when asked for a data source."			"just select it when asked for a data source."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124
msgid "Connection _string:"					msgid "Connection _string:"
msgstr "Connection _string:"					msgstr "Connection _string:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4
msgid "Error"							msgid "Error"
msgstr "Error"							msgstr "Error"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.
msgid "Show detail >>"						msgid "Show detail >>"
msgstr "Show detail >>"						msgstr "Show detail >>"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122
msgid "<< Hide detail"						msgid "<< Hide detail"
msgstr "<< Hide detail"						msgstr "<< Hide detail"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191
msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"	msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"
msgstr "An error has occurred in the underlying database"	msgstr "An error has occurred in the underlying database"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196
msgid "Error number"						msgid "Error number"
msgstr "Error number"						msgstr "Error number"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227
msgid "Details"							msgid "Details"
msgstr "Details"						msgstr "Details"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234
msgid "Source"							msgid "Source"
msgstr "Source"							msgstr "Source"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241
msgid "SQL state"						msgid "SQL state"
msgstr "SQL state"						msgstr "SQL state"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108
msgid "_Field:"							msgid "_Field:"
msgstr "_Field:"						msgstr "_Field:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118
msgid "_Text:"							msgid "_Text:"
msgstr "_Text:"							msgstr "_Text:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308
msgid "No records"						msgid "No records"
msgstr "No records"						msgstr "No records"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Record %d of %d"						msgid "Record %d of %d"
msgstr "Record %d of %d"					msgstr "Record %d of %d"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113
msgid "Recordset description"					msgid "Recordset description"
msgstr "Recordset description"					msgstr "Recordset description"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid ""							msgid ""
"File '%s' already exists.\n"					"File '%s' already exists.\n"
"Do you want to overwrite it?"					"Do you want to overwrite it?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"File '%s' already exists.\n"					"File '%s' already exists.\n"
"Do you want to overwrite it?"					"Do you want to overwrite it?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149
msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."		msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."
msgstr "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."		msgstr "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Could not save file %s"					msgid "Could not save file %s"
msgstr "Could not save file %s"					msgstr "Could not save file %s"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224
msgid "You must specify a file name"				msgid "You must specify a file name"
msgstr "You must specify a file name"				msgstr "You must specify a file name"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230
msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"		msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"
msgstr "Got empty file while converting the data"		msgstr "Got empty file while converting the data"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261
msgid "Saving Model"						msgid "Saving Model"
msgstr "Saving Model"						msgstr "Saving Model"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272
msgid "File _name:"						msgid "File _name:"
msgstr "File _name:"						msgstr "File _name:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276
msgid "Select File"						msgid "Select File"
msgstr "Select File"						msgstr "Select File"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283
msgid "File _type:"						msgid "File _type:"
msgstr "File _type:"						msgstr "File _type:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291
msgid "Tab-delimited"						msgid "Tab-delimited"
msgstr "Tab-delimited"						msgstr "Tab-delimited"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294
msgid "Comma-delimited"						msgid "Comma-delimited"
msgstr "Comma-delimited"					msgstr "Comma-delimited"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:
msgid "XML"							msgid "XML"
msgstr "XML"							msgstr "XML"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355
msgid "View detail"						msgid "View detail"
msgstr "View detail"						msgstr "View detail"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427
msgid "Show Column _Titles"					msgid "Show Column _Titles"
msgstr "Show Column _Titles"					msgstr "Show Column _Titles"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442
msgid "Describe"						msgid "Describe"
msgstr "Describe"						msgstr "Describe"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443
msgid "View detail..."						msgid "View detail..."
msgstr "View detail..."						msgstr "View detail..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614
msgid "Title"							msgid "Title"
msgstr "Title"							msgstr "Title"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48
msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"	msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"
msgstr "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"	msgstr "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"		"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"
"to a data source"						"to a data source"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"		"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"
"to a data source"						"to a data source"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253
msgid "Data Source:"						msgid "Data Source:"
msgstr "Data Source:"						msgstr "Data Source:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270
msgid "Username:"						msgid "Username:"
msgstr "Username:"						msgstr "Username:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279
msgid "Password:"						msgid "Password:"
msgstr "Password:"						msgstr "Password:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69
msgid "Fields"							msgid "Fields"
msgstr "Fields"							msgstr "Fields"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30
msgid "Commit"							msgid "Commit"
msgstr "Commit"							msgstr "Commit"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31
msgid "Connect"							msgid "Connect"
msgstr "Connect"						msgstr "Connect"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33
msgid "Designer"						msgid "Designer"
msgstr "Designer"						msgstr "Designer"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34
msgid "Disconnect"						msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr "Disconnect"						msgstr "Disconnect"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35
msgid "NoTransaction"						msgid "NoTransaction"
msgstr "NoTransaction"						msgstr "NoTransaction"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37
msgid "Query"							msgid "Query"
msgstr "Query"							msgstr "Query"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38
msgid "Rollback"						msgid "Rollback"
msgstr "Rollback"						msgstr "Rollback"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40
msgid "SQL"							msgid "SQL"
msgstr "SQL"							msgstr "SQL"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43
msgid "WithinTransaction"					msgid "WithinTransaction"
msgstr "WithinTransaction"					msgstr "WithinTransaction"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Error: %s"						msgid "Error: %s"
msgstr "Error: %s"						msgstr "Error: %s"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79
msgid "Table name"						msgid "Table name"
msgstr "Table name"						msgstr "Table name"

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93			#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Login for %s"						msgid "Login for %s"
msgstr "Login for %s"						msgstr "Login for %s"

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95					#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95
msgid "Login to database"					msgid "Login to database"
msgstr "Login to database"					msgstr "Login to database"

#: vfs/libmain.c:71						#: vfs/libmain.c:71
msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"				msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"
msgstr "GNOME VFS database: module"				msgstr "GNOME VFS database: module"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40
msgid "Table Properties"					msgid "Table Properties"
msgstr "Table Properties"					msgstr "Table Properties"

#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47
msgid "Table Name"						msgid "Table Name"
msgstr "Table Name"						msgstr "Table Name"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155
msgid "New"							msgid "New"
msgstr "New"							msgstr "New"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156
msgid "Create new table"					msgid "Create new table"
msgstr "Create new table"					msgstr "Create new table"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161
msgid "Properties"						msgid "Properties"
msgstr "Properties"						msgstr "Properties"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162
msgid "View table properties"					msgid "View table properties"
msgstr "View table properties"					msgstr "View table properties"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
msgid "UID"							msgid "UID"
msgstr "UID"							msgstr "UID"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "calendar"						msgid "calendar"
msgstr "calendar"						msgstr "calendar"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "summary"							msgid "summary"
msgstr "summary"						msgstr "summary"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "Summary"							msgid "Summary"
msgstr "Summary"						msgstr "Summary"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "location"						msgid "location"
msgstr "location"						msgstr "location"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "dtstart"							msgid "dtstart"
msgstr "dtstart"						msgstr "dtstart"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
msgid "Start time"						msgid "Start time"
msgstr "Start time"						msgstr "Start time"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "dtend"							msgid "dtend"
msgstr "dtend"							msgstr "dtend"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "End time"						msgid "End time"
msgstr "End time"						msgstr "End time"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
msgid "description"						msgid "description"
msgstr "description"						msgstr "description"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "classification"						msgid "classification"
msgstr "classification"						msgstr "classification"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "Classification"						msgid "Classification"
msgstr "Classification"						msgstr "Classification"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "transparency"						msgid "transparency"
msgstr "transparency"						msgstr "transparency"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "Transparency"						msgid "Transparency"
msgstr "Transparency"						msgstr "Transparency"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "categories"						msgid "categories"
msgstr "categories"						msgstr "categories"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "Categories"						msgid "Categories"
msgstr "Categories"						msgstr "Categories"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "tasks"							msgid "tasks"
msgstr "tasks"							msgstr "tasks"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "due"							msgid "due"
msgstr "due"							msgstr "due"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "Due date"						msgid "Due date"
msgstr "Due date"						msgstr "Due date"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "Start date"						msgid "Start date"
msgstr "Start date"						msgstr "Start date"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355
msgid "Public"							msgid "Public"
msgstr "Public"							msgstr "Public"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358
msgid "Private"							msgid "Private"
msgstr "Private"						msgstr "Private"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361
msgid "Confidential"						msgid "Confidential"
msgstr "Confidential"						msgstr "Confidential"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63
msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"		msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"
msgstr "Could not open the default calendar folder"		msgstr "Could not open the default calendar folder"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66
msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"			msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"
msgstr "Could not open the default tasks folder"		msgstr "Could not open the default tasks folder"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80
msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta	msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta
msgstr "Authentication is required to access the default cont	msgstr "Authentication is required to access the default cont

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83
msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"		msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"
msgstr "Could not open the default contacts folder"		msgstr "Could not open the default contacts folder"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100
msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"				msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"
msgstr "Could not initialize Bonobo"				msgstr "Could not initialize Bonobo"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212
msgid "Field name"						msgid "Field name"
msgstr "Field name"						msgstr "Field name"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213
msgid "Data type"						msgid "Data type"
msgstr "Data type"						msgstr "Data type"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214
msgid "Size"							msgid "Size"
msgstr "Size"							msgstr "Size"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215
msgid "Scale"							msgid "Scale"
msgstr "Scale"							msgstr "Scale"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216
msgid "Not null?"						msgid "Not null?"
msgstr "Not null?"						msgstr "Not null?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217
msgid "Primary key?"						msgid "Primary key?"
msgstr "Primary key?"						msgstr "Primary key?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218
msgid "Unique index?"						msgid "Unique index?"
msgstr "Unique index?"						msgstr "Unique index?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219
msgid "References"						msgid "References"
msgstr "References"						msgstr "References"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220
msgid "Default value"						msgid "Default value"
msgstr "Default value"						msgstr "Default value"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239
msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l	msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l
msgstr "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter 	msgstr "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter 

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Table %s does not exist"					msgid "Table %s does not exist"
msgstr "Table %s does not exist"				msgstr "Table %s does not exist"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318
msgid "Scheduled events"					msgid "Scheduled events"
msgstr "Scheduled events"					msgstr "Scheduled events"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321
msgid "TODO list"						msgid "TODO list"
msgstr "TODO list"						msgstr "TODO list"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375
msgid "Owner"							msgid "Owner"
msgstr "Owner"							msgstr "Owner"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376
msgid "Comments"						msgid "Comments"
msgstr "Comments"						msgstr "Comments"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374
msgid "Type"							msgid "Type"
msgstr "Type"							msgstr "Type"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377
msgid "GDA type"						msgid "GDA type"
msgstr "GDA type"						msgstr "GDA type"

#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id	#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id
#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database	#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database
#. we can easily access that information			#. we can easily access that information
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382
msgid "local"							msgid "local"
msgstr "local"							msgstr "local"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217
msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr "Creation of databases is not supported yet"		msgstr "Creation of databases is not supported yet"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230
msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr "Removal of databases is not supported yet"		msgstr "Removal of databases is not supported yet"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244
msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"			msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"
msgstr "Tables schema could not be retrieved"			msgstr "Tables schema could not be retrieved"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268
msgid "Invalid SQL command"					msgid "Invalid SQL command"
msgstr "Invalid SQL command"					msgstr "Invalid SQL command"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353
msgid "Transactions are not supported"				msgid "Transactions are not supported"
msgstr "Transactions are not supported"				msgstr "Transactions are not supported"

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41
msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"		msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"
msgstr "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"		msgstr "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task	"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task	"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: en_GB.gmo
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/en_GB.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/en_GB.po
# English/GB translation of libgnomedb.				# English/GB translation of libgnomedb.
# Copyright (C) 2004 THE libgnomedb'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER		# Copyright (C) 2004 THE libgnomedb'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER
# This file is distributed under the same license as the libg	# This file is distributed under the same license as the libg
# David Lodge <dave cirt net>, 2004.				# David Lodge <dave cirt net>, 2004.
# , fuzzy							# , fuzzy
# 								# 
# 								# 
msgid ""							msgid ""
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: libgnomedb 1.0\n"				"Project-Id-Version: libgnomedb 1.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"					"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"			"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-06-29 21:25+0100\n"			"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-06-29 21:25+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: David Lodge <dave cirt net>\n"		"Last-Translator: David Lodge <dave cirt net>\n"
"Language-Team: English/GB <en li org>\n"			"Language-Team: English/GB <en li org>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"						"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"			"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"				"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co
msgid "Data Sources"						msgid "Data Sources"
msgstr "Data Sources"						msgstr "Data Sources"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid
msgid "Providers"						msgid "Providers"
msgstr "Providers"						msgstr "Providers"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1
msgid "Configure your database environment"			msgid "Configure your database environment"
msgstr "Configure your database environment"			msgstr "Configure your database environment"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2
msgid "Database Access Properties "				msgid "Database Access Properties "
msgstr "Database Access Properties "				msgstr "Database Access Properties "

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380
msgid "Name"							msgid "Name"
msgstr "Name"							msgstr "Name"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
msgid "Description"						msgid "Description"
msgstr "Description"						msgstr "Description"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182
msgid "Configured data sources in the system"			msgid "Configured data sources in the system"
msgstr "Configured data sources in the system"			msgstr "Configured data sources in the system"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data sources are the means by which database connections are	"Data sources are the means by which database connections are
"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s	"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s
"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o	"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o
"name you identify the connections in the applications that m	"name you identify the connections in the applications that m
"DB for database access."					"DB for database access."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Data sources are the means by which database connections are	"Data sources are the means by which database connections are
"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s	"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s
"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o	"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o
"name you identify the connections in the applications that m	"name you identify the connections in the applications that m
"DB for database access."					"DB for database access."

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"	msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"
msgstr "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?	msgstr "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104
msgid "Data Source Properties"					msgid "Data Source Properties"
msgstr "Data Source Properties"					msgstr "Data Source Properties"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132
msgid "Basic"							msgid "Basic"
msgstr "Basic"							msgstr "Basic"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Tables"							msgid "Tables"
msgstr "Tables"							msgstr "Tables"

#: control-center/main.c:92					#: control-center/main.c:92
msgid "No valid data source info was created"			msgid "No valid data source info was created"
msgstr "No valid data source info was created"			msgstr "No valid data source info was created"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218	#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218
msgid "New data source"						msgid "New data source"
msgstr "New data source"					msgstr "New data source"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:215					#: control-center/main.c:215
msgid "Database Access Properties"				msgid "Database Access Properties"
msgstr "Database Access Properties"				msgstr "Database Access Properties"

#: control-center/provider-config.c:105				#: control-center/provider-config.c:105
msgid "Installed providers"					msgid "Installed providers"
msgstr "Installed providers"					msgstr "Installed providers"

#: control-center/provider-config.c:131				#: control-center/provider-config.c:131
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec	"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec
"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo	"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo
"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr	"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr
"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba	"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba
"etc."								"etc."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec	"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec
"The default provider is always installed, which allows acces	"The default provider is always installed, which allows acces
"stored in XML files. Other providers usually distributed alo	"stored in XML files. Other providers usually distributed alo
"gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Sybase, Interbas	"gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Sybase, Interbas

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1
msgid "Database connection parameters file"			msgid "Database connection parameters file"
msgstr "Database connection parameters file"			msgstr "Database connection parameters file"

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2
msgid "Documents"						msgid "Documents"
msgstr "Documents"						msgstr "Documents"

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3
msgid "SQL code viewer"						msgid "SQL code viewer"
msgstr "SQL code viewer"					msgstr "SQL code viewer"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1
msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"			msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"
msgstr "Font to be used in the grid widget"			msgstr "Font to be used in the grid widget"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2
msgid "Number of spaces per tab"				msgid "Number of spaces per tab"
msgstr "Number of spaces per tab"				msgstr "Number of spaces per tab"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3
msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"			msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"
msgstr "Show line numbers on source editor"			msgstr "Show line numbers on source editor"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4
msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"			msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"
msgstr "Use highlighting in source code editor"			msgstr "Use highlighting in source code editor"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60
msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"			msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"
msgstr "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"		msgstr "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1
msgid "About"							msgid "About"
msgstr "About"							msgstr "About"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2
msgid "About GNOME-DB"						msgid "About GNOME-DB"
msgstr "About GNOME-DB"						msgstr "About GNOME-DB"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3
msgid "Close this window"					msgid "Close this window"
msgstr "Close this window"					msgstr "Close this window"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4
msgid "Create new entry"					msgid "Create new entry"
msgstr "Create new entry"					msgstr "Create new entry"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5
msgid "Delete selected items"					msgid "Delete selected items"
msgstr "Delete selected items"					msgstr "Delete selected items"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6
msgid "Deselect all items"					msgid "Deselect all items"
msgstr "Deselect all items"					msgstr "Deselect all items"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7
msgid "Edit properties for selected item"			msgid "Edit properties for selected item"
msgstr "Edit properties for selected item"			msgstr "Edit properties for selected item"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8
msgid "Save connection parameters to file"			msgid "Save connection parameters to file"
msgstr "Save connection parameters to file"			msgstr "Save connection parameters to file"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414
msgid "Select _All"						msgid "Select _All"
msgstr "Select _All"						msgstr "Select _All"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10
msgid "Select all items"					msgid "Select all items"
msgstr "Select all items"					msgstr "Select all items"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11
msgid "View data sources"					msgid "View data sources"
msgstr "View data sources"					msgstr "View data sources"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12
msgid "View providers"						msgid "View providers"
msgstr "View providers"						msgstr "View providers"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42
msgid "_Clear Selection"					msgid "_Clear Selection"
msgstr "_Clear Selection"					msgstr "_Clear Selection"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14
msgid "_Close"							msgid "_Close"
msgstr "_Close"							msgstr "_Close"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15
msgid "_Data Sources"						msgid "_Data Sources"
msgstr "_Data Sources"						msgstr "_Data Sources"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16
msgid "_Database"						msgid "_Database"
msgstr "_Database"						msgstr "_Database"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17
msgid "_Delete"							msgid "_Delete"
msgstr "_Delete"						msgstr "_Delete"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18
msgid "_Edit"							msgid "_Edit"
msgstr "_Edit"							msgstr "_Edit"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19
msgid "_Help"							msgid "_Help"
msgstr "_Help"							msgstr "_Help"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20
msgid "_New Data Source..."					msgid "_New Data Source..."
msgstr "_New Data Source..."					msgstr "_New Data Source..."

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21
msgid "_Properties"						msgid "_Properties"
msgstr "_Properties"						msgstr "_Properties"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22
msgid "_Providers"						msgid "_Providers"
msgstr "_Providers"						msgstr "_Providers"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23
msgid "_Save Connection"					msgid "_Save Connection"
msgstr "_Save Connection"					msgstr "_Save Connection"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24
msgid "_View"							msgid "_View"
msgstr "_View"							msgstr "_View"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76
msgid "Structure"						msgid "Structure"
msgstr "Structure"						msgstr "Structure"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73
msgid "Data"							msgid "Data"
msgstr "Data"							msgstr "Data"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238
msgid "Not implemented yet!"					msgid "Not implemented yet!"
msgstr "Not implemented yet!"					msgstr "Not implemented yet!"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Database"						msgid "Database"
msgstr "Database"						msgstr "Database"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540
msgid "Loading database schemas..."				msgid "Loading database schemas..."
msgstr "Loading database schemas..."				msgstr "Loading database schemas..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632
msgid "Refreshing data..."					msgid "Refreshing data..."
msgstr "Refreshing data..."					msgstr "Refreshing data..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688
msgid "Views"							msgid "Views"
msgstr "Views"							msgstr "Views"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691
msgid "Indexes"							msgid "Indexes"
msgstr "Indexes"						msgstr "Indexes"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Sequences"						msgid "Sequences"
msgstr "Sequences"						msgstr "Sequences"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Procedures"						msgid "Procedures"
msgstr "Procedures"						msgstr "Procedures"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700
msgid "Triggers"						msgid "Triggers"
msgstr "Triggers"						msgstr "Triggers"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Aggregates"						msgid "Aggregates"
msgstr "Aggregates"						msgstr "Aggregates"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Types"							msgid "Types"
msgstr "Types"							msgstr "Types"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140
msgid "Could not query CORBA components"			msgid "Could not query CORBA components"
msgstr "Could not query CORBA components"			msgstr "Could not query CORBA components"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209
msgid "ID"							msgid "ID"
msgstr "ID"							msgstr "ID"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "Location"						msgid "Location"
msgstr "Location"						msgstr "Location"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212
msgid "Username"						msgid "Username"
msgstr "Username"						msgstr "Username"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213
msgid "Hostname"						msgid "Hostname"
msgstr "Hostname"						msgstr "Hostname"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214
msgid "Domain"							msgid "Domain"
msgstr "Domain"							msgstr "Domain"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"			msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"
msgstr "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"			msgstr "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"

#. create widgets						#. create widgets
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97
msgid "Settings"						msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Settings"						msgstr "Settings"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103
msgid "Data source name"					msgid "Data source name"
msgstr "Data source name"					msgstr "Data source name"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109
msgid "Connection string"					msgid "Connection string"
msgstr "Connection string"					msgstr "Connection string"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115
msgid "Provider"						msgid "Provider"
msgstr "Provider"						msgstr "Provider"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121
msgid "User name"						msgid "User name"
msgstr "User name"						msgstr "User name"

#. create feature list						#. create feature list
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128
msgid "Features"						msgid "Features"
msgstr "Features"						msgstr "Features"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190
msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"		msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"
msgstr "You must enter a name for the new data source"		msgstr "You must enter a name for the new data source"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197
msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac	msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac
msgstr "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric chara	msgstr "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric chara

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206
msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th	msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th
msgstr "An existing data source is already registered under t	msgstr "An existing data source is already registered under t

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213
msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"			msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"
msgstr "Data source names cannot contain spaces"		msgstr "Data source names cannot contain spaces"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217
msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n	msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n
msgstr "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and 	msgstr "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and 

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225
msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"	msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"
msgstr "You must select a provider for the new data source"	msgstr "You must select a provider for the new data source"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233
msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"		msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"
msgstr "Provider not found in your configuration"		msgstr "Provider not found in your configuration"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391
msgid "Add a new data source..."				msgid "Add a new data source..."
msgstr "Add a new data source..."				msgstr "Add a new data source..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392
msgid ""							msgid ""
"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"		"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"
"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"		"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"
"installation. Just follow the steps!"				"installation. Just follow the steps!"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"		"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"
"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"		"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"
"installation. Just follow the steps!"				"installation. Just follow the steps!"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404
msgid "General Information"					msgid "General Information"
msgstr "General Information"					msgstr "General Information"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the basic information\n"	"The following fields represent the basic information\n"
"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n	"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n
"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"	"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"
"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"	"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"
"the default one."						"the default one."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"The following fields represent the basic information\n"	"The following fields represent the basic information\n"
"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n	"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n
"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"	"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"
"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"	"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"
"the default one"						"the default one"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104
msgid "Data source _name:"					msgid "Data source _name:"
msgstr "Data source _name:"					msgstr "Data source _name:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114
msgid "_Provider:"						msgid "_Provider:"
msgstr "_Provider:"						msgstr "_Provider:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133
msgid "_Description:"						msgid "_Description:"
msgstr "_Description:"						msgstr "_Description:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142
msgid "_Username:"						msgid "_Username:"
msgstr "_Username:"						msgstr "_Username:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151
msgid "P_assword:"						msgid "P_assword:"
msgstr "P_assword:"						msgstr "P_assword:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454
msgid "Provider Parameters"					msgid "Provider Parameters"
msgstr "Provider Parameters"					msgstr "Provider Parameters"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the information needed by the	"The following fields represent the information needed by the
"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n	"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n
"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\	"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\
"the manual for more information."				"the manual for more information."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"The following fields represent the information needed by the	"The following fields represent the information needed by the
"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n	"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n
"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\	"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\
"the manual for more information"				"the manual for more information"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481
msgid "All information retrieved"				msgid "All information retrieved"
msgstr "All information retrieved"				msgstr "All information retrieved"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482
msgid ""							msgid ""
"All information needed to create a new data source\n"		"All information needed to create a new data source\n"
"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"		"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"
"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"	"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"
"just select it when asked for a data source."			"just select it when asked for a data source."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"All information needed to create a new data source\n"		"All information needed to create a new data source\n"
"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"		"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"
"this dialogue. To open your newly created data source,\n"	"this dialogue. To open your newly created data source,\n"
"just select it when asked for a data source"			"just select it when asked for a data source"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124
msgid "Connection _string:"					msgid "Connection _string:"
msgstr "Connection _string:"					msgstr "Connection _string:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4
msgid "Error"							msgid "Error"
msgstr "Error"							msgstr "Error"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.
msgid "Show detail >>"						msgid "Show detail >>"
msgstr "Show detail >>"						msgstr "Show detail >>"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122
msgid "<< Hide detail"						msgid "<< Hide detail"
msgstr "<< Hide detail"						msgstr "<< Hide detail"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191
msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"	msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"
msgstr "An error has occurred in the underlying database"	msgstr "An error has occurred in the underlying database"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196
msgid "Error number"						msgid "Error number"
msgstr "Error number"						msgstr "Error number"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227
msgid "Details"							msgid "Details"
msgstr "Details"						msgstr "Details"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234
msgid "Source"							msgid "Source"
msgstr "Source"							msgstr "Source"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241
msgid "SQL state"						msgid "SQL state"
msgstr "SQL state"						msgstr "SQL state"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108
msgid "_Field:"							msgid "_Field:"
msgstr "_Field:"						msgstr "_Field:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118
msgid "_Text:"							msgid "_Text:"
msgstr "_Text:"							msgstr "_Text:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308
msgid "No records"						msgid "No records"
msgstr "No records"						msgstr "No records"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Record %d of %d"						msgid "Record %d of %d"
msgstr "Record %d of %d"					msgstr "Record %d of %d"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113
msgid "Recordset description"					msgid "Recordset description"
msgstr "Recordset description"					msgstr "Recordset description"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid ""							msgid ""
"File '%s' already exists.\n"					"File '%s' already exists.\n"
"Do you want to overwrite it?"					"Do you want to overwrite it?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"File '%s' already exists\n"					"File '%s' already exists\n"
"Do you want to overwrite it?"					"Do you want to overwrite it?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149
msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."		msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."
msgstr "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."		msgstr "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Could not save file %s"					msgid "Could not save file %s"
msgstr "Could not save file %s"					msgstr "Could not save file %s"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224
msgid "You must specify a file name"				msgid "You must specify a file name"
msgstr "You must specify a file name"				msgstr "You must specify a file name"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230
msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"		msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"
msgstr "Got empty file while converting the data"		msgstr "Got empty file while converting the data"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261
msgid "Saving Model"						msgid "Saving Model"
msgstr "Saving Model"						msgstr "Saving Model"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272
msgid "File _name:"						msgid "File _name:"
msgstr "File _name:"						msgstr "File _name:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276
msgid "Select File"						msgid "Select File"
msgstr "Select File"						msgstr "Select File"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283
msgid "File _type:"						msgid "File _type:"
msgstr "File _type:"						msgstr "File _type:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291
msgid "Tab-delimited"						msgid "Tab-delimited"
msgstr "Tab-delimited"						msgstr "Tab-delimited"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294
msgid "Comma-delimited"						msgid "Comma-delimited"
msgstr "Comma-delimited"					msgstr "Comma-delimited"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:
msgid "XML"							msgid "XML"
msgstr "XML"							msgstr "XML"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355
msgid "View detail"						msgid "View detail"
msgstr "View detail"						msgstr "View detail"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427
msgid "Show Column _Titles"					msgid "Show Column _Titles"
msgstr "Show Column _Titles"					msgstr "Show Column _Titles"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442
msgid "Describe"						msgid "Describe"
msgstr "Describe"						msgstr "Describe"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443
msgid "View detail..."						msgid "View detail..."
msgstr "View detail..."						msgstr "View detail..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614
msgid "Title"							msgid "Title"
msgstr "Title"							msgstr "Title"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48
msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"	msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"
msgstr "Attempt to initialise an already initialised client"	msgstr "Attempt to initialise an already initialised client"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"		"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"
"to a data source"						"to a data source"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"		"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"
"to a data source"						"to a data source"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253
msgid "Data Source:"						msgid "Data Source:"
msgstr "Data Source:"						msgstr "Data Source:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270
msgid "Username:"						msgid "Username:"
msgstr "Username:"						msgstr "Username:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279
msgid "Password:"						msgid "Password:"
msgstr "Password:"						msgstr "Password:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69
msgid "Fields"							msgid "Fields"
msgstr "Fields"							msgstr "Fields"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30
msgid "Commit"							msgid "Commit"
msgstr "Commit"							msgstr "Commit"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31
msgid "Connect"							msgid "Connect"
msgstr "Connect"						msgstr "Connect"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33
msgid "Designer"						msgid "Designer"
msgstr "Designer"						msgstr "Designer"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34
msgid "Disconnect"						msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr "Disconnect"						msgstr "Disconnect"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35
msgid "NoTransaction"						msgid "NoTransaction"
msgstr "NoTransaction"						msgstr "NoTransaction"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37
msgid "Query"							msgid "Query"
msgstr "Query"							msgstr "Query"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38
msgid "Rollback"						msgid "Rollback"
msgstr "Rollback"						msgstr "Rollback"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40
msgid "SQL"							msgid "SQL"
msgstr "SQL"							msgstr "SQL"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43
msgid "WithinTransaction"					msgid "WithinTransaction"
msgstr "WithinTransaction"					msgstr "WithinTransaction"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Error: %s"						msgid "Error: %s"
msgstr "Error: %s"						msgstr "Error: %s"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79
msgid "Table name"						msgid "Table name"
msgstr "Table name"						msgstr "Table name"

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93			#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Login for %s"						msgid "Login for %s"
msgstr "Login for %s"						msgstr "Login for %s"

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95					#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95
msgid "Login to database"					msgid "Login to database"
msgstr "Login to database"					msgstr "Login to database"

#: vfs/libmain.c:71						#: vfs/libmain.c:71
msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"				msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"
msgstr "GNOME VFS database: module"				msgstr "GNOME VFS database: module"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40
msgid "Table Properties"					msgid "Table Properties"
msgstr "Table Properties"					msgstr "Table Properties"

#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47
msgid "Table Name"						msgid "Table Name"
msgstr "Table Name"						msgstr "Table Name"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155
msgid "New"							msgid "New"
msgstr "New"							msgstr "New"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156
msgid "Create new table"					msgid "Create new table"
msgstr "Create new table"					msgstr "Create new table"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161
msgid "Properties"						msgid "Properties"
msgstr "Properties"						msgstr "Properties"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162
msgid "View table properties"					msgid "View table properties"
msgstr "View table properties"					msgstr "View table properties"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
msgid "UID"							msgid "UID"
msgstr "UID"							msgstr "UID"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "calendar"						msgid "calendar"
msgstr "calendar"						msgstr "calendar"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "summary"							msgid "summary"
msgstr "summary"						msgstr "summary"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "Summary"							msgid "Summary"
msgstr "Summary"						msgstr "Summary"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "location"						msgid "location"
msgstr "location"						msgstr "location"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "dtstart"							msgid "dtstart"
msgstr "dtstart"						msgstr "dtstart"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
msgid "Start time"						msgid "Start time"
msgstr "Start time"						msgstr "Start time"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "dtend"							msgid "dtend"
msgstr "dtend"							msgstr "dtend"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "End time"						msgid "End time"
msgstr "End time"						msgstr "End time"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
msgid "description"						msgid "description"
msgstr "description"						msgstr "description"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "classification"						msgid "classification"
msgstr "classification"						msgstr "classification"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "Classification"						msgid "Classification"
msgstr "Classification"						msgstr "Classification"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "transparency"						msgid "transparency"
msgstr "transparency"						msgstr "transparency"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "Transparency"						msgid "Transparency"
msgstr "Transparency"						msgstr "Transparency"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "categories"						msgid "categories"
msgstr "categories"						msgstr "categories"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "Categories"						msgid "Categories"
msgstr "Categories"						msgstr "Categories"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "tasks"							msgid "tasks"
msgstr "tasks"							msgstr "tasks"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "due"							msgid "due"
msgstr "due"							msgstr "due"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "Due date"						msgid "Due date"
msgstr "Due date"						msgstr "Due date"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "Start date"						msgid "Start date"
msgstr "Start date"						msgstr "Start date"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355
msgid "Public"							msgid "Public"
msgstr "Public"							msgstr "Public"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358
msgid "Private"							msgid "Private"
msgstr "Private"						msgstr "Private"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361
msgid "Confidential"						msgid "Confidential"
msgstr "Confidential"						msgstr "Confidential"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63
msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"		msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"
msgstr "Could not open the default calendar folder"		msgstr "Could not open the default calendar folder"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66
msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"			msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"
msgstr "Could not open the default tasks folder"		msgstr "Could not open the default tasks folder"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80
msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta	msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta
msgstr "Authentication is required to access the default cont	msgstr "Authentication is required to access the default cont

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83
msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"		msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"
msgstr "Could not open the default contacts folder"		msgstr "Could not open the default contacts folder"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100
msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"				msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"
msgstr "Could not initialise Bonobo"				msgstr "Could not initialise Bonobo"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212
msgid "Field name"						msgid "Field name"
msgstr "Field name"						msgstr "Field name"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213
msgid "Data type"						msgid "Data type"
msgstr "Data type"						msgstr "Data type"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214
msgid "Size"							msgid "Size"
msgstr "Size"							msgstr "Size"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215
msgid "Scale"							msgid "Scale"
msgstr "Scale"							msgstr "Scale"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216
msgid "Not null?"						msgid "Not null?"
msgstr "Not null?"						msgstr "Not null?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217
msgid "Primary key?"						msgid "Primary key?"
msgstr "Primary key?"						msgstr "Primary key?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218
msgid "Unique index?"						msgid "Unique index?"
msgstr "Unique index?"						msgstr "Unique index?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219
msgid "References"						msgid "References"
msgstr "References"						msgstr "References"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220
msgid "Default value"						msgid "Default value"
msgstr "Default value"						msgstr "Default value"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239
msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l	msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l
msgstr "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter 	msgstr "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter 

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Table %s does not exist"					msgid "Table %s does not exist"
msgstr "Table %s does not exist"				msgstr "Table %s does not exist"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318
msgid "Scheduled events"					msgid "Scheduled events"
msgstr "Scheduled events"					msgstr "Scheduled events"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321
msgid "TODO list"						msgid "TODO list"
msgstr "TODO list"						msgstr "TODO list"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375
msgid "Owner"							msgid "Owner"
msgstr "Owner"							msgstr "Owner"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376
msgid "Comments"						msgid "Comments"
msgstr "Comments"						msgstr "Comments"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374
msgid "Type"							msgid "Type"
msgstr "Type"							msgstr "Type"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377
msgid "GDA type"						msgid "GDA type"
msgstr "GDA type"						msgstr "GDA type"

#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id	#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id
#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database	#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database
#. we can easily access that information			#. we can easily access that information
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382
msgid "local"							msgid "local"
msgstr "local"							msgstr "local"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217
msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr "Creation of databases is not supported yet"		msgstr "Creation of databases is not supported yet"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230
msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr "Removal of databases is not supported yet"		msgstr "Removal of databases is not supported yet"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244
msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"			msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"
msgstr "Tables schema could not be retrieved"			msgstr "Tables schema could not be retrieved"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268
msgid "Invalid SQL command"					msgid "Invalid SQL command"
msgstr "Invalid SQL command"					msgstr "Invalid SQL command"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353
msgid "Transactions are not supported"				msgid "Transactions are not supported"
msgstr "Transactions are not supported"				msgstr "Transactions are not supported"

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41
msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"		msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"
msgstr "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"		msgstr "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task	"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task	"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task

#~ msgid "Browse database..."					#~ msgid "Browse database..."
#~ msgstr "Browse database..."					#~ msgstr "Browse database..."

#~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .con	#~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .con
#~ msgstr "Component that includes context menu items for .co	#~ msgstr "Component that includes context menu items for .co

#~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .sql	#~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .sql
#~ msgstr "Component that includes context menu items for .sq	#~ msgstr "Component that includes context menu items for .sq

#~ msgid "Connection MIME handler component"			#~ msgid "Connection MIME handler component"
#~ msgstr "Connection MIME handler component"			#~ msgstr "Connection MIME handler component"

#~ msgid "Database component factory"				#~ msgid "Database component factory"
#~ msgstr "Database component factory"				#~ msgstr "Database component factory"

#~ msgid "Open in database connection..."			#~ msgid "Open in database connection..."
#~ msgstr "Open in database connection..."			#~ msgstr "Open in database connection..."

#~ msgid "SQL MIME handler component"				#~ msgid "SQL MIME handler component"
#~ msgstr "SQL MIME handler component"				#~ msgstr "SQL MIME handler component"

#~ msgid "Database browser"					#~ msgid "Database browser"
#~ msgstr "Database browser"					#~ msgstr "Database browser"

#~ msgid "Error viewer"						#~ msgid "Error viewer"
#~ msgstr "Error viewer"					#~ msgstr "Error viewer"

#~ msgid "SQL Viewer"						#~ msgid "SQL Viewer"
#~ msgstr "SQL Viewer"						#~ msgstr "SQL Viewer"

#~ msgid "Database configuration"				#~ msgid "Database configuration"
#~ msgstr "Database configuration"				#~ msgstr "Database configuration"

#~ msgid "Edit application preferences"				#~ msgid "Edit application preferences"
#~ msgstr "Edit application preferences"			#~ msgstr "Edit application preferences"

#~ msgid "New..."						#~ msgid "New..."
#~ msgstr "New..."						#~ msgstr "New..."

#~ msgid "_File"						#~ msgid "_File"
#~ msgstr "_File"						#~ msgstr "_File"

#~ msgid "_Properties..."					#~ msgid "_Properties..."
#~ msgstr "_Properties..."					#~ msgstr "_Properties..."

#~ msgid "_Settings"						#~ msgid "_Settings"
#~ msgstr "_Settings"						#~ msgstr "_Settings"

#~ msgid "Password"						#~ msgid "Password"
#~ msgstr "Password"						#~ msgstr "Password"

#~ msgid "Save as"						#~ msgid "Save as"
#~ msgstr "Save as"						#~ msgstr "Save as"

#~ msgid "Save to"						#~ msgid "Save to"
#~ msgstr "Save to"						#~ msgstr "Save to"

#~ msgid "XML file"						#~ msgid "XML file"
#~ msgstr "XML file"						#~ msgstr "XML file"

#~ msgid "Hide columns"						#~ msgid "Hide columns"
#~ msgstr "Hide columns"					#~ msgstr "Hide columns"

#~ msgid "Question"						#~ msgid "Question"
#~ msgstr "Question"						#~ msgstr "Question"

#~ msgid "Table Data"						#~ msgid "Table Data"
#~ msgstr "Table Data"						#~ msgstr "Table Data"

#~ msgid "View table data"					#~ msgid "View table data"
#~ msgstr "View table data"					#~ msgstr "View table data"

#~ msgid "Database Moniker factory"				#~ msgid "Database Moniker factory"
#~ msgstr "Database Moniker factory"				#~ msgstr "Database Moniker factory"

#~ msgid "database: moniker"					#~ msgid "database: moniker"
#~ msgstr "database: moniker"					#~ msgstr "database: moniker"

#~ msgid "Failing to manufacture a '%s'"			#~ msgid "Failing to manufacture a '%s'"
#~ msgstr "Failing to manufacture a '%s'"			#~ msgstr "Failing to manufacture a '%s'"

#~ msgid "Invalid format for connection string"			#~ msgid "Invalid format for connection string"
#~ msgstr "Invalid format for connection string"		#~ msgstr "Invalid format for connection string"
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: es.gmo
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/es.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/es.po
# traducción de es.po al Spanish				# traducción de es.po al Spanish
# translation of es.po to Spanish				# translation of es.po to Spanish
# translation of libgnomedb.HEAD.es.po to Spanish		# translation of libgnomedb.HEAD.es.po to Spanish
# Gnome-db Spanish Translation					# Gnome-db Spanish Translation
# Copyright © 20001-2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.		# Copyright © 20001-2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This file is distributed under the same license as the gnom	# This file is distributed under the same license as the gnom
# Rodrigo Moya <rmoya chez com>, 1999.				# Rodrigo Moya <rmoya chez com>, 1999.
# Ismael Olea <olea hispafuentes com>, 2000.			# Ismael Olea <olea hispafuentes com>, 2000.
# Antonio de la Torre <adltorre terra es>, 2001.		# Antonio de la Torre <adltorre terra es>, 2001.
# Pablo Gonzalo del Campo <pablodc bigfoot com>, 2002-2003.	# Pablo Gonzalo del Campo <pablodc bigfoot com>, 2002-2003.
# Francisco Javier F. Serrador <serrador arrakis es>, 2003.	# Francisco Javier F. Serrador <serrador arrakis es>, 2003.
# Francisco Javier F. Serrador <serrador cvs gnome org>, 2004	# Francisco Javier F. Serrador <serrador cvs gnome org>, 2004
#								#
msgid ""							msgid ""
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: es\n"					"Project-Id-Version: es\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"					"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"			"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-07-18 15:33+0200\n"			"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-07-18 15:33+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Francisco Javier F. Serrador <serrador cvs 	"Last-Translator: Francisco Javier F. Serrador <serrador cvs 
"Language-Team: Spanish <traductores es gnome org>\n"		"Language-Team: Spanish <traductores es gnome org>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"						"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"			"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"				"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Generator: KBabel 1.3.1\n"					"X-Generator: KBabel 1.3.1\n"
"Plural-Forms:  nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"			"Plural-Forms:  nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co
msgid "Data Sources"						msgid "Data Sources"
msgstr "Orígenes de datos"					msgstr "Orígenes de datos"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid
msgid "Providers"						msgid "Providers"
msgstr "Proveedores"						msgstr "Proveedores"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1
msgid "Configure your database environment"			msgid "Configure your database environment"
msgstr "Configura el entorno de su base de datos"		msgstr "Configura el entorno de su base de datos"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2
msgid "Database Access Properties "				msgid "Database Access Properties "
msgstr "Propiedades de acceso de la base de datos"		msgstr "Propiedades de acceso de la base de datos"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380
msgid "Name"							msgid "Name"
msgstr "Nombre"							msgstr "Nombre"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
msgid "Description"						msgid "Description"
msgstr "Descripción"						msgstr "Descripción"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182
msgid "Configured data sources in the system"			msgid "Configured data sources in the system"
msgstr "Orígenes de datos configurados en el sistema"		msgstr "Orígenes de datos configurados en el sistema"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data sources are the means by which database connections are	"Data sources are the means by which database connections are
"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s	"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s
"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o	"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o
"name you identify the connections in the applications that m	"name you identify the connections in the applications that m
"DB for database access."					"DB for database access."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Las fuentes de datos son los medios por los cuales las conex	"Las fuentes de datos son los medios por los cuales las conex
"de datos son identificadas en GNOME-DB. Toda la información 	"de datos son identificadas en GNOME-DB. Toda la información 
"abrir una conexión hacia una combinación de proveedor o base	"abrir una conexión hacia una combinación de proveedor o base
"especifica es almacenada utilizando un nombre único. Es por 	"especifica es almacenada utilizando un nombre único. Es por 
"nombre único que usted identifica las conexiones en las apli	"nombre único que usted identifica las conexiones en las apli
"hacen uso de GNOME-DB para acceder a bases de datos."		"hacen uso de GNOME-DB para acceder a bases de datos."

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"	msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"
msgstr "¿Seguro que quiere eliminar el origen de datos «%s»?"	msgstr "¿Seguro que quiere eliminar el origen de datos «%s»?"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104
msgid "Data Source Properties"					msgid "Data Source Properties"
msgstr "Propiedades del origen de datos"			msgstr "Propiedades del origen de datos"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132
msgid "Basic"							msgid "Basic"
msgstr "Básico"							msgstr "Básico"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Tables"							msgid "Tables"
msgstr "Tablas"							msgstr "Tablas"

#: control-center/main.c:92					#: control-center/main.c:92
msgid "No valid data source info was created"			msgid "No valid data source info was created"
msgstr "No se creó una info de origen de datos válida"		msgstr "No se creó una info de origen de datos válida"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218	#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218
msgid "New data source"						msgid "New data source"
msgstr "Nuevo origen de datos"					msgstr "Nuevo origen de datos"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:215					#: control-center/main.c:215
msgid "Database Access Properties"				msgid "Database Access Properties"
msgstr "Propiedades de acceso a la base de datos"		msgstr "Propiedades de acceso a la base de datos"

#: control-center/provider-config.c:105				#: control-center/provider-config.c:105
msgid "Installed providers"					msgid "Installed providers"
msgstr "Proveedores instalados"					msgstr "Proveedores instalados"

#: control-center/provider-config.c:131				#: control-center/provider-config.c:131
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec	"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec
"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo	"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo
"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr	"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr
"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba	"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba
"etc."								"etc."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Los proveedores son complementos externos que proporcionan a	"Los proveedores son complementos externos que proporcionan a
"específico de origen de datos. El proveedor predeterminado s	"específico de origen de datos. El proveedor predeterminado s
"instalado, el cual permite acceder a bases de datos almacena	"instalado, el cual permite acceder a bases de datos almacena
"XML. Otros proveedores usualmente distribuidos con libgda/gn	"XML. Otros proveedores usualmente distribuidos con libgda/gn
"a PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Sybase, Interbase, etc."		"a PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Sybase, Interbase, etc."

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1
msgid "Database connection parameters file"			msgid "Database connection parameters file"
msgstr "Archivo de parámetros de conexión a la base de datos"	msgstr "Archivo de parámetros de conexión a la base de datos"

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2
msgid "Documents"						msgid "Documents"
msgstr "Documentos"						msgstr "Documentos"

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3
msgid "SQL code viewer"						msgid "SQL code viewer"
msgstr "Visor de código SQL"					msgstr "Visor de código SQL"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1
msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"			msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"
msgstr "Tipografía que se usará en el control grilla"		msgstr "Tipografía que se usará en el control grilla"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2
msgid "Number of spaces per tab"				msgid "Number of spaces per tab"
msgstr "Cantidad de espacios por tabulador"			msgstr "Cantidad de espacios por tabulador"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3
msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"			msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"
msgstr "Mostrar números de línea en el editor de fuentes"	msgstr "Mostrar números de línea en el editor de fuentes"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4
msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"			msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"
msgstr "Usar resaltado de sintaxis en el editor de código de 	msgstr "Usar resaltado de sintaxis en el editor de código de 

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60
msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"			msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"
msgstr "Servicios de base de datos para el Escritorio GNOME"	msgstr "Servicios de base de datos para el Escritorio GNOME"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1
msgid "About"							msgid "About"
msgstr "Acerca de"						msgstr "Acerca de"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2
msgid "About GNOME-DB"						msgid "About GNOME-DB"
msgstr "Acerca de GNOME-DB..."					msgstr "Acerca de GNOME-DB..."

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3
msgid "Close this window"					msgid "Close this window"
msgstr "Cierra esta ventana"					msgstr "Cierra esta ventana"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4
msgid "Create new entry"					msgid "Create new entry"
msgstr "Crea una entrada nueva"					msgstr "Crea una entrada nueva"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5
msgid "Delete selected items"					msgid "Delete selected items"
msgstr "Borra los elementos seleccionados"			msgstr "Borra los elementos seleccionados"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6
msgid "Deselect all items"					msgid "Deselect all items"
msgstr "Deseleccionar todos los elementos"			msgstr "Deseleccionar todos los elementos"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7
msgid "Edit properties for selected item"			msgid "Edit properties for selected item"
msgstr "Editar propiedades para el elemento seleccionado"	msgstr "Editar propiedades para el elemento seleccionado"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8
msgid "Save connection parameters to file"			msgid "Save connection parameters to file"
msgstr "Guardar parámetros de conexión en un archivo"		msgstr "Guardar parámetros de conexión en un archivo"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414
msgid "Select _All"						msgid "Select _All"
msgstr "Seleccionar _todo"					msgstr "Seleccionar _todo"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10
msgid "Select all items"					msgid "Select all items"
msgstr "Selecciona todos los elementos"				msgstr "Selecciona todos los elementos"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11
msgid "View data sources"					msgid "View data sources"
msgstr "Ver orígenes de datos"					msgstr "Ver orígenes de datos"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12
msgid "View providers"						msgid "View providers"
msgstr "Ver proveedores"					msgstr "Ver proveedores"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42
msgid "_Clear Selection"					msgid "_Clear Selection"
msgstr "_Vaciar selección"					msgstr "_Vaciar selección"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14
msgid "_Close"							msgid "_Close"
msgstr "_Cerrar"						msgstr "_Cerrar"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15
msgid "_Data Sources"						msgid "_Data Sources"
msgstr "Orígenes de _datos"					msgstr "Orígenes de _datos"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16
msgid "_Database"						msgid "_Database"
msgstr "Base de _datos"						msgstr "Base de _datos"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17
msgid "_Delete"							msgid "_Delete"
msgstr "_Borrar"						msgstr "_Borrar"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18
msgid "_Edit"							msgid "_Edit"
msgstr "_Editar"						msgstr "_Editar"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19
msgid "_Help"							msgid "_Help"
msgstr "A_yuda"							msgstr "A_yuda"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20
msgid "_New Data Source..."					msgid "_New Data Source..."
msgstr "Origen de datos nuevo..."				msgstr "Origen de datos nuevo..."

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21
msgid "_Properties"						msgid "_Properties"
msgstr "_Propiedades"						msgstr "_Propiedades"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22
msgid "_Providers"						msgid "_Providers"
msgstr "_Proveedores"						msgstr "_Proveedores"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23
msgid "_Save Connection"					msgid "_Save Connection"
msgstr "_Guardar conexión"					msgstr "_Guardar conexión"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24
msgid "_View"							msgid "_View"
msgstr "_Ver"							msgstr "_Ver"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76
msgid "Structure"						msgid "Structure"
msgstr "Estructura"						msgstr "Estructura"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73
msgid "Data"							msgid "Data"
msgstr "Datos"							msgstr "Datos"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238
msgid "Not implemented yet!"					msgid "Not implemented yet!"
msgstr "¡No implementado aún!"					msgstr "¡No implementado aún!"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Database"						msgid "Database"
msgstr "Base de datos"						msgstr "Base de datos"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540
msgid "Loading database schemas..."				msgid "Loading database schemas..."
msgstr "Cargando esquemas de la base de datos..."		msgstr "Cargando esquemas de la base de datos..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632
msgid "Refreshing data..."					msgid "Refreshing data..."
msgstr "Refrescando datos..."					msgstr "Refrescando datos..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688
msgid "Views"							msgid "Views"
msgstr "Vistas"							msgstr "Vistas"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691
msgid "Indexes"							msgid "Indexes"
msgstr "Ã?ndices"						msgstr "Ã?ndices"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Sequences"						msgid "Sequences"
msgstr "Secuencias"						msgstr "Secuencias"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Procedures"						msgid "Procedures"
msgstr "Procedimientos"						msgstr "Procedimientos"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700
msgid "Triggers"						msgid "Triggers"
msgstr "Disparadores"						msgstr "Disparadores"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Aggregates"						msgid "Aggregates"
msgstr "Agregados"						msgstr "Agregados"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Types"							msgid "Types"
msgstr "Tipos"							msgstr "Tipos"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140
msgid "Could not query CORBA components"			msgid "Could not query CORBA components"
msgstr "No se ha podido consultar los componentes CORBA"	msgstr "No se ha podido consultar los componentes CORBA"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209
msgid "ID"							msgid "ID"
msgstr "ID"							msgstr "ID"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "Location"						msgid "Location"
msgstr "Ubicación"						msgstr "Ubicación"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212
msgid "Username"						msgid "Username"
msgstr "Nombre de usuario"					msgstr "Nombre de usuario"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213
msgid "Hostname"						msgid "Hostname"
msgstr "Anfitrión"						msgstr "Anfitrión"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214
msgid "Domain"							msgid "Domain"
msgstr "Dominio"						msgstr "Dominio"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"			msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"
msgstr "Tipo no soportado en GconfEntry: %d"			msgstr "Tipo no soportado en GconfEntry: %d"

#. create widgets						#. create widgets
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97
msgid "Settings"						msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Configuraciones"					msgstr "Configuraciones"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103
msgid "Data source name"					msgid "Data source name"
msgstr "Nombre de la origen de datos"				msgstr "Nombre de la origen de datos"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109
msgid "Connection string"					msgid "Connection string"
msgstr "Cadena de conexión"					msgstr "Cadena de conexión"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115
msgid "Provider"						msgid "Provider"
msgstr "Proveedor"						msgstr "Proveedor"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121
msgid "User name"						msgid "User name"
msgstr "Nombre de usuario"					msgstr "Nombre de usuario"

#. create feature list						#. create feature list
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128
msgid "Features"						msgid "Features"
msgstr "Características"					msgstr "Características"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190
msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"		msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"
msgstr "Debe ingresar un nombre para la nueva origen de datos	msgstr "Debe ingresar un nombre para la nueva origen de datos

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197
msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac	msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Los nombres de los orígenes de datos sólo pueden contener ca	"Los nombres de los orígenes de datos sólo pueden contener ca
"alfanuméricos"							"alfanuméricos"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206
msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th	msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th
msgstr "Ya hay un origen de datos registrado con ese nombre"	msgstr "Ya hay un origen de datos registrado con ese nombre"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213
msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"			msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"
msgstr "Los nombres de los orígenes de datos no pueden conten	msgstr "Los nombres de los orígenes de datos no pueden conten

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217
msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n	msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Los nombres de los orígenes de datos sólo pueden contener ca	"Los nombres de los orígenes de datos sólo pueden contener ca
"números"							"números"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225
msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"	msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"
msgstr "Debe seleccionar un proveedor para la origen de datos	msgstr "Debe seleccionar un proveedor para la origen de datos

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233
msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"		msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"
msgstr "El proveedor no fue encontrado en su configuración"	msgstr "El proveedor no fue encontrado en su configuración"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391
msgid "Add a new data source..."				msgid "Add a new data source..."
msgstr "Agregar una nueva origen de datos..."			msgstr "Agregar una nueva origen de datos..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392
msgid ""							msgid ""
"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"		"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"
"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"		"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"
"installation. Just follow the steps!"				"installation. Just follow the steps!"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Este asistente le guiará a través del proceso de\n"		"Este asistente le guiará a través del proceso de\n"
"creación de una nueva origen de datos para su instalación\n"	"creación de una nueva origen de datos para su instalación\n"
"de GNOME-DB. ¡Sólo siga los pasos!"				"de GNOME-DB. ¡Sólo siga los pasos!"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404
msgid "General Information"					msgid "General Information"
msgstr "Información general"					msgstr "Información general"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the basic information\n"	"The following fields represent the basic information\n"
"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n	"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n
"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"	"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"
"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"	"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"
"the default one."						"the default one."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Los siguientes campos representan los elementos básicos de\n	"Los siguientes campos representan los elementos básicos de\n
"información para su origen de datos nuevo. Algunos de ellos\	"información para su origen de datos nuevo. Algunos de ellos\
"(descripción, usuario) son opcionales, mientras que los demá	"(descripción, usuario) son opcionales, mientras que los demá
"son obligatorios. Si no sabe qué proveedor utilizar, tan sol	"son obligatorios. Si no sabe qué proveedor utilizar, tan sol
"seleccione el predeterminado."					"seleccione el predeterminado."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104
msgid "Data source _name:"					msgid "Data source _name:"
msgstr "_Nombre del origen de datos:"				msgstr "_Nombre del origen de datos:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114
msgid "_Provider:"						msgid "_Provider:"
msgstr "_Proveedor:"						msgstr "_Proveedor:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133
msgid "_Description:"						msgid "_Description:"
msgstr "_Descripción:"						msgstr "_Descripción:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142
msgid "_Username:"						msgid "_Username:"
msgstr "_Usuario:"						msgstr "_Usuario:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151
msgid "P_assword:"						msgid "P_assword:"
msgstr "_Contraseña:"						msgstr "_Contraseña:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454
msgid "Provider Parameters"					msgid "Provider Parameters"
msgstr "Parámetros del proveedor"				msgstr "Parámetros del proveedor"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the information needed by the	"The following fields represent the information needed by the
"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n	"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n
"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\	"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\
"the manual for more information."				"the manual for more information."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Los siguientes campos representan la información que \n"	"Los siguientes campos representan la información que \n"
"necesita el proveedor que ha seleccionado en la página\n"	"necesita el proveedor que ha seleccionado en la página\n"
"anterior a abrir una conexión dada. Esta información es\n"	"anterior a abrir una conexión dada. Esta información es\n"
"específica del proveedor, así que consulte el manual si\n"	"específica del proveedor, así que consulte el manual si\n"
"necesita para más información."				"necesita para más información."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481
msgid "All information retrieved"				msgid "All information retrieved"
msgstr "Toda la información capturada"				msgstr "Toda la información capturada"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482
msgid ""							msgid ""
"All information needed to create a new data source\n"		"All information needed to create a new data source\n"
"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"		"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"
"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"	"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"
"just select it when asked for a data source."			"just select it when asked for a data source."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Se ha obtenido toda la información necesaria para crear\n"	"Se ha obtenido toda la información necesaria para crear\n"
"un origen de datos nuevo. Ahora pulse «Aplicar« para \n"	"un origen de datos nuevo. Ahora pulse «Aplicar« para \n"
"cerrar esta ventana. Para abrir su origen de datos  nuevo\n"	"cerrar esta ventana. Para abrir su origen de datos  nuevo\n"
"tan sólo selecciónelo cuando se le pida un origen de datos."	"tan sólo selecciónelo cuando se le pida un origen de datos."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124
msgid "Connection _string:"					msgid "Connection _string:"
msgstr "_Cadena de conexión:"					msgstr "_Cadena de conexión:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4
msgid "Error"							msgid "Error"
msgstr "Error"							msgstr "Error"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.
msgid "Show detail >>"						msgid "Show detail >>"
msgstr "Mostrar detalle >>"					msgstr "Mostrar detalle >>"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122
msgid "<< Hide detail"						msgid "<< Hide detail"
msgstr "<< Ocultar detalle"					msgstr "<< Ocultar detalle"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191
msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"	msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"
msgstr "Ha ocurrido un error en la base de datos subrayada"	msgstr "Ha ocurrido un error en la base de datos subrayada"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196
msgid "Error number"						msgid "Error number"
msgstr "Número de error"					msgstr "Número de error"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227
msgid "Details"							msgid "Details"
msgstr "Detalles"						msgstr "Detalles"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234
msgid "Source"							msgid "Source"
msgstr "Fuente"							msgstr "Fuente"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241
msgid "SQL state"						msgid "SQL state"
msgstr "Estado SQL"						msgstr "Estado SQL"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108
msgid "_Field:"							msgid "_Field:"
msgstr "_Campo:"						msgstr "_Campo:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118
msgid "_Text:"							msgid "_Text:"
msgstr "_Texto:"						msgstr "_Texto:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308
msgid "No records"						msgid "No records"
msgstr "No hay registros"					msgstr "No hay registros"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Record %d of %d"						msgid "Record %d of %d"
msgstr "Registro %d de %d"					msgstr "Registro %d de %d"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113
msgid "Recordset description"					msgid "Recordset description"
msgstr "Descripción del conjunto de registros"			msgstr "Descripción del conjunto de registros"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid ""							msgid ""
"File '%s' already exists.\n"					"File '%s' already exists.\n"
"Do you want to overwrite it?"					"Do you want to overwrite it?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"El archivo %s ya existe\n"					"El archivo %s ya existe\n"
"¿Desea sobreescribirlo?"					"¿Desea sobreescribirlo?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149
msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."		msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."
msgstr "Si elige sí, se perderá todo el contenido."		msgstr "Si elige sí, se perderá todo el contenido."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Could not save file %s"					msgid "Could not save file %s"
msgstr "No pudo guardarse el archivo %s"			msgstr "No pudo guardarse el archivo %s"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224
msgid "You must specify a file name"				msgid "You must specify a file name"
msgstr "Debe especificar el nombre de un archivo"		msgstr "Debe especificar el nombre de un archivo"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230
msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"		msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"
msgstr "Se obtuvo un archivo vacío mientras se convertían los	msgstr "Se obtuvo un archivo vacío mientras se convertían los

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261
msgid "Saving Model"						msgid "Saving Model"
msgstr "Modelo de guardado"					msgstr "Modelo de guardado"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272
msgid "File _name:"						msgid "File _name:"
msgstr "_Nombre de archivo:"					msgstr "_Nombre de archivo:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276
msgid "Select File"						msgid "Select File"
msgstr "Seleccionar archivo"					msgstr "Seleccionar archivo"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283
msgid "File _type:"						msgid "File _type:"
msgstr "_Tipo de archivo:"					msgstr "_Tipo de archivo:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291
msgid "Tab-delimited"						msgid "Tab-delimited"
msgstr "Delimitado por tabuladores"				msgstr "Delimitado por tabuladores"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294
msgid "Comma-delimited"						msgid "Comma-delimited"
msgstr "Delimitado por comas"					msgstr "Delimitado por comas"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:
msgid "XML"							msgid "XML"
msgstr "XML"							msgstr "XML"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355
msgid "View detail"						msgid "View detail"
msgstr "Ver detalles"						msgstr "Ver detalles"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427
msgid "Show Column _Titles"					msgid "Show Column _Titles"
msgstr "Mostrar los _títulos de las columnas"			msgstr "Mostrar los _títulos de las columnas"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442
msgid "Describe"						msgid "Describe"
msgstr "Describir"						msgstr "Describir"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443
msgid "View detail..."						msgid "View detail..."
msgstr "Ver detalles..."					msgstr "Ver detalles..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614
msgid "Title"							msgid "Title"
msgstr "Título"							msgstr "Título"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48
msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"	msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"
msgstr "Se intentó inicializar un cliente que ya se encuentra	msgstr "Se intentó inicializar un cliente que ya se encuentra

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"		"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"
"to a data source"						"to a data source"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Introduzca los siguientes argumentos para abrir una conexión	"Introduzca los siguientes argumentos para abrir una conexión
"a un origen de datos"						"a un origen de datos"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253
msgid "Data Source:"						msgid "Data Source:"
msgstr "Origen de datos:"					msgstr "Origen de datos:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270
msgid "Username:"						msgid "Username:"
msgstr "Nombre de usuario:"					msgstr "Nombre de usuario:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279
msgid "Password:"						msgid "Password:"
msgstr "Contraseña:"						msgstr "Contraseña:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69
msgid "Fields"							msgid "Fields"
msgstr "Campos"							msgstr "Campos"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30
msgid "Commit"							msgid "Commit"
msgstr "Efectuar"						msgstr "Efectuar"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31
msgid "Connect"							msgid "Connect"
msgstr "Conectar"						msgstr "Conectar"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33
msgid "Designer"						msgid "Designer"
msgstr "Diseñador"						msgstr "Diseñador"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34
msgid "Disconnect"						msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr "Desconectar"						msgstr "Desconectar"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35
msgid "NoTransaction"						msgid "NoTransaction"
msgstr "Sin transacción"					msgstr "Sin transacción"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37
msgid "Query"							msgid "Query"
msgstr "Consulta"						msgstr "Consulta"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38
msgid "Rollback"						msgid "Rollback"
msgstr "Deshacer"						msgstr "Deshacer"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40
msgid "SQL"							msgid "SQL"
msgstr "SQL"							msgstr "SQL"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43
msgid "WithinTransaction"					msgid "WithinTransaction"
msgstr "Dentro de la transacción"				msgstr "Dentro de la transacción"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Error: %s"						msgid "Error: %s"
msgstr "Error: %s"						msgstr "Error: %s"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79
msgid "Table name"						msgid "Table name"
msgstr "Nombre de la tabla"					msgstr "Nombre de la tabla"

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93			#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Login for %s"						msgid "Login for %s"
msgstr "Iniciar sesión para %s"					msgstr "Iniciar sesión para %s"

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95					#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95
msgid "Login to database"					msgid "Login to database"
msgstr "Iniciar sesión en la base de datos"			msgstr "Iniciar sesión en la base de datos"

#: vfs/libmain.c:71						#: vfs/libmain.c:71
msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"				msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"
msgstr "Base de datos GNOME VFS: módulo"			msgstr "Base de datos GNOME VFS: módulo"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40
msgid "Table Properties"					msgid "Table Properties"
msgstr "Propiedades de la tabla"				msgstr "Propiedades de la tabla"

#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47
msgid "Table Name"						msgid "Table Name"
msgstr "Nombre de la tabla"					msgstr "Nombre de la tabla"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155
msgid "New"							msgid "New"
msgstr "Nuevo"							msgstr "Nuevo"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156
msgid "Create new table"					msgid "Create new table"
msgstr "Crear tabla nueva"					msgstr "Crear tabla nueva"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161
msgid "Properties"						msgid "Properties"
msgstr "Propiedades"						msgstr "Propiedades"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162
msgid "View table properties"					msgid "View table properties"
msgstr "Ver propiedades de la tabla"				msgstr "Ver propiedades de la tabla"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
msgid "UID"							msgid "UID"
msgstr "UID"							msgstr "UID"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "calendar"						msgid "calendar"
msgstr "calendario"						msgstr "calendario"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "summary"							msgid "summary"
msgstr "resumen"						msgstr "resumen"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "Summary"							msgid "Summary"
msgstr "Resumen"						msgstr "Resumen"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "location"						msgid "location"
msgstr "ubicación"						msgstr "ubicación"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "dtstart"							msgid "dtstart"
msgstr "dtstart"						msgstr "dtstart"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
msgid "Start time"						msgid "Start time"
msgstr "Hora de inicio"						msgstr "Hora de inicio"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "dtend"							msgid "dtend"
msgstr "dtend"							msgstr "dtend"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "End time"						msgid "End time"
msgstr "Hora de finalización"					msgstr "Hora de finalización"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
msgid "description"						msgid "description"
msgstr "descripción"						msgstr "descripción"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "classification"						msgid "classification"
msgstr "clasificación"						msgstr "clasificación"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "Classification"						msgid "Classification"
msgstr "Clasificación"						msgstr "Clasificación"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "transparency"						msgid "transparency"
msgstr "transparencia"						msgstr "transparencia"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "Transparency"						msgid "Transparency"
msgstr "Transparencia"						msgstr "Transparencia"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "categories"						msgid "categories"
msgstr "categorías"						msgstr "categorías"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "Categories"						msgid "Categories"
msgstr "Categorías"						msgstr "Categorías"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "tasks"							msgid "tasks"
msgstr "tareas"							msgstr "tareas"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "due"							msgid "due"
msgstr "vencimiento"						msgstr "vencimiento"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "Due date"						msgid "Due date"
msgstr "Fecha de vencimiento"					msgstr "Fecha de vencimiento"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "Start date"						msgid "Start date"
msgstr "Fecha de inicio"					msgstr "Fecha de inicio"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355
msgid "Public"							msgid "Public"
msgstr "Público"						msgstr "Público"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358
msgid "Private"							msgid "Private"
msgstr "Privado"						msgstr "Privado"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361
msgid "Confidential"						msgid "Confidential"
msgstr "Confidencial"						msgstr "Confidencial"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63
msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"		msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"
msgstr "No se pudo abrir la carpeta de calendario predetermin	msgstr "No se pudo abrir la carpeta de calendario predetermin

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66
msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"			msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"
msgstr "No se pudo abrir la carpeta predeterminada de tareas"	msgstr "No se pudo abrir la carpeta predeterminada de tareas"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80
msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta	msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Se requiere autenticación para acceder a la carpeta de conta	"Se requiere autenticación para acceder a la carpeta de conta
"predeterminada"						"predeterminada"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83
msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"		msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"
msgstr "No se pudo abrir la carpeta de contactos predetermina	msgstr "No se pudo abrir la carpeta de contactos predetermina

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100
msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"				msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"
msgstr "No se pudo iniciar Bonobo"				msgstr "No se pudo iniciar Bonobo"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212
msgid "Field name"						msgid "Field name"
msgstr "Nombre del campo"					msgstr "Nombre del campo"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213
msgid "Data type"						msgid "Data type"
msgstr "Tipo de datos"						msgstr "Tipo de datos"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214
msgid "Size"							msgid "Size"
msgstr "Tamaño"							msgstr "Tamaño"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215
msgid "Scale"							msgid "Scale"
msgstr "Escala"							msgstr "Escala"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216
msgid "Not null?"						msgid "Not null?"
msgstr "¿No nulo?"						msgstr "¿No nulo?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217
msgid "Primary key?"						msgid "Primary key?"
msgstr "¿Clave primaria?"					msgstr "¿Clave primaria?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218
msgid "Unique index?"						msgid "Unique index?"
msgstr "¿�ndice único?"						msgstr "¿�ndice único?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219
msgid "References"						msgid "References"
msgstr "Referencias"						msgstr "Referencias"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220
msgid "Default value"						msgid "Default value"
msgstr "Valor predeterminado"					msgstr "Valor predeterminado"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239
msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l	msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Se necesita el nombre de la tabla pero no se especificó ning	"Se necesita el nombre de la tabla pero no se especificó ning
"de parámetros"							"de parámetros"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Table %s does not exist"					msgid "Table %s does not exist"
msgstr "La tabla %s no existe"					msgstr "La tabla %s no existe"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318
msgid "Scheduled events"					msgid "Scheduled events"
msgstr "Eventos programados"					msgstr "Eventos programados"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321
msgid "TODO list"						msgid "TODO list"
msgstr "Lista de cosas pendientes"				msgstr "Lista de cosas pendientes"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375
msgid "Owner"							msgid "Owner"
msgstr "Dueño"							msgstr "Dueño"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376
msgid "Comments"						msgid "Comments"
msgstr "Comentarios"						msgstr "Comentarios"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374
msgid "Type"							msgid "Type"
msgstr "Tipo"							msgstr "Tipo"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377
msgid "GDA type"						msgid "GDA type"
msgstr "Tipo GDA"						msgstr "Tipo GDA"

#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id	#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id
#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database	#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database
#. we can easily access that information			#. we can easily access that information
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382
msgid "local"							msgid "local"
msgstr "local"							msgstr "local"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217
msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr "La creación de bases de datos aún no está soportada"	msgstr "La creación de bases de datos aún no está soportada"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230
msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr "La eliminación de bases de datos aún no está soportad	msgstr "La eliminación de bases de datos aún no está soportad

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244
msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"			msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"
msgstr "El esquema de tablas no pudo ser obtenido"		msgstr "El esquema de tablas no pudo ser obtenido"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268
msgid "Invalid SQL command"					msgid "Invalid SQL command"
msgstr "Comando SQL inválido"					msgstr "Comando SQL inválido"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353
msgid "Transactions are not supported"				msgid "Transactions are not supported"
msgstr "Las transacciones no están soportadas"			msgstr "Las transacciones no están soportadas"

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41
msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"		msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"
msgstr "Proveedor para datos personales de Ximian Evolution"	msgstr "Proveedor para datos personales de Ximian Evolution"

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task	"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Origen de datos para acceder a las agenda, tareas y contacto	"Origen de datos para acceder a las agenda, tareas y contacto
"predeterminados de Evolution"					"predeterminados de Evolution"

#~ msgid "Browse database..."					#~ msgid "Browse database..."
#~ msgstr "Inspeccionar base de datos"				#~ msgstr "Inspeccionar base de datos"

#~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .con	#~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .con
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Componente que incluye elementos de menú contextual para 	#~ "Componente que incluye elementos de menú contextual para 
#~ "connection"							#~ "connection"

#~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .sql	#~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .sql
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Componente que incluye elementos de menú contextual para 	#~ "Componente que incluye elementos de menú contextual para 

#~ msgid "Connection MIME handler component"			#~ msgid "Connection MIME handler component"
#~ msgstr "Componente manipulador MIME de la conexión"		#~ msgstr "Componente manipulador MIME de la conexión"

#~ msgid "Database component factory"				#~ msgid "Database component factory"
#~ msgstr "Origen de componente de base de datos"		#~ msgstr "Origen de componente de base de datos"

#~ msgid "Open in database connection..."			#~ msgid "Open in database connection..."
#~ msgstr "Abrir conexión a la base de datos..."		#~ msgstr "Abrir conexión a la base de datos..."

#~ msgid "SQL MIME handler component"				#~ msgid "SQL MIME handler component"
#~ msgstr "Componente manipulador MIME SQL"			#~ msgstr "Componente manipulador MIME SQL"

#~ msgid "Database browser"					#~ msgid "Database browser"
#~ msgstr "Navegador de base de datos"				#~ msgstr "Navegador de base de datos"

#~ msgid "Error viewer"						#~ msgid "Error viewer"
#~ msgstr "Visor de error"					#~ msgstr "Visor de error"

#~ msgid "SQL Viewer"						#~ msgid "SQL Viewer"
#~ msgstr "Visor de código SQL"					#~ msgstr "Visor de código SQL"

#~ msgid "Database configuration"				#~ msgid "Database configuration"
#~ msgstr "Configuración de la base de datos"			#~ msgstr "Configuración de la base de datos"

#~ msgid "Edit application preferences"				#~ msgid "Edit application preferences"
#~ msgstr "Editar preferencias de la aplicación"		#~ msgstr "Editar preferencias de la aplicación"

#~ msgid "New..."						#~ msgid "New..."
#~ msgstr "Nuevo..."						#~ msgstr "Nuevo..."

#~ msgid "_Properties..."					#~ msgid "_Properties..."
#~ msgstr "_Propiedades..."					#~ msgstr "_Propiedades..."

#~ msgid "_Settings"						#~ msgid "_Settings"
#~ msgstr "_Configuración"					#~ msgstr "_Configuración"

#~ msgid "Password"						#~ msgid "Password"
#~ msgstr "Contraseña"						#~ msgstr "Contraseña"

#~ msgid "Save as"						#~ msgid "Save as"
#~ msgstr "Guardar como"					#~ msgstr "Guardar como"

#~ msgid "Save to"						#~ msgid "Save to"
#~ msgstr "Guardar a"						#~ msgstr "Guardar a"

#~ msgid "XML file"						#~ msgid "XML file"
#~ msgstr "Archivo XML"						#~ msgstr "Archivo XML"

#~ msgid "Show columns"						#~ msgid "Show columns"
#~ msgstr "Mostrar columnas"					#~ msgstr "Mostrar columnas"

#~ msgid "Hide columns"						#~ msgid "Hide columns"
#~ msgstr "Ocultar columnas"					#~ msgstr "Ocultar columnas"

#~ msgid "Question"						#~ msgid "Question"
#~ msgstr "Pregunta"						#~ msgstr "Pregunta"

#~ msgid "Database Moniker factory"				#~ msgid "Database Moniker factory"
#~ msgstr "Fábrica de base de datos moniker"			#~ msgstr "Fábrica de base de datos moniker"

#~ msgid "database: moniker"					#~ msgid "database: moniker"
#~ msgstr "Base de datos: moniker"				#~ msgstr "Base de datos: moniker"

#~ msgid "Failing to manufacture a '%s'"			#~ msgid "Failing to manufacture a '%s'"
#~ msgstr "Ha fallado la creación de un «%s»"			#~ msgstr "Ha fallado la creación de un «%s»"

#~ msgid "Invalid format for connection string"			#~ msgid "Invalid format for connection string"
#~ msgstr "Formato inválido para la cadena de conexión"		#~ msgstr "Formato inválido para la cadena de conexión"

#~ msgid "Data sources"						#~ msgid "Data sources"
#~ msgstr "Fuentes de datos"					#~ msgstr "Fuentes de datos"

#~ msgid "_File"						#~ msgid "_File"
#~ msgstr "_Archivo"						#~ msgstr "_Archivo"

#~ msgid "Test Data Source"					#~ msgid "Test Data Source"
#~ msgstr "Fuente de datos de pruebas"				#~ msgstr "Fuente de datos de pruebas"

#~ msgid "Connection to %s successful!"				#~ msgid "Connection to %s successful!"
#~ msgstr "Conectado con éxito a %s"				#~ msgstr "Conectado con éxito a %s"

#~ msgid "SQL viewer component"					#~ msgid "SQL viewer component"
#~ msgstr "Componente visor de SQL"				#~ msgstr "Componente visor de SQL"

#~ msgid "Viewer for SQL source code"				#~ msgid "Viewer for SQL source code"
#~ msgstr "Visor para código fuente de SQL"			#~ msgstr "Visor para código fuente de SQL"

#~ msgid ""							#~ msgid ""
#~ "Component that lets you open a .connection file and brows	#~ "Component that lets you open a .connection file and brows
#~ "specified on it"						#~ "specified on it"
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Componente que le permite abrir un archivo .connection y 	#~ "Componente que le permite abrir un archivo .connection y 
#~ "conexión especificada en él."				#~ "conexión especificada en él."

#~ msgid "Data source"						#~ msgid "Data source"
#~ msgstr "Fuentes de datos"					#~ msgstr "Fuentes de datos"

#~ msgid "Select all"						#~ msgid "Select all"
#~ msgstr "Seleccionar todo"					#~ msgstr "Seleccionar todo"

#~ msgid "Unselect all"						#~ msgid "Unselect all"
#~ msgstr "Des-seleccionar todo"				#~ msgstr "Des-seleccionar todo"

#~ msgid "OAFIID of the default component for the GNOME-DB sh	#~ msgid "OAFIID of the default component for the GNOME-DB sh
#~ msgstr "OAFIID del componente predeterminado para el inter	#~ msgstr "OAFIID del componente predeterminado para el inter

#~ msgid "Whether to save the shell window position on exit"	#~ msgid "Whether to save the shell window position on exit"
#~ msgstr "¿Debería guardar la posición de la ventana del int	#~ msgstr "¿Debería guardar la posición de la ventana del int

#~ msgid "Whether to show or not the shortcut bar on the fron	#~ msgid "Whether to show or not the shortcut bar on the fron
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "¿Debería mostrar o no la barra de atajos en la ventana de	#~ "¿Debería mostrar o no la barra de atajos en la ventana de

#~ msgid "Whether to show or not the summary bar on the front	#~ msgid "Whether to show or not the summary bar on the front
#~ msgstr "¿Debería mostrar o la barra de resumen en la venta	#~ msgstr "¿Debería mostrar o la barra de resumen en la venta

#~ msgid "Whether to use a fixed size/position for the shell 	#~ msgid "Whether to use a fixed size/position for the shell 
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "¿Debería usar un tamaño o posición fija para la ventana d	#~ "¿Debería usar un tamaño o posición fija para la ventana d

#~ msgid "Unselect All"						#~ msgid "Unselect All"
#~ msgstr "Des-seleccionar Todo"				#~ msgstr "Des-seleccionar Todo"

#~ msgid "Unselect all selected items in list"			#~ msgid "Unselect all selected items in list"
#~ msgstr "Des-Seleccionar todos los elementos seleccionados 	#~ msgstr "Des-Seleccionar todos los elementos seleccionados 

#~ msgid "Display column headers"				#~ msgid "Display column headers"
#~ msgstr "Mostrar las cabeceras de las columnas"		#~ msgstr "Mostrar las cabeceras de las columnas"

#~ msgid "Hide column headers"					#~ msgid "Hide column headers"
#~ msgstr "Ocultar las cabeceras de las columnas"		#~ msgstr "Ocultar las cabeceras de las columnas"

#~ msgid "Save as..."						#~ msgid "Save as..."
#~ msgstr "Guardar como..."					#~ msgstr "Guardar como..."

#~ msgid "Export data to different formats"			#~ msgid "Export data to different formats"
#~ msgstr "Exportar datos a formatos diferentes"		#~ msgstr "Exportar datos a formatos diferentes"

#~ msgid "Describe current data set"				#~ msgid "Describe current data set"
#~ msgstr "Describe el conjunto de datos actual"		#~ msgstr "Describe el conjunto de datos actual"

#~ msgid "View current data in more detail"			#~ msgid "View current data in more detail"
#~ msgstr "Ver los datos actuales en mas detalle"		#~ msgstr "Ver los datos actuales en mas detalle"

#~ msgid "Loading..."						#~ msgid "Loading..."
#~ msgstr "Cargando..."						#~ msgstr "Cargando..."

#~ msgid "Databases"						#~ msgid "Databases"
#~ msgstr "Bases de Datos"					#~ msgstr "Bases de Datos"

#~ msgid "Builder"						#~ msgid "Builder"
#~ msgstr "Desarrollador"					#~ msgstr "Desarrollador"

#~ msgid "GNOME-DB application builder component factory"	#~ msgid "GNOME-DB application builder component factory"
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Instalación del componente desarrollador de aplicaciones 	#~ "Instalación del componente desarrollador de aplicaciones 

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Create a new Perl script"				#~ msgid "Create a new Perl script"
#~ msgstr "Crear nuevo informe"					#~ msgstr "Crear nuevo informe"

#~ msgid "Report..."						#~ msgid "Report..."
#~ msgstr "Informe..."						#~ msgstr "Informe..."

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Open an existing Perl script"				#~ msgid "Open an existing Perl script"
#~ msgstr "Abrir un informe existente"				#~ msgstr "Abrir un informe existente"

#~ msgid "Open an existing report"				#~ msgid "Open an existing report"
#~ msgstr "Abrir un informe existente"				#~ msgstr "Abrir un informe existente"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "_New"							#~ msgid "_New"
#~ msgstr "Nuevo"						#~ msgstr "Nuevo"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "_Open"						#~ msgid "_Open"
#~ msgstr "Abrir"						#~ msgstr "Abrir"

#~ msgid "Add new module to project"				#~ msgid "Add new module to project"
#~ msgstr "Añadir nuevo módulo al proyecto"			#~ msgstr "Añadir nuevo módulo al proyecto"

#~ msgid "Open"							#~ msgid "Open"
#~ msgstr "Abrir"						#~ msgstr "Abrir"

#~ msgid "Open an existing module"				#~ msgid "Open an existing module"
#~ msgstr "Abrir un módulo existente"				#~ msgstr "Abrir un módulo existente"

#~ msgid "Export"						#~ msgid "Export"
#~ msgstr "Exportar"						#~ msgstr "Exportar"

#~ msgid "Logs"							#~ msgid "Logs"
#~ msgstr "Registros"						#~ msgstr "Registros"

#~ msgid "Close current connection"				#~ msgid "Close current connection"
#~ msgstr "Cerrar conexión actual"				#~ msgstr "Cerrar conexión actual"

#~ msgid "Browser"						#~ msgid "Browser"
#~ msgstr "Navegador"						#~ msgstr "Navegador"

#~ msgid "Activate database browser window"			#~ msgid "Activate database browser window"
#~ msgstr "Activar ventana del navegador de la base de datos"	#~ msgstr "Activar ventana del navegador de la base de datos"

#~ msgid "Activate SQL window"					#~ msgid "Activate SQL window"
#~ msgstr "Activar ventana SQL"					#~ msgstr "Activar ventana SQL"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Activate dbatch job window"				#~ msgid "Activate dbatch job window"
#~ msgstr "Activar ventana del navegador de la base de datos"	#~ msgstr "Activar ventana del navegador de la base de datos"

#~ msgid "Start a new database transaction"			#~ msgid "Start a new database transaction"
#~ msgstr "Comenzar nueva transacción de base de datos"		#~ msgstr "Comenzar nueva transacción de base de datos"

#~ msgid "Commit current transaction"				#~ msgid "Commit current transaction"
#~ msgstr "Iniciar la transacción actual"			#~ msgstr "Iniciar la transacción actual"

#~ msgid "Rollback current transaction"				#~ msgid "Rollback current transaction"
#~ msgstr "Bajar la transacción actual"				#~ msgstr "Bajar la transacción actual"

#~ msgid "Export database"					#~ msgid "Export database"
#~ msgstr "Exportar base de datos"				#~ msgstr "Exportar base de datos"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Make a copy of a database"				#~ msgid "Make a copy of a database"
#~ msgstr "Crear un nuevo diseño de base de datos"		#~ msgstr "Crear un nuevo diseño de base de datos"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Import database"					#~ msgid "Import database"
#~ msgstr "Exportar base de datos"				#~ msgstr "Exportar base de datos"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Import an export file into a database"		#~ msgid "Import an export file into a database"
#~ msgstr "Importar datos en la base de datos actual"		#~ msgstr "Importar datos en la base de datos actual"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "_Tools"						#~ msgid "_Tools"
#~ msgstr "Herramientas"					#~ msgstr "Herramientas"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Activate batch job window"				#~ msgid "Activate batch job window"
#~ msgstr "Activar ventana SQL"					#~ msgstr "Activar ventana SQL"

#~ msgid "Select"						#~ msgid "Select"
#~ msgstr "Seleccionar"						#~ msgstr "Seleccionar"

#~ msgid "Options"						#~ msgid "Options"
#~ msgstr "Opciones"						#~ msgstr "Opciones"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Log"							#~ msgid "Log"
#~ msgstr "Registros"						#~ msgstr "Registros"

#~ msgid "Run"							#~ msgid "Run"
#~ msgstr "Ejecutar"						#~ msgstr "Ejecutar"

#~ msgid "Execute current command"				#~ msgid "Execute current command"
#~ msgstr "Ejecutar comando actual"				#~ msgstr "Ejecutar comando actual"

#~ msgid "Select command from previous"				#~ msgid "Select command from previous"
#~ msgstr "Seleccionar comando del anterior"			#~ msgstr "Seleccionar comando del anterior"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Save command for later retrieval"			#~ msgid "Save command for later retrieval"
#~ msgstr "Guardar comando en archivo"				#~ msgstr "Guardar comando en archivo"

#~ msgid "Cut"							#~ msgid "Cut"
#~ msgstr "Cortar"						#~ msgstr "Cortar"

#~ msgid "Cut selected text"					#~ msgid "Cut selected text"
#~ msgstr "Cortar texto seleccionado"				#~ msgstr "Cortar texto seleccionado"

#~ msgid "Copy"							#~ msgid "Copy"
#~ msgstr "Copiar"						#~ msgstr "Copiar"

#~ msgid "Copy selected text"					#~ msgid "Copy selected text"
#~ msgstr "Copiar texto seleccionado"				#~ msgstr "Copiar texto seleccionado"

#~ msgid "Paste text from clipboard"				#~ msgid "Paste text from clipboard"
#~ msgstr "Pegar el texto del portapapeles"			#~ msgstr "Pegar el texto del portapapeles"

#~ msgid "Clear widget contents"				#~ msgid "Clear widget contents"
#~ msgstr "Vaciar el contenido"					#~ msgstr "Vaciar el contenido"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Open connection"					#~ msgid "Open connection"
#~ msgstr "Abrir Conexión"					#~ msgstr "Abrir Conexión"

#~ msgid "GDA Name"						#~ msgid "GDA Name"
#~ msgstr "Nombre GDA"						#~ msgstr "Nombre GDA"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "This is the name you use to refer to this connectio	#~ msgid "This is the name you use to refer to this connectio
#~ msgstr "Nombre de usuario para esta conexión"		#~ msgstr "Nombre de usuario para esta conexión"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Select the named query to be loaded"			#~ msgid "Select the named query to be loaded"
#~ msgstr "Seleccionar el nombre de la tabla"			#~ msgstr "Seleccionar el nombre de la tabla"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "From file"						#~ msgid "From file"
#~ msgstr "Fichero"						#~ msgstr "Fichero"

#~ msgid "Error loading file %s"				#~ msgid "Error loading file %s"
#~ msgstr "Error cargando archivo %s"				#~ msgstr "Error cargando archivo %s"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Save SQL command"					#~ msgid "Save SQL command"
#~ msgstr "Seleccionar Comando SQL"				#~ msgstr "Seleccionar Comando SQL"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Save command to a named query"			#~ msgid "Save command to a named query"
#~ msgstr "Guardar comando en archivo"				#~ msgstr "Guardar comando en archivo"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "To file"						#~ msgid "To file"
#~ msgstr "Prueba fallida"					#~ msgstr "Prueba fallida"

#~ msgid "Select SQL Command"					#~ msgid "Select SQL Command"
#~ msgstr "Seleccionar Comando SQL"				#~ msgstr "Seleccionar Comando SQL"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Last commands"					#~ msgid "Last commands"
#~ msgstr "Limpiar la lista de comando"				#~ msgstr "Limpiar la lista de comando"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Database design"					#~ msgid "Database design"
#~ msgstr "Diseñador de base de datos"				#~ msgstr "Diseñador de base de datos"

#~ msgid "Start with a new database design"			#~ msgid "Start with a new database design"
#~ msgstr "Iniciar con un nuevo diseño de base de datos"	#~ msgstr "Iniciar con un nuevo diseño de base de datos"

#~ msgid "Table..."						#~ msgid "Table..."
#~ msgstr "Tabla..."						#~ msgstr "Tabla..."

#~ msgid "Add a table to the database design"			#~ msgid "Add a table to the database design"
#~ msgstr "Añadir una tabla al diseño de la base de datos"	#~ msgstr "Añadir una tabla al diseño de la base de datos"

#~ msgid "Open an existing database design"			#~ msgid "Open an existing database design"
#~ msgstr "Abrir un diseño existente de base de datos"		#~ msgstr "Abrir un diseño existente de base de datos"

#~ msgid "Remove"						#~ msgid "Remove"
#~ msgstr "Eliminar"						#~ msgstr "Eliminar"

#~ msgid "Remove selected object"				#~ msgid "Remove selected object"
#~ msgstr "Eliminar el objeto seleccionado"			#~ msgstr "Eliminar el objeto seleccionado"

#~ msgid "Create new database design"				#~ msgid "Create new database design"
#~ msgstr "Crear un nuevo diseño de base de datos"		#~ msgstr "Crear un nuevo diseño de base de datos"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Save currently open file"				#~ msgid "Save currently open file"
#~ msgstr "Guardar el proyecto actual"				#~ msgstr "Guardar el proyecto actual"

#~ msgid "Refresh"						#~ msgid "Refresh"
#~ msgstr "Refrescar"						#~ msgstr "Refrescar"

#~ msgid "Reload database file contents"			#~ msgid "Reload database file contents"
#~ msgstr "Recargar los contenidos del archivo de base de dat	#~ msgstr "Recargar los contenidos del archivo de base de dat

#~ msgid "Add"							#~ msgid "Add"
#~ msgstr "Añadir"						#~ msgstr "Añadir"

#~ msgid "Add new object to the database"			#~ msgid "Add new object to the database"
#~ msgstr "Añadir nuevo objeto a la base de datos"		#~ msgstr "Añadir nuevo objeto a la base de datos"

#~ msgid "Select database design"				#~ msgid "Select database design"
#~ msgstr "Seleccionar diseño de base de datos"			#~ msgstr "Seleccionar diseño de base de datos"

#~ msgid "Save log to a disk file"				#~ msgid "Save log to a disk file"
#~ msgstr "Salvar registro a un archivo de disco"		#~ msgstr "Salvar registro a un archivo de disco"

#~ msgid "View"							#~ msgid "View"
#~ msgstr "Ver"							#~ msgstr "Ver"

#~ msgid "View selected log entry"				#~ msgid "View selected log entry"
#~ msgstr "Ver la entrada del registro seleccionada"		#~ msgstr "Ver la entrada del registro seleccionada"

#~ msgid "Error loading log for '%s'"				#~ msgid "Error loading log for '%s'"
#~ msgstr "Error cargando registro para '%s'"			#~ msgstr "Error cargando registro para '%s'"

#~ msgid "Save Log File"					#~ msgid "Save Log File"
#~ msgstr "Salvar Archivo de Registro"				#~ msgstr "Salvar Archivo de Registro"

#~ msgid "Could not create 'database:' moniker instance"	#~ msgid "Could not create 'database:' moniker instance"
#~ msgstr "No se pudo crear 'base de datos:' instancia monike	#~ msgstr "No se pudo crear 'base de datos:' instancia monike

#~ msgid "Load"							#~ msgid "Load"
#~ msgstr "Cargar"						#~ msgstr "Cargar"

#~ msgid "Component"						#~ msgid "Component"
#~ msgstr "Componente"						#~ msgstr "Componente"

#~ msgid "OAFIID"						#~ msgid "OAFIID"
#~ msgstr "OAFIID"						#~ msgstr "OAFIID"

#~ msgid "Unload"						#~ msgid "Unload"
#~ msgstr "Descargar"						#~ msgstr "Descargar"

#~ msgid "General"						#~ msgid "General"
#~ msgstr "General"						#~ msgstr "General"

#~ msgid "Save window position"					#~ msgid "Save window position"
#~ msgstr "Guardar posición de la ventana"			#~ msgstr "Guardar posición de la ventana"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Show tooltips"					#~ msgid "Show tooltips"
#~ msgstr "Mostrar los títulos de las columnas"			#~ msgstr "Mostrar los títulos de las columnas"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "_Database..."						#~ msgid "_Database..."
#~ msgstr "Base de Datos"					#~ msgstr "Base de Datos"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Perl script"						#~ msgid "Perl script"
#~ msgstr "Descripción"						#~ msgstr "Descripción"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Print preview"					#~ msgid "Print preview"
#~ msgstr "Imprimir rejilla"					#~ msgstr "Imprimir rejilla"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "_Quit"						#~ msgid "_Quit"
#~ msgstr "Salir"						#~ msgstr "Salir"

#~ msgid "Configure user preferences"				#~ msgid "Configure user preferences"
#~ msgstr "Configurar preferencias"				#~ msgstr "Configurar preferencias"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "GNOME-DB Manual"					#~ msgid "GNOME-DB Manual"
#~ msgstr "Front End de GNOME-DB"				#~ msgstr "Front End de GNOME-DB"

#~ msgid "View information about this application"		#~ msgid "View information about this application"
#~ msgstr "Ver información a cerca de esta aplicación"		#~ msgstr "Ver información a cerca de esta aplicación"

#~ msgid "Submit bug report"					#~ msgid "Submit bug report"
#~ msgstr "Enviar informe de fallo"				#~ msgstr "Enviar informe de fallo"

#~ msgid "Send a bug report to GNOME-DB developers"		#~ msgid "Send a bug report to GNOME-DB developers"
#~ msgstr "Enviar un informe de fallo a los desarrolladores d	#~ msgstr "Enviar un informe de fallo a los desarrolladores d

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "_Options"						#~ msgid "_Options"
#~ msgstr "Opciones"						#~ msgstr "Opciones"

#~ msgid "GNOME-DB Front End"					#~ msgid "GNOME-DB Front End"
#~ msgstr "Front End de GNOME-DB"				#~ msgstr "Front End de GNOME-DB"

#~ msgid "GNOME-DB Front End Application"			#~ msgid "GNOME-DB Front End Application"
#~ msgstr "Aplicación Front End de GNOME-DB"			#~ msgstr "Aplicación Front End de GNOME-DB"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Create new object of selected type"			#~ msgid "Create new object of selected type"
#~ msgstr "Crear nuevo proyecto"				#~ msgstr "Crear nuevo proyecto"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Show extra information about selected object"		#~ msgid "Show extra information about selected object"
#~ msgstr "Ver información a cerca de esta aplicación"		#~ msgstr "Ver información a cerca de esta aplicación"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Table data"						#~ msgid "Table data"
#~ msgstr "Nombre de la tabla"					#~ msgstr "Nombre de la tabla"

#~ msgid "Select Color"						#~ msgid "Select Color"
#~ msgstr "Seleccionar Color"					#~ msgstr "Seleccionar Color"

#~ msgid "Select Font"						#~ msgid "Select Font"
#~ msgstr "Seleccionar Fuente"					#~ msgstr "Seleccionar Fuente"

#~ msgid "Could not get GNOME_DB_Control interface"		#~ msgid "Could not get GNOME_DB_Control interface"
#~ msgstr "No se pudo obtener la interfaz GNOME_DB_Control"	#~ msgstr "No se pudo obtener la interfaz GNOME_DB_Control"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Add a new field to this table"			#~ msgid "Add a new field to this table"
#~ msgstr "Añadir nuevo objeto a la base de datos"		#~ msgstr "Añadir nuevo objeto a la base de datos"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Edit the selected field properties"			#~ msgid "Edit the selected field properties"
#~ msgstr "Editar el proveedor seleccionado"			#~ msgstr "Editar el proveedor seleccionado"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Could not find table %s"				#~ msgid "Could not find table %s"
#~ msgstr "No pudo cargarse el objeto %s"			#~ msgstr "No pudo cargarse el objeto %s"

#~ msgid "File %s is not a valid XML file"			#~ msgid "File %s is not a valid XML file"
#~ msgstr "El archivo %s no es un fichero XML válido"		#~ msgstr "El archivo %s no es un fichero XML válido"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Select file"						#~ msgid "Select file"
#~ msgstr "Seleccionar Archivo"					#~ msgstr "Seleccionar Archivo"

#~ msgid "DSN"							#~ msgid "DSN"
#~ msgstr "DSN"							#~ msgstr "DSN"

#~ msgid "Config"						#~ msgid "Config"
#~ msgstr "Configuración"					#~ msgstr "Configuración"

#~ msgid "Error while saving configuration!"			#~ msgid "Error while saving configuration!"
#~ msgstr "¡Se produjo un error al guardar la configuración!"	#~ msgstr "¡Se produjo un error al guardar la configuración!"

#~ msgid "sqlstate"						#~ msgid "sqlstate"
#~ msgstr "sqlstate"						#~ msgstr "sqlstate"

#~ msgid "Error 0 of 0"						#~ msgid "Error 0 of 0"
#~ msgstr "Error 0 de 0"					#~ msgstr "Error 0 de 0"

#~ msgid "Record View"						#~ msgid "Record View"
#~ msgstr "Vista de registros"					#~ msgstr "Vista de registros"

#~ msgid "Copy selection to clipboard"				#~ msgid "Copy selection to clipboard"
#~ msgstr "Copiar el texto seleccionado al portapapeles"	#~ msgstr "Copiar el texto seleccionado al portapapeles"

#~ msgid "Clear all selected rows"				#~ msgid "Clear all selected rows"
#~ msgstr "Limpiar todas las filas"				#~ msgstr "Limpiar todas las filas"

#~ msgid "Record view..."					#~ msgid "Record view..."
#~ msgstr "Vista de registro..."				#~ msgstr "Vista de registro..."

#~ msgid "View recordset record-by-record"			#~ msgid "View recordset record-by-record"
#~ msgstr "Ver el grupo de registros registro por registro"	#~ msgstr "Ver el grupo de registros registro por registro"

#~ msgid "Refresh grid contents"				#~ msgid "Refresh grid contents"
#~ msgstr "Refrescar contenidos de la rejilla"			#~ msgstr "Refrescar contenidos de la rejilla"

#~ msgid "Print grid"						#~ msgid "Print grid"
#~ msgstr "Imprimir rejilla"					#~ msgstr "Imprimir rejilla"

#~ msgid "Print grid contents"					#~ msgid "Print grid contents"
#~ msgstr "Imprimir los contenidos de la rejilla"		#~ msgstr "Imprimir los contenidos de la rejilla"

#~ msgid "Hide column titles"					#~ msgid "Hide column titles"
#~ msgstr "Ocultar los títulos de las columnas"			#~ msgstr "Ocultar los títulos de las columnas"

#~ msgid "User Name"						#~ msgid "User Name"
#~ msgstr "Nombre de usuario"					#~ msgstr "Nombre de usuario"

#~ msgid "GDA Datasource"					#~ msgid "GDA Datasource"
#~ msgstr "Fuente de datos GDA"					#~ msgstr "Fuente de datos GDA"

#~ msgid "Entry %d of %d"					#~ msgid "Entry %d of %d"
#~ msgstr "Entrada %d de %d"					#~ msgstr "Entrada %d de %d"

#~ msgid "Message"						#~ msgid "Message"
#~ msgstr "Mensaje"						#~ msgstr "Mensaje"

#~ msgid "Log Entry"						#~ msgid "Log Entry"
#~ msgstr "Entrada de Registro"					#~ msgstr "Entrada de Registro"

#~ msgid "Could not create file %s"				#~ msgid "Could not create file %s"
#~ msgstr "No se pudo crear el archivo %s"			#~ msgstr "No se pudo crear el archivo %s"

#~ msgid "Setup Printer"					#~ msgid "Setup Printer"
#~ msgstr "Configuración de Impresora"				#~ msgstr "Configuración de Impresora"

#~ msgid "Copyright The Free Software Foundation (C) 1998-200	#~ msgid "Copyright The Free Software Foundation (C) 1998-200
#~ msgstr "Copyright La Free Software Foundation (C) 1998-200	#~ msgstr "Copyright La Free Software Foundation (C) 1998-200

#~ msgid ""							#~ msgid ""
#~ "This program is part of the GNOME project for LINUX. GNOM	#~ "This program is part of the GNOME project for LINUX. GNOM
#~ "comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software,	#~ "comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software,
#~ "welcome to redistribute it under the conditions of the GN	#~ "welcome to redistribute it under the conditions of the GN
#~ "Licence."							#~ "Licence."
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Este programa es parte del proyecto GNOME para Linux. Gno	#~ "Este programa es parte del proyecto GNOME para Linux. Gno
#~ "viene con ABSOLUTAMENTE NINGUNA GARANTÃ?A. Es software gra	#~ "viene con ABSOLUTAMENTE NINGUNA GARANTÃ?A. Es software gra
#~ "libre para redistribuirlo bajo las condiciones de la Lice	#~ "libre para redistribuirlo bajo las condiciones de la Lice
#~ "General GNU."						#~ "General GNU."

#~ msgid ""							#~ msgid ""
#~ "Could not open file\n"					#~ "Could not open file\n"
#~ "%s"								#~ "%s"
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "No se pudo abrir el archivo\n"				#~ "No se pudo abrir el archivo\n"
#~ "%s"								#~ "%s"

#~ msgid "Unable to execute Bug Report Tool"			#~ msgid "Unable to execute Bug Report Tool"
#~ msgstr "Imposible ejecutar la Herramienta de Informe de Fa	#~ msgstr "Imposible ejecutar la Herramienta de Informe de Fa

#~ msgid "GNOME-DB manager component factory"			#~ msgid "GNOME-DB manager component factory"
#~ msgstr "Instalación del componente gestor de GNOME-DB"	#~ msgstr "Instalación del componente gestor de GNOME-DB"

#~ msgid "Manager"						#~ msgid "Manager"
#~ msgstr "Gestor"						#~ msgstr "Gestor"

#~ msgid "Manage connection data sources"			#~ msgid "Manage connection data sources"
#~ msgstr "Dirigir la conexión de las fuentes de datos"		#~ msgstr "Dirigir la conexión de las fuentes de datos"

#~ msgid "Manage available GDA providers"			#~ msgid "Manage available GDA providers"
#~ msgstr "Dirigir los proveedores GDA disponibles"		#~ msgstr "Dirigir los proveedores GDA disponibles"

#~ msgid "Edit"							#~ msgid "Edit"
#~ msgstr "Editar"						#~ msgstr "Editar"

#~ msgid "Edit selected data source"				#~ msgid "Edit selected data source"
#~ msgstr "Editar fuente de datos seleccionada"			#~ msgstr "Editar fuente de datos seleccionada"

#~ msgid "Refresh Data Sources list"				#~ msgid "Refresh Data Sources list"
#~ msgstr "Refrescar la lista de Fuentes de Datos"		#~ msgstr "Refrescar la lista de Fuentes de Datos"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Edit data source"					#~ msgid "Edit data source"
#~ msgstr "Editar fuente de datos seleccionada"			#~ msgstr "Editar fuente de datos seleccionada"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "There was an error while testing connection"		#~ msgid "There was an error while testing connection"
#~ msgstr "No hay conexiones abiertas"				#~ msgstr "No hay conexiones abiertas"

#~ msgid "Edit selected provider"				#~ msgid "Edit selected provider"
#~ msgstr "Editar el proveedor seleccionado"			#~ msgstr "Editar el proveedor seleccionado"

#~ msgid "Refresh providers list"				#~ msgid "Refresh providers list"
#~ msgstr "Refrescar la lista de proveedores"			#~ msgstr "Refrescar la lista de proveedores"

#~ msgid "Start selected provider"				#~ msgid "Start selected provider"
#~ msgstr "Iniciar el proveedor seleccionado"			#~ msgstr "Iniciar el proveedor seleccionado"

#~ msgid "Stop"							#~ msgid "Stop"
#~ msgstr "Detener"						#~ msgstr "Detener"

#~ msgid "Stop selected provider"				#~ msgid "Stop selected provider"
#~ msgstr "Detener el proveedor seleccionado"			#~ msgstr "Detener el proveedor seleccionado"

#~ msgid "Rolodex"						#~ msgid "Rolodex"
#~ msgstr "Rolodex"						#~ msgstr "Rolodex"

#~ msgid "Rolodex Application"					#~ msgid "Rolodex Application"
#~ msgstr "Aplicación Rolodex"					#~ msgstr "Aplicación Rolodex"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Export Database"					#~ msgid "Export Database"
#~ msgstr "Exportar base de datos"				#~ msgstr "Exportar base de datos"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Objects"						#~ msgid "Objects"
#~ msgstr "Nombre del objeto"					#~ msgstr "Nombre del objeto"

#~ msgid "Could not initialize GNOME_DB_Builder control"	#~ msgid "Could not initialize GNOME_DB_Builder control"
#~ msgstr "No pudo iniciarse el controlador de GNOME_DB_Build	#~ msgstr "No pudo iniciarse el controlador de GNOME_DB_Build

#~ msgid "GNOME-DB database designer component factory"		#~ msgid "GNOME-DB database designer component factory"
#~ msgstr "Instalación del componente de diseño de base de da	#~ msgstr "Instalación del componente de diseño de base de da

#~ msgid "GNOME-DB help viewer component factory"		#~ msgid "GNOME-DB help viewer component factory"
#~ msgstr "Instalación del componente visor de ayuda de GNOME	#~ msgstr "Instalación del componente visor de ayuda de GNOME

#~ msgid "GNOME-DB connection component factory"		#~ msgid "GNOME-DB connection component factory"
#~ msgstr "Instalación del componente de conexión de GNOME-DB	#~ msgstr "Instalación del componente de conexión de GNOME-DB

#~ msgid "GNOME-DB log viewer component factory"		#~ msgid "GNOME-DB log viewer component factory"
#~ msgstr "Instalación del componente visor de registro de GN	#~ msgstr "Instalación del componente visor de registro de GN

#~ msgid "Open SQL File"					#~ msgid "Open SQL File"
#~ msgstr "Abrir Fichero SQL"					#~ msgstr "Abrir Fichero SQL"

#~ msgid "Do Print"						#~ msgid "Do Print"
#~ msgstr "Imprimir"						#~ msgstr "Imprimir"

#~ msgid "Open SQL file"					#~ msgid "Open SQL file"
#~ msgstr "Abrir Archivo SQL"					#~ msgstr "Abrir Archivo SQL"

#~ msgid "Save SQL file"					#~ msgid "Save SQL file"
#~ msgstr "Guardar archivo SQL"					#~ msgstr "Guardar archivo SQL"

#~ msgid "Display previous page in history"			#~ msgid "Display previous page in history"
#~ msgstr "Mostrar página anterior del historial"		#~ msgstr "Mostrar página anterior del historial"

#~ msgid "Display help system home page"			#~ msgid "Display help system home page"
#~ msgstr "Mostrar la página principal de sistema de ayuda"	#~ msgstr "Mostrar la página principal de sistema de ayuda"

#~ msgid "Forward"						#~ msgid "Forward"
#~ msgstr "Adelante"						#~ msgstr "Adelante"

#~ msgid "Display next page in history"				#~ msgid "Display next page in history"
#~ msgstr "Mostrar la próxima página del historial"		#~ msgstr "Mostrar la próxima página del historial"

#~ msgid "Help System"						#~ msgid "Help System"
#~ msgstr "Sistema de Ayuda"					#~ msgstr "Sistema de Ayuda"

#~ msgid "Home page"						#~ msgid "Home page"
#~ msgstr "Página Principal"					#~ msgstr "Página Principal"

#~ msgid "Install"						#~ msgid "Install"
#~ msgstr "Instalar"						#~ msgstr "Instalar"

#~ msgid "Uninstall"						#~ msgid "Uninstall"
#~ msgstr "Desinstalar"						#~ msgstr "Desinstalar"

#~ msgid "Set as Home"						#~ msgid "Set as Home"
#~ msgstr "Establecer como Home"				#~ msgstr "Establecer como Home"

#~ msgid "No datasource '%s' defined in your GDA configuratio	#~ msgid "No datasource '%s' defined in your GDA configuratio
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Ninguna fuente de datos '%s' definida en tu archivo de co	#~ "Ninguna fuente de datos '%s' definida en tu archivo de co

#~ msgid "Could not allocate color"				#~ msgid "Could not allocate color"
#~ msgstr "No se pudo asignar color"				#~ msgstr "No se pudo asignar color"

#~ msgid "Could not initialize manager component"		#~ msgid "Could not initialize manager component"
#~ msgstr "No pudo iniciarse el componente de gestión"		#~ msgstr "No pudo iniciarse el componente de gestión"

#~ msgid "Could not create Database Moniker factory"		#~ msgid "Could not create Database Moniker factory"
#~ msgstr "No se pudo crear la instalación Moniker de Base de	#~ msgstr "No se pudo crear la instalación Moniker de Base de

#~ msgid "Project..."						#~ msgid "Project..."
#~ msgstr "Proyecto..."						#~ msgstr "Proyecto..."

#~ msgid "Open an existing project"				#~ msgid "Open an existing project"
#~ msgstr "Abrir un proyecto existente"				#~ msgstr "Abrir un proyecto existente"

#~ msgid "Open..."						#~ msgid "Open..."
#~ msgstr "Abrir..."						#~ msgstr "Abrir..."

#~ msgid "Close database connection"				#~ msgid "Close database connection"
#~ msgstr "Cerrar la conexión a la base de datos"		#~ msgstr "Cerrar la conexión a la base de datos"

#~ msgid "Browse"						#~ msgid "Browse"
#~ msgstr "Inspeccionar"					#~ msgstr "Inspeccionar"

#~ msgid "Open database browser"				#~ msgid "Open database browser"
#~ msgstr "Abrir el navegador de la base de datos"		#~ msgstr "Abrir el navegador de la base de datos"

#~ msgid "Import objects"					#~ msgid "Import objects"
#~ msgstr "Importar objetos"					#~ msgstr "Importar objetos"

#~ msgid "About gnome-db..."					#~ msgid "About gnome-db..."
#~ msgstr "Acerca de gnome-db..."				#~ msgstr "Acerca de gnome-db..."

#~ msgid "About this program"					#~ msgid "About this program"
#~ msgstr "Acerca de este programa"				#~ msgstr "Acerca de este programa"

#~ msgid "0 rows"						#~ msgid "0 rows"
#~ msgstr "0 filas"						#~ msgstr "0 filas"

#~ msgid "%d rows"						#~ msgid "%d rows"
#~ msgstr "%d filas"						#~ msgstr "%d filas"

#~ msgid "Object properties"					#~ msgid "Object properties"
#~ msgstr "Propiedades del objeto"				#~ msgstr "Propiedades del objeto"

#~ msgid "Close current view"					#~ msgid "Close current view"
#~ msgstr "Cerrar vista actual"					#~ msgstr "Cerrar vista actual"

#~ msgid "Connected to '%s'"					#~ msgid "Connected to '%s'"
#~ msgstr "Conectado a '%s'"					#~ msgstr "Conectado a '%s'"

#~ msgid "Ready"						#~ msgid "Ready"
#~ msgstr "Listo"						#~ msgstr "Listo"

#~ msgid "Connecting..."					#~ msgid "Connecting..."
#~ msgstr "Conectando..."					#~ msgstr "Conectando..."

#~ msgid "Unable to execute '%s'"				#~ msgid "Unable to execute '%s'"
#~ msgstr "Imposible ejecutar '%s'"				#~ msgstr "Imposible ejecutar '%s'"

#~ msgid "Load file into buffer"				#~ msgid "Load file into buffer"
#~ msgstr "Cargar archivo en el buffer"				#~ msgstr "Cargar archivo en el buffer"

#~ msgid "Paste clipboard contents"				#~ msgid "Paste clipboard contents"
#~ msgstr "Pegar los contenidos del portapapeles"		#~ msgstr "Pegar los contenidos del portapapeles"

#~ msgid "Query designer"					#~ msgid "Query designer"
#~ msgstr "Diseñador de búsqueda"				#~ msgstr "Diseñador de búsqueda"

#~ msgid "Import"						#~ msgid "Import"
#~ msgstr "Importar"						#~ msgstr "Importar"

#~ msgid "Command succeeded"					#~ msgid "Command succeeded"
#~ msgstr "Comando completado"					#~ msgstr "Comando completado"

#~ msgid "Transaction started successfully"			#~ msgid "Transaction started successfully"
#~ msgstr "Transacción iniciada correctamente"			#~ msgstr "Transacción iniciada correctamente"

#~ msgid "Rollback executed successfully"			#~ msgid "Rollback executed successfully"
#~ msgstr "Rollback ejecutado correctamente"			#~ msgstr "Rollback ejecutado correctamente"

#~ msgid "Revert"						#~ msgid "Revert"
#~ msgstr "Revertir"						#~ msgstr "Revertir"

#~ msgid "Close database designer"				#~ msgid "Close database designer"
#~ msgstr "Crear diseñador de base de datos"			#~ msgstr "Crear diseñador de base de datos"

#~ msgid "Open XML database"					#~ msgid "Open XML database"
#~ msgstr "Abrir base de datos XML"				#~ msgstr "Abrir base de datos XML"

#~ msgid "Loaded file %s"					#~ msgid "Loaded file %s"
#~ msgstr "Guardar archivo %s"					#~ msgstr "Guardar archivo %s"

#~ msgid "Refresh all lists"					#~ msgid "Refresh all lists"
#~ msgstr "Refrescar todas las listas"				#~ msgstr "Refrescar todas las listas"

#~ msgid "Close log viewer"					#~ msgid "Close log viewer"
#~ msgstr "Cerrar visor de registro"				#~ msgstr "Cerrar visor de registro"

#~ msgid "Open Connection..."					#~ msgid "Open Connection..."
#~ msgstr "Abrir Conexión..."					#~ msgstr "Abrir Conexión..."

#~ msgid "Disconnect all"					#~ msgid "Disconnect all"
#~ msgstr "Desconectar todos"					#~ msgstr "Desconectar todos"

#~ msgid "Close all connections"				#~ msgid "Close all connections"
#~ msgstr "Cerrar todas las conexiones"				#~ msgstr "Cerrar todas las conexiones"

#~ msgid "SQL Window"						#~ msgid "SQL Window"
#~ msgstr "Ventana SQL"						#~ msgstr "Ventana SQL"

#~ msgid "Query Designer"					#~ msgid "Query Designer"
#~ msgstr "Diseñador de Búsqueda"				#~ msgstr "Diseñador de Búsqueda"

#~ msgid "Discard all changes"					#~ msgid "Discard all changes"
#~ msgstr "Deshacer todos los cambios"				#~ msgstr "Deshacer todos los cambios"

#~ msgid "Configure"						#~ msgid "Configure"
#~ msgstr "Configurar"						#~ msgstr "Configurar"

#~ msgid "View logs"						#~ msgid "View logs"
#~ msgstr "Ver registros"					#~ msgstr "Ver registros"

#~ msgid "View service activity"				#~ msgid "View service activity"
#~ msgstr "Ver actividad del servicio"				#~ msgstr "Ver actividad del servicio"

#~ msgid "The GNOME-DB configuration tool"			#~ msgid "The GNOME-DB configuration tool"
#~ msgstr "La herramienta de configuración de GNOME-DB"		#~ msgstr "La herramienta de configuración de GNOME-DB"

#~ msgid "Preferences..."					#~ msgid "Preferences..."
#~ msgstr "Preferencias..."					#~ msgstr "Preferencias..."

#~ msgid "Save current configuration"				#~ msgid "Save current configuration"
#~ msgstr "Guardar configuración actual"			#~ msgstr "Guardar configuración actual"

#~ msgid "Unable to activate object %s"				#~ msgid "Unable to activate object %s"
#~ msgstr "Imposible activar el objeto %s"			#~ msgstr "Imposible activar el objeto %s"

#~ msgid "Could not register %s factory"			#~ msgid "Could not register %s factory"
#~ msgstr "No pudo registrase la instalación %s"		#~ msgstr "No pudo registrase la instalación %s"

#~ msgid "Browse selected data source"				#~ msgid "Browse selected data source"
#~ msgstr "Inspeccionar la fuente de datos seleccionada"	#~ msgstr "Inspeccionar la fuente de datos seleccionada"

#~ msgid "Browse Data Source"					#~ msgid "Browse Data Source"
#~ msgstr "Inspeccionar Fuente de Datos..."			#~ msgstr "Inspeccionar Fuente de Datos..."

#~ msgid "could not load browser control"			#~ msgid "could not load browser control"
#~ msgstr "no se pudo cargar el control de inspección"		#~ msgstr "no se pudo cargar el control de inspección"

#~ msgid "Data source %s not found"				#~ msgid "Data source %s not found"
#~ msgstr "No se encontró la fuentes de datos %s"		#~ msgstr "No se encontró la fuentes de datos %s"

#~ msgid "TRUE"							#~ msgid "TRUE"
#~ msgstr "SI"							#~ msgstr "SI"

#~ msgid "FALSE"						#~ msgid "FALSE"
#~ msgstr "NO"							#~ msgstr "NO"

#~ msgid "To open/close the connection"				#~ msgid "To open/close the connection"
#~ msgstr "Abrir/cerrar todas las conexiones"			#~ msgstr "Abrir/cerrar todas las conexiones"

#~ msgid "Could not initialize CORBA"				#~ msgid "Could not initialize CORBA"
#~ msgstr "No pudo iniciarse CORBA"				#~ msgstr "No pudo iniciarse CORBA"

#~ msgid "Connected to %s"					#~ msgid "Connected to %s"
#~ msgstr "Conectado a %s"					#~ msgstr "Conectado a %s"

#~ msgid "Go to previous document"				#~ msgid "Go to previous document"
#~ msgstr "Ir al documento anterior"				#~ msgstr "Ir al documento anterior"

#~ msgid "Go to next document"					#~ msgid "Go to next document"
#~ msgstr "Ir al documento siguiente"				#~ msgstr "Ir al documento siguiente"

#~ msgid "Server"						#~ msgid "Server"
#~ msgstr "Servidor"						#~ msgstr "Servidor"

#~ msgid "Repository"						#~ msgid "Repository"
#~ msgstr "Almacén"						#~ msgstr "Almacén"

#~ msgid "New repository"					#~ msgid "New repository"
#~ msgstr "Nuevo almacén"					#~ msgstr "Nuevo almacén"

#~ msgid "Open existing screen"					#~ msgid "Open existing screen"
#~ msgstr "Abrir pantalla existente"				#~ msgstr "Abrir pantalla existente"

#~ msgid "Open existing server"					#~ msgid "Open existing server"
#~ msgstr "Abrir servidor existente"				#~ msgstr "Abrir servidor existente"

#~ msgid "Open existing repository"				#~ msgid "Open existing repository"
#~ msgstr "Abrir almacén existente"				#~ msgstr "Abrir almacén existente"

#~ msgid "Close all"						#~ msgid "Close all"
#~ msgstr "Cerrar todas"					#~ msgstr "Cerrar todas"

#~ msgid "Close all open windows"				#~ msgid "Close all open windows"
#~ msgstr "Cerrar todas las ventanas"				#~ msgstr "Cerrar todas las ventanas"

#~ msgid "Undo last action"					#~ msgid "Undo last action"
#~ msgstr "Deshacer la última acción"				#~ msgstr "Deshacer la última acción"

#~ msgid "Redo"							#~ msgid "Redo"
#~ msgstr "Rehacer"						#~ msgstr "Rehacer"

#~ msgid "Copy selected text/item to the clipboard"		#~ msgid "Copy selected text/item to the clipboard"
#~ msgstr "Copiar texto/artículo seleccionado al portapapeles	#~ msgstr "Copiar texto/artículo seleccionado al portapapeles

#~ msgid "Open project"						#~ msgid "Open project"
#~ msgstr "Abrir proyecto"					#~ msgstr "Abrir proyecto"

#~ msgid "database name"					#~ msgid "database name"
#~ msgstr "nombre de la base de datos"				#~ msgstr "nombre de la base de datos"

#~ msgid "user name"						#~ msgid "user name"
#~ msgstr "nombre de usuario"					#~ msgstr "nombre de usuario"

#~ msgid "No command selected"					#~ msgid "No command selected"
#~ msgstr "Ningún comando seleccionado"				#~ msgstr "Ningún comando seleccionado"

#~ msgid "Insert at current position"				#~ msgid "Insert at current position"
#~ msgstr "Insertar en la posición actual"			#~ msgstr "Insertar en la posición actual"

#~ msgid "Command separators"					#~ msgid "Command separators"
#~ msgstr "Comando separadores"					#~ msgstr "Comando separadores"

#~ msgid "Append to current file"				#~ msgid "Append to current file"
#~ msgstr "Añadir al archivo actual"				#~ msgstr "Añadir al archivo actual"

#~ msgid "Configuration file saved"				#~ msgid "Configuration file saved"
#~ msgstr "Archivo de configuración guardado"			#~ msgstr "Archivo de configuración guardado"

#~ msgid "Add Environment Variable"				#~ msgid "Add Environment Variable"
#~ msgstr "Añadir variable de entorno"				#~ msgstr "Añadir variable de entorno"

#~ msgid "Editor Font"						#~ msgid "Editor Font"
#~ msgstr "Fuente del editor"					#~ msgstr "Fuente del editor"

#~ msgid "Tab Position"						#~ msgid "Tab Position"
#~ msgstr "Posición de las Pestañas"				#~ msgstr "Posición de las Pestañas"

#~ msgid "Top"							#~ msgid "Top"
#~ msgstr "Arriba"						#~ msgstr "Arriba"

#~ msgid "Bottom"						#~ msgid "Bottom"
#~ msgstr "Abajo"						#~ msgstr "Abajo"

#~ msgid "Left"							#~ msgid "Left"
#~ msgstr "Izquierda"						#~ msgstr "Izquierda"

#~ msgid "Right"						#~ msgid "Right"
#~ msgstr "Derecha"						#~ msgstr "Derecha"

#~ msgid "Grid"							#~ msgid "Grid"
#~ msgstr "Cuadrícula"						#~ msgstr "Cuadrícula"

#~ msgid "Font"							#~ msgid "Font"
#~ msgstr "Fuente"						#~ msgstr "Fuente"

#~ msgid "Browse Database"					#~ msgid "Browse Database"
#~ msgstr "Inspeccionar Base de Datos"				#~ msgstr "Inspeccionar Base de Datos"

#~ msgid "Close connection"					#~ msgid "Close connection"
#~ msgstr "Cerrar conexión"					#~ msgstr "Cerrar conexión"

#~ msgid "Clear all fields"					#~ msgid "Clear all fields"
#~ msgstr "Limpiar todas los campos"				#~ msgstr "Limpiar todas los campos"

#~ msgid "Object Identifiers"					#~ msgid "Object Identifiers"
#~ msgstr "Identificadores de Objetos"				#~ msgstr "Identificadores de Objetos"

#~ msgid "Object Inheritance"					#~ msgid "Object Inheritance"
#~ msgstr "Herencia de Objetos"					#~ msgstr "Herencia de Objetos"

#~ msgid ""							#~ msgid ""
#~ "Error reading from file\n"					#~ "Error reading from file\n"
#~ "'%s'"							#~ "'%s'"
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Error leyendo archivo\n"					#~ "Error leyendo archivo\n"
#~ "'%s'"							#~ "'%s'"

#~ msgid ""							#~ msgid ""
#~ "Error writing to file\n"					#~ "Error writing to file\n"
#~ "'%s'"							#~ "'%s'"
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Error escribiendo archivo\n"				#~ "Error escribiendo archivo\n"
#~ "'%s'"							#~ "'%s'"

#~ msgid "Begin transaction failed"				#~ msgid "Begin transaction failed"
#~ msgstr "Error al iniciar transacción"			#~ msgstr "Error al iniciar transacción"

#~ msgid "Commit transaction failed"				#~ msgid "Commit transaction failed"
#~ msgstr "Error al realizar transacción"			#~ msgstr "Error al realizar transacción"

#~ msgid "Command Timeout"					#~ msgid "Command Timeout"
#~ msgstr "Tiempo de espera del Comando"			#~ msgstr "Tiempo de espera del Comando"

#~ msgid "Connect Timeout"					#~ msgid "Connect Timeout"
#~ msgstr "Tiempo de espera de la Conexión"			#~ msgstr "Tiempo de espera de la Conexión"

#~ msgid "Trace File"						#~ msgid "Trace File"
#~ msgstr "Archivo de Trazas"					#~ msgstr "Archivo de Trazas"

#~ msgid "Clear all entries"					#~ msgid "Clear all entries"
#~ msgstr "Limpiar todas las entradas"				#~ msgstr "Limpiar todas las entradas"

#~ msgid "Clear log file"					#~ msgid "Clear log file"
#~ msgstr "Limpiar archivo de registro"				#~ msgstr "Limpiar archivo de registro"

#~ msgid "Refresh log viewer"					#~ msgid "Refresh log viewer"
#~ msgstr "Refrescar visor de registro"				#~ msgstr "Refrescar visor de registro"

#~ msgid "Activate selected service"				#~ msgid "Activate selected service"
#~ msgstr "Activar servicio seleccionado"			#~ msgstr "Activar servicio seleccionado"

#~ msgid "Stop selected service"				#~ msgid "Stop selected service"
#~ msgstr "Detener sevicio seleccionado"			#~ msgstr "Detener sevicio seleccionado"

#~ msgid "Could not activate service '%s'"			#~ msgid "Could not activate service '%s'"
#~ msgstr "No pudo activarse el servcio '%s'"			#~ msgstr "No pudo activarse el servcio '%s'"

#~ msgid "Repo ID"						#~ msgid "Repo ID"
#~ msgstr "Identificador de Alamcén"				#~ msgstr "Identificador de Alamcén"

#~ msgid "executing command '%s'"				#~ msgid "executing command '%s'"
#~ msgstr "ejecutando comando '%s'"				#~ msgstr "ejecutando comando '%s'"

#~ msgid "Executing command '%s'"				#~ msgid "Executing command '%s'"
#~ msgstr "Ejecutando comando '%s'"				#~ msgstr "Ejecutando comando '%s'"

#~ msgid "DSN for the connection"				#~ msgid "DSN for the connection"
#~ msgstr "DNS para la conexión"				#~ msgstr "DNS para la conexión"

#~ msgid "Object type setting"					#~ msgid "Object type setting"
#~ msgstr "Configuración de tipo de objeto"			#~ msgstr "Configuración de tipo de objeto"

#~ msgid "Object name setting"					#~ msgid "Object name setting"
#~ msgstr "Configuración de nombre de objeto"			#~ msgstr "Configuración de nombre de objeto"

#~ msgid "Update/Delete"					#~ msgid "Update/Delete"
#~ msgstr "Actualizar/Borrar"					#~ msgstr "Actualizar/Borrar"

#~ msgid "Name:"						#~ msgid "Name:"
#~ msgstr "Nombre:"						#~ msgstr "Nombre:"

#~ msgid "Create DB"						#~ msgid "Create DB"
#~ msgstr "Crear BD"						#~ msgstr "Crear BD"

#~ msgid "Create users"						#~ msgid "Create users"
#~ msgstr "Crear usuarios"					#~ msgstr "Crear usuarios"

#~ msgid "Known database users"					#~ msgid "Known database users"
#~ msgstr "Usuarios de la base de datos conocidos"		#~ msgstr "Usuarios de la base de datos conocidos"

#~ msgid "Delete user"						#~ msgid "Delete user"
#~ msgstr "Borrar usuario"					#~ msgstr "Borrar usuario"

#~ msgid "Ok"							#~ msgid "Ok"
#~ msgstr "Aceptar"						#~ msgstr "Aceptar"

#~ msgid "New control"						#~ msgid "New control"
#~ msgstr "Nuevo control"					#~ msgstr "Nuevo control"

#~ msgid "Close control"					#~ msgid "Close control"
#~ msgstr "Cerrar control"					#~ msgstr "Cerrar control"

#~ msgid "Controls"						#~ msgid "Controls"
#~ msgstr "Controles"						#~ msgstr "Controles"

#~ msgid "table"						#~ msgid "table"
#~ msgstr "tabla"						#~ msgstr "tabla"

#~ msgid "TABLENAME"						#~ msgid "TABLENAME"
#~ msgstr "NOMBRE DE LA TABLA"					#~ msgstr "NOMBRE DE LA TABLA"

#~ msgid "TABLE NAME"						#~ msgid "TABLE NAME"
#~ msgstr "NOBRE DE LA TABLA"					#~ msgstr "NOBRE DE LA TABLA"
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: fa.gmo
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/fa.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/fa.po
# Persian translation of libgnomedb.				# Persian translation of libgnomedb.
# Copyright (C) 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.		# Copyright (C) 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# Roozbeh Pournader <roozbeh sharif edu>, 2003.			# Roozbeh Pournader <roozbeh sharif edu>, 2003.
#								#
msgid ""							msgid ""
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: libgnomedb 0.11\n"				"Project-Id-Version: libgnomedb 0.11\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"					"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"			"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2003-03-16 19:05+0330\n"			"PO-Revision-Date: 2003-03-16 19:05+0330\n"
"Last-Translator: Roozbeh Pournader <roozbeh sharif edu>\n"	"Last-Translator: Roozbeh Pournader <roozbeh sharif edu>\n"
"Language-Team: Persian <farsi lists sharif edu>\n"		"Language-Team: Persian <farsi lists sharif edu>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"						"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"			"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"				"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co
msgid "Data Sources"						msgid "Data Sources"
msgstr "Ù?Ù?ابع دادÙ?â??اÛ?"						msgstr "Ù?Ù?ابع دادÙ?â??اÛ?"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid
msgid "Providers"						msgid "Providers"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1
msgid "Configure your database environment"			msgid "Configure your database environment"
msgstr "Ù¾Û?کربÙ?دÛ? Ù?Ø­Û?Ø· پاÛ?گاÙ?â??دادÙ?"				msgstr "Ù¾Û?کربÙ?دÛ? Ù?Ø­Û?Ø· پاÛ?گاÙ?â??دادÙ?"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Database Access Properties "				msgid "Database Access Properties "
msgstr "Ù?شخصات پاÛ?گاÙ?â??دادÙ?"					msgstr "Ù?شخصات پاÛ?گاÙ?â??دادÙ?"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380
msgid "Name"							msgid "Name"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
msgid "Description"						msgid "Description"
msgstr "تÙ?صÛ?Ù?"							msgstr "تÙ?صÛ?Ù?"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182
msgid "Configured data sources in the system"			msgid "Configured data sources in the system"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data sources are the means by which database connections are	"Data sources are the means by which database connections are
"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s	"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s
"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o	"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o
"name you identify the connections in the applications that m	"name you identify the connections in the applications that m
"DB for database access."					"DB for database access."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277
#, fuzzy, c-format						#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"	msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"
msgstr "Ø¢Û?ا Ù?Û?â??Ø®Ù?اÙ?Û?د Ù?Ù?بع دادÙ?â??اÛ? '%s' را حذÙ? Ú©Ù?Û?دØ?"		msgstr "Ø¢Û?ا Ù?Û?â??Ø®Ù?اÙ?Û?د Ù?Ù?بع دادÙ?â??اÛ? '%s' را حذÙ? Ú©Ù?Û?دØ?"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data Source Properties"					msgid "Data Source Properties"
msgstr "Ù?شخصات Ù?Ù?بع دادÙ?â??اÛ?"					msgstr "Ù?شخصات Ù?Ù?بع دادÙ?â??اÛ?"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132
msgid "Basic"							msgid "Basic"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Tables"							msgid "Tables"
msgstr "جدÙ?Ù?â??Ù?ا"							msgstr "جدÙ?Ù?â??Ù?ا"

#: control-center/main.c:92					#: control-center/main.c:92
msgid "No valid data source info was created"			msgid "No valid data source info was created"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218	#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218
msgid "New data source"						msgid "New data source"
msgstr "Ù?Ù?بع دادÙ?â??اÛ? جدÛ?د"					msgstr "Ù?Ù?بع دادÙ?â??اÛ? جدÛ?د"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:215					#: control-center/main.c:215
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Database Access Properties"				msgid "Database Access Properties"
msgstr "Ù?شخصات پاÛ?گاÙ?â??دادÙ?"					msgstr "Ù?شخصات پاÛ?گاÙ?â??دادÙ?"

#: control-center/provider-config.c:105				#: control-center/provider-config.c:105
msgid "Installed providers"					msgid "Installed providers"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/provider-config.c:131				#: control-center/provider-config.c:131
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec	"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec
"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo	"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo
"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr	"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr
"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba	"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba
"etc."								"etc."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1
msgid "Database connection parameters file"			msgid "Database connection parameters file"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2
msgid "Documents"						msgid "Documents"
msgstr "اسÙ?اد"							msgstr "اسÙ?اد"

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3
msgid "SQL code viewer"						msgid "SQL code viewer"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1
msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"			msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2
msgid "Number of spaces per tab"				msgid "Number of spaces per tab"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3
msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"			msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"
msgstr "Ù?Ù?اÛ?Ø´ Ø´Ù?ارÙ?â??Û? سطرÙ?ا در Ù?Û?راÛ?شگر Ù?بدأ"			msgstr "Ù?Ù?اÛ?Ø´ Ø´Ù?ارÙ?â??Û? سطرÙ?ا در Ù?Û?راÛ?شگر Ù?بدأ"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4
msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"			msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60
msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"			msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1
msgid "About"							msgid "About"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2
msgid "About GNOME-DB"						msgid "About GNOME-DB"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3
msgid "Close this window"					msgid "Close this window"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4
msgid "Create new entry"					msgid "Create new entry"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5
msgid "Delete selected items"					msgid "Delete selected items"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6
msgid "Deselect all items"					msgid "Deselect all items"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7
msgid "Edit properties for selected item"			msgid "Edit properties for selected item"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8
msgid "Save connection parameters to file"			msgid "Save connection parameters to file"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Select _All"						msgid "Select _All"
msgstr "اÙ?تخاب Ù?Ù?Ù?"						msgstr "اÙ?تخاب Ù?Ù?Ù?"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Select all items"					msgid "Select all items"
msgstr "اÙ?تخاب Ù?Ù?Ù?"						msgstr "اÙ?تخاب Ù?Ù?Ù?"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View data sources"					msgid "View data sources"
msgstr "Ù?Ù?بع دادÙ?â??اÛ? جدÛ?د"					msgstr "Ù?Ù?بع دادÙ?â??اÛ? جدÛ?د"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12
msgid "View providers"						msgid "View providers"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Clear Selection"					msgid "_Clear Selection"
msgstr "پاک کردÙ? اÙ?تخاب"					msgstr "پاک کردÙ? اÙ?تخاب"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14
msgid "_Close"							msgid "_Close"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Data Sources"						msgid "_Data Sources"
msgstr "Ù?Ù?ابع دادÙ?â??اÛ?"						msgstr "Ù?Ù?ابع دادÙ?â??اÛ?"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Database"						msgid "_Database"
msgstr "پاÛ?گاÙ?â??دادÙ?"						msgstr "پاÛ?گاÙ?â??دادÙ?"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17
msgid "_Delete"							msgid "_Delete"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18
msgid "_Edit"							msgid "_Edit"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19
msgid "_Help"							msgid "_Help"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_New Data Source..."					msgid "_New Data Source..."
msgstr "Ù?Ù?بع دادÙ?â??اÛ? جدÛ?د"					msgstr "Ù?Ù?بع دادÙ?â??اÛ? جدÛ?د"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Properties"						msgid "_Properties"
msgstr "Ù?شخصات پاÛ?گاÙ?â??دادÙ?"					msgstr "Ù?شخصات پاÛ?گاÙ?â??دادÙ?"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22
msgid "_Providers"						msgid "_Providers"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Save Connection"					msgid "_Save Connection"
msgstr "ذخÛ?رÙ? بÙ?"						msgstr "ذخÛ?رÙ? بÙ?"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_View"							msgid "_View"
msgstr "Ù?Ù?اÙ?ا"							msgstr "Ù?Ù?اÙ?ا"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76
msgid "Structure"						msgid "Structure"
msgstr "ساختار"							msgstr "ساختار"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73
msgid "Data"							msgid "Data"
msgstr "دادÙ?"							msgstr "دادÙ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238
msgid "Not implemented yet!"					msgid "Not implemented yet!"
msgstr "Ù?Ù?Ù?ز Ù¾Û?ادÙ?â??سازÛ? Ù?شدÙ? است!"				msgstr "Ù?Ù?Ù?ز Ù¾Û?ادÙ?â??سازÛ? Ù?شدÙ? است!"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Database"						msgid "Database"
msgstr "پاÛ?گاÙ?â??دادÙ?"						msgstr "پاÛ?گاÙ?â??دادÙ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540
msgid "Loading database schemas..."				msgid "Loading database schemas..."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632
msgid "Refreshing data..."					msgid "Refreshing data..."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688
msgid "Views"							msgid "Views"
msgstr "Ù?Ù?اÙ?ا"							msgstr "Ù?Ù?اÙ?ا"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691
msgid "Indexes"							msgid "Indexes"
msgstr "Ù?Ù?اÛ?Ù?â??Ù?ا"						msgstr "Ù?Ù?اÛ?Ù?â??Ù?ا"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Sequences"						msgid "Sequences"
msgstr "دÙ?باÙ?Ù?â??Ù?ا"						msgstr "دÙ?باÙ?Ù?â??Ù?ا"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Procedures"						msgid "Procedures"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700
msgid "Triggers"						msgid "Triggers"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Aggregates"						msgid "Aggregates"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Types"							msgid "Types"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140
msgid "Could not query CORBA components"			msgid "Could not query CORBA components"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209
msgid "ID"							msgid "ID"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "Location"						msgid "Location"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212
msgid "Username"						msgid "Username"
msgstr "Ù?اÙ? کاربر"						msgstr "Ù?اÙ? کاربر"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Hostname"						msgid "Hostname"
msgstr "Ù?اÙ? کاربر"						msgstr "Ù?اÙ? کاربر"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214
msgid "Domain"							msgid "Domain"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"			msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"
msgstr "Ù?Ù?ع پشتÛ?باÙ?Û?â??Ù?شدÙ? در GConfEntry: %d"			msgstr "Ù?Ù?ع پشتÛ?باÙ?Û?â??Ù?شدÙ? در GConfEntry: %d"

#. create widgets						#. create widgets
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97
msgid "Settings"						msgid "Settings"
msgstr "تÙ?ظÛ?Ù?ات"						msgstr "تÙ?ظÛ?Ù?ات"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103
msgid "Data source name"					msgid "Data source name"
msgstr "Ù?اÙ? Ù?Ù?بع دادÙ?â??اÛ?"					msgstr "Ù?اÙ? Ù?Ù?بع دادÙ?â??اÛ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109
msgid "Connection string"					msgid "Connection string"
msgstr "رشتÙ?â??Û? اتصاÙ?"						msgstr "رشتÙ?â??Û? اتصاÙ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115
msgid "Provider"						msgid "Provider"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121
msgid "User name"						msgid "User name"
msgstr "Ù?اÙ? کاربر"						msgstr "Ù?اÙ? کاربر"

#. create feature list						#. create feature list
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128
msgid "Features"						msgid "Features"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190
msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"		msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"
msgstr "Ø´Ù?ا باÛ?د براÛ? Ù?Ù?بع دادÙ?â??اÛ? جدÛ?د Ù?اÙ?Û? Ù?ارد Ú©Ù?Û?د"		msgstr "Ø´Ù?ا باÛ?د براÛ? Ù?Ù?بع دادÙ?â??اÛ? جدÛ?د Ù?اÙ?Û? Ù?ارد Ú©Ù?Û?د"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197
msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac	msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206
msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th	msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213
msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"			msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217
msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n	msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225
msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"	msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233
msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"		msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391
msgid "Add a new data source..."				msgid "Add a new data source..."
msgstr "اÙ?زÙ?دÙ? Ù?Ù?بع دادÙ?â??اÛ? جدÛ?د..."				msgstr "اÙ?زÙ?دÙ? Ù?Ù?بع دادÙ?â??اÛ? جدÛ?د..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392
msgid ""							msgid ""
"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"		"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"
"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"		"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"
"installation. Just follow the steps!"				"installation. Just follow the steps!"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404
msgid "General Information"					msgid "General Information"
msgstr "اطÙ?اعات عÙ?Ù?Ù?Û?"						msgstr "اطÙ?اعات عÙ?Ù?Ù?Û?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the basic information\n"	"The following fields represent the basic information\n"
"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n	"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n
"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"	"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"
"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"	"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"
"the default one."						"the default one."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data source _name:"					msgid "Data source _name:"
msgstr "Ù?اÙ? Ù?Ù?بع دادÙ?â??اÛ?"					msgstr "Ù?اÙ? Ù?Ù?بع دادÙ?â??اÛ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114
msgid "_Provider:"						msgid "_Provider:"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Description:"						msgid "_Description:"
msgstr "تÙ?صÛ?Ù?"							msgstr "تÙ?صÛ?Ù?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Username:"						msgid "_Username:"
msgstr "Ù?اÙ? کاربر"						msgstr "Ù?اÙ? کاربر"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "P_assword:"						msgid "P_assword:"
msgstr "گذرÙ?اÚ?Ù?"						msgstr "گذرÙ?اÚ?Ù?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454
msgid "Provider Parameters"					msgid "Provider Parameters"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the information needed by the	"The following fields represent the information needed by the
"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n	"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n
"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\	"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\
"the manual for more information."				"the manual for more information."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481
msgid "All information retrieved"				msgid "All information retrieved"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482
msgid ""							msgid ""
"All information needed to create a new data source\n"		"All information needed to create a new data source\n"
"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"		"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"
"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"	"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"
"just select it when asked for a data source."			"just select it when asked for a data source."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Connection _string:"					msgid "Connection _string:"
msgstr "رشتÙ?â??Û? اتصاÙ?"						msgstr "رشتÙ?â??Û? اتصاÙ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4
msgid "Error"							msgid "Error"
msgstr "خطا"							msgstr "خطا"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.
msgid "Show detail >>"						msgid "Show detail >>"
msgstr "Ù?Ù?اÛ?Ø´ جزئÛ?اتâ?? >>"					msgstr "Ù?Ù?اÛ?Ø´ جزئÛ?اتâ?? >>"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122
msgid "<< Hide detail"						msgid "<< Hide detail"
msgstr "<< Ù?Ø®Ù?Û? کردÙ? جزئÛ?ات"					msgstr "<< Ù?Ø®Ù?Û? کردÙ? جزئÛ?ات"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191
msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"	msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196
msgid "Error number"						msgid "Error number"
msgstr "Ø´Ù?ارÙ?â??Û? خطا"						msgstr "Ø´Ù?ارÙ?â??Û? خطا"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Details"							msgid "Details"
msgstr "جزئÛ?ات"							msgstr "جزئÛ?ات"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234
msgid "Source"							msgid "Source"
msgstr "Ù?Ù?بع"							msgstr "Ù?Ù?بع"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241
msgid "SQL state"						msgid "SQL state"
msgstr "Ù?ضعÛ?ت SQL"						msgstr "Ù?ضعÛ?ت SQL"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Field:"							msgid "_Field:"
msgstr "عÙ?Ù?اÙ?"							msgstr "عÙ?Ù?اÙ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Text:"							msgid "_Text:"
msgstr "آزÙ?اÛ?Ø´"							msgstr "آزÙ?اÛ?Ø´"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308
msgid "No records"						msgid "No records"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Record %d of %d"						msgid "Record %d of %d"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113
msgid "Recordset description"					msgid "Recordset description"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid ""							msgid ""
"File '%s' already exists.\n"					"File '%s' already exists.\n"
"Do you want to overwrite it?"					"Do you want to overwrite it?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149
msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."		msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Could not save file %s"					msgid "Could not save file %s"
msgstr "Ù?Ù?Û?â??تÙ?اÙ? پرÙ?Ù?دÙ?â??Û? %s را ذخÛ?رÙ? کرد"			msgstr "Ù?Ù?Û?â??تÙ?اÙ? پرÙ?Ù?دÙ?â??Û? %s را ذخÛ?رÙ? کرد"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224
msgid "You must specify a file name"				msgid "You must specify a file name"
msgstr "Ø´Ù?ا باÛ?د اسÙ? پرÙ?Ù?دÙ? را Ù?شخص Ú©Ù?Û?د"			msgstr "Ø´Ù?ا باÛ?د اسÙ? پرÙ?Ù?دÙ? را Ù?شخص Ú©Ù?Û?د"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230
msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"		msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261
msgid "Saving Model"						msgid "Saving Model"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "File _name:"						msgid "File _name:"
msgstr "Ù?اÙ? جدÙ?Ù?"						msgstr "Ù?اÙ? جدÙ?Ù?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276
msgid "Select File"						msgid "Select File"
msgstr "اÙ?تخاب پرÙ?Ù?دÙ?"						msgstr "اÙ?تخاب پرÙ?Ù?دÙ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283
msgid "File _type:"						msgid "File _type:"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291
msgid "Tab-delimited"						msgid "Tab-delimited"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294
msgid "Comma-delimited"						msgid "Comma-delimited"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:
msgid "XML"							msgid "XML"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355
msgid "View detail"						msgid "View detail"
msgstr "Ù?Ù?اÛ?Ø´ جزئÛ?ات"						msgstr "Ù?Ù?اÛ?Ø´ جزئÛ?ات"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Show Column _Titles"					msgid "Show Column _Titles"
msgstr "Ù?Ù?اÛ?Ø´ ستÙ?Ù?â??Ù?ا"						msgstr "Ù?Ù?اÛ?Ø´ ستÙ?Ù?â??Ù?ا"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442
msgid "Describe"						msgid "Describe"
msgstr "تÙ?صÛ?Ù?"							msgstr "تÙ?صÛ?Ù?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443
msgid "View detail..."						msgid "View detail..."
msgstr "Ù?Ù?اÛ?Ø´ جزئÛ?ات..."					msgstr "Ù?Ù?اÛ?Ø´ جزئÛ?ات..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614
msgid "Title"							msgid "Title"
msgstr "عÙ?Ù?اÙ?"							msgstr "عÙ?Ù?اÙ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48
msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"	msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"		"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"
"to a data source"						"to a data source"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data Source:"						msgid "Data Source:"
msgstr "Ù?Ù?بع دادÙ?â??اÛ?"						msgstr "Ù?Ù?بع دادÙ?â??اÛ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Username:"						msgid "Username:"
msgstr "Ù?اÙ? کاربر"						msgstr "Ù?اÙ? کاربر"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Password:"						msgid "Password:"
msgstr "گذرÙ?اÚ?Ù?"						msgstr "گذرÙ?اÚ?Ù?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69
msgid "Fields"							msgid "Fields"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30
msgid "Commit"							msgid "Commit"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31
msgid "Connect"							msgid "Connect"
msgstr "اتصاÙ?"							msgstr "اتصاÙ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33
msgid "Designer"						msgid "Designer"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34
msgid "Disconnect"						msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr "Ù?طع اتصاÙ?"						msgstr "Ù?طع اتصاÙ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35
msgid "NoTransaction"						msgid "NoTransaction"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37
msgid "Query"							msgid "Query"
msgstr "پرسâ??Ù?جÙ?"							msgstr "پرسâ??Ù?جÙ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38
msgid "Rollback"						msgid "Rollback"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40
msgid "SQL"							msgid "SQL"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43
msgid "WithinTransaction"					msgid "WithinTransaction"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Error: %s"						msgid "Error: %s"
msgstr "خطا: %s"						msgstr "خطا: %s"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79
msgid "Table name"						msgid "Table name"
msgstr "Ù?اÙ? جدÙ?Ù?"						msgstr "Ù?اÙ? جدÙ?Ù?"

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93			#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Login for %s"						msgid "Login for %s"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95					#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95
msgid "Login to database"					msgid "Login to database"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: vfs/libmain.c:71						#: vfs/libmain.c:71
msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"				msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Table Properties"					msgid "Table Properties"
msgstr "Ù?شخصات پاÛ?گاÙ?â??دادÙ?"					msgstr "Ù?شخصات پاÛ?گاÙ?â??دادÙ?"

#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Table Name"						msgid "Table Name"
msgstr "Ù?اÙ? جدÙ?Ù?"						msgstr "Ù?اÙ? جدÙ?Ù?"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155
msgid "New"							msgid "New"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156
msgid "Create new table"					msgid "Create new table"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Properties"						msgid "Properties"
msgstr "Ù?شخصات پاÛ?گاÙ?â??دادÙ?"					msgstr "Ù?شخصات پاÛ?گاÙ?â??دادÙ?"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View table properties"					msgid "View table properties"
msgstr "Ù?شخصات پاÛ?گاÙ?â??دادÙ?"					msgstr "Ù?شخصات پاÛ?گاÙ?â??دادÙ?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
msgid "UID"							msgid "UID"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "calendar"						msgid "calendar"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "summary"							msgid "summary"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "Summary"							msgid "Summary"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "location"						msgid "location"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "dtstart"							msgid "dtstart"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
msgid "Start time"						msgid "Start time"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "dtend"							msgid "dtend"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "End time"						msgid "End time"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "description"						msgid "description"
msgstr "تÙ?صÛ?Ù?"							msgstr "تÙ?صÛ?Ù?"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "classification"						msgid "classification"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Classification"						msgid "Classification"
msgstr "پاک کردÙ? اÙ?تخاب"					msgstr "پاک کردÙ? اÙ?تخاب"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "transparency"						msgid "transparency"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "Transparency"						msgid "Transparency"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "categories"						msgid "categories"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "Categories"						msgid "Categories"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "tasks"							msgid "tasks"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "due"							msgid "due"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "Due date"						msgid "Due date"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "Start date"						msgid "Start date"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355
msgid "Public"							msgid "Public"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358
msgid "Private"							msgid "Private"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361
msgid "Confidential"						msgid "Confidential"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63
msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"		msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66
msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"			msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80
msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta	msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"		msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"
msgstr "Ù?Ù?Û?â??تÙ?اÙ? اتصاÙ?Û? بÙ? %s باز کرد"				msgstr "Ù?Ù?Û?â??تÙ?اÙ? اتصاÙ?Û? بÙ? %s باز کرد"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100
msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"				msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Field name"						msgid "Field name"
msgstr "Ù?اÙ? کاربر"						msgstr "Ù?اÙ? کاربر"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data type"						msgid "Data type"
msgstr "دادÙ?"							msgstr "دادÙ?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214
msgid "Size"							msgid "Size"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215
msgid "Scale"							msgid "Scale"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216
msgid "Not null?"						msgid "Not null?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217
msgid "Primary key?"						msgid "Primary key?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218
msgid "Unique index?"						msgid "Unique index?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "References"						msgid "References"
msgstr "دÙ?باÙ?Ù?â??Ù?ا"						msgstr "دÙ?باÙ?Ù?â??Ù?ا"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220
msgid "Default value"						msgid "Default value"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239
msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l	msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Table %s does not exist"					msgid "Table %s does not exist"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318
msgid "Scheduled events"					msgid "Scheduled events"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321
msgid "TODO list"						msgid "TODO list"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375
msgid "Owner"							msgid "Owner"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Comments"						msgid "Comments"
msgstr "اسÙ?اد"							msgstr "اسÙ?اد"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374
msgid "Type"							msgid "Type"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377
msgid "GDA type"						msgid "GDA type"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id	#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id
#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database	#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database
#. we can easily access that information			#. we can easily access that information
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382
msgid "local"							msgid "local"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217
msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230
msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244
msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"			msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268
msgid "Invalid SQL command"					msgid "Invalid SQL command"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353
msgid "Transactions are not supported"				msgid "Transactions are not supported"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41
msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"		msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task	"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Database browser"					#~ msgid "Database browser"
#~ msgstr "Ù?شخصات پاÛ?گاÙ?â??دادÙ?"					#~ msgstr "Ù?شخصات پاÛ?گاÙ?â??دادÙ?"

#~ msgid "Database configuration"				#~ msgid "Database configuration"
#~ msgstr "Ù¾Û?کربÙ?دÛ? پاÛ?گاÙ?â??دادÙ?"					#~ msgstr "Ù¾Û?کربÙ?دÛ? پاÛ?گاÙ?â??دادÙ?"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "_Settings"						#~ msgid "_Settings"
#~ msgstr "تÙ?ظÛ?Ù?ات"						#~ msgstr "تÙ?ظÛ?Ù?ات"

#~ msgid "Password"						#~ msgid "Password"
#~ msgstr "گذرÙ?اÚ?Ù?"						#~ msgstr "گذرÙ?اÚ?Ù?"

#~ msgid "Save as"						#~ msgid "Save as"
#~ msgstr "ذخÛ?رÙ? با Ù?اÙ?"					#~ msgstr "ذخÛ?رÙ? با Ù?اÙ?"

#~ msgid "Save to"						#~ msgid "Save to"
#~ msgstr "ذخÛ?رÙ? بÙ?"						#~ msgstr "ذخÛ?رÙ? بÙ?"

#~ msgid "XML file"						#~ msgid "XML file"
#~ msgstr "پرÙ?Ù?دÙ?â??Û? XML"						#~ msgstr "پرÙ?Ù?دÙ?â??Û? XML"

#~ msgid "Hide columns"						#~ msgid "Hide columns"
#~ msgstr "Ù?Ø®Ù?Û? کردÙ? ستÙ?Ù?â??Ù?ا"					#~ msgstr "Ù?Ø®Ù?Û? کردÙ? ستÙ?Ù?â??Ù?ا"

#~ msgid "Question"						#~ msgid "Question"
#~ msgstr "سؤاÙ?"						#~ msgstr "سؤاÙ?"

#~ msgid "Invalid format for connection string"			#~ msgid "Invalid format for connection string"
#~ msgstr "Ù?اÙ?ب Ù?اÙ?عتبر براÛ? رشتÙ?â??Û? اتصاÙ?"			#~ msgstr "Ù?اÙ?ب Ù?اÙ?عتبر براÛ? رشتÙ?â??Û? اتصاÙ?"

#~ msgid "Data sources"						#~ msgid "Data sources"
#~ msgstr "Ù?Ù?ابع دادÙ?â??اÛ?"					#~ msgstr "Ù?Ù?ابع دادÙ?â??اÛ?"

#~ msgid "Test Data Source"					#~ msgid "Test Data Source"
#~ msgstr "آزÙ?اÛ?Ø´ Ù?Ù?بع دادÙ?â??اÛ?"					#~ msgstr "آزÙ?اÛ?Ø´ Ù?Ù?بع دادÙ?â??اÛ?"

#~ msgid "Connection to %s successful!"				#~ msgid "Connection to %s successful!"
#~ msgstr "اتصاÙ? بÙ? %s با Ù?Ù?Ù?Ù?Û?ت اÙ?جاÙ? شد!"			#~ msgstr "اتصاÙ? بÙ? %s با Ù?Ù?Ù?Ù?Û?ت اÙ?جاÙ? شد!"

#~ msgid "Data source"						#~ msgid "Data source"
#~ msgstr "Ù?Ù?بع دادÙ?â??اÛ?"						#~ msgstr "Ù?Ù?بع دادÙ?â??اÛ?"
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: fi.gmo
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/fi.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/fi.po
# gnome-db Finnish Translation					# gnome-db Finnish Translation
# http://gnome-fi.sourceforge.net				# http://gnome-fi.sourceforge.net
# Copyright (C) 2000,2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.	# Copyright (C) 2000,2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# Markku Verkkoniemi <myv iki fi>, 2000.			# Markku Verkkoniemi <myv iki fi>, 2000.
# Tommi Vainikainen <Tommi Vainikainen iki fi>, 2003-2004.	# Tommi Vainikainen <Tommi Vainikainen iki fi>, 2003-2004.
#								#
msgid ""							msgid ""
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: gnome-db\n"				"Project-Id-Version: gnome-db\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"					"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"			"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-07-24 11:22+0300\n"			"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-07-24 11:22+0300\n"
"Last-Translator: Tommi Vainikainen <Tommi Vainikainen iki fi	"Last-Translator: Tommi Vainikainen <Tommi Vainikainen iki fi
"Language-Team: Finnish <gnome-fi-laatu lists sourceforge org |	"Language-Team: Finnish <gnome-fi-laatu lists sourceforge net
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"						"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"			"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8-bit\n"				"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8-bit\n"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co
msgid "Data Sources"						msgid "Data Sources"
msgstr "Tietolähteet"						msgstr "Tietolähteet"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid
msgid "Providers"						msgid "Providers"
msgstr "Tuottajat"						msgstr "Tuottajat"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1
msgid "Configure your database environment"			msgid "Configure your database environment"
msgstr "Muokkaa tietokantaympäristön asetuksia"			msgstr "Muokkaa tietokantaympäristön asetuksia"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2
msgid "Database Access Properties "				msgid "Database Access Properties "
msgstr "Tietokannan pääsyoikeuksien ominaisuudet "		msgstr "Tietokannan pääsyoikeuksien ominaisuudet "

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380
msgid "Name"							msgid "Name"
msgstr "Nimi"							msgstr "Nimi"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
msgid "Description"						msgid "Description"
msgstr "Kuvaus"							msgstr "Kuvaus"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182
msgid "Configured data sources in the system"			msgid "Configured data sources in the system"
msgstr "Asetetut tietolähteet järjestelmässä"			msgstr "Asetetut tietolähteet järjestelmässä"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data sources are the means by which database connections are	"Data sources are the means by which database connections are
"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s	"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s
"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o	"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o
"name you identify the connections in the applications that m	"name you identify the connections in the applications that m
"DB for database access."					"DB for database access."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Tietolähteet ovat GNOME-DB:n keino tunnistaa tietokantayhtey	"Tietolähteet ovat GNOME-DB:n keino tunnistaa tietokantayhtey
"yhteyden tiettyyn tarjoaja/tietokanta-yhdistelmän avaamiseen	"yhteyden tiettyyn tarjoaja/tietokanta-yhdistelmän avaamiseen
"tiedot tallennetaan yksiselitteistä nimeä käyttäen. Tätä nim	"tiedot tallennetaan yksiselitteistä nimeä käyttäen. Tätä nim
"sovelluksissa, jotka käyttävät GNOME-DB:tä tietokantayhteyks	"sovelluksissa, jotka käyttävät GNOME-DB:tä tietokantayhteyks
"määritellään yhteydet."					"määritellään yhteydet."

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"	msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"
msgstr "Haluatko varmasti poistaa tietolähteen \"%s\"?"		msgstr "Haluatko varmasti poistaa tietolähteen \"%s\"?"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104
msgid "Data Source Properties"					msgid "Data Source Properties"
msgstr "Tietolähteen ominaisuudet"				msgstr "Tietolähteen ominaisuudet"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132
msgid "Basic"							msgid "Basic"
msgstr "Perus"							msgstr "Perus"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Tables"							msgid "Tables"
msgstr "Taulut"							msgstr "Taulut"

#: control-center/main.c:92					#: control-center/main.c:92
msgid "No valid data source info was created"			msgid "No valid data source info was created"
msgstr "Kelvollista tietolähdetietoa ei luotu"			msgstr "Kelvollista tietolähdetietoa ei luotu"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218	#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218
msgid "New data source"						msgid "New data source"
msgstr "Uusi tietolähde"					msgstr "Uusi tietolähde"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:215					#: control-center/main.c:215
msgid "Database Access Properties"				msgid "Database Access Properties"
msgstr "Tietokannan pääsyoikeuksien ominaisuudet"		msgstr "Tietokannan pääsyoikeuksien ominaisuudet"

#: control-center/provider-config.c:105				#: control-center/provider-config.c:105
msgid "Installed providers"					msgid "Installed providers"
msgstr "Asennetut tarjoajat"					msgstr "Asennetut tarjoajat"

#: control-center/provider-config.c:131				#: control-center/provider-config.c:131
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec	"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec
"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo	"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo
"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr	"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr
"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba	"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba
"etc."								"etc."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Tarjoajat ovat ulkoisia liitännäisiä, jotka tarjoavat pääsyn	"Tarjoajat ovat ulkoisia liitännäisiä, jotka tarjoavat pääsyn
"tietolähteisiin. Oletustarjoaja, joka käyttää XML-tiedostoih	"tietolähteisiin. Oletustarjoaja, joka käyttää XML-tiedostoih
"tietokantoja, on aina asennettuna. Muita yleisiä libgda/gnom	"tietokantoja, on aina asennettuna. Muita yleisiä libgda/gnom
"jaeltavia tarjoajia ovat PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Sybase, 	"jaeltavia tarjoajia ovat PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Sybase, 

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1
msgid "Database connection parameters file"			msgid "Database connection parameters file"
msgstr "Tietokantayhteyden parametritiedosto"			msgstr "Tietokantayhteyden parametritiedosto"

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2
msgid "Documents"						msgid "Documents"
msgstr "Asiakirjat"						msgstr "Asiakirjat"

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3
msgid "SQL code viewer"						msgid "SQL code viewer"
msgstr "SQL-koodinäkymä"					msgstr "SQL-koodinäkymä"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1
msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"			msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"
msgstr "Ruudukkosäätimessä käytettävä kirjasin"			msgstr "Ruudukkosäätimessä käytettävä kirjasin"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2
msgid "Number of spaces per tab"				msgid "Number of spaces per tab"
msgstr "Välilyöntien määrä sarkainta kohti"			msgstr "Välilyöntien määrä sarkainta kohti"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3
msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"			msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"
msgstr "Näytä rivinumerot lähdekoodieditorissa"			msgstr "Näytä rivinumerot lähdekoodieditorissa"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4
msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"			msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"
msgstr "Käytä korostusta lähdekoodieditorissa"			msgstr "Käytä korostusta lähdekoodieditorissa"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60
msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"			msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"
msgstr "Tietokantapalvelu Gnome-työpöydälle"			msgstr "Tietokantapalvelu Gnome-työpöydälle"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1
msgid "About"							msgid "About"
msgstr "Tietoja"						msgstr "Tietoja"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2
msgid "About GNOME-DB"						msgid "About GNOME-DB"
msgstr "Tietoja GNOME-DB:stä"					msgstr "Tietoja GNOME-DB:stä"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3
msgid "Close this window"					msgid "Close this window"
msgstr "Sulje tämä ikkuna"					msgstr "Sulje tämä ikkuna"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4
msgid "Create new entry"					msgid "Create new entry"
msgstr "Luo uusi merkintä"					msgstr "Luo uusi merkintä"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5
msgid "Delete selected items"					msgid "Delete selected items"
msgstr "Poista valitut kohdat"					msgstr "Poista valitut kohdat"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6
msgid "Deselect all items"					msgid "Deselect all items"
msgstr "Poista kaikki valinnat"					msgstr "Poista kaikki valinnat"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7
msgid "Edit properties for selected item"			msgid "Edit properties for selected item"
msgstr "Muokkaa valitun kohdan ominaisuuksia"			msgstr "Muokkaa valitun kohdan ominaisuuksia"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8
msgid "Save connection parameters to file"			msgid "Save connection parameters to file"
msgstr "Tallenna yhteysparametrit tiedostoon"			msgstr "Tallenna yhteysparametrit tiedostoon"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414
msgid "Select _All"						msgid "Select _All"
msgstr "Valitse _kaikki"					msgstr "Valitse _kaikki"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10
msgid "Select all items"					msgid "Select all items"
msgstr "Valitse kaikki"						msgstr "Valitse kaikki"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11
msgid "View data sources"					msgid "View data sources"
msgstr "Näytä tietolähteet"					msgstr "Näytä tietolähteet"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12
msgid "View providers"						msgid "View providers"
msgstr "Näytä tuottajat"					msgstr "Näytä tuottajat"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42
msgid "_Clear Selection"					msgid "_Clear Selection"
msgstr "_Tyhjennä valinta"					msgstr "_Tyhjennä valinta"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14
msgid "_Close"							msgid "_Close"
msgstr "_Sulje"							msgstr "_Sulje"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15
msgid "_Data Sources"						msgid "_Data Sources"
msgstr "_Tietolähteet"						msgstr "_Tietolähteet"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16
msgid "_Database"						msgid "_Database"
msgstr "_Tietokanta"						msgstr "_Tietokanta"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17
msgid "_Delete"							msgid "_Delete"
msgstr "_Poista"						msgstr "_Poista"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18
msgid "_Edit"							msgid "_Edit"
msgstr "_Muokkaa"						msgstr "_Muokkaa"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19
msgid "_Help"							msgid "_Help"
msgstr "_Ohje"							msgstr "_Ohje"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20
msgid "_New Data Source..."					msgid "_New Data Source..."
msgstr "_Uusi tietolähde..."					msgstr "_Uusi tietolähde..."

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21
msgid "_Properties"						msgid "_Properties"
msgstr "_Ominaisuudet"						msgstr "_Ominaisuudet"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22
msgid "_Providers"						msgid "_Providers"
msgstr "_Tuottajat"						msgstr "_Tuottajat"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23
msgid "_Save Connection"					msgid "_Save Connection"
msgstr "_Tallenna yhteys"					msgstr "_Tallenna yhteys"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24
msgid "_View"							msgid "_View"
msgstr "_Näkymä"						msgstr "_Näkymä"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76
msgid "Structure"						msgid "Structure"
msgstr "Rakenne"						msgstr "Rakenne"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73
msgid "Data"							msgid "Data"
msgstr "Tieto"							msgstr "Tieto"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238
msgid "Not implemented yet!"					msgid "Not implemented yet!"
msgstr "Ei vielä toteutettu!"					msgstr "Ei vielä toteutettu!"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Database"						msgid "Database"
msgstr "Tietokanta"						msgstr "Tietokanta"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540
msgid "Loading database schemas..."				msgid "Loading database schemas..."
msgstr "Ladataan tietokantakaavaimia..."			msgstr "Ladataan tietokantakaavaimia..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632
msgid "Refreshing data..."					msgid "Refreshing data..."
msgstr "Päivitä tiedot..."					msgstr "Päivitä tiedot..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688
msgid "Views"							msgid "Views"
msgstr "Näkymät"						msgstr "Näkymät"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691
msgid "Indexes"							msgid "Indexes"
msgstr "Hakemistot"						msgstr "Hakemistot"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Sequences"						msgid "Sequences"
msgstr "Sekvenssit"						msgstr "Sekvenssit"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Procedures"						msgid "Procedures"
msgstr "Toimintosarjat"						msgstr "Toimintosarjat"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700
msgid "Triggers"						msgid "Triggers"
msgstr "Liipaisimet"						msgstr "Liipaisimet"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Aggregates"						msgid "Aggregates"
msgstr "Koosteet"						msgstr "Koosteet"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Types"							msgid "Types"
msgstr "Tyypit"							msgstr "Tyypit"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140
msgid "Could not query CORBA components"			msgid "Could not query CORBA components"
msgstr "CORBA-komponentteja ei voitu kysellä"			msgstr "CORBA-komponentteja ei voitu kysellä"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209
msgid "ID"							msgid "ID"
msgstr "ID"							msgstr "ID"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "Location"						msgid "Location"
msgstr "Sijainti"						msgstr "Sijainti"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212
msgid "Username"						msgid "Username"
msgstr "Käyttäjätunnus"						msgstr "Käyttäjätunnus"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213
msgid "Hostname"						msgid "Hostname"
msgstr "Isäntänimi"						msgstr "Isäntänimi"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214
msgid "Domain"							msgid "Domain"
msgstr "Toimialue"						msgstr "Toimialue"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"			msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"
msgstr "GconfEntryssä ei-tuettu tyyppi: %d"			msgstr "GconfEntryssä ei-tuettu tyyppi: %d"

#. create widgets						#. create widgets
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97
msgid "Settings"						msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Asetukset"						msgstr "Asetukset"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103
msgid "Data source name"					msgid "Data source name"
msgstr "Tietolähteen nimi"					msgstr "Tietolähteen nimi"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109
msgid "Connection string"					msgid "Connection string"
msgstr "Yhteysmerkkijono"					msgstr "Yhteysmerkkijono"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115
msgid "Provider"						msgid "Provider"
msgstr "Tuottaja"						msgstr "Tuottaja"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121
msgid "User name"						msgid "User name"
msgstr "Käyttäjätunnus"						msgstr "Käyttäjätunnus"

#. create feature list						#. create feature list
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128
msgid "Features"						msgid "Features"
msgstr "Ominaisuudet"						msgstr "Ominaisuudet"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190
msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"		msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"
msgstr "Uudelle tietolähteelle täytyy antaa nimi"		msgstr "Uudelle tietolähteelle täytyy antaa nimi"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197
msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac	msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac
msgstr "Tietolähteen nimet voivat sisältää vain aakkosnumeeri	msgstr "Tietolähteen nimet voivat sisältää vain aakkosnumeeri

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206
msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th	msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th
msgstr "Olemassaoleva tietolähde on jo rekisteröity tälle nim	msgstr "Olemassaoleva tietolähde on jo rekisteröity tälle nim

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213
msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"			msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"
msgstr "Tietolähteen nimet eivät voi sisältää välilyöntejä"	msgstr "Tietolähteen nimet eivät voi sisältää välilyöntejä"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217
msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n	msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n
msgstr "Tietolähteen nimet voivat sisältää vain ASCII-kirjaim	msgstr "Tietolähteen nimet voivat sisältää vain ASCII-kirjaim

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225
msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"	msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"
msgstr "Uudelle tietolähteelle täytyy valita tarjoaja"		msgstr "Uudelle tietolähteelle täytyy valita tarjoaja"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233
msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"		msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"
msgstr "Asetuksistasi ei löytynyt tarjoajaa"			msgstr "Asetuksistasi ei löytynyt tarjoajaa"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391
msgid "Add a new data source..."				msgid "Add a new data source..."
msgstr "Lisää uusi tietolähde..."				msgstr "Lisää uusi tietolähde..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392
msgid ""							msgid ""
"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"		"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"
"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"		"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"
"installation. Just follow the steps!"				"installation. Just follow the steps!"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Tämä toiminto ohjaa uuden tietolähteen\n"			"Tämä toiminto ohjaa uuden tietolähteen\n"
"luomisen GNOME-DB-asennuksessa.\n"				"luomisen GNOME-DB-asennuksessa.\n"
"Seuraa vain vaiheita!"						"Seuraa vain vaiheita!"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404
msgid "General Information"					msgid "General Information"
msgstr "Yleiset tiedot"						msgstr "Yleiset tiedot"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the basic information\n"	"The following fields represent the basic information\n"
"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n	"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n
"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"	"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"
"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"	"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"
"the default one."						"the default one."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Seuraavat kentät esittävät perustiedot uudelle\n"		"Seuraavat kentät esittävät perustiedot uudelle\n"
"tietolähteellesi. Osa niistä on valinnaisia (kuvaus,\n"	"tietolähteellesi. Osa niistä on valinnaisia (kuvaus,\n"
"käyttäjätunnus), mutta toiset pakollisia. Jos et\n"		"käyttäjätunnus), mutta toiset pakollisia. Jos et\n"
"tiedä mitä tarjoajaa käytät, valitse oletus."			"tiedä mitä tarjoajaa käytät, valitse oletus."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104
msgid "Data source _name:"					msgid "Data source _name:"
msgstr "Tietolähteen _nimi:"					msgstr "Tietolähteen _nimi:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114
msgid "_Provider:"						msgid "_Provider:"
msgstr "_Tuottaja:"						msgstr "_Tuottaja:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133
msgid "_Description:"						msgid "_Description:"
msgstr "_Kuvaus:"						msgstr "_Kuvaus:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142
msgid "_Username:"						msgid "_Username:"
msgstr "_Käyttäjätunnus:"					msgstr "_Käyttäjätunnus:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151
msgid "P_assword:"						msgid "P_assword:"
msgstr "_Salasana:"						msgstr "_Salasana:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454
msgid "Provider Parameters"					msgid "Provider Parameters"
msgstr "Tuottajaparametrit"					msgstr "Tuottajaparametrit"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the information needed by the	"The following fields represent the information needed by the
"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n	"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n
"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\	"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\
"the manual for more information."				"the manual for more information."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Seuraavat kentät esittävät edellisellä sivulla valitun tarjo	"Seuraavat kentät esittävät edellisellä sivulla valitun tarjo
"yhteyden avaamisen tarvitsemia tietoja. Nämä tiedot ovat tar	"yhteyden avaamisen tarvitsemia tietoja. Nämä tiedot ovat tar
"joten kannattaa etsiä ohjekirjasta lisätietoa."		"joten kannattaa etsiä ohjekirjasta lisätietoa."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481
msgid "All information retrieved"				msgid "All information retrieved"
msgstr "Kaikki tiedot haettu"					msgstr "Kaikki tiedot haettu"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482
msgid ""							msgid ""
"All information needed to create a new data source\n"		"All information needed to create a new data source\n"
"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"		"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"
"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"	"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"
"just select it when asked for a data source."			"just select it when asked for a data source."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Uuden tietolähteen luomiseen tarvittavat\n"			"Uuden tietolähteen luomiseen tarvittavat\n"
"tiedot on haettu. Napsauta \"Toteuta\" sulkeaksi\n"		"tiedot on haettu. Napsauta \"Toteuta\" sulkeaksi\n"
"ikkunan. Juuri luotu tietolähde avataan\n"			"ikkunan. Juuri luotu tietolähde avataan\n"
"valitsemalla se kysyttäessä tietolähdettä."			"valitsemalla se kysyttäessä tietolähdettä."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124
msgid "Connection _string:"					msgid "Connection _string:"
msgstr "_Yhteysmerkkijono"					msgstr "_Yhteysmerkkijono"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4
msgid "Error"							msgid "Error"
msgstr "Virhe"							msgstr "Virhe"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.
msgid "Show detail >>"						msgid "Show detail >>"
msgstr "Näytä yksityiskohdat >>"				msgstr "Näytä yksityiskohdat >>"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122
msgid "<< Hide detail"						msgid "<< Hide detail"
msgstr "<< Piilota yksityiskohdat"				msgstr "<< Piilota yksityiskohdat"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191
msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"	msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"
msgstr "Alla olevassa tietokannassa tapahtui virhe"		msgstr "Alla olevassa tietokannassa tapahtui virhe"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196
msgid "Error number"						msgid "Error number"
msgstr "Virhenumero"						msgstr "Virhenumero"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227
msgid "Details"							msgid "Details"
msgstr "Yksityiskohdat"						msgstr "Yksityiskohdat"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234
msgid "Source"							msgid "Source"
msgstr "Lähde"							msgstr "Lähde"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241
msgid "SQL state"						msgid "SQL state"
msgstr "SQL-tila"						msgstr "SQL-tila"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108
msgid "_Field:"							msgid "_Field:"
msgstr "_Kenttä:"						msgstr "_Kenttä:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118
msgid "_Text:"							msgid "_Text:"
msgstr "_Teksti:"						msgstr "_Teksti:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308
msgid "No records"						msgid "No records"
msgstr "Ei tietueita"						msgstr "Ei tietueita"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Record %d of %d"						msgid "Record %d of %d"
msgstr "Tietue %d/%d"						msgstr "Tietue %d/%d"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113
msgid "Recordset description"					msgid "Recordset description"
msgstr "Tietuejoukon kuvaus"					msgstr "Tietuejoukon kuvaus"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid ""							msgid ""
"File '%s' already exists.\n"					"File '%s' already exists.\n"
"Do you want to overwrite it?"					"Do you want to overwrite it?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Tiedosto %s on jo olemassa\n"					"Tiedosto %s on jo olemassa\n"
"Haluatko ylikirjoittaa sen?"					"Haluatko ylikirjoittaa sen?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149
msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."		msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."
msgstr "Jos valitset Kyllä, sisältö häviää."			msgstr "Jos valitset Kyllä, sisältö häviää."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Could not save file %s"					msgid "Could not save file %s"
msgstr "Tiedostoa %s ei voi tallentaa"				msgstr "Tiedostoa %s ei voi tallentaa"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224
msgid "You must specify a file name"				msgid "You must specify a file name"
msgstr "Tiedostonimi täytyy antaa"				msgstr "Tiedostonimi täytyy antaa"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230
msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"		msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"
msgstr "Muunnettaessa tietoa tuli tyhjä tiedosto"		msgstr "Muunnettaessa tietoa tuli tyhjä tiedosto"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261
msgid "Saving Model"						msgid "Saving Model"
msgstr "Tallennetaan mallia"					msgstr "Tallennetaan mallia"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272
msgid "File _name:"						msgid "File _name:"
msgstr "Tiedosto_nimi:"						msgstr "Tiedosto_nimi:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276
msgid "Select File"						msgid "Select File"
msgstr "Valitse tiedosto"					msgstr "Valitse tiedosto"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283
msgid "File _type:"						msgid "File _type:"
msgstr "Tiedosto_tyyppi:"					msgstr "Tiedosto_tyyppi:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291
msgid "Tab-delimited"						msgid "Tab-delimited"
msgstr "Sarkaimin eroteltu"					msgstr "Sarkaimin eroteltu"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294
msgid "Comma-delimited"						msgid "Comma-delimited"
msgstr "Pilkulla eroteltu"					msgstr "Pilkulla eroteltu"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:
msgid "XML"							msgid "XML"
msgstr "XML"							msgstr "XML"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355
msgid "View detail"						msgid "View detail"
msgstr "Näytä yksityiskohdat"					msgstr "Näytä yksityiskohdat"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427
msgid "Show Column _Titles"					msgid "Show Column _Titles"
msgstr "Näytä sarakkeiden _nimet"				msgstr "Näytä sarakkeiden _nimet"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442
msgid "Describe"						msgid "Describe"
msgstr "Kuvaus"							msgstr "Kuvaus"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443
msgid "View detail..."						msgid "View detail..."
msgstr "Näytä yksityiskohdat..."				msgstr "Näytä yksityiskohdat..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614
msgid "Title"							msgid "Title"
msgstr "Nimi"							msgstr "Nimi"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48
msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"	msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"
msgstr "Yritys alustaa jo alustettu asiakas"			msgstr "Yritys alustaa jo alustettu asiakas"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"		"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"
"to a data source"						"to a data source"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Syötä alle valitsimet, joilla avataan yhteys\n"		"Syötä alle valitsimet, joilla avataan yhteys\n"
"tietolähteeseen"						"tietolähteeseen"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253
msgid "Data Source:"						msgid "Data Source:"
msgstr "Tietolähteet:"						msgstr "Tietolähteet:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270
msgid "Username:"						msgid "Username:"
msgstr "Käyttäjätunnus:"					msgstr "Käyttäjätunnus:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279
msgid "Password:"						msgid "Password:"
msgstr "Salasana:"						msgstr "Salasana:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69
msgid "Fields"							msgid "Fields"
msgstr "Kentät"							msgstr "Kentät"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30
msgid "Commit"							msgid "Commit"
msgstr "Toteuta"						msgstr "Toteuta"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31
msgid "Connect"							msgid "Connect"
msgstr "Ota yhteys"						msgstr "Ota yhteys"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33
msgid "Designer"						msgid "Designer"
msgstr "Suunnittelija"						msgstr "Suunnittelija"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34
msgid "Disconnect"						msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr "Katkaise yhteys"					msgstr "Katkaise yhteys"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35
msgid "NoTransaction"						msgid "NoTransaction"
msgstr "Ei transaktiota"					msgstr "Ei transaktiota"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37
msgid "Query"							msgid "Query"
msgstr "Kysely"							msgstr "Kysely"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38
msgid "Rollback"						msgid "Rollback"
msgstr "Peruutus"						msgstr "Peruutus"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40
msgid "SQL"							msgid "SQL"
msgstr "SQL"							msgstr "SQL"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43
msgid "WithinTransaction"					msgid "WithinTransaction"
msgstr "Transaktion sisällä"					msgstr "Transaktion sisällä"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Error: %s"						msgid "Error: %s"
msgstr "Virhe: %s"						msgstr "Virhe: %s"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79
msgid "Table name"						msgid "Table name"
msgstr "Taulunimi"						msgstr "Taulunimi"

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93			#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Login for %s"						msgid "Login for %s"
msgstr "Kirjautuminen osoitteeseen %s"				msgstr "Kirjautuminen osoitteeseen %s"

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95					#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95
msgid "Login to database"					msgid "Login to database"
msgstr "Ota yhteys tietokantaan"				msgstr "Ota yhteys tietokantaan"

#: vfs/libmain.c:71						#: vfs/libmain.c:71
msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"				msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"
msgstr "Gnomen database:-VFS-moduuli"				msgstr "Gnomen database:-VFS-moduuli"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40
msgid "Table Properties"					msgid "Table Properties"
msgstr "Taulun ominaisuudet"					msgstr "Taulun ominaisuudet"

#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47
msgid "Table Name"						msgid "Table Name"
msgstr "Taulunimi"						msgstr "Taulunimi"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155
msgid "New"							msgid "New"
msgstr "Uusi"							msgstr "Uusi"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156
msgid "Create new table"					msgid "Create new table"
msgstr "Luo uusi taulu"						msgstr "Luo uusi taulu"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161
msgid "Properties"						msgid "Properties"
msgstr "Ominaisuudet"						msgstr "Ominaisuudet"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162
msgid "View table properties"					msgid "View table properties"
msgstr "Näytä taulun ominaisuudet"				msgstr "Näytä taulun ominaisuudet"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
msgid "UID"							msgid "UID"
msgstr "UID"							msgstr "UID"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "calendar"						msgid "calendar"
msgstr "kalenteri"						msgstr "kalenteri"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "summary"							msgid "summary"
msgstr "yhteenveto"						msgstr "yhteenveto"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "Summary"							msgid "Summary"
msgstr "Yhteenveto"						msgstr "Yhteenveto"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "location"						msgid "location"
msgstr "sijainti"						msgstr "sijainti"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "dtstart"							msgid "dtstart"
msgstr "dtstart"						msgstr "dtstart"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
msgid "Start time"						msgid "Start time"
msgstr "Alkuaika"						msgstr "Alkuaika"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "dtend"							msgid "dtend"
msgstr "dtend"							msgstr "dtend"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "End time"						msgid "End time"
msgstr "Päättymisaika"						msgstr "Päättymisaika"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
msgid "description"						msgid "description"
msgstr "kuvaus"							msgstr "kuvaus"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "classification"						msgid "classification"
msgstr "luokitus"						msgstr "luokitus"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "Classification"						msgid "Classification"
msgstr "Luokitus"						msgstr "Luokitus"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "transparency"						msgid "transparency"
msgstr "läpinäkyvyys"						msgstr "läpinäkyvyys"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "Transparency"						msgid "Transparency"
msgstr "Läpinäkyvyys"						msgstr "Läpinäkyvyys"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "categories"						msgid "categories"
msgstr "luokat"							msgstr "luokat"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "Categories"						msgid "Categories"
msgstr "Luokat"							msgstr "Luokat"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "tasks"							msgid "tasks"
msgstr "tehtävät"						msgstr "tehtävät"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "due"							msgid "due"
msgstr "tapahtuma-aika"						msgstr "tapahtuma-aika"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "Due date"						msgid "Due date"
msgstr "Tapahtuu päivänä"					msgstr "Tapahtuu päivänä"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "Start date"						msgid "Start date"
msgstr "Lähtöpäivä"						msgstr "Lähtöpäivä"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355
msgid "Public"							msgid "Public"
msgstr "Julkinen"						msgstr "Julkinen"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358
msgid "Private"							msgid "Private"
msgstr "Yksityinen"						msgstr "Yksityinen"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361
msgid "Confidential"						msgid "Confidential"
msgstr "Luottamuksellinen"					msgstr "Luottamuksellinen"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63
msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"		msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"
msgstr "Oletettua kalenterikansiota ei voitu avata"		msgstr "Oletettua kalenterikansiota ei voitu avata"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66
msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"			msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"
msgstr "Oletettua tehtäväkansiota ei voitu avata"		msgstr "Oletettua tehtäväkansiota ei voitu avata"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80
msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta	msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta
msgstr "Oletettuun yhteystietokansioon pääseminen vaatii tode	msgstr "Oletettuun yhteystietokansioon pääseminen vaatii tode

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83
msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"		msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"
msgstr "Oletettua yhteystietokansiota ei voitu avata"		msgstr "Oletettua yhteystietokansiota ei voitu avata"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100
msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"				msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"
msgstr "Bonoboa ei voitu alustaa"				msgstr "Bonoboa ei voitu alustaa"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212
msgid "Field name"						msgid "Field name"
msgstr "Kentännimi"						msgstr "Kentännimi"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213
msgid "Data type"						msgid "Data type"
msgstr "Tietotyyppi"						msgstr "Tietotyyppi"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214
msgid "Size"							msgid "Size"
msgstr "Koko"							msgstr "Koko"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215
msgid "Scale"							msgid "Scale"
msgstr "Suhde"							msgstr "Suhde"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216
msgid "Not null?"						msgid "Not null?"
msgstr "Ei-tyhjä?"						msgstr "Ei-tyhjä?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217
msgid "Primary key?"						msgid "Primary key?"
msgstr "Ensisijainen avain?"					msgstr "Ensisijainen avain?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218
msgid "Unique index?"						msgid "Unique index?"
msgstr "Uniikki hakemisto?"					msgstr "Uniikki hakemisto?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219
msgid "References"						msgid "References"
msgstr "Viittaukset"						msgstr "Viittaukset"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220
msgid "Default value"						msgid "Default value"
msgstr "Oletusarvo"						msgstr "Oletusarvo"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239
msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l	msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l
msgstr "Taulun nimi tarvitaan, mutta parametrilistassa ei mää	msgstr "Taulun nimi tarvitaan, mutta parametrilistassa ei mää

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Table %s does not exist"					msgid "Table %s does not exist"
msgstr "Taulua %s ei ole olemassa"				msgstr "Taulua %s ei ole olemassa"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318
msgid "Scheduled events"					msgid "Scheduled events"
msgstr "Ajoitetut tapahtumat"					msgstr "Ajoitetut tapahtumat"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321
msgid "TODO list"						msgid "TODO list"
msgstr "TEHTÃ?VÃ?-lista"						msgstr "TEHTÃ?VÃ?-lista"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375
msgid "Owner"							msgid "Owner"
msgstr "Omistaja"						msgstr "Omistaja"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376
msgid "Comments"						msgid "Comments"
msgstr "Kommentit"						msgstr "Kommentit"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374
msgid "Type"							msgid "Type"
msgstr "Tyyppi"							msgstr "Tyyppi"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377
msgid "GDA type"						msgid "GDA type"
msgstr "GDA-tyyppi"						msgstr "GDA-tyyppi"

#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id	#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id
#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database	#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database
#. we can easily access that information			#. we can easily access that information
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382
msgid "local"							msgid "local"
msgstr "paikallinen"						msgstr "paikallinen"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217
msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr "Tietokantojen luomista ei vielä tueta"			msgstr "Tietokantojen luomista ei vielä tueta"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230
msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr "Tietokantojen poistamista ei vielä tueta"		msgstr "Tietokantojen poistamista ei vielä tueta"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244
msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"			msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"
msgstr "Taulun kaavainta ei voitu noutaa"			msgstr "Taulun kaavainta ei voitu noutaa"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268
msgid "Invalid SQL command"					msgid "Invalid SQL command"
msgstr "Virheellinen SQL-komento"				msgstr "Virheellinen SQL-komento"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353
msgid "Transactions are not supported"				msgid "Transactions are not supported"
msgstr "Transaktioita ei tueta"					msgstr "Transaktioita ei tueta"

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41
msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"		msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"
msgstr "Tarjoaja Ximian Evolutionin henkilökohtaisille tiedoi	msgstr "Tarjoaja Ximian Evolutionin henkilökohtaisille tiedoi

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task	"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Tietolähde Evolutionin oletuskalenteriin, -tehtäviin ja yhte	"Tietolähde Evolutionin oletuskalenteriin, -tehtäviin ja yhte
"pääsemiseksi"							"pääsemiseksi"

#~ msgid "Browse database..."					#~ msgid "Browse database..."
#~ msgstr "Selaa tietokantaa..."				#~ msgstr "Selaa tietokantaa..."

#~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .con	#~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .con
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Kontekstivalikon kohtia .connection-tiedostoille sisältäv	#~ "Kontekstivalikon kohtia .connection-tiedostoille sisältäv

#~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .sql	#~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .sql
#~ msgstr "Kontekstivalikon kohtia .sql-tiedostoille sisältäv	#~ msgstr "Kontekstivalikon kohtia .sql-tiedostoille sisältäv

#~ msgid "Connection MIME handler component"			#~ msgid "Connection MIME handler component"
#~ msgstr "Yhteys-MIME-käsittelijäkomponentti"			#~ msgstr "Yhteys-MIME-käsittelijäkomponentti"

#~ msgid "Database component factory"				#~ msgid "Database component factory"
#~ msgstr "Tietokantakomponenttitehdas"				#~ msgstr "Tietokantakomponenttitehdas"

#~ msgid "Open in database connection..."			#~ msgid "Open in database connection..."
#~ msgstr "Avaa uusi tietokantayhteys..."			#~ msgstr "Avaa uusi tietokantayhteys..."

#~ msgid "SQL MIME handler component"				#~ msgid "SQL MIME handler component"
#~ msgstr "SQL-MIME-käsittelijäkomponentti"			#~ msgstr "SQL-MIME-käsittelijäkomponentti"

#~ msgid "Database browser"					#~ msgid "Database browser"
#~ msgstr "Tietokantaselain"					#~ msgstr "Tietokantaselain"

#~ msgid "Error viewer"						#~ msgid "Error viewer"
#~ msgstr "Virhenäkymä"						#~ msgstr "Virhenäkymä"

#~ msgid "SQL Viewer"						#~ msgid "SQL Viewer"
#~ msgstr "SQL-näkymä"						#~ msgstr "SQL-näkymä"

#~ msgid "Database configuration"				#~ msgid "Database configuration"
#~ msgstr "Tietokannan asetukset"				#~ msgstr "Tietokannan asetukset"

#~ msgid "Edit application preferences"				#~ msgid "Edit application preferences"
#~ msgstr "Muokkaa sovelluksen ominaisuuksia"			#~ msgstr "Muokkaa sovelluksen ominaisuuksia"

#~ msgid "_Settings"						#~ msgid "_Settings"
#~ msgstr "_Asetukset"						#~ msgstr "_Asetukset"

#~ msgid "Password"						#~ msgid "Password"
#~ msgstr "Salasana"						#~ msgstr "Salasana"

#~ msgid "Save as"						#~ msgid "Save as"
#~ msgstr "Tallenna nimellä"					#~ msgstr "Tallenna nimellä"

#~ msgid "Save to"						#~ msgid "Save to"
#~ msgstr "Tallenna"						#~ msgstr "Tallenna"

#~ msgid "XML file"						#~ msgid "XML file"
#~ msgstr "XML-tiedosto"					#~ msgstr "XML-tiedosto"

#~ msgid "Hide columns"						#~ msgid "Hide columns"
#~ msgstr "Piilota sarakkeet"					#~ msgstr "Piilota sarakkeet"

#~ msgid "Question"						#~ msgid "Question"
#~ msgstr "Kysymys"						#~ msgstr "Kysymys"

#~ msgid "Database Moniker factory"				#~ msgid "Database Moniker factory"
#~ msgstr "Tietokanta-aliasolioiden tehdas"			#~ msgstr "Tietokanta-aliasolioiden tehdas"

#~ msgid "database: moniker"					#~ msgid "database: moniker"
#~ msgstr "database:-aliasolio"					#~ msgstr "database:-aliasolio"

#~ msgid "Failing to manufacture a '%s'"			#~ msgid "Failing to manufacture a '%s'"
#~ msgstr "Virhe valmistettaessa \"%s\"-aliasoliota"		#~ msgstr "Virhe valmistettaessa \"%s\"-aliasoliota"

#~ msgid "Invalid format for connection string"			#~ msgid "Invalid format for connection string"
#~ msgstr "Yhteysmerkkijonon muoto ei kelpaa"			#~ msgstr "Yhteysmerkkijonon muoto ei kelpaa"

#~ msgid "Data sources"						#~ msgid "Data sources"
#~ msgstr "Tietolähteet"					#~ msgstr "Tietolähteet"

#~ msgid "_File"						#~ msgid "_File"
#~ msgstr "_Tiedosto"						#~ msgstr "_Tiedosto"
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: fr.gmo
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/fr.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/fr.po
# French translation of libgnomedb.				# French translation of libgnomedb.
# Copyright (C) 1999-2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.	# Copyright (C) 1999-2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This file is distributed under the same licence as libgnome	# This file is distributed under the same licence as libgnome
#								#
# Vincent Renardias <vincent ldsol com>, 1999.			# Vincent Renardias <vincent ldsol com>, 1999.
# Christophe Merlet (RedFox) <redfox redfoxcenter org>, 2001-	# Christophe Merlet (RedFox) <redfox redfoxcenter org>, 2001-
# Baptiste MILLE-MATHIAS <bmm80 ifrance com>, 2003.		# Baptiste MILLE-MATHIAS <bmm80 ifrance com>, 2003.
#								#
msgid ""							msgid ""
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: libgnomedb 1.1.1\n"			"Project-Id-Version: libgnomedb 1.1.1\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"					"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"			"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-02-29 14:44+0100\n"			"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-02-29 14:44+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Christophe Merlet (RedFox) <redfox redfoxce	"Last-Translator: Christophe Merlet (RedFox) <redfox redfoxce
"Language-Team: GNOME French Team <gnomefr traduc org>\n"	"Language-Team: GNOME French Team <gnomefr traduc org>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"						"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"			"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"				"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co
msgid "Data Sources"						msgid "Data Sources"
msgstr "Sources de données"					msgstr "Sources de données"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid
msgid "Providers"						msgid "Providers"
msgstr "Fournisseurs"						msgstr "Fournisseurs"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1
msgid "Configure your database environment"			msgid "Configure your database environment"
msgstr "Configurer l'environnement de votre base de données"	msgstr "Configurer l'environnement de votre base de données"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2
msgid "Database Access Properties "				msgid "Database Access Properties "
msgstr "Propriétés d'accès à la base de données"		msgstr "Propriétés d'accès à la base de données"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380
msgid "Name"							msgid "Name"
msgstr "Nom"							msgstr "Nom"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
msgid "Description"						msgid "Description"
msgstr "Description"						msgstr "Description"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182
msgid "Configured data sources in the system"			msgid "Configured data sources in the system"
msgstr "Sources de données configurées dans le système"		msgstr "Sources de données configurées dans le système"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data sources are the means by which database connections are	"Data sources are the means by which database connections are
"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s	"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s
"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o	"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o
"name you identify the connections in the applications that m	"name you identify the connections in the applications that m
"DB for database access."					"DB for database access."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Les sources de données sont les moyens par lesquels les conn	"Les sources de données sont les moyens par lesquels les conn
"de données sont identifiés dans GNOME-DB. Toute information 	"de données sont identifiés dans GNOME-DB. Toute information 
"ouvrir une connexion vers un couple fournisseur/base de donn	"ouvrir une connexion vers un couple fournisseur/base de donn
"avec un nom unique. c'est en utilisant ce nom unique que vou	"avec un nom unique. c'est en utilisant ce nom unique que vou
"connexions dans les applications qui utilise GNOME-DB pour a	"connexions dans les applications qui utilise GNOME-DB pour a
"bases de données."						"bases de données."

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"	msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"
msgstr "�tes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer la source de donné	msgstr "�tes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer la source de donné

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104
msgid "Data Source Properties"					msgid "Data Source Properties"
msgstr "Propriétés de la source de données"			msgstr "Propriétés de la source de données"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132
msgid "Basic"							msgid "Basic"
msgstr "Basic"							msgstr "Basic"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Tables"							msgid "Tables"
msgstr "Tables"							msgstr "Tables"

#: control-center/main.c:92					#: control-center/main.c:92
msgid "No valid data source info was created"			msgid "No valid data source info was created"
msgstr "Aucune information valide de source de données n'a ét	msgstr "Aucune information valide de source de données n'a ét

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218	#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218
msgid "New data source"						msgid "New data source"
msgstr "Nouvelle source de données"				msgstr "Nouvelle source de données"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:215					#: control-center/main.c:215
msgid "Database Access Properties"				msgid "Database Access Properties"
msgstr "Propriétés d'accès à la base de données"		msgstr "Propriétés d'accès à la base de données"

#: control-center/provider-config.c:105				#: control-center/provider-config.c:105
msgid "Installed providers"					msgid "Installed providers"
msgstr "Fournisseurs installés"					msgstr "Fournisseurs installés"

#: control-center/provider-config.c:131				#: control-center/provider-config.c:131
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec	"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec
"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo	"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo
"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr	"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr
"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba	"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba
"etc."								"etc."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Les fournisseurs sont des greffons externes qui fournissent 	"Les fournisseurs sont des greffons externes qui fournissent 
"source de données spécifiques. Le fournisseur par défaut est	"source de données spécifiques. Le fournisseur par défaut est
"installé, ce qui permet d'accèder à des bases stockées comme	"installé, ce qui permet d'accèder à des bases stockées comme
"Les autres fournisseurs habituellement distribués avec libgd	"Les autres fournisseurs habituellement distribués avec libgd
"PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Sybase, Interbase, etc."		"PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Sybase, Interbase, etc."

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1
msgid "Database connection parameters file"			msgid "Database connection parameters file"
msgstr "Fichier des paramètres de connection à la base de don	msgstr "Fichier des paramètres de connection à la base de don

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2
msgid "Documents"						msgid "Documents"
msgstr "Documents"						msgstr "Documents"

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3
msgid "SQL code viewer"						msgid "SQL code viewer"
msgstr "Visionneur de code SQL"					msgstr "Visionneur de code SQL"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1
msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"			msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"
msgstr "Police à utiliser pour le widget grille"		msgstr "Police à utiliser pour le widget grille"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2
msgid "Number of spaces per tab"				msgid "Number of spaces per tab"
msgstr "Nombre d'espaces par tabulation"			msgstr "Nombre d'espaces par tabulation"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3
msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"			msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"
msgstr "Afficher les numéros de lignes dans l'éditeur de sour	msgstr "Afficher les numéros de lignes dans l'éditeur de sour

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4
msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"			msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"
msgstr "Activer la surbrillance dans l'éditeur de code source	msgstr "Activer la surbrillance dans l'éditeur de code source

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60
msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"			msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"
msgstr "Services de base de données pour le bureau GNOME"	msgstr "Services de base de données pour le bureau GNOME"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1
msgid "About"							msgid "About"
msgstr "Ã? propos"						msgstr "Ã? propos"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2
msgid "About GNOME-DB"						msgid "About GNOME-DB"
msgstr "Ã? propos de GNOME-DB"					msgstr "Ã? propos de GNOME-DB"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3
msgid "Close this window"					msgid "Close this window"
msgstr "Fermer cette fenêtre"					msgstr "Fermer cette fenêtre"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4
msgid "Create new entry"					msgid "Create new entry"
msgstr "Créer une nouvelle entrée"				msgstr "Créer une nouvelle entrée"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5
msgid "Delete selected items"					msgid "Delete selected items"
msgstr "Supprimer les objets sélectionnés"			msgstr "Supprimer les objets sélectionnés"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6
msgid "Deselect all items"					msgid "Deselect all items"
msgstr "Désélectionner tous les éléments"			msgstr "Désélectionner tous les éléments"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7
msgid "Edit properties for selected item"			msgid "Edit properties for selected item"
msgstr "�diter les propriétés de l'objet sélectionné"		msgstr "�diter les propriétés de l'objet sélectionné"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8
msgid "Save connection parameters to file"			msgid "Save connection parameters to file"
msgstr "Sauver les paramètres de connexion dans un fichier"	msgstr "Sauver les paramètres de connexion dans un fichier"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414
msgid "Select _All"						msgid "Select _All"
msgstr "_Tout sélectionner"					msgstr "_Tout sélectionner"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10
msgid "Select all items"					msgid "Select all items"
msgstr "Sélectionne tous les éléments"				msgstr "Sélectionne tous les éléments"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11
msgid "View data sources"					msgid "View data sources"
msgstr "Afficher les sources de données"			msgstr "Afficher les sources de données"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12
msgid "View providers"						msgid "View providers"
msgstr "Afficher les fournisseurs"				msgstr "Afficher les fournisseurs"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42
msgid "_Clear Selection"					msgid "_Clear Selection"
msgstr "_Effacer la sélection"					msgstr "_Effacer la sélection"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14
msgid "_Close"							msgid "_Close"
msgstr "_Fermer"						msgstr "_Fermer"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15
msgid "_Data Sources"						msgid "_Data Sources"
msgstr "_Sources de données"					msgstr "_Sources de données"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16
msgid "_Database"						msgid "_Database"
msgstr "_Base de données"					msgstr "_Base de données"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17
msgid "_Delete"							msgid "_Delete"
msgstr "_Supprimer"						msgstr "_Supprimer"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18
msgid "_Edit"							msgid "_Edit"
msgstr "_Ã?diter"						msgstr "_Ã?diter"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19
msgid "_Help"							msgid "_Help"
msgstr "_Aide"							msgstr "_Aide"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20
msgid "_New Data Source..."					msgid "_New Data Source..."
msgstr "_Nouvelle source de données..."				msgstr "_Nouvelle source de données..."

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21
msgid "_Properties"						msgid "_Properties"
msgstr "_Propriétés"						msgstr "_Propriétés"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22
msgid "_Providers"						msgid "_Providers"
msgstr "_Fournisseurs"						msgstr "_Fournisseurs"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23
msgid "_Save Connection"					msgid "_Save Connection"
msgstr "_Enregistrer la connexion"				msgstr "_Enregistrer la connexion"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24
msgid "_View"							msgid "_View"
msgstr "_Vue"							msgstr "_Vue"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76
msgid "Structure"						msgid "Structure"
msgstr "Structure"						msgstr "Structure"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73
msgid "Data"							msgid "Data"
msgstr "Donnée"							msgstr "Donnée"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238
msgid "Not implemented yet!"					msgid "Not implemented yet!"
msgstr "Pas encore implémenté!"					msgstr "Pas encore implémenté!"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Database"						msgid "Database"
msgstr "Base de données"					msgstr "Base de données"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540
msgid "Loading database schemas..."				msgid "Loading database schemas..."
msgstr "Chargement des schemas de base de données..."		msgstr "Chargement des schemas de base de données..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632
msgid "Refreshing data..."					msgid "Refreshing data..."
msgstr "Rafraîchissement des données..."			msgstr "Rafraîchissement des données..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688
msgid "Views"							msgid "Views"
msgstr "Vues"							msgstr "Vues"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691
msgid "Indexes"							msgid "Indexes"
msgstr "Index"							msgstr "Index"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Sequences"						msgid "Sequences"
msgstr "Séquences"						msgstr "Séquences"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Procedures"						msgid "Procedures"
msgstr "Procédures"						msgstr "Procédures"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700
msgid "Triggers"						msgid "Triggers"
msgstr "Triggers"						msgstr "Triggers"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Aggregates"						msgid "Aggregates"
msgstr "Aggrégations"						msgstr "Aggrégations"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Types"							msgid "Types"
msgstr "Types"							msgstr "Types"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140
msgid "Could not query CORBA components"			msgid "Could not query CORBA components"
msgstr "Impossible d'interroger les composants CORBA"		msgstr "Impossible d'interroger les composants CORBA"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209
msgid "ID"							msgid "ID"
msgstr "ID"							msgstr "ID"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "Location"						msgid "Location"
msgstr "Localisation"						msgstr "Localisation"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212
msgid "Username"						msgid "Username"
msgstr "Nom d'utilisateur"					msgstr "Nom d'utilisateur"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213
msgid "Hostname"						msgid "Hostname"
msgstr "Nom d'hôte"						msgstr "Nom d'hôte"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214
msgid "Domain"							msgid "Domain"
msgstr "Domaine"						msgstr "Domaine"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"			msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"
msgstr "Type non supporté dans GconfEntry : %d"			msgstr "Type non supporté dans GconfEntry : %d"

#. create widgets						#. create widgets
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97
msgid "Settings"						msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Paramètres"						msgstr "Paramètres"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103
msgid "Data source name"					msgid "Data source name"
msgstr "Nom de la source de données"				msgstr "Nom de la source de données"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109
msgid "Connection string"					msgid "Connection string"
msgstr "Chaîne de connexion"					msgstr "Chaîne de connexion"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115
msgid "Provider"						msgid "Provider"
msgstr "Fournisseur"						msgstr "Fournisseur"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121
msgid "User name"						msgid "User name"
msgstr "Nom d'utilisateur"					msgstr "Nom d'utilisateur"

#. create feature list						#. create feature list
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128
msgid "Features"						msgid "Features"
msgstr "Fonctionnalités"					msgstr "Fonctionnalités"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190
msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"		msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"
msgstr "Vous devez saisir un nom pour cette nouvelle source d	msgstr "Vous devez saisir un nom pour cette nouvelle source d

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac	msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac
msgstr "Le nom des sources de données ne peut contenir d'espa	msgstr "Le nom des sources de données ne peut contenir d'espa

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206
msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th	msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th
msgstr "Une source de données existante est déjà configurée s	msgstr "Une source de données existante est déjà configurée s

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213
msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"			msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"
msgstr "Le nom des sources de données ne peut contenir d'espa	msgstr "Le nom des sources de données ne peut contenir d'espa

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217
msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n	msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Le nom des sources de données ne peut contenir que des lettr	"Le nom des sources de données ne peut contenir que des lettr
"chiffres"							"chiffres"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225
msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"	msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Vous devez sélectionner un fourniseur pour cette nouvelle so	"Vous devez sélectionner un fourniseur pour cette nouvelle so

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233
msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"		msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"
msgstr "Fournisseur non trouvé dans votre configuration"	msgstr "Fournisseur non trouvé dans votre configuration"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391
msgid "Add a new data source..."				msgid "Add a new data source..."
msgstr "Ajouter une nouvelle source de données..."		msgstr "Ajouter une nouvelle source de données..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392
msgid ""							msgid ""
"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"		"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"
"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"		"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"
"installation. Just follow the steps!"				"installation. Just follow the steps!"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Le druide vous guidera a travers le processus de\n"		"Le druide vous guidera a travers le processus de\n"
"création d'une nouvelle source de données pour\n"		"création d'une nouvelle source de données pour\n"
"votre installation de GNOME-DB. Suivez juste les\n"		"votre installation de GNOME-DB. Suivez juste les\n"
"étapes !"							"étapes !"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404
msgid "General Information"					msgid "General Information"
msgstr "Information générale"					msgstr "Information générale"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the basic information\n"	"The following fields represent the basic information\n"
"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n	"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n
"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"	"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"
"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"	"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"
"the default one."						"the default one."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Les champs suivants représentent les éléments d'informations	"Les champs suivants représentent les éléments d'informations
"de base pour votre nouvelle source de données. Quelques uns\	"de base pour votre nouvelle source de données. Quelques uns\
"sont optionnels (description, nom d'utilisateur), alors que\	"sont optionnels (description, nom d'utilisateur), alors que\
"les autres sont indispensables. Si vous ne savez pas quel\n"	"les autres sont indispensables. Si vous ne savez pas quel\n"
"fournisseur utiliser, sélectionnez juste celui par défaut."	"fournisseur utiliser, sélectionnez juste celui par défaut."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104
msgid "Data source _name:"					msgid "Data source _name:"
msgstr "_Nom de la source de données :"				msgstr "_Nom de la source de données :"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114
msgid "_Provider:"						msgid "_Provider:"
msgstr "_Fournisseur :"						msgstr "_Fournisseur :"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133
msgid "_Description:"						msgid "_Description:"
msgstr "_Description :"						msgstr "_Description :"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142
msgid "_Username:"						msgid "_Username:"
msgstr "_Nom d'utilisateur :"					msgstr "_Nom d'utilisateur :"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151
msgid "P_assword:"						msgid "P_assword:"
msgstr "_Mot de passe :"					msgstr "_Mot de passe :"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454
msgid "Provider Parameters"					msgid "Provider Parameters"
msgstr "Paramètres du fournisseur"				msgstr "Paramètres du fournisseur"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the information needed by the	"The following fields represent the information needed by the
"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n	"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n
"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\	"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\
"the manual for more information."				"the manual for more information."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Les champs suivants représentent les informations requisent\	"Les champs suivants représentent les informations requisent\
"par le fournisseur que vous avez sélectionné dans la page\n"	"par le fournisseur que vous avez sélectionné dans la page\n"
"précédente pour ouvrir une connexion. Ces informations sont\	"précédente pour ouvrir une connexion. Ces informations sont\
"spécifique à chaque fournisseur, aussi veuillez consulter le	"spécifique à chaque fournisseur, aussi veuillez consulter le
"manuel pour plus d'informations."				"manuel pour plus d'informations."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481
msgid "All information retrieved"				msgid "All information retrieved"
msgstr "Toutes les informations récupérées"			msgstr "Toutes les informations récupérées"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482
msgid ""							msgid ""
"All information needed to create a new data source\n"		"All information needed to create a new data source\n"
"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"		"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"
"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"	"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"
"just select it when asked for a data source."			"just select it when asked for a data source."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Toutes les informations nécessaires pour créer une\n"		"Toutes les informations nécessaires pour créer une\n"
"nouvelle source de données ont été récupérée. Maintenant,\n"	"nouvelle source de données ont été récupérée. Maintenant,\n"
"pressez « Appliquer » pour fermer cette boîte dialogue.\n"	"pressez « Appliquer » pour fermer cette boîte dialogue.\n"
"Pour ouvrir votre source de données nouvellement créée,\n"	"Pour ouvrir votre source de données nouvellement créée,\n"
"sélectionnez-la juste lorsqu'il vous sera demandé\n"		"sélectionnez-la juste lorsqu'il vous sera demandé\n"
"une source de données."					"une source de données."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124
msgid "Connection _string:"					msgid "Connection _string:"
msgstr "_Chaîne de connexion :"					msgstr "_Chaîne de connexion :"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4
msgid "Error"							msgid "Error"
msgstr "Erreur"							msgstr "Erreur"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.
msgid "Show detail >>"						msgid "Show detail >>"
msgstr "Afficher le détail >>"					msgstr "Afficher le détail >>"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122
msgid "<< Hide detail"						msgid "<< Hide detail"
msgstr "<< Cacher le détail"					msgstr "<< Cacher le détail"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191
msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"	msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"
msgstr "Une erreur est apparue dans la base fondamentale"	msgstr "Une erreur est apparue dans la base fondamentale"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196
msgid "Error number"						msgid "Error number"
msgstr "Numéro d'erreur"					msgstr "Numéro d'erreur"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227
msgid "Details"							msgid "Details"
msgstr "Détails"						msgstr "Détails"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234
msgid "Source"							msgid "Source"
msgstr "Source"							msgstr "Source"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241
msgid "SQL state"						msgid "SQL state"
msgstr "Ã?tat SQL"						msgstr "Ã?tat SQL"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Field:"							msgid "_Field:"
msgstr "Champs"							msgstr "Champs"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118
msgid "_Text:"							msgid "_Text:"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308
msgid "No records"						msgid "No records"
msgstr "Aucun enregistrement"					msgstr "Aucun enregistrement"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Record %d of %d"						msgid "Record %d of %d"
msgstr "Enregistrement %d sur %d"				msgstr "Enregistrement %d sur %d"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113
msgid "Recordset description"					msgid "Recordset description"
msgstr "Description de l'enregistrement"			msgstr "Description de l'enregistrement"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid ""							msgid ""
"File '%s' already exists.\n"					"File '%s' already exists.\n"
"Do you want to overwrite it?"					"Do you want to overwrite it?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Le fichier %s existe déja\n"					"Le fichier %s existe déja\n"
"Voulez-vous l'écraser ?"					"Voulez-vous l'écraser ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149
msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."		msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."
msgstr "Si vous choisissez oui, le contenu sera perdu."		msgstr "Si vous choisissez oui, le contenu sera perdu."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Could not save file %s"					msgid "Could not save file %s"
msgstr "Ne peut enregistrer le fichier %s"			msgstr "Ne peut enregistrer le fichier %s"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224
msgid "You must specify a file name"				msgid "You must specify a file name"
msgstr "Vous devez spécifier un nom de fichier"			msgstr "Vous devez spécifier un nom de fichier"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230
msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"		msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"
msgstr "Reception d'un fichier vide lors de la conversion des	msgstr "Reception d'un fichier vide lors de la conversion des

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261
msgid "Saving Model"						msgid "Saving Model"
msgstr "Enregistrement du modèle"				msgstr "Enregistrement du modèle"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272
msgid "File _name:"						msgid "File _name:"
msgstr "_Nom du fichier :"					msgstr "_Nom du fichier :"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276
msgid "Select File"						msgid "Select File"
msgstr "Sélectionnez un fichier"				msgstr "Sélectionnez un fichier"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283
msgid "File _type:"						msgid "File _type:"
msgstr "_Type du fichier :"					msgstr "_Type du fichier :"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291
msgid "Tab-delimited"						msgid "Tab-delimited"
msgstr "Délimité par des tabulations"				msgstr "Délimité par des tabulations"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294
msgid "Comma-delimited"						msgid "Comma-delimited"
msgstr "Délimité par des virgules"				msgstr "Délimité par des virgules"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:
msgid "XML"							msgid "XML"
msgstr "XML"							msgstr "XML"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355
msgid "View detail"						msgid "View detail"
msgstr "Voir les détails"					msgstr "Voir les détails"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427
msgid "Show Column _Titles"					msgid "Show Column _Titles"
msgstr "Afficher les _titres de colonnes"			msgstr "Afficher les _titres de colonnes"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442
msgid "Describe"						msgid "Describe"
msgstr "Décrire"						msgstr "Décrire"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443
msgid "View detail..."						msgid "View detail..."
msgstr "Voir les détails..."					msgstr "Voir les détails..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614
msgid "Title"							msgid "Title"
msgstr "Titre"							msgstr "Titre"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48
msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"	msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"
msgstr "Tente d'initialiser un client déjà initialisé"		msgstr "Tente d'initialiser un client déjà initialisé"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"		"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"
"to a data source"						"to a data source"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Saisissez les arguments ci-dessous pour ouvrir\n"		"Saisissez les arguments ci-dessous pour ouvrir\n"
"une connection vers la dource de données"			"une connection vers la dource de données"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253
msgid "Data Source:"						msgid "Data Source:"
msgstr "Source de données :"					msgstr "Source de données :"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270
msgid "Username:"						msgid "Username:"
msgstr "Nom d'utilisateur :"					msgstr "Nom d'utilisateur :"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279
msgid "Password:"						msgid "Password:"
msgstr "Mot de passe :"						msgstr "Mot de passe :"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69
msgid "Fields"							msgid "Fields"
msgstr "Champs"							msgstr "Champs"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30
msgid "Commit"							msgid "Commit"
msgstr "Commit"							msgstr "Commit"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31
msgid "Connect"							msgid "Connect"
msgstr "Connexion"						msgstr "Connexion"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33
msgid "Designer"						msgid "Designer"
msgstr "Constructeur"						msgstr "Constructeur"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34
msgid "Disconnect"						msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr "Déconnexion"						msgstr "Déconnexion"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35
msgid "NoTransaction"						msgid "NoTransaction"
msgstr "NoTransaction"						msgstr "NoTransaction"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37
msgid "Query"							msgid "Query"
msgstr "Requête"						msgstr "Requête"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38
msgid "Rollback"						msgid "Rollback"
msgstr "Rollback"						msgstr "Rollback"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40
msgid "SQL"							msgid "SQL"
msgstr "SQL"							msgstr "SQL"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43
msgid "WithinTransaction"					msgid "WithinTransaction"
msgstr "WithinTransaction"					msgstr "WithinTransaction"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Error: %s"						msgid "Error: %s"
msgstr "Erreur : %s"						msgstr "Erreur : %s"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79
msgid "Table name"						msgid "Table name"
msgstr "Nom de la table"					msgstr "Nom de la table"

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93			#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Login for %s"						msgid "Login for %s"
msgstr "Ouvrir une session vers %s"				msgstr "Ouvrir une session vers %s"

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95					#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95
msgid "Login to database"					msgid "Login to database"
msgstr "Ouvrir une session vers une base"			msgstr "Ouvrir une session vers une base"

#: vfs/libmain.c:71						#: vfs/libmain.c:71
msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"				msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"
msgstr "Base de données GNOME VFS : module"			msgstr "Base de données GNOME VFS : module"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40
msgid "Table Properties"					msgid "Table Properties"
msgstr "Propriétés de la table"					msgstr "Propriétés de la table"

#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47
msgid "Table Name"						msgid "Table Name"
msgstr "Nom de la table"					msgstr "Nom de la table"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155
msgid "New"							msgid "New"
msgstr "Nouveau"						msgstr "Nouveau"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156
msgid "Create new table"					msgid "Create new table"
msgstr "Créer une nouvelle table"				msgstr "Créer une nouvelle table"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161
msgid "Properties"						msgid "Properties"
msgstr "Propriétés"						msgstr "Propriétés"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162
msgid "View table properties"					msgid "View table properties"
msgstr "Afficher les propriétés de la table"			msgstr "Afficher les propriétés de la table"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
msgid "UID"							msgid "UID"
msgstr "UID"							msgstr "UID"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "calendar"						msgid "calendar"
msgstr "calendrier"						msgstr "calendrier"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "summary"							msgid "summary"
msgstr "résumé"							msgstr "résumé"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "Summary"							msgid "Summary"
msgstr "Résumé"							msgstr "Résumé"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "location"						msgid "location"
msgstr "emplacement"						msgstr "emplacement"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "dtstart"							msgid "dtstart"
msgstr "dtstart"						msgstr "dtstart"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
msgid "Start time"						msgid "Start time"
msgstr "Heure du début"						msgstr "Heure du début"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "dtend"							msgid "dtend"
msgstr "dtend"							msgstr "dtend"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "End time"						msgid "End time"
msgstr "Heure de la fin"					msgstr "Heure de la fin"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
msgid "description"						msgid "description"
msgstr "description"						msgstr "description"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "classification"						msgid "classification"
msgstr "classification"						msgstr "classification"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "Classification"						msgid "Classification"
msgstr "Classification"						msgstr "Classification"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "transparency"						msgid "transparency"
msgstr "transparence"						msgstr "transparence"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "Transparency"						msgid "Transparency"
msgstr "Transparence"						msgstr "Transparence"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "categories"						msgid "categories"
msgstr "catégories"						msgstr "catégories"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "Categories"						msgid "Categories"
msgstr "Catégories"						msgstr "Catégories"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "tasks"							msgid "tasks"
msgstr "tâches"							msgstr "tâches"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "due"							msgid "due"
msgstr "échéance"						msgstr "échéance"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "Due date"						msgid "Due date"
msgstr "Date de l'échéance"					msgstr "Date de l'échéance"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "Start date"						msgid "Start date"
msgstr "Date de début"						msgstr "Date de début"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355
msgid "Public"							msgid "Public"
msgstr "Public"							msgstr "Public"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358
msgid "Private"							msgid "Private"
msgstr "Privé"							msgstr "Privé"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361
msgid "Confidential"						msgid "Confidential"
msgstr "Confidentiel"						msgstr "Confidentiel"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63
msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"		msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"
msgstr "Impossible d'ouvrir le dossier du calendrier par défa	msgstr "Impossible d'ouvrir le dossier du calendrier par défa

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66
msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"			msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"
msgstr "Impossible d'ouvrir le dossier des tâches par défaut"	msgstr "Impossible d'ouvrir le dossier des tâches par défaut"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80
msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta	msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"L'authentification est requise pour accéder au dossier de co	"L'authentification est requise pour accéder au dossier de co

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83
msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"		msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"
msgstr "Impossible d'ouvrir le dossier des contacts par défau	msgstr "Impossible d'ouvrir le dossier des contacts par défau

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100
msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"				msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"
msgstr "Impossible d'initialiser Bonobo"			msgstr "Impossible d'initialiser Bonobo"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212
msgid "Field name"						msgid "Field name"
msgstr "Nom du champ"						msgstr "Nom du champ"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213
msgid "Data type"						msgid "Data type"
msgstr "Type de donnée"						msgstr "Type de donnée"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214
msgid "Size"							msgid "Size"
msgstr "Taille"							msgstr "Taille"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215
msgid "Scale"							msgid "Scale"
msgstr "Ã?chelle"						msgstr "Ã?chelle"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216
msgid "Not null?"						msgid "Not null?"
msgstr "Non null ?"						msgstr "Non null ?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217
msgid "Primary key?"						msgid "Primary key?"
msgstr "Clé primaire ?"						msgstr "Clé primaire ?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218
msgid "Unique index?"						msgid "Unique index?"
msgstr "Index unique ?"						msgstr "Index unique ?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219
msgid "References"						msgid "References"
msgstr "Références"						msgstr "Références"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220
msgid "Default value"						msgid "Default value"
msgstr "Valeur par défaut"					msgstr "Valeur par défaut"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239
msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l	msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Le nom de la table est nécessaire mais aucun n'est spécifié 	"Le nom de la table est nécessaire mais aucun n'est spécifié 
"des paramètres"						"des paramètres"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Table %s does not exist"					msgid "Table %s does not exist"
msgstr "La table %s n'existe pas"				msgstr "La table %s n'existe pas"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318
msgid "Scheduled events"					msgid "Scheduled events"
msgstr "�vénements planifiés"					msgstr "�vénements planifiés"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321
msgid "TODO list"						msgid "TODO list"
msgstr "Liste à faire"						msgstr "Liste à faire"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375
msgid "Owner"							msgid "Owner"
msgstr "Propriétaire"						msgstr "Propriétaire"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376
msgid "Comments"						msgid "Comments"
msgstr "Commentaires"						msgstr "Commentaires"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374
msgid "Type"							msgid "Type"
msgstr "Type"							msgstr "Type"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377
msgid "GDA type"						msgid "GDA type"
msgstr "Type GDA"						msgstr "Type GDA"

#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id	#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id
#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database	#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database
#. we can easily access that information			#. we can easily access that information
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382
msgid "local"							msgid "local"
msgstr "lobal"							msgstr "lobal"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217
msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr "La création de bases de données n'est pas encore supp	msgstr "La création de bases de données n'est pas encore supp

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230
msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr "La suppression de bases de données n'est pas encre su	msgstr "La suppression de bases de données n'est pas encre su

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244
msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"			msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"
msgstr "Le schéma des tables ne peut être récupéré"		msgstr "Le schéma des tables ne peut être récupéré"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268
msgid "Invalid SQL command"					msgid "Invalid SQL command"
msgstr "Commande SQL non valide"				msgstr "Commande SQL non valide"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353
msgid "Transactions are not supported"				msgid "Transactions are not supported"
msgstr "Les transactions ne sont pas supportées"		msgstr "Les transactions ne sont pas supportées"

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41
msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"		msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"
msgstr "Fournissuer pour les données personnelles de Ximian E	msgstr "Fournissuer pour les données personnelles de Ximian E

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task	"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Source de données pour accéder au calendrier, aux tâches et 	"Source de données pour accéder au calendrier, aux tâches et 
"défaut d'Evolution"						"défaut d'Evolution"
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ga.gmo
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/ga.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/ga.po
# Irish (Gaeilge) translations for gnome-db			# Irish (Gaeilge) translations for gnome-db
# Copyright (C) 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc.		# Copyright (C) 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# Alastair McKinstry <mckinstry computer org>, 2000.		# Alastair McKinstry <mckinstry computer org>, 2000.
#								#
msgid ""							msgid ""
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: gnome-db CVS\n"				"Project-Id-Version: gnome-db CVS\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"					"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"			"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2000-03-13 18:23+0000\n"			"PO-Revision-Date: 2000-03-13 18:23+0000\n"
"Last-Translator:  Alastair McKinstry <mckinstry computer org	"Last-Translator:  Alastair McKinstry <mckinstry computer org
"Language-Team: Irish <ga li org>\n"				"Language-Team: Irish <ga li org>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"						"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"			"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8-bit\n"				"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8-bit\n"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co
msgid "Data Sources"						msgid "Data Sources"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Providers"						msgid "Providers"
msgstr "Albachtaí"						msgstr "Albachtaí"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1
msgid "Configure your database environment"			msgid "Configure your database environment"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Database Access Properties "				msgid "Database Access Properties "
msgstr "Sábháil le"						msgstr "Sábháil le"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380
msgid "Name"							msgid "Name"
msgstr "Ainm"							msgstr "Ainm"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
msgid "Description"						msgid "Description"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182
msgid "Configured data sources in the system"			msgid "Configured data sources in the system"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data sources are the means by which database connections are	"Data sources are the means by which database connections are
"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s	"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s
"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o	"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o
"name you identify the connections in the applications that m	"name you identify the connections in the applications that m
"DB for database access."					"DB for database access."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"	msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data Source Properties"					msgid "Data Source Properties"
msgstr "Sábháil le"						msgstr "Sábháil le"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132
msgid "Basic"							msgid "Basic"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Tables"							msgid "Tables"
msgstr "Ainm comhad"						msgstr "Ainm comhad"

#: control-center/main.c:92					#: control-center/main.c:92
msgid "No valid data source info was created"			msgid "No valid data source info was created"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218	#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218
msgid "New data source"						msgid "New data source"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:215					#: control-center/main.c:215
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Database Access Properties"				msgid "Database Access Properties"
msgstr "Sábháil le"						msgstr "Sábháil le"

#: control-center/provider-config.c:105				#: control-center/provider-config.c:105
msgid "Installed providers"					msgid "Installed providers"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/provider-config.c:131				#: control-center/provider-config.c:131
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec	"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec
"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo	"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo
"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr	"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr
"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba	"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba
"etc."								"etc."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1
msgid "Database connection parameters file"			msgid "Database connection parameters file"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2
msgid "Documents"						msgid "Documents"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3
msgid "SQL code viewer"						msgid "SQL code viewer"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1
msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"			msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2
msgid "Number of spaces per tab"				msgid "Number of spaces per tab"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3
msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"			msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4
msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"			msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60
msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"			msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1
msgid "About"							msgid "About"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2
msgid "About GNOME-DB"						msgid "About GNOME-DB"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3
msgid "Close this window"					msgid "Close this window"
msgstr "Dún an fhuinneog seo"					msgstr "Dún an fhuinneog seo"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4
msgid "Create new entry"					msgid "Create new entry"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5
msgid "Delete selected items"					msgid "Delete selected items"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Deselect all items"					msgid "Deselect all items"
msgstr "Tóg gach rud"						msgstr "Tóg gach rud"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7
msgid "Edit properties for selected item"			msgid "Edit properties for selected item"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8
msgid "Save connection parameters to file"			msgid "Save connection parameters to file"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Select _All"						msgid "Select _All"
msgstr "Tóg gach rud"						msgstr "Tóg gach rud"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Select all items"					msgid "Select all items"
msgstr "Tóg gach rud"						msgstr "Tóg gach rud"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View data sources"					msgid "View data sources"
msgstr "Sábháil le"						msgstr "Sábháil le"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View providers"						msgid "View providers"
msgstr "Albachtaí"						msgstr "Albachtaí"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42
msgid "_Clear Selection"					msgid "_Clear Selection"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Close"							msgid "_Close"
msgstr "Dún"							msgstr "Dún"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Data Sources"						msgid "_Data Sources"
msgstr "Sábháil le"						msgstr "Sábháil le"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Database"						msgid "_Database"
msgstr "Sábháil le"						msgstr "Sábháil le"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Delete"							msgid "_Delete"
msgstr "Dealaigh"						msgstr "Dealaigh"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Edit"							msgid "_Edit"
msgstr "Eagarthóir"						msgstr "Eagarthóir"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Help"							msgid "_Help"
msgstr "Cabhair"						msgstr "Cabhair"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_New Data Source..."					msgid "_New Data Source..."
msgstr "Sábháil le"						msgstr "Sábháil le"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Properties"						msgid "_Properties"
msgstr "Albachtaí"						msgstr "Albachtaí"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Providers"						msgid "_Providers"
msgstr "Albachtaí"						msgstr "Albachtaí"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Save Connection"					msgid "_Save Connection"
msgstr "Sábháil"						msgstr "Sábháil"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_View"							msgid "_View"
msgstr "Radharc"						msgstr "Radharc"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76
msgid "Structure"						msgid "Structure"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data"							msgid "Data"
msgstr "Greamhaigh"						msgstr "Greamhaigh"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238
msgid "Not implemented yet!"					msgid "Not implemented yet!"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Database"						msgid "Database"
msgstr "Sábháil le"						msgstr "Sábháil le"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540
msgid "Loading database schemas..."				msgid "Loading database schemas..."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632
msgid "Refreshing data..."					msgid "Refreshing data..."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Views"							msgid "Views"
msgstr "Radharc"						msgstr "Radharc"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691
msgid "Indexes"							msgid "Indexes"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Sequences"						msgid "Sequences"
msgstr "Roghnachais"						msgstr "Roghnachais"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Procedures"						msgid "Procedures"
msgstr "Albachtaí"						msgstr "Albachtaí"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700
msgid "Triggers"						msgid "Triggers"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Aggregates"						msgid "Aggregates"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Types"							msgid "Types"
msgstr "Ainm GDA"						msgstr "Ainm GDA"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140
msgid "Could not query CORBA components"			msgid "Could not query CORBA components"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209
msgid "ID"							msgid "ID"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "Location"						msgid "Location"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212
msgid "Username"						msgid "Username"
msgstr "�sáidtheoir"						msgstr "�sáidtheoir"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Hostname"						msgid "Hostname"
msgstr "�sáidtheoir"						msgstr "�sáidtheoir"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Domain"							msgid "Domain"
msgstr "Ordú"							msgstr "Ordú"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"			msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. create widgets						#. create widgets
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97
msgid "Settings"						msgid "Settings"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103
msgid "Data source name"					msgid "Data source name"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109
msgid "Connection string"					msgid "Connection string"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Provider"						msgid "Provider"
msgstr "Albachtaí"						msgstr "Albachtaí"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "User name"						msgid "User name"
msgstr "�sáidtheoir"						msgstr "�sáidtheoir"

#. create feature list						#. create feature list
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128
msgid "Features"						msgid "Features"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190
msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"		msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197
msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac	msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206
msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th	msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213
msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"			msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217
msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n	msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225
msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"	msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233
msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"		msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391
msgid "Add a new data source..."				msgid "Add a new data source..."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392
msgid ""							msgid ""
"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"		"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"
"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"		"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"
"installation. Just follow the steps!"				"installation. Just follow the steps!"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "General Information"					msgid "General Information"
msgstr "Eirigh as fiedhmchlár"					msgstr "Eirigh as fiedhmchlár"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the basic information\n"	"The following fields represent the basic information\n"
"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n	"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n
"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"	"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"
"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"	"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"
"the default one."						"the default one."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data source _name:"					msgid "Data source _name:"
msgstr "Sábháil le"						msgstr "Sábháil le"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Provider:"						msgid "_Provider:"
msgstr "Albachtaí"						msgstr "Albachtaí"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133
msgid "_Description:"						msgid "_Description:"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Username:"						msgid "_Username:"
msgstr "�sáidtheoir"						msgstr "�sáidtheoir"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151
msgid "P_assword:"						msgid "P_assword:"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Provider Parameters"					msgid "Provider Parameters"
msgstr "Albachtaí"						msgstr "Albachtaí"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the information needed by the	"The following fields represent the information needed by the
"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n	"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n
"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\	"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\
"the manual for more information."				"the manual for more information."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481
msgid "All information retrieved"				msgid "All information retrieved"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482
msgid ""							msgid ""
"All information needed to create a new data source\n"		"All information needed to create a new data source\n"
"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"		"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"
"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"	"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"
"just select it when asked for a data source."			"just select it when asked for a data source."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124
msgid "Connection _string:"					msgid "Connection _string:"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4
msgid "Error"							msgid "Error"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Show detail >>"						msgid "Show detail >>"
msgstr "Cabhair"						msgstr "Cabhair"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122
msgid "<< Hide detail"						msgid "<< Hide detail"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191
msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"	msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196
msgid "Error number"						msgid "Error number"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Details"							msgid "Details"
msgstr "Greamhaigh"						msgstr "Greamhaigh"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234
msgid "Source"							msgid "Source"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "SQL state"						msgid "SQL state"
msgstr "Greamhaigh"						msgstr "Greamhaigh"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Field:"							msgid "_Field:"
msgstr "Faigh"							msgstr "Faigh"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Text:"							msgid "_Text:"
msgstr "Ainm GDA"						msgstr "Ainm GDA"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308
msgid "No records"						msgid "No records"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Record %d of %d"						msgid "Record %d of %d"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113
msgid "Recordset description"					msgid "Recordset description"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid ""							msgid ""
"File '%s' already exists.\n"					"File '%s' already exists.\n"
"Do you want to overwrite it?"					"Do you want to overwrite it?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149
msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."		msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Could not save file %s"					msgid "Could not save file %s"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224
msgid "You must specify a file name"				msgid "You must specify a file name"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230
msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"		msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261
msgid "Saving Model"						msgid "Saving Model"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "File _name:"						msgid "File _name:"
msgstr "Ainm comhad"						msgstr "Ainm comhad"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276
msgid "Select File"						msgid "Select File"
msgstr "Tóg Comhad"						msgstr "Tóg Comhad"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "File _type:"						msgid "File _type:"
msgstr "Ainm comhad"						msgstr "Ainm comhad"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291
msgid "Tab-delimited"						msgid "Tab-delimited"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294
msgid "Comma-delimited"						msgid "Comma-delimited"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:
msgid "XML"							msgid "XML"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View detail"						msgid "View detail"
msgstr "Cabhair"						msgstr "Cabhair"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Show Column _Titles"					msgid "Show Column _Titles"
msgstr "Cabhair"						msgstr "Cabhair"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Describe"						msgid "Describe"
msgstr "Socraigh Printéir..."					msgstr "Socraigh Printéir..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443
msgid "View detail..."						msgid "View detail..."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Title"							msgid "Title"
msgstr "Comhad"							msgstr "Comhad"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48
msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"	msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"		"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"
"to a data source"						"to a data source"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data Source:"						msgid "Data Source:"
msgstr "Sábháil le"						msgstr "Sábháil le"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Username:"						msgid "Username:"
msgstr "�sáidtheoir"						msgstr "�sáidtheoir"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279
msgid "Password:"						msgid "Password:"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Fields"							msgid "Fields"
msgstr "Faigh"							msgstr "Faigh"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Commit"							msgid "Commit"
msgstr "Ordú"							msgstr "Ordú"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31
msgid "Connect"							msgid "Connect"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33
msgid "Designer"						msgid "Designer"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34
msgid "Disconnect"						msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35
msgid "NoTransaction"						msgid "NoTransaction"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37
msgid "Query"							msgid "Query"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38
msgid "Rollback"						msgid "Rollback"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40
msgid "SQL"							msgid "SQL"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43
msgid "WithinTransaction"					msgid "WithinTransaction"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Error: %s"						msgid "Error: %s"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Table name"						msgid "Table name"
msgstr "Ainm comhad"						msgstr "Ainm comhad"

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93			#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Login for %s"						msgid "Login for %s"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95					#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Login to database"					msgid "Login to database"
msgstr "Sábháil le"						msgstr "Sábháil le"

#: vfs/libmain.c:71						#: vfs/libmain.c:71
msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"				msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Table Properties"					msgid "Table Properties"
msgstr "Sábháil le"						msgstr "Sábháil le"

#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Table Name"						msgid "Table Name"
msgstr "Ainm comhad"						msgstr "Ainm comhad"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155
msgid "New"							msgid "New"
msgstr "Nua"							msgstr "Nua"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156
msgid "Create new table"					msgid "Create new table"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Properties"						msgid "Properties"
msgstr "Albachtaí"						msgstr "Albachtaí"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View table properties"					msgid "View table properties"
msgstr "Sábháil le"						msgstr "Sábháil le"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
msgid "UID"							msgid "UID"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "calendar"						msgid "calendar"
msgstr "Glan"							msgstr "Glan"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "summary"							msgid "summary"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "Summary"							msgid "Summary"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "location"						msgid "location"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "dtstart"							msgid "dtstart"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
msgid "Start time"						msgid "Start time"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "dtend"							msgid "dtend"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "End time"						msgid "End time"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
msgid "description"						msgid "description"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "classification"						msgid "classification"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "Classification"						msgid "Classification"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "transparency"						msgid "transparency"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "Transparency"						msgid "Transparency"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "categories"						msgid "categories"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "Categories"						msgid "Categories"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "tasks"							msgid "tasks"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "due"							msgid "due"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "Due date"						msgid "Due date"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "Start date"						msgid "Start date"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355
msgid "Public"							msgid "Public"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Private"							msgid "Private"
msgstr "Greamhaigh"						msgstr "Greamhaigh"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361
msgid "Confidential"						msgid "Confidential"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63
msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"		msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66
msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"			msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80
msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta	msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83
msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"		msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100
msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"				msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Field name"						msgid "Field name"
msgstr "Ainm comhad"						msgstr "Ainm comhad"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data type"						msgid "Data type"
msgstr "Greamhaigh"						msgstr "Greamhaigh"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214
msgid "Size"							msgid "Size"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Scale"							msgid "Scale"
msgstr "Sábháil"						msgstr "Sábháil"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216
msgid "Not null?"						msgid "Not null?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217
msgid "Primary key?"						msgid "Primary key?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218
msgid "Unique index?"						msgid "Unique index?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "References"						msgid "References"
msgstr "Roghnachais..."						msgstr "Roghnachais..."

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220
msgid "Default value"						msgid "Default value"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239
msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l	msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Table %s does not exist"					msgid "Table %s does not exist"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318
msgid "Scheduled events"					msgid "Scheduled events"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321
msgid "TODO list"						msgid "TODO list"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375
msgid "Owner"							msgid "Owner"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Comments"						msgid "Comments"
msgstr "Ordú"							msgstr "Ordú"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Type"							msgid "Type"
msgstr "Ainm GDA"						msgstr "Ainm GDA"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "GDA type"						msgid "GDA type"
msgstr "Ainm GDA"						msgstr "Ainm GDA"

#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id	#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id
#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database	#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database
#. we can easily access that information			#. we can easily access that information
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "local"							msgid "local"
msgstr "Sábháil"						msgstr "Sábháil"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217
msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230
msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244
msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"			msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Invalid SQL command"					msgid "Invalid SQL command"
msgstr "Oscail Comhad"						msgstr "Oscail Comhad"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353
msgid "Transactions are not supported"				msgid "Transactions are not supported"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41
msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"		msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task	"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Browse database..."					#~ msgid "Browse database..."
#~ msgstr "Sábháil le"						#~ msgstr "Sábháil le"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Database browser"					#~ msgid "Database browser"
#~ msgstr "Sábháil le"						#~ msgstr "Sábháil le"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Error viewer"						#~ msgid "Error viewer"
#~ msgstr "Albachtaí"						#~ msgstr "Albachtaí"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "SQL Viewer"						#~ msgid "SQL Viewer"
#~ msgstr "Fuinneog"						#~ msgstr "Fuinneog"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Edit application preferences"				#~ msgid "Edit application preferences"
#~ msgstr "Eirigh as fiedhmchlár"				#~ msgstr "Eirigh as fiedhmchlár"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "New..."						#~ msgid "New..."
#~ msgstr "Nua"							#~ msgstr "Nua"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Save as"						#~ msgid "Save as"
#~ msgstr "Sábháil"						#~ msgstr "Sábháil"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Save to"						#~ msgid "Save to"
#~ msgstr "Sábháil"						#~ msgstr "Sábháil"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Database Moniker factory"				#~ msgid "Database Moniker factory"
#~ msgstr "Sábháil le"						#~ msgstr "Sábháil le"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "database: moniker"					#~ msgid "database: moniker"
#~ msgstr "Sábháil le"						#~ msgstr "Sábháil le"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "_File"						#~ msgid "_File"
#~ msgstr "Radharc"						#~ msgstr "Radharc"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Select all"						#~ msgid "Select all"
#~ msgstr "Tóg gach rud"					#~ msgstr "Tóg gach rud"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Unselect all"						#~ msgid "Unselect all"
#~ msgstr "Tóg gach rud"					#~ msgstr "Tóg gach rud"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Unselect All"						#~ msgid "Unselect All"
#~ msgstr "Tóg gach rud"					#~ msgstr "Tóg gach rud"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Save as..."						#~ msgid "Save as..."
#~ msgstr "Sábháil Le..."					#~ msgstr "Sábháil Le..."

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Builder"						#~ msgid "Builder"
#~ msgstr "Bainisteoir GNOME-DB"				#~ msgstr "Bainisteoir GNOME-DB"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "_New"							#~ msgid "_New"
#~ msgstr "Nua"							#~ msgstr "Nua"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "_Open"						#~ msgid "_Open"
#~ msgstr "Oscail"						#~ msgstr "Oscail"

#~ msgid "Open"							#~ msgid "Open"
#~ msgstr "Oscail"						#~ msgstr "Oscail"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Export"						#~ msgid "Export"
#~ msgstr "Ealu"						#~ msgstr "Ealu"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Activate SQL window"					#~ msgid "Activate SQL window"
#~ msgstr "Fuinneog"						#~ msgstr "Fuinneog"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Activate dbatch job window"				#~ msgid "Activate dbatch job window"
#~ msgstr "Fuinneog"						#~ msgstr "Fuinneog"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Activate batch job window"				#~ msgid "Activate batch job window"
#~ msgstr "Fuinneog"						#~ msgstr "Fuinneog"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Select"						#~ msgid "Select"
#~ msgstr "Tóg gach rud"					#~ msgstr "Tóg gach rud"

#~ msgid "Options"						#~ msgid "Options"
#~ msgstr "Roghnachais"						#~ msgstr "Roghnachais"

#~ msgid "Run"							#~ msgid "Run"
#~ msgstr "Rith"						#~ msgstr "Rith"

#~ msgid "Cut"							#~ msgid "Cut"
#~ msgstr "Gearr"						#~ msgstr "Gearr"

#~ msgid "Copy"							#~ msgid "Copy"
#~ msgstr "Cóip"						#~ msgstr "Cóip"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "From file"						#~ msgid "From file"
#~ msgstr "Comhad"						#~ msgstr "Comhad"

#~ msgid "Remove"						#~ msgid "Remove"
#~ msgstr "Scríos"						#~ msgstr "Scríos"

#~ msgid "Add"							#~ msgid "Add"
#~ msgstr "Suim"						#~ msgstr "Suim"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Save Log File"					#~ msgid "Save Log File"
#~ msgstr "Oscail Comhad"					#~ msgstr "Oscail Comhad"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Save window position"					#~ msgid "Save window position"
#~ msgstr "Sábháil le"						#~ msgstr "Sábháil le"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "_Quit"						#~ msgid "_Quit"
#~ msgstr "Ealu"						#~ msgstr "Ealu"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "GNOME-DB Manual"					#~ msgid "GNOME-DB Manual"
#~ msgstr "Bainisteoir GNOME-DB"				#~ msgstr "Bainisteoir GNOME-DB"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "_Options"						#~ msgid "_Options"
#~ msgstr "Roghnachais"						#~ msgstr "Roghnachais"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "GNOME-DB Front End"					#~ msgid "GNOME-DB Front End"
#~ msgstr "Bainisteoir GNOME-DB"				#~ msgstr "Bainisteoir GNOME-DB"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "GNOME-DB Front End Application"			#~ msgid "GNOME-DB Front End Application"
#~ msgstr "Eirigh as fiedhmchlár"				#~ msgstr "Eirigh as fiedhmchlár"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Select Color"						#~ msgid "Select Color"
#~ msgstr "Tóg gach rud"					#~ msgstr "Tóg gach rud"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Select Font"						#~ msgid "Select Font"
#~ msgstr "Tóg Comhad"						#~ msgstr "Tóg Comhad"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Select file"						#~ msgid "Select file"
#~ msgstr "Tóg Comhad"						#~ msgstr "Tóg Comhad"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "User Name"						#~ msgid "User Name"
#~ msgstr "�sáidtheoir"						#~ msgstr "�sáidtheoir"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Manager"						#~ msgid "Manager"
#~ msgstr "Teanga"						#~ msgstr "Teanga"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Edit"							#~ msgid "Edit"
#~ msgstr "Eagarthóir"						#~ msgstr "Eagarthóir"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Rolodex Application"					#~ msgid "Rolodex Application"
#~ msgstr "Eirigh as fiedhmchlár"				#~ msgstr "Eirigh as fiedhmchlár"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Do Print"						#~ msgid "Do Print"
#~ msgstr "Priontáil"						#~ msgstr "Priontáil"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Open SQL file"					#~ msgid "Open SQL file"
#~ msgstr "Oscail Comhad"					#~ msgstr "Oscail Comhad"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Project..."						#~ msgid "Project..."
#~ msgstr "Priontáil..."					#~ msgstr "Priontáil..."

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Open..."						#~ msgid "Open..."
#~ msgstr "Oscail"						#~ msgstr "Oscail"

#~ msgid "About gnome-db..."					#~ msgid "About gnome-db..."
#~ msgstr "Faoi gnome-db..."					#~ msgstr "Faoi gnome-db..."

#~ msgid "About this program"					#~ msgid "About this program"
#~ msgstr "Faoi ríomhchlár seo"					#~ msgstr "Faoi ríomhchlár seo"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Revert"						#~ msgid "Revert"
#~ msgstr "Scríos"						#~ msgstr "Scríos"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "View logs"						#~ msgid "View logs"
#~ msgstr "Radharc"						#~ msgstr "Radharc"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Users"						#~ msgid "Users"
#~ msgstr "�sáidtheoir"						#~ msgstr "�sáidtheoir"

#~ msgid "Environment"						#~ msgid "Environment"
#~ msgstr "Imshaoil"						#~ msgstr "Imshaoil"

#~ msgid "Value"						#~ msgid "Value"
#~ msgstr "Luach"						#~ msgstr "Luach"

#~ msgid "Shell"						#~ msgid "Shell"
#~ msgstr "Blaosc"						#~ msgstr "Blaosc"

#~ msgid "Top"							#~ msgid "Top"
#~ msgstr "Barr"						#~ msgstr "Barr"

#~ msgid "Bottom"						#~ msgid "Bottom"
#~ msgstr "Bun"							#~ msgstr "Bun"

#~ msgid "Left"							#~ msgid "Left"
#~ msgstr "Clé"							#~ msgstr "Clé"

#~ msgid "Right"						#~ msgid "Right"
#~ msgstr "Deis"						#~ msgstr "Deis"

#~ msgid "Directory"						#~ msgid "Directory"
#~ msgstr "Fillteán"						#~ msgstr "Fillteán"

#~ msgid "Running '%s'"						#~ msgid "Running '%s'"
#~ msgstr "Ag rith '%s'"					#~ msgstr "Ag rith '%s'"

#~ msgid "GDA logs"						#~ msgid "GDA logs"
#~ msgstr "Loganna GDA"						#~ msgstr "Loganna GDA"

#~ msgid "Text editor"						#~ msgid "Text editor"
#~ msgstr "Eagathóir teacs"					#~ msgstr "Eagathóir teacs"

#~ msgid "Calculator"						#~ msgid "Calculator"
#~ msgstr "Aireamhán"						#~ msgstr "Aireamhán"

#~ msgid "Close all"						#~ msgid "Close all"
#~ msgstr "Dún gach rud"					#~ msgstr "Dún gach rud"

#~ msgid "Close all open windows"				#~ msgid "Close all open windows"
#~ msgstr "Dún gach fhuinneog oscailte"				#~ msgstr "Dún gach fhuinneog oscailte"
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: gl.gmo
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/gl.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/gl.po
# Galician translation of gnome-db.				# Galician translation of gnome-db.
# Copyright (C) 2000 Jesús Bravo �lvarez.			# Copyright (C) 2000 Jesús Bravo �lvarez.
# Jesús Bravo �lvarez <jba pobox com>, 2000.			# Jesús Bravo �lvarez <jba pobox com>, 2000.
#								#
# Proxecto Trasno - Adaptación do software libre á lingua gal	# Proxecto Trasno - Adaptación do software libre á lingua gal
# colaborar connosco, podes atopar máis información en http:/	# colaborar connosco, podes atopar máis información en http:/
#								#
# First Version: 2000-04-29 12:07+0200				# First Version: 2000-04-29 12:07+0200
#								#
msgid ""							msgid ""
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: gnome-db\n"				"Project-Id-Version: gnome-db\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"					"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"			"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2000-10-29 14:49+0100\n"			"PO-Revision-Date: 2000-10-29 14:49+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Jesús Bravo �lvarez <jba pobox com>\n"	"Last-Translator: Jesús Bravo �lvarez <jba pobox com>\n"
"Language-Team: Galician <trasno ceu fi udc es>\n"		"Language-Team: Galician <trasno ceu fi udc es>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"						"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"			"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"				"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data Sources"						msgid "Data Sources"
msgstr "Fontes de Datos"					msgstr "Fontes de Datos"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Providers"						msgid "Providers"
msgstr "Fornecedor"						msgstr "Fornecedor"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1
msgid "Configure your database environment"			msgid "Configure your database environment"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Database Access Properties "				msgid "Database Access Properties "
msgstr "Propiedades da Conexión"				msgstr "Propiedades da Conexión"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380
msgid "Name"							msgid "Name"
msgstr "Nome"							msgstr "Nome"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
msgid "Description"						msgid "Description"
msgstr "Descrición"						msgstr "Descrición"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182
msgid "Configured data sources in the system"			msgid "Configured data sources in the system"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data sources are the means by which database connections are	"Data sources are the means by which database connections are
"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s	"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s
"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o	"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o
"name you identify the connections in the applications that m	"name you identify the connections in the applications that m
"DB for database access."					"DB for database access."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"	msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data Source Properties"					msgid "Data Source Properties"
msgstr "¡A fonte de datos non ten nome!"			msgstr "¡A fonte de datos non ten nome!"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132
msgid "Basic"							msgid "Basic"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Tables"							msgid "Tables"
msgstr "Táboas"							msgstr "Táboas"

#: control-center/main.c:92					#: control-center/main.c:92
msgid "No valid data source info was created"			msgid "No valid data source info was created"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218	#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "New data source"						msgid "New data source"
msgstr "Engadir nova fonte de datos"				msgstr "Engadir nova fonte de datos"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:215					#: control-center/main.c:215
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Database Access Properties"				msgid "Database Access Properties"
msgstr "Propiedades da Conexión"				msgstr "Propiedades da Conexión"

#: control-center/provider-config.c:105				#: control-center/provider-config.c:105
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Installed providers"					msgid "Installed providers"
msgstr "Inicia-lo fornecedor seleccionado"			msgstr "Inicia-lo fornecedor seleccionado"

#: control-center/provider-config.c:131				#: control-center/provider-config.c:131
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec	"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec
"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo	"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo
"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr	"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr
"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba	"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba
"etc."								"etc."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Database connection parameters file"			msgid "Database connection parameters file"
msgstr "Pecha-la conexión á base de datos"			msgstr "Pecha-la conexión á base de datos"

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2
msgid "Documents"						msgid "Documents"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3
msgid "SQL code viewer"						msgid "SQL code viewer"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1
msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"			msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2
msgid "Number of spaces per tab"				msgid "Number of spaces per tab"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3
msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"			msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4
msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"			msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60
msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"			msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1
msgid "About"							msgid "About"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "About GNOME-DB"						msgid "About GNOME-DB"
msgstr "Acerca de GNOME-DB..."					msgstr "Acerca de GNOME-DB..."

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3
msgid "Close this window"					msgid "Close this window"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Create new entry"					msgid "Create new entry"
msgstr "Descrición"						msgstr "Descrición"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Delete selected items"					msgid "Delete selected items"
msgstr "Corta-lo texto seleccionado"				msgstr "Corta-lo texto seleccionado"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Deselect all items"					msgid "Deselect all items"
msgstr "Corta-lo texto seleccionado"				msgstr "Corta-lo texto seleccionado"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7
msgid "Edit properties for selected item"			msgid "Edit properties for selected item"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Save connection parameters to file"			msgid "Save connection parameters to file"
msgstr "Pecha-la conexión á base de datos"			msgstr "Pecha-la conexión á base de datos"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Select _All"						msgid "Select _All"
msgstr "Seleccionar todas"					msgstr "Seleccionar todas"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Select all items"					msgid "Select all items"
msgstr "Seleccionar tódalas ringleiras"				msgstr "Seleccionar tódalas ringleiras"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View data sources"					msgid "View data sources"
msgstr "Engadir nova fonte de datos"				msgstr "Engadir nova fonte de datos"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View providers"						msgid "View providers"
msgstr "Engadir un novo fornecedor"				msgstr "Engadir un novo fornecedor"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Clear Selection"					msgid "_Clear Selection"
msgstr "Baleirar selección"					msgstr "Baleirar selección"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Close"							msgid "_Close"
msgstr "Pechar"							msgstr "Pechar"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Data Sources"						msgid "_Data Sources"
msgstr "Fontes de Datos"					msgstr "Fontes de Datos"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Database"						msgid "_Database"
msgstr "Base de datos"						msgstr "Base de datos"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Delete"							msgid "_Delete"
msgstr "Seleccionar"						msgstr "Seleccionar"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Edit"							msgid "_Edit"
msgstr "Editar"							msgstr "Editar"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Help"							msgid "_Help"
msgstr "Axuda"							msgstr "Axuda"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_New Data Source..."					msgid "_New Data Source..."
msgstr "Engadir nova fonte de datos"				msgstr "Engadir nova fonte de datos"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Properties"						msgid "_Properties"
msgstr "Procedementos"						msgstr "Procedementos"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Providers"						msgid "_Providers"
msgstr "Fornecedor"						msgstr "Fornecedor"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Save Connection"					msgid "_Save Connection"
msgstr "�ltimas Conexións"					msgstr "�ltimas Conexións"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_View"							msgid "_View"
msgstr "Vistas"							msgstr "Vistas"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76
msgid "Structure"						msgid "Structure"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data"							msgid "Data"
msgstr "Data"							msgstr "Data"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238
msgid "Not implemented yet!"					msgid "Not implemented yet!"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Database"						msgid "Database"
msgstr "Base de datos"						msgstr "Base de datos"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540
msgid "Loading database schemas..."				msgid "Loading database schemas..."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Refreshing data..."					msgid "Refreshing data..."
msgstr "Actualizar enreixado"					msgstr "Actualizar enreixado"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688
msgid "Views"							msgid "Views"
msgstr "Vistas"							msgstr "Vistas"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691
msgid "Indexes"							msgid "Indexes"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Sequences"						msgid "Sequences"
msgstr "Preferencias"						msgstr "Preferencias"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Procedures"						msgid "Procedures"
msgstr "Procedementos"						msgstr "Procedementos"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700
msgid "Triggers"						msgid "Triggers"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Aggregates"						msgid "Aggregates"
msgstr "Agregados"						msgstr "Agregados"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Types"							msgid "Types"
msgstr "Tipos"							msgstr "Tipos"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Could not query CORBA components"			msgid "Could not query CORBA components"
msgstr "Non foi posible inicializa-lo compoñente %s"		msgstr "Non foi posible inicializa-lo compoñente %s"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209
msgid "ID"							msgid "ID"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "Location"						msgid "Location"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212
msgid "Username"						msgid "Username"
msgstr "Usuario"						msgstr "Usuario"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Hostname"						msgid "Hostname"
msgstr "Usuario"						msgstr "Usuario"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214
msgid "Domain"							msgid "Domain"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"			msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. create widgets						#. create widgets
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97
msgid "Settings"						msgid "Settings"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data source name"					msgid "Data source name"
msgstr "¡A fonte de datos non ten nome!"			msgstr "¡A fonte de datos non ten nome!"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Connection string"					msgid "Connection string"
msgstr "Propiedades da Conexión"				msgstr "Propiedades da Conexión"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115
msgid "Provider"						msgid "Provider"
msgstr "Fornecedor"						msgstr "Fornecedor"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "User name"						msgid "User name"
msgstr "Usuario"						msgstr "Usuario"

#. create feature list						#. create feature list
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128
msgid "Features"						msgid "Features"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190
msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"		msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac	msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac
msgstr "¡A fonte de datos non ten nome!"			msgstr "¡A fonte de datos non ten nome!"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206
msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th	msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"			msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"
msgstr "¡A fonte de datos non ten nome!"			msgstr "¡A fonte de datos non ten nome!"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217
msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n	msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225
msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"	msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"		msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Non se definiu a fonte de datos '%s' no seu ficheiro de conf	"Non se definiu a fonte de datos '%s' no seu ficheiro de conf

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Add a new data source..."				msgid "Add a new data source..."
msgstr "Engadir nova fonte de datos"				msgstr "Engadir nova fonte de datos"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392
msgid ""							msgid ""
"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"		"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"
"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"		"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"
"installation. Just follow the steps!"				"installation. Just follow the steps!"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "General Information"					msgid "General Information"
msgstr "Información Extra"					msgstr "Información Extra"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the basic information\n"	"The following fields represent the basic information\n"
"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n	"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n
"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"	"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"
"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"	"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"
"the default one."						"the default one."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data source _name:"					msgid "Data source _name:"
msgstr "¡A fonte de datos non ten nome!"			msgstr "¡A fonte de datos non ten nome!"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Provider:"						msgid "_Provider:"
msgstr "Fornecedor"						msgstr "Fornecedor"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Description:"						msgid "_Description:"
msgstr "Descrición"						msgstr "Descrición"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Username:"						msgid "_Username:"
msgstr "Usuario"						msgstr "Usuario"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "P_assword:"						msgid "P_assword:"
msgstr "Contrasinal"						msgstr "Contrasinal"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Provider Parameters"					msgid "Provider Parameters"
msgstr "Fornecedores"						msgstr "Fornecedores"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the information needed by the	"The following fields represent the information needed by the
"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n	"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n
"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\	"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\
"the manual for more information."				"the manual for more information."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481
msgid "All information retrieved"				msgid "All information retrieved"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482
msgid ""							msgid ""
"All information needed to create a new data source\n"		"All information needed to create a new data source\n"
"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"		"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"
"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"	"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"
"just select it when asked for a data source."			"just select it when asked for a data source."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Connection _string:"					msgid "Connection _string:"
msgstr "Propiedades da Conexión"				msgstr "Propiedades da Conexión"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4
msgid "Error"							msgid "Error"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Show detail >>"						msgid "Show detail >>"
msgstr "Amosar Axuda"						msgstr "Amosar Axuda"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122
msgid "<< Hide detail"						msgid "<< Hide detail"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191
msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"	msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Error number"						msgid "Error number"
msgstr "Visualizador de Erros"					msgstr "Visualizador de Erros"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Details"							msgid "Details"
msgstr "Datos"							msgstr "Datos"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234
msgid "Source"							msgid "Source"
msgstr "Fonte"							msgstr "Fonte"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "SQL state"						msgid "SQL state"
msgstr "Iniciar"						msgstr "Iniciar"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Field:"							msgid "_Field:"
msgstr "Ficheiro"						msgstr "Ficheiro"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Text:"							msgid "_Text:"
msgstr "Tipos"							msgstr "Tipos"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308
msgid "No records"						msgid "No records"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329
#, fuzzy, c-format						#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Record %d of %d"						msgid "Record %d of %d"
msgstr "Erro %d de %d"						msgstr "Erro %d de %d"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Recordset description"					msgid "Recordset description"
msgstr "Descrición"						msgstr "Descrición"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid ""							msgid ""
"File '%s' already exists.\n"					"File '%s' already exists.\n"
"Do you want to overwrite it?"					"Do you want to overwrite it?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149
msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."		msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Could not save file %s"					msgid "Could not save file %s"
msgstr "Non foi posible garda-lo ficheiro %s"			msgstr "Non foi posible garda-lo ficheiro %s"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224
msgid "You must specify a file name"				msgid "You must specify a file name"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230
msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"		msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261
msgid "Saving Model"						msgid "Saving Model"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "File _name:"						msgid "File _name:"
msgstr "Nome da táboa"						msgstr "Nome da táboa"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276
msgid "Select File"						msgid "Select File"
msgstr "Seleccionar Ficheiro"					msgstr "Seleccionar Ficheiro"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "File _type:"						msgid "File _type:"
msgstr "Nome da táboa"						msgstr "Nome da táboa"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291
msgid "Tab-delimited"						msgid "Tab-delimited"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294
msgid "Comma-delimited"						msgid "Comma-delimited"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:
msgid "XML"							msgid "XML"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View detail"						msgid "View detail"
msgstr "Amosar Axuda"						msgstr "Amosar Axuda"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Show Column _Titles"					msgid "Show Column _Titles"
msgstr "Amosa-los títulos das columnas"				msgstr "Amosa-los títulos das columnas"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Describe"						msgid "Describe"
msgstr "Descrición"						msgstr "Descrición"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443
msgid "View detail..."						msgid "View detail..."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Title"							msgid "Title"
msgstr "Hora"							msgstr "Hora"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48
msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"	msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"		"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"
"to a data source"						"to a data source"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data Source:"						msgid "Data Source:"
msgstr "Fontes de Datos"					msgstr "Fontes de Datos"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Username:"						msgid "Username:"
msgstr "Usuario"						msgstr "Usuario"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Password:"						msgid "Password:"
msgstr "Contrasinal"						msgstr "Contrasinal"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69
msgid "Fields"							msgid "Fields"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30
msgid "Commit"							msgid "Commit"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Connect"							msgid "Connect"
msgstr "Conectar..."						msgstr "Conectar..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33
msgid "Designer"						msgid "Designer"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34
msgid "Disconnect"						msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr "Desconectar"						msgstr "Desconectar"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35
msgid "NoTransaction"						msgid "NoTransaction"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37
msgid "Query"							msgid "Query"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38
msgid "Rollback"						msgid "Rollback"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40
msgid "SQL"							msgid "SQL"
msgstr "SQL"							msgstr "SQL"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "WithinTransaction"					msgid "WithinTransaction"
msgstr "Pecha-la conexión actual"				msgstr "Pecha-la conexión actual"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65
#, fuzzy, c-format						#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Error: %s"						msgid "Error: %s"
msgstr "Erro %d de %d"						msgstr "Erro %d de %d"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79
msgid "Table name"						msgid "Table name"
msgstr "Nome da táboa"						msgstr "Nome da táboa"

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93			#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Login for %s"						msgid "Login for %s"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95					#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Login to database"					msgid "Login to database"
msgstr "Conectar á base de datos"				msgstr "Conectar á base de datos"

#: vfs/libmain.c:71						#: vfs/libmain.c:71
msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"				msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Table Properties"					msgid "Table Properties"
msgstr "Propiedades da Conexión"				msgstr "Propiedades da Conexión"

#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Table Name"						msgid "Table Name"
msgstr "Nome da táboa"						msgstr "Nome da táboa"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155
msgid "New"							msgid "New"
msgstr "Novo"							msgstr "Novo"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Create new table"					msgid "Create new table"
msgstr "Iniciar cun novo deseño de base de datos"		msgstr "Iniciar cun novo deseño de base de datos"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Properties"						msgid "Properties"
msgstr "Procedementos"						msgstr "Procedementos"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View table properties"					msgid "View table properties"
msgstr "Propiedades da Conexión"				msgstr "Propiedades da Conexión"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
msgid "UID"							msgid "UID"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "calendar"						msgid "calendar"
msgstr "Limpar"							msgstr "Limpar"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "summary"							msgid "summary"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "Summary"							msgid "Summary"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "location"						msgid "location"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "dtstart"							msgid "dtstart"
msgstr "Iniciar"						msgstr "Iniciar"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Start time"						msgid "Start time"
msgstr "Iniciar"						msgstr "Iniciar"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "dtend"							msgid "dtend"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "End time"						msgid "End time"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "description"						msgid "description"
msgstr "Descrición"						msgstr "Descrición"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "classification"						msgid "classification"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Classification"						msgid "Classification"
msgstr "Baleirar selección"					msgstr "Baleirar selección"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "transparency"						msgid "transparency"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "Transparency"						msgid "Transparency"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "categories"						msgid "categories"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "Categories"						msgid "Categories"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "tasks"							msgid "tasks"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "due"							msgid "due"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "Due date"						msgid "Due date"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Start date"						msgid "Start date"
msgstr "Iniciar"						msgstr "Iniciar"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355
msgid "Public"							msgid "Public"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Private"							msgid "Private"
msgstr "Pegar"							msgstr "Pegar"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361
msgid "Confidential"						msgid "Confidential"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63
msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"		msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66
msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"			msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80
msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta	msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"		msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"
msgstr "Non foi posible abri-lo url %s"				msgstr "Non foi posible abri-lo url %s"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"				msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"
msgstr "Non foi posible inicializar Bonobo\n"			msgstr "Non foi posible inicializar Bonobo\n"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Field name"						msgid "Field name"
msgstr "Nome da táboa"						msgstr "Nome da táboa"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data type"						msgid "Data type"
msgstr "Data"							msgstr "Data"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214
msgid "Size"							msgid "Size"
msgstr "Tamaño"							msgstr "Tamaño"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215
msgid "Scale"							msgid "Scale"
msgstr "Escala"							msgstr "Escala"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216
msgid "Not null?"						msgid "Not null?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217
msgid "Primary key?"						msgid "Primary key?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218
msgid "Unique index?"						msgid "Unique index?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "References"						msgid "References"
msgstr "Actualizar"						msgstr "Actualizar"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220
msgid "Default value"						msgid "Default value"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239
msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l	msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Table %s does not exist"					msgid "Table %s does not exist"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318
msgid "Scheduled events"					msgid "Scheduled events"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321
msgid "TODO list"						msgid "TODO list"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375
msgid "Owner"							msgid "Owner"
msgstr "Dono"							msgstr "Dono"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376
msgid "Comments"						msgid "Comments"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Type"							msgid "Type"
msgstr "Tipos"							msgstr "Tipos"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "GDA type"						msgid "GDA type"
msgstr "Tipo de GDA"						msgstr "Tipo de GDA"

#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id	#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id
#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database	#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database
#. we can easily access that information			#. we can easily access that information
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "local"							msgid "local"
msgstr "Global"							msgstr "Global"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217
msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230
msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244
msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"			msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Invalid SQL command"					msgid "Invalid SQL command"
msgstr "Seleccione o Comando SQL"				msgstr "Seleccione o Comando SQL"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353
msgid "Transactions are not supported"				msgid "Transactions are not supported"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41
msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"		msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task	"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Browse database..."					#~ msgid "Browse database..."
#~ msgstr "Base de datos"					#~ msgstr "Base de datos"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Connection MIME handler component"			#~ msgid "Connection MIME handler component"
#~ msgstr "Non foi posible inicializa-lo compoñente de xestió	#~ msgstr "Non foi posible inicializa-lo compoñente de xestió

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Database component factory"				#~ msgid "Database component factory"
#~ msgstr "Non foi posible crea-lo ficheiro %s"			#~ msgstr "Non foi posible crea-lo ficheiro %s"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Open in database connection..."			#~ msgid "Open in database connection..."
#~ msgstr "Abrir unha nova conexión a base de datos"		#~ msgstr "Abrir unha nova conexión a base de datos"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Database browser"					#~ msgid "Database browser"
#~ msgstr "Abri-lo explorador de bases de datos"		#~ msgstr "Abri-lo explorador de bases de datos"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Error viewer"						#~ msgid "Error viewer"
#~ msgstr "Visualizador de Erros"				#~ msgstr "Visualizador de Erros"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Database configuration"				#~ msgid "Database configuration"
#~ msgstr "Non foi posible crea-lo ficheiro %s"			#~ msgstr "Non foi posible crea-lo ficheiro %s"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Edit application preferences"				#~ msgid "Edit application preferences"
#~ msgstr "Saír da aplicación"					#~ msgstr "Saír da aplicación"

#~ msgid "New..."						#~ msgid "New..."
#~ msgstr "Novo..."						#~ msgstr "Novo..."

#~ msgid "Password"						#~ msgid "Password"
#~ msgstr "Contrasinal"						#~ msgstr "Contrasinal"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Save as"						#~ msgid "Save as"
#~ msgstr "Gardar"						#~ msgstr "Gardar"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Save to"						#~ msgid "Save to"
#~ msgstr "Gardar"						#~ msgstr "Gardar"

#~ msgid "Show columns"						#~ msgid "Show columns"
#~ msgstr "Amosar columnas"					#~ msgstr "Amosar columnas"

#~ msgid "Hide columns"						#~ msgid "Hide columns"
#~ msgstr "Agochar columnas"					#~ msgstr "Agochar columnas"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Question"						#~ msgid "Question"
#~ msgstr "Descrición"						#~ msgstr "Descrición"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Database Moniker factory"				#~ msgid "Database Moniker factory"
#~ msgstr "Base de datos"					#~ msgstr "Base de datos"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "database: moniker"					#~ msgid "database: moniker"
#~ msgstr "Base de datos"					#~ msgstr "Base de datos"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Invalid format for connection string"			#~ msgid "Invalid format for connection string"
#~ msgstr "Propiedades da Conexión"				#~ msgstr "Propiedades da Conexión"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Data sources"						#~ msgid "Data sources"
#~ msgstr "Fontes de Datos"					#~ msgstr "Fontes de Datos"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Test Data Source"					#~ msgid "Test Data Source"
#~ msgstr "Fontes de Datos"					#~ msgstr "Fontes de Datos"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Connection to %s successful!"				#~ msgid "Connection to %s successful!"
#~ msgstr "Propiedades da Conexión"				#~ msgstr "Propiedades da Conexión"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Data source"						#~ msgid "Data source"
#~ msgstr "Fontes de Datos"					#~ msgstr "Fontes de Datos"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Select all"						#~ msgid "Select all"
#~ msgstr "Seleccionar todas"					#~ msgstr "Seleccionar todas"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Unselect all"						#~ msgid "Unselect all"
#~ msgstr "Seleccionar todas"					#~ msgstr "Seleccionar todas"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Unselect All"						#~ msgid "Unselect All"
#~ msgstr "Seleccionar todas"					#~ msgstr "Seleccionar todas"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Hide column headers"					#~ msgid "Hide column headers"
#~ msgstr "Agochar columnas"					#~ msgstr "Agochar columnas"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Describe current data set"				#~ msgid "Describe current data set"
#~ msgstr "Elimina-la fonte de datos actual"			#~ msgstr "Elimina-la fonte de datos actual"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "View current data in more detail"			#~ msgid "View current data in more detail"
#~ msgstr "Mirar propiedades da conexión actual"		#~ msgstr "Mirar propiedades da conexión actual"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Databases"						#~ msgid "Databases"
#~ msgstr "Base de datos"					#~ msgstr "Base de datos"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Builder"						#~ msgid "Builder"
#~ msgstr "Constructor de GNOME-DB"				#~ msgstr "Constructor de GNOME-DB"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Report..."						#~ msgid "Report..."
#~ msgstr "Vista como rexistros..."				#~ msgstr "Vista como rexistros..."

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Open an existing Perl script"				#~ msgid "Open an existing Perl script"
#~ msgstr "Abrir un módulo existente"				#~ msgstr "Abrir un módulo existente"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Open an existing report"				#~ msgid "Open an existing report"
#~ msgstr "Abrir un módulo existente"				#~ msgstr "Abrir un módulo existente"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "_New"							#~ msgid "_New"
#~ msgstr "Novo"						#~ msgstr "Novo"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "_Open"						#~ msgid "_Open"
#~ msgstr "Abrir"						#~ msgstr "Abrir"

#~ msgid "Add new module to project"				#~ msgid "Add new module to project"
#~ msgstr "Engadir un novo módulo ó proxecto"			#~ msgstr "Engadir un novo módulo ó proxecto"

#~ msgid "Open"							#~ msgid "Open"
#~ msgstr "Abrir"						#~ msgstr "Abrir"

#~ msgid "Open an existing module"				#~ msgid "Open an existing module"
#~ msgstr "Abrir un módulo existente"				#~ msgstr "Abrir un módulo existente"

#~ msgid "Close current connection"				#~ msgid "Close current connection"
#~ msgstr "Pecha-la conexión actual"				#~ msgstr "Pecha-la conexión actual"

#~ msgid "Browser"						#~ msgid "Browser"
#~ msgstr "Explorador"						#~ msgstr "Explorador"

#~ msgid "Activate database browser window"			#~ msgid "Activate database browser window"
#~ msgstr "Activa-la fiestra do explorador de bases de datos"	#~ msgstr "Activa-la fiestra do explorador de bases de datos"

#~ msgid "Activate SQL window"					#~ msgid "Activate SQL window"
#~ msgstr "Activar Fiestra SQL"					#~ msgstr "Activar Fiestra SQL"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Activate dbatch job window"				#~ msgid "Activate dbatch job window"
#~ msgstr "Activa-la fiestra do explorador de bases de datos"	#~ msgstr "Activa-la fiestra do explorador de bases de datos"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Start a new database transaction"			#~ msgid "Start a new database transaction"
#~ msgstr "Iniciar cun novo deseño de base de datos"		#~ msgstr "Iniciar cun novo deseño de base de datos"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Rollback current transaction"				#~ msgid "Rollback current transaction"
#~ msgstr "Pecha-la conexión actual"				#~ msgstr "Pecha-la conexión actual"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Make a copy of a database"				#~ msgid "Make a copy of a database"
#~ msgstr "Iniciar cun novo deseño de base de datos"		#~ msgstr "Iniciar cun novo deseño de base de datos"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Import database"					#~ msgid "Import database"
#~ msgstr "Conectar á base de datos"				#~ msgstr "Conectar á base de datos"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Activate batch job window"				#~ msgid "Activate batch job window"
#~ msgstr "Activar Fiestra SQL"					#~ msgstr "Activar Fiestra SQL"

#~ msgid "Options"						#~ msgid "Options"
#~ msgstr "Opcións"						#~ msgstr "Opcións"

#~ msgid "Run"							#~ msgid "Run"
#~ msgstr "Executar"						#~ msgstr "Executar"

#~ msgid "Execute current command"				#~ msgid "Execute current command"
#~ msgstr "Executa-lo comando actual"				#~ msgstr "Executa-lo comando actual"

#~ msgid "Select command from previous"				#~ msgid "Select command from previous"
#~ msgstr "Seleccionar comando a partir dos anteriores"		#~ msgstr "Seleccionar comando a partir dos anteriores"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Save command for later retrieval"			#~ msgid "Save command for later retrieval"
#~ msgstr "Gardar comando a un ficheiro"			#~ msgstr "Gardar comando a un ficheiro"

#~ msgid "Cut"							#~ msgid "Cut"
#~ msgstr "Cortar"						#~ msgstr "Cortar"

#~ msgid "Copy"							#~ msgid "Copy"
#~ msgstr "Copiar"						#~ msgstr "Copiar"

#~ msgid "Copy selected text"					#~ msgid "Copy selected text"
#~ msgstr "Copia-lo texto seleccionado"				#~ msgstr "Copia-lo texto seleccionado"

#~ msgid "Paste text from clipboard"				#~ msgid "Paste text from clipboard"
#~ msgstr "Pegar texto do cartafol"				#~ msgstr "Pegar texto do cartafol"

#~ msgid "Clear widget contents"				#~ msgid "Clear widget contents"
#~ msgstr "Limpar contidos do widget"				#~ msgstr "Limpar contidos do widget"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Open connection"					#~ msgid "Open connection"
#~ msgstr "Abrir Conexión"					#~ msgstr "Abrir Conexión"

#~ msgid "GDA Name"						#~ msgid "GDA Name"
#~ msgstr "Nome de GDA"						#~ msgstr "Nome de GDA"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "From file"						#~ msgid "From file"
#~ msgstr "Ficheiro"						#~ msgstr "Ficheiro"

#~ msgid "Error loading file %s"				#~ msgid "Error loading file %s"
#~ msgstr "Erro cargando o ficheiro %s"				#~ msgstr "Erro cargando o ficheiro %s"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Save SQL command"					#~ msgid "Save SQL command"
#~ msgstr "Seleccione o Comando SQL"				#~ msgstr "Seleccione o Comando SQL"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Save command to a named query"			#~ msgid "Save command to a named query"
#~ msgstr "Gardar comando a un ficheiro"			#~ msgstr "Gardar comando a un ficheiro"

#~ msgid "Select SQL Command"					#~ msgid "Select SQL Command"
#~ msgstr "Seleccione o Comando SQL"				#~ msgstr "Seleccione o Comando SQL"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Last commands"					#~ msgid "Last commands"
#~ msgstr "�ltimas Conexións"					#~ msgstr "�ltimas Conexións"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Database design"					#~ msgid "Database design"
#~ msgstr "Seleccionar o deseño de base de datos"		#~ msgstr "Seleccionar o deseño de base de datos"

#~ msgid "Start with a new database design"			#~ msgid "Start with a new database design"
#~ msgstr "Iniciar cun novo deseño de base de datos"		#~ msgstr "Iniciar cun novo deseño de base de datos"

#~ msgid "Table..."						#~ msgid "Table..."
#~ msgstr "Táboa..."						#~ msgstr "Táboa..."

#~ msgid "Add a table to the database design"			#~ msgid "Add a table to the database design"
#~ msgstr "Engadir unha táboa ó deseño de base de datos"	#~ msgstr "Engadir unha táboa ó deseño de base de datos"

#~ msgid "Open an existing database design"			#~ msgid "Open an existing database design"
#~ msgstr "Abrir un deseño de base de datos existente"		#~ msgstr "Abrir un deseño de base de datos existente"

#~ msgid "Remove"						#~ msgid "Remove"
#~ msgstr "Quitar"						#~ msgstr "Quitar"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Remove selected object"				#~ msgid "Remove selected object"
#~ msgstr "Copia-lo texto seleccionado"				#~ msgstr "Copia-lo texto seleccionado"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Create new database design"				#~ msgid "Create new database design"
#~ msgstr "Iniciar cun novo deseño de base de datos"		#~ msgstr "Iniciar cun novo deseño de base de datos"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Save currently open file"				#~ msgid "Save currently open file"
#~ msgstr "Gardar comando a un ficheiro"			#~ msgstr "Gardar comando a un ficheiro"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Reload database file contents"			#~ msgid "Reload database file contents"
#~ msgstr "Pecha-la conexión á base de datos"			#~ msgstr "Pecha-la conexión á base de datos"

#~ msgid "Add"							#~ msgid "Add"
#~ msgstr "Engadir"						#~ msgstr "Engadir"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Add new object to the database"			#~ msgid "Add new object to the database"
#~ msgstr "Engadir unha táboa ó deseño de base de datos"	#~ msgstr "Engadir unha táboa ó deseño de base de datos"

#~ msgid "Select database design"				#~ msgid "Select database design"
#~ msgstr "Seleccionar o deseño de base de datos"		#~ msgstr "Seleccionar o deseño de base de datos"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Save log to a disk file"				#~ msgid "Save log to a disk file"
#~ msgstr "Gardar comando a un ficheiro"			#~ msgstr "Gardar comando a un ficheiro"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "View"							#~ msgid "View"
#~ msgstr "Vistas"						#~ msgstr "Vistas"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "View selected log entry"				#~ msgid "View selected log entry"
#~ msgstr "Edita-lo fornecedor seleccionado"			#~ msgstr "Edita-lo fornecedor seleccionado"

#~ msgid "Error loading log for '%s'"				#~ msgid "Error loading log for '%s'"
#~ msgstr "Erro cargando o rexistro para '%s'"			#~ msgstr "Erro cargando o rexistro para '%s'"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Save Log File"					#~ msgid "Save Log File"
#~ msgstr "Gardar ficheiro SQL"					#~ msgstr "Gardar ficheiro SQL"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Could not create 'database:' moniker instance"	#~ msgid "Could not create 'database:' moniker instance"
#~ msgstr "Non foi posible crea-lo ficheiro %s"			#~ msgstr "Non foi posible crea-lo ficheiro %s"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Show tooltips"					#~ msgid "Show tooltips"
#~ msgstr "Amosa-los títulos das columnas"			#~ msgstr "Amosa-los títulos das columnas"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Perl script"						#~ msgid "Perl script"
#~ msgstr "Descrición"						#~ msgstr "Descrición"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Print preview"					#~ msgid "Print preview"
#~ msgstr "Imprimir enreixado"					#~ msgstr "Imprimir enreixado"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "_Quit"						#~ msgid "_Quit"
#~ msgstr "Saír"						#~ msgstr "Saír"

#~ msgid "Configure user preferences"				#~ msgid "Configure user preferences"
#~ msgstr "Configurar preferencias de usuario"			#~ msgstr "Configurar preferencias de usuario"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "GNOME-DB Manual"					#~ msgid "GNOME-DB Manual"
#~ msgstr "Manual de GNOME-DB"					#~ msgstr "Manual de GNOME-DB"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "libgda Manual"					#~ msgid "libgda Manual"
#~ msgstr "Manual da Libgda"					#~ msgstr "Manual da Libgda"

#~ msgid "View information about this application"		#~ msgid "View information about this application"
#~ msgstr "Ver información sobre esta aplicación"		#~ msgstr "Ver información sobre esta aplicación"

#~ msgid "Submit bug report"					#~ msgid "Submit bug report"
#~ msgstr "Enviar informe de erro"				#~ msgstr "Enviar informe de erro"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "_Options"						#~ msgid "_Options"
#~ msgstr "Opcións"						#~ msgstr "Opcións"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "GNOME-DB Front End"					#~ msgid "GNOME-DB Front End"
#~ msgstr "Manual de GNOME-DB"					#~ msgstr "Manual de GNOME-DB"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Show extra information about selected object"		#~ msgid "Show extra information about selected object"
#~ msgstr "Ver información sobre esta aplicación"		#~ msgstr "Ver información sobre esta aplicación"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Table data"						#~ msgid "Table data"
#~ msgstr "Nome da táboa"					#~ msgstr "Nome da táboa"

#~ msgid "Select Color"						#~ msgid "Select Color"
#~ msgstr "Seleccionar Cor"					#~ msgstr "Seleccionar Cor"

#~ msgid "Select Font"						#~ msgid "Select Font"
#~ msgstr "Seleccionar Fonte"					#~ msgstr "Seleccionar Fonte"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Add a new field to this table"			#~ msgid "Add a new field to this table"
#~ msgstr "Engadir unha táboa ó deseño de base de datos"	#~ msgstr "Engadir unha táboa ó deseño de base de datos"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Edit the selected field properties"			#~ msgid "Edit the selected field properties"
#~ msgstr "Edita-lo fornecedor seleccionado"			#~ msgstr "Edita-lo fornecedor seleccionado"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Could not find table %s"				#~ msgid "Could not find table %s"
#~ msgstr "Non foi posible abri-lo ficheiro %s"			#~ msgstr "Non foi posible abri-lo ficheiro %s"

#~ msgid "File %s is not a valid XML file"			#~ msgid "File %s is not a valid XML file"
#~ msgstr "O ficheiro %s non é un ficheiro XML válido"		#~ msgstr "O ficheiro %s non é un ficheiro XML válido"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Select file"						#~ msgid "Select file"
#~ msgstr "Seleccionar Ficheiro"				#~ msgstr "Seleccionar Ficheiro"

#~ msgid "DSN"							#~ msgid "DSN"
#~ msgstr "DSN"							#~ msgstr "DSN"

#~ msgid "Config"						#~ msgid "Config"
#~ msgstr "Configuración"					#~ msgstr "Configuración"

#~ msgid "Error while saving configuration!"			#~ msgid "Error while saving configuration!"
#~ msgstr "¡Erro gardando a configuración!"			#~ msgstr "¡Erro gardando a configuración!"

#~ msgid "sqlstate"						#~ msgid "sqlstate"
#~ msgstr "sqlstate"						#~ msgstr "sqlstate"

#~ msgid "Error 0 of 0"						#~ msgid "Error 0 of 0"
#~ msgstr "Erro 0 de 0"						#~ msgstr "Erro 0 de 0"

#~ msgid "Record View"						#~ msgid "Record View"
#~ msgstr "Vista como Rexistros"				#~ msgstr "Vista como Rexistros"

#~ msgid "Copy selection to clipboard"				#~ msgid "Copy selection to clipboard"
#~ msgstr "Copia-la selección no cartafol"			#~ msgstr "Copia-la selección no cartafol"

#~ msgid "Clear all selected rows"				#~ msgid "Clear all selected rows"
#~ msgstr "Baleirar tódalas ringleiras seleccionadas"		#~ msgstr "Baleirar tódalas ringleiras seleccionadas"

#~ msgid "Record view..."					#~ msgid "Record view..."
#~ msgstr "Vista como rexistros..."				#~ msgstr "Vista como rexistros..."

#~ msgid "View recordset record-by-record"			#~ msgid "View recordset record-by-record"
#~ msgstr "Ve-lo conxunto de rexistros rexistro-por-rexistro"	#~ msgstr "Ve-lo conxunto de rexistros rexistro-por-rexistro"

#~ msgid "Refresh grid contents"				#~ msgid "Refresh grid contents"
#~ msgstr "Actualiza-los contidos do enreixado"			#~ msgstr "Actualiza-los contidos do enreixado"

#~ msgid "Print grid"						#~ msgid "Print grid"
#~ msgstr "Imprimir enreixado"					#~ msgstr "Imprimir enreixado"

#~ msgid "Print grid contents"					#~ msgid "Print grid contents"
#~ msgstr "Imprimi-los contidos do enreixado"			#~ msgstr "Imprimi-los contidos do enreixado"

#~ msgid "Hide column titles"					#~ msgid "Hide column titles"
#~ msgstr "Agocha-los títulos das columnas"			#~ msgstr "Agocha-los títulos das columnas"

#~ msgid "User Name"						#~ msgid "User Name"
#~ msgstr "Nome de Usuario"					#~ msgstr "Nome de Usuario"

#~ msgid "GDA Datasource"					#~ msgid "GDA Datasource"
#~ msgstr "Fonte de datos de GDA"				#~ msgstr "Fonte de datos de GDA"

#~ msgid "Entry %d of %d"					#~ msgid "Entry %d of %d"
#~ msgstr "Entrada %d de %d"					#~ msgstr "Entrada %d de %d"

#~ msgid "Message"						#~ msgid "Message"
#~ msgstr "Mensaxe"						#~ msgstr "Mensaxe"

#~ msgid "Log Entry"						#~ msgid "Log Entry"
#~ msgstr "Entrada de Rexistro"					#~ msgstr "Entrada de Rexistro"

#~ msgid "Could not create file %s"				#~ msgid "Could not create file %s"
#~ msgstr "Non foi posible crea-lo ficheiro %s"			#~ msgstr "Non foi posible crea-lo ficheiro %s"

#~ msgid "Copyright The Free Software Foundation (C) 1998-200	#~ msgid "Copyright The Free Software Foundation (C) 1998-200
#~ msgstr "Copyright The Free Software Foundation (C) 1998-20	#~ msgstr "Copyright The Free Software Foundation (C) 1998-20

#~ msgid ""							#~ msgid ""
#~ "This program is part of the GNOME project for LINUX. GNOM	#~ "This program is part of the GNOME project for LINUX. GNOM
#~ "comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software,	#~ "comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software,
#~ "welcome to redistribute it under the conditions of the GN	#~ "welcome to redistribute it under the conditions of the GN
#~ "Licence."							#~ "Licence."
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Este programa é parte do proxecto GNOME para LINUX. GNOME	#~ "Este programa é parte do proxecto GNOME para LINUX. GNOME
#~ "sen ABSOLUTAMENTE NINGUNHA GARANT�A. Isto é software libr	#~ "sen ABSOLUTAMENTE NINGUNHA GARANT�A. Isto é software libr
#~ "benvido a redistribuílo baixo as condicións da Licencia P	#~ "benvido a redistribuílo baixo as condicións da Licencia P
#~ "GNU."							#~ "GNU."

#~ msgid ""							#~ msgid ""
#~ "Could not open file\n"					#~ "Could not open file\n"
#~ "%s"								#~ "%s"
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Non foi posible abri-lo ficheiro\n"				#~ "Non foi posible abri-lo ficheiro\n"
#~ " %s"							#~ " %s"

#~ msgid "Unable to execute Bug Report Tool"			#~ msgid "Unable to execute Bug Report Tool"
#~ msgstr "Non é posible executa-la Ferramenta de Informe de 	#~ msgstr "Non é posible executa-la Ferramenta de Informe de 

#~ msgid "Manage connection data sources"			#~ msgid "Manage connection data sources"
#~ msgstr "Xestionar fontes de datos da conexión"		#~ msgstr "Xestionar fontes de datos da conexión"

#~ msgid "Manage available GDA providers"			#~ msgid "Manage available GDA providers"
#~ msgstr "Xestionar fornecedores GDA dispoñibles"		#~ msgstr "Xestionar fornecedores GDA dispoñibles"

#~ msgid "Edit"							#~ msgid "Edit"
#~ msgstr "Editar"						#~ msgstr "Editar"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Edit selected data source"				#~ msgid "Edit selected data source"
#~ msgstr "Engadir nova fonte de datos"				#~ msgstr "Engadir nova fonte de datos"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Refresh Data Sources list"				#~ msgid "Refresh Data Sources list"
#~ msgstr "Actualiza-la lista de fornecedores"			#~ msgstr "Actualiza-la lista de fornecedores"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Edit data source"					#~ msgid "Edit data source"
#~ msgstr "Engadir nova fonte de datos"				#~ msgstr "Engadir nova fonte de datos"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "There was an error while testing connection"		#~ msgid "There was an error while testing connection"
#~ msgstr "¡Erro gardando a configuración!"			#~ msgstr "¡Erro gardando a configuración!"

#~ msgid "Edit selected provider"				#~ msgid "Edit selected provider"
#~ msgstr "Edita-lo fornecedor seleccionado"			#~ msgstr "Edita-lo fornecedor seleccionado"

#~ msgid "Refresh providers list"				#~ msgid "Refresh providers list"
#~ msgstr "Actualiza-la lista de fornecedores"			#~ msgstr "Actualiza-la lista de fornecedores"

#~ msgid "Stop"							#~ msgid "Stop"
#~ msgstr "Parar"						#~ msgstr "Parar"

#~ msgid "Stop selected provider"				#~ msgid "Stop selected provider"
#~ msgstr "Para-lo fornecedor seleccionado"			#~ msgstr "Para-lo fornecedor seleccionado"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Rolodex Application"					#~ msgid "Rolodex Application"
#~ msgstr "Saír da aplicación"					#~ msgstr "Saír da aplicación"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Export Database"					#~ msgid "Export Database"
#~ msgstr "Base de datos"					#~ msgstr "Base de datos"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Objects"						#~ msgid "Objects"
#~ msgstr "Nome do Obxecto"					#~ msgstr "Nome do Obxecto"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Could not initialize GNOME_DB_Builder control"	#~ msgid "Could not initialize GNOME_DB_Builder control"
#~ msgstr "Non foi posible inicializar Bonobo\n"		#~ msgstr "Non foi posible inicializar Bonobo\n"

#~ msgid "Open SQL File"					#~ msgid "Open SQL File"
#~ msgstr "Abrir Ficheiro SQL"					#~ msgstr "Abrir Ficheiro SQL"

#~ msgid "Open SQL file"					#~ msgid "Open SQL file"
#~ msgstr "Abrir ficheiro SQL"					#~ msgstr "Abrir ficheiro SQL"

#~ msgid "Save SQL file"					#~ msgid "Save SQL file"
#~ msgstr "Gardar ficheiro SQL"					#~ msgstr "Gardar ficheiro SQL"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Display help system home page"			#~ msgid "Display help system home page"
#~ msgstr "Abrir visualizador do sistema de axuda"		#~ msgstr "Abrir visualizador do sistema de axuda"

#~ msgid "No datasource '%s' defined in your GDA configuratio	#~ msgid "No datasource '%s' defined in your GDA configuratio
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Non se definiu a fonte de datos '%s' no seu ficheiro de c	#~ "Non se definiu a fonte de datos '%s' no seu ficheiro de c
#~ "GDA"							#~ "GDA"

#~ msgid "Could not allocate color"				#~ msgid "Could not allocate color"
#~ msgstr "Non foi posible asigna-la cor"			#~ msgstr "Non foi posible asigna-la cor"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Could not create Database Moniker factory"		#~ msgid "Could not create Database Moniker factory"
#~ msgstr "Non foi posible crea-lo ficheiro %s"			#~ msgstr "Non foi posible crea-lo ficheiro %s"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Project..."						#~ msgid "Project..."
#~ msgstr "Conectar..."						#~ msgstr "Conectar..."

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Open an existing project"				#~ msgid "Open an existing project"
#~ msgstr "Abrir un módulo existente"				#~ msgstr "Abrir un módulo existente"

#~ msgid "Open..."						#~ msgid "Open..."
#~ msgstr "Abrir..."						#~ msgstr "Abrir..."

#~ msgid "Browse"						#~ msgid "Browse"
#~ msgstr "Explorar"						#~ msgstr "Explorar"

#~ msgid "Import objects"					#~ msgid "Import objects"
#~ msgstr "Importar obxectos"					#~ msgstr "Importar obxectos"

#~ msgid "Import database objects into repository"		#~ msgid "Import database objects into repository"
#~ msgstr "Importar obxectos da base de datos no repositorio"	#~ msgstr "Importar obxectos da base de datos no repositorio"

#~ msgid "About gnome-db..."					#~ msgid "About gnome-db..."
#~ msgstr "Acerca de gnome-db..."				#~ msgstr "Acerca de gnome-db..."

#~ msgid "About this program"					#~ msgid "About this program"
#~ msgstr "Acerca deste programa"				#~ msgstr "Acerca deste programa"

#~ msgid "Open help system viewer"				#~ msgid "Open help system viewer"
#~ msgstr "Abrir visualizador do sistema de axuda"		#~ msgstr "Abrir visualizador do sistema de axuda"

#~ msgid "0 rows"						#~ msgid "0 rows"
#~ msgstr "0 ringleiras"					#~ msgstr "0 ringleiras"

#~ msgid "%d rows"						#~ msgid "%d rows"
#~ msgstr "%d ringleiras"					#~ msgstr "%d ringleiras"

#~ msgid "Close current view"					#~ msgid "Close current view"
#~ msgstr "Pecha-la vista actual"				#~ msgstr "Pecha-la vista actual"

#~ msgid "New Connection..."					#~ msgid "New Connection..."
#~ msgstr "Nova Conexión..."					#~ msgstr "Nova Conexión..."

#~ msgid "Disconnect all"					#~ msgid "Disconnect all"
#~ msgstr "Desconectar todas"					#~ msgstr "Desconectar todas"

#~ msgid "Close all connections"				#~ msgid "Close all connections"
#~ msgstr "Pechar tódalas conexións"				#~ msgstr "Pechar tódalas conexións"
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: hr.gmo
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/hr.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/hr.po
# Translation of libgnomedb to Croatiann			# Translation of libgnomedb to Croatiann
# Copyright (C) Croatiann team					# Copyright (C) Croatiann team
# Translators: Automatski Prijevod <>,Robert Sedak <robert.se	# Translators: Automatski Prijevod <>,Robert Sedak <robert.se
msgid ""							msgid ""
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: libgnomedb 0\n"				"Project-Id-Version: libgnomedb 0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"					"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"			"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-02-05 23:51+CET\n"			"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-02-05 23:51+CET\n"
"Last-Translator: auto\n"					"Last-Translator: auto\n"
"Language-Team: Croatian <lokalizacija linux hr>\n"		"Language-Team: Croatian <lokalizacija linux hr>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"						"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"			"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"				"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Generator: TransDict server\n"				"X-Generator: TransDict server\n"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co
msgid "Data Sources"						msgid "Data Sources"
msgstr "Izvori podataka"					msgstr "Izvori podataka"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid
msgid "Providers"						msgid "Providers"
msgstr "Posrednik"						msgstr "Posrednik"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1
msgid "Configure your database environment"			msgid "Configure your database environment"
msgstr "Podesi okružje baze podataka"				msgstr "Podesi okružje baze podataka"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2
msgid "Database Access Properties "				msgid "Database Access Properties "
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380
msgid "Name"							msgid "Name"
msgstr "Ime"							msgstr "Ime"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
msgid "Description"						msgid "Description"
msgstr "Opis"							msgstr "Opis"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182
msgid "Configured data sources in the system"			msgid "Configured data sources in the system"
msgstr "Podešeni izvori podataka na sistemu"			msgstr "Podešeni izvori podataka na sistemu"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data sources are the means by which database connections are	"Data sources are the means by which database connections are
"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s	"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s
"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o	"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o
"name you identify the connections in the applications that m	"name you identify the connections in the applications that m
"DB for database access."					"DB for database access."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Izvori podataka su naÄ?in na koji se pronalaze veze sa bazama	"Izvori podataka su naÄ?in na koji se pronalaze veze sa bazama
"paketu GNOME-DB. Svi podaci potrebni za spajanje na odreÄ?enu	"paketu GNOME-DB. Svi podaci potrebni za spajanje na odreÄ?enu
"dobavljaÄ?a i baze podataka Ä?uvaju se pod jedinstvenim imenom	"dobavljaÄ?a i baze podataka Ä?uvaju se pod jedinstvenim imenom
"jedinstvenog imenaidentificiraju se veze u programima koji k	"jedinstvenog imenaidentificiraju se veze u programima koji k
"za pristup bazama podataka."					"za pristup bazama podataka."

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"	msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104
msgid "Data Source Properties"					msgid "Data Source Properties"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132
msgid "Basic"							msgid "Basic"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Tables"							msgid "Tables"
msgstr "Tablice"						msgstr "Tablice"

#: control-center/main.c:92					#: control-center/main.c:92
msgid "No valid data source info was created"			msgid "No valid data source info was created"
msgstr "Nisu unijeti ispravni podaci o izvoru podataka"		msgstr "Nisu unijeti ispravni podaci o izvoru podataka"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218	#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218
msgid "New data source"						msgid "New data source"
msgstr "Novi izvor podataka"					msgstr "Novi izvor podataka"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:215					#: control-center/main.c:215
msgid "Database Access Properties"				msgid "Database Access Properties"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/provider-config.c:105				#: control-center/provider-config.c:105
msgid "Installed providers"					msgid "Installed providers"
msgstr "Instalirani posrednici"					msgstr "Instalirani posrednici"

#: control-center/provider-config.c:131				#: control-center/provider-config.c:131
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec	"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec
"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo	"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo
"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr	"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr
"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba	"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba
"etc."								"etc."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1
msgid "Database connection parameters file"			msgid "Database connection parameters file"
msgstr "Datoteka sa parametrima za spajanje sa bazom podataka	msgstr "Datoteka sa parametrima za spajanje sa bazom podataka

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2
msgid "Documents"						msgid "Documents"
msgstr "Dokumenti"						msgstr "Dokumenti"

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3
msgid "SQL code viewer"						msgid "SQL code viewer"
msgstr "PregledaÄ? SQL kôda"					msgstr "PregledaÄ? SQL kôda"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1
msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"			msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"
msgstr "Font koje se koristi u mreži linija"			msgstr "Font koje se koristi u mreži linija"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2
msgid "Number of spaces per tab"				msgid "Number of spaces per tab"
msgstr "Broj razmaka po tabulatoru"				msgstr "Broj razmaka po tabulatoru"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3
msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"			msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"
msgstr "Prikaži brojeve linija u ureÄ?ivaÄ?u izvornog koda"	msgstr "Prikaži brojeve linija u ureÄ?ivaÄ?u izvornog koda"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4
msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"			msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"
msgstr "Koristi isticanje izvornog koda u ureÄ?ivaÄ?u"		msgstr "Koristi isticanje izvornog koda u ureÄ?ivaÄ?u"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60
msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"			msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"
msgstr "Usluge baza podataka za radno okruženje GNOME"		msgstr "Usluge baza podataka za radno okruženje GNOME"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1
msgid "About"							msgid "About"
msgstr "O"							msgstr "O"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2
msgid "About GNOME-DB"						msgid "About GNOME-DB"
msgstr "O Gnom-DB-u"						msgstr "O Gnom-DB-u"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3
msgid "Close this window"					msgid "Close this window"
msgstr "Zatvori ovaj prozor"					msgstr "Zatvori ovaj prozor"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4
msgid "Create new entry"					msgid "Create new entry"
msgstr "Stvori novi unos"					msgstr "Stvori novi unos"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5
msgid "Delete selected items"					msgid "Delete selected items"
msgstr "Obriši odabrane stavke"					msgstr "Obriši odabrane stavke"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6
msgid "Deselect all items"					msgid "Deselect all items"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7
msgid "Edit properties for selected item"			msgid "Edit properties for selected item"
msgstr "Uredi osobine odabrane stavke"				msgstr "Uredi osobine odabrane stavke"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8
msgid "Save connection parameters to file"			msgid "Save connection parameters to file"
msgstr "SaÄ?uvaj parametre za povezivanje u datoteku"		msgstr "SaÄ?uvaj parametre za povezivanje u datoteku"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414
msgid "Select _All"						msgid "Select _All"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10
msgid "Select all items"					msgid "Select all items"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11
msgid "View data sources"					msgid "View data sources"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12
msgid "View providers"						msgid "View providers"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42
msgid "_Clear Selection"					msgid "_Clear Selection"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14
msgid "_Close"							msgid "_Close"
msgstr "_Zatvori"						msgstr "_Zatvori"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15
msgid "_Data Sources"						msgid "_Data Sources"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16
msgid "_Database"						msgid "_Database"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17
msgid "_Delete"							msgid "_Delete"
msgstr "_Obriši"						msgstr "_Obriši"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18
msgid "_Edit"							msgid "_Edit"
msgstr "_Uredi"							msgstr "_Uredi"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19
msgid "_Help"							msgid "_Help"
msgstr "_PomoÄ?"							msgstr "_PomoÄ?"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20
msgid "_New Data Source..."					msgid "_New Data Source..."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21
msgid "_Properties"						msgid "_Properties"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22
msgid "_Providers"						msgid "_Providers"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23
msgid "_Save Connection"					msgid "_Save Connection"
msgstr "_SaÄ?uvaj vezu"						msgstr "_SaÄ?uvaj vezu"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24
msgid "_View"							msgid "_View"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76
msgid "Structure"						msgid "Structure"
msgstr "Struktura"						msgstr "Struktura"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73
msgid "Data"							msgid "Data"
msgstr "Podatak"						msgstr "Podatak"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238
msgid "Not implemented yet!"					msgid "Not implemented yet!"
msgstr "Još nije napravljeno!"					msgstr "Još nije napravljeno!"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Database"						msgid "Database"
msgstr "Baza podataka"						msgstr "Baza podataka"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540
msgid "Loading database schemas..."				msgid "Loading database schemas..."
msgstr "UÄ?itava sheme baze podataka..."				msgstr "UÄ?itava sheme baze podataka..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632
msgid "Refreshing data..."					msgid "Refreshing data..."
msgstr "Osvežava podatke..."					msgstr "Osvežava podatke..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688
msgid "Views"							msgid "Views"
msgstr "Pogledi"						msgstr "Pogledi"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691
msgid "Indexes"							msgid "Indexes"
msgstr "Indeksi"						msgstr "Indeksi"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Sequences"						msgid "Sequences"
msgstr "Sekvence"						msgstr "Sekvence"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Procedures"						msgid "Procedures"
msgstr "Procedure"						msgstr "Procedure"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700
msgid "Triggers"						msgid "Triggers"
msgstr "OkidaÄ?i"						msgstr "OkidaÄ?i"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Aggregates"						msgid "Aggregates"
msgstr "Dopunske"						msgstr "Dopunske"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Types"							msgid "Types"
msgstr "Tipovi"							msgstr "Tipovi"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140
msgid "Could not query CORBA components"			msgid "Could not query CORBA components"
msgstr "Nije uspio poslati upit CORBA komponentama"		msgstr "Nije uspio poslati upit CORBA komponentama"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209
msgid "ID"							msgid "ID"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "Location"						msgid "Location"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Username"						msgid "Username"
msgstr "KorisniÄ?ko ime:"					msgstr "KorisniÄ?ko ime:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213
msgid "Hostname"						msgid "Hostname"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214
msgid "Domain"							msgid "Domain"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"			msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"
msgstr "Nepodržan tip za GKonf stavku: %d"			msgstr "Nepodržan tip za GKonf stavku: %d"

#. create widgets						#. create widgets
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97
msgid "Settings"						msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Postavke"						msgstr "Postavke"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103
msgid "Data source name"					msgid "Data source name"
msgstr "Ime izvora podataka"					msgstr "Ime izvora podataka"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109
msgid "Connection string"					msgid "Connection string"
msgstr "Niz znakova za vezu"					msgstr "Niz znakova za vezu"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115
msgid "Provider"						msgid "Provider"
msgstr "Davatelj"						msgstr "Davatelj"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121
msgid "User name"						msgid "User name"
msgstr "KorisniÄ?ko ime"						msgstr "KorisniÄ?ko ime"

#. create feature list						#. create feature list
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128
msgid "Features"						msgid "Features"
msgstr "MoguÄ?nosti"						msgstr "MoguÄ?nosti"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190
msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"		msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"
msgstr "Morate unijeti ime za novi izvor podataka"		msgstr "Morate unijeti ime za novi izvor podataka"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac	msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac
msgstr "Imena izvora podataka ne mogu sadržavati razmake"	msgstr "Imena izvora podataka ne mogu sadržavati razmake"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206
msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th	msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th
msgstr "PostojeÄ?i izvor podataka je veÄ? registriran pod istim	msgstr "PostojeÄ?i izvor podataka je veÄ? registriran pod istim

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213
msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"			msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"
msgstr "Imena izvora podataka ne mogu sadržavati razmake"	msgstr "Imena izvora podataka ne mogu sadržavati razmake"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217
msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n	msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n
msgstr "Imena izvora podataka mogu sadržavati samo brojeve i 	msgstr "Imena izvora podataka mogu sadržavati samo brojeve i 

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225
msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"	msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"
msgstr "Morate odabrati posrednika za novi izvor podataka"	msgstr "Morate odabrati posrednika za novi izvor podataka"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233
msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"		msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"
msgstr "Posrednik ne postoju meÄ?u vaÅ¡im podeÅ¡avanjima"		msgstr "Posrednik ne postoju meÄ?u vaÅ¡im podeÅ¡avanjima"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391
msgid "Add a new data source..."				msgid "Add a new data source..."
msgstr "Dodaj novi izvor podataka..."				msgstr "Dodaj novi izvor podataka..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392
msgid ""							msgid ""
"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"		"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"
"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"		"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"
"installation. Just follow the steps!"				"installation. Just follow the steps!"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Ovaj pomoÄ?nik Ä?e vas provesti kroz postupak\n"			"Ovaj pomoÄ?nik Ä?e vas provesti kroz postupak\n"
"izrade novog izvora podataka za vaš Gnom-DB sistem.\n"		"izrade novog izvora podataka za vaš Gnom-DB sistem.\n"
"Potrebno je samo da pratite korake!"				"Potrebno je samo da pratite korake!"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404
msgid "General Information"					msgid "General Information"
msgstr "OpÄ?e informacije"					msgstr "OpÄ?e informacije"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the basic information\n"	"The following fields represent the basic information\n"
"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n	"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n
"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"	"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"
"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"	"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"
"the default one."						"the default one."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104
msgid "Data source _name:"					msgid "Data source _name:"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114
msgid "_Provider:"						msgid "_Provider:"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133
msgid "_Description:"						msgid "_Description:"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142
msgid "_Username:"						msgid "_Username:"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151
msgid "P_assword:"						msgid "P_assword:"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454
msgid "Provider Parameters"					msgid "Provider Parameters"
msgstr "Parametri posrednika"					msgstr "Parametri posrednika"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the information needed by the	"The following fields represent the information needed by the
"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n	"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n
"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\	"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\
"the manual for more information."				"the manual for more information."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481
msgid "All information retrieved"				msgid "All information retrieved"
msgstr "Sve informacije su dobivene"				msgstr "Sve informacije su dobivene"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482
msgid ""							msgid ""
"All information needed to create a new data source\n"		"All information needed to create a new data source\n"
"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"		"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"
"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"	"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"
"just select it when asked for a data source."			"just select it when asked for a data source."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124
msgid "Connection _string:"					msgid "Connection _string:"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4
msgid "Error"							msgid "Error"
msgstr "Greška"							msgstr "Greška"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.
msgid "Show detail >>"						msgid "Show detail >>"
msgstr "Prikaži detalje >>"					msgstr "Prikaži detalje >>"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122
msgid "<< Hide detail"						msgid "<< Hide detail"
msgstr "<< Sakrij detalje"					msgstr "<< Sakrij detalje"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191
msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"	msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"
msgstr "DoÅ¡lo je do neoÄ?ekivane greÅ¡ke u samoj bazi podataka"	msgstr "DoÅ¡lo je do neoÄ?ekivane greÅ¡ke u samoj bazi podataka"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196
msgid "Error number"						msgid "Error number"
msgstr "Broj greške"						msgstr "Broj greške"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227
msgid "Details"							msgid "Details"
msgstr "Detalji"						msgstr "Detalji"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234
msgid "Source"							msgid "Source"
msgstr "Izvor"							msgstr "Izvor"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241
msgid "SQL state"						msgid "SQL state"
msgstr "SQL stanje"						msgstr "SQL stanje"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Field:"							msgid "_Field:"
msgstr "Polja"							msgstr "Polja"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118
msgid "_Text:"							msgid "_Text:"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308
msgid "No records"						msgid "No records"
msgstr "Nema podataka"						msgstr "Nema podataka"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Record %d of %d"						msgid "Record %d of %d"
msgstr "Red %d od %d"						msgstr "Red %d od %d"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113
msgid "Recordset description"					msgid "Recordset description"
msgstr "Opis podataka"						msgstr "Opis podataka"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid ""							msgid ""
"File '%s' already exists.\n"					"File '%s' already exists.\n"
"Do you want to overwrite it?"					"Do you want to overwrite it?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149
msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."		msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Could not save file %s"					msgid "Could not save file %s"
msgstr "Ne mogu spremiti datoteku  %s"				msgstr "Ne mogu spremiti datoteku  %s"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224
msgid "You must specify a file name"				msgid "You must specify a file name"
msgstr "Morate navesti ime datoteke"				msgstr "Morate navesti ime datoteke"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230
msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"		msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"
msgstr "Naišao na praznu datoteku pri pretvaranju podataka"	msgstr "Naišao na praznu datoteku pri pretvaranju podataka"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261
msgid "Saving Model"						msgid "Saving Model"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272
msgid "File _name:"						msgid "File _name:"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276
msgid "Select File"						msgid "Select File"
msgstr "Odaberi Datoteku"					msgstr "Odaberi Datoteku"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283
msgid "File _type:"						msgid "File _type:"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291
msgid "Tab-delimited"						msgid "Tab-delimited"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294
msgid "Comma-delimited"						msgid "Comma-delimited"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:
msgid "XML"							msgid "XML"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355
msgid "View detail"						msgid "View detail"
msgstr "Prikaži detalj"						msgstr "Prikaži detalj"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427
msgid "Show Column _Titles"					msgid "Show Column _Titles"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442
msgid "Describe"						msgid "Describe"
msgstr "Opiši"							msgstr "Opiši"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443
msgid "View detail..."						msgid "View detail..."
msgstr "Prikaži detalj..."					msgstr "Prikaži detalj..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614
msgid "Title"							msgid "Title"
msgstr "Naslov"							msgstr "Naslov"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48
msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"	msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"
msgstr "PokuÅ¡ava pokrenuti veÄ? pokrenutog klijenta"		msgstr "PokuÅ¡ava pokrenuti veÄ? pokrenutog klijenta"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"		"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"
"to a data source"						"to a data source"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Unesite ispod argumente da uspostavite vezu sa \n"		"Unesite ispod argumente da uspostavite vezu sa \n"
"izvorom podataka"						"izvorom podataka"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253
msgid "Data Source:"						msgid "Data Source:"
msgstr "Izvor podataka:"					msgstr "Izvor podataka:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270
msgid "Username:"						msgid "Username:"
msgstr "KorisniÄ?ko ime:"					msgstr "KorisniÄ?ko ime:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279
msgid "Password:"						msgid "Password:"
msgstr "Lozinka:"						msgstr "Lozinka:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69
msgid "Fields"							msgid "Fields"
msgstr "Polja"							msgstr "Polja"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30
msgid "Commit"							msgid "Commit"
msgstr "Pošalji"						msgstr "Pošalji"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31
msgid "Connect"							msgid "Connect"
msgstr "Spoji"							msgstr "Spoji"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33
msgid "Designer"						msgid "Designer"
msgstr "Dizajner"						msgstr "Dizajner"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34
msgid "Disconnect"						msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr "Prekini vezu"						msgstr "Prekini vezu"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35
msgid "NoTransaction"						msgid "NoTransaction"
msgstr "NemaTransakcija"					msgstr "NemaTransakcija"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37
msgid "Query"							msgid "Query"
msgstr "Upit"							msgstr "Upit"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38
msgid "Rollback"						msgid "Rollback"
msgstr "Vrati"							msgstr "Vrati"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40
msgid "SQL"							msgid "SQL"
msgstr "SQL"							msgstr "SQL"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43
msgid "WithinTransaction"					msgid "WithinTransaction"
msgstr "UnutarTransakcije"					msgstr "UnutarTransakcije"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Error: %s"						msgid "Error: %s"
msgstr "Greška: %s"						msgstr "Greška: %s"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79
msgid "Table name"						msgid "Table name"
msgstr "Ime tablice"						msgstr "Ime tablice"

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93			#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Login for %s"						msgid "Login for %s"
msgstr "Prijava za %s"						msgstr "Prijava za %s"

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95					#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95
msgid "Login to database"					msgid "Login to database"
msgstr "Prijava za bazu podataka"				msgstr "Prijava za bazu podataka"

#: vfs/libmain.c:71						#: vfs/libmain.c:71
msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"				msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"
msgstr "GNOME VFS baza podataka: dodatak"			msgstr "GNOME VFS baza podataka: dodatak"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40
msgid "Table Properties"					msgid "Table Properties"
msgstr "Svojstva tablice"					msgstr "Svojstva tablice"

#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47
msgid "Table Name"						msgid "Table Name"
msgstr "Ime tablice"						msgstr "Ime tablice"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155
msgid "New"							msgid "New"
msgstr "Novi"							msgstr "Novi"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156
msgid "Create new table"					msgid "Create new table"
msgstr "Stvori novu tablicu"					msgstr "Stvori novu tablicu"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161
msgid "Properties"						msgid "Properties"
msgstr "Svojstva"						msgstr "Svojstva"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162
msgid "View table properties"					msgid "View table properties"
msgstr "Pogledajte osobine tabele"				msgstr "Pogledajte osobine tabele"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
msgid "UID"							msgid "UID"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "calendar"						msgid "calendar"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "summary"							msgid "summary"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "Summary"							msgid "Summary"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "location"						msgid "location"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "dtstart"							msgid "dtstart"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
msgid "Start time"						msgid "Start time"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "dtend"							msgid "dtend"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "End time"						msgid "End time"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
msgid "description"						msgid "description"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "classification"						msgid "classification"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "Classification"						msgid "Classification"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "transparency"						msgid "transparency"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "Transparency"						msgid "Transparency"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "categories"						msgid "categories"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "Categories"						msgid "Categories"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "tasks"							msgid "tasks"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "due"							msgid "due"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "Due date"						msgid "Due date"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "Start date"						msgid "Start date"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355
msgid "Public"							msgid "Public"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358
msgid "Private"							msgid "Private"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361
msgid "Confidential"						msgid "Confidential"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63
msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"		msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66
msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"			msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80
msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta	msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83
msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"		msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100
msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"				msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212
msgid "Field name"						msgid "Field name"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213
msgid "Data type"						msgid "Data type"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214
msgid "Size"							msgid "Size"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215
msgid "Scale"							msgid "Scale"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216
msgid "Not null?"						msgid "Not null?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217
msgid "Primary key?"						msgid "Primary key?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218
msgid "Unique index?"						msgid "Unique index?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219
msgid "References"						msgid "References"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220
msgid "Default value"						msgid "Default value"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239
msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l	msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Table %s does not exist"					msgid "Table %s does not exist"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318
msgid "Scheduled events"					msgid "Scheduled events"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321
msgid "TODO list"						msgid "TODO list"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375
msgid "Owner"							msgid "Owner"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376
msgid "Comments"						msgid "Comments"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374
msgid "Type"							msgid "Type"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377
msgid "GDA type"						msgid "GDA type"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id	#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id
#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database	#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database
#. we can easily access that information			#. we can easily access that information
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382
msgid "local"							msgid "local"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217
msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230
msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244
msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"			msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268
msgid "Invalid SQL command"					msgid "Invalid SQL command"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353
msgid "Transactions are not supported"				msgid "Transactions are not supported"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41
msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"		msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task	"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: hu.gmo
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/hu.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/hu.po
# Hungarian translation of libgnomedb.				# Hungarian translation of libgnomedb.
# Copyright (C) 1999-2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.	# Copyright (C) 1999-2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This file is distributed under the same license as the libg	# This file is distributed under the same license as the libg
# Szabolcs Ban <shooby gnome hu>, 1999.				# Szabolcs Ban <shooby gnome hu>, 1999.
# Laszlo Dvornik <dvornik gnome hu>, 2004.			# Laszlo Dvornik <dvornik gnome hu>, 2004.
#								#
msgid ""							msgid ""
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: libgnomedb\n"				"Project-Id-Version: libgnomedb\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"					"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"			"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-07-20 15:17+0200\n"			"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-07-20 15:17+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Laszlo Dvornik <dvornik gnome hu>\n"		"Last-Translator: Laszlo Dvornik <dvornik gnome hu>\n"
"Language-Team: Hungarian <gnome gnome hu>\n"			"Language-Team: Hungarian <gnome gnome hu>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"						"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"			"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"				"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co
msgid "Data Sources"						msgid "Data Sources"
msgstr "Adatforrások"						msgstr "Adatforrások"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid
msgid "Providers"						msgid "Providers"
msgstr "Szolgáltatók"						msgstr "Szolgáltatók"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1
msgid "Configure your database environment"			msgid "Configure your database environment"
msgstr "Adatbázis-környezet beállítása"				msgstr "Adatbázis-környezet beállítása"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2
msgid "Database Access Properties "				msgid "Database Access Properties "
msgstr "Adatbázis-elérés tulajdonságai "			msgstr "Adatbázis-elérés tulajdonságai "

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380
msgid "Name"							msgid "Name"
msgstr "Név"							msgstr "Név"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
msgid "Description"						msgid "Description"
msgstr "Leírás"							msgstr "Leírás"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182
msgid "Configured data sources in the system"			msgid "Configured data sources in the system"
msgstr "Beállított adatforrások a rendszerben"			msgstr "Beállított adatforrások a rendszerben"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data sources are the means by which database connections are	"Data sources are the means by which database connections are
"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s	"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s
"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o	"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o
"name you identify the connections in the applications that m	"name you identify the connections in the applications that m
"DB for database access."					"DB for database access."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Adatforrások abban az értelemben, ahogy a GNOME-DB azonosítj	"Adatforrások abban az értelemben, ahogy a GNOME-DB azonosítj
"csatlakozásokat. Minden egy specifikus szolgáltató/adatbázis	"csatlakozásokat. Minden egy specifikus szolgáltató/adatbázis
"csatlakozás megnyitásához szükséges információ egyedi névvel	"csatlakozás megnyitásához szükséges információ egyedi névvel
"egyedi név használatával azonosíthatja a csatlakozásokat azo	"egyedi név használatával azonosíthatja a csatlakozásokat azo
"alkalmazásokban, amelyek a GNOME-DB-t használják adatbázis-e	"alkalmazásokban, amelyek a GNOME-DB-t használják adatbázis-e

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"	msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"
msgstr "Biztos el akarja távolítani a(z) '%s' adatforrást?"	msgstr "Biztos el akarja távolítani a(z) '%s' adatforrást?"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104
msgid "Data Source Properties"					msgid "Data Source Properties"
msgstr "Adatforrás tulajdonságai"				msgstr "Adatforrás tulajdonságai"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132
msgid "Basic"							msgid "Basic"
msgstr "Alap"							msgstr "Alap"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Tables"							msgid "Tables"
msgstr "Táblázatok"						msgstr "Táblázatok"

#: control-center/main.c:92					#: control-center/main.c:92
msgid "No valid data source info was created"			msgid "No valid data source info was created"
msgstr "Nem lett létrehozva érvényes adatforrás-információ"	msgstr "Nem lett létrehozva érvényes adatforrás-információ"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218	#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218
msgid "New data source"						msgid "New data source"
msgstr "�j adatforrás"						msgstr "�j adatforrás"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:215					#: control-center/main.c:215
msgid "Database Access Properties"				msgid "Database Access Properties"
msgstr "Adatbázis-elérés tulajdonságai"				msgstr "Adatbázis-elérés tulajdonságai"

#: control-center/provider-config.c:105				#: control-center/provider-config.c:105
msgid "Installed providers"					msgid "Installed providers"
msgstr "Telepített szolgáltatók"				msgstr "Telepített szolgáltatók"

#: control-center/provider-config.c:131				#: control-center/provider-config.c:131
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec	"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec
"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo	"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo
"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr	"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr
"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba	"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba
"etc."								"etc."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"A szolgáltatók olyan külsÅ? bÅ?vítmények, amelyek hozzáférést 	"A szolgáltatók olyan külsÅ? bÅ?vítmények, amelyek hozzáférést 
"specifikus adatforráshoz. Az alapértelmezett szolgáltató, am	"specifikus adatforráshoz. Az alapértelmezett szolgáltató, am
"nyújt az XML-fájlokban tárolt adatbázisokhoz, mindig telepít	"nyújt az XML-fájlokban tárolt adatbázisokhoz, mindig telepít
"szolgáltatók, mint például a PostgreSQL, a MySQL, az Oracle,	"szolgáltatók, mint például a PostgreSQL, a MySQL, az Oracle,
"Interbase, stb., általában a libgda-val vagy a gnome-db-vel 	"Interbase, stb., általában a libgda-val vagy a gnome-db-vel 
"terjesztésre."							"terjesztésre."

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1
msgid "Database connection parameters file"			msgid "Database connection parameters file"
msgstr "Adatbázis-csatlakozási paraméterek fájl"		msgstr "Adatbázis-csatlakozási paraméterek fájl"

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2
msgid "Documents"						msgid "Documents"
msgstr "Dokumentumok"						msgstr "Dokumentumok"

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3
msgid "SQL code viewer"						msgid "SQL code viewer"
msgstr "SQL-kódnézÅ?"						msgstr "SQL-kódnézÅ?"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1
msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"			msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"
msgstr "A rács widget-ben használandó betűkészlet"		msgstr "A rács widget-ben használandó betűkészlet"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2
msgid "Number of spaces per tab"				msgid "Number of spaces per tab"
msgstr "Tabulátoronkénti szóközök száma"			msgstr "Tabulátoronkénti szóközök száma"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3
msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"			msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"
msgstr "Sorszámok megjelenítése a forrásszerkesztÅ?ben"		msgstr "Sorszámok megjelenítése a forrásszerkesztÅ?ben"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4
msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"			msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"
msgstr "Kiemelés használata a forráskód-szerkesztÅ?ben"		msgstr "Kiemelés használata a forráskód-szerkesztÅ?ben"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60
msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"			msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"
msgstr "Adatbázis szolgáltatások a GNOME munkaasztalhoz"	msgstr "Adatbázis szolgáltatások a GNOME munkaasztalhoz"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1
msgid "About"							msgid "About"
msgstr "Névjegy"						msgstr "Névjegy"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2
msgid "About GNOME-DB"						msgid "About GNOME-DB"
msgstr "GNOME-DB névjegye"					msgstr "GNOME-DB névjegye"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3
msgid "Close this window"					msgid "Close this window"
msgstr "Ablak bezárása"						msgstr "Ablak bezárása"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4
msgid "Create new entry"					msgid "Create new entry"
msgstr "�j bejegyzés létrehozása"				msgstr "�j bejegyzés létrehozása"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5
msgid "Delete selected items"					msgid "Delete selected items"
msgstr "Kijelölt elemek törlése"				msgstr "Kijelölt elemek törlése"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6
msgid "Deselect all items"					msgid "Deselect all items"
msgstr "Megszünteti az összes fájl kijelölését"			msgstr "Megszünteti az összes fájl kijelölését"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7
msgid "Edit properties for selected item"			msgid "Edit properties for selected item"
msgstr "Kijelölt elem tulajdonságainak szerkesztése"		msgstr "Kijelölt elem tulajdonságainak szerkesztése"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8
msgid "Save connection parameters to file"			msgid "Save connection parameters to file"
msgstr "Csatlakozási paraméterek mentése fájlba"		msgstr "Csatlakozási paraméterek mentése fájlba"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414
msgid "Select _All"						msgid "Select _All"
msgstr "_Mindent kijelöl"					msgstr "_Mindent kijelöl"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10
msgid "Select all items"					msgid "Select all items"
msgstr "Minden elem kijelölése"					msgstr "Minden elem kijelölése"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11
msgid "View data sources"					msgid "View data sources"
msgstr "Adatforrások megtekintése"				msgstr "Adatforrások megtekintése"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12
msgid "View providers"						msgid "View providers"
msgstr "Szolgáltatók megtekintése"				msgstr "Szolgáltatók megtekintése"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42
msgid "_Clear Selection"					msgid "_Clear Selection"
msgstr "Kijelölés _törlése"					msgstr "Kijelölés _törlése"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14
msgid "_Close"							msgid "_Close"
msgstr "_Bezárás"						msgstr "_Bezárás"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15
msgid "_Data Sources"						msgid "_Data Sources"
msgstr "_Adatforrások"						msgstr "_Adatforrások"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16
msgid "_Database"						msgid "_Database"
msgstr "_Adatbázis"						msgstr "_Adatbázis"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17
msgid "_Delete"							msgid "_Delete"
msgstr "_Törlés"						msgstr "_Törlés"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18
msgid "_Edit"							msgid "_Edit"
msgstr "S_zerkesztés"						msgstr "S_zerkesztés"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19
msgid "_Help"							msgid "_Help"
msgstr "_Súgó"							msgstr "_Súgó"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20
msgid "_New Data Source..."					msgid "_New Data Source..."
msgstr "�_j adatforrás..."					msgstr "�_j adatforrás..."

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21
msgid "_Properties"						msgid "_Properties"
msgstr "_Tulajdonságok"						msgstr "_Tulajdonságok"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22
msgid "_Providers"						msgid "_Providers"
msgstr "Sz_olgáltatók"						msgstr "Sz_olgáltatók"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23
msgid "_Save Connection"					msgid "_Save Connection"
msgstr "Csatlakozás m_entése"					msgstr "Csatlakozás m_entése"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24
msgid "_View"							msgid "_View"
msgstr "_Nézet"							msgstr "_Nézet"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76
msgid "Structure"						msgid "Structure"
msgstr "Struktúra"						msgstr "Struktúra"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73
msgid "Data"							msgid "Data"
msgstr "Adat"							msgstr "Adat"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238
msgid "Not implemented yet!"					msgid "Not implemented yet!"
msgstr "Még nincs implementálva!"				msgstr "Még nincs implementálva!"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Database"						msgid "Database"
msgstr "Adatbázis"						msgstr "Adatbázis"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540
msgid "Loading database schemas..."				msgid "Loading database schemas..."
msgstr "Adatbázis-sémák betöltése..."				msgstr "Adatbázis-sémák betöltése..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632
msgid "Refreshing data..."					msgid "Refreshing data..."
msgstr "Adat frissítése..."					msgstr "Adat frissítése..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688
msgid "Views"							msgid "Views"
msgstr "Nézetek"						msgstr "Nézetek"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691
msgid "Indexes"							msgid "Indexes"
msgstr "Indexek"						msgstr "Indexek"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Sequences"						msgid "Sequences"
msgstr "Szekvenciák"						msgstr "Szekvenciák"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Procedures"						msgid "Procedures"
msgstr "Eljárások"						msgstr "Eljárások"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700
msgid "Triggers"						msgid "Triggers"
msgstr "EseménykezelÅ?k"						msgstr "EseménykezelÅ?k"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Aggregates"						msgid "Aggregates"
msgstr "Oszlopfüggvények"					msgstr "Oszlopfüggvények"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Types"							msgid "Types"
msgstr "Típusok"						msgstr "Típusok"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140
msgid "Could not query CORBA components"			msgid "Could not query CORBA components"
msgstr "Nem lehet lekérdezni a CORBA-komponenseket"		msgstr "Nem lehet lekérdezni a CORBA-komponenseket"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209
msgid "ID"							msgid "ID"
msgstr "Azonosító"						msgstr "Azonosító"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "Location"						msgid "Location"
msgstr "Hely"							msgstr "Hely"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212
msgid "Username"						msgid "Username"
msgstr "Felhasználónév"						msgstr "Felhasználónév"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213
msgid "Hostname"						msgid "Hostname"
msgstr "Gépnév"							msgstr "Gépnév"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214
msgid "Domain"							msgid "Domain"
msgstr "Tartomány"						msgstr "Tartomány"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"			msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"
msgstr "Nem támogatott típus a GconfEntry-ben: %d"		msgstr "Nem támogatott típus a GconfEntry-ben: %d"

#. create widgets						#. create widgets
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97
msgid "Settings"						msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Beállítások"						msgstr "Beállítások"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103
msgid "Data source name"					msgid "Data source name"
msgstr "Adatforrás neve"					msgstr "Adatforrás neve"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109
msgid "Connection string"					msgid "Connection string"
msgstr "Csatlakozási karakterlánc"				msgstr "Csatlakozási karakterlánc"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115
msgid "Provider"						msgid "Provider"
msgstr "Szolgáltató"						msgstr "Szolgáltató"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121
msgid "User name"						msgid "User name"
msgstr "Felhasználónév"						msgstr "Felhasználónév"

#. create feature list						#. create feature list
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128
msgid "Features"						msgid "Features"
msgstr "Szolgáltatások"						msgstr "Szolgáltatások"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190
msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"		msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"
msgstr "Meg kell adnia egy nevet az új adatforrásnak"		msgstr "Meg kell adnia egy nevet az új adatforrásnak"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197
msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac	msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac
msgstr "Az adatforrások nevei csak alfanumerikus karaktereket	msgstr "Az adatforrások nevei csak alfanumerikus karaktereket

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206
msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th	msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th
msgstr "Egy létezÅ? adatforrás már regisztrálva van ezen a név	msgstr "Egy létezÅ? adatforrás már regisztrálva van ezen a név

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213
msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"			msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"
msgstr "Az adatforrások nevei nem tartalmazhatnak szóközöket"	msgstr "Az adatforrások nevei nem tartalmazhatnak szóközöket"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217
msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n	msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n
msgstr "Az adatforrások nevei csak ASCII-betűket és -számokat	msgstr "Az adatforrások nevei csak ASCII-betűket és -számokat

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225
msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"	msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"
msgstr "Ki kell választania egy szolgáltatót az új adatforrás	msgstr "Ki kell választania egy szolgáltatót az új adatforrás

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233
msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"		msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"
msgstr "A szolgáltató nem található az �n beállításában"	msgstr "A szolgáltató nem található az �n beállításában"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391
msgid "Add a new data source..."				msgid "Add a new data source..."
msgstr "�j adatforrás hozzáadása..."				msgstr "�j adatforrás hozzáadása..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392
msgid ""							msgid ""
"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"		"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"
"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"		"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"
"installation. Just follow the steps!"				"installation. Just follow the steps!"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Ez a druida végigvezeti �nt a GNOME-DB telepítés\n"		"Ez a druida végigvezeti �nt a GNOME-DB telepítés\n"
"egy új adatforrásának létrehozási folyamatán.\n"		"egy új adatforrásának létrehozási folyamatán.\n"
"Csak kövesse a lépéseket!"					"Csak kövesse a lépéseket!"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404
msgid "General Information"					msgid "General Information"
msgstr "�ltalános információk"					msgstr "�ltalános információk"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the basic information\n"	"The following fields represent the basic information\n"
"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n	"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n
"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"	"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"
"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"	"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"
"the default one."						"the default one."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"A következÅ? mezÅ?k az Ã?n új adatforrásának alap\n"		"A következÅ? mezÅ?k az Ã?n új adatforrásának alap\n"
"adatelemeit jelentik. Néhány ezek közül (leírás,\n"		"adatelemeit jelentik. Néhány ezek közül (leírás,\n"
"felhasználónév) opcionális, míg mások kötelezÅ?ek.\n"		"felhasználónév) opcionális, míg mások kötelezÅ?ek.\n"
"Ha nem tudja, hogy melyik szolgáltatót használja,\n"		"Ha nem tudja, hogy melyik szolgáltatót használja,\n"
"válassza az alapértelmezettet."				"válassza az alapértelmezettet."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104
msgid "Data source _name:"					msgid "Data source _name:"
msgstr "Adatforrás _neve:"					msgstr "Adatforrás _neve:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114
msgid "_Provider:"						msgid "_Provider:"
msgstr "Sz_olgáltató:"						msgstr "Sz_olgáltató:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133
msgid "_Description:"						msgid "_Description:"
msgstr "_Leírás:"						msgstr "_Leírás:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142
msgid "_Username:"						msgid "_Username:"
msgstr "_Felhasználónév:"					msgstr "_Felhasználónév:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151
msgid "P_assword:"						msgid "P_assword:"
msgstr "_Jelszó:"						msgstr "_Jelszó:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454
msgid "Provider Parameters"					msgid "Provider Parameters"
msgstr "Szolgáltató paraméterei"				msgstr "Szolgáltató paraméterei"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the information needed by the	"The following fields represent the information needed by the
"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n	"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n
"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\	"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\
"the manual for more information."				"the manual for more information."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"A következÅ? mezÅ?k az elÅ?zÅ? oldalon kijelölt szolgáltató egy\	"A következÅ? mezÅ?k az elÅ?zÅ? oldalon kijelölt szolgáltató egy\
"megadott csatlakozás megnyitásához szükséges információit\n"	"megadott csatlakozás megnyitásához szükséges információit\n"
"jelentik. Ez az információ szolgáltatóspecifikus, további\n"	"jelentik. Ez az információ szolgáltatóspecifikus, további\n"
"információért tekintse meg a kézikönyvet."			"információért tekintse meg a kézikönyvet."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481
msgid "All information retrieved"				msgid "All information retrieved"
msgstr "Minden információ megszerezve"				msgstr "Minden információ megszerezve"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482
msgid ""							msgid ""
"All information needed to create a new data source\n"		"All information needed to create a new data source\n"
"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"		"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"
"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"	"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"
"just select it when asked for a data source."			"just select it when asked for a data source."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Az új adatforrás létrehozásához minden szükséges\n"		"Az új adatforrás létrehozásához minden szükséges\n"
"információ meg lett szerezve. Most kattintson az\n"		"információ meg lett szerezve. Most kattintson az\n"
"'Alkalmaz' gombra ezen párbeszédablak bezárásához.\n"		"'Alkalmaz' gombra ezen párbeszédablak bezárásához.\n"
"Az újonnan létrehozott adatforrás megnyitásához\n"		"Az újonnan létrehozott adatforrás megnyitásához\n"
"válassza ki azt az adatforrás bekérésénél."			"válassza ki azt az adatforrás bekérésénél."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124
msgid "Connection _string:"					msgid "Connection _string:"
msgstr "Csatlakozási _karakterlánc:"				msgstr "Csatlakozási _karakterlánc:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4
msgid "Error"							msgid "Error"
msgstr "Hiba"							msgstr "Hiba"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.
msgid "Show detail >>"						msgid "Show detail >>"
msgstr "Részletek megjelenítése >>"				msgstr "Részletek megjelenítése >>"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122
msgid "<< Hide detail"						msgid "<< Hide detail"
msgstr "<< Részletek elrejtése"					msgstr "<< Részletek elrejtése"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191
msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"	msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"
msgstr "Hiba történt az alapul szolgáló adatbázisban"		msgstr "Hiba történt az alapul szolgáló adatbázisban"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196
msgid "Error number"						msgid "Error number"
msgstr "Hibaszám"						msgstr "Hibaszám"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227
msgid "Details"							msgid "Details"
msgstr "Részletek"						msgstr "Részletek"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234
msgid "Source"							msgid "Source"
msgstr "Forrás"							msgstr "Forrás"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241
msgid "SQL state"						msgid "SQL state"
msgstr "SQL-állapot"						msgstr "SQL-állapot"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108
msgid "_Field:"							msgid "_Field:"
msgstr "_MezÅ?:"							msgstr "_MezÅ?:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118
msgid "_Text:"							msgid "_Text:"
msgstr "_Szöveg:"						msgstr "_Szöveg:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308
msgid "No records"						msgid "No records"
msgstr "Nincs rekord"						msgstr "Nincs rekord"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Record %d of %d"						msgid "Record %d of %d"
msgstr "Rekord %d / %d"						msgstr "Rekord %d / %d"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113
msgid "Recordset description"					msgid "Recordset description"
msgstr "Rekordkészlet leírása"					msgstr "Rekordkészlet leírása"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid ""							msgid ""
"File '%s' already exists.\n"					"File '%s' already exists.\n"
"Do you want to overwrite it?"					"Do you want to overwrite it?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"A(z) '%s' fájl már létezik.\n"					"A(z) '%s' fájl már létezik.\n"
"Felülírja?"							"Felülírja?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149
msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."		msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."
msgstr "Ha igennel válaszol, a tartalom el fog veszni."		msgstr "Ha igennel válaszol, a tartalom el fog veszni."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Could not save file %s"					msgid "Could not save file %s"
msgstr "Nem lehet menteni a(z) %s fájlt"			msgstr "Nem lehet menteni a(z) %s fájlt"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224
msgid "You must specify a file name"				msgid "You must specify a file name"
msgstr "Meg kell adnia egy fájlnevet"				msgstr "Meg kell adnia egy fájlnevet"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230
msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"		msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"
msgstr "�res fájl érkezett az adat konvertálása közben"		msgstr "�res fájl érkezett az adat konvertálása közben"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261
msgid "Saving Model"						msgid "Saving Model"
msgstr "Modell mentése"						msgstr "Modell mentése"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272
msgid "File _name:"						msgid "File _name:"
msgstr "Fájl_név:"						msgstr "Fájl_név:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276
msgid "Select File"						msgid "Select File"
msgstr "Fájl kiválasztása"					msgstr "Fájl kiválasztása"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283
msgid "File _type:"						msgid "File _type:"
msgstr "Fájl_típus:"						msgstr "Fájl_típus:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291
msgid "Tab-delimited"						msgid "Tab-delimited"
msgstr "Tabulátorral tagolt"					msgstr "Tabulátorral tagolt"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294
msgid "Comma-delimited"						msgid "Comma-delimited"
msgstr "PontosvesszÅ?vel tagolt"					msgstr "PontosvesszÅ?vel tagolt"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:
msgid "XML"							msgid "XML"
msgstr "XML"							msgstr "XML"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355
msgid "View detail"						msgid "View detail"
msgstr "Részletek megtekintése"					msgstr "Részletek megtekintése"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427
msgid "Show Column _Titles"					msgid "Show Column _Titles"
msgstr "Oszlop_címek megjelenítése"				msgstr "Oszlop_címek megjelenítése"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442
msgid "Describe"						msgid "Describe"
msgstr "Leírás"							msgstr "Leírás"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443
msgid "View detail..."						msgid "View detail..."
msgstr "Részletek megtekintése..."				msgstr "Részletek megtekintése..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614
msgid "Title"							msgid "Title"
msgstr "Cím"							msgstr "Cím"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48
msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"	msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"
msgstr "Kísérlet egy már inicializált kliens inicializálására	msgstr "Kísérlet egy már inicializált kliens inicializálására

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"		"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"
"to a data source"						"to a data source"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Adja meg alább a paramétereket az adatforráshoz\n"		"Adja meg alább a paramétereket az adatforráshoz\n"
"való csatlakozás megnyitásához"				"való csatlakozás megnyitásához"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253
msgid "Data Source:"						msgid "Data Source:"
msgstr "Adatforrás:"						msgstr "Adatforrás:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270
msgid "Username:"						msgid "Username:"
msgstr "Felhasználónév:"					msgstr "Felhasználónév:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279
msgid "Password:"						msgid "Password:"
msgstr "Jelszó:"						msgstr "Jelszó:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69
msgid "Fields"							msgid "Fields"
msgstr "MezÅ?k"							msgstr "MezÅ?k"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30
msgid "Commit"							msgid "Commit"
msgstr "�rvényesítés (commit)"					msgstr "�rvényesítés (commit)"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31
msgid "Connect"							msgid "Connect"
msgstr "Kapcsolódás"						msgstr "Kapcsolódás"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33
msgid "Designer"						msgid "Designer"
msgstr "TervezÅ?"						msgstr "TervezÅ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34
msgid "Disconnect"						msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr "Lekapcsolódás"						msgstr "Lekapcsolódás"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35
msgid "NoTransaction"						msgid "NoTransaction"
msgstr "NincsTranzakció"					msgstr "NincsTranzakció"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37
msgid "Query"							msgid "Query"
msgstr "Lekérdezés"						msgstr "Lekérdezés"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38
msgid "Rollback"						msgid "Rollback"
msgstr "Visszagörgetés"						msgstr "Visszagörgetés"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40
msgid "SQL"							msgid "SQL"
msgstr "SQL"							msgstr "SQL"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43
msgid "WithinTransaction"					msgid "WithinTransaction"
msgstr "TranzakciónBelül"					msgstr "TranzakciónBelül"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Error: %s"						msgid "Error: %s"
msgstr "Hiba: %s"						msgstr "Hiba: %s"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79
msgid "Table name"						msgid "Table name"
msgstr "Táblázatnév"						msgstr "Táblázatnév"

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93			#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Login for %s"						msgid "Login for %s"
msgstr "Bejelentkezés ehhez: %s"				msgstr "Bejelentkezés ehhez: %s"

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95					#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95
msgid "Login to database"					msgid "Login to database"
msgstr "Bejelentkezés az adatbázisba"				msgstr "Bejelentkezés az adatbázisba"

#: vfs/libmain.c:71						#: vfs/libmain.c:71
msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"				msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"
msgstr "GNOME VFS-adatbázis: modul"				msgstr "GNOME VFS-adatbázis: modul"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40
msgid "Table Properties"					msgid "Table Properties"
msgstr "Táblázat tulajdonságai"					msgstr "Táblázat tulajdonságai"

#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47
msgid "Table Name"						msgid "Table Name"
msgstr "Táblázatnév"						msgstr "Táblázatnév"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155
msgid "New"							msgid "New"
msgstr "Ã?j"							msgstr "Ã?j"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156
msgid "Create new table"					msgid "Create new table"
msgstr "�j táblázat létrehozása"				msgstr "�j táblázat létrehozása"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161
msgid "Properties"						msgid "Properties"
msgstr "Tulajdonságok"						msgstr "Tulajdonságok"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162
msgid "View table properties"					msgid "View table properties"
msgstr "Táblázat tulajdonságainak megtekintése"			msgstr "Táblázat tulajdonságainak megtekintése"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
msgid "UID"							msgid "UID"
msgstr "UID"							msgstr "UID"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "calendar"						msgid "calendar"
msgstr "naptár"							msgstr "naptár"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "summary"							msgid "summary"
msgstr "összefoglaló"						msgstr "összefoglaló"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "Summary"							msgid "Summary"
msgstr "�sszefoglaló"						msgstr "�sszefoglaló"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "location"						msgid "location"
msgstr "hely"							msgstr "hely"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "dtstart"							msgid "dtstart"
msgstr "kezdidÅ?"						msgstr "kezdidÅ?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
msgid "Start time"						msgid "Start time"
msgstr "Kezdési idÅ?"						msgstr "Kezdési idÅ?"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "dtend"							msgid "dtend"
msgstr "befidÅ?"							msgstr "befidÅ?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "End time"						msgid "End time"
msgstr "Befejezési idÅ?"						msgstr "Befejezési idÅ?"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
msgid "description"						msgid "description"
msgstr "leírás"							msgstr "leírás"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "classification"						msgid "classification"
msgstr "besorolás"						msgstr "besorolás"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "Classification"						msgid "Classification"
msgstr "Besorolás"						msgstr "Besorolás"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "transparency"						msgid "transparency"
msgstr "átlátszóság"						msgstr "átlátszóság"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "Transparency"						msgid "Transparency"
msgstr "�tlátszóság"						msgstr "�tlátszóság"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "categories"						msgid "categories"
msgstr "kategóriák"						msgstr "kategóriák"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "Categories"						msgid "Categories"
msgstr "Kategóriák"						msgstr "Kategóriák"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "tasks"							msgid "tasks"
msgstr "feladatok"						msgstr "feladatok"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "due"							msgid "due"
msgstr "határ"							msgstr "határ"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "Due date"						msgid "Due date"
msgstr "HatáridÅ?"						msgstr "HatáridÅ?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "Start date"						msgid "Start date"
msgstr "Kezdési idÅ?pont"					msgstr "Kezdési idÅ?pont"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355
msgid "Public"							msgid "Public"
msgstr "Nyilvános"						msgstr "Nyilvános"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358
msgid "Private"							msgid "Private"
msgstr "Személyes"						msgstr "Személyes"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361
msgid "Confidential"						msgid "Confidential"
msgstr "Bizalmas"						msgstr "Bizalmas"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63
msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"		msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"
msgstr "Nem lehet megnyitni az alapértelmezett naptármappát"	msgstr "Nem lehet megnyitni az alapértelmezett naptármappát"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66
msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"			msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"
msgstr "Nem lehet megnyitni az alapértelmezett feladatok-mapp	msgstr "Nem lehet megnyitni az alapértelmezett feladatok-mapp

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80
msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta	msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta
msgstr "Hitelesítés szükséges az alapértelmezett kapcsolatok-	msgstr "Hitelesítés szükséges az alapértelmezett kapcsolatok-

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83
msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"		msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"
msgstr "Nem lehet megnyitni az alapértelmezett kapcsolatok-ma	msgstr "Nem lehet megnyitni az alapértelmezett kapcsolatok-ma

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100
msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"				msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"
msgstr "Nem lehet inicializálni a Bonobo-t"			msgstr "Nem lehet inicializálni a Bonobo-t"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212
msgid "Field name"						msgid "Field name"
msgstr "MezÅ?név"						msgstr "MezÅ?név"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213
msgid "Data type"						msgid "Data type"
msgstr "Adattípus"						msgstr "Adattípus"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214
msgid "Size"							msgid "Size"
msgstr "Méret"							msgstr "Méret"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215
msgid "Scale"							msgid "Scale"
msgstr "Méretezés"						msgstr "Méretezés"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216
msgid "Not null?"						msgid "Not null?"
msgstr "Nem null?"						msgstr "Nem null?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217
msgid "Primary key?"						msgid "Primary key?"
msgstr "ElsÅ?dleges kulcs?"					msgstr "ElsÅ?dleges kulcs?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218
msgid "Unique index?"						msgid "Unique index?"
msgstr "Egyedi index?"						msgstr "Egyedi index?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219
msgid "References"						msgid "References"
msgstr "Hivatkozások"						msgstr "Hivatkozások"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220
msgid "Default value"						msgid "Default value"
msgstr "Alapértelmezett érték"					msgstr "Alapértelmezett érték"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239
msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l	msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l
msgstr "Táblázatnév szükséges, de nincs megadva a paraméter l	msgstr "Táblázatnév szükséges, de nincs megadva a paraméter l

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Table %s does not exist"					msgid "Table %s does not exist"
msgstr "A(z) %s táblázat nem létezik"				msgstr "A(z) %s táblázat nem létezik"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318
msgid "Scheduled events"					msgid "Scheduled events"
msgstr "�temezett események"					msgstr "�temezett események"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321
msgid "TODO list"						msgid "TODO list"
msgstr "Feladatok"						msgstr "Feladatok"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375
msgid "Owner"							msgid "Owner"
msgstr "Tulajdonos"						msgstr "Tulajdonos"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376
msgid "Comments"						msgid "Comments"
msgstr "Megjegyzések"						msgstr "Megjegyzések"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374
msgid "Type"							msgid "Type"
msgstr "Típus"							msgstr "Típus"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377
msgid "GDA type"						msgid "GDA type"
msgstr "GDA-típus"						msgstr "GDA-típus"

#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id	#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id
#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database	#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database
#. we can easily access that information			#. we can easily access that information
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382
msgid "local"							msgid "local"
msgstr "helyi"							msgstr "helyi"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217
msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr "Adatbázisok létrehozása még nem támogatott"		msgstr "Adatbázisok létrehozása még nem támogatott"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230
msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr "Adatbázisok eltávolítása még nem támogatott"		msgstr "Adatbázisok eltávolítása még nem támogatott"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244
msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"			msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"
msgstr "Nem lehet lekérni a táblázatok sémáit"			msgstr "Nem lehet lekérni a táblázatok sémáit"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268
msgid "Invalid SQL command"					msgid "Invalid SQL command"
msgstr "�rvénytelen SQL-parancs"				msgstr "�rvénytelen SQL-parancs"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353
msgid "Transactions are not supported"				msgid "Transactions are not supported"
msgstr "Tranzakciók nem támogatottak"				msgstr "Tranzakciók nem támogatottak"

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41
msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"		msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"
msgstr "Szolgáltató a Ximian Evolution személyes adatokhoz"	msgstr "Szolgáltató a Ximian Evolution személyes adatokhoz"

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task	"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Adatforrás az Evolution alapértelmezett naptárának, feladata	"Adatforrás az Evolution alapértelmezett naptárának, feladata
"névjegyeinek eléréséhez"					"névjegyeinek eléréséhez"
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: it.gmo
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/it.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/it.po
# Italian localization for libgnomedb				# Italian localization for libgnomedb
# Copyright (C) 2000,2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.	# Copyright (C) 2000,2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# Daniele Medri <madrid linux it>, 2000.			# Daniele Medri <madrid linux it>, 2000.
# Marco Parrone <marc0 autistici org>, 2002.			# Marco Parrone <marc0 autistici org>, 2002.
							      >	# Alessio Dessì <alkex inwind it>, 2004.
#								#
msgid ""							msgid ""
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: libgnomedb HEAD\n"				"Project-Id-Version: libgnomedb HEAD\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"					"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"		      |	"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-09-02 20:42+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2002-12-04 21:47+0100\n"		      |	"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-04-07 18:55+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Marco Parrone <marc0 autistici org>\n"	"Last-Translator: Marco Parrone <marc0 autistici org>\n"
"Language-Team: Italian <tp lists linux it>\n"			"Language-Team: Italian <tp lists linux it>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"						"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"			"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"				"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co
msgid "Data Sources"						msgid "Data Sources"
msgstr "Sorgenti di dati"					msgstr "Sorgenti di dati"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid
msgid "Providers"						msgid "Providers"
msgstr "Fornitori"						msgstr "Fornitori"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1
msgid "Configure your database environment"			msgid "Configure your database environment"
msgstr ""						      |	msgstr "Configurazione ambiente del database"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Database Access Properties "				msgid "Database Access Properties "
msgstr "Proprietà del database"					msgstr "Proprietà del database"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380
msgid "Name"							msgid "Name"
msgstr ""						      |	msgstr "Nome"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
msgid "Description"						msgid "Description"
msgstr "Descrizione"						msgstr "Descrizione"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182
msgid "Configured data sources in the system"			msgid "Configured data sources in the system"
msgstr ""						      |	msgstr "Sorgenti di dati configurate nel sistema"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data sources are the means by which database connections are	"Data sources are the means by which database connections are
"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s	"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s
"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o	"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o
"name you identify the connections in the applications that m	"name you identify the connections in the applications that m
"DB for database access."					"DB for database access."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Le sorgenti di dati sono i mezzi con cui GNOME-DB identifica	"Le sorgenti di dati sono i mezzi con cui GNOME-DB identifica
"di database. Tutte le informazioni richieste per aprire una 	"di database. Tutte le informazioni richieste per aprire una 
"verso un fornitore o verso una combo di database specifici s |	"verso un fornitore o una combinazione di database specifici 
"immagazzinate usando un nome unico. Ã? usando questo unico no	"immagazzinate usando un nome unico. Ã? usando questo unico no
"identificano le connessioni nelle applicazioni che fanno uso	"identificano le connessioni nelle applicazioni che fanno uso
"l'accesso a database."						"l'accesso a database."

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277
#, fuzzy, c-format						#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"	msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"
msgstr "Rimuovere la sorgente di dati «%s»?"			msgstr "Rimuovere la sorgente di dati «%s»?"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data Source Properties"					msgid "Data Source Properties"
msgstr "Proprietà della sorgente di dati"			msgstr "Proprietà della sorgente di dati"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132
msgid "Basic"							msgid "Basic"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Tables"							msgid "Tables"
msgstr "Tabelle"						msgstr "Tabelle"

#: control-center/main.c:92					#: control-center/main.c:92
msgid "No valid data source info was created"			msgid "No valid data source info was created"
msgstr "Non è stata creata nessuna informazione di sorgente d |	msgstr "Non è stata fornita nessuna informazione per la sorge

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218	#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218
msgid "New data source"						msgid "New data source"
msgstr "Nuova sorgente di dati"					msgstr "Nuova sorgente di dati"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:215					#: control-center/main.c:215
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Database Access Properties"				msgid "Database Access Properties"
msgstr "Proprietà del database"					msgstr "Proprietà del database"

#: control-center/provider-config.c:105				#: control-center/provider-config.c:105
msgid "Installed providers"					msgid "Installed providers"
msgstr ""						      |	msgstr "Fornitori installati"

#: control-center/provider-config.c:131				#: control-center/provider-config.c:131
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec	"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec
"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo	"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo
"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr	"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr
"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba	"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba
"etc."								"etc."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"I fornitori sono plugin esterni che forniscono accesso ad un	"I fornitori sono plugin esterni che forniscono accesso ad un
"dati specifica. Il fornitore predefinito è sempre installato	"dati specifica. Il fornitore predefinito è sempre installato
"permettere l'accesso ai database immagazzinati in file XML. 	"permettere l'accesso ai database immagazzinati in file XML. 
"distribuiti con libgda/gnome-db altri fornitori tra cui, sol	"distribuiti con libgda/gnome-db altri fornitori tra cui, sol
"PostgresSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Sybase, Interbase, ecc."		"PostgresSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Sybase, Interbase, ecc."

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1
msgid "Database connection parameters file"			msgid "Database connection parameters file"
msgstr ""						      |	msgstr "File dei parametri delle connessioni a database"

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2
msgid "Documents"						msgid "Documents"
msgstr ""						      |	msgstr "Documenti"

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3
msgid "SQL code viewer"						msgid "SQL code viewer"
msgstr ""						      |	msgstr "Visualizzatore di codice SQL"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1
msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"			msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"
msgstr ""						      |	msgstr "Tipo di carattere da usare per il widget griglia"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2
msgid "Number of spaces per tab"				msgid "Number of spaces per tab"
msgstr ""						      |	msgstr "Numero di spazi per il «tab»"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3
msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"			msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"
msgstr ""						      |	msgstr "Mostra i numeri di riga nell'editor di sorgenti"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4
msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"			msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"
msgstr ""						      |	msgstr "Usa l'evidenziazione nell'editor del codice sorgente"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60
msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"			msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"
msgstr ""						      |	msgstr "Servizi di database per GNOME Desktop"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1
msgid "About"							msgid "About"
msgstr ""						      |	msgstr "Informazioni"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2
msgid "About GNOME-DB"						msgid "About GNOME-DB"
msgstr ""						      |	msgstr "Informazioni su GNOME-DB"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3
msgid "Close this window"					msgid "Close this window"
msgstr ""						      |	msgstr "Chiude questa finestra"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4
msgid "Create new entry"					msgid "Create new entry"
msgstr ""						      |	msgstr "Crea un nuovo elemento"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5
#, fuzzy						      <
msgid "Delete selected items"					msgid "Delete selected items"
msgstr "Deseleziona tutte le voci selezionate nella lista"	msgstr "Deseleziona tutte le voci selezionate nella lista"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Deselect all items"					msgid "Deselect all items"
msgstr "Deseleziona tutte le voci selezionate nella lista"	msgstr "Deseleziona tutte le voci selezionate nella lista"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7
msgid "Edit properties for selected item"			msgid "Edit properties for selected item"
msgstr ""						      |	msgstr "Modifica le proprietà per l'elemento selezionato"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8
msgid "Save connection parameters to file"			msgid "Save connection parameters to file"
msgstr ""						      |	msgstr "Salva i parametri della connessione in un file"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Select _All"						msgid "Select _All"
msgstr "Seleziona tutto"					msgstr "Seleziona tutto"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Select all items"					msgid "Select all items"
msgstr "Seleziona tutte le voci nella lista"		      |	msgstr "Seleziona tutto"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View data sources"					msgid "View data sources"
msgstr "Nuova sorgente di dati"					msgstr "Nuova sorgente di dati"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View providers"						msgid "View providers"
msgstr "Fornitori"						msgstr "Fornitori"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42
							      >	#, fuzzy
msgid "_Clear Selection"					msgid "_Clear Selection"
msgstr ""						      |	msgstr "Cancella selezione"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14
msgid "_Close"							msgid "_Close"
msgstr ""						      |	msgstr "_Chiudi"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Data Sources"						msgid "_Data Sources"
msgstr "Sorgenti di dati"					msgstr "Sorgenti di dati"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Database"						msgid "_Database"
msgstr "Database"						msgstr "Database"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17
msgid "_Delete"							msgid "_Delete"
msgstr ""						      |	msgstr "Ca_ncella"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18
msgid "_Edit"							msgid "_Edit"
msgstr ""						      |	msgstr "_Modifica"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19
msgid "_Help"							msgid "_Help"
msgstr ""						      |	msgstr "A_iuto"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_New Data Source..."					msgid "_New Data Source..."
msgstr "Nuova sorgente di dati"					msgstr "Nuova sorgente di dati"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Properties"						msgid "_Properties"
msgstr "Procedure"					      |	msgstr "Proprietà"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Providers"						msgid "_Providers"
msgstr "Fornitori"						msgstr "Fornitori"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23
#, fuzzy						      <
msgid "_Save Connection"					msgid "_Save Connection"
msgstr "Salva in"					      |	msgstr "Sal_va connessione"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_View"							msgid "_View"
msgstr "Viste"							msgstr "Viste"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76
msgid "Structure"						msgid "Structure"
msgstr "Struttura"						msgstr "Struttura"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73
msgid "Data"							msgid "Data"
msgstr "Dati"							msgstr "Dati"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238
msgid "Not implemented yet!"					msgid "Not implemented yet!"
msgstr "Non ancora implementato!"				msgstr "Non ancora implementato!"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Database"						msgid "Database"
msgstr "Database"						msgstr "Database"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540
msgid "Loading database schemas..."				msgid "Loading database schemas..."
msgstr "Caricamento degli schemi di database..."		msgstr "Caricamento degli schemi di database..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632
msgid "Refreshing data..."					msgid "Refreshing data..."
msgstr "Aggiornamento dati..."					msgstr "Aggiornamento dati..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688
msgid "Views"							msgid "Views"
msgstr "Viste"							msgstr "Viste"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691
msgid "Indexes"							msgid "Indexes"
msgstr "Indici"							msgstr "Indici"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Sequences"						msgid "Sequences"
msgstr "Sequenze"						msgstr "Sequenze"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Procedures"						msgid "Procedures"
msgstr "Procedure"						msgstr "Procedure"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700
msgid "Triggers"						msgid "Triggers"
msgstr "Trigger"						msgstr "Trigger"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Aggregates"						msgid "Aggregates"
msgstr "Aggregati"						msgstr "Aggregati"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Types"							msgid "Types"
msgstr "Tipi"							msgstr "Tipi"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140
msgid "Could not query CORBA components"			msgid "Could not query CORBA components"
msgstr "Non è possibile interrogare componenti CORBA"		msgstr "Non è possibile interrogare componenti CORBA"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209
msgid "ID"							msgid "ID"
msgstr ""						      |	msgstr "ID"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "Location"						msgid "Location"
msgstr ""						      |	msgstr "Posizione"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212
msgid "Username"						msgid "Username"
msgstr "Nome utente"						msgstr "Nome utente"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213
#, fuzzy						      <
msgid "Hostname"						msgid "Hostname"
msgstr "Nome utente"					      |	msgstr "Nome host"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214
msgid "Domain"							msgid "Domain"
msgstr ""						      |	msgstr "Dominio"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"			msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"
msgstr "Tipo non supportato in GconfEntry: %d"			msgstr "Tipo non supportato in GconfEntry: %d"

#. create widgets						#. create widgets
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97
msgid "Settings"						msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Impostazioni"						msgstr "Impostazioni"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103
msgid "Data source name"					msgid "Data source name"
msgstr "Nome sorgente dati"					msgstr "Nome sorgente dati"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109
msgid "Connection string"					msgid "Connection string"
msgstr "Stringa di connessione"					msgstr "Stringa di connessione"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115
msgid "Provider"						msgid "Provider"
msgstr "Fornitore"						msgstr "Fornitore"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121
msgid "User name"						msgid "User name"
msgstr "Nome utente"						msgstr "Nome utente"

#. create feature list						#. create feature list
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128
msgid "Features"						msgid "Features"
msgstr "Caratteristiche"					msgstr "Caratteristiche"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190
msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"		msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"
msgstr "Bisogna inserire un nome per la nuova sorgente di dat |	msgstr "Ã? necessario inserire un nome per la nuova sorgente d

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197
							      >	#, fuzzy
msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac	msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac
msgstr ""						      |	msgstr "I nomi delle sorgenti di dati non possono contenere s

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206
msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th	msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th
msgstr ""						      |	msgstr "Esiste già una sorgente di dati con lo stesso nome"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213
msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"			msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"
msgstr ""						      |	msgstr "I nomi delle sorgenti di dati non possono contenere s

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217
msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n	msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
							      >	"I nomi delle sorgenti di dati possono contenere solo lettere

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225
msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"	msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"
msgstr "Bisogna selezionare un fornitore per la nuova sorgent |	msgstr "Ã? necessario selezionare un fornitore per la nuova so

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233
msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"		msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"
msgstr "Il fornitore non è stato trovato nella configurazione	msgstr "Il fornitore non è stato trovato nella configurazione

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391
msgid "Add a new data source..."				msgid "Add a new data source..."
msgstr "Aggiungi una nuova sorgente dati..."			msgstr "Aggiungi una nuova sorgente dati..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392
msgid ""							msgid ""
"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"		"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"
"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"		"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"
"installation. Just follow the steps!"				"installation. Just follow the steps!"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Quest'assistente farà da guida attraverso il processo di\n"  |	"L'assistente farà da guida attraverso il processo di creazio
"creazione di una nuova sorgente dati per l'installazione per |	"di una nuova sorgente dati per l'installazione personale\n"
"di GNOME-DB. Basta procedere un passo alla volta!"		"di GNOME-DB. Basta procedere un passo alla volta!"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404
msgid "General Information"					msgid "General Information"
msgstr "Informazioni generali"					msgstr "Informazioni generali"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the basic information\n"	"The following fields represent the basic information\n"
"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n	"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n
"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"	"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"
"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"	"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"
"the default one."						"the default one."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"I seguenti campi rappresentano le voci di informazioni\n"    |	"I seguenti campi rappresentano le voci di informazioni di ba
"di base per la nuova sorgente di dati. Alcune di esse (descr |	"per la nuova sorgente di dati. Alcune di esse (descrizione,\
"nome utente) sono opzionali, mentre le altre sono obbligator	"nome utente) sono opzionali, mentre le altre sono obbligator
"Se non si sà quale fornitore utilizzare, si selezioni\n"     |	"Se non si sà quale fornitore utilizzare, selezionare quello\
"quello predefinito"					      |	"predefinito"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data source _name:"					msgid "Data source _name:"
msgstr "Nome sorgente dati"					msgstr "Nome sorgente dati"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Provider:"						msgid "_Provider:"
msgstr "Fornitore"						msgstr "Fornitore"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Description:"						msgid "_Description:"
msgstr "Descrizione"						msgstr "Descrizione"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Username:"						msgid "_Username:"
msgstr "Nome utente"					      |	msgstr "Nome utente:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "P_assword:"						msgid "P_assword:"
msgstr "Password"					      |	msgstr "Password:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454
msgid "Provider Parameters"					msgid "Provider Parameters"
msgstr "Parametri del fornitore"				msgstr "Parametri del fornitore"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the information needed by the	"The following fields represent the information needed by the
"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n	"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n
"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\	"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\
"the manual for more information."				"the manual for more information."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"I seguenti campi rappresentano l'informazione richiesta\n"   |	"I seguenti campi rappresentano l'informazione richiesta dal 
"dal fornitore selezionato nella pagina precedente per aprire |	"selezionato nella pagina precedente per aprire una certa con
"una certa connessione. Questa informazione è specifica al fo |	"Questa informazione è specifica del fornitore, controllare i
"quindi si controlli il manuale per maggiori informazioni"    |	"maggiori informazioni"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481
msgid "All information retrieved"				msgid "All information retrieved"
msgstr "Sono state recuperate tutte le informazioni"		msgstr "Sono state recuperate tutte le informazioni"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid ""							msgid ""
"All information needed to create a new data source\n"		"All information needed to create a new data source\n"
"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"		"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"
"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"	"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"
"just select it when asked for a data source."			"just select it when asked for a data source."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Sono state recuperate tutte le informazioni necessarie per c	"Sono state recuperate tutte le informazioni necessarie per c
"una nuova sorgente di dati. Premere «Applica» per chiudere\n |	"una nuova sorgente di dati. Premere «Applica» per chiudere q
"questa finestra di dialogo. Per aprire la sorgente di dati a |	"finestra di dialogo. Per aprire la sorgente di dati appena c
"creata, basta selezionarla quando viene richiesta una sorgen |	"basta selezionarla quando viene richiesta una sorgente di da

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Connection _string:"					msgid "Connection _string:"
msgstr "Stringa di connessione"					msgstr "Stringa di connessione"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4
msgid "Error"							msgid "Error"
msgstr "Errore"							msgstr "Errore"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.
msgid "Show detail >>"						msgid "Show detail >>"
msgstr "Mostra dettagli >>"					msgstr "Mostra dettagli >>"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122
msgid "<< Hide detail"						msgid "<< Hide detail"
msgstr "<< Nascondi dettagli"					msgstr "<< Nascondi dettagli"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191
msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"	msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"
msgstr ""						      |	msgstr "Si è verificato un errore nel database sottostante"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196
msgid "Error number"						msgid "Error number"
msgstr "Numero d'errore"					msgstr "Numero d'errore"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227
#, fuzzy						      <
msgid "Details"							msgid "Details"
msgstr "Dettaglio"					      |	msgstr "Dettagli"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234
msgid "Source"							msgid "Source"
msgstr "Sorgente"						msgstr "Sorgente"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241
msgid "SQL state"						msgid "SQL state"
msgstr "Stato SQL"						msgstr "Stato SQL"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Field:"							msgid "_Field:"
msgstr "Titolo"						      |	msgstr "Campi"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118
#, fuzzy						      <
msgid "_Text:"							msgid "_Text:"
msgstr "Prova"						      |	msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308
msgid "No records"						msgid "No records"
msgstr "Nessun record"						msgstr "Nessun record"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Record %d of %d"						msgid "Record %d of %d"
msgstr "Record numero %d di %d"					msgstr "Record numero %d di %d"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113
msgid "Recordset description"					msgid "Recordset description"
msgstr "Descrizione del recordset"			      |	msgstr "Descrizione dell'insieme di record"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141
#, c-format						      |	#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""							msgid ""
"File '%s' already exists.\n"					"File '%s' already exists.\n"
"Do you want to overwrite it?"					"Do you want to overwrite it?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
							      >	"Il file %s esiste già\n"
							      >	"Sovrascriverlo?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149
msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."		msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Could not save file %s"					msgid "Could not save file %s"
msgstr "Non è possibile salvare il file %s"			msgstr "Non è possibile salvare il file %s"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224
msgid "You must specify a file name"				msgid "You must specify a file name"
msgstr "Bisogna specificare un nome di file"		      |	msgstr "Ã? necessario specificare un nome di file"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230
msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"		msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"
msgstr ""						      |	msgstr "Ricevuto file vuoto durante la conversione dei dati"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261
msgid "Saving Model"						msgid "Saving Model"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "File _name:"						msgid "File _name:"
msgstr "Nome tabella"						msgstr "Nome tabella"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276
msgid "Select File"						msgid "Select File"
msgstr "Seleziona file"						msgstr "Seleziona file"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283
msgid "File _type:"						msgid "File _type:"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Tab-delimited"						msgid "Tab-delimited"
msgstr "File delimitato da tabulazioni"				msgstr "File delimitato da tabulazioni"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Comma-delimited"						msgid "Comma-delimited"
msgstr "File delimitato da virgole"				msgstr "File delimitato da virgole"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:
msgid "XML"							msgid "XML"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355
msgid "View detail"						msgid "View detail"
msgstr "Visualizza dettaglio"					msgstr "Visualizza dettaglio"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Show Column _Titles"					msgid "Show Column _Titles"
msgstr "Mostra colonne"						msgstr "Mostra colonne"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442
#, fuzzy						      <
msgid "Describe"						msgid "Describe"
msgstr "Descrivi..."					      |	msgstr "Descrive"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443
msgid "View detail..."						msgid "View detail..."
msgstr "Mostra dettagli..."					msgstr "Mostra dettagli..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614
msgid "Title"							msgid "Title"
msgstr "Titolo"							msgstr "Titolo"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48
msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"	msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"
msgstr "� stato tentato di inizializzare un client già inizia |	msgstr "Si è tentato di inizializzare un client già inizializ

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"		"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"
"to a data source"						"to a data source"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
							      >	"Inserire gli argomenti per aprire una connessione\n"
							      >	"a una sorgente di dati qui sotto"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253
#, fuzzy						      <
msgid "Data Source:"						msgid "Data Source:"
msgstr "Sorgente dati"					      |	msgstr "Sorgente dati:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270
#, fuzzy						      <
msgid "Username:"						msgid "Username:"
msgstr "Nome utente"					      |	msgstr "Nome utente:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279
#, fuzzy						      <
msgid "Password:"						msgid "Password:"
msgstr "Password"					      |	msgstr "Password:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69
msgid "Fields"							msgid "Fields"
msgstr ""						      |	msgstr "Campi"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30
msgid "Commit"							msgid "Commit"
msgstr ""						      |	msgstr "Esegui commit"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31
msgid "Connect"							msgid "Connect"
msgstr ""						      |	msgstr "Connetti"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33
msgid "Designer"						msgid "Designer"
msgstr ""						      |	msgstr "Proggettista"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34
msgid "Disconnect"						msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr ""						      |	msgstr "Disconnetti"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35
msgid "NoTransaction"						msgid "NoTransaction"
msgstr ""						      |	msgstr "NessunaTransazione"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37
msgid "Query"							msgid "Query"
msgstr ""						      |	msgstr "Query"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38
msgid "Rollback"						msgid "Rollback"
msgstr ""						      |	msgstr "Reverti commit"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40
msgid "SQL"							msgid "SQL"
msgstr ""						      |	msgstr "SQL"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43
msgid "WithinTransaction"					msgid "WithinTransaction"
msgstr ""						      |	msgstr "InternamenteAllaTransazione"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65
#, fuzzy, c-format					      |	#, c-format
msgid "Error: %s"						msgid "Error: %s"
msgstr "Errore"						      |	msgstr "Errore: %s"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79
msgid "Table name"						msgid "Table name"
msgstr "Nome tabella"						msgstr "Nome tabella"

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93			#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Login for %s"						msgid "Login for %s"
msgstr ""						      |	msgstr "Login per %s"

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95					#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95
msgid "Login to database"					msgid "Login to database"
msgstr ""						      |	msgstr "Login al database"

#: vfs/libmain.c:71						#: vfs/libmain.c:71
msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"				msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"
msgstr "Database GNOME VFS: modulo"				msgstr "Database GNOME VFS: modulo"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40
#, fuzzy						      <
msgid "Table Properties"					msgid "Table Properties"
msgstr "Proprietà del database"				      |	msgstr "Proprietà della tabella"

#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47
#, fuzzy						      <
msgid "Table Name"						msgid "Table Name"
msgstr "Nome tabella"						msgstr "Nome tabella"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155
msgid "New"							msgid "New"
msgstr ""						      |	msgstr "Nuova"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156
msgid "Create new table"					msgid "Create new table"
msgstr ""						      |	msgstr "Crea una nuova tabella"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161
#, fuzzy						      <
msgid "Properties"						msgid "Properties"
msgstr "Procedure"					      |	msgstr "Proprietà"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162
#, fuzzy						      <
msgid "View table properties"					msgid "View table properties"
msgstr "Proprietà del database"				      |	msgstr "Visualizza proprietà della tabella"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
							      >	#, fuzzy
msgid "UID"							msgid "UID"
msgstr ""						      |	msgstr "ID"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "calendar"						msgid "calendar"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "summary"							msgid "summary"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "Summary"							msgid "Summary"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
							      >	#, fuzzy
msgid "location"						msgid "location"
msgstr ""						      |	msgstr "Posizione"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "dtstart"							msgid "dtstart"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
msgid "Start time"						msgid "Start time"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "dtend"							msgid "dtend"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "End time"						msgid "End time"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "description"						msgid "description"
msgstr "Descrizione"						msgstr "Descrizione"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "classification"						msgid "classification"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
							      >	#, fuzzy
msgid "Classification"						msgid "Classification"
msgstr ""						      |	msgstr "Cancella selezione"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "transparency"						msgid "transparency"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "Transparency"						msgid "Transparency"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "categories"						msgid "categories"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "Categories"						msgid "Categories"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "tasks"							msgid "tasks"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "due"							msgid "due"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "Due date"						msgid "Due date"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "Start date"						msgid "Start date"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355
msgid "Public"							msgid "Public"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358
msgid "Private"							msgid "Private"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361
msgid "Confidential"						msgid "Confidential"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63
msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"		msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66
msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"			msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80
msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta	msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83
#, fuzzy						      <
msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"		msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"
msgstr "Non è possibile aprire una connessione verso %s"      |	msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100
msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"				msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Field name"						msgid "Field name"
msgstr "Nome utente"						msgstr "Nome utente"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data type"						msgid "Data type"
msgstr "Dati"							msgstr "Dati"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214
msgid "Size"							msgid "Size"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215
msgid "Scale"							msgid "Scale"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216
msgid "Not null?"						msgid "Not null?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217
msgid "Primary key?"						msgid "Primary key?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218
msgid "Unique index?"						msgid "Unique index?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "References"						msgid "References"
msgstr "Sequenze"					      |	msgstr "Preferen_ze"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220
msgid "Default value"						msgid "Default value"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239
msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l	msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Table %s does not exist"					msgid "Table %s does not exist"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318
msgid "Scheduled events"					msgid "Scheduled events"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321
msgid "TODO list"						msgid "TODO list"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375
msgid "Owner"							msgid "Owner"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376
							      >	#, fuzzy
msgid "Comments"						msgid "Comments"
msgstr ""						      |	msgstr "Esegui commit"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Type"							msgid "Type"
msgstr "Tipi"							msgstr "Tipi"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377
msgid "GDA type"						msgid "GDA type"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id	#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id
#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database	#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database
#. we can easily access that information			#. we can easily access that information
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382
msgid "local"							msgid "local"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217
msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230
msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244
msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"			msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268
msgid "Invalid SQL command"					msgid "Invalid SQL command"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353
msgid "Transactions are not supported"				msgid "Transactions are not supported"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41
msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"		msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task	"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#, fuzzy						      |	#~ msgid "Browse database..."
							      >	#~ msgstr "Esplorazione database..."
							      >	#~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .con
							      >	#~ msgstr ""
							      >	#~ "Componente che include le voci del menu contestuale per i
							      >	#~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .sql
							      >	#~ msgstr "Componente che include le voci del menu contestual
							      >	#~ msgid "Connection MIME handler component"
							      >	#~ msgstr "Componente del gestore dei tipi di connessione MIM
							      >	#~ msgid "Database component factory"
							      >	#~ msgstr "Produttore di componenti Database"
							      >	#~ msgid "Open in database connection..."
							      >	#~ msgstr "Apre all'interno di una connessione a database..."
							      >	#~ msgid "SQL MIME handler component"
							      >	#~ msgstr "Componente del gestore di tipi MIME SQL"
#~ msgid "Database browser"					#~ msgid "Database browser"
#~ msgstr "Proprietà del database"			      |	#~ msgstr "Esploratore di database"

#~ msgid "Error viewer"						#~ msgid "Error viewer"
#~ msgstr "Visualizzatore di errore"				#~ msgstr "Visualizzatore di errore"

#, fuzzy						      |	#~ msgid "SQL Viewer"
							      >	#~ msgstr "Visualizzatore SQL"
#~ msgid "Database configuration"				#~ msgid "Database configuration"
#~ msgstr "Proprietà del database"			      |	#~ msgstr "Configurazione del database"
							      >	#~ msgid "Edit application preferences"
							      >	#~ msgstr "Modifica le preferenze dell'applicazione"
							      >	#~ msgid "New..."
							      >	#~ msgstr "Nuovo..."
							      >	#~ msgid "_File"
							      >	#~ msgstr "_File"
							      >	#~ msgid "_Properties..."
							      >	#~ msgstr "P_roprietà..."

#, fuzzy						      <
#~ msgid "_Settings"						#~ msgid "_Settings"
#~ msgstr "Impostazioni"				      |	#~ msgstr "Im_postazioni"

#~ msgid "Password"						#~ msgid "Password"
#~ msgstr "Password"						#~ msgstr "Password"

#~ msgid "Save as"						#~ msgid "Save as"
#~ msgstr "Salva come..."				      |	#~ msgstr "Salva come"

#~ msgid "Save to"						#~ msgid "Save to"
#~ msgstr "Salva in"						#~ msgstr "Salva in"

#~ msgid "XML file"						#~ msgid "XML file"
#~ msgstr "File XML"						#~ msgstr "File XML"

#~ msgid "Hide columns"						#~ msgid "Hide columns"
#~ msgstr "Nascondi colonne"					#~ msgstr "Nascondi colonne"

#~ msgid "Question"						#~ msgid "Question"
#~ msgstr "Domanda"						#~ msgstr "Domanda"

#, fuzzy						      |	#~ msgid "Table Data"
							      >	#~ msgstr "Tabella dei dati"
							      >	#~ msgid "View table data"
							      >	#~ msgstr "Visualizza dati della tabella"
#~ msgid "Database Moniker factory"				#~ msgid "Database Moniker factory"
#~ msgstr "Proprietà del database"			      |	#~ msgstr "Produttore Moniker del database"

#, fuzzy						      <
#~ msgid "database: moniker"					#~ msgid "database: moniker"
#~ msgstr "Proprietà del database"			      |	#~ msgstr "database: moniker"

#~ msgid "Failing to manufacture a '%s'"			#~ msgid "Failing to manufacture a '%s'"
#~ msgstr "� fallita la manifatturazione di un «%s»"	      |	#~ msgstr "Fallita la produzione di un «%s»"

#~ msgid "Invalid format for connection string"			#~ msgid "Invalid format for connection string"
#~ msgstr "Il formato per la stringa di connessione non è val	#~ msgstr "Il formato per la stringa di connessione non è val
#~ msgid "Data sources"					      <
#~ msgstr "Sorgenti di dati"				      <
#~ msgid "Test Data Source"				      <
#~ msgstr "Prova sorgente di dati"			      <
#~ msgid "Connection to %s successful!"			      <
#~ msgstr "Connessione verso %s riuscita!"		      <
#~ msgid "Data source"					      <
#~ msgstr "Sorgente di dati"				      <
#~ msgid "Select all"					      <
#~ msgstr "Seleziona tutto"				      <
#~ msgid "Unselect all"					      <
#~ msgstr "Deseleziona tutto"				      <
#~ msgid "Unselect All"					      <
#~ msgstr "Deseleziona tutto"				      <
#~ msgid "Display column headers"			      <
#~ msgstr "Visualizza intestazioni di colonna"		      <
#~ msgid "Hide column headers"				      <
#~ msgstr "Nascondi le intestazioni di colonna"		      <
#~ msgid "Save as..."					      <
#~ msgstr "Salva come..."				      <
#~ msgid "Export data to different formats"		      <
#~ msgstr "Esporta dati in formati differenti"		      <
#~ msgid "Describe current data set"			      <
#~ msgstr "Descrive il set di dati corrente"		      <
#~ msgid "View current data in more detail"		      <
#~ msgstr "Visualizza i dati correnti più in dettaglio"	      <
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ja.gmo
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/ja.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/ja.po
# gnome-db ja.po						# gnome-db ja.po
# Copyright (C) 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc.		# Copyright (C) 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# Yuusuke Tahara <tahara gnome gr jp>, 2000.			# Yuusuke Tahara <tahara gnome gr jp>, 2000.
# Akira TAGOH <tagoh gnome gr jp>, 2000.			# Akira TAGOH <tagoh gnome gr jp>, 2000.
# Ryoichi INAGAKI <ryo1 bc wakwak com>, 2003,2004.		# Ryoichi INAGAKI <ryo1 bc wakwak com>, 2003,2004.
#								#
msgid ""							msgid ""
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: libgnomedb HEAD\n"				"Project-Id-Version: libgnomedb HEAD\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"					"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"			"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-07-10 22:52+0900\n"			"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-07-10 22:52+0900\n"
"Last-Translator: Ryoichi INAGAKI <ryo1 bc wakwak com>\n"	"Last-Translator: Ryoichi INAGAKI <ryo1 bc wakwak com>\n"
"Language-Team: Japanese <translation gnome gr jp>\n"		"Language-Team: Japanese <translation gnome gr jp>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"						"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"			"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"				"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co
msgid "Data Sources"						msgid "Data Sources"
msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹"						msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid
msgid "Providers"						msgid "Providers"
msgstr "ã??ã?­ã??ã?¤ã??"						msgstr "ã??ã?­ã??ã?¤ã??"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1
msgid "Configure your database environment"			msgid "Configure your database environment"
msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹ã?®ç?°å¢?設å®?ã??è¡?ã??ã?¾ã??"			msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹ã?®ç?°å¢?設å®?ã??è¡?ã??ã?¾ã??"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2
msgid "Database Access Properties "				msgid "Database Access Properties "
msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹ã?¢ã?¯ã?»ã?¹ã?®ã??ã?­ã??ã??ã?£"			msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹ã?¢ã?¯ã?»ã?¹ã?®ã??ã?­ã??ã??ã?£"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380
msgid "Name"							msgid "Name"
msgstr "å??å??"							msgstr "å??å??"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
msgid "Description"						msgid "Description"
msgstr "説æ??"							msgstr "説æ??"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182
msgid "Configured data sources in the system"			msgid "Configured data sources in the system"
msgstr "ã?·ã?¹ã??ã? ã?«ã??ã??設å®?æ¸?ã?®ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹"			msgstr "ã?·ã?¹ã??ã? ã?«ã??ã??設å®?æ¸?ã?®ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data sources are the means by which database connections are	"Data sources are the means by which database connections are
"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s	"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s
"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o	"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o
"name you identify the connections in the applications that m	"name you identify the connections in the applications that m
"DB for database access."					"DB for database access."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹ã?¯ GNOME-DB ã?«ã??ã??ã?¦ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹æ?¥ç¶?ã??è­?å?¥ã??ã??ã??	"ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹ã?¯ GNOME-DB ã?«ã??ã??ã?¦ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹æ?¥ç¶?ã??è­?å?¥ã??ã??ã??
"å®?ã?®ã??ã?­ã??ã?¤ã??/ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹ã?®çµ?ã?¿å??ã??ã??ã?¸ã?®æ?¥ç¶?ã?«å¿?è¦?ã?ªå?¨æ??	"å®?ã?®ã??ã?­ã??ã?¤ã??/ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹ã?®çµ?ã?¿å??ã??ã??ã?¸ã?®æ?¥ç¶?ã?«å¿?è¦?ã?ªå?¨æ??
"å­?ã??ã?¾ã??ï¼?GNOME-DB ã??å?©ç?¨ã??ã?¦ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹ã?«ã?¢ã?¯ã?»ã?¹ã??ã??ã?¢ã??	"å­?ã??ã?¾ã??ï¼?GNOME-DB ã??å?©ç?¨ã??ã?¦ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹ã?«ã?¢ã?¯ã?»ã?¹ã??ã??ã?¢ã??
"ã?®ä¸?æ??ã?ªå??å??ã??å?©ç?¨ã??ã?¦ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹æ?¥ç¶?ã??è­?å?¥ã??ã?¾ã??ï¼?"		"ã?®ä¸?æ??ã?ªå??å??ã??å?©ç?¨ã??ã?¦ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹æ?¥ç¶?ã??è­?å?¥ã??ã?¾ã??ï¼?"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"	msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"
msgstr "æ?¬å½?ã?«ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹ '%s' ã??å??é?¤ã??ã?¦ã??ã??ã??ã??ã?®ã?§ã??ã???"	msgstr "æ?¬å½?ã?«ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹ '%s' ã??å??é?¤ã??ã?¦ã??ã??ã??ã??ã?®ã?§ã??ã???"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104
msgid "Data Source Properties"					msgid "Data Source Properties"
msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹ã?®ã??ã?­ã??ã??ã?£"				msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹ã?®ã??ã?­ã??ã??ã?£"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132
msgid "Basic"							msgid "Basic"
msgstr "��"							msgstr "��"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Tables"							msgid "Tables"
msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã??ã?«"						msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã??ã?«"

#: control-center/main.c:92					#: control-center/main.c:92
msgid "No valid data source info was created"			msgid "No valid data source info was created"
msgstr "é?©å??ã?ªã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹æ??å ±ã??ä½?æ??ã??ã??ã?¾ã??ã??ã?§ã??ã??"		msgstr "é?©å??ã?ªã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹æ??å ±ã??ä½?æ??ã??ã??ã?¾ã??ã??ã?§ã??ã??"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218	#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218
msgid "New data source"						msgid "New data source"
msgstr "æ?°è¦?ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹"					msgstr "æ?°è¦?ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:215					#: control-center/main.c:215
msgid "Database Access Properties"				msgid "Database Access Properties"
msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹ã?¢ã?¯ã?»ã?¹ã?®ã??ã?­ã??ã??ã?£"			msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹ã?¢ã?¯ã?»ã?¹ã?®ã??ã?­ã??ã??ã?£"

#: control-center/provider-config.c:105				#: control-center/provider-config.c:105
msgid "Installed providers"					msgid "Installed providers"
msgstr "ã?¤ã?³ã?¹ã??ã?¼ã?«æ¸?ã?®ã??ã?­ã??ã?¤ã??"				msgstr "ã?¤ã?³ã?¹ã??ã?¼ã?«æ¸?ã?®ã??ã?­ã??ã?¤ã??"

#: control-center/provider-config.c:131				#: control-center/provider-config.c:131
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec	"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec
"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo	"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo
"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr	"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr
"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba	"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba
"etc."								"etc."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"ã??ã?­ã??ã?¤ã??ã?¯ç?¹å®?ã?®ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹ã?¸ã?®ã?¢ã?¯ã?»ã?¹æ??段ã??æ??ä¾?ã??ã??å¤?é?¨	"ã??ã?­ã??ã?¤ã??ã?¯ç?¹å®?ã?®ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹ã?¸ã?®ã?¢ã?¯ã?»ã?¹æ??段ã??æ??ä¾?ã??ã??å¤?é?¨
"ã??ã??ã?©ã?«ã??ã?®ã??ã?­ã??ã?¤ã??ã?¯ã??ã?¤ã??å?©ç?¨å?¯è?½ã?§, XML ã??ã?¡ã?¤ã?«ã?§ä¿?å­?	"ã??ã??ã?©ã?«ã??ã?®ã??ã?­ã??ã?¤ã??ã?¯ã??ã?¤ã??å?©ç?¨å?¯è?½ã?§, XML ã??ã?¡ã?¤ã?«ã?§ä¿?å­?
"ã?¹ã?¸ã?®ã?¢ã?¯ã?»ã?¹ã??ã??ã??ã?¨ã??ã?§ã??ã?¾ã??ï¼?ä»?ã?®ã??ã?­ã??ã?¤ã??ã?¯é??常 libgd	"ã?¹ã?¸ã?®ã?¢ã?¯ã?»ã?¹ã??ã??ã??ã?¨ã??ã?§ã??ã?¾ã??ï¼?ä»?ã?®ã??ã?­ã??ã?¤ã??ã?¯é??常 libgd
"é??å¸?ã??ã??ã?¦ã??ã?¦ PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Sybase, Interbase,	"é??å¸?ã??ã??ã?¦ã??ã?¦ PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Sybase, Interbase,
"ã?¾ã??."								"ã?¾ã??."

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1
msgid "Database connection parameters file"			msgid "Database connection parameters file"
msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹ã?®æ?¥ç¶?ã??ã?©ã?¡ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¡ã?¤ã?«"			msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹ã?®æ?¥ç¶?ã??ã?©ã?¡ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¡ã?¤ã?«"

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2
msgid "Documents"						msgid "Documents"
msgstr "ã??ã?­ã?¥ã?¡ã?³ã??"						msgstr "ã??ã?­ã?¥ã?¡ã?³ã??"

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3
msgid "SQL code viewer"						msgid "SQL code viewer"
msgstr "SQLã?³ã?¼ã??ã??ã?¥ã?¼ã?¯"					msgstr "SQLã?³ã?¼ã??ã??ã?¥ã?¼ã?¯"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1
msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"			msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"
msgstr "表ã?§å?©ç?¨ã??ã??ã??ã?©ã?³ã??"					msgstr "表ã?§å?©ç?¨ã??ã??ã??ã?©ã?³ã??"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2
msgid "Number of spaces per tab"				msgid "Number of spaces per tab"
msgstr "ã?¿ã??ã??ã??ã??ã?®ç©ºç?½ã?®æ?°"					msgstr "ã?¿ã??ã??ã??ã??ã?®ç©ºç?½ã?®æ?°"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3
msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"			msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"
msgstr "ã?½ã?¼ã?¹ã?¨ã??ã?£ã?¿ä¸?ã?§è¡?ç?ªå?·ã??表示ã??ã??"			msgstr "ã?½ã?¼ã?¹ã?¨ã??ã?£ã?¿ä¸?ã?§è¡?ç?ªå?·ã??表示ã??ã??"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4
msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"			msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"
msgstr "ã?½ã?¼ã?¹ã?³ã?¼ã??ã?¨ã??ã?£ã?¿ã?§å¼·èª¿è¡¨ç¤ºã??使ç?¨ã??ã??"		msgstr "ã?½ã?¼ã?¹ã?³ã?¼ã??ã?¨ã??ã?£ã?¿ã?§å¼·èª¿è¡¨ç¤ºã??使ç?¨ã??ã??"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60
msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"			msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"
msgstr "GNOME ã??ã?¹ã?¯ã??ã??ã??ç?¨ã?®ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹ã?µã?¼ã??ã?¹"		msgstr "GNOME ã??ã?¹ã?¯ã??ã??ã??ç?¨ã?®ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹ã?µã?¼ã??ã?¹"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1
msgid "About"							msgid "About"
msgstr "æ??å ±"							msgstr "æ??å ±"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2
msgid "About GNOME-DB"						msgid "About GNOME-DB"
msgstr "GNOME-DB ã?«ã?¤ã??ã?¦..."					msgstr "GNOME-DB ã?«ã?¤ã??ã?¦..."

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3
msgid "Close this window"					msgid "Close this window"
msgstr "ã??ã?®ã?¦ã?£ã?³ã??ã?¦ã??é??ã??ã??"					msgstr "ã??ã?®ã?¦ã?£ã?³ã??ã?¦ã??é??ã??ã??"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4
msgid "Create new entry"					msgid "Create new entry"
msgstr "æ?°è¦?ã?¨ã?³ã??ã?ªã??ä½?æ??"					msgstr "æ?°è¦?ã?¨ã?³ã??ã?ªã??ä½?æ??"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5
msgid "Delete selected items"					msgid "Delete selected items"
msgstr "é?¸æ??ã??ã??ã?¢ã?¤ã??ã? ã?®å??é?¤"					msgstr "é?¸æ??ã??ã??ã?¢ã?¤ã??ã? ã?®å??é?¤"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6
msgid "Deselect all items"					msgid "Deselect all items"
msgstr "å?¨ã?¢ã?¤ã??ã? ã?®é?¸æ??解é?¤"					msgstr "å?¨ã?¢ã?¤ã??ã? ã?®é?¸æ??解é?¤"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7
msgid "Edit properties for selected item"			msgid "Edit properties for selected item"
msgstr "é?¸æ??ã??ã??ã?¢ã?¤ã??ã? ã?®ã??ã?­ã??ã??ã?£ã??ç·¨é??ã??ã?¾ã??"		msgstr "é?¸æ??ã??ã??ã?¢ã?¤ã??ã? ã?®ã??ã?­ã??ã??ã?£ã??ç·¨é??ã??ã?¾ã??"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8
msgid "Save connection parameters to file"			msgid "Save connection parameters to file"
msgstr "æ?¥ç¶?ã??ã?©ã?¡ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã??ã?¡ã?¤ã?«ã?«ä¿?å­?ã??ã?¾ã??"			msgstr "æ?¥ç¶?ã??ã?©ã?¡ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã??ã?¡ã?¤ã?«ã?«ä¿?å­?ã??ã?¾ã??"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414
msgid "Select _All"						msgid "Select _All"
msgstr "ã??ã?¹ã?¦é?¸æ??(_A)"						msgstr "ã??ã?¹ã?¦é?¸æ??(_A)"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10
msgid "Select all items"					msgid "Select all items"
msgstr "ã??ã?¹ã?¦ã?®ã?¢ã?¤ã??ã? ã??é?¸æ??ã??ã?¾ã??"				msgstr "ã??ã?¹ã?¦ã?®ã?¢ã?¤ã??ã? ã??é?¸æ??ã??ã?¾ã??"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11
msgid "View data sources"					msgid "View data sources"
msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹ã?®è¡¨ç¤º"					msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹ã?®è¡¨ç¤º"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12
msgid "View providers"						msgid "View providers"
msgstr "ã??ã?­ã??ã?¤ã??ã?®è¡¨ç¤º"					msgstr "ã??ã?­ã??ã?¤ã??ã?®è¡¨ç¤º"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42
msgid "_Clear Selection"					msgid "_Clear Selection"
msgstr "é?¸æ??ã??ã??ã??ã?®ã??æ¶?å?»(_C)"					msgstr "é?¸æ??ã??ã??ã??ã?®ã??æ¶?å?»(_C)"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14
msgid "_Close"							msgid "_Close"
msgstr "é??ã??ã??(_C)"						msgstr "é??ã??ã??(_C)"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15
msgid "_Data Sources"						msgid "_Data Sources"
msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹(_D)"					msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹(_D)"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16
msgid "_Database"						msgid "_Database"
msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹(_D)"					msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹(_D)"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17
msgid "_Delete"							msgid "_Delete"
msgstr "å??é?¤(_D)"						msgstr "å??é?¤(_D)"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18
msgid "_Edit"							msgid "_Edit"
msgstr "ç·¨é??(_E)"						msgstr "ç·¨é??(_E)"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19
msgid "_Help"							msgid "_Help"
msgstr "ã??ã?«ã??(_H)"						msgstr "ã??ã?«ã??(_H)"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20
msgid "_New Data Source..."					msgid "_New Data Source..."
msgstr "æ?°è¦?ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹(_N)..."				msgstr "æ?°è¦?ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹(_N)..."

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21
msgid "_Properties"						msgid "_Properties"
msgstr "ã??ã?­ã??ã??ã?£(_P)"						msgstr "ã??ã?­ã??ã??ã?£(_P)"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22
msgid "_Providers"						msgid "_Providers"
msgstr "ã??ã?­ã??ã?¤ã??(_P)"						msgstr "ã??ã?­ã??ã?¤ã??(_P)"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23
msgid "_Save Connection"					msgid "_Save Connection"
msgstr "�����(_S)"						msgstr "�����(_S)"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24
msgid "_View"							msgid "_View"
msgstr "表示(_V)"						msgstr "表示(_V)"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76
msgid "Structure"						msgid "Structure"
msgstr "��"							msgstr "��"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73
msgid "Data"							msgid "Data"
msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿"							msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238
msgid "Not implemented yet!"					msgid "Not implemented yet!"
msgstr "ã?¾ã? å®?è£?ã??ã??ã?¦ã?¾ã??ã??!"					msgstr "ã?¾ã? å®?è£?ã??ã??ã?¦ã?¾ã??ã??!"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Database"						msgid "Database"
msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹"						msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540
msgid "Loading database schemas..."				msgid "Loading database schemas..."
msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹ã?¹ã?­ã?¼ã??ã??読ã?¿è¾¼ã?¿ä¸­..."			msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹ã?¹ã?­ã?¼ã??ã??読ã?¿è¾¼ã?¿ä¸­..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632
msgid "Refreshing data..."					msgid "Refreshing data..."
msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??å??読ã?¿è¾¼ã?¿ä¸­..."				msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??å??読ã?¿è¾¼ã?¿ä¸­..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688
msgid "Views"							msgid "Views"
msgstr "ã??ã?¥ã?¼"							msgstr "ã??ã?¥ã?¼"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691
msgid "Indexes"							msgid "Indexes"
msgstr "ã?¤ã?³ã??ã??ã?¯ã?¹"						msgstr "ã?¤ã?³ã??ã??ã?¯ã?¹"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Sequences"						msgid "Sequences"
msgstr "��"							msgstr "��"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Procedures"						msgid "Procedures"
msgstr "ã??ã?­ã?·ã?¼ã?¸ã?£"						msgstr "ã??ã?­ã?·ã?¼ã?¸ã?£"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700
msgid "Triggers"						msgid "Triggers"
msgstr "ã??ã?ªã?¬"							msgstr "ã??ã?ªã?¬"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Aggregates"						msgid "Aggregates"
msgstr "��"							msgstr "��"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Types"							msgid "Types"
msgstr "å??"							msgstr "å??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140
msgid "Could not query CORBA components"			msgid "Could not query CORBA components"
msgstr "CORBAã?³ã?³ã??ã?¼ã??ã?³ã??ã?«å??ã??å??ã??ã??ã??ã??ã?¨ã??ã?§ã??ã?¾ã??ã??"	msgstr "CORBAã?³ã?³ã??ã?¼ã??ã?³ã??ã?«å??ã??å??ã??ã??ã??ã??ã?¨ã??ã?§ã??ã?¾ã??ã??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209
msgid "ID"							msgid "ID"
msgstr "ID"							msgstr "ID"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "Location"						msgid "Location"
msgstr "ä½?ç½®"							msgstr "ä½?ç½®"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212
msgid "Username"						msgid "Username"
msgstr "ã?¦ã?¼ã?¶å??"						msgstr "ã?¦ã?¼ã?¶å??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213
msgid "Hostname"						msgid "Hostname"
msgstr "ã??ã?¹ã??å??"						msgstr "ã??ã?¹ã??å??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214
msgid "Domain"							msgid "Domain"
msgstr "ã??ã?¡ã?¤ã?³"						msgstr "ã??ã?¡ã?¤ã?³"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"			msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"
msgstr "GconfEntry ã?§æ?ªã?µã??ã?¼ã??ã?®å??ã?§ã??: %d"			msgstr "GconfEntry ã?§æ?ªã?µã??ã?¼ã??ã?®å??ã?§ã??: %d"

#. create widgets						#. create widgets
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97
msgid "Settings"						msgid "Settings"
msgstr "設�"							msgstr "設�"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103
msgid "Data source name"					msgid "Data source name"
msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹å??"						msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹å??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109
msgid "Connection string"					msgid "Connection string"
msgstr "æ?¥ç¶?æ??å­?å??"						msgstr "æ?¥ç¶?æ??å­?å??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115
msgid "Provider"						msgid "Provider"
msgstr "ã??ã?­ã??ã?¤ã??"						msgstr "ã??ã?­ã??ã?¤ã??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121
msgid "User name"						msgid "User name"
msgstr "ã?¦ã?¼ã?¶å??"						msgstr "ã?¦ã?¼ã?¶å??"

#. create feature list						#. create feature list
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128
msgid "Features"						msgid "Features"
msgstr "æ©?è?½"							msgstr "æ©?è?½"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190
msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"		msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"
msgstr "æ?°è¦?ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹ã?®å??å??ã??æ??å®?ã??ã?ªã??ã??ã?°ã?ªã??ã?¾ã??ã??"	msgstr "æ?°è¦?ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹ã?®å??å??ã??æ??å®?ã??ã?ªã??ã??ã?°ã?ªã??ã?¾ã??ã??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197
msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac	msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac
msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹å??ã?¯ã?¢ã?«ã??ã?¡ã??ã??ã??ã??æ?°å­?ã?§ã?ªã??ã??ã?°ã?ªã??ã?¾	msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹å??ã?¯ã?¢ã?«ã??ã?¡ã??ã??ã??ã??æ?°å­?ã?§ã?ªã??ã??ã?°ã?ªã??ã?¾

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206
msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th	msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th
msgstr "æ?¢å­?ã?®ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹ã??ã??ã?§ã?«å??ã??å??å??ã?§ç?»é?²ã??ã??ã?¦ã??ã?¾ã??"	msgstr "æ?¢å­?ã?®ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹ã??ã??ã?§ã?«å??ã??å??å??ã?§ç?»é?²ã??ã??ã?¦ã??ã?¾ã??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213
msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"			msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"
msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹å??ã?«ç©ºç?½ã??å?«ã??ã??ã??ã?¨ã?¯ã?§ã??ã?¾ã??ã??"		msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹å??ã?«ç©ºç?½ã??å?«ã??ã??ã??ã?¨ã?¯ã?§ã??ã?¾ã??ã??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217
msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n	msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n
msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹å??ã?«ã?¯ ASCII ã?³ã?¼ã??ã?¨æ?°å­?ã? ã??ã??使ã??ã?¾ã??"	msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹å??ã?«ã?¯ ASCII ã?³ã?¼ã??ã?¨æ?°å­?ã? ã??ã??使ã??ã?¾ã??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225
msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"	msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"
msgstr "æ?°è¦?ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹ç?¨ã?®ã??ã?­ã??ã?¤ã??ã??é?¸æ??ã??ã?ªã??ã??ã?°ã?ªã??ã?¾	msgstr "æ?°è¦?ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹ç?¨ã?®ã??ã?­ã??ã?¤ã??ã??é?¸æ??ã??ã?ªã??ã??ã?°ã?ªã??ã?¾

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233
msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"		msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"
msgstr "設å®?ã?«ã??ã??ã??ã?­ã??ã?¤ã??ã??è¦?ã?¤ã??ã??ã?¾ã??ã??"			msgstr "設å®?ã?«ã??ã??ã??ã?­ã??ã?¤ã??ã??è¦?ã?¤ã??ã??ã?¾ã??ã??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391
msgid "Add a new data source..."				msgid "Add a new data source..."
msgstr "æ?°è¦?ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹ã?®è¿½å? ..."				msgstr "æ?°è¦?ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹ã?®è¿½å? ..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392
msgid ""							msgid ""
"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"		"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"
"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"		"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"
"installation. Just follow the steps!"				"installation. Just follow the steps!"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"ã??ã?®ã?¦ã?£ã?¶ã?¼ã??ã?¯ GNOME-DB ã?§æ?°è¦?ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹ã??ä½?æ??ã??ã??ã??ã?­ã?»	"ã??ã?®ã?¦ã?£ã?¶ã?¼ã??ã?¯ GNOME-DB ã?§æ?°è¦?ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹ã??ä½?æ??ã??ã??ã??ã?­ã?»
"ã?¹ã??ã??ã??ã?«ã??ã? å¾?ã??ã? ã??ã?§ã??!"					"ã?¹ã??ã??ã??ã?«ã??ã? å¾?ã??ã? ã??ã?§ã??!"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404
msgid "General Information"					msgid "General Information"
msgstr "ä¸?è?¬ç??ã?ªæ??å ±"						msgstr "ä¸?è?¬ç??ã?ªæ??å ±"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the basic information\n"	"The following fields represent the basic information\n"
"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n	"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n
"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"	"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"
"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"	"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"
"the default one."						"the default one."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"以ä¸?ã?®ã??ã?£ã?¼ã?«ã??ã?¯æ?°è¦?ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹ã?®å?ºæ?¬ç??ã?ªæ??å ±ã??表ã??ã?¦ã??ã?¾	"以ä¸?ã?®ã??ã?£ã?¼ã?«ã??ã?¯æ?°è¦?ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹ã?®å?ºæ?¬ç??ã?ªæ??å ±ã??表ã??ã?¦ã??ã?¾
"ã??ã?®ã??ã?¡ã?®ã??ã??ã?¤ã??ï¼?説æ??, ã?¦ã?¼ã?¶å??ï¼?ã?¯ã?ªã??ã?·ã?§ã?³ã?§ã??ã??ï¼?ã??ã?®	"ã??ã?®ã??ã?¡ã?®ã??ã??ã?¤ã??ï¼?説æ??, ã?¦ã?¼ã?¶å??ï¼?ã?¯ã?ªã??ã?·ã?§ã?³ã?§ã??ã??ï¼?ã??ã?®
"å¿?é ?ã?®æ??å ±ã?§ã??ï¼?ã?©ã?®ã??ã?­ã??ã?¤ã??ã??使ã?£ã?¦ã??ã??ã?®ã??ã??ã??ã??ã?ªã??ã?®ã?§	"å¿?é ?ã?®æ??å ±ã?§ã??ï¼?ã?©ã?®ã??ã?­ã??ã?¤ã??ã??使ã?£ã?¦ã??ã??ã?®ã??ã??ã??ã??ã?ªã??ã?®ã?§
"ã??ã??ã?©ã?«ã??ã?®ã??ã?®ã??ã??ã? é?¸æ??ã??ã?¦ã??ã? ã??ã??."			"ã??ã??ã?©ã?«ã??ã?®ã??ã?®ã??ã??ã? é?¸æ??ã??ã?¦ã??ã? ã??ã??."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104
msgid "Data source _name:"					msgid "Data source _name:"
msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹å??(_N):"					msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹å??(_N):"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114
msgid "_Provider:"						msgid "_Provider:"
msgstr "ã??ã?­ã??ã?¤ã??(_P):"					msgstr "ã??ã?­ã??ã?¤ã??(_P):"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133
msgid "_Description:"						msgid "_Description:"
msgstr "��(_D):"						msgstr "��(_D):"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142
msgid "_Username:"						msgid "_Username:"
msgstr "ã?¦ã?¼ã?¶å??(_U):"						msgstr "ã?¦ã?¼ã?¶å??(_U):"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151
msgid "P_assword:"						msgid "P_assword:"
msgstr "ã??ã?¹ã?¯ã?¼ã??(_A):"					msgstr "ã??ã?¹ã?¯ã?¼ã??(_A):"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454
msgid "Provider Parameters"					msgid "Provider Parameters"
msgstr "ã??ã?­ã??ã?¤ã??ã?®ã??ã?©ã?¡ã?¼ã?¿"					msgstr "ã??ã?­ã??ã?¤ã??ã?®ã??ã?©ã?¡ã?¼ã?¿"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the information needed by the	"The following fields represent the information needed by the
"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n	"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n
"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\	"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\
"the manual for more information."				"the manual for more information."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"以ä¸?ã?®ã??ã?£ã?¼ã?«ã??ã?¯å??ã?®ã??ã?¼ã?¸ã?§é?¸æ??ã??ã??ã??ã?­ã??ã?¤ã??ã?¨ã?®æ?¥ç¶?ã??é??	"以ä¸?ã?®ã??ã?£ã?¼ã?«ã??ã?¯å??ã?®ã??ã?¼ã?¸ã?§é?¸æ??ã??ã??ã??ã?­ã??ã?¤ã??ã?¨ã?®æ?¥ç¶?ã??é??
"å¿?è¦?ã?ªæ??å ±ã??表ã??ã?¦ã??ã?¾ã??ï¼?ã??ã?®æ??å ±ã?¯ã??ã?­ã??ã?¤ã??ã??ã?¨ã?«ç?¹å®?ã?®å½¢	"å¿?è¦?ã?ªæ??å ±ã??表ã??ã?¦ã??ã?¾ã??ï¼?ã??ã?®æ??å ±ã?¯ã??ã?­ã??ã?¤ã??ã??ã?¨ã?«ç?¹å®?ã?®å½¢
"ã??ã??ã??ã??ã?«ã?¤ã??ã?¦ã?®è©³ã??ã??æ??å ±ã?¯ã??ã??ã?¥ã?¢ã?«ã??確èª?ã??ã?¦ã??ã? ã??ã??ï¼?	"ã??ã??ã??ã??ã?«ã?¤ã??ã?¦ã?®è©³ã??ã??æ??å ±ã?¯ã??ã??ã?¥ã?¢ã?«ã??確èª?ã??ã?¦ã??ã? ã??ã??ï¼?

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481
msgid "All information retrieved"				msgid "All information retrieved"
msgstr "ã??ã?¹ã?¦ã?®æ??å ±ã??ã??ã??ã??ã?¾ã??ã??"				msgstr "ã??ã?¹ã?¦ã?®æ??å ±ã??ã??ã??ã??ã?¾ã??ã??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482
msgid ""							msgid ""
"All information needed to create a new data source\n"		"All information needed to create a new data source\n"
"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"		"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"
"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"	"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"
"just select it when asked for a data source."			"just select it when asked for a data source."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"æ?°ã??ã??ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹ã??ä½?æ??ã??ã??ã?®ã?«å¿?è¦?ã?ªã??ã?¹ã?¦ã?®æ??å ±ã??\n"	"æ?°ã??ã??ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹ã??ä½?æ??ã??ã??ã?®ã?«å¿?è¦?ã?ªã??ã?¹ã?¦ã?®æ??å ±ã??\n"
"é??ã?¾ã??ã?¾ã??ã??ï¼?ã??ã?®ã??ã?¤ã?¢ã?­ã?°ã??é??ã??ã??ã?«ã?¯ 'é?©ç?¨' ã??\n"		"é??ã?¾ã??ã?¾ã??ã??ï¼?ã??ã?®ã??ã?¤ã?¢ã?­ã?°ã??é??ã??ã??ã?«ã?¯ 'é?©ç?¨' ã??\n"
"ã?¯ã?ªã??ã?¯ã??ã?¦ã??ã? ã??ã??ï¼?æ?°ã??ã??ä½?æ??ã??ã??ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹ã??é??ã??ã?«ã?¯ï¼?	"ã?¯ã?ªã??ã?¯ã??ã?¦ã??ã? ã??ã??ï¼?æ?°ã??ã??ä½?æ??ã??ã??ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹ã??é??ã??ã?«ã?¯ï¼?
"å??ã??å??ã??ã??ã??ã??æ??ã?«é?¸æ??ã??ã??ã? ã??ã?§ã??."				"å??ã??å??ã??ã??ã??ã??æ??ã?«é?¸æ??ã??ã??ã? ã??ã?§ã??."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124
msgid "Connection _string:"					msgid "Connection _string:"
msgstr "æ?¥ç¶?æ??å­?å??(_S):"					msgstr "æ?¥ç¶?æ??å­?å??(_S):"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4
msgid "Error"							msgid "Error"
msgstr "���"							msgstr "���"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.
msgid "Show detail >>"						msgid "Show detail >>"
msgstr "詳細ã??表示 >>"						msgstr "詳細ã??表示 >>"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122
msgid "<< Hide detail"						msgid "<< Hide detail"
msgstr "<< 詳細ã??é? ã??"						msgstr "<< 詳細ã??é? ã??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191
msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"	msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"
msgstr "以ä¸?ã?®ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹ã?§ã?¨ã?©ã?¼ã??ç?ºç??ã??ã?¾ã??ã??"		msgstr "以ä¸?ã?®ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹ã?§ã?¨ã?©ã?¼ã??ç?ºç??ã??ã?¾ã??ã??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196
msgid "Error number"						msgid "Error number"
msgstr "�����"						msgstr "�����"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227
msgid "Details"							msgid "Details"
msgstr "詳細"							msgstr "詳細"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234
msgid "Source"							msgid "Source"
msgstr "���"							msgstr "���"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241
msgid "SQL state"						msgid "SQL state"
msgstr "SQL ç?¶æ??"						msgstr "SQL ç?¶æ??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108
msgid "_Field:"							msgid "_Field:"
msgstr "ã??ã?£ã?¼ã?«ã??(_F):"					msgstr "ã??ã?£ã?¼ã?«ã??(_F):"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118
msgid "_Text:"							msgid "_Text:"
msgstr "ã??ã?­ã?¹ã??(_T):"						msgstr "ã??ã?­ã?¹ã??(_T):"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308
msgid "No records"						msgid "No records"
msgstr "ã?¬ã?³ã?¼ã??ã?ªã??"						msgstr "ã?¬ã?³ã?¼ã??ã?ªã??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Record %d of %d"						msgid "Record %d of %d"
msgstr "ã?¬ã?³ã?¼ã?? %d / %d"					msgstr "ã?¬ã?³ã?¼ã?? %d / %d"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113
msgid "Recordset description"					msgid "Recordset description"
msgstr "ã?¬ã?³ã?¼ã??群ã?®æ¦?è¦?"					msgstr "ã?¬ã?³ã?¼ã??群ã?®æ¦?è¦?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid ""							msgid ""
"File '%s' already exists.\n"					"File '%s' already exists.\n"
"Do you want to overwrite it?"					"Do you want to overwrite it?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"ã??ã?¡ã?¤ã?« '%s' ã?¯ã??ã?§ã?«å­?å?¨ã??ã?¾ã??.\n"				"ã??ã?¡ã?¤ã?« '%s' ã?¯ã??ã?§ã?«å­?å?¨ã??ã?¾ã??.\n"
"ä¸?æ?¸ã??ã??ã?¦ã??ã??ã??ã??ã?§ã??ã???"					"ä¸?æ?¸ã??ã??ã?¦ã??ã??ã??ã??ã?§ã??ã???"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149
msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."		msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."
msgstr "ã??ã?¯ã??ã??ã??é?¸æ??ã??ã??ã?¨, å??容ã?¯å¤±ã??ã??ã?¾ã??."		msgstr "ã??ã?¯ã??ã??ã??é?¸æ??ã??ã??ã?¨, å??容ã?¯å¤±ã??ã??ã?¾ã??."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Could not save file %s"					msgid "Could not save file %s"
msgstr "ã??ã?¡ã?¤ã?« %s ã??ä¿?å­?ã??ã??ã??ã?¨ã??å?ºæ?¥ã?¾ã??ã??ã?§ã??ã??"		msgstr "ã??ã?¡ã?¤ã?« %s ã??ä¿?å­?ã??ã??ã??ã?¨ã??å?ºæ?¥ã?¾ã??ã??ã?§ã??ã??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224
msgid "You must specify a file name"				msgid "You must specify a file name"
msgstr "ã??ã?¡ã?¤ã?«å??ã??ã?¤ã??ã?ªã??ã??ã?°ã?ªã??ã?¾ã??ã??"			msgstr "ã??ã?¡ã?¤ã?«å??ã??ã?¤ã??ã?ªã??ã??ã?°ã?ªã??ã?¾ã??ã??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230
msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"		msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"
msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??å¤?æ??中ã?«ç©ºã?®ã??ã?¡ã?¤ã?«ã??å??å¾?ã??ã?¾ã??ã??"		msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??å¤?æ??中ã?«ç©ºã?®ã??ã?¡ã?¤ã?«ã??å??å¾?ã??ã?¾ã??ã??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261
msgid "Saving Model"						msgid "Saving Model"
msgstr "ã?¢ã??ã?«ã??ä¿?å­?中"						msgstr "ã?¢ã??ã?«ã??ä¿?å­?中"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272
msgid "File _name:"						msgid "File _name:"
msgstr "ã??ã?¡ã?¤ã?«å??(_N):"					msgstr "ã??ã?¡ã?¤ã?«å??(_N):"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276
msgid "Select File"						msgid "Select File"
msgstr "ã??ã?¡ã?¤ã?«é?¸æ??"						msgstr "ã??ã?¡ã?¤ã?«é?¸æ??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283
msgid "File _type:"						msgid "File _type:"
msgstr "ã??ã?¡ã?¤ã?«å½¢å¼?(_T):"					msgstr "ã??ã?¡ã?¤ã?«å½¢å¼?(_T):"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291
msgid "Tab-delimited"						msgid "Tab-delimited"
msgstr "ã?¿ã??å?ºå??ã??"						msgstr "ã?¿ã??å?ºå??ã??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294
msgid "Comma-delimited"						msgid "Comma-delimited"
msgstr "ã?«ã?³ã??å?ºå??ã??"						msgstr "ã?«ã?³ã??å?ºå??ã??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:
msgid "XML"							msgid "XML"
msgstr "XML"							msgstr "XML"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355
msgid "View detail"						msgid "View detail"
msgstr "詳細表示"						msgstr "詳細表示"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427
msgid "Show Column _Titles"					msgid "Show Column _Titles"
msgstr "ã?«ã?©ã? ã?¿ã?¤ã??ã?«ã?®è¡¨ç¤º(_T)"				msgstr "ã?«ã?©ã? ã?¿ã?¤ã??ã?«ã?®è¡¨ç¤º(_T)"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442
msgid "Describe"						msgid "Describe"
msgstr "��"							msgstr "��"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443
msgid "View detail..."						msgid "View detail..."
msgstr "詳細表示..."						msgstr "詳細表示..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614
msgid "Title"							msgid "Title"
msgstr "ã?¿ã?¤ã??ã?«"						msgstr "ã?¿ã?¤ã??ã?«"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48
msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"	msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"
msgstr "ã??ã?§ã?«å??æ??å??æ¸?ã?¿ã?®ã?¯ã?©ã?¤ã?¢ã?³ã??ã??å??æ??å??ã??ã??ã??ã?¨ã??ã?¦ã??	msgstr "ã??ã?§ã?«å??æ??å??æ¸?ã?¿ã?®ã?¯ã?©ã?¤ã?¢ã?³ã??ã??å??æ??å??ã??ã??ã??ã?¨ã??ã?¦ã??

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"		"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"
"to a data source"						"to a data source"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹ã?«æ?¥ç¶?ã??ã??ã??ã??ã?®å¼?æ?°ã??以ä¸?ã?«\n"			"ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹ã?«æ?¥ç¶?ã??ã??ã??ã??ã?®å¼?æ?°ã??以ä¸?ã?«\n"
"å?¥å??ã??ã?¦ã??ã? ã??ã??"						"å?¥å??ã??ã?¦ã??ã? ã??ã??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253
msgid "Data Source:"						msgid "Data Source:"
msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹:"						msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270
msgid "Username:"						msgid "Username:"
msgstr "ã?¦ã?¼ã?¶å??:"						msgstr "ã?¦ã?¼ã?¶å??:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279
msgid "Password:"						msgid "Password:"
msgstr "ã??ã?¹ã?¯ã?¼ã??:"						msgstr "ã??ã?¹ã?¯ã?¼ã??:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69
msgid "Fields"							msgid "Fields"
msgstr "ã??ã?£ã?¼ã?«ã??"						msgstr "ã??ã?£ã?¼ã?«ã??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30
msgid "Commit"							msgid "Commit"
msgstr "ã?³ã??ã??ã??"						msgstr "ã?³ã??ã??ã??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31
msgid "Connect"							msgid "Connect"
msgstr "��"							msgstr "��"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33
msgid "Designer"						msgid "Designer"
msgstr "ã??ã?¶ã?¤ã??"						msgstr "ã??ã?¶ã?¤ã??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34
msgid "Disconnect"						msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr "å??æ?­"							msgstr "å??æ?­"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35
msgid "NoTransaction"						msgid "NoTransaction"
msgstr "ã??ã?©ã?³ã?¶ã?¯ã?·ã?§ã?³ç?¡ã??"					msgstr "ã??ã?©ã?³ã?¶ã?¯ã?·ã?§ã?³ç?¡ã??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37
msgid "Query"							msgid "Query"
msgstr "���"							msgstr "���"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38
msgid "Rollback"						msgid "Rollback"
msgstr "ã?­ã?¼ã?«ã??ã??ã?¯"						msgstr "ã?­ã?¼ã?«ã??ã??ã?¯"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40
msgid "SQL"							msgid "SQL"
msgstr "SQL"							msgstr "SQL"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43
msgid "WithinTransaction"					msgid "WithinTransaction"
msgstr "ã??ã?©ã?³ã?¶ã?¯ã?·ã?§ã?³ä¸­"					msgstr "ã??ã?©ã?³ã?¶ã?¯ã?·ã?§ã?³ä¸­"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Error: %s"						msgid "Error: %s"
msgstr "���: %s"						msgstr "���: %s"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79
msgid "Table name"						msgid "Table name"
msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã??ã?«å??"						msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã??ã?«å??"

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93			#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Login for %s"						msgid "Login for %s"
msgstr "%s �����"						msgstr "%s �����"

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95					#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95
msgid "Login to database"					msgid "Login to database"
msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹ã?¸ã?­ã?°ã?¤ã?³"					msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹ã?¸ã?­ã?°ã?¤ã?³"

#: vfs/libmain.c:71						#: vfs/libmain.c:71
msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"				msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"
msgstr "GNOME VFS ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹: ã?¢ã?¸ã?¥ã?¼ã?«"			msgstr "GNOME VFS ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹: ã?¢ã?¸ã?¥ã?¼ã?«"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40
msgid "Table Properties"					msgid "Table Properties"
msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã??ã?«ã?®ã??ã?­ã??ã??ã?£"					msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã??ã?«ã?®ã??ã?­ã??ã??ã?£"

#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47
msgid "Table Name"						msgid "Table Name"
msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã??ã?«å??"						msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã??ã?«å??"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155
msgid "New"							msgid "New"
msgstr "��"							msgstr "��"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156
msgid "Create new table"					msgid "Create new table"
msgstr "æ?°è¦?ã??ã?¼ã??ã?«ã??ä½?æ??ã??ã?¾ã??"				msgstr "æ?°è¦?ã??ã?¼ã??ã?«ã??ä½?æ??ã??ã?¾ã??"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161
msgid "Properties"						msgid "Properties"
msgstr "ã??ã?­ã??ã??ã?£"						msgstr "ã??ã?­ã??ã??ã?£"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162
msgid "View table properties"					msgid "View table properties"
msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã??ã?«ã?®ã??ã?­ã??ã??ã?£ã??表示ã??ã?¾ã??"			msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã??ã?«ã?®ã??ã?­ã??ã??ã?£ã??表示ã??ã?¾ã??"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
msgid "UID"							msgid "UID"
msgstr "UID"							msgstr "UID"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "calendar"						msgid "calendar"
msgstr "ã?«ã?¬ã?³ã??ã?¼"						msgstr "ã?«ã?¬ã?³ã??ã?¼"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "summary"							msgid "summary"
msgstr "��"							msgstr "��"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "Summary"							msgid "Summary"
msgstr "��"							msgstr "��"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "location"						msgid "location"
msgstr "å ´æ??"							msgstr "å ´æ??"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "dtstart"							msgid "dtstart"
msgstr "dtstart"						msgstr "dtstart"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
msgid "Start time"						msgid "Start time"
msgstr "é??å§?æ??é??"						msgstr "é??å§?æ??é??"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "dtend"							msgid "dtend"
msgstr "dtend"							msgstr "dtend"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "End time"						msgid "End time"
msgstr "çµ?äº?æ??é??"						msgstr "çµ?äº?æ??é??"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
msgid "description"						msgid "description"
msgstr "説æ??"							msgstr "説æ??"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "classification"						msgid "classification"
msgstr "å?ºå??"							msgstr "å?ºå??"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "Classification"						msgid "Classification"
msgstr "å?ºå??"							msgstr "å?ºå??"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "transparency"						msgid "transparency"
msgstr "é??é??æ?§"							msgstr "é??é??æ?§"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "Transparency"						msgid "Transparency"
msgstr "é??é??æ?§"							msgstr "é??é??æ?§"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "categories"						msgid "categories"
msgstr "ã?«ã??ã?´ã?ª"						msgstr "ã?«ã??ã?´ã?ª"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "Categories"						msgid "Categories"
msgstr "ã?«ã??ã?´ã?ª"						msgstr "ã?«ã??ã?´ã?ª"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "tasks"							msgid "tasks"
msgstr "���"							msgstr "���"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "due"							msgid "due"
msgstr "æ??é??"							msgstr "æ??é??"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "Due date"						msgid "Due date"
msgstr "æ??æ?¥"							msgstr "æ??æ?¥"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "Start date"						msgid "Start date"
msgstr "é??å§?æ?¥ä»?"						msgstr "é??å§?æ?¥ä»?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355
msgid "Public"							msgid "Public"
msgstr "å?¬é??"							msgstr "å?¬é??"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358
msgid "Private"							msgid "Private"
msgstr "é??å?¬é??"							msgstr "é??å?¬é??"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361
msgid "Confidential"						msgid "Confidential"
msgstr "極�"							msgstr "極�"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63
msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"		msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"
msgstr "ã??ã??ã?©ã?«ã??ã?®ã?«ã?¬ã?³ã??ã?¼ã??ã?©ã?«ã??ã??é??ã??ã?¾ã??ã??"		msgstr "ã??ã??ã?©ã?«ã??ã?®ã?«ã?¬ã?³ã??ã?¼ã??ã?©ã?«ã??ã??é??ã??ã?¾ã??ã??"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66
msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"			msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"
msgstr "ã??ã??ã?©ã?«ã??ã?®ã?¿ã?¹ã?¯ã??ã?©ã?«ã??ã??é??ã??ã?¾ã??ã??"			msgstr "ã??ã??ã?©ã?«ã??ã?®ã?¿ã?¹ã?¯ã??ã?©ã?«ã??ã??é??ã??ã?¾ã??ã??"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80
msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta	msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta
msgstr "ã??ã??ã?©ã?«ã??ã?®é?£çµ¡å??ã??ã?©ã?«ã??ã?«ã?¢ã?¯ã?»ã?¹ã??ã??ã?«ã?¯èª?証ã??å¿?	msgstr "ã??ã??ã?©ã?«ã??ã?®é?£çµ¡å??ã??ã?©ã?«ã??ã?«ã?¢ã?¯ã?»ã?¹ã??ã??ã?«ã?¯èª?証ã??å¿?

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83
msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"		msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"
msgstr "ã??ã??ã?©ã?«ã??ã?®é?£çµ¡å??ã??ã?©ã?«ã?¿ã??é??ã??ã?¾ã??ã??"			msgstr "ã??ã??ã?©ã?«ã??ã?®é?£çµ¡å??ã??ã?©ã?«ã?¿ã??é??ã??ã?¾ã??ã??"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100
msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"				msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"
msgstr "Bonobo ã??å??æ??å??ã?§ã??ã?¾ã??ã??ã?§ã??ã??"			msgstr "Bonobo ã??å??æ??å??ã?§ã??ã?¾ã??ã??ã?§ã??ã??"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212
msgid "Field name"						msgid "Field name"
msgstr "ã??ã?£ã?¼ã?«ã??å??"						msgstr "ã??ã?£ã?¼ã?«ã??å??"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213
msgid "Data type"						msgid "Data type"
msgstr "æ?¥ä»?ã?®å??"						msgstr "æ?¥ä»?ã?®å??"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214
msgid "Size"							msgid "Size"
msgstr "���"							msgstr "���"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215
msgid "Scale"							msgid "Scale"
msgstr "����"						msgstr "����"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216
msgid "Not null?"						msgid "Not null?"
msgstr "nullã?§ã?ªã???"						msgstr "nullã?§ã?ªã???"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217
msgid "Primary key?"						msgid "Primary key?"
msgstr "主��?"						msgstr "主��?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218
msgid "Unique index?"						msgid "Unique index?"
msgstr "ä¸?æ??ã?ªã?¤ã?³ã??ã??ã?¯ã?¹?"					msgstr "ä¸?æ??ã?ªã?¤ã?³ã??ã??ã?¯ã?¹?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219
msgid "References"						msgid "References"
msgstr "å??ç?§"							msgstr "å??ç?§"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220
msgid "Default value"						msgid "Default value"
msgstr "ã??ã??ã?©ã?«ã??ã?®å?¤"						msgstr "ã??ã??ã?©ã?«ã??ã?®å?¤"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239
msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l	msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l
msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã??ã?«å??ã??å¿?è¦?ã?§ã??ã??ã??ã?©ã?¡ã?¼ã?¿ã?ªã?¹ã??ã?§ã?¯æ??å®?ã??ã??ã?¦	msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã??ã?«å??ã??å¿?è¦?ã?§ã??ã??ã??ã?©ã?¡ã?¼ã?¿ã?ªã?¹ã??ã?§ã?¯æ??å®?ã??ã??ã?¦

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Table %s does not exist"					msgid "Table %s does not exist"
msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã??ã?« %s ã?¯å­?å?¨ã??ã?¾ã??ã??"				msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã??ã?« %s ã?¯å­?å?¨ã??ã?¾ã??ã??"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318
msgid "Scheduled events"					msgid "Scheduled events"
msgstr "äº?å®?ã??ã??ã?¦ã??ã??å?ºæ?¥äº?"					msgstr "äº?å®?ã??ã??ã?¦ã??ã??å?ºæ?¥äº?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321
msgid "TODO list"						msgid "TODO list"
msgstr "TODO ã?ªã?¹ã??"						msgstr "TODO ã?ªã?¹ã??"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375
msgid "Owner"							msgid "Owner"
msgstr "æ??æ??è??"							msgstr "æ??æ??è??"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376
msgid "Comments"						msgid "Comments"
msgstr "ã?³ã?¡ã?³ã??"						msgstr "ã?³ã?¡ã?³ã??"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374
msgid "Type"							msgid "Type"
msgstr "å??"							msgstr "å??"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377
msgid "GDA type"						msgid "GDA type"
msgstr "GDA å??"							msgstr "GDA å??"

#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id	#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id
#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database	#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database
#. we can easily access that information			#. we can easily access that information
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382
msgid "local"							msgid "local"
msgstr "����"						msgstr "����"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217
msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹ã?®ä½?æ??ã?¯ã?¾ã? ã?µã??ã?¼ã??ã??ã?¦ã??ã?¾ã??ã??"		msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹ã?®ä½?æ??ã?¯ã?¾ã? ã?µã??ã?¼ã??ã??ã?¦ã??ã?¾ã??ã??"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230
msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹ã?®å??é?¤ã?¯ã?¾ã? ã?µã??ã?¼ã??ã??ã?¦ã??ã?¾ã??ã??"		msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹ã?®å??é?¤ã?¯ã?¾ã? ã?µã??ã?¼ã??ã??ã?¦ã??ã?¾ã??ã??"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244
msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"			msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"
msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã??ã?«ã?¹ã?­ã?¼ã??ã??æ¤?ç´¢ã?§ã??ã?¾ã??ã??ã?§ã??ã??"			msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã??ã?«ã?¹ã?­ã?¼ã??ã??æ¤?ç´¢ã?§ã??ã?¾ã??ã??ã?§ã??ã??"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268
msgid "Invalid SQL command"					msgid "Invalid SQL command"
msgstr "ä¸?æ­£ã?ª SQL ã?³ã??ã?³ã??ã?§ã??"				msgstr "ä¸?æ­£ã?ª SQL ã?³ã??ã?³ã??ã?§ã??"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353
msgid "Transactions are not supported"				msgid "Transactions are not supported"
msgstr "ã??ã?©ã?³ã?¶ã?¯ã?·ã?§ã?³ã?¯ã?µã??ã?¼ã??ã??ã?¦ã??ã?¾ã??ã??"			msgstr "ã??ã?©ã?³ã?¶ã?¯ã?·ã?§ã?³ã?¯ã?µã??ã?¼ã??ã??ã?¦ã??ã?¾ã??ã??"

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41
msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"		msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"
msgstr "Ximian Evolution ã?®å??人ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?«ã?¢ã?¯ã?»ã?¹ã??ã??ã??ã??ã?®ã??ã?­	msgstr "Ximian Evolution ã?®å??人ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?«ã?¢ã?¯ã?»ã?¹ã??ã??ã??ã??ã?®ã??ã?­

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task	"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Evolution ã?®ã??ã??ã?©ã?«ã??ã?«ã?¬ã?³ã??ã?¼, ã?¿ã?¹ã?¯, é?£çµ¡å??ã?«ã?¢ã?¯ã?»ã?¹ã??	"Evolution ã?®ã??ã??ã?©ã?«ã??ã?«ã?¬ã?³ã??ã?¼, ã?¿ã?¹ã?¯, é?£çµ¡å??ã?«ã?¢ã?¯ã?»ã?¹ã??
"���"							"���"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Browse database..."					#~ msgid "Browse database..."
#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹(_D)..."					#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹(_D)..."

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Database component factory"				#~ msgid "Database component factory"
#~ msgstr "GNOME-DB ã??ã??ã?¼ã?¸ã?£ã?³ã?³ã??ã?¼ã??ã?³ã??ã??ã?¡ã?¯ã??ã?ª"		#~ msgstr "GNOME-DB ã??ã??ã?¼ã?¸ã?£ã?³ã?³ã??ã?¼ã??ã?³ã??ã??ã?¡ã?¯ã??ã?ª"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Open in database connection..."			#~ msgid "Open in database connection..."
#~ msgstr "æ?°è¦?ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹æ?¥ç¶?ã??é??ã??ã?¾ã??"			#~ msgstr "æ?°è¦?ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹æ?¥ç¶?ã??é??ã??ã?¾ã??"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Database browser"					#~ msgid "Database browser"
#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹ã?¢ã??ã?«"					#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹ã?¢ã??ã?«"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Error viewer"						#~ msgid "Error viewer"
#~ msgstr "ã?¨ã?©ã?¼ã??ã?¥ã?¼ã?¢"					#~ msgstr "ã?¨ã?©ã?¼ã??ã?¥ã?¼ã?¢"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Database configuration"				#~ msgid "Database configuration"
#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹ã?¢ã??ã?«ã??ã?¡ã?¯ã??ã?ª"			#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹ã?¢ã??ã?«ã??ã?¡ã?¯ã??ã?ª"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Edit application preferences"				#~ msgid "Edit application preferences"
#~ msgstr "ã?¢ã??ã?ªã?±ã?¼ã?·ã?§ã?³ã??çµ?äº?ã??ã?¾ã??"			#~ msgstr "ã?¢ã??ã?ªã?±ã?¼ã?·ã?§ã?³ã??çµ?äº?ã??ã?¾ã??"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "New..."						#~ msgid "New..."
#~ msgstr "��"						#~ msgstr "��"

#~ msgid "Password"						#~ msgid "Password"
#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¹ã?¯ã?¼ã??"						#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¹ã?¯ã?¼ã??"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Save as"						#~ msgid "Save as"
#~ msgstr "ä¿?å­?"						#~ msgstr "ä¿?å­?"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Save to"						#~ msgid "Save to"
#~ msgstr "ä¿?å­?"						#~ msgstr "ä¿?å­?"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "XML file"						#~ msgid "XML file"
#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¡ã?¤ã?«ã?¸"						#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¡ã?¤ã?«ã?¸"

#~ msgid "Show columns"						#~ msgid "Show columns"
#~ msgstr "ã?«ã?©ã? ã??表示"					#~ msgstr "ã?«ã?©ã? ã??表示"

#~ msgid "Hide columns"						#~ msgid "Hide columns"
#~ msgstr "ã?«ã?©ã? ã??é??表示"					#~ msgstr "ã?«ã?©ã? ã??é??表示"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Question"						#~ msgid "Question"
#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¸ã?§ã?³"						#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¸ã?§ã?³"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Database Moniker factory"				#~ msgid "Database Moniker factory"
#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹ã?¢ã??ã?«ã??ã?¡ã?¯ã??ã?ª"			#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹ã?¢ã??ã?«ã??ã?¡ã?¯ã??ã?ª"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "database: moniker"					#~ msgid "database: moniker"
#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹ã?¢ã??ã?«ã??ã?¡ã?¯ã??ã?ª"			#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹ã?¢ã??ã?«ã??ã?¡ã?¯ã??ã?ª"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Invalid format for connection string"			#~ msgid "Invalid format for connection string"
#~ msgstr "æ?¥ç¶?ã??ã?­ã??ã??ã?£"					#~ msgstr "æ?¥ç¶?ã??ã?­ã??ã??ã?£"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Data sources"						#~ msgid "Data sources"
#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹"					#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Test Data Source"					#~ msgid "Test Data Source"
#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹"					#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Connection to %s successful!"				#~ msgid "Connection to %s successful!"
#~ msgstr "æ?¥ç¶?ã?¯æ??å??ã??ã?¾ã??ã??!"					#~ msgstr "æ?¥ç¶?ã?¯æ??å??ã??ã?¾ã??ã??!"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Data source"						#~ msgid "Data source"
#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹"					#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Select all"						#~ msgid "Select all"
#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¹ã?¦ã??é?¸æ??"					#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¹ã?¦ã??é?¸æ??"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Unselect all"						#~ msgid "Unselect all"
#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¹ã?¦ã??é?¸æ??"					#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¹ã?¦ã??é?¸æ??"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Unselect All"						#~ msgid "Unselect All"
#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¹ã?¦ã??é?¸æ??"					#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¹ã?¦ã??é?¸æ??"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Hide column headers"					#~ msgid "Hide column headers"
#~ msgstr "ã?«ã?©ã? ã??é??表示"					#~ msgstr "ã?«ã?©ã? ã??é??表示"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Describe current data set"				#~ msgid "Describe current data set"
#~ msgstr "ç?¾å?¨ã?®ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹ã??å??é?¤ã??ã?¾ã??"			#~ msgstr "ç?¾å?¨ã?®ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹ã??å??é?¤ã??ã?¾ã??"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "View current data in more detail"			#~ msgid "View current data in more detail"
#~ msgstr "ç?¾å?¨ã?®æ?¥ç¶?ã?®ã??ã?­ã??ã??ã?£ã??表示ã??ã?¾ã??"			#~ msgstr "ç?¾å?¨ã?®æ?¥ç¶?ã?®ã??ã?­ã??ã??ã?£ã??表示ã??ã?¾ã??"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Databases"						#~ msgid "Databases"
#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹"					#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹"

#~ msgid "Builder"						#~ msgid "Builder"
#~ msgstr "ã??ã?«ã??ã?¼"						#~ msgstr "ã??ã?«ã??ã?¼"

#~ msgid "GNOME-DB application builder component factory"	#~ msgid "GNOME-DB application builder component factory"
#~ msgstr "GNOME-DB ã?¢ã??ã?ªã?±ã?¼ã?·ã?§ã?³ã??ã?«ã??ã?¼ã?³ã?³ã??ã?¼ã??ã?³ã??ã??	#~ msgstr "GNOME-DB ã?¢ã??ã?ªã?±ã?¼ã?·ã?§ã?³ã??ã?«ã??ã?¼ã?³ã?³ã??ã?¼ã??ã?³ã??ã??

#~ msgid "Create a new Perl script"				#~ msgid "Create a new Perl script"
#~ msgstr "æ?°è¦?Perlã?¹ã?¯ã?ªã??ã??ã??ä½?æ??ã??ã?¾ã??"			#~ msgstr "æ?°è¦?Perlã?¹ã?¯ã?ªã??ã??ã??ä½?æ??ã??ã?¾ã??"

#~ msgid "Report..."						#~ msgid "Report..."
#~ msgstr "ã?¬ã??ã?¼ã??..."						#~ msgstr "ã?¬ã??ã?¼ã??..."

#~ msgid "Open an existing Perl script"				#~ msgid "Open an existing Perl script"
#~ msgstr "æ?¢å­?ã?®Perlã?¹ã?¯ã?ªã??ã??ã??é??ã??ã?¾ã??"			#~ msgstr "æ?¢å­?ã?®Perlã?¹ã?¯ã?ªã??ã??ã??é??ã??ã?¾ã??"

#~ msgid "Open an existing report"				#~ msgid "Open an existing report"
#~ msgstr "æ?¢å­?ã?®ã?¬ã??ã?¼ã??ã??é??ã??ã?¾ã??"				#~ msgstr "æ?¢å­?ã?®ã?¬ã??ã?¼ã??ã??é??ã??ã?¾ã??"

#~ msgid "_Open"						#~ msgid "_Open"
#~ msgstr "é??ã??(_O)"						#~ msgstr "é??ã??(_O)"

#~ msgid "Add new module to project"				#~ msgid "Add new module to project"
#~ msgstr "ã??ã?­ã?¸ã?§ã?¯ã??ã?¸æ?°è¦?ã?¢ã?¸ã?¥ã?¼ã?«ã??追å? ã??ã?¾ã??"		#~ msgstr "ã??ã?­ã?¸ã?§ã?¯ã??ã?¸æ?°è¦?ã?¢ã?¸ã?¥ã?¼ã?«ã??追å? ã??ã?¾ã??"

#~ msgid "Open"							#~ msgid "Open"
#~ msgstr "é??ã??"						#~ msgstr "é??ã??"

#~ msgid "Open an existing module"				#~ msgid "Open an existing module"
#~ msgstr "æ?¢å­?ã?®ã?¢ã?¸ã?¥ã?¼ã?«ã??é??ã??ã?¾ã??"				#~ msgstr "æ?¢å­?ã?®ã?¢ã?¸ã?¥ã?¼ã?«ã??é??ã??ã?¾ã??"

#~ msgid "Export"						#~ msgid "Export"
#~ msgstr "ã?¨ã?¯ã?¹ã??ã?¼ã??"					#~ msgstr "ã?¨ã?¯ã?¹ã??ã?¼ã??"

#~ msgid "Logs"							#~ msgid "Logs"
#~ msgstr "ã?­ã?°"						#~ msgstr "ã?­ã?°"

#~ msgid "Close current connection"				#~ msgid "Close current connection"
#~ msgstr "ç?¾å?¨ã?®æ?¥ç¶?ã??é??ã??ã?¾ã??"				#~ msgstr "ç?¾å?¨ã?®æ?¥ç¶?ã??é??ã??ã?¾ã??"

#~ msgid "Browser"						#~ msgid "Browser"
#~ msgstr "ã??ã?©ã?¦ã?¶"						#~ msgstr "ã??ã?©ã?¦ã?¶"

#~ msgid "Activate database browser window"			#~ msgid "Activate database browser window"
#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹ã??ã?©ã?¦ã?¶ã?¦ã?£ã?³ã??ã?¦ã??ã?¢ã?¯ã??ã?£ã??ã?«ã??ã?¾ã??	#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹ã??ã?©ã?¦ã?¶ã?¦ã?£ã?³ã??ã?¦ã??ã?¢ã?¯ã??ã?£ã??ã?«ã??ã?¾ã??

#~ msgid "Activate SQL window"					#~ msgid "Activate SQL window"
#~ msgstr "SQL ã?¦ã?£ã?³ã??ã?¦ã??ã?¢ã?¯ã??ã?£ã??ã?«ã??ã?¾ã??"			#~ msgstr "SQL ã?¦ã?£ã?³ã??ã?¦ã??ã?¢ã?¯ã??ã?£ã??ã?«ã??ã?¾ã??"

#~ msgid "Activate dbatch job window"				#~ msgid "Activate dbatch job window"
#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹ã??ã??ã??ã?¸ã?§ã??ã?¦ã?£ã?³ã??ã?¦ã??ã?¢ã?¯ã??ã?£ã??ã?«ã??	#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹ã??ã??ã??ã?¸ã?§ã??ã?¦ã?£ã?³ã??ã?¦ã??ã?¢ã?¯ã??ã?£ã??ã?«ã??

#~ msgid "Start a new database transaction"			#~ msgid "Start a new database transaction"
#~ msgstr "æ?°è¦?ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹ã??ã?©ã?³ã?¶ã?¯ã?·ã?§ã?³ã??é??å§?ã??ã?¾ã??"	#~ msgstr "æ?°è¦?ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹ã??ã?©ã?³ã?¶ã?¯ã?·ã?§ã?³ã??é??å§?ã??ã?¾ã??"

#~ msgid "Commit current transaction"				#~ msgid "Commit current transaction"
#~ msgstr "ç?¾å?¨ã?®ã??ã?©ã?³ã?¶ã?¯ã?·ã?§ã?³ã??ã?³ã??ã??ã??ã??ã?¾ã??"		#~ msgstr "ç?¾å?¨ã?®ã??ã?©ã?³ã?¶ã?¯ã?·ã?§ã?³ã??ã?³ã??ã??ã??ã??ã?¾ã??"

#~ msgid "Rollback current transaction"				#~ msgid "Rollback current transaction"
#~ msgstr "ç?¾å?¨ã?®ã??ã?©ã?³ã?¶ã?¯ã?·ã?§ã?³ã??ã?­ã?¼ã?«ã??ã??ã?¯ã??ã?¾ã??"		#~ msgstr "ç?¾å?¨ã?®ã??ã?©ã?³ã?¶ã?¯ã?·ã?§ã?³ã??ã?­ã?¼ã?«ã??ã??ã?¯ã??ã?¾ã??"

#~ msgid "Make a copy of a database"				#~ msgid "Make a copy of a database"
#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹ã?®ã?³ã??ã?¼ã??ä½?æ??ã??ã?¾ã??"			#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹ã?®ã?³ã??ã?¼ã??ä½?æ??ã??ã?¾ã??"

#~ msgid "Import database"					#~ msgid "Import database"
#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹ã?®ã?¤ã?³ã??ã?¼ã??"				#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹ã?®ã?¤ã?³ã??ã?¼ã??"

#~ msgid "Import an export file into a database"		#~ msgid "Import an export file into a database"
#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹ã?®ä¸­ã?«ã?¨ã?¯ã?¹ã??ã?¼ã??ã??ã?¡ã?¤ã?«ã??ã?¤ã?³ã??ã?¼ã??	#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹ã?®ä¸­ã?«ã?¨ã?¯ã?¹ã??ã?¼ã??ã??ã?¡ã?¤ã?«ã??ã?¤ã?³ã??ã?¼ã??

#~ msgid "_Tools"						#~ msgid "_Tools"
#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?«(_T)"						#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?«(_T)"

#~ msgid "Activate batch job window"				#~ msgid "Activate batch job window"
#~ msgstr "ã??ã??ã??ã?¸ã?§ã??ã?¦ã?£ã?³ã??ã?¦ã??ã?¢ã?¯ã??ã?£ã??ã?«ã??ã?¾ã??"		#~ msgstr "ã??ã??ã??ã?¸ã?§ã??ã?¦ã?£ã?³ã??ã?¦ã??ã?¢ã?¯ã??ã?£ã??ã?«ã??ã?¾ã??"

#~ msgid "Options"						#~ msgid "Options"
#~ msgstr "設�"						#~ msgstr "設�"

#~ msgid "Log"							#~ msgid "Log"
#~ msgstr "ã?­ã?°"						#~ msgstr "ã?­ã?°"

#~ msgid "Run"							#~ msgid "Run"
#~ msgstr "å®?è¡?"						#~ msgstr "å®?è¡?"

#~ msgid "Execute current command"				#~ msgid "Execute current command"
#~ msgstr "ç?¾å?¨ã?®ã?³ã??ã?³ã??ã??å®?è¡?ã??ã?¾ã??"				#~ msgstr "ç?¾å?¨ã?®ã?³ã??ã?³ã??ã??å®?è¡?ã??ã?¾ã??"

#~ msgid "Select command from previous"				#~ msgid "Select command from previous"
#~ msgstr "å??ã?®ã?³ã??ã?³ã??ã??ã??é?¸æ??ã??ã?¾ã??"				#~ msgstr "å??ã?®ã?³ã??ã?³ã??ã??ã??é?¸æ??ã??ã?¾ã??"

#~ msgid "Save command for later retrieval"			#~ msgid "Save command for later retrieval"
#~ msgstr "å¾?ã?§ä¿®æ­£ã??ã??ã?³ã??ã?³ã??ã??ä¿?å­?ã??ã?¾ã??"			#~ msgstr "å¾?ã?§ä¿®æ­£ã??ã??ã?³ã??ã?³ã??ã??ä¿?å­?ã??ã?¾ã??"

#~ msgid "Cut"							#~ msgid "Cut"
#~ msgstr "��"						#~ msgstr "��"

#~ msgid "Copy"							#~ msgid "Copy"
#~ msgstr "ã?³ã??ã?¼"						#~ msgstr "ã?³ã??ã?¼"

#~ msgid "Copy selected text"					#~ msgid "Copy selected text"
#~ msgstr "é?¸æ??ã??ã??ã??ã?­ã?¹ã??ã??ã?³ã??ã?¼ã??ã?¾ã??"			#~ msgstr "é?¸æ??ã??ã??ã??ã?­ã?¹ã??ã??ã?³ã??ã?¼ã??ã?¾ã??"

#~ msgid "Paste text from clipboard"				#~ msgid "Paste text from clipboard"
#~ msgstr "ã?¯ã?ªã??ã??ã??ã?¼ã??ã??ã??ã??ã?­ã?¹ã??ã??è²¼ã??ä»?ã??ã?¾ã??"		#~ msgstr "ã?¯ã?ªã??ã??ã??ã?¼ã??ã??ã??ã??ã?­ã?¹ã??ã??è²¼ã??ä»?ã??ã?¾ã??"

#~ msgid "Clear widget contents"				#~ msgid "Clear widget contents"
#~ msgstr "ã?¦ã?£ã?¸ã?§ã??ã??ã?®å??容ã??æ¶?å?»ã??ã?¾ã??"			#~ msgstr "ã?¦ã?£ã?¸ã?§ã??ã??ã?®å??容ã??æ¶?å?»ã??ã?¾ã??"

#~ msgid "Open connection"					#~ msgid "Open connection"
#~ msgstr "æ?¥ç¶?ã??é??ã??"						#~ msgstr "æ?¥ç¶?ã??é??ã??"

#~ msgid "GDA Name"						#~ msgid "GDA Name"
#~ msgstr "GDA å??"						#~ msgstr "GDA å??"

#~ msgid "This is the name you use to refer to this connectio	#~ msgid "This is the name you use to refer to this connectio
#~ msgstr "ã??ã??ã?¯ã??ã?®æ?¥ç¶?ã?¸å??ç?§ã?«ä½¿ã?£ã??å??å??ã?§ã??"		#~ msgstr "ã??ã??ã?¯ã??ã?®æ?¥ç¶?ã?¸å??ç?§ã?«ä½¿ã?£ã??å??å??ã?§ã??"

#~ msgid "This is the version supported by the GDA provider"	#~ msgid "This is the version supported by the GDA provider"
#~ msgstr "ã??ã??ã?¯ GDA ã??ã?­ã??ã?¤ã??ã?«ã??ã?£ã?¦ã?µã??ã?¼ã??ã??ã??ã??ã??ã?¼ã?¸	#~ msgstr "ã??ã??ã?¯ GDA ã??ã?­ã??ã?¤ã??ã?«ã??ã?£ã?¦ã?µã??ã?¼ã??ã??ã??ã??ã??ã?¼ã?¸

#~ msgid "From saved query"					#~ msgid "From saved query"
#~ msgstr "ä¿?å­?ã??ã??ã??ã?¯ã?¨ã?ª"					#~ msgstr "ä¿?å­?ã??ã??ã??ã?¯ã?¨ã?ª"

#~ msgid "From file"						#~ msgid "From file"
#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¡ã?¤ã?«"						#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¡ã?¤ã?«"

#~ msgid "Error loading file %s"				#~ msgid "Error loading file %s"
#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¡ã?¤ã?« %s ã??読ã?¿è¾¼ã?¿ä¸­ã?«ã?¨ã?©ã?¼ã??ç?ºç??ã??ã?¾ã??ã??"	#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¡ã?¤ã?« %s ã??読ã?¿è¾¼ã?¿ä¸­ã?«ã?¨ã?©ã?¼ã??ç?ºç??ã??ã?¾ã??ã??"

#~ msgid "Save SQL command"					#~ msgid "Save SQL command"
#~ msgstr "SQL ã?³ã??ã?³ã??ã??ä¿?å­?"					#~ msgstr "SQL ã?³ã??ã?³ã??ã??ä¿?å­?"

#~ msgid "Save command to a named query"			#~ msgid "Save command to a named query"
#~ msgstr "æ??å®?ã??ã??ã?¯ã?¨ã?ªã?¸ã?³ã??ã?³ã??ã??ä¿?å­?ã??ã?¾ã??"		#~ msgstr "æ??å®?ã??ã??ã?¯ã?¨ã?ªã?¸ã?³ã??ã?³ã??ã??ä¿?å­?ã??ã?¾ã??"

#~ msgid "Select SQL Command"					#~ msgid "Select SQL Command"
#~ msgstr "SQL ã?³ã??ã?³ã??ã??é?¸æ??ã??ã?¾ã??"				#~ msgstr "SQL ã?³ã??ã?³ã??ã??é?¸æ??ã??ã?¾ã??"

#~ msgid "Last commands"					#~ msgid "Last commands"
#~ msgstr "æ??å¾?ã?®ã?³ã??ã?³ã??"					#~ msgstr "æ??å¾?ã?®ã?³ã??ã?³ã??"

#~ msgid "Database design"					#~ msgid "Database design"
#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹ã??ã?¶ã?¤ã?³"				#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹ã??ã?¶ã?¤ã?³"

#~ msgid "Start with a new database design"			#~ msgid "Start with a new database design"
#~ msgstr "æ?°è¦?ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹ã??ã?¶ã?¤ã?³ã?§é??å§?ã??ã?¾ã??"		#~ msgstr "æ?°è¦?ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹ã??ã?¶ã?¤ã?³ã?§é??å§?ã??ã?¾ã??"

#~ msgid "Table..."						#~ msgid "Table..."
#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã??ã?«..."						#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã??ã?«..."

#~ msgid "Add a table to the database design"			#~ msgid "Add a table to the database design"
#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹ã??ã?¶ã?¤ã?³ã?¸ã??ã?¼ã??ã?«ã??追å? ã??ã?¾ã??"		#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹ã??ã?¶ã?¤ã?³ã?¸ã??ã?¼ã??ã?«ã??追å? ã??ã?¾ã??"

#~ msgid "Open an existing database design"			#~ msgid "Open an existing database design"
#~ msgstr "æ?¢å­?ã?®ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹ã??ã?¶ã?¤ã?³ã??é??ã??ã?¾ã??"		#~ msgstr "æ?¢å­?ã?®ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹ã??ã?¶ã?¤ã?³ã??é??ã??ã?¾ã??"

#~ msgid "Remove"						#~ msgid "Remove"
#~ msgstr "å??é?¤"						#~ msgstr "å??é?¤"

#~ msgid "Remove selected object"				#~ msgid "Remove selected object"
#~ msgstr "é?¸æ??ã??ã??ã?ªã??ã?¸ã?§ã?¯ã??ã??å??é?¤ã??ã?¾ã??"			#~ msgstr "é?¸æ??ã??ã??ã?ªã??ã?¸ã?§ã?¯ã??ã??å??é?¤ã??ã?¾ã??"

#~ msgid "Create new database design"				#~ msgid "Create new database design"
#~ msgstr "æ?°è¦?ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹ã??ã?¶ã?¤ã?³ã??ä½?æ??ã??ã?¾ã??"		#~ msgstr "æ?°è¦?ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹ã??ã?¶ã?¤ã?³ã??ä½?æ??ã??ã?¾ã??"

#~ msgid "Save currently open file"				#~ msgid "Save currently open file"
#~ msgstr "ç?¾å?¨é??ã??ã?¦ã??ã??ã??ã?¡ã?¤ã?«ã??ä¿?å­?ã??ã?¾ã??"			#~ msgstr "ç?¾å?¨é??ã??ã?¦ã??ã??ã??ã?¡ã?¤ã?«ã??ä¿?å­?ã??ã?¾ã??"

#~ msgid "Refresh"						#~ msgid "Refresh"
#~ msgstr "æ?´æ?°"						#~ msgstr "æ?´æ?°"

#~ msgid "Reload database file contents"			#~ msgid "Reload database file contents"
#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹ã??ã?¡ã?¤ã?«ã?³ã?³ã??ã?³ã??ã??ã?ªã?­ã?¼ã??ã??ã?¾ã??"	#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹ã??ã?¡ã?¤ã?«ã?³ã?³ã??ã?³ã??ã??ã?ªã?­ã?¼ã??ã??ã?¾ã??"

#~ msgid "Add"							#~ msgid "Add"
#~ msgstr "追�"						#~ msgstr "追�"

#~ msgid "Add new object to the database"			#~ msgid "Add new object to the database"
#~ msgstr "æ?°è¦?ã?ªã??ã?¸ã?§ã?¯ã??ã??ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹ã?«è¿½å? ã??ã?¾ã??"		#~ msgstr "æ?°è¦?ã?ªã??ã?¸ã?§ã?¯ã??ã??ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹ã?«è¿½å? ã??ã?¾ã??"

#~ msgid "Select database design"				#~ msgid "Select database design"
#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹ã??ã?¶ã?¤ã?³ã??é?¸æ??"				#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã??ã?¼ã?¹ã??ã?¶ã?¤ã?³ã??é?¸æ??"

#~ msgid "Save log to a disk file"				#~ msgid "Save log to a disk file"
#~ msgstr "ã??ã?£ã?¹ã?¯ã?¸ã?­ã?°ã??ä¿?å­?ã??ã?¾ã??"				#~ msgstr "ã??ã?£ã?¹ã?¯ã?¸ã?­ã?°ã??ä¿?å­?ã??ã?¾ã??"

#~ msgid "View"							#~ msgid "View"
#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¥ã?¼"						#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¥ã?¼"

#~ msgid "View selected log entry"				#~ msgid "View selected log entry"
#~ msgstr "é?¸æ??ã??ã??ã?­ã?°ã?¨ã?³ã??ã?ªã??表示ã??ã?¾ã??"			#~ msgstr "é?¸æ??ã??ã??ã?­ã?°ã?¨ã?³ã??ã?ªã??表示ã??ã?¾ã??"

#~ msgid "Error loading log for '%s'"				#~ msgid "Error loading log for '%s'"
#~ msgstr "'%s' ã?®ã??ã??ã?®ã?­ã?°ã??読ã?¿è¾¼ã?¿ä¸­ã?«ã?¨ã?©ã?¼ã??ç?ºç??ã??ã?¾ã??	#~ msgstr "'%s' ã?®ã??ã??ã?®ã?­ã?°ã??読ã?¿è¾¼ã?¿ä¸­ã?«ã?¨ã?©ã?¼ã??ç?ºç??ã??ã?¾ã??

#~ msgid "Save Log File"					#~ msgid "Save Log File"
#~ msgstr "ã?­ã?°ã??ã?¡ã?¤ã?«ã??ä¿?å­?"					#~ msgstr "ã?­ã?°ã??ã?¡ã?¤ã?«ã??ä¿?å­?"

#~ msgid "Could not create 'database:' moniker instance"	#~ msgid "Could not create 'database:' moniker instance"
#~ msgstr "'database:'ã?¢ã??ã?«ã?¤ã?³ã?¹ã?¿ã?³ã?¹ã??ä½?æ??å?ºæ?¥ã?¾ã??ã??ã?§ã??	#~ msgstr "'database:'ã?¢ã??ã?«ã?¤ã?³ã?¹ã?¿ã?³ã?¹ã??ä½?æ??å?ºæ?¥ã?¾ã??ã??ã?§ã??

#~ msgid "Open Perl script"					#~ msgid "Open Perl script"
#~ msgstr "Perlã?¹ã?¯ã?ªã??ã??ã??é??ã??"				#~ msgstr "Perlã?¹ã?¯ã?ªã??ã??ã??é??ã??"

#~ msgid "Load"							#~ msgid "Load"
#~ msgstr "ã?­ã?¼ã??"						#~ msgstr "ã?­ã?¼ã??"

#~ msgid "Component"						#~ msgid "Component"
#~ msgstr "ã?³ã?³ã??ã?¼ã??ã?³ã??"					#~ msgstr "ã?³ã?³ã??ã?¼ã??ã?³ã??"

#~ msgid "OAFIID"						#~ msgid "OAFIID"
#~ msgstr "OAFIID"						#~ msgstr "OAFIID"

#~ msgid "Unload"						#~ msgid "Unload"
#~ msgstr "ã?¢ã?³ã?­ã?¼ã??"						#~ msgstr "ã?¢ã?³ã?­ã?¼ã??"

#~ msgid "General"						#~ msgid "General"
#~ msgstr "��"						#~ msgstr "��"

#~ msgid "Save window position"					#~ msgid "Save window position"
#~ msgstr "ã?¦ã?£ã?³ã??ã?¦ä½?ç½®ã??ä¿?å­?"				#~ msgstr "ã?¦ã?£ã?³ã??ã?¦ä½?ç½®ã??ä¿?å­?"

#~ msgid "Show tooltips"					#~ msgid "Show tooltips"
#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?«ã??ã??ã??ã??表示"					#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?«ã??ã??ã??ã??表示"

#~ msgid "Show tooltips for UI widgets"				#~ msgid "Show tooltips for UI widgets"
#~ msgstr "UIã?¦ã?£ã?¸ã?§ã??ã??ã?®ã??ã?¼ã?«ã??ã??ã??ã??表示"			#~ msgstr "UIã?¦ã?£ã?¸ã?§ã??ã??ã?®ã??ã?¼ã?«ã??ã??ã??ã??表示"

#~ msgid "Perl script"						#~ msgid "Perl script"
#~ msgstr "Perlã?¹ã?¯ã?ªã??ã??"					#~ msgstr "Perlã?¹ã?¯ã?ªã??ã??"

#~ msgid "Open a Perl script to be executed"			#~ msgid "Open a Perl script to be executed"
#~ msgstr "å®?è¡?ã??ã??ã??ã??ã?®Perlã?¹ã?¯ã?ªã??ã??ã??é??ã??ã?¾ã??"		#~ msgstr "å®?è¡?ã??ã??ã??ã??ã?®Perlã?¹ã?¯ã?ªã??ã??ã??é??ã??ã?¾ã??"

#~ msgid "Print preview"					#~ msgid "Print preview"
#~ msgstr "å?°å?·ã??ã?¬ã??ã?¥ã?¼"					#~ msgstr "å?°å?·ã??ã?¬ã??ã?¥ã?¼"

#~ msgid "_Quit"						#~ msgid "_Quit"
#~ msgstr "��(_Q)"						#~ msgstr "��(_Q)"

#~ msgid "Shortcut _bar"					#~ msgid "Shortcut _bar"
#~ msgstr "ã?·ã?§ã?¼ã??ã?«ã??ã??ã??ã?¼(_b)"				#~ msgstr "ã?·ã?§ã?¼ã??ã?«ã??ã??ã??ã?¼(_b)"

#~ msgid "Show/Hide shortcut bar"				#~ msgid "Show/Hide shortcut bar"
#~ msgstr "ã?·ã?§ã?¼ã??ã?«ã??ã??ã??ã?¼ã?®è¡¨ç¤º/é??表示ã??ã??ã?¾ã??"		#~ msgstr "ã?·ã?§ã?¼ã??ã?«ã??ã??ã??ã?¼ã?®è¡¨ç¤º/é??表示ã??ã??ã?¾ã??"

#~ msgid "Configure user preferences"				#~ msgid "Configure user preferences"
#~ msgstr "ã?¦ã?¼ã?¶ã?®è¨­å®?ã??è¡?ã??ã?¾ã??"				#~ msgstr "ã?¦ã?¼ã?¶ã?®è¨­å®?ã??è¡?ã??ã?¾ã??"

#~ msgid "GNOME-DB Manual"					#~ msgid "GNOME-DB Manual"
#~ msgstr "GNOME-DBã??ã??ã?¥ã?¢ã?«"					#~ msgstr "GNOME-DBã??ã??ã?¥ã?¢ã?«"

#~ msgid "Open the GNOME-DB online manual"			#~ msgid "Open the GNOME-DB online manual"
#~ msgstr "GNOME-DBã?ªã?³ã?©ã?¤ã?³ã??ã??ã?¥ã?¢ã?«ã??é??ã??ã?¾ã??"		#~ msgstr "GNOME-DBã?ªã?³ã?©ã?¤ã?³ã??ã??ã?¥ã?¢ã?«ã??é??ã??ã?¾ã??"

#~ msgid "libgda Manual"					#~ msgid "libgda Manual"
#~ msgstr "libgdaã??ã??ã?¥ã?¢ã?«"					#~ msgstr "libgdaã??ã??ã?¥ã?¢ã?«"

#~ msgid "Open the libgda online manual"			#~ msgid "Open the libgda online manual"
#~ msgstr "libgdaã?ªã?³ã?©ã?¤ã?³ã??ã??ã?¥ã?¢ã?«ã??é??ã??ã?¾ã??"		#~ msgstr "libgdaã?ªã?³ã?©ã?¤ã?³ã??ã??ã?¥ã?¢ã?«ã??é??ã??ã?¾ã??"

#~ msgid "libgda API Reference"					#~ msgid "libgda API Reference"
#~ msgstr "libgda APIã?ªã??ã?¡ã?¬ã?³ã?¹"				#~ msgstr "libgda APIã?ªã??ã?¡ã?¬ã?³ã?¹"

#~ msgid "Open the libgda API reference"			#~ msgid "Open the libgda API reference"
#~ msgstr "libgda APIã?ªã??ã?¡ã?¬ã?³ã?¹ã??é??ã??ã?¾ã??"			#~ msgstr "libgda APIã?ªã??ã?¡ã?¬ã?³ã?¹ã??é??ã??ã?¾ã??"

#~ msgid "View information about this application"		#~ msgid "View information about this application"
#~ msgstr "ã??ã?®ã?¢ã??ã?ªã?±ã?¼ã?·ã?§ã?³ã?«ã?¤ã??ã?¦ã?®æ??å ±ã??表示ã??ã?¾ã??"	#~ msgstr "ã??ã?®ã?¢ã??ã?ªã?±ã?¼ã?·ã?§ã?³ã?«ã?¤ã??ã?¦ã?®æ??å ±ã??表示ã??ã?¾ã??"

#~ msgid "Submit bug report"					#~ msgid "Submit bug report"
#~ msgstr "ä¸?å?·å??å ±å??ã??æ??å?º"					#~ msgstr "ä¸?å?·å??å ±å??ã??æ??å?º"

#~ msgid "Send a bug report to GNOME-DB developers"		#~ msgid "Send a bug report to GNOME-DB developers"
#~ msgstr "GNOME-DBé??ç?ºè??ã?¸ä¸?å?·å??å ±å??ã??é??ä¿¡ã??ã?¾ã??"		#~ msgstr "GNOME-DBé??ç?ºè??ã?¸ä¸?å?·å??å ±å??ã??é??ä¿¡ã??ã?¾ã??"

#~ msgid "_Options"						#~ msgid "_Options"
#~ msgstr "設�(_O)"						#~ msgstr "設�(_O)"

#~ msgid "GNOME-DB Front End"					#~ msgid "GNOME-DB Front End"
#~ msgstr "GNOME-DB ã??ã?­ã?³ã??ã?¨ã?³ã??"				#~ msgstr "GNOME-DB ã??ã?­ã?³ã??ã?¨ã?³ã??"

#~ msgid "GNOME-DB Front End Application"			#~ msgid "GNOME-DB Front End Application"
#~ msgstr "GNOME-DBã??ã?­ã?³ã??ã?¨ã?³ã??ã?¢ã??ã?ªã?±ã?¼ã?·ã?§ã?³"		#~ msgstr "GNOME-DBã??ã?­ã?³ã??ã?¨ã?³ã??ã?¢ã??ã?ªã?±ã?¼ã?·ã?§ã?³"

#~ msgid "Create new object of selected type"			#~ msgid "Create new object of selected type"
#~ msgstr "é?¸æ??ã??ã??ã??å??ã?®æ?°è¦?ã?ªã??ã?¸ã?§ã?¯ã??ã??ä½?æ??ã??ã?¾ã??"		#~ msgstr "é?¸æ??ã??ã??ã??å??ã?®æ?°è¦?ã?ªã??ã?¸ã?§ã?¯ã??ã??ä½?æ??ã??ã?¾ã??"

#~ msgid "Refresh current list of objects"			#~ msgid "Refresh current list of objects"
#~ msgstr "ç?¾å?¨ã?®ã?ªã??ã?¸ã?§ã?¯ã??ã?ªã?¹ã??ã??æ?´æ?°ã??ã?¾ã??"		#~ msgstr "ç?¾å?¨ã?®ã?ªã??ã?¸ã?§ã?¯ã??ã?ªã?¹ã??ã??æ?´æ?°ã??ã?¾ã??"

#~ msgid "Info"							#~ msgid "Info"
#~ msgstr "æ??å ±"						#~ msgstr "æ??å ±"

#~ msgid "Show extra information about selected object"		#~ msgid "Show extra information about selected object"
#~ msgstr "é?¸æ??ã??ã??ã?ªã??ã?¸ã?§ã?¯ã??ã?«ã?¤ã??ã?¦ã??ã?®ä»?ã?®æ??å ±ã??表示ã??ã?¾	#~ msgstr "é?¸æ??ã??ã??ã?ªã??ã?¸ã?§ã?¯ã??ã?«ã?¤ã??ã?¦ã??ã?®ä»?ã?®æ??å ±ã??表示ã??ã?¾

#~ msgid "Table data"						#~ msgid "Table data"
#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã??ã?«ã??ã?¼ã?¿"					#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã??ã?«ã??ã?¼ã?¿"

#~ msgid "Select Color"						#~ msgid "Select Color"
#~ msgstr "è?²ã?®é?¸æ??"						#~ msgstr "è?²ã?®é?¸æ??"

#~ msgid "Select Font"						#~ msgid "Select Font"
#~ msgstr "ã??ã?©ã?³ã??ã?®é?¸æ??"					#~ msgstr "ã??ã?©ã?³ã??ã?®é?¸æ??"

#~ msgid "Could not get GNOME_DB_Control interface"		#~ msgid "Could not get GNOME_DB_Control interface"
#~ msgstr "GNOME_DB_Control ã?¤ã?³ã?¿ã?¼ã??ã?§ã?¼ã?¹ã??å??å¾?ã??ã??ã??ã?¨ã??	#~ msgstr "GNOME_DB_Control ã?¤ã?³ã?¿ã?¼ã??ã?§ã?¼ã?¹ã??å??å¾?ã??ã??ã??ã?¨ã??

#~ msgid "Add field..."						#~ msgid "Add field..."
#~ msgstr "ã??ã?£ã?¼ã?«ã??ã?®è¿½å? ..."					#~ msgstr "ã??ã?£ã?¼ã?«ã??ã?®è¿½å? ..."

#~ msgid "Add a new field to this table"			#~ msgid "Add a new field to this table"
#~ msgstr "å??ã?®ã??ã?¼ã??ã?«ã?¸æ?°è¦?ã??ã?£ã?¼ã?«ã??ã??追å? ã??ã?¾ã??"		#~ msgstr "å??ã?®ã??ã?¼ã??ã?«ã?¸æ?°è¦?ã??ã?£ã?¼ã?«ã??ã??追å? ã??ã?¾ã??"

#~ msgid "Edit field..."					#~ msgid "Edit field..."
#~ msgstr "ã??ã?£ã?¼ã?«ã??ã?®ç·¨é??..."					#~ msgstr "ã??ã?£ã?¼ã?«ã??ã?®ç·¨é??..."

#~ msgid "Edit the selected field properties"			#~ msgid "Edit the selected field properties"
#~ msgstr "é?¸æ??ã??ã??ã??ã?£ã?¼ã?«ã??ã?®ã??ã?­ã??ã??ã?£ã??ç·¨é??ã??ã?¾ã??"		#~ msgstr "é?¸æ??ã??ã??ã??ã?£ã?¼ã?«ã??ã?®ã??ã?­ã??ã??ã?£ã??ç·¨é??ã??ã?¾ã??"

#~ msgid "Add field"						#~ msgid "Add field"
#~ msgstr "ã??ã?£ã?¼ã?«ã??ã?®è¿½å? "					#~ msgstr "ã??ã?£ã?¼ã?«ã??ã?®è¿½å? "

#~ msgid "Could not find table %s"				#~ msgid "Could not find table %s"
#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã??ã?« %s ã??è¦?ã?¤ã??ã??ã??ã?¨ã??å?ºæ?¥ã?¾ã??ã??ã?§ã??ã??"	#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã??ã?« %s ã??è¦?ã?¤ã??ã??ã??ã?¨ã??å?ºæ?¥ã?¾ã??ã??ã?§ã??ã??"

#~ msgid "There is already a field named %s"			#~ msgid "There is already a field named %s"
#~ msgstr "ã??ã?£ã?¼ã?«ã??å?? %s ã?¯ã??ã?§ã?«ã??ã??ã?¾ã??"			#~ msgstr "ã??ã?£ã?¼ã?«ã??å?? %s ã?¯ã??ã?§ã?«ã??ã??ã?¾ã??"

#~ msgid "File %s is not a valid XML file"			#~ msgid "File %s is not a valid XML file"
#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¡ã?¤ã?« %s ã?¯æ??å?¹ã?ª XML ã??ã?¡ã?¤ã?«ã?§ã?¯ã??ã??ã?¾ã??ã??"	#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¡ã?¤ã?« %s ã?¯æ??å?¹ã?ª XML ã??ã?¡ã?¤ã?«ã?§ã?¯ã??ã??ã?¾ã??ã??"

#~ msgid "Select file"						#~ msgid "Select file"
#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¡ã?¤ã?«é?¸æ??"					#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¡ã?¤ã?«é?¸æ??"

#~ msgid "DSN"							#~ msgid "DSN"
#~ msgstr "ã?½ã?¼ã?¹å??"						#~ msgstr "ã?½ã?¼ã?¹å??"

#~ msgid "Config"						#~ msgid "Config"
#~ msgstr "設�"						#~ msgstr "設�"

#~ msgid "Error while saving configuration!"			#~ msgid "Error while saving configuration!"
#~ msgstr "設å®?ã?®ä¿?å­?中ã?«ã?¨ã?©ã?¼ã??ç?ºç??ã??ã?¾ã??ã??!"			#~ msgstr "設å®?ã?®ä¿?å­?中ã?«ã?¨ã?©ã?¼ã??ç?ºç??ã??ã?¾ã??ã??!"

#~ msgid "Show Help"						#~ msgid "Show Help"
#~ msgstr "ã??ã?«ã??ã?®è¡¨ç¤º"					#~ msgstr "ã??ã?«ã??ã?®è¡¨ç¤º"

#~ msgid "sqlstate"						#~ msgid "sqlstate"
#~ msgstr "SQL æ??"						#~ msgstr "SQL æ??"

#~ msgid "Error 0 of 0"						#~ msgid "Error 0 of 0"
#~ msgstr "��� 0 / 0"					#~ msgstr "��� 0 / 0"

#~ msgid "Record View"						#~ msgid "Record View"
#~ msgstr "ã?¬ã?³ã?¼ã??ã??ã?¥ã?¼ã?¢"					#~ msgstr "ã?¬ã?³ã?¼ã??ã??ã?¥ã?¼ã?¢"

#~ msgid "Copy selection to clipboard"				#~ msgid "Copy selection to clipboard"
#~ msgstr "é?¸æ??ã??ã??ã??ã??ã?®ã??ã?¯ã?ªã??ã??ã??ã?¼ã??ã?¸ã?³ã??ã?¼ã??ã?¾ã??"	#~ msgstr "é?¸æ??ã??ã??ã??ã??ã?®ã??ã?¯ã?ªã??ã??ã??ã?¼ã??ã?¸ã?³ã??ã?¼ã??ã?¾ã??"

#~ msgid "Clear all selected rows"				#~ msgid "Clear all selected rows"
#~ msgstr "é?¸æ??ã??ã??ã??å??ã??ã??ã?¹ã?¦æ¶?å?»ã??ã?¾ã??"			#~ msgstr "é?¸æ??ã??ã??ã??å??ã??ã??ã?¹ã?¦æ¶?å?»ã??ã?¾ã??"

#~ msgid "Record view..."					#~ msgid "Record view..."
#~ msgstr "ã?¬ã?³ã?¼ã??表示..."					#~ msgstr "ã?¬ã?³ã?¼ã??表示..."

#~ msgid "View recordset record-by-record"			#~ msgid "View recordset record-by-record"
#~ msgstr "ã?¬ã?³ã?¼ã??æ¯?ã?«ã?¬ã?³ã?¼ã??ã?»ã??ã??ã??表示ã??ã?¾ã??"		#~ msgstr "ã?¬ã?³ã?¼ã??æ¯?ã?«ã?¬ã?³ã?¼ã??ã?»ã??ã??ã??表示ã??ã?¾ã??"

#~ msgid "Refresh grid contents"				#~ msgid "Refresh grid contents"
#~ msgstr "ã?°ã?ªã??ã??ã?®å??容ã??æ?´æ?°ã??ã?¾ã??"				#~ msgstr "ã?°ã?ªã??ã??ã?®å??容ã??æ?´æ?°ã??ã?¾ã??"

#~ msgid "Print grid"						#~ msgid "Print grid"
#~ msgstr "ã?°ã?ªã??ã??ã?®å?°å?·"					#~ msgstr "ã?°ã?ªã??ã??ã?®å?°å?·"

#~ msgid "Print grid contents"					#~ msgid "Print grid contents"
#~ msgstr "ã?°ã?ªã??ã??ã?®å??容ã??å?°å?·ã??ã?¾ã??"				#~ msgstr "ã?°ã?ªã??ã??ã?®å??容ã??å?°å?·ã??ã?¾ã??"

#~ msgid "Hide column titles"					#~ msgid "Hide column titles"
#~ msgstr "ã?«ã?©ã? ã?¿ã?¤ã??ã?«ã??表示ã??ã?¾ã??ã??"			#~ msgstr "ã?«ã?©ã? ã?¿ã?¤ã??ã?«ã??表示ã??ã?¾ã??ã??"

#~ msgid "User Name"						#~ msgid "User Name"
#~ msgstr "ã?¦ã?¼ã?¶å??"						#~ msgstr "ã?¦ã?¼ã?¶å??"

#~ msgid "GDA Datasource"					#~ msgid "GDA Datasource"
#~ msgstr "GDA ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹"					#~ msgstr "GDA ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹"

#~ msgid "Entry %d of %d"					#~ msgid "Entry %d of %d"
#~ msgstr "ã?¨ã?³ã??ã?ª %d / %d"					#~ msgstr "ã?¨ã?³ã??ã?ª %d / %d"

#~ msgid "Message"						#~ msgid "Message"
#~ msgstr "ã?¡ã??ã?»ã?¼ã?¸"						#~ msgstr "ã?¡ã??ã?»ã?¼ã?¸"

#~ msgid "Log Entry"						#~ msgid "Log Entry"
#~ msgstr "ã?­ã?°ã?¨ã?³ã??ã?ª"					#~ msgstr "ã?­ã?°ã?¨ã?³ã??ã?ª"

#~ msgid "Could not create file %s"				#~ msgid "Could not create file %s"
#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¡ã?¤ã?« %s ã??ä½?æ??ã??ã??ã??ã?¨ã??å?ºæ?¥ã?¾ã??ã??ã?§ã??ã??"	#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¡ã?¤ã?« %s ã??ä½?æ??ã??ã??ã??ã?¨ã??å?ºæ?¥ã?¾ã??ã??ã?§ã??ã??"

#~ msgid "Setup Printer"					#~ msgid "Setup Printer"
#~ msgstr "ã??ã?ªã?³ã?¿ã?®è¨­å®?"					#~ msgstr "ã??ã?ªã?³ã?¿ã?®è¨­å®?"

#~ msgid "Copyright The Free Software Foundation (C) 1998-200	#~ msgid "Copyright The Free Software Foundation (C) 1998-200
#~ msgstr "Copyright The Free Software Foundation (C) 1998-20	#~ msgstr "Copyright The Free Software Foundation (C) 1998-20

#~ msgid ""							#~ msgid ""
#~ "This program is part of the GNOME project for LINUX. GNOM	#~ "This program is part of the GNOME project for LINUX. GNOM
#~ "comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software,	#~ "comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software,
#~ "welcome to redistribute it under the conditions of the GN	#~ "welcome to redistribute it under the conditions of the GN
#~ "Licence."							#~ "Licence."
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "ã??ã?®ã??ã?­ã?°ã?©ã? ã?¯ LINUX ã?®ã??ã??ã?® GNOME ã??ã?­ã?¸ã?§ã?¯ã??ã?®ä¸?é?¨	#~ "ã??ã?®ã??ã?­ã?°ã?©ã? ã?¯ LINUX ã?®ã??ã??ã?® GNOME ã??ã?­ã?¸ã?§ã?¯ã??ã?®ä¸?é?¨
#~ "ã?¢ã?¯ã?»ã?¹ã?¯å®?å?¨ã?«ç?¡ä¿?証ã?§ã??. ã??ã??ã?¯ã??ã?ªã?¼ã?½ã??ã??ã?¦ã?§ã?¢ã?§, 	#~ "ã?¢ã?¯ã?»ã?¹ã?¯å®?å?¨ã?«ç?¡ä¿?証ã?§ã??. ã??ã??ã?¯ã??ã?ªã?¼ã?½ã??ã??ã?¦ã?§ã?¢ã?§, 
#~ "å?¬æ??使ç?¨æ?¿è«¾ ã?®æ?¡ä»¶ä¸?ã?§å??é??å¸?ã??ã??ã??ã?¨ã??å?ºæ?¥ã?¾ã??."		#~ "å?¬æ??使ç?¨æ?¿è«¾ ã?®æ?¡ä»¶ä¸?ã?§å??é??å¸?ã??ã??ã??ã?¨ã??å?ºæ?¥ã?¾ã??."

#~ msgid "Unable to execute Bug Report Tool"			#~ msgid "Unable to execute Bug Report Tool"
#~ msgstr "ä¸?å?·å??å ±å??ã??ã?¼ã?«ã??å®?è¡?ã??ã??ã??ã?¨ã??å?ºæ?¥ã?¾ã??ã??"		#~ msgstr "ä¸?å?·å??å ±å??ã??ã?¼ã?«ã??å®?è¡?ã??ã??ã??ã?¨ã??å?ºæ?¥ã?¾ã??ã??"

#~ msgid "Manager"						#~ msgid "Manager"
#~ msgstr "ã??ã??ã?¼ã?¸ã?£"						#~ msgstr "ã??ã??ã?¼ã?¸ã?£"

#~ msgid "Manage connection data sources"			#~ msgid "Manage connection data sources"
#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹æ?¥ç¶?ã??管ç??ã??ã?¾ã??"			#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹æ?¥ç¶?ã??管ç??ã??ã?¾ã??"

#~ msgid "Manage available GDA providers"			#~ msgid "Manage available GDA providers"
#~ msgstr "å?©ç?¨ã?§ã??ã?? GDA ã??ã?­ã??ã?¤ã??ã??管ç??ã??ã?¾ã??"		#~ msgstr "å?©ç?¨ã?§ã??ã?? GDA ã??ã?­ã??ã?¤ã??ã??管ç??ã??ã?¾ã??"

#~ msgid "Edit"							#~ msgid "Edit"
#~ msgstr "ç·¨é??"						#~ msgstr "ç·¨é??"

#~ msgid "Edit selected data source"				#~ msgid "Edit selected data source"
#~ msgstr "é?¸æ??ã??ã??ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹ã??ç·¨é??ã??ã?¾ã??"			#~ msgstr "é?¸æ??ã??ã??ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹ã??ç·¨é??ã??ã?¾ã??"

#~ msgid "Refresh Data Sources list"				#~ msgid "Refresh Data Sources list"
#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹ã?ªã?¹ã??ã??æ?´æ?°ã??ã?¾ã??"			#~ msgstr "ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹ã?ªã?¹ã??ã??æ?´æ?°ã??ã?¾ã??"

#~ msgid "Test settings for this datasource"			#~ msgid "Test settings for this datasource"
#~ msgstr "ã??ã?®ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹ã?®è¨­å®?ã??ã??ã?¹ã??ã??ã?¾ã??"		#~ msgstr "ã??ã?®ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹ã?®è¨­å®?ã??ã??ã?¹ã??ã??ã?¾ã??"

#~ msgid "Edit data source"					#~ msgid "Edit data source"
#~ msgstr "æ?°è¦?ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹ã?®ç·¨é??"				#~ msgstr "æ?°è¦?ã??ã?¼ã?¿ã?½ã?¼ã?¹ã?®ç·¨é??"

#~ msgid "There was an error while testing connection"		#~ msgid "There was an error while testing connection"
#~ msgstr "æ?¥ç¶?ã??ã?¹ã??中ã?«ã?¨ã?©ã?¼ã??ã??ã??ã?¾ã??ã??"			#~ msgstr "æ?¥ç¶?ã??ã?¹ã??中ã?«ã?¨ã?©ã?¼ã??ã??ã??ã?¾ã??ã??"

#~ msgid "Edit selected provider"				#~ msgid "Edit selected provider"
#~ msgstr "é?¸æ??ã??ã??ã??ã?­ã??ã?¤ã??ã??ç·¨é??ã??ã?¾ã??"			#~ msgstr "é?¸æ??ã??ã??ã??ã?­ã??ã?¤ã??ã??ç·¨é??ã??ã?¾ã??"

#~ msgid "Refresh providers list"				#~ msgid "Refresh providers list"
#~ msgstr "ã??ã?­ã??ã?¤ã??ã?ªã?¹ã??ã??æ?´æ?°ã??ã?¾ã??"			#~ msgstr "ã??ã?­ã??ã?¤ã??ã?ªã?¹ã??ã??æ?´æ?°ã??ã?¾ã??"

#~ msgid "Stop"							#~ msgid "Stop"
#~ msgstr "å??æ­¢"						#~ msgstr "å??æ­¢"

#~ msgid "Stop selected provider"				#~ msgid "Stop selected provider"
#~ msgstr "é?¸æ??ã??ã??ã??ã?­ã??ã?¤ã??ã??å??æ­¢ã??ã?¾ã??"			#~ msgstr "é?¸æ??ã??ã??ã??ã?­ã??ã?¤ã??ã??å??æ­¢ã??ã?¾ã??"

#~ msgid "Rolodex"						#~ msgid "Rolodex"
#~ msgstr "Rolodex"						#~ msgstr "Rolodex"

#~ msgid "Rolodex Application"					#~ msgid "Rolodex Application"
#~ msgstr "Rolodex ã?¢ã??ã?ªã?±ã?¼ã?·ã?§ã?³"				#~ msgstr "Rolodex ã?¢ã??ã?ªã?±ã?¼ã?·ã?§ã?³"
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ko.gmo
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/ko.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/ko.po
# libgnomedb ko.po						# libgnomedb ko.po
# Copyright (C) 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc.		# Copyright (C) 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# Young-Ho, Cha <ganadist chollian net>, 2000, 2002.		# Young-Ho, Cha <ganadist chollian net>, 2000, 2002.
#								#
msgid ""							msgid ""
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: libgnomedb $GNOMEDB_VERSION\n"		"Project-Id-Version: libgnomedb $GNOMEDB_VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"					"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"			"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2002-05-01 03:21+0900\n"			"PO-Revision-Date: 2002-05-01 03:21+0900\n"
"Last-Translator: Young-Ho Cha <ganadist chollian net>\n"	"Last-Translator: Young-Ho Cha <ganadist chollian net>\n"
"Language-Team: korean <gnome-kr-translation lists sourceforg	"Language-Team: korean <gnome-kr-translation lists sourceforg
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"						"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"			"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"				"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co
msgid "Data Sources"						msgid "Data Sources"
msgstr "ë?°ì?´í?° ì??ì?¤"						msgstr "ë?°ì?´í?° ì??ì?¤"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid
msgid "Providers"						msgid "Providers"
msgstr "ì ?ê³µì??"							msgstr "ì ?ê³µì??"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1
msgid "Configure your database environment"			msgid "Configure your database environment"
msgstr "ë?°ì?´í?° ë² ì?´ì?¤ í??ê²½ì?? ì?¤ì ?í?©ë??ë?¤"			msgstr "ë?°ì?´í?° ë² ì?´ì?¤ í??ê²½ì?? ì?¤ì ?í?©ë??ë?¤"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Database Access Properties "				msgid "Database Access Properties "
msgstr "���베�� �� �보"					msgstr "���베�� �� �보"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380
msgid "Name"							msgid "Name"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
msgid "Description"						msgid "Description"
msgstr "��"							msgstr "��"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182
msgid "Configured data sources in the system"			msgid "Configured data sources in the system"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data sources are the means by which database connections are	"Data sources are the means by which database connections are
"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s	"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s
"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o	"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o
"name you identify the connections in the applications that m	"name you identify the connections in the applications that m
"DB for database access."					"DB for database access."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"ë?°ì?´í?° ì??ì?¤ë?? libgdaì??ì?? ì?¸ì??í??ë?? ë?°ì?´í?°ë² ì?´ì?¤ ì?°ê²° í??ë?? ë°©	"ë?°ì?´í?° ì??ì?¤ë?? libgdaì??ì?? ì?¸ì??í??ë?? ë?°ì?´í?°ë² ì?´ì?¤ ì?°ê²° í??ë?? ë°©
"ë?°ì?´í?°ë² ì?´ì?¤-ì ?ê³µì?? ì?°ê²°ì?? í??ì??í?? 모ë?  ì ?ë³´ê°? ì ?ì?¥í?? ë?¤ì??, 	"ë?°ì?´í?°ë² ì?´ì?¤-ì ?ê³µì?? ì?°ê²°ì?? í??ì??í?? 모ë?  ì ?ë³´ê°? ì ?ì?¥í?? ë?¤ì??, 
"ì?? ì??í?? libgda를 ì??ì?©í??ë¡?ê·¸ë?¨ì??ì?? ì?¬ì?©í?  ì?? ì??ë?? ë?¨ì?¼í?? ì?´ë¦?	"ì?? ì??í?? libgda를 ì??ì?©í??ë¡?ê·¸ë?¨ì??ì?? ì?¬ì?©í?  ì?? ì??ë?? ë?¨ì?¼í?? ì?´ë¦?
"í?©ë??ë?¤."							"í?©ë??ë?¤."

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277
#, fuzzy, c-format						#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"	msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"
msgstr "ë?°ì?´í?° ì??ì?¤ '%s'를 ì§?ì?°ê² ì?µë??ê¹??"			msgstr "ë?°ì?´í?° ì??ì?¤ '%s'를 ì§?ì?°ê² ì?µë??ê¹??"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data Source Properties"					msgid "Data Source Properties"
msgstr "ë?°ì?´í?° ì??ì?¤ ë?±ë¡? ì ?ë³´"					msgstr "ë?°ì?´í?° ì??ì?¤ ë?±ë¡? ì ?ë³´"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132
msgid "Basic"							msgid "Basic"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Tables"							msgid "Tables"
msgstr "í??ì?´ë¸?"							msgstr "í??ì?´ë¸?"

#: control-center/main.c:92					#: control-center/main.c:92
msgid "No valid data source info was created"			msgid "No valid data source info was created"
msgstr "ì?¬ë°?른 ë?°ì?´í?° ì??ì?¤ ì ?ë³´ê°? ë§?ë?¤ì?´ì§?ì§? ì??ì??ì?µë??ë?¤"	msgstr "ì?¬ë°?른 ë?°ì?´í?° ì??ì?¤ ì ?ë³´ê°? ë§?ë?¤ì?´ì§?ì§? ì??ì??ì?µë??ë?¤"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218	#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218
msgid "New data source"						msgid "New data source"
msgstr "ì??ë¡?ì?´ ë?°ì?´í?° ì??ì?¤"					msgstr "ì??ë¡?ì?´ ë?°ì?´í?° ì??ì?¤"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:215					#: control-center/main.c:215
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Database Access Properties"				msgid "Database Access Properties"
msgstr "���베�� �� �보"					msgstr "���베�� �� �보"

#: control-center/provider-config.c:105				#: control-center/provider-config.c:105
msgid "Installed providers"					msgid "Installed providers"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/provider-config.c:131				#: control-center/provider-config.c:131
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec	"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec
"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo	"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo
"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr	"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr
"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba	"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba
"etc."								"etc."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1
msgid "Database connection parameters file"			msgid "Database connection parameters file"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2
msgid "Documents"						msgid "Documents"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3
msgid "SQL code viewer"						msgid "SQL code viewer"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1
msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"			msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"
msgstr "격ì?? ì??ì ¯ì??ì?? ì?¬ì?©ë??ë?? ê¸?ê¼´"				msgstr "격ì?? ì??ì ¯ì??ì?? ì?¬ì?©ë??ë?? ê¸?ê¼´"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2
msgid "Number of spaces per tab"				msgid "Number of spaces per tab"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3
msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"			msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4
msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"			msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60
msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"			msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1
msgid "About"							msgid "About"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2
msgid "About GNOME-DB"						msgid "About GNOME-DB"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3
msgid "Close this window"					msgid "Close this window"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4
msgid "Create new entry"					msgid "Create new entry"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Delete selected items"					msgid "Delete selected items"
msgstr "목ë¡?ì?? ì? í??ë?? 모ë?  í?­ëª©ì?? ì? í??ì·¨ì?? í?©ë??ë?¤"		msgstr "목ë¡?ì?? ì? í??ë?? 모ë?  í?­ëª©ì?? ì? í??ì·¨ì?? í?©ë??ë?¤"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Deselect all items"					msgid "Deselect all items"
msgstr "목ë¡?ì?? ì? í??ë?? 모ë?  í?­ëª©ì?? ì? í??ì·¨ì?? í?©ë??ë?¤"		msgstr "목ë¡?ì?? ì? í??ë?? 모ë?  í?­ëª©ì?? ì? í??ì·¨ì?? í?©ë??ë?¤"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7
msgid "Edit properties for selected item"			msgid "Edit properties for selected item"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8
msgid "Save connection parameters to file"			msgid "Save connection parameters to file"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Select _All"						msgid "Select _All"
msgstr "ì ?ì²´ ì? í??"						msgstr "ì ?ì²´ ì? í??"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Select all items"					msgid "Select all items"
msgstr "목ë¡?ì?? 모ë?  í?­ëª©ì?? ì? í??í?©ë??ë?¤"				msgstr "목ë¡?ì?? 모ë?  í?­ëª©ì?? ì? í??í?©ë??ë?¤"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View data sources"					msgid "View data sources"
msgstr "ì??ë¡?ì?´ ë?°ì?´í?° ì??ì?¤"					msgstr "ì??ë¡?ì?´ ë?°ì?´í?° ì??ì?¤"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View providers"						msgid "View providers"
msgstr "ì ?ê³µì??"							msgstr "ì ?ê³µì??"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42
msgid "_Clear Selection"					msgid "_Clear Selection"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14
msgid "_Close"							msgid "_Close"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Data Sources"						msgid "_Data Sources"
msgstr "ë?°ì?´í?° ì??ì?¤"						msgstr "ë?°ì?´í?° ì??ì?¤"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Database"						msgid "_Database"
msgstr "ë?°ì?´í?°ë² ì?´ì?¤"						msgstr "ë?°ì?´í?°ë² ì?´ì?¤"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17
msgid "_Delete"							msgid "_Delete"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18
msgid "_Edit"							msgid "_Edit"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19
msgid "_Help"							msgid "_Help"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_New Data Source..."					msgid "_New Data Source..."
msgstr "ì??ë¡?ì?´ ë?°ì?´í?° ì??ì?¤"					msgstr "ì??ë¡?ì?´ ë?°ì?´í?° ì??ì?¤"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Properties"						msgid "_Properties"
msgstr "í??ë¡?ì??ì ¸"						msgstr "í??ë¡?ì??ì ¸"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Providers"						msgid "_Providers"
msgstr "ì ?ê³µì??"							msgstr "ì ?ê³µì??"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Save Connection"					msgid "_Save Connection"
msgstr "ì ?ì?¥"							msgstr "ì ?ì?¥"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_View"							msgid "_View"
msgstr "보기"							msgstr "보기"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76
msgid "Structure"						msgid "Structure"
msgstr "구조"							msgstr "구조"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73
msgid "Data"							msgid "Data"
msgstr "ë?°ì?´í?°"							msgstr "ë?°ì?´í?°"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238
msgid "Not implemented yet!"					msgid "Not implemented yet!"
msgstr "ì??ì§? 구í??ë??ì§? ì??ì??!"					msgstr "ì??ì§? 구í??ë??ì§? ì??ì??!"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Database"						msgid "Database"
msgstr "ë?°ì?´í?°ë² ì?´ì?¤"						msgstr "ë?°ì?´í?°ë² ì?´ì?¤"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540
msgid "Loading database schemas..."				msgid "Loading database schemas..."
msgstr "ë?°ì?´í?°ë² ì?´ì?¤ ì?¤í?¤ë§? ì?½ë??ì¤?..."				msgstr "ë?°ì?´í?°ë² ì?´ì?¤ ì?¤í?¤ë§? ì?½ë??ì¤?..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632
msgid "Refreshing data..."					msgid "Refreshing data..."
msgstr "ë?°ì?´í?° ì??ë¡?고침..."					msgstr "ë?°ì?´í?° ì??ë¡?고침..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688
msgid "Views"							msgid "Views"
msgstr "보기"							msgstr "보기"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691
msgid "Indexes"							msgid "Indexes"
msgstr "ì??ì?¸"							msgstr "ì??ì?¸"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Sequences"						msgid "Sequences"
msgstr "ì??í??ì?¤"							msgstr "ì??í??ì?¤"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Procedures"						msgid "Procedures"
msgstr "í??ë¡?ì??ì ¸"						msgstr "í??ë¡?ì??ì ¸"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700
msgid "Triggers"						msgid "Triggers"
msgstr "�리거"							msgstr "�리거"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Aggregates"						msgid "Aggregates"
msgstr "��"							msgstr "��"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Types"							msgid "Types"
msgstr "í??ì??"							msgstr "í??ì??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140
msgid "Could not query CORBA components"			msgid "Could not query CORBA components"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209
msgid "ID"							msgid "ID"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "Location"						msgid "Location"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212
msgid "Username"						msgid "Username"
msgstr "ì?¬ì?©ì??ì?´ë¦?"						msgstr "ì?¬ì?©ì??ì?´ë¦?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Hostname"						msgid "Hostname"
msgstr "ì?¬ì?©ì??ì?´ë¦?"						msgstr "ì?¬ì?©ì??ì?´ë¦?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214
msgid "Domain"							msgid "Domain"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"			msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. create widgets						#. create widgets
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97
msgid "Settings"						msgid "Settings"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103
msgid "Data source name"					msgid "Data source name"
msgstr "ë?°ì?´í?° ì??ì?¤ ì?´ë¦?"					msgstr "ë?°ì?´í?° ì??ì?¤ ì?´ë¦?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109
msgid "Connection string"					msgid "Connection string"
msgstr "ì?°ê²° 문ì??ì?´"						msgstr "ì?°ê²° 문ì??ì?´"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115
msgid "Provider"						msgid "Provider"
msgstr "ì ?ê³µì??"							msgstr "ì ?ê³µì??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "User name"						msgid "User name"
msgstr "ì?¬ì?©ì??ì?´ë¦?"						msgstr "ì?¬ì?©ì??ì?´ë¦?"

#. create feature list						#. create feature list
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128
msgid "Features"						msgid "Features"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190
msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"		msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"
msgstr "ì??ë¡?ì?´ ë?°ì?´í?° ì??ì?¤ì?? ì?´ë¦?ì?? ì??ë ¥í??ì?¬ì?¼ í?©ë??ë?¤"		msgstr "ì??ë¡?ì?´ ë?°ì?´í?° ì??ì?¤ì?? ì?´ë¦?ì?? ì??ë ¥í??ì?¬ì?¼ í?©ë??ë?¤"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197
msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac	msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206
msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th	msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213
msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"			msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217
msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n	msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225
msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"	msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"
msgstr "ì??ë¡?ì?´ ë?°ì?´í?° ì??ì?¤ì?? ì ?ê³µì??를 ì? í??í??ì?¬ì?¼ í?©ë??ë?¤"	msgstr "ì??ë¡?ì?´ ë?°ì?´í?° ì??ì?¤ì?? ì ?ê³µì??를 ì? í??í??ì?¬ì?¼ í?©ë??ë?¤"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233
msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"		msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"
msgstr "ì?¤ì ?ì??ì?? ì ?ê³µì??를 ì°¾ì?? ì?? ì??ì?µë??ë?¤"			msgstr "ì?¤ì ?ì??ì?? ì ?ê³µì??를 ì°¾ì?? ì?? ì??ì?µë??ë?¤"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391
msgid "Add a new data source..."				msgid "Add a new data source..."
msgstr "ì??ë¡?ì?´ ë?°ì?´í?° ì??ì?¤ ì¶?ê°?..."				msgstr "ì??ë¡?ì?´ ë?°ì?´í?° ì??ì?¤ ì¶?ê°?..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392
msgid ""							msgid ""
"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"		"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"
"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"		"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"
"installation. Just follow the steps!"				"installation. Just follow the steps!"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"ì?´ ë§?ë²?ì?¬ë?? GNOME-DB ì?¤ì¹?ì??ì?? ì??ë¡?ì?´ ë?°ì?´í?° ì??ì?¤ë¥¼\n"		"ì?´ ë§?ë²?ì?¬ë?? GNOME-DB ì?¤ì¹?ì??ì?? ì??ë¡?ì?´ ë?°ì?´í?° ì??ì?¤ë¥¼\n"
"ë§?ë??ë??ë?° ë??ì??ì?? ì¤? ê²?ì??ë??ë?¤.\n"				"ë§?ë??ë??ë?° ë??ì??ì?? ì¤? ê²?ì??ë??ë?¤.\n"
"ë?¤ì?? ë?¨ê³?ë¡? ë?°ë?¼ì?¤ì?­ì??ì?¤!"					"ë?¤ì?? ë?¨ê³?ë¡? ë?°ë?¼ì?¤ì?­ì??ì?¤!"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404
msgid "General Information"					msgid "General Information"
msgstr "�� �보"						msgstr "�� �보"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the basic information\n"	"The following fields represent the basic information\n"
"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n	"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n
"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"	"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"
"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"	"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"
"the default one."						"the default one."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"ë?¤ì?? í??ë??ë?? ì??ë¡?ì?´ ë?°ì?´í?° ì??ì?¤ì?? ë??í?? 기본 ì ?보를 \n"		"ë?¤ì?? í??ë??ë?? ì??ë¡?ì?´ ë?°ì?´í?° ì??ì?¤ì?? ë??í?? 기본 ì ?보를 \n"
"ë³´ì?¬ì¤?ë??ë?¤. ëª?ëª? í?­ëª©(ì?¤ëª?, ì?¬ì?©ì??ì?´ë¦?)ì?? ì? í??ì?¬í?­ì?´ê³  \n"	"ë³´ì?¬ì¤?ë??ë?¤. ëª?ëª? í?­ëª©(ì?¤ëª?, ì?¬ì?©ì??ì?´ë¦?)ì?? ì? í??ì?¬í?­ì?´ê³  \n"
"ë??머ì§?ë?? í??ì??ì?¬í?­ ì??ë??ë?¤. ì?¬ì?©í?´ì?¼í?  ì ?ê³µì??를 모른ë?¤ë©´\n"	"ë??머ì§?ë?? í??ì??ì?¬í?­ ì??ë??ë?¤. ì?¬ì?©í?´ì?¼í?  ì ?ê³µì??를 모른ë?¤ë©´\n"
"기본ê°?ì?? ì? í??í??ì?­ì??ì?¤"						"기본ê°?ì?? ì? í??í??ì?­ì??ì?¤"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data source _name:"					msgid "Data source _name:"
msgstr "ë?°ì?´í?° ì??ì?¤ ì?´ë¦?"					msgstr "ë?°ì?´í?° ì??ì?¤ ì?´ë¦?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Provider:"						msgid "_Provider:"
msgstr "ì ?ê³µì??"							msgstr "ì ?ê³µì??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Description:"						msgid "_Description:"
msgstr "��"							msgstr "��"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Username:"						msgid "_Username:"
msgstr "ì?¬ì?©ì??ì?´ë¦?"						msgstr "ì?¬ì?©ì??ì?´ë¦?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "P_assword:"						msgid "P_assword:"
msgstr "ì??í?¸"							msgstr "ì??í?¸"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454
msgid "Provider Parameters"					msgid "Provider Parameters"
msgstr "ì ?ê³µì?? í??ë?¼ë©?í?°"					msgstr "ì ?ê³µì?? í??ë?¼ë©?í?°"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the information needed by the	"The following fields represent the information needed by the
"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n	"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n
"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\	"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\
"the manual for more information."				"the manual for more information."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"ë?¤ì?? í??ë??ë?? ì?°ê²°í?  ë?? ì ?ë²? í??ì?´ì§?ì??ì?? ì? í??í?? ì ?ê³µì??ì?? \n"	"ë?¤ì?? í??ë??ë?? ì?°ê²°í?  ë?? ì ?ë²? í??ì?´ì§?ì??ì?? ì? í??í?? ì ?ê³µì??ì?? \n"
"í??ì??í?? ì ?보를 ë³´ì?¬ì¤?ë??ë?¤. ì?´ ì ?ë³´ë?? ì ?ê³µì??ì?? ë?°ë?¼\n"		"í??ì??í?? ì ?보를 ë³´ì?¬ì¤?ë??ë?¤. ì?´ ì ?ë³´ë?? ì ?ê³µì??ì?? ë?°ë?¼\n"
"ë?¤ë¦?ë??ë?¤. ë?? ì??ì?¸í?? ì ?보를 ì??í??ë©´ ì?¤ëª?ì??를 í??ì?¸í??기 \n"	"ë?¤ë¦?ë??ë?¤. ë?? ì??ì?¸í?? ì ?보를 ì??í??ë©´ ì?¤ëª?ì??를 í??ì?¸í??기 \n"
"ë°?ë??ë??ë?¤"							"ë°?ë??ë??ë?¤"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481
msgid "All information retrieved"				msgid "All information retrieved"
msgstr "모ë?  ì ?ë³´ ë°?ì??"						msgstr "모ë?  ì ?ë³´ ë°?ì??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid ""							msgid ""
"All information needed to create a new data source\n"		"All information needed to create a new data source\n"
"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"		"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"
"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"	"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"
"just select it when asked for a data source."			"just select it when asked for a data source."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"ì??ë¡?ì?´ ë?°ì?´í?° ì??ì?¤ë¥¼ ë§?ë?¤ê¸° ì??í?´ í??ì??í?? ì ?보를 모ë??\n"		"ì??ë¡?ì?´ ë?°ì?´í?° ì??ì?¤ë¥¼ ë§?ë?¤ê¸° ì??í?´ í??ì??í?? ì ?보를 모ë??\n"
"ì?»ì??ì?µë??ë?¤. ì?´ì ? 'ì ?ì?©'ì?? ë??르면 ì?´ ë??í??ì??ì??를\n"		"ì?»ì??ì?µë??ë?¤. ì?´ì ? 'ì ?ì?©'ì?? ë??르면 ì?´ ë??í??ì??ì??를\n"
"ë?«ì?µë??ë?¤. ì??ë¡? ë§?ë?¤ì?´ì§? ë?°ì?´í?° ì??ì?¤ë¥¼ ì?´ë ¤ë©´\n"		"ë?«ì?µë??ë?¤. ì??ë¡? ë§?ë?¤ì?´ì§? ë?°ì?´í?° ì??ì?¤ë¥¼ ì?´ë ¤ë©´\n"
"ë?°ì?´í?° ì??ì?¤ë¥¼ ì??ì²­í? ë?? ì? í??í??ì?­ì??ì?¤"				"ë?°ì?´í?° ì??ì?¤ë¥¼ ì??ì²­í? ë?? ì? í??í??ì?­ì??ì?¤"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Connection _string:"					msgid "Connection _string:"
msgstr "ì?°ê²° 문ì??ì?´"						msgstr "ì?°ê²° 문ì??ì?´"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4
msgid "Error"							msgid "Error"
msgstr "��"							msgstr "��"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.
msgid "Show detail >>"						msgid "Show detail >>"
msgstr "ì??ì?¸í?? 보기 >>"						msgstr "ì??ì?¸í?? 보기 >>"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122
msgid "<< Hide detail"						msgid "<< Hide detail"
msgstr "ì??ì?¸í?? 보기 ì?¨ê¸°ê¸° >>"					msgstr "ì??ì?¸í?? 보기 ì?¨ê¸°ê¸° >>"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191
msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"	msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196
msgid "Error number"						msgid "Error number"
msgstr "�� ��"						msgstr "�� ��"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Details"							msgid "Details"
msgstr "ì??ì?¸í??"							msgstr "ì??ì?¸í??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234
msgid "Source"							msgid "Source"
msgstr "ì??ì?¤"							msgstr "ì??ì?¤"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241
msgid "SQL state"						msgid "SQL state"
msgstr "SQL ì??í??"						msgstr "SQL ì??í??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108
msgid "_Field:"							msgid "_Field:"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Text:"							msgid "_Text:"
msgstr "í??ì??"							msgstr "í??ì??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308
msgid "No records"						msgid "No records"
msgstr "ë ?ì½?ë?? ì??ì??"						msgstr "ë ?ì½?ë?? ì??ì??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Record %d of %d"						msgid "Record %d of %d"
msgstr "%2$dì¤? %1$d ë ?ì½?ë??"					msgstr "%2$dì¤? %1$d ë ?ì½?ë??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113
msgid "Recordset description"					msgid "Recordset description"
msgstr "ë ?ì½?ë??ì§?í?© ì?¤ëª?"					msgstr "ë ?ì½?ë??ì§?í?© ì?¤ëª?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid ""							msgid ""
"File '%s' already exists.\n"					"File '%s' already exists.\n"
"Do you want to overwrite it?"					"Do you want to overwrite it?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149
msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."		msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Could not save file %s"					msgid "Could not save file %s"
msgstr "í??ì?¼ %s를 ì ?ì?¥í? ì?? ì??ì??"				msgstr "í??ì?¼ %s를 ì ?ì?¥í? ì?? ì??ì??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224
msgid "You must specify a file name"				msgid "You must specify a file name"
msgstr "í??ì?¼ì?´ë¦?ì?? ì§?ì ?í??ì?¬ì?¼ í?©ë??ë?¤"				msgstr "í??ì?¼ì?´ë¦?ì?? ì§?ì ?í??ì?¬ì?¼ í?©ë??ë?¤"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230
msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"		msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261
msgid "Saving Model"						msgid "Saving Model"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "File _name:"						msgid "File _name:"
msgstr "í??ì?´ë¸? ì?´ë¦?"						msgstr "í??ì?´ë¸? ì?´ë¦?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276
msgid "Select File"						msgid "Select File"
msgstr "í??ì?¼ ì? í??"						msgstr "í??ì?¼ ì? í??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283
msgid "File _type:"						msgid "File _type:"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Tab-delimited"						msgid "Tab-delimited"
msgstr "í?­ì?¼ë¡? 구ë¶?ë?? í??ì?¼"					msgstr "í?­ì?¼ë¡? 구ë¶?ë?? í??ì?¼"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Comma-delimited"						msgid "Comma-delimited"
msgstr "ì?¼í??ë¡? 구ë¶?ë?? í??ì?¼"					msgstr "ì?¼í??ë¡? 구ë¶?ë?? í??ì?¼"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:
msgid "XML"							msgid "XML"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355
msgid "View detail"						msgid "View detail"
msgstr "ì??ì?¸í?? 보기"						msgstr "ì??ì?¸í?? 보기"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Show Column _Titles"					msgid "Show Column _Titles"
msgstr "� 보기"						msgstr "� 보기"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Describe"						msgid "Describe"
msgstr "��..."						msgstr "��..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443
msgid "View detail..."						msgid "View detail..."
msgstr "ì??ì?¸í?? 보기..."						msgstr "ì??ì?¸í?? 보기..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614
msgid "Title"							msgid "Title"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48
msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"	msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"
msgstr "ì?´ë¯¸ ì´?기í??ë?? í?´ë?¼ì?´ì?¸í?¸ì?? ë?¤ì?? ì´?기í?? í??ë ¤í?©ë??ë?¤"	msgstr "ì?´ë¯¸ ì´?기í??ë?? í?´ë?¼ì?´ì?¸í?¸ì?? ë?¤ì?? ì´?기í?? í??ë ¤í?©ë??ë?¤"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"		"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"
"to a data source"						"to a data source"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data Source:"						msgid "Data Source:"
msgstr "ë?°ì?´í?° ì??ì?¤"						msgstr "ë?°ì?´í?° ì??ì?¤"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Username:"						msgid "Username:"
msgstr "ì?¬ì?©ì??ì?´ë¦?"						msgstr "ì?¬ì?©ì??ì?´ë¦?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Password:"						msgid "Password:"
msgstr "ì??í?¸"							msgstr "ì??í?¸"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69
msgid "Fields"							msgid "Fields"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30
msgid "Commit"							msgid "Commit"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31
msgid "Connect"							msgid "Connect"
msgstr "ì?°ê²°"							msgstr "ì?°ê²°"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33
msgid "Designer"						msgid "Designer"
msgstr "ë??ì??ì?´ë??"						msgstr "ë??ì??ì?´ë??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34
msgid "Disconnect"						msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr "ì?°ê²° ë??기"						msgstr "ì?°ê²° ë??기"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35
msgid "NoTransaction"						msgid "NoTransaction"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37
msgid "Query"							msgid "Query"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38
msgid "Rollback"						msgid "Rollback"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40
msgid "SQL"							msgid "SQL"
msgstr "SQL"							msgstr "SQL"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43
msgid "WithinTransaction"					msgid "WithinTransaction"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Error: %s"						msgid "Error: %s"
msgstr "��: %s"						msgstr "��: %s"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79
msgid "Table name"						msgid "Table name"
msgstr "í??ì?´ë¸? ì?´ë¦?"						msgstr "í??ì?´ë¸? ì?´ë¦?"

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93			#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Login for %s"						msgid "Login for %s"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95					#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95
msgid "Login to database"					msgid "Login to database"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: vfs/libmain.c:71						#: vfs/libmain.c:71
msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"				msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Table Properties"					msgid "Table Properties"
msgstr "���베�� �� �보"					msgstr "���베�� �� �보"

#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Table Name"						msgid "Table Name"
msgstr "í??ì?´ë¸? ì?´ë¦?"						msgstr "í??ì?´ë¸? ì?´ë¦?"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155
msgid "New"							msgid "New"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156
msgid "Create new table"					msgid "Create new table"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Properties"						msgid "Properties"
msgstr "í??ë¡?ì??ì ¸"						msgstr "í??ë¡?ì??ì ¸"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View table properties"					msgid "View table properties"
msgstr "���베�� �� �보"					msgstr "���베�� �� �보"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
msgid "UID"							msgid "UID"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "calendar"						msgid "calendar"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "summary"							msgid "summary"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "Summary"							msgid "Summary"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "location"						msgid "location"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "dtstart"							msgid "dtstart"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
msgid "Start time"						msgid "Start time"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "dtend"							msgid "dtend"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "End time"						msgid "End time"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "description"						msgid "description"
msgstr "��"							msgstr "��"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "classification"						msgid "classification"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "Classification"						msgid "Classification"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "transparency"						msgid "transparency"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "Transparency"						msgid "Transparency"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "categories"						msgid "categories"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "Categories"						msgid "Categories"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "tasks"							msgid "tasks"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "due"							msgid "due"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "Due date"						msgid "Due date"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "Start date"						msgid "Start date"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355
msgid "Public"							msgid "Public"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358
msgid "Private"							msgid "Private"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361
msgid "Confidential"						msgid "Confidential"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63
msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"		msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66
msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"			msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80
msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta	msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"		msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"
msgstr "í??ì?¼ %s를 ì ?ì?¥í? ì?? ì??ì??"				msgstr "í??ì?¼ %s를 ì ?ì?¥í? ì?? ì??ì??"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100
msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"				msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Field name"						msgid "Field name"
msgstr "ì?¬ì?©ì??ì?´ë¦?"						msgstr "ì?¬ì?©ì??ì?´ë¦?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data type"						msgid "Data type"
msgstr "ë?°ì?´í?°"							msgstr "ë?°ì?´í?°"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214
msgid "Size"							msgid "Size"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215
msgid "Scale"							msgid "Scale"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216
msgid "Not null?"						msgid "Not null?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217
msgid "Primary key?"						msgid "Primary key?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218
msgid "Unique index?"						msgid "Unique index?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "References"						msgid "References"
msgstr "ì??í??ì?¤"							msgstr "ì??í??ì?¤"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220
msgid "Default value"						msgid "Default value"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239
msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l	msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Table %s does not exist"					msgid "Table %s does not exist"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318
msgid "Scheduled events"					msgid "Scheduled events"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321
msgid "TODO list"						msgid "TODO list"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375
msgid "Owner"							msgid "Owner"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376
msgid "Comments"						msgid "Comments"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Type"							msgid "Type"
msgstr "í??ì??"							msgstr "í??ì??"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377
msgid "GDA type"						msgid "GDA type"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id	#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id
#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database	#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database
#. we can easily access that information			#. we can easily access that information
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382
msgid "local"							msgid "local"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217
msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230
msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244
msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"			msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268
msgid "Invalid SQL command"					msgid "Invalid SQL command"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353
msgid "Transactions are not supported"				msgid "Transactions are not supported"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41
msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"		msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task	"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Database component factory"				#~ msgid "Database component factory"
#~ msgstr "���베�� ��"					#~ msgstr "���베�� ��"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Database browser"					#~ msgid "Database browser"
#~ msgstr "���베�� �� �보"				#~ msgstr "���베�� �� �보"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Error viewer"						#~ msgid "Error viewer"
#~ msgstr "�� ��"						#~ msgstr "�� ��"

#~ msgid "Database configuration"				#~ msgid "Database configuration"
#~ msgstr "���베�� ��"					#~ msgstr "���베�� ��"

#~ msgid "Password"						#~ msgid "Password"
#~ msgstr "ì??í?¸"						#~ msgstr "ì??í?¸"

#~ msgid "Save as"						#~ msgid "Save as"
#~ msgstr "�른 ���� ��"					#~ msgstr "�른 ���� ��"

#~ msgid "Save to"						#~ msgid "Save to"
#~ msgstr "ì ?ì?¥"						#~ msgstr "ì ?ì?¥"

#~ msgid "XML file"						#~ msgid "XML file"
#~ msgstr "XML í??ì?¼"						#~ msgstr "XML í??ì?¼"

#~ msgid "Hide columns"						#~ msgid "Hide columns"
#~ msgstr "� ��"						#~ msgstr "� ��"

#~ msgid "Question"						#~ msgid "Question"
#~ msgstr "�문"						#~ msgstr "�문"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Database Moniker factory"				#~ msgid "Database Moniker factory"
#~ msgstr "���베�� ��"					#~ msgstr "���베�� ��"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "database: moniker"					#~ msgid "database: moniker"
#~ msgstr "���베�� ��"					#~ msgstr "���베�� ��"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Invalid format for connection string"			#~ msgid "Invalid format for connection string"
#~ msgstr "ì?°ê²° 문ì??ì?´"						#~ msgstr "ì?°ê²° 문ì??ì?´"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Data sources"						#~ msgid "Data sources"
#~ msgstr "ë?°ì?´í?° ì??ì?¤"						#~ msgstr "ë?°ì?´í?° ì??ì?¤"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Test Data Source"					#~ msgid "Test Data Source"
#~ msgstr "ë?°ì?´í?° ì??ì?¤"						#~ msgstr "ë?°ì?´í?° ì??ì?¤"

#~ msgid "Data source"						#~ msgid "Data source"
#~ msgstr "ë?°ì?´í?° ì??ì?¤"						#~ msgstr "ë?°ì?´í?° ì??ì?¤"

#~ msgid "Select all"						#~ msgid "Select all"
#~ msgstr "모ë?? ì? í??"						#~ msgstr "모ë?? ì? í??"

#~ msgid "Unselect all"						#~ msgid "Unselect all"
#~ msgstr "모ë?? ì? í?? ì·¨ì??"					#~ msgstr "모ë?? ì? í?? ì·¨ì??"

#~ msgid "OAFIID of the default component for the GNOME-DB sh	#~ msgid "OAFIID of the default component for the GNOME-DB sh
#~ msgstr "GNOME-DB ì??ì?? 기본 구ì?±ì??ì?? OAFIID"			#~ msgstr "GNOME-DB ì??ì?? 기본 구ì?±ì??ì?? OAFIID"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Whether to show or not the shortcut bar on the fron	#~ msgid "Whether to show or not the shortcut bar on the fron
#~ msgstr "í??ë?°í?¸ì??ë?? ì°½ì?? ì??ì?½ ë§?ë??를 ë³´ì?¼ ê²?ì?¸ì§? ì?¬ë¶?"	#~ msgstr "í??ë?°í?¸ì??ë?? ì°½ì?? ì??ì?½ ë§?ë??를 ë³´ì?¼ ê²?ì?¸ì§? ì?¬ë¶?"

#~ msgid "Whether to show or not the summary bar on the front	#~ msgid "Whether to show or not the summary bar on the front
#~ msgstr "í??ë?°í?¸ì??ë?? ì°½ì?? ì??ì?½ ë§?ë??를 ë³´ì?¼ ê²?ì?¸ì§? ì?¬ë¶?"	#~ msgstr "í??ë?°í?¸ì??ë?? ì°½ì?? ì??ì?½ ë§?ë??를 ë³´ì?¼ ê²?ì?¸ì§? ì?¬ë¶?"

#~ msgid "Whether to use a fixed size/position for the shell 	#~ msgid "Whether to use a fixed size/position for the shell 
#~ msgstr "ì?? ì°½ì?? ê³ ì ?ë?? í?¬ê¸°/ì??ì¹?ë¡? ì?¬ì?©í?  ê²?ì?¸ì§? ì?¬ë¶?"	#~ msgstr "ì?? ì°½ì?? ê³ ì ?ë?? í?¬ê¸°/ì??ì¹?ë¡? ì?¬ì?©í?  ê²?ì?¸ì§? ì?¬ë¶?"

#~ msgid "Unselect All"						#~ msgid "Unselect All"
#~ msgstr "모ë?? ì? í?? ì·¨ì??"					#~ msgstr "모ë?? ì? í?? ì·¨ì??"

#~ msgid "Display column headers"				#~ msgid "Display column headers"
#~ msgstr "ì?´ ì ?목 í??ì??"					#~ msgstr "ì?´ ì ?목 í??ì??"

#~ msgid "Hide column headers"					#~ msgid "Hide column headers"
#~ msgstr "� �목 ��"					#~ msgstr "� �목 ��"

#~ msgid "Save as..."						#~ msgid "Save as..."
#~ msgstr "�른 ���� ��..."				#~ msgstr "�른 ���� ��..."

#~ msgid "Export data to different formats"			#~ msgid "Export data to different formats"
#~ msgstr "ë?°ì?´í?°ë¥¼ ë?¤ë¥¸ í??ì??ì?¼ë¡? ë³´ë??ë??ë?¤"			#~ msgstr "ë?°ì?´í?°ë¥¼ ë?¤ë¥¸ í??ì??ì?¼ë¡? ë³´ë??ë??ë?¤"

#~ msgid "Describe current data set"				#~ msgid "Describe current data set"
#~ msgstr "í??ì?¬ ë?°ì?´í?° ì§?í?©ì?? ì?¤ëª?í?©ë??ë?¤"			#~ msgstr "í??ì?¬ ë?°ì?´í?° ì§?í?©ì?? ì?¤ëª?í?©ë??ë?¤"

#~ msgid "View current data in more detail"			#~ msgid "View current data in more detail"
#~ msgstr "í??ì?¬ ì?°ê²°ì?? ì?¸ë¶?ì?¬í?­ì?? ë´?ë??ë?¤"			#~ msgstr "í??ì?¬ ì?°ê²°ì?? ì?¸ë¶?ì?¬í?­ì?? ë´?ë??ë?¤"

#~ msgid "Icon"							#~ msgid "Icon"
#~ msgstr "ì??ì?´ì½?"						#~ msgstr "ì??ì?´ì½?"

#~ msgid "Object name"						#~ msgid "Object name"
#~ msgstr "�체 ��"						#~ msgstr "�체 ��"
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: libgnomedb-2.pot
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: Makefile.in
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: Makefile.in.in
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po: mk.po
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ml.gmo
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/ml.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/ml.po
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACK	# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACK
# FSF-India <locale gnu org in>, 2003.				# FSF-India <locale gnu org in>, 2003.
#								#
msgid ""							msgid ""
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version:libgnomedb.HEAD\n"				"Project-Id-Version:libgnomedb.HEAD\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"					"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"			"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2003-07-05 10:29+0530\n"			"PO-Revision-Date: 2003-07-05 10:29+0530\n"
"Last-Translator: FSF-India <locale gnu org in>\n"		"Last-Translator: FSF-India <locale gnu org in>\n"
"Language-Team: Malayalam <locale gnu org in>\n"		"Language-Team: Malayalam <locale gnu org in>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"						"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"			"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"				"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co
msgid "Data Sources"						msgid "Data Sources"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid
msgid "Providers"						msgid "Providers"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1
msgid "Configure your database environment"			msgid "Configure your database environment"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Database Access Properties "				msgid "Database Access Properties "
msgstr "വസ�ത�താശ��ര�"						msgstr "വസ�ത�താശ��ര�"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380
msgid "Name"							msgid "Name"
msgstr "à´ªàµ?à´°â??àµ?"							msgstr "à´ªàµ?à´°â??àµ?"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
msgid "Description"						msgid "Description"
msgstr "വിവരണ�"							msgstr "വിവരണ�"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182
msgid "Configured data sources in the system"			msgid "Configured data sources in the system"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data sources are the means by which database connections are	"Data sources are the means by which database connections are
"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s	"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s
"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o	"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o
"name you identify the connections in the applications that m	"name you identify the connections in the applications that m
"DB for database access."					"DB for database access."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"	msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104
msgid "Data Source Properties"					msgid "Data Source Properties"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132
msgid "Basic"							msgid "Basic"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Tables"							msgid "Tables"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/main.c:92					#: control-center/main.c:92
msgid "No valid data source info was created"			msgid "No valid data source info was created"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218	#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218
msgid "New data source"						msgid "New data source"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:215					#: control-center/main.c:215
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Database Access Properties"				msgid "Database Access Properties"
msgstr "വസ�ത�താശ��ര�"						msgstr "വസ�ത�താശ��ര�"

#: control-center/provider-config.c:105				#: control-center/provider-config.c:105
msgid "Installed providers"					msgid "Installed providers"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/provider-config.c:131				#: control-center/provider-config.c:131
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec	"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec
"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo	"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo
"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr	"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr
"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba	"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba
"etc."								"etc."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1
msgid "Database connection parameters file"			msgid "Database connection parameters file"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2
msgid "Documents"						msgid "Documents"
msgstr "��രന�ഥ���ള�"						msgstr "��രന�ഥ���ള�"

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3
msgid "SQL code viewer"						msgid "SQL code viewer"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1
msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"			msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2
msgid "Number of spaces per tab"				msgid "Number of spaces per tab"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3
msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"			msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4
msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"			msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60
msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"			msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1
msgid "About"							msgid "About"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2
msgid "About GNOME-DB"						msgid "About GNOME-DB"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3
msgid "Close this window"					msgid "Close this window"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4
msgid "Create new entry"					msgid "Create new entry"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5
msgid "Delete selected items"					msgid "Delete selected items"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6
msgid "Deselect all items"					msgid "Deselect all items"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7
msgid "Edit properties for selected item"			msgid "Edit properties for selected item"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8
msgid "Save connection parameters to file"			msgid "Save connection parameters to file"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Select _All"						msgid "Select _All"
msgstr "�ല�ലാ� ത�ര�����������"					msgstr "�ല�ലാ� ത�ര�����������"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Select all items"					msgid "Select all items"
msgstr "�ല�ലാ� ത�ര�����������"					msgstr "�ല�ലാ� ത�ര�����������"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11
msgid "View data sources"					msgid "View data sources"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12
msgid "View providers"						msgid "View providers"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42
msgid "_Clear Selection"					msgid "_Clear Selection"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14
msgid "_Close"							msgid "_Close"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Data Sources"						msgid "_Data Sources"
msgstr "�റവി��"							msgstr "�റവി��"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Database"						msgid "_Database"
msgstr "വസ�ത�താശ��ര�"						msgstr "വസ�ത�താശ��ര�"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17
msgid "_Delete"							msgid "_Delete"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18
msgid "_Edit"							msgid "_Edit"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19
msgid "_Help"							msgid "_Help"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20
msgid "_New Data Source..."					msgid "_New Data Source..."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21
msgid "_Properties"						msgid "_Properties"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22
msgid "_Providers"						msgid "_Providers"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Save Connection"					msgid "_Save Connection"
msgstr "��ിപ�പി�����"						msgstr "��ിപ�പി�����"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_View"							msgid "_View"
msgstr "�ാഴ���ള�"							msgstr "�ാഴ���ള�"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76
msgid "Structure"						msgid "Structure"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73
msgid "Data"							msgid "Data"
msgstr "വസ�ത�ത"							msgstr "വസ�ത�ത"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238
msgid "Not implemented yet!"					msgid "Not implemented yet!"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Database"						msgid "Database"
msgstr "വസ�ത�താശ��ര�"						msgstr "വസ�ത�താശ��ര�"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540
msgid "Loading database schemas..."				msgid "Loading database schemas..."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632
msgid "Refreshing data..."					msgid "Refreshing data..."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688
msgid "Views"							msgid "Views"
msgstr "�ാഴ���ള�"							msgstr "�ാഴ���ള�"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691
msgid "Indexes"							msgid "Indexes"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Sequences"						msgid "Sequences"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Procedures"						msgid "Procedures"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700
msgid "Triggers"						msgid "Triggers"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Aggregates"						msgid "Aggregates"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Types"							msgid "Types"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140
msgid "Could not query CORBA components"			msgid "Could not query CORBA components"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209
msgid "ID"							msgid "ID"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "Location"						msgid "Location"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212
msgid "Username"						msgid "Username"
msgstr "�പയ���ത� നാമ�"						msgstr "�പയ���ത� നാമ�"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Hostname"						msgid "Hostname"
msgstr "�പയ���ത� നാമ�"						msgstr "�പയ���ത� നാമ�"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214
msgid "Domain"							msgid "Domain"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"			msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. create widgets						#. create widgets
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97
msgid "Settings"						msgid "Settings"
msgstr "സ�����രണ�"						msgstr "സ�����രണ�"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103
msgid "Data source name"					msgid "Data source name"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109
msgid "Connection string"					msgid "Connection string"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115
msgid "Provider"						msgid "Provider"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121
msgid "User name"						msgid "User name"
msgstr "�പയ���ത� നാമ�"						msgstr "�പയ���ത� നാമ�"

#. create feature list						#. create feature list
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128
msgid "Features"						msgid "Features"
msgstr "പ�രത�യ��ത�ള�"						msgstr "പ�രത�യ��ത�ള�"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190
msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"		msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197
msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac	msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206
msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th	msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213
msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"			msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217
msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n	msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225
msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"	msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233
msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"		msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391
msgid "Add a new data source..."				msgid "Add a new data source..."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392
msgid ""							msgid ""
"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"		"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"
"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"		"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"
"installation. Just follow the steps!"				"installation. Just follow the steps!"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404
msgid "General Information"					msgid "General Information"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the basic information\n"	"The following fields represent the basic information\n"
"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n	"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n
"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"	"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"
"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"	"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"
"the default one."						"the default one."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104
msgid "Data source _name:"					msgid "Data source _name:"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114
msgid "_Provider:"						msgid "_Provider:"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Description:"						msgid "_Description:"
msgstr "വിവരണ�"							msgstr "വിവരണ�"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Username:"						msgid "_Username:"
msgstr "�പയ���ത� നാമ�:"						msgstr "�പയ���ത� നാമ�:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "P_assword:"						msgid "P_assword:"
msgstr "��യാളവാ����:"						msgstr "��യാളവാ����:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454
msgid "Provider Parameters"					msgid "Provider Parameters"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the information needed by the	"The following fields represent the information needed by the
"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n	"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n
"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\	"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\
"the manual for more information."				"the manual for more information."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481
msgid "All information retrieved"				msgid "All information retrieved"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482
msgid ""							msgid ""
"All information needed to create a new data source\n"		"All information needed to create a new data source\n"
"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"		"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"
"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"	"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"
"just select it when asked for a data source."			"just select it when asked for a data source."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124
msgid "Connection _string:"					msgid "Connection _string:"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4
msgid "Error"							msgid "Error"
msgstr "പിശ��"							msgstr "പിശ��"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.
msgid "Show detail >>"						msgid "Show detail >>"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122
msgid "<< Hide detail"						msgid "<< Hide detail"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191
msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"	msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196
msgid "Error number"						msgid "Error number"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Details"							msgid "Details"
msgstr "വിശദവിവര���ള�"						msgstr "വിശദവിവര���ള�"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234
msgid "Source"							msgid "Source"
msgstr "�റവി��"							msgstr "�റവി��"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241
msgid "SQL state"						msgid "SQL state"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Field:"							msgid "_Field:"
msgstr "തല��������"						msgstr "തല��������"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Text:"							msgid "_Text:"
msgstr "പര���ഷി�����"						msgstr "പര���ഷി�����"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308
msgid "No records"						msgid "No records"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Record %d of %d"						msgid "Record %d of %d"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113
msgid "Recordset description"					msgid "Recordset description"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid ""							msgid ""
"File '%s' already exists.\n"					"File '%s' already exists.\n"
"Do you want to overwrite it?"					"Do you want to overwrite it?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149
msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."		msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Could not save file %s"					msgid "Could not save file %s"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224
msgid "You must specify a file name"				msgid "You must specify a file name"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230
msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"		msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261
msgid "Saving Model"						msgid "Saving Model"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "File _name:"						msgid "File _name:"
msgstr "�പയ���ത� നാമ�:"						msgstr "�പയ���ത� നാമ�:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276
msgid "Select File"						msgid "Select File"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283
msgid "File _type:"						msgid "File _type:"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291
msgid "Tab-delimited"						msgid "Tab-delimited"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294
msgid "Comma-delimited"						msgid "Comma-delimited"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:
msgid "XML"							msgid "XML"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355
msgid "View detail"						msgid "View detail"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427
msgid "Show Column _Titles"					msgid "Show Column _Titles"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442
msgid "Describe"						msgid "Describe"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443
msgid "View detail..."						msgid "View detail..."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614
msgid "Title"							msgid "Title"
msgstr "തല��������"						msgstr "തല��������"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48
msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"	msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"		"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"
"to a data source"						"to a data source"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253
msgid "Data Source:"						msgid "Data Source:"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270
msgid "Username:"						msgid "Username:"
msgstr "�പയ���ത� നാമ�:"						msgstr "�പയ���ത� നാമ�:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279
msgid "Password:"						msgid "Password:"
msgstr "��യാളവാ����:"						msgstr "��യാളവാ����:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69
msgid "Fields"							msgid "Fields"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30
msgid "Commit"							msgid "Commit"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Connect"							msgid "Connect"
msgstr "��ിപ�പി�����"						msgstr "��ിപ�പി�����"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33
msgid "Designer"						msgid "Designer"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34
msgid "Disconnect"						msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr "വി��ദി�����"						msgstr "വി��ദി�����"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35
msgid "NoTransaction"						msgid "NoTransaction"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37
msgid "Query"							msgid "Query"
msgstr "നിâ??â??â??à´°àµ?â??à´¦àµ?à´¦àµ?à´¶à´?"						msgstr "നിâ??â??â??à´°àµ?â??à´¦àµ?à´¦àµ?à´¶à´?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38
msgid "Rollback"						msgid "Rollback"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40
msgid "SQL"							msgid "SQL"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43
msgid "WithinTransaction"					msgid "WithinTransaction"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Error: %s"						msgid "Error: %s"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79
msgid "Table name"						msgid "Table name"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93			#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Login for %s"						msgid "Login for %s"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95					#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95
msgid "Login to database"					msgid "Login to database"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: vfs/libmain.c:71						#: vfs/libmain.c:71
msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"				msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40
msgid "Table Properties"					msgid "Table Properties"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47
msgid "Table Name"						msgid "Table Name"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155
msgid "New"							msgid "New"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156
msgid "Create new table"					msgid "Create new table"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161
msgid "Properties"						msgid "Properties"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162
msgid "View table properties"					msgid "View table properties"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
msgid "UID"							msgid "UID"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "calendar"						msgid "calendar"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "summary"							msgid "summary"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "Summary"							msgid "Summary"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "location"						msgid "location"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "dtstart"							msgid "dtstart"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
msgid "Start time"						msgid "Start time"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "dtend"							msgid "dtend"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "End time"						msgid "End time"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "description"						msgid "description"
msgstr "വിവരണ�"							msgstr "വിവരണ�"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "classification"						msgid "classification"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "Classification"						msgid "Classification"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "transparency"						msgid "transparency"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "Transparency"						msgid "Transparency"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "categories"						msgid "categories"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "Categories"						msgid "Categories"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "tasks"							msgid "tasks"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "due"							msgid "due"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "Due date"						msgid "Due date"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "Start date"						msgid "Start date"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355
msgid "Public"							msgid "Public"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358
msgid "Private"							msgid "Private"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361
msgid "Confidential"						msgid "Confidential"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63
msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"		msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66
msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"			msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80
msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta	msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83
msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"		msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100
msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"				msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Field name"						msgid "Field name"
msgstr "�പയ���ത� നാമ�"						msgstr "�പയ���ത� നാമ�"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data type"						msgid "Data type"
msgstr "വസ�ത�ത"							msgstr "വസ�ത�ത"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214
msgid "Size"							msgid "Size"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215
msgid "Scale"							msgid "Scale"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216
msgid "Not null?"						msgid "Not null?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217
msgid "Primary key?"						msgid "Primary key?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218
msgid "Unique index?"						msgid "Unique index?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219
msgid "References"						msgid "References"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220
msgid "Default value"						msgid "Default value"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239
msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l	msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Table %s does not exist"					msgid "Table %s does not exist"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318
msgid "Scheduled events"					msgid "Scheduled events"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321
msgid "TODO list"						msgid "TODO list"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375
msgid "Owner"							msgid "Owner"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Comments"						msgid "Comments"
msgstr "��രന�ഥ���ള�"						msgstr "��രന�ഥ���ള�"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374
msgid "Type"							msgid "Type"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377
msgid "GDA type"						msgid "GDA type"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id	#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id
#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database	#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database
#. we can easily access that information			#. we can easily access that information
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382
msgid "local"							msgid "local"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217
msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230
msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244
msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"			msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268
msgid "Invalid SQL command"					msgid "Invalid SQL command"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353
msgid "Transactions are not supported"				msgid "Transactions are not supported"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41
msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"		msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task	"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "_Settings"						#~ msgid "_Settings"
#~ msgstr "സ�����രണ�"						#~ msgstr "സ�����രണ�"

#~ msgid "Password"						#~ msgid "Password"
#~ msgstr "��യാളവാ��യ�"						#~ msgstr "��യാളവാ��യ�"

#~ msgid "Hide columns"						#~ msgid "Hide columns"
#~ msgstr "à´?à´¦àµ?à´¶àµ?യമായ നിരà´?à´³àµ?â??"					#~ msgstr "à´?à´¦àµ?à´¶àµ?യമായ നിരà´?à´³àµ?â??"

#~ msgid "Question"						#~ msgid "Question"
#~ msgstr "��ദ�യ�"						#~ msgstr "��ദ�യ�"
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ms.gmo
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/ms.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/ms.po
# Bahasa Melayu translation of libgnomedb.			# Bahasa Melayu translation of libgnomedb.
# Copyright (C) 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.		# Copyright (C) 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# 1. Mohamad Afifi Omar (App) <mr_mohd_afifi yahoo com>, 2002	# 1. Mohamad Afifi Omar (App) <mr_mohd_afifi yahoo com>, 2002
# 2. Hasbullah Bin Pit (sebol) <sebol ikhlas com>,2002.		# 2. Hasbullah Bin Pit (sebol) <sebol ikhlas com>,2002.
# 3. 								# 3. 
msgid ""							msgid ""
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: libgnomedb\n"				"Project-Id-Version: libgnomedb\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"					"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"			"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2003-11-23 05:46+0800\n"			"PO-Revision-Date: 2003-11-23 05:46+0800\n"
"Last-Translator: Hasbullah Bin Pit <sebol ikhlas com>\n"	"Last-Translator: Hasbullah Bin Pit <sebol ikhlas com>\n"
"Language-Team: Bahasa Melayu <gabai-penyumbang lists sourcef	"Language-Team: Bahasa Melayu <gabai-penyumbang lists sourcef
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"						"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"			"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"				"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co
msgid "Data Sources"						msgid "Data Sources"
msgstr "Sumber Data"						msgstr "Sumber Data"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid
msgid "Providers"						msgid "Providers"
msgstr "Pembekal"						msgstr "Pembekal"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1
msgid "Configure your database environment"			msgid "Configure your database environment"
msgstr "Konfigurasikan persekitaran pangkalandata"		msgstr "Konfigurasikan persekitaran pangkalandata"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Database Access Properties "				msgid "Database Access Properties "
msgstr "Ciri-ciri Pangkalan Data"				msgstr "Ciri-ciri Pangkalan Data"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380
msgid "Name"							msgid "Name"
msgstr "Nama"							msgstr "Nama"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
msgid "Description"						msgid "Description"
msgstr "Keterangan"						msgstr "Keterangan"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182
msgid "Configured data sources in the system"			msgid "Configured data sources in the system"
msgstr "Sumber data dikonfigurasikan pada sistem"		msgstr "Sumber data dikonfigurasikan pada sistem"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data sources are the means by which database connections are	"Data sources are the means by which database connections are
"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s	"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s
"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o	"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o
"name you identify the connections in the applications that m	"name you identify the connections in the applications that m
"DB for database access."					"DB for database access."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Sumber data merujuk kepada pangkalan data mana yang dikenalp	"Sumber data merujuk kepada pangkalan data mana yang dikenalp
"libgda. Semua maklumat diperlukan untuk membuka sambungan ke	"libgda. Semua maklumat diperlukan untuk membuka sambungan ke
"pembekal/pangkalandata tertentu disimpan menggunakan nama un	"pembekal/pangkalandata tertentu disimpan menggunakan nama un
"ini membolehkan anda mengenalpasti sambungan pada aplikasi y	"ini membolehkan anda mengenalpasti sambungan pada aplikasi y
"GNOMEDB untuk mengakses pangkalan data"			"GNOMEDB untuk mengakses pangkalan data"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277
#, fuzzy, c-format						#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"	msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"
msgstr "Adakah anda ingin membuang sumber data '%s'?"		msgstr "Adakah anda ingin membuang sumber data '%s'?"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data Source Properties"					msgid "Data Source Properties"
msgstr "Ciri-ciri sumber data"					msgstr "Ciri-ciri sumber data"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132
msgid "Basic"							msgid "Basic"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Tables"							msgid "Tables"
msgstr "Jadual"							msgstr "Jadual"

#: control-center/main.c:92					#: control-center/main.c:92
msgid "No valid data source info was created"			msgid "No valid data source info was created"
msgstr "Tiada maklumat sumber data yang sah dicipta"		msgstr "Tiada maklumat sumber data yang sah dicipta"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218	#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218
msgid "New data source"						msgid "New data source"
msgstr "Sumber data baru"					msgstr "Sumber data baru"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:215					#: control-center/main.c:215
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Database Access Properties"				msgid "Database Access Properties"
msgstr "Ciri-ciri Pangkalan Data"				msgstr "Ciri-ciri Pangkalan Data"

#: control-center/provider-config.c:105				#: control-center/provider-config.c:105
msgid "Installed providers"					msgid "Installed providers"
msgstr "Pembekal dipasang"					msgstr "Pembekal dipasang"

#: control-center/provider-config.c:131				#: control-center/provider-config.c:131
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec	"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec
"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo	"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo
"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr	"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr
"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba	"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba
"etc."								"etc."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Pembekal adalah plugin luaran yang membekal akses ke sumber 	"Pembekal adalah plugin luaran yang membekal akses ke sumber 
"Pembekal default sentiasa dipasang, membolehkan pengaksesan 	"Pembekal default sentiasa dipasang, membolehkan pengaksesan 
"yang disimpan pada fail XML. Pembekal lain yang biasanya dia	"yang disimpan pada fail XML. Pembekal lain yang biasanya dia
"libgda/gnome-db adalah PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Sybase, In	"libgda/gnome-db adalah PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Sybase, In

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1
msgid "Database connection parameters file"			msgid "Database connection parameters file"
msgstr "Parameter sambungan pangkalandata"			msgstr "Parameter sambungan pangkalandata"

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2
msgid "Documents"						msgid "Documents"
msgstr "Dokumen"						msgstr "Dokumen"

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3
msgid "SQL code viewer"						msgid "SQL code viewer"
msgstr "Pelihat kod SQL"					msgstr "Pelihat kod SQL"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1
msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"			msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"
msgstr "Fon untuk digunakan pada wiget grid"			msgstr "Fon untuk digunakan pada wiget grid"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2
msgid "Number of spaces per tab"				msgid "Number of spaces per tab"
msgstr "Langkaun nombor setiap tab"				msgstr "Langkaun nombor setiap tab"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3
msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"			msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"
msgstr "Tunjukkan baris nombor pada sumber editor"		msgstr "Tunjukkan baris nombor pada sumber editor"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4
msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"			msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"
msgstr "Gunakan penonjolan dalam sumber kod editor"		msgstr "Gunakan penonjolan dalam sumber kod editor"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60
msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"			msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"
msgstr "Servis pangkalan data bagi Desktop GNOME"		msgstr "Servis pangkalan data bagi Desktop GNOME"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1
msgid "About"							msgid "About"
msgstr "Perihal"						msgstr "Perihal"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2
msgid "About GNOME-DB"						msgid "About GNOME-DB"
msgstr "Perihal GNOME-DB"					msgstr "Perihal GNOME-DB"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3
msgid "Close this window"					msgid "Close this window"
msgstr "Tutup tetingkap ini"					msgstr "Tutup tetingkap ini"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4
msgid "Create new entry"					msgid "Create new entry"
msgstr "Wujudkan entri baru"					msgstr "Wujudkan entri baru"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5
msgid "Delete selected items"					msgid "Delete selected items"
msgstr "Hapuskan item yang dipilih"				msgstr "Hapuskan item yang dipilih"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Deselect all items"					msgid "Deselect all items"
msgstr "Hapuskan item yang dipilih"				msgstr "Hapuskan item yang dipilih"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7
msgid "Edit properties for selected item"			msgid "Edit properties for selected item"
msgstr "Edit ciri-ciri bagi item yang dipilih"			msgstr "Edit ciri-ciri bagi item yang dipilih"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8
msgid "Save connection parameters to file"			msgid "Save connection parameters to file"
msgstr "Simpan parameter sambungan ke dalam fail "		msgstr "Simpan parameter sambungan ke dalam fail "

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Select _All"						msgid "Select _All"
msgstr "Pilih Semua"						msgstr "Pilih Semua"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Select all items"					msgid "Select all items"
msgstr "Pilih Semua"						msgstr "Pilih Semua"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View data sources"					msgid "View data sources"
msgstr "Sumber data baru"					msgstr "Sumber data baru"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View providers"						msgid "View providers"
msgstr "Pembekal"						msgstr "Pembekal"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Clear Selection"					msgid "_Clear Selection"
msgstr "Kosongkan pilihan"					msgstr "Kosongkan pilihan"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14
msgid "_Close"							msgid "_Close"
msgstr "_Tutup"							msgstr "_Tutup"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Data Sources"						msgid "_Data Sources"
msgstr "Sumber Data"						msgstr "Sumber Data"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Database"						msgid "_Database"
msgstr "Pangkalan Data"						msgstr "Pangkalan Data"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17
msgid "_Delete"							msgid "_Delete"
msgstr "_Hapus"							msgstr "_Hapus"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18
msgid "_Edit"							msgid "_Edit"
msgstr "_Edit"							msgstr "_Edit"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19
msgid "_Help"							msgid "_Help"
msgstr "_Bantuan"						msgstr "_Bantuan"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_New Data Source..."					msgid "_New Data Source..."
msgstr "Sumber data baru"					msgstr "Sumber data baru"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Properties"						msgid "_Properties"
msgstr "_Ciri..."						msgstr "_Ciri..."

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Providers"						msgid "_Providers"
msgstr "Pembekal"						msgstr "Pembekal"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23
msgid "_Save Connection"					msgid "_Save Connection"
msgstr "_Simpan Sambungan"					msgstr "_Simpan Sambungan"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_View"							msgid "_View"
msgstr "Paparan"						msgstr "Paparan"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76
msgid "Structure"						msgid "Structure"
msgstr "Struktur"						msgstr "Struktur"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73
msgid "Data"							msgid "Data"
msgstr "Data"							msgstr "Data"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238
msgid "Not implemented yet!"					msgid "Not implemented yet!"
msgstr "Belum diimplementasikan lagi"				msgstr "Belum diimplementasikan lagi"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Database"						msgid "Database"
msgstr "Pangkalan Data"						msgstr "Pangkalan Data"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540
msgid "Loading database schemas..."				msgid "Loading database schemas..."
msgstr "Memuatkan skema pangkalan data..."			msgstr "Memuatkan skema pangkalan data..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632
msgid "Refreshing data..."					msgid "Refreshing data..."
msgstr "Muat semula data..."					msgstr "Muat semula data..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688
msgid "Views"							msgid "Views"
msgstr "Paparan"						msgstr "Paparan"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691
msgid "Indexes"							msgid "Indexes"
msgstr "Indeks"							msgstr "Indeks"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Sequences"						msgid "Sequences"
msgstr "Jujukan"						msgstr "Jujukan"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Procedures"						msgid "Procedures"
msgstr "Prosedur"						msgstr "Prosedur"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700
msgid "Triggers"						msgid "Triggers"
msgstr "Pemicu"							msgstr "Pemicu"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Aggregates"						msgid "Aggregates"
msgstr "Agregat"						msgstr "Agregat"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Types"							msgid "Types"
msgstr "Jenis"							msgstr "Jenis"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140
msgid "Could not query CORBA components"			msgid "Could not query CORBA components"
msgstr "Tak dapat kueri komponen CORBA"				msgstr "Tak dapat kueri komponen CORBA"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209
msgid "ID"							msgid "ID"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "Location"						msgid "Location"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212
msgid "Username"						msgid "Username"
msgstr "Namapengguna"						msgstr "Namapengguna"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Hostname"						msgid "Hostname"
msgstr "Namapengguna"						msgstr "Namapengguna"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214
msgid "Domain"							msgid "Domain"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"			msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"
msgstr "GconfEntry tidak disokong: %d"				msgstr "GconfEntry tidak disokong: %d"

#. create widgets						#. create widgets
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97
msgid "Settings"						msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Tetapan"						msgstr "Tetapan"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103
msgid "Data source name"					msgid "Data source name"
msgstr "Nama Sumber Data"					msgstr "Nama Sumber Data"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109
msgid "Connection string"					msgid "Connection string"
msgstr "Rentetan Sambungan"					msgstr "Rentetan Sambungan"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115
msgid "Provider"						msgid "Provider"
msgstr "Pembekal"						msgstr "Pembekal"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121
msgid "User name"						msgid "User name"
msgstr "Nama pengguna"						msgstr "Nama pengguna"

#. create feature list						#. create feature list
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128
msgid "Features"						msgid "Features"
msgstr "Sifat"							msgstr "Sifat"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190
msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"		msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"
msgstr "Anda mesti masukkan nama bagi sumber data baru"		msgstr "Anda mesti masukkan nama bagi sumber data baru"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac	msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac
msgstr "Nama sumber data tidak boleh mengandungi langkauan"	msgstr "Nama sumber data tidak boleh mengandungi langkauan"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206
msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th	msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th
msgstr "Sumber data sedia ada didaftarkan menggunakan nama yg	msgstr "Sumber data sedia ada didaftarkan menggunakan nama yg

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213
msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"			msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"
msgstr "Nama sumber data tidak boleh mengandungi langkauan"	msgstr "Nama sumber data tidak boleh mengandungi langkauan"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217
msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n	msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n
msgstr "Nama sumber data hanya boleh mengandungi huruf ASCII 	msgstr "Nama sumber data hanya boleh mengandungi huruf ASCII 

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225
msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"	msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"
msgstr "Anda mesti pilih pembekal bagi sumber data baru"	msgstr "Anda mesti pilih pembekal bagi sumber data baru"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233
msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"		msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"
msgstr "Pembekal tidak dijumpai pada konfigurasi"		msgstr "Pembekal tidak dijumpai pada konfigurasi"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391
msgid "Add a new data source..."				msgid "Add a new data source..."
msgstr "Tambah sumber data yang baru..."			msgstr "Tambah sumber data yang baru..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392
msgid ""							msgid ""
"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"		"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"
"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"		"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"
"installation. Just follow the steps!"				"installation. Just follow the steps!"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Druid ini akan mempimpin anda didalam proses\n"		"Druid ini akan mempimpin anda didalam proses\n"
"mencipta sumber data yang baru untuk pemasangan GNOME-DB\n"	"mencipta sumber data yang baru untuk pemasangan GNOME-DB\n"
"anda. Hanya ikut langkah-langkah!"				"anda. Hanya ikut langkah-langkah!"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404
msgid "General Information"					msgid "General Information"
msgstr "Maklumat Umum"						msgstr "Maklumat Umum"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the basic information\n"	"The following fields represent the basic information\n"
"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n	"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n
"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"	"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"
"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"	"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"
"the default one."						"the default one."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Medan-medan berikut memaparkan maklumat asas\n"		"Medan-medan berikut memaparkan maklumat asas\n"
"didalam sumber data baru anda itu. Sebahgian daripadanya (ke	"didalam sumber data baru anda itu. Sebahgian daripadanya (ke
"pengguna) adalah pilihan.\n"					"pengguna) adalah pilihan.\n"
"Walaubagaimanapun yang lain adalah wajib.\n"			"Walaubagaimanapun yang lain adalah wajib.\n"
"Jika anda tidak tahu pembekal yang mana hendak digunakan, Ha	"Jika anda tidak tahu pembekal yang mana hendak digunakan, Ha
"yang default."							"yang default."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data source _name:"					msgid "Data source _name:"
msgstr "Nama Sumber Data"					msgstr "Nama Sumber Data"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Provider:"						msgid "_Provider:"
msgstr "Pembekal"						msgstr "Pembekal"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Description:"						msgid "_Description:"
msgstr "Keterangan"						msgstr "Keterangan"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Username:"						msgid "_Username:"
msgstr "Namapengguna:"						msgstr "Namapengguna:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "P_assword:"						msgid "P_assword:"
msgstr "Katalaluan:"						msgstr "Katalaluan:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454
msgid "Provider Parameters"					msgid "Provider Parameters"
msgstr "Parameter Pembekal"					msgstr "Parameter Pembekal"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the information needed by the	"The following fields represent the information needed by the
"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n	"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n
"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\	"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\
"the manual for more information."				"the manual for more information."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Medan berikut memaparkan maklumat yang diperlukan oleh \n"	"Medan berikut memaparkan maklumat yang diperlukan oleh \n"
"pembekal yang anda pilih pada halaman terdahulu untuk membuk	"pembekal yang anda pilih pada halaman terdahulu untuk membuk
"sambungan yang diberi. Maklumat ini spesifik-pembekal, \n"	"sambungan yang diberi. Maklumat ini spesifik-pembekal, \n"
"oleh itu semak manual untuk maklumat lanjut"			"oleh itu semak manual untuk maklumat lanjut"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481
msgid "All information retrieved"				msgid "All information retrieved"
msgstr "Semua maklumat telah diterima"				msgstr "Semua maklumat telah diterima"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid ""							msgid ""
"All information needed to create a new data source\n"		"All information needed to create a new data source\n"
"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"		"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"
"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"	"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"
"just select it when asked for a data source."			"just select it when asked for a data source."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Semua maklumat diperlukan untuk mencipta sumber data yang\n"	"Semua maklumat diperlukan untuk mencipta sumber data yang\n"
"baru telah siap diterima. Tekan 'Terapkan' untuk menutup\n"	"baru telah siap diterima. Tekan 'Terapkan' untuk menutup\n"
"dialog ini. Untuk membuka sumber data baru, \n"		"dialog ini. Untuk membuka sumber data baru, \n"
"hanya pilih ia bila data sumber ditanya."			"hanya pilih ia bila data sumber ditanya."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Connection _string:"					msgid "Connection _string:"
msgstr "Rentetan Sambungan"					msgstr "Rentetan Sambungan"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4
msgid "Error"							msgid "Error"
msgstr "Ralat"							msgstr "Ralat"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.
msgid "Show detail >>"						msgid "Show detail >>"
msgstr "Papar terperinci >>"					msgstr "Papar terperinci >>"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122
msgid "<< Hide detail"						msgid "<< Hide detail"
msgstr "<< Sembunyi terperinci"					msgstr "<< Sembunyi terperinci"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191
msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"	msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"
msgstr "Ralat telah berlaku dalam pangkalan data lapisan bawa	msgstr "Ralat telah berlaku dalam pangkalan data lapisan bawa

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196
msgid "Error number"						msgid "Error number"
msgstr "Nombor Ralat"						msgstr "Nombor Ralat"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227
msgid "Details"							msgid "Details"
msgstr "Perincian"						msgstr "Perincian"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234
msgid "Source"							msgid "Source"
msgstr "Sumber"							msgstr "Sumber"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241
msgid "SQL state"						msgid "SQL state"
msgstr "Keadaan SQL"						msgstr "Keadaan SQL"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Field:"							msgid "_Field:"
msgstr "Medan"							msgstr "Medan"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118
msgid "_Text:"							msgid "_Text:"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308
msgid "No records"						msgid "No records"
msgstr "Tiada rekod"						msgstr "Tiada rekod"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Record %d of %d"						msgid "Record %d of %d"
msgstr "Rekod %d dari %d"					msgstr "Rekod %d dari %d"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113
msgid "Recordset description"					msgid "Recordset description"
msgstr "Keterangan setrekod"					msgstr "Keterangan setrekod"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141
#, fuzzy, c-format						#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""							msgid ""
"File '%s' already exists.\n"					"File '%s' already exists.\n"
"Do you want to overwrite it?"					"Do you want to overwrite it?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Fail %s sudah wujud\n"						"Fail %s sudah wujud\n"
"Anda mahu tulisgantinya?"					"Anda mahu tulisgantinya?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149
msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."		msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Could not save file %s"					msgid "Could not save file %s"
msgstr "Tak dapat menyimpan fail %s"				msgstr "Tak dapat menyimpan fail %s"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224
msgid "You must specify a file name"				msgid "You must specify a file name"
msgstr "Anda mesti nyatakan nama fail"				msgstr "Anda mesti nyatakan nama fail"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230
msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"		msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"
msgstr "Perolehi fail kosong semasa menukar data"		msgstr "Perolehi fail kosong semasa menukar data"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261
msgid "Saving Model"						msgid "Saving Model"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "File _name:"						msgid "File _name:"
msgstr "Nama jadual"						msgstr "Nama jadual"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276
msgid "Select File"						msgid "Select File"
msgstr "Pilih Fail"						msgstr "Pilih Fail"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283
msgid "File _type:"						msgid "File _type:"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Tab-delimited"						msgid "Tab-delimited"
msgstr "Fail dipisah-tab"					msgstr "Fail dipisah-tab"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Comma-delimited"						msgid "Comma-delimited"
msgstr "Fail dipisah-koma"					msgstr "Fail dipisah-koma"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:
msgid "XML"							msgid "XML"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355
msgid "View detail"						msgid "View detail"
msgstr "Lihat perincian"					msgstr "Lihat perincian"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Show Column _Titles"					msgid "Show Column _Titles"
msgstr "Papar kolum"						msgstr "Papar kolum"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442
msgid "Describe"						msgid "Describe"
msgstr "Huraikan"						msgstr "Huraikan"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443
msgid "View detail..."						msgid "View detail..."
msgstr "Lihat perincian..."					msgstr "Lihat perincian..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614
msgid "Title"							msgid "Title"
msgstr "Tajuk"							msgstr "Tajuk"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48
msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"	msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"
msgstr "Cuba  menginitialisasikan klien yang telah diinitiali	msgstr "Cuba  menginitialisasikan klien yang telah diinitiali

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"		"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"
"to a data source"						"to a data source"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Masukkan argumen dibawah untuk membuka sambungan\n"		"Masukkan argumen dibawah untuk membuka sambungan\n"
"ke sumber data"						"ke sumber data"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253
msgid "Data Source:"						msgid "Data Source:"
msgstr "Sumber Data:"						msgstr "Sumber Data:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270
msgid "Username:"						msgid "Username:"
msgstr "Namapengguna:"						msgstr "Namapengguna:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279
msgid "Password:"						msgid "Password:"
msgstr "Katalaluan:"						msgstr "Katalaluan:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69
msgid "Fields"							msgid "Fields"
msgstr "Medan"							msgstr "Medan"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30
msgid "Commit"							msgid "Commit"
msgstr "Laksana"						msgstr "Laksana"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31
msgid "Connect"							msgid "Connect"
msgstr "Sambung"						msgstr "Sambung"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33
msgid "Designer"						msgid "Designer"
msgstr "Pereka"							msgstr "Pereka"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34
msgid "Disconnect"						msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr "Putus"							msgstr "Putus"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35
msgid "NoTransaction"						msgid "NoTransaction"
msgstr "TiadaTransaksi"						msgstr "TiadaTransaksi"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37
msgid "Query"							msgid "Query"
msgstr "Kueri"							msgstr "Kueri"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38
msgid "Rollback"						msgid "Rollback"
msgstr "Ulangsemula"						msgstr "Ulangsemula"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40
msgid "SQL"							msgid "SQL"
msgstr "SQL"							msgstr "SQL"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43
msgid "WithinTransaction"					msgid "WithinTransaction"
msgstr "DalamTransaksi"						msgstr "DalamTransaksi"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Error: %s"						msgid "Error: %s"
msgstr "Ralat: %s"						msgstr "Ralat: %s"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79
msgid "Table name"						msgid "Table name"
msgstr "Nama jadual"						msgstr "Nama jadual"

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93			#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Login for %s"						msgid "Login for %s"
msgstr "Log masuk bagi %s"					msgstr "Log masuk bagi %s"

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95					#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95
msgid "Login to database"					msgid "Login to database"
msgstr "Log masuk ke pangkalan data"				msgstr "Log masuk ke pangkalan data"

#: vfs/libmain.c:71						#: vfs/libmain.c:71
msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"				msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"
msgstr "Pangkalan Data GNOME VFS: modul"			msgstr "Pangkalan Data GNOME VFS: modul"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Table Properties"					msgid "Table Properties"
msgstr "Ciri-ciri Pangkalan Data"				msgstr "Ciri-ciri Pangkalan Data"

#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Table Name"						msgid "Table Name"
msgstr "Nama jadual"						msgstr "Nama jadual"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "New"							msgid "New"
msgstr "Baru..."						msgstr "Baru..."

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Create new table"					msgid "Create new table"
msgstr "Wujudkan entri baru"					msgstr "Wujudkan entri baru"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Properties"						msgid "Properties"
msgstr "_Ciri..."						msgstr "_Ciri..."

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View table properties"					msgid "View table properties"
msgstr "Ciri-ciri Pangkalan Data"				msgstr "Ciri-ciri Pangkalan Data"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
msgid "UID"							msgid "UID"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "calendar"						msgid "calendar"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "summary"							msgid "summary"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "Summary"							msgid "Summary"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "location"						msgid "location"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "dtstart"							msgid "dtstart"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
msgid "Start time"						msgid "Start time"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "dtend"							msgid "dtend"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "End time"						msgid "End time"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "description"						msgid "description"
msgstr "Keterangan"						msgstr "Keterangan"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "classification"						msgid "classification"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Classification"						msgid "Classification"
msgstr "Kosongkan pilihan"					msgstr "Kosongkan pilihan"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "transparency"						msgid "transparency"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "Transparency"						msgid "Transparency"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "categories"						msgid "categories"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "Categories"						msgid "Categories"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "tasks"							msgid "tasks"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "due"							msgid "due"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "Due date"						msgid "Due date"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "Start date"						msgid "Start date"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355
msgid "Public"							msgid "Public"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358
msgid "Private"							msgid "Private"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361
msgid "Confidential"						msgid "Confidential"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63
msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"		msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66
msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"			msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80
msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta	msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83
msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"		msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100
msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"				msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Field name"						msgid "Field name"
msgstr "Nama pengguna"						msgstr "Nama pengguna"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data type"						msgid "Data type"
msgstr "Data"							msgstr "Data"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214
msgid "Size"							msgid "Size"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215
msgid "Scale"							msgid "Scale"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216
msgid "Not null?"						msgid "Not null?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217
msgid "Primary key?"						msgid "Primary key?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218
msgid "Unique index?"						msgid "Unique index?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "References"						msgid "References"
msgstr "_Keutamaan"						msgstr "_Keutamaan"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220
msgid "Default value"						msgid "Default value"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239
msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l	msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Table %s does not exist"					msgid "Table %s does not exist"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318
msgid "Scheduled events"					msgid "Scheduled events"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321
msgid "TODO list"						msgid "TODO list"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375
msgid "Owner"							msgid "Owner"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Comments"						msgid "Comments"
msgstr "Laksana"						msgstr "Laksana"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Type"							msgid "Type"
msgstr "Jenis"							msgstr "Jenis"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377
msgid "GDA type"						msgid "GDA type"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id	#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id
#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database	#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database
#. we can easily access that information			#. we can easily access that information
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382
msgid "local"							msgid "local"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217
msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230
msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244
msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"			msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268
msgid "Invalid SQL command"					msgid "Invalid SQL command"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353
msgid "Transactions are not supported"				msgid "Transactions are not supported"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41
msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"		msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task	"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#~ msgid "Browse database..."					#~ msgid "Browse database..."
#~ msgstr "Lungsuri pangkalan data..."				#~ msgstr "Lungsuri pangkalan data..."

#~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .con	#~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .con
#~ msgstr "Komponen yang mengandungi konteks menu item bagi f	#~ msgstr "Komponen yang mengandungi konteks menu item bagi f

#~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .sql	#~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .sql
#~ msgstr "Komponen yang mengandungi konteks menu item bagi f	#~ msgstr "Komponen yang mengandungi konteks menu item bagi f

#~ msgid "Connection MIME handler component"			#~ msgid "Connection MIME handler component"
#~ msgstr "Komponen sambungan pengendali MIME"			#~ msgstr "Komponen sambungan pengendali MIME"

#~ msgid "Database component factory"				#~ msgid "Database component factory"
#~ msgstr "Kilang komponen pangkalan data"			#~ msgstr "Kilang komponen pangkalan data"

#~ msgid "Open in database connection..."			#~ msgid "Open in database connection..."
#~ msgstr "Buka di sambungan pangkalan data..."			#~ msgstr "Buka di sambungan pangkalan data..."

#~ msgid "SQL MIME handler component"				#~ msgid "SQL MIME handler component"
#~ msgstr "Komponen pengendali SQL MIME"			#~ msgstr "Komponen pengendali SQL MIME"

#~ msgid "Database browser"					#~ msgid "Database browser"
#~ msgstr "Pelungsur Pangkalan Data"				#~ msgstr "Pelungsur Pangkalan Data"

#~ msgid "Error viewer"						#~ msgid "Error viewer"
#~ msgstr "Pelihat ralat"					#~ msgstr "Pelihat ralat"

#~ msgid "SQL Viewer"						#~ msgid "SQL Viewer"
#~ msgstr "Pelihat SQL"						#~ msgstr "Pelihat SQL"

#~ msgid "Database configuration"				#~ msgid "Database configuration"
#~ msgstr "Konfigurasi pangkalan data"				#~ msgstr "Konfigurasi pangkalan data"

#~ msgid "Edit application preferences"				#~ msgid "Edit application preferences"
#~ msgstr "Edit aplikasi keutamaan"				#~ msgstr "Edit aplikasi keutamaan"

#~ msgid "_Settings"						#~ msgid "_Settings"
#~ msgstr "_Tetapan"						#~ msgstr "_Tetapan"

#~ msgid "Password"						#~ msgid "Password"
#~ msgstr "Katalaluan"						#~ msgstr "Katalaluan"

#~ msgid "Save as"						#~ msgid "Save as"
#~ msgstr "Simpan sebagai"					#~ msgstr "Simpan sebagai"

#~ msgid "Save to"						#~ msgid "Save to"
#~ msgstr "Simpan ke"						#~ msgstr "Simpan ke"

#~ msgid "XML file"						#~ msgid "XML file"
#~ msgstr "Fail XML"						#~ msgstr "Fail XML"

#~ msgid "Hide columns"						#~ msgid "Hide columns"
#~ msgstr "Sembunyi kolum"					#~ msgstr "Sembunyi kolum"

#~ msgid "Question"						#~ msgid "Question"
#~ msgstr "Soalan"						#~ msgstr "Soalan"

#~ msgid "Database Moniker factory"				#~ msgid "Database Moniker factory"
#~ msgstr "Kilang Moniker Pangkalan Data"			#~ msgstr "Kilang Moniker Pangkalan Data"

#~ msgid "database: moniker"					#~ msgid "database: moniker"
#~ msgstr "PangkalanData: moniker"				#~ msgstr "PangkalanData: moniker"

#~ msgid "Failing to manufacture a '%s'"			#~ msgid "Failing to manufacture a '%s'"
#~ msgstr "Gagal membuat '%s'"					#~ msgstr "Gagal membuat '%s'"

#~ msgid "Invalid format for connection string"			#~ msgid "Invalid format for connection string"
#~ msgstr "Format rentetan sambungan tidak sah"			#~ msgstr "Format rentetan sambungan tidak sah"

#~ msgid "_File"						#~ msgid "_File"
#~ msgstr "_Fail"						#~ msgstr "_Fail"
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po: nb.po
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: nl.gmo
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/nl.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/nl.po
# GNOME-Db Dutch Translation.					# GNOME-Db Dutch Translation.
# Copyright (C) 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc.		# Copyright (C) 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# Almer S. Tichelaar <almer1 dds nl>, 2000.			# Almer S. Tichelaar <almer1 dds nl>, 2000.
# Jan-Willem Harmanny, 2004					# Jan-Willem Harmanny, 2004
#								#
msgid ""							msgid ""
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Gnome DB CVS\n"				"Project-Id-Version: Gnome DB CVS\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"					"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"			"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2002-03-08 10:30+0100\n"			"PO-Revision-Date: 2002-03-08 10:30+0100\n"
"Last-Translator:  Jan-Willem Harmanny <jwharmanny hotmail co	"Last-Translator:  Jan-Willem Harmanny <jwharmanny hotmail co
"Language-Team: Dutch <nl li org>\n"				"Language-Team: Dutch <nl li org>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"						"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"			"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"				"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co
msgid "Data Sources"						msgid "Data Sources"
msgstr "Gegevensbron"						msgstr "Gegevensbron"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid
msgid "Providers"						msgid "Providers"
msgstr "Aanbieders"						msgstr "Aanbieders"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1
msgid "Configure your database environment"			msgid "Configure your database environment"
msgstr "Configureer uw database omgeving"			msgstr "Configureer uw database omgeving"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2
msgid "Database Access Properties "				msgid "Database Access Properties "
msgstr "Database toegang eigenschappen"				msgstr "Database toegang eigenschappen"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380
msgid "Name"							msgid "Name"
msgstr "Naam"							msgstr "Naam"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
msgid "Description"						msgid "Description"
msgstr "Beschrijving"						msgstr "Beschrijving"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182
msgid "Configured data sources in the system"			msgid "Configured data sources in the system"
msgstr "Geconfigureerde gegevensbronnen in het systeem"		msgstr "Geconfigureerde gegevensbronnen in het systeem"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data sources are the means by which database connections are	"Data sources are the means by which database connections are
"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s	"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s
"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o	"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o
"name you identify the connections in the applications that m	"name you identify the connections in the applications that m
"DB for database access."					"DB for database access."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Gegevensbronnen zijn de middelen waarmee database verbinding	"Gegevensbronnen zijn de middelen waarmee database verbinding
"geïdentificeerd in GNOME-DB. Alle informatie die benodigd is	"geïdentificeerd in GNOME-DB. Alle informatie die benodigd is
"verbinding naar een specifieke aanbieder/database combo te o	"verbinding naar een specifieke aanbieder/database combo te o
"opgeslagen onder een unieke naam. Door deze unieke naam te g	"opgeslagen onder een unieke naam. Door deze unieke naam te g
"de verbindingen identificeren in de toepassingen die gebruik	"de verbindingen identificeren in de toepassingen die gebruik
"DB voor database toegang."					"DB voor database toegang."

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"	msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"
msgstr "Wilt u gegevensbron '%s' verwijderen?"			msgstr "Wilt u gegevensbron '%s' verwijderen?"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104
msgid "Data Source Properties"					msgid "Data Source Properties"
msgstr "Gegevensbron eigenschappen"				msgstr "Gegevensbron eigenschappen"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132
msgid "Basic"							msgid "Basic"
msgstr "Basis"							msgstr "Basis"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Tables"							msgid "Tables"
msgstr "Tabellen"						msgstr "Tabellen"

#: control-center/main.c:92					#: control-center/main.c:92
msgid "No valid data source info was created"			msgid "No valid data source info was created"
msgstr "Er is geen geldige gegevensbron informatie gecreëerd"	msgstr "Er is geen geldige gegevensbron informatie gecreëerd"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218	#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218
msgid "New data source"						msgid "New data source"
msgstr "Nieuwe gegevensbron"					msgstr "Nieuwe gegevensbron"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:215					#: control-center/main.c:215
msgid "Database Access Properties"				msgid "Database Access Properties"
msgstr "Eigenschappen van database toegang"			msgstr "Eigenschappen van database toegang"

#: control-center/provider-config.c:105				#: control-center/provider-config.c:105
msgid "Installed providers"					msgid "Installed providers"
msgstr "Geinstalleerde aanbieders"				msgstr "Geinstalleerde aanbieders"

#: control-center/provider-config.c:131				#: control-center/provider-config.c:131
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec	"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec
"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo	"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo
"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr	"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr
"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba	"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba
"etc."								"etc."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Aanbieders zijn externe plugins die toegang leveren tot een 	"Aanbieders zijn externe plugins die toegang leveren tot een 
"gegevensbron. De standaard aanbieder wordt altijd geïnstalle	"gegevensbron. De standaard aanbieder wordt altijd geïnstalle
"altijd toegang mogelijk is tot databases die in XML bestande	"altijd toegang mogelijk is tot databases die in XML bestande
"opgeslagen. Andere aanbieders die meestal met libgda/gnome-d	"opgeslagen. Andere aanbieders die meestal met libgda/gnome-d
"verspreid zijn PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Sybase, Interbase,	"verspreid zijn PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Sybase, Interbase,

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1
msgid "Database connection parameters file"			msgid "Database connection parameters file"
msgstr "Database verbinding parameters bestand"			msgstr "Database verbinding parameters bestand"

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2
msgid "Documents"						msgid "Documents"
msgstr "Documenten"						msgstr "Documenten"

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3
msgid "SQL code viewer"						msgid "SQL code viewer"
msgstr "SQL code bekijken"					msgstr "SQL code bekijken"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1
msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"			msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"
msgstr "Lettertype dat in het raster widget wordt gebruikt"	msgstr "Lettertype dat in het raster widget wordt gebruikt"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2
msgid "Number of spaces per tab"				msgid "Number of spaces per tab"
msgstr "Aantal spaties per tab"					msgstr "Aantal spaties per tab"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3
msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"			msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"
msgstr "Laat regelnummers zien in de bron editor"		msgstr "Laat regelnummers zien in de bron editor"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4
msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"			msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"
msgstr "Gebruik accentuering in de broncode editor"		msgstr "Gebruik accentuering in de broncode editor"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60
msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"			msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"
msgstr "Database-voorzieningen voor de GNOME werkomgeving"	msgstr "Database-voorzieningen voor de GNOME werkomgeving"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1
msgid "About"							msgid "About"
msgstr "Info"							msgstr "Info"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2
msgid "About GNOME-DB"						msgid "About GNOME-DB"
msgstr "Info over GNOME-DB"					msgstr "Info over GNOME-DB"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3
msgid "Close this window"					msgid "Close this window"
msgstr "Dit venster sluiten"					msgstr "Dit venster sluiten"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4
msgid "Create new entry"					msgid "Create new entry"
msgstr "Nieuwe ingang aanmaken"					msgstr "Nieuwe ingang aanmaken"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5
msgid "Delete selected items"					msgid "Delete selected items"
msgstr "Geselecteerde items verwijderen"			msgstr "Geselecteerde items verwijderen"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6
msgid "Deselect all items"					msgid "Deselect all items"
msgstr "Deselecteer alle items"					msgstr "Deselecteer alle items"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7
msgid "Edit properties for selected item"			msgid "Edit properties for selected item"
msgstr "Bewerk de eigenschappen van het geselecteerde item"	msgstr "Bewerk de eigenschappen van het geselecteerde item"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8
msgid "Save connection parameters to file"			msgid "Save connection parameters to file"
msgstr "Verbinding parameters opslaan naar bestand"		msgstr "Verbinding parameters opslaan naar bestand"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414
msgid "Select _All"						msgid "Select _All"
msgstr "_Alles selecteren"					msgstr "_Alles selecteren"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10
msgid "Select all items"					msgid "Select all items"
msgstr "Selecteer alle items"					msgstr "Selecteer alle items"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11
msgid "View data sources"					msgid "View data sources"
msgstr "Gegevensbronnen weergeven"				msgstr "Gegevensbronnen weergeven"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12
msgid "View providers"						msgid "View providers"
msgstr "Aanbieders weergeven"					msgstr "Aanbieders weergeven"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42
msgid "_Clear Selection"					msgid "_Clear Selection"
msgstr "Sele_ctie leegmaken"					msgstr "Sele_ctie leegmaken"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14
msgid "_Close"							msgid "_Close"
msgstr "Sl_uiten"						msgstr "Sl_uiten"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15
msgid "_Data Sources"						msgid "_Data Sources"
msgstr "_Gegevensbronnen"					msgstr "_Gegevensbronnen"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16
msgid "_Database"						msgid "_Database"
msgstr "_Database"						msgstr "_Database"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17
msgid "_Delete"							msgid "_Delete"
msgstr "_Verwijderen"						msgstr "_Verwijderen"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18
msgid "_Edit"							msgid "_Edit"
msgstr "Be_werken"						msgstr "Be_werken"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19
msgid "_Help"							msgid "_Help"
msgstr "_Hulp"							msgstr "_Hulp"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20
msgid "_New Data Source..."					msgid "_New Data Source..."
msgstr "_Nieuwe gegevensbron..."				msgstr "_Nieuwe gegevensbron..."

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21
msgid "_Properties"						msgid "_Properties"
msgstr "_Eigenschappen"						msgstr "_Eigenschappen"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22
msgid "_Providers"						msgid "_Providers"
msgstr "_Aanbieders"						msgstr "_Aanbieders"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23
msgid "_Save Connection"					msgid "_Save Connection"
msgstr "Verbinding op_slaan"					msgstr "Verbinding op_slaan"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24
msgid "_View"							msgid "_View"
msgstr "Beel_d"							msgstr "Beel_d"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76
msgid "Structure"						msgid "Structure"
msgstr "Structuur"						msgstr "Structuur"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73
msgid "Data"							msgid "Data"
msgstr "Gegevens"						msgstr "Gegevens"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238
msgid "Not implemented yet!"					msgid "Not implemented yet!"
msgstr "Nog niet geïmplementeerd!"				msgstr "Nog niet geïmplementeerd!"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Database"						msgid "Database"
msgstr "Database"						msgstr "Database"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540
msgid "Loading database schemas..."				msgid "Loading database schemas..."
msgstr "Laden van database schema's..."				msgstr "Laden van database schema's..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632
msgid "Refreshing data..."					msgid "Refreshing data..."
msgstr "Verversen van gegevens..."				msgstr "Verversen van gegevens..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688
msgid "Views"							msgid "Views"
msgstr "Aanzichten"						msgstr "Aanzichten"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691
msgid "Indexes"							msgid "Indexes"
msgstr "Indexen"						msgstr "Indexen"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Sequences"						msgid "Sequences"
msgstr "Sequenties"						msgstr "Sequenties"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Procedures"						msgid "Procedures"
msgstr "Procedures"						msgstr "Procedures"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700
msgid "Triggers"						msgid "Triggers"
msgstr "Schakelaars"						msgstr "Schakelaars"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Aggregates"						msgid "Aggregates"
msgstr "Aggregaten"						msgstr "Aggregaten"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Types"							msgid "Types"
msgstr "Typen"							msgstr "Typen"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140
msgid "Could not query CORBA components"			msgid "Could not query CORBA components"
msgstr "Kan geen query uitvoeren naar CORBA componenten"	msgstr "Kan geen query uitvoeren naar CORBA componenten"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209
msgid "ID"							msgid "ID"
msgstr "ID"							msgstr "ID"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "Location"						msgid "Location"
msgstr "Locatie"						msgstr "Locatie"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212
msgid "Username"						msgid "Username"
msgstr "Gebruikersnaam"						msgstr "Gebruikersnaam"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213
msgid "Hostname"						msgid "Hostname"
msgstr "Hostnaam"						msgstr "Hostnaam"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214
msgid "Domain"							msgid "Domain"
msgstr "Domein"							msgstr "Domein"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"			msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"
msgstr "Niet ondersteund type in GconfEntry: %d"		msgstr "Niet ondersteund type in GconfEntry: %d"

#. create widgets						#. create widgets
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97
msgid "Settings"						msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Instellingen"						msgstr "Instellingen"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103
msgid "Data source name"					msgid "Data source name"
msgstr "Gegevensbron naam"					msgstr "Gegevensbron naam"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109
msgid "Connection string"					msgid "Connection string"
msgstr "Verbinding string"					msgstr "Verbinding string"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115
msgid "Provider"						msgid "Provider"
msgstr "Aanbieder"						msgstr "Aanbieder"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121
msgid "User name"						msgid "User name"
msgstr "Naam gebruiker"						msgstr "Naam gebruiker"

#. create feature list						#. create feature list
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128
msgid "Features"						msgid "Features"
msgstr "Onderdelen"						msgstr "Onderdelen"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190
msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"		msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"
msgstr "Voer een naam in voor de nieuwe gegevensbron"		msgstr "Voer een naam in voor de nieuwe gegevensbron"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197
msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac	msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac
msgstr "Namen van gegevensbronnen kunnen alleen alfanumerieke	msgstr "Namen van gegevensbronnen kunnen alleen alfanumerieke

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206
msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th	msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th
msgstr "Een bestaande gegevensbron is reeds geregistreerd ond	msgstr "Een bestaande gegevensbron is reeds geregistreerd ond

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213
msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"			msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"
msgstr "Namen van gegevensbronnen kunnen geen spaties bevatte	msgstr "Namen van gegevensbronnen kunnen geen spaties bevatte

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217
msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n	msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Namen van gegevensbronnen kunnen alleen ASCII letters en cij	"Namen van gegevensbronnen kunnen alleen ASCII letters en cij

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225
msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"	msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"
msgstr "Selecteer een aanbieder voor de nieuwe gegevensbron"	msgstr "Selecteer een aanbieder voor de nieuwe gegevensbron"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233
msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"		msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"
msgstr "Aanbieder niet gevonden in uw configuratie"		msgstr "Aanbieder niet gevonden in uw configuratie"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391
msgid "Add a new data source..."				msgid "Add a new data source..."
msgstr "Voeg een nieuwe gegevensbron toe..."			msgstr "Voeg een nieuwe gegevensbron toe..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392
msgid ""							msgid ""
"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"		"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"
"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"		"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"
"installation. Just follow the steps!"				"installation. Just follow the steps!"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Deze assistent zal u begeleiden bij het aanmaken van\n"	"Deze assistent zal u begeleiden bij het aanmaken van\n"
"een nieuwe gegevensbron voor uw GNOME-DB\n"			"een nieuwe gegevensbron voor uw GNOME-DB\n"
"installatie. Volg gewoon de stappen!"				"installatie. Volg gewoon de stappen!"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404
msgid "General Information"					msgid "General Information"
msgstr "Algemene informatie"					msgstr "Algemene informatie"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the basic information\n"	"The following fields represent the basic information\n"
"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n	"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n
"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"	"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"
"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"	"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"
"the default one."						"the default one."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"De volgende velden representeren de basisinformatie\n"		"De volgende velden representeren de basisinformatie\n"
"van uw nieuwe gegevensbron. Sommige ervan (omschrijving,\n"	"van uw nieuwe gegevensbron. Sommige ervan (omschrijving,\n"
"gebruikersnaam) zijn optioneel, terwijl de andere verplicht\	"gebruikersnaam) zijn optioneel, terwijl de andere verplicht\
"zijn. Als u niet weet welke aanbieder u moet gebruiken kunt\	"zijn. Als u niet weet welke aanbieder u moet gebruiken kunt\
"u gewoon de standaardselectie volgen."				"u gewoon de standaardselectie volgen."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104
msgid "Data source _name:"					msgid "Data source _name:"
msgstr "_Naam van gegevensbron:"				msgstr "_Naam van gegevensbron:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114
msgid "_Provider:"						msgid "_Provider:"
msgstr "_Aanbieder:"						msgstr "_Aanbieder:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133
msgid "_Description:"						msgid "_Description:"
msgstr "_Beschrijving:"						msgstr "_Beschrijving:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142
msgid "_Username:"						msgid "_Username:"
msgstr "Gebr_uikersnaam:"					msgstr "Gebr_uikersnaam:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151
msgid "P_assword:"						msgid "P_assword:"
msgstr "W_achtwoord:"						msgstr "W_achtwoord:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454
msgid "Provider Parameters"					msgid "Provider Parameters"
msgstr "Aanbieder parameters"					msgstr "Aanbieder parameters"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the information needed by the	"The following fields represent the information needed by the
"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n	"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n
"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\	"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\
"the manual for more information."				"the manual for more information."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"De volgende velden representeren de informatie die benodigd 	"De volgende velden representeren de informatie die benodigd 
"door de aanbieder die u op de vorige pagina hebt geselecteer	"door de aanbieder die u op de vorige pagina hebt geselecteer
"om een opgegeven verbinding te openen. Deze informatie is\n"	"om een opgegeven verbinding te openen. Deze informatie is\n"
"aanbieder-specifiek, dus kijk in de handleiding voor meer in	"aanbieder-specifiek, dus kijk in de handleiding voor meer in

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481
msgid "All information retrieved"				msgid "All information retrieved"
msgstr "Alle informatie ontvangen"				msgstr "Alle informatie ontvangen"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482
msgid ""							msgid ""
"All information needed to create a new data source\n"		"All information needed to create a new data source\n"
"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"		"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"
"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"	"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"
"just select it when asked for a data source."			"just select it when asked for a data source."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Alle benodigde informatie voor het aanmaken van een\n"		"Alle benodigde informatie voor het aanmaken van een\n"
"nieuwe gegevensbron is ontvangen. Klik 'Toepassen' om\n"	"nieuwe gegevensbron is ontvangen. Klik 'Toepassen' om\n"
"deze dialoog te sluiten. Om een nieuwe gegevensbron te\n"	"deze dialoog te sluiten. Om een nieuwe gegevensbron te\n"
"openen, kunt u hem selecteren wanneer er om een\n"		"openen, kunt u hem selecteren wanneer er om een\n"
"gegevensbron wordt gevraagd."					"gegevensbron wordt gevraagd."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124
msgid "Connection _string:"					msgid "Connection _string:"
msgstr "Verbinding _string:"					msgstr "Verbinding _string:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4
msgid "Error"							msgid "Error"
msgstr "Fout"							msgstr "Fout"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.
msgid "Show detail >>"						msgid "Show detail >>"
msgstr "Geef details weer >>"					msgstr "Geef details weer >>"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122
msgid "<< Hide detail"						msgid "<< Hide detail"
msgstr "<< Verberg details"					msgstr "<< Verberg details"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191
msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"	msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"
msgstr "Een fout is opgetreden in de onderliggende database"	msgstr "Een fout is opgetreden in de onderliggende database"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196
msgid "Error number"						msgid "Error number"
msgstr "Foutnummer"						msgstr "Foutnummer"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227
msgid "Details"							msgid "Details"
msgstr "Details"						msgstr "Details"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234
msgid "Source"							msgid "Source"
msgstr "Bron"							msgstr "Bron"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241
msgid "SQL state"						msgid "SQL state"
msgstr "SQL status"						msgstr "SQL status"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108
msgid "_Field:"							msgid "_Field:"
msgstr "_Veld:"							msgstr "_Veld:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118
msgid "_Text:"							msgid "_Text:"
msgstr "_Tekst:"						msgstr "_Tekst:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308
msgid "No records"						msgid "No records"
msgstr "Geen records"						msgstr "Geen records"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Record %d of %d"						msgid "Record %d of %d"
msgstr "Record %d van %d"					msgstr "Record %d van %d"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113
msgid "Recordset description"					msgid "Recordset description"
msgstr "Recordset omschrijving"					msgstr "Recordset omschrijving"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid ""							msgid ""
"File '%s' already exists.\n"					"File '%s' already exists.\n"
"Do you want to overwrite it?"					"Do you want to overwrite it?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Bestand '%s' bestaat reeds.\n"					"Bestand '%s' bestaat reeds.\n"
"Wilt u het overschrijven?"					"Wilt u het overschrijven?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149
msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."		msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."
msgstr "Als u ja kiest, zal de inhoud verloren gaan."		msgstr "Als u ja kiest, zal de inhoud verloren gaan."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Could not save file %s"					msgid "Could not save file %s"
msgstr "Kan bestand %s niet opslaan"				msgstr "Kan bestand %s niet opslaan"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224
msgid "You must specify a file name"				msgid "You must specify a file name"
msgstr "Specificeer een bestandsnaam"				msgstr "Specificeer een bestandsnaam"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230
msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"		msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"
msgstr "Gegevensconversie leverde een leeg bestand op"		msgstr "Gegevensconversie leverde een leeg bestand op"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261
msgid "Saving Model"						msgid "Saving Model"
msgstr "Model opslaan"						msgstr "Model opslaan"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272
msgid "File _name:"						msgid "File _name:"
msgstr "Bestands_naam:"						msgstr "Bestands_naam:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276
msgid "Select File"						msgid "Select File"
msgstr "Selecteer bestand"					msgstr "Selecteer bestand"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283
msgid "File _type:"						msgid "File _type:"
msgstr "Bestands_type:"						msgstr "Bestands_type:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291
msgid "Tab-delimited"						msgid "Tab-delimited"
msgstr "Tab-delimited"						msgstr "Tab-delimited"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294
msgid "Comma-delimited"						msgid "Comma-delimited"
msgstr "Comma-delimited"					msgstr "Comma-delimited"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:
msgid "XML"							msgid "XML"
msgstr "XML"							msgstr "XML"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355
msgid "View detail"						msgid "View detail"
msgstr "Detail weergeven"					msgstr "Detail weergeven"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427
msgid "Show Column _Titles"					msgid "Show Column _Titles"
msgstr "Kolom_titels weergeven"					msgstr "Kolom_titels weergeven"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442
msgid "Describe"						msgid "Describe"
msgstr "Omschrijf"						msgstr "Omschrijf"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443
msgid "View detail..."						msgid "View detail..."
msgstr "Bekijk details..."					msgstr "Bekijk details..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614
msgid "Title"							msgid "Title"
msgstr "Titel"							msgstr "Titel"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48
msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"	msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"
msgstr "Probeer een al geïnitialiseerde client te initialiser	msgstr "Probeer een al geïnitialiseerde client te initialiser

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"		"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"
"to a data source"						"to a data source"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Voer de argumenten hieronder in om een verbinding\n"		"Voer de argumenten hieronder in om een verbinding\n"
"naar een gegevensbron te openen"				"naar een gegevensbron te openen"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253
msgid "Data Source:"						msgid "Data Source:"
msgstr "Gegevensbron:"						msgstr "Gegevensbron:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270
msgid "Username:"						msgid "Username:"
msgstr "Gebruikersnaam:"					msgstr "Gebruikersnaam:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279
msgid "Password:"						msgid "Password:"
msgstr "Wachtwoord:"						msgstr "Wachtwoord:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69
msgid "Fields"							msgid "Fields"
msgstr "Velden"							msgstr "Velden"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30
msgid "Commit"							msgid "Commit"
msgstr "Starten"						msgstr "Starten"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31
msgid "Connect"							msgid "Connect"
msgstr "Verbinden"						msgstr "Verbinden"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33
msgid "Designer"						msgid "Designer"
msgstr "Ontwerper"						msgstr "Ontwerper"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34
msgid "Disconnect"						msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr "Verbinding verbreken"					msgstr "Verbinding verbreken"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35
msgid "NoTransaction"						msgid "NoTransaction"
msgstr "GeenOverdracht"						msgstr "GeenOverdracht"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37
msgid "Query"							msgid "Query"
msgstr "Query"							msgstr "Query"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38
msgid "Rollback"						msgid "Rollback"
msgstr "Terugzetten"						msgstr "Terugzetten"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40
msgid "SQL"							msgid "SQL"
msgstr "SQL"							msgstr "SQL"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43
msgid "WithinTransaction"					msgid "WithinTransaction"
msgstr "BinnenOverdracht"					msgstr "BinnenOverdracht"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Error: %s"						msgid "Error: %s"
msgstr "Fout: %s"						msgstr "Fout: %s"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79
msgid "Table name"						msgid "Table name"
msgstr "Tabelnaam"						msgstr "Tabelnaam"

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93			#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Login for %s"						msgid "Login for %s"
msgstr "Login voor %s"						msgstr "Login voor %s"

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95					#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95
msgid "Login to database"					msgid "Login to database"
msgstr "Database inloggen"					msgstr "Database inloggen"

#: vfs/libmain.c:71						#: vfs/libmain.c:71
msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"				msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"
msgstr "GNOME VFS database: module"				msgstr "GNOME VFS database: module"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40
msgid "Table Properties"					msgid "Table Properties"
msgstr "Tabeleigenschappen"					msgstr "Tabeleigenschappen"

#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47
msgid "Table Name"						msgid "Table Name"
msgstr "Tabelnaam"						msgstr "Tabelnaam"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155
msgid "New"							msgid "New"
msgstr "Nieuw"							msgstr "Nieuw"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156
msgid "Create new table"					msgid "Create new table"
msgstr "Nieuwe tabel aanmaken"					msgstr "Nieuwe tabel aanmaken"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161
msgid "Properties"						msgid "Properties"
msgstr "Eigenschappen"						msgstr "Eigenschappen"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162
msgid "View table properties"					msgid "View table properties"
msgstr "Tabeleigenschappen weergeven"				msgstr "Tabeleigenschappen weergeven"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
msgid "UID"							msgid "UID"
msgstr "UID"							msgstr "UID"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "calendar"						msgid "calendar"
msgstr "kalender"						msgstr "kalender"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "summary"							msgid "summary"
msgstr "samenvatting"						msgstr "samenvatting"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "Summary"							msgid "Summary"
msgstr "Samenvatting"						msgstr "Samenvatting"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "location"						msgid "location"
msgstr "locatie"						msgstr "locatie"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "dtstart"							msgid "dtstart"
msgstr "dtstart"						msgstr "dtstart"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
msgid "Start time"						msgid "Start time"
msgstr "Starttijd"						msgstr "Starttijd"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "dtend"							msgid "dtend"
msgstr "dtend"							msgstr "dtend"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "End time"						msgid "End time"
msgstr "Eindtijd"						msgstr "Eindtijd"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
msgid "description"						msgid "description"
msgstr "omschrijving"						msgstr "omschrijving"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "classification"						msgid "classification"
msgstr "klassificatie"						msgstr "klassificatie"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "Classification"						msgid "Classification"
msgstr "Klassificatie"						msgstr "Klassificatie"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "transparency"						msgid "transparency"
msgstr "doorzichtigheid"					msgstr "doorzichtigheid"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "Transparency"						msgid "Transparency"
msgstr "Doorzichtigheid"					msgstr "Doorzichtigheid"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "categories"						msgid "categories"
msgstr "categoriën"						msgstr "categoriën"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "Categories"						msgid "Categories"
msgstr "Categoriën"						msgstr "Categoriën"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "tasks"							msgid "tasks"
msgstr "taken"							msgstr "taken"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "due"							msgid "due"
msgstr "afloopdatum"						msgstr "afloopdatum"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "Due date"						msgid "Due date"
msgstr "Afloopdatum"						msgstr "Afloopdatum"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "Start date"						msgid "Start date"
msgstr "Startdatum"						msgstr "Startdatum"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355
msgid "Public"							msgid "Public"
msgstr "Publiek"						msgstr "Publiek"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358
msgid "Private"							msgid "Private"
msgstr "Privé"							msgstr "Privé"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361
msgid "Confidential"						msgid "Confidential"
msgstr "Vertrouwelijk"						msgstr "Vertrouwelijk"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63
msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"		msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"
msgstr "De standaard kalender-map kan niet worden geopend"	msgstr "De standaard kalender-map kan niet worden geopend"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66
msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"			msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"
msgstr "De standaard taken-map kan niet worden geopend"		msgstr "De standaard taken-map kan niet worden geopend"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80
msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta	msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta
msgstr "Authenticatie is vereist voor toegang tot de standaar	msgstr "Authenticatie is vereist voor toegang tot de standaar

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83
msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"		msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"
msgstr "Kan de standaard contacten-map niet openen"		msgstr "Kan de standaard contacten-map niet openen"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100
msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"				msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"
msgstr "Kan Bonobo niet initialiseren"				msgstr "Kan Bonobo niet initialiseren"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212
msgid "Field name"						msgid "Field name"
msgstr "Veldnaam"						msgstr "Veldnaam"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213
msgid "Data type"						msgid "Data type"
msgstr "Gegevenstype"						msgstr "Gegevenstype"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214
msgid "Size"							msgid "Size"
msgstr "Grootte"						msgstr "Grootte"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215
msgid "Scale"							msgid "Scale"
msgstr "Schalen"						msgstr "Schalen"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216
msgid "Not null?"						msgid "Not null?"
msgstr "Niet null?"						msgstr "Niet null?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217
msgid "Primary key?"						msgid "Primary key?"
msgstr "Primaire sleutel?"					msgstr "Primaire sleutel?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218
msgid "Unique index?"						msgid "Unique index?"
msgstr "Unieke index?"						msgstr "Unieke index?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219
msgid "References"						msgid "References"
msgstr "Referenties"						msgstr "Referenties"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220
msgid "Default value"						msgid "Default value"
msgstr "Standaardwaarde"					msgstr "Standaardwaarde"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239
msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l	msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l
msgstr "Tabelnaam is benodigd maar niet gespecificeerd in de 	msgstr "Tabelnaam is benodigd maar niet gespecificeerd in de 

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Table %s does not exist"					msgid "Table %s does not exist"
msgstr "Tabel %s bestaat niet"					msgstr "Tabel %s bestaat niet"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318
msgid "Scheduled events"					msgid "Scheduled events"
msgstr "Geplande gebeurtenissen"				msgstr "Geplande gebeurtenissen"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321
msgid "TODO list"						msgid "TODO list"
msgstr "TODO lijst"						msgstr "TODO lijst"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375
msgid "Owner"							msgid "Owner"
msgstr "Eigenaar"						msgstr "Eigenaar"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376
msgid "Comments"						msgid "Comments"
msgstr "Commentaar"						msgstr "Commentaar"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374
msgid "Type"							msgid "Type"
msgstr "Type"							msgstr "Type"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377
msgid "GDA type"						msgid "GDA type"
msgstr "GDA type"						msgstr "GDA type"

#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id	#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id
#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database	#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database
#. we can easily access that information			#. we can easily access that information
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382
msgid "local"							msgid "local"
msgstr "lokaal"							msgstr "lokaal"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217
msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr "Het creëren van databases wordt nog niet ondersteund"	msgstr "Het creëren van databases wordt nog niet ondersteund"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230
msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr "Het verwijderen van databases wordt nog niet onderste	msgstr "Het verwijderen van databases wordt nog niet onderste

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244
msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"			msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"
msgstr "Tabellenschema kon niet worden opgehaald"		msgstr "Tabellenschema kon niet worden opgehaald"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268
msgid "Invalid SQL command"					msgid "Invalid SQL command"
msgstr "Ongeldig SQL commando"					msgstr "Ongeldig SQL commando"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353
msgid "Transactions are not supported"				msgid "Transactions are not supported"
msgstr "Transacties worden niet ondersteund"			msgstr "Transacties worden niet ondersteund"

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41
msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"		msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"
msgstr "Aanbieder voor Ximian Evolution persoonlijke gegevens	msgstr "Aanbieder voor Ximian Evolution persoonlijke gegevens

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task	"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Gegevensbron voor toegang tot Evolution's standaard kalender	"Gegevensbron voor toegang tot Evolution's standaard kalender
"contacten"							"contacten"

#~ msgid "Browse database..."					#~ msgid "Browse database..."
#~ msgstr "Bladeren door database..."				#~ msgstr "Bladeren door database..."

#~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .con	#~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .con
#~ msgstr "Component dat context menu items bevat voor .conne	#~ msgstr "Component dat context menu items bevat voor .conne

#~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .sql	#~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .sql
#~ msgstr "Component dat context menu items bevat voor .sql b	#~ msgstr "Component dat context menu items bevat voor .sql b

#~ msgid "Connection MIME handler component"			#~ msgid "Connection MIME handler component"
#~ msgstr "Verbinding MIME handler component"			#~ msgstr "Verbinding MIME handler component"

#~ msgid "Database component factory"				#~ msgid "Database component factory"
#~ msgstr "Database component fabriek"				#~ msgstr "Database component fabriek"

#~ msgid "Open in database connection..."			#~ msgid "Open in database connection..."
#~ msgstr "Open een nieuwe database verbinding..."		#~ msgstr "Open een nieuwe database verbinding..."

#~ msgid "SQL MIME handler component"				#~ msgid "SQL MIME handler component"
#~ msgstr "SQL MIME handler component"				#~ msgstr "SQL MIME handler component"

#~ msgid "Database browser"					#~ msgid "Database browser"
#~ msgstr "Database bladeren"					#~ msgstr "Database bladeren"

#~ msgid "Error viewer"						#~ msgid "Error viewer"
#~ msgstr "Fouten bekijken"					#~ msgstr "Fouten bekijken"

#~ msgid "SQL Viewer"						#~ msgid "SQL Viewer"
#~ msgstr "SQL bekijken"					#~ msgstr "SQL bekijken"

#~ msgid "Database configuration"				#~ msgid "Database configuration"
#~ msgstr "Database configuratie"				#~ msgstr "Database configuratie"

#~ msgid "Edit application preferences"				#~ msgid "Edit application preferences"
#~ msgstr "Eigenschappen van het programma bewerken"		#~ msgstr "Eigenschappen van het programma bewerken"

#~ msgid "_Settings"						#~ msgid "_Settings"
#~ msgstr "_Instellingen"					#~ msgstr "_Instellingen"

#~ msgid "Password"						#~ msgid "Password"
#~ msgstr "Wachtwoord"						#~ msgstr "Wachtwoord"

#~ msgid "Save as"						#~ msgid "Save as"
#~ msgstr "Opslaan als"						#~ msgstr "Opslaan als"

#~ msgid "Save to"						#~ msgid "Save to"
#~ msgstr "Opslaan naar"					#~ msgstr "Opslaan naar"

#~ msgid "XML file"						#~ msgid "XML file"
#~ msgstr "XML bestand"						#~ msgstr "XML bestand"

#~ msgid "Hide columns"						#~ msgid "Hide columns"
#~ msgstr "Verberg kolommen"					#~ msgstr "Verberg kolommen"

#~ msgid "Question"						#~ msgid "Question"
#~ msgstr "Vraag"						#~ msgstr "Vraag"

#~ msgid "Database Moniker factory"				#~ msgid "Database Moniker factory"
#~ msgstr "Database Moniker fabriek"				#~ msgstr "Database Moniker fabriek"

#~ msgid "database: moniker"					#~ msgid "database: moniker"
#~ msgstr "Database: moniker"					#~ msgstr "Database: moniker"

#~ msgid "Failing to manufacture a '%s'"			#~ msgid "Failing to manufacture a '%s'"
#~ msgstr "Fabriceren van een '%s' mislukt"			#~ msgstr "Fabriceren van een '%s' mislukt"

#~ msgid "Invalid format for connection string"			#~ msgid "Invalid format for connection string"
#~ msgstr "Ongeldige indeling van verbinding string"		#~ msgstr "Ongeldige indeling van verbinding string"

#~ msgid "Data sources"						#~ msgid "Data sources"
#~ msgstr "Gegevensbronnen"					#~ msgstr "Gegevensbronnen"

#~ msgid "_File"						#~ msgid "_File"
#~ msgstr "_Bestand"						#~ msgstr "_Bestand"

#~ msgid "Test Data Source"					#~ msgid "Test Data Source"
#~ msgstr "Test gegevensbron"					#~ msgstr "Test gegevensbron"

#~ msgid "Connection to %s successful!"				#~ msgid "Connection to %s successful!"
#~ msgstr "Verbinding naar %s succesvol!"			#~ msgstr "Verbinding naar %s succesvol!"

#~ msgid "SQL viewer component"					#~ msgid "SQL viewer component"
#~ msgstr "SQL bekijken component"				#~ msgstr "SQL bekijken component"

#~ msgid "Viewer for SQL source code"				#~ msgid "Viewer for SQL source code"
#~ msgstr "Bekijken van SQL broncode"				#~ msgstr "Bekijken van SQL broncode"

#~ msgid ""							#~ msgid ""
#~ "Component that lets you open a .connection file and brows	#~ "Component that lets you open a .connection file and brows
#~ "specified on it"						#~ "specified on it"
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Component dat je een .connection bestand laat openen en d	#~ "Component dat je een .connection bestand laat openen en d
#~ "gespecificeerde verbinding laat bladeren"			#~ "gespecificeerde verbinding laat bladeren"

#~ msgid "Data source"						#~ msgid "Data source"
#~ msgstr "Gegevensbron"					#~ msgstr "Gegevensbron"

#~ msgid "Select all"						#~ msgid "Select all"
#~ msgstr "Alles selecteren"					#~ msgstr "Alles selecteren"

#~ msgid "Unselect all"						#~ msgid "Unselect all"
#~ msgstr "Alles deselecteren"					#~ msgstr "Alles deselecteren"

#~ msgid "OAFIID of the default component for the GNOME-DB sh	#~ msgid "OAFIID of the default component for the GNOME-DB sh
#~ msgstr "OAFIID van de standaardcomponent van de GNOME-DB s	#~ msgstr "OAFIID van de standaardcomponent van de GNOME-DB s

#~ msgid "Whether to save the shell window position on exit"	#~ msgid "Whether to save the shell window position on exit"
#~ msgstr "Of de shell vensterpositie bij afsluiten moet word	#~ msgstr "Of de shell vensterpositie bij afsluiten moet word

#~ msgid "Whether to show or not the shortcut bar on the fron	#~ msgid "Whether to show or not the shortcut bar on the fron
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Of de snelkoppelingenbalk op het frontend venster moet wo	#~ "Of de snelkoppelingenbalk op het frontend venster moet wo

#~ msgid "Whether to show or not the summary bar on the front	#~ msgid "Whether to show or not the summary bar on the front
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Of de samenvattingsbalk op het frontend venster moet word	#~ "Of de samenvattingsbalk op het frontend venster moet word

#~ msgid "Whether to use a fixed size/position for the shell 	#~ msgid "Whether to use a fixed size/position for the shell 
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Of een vastgelegde afmeting/positie van het shell venster	#~ "Of een vastgelegde afmeting/positie van het shell venster

#~ msgid "Unselect All"						#~ msgid "Unselect All"
#~ msgstr "Alles deselecteren"					#~ msgstr "Alles deselecteren"

#~ msgid "Display column headers"				#~ msgid "Display column headers"
#~ msgstr "Geef kolom koppen weer"				#~ msgstr "Geef kolom koppen weer"

#~ msgid "Hide column headers"					#~ msgid "Hide column headers"
#~ msgstr "Verberg kolom koppen"				#~ msgstr "Verberg kolom koppen"

#~ msgid "Save as..."						#~ msgid "Save as..."
#~ msgstr "Opslaan als..."					#~ msgstr "Opslaan als..."

#~ msgid "Export data to different formats"			#~ msgid "Export data to different formats"
#~ msgstr "Exporteer gegevens naar andere indelingen"		#~ msgstr "Exporteer gegevens naar andere indelingen"

#~ msgid "Describe current data set"				#~ msgid "Describe current data set"
#~ msgstr "Omschrijf huidige gegevensset"			#~ msgstr "Omschrijf huidige gegevensset"

#~ msgid "View current data in more detail"			#~ msgid "View current data in more detail"
#~ msgstr "Bekijk huidige gegevens in meer detail"		#~ msgstr "Bekijk huidige gegevens in meer detail"

#~ msgid "Database component"					#~ msgid "Database component"
#~ msgstr "Database component"					#~ msgstr "Database component"

#~ msgid "Cancel"						#~ msgid "Cancel"
#~ msgstr "Annuleren"						#~ msgstr "Annuleren"

#~ msgid "Ok"							#~ msgid "Ok"
#~ msgstr "Ok"							#~ msgstr "Ok"

#~ msgid "Could not start transaction"				#~ msgid "Could not start transaction"
#~ msgstr "Kan overdracht niet starten"				#~ msgstr "Kan overdracht niet starten"

#~ msgid "Could not save transaction"				#~ msgid "Could not save transaction"
#~ msgstr "Kan overdracht niet opslaan"				#~ msgstr "Kan overdracht niet opslaan"

#~ msgid "Closing connection"					#~ msgid "Closing connection"
#~ msgstr "Bezig verbinding te sluiten"				#~ msgstr "Bezig verbinding te sluiten"

#~ msgid "Could not abort transaction"				#~ msgid "Could not abort transaction"
#~ msgstr "Kan overdracht niet afbreken"			#~ msgstr "Kan overdracht niet afbreken"

#~ msgid "Running command..."					#~ msgid "Running command..."
#~ msgstr "Commando wordt uitgevoerd..."			#~ msgstr "Commando wordt uitgevoerd..."

#~ msgid "%d rows returned"					#~ msgid "%d rows returned"
#~ msgstr "%d rijen als resultaat"				#~ msgstr "%d rijen als resultaat"

#~ msgid "1 row returned"					#~ msgid "1 row returned"
#~ msgstr "1 rij als resultaat"					#~ msgstr "1 rij als resultaat"

#~ msgid "Browser"						#~ msgid "Browser"
#~ msgstr "Browser"						#~ msgstr "Browser"

#~ msgid "Could not load file at %s"				#~ msgid "Could not load file at %s"
#~ msgstr "Kan bestand in %s niet laden"			#~ msgstr "Kan bestand in %s niet laden"

#~ msgid "Default GNOME-DB data source"				#~ msgid "Default GNOME-DB data source"
#~ msgstr "Standaard GNOME-DB gegevensbron"			#~ msgstr "Standaard GNOME-DB gegevensbron"

#~ msgid "GNOME Database Application"				#~ msgid "GNOME Database Application"
#~ msgstr "GNOME Database Applicatie"				#~ msgstr "GNOME Database Applicatie"

#~ msgid "GNOME-DB"						#~ msgid "GNOME-DB"
#~ msgstr "GNOME-DB"						#~ msgstr "GNOME-DB"

#~ msgid "Loading..."						#~ msgid "Loading..."
#~ msgstr "Laden..."						#~ msgstr "Laden..."

#~ msgid "The GNOME-DB front-end is now loading. Please wait.	#~ msgid "The GNOME-DB front-end is now loading. Please wait.
#~ msgstr "De GNOME-DB front-end is aan het laden... even ged	#~ msgstr "De GNOME-DB front-end is aan het laden... even ged

#~ msgid "Could not connect to session manager"			#~ msgid "Could not connect to session manager"
#~ msgstr "Kan niet verbinden met sessiebeheerder"		#~ msgstr "Kan niet verbinden met sessiebeheerder"

#~ msgid "Connection name"					#~ msgid "Connection name"
#~ msgstr "Verbinding naam"					#~ msgstr "Verbinding naam"

#~ msgid "Could not duplicate UIShell object"			#~ msgid "Could not duplicate UIShell object"
#~ msgstr "Kan UIShell object niet dupliceren"			#~ msgstr "Kan UIShell object niet dupliceren"

#~ msgid "Couldn't load config control"				#~ msgid "Couldn't load config control"
#~ msgstr "Kan configuratie beheer niet laden"			#~ msgstr "Kan configuratie beheer niet laden"

#~ msgid "General"						#~ msgid "General"
#~ msgstr "Algemeen"						#~ msgstr "Algemeen"

#~ msgid "Main window"						#~ msgid "Main window"
#~ msgstr "Hoofdvenster"					#~ msgstr "Hoofdvenster"

#~ msgid "Show shortcut bar"					#~ msgid "Show shortcut bar"
#~ msgstr "Toon snelkoppelingen balk"				#~ msgstr "Toon snelkoppelingen balk"

#~ msgid "Show summary"						#~ msgid "Show summary"
#~ msgstr "Toon samenvatting"					#~ msgstr "Toon samenvatting"

#~ msgid "Save window position"					#~ msgid "Save window position"
#~ msgstr "Bewaar venster positie"				#~ msgstr "Bewaar venster positie"

#~ msgid "Use fixed position/size"				#~ msgid "Use fixed position/size"
#~ msgstr "Gebruik aangepaste positie/afmeting"			#~ msgstr "Gebruik aangepaste positie/afmeting"

#~ msgid "Left"							#~ msgid "Left"
#~ msgstr "Links"						#~ msgstr "Links"

#~ msgid "Top"							#~ msgid "Top"
#~ msgstr "Boven"						#~ msgstr "Boven"

#~ msgid "Width"						#~ msgid "Width"
#~ msgstr "Breedte"						#~ msgstr "Breedte"

#~ msgid "Height"						#~ msgid "Height"
#~ msgstr "Hoogte"						#~ msgstr "Hoogte"

#~ msgid "Don't set size/position"				#~ msgid "Don't set size/position"
#~ msgstr "Afmeting/positie niet instellen"			#~ msgstr "Afmeting/positie niet instellen"

#~ msgid "GNOME-DB %s"						#~ msgid "GNOME-DB %s"
#~ msgstr "GNOME-DB %s"						#~ msgstr "GNOME-DB %s"

#~ msgid "Carlos Perello Marin <carlos gnome-db org>"		#~ msgid "Carlos Perello Marin <carlos gnome-db org>"
#~ msgstr "Carlos Perello Marin <carlos gnome-db org>"		#~ msgstr "Carlos Perello Marin <carlos gnome-db org>"

#~ msgid "Reinhard Muller <reinhard gnue org>"			#~ msgid "Reinhard Muller <reinhard gnue org>"
#~ msgstr "Reinhard Muller <reinhard gnue org>"			#~ msgstr "Reinhard Muller <reinhard gnue org>"

#~ msgid "Copyright 2001, The GNOME Foundation"			#~ msgid "Copyright 2001, The GNOME Foundation"
#~ msgstr "Copyright 2001, The GNOME Foundation"		#~ msgstr "Copyright 2001, The GNOME Foundation"

#~ msgid "Begin _transaction"					#~ msgid "Begin _transaction"
#~ msgstr "Begin _overdracht"					#~ msgstr "Begin _overdracht"

#~ msgid "C_ut"							#~ msgid "C_ut"
#~ msgstr "_Knippen"						#~ msgstr "_Knippen"

#~ msgid "Close current connection"				#~ msgid "Close current connection"
#~ msgstr "Huidige verbinding sluiten"				#~ msgstr "Huidige verbinding sluiten"

#~ msgid "Co_mmit transaction"					#~ msgid "Co_mmit transaction"
#~ msgstr "_Begin overdracht"					#~ msgstr "_Begin overdracht"

#~ msgid "Commit current transaction"				#~ msgid "Commit current transaction"
#~ msgstr "Begin huidige overdracht"				#~ msgstr "Begin huidige overdracht"

#~ msgid "Connection _Properties"				#~ msgid "Connection _Properties"
#~ msgstr "Verbinding _Eigenschappen"				#~ msgstr "Verbinding _Eigenschappen"

#~ msgid "Copy selected items to the clipboard"			#~ msgid "Copy selected items to the clipboard"
#~ msgstr "Kopiëer selectie naar het klembord"			#~ msgstr "Kopiëer selectie naar het klembord"

#~ msgid "Cut selected items to the clipboard"			#~ msgid "Cut selected items to the clipboard"
#~ msgstr "Knip selectie naar het klembord"			#~ msgstr "Knip selectie naar het klembord"

#~ msgid "E_xport database"					#~ msgid "E_xport database"
#~ msgstr "Database E_xporteren"				#~ msgstr "Database E_xporteren"

#~ msgid "Import data into an existing database"		#~ msgid "Import data into an existing database"
#~ msgstr "Importeer gegevens in een bestaande database"	#~ msgstr "Importeer gegevens in een bestaande database"

#~ msgid "Main toolbar"						#~ msgid "Main toolbar"
#~ msgstr "Hoofd werkbalk"					#~ msgstr "Hoofd werkbalk"

#~ msgid "Make a copy of a database"				#~ msgid "Make a copy of a database"
#~ msgstr "Maka een kopie van een database"			#~ msgstr "Maka een kopie van een database"

#~ msgid "Open a command previously saved"			#~ msgid "Open a command previously saved"
#~ msgstr "Open een eerder opgeslagen commando"			#~ msgstr "Open een eerder opgeslagen commando"

#~ msgid "Open the SQL command interface"			#~ msgid "Open the SQL command interface"
#~ msgstr "Open de SQL commando interface"			#~ msgstr "Open de SQL commando interface"

#~ msgid "Open the database browser for the current connectio	#~ msgid "Open the database browser for the current connectio
#~ msgstr "Open de database browser voor de huidige verbindin	#~ msgstr "Open de database browser voor de huidige verbindin

#~ msgid "Paste items from the clipboard"			#~ msgid "Paste items from the clipboard"
#~ msgstr "Plak items van het klembord"				#~ msgstr "Plak items van het klembord"

#~ msgid "Refresh"						#~ msgid "Refresh"
#~ msgstr "Vernieuwen"						#~ msgstr "Vernieuwen"

#~ msgid "Refresh lists"					#~ msgid "Refresh lists"
#~ msgstr "Vernieuw lijsten"					#~ msgstr "Vernieuw lijsten"

#~ msgid "Rollback current transaction"				#~ msgid "Rollback current transaction"
#~ msgstr "Huidige overdracht terugzetten"			#~ msgstr "Huidige overdracht terugzetten"

#~ msgid "Run"							#~ msgid "Run"
#~ msgstr "Uitvoeren"						#~ msgstr "Uitvoeren"

#~ msgid "Run current SQL command"				#~ msgid "Run current SQL command"
#~ msgstr "Huidig SQL commando uitvoeren"			#~ msgstr "Huidig SQL commando uitvoeren"

#~ msgid "SQL window"						#~ msgid "SQL window"
#~ msgstr "SQL venster"						#~ msgstr "SQL venster"

#~ msgid "Save current command"					#~ msgid "Save current command"
#~ msgstr "Huidig commando opslaan"				#~ msgstr "Huidig commando opslaan"

#~ msgid "Show connection properties"				#~ msgid "Show connection properties"
#~ msgstr "Laat eigenschappen verbinding zien"			#~ msgstr "Laat eigenschappen verbinding zien"

#~ msgid "Start a new transaction"				#~ msgid "Start a new transaction"
#~ msgstr "Start een nieuwe transactie"				#~ msgstr "Start een nieuwe transactie"

#~ msgid "_Connect"						#~ msgid "_Connect"
#~ msgstr "V_erbinden"						#~ msgstr "V_erbinden"

#~ msgid "_Copy"						#~ msgid "_Copy"
#~ msgstr "_Kopiëren"						#~ msgstr "_Kopiëren"

#~ msgid "_Disconnect"						#~ msgid "_Disconnect"
#~ msgstr "_Verbinding verbreken"				#~ msgstr "_Verbinding verbreken"

#~ msgid "_Open command"					#~ msgid "_Open command"
#~ msgstr "_Open commando"					#~ msgstr "_Open commando"

#~ msgid "_Refresh"						#~ msgid "_Refresh"
#~ msgstr "_Verniewen"						#~ msgstr "_Verniewen"

#~ msgid "_Rollback transaction"				#~ msgid "_Rollback transaction"
#~ msgstr "Overdracht _terugzetten"				#~ msgstr "Overdracht _terugzetten"

#~ msgid "_Run command"						#~ msgid "_Run command"
#~ msgstr "Commando _uitvoeren"					#~ msgstr "Commando _uitvoeren"

#~ msgid "_Run current command"					#~ msgid "_Run current command"
#~ msgstr "Huidig commando _uitvoeren"				#~ msgstr "Huidig commando _uitvoeren"

#~ msgid "_Save command"					#~ msgid "_Save command"
#~ msgstr "Commando _opslaan"					#~ msgstr "Commando _opslaan"

#~ msgid "_Tools"						#~ msgid "_Tools"
#~ msgstr "_Gereedschappen"					#~ msgstr "_Gereedschappen"

#~ msgid "Activate data source configuration window"		#~ msgid "Activate data source configuration window"
#~ msgstr "Activeer gegevensbron configuratie scherm"		#~ msgstr "Activeer gegevensbron configuratie scherm"

#~ msgid "Activate providers configuration window"		#~ msgid "Activate providers configuration window"
#~ msgstr "Activeer aanbieders configuratie scherm"		#~ msgstr "Activeer aanbieders configuratie scherm"

#~ msgid "Configure _Providers"					#~ msgid "Configure _Providers"
#~ msgstr "_Aanbieders instellen"				#~ msgstr "_Aanbieders instellen"

#~ msgid "Remove selected object from configuration"		#~ msgid "Remove selected object from configuration"
#~ msgstr "Verwijder geselecteerde object van configuratie"	#~ msgstr "Verwijder geselecteerde object van configuratie"

#~ msgid "_Data source"						#~ msgid "_Data source"
#~ msgstr "Gegevens_bron"					#~ msgstr "Gegevens_bron"

#~ msgid "Configure printing system"				#~ msgid "Configure printing system"
#~ msgstr "Configureer print systeem"				#~ msgstr "Configureer print systeem"

#~ msgid "E_xit"						#~ msgid "E_xit"
#~ msgstr "A_fsluiten"						#~ msgstr "A_fsluiten"

#~ msgid "Edit a script in your favorite editor"		#~ msgid "Edit a script in your favorite editor"
#~ msgstr "Bewerk een script in uw favorite editor"		#~ msgstr "Bewerk een script in uw favorite editor"

#~ msgid "Exit the program"					#~ msgid "Exit the program"
#~ msgstr "Programma beëindigen"				#~ msgstr "Programma beëindigen"

#~ msgid "Online GNOME-DB manual"				#~ msgid "Online GNOME-DB manual"
#~ msgstr "Online GNOME-DB handleiding"				#~ msgstr "Online GNOME-DB handleiding"

#~ msgid "Online libgda manual"					#~ msgid "Online libgda manual"
#~ msgstr "Online libgda handleiding"				#~ msgstr "Online libgda handleiding"

#~ msgid "Open _Perl script"					#~ msgid "Open _Perl script"
#~ msgstr "_Perl script openen"					#~ msgstr "_Perl script openen"

#~ msgid "Open a new GNOME-DB window"				#~ msgid "Open a new GNOME-DB window"
#~ msgstr "Open een nieuw GNOME-DB venster"			#~ msgstr "Open een nieuw GNOME-DB venster"

#~ msgid "Open and execute a Perl script"			#~ msgid "Open and execute a Perl script"
#~ msgstr "Een Perl script openen en uitvoeren"			#~ msgstr "Een Perl script openen en uitvoeren"

#~ msgid "Print _setup"						#~ msgid "Print _setup"
#~ msgstr "Print _instellingen"					#~ msgstr "Print _instellingen"

#~ msgid "S_cripts"						#~ msgid "S_cripts"
#~ msgstr "S_cripts"						#~ msgstr "S_cripts"

#~ msgid "Set program configuration"				#~ msgid "Set program configuration"
#~ msgstr "Stel programma configuratie in"			#~ msgstr "Stel programma configuratie in"

#~ msgid "Shortcut _bar"					#~ msgid "Shortcut _bar"
#~ msgstr "Snelkoppelingen _balk"				#~ msgstr "Snelkoppelingen _balk"

#~ msgid "Show information about GNOME-DB"			#~ msgid "Show information about GNOME-DB"
#~ msgstr "Geef informatie over GNOME-DB"			#~ msgstr "Geef informatie over GNOME-DB"

#~ msgid "Show/Hide the shortcut bar"				#~ msgid "Show/Hide the shortcut bar"
#~ msgstr "Toon/Verberg de snelkoppelingen balk"		#~ msgstr "Toon/Verberg de snelkoppelingen balk"

#~ msgid "Show/Hide the summary"				#~ msgid "Show/Hide the summary"
#~ msgstr "Toon/Verberg de samenvatting"			#~ msgstr "Toon/Verberg de samenvatting"

#~ msgid "Su_mmary"						#~ msgid "Su_mmary"
#~ msgstr "Samen_vatting"					#~ msgstr "Samen_vatting"

#~ msgid "Submit Bug Report"					#~ msgid "Submit Bug Report"
#~ msgstr "Verstuur Foutenrapport"				#~ msgstr "Verstuur Foutenrapport"

#~ msgid "Submit _Bug Report"					#~ msgid "Submit _Bug Report"
#~ msgstr "Verstuur _Foutenrapport"				#~ msgstr "Verstuur _Foutenrapport"

#~ msgid "Submit bug report using Bug Buddy."			#~ msgid "Submit bug report using Bug Buddy."
#~ msgstr "Verstuur een foutenrapport met Bug Buddy."		#~ msgstr "Verstuur een foutenrapport met Bug Buddy."

#~ msgid "View the GNOME-DB manual online."			#~ msgid "View the GNOME-DB manual online."
#~ msgstr "Bekijk de GNOME-DB handleiding online."		#~ msgstr "Bekijk de GNOME-DB handleiding online."

#~ msgid "View the libgda manual online."			#~ msgid "View the libgda manual online."
#~ msgstr "Bekijk de libgda handleiding online."		#~ msgstr "Bekijk de libgda handleiding online."

#~ msgid "_About GNOME-DB..."					#~ msgid "_About GNOME-DB..."
#~ msgstr "_Over GNOME-DB..."					#~ msgstr "_Over GNOME-DB..."

#~ msgid "_Edit script"						#~ msgid "_Edit script"
#~ msgstr "Script Be_werken"					#~ msgstr "Script Be_werken"

#~ msgid "_Window"						#~ msgid "_Window"
#~ msgstr "_Venster"						#~ msgstr "_Venster"

#~ msgid "GNOME-DB configuration component"			#~ msgid "GNOME-DB configuration component"
#~ msgstr "GNOME-DB configuratie component"			#~ msgstr "GNOME-DB configuratie component"

#~ msgid "No more clients. Terminating..."			#~ msgid "No more clients. Terminating..."
#~ msgstr "Geen clients meer. Afbreken..."			#~ msgstr "Geen clients meer. Afbreken..."
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: no.gmo
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/no.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/no.po
# Norwegian translation of gnome-db (bokmål dialect).		# Norwegian translation of gnome-db (bokmål dialect).
# Copyright © 1999-2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.		# Copyright © 1999-2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# Kjartan Maraas <kmaraas gnome org>, 1999-2004.		# Kjartan Maraas <kmaraas gnome org>, 1999-2004.
#								#
msgid ""							msgid ""
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: gnome-db 1.1\n"				"Project-Id-Version: gnome-db 1.1\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"					"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"			"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-03-09 17:49+0100\n"			"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-03-09 17:49+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Kjartan Maraas <kmaraas gnome org>\n"		"Last-Translator: Kjartan Maraas <kmaraas gnome org>\n"
"Language-Team: Norwegian <no li org>\n"			"Language-Team: Norwegian <no li org>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"						"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"			"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8-bit\n"				"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8-bit\n"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co
msgid "Data Sources"						msgid "Data Sources"
msgstr "Datakilder"						msgstr "Datakilder"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid
msgid "Providers"						msgid "Providers"
msgstr "Tilbydere"						msgstr "Tilbydere"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1
msgid "Configure your database environment"			msgid "Configure your database environment"
msgstr "Konfigurer ditt databasemiljø"				msgstr "Konfigurer ditt databasemiljø"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2
msgid "Database Access Properties "				msgid "Database Access Properties "
msgstr "Egenskaper for databaseaksess "				msgstr "Egenskaper for databaseaksess "

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380
msgid "Name"							msgid "Name"
msgstr "Navn"							msgstr "Navn"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
msgid "Description"						msgid "Description"
msgstr "Beskrivelse"						msgstr "Beskrivelse"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182
msgid "Configured data sources in the system"			msgid "Configured data sources in the system"
msgstr "Konfigurerte datakilder på systemet"			msgstr "Konfigurerte datakilder på systemet"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data sources are the means by which database connections are	"Data sources are the means by which database connections are
"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s	"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s
"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o	"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o
"name you identify the connections in the applications that m	"name you identify the connections in the applications that m
"DB for database access."					"DB for database access."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Datakilder er måten databsetilkoblinger identifiseres i GNOM	"Datakilder er måten databsetilkoblinger identifiseres i GNOM
"All informasjon som kreves for å åpne en tilkobling til en s	"All informasjon som kreves for å åpne en tilkobling til en s
"tilbyder-/database-kombinasjon lagres under et unikt navn. D	"tilbyder-/database-kombinasjon lagres under et unikt navn. D
"dette unike navnet du identifiserer tilkoblingene i programm	"dette unike navnet du identifiserer tilkoblingene i programm
"bruker GNOME-DB for databaseaksess."				"bruker GNOME-DB for databaseaksess."

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"	msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"
msgstr "Er du sikker på at du vil fjerne datakilde «%s»?"	msgstr "Er du sikker på at du vil fjerne datakilde «%s»?"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104
msgid "Data Source Properties"					msgid "Data Source Properties"
msgstr "Egenskaper for datakilde"				msgstr "Egenskaper for datakilde"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132
msgid "Basic"							msgid "Basic"
msgstr "Grunnleggende"						msgstr "Grunnleggende"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Tables"							msgid "Tables"
msgstr "Tabeller"						msgstr "Tabeller"

#: control-center/main.c:92					#: control-center/main.c:92
msgid "No valid data source info was created"			msgid "No valid data source info was created"
msgstr "Ingen gyldig informasjon for datakilde ble opprettet"	msgstr "Ingen gyldig informasjon for datakilde ble opprettet"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218	#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218
msgid "New data source"						msgid "New data source"
msgstr "Ny datakilde"						msgstr "Ny datakilde"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:215					#: control-center/main.c:215
msgid "Database Access Properties"				msgid "Database Access Properties"
msgstr "Egenskaper for databaseaksess"				msgstr "Egenskaper for databaseaksess"

#: control-center/provider-config.c:105				#: control-center/provider-config.c:105
msgid "Installed providers"					msgid "Installed providers"
msgstr "Installerte tilbydere"					msgstr "Installerte tilbydere"

#: control-center/provider-config.c:131				#: control-center/provider-config.c:131
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec	"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec
"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo	"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo
"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr	"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr
"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba	"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba
"etc."								"etc."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Tilbydere er eksterne tillegg som gir aksess til en spesifik	"Tilbydere er eksterne tillegg som gir aksess til en spesifik
"Forvalgt tilbyder er alltid installert, og gir tilgang til d	"Forvalgt tilbyder er alltid installert, og gir tilgang til d
"lagret i XML-filer. Andre tilbydere distribueres vanligvis s	"lagret i XML-filer. Andre tilbydere distribueres vanligvis s
"gnome-db og inkluderer PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Sybase, In	"gnome-db og inkluderer PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Sybase, In

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1
msgid "Database connection parameters file"			msgid "Database connection parameters file"
msgstr "Fil med parametere for databasetilkobling"		msgstr "Fil med parametere for databasetilkobling"

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2
msgid "Documents"						msgid "Documents"
msgstr "Dokumenter"						msgstr "Dokumenter"

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3
msgid "SQL code viewer"						msgid "SQL code viewer"
msgstr "SQL-kodevisning"					msgstr "SQL-kodevisning"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1
msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"			msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"
msgstr "Skrift som skal brukes i rutenettwidgetet"		msgstr "Skrift som skal brukes i rutenettwidgetet"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2
msgid "Number of spaces per tab"				msgid "Number of spaces per tab"
msgstr "Antall mellomrom per tabulator"				msgstr "Antall mellomrom per tabulator"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3
msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"			msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"
msgstr "Vis linjenummer i kilderedigering"			msgstr "Vis linjenummer i kilderedigering"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4
msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"			msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"
msgstr "Bruk utheving i kildekoderedigering"			msgstr "Bruk utheving i kildekoderedigering"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60
msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"			msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"
msgstr "Databasetjenester for GNOME skrivebordet"		msgstr "Databasetjenester for GNOME skrivebordet"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1
msgid "About"							msgid "About"
msgstr "Om"							msgstr "Om"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2
msgid "About GNOME-DB"						msgid "About GNOME-DB"
msgstr "Om GNOME-DB"						msgstr "Om GNOME-DB"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3
msgid "Close this window"					msgid "Close this window"
msgstr "Lukk dette vinduet"					msgstr "Lukk dette vinduet"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4
msgid "Create new entry"					msgid "Create new entry"
msgstr "Lag ny oppføring"					msgstr "Lag ny oppføring"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5
msgid "Delete selected items"					msgid "Delete selected items"
msgstr "Slett valgte oppføringer"				msgstr "Slett valgte oppføringer"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6
msgid "Deselect all items"					msgid "Deselect all items"
msgstr "Fjern merking av alle oppføringer"			msgstr "Fjern merking av alle oppføringer"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7
msgid "Edit properties for selected item"			msgid "Edit properties for selected item"
msgstr "Rediger egenskaper for valgt oppføring"			msgstr "Rediger egenskaper for valgt oppføring"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8
msgid "Save connection parameters to file"			msgid "Save connection parameters to file"
msgstr "Lagre tilkoblingsparametere til fil"			msgstr "Lagre tilkoblingsparametere til fil"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414
msgid "Select _All"						msgid "Select _All"
msgstr "Velg _alle"						msgstr "Velg _alle"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10
msgid "Select all items"					msgid "Select all items"
msgstr "Velg alle oppføringer"					msgstr "Velg alle oppføringer"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11
msgid "View data sources"					msgid "View data sources"
msgstr "Vis datakilde"						msgstr "Vis datakilde"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12
msgid "View providers"						msgid "View providers"
msgstr "Vis tilbydere"						msgstr "Vis tilbydere"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42
msgid "_Clear Selection"					msgid "_Clear Selection"
msgstr "_Tøm utvalg"						msgstr "_Tøm utvalg"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14
msgid "_Close"							msgid "_Close"
msgstr "_Lukk"							msgstr "_Lukk"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15
msgid "_Data Sources"						msgid "_Data Sources"
msgstr "_Datakilder"						msgstr "_Datakilder"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16
msgid "_Database"						msgid "_Database"
msgstr "_Database"						msgstr "_Database"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17
msgid "_Delete"							msgid "_Delete"
msgstr "_Slett"							msgstr "_Slett"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18
msgid "_Edit"							msgid "_Edit"
msgstr "R_ediger"						msgstr "R_ediger"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19
msgid "_Help"							msgid "_Help"
msgstr "_Hjelp"							msgstr "_Hjelp"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20
msgid "_New Data Source..."					msgid "_New Data Source..."
msgstr "_Ny datakilde..."					msgstr "_Ny datakilde..."

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21
msgid "_Properties"						msgid "_Properties"
msgstr "Egenska_per"						msgstr "Egenska_per"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22
msgid "_Providers"						msgid "_Providers"
msgstr "_Tilbydere"						msgstr "_Tilbydere"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23
msgid "_Save Connection"					msgid "_Save Connection"
msgstr "_Lagre tilkobling"					msgstr "_Lagre tilkobling"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24
msgid "_View"							msgid "_View"
msgstr "_Vis"							msgstr "_Vis"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76
msgid "Structure"						msgid "Structure"
msgstr "Struktur"						msgstr "Struktur"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73
msgid "Data"							msgid "Data"
msgstr "Data"							msgstr "Data"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238
msgid "Not implemented yet!"					msgid "Not implemented yet!"
msgstr "Ikke implementert ennå!"				msgstr "Ikke implementert ennå!"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Database"						msgid "Database"
msgstr "Database"						msgstr "Database"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540
msgid "Loading database schemas..."				msgid "Loading database schemas..."
msgstr "Laster databaseskjema..."				msgstr "Laster databaseskjema..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632
msgid "Refreshing data..."					msgid "Refreshing data..."
msgstr "Oppdaterer data..."					msgstr "Oppdaterer data..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688
msgid "Views"							msgid "Views"
msgstr "Visninger"						msgstr "Visninger"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691
msgid "Indexes"							msgid "Indexes"
msgstr "Indekser"						msgstr "Indekser"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Sequences"						msgid "Sequences"
msgstr "Sekvenser"						msgstr "Sekvenser"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Procedures"						msgid "Procedures"
msgstr "Prosedyrer"						msgstr "Prosedyrer"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700
msgid "Triggers"						msgid "Triggers"
msgstr "Utløsere"						msgstr "Utløsere"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Aggregates"						msgid "Aggregates"
msgstr "Aggregater"						msgstr "Aggregater"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Types"							msgid "Types"
msgstr "Typer"							msgstr "Typer"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140
msgid "Could not query CORBA components"			msgid "Could not query CORBA components"
msgstr "Kunne ikke spørre CORBA-komponenter"			msgstr "Kunne ikke spørre CORBA-komponenter"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209
msgid "ID"							msgid "ID"
msgstr "ID"							msgstr "ID"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "Location"						msgid "Location"
msgstr "Lokasjon"						msgstr "Lokasjon"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212
msgid "Username"						msgid "Username"
msgstr "Brukernavn"						msgstr "Brukernavn"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213
msgid "Hostname"						msgid "Hostname"
msgstr "Vertsnavn"						msgstr "Vertsnavn"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214
msgid "Domain"							msgid "Domain"
msgstr "Domene"							msgstr "Domene"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"			msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"
msgstr "Ikke-støttet type i GconfEntry: %d"			msgstr "Ikke-støttet type i GconfEntry: %d"

#. create widgets						#. create widgets
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97
msgid "Settings"						msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Innstillinger"						msgstr "Innstillinger"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103
msgid "Data source name"					msgid "Data source name"
msgstr "Navn på datakilde"					msgstr "Navn på datakilde"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109
msgid "Connection string"					msgid "Connection string"
msgstr "Tilkoblingsstreng"					msgstr "Tilkoblingsstreng"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115
msgid "Provider"						msgid "Provider"
msgstr "Tilbyder"						msgstr "Tilbyder"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121
msgid "User name"						msgid "User name"
msgstr "Brukernavn"						msgstr "Brukernavn"

#. create feature list						#. create feature list
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128
msgid "Features"						msgid "Features"
msgstr "Funksjoner"						msgstr "Funksjoner"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190
msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"		msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"
msgstr "Du må oppgi et navn for den nye datakilden"		msgstr "Du må oppgi et navn for den nye datakilden"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac	msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac
msgstr "Navn på datakilder kan ikke inneholde mellomrom"	msgstr "Navn på datakilder kan ikke inneholde mellomrom"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206
msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th	msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th
msgstr "En eksisterende datakilde er allerede registrert med 	msgstr "En eksisterende datakilde er allerede registrert med 

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213
msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"			msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"
msgstr "Navn på datakilder kan ikke inneholde mellomrom"	msgstr "Navn på datakilder kan ikke inneholde mellomrom"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217
msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n	msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Navn på datakilder kan kun inneholde bokstaver og tall i ASC	"Navn på datakilder kan kun inneholde bokstaver og tall i ASC

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225
msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"	msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"
msgstr "Du må velge en tilbyder for den nye datakilden"		msgstr "Du må velge en tilbyder for den nye datakilden"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233
msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"		msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"
msgstr "Tilbyder ikke funnet i din konfigurasjon"		msgstr "Tilbyder ikke funnet i din konfigurasjon"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391
msgid "Add a new data source..."				msgid "Add a new data source..."
msgstr "Legg til ny datakilde..."				msgstr "Legg til ny datakilde..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392
msgid ""							msgid ""
"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"		"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"
"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"		"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"
"installation. Just follow the steps!"				"installation. Just follow the steps!"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Denne assistenten vil lede deg gjennom prosessen\n"		"Denne assistenten vil lede deg gjennom prosessen\n"
"med å opprette en ny datakilde for din GNOME-DB\n"		"med å opprette en ny datakilde for din GNOME-DB\n"
"installasjon. Bare følg instruksjonene!"			"installasjon. Bare følg instruksjonene!"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404
msgid "General Information"					msgid "General Information"
msgstr "Generell informasjon"					msgstr "Generell informasjon"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the basic information\n"	"The following fields represent the basic information\n"
"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n	"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n
"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"	"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"
"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"	"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"
"the default one."						"the default one."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Følgende felt representerer den grunnleggende informasjonen\	"Følgende felt representerer den grunnleggende informasjonen\
"for din nye datakilde. Noen av dem (beskrivelse, brukernavn)	"for din nye datakilde. Noen av dem (beskrivelse, brukernavn)
"er valgfrie, mens andre kreves utfylt. Hvis du ikke vet\n"	"er valgfrie, mens andre kreves utfylt. Hvis du ikke vet\n"
"hvilken tilbyder som skal brukes kan du bruke forvalgt."	"hvilken tilbyder som skal brukes kan du bruke forvalgt."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104
msgid "Data source _name:"					msgid "Data source _name:"
msgstr "_Navn på datakilde:"					msgstr "_Navn på datakilde:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114
msgid "_Provider:"						msgid "_Provider:"
msgstr "_Tilbyder:"						msgstr "_Tilbyder:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133
msgid "_Description:"						msgid "_Description:"
msgstr "_Beskrivelse:"						msgstr "_Beskrivelse:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142
msgid "_Username:"						msgid "_Username:"
msgstr "Br_ukernavn:"						msgstr "Br_ukernavn:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151
msgid "P_assword:"						msgid "P_assword:"
msgstr "P_assord:"						msgstr "P_assord:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454
msgid "Provider Parameters"					msgid "Provider Parameters"
msgstr "Parametere for tilbyder"				msgstr "Parametere for tilbyder"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the information needed by the	"The following fields represent the information needed by the
"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n	"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n
"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\	"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\
"the manual for more information."				"the manual for more information."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Følgende felter representerer informasjonen som kreves for å	"Følgende felter representerer informasjonen som kreves for å
"åpne en gitt tilkobling av tilbyderen du valgte på forrige\n	"åpne en gitt tilkobling av tilbyderen du valgte på forrige\n
"side. Denne informasjonen er tilbyder-spesifikk, så sjekk\n"	"side. Denne informasjonen er tilbyder-spesifikk, så sjekk\n"
"håndboken for mer informasjon."				"håndboken for mer informasjon."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481
msgid "All information retrieved"				msgid "All information retrieved"
msgstr "Hentet all informasjon"					msgstr "Hentet all informasjon"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482
msgid ""							msgid ""
"All information needed to create a new data source\n"		"All information needed to create a new data source\n"
"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"		"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"
"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"	"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"
"just select it when asked for a data source."			"just select it when asked for a data source."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"All nødvendig informasjon for å opprette en ny datakilde\n"	"All nødvendig informasjon for å opprette en ny datakilde\n"
"er hentet. Trykk «Bruk» for å lukke denne dialogen.\n"		"er hentet. Trykk «Bruk» for å lukke denne dialogen.\n"
"For å åpne din nye datakilde må du velge den når du\n"		"For å åpne din nye datakilde må du velge den når du\n"
"blir spurt etter en datakilde."				"blir spurt etter en datakilde."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124
msgid "Connection _string:"					msgid "Connection _string:"
msgstr "Tilkoblings_streng:"					msgstr "Tilkoblings_streng:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4
msgid "Error"							msgid "Error"
msgstr "Feil"							msgstr "Feil"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.
msgid "Show detail >>"						msgid "Show detail >>"
msgstr "Vis detaljer >>"					msgstr "Vis detaljer >>"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122
msgid "<< Hide detail"						msgid "<< Hide detail"
msgstr "<< Skjul detaljer"					msgstr "<< Skjul detaljer"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191
msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"	msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"
msgstr "En feil har oppstått i den underliggende databasen"	msgstr "En feil har oppstått i den underliggende databasen"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196
msgid "Error number"						msgid "Error number"
msgstr "Feilnummer"						msgstr "Feilnummer"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227
msgid "Details"							msgid "Details"
msgstr "Detaljer"						msgstr "Detaljer"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234
msgid "Source"							msgid "Source"
msgstr "Kilde"							msgstr "Kilde"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241
msgid "SQL state"						msgid "SQL state"
msgstr "SQL-tilstand"						msgstr "SQL-tilstand"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Field:"							msgid "_Field:"
msgstr "Felt"							msgstr "Felt"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118
msgid "_Text:"							msgid "_Text:"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308
msgid "No records"						msgid "No records"
msgstr "Ingen poster"						msgstr "Ingen poster"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Record %d of %d"						msgid "Record %d of %d"
msgstr "Post %d av %d"						msgstr "Post %d av %d"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113
msgid "Recordset description"					msgid "Recordset description"
msgstr "Beskrivelse av postsett"				msgstr "Beskrivelse av postsett"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid ""							msgid ""
"File '%s' already exists.\n"					"File '%s' already exists.\n"
"Do you want to overwrite it?"					"Do you want to overwrite it?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Fil «%s» eksisterer allerede\n"				"Fil «%s» eksisterer allerede\n"
"Vil du overskrive den?"					"Vil du overskrive den?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149
msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."		msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."
msgstr "Hvis du velger å gjøre dette vil innholdet gå tapt."	msgstr "Hvis du velger å gjøre dette vil innholdet gå tapt."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Could not save file %s"					msgid "Could not save file %s"
msgstr "Kunne ikke lagre fil %s"				msgstr "Kunne ikke lagre fil %s"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224
msgid "You must specify a file name"				msgid "You must specify a file name"
msgstr "Du må spesifisere et filnavn"				msgstr "Du må spesifisere et filnavn"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230
msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"		msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"
msgstr "Fikk en tom fil under konvertering av data"		msgstr "Fikk en tom fil under konvertering av data"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261
msgid "Saving Model"						msgid "Saving Model"
msgstr "Lagrer modell"						msgstr "Lagrer modell"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272
msgid "File _name:"						msgid "File _name:"
msgstr "Fil_navn:"						msgstr "Fil_navn:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276
msgid "Select File"						msgid "Select File"
msgstr "Velg fil"						msgstr "Velg fil"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283
msgid "File _type:"						msgid "File _type:"
msgstr "Fil_type:"						msgstr "Fil_type:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291
msgid "Tab-delimited"						msgid "Tab-delimited"
msgstr "Tabulatorseparert"					msgstr "Tabulatorseparert"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294
msgid "Comma-delimited"						msgid "Comma-delimited"
msgstr "Kommaseparert"						msgstr "Kommaseparert"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:
msgid "XML"							msgid "XML"
msgstr "XML"							msgstr "XML"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355
msgid "View detail"						msgid "View detail"
msgstr "Vis detaljer"						msgstr "Vis detaljer"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427
msgid "Show Column _Titles"					msgid "Show Column _Titles"
msgstr "Vis kolonne_titler"					msgstr "Vis kolonne_titler"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442
msgid "Describe"						msgid "Describe"
msgstr "Beskriv"						msgstr "Beskriv"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443
msgid "View detail..."						msgid "View detail..."
msgstr "Vis detaljer..."					msgstr "Vis detaljer..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614
msgid "Title"							msgid "Title"
msgstr "Tittel"							msgstr "Tittel"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48
msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"	msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"
msgstr "Forsøk på å initiere en klient som allerede er initie	msgstr "Forsøk på å initiere en klient som allerede er initie

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"		"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"
"to a data source"						"to a data source"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Oppgi argumentene for åpning av en tilkobling\n"		"Oppgi argumentene for åpning av en tilkobling\n"
"til en datakilde under"					"til en datakilde under"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253
msgid "Data Source:"						msgid "Data Source:"
msgstr "Datakilde:"						msgstr "Datakilde:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270
msgid "Username:"						msgid "Username:"
msgstr "Brukernavn:"						msgstr "Brukernavn:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279
msgid "Password:"						msgid "Password:"
msgstr "Passord:"						msgstr "Passord:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69
msgid "Fields"							msgid "Fields"
msgstr "Felt"							msgstr "Felt"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30
msgid "Commit"							msgid "Commit"
msgstr "Utfør"							msgstr "Utfør"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31
msgid "Connect"							msgid "Connect"
msgstr "Koble til"						msgstr "Koble til"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33
msgid "Designer"						msgid "Designer"
msgstr "Utformer"						msgstr "Utformer"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34
msgid "Disconnect"						msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr "Koble fra"						msgstr "Koble fra"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35
msgid "NoTransaction"						msgid "NoTransaction"
msgstr "IngenTransaksjon"					msgstr "IngenTransaksjon"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37
msgid "Query"							msgid "Query"
msgstr "Spørring"						msgstr "Spørring"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38
msgid "Rollback"						msgid "Rollback"
msgstr "Tilbakerulling"						msgstr "Tilbakerulling"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40
msgid "SQL"							msgid "SQL"
msgstr "SQL"							msgstr "SQL"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43
msgid "WithinTransaction"					msgid "WithinTransaction"
msgstr "InnenTransaksjon"					msgstr "InnenTransaksjon"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Error: %s"						msgid "Error: %s"
msgstr "Feil: %s"						msgstr "Feil: %s"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79
msgid "Table name"						msgid "Table name"
msgstr "Tabellnavn"						msgstr "Tabellnavn"

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93			#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Login for %s"						msgid "Login for %s"
msgstr "Login for %s"						msgstr "Login for %s"

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95					#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95
msgid "Login to database"					msgid "Login to database"
msgstr "Logg inn i databasen"					msgstr "Logg inn i databasen"

#: vfs/libmain.c:71						#: vfs/libmain.c:71
msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"				msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"
msgstr "GNOME VFS-database: modul"				msgstr "GNOME VFS-database: modul"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40
msgid "Table Properties"					msgid "Table Properties"
msgstr "Egenskaper for tabell"					msgstr "Egenskaper for tabell"

#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47
msgid "Table Name"						msgid "Table Name"
msgstr "Tabellnavn"						msgstr "Tabellnavn"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155
msgid "New"							msgid "New"
msgstr "Ny"							msgstr "Ny"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156
msgid "Create new table"					msgid "Create new table"
msgstr "Lag ny tabell"						msgstr "Lag ny tabell"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161
msgid "Properties"						msgid "Properties"
msgstr "Egenskaper"						msgstr "Egenskaper"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162
msgid "View table properties"					msgid "View table properties"
msgstr "Vis egenskaper for tabell"				msgstr "Vis egenskaper for tabell"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
msgid "UID"							msgid "UID"
msgstr "UID"							msgstr "UID"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "calendar"						msgid "calendar"
msgstr "kalender"						msgstr "kalender"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "summary"							msgid "summary"
msgstr "sammendrag"						msgstr "sammendrag"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "Summary"							msgid "Summary"
msgstr "Sammendrag"						msgstr "Sammendrag"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "location"						msgid "location"
msgstr "lokasjon"						msgstr "lokasjon"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "dtstart"							msgid "dtstart"
msgstr "Starttid"						msgstr "Starttid"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
msgid "Start time"						msgid "Start time"
msgstr "Slutt-tid"						msgstr "Slutt-tid"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "dtend"							msgid "dtend"
msgstr "dtend"							msgstr "dtend"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "End time"						msgid "End time"
msgstr "Slutt-tid"						msgstr "Slutt-tid"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
msgid "description"						msgid "description"
msgstr "beskrivelse"						msgstr "beskrivelse"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "classification"						msgid "classification"
msgstr "klassifisering"						msgstr "klassifisering"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "Classification"						msgid "Classification"
msgstr "Klassifisering"						msgstr "Klassifisering"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "transparency"						msgid "transparency"
msgstr "gjennomsiktighet"					msgstr "gjennomsiktighet"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "Transparency"						msgid "Transparency"
msgstr "Gjennomsiktighet"					msgstr "Gjennomsiktighet"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "categories"						msgid "categories"
msgstr "kategorier"						msgstr "kategorier"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "Categories"						msgid "Categories"
msgstr "Kategorier"						msgstr "Kategorier"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "tasks"							msgid "tasks"
msgstr "oppgaver"						msgstr "oppgaver"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "due"							msgid "due"
msgstr "ferdig"							msgstr "ferdig"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "Due date"						msgid "Due date"
msgstr "Ferdigdato"						msgstr "Ferdigdato"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "Start date"						msgid "Start date"
msgstr "Startdato"						msgstr "Startdato"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355
msgid "Public"							msgid "Public"
msgstr "Offentlig"						msgstr "Offentlig"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358
msgid "Private"							msgid "Private"
msgstr "Privat"							msgstr "Privat"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361
msgid "Confidential"						msgid "Confidential"
msgstr "Konfidensiell"						msgstr "Konfidensiell"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63
msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"		msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"
msgstr "Kunne ikke åpne forvalgt kalendermappe"			msgstr "Kunne ikke åpne forvalgt kalendermappe"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66
msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"			msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"
msgstr "Kunne ikke åpne forvalgt oppgavemappe"			msgstr "Kunne ikke åpne forvalgt oppgavemappe"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80
msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta	msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta
msgstr "Autentisering kreves for å aksessere forvalgt kontakt	msgstr "Autentisering kreves for å aksessere forvalgt kontakt

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83
msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"		msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"
msgstr "Kunne ikke åpne forvalgt kontaktmappe"			msgstr "Kunne ikke åpne forvalgt kontaktmappe"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100
msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"				msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"
msgstr "Kunne ikke initiere Bonobo"				msgstr "Kunne ikke initiere Bonobo"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212
msgid "Field name"						msgid "Field name"
msgstr "Feltnavn"						msgstr "Feltnavn"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213
msgid "Data type"						msgid "Data type"
msgstr "Datatype"						msgstr "Datatype"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214
msgid "Size"							msgid "Size"
msgstr "Størrelse"						msgstr "Størrelse"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215
msgid "Scale"							msgid "Scale"
msgstr "Skala"							msgstr "Skala"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216
msgid "Not null?"						msgid "Not null?"
msgstr "Ikke null"						msgstr "Ikke null"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217
msgid "Primary key?"						msgid "Primary key?"
msgstr "Primærnøkkel?"						msgstr "Primærnøkkel?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218
msgid "Unique index?"						msgid "Unique index?"
msgstr "Unik indeks?"						msgstr "Unik indeks?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219
msgid "References"						msgid "References"
msgstr "Referanser"						msgstr "Referanser"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220
msgid "Default value"						msgid "Default value"
msgstr "Forvalgt verdi"						msgstr "Forvalgt verdi"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239
msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l	msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l
msgstr "Tabellnavn kreves men ble ikke oppgitt i parameterlis	msgstr "Tabellnavn kreves men ble ikke oppgitt i parameterlis

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Table %s does not exist"					msgid "Table %s does not exist"
msgstr "Tabell %s eksisterer ikke"				msgstr "Tabell %s eksisterer ikke"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318
msgid "Scheduled events"					msgid "Scheduled events"
msgstr "Planlagte hendelser"					msgstr "Planlagte hendelser"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321
msgid "TODO list"						msgid "TODO list"
msgstr "Oppgaveliste"						msgstr "Oppgaveliste"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375
msgid "Owner"							msgid "Owner"
msgstr "Eier"							msgstr "Eier"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376
msgid "Comments"						msgid "Comments"
msgstr "Kommentarer"						msgstr "Kommentarer"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374
msgid "Type"							msgid "Type"
msgstr "Type"							msgstr "Type"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377
msgid "GDA type"						msgid "GDA type"
msgstr "GDA-type"						msgstr "GDA-type"

#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id	#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id
#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database	#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database
#. we can easily access that information			#. we can easily access that information
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382
msgid "local"							msgid "local"
msgstr "lokal"							msgstr "lokal"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217
msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr "Oppretting av databaser støttes ikke ennå"		msgstr "Oppretting av databaser støttes ikke ennå"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230
msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr "Fjerning av databaser støttes ikke ennå"		msgstr "Fjerning av databaser støttes ikke ennå"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244
msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"			msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"
msgstr "Schema for tabeller kunne ikke hentes"			msgstr "Schema for tabeller kunne ikke hentes"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268
msgid "Invalid SQL command"					msgid "Invalid SQL command"
msgstr "Ugyldig SQL-kommando"					msgstr "Ugyldig SQL-kommando"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353
msgid "Transactions are not supported"				msgid "Transactions are not supported"
msgstr "Transaksjoner er ikke støttet"				msgstr "Transaksjoner er ikke støttet"

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41
msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"		msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"
msgstr "Tilbyder for personlige data fra Ximian Evolution"	msgstr "Tilbyder for personlige data fra Ximian Evolution"

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task	"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Datakilde for å aksessere Evolution's forvalgte kalender, op	"Datakilde for å aksessere Evolution's forvalgte kalender, op
"kontakter"							"kontakter"
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po: pa.po
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: pl.gmo
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/pl.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/pl.po
# Copyright (C) 2001-2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.	# Copyright (C) 2001-2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-		# -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
# AktualnÄ? wersjÄ? tego pliku możesz odnaleźÄ? w repozytorium c	# AktualnÄ? wersjÄ? tego pliku możesz odnaleźÄ? w repozytorium c
# (:pserver:anonymous cvs gnome pl:/home/cvs, puste hasÅ?o)	# (:pserver:anonymous cvs gnome pl:/home/cvs, puste hasÅ?o)
# JeÅ?li masz jakiekolwiek uwagi odnoszÄ?ce siÄ? do tÅ?umaczenia 	# JeÅ?li masz jakiekolwiek uwagi odnoszÄ?ce siÄ? do tÅ?umaczenia 
# pomóc w jego rozwijaniu i pielÄ?gnowaniu, napisz do nas na a	# pomóc w jego rozwijaniu i pielÄ?gnowaniu, napisz do nas na a
# translators gnome pl						# translators gnome pl
# -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-		# -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
msgid ""							msgid ""
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: libgnomedb\n"				"Project-Id-Version: libgnomedb\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"					"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"			"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2003-07-18 19:58+0100\n"			"PO-Revision-Date: 2003-07-18 19:58+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Gnome PL Team <translators gnome pl>\n"	"Last-Translator: Gnome PL Team <translators gnome pl>\n"
"Language-Team: Polish <pl li org>\n"				"Language-Team: Polish <pl li org>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"						"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"			"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"				"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co
msgid "Data Sources"						msgid "Data Sources"
msgstr "ŹródÅ?a danych"						msgstr "ŹródÅ?a danych"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid
msgid "Providers"						msgid "Providers"
msgstr "Dostarczyciele"						msgstr "Dostarczyciele"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1
msgid "Configure your database environment"			msgid "Configure your database environment"
msgstr "Konfiguracja Å?rodowiska bazodanowego"			msgstr "Konfiguracja Å?rodowiska bazodanowego"

#  create the dialog						#  create the dialog
#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Database Access Properties "				msgid "Database Access Properties "
msgstr "WÅ?aÅ?ciwoÅ?ci bazy danych"				msgstr "WÅ?aÅ?ciwoÅ?ci bazy danych"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380
msgid "Name"							msgid "Name"
msgstr "Nazwa"							msgstr "Nazwa"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
msgid "Description"						msgid "Description"
msgstr "Opis"							msgstr "Opis"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182
msgid "Configured data sources in the system"			msgid "Configured data sources in the system"
msgstr "Skonfigurowne w systemie źródÅ?a danych"			msgstr "Skonfigurowne w systemie źródÅ?a danych"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data sources are the means by which database connections are	"Data sources are the means by which database connections are
"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s	"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s
"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o	"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o
"name you identify the connections in the applications that m	"name you identify the connections in the applications that m
"DB for database access."					"DB for database access."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"ŹródÅ?a danych to sposób identyfikacji poÅ?Ä?czeÅ? z bazami dany	"ŹródÅ?a danych to sposób identyfikacji poÅ?Ä?czeÅ? z bazami dany
"Wszystkie informacje potrzebne przy nawiÄ?zaniu poÅ?Ä?czenia z 	"Wszystkie informacje potrzebne przy nawiÄ?zaniu poÅ?Ä?czenia z 
"danych poprzez obsÅ?ugujÄ?cego jÄ? dostarczyciela bazodanowego 	"danych poprzez obsÅ?ugujÄ?cego jÄ? dostarczyciela bazodanowego 
"unikatowÄ? nazwÄ?. Nazwa ta jest nastÄ?pnie używana w aplikacja	"unikatowÄ? nazwÄ?. Nazwa ta jest nastÄ?pnie używana w aplikacja
"do bazy danych za poÅ?rednictwem GNOME-DB."			"do bazy danych za poÅ?rednictwem GNOME-DB."

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277
#, fuzzy, c-format						#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"	msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"
msgstr "Czy chcesz usunÄ?Ä? źródÅ?o danych \"%s\"?"		msgstr "Czy chcesz usunÄ?Ä? źródÅ?o danych \"%s\"?"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data Source Properties"					msgid "Data Source Properties"
msgstr "WÅ?aÅ?ciwoÅ?ci źródÅ?a danych"				msgstr "WÅ?aÅ?ciwoÅ?ci źródÅ?a danych"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132
msgid "Basic"							msgid "Basic"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Tables"							msgid "Tables"
msgstr "Tabele"							msgstr "Tabele"

#: control-center/main.c:92					#: control-center/main.c:92
msgid "No valid data source info was created"			msgid "No valid data source info was created"
msgstr "Nie utworzono poprawnych informacji o źródle danych"	msgstr "Nie utworzono poprawnych informacji o źródle danych"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218	#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218
msgid "New data source"						msgid "New data source"
msgstr "Nowe źródÅ?o danych"					msgstr "Nowe źródÅ?o danych"

#  create the dialog						#  create the dialog
#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:215					#: control-center/main.c:215
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Database Access Properties"				msgid "Database Access Properties"
msgstr "WÅ?aÅ?ciwoÅ?ci bazy danych"				msgstr "WÅ?aÅ?ciwoÅ?ci bazy danych"

#: control-center/provider-config.c:105				#: control-center/provider-config.c:105
msgid "Installed providers"					msgid "Installed providers"
msgstr "Zainstalowani dostarczyciele"				msgstr "Zainstalowani dostarczyciele"

#: control-center/provider-config.c:131				#: control-center/provider-config.c:131
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec	"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec
"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo	"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo
"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr	"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr
"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba	"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba
"etc."								"etc."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Dostarczyciele to zewnÄ?trzne wtyczki, dajÄ?ce dostÄ?p do specy	"Dostarczyciele to zewnÄ?trzne wtyczki, dajÄ?ce dostÄ?p do specy
"danych. DomyÅ?lny dostarczyciel jest dostarczycielem zainstal	"danych. DomyÅ?lny dostarczyciel jest dostarczycielem zainstal
"pozwalajÄ?cym na dostÄ?p do baz danych zapisanych w plikach XM	"pozwalajÄ?cym na dostÄ?p do baz danych zapisanych w plikach XM
"dostarczycieli, zwykle dystrybuowanych wraz z libgda/gnome-d	"dostarczycieli, zwykle dystrybuowanych wraz z libgda/gnome-d
"PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Sybase, Interbase, itp."		"PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Sybase, Interbase, itp."

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1
msgid "Database connection parameters file"			msgid "Database connection parameters file"
msgstr "Plik z parametrami poÅ?Ä?czenia z bazÄ? danych."		msgstr "Plik z parametrami poÅ?Ä?czenia z bazÄ? danych."

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2
msgid "Documents"						msgid "Documents"
msgstr "Dokumenty"						msgstr "Dokumenty"

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3
msgid "SQL code viewer"						msgid "SQL code viewer"
msgstr "PrzeglÄ?darka kodu SQL-a"				msgstr "PrzeglÄ?darka kodu SQL-a"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1
msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"			msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"
msgstr "Czcionka używana przez widget siatki"			msgstr "Czcionka używana przez widget siatki"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2
msgid "Number of spaces per tab"				msgid "Number of spaces per tab"
msgstr "Liczba spacji, przypadajÄ?ca na tabulacjÄ?"		msgstr "Liczba spacji, przypadajÄ?ca na tabulacjÄ?"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3
msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"			msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"
msgstr "WyÅ?wietlanie numerów wierszy w edytorze kodu"		msgstr "WyÅ?wietlanie numerów wierszy w edytorze kodu"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4
msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"			msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"
msgstr "Wyróżnianie elementów skÅ?adniowych w edytorze kodu"	msgstr "Wyróżnianie elementów skÅ?adniowych w edytorze kodu"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60
msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"			msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"
msgstr "UsÅ?ugi bazodanowe dla pulpitu GNOME"			msgstr "UsÅ?ugi bazodanowe dla pulpitu GNOME"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1
msgid "About"							msgid "About"
msgstr "Informacje"						msgstr "Informacje"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2
msgid "About GNOME-DB"						msgid "About GNOME-DB"
msgstr "Informacje o GNOME-DB"					msgstr "Informacje o GNOME-DB"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3
msgid "Close this window"					msgid "Close this window"
msgstr "Zamyka to okno"						msgstr "Zamyka to okno"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4
msgid "Create new entry"					msgid "Create new entry"
msgstr "Tworzy nowy element"					msgstr "Tworzy nowy element"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5
msgid "Delete selected items"					msgid "Delete selected items"
msgstr "Usuwa zaznaczone elementy"				msgstr "Usuwa zaznaczone elementy"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Deselect all items"					msgid "Deselect all items"
msgstr "Usuwa zaznaczone elementy"				msgstr "Usuwa zaznaczone elementy"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7
msgid "Edit properties for selected item"			msgid "Edit properties for selected item"
msgstr "Modyfikuje wÅ?aÅ?ciwoÅ?ci zaznaczonego elementu"		msgstr "Modyfikuje wÅ?aÅ?ciwoÅ?ci zaznaczonego elementu"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8
msgid "Save connection parameters to file"			msgid "Save connection parameters to file"
msgstr "Zapis parametrów poÅ?Ä?czenia do pliku"			msgstr "Zapis parametrów poÅ?Ä?czenia do pliku"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Select _All"						msgid "Select _All"
msgstr "Zaznacz wszystkie"					msgstr "Zaznacz wszystkie"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Select all items"					msgid "Select all items"
msgstr "Zaznacz wszystkie"					msgstr "Zaznacz wszystkie"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View data sources"					msgid "View data sources"
msgstr "Nowe źródÅ?o danych"					msgstr "Nowe źródÅ?o danych"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View providers"						msgid "View providers"
msgstr "Dostarczyciele"						msgstr "Dostarczyciele"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Clear Selection"					msgid "_Clear Selection"
msgstr "WyczyÅ?Ä? zaznaczenie"					msgstr "WyczyÅ?Ä? zaznaczenie"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14
msgid "_Close"							msgid "_Close"
msgstr "_Zamknij"						msgstr "_Zamknij"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Data Sources"						msgid "_Data Sources"
msgstr "ŹródÅ?a danych"						msgstr "ŹródÅ?a danych"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Database"						msgid "_Database"
msgstr "Baza danych"						msgstr "Baza danych"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17
msgid "_Delete"							msgid "_Delete"
msgstr "_UsuÅ?"							msgstr "_UsuÅ?"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18
msgid "_Edit"							msgid "_Edit"
msgstr "_Edycja"						msgstr "_Edycja"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19
msgid "_Help"							msgid "_Help"
msgstr "Po_moc"							msgstr "Po_moc"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_New Data Source..."					msgid "_New Data Source..."
msgstr "Nowe źródÅ?o danych"					msgstr "Nowe źródÅ?o danych"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Properties"						msgid "_Properties"
msgstr "_WÅ?aÅ?ciwoÅ?ci..."					msgstr "_WÅ?aÅ?ciwoÅ?ci..."

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Providers"						msgid "_Providers"
msgstr "Dostarczyciele"						msgstr "Dostarczyciele"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23
msgid "_Save Connection"					msgid "_Save Connection"
msgstr "_Zapisz poÅ?Ä?czenie"					msgstr "_Zapisz poÅ?Ä?czenie"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_View"							msgid "_View"
msgstr "Perspektywy"						msgstr "Perspektywy"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76
msgid "Structure"						msgid "Structure"
msgstr "Struktura"						msgstr "Struktura"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73
msgid "Data"							msgid "Data"
msgstr "Dane"							msgstr "Dane"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238
msgid "Not implemented yet!"					msgid "Not implemented yet!"
msgstr "Jeszcze nie zaimplementowane!"				msgstr "Jeszcze nie zaimplementowane!"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Database"						msgid "Database"
msgstr "Baza danych"						msgstr "Baza danych"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540
msgid "Loading database schemas..."				msgid "Loading database schemas..."
msgstr "Odczytywanie schematów baz danych..."			msgstr "Odczytywanie schematów baz danych..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632
msgid "Refreshing data..."					msgid "Refreshing data..."
msgstr "OdÅ?wieżanie danych..."					msgstr "OdÅ?wieżanie danych..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688
msgid "Views"							msgid "Views"
msgstr "Perspektywy"						msgstr "Perspektywy"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691
msgid "Indexes"							msgid "Indexes"
msgstr "Indeksy"						msgstr "Indeksy"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Sequences"						msgid "Sequences"
msgstr "Sekwencje"						msgstr "Sekwencje"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Procedures"						msgid "Procedures"
msgstr "Procedury"						msgstr "Procedury"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700
msgid "Triggers"						msgid "Triggers"
msgstr "Wyzwalacze"						msgstr "Wyzwalacze"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Aggregates"						msgid "Aggregates"
msgstr "Agregaty"						msgstr "Agregaty"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Types"							msgid "Types"
msgstr "Typy"							msgstr "Typy"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140
msgid "Could not query CORBA components"			msgid "Could not query CORBA components"
msgstr "BÅ?Ä?d przy zapytaniu o komponenty Corby"			msgstr "BÅ?Ä?d przy zapytaniu o komponenty Corby"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209
msgid "ID"							msgid "ID"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "Location"						msgid "Location"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212
msgid "Username"						msgid "Username"
msgstr "Nazwa użytkownika"					msgstr "Nazwa użytkownika"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Hostname"						msgid "Hostname"
msgstr "Nazwa użytkownika"					msgstr "Nazwa użytkownika"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214
msgid "Domain"							msgid "Domain"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"			msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"
msgstr "NieobsÅ?ugiwany typ w GconfEntry: %d"			msgstr "NieobsÅ?ugiwany typ w GconfEntry: %d"

#. create widgets						#. create widgets
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97
msgid "Settings"						msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Ustawienia"						msgstr "Ustawienia"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103
msgid "Data source name"					msgid "Data source name"
msgstr "Nazwa źródÅ?a danych"					msgstr "Nazwa źródÅ?a danych"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109
msgid "Connection string"					msgid "Connection string"
msgstr "Napis identyfikujÄ?cy poÅ?Ä?czenie"			msgstr "Napis identyfikujÄ?cy poÅ?Ä?czenie"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115
msgid "Provider"						msgid "Provider"
msgstr "Dostarczyciel"						msgstr "Dostarczyciel"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121
msgid "User name"						msgid "User name"
msgstr "Nazwa użytkownika"					msgstr "Nazwa użytkownika"

#. create feature list						#. create feature list
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128
msgid "Features"						msgid "Features"
msgstr "Cechy"							msgstr "Cechy"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190
msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"		msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"
msgstr "Należy podaÄ? nazwÄ? nowego źródÅ?a danych"		msgstr "Należy podaÄ? nazwÄ? nowego źródÅ?a danych"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac	msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac
msgstr "Nazwa źródÅ?a danych nie może zawieraÄ? spacji"		msgstr "Nazwa źródÅ?a danych nie może zawieraÄ? spacji"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206
msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th	msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213
msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"			msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"
msgstr "Nazwa źródÅ?a danych nie może zawieraÄ? spacji"		msgstr "Nazwa źródÅ?a danych nie może zawieraÄ? spacji"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217
msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n	msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n
msgstr "Nazwa źródÅ?a danych może zawieraÄ? tylko litery i cyfr	msgstr "Nazwa źródÅ?a danych może zawieraÄ? tylko litery i cyfr

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225
msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"	msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"
msgstr "Należy wybraÄ? dostarczyciela nowego źródÅ?a danych"	msgstr "Należy wybraÄ? dostarczyciela nowego źródÅ?a danych"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233
msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"		msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"
msgstr "Nie odnaleziono dostarczyciela w konfiguracji"		msgstr "Nie odnaleziono dostarczyciela w konfiguracji"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391
msgid "Add a new data source..."				msgid "Add a new data source..."
msgstr "Dodanie nowego źródÅ?a danych..."			msgstr "Dodanie nowego źródÅ?a danych..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392
msgid ""							msgid ""
"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"		"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"
"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"		"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"
"installation. Just follow the steps!"				"installation. Just follow the steps!"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Druid ten przeprowadzi siÄ? przez proces tworzenia\n"		"Druid ten przeprowadzi siÄ? przez proces tworzenia\n"
"nowego źródÅ?a danych w twojej instalacji GNOME-DB.\n"		"nowego źródÅ?a danych w twojej instalacji GNOME-DB.\n"
"PostÄ?puj zgodnie z instrukcjami."				"PostÄ?puj zgodnie z instrukcjami."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404
msgid "General Information"					msgid "General Information"
msgstr "Ogólne informacje"					msgstr "Ogólne informacje"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the basic information\n"	"The following fields represent the basic information\n"
"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n	"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n
"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"	"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"
"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"	"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"
"the default one."						"the default one."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Poniższe pola odpowiadajÄ? podstawowym informacjom o nowym\n"	"Poniższe pola odpowiadajÄ? podstawowym informacjom o nowym\n"
"źródle danych. Niektóre z nich (opis, nazwa użytkownika) sÄ?\	"źródle danych. Niektóre z nich (opis, nazwa użytkownika) sÄ?\
"opcjonalne, podczas gdy inne sÄ? wymagane. JeÅ?li nie wiesz,\n	"opcjonalne, podczas gdy inne sÄ? wymagane. JeÅ?li nie wiesz,\n
"którego dostarczyciela wybraÄ?, wykorzystaj domyÅ?lnego."	"którego dostarczyciela wybraÄ?, wykorzystaj domyÅ?lnego."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data source _name:"					msgid "Data source _name:"
msgstr "Nazwa źródÅ?a danych"					msgstr "Nazwa źródÅ?a danych"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Provider:"						msgid "_Provider:"
msgstr "Dostarczyciel"						msgstr "Dostarczyciel"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Description:"						msgid "_Description:"
msgstr "Opis"							msgstr "Opis"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Username:"						msgid "_Username:"
msgstr "Nazwa użytkownika:"					msgstr "Nazwa użytkownika:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "P_assword:"						msgid "P_assword:"
msgstr "HasÅ?o:"							msgstr "HasÅ?o:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454
msgid "Provider Parameters"					msgid "Provider Parameters"
msgstr "Parametry dostarczyciela"				msgstr "Parametry dostarczyciela"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the information needed by the	"The following fields represent the information needed by the
"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n	"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n
"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\	"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\
"the manual for more information."				"the manual for more information."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Poniższe pola reprezentujÄ? informacje wymagane przez dostarc	"Poniższe pola reprezentujÄ? informacje wymagane przez dostarc
"wybranego na poprzedniej stronie, aby otworzyÄ? poÅ?Ä?czenie. D	"wybranego na poprzedniej stronie, aby otworzyÄ? poÅ?Ä?czenie. D
"specyficzne dla dostarczyciela, wiÄ?c aby uzyskaÄ? wiÄ?cej info	"specyficzne dla dostarczyciela, wiÄ?c aby uzyskaÄ? wiÄ?cej info
"do podrÄ?cznika."						"do podrÄ?cznika."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481
msgid "All information retrieved"				msgid "All information retrieved"
msgstr "Pobrano wszystkie informacje"				msgstr "Pobrano wszystkie informacje"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid ""							msgid ""
"All information needed to create a new data source\n"		"All information needed to create a new data source\n"
"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"		"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"
"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"	"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"
"just select it when asked for a data source."			"just select it when asked for a data source."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Uzyskano wszystkie informacje potrzebne do utworzenia\n"	"Uzyskano wszystkie informacje potrzebne do utworzenia\n"
"nowego źródÅ?a danych. Aby zamknÄ?Ä? to okno, kliknij\n"		"nowego źródÅ?a danych. Aby zamknÄ?Ä? to okno, kliknij\n"
"\"Zastosuj\". Aby otworzyÄ? utworzone źródÅ?o danych, po\n"	"\"Zastosuj\". Aby otworzyÄ? utworzone źródÅ?o danych, po\n"
"prostu wybierz je z listy przy proÅ?bie o wybór źródÅ?a."	"prostu wybierz je z listy przy proÅ?bie o wybór źródÅ?a."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Connection _string:"					msgid "Connection _string:"
msgstr "Napis identyfikujÄ?cy poÅ?Ä?czenie"			msgstr "Napis identyfikujÄ?cy poÅ?Ä?czenie"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4
msgid "Error"							msgid "Error"
msgstr "BÅ?Ä?d"							msgstr "BÅ?Ä?d"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.
msgid "Show detail >>"						msgid "Show detail >>"
msgstr "WyÅ?wietl szczegóÅ?y >>>"					msgstr "WyÅ?wietl szczegóÅ?y >>>"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122
msgid "<< Hide detail"						msgid "<< Hide detail"
msgstr "<< Ukryj szczegóÅ?y"					msgstr "<< Ukryj szczegóÅ?y"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191
msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"	msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"
msgstr "WystÄ?piÅ? bÅ?Ä?d w wykorzystywanej bazie danych"		msgstr "WystÄ?piÅ? bÅ?Ä?d w wykorzystywanej bazie danych"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196
msgid "Error number"						msgid "Error number"
msgstr "Numer bÅ?Ä?du"						msgstr "Numer bÅ?Ä?du"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227
msgid "Details"							msgid "Details"
msgstr "SzczegóÅ?y"						msgstr "SzczegóÅ?y"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234
msgid "Source"							msgid "Source"
msgstr "ŹródÅ?o"							msgstr "ŹródÅ?o"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241
msgid "SQL state"						msgid "SQL state"
msgstr "Stan SQL-a"						msgstr "Stan SQL-a"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Field:"							msgid "_Field:"
msgstr "Pola"							msgstr "Pola"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118
msgid "_Text:"							msgid "_Text:"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308
msgid "No records"						msgid "No records"
msgstr "Brak rekordów"						msgstr "Brak rekordów"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Record %d of %d"						msgid "Record %d of %d"
msgstr "%d. rekord z %d"					msgstr "%d. rekord z %d"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113
msgid "Recordset description"					msgid "Recordset description"
msgstr "Opis zbioru rekordów"					msgstr "Opis zbioru rekordów"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141
#, fuzzy, c-format						#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""							msgid ""
"File '%s' already exists.\n"					"File '%s' already exists.\n"
"Do you want to overwrite it?"					"Do you want to overwrite it?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Plik o nazwie %s już istnieje\n"				"Plik o nazwie %s już istnieje\n"
"Czy chcesz go nadpisaÄ??"					"Czy chcesz go nadpisaÄ??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149
msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."		msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Could not save file %s"					msgid "Could not save file %s"
msgstr "Nie można zapisaÄ? pliku \"%s\""				msgstr "Nie można zapisaÄ? pliku \"%s\""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224
msgid "You must specify a file name"				msgid "You must specify a file name"
msgstr "Należy podaÄ? nazwÄ? pliku"				msgstr "Należy podaÄ? nazwÄ? pliku"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230
msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"		msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"
msgstr "Przy konwertowaniu danych otrzymano pusty plik"		msgstr "Przy konwertowaniu danych otrzymano pusty plik"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261
msgid "Saving Model"						msgid "Saving Model"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "File _name:"						msgid "File _name:"
msgstr "nazwa tabeli"						msgstr "nazwa tabeli"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276
msgid "Select File"						msgid "Select File"
msgstr "Wybór pliku"						msgstr "Wybór pliku"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283
msgid "File _type:"						msgid "File _type:"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Tab-delimited"						msgid "Tab-delimited"
msgstr "Plik z polami rozdzielonymi tabulacjami"		msgstr "Plik z polami rozdzielonymi tabulacjami"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Comma-delimited"						msgid "Comma-delimited"
msgstr "Plik z polami rozdzielonymi przecinkami"		msgstr "Plik z polami rozdzielonymi przecinkami"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:
msgid "XML"							msgid "XML"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355
msgid "View detail"						msgid "View detail"
msgstr "Widok szczegóÅ?ów"					msgstr "Widok szczegóÅ?ów"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Show Column _Titles"					msgid "Show Column _Titles"
msgstr "WyÅ?wietl kolumny"					msgstr "WyÅ?wietl kolumny"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442
msgid "Describe"						msgid "Describe"
msgstr "Opisz"							msgstr "Opisz"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443
msgid "View detail..."						msgid "View detail..."
msgstr "WyÅ?wietl szczegóÅ?y..."					msgstr "WyÅ?wietl szczegóÅ?y..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614
msgid "Title"							msgid "Title"
msgstr "TytuÅ?"							msgstr "TytuÅ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48
msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"	msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"
msgstr "Próba zainicjowania już zainicjowanego klienta"		msgstr "Próba zainicjowania już zainicjowanego klienta"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"		"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"
"to a data source"						"to a data source"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Wprowadź poniżej argumenty, aby otworzyÄ? poÅ?Ä?czenie\n"		"Wprowadź poniżej argumenty, aby otworzyÄ? poÅ?Ä?czenie\n"
"ze źródÅ?em danych"						"ze źródÅ?em danych"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253
msgid "Data Source:"						msgid "Data Source:"
msgstr "ŹródÅ?o danych:"						msgstr "ŹródÅ?o danych:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270
msgid "Username:"						msgid "Username:"
msgstr "Nazwa użytkownika:"					msgstr "Nazwa użytkownika:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279
msgid "Password:"						msgid "Password:"
msgstr "HasÅ?o:"							msgstr "HasÅ?o:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69
msgid "Fields"							msgid "Fields"
msgstr "Pola"							msgstr "Pola"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30
msgid "Commit"							msgid "Commit"
msgstr "Zatwierdź"						msgstr "Zatwierdź"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31
msgid "Connect"							msgid "Connect"
msgstr "PoÅ?Ä?cz"							msgstr "PoÅ?Ä?cz"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33
msgid "Designer"						msgid "Designer"
msgstr "Projektant"						msgstr "Projektant"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34
msgid "Disconnect"						msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr "RozÅ?Ä?cz"						msgstr "RozÅ?Ä?cz"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35
msgid "NoTransaction"						msgid "NoTransaction"
msgstr "BrakTransakcji"						msgstr "BrakTransakcji"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37
msgid "Query"							msgid "Query"
msgstr "Zapytanie"						msgstr "Zapytanie"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38
msgid "Rollback"						msgid "Rollback"
msgstr "Wycofaj"						msgstr "Wycofaj"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40
msgid "SQL"							msgid "SQL"
msgstr "SQL"							msgstr "SQL"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43
msgid "WithinTransaction"					msgid "WithinTransaction"
msgstr "WewnÄ?trzTransakcji"					msgstr "WewnÄ?trzTransakcji"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Error: %s"						msgid "Error: %s"
msgstr "BÅ?Ä?d: %s"						msgstr "BÅ?Ä?d: %s"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79
msgid "Table name"						msgid "Table name"
msgstr "nazwa tabeli"						msgstr "nazwa tabeli"

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93			#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Login for %s"						msgid "Login for %s"
msgstr "Logowanie do %s"					msgstr "Logowanie do %s"

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95					#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95
msgid "Login to database"					msgid "Login to database"
msgstr "Logowanie do bazy danych"				msgstr "Logowanie do bazy danych"

#: vfs/libmain.c:71						#: vfs/libmain.c:71
msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"				msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"
msgstr "ModuÅ? GNOME VFS dla URI database:"			msgstr "ModuÅ? GNOME VFS dla URI database:"

#  create the dialog						#  create the dialog
#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Table Properties"					msgid "Table Properties"
msgstr "WÅ?aÅ?ciwoÅ?ci bazy danych"				msgstr "WÅ?aÅ?ciwoÅ?ci bazy danych"

#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Table Name"						msgid "Table Name"
msgstr "nazwa tabeli"						msgstr "nazwa tabeli"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "New"							msgid "New"
msgstr "Nowe..."						msgstr "Nowe..."

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Create new table"					msgid "Create new table"
msgstr "Tworzy nowy element"					msgstr "Tworzy nowy element"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Properties"						msgid "Properties"
msgstr "_WÅ?aÅ?ciwoÅ?ci..."					msgstr "_WÅ?aÅ?ciwoÅ?ci..."

#  create the dialog						#  create the dialog
#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View table properties"					msgid "View table properties"
msgstr "WÅ?aÅ?ciwoÅ?ci bazy danych"				msgstr "WÅ?aÅ?ciwoÅ?ci bazy danych"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
msgid "UID"							msgid "UID"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "calendar"						msgid "calendar"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "summary"							msgid "summary"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "Summary"							msgid "Summary"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "location"						msgid "location"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "dtstart"							msgid "dtstart"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
msgid "Start time"						msgid "Start time"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "dtend"							msgid "dtend"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "End time"						msgid "End time"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "description"						msgid "description"
msgstr "Opis"							msgstr "Opis"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "classification"						msgid "classification"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Classification"						msgid "Classification"
msgstr "WyczyÅ?Ä? zaznaczenie"					msgstr "WyczyÅ?Ä? zaznaczenie"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "transparency"						msgid "transparency"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "Transparency"						msgid "Transparency"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "categories"						msgid "categories"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "Categories"						msgid "Categories"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "tasks"							msgid "tasks"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "due"							msgid "due"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "Due date"						msgid "Due date"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "Start date"						msgid "Start date"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355
msgid "Public"							msgid "Public"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358
msgid "Private"							msgid "Private"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361
msgid "Confidential"						msgid "Confidential"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63
msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"		msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66
msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"			msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80
msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta	msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83
msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"		msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100
msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"				msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Field name"						msgid "Field name"
msgstr "Nazwa użytkownika"					msgstr "Nazwa użytkownika"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data type"						msgid "Data type"
msgstr "Dane"							msgstr "Dane"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214
msgid "Size"							msgid "Size"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215
msgid "Scale"							msgid "Scale"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216
msgid "Not null?"						msgid "Not null?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217
msgid "Primary key?"						msgid "Primary key?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218
msgid "Unique index?"						msgid "Unique index?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "References"						msgid "References"
msgstr "P_referencje"						msgstr "P_referencje"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220
msgid "Default value"						msgid "Default value"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239
msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l	msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Table %s does not exist"					msgid "Table %s does not exist"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318
msgid "Scheduled events"					msgid "Scheduled events"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321
msgid "TODO list"						msgid "TODO list"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375
msgid "Owner"							msgid "Owner"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Comments"						msgid "Comments"
msgstr "Zatwierdź"						msgstr "Zatwierdź"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Type"							msgid "Type"
msgstr "Typy"							msgstr "Typy"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377
msgid "GDA type"						msgid "GDA type"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id	#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id
#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database	#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database
#. we can easily access that information			#. we can easily access that information
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382
msgid "local"							msgid "local"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217
msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230
msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244
msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"			msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268
msgid "Invalid SQL command"					msgid "Invalid SQL command"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353
msgid "Transactions are not supported"				msgid "Transactions are not supported"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41
msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"		msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task	"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#~ msgid "Browse database..."					#~ msgid "Browse database..."
#~ msgstr "PrzeglÄ?daj bazÄ? danych..."				#~ msgstr "PrzeglÄ?daj bazÄ? danych..."

#~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .con	#~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .con
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Komponent zawierajÄ?cy obiekty menu kontekstowego dla plik	#~ "Komponent zawierajÄ?cy obiekty menu kontekstowego dla plik

#~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .sql	#~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .sql
#~ msgstr "Komponent zawierajÄ?cy obiekty menu kontekstego dla	#~ msgstr "Komponent zawierajÄ?cy obiekty menu kontekstego dla

#~ msgid "Connection MIME handler component"			#~ msgid "Connection MIME handler component"
#~ msgstr "Komponent uchwytu poÅ?Ä?czenia MIME"			#~ msgstr "Komponent uchwytu poÅ?Ä?czenia MIME"

#~ msgid "Database component factory"				#~ msgid "Database component factory"
#~ msgstr "Generator komponentu bazy danych"			#~ msgstr "Generator komponentu bazy danych"

#~ msgid "Open in database connection..."			#~ msgid "Open in database connection..."
#~ msgstr "Otwórz w poÅ?Ä?czeniu z bazÄ? danych..."		#~ msgstr "Otwórz w poÅ?Ä?czeniu z bazÄ? danych..."

#~ msgid "SQL MIME handler component"				#~ msgid "SQL MIME handler component"
#~ msgstr "Komponent uchwytu SQL MIME"				#~ msgstr "Komponent uchwytu SQL MIME"

#~ msgid "Database browser"					#~ msgid "Database browser"
#~ msgstr "PrzeglÄ?darka bazy danych"				#~ msgstr "PrzeglÄ?darka bazy danych"

#~ msgid "Error viewer"						#~ msgid "Error viewer"
#~ msgstr "PrzeglÄ?darka bÅ?Ä?dów"					#~ msgstr "PrzeglÄ?darka bÅ?Ä?dów"

#~ msgid "SQL Viewer"						#~ msgid "SQL Viewer"
#~ msgstr "PrzeglÄ?darka kodu SQL"				#~ msgstr "PrzeglÄ?darka kodu SQL"

#~ msgid "Database configuration"				#~ msgid "Database configuration"
#~ msgstr "Konfiguracja baz danych"				#~ msgstr "Konfiguracja baz danych"

#~ msgid "Edit application preferences"				#~ msgid "Edit application preferences"
#~ msgstr "Modyfikuje preferencje aplikacji"			#~ msgstr "Modyfikuje preferencje aplikacji"

#~ msgid "_Settings"						#~ msgid "_Settings"
#~ msgstr "_Ustawienia"						#~ msgstr "_Ustawienia"

#~ msgid "Password"						#~ msgid "Password"
#~ msgstr "HasÅ?o"						#~ msgstr "HasÅ?o"

#~ msgid "Save as"						#~ msgid "Save as"
#~ msgstr "Zapis pod podanÄ? nazwÄ?"				#~ msgstr "Zapis pod podanÄ? nazwÄ?"

#~ msgid "Save to"						#~ msgid "Save to"
#~ msgstr "Zapis do"						#~ msgstr "Zapis do"

#~ msgid "XML file"						#~ msgid "XML file"
#~ msgstr "Plik XML"						#~ msgstr "Plik XML"

#~ msgid "Hide columns"						#~ msgid "Hide columns"
#~ msgstr "Ukryj kolumny"					#~ msgstr "Ukryj kolumny"

#~ msgid "Question"						#~ msgid "Question"
#~ msgstr "Pytanie"						#~ msgstr "Pytanie"

#~ msgid "Database Moniker factory"				#~ msgid "Database Moniker factory"
#~ msgstr "Generator monikera bazy danych"			#~ msgstr "Generator monikera bazy danych"

#~ msgid "database: moniker"					#~ msgid "database: moniker"
#~ msgstr "moniker database:"					#~ msgstr "moniker database:"

#~ msgid "Failing to manufacture a '%s'"			#~ msgid "Failing to manufacture a '%s'"
#~ msgstr "Nie można wygenerowaÄ? \"%s\""			#~ msgstr "Nie można wygenerowaÄ? \"%s\""

#~ msgid "Invalid format for connection string"			#~ msgid "Invalid format for connection string"
#~ msgstr "Niepoprawny format napisu identyfikujÄ?cego poÅ?Ä?cze	#~ msgstr "Niepoprawny format napisu identyfikujÄ?cego poÅ?Ä?cze

#~ msgid "_File"						#~ msgid "_File"
#~ msgstr "_Plik"						#~ msgstr "_Plik"

#~ msgid "Data sources"						#~ msgid "Data sources"
#~ msgstr "ŹródÅ?a danych"					#~ msgstr "ŹródÅ?a danych"
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: POTFILES
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/POTFILES.in ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/POTFILES.in
# List of source files containing translatable strings.		# List of source files containing translatable strings.
# Please keep this list in alphabetical order.			# Please keep this list in alphabetical order.
control-center/database-capplet.c				control-center/database-capplet.c
control-center/database-properties.desktop.in			control-center/database-properties.desktop.in
control-center/dsn-config.c					control-center/dsn-config.c
control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c				control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c
control-center/main.c						control-center/main.c
control-center/provider-config.c				control-center/provider-config.c
data/libgnomedb.keys.in						data/libgnomedb.keys.in
data/libgnomedb.schemas.in					data/libgnomedb.schemas.in
libgnomedb/db-shell.c						libgnomedb/db-shell.c
libgnomedb/db-shell.xml						libgnomedb/db-shell.xml
libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c				libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c
libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c				libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c
libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c					libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c
libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c					libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c
libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c			libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c
libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c				libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c
libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c				libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c
libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c				libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c
libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c					libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c
libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c				libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c
libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c					libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c
libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c					libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c
libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c					libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c
libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c				libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c
libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c					libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c
libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c				libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c
libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c					libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c
libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c				libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c
libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c					libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c
libgnomedb/utils.c						libgnomedb/utils.c
vfs/libmain.c							vfs/libmain.c
libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c				libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c
libgnomedb/tables-page.c					libgnomedb/tables-page.c
providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c			providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c
providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c			providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c
providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c			providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c
providers/evolution/libmain.c					providers/evolution/libmain.c
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po: POTFILES.skip
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: pt_BR.gmo
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/pt_BR.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/pt_BR.po
# Translation of libgnomedb.HEAD.pt_BR.po to Brazilian Portug	# Translation of libgnomedb.HEAD.pt_BR.po to Brazilian Portug
# Copyright (C) 2002, 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.	# Copyright (C) 2002, 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This file is distributed under the same license as the libg	# This file is distributed under the same license as the libg
# based on the translation to Portuguese (pt) by		# based on the translation to Portuguese (pt) by
# Alexandre Folle de Menezes <afmenez terra com br>, 2002-200	# Alexandre Folle de Menezes <afmenez terra com br>, 2002-200
# Duarte Loreto <happyguy_pt hotmail com>, 2001, 2002.		# Duarte Loreto <happyguy_pt hotmail com>, 2001, 2002.
# Afonso Celso Medina <medina maua br>, 2004.			# Afonso Celso Medina <medina maua br>, 2004.
# Gustavo R. Montesino <grmontesino ig com br>, 2004.		# Gustavo R. Montesino <grmontesino ig com br>, 2004.
# Gustavo R. Montesino <grmontesino ig com br>, 2004.		# Gustavo R. Montesino <grmontesino ig com br>, 2004.
# 								# 
# 								# 
msgid ""							msgid ""
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: libgnomedb.release-1-0-branch.pt_BR\n"	"Project-Id-Version: libgnomedb.release-1-0-branch.pt_BR\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"					"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"			"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-07-06 22:50-0300\n"			"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-07-06 22:50-0300\n"
"Last-Translator: Afonso Celso Medina <medina maua br>\n"	"Last-Translator: Afonso Celso Medina <medina maua br>\n"
"Language-Team: Portuguese/Brazil\n"				"Language-Team: Portuguese/Brazil\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"						"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"			"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"				"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co
msgid "Data Sources"						msgid "Data Sources"
msgstr "Fontes de Dados"					msgstr "Fontes de Dados"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid
msgid "Providers"						msgid "Providers"
msgstr "Provedores"						msgstr "Provedores"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1
msgid "Configure your database environment"			msgid "Configure your database environment"
msgstr "Configura o seu ambiente de banco de dados"		msgstr "Configura o seu ambiente de banco de dados"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2
msgid "Database Access Properties "				msgid "Database Access Properties "
msgstr "Propriedades de Acesso ao Banco de Dados"		msgstr "Propriedades de Acesso ao Banco de Dados"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380
msgid "Name"							msgid "Name"
msgstr "Nome"							msgstr "Nome"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
msgid "Description"						msgid "Description"
msgstr "Descrição"						msgstr "Descrição"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182
msgid "Configured data sources in the system"			msgid "Configured data sources in the system"
msgstr "Fontes de dados configuradas no sistema"		msgstr "Fontes de dados configuradas no sistema"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data sources are the means by which database connections are	"Data sources are the means by which database connections are
"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s	"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s
"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o	"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o
"name you identify the connections in the applications that m	"name you identify the connections in the applications that m
"DB for database access."					"DB for database access."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Fontes de dados são a forma como as conexões com os bancos d	"Fontes de dados são a forma como as conexões com os bancos d
"identificadas no libgda. Toda informação necessária para est	"identificadas no libgda. Toda informação necessária para est
"conexão com um conjunto específico provedor/banco de dados é	"conexão com um conjunto específico provedor/banco de dados é
"um nome único. � através da utilização deste nome único que 	"um nome único. � através da utilização deste nome único que 
"identificar as conexões nas aplicações que utilizam o libgda	"identificar as conexões nas aplicações que utilizam o libgda
"banco de dados."						"banco de dados."

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"	msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"
msgstr "Você tem certeza que deseja remover a fonte de dados 	msgstr "Você tem certeza que deseja remover a fonte de dados 

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104
msgid "Data Source Properties"					msgid "Data Source Properties"
msgstr "Propriedades da Fonte de Dados"				msgstr "Propriedades da Fonte de Dados"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132
msgid "Basic"							msgid "Basic"
msgstr "Básico"							msgstr "Básico"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Tables"							msgid "Tables"
msgstr "Tabelas"						msgstr "Tabelas"

#: control-center/main.c:92					#: control-center/main.c:92
msgid "No valid data source info was created"			msgid "No valid data source info was created"
msgstr "Não foi criada info de fonte de dados válida"		msgstr "Não foi criada info de fonte de dados válida"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218	#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218
msgid "New data source"						msgid "New data source"
msgstr "Nova fonte de dados"					msgstr "Nova fonte de dados"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:215					#: control-center/main.c:215
msgid "Database Access Properties"				msgid "Database Access Properties"
msgstr "Propriedades de Acesso ao Banco de Dados"		msgstr "Propriedades de Acesso ao Banco de Dados"

#: control-center/provider-config.c:105				#: control-center/provider-config.c:105
msgid "Installed providers"					msgid "Installed providers"
msgstr "Provedores instalados"					msgstr "Provedores instalados"

#: control-center/provider-config.c:131				#: control-center/provider-config.c:131
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec	"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec
"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo	"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo
"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr	"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr
"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba	"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba
"etc."								"etc."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Provedores são plugins externos que fornecem acesso à uma fo	"Provedores são plugins externos que fornecem acesso à uma fo
"específica. O provedor padrão sempre está instalado, permiti	"específica. O provedor padrão sempre está instalado, permiti
"bancos de dados armazenadas em arquivos XML. Outros provedor	"bancos de dados armazenadas em arquivos XML. Outros provedor
"distribuídos com o libgda/gnome-db incluem PostgreSQL, MySQL	"distribuídos com o libgda/gnome-db incluem PostgreSQL, MySQL
"Sybase, Interbase, etc."					"Sybase, Interbase, etc."

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1
msgid "Database connection parameters file"			msgid "Database connection parameters file"
msgstr "Arquivo de parâmetros de conexão com o banco de dados	msgstr "Arquivo de parâmetros de conexão com o banco de dados

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2
msgid "Documents"						msgid "Documents"
msgstr "Documentos"						msgstr "Documentos"

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3
msgid "SQL code viewer"						msgid "SQL code viewer"
msgstr "Visualizador de código SQL"				msgstr "Visualizador de código SQL"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1
msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"			msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"
msgstr "Fonte a ser usada no widget da grade"			msgstr "Fonte a ser usada no widget da grade"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2
msgid "Number of spaces per tab"				msgid "Number of spaces per tab"
msgstr "Número de espaços por tabulação"			msgstr "Número de espaços por tabulação"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3
msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"			msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"
msgstr "Mostra os números das linhas no editor de código font	msgstr "Mostra os números das linhas no editor de código font

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4
msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"			msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"
msgstr "Usa destaque no editor de código fonte"			msgstr "Usa destaque no editor de código fonte"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60
msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"			msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"
msgstr "Serviços de bancos de dados para o Desktop GNOME"	msgstr "Serviços de bancos de dados para o Desktop GNOME"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1
msgid "About"							msgid "About"
msgstr "Sobre"							msgstr "Sobre"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2
msgid "About GNOME-DB"						msgid "About GNOME-DB"
msgstr "Sobre o GNOME-DB"					msgstr "Sobre o GNOME-DB"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3
msgid "Close this window"					msgid "Close this window"
msgstr "Fecha esta janela"					msgstr "Fecha esta janela"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4
msgid "Create new entry"					msgid "Create new entry"
msgstr "Cria uma nova entrada"					msgstr "Cria uma nova entrada"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5
msgid "Delete selected items"					msgid "Delete selected items"
msgstr "Exclui os itens selecionados"				msgstr "Exclui os itens selecionados"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6
msgid "Deselect all items"					msgid "Deselect all items"
msgstr "Deselecionar todos os itens"				msgstr "Deselecionar todos os itens"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7
msgid "Edit properties for selected item"			msgid "Edit properties for selected item"
msgstr "Edita as propriedades do item selecionado"		msgstr "Edita as propriedades do item selecionado"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8
msgid "Save connection parameters to file"			msgid "Save connection parameters to file"
msgstr "Salva os parâmetros de conexão em um arquivo"		msgstr "Salva os parâmetros de conexão em um arquivo"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414
msgid "Select _All"						msgid "Select _All"
msgstr "Selecion_ar Tudo"					msgstr "Selecion_ar Tudo"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10
msgid "Select all items"					msgid "Select all items"
msgstr "Selecionar todos os items"				msgstr "Selecionar todos os items"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11
msgid "View data sources"					msgid "View data sources"
msgstr "Ver fonte de dados"					msgstr "Ver fonte de dados"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12
msgid "View providers"						msgid "View providers"
msgstr "Ver provedores"						msgstr "Ver provedores"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42
msgid "_Clear Selection"					msgid "_Clear Selection"
msgstr "_Limpar a seleção"					msgstr "_Limpar a seleção"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14
msgid "_Close"							msgid "_Close"
msgstr "_Fechar"						msgstr "_Fechar"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15
msgid "_Data Sources"						msgid "_Data Sources"
msgstr "Fontes de _Dados"					msgstr "Fontes de _Dados"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16
msgid "_Database"						msgid "_Database"
msgstr "Banco de _Dados"					msgstr "Banco de _Dados"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17
msgid "_Delete"							msgid "_Delete"
msgstr "_Excluir"						msgstr "_Excluir"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18
msgid "_Edit"							msgid "_Edit"
msgstr "_Editar"						msgstr "_Editar"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19
msgid "_Help"							msgid "_Help"
msgstr "Aj_uda"							msgstr "Aj_uda"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20
msgid "_New Data Source..."					msgid "_New Data Source..."
msgstr "_Nova Fonte de Dados..."				msgstr "_Nova Fonte de Dados..."

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21
msgid "_Properties"						msgid "_Properties"
msgstr "_Propriedades"						msgstr "_Propriedades"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22
msgid "_Providers"						msgid "_Providers"
msgstr "_Provedores"						msgstr "_Provedores"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23
msgid "_Save Connection"					msgid "_Save Connection"
msgstr "_Salvar Conecção"					msgstr "_Salvar Conecção"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24
msgid "_View"							msgid "_View"
msgstr "_Ver"							msgstr "_Ver"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76
msgid "Structure"						msgid "Structure"
msgstr "Estrutura"						msgstr "Estrutura"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73
msgid "Data"							msgid "Data"
msgstr "Dados"							msgstr "Dados"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238
msgid "Not implemented yet!"					msgid "Not implemented yet!"
msgstr "Ainda não implementado!"				msgstr "Ainda não implementado!"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Database"						msgid "Database"
msgstr "Banco de Dados"						msgstr "Banco de Dados"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540
msgid "Loading database schemas..."				msgid "Loading database schemas..."
msgstr "Carregando esquemas de banco de dados..."		msgstr "Carregando esquemas de banco de dados..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632
msgid "Refreshing data..."					msgid "Refreshing data..."
msgstr "Atualizando dados..."					msgstr "Atualizando dados..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688
msgid "Views"							msgid "Views"
msgstr "Vistas"							msgstr "Vistas"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691
msgid "Indexes"							msgid "Indexes"
msgstr "Ã?ndices"						msgstr "Ã?ndices"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Sequences"						msgid "Sequences"
msgstr "Seqüências"						msgstr "Seqüências"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Procedures"						msgid "Procedures"
msgstr "Procedimentos"						msgstr "Procedimentos"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700
msgid "Triggers"						msgid "Triggers"
msgstr "Triggers"						msgstr "Triggers"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Aggregates"						msgid "Aggregates"
msgstr "Agregações"						msgstr "Agregações"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Types"							msgid "Types"
msgstr "Tipos"							msgstr "Tipos"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140
msgid "Could not query CORBA components"			msgid "Could not query CORBA components"
msgstr "Impossível restaurar os componentes CORBA"		msgstr "Impossível restaurar os componentes CORBA"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209
msgid "ID"							msgid "ID"
msgstr "ID"							msgstr "ID"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "Location"						msgid "Location"
msgstr "Localização"						msgstr "Localização"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212
msgid "Username"						msgid "Username"
msgstr "Usuário"						msgstr "Usuário"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213
msgid "Hostname"						msgid "Hostname"
msgstr "Hostname"						msgstr "Hostname"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214
msgid "Domain"							msgid "Domain"
msgstr "Domínio"						msgstr "Domínio"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"			msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"
msgstr "Tipo não suportado na GconfEntry: %d"			msgstr "Tipo não suportado na GconfEntry: %d"

#. create widgets						#. create widgets
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97
msgid "Settings"						msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Definições"						msgstr "Definições"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103
msgid "Data source name"					msgid "Data source name"
msgstr "Nome da fonte de dados"					msgstr "Nome da fonte de dados"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109
msgid "Connection string"					msgid "Connection string"
msgstr "String de conexão"					msgstr "String de conexão"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115
msgid "Provider"						msgid "Provider"
msgstr "Provedor"						msgstr "Provedor"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121
msgid "User name"						msgid "User name"
msgstr "Usuário"						msgstr "Usuário"

#. create feature list						#. create feature list
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128
msgid "Features"						msgid "Features"
msgstr "Recursos"						msgstr "Recursos"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190
msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"		msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"
msgstr "Você deve introduzir um nome para a nova fonte de dad	msgstr "Você deve introduzir um nome para a nova fonte de dad

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197
msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac	msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac
msgstr "Os nomes das fontes de dados só podem conter caracter	msgstr "Os nomes das fontes de dados só podem conter caracter

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206
msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th	msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th
msgstr "Uma fonte de dados existente já está registrada com o	msgstr "Uma fonte de dados existente já está registrada com o

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213
msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"			msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"
msgstr "Os nomes das fontes de dados não podem conter espaços	msgstr "Os nomes das fontes de dados não podem conter espaços

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217
msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n	msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Os nomes das fontes de dados devem conter apenas letras ASCI	"Os nomes das fontes de dados devem conter apenas letras ASCI

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225
msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"	msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"
msgstr "Você deve selecionar um servidor para a nova fonte de	msgstr "Você deve selecionar um servidor para a nova fonte de

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233
msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"		msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"
msgstr "Provedor não encontrado na sua configuração"		msgstr "Provedor não encontrado na sua configuração"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391
msgid "Add a new data source..."				msgid "Add a new data source..."
msgstr "Adicionar uma nova fonte de dados..."			msgstr "Adicionar uma nova fonte de dados..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392
msgid ""							msgid ""
"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"		"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"
"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"		"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"
"installation. Just follow the steps!"				"installation. Just follow the steps!"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Este assistente irá acompanhá-lo ao longo do processo\n"	"Este assistente irá acompanhá-lo ao longo do processo\n"
"de criação de uma nova fonte de dados para a sua\n"		"de criação de uma nova fonte de dados para a sua\n"
"instalação do GNOME-DB. Basta seguir os passos!"		"instalação do GNOME-DB. Basta seguir os passos!"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404
msgid "General Information"					msgid "General Information"
msgstr "Informação Geral"					msgstr "Informação Geral"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the basic information\n"	"The following fields represent the basic information\n"
"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n	"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n
"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"	"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"
"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"	"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"
"the default one."						"the default one."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Os campos a seguir representam os itens de informação\n"	"Os campos a seguir representam os itens de informação\n"
"básicos para a sua nova fonte de dados. Alguns deles\n"	"básicos para a sua nova fonte de dados. Alguns deles\n"
"(descrição, usuário) são opcionais, enquanto os outros são\n	"(descrição, usuário) são opcionais, enquanto os outros são\n
"obrigatórios. Caso não saiba que provedor utilizar, selecion	"obrigatórios. Caso não saiba que provedor utilizar, selecion
"o padrão"							"o padrão"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104
msgid "Data source _name:"					msgid "Data source _name:"
msgstr "_Nome da fonte de dados:"				msgstr "_Nome da fonte de dados:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114
msgid "_Provider:"						msgid "_Provider:"
msgstr "_Provedor:"						msgstr "_Provedor:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133
msgid "_Description:"						msgid "_Description:"
msgstr "_Descrição:"						msgstr "_Descrição:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142
msgid "_Username:"						msgid "_Username:"
msgstr "_Usuário:"						msgstr "_Usuário:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151
msgid "P_assword:"						msgid "P_assword:"
msgstr "_Senha:"						msgstr "_Senha:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454
msgid "Provider Parameters"					msgid "Provider Parameters"
msgstr "Parâmetros do Provedor"					msgstr "Parâmetros do Provedor"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the information needed by the	"The following fields represent the information needed by the
"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n	"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n
"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\	"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\
"the manual for more information."				"the manual for more information."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Os campos a seguir representam a informação que o provedor\n	"Os campos a seguir representam a informação que o provedor\n
"selecionado na página anterior necessita para abrir uma dada	"selecionado na página anterior necessita para abrir uma dada
"conexão. Esta informação é específica para o provedor, porta	"conexão. Esta informação é específica para o provedor, porta
"consulte o seu manual para mais informações."			"consulte o seu manual para mais informações."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481
msgid "All information retrieved"				msgid "All information retrieved"
msgstr "Toda a informação obtida"				msgstr "Toda a informação obtida"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482
msgid ""							msgid ""
"All information needed to create a new data source\n"		"All information needed to create a new data source\n"
"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"		"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"
"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"	"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"
"just select it when asked for a data source."			"just select it when asked for a data source."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Toda a informação necessária para criar uma nova fonte\n"	"Toda a informação necessária para criar uma nova fonte\n"
"de dados foi obtida. Agora, pressione 'Aplicar' para\n"	"de dados foi obtida. Agora, pressione 'Aplicar' para\n"
"fechar este diálogo. Para abrir a sua nova fonte de dados,\n	"fechar este diálogo. Para abrir a sua nova fonte de dados,\n
"basta selecioná-la quando lhe for solicitada alguma."		"basta selecioná-la quando lhe for solicitada alguma."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124
msgid "Connection _string:"					msgid "Connection _string:"
msgstr "_Texto de conexão:"					msgstr "_Texto de conexão:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4
msgid "Error"							msgid "Error"
msgstr "Erro"							msgstr "Erro"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.
msgid "Show detail >>"						msgid "Show detail >>"
msgstr "Mostrar detalhes >>"					msgstr "Mostrar detalhes >>"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122
msgid "<< Hide detail"						msgid "<< Hide detail"
msgstr "<< Ocultar detalhes"					msgstr "<< Ocultar detalhes"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191
msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"	msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"
msgstr "Ocorreu um erro no banco de dados base"			msgstr "Ocorreu um erro no banco de dados base"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196
msgid "Error number"						msgid "Error number"
msgstr "Número do erro"						msgstr "Número do erro"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227
msgid "Details"							msgid "Details"
msgstr "Detalhes"						msgstr "Detalhes"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234
msgid "Source"							msgid "Source"
msgstr "Origem"							msgstr "Origem"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241
msgid "SQL state"						msgid "SQL state"
msgstr "Estado do SQL"						msgstr "Estado do SQL"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108
msgid "_Field:"							msgid "_Field:"
msgstr "_Campo:"						msgstr "_Campo:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118
msgid "_Text:"							msgid "_Text:"
msgstr "_Texto:"						msgstr "_Texto:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308
msgid "No records"						msgid "No records"
msgstr "Nenhum registro"					msgstr "Nenhum registro"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Record %d of %d"						msgid "Record %d of %d"
msgstr "Registro %d de %d"					msgstr "Registro %d de %d"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113
msgid "Recordset description"					msgid "Recordset description"
msgstr "Descrição recordset"					msgstr "Descrição recordset"

# c-format							# c-format
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid ""							msgid ""
"File '%s' already exists.\n"					"File '%s' already exists.\n"
"Do you want to overwrite it?"					"Do you want to overwrite it?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"O arquivo %s já existe.\n"					"O arquivo %s já existe.\n"
"Sobrescrever?"							"Sobrescrever?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149
msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."		msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."
msgstr "Se você escolher sim, os conteúdos serão perdidos."	msgstr "Se você escolher sim, os conteúdos serão perdidos."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Could not save file %s"					msgid "Could not save file %s"
msgstr "Não foi possível salvar o arquivo %s"			msgstr "Não foi possível salvar o arquivo %s"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224
msgid "You must specify a file name"				msgid "You must specify a file name"
msgstr "Você deve indicar um nome de arquivo"			msgstr "Você deve indicar um nome de arquivo"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230
msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"		msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"
msgstr "Obtido um arquivo vazio durante a conversão de dados"	msgstr "Obtido um arquivo vazio durante a conversão de dados"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261
msgid "Saving Model"						msgid "Saving Model"
msgstr "Salvando Modelo"					msgstr "Salvando Modelo"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272
msgid "File _name:"						msgid "File _name:"
msgstr "_Nome do arquivo:"					msgstr "_Nome do arquivo:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276
msgid "Select File"						msgid "Select File"
msgstr "Selecionar Arquivo"					msgstr "Selecionar Arquivo"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283
msgid "File _type:"						msgid "File _type:"
msgstr "_Tipo de arquivo:"					msgstr "_Tipo de arquivo:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291
msgid "Tab-delimited"						msgid "Tab-delimited"
msgstr "Arquivo separado por tabulações"			msgstr "Arquivo separado por tabulações"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294
msgid "Comma-delimited"						msgid "Comma-delimited"
msgstr "Arquivo separado por vírgulas"				msgstr "Arquivo separado por vírgulas"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:
msgid "XML"							msgid "XML"
msgstr "XML"							msgstr "XML"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355
msgid "View detail"						msgid "View detail"
msgstr "Ver detalhes"						msgstr "Ver detalhes"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427
msgid "Show Column _Titles"					msgid "Show Column _Titles"
msgstr "Mostrar os _Títulos das Colunas"			msgstr "Mostrar os _Títulos das Colunas"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442
msgid "Describe"						msgid "Describe"
msgstr "Descrever"						msgstr "Descrever"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443
msgid "View detail..."						msgid "View detail..."
msgstr "Ver detalhes..."					msgstr "Ver detalhes..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614
msgid "Title"							msgid "Title"
msgstr "Título"							msgstr "Título"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48
msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"	msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"
msgstr "Tentativa de inicialização de um cliente já inicializ	msgstr "Tentativa de inicialização de um cliente já inicializ

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"		"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"
"to a data source"						"to a data source"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Use os argumentos abaixo para abrir a conexão\n"		"Use os argumentos abaixo para abrir a conexão\n"
"para uma fonte de dados"					"para uma fonte de dados"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253
msgid "Data Source:"						msgid "Data Source:"
msgstr "Fonte de Dados:"					msgstr "Fonte de Dados:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270
msgid "Username:"						msgid "Username:"
msgstr "Usuário:"						msgstr "Usuário:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279
msgid "Password:"						msgid "Password:"
msgstr "Senha:"							msgstr "Senha:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69
msgid "Fields"							msgid "Fields"
msgstr "Campos"							msgstr "Campos"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30
msgid "Commit"							msgid "Commit"
msgstr "Enviar (Commit)"					msgstr "Enviar (Commit)"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31
msgid "Connect"							msgid "Connect"
msgstr "Conectar"						msgstr "Conectar"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33
msgid "Designer"						msgid "Designer"
msgstr "Designer"						msgstr "Designer"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34
msgid "Disconnect"						msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr "Desconectar"						msgstr "Desconectar"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35
msgid "NoTransaction"						msgid "NoTransaction"
msgstr "Não-Transação"						msgstr "Não-Transação"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37
msgid "Query"							msgid "Query"
msgstr "Consultar"						msgstr "Consultar"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38
msgid "Rollback"						msgid "Rollback"
msgstr "Desfazer"						msgstr "Desfazer"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40
msgid "SQL"							msgid "SQL"
msgstr "SQL"							msgstr "SQL"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43
msgid "WithinTransaction"					msgid "WithinTransaction"
msgstr "WithinTransaction"					msgstr "WithinTransaction"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Error: %s"						msgid "Error: %s"
msgstr "Erro: %s"						msgstr "Erro: %s"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79
msgid "Table name"						msgid "Table name"
msgstr "Nome da tabela"						msgstr "Nome da tabela"

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93			#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Login for %s"						msgid "Login for %s"
msgstr "Login para %s"						msgstr "Login para %s"

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95					#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95
msgid "Login to database"					msgid "Login to database"
msgstr "Login para o banco de dados"				msgstr "Login para o banco de dados"

#: vfs/libmain.c:71						#: vfs/libmain.c:71
msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"				msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"
msgstr "Banco de dados GNOME VFS: módulo"			msgstr "Banco de dados GNOME VFS: módulo"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40
msgid "Table Properties"					msgid "Table Properties"
msgstr "Propriedades da Tabela"					msgstr "Propriedades da Tabela"

#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47
msgid "Table Name"						msgid "Table Name"
msgstr "Nome da Tabela"						msgstr "Nome da Tabela"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155
msgid "New"							msgid "New"
msgstr "Novo"							msgstr "Novo"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156
msgid "Create new table"					msgid "Create new table"
msgstr "Cria uma nova tabela"					msgstr "Cria uma nova tabela"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161
msgid "Properties"						msgid "Properties"
msgstr "Propriedades"						msgstr "Propriedades"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162
msgid "View table properties"					msgid "View table properties"
msgstr "Visualiza as propriedades da tabela"			msgstr "Visualiza as propriedades da tabela"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
msgid "UID"							msgid "UID"
msgstr "UID"							msgstr "UID"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "calendar"						msgid "calendar"
msgstr "calendário"						msgstr "calendário"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "summary"							msgid "summary"
msgstr "sumário"						msgstr "sumário"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "Summary"							msgid "Summary"
msgstr "Sumário"						msgstr "Sumário"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "location"						msgid "location"
msgstr "Localização"						msgstr "Localização"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "dtstart"							msgid "dtstart"
msgstr "dtstart"						msgstr "dtstart"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
msgid "Start time"						msgid "Start time"
msgstr "Tempo de Início"					msgstr "Tempo de Início"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "dtend"							msgid "dtend"
msgstr "dtend"							msgstr "dtend"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "End time"						msgid "End time"
msgstr "Tempo de término"					msgstr "Tempo de término"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
msgid "description"						msgid "description"
msgstr "descrição"						msgstr "descrição"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "classification"						msgid "classification"
msgstr "classificação"						msgstr "classificação"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "Classification"						msgid "Classification"
msgstr "Classificação"						msgstr "Classificação"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "transparency"						msgid "transparency"
msgstr "transparência"						msgstr "transparência"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "Transparency"						msgid "Transparency"
msgstr "Transparência"						msgstr "Transparência"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "categories"						msgid "categories"
msgstr "categorias"						msgstr "categorias"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "Categories"						msgid "Categories"
msgstr "Categorias"						msgstr "Categorias"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "tasks"							msgid "tasks"
msgstr "tarefas"						msgstr "tarefas"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "due"							msgid "due"
msgstr "completado"						msgstr "completado"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "Due date"						msgid "Due date"
msgstr "Data de término"					msgstr "Data de término"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "Start date"						msgid "Start date"
msgstr "Data de início"						msgstr "Data de início"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355
msgid "Public"							msgid "Public"
msgstr "Público"						msgstr "Público"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358
msgid "Private"							msgid "Private"
msgstr "Privado"						msgstr "Privado"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361
msgid "Confidential"						msgid "Confidential"
msgstr "Confidencial"						msgstr "Confidencial"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63
msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"		msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"
msgstr "Não foi possível abrir a pasta padrão do calendário"	msgstr "Não foi possível abrir a pasta padrão do calendário"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66
msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"			msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"
msgstr "Não foi possível abrir a pasta padrão das tarefas"	msgstr "Não foi possível abrir a pasta padrão das tarefas"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80
msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta	msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta
msgstr "� necessária uma autenticação para acessar a pasta pa	msgstr "� necessária uma autenticação para acessar a pasta pa

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83
msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"		msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"
msgstr "Não foi possível abrir a pasta padrão de contatos"	msgstr "Não foi possível abrir a pasta padrão de contatos"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100
msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"				msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"
msgstr "Não foi possível incializar o Bonobo"			msgstr "Não foi possível incializar o Bonobo"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212
msgid "Field name"						msgid "Field name"
msgstr "Nome do campo"						msgstr "Nome do campo"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213
msgid "Data type"						msgid "Data type"
msgstr "Tipo de dado"						msgstr "Tipo de dado"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214
msgid "Size"							msgid "Size"
msgstr "Tamanho"						msgstr "Tamanho"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215
msgid "Scale"							msgid "Scale"
msgstr "Escala"							msgstr "Escala"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216
msgid "Not null?"						msgid "Not null?"
msgstr "Não Nulo?"						msgstr "Não Nulo?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217
msgid "Primary key?"						msgid "Primary key?"
msgstr "Chave primária?"					msgstr "Chave primária?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218
msgid "Unique index?"						msgid "Unique index?"
msgstr "�ndice único?"						msgstr "�ndice único?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219
msgid "References"						msgid "References"
msgstr "Referências"						msgstr "Referências"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220
msgid "Default value"						msgid "Default value"
msgstr "Valor padrão"						msgstr "Valor padrão"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239
msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l	msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"O nome da tabela é necessário mas, não ele foi especificado 	"O nome da tabela é necessário mas, não ele foi especificado 
"parâmetros"							"parâmetros"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Table %s does not exist"					msgid "Table %s does not exist"
msgstr "A tabela %s não existe"					msgstr "A tabela %s não existe"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318
msgid "Scheduled events"					msgid "Scheduled events"
msgstr "Eventos agendados"					msgstr "Eventos agendados"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321
msgid "TODO list"						msgid "TODO list"
msgstr "Lista TODO"						msgstr "Lista TODO"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375
msgid "Owner"							msgid "Owner"
msgstr "Proprietário"						msgstr "Proprietário"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376
msgid "Comments"						msgid "Comments"
msgstr "Comentários"						msgstr "Comentários"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374
msgid "Type"							msgid "Type"
msgstr "Tipo"							msgstr "Tipo"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377
msgid "GDA type"						msgid "GDA type"
msgstr "Tipo GDA"						msgstr "Tipo GDA"

#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id	#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id
#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database	#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database
#. we can easily access that information			#. we can easily access that information
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382
msgid "local"							msgid "local"
msgstr "local"							msgstr "local"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217
msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr "A criação de bancos de dados ainda não é suportada"	msgstr "A criação de bancos de dados ainda não é suportada"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230
msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr "A remoção de bancos de dados ainda não é suportada"	msgstr "A remoção de bancos de dados ainda não é suportada"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244
msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"			msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"
msgstr "O esquema da tabela não pode ser obtido"		msgstr "O esquema da tabela não pode ser obtido"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268
msgid "Invalid SQL command"					msgid "Invalid SQL command"
msgstr "Comando SQL inválido"					msgstr "Comando SQL inválido"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353
msgid "Transactions are not supported"				msgid "Transactions are not supported"
msgstr "Transações não são suportadas"				msgstr "Transações não são suportadas"

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41
msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"		msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"
msgstr "Provedor para dados pessoas do Ximian Evolution"	msgstr "Provedor para dados pessoas do Ximian Evolution"

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task	"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Fonte de dados para acessar o calendário, tarefas e contatos	"Fonte de dados para acessar o calendário, tarefas e contatos
"Evolution"							"Evolution"
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: pt.gmo
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/pt.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/pt.po
# libgnomedb's Portuguese Translation				# libgnomedb's Portuguese Translation
# Copyright © 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 libgnomedb			# Copyright © 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 libgnomedb
# Distributed under the same licence as the libgnomedb packag	# Distributed under the same licence as the libgnomedb packag
# Duarte Loreto <happyguy_pt hotmail com>, 2001, 2002, 2003, 	# Duarte Loreto <happyguy_pt hotmail com>, 2001, 2002, 2003, 
#								#
msgid ""							msgid ""
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: 2.8\n"					"Project-Id-Version: 2.8\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"					"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"			"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-08-11 23:45+0000\n"			"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-08-11 23:45+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Duarte Loreto <happyguy_pt hotmail com>\n"	"Last-Translator: Duarte Loreto <happyguy_pt hotmail com>\n"
"Language-Team: Portuguese <gnome_pt yahoogroups com>\n"	"Language-Team: Portuguese <gnome_pt yahoogroups com>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"						"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"			"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"				"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co
msgid "Data Sources"						msgid "Data Sources"
msgstr "Fontes de Dados"					msgstr "Fontes de Dados"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid
msgid "Providers"						msgid "Providers"
msgstr "Fornecedores"						msgstr "Fornecedores"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1
msgid "Configure your database environment"			msgid "Configure your database environment"
msgstr "Configurar o seu ambiente de base de dados"		msgstr "Configurar o seu ambiente de base de dados"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2
msgid "Database Access Properties "				msgid "Database Access Properties "
msgstr "Propriedades de Acesso a Base de Dados "		msgstr "Propriedades de Acesso a Base de Dados "

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380
msgid "Name"							msgid "Name"
msgstr "Nome"							msgstr "Nome"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
msgid "Description"						msgid "Description"
msgstr "Descrição"						msgstr "Descrição"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182
msgid "Configured data sources in the system"			msgid "Configured data sources in the system"
msgstr "Fontes de dados configuradas no sistema"		msgstr "Fontes de dados configuradas no sistema"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data sources are the means by which database connections are	"Data sources are the means by which database connections are
"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s	"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s
"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o	"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o
"name you identify the connections in the applications that m	"name you identify the connections in the applications that m
"DB for database access."					"DB for database access."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Fontes de dados são a forma como as ligações a bases de dado	"Fontes de dados são a forma como as ligações a bases de dado
"identificadas no GNOME-DB. Toda a informação necessária para	"identificadas no GNOME-DB. Toda a informação necessária para
"ligação a um servidor/base de dados específico é armazenado 	"ligação a um servidor/base de dados específico é armazenado 
"único. � através da utilização deste nome único que poderá i	"único. � através da utilização deste nome único que poderá i
"ligações nas aplicações que utilizem o GNOME-DB para aceder 	"ligações nas aplicações que utilizem o GNOME-DB para aceder 

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"	msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"
msgstr "Tem a certeza de que deseja remover a fonte de dados 	msgstr "Tem a certeza de que deseja remover a fonte de dados 

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104
msgid "Data Source Properties"					msgid "Data Source Properties"
msgstr "Propriedades da Fonte de Dados"				msgstr "Propriedades da Fonte de Dados"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132
msgid "Basic"							msgid "Basic"
msgstr "Básico"							msgstr "Básico"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Tables"							msgid "Tables"
msgstr "Tabelas"						msgstr "Tabelas"

#: control-center/main.c:92					#: control-center/main.c:92
msgid "No valid data source info was created"			msgid "No valid data source info was created"
msgstr "Não foi criada informação de fonte de dados válida"	msgstr "Não foi criada informação de fonte de dados válida"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218	#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218
msgid "New data source"						msgid "New data source"
msgstr "Nova fonte de dados"					msgstr "Nova fonte de dados"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:215					#: control-center/main.c:215
msgid "Database Access Properties"				msgid "Database Access Properties"
msgstr "Propriedades de Acesso a Base de Dados"			msgstr "Propriedades de Acesso a Base de Dados"

#: control-center/provider-config.c:105				#: control-center/provider-config.c:105
msgid "Installed providers"					msgid "Installed providers"
msgstr "Fornecedores instalados"				msgstr "Fornecedores instalados"

#: control-center/provider-config.c:131				#: control-center/provider-config.c:131
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec	"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec
"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo	"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo
"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr	"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr
"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba	"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba
"etc."								"etc."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Fornecedores são plugins externos que fornecem acesso a uma 	"Fornecedores são plugins externos que fornecem acesso a uma 
"específica. O fornecedor por omissão está sempre instalado, 	"específica. O fornecedor por omissão está sempre instalado, 
"acesso a bases de dados armazenadas em ficheiros XML. Outros	"acesso a bases de dados armazenadas em ficheiros XML. Outros
"normalmente distribuídos com o libgda/gnome-db incluem Postg	"normalmente distribuídos com o libgda/gnome-db incluem Postg
"Oracle, Sybase, Interbase, etc."				"Oracle, Sybase, Interbase, etc."

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1
msgid "Database connection parameters file"			msgid "Database connection parameters file"
msgstr "Ficheiro de parâmetros de ligação à base de dados"	msgstr "Ficheiro de parâmetros de ligação à base de dados"

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2
msgid "Documents"						msgid "Documents"
msgstr "Documentos"						msgstr "Documentos"

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3
msgid "SQL code viewer"						msgid "SQL code viewer"
msgstr "Visualizador de código SQL"				msgstr "Visualizador de código SQL"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1
msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"			msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"
msgstr "Fonte a ser utilizada no widget de grelha"		msgstr "Fonte a ser utilizada no widget de grelha"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2
msgid "Number of spaces per tab"				msgid "Number of spaces per tab"
msgstr "Número de espaços por tabulação"			msgstr "Número de espaços por tabulação"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3
msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"			msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"
msgstr "Apresentar o número de linha no editor de código"	msgstr "Apresentar o número de linha no editor de código"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4
msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"			msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"
msgstr "Utilizar realçe no editor de código"			msgstr "Utilizar realçe no editor de código"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60
msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"			msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"
msgstr "Serviços de base de dados para o Ambiente de Trabalho	msgstr "Serviços de base de dados para o Ambiente de Trabalho

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1
msgid "About"							msgid "About"
msgstr "Sobre"							msgstr "Sobre"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2
msgid "About GNOME-DB"						msgid "About GNOME-DB"
msgstr "Sobre o GNOME-DB"					msgstr "Sobre o GNOME-DB"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3
msgid "Close this window"					msgid "Close this window"
msgstr "Fechar esta janela"					msgstr "Fechar esta janela"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4
msgid "Create new entry"					msgid "Create new entry"
msgstr "Criar uma nova entrada"					msgstr "Criar uma nova entrada"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5
msgid "Delete selected items"					msgid "Delete selected items"
msgstr "Apagar os itens seleccionados"				msgstr "Apagar os itens seleccionados"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6
msgid "Deselect all items"					msgid "Deselect all items"
msgstr "Des-seleccionar todos os itens"				msgstr "Des-seleccionar todos os itens"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7
msgid "Edit properties for selected item"			msgid "Edit properties for selected item"
msgstr "Editar as propriedades do item seleccionado"		msgstr "Editar as propriedades do item seleccionado"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8
msgid "Save connection parameters to file"			msgid "Save connection parameters to file"
msgstr "Gravar os parâmetros de ligação em ficheiro"		msgstr "Gravar os parâmetros de ligação em ficheiro"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414
msgid "Select _All"						msgid "Select _All"
msgstr "Seleccionar _Todos"					msgstr "Seleccionar _Todos"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10
msgid "Select all items"					msgid "Select all items"
msgstr "Seleccionar todos os itens"				msgstr "Seleccionar todos os itens"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11
msgid "View data sources"					msgid "View data sources"
msgstr "Ver as fontes de dados"					msgstr "Ver as fontes de dados"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12
msgid "View providers"						msgid "View providers"
msgstr "Ver os fornecedores"					msgstr "Ver os fornecedores"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42
msgid "_Clear Selection"					msgid "_Clear Selection"
msgstr "_Limpar a Selecção"					msgstr "_Limpar a Selecção"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14
msgid "_Close"							msgid "_Close"
msgstr "Fe_char"						msgstr "Fe_char"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15
msgid "_Data Sources"						msgid "_Data Sources"
msgstr "Fontes de _Dados"					msgstr "Fontes de _Dados"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16
msgid "_Database"						msgid "_Database"
msgstr "Base de _Dados"						msgstr "Base de _Dados"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17
msgid "_Delete"							msgid "_Delete"
msgstr "_Apagar"						msgstr "_Apagar"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18
msgid "_Edit"							msgid "_Edit"
msgstr "_Editar"						msgstr "_Editar"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19
msgid "_Help"							msgid "_Help"
msgstr "_Ajuda"							msgstr "_Ajuda"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20
msgid "_New Data Source..."					msgid "_New Data Source..."
msgstr "_Nova Fonte de Dados..."				msgstr "_Nova Fonte de Dados..."

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21
msgid "_Properties"						msgid "_Properties"
msgstr "_Propriedades"						msgstr "_Propriedades"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22
msgid "_Providers"						msgid "_Providers"
msgstr "_Fornecedores"						msgstr "_Fornecedores"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23
msgid "_Save Connection"					msgid "_Save Connection"
msgstr "_Gravar Ligação"					msgstr "_Gravar Ligação"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24
msgid "_View"							msgid "_View"
msgstr "_Ver"							msgstr "_Ver"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76
msgid "Structure"						msgid "Structure"
msgstr "Estrutura"						msgstr "Estrutura"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73
msgid "Data"							msgid "Data"
msgstr "Dados"							msgstr "Dados"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238
msgid "Not implemented yet!"					msgid "Not implemented yet!"
msgstr "Ainda não implementado!"				msgstr "Ainda não implementado!"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Database"						msgid "Database"
msgstr "Base de Dados"						msgstr "Base de Dados"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540
msgid "Loading database schemas..."				msgid "Loading database schemas..."
msgstr "A ler esquemas de base de dados..."			msgstr "A ler esquemas de base de dados..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632
msgid "Refreshing data..."					msgid "Refreshing data..."
msgstr "A actualizar os dados..."				msgstr "A actualizar os dados..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688
msgid "Views"							msgid "Views"
msgstr "Vistas"							msgstr "Vistas"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691
msgid "Indexes"							msgid "Indexes"
msgstr "Ã?ndices"						msgstr "Ã?ndices"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Sequences"						msgid "Sequences"
msgstr "Sequências"						msgstr "Sequências"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Procedures"						msgid "Procedures"
msgstr "Procedimentos"						msgstr "Procedimentos"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700
msgid "Triggers"						msgid "Triggers"
msgstr "Triggers"						msgstr "Triggers"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Aggregates"						msgid "Aggregates"
msgstr "Agregações"						msgstr "Agregações"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Types"							msgid "Types"
msgstr "Tipos"							msgstr "Tipos"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140
msgid "Could not query CORBA components"			msgid "Could not query CORBA components"
msgstr "Incapaz de questionar os componentes CORBA"		msgstr "Incapaz de questionar os componentes CORBA"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209
msgid "ID"							msgid "ID"
msgstr "ID"							msgstr "ID"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "Location"						msgid "Location"
msgstr "Localização"						msgstr "Localização"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212
msgid "Username"						msgid "Username"
msgstr "Utilizador"						msgstr "Utilizador"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213
msgid "Hostname"						msgid "Hostname"
msgstr "Servidor"						msgstr "Servidor"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214
msgid "Domain"							msgid "Domain"
msgstr "Domínio"						msgstr "Domínio"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"			msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"
msgstr "Tipo não suportado no GconfEntry: %d"			msgstr "Tipo não suportado no GconfEntry: %d"

#. create widgets						#. create widgets
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97
msgid "Settings"						msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Definições"						msgstr "Definições"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103
msgid "Data source name"					msgid "Data source name"
msgstr "Nome de fonte de dados"					msgstr "Nome de fonte de dados"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109
msgid "Connection string"					msgid "Connection string"
msgstr "Comando de ligação"					msgstr "Comando de ligação"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115
msgid "Provider"						msgid "Provider"
msgstr "Fornecedor"						msgstr "Fornecedor"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121
msgid "User name"						msgid "User name"
msgstr "Nome de utilizador"					msgstr "Nome de utilizador"

#. create feature list						#. create feature list
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128
msgid "Features"						msgid "Features"
msgstr "Funcionalidades"					msgstr "Funcionalidades"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190
msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"		msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"
msgstr "Tem de introduzir um nome para a nova fonte de dados"	msgstr "Tem de introduzir um nome para a nova fonte de dados"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197
msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac	msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac
msgstr "Nomes de fontes de dados apenas podem conter caracter	msgstr "Nomes de fontes de dados apenas podem conter caracter

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206
msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th	msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th
msgstr "Já existe uma fonte de dados registada com esse nome"	msgstr "Já existe uma fonte de dados registada com esse nome"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213
msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"			msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"
msgstr "Nomes de fontes de dados não podem conter espaços"	msgstr "Nomes de fontes de dados não podem conter espaços"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217
msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n	msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n
msgstr "Nomes de fontes de dados apenas podem conter letras e	msgstr "Nomes de fontes de dados apenas podem conter letras e

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225
msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"	msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"
msgstr "Tem de seleccionar um fornecedor para a nova fonte de	msgstr "Tem de seleccionar um fornecedor para a nova fonte de

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233
msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"		msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"
msgstr "Fornecedor não foi encontrado na sua configuração"	msgstr "Fornecedor não foi encontrado na sua configuração"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391
msgid "Add a new data source..."				msgid "Add a new data source..."
msgstr "Adicionar uma nova fonte de dados..."			msgstr "Adicionar uma nova fonte de dados..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392
msgid ""							msgid ""
"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"		"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"
"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"		"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"
"installation. Just follow the steps!"				"installation. Just follow the steps!"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Este assistente irá acompanhá-lo ao longo do processo\n"	"Este assistente irá acompanhá-lo ao longo do processo\n"
"de criação de uma nova fonte de dados para a sua\n"		"de criação de uma nova fonte de dados para a sua\n"
"instalação do GNOME-DB. Basta seguir os passos!"		"instalação do GNOME-DB. Basta seguir os passos!"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404
msgid "General Information"					msgid "General Information"
msgstr "Informação Geral"					msgstr "Informação Geral"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the basic information\n"	"The following fields represent the basic information\n"
"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n	"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n
"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"	"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"
"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"	"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"
"the default one."						"the default one."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Os campos seguintes representam os itens de informação\n"	"Os campos seguintes representam os itens de informação\n"
"básicos para a sua nova fonte de dados. Alguns deles\n"	"básicos para a sua nova fonte de dados. Alguns deles\n"
"(descrição, utilizador) são opcionais, mas os restantes são\	"(descrição, utilizador) são opcionais, mas os restantes são\
"obrigatórios. Se não sabe que fornecedor utilizar, seleccion	"obrigatórios. Se não sabe que fornecedor utilizar, seleccion
"o por omissão."						"o por omissão."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104
msgid "Data source _name:"					msgid "Data source _name:"
msgstr "_Nome da fonte de dados:"				msgstr "_Nome da fonte de dados:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114
msgid "_Provider:"						msgid "_Provider:"
msgstr "_Fornecedor:"						msgstr "_Fornecedor:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133
msgid "_Description:"						msgid "_Description:"
msgstr "_Descrição:"						msgstr "_Descrição:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142
msgid "_Username:"						msgid "_Username:"
msgstr "_Utilizador:"						msgstr "_Utilizador:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151
msgid "P_assword:"						msgid "P_assword:"
msgstr "_Senha:"						msgstr "_Senha:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454
msgid "Provider Parameters"					msgid "Provider Parameters"
msgstr "Parâmetros de Fornecedor"				msgstr "Parâmetros de Fornecedor"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the information needed by the	"The following fields represent the information needed by the
"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n	"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n
"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\	"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\
"the manual for more information."				"the manual for more information."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Os campos seguintes representam a informação que o fornecedo	"Os campos seguintes representam a informação que o fornecedo
"que seleccionou na página anterior necessita para abrir uma\	"que seleccionou na página anterior necessita para abrir uma\
"ligação. Esta informação é específica do fornecedor, pelo qu	"ligação. Esta informação é específica do fornecedor, pelo qu
"terá de consultar o seu manual para mais informações."		"terá de consultar o seu manual para mais informações."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481
msgid "All information retrieved"				msgid "All information retrieved"
msgstr "Foi obtida toda a informação"				msgstr "Foi obtida toda a informação"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482
msgid ""							msgid ""
"All information needed to create a new data source\n"		"All information needed to create a new data source\n"
"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"		"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"
"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"	"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"
"just select it when asked for a data source."			"just select it when asked for a data source."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Foi obtida toda a informação necessária para criar uma\n"	"Foi obtida toda a informação necessária para criar uma\n"
"nova fonte de dados. Agora, prima 'Aplicar' para fechar\n"	"nova fonte de dados. Agora, prima 'Aplicar' para fechar\n"
"este diálogo. Para abrir a sua nova fonte de dados, basta\n"	"este diálogo. Para abrir a sua nova fonte de dados, basta\n"
"seleccioná-la quando lhe for pedida a fonte de dados."		"seleccioná-la quando lhe for pedida a fonte de dados."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124
msgid "Connection _string:"					msgid "Connection _string:"
msgstr "_Expressão de ligação:"					msgstr "_Expressão de ligação:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4
msgid "Error"							msgid "Error"
msgstr "Erro"							msgstr "Erro"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.
msgid "Show detail >>"						msgid "Show detail >>"
msgstr "Apresentar detalhe >>"					msgstr "Apresentar detalhe >>"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122
msgid "<< Hide detail"						msgid "<< Hide detail"
msgstr "<< Esconder detalhe"					msgstr "<< Esconder detalhe"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191
msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"	msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"
msgstr "Ocorreu um erro na base de dados subjacente"		msgstr "Ocorreu um erro na base de dados subjacente"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196
msgid "Error number"						msgid "Error number"
msgstr "Número do erro"						msgstr "Número do erro"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227
msgid "Details"							msgid "Details"
msgstr "Detalhes"						msgstr "Detalhes"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234
msgid "Source"							msgid "Source"
msgstr "Origem"							msgstr "Origem"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241
msgid "SQL state"						msgid "SQL state"
msgstr "Estado SQL"						msgstr "Estado SQL"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108
msgid "_Field:"							msgid "_Field:"
msgstr "_Campo:"						msgstr "_Campo:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118
msgid "_Text:"							msgid "_Text:"
msgstr "_Texto:"						msgstr "_Texto:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308
msgid "No records"						msgid "No records"
msgstr "Nenhum registo"						msgstr "Nenhum registo"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Record %d of %d"						msgid "Record %d of %d"
msgstr "Registo %d de %d"					msgstr "Registo %d de %d"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113
msgid "Recordset description"					msgid "Recordset description"
msgstr "Descrição do conjunto de registos"			msgstr "Descrição do conjunto de registos"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid ""							msgid ""
"File '%s' already exists.\n"					"File '%s' already exists.\n"
"Do you want to overwrite it?"					"Do you want to overwrite it?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Ficheiro '%s' já existe.\n"					"Ficheiro '%s' já existe.\n"
"Deseja sobrepo-lo?"						"Deseja sobrepo-lo?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149
msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."		msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."
msgstr "Se seleccionar sim, o seu conteúdo será perdido."	msgstr "Se seleccionar sim, o seu conteúdo será perdido."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Could not save file %s"					msgid "Could not save file %s"
msgstr "Incapaz de gravar o ficheiro %s"			msgstr "Incapaz de gravar o ficheiro %s"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224
msgid "You must specify a file name"				msgid "You must specify a file name"
msgstr "Tem de indicar um nome de ficheiro"			msgstr "Tem de indicar um nome de ficheiro"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230
msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"		msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"
msgstr "Obteve um ficheiro vazio ao converter os dados"		msgstr "Obteve um ficheiro vazio ao converter os dados"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261
msgid "Saving Model"						msgid "Saving Model"
msgstr "Modelo de Gravação"					msgstr "Modelo de Gravação"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272
msgid "File _name:"						msgid "File _name:"
msgstr "_Nome do ficheiro:"					msgstr "_Nome do ficheiro:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276
msgid "Select File"						msgid "Select File"
msgstr "Seleccionar Ficheiro"					msgstr "Seleccionar Ficheiro"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283
msgid "File _type:"						msgid "File _type:"
msgstr "_Tipo de ficheiro:"					msgstr "_Tipo de ficheiro:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291
msgid "Tab-delimited"						msgid "Tab-delimited"
msgstr "Separado por tabulações"				msgstr "Separado por tabulações"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294
msgid "Comma-delimited"						msgid "Comma-delimited"
msgstr "Separado por vírgulas"					msgstr "Separado por vírgulas"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:
msgid "XML"							msgid "XML"
msgstr "XML"							msgstr "XML"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355
msgid "View detail"						msgid "View detail"
msgstr "Ver detalhe"						msgstr "Ver detalhe"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427
msgid "Show Column _Titles"					msgid "Show Column _Titles"
msgstr "Apresentar _Títulos das Colunas"			msgstr "Apresentar _Títulos das Colunas"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442
msgid "Describe"						msgid "Describe"
msgstr "Descrever"						msgstr "Descrever"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443
msgid "View detail..."						msgid "View detail..."
msgstr "Ver detalhe..."						msgstr "Ver detalhe..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614
msgid "Title"							msgid "Title"
msgstr "Título"							msgstr "Título"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48
msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"	msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"
msgstr "Tentativa de inicialização de um cliente já inicializ	msgstr "Tentativa de inicialização de um cliente já inicializ

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"		"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"
"to a data source"						"to a data source"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Introduza abaixo os argumentos para abrir uma\n"		"Introduza abaixo os argumentos para abrir uma\n"
"ligação a uma fonte de dados"					"ligação a uma fonte de dados"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253
msgid "Data Source:"						msgid "Data Source:"
msgstr "Fonte de Dados:"					msgstr "Fonte de Dados:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270
msgid "Username:"						msgid "Username:"
msgstr "Utilizador:"						msgstr "Utilizador:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279
msgid "Password:"						msgid "Password:"
msgstr "Senha:"							msgstr "Senha:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69
msgid "Fields"							msgid "Fields"
msgstr "Campos"							msgstr "Campos"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30
msgid "Commit"							msgid "Commit"
msgstr "Persistir"						msgstr "Persistir"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31
msgid "Connect"							msgid "Connect"
msgstr "Ligar"							msgstr "Ligar"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33
msgid "Designer"						msgid "Designer"
msgstr "Desenhador"						msgstr "Desenhador"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34
msgid "Disconnect"						msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr "Desligar"						msgstr "Desligar"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35
msgid "NoTransaction"						msgid "NoTransaction"
msgstr "SemTransacção"						msgstr "SemTransacção"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37
msgid "Query"							msgid "Query"
msgstr "Consulta"						msgstr "Consulta"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38
msgid "Rollback"						msgid "Rollback"
msgstr "Desfazer"						msgstr "Desfazer"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40
msgid "SQL"							msgid "SQL"
msgstr "SQL"							msgstr "SQL"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43
msgid "WithinTransaction"					msgid "WithinTransaction"
msgstr "DentroTransacção"					msgstr "DentroTransacção"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Error: %s"						msgid "Error: %s"
msgstr "Erro: %s"						msgstr "Erro: %s"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79
msgid "Table name"						msgid "Table name"
msgstr "Nome da tabela"						msgstr "Nome da tabela"

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93			#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Login for %s"						msgid "Login for %s"
msgstr "Início de sessão para %s"				msgstr "Início de sessão para %s"

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95					#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95
msgid "Login to database"					msgid "Login to database"
msgstr "Iniciar sessão na base de dados"			msgstr "Iniciar sessão na base de dados"

#: vfs/libmain.c:71						#: vfs/libmain.c:71
msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"				msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"
msgstr "Base de dados GNOME VFS: módulo"			msgstr "Base de dados GNOME VFS: módulo"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40
msgid "Table Properties"					msgid "Table Properties"
msgstr "Propriedades da Tabela"					msgstr "Propriedades da Tabela"

#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47
msgid "Table Name"						msgid "Table Name"
msgstr "Nome da Tabela"						msgstr "Nome da Tabela"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155
msgid "New"							msgid "New"
msgstr "Nova"							msgstr "Nova"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156
msgid "Create new table"					msgid "Create new table"
msgstr "Criar uma nova tabela"					msgstr "Criar uma nova tabela"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161
msgid "Properties"						msgid "Properties"
msgstr "Propriedades"						msgstr "Propriedades"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162
msgid "View table properties"					msgid "View table properties"
msgstr "ver as propriedades da tabela"				msgstr "ver as propriedades da tabela"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
msgid "UID"							msgid "UID"
msgstr "UID"							msgstr "UID"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "calendar"						msgid "calendar"
msgstr "calendário"						msgstr "calendário"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "summary"							msgid "summary"
msgstr "resumo"							msgstr "resumo"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "Summary"							msgid "Summary"
msgstr "Resumo"							msgstr "Resumo"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "location"						msgid "location"
msgstr "localização"						msgstr "localização"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "dtstart"							msgid "dtstart"
msgstr "datainício"						msgstr "datainício"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
msgid "Start time"						msgid "Start time"
msgstr "Data de início"						msgstr "Data de início"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "dtend"							msgid "dtend"
msgstr "datafim"						msgstr "datafim"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "End time"						msgid "End time"
msgstr "Data de final"						msgstr "Data de final"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
msgid "description"						msgid "description"
msgstr "descrição"						msgstr "descrição"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "classification"						msgid "classification"
msgstr "classificação"						msgstr "classificação"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "Classification"						msgid "Classification"
msgstr "Classificação"						msgstr "Classificação"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "transparency"						msgid "transparency"
msgstr "transparência"						msgstr "transparência"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "Transparency"						msgid "Transparency"
msgstr "Transparência"						msgstr "Transparência"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "categories"						msgid "categories"
msgstr "categorias"						msgstr "categorias"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "Categories"						msgid "Categories"
msgstr "Categorias"						msgstr "Categorias"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "tasks"							msgid "tasks"
msgstr "tarefas"						msgstr "tarefas"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "due"							msgid "due"
msgstr "datalimite"						msgstr "datalimite"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "Due date"						msgid "Due date"
msgstr "Data limite"						msgstr "Data limite"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "Start date"						msgid "Start date"
msgstr "Data de início"						msgstr "Data de início"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355
msgid "Public"							msgid "Public"
msgstr "Pública"						msgstr "Pública"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358
msgid "Private"							msgid "Private"
msgstr "Privada"						msgstr "Privada"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361
msgid "Confidential"						msgid "Confidential"
msgstr "Confidencial"						msgstr "Confidencial"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63
msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"		msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"
msgstr "Incapaz de abrir a pasta de calendário por omissão"	msgstr "Incapaz de abrir a pasta de calendário por omissão"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66
msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"			msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"
msgstr "Incapaz de abrir a pasta de tarefas por omissão"	msgstr "Incapaz de abrir a pasta de tarefas por omissão"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80
msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta	msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta
msgstr "� necessária autenticação para aceder à pasta de cont	msgstr "� necessária autenticação para aceder à pasta de cont

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83
msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"		msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"
msgstr "Incapaz de abrir a pasta de contactos por omissão"	msgstr "Incapaz de abrir a pasta de contactos por omissão"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100
msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"				msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"
msgstr "Incapaz de inicializar o Bonobo"			msgstr "Incapaz de inicializar o Bonobo"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212
msgid "Field name"						msgid "Field name"
msgstr "Nome do campo"						msgstr "Nome do campo"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213
msgid "Data type"						msgid "Data type"
msgstr "Tipo de dados"						msgstr "Tipo de dados"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214
msgid "Size"							msgid "Size"
msgstr "Tamanho"						msgstr "Tamanho"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215
msgid "Scale"							msgid "Scale"
msgstr "Escala"							msgstr "Escala"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216
msgid "Not null?"						msgid "Not null?"
msgstr "Não nulo?"						msgstr "Não nulo?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217
msgid "Primary key?"						msgid "Primary key?"
msgstr "Chave primária?"					msgstr "Chave primária?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218
msgid "Unique index?"						msgid "Unique index?"
msgstr "�ndice único?"						msgstr "�ndice único?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219
msgid "References"						msgid "References"
msgstr "Referências"						msgstr "Referências"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220
msgid "Default value"						msgid "Default value"
msgstr "Valor por omissão"					msgstr "Valor por omissão"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239
msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l	msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Nome de tabela é necessário mas nenhum foi especificado na l	"Nome de tabela é necessário mas nenhum foi especificado na l
"parâmetros"							"parâmetros"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Table %s does not exist"					msgid "Table %s does not exist"
msgstr "Tabela %s não existe"					msgstr "Tabela %s não existe"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318
msgid "Scheduled events"					msgid "Scheduled events"
msgstr "Eventos agendados"					msgstr "Eventos agendados"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321
msgid "TODO list"						msgid "TODO list"
msgstr "Lista de A Fazer"					msgstr "Lista de A Fazer"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375
msgid "Owner"							msgid "Owner"
msgstr "Dono"							msgstr "Dono"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376
msgid "Comments"						msgid "Comments"
msgstr "Comentários"						msgstr "Comentários"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374
msgid "Type"							msgid "Type"
msgstr "Tipo"							msgstr "Tipo"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377
msgid "GDA type"						msgid "GDA type"
msgstr "Tipo GDA"						msgstr "Tipo GDA"

#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id	#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id
#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database	#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database
#. we can easily access that information			#. we can easily access that information
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382
msgid "local"							msgid "local"
msgstr "local"							msgstr "local"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217
msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr "A criação de bases de dados ainda não é suportada"	msgstr "A criação de bases de dados ainda não é suportada"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230
msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr "A remoção de bases de dados ainda não é suportada"	msgstr "A remoção de bases de dados ainda não é suportada"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244
msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"			msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"
msgstr "Incapaz de obter o esquema da tabela"			msgstr "Incapaz de obter o esquema da tabela"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268
msgid "Invalid SQL command"					msgid "Invalid SQL command"
msgstr "Comando SQL inválido"					msgstr "Comando SQL inválido"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353
msgid "Transactions are not supported"				msgid "Transactions are not supported"
msgstr "Não são suportadas transacções"				msgstr "Não são suportadas transacções"

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41
msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"		msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"
msgstr "Fornecedor para dados pessoais Ximian Evolution"	msgstr "Fornecedor para dados pessoais Ximian Evolution"

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task	"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Fonte de dados para aceder ao calendário, tarefas e contacto	"Fonte de dados para aceder ao calendário, tarefas e contacto
"Evolution"							"Evolution"
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po: README.translators
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ru.gmo
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/ru.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/ru.po
# Copyright (C) 1999-2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.	# Copyright (C) 1999-2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# Valek Filippov <frob df ru>, 1999-2002, 2003			# Valek Filippov <frob df ru>, 1999-2002, 2003
# Dmitry G. Mastrukov <dmitry taurussoft org>, 2002.		# Dmitry G. Mastrukov <dmitry taurussoft org>, 2002.
#								#
msgid ""							msgid ""
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: libgnomedb\n"				"Project-Id-Version: libgnomedb\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"					"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"			"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2003-06-28 16:33+0400\n"			"PO-Revision-Date: 2003-06-28 16:33+0400\n"
"Last-Translator: Valek Filippov <frob df ru>\n"		"Last-Translator: Valek Filippov <frob df ru>\n"
"Language-Team: Russian <gnome-cyr gnome org>\n"		"Language-Team: Russian <gnome-cyr gnome org>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"						"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"			"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8-bit\n"				"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8-bit\n"

# fe/fe_main.c:205						# fe/fe_main.c:205
#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co
msgid "Data Sources"						msgid "Data Sources"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?Ñ?оÑ?ники даннÑ?Ñ?"					msgstr "Ð?Ñ?Ñ?оÑ?ники даннÑ?Ñ?"

# fe/fe_gdaconfig.c:315 gda-manager/main.c:144			# fe/fe_gdaconfig.c:315 gda-manager/main.c:144
#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid
msgid "Providers"						msgid "Providers"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?овайдеÑ?Ñ?"						msgstr "Ð?Ñ?овайдеÑ?Ñ?"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1
msgid "Configure your database environment"			msgid "Configure your database environment"
msgstr "Ð?аÑ?Ñ?Ñ?оиÑ?Ñ? окÑ?Ñ?жение баз даннÑ?Ñ?"				msgstr "Ð?аÑ?Ñ?Ñ?оиÑ?Ñ? окÑ?Ñ?жение баз даннÑ?Ñ?"

# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:245				# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:245
#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Database Access Properties "				msgid "Database Access Properties "
msgstr "Ð?аÑ?Ñ?Ñ?оиÑ?Ñ? базÑ? даннÑ?Ñ?"					msgstr "Ð?аÑ?Ñ?Ñ?оиÑ?Ñ? базÑ? даннÑ?Ñ?"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380
msgid "Name"							msgid "Name"
msgstr "Ð?азвание"						msgstr "Ð?азвание"

# fe/fe_gdaconfig.c:333 gda-manager/main.c:96 gda-manager/mai	# fe/fe_gdaconfig.c:333 gda-manager/main.c:96 gda-manager/mai
#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
msgid "Description"						msgid "Description"
msgstr "Ð?пиÑ?ание"						msgstr "Ð?пиÑ?ание"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182
msgid "Configured data sources in the system"			msgid "Configured data sources in the system"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data sources are the means by which database connections are	"Data sources are the means by which database connections are
"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s	"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s
"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o	"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o
"name you identify the connections in the applications that m	"name you identify the connections in the applications that m
"DB for database access."					"DB for database access."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Ð?Ñ?Ñ?оÑ?ник даннÑ?Ñ? - понÑ?Ñ?ие, по коÑ?оÑ?омÑ? Ñ?оединение Ñ? базой да	"Ð?Ñ?Ñ?оÑ?ник даннÑ?Ñ? - понÑ?Ñ?ие, по коÑ?оÑ?омÑ? Ñ?оединение Ñ? базой да
"иденÑ?иÑ?иÑ?иÑ?Ñ?еÑ?Ñ?Ñ? в Ñ?Ñ?еде GNOME-DB. Ð?Ñ?Ñ? инÑ?оÑ?маÑ?иÑ?, необÑ?одим	"иденÑ?иÑ?иÑ?иÑ?Ñ?еÑ?Ñ?Ñ? в Ñ?Ñ?еде GNOME-DB. Ð?Ñ?Ñ? инÑ?оÑ?маÑ?иÑ?, необÑ?одим
"Ñ?оединениÑ? Ñ? опÑ?еделÑ?ннÑ?м пÑ?овайдеÑ?ом и/или базой даннÑ?Ñ?, Ñ?о	"Ñ?оединениÑ? Ñ? опÑ?еделÑ?ннÑ?м пÑ?овайдеÑ?ом и/или базой даннÑ?Ñ?, Ñ?о
"иÑ?полÑ?зованием Ñ?никалÑ?ного имени. С помоÑ?Ñ?Ñ? Ñ?Ñ?ого имени пÑ?ил	"иÑ?полÑ?зованием Ñ?никалÑ?ного имени. С помоÑ?Ñ?Ñ? Ñ?Ñ?ого имени пÑ?ил
"иÑ?полÑ?зÑ?Ñ?Ñ? Ñ?Ñ?едÑ? GNOME-DB длÑ? доÑ?Ñ?Ñ?па к базе даннÑ?Ñ?."		"иÑ?полÑ?зÑ?Ñ?Ñ? Ñ?Ñ?едÑ? GNOME-DB длÑ? доÑ?Ñ?Ñ?па к базе даннÑ?Ñ?."

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277
#, fuzzy, c-format						#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"	msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"
msgstr "Ð?елаеÑ?е Ñ?бÑ?аÑ?Ñ? иÑ?Ñ?оÑ?ник даннÑ?Ñ? %s?"			msgstr "Ð?елаеÑ?е Ñ?бÑ?аÑ?Ñ? иÑ?Ñ?оÑ?ник даннÑ?Ñ? %s?"

# fe/fe_main.c:205						# fe/fe_main.c:205
#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data Source Properties"					msgid "Data Source Properties"
msgstr "Ð?аÑ?Ñ?Ñ?оиÑ?Ñ? иÑ?Ñ?оÑ?ник даннÑ?Ñ?"				msgstr "Ð?аÑ?Ñ?Ñ?оиÑ?Ñ? иÑ?Ñ?оÑ?ник даннÑ?Ñ?"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132
msgid "Basic"							msgid "Basic"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

# fe/fe_impexp.c:164 fe/fe_impexp.c:274 fe/fe_impexp.c:391	# fe/fe_impexp.c:164 fe/fe_impexp.c:274 fe/fe_impexp.c:391
# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:217				# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:217
#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Tables"							msgid "Tables"
msgstr "ТаблиÑ?Ñ?"						msgstr "ТаблиÑ?Ñ?"

#: control-center/main.c:92					#: control-center/main.c:92
msgid "No valid data source info was created"			msgid "No valid data source info was created"
msgstr "Ð?е бÑ?ло Ñ?оздано допÑ?Ñ?Ñ?имÑ?Ñ? иÑ?Ñ?оÑ?ников даннÑ?Ñ?"		msgstr "Ð?е бÑ?ло Ñ?оздано допÑ?Ñ?Ñ?имÑ?Ñ? иÑ?Ñ?оÑ?ников даннÑ?Ñ?"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218	#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218
msgid "New data source"						msgid "New data source"
msgstr "СоздаÑ?Ñ? иÑ?Ñ?оÑ?ник даннÑ?Ñ?"				msgstr "СоздаÑ?Ñ? иÑ?Ñ?оÑ?ник даннÑ?Ñ?"

# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:245				# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:245
#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:215					#: control-center/main.c:215
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Database Access Properties"				msgid "Database Access Properties"
msgstr "Ð?аÑ?Ñ?Ñ?оиÑ?Ñ? базÑ? даннÑ?Ñ?"					msgstr "Ð?аÑ?Ñ?Ñ?оиÑ?Ñ? базÑ? даннÑ?Ñ?"

#: control-center/provider-config.c:105				#: control-center/provider-config.c:105
msgid "Installed providers"					msgid "Installed providers"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/provider-config.c:131				#: control-center/provider-config.c:131
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec	"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec
"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo	"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo
"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr	"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr
"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba	"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba
"etc."								"etc."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Ð?Ñ?овайдеÑ? -  внеÑ?ний подклÑ?Ñ?аемÑ?й модÑ?лÑ?, пÑ?едоÑ?Ñ?авлÑ?Ñ?Ñ?ий до	"Ð?Ñ?овайдеÑ? -  внеÑ?ний подклÑ?Ñ?аемÑ?й модÑ?лÑ?, пÑ?едоÑ?Ñ?авлÑ?Ñ?Ñ?ий до
"опÑ?еделÑ?нномÑ? иÑ?Ñ?оÑ?никÑ? даннÑ?Ñ?. Ð?Ñ?Ñ?однÑ?й пÑ?овайдеÑ? Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?анавли	"опÑ?еделÑ?нномÑ? иÑ?Ñ?оÑ?никÑ? даннÑ?Ñ?. Ð?Ñ?Ñ?однÑ?й пÑ?овайдеÑ? Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?анавли
"он позволÑ?еÑ? полÑ?Ñ?иÑ?Ñ? доÑ?Ñ?Ñ?п к базам даннÑ?Ñ?, Ñ?Ñ?анимÑ?м в Ñ?айл	"он позволÑ?еÑ? полÑ?Ñ?иÑ?Ñ? доÑ?Ñ?Ñ?п к базам даннÑ?Ñ?, Ñ?Ñ?анимÑ?м в Ñ?айл
"XML. Ð?Ñ?Ñ?гие пÑ?овайдеÑ?Ñ?, обÑ?Ñ?но Ñ?аÑ?пÑ?оÑ?Ñ?Ñ?анÑ?емÑ?е Ñ?овмеÑ?Ñ?но Ñ? 	"XML. Ð?Ñ?Ñ?гие пÑ?овайдеÑ?Ñ?, обÑ?Ñ?но Ñ?аÑ?пÑ?оÑ?Ñ?Ñ?анÑ?емÑ?е Ñ?овмеÑ?Ñ?но Ñ? 
"вклÑ?Ñ?аÑ?Ñ? PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Sybase, Interbase и Ñ?.д.	"вклÑ?Ñ?аÑ?Ñ? PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Sybase, Interbase и Ñ?.д.

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1
msgid "Database connection parameters file"			msgid "Database connection parameters file"
msgstr "Файл паÑ?амеÑ?Ñ?ов Ñ?оединениÑ? Ñ? базой даннÑ?Ñ?"		msgstr "Файл паÑ?амеÑ?Ñ?ов Ñ?оединениÑ? Ñ? базой даннÑ?Ñ?"

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2
msgid "Documents"						msgid "Documents"
msgstr "Ð?окÑ?менÑ?Ñ?"						msgstr "Ð?окÑ?менÑ?Ñ?"

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3
msgid "SQL code viewer"						msgid "SQL code viewer"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?оÑ?моÑ?Ñ? кода SQL"					msgstr "Ð?Ñ?оÑ?моÑ?Ñ? кода SQL"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1
msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"			msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"
msgstr "ШÑ?иÑ?Ñ?, иÑ?полÑ?зÑ?емÑ?й в виджеÑ?е Ñ?аблиÑ?Ñ?"			msgstr "ШÑ?иÑ?Ñ?, иÑ?полÑ?зÑ?емÑ?й в виджеÑ?е Ñ?аблиÑ?Ñ?"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2
msgid "Number of spaces per tab"				msgid "Number of spaces per tab"
msgstr "ЧиÑ?ло пÑ?обелов в Ñ?абÑ?лÑ?Ñ?ии"				msgstr "ЧиÑ?ло пÑ?обелов в Ñ?абÑ?лÑ?Ñ?ии"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3
msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"			msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"
msgstr "Ð?оказÑ?ваÑ?Ñ? номеÑ?а Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?ок в Ñ?едакÑ?оÑ?е"			msgstr "Ð?оказÑ?ваÑ?Ñ? номеÑ?а Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?ок в Ñ?едакÑ?оÑ?е"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4
msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"			msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?полÑ?зоваÑ?Ñ? подÑ?веÑ?кÑ? в Ñ?едакÑ?оÑ?е кода"		msgstr "Ð?Ñ?полÑ?зоваÑ?Ñ? подÑ?веÑ?кÑ? в Ñ?едакÑ?оÑ?е кода"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60
msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"			msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"
msgstr "СеÑ?виÑ?Ñ? баз даннÑ?Ñ? длÑ? GNOME"				msgstr "СеÑ?виÑ?Ñ? баз даннÑ?Ñ? длÑ? GNOME"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1
msgid "About"							msgid "About"
msgstr "Ð? пÑ?огÑ?амме"						msgstr "Ð? пÑ?огÑ?амме"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2
msgid "About GNOME-DB"						msgid "About GNOME-DB"
msgstr "Ð? пÑ?огÑ?амме GNOME-DB"					msgstr "Ð? пÑ?огÑ?амме GNOME-DB"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3
msgid "Close this window"					msgid "Close this window"
msgstr "Ð?акÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? Ñ?Ñ?о окно"					msgstr "Ð?акÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? Ñ?Ñ?о окно"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4
msgid "Create new entry"					msgid "Create new entry"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5
msgid "Delete selected items"					msgid "Delete selected items"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6
msgid "Deselect all items"					msgid "Deselect all items"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7
msgid "Edit properties for selected item"			msgid "Edit properties for selected item"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Save connection parameters to file"			msgid "Save connection parameters to file"
msgstr "Файл паÑ?амеÑ?Ñ?ов Ñ?оединениÑ? Ñ? базой даннÑ?Ñ?"		msgstr "Файл паÑ?амеÑ?Ñ?ов Ñ?оединениÑ? Ñ? базой даннÑ?Ñ?"

# fe/fe_widget.c:34 fe/fe_widget.c:203 fe/fe_widget.c:222	# fe/fe_widget.c:34 fe/fe_widget.c:203 fe/fe_widget.c:222
#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Select _All"						msgid "Select _All"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?бÑ?аÑ?Ñ? вÑ?е"						msgstr "Ð?Ñ?бÑ?аÑ?Ñ? вÑ?е"

# fe/fe_widget.c:34 fe/fe_widget.c:203 fe/fe_widget.c:222	# fe/fe_widget.c:34 fe/fe_widget.c:203 fe/fe_widget.c:222
#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Select all items"					msgid "Select all items"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?бÑ?аÑ?Ñ? вÑ?е"						msgstr "Ð?Ñ?бÑ?аÑ?Ñ? вÑ?е"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View data sources"					msgid "View data sources"
msgstr "СоздаÑ?Ñ? иÑ?Ñ?оÑ?ник даннÑ?Ñ?"				msgstr "СоздаÑ?Ñ? иÑ?Ñ?оÑ?ник даннÑ?Ñ?"

# fe/fe_gdaconfig.c:315 gda-manager/main.c:144			# fe/fe_gdaconfig.c:315 gda-manager/main.c:144
#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View providers"						msgid "View providers"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?овайдеÑ?Ñ?"						msgstr "Ð?Ñ?овайдеÑ?Ñ?"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Clear Selection"					msgid "_Clear Selection"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?иÑ?Ñ?иÑ?Ñ? вÑ?деление"					msgstr "Ð?Ñ?иÑ?Ñ?иÑ?Ñ? вÑ?деление"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14
msgid "_Close"							msgid "_Close"
msgstr "Ð?акÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?"						msgstr "Ð?акÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?"

# fe/fe_main.c:205						# fe/fe_main.c:205
#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Data Sources"						msgid "_Data Sources"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?Ñ?оÑ?ники даннÑ?Ñ?"					msgstr "Ð?Ñ?Ñ?оÑ?ники даннÑ?Ñ?"

# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:245				# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:245
#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Database"						msgid "_Database"
msgstr "Ð?аза даннÑ?Ñ?"						msgstr "Ð?аза даннÑ?Ñ?"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17
msgid "_Delete"							msgid "_Delete"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18
msgid "_Edit"							msgid "_Edit"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19
msgid "_Help"							msgid "_Help"
msgstr "СпÑ?авка"						msgstr "СпÑ?авка"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_New Data Source..."					msgid "_New Data Source..."
msgstr "СоздаÑ?Ñ? иÑ?Ñ?оÑ?ник даннÑ?Ñ?"				msgstr "СоздаÑ?Ñ? иÑ?Ñ?оÑ?ник даннÑ?Ñ?"

# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:233				# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:233
#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Properties"						msgid "_Properties"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?оÑ?едÑ?Ñ?Ñ?"						msgstr "Ð?Ñ?оÑ?едÑ?Ñ?Ñ?"

# fe/fe_gdaconfig.c:315 gda-manager/main.c:144			# fe/fe_gdaconfig.c:315 gda-manager/main.c:144
#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Providers"						msgid "_Providers"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?овайдеÑ?Ñ?"						msgstr "Ð?Ñ?овайдеÑ?Ñ?"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Save Connection"					msgid "_Save Connection"
msgstr "СоÑ?Ñ?аниÑ?Ñ? в"						msgstr "СоÑ?Ñ?аниÑ?Ñ? в"

# fe/fe_impexp.c:392 gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:225		# fe/fe_impexp.c:392 gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:225
#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_View"							msgid "_View"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?едÑ?Ñ?авлениÑ?"						msgstr "Ð?Ñ?едÑ?Ñ?авлениÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76
msgid "Structure"						msgid "Structure"
msgstr "СÑ?Ñ?Ñ?кÑ?Ñ?Ñ?а"						msgstr "СÑ?Ñ?Ñ?кÑ?Ñ?Ñ?а"

# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:245				# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:245
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73
msgid "Data"							msgid "Data"
msgstr "Ð?аннÑ?е"							msgstr "Ð?аннÑ?е"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238
msgid "Not implemented yet!"					msgid "Not implemented yet!"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?Ñ? не Ñ?еализовано!"					msgstr "Ð?Ñ?Ñ? не Ñ?еализовано!"

# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:245				# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:245
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Database"						msgid "Database"
msgstr "Ð?аза даннÑ?Ñ?"						msgstr "Ð?аза даннÑ?Ñ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540
msgid "Loading database schemas..."				msgid "Loading database schemas..."
msgstr "Ð?агÑ?Ñ?зка Ñ?Ñ?ем базÑ? даннÑ?Ñ?..."				msgstr "Ð?агÑ?Ñ?зка Ñ?Ñ?ем базÑ? даннÑ?Ñ?..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632
msgid "Refreshing data..."					msgid "Refreshing data..."
msgstr "Ð?бновление даннÑ?Ñ?..."					msgstr "Ð?бновление даннÑ?Ñ?..."

# fe/fe_impexp.c:392 gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:225		# fe/fe_impexp.c:392 gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:225
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688
msgid "Views"							msgid "Views"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?едÑ?Ñ?авлениÑ?"						msgstr "Ð?Ñ?едÑ?Ñ?авлениÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691
msgid "Indexes"							msgid "Indexes"
msgstr "Ð?ндекÑ?Ñ?"						msgstr "Ð?ндекÑ?Ñ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Sequences"						msgid "Sequences"
msgstr "Ð?оÑ?ледоваÑ?елÑ?ноÑ?Ñ?и"					msgstr "Ð?оÑ?ледоваÑ?елÑ?ноÑ?Ñ?и"

# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:233				# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:233
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Procedures"						msgid "Procedures"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?оÑ?едÑ?Ñ?Ñ?"						msgstr "Ð?Ñ?оÑ?едÑ?Ñ?Ñ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700
msgid "Triggers"						msgid "Triggers"
msgstr "ТÑ?иггеÑ?Ñ?"						msgstr "ТÑ?иггеÑ?Ñ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Aggregates"						msgid "Aggregates"
msgstr "Ð?гÑ?егаÑ?Ñ?"						msgstr "Ð?гÑ?егаÑ?Ñ?"

# fe/fe_designer.c:98 fe/fe_designer.c:269 gda-manager/main.c	# fe/fe_designer.c:98 fe/fe_designer.c:269 gda-manager/main.c
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Types"							msgid "Types"
msgstr "ТипÑ?"							msgstr "ТипÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140
msgid "Could not query CORBA components"			msgid "Could not query CORBA components"
msgstr "Ð?е Ñ?далоÑ?Ñ? запÑ?оÑ?иÑ?Ñ? компоненÑ?Ñ? CORBA"			msgstr "Ð?е Ñ?далоÑ?Ñ? запÑ?оÑ?иÑ?Ñ? компоненÑ?Ñ? CORBA"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209
msgid "ID"							msgid "ID"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "Location"						msgid "Location"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212
msgid "Username"						msgid "Username"
msgstr "Ð?мÑ? полÑ?зоваÑ?елÑ?"					msgstr "Ð?мÑ? полÑ?зоваÑ?елÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Hostname"						msgid "Hostname"
msgstr "Ð?мÑ? полÑ?зоваÑ?елÑ?"					msgstr "Ð?мÑ? полÑ?зоваÑ?елÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214
msgid "Domain"							msgid "Domain"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"			msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"
msgstr "Ð?еподдеÑ?живаемÑ?й Ñ?ип в GconfEntry: %d"			msgstr "Ð?еподдеÑ?живаемÑ?й Ñ?ип в GconfEntry: %d"

#. create widgets						#. create widgets
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97
msgid "Settings"						msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Ð?аÑ?Ñ?Ñ?ойки"						msgstr "Ð?аÑ?Ñ?Ñ?ойки"

# fe/fe_main.c:205						# fe/fe_main.c:205
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103
msgid "Data source name"					msgid "Data source name"
msgstr "Ð?аименование иÑ?Ñ?оÑ?ника даннÑ?Ñ?"				msgstr "Ð?аименование иÑ?Ñ?оÑ?ника даннÑ?Ñ?"

# fe/fe_connection.c:88						# fe/fe_connection.c:88
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109
msgid "Connection string"					msgid "Connection string"
msgstr "СÑ?Ñ?ока Ñ?оединениÑ?"					msgstr "СÑ?Ñ?ока Ñ?оединениÑ?"

# fe/fe_gdaconfig.c:315 gda-manager/main.c:144			# fe/fe_gdaconfig.c:315 gda-manager/main.c:144
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115
msgid "Provider"						msgid "Provider"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?овайдеÑ?"						msgstr "Ð?Ñ?овайдеÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121
msgid "User name"						msgid "User name"
msgstr "Ð?мÑ? полÑ?зоваÑ?елÑ?"					msgstr "Ð?мÑ? полÑ?зоваÑ?елÑ?"

# fe/fe_main.c:205						# fe/fe_main.c:205
#. create feature list						#. create feature list
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128
msgid "Features"						msgid "Features"
msgstr "СвойÑ?Ñ?ва"						msgstr "СвойÑ?Ñ?ва"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190
msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"		msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ? должнÑ? Ñ?казаÑ?Ñ? название длÑ? нового иÑ?Ñ?оÑ?ника даннÑ?	msgstr "Ð?Ñ? должнÑ? Ñ?казаÑ?Ñ? название длÑ? нового иÑ?Ñ?оÑ?ника даннÑ?

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197
msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac	msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206
msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th	msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213
msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"			msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217
msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n	msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225
msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"	msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"
msgstr "Ð?еобÑ?одимо вÑ?бÑ?аÑ?Ñ? пÑ?овайдеÑ?а длÑ? нового иÑ?Ñ?оÑ?ника да	msgstr "Ð?еобÑ?одимо вÑ?бÑ?аÑ?Ñ? пÑ?овайдеÑ?а длÑ? нового иÑ?Ñ?оÑ?ника да

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233
msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"		msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?овайдеÑ? не найден в Ñ?екÑ?Ñ?ей конÑ?игÑ?Ñ?аÑ?ии"		msgstr "Ð?Ñ?овайдеÑ? не найден в Ñ?екÑ?Ñ?ей конÑ?игÑ?Ñ?аÑ?ии"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391
msgid "Add a new data source..."				msgid "Add a new data source..."
msgstr "Ð?обавиÑ?Ñ? новÑ?й иÑ?Ñ?оÑ?ник даннÑ?Ñ?..."			msgstr "Ð?обавиÑ?Ñ? новÑ?й иÑ?Ñ?оÑ?ник даннÑ?Ñ?..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392
msgid ""							msgid ""
"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"		"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"
"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"		"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"
"installation. Just follow the steps!"				"installation. Just follow the steps!"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"ЭÑ?оÑ? помоÑ?ник пÑ?оведÑ?Ñ? ваÑ? Ñ?еÑ?ез пÑ?оÑ?еÑ?Ñ?\n"			"ЭÑ?оÑ? помоÑ?ник пÑ?оведÑ?Ñ? ваÑ? Ñ?еÑ?ез пÑ?оÑ?еÑ?Ñ?\n"
"Ñ?озданиÑ? нового иÑ?Ñ?оÑ?ника даннÑ?Ñ? длÑ? ваÑ?ей\n"			"Ñ?озданиÑ? нового иÑ?Ñ?оÑ?ника даннÑ?Ñ? длÑ? ваÑ?ей\n"
"Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?ановки GNOME-DB."						"Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?ановки GNOME-DB."

# fe/fe_main.c:142 fe/fe_main.c:281				# fe/fe_main.c:142 fe/fe_main.c:281
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404
msgid "General Information"					msgid "General Information"
msgstr "Ð?бÑ?аÑ? инÑ?оÑ?маÑ?иÑ?"					msgstr "Ð?бÑ?аÑ? инÑ?оÑ?маÑ?иÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the basic information\n"	"The following fields represent the basic information\n"
"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n	"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n
"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"	"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"
"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"	"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"
"the default one."						"the default one."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"СледÑ?Ñ?Ñ?ие полÑ? пÑ?едÑ?Ñ?авлÑ?Ñ?Ñ? оÑ?новнÑ?Ñ? инÑ?оÑ?маÑ?иÑ? о ваÑ?ем\n"	"СледÑ?Ñ?Ñ?ие полÑ? пÑ?едÑ?Ñ?авлÑ?Ñ?Ñ? оÑ?новнÑ?Ñ? инÑ?оÑ?маÑ?иÑ? о ваÑ?ем\n"
"новом иÑ?Ñ?оÑ?нике даннÑ?Ñ?. Ð?екоÑ?оÑ?Ñ?е из ниÑ? (опиÑ?ание,\n"		"новом иÑ?Ñ?оÑ?нике даннÑ?Ñ?. Ð?екоÑ?оÑ?Ñ?е из ниÑ? (опиÑ?ание,\n"
"имÑ? полÑ?зоваÑ?елÑ?) не обÑ?заÑ?елÑ?нÑ?. Ð?Ñ?ли вÑ? не знаеÑ?е\n"		"имÑ? полÑ?зоваÑ?елÑ?) не обÑ?заÑ?елÑ?нÑ?. Ð?Ñ?ли вÑ? не знаеÑ?е\n"
"какого пÑ?овайдеÑ?а иÑ?полÑ?зоваÑ?Ñ?, вÑ?беÑ?иÑ?е Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?ановленного\n"	"какого пÑ?овайдеÑ?а иÑ?полÑ?зоваÑ?Ñ?, вÑ?беÑ?иÑ?е Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?ановленного\n"
"по Ñ?молÑ?аниÑ?"							"по Ñ?молÑ?аниÑ?"

# fe/fe_main.c:205						# fe/fe_main.c:205
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data source _name:"					msgid "Data source _name:"
msgstr "Ð?аименование иÑ?Ñ?оÑ?ника даннÑ?Ñ?"				msgstr "Ð?аименование иÑ?Ñ?оÑ?ника даннÑ?Ñ?"

# fe/fe_gdaconfig.c:315 gda-manager/main.c:144			# fe/fe_gdaconfig.c:315 gda-manager/main.c:144
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Provider:"						msgid "_Provider:"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?овайдеÑ?"						msgstr "Ð?Ñ?овайдеÑ?"

# fe/fe_gdaconfig.c:333 gda-manager/main.c:96 gda-manager/mai	# fe/fe_gdaconfig.c:333 gda-manager/main.c:96 gda-manager/mai
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Description:"						msgid "_Description:"
msgstr "Ð?пиÑ?ание"						msgstr "Ð?пиÑ?ание"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Username:"						msgid "_Username:"
msgstr "Ð?мÑ? полÑ?зоваÑ?елÑ?:"					msgstr "Ð?мÑ? полÑ?зоваÑ?елÑ?:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "P_assword:"						msgid "P_assword:"
msgstr "Ð?аÑ?олÑ?:"						msgstr "Ð?аÑ?олÑ?:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454
msgid "Provider Parameters"					msgid "Provider Parameters"
msgstr "Ð?аÑ?амеÑ?Ñ?Ñ? пÑ?овайдеÑ?а"					msgstr "Ð?аÑ?амеÑ?Ñ?Ñ? пÑ?овайдеÑ?а"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the information needed by the	"The following fields represent the information needed by the
"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n	"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n
"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\	"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\
"the manual for more information."				"the manual for more information."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"СледÑ?Ñ?Ñ?ие полÑ? пÑ?едÑ?Ñ?авлÑ?Ñ?Ñ? инÑ?оÑ?маÑ?иÑ?, необÑ?одимÑ?Ñ? вÑ?бÑ?анно	"СледÑ?Ñ?Ñ?ие полÑ? пÑ?едÑ?Ñ?авлÑ?Ñ?Ñ? инÑ?оÑ?маÑ?иÑ?, необÑ?одимÑ?Ñ? вÑ?бÑ?анно
"на пÑ?едÑ?дÑ?Ñ?ей Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?аниÑ?е пÑ?овайдеÑ?Ñ? длÑ? Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?ановлениÑ? Ñ?оединени	"на пÑ?едÑ?дÑ?Ñ?ей Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?аниÑ?е пÑ?овайдеÑ?Ñ? длÑ? Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?ановлениÑ? Ñ?оединени
"ЭÑ?а инÑ?оÑ?маÑ?иÑ? завиÑ?иÑ? оÑ? пÑ?овайдеÑ?а, поÑ?Ñ?омÑ? за дополниÑ?елÑ?	"ЭÑ?а инÑ?оÑ?маÑ?иÑ? завиÑ?иÑ? оÑ? пÑ?овайдеÑ?а, поÑ?Ñ?омÑ? за дополниÑ?елÑ?
"инÑ?оÑ?маÑ?ией обÑ?аÑ?иÑ?еÑ?Ñ? к докÑ?менÑ?аÑ?ии."			"инÑ?оÑ?маÑ?ией обÑ?аÑ?иÑ?еÑ?Ñ? к докÑ?менÑ?аÑ?ии."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481
msgid "All information retrieved"				msgid "All information retrieved"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?Ñ? инÑ?оÑ?маÑ?иÑ? полÑ?Ñ?ена"				msgstr "Ð?Ñ?Ñ? инÑ?оÑ?маÑ?иÑ? полÑ?Ñ?ена"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid ""							msgid ""
"All information needed to create a new data source\n"		"All information needed to create a new data source\n"
"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"		"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"
"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"	"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"
"just select it when asked for a data source."			"just select it when asked for a data source."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Ð?олÑ?Ñ?ена вÑ?Ñ? инÑ?оÑ?маÑ?иÑ?, необÑ?одимаÑ? длÑ? Ñ?озданиÑ? нового иÑ?Ñ?	"Ð?олÑ?Ñ?ена вÑ?Ñ? инÑ?оÑ?маÑ?иÑ?, необÑ?одимаÑ? длÑ? Ñ?озданиÑ? нового иÑ?Ñ?
"даннÑ?Ñ?. ТепеÑ?Ñ? нажмиÑ?е \"Ð?Ñ?имениÑ?Ñ?\", Ñ?Ñ?обÑ? закÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? Ñ?Ñ?оÑ? диа	"даннÑ?Ñ?. ТепеÑ?Ñ? нажмиÑ?е \"Ð?Ñ?имениÑ?Ñ?\", Ñ?Ñ?обÑ? закÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? Ñ?Ñ?оÑ? диа
"ЧÑ?обÑ? оÑ?кÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? Ñ?олÑ?ко Ñ?Ñ?о Ñ?озданнÑ?й иÑ?Ñ?оÑ?ник даннÑ?Ñ?, вÑ?беÑ?иÑ?е	"ЧÑ?обÑ? оÑ?кÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? Ñ?олÑ?ко Ñ?Ñ?о Ñ?озданнÑ?й иÑ?Ñ?оÑ?ник даннÑ?Ñ?, вÑ?беÑ?иÑ?е
"когда пÑ?огÑ?амма Ñ?пÑ?оÑ?иÑ? об иÑ?Ñ?оÑ?нике даннÑ?Ñ?"			"когда пÑ?огÑ?амма Ñ?пÑ?оÑ?иÑ? об иÑ?Ñ?оÑ?нике даннÑ?Ñ?"

# fe/fe_connection.c:88						# fe/fe_connection.c:88
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Connection _string:"					msgid "Connection _string:"
msgstr "СÑ?Ñ?ока Ñ?оединениÑ?"					msgstr "СÑ?Ñ?ока Ñ?оединениÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4
msgid "Error"							msgid "Error"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?ибка"							msgstr "Ð?Ñ?ибка"

# fe/fe_main.c:254						# fe/fe_main.c:254
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.
msgid "Show detail >>"						msgid "Show detail >>"
msgstr "Ð?оказаÑ?Ñ? подÑ?обноÑ?Ñ?и >>"				msgstr "Ð?оказаÑ?Ñ? подÑ?обноÑ?Ñ?и >>"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122
msgid "<< Hide detail"						msgid "<< Hide detail"
msgstr "<< СкÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? подÑ?обноÑ?Ñ?и"					msgstr "<< СкÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? подÑ?обноÑ?Ñ?и"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191
msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"	msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

# fe/fe_connection.c:30 fe/fe_main.c:155			# fe/fe_connection.c:30 fe/fe_main.c:155
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196
msgid "Error number"						msgid "Error number"
msgstr "Ð?омеÑ? оÑ?ибки"						msgstr "Ð?омеÑ? оÑ?ибки"

# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:245				# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:245
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227
msgid "Details"							msgid "Details"
msgstr "Ð?одÑ?обноÑ?Ñ?и"						msgstr "Ð?одÑ?обноÑ?Ñ?и"

# fe/fe_main.c:205						# fe/fe_main.c:205
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234
msgid "Source"							msgid "Source"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?Ñ?оÑ?ник даннÑ?Ñ?"					msgstr "Ð?Ñ?Ñ?оÑ?ник даннÑ?Ñ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241
msgid "SQL state"						msgid "SQL state"
msgstr "СоÑ?Ñ?оÑ?ние SQL"						msgstr "СоÑ?Ñ?оÑ?ние SQL"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Field:"							msgid "_Field:"
msgstr "Файл"							msgstr "Файл"

# fe/fe_designer.c:98 fe/fe_designer.c:269 gda-manager/main.c	# fe/fe_designer.c:98 fe/fe_designer.c:269 gda-manager/main.c
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Text:"							msgid "_Text:"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?овеÑ?иÑ?Ñ?"						msgstr "Ð?Ñ?овеÑ?иÑ?Ñ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308
msgid "No records"						msgid "No records"
msgstr "Ð?еÑ? запиÑ?ей"						msgstr "Ð?еÑ? запиÑ?ей"

# fe/fe_ui.c:143 fe/fe_ui.c:183					# fe/fe_ui.c:143 fe/fe_ui.c:183
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Record %d of %d"						msgid "Record %d of %d"
msgstr "Ð?апиÑ?Ñ? %d из %d"					msgstr "Ð?апиÑ?Ñ? %d из %d"

# fe/fe_gdaconfig.c:333 gda-manager/main.c:96 gda-manager/mai	# fe/fe_gdaconfig.c:333 gda-manager/main.c:96 gda-manager/mai
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113
msgid "Recordset description"					msgid "Recordset description"
msgstr "Ð?пиÑ?ание набоÑ?а запиÑ?ей"				msgstr "Ð?пиÑ?ание набоÑ?а запиÑ?ей"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141
#, fuzzy, c-format						#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""							msgid ""
"File '%s' already exists.\n"					"File '%s' already exists.\n"
"Do you want to overwrite it?"					"Do you want to overwrite it?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Файл %s Ñ?же Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?еÑ?Ñ?вÑ?еÑ?.\n"					"Файл %s Ñ?же Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?еÑ?Ñ?вÑ?еÑ?.\n"
"ХоÑ?иÑ?е пеÑ?епиÑ?аÑ?Ñ? его?"					"ХоÑ?иÑ?е пеÑ?епиÑ?аÑ?Ñ? его?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149
msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."		msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Could not save file %s"					msgid "Could not save file %s"
msgstr "Ð?е Ñ?далоÑ?Ñ? Ñ?оÑ?Ñ?аниÑ?Ñ? Ñ?айл %s"				msgstr "Ð?е Ñ?далоÑ?Ñ? Ñ?оÑ?Ñ?аниÑ?Ñ? Ñ?айл %s"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224
msgid "You must specify a file name"				msgid "You must specify a file name"
msgstr "Ð?еобÑ?одимо Ñ?казаÑ?Ñ? имÑ? Ñ?айла"				msgstr "Ð?еобÑ?одимо Ñ?казаÑ?Ñ? имÑ? Ñ?айла"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230
msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"		msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?и конвеÑ?Ñ?иÑ?овании даннÑ?Ñ? полÑ?Ñ?ен пÑ?Ñ?Ñ?ой Ñ?айл"		msgstr "Ð?Ñ?и конвеÑ?Ñ?иÑ?овании даннÑ?Ñ? полÑ?Ñ?ен пÑ?Ñ?Ñ?ой Ñ?айл"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261
msgid "Saving Model"						msgid "Saving Model"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

# fe/fe_impexp.c:164 fe/fe_impexp.c:274 fe/fe_impexp.c:391	# fe/fe_impexp.c:164 fe/fe_impexp.c:274 fe/fe_impexp.c:391
# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:217				# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:217
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "File _name:"						msgid "File _name:"
msgstr "Ð?аименование Ñ?аблиÑ?Ñ?"					msgstr "Ð?аименование Ñ?аблиÑ?Ñ?"

# fe/fe_widget.c:34 fe/fe_widget.c:203 fe/fe_widget.c:222	# fe/fe_widget.c:34 fe/fe_widget.c:203 fe/fe_widget.c:222
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276
msgid "Select File"						msgid "Select File"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?бÑ?аÑ?Ñ? Ñ?айл"						msgstr "Ð?Ñ?бÑ?аÑ?Ñ? Ñ?айл"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283
msgid "File _type:"						msgid "File _type:"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Tab-delimited"						msgid "Tab-delimited"
msgstr "Файл Ñ? Ñ?азделиÑ?елем в виде Ñ?абÑ?лÑ?Ñ?ии"			msgstr "Файл Ñ? Ñ?азделиÑ?елем в виде Ñ?абÑ?лÑ?Ñ?ии"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Comma-delimited"						msgid "Comma-delimited"
msgstr "Файл Ñ? Ñ?азделиÑ?елем в виде запÑ?Ñ?ой"			msgstr "Файл Ñ? Ñ?азделиÑ?елем в виде запÑ?Ñ?ой"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:
msgid "XML"							msgid "XML"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355
msgid "View detail"						msgid "View detail"
msgstr "Ð?оказаÑ?Ñ? подÑ?обноÑ?Ñ?и"					msgstr "Ð?оказаÑ?Ñ? подÑ?обноÑ?Ñ?и"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Show Column _Titles"					msgid "Show Column _Titles"
msgstr "Ð?оказаÑ?Ñ? Ñ?Ñ?олбÑ?Ñ?"					msgstr "Ð?оказаÑ?Ñ? Ñ?Ñ?олбÑ?Ñ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442
msgid "Describe"						msgid "Describe"
msgstr "Ð?пиÑ?аÑ?Ñ?"						msgstr "Ð?пиÑ?аÑ?Ñ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443
msgid "View detail..."						msgid "View detail..."
msgstr "Ð?оказаÑ?Ñ? подÑ?обноÑ?Ñ?и..."				msgstr "Ð?оказаÑ?Ñ? подÑ?обноÑ?Ñ?и..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614
msgid "Title"							msgid "Title"
msgstr "Ð?аголовок"						msgstr "Ð?аголовок"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48
msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"	msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"
msgstr "Ð?опÑ?Ñ?ка иниÑ?иализиÑ?оваÑ?Ñ? Ñ?же иниÑ?иализиÑ?ованного клие	msgstr "Ð?опÑ?Ñ?ка иниÑ?иализиÑ?оваÑ?Ñ? Ñ?же иниÑ?иализиÑ?ованного клие

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"		"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"
"to a data source"						"to a data source"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Ð?ведиÑ?е ниже аÑ?гÑ?менÑ?Ñ? длÑ? Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?ановлениÑ? Ñ?оединениÑ?\n"		"Ð?ведиÑ?е ниже аÑ?гÑ?менÑ?Ñ? длÑ? Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?ановлениÑ? Ñ?оединениÑ?\n"
"Ñ? иÑ?Ñ?оÑ?ником даннÑ?Ñ?"						"Ñ? иÑ?Ñ?оÑ?ником даннÑ?Ñ?"

# fe/fe_main.c:205						# fe/fe_main.c:205
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253
msgid "Data Source:"						msgid "Data Source:"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?Ñ?оÑ?ник даннÑ?Ñ?:"					msgstr "Ð?Ñ?Ñ?оÑ?ник даннÑ?Ñ?:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270
msgid "Username:"						msgid "Username:"
msgstr "Ð?мÑ? полÑ?зоваÑ?елÑ?:"					msgstr "Ð?мÑ? полÑ?зоваÑ?елÑ?:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279
msgid "Password:"						msgid "Password:"
msgstr "Ð?аÑ?олÑ?:"						msgstr "Ð?аÑ?олÑ?:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69
msgid "Fields"							msgid "Fields"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30
msgid "Commit"							msgid "Commit"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31
msgid "Connect"							msgid "Connect"
msgstr "Ð?одÑ?оединиÑ?Ñ?"						msgstr "Ð?одÑ?оединиÑ?Ñ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33
msgid "Designer"						msgid "Designer"
msgstr "Ð?онÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?кÑ?оÑ?"						msgstr "Ð?онÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?кÑ?оÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34
msgid "Disconnect"						msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr "РаÑ?Ñ?оединиÑ?Ñ?"						msgstr "РаÑ?Ñ?оединиÑ?Ñ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35
msgid "NoTransaction"						msgid "NoTransaction"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37
msgid "Query"							msgid "Query"
msgstr "Ð?апÑ?оÑ?"							msgstr "Ð?апÑ?оÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38
msgid "Rollback"						msgid "Rollback"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40
msgid "SQL"							msgid "SQL"
msgstr "SQL"							msgstr "SQL"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43
msgid "WithinTransaction"					msgid "WithinTransaction"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Error: %s"						msgid "Error: %s"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?ибка: %s"						msgstr "Ð?Ñ?ибка: %s"

# fe/fe_impexp.c:164 fe/fe_impexp.c:274 fe/fe_impexp.c:391	# fe/fe_impexp.c:164 fe/fe_impexp.c:274 fe/fe_impexp.c:391
# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:217				# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:217
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79
msgid "Table name"						msgid "Table name"
msgstr "Ð?аименование Ñ?аблиÑ?Ñ?"					msgstr "Ð?аименование Ñ?аблиÑ?Ñ?"

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93			#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Login for %s"						msgid "Login for %s"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95					#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95
msgid "Login to database"					msgid "Login to database"
msgstr "УÑ?Ñ?ановление Ñ?еанÑ?а Ñ?абоÑ?Ñ? Ñ? базой даннÑ?Ñ?"		msgstr "УÑ?Ñ?ановление Ñ?еанÑ?а Ñ?абоÑ?Ñ? Ñ? базой даннÑ?Ñ?"

#: vfs/libmain.c:71						#: vfs/libmain.c:71
msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"				msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"
msgstr "Ð?аза даннÑ?Ñ? VFS Ñ?Ñ?едÑ? GNOME: модÑ?лÑ?"			msgstr "Ð?аза даннÑ?Ñ? VFS Ñ?Ñ?едÑ? GNOME: модÑ?лÑ?"

# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:245				# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:245
#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Table Properties"					msgid "Table Properties"
msgstr "Ð?аÑ?Ñ?Ñ?оиÑ?Ñ? базÑ? даннÑ?Ñ?"					msgstr "Ð?аÑ?Ñ?Ñ?оиÑ?Ñ? базÑ? даннÑ?Ñ?"

# fe/fe_impexp.c:164 fe/fe_impexp.c:274 fe/fe_impexp.c:391	# fe/fe_impexp.c:164 fe/fe_impexp.c:274 fe/fe_impexp.c:391
# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:217				# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:217
#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Table Name"						msgid "Table Name"
msgstr "Ð?аименование Ñ?аблиÑ?Ñ?"					msgstr "Ð?аименование Ñ?аблиÑ?Ñ?"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155
msgid "New"							msgid "New"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156
msgid "Create new table"					msgid "Create new table"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:233				# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:233
#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Properties"						msgid "Properties"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?оÑ?едÑ?Ñ?Ñ?"						msgstr "Ð?Ñ?оÑ?едÑ?Ñ?Ñ?"

# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:245				# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:245
#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View table properties"					msgid "View table properties"
msgstr "Ð?аÑ?Ñ?Ñ?оиÑ?Ñ? базÑ? даннÑ?Ñ?"					msgstr "Ð?аÑ?Ñ?Ñ?оиÑ?Ñ? базÑ? даннÑ?Ñ?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
msgid "UID"							msgid "UID"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "calendar"						msgid "calendar"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "summary"							msgid "summary"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "Summary"							msgid "Summary"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "location"						msgid "location"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "dtstart"							msgid "dtstart"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
msgid "Start time"						msgid "Start time"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "dtend"							msgid "dtend"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "End time"						msgid "End time"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

# fe/fe_gdaconfig.c:333 gda-manager/main.c:96 gda-manager/mai	# fe/fe_gdaconfig.c:333 gda-manager/main.c:96 gda-manager/mai
#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "description"						msgid "description"
msgstr "Ð?пиÑ?ание"						msgstr "Ð?пиÑ?ание"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "classification"						msgid "classification"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Classification"						msgid "Classification"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?иÑ?Ñ?иÑ?Ñ? вÑ?деление"					msgstr "Ð?Ñ?иÑ?Ñ?иÑ?Ñ? вÑ?деление"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "transparency"						msgid "transparency"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "Transparency"						msgid "Transparency"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "categories"						msgid "categories"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "Categories"						msgid "Categories"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "tasks"							msgid "tasks"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "due"							msgid "due"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "Due date"						msgid "Due date"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "Start date"						msgid "Start date"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355
msgid "Public"							msgid "Public"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358
msgid "Private"							msgid "Private"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361
msgid "Confidential"						msgid "Confidential"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63
msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"		msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66
msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"			msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80
msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta	msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"		msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"
msgstr "Ð?е Ñ?далоÑ?Ñ? оÑ?кÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? Ñ?оединение Ñ? %s!"			msgstr "Ð?е Ñ?далоÑ?Ñ? оÑ?кÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? Ñ?оединение Ñ? %s!"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100
msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"				msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Field name"						msgid "Field name"
msgstr "Ð?мÑ? полÑ?зоваÑ?елÑ?"					msgstr "Ð?мÑ? полÑ?зоваÑ?елÑ?"

# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:245				# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:245
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data type"						msgid "Data type"
msgstr "Ð?аннÑ?е"							msgstr "Ð?аннÑ?е"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214
msgid "Size"							msgid "Size"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215
msgid "Scale"							msgid "Scale"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216
msgid "Not null?"						msgid "Not null?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217
msgid "Primary key?"						msgid "Primary key?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218
msgid "Unique index?"						msgid "Unique index?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "References"						msgid "References"
msgstr "Ð?аÑ?Ñ?Ñ?ойки"						msgstr "Ð?аÑ?Ñ?Ñ?ойки"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220
msgid "Default value"						msgid "Default value"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239
msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l	msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Table %s does not exist"					msgid "Table %s does not exist"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318
msgid "Scheduled events"					msgid "Scheduled events"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321
msgid "TODO list"						msgid "TODO list"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375
msgid "Owner"							msgid "Owner"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Comments"						msgid "Comments"
msgstr "Ð?окÑ?менÑ?Ñ?"						msgstr "Ð?окÑ?менÑ?Ñ?"

# fe/fe_designer.c:98 fe/fe_designer.c:269 gda-manager/main.c	# fe/fe_designer.c:98 fe/fe_designer.c:269 gda-manager/main.c
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Type"							msgid "Type"
msgstr "ТипÑ?"							msgstr "ТипÑ?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377
msgid "GDA type"						msgid "GDA type"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id	#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id
#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database	#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database
#. we can easily access that information			#. we can easily access that information
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382
msgid "local"							msgid "local"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217
msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230
msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244
msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"			msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268
msgid "Invalid SQL command"					msgid "Invalid SQL command"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353
msgid "Transactions are not supported"				msgid "Transactions are not supported"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41
msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"		msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task	"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#~ msgid "Browse database..."					#~ msgid "Browse database..."
#~ msgstr "Ð?Ñ?оÑ?моÑ?Ñ? базÑ? даннÑ?Ñ?..."				#~ msgstr "Ð?Ñ?оÑ?моÑ?Ñ? базÑ? даннÑ?Ñ?..."

#~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .con	#~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .con
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Ð?омпоненÑ? вклÑ?Ñ?аÑ?Ñ?ий Ñ?леменÑ?Ñ? конÑ?екÑ?Ñ?ного менÑ? длÑ? Ñ?айло	#~ "Ð?омпоненÑ? вклÑ?Ñ?аÑ?Ñ?ий Ñ?леменÑ?Ñ? конÑ?екÑ?Ñ?ного менÑ? длÑ? Ñ?айло

#~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .sql	#~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .sql
#~ msgstr "Ð?омпоненÑ? вклÑ?Ñ?аÑ?Ñ?ий Ñ?леменÑ?Ñ? конÑ?екÑ?Ñ?ного менÑ? дл	#~ msgstr "Ð?омпоненÑ? вклÑ?Ñ?аÑ?Ñ?ий Ñ?леменÑ?Ñ? конÑ?екÑ?Ñ?ного менÑ? дл

#~ msgid "Database component factory"				#~ msgid "Database component factory"
#~ msgstr "ФабÑ?ика компоненÑ?а базÑ? даннÑ?Ñ?"			#~ msgstr "ФабÑ?ика компоненÑ?а базÑ? даннÑ?Ñ?"

#~ msgid "Open in database connection..."			#~ msgid "Open in database connection..."
#~ msgstr "УÑ?Ñ?ановление Ñ?оединениÑ? Ñ? базой даннÑ?Ñ?..."		#~ msgstr "УÑ?Ñ?ановление Ñ?оединениÑ? Ñ? базой даннÑ?Ñ?..."

# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:245				# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:245
#~ msgid "Database browser"					#~ msgid "Database browser"
#~ msgstr "Ð?Ñ?огÑ?амма пÑ?оÑ?моÑ?Ñ?а базÑ? даннÑ?Ñ?"			#~ msgstr "Ð?Ñ?огÑ?амма пÑ?оÑ?моÑ?Ñ?а базÑ? даннÑ?Ñ?"

# fe/fe_connection.c:30 fe/fe_main.c:155			# fe/fe_connection.c:30 fe/fe_main.c:155
#~ msgid "Error viewer"						#~ msgid "Error viewer"
#~ msgstr "Ð?Ñ?оÑ?моÑ?Ñ? оÑ?ибки"					#~ msgstr "Ð?Ñ?оÑ?моÑ?Ñ? оÑ?ибки"

#~ msgid "SQL Viewer"						#~ msgid "SQL Viewer"
#~ msgstr "Ð?Ñ?оÑ?моÑ?Ñ? кода SQL"					#~ msgstr "Ð?Ñ?оÑ?моÑ?Ñ? кода SQL"

#~ msgid "Database configuration"				#~ msgid "Database configuration"
#~ msgstr "Ð?онÑ?игÑ?Ñ?аÑ?иÑ? баз даннÑ?Ñ?"				#~ msgstr "Ð?онÑ?игÑ?Ñ?аÑ?иÑ? баз даннÑ?Ñ?"

#~ msgid "Edit application preferences"				#~ msgid "Edit application preferences"
#~ msgstr "Ð?змениÑ?Ñ? наÑ?Ñ?Ñ?ойки пÑ?иложениÑ?"			#~ msgstr "Ð?змениÑ?Ñ? наÑ?Ñ?Ñ?ойки пÑ?иложениÑ?"

#~ msgid "_Settings"						#~ msgid "_Settings"
#~ msgstr "УÑ?Ñ?ановки"						#~ msgstr "УÑ?Ñ?ановки"

#~ msgid "Password"						#~ msgid "Password"
#~ msgstr "Ð?аÑ?олÑ?"						#~ msgstr "Ð?аÑ?олÑ?"

#~ msgid "Save as"						#~ msgid "Save as"
#~ msgstr "СоÑ?Ñ?аниÑ?Ñ? как"					#~ msgstr "СоÑ?Ñ?аниÑ?Ñ? как"

#~ msgid "Save to"						#~ msgid "Save to"
#~ msgstr "СоÑ?Ñ?аниÑ?Ñ? в"						#~ msgstr "СоÑ?Ñ?аниÑ?Ñ? в"

#~ msgid "XML file"						#~ msgid "XML file"
#~ msgstr "Файл в Ñ?оÑ?маÑ?е XML"					#~ msgstr "Файл в Ñ?оÑ?маÑ?е XML"

#~ msgid "Hide columns"						#~ msgid "Hide columns"
#~ msgstr "СкÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? Ñ?Ñ?олбÑ?Ñ?"					#~ msgstr "СкÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? Ñ?Ñ?олбÑ?Ñ?"

#~ msgid "Question"						#~ msgid "Question"
#~ msgstr "Ð?опÑ?оÑ?"						#~ msgstr "Ð?опÑ?оÑ?"

# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:245				# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:245
#~ msgid "Database Moniker factory"				#~ msgid "Database Moniker factory"
#~ msgstr "ФабÑ?ика моникеÑ?а базÑ? даннÑ?Ñ?"			#~ msgstr "ФабÑ?ика моникеÑ?а базÑ? даннÑ?Ñ?"

# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:245				# gda-clnt-ui/gnome-db-browser.c:245
#~ msgid "database: moniker"					#~ msgid "database: moniker"
#~ msgstr "база даннÑ?Ñ?: моникеÑ?"				#~ msgstr "база даннÑ?Ñ?: моникеÑ?"

#~ msgid "Failing to manufacture a '%s'"			#~ msgid "Failing to manufacture a '%s'"
#~ msgstr "Сбой пÑ?и Ñ?оздании %s"				#~ msgstr "Сбой пÑ?и Ñ?оздании %s"

# fe/fe_connection.c:88						# fe/fe_connection.c:88
#~ msgid "Invalid format for connection string"			#~ msgid "Invalid format for connection string"
#~ msgstr "Ð?едопÑ?Ñ?Ñ?имÑ?й Ñ?оÑ?маÑ? Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?оки Ñ?оединениÑ?"		#~ msgstr "Ð?едопÑ?Ñ?Ñ?имÑ?й Ñ?оÑ?маÑ? Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?оки Ñ?оединениÑ?"

# fe/fe_main.c:205						# fe/fe_main.c:205
#~ msgid "Data sources"						#~ msgid "Data sources"
#~ msgstr "Ð?Ñ?Ñ?оÑ?ники даннÑ?Ñ?"					#~ msgstr "Ð?Ñ?Ñ?оÑ?ники даннÑ?Ñ?"

# fe/fe_main.c:205						# fe/fe_main.c:205
#~ msgid "Test Data Source"					#~ msgid "Test Data Source"
#~ msgstr "Ð?Ñ?овеÑ?иÑ?Ñ? иÑ?Ñ?оÑ?ник даннÑ?Ñ?"				#~ msgstr "Ð?Ñ?овеÑ?иÑ?Ñ? иÑ?Ñ?оÑ?ник даннÑ?Ñ?"

#~ msgid "Connection to %s successful!"				#~ msgid "Connection to %s successful!"
#~ msgstr "Соединение Ñ? %s пÑ?оÑ?ло Ñ?Ñ?пеÑ?но!"			#~ msgstr "Соединение Ñ? %s пÑ?оÑ?ло Ñ?Ñ?пеÑ?но!"
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: sk.gmo
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/sk.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/sk.po
# translation of libgnomedb.release-1-0-branch.sk.po to Slova	# translation of libgnomedb.release-1-0-branch.sk.po to Slova
# translation of libgnomedb.HEAD.sk.po to Slovak		# translation of libgnomedb.HEAD.sk.po to Slovak
# translation of sk.po to Slovak				# translation of sk.po to Slovak
# GNOME-DB Slovak translation.					# GNOME-DB Slovak translation.
# Copyright (C) 2000-2001,2002,2003 Free Software Foundation,	# Copyright (C) 2000-2001,2002,2003 Free Software Foundation,
# Stanislav Visnovsky <visnovsky nenya ms mff cuni cz>, 2000-	# Stanislav Visnovsky <visnovsky nenya ms mff cuni cz>, 2000-
# Stanislav Vi¹òovský <visnovsky nenya ms mff cuni cz>, 2002.	# Stanislav Vi¹òovský <visnovsky nenya ms mff cuni cz>, 2002.
# Stanislav Visnovsky <visnovsky kde org>, 2003.		# Stanislav Visnovsky <visnovsky kde org>, 2003.
#								#
msgid ""							msgid ""
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: libgnomedb.release-1-0-branch.sk\n"	"Project-Id-Version: libgnomedb.release-1-0-branch.sk\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"					"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"			"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2003-09-24 09:58+0200\n"			"PO-Revision-Date: 2003-09-24 09:58+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Stanislav Visnovsky <visnovsky kde org>\n"	"Last-Translator: Stanislav Visnovsky <visnovsky kde org>\n"
"Language-Team: Slovak <sk-i18n linux sk>\n"			"Language-Team: Slovak <sk-i18n linux sk>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"						"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-2\n"		"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-2\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"				"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Generator: KBabel 1.2\n"					"X-Generator: KBabel 1.2\n"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co
msgid "Data Sources"						msgid "Data Sources"
msgstr "Zdroje dát"						msgstr "Zdroje dát"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid
msgid "Providers"						msgid "Providers"
msgstr "Poskytovatelia"						msgstr "Poskytovatelia"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1
msgid "Configure your database environment"			msgid "Configure your database environment"
msgstr "Nastavte va¹e databázové prostredie"			msgstr "Nastavte va¹e databázové prostredie"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Database Access Properties "				msgid "Database Access Properties "
msgstr "Vlastnosti databáze"					msgstr "Vlastnosti databáze"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380
msgid "Name"							msgid "Name"
msgstr "Meno"							msgstr "Meno"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
msgid "Description"						msgid "Description"
msgstr "Popis"							msgstr "Popis"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182
msgid "Configured data sources in the system"			msgid "Configured data sources in the system"
msgstr "Nastavené zdroje dát v systéme"				msgstr "Nastavené zdroje dát v systéme"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data sources are the means by which database connections are	"Data sources are the means by which database connections are
"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s	"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s
"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o	"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o
"name you identify the connections in the applications that m	"name you identify the connections in the applications that m
"DB for database access."					"DB for database access."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Zdroje dát predstavujú identifikáciu databázových spojení v 	"Zdroje dát predstavujú identifikáciu databázových spojení v 
"potrebné informácie pre otvorenie spojenia s daným poskytova	"potrebné informácie pre otvorenie spojenia s daným poskytova
"sú ulo¾ené pod jednoznaèným menom. Pomocou tohto mena urèíte	"sú ulo¾ené pod jednoznaèným menom. Pomocou tohto mena urèíte
"aplikácie, ktoré pre prístup k databázam pou¾ívajú GNOME-DB.	"aplikácie, ktoré pre prístup k databázam pou¾ívajú GNOME-DB.

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277
#, fuzzy, c-format						#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"	msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"
msgstr "Chcete odstráni» zdroj dát '%s'?"			msgstr "Chcete odstráni» zdroj dát '%s'?"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data Source Properties"					msgid "Data Source Properties"
msgstr "Vlastnosti zdroja dát"					msgstr "Vlastnosti zdroja dát"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132
msgid "Basic"							msgid "Basic"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Tables"							msgid "Tables"
msgstr "Tabuµky"						msgstr "Tabuµky"

#: control-center/main.c:92					#: control-center/main.c:92
msgid "No valid data source info was created"			msgid "No valid data source info was created"
msgstr "Nebol vytvorený ¾iadny platný popis zdroja dát"		msgstr "Nebol vytvorený ¾iadny platný popis zdroja dát"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218	#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218
msgid "New data source"						msgid "New data source"
msgstr "Nový zdroj dát"						msgstr "Nový zdroj dát"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:215					#: control-center/main.c:215
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Database Access Properties"				msgid "Database Access Properties"
msgstr "Vlastnosti databáze"					msgstr "Vlastnosti databáze"

#: control-center/provider-config.c:105				#: control-center/provider-config.c:105
msgid "Installed providers"					msgid "Installed providers"
msgstr "Nain¹talovaní poskytovatelia"				msgstr "Nain¹talovaní poskytovatelia"

#: control-center/provider-config.c:131				#: control-center/provider-config.c:131
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec	"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec
"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo	"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo
"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr	"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr
"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba	"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba
"etc."								"etc."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Poskytovatelia sú externé moduly, ktoré poskytujú prístup k 	"Poskytovatelia sú externé moduly, ktoré poskytujú prístup k 
"dát. ©tandardný poskytovateµ je nain¹talovný v¾dy a umo¾òuje	"dát. ©tandardný poskytovateµ je nain¹talovný v¾dy a umo¾òuje
"súborom XML. Obvykle sú k dispozícii v libgda/gnome-db posky	"súborom XML. Obvykle sú k dispozícii v libgda/gnome-db posky
"PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Sybase, Interbase atï."		"PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Sybase, Interbase atï."

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1
msgid "Database connection parameters file"			msgid "Database connection parameters file"
msgstr "Súbor s parametrami spojenia s databázou"		msgstr "Súbor s parametrami spojenia s databázou"

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2
msgid "Documents"						msgid "Documents"
msgstr "Dokumenty"						msgstr "Dokumenty"

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3
msgid "SQL code viewer"						msgid "SQL code viewer"
msgstr "Prehliadaè kódu SQL"					msgstr "Prehliadaè kódu SQL"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1
msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"			msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"
msgstr "Písmo pou¾ité pre prvok mrie¾ky"			msgstr "Písmo pou¾ité pre prvok mrie¾ky"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2
msgid "Number of spaces per tab"				msgid "Number of spaces per tab"
msgstr "Poèet medzier na tabulátor"				msgstr "Poèet medzier na tabulátor"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3
msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"			msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"
msgstr "Zobrazi» èísla riadkov v editore"			msgstr "Zobrazi» èísla riadkov v editore"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4
msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"			msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"
msgstr "Pou¾i» zvýrazòovanie v editore"				msgstr "Pou¾i» zvýrazòovanie v editore"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60
msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"			msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"
msgstr "Databázové slu¾by pre prostredie GNOME"			msgstr "Databázové slu¾by pre prostredie GNOME"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1
msgid "About"							msgid "About"
msgstr "O programe"						msgstr "O programe"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2
msgid "About GNOME-DB"						msgid "About GNOME-DB"
msgstr "O GNOME-DB"						msgstr "O GNOME-DB"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3
msgid "Close this window"					msgid "Close this window"
msgstr "Zavrie toto okno"					msgstr "Zavrie toto okno"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4
msgid "Create new entry"					msgid "Create new entry"
msgstr "Vytvorí nový záznam"					msgstr "Vytvorí nový záznam"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5
msgid "Delete selected items"					msgid "Delete selected items"
msgstr "Odstráni vybrané polo¾ky"				msgstr "Odstráni vybrané polo¾ky"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Deselect all items"					msgid "Deselect all items"
msgstr "Odstráni vybrané polo¾ky"				msgstr "Odstráni vybrané polo¾ky"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7
msgid "Edit properties for selected item"			msgid "Edit properties for selected item"
msgstr "Upraví vlastnosti vybranej polo¾ky"			msgstr "Upraví vlastnosti vybranej polo¾ky"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8
msgid "Save connection parameters to file"			msgid "Save connection parameters to file"
msgstr "Ulo¾í parametre spojenia do súboru"			msgstr "Ulo¾í parametre spojenia do súboru"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Select _All"						msgid "Select _All"
msgstr "Vybra» v¹etko"						msgstr "Vybra» v¹etko"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Select all items"					msgid "Select all items"
msgstr "Vybra» v¹etko"						msgstr "Vybra» v¹etko"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View data sources"					msgid "View data sources"
msgstr "Nový zdroj dát"						msgstr "Nový zdroj dát"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View providers"						msgid "View providers"
msgstr "Poskytovatelia"						msgstr "Poskytovatelia"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Clear Selection"					msgid "_Clear Selection"
msgstr "Vyèisti» výber"						msgstr "Vyèisti» výber"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14
msgid "_Close"							msgid "_Close"
msgstr "_Zavrie»"						msgstr "_Zavrie»"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Data Sources"						msgid "_Data Sources"
msgstr "Zdroje dát"						msgstr "Zdroje dát"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Database"						msgid "_Database"
msgstr "Databáza"						msgstr "Databáza"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17
msgid "_Delete"							msgid "_Delete"
msgstr "_Odstráni»"						msgstr "_Odstráni»"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18
msgid "_Edit"							msgid "_Edit"
msgstr "_Upravi»"						msgstr "_Upravi»"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19
msgid "_Help"							msgid "_Help"
msgstr "_Pomocník"						msgstr "_Pomocník"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_New Data Source..."					msgid "_New Data Source..."
msgstr "Nový zdroj dát"						msgstr "Nový zdroj dát"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Properties"						msgid "_Properties"
msgstr "Vlastnosti"						msgstr "Vlastnosti"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Providers"						msgid "_Providers"
msgstr "Poskytovatelia"						msgstr "Poskytovatelia"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23
msgid "_Save Connection"					msgid "_Save Connection"
msgstr "_Ulo¾i» spojenie"					msgstr "_Ulo¾i» spojenie"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_View"							msgid "_View"
msgstr "Pohµady"						msgstr "Pohµady"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76
msgid "Structure"						msgid "Structure"
msgstr "©truktúra"						msgstr "©truktúra"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73
msgid "Data"							msgid "Data"
msgstr "Dáta"							msgstr "Dáta"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238
msgid "Not implemented yet!"					msgid "Not implemented yet!"
msgstr "E¹te neimplementované."					msgstr "E¹te neimplementované."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Database"						msgid "Database"
msgstr "Databáza"						msgstr "Databáza"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540
msgid "Loading database schemas..."				msgid "Loading database schemas..."
msgstr "Naèítavam schémy databáze..."				msgstr "Naèítavam schémy databáze..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632
msgid "Refreshing data..."					msgid "Refreshing data..."
msgstr "Aktualizujem dáta..."					msgstr "Aktualizujem dáta..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688
msgid "Views"							msgid "Views"
msgstr "Pohµady"						msgstr "Pohµady"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691
msgid "Indexes"							msgid "Indexes"
msgstr "Indexy"							msgstr "Indexy"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Sequences"						msgid "Sequences"
msgstr "Sekvencie"						msgstr "Sekvencie"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Procedures"						msgid "Procedures"
msgstr "Procedúry"						msgstr "Procedúry"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700
msgid "Triggers"						msgid "Triggers"
msgstr "Triggery"						msgstr "Triggery"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Aggregates"						msgid "Aggregates"
msgstr "Agregáty"						msgstr "Agregáty"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Types"							msgid "Types"
msgstr "Typy"							msgstr "Typy"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140
msgid "Could not query CORBA components"			msgid "Could not query CORBA components"
msgstr "Nepodarilo sa zisti» komponenty CORBA"			msgstr "Nepodarilo sa zisti» komponenty CORBA"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209
msgid "ID"							msgid "ID"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "Location"						msgid "Location"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212
msgid "Username"						msgid "Username"
msgstr "Pou¾ívateµské meno"					msgstr "Pou¾ívateµské meno"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Hostname"						msgid "Hostname"
msgstr "Pou¾ívateµské meno"					msgstr "Pou¾ívateµské meno"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214
msgid "Domain"							msgid "Domain"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"			msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"
msgstr "Nepodporovaný typ v GConfEntry: %d"			msgstr "Nepodporovaný typ v GConfEntry: %d"

#. create widgets						#. create widgets
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97
msgid "Settings"						msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Nastavenia"						msgstr "Nastavenia"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103
msgid "Data source name"					msgid "Data source name"
msgstr "Meno zdroja dát"					msgstr "Meno zdroja dát"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109
msgid "Connection string"					msgid "Connection string"
msgstr "Re»azec spojenia"					msgstr "Re»azec spojenia"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115
msgid "Provider"						msgid "Provider"
msgstr "Poskytovateµ"						msgstr "Poskytovateµ"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121
msgid "User name"						msgid "User name"
msgstr "Pou¾ívateµské meno"					msgstr "Pou¾ívateµské meno"

#. create feature list						#. create feature list
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128
msgid "Features"						msgid "Features"
msgstr "Funkcie"						msgstr "Funkcie"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190
msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"		msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"
msgstr "Musíte zada» meno pre nový zdroj dát"			msgstr "Musíte zada» meno pre nový zdroj dát"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac	msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac
msgstr "Mená zdrojov dát nesmú obsahova» medzery"		msgstr "Mená zdrojov dát nesmú obsahova» medzery"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206
msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th	msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213
msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"			msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"
msgstr "Mená zdrojov dát nesmú obsahova» medzery"		msgstr "Mená zdrojov dát nesmú obsahova» medzery"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217
msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n	msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n
msgstr "Mená zdrojov dát mô¾u obsahova» iba písmená ASCII a è	msgstr "Mená zdrojov dát mô¾u obsahova» iba písmená ASCII a è

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225
msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"	msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"
msgstr "Musíte vybra» poskytovateµa pre nový zdroj dát"		msgstr "Musíte vybra» poskytovateµa pre nový zdroj dát"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233
msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"		msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"
msgstr "Poskytovateµ nebol vo va¹om nastavení nájdený"		msgstr "Poskytovateµ nebol vo va¹om nastavení nájdený"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391
msgid "Add a new data source..."				msgid "Add a new data source..."
msgstr "Prida» nový zdroj dát..."				msgstr "Prida» nový zdroj dát..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392
msgid ""							msgid ""
"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"		"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"
"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"		"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"
"installation. Just follow the steps!"				"installation. Just follow the steps!"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Tento sprievodca vám pomô¾e vytvori» nový\n"			"Tento sprievodca vám pomô¾e vytvori» nový\n"
"zdroj dát pre GNOME-DB. Sledujte jeho kroky!"			"zdroj dát pre GNOME-DB. Sledujte jeho kroky!"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404
msgid "General Information"					msgid "General Information"
msgstr "V¹eobecné informácie"					msgstr "V¹eobecné informácie"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the basic information\n"	"The following fields represent the basic information\n"
"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n	"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n
"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"	"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"
"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"	"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"
"the default one."						"the default one."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Tieto polia obsahujú základné informácie pre vá¹\n"		"Tieto polia obsahujú základné informácie pre vá¹\n"
"nový zdroj dát. Niektoré z nich nie sú povinné (popis,\n"	"nový zdroj dát. Niektoré z nich nie sú povinné (popis,\n"
"pou¾ívateµské meno), ale niektoré vyplni» musíte.\n"		"pou¾ívateµské meno), ale niektoré vyplni» musíte.\n"
"Ak neviete, akého poskytovateµa pou¾i», vyberte\n"		"Ak neviete, akého poskytovateµa pou¾i», vyberte\n"
"¹tandardného."							"¹tandardného."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data source _name:"					msgid "Data source _name:"
msgstr "Meno zdroja dát"					msgstr "Meno zdroja dát"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Provider:"						msgid "_Provider:"
msgstr "Poskytovateµ"						msgstr "Poskytovateµ"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Description:"						msgid "_Description:"
msgstr "Popis"							msgstr "Popis"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Username:"						msgid "_Username:"
msgstr "Pou¾ívateµské meno:"					msgstr "Pou¾ívateµské meno:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "P_assword:"						msgid "P_assword:"
msgstr "Heslo:"							msgstr "Heslo:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454
msgid "Provider Parameters"					msgid "Provider Parameters"
msgstr "Parametre poskytovateµa"				msgstr "Parametre poskytovateµa"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the information needed by the	"The following fields represent the information needed by the
"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n	"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n
"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\	"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\
"the manual for more information."				"the manual for more information."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Nasledujúce polia obsahujú informáciu po¾adované\n"		"Nasledujúce polia obsahujú informáciu po¾adované\n"
"poskytovateµom, ktorého ste si vybrali, aby otvoril\n"		"poskytovateµom, ktorého ste si vybrali, aby otvoril\n"
"spojenie. Táto informácia závisí na poskytovateµovi,\n"	"spojenie. Táto informácia závisí na poskytovateµovi,\n"
"tak¾e detaily nájdete v manuáli."				"tak¾e detaily nájdete v manuáli."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481
msgid "All information retrieved"				msgid "All information retrieved"
msgstr "Získané v¹etky informácie"				msgstr "Získané v¹etky informácie"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid ""							msgid ""
"All information needed to create a new data source\n"		"All information needed to create a new data source\n"
"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"		"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"
"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"	"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"
"just select it when asked for a data source."			"just select it when asked for a data source."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Zadali ste v¹etky potrebné informácie pre vytvorenie\n"	"Zadali ste v¹etky potrebné informácie pre vytvorenie\n"
"nového zdroja dát. Stlaèením 'Dokonèi»' zatvoríte\n"		"nového zdroja dát. Stlaèením 'Dokonèi»' zatvoríte\n"
"tento dialóg a mô¾ete zaèa» vá¹ nový zdroj dát pou¾íva»."	"tento dialóg a mô¾ete zaèa» vá¹ nový zdroj dát pou¾íva»."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Connection _string:"					msgid "Connection _string:"
msgstr "Re»azec spojenia"					msgstr "Re»azec spojenia"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4
msgid "Error"							msgid "Error"
msgstr "Chyba"							msgstr "Chyba"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.
msgid "Show detail >>"						msgid "Show detail >>"
msgstr "Zobrazi» detaily >>"					msgstr "Zobrazi» detaily >>"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122
msgid "<< Hide detail"						msgid "<< Hide detail"
msgstr "<< Skry» detaily"					msgstr "<< Skry» detaily"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191
msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"	msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"
msgstr "V databáze sa vyskytla chyba"				msgstr "V databáze sa vyskytla chyba"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196
msgid "Error number"						msgid "Error number"
msgstr "Èíslo chyby"						msgstr "Èíslo chyby"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227
msgid "Details"							msgid "Details"
msgstr "Detaily"						msgstr "Detaily"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234
msgid "Source"							msgid "Source"
msgstr "Zdroj"							msgstr "Zdroj"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241
msgid "SQL state"						msgid "SQL state"
msgstr "Stav SQL"						msgstr "Stav SQL"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Field:"							msgid "_Field:"
msgstr "Polia"							msgstr "Polia"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118
msgid "_Text:"							msgid "_Text:"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308
msgid "No records"						msgid "No records"
msgstr "®iadne záznamy"						msgstr "®iadne záznamy"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Record %d of %d"						msgid "Record %d of %d"
msgstr "Záznam %d z %d"						msgstr "Záznam %d z %d"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113
msgid "Recordset description"					msgid "Recordset description"
msgstr "Popis skupiny záznamov"					msgstr "Popis skupiny záznamov"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141
#, fuzzy, c-format						#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""							msgid ""
"File '%s' already exists.\n"					"File '%s' already exists.\n"
"Do you want to overwrite it?"					"Do you want to overwrite it?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Súbor %s u¾ existuje.\n"					"Súbor %s u¾ existuje.\n"
"Chcete ho prepísa»?"						"Chcete ho prepísa»?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149
msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."		msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Could not save file %s"					msgid "Could not save file %s"
msgstr "Nepodarilo sa ulo¾i» súbor %s"				msgstr "Nepodarilo sa ulo¾i» súbor %s"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224
msgid "You must specify a file name"				msgid "You must specify a file name"
msgstr "Musíte zada» meno súboru"				msgstr "Musíte zada» meno súboru"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230
msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"		msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"
msgstr "Pri prevode dát získaný prázdny súbor"			msgstr "Pri prevode dát získaný prázdny súbor"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261
msgid "Saving Model"						msgid "Saving Model"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "File _name:"						msgid "File _name:"
msgstr "Meno tabuµky"						msgstr "Meno tabuµky"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276
msgid "Select File"						msgid "Select File"
msgstr "Vybra» súbor"						msgstr "Vybra» súbor"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283
msgid "File _type:"						msgid "File _type:"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Tab-delimited"						msgid "Tab-delimited"
msgstr "Súbor s dátami oddelenými tabulátormi"			msgstr "Súbor s dátami oddelenými tabulátormi"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Comma-delimited"						msgid "Comma-delimited"
msgstr "Súbor s dátami oddelenými èiarkami"			msgstr "Súbor s dátami oddelenými èiarkami"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:
msgid "XML"							msgid "XML"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355
msgid "View detail"						msgid "View detail"
msgstr "Zobrazi» detaily"					msgstr "Zobrazi» detaily"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Show Column _Titles"					msgid "Show Column _Titles"
msgstr "Zobrazi» ståpce"					msgstr "Zobrazi» ståpce"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442
msgid "Describe"						msgid "Describe"
msgstr "Popísa»"						msgstr "Popísa»"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443
msgid "View detail..."						msgid "View detail..."
msgstr "Zobrazi» detaily..."					msgstr "Zobrazi» detaily..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614
msgid "Title"							msgid "Title"
msgstr "Titulok"						msgstr "Titulok"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48
msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"	msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"
msgstr "Pokus o inicializáciu u¾ inicializovaného klienta"	msgstr "Pokus o inicializáciu u¾ inicializovaného klienta"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"		"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"
"to a data source"						"to a data source"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Zadajte argumenty pre otvorenie spojenia\n"			"Zadajte argumenty pre otvorenie spojenia\n"
"k zdroju dát"							"k zdroju dát"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253
msgid "Data Source:"						msgid "Data Source:"
msgstr "Zdroj dát:"						msgstr "Zdroj dát:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270
msgid "Username:"						msgid "Username:"
msgstr "Pou¾ívateµské meno:"					msgstr "Pou¾ívateµské meno:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279
msgid "Password:"						msgid "Password:"
msgstr "Heslo:"							msgstr "Heslo:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69
msgid "Fields"							msgid "Fields"
msgstr "Polia"							msgstr "Polia"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30
msgid "Commit"							msgid "Commit"
msgstr "Potvrdi»"						msgstr "Potvrdi»"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31
msgid "Connect"							msgid "Connect"
msgstr "Pripoji»"						msgstr "Pripoji»"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33
msgid "Designer"						msgid "Designer"
msgstr "Návrhár"						msgstr "Návrhár"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34
msgid "Disconnect"						msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr "Odpoji»"						msgstr "Odpoji»"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35
msgid "NoTransaction"						msgid "NoTransaction"
msgstr "Bez transakcie"						msgstr "Bez transakcie"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37
msgid "Query"							msgid "Query"
msgstr "Dotaz"							msgstr "Dotaz"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38
msgid "Rollback"						msgid "Rollback"
msgstr "Vráti» spä»"						msgstr "Vráti» spä»"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40
msgid "SQL"							msgid "SQL"
msgstr "SQL"							msgstr "SQL"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43
msgid "WithinTransaction"					msgid "WithinTransaction"
msgstr "V transakcii"						msgstr "V transakcii"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Error: %s"						msgid "Error: %s"
msgstr "Chyba: %s"						msgstr "Chyba: %s"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79
msgid "Table name"						msgid "Table name"
msgstr "Meno tabuµky"						msgstr "Meno tabuµky"

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93			#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Login for %s"						msgid "Login for %s"
msgstr "Prihlásenie pre %s"					msgstr "Prihlásenie pre %s"

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95					#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95
msgid "Login to database"					msgid "Login to database"
msgstr "Prihlásenie k databázi"					msgstr "Prihlásenie k databázi"

#: vfs/libmain.c:71						#: vfs/libmain.c:71
msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"				msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"
msgstr "Databáza GNOME VFS: modul"				msgstr "Databáza GNOME VFS: modul"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40
msgid "Table Properties"					msgid "Table Properties"
msgstr "Vlastnosti tabuµky"					msgstr "Vlastnosti tabuµky"

#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47
msgid "Table Name"						msgid "Table Name"
msgstr "Meno tabuµky"						msgstr "Meno tabuµky"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155
msgid "New"							msgid "New"
msgstr "Nový"							msgstr "Nový"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156
msgid "Create new table"					msgid "Create new table"
msgstr "Vytvori» novú tabuµku"					msgstr "Vytvori» novú tabuµku"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161
msgid "Properties"						msgid "Properties"
msgstr "Vlastnosti"						msgstr "Vlastnosti"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162
msgid "View table properties"					msgid "View table properties"
msgstr "Zobrazi» vlastnosti tabuµky"				msgstr "Zobrazi» vlastnosti tabuµky"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
msgid "UID"							msgid "UID"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "calendar"						msgid "calendar"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "summary"							msgid "summary"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "Summary"							msgid "Summary"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "location"						msgid "location"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "dtstart"							msgid "dtstart"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
msgid "Start time"						msgid "Start time"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "dtend"							msgid "dtend"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "End time"						msgid "End time"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "description"						msgid "description"
msgstr "Popis"							msgstr "Popis"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "classification"						msgid "classification"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Classification"						msgid "Classification"
msgstr "Vyèisti» výber"						msgstr "Vyèisti» výber"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "transparency"						msgid "transparency"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "Transparency"						msgid "Transparency"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "categories"						msgid "categories"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "Categories"						msgid "Categories"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "tasks"							msgid "tasks"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "due"							msgid "due"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "Due date"						msgid "Due date"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "Start date"						msgid "Start date"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355
msgid "Public"							msgid "Public"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358
msgid "Private"							msgid "Private"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361
msgid "Confidential"						msgid "Confidential"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63
msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"		msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66
msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"			msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80
msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta	msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83
msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"		msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100
msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"				msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Field name"						msgid "Field name"
msgstr "Pou¾ívateµské meno"					msgstr "Pou¾ívateµské meno"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data type"						msgid "Data type"
msgstr "Dáta"							msgstr "Dáta"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214
msgid "Size"							msgid "Size"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215
msgid "Scale"							msgid "Scale"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216
msgid "Not null?"						msgid "Not null?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217
msgid "Primary key?"						msgid "Primary key?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218
msgid "Unique index?"						msgid "Unique index?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "References"						msgid "References"
msgstr "Nas_tavenia"						msgstr "Nas_tavenia"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220
msgid "Default value"						msgid "Default value"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239
msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l	msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Table %s does not exist"					msgid "Table %s does not exist"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318
msgid "Scheduled events"					msgid "Scheduled events"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321
msgid "TODO list"						msgid "TODO list"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375
msgid "Owner"							msgid "Owner"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Comments"						msgid "Comments"
msgstr "Potvrdi»"						msgstr "Potvrdi»"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Type"							msgid "Type"
msgstr "Typy"							msgstr "Typy"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377
msgid "GDA type"						msgid "GDA type"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id	#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id
#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database	#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database
#. we can easily access that information			#. we can easily access that information
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382
msgid "local"							msgid "local"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217
msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230
msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244
msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"			msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268
msgid "Invalid SQL command"					msgid "Invalid SQL command"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353
msgid "Transactions are not supported"				msgid "Transactions are not supported"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41
msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"		msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task	"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#~ msgid "Browse database..."					#~ msgid "Browse database..."
#~ msgstr "Prechádza» databázu..."				#~ msgstr "Prechádza» databázu..."

#~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .con	#~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .con
#~ msgstr "Komponent, ktorý obsahuje kontextové menu pre súbo	#~ msgstr "Komponent, ktorý obsahuje kontextové menu pre súbo

#~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .sql	#~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .sql
#~ msgstr "Komponent, ktorý obsahuje kontextové menu pre súbo	#~ msgstr "Komponent, ktorý obsahuje kontextové menu pre súbo

#~ msgid "Connection MIME handler component"			#~ msgid "Connection MIME handler component"
#~ msgstr "Komponent pre spracovanie MIME spojenia"		#~ msgstr "Komponent pre spracovanie MIME spojenia"

#~ msgid "Database component factory"				#~ msgid "Database component factory"
#~ msgstr "Vytváracie rozhranie komponentu databáz"		#~ msgstr "Vytváracie rozhranie komponentu databáz"

#~ msgid "Open in database connection..."			#~ msgid "Open in database connection..."
#~ msgstr "Otvori» databázové spojenie..."			#~ msgstr "Otvori» databázové spojenie..."

#~ msgid "SQL MIME handler component"				#~ msgid "SQL MIME handler component"
#~ msgstr "Komponent MIME podpory SQL"				#~ msgstr "Komponent MIME podpory SQL"

#~ msgid "Database browser"					#~ msgid "Database browser"
#~ msgstr "Prehliadaè databáze"					#~ msgstr "Prehliadaè databáze"

#~ msgid "Error viewer"						#~ msgid "Error viewer"
#~ msgstr "Chyba prehliadaèa"					#~ msgstr "Chyba prehliadaèa"

#~ msgid "SQL Viewer"						#~ msgid "SQL Viewer"
#~ msgstr "Prehliadaè SQL"					#~ msgstr "Prehliadaè SQL"

#~ msgid "Database configuration"				#~ msgid "Database configuration"
#~ msgstr "Nastavenie databáze"					#~ msgstr "Nastavenie databáze"

#~ msgid "Edit application preferences"				#~ msgid "Edit application preferences"
#~ msgstr "Upraví nastavenie aplikácie"				#~ msgstr "Upraví nastavenie aplikácie"

#~ msgid "New..."						#~ msgid "New..."
#~ msgstr "Nový..."						#~ msgstr "Nový..."

#~ msgid "_Properties..."					#~ msgid "_Properties..."
#~ msgstr "_Vlastnosti..."					#~ msgstr "_Vlastnosti..."

#~ msgid "_Settings"						#~ msgid "_Settings"
#~ msgstr "Nas_tavenia"						#~ msgstr "Nas_tavenia"

#~ msgid "Password"						#~ msgid "Password"
#~ msgstr "Heslo"						#~ msgstr "Heslo"

#~ msgid "Save as"						#~ msgid "Save as"
#~ msgstr "Ulo¾i» ako"						#~ msgstr "Ulo¾i» ako"

#~ msgid "Save to"						#~ msgid "Save to"
#~ msgstr "Ulo¾i» do"						#~ msgstr "Ulo¾i» do"

#~ msgid "XML file"						#~ msgid "XML file"
#~ msgstr "Súbor XML"						#~ msgstr "Súbor XML"

#~ msgid "Hide columns"						#~ msgid "Hide columns"
#~ msgstr "Skry» ståpce"					#~ msgstr "Skry» ståpce"

#~ msgid "Question"						#~ msgid "Question"
#~ msgstr "Otázka"						#~ msgstr "Otázka"

#~ msgid "Database Moniker factory"				#~ msgid "Database Moniker factory"
#~ msgstr "Vytváracie rozhranie pre moniker databáze"		#~ msgstr "Vytváracie rozhranie pre moniker databáze"

#~ msgid "database: moniker"					#~ msgid "database: moniker"
#~ msgstr "Moniker database:"					#~ msgstr "Moniker database:"

#~ msgid "Failing to manufacture a '%s'"			#~ msgid "Failing to manufacture a '%s'"
#~ msgstr "Nepodarilo sa vytvori» '%s'"				#~ msgstr "Nepodarilo sa vytvori» '%s'"

#~ msgid "Invalid format for connection string"			#~ msgid "Invalid format for connection string"
#~ msgstr "Neplatný formát re»azca pripojenia"			#~ msgstr "Neplatný formát re»azca pripojenia"

#~ msgid "_File"						#~ msgid "_File"
#~ msgstr "_Súbor"						#~ msgstr "_Súbor"

#~ msgid "Table Data"						#~ msgid "Table Data"
#~ msgstr "Dáta tabuµky"					#~ msgstr "Dáta tabuµky"

#~ msgid "View table data"					#~ msgid "View table data"
#~ msgstr "Zobrazi» dáta tabuµky"				#~ msgstr "Zobrazi» dáta tabuµky"
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: sl.gmo
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/sl.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/sl.po
# Slovenian translation file for gnome-db.			# Slovenian translation file for gnome-db.
# Copyright (C) 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc.		# Copyright (C) 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# Andraz Tori <andraz tori1 guest arnes si> 2000		# Andraz Tori <andraz tori1 guest arnes si> 2000
#								#
msgid ""							msgid ""
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: gnome-db\n"				"Project-Id-Version: gnome-db\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"					"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"			"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2000-06-24 01:00+0200\n"			"PO-Revision-Date: 2000-06-24 01:00+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Andraz Tori <andraz tori1 guest arnes si>\n	"Last-Translator: Andraz Tori <andraz tori1 guest arnes si>\n
"Language-Team: Slovenian <sl li org>\n"			"Language-Team: Slovenian <sl li org>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"						"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"			"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"				"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co
msgid "Data Sources"						msgid "Data Sources"
msgstr "Viri podatkov"						msgstr "Viri podatkov"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid
msgid "Providers"						msgid "Providers"
msgstr "Nuditelji"						msgstr "Nuditelji"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1
msgid "Configure your database environment"			msgid "Configure your database environment"
msgstr "Nastavi okolje zbirke podatkov"				msgstr "Nastavi okolje zbirke podatkov"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Database Access Properties "				msgid "Database Access Properties "
msgstr "Lastnosti zbirke podatkov"				msgstr "Lastnosti zbirke podatkov"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380
msgid "Name"							msgid "Name"
msgstr "Ime"							msgstr "Ime"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
msgid "Description"						msgid "Description"
msgstr "Opis"							msgstr "Opis"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Configured data sources in the system"			msgid "Configured data sources in the system"
msgstr "Nastavi GDA vire podatkov"				msgstr "Nastavi GDA vire podatkov"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data sources are the means by which database connections are	"Data sources are the means by which database connections are
"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s	"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s
"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o	"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o
"name you identify the connections in the applications that m	"name you identify the connections in the applications that m
"DB for database access."					"DB for database access."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Viri podatkov so sredstva s katerimi se v libgda identificir	"Viri podatkov so sredstva s katerimi se v libgda identificir
"bazami podatkov. Vsi podatki, ki se potrebujejo za odprtje p	"bazami podatkov. Vsi podatki, ki se potrebujejo za odprtje p
"kombinacije doloÄ?enega nuditelja/zbirke podatkov so shranjen	"kombinacije doloÄ?enega nuditelja/zbirke podatkov so shranjen
"enoliÄ?nega imena. S tem enoliÄ?nim imenom identificirate pove	"enoliÄ?nega imena. S tem enoliÄ?nim imenom identificirate pove
"programih, ki uporabljajo libgda za dostop do zbirk podtakov	"programih, ki uporabljajo libgda za dostop do zbirk podtakov

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277
#, fuzzy, c-format						#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"	msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"
msgstr "Želite odstraniti vir podatkov '%s'?"			msgstr "Želite odstraniti vir podatkov '%s'?"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data Source Properties"					msgid "Data Source Properties"
msgstr "Lastnosti vira podatkov"				msgstr "Lastnosti vira podatkov"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Basic"							msgid "Basic"
msgstr "Nazaj"							msgstr "Nazaj"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Tables"							msgid "Tables"
msgstr "Tabele"							msgstr "Tabele"

#: control-center/main.c:92					#: control-center/main.c:92
msgid "No valid data source info was created"			msgid "No valid data source info was created"
msgstr "Ustvarjen ni bil noben veljaven podatek o viru podatk	msgstr "Ustvarjen ni bil noben veljaven podatek o viru podatk

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218	#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218
msgid "New data source"						msgid "New data source"
msgstr "Nov vir podatkov"					msgstr "Nov vir podatkov"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:215					#: control-center/main.c:215
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Database Access Properties"				msgid "Database Access Properties"
msgstr "Lastnosti zbirke podatkov"				msgstr "Lastnosti zbirke podatkov"

#: control-center/provider-config.c:105				#: control-center/provider-config.c:105
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Installed providers"					msgid "Installed providers"
msgstr "nuditelj podatkovne zbirke"				msgstr "nuditelj podatkovne zbirke"

#: control-center/provider-config.c:131				#: control-center/provider-config.c:131
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec	"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec
"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo	"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo
"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr	"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr
"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba	"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba
"etc."								"etc."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Database connection parameters file"			msgid "Database connection parameters file"
msgstr "Zapri povezavo z zbirko podatkov"			msgstr "Zapri povezavo z zbirko podatkov"

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Documents"						msgid "Documents"
msgstr "Komentarji"						msgstr "Komentarji"

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3
msgid "SQL code viewer"						msgid "SQL code viewer"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1
msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"			msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"
msgstr "Pisava, ki naj se uporabi za gradnik mreže"		msgstr "Pisava, ki naj se uporabi za gradnik mreže"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2
msgid "Number of spaces per tab"				msgid "Number of spaces per tab"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3
msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"			msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4
msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"			msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60
msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"			msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1
msgid "About"							msgid "About"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "About GNOME-DB"						msgid "About GNOME-DB"
msgstr "O GNOME-DB..."						msgstr "O GNOME-DB..."

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3
msgid "Close this window"					msgid "Close this window"
msgstr "Zapri to okno"						msgstr "Zapri to okno"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Create new entry"					msgid "Create new entry"
msgstr "Ustvari novo poroÄ?ilo"					msgstr "Ustvari novo poroÄ?ilo"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Delete selected items"					msgid "Delete selected items"
msgstr "Izreži izbran besedilo / izbran predmet"		msgstr "Izreži izbran besedilo / izbran predmet"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Deselect all items"					msgid "Deselect all items"
msgstr "Izreži izbran besedilo / izbran predmet"		msgstr "Izreži izbran besedilo / izbran predmet"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7
msgid "Edit properties for selected item"			msgid "Edit properties for selected item"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Save connection parameters to file"			msgid "Save connection parameters to file"
msgstr "Shrani vsebino gradnika v datoteko"			msgstr "Shrani vsebino gradnika v datoteko"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Select _All"						msgid "Select _All"
msgstr "Izberi vse"						msgstr "Izberi vse"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Select all items"					msgid "Select all items"
msgstr "Izberi vse predmete v seznamu"				msgstr "Izberi vse predmete v seznamu"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View data sources"					msgid "View data sources"
msgstr "Nov vir podatkov"					msgstr "Nov vir podatkov"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View providers"						msgid "View providers"
msgstr "Dodaj novega nuditelja"					msgstr "Dodaj novega nuditelja"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Clear Selection"					msgid "_Clear Selection"
msgstr "PoÄ?isti izbiro"						msgstr "PoÄ?isti izbiro"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Close"							msgid "_Close"
msgstr "Zapri"							msgstr "Zapri"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Data Sources"						msgid "_Data Sources"
msgstr "Viri podatkov"						msgstr "Viri podatkov"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16
msgid "_Database"						msgid "_Database"
msgstr "_Zbirka podatkov"					msgstr "_Zbirka podatkov"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Delete"							msgid "_Delete"
msgstr "Zbriši"							msgstr "Zbriši"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18
msgid "_Edit"							msgid "_Edit"
msgstr "_Uredi"							msgstr "_Uredi"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19
msgid "_Help"							msgid "_Help"
msgstr "_PomoÄ?"							msgstr "_PomoÄ?"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_New Data Source..."					msgid "_New Data Source..."
msgstr "Viri podatkov..."					msgstr "Viri podatkov..."

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Properties"						msgid "_Properties"
msgstr "Lastnosti"						msgstr "Lastnosti"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Providers"						msgid "_Providers"
msgstr "Nuditelji"						msgstr "Nuditelji"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Save Connection"					msgid "_Save Connection"
msgstr "Zadnje povezave"					msgstr "Zadnje povezave"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24
msgid "_View"							msgid "_View"
msgstr "Po_gled"						msgstr "Po_gled"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76
msgid "Structure"						msgid "Structure"
msgstr "Struktura"						msgstr "Struktura"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73
msgid "Data"							msgid "Data"
msgstr "Podatki"						msgstr "Podatki"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238
msgid "Not implemented yet!"					msgid "Not implemented yet!"
msgstr "Å e ni implementirano!"					msgstr "Å e ni implementirano!"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Database"						msgid "Database"
msgstr "Zbirka podatkov"					msgstr "Zbirka podatkov"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540
msgid "Loading database schemas..."				msgid "Loading database schemas..."
msgstr "Nalagam sheme zbirk podatkov..."			msgstr "Nalagam sheme zbirk podatkov..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632
msgid "Refreshing data..."					msgid "Refreshing data..."
msgstr "Osvežujem podatke..."					msgstr "Osvežujem podatke..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688
msgid "Views"							msgid "Views"
msgstr "Pogledi"						msgstr "Pogledi"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691
msgid "Indexes"							msgid "Indexes"
msgstr "Kazala"							msgstr "Kazala"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Sequences"						msgid "Sequences"
msgstr "Sekvence"						msgstr "Sekvence"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Procedures"						msgid "Procedures"
msgstr "Procedure"						msgstr "Procedure"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700
msgid "Triggers"						msgid "Triggers"
msgstr "Sprožilci"						msgstr "Sprožilci"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Aggregates"						msgid "Aggregates"
msgstr "Agregati"						msgstr "Agregati"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Types"							msgid "Types"
msgstr "Vrste"							msgstr "Vrste"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Could not query CORBA components"			msgid "Could not query CORBA components"
msgstr "Nisem mogel inicializirati komponente %s"		msgstr "Nisem mogel inicializirati komponente %s"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209
msgid "ID"							msgid "ID"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "Location"						msgid "Location"
msgstr "Lega"							msgstr "Lega"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212
msgid "Username"						msgid "Username"
msgstr "Uporabniško ime"					msgstr "Uporabniško ime"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Hostname"						msgid "Hostname"
msgstr "Strežnik"						msgstr "Strežnik"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Domain"							msgid "Domain"
msgstr "Ukaz"							msgstr "Ukaz"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"			msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. create widgets						#. create widgets
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97
msgid "Settings"						msgid "Settings"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103
msgid "Data source name"					msgid "Data source name"
msgstr "Ime vira podatkov"					msgstr "Ime vira podatkov"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109
msgid "Connection string"					msgid "Connection string"
msgstr "Niz povezave"						msgstr "Niz povezave"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115
msgid "Provider"						msgid "Provider"
msgstr "Nuditelj"						msgstr "Nuditelj"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121
msgid "User name"						msgid "User name"
msgstr "Uporabniško ime"					msgstr "Uporabniško ime"

#. create feature list						#. create feature list
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Features"						msgid "Features"
msgstr "Ustvari uporabnike"					msgstr "Ustvari uporabnike"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190
msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"		msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"
msgstr "Vpisati morate ime novega vira podatkov"		msgstr "Vpisati morate ime novega vira podatkov"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac	msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac
msgstr "Vir podatkov ne podpira transakcij"			msgstr "Vir podatkov ne podpira transakcij"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206
msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th	msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"			msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"
msgstr "Vir podatkov ne podpira transakcij"			msgstr "Vir podatkov ne podpira transakcij"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217
msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n	msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225
msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"	msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"
msgstr "Izbrati morate nuditelja za nov vir podatkov"		msgstr "Izbrati morate nuditelja za nov vir podatkov"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233
msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"		msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"
msgstr "Nuditelj v vaših nastavitvah ni bil najden"		msgstr "Nuditelj v vaših nastavitvah ni bil najden"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391
msgid "Add a new data source..."				msgid "Add a new data source..."
msgstr "Dodaj nov vir podatkov..."				msgstr "Dodaj nov vir podatkov..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392
msgid ""							msgid ""
"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"		"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"
"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"		"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"
"installation. Just follow the steps!"				"installation. Just follow the steps!"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Ta druid vas bo popeljal skozi proces ustvarjanja\n"		"Ta druid vas bo popeljal skozi proces ustvarjanja\n"
"novega vira podatkov za vašo namestitev GNOME-DB\n"		"novega vira podatkov za vašo namestitev GNOME-DB\n"
"Samo sledite korakom!"						"Samo sledite korakom!"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404
msgid "General Information"					msgid "General Information"
msgstr "Splošni podatki"					msgstr "Splošni podatki"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the basic information\n"	"The following fields represent the basic information\n"
"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n	"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n
"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"	"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"
"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"	"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"
"the default one."						"the default one."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"SledeÄ?a polja predstavljajo osnovne podatke za vaÅ¡\n"		"SledeÄ?a polja predstavljajo osnovne podatke za vaÅ¡\n"
"nov vir podatkov. Nekateri (opis, uporabniško ime) niso\n"	"nov vir podatkov. Nekateri (opis, uporabniško ime) niso\n"
"obvezni medtem, ko drugi so.\n"				"obvezni medtem, ko drugi so.\n"
"Ä?e ne veste katerega nuditelja uporabiti, izberite privzeteg	"Ä?e ne veste katerega nuditelja uporabiti, izberite privzeteg

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data source _name:"					msgid "Data source _name:"
msgstr "Ime vira podatkov"					msgstr "Ime vira podatkov"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Provider:"						msgid "_Provider:"
msgstr "Nuditelj"						msgstr "Nuditelj"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Description:"						msgid "_Description:"
msgstr "Opis"							msgstr "Opis"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Username:"						msgid "_Username:"
msgstr "Uporabniško ime"					msgstr "Uporabniško ime"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "P_assword:"						msgid "P_assword:"
msgstr "Geslo:"							msgstr "Geslo:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454
msgid "Provider Parameters"					msgid "Provider Parameters"
msgstr "Lastnosti nuditelja"					msgstr "Lastnosti nuditelja"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the information needed by the	"The following fields represent the information needed by the
"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n	"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n
"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\	"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\
"the manual for more information."				"the manual for more information."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"SledeÄ?a polja predstavljajo podatke, ki jih potrebuje \n"	"SledeÄ?a polja predstavljajo podatke, ki jih potrebuje \n"
"nuditelj, ki ste ga izbrali na prejšnji strani, za odprtje\n	"nuditelj, ki ste ga izbrali na prejšnji strani, za odprtje\n
"dane povezave. Te podatki so specifiÄ?ni za nuditelja, zato\n	"dane povezave. Te podatki so specifiÄ?ni za nuditelja, zato\n
"poglejte v priroÄ?nik za veÄ? podatkov"				"poglejte v priroÄ?nik za veÄ? podatkov"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481
msgid "All information retrieved"				msgid "All information retrieved"
msgstr "Vsi podatki pridobljeni"				msgstr "Vsi podatki pridobljeni"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid ""							msgid ""
"All information needed to create a new data source\n"		"All information needed to create a new data source\n"
"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"		"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"
"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"	"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"
"just select it when asked for a data source."			"just select it when asked for a data source."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Za ustvaritev novega vira podatkov imam vse podatke\n"		"Za ustvaritev novega vira podatkov imam vse podatke\n"
"Pritisnite \"Uveljavi\" za zaprtje tega dialoga.\n"		"Pritisnite \"Uveljavi\" za zaprtje tega dialoga.\n"
"Za odprtje novo ustvarjenega vira podatkov, ga \n"		"Za odprtje novo ustvarjenega vira podatkov, ga \n"
"izberite, ko ste povprašani po njem"				"izberite, ko ste povprašani po njem"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Connection _string:"					msgid "Connection _string:"
msgstr "Niz povezave"						msgstr "Niz povezave"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4
msgid "Error"							msgid "Error"
msgstr "Napaka"							msgstr "Napaka"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.
msgid "Show detail >>"						msgid "Show detail >>"
msgstr "Kaži podrobnosti >>"					msgstr "Kaži podrobnosti >>"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122
msgid "<< Hide detail"						msgid "<< Hide detail"
msgstr "<< Skrij podrobnosti"					msgstr "<< Skrij podrobnosti"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"	msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"
msgstr "%s: zgodila se je napaka med prinašanjem podatkov"	msgstr "%s: zgodila se je napaka med prinašanjem podatkov"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196
msgid "Error number"						msgid "Error number"
msgstr "Å tevilka napake"					msgstr "Å tevilka napake"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Details"							msgid "Details"
msgstr "Podrobnost"						msgstr "Podrobnost"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234
msgid "Source"							msgid "Source"
msgstr "Izvor"							msgstr "Izvor"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241
msgid "SQL state"						msgid "SQL state"
msgstr "Stanje SQL"						msgstr "Stanje SQL"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Field:"							msgid "_Field:"
msgstr "PoiÅ¡Ä?i"							msgstr "PoiÅ¡Ä?i"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Text:"							msgid "_Text:"
msgstr "Naprej"							msgstr "Naprej"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308
msgid "No records"						msgid "No records"
msgstr "Ni kartotek"						msgstr "Ni kartotek"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Record %d of %d"						msgid "Record %d of %d"
msgstr "Kartoteka %d od %d"					msgstr "Kartoteka %d od %d"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113
msgid "Recordset description"					msgid "Recordset description"
msgstr "Opis kartoteke"						msgstr "Opis kartoteke"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141
#, fuzzy, c-format						#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""							msgid ""
"File '%s' already exists.\n"					"File '%s' already exists.\n"
"Do you want to overwrite it?"					"Do you want to overwrite it?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Datoteka\n"							"Datoteka\n"
" '%s'\n"							" '%s'\n"
" je bila spremenjena.\n"					" je bila spremenjena.\n"
" Želite shraniti spremembe?"					" Želite shraniti spremembe?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149
msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."		msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Could not save file %s"					msgid "Could not save file %s"
msgstr "Nisem mogel shraniti datoteke %s"			msgstr "Nisem mogel shraniti datoteke %s"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224
msgid "You must specify a file name"				msgid "You must specify a file name"
msgstr "Navesti morate ime datoteke"				msgstr "Navesti morate ime datoteke"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230
msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"		msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Saving Model"						msgid "Saving Model"
msgstr "Shranjujem dnevnik...x"					msgstr "Shranjujem dnevnik...x"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "File _name:"						msgid "File _name:"
msgstr "Ime datoteke"						msgstr "Ime datoteke"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276
msgid "Select File"						msgid "Select File"
msgstr "Izberi datoteko"					msgstr "Izberi datoteko"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "File _type:"						msgid "File _type:"
msgstr "Ime datoteke"						msgstr "Ime datoteke"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Tab-delimited"						msgid "Tab-delimited"
msgstr "Z tabulatorji loÄ?ena datoteka"				msgstr "Z tabulatorji loÄ?ena datoteka"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Comma-delimited"						msgid "Comma-delimited"
msgstr "Z vejico loÄ?ena datoteka"				msgstr "Z vejico loÄ?ena datoteka"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "XML"							msgid "XML"
msgstr "V XML"							msgstr "V XML"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355
msgid "View detail"						msgid "View detail"
msgstr "Glej podrobnosti"					msgstr "Glej podrobnosti"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Show Column _Titles"					msgid "Show Column _Titles"
msgstr "Kaži naslove stolpcev"					msgstr "Kaži naslove stolpcev"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Describe"						msgid "Describe"
msgstr "Opiši..."						msgstr "Opiši..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443
msgid "View detail..."						msgid "View detail..."
msgstr "Glej podrobnosti..."					msgstr "Glej podrobnosti..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Title"							msgid "Title"
msgstr "Ä?as"							msgstr "Ä?as"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48
msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"	msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"
msgstr "Poskus inicializacije že inicializiranega odjemalca"	msgstr "Poskus inicializacije že inicializiranega odjemalca"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"		"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"
"to a data source"						"to a data source"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data Source:"						msgid "Data Source:"
msgstr "Vir podatkov"						msgstr "Vir podatkov"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Username:"						msgid "Username:"
msgstr "Uporabniško ime"					msgstr "Uporabniško ime"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279
msgid "Password:"						msgid "Password:"
msgstr "Geslo:"							msgstr "Geslo:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Fields"							msgid "Fields"
msgstr "PoiÅ¡Ä?i"							msgstr "PoiÅ¡Ä?i"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30
msgid "Commit"							msgid "Commit"
msgstr "Udejani"						msgstr "Udejani"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31
msgid "Connect"							msgid "Connect"
msgstr "Poveži se"						msgstr "Poveži se"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33
msgid "Designer"						msgid "Designer"
msgstr "Oblikovalec"						msgstr "Oblikovalec"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34
msgid "Disconnect"						msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr "Prekini povezavo"					msgstr "Prekini povezavo"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "NoTransaction"						msgid "NoTransaction"
msgstr "Transakcije"						msgstr "Transakcije"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Query"							msgid "Query"
msgstr "Poizvedbe"						msgstr "Poizvedbe"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38
msgid "Rollback"						msgid "Rollback"
msgstr "Zavrti nazaj"						msgstr "Zavrti nazaj"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40
msgid "SQL"							msgid "SQL"
msgstr "SQL"							msgstr "SQL"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "WithinTransaction"					msgid "WithinTransaction"
msgstr "ZaÄ?ni transakcijo"					msgstr "ZaÄ?ni transakcijo"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Error: %s"						msgid "Error: %s"
msgstr "Napaka: %s"						msgstr "Napaka: %s"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79
msgid "Table name"						msgid "Table name"
msgstr "Ime tabele"						msgstr "Ime tabele"

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93			#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93
#, fuzzy, c-format						#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Login for %s"						msgid "Login for %s"
msgstr "podatek '%s'"						msgstr "podatek '%s'"

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95					#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Login to database"					msgid "Login to database"
msgstr "Poveži se z zbirko podatkov"				msgstr "Poveži se z zbirko podatkov"

#: vfs/libmain.c:71						#: vfs/libmain.c:71
msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"				msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Table Properties"					msgid "Table Properties"
msgstr "Lastnosti zbirke podatkov"				msgstr "Lastnosti zbirke podatkov"

#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Table Name"						msgid "Table Name"
msgstr "Ime tabele"						msgstr "Ime tabele"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155
msgid "New"							msgid "New"
msgstr "Nov"							msgstr "Nov"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Create new table"					msgid "Create new table"
msgstr "Ustvari novo zbirko podatkov"				msgstr "Ustvari novo zbirko podatkov"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161
msgid "Properties"						msgid "Properties"
msgstr "Lastnosti"						msgstr "Lastnosti"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View table properties"					msgid "View table properties"
msgstr "Poglej lastnosti projekta"				msgstr "Poglej lastnosti projekta"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
msgid "UID"							msgid "UID"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "calendar"						msgid "calendar"
msgstr "PoÄ?isti"						msgstr "PoÄ?isti"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "summary"							msgid "summary"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "Summary"							msgid "Summary"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "location"						msgid "location"
msgstr "Lega"							msgstr "Lega"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "dtstart"							msgid "dtstart"
msgstr "ZaÄ?ni"							msgstr "ZaÄ?ni"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Start time"						msgid "Start time"
msgstr "ZaÄ?ni"							msgstr "ZaÄ?ni"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "dtend"							msgid "dtend"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "End time"						msgid "End time"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "description"						msgid "description"
msgstr "Opis"							msgstr "Opis"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "classification"						msgid "classification"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Classification"						msgid "Classification"
msgstr "PoÄ?isti izbiro"						msgstr "PoÄ?isti izbiro"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "transparency"						msgid "transparency"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "Transparency"						msgid "Transparency"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "categories"						msgid "categories"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "Categories"						msgid "Categories"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "tasks"							msgid "tasks"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "due"							msgid "due"
msgstr "Moduli"							msgstr "Moduli"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Due date"						msgid "Due date"
msgstr "Datum"							msgstr "Datum"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Start date"						msgid "Start date"
msgstr "ZaÄ?ni"							msgstr "ZaÄ?ni"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355
msgid "Public"							msgid "Public"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Private"							msgid "Private"
msgstr "Aktiviraj"						msgstr "Aktiviraj"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Confidential"						msgid "Confidential"
msgstr "Datoteka z nastavitvami"				msgstr "Datoteka z nastavitvami"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"		msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"
msgstr "ne morem alocirati držalca podatkov"			msgstr "ne morem alocirati držalca podatkov"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"			msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"
msgstr "ne morem alocirati držalca podatkov"			msgstr "ne morem alocirati držalca podatkov"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80
msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta	msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"		msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"
msgstr "ne morem alocirati držalca podatkov"			msgstr "ne morem alocirati držalca podatkov"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"				msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"
msgstr "Nisem mogel inicializirati Bonoba\n"			msgstr "Nisem mogel inicializirati Bonoba\n"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Field name"						msgid "Field name"
msgstr "Ime datoteke"						msgstr "Ime datoteke"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data type"						msgid "Data type"
msgstr "Podatki"						msgstr "Podatki"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214
msgid "Size"							msgid "Size"
msgstr "Velikost"						msgstr "Velikost"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215
msgid "Scale"							msgid "Scale"
msgstr "PoveÄ?aj/pomanjÅ¡aj"					msgstr "PoveÄ?aj/pomanjÅ¡aj"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216
msgid "Not null?"						msgid "Not null?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217
msgid "Primary key?"						msgid "Primary key?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218
msgid "Unique index?"						msgid "Unique index?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "References"						msgid "References"
msgstr "Nastavitve"						msgstr "Nastavitve"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220
msgid "Default value"						msgid "Default value"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239
msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l	msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247
#, fuzzy, c-format						#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Table %s does not exist"					msgid "Table %s does not exist"
msgstr "tabela %s že obstaja"					msgstr "tabela %s že obstaja"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318
msgid "Scheduled events"					msgid "Scheduled events"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321
msgid "TODO list"						msgid "TODO list"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375
msgid "Owner"							msgid "Owner"
msgstr "Lastnik"						msgstr "Lastnik"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Comments"						msgid "Comments"
msgstr "Komponente"						msgstr "Komponente"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Type"							msgid "Type"
msgstr "Vrste"							msgstr "Vrste"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "GDA type"						msgid "GDA type"
msgstr "Tip GDA"						msgstr "Tip GDA"

#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id	#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id
#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database	#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database
#. we can easily access that information			#. we can easily access that information
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "local"							msgid "local"
msgstr "Globalno"						msgstr "Globalno"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr "Transakcije niso podprte"				msgstr "Transakcije niso podprte"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230
msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244
msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"			msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Invalid SQL command"					msgid "Invalid SQL command"
msgstr "Odpri ukaz SQL"						msgstr "Odpri ukaz SQL"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Transactions are not supported"				msgid "Transactions are not supported"
msgstr "Transakcije niso podprte"				msgstr "Transakcije niso podprte"

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41
msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"		msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task	"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Browse database..."					#~ msgid "Browse database..."
#~ msgstr "Brskaj po zbirki podatkov"				#~ msgstr "Brskaj po zbirki podatkov"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Connection MIME handler component"			#~ msgid "Connection MIME handler component"
#~ msgstr "Povezava vzpostavljena"				#~ msgstr "Povezava vzpostavljena"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Database component factory"				#~ msgid "Database component factory"
#~ msgstr "Tovarna vzdevkov zbirk podatkov"			#~ msgstr "Tovarna vzdevkov zbirk podatkov"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Open in database connection..."			#~ msgid "Open in database connection..."
#~ msgstr "Odpri novo povezavo z zbirko podatkov"		#~ msgstr "Odpri novo povezavo z zbirko podatkov"

#~ msgid "Database browser"					#~ msgid "Database browser"
#~ msgstr "Brskalnik po zbirki podatkov"			#~ msgstr "Brskalnik po zbirki podatkov"

#~ msgid "Error viewer"						#~ msgid "Error viewer"
#~ msgstr "Pregledovalnik napak"				#~ msgstr "Pregledovalnik napak"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "SQL Viewer"						#~ msgid "SQL Viewer"
#~ msgstr "Pregledovalnik napak"				#~ msgstr "Pregledovalnik napak"

#~ msgid "Database configuration"				#~ msgid "Database configuration"
#~ msgstr "Nastavitev zbirke podatkov"				#~ msgstr "Nastavitev zbirke podatkov"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Edit application preferences"				#~ msgid "Edit application preferences"
#~ msgstr "Izhod iz programa"					#~ msgstr "Izhod iz programa"

#~ msgid "New..."						#~ msgid "New..."
#~ msgstr "Nov..."						#~ msgstr "Nov..."

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "_Properties..."					#~ msgid "_Properties..."
#~ msgstr "Lastnosti..."					#~ msgstr "Lastnosti..."

#~ msgid "Password"						#~ msgid "Password"
#~ msgstr "Geslo"						#~ msgstr "Geslo"

#~ msgid "Save as"						#~ msgid "Save as"
#~ msgstr "Shrani kot"						#~ msgstr "Shrani kot"

#~ msgid "Save to"						#~ msgid "Save to"
#~ msgstr "Shrani v"						#~ msgstr "Shrani v"

#~ msgid "XML file"						#~ msgid "XML file"
#~ msgstr "Datoteka XML"					#~ msgstr "Datoteka XML"

#~ msgid "Show columns"						#~ msgid "Show columns"
#~ msgstr "Kaži stolpce"					#~ msgstr "Kaži stolpce"

#~ msgid "Hide columns"						#~ msgid "Hide columns"
#~ msgstr "Skrij stolpce"					#~ msgstr "Skrij stolpce"

#~ msgid "Question"						#~ msgid "Question"
#~ msgstr "Vprašanje"						#~ msgstr "Vprašanje"

#~ msgid "Database Moniker factory"				#~ msgid "Database Moniker factory"
#~ msgstr "Tovarna vzdevkov zbirk podatkov"			#~ msgstr "Tovarna vzdevkov zbirk podatkov"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "database: moniker"					#~ msgid "database: moniker"
#~ msgstr "Vzdevek zbirke podatkov"				#~ msgstr "Vzdevek zbirke podatkov"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Failing to manufacture a '%s'"			#~ msgid "Failing to manufacture a '%s'"
#~ msgstr "Polnjenje ukazne strukture ni uspelo\n"		#~ msgstr "Polnjenje ukazne strukture ni uspelo\n"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Invalid format for connection string"			#~ msgid "Invalid format for connection string"
#~ msgstr "Niz povezave"					#~ msgstr "Niz povezave"

#~ msgid "Data source"						#~ msgid "Data source"
#~ msgstr "Vir podatkov"					#~ msgstr "Vir podatkov"

#~ msgid "Select all"						#~ msgid "Select all"
#~ msgstr "Izberi vse"						#~ msgstr "Izberi vse"

#~ msgid "Unselect all"						#~ msgid "Unselect all"
#~ msgstr "Odizberi vse"					#~ msgstr "Odizberi vse"

#~ msgid "Unselect All"						#~ msgid "Unselect All"
#~ msgstr "Odizberi vse"					#~ msgstr "Odizberi vse"

#~ msgid "Unselect all selected items in list"			#~ msgid "Unselect all selected items in list"
#~ msgstr "Odizberi vse izbrane predmete v seznamu"		#~ msgstr "Odizberi vse izbrane predmete v seznamu"

#~ msgid "Display column headers"				#~ msgid "Display column headers"
#~ msgstr "Kaži glave stolpcev"					#~ msgstr "Kaži glave stolpcev"

#~ msgid "Hide column headers"					#~ msgid "Hide column headers"
#~ msgstr "Skrij glave stolpcev"				#~ msgstr "Skrij glave stolpcev"

#~ msgid "Save as..."						#~ msgid "Save as..."
#~ msgstr "Shrani kot..."					#~ msgstr "Shrani kot..."

#~ msgid "Export data to different formats"			#~ msgid "Export data to different formats"
#~ msgstr "Izvoz podatkov v razliÄ?ne oblike zapisa"		#~ msgstr "Izvoz podatkov v razliÄ?ne oblike zapisa"

#~ msgid "Describe current data set"				#~ msgid "Describe current data set"
#~ msgstr "Opiši trenutno množico podatkov"			#~ msgstr "Opiši trenutno množico podatkov"

#~ msgid "View current data in more detail"			#~ msgid "View current data in more detail"
#~ msgstr "Trenutne podatke poglej podrobneje"			#~ msgstr "Trenutne podatke poglej podrobneje"

#~ msgid "OAFIID of the default component for the GNOME-DB sh	#~ msgid "OAFIID of the default component for the GNOME-DB sh
#~ msgstr "OAFIID privzete komponente za lupino GNOME-DB"	#~ msgstr "OAFIID privzete komponente za lupino GNOME-DB"

#~ msgid "Whether to save the shell window position on exit"	#~ msgid "Whether to save the shell window position on exit"
#~ msgstr "Ali naj se ob izhodu shrani položaj okna lupine"	#~ msgstr "Ali naj se ob izhodu shrani položaj okna lupine"

#~ msgid "Whether to show or not the shortcut bar on the fron	#~ msgid "Whether to show or not the shortcut bar on the fron
#~ msgstr "Ali naj se v vmesnikovem oknu kaže ali ne vrstica 	#~ msgstr "Ali naj se v vmesnikovem oknu kaže ali ne vrstica 

#~ msgid "Whether to show or not the summary bar on the front	#~ msgid "Whether to show or not the summary bar on the front
#~ msgstr "Ali naj se v vmesnikovem oknu kaže vrstica povzetk	#~ msgstr "Ali naj se v vmesnikovem oknu kaže vrstica povzetk

#~ msgid "Whether to use a fixed size/position for the shell 	#~ msgid "Whether to use a fixed size/position for the shell 
#~ msgstr "Ali naj bosta velikost in položaj okna lupine zamr	#~ msgstr "Ali naj bosta velikost in položaj okna lupine zamr

#~ msgid "Builder"						#~ msgid "Builder"
#~ msgstr "Graditelj"						#~ msgstr "Graditelj"

#~ msgid "GNOME-DB application builder component factory"	#~ msgid "GNOME-DB application builder component factory"
#~ msgstr "Tovarna komponent ustvarjalca programov GNOME-DB"	#~ msgstr "Tovarna komponent ustvarjalca programov GNOME-DB"

#~ msgid "Create a new Perl script"				#~ msgid "Create a new Perl script"
#~ msgstr "Ustvari novo skripto Perl"				#~ msgstr "Ustvari novo skripto Perl"

#~ msgid "Report..."						#~ msgid "Report..."
#~ msgstr "PoroÄ?ilo..."						#~ msgstr "PoroÄ?ilo..."

#~ msgid "Open an existing Perl script"				#~ msgid "Open an existing Perl script"
#~ msgstr "Odpri obstojeÄ?o skripto Perl"			#~ msgstr "Odpri obstojeÄ?o skripto Perl"

#~ msgid "Open an existing report"				#~ msgid "Open an existing report"
#~ msgstr "Odpri obstojeÄ?e poroÄ?ilo"				#~ msgstr "Odpri obstojeÄ?e poroÄ?ilo"

#~ msgid "_New"							#~ msgid "_New"
#~ msgstr "_Nov"						#~ msgstr "_Nov"

#~ msgid "_Open"						#~ msgid "_Open"
#~ msgstr "_Odpri"						#~ msgstr "_Odpri"

#~ msgid "_File"						#~ msgid "_File"
#~ msgstr "_Datoteka"						#~ msgstr "_Datoteka"

#~ msgid "Add new module to project"				#~ msgid "Add new module to project"
#~ msgstr "Dodaj nov modul v projekt"				#~ msgstr "Dodaj nov modul v projekt"

#~ msgid "Open"							#~ msgid "Open"
#~ msgstr "Odpri"						#~ msgstr "Odpri"

#~ msgid "Open an existing module"				#~ msgid "Open an existing module"
#~ msgstr "Odpri obstojeÄ? modul"				#~ msgstr "Odpri obstojeÄ? modul"

#~ msgid "Export"						#~ msgid "Export"
#~ msgstr "Izvozi"						#~ msgstr "Izvozi"

#~ msgid "Logs"							#~ msgid "Logs"
#~ msgstr "Dnevnik"						#~ msgstr "Dnevnik"

#~ msgid "Select"						#~ msgid "Select"
#~ msgstr "Izberi"						#~ msgstr "Izberi"

#~ msgid "State"						#~ msgid "State"
#~ msgstr "Stanje"						#~ msgstr "Stanje"

#~ msgid "Options"						#~ msgid "Options"
#~ msgstr "Možnosti"						#~ msgstr "Možnosti"

#~ msgid "Transaction mode"					#~ msgid "Transaction mode"
#~ msgstr "NaÄ?in transakcije"					#~ msgstr "NaÄ?in transakcije"

#~ msgid "Log"							#~ msgid "Log"
#~ msgstr "Dnevnik"						#~ msgstr "Dnevnik"

#~ msgid "Batch"						#~ msgid "Batch"
#~ msgstr "Serija"						#~ msgstr "Serija"

#~ msgid "Browser"						#~ msgid "Browser"
#~ msgstr "Brskalnik"						#~ msgstr "Brskalnik"

#~ msgid "Run"							#~ msgid "Run"
#~ msgstr "Poženi"						#~ msgstr "Poženi"

#~ msgid "Execute current command"				#~ msgid "Execute current command"
#~ msgstr "Izvedi trenutni ukaz"				#~ msgstr "Izvedi trenutni ukaz"

#~ msgid "Select command from previous"				#~ msgid "Select command from previous"
#~ msgstr "Izberi ukaz izmed prejšnjih"				#~ msgstr "Izberi ukaz izmed prejšnjih"

#~ msgid "Save"							#~ msgid "Save"
#~ msgstr "Shrani"						#~ msgstr "Shrani"

#~ msgid "Save command for later retrieval"			#~ msgid "Save command for later retrieval"
#~ msgstr "Shrani ukaz za kasnejšo ponovitev"			#~ msgstr "Shrani ukaz za kasnejšo ponovitev"

#~ msgid "Cut"							#~ msgid "Cut"
#~ msgstr "Izreži"						#~ msgstr "Izreži"

#~ msgid "Cut selected text"					#~ msgid "Cut selected text"
#~ msgstr "Izreži izbrano besedilo"				#~ msgstr "Izreži izbrano besedilo"

#~ msgid "Copy"							#~ msgid "Copy"
#~ msgstr "Kopiraj"						#~ msgstr "Kopiraj"

#~ msgid "Copy selected text"					#~ msgid "Copy selected text"
#~ msgstr "Kopiraj izbrano besedilo"				#~ msgstr "Kopiraj izbrano besedilo"

#~ msgid "Paste"						#~ msgid "Paste"
#~ msgstr "Prilepi"						#~ msgstr "Prilepi"

#~ msgid "Paste text from clipboard"				#~ msgid "Paste text from clipboard"
#~ msgstr "Prilepi besedilo iz odložiÅ¡Ä?a"			#~ msgstr "Prilepi besedilo iz odložiÅ¡Ä?a"

#~ msgid "Clear widget contents"				#~ msgid "Clear widget contents"
#~ msgstr "PoÄ?isti vsebino gradnika"				#~ msgstr "PoÄ?isti vsebino gradnika"

#~ msgid "Transaction started"					#~ msgid "Transaction started"
#~ msgstr "Transakcija zaÄ?eta"					#~ msgstr "Transakcija zaÄ?eta"

#~ msgid "Transaction finished successfully"			#~ msgid "Transaction finished successfully"
#~ msgstr "Transakcija je bila uspeÅ¡no zakljuÄ?ena"		#~ msgstr "Transakcija je bila uspeÅ¡no zakljuÄ?ena"

#~ msgid "Connection closed"					#~ msgid "Connection closed"
#~ msgstr "Povezava prekinjena"					#~ msgstr "Povezava prekinjena"

#~ msgid "Export database"					#~ msgid "Export database"
#~ msgstr "Izvozi zbirko podatkov"				#~ msgstr "Izvozi zbirko podatkov"

#~ msgid "1 row returned"					#~ msgid "1 row returned"
#~ msgstr "vrnjena 1 vrstica"					#~ msgstr "vrnjena 1 vrstica"

#~ msgid "%d rows returned"					#~ msgid "%d rows returned"
#~ msgstr "vrnjenih %d vrstic"					#~ msgstr "vrnjenih %d vrstic"

#~ msgid "Open connection"					#~ msgid "Open connection"
#~ msgstr "Odpri povezavo"					#~ msgstr "Odpri povezavo"

#~ msgid "Transaction aborted"					#~ msgid "Transaction aborted"
#~ msgstr "Transakcija prekinjena"				#~ msgstr "Transakcija prekinjena"

#~ msgid "Connection Properties"				#~ msgid "Connection Properties"
#~ msgstr "Lasnostni povezave"					#~ msgstr "Lasnostni povezave"

#~ msgid "GDA Name"						#~ msgid "GDA Name"
#~ msgstr "Ime GDA"						#~ msgstr "Ime GDA"

#~ msgid "Version"						#~ msgid "Version"
#~ msgstr "RazliÄ?ica"						#~ msgstr "RazliÄ?ica"

#~ msgid "Text copied to clipboard"				#~ msgid "Text copied to clipboard"
#~ msgstr "Besedilo skopirano na odložiÅ¡Ä?e"			#~ msgstr "Besedilo skopirano na odložiÅ¡Ä?e"

#~ msgid "Text cut into the clipboard"				#~ msgid "Text cut into the clipboard"
#~ msgstr "Besedilo izrezano na odložiÅ¡Ä?e"			#~ msgstr "Besedilo izrezano na odložiÅ¡Ä?e"

#~ msgid "From saved query"					#~ msgid "From saved query"
#~ msgstr "Iz shranjene poizvedbe"				#~ msgstr "Iz shranjene poizvedbe"

#~ msgid "From file"						#~ msgid "From file"
#~ msgstr "Iz datoteke"						#~ msgstr "Iz datoteke"

#~ msgid "Error loading file %s"				#~ msgid "Error loading file %s"
#~ msgstr "Napaka ob nalaganju datoteke %s"			#~ msgstr "Napaka ob nalaganju datoteke %s"

#~ msgid "Text pasted from the clipboard"			#~ msgid "Text pasted from the clipboard"
#~ msgstr "Besedilo prilepljeno iz odložiÅ¡Ä?a"			#~ msgstr "Besedilo prilepljeno iz odložiÅ¡Ä?a"

#~ msgid "Command executed successfully"			#~ msgid "Command executed successfully"
#~ msgstr "Ukaz izveden uspešno"				#~ msgstr "Ukaz izveden uspešno"

#~ msgid "Save SQL command"					#~ msgid "Save SQL command"
#~ msgstr "Shrani ukaz SQL"					#~ msgstr "Shrani ukaz SQL"

#~ msgid "To query"						#~ msgid "To query"
#~ msgstr "Za poizvedbo"					#~ msgstr "Za poizvedbo"

#~ msgid "Save command to a named query"			#~ msgid "Save command to a named query"
#~ msgstr "Shrani ukaz v imenovano poizvedbo"			#~ msgstr "Shrani ukaz v imenovano poizvedbo"

#~ msgid "To file"						#~ msgid "To file"
#~ msgstr "V datoteko"						#~ msgstr "V datoteko"

#~ msgid "Select the file to save the command to"		#~ msgid "Select the file to save the command to"
#~ msgstr "Izberi datoteko kamor naj se shrani ukaz"		#~ msgstr "Izberi datoteko kamor naj se shrani ukaz"

#~ msgid "Query must have a name"				#~ msgid "Query must have a name"
#~ msgstr "Poizvedba mora imeti ime"				#~ msgstr "Poizvedba mora imeti ime"

#~ msgid "Select SQL Command"					#~ msgid "Select SQL Command"
#~ msgstr "Izberi ukaz SQL"					#~ msgstr "Izberi ukaz SQL"

#~ msgid "Here is shown the currently selected command's text	#~ msgid "Here is shown the currently selected command's text
#~ msgstr "Tu je prikazano besedilo trenutno izbranega ukaza"	#~ msgstr "Tu je prikazano besedilo trenutno izbranega ukaza"

#~ msgid "Last commands"					#~ msgid "Last commands"
#~ msgstr "Nedavni ukazi"					#~ msgstr "Nedavni ukazi"

#~ msgid "This is a list of the last commands you've executed	#~ msgid "This is a list of the last commands you've executed
#~ msgstr "To je seznam nedavno izvedenih ukazov"		#~ msgstr "To je seznam nedavno izvedenih ukazov"

#~ msgid "Saved queries"					#~ msgid "Saved queries"
#~ msgstr "Shranjene poizvedbe"					#~ msgstr "Shranjene poizvedbe"

#~ msgid "This is a list of all the named queries you've stor	#~ msgid "This is a list of all the named queries you've stor
#~ msgstr "To je seznam poimenovanih poizvedb, ki ste jih shr	#~ msgstr "To je seznam poimenovanih poizvedb, ki ste jih shr

#~ msgid "Add new table"					#~ msgid "Add new table"
#~ msgstr "Dodaj novo tabelo"					#~ msgstr "Dodaj novo tabelo"

#~ msgid "Enter the name of the table to add"			#~ msgid "Enter the name of the table to add"
#~ msgstr "Vpišite ime tabele, ki naj se doda"			#~ msgstr "Vpišite ime tabele, ki naj se doda"

#~ msgid "Select database design"				#~ msgid "Select database design"
#~ msgstr "Izberi naÄ?rt zbirke podatkov"			#~ msgstr "Izberi naÄ?rt zbirke podatkov"

#~ msgid "Error loading log for '%s'"				#~ msgid "Error loading log for '%s'"
#~ msgstr "Napaka ob nalaganju dnevnika za '%s'"		#~ msgstr "Napaka ob nalaganju dnevnika za '%s'"

#~ msgid "Save Log File"					#~ msgid "Save Log File"
#~ msgstr "Shrani datoteko z dnevnikom"				#~ msgstr "Shrani datoteko z dnevnikom"

#~ msgid "Could not create 'database:' moniker instance"	#~ msgid "Could not create 'database:' moniker instance"
#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel ustvariti primerka vzdevka 'database:'	#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel ustvariti primerka vzdevka 'database:'

#~ msgid "Open Perl script"					#~ msgid "Open Perl script"
#~ msgstr "Odpri skripto Perl"					#~ msgstr "Odpri skripto Perl"

#~ msgid "Load"							#~ msgid "Load"
#~ msgstr "Naloži"						#~ msgstr "Naloži"

#~ msgid "Component"						#~ msgid "Component"
#~ msgstr "Komponenta"						#~ msgstr "Komponenta"

#~ msgid "OAFIID"						#~ msgid "OAFIID"
#~ msgstr "OAFIID"						#~ msgstr "OAFIID"

#~ msgid "Unload"						#~ msgid "Unload"
#~ msgstr "Odstrani"						#~ msgstr "Odstrani"

#~ msgid "General"						#~ msgid "General"
#~ msgstr "Splošno"						#~ msgstr "Splošno"

#~ msgid "Save window position"					#~ msgid "Save window position"
#~ msgstr "Shrani mesto okna"					#~ msgstr "Shrani mesto okna"

#~ msgid "Show tooltips"					#~ msgid "Show tooltips"
#~ msgstr "Kaži namige orodij"					#~ msgstr "Kaži namige orodij"

#~ msgid "Show tooltips for UI widgets"				#~ msgid "Show tooltips for UI widgets"
#~ msgstr "Kaži namige orodij za dele uporabniškega vmesnika"	#~ msgstr "Kaži namige orodij za dele uporabniškega vmesnika"

#~ msgid "GNOME-DB Front End"					#~ msgid "GNOME-DB Front End"
#~ msgstr "Vmesnik za GNOME-DB"					#~ msgstr "Vmesnik za GNOME-DB"

#~ msgid "GNOME-DB Front End Application"			#~ msgid "GNOME-DB Front End Application"
#~ msgstr "Vmesniški program GNOME-DB"				#~ msgstr "Vmesniški program GNOME-DB"

#~ msgid "Show table data"					#~ msgid "Show table data"
#~ msgstr "Kaži podatke tabele"					#~ msgstr "Kaži podatke tabele"

#~ msgid "Create new object of selected type"			#~ msgid "Create new object of selected type"
#~ msgstr "Ustvari nov predmet izbrane vrste"			#~ msgstr "Ustvari nov predmet izbrane vrste"

#~ msgid "Remove"						#~ msgid "Remove"
#~ msgstr "Odstrani"						#~ msgstr "Odstrani"

#~ msgid "Remove selected object"				#~ msgid "Remove selected object"
#~ msgstr "Odstrani izbrane predmete"				#~ msgstr "Odstrani izbrane predmete"

#~ msgid "Refresh"						#~ msgid "Refresh"
#~ msgstr "Osveži"						#~ msgstr "Osveži"

#~ msgid "Refresh current list of objects"			#~ msgid "Refresh current list of objects"
#~ msgstr "Osveži trenutni seznam predmetov"			#~ msgstr "Osveži trenutni seznam predmetov"

#~ msgid "Info"							#~ msgid "Info"
#~ msgstr "Podatki"						#~ msgstr "Podatki"

#~ msgid "Show extra information about selected object"		#~ msgid "Show extra information about selected object"
#~ msgstr "Kaži dodatne podake o izbranem predmetu"		#~ msgstr "Kaži dodatne podake o izbranem predmetu"

#~ msgid "Table data"						#~ msgid "Table data"
#~ msgstr "Podatki tabele"					#~ msgstr "Podatki tabele"

#~ msgid "Select Color"						#~ msgid "Select Color"
#~ msgstr "Izberi barvo"					#~ msgstr "Izberi barvo"

#~ msgid "Select Font"						#~ msgid "Select Font"
#~ msgstr "Izberi pisavo"					#~ msgstr "Izberi pisavo"

#~ msgid "Could not get GNOME_Database_UIControl interface"	#~ msgid "Could not get GNOME_Database_UIControl interface"
#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel dobiti vmesnika GNOME_Database_UIContr	#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel dobiti vmesnika GNOME_Database_UIContr

#~ msgid "Add field..."						#~ msgid "Add field..."
#~ msgstr "Dodaj polje..."					#~ msgstr "Dodaj polje..."

#~ msgid "Add a new field to this table"			#~ msgid "Add a new field to this table"
#~ msgstr "V to tabelo dodaj novo polje"			#~ msgstr "V to tabelo dodaj novo polje"

#~ msgid "Edit field..."					#~ msgid "Edit field..."
#~ msgstr "Uredi polje..."					#~ msgstr "Uredi polje..."

#~ msgid "Edit the selected field properties"			#~ msgid "Edit the selected field properties"
#~ msgstr "Uredi lastnosti izbranega polja"			#~ msgstr "Uredi lastnosti izbranega polja"

#~ msgid "Add field"						#~ msgid "Add field"
#~ msgstr "dodaj polje"						#~ msgstr "dodaj polje"

#~ msgid "Could not find table %s"				#~ msgid "Could not find table %s"
#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel najti tabele %s"				#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel najti tabele %s"

#~ msgid "There is already a field named %s"			#~ msgid "There is already a field named %s"
#~ msgstr "Polje z imenom %s že obstaja"			#~ msgstr "Polje z imenom %s že obstaja"

#~ msgid "File %s is not a valid XML file"			#~ msgid "File %s is not a valid XML file"
#~ msgstr "Datoteka %s ni veljavna datoteka XML"		#~ msgstr "Datoteka %s ni veljavna datoteka XML"

#~ msgid "Select file"						#~ msgid "Select file"
#~ msgstr "Izberi datoteko"					#~ msgstr "Izberi datoteko"

#~ msgid "DSN"							#~ msgid "DSN"
#~ msgstr "DSN"							#~ msgstr "DSN"

#~ msgid "Config"						#~ msgid "Config"
#~ msgstr "Nastavi"						#~ msgstr "Nastavi"

#~ msgid "Error while saving configuration!"			#~ msgid "Error while saving configuration!"
#~ msgstr "Napaka ob shranjevanju nastavitev!"			#~ msgstr "Napaka ob shranjevanju nastavitev!"

#~ msgid "Data source has no name!"				#~ msgid "Data source has no name!"
#~ msgstr "Vir podatkov nima imena!"				#~ msgstr "Vir podatkov nima imena!"

#~ msgid "Help"							#~ msgid "Help"
#~ msgstr "PomoÄ?"						#~ msgstr "PomoÄ?"

#~ msgid "Native message"					#~ msgid "Native message"
#~ msgstr "Izvorno sporoÄ?ilo"					#~ msgstr "Izvorno sporoÄ?ilo"

#~ msgid "Record View"						#~ msgid "Record View"
#~ msgstr "KartoteÄ?ni pogled"					#~ msgstr "KartoteÄ?ni pogled"

#~ msgid "Copy selection to clipboard"				#~ msgid "Copy selection to clipboard"
#~ msgstr "Kopiraj izbrano na odložiÅ¡Ä?e"			#~ msgstr "Kopiraj izbrano na odložiÅ¡Ä?e"

#~ msgid "Select all rows"					#~ msgid "Select all rows"
#~ msgstr "Izberi vse vrstice"					#~ msgstr "Izberi vse vrstice"

#~ msgid "Clear all selected rows"				#~ msgid "Clear all selected rows"
#~ msgstr "PoÄ?isti vse izbrane vrstice"				#~ msgstr "PoÄ?isti vse izbrane vrstice"

#~ msgid "Record view..."					#~ msgid "Record view..."
#~ msgstr "KartoteÄ?ni pogled..."				#~ msgstr "KartoteÄ?ni pogled..."

#~ msgid "View recordset record-by-record"			#~ msgid "View recordset record-by-record"
#~ msgstr "KartoteÄ?ni pogled, kartoteka po kartoteko"		#~ msgstr "KartoteÄ?ni pogled, kartoteka po kartoteko"

#~ msgid "Refresh grid"						#~ msgid "Refresh grid"
#~ msgstr "Osveži mrežo"					#~ msgstr "Osveži mrežo"

#~ msgid "Refresh grid contents"				#~ msgid "Refresh grid contents"
#~ msgstr "Osveži vsebino mreže"				#~ msgstr "Osveži vsebino mreže"

#~ msgid "Print grid"						#~ msgid "Print grid"
#~ msgstr "Natisni mrežo"					#~ msgstr "Natisni mrežo"

#~ msgid "Print grid contents"					#~ msgid "Print grid contents"
#~ msgstr "Natisni vsebino mreže"				#~ msgstr "Natisni vsebino mreže"

#~ msgid "Hide column titles"					#~ msgid "Hide column titles"
#~ msgstr "Skrij naslove stolpcev"				#~ msgstr "Skrij naslove stolpcev"

#~ msgid "User Name"						#~ msgid "User Name"
#~ msgstr "Uporabniško ime"					#~ msgstr "Uporabniško ime"

#~ msgid "GDA Datasource"					#~ msgid "GDA Datasource"
#~ msgstr "Vir podatkov GDA"					#~ msgstr "Vir podatkov GDA"

#~ msgid "Entry %d of %d"					#~ msgid "Entry %d of %d"
#~ msgstr "Vnos %d od %d"					#~ msgstr "Vnos %d od %d"

#~ msgid "Message"						#~ msgid "Message"
#~ msgstr "SporoÄ?ilo"						#~ msgstr "SporoÄ?ilo"

#~ msgid "Log Entry"						#~ msgid "Log Entry"
#~ msgstr "Vpis v dnevniku"					#~ msgstr "Vpis v dnevniku"

#~ msgid "Could not create file %s"				#~ msgid "Could not create file %s"
#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel stvariti datoteke %s"			#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel stvariti datoteke %s"

#~ msgid "Setup Printer"					#~ msgid "Setup Printer"
#~ msgstr "Nastavi tiskalnik"					#~ msgstr "Nastavi tiskalnik"

#~ msgid "Copyright The Free Software Foundation (C) 1998-200	#~ msgid "Copyright The Free Software Foundation (C) 1998-200
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Avtorske pravice pridržane (C) 1998-2000 Fundacija za pro	#~ "Avtorske pravice pridržane (C) 1998-2000 Fundacija za pro

#~ msgid ""							#~ msgid ""
#~ "This program is part of the GNOME project for LINUX. GNOM	#~ "This program is part of the GNOME project for LINUX. GNOM
#~ "comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software,	#~ "comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software,
#~ "welcome to redistribute it under the conditions of the GN	#~ "welcome to redistribute it under the conditions of the GN
#~ "Licence."							#~ "Licence."
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Ta program je del projekta GNOME za LINUX. GNOME Dostop d	#~ "Ta program je del projekta GNOME za LINUX. GNOME Dostop d
#~ "prihaja BREZ KAKRÅ NIHKOLI ZAGOTOVIL. To je prosto program	#~ "prihaja BREZ KAKRÅ NIHKOLI ZAGOTOVIL. To je prosto program
#~ "da ga razširjate naprej z upoštevanjem GNU Splošne Javne 	#~ "da ga razširjate naprej z upoštevanjem GNU Splošne Javne 

#~ msgid ""							#~ msgid ""
#~ "Could not open file\n"					#~ "Could not open file\n"
#~ "%s"								#~ "%s"
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Ne morem odpreti datoteke\n"				#~ "Ne morem odpreti datoteke\n"
#~ "%s"								#~ "%s"

#~ msgid "Bug-buddy was not found in your $PATH"		#~ msgid "Bug-buddy was not found in your $PATH"
#~ msgstr "Program Bug-buddy ni bil najden v vaši poti ($PATH	#~ msgstr "Program Bug-buddy ni bil najden v vaši poti ($PATH

#~ msgid "Unable to execute Bug Report Tool"			#~ msgid "Unable to execute Bug Report Tool"
#~ msgstr "Orodja za poroÄ?anje o hroÅ¡Ä?ih ne morem pognati"	#~ msgstr "Orodja za poroÄ?anje o hroÅ¡Ä?ih ne morem pognati"

#~ msgid "GNOME-DB manager component factory"			#~ msgid "GNOME-DB manager component factory"
#~ msgstr "Tovarna komponent upravljalnikov GNOME-DB"		#~ msgstr "Tovarna komponent upravljalnikov GNOME-DB"

#~ msgid "Manager"						#~ msgid "Manager"
#~ msgstr "Upravljalnik"					#~ msgstr "Upravljalnik"

#~ msgid "Add"							#~ msgid "Add"
#~ msgstr "Dodaj"						#~ msgstr "Dodaj"

#~ msgid "Edit"							#~ msgid "Edit"
#~ msgstr "Uredi"						#~ msgstr "Uredi"

#~ msgid "Edit selected data source"				#~ msgid "Edit selected data source"
#~ msgstr "Uredi izbran vir podatkov"				#~ msgstr "Uredi izbran vir podatkov"

#~ msgid "Refresh Data Sources list"				#~ msgid "Refresh Data Sources list"
#~ msgstr "Osveži seznam virov podatkov"			#~ msgstr "Osveži seznam virov podatkov"

#~ msgid "Test"							#~ msgid "Test"
#~ msgstr "Preizkus"						#~ msgstr "Preizkus"

#~ msgid "Test settings for this datasource"			#~ msgid "Test settings for this datasource"
#~ msgstr "Preizkusi nastavitve tega vira podatkov"		#~ msgstr "Preizkusi nastavitve tega vira podatkov"

#~ msgid "Edit data source"					#~ msgid "Edit data source"
#~ msgstr "Uredi vir podatkov"					#~ msgstr "Uredi vir podatkov"

#~ msgid "The connection was successful!"			#~ msgid "The connection was successful!"
#~ msgstr "Povezava je bila uspešna!"				#~ msgstr "Povezava je bila uspešna!"

#~ msgid "There was an error while testing connection"		#~ msgid "There was an error while testing connection"
#~ msgstr "Ob preizkušanju povezave se je zgodila napaka"	#~ msgstr "Ob preizkušanju povezave se je zgodila napaka"

#~ msgid "Edit selected provider"				#~ msgid "Edit selected provider"
#~ msgstr "Uredi izbranega nuditelja"				#~ msgstr "Uredi izbranega nuditelja"

#~ msgid "Refresh providers list"				#~ msgid "Refresh providers list"
#~ msgstr "Osveži seznam nuditeljev"				#~ msgstr "Osveži seznam nuditeljev"

#~ msgid "Start selected provider"				#~ msgid "Start selected provider"
#~ msgstr "ZaÄ?ni izbranega nuditelja"				#~ msgstr "ZaÄ?ni izbranega nuditelja"

#~ msgid "Stop"							#~ msgid "Stop"
#~ msgstr "Ustavi"						#~ msgstr "Ustavi"

#~ msgid "Stop selected provider"				#~ msgid "Stop selected provider"
#~ msgstr "Ustavi izbranega nuditelja"				#~ msgstr "Ustavi izbranega nuditelja"

#~ msgid "Rolodex"						#~ msgid "Rolodex"
#~ msgstr "Rolodex"						#~ msgstr "Rolodex"

#~ msgid "Rolodex Application"					#~ msgid "Rolodex Application"
#~ msgstr "Program Rolodex"					#~ msgstr "Program Rolodex"

#~ msgid "Close current connection"				#~ msgid "Close current connection"
#~ msgstr "Zapri trenutno povezavo"				#~ msgstr "Zapri trenutno povezavo"

#~ msgid "Activate database browser window"			#~ msgid "Activate database browser window"
#~ msgstr "Aktiviraj okno brskalnika po zbirki podatkov"	#~ msgstr "Aktiviraj okno brskalnika po zbirki podatkov"

#~ msgid "Activate SQL window"					#~ msgid "Activate SQL window"
#~ msgstr "Aktiviraj okno SQL"					#~ msgstr "Aktiviraj okno SQL"

#~ msgid "Activate dbatch job window"				#~ msgid "Activate dbatch job window"
#~ msgstr "Aktiviraj okno zaporednih poslov"			#~ msgstr "Aktiviraj okno zaporednih poslov"

#~ msgid "Start a new database transaction"			#~ msgid "Start a new database transaction"
#~ msgstr "ZaÄ?ni novo transakcijo"				#~ msgstr "ZaÄ?ni novo transakcijo"

#~ msgid "Commit current transaction"				#~ msgid "Commit current transaction"
#~ msgstr "Udejani trenutno transakcijo"			#~ msgstr "Udejani trenutno transakcijo"

#~ msgid "Rollback current transaction"				#~ msgid "Rollback current transaction"
#~ msgstr "Prevrti trenutno transakcijo nazaj"			#~ msgstr "Prevrti trenutno transakcijo nazaj"

#~ msgid "Make a copy of a database"				#~ msgid "Make a copy of a database"
#~ msgstr "Ustvari kopijo zbirke podatkov"			#~ msgstr "Ustvari kopijo zbirke podatkov"

#~ msgid "Import database"					#~ msgid "Import database"
#~ msgstr "Uvozi zbirko podatkov"				#~ msgstr "Uvozi zbirko podatkov"

#~ msgid "Import an export file into a database"		#~ msgid "Import an export file into a database"
#~ msgstr "Uvozi izvoženo datoteko v zbirko podatkov"		#~ msgstr "Uvozi izvoženo datoteko v zbirko podatkov"

#~ msgid "_Tools"						#~ msgid "_Tools"
#~ msgstr "_Orodja"						#~ msgstr "_Orodja"

#~ msgid "Activate batch job window"				#~ msgid "Activate batch job window"
#~ msgstr "Aktiviraj okno zaporednih poslov"			#~ msgstr "Aktiviraj okno zaporednih poslov"

#~ msgid ""							#~ msgid ""
#~ "This screen lets you navigate through the contents of you	#~ "This screen lets you navigate through the contents of you
#~ "looking at the tables, views, procedures, etc that may ha	#~ "looking at the tables, views, procedures, etc that may ha
#~ "Clicking on an icon in one of the lists on the left, will	#~ "Clicking on an icon in one of the lists on the left, will
#~ "extensive information about that selected object in the r	#~ "extensive information about that selected object in the r
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Ta zaslon vam omogoÄ?a navigacijo skozi vsebino vaÅ¡e zbirk	#~ "Ta zaslon vam omogoÄ?a navigacijo skozi vsebino vaÅ¡e zbirk
#~ "spregledom tabel, pogledov, procedur, itd.. Klik na ikono	#~ "spregledom tabel, pogledov, procedur, itd.. Klik na ikono
#~ "desni bo v desnem delu povzroÄ?il prikaz podrobnih informa	#~ "desni bo v desnem delu povzroÄ?il prikaz podrobnih informa
#~ "objektu."							#~ "objektu."

#~ msgid ""							#~ msgid ""
#~ "This widget allows you to send SQL commands to the databa	#~ "This widget allows you to send SQL commands to the databa
#~ "connected to. Just type in the command you want to run, a	#~ "connected to. Just type in the command you want to run, a
#~ "'Run' button on the small toolbar"				#~ "'Run' button on the small toolbar"
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Ta gradnik omogoÄ?a poÅ¡iljanje ukazov SQL v zbirko podatko	#~ "Ta gradnik omogoÄ?a poÅ¡iljanje ukazov SQL v zbirko podatko
#~ "povezani.Vpišite ukaz, ki ga želite pognati in pritisnite	#~ "povezani.Vpišite ukaz, ki ga želite pognati in pritisnite
#~ "v mali orodni vrstici."					#~ "v mali orodni vrstici."

#~ msgid ""							#~ msgid ""
#~ "Here will be shown the results returned by the database s	#~ "Here will be shown the results returned by the database s
#~ "response to the command you typed in"			#~ "response to the command you typed in"
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Tu se bodo pokazali rezultati, ki jih je vrnil strežnik z	#~ "Tu se bodo pokazali rezultati, ki jih je vrnil strežnik z
#~ "odgovor na ukaz, ki ste ga vnesli."				#~ "odgovor na ukaz, ki ste ga vnesli."

#~ msgid "This is the name you use to refer to this connectio	#~ msgid "This is the name you use to refer to this connectio
#~ msgstr "To je ime, ki ga uporabljate za navajanje te povez	#~ msgstr "To je ime, ki ga uporabljate za navajanje te povez

#~ msgid "This is the provider being used to access the datab	#~ msgid "This is the provider being used to access the datab
#~ msgstr "To je nuditelj, ki se uporablja za dostop do zbirk	#~ msgstr "To je nuditelj, ki se uporablja za dostop do zbirk

#~ msgid "This is the user name you use to log into the datab	#~ msgid "This is the user name you use to log into the datab
#~ msgstr "To je uporabniško ime, ki se uporabi za prijavo v 	#~ msgstr "To je uporabniško ime, ki se uporabi za prijavo v 

#~ msgid "This is the version supported by the GDA provider"	#~ msgid "This is the version supported by the GDA provider"
#~ msgstr "To je razliÄ?ica, ki je podprta s strani nuditelja 	#~ msgstr "To je razliÄ?ica, ki je podprta s strani nuditelja 

#~ msgid "Select the file containing the command to be loaded	#~ msgid "Select the file containing the command to be loaded
#~ msgstr "Izberi datoteko, ki vsebuje ukaz, ki naj se naloži	#~ msgstr "Izberi datoteko, ki vsebuje ukaz, ki naj se naloži

#~ msgid "Database design"					#~ msgid "Database design"
#~ msgstr "Oblika zbirke podatkov"				#~ msgstr "Oblika zbirke podatkov"

#~ msgid "Start with a new database design"			#~ msgid "Start with a new database design"
#~ msgstr "ZaÄ?ni z novim naÄ?rtom zbirke podatkov"		#~ msgstr "ZaÄ?ni z novim naÄ?rtom zbirke podatkov"

#~ msgid "Table..."						#~ msgid "Table..."
#~ msgstr "Tabela..."						#~ msgstr "Tabela..."

#~ msgid "Add a table to the database design"			#~ msgid "Add a table to the database design"
#~ msgstr "Dodaj tabelo v naÄ?rt zbirke podatkov"		#~ msgstr "Dodaj tabelo v naÄ?rt zbirke podatkov"

#~ msgid "Open an existing database design"			#~ msgid "Open an existing database design"
#~ msgstr "Odpri že obstojeÄ? naÄ?rt zbirke podatkov"		#~ msgstr "Odpri že obstojeÄ? naÄ?rt zbirke podatkov"

#~ msgid "Create new database design"				#~ msgid "Create new database design"
#~ msgstr "Ustvari novo obliko zbirke podatkov"			#~ msgstr "Ustvari novo obliko zbirke podatkov"

#~ msgid "Save currently open file"				#~ msgid "Save currently open file"
#~ msgstr "Shrani trenutno odprto datoteko"			#~ msgstr "Shrani trenutno odprto datoteko"

#~ msgid "Reload database file contents"			#~ msgid "Reload database file contents"
#~ msgstr "Znovaa naloži vsebino datoteke v bazo"		#~ msgstr "Znovaa naloži vsebino datoteke v bazo"

#~ msgid "Add new object to the database"			#~ msgid "Add new object to the database"
#~ msgstr "Dodaj nov predmet v zbirko podatkov"			#~ msgstr "Dodaj nov predmet v zbirko podatkov"

#~ msgid "Save log to a disk file"				#~ msgid "Save log to a disk file"
#~ msgstr "Shrani dnevnik v datoteko na disku"			#~ msgstr "Shrani dnevnik v datoteko na disku"

#~ msgid "View"							#~ msgid "View"
#~ msgstr "Pogled"						#~ msgstr "Pogled"

#~ msgid "View selected log entry"				#~ msgid "View selected log entry"
#~ msgstr "Poglej izbran dnevniški zapis"			#~ msgstr "Poglej izbran dnevniški zapis"

#~ msgid ""							#~ msgid ""
#~ "Use this option menu to select the provider whose log mes	#~ "Use this option menu to select the provider whose log mes
#~ "to see"							#~ "to see"
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Uporabite ta menu možnosti za izbiro nuditelja katerega d	#~ "Uporabite ta menu možnosti za izbiro nuditelja katerega d
#~ "sporoÄ?ila želite videti"					#~ "sporoÄ?ila želite videti"

#~ msgid ""							#~ msgid ""
#~ "This is a list of all log messages for the provider you'v	#~ "This is a list of all log messages for the provider you'v
#~ "can easily sort messages by any of the columns (but just 	#~ "can easily sort messages by any of the columns (but just 
#~ "them) as well as look at the messages individually, with 	#~ "them) as well as look at the messages individually, with 
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "To je seznam vseh dnevniÅ¡kih sporoÄ?il nuditelja, ki ste g	#~ "To je seznam vseh dnevniÅ¡kih sporoÄ?il nuditelja, ki ste g
#~ "Enostavno lahko uredite sporoÄ?ila po kateremkoli stolpcu 	#~ "Enostavno lahko uredite sporoÄ?ila po kateremkoli stolpcu 
#~ "lahko pa tudi pogledate v podrobnosti posameznih sporoÄ?il	#~ "lahko pa tudi pogledate v podrobnosti posameznih sporoÄ?il

#~ msgid "Show Help"						#~ msgid "Show Help"
#~ msgstr "KažI pomoÄ?"						#~ msgstr "KažI pomoÄ?"

#~ msgid "sqlstate"						#~ msgid "sqlstate"
#~ msgstr "sqlstate"						#~ msgstr "sqlstate"

#~ msgid "Error 0 of 0"						#~ msgid "Error 0 of 0"
#~ msgstr "Napaka 0 od 0"					#~ msgstr "Napaka 0 od 0"

#~ msgid "Manage connection data sources"			#~ msgid "Manage connection data sources"
#~ msgstr "Upravljal povezavo z viri podatkov"			#~ msgstr "Upravljal povezavo z viri podatkov"

#~ msgid "Manage available GDA providers"			#~ msgid "Manage available GDA providers"
#~ msgstr "Upravljaj nuditelje GDA, ki so na voljo"		#~ msgstr "Upravljaj nuditelje GDA, ki so na voljo"

#~ msgid "_Options"						#~ msgid "_Options"
#~ msgstr "_Možnosti"						#~ msgstr "_Možnosti"

#~ msgid "_Database..."						#~ msgid "_Database..."
#~ msgstr "_Zbirka podatkov..."					#~ msgstr "_Zbirka podatkov..."

#~ msgid "Perl script"						#~ msgid "Perl script"
#~ msgstr "Skripta Perl"					#~ msgstr "Skripta Perl"

#~ msgid "Open a Perl script to be executed"			#~ msgid "Open a Perl script to be executed"
#~ msgstr "Odpri skripto Perl za izvajanje"			#~ msgstr "Odpri skripto Perl za izvajanje"

#~ msgid "Print preview"					#~ msgid "Print preview"
#~ msgstr "Predogled tiskanja"					#~ msgstr "Predogled tiskanja"

#~ msgid "_Quit"						#~ msgid "_Quit"
#~ msgstr "Iz_hod"						#~ msgstr "Iz_hod"

#~ msgid "Shortcut _bar"					#~ msgid "Shortcut _bar"
#~ msgstr "Vrstica _bližnjic"					#~ msgstr "Vrstica _bližnjic"

#~ msgid "Show/Hide shortcut bar"				#~ msgid "Show/Hide shortcut bar"
#~ msgstr "Kaži/skrij vrstico bližnjic"				#~ msgstr "Kaži/skrij vrstico bližnjic"

#~ msgid "Configure user preferences"				#~ msgid "Configure user preferences"
#~ msgstr "Nastavi uporabniške nastavitve"			#~ msgstr "Nastavi uporabniške nastavitve"

#~ msgid "GNOME-DB Manual"					#~ msgid "GNOME-DB Manual"
#~ msgstr "PriroÄ?nik GNOME-DB"					#~ msgstr "PriroÄ?nik GNOME-DB"

#~ msgid "Open the GNOME-DB online manual"			#~ msgid "Open the GNOME-DB online manual"
#~ msgstr "Odpri spletni priroÄ?nik za GNOME-DB"			#~ msgstr "Odpri spletni priroÄ?nik za GNOME-DB"

#~ msgid "libgda Manual"					#~ msgid "libgda Manual"
#~ msgstr "PriroÄ?nik za libgda"					#~ msgstr "PriroÄ?nik za libgda"

#~ msgid "Open the libgda online manual"			#~ msgid "Open the libgda online manual"
#~ msgstr "Odpri spletni priroÄ?nik za libgda"			#~ msgstr "Odpri spletni priroÄ?nik za libgda"

#~ msgid "libgda API Reference"					#~ msgid "libgda API Reference"
#~ msgstr "Referenca za API libgda"				#~ msgstr "Referenca za API libgda"

#~ msgid "Open the libgda API reference"			#~ msgid "Open the libgda API reference"
#~ msgstr "Odpri referenco za API libgda"			#~ msgstr "Odpri referenco za API libgda"

#~ msgid "View information about this application"		#~ msgid "View information about this application"
#~ msgstr "Glej podatke o tej applikaciji"			#~ msgstr "Glej podatke o tej applikaciji"

#~ msgid "Submit bug report"					#~ msgid "Submit bug report"
#~ msgstr "PoÅ¡lji poroÄ?ilo o hroÅ¡Ä?u"				#~ msgstr "PoÅ¡lji poroÄ?ilo o hroÅ¡Ä?u"

#~ msgid "Send a bug report to GNOME-DB developers"		#~ msgid "Send a bug report to GNOME-DB developers"
#~ msgstr "PoÅ¡lji poroÄ?ilo o hroÄ?u razvilacem GNOME-DBja"	#~ msgstr "PoÅ¡lji poroÄ?ilo o hroÄ?u razvilacem GNOME-DBja"

#~ msgid "Export a database to a file or to another database"	#~ msgid "Export a database to a file or to another database"
#~ msgstr "Izvozi zbirko podatkov v datoteko ali v drugo zbir	#~ msgstr "Izvozi zbirko podatkov v datoteko ali v drugo zbir

#~ msgid "Export Database"					#~ msgid "Export Database"
#~ msgstr "Izvozi zbirko podatkov"				#~ msgstr "Izvozi zbirko podatkov"

#~ msgid "Could not activate export component"			#~ msgid "Could not activate export component"
#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel inicializirati izvozne komponente"	#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel inicializirati izvozne komponente"

#~ msgid "Could not allocate color"				#~ msgid "Could not allocate color"
#~ msgstr "Ne morem rezervirati barve"				#~ msgstr "Ne morem rezervirati barve"

#~ msgid "No datasource '%s' defined in your GDA configuratio	#~ msgid "No datasource '%s' defined in your GDA configuratio
#~ msgstr "Vir podatkov '%s' ni definiran v GDA nastavitveni 	#~ msgstr "Vir podatkov '%s' ni definiran v GDA nastavitveni 

#~ msgid "Open SQL File"					#~ msgid "Open SQL File"
#~ msgstr "Odpri datoteko SQL"					#~ msgstr "Odpri datoteko SQL"

#~ msgid "Open SQL file"					#~ msgid "Open SQL file"
#~ msgstr "Odpri datoteko SQL"					#~ msgstr "Odpri datoteko SQL"

#~ msgid "Save SQL file"					#~ msgid "Save SQL file"
#~ msgstr "Shrani SQL datoteko"					#~ msgstr "Shrani SQL datoteko"

#~ msgid "Could not initialize GNOME_DB_Builder control"	#~ msgid "Could not initialize GNOME_DB_Builder control"
#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel inicializirati kontrole GNOME_DB_Build	#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel inicializirati kontrole GNOME_DB_Build

#~ msgid "GNOME-DB database export component factory"		#~ msgid "GNOME-DB database export component factory"
#~ msgstr "Tovarna komponent izvozov zbirk podatkov GNOME-DB"	#~ msgstr "Tovarna komponent izvozov zbirk podatkov GNOME-DB"

#~ msgid "GNOME-DB database designer component factory"		#~ msgid "GNOME-DB database designer component factory"
#~ msgstr "Tovarna komponent oblikovalcev zbirk podatkov GNOM	#~ msgstr "Tovarna komponent oblikovalcev zbirk podatkov GNOM

#~ msgid "GNOME-DB help viewer component factory"		#~ msgid "GNOME-DB help viewer component factory"
#~ msgstr "Tovarna komponent pregledovalcev pomoÄ?i GNOME-DB"	#~ msgstr "Tovarna komponent pregledovalcev pomoÄ?i GNOME-DB"

#~ msgid "GNOME-DB connection component factory"		#~ msgid "GNOME-DB connection component factory"
#~ msgstr "Tovarna komponenet povezav GNOME-DB"			#~ msgstr "Tovarna komponenet povezav GNOME-DB"

#~ msgid "GNOME-DB log viewer component factory"		#~ msgid "GNOME-DB log viewer component factory"
#~ msgstr "Tovarna komponent pregledovalca dnevnika GNOME-DB"	#~ msgstr "Tovarna komponent pregledovalca dnevnika GNOME-DB"

#~ msgid "Do Print"						#~ msgid "Do Print"
#~ msgstr "Natisni"						#~ msgstr "Natisni"

#~ msgid "Display previous page in history"			#~ msgid "Display previous page in history"
#~ msgstr "Prikaži prejšnjo stran zgodovine"			#~ msgstr "Prikaži prejšnjo stran zgodovine"

#~ msgid "Home"							#~ msgid "Home"
#~ msgstr "Dom"							#~ msgstr "Dom"

#~ msgid "Display help system home page"			#~ msgid "Display help system home page"
#~ msgstr "Prikaži domaÄ?o stran sistema pomoÄ?i"			#~ msgstr "Prikaži domaÄ?o stran sistema pomoÄ?i"

#~ msgid "Forward"						#~ msgid "Forward"
#~ msgstr "Naprej"						#~ msgstr "Naprej"

#~ msgid "Display next page in history"				#~ msgid "Display next page in history"
#~ msgstr "Prikaži naslednjo stran iz zgodovine"		#~ msgstr "Prikaži naslednjo stran iz zgodovine"

#~ msgid "Help System"						#~ msgid "Help System"
#~ msgstr "Sistem pomoÄ?i"					#~ msgstr "Sistem pomoÄ?i"

#~ msgid "Home page"						#~ msgid "Home page"
#~ msgstr "DomaÄ?a stran"					#~ msgstr "DomaÄ?a stran"

#~ msgid "Install"						#~ msgid "Install"
#~ msgstr "Namesti"						#~ msgstr "Namesti"

#~ msgid "Uninstall"						#~ msgid "Uninstall"
#~ msgstr "Odstrani"						#~ msgstr "Odstrani"

#~ msgid "Set as Home"						#~ msgid "Set as Home"
#~ msgstr "Nastavi kot dom"					#~ msgstr "Nastavi kot dom"

#~ msgid "GNOME-DB Builder"					#~ msgid "GNOME-DB Builder"
#~ msgstr "GNOME-DB Graditelj"					#~ msgstr "GNOME-DB Graditelj"

#~ msgid "Open..."						#~ msgid "Open..."
#~ msgstr "Odpri..."						#~ msgstr "Odpri..."

#~ msgid "Connect..."						#~ msgid "Connect..."
#~ msgstr "Poveži se..."					#~ msgstr "Poveži se..."

#~ msgid "Browse"						#~ msgid "Browse"
#~ msgstr "Brskaj"						#~ msgstr "Brskaj"

#~ msgid "Open database browser"				#~ msgid "Open database browser"
#~ msgstr "Odpri brskalnik po zbirki podatkov"			#~ msgstr "Odpri brskalnik po zbirki podatkov"

#~ msgid "Import objects"					#~ msgid "Import objects"
#~ msgstr "Uvozi predmete"					#~ msgstr "Uvozi predmete"

#~ msgid "Import database objects into repository"		#~ msgid "Import database objects into repository"
#~ msgstr "Uvozi predmete zbirke podatkov v naložiÅ¡Ä?e"		#~ msgstr "Uvozi predmete zbirke podatkov v naložiÅ¡Ä?e"

#~ msgid "About gnome-db..."					#~ msgid "About gnome-db..."
#~ msgstr "O gnome-db..."					#~ msgstr "O gnome-db..."

#~ msgid "About this program"					#~ msgid "About this program"
#~ msgstr "O tem programu"					#~ msgstr "O tem programu"

#~ msgid "Open help system viewer"				#~ msgid "Open help system viewer"
#~ msgstr "Odpri brskalnik pomoÄ?i"				#~ msgstr "Odpri brskalnik pomoÄ?i"

#~ msgid "Close current view"					#~ msgid "Close current view"
#~ msgstr "Zapri trenuten pogled"				#~ msgstr "Zapri trenuten pogled"

#~ msgid "Object Name"						#~ msgid "Object Name"
#~ msgstr "Ime predmeta"					#~ msgstr "Ime predmeta"

#~ msgid "0 rows"						#~ msgid "0 rows"
#~ msgstr "0 vrstic"						#~ msgstr "0 vrstic"

#~ msgid "Could not open file %s"				#~ msgid "Could not open file %s"
#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel odpreti datoteke %s"			#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel odpreti datoteke %s"

#~ msgid "New Connection..."					#~ msgid "New Connection..."
#~ msgstr "Nova povezava..."					#~ msgstr "Nova povezava..."

#~ msgid "Disconnect all"					#~ msgid "Disconnect all"
#~ msgstr "Prekini vse povezave"				#~ msgstr "Prekini vse povezave"

#~ msgid "Close all connections"				#~ msgid "Close all connections"
#~ msgstr "Zapri vse povezave"					#~ msgstr "Zapri vse povezave"

#~ msgid "could not open connection to %s"			#~ msgid "could not open connection to %s"
#~ msgstr "ne morem odpreti povezave z %s"			#~ msgstr "ne morem odpreti povezave z %s"

#~ msgid "Data source %s not found"				#~ msgid "Data source %s not found"
#~ msgstr "Vir podatkov %s ni bil najden"			#~ msgstr "Vir podatkov %s ni bil najden"

#~ msgid "%s: The server didn't respond."			#~ msgid "%s: The server didn't respond."
#~ msgstr "%s: Strežnik se ni odzval."				#~ msgstr "%s: Strežnik se ni odzval."

#~ msgid "%s: An Error occured in the CORBA system."		#~ msgid "%s: An Error occured in the CORBA system."
#~ msgstr "%s: V sistemu CORBA se je zgodila napaka."		#~ msgstr "%s: V sistemu CORBA se je zgodila napaka."

#~ msgid "Database '%s' not found in system configuration"	#~ msgid "Database '%s' not found in system configuration"
#~ msgstr "Zbirka podatkov '%s' ni bila najdena v nastavitvah	#~ msgstr "Zbirka podatkov '%s' ni bila najdena v nastavitvah

#~ msgid "Could not open CORBA factory"				#~ msgid "Could not open CORBA factory"
#~ msgstr "Ne morem odpreti CORBA tovarne"			#~ msgstr "Ne morem odpreti CORBA tovarne"

#~ msgid "<NULL>"						#~ msgid "<NULL>"
#~ msgstr "<PRAZNO>"						#~ msgstr "<PRAZNO>"

#~ msgid "<Unknown GDA Type(NULL)>"				#~ msgid "<Unknown GDA Type(NULL)>"
#~ msgstr "<Neznan GDA Tip(NULA)>"				#~ msgstr "<Neznan GDA Tip(NULA)>"

#~ msgid "TRUE"							#~ msgid "TRUE"
#~ msgstr "RESNIÄ?NO"						#~ msgstr "RESNIÄ?NO"

#~ msgid "FALSE"						#~ msgid "FALSE"
#~ msgstr "NERESNIÄ?NO"						#~ msgstr "NERESNIÄ?NO"

#~ msgid "True"							#~ msgid "True"
#~ msgstr "ResniÄ?no"						#~ msgstr "ResniÄ?no"

#~ msgid "False"						#~ msgid "False"
#~ msgstr "NeresniÄ?no"						#~ msgstr "NeresniÄ?no"

#~ msgid "ERROR: "						#~ msgid "ERROR: "
#~ msgstr "NAPAKA: "						#~ msgstr "NAPAKA: "

#~ msgid "MESSAGE: "						#~ msgid "MESSAGE: "
#~ msgstr "SPOROÄ?ILO: "						#~ msgstr "SPOROÄ?ILO: "

#~ msgid "thread is already running"				#~ msgid "thread is already running"
#~ msgstr "nit že teÄ?e"						#~ msgstr "nit že teÄ?e"

#~ msgid "Password to authenticate user"			#~ msgid "Password to authenticate user"
#~ msgstr "Geslo za avtentifikacijo uporabnika"			#~ msgstr "Geslo za avtentifikacijo uporabnika"

#~ msgid "To open/close the connection"				#~ msgid "To open/close the connection"
#~ msgstr "Za odprtje/zaprtje povezave"				#~ msgstr "Za odprtje/zaprtje povezave"

#~ msgid "Could not initialize CORBA"				#~ msgid "Could not initialize CORBA"
#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel inicializirati CORBA-e"			#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel inicializirati CORBA-e"

#~ msgid "View requested to be activated but there is already	#~ msgid "View requested to be activated but there is already
#~ msgstr "Pogled se je hotel aktivirati, a aktivirani pogled	#~ msgstr "Pogled se je hotel aktivirati, a aktivirani pogled

#~ msgid "Ready"						#~ msgid "Ready"
#~ msgstr "Pripravljen"						#~ msgstr "Pripravljen"

#~ msgid "Unable to activate object %s"				#~ msgid "Unable to activate object %s"
#~ msgstr "Ne morem aktivirati predmeta %s"			#~ msgstr "Ne morem aktivirati predmeta %s"

#~ msgid "%s:%d: Could not create control widget"		#~ msgid "%s:%d: Could not create control widget"
#~ msgstr "%s:%d: Nisem mogel ustvariti kontrolnega gradnika"	#~ msgstr "%s:%d: Nisem mogel ustvariti kontrolnega gradnika"

#~ msgid "control has no property bag"				#~ msgid "control has no property bag"
#~ msgstr "kontrola nima vreÄ?e z lastnostmi"			#~ msgstr "kontrola nima vreÄ?e z lastnostmi"

#~ msgid "property %s not found"				#~ msgid "property %s not found"
#~ msgstr "lasnost %s ni bila najdena"				#~ msgstr "lasnost %s ni bila najdena"

#~ msgid "Factory %s already existing"				#~ msgid "Factory %s already existing"
#~ msgstr "Tovarna %s že obstaja"				#~ msgstr "Tovarna %s že obstaja"

#~ msgid "Could not register %s factory"			#~ msgid "Could not register %s factory"
#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel registrirati tovarne %s"			#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel registrirati tovarne %s"

#~ msgid "Connected to %s"					#~ msgid "Connected to %s"
#~ msgstr "Povezan z %s"					#~ msgstr "Povezan z %s"

#~ msgid "Disconnected from database"				#~ msgid "Disconnected from database"
#~ msgstr "Povezava z zbirko podatkov je bila prekinjena"	#~ msgstr "Povezava z zbirko podatkov je bila prekinjena"

#~ msgid "Go to previous document"				#~ msgid "Go to previous document"
#~ msgstr "Pojdi na prejšnji dokument"				#~ msgstr "Pojdi na prejšnji dokument"

#~ msgid "Go to next document"					#~ msgid "Go to next document"
#~ msgstr "Pojdi na naslednji dokument"				#~ msgstr "Pojdi na naslednji dokument"

#~ msgid "Go to table of contents"				#~ msgid "Go to table of contents"
#~ msgstr "Pojdi v stvarno kazalo"				#~ msgstr "Pojdi v stvarno kazalo"

#~ msgid "Could not load file '%s'"				#~ msgid "Could not load file '%s'"
#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel naložiti datoteke '%s'"			#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel naložiti datoteke '%s'"

#~ msgid "Screen"						#~ msgid "Screen"
#~ msgstr "Zaslon"						#~ msgstr "Zaslon"

#~ msgid "New screen"						#~ msgid "New screen"
#~ msgstr "Nov zaslon"						#~ msgstr "Nov zaslon"

#~ msgid "Server"						#~ msgid "Server"
#~ msgstr "Strežnik"						#~ msgstr "Strežnik"

#~ msgid "New server"						#~ msgid "New server"
#~ msgstr "Nov strežnik"					#~ msgstr "Nov strežnik"

#~ msgid "Repository"						#~ msgid "Repository"
#~ msgstr "NalagaliÅ¡Ä?e"						#~ msgstr "NalagaliÅ¡Ä?e"

#~ msgid "New repository"					#~ msgid "New repository"
#~ msgstr "Novo nalagaliÅ¡Ä?e"					#~ msgstr "Novo nalagaliÅ¡Ä?e"

#~ msgid "Open existing screen"					#~ msgid "Open existing screen"
#~ msgstr "Odpri že obstojeÄ? zaslon"				#~ msgstr "Odpri že obstojeÄ? zaslon"

#~ msgid "Open existing server"					#~ msgid "Open existing server"
#~ msgstr "Odpri obstojeÄ? strežnik"				#~ msgstr "Odpri obstojeÄ? strežnik"

#~ msgid "Open existing repository"				#~ msgid "Open existing repository"
#~ msgstr "Odpri obstojeÄ?e nalagaliÅ¡Ä?e"				#~ msgstr "Odpri obstojeÄ?e nalagaliÅ¡Ä?e"

#~ msgid "Close current window"					#~ msgid "Close current window"
#~ msgstr "Zapri trenutno okno"					#~ msgstr "Zapri trenutno okno"

#~ msgid "Close all"						#~ msgid "Close all"
#~ msgstr "Zapri vse"						#~ msgstr "Zapri vse"

#~ msgid "Close all open windows"				#~ msgid "Close all open windows"
#~ msgstr "Zapri vsa odprta okna"				#~ msgstr "Zapri vsa odprta okna"

#~ msgid "Undo last action"					#~ msgid "Undo last action"
#~ msgstr "Razveljavi zadnje dejanje"				#~ msgstr "Razveljavi zadnje dejanje"

#~ msgid "Redo"							#~ msgid "Redo"
#~ msgstr "Ponovi"						#~ msgstr "Ponovi"

#~ msgid "Revert last undone action"				#~ msgid "Revert last undone action"
#~ msgstr "Ponovi zadnjo razveljavljeno dejanje"		#~ msgstr "Ponovi zadnjo razveljavljeno dejanje"

#~ msgid "Copy selected text/item to the clipboard"		#~ msgid "Copy selected text/item to the clipboard"
#~ msgstr "Kopiraj izbrano besedilo / izbran predmet na odlož	#~ msgstr "Kopiraj izbrano besedilo / izbran predmet na odlož

#~ msgid "Paste clipboard contents"				#~ msgid "Paste clipboard contents"
#~ msgstr "Vstavi vsebino odložiÅ¡Ä?a"				#~ msgstr "Vstavi vsebino odložiÅ¡Ä?a"

#~ msgid "New project"						#~ msgid "New project"
#~ msgstr "Nov projekt"						#~ msgstr "Nov projekt"

#~ msgid "Open project"						#~ msgid "Open project"
#~ msgstr "Odpri projekt"					#~ msgstr "Odpri projekt"

#~ msgid "Save project"						#~ msgid "Save project"
#~ msgstr "Shrani proejkt"					#~ msgstr "Shrani proejkt"

#~ msgid "Save current project"					#~ msgid "Save current project"
#~ msgstr "Shrani trenutni projekt"				#~ msgstr "Shrani trenutni projekt"

#~ msgid "The GNOME-DB front end"				#~ msgid "The GNOME-DB front end"
#~ msgstr "GNOME-DB Vmesnik"					#~ msgstr "GNOME-DB Vmesnik"

#~ msgid "SQL Front End"					#~ msgid "SQL Front End"
#~ msgstr "SQL Vmesnik"						#~ msgstr "SQL Vmesnik"

#~ msgid "The SQL front end"					#~ msgid "The SQL front end"
#~ msgstr "SQL Vmesnik"						#~ msgstr "SQL Vmesnik"

#~ msgid "The GNOME-DB configuration tool"			#~ msgid "The GNOME-DB configuration tool"
#~ msgstr "GNOME-DB orodje za nastavitve"			#~ msgstr "GNOME-DB orodje za nastavitve"

#~ msgid "Project"						#~ msgid "Project"
#~ msgstr "Projekt"						#~ msgstr "Projekt"

#~ msgid "New Screen/Report"					#~ msgid "New Screen/Report"
#~ msgstr "Nov Zaslon/PoroÄ?ilo"					#~ msgstr "Nov Zaslon/PoroÄ?ilo"

#~ msgid "Open Screen/Report"					#~ msgid "Open Screen/Report"
#~ msgstr "Odpri Zaslon/PoroÄ?ilo"				#~ msgstr "Odpri Zaslon/PoroÄ?ilo"

#~ msgid "Unable to execute '%s'"				#~ msgid "Unable to execute '%s'"
#~ msgstr "Ne morem izvršiti '%s'"				#~ msgstr "Ne morem izvršiti '%s'"

#~ msgid "database name"					#~ msgid "database name"
#~ msgstr "ime zbirke podatkov"					#~ msgstr "ime zbirke podatkov"

#~ msgid "DATABASE"						#~ msgid "DATABASE"
#~ msgstr "ZBIRKA PODATKOV"					#~ msgstr "ZBIRKA PODATKOV"

#~ msgid "user name"						#~ msgid "user name"
#~ msgstr "uporabniško ime"					#~ msgstr "uporabniško ime"

#~ msgid "USER-NAME"						#~ msgid "USER-NAME"
#~ msgstr "UPORABNIÅ KO IME"					#~ msgstr "UPORABNIÅ KO IME"

#~ msgid "password"						#~ msgid "password"
#~ msgstr "geslo"						#~ msgstr "geslo"

#~ msgid "PASSWORD"						#~ msgid "PASSWORD"
#~ msgstr "GESLO"						#~ msgstr "GESLO"

#~ msgid "FILE-NAME"						#~ msgid "FILE-NAME"
#~ msgstr "IME-DATOTEKE"					#~ msgstr "IME-DATOTEKE"

#~ msgid "%s: misconfigured DSN entry"				#~ msgid "%s: misconfigured DSN entry"
#~ msgstr "%s: napaÄ?no nastavljen DNS vpis"			#~ msgstr "%s: napaÄ?no nastavljen DNS vpis"

#~ msgid "%s: data source '%s' not found\n"			#~ msgid "%s: data source '%s' not found\n"
#~ msgstr "%s: vir podatkov '%s' ni bil najden\n"		#~ msgstr "%s: vir podatkov '%s' ni bil najden\n"

#~ msgid "Could not register <PROVIDER-NAME> provider impleme	#~ msgid "Could not register <PROVIDER-NAME> provider impleme
#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel registrirati <PROVIDER-NAME> nuditelja	#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel registrirati <PROVIDER-NAME> nuditelja

#~ msgid "Execute"						#~ msgid "Execute"
#~ msgstr "Izvedi"						#~ msgstr "Izvedi"

#~ msgid "Execute batch file"					#~ msgid "Execute batch file"
#~ msgstr "Izvrši datoteko s serijo ukazov"			#~ msgstr "Izvrši datoteko s serijo ukazov"

#~ msgid "Clear command list"					#~ msgid "Clear command list"
#~ msgstr "Pobriši seznam ukazov"				#~ msgstr "Pobriši seznam ukazov"

#~ msgid ""							#~ msgid ""
#~ "Could not open file\n"					#~ "Could not open file\n"
#~ "'%s'"							#~ "'%s'"
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Ne morem odpreti datoteke \n"				#~ "Ne morem odpreti datoteke \n"
#~ "'%s'"							#~ "'%s'"

#~ msgid "No command selected"					#~ msgid "No command selected"
#~ msgstr "Noben ukaz ni izbran"				#~ msgstr "Noben ukaz ni izbran"

#~ msgid "Enter command text"					#~ msgid "Enter command text"
#~ msgstr "Vpiši besedilo ukaza"				#~ msgstr "Vpiši besedilo ukaza"

#~ msgid "Insert at current position"				#~ msgid "Insert at current position"
#~ msgstr "Vstavi na trenutni poziciji"				#~ msgstr "Vstavi na trenutni poziciji"

#~ msgid "Open File"						#~ msgid "Open File"
#~ msgstr "Odpri datoteko"					#~ msgstr "Odpri datoteko"

#~ msgid "Command separators"					#~ msgid "Command separators"
#~ msgstr "LoÄ?niki med ukazi"					#~ msgstr "LoÄ?niki med ukazi"

#~ msgid "Append to current file"				#~ msgid "Append to current file"
#~ msgstr "Dodaj trenutni datoteki"				#~ msgstr "Dodaj trenutni datoteki"

#~ msgid "You must specifiy the characters used as command se	#~ msgid "You must specifiy the characters used as command se
#~ msgstr "Navesti morate znake, ki naj se uporabijo kot loÄ?n	#~ msgstr "Navesti morate znake, ki naj se uporabijo kot loÄ?n

#~ msgid "Up"							#~ msgid "Up"
#~ msgstr "Gor"							#~ msgstr "Gor"

#~ msgid "Down"							#~ msgid "Down"
#~ msgstr "Dol"							#~ msgstr "Dol"

#~ msgid "Send as XML"						#~ msgid "Send as XML"
#~ msgstr "Pošlji kot XML"					#~ msgstr "Pošlji kot XML"

#~ msgid "Connected to '%s'"					#~ msgid "Connected to '%s'"
#~ msgstr "Povezan z '%s'"					#~ msgstr "Povezan z '%s'"

#~ msgid "Connecting..."					#~ msgid "Connecting..."
#~ msgstr "Povezujem se..."					#~ msgstr "Povezujem se..."

#~ msgid "Configuration file saved"				#~ msgid "Configuration file saved"
#~ msgstr "Datoteka z nastavitvami shranjena"			#~ msgstr "Datoteka z nastavitvami shranjena"

#~ msgid "Add Environment Variable"				#~ msgid "Add Environment Variable"
#~ msgstr "Dodaj Okoljsko Spremenljivko"			#~ msgstr "Dodaj Okoljsko Spremenljivko"

#~ msgid "Value"						#~ msgid "Value"
#~ msgstr "Vrednost"						#~ msgstr "Vrednost"

#~ msgid "Editor Font"						#~ msgid "Editor Font"
#~ msgstr "Pisava Urejevalnika"					#~ msgstr "Pisava Urejevalnika"

#~ msgid "Tab Position"						#~ msgid "Tab Position"
#~ msgstr "Pozicija tabulatorja"				#~ msgstr "Pozicija tabulatorja"

#~ msgid "Top"							#~ msgid "Top"
#~ msgstr "Zgoraj"						#~ msgstr "Zgoraj"

#~ msgid "Bottom"						#~ msgid "Bottom"
#~ msgstr "Spodaj"						#~ msgstr "Spodaj"

#~ msgid "Left"							#~ msgid "Left"
#~ msgstr "Levo"						#~ msgstr "Levo"

#~ msgid "Right"						#~ msgid "Right"
#~ msgstr "Desno"						#~ msgstr "Desno"

#~ msgid "Grid"							#~ msgid "Grid"
#~ msgstr "Mreža"						#~ msgstr "Mreža"

#~ msgid "Font"							#~ msgid "Font"
#~ msgstr "Pisava"						#~ msgstr "Pisava"

#~ msgid "Foreground Color"					#~ msgid "Foreground Color"
#~ msgstr "Barva ospredja"					#~ msgstr "Barva ospredja"

#~ msgid "Background Color"					#~ msgid "Background Color"
#~ msgstr "Barva ozadja"					#~ msgstr "Barva ozadja"

#~ msgid "Show row numbers"					#~ msgid "Show row numbers"
#~ msgstr "Kaži številke vrstic"				#~ msgstr "Kaži številke vrstic"

#~ msgid "User Interface"					#~ msgid "User Interface"
#~ msgstr "Uporabniški vmesnik"					#~ msgstr "Uporabniški vmesnik"

#~ msgid "Environment"						#~ msgid "Environment"
#~ msgstr "Okolje"						#~ msgstr "Okolje"

#~ msgid "GDA"							#~ msgid "GDA"
#~ msgstr "GDA"							#~ msgstr "GDA"

#~ msgid "SQL Window"						#~ msgid "SQL Window"
#~ msgstr "SQL Okno"						#~ msgstr "SQL Okno"

#~ msgid "Query designer"					#~ msgid "Query designer"
#~ msgstr "Oblikovalec poizvedb"				#~ msgstr "Oblikovalec poizvedb"

#~ msgid "Browse Database"					#~ msgid "Browse Database"
#~ msgstr "Brskaj po zbirki podatkov"				#~ msgstr "Brskaj po zbirki podatkov"

#~ msgid "Import"						#~ msgid "Import"
#~ msgstr "Uvozi"						#~ msgstr "Uvozi"

#~ msgid "Close connection"					#~ msgid "Close connection"
#~ msgstr "Zapri povezavo"					#~ msgstr "Zapri povezavo"

#~ msgid "Load file into buffer"				#~ msgid "Load file into buffer"
#~ msgstr "Naloži datoteko v medpomnilnik"			#~ msgstr "Naloži datoteko v medpomnilnik"

#~ msgid "Start export"						#~ msgid "Start export"
#~ msgstr "ZaÄ?ni izvoz"						#~ msgstr "ZaÄ?ni izvoz"

#~ msgid "Clear all fields"					#~ msgid "Clear all fields"
#~ msgstr "PoÄ?isti vsa polja"					#~ msgstr "PoÄ?isti vsa polja"

#~ msgid "Select all objects in database"			#~ msgid "Select all objects in database"
#~ msgstr "Izberi vse predmete v zbirki podatkov"		#~ msgstr "Izberi vse predmete v zbirki podatkov"

#~ msgid "Foreign keys"						#~ msgid "Foreign keys"
#~ msgstr "Tuji kljuÄ?i"						#~ msgstr "Tuji kljuÄ?i"

#~ msgid "Object Identifiers"					#~ msgid "Object Identifiers"
#~ msgstr "Identifikatorji Predmeta"				#~ msgstr "Identifikatorji Predmeta"

#~ msgid "Object Inheritance"					#~ msgid "Object Inheritance"
#~ msgstr "Dedovanje Predmeta"					#~ msgstr "Dedovanje Predmeta"

#~ msgid "SQL (Standard)"					#~ msgid "SQL (Standard)"
#~ msgstr "SQL (ObiÄ?ajen)"					#~ msgstr "SQL (ObiÄ?ajen)"

#~ msgid "SQL Sub-Selects"					#~ msgid "SQL Sub-Selects"
#~ msgstr "SQL podizbire"					#~ msgstr "SQL podizbire"

#~ msgid "Stored Procedures"					#~ msgid "Stored Procedures"
#~ msgstr "Shrajene procedure"					#~ msgstr "Shrajene procedure"

#~ msgid "XML Queries"						#~ msgid "XML Queries"
#~ msgstr "Poizvedbe XML"					#~ msgstr "Poizvedbe XML"

#~ msgid "Row %d - %d rows selected"				#~ msgid "Row %d - %d rows selected"
#~ msgstr "Vrstica %d - %d izbranih vrstic"			#~ msgstr "Vrstica %d - %d izbranih vrstic"

#~ msgid ""							#~ msgid ""
#~ "Error reading from file\n"					#~ "Error reading from file\n"
#~ "'%s'"							#~ "'%s'"
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Napaka ob branju iz datoteke\n"				#~ "Napaka ob branju iz datoteke\n"
#~ "'%s'"							#~ "'%s'"

#~ msgid "Command succeeded"					#~ msgid "Command succeeded"
#~ msgstr "Ukaz uspel"						#~ msgstr "Ukaz uspel"

#~ msgid ""							#~ msgid ""
#~ "Error writing to file\n"					#~ "Error writing to file\n"
#~ "'%s'"							#~ "'%s'"
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Napaka ob pisanju v datoteko\n"				#~ "Napaka ob pisanju v datoteko\n"
#~ "'%s'"							#~ "'%s'"

#~ msgid "Select Command"					#~ msgid "Select Command"
#~ msgstr "Izberi ukaz"						#~ msgstr "Izberi ukaz"

#~ msgid "Begin transaction failed"				#~ msgid "Begin transaction failed"
#~ msgstr "PriÄ?etek transakcije ni uspel"			#~ msgstr "PriÄ?etek transakcije ni uspel"

#~ msgid "Commit transaction failed"				#~ msgid "Commit transaction failed"
#~ msgstr "Udejanjenje transakcije ni uspelo"			#~ msgstr "Udejanjenje transakcije ni uspelo"

#~ msgid "Could not activate module %s"				#~ msgid "Could not activate module %s"
#~ msgstr "Ne morem aktivirati modula %s"			#~ msgstr "Ne morem aktivirati modula %s"

#~ msgid "Command Timeout"					#~ msgid "Command Timeout"
#~ msgstr "PreteÄ?ena Ä?asovna omejitev ukaza"			#~ msgstr "PreteÄ?ena Ä?asovna omejitev ukaza"

#~ msgid "Connect Timeout"					#~ msgid "Connect Timeout"
#~ msgstr "PreteÄ?ena Ä?asovna omejitev povezave"			#~ msgstr "PreteÄ?ena Ä?asovna omejitev povezave"

#~ msgid "Trace File"						#~ msgid "Trace File"
#~ msgstr "Datoteka s sledovi"					#~ msgstr "Datoteka s sledovi"

#~ msgid "Clear all entries"					#~ msgid "Clear all entries"
#~ msgstr "PoÄ?isti vse vnose"					#~ msgstr "PoÄ?isti vse vnose"

#~ msgid "Close designer window"				#~ msgid "Close designer window"
#~ msgstr "Zapri oblikovalsko okno"				#~ msgstr "Zapri oblikovalsko okno"

#~ msgid "Apply"						#~ msgid "Apply"
#~ msgstr "Uporabi"						#~ msgstr "Uporabi"

#~ msgid "Clear log file"					#~ msgid "Clear log file"
#~ msgstr "Pobriši dnevniško datoteko"				#~ msgstr "Pobriši dnevniško datoteko"

#~ msgid "Refresh log viewer"					#~ msgid "Refresh log viewer"
#~ msgstr "Osveži pregledovalnik dnevnika"			#~ msgstr "Osveži pregledovalnik dnevnika"

#~ msgid "Close log window"					#~ msgid "Close log window"
#~ msgstr "Zapri okno z dnevnikom"				#~ msgstr "Zapri okno z dnevnikom"

#~ msgid "Query Designer"					#~ msgid "Query Designer"
#~ msgstr "Oblikovalec Poizvedb"				#~ msgstr "Oblikovalec Poizvedb"

#~ msgid "Begin transaction"					#~ msgid "Begin transaction"
#~ msgstr "PriÄ?ni transakcijo"					#~ msgstr "PriÄ?ni transakcijo"

#~ msgid "Discard all changes"					#~ msgid "Discard all changes"
#~ msgstr "Zavrzi vse spremembe"				#~ msgstr "Zavrzi vse spremembe"

#~ msgid "Configure"						#~ msgid "Configure"
#~ msgstr "Nastavi"						#~ msgstr "Nastavi"

#~ msgid "View logs"						#~ msgid "View logs"
#~ msgstr "Poglej dnevnike"					#~ msgstr "Poglej dnevnike"

#~ msgid "View the different logs"				#~ msgid "View the different logs"
#~ msgstr "Poglej razliÄ?ne dnevnike"				#~ msgstr "Poglej razliÄ?ne dnevnike"

#~ msgid "Service control"					#~ msgid "Service control"
#~ msgstr "Kontrola storitev"					#~ msgstr "Kontrola storitev"

#~ msgid "View service activity"				#~ msgid "View service activity"
#~ msgstr "Poglej aktivnost storitev"				#~ msgstr "Poglej aktivnost storitev"

#~ msgid "The GNOME-DB Development Environment"			#~ msgid "The GNOME-DB Development Environment"
#~ msgstr "GNOME-DB Okolje za Razvoj"				#~ msgstr "GNOME-DB Okolje za Razvoj"

#~ msgid "Preferences..."					#~ msgid "Preferences..."
#~ msgstr "Nastavitve..."					#~ msgstr "Nastavitve..."

#~ msgid "Save current configuration"				#~ msgid "Save current configuration"
#~ msgstr "Shrani trenutne nastavitve"				#~ msgstr "Shrani trenutne nastavitve"

#~ msgid "Activate selected service"				#~ msgid "Activate selected service"
#~ msgstr "Aktiviraj izbrano storitev"				#~ msgstr "Aktiviraj izbrano storitev"

#~ msgid "Stop selected service"				#~ msgid "Stop selected service"
#~ msgstr "Ustavi izbrano storitev"				#~ msgstr "Ustavi izbrano storitev"

#~ msgid ""							#~ msgid ""
#~ "Could not find any installed services. Either you don't h	#~ "Could not find any installed services. Either you don't h
#~ "any services installed or I don't know the path to find t	#~ "any services installed or I don't know the path to find t
#~ "In either case, please check your GNOME-DB installation."	#~ "In either case, please check your GNOME-DB installation."
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Nisem naÅ¡el že nameÅ¡Ä?enih storitev. Ali nimate nobenih\n"	#~ "Nisem naÅ¡el že nameÅ¡Ä?enih storitev. Ali nimate nobenih\n"
#~ "nameÅ¡Ä?enih storitev ali pa te niso v poti, da bi jih naÅ¡e	#~ "nameÅ¡Ä?enih storitev ali pa te niso v poti, da bi jih naÅ¡e
#~ "V vsakem primeru prosim, da preverite namestitev GNOME-DB	#~ "V vsakem primeru prosim, da preverite namestitev GNOME-DB

#~ msgid "Service '%s' activated"				#~ msgid "Service '%s' activated"
#~ msgstr "Storitev '%s' aktivirana"				#~ msgstr "Storitev '%s' aktivirana"

#~ msgid "Could not activate service '%s'"			#~ msgid "Could not activate service '%s'"
#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel aktivirati storitve '%s'"		#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel aktivirati storitve '%s'"

#~ msgid "Repo ID"						#~ msgid "Repo ID"
#~ msgstr "Repo ID"						#~ msgstr "Repo ID"

#~ msgid "Service Control"					#~ msgid "Service Control"
#~ msgstr "Kontrola Storitve"					#~ msgstr "Kontrola Storitve"

#~ msgid "Error code %ld"					#~ msgid "Error code %ld"
#~ msgstr "Napaka Å¡tevilka %ld"					#~ msgstr "Napaka Å¡tevilka %ld"

#~ msgid "error '%s' at %s"					#~ msgid "error '%s' at %s"
#~ msgstr "napaka '%s' v %s"					#~ msgstr "napaka '%s' v %s"

#~ msgid "Not available"					#~ msgid "Not available"
#~ msgstr "Ni na voljo"						#~ msgstr "Ni na voljo"

#~ msgid "Could not register INTERBASE provider implementatio	#~ msgid "Could not register INTERBASE provider implementatio
#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel registrirati implementacije nuditelja 	#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel registrirati implementacije nuditelja 

#~ msgid "Port"							#~ msgid "Port"
#~ msgstr "Vrata"						#~ msgstr "Vrata"

#~ msgid "Authentication"					#~ msgid "Authentication"
#~ msgstr "Avtentifikacija"					#~ msgstr "Avtentifikacija"

#~ msgid "Could not create DSN config component"		#~ msgid "Could not create DSN config component"
#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel ustvariti DSN nastavitvene komponente"	#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel ustvariti DSN nastavitvene komponente"

#~ msgid "Could not register LDAP provider implementation"	#~ msgid "Could not register LDAP provider implementation"
#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel registrirati implementacije nuditelja 	#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel registrirati implementacije nuditelja 

#~ msgid "Select config component"				#~ msgid "Select config component"
#~ msgstr "Izberi nastavitveno komponento"			#~ msgstr "Izberi nastavitveno komponento"

#~ msgid "Browse selected data source"				#~ msgid "Browse selected data source"
#~ msgstr "Brskaj po izbranem viru podatkov"			#~ msgstr "Brskaj po izbranem viru podatkov"

#~ msgid "Browse Data Source"					#~ msgid "Browse Data Source"
#~ msgstr "Brskaj po Viru Podatkov"				#~ msgstr "Brskaj po Viru Podatkov"

#~ msgid "could not load browser control"			#~ msgid "could not load browser control"
#~ msgstr "nisem mogel naložiti kontrole brskalnika"		#~ msgstr "nisem mogel naložiti kontrole brskalnika"

#~ msgid "Load config component"				#~ msgid "Load config component"
#~ msgstr "Naloži namestitveno komponento"			#~ msgstr "Naloži namestitveno komponento"

#~ msgid "Users"						#~ msgid "Users"
#~ msgstr "Uporabniki"						#~ msgstr "Uporabniki"

#~ msgid "User access rights"					#~ msgid "User access rights"
#~ msgstr "Dovoljenja za dostop uporabnikov"			#~ msgstr "Dovoljenja za dostop uporabnikov"

#~ msgid "All"							#~ msgid "All"
#~ msgstr "Vsi"							#~ msgstr "Vsi"

#~ msgid "Open the database browser"				#~ msgid "Open the database browser"
#~ msgstr "Odpri brskalnik po zbirki podatkov"			#~ msgstr "Odpri brskalnik po zbirki podatkov"

#~ msgid "The GNOME-DB development environment"			#~ msgid "The GNOME-DB development environment"
#~ msgstr "GNOME-DB okolje za razvoj"				#~ msgstr "GNOME-DB okolje za razvoj"

#~ msgid "Configure GDA providers"				#~ msgid "Configure GDA providers"
#~ msgstr "Nastavi GDA nuditelje"				#~ msgstr "Nastavi GDA nuditelje"

#~ msgid "Configure GNOME-DB components"			#~ msgid "Configure GNOME-DB components"
#~ msgstr "Nastavi GNOME-DB komponente"				#~ msgstr "Nastavi GNOME-DB komponente"

#~ msgid "Remove selected provider"				#~ msgid "Remove selected provider"
#~ msgstr "Odstrani izbranega nuditelja"			#~ msgstr "Odstrani izbranega nuditelja"

#~ msgid "executing command '%s'"				#~ msgid "executing command '%s'"
#~ msgstr "izvajam ukaz '%s'"					#~ msgstr "izvajam ukaz '%s'"

#~ msgid "Could not create GnomeDbControl"			#~ msgid "Could not create GnomeDbControl"
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Nisem mogel ustvariti GnomeDbControl (Gnome kontrole za z	#~ "Nisem mogel ustvariti GnomeDbControl (Gnome kontrole za z

#~ msgid "Available databases"					#~ msgid "Available databases"
#~ msgstr "Zbirke podatkov na voljo"				#~ msgstr "Zbirke podatkov na voljo"

#~ msgid "Drop"							#~ msgid "Drop"
#~ msgstr "Spusti"						#~ msgstr "Spusti"

#~ msgid "new instance %p created"				#~ msgid "new instance %p created"
#~ msgstr "ustvarjena nova instanca %p"				#~ msgstr "ustvarjena nova instanca %p"

#~ msgid ""							#~ msgid ""
#~ "%s:%d: You cannot provide a UNIX_SOCKET if you also provi	#~ "%s:%d: You cannot provide a UNIX_SOCKET if you also provi
#~ "or a PORT. Please remove the UNIX_SOCKET, or remove both 	#~ "or a PORT. Please remove the UNIX_SOCKET, or remove both 
#~ "PORT options"						#~ "PORT options"
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "%s:%d: Ne morete doloÄ?iti UNIX_SOCKET Ä?e zraven doloÄ?ite 	#~ "%s:%d: Ne morete doloÄ?iti UNIX_SOCKET Ä?e zraven doloÄ?ite 
#~ "PORT. Prosim odstranite UNIX_SOCKET, ali odstranite obe H	#~ "PORT. Prosim odstranite UNIX_SOCKET, ali odstranite obe H
#~ "možnosti"							#~ "možnosti"

#~ msgid ""							#~ msgid ""
#~ "Opening connection with user=%s, password=%s, host=%shost	#~ "Opening connection with user=%s, password=%s, host=%shost
#~ "unix_socket=%s"						#~ "unix_socket=%s"
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Vzpostavljam povezavo z uporabnik=%s, geslo=%s, gostitelj	#~ "Vzpostavljam povezavo z uporabnik=%s, geslo=%s, gostitelj
#~ "vrata=%s, unix_socket=%s"					#~ "vrata=%s, unix_socket=%s"

#~ msgid "Unhandled SCHEMA_QTYPE %d"				#~ msgid "Unhandled SCHEMA_QTYPE %d"
#~ msgstr "Neoskrbljen SCHEMA_QTYPE %d"				#~ msgstr "Neoskrbljen SCHEMA_QTYPE %d"

#~ msgid "mysql_recset is NULL"					#~ msgid "mysql_recset is NULL"
#~ msgstr "mysql_recset je NIÄ?"					#~ msgstr "mysql_recset je NIÄ?"

#~ msgid "No table name given for SCHEMA_COLS"			#~ msgid "No table name given for SCHEMA_COLS"
#~ msgstr "Ni podanega imena tabele za SCHEMA_COLS"		#~ msgstr "Ni podanega imena tabele za SCHEMA_COLS"

#~ msgid "Could not register MySQL provider implementation"	#~ msgid "Could not register MySQL provider implementation"
#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel registrirati implementacije nuditelja 	#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel registrirati implementacije nuditelja 

#~ msgid "gda_odbc_connection_open_schema: Unhandled SCHEMA_Q	#~ msgid "gda_odbc_connection_open_schema: Unhandled SCHEMA_Q
#~ msgstr "gda_odbc_connection_open_schema: Neoskrbljen SCHEM	#~ msgstr "gda_odbc_connection_open_schema: Neoskrbljen SCHEM

#~ msgid "no text"						#~ msgid "no text"
#~ msgstr "ni besedila"						#~ msgstr "ni besedila"

#~ msgid "Could not register ODBC provider implementation"	#~ msgid "Could not register ODBC provider implementation"
#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel registrirati implementacije nuditelja 	#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel registrirati implementacije nuditelja 

#~ msgid "Could not allocate statement handle"			#~ msgid "Could not allocate statement handle"
#~ msgstr "Ne morem alocirati roÄ?ice stavka"			#~ msgstr "Ne morem alocirati roÄ?ice stavka"

#~ msgid "command object being created without associated con	#~ msgid "command object being created without associated con
#~ msgstr "ukazni predmet ustvarjen brez ustrezne povezave"	#~ msgstr "ukazni predmet ustvarjen brez ustrezne povezave"

#~ msgid "Executing command '%s'"				#~ msgid "Executing command '%s'"
#~ msgstr "Izvajam ukaz '%s'"					#~ msgstr "Izvajam ukaz '%s'"

#~ msgid "error in OCIHandleAlloc() HTYPE_SVCCTX"		#~ msgid "error in OCIHandleAlloc() HTYPE_SVCCTX"
#~ msgstr "napaka v OCIHandleAclloc() HTYPE_SVCCTX"		#~ msgstr "napaka v OCIHandleAclloc() HTYPE_SVCCTX"

#~ msgid "error in OCIHandleAlloc() HTYPE_SERVER"		#~ msgid "error in OCIHandleAlloc() HTYPE_SERVER"
#~ msgstr "napaka v OCIHandleAclloc() HTYPE_SERVER"		#~ msgstr "napaka v OCIHandleAclloc() HTYPE_SERVER"

#~ msgid "error in OCIHandleAlloc() HTYPE_ERROR"		#~ msgid "error in OCIHandleAlloc() HTYPE_ERROR"
#~ msgstr "napaka v OCIHandleAclloc() HTYPE_ERROR"		#~ msgstr "napaka v OCIHandleAclloc() HTYPE_ERROR"

#~ msgid "Unknown ORACLE type %ld"				#~ msgid "Unknown ORACLE type %ld"
#~ msgstr "Neznan ORACLE tip %ld"				#~ msgstr "Neznan ORACLE tip %ld"

#~ msgid "Unknown ORACLE data type in fill_field_values"	#~ msgid "Unknown ORACLE data type in fill_field_values"
#~ msgstr "Neznan Oraclov podatkovni tip v fill_field_values"	#~ msgstr "Neznan Oraclov podatkovni tip v fill_field_values"

#~ msgid "recordset object being created without associated c	#~ msgid "recordset object being created without associated c
#~ msgstr "kartoteÄ?ni predmet ustvarjen brez ustrezne povezav	#~ msgstr "kartoteÄ?ni predmet ustvarjen brez ustrezne povezav

#~ msgid "Could not register ORACLE provider implementation"	#~ msgid "Could not register ORACLE provider implementation"
#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel registrirati implementacije nuditelja 	#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel registrirati implementacije nuditelja 

#~ msgid "DSN for the connection"				#~ msgid "DSN for the connection"
#~ msgstr "DSN za povezavo"					#~ msgstr "DSN za povezavo"

#~ msgid "User identity"					#~ msgid "User identity"
#~ msgstr "Identiteta uporabnika"				#~ msgstr "Identiteta uporabnika"

#~ msgid "User passord"						#~ msgid "User passord"
#~ msgstr "Geslo uporabnika"					#~ msgstr "Geslo uporabnika"

#~ msgid "Show/hide the user id"				#~ msgid "Show/hide the user id"
#~ msgstr "Kaži/skrij id uporabnika"				#~ msgstr "Kaži/skrij id uporabnika"

#~ msgid "Give it TRUE to reset/start the component"		#~ msgid "Give it TRUE to reset/start the component"
#~ msgstr "Daj RESNIÄ?NO za ponastavitev/zagon komponente"	#~ msgstr "Daj RESNIÄ?NO za ponastavitev/zagon komponente"

#~ msgid "User name setting"					#~ msgid "User name setting"
#~ msgstr "Nastavitve imena uporabnika"				#~ msgstr "Nastavitve imena uporabnika"

#~ msgid "Group name setting"					#~ msgid "Group name setting"
#~ msgstr "Nastavitve imena skupine"				#~ msgstr "Nastavitve imena skupine"

#~ msgid "Object type setting"					#~ msgid "Object type setting"
#~ msgstr "Nastavitve tipa predmeta"				#~ msgstr "Nastavitve tipa predmeta"

#~ msgid "Object name setting"					#~ msgid "Object name setting"
#~ msgstr "Nastavitve imena predmeta"				#~ msgstr "Nastavitve imena predmeta"

#~ msgid "Access rigths"					#~ msgid "Access rigths"
#~ msgstr "Pravice dostopa"					#~ msgstr "Pravice dostopa"

#~ msgid "All users rights"					#~ msgid "All users rights"
#~ msgstr "Vse uporabniške pravice"				#~ msgstr "Vse uporabniške pravice"

#~ msgid "Groups rights"					#~ msgid "Groups rights"
#~ msgstr "Pravice skupine"					#~ msgstr "Pravice skupine"

#~ msgid "Group:"						#~ msgid "Group:"
#~ msgstr "Skupina:"						#~ msgstr "Skupina:"

#~ msgid "Individual users rights"				#~ msgid "Individual users rights"
#~ msgstr "Individualne pravice uporabnikov"			#~ msgstr "Individualne pravice uporabnikov"

#~ msgid "User:"						#~ msgid "User:"
#~ msgstr "Uporabnik:"						#~ msgstr "Uporabnik:"

#~ msgid "Update/Delete"					#~ msgid "Update/Delete"
#~ msgstr "Obnovi/Zbriši"					#~ msgstr "Obnovi/Zbriši"

#~ msgid "Rule"							#~ msgid "Rule"
#~ msgstr "Pravilo"						#~ msgstr "Pravilo"

#~ msgid "Sequence"						#~ msgid "Sequence"
#~ msgstr "Zaporedje"						#~ msgstr "Zaporedje"

#~ msgid "Index"						#~ msgid "Index"
#~ msgstr "Kazalo"						#~ msgstr "Kazalo"

#~ msgid "Name:"						#~ msgid "Name:"
#~ msgstr "Ime:"						#~ msgstr "Ime:"

#~ msgid "Could not instantiate the gnome-db-control"		#~ msgid "Could not instantiate the gnome-db-control"
#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel inicializirati gnome-db-kontrole"	#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel inicializirati gnome-db-kontrole"

#~ msgid "Group(s)"						#~ msgid "Group(s)"
#~ msgstr "Skupina(e)"						#~ msgstr "Skupina(e)"

#~ msgid "Create DB"						#~ msgid "Create DB"
#~ msgstr "Ustvari Zbirko Podatkov"				#~ msgstr "Ustvari Zbirko Podatkov"

#~ msgid "Valid until"						#~ msgid "Valid until"
#~ msgstr "Veljaven do"						#~ msgstr "Veljaven do"

#~ msgid "Save as new user"					#~ msgid "Save as new user"
#~ msgstr "Shrani kot novega uporabnika"			#~ msgstr "Shrani kot novega uporabnika"

#~ msgid "Save modified user"					#~ msgid "Save modified user"
#~ msgstr "Shrani spremenjenega uporabnika"			#~ msgstr "Shrani spremenjenega uporabnika"

#~ msgid "Delete user"						#~ msgid "Delete user"
#~ msgstr "Zbriši uporabnika"					#~ msgstr "Zbriši uporabnika"

#~ msgid "Yes"							#~ msgid "Yes"
#~ msgstr "Da"							#~ msgstr "Da"

#~ msgid "No"							#~ msgid "No"
#~ msgstr "Ne"							#~ msgstr "Ne"

#~ msgid "postgres_recset is NULL"				#~ msgid "postgres_recset is NULL"
#~ msgstr "postgres_recset je NIÄ?"				#~ msgstr "postgres_recset je NIÄ?"

#~ msgid "Could not register PostgreSQL provider implementati	#~ msgid "Could not register PostgreSQL provider implementati
#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel registrirati implementacije nuditelja 	#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel registrirati implementacije nuditelja 

#~ msgid "UI Test 3 Error"					#~ msgid "UI Test 3 Error"
#~ msgstr "UI Preizkus Napaka 3"				#~ msgstr "UI Preizkus Napaka 3"

#~ msgid "Record %8.0f"						#~ msgid "Record %8.0f"
#~ msgstr "Kartoteka %8.0f"					#~ msgstr "Kartoteka %8.0f"

#~ msgid "We could not load the glade interface description! 	#~ msgid "We could not load the glade interface description! 
#~ msgstr "Ne moremo naložiti glade opisa vmesnika (%s)"	#~ msgstr "Ne moremo naložiti glade opisa vmesnika (%s)"

#~ msgid "Could not get pointer to server implementation"	#~ msgid "Could not get pointer to server implementation"
#~ msgstr "Ne morem dobiti kazalca do implementacije strežnik	#~ msgstr "Ne morem dobiti kazalca do implementacije strežnik

#~ msgid "impl_GDA_Connection_open: opening connection with D	#~ msgid "impl_GDA_Connection_open: opening connection with D
#~ msgstr "impl_GDA_Connection_open: odpiram povezavo z DSN: 	#~ msgstr "impl_GDA_Connection_open: odpiram povezavo z DSN: 

#~ msgid "%s: not implemented"					#~ msgid "%s: not implemented"
#~ msgstr "%s: ni implementiran"				#~ msgstr "%s: ni implementiran"

#~ msgid "%s: length = %d"					#~ msgid "%s: length = %d"
#~ msgstr "%s: dolžina = %d"					#~ msgstr "%s: dolžina = %d"

#~ msgid "%s: sending field description for '%s'"		#~ msgid "%s: sending field description for '%s'"
#~ msgstr "%s: pošiljam opis polja za '%s'"			#~ msgstr "%s: pošiljam opis polja za '%s'"

#~ msgid "Starting provider %s with no implementation functio	#~ msgid "Starting provider %s with no implementation functio
#~ msgstr "PriÄ?enjam nuditelja %s brez implementiranih funkci	#~ msgstr "PriÄ?enjam nuditelja %s brez implementiranih funkci

#~ msgid ""							#~ msgid ""
#~ "OAF doesn't know about our IID; indicates broken installa	#~ "OAF doesn't know about our IID; indicates broken installa
#~ msgstr "OAF ne ve za naš IID; kar kaže na pokvarjeno names	#~ msgstr "OAF ne ve za naš IID; kar kaže na pokvarjeno names

#~ msgid ""							#~ msgid ""
#~ "Another instance of this provider is already registered w	#~ "Another instance of this provider is already registered w
#~ "Exiting..."							#~ "Exiting..."
#~ msgstr "Ena inštanca tega nuditelja je že registrirana pri	#~ msgstr "Ena inštanca tega nuditelja je že registrirana pri

#~ msgid "Unknown error registering this provider with OAF. E	#~ msgid "Unknown error registering this provider with OAF. E
#~ msgstr "Neznana napaka ob registraciji tega nuditelja pri 	#~ msgstr "Neznana napaka ob registraciji tega nuditelja pri 

#~ msgid "Could not get CORBA name service object"		#~ msgid "Could not get CORBA name service object"
#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel dobiti imena predmeta CORBA storitve"	#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel dobiti imena predmeta CORBA storitve"

#~ msgid "Registered with ID = %s"				#~ msgid "Registered with ID = %s"
#~ msgstr "Registriran z ID = %s"				#~ msgstr "Registriran z ID = %s"

#~ msgid "CORBA system exception %s"				#~ msgid "CORBA system exception %s"
#~ msgstr "CORBA sistemska izjema %s"				#~ msgstr "CORBA sistemska izjema %s"

#~ msgid "CORBA user exception: %s"				#~ msgid "CORBA user exception: %s"
#~ msgstr "CORBA uporabniška izjema : %s"			#~ msgstr "CORBA uporabniška izjema : %s"

#~ msgid "Received signal %d, shutting down"			#~ msgid "Received signal %d, shutting down"
#~ msgstr "Prejel signal %d, ustavljam se"			#~ msgstr "Prejel signal %d, ustavljam se"

#~ msgid "Received signal %d. Ignoring"				#~ msgid "Received signal %d. Ignoring"
#~ msgstr "Prejel signal %d. Ignoriram"				#~ msgstr "Prejel signal %d. Ignoriram"

#~ msgid "Connection seems to be dead"				#~ msgid "Connection seems to be dead"
#~ msgstr "Povezava izgleda mrtva"				#~ msgstr "Povezava izgleda mrtva"

#~ msgid "sending cmd failed"					#~ msgid "sending cmd failed"
#~ msgstr "pošiljanje ukaza ni uspelo"				#~ msgstr "pošiljanje ukaza ni uspelo"

#~ msgid "Allocating recordset failed"				#~ msgid "Allocating recordset failed"
#~ msgstr "Alociranje recordset-a ni uspelo"			#~ msgstr "Alociranje recordset-a ni uspelo"

#~ msgid "Getting recordset userdata failed"			#~ msgid "Getting recordset userdata failed"
#~ msgstr "Dobivanje recordset uporabniških podatkov ni uspel	#~ msgstr "Dobivanje recordset uporabniških podatkov ni uspel

#~ msgid "Command execution finished, all results processed"	#~ msgid "Command execution finished, all results processed"
#~ msgstr "Izvajanje ukaza konÄ?ano, vsi rezultati obdelani"	#~ msgstr "Izvajanje ukaza konÄ?ano, vsi rezultati obdelani"

#~ msgid "Execution of resultless command succeeded"		#~ msgid "Execution of resultless command succeeded"
#~ msgstr "Izvedba ukaza brez rezultatov je uspela"		#~ msgstr "Izvedba ukaza brez rezultatov je uspela"

#~ msgid "ct_results() returned %x"				#~ msgid "ct_results() returned %x"
#~ msgstr "ct_results() je vrnila %x"				#~ msgstr "ct_results() je vrnila %x"

#~ msgid "No further results, command completly succeeded."	#~ msgid "No further results, command completly succeeded."
#~ msgstr "Ni nadalnjih rezultatov, ukaz uspeÅ¡no zakljuÄ?en."	#~ msgstr "Ni nadalnjih rezultatov, ukaz uspeÅ¡no zakljuÄ?en."

#~ msgid "An error occured during command execution."		#~ msgid "An error occured during command execution."
#~ msgstr "Ob izvajanju ukaza se je zgudila napaka"		#~ msgstr "Ob izvajanju ukaza se je zgudila napaka"

#~ msgid "Cmd execution returned unknown result, may be an er	#~ msgid "Cmd execution returned unknown result, may be an er
#~ msgstr "Izvedba ukaza je vrnila neznan rezultat, lahko je 	#~ msgstr "Izvedba ukaza je vrnila neznan rezultat, lahko je 

#~ msgid "No data returned, freeing recordset structure"	#~ msgid "No data returned, freeing recordset structure"
#~ msgstr "Ni vrnjenih podatkov, sproÅ¡Ä?am recordset strukturo	#~ msgstr "Ni vrnjenih podatkov, sproÅ¡Ä?am recordset strukturo

#~ msgid "Freeing command structure failed"			#~ msgid "Freeing command structure failed"
#~ msgstr "SproÅ¡Ä?anje ukazne strukture ni uspelo"		#~ msgstr "SproÅ¡Ä?anje ukazne strukture ni uspelo"

#~ msgid "Error allocating error structure"			#~ msgid "Error allocating error structure"
#~ msgstr "Napaka ob alociranju strukture za napako"		#~ msgstr "Napaka ob alociranju strukture za napako"

#~ msgid "Not enough memory for sybase_Connection"		#~ msgid "Not enough memory for sybase_Connection"
#~ msgstr "Ni dovolj pomnilnika za sybase_Connection"		#~ msgstr "Ni dovolj pomnilnika za sybase_Connection"

#~ msgid "schema_cols: table_name '%s'"				#~ msgid "schema_cols: table_name '%s'"
#~ msgstr "schema_cols: table_name '%s'"			#~ msgstr "schema_cols: table_name '%s'"

#~ msgid "Could not allocate command structure"			#~ msgid "Could not allocate command structure"
#~ msgstr "Ne morem alocirati strukture ukaza"			#~ msgstr "Ne morem alocirati strukture ukaza"

#~ msgid "Could not allocate enough memory for query"		#~ msgid "Could not allocate enough memory for query"
#~ msgstr "Ne morem alocirati dovolj spomina za poizvedbo"	#~ msgstr "Ne morem alocirati dovolj spomina za poizvedbo"

#~ msgid "Could not get recordset in schema_cols"		#~ msgid "Could not get recordset in schema_cols"
#~ msgstr "Ne morem dobiti recordset-a v schema_cols "		#~ msgstr "Ne morem dobiti recordset-a v schema_cols "

#~ msgid "schema_tables: table name = '%s'"			#~ msgid "schema_tables: table name = '%s'"
#~ msgstr "schema_tables: ime tabele = '%s'"			#~ msgstr "schema_tables: ime tabele = '%s'"

#~ msgid "schema_tables: table_schema = '%s'"			#~ msgid "schema_tables: table_schema = '%s'"
#~ msgstr "scema_tables: tabele_schema = '%s'"			#~ msgstr "scema_tables: tabele_schema = '%s'"

#~ msgid "schema_procedures: proc_catalog = '%s' UNUSED!\n"	#~ msgid "schema_procedures: proc_catalog = '%s' UNUSED!\n"
#~ msgstr "schema_procedures: proc_catalog = '%s' NEUPORABLJE	#~ msgstr "schema_procedures: proc_catalog = '%s' NEUPORABLJE

#~ msgid "schema_procs: invalid constraint type %d"		#~ msgid "schema_procs: invalid constraint type %d"
#~ msgstr "schema_procs: neveljaven tip omejitve %d"		#~ msgstr "schema_procs: neveljaven tip omejitve %d"

#~ msgid "Could not allocate cmd structure"			#~ msgid "Could not allocate cmd structure"
#~ msgstr "Ne morem alocirati ukazne strukture"			#~ msgstr "Ne morem alocirati ukazne strukture"

#~ msgid "schema_procedures: proc_catalog = '%s' UNUSED!"	#~ msgid "schema_procedures: proc_catalog = '%s' UNUSED!"
#~ msgstr "schema_procedures: proc_catalog = '%s' NEUPORABLJE	#~ msgstr "schema_procedures: proc_catalog = '%s' NEUPORABLJE

#~ msgid "schema_tables: invalid constraint type %d"		#~ msgid "schema_tables: invalid constraint type %d"
#~ msgstr "schema_tables: neveljaven tip omejitve %d"		#~ msgstr "schema_tables: neveljaven tip omejitve %d"

#~ msgid "Invalid or unsupported constraint type: %d"		#~ msgid "Invalid or unsupported constraint type: %d"
#~ msgstr "Neveljaven ali nepodprt tip omejitve: %d"		#~ msgstr "Neveljaven ali nepodprt tip omejitve: %d"

#~ msgid "Could not allocate Gda_ServerCommand"			#~ msgid "Could not allocate Gda_ServerCommand"
#~ msgstr "Ne morem alocirati Gda_ServerCommand"		#~ msgstr "Ne morem alocirati Gda_ServerCommand"

#~ msgid "connection status: %x"				#~ msgid "connection status: %x"
#~ msgstr "stanje povezave: %x"					#~ msgstr "stanje povezave: %x"

#~ msgid "return code: %x"					#~ msgid "return code: %x"
#~ msgstr "vrnjena vrednost: %x"				#~ msgstr "vrnjena vrednost: %x"

#~ msgid "attempting reconnection"				#~ msgid "attempting reconnection"
#~ msgstr "poskušam se znova povezati"				#~ msgstr "poskušam se znova povezati"

#~ msgid "%sonnected to '%s'"					#~ msgid "%sonnected to '%s'"
#~ msgstr "%s povezan z '%s'"					#~ msgstr "%s povezan z '%s'"

#~ msgid "Selected database '%s'"				#~ msgid "Selected database '%s'"
#~ msgstr "Izbrana zbirka podatkov '%s'"			#~ msgstr "Izbrana zbirka podatkov '%s'"

#~ msgid "%s: Could not allocate cmd structure"			#~ msgid "%s: Could not allocate cmd structure"
#~ msgstr "%s: Ne morem alocirati ukazne strukture"		#~ msgstr "%s: Ne morem alocirati ukazne strukture"

#~ msgid "%s: Could not allocate memory for cmd string"		#~ msgid "%s: Could not allocate memory for cmd string"
#~ msgstr "%s: Ne morem alocirati pomnilnika za ukazni niz"	#~ msgstr "%s: Ne morem alocirati pomnilnika za ukazni niz"

#~ msgid "%s: ct_command failed"				#~ msgid "%s: ct_command failed"
#~ msgstr "%s: ct_command ni uspel"				#~ msgstr "%s: ct_command ni uspel"

#~ msgid "%s: sending command failed"				#~ msgid "%s: sending command failed"
#~ msgstr "%s: pošiljanje ukaza ni uspelo"			#~ msgstr "%s: pošiljanje ukaza ni uspelo"

#~ msgid "%s: selecting database failed"			#~ msgid "%s: selecting database failed"
#~ msgstr "%s: izbiranje zbirke podatkov ni uspelo"		#~ msgstr "%s: izbiranje zbirke podatkov ni uspelo"

#~ msgid "%s: use command failed"				#~ msgid "%s: use command failed"
#~ msgstr "%s: \"use\" ukaz ni uspel"				#~ msgstr "%s: \"use\" ukaz ni uspel"

#~ msgid "Could not allocate locale structure"			#~ msgid "Could not allocate locale structure"
#~ msgstr "Ne morem alocirati strukture locale"			#~ msgstr "Ne morem alocirati strukture locale"

#~ msgid "Could not set locale to '%s'"				#~ msgid "Could not set locale to '%s'"
#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel nastaviti locale na '%s'"		#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel nastaviti locale na '%s'"

#~ msgid "Could not configure locale to be '%s'"		#~ msgid "Could not configure locale to be '%s'"
#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel nastaviti locale, da bi bil '%s'"	#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel nastaviti locale, da bi bil '%s'"

#~ msgid "Could not drop locale structure"			#~ msgid "Could not drop locale structure"
#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel spustiti strukture locale"		#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel spustiti strukture locale"

#~ msgid "gda_sybase_error_make(%p,%p,%p,%p)"			#~ msgid "gda_sybase_error_make(%p,%p,%p,%p)"
#~ msgstr "gda_sybase_error_make(%p,%p,%p,%p)"			#~ msgstr "gda_sybase_error_make(%p,%p,%p,%p)"

#~ msgid "No error flag ist set, though %s is called. This ma	#~ msgid "No error flag ist set, though %s is called. This ma
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Nobena zastavica napake ni postavljena kljub klicu %s. To	#~ "Nobena zastavica napake ni postavljena kljub klicu %s. To

#~ msgid "cs_diag() initialized"				#~ msgid "cs_diag() initialized"
#~ msgstr "cs_diag() inicializiran"				#~ msgstr "cs_diag() inicializiran"

#~ msgid "Could not initialize cs_diag()"			#~ msgid "Could not initialize cs_diag()"
#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel inicializirati cs_diag()"		#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel inicializirati cs_diag()"

#~ msgid "ct_diag() initialized"				#~ msgid "ct_diag() initialized"
#~ msgstr "ct_diag() inicializiran"				#~ msgstr "ct_diag() inicializiran"

#~ msgid "Could not initialize ct_diag()"			#~ msgid "Could not initialize ct_diag()"
#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel inicializirati ct_diag()"		#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel inicializirati ct_diag()"

#~ msgid "%s could not find server implementation"		#~ msgid "%s could not find server implementation"
#~ msgstr "%s ne more najti implementacije strežnika"		#~ msgstr "%s ne more najti implementacije strežnika"

#~ msgid "%s could not get cnc userdata"			#~ msgid "%s could not get cnc userdata"
#~ msgstr "%s ne more dobit cnc podatkov uporabnika"		#~ msgstr "%s ne more dobit cnc podatkov uporabnika"

#~ msgid "Could not get # of messages"				#~ msgid "Could not get # of messages"
#~ msgstr "Ne morem dobiti # sporoÄ?il"				#~ msgstr "Ne morem dobiti # sporoÄ?il"

#~ msgid "%d ctlib messages to fetch"				#~ msgid "%d ctlib messages to fetch"
#~ msgstr "%d ctlib sporoÄ?ilo za prenos"			#~ msgstr "%d ctlib sporoÄ?ilo za prenos"

#~ msgid "%d ctlib message to fetch"				#~ msgid "%d ctlib message to fetch"
#~ msgstr "%d ctlib sporoÄ?il za prenos"				#~ msgstr "%d ctlib sporoÄ?il za prenos"

#~ msgid "error is nullpointer in gda_sybase_messages_handle"	#~ msgid "error is nullpointer in gda_sybase_messages_handle"
#~ msgstr "napaka v nultem kazalcu v gda_sybase_messages_hand	#~ msgstr "napaka v nultem kazalcu v gda_sybase_messages_hand

#~ msgid "Could not get # of server messages"			#~ msgid "Could not get # of server messages"
#~ msgstr "Ne morem dobiti # sporoÄ?il strežnika"		#~ msgstr "Ne morem dobiti # sporoÄ?il strežnika"

#~ msgid "Fetching %d client messages"				#~ msgid "Fetching %d client messages"
#~ msgstr "Dobivam %d odjemalÄ?evih sporoÄ?il"			#~ msgstr "Dobivam %d odjemalÄ?evih sporoÄ?il"

#~ msgid "Fetching %d client message"				#~ msgid "Fetching %d client message"
#~ msgstr "Dobivam %d odjemalÄ?evo sporoÄ?ilo"			#~ msgstr "Dobivam %d odjemalÄ?evo sporoÄ?ilo"

#~ msgid "Could not get client msg # %d"			#~ msgid "Could not get client msg # %d"
#~ msgstr "Ne morem dobiti sporoÄ?ila odjemalca # %d"		#~ msgstr "Ne morem dobiti sporoÄ?ila odjemalca # %d"

#~ msgid "Could not get # of client messages"			#~ msgid "Could not get # of client messages"
#~ msgstr "Ne morem dobiti # sporoÄ?il odjemalca"		#~ msgstr "Ne morem dobiti # sporoÄ?il odjemalca"

#~ msgid "Could not clear client messages"			#~ msgid "Could not clear client messages"
#~ msgstr "Ne morem poÄ?istiti sporoÄ?il odjemalca"		#~ msgstr "Ne morem poÄ?istiti sporoÄ?il odjemalca"

#~ msgid "Fetching %d server messages"				#~ msgid "Fetching %d server messages"
#~ msgstr "Dobivam %d sporoÄ?il strežnika"			#~ msgstr "Dobivam %d sporoÄ?il strežnika"

#~ msgid "Fetching %d server message"				#~ msgid "Fetching %d server message"
#~ msgstr "Dobivam %d sporoÄ?ilo strežnika"			#~ msgstr "Dobivam %d sporoÄ?ilo strežnika"

#~ msgid "Could not get server msg # %d"			#~ msgid "Could not get server msg # %d"
#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel dobiti strežnikovega sporoÄ?ila Å¡t. %d"	#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel dobiti strežnikovega sporoÄ?ila Å¡t. %d"

#~ msgid "Could not clear server messages"			#~ msgid "Could not clear server messages"
#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel poÄ?istiti strežnikovih sporoÄ?il"		#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel poÄ?istiti strežnikovih sporoÄ?il"

#~ msgid "Could not get # of cslib messages"			#~ msgid "Could not get # of cslib messages"
#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel dobiti # cslib sporoÄ?il"			#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel dobiti # cslib sporoÄ?il"

#~ msgid "Fetching %d cslib messages"				#~ msgid "Fetching %d cslib messages"
#~ msgstr "Dobivam %d cslib sporoÄ?il"				#~ msgstr "Dobivam %d cslib sporoÄ?il"

#~ msgid "Fetchong %d cslib message"				#~ msgid "Fetchong %d cslib message"
#~ msgstr "Dobivam %d cslib sporoÄ?ilo"				#~ msgstr "Dobivam %d cslib sporoÄ?ilo"

#~ msgid "Could not get cslib msg # %d"				#~ msgid "Could not get cslib msg # %d"
#~ msgstr "Ne morem dobiti cslib sporoÄ?ilo Å¡t. %d"		#~ msgstr "Ne morem dobiti cslib sporoÄ?ilo Å¡t. %d"

#~ msgid "Could not clear cslib messages"			#~ msgid "Could not clear cslib messages"
#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel poÄ?istiti cslib sporoÄ?il"		#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel poÄ?istiti cslib sporoÄ?il"

#~ msgid "Client message:"					#~ msgid "Client message:"
#~ msgstr "SporoÄ?ilo odjemalca:"				#~ msgstr "SporoÄ?ilo odjemalca:"

#~ msgid "CS-Library error:"					#~ msgid "CS-Library error:"
#~ msgstr "Napaka CS-Knjižnice:"				#~ msgstr "Napaka CS-Knjižnice:"

#~ msgid "fetch error at row %d"				#~ msgid "fetch error at row %d"
#~ msgstr "napaka pri prenosu v vrstici %d"			#~ msgstr "napaka pri prenosu v vrstici %d"

#~ msgid "CS_END_DATA on row %d; canceling"			#~ msgid "CS_END_DATA on row %d; canceling"
#~ msgstr "CS_END_DATA na vrstici %d; razveljavljam"		#~ msgstr "CS_END_DATA na vrstici %d; razveljavljam"

#~ msgid "%s: Error (%d)"					#~ msgid "%s: Error (%d)"
#~ msgstr "%s: Napaka (%d)"					#~ msgstr "%s: Napaka (%d)"

#~ msgid "Failed fetching # of columns"				#~ msgid "Failed fetching # of columns"
#~ msgstr "Nisem uspel prenesti # stolpcev"			#~ msgstr "Nisem uspel prenesti # stolpcev"

#~ msgid "Counted %d columns"					#~ msgid "Counted %d columns"
#~ msgstr "Preštel %d stolpcev"					#~ msgstr "Preštel %d stolpcev"

#~ msgid "%s could not allocate datafmt info"			#~ msgid "%s could not allocate datafmt info"
#~ msgstr "%s Ne morem alocirati datafmt podatkov"		#~ msgstr "%s Ne morem alocirati datafmt podatkov"

#~ msgid "%s could not allocate data fields"			#~ msgid "%s could not allocate data fields"
#~ msgstr "%s ne morem alocirati podatkovnih polj"		#~ msgstr "%s ne morem alocirati podatkovnih polj"

#~ msgid "ct_describe on col # %d"				#~ msgid "ct_describe on col # %d"
#~ msgstr "ct_describe v stolpcu Å¡t. %d"			#~ msgstr "ct_describe v stolpcu Å¡t. %d"

#~ msgid "ct_describe on col # %d failed"			#~ msgid "ct_describe on col # %d failed"
#~ msgstr "ct_describe v stolpcu Å¡t. %d ni uspel"		#~ msgstr "ct_describe v stolpcu Å¡t. %d ni uspel"

#~ msgid "ct_describe(%d): '%s', %d (%s)"			#~ msgid "ct_describe(%d): '%s', %d (%s)"
#~ msgstr "ct_describe(%d): '%s', %d (%s)"			#~ msgstr "ct_describe(%d): '%s', %d (%s)"

#~ msgid "could not ct_bind data holder to column"		#~ msgid "could not ct_bind data holder to column"
#~ msgstr "ne morem povezati ct_bind držalca podtakov na stol	#~ msgstr "ne morem povezati ct_bind držalca podtakov na stol

#~ msgid "illegal type detected, aborting"			#~ msgid "illegal type detected, aborting"
#~ msgstr "zaznan neveljaven tip, prekinjam"			#~ msgstr "zaznan neveljaven tip, prekinjam"

#~ msgid "Refresh all"						#~ msgid "Refresh all"
#~ msgstr "Osveži vse"						#~ msgstr "Osveži vse"

#~ msgid "Ok"							#~ msgid "Ok"
#~ msgstr "V redu"						#~ msgstr "V redu"

#~ msgid "GNOME-DB Controls browser"				#~ msgid "GNOME-DB Controls browser"
#~ msgstr "Brskalnik po kontrolah GNOME-DB"			#~ msgstr "Brskalnik po kontrolah GNOME-DB"

#~ msgid "New control"						#~ msgid "New control"
#~ msgstr "Nova kontrola"					#~ msgstr "Nova kontrola"

#~ msgid "Close control"					#~ msgid "Close control"
#~ msgstr "Zapri kontrolo"					#~ msgstr "Zapri kontrolo"

#~ msgid "Controls"						#~ msgid "Controls"
#~ msgstr "Kontrole"						#~ msgstr "Kontrole"

#~ msgid "Control settings"					#~ msgid "Control settings"
#~ msgstr "Nastavitve kontrole"					#~ msgstr "Nastavitve kontrole"

#~ msgid "PROVIDER"						#~ msgid "PROVIDER"
#~ msgstr "NUDITELJ"						#~ msgstr "NUDITELJ"

#~ msgid "table"						#~ msgid "table"
#~ msgstr "tabela"						#~ msgstr "tabela"

#~ msgid "TABLENAME"						#~ msgid "TABLENAME"
#~ msgstr "IMETABELE"						#~ msgstr "IMETABELE"

#~ msgid "TABLE NAME"						#~ msgid "TABLE NAME"
#~ msgstr "IME TABELE"						#~ msgstr "IME TABELE"

#~ msgid "Logging in"						#~ msgid "Logging in"
#~ msgstr "Prijavljam se"					#~ msgstr "Prijavljam se"

#~ msgid "You need Bonobo to load components!"			#~ msgid "You need Bonobo to load components!"
#~ msgstr "Za nalaganje komponent potrebujete Bonoba!"		#~ msgstr "Za nalaganje komponent potrebujete Bonoba!"

#~ msgid "Close configurator"					#~ msgid "Close configurator"
#~ msgstr "Zapri nastavitve"					#~ msgstr "Zapri nastavitve"

#~ msgid "%s: text = '%s'"					#~ msgid "%s: text = '%s'"
#~ msgstr "%s: besedilo = '%s'"					#~ msgstr "%s: besedilo = '%s'"

#~ msgid "Create script from object definition"			#~ msgid "Create script from object definition"
#~ msgstr "Ustvari skripto iz definicije predmeta"		#~ msgstr "Ustvari skripto iz definicije predmeta"

#~ msgid "Refresh all lists"					#~ msgid "Refresh all lists"
#~ msgstr "Osveži vse sezname"					#~ msgstr "Osveži vse sezname"

#~ msgid "Browser: %s %s"					#~ msgid "Browser: %s %s"
#~ msgstr "Brskalnik: %s %s"					#~ msgstr "Brskalnik: %s %s"

#~ msgid "Variable"						#~ msgid "Variable"
#~ msgstr "Spremenljivka"					#~ msgstr "Spremenljivka"

#~ msgid "Current"						#~ msgid "Current"
#~ msgstr "Trenutni"						#~ msgstr "Trenutni"

#~ msgid "Save options on exit"					#~ msgid "Save options on exit"
#~ msgstr "Shrani nastavitve ob izhodu"				#~ msgstr "Shrani nastavitve ob izhodu"

#~ msgid "Open connection dialog on entry"			#~ msgid "Open connection dialog on entry"
#~ msgstr "Ob vstopu odpri dialog s povezavami"			#~ msgstr "Ob vstopu odpri dialog s povezavami"

#~ msgid "Grid Font"						#~ msgid "Grid Font"
#~ msgstr "Pisava Mreže"					#~ msgstr "Pisava Mreže"

#~ msgid "Language"						#~ msgid "Language"
#~ msgstr "Jezik"						#~ msgstr "Jezik"

#~ msgid "Shell"						#~ msgid "Shell"
#~ msgstr "Lupina"						#~ msgstr "Lupina"

#~ msgid "Tabs position"					#~ msgid "Tabs position"
#~ msgstr "Pozicije tabulatorjev"				#~ msgstr "Pozicije tabulatorjev"

#~ msgid "Current Environment"					#~ msgid "Current Environment"
#~ msgstr "Trenutno Okolje"					#~ msgstr "Trenutno Okolje"

#~ msgid "Commit executed"					#~ msgid "Commit executed"
#~ msgstr "Izvršeno udejanjenje"				#~ msgstr "Izvršeno udejanjenje"

#~ msgid "Rollback executed"					#~ msgid "Rollback executed"
#~ msgstr "Izvršeno previtje nazaj"				#~ msgstr "Izvršeno previtje nazaj"

#~ msgid "Open database design from file"			#~ msgid "Open database design from file"
#~ msgstr "Odpri obliko zbirke podatkov iz datoteke"		#~ msgstr "Odpri obliko zbirke podatkov iz datoteke"

#~ msgid "Save database design to file"				#~ msgid "Save database design to file"
#~ msgstr "Shrani obliko zbirke podatkov v datoteko"		#~ msgstr "Shrani obliko zbirke podatkov v datoteko"

#~ msgid ""							#~ msgid ""
#~ "Error saving file\n"					#~ "Error saving file\n"
#~ "'%s'"							#~ "'%s'"
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Napaka pri shranjevanju datoteke\n"				#~ "Napaka pri shranjevanju datoteke\n"
#~ "'%s'"							#~ "'%s'"

#~ msgid "Save file with another name"				#~ msgid "Save file with another name"
#~ msgstr "Shrani v datoteko z drugim imenom"			#~ msgstr "Shrani v datoteko z drugim imenom"

#~ msgid "Print current file"					#~ msgid "Print current file"
#~ msgstr "Natisni trenutno datoteko"				#~ msgstr "Natisni trenutno datoteko"

#~ msgid "Paste clipboard's contents"				#~ msgid "Paste clipboard's contents"
#~ msgstr "Prilepi z odložiÅ¡Ä?a"					#~ msgstr "Prilepi z odložiÅ¡Ä?a"

#~ msgid "Run Command"						#~ msgid "Run Command"
#~ msgstr "Poženi Ukaz"						#~ msgstr "Poženi Ukaz"

#~ msgid "Directory"						#~ msgid "Directory"
#~ msgstr "Imenik"						#~ msgstr "Imenik"

#~ msgid ""							#~ msgid ""
#~ "Output from '%s'\n"						#~ "Output from '%s'\n"
#~ "In directory '%s'\n"					#~ "In directory '%s'\n"
#~ "\n"								#~ "\n"
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Izhod iz '%s'\n"						#~ "Izhod iz '%s'\n"
#~ "V imeniku '%s'\n"						#~ "V imeniku '%s'\n"
#~ "\n"								#~ "\n"

#~ msgid "Command '%s' completed"				#~ msgid "Command '%s' completed"
#~ msgstr "Ukaz '%s' je zakljuÄ?en"				#~ msgstr "Ukaz '%s' je zakljuÄ?en"

#~ msgid "Editor"						#~ msgid "Editor"
#~ msgstr "Urejevalnik"						#~ msgstr "Urejevalnik"

#~ msgid "Export selected data to XML file"			#~ msgid "Export selected data to XML file"
#~ msgstr "Izvozi izbrane podatke v XML datoteko"		#~ msgstr "Izvozi izbrane podatke v XML datoteko"

#~ msgid "To SQL"						#~ msgid "To SQL"
#~ msgstr "v SQL"						#~ msgstr "v SQL"

#~ msgid "Export selected data as a SQL script"			#~ msgid "Export selected data as a SQL script"
#~ msgstr "Izvozi izbrane podatke kot SQL skripto"		#~ msgstr "Izvozi izbrane podatke kot SQL skripto"

#~ msgid "Clear all widgets"					#~ msgid "Clear all widgets"
#~ msgstr "PoÄ?isti vse gradnike"				#~ msgstr "PoÄ?isti vse gradnike"

#~ msgid "You have to provide a file name"			#~ msgid "You have to provide a file name"
#~ msgstr "Vpisati morate ime datoteke"				#~ msgstr "Vpisati morate ime datoteke"

#~ msgid "Exporting object named '%s'"				#~ msgid "Exporting object named '%s'"
#~ msgstr "Izvažam predmet imenovan '%s'"			#~ msgstr "Izvažam predmet imenovan '%s'"

#~ msgid ""							#~ msgid ""
#~ "Error saving XML file\n"					#~ "Error saving XML file\n"
#~ "'%s'"							#~ "'%s'"
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Napaka pri shranjevanju XML datoteke\n"			#~ "Napaka pri shranjevanju XML datoteke\n"
#~ "'%s'"							#~ "'%s'"

#~ msgid "No objects are selected"				#~ msgid "No objects are selected"
#~ msgstr "Noben predmet ni izbran"				#~ msgstr "Noben predmet ni izbran"

#~ msgid "Export: %s %s"					#~ msgid "Export: %s %s"
#~ msgstr "Izvozi: %s %s"					#~ msgstr "Izvozi: %s %s"

#~ msgid "TABLES"						#~ msgid "TABLES"
#~ msgstr "TABELE"						#~ msgstr "TABELE"

#~ msgid "VIEWS"						#~ msgid "VIEWS"
#~ msgstr "POGLEDI"						#~ msgstr "POGLEDI"

#~ msgid "Export data"						#~ msgid "Export data"
#~ msgstr "Izvozi podatkte"					#~ msgstr "Izvozi podatkte"

#~ msgid "Show file when done"					#~ msgid "Show file when done"
#~ msgstr "Pokaži datoteko, ko bo konÄ?ana"			#~ msgstr "Pokaži datoteko, ko bo konÄ?ana"

#~ msgid "Add object extra info"				#~ msgid "Add object extra info"
#~ msgstr "Dodaj dodatne podatke o predmetu"			#~ msgstr "Dodaj dodatne podatke o predmetu"

#~ msgid "GDA Config"						#~ msgid "GDA Config"
#~ msgstr "Nastavitve GDA"					#~ msgstr "Nastavitve GDA"

#~ msgid "Load file to import"					#~ msgid "Load file to import"
#~ msgstr "Naloži datoteko za uvoz"				#~ msgstr "Naloži datoteko za uvoz"

#~ msgid "Start importing data"					#~ msgid "Start importing data"
#~ msgstr "ZaÄ?ni z uvozom podatkov"				#~ msgstr "ZaÄ?ni z uvozom podatkov"

#~ msgid "There were errors during the SQL execution"		#~ msgid "There were errors during the SQL execution"
#~ msgstr "Med izvananjem SQL ukazov so se zgodile napake"	#~ msgstr "Med izvananjem SQL ukazov so se zgodile napake"

#~ msgid "Transaction rolled back"				#~ msgid "Transaction rolled back"
#~ msgstr "Transakcija je bila prevrtena nazaj"			#~ msgstr "Transakcija je bila prevrtena nazaj"

#~ msgid "You must select a file to be imported"		#~ msgid "You must select a file to be imported"
#~ msgstr "Za uvoz morate izbrati datoteko"			#~ msgstr "Za uvoz morate izbrati datoteko"

#~ msgid "Import: %s %s"					#~ msgid "Import: %s %s"
#~ msgstr "Uvoz: %s %s"						#~ msgstr "Uvoz: %s %s"

#~ msgid "From XML"						#~ msgid "From XML"
#~ msgstr "Iz XML-ja"						#~ msgstr "Iz XML-ja"

#~ msgid "From SQL"						#~ msgid "From SQL"
#~ msgstr "Iz SQL-ja"						#~ msgstr "Iz SQL-ja"

#~ msgid "Refresh log"						#~ msgid "Refresh log"
#~ msgstr "Dnevnik osvežitev"					#~ msgstr "Dnevnik osvežitev"

#~ msgid "Save log file with a different name"			#~ msgid "Save log file with a different name"
#~ msgstr "Shrani datoteko z dnevnikom pod drugaÄ?nim imenom"	#~ msgstr "Shrani datoteko z dnevnikom pod drugaÄ?nim imenom"

#~ msgid "File %s loaded"					#~ msgid "File %s loaded"
#~ msgstr "Datoteka %s je naložena"				#~ msgstr "Datoteka %s je naložena"

#~ msgid "GDA logs"						#~ msgid "GDA logs"
#~ msgstr "GDA dnevnik"						#~ msgstr "GDA dnevnik"

#~ msgid "Open connection..."					#~ msgid "Open connection..."
#~ msgstr "Odpri povezavo..."					#~ msgstr "Odpri povezavo..."

#~ msgid "Object Browser"					#~ msgid "Object Browser"
#~ msgstr "Brskalnik po Predmetih"				#~ msgstr "Brskalnik po Predmetih"

#~ msgid "Browse database objects"				#~ msgid "Browse database objects"
#~ msgstr "Brskaj po predmetih zbirke podatkov"			#~ msgstr "Brskaj po predmetih zbirke podatkov"

#~ msgid "Construct SQL statements"				#~ msgid "Construct SQL statements"
#~ msgstr "Konstruiraj SQL stavke"				#~ msgstr "Konstruiraj SQL stavke"

#~ msgid "Start/Stop Server Trace"				#~ msgid "Start/Stop Server Trace"
#~ msgstr "ZaÄ?ni/Ustavi Strežnikov Podroben Dnevnik"		#~ msgstr "ZaÄ?ni/Ustavi Strežnikov Podroben Dnevnik"

#~ msgid "Start or stop server trace"				#~ msgid "Start or stop server trace"
#~ msgstr "ZaÄ?ni ali ustavi podroben strežnikov dnevnik"	#~ msgstr "ZaÄ?ni ali ustavi podroben strežnikov dnevnik"

#~ msgid "View Server Trace"					#~ msgid "View Server Trace"
#~ msgstr "Poglej podroben strežnikov dnevnik"			#~ msgstr "Poglej podroben strežnikov dnevnik"

#~ msgid "View server trace file"				#~ msgid "View server trace file"
#~ msgstr "Poglej datoteko s podrobnim dnevnikom strežnika"	#~ msgstr "Poglej datoteko s podrobnim dnevnikom strežnika"

#~ msgid "Begin new transaction"				#~ msgid "Begin new transaction"
#~ msgstr "ZaÄ?ni novo transakcijo"				#~ msgstr "ZaÄ?ni novo transakcijo"

#~ msgid "Commit changes"					#~ msgid "Commit changes"
#~ msgstr "Udejani spremembe"					#~ msgstr "Udejani spremembe"

#~ msgid "Database Designer"					#~ msgid "Database Designer"
#~ msgstr "Oblikovalec zbirke podatkov"				#~ msgstr "Oblikovalec zbirke podatkov"

#~ msgid "Visual Database Designer"				#~ msgid "Visual Database Designer"
#~ msgstr "Vizualni Oblikovalec Zbirke Podatkov"		#~ msgstr "Vizualni Oblikovalec Zbirke Podatkov"

#~ msgid "View GDA server log files"				#~ msgid "View GDA server log files"
#~ msgstr "Poglej GDA dnevnik strežnika"			#~ msgstr "Poglej GDA dnevnik strežnika"

#~ msgid "Text editor"						#~ msgid "Text editor"
#~ msgstr "Urejevalnik besedil"					#~ msgstr "Urejevalnik besedil"

#~ msgid "Open the internal text editor"			#~ msgid "Open the internal text editor"
#~ msgstr "Odpri notranji urejevalnik besedil"			#~ msgstr "Odpri notranji urejevalnik besedil"

#~ msgid "Run shell"						#~ msgid "Run shell"
#~ msgstr "Poženi lupino"					#~ msgstr "Poženi lupino"

#~ msgid "Open shell window"					#~ msgid "Open shell window"
#~ msgstr "Odpri okno z lupino"					#~ msgstr "Odpri okno z lupino"

#~ msgid "Calculator"						#~ msgid "Calculator"
#~ msgstr "Kalkulator"						#~ msgstr "Kalkulator"

#~ msgid "Open desktop calculator"				#~ msgid "Open desktop calculator"
#~ msgstr "Odpri kalkulator namizja"				#~ msgstr "Odpri kalkulator namizja"

#~ msgid "The GDA configuration tool"				#~ msgid "The GDA configuration tool"
#~ msgstr "Orodje za nastavljanje GDA"				#~ msgstr "Orodje za nastavljanje GDA"

#~ msgid "GDA Builder"						#~ msgid "GDA Builder"
#~ msgstr "Graditelj GDA"					#~ msgstr "Graditelj GDA"

#~ msgid "The GDA development environment"			#~ msgid "The GDA development environment"
#~ msgstr "Okolje za razvoj v GDA"				#~ msgstr "Okolje za razvoj v GDA"

#~ msgid "GDA Configuration..."					#~ msgid "GDA Configuration..."
#~ msgstr "Nastavitve GDA..."					#~ msgstr "Nastavitve GDA..."

#~ msgid "Previous window"					#~ msgid "Previous window"
#~ msgstr "Prejšnje okno"					#~ msgstr "Prejšnje okno"

#~ msgid "Move to previous window on list"			#~ msgid "Move to previous window on list"
#~ msgstr "Pojdi na prejšnje okno na seznamu"			#~ msgstr "Pojdi na prejšnje okno na seznamu"

#~ msgid "Next window"						#~ msgid "Next window"
#~ msgstr "Naslednje okno"					#~ msgstr "Naslednje okno"

#~ msgid "Move to next window on list"				#~ msgid "Move to next window on list"
#~ msgstr "Pojdi na naslednje okno na seznamu"			#~ msgstr "Pojdi na naslednje okno na seznamu"

#~ msgid "Close current"					#~ msgid "Close current"
#~ msgstr "Zapri trentno"					#~ msgstr "Zapri trentno"

#~ msgid "Close active window"					#~ msgid "Close active window"
#~ msgstr "Zapri dejavno okno"					#~ msgstr "Zapri dejavno okno"

#~ msgid "GDA Logs"						#~ msgid "GDA Logs"
#~ msgstr "GDA Dnevnik"						#~ msgstr "GDA Dnevnik"

#~ msgid "Previous"						#~ msgid "Previous"
#~ msgstr "Nazaj"						#~ msgstr "Nazaj"

#~ msgid "Could not load editor font"				#~ msgid "Could not load editor font"
#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel naložiti pisave urejevalnika"		#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel naložiti pisave urejevalnika"

#~ msgid "Could not load grid font"				#~ msgid "Could not load grid font"
#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel naložiti pisave mreže"			#~ msgstr "Nisem mogel naložiti pisave mreže"

#~ msgid "Run Script"						#~ msgid "Run Script"
#~ msgstr "Poženi Skripto"					#~ msgstr "Poženi Skripto"

#~ msgid "Execute buffer as SQL script"				#~ msgid "Execute buffer as SQL script"
#~ msgstr "Izvedi medpomnilnik kot SQL skripto"			#~ msgstr "Izvedi medpomnilnik kot SQL skripto"

#~ msgid "Clear SQL window"					#~ msgid "Clear SQL window"
#~ msgstr "PoÄ?isti SQL okno"					#~ msgstr "PoÄ?isti SQL okno"

#~ msgid "Select SQL Script"					#~ msgid "Select SQL Script"
#~ msgstr "Izberi SQL Skripto"					#~ msgstr "Izberi SQL Skripto"

#~ msgid "Save SQL Script"					#~ msgid "Save SQL Script"
#~ msgstr "Shrani SQL Skripto"					#~ msgstr "Shrani SQL Skripto"

#~ msgid "Server trace stopped"					#~ msgid "Server trace stopped"
#~ msgstr "Podroben dnevnik strežnika ustavljen"		#~ msgstr "Podroben dnevnik strežnika ustavljen"

#~ msgid "Select Trace File"					#~ msgid "Select Trace File"
#~ msgstr "Datoteka podrobnega dnevnika strežnika"		#~ msgstr "Datoteka podrobnega dnevnika strežnika"

#~ msgid "Server trace to file %s started"			#~ msgid "Server trace to file %s started"
#~ msgstr "Podroben dnevnik strežnika v datoteko %s zaÄ?et"	#~ msgstr "Podroben dnevnik strežnika v datoteko %s zaÄ?et"

#~ msgid "Server Trace File"					#~ msgid "Server Trace File"
#~ msgstr "Datoteka podrobnega dnevnika strežnika"		#~ msgstr "Datoteka podrobnega dnevnika strežnika"

#~ msgid "Server trace is disabled for this connection"		#~ msgid "Server trace is disabled for this connection"
#~ msgstr "Podrobni dnevnik strežnika je izkljuÄ?en za to pove	#~ msgstr "Podrobni dnevnik strežnika je izkljuÄ?en za to pove

#~ msgid "File %s inserted"					#~ msgid "File %s inserted"
#~ msgstr "Datoteka %s je bila vstavljena"			#~ msgstr "Datoteka %s je bila vstavljena"

#~ msgid ""							#~ msgid ""
#~ "Error opening file\n"					#~ "Error opening file\n"
#~ " %s"							#~ " %s"
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Napaka ob odpiranju datoteke\n"				#~ "Napaka ob odpiranju datoteke\n"
#~ " %s"							#~ " %s"

#~ msgid "Insert file..."					#~ msgid "Insert file..."
#~ msgstr "Vstavi datoteko..."					#~ msgstr "Vstavi datoteko..."

#~ msgid "Insert file into current position"			#~ msgid "Insert file into current position"
#~ msgstr "Vstavi datoteko na trenutno mesto"			#~ msgstr "Vstavi datoteko na trenutno mesto"

#~ msgid "Save to file..."					#~ msgid "Save to file..."
#~ msgstr "Shrani v datoteko..."				#~ msgstr "Shrani v datoteko..."

#~ msgid "Print buffer"						#~ msgid "Print buffer"
#~ msgstr "Natisni medpomnilnik"				#~ msgstr "Natisni medpomnilnik"

#~ msgid "Add property"						#~ msgid "Add property"
#~ msgstr "Dodaj lastnost"					#~ msgstr "Dodaj lastnost"

#~ msgid "Add a new property for this object"			#~ msgid "Add a new property for this object"
#~ msgstr "Dodaj novo lastnost temu predmetu"			#~ msgstr "Dodaj novo lastnost temu predmetu"

#~ msgid "Remove property"					#~ msgid "Remove property"
#~ msgstr "Odstrani lastnost"					#~ msgstr "Odstrani lastnost"

#~ msgid "Add Property"						#~ msgid "Add Property"
#~ msgstr "Dodaj lastnost"					#~ msgstr "Dodaj lastnost"

#~ msgid "Property"						#~ msgid "Property"
#~ msgstr "Lastnost"						#~ msgstr "Lastnost"

#~ msgid "Invalid behaviour in %s"				#~ msgid "Invalid behaviour in %s"
#~ msgstr "Neveljavno obnašanje v %s"				#~ msgstr "Neveljavno obnašanje v %s"

#~ msgid "GDA Providers"					#~ msgid "GDA Providers"
#~ msgstr "GDA Nuditelji"					#~ msgstr "GDA Nuditelji"
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po: sq.po
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: sr.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: sr Latn gmo
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/sr Latn po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/sr Latn po
# Serbian translation of libgnomedb				# Serbian translation of libgnomedb
# Courtesy of Prevod.org team (http://www.prevod.org/) -- 200	# Courtesy of Prevod.org team (http://www.prevod.org/) -- 200
# 								# 
# This file is distributed under the same license as the libg	# This file is distributed under the same license as the libg
# 								# 
# Maintainer: Danilo Å egan <dsegan gmx net>			# Maintainer: Danilo Å egan <dsegan gmx net>
#								#
msgid ""							msgid ""
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: libgnomedb\n"				"Project-Id-Version: libgnomedb\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"					"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"			"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-02-20 05:54+0100\n"			"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-02-20 05:54+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Danilo Å egan <danilo prevod org>\n"		"Last-Translator: Danilo Å egan <danilo prevod org>\n"
"Language-Team: Serbian (sr) <serbiangnome-lista nongnu org>\	"Language-Team: Serbian (sr) <serbiangnome-lista nongnu org>\
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"						"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"			"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"				"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co
msgid "Data Sources"						msgid "Data Sources"
msgstr "Izvori podataka"					msgstr "Izvori podataka"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid
msgid "Providers"						msgid "Providers"
msgstr "Posrednik"						msgstr "Posrednik"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1
msgid "Configure your database environment"			msgid "Configure your database environment"
msgstr "Podesite okruženje vaše baze podataka"			msgstr "Podesite okruženje vaše baze podataka"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2
msgid "Database Access Properties "				msgid "Database Access Properties "
msgstr "Osobine pristupa bazi podataka"				msgstr "Osobine pristupa bazi podataka"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380
msgid "Name"							msgid "Name"
msgstr "Ime"							msgstr "Ime"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
msgid "Description"						msgid "Description"
msgstr "Opis"							msgstr "Opis"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182
msgid "Configured data sources in the system"			msgid "Configured data sources in the system"
msgstr "Podešeni izvori podataka na sistemu"			msgstr "Podešeni izvori podataka na sistemu"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data sources are the means by which database connections are	"Data sources are the means by which database connections are
"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s	"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s
"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o	"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o
"name you identify the connections in the applications that m	"name you identify the connections in the applications that m
"DB for database access."					"DB for database access."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Izvori podataka su sredstvo kojim se identifikuju veze sa ba	"Izvori podataka su sredstvo kojim se identifikuju veze sa ba
"u. Svi podaci potrebi za uspostavljanje veze sa izabranim po	"u. Svi podaci potrebi za uspostavljanje veze sa izabranim po
"se Ä?uvaju uz jedinstveno ime. Upotrebom ovog jedinstvenog im	"se Ä?uvaju uz jedinstveno ime. Upotrebom ovog jedinstvenog im
"identifikuju veze u programima koji koriste Gnom-DB za prist	"identifikuju veze u programima koji koriste Gnom-DB za prist

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"	msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"
msgstr "Želite li da uklonite izvor podataka â??%sâ???"		msgstr "Želite li da uklonite izvor podataka â??%sâ???"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104
msgid "Data Source Properties"					msgid "Data Source Properties"
msgstr "Osobine izvora podataka"				msgstr "Osobine izvora podataka"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132
msgid "Basic"							msgid "Basic"
msgstr "Osnovno"						msgstr "Osnovno"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Tables"							msgid "Tables"
msgstr "Tabele"							msgstr "Tabele"

#: control-center/main.c:92					#: control-center/main.c:92
msgid "No valid data source info was created"			msgid "No valid data source info was created"
msgstr "Nisu uneti ispravni podaci o izvoru podataka"		msgstr "Nisu uneti ispravni podaci o izvoru podataka"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218	#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218
msgid "New data source"						msgid "New data source"
msgstr "Novi izvor podataka"					msgstr "Novi izvor podataka"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:215					#: control-center/main.c:215
msgid "Database Access Properties"				msgid "Database Access Properties"
msgstr "Osobine pristupa bazi podataka"				msgstr "Osobine pristupa bazi podataka"

#: control-center/provider-config.c:105				#: control-center/provider-config.c:105
msgid "Installed providers"					msgid "Installed providers"
msgstr "Instalirani posrednici"					msgstr "Instalirani posrednici"

#: control-center/provider-config.c:131				#: control-center/provider-config.c:131
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec	"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec
"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo	"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo
"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr	"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr
"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba	"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba
"etc."								"etc."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Posrednici su spoljaÅ¡nji dodaci koji omoguÄ?avaju pristup nar	"Posrednici su spoljaÅ¡nji dodaci koji omoguÄ?avaju pristup nar
"podataka. UobiÄ?ajeni posrednik je uvek instaliran, a on omog	"podataka. UobiÄ?ajeni posrednik je uvek instaliran, a on omog
"bazama u XML datotekama. Drugi posrednici koji se uglavnom Å¡	"bazama u XML datotekama. Drugi posrednici koji se uglavnom Å¡
"gnome-db ukljuÄ?uju PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Sybase, Interb	"gnome-db ukljuÄ?uju PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Sybase, Interb

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1
msgid "Database connection parameters file"			msgid "Database connection parameters file"
msgstr "Datoteka sa parametrima za povezivanje sa bazom podat	msgstr "Datoteka sa parametrima za povezivanje sa bazom podat

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2
msgid "Documents"						msgid "Documents"
msgstr "Dokumenta"						msgstr "Dokumenta"

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3
msgid "SQL code viewer"						msgid "SQL code viewer"
msgstr "PregledaÄ? SQL kôda"					msgstr "PregledaÄ? SQL kôda"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1
msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"			msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"
msgstr "Font koje se koristi u mreži linija"			msgstr "Font koje se koristi u mreži linija"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2
msgid "Number of spaces per tab"				msgid "Number of spaces per tab"
msgstr "Broj razmaka po tabulatoru"				msgstr "Broj razmaka po tabulatoru"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3
msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"			msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"
msgstr "Prikaži brojeve linija u ureÄ?ivaÄ?u izvornog koda"	msgstr "Prikaži brojeve linija u ureÄ?ivaÄ?u izvornog koda"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4
msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"			msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"
msgstr "Koristi isticanje izvornog koda u ureÄ?ivaÄ?u"		msgstr "Koristi isticanje izvornog koda u ureÄ?ivaÄ?u"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60
msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"			msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"
msgstr "Usluge baza podataka za radno okruženje Gnom"		msgstr "Usluge baza podataka za radno okruženje Gnom"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1
msgid "About"							msgid "About"
msgstr "O..."							msgstr "O..."

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2
msgid "About GNOME-DB"						msgid "About GNOME-DB"
msgstr "O GNOME-DB-u"						msgstr "O GNOME-DB-u"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3
msgid "Close this window"					msgid "Close this window"
msgstr "Zatvori ovaj prozor"					msgstr "Zatvori ovaj prozor"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4
msgid "Create new entry"					msgid "Create new entry"
msgstr "Napravi novu stavku"					msgstr "Napravi novu stavku"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5
msgid "Delete selected items"					msgid "Delete selected items"
msgstr "Obriši izabrane stavke"					msgstr "Obriši izabrane stavke"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6
msgid "Deselect all items"					msgid "Deselect all items"
msgstr "Poništi izbor svih stavki"				msgstr "Poništi izbor svih stavki"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7
msgid "Edit properties for selected item"			msgid "Edit properties for selected item"
msgstr "Uredi osobine izabrane stavke"				msgstr "Uredi osobine izabrane stavke"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8
msgid "Save connection parameters to file"			msgid "Save connection parameters to file"
msgstr "SaÄ?uvaj parametre za povezivanje u datoteku"		msgstr "SaÄ?uvaj parametre za povezivanje u datoteku"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414
msgid "Select _All"						msgid "Select _All"
msgstr "Izaberi _sve"						msgstr "Izaberi _sve"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10
msgid "Select all items"					msgid "Select all items"
msgstr "Izaberi sve stavke"					msgstr "Izaberi sve stavke"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11
msgid "View data sources"					msgid "View data sources"
msgstr "Pogledaj izvore podataka"				msgstr "Pogledaj izvore podataka"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12
msgid "View providers"						msgid "View providers"
msgstr "Pogledaj posrednike"					msgstr "Pogledaj posrednike"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42
msgid "_Clear Selection"					msgid "_Clear Selection"
msgstr "O_briši izbor"						msgstr "O_briši izbor"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14
msgid "_Close"							msgid "_Close"
msgstr "_Zatvori"						msgstr "_Zatvori"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15
msgid "_Data Sources"						msgid "_Data Sources"
msgstr "Iz_vori podataka"					msgstr "Iz_vori podataka"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16
msgid "_Database"						msgid "_Database"
msgstr "_Baza podataka"						msgstr "_Baza podataka"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17
msgid "_Delete"							msgid "_Delete"
msgstr "O_briši"						msgstr "O_briši"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18
msgid "_Edit"							msgid "_Edit"
msgstr "_UreÄ?ivanje"						msgstr "_UreÄ?ivanje"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19
msgid "_Help"							msgid "_Help"
msgstr "_PomoÄ?"							msgstr "_PomoÄ?"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20
msgid "_New Data Source..."					msgid "_New Data Source..."
msgstr "_Novi izvor podataka..."				msgstr "_Novi izvor podataka..."

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21
msgid "_Properties"						msgid "_Properties"
msgstr "O_sobine"						msgstr "O_sobine"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22
msgid "_Providers"						msgid "_Providers"
msgstr "_Posrednici"						msgstr "_Posrednici"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23
msgid "_Save Connection"					msgid "_Save Connection"
msgstr "_SaÄ?uvaj vezu"						msgstr "_SaÄ?uvaj vezu"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24
msgid "_View"							msgid "_View"
msgstr "P_regled"						msgstr "P_regled"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76
msgid "Structure"						msgid "Structure"
msgstr "Struktura"						msgstr "Struktura"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73
msgid "Data"							msgid "Data"
msgstr "Podaci"							msgstr "Podaci"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238
msgid "Not implemented yet!"					msgid "Not implemented yet!"
msgstr "Još uvek nije napravljeno!"				msgstr "Još uvek nije napravljeno!"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Database"						msgid "Database"
msgstr "Baza podataka"						msgstr "Baza podataka"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540
msgid "Loading database schemas..."				msgid "Loading database schemas..."
msgstr "UÄ?itava sheme baze podataka..."				msgstr "UÄ?itava sheme baze podataka..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632
msgid "Refreshing data..."					msgid "Refreshing data..."
msgstr "Osvežava podatke..."					msgstr "Osvežava podatke..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688
msgid "Views"							msgid "Views"
msgstr "Pregledi"						msgstr "Pregledi"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691
msgid "Indexes"							msgid "Indexes"
msgstr "Indeksi"						msgstr "Indeksi"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Sequences"						msgid "Sequences"
msgstr "Nizovi"							msgstr "Nizovi"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Procedures"						msgid "Procedures"
msgstr "Procedure"						msgstr "Procedure"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700
msgid "Triggers"						msgid "Triggers"
msgstr "OkidaÄ?i"						msgstr "OkidaÄ?i"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Aggregates"						msgid "Aggregates"
msgstr "Skupine"						msgstr "Skupine"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Types"							msgid "Types"
msgstr "Tipovi"							msgstr "Tipovi"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140
msgid "Could not query CORBA components"			msgid "Could not query CORBA components"
msgstr "Nije uspeo da pošalje upit CORBA komponentama"		msgstr "Nije uspeo da pošalje upit CORBA komponentama"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209
msgid "ID"							msgid "ID"
msgstr "IB"							msgstr "IB"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "Location"						msgid "Location"
msgstr "Položaj"						msgstr "Položaj"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212
msgid "Username"						msgid "Username"
msgstr "KorisniÄ?ko ime"						msgstr "KorisniÄ?ko ime"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213
msgid "Hostname"						msgid "Hostname"
msgstr "Ime raÄ?unara"						msgstr "Ime raÄ?unara"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214
msgid "Domain"							msgid "Domain"
msgstr "Domen"							msgstr "Domen"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"			msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"
msgstr "Nepodržan tip za GKonf stavku: %d"			msgstr "Nepodržan tip za GKonf stavku: %d"

#. create widgets						#. create widgets
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97
msgid "Settings"						msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Podešavanja"						msgstr "Podešavanja"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103
msgid "Data source name"					msgid "Data source name"
msgstr "Ime izvora podataka"					msgstr "Ime izvora podataka"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109
msgid "Connection string"					msgid "Connection string"
msgstr "Niz znakova za vezu"					msgstr "Niz znakova za vezu"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115
msgid "Provider"						msgid "Provider"
msgstr "Posrednik"						msgstr "Posrednik"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121
msgid "User name"						msgid "User name"
msgstr "KorisniÄ?ko ime"						msgstr "KorisniÄ?ko ime"

#. create feature list						#. create feature list
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128
msgid "Features"						msgid "Features"
msgstr "MoguÄ?nosti"						msgstr "MoguÄ?nosti"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190
msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"		msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"
msgstr "Morate uneti ime za novi izvor podataka"		msgstr "Morate uneti ime za novi izvor podataka"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac	msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac
msgstr "Imena izvora podataka ne smeju da sadrže razmake"	msgstr "Imena izvora podataka ne smeju da sadrže razmake"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206
msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th	msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th
msgstr "PostojeÄ?i izvor podataka je veÄ? prijavljen pod istim 	msgstr "PostojeÄ?i izvor podataka je veÄ? prijavljen pod istim 

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213
msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"			msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"
msgstr "Imena izvora podataka ne smeju da sadrže razmake"	msgstr "Imena izvora podataka ne smeju da sadrže razmake"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217
msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n	msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n
msgstr "Imena izvora podataka mogu da sadrže samo brojeve i e	msgstr "Imena izvora podataka mogu da sadrže samo brojeve i e

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225
msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"	msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"
msgstr "Morate izabrati posrednika za novi izvor podataka"	msgstr "Morate izabrati posrednika za novi izvor podataka"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233
msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"		msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"
msgstr "Posrednik ne postoju meÄ?u vaÅ¡im podeÅ¡avanjima"		msgstr "Posrednik ne postoju meÄ?u vaÅ¡im podeÅ¡avanjima"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391
msgid "Add a new data source..."				msgid "Add a new data source..."
msgstr "Dodaj novi izvor podataka..."				msgstr "Dodaj novi izvor podataka..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392
msgid ""							msgid ""
"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"		"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"
"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"		"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"
"installation. Just follow the steps!"				"installation. Just follow the steps!"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Ovaj pomoÄ?nik Ä?e vas provesti kroz postupak\n"			"Ovaj pomoÄ?nik Ä?e vas provesti kroz postupak\n"
"izrade novog izvora podataka za vaš Gnom-DB sistem.\n"		"izrade novog izvora podataka za vaš Gnom-DB sistem.\n"
"Potrebno je samo da pratite korake!"				"Potrebno je samo da pratite korake!"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404
msgid "General Information"					msgid "General Information"
msgstr "Opšti podaci"						msgstr "Opšti podaci"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the basic information\n"	"The following fields represent the basic information\n"
"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n	"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n
"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"	"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"
"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"	"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"
"the default one."						"the default one."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"SledeÄ?a polja predstavljaju osnovne podatke za vaÅ¡ novi \n"	"SledeÄ?a polja predstavljaju osnovne podatke za vaÅ¡ novi \n"
"izvor podataka. Neki od njih (opis, korisniÄ?ko ime) \n"	"izvor podataka. Neki od njih (opis, korisniÄ?ko ime) \n"
"nisu obavezni, dok drugi jesu.  Ukoliko ne znate kog \n"	"nisu obavezni, dok drugi jesu.  Ukoliko ne znate kog \n"
"posrednika da koristite, samo izaberite podrazumevani."	"posrednika da koristite, samo izaberite podrazumevani."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104
msgid "Data source _name:"					msgid "Data source _name:"
msgstr "_Ime izvora podataka:"					msgstr "_Ime izvora podataka:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114
msgid "_Provider:"						msgid "_Provider:"
msgstr "_Posrednik:"						msgstr "_Posrednik:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133
msgid "_Description:"						msgid "_Description:"
msgstr "_Opis:"							msgstr "_Opis:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142
msgid "_Username:"						msgid "_Username:"
msgstr "_KorisniÄ?ko ime:"					msgstr "_KorisniÄ?ko ime:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151
msgid "P_assword:"						msgid "P_assword:"
msgstr "_Lozinka:"						msgstr "_Lozinka:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454
msgid "Provider Parameters"					msgid "Provider Parameters"
msgstr "Parametri posrednika"					msgstr "Parametri posrednika"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the information needed by the	"The following fields represent the information needed by the
"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n	"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n
"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\	"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\
"the manual for more information."				"the manual for more information."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"SledeÄ?a polja predstavljaju podatke neophodne za posrednika\	"SledeÄ?a polja predstavljaju podatke neophodne za posrednika\
"koji ste izabrali na prethodnoj strani radi uspostavljanja\n	"koji ste izabrali na prethodnoj strani radi uspostavljanja\n
"veze. Ovi podaci zavise od posrednika, pa prvo proverite\n"	"veze. Ovi podaci zavise od posrednika, pa prvo proverite\n"
"uputstvo za detaljnije objašnjenje."				"uputstvo za detaljnije objašnjenje."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481
msgid "All information retrieved"				msgid "All information retrieved"
msgstr "Svi podaci su dobijeni"					msgstr "Svi podaci su dobijeni"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482
msgid ""							msgid ""
"All information needed to create a new data source\n"		"All information needed to create a new data source\n"
"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"		"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"
"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"	"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"
"just select it when asked for a data source."			"just select it when asked for a data source."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Svi podaci potrebni za pravljenje novog izvora podataka\n"	"Svi podaci potrebni za pravljenje novog izvora podataka\n"
"su dobavljeni. Sada, pritisnite â??Primeniâ?? da zatvorite\n"	"su dobavljeni. Sada, pritisnite â??Primeniâ?? da zatvorite\n"
"ovo prozorÄ?e. Da pristupite vaÅ¡em novootvorenom izvoru\n"	"ovo prozorÄ?e. Da pristupite vaÅ¡em novootvorenom izvoru\n"
"podataka, izaberite ga kada budete pitani za izvor podataka.	"podataka, izaberite ga kada budete pitani za izvor podataka.

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124
msgid "Connection _string:"					msgid "Connection _string:"
msgstr "Ni_ska za vezu:"					msgstr "Ni_ska za vezu:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4
msgid "Error"							msgid "Error"
msgstr "Greška"							msgstr "Greška"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.
msgid "Show detail >>"						msgid "Show detail >>"
msgstr "Prikaži detalje >>"					msgstr "Prikaži detalje >>"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122
msgid "<< Hide detail"						msgid "<< Hide detail"
msgstr "<< Sakrij detalje"					msgstr "<< Sakrij detalje"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191
msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"	msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"
msgstr "DoÅ¡lo je do neoÄ?ekivane u samoj bazi podataka"		msgstr "DoÅ¡lo je do neoÄ?ekivane u samoj bazi podataka"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196
msgid "Error number"						msgid "Error number"
msgstr "Broj greške"						msgstr "Broj greške"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227
msgid "Details"							msgid "Details"
msgstr "Detalji"						msgstr "Detalji"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234
msgid "Source"							msgid "Source"
msgstr "Izvor"							msgstr "Izvor"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241
msgid "SQL state"						msgid "SQL state"
msgstr "SQL stanje"						msgstr "SQL stanje"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Field:"							msgid "_Field:"
msgstr "Polja"							msgstr "Polja"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Text:"							msgid "_Text:"
msgstr "Proba"							msgstr "Proba"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308
msgid "No records"						msgid "No records"
msgstr "Nema podataka"						msgstr "Nema podataka"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Record %d of %d"						msgid "Record %d of %d"
msgstr "Red %d od %d"						msgstr "Red %d od %d"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113
msgid "Recordset description"					msgid "Recordset description"
msgstr "Opis podataka"						msgstr "Opis podataka"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid ""							msgid ""
"File '%s' already exists.\n"					"File '%s' already exists.\n"
"Do you want to overwrite it?"					"Do you want to overwrite it?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Datoteka â??%sâ?? veÄ? postoji.\n"					"Datoteka â??%sâ?? veÄ? postoji.\n"
"Želite li da je presnimite?"					"Želite li da je presnimite?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149
msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."		msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."
msgstr "Ukoliko izaberete da, sadržaj Ä?e biti izgubljen."	msgstr "Ukoliko izaberete da, sadržaj Ä?e biti izgubljen."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Could not save file %s"					msgid "Could not save file %s"
msgstr "Ne može da saÄ?uva datoteku %s"				msgstr "Ne može da saÄ?uva datoteku %s"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224
msgid "You must specify a file name"				msgid "You must specify a file name"
msgstr "Morate navesti ime datoteke"				msgstr "Morate navesti ime datoteke"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230
msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"		msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"
msgstr "Naišao na praznu datoteku pri pretvaranju podataka"	msgstr "Naišao na praznu datoteku pri pretvaranju podataka"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261
msgid "Saving Model"						msgid "Saving Model"
msgstr "Model Ä?uvanja"						msgstr "Model Ä?uvanja"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272
msgid "File _name:"						msgid "File _name:"
msgstr "Ime _datoteke:"						msgstr "Ime _datoteke:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276
msgid "Select File"						msgid "Select File"
msgstr "Odaberi datoteku"					msgstr "Odaberi datoteku"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283
msgid "File _type:"						msgid "File _type:"
msgstr "_Vrsta datoteke:"					msgstr "_Vrsta datoteke:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291
msgid "Tab-delimited"						msgid "Tab-delimited"
msgstr "Razdvojeni tabulatorom"					msgstr "Razdvojeni tabulatorom"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294
msgid "Comma-delimited"						msgid "Comma-delimited"
msgstr "Razdvojeni zapetom"					msgstr "Razdvojeni zapetom"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:
msgid "XML"							msgid "XML"
msgstr "XML"							msgstr "XML"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355
msgid "View detail"						msgid "View detail"
msgstr "Prikaži detalje"					msgstr "Prikaži detalje"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427
msgid "Show Column _Titles"					msgid "Show Column _Titles"
msgstr "Prikaži _naslove kolona"				msgstr "Prikaži _naslove kolona"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442
msgid "Describe"						msgid "Describe"
msgstr "Opiši"							msgstr "Opiši"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443
msgid "View detail..."						msgid "View detail..."
msgstr "Prikaži detalje..."					msgstr "Prikaži detalje..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614
msgid "Title"							msgid "Title"
msgstr "Naslov"							msgstr "Naslov"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48
msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"	msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"
msgstr "PokuÅ¡ava da pokrene veÄ? pokrenutog klijenta"		msgstr "PokuÅ¡ava da pokrene veÄ? pokrenutog klijenta"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"		"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"
"to a data source"						"to a data source"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Unesite ispod argumente da uspostavite vezu sa \n"		"Unesite ispod argumente da uspostavite vezu sa \n"
"izvorom podataka"						"izvorom podataka"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253
msgid "Data Source:"						msgid "Data Source:"
msgstr "Izvor podataka:"					msgstr "Izvor podataka:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270
msgid "Username:"						msgid "Username:"
msgstr "KorisniÄ?ko ime:"					msgstr "KorisniÄ?ko ime:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279
msgid "Password:"						msgid "Password:"
msgstr "Lozinka:"						msgstr "Lozinka:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69
msgid "Fields"							msgid "Fields"
msgstr "Polja"							msgstr "Polja"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30
msgid "Commit"							msgid "Commit"
msgstr "Pošalji"						msgstr "Pošalji"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31
msgid "Connect"							msgid "Connect"
msgstr "Poveži se"						msgstr "Poveži se"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33
msgid "Designer"						msgid "Designer"
msgstr "Dizajner"						msgstr "Dizajner"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34
msgid "Disconnect"						msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr "Prekini vezu"						msgstr "Prekini vezu"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35
msgid "NoTransaction"						msgid "NoTransaction"
msgstr "NemaTransakcija"					msgstr "NemaTransakcija"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37
msgid "Query"							msgid "Query"
msgstr "Upit"							msgstr "Upit"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38
msgid "Rollback"						msgid "Rollback"
msgstr "Vrati"							msgstr "Vrati"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40
msgid "SQL"							msgid "SQL"
msgstr "SQL"							msgstr "SQL"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43
msgid "WithinTransaction"					msgid "WithinTransaction"
msgstr "UnutarTransakcije"					msgstr "UnutarTransakcije"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Error: %s"						msgid "Error: %s"
msgstr "Greška: %s"						msgstr "Greška: %s"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79
msgid "Table name"						msgid "Table name"
msgstr "Ime tabele"						msgstr "Ime tabele"

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93			#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Login for %s"						msgid "Login for %s"
msgstr "Prijava za %s"						msgstr "Prijava za %s"

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95					#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95
msgid "Login to database"					msgid "Login to database"
msgstr "Prijava za bazu podataka"				msgstr "Prijava za bazu podataka"

#: vfs/libmain.c:71						#: vfs/libmain.c:71
msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"				msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"
msgstr "Gnom VFS baza podataka: dodatak"			msgstr "Gnom VFS baza podataka: dodatak"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40
msgid "Table Properties"					msgid "Table Properties"
msgstr "Osobine tabele"						msgstr "Osobine tabele"

#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47
msgid "Table Name"						msgid "Table Name"
msgstr "Ime tabele"						msgstr "Ime tabele"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155
msgid "New"							msgid "New"
msgstr "Nova"							msgstr "Nova"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156
msgid "Create new table"					msgid "Create new table"
msgstr "Napravi novu tabelu"					msgstr "Napravi novu tabelu"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161
msgid "Properties"						msgid "Properties"
msgstr "Osobine"						msgstr "Osobine"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162
msgid "View table properties"					msgid "View table properties"
msgstr "Pogledajte osobine tabele"				msgstr "Pogledajte osobine tabele"

# KorisniÄ?ki Identifikacioni Broj				# KorisniÄ?ki Identifikacioni Broj
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
msgid "UID"							msgid "UID"
msgstr "KIB"							msgstr "KIB"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "calendar"						msgid "calendar"
msgstr "kalendar"						msgstr "kalendar"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "summary"							msgid "summary"
msgstr "izveštaj"						msgstr "izveštaj"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "Summary"							msgid "Summary"
msgstr "Izveštaj"						msgstr "Izveštaj"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "location"						msgid "location"
msgstr "položaj"						msgstr "položaj"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "dtstart"							msgid "dtstart"
msgstr "dvpoÄ?etak"						msgstr "dvpoÄ?etak"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
msgid "Start time"						msgid "Start time"
msgstr "Vreme poÄ?etka"						msgstr "Vreme poÄ?etka"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "dtend"							msgid "dtend"
msgstr "dvkraj"							msgstr "dvkraj"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "End time"						msgid "End time"
msgstr "Vreme završetka"					msgstr "Vreme završetka"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
msgid "description"						msgid "description"
msgstr "opis"							msgstr "opis"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "classification"						msgid "classification"
msgstr "klasifikacija"						msgstr "klasifikacija"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "Classification"						msgid "Classification"
msgstr "Klasifikacija"						msgstr "Klasifikacija"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "transparency"						msgid "transparency"
msgstr "neprimetnost"						msgstr "neprimetnost"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "Transparency"						msgid "Transparency"
msgstr "Neprimetnost"						msgstr "Neprimetnost"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "categories"						msgid "categories"
msgstr "kategorije"						msgstr "kategorije"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "Categories"						msgid "Categories"
msgstr "Kategorije"						msgstr "Kategorije"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "tasks"							msgid "tasks"
msgstr "zaduženja"						msgstr "zaduženja"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "due"							msgid "due"
msgstr "rok"							msgstr "rok"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "Due date"						msgid "Due date"
msgstr "Rok"							msgstr "Rok"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "Start date"						msgid "Start date"
msgstr "Datum poÄ?etka"						msgstr "Datum poÄ?etka"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355
msgid "Public"							msgid "Public"
msgstr "Javni"							msgstr "Javni"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358
msgid "Private"							msgid "Private"
msgstr "Privatni"						msgstr "Privatni"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361
msgid "Confidential"						msgid "Confidential"
msgstr "Poverljivi"						msgstr "Poverljivi"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63
msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"		msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"
msgstr "Ne mogu da otvorim podrazumevani direktorijum kalenda	msgstr "Ne mogu da otvorim podrazumevani direktorijum kalenda

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66
msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"			msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"
msgstr "Ne mogu da otvorim podrazumevani direktorijum zadužen	msgstr "Ne mogu da otvorim podrazumevani direktorijum zadužen

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80
msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta	msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Neophodna je identifikacija za pristup podrazumevanom direkt	"Neophodna je identifikacija za pristup podrazumevanom direkt
"kontaktima"							"kontaktima"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83
msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"		msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"
msgstr "Ne mogu da otvorim podrazumevani direktorijum sa kont	msgstr "Ne mogu da otvorim podrazumevani direktorijum sa kont

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100
msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"				msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"
msgstr "Ne mogu da pokrenem Bonobo"				msgstr "Ne mogu da pokrenem Bonobo"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212
msgid "Field name"						msgid "Field name"
msgstr "Ime polja"						msgstr "Ime polja"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213
msgid "Data type"						msgid "Data type"
msgstr "Vrsta podataka"						msgstr "Vrsta podataka"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214
msgid "Size"							msgid "Size"
msgstr "VeliÄ?ina"						msgstr "VeliÄ?ina"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215
msgid "Scale"							msgid "Scale"
msgstr "Razmera"						msgstr "Razmera"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216
msgid "Not null?"						msgid "Not null?"
msgstr "Nije ništa (null)?"					msgstr "Nije ništa (null)?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217
msgid "Primary key?"						msgid "Primary key?"
msgstr "Primarni kljuÄ??"					msgstr "Primarni kljuÄ??"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218
msgid "Unique index?"						msgid "Unique index?"
msgstr "Jedinstveni indeks?"					msgstr "Jedinstveni indeks?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219
msgid "References"						msgid "References"
msgstr "Reference"						msgstr "Reference"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220
msgid "Default value"						msgid "Default value"
msgstr "Podrazumevana vrednost"					msgstr "Podrazumevana vrednost"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239
msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l	msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l
msgstr "Neophodno je ime tabele ali nijedno nije dato meÄ?u pa	msgstr "Neophodno je ime tabele ali nijedno nije dato meÄ?u pa

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Table %s does not exist"					msgid "Table %s does not exist"
msgstr "Tabela %s ne postoji"					msgstr "Tabela %s ne postoji"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318
msgid "Scheduled events"					msgid "Scheduled events"
msgstr "Zakazani dogaÄ?aji"					msgstr "Zakazani dogaÄ?aji"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321
msgid "TODO list"						msgid "TODO list"
msgstr "Spisak za uraditi"					msgstr "Spisak za uraditi"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375
msgid "Owner"							msgid "Owner"
msgstr "Vlasnik"						msgstr "Vlasnik"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376
msgid "Comments"						msgid "Comments"
msgstr "Primedbe"						msgstr "Primedbe"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374
msgid "Type"							msgid "Type"
msgstr "Vrsta"							msgstr "Vrsta"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377
msgid "GDA type"						msgid "GDA type"
msgstr "GDA vrsta"						msgstr "GDA vrsta"

#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id	#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id
#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database	#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database
#. we can easily access that information			#. we can easily access that information
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382
msgid "local"							msgid "local"
msgstr "lokalni"						msgstr "lokalni"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217
msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr "Pravljenje baza još uvek nije podržano"			msgstr "Pravljenje baza još uvek nije podržano"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230
msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr "Uklanjanje baza još uvek nije podržano"			msgstr "Uklanjanje baza još uvek nije podržano"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244
msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"			msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"
msgstr "Ne mogu da preuzmem Å¡emu tabela"			msgstr "Ne mogu da preuzmem Å¡emu tabela"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268
msgid "Invalid SQL command"					msgid "Invalid SQL command"
msgstr "Neispravna SQL naredba"					msgstr "Neispravna SQL naredba"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353
msgid "Transactions are not supported"				msgid "Transactions are not supported"
msgstr "Transakcije nisu podržane"				msgstr "Transakcije nisu podržane"

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41
msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"		msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"
msgstr "Posrednik za liÄ?ne podatke iz Evolucije"		msgstr "Posrednik za liÄ?ne podatke iz Evolucije"

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task	"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Izvor podataka za pristup podrazumevanom kalendaru, zaduženj	"Izvor podataka za pristup podrazumevanom kalendaru, zaduženj
"iz Evolucije"							"iz Evolucije"

#~ msgid "Browse database..."					#~ msgid "Browse database..."
#~ msgstr "Razgledaj bazu..."					#~ msgstr "Razgledaj bazu..."

#~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .con	#~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .con
#~ msgstr "Komponenta koja ukljuÄ?uje priruÄ?ne menije za .conn	#~ msgstr "Komponenta koja ukljuÄ?uje priruÄ?ne menije za .conn

#~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .sql	#~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .sql
#~ msgstr "Komponenta koja ukljuÄ?uje priruÄ?ne menije za .sql 	#~ msgstr "Komponenta koja ukljuÄ?uje priruÄ?ne menije za .sql 

#~ msgid "Connection MIME handler component"			#~ msgid "Connection MIME handler component"
#~ msgstr "MIME deo baratanje vezama"				#~ msgstr "MIME deo baratanje vezama"

#~ msgid "Database component factory"				#~ msgid "Database component factory"
#~ msgstr "Proizvodnja delova za bazu podataka"			#~ msgstr "Proizvodnja delova za bazu podataka"

#~ msgid "Open in database connection..."			#~ msgid "Open in database connection..."
#~ msgstr "Otvori vezu sa bazom podataka..."			#~ msgstr "Otvori vezu sa bazom podataka..."

#~ msgid "SQL MIME handler component"				#~ msgid "SQL MIME handler component"
#~ msgstr "MIME deo za baratanje SQL-om"			#~ msgstr "MIME deo za baratanje SQL-om"

#~ msgid "Database browser"					#~ msgid "Database browser"
#~ msgstr "Razgledanje baze"					#~ msgstr "Razgledanje baze"

#~ msgid "Error viewer"						#~ msgid "Error viewer"
#~ msgstr "Pregled grešaka"					#~ msgstr "Pregled grešaka"

#~ msgid "SQL Viewer"						#~ msgid "SQL Viewer"
#~ msgstr "PregledaÄ? SQL kôda"					#~ msgstr "PregledaÄ? SQL kôda"

#~ msgid "Database configuration"				#~ msgid "Database configuration"
#~ msgstr "Podešavanje baze podataka"				#~ msgstr "Podešavanje baze podataka"

#~ msgid "Edit application preferences"				#~ msgid "Edit application preferences"
#~ msgstr "Uredi postavke programa"				#~ msgstr "Uredi postavke programa"

#~ msgid "_Settings"						#~ msgid "_Settings"
#~ msgstr "Po_dešavanja"					#~ msgstr "Po_dešavanja"

#~ msgid "Password"						#~ msgid "Password"
#~ msgstr "Lozinka"						#~ msgstr "Lozinka"

#~ msgid "Save as"						#~ msgid "Save as"
#~ msgstr "SaÄ?uvaj kao"						#~ msgstr "SaÄ?uvaj kao"

#~ msgid "Save to"						#~ msgid "Save to"
#~ msgstr "SaÄ?uvaj u"						#~ msgstr "SaÄ?uvaj u"

#~ msgid "XML file"						#~ msgid "XML file"
#~ msgstr "XML datoteka"					#~ msgstr "XML datoteka"

#~ msgid "Hide columns"						#~ msgid "Hide columns"
#~ msgstr "Sakrij kolone"					#~ msgstr "Sakrij kolone"

#~ msgid "Question"						#~ msgid "Question"
#~ msgstr "Pitanje"						#~ msgstr "Pitanje"

#~ msgid "Database Moniker factory"				#~ msgid "Database Moniker factory"
#~ msgstr "Proizvodnja nadimaka baze podataka"			#~ msgstr "Proizvodnja nadimaka baze podataka"

#~ msgid "database: moniker"					#~ msgid "database: moniker"
#~ msgstr "baza: nadimci"					#~ msgstr "baza: nadimci"

#~ msgid "Failing to manufacture a '%s'"			#~ msgid "Failing to manufacture a '%s'"
#~ msgstr "Neuspela proizvodnja â??%sâ??"				#~ msgstr "Neuspela proizvodnja â??%sâ??"

#~ msgid "Invalid format for connection string"			#~ msgid "Invalid format for connection string"
#~ msgstr "Neispravan niz znakova za vezu"			#~ msgstr "Neispravan niz znakova za vezu"

#~ msgid "_File"						#~ msgid "_File"
#~ msgstr "_Datoteka"						#~ msgstr "_Datoteka"

#~ msgid "Data sources"						#~ msgid "Data sources"
#~ msgstr "Izvori podataka"					#~ msgstr "Izvori podataka"

#~ msgid "Test Data Source"					#~ msgid "Test Data Source"
#~ msgstr "Isprobaj izvor podatka"				#~ msgstr "Isprobaj izvor podatka"

#~ msgid "Connection to %s successful!"				#~ msgid "Connection to %s successful!"
#~ msgstr "Vesa sa %s uspešno uspostavljena!"			#~ msgstr "Vesa sa %s uspešno uspostavljena!"

#~ msgid ""							#~ msgid ""
#~ "Component that lets you open a .connection file and brows	#~ "Component that lets you open a .connection file and brows
#~ "specified on it"						#~ "specified on it"
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Deo koji omoguÄ?ava da otvorite â??.connectionâ?? datoteku i p	#~ "Deo koji omoguÄ?ava da otvorite â??.connectionâ?? datoteku i p
#~ "koju ona navodi"						#~ "koju ona navodi"

#~ msgid "Viewer for SQL source code"				#~ msgid "Viewer for SQL source code"
#~ msgstr "PregledaÄ? SQL izvornog koda"				#~ msgstr "PregledaÄ? SQL izvornog koda"

#~ msgid "Data source"						#~ msgid "Data source"
#~ msgstr "Izvor podataka"					#~ msgstr "Izvor podataka"
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/sr.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/sr.po
# Serbian translation of libgnomedb				# Serbian translation of libgnomedb
# Courtesy of Prevod.org team (http://www.prevod.org/) -- 200	# Courtesy of Prevod.org team (http://www.prevod.org/) -- 200
# 								# 
# This file is distributed under the same license as the libg	# This file is distributed under the same license as the libg
# 								# 
# Maintainer: Ð?анило Шеган <dsegan gmx net>			# Maintainer: Ð?анило Шеган <dsegan gmx net>
#								#
msgid ""							msgid ""
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: libgnomedb\n"				"Project-Id-Version: libgnomedb\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"					"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"			"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-02-20 05:54+0100\n"			"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-02-20 05:54+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Ð?анило Шеган <danilo prevod org>\n"		"Last-Translator: Ð?анило Шеган <danilo prevod org>\n"
"Language-Team: Serbian (sr) <serbiangnome-lista nongnu org>\	"Language-Team: Serbian (sr) <serbiangnome-lista nongnu org>\
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"						"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"			"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"				"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co
msgid "Data Sources"						msgid "Data Sources"
msgstr "Ð?звоÑ?и подаÑ?ака"					msgstr "Ð?звоÑ?и подаÑ?ака"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid
msgid "Providers"						msgid "Providers"
msgstr "Ð?оÑ?Ñ?едник"						msgstr "Ð?оÑ?Ñ?едник"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1
msgid "Configure your database environment"			msgid "Configure your database environment"
msgstr "Ð?одеÑ?иÑ?е окÑ?Ñ?жеÑ?е ваÑ?е базе подаÑ?ака"			msgstr "Ð?одеÑ?иÑ?е окÑ?Ñ?жеÑ?е ваÑ?е базе подаÑ?ака"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2
msgid "Database Access Properties "				msgid "Database Access Properties "
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?обине пÑ?иÑ?Ñ?Ñ?па бази подаÑ?ака"				msgstr "Ð?Ñ?обине пÑ?иÑ?Ñ?Ñ?па бази подаÑ?ака"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380
msgid "Name"							msgid "Name"
msgstr "Ð?ме"							msgstr "Ð?ме"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
msgid "Description"						msgid "Description"
msgstr "Ð?пиÑ?"							msgstr "Ð?пиÑ?"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182
msgid "Configured data sources in the system"			msgid "Configured data sources in the system"
msgstr "Ð?одеÑ?ени извоÑ?и подаÑ?ака на Ñ?иÑ?Ñ?емÑ?"			msgstr "Ð?одеÑ?ени извоÑ?и подаÑ?ака на Ñ?иÑ?Ñ?емÑ?"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data sources are the means by which database connections are	"Data sources are the means by which database connections are
"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s	"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s
"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o	"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o
"name you identify the connections in the applications that m	"name you identify the connections in the applications that m
"DB for database access."					"DB for database access."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Ð?звоÑ?и подаÑ?ака Ñ?Ñ? Ñ?Ñ?едÑ?Ñ?во коÑ?им Ñ?е иденÑ?иÑ?икÑ?Ñ?Ñ? везе Ñ?а ба	"Ð?звоÑ?и подаÑ?ака Ñ?Ñ? Ñ?Ñ?едÑ?Ñ?во коÑ?им Ñ?е иденÑ?иÑ?икÑ?Ñ?Ñ? везе Ñ?а ба
"Ñ?. Сви подаÑ?и поÑ?Ñ?еби за Ñ?Ñ?поÑ?Ñ?авÑ?аÑ?е везе Ñ?а изабÑ?аним поÑ?Ñ?	"Ñ?. Сви подаÑ?и поÑ?Ñ?еби за Ñ?Ñ?поÑ?Ñ?авÑ?аÑ?е везе Ñ?а изабÑ?аним поÑ?Ñ?
"Ñ?Ñ?ваÑ?Ñ? Ñ?з Ñ?единÑ?Ñ?вено име. УпоÑ?Ñ?ебом овог Ñ?единÑ?Ñ?веног имена	"Ñ?Ñ?ваÑ?Ñ? Ñ?з Ñ?единÑ?Ñ?вено име. УпоÑ?Ñ?ебом овог Ñ?единÑ?Ñ?веног имена
"везе Ñ? пÑ?огÑ?амима коÑ?и коÑ?иÑ?Ñ?е Ð?ном-DB за пÑ?иÑ?Ñ?Ñ?п базама."	"везе Ñ? пÑ?огÑ?амима коÑ?и коÑ?иÑ?Ñ?е Ð?ном-DB за пÑ?иÑ?Ñ?Ñ?п базама."

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"	msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"
msgstr "Ð?елиÑ?е ли да Ñ?клониÑ?е извоÑ? подаÑ?ака â??%sâ???"		msgstr "Ð?елиÑ?е ли да Ñ?клониÑ?е извоÑ? подаÑ?ака â??%sâ???"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104
msgid "Data Source Properties"					msgid "Data Source Properties"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?обине извоÑ?а подаÑ?ака"				msgstr "Ð?Ñ?обине извоÑ?а подаÑ?ака"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132
msgid "Basic"							msgid "Basic"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?новно"						msgstr "Ð?Ñ?новно"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Tables"							msgid "Tables"
msgstr "Табеле"							msgstr "Табеле"

#: control-center/main.c:92					#: control-center/main.c:92
msgid "No valid data source info was created"			msgid "No valid data source info was created"
msgstr "Ð?иÑ?Ñ? Ñ?неÑ?и иÑ?пÑ?авни подаÑ?и о извоÑ?Ñ? подаÑ?ака"		msgstr "Ð?иÑ?Ñ? Ñ?неÑ?и иÑ?пÑ?авни подаÑ?и о извоÑ?Ñ? подаÑ?ака"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218	#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218
msgid "New data source"						msgid "New data source"
msgstr "Ð?ови извоÑ? подаÑ?ака"					msgstr "Ð?ови извоÑ? подаÑ?ака"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:215					#: control-center/main.c:215
msgid "Database Access Properties"				msgid "Database Access Properties"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?обине пÑ?иÑ?Ñ?Ñ?па бази подаÑ?ака"				msgstr "Ð?Ñ?обине пÑ?иÑ?Ñ?Ñ?па бази подаÑ?ака"

#: control-center/provider-config.c:105				#: control-center/provider-config.c:105
msgid "Installed providers"					msgid "Installed providers"
msgstr "Ð?нÑ?Ñ?алиÑ?ани поÑ?Ñ?едниÑ?и"					msgstr "Ð?нÑ?Ñ?алиÑ?ани поÑ?Ñ?едниÑ?и"

#: control-center/provider-config.c:131				#: control-center/provider-config.c:131
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec	"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec
"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo	"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo
"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr	"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr
"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba	"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba
"etc."								"etc."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Ð?оÑ?Ñ?едниÑ?и Ñ?Ñ? Ñ?поÑ?аÑ?Ñ?и додаÑ?и коÑ?и омогÑ?Ñ?аваÑ?Ñ? пÑ?иÑ?Ñ?Ñ?п наÑ?оÑ?	"Ð?оÑ?Ñ?едниÑ?и Ñ?Ñ? Ñ?поÑ?аÑ?Ñ?и додаÑ?и коÑ?и омогÑ?Ñ?аваÑ?Ñ? пÑ?иÑ?Ñ?Ñ?п наÑ?оÑ?
"подаÑ?ака. УобиÑ?аÑ?ени поÑ?Ñ?едник Ñ?е Ñ?век инÑ?Ñ?алиÑ?ан, а он омог	"подаÑ?ака. УобиÑ?аÑ?ени поÑ?Ñ?едник Ñ?е Ñ?век инÑ?Ñ?алиÑ?ан, а он омог
"базама Ñ? XML даÑ?оÑ?екама. Ð?Ñ?Ñ?ги поÑ?Ñ?едниÑ?и коÑ?и Ñ?е Ñ?главном Ñ?	"базама Ñ? XML даÑ?оÑ?екама. Ð?Ñ?Ñ?ги поÑ?Ñ?едниÑ?и коÑ?и Ñ?е Ñ?главном Ñ?
"gnome-db Ñ?кÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Sybase, Interba	"gnome-db Ñ?кÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Sybase, Interba

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1
msgid "Database connection parameters file"			msgid "Database connection parameters file"
msgstr "Ð?аÑ?оÑ?ека Ñ?а паÑ?амеÑ?Ñ?има за повезиваÑ?е Ñ?а базом подаÑ?а	msgstr "Ð?аÑ?оÑ?ека Ñ?а паÑ?амеÑ?Ñ?има за повезиваÑ?е Ñ?а базом подаÑ?а

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2
msgid "Documents"						msgid "Documents"
msgstr "Ð?окÑ?менÑ?а"						msgstr "Ð?окÑ?менÑ?а"

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3
msgid "SQL code viewer"						msgid "SQL code viewer"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?егледаÑ? SQL кôда"					msgstr "Ð?Ñ?егледаÑ? SQL кôда"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1
msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"			msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"
msgstr "ФонÑ? коÑ?е Ñ?е коÑ?иÑ?Ñ?и Ñ? мÑ?ежи линиÑ?а"			msgstr "ФонÑ? коÑ?е Ñ?е коÑ?иÑ?Ñ?и Ñ? мÑ?ежи линиÑ?а"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2
msgid "Number of spaces per tab"				msgid "Number of spaces per tab"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?оÑ? Ñ?азмака по Ñ?абÑ?лаÑ?оÑ?Ñ?"				msgstr "Ð?Ñ?оÑ? Ñ?азмака по Ñ?абÑ?лаÑ?оÑ?Ñ?"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3
msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"			msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?икажи бÑ?оÑ?еве линиÑ?а Ñ? Ñ?Ñ?еÑ?иваÑ?Ñ? извоÑ?ног кода"	msgstr "Ð?Ñ?икажи бÑ?оÑ?еве линиÑ?а Ñ? Ñ?Ñ?еÑ?иваÑ?Ñ? извоÑ?ног кода"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4
msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"			msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"
msgstr "Ð?оÑ?иÑ?Ñ?и иÑ?Ñ?иÑ?аÑ?е извоÑ?ног кода Ñ? Ñ?Ñ?еÑ?иваÑ?Ñ?"		msgstr "Ð?оÑ?иÑ?Ñ?и иÑ?Ñ?иÑ?аÑ?е извоÑ?ног кода Ñ? Ñ?Ñ?еÑ?иваÑ?Ñ?"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60
msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"			msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"
msgstr "УÑ?лÑ?ге база подаÑ?ака за Ñ?адно окÑ?Ñ?жеÑ?е Ð?ном"		msgstr "УÑ?лÑ?ге база подаÑ?ака за Ñ?адно окÑ?Ñ?жеÑ?е Ð?ном"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1
msgid "About"							msgid "About"
msgstr "Ð?..."							msgstr "Ð?..."

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2
msgid "About GNOME-DB"						msgid "About GNOME-DB"
msgstr "Ð? GNOME-DB-Ñ?"						msgstr "Ð? GNOME-DB-Ñ?"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3
msgid "Close this window"					msgid "Close this window"
msgstr "Ð?аÑ?воÑ?и оваÑ? пÑ?озоÑ?"					msgstr "Ð?аÑ?воÑ?и оваÑ? пÑ?озоÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4
msgid "Create new entry"					msgid "Create new entry"
msgstr "Ð?апÑ?ави новÑ? Ñ?Ñ?авкÑ?"					msgstr "Ð?апÑ?ави новÑ? Ñ?Ñ?авкÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5
msgid "Delete selected items"					msgid "Delete selected items"
msgstr "Ð?бÑ?иÑ?и изабÑ?ане Ñ?Ñ?авке"					msgstr "Ð?бÑ?иÑ?и изабÑ?ане Ñ?Ñ?авке"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6
msgid "Deselect all items"					msgid "Deselect all items"
msgstr "Ð?ониÑ?Ñ?и избоÑ? Ñ?виÑ? Ñ?Ñ?авки"				msgstr "Ð?ониÑ?Ñ?и избоÑ? Ñ?виÑ? Ñ?Ñ?авки"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7
msgid "Edit properties for selected item"			msgid "Edit properties for selected item"
msgstr "УÑ?еди оÑ?обине изабÑ?ане Ñ?Ñ?авке"				msgstr "УÑ?еди оÑ?обине изабÑ?ане Ñ?Ñ?авке"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8
msgid "Save connection parameters to file"			msgid "Save connection parameters to file"
msgstr "СаÑ?Ñ?ваÑ? паÑ?амеÑ?Ñ?е за повезиваÑ?е Ñ? даÑ?оÑ?екÑ?"		msgstr "СаÑ?Ñ?ваÑ? паÑ?амеÑ?Ñ?е за повезиваÑ?е Ñ? даÑ?оÑ?екÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414
msgid "Select _All"						msgid "Select _All"
msgstr "Ð?забеÑ?и _Ñ?ве"						msgstr "Ð?забеÑ?и _Ñ?ве"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10
msgid "Select all items"					msgid "Select all items"
msgstr "Ð?забеÑ?и Ñ?ве Ñ?Ñ?авке"					msgstr "Ð?забеÑ?и Ñ?ве Ñ?Ñ?авке"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11
msgid "View data sources"					msgid "View data sources"
msgstr "Ð?огледаÑ? извоÑ?е подаÑ?ака"				msgstr "Ð?огледаÑ? извоÑ?е подаÑ?ака"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12
msgid "View providers"						msgid "View providers"
msgstr "Ð?огледаÑ? поÑ?Ñ?еднике"					msgstr "Ð?огледаÑ? поÑ?Ñ?еднике"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42
msgid "_Clear Selection"					msgid "_Clear Selection"
msgstr "Ð?_бÑ?иÑ?и избоÑ?"						msgstr "Ð?_бÑ?иÑ?и избоÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14
msgid "_Close"							msgid "_Close"
msgstr "_Ð?аÑ?воÑ?и"						msgstr "_Ð?аÑ?воÑ?и"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15
msgid "_Data Sources"						msgid "_Data Sources"
msgstr "Ð?з_воÑ?и подаÑ?ака"					msgstr "Ð?з_воÑ?и подаÑ?ака"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16
msgid "_Database"						msgid "_Database"
msgstr "_Ð?аза подаÑ?ака"						msgstr "_Ð?аза подаÑ?ака"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17
msgid "_Delete"							msgid "_Delete"
msgstr "Ð?_бÑ?иÑ?и"						msgstr "Ð?_бÑ?иÑ?и"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18
msgid "_Edit"							msgid "_Edit"
msgstr "_УÑ?еÑ?иваÑ?е"						msgstr "_УÑ?еÑ?иваÑ?е"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19
msgid "_Help"							msgid "_Help"
msgstr "_Ð?омоÑ?"							msgstr "_Ð?омоÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20
msgid "_New Data Source..."					msgid "_New Data Source..."
msgstr "_Ð?ови извоÑ? подаÑ?ака..."				msgstr "_Ð?ови извоÑ? подаÑ?ака..."

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21
msgid "_Properties"						msgid "_Properties"
msgstr "Ð?_Ñ?обине"						msgstr "Ð?_Ñ?обине"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22
msgid "_Providers"						msgid "_Providers"
msgstr "_Ð?оÑ?Ñ?едниÑ?и"						msgstr "_Ð?оÑ?Ñ?едниÑ?и"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23
msgid "_Save Connection"					msgid "_Save Connection"
msgstr "_СаÑ?Ñ?ваÑ? везÑ?"						msgstr "_СаÑ?Ñ?ваÑ? везÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24
msgid "_View"							msgid "_View"
msgstr "Ð?_Ñ?еглед"						msgstr "Ð?_Ñ?еглед"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76
msgid "Structure"						msgid "Structure"
msgstr "СÑ?Ñ?Ñ?кÑ?Ñ?Ñ?а"						msgstr "СÑ?Ñ?Ñ?кÑ?Ñ?Ñ?а"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73
msgid "Data"							msgid "Data"
msgstr "Ð?одаÑ?и"							msgstr "Ð?одаÑ?и"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238
msgid "Not implemented yet!"					msgid "Not implemented yet!"
msgstr "Ð?оÑ? Ñ?век ниÑ?е напÑ?авÑ?ено!"				msgstr "Ð?оÑ? Ñ?век ниÑ?е напÑ?авÑ?ено!"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Database"						msgid "Database"
msgstr "Ð?аза подаÑ?ака"						msgstr "Ð?аза подаÑ?ака"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540
msgid "Loading database schemas..."				msgid "Loading database schemas..."
msgstr "УÑ?иÑ?ава Ñ?Ñ?еме базе подаÑ?ака..."				msgstr "УÑ?иÑ?ава Ñ?Ñ?еме базе подаÑ?ака..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632
msgid "Refreshing data..."					msgid "Refreshing data..."
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?вежава подаÑ?ке..."					msgstr "Ð?Ñ?вежава подаÑ?ке..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688
msgid "Views"							msgid "Views"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?егледи"						msgstr "Ð?Ñ?егледи"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691
msgid "Indexes"							msgid "Indexes"
msgstr "Ð?ндекÑ?и"						msgstr "Ð?ндекÑ?и"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Sequences"						msgid "Sequences"
msgstr "Ð?изови"							msgstr "Ð?изови"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Procedures"						msgid "Procedures"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?оÑ?едÑ?Ñ?е"						msgstr "Ð?Ñ?оÑ?едÑ?Ñ?е"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700
msgid "Triggers"						msgid "Triggers"
msgstr "Ð?кидаÑ?и"						msgstr "Ð?кидаÑ?и"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Aggregates"						msgid "Aggregates"
msgstr "СкÑ?пине"						msgstr "СкÑ?пине"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Types"							msgid "Types"
msgstr "Типови"							msgstr "Типови"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140
msgid "Could not query CORBA components"			msgid "Could not query CORBA components"
msgstr "Ð?иÑ?е Ñ?Ñ?пео да поÑ?аÑ?е Ñ?пиÑ? CORBA компоненÑ?ама"		msgstr "Ð?иÑ?е Ñ?Ñ?пео да поÑ?аÑ?е Ñ?пиÑ? CORBA компоненÑ?ама"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209
msgid "ID"							msgid "ID"
msgstr "Ð?Ð?"							msgstr "Ð?Ð?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "Location"						msgid "Location"
msgstr "Ð?оложаÑ?"						msgstr "Ð?оложаÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212
msgid "Username"						msgid "Username"
msgstr "Ð?оÑ?иÑ?ниÑ?ко име"						msgstr "Ð?оÑ?иÑ?ниÑ?ко име"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213
msgid "Hostname"						msgid "Hostname"
msgstr "Ð?ме Ñ?аÑ?Ñ?наÑ?а"						msgstr "Ð?ме Ñ?аÑ?Ñ?наÑ?а"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214
msgid "Domain"							msgid "Domain"
msgstr "Ð?омен"							msgstr "Ð?омен"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"			msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"
msgstr "Ð?еподÑ?жан Ñ?ип за Ð?Ð?онÑ? Ñ?Ñ?авкÑ?: %d"			msgstr "Ð?еподÑ?жан Ñ?ип за Ð?Ð?онÑ? Ñ?Ñ?авкÑ?: %d"

#. create widgets						#. create widgets
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97
msgid "Settings"						msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Ð?одеÑ?аваÑ?а"						msgstr "Ð?одеÑ?аваÑ?а"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103
msgid "Data source name"					msgid "Data source name"
msgstr "Ð?ме извоÑ?а подаÑ?ака"					msgstr "Ð?ме извоÑ?а подаÑ?ака"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109
msgid "Connection string"					msgid "Connection string"
msgstr "Ð?из знакова за везÑ?"					msgstr "Ð?из знакова за везÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115
msgid "Provider"						msgid "Provider"
msgstr "Ð?оÑ?Ñ?едник"						msgstr "Ð?оÑ?Ñ?едник"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121
msgid "User name"						msgid "User name"
msgstr "Ð?оÑ?иÑ?ниÑ?ко име"						msgstr "Ð?оÑ?иÑ?ниÑ?ко име"

#. create feature list						#. create feature list
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128
msgid "Features"						msgid "Features"
msgstr "Ð?огÑ?Ñ?ноÑ?Ñ?и"						msgstr "Ð?огÑ?Ñ?ноÑ?Ñ?и"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190
msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"		msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"
msgstr "Ð?оÑ?аÑ?е Ñ?неÑ?и име за нови извоÑ? подаÑ?ака"		msgstr "Ð?оÑ?аÑ?е Ñ?неÑ?и име за нови извоÑ? подаÑ?ака"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac	msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac
msgstr "Ð?мена извоÑ?а подаÑ?ака не Ñ?меÑ?Ñ? да Ñ?адÑ?же Ñ?азмаке"	msgstr "Ð?мена извоÑ?а подаÑ?ака не Ñ?меÑ?Ñ? да Ñ?адÑ?же Ñ?азмаке"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206
msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th	msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th
msgstr "Ð?оÑ?Ñ?оÑ?еÑ?и извоÑ? подаÑ?ака Ñ?е веÑ? пÑ?иÑ?авÑ?ен под иÑ?Ñ?им и	msgstr "Ð?оÑ?Ñ?оÑ?еÑ?и извоÑ? подаÑ?ака Ñ?е веÑ? пÑ?иÑ?авÑ?ен под иÑ?Ñ?им и

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213
msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"			msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"
msgstr "Ð?мена извоÑ?а подаÑ?ака не Ñ?меÑ?Ñ? да Ñ?адÑ?же Ñ?азмаке"	msgstr "Ð?мена извоÑ?а подаÑ?ака не Ñ?меÑ?Ñ? да Ñ?адÑ?же Ñ?азмаке"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217
msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n	msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n
msgstr "Ð?мена извоÑ?а подаÑ?ака могÑ? да Ñ?адÑ?же Ñ?амо бÑ?оÑ?еве и е	msgstr "Ð?мена извоÑ?а подаÑ?ака могÑ? да Ñ?адÑ?же Ñ?амо бÑ?оÑ?еве и е

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225
msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"	msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"
msgstr "Ð?оÑ?аÑ?е изабÑ?аÑ?и поÑ?Ñ?едника за нови извоÑ? подаÑ?ака"	msgstr "Ð?оÑ?аÑ?е изабÑ?аÑ?и поÑ?Ñ?едника за нови извоÑ? подаÑ?ака"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233
msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"		msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"
msgstr "Ð?оÑ?Ñ?едник не поÑ?Ñ?оÑ?Ñ? меÑ?Ñ? ваÑ?им подеÑ?аваÑ?има"		msgstr "Ð?оÑ?Ñ?едник не поÑ?Ñ?оÑ?Ñ? меÑ?Ñ? ваÑ?им подеÑ?аваÑ?има"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391
msgid "Add a new data source..."				msgid "Add a new data source..."
msgstr "Ð?одаÑ? нови извоÑ? подаÑ?ака..."				msgstr "Ð?одаÑ? нови извоÑ? подаÑ?ака..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392
msgid ""							msgid ""
"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"		"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"
"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"		"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"
"installation. Just follow the steps!"				"installation. Just follow the steps!"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Ð?ваÑ? помоÑ?ник Ñ?е ваÑ? пÑ?овеÑ?Ñ?и кÑ?оз поÑ?Ñ?Ñ?пак\n"			"Ð?ваÑ? помоÑ?ник Ñ?е ваÑ? пÑ?овеÑ?Ñ?и кÑ?оз поÑ?Ñ?Ñ?пак\n"
"изÑ?аде новог извоÑ?а подаÑ?ака за ваÑ? Ð?ном-DB Ñ?иÑ?Ñ?ем.\n"		"изÑ?аде новог извоÑ?а подаÑ?ака за ваÑ? Ð?ном-DB Ñ?иÑ?Ñ?ем.\n"
"Ð?оÑ?Ñ?ебно Ñ?е Ñ?амо да пÑ?аÑ?иÑ?е коÑ?аке!"				"Ð?оÑ?Ñ?ебно Ñ?е Ñ?амо да пÑ?аÑ?иÑ?е коÑ?аке!"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404
msgid "General Information"					msgid "General Information"
msgstr "Ð?пÑ?Ñ?и подаÑ?и"						msgstr "Ð?пÑ?Ñ?и подаÑ?и"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the basic information\n"	"The following fields represent the basic information\n"
"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n	"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n
"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"	"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"
"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"	"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"
"the default one."						"the default one."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"СледеÑ?а поÑ?а пÑ?едÑ?Ñ?авÑ?аÑ?Ñ? оÑ?новне подаÑ?ке за ваÑ? нови \n"	"СледеÑ?а поÑ?а пÑ?едÑ?Ñ?авÑ?аÑ?Ñ? оÑ?новне подаÑ?ке за ваÑ? нови \n"
"извоÑ? подаÑ?ака. Ð?еки од Ñ?иÑ? (опиÑ?, коÑ?иÑ?ниÑ?ко име) \n"		"извоÑ? подаÑ?ака. Ð?еки од Ñ?иÑ? (опиÑ?, коÑ?иÑ?ниÑ?ко име) \n"
"ниÑ?Ñ? обавезни, док дÑ?Ñ?ги Ñ?еÑ?Ñ?.  Уколико не знаÑ?е ког \n"	"ниÑ?Ñ? обавезни, док дÑ?Ñ?ги Ñ?еÑ?Ñ?.  Уколико не знаÑ?е ког \n"
"поÑ?Ñ?едника да коÑ?иÑ?Ñ?иÑ?е, Ñ?амо изабеÑ?иÑ?е подÑ?азÑ?мевани."	"поÑ?Ñ?едника да коÑ?иÑ?Ñ?иÑ?е, Ñ?амо изабеÑ?иÑ?е подÑ?азÑ?мевани."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104
msgid "Data source _name:"					msgid "Data source _name:"
msgstr "_Ð?ме извоÑ?а подаÑ?ака:"					msgstr "_Ð?ме извоÑ?а подаÑ?ака:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114
msgid "_Provider:"						msgid "_Provider:"
msgstr "_Ð?оÑ?Ñ?едник:"						msgstr "_Ð?оÑ?Ñ?едник:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133
msgid "_Description:"						msgid "_Description:"
msgstr "_Ð?пиÑ?:"							msgstr "_Ð?пиÑ?:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142
msgid "_Username:"						msgid "_Username:"
msgstr "_Ð?оÑ?иÑ?ниÑ?ко име:"					msgstr "_Ð?оÑ?иÑ?ниÑ?ко име:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151
msgid "P_assword:"						msgid "P_assword:"
msgstr "_Ð?озинка:"						msgstr "_Ð?озинка:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454
msgid "Provider Parameters"					msgid "Provider Parameters"
msgstr "Ð?аÑ?амеÑ?Ñ?и поÑ?Ñ?едника"					msgstr "Ð?аÑ?амеÑ?Ñ?и поÑ?Ñ?едника"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the information needed by the	"The following fields represent the information needed by the
"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n	"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n
"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\	"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\
"the manual for more information."				"the manual for more information."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"СледеÑ?а поÑ?а пÑ?едÑ?Ñ?авÑ?аÑ?Ñ? подаÑ?ке неопÑ?одне за поÑ?Ñ?едника\n"	"СледеÑ?а поÑ?а пÑ?едÑ?Ñ?авÑ?аÑ?Ñ? подаÑ?ке неопÑ?одне за поÑ?Ñ?едника\n"
"коÑ?и Ñ?Ñ?е изабÑ?али на пÑ?еÑ?Ñ?одноÑ? Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?ани Ñ?ади Ñ?Ñ?поÑ?Ñ?авÑ?аÑ?а\n"	"коÑ?и Ñ?Ñ?е изабÑ?али на пÑ?еÑ?Ñ?одноÑ? Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?ани Ñ?ади Ñ?Ñ?поÑ?Ñ?авÑ?аÑ?а\n"
"везе. Ð?ви подаÑ?и завиÑ?е од поÑ?Ñ?едника, па пÑ?во пÑ?овеÑ?иÑ?е\n"	"везе. Ð?ви подаÑ?и завиÑ?е од поÑ?Ñ?едника, па пÑ?во пÑ?овеÑ?иÑ?е\n"
"Ñ?пÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?во за деÑ?аÑ?ниÑ?е обÑ?аÑ?Ñ?еÑ?е."				"Ñ?пÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?во за деÑ?аÑ?ниÑ?е обÑ?аÑ?Ñ?еÑ?е."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481
msgid "All information retrieved"				msgid "All information retrieved"
msgstr "Сви подаÑ?и Ñ?Ñ? добиÑ?ени"					msgstr "Сви подаÑ?и Ñ?Ñ? добиÑ?ени"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482
msgid ""							msgid ""
"All information needed to create a new data source\n"		"All information needed to create a new data source\n"
"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"		"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"
"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"	"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"
"just select it when asked for a data source."			"just select it when asked for a data source."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Сви подаÑ?и поÑ?Ñ?ебни за пÑ?авÑ?еÑ?е новог извоÑ?а подаÑ?ака\n"	"Сви подаÑ?и поÑ?Ñ?ебни за пÑ?авÑ?еÑ?е новог извоÑ?а подаÑ?ака\n"
"Ñ?Ñ? добавÑ?ени. Сада, пÑ?иÑ?иÑ?ниÑ?е â??Ð?Ñ?имениâ?? да заÑ?воÑ?иÑ?е\n"	"Ñ?Ñ? добавÑ?ени. Сада, пÑ?иÑ?иÑ?ниÑ?е â??Ð?Ñ?имениâ?? да заÑ?воÑ?иÑ?е\n"
"ово пÑ?озоÑ?Ñ?е. Ð?а пÑ?иÑ?Ñ?Ñ?пиÑ?е ваÑ?ем новооÑ?воÑ?еном извоÑ?Ñ?\n"	"ово пÑ?озоÑ?Ñ?е. Ð?а пÑ?иÑ?Ñ?Ñ?пиÑ?е ваÑ?ем новооÑ?воÑ?еном извоÑ?Ñ?\n"
"подаÑ?ака, изабеÑ?иÑ?е га када бÑ?деÑ?е пиÑ?ани за извоÑ? подаÑ?ака.	"подаÑ?ака, изабеÑ?иÑ?е га када бÑ?деÑ?е пиÑ?ани за извоÑ? подаÑ?ака.

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124
msgid "Connection _string:"					msgid "Connection _string:"
msgstr "Ð?и_Ñ?ка за везÑ?:"					msgstr "Ð?и_Ñ?ка за везÑ?:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4
msgid "Error"							msgid "Error"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?еÑ?ка"							msgstr "Ð?Ñ?еÑ?ка"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.
msgid "Show detail >>"						msgid "Show detail >>"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?икажи деÑ?аÑ?е >>"					msgstr "Ð?Ñ?икажи деÑ?аÑ?е >>"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122
msgid "<< Hide detail"						msgid "<< Hide detail"
msgstr "<< СакÑ?иÑ? деÑ?аÑ?е"					msgstr "<< СакÑ?иÑ? деÑ?аÑ?е"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191
msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"	msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"
msgstr "Ð?оÑ?ло Ñ?е до неоÑ?екиване Ñ? Ñ?амоÑ? бази подаÑ?ака"		msgstr "Ð?оÑ?ло Ñ?е до неоÑ?екиване Ñ? Ñ?амоÑ? бази подаÑ?ака"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196
msgid "Error number"						msgid "Error number"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?оÑ? гÑ?еÑ?ке"						msgstr "Ð?Ñ?оÑ? гÑ?еÑ?ке"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227
msgid "Details"							msgid "Details"
msgstr "Ð?еÑ?аÑ?и"							msgstr "Ð?еÑ?аÑ?и"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234
msgid "Source"							msgid "Source"
msgstr "Ð?звоÑ?"							msgstr "Ð?звоÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241
msgid "SQL state"						msgid "SQL state"
msgstr "SQL Ñ?Ñ?аÑ?е"						msgstr "SQL Ñ?Ñ?аÑ?е"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Field:"							msgid "_Field:"
msgstr "Ð?оÑ?а"							msgstr "Ð?оÑ?а"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Text:"							msgid "_Text:"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?оба"							msgstr "Ð?Ñ?оба"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308
msgid "No records"						msgid "No records"
msgstr "Ð?ема подаÑ?ака"						msgstr "Ð?ема подаÑ?ака"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Record %d of %d"						msgid "Record %d of %d"
msgstr "Ред %d од %d"						msgstr "Ред %d од %d"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113
msgid "Recordset description"					msgid "Recordset description"
msgstr "Ð?пиÑ? подаÑ?ака"						msgstr "Ð?пиÑ? подаÑ?ака"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid ""							msgid ""
"File '%s' already exists.\n"					"File '%s' already exists.\n"
"Do you want to overwrite it?"					"Do you want to overwrite it?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Ð?аÑ?оÑ?ека â??%sâ?? веÑ? поÑ?Ñ?оÑ?и.\n"					"Ð?аÑ?оÑ?ека â??%sâ?? веÑ? поÑ?Ñ?оÑ?и.\n"
"Ð?елиÑ?е ли да Ñ?е пÑ?еÑ?нимиÑ?е?"					"Ð?елиÑ?е ли да Ñ?е пÑ?еÑ?нимиÑ?е?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149
msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."		msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."
msgstr "Уколико изабеÑ?еÑ?е да, Ñ?адÑ?жаÑ? Ñ?е биÑ?и изгÑ?бÑ?ен."	msgstr "Уколико изабеÑ?еÑ?е да, Ñ?адÑ?жаÑ? Ñ?е биÑ?и изгÑ?бÑ?ен."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Could not save file %s"					msgid "Could not save file %s"
msgstr "Ð?е може да Ñ?аÑ?Ñ?ва даÑ?оÑ?екÑ? %s"				msgstr "Ð?е може да Ñ?аÑ?Ñ?ва даÑ?оÑ?екÑ? %s"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224
msgid "You must specify a file name"				msgid "You must specify a file name"
msgstr "Ð?оÑ?аÑ?е навеÑ?Ñ?и име даÑ?оÑ?еке"				msgstr "Ð?оÑ?аÑ?е навеÑ?Ñ?и име даÑ?оÑ?еке"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230
msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"		msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"
msgstr "Ð?аиÑ?ао на пÑ?азнÑ? даÑ?оÑ?екÑ? пÑ?и пÑ?еÑ?ваÑ?аÑ?Ñ? подаÑ?ака"	msgstr "Ð?аиÑ?ао на пÑ?азнÑ? даÑ?оÑ?екÑ? пÑ?и пÑ?еÑ?ваÑ?аÑ?Ñ? подаÑ?ака"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261
msgid "Saving Model"						msgid "Saving Model"
msgstr "Ð?одел Ñ?Ñ?ваÑ?а"						msgstr "Ð?одел Ñ?Ñ?ваÑ?а"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272
msgid "File _name:"						msgid "File _name:"
msgstr "Ð?ме _даÑ?оÑ?еке:"						msgstr "Ð?ме _даÑ?оÑ?еке:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276
msgid "Select File"						msgid "Select File"
msgstr "Ð?дабеÑ?и даÑ?оÑ?екÑ?"					msgstr "Ð?дабеÑ?и даÑ?оÑ?екÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283
msgid "File _type:"						msgid "File _type:"
msgstr "_Ð?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?а даÑ?оÑ?еке:"					msgstr "_Ð?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?а даÑ?оÑ?еке:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291
msgid "Tab-delimited"						msgid "Tab-delimited"
msgstr "РаздвоÑ?ени Ñ?абÑ?лаÑ?оÑ?ом"					msgstr "РаздвоÑ?ени Ñ?абÑ?лаÑ?оÑ?ом"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294
msgid "Comma-delimited"						msgid "Comma-delimited"
msgstr "РаздвоÑ?ени запеÑ?ом"					msgstr "РаздвоÑ?ени запеÑ?ом"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:
msgid "XML"							msgid "XML"
msgstr "XML"							msgstr "XML"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355
msgid "View detail"						msgid "View detail"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?икажи деÑ?аÑ?е"						msgstr "Ð?Ñ?икажи деÑ?аÑ?е"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427
msgid "Show Column _Titles"					msgid "Show Column _Titles"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?икажи _наÑ?лове колона"				msgstr "Ð?Ñ?икажи _наÑ?лове колона"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442
msgid "Describe"						msgid "Describe"
msgstr "Ð?пиÑ?и"							msgstr "Ð?пиÑ?и"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443
msgid "View detail..."						msgid "View detail..."
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?икажи деÑ?аÑ?е..."					msgstr "Ð?Ñ?икажи деÑ?аÑ?е..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614
msgid "Title"							msgid "Title"
msgstr "Ð?аÑ?лов"							msgstr "Ð?аÑ?лов"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48
msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"	msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"
msgstr "Ð?окÑ?Ñ?ава да покÑ?ене веÑ? покÑ?енÑ?Ñ?ог клиÑ?енÑ?а"		msgstr "Ð?окÑ?Ñ?ава да покÑ?ене веÑ? покÑ?енÑ?Ñ?ог клиÑ?енÑ?а"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"		"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"
"to a data source"						"to a data source"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"УнеÑ?иÑ?е иÑ?под аÑ?гÑ?менÑ?е да Ñ?Ñ?поÑ?Ñ?авиÑ?е везÑ? Ñ?а \n"		"УнеÑ?иÑ?е иÑ?под аÑ?гÑ?менÑ?е да Ñ?Ñ?поÑ?Ñ?авиÑ?е везÑ? Ñ?а \n"
"извоÑ?ом подаÑ?ака"						"извоÑ?ом подаÑ?ака"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253
msgid "Data Source:"						msgid "Data Source:"
msgstr "Ð?звоÑ? подаÑ?ака:"					msgstr "Ð?звоÑ? подаÑ?ака:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270
msgid "Username:"						msgid "Username:"
msgstr "Ð?оÑ?иÑ?ниÑ?ко име:"					msgstr "Ð?оÑ?иÑ?ниÑ?ко име:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279
msgid "Password:"						msgid "Password:"
msgstr "Ð?озинка:"						msgstr "Ð?озинка:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69
msgid "Fields"							msgid "Fields"
msgstr "Ð?оÑ?а"							msgstr "Ð?оÑ?а"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30
msgid "Commit"							msgid "Commit"
msgstr "Ð?оÑ?аÑ?и"							msgstr "Ð?оÑ?аÑ?и"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31
msgid "Connect"							msgid "Connect"
msgstr "Ð?овежи Ñ?е"						msgstr "Ð?овежи Ñ?е"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33
msgid "Designer"						msgid "Designer"
msgstr "Ð?изаÑ?неÑ?"						msgstr "Ð?изаÑ?неÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34
msgid "Disconnect"						msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?екини везÑ?"						msgstr "Ð?Ñ?екини везÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35
msgid "NoTransaction"						msgid "NoTransaction"
msgstr "Ð?емаТÑ?анÑ?акÑ?иÑ?а"					msgstr "Ð?емаТÑ?анÑ?акÑ?иÑ?а"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37
msgid "Query"							msgid "Query"
msgstr "УпиÑ?"							msgstr "УпиÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38
msgid "Rollback"						msgid "Rollback"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?аÑ?и"							msgstr "Ð?Ñ?аÑ?и"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40
msgid "SQL"							msgid "SQL"
msgstr "SQL"							msgstr "SQL"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43
msgid "WithinTransaction"					msgid "WithinTransaction"
msgstr "УнÑ?Ñ?аÑ?ТÑ?анÑ?акÑ?иÑ?е"					msgstr "УнÑ?Ñ?аÑ?ТÑ?анÑ?акÑ?иÑ?е"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Error: %s"						msgid "Error: %s"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?еÑ?ка: %s"						msgstr "Ð?Ñ?еÑ?ка: %s"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79
msgid "Table name"						msgid "Table name"
msgstr "Ð?ме Ñ?абеле"						msgstr "Ð?ме Ñ?абеле"

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93			#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Login for %s"						msgid "Login for %s"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?иÑ?ава за %s"						msgstr "Ð?Ñ?иÑ?ава за %s"

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95					#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95
msgid "Login to database"					msgid "Login to database"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?иÑ?ава за базÑ? подаÑ?ака"				msgstr "Ð?Ñ?иÑ?ава за базÑ? подаÑ?ака"

#: vfs/libmain.c:71						#: vfs/libmain.c:71
msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"				msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"
msgstr "Ð?ном Ð?ФС база подаÑ?ака: додаÑ?ак"			msgstr "Ð?ном Ð?ФС база подаÑ?ака: додаÑ?ак"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40
msgid "Table Properties"					msgid "Table Properties"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?обине Ñ?абеле"						msgstr "Ð?Ñ?обине Ñ?абеле"

#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47
msgid "Table Name"						msgid "Table Name"
msgstr "Ð?ме Ñ?абеле"						msgstr "Ð?ме Ñ?абеле"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155
msgid "New"							msgid "New"
msgstr "Ð?ова"							msgstr "Ð?ова"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156
msgid "Create new table"					msgid "Create new table"
msgstr "Ð?апÑ?ави новÑ? Ñ?абелÑ?"					msgstr "Ð?апÑ?ави новÑ? Ñ?абелÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161
msgid "Properties"						msgid "Properties"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?обине"						msgstr "Ð?Ñ?обине"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162
msgid "View table properties"					msgid "View table properties"
msgstr "Ð?огледаÑ?Ñ?е оÑ?обине Ñ?абеле"				msgstr "Ð?огледаÑ?Ñ?е оÑ?обине Ñ?абеле"

# Ð?оÑ?иÑ?ниÑ?ки Ð?денÑ?иÑ?икаÑ?иони Ð?Ñ?оÑ?				# Ð?оÑ?иÑ?ниÑ?ки Ð?денÑ?иÑ?икаÑ?иони Ð?Ñ?оÑ?
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
msgid "UID"							msgid "UID"
msgstr "Ð?Ð?Ð?"							msgstr "Ð?Ð?Ð?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "calendar"						msgid "calendar"
msgstr "календаÑ?"						msgstr "календаÑ?"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "summary"							msgid "summary"
msgstr "извеÑ?Ñ?аÑ?"						msgstr "извеÑ?Ñ?аÑ?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "Summary"							msgid "Summary"
msgstr "Ð?звеÑ?Ñ?аÑ?"						msgstr "Ð?звеÑ?Ñ?аÑ?"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "location"						msgid "location"
msgstr "положаÑ?"						msgstr "положаÑ?"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "dtstart"							msgid "dtstart"
msgstr "двпоÑ?еÑ?ак"						msgstr "двпоÑ?еÑ?ак"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
msgid "Start time"						msgid "Start time"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?еме поÑ?еÑ?ка"						msgstr "Ð?Ñ?еме поÑ?еÑ?ка"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "dtend"							msgid "dtend"
msgstr "двкÑ?аÑ?"							msgstr "двкÑ?аÑ?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "End time"						msgid "End time"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?еме завÑ?Ñ?еÑ?ка"					msgstr "Ð?Ñ?еме завÑ?Ñ?еÑ?ка"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
msgid "description"						msgid "description"
msgstr "опиÑ?"							msgstr "опиÑ?"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "classification"						msgid "classification"
msgstr "клаÑ?иÑ?икаÑ?иÑ?а"						msgstr "клаÑ?иÑ?икаÑ?иÑ?а"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "Classification"						msgid "Classification"
msgstr "Ð?лаÑ?иÑ?икаÑ?иÑ?а"						msgstr "Ð?лаÑ?иÑ?икаÑ?иÑ?а"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "transparency"						msgid "transparency"
msgstr "непÑ?имеÑ?ноÑ?Ñ?"						msgstr "непÑ?имеÑ?ноÑ?Ñ?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "Transparency"						msgid "Transparency"
msgstr "Ð?епÑ?имеÑ?ноÑ?Ñ?"						msgstr "Ð?епÑ?имеÑ?ноÑ?Ñ?"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "categories"						msgid "categories"
msgstr "каÑ?егоÑ?иÑ?е"						msgstr "каÑ?егоÑ?иÑ?е"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "Categories"						msgid "Categories"
msgstr "Ð?аÑ?егоÑ?иÑ?е"						msgstr "Ð?аÑ?егоÑ?иÑ?е"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "tasks"							msgid "tasks"
msgstr "задÑ?жеÑ?а"						msgstr "задÑ?жеÑ?а"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "due"							msgid "due"
msgstr "Ñ?ок"							msgstr "Ñ?ок"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "Due date"						msgid "Due date"
msgstr "Рок"							msgstr "Рок"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "Start date"						msgid "Start date"
msgstr "Ð?аÑ?Ñ?м поÑ?еÑ?ка"						msgstr "Ð?аÑ?Ñ?м поÑ?еÑ?ка"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355
msgid "Public"							msgid "Public"
msgstr "Ð?авни"							msgstr "Ð?авни"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358
msgid "Private"							msgid "Private"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?иваÑ?ни"						msgstr "Ð?Ñ?иваÑ?ни"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361
msgid "Confidential"						msgid "Confidential"
msgstr "Ð?овеÑ?Ñ?иви"						msgstr "Ð?овеÑ?Ñ?иви"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63
msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"		msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"
msgstr "Ð?е могÑ? да оÑ?воÑ?им подÑ?азÑ?мевани диÑ?екÑ?оÑ?иÑ?Ñ?м календа	msgstr "Ð?е могÑ? да оÑ?воÑ?им подÑ?азÑ?мевани диÑ?екÑ?оÑ?иÑ?Ñ?м календа

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66
msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"			msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"
msgstr "Ð?е могÑ? да оÑ?воÑ?им подÑ?азÑ?мевани диÑ?екÑ?оÑ?иÑ?Ñ?м задÑ?жеÑ?	msgstr "Ð?е могÑ? да оÑ?воÑ?им подÑ?азÑ?мевани диÑ?екÑ?оÑ?иÑ?Ñ?м задÑ?жеÑ?

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80
msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta	msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Ð?еопÑ?одна Ñ?е иденÑ?иÑ?икаÑ?иÑ?а за пÑ?иÑ?Ñ?Ñ?п подÑ?азÑ?меваном диÑ?екÑ?	"Ð?еопÑ?одна Ñ?е иденÑ?иÑ?икаÑ?иÑ?а за пÑ?иÑ?Ñ?Ñ?п подÑ?азÑ?меваном диÑ?екÑ?
"конÑ?акÑ?има"							"конÑ?акÑ?има"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83
msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"		msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"
msgstr "Ð?е могÑ? да оÑ?воÑ?им подÑ?азÑ?мевани диÑ?екÑ?оÑ?иÑ?Ñ?м Ñ?а конÑ?	msgstr "Ð?е могÑ? да оÑ?воÑ?им подÑ?азÑ?мевани диÑ?екÑ?оÑ?иÑ?Ñ?м Ñ?а конÑ?

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100
msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"				msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"
msgstr "Ð?е могÑ? да покÑ?енем Ð?онобо"				msgstr "Ð?е могÑ? да покÑ?енем Ð?онобо"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212
msgid "Field name"						msgid "Field name"
msgstr "Ð?ме поÑ?а"						msgstr "Ð?ме поÑ?а"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213
msgid "Data type"						msgid "Data type"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?а подаÑ?ака"						msgstr "Ð?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?а подаÑ?ака"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214
msgid "Size"							msgid "Size"
msgstr "Ð?елиÑ?ина"						msgstr "Ð?елиÑ?ина"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215
msgid "Scale"							msgid "Scale"
msgstr "РазмеÑ?а"						msgstr "РазмеÑ?а"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216
msgid "Not null?"						msgid "Not null?"
msgstr "Ð?иÑ?е ниÑ?Ñ?а (null)?"					msgstr "Ð?иÑ?е ниÑ?Ñ?а (null)?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217
msgid "Primary key?"						msgid "Primary key?"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?имаÑ?ни кÑ?Ñ?Ñ??"						msgstr "Ð?Ñ?имаÑ?ни кÑ?Ñ?Ñ??"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218
msgid "Unique index?"						msgid "Unique index?"
msgstr "Ð?единÑ?Ñ?вени индекÑ??"					msgstr "Ð?единÑ?Ñ?вени индекÑ??"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219
msgid "References"						msgid "References"
msgstr "РеÑ?еÑ?енÑ?е"						msgstr "РеÑ?еÑ?енÑ?е"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220
msgid "Default value"						msgid "Default value"
msgstr "Ð?одÑ?азÑ?мевана вÑ?едноÑ?Ñ?"					msgstr "Ð?одÑ?азÑ?мевана вÑ?едноÑ?Ñ?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239
msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l	msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l
msgstr "Ð?еопÑ?одно Ñ?е име Ñ?абеле али ниÑ?едно ниÑ?е даÑ?о меÑ?Ñ? па	msgstr "Ð?еопÑ?одно Ñ?е име Ñ?абеле али ниÑ?едно ниÑ?е даÑ?о меÑ?Ñ? па

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Table %s does not exist"					msgid "Table %s does not exist"
msgstr "Табела %s не поÑ?Ñ?оÑ?и"					msgstr "Табела %s не поÑ?Ñ?оÑ?и"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318
msgid "Scheduled events"					msgid "Scheduled events"
msgstr "Ð?аказани догаÑ?аÑ?и"					msgstr "Ð?аказани догаÑ?аÑ?и"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321
msgid "TODO list"						msgid "TODO list"
msgstr "СпиÑ?ак за Ñ?Ñ?адиÑ?и"					msgstr "СпиÑ?ак за Ñ?Ñ?адиÑ?и"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375
msgid "Owner"							msgid "Owner"
msgstr "Ð?лаÑ?ник"						msgstr "Ð?лаÑ?ник"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376
msgid "Comments"						msgid "Comments"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?имедбе"						msgstr "Ð?Ñ?имедбе"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374
msgid "Type"							msgid "Type"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?а"							msgstr "Ð?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?а"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377
msgid "GDA type"						msgid "GDA type"
msgstr "Ð?Ð?Ð? вÑ?Ñ?Ñ?а"						msgstr "Ð?Ð?Ð? вÑ?Ñ?Ñ?а"

#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id	#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id
#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database	#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database
#. we can easily access that information			#. we can easily access that information
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382
msgid "local"							msgid "local"
msgstr "локални"						msgstr "локални"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217
msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?авÑ?еÑ?е база Ñ?оÑ? Ñ?век ниÑ?е подÑ?жано"			msgstr "Ð?Ñ?авÑ?еÑ?е база Ñ?оÑ? Ñ?век ниÑ?е подÑ?жано"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230
msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr "УклаÑ?аÑ?е база Ñ?оÑ? Ñ?век ниÑ?е подÑ?жано"			msgstr "УклаÑ?аÑ?е база Ñ?оÑ? Ñ?век ниÑ?е подÑ?жано"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244
msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"			msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"
msgstr "Ð?е могÑ? да пÑ?еÑ?змем Ñ?емÑ? Ñ?абела"			msgstr "Ð?е могÑ? да пÑ?еÑ?змем Ñ?емÑ? Ñ?абела"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268
msgid "Invalid SQL command"					msgid "Invalid SQL command"
msgstr "Ð?еиÑ?пÑ?авна SQL наÑ?едба"					msgstr "Ð?еиÑ?пÑ?авна SQL наÑ?едба"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353
msgid "Transactions are not supported"				msgid "Transactions are not supported"
msgstr "ТÑ?анÑ?акÑ?иÑ?е ниÑ?Ñ? подÑ?жане"				msgstr "ТÑ?анÑ?акÑ?иÑ?е ниÑ?Ñ? подÑ?жане"

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41
msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"		msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"
msgstr "Ð?оÑ?Ñ?едник за лиÑ?не подаÑ?ке из Ð?волÑ?Ñ?иÑ?е"		msgstr "Ð?оÑ?Ñ?едник за лиÑ?не подаÑ?ке из Ð?волÑ?Ñ?иÑ?е"

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task	"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Ð?звоÑ? подаÑ?ака за пÑ?иÑ?Ñ?Ñ?п подÑ?азÑ?меваном календаÑ?Ñ?, задÑ?жеÑ?и	"Ð?звоÑ? подаÑ?ака за пÑ?иÑ?Ñ?Ñ?п подÑ?азÑ?меваном календаÑ?Ñ?, задÑ?жеÑ?и
"из Ð?волÑ?Ñ?иÑ?е"							"из Ð?волÑ?Ñ?иÑ?е"

#~ msgid "Browse database..."					#~ msgid "Browse database..."
#~ msgstr "РазгледаÑ? базÑ?..."					#~ msgstr "РазгледаÑ? базÑ?..."

#~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .con	#~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .con
#~ msgstr "Ð?омпоненÑ?а коÑ?а Ñ?кÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?е пÑ?иÑ?Ñ?Ñ?не мениÑ?е за .conne	#~ msgstr "Ð?омпоненÑ?а коÑ?а Ñ?кÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?е пÑ?иÑ?Ñ?Ñ?не мениÑ?е за .conne

#~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .sql	#~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .sql
#~ msgstr "Ð?омпоненÑ?а коÑ?а Ñ?кÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?е пÑ?иÑ?Ñ?Ñ?не мениÑ?е за .sql д	#~ msgstr "Ð?омпоненÑ?а коÑ?а Ñ?кÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?е пÑ?иÑ?Ñ?Ñ?не мениÑ?е за .sql д

#~ msgid "Connection MIME handler component"			#~ msgid "Connection MIME handler component"
#~ msgstr "Ð?Ð?Ð?Ð? део баÑ?аÑ?аÑ?е везама"				#~ msgstr "Ð?Ð?Ð?Ð? део баÑ?аÑ?аÑ?е везама"

#~ msgid "Database component factory"				#~ msgid "Database component factory"
#~ msgstr "Ð?Ñ?оизводÑ?а делова за базÑ? подаÑ?ака"			#~ msgstr "Ð?Ñ?оизводÑ?а делова за базÑ? подаÑ?ака"

#~ msgid "Open in database connection..."			#~ msgid "Open in database connection..."
#~ msgstr "Ð?Ñ?воÑ?и везÑ? Ñ?а базом подаÑ?ака..."			#~ msgstr "Ð?Ñ?воÑ?и везÑ? Ñ?а базом подаÑ?ака..."

#~ msgid "SQL MIME handler component"				#~ msgid "SQL MIME handler component"
#~ msgstr "Ð?Ð?Ð?Ð? део за баÑ?аÑ?аÑ?е SQL-ом"				#~ msgstr "Ð?Ð?Ð?Ð? део за баÑ?аÑ?аÑ?е SQL-ом"

#~ msgid "Database browser"					#~ msgid "Database browser"
#~ msgstr "РазгледаÑ?е базе"					#~ msgstr "РазгледаÑ?е базе"

#~ msgid "Error viewer"						#~ msgid "Error viewer"
#~ msgstr "Ð?Ñ?еглед гÑ?еÑ?ака"					#~ msgstr "Ð?Ñ?еглед гÑ?еÑ?ака"

#~ msgid "SQL Viewer"						#~ msgid "SQL Viewer"
#~ msgstr "Ð?Ñ?егледаÑ? SQL кôда"					#~ msgstr "Ð?Ñ?егледаÑ? SQL кôда"

#~ msgid "Database configuration"				#~ msgid "Database configuration"
#~ msgstr "Ð?одеÑ?аваÑ?е базе подаÑ?ака"				#~ msgstr "Ð?одеÑ?аваÑ?е базе подаÑ?ака"

#~ msgid "Edit application preferences"				#~ msgid "Edit application preferences"
#~ msgstr "УÑ?еди поÑ?Ñ?авке пÑ?огÑ?ама"				#~ msgstr "УÑ?еди поÑ?Ñ?авке пÑ?огÑ?ама"

#~ msgid "_Settings"						#~ msgid "_Settings"
#~ msgstr "Ð?о_деÑ?аваÑ?а"						#~ msgstr "Ð?о_деÑ?аваÑ?а"

#~ msgid "Password"						#~ msgid "Password"
#~ msgstr "Ð?озинка"						#~ msgstr "Ð?озинка"

#~ msgid "Save as"						#~ msgid "Save as"
#~ msgstr "СаÑ?Ñ?ваÑ? као"						#~ msgstr "СаÑ?Ñ?ваÑ? као"

#~ msgid "Save to"						#~ msgid "Save to"
#~ msgstr "СаÑ?Ñ?ваÑ? Ñ?"						#~ msgstr "СаÑ?Ñ?ваÑ? Ñ?"

#~ msgid "XML file"						#~ msgid "XML file"
#~ msgstr "XML даÑ?оÑ?ека"					#~ msgstr "XML даÑ?оÑ?ека"

#~ msgid "Hide columns"						#~ msgid "Hide columns"
#~ msgstr "СакÑ?иÑ? колоне"					#~ msgstr "СакÑ?иÑ? колоне"

#~ msgid "Question"						#~ msgid "Question"
#~ msgstr "Ð?иÑ?аÑ?е"						#~ msgstr "Ð?иÑ?аÑ?е"

#~ msgid "Database Moniker factory"				#~ msgid "Database Moniker factory"
#~ msgstr "Ð?Ñ?оизводÑ?а надимака базе подаÑ?ака"			#~ msgstr "Ð?Ñ?оизводÑ?а надимака базе подаÑ?ака"

#~ msgid "database: moniker"					#~ msgid "database: moniker"
#~ msgstr "база: надимÑ?и"					#~ msgstr "база: надимÑ?и"

#~ msgid "Failing to manufacture a '%s'"			#~ msgid "Failing to manufacture a '%s'"
#~ msgstr "Ð?еÑ?Ñ?пела пÑ?оизводÑ?а â??%sâ??"				#~ msgstr "Ð?еÑ?Ñ?пела пÑ?оизводÑ?а â??%sâ??"

#~ msgid "Invalid format for connection string"			#~ msgid "Invalid format for connection string"
#~ msgstr "Ð?еиÑ?пÑ?аван низ знакова за везÑ?"			#~ msgstr "Ð?еиÑ?пÑ?аван низ знакова за везÑ?"

#~ msgid "_File"						#~ msgid "_File"
#~ msgstr "_Ð?аÑ?оÑ?ека"						#~ msgstr "_Ð?аÑ?оÑ?ека"

#~ msgid "Data sources"						#~ msgid "Data sources"
#~ msgstr "Ð?звоÑ?и подаÑ?ака"					#~ msgstr "Ð?звоÑ?и подаÑ?ака"

#~ msgid "Test Data Source"					#~ msgid "Test Data Source"
#~ msgstr "Ð?Ñ?пÑ?обаÑ? извоÑ? подаÑ?ка"				#~ msgstr "Ð?Ñ?пÑ?обаÑ? извоÑ? подаÑ?ка"

#~ msgid "Connection to %s successful!"				#~ msgid "Connection to %s successful!"
#~ msgstr "Ð?еÑ?а Ñ?а %s Ñ?Ñ?пеÑ?но Ñ?Ñ?поÑ?Ñ?авÑ?ена!"			#~ msgstr "Ð?еÑ?а Ñ?а %s Ñ?Ñ?пеÑ?но Ñ?Ñ?поÑ?Ñ?авÑ?ена!"

#~ msgid ""							#~ msgid ""
#~ "Component that lets you open a .connection file and brows	#~ "Component that lets you open a .connection file and brows
#~ "specified on it"						#~ "specified on it"
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Ð?ео коÑ?и омогÑ?Ñ?ава да оÑ?воÑ?иÑ?е â??.connectionâ?? даÑ?оÑ?екÑ? и п	#~ "Ð?ео коÑ?и омогÑ?Ñ?ава да оÑ?воÑ?иÑ?е â??.connectionâ?? даÑ?оÑ?екÑ? и п
#~ "коÑ?Ñ? она наводи"						#~ "коÑ?Ñ? она наводи"

#~ msgid "Viewer for SQL source code"				#~ msgid "Viewer for SQL source code"
#~ msgstr "Ð?Ñ?егледаÑ? SQL извоÑ?ног кода"				#~ msgstr "Ð?Ñ?егледаÑ? SQL извоÑ?ног кода"

#~ msgid "Data source"						#~ msgid "Data source"
#~ msgstr "Ð?звоÑ? подаÑ?ака"					#~ msgstr "Ð?звоÑ? подаÑ?ака"
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: sv.gmo
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/sv.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/sv.po
# Swedish messages for libgnomedb.				# Swedish messages for libgnomedb.
# Copyright (C) 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 Free Software Fo	# Copyright (C) 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 Free Software Fo
# Andreas Hyden <a hyden cyberpoint se>, 2000.			# Andreas Hyden <a hyden cyberpoint se>, 2000.
# Christian Rose <menthos menthos com>, 2000, 2001, 2002, 200	# Christian Rose <menthos menthos com>, 2000, 2001, 2002, 200
# Martin Norbäck <d95mback dtek chalmers se>, 2000.		# Martin Norbäck <d95mback dtek chalmers se>, 2000.
#								#
# $Id: sv.po,v 1.82 2004/06/07 22:33:37 rodrigo Exp $	      |	# $Id: sv.po,v 1.83 2004/08/12 14:44:29 rodrigo Exp $
#								#
msgid ""							msgid ""
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: libgnomedb\n"				"Project-Id-Version: libgnomedb\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"					"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"			"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2003-07-07 16:02+0200\n"			"PO-Revision-Date: 2003-07-07 16:02+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Christian Rose <menthos menthos com>\n"	"Last-Translator: Christian Rose <menthos menthos com>\n"
"Language-Team: Swedish <sv li org>\n"				"Language-Team: Swedish <sv li org>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"						"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"			"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"				"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co
msgid "Data Sources"						msgid "Data Sources"
msgstr "Datakällor"						msgstr "Datakällor"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid
msgid "Providers"						msgid "Providers"
msgstr "Leverantörer"						msgstr "Leverantörer"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1
msgid "Configure your database environment"			msgid "Configure your database environment"
msgstr "Konfigurera din databasmiljö"				msgstr "Konfigurera din databasmiljö"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Database Access Properties "				msgid "Database Access Properties "
msgstr "Databasegenskaper"					msgstr "Databasegenskaper"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380
msgid "Name"							msgid "Name"
msgstr "Namn"							msgstr "Namn"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
msgid "Description"						msgid "Description"
msgstr "Beskrivning"						msgstr "Beskrivning"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182
msgid "Configured data sources in the system"			msgid "Configured data sources in the system"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data sources are the means by which database connections are	"Data sources are the means by which database connections are
"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s	"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s
"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o	"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o
"name you identify the connections in the applications that m	"name you identify the connections in the applications that m
"DB for database access."					"DB for database access."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Datakällor är det sätt som databasanslutningar identifieras 	"Datakällor är det sätt som databasanslutningar identifieras 
"information som behövs för att öppna en anslutning till en s	"information som behövs för att öppna en anslutning till en s
"leverantörs- och databaskombination lagras under ett unikt n	"leverantörs- och databaskombination lagras under ett unikt n
"detta unika namn som du identifierar anslutningarna i progra	"detta unika namn som du identifierar anslutningarna i progra
"GNOME-DB för databasåtkomst."					"GNOME-DB för databasåtkomst."

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277
#, fuzzy, c-format						#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"	msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"
msgstr "Vill du ta bort datakällan \"%s\"?"			msgstr "Vill du ta bort datakällan \"%s\"?"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data Source Properties"					msgid "Data Source Properties"
msgstr "Egenskaper för datakälla"				msgstr "Egenskaper för datakälla"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Basic"							msgid "Basic"
msgstr "Batch"							msgstr "Batch"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Tables"							msgid "Tables"
msgstr "Tabeller"						msgstr "Tabeller"

#: control-center/main.c:92					#: control-center/main.c:92
msgid "No valid data source info was created"			msgid "No valid data source info was created"
msgstr "Ingen giltig datakälleinformation skapades"		msgstr "Ingen giltig datakälleinformation skapades"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218	#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218
msgid "New data source"						msgid "New data source"
msgstr "Ny datakälla"						msgstr "Ny datakälla"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:215					#: control-center/main.c:215
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Database Access Properties"				msgid "Database Access Properties"
msgstr "Databasegenskaper"					msgstr "Databasegenskaper"

#: control-center/provider-config.c:105				#: control-center/provider-config.c:105
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Installed providers"					msgid "Installed providers"
msgstr "Starta markerad leverantör"				msgstr "Starta markerad leverantör"

#: control-center/provider-config.c:131				#: control-center/provider-config.c:131
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec	"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec
"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo	"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo
"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr	"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr
"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba	"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba
"etc."								"etc."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Leverantörer är externa insticksmoduler som tillhandahåller 	"Leverantörer är externa insticksmoduler som tillhandahåller 
"specifik datakälla. Standardleverantören är alltid installer	"specifik datakälla. Standardleverantören är alltid installer
"tillåter åtkomst till databaser som lagras i XML-filer. Andr	"tillåter åtkomst till databaser som lagras i XML-filer. Andr
"som vanligtvis distribueras tillsammans med libgda/libgnomed	"som vanligtvis distribueras tillsammans med libgda/libgnomed
"PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Sybase, Interbase, m.fl."		"PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Sybase, Interbase, m.fl."

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1
msgid "Database connection parameters file"			msgid "Database connection parameters file"
msgstr "Fil med databasanslutningsparametrar"			msgstr "Fil med databasanslutningsparametrar"

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2
msgid "Documents"						msgid "Documents"
msgstr "Dokument"						msgstr "Dokument"

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3
msgid "SQL code viewer"						msgid "SQL code viewer"
msgstr "SQL-kodvisare"						msgstr "SQL-kodvisare"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1
msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"			msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"
msgstr "Typsnitt att användas i rutnätswidgeten"		msgstr "Typsnitt att användas i rutnätswidgeten"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2
msgid "Number of spaces per tab"				msgid "Number of spaces per tab"
msgstr "Anntal blanksteg per tabulatortecken"			msgstr "Anntal blanksteg per tabulatortecken"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3
msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"			msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"
msgstr "Visa radnummer i källkodsredigeraren"			msgstr "Visa radnummer i källkodsredigeraren"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4
msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"			msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"
msgstr "Använd färgmarkering i källkodsredigeraren"		msgstr "Använd färgmarkering i källkodsredigeraren"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60
msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"			msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"
msgstr "Databastjänster för GNOME-skrivbordet"			msgstr "Databastjänster för GNOME-skrivbordet"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1
msgid "About"							msgid "About"
msgstr "Om"							msgstr "Om"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2
msgid "About GNOME-DB"						msgid "About GNOME-DB"
msgstr "Om GNOME-DB"						msgstr "Om GNOME-DB"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3
msgid "Close this window"					msgid "Close this window"
msgstr "Stäng detta fönster"					msgstr "Stäng detta fönster"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4
msgid "Create new entry"					msgid "Create new entry"
msgstr "Skapa ny post"						msgstr "Skapa ny post"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5
msgid "Delete selected items"					msgid "Delete selected items"
msgstr "Ta bort markerade objekt"				msgstr "Ta bort markerade objekt"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Deselect all items"					msgid "Deselect all items"
msgstr "Ta bort markerade objekt"				msgstr "Ta bort markerade objekt"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7
msgid "Edit properties for selected item"			msgid "Edit properties for selected item"
msgstr "Redigera egenskaper för markerat objekt"		msgstr "Redigera egenskaper för markerat objekt"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8
msgid "Save connection parameters to file"			msgid "Save connection parameters to file"
msgstr "Spara anslutningsparametrar till fil"			msgstr "Spara anslutningsparametrar till fil"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Select _All"						msgid "Select _All"
msgstr "Markera alla"						msgstr "Markera alla"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Select all items"					msgid "Select all items"
msgstr "Markera alla objekt i listan"				msgstr "Markera alla objekt i listan"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View data sources"					msgid "View data sources"
msgstr "Ny datakälla"						msgstr "Ny datakälla"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View providers"						msgid "View providers"
msgstr "Lägg till ny leverantör"				msgstr "Lägg till ny leverantör"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Clear Selection"					msgid "_Clear Selection"
msgstr "Töm markering"						msgstr "Töm markering"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14
msgid "_Close"							msgid "_Close"
msgstr "S_täng"							msgstr "S_täng"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Data Sources"						msgid "_Data Sources"
msgstr "Datakällor"						msgstr "Datakällor"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16
msgid "_Database"						msgid "_Database"
msgstr "_Databas"						msgstr "_Databas"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17
msgid "_Delete"							msgid "_Delete"
msgstr "_Ta bort"						msgstr "_Ta bort"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18
msgid "_Edit"							msgid "_Edit"
msgstr "_Redigera"						msgstr "_Redigera"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19
msgid "_Help"							msgid "_Help"
msgstr "_Hjälp"							msgstr "_Hjälp"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_New Data Source..."					msgid "_New Data Source..."
msgstr "Ny datakälla"						msgstr "Ny datakälla"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21
msgid "_Properties"						msgid "_Properties"
msgstr "_Egenskaper"						msgstr "_Egenskaper"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Providers"						msgid "_Providers"
msgstr "Leverantörer"						msgstr "Leverantörer"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23
msgid "_Save Connection"					msgid "_Save Connection"
msgstr "_Spara anslutning"					msgstr "_Spara anslutning"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_View"							msgid "_View"
msgstr "Visa"							msgstr "Visa"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76
msgid "Structure"						msgid "Structure"
msgstr "Struktur"						msgstr "Struktur"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73
msgid "Data"							msgid "Data"
msgstr "Data"							msgstr "Data"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238
msgid "Not implemented yet!"					msgid "Not implemented yet!"
msgstr "Inte implementerat än!"					msgstr "Inte implementerat än!"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Database"						msgid "Database"
msgstr "Databas"						msgstr "Databas"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540
msgid "Loading database schemas..."				msgid "Loading database schemas..."
msgstr "Läser in databasscheman..."				msgstr "Läser in databasscheman..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632
msgid "Refreshing data..."					msgid "Refreshing data..."
msgstr "Uppdaterar data..."					msgstr "Uppdaterar data..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688
msgid "Views"							msgid "Views"
msgstr "Vyer"							msgstr "Vyer"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691
msgid "Indexes"							msgid "Indexes"
msgstr "Index"							msgstr "Index"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Sequences"						msgid "Sequences"
msgstr "Sekvenser"						msgstr "Sekvenser"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Procedures"						msgid "Procedures"
msgstr "Procedurer"						msgstr "Procedurer"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700
msgid "Triggers"						msgid "Triggers"
msgstr "Utlösare"						msgstr "Utlösare"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Aggregates"						msgid "Aggregates"
msgstr "Aggregat"						msgstr "Aggregat"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Types"							msgid "Types"
msgstr "Typer"							msgstr "Typer"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140
msgid "Could not query CORBA components"			msgid "Could not query CORBA components"
msgstr "Kunde inte fråga CORBA-komponenter"			msgstr "Kunde inte fråga CORBA-komponenter"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209
msgid "ID"							msgid "ID"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "Location"						msgid "Location"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212
msgid "Username"						msgid "Username"
msgstr "Användarnamn"						msgstr "Användarnamn"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Hostname"						msgid "Hostname"
msgstr "Hem"							msgstr "Hem"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Domain"							msgid "Domain"
msgstr "Kommando"						msgstr "Kommando"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"			msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"
msgstr "Typen stöds inte i GconfEntry: %d"			msgstr "Typen stöds inte i GconfEntry: %d"

#. create widgets						#. create widgets
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97
msgid "Settings"						msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Inställningar"						msgstr "Inställningar"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103
msgid "Data source name"					msgid "Data source name"
msgstr "Namn på datakälla"					msgstr "Namn på datakälla"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109
msgid "Connection string"					msgid "Connection string"
msgstr "Anslutningssträng"					msgstr "Anslutningssträng"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115
msgid "Provider"						msgid "Provider"
msgstr "Leverantör"						msgstr "Leverantör"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121
msgid "User name"						msgid "User name"
msgstr "Användarnamn"						msgstr "Användarnamn"

#. create feature list						#. create feature list
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128
msgid "Features"						msgid "Features"
msgstr "Funktioner"						msgstr "Funktioner"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190
msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"		msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"
msgstr "Du måste ange ett namn på den nya datakällan"		msgstr "Du måste ange ett namn på den nya datakällan"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac	msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac
msgstr "Namn på datakällor kan inte innehålla blanksteg"	msgstr "Namn på datakällor kan inte innehålla blanksteg"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206
msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th	msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213
msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"			msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"
msgstr "Namn på datakällor kan inte innehålla blanksteg"	msgstr "Namn på datakällor kan inte innehålla blanksteg"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217
msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n	msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n
msgstr "Namn på datakällor kan endast innehålla ASCII-bokstäv	msgstr "Namn på datakällor kan endast innehålla ASCII-bokstäv

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225
msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"	msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"
msgstr "Du måste ange en leverantör för den nya datakällan"	msgstr "Du måste ange en leverantör för den nya datakällan"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233
msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"		msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"
msgstr "Leverantören hittades inte i din konfiguration"		msgstr "Leverantören hittades inte i din konfiguration"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391
msgid "Add a new data source..."				msgid "Add a new data source..."
msgstr "Lägg till en ny datakälla..."				msgstr "Lägg till en ny datakälla..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392
msgid ""							msgid ""
"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"		"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"
"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"		"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"
"installation. Just follow the steps!"				"installation. Just follow the steps!"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Denna guide kommer att hjälpa dig genom processen\n"		"Denna guide kommer att hjälpa dig genom processen\n"
"att skapa en ny datakälla för din GNOME-DB-\n"			"att skapa en ny datakälla för din GNOME-DB-\n"
"installation. Följ bara stegen!"				"installation. Följ bara stegen!"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404
msgid "General Information"					msgid "General Information"
msgstr "Allmän information"					msgstr "Allmän information"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the basic information\n"	"The following fields represent the basic information\n"
"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n	"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n
"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"	"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"
"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"	"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"
"the default one."						"the default one."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Följande fält representerar de grundläggande\n"		"Följande fält representerar de grundläggande\n"
"informationsobjekten för din nya datakälla. En del av dem \n	"informationsobjekten för din nya datakälla. En del av dem \n
"(beskrivning, användarnamn) är valfria, medan andra är\n"	"(beskrivning, användarnamn) är valfria, medan andra är\n"
"obligatoriska. Om du inte vet vilken leverantör du ska\n"	"obligatoriska. Om du inte vet vilken leverantör du ska\n"
"använda väljer du helt enkelt standardalternativet"		"använda väljer du helt enkelt standardalternativet"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data source _name:"					msgid "Data source _name:"
msgstr "Namn på datakälla"					msgstr "Namn på datakälla"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Provider:"						msgid "_Provider:"
msgstr "Leverantör"						msgstr "Leverantör"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Description:"						msgid "_Description:"
msgstr "Beskrivning"						msgstr "Beskrivning"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Username:"						msgid "_Username:"
msgstr "Användarnamn:"						msgstr "Användarnamn:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "P_assword:"						msgid "P_assword:"
msgstr "Lösenord:"						msgstr "Lösenord:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454
msgid "Provider Parameters"					msgid "Provider Parameters"
msgstr "Leverantörsparametrar"					msgstr "Leverantörsparametrar"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the information needed by the	"The following fields represent the information needed by the
"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n	"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n
"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\	"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\
"the manual for more information."				"the manual for more information."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"De följande fälten innehåller den information som behövs av\	"De följande fälten innehåller den information som behövs av\
"den leverantör du angav på föregående sida för att öppna en\	"den leverantör du angav på föregående sida för att öppna en\
"given anslutning. Denna information är leverantörsspecifik,\	"given anslutning. Denna information är leverantörsspecifik,\
"så se manualen för mer information"				"så se manualen för mer information"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481
msgid "All information retrieved"				msgid "All information retrieved"
msgstr "All information hämtad"					msgstr "All information hämtad"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid ""							msgid ""
"All information needed to create a new data source\n"		"All information needed to create a new data source\n"
"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"		"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"
"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"	"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"
"just select it when asked for a data source."			"just select it when asked for a data source."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"All information som krävs för att skapa en ny datakälla\n"	"All information som krävs för att skapa en ny datakälla\n"
"har hämtats. Nu kan du trycka \"Verkställ\" för att\n"		"har hämtats. Nu kan du trycka \"Verkställ\" för att\n"
"stänga detta dialogfönster. För att öppna den nyligen\n"	"stänga detta dialogfönster. För att öppna den nyligen\n"
"skapade datakällan väljer du den då du frågas om en\n"		"skapade datakällan väljer du den då du frågas om en\n"
"datakälla"							"datakälla"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Connection _string:"					msgid "Connection _string:"
msgstr "Anslutningssträng"					msgstr "Anslutningssträng"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4
msgid "Error"							msgid "Error"
msgstr "Fel"							msgstr "Fel"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.
msgid "Show detail >>"						msgid "Show detail >>"
msgstr "Visa detaljer >>"					msgstr "Visa detaljer >>"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122
msgid "<< Hide detail"						msgid "<< Hide detail"
msgstr "<< Dölj detaljer"					msgstr "<< Dölj detaljer"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191
msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"	msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"
msgstr "Ett fel inträffade i den underliggande databasen"	msgstr "Ett fel inträffade i den underliggande databasen"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196
msgid "Error number"						msgid "Error number"
msgstr "Felnummer"						msgstr "Felnummer"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227
msgid "Details"							msgid "Details"
msgstr "Detaljer"						msgstr "Detaljer"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234
msgid "Source"							msgid "Source"
msgstr "Källa"							msgstr "Källa"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241
msgid "SQL state"						msgid "SQL state"
msgstr "SQL-tillstånd"						msgstr "SQL-tillstånd"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Field:"							msgid "_Field:"
msgstr "Fält"							msgstr "Fält"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Text:"							msgid "_Text:"
msgstr "Nästa"							msgstr "Nästa"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308
msgid "No records"						msgid "No records"
msgstr "Inga poster"						msgstr "Inga poster"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Record %d of %d"						msgid "Record %d of %d"
msgstr "Post %d av %d"						msgstr "Post %d av %d"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113
msgid "Recordset description"					msgid "Recordset description"
msgstr "Postgruppsbeskrivning"					msgstr "Postgruppsbeskrivning"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141
#, fuzzy, c-format						#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""							msgid ""
"File '%s' already exists.\n"					"File '%s' already exists.\n"
"Do you want to overwrite it?"					"Do you want to overwrite it?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Filen %s finns redan\n"					"Filen %s finns redan\n"
"Vill du skriva över den?"					"Vill du skriva över den?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149
msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."		msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Could not save file %s"					msgid "Could not save file %s"
msgstr "Kunde inte spara filen %s"				msgstr "Kunde inte spara filen %s"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224
msgid "You must specify a file name"				msgid "You must specify a file name"
msgstr "Du måste ange ett filnamn"				msgstr "Du måste ange ett filnamn"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230
msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"		msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"
msgstr "Fick tom fil vid konvertering av data"			msgstr "Fick tom fil vid konvertering av data"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261
msgid "Saving Model"						msgid "Saving Model"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "File _name:"						msgid "File _name:"
msgstr "Filnamn"						msgstr "Filnamn"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276
msgid "Select File"						msgid "Select File"
msgstr "Välj fil"						msgstr "Välj fil"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "File _type:"						msgid "File _type:"
msgstr "Filnamn"						msgstr "Filnamn"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Tab-delimited"						msgid "Tab-delimited"
msgstr "Tabulatoravgränsad fil"					msgstr "Tabulatoravgränsad fil"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Comma-delimited"						msgid "Comma-delimited"
msgstr "Kommaavgränsad fil"					msgstr "Kommaavgränsad fil"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:
msgid "XML"							msgid "XML"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355
msgid "View detail"						msgid "View detail"
msgstr "Visa detaljer"						msgstr "Visa detaljer"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Show Column _Titles"					msgid "Show Column _Titles"
msgstr "Visa kolumnrubriker"					msgstr "Visa kolumnrubriker"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442
msgid "Describe"						msgid "Describe"
msgstr "Beskriv"						msgstr "Beskriv"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443
msgid "View detail..."						msgid "View detail..."
msgstr "Visa detaljer..."					msgstr "Visa detaljer..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614
msgid "Title"							msgid "Title"
msgstr "Titel"							msgstr "Titel"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48
msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"	msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"
msgstr "Försök att initiera en redan initierad klient"		msgstr "Försök att initiera en redan initierad klient"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"		"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"
"to a data source"						"to a data source"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Ange argumenten nedan för att öppna en anslutning\n"		"Ange argumenten nedan för att öppna en anslutning\n"
"till en datakälla"						"till en datakälla"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253
msgid "Data Source:"						msgid "Data Source:"
msgstr "Datakälla:"						msgstr "Datakälla:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270
msgid "Username:"						msgid "Username:"
msgstr "Användarnamn:"						msgstr "Användarnamn:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279
msgid "Password:"						msgid "Password:"
msgstr "Lösenord:"						msgstr "Lösenord:"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69
msgid "Fields"							msgid "Fields"
msgstr "Fält"							msgstr "Fält"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30
msgid "Commit"							msgid "Commit"
msgstr "Verkställ"						msgstr "Verkställ"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31
msgid "Connect"							msgid "Connect"
msgstr "Anslut"							msgstr "Anslut"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33
msgid "Designer"						msgid "Designer"
msgstr "Designer"						msgstr "Designer"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34
msgid "Disconnect"						msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr "Koppla från"						msgstr "Koppla från"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35
msgid "NoTransaction"						msgid "NoTransaction"
msgstr "IngenTransaktion"					msgstr "IngenTransaktion"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37
msgid "Query"							msgid "Query"
msgstr "Fråga"							msgstr "Fråga"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38
msgid "Rollback"						msgid "Rollback"
msgstr "�terställ"						msgstr "�terställ"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40
msgid "SQL"							msgid "SQL"
msgstr "SQL"							msgstr "SQL"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43
msgid "WithinTransaction"					msgid "WithinTransaction"
msgstr "InomTransaktion"					msgstr "InomTransaktion"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Error: %s"						msgid "Error: %s"
msgstr "Fel: %s"						msgstr "Fel: %s"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79
msgid "Table name"						msgid "Table name"
msgstr "Tabellnamn"						msgstr "Tabellnamn"

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93			#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Login for %s"						msgid "Login for %s"
msgstr "Inloggning för %s"					msgstr "Inloggning för %s"

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95					#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95
msgid "Login to database"					msgid "Login to database"
msgstr "Inloggning till databas"				msgstr "Inloggning till databas"

#: vfs/libmain.c:71						#: vfs/libmain.c:71
msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"				msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"
msgstr "GNOME VFS-databas: modul"				msgstr "GNOME VFS-databas: modul"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Table Properties"					msgid "Table Properties"
msgstr "Databasegenskaper"					msgstr "Databasegenskaper"

#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Table Name"						msgid "Table Name"
msgstr "Tabellnamn"						msgstr "Tabellnamn"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155
msgid "New"							msgid "New"
msgstr "Ny"							msgstr "Ny"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Create new table"					msgid "Create new table"
msgstr "Skapa ny databas"					msgstr "Skapa ny databas"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161
msgid "Properties"						msgid "Properties"
msgstr "Egenskaper"						msgstr "Egenskaper"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View table properties"					msgid "View table properties"
msgstr "Databasegenskaper"					msgstr "Databasegenskaper"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
msgid "UID"							msgid "UID"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "calendar"						msgid "calendar"
msgstr "Skala"							msgstr "Skala"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "summary"							msgid "summary"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "Summary"							msgid "Summary"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "location"						msgid "location"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "dtstart"							msgid "dtstart"
msgstr "Starta"							msgstr "Starta"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Start time"						msgid "Start time"
msgstr "Starta"							msgstr "Starta"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "dtend"							msgid "dtend"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "End time"						msgid "End time"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "description"						msgid "description"
msgstr "Beskrivning"						msgstr "Beskrivning"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "classification"						msgid "classification"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Classification"						msgid "Classification"
msgstr "Töm markering"						msgstr "Töm markering"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "transparency"						msgid "transparency"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "Transparency"						msgid "Transparency"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "categories"						msgid "categories"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "Categories"						msgid "Categories"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "tasks"							msgid "tasks"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "due"							msgid "due"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Due date"						msgid "Due date"
msgstr "Datum"							msgstr "Datum"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Start date"						msgid "Start date"
msgstr "Starta"							msgstr "Starta"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355
msgid "Public"							msgid "Public"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Private"							msgid "Private"
msgstr "Klistra in"						msgstr "Klistra in"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361
msgid "Confidential"						msgid "Confidential"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63
msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"		msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66
msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"			msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80
msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta	msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"		msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"
msgstr "Kunde inte öppna anslutning till %s"			msgstr "Kunde inte öppna anslutning till %s"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"				msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"
msgstr "Kunde inte initiera Bonobo\n"				msgstr "Kunde inte initiera Bonobo\n"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Field name"						msgid "Field name"
msgstr "Filnamn"						msgstr "Filnamn"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data type"						msgid "Data type"
msgstr "Data"							msgstr "Data"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214
msgid "Size"							msgid "Size"
msgstr "Storlek"						msgstr "Storlek"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215
msgid "Scale"							msgid "Scale"
msgstr "Skala"							msgstr "Skala"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216
msgid "Not null?"						msgid "Not null?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217
msgid "Primary key?"						msgid "Primary key?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218
msgid "Unique index?"						msgid "Unique index?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "References"						msgid "References"
msgstr "Inställningar"						msgstr "Inställningar"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220
msgid "Default value"						msgid "Default value"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239
msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l	msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Table %s does not exist"					msgid "Table %s does not exist"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318
msgid "Scheduled events"					msgid "Scheduled events"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321
msgid "TODO list"						msgid "TODO list"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375
msgid "Owner"							msgid "Owner"
msgstr "Ã?gare"							msgstr "Ã?gare"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Comments"						msgid "Comments"
msgstr "Verkställ"						msgstr "Verkställ"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Type"							msgid "Type"
msgstr "Typer"							msgstr "Typer"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "GDA type"						msgid "GDA type"
msgstr "GDA-typ"						msgstr "GDA-typ"

#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id	#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id
#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database	#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database
#. we can easily access that information			#. we can easily access that information
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "local"							msgid "local"
msgstr "Global"							msgstr "Global"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr "Transaktioner stöds inte"				msgstr "Transaktioner stöds inte"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230
msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244
msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"			msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Invalid SQL command"					msgid "Invalid SQL command"
msgstr "Ã?ppna SQL-kommando"					msgstr "Ã?ppna SQL-kommando"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Transactions are not supported"				msgid "Transactions are not supported"
msgstr "Transaktioner stöds inte"				msgstr "Transaktioner stöds inte"

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41
msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"		msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task	"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#~ msgid "Browse database..."					#~ msgid "Browse database..."
#~ msgstr "Bläddra i databas..."				#~ msgstr "Bläddra i databas..."

#~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .con	#~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .con
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Komponent som inkluderar sammanhangsmenyposter för .conne	#~ "Komponent som inkluderar sammanhangsmenyposter för .conne

#~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .sql	#~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .sql
#~ msgstr "Komponent som inkluderar sammanhangsmenyposter för	#~ msgstr "Komponent som inkluderar sammanhangsmenyposter för

#~ msgid "Connection MIME handler component"			#~ msgid "Connection MIME handler component"
#~ msgstr "MIME-hanterarkomponent för anslutningar"		#~ msgstr "MIME-hanterarkomponent för anslutningar"

#~ msgid "Database component factory"				#~ msgid "Database component factory"
#~ msgstr "Databaskomponentfabrik"				#~ msgstr "Databaskomponentfabrik"

#~ msgid "Open in database connection..."			#~ msgid "Open in database connection..."
#~ msgstr "Ã?ppna i databasanslutning..."			#~ msgstr "Ã?ppna i databasanslutning..."

#~ msgid "SQL MIME handler component"				#~ msgid "SQL MIME handler component"
#~ msgstr "SQL MIME-hanterarkomponent"				#~ msgstr "SQL MIME-hanterarkomponent"

#~ msgid "Database browser"					#~ msgid "Database browser"
#~ msgstr "Databasbläddrare"					#~ msgstr "Databasbläddrare"

#~ msgid "Error viewer"						#~ msgid "Error viewer"
#~ msgstr "Felvisare"						#~ msgstr "Felvisare"

#~ msgid "SQL Viewer"						#~ msgid "SQL Viewer"
#~ msgstr "SQL-visare"						#~ msgstr "SQL-visare"

#~ msgid "Database configuration"				#~ msgid "Database configuration"
#~ msgstr "Databaskonfiguration"				#~ msgstr "Databaskonfiguration"

#~ msgid ""							#~ msgid ""
#~ "Providers are external plugins that provide access to a s	#~ "Providers are external plugins that provide access to a s
#~ "source The default provider is always installed, which al	#~ "source The default provider is always installed, which al
#~ "databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually di	#~ "databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually di
#~ "with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, S	#~ "with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, S
#~ "Interbase, etc."						#~ "Interbase, etc."
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Leverantörer är externa insticksmoduler som tillhandahåll	#~ "Leverantörer är externa insticksmoduler som tillhandahåll
#~ "en specifik datakälla. Standardleverantören är alltid ins	#~ "en specifik datakälla. Standardleverantören är alltid ins
#~ "den tillåter åtkomst till databaser som lagras i XML-file	#~ "den tillåter åtkomst till databaser som lagras i XML-file
#~ "leverantörer som vanligtvis distribueras tillsammans med 	#~ "leverantörer som vanligtvis distribueras tillsammans med 
#~ "libgnomedb inkluderar PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Sybase, 	#~ "libgnomedb inkluderar PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Sybase, 

#~ msgid "Edit application preferences"				#~ msgid "Edit application preferences"
#~ msgstr "Redigera programinställningar"			#~ msgstr "Redigera programinställningar"

#~ msgid "New..."						#~ msgid "New..."
#~ msgstr "Ny..."						#~ msgstr "Ny..."

#~ msgid "_Preferences"						#~ msgid "_Preferences"
#~ msgstr "_Inställningar"					#~ msgstr "_Inställningar"

#~ msgid "_Properties..."					#~ msgid "_Properties..."
#~ msgstr "_Egenskaper..."					#~ msgstr "_Egenskaper..."

#~ msgid "_Settings"						#~ msgid "_Settings"
#~ msgstr "_Inställningar"					#~ msgstr "_Inställningar"

#~ msgid "Password"						#~ msgid "Password"
#~ msgstr "Lösenord"						#~ msgstr "Lösenord"

#~ msgid "Save as"						#~ msgid "Save as"
#~ msgstr "Spara som"						#~ msgstr "Spara som"

#~ msgid "Save to"						#~ msgid "Save to"
#~ msgstr "Spara till"						#~ msgstr "Spara till"

#~ msgid "XML file"						#~ msgid "XML file"
#~ msgstr "XML-fil"						#~ msgstr "XML-fil"

#~ msgid "Show columns"						#~ msgid "Show columns"
#~ msgstr "Visa kolumner"					#~ msgstr "Visa kolumner"

#~ msgid "Hide columns"						#~ msgid "Hide columns"
#~ msgstr "Dölj kolumner"					#~ msgstr "Dölj kolumner"

#~ msgid "Question"						#~ msgid "Question"
#~ msgstr "Fråga"						#~ msgstr "Fråga"

#~ msgid "Database Moniker factory"				#~ msgid "Database Moniker factory"
#~ msgstr "Databasmonikerfabrik"				#~ msgstr "Databasmonikerfabrik"

#~ msgid "database: moniker"					#~ msgid "database: moniker"
#~ msgstr "databas: moniker"					#~ msgstr "databas: moniker"

#~ msgid "Failing to manufacture a '%s'"			#~ msgid "Failing to manufacture a '%s'"
#~ msgstr "Misslyckades med att producera en \"%s\""		#~ msgstr "Misslyckades med att producera en \"%s\""

#~ msgid "Invalid format for connection string"			#~ msgid "Invalid format for connection string"
#~ msgstr "Ogiltigt format för anslutningssträng"		#~ msgstr "Ogiltigt format för anslutningssträng"

#~ msgid "Data sources"						#~ msgid "Data sources"
#~ msgstr "Datakällor"						#~ msgstr "Datakällor"

#~ msgid "_File"						#~ msgid "_File"
#~ msgstr "_Arkiv"						#~ msgstr "_Arkiv"

#~ msgid "Delete"						#~ msgid "Delete"
#~ msgstr "Ta bort"						#~ msgstr "Ta bort"

#~ msgid "Properties..."					#~ msgid "Properties..."
#~ msgstr "Egenskaper..."					#~ msgstr "Egenskaper..."

#~ msgid "Test Data Source"					#~ msgid "Test Data Source"
#~ msgstr "Testa datakälla"					#~ msgstr "Testa datakälla"

#~ msgid "Connection to %s successful!"				#~ msgid "Connection to %s successful!"
#~ msgstr "Anslutning till %s lyckades!"			#~ msgstr "Anslutning till %s lyckades!"

#~ msgid "Test"							#~ msgid "Test"
#~ msgstr "Testa"						#~ msgstr "Testa"

#~ msgid "Save Connection"					#~ msgid "Save Connection"
#~ msgstr "Spara anslutning"					#~ msgstr "Spara anslutning"

#~ msgid "About..."						#~ msgid "About..."
#~ msgstr "Om..."						#~ msgstr "Om..."

#~ msgid "_About"						#~ msgid "_About"
#~ msgstr "_Om"							#~ msgstr "_Om"

#~ msgid "_About..."						#~ msgid "_About..."
#~ msgstr "_Om..."						#~ msgstr "_Om..."

#~ msgid "About GNOME-DB..."					#~ msgid "About GNOME-DB..."
#~ msgstr "Om GNOME-DB..."					#~ msgstr "Om GNOME-DB..."

#~ msgid "Help"							#~ msgid "Help"
#~ msgstr "Hjälp"						#~ msgstr "Hjälp"

#~ msgid "SQL viewer component"					#~ msgid "SQL viewer component"
#~ msgstr "SQL-visarkomponent"					#~ msgstr "SQL-visarkomponent"

#~ msgid "Viewer for SQL source code"				#~ msgid "Viewer for SQL source code"
#~ msgstr "Visare för SQL-källkod"				#~ msgstr "Visare för SQL-källkod"

#~ msgid "Database Browser"					#~ msgid "Database Browser"
#~ msgstr "Databasbläddrare"					#~ msgstr "Databasbläddrare"

#~ msgid "Close"						#~ msgid "Close"
#~ msgstr "Stäng"						#~ msgstr "Stäng"

#~ msgid ""							#~ msgid ""
#~ "Component that lets you open a .connection file and brows	#~ "Component that lets you open a .connection file and brows
#~ "specified on it"						#~ "specified on it"
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Komponent som låter dig öppna en .connection-fil och bläd	#~ "Komponent som låter dig öppna en .connection-fil och bläd
#~ "anslutning som är angiven i den"				#~ "anslutning som är angiven i den"

#~ msgid "Data source"						#~ msgid "Data source"
#~ msgstr "Datakälla"						#~ msgstr "Datakälla"

#~ msgid "Data Source"						#~ msgid "Data Source"
#~ msgstr "Datakälla"						#~ msgstr "Datakälla"

#~ msgid "Document"						#~ msgid "Document"
#~ msgstr "Dokument"						#~ msgstr "Dokument"

#~ msgid "Describe..."						#~ msgid "Describe..."
#~ msgstr "Beskriv..."						#~ msgstr "Beskriv..."

#~ msgid "Enter the arguments below to open a connection to a	#~ msgid "Enter the arguments below to open a connection to a
#~ msgstr "Ange argumenten nedan för att öppna en anslutning 	#~ msgstr "Ange argumenten nedan för att öppna en anslutning 

#~ msgid "Select all"						#~ msgid "Select all"
#~ msgstr "Markera alla"					#~ msgstr "Markera alla"

#~ msgid "Unselect all"						#~ msgid "Unselect all"
#~ msgstr "Avmarkera alla"					#~ msgstr "Avmarkera alla"

#~ msgid "Unselect All"						#~ msgid "Unselect All"
#~ msgstr "Avmarkera alla"					#~ msgstr "Avmarkera alla"

#~ msgid "Unselect all selected items in list"			#~ msgid "Unselect all selected items in list"
#~ msgstr "Avmarkera alla markerade objekt i listan"		#~ msgstr "Avmarkera alla markerade objekt i listan"

#~ msgid "Display column headers"				#~ msgid "Display column headers"
#~ msgstr "Visa kolumnrubriker"					#~ msgstr "Visa kolumnrubriker"

#~ msgid "Hide column headers"					#~ msgid "Hide column headers"
#~ msgstr "Dölj kolumnrubriker"					#~ msgstr "Dölj kolumnrubriker"

#~ msgid "Save as..."						#~ msgid "Save as..."
#~ msgstr "Spara som..."					#~ msgstr "Spara som..."

#~ msgid "Export data to different formats"			#~ msgid "Export data to different formats"
#~ msgstr "Exportera data till andra format"			#~ msgstr "Exportera data till andra format"

#~ msgid "Describe current data set"				#~ msgid "Describe current data set"
#~ msgstr "Beskriv aktuell datagrupp"				#~ msgstr "Beskriv aktuell datagrupp"

#~ msgid "View current data in more detail"			#~ msgid "View current data in more detail"
#~ msgstr "Visa aktuell data mer detaljerat"			#~ msgstr "Visa aktuell data mer detaljerat"

#~ msgid "OAFIID of the default component for the GNOME-DB sh	#~ msgid "OAFIID of the default component for the GNOME-DB sh
#~ msgstr "OAFIID av standardkomponenten för GNOME-DB-skalet"	#~ msgstr "OAFIID av standardkomponenten för GNOME-DB-skalet"

#~ msgid "Whether to save the shell window position on exit"	#~ msgid "Whether to save the shell window position on exit"
#~ msgstr "Huruvida skalets fönsterposition ska sparas vid av	#~ msgstr "Huruvida skalets fönsterposition ska sparas vid av

#~ msgid "Whether to show or not the shortcut bar on the fron	#~ msgid "Whether to show or not the shortcut bar on the fron
#~ msgstr "Huruvida genvägsraden ska visas eller inte"		#~ msgstr "Huruvida genvägsraden ska visas eller inte"

#~ msgid "Whether to show or not the summary bar on the front	#~ msgid "Whether to show or not the summary bar on the front
#~ msgstr "Huruvida sammanfattningsraden ska visas eller inte	#~ msgstr "Huruvida sammanfattningsraden ska visas eller inte

#~ msgid "Whether to use a fixed size/position for the shell 	#~ msgid "Whether to use a fixed size/position for the shell 
#~ msgstr "Huruvida en fast storlek/position på skalfönstret 	#~ msgstr "Huruvida en fast storlek/position på skalfönstret 

#~ msgid "No Transaction"					#~ msgid "No Transaction"
#~ msgstr "Ingen transaktion"					#~ msgstr "Ingen transaktion"

#~ msgid "No transaction"					#~ msgid "No transaction"
#~ msgstr "Ingen transaktion"					#~ msgstr "Ingen transaktion"

#~ msgid "Within Transaction"					#~ msgid "Within Transaction"
#~ msgstr "Inom transaktion"					#~ msgstr "Inom transaktion"

#~ msgid "Within transaction"					#~ msgid "Within transaction"
#~ msgstr "Inom transaktion"					#~ msgstr "Inom transaktion"

#~ msgid "NULL text in tree model."				#~ msgid "NULL text in tree model."
#~ msgstr "NULL-text i trädmodell."				#~ msgstr "NULL-text i trädmodell."

#~ msgid "Icon"							#~ msgid "Icon"
#~ msgstr "Ikon"						#~ msgstr "Ikon"

#~ msgid "Object name"						#~ msgid "Object name"
#~ msgstr "Objektnamn"						#~ msgstr "Objektnamn"

#~ msgid "Loading..."						#~ msgid "Loading..."
#~ msgstr "Läser in..."						#~ msgstr "Läser in..."

#~ msgid "Databases"						#~ msgid "Databases"
#~ msgstr "Databaser"						#~ msgstr "Databaser"

#~ msgid "Edit"							#~ msgid "Edit"
#~ msgstr "Redigera"						#~ msgstr "Redigera"

#~ msgid "Refresh"						#~ msgid "Refresh"
#~ msgstr "Uppdatera"						#~ msgstr "Uppdatera"

#~ msgid "Loading table data..."				#~ msgid "Loading table data..."
#~ msgstr "Läser in tabelldata..."				#~ msgstr "Läser in tabelldata..."

#~ msgid "Previous"						#~ msgid "Previous"
#~ msgstr "Föregående"						#~ msgstr "Föregående"

#~ msgid "Cancel"						#~ msgid "Cancel"
#~ msgstr "Avbryt"						#~ msgstr "Avbryt"

#~ msgid "OK"							#~ msgid "OK"
#~ msgstr "OK"							#~ msgstr "OK"

#~ msgid "Builder"						#~ msgid "Builder"
#~ msgstr "Byggare"						#~ msgstr "Byggare"

#~ msgid "GNOME-DB application builder component factory"	#~ msgid "GNOME-DB application builder component factory"
#~ msgstr "Komponentfabrik för GNOME-DB-programbyggaren"	#~ msgstr "Komponentfabrik för GNOME-DB-programbyggaren"

#~ msgid "Create a new Perl script"				#~ msgid "Create a new Perl script"
#~ msgstr "Skapa ett nytt Perlskript"				#~ msgstr "Skapa ett nytt Perlskript"

#~ msgid "Report..."						#~ msgid "Report..."
#~ msgstr "Rapport..."						#~ msgstr "Rapport..."

#~ msgid "Open an existing Perl script"				#~ msgid "Open an existing Perl script"
#~ msgstr "Ã?ppna ett existerande Perlskript"			#~ msgstr "Ã?ppna ett existerande Perlskript"

#~ msgid "Open an existing report"				#~ msgid "Open an existing report"
#~ msgstr "Ã?ppna en existerande rapport"			#~ msgstr "Ã?ppna en existerande rapport"

#~ msgid "_New"							#~ msgid "_New"
#~ msgstr "_Ny"							#~ msgstr "_Ny"

#~ msgid "_Open"						#~ msgid "_Open"
#~ msgstr "_Ã?ppna"						#~ msgstr "_Ã?ppna"

#~ msgid "Add new module to project"				#~ msgid "Add new module to project"
#~ msgstr "Lägg till ny modul till projektet"			#~ msgstr "Lägg till ny modul till projektet"

#~ msgid "Open"							#~ msgid "Open"
#~ msgstr "Ã?ppna"						#~ msgstr "Ã?ppna"

#~ msgid "Open an existing module"				#~ msgid "Open an existing module"
#~ msgstr "Ã?ppna en existerande modul"				#~ msgstr "Ã?ppna en existerande modul"

#~ msgid "Export"						#~ msgid "Export"
#~ msgstr "Export"						#~ msgstr "Export"

#~ msgid "Logs"							#~ msgid "Logs"
#~ msgstr "Loggar"						#~ msgstr "Loggar"

#~ msgid "State"						#~ msgid "State"
#~ msgstr "Tillstånd"						#~ msgstr "Tillstånd"

#~ msgid "Options"						#~ msgid "Options"
#~ msgstr "Alternativ"						#~ msgstr "Alternativ"

#~ msgid "Log"							#~ msgid "Log"
#~ msgstr "Logg"						#~ msgstr "Logg"

#~ msgid "Browser"						#~ msgid "Browser"
#~ msgstr "Bläddrare"						#~ msgstr "Bläddrare"

#~ msgid "Run"							#~ msgid "Run"
#~ msgstr "Kör"							#~ msgstr "Kör"

#~ msgid "Execute current command"				#~ msgid "Execute current command"
#~ msgstr "Kör aktuellt kommando"				#~ msgstr "Kör aktuellt kommando"

#~ msgid "Select command from previous"				#~ msgid "Select command from previous"
#~ msgstr "Välj kommando från föregående"			#~ msgstr "Välj kommando från föregående"

#~ msgid "Save command for later retrieval"			#~ msgid "Save command for later retrieval"
#~ msgstr "Spara kommando för senare åtkomst"			#~ msgstr "Spara kommando för senare åtkomst"

#~ msgid "Cut"							#~ msgid "Cut"
#~ msgstr "Klipp ut"						#~ msgstr "Klipp ut"

#~ msgid "Copy"							#~ msgid "Copy"
#~ msgstr "Kopiera"						#~ msgstr "Kopiera"

#~ msgid "Copy selected text"					#~ msgid "Copy selected text"
#~ msgstr "Kopiera markerad text"				#~ msgstr "Kopiera markerad text"

#~ msgid "Paste text from clipboard"				#~ msgid "Paste text from clipboard"
#~ msgstr "Klistra in text från urklipp"			#~ msgstr "Klistra in text från urklipp"

#~ msgid "Clear widget contents"				#~ msgid "Clear widget contents"
#~ msgstr "Töm widgetinnehållet"				#~ msgstr "Töm widgetinnehållet"

#~ msgid "Transaction started"					#~ msgid "Transaction started"
#~ msgstr "Transaktionen startade"				#~ msgstr "Transaktionen startade"

#~ msgid "Transaction finished successfully"			#~ msgid "Transaction finished successfully"
#~ msgstr "Transaktionen avslutades utan problem"		#~ msgstr "Transaktionen avslutades utan problem"

#~ msgid "1 row returned"					#~ msgid "1 row returned"
#~ msgstr "1 rad returnerades"					#~ msgstr "1 rad returnerades"

#~ msgid "%d rows returned"					#~ msgid "%d rows returned"
#~ msgstr "%d rader returnerades"				#~ msgstr "%d rader returnerades"

#~ msgid "Open connection"					#~ msgid "Open connection"
#~ msgstr "Ã?ppna anslutning"					#~ msgstr "Ã?ppna anslutning"

#~ msgid "Transaction aborted"					#~ msgid "Transaction aborted"
#~ msgstr "Transaktionen avbröts"				#~ msgstr "Transaktionen avbröts"

#~ msgid "Connection Properties"				#~ msgid "Connection Properties"
#~ msgstr "Anslutningsegenskaper"				#~ msgstr "Anslutningsegenskaper"

#~ msgid "GDA Name"						#~ msgid "GDA Name"
#~ msgstr "GDA-namn"						#~ msgstr "GDA-namn"

#~ msgid "Version"						#~ msgid "Version"
#~ msgstr "Version"						#~ msgstr "Version"

#~ msgid "Text copied to clipboard"				#~ msgid "Text copied to clipboard"
#~ msgstr "Text kopierad till urklipp"				#~ msgstr "Text kopierad till urklipp"

#~ msgid "Text cut into the clipboard"				#~ msgid "Text cut into the clipboard"
#~ msgstr "Text urklippt till urklipp"				#~ msgstr "Text urklippt till urklipp"

#~ msgid "From saved query"					#~ msgid "From saved query"
#~ msgstr "Från sparad fråga"					#~ msgstr "Från sparad fråga"

#~ msgid "From file"						#~ msgid "From file"
#~ msgstr "Från fil"						#~ msgstr "Från fil"

#~ msgid "Error loading file %s"				#~ msgid "Error loading file %s"
#~ msgstr "Fel vid inläsning av filen %s"			#~ msgstr "Fel vid inläsning av filen %s"

#~ msgid "Text pasted from the clipboard"			#~ msgid "Text pasted from the clipboard"
#~ msgstr "Text inklistrad från urklipp"			#~ msgstr "Text inklistrad från urklipp"

#~ msgid "Command executed successfully"			#~ msgid "Command executed successfully"
#~ msgstr "Kommandot kördes utan problem"			#~ msgstr "Kommandot kördes utan problem"

#~ msgid "Save SQL command"					#~ msgid "Save SQL command"
#~ msgstr "Spara SQL-kommando"					#~ msgstr "Spara SQL-kommando"

#~ msgid "Save command to a named query"			#~ msgid "Save command to a named query"
#~ msgstr "Spara kommando till en namngiven fråga"		#~ msgstr "Spara kommando till en namngiven fråga"

#~ msgid "Select the file to save the command to"		#~ msgid "Select the file to save the command to"
#~ msgstr "Välj den fil som kommandot ska sparas till"		#~ msgstr "Välj den fil som kommandot ska sparas till"

#~ msgid "Select SQL Command"					#~ msgid "Select SQL Command"
#~ msgstr "Välj SQL-kommando"					#~ msgstr "Välj SQL-kommando"

#~ msgid "Here is shown the currently selected command's text	#~ msgid "Here is shown the currently selected command's text
#~ msgstr "Här visas texten till det kommando som har markera	#~ msgstr "Här visas texten till det kommando som har markera

#~ msgid "Last commands"					#~ msgid "Last commands"
#~ msgstr "Senaste kommandon"					#~ msgstr "Senaste kommandon"

#~ msgid "This is a list of the last commands you've executed	#~ msgid "This is a list of the last commands you've executed
#~ msgstr "Det här är en lista över de senaste kommandona som	#~ msgstr "Det här är en lista över de senaste kommandona som

#~ msgid "Saved queries"					#~ msgid "Saved queries"
#~ msgstr "Sparade frågor"					#~ msgstr "Sparade frågor"

#~ msgid "This is a list of all the named queries you've stor	#~ msgid "This is a list of all the named queries you've stor
#~ msgstr "Det här är en lista med alla namngivna frågor som 	#~ msgstr "Det här är en lista med alla namngivna frågor som 

#~ msgid "Error Viewer"						#~ msgid "Error Viewer"
#~ msgstr "Felvisare"						#~ msgstr "Felvisare"

#~ msgid "Add new table"					#~ msgid "Add new table"
#~ msgstr "Lägg till ny tabell"					#~ msgstr "Lägg till ny tabell"

#~ msgid "Enter the name of the table to add"			#~ msgid "Enter the name of the table to add"
#~ msgstr "Ange namnet på tabellen som ska läggas till"		#~ msgstr "Ange namnet på tabellen som ska läggas till"

#~ msgid "Select database design"				#~ msgid "Select database design"
#~ msgstr "Välj databasdesign"					#~ msgstr "Välj databasdesign"

#~ msgid "Error loading log for '%s'"				#~ msgid "Error loading log for '%s'"
#~ msgstr "Fel vid inläsning av loggen för \"%s\""		#~ msgstr "Fel vid inläsning av loggen för \"%s\""

#~ msgid "Save Log File"					#~ msgid "Save Log File"
#~ msgstr "Spara loggfil"					#~ msgstr "Spara loggfil"

#~ msgid "Could not create 'database:' moniker instance"	#~ msgid "Could not create 'database:' moniker instance"
#~ msgstr "Kunde inte skapa \"database:\"-monikerinstans"	#~ msgstr "Kunde inte skapa \"database:\"-monikerinstans"

#~ msgid "Open Perl script"					#~ msgid "Open Perl script"
#~ msgstr "Ã?ppna Perlskript"					#~ msgstr "Ã?ppna Perlskript"

#~ msgid "Load"							#~ msgid "Load"
#~ msgstr "Läs in"						#~ msgstr "Läs in"

#~ msgid "Component"						#~ msgid "Component"
#~ msgstr "Komponent"						#~ msgstr "Komponent"

#~ msgid "OAFIID"						#~ msgid "OAFIID"
#~ msgstr "OAFIID"						#~ msgstr "OAFIID"

#~ msgid "Unload"						#~ msgid "Unload"
#~ msgstr "Glöm"						#~ msgstr "Glöm"

#~ msgid "General"						#~ msgid "General"
#~ msgstr "Allmänt"						#~ msgstr "Allmänt"

#~ msgid "Save window position"					#~ msgid "Save window position"
#~ msgstr "Spara fönsterposition"				#~ msgstr "Spara fönsterposition"

#~ msgid "Show tooltips"					#~ msgid "Show tooltips"
#~ msgstr "Visa verktygstips"					#~ msgstr "Visa verktygstips"

#~ msgid "Show tooltips for UI widgets"				#~ msgid "Show tooltips for UI widgets"
#~ msgstr "Visa verktygstips för UI-widgetar"			#~ msgstr "Visa verktygstips för UI-widgetar"

#~ msgid "GNOME-DB Front End"					#~ msgid "GNOME-DB Front End"
#~ msgstr "GNOME-DB-skal"					#~ msgstr "GNOME-DB-skal"

#~ msgid "GNOME-DB Front End Application"			#~ msgid "GNOME-DB Front End Application"
#~ msgstr "GNOME-DB-skalprogram"				#~ msgstr "GNOME-DB-skalprogram"

#~ msgid "Create new object of selected type"			#~ msgid "Create new object of selected type"
#~ msgstr "Skapa nytt projekt av markerad typ"			#~ msgstr "Skapa nytt projekt av markerad typ"

#~ msgid "Remove"						#~ msgid "Remove"
#~ msgstr "Ta bort"						#~ msgstr "Ta bort"

#~ msgid "Remove selected object"				#~ msgid "Remove selected object"
#~ msgstr "Ta bort markerat objekt"				#~ msgstr "Ta bort markerat objekt"

#~ msgid "Refresh current list of objects"			#~ msgid "Refresh current list of objects"
#~ msgstr "Uppdatera nuvarande lista med objekt"		#~ msgstr "Uppdatera nuvarande lista med objekt"

#~ msgid "Info"							#~ msgid "Info"
#~ msgstr "Information"						#~ msgstr "Information"

#~ msgid "Show extra information about selected object"		#~ msgid "Show extra information about selected object"
#~ msgstr "Visa extra information om det markerade objektet"	#~ msgstr "Visa extra information om det markerade objektet"

#~ msgid "Table data"						#~ msgid "Table data"
#~ msgstr "Tabelldata"						#~ msgstr "Tabelldata"

#~ msgid "Select Color"						#~ msgid "Select Color"
#~ msgstr "Välj färg"						#~ msgstr "Välj färg"

#~ msgid "Select Font"						#~ msgid "Select Font"
#~ msgstr "Välj typsnitt"					#~ msgstr "Välj typsnitt"

#~ msgid "Could not get GNOME_Database_UIControl interface"	#~ msgid "Could not get GNOME_Database_UIControl interface"
#~ msgstr "Kunde inte hämta GNOME_Database_UIControl-gränssni	#~ msgstr "Kunde inte hämta GNOME_Database_UIControl-gränssni

#~ msgid "Add field..."						#~ msgid "Add field..."
#~ msgstr "Lägg till fält..."					#~ msgstr "Lägg till fält..."

#~ msgid "Add a new field to this table"			#~ msgid "Add a new field to this table"
#~ msgstr "Lägg till ett nytt fält i denna tabell"		#~ msgstr "Lägg till ett nytt fält i denna tabell"

#~ msgid "Edit field..."					#~ msgid "Edit field..."
#~ msgstr "Redigera fält..."					#~ msgstr "Redigera fält..."

#~ msgid "Edit the selected field properties"			#~ msgid "Edit the selected field properties"
#~ msgstr "Redigera det markerade fältets egenskaper"		#~ msgstr "Redigera det markerade fältets egenskaper"

#~ msgid "Add field"						#~ msgid "Add field"
#~ msgstr "Lägg till fält"					#~ msgstr "Lägg till fält"

#~ msgid "Could not find table %s"				#~ msgid "Could not find table %s"
#~ msgstr "Kunde inte hitta tabellen %s"			#~ msgstr "Kunde inte hitta tabellen %s"

#~ msgid "There is already a field named %s"			#~ msgid "There is already a field named %s"
#~ msgstr "Det finns redan ett fält med namnet %s"		#~ msgstr "Det finns redan ett fält med namnet %s"

#~ msgid "File %s is not a valid XML file"			#~ msgid "File %s is not a valid XML file"
#~ msgstr "Filen %s är inte en giltig XML-fil"			#~ msgstr "Filen %s är inte en giltig XML-fil"

#~ msgid "Select file"						#~ msgid "Select file"
#~ msgstr "Välj fil"						#~ msgstr "Välj fil"

#~ msgid "DSN"							#~ msgid "DSN"
#~ msgstr "DSN"							#~ msgstr "DSN"

#~ msgid "Config"						#~ msgid "Config"
#~ msgstr "Konfig."						#~ msgstr "Konfig."

#~ msgid "Error while saving configuration!"			#~ msgid "Error while saving configuration!"
#~ msgstr "Fel vid sparande av konfigurationen!"		#~ msgstr "Fel vid sparande av konfigurationen!"

#~ msgid "Native message"					#~ msgid "Native message"
#~ msgstr "Inhemskt meddelande"					#~ msgstr "Inhemskt meddelande"

#~ msgid "Record View"						#~ msgid "Record View"
#~ msgstr "Postvy"						#~ msgstr "Postvy"

#~ msgid "Copy selection to clipboard"				#~ msgid "Copy selection to clipboard"
#~ msgstr "Kopiera markering till urklipp"			#~ msgstr "Kopiera markering till urklipp"

#~ msgid "Select all rows"					#~ msgid "Select all rows"
#~ msgstr "Markera alla rader"					#~ msgstr "Markera alla rader"

#~ msgid "Clear all selected rows"				#~ msgid "Clear all selected rows"
#~ msgstr "Töm alla markerade rader"				#~ msgstr "Töm alla markerade rader"

#~ msgid "Record view..."					#~ msgid "Record view..."
#~ msgstr "Postvy..."						#~ msgstr "Postvy..."

#~ msgid "View recordset record-by-record"			#~ msgid "View recordset record-by-record"
#~ msgstr "Visa postgrupp post-efter-post"			#~ msgstr "Visa postgrupp post-efter-post"

#~ msgid "Refresh grid contents"				#~ msgid "Refresh grid contents"
#~ msgstr "Uppdatera innehållet i rutnätet"			#~ msgstr "Uppdatera innehållet i rutnätet"

#~ msgid "Print grid"						#~ msgid "Print grid"
#~ msgstr "Skriv ut rutnätet"					#~ msgstr "Skriv ut rutnätet"

#~ msgid "Print grid contents"					#~ msgid "Print grid contents"
#~ msgstr "Skriv ut innehållet i rutnätet"			#~ msgstr "Skriv ut innehållet i rutnätet"

#~ msgid "Hide column titles"					#~ msgid "Hide column titles"
#~ msgstr "Dölj kolumnrubriker"					#~ msgstr "Dölj kolumnrubriker"

#~ msgid "User Name"						#~ msgid "User Name"
#~ msgstr "Användarnamn"					#~ msgstr "Användarnamn"

#~ msgid "GDA Datasource"					#~ msgid "GDA Datasource"
#~ msgstr "GDA-datakälla"					#~ msgstr "GDA-datakälla"

#~ msgid "Entry %d of %d"					#~ msgid "Entry %d of %d"
#~ msgstr "Post %d av %d"					#~ msgstr "Post %d av %d"

#~ msgid "Message"						#~ msgid "Message"
#~ msgstr "Meddelande"						#~ msgstr "Meddelande"

#~ msgid "Log Entry"						#~ msgid "Log Entry"
#~ msgstr "Loggpost"						#~ msgstr "Loggpost"

#~ msgid "Could not create file %s"				#~ msgid "Could not create file %s"
#~ msgstr "Kunde inte skapa filen %s"				#~ msgstr "Kunde inte skapa filen %s"

#~ msgid "Setup Printer"					#~ msgid "Setup Printer"
#~ msgstr "Ställ in skrivare"					#~ msgstr "Ställ in skrivare"

#~ msgid "Copyright The Free Software Foundation (C) 1998-200	#~ msgid "Copyright The Free Software Foundation (C) 1998-200
#~ msgstr "Copyright Free Software Foundation © 1998-2000"	#~ msgstr "Copyright Free Software Foundation © 1998-2000"

#~ msgid ""							#~ msgid ""
#~ "This program is part of the GNOME project for LINUX. GNOM	#~ "This program is part of the GNOME project for LINUX. GNOM
#~ "comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software,	#~ "comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software,
#~ "welcome to redistribute it under the conditions of the GN	#~ "welcome to redistribute it under the conditions of the GN
#~ "Licence."							#~ "Licence."
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Detta program är en del av GNOME-projeketet för LINUX. GN	#~ "Detta program är en del av GNOME-projeketet för LINUX. GN
#~ "kommer med INGEN SOM HELST GARANTI. Det är fri mjukvara, 	#~ "kommer med INGEN SOM HELST GARANTI. Det är fri mjukvara, 
#~ "vidaredistribuera det under villkoren i GNU General Publi	#~ "vidaredistribuera det under villkoren i GNU General Publi

#~ msgid "Bug-buddy was not found in your $PATH"		#~ msgid "Bug-buddy was not found in your $PATH"
#~ msgstr "Bug-buddy hittades inte i din $PATH"			#~ msgstr "Bug-buddy hittades inte i din $PATH"

#~ msgid "Unable to execute Bug Report Tool"			#~ msgid "Unable to execute Bug Report Tool"
#~ msgstr "Kunde inte köra felrapporteringsverktyget"		#~ msgstr "Kunde inte köra felrapporteringsverktyget"

#~ msgid "GNOME-DB manager component factory"			#~ msgid "GNOME-DB manager component factory"
#~ msgstr "Komponentfabrik för GNOME-DB-hanterare"		#~ msgstr "Komponentfabrik för GNOME-DB-hanterare"

#~ msgid "Manager"						#~ msgid "Manager"
#~ msgstr "Hanterare"						#~ msgstr "Hanterare"

#~ msgid "Add"							#~ msgid "Add"
#~ msgstr "Lägg till"						#~ msgstr "Lägg till"

#~ msgid "Edit selected data source"				#~ msgid "Edit selected data source"
#~ msgstr "Redigera markerad datakälla"				#~ msgstr "Redigera markerad datakälla"

#~ msgid "Refresh Data Sources list"				#~ msgid "Refresh Data Sources list"
#~ msgstr "Uppdatera listan med datakällor"			#~ msgstr "Uppdatera listan med datakällor"

#~ msgid "Test settings for this datasource"			#~ msgid "Test settings for this datasource"
#~ msgstr "Testa inställningarna för denna datakälla"		#~ msgstr "Testa inställningarna för denna datakälla"

#~ msgid "Edit data source"					#~ msgid "Edit data source"
#~ msgstr "Redigera datakälla"					#~ msgstr "Redigera datakälla"

#~ msgid "There was an error while testing connection"		#~ msgid "There was an error while testing connection"
#~ msgstr "Det uppstod ett fel vid testningen av anslutningen	#~ msgstr "Det uppstod ett fel vid testningen av anslutningen

#~ msgid "Edit selected provider"				#~ msgid "Edit selected provider"
#~ msgstr "Redigera markerad leverantör"			#~ msgstr "Redigera markerad leverantör"

#~ msgid "Refresh providers list"				#~ msgid "Refresh providers list"
#~ msgstr "Uppdatera leverantörslistan"				#~ msgstr "Uppdatera leverantörslistan"

#~ msgid "Stop"							#~ msgid "Stop"
#~ msgstr "Stoppa"						#~ msgstr "Stoppa"

#~ msgid "Stop selected provider"				#~ msgid "Stop selected provider"
#~ msgstr "Stoppa markerad leverantör"				#~ msgstr "Stoppa markerad leverantör"

#~ msgid "Rolodex"						#~ msgid "Rolodex"
#~ msgstr "Rolodex"						#~ msgstr "Rolodex"

#~ msgid "Rolodex Application"					#~ msgid "Rolodex Application"
#~ msgstr "Rolodex-programmet"					#~ msgstr "Rolodex-programmet"

#~ msgid "Show Help"						#~ msgid "Show Help"
#~ msgstr "Visa hjälp"						#~ msgstr "Visa hjälp"

#~ msgid "sqlstate"						#~ msgid "sqlstate"
#~ msgstr "sqlstate"						#~ msgstr "sqlstate"

#~ msgid "Error 0 of 0"						#~ msgid "Error 0 of 0"
#~ msgstr "Fel 0 av 0"						#~ msgstr "Fel 0 av 0"

#~ msgid "Close current connection"				#~ msgid "Close current connection"
#~ msgstr "Stäng aktuell anslutning"				#~ msgstr "Stäng aktuell anslutning"

#~ msgid "Activate database browser window"			#~ msgid "Activate database browser window"
#~ msgstr "�ppna databasbläddrarfönstret"			#~ msgstr "�ppna databasbläddrarfönstret"

#~ msgid "Activate SQL window"					#~ msgid "Activate SQL window"
#~ msgstr "Aktivera SQL-fönster"				#~ msgstr "Aktivera SQL-fönster"

#~ msgid "Activate dbatch job window"				#~ msgid "Activate dbatch job window"
#~ msgstr "Aktivera dbatch-arbetsfönstret"			#~ msgstr "Aktivera dbatch-arbetsfönstret"

#~ msgid "Start a new database transaction"			#~ msgid "Start a new database transaction"
#~ msgstr "Starta en ny databastransaktion"			#~ msgstr "Starta en ny databastransaktion"

#~ msgid "Commit current transaction"				#~ msgid "Commit current transaction"
#~ msgstr "Verkställ aktuell transaktion"			#~ msgstr "Verkställ aktuell transaktion"

#~ msgid "Rollback current transaction"				#~ msgid "Rollback current transaction"
#~ msgstr "�terställ aktuell transaktion"			#~ msgstr "�terställ aktuell transaktion"

#~ msgid "_Tools"						#~ msgid "_Tools"
#~ msgstr "Verkty_g"						#~ msgstr "Verkty_g"

#~ msgid "Activate batch job window"				#~ msgid "Activate batch job window"
#~ msgstr "Aktivera batch-arbetsfönstret"			#~ msgstr "Aktivera batch-arbetsfönstret"

#~ msgid ""							#~ msgid ""
#~ "This screen lets you navigate through the contents of you	#~ "This screen lets you navigate through the contents of you
#~ "looking at the tables, views, procedures, etc that may ha	#~ "looking at the tables, views, procedures, etc that may ha
#~ "Clicking on an icon in one of the lists on the left, will	#~ "Clicking on an icon in one of the lists on the left, will
#~ "extensive information about that selected object in the r	#~ "extensive information about that selected object in the r
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Denna skärm låter dig bläddra genom innehållet i din data	#~ "Denna skärm låter dig bläddra genom innehållet i din data
#~ "de tabeller, vyer, procedurer m.m. som kan ha skapats. Ge	#~ "de tabeller, vyer, procedurer m.m. som kan ha skapats. Ge
#~ "på en ikon i en av listorna till vänster kan du få utförl	#~ "på en ikon i en av listorna till vänster kan du få utförl
#~ "om det markerade objektet i den högra panelen"		#~ "om det markerade objektet i den högra panelen"

#~ msgid ""							#~ msgid ""
#~ "This widget allows you to send SQL commands to the databa	#~ "This widget allows you to send SQL commands to the databa
#~ "connected to. Just type in the command you want to run, a	#~ "connected to. Just type in the command you want to run, a
#~ "'Run' button on the small toolbar"				#~ "'Run' button on the small toolbar"
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Denna widget låter dig skicka SQL-kommandon till den data	#~ "Denna widget låter dig skicka SQL-kommandon till den data
#~ "ansluten till. Ange bara kommandot som du vill köra och t	#~ "ansluten till. Ange bara kommandot som du vill köra och t
#~ "\"Kör\" på den lilla vertygsraden"				#~ "\"Kör\" på den lilla vertygsraden"

#~ msgid ""							#~ msgid ""
#~ "Here will be shown the results returned by the database s	#~ "Here will be shown the results returned by the database s
#~ "response to the command you typed in"			#~ "response to the command you typed in"
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Här kommer att visas de resultat från databasservern som 	#~ "Här kommer att visas de resultat från databasservern som 
#~ "kommando du angav"						#~ "kommando du angav"

#~ msgid "This is the name you use to refer to this connectio	#~ msgid "This is the name you use to refer to this connectio
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Detta är det namn som du använder för att hänvisa till de	#~ "Detta är det namn som du använder för att hänvisa till de

#~ msgid "This is the provider being used to access the datab	#~ msgid "This is the provider being used to access the datab
#~ msgstr "Detta är den leverantör som används för att komma 	#~ msgstr "Detta är den leverantör som används för att komma 

#~ msgid "This is the user name you use to log into the datab	#~ msgid "This is the user name you use to log into the datab
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Detta är det användarnamn som du använder för att logga i	#~ "Detta är det användarnamn som du använder för att logga i

#~ msgid "This is the version supported by the GDA provider"	#~ msgid "This is the version supported by the GDA provider"
#~ msgstr "Detta är den version som stöds av GDA-leverantören	#~ msgstr "Detta är den version som stöds av GDA-leverantören

#~ msgid "Select the file containing the command to be loaded	#~ msgid "Select the file containing the command to be loaded
#~ msgstr "Välj den fil som innehåller kommandot som ska läsa	#~ msgstr "Välj den fil som innehåller kommandot som ska läsa

#~ msgid "Database design"					#~ msgid "Database design"
#~ msgstr "Databasdesign"					#~ msgstr "Databasdesign"

#~ msgid "Start with a new database design"			#~ msgid "Start with a new database design"
#~ msgstr "Starta med en ny databasdesign"			#~ msgstr "Starta med en ny databasdesign"

#~ msgid "Table..."						#~ msgid "Table..."
#~ msgstr "Tabell..."						#~ msgstr "Tabell..."

#~ msgid "Add a table to the database design"			#~ msgid "Add a table to the database design"
#~ msgstr "Lägg till en tabell till databasdesignen"		#~ msgstr "Lägg till en tabell till databasdesignen"

#~ msgid "Open an existing database design"			#~ msgid "Open an existing database design"
#~ msgstr "Ã?ppna en existerande databasdesign"			#~ msgstr "Ã?ppna en existerande databasdesign"

#~ msgid "Create new database design"				#~ msgid "Create new database design"
#~ msgstr "Skapa ny databasdesign"				#~ msgstr "Skapa ny databasdesign"

#~ msgid "Save currently open file"				#~ msgid "Save currently open file"
#~ msgstr "Spara aktuell öppen fil"				#~ msgstr "Spara aktuell öppen fil"

#~ msgid "Reload database file contents"			#~ msgid "Reload database file contents"
#~ msgstr "Läs om innehåll i databasfil"			#~ msgstr "Läs om innehåll i databasfil"

#~ msgid "Add new object to the database"			#~ msgid "Add new object to the database"
#~ msgstr "Lägg till nytt objekt till databasen"		#~ msgstr "Lägg till nytt objekt till databasen"

#~ msgid "Save log to a disk file"				#~ msgid "Save log to a disk file"
#~ msgstr "Spara loggen till en fil på disk"			#~ msgstr "Spara loggen till en fil på disk"

#~ msgid "View selected log entry"				#~ msgid "View selected log entry"
#~ msgstr "Visa markerad loggpost"				#~ msgstr "Visa markerad loggpost"

#~ msgid ""							#~ msgid ""
#~ "Use this option menu to select the provider whose log mes	#~ "Use this option menu to select the provider whose log mes
#~ "to see"							#~ "to see"
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Använd denna alternativmeny för att välja den leverantör 	#~ "Använd denna alternativmeny för att välja den leverantör 
#~ "loggmeddelanden du vill se"					#~ "loggmeddelanden du vill se"

#~ msgid ""							#~ msgid ""
#~ "This is a list of all log messages for the provider you'v	#~ "This is a list of all log messages for the provider you'v
#~ "can easily sort messages by any of the columns (but just 	#~ "can easily sort messages by any of the columns (but just 
#~ "them) as well as look at the messages individually, with 	#~ "them) as well as look at the messages individually, with 
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Det här är en lista med alla loggmeddelanden för den leve	#~ "Det här är en lista med alla loggmeddelanden för den leve
#~ "valt. Du kan enkelt sortera meddelanden efter någon av ko	#~ "valt. Du kan enkelt sortera meddelanden efter någon av ko
#~ "klicka på dem) och även titta på meddelandena individuell	#~ "klicka på dem) och även titta på meddelandena individuell
#~ "detaljerat"							#~ "detaljerat"

#~ msgid "Perl script"						#~ msgid "Perl script"
#~ msgstr "Perlskript"						#~ msgstr "Perlskript"

#~ msgid "Open a Perl script to be executed"			#~ msgid "Open a Perl script to be executed"
#~ msgstr "�ppna ett Perlskript som ska köras"			#~ msgstr "�ppna ett Perlskript som ska köras"

#~ msgid "Print preview"					#~ msgid "Print preview"
#~ msgstr "Förhandsgranska"					#~ msgstr "Förhandsgranska"

#~ msgid "_Quit"						#~ msgid "_Quit"
#~ msgstr "A_vsluta"						#~ msgstr "A_vsluta"

#~ msgid "Configure user preferences"				#~ msgid "Configure user preferences"
#~ msgstr "Konfigurera användarinställningar"			#~ msgstr "Konfigurera användarinställningar"

#~ msgid "GNOME-DB Manual"					#~ msgid "GNOME-DB Manual"
#~ msgstr "GNOME-DB-manual"					#~ msgstr "GNOME-DB-manual"

#~ msgid "Open the GNOME-DB online manual"			#~ msgid "Open the GNOME-DB online manual"
#~ msgstr "�ppna GNOME-DB:s manual på webben"			#~ msgstr "�ppna GNOME-DB:s manual på webben"

#~ msgid "libgda Manual"					#~ msgid "libgda Manual"
#~ msgstr "libgda-manual"					#~ msgstr "libgda-manual"

#~ msgid "Open the libgda online manual"			#~ msgid "Open the libgda online manual"
#~ msgstr "�ppna libgda:s manual på webben"			#~ msgstr "�ppna libgda:s manual på webben"

#~ msgid "libgda API Reference"					#~ msgid "libgda API Reference"
#~ msgstr "libgda API-referens"					#~ msgstr "libgda API-referens"

#~ msgid "Open the libgda API reference"			#~ msgid "Open the libgda API reference"
#~ msgstr "Ã?ppna libgda:s API-referens"				#~ msgstr "Ã?ppna libgda:s API-referens"

#~ msgid "View information about this application"		#~ msgid "View information about this application"
#~ msgstr "Visa information om det här programmet"		#~ msgstr "Visa information om det här programmet"

#~ msgid "Submit bug report"					#~ msgid "Submit bug report"
#~ msgstr "Skicka felrapport"					#~ msgstr "Skicka felrapport"

#~ msgid "Send a bug report to GNOME-DB developers"		#~ msgid "Send a bug report to GNOME-DB developers"
#~ msgstr "Skicka en buggrapport till utvecklarna av GNOME-DB	#~ msgstr "Skicka en buggrapport till utvecklarna av GNOME-DB

#~ msgid "_Options"						#~ msgid "_Options"
#~ msgstr "Alternati_v"						#~ msgstr "Alternati_v"

#~ msgid "Manage connection data sources"			#~ msgid "Manage connection data sources"
#~ msgstr "Hantera anslutningsdatakällor"			#~ msgstr "Hantera anslutningsdatakällor"

#~ msgid "Manage available GDA providers"			#~ msgid "Manage available GDA providers"
#~ msgstr "Hantera tillgängliga GDA-leverantörer"		#~ msgstr "Hantera tillgängliga GDA-leverantörer"

#~ msgid "Export Database"					#~ msgid "Export Database"
#~ msgstr "Exportera databas"					#~ msgstr "Exportera databas"

#~ msgid "Could not activate export component"			#~ msgid "Could not activate export component"
#~ msgstr "Kunde inte aktivera exportkomponenten"		#~ msgstr "Kunde inte aktivera exportkomponenten"

#~ msgid ""							#~ msgid ""
#~ "Select the database you want to export. If you want, you 	#~ "Select the database you want to export. If you want, you 
#~ "new connection by pressing the 'Connect' button"		#~ "new connection by pressing the 'Connect' button"
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Välj den databas som du vill exportera. Om du vill kan du	#~ "Välj den databas som du vill exportera. Om du vill kan du
#~ "ny anslutning genom att trycka på knappen \"Anslut\""	#~ "ny anslutning genom att trycka på knappen \"Anslut\""

#~ msgid ""							#~ msgid ""
#~ "Press this button if you want to open a new connection to	#~ "Press this button if you want to open a new connection to
#~ "be exported"						#~ "be exported"
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Tryck på denna knapp om du vill öppna en ny anslutning ti	#~ "Tryck på denna knapp om du vill öppna en ny anslutning ti
#~ "ska exporteras"						#~ "ska exporteras"

#~ msgid ""							#~ msgid ""
#~ "Press this button to start the export process with the op	#~ "Press this button to start the export process with the op
#~ "you've selected"						#~ "you've selected"
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Tryck på denna knapp för att starta exportprocessen med d	#~ "Tryck på denna knapp för att starta exportprocessen med d
#~ "objekt du har valt"						#~ "objekt du har valt"

#~ msgid "Output file"						#~ msgid "Output file"
#~ msgstr "Utdatafil"						#~ msgstr "Utdatafil"

#~ msgid "Select the file to which you want to save the datab	#~ msgid "Select the file to which you want to save the datab
#~ msgstr "Välj den fil som du vill spara databasinnehållet i	#~ msgstr "Välj den fil som du vill spara databasinnehållet i

#~ msgid "Export table data"					#~ msgid "Export table data"
#~ msgstr "Exportera tabelldata"				#~ msgstr "Exportera tabelldata"

#~ msgid ""							#~ msgid ""
#~ "When selected, the export process also saves the exported	#~ "When selected, the export process also saves the exported
#~ "If not selected, only the table structure is exported"	#~ "If not selected, only the table structure is exported"
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "När detta är markerat sparar exportprocessen även de expo	#~ "När detta är markerat sparar exportprocessen även de expo
#~ "tabellernas data. Om det inte är markerat exporteras bara	#~ "tabellernas data. Om det inte är markerat exporteras bara

#~ msgid "Select only highlighted objects"			#~ msgid "Select only highlighted objects"
#~ msgstr "Markera endast de aktiva objekten"			#~ msgstr "Markera endast de aktiva objekten"

#~ msgid "Unselect only highlighted objects"			#~ msgid "Unselect only highlighted objects"
#~ msgstr "Avmarkera endast aktiva objekt"			#~ msgstr "Avmarkera endast aktiva objekt"

#~ msgid "Could not initialize GNOME_DB_Builder control"	#~ msgid "Could not initialize GNOME_DB_Builder control"
#~ msgstr "Kunde inte initiera GNOME_DB_Builder-kontrollen"	#~ msgstr "Kunde inte initiera GNOME_DB_Builder-kontrollen"

#~ msgid "GNOME-DB database designer component factory"		#~ msgid "GNOME-DB database designer component factory"
#~ msgstr "Komponentfabrik för GNOME-DB-databasdesigner"	#~ msgstr "Komponentfabrik för GNOME-DB-databasdesigner"

#~ msgid "GNOME-DB help viewer component factory"		#~ msgid "GNOME-DB help viewer component factory"
#~ msgstr "Komponentfabrik för GNOME-DB-hjälpvy"		#~ msgstr "Komponentfabrik för GNOME-DB-hjälpvy"

#~ msgid "GNOME-DB connection component factory"		#~ msgid "GNOME-DB connection component factory"
#~ msgstr "Komponentfabrik för GNOME-DB-anslutningskomponent"	#~ msgstr "Komponentfabrik för GNOME-DB-anslutningskomponent"

#~ msgid "GNOME-DB log viewer component factory"		#~ msgid "GNOME-DB log viewer component factory"
#~ msgstr "Komponentfabrik för GNOME-DB-loggvisare"		#~ msgstr "Komponentfabrik för GNOME-DB-loggvisare"

#~ msgid "Open SQL File"					#~ msgid "Open SQL File"
#~ msgstr "Ã?ppna SQL-fil"					#~ msgstr "Ã?ppna SQL-fil"

#~ msgid "Do Print"						#~ msgid "Do Print"
#~ msgstr "Skriv ut"						#~ msgstr "Skriv ut"

#~ msgid "Open SQL file"					#~ msgid "Open SQL file"
#~ msgstr "Ã?ppna SQL-fil"					#~ msgstr "Ã?ppna SQL-fil"

#~ msgid "Save SQL file"					#~ msgid "Save SQL file"
#~ msgstr "Spara SQL-fil"					#~ msgstr "Spara SQL-fil"

#~ msgid "Display previous page in history"			#~ msgid "Display previous page in history"
#~ msgstr "Visa föregående sida i historiken"			#~ msgstr "Visa föregående sida i historiken"

#~ msgid "Display help system home page"			#~ msgid "Display help system home page"
#~ msgstr "Visa hjälpsystemets hemsida"				#~ msgstr "Visa hjälpsystemets hemsida"

#~ msgid "Forward"						#~ msgid "Forward"
#~ msgstr "Framåt"						#~ msgstr "Framåt"

#~ msgid "Display next page in history"				#~ msgid "Display next page in history"
#~ msgstr "Visa nästa sida i historiken"			#~ msgstr "Visa nästa sida i historiken"

#~ msgid "Help System"						#~ msgid "Help System"
#~ msgstr "Hjälpsystem"						#~ msgstr "Hjälpsystem"

#~ msgid "Home page"						#~ msgid "Home page"
#~ msgstr "Hemsida"						#~ msgstr "Hemsida"

#~ msgid "Install"						#~ msgid "Install"
#~ msgstr "Installera"						#~ msgstr "Installera"

#~ msgid "Uninstall"						#~ msgid "Uninstall"
#~ msgstr "Avinstallera"					#~ msgstr "Avinstallera"

#~ msgid "Set as Home"						#~ msgid "Set as Home"
#~ msgstr "Sätt som hemsida"					#~ msgstr "Sätt som hemsida"

#~ msgid "No datasource '%s' defined in your GDA configuratio	#~ msgid "No datasource '%s' defined in your GDA configuratio
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Ingen datakälla vid namn \"%s\" är angiven i din GDA-konf	#~ "Ingen datakälla vid namn \"%s\" är angiven i din GDA-konf

#~ msgid "Could not allocate color"				#~ msgid "Could not allocate color"
#~ msgstr "Kunde inte allokera färg"				#~ msgstr "Kunde inte allokera färg"

#~ msgid "Could not create Database Moniker factory"		#~ msgid "Could not create Database Moniker factory"
#~ msgstr "Kunde inte skapa databasmonikerfabrik"		#~ msgstr "Kunde inte skapa databasmonikerfabrik"

#~ msgid "Project..."						#~ msgid "Project..."
#~ msgstr "Projekt..."						#~ msgstr "Projekt..."

#~ msgid "Open an existing project"				#~ msgid "Open an existing project"
#~ msgstr "Ã?ppna ett existerande projekt"			#~ msgstr "Ã?ppna ett existerande projekt"

#~ msgid "Open..."						#~ msgid "Open..."
#~ msgstr "Ã?ppna..."						#~ msgstr "Ã?ppna..."

#~ msgid "Close database connection"				#~ msgid "Close database connection"
#~ msgstr "Stäng databasanslutning"				#~ msgstr "Stäng databasanslutning"

#~ msgid "Browse"						#~ msgid "Browse"
#~ msgstr "Bläddra"						#~ msgstr "Bläddra"

#~ msgid "Import objects"					#~ msgid "Import objects"
#~ msgstr "Importera objekt"					#~ msgstr "Importera objekt"

#~ msgid "Import database objects into repository"		#~ msgid "Import database objects into repository"
#~ msgstr "Importera databasobjekt till förvaringsplatsen"	#~ msgstr "Importera databasobjekt till förvaringsplatsen"

#~ msgid "About gnome-db..."					#~ msgid "About gnome-db..."
#~ msgstr "Om gnome-db..."					#~ msgstr "Om gnome-db..."

#~ msgid "About this program"					#~ msgid "About this program"
#~ msgstr "Om detta program"					#~ msgstr "Om detta program"

#~ msgid "Open help system viewer"				#~ msgid "Open help system viewer"
#~ msgstr "�ppna hjälpsystemsvisaren"				#~ msgstr "�ppna hjälpsystemsvisaren"

#~ msgid "0 rows"						#~ msgid "0 rows"
#~ msgstr "0 rader"						#~ msgstr "0 rader"
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ta.gmo
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/ta.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/ta.po
# Tamil translation of libgnomedb.				# Tamil translation of libgnomedb.
# Copyright (C) 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc.		# Copyright (C) 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# Dinesh Nadarajah <n_dinesh yahoo com>, 2001.			# Dinesh Nadarajah <n_dinesh yahoo com>, 2001.
#								#
msgid ""							msgid ""
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: libgnomedb\n"				"Project-Id-Version: libgnomedb\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"					"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"			"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2001-09-25 21:37-0400\n"			"PO-Revision-Date: 2001-09-25 21:37-0400\n"
"Last-Translator: Dinesh Nadarajah <n_dinesh yahoo com>\n"	"Last-Translator: Dinesh Nadarajah <n_dinesh yahoo com>\n"
"Language-Team: Tamil <tamilinix yahoogroups com>\n"		"Language-Team: Tamil <tamilinix yahoogroups com>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"						"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"			"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"				"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data Sources"						msgid "Data Sources"
msgstr "GDA தரவ�-ம�லம�"						msgstr "GDA தரவ�-ம�லம�"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Providers"						msgid "Providers"
msgstr "வழ����நர�"						msgstr "வழ����நர�"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1
msgid "Configure your database environment"			msgid "Configure your database environment"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Database Access Properties "				msgid "Database Access Properties "
msgstr "தி�தி"							msgstr "தி�தி"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380
msgid "Name"							msgid "Name"
msgstr "ப�யர�"							msgstr "ப�யர�"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
msgid "Description"						msgid "Description"
msgstr "விவாிப�ப�"						msgstr "விவாிப�ப�"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182
msgid "Configured data sources in the system"			msgid "Configured data sources in the system"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data sources are the means by which database connections are	"Data sources are the means by which database connections are
"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s	"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s
"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o	"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o
"name you identify the connections in the applications that m	"name you identify the connections in the applications that m
"DB for database access."					"DB for database access."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"	msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data Source Properties"					msgid "Data Source Properties"
msgstr "தரவ� ம�லத�திற��� ப�யர� �ி��யாத�!"				msgstr "தரவ� ம�லத�திற��� ப�யர� �ி��யாத�!"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132
msgid "Basic"							msgid "Basic"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Tables"							msgid "Tables"
msgstr "����வண��ள�"						msgstr "����வண��ள�"

#: control-center/main.c:92					#: control-center/main.c:92
msgid "No valid data source info was created"			msgid "No valid data source info was created"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218	#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "New data source"						msgid "New data source"
msgstr "GDA தரவ�-ம�லம�"						msgstr "GDA தரவ�-ம�லம�"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:215					#: control-center/main.c:215
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Database Access Properties"				msgid "Database Access Properties"
msgstr "தி�தி"							msgstr "தி�தி"

#: control-center/provider-config.c:105				#: control-center/provider-config.c:105
msgid "Installed providers"					msgid "Installed providers"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/provider-config.c:131				#: control-center/provider-config.c:131
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec	"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec
"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo	"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo
"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr	"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr
"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba	"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba
"etc."								"etc."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1
msgid "Database connection parameters file"			msgid "Database connection parameters file"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2
msgid "Documents"						msgid "Documents"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3
msgid "SQL code viewer"						msgid "SQL code viewer"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1
msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"			msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2
msgid "Number of spaces per tab"				msgid "Number of spaces per tab"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3
msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"			msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4
msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"			msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60
msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"			msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1
msgid "About"							msgid "About"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2
msgid "About GNOME-DB"						msgid "About GNOME-DB"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3
msgid "Close this window"					msgid "Close this window"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4
msgid "Create new entry"					msgid "Create new entry"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Delete selected items"					msgid "Delete selected items"
msgstr "த�ிவ� ��ய�த தரவ��� �ழ���வ�ம�"				msgstr "த�ிவ� ��ய�த தரவ��� �ழ���வ�ம�"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Deselect all items"					msgid "Deselect all items"
msgstr "த�ிவ� ��ய�த தரவ��� �ழ���வ�ம�"				msgstr "த�ிவ� ��ய�த தரவ��� �ழ���வ�ம�"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7
msgid "Edit properties for selected item"			msgid "Edit properties for selected item"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8
msgid "Save connection parameters to file"			msgid "Save connection parameters to file"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Select _All"						msgid "Select _All"
msgstr "��ப�ப� த�ரிவ� ��ய�"					msgstr "��ப�ப� த�ரிவ� ��ய�"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Select all items"					msgid "Select all items"
msgstr "��ப�ப� த�ரிவ� ��ய�"					msgstr "��ப�ப� த�ரிவ� ��ய�"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View data sources"					msgid "View data sources"
msgstr "GDA தரவ�-ம�லம�"						msgstr "GDA தரவ�-ம�லம�"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View providers"						msgid "View providers"
msgstr "வழ����நர�"						msgstr "வழ����நர�"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42
msgid "_Clear Selection"					msgid "_Clear Selection"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14
msgid "_Close"							msgid "_Close"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Data Sources"						msgid "_Data Sources"
msgstr "GDA தரவ�-ம�லம�"						msgstr "GDA தரவ�-ம�லம�"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Database"						msgid "_Database"
msgstr "தி�தி"							msgstr "தி�தி"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17
msgid "_Delete"							msgid "_Delete"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18
msgid "_Edit"							msgid "_Edit"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Help"							msgid "_Help"
msgstr "ம�தவி"							msgstr "ம�தவி"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_New Data Source..."					msgid "_New Data Source..."
msgstr "GDA தரவ�-ம�லம�"						msgstr "GDA தரவ�-ம�லம�"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Properties"						msgid "_Properties"
msgstr "��யல� ம�ற��ள�"						msgstr "��யல� ம�ற��ள�"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Providers"						msgid "_Providers"
msgstr "வழ����நர�"						msgstr "வழ����நர�"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Save Connection"					msgid "_Save Connection"
msgstr "����ி த��ர�ப��ள�"						msgstr "����ி த��ர�ப��ள�"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_View"							msgid "_View"
msgstr "�ா���ி�ள�"						msgstr "�ா���ி�ள�"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76
msgid "Structure"						msgid "Structure"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73
msgid "Data"							msgid "Data"
msgstr "தரவ�"							msgstr "தரவ�"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238
msgid "Not implemented yet!"					msgid "Not implemented yet!"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Database"						msgid "Database"
msgstr "தி�தி"							msgstr "தி�தி"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540
msgid "Loading database schemas..."				msgid "Loading database schemas..."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632
msgid "Refreshing data..."					msgid "Refreshing data..."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688
msgid "Views"							msgid "Views"
msgstr "�ா���ி�ள�"						msgstr "�ா���ி�ள�"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691
msgid "Indexes"							msgid "Indexes"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Sequences"						msgid "Sequences"
msgstr "வாி��ம�ற��ள�"						msgstr "வாி��ம�ற��ள�"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Procedures"						msgid "Procedures"
msgstr "��யல� ம�ற��ள�"						msgstr "��யல� ம�ற��ள�"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700
msgid "Triggers"						msgid "Triggers"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Aggregates"						msgid "Aggregates"
msgstr "திர�����ள�"						msgstr "திர�����ள�"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Types"							msgid "Types"
msgstr "வ���ள�"							msgstr "வ���ள�"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140
msgid "Could not query CORBA components"			msgid "Could not query CORBA components"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209
msgid "ID"							msgid "ID"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "Location"						msgid "Location"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212
msgid "Username"						msgid "Username"
msgstr "பயனர� ப�யர�"						msgstr "பயனர� ப�யர�"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Hostname"						msgid "Hostname"
msgstr "பயனர� ப�யர�"						msgstr "பயனர� ப�யர�"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214
msgid "Domain"							msgid "Domain"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"			msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. create widgets						#. create widgets
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97
msgid "Settings"						msgid "Settings"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data source name"					msgid "Data source name"
msgstr "தரவ� ம�லத�திற��� ப�யர� �ி��யாத�!"				msgstr "தரவ� ம�லத�திற��� ப�யர� �ி��யாத�!"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Connection string"					msgid "Connection string"
msgstr "����ி த��ர�ப��ள�"						msgstr "����ி த��ர�ப��ள�"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115
msgid "Provider"						msgid "Provider"
msgstr "வழ����நர�"						msgstr "வழ����நர�"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "User name"						msgid "User name"
msgstr "பயனர� ப�யர�"						msgstr "பயனர� ப�யர�"

#. create feature list						#. create feature list
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128
msgid "Features"						msgid "Features"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"		msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"
msgstr "ப�திய ப�லத�திற��� ந����ள� ப�யர� �ன�ற��� ��றிப�பி� வ�ண���ம�"	msgstr "ப�திய ப�லத�திற��� ந����ள� ப�யர� �ன�ற��� ��றிப�பி� வ�ண���ம�"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197
msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac	msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206
msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th	msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213
msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"			msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217
msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n	msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"	msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"
msgstr "ப�திய ப�லத�திற��� ந����ள� ப�யர� �ன�ற��� ��றிப�பி� வ�ண���ம�"	msgstr "ப�திய ப�லத�திற��� ந����ள� ப�யர� �ன�ற��� ��றிப�பி� வ�ண���ம�"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233
msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"		msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391
msgid "Add a new data source..."				msgid "Add a new data source..."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392
msgid ""							msgid ""
"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"		"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"
"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"		"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"
"installation. Just follow the steps!"				"installation. Just follow the steps!"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "General Information"					msgid "General Information"
msgstr "�தி�ப�ப�ியான த�வல�"					msgstr "�தி�ப�ப�ியான த�வல�"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the basic information\n"	"The following fields represent the basic information\n"
"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n	"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n
"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"	"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"
"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"	"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"
"the default one."						"the default one."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data source _name:"					msgid "Data source _name:"
msgstr "தரவ� ம�லத�திற��� ப�யர� �ி��யாத�!"				msgstr "தரவ� ம�லத�திற��� ப�யர� �ி��யாத�!"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Provider:"						msgid "_Provider:"
msgstr "வழ����நர�"						msgstr "வழ����நர�"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Description:"						msgid "_Description:"
msgstr "விவாிப�ப�"						msgstr "விவாிப�ப�"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Username:"						msgid "_Username:"
msgstr "பயனர� ப�யர�"						msgstr "பயனர� ப�யர�"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "P_assword:"						msgid "P_assword:"
msgstr "��வ�����ல�"						msgstr "��வ�����ல�"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454
msgid "Provider Parameters"					msgid "Provider Parameters"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the information needed by the	"The following fields represent the information needed by the
"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n	"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n
"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\	"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\
"the manual for more information."				"the manual for more information."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481
msgid "All information retrieved"				msgid "All information retrieved"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482
msgid ""							msgid ""
"All information needed to create a new data source\n"		"All information needed to create a new data source\n"
"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"		"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"
"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"	"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"
"just select it when asked for a data source."			"just select it when asked for a data source."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Connection _string:"					msgid "Connection _string:"
msgstr "����ி த��ர�ப��ள�"						msgstr "����ி த��ர�ப��ள�"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4
msgid "Error"							msgid "Error"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.
msgid "Show detail >>"						msgid "Show detail >>"
msgstr "விவர���ள��� �ாண�பி >>"					msgstr "விவர���ள��� �ாண�பி >>"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122
msgid "<< Hide detail"						msgid "<< Hide detail"
msgstr "<< விவர���ள� மற�"					msgstr "<< விவர���ள� மற�"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191
msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"	msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196
msgid "Error number"						msgid "Error number"
msgstr "பிழ� �ண�"						msgstr "பிழ� �ண�"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Details"							msgid "Details"
msgstr "விவர���ள�"						msgstr "விவர���ள�"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234
msgid "Source"							msgid "Source"
msgstr "ம�லம�"							msgstr "ம�லம�"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241
msgid "SQL state"						msgid "SQL state"
msgstr "SQL நில�"						msgstr "SQL நில�"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Field:"							msgid "_Field:"
msgstr "ந�ரம�"							msgstr "ந�ரம�"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Text:"							msgid "_Text:"
msgstr "வ���ள�"							msgstr "வ���ள�"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308
msgid "No records"						msgid "No records"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329
#, fuzzy, c-format						#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Record %d of %d"						msgid "Record %d of %d"
msgstr "ந�ழ� %d, %d �ன�"						msgstr "ந�ழ� %d, %d �ன�"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Recordset description"					msgid "Recordset description"
msgstr "விவாிப�ப�"						msgstr "விவாிப�ப�"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid ""							msgid ""
"File '%s' already exists.\n"					"File '%s' already exists.\n"
"Do you want to overwrite it?"					"Do you want to overwrite it?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149
msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."		msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217
#, fuzzy, c-format						#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Could not save file %s"					msgid "Could not save file %s"
msgstr "%s ��ப�ப� ப����� ம��ியவில�ல�"				msgstr "%s ��ப�ப� ப����� ம��ியவில�ல�"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224
msgid "You must specify a file name"				msgid "You must specify a file name"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230
msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"		msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261
msgid "Saving Model"						msgid "Saving Model"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "File _name:"						msgid "File _name:"
msgstr "����வண�ப� ப�யர�"						msgstr "����வண�ப� ப�யர�"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Select File"						msgid "Select File"
msgstr "��ப�ப� த�ரிவ� ��ய�"					msgstr "��ப�ப� த�ரிவ� ��ய�"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283
msgid "File _type:"						msgid "File _type:"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291
msgid "Tab-delimited"						msgid "Tab-delimited"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294
msgid "Comma-delimited"						msgid "Comma-delimited"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:
msgid "XML"							msgid "XML"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View detail"						msgid "View detail"
msgstr "<< விவர���ள� மற�"					msgstr "<< விவர���ள� மற�"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427
msgid "Show Column _Titles"					msgid "Show Column _Titles"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Describe"						msgid "Describe"
msgstr "விவாிப�ப�"						msgstr "விவாிப�ப�"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View detail..."						msgid "View detail..."
msgstr "<< விவர���ள� மற�"					msgstr "<< விவர���ள� மற�"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Title"							msgid "Title"
msgstr "ந�ரம�"							msgstr "ந�ரம�"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48
msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"	msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"		"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"
"to a data source"						"to a data source"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data Source:"						msgid "Data Source:"
msgstr "GDA தரவ�-ம�லம�"						msgstr "GDA தரவ�-ம�லம�"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Username:"						msgid "Username:"
msgstr "பயனர� ப�யர�"						msgstr "பயனர� ப�யர�"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Password:"						msgid "Password:"
msgstr "��வ�����ல�"						msgstr "��வ�����ல�"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69
msgid "Fields"							msgid "Fields"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Commit"							msgid "Commit"
msgstr "����ள�"							msgstr "����ள�"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31
msgid "Connect"							msgid "Connect"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33
msgid "Designer"						msgid "Designer"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34
msgid "Disconnect"						msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35
msgid "NoTransaction"						msgid "NoTransaction"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37
msgid "Query"							msgid "Query"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38
msgid "Rollback"						msgid "Rollback"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40
msgid "SQL"							msgid "SQL"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43
msgid "WithinTransaction"					msgid "WithinTransaction"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Error: %s"						msgid "Error: %s"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79
msgid "Table name"						msgid "Table name"
msgstr "����வண�ப� ப�யர�"						msgstr "����வண�ப� ப�யர�"

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93			#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Login for %s"						msgid "Login for %s"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95					#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95
msgid "Login to database"					msgid "Login to database"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: vfs/libmain.c:71						#: vfs/libmain.c:71
msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"				msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Table Properties"					msgid "Table Properties"
msgstr "தி�தி"							msgstr "தி�தி"

#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Table Name"						msgid "Table Name"
msgstr "����வண�ப� ப�யர�"						msgstr "����வண�ப� ப�யர�"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "New"							msgid "New"
msgstr "ப�தியத�"						msgstr "ப�தியத�"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156
msgid "Create new table"					msgid "Create new table"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Properties"						msgid "Properties"
msgstr "��யல� ம�ற��ள�"						msgstr "��யல� ம�ற��ள�"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View table properties"					msgid "View table properties"
msgstr "தி�தி"							msgstr "தி�தி"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
msgid "UID"							msgid "UID"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "calendar"						msgid "calendar"
msgstr "�ளவ���ல�"						msgstr "�ளவ���ல�"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "summary"							msgid "summary"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "Summary"							msgid "Summary"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "location"						msgid "location"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "dtstart"							msgid "dtstart"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
msgid "Start time"						msgid "Start time"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "dtend"							msgid "dtend"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "End time"						msgid "End time"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "description"						msgid "description"
msgstr "விவாிப�ப�"						msgstr "விவாிப�ப�"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "classification"						msgid "classification"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "Classification"						msgid "Classification"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "transparency"						msgid "transparency"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "Transparency"						msgid "Transparency"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "categories"						msgid "categories"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "Categories"						msgid "Categories"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "tasks"							msgid "tasks"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "due"							msgid "due"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "Due date"						msgid "Due date"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "Start date"						msgid "Start date"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355
msgid "Public"							msgid "Public"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358
msgid "Private"							msgid "Private"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361
msgid "Confidential"						msgid "Confidential"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63
msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"		msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66
msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"			msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80
msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta	msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"		msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"��ப�ப� திற��� ம��ியவில�ல�\n"					"��ப�ப� திற��� ம��ியவில�ல�\n"
"%s"								"%s"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"				msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"
msgstr "Bonobo த�����-மதிப�பளி��� ம��ியவில�ல�\n"			msgstr "Bonobo த�����-மதிப�பளி��� ம��ியவில�ல�\n"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Field name"						msgid "Field name"
msgstr "பயனர� ப�யர�"						msgstr "பயனர� ப�யர�"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data type"						msgid "Data type"
msgstr "தரவ�"							msgstr "தரவ�"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214
msgid "Size"							msgid "Size"
msgstr "�ளவ�"							msgstr "�ளவ�"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215
msgid "Scale"							msgid "Scale"
msgstr "�ளவ���ல�"						msgstr "�ளவ���ல�"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216
msgid "Not null?"						msgid "Not null?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217
msgid "Primary key?"						msgid "Primary key?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218
msgid "Unique index?"						msgid "Unique index?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "References"						msgid "References"
msgstr "ப�திப�பி"						msgstr "ப�திப�பி"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220
msgid "Default value"						msgid "Default value"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239
msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l	msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Table %s does not exist"					msgid "Table %s does not exist"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318
msgid "Scheduled events"					msgid "Scheduled events"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321
msgid "TODO list"						msgid "TODO list"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375
msgid "Owner"							msgid "Owner"
msgstr "��ந�த���ாரர�"						msgstr "��ந�த���ாரர�"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Comments"						msgid "Comments"
msgstr "����ள�"							msgstr "����ள�"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Type"							msgid "Type"
msgstr "வ���ள�"							msgstr "வ���ள�"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "GDA type"						msgid "GDA type"
msgstr "GDA வ��"						msgstr "GDA வ��"

#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id	#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id
#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database	#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database
#. we can easily access that information			#. we can easily access that information
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "local"							msgid "local"
msgstr "�ளவ���ல�"						msgstr "�ளவ���ல�"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217
msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230
msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244
msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"			msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268
msgid "Invalid SQL command"					msgid "Invalid SQL command"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353
msgid "Transactions are not supported"				msgid "Transactions are not supported"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41
msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"		msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task	"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Database browser"					#~ msgid "Database browser"
#~ msgstr "தி�தி"						#~ msgstr "தி�தி"

#~ msgid "Error viewer"						#~ msgid "Error viewer"
#~ msgstr "பிழ��� �ா���ி"						#~ msgstr "பிழ��� �ா���ி"

#~ msgid "Password"						#~ msgid "Password"
#~ msgstr "��வ�����ல�"						#~ msgstr "��வ�����ல�"

#~ msgid "Question"						#~ msgid "Question"
#~ msgstr "��ள�வி"						#~ msgstr "��ள�வி"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Database Moniker factory"				#~ msgid "Database Moniker factory"
#~ msgstr "தி�தி"						#~ msgstr "தி�தி"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "database: moniker"					#~ msgid "database: moniker"
#~ msgstr "தி�தி"						#~ msgstr "தி�தி"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Invalid format for connection string"			#~ msgid "Invalid format for connection string"
#~ msgstr "����ி த��ர�ப��ள�"					#~ msgstr "����ி த��ர�ப��ள�"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Data sources"						#~ msgid "Data sources"
#~ msgstr "GDA தரவ�-ம�லம�"					#~ msgstr "GDA தரவ�-ம�லம�"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Test Data Source"					#~ msgid "Test Data Source"
#~ msgstr "GDA தரவ�-ம�லம�"					#~ msgstr "GDA தரவ�-ம�லம�"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Data source"						#~ msgid "Data source"
#~ msgstr "GDA தரவ�-ம�லம�"					#~ msgstr "GDA தரவ�-ம�லம�"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Unselect all"						#~ msgid "Unselect all"
#~ msgstr "��ப�ப� த�ிவ� ��ய�"					#~ msgstr "��ப�ப� த�ிவ� ��ய�"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Unselect All"						#~ msgid "Unselect All"
#~ msgstr "��ப�ப� த�ிவ� ��ய�"					#~ msgstr "��ப�ப� த�ிவ� ��ய�"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Loading..."						#~ msgid "Loading..."
#~ msgstr "����வண�த� தரவ� �ாண�பி���வ�ம�"				#~ msgstr "����வண�த� தரவ� �ாண�பி���வ�ம�"

#~ msgid "Create new object of selected type"			#~ msgid "Create new object of selected type"
#~ msgstr "த�ிவ� ��ய�த வ��ப�ப�ன�ற� �ர� தரவ� ப�����வ�ம�"		#~ msgstr "த�ிவ� ��ய�த வ��ப�ப�ன�ற� �ர� தரவ� ப�����வ�ம�"

#~ msgid "Remove"						#~ msgid "Remove"
#~ msgstr "�ழ����"						#~ msgstr "�ழ����"

#~ msgid "Refresh current list of objects"			#~ msgid "Refresh current list of objects"
#~ msgstr "தற�ப�த�ய தரவ��ள� ப���ிய� ப�திப�பி���வ�ம�"			#~ msgstr "தற�ப�த�ய தரவ��ள� ப���ிய� ப�திப�பி���வ�ம�"

#~ msgid "Info"							#~ msgid "Info"
#~ msgstr "த�வல�"						#~ msgstr "த�வல�"

#~ msgid "Show extra information about selected object"		#~ msgid "Show extra information about selected object"
#~ msgstr "த�ிவ� ��ய�த தரவ�ப�பற�றி �தி�ப�ப�ியான த�வல� �ாண�பி���வ�ம�"	#~ msgstr "த�ிவ� ��ய�த தரவ�ப�பற�றி �தி�ப�ப�ியான த�வல� �ாண�பி���வ�ம�"

#~ msgid "Table data"						#~ msgid "Table data"
#~ msgstr "����வண�த� தரவ�"					#~ msgstr "����வண�த� தரவ�"

#~ msgid "Select Color"						#~ msgid "Select Color"
#~ msgstr "வண�ணம� த�ிவ� ��ய�"					#~ msgstr "வண�ணம� த�ிவ� ��ய�"

#~ msgid "Select Font"						#~ msgid "Select Font"
#~ msgstr "�ழ�த�த� வ�� த�ிவ� ��ய�"				#~ msgstr "�ழ�த�த� வ�� த�ிவ� ��ய�"

#~ msgid "Add field..."						#~ msgid "Add field..."
#~ msgstr "ப�லம� ������..."					#~ msgstr "ப�லம� ������..."

#~ msgid "Add a new field to this table"			#~ msgid "Add a new field to this table"
#~ msgstr "�ந�த ����வண����� ப�திய ப�லம� �ன�ற��� ������"		#~ msgstr "�ந�த ����வண����� ப�திய ப�லம� �ன�ற��� ������"

#~ msgid "Edit field..."					#~ msgid "Edit field..."
#~ msgstr "ப�லதத� பதிப�பி..."					#~ msgstr "ப�லதத� பதிப�பி..."

#~ msgid "Edit the selected field properties"			#~ msgid "Edit the selected field properties"
#~ msgstr "த�ரிவ� ��ய�த ப�லம� பண�ப��ள� பதிப�பி"			#~ msgstr "த�ரிவ� ��ய�த ப�லம� பண�ப��ள� பதிப�பி"

#~ msgid "Add field"						#~ msgid "Add field"
#~ msgstr "ப�லம� ������"						#~ msgstr "ப�லம� ������"

#~ msgid "Could not find table %s"				#~ msgid "Could not find table %s"
#~ msgstr "%s ����வண�ய��� �ண���பி�ி��� ம��ியவில�ல�"			#~ msgstr "%s ����வண�ய��� �ண���பி�ி��� ம��ியவில�ல�"

#~ msgid "There is already a field named %s"			#~ msgid "There is already a field named %s"
#~ msgstr "�ற���னவ� %s ப�யர���ண��� ப�லம� �ண���"			#~ msgstr "�ற���னவ� %s ப�யர���ண��� ப�லம� �ண���"

#~ msgid "File %s is not a valid XML file"			#~ msgid "File %s is not a valid XML file"
#~ msgstr "%s ��ப�ப� ��ல�ல�ப�ியற�ற XML ��ப�ப�"			#~ msgstr "%s ��ப�ப� ��ல�ல�ப�ியற�ற XML ��ப�ப�"

#~ msgid "GDA Name"						#~ msgid "GDA Name"
#~ msgstr "GDA ப�யர�"						#~ msgstr "GDA ப�யர�"

#~ msgid "DSN"							#~ msgid "DSN"
#~ msgstr "DSN"							#~ msgstr "DSN"

#~ msgid "Config"						#~ msgid "Config"
#~ msgstr "Config"						#~ msgstr "Config"

#~ msgid "Error while saving configuration!"			#~ msgid "Error while saving configuration!"
#~ msgstr "�ர�வம�ப�ப� ��மி����ம�ப�ப�த� பிழ�!"			#~ msgstr "�ர�வம�ப�ப� ��மி����ம�ப�ப�த� பிழ�!"

#~ msgid "Native message"					#~ msgid "Native message"
#~ msgstr "Native த�வல�"						#~ msgstr "Native த�வல�"

#~ msgid "User Name"						#~ msgid "User Name"
#~ msgstr "பயனர� ப�யர�"						#~ msgstr "பயனர� ப�யர�"

#~ msgid "Message"						#~ msgid "Message"
#~ msgstr "த�வல�"						#~ msgstr "த�வல�"

#~ msgid "Log Entry"						#~ msgid "Log Entry"
#~ msgstr "நில�ப�பதிவ� ந�ழ�"					#~ msgstr "நில�ப�பதிவ� ந�ழ�"

#~ msgid "Setup Printer"					#~ msgid "Setup Printer"
#~ msgstr "�����ப�ப�றிய� �ம�"					#~ msgstr "�����ப�ப�றிய� �ம�"

#~ msgid "Copyright The Free Software Foundation (C) 1998-200	#~ msgid "Copyright The Free Software Foundation (C) 1998-200
#~ msgstr "�லவ� ம�ன�ப�ர�ள� ������த�தாபனம� (C) 1998-2000"		#~ msgstr "�லவ� ம�ன�ப�ர�ள� ������த�தாபனம� (C) 1998-2000"

#~ msgid ""							#~ msgid ""
#~ "This program is part of the GNOME project for LINUX. GNOM	#~ "This program is part of the GNOME project for LINUX. GNOM
#~ "comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software,	#~ "comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software,
#~ "welcome to redistribute it under the conditions of the GN	#~ "welcome to redistribute it under the conditions of the GN
#~ "Licence."							#~ "Licence."
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "This program is part of the GNOME project for LINUX. GNOM	#~ "This program is part of the GNOME project for LINUX. GNOM
#~ "comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software,	#~ "comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software,
#~ "welcome to redistribute it under the conditions of the GN	#~ "welcome to redistribute it under the conditions of the GN
#~ "Licence."							#~ "Licence."

#~ msgid "Bug-buddy was not found in your $PATH"		#~ msgid "Bug-buddy was not found in your $PATH"
#~ msgstr "$PATH �ல� Bug-buddy �ண���பி�ி��� ம��ியவில�ல�"		#~ msgstr "$PATH �ல� Bug-buddy �ண���பி�ி��� ம��ியவில�ல�"

#~ msgid "Unable to execute Bug Report Tool"			#~ msgid "Unable to execute Bug Report Tool"
#~ msgstr "Bug Report Tool �ய���ம��ியவில�ல�"			#~ msgstr "Bug Report Tool �ய���ம��ியவில�ல�"
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: tr.gmo
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/tr.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/tr.po
# Copyright (C) YEAR Free Software Foundation, Inc.		# Copyright (C) YEAR Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# Controlled by NBB, 2000-11-30					# Controlled by NBB, 2000-11-30
msgid ""							msgid ""
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: libgnomedb 0.2.0\n"			"Project-Id-Version: libgnomedb 0.2.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"					"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"			"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2000-11-25 02:35+0200\n"			"PO-Revision-Date: 2000-11-25 02:35+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Görkem �etin <gorkem gelecek com tr>\n"	"Last-Translator: Görkem �etin <gorkem gelecek com tr>\n"
"Language-Team: Turkish <gnome-turk gnome org>\n"		"Language-Team: Turkish <gnome-turk gnome org>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"						"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"			"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8-bit\n"				"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8-bit\n"

# manager/gnomedb-mgr-callbacks.c:45 manager/gnomedb-mgr-call	# manager/gnomedb-mgr-callbacks.c:45 manager/gnomedb-mgr-call
# manager/gnomedb-mgr-dsn.c:173					# manager/gnomedb-mgr-dsn.c:173
#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data Sources"						msgid "Data Sources"
msgstr "Veri KaynaÄ?ı"						msgstr "Veri KaynaÄ?ı"

# components/gnomedb-com-connection.c:520 lib/gnome-db-dsn-co	# components/gnomedb-com-connection.c:520 lib/gnome-db-dsn-co
#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Providers"						msgid "Providers"
msgstr "SaÄ?layıcı"						msgstr "SaÄ?layıcı"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1
msgid "Configure your database environment"			msgid "Configure your database environment"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

# lib/gnome-db-log-viewer.c:154 lib/gnome-db-log-viewer.c:329	# lib/gnome-db-log-viewer.c:154 lib/gnome-db-log-viewer.c:329
#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Database Access Properties "				msgid "Database Access Properties "
msgstr "Veritabanları"						msgstr "Veritabanları"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380
msgid "Name"							msgid "Name"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

# lib/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:88 lib/gnome-db-error.c:170		# lib/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:88 lib/gnome-db-error.c:170
# manager/gnomedb-mgr-providers.c:102				# manager/gnomedb-mgr-providers.c:102
#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
msgid "Description"						msgid "Description"
msgstr "Açıklama"						msgstr "Açıklama"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182
msgid "Configured data sources in the system"			msgid "Configured data sources in the system"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data sources are the means by which database connections are	"Data sources are the means by which database connections are
"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s	"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s
"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o	"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o
"name you identify the connections in the applications that m	"name you identify the connections in the applications that m
"DB for database access."					"DB for database access."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"	msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

# lib/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:222					# lib/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:222
#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data Source Properties"					msgid "Data Source Properties"
msgstr "Veri kaynaÄ?ı ismi"					msgstr "Veri kaynaÄ?ı ismi"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132
msgid "Basic"							msgid "Basic"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

# lib/gnome-db-browser.c:458 lib/gnome-db-designer.c:35		# lib/gnome-db-browser.c:458 lib/gnome-db-designer.c:35
#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Tables"							msgid "Tables"
msgstr "Tablolar"						msgstr "Tablolar"

#: control-center/main.c:92					#: control-center/main.c:92
msgid "No valid data source info was created"			msgid "No valid data source info was created"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

# manager/gnomedb-mgr-dsn.c:38					# manager/gnomedb-mgr-dsn.c:38
#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218	#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "New data source"						msgid "New data source"
msgstr "Yeni bir veri kaynaÄ?ı ekle..."				msgstr "Yeni bir veri kaynaÄ?ı ekle..."

# lib/gnome-db-log-viewer.c:154 lib/gnome-db-log-viewer.c:329	# lib/gnome-db-log-viewer.c:154 lib/gnome-db-log-viewer.c:329
#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:215					#: control-center/main.c:215
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Database Access Properties"				msgid "Database Access Properties"
msgstr "Veritabanları"						msgstr "Veritabanları"

#: control-center/provider-config.c:105				#: control-center/provider-config.c:105
msgid "Installed providers"					msgid "Installed providers"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/provider-config.c:131				#: control-center/provider-config.c:131
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec	"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec
"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo	"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo
"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr	"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr
"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba	"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba
"etc."								"etc."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1
msgid "Database connection parameters file"			msgid "Database connection parameters file"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2
msgid "Documents"						msgid "Documents"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3
msgid "SQL code viewer"						msgid "SQL code viewer"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1
msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"			msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2
msgid "Number of spaces per tab"				msgid "Number of spaces per tab"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3
msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"			msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4
msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"			msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60
msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"			msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1
msgid "About"							msgid "About"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2
msgid "About GNOME-DB"						msgid "About GNOME-DB"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3
msgid "Close this window"					msgid "Close this window"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4
msgid "Create new entry"					msgid "Create new entry"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5
msgid "Delete selected items"					msgid "Delete selected items"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Deselect all items"					msgid "Deselect all items"
msgstr "Listedeki tüm öÄ?eleri seç"				msgstr "Listedeki tüm öÄ?eleri seç"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7
msgid "Edit properties for selected item"			msgid "Edit properties for selected item"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8
msgid "Save connection parameters to file"			msgid "Save connection parameters to file"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Select _All"						msgid "Select _All"
msgstr "Tümünü seç"						msgstr "Tümünü seç"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Select all items"					msgid "Select all items"
msgstr "Listedeki tüm öÄ?eleri seç"				msgstr "Listedeki tüm öÄ?eleri seç"

# manager/gnomedb-mgr-dsn.c:38					# manager/gnomedb-mgr-dsn.c:38
#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View data sources"					msgid "View data sources"
msgstr "Yeni bir veri kaynaÄ?ı ekle..."				msgstr "Yeni bir veri kaynaÄ?ı ekle..."

# components/gnomedb-com-connection.c:520 lib/gnome-db-dsn-co	# components/gnomedb-com-connection.c:520 lib/gnome-db-dsn-co
#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View providers"						msgid "View providers"
msgstr "SaÄ?layıcı"						msgstr "SaÄ?layıcı"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42
msgid "_Clear Selection"					msgid "_Clear Selection"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14
msgid "_Close"							msgid "_Close"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

# manager/gnomedb-mgr-callbacks.c:45 manager/gnomedb-mgr-call	# manager/gnomedb-mgr-callbacks.c:45 manager/gnomedb-mgr-call
# manager/gnomedb-mgr-dsn.c:173					# manager/gnomedb-mgr-dsn.c:173
#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Data Sources"						msgid "_Data Sources"
msgstr "Veri KaynaÄ?ı"						msgstr "Veri KaynaÄ?ı"

# lib/gnome-db-log-viewer.c:154 lib/gnome-db-log-viewer.c:329	# lib/gnome-db-log-viewer.c:154 lib/gnome-db-log-viewer.c:329
#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Database"						msgid "_Database"
msgstr "Veritabanı"						msgstr "Veritabanı"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17
msgid "_Delete"							msgid "_Delete"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18
msgid "_Edit"							msgid "_Edit"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19
msgid "_Help"							msgid "_Help"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

# manager/gnomedb-mgr-dsn.c:38					# manager/gnomedb-mgr-dsn.c:38
#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_New Data Source..."					msgid "_New Data Source..."
msgstr "Yeni bir veri kaynaÄ?ı ekle..."				msgstr "Yeni bir veri kaynaÄ?ı ekle..."

# lib/gnome-db-browser.c:474					# lib/gnome-db-browser.c:474
#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Properties"						msgid "_Properties"
msgstr "Yordamlar"						msgstr "Yordamlar"

# components/gnomedb-com-connection.c:520 lib/gnome-db-dsn-co	# components/gnomedb-com-connection.c:520 lib/gnome-db-dsn-co
#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Providers"						msgid "_Providers"
msgstr "SaÄ?layıcı"						msgstr "SaÄ?layıcı"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Save Connection"					msgid "_Save Connection"
msgstr "Kaydet"							msgstr "Kaydet"

# lib/gnome-db-browser.c:466 lib/gnome-db-designer.c:45		# lib/gnome-db-browser.c:466 lib/gnome-db-designer.c:45
#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_View"							msgid "_View"
msgstr "Görünümler"						msgstr "Görünümler"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76
msgid "Structure"						msgid "Structure"
msgstr "Yapı"							msgstr "Yapı"

# lib/gnome-db-log-viewer.c:154 lib/gnome-db-log-viewer.c:329	# lib/gnome-db-log-viewer.c:154 lib/gnome-db-log-viewer.c:329
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73
msgid "Data"							msgid "Data"
msgstr "Veri"							msgstr "Veri"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238
msgid "Not implemented yet!"					msgid "Not implemented yet!"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

# lib/gnome-db-log-viewer.c:154 lib/gnome-db-log-viewer.c:329	# lib/gnome-db-log-viewer.c:154 lib/gnome-db-log-viewer.c:329
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Database"						msgid "Database"
msgstr "Veritabanı"						msgstr "Veritabanı"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540
msgid "Loading database schemas..."				msgid "Loading database schemas..."
msgstr "Veritabanı Å?emaları yükleniyor..."			msgstr "Veritabanı Å?emaları yükleniyor..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632
msgid "Refreshing data..."					msgid "Refreshing data..."
msgstr "Veri tazeleniyor..."					msgstr "Veri tazeleniyor..."

# lib/gnome-db-browser.c:466 lib/gnome-db-designer.c:45		# lib/gnome-db-browser.c:466 lib/gnome-db-designer.c:45
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688
msgid "Views"							msgid "Views"
msgstr "Görünümler"						msgstr "Görünümler"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691
msgid "Indexes"							msgid "Indexes"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Sequences"						msgid "Sequences"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

# lib/gnome-db-browser.c:474					# lib/gnome-db-browser.c:474
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Procedures"						msgid "Procedures"
msgstr "Yordamlar"						msgstr "Yordamlar"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700
msgid "Triggers"						msgid "Triggers"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Aggregates"						msgid "Aggregates"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

# lib/gnome-db-browser.c:482					# lib/gnome-db-browser.c:482
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Types"							msgid "Types"
msgstr "Tipler"							msgstr "Tipler"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140
msgid "Could not query CORBA components"			msgid "Could not query CORBA components"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209
msgid "ID"							msgid "ID"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "Location"						msgid "Location"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

# lib/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:96 lib/gnome-db-login.c:241		# lib/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:96 lib/gnome-db-login.c:241
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212
msgid "Username"						msgid "Username"
msgstr "Kullanıcı Adı"						msgstr "Kullanıcı Adı"

# lib/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:96 lib/gnome-db-login.c:241		# lib/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:96 lib/gnome-db-login.c:241
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Hostname"						msgid "Hostname"
msgstr "Kullanıcı Adı"						msgstr "Kullanıcı Adı"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214
msgid "Domain"							msgid "Domain"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"			msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. create widgets						#. create widgets
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97
msgid "Settings"						msgid "Settings"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

# lib/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:222					# lib/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:222
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103
msgid "Data source name"					msgid "Data source name"
msgstr "Veri kaynaÄ?ı ismi"					msgstr "Veri kaynaÄ?ı ismi"

# components/gnomedb-com-connection.c:505			# components/gnomedb-com-connection.c:505
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109
msgid "Connection string"					msgid "Connection string"
msgstr "BaÄ?lantı dizisi"					msgstr "BaÄ?lantı dizisi"

# components/gnomedb-com-connection.c:520 lib/gnome-db-dsn-co	# components/gnomedb-com-connection.c:520 lib/gnome-db-dsn-co
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115
msgid "Provider"						msgid "Provider"
msgstr "SaÄ?layıcı"						msgstr "SaÄ?layıcı"

# lib/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:96 lib/gnome-db-login.c:241		# lib/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:96 lib/gnome-db-login.c:241
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "User name"						msgid "User name"
msgstr "Kullanıcı Adı"						msgstr "Kullanıcı Adı"

#. create feature list						#. create feature list
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128
msgid "Features"						msgid "Features"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190
msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"		msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"
msgstr "Yeni veri kaynaÄ?ı için bir isim belirtmelisiniz"	msgstr "Yeni veri kaynaÄ?ı için bir isim belirtmelisiniz"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197
msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac	msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206
msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th	msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213
msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"			msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217
msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n	msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225
msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"	msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"
msgstr "Yeni veri kaynaÄ?ı için bir isim belirtmelisiniz"	msgstr "Yeni veri kaynaÄ?ı için bir isim belirtmelisiniz"

# lib/gnome-db-login.c:107 lib/gnome-db-login.c:328		# lib/gnome-db-login.c:107 lib/gnome-db-login.c:328
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233
msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"		msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"
msgstr "Yapılandırma dosyasında saÄ?layıcı tanımlanmamıÅ?"	msgstr "Yapılandırma dosyasında saÄ?layıcı tanımlanmamıÅ?"

# manager/gnomedb-mgr-dsn.c:38					# manager/gnomedb-mgr-dsn.c:38
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391
msgid "Add a new data source..."				msgid "Add a new data source..."
msgstr "Yeni bir veri kaynaÄ?ı ekle..."				msgstr "Yeni bir veri kaynaÄ?ı ekle..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392
msgid ""							msgid ""
"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"		"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"
"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"		"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"
"installation. Just follow the steps!"				"installation. Just follow the steps!"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

# lib/gnome-db-browser.c:520					# lib/gnome-db-browser.c:520
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404
msgid "General Information"					msgid "General Information"
msgstr "Genel Bilgi"						msgstr "Genel Bilgi"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the basic information\n"	"The following fields represent the basic information\n"
"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n	"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n
"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"	"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"
"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"	"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"
"the default one."						"the default one."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

# lib/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:222					# lib/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:222
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data source _name:"					msgid "Data source _name:"
msgstr "Veri kaynaÄ?ı ismi"					msgstr "Veri kaynaÄ?ı ismi"

# components/gnomedb-com-connection.c:520 lib/gnome-db-dsn-co	# components/gnomedb-com-connection.c:520 lib/gnome-db-dsn-co
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Provider:"						msgid "_Provider:"
msgstr "SaÄ?layıcı"						msgstr "SaÄ?layıcı"

# lib/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:88 lib/gnome-db-error.c:170		# lib/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:88 lib/gnome-db-error.c:170
# manager/gnomedb-mgr-providers.c:102				# manager/gnomedb-mgr-providers.c:102
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Description:"						msgid "_Description:"
msgstr "Açıklama"						msgstr "Açıklama"

# lib/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:96 lib/gnome-db-login.c:241		# lib/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:96 lib/gnome-db-login.c:241
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Username:"						msgid "_Username:"
msgstr "Kullanıcı Adı"						msgstr "Kullanıcı Adı"

# lib/gnome-db-login.c:250					# lib/gnome-db-login.c:250
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "P_assword:"						msgid "P_assword:"
msgstr "Parola"							msgstr "Parola"

# manager/gnomedb-mgr-callbacks.c:48 manager/gnomedb-mgr-call	# manager/gnomedb-mgr-callbacks.c:48 manager/gnomedb-mgr-call
# manager/gnomedb-mgr-providers.c:121				# manager/gnomedb-mgr-providers.c:121
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454
msgid "Provider Parameters"					msgid "Provider Parameters"
msgstr "SaÄ?layıcı Parametreleri"				msgstr "SaÄ?layıcı Parametreleri"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the information needed by the	"The following fields represent the information needed by the
"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n	"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n
"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\	"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\
"the manual for more information."				"the manual for more information."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481
msgid "All information retrieved"				msgid "All information retrieved"
msgstr "Tüm bilgiler alındı"					msgstr "Tüm bilgiler alındı"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid ""							msgid ""
"All information needed to create a new data source\n"		"All information needed to create a new data source\n"
"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"		"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"
"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"	"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"
"just select it when asked for a data source."			"just select it when asked for a data source."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Yeni bir veri kaynaÄ?ını tanımlamak için gereken\n"		"Yeni bir veri kaynaÄ?ını tanımlamak için gereken\n"
"tüm bilgiler alındı. Bu pencereyi kapatmak için\n"		"tüm bilgiler alındı. Bu pencereyi kapatmak için\n"
"lütfen 'Uygula' düÄ?mesine tıklayın. Yeni oluÅ?turulan\n"	"lütfen 'Uygula' düÄ?mesine tıklayın. Yeni oluÅ?turulan\n"
"veri kaynaÄ?ına eriÅ?mek amacıyla size veri kaynaÄ?ı\n"		"veri kaynaÄ?ına eriÅ?mek amacıyla size veri kaynaÄ?ı\n"
"yeri sorulacaktır."						"yeri sorulacaktır."

# components/gnomedb-com-connection.c:505			# components/gnomedb-com-connection.c:505
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Connection _string:"					msgid "Connection _string:"
msgstr "BaÄ?lantı dizisi"					msgstr "BaÄ?lantı dizisi"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4
msgid "Error"							msgid "Error"
msgstr "Hata"							msgstr "Hata"

# lib/gnome-db-error.c:191					# lib/gnome-db-error.c:191
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.
msgid "Show detail >>"						msgid "Show detail >>"
msgstr "Ayrıntıları göster >>"					msgstr "Ayrıntıları göster >>"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122
msgid "<< Hide detail"						msgid "<< Hide detail"
msgstr "<< Ayrıntıları gizle"					msgstr "<< Ayrıntıları gizle"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191
msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"	msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

# components/gnomedb-com-connection-pool.c:35			# components/gnomedb-com-connection-pool.c:35
# components/gnomedb-com-connection.c:445			# components/gnomedb-com-connection.c:445
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196
msgid "Error number"						msgid "Error number"
msgstr "Hata numarası"						msgstr "Hata numarası"

# lib/gnome-db-browser.c:505					# lib/gnome-db-browser.c:505
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Details"							msgid "Details"
msgstr "Ayrıntı"						msgstr "Ayrıntı"

# lib/gnome-db-error.c:196					# lib/gnome-db-error.c:196
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234
msgid "Source"							msgid "Source"
msgstr "Kaynak"							msgstr "Kaynak"

# frontend/gnomedb-fe-config.c:138 manager/gnomedb-mgr-provid	# frontend/gnomedb-fe-config.c:138 manager/gnomedb-mgr-provid
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241
msgid "SQL state"						msgid "SQL state"
msgstr "SQL durumu"						msgstr "SQL durumu"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108
msgid "_Field:"							msgid "_Field:"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

# lib/gnome-db-browser.c:482					# lib/gnome-db-browser.c:482
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Text:"							msgid "_Text:"
msgstr "Tipler"							msgstr "Tipler"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308
msgid "No records"						msgid "No records"
msgstr "Kayıt yok"						msgstr "Kayıt yok"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Record %d of %d"						msgid "Record %d of %d"
msgstr "Kayıt %d / %d"						msgstr "Kayıt %d / %d"

# lib/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:88 lib/gnome-db-error.c:170		# lib/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:88 lib/gnome-db-error.c:170
# manager/gnomedb-mgr-providers.c:102				# manager/gnomedb-mgr-providers.c:102
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113
msgid "Recordset description"					msgid "Recordset description"
msgstr "Kayıt seti açıklaması"					msgstr "Kayıt seti açıklaması"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid ""							msgid ""
"File '%s' already exists.\n"					"File '%s' already exists.\n"
"Do you want to overwrite it?"					"Do you want to overwrite it?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149
msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."		msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Could not save file %s"					msgid "Could not save file %s"
msgstr "Dosya %s adıyla kaydedilemedi"				msgstr "Dosya %s adıyla kaydedilemedi"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224
msgid "You must specify a file name"				msgid "You must specify a file name"
msgstr "Bir dosya adı belirtmelisiniz"				msgstr "Bir dosya adı belirtmelisiniz"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230
msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"		msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261
msgid "Saving Model"						msgid "Saving Model"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

# lib/gnome-db-designer.c:83					# lib/gnome-db-designer.c:83
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "File _name:"						msgid "File _name:"
msgstr "Tablo ismi"						msgstr "Tablo ismi"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276
msgid "Select File"						msgid "Select File"
msgstr "Dosya Seç"						msgstr "Dosya Seç"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283
msgid "File _type:"						msgid "File _type:"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Tab-delimited"						msgid "Tab-delimited"
msgstr "Sekme ile ayrılmıÅ? dosya"				msgstr "Sekme ile ayrılmıÅ? dosya"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Comma-delimited"						msgid "Comma-delimited"
msgstr "Virgül ile ayrılmıÅ? dosya"				msgstr "Virgül ile ayrılmıÅ? dosya"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:
msgid "XML"							msgid "XML"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355
msgid "View detail"						msgid "View detail"
msgstr "<< Ayrıntıları göster"					msgstr "<< Ayrıntıları göster"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427
msgid "Show Column _Titles"					msgid "Show Column _Titles"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Describe"						msgid "Describe"
msgstr "Tanımla..."						msgstr "Tanımla..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443
msgid "View detail..."						msgid "View detail..."
msgstr "Ayrıntıları göster..."					msgstr "Ayrıntıları göster..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614
msgid "Title"							msgid "Title"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48
msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"	msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"
msgstr "Daha önce hazırlanmıÅ? bir program yeniden hazırlanama	msgstr "Daha önce hazırlanmıÅ? bir program yeniden hazırlanama

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"		"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"
"to a data source"						"to a data source"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

# manager/gnomedb-mgr-callbacks.c:45 manager/gnomedb-mgr-call	# manager/gnomedb-mgr-callbacks.c:45 manager/gnomedb-mgr-call
# manager/gnomedb-mgr-dsn.c:173					# manager/gnomedb-mgr-dsn.c:173
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data Source:"						msgid "Data Source:"
msgstr "Veri KaynaÄ?ı"						msgstr "Veri KaynaÄ?ı"

# lib/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:96 lib/gnome-db-login.c:241		# lib/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:96 lib/gnome-db-login.c:241
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Username:"						msgid "Username:"
msgstr "Kullanıcı Adı"						msgstr "Kullanıcı Adı"

# lib/gnome-db-login.c:250					# lib/gnome-db-login.c:250
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Password:"						msgid "Password:"
msgstr "Parola"							msgstr "Parola"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69
msgid "Fields"							msgid "Fields"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30
msgid "Commit"							msgid "Commit"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31
msgid "Connect"							msgid "Connect"
msgstr "BaÄ?lan"							msgstr "BaÄ?lan"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33
msgid "Designer"						msgid "Designer"
msgstr "Tasarımcı"						msgstr "Tasarımcı"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34
msgid "Disconnect"						msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr "BaÄ?lantıyı kes"						msgstr "BaÄ?lantıyı kes"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35
msgid "NoTransaction"						msgid "NoTransaction"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37
msgid "Query"							msgid "Query"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38
msgid "Rollback"						msgid "Rollback"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40
msgid "SQL"							msgid "SQL"
msgstr "SQL"							msgstr "SQL"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43
msgid "WithinTransaction"					msgid "WithinTransaction"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65
#, fuzzy, c-format						#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Error: %s"						msgid "Error: %s"
msgstr "Hata"							msgstr "Hata"

# lib/gnome-db-designer.c:83					# lib/gnome-db-designer.c:83
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79
msgid "Table name"						msgid "Table name"
msgstr "Tablo ismi"						msgstr "Tablo ismi"

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93			#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Login for %s"						msgid "Login for %s"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95					#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95
msgid "Login to database"					msgid "Login to database"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: vfs/libmain.c:71						#: vfs/libmain.c:71
msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"				msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

# lib/gnome-db-log-viewer.c:154 lib/gnome-db-log-viewer.c:329	# lib/gnome-db-log-viewer.c:154 lib/gnome-db-log-viewer.c:329
#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Table Properties"					msgid "Table Properties"
msgstr "Veritabanları"						msgstr "Veritabanları"

# lib/gnome-db-designer.c:83					# lib/gnome-db-designer.c:83
#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Table Name"						msgid "Table Name"
msgstr "Tablo ismi"						msgstr "Tablo ismi"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155
msgid "New"							msgid "New"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156
msgid "Create new table"					msgid "Create new table"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

# lib/gnome-db-browser.c:474					# lib/gnome-db-browser.c:474
#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Properties"						msgid "Properties"
msgstr "Yordamlar"						msgstr "Yordamlar"

# lib/gnome-db-log-viewer.c:154 lib/gnome-db-log-viewer.c:329	# lib/gnome-db-log-viewer.c:154 lib/gnome-db-log-viewer.c:329
#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View table properties"					msgid "View table properties"
msgstr "Veritabanları"						msgstr "Veritabanları"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
msgid "UID"							msgid "UID"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "calendar"						msgid "calendar"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "summary"							msgid "summary"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "Summary"							msgid "Summary"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "location"						msgid "location"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "dtstart"							msgid "dtstart"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
msgid "Start time"						msgid "Start time"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "dtend"							msgid "dtend"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "End time"						msgid "End time"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

# lib/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:88 lib/gnome-db-error.c:170		# lib/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:88 lib/gnome-db-error.c:170
# manager/gnomedb-mgr-providers.c:102				# manager/gnomedb-mgr-providers.c:102
#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "description"						msgid "description"
msgstr "Açıklama"						msgstr "Açıklama"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "classification"						msgid "classification"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "Classification"						msgid "Classification"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "transparency"						msgid "transparency"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "Transparency"						msgid "Transparency"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "categories"						msgid "categories"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "Categories"						msgid "Categories"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "tasks"							msgid "tasks"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "due"							msgid "due"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "Due date"						msgid "Due date"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "Start date"						msgid "Start date"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355
msgid "Public"							msgid "Public"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358
msgid "Private"							msgid "Private"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361
msgid "Confidential"						msgid "Confidential"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63
msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"		msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66
msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"			msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80
msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta	msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"		msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"
msgstr "Dosya %s adıyla kaydedilemedi"				msgstr "Dosya %s adıyla kaydedilemedi"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100
msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"				msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

# lib/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:96 lib/gnome-db-login.c:241		# lib/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:96 lib/gnome-db-login.c:241
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Field name"						msgid "Field name"
msgstr "Kullanıcı Adı"						msgstr "Kullanıcı Adı"

# lib/gnome-db-log-viewer.c:154 lib/gnome-db-log-viewer.c:329	# lib/gnome-db-log-viewer.c:154 lib/gnome-db-log-viewer.c:329
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data type"						msgid "Data type"
msgstr "Veri"							msgstr "Veri"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214
msgid "Size"							msgid "Size"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215
msgid "Scale"							msgid "Scale"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216
msgid "Not null?"						msgid "Not null?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217
msgid "Primary key?"						msgid "Primary key?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218
msgid "Unique index?"						msgid "Unique index?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219
msgid "References"						msgid "References"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220
msgid "Default value"						msgid "Default value"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239
msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l	msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Table %s does not exist"					msgid "Table %s does not exist"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318
msgid "Scheduled events"					msgid "Scheduled events"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321
msgid "TODO list"						msgid "TODO list"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375
msgid "Owner"							msgid "Owner"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376
msgid "Comments"						msgid "Comments"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

# lib/gnome-db-browser.c:482					# lib/gnome-db-browser.c:482
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Type"							msgid "Type"
msgstr "Tipler"							msgstr "Tipler"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377
msgid "GDA type"						msgid "GDA type"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id	#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id
#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database	#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database
#. we can easily access that information			#. we can easily access that information
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382
msgid "local"							msgid "local"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217
msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230
msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244
msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"			msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268
msgid "Invalid SQL command"					msgid "Invalid SQL command"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353
msgid "Transactions are not supported"				msgid "Transactions are not supported"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41
msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"		msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task	"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

# lib/gnome-db-log-viewer.c:154 lib/gnome-db-log-viewer.c:329	# lib/gnome-db-log-viewer.c:154 lib/gnome-db-log-viewer.c:329
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Database browser"					#~ msgid "Database browser"
#~ msgstr "Veritabanları"					#~ msgstr "Veritabanları"

# components/gnomedb-com-connection-pool.c:35			# components/gnomedb-com-connection-pool.c:35
# components/gnomedb-com-connection.c:445			# components/gnomedb-com-connection.c:445
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Error viewer"						#~ msgid "Error viewer"
#~ msgstr "Hata numarası"					#~ msgstr "Hata numarası"

# lib/gnome-db-login.c:250					# lib/gnome-db-login.c:250
#~ msgid "Password"						#~ msgid "Password"
#~ msgstr "Parola"						#~ msgstr "Parola"

#~ msgid "Save as"						#~ msgid "Save as"
#~ msgstr "Farklı kaydet"					#~ msgstr "Farklı kaydet"

#~ msgid "Save to"						#~ msgid "Save to"
#~ msgstr "Kaydet"						#~ msgstr "Kaydet"

#~ msgid "XML file"						#~ msgid "XML file"
#~ msgstr "XML dosyası"						#~ msgstr "XML dosyası"

# lib/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:88 lib/gnome-db-error.c:170		# lib/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:88 lib/gnome-db-error.c:170
# manager/gnomedb-mgr-providers.c:102				# manager/gnomedb-mgr-providers.c:102
#~ msgid "Question"						#~ msgid "Question"
#~ msgstr "Soru"						#~ msgstr "Soru"

# lib/gnome-db-log-viewer.c:154 lib/gnome-db-log-viewer.c:329	# lib/gnome-db-log-viewer.c:154 lib/gnome-db-log-viewer.c:329
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Database Moniker factory"				#~ msgid "Database Moniker factory"
#~ msgstr "Veritabanları"					#~ msgstr "Veritabanları"

# lib/gnome-db-log-viewer.c:154 lib/gnome-db-log-viewer.c:329	# lib/gnome-db-log-viewer.c:154 lib/gnome-db-log-viewer.c:329
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "database: moniker"					#~ msgid "database: moniker"
#~ msgstr "Veritabanları"					#~ msgstr "Veritabanları"

# components/gnomedb-com-connection.c:505			# components/gnomedb-com-connection.c:505
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Invalid format for connection string"			#~ msgid "Invalid format for connection string"
#~ msgstr "BaÄ?lantı dizisi"					#~ msgstr "BaÄ?lantı dizisi"

# manager/gnomedb-mgr-callbacks.c:45 manager/gnomedb-mgr-call	# manager/gnomedb-mgr-callbacks.c:45 manager/gnomedb-mgr-call
# manager/gnomedb-mgr-dsn.c:173					# manager/gnomedb-mgr-dsn.c:173
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Data sources"						#~ msgid "Data sources"
#~ msgstr "Veri KaynaÄ?ı"					#~ msgstr "Veri KaynaÄ?ı"

# manager/gnomedb-mgr-callbacks.c:45 manager/gnomedb-mgr-call	# manager/gnomedb-mgr-callbacks.c:45 manager/gnomedb-mgr-call
# manager/gnomedb-mgr-dsn.c:173					# manager/gnomedb-mgr-dsn.c:173
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Test Data Source"					#~ msgid "Test Data Source"
#~ msgstr "Veri KaynaÄ?ı"					#~ msgstr "Veri KaynaÄ?ı"

# manager/gnomedb-mgr-callbacks.c:45 manager/gnomedb-mgr-call	# manager/gnomedb-mgr-callbacks.c:45 manager/gnomedb-mgr-call
# manager/gnomedb-mgr-dsn.c:173					# manager/gnomedb-mgr-dsn.c:173
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Data source"						#~ msgid "Data source"
#~ msgstr "Veri KaynaÄ?ı"					#~ msgstr "Veri KaynaÄ?ı"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Select all"						#~ msgid "Select all"
#~ msgstr "Tümünü seç"						#~ msgstr "Tümünü seç"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Unselect all"						#~ msgid "Unselect all"
#~ msgstr "Hiçbirisini Seçme"					#~ msgstr "Hiçbirisini Seçme"

#~ msgid "Unselect All"						#~ msgid "Unselect All"
#~ msgstr "Hiçbirisini Seçme"					#~ msgstr "Hiçbirisini Seçme"

#~ msgid "Save as..."						#~ msgid "Save as..."
#~ msgstr "Farklı kaydet..."					#~ msgstr "Farklı kaydet..."

#~ msgid "View current data in more detail"			#~ msgid "View current data in more detail"
#~ msgstr "Güncel veriyi daha detaylı görüntüle"		#~ msgstr "Güncel veriyi daha detaylı görüntüle"

#~ msgid "Loading..."						#~ msgid "Loading..."
#~ msgstr "Yükleniyor"						#~ msgstr "Yükleniyor"
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: uk.gmo
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/uk.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/uk.po
# Ukrainian translation of gnome-db.				# Ukrainian translation of gnome-db.
# Copyright (C) 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc.		# Copyright (C) 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# Yuri Syrota <rasta renome rovno ua>, 1999.			# Yuri Syrota <rasta renome rovno ua>, 1999.
#								#
msgid ""							msgid ""
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: gnome-db 0.0.25\n"				"Project-Id-Version: gnome-db 0.0.25\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"					"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"			"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2003-02-25 06:55--500\n"			"PO-Revision-Date: 2003-02-25 06:55--500\n"
"Last-Translator: Yuriy Syrota <yuri renome rovno ua>\n"	"Last-Translator: Yuriy Syrota <yuri renome rovno ua>\n"
"Language-Team: Ukrainian <uk li org>\n"			"Language-Team: Ukrainian <uk li org>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"						"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"			"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"				"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co
msgid "Data Sources"						msgid "Data Sources"
msgstr "Ð?жеÑ?ела даниÑ?"						msgstr "Ð?жеÑ?ела даниÑ?"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid
msgid "Providers"						msgid "Providers"
msgstr "Ð?оÑ?Ñ?аÑ?алÑ?ники"						msgstr "Ð?оÑ?Ñ?аÑ?алÑ?ники"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1
msgid "Configure your database environment"			msgid "Configure your database environment"
msgstr "Ð?алаÑ?Ñ?Ñ?ваÑ?и ваÑ?е Ñ?еÑ?едовиÑ?е баз даниÑ?"			msgstr "Ð?алаÑ?Ñ?Ñ?ваÑ?и ваÑ?е Ñ?еÑ?едовиÑ?е баз даниÑ?"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Database Access Properties "				msgid "Database Access Properties "
msgstr "Ð?лаÑ?Ñ?ивоÑ?Ñ?Ñ? бази даниÑ?"					msgstr "Ð?лаÑ?Ñ?ивоÑ?Ñ?Ñ? бази даниÑ?"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380
msgid "Name"							msgid "Name"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
msgid "Description"						msgid "Description"
msgstr "Ð?пиÑ?"							msgstr "Ð?пиÑ?"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182
msgid "Configured data sources in the system"			msgid "Configured data sources in the system"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data sources are the means by which database connections are	"Data sources are the means by which database connections are
"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s	"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s
"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o	"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o
"name you identify the connections in the applications that m	"name you identify the connections in the applications that m
"DB for database access."					"DB for database access."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Ð?жело даниÑ? â?? понÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?, за Ñ?ким з'Ñ?днаннÑ? з базоÑ? даниÑ? Ñ?денÑ?	"Ð?жело даниÑ? â?? понÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?, за Ñ?ким з'Ñ?днаннÑ? з базоÑ? даниÑ? Ñ?денÑ?
"Ñ?еÑ?едовиÑ?Ñ? GNOME-DB. Ð?Ñ?Ñ? Ñ?нÑ?оÑ?маÑ?Ñ?Ñ?, необÑ?Ñ?дна длÑ? вÑ?Ñ?ановле	"Ñ?еÑ?едовиÑ?Ñ? GNOME-DB. Ð?Ñ?Ñ? Ñ?нÑ?оÑ?маÑ?Ñ?Ñ?, необÑ?Ñ?дна длÑ? вÑ?Ñ?ановле
"певним поÑ?Ñ?аÑ?алÑ?ником Ñ?и базоÑ? даниÑ?, збеÑ?Ñ?гаÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? з викоÑ?иÑ?	"певним поÑ?Ñ?аÑ?алÑ?ником Ñ?и базоÑ? даниÑ?, збеÑ?Ñ?гаÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? з викоÑ?иÑ?
"Ñ?нÑ?калÑ?ноÑ? назви. Ð?а допомогоÑ? Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? назви додаÑ?ки викоÑ?иÑ?Ñ?ов	"Ñ?нÑ?калÑ?ноÑ? назви. Ð?а допомогоÑ? Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? назви додаÑ?ки викоÑ?иÑ?Ñ?ов
"длÑ? доÑ?Ñ?Ñ?пÑ? до баз даниÑ?."					"длÑ? доÑ?Ñ?Ñ?пÑ? до баз даниÑ?."

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277
#, fuzzy, c-format						#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"	msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"
msgstr "Ð?и Ñ?оÑ?еÑ?е видалиÑ?и джеÑ?ело даниÑ? \"%s\"?"		msgstr "Ð?и Ñ?оÑ?еÑ?е видалиÑ?и джеÑ?ело даниÑ? \"%s\"?"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data Source Properties"					msgid "Data Source Properties"
msgstr "Ð?лаÑ?Ñ?ивоÑ?Ñ?Ñ? джеÑ?ела даниÑ?"				msgstr "Ð?лаÑ?Ñ?ивоÑ?Ñ?Ñ? джеÑ?ела даниÑ?"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132
msgid "Basic"							msgid "Basic"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Tables"							msgid "Tables"
msgstr "ТаблиÑ?Ñ?"						msgstr "ТаблиÑ?Ñ?"

#: control-center/main.c:92					#: control-center/main.c:92
msgid "No valid data source info was created"			msgid "No valid data source info was created"
msgstr "Ð?е бÑ?ло Ñ?Ñ?воÑ?ено пÑ?авилÑ?но Ñ?Ñ?оÑ?мованиÑ? джеÑ?ел даниÑ?"	msgstr "Ð?е бÑ?ло Ñ?Ñ?воÑ?ено пÑ?авилÑ?но Ñ?Ñ?оÑ?мованиÑ? джеÑ?ел даниÑ?"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218	#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218
msgid "New data source"						msgid "New data source"
msgstr "Ð?ове джеÑ?ело даниÑ?"					msgstr "Ð?ове джеÑ?ело даниÑ?"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:215					#: control-center/main.c:215
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Database Access Properties"				msgid "Database Access Properties"
msgstr "Ð?лаÑ?Ñ?ивоÑ?Ñ?Ñ? бази даниÑ?"					msgstr "Ð?лаÑ?Ñ?ивоÑ?Ñ?Ñ? бази даниÑ?"

#: control-center/provider-config.c:105				#: control-center/provider-config.c:105
msgid "Installed providers"					msgid "Installed providers"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/provider-config.c:131				#: control-center/provider-config.c:131
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec	"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec
"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo	"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo
"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr	"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr
"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba	"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba
"etc."								"etc."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Ð?оÑ?Ñ?аÑ?алÑ?ник â?? зовнÑ?Ñ?нÑ? доповненнÑ?, Ñ?о надаÑ? доÑ?Ñ?Ñ?п до певно	"Ð?оÑ?Ñ?аÑ?алÑ?ник â?? зовнÑ?Ñ?нÑ? доповненнÑ?, Ñ?о надаÑ? доÑ?Ñ?Ñ?п до певно
"даниÑ?. Ð?оÑ?аÑ?ковий поÑ?Ñ?аÑ?алÑ?ник вÑ?Ñ?ановлÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? завжди, вÑ?н до	"даниÑ?. Ð?оÑ?аÑ?ковий поÑ?Ñ?аÑ?алÑ?ник вÑ?Ñ?ановлÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? завжди, вÑ?н до
"доÑ?Ñ?Ñ?п до баз даниÑ?, Ñ?о збеÑ?Ñ?гаÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? Ñ? Ñ?айлаÑ? Ñ?оÑ?маÑ?Ñ? XML. Ð?	"доÑ?Ñ?Ñ?п до баз даниÑ?, Ñ?о збеÑ?Ñ?гаÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? Ñ? Ñ?айлаÑ? Ñ?оÑ?маÑ?Ñ? XML. Ð?
"поÑ?Ñ?аÑ?алÑ?ники, Ñ?о зазвиÑ?ай Ñ?озповÑ?Ñ?джÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? Ñ?азом з libgda/g	"поÑ?Ñ?аÑ?алÑ?ники, Ñ?о зазвиÑ?ай Ñ?озповÑ?Ñ?джÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? Ñ?азом з libgda/g
"вклÑ?Ñ?аÑ?Ñ?Ñ? Ñ?нÑ?еÑ?Ñ?ейÑ?и до PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Sybase, I	"вклÑ?Ñ?аÑ?Ñ?Ñ? Ñ?нÑ?еÑ?Ñ?ейÑ?и до PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Sybase, I

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1
msgid "Database connection parameters file"			msgid "Database connection parameters file"
msgstr "Файл паÑ?амеÑ?Ñ?Ñ?в з'Ñ?днаннÑ? з базоÑ? даниÑ?"		msgstr "Файл паÑ?амеÑ?Ñ?Ñ?в з'Ñ?днаннÑ? з базоÑ? даниÑ?"

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2
msgid "Documents"						msgid "Documents"
msgstr "Ð?окÑ?менÑ?и"						msgstr "Ð?окÑ?менÑ?и"

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3
msgid "SQL code viewer"						msgid "SQL code viewer"
msgstr "Ð?еÑ?еглÑ?д кодÑ? SQL"					msgstr "Ð?еÑ?еглÑ?д кодÑ? SQL"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1
msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"			msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"
msgstr "ШÑ?иÑ?Ñ? комÑ?Ñ?ок"						msgstr "ШÑ?иÑ?Ñ? комÑ?Ñ?ок"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2
msgid "Number of spaces per tab"				msgid "Number of spaces per tab"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?лÑ?кÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? пÑ?опÑ?Ñ?кÑ?в Ñ? Ñ?абÑ?лÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?"			msgstr "Ð?Ñ?лÑ?кÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? пÑ?опÑ?Ñ?кÑ?в Ñ? Ñ?абÑ?лÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3
msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"			msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"
msgstr "Ð?оказÑ?ваÑ?и номеÑ?и Ñ?Ñ?дкÑ?в Ñ? Ñ?едакÑ?оÑ?Ñ? кодÑ?"		msgstr "Ð?оказÑ?ваÑ?и номеÑ?и Ñ?Ñ?дкÑ?в Ñ? Ñ?едакÑ?оÑ?Ñ? кодÑ?"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4
msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"			msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"
msgstr "УвÑ?мкнÑ?Ñ?и пÑ?дÑ?вÑ?Ñ?кÑ? в Ñ?едакÑ?оÑ?Ñ? кодÑ?"			msgstr "УвÑ?мкнÑ?Ñ?и пÑ?дÑ?вÑ?Ñ?кÑ? в Ñ?едакÑ?оÑ?Ñ? кодÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60
msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"			msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1
msgid "About"							msgid "About"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2
msgid "About GNOME-DB"						msgid "About GNOME-DB"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3
msgid "Close this window"					msgid "Close this window"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4
msgid "Create new entry"					msgid "Create new entry"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5
msgid "Delete selected items"					msgid "Delete selected items"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6
msgid "Deselect all items"					msgid "Deselect all items"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7
msgid "Edit properties for selected item"			msgid "Edit properties for selected item"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Save connection parameters to file"			msgid "Save connection parameters to file"
msgstr "Файл паÑ?амеÑ?Ñ?Ñ?в з'Ñ?днаннÑ? з базоÑ? даниÑ?"		msgstr "Файл паÑ?амеÑ?Ñ?Ñ?в з'Ñ?днаннÑ? з базоÑ? даниÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Select _All"						msgid "Select _All"
msgstr "Ð?ибÑ?аÑ?и вÑ?е"						msgstr "Ð?ибÑ?аÑ?и вÑ?е"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Select all items"					msgid "Select all items"
msgstr "Ð?ибÑ?аÑ?и вÑ?е"						msgstr "Ð?ибÑ?аÑ?и вÑ?е"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View data sources"					msgid "View data sources"
msgstr "Ð?ове джеÑ?ело даниÑ?"					msgstr "Ð?ове джеÑ?ело даниÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View providers"						msgid "View providers"
msgstr "Ð?оÑ?Ñ?аÑ?алÑ?ники"						msgstr "Ð?оÑ?Ñ?аÑ?алÑ?ники"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Clear Selection"					msgid "_Clear Selection"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?иÑ?Ñ?иÑ?и вибÑ?ане"					msgstr "Ð?Ñ?иÑ?Ñ?иÑ?и вибÑ?ане"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14
msgid "_Close"							msgid "_Close"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Data Sources"						msgid "_Data Sources"
msgstr "Ð?жеÑ?ела даниÑ?"						msgstr "Ð?жеÑ?ела даниÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Database"						msgid "_Database"
msgstr "Ð?аза даниÑ?"						msgstr "Ð?аза даниÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17
msgid "_Delete"							msgid "_Delete"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18
msgid "_Edit"							msgid "_Edit"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19
msgid "_Help"							msgid "_Help"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_New Data Source..."					msgid "_New Data Source..."
msgstr "Ð?ове джеÑ?ело даниÑ?"					msgstr "Ð?ове джеÑ?ело даниÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Properties"						msgid "_Properties"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?оÑ?едÑ?Ñ?и"						msgstr "Ð?Ñ?оÑ?едÑ?Ñ?и"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Providers"						msgid "_Providers"
msgstr "Ð?оÑ?Ñ?аÑ?алÑ?ники"						msgstr "Ð?оÑ?Ñ?аÑ?алÑ?ники"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Save Connection"					msgid "_Save Connection"
msgstr "Ð?беÑ?егÑ?и Ñ?"						msgstr "Ð?беÑ?егÑ?и Ñ?"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_View"							msgid "_View"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?едÑ?Ñ?авленнÑ?"						msgstr "Ð?Ñ?едÑ?Ñ?авленнÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76
msgid "Structure"						msgid "Structure"
msgstr "СÑ?Ñ?Ñ?кÑ?Ñ?Ñ?а"						msgstr "СÑ?Ñ?Ñ?кÑ?Ñ?Ñ?а"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73
msgid "Data"							msgid "Data"
msgstr "Ð?анÑ?"							msgstr "Ð?анÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238
msgid "Not implemented yet!"					msgid "Not implemented yet!"
msgstr "Ще не Ñ?еалÑ?зовано!"					msgstr "Ще не Ñ?еалÑ?зовано!"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Database"						msgid "Database"
msgstr "Ð?аза даниÑ?"						msgstr "Ð?аза даниÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540
msgid "Loading database schemas..."				msgid "Loading database schemas..."
msgstr "Ð?аванÑ?аженнÑ? Ñ?Ñ?ем баз даниÑ?..."				msgstr "Ð?аванÑ?аженнÑ? Ñ?Ñ?ем баз даниÑ?..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632
msgid "Refreshing data..."					msgid "Refreshing data..."
msgstr "Ð?оновленнÑ? даниÑ?..."					msgstr "Ð?оновленнÑ? даниÑ?..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688
msgid "Views"							msgid "Views"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?едÑ?Ñ?авленнÑ?"						msgstr "Ð?Ñ?едÑ?Ñ?авленнÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691
msgid "Indexes"							msgid "Indexes"
msgstr "Ð?ндекÑ?и"						msgstr "Ð?ндекÑ?и"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Sequences"						msgid "Sequences"
msgstr "Ð?оÑ?лÑ?довноÑ?Ñ?Ñ?"						msgstr "Ð?оÑ?лÑ?довноÑ?Ñ?Ñ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Procedures"						msgid "Procedures"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?оÑ?едÑ?Ñ?и"						msgstr "Ð?Ñ?оÑ?едÑ?Ñ?и"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700
msgid "Triggers"						msgid "Triggers"
msgstr "ТÑ?игеÑ?и"						msgstr "ТÑ?игеÑ?и"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Aggregates"						msgid "Aggregates"
msgstr "Ð?гÑ?егаÑ?и"						msgstr "Ð?гÑ?егаÑ?и"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Types"							msgid "Types"
msgstr "Типи"							msgstr "Типи"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140
msgid "Could not query CORBA components"			msgid "Could not query CORBA components"
msgstr "Ð?е вдалоÑ?Ñ? опиÑ?аÑ?и компоненÑ?и CORBA"			msgstr "Ð?е вдалоÑ?Ñ? опиÑ?аÑ?и компоненÑ?и CORBA"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209
msgid "ID"							msgid "ID"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "Location"						msgid "Location"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212
msgid "Username"						msgid "Username"
msgstr "Ð?оÑ?иÑ?Ñ?Ñ?ваÑ?"						msgstr "Ð?оÑ?иÑ?Ñ?Ñ?ваÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Hostname"						msgid "Hostname"
msgstr "Ð?оÑ?иÑ?Ñ?Ñ?ваÑ?"						msgstr "Ð?оÑ?иÑ?Ñ?Ñ?ваÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214
msgid "Domain"							msgid "Domain"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"			msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"
msgstr "Ð?епÑ?дÑ?Ñ?имÑ?ваний Ñ?ип Ñ? GconfEntry: %d"			msgstr "Ð?епÑ?дÑ?Ñ?имÑ?ваний Ñ?ип Ñ? GconfEntry: %d"

#. create widgets						#. create widgets
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97
msgid "Settings"						msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Ð?аÑ?амеÑ?Ñ?и"						msgstr "Ð?аÑ?амеÑ?Ñ?и"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103
msgid "Data source name"					msgid "Data source name"
msgstr "Ð?азва джеÑ?ела даниÑ?"					msgstr "Ð?азва джеÑ?ела даниÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109
msgid "Connection string"					msgid "Connection string"
msgstr "РÑ?док з'Ñ?днаннÑ?"					msgstr "РÑ?док з'Ñ?днаннÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115
msgid "Provider"						msgid "Provider"
msgstr "Ð?оÑ?Ñ?аÑ?алÑ?ник"						msgstr "Ð?оÑ?Ñ?аÑ?алÑ?ник"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121
msgid "User name"						msgid "User name"
msgstr "Ð?оÑ?иÑ?Ñ?Ñ?ваÑ?"						msgstr "Ð?оÑ?иÑ?Ñ?Ñ?ваÑ?"

#. create feature list						#. create feature list
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128
msgid "Features"						msgid "Features"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?обливÑ? можливоÑ?Ñ?Ñ?"					msgstr "Ð?Ñ?обливÑ? можливоÑ?Ñ?Ñ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190
msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"		msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"
msgstr "Ð?еобÑ?Ñ?дно ввеÑ?Ñ?и назвÑ? нового джеÑ?ела даниÑ?"		msgstr "Ð?еобÑ?Ñ?дно ввеÑ?Ñ?и назвÑ? нового джеÑ?ела даниÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197
msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac	msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206
msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th	msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213
msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"			msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217
msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n	msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225
msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"	msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"
msgstr "Ð?еобÑ?Ñ?дно вибÑ?аÑ?и поÑ?Ñ?аÑ?алÑ?ника длÑ? нового джеÑ?ела да	msgstr "Ð?еобÑ?Ñ?дно вибÑ?аÑ?и поÑ?Ñ?аÑ?алÑ?ника длÑ? нового джеÑ?ела да

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233
msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"		msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"
msgstr "Ð?оÑ?Ñ?аÑ?алÑ?ника не знайдено Ñ? ваÑ?Ñ?й конÑ?Ñ?гÑ?Ñ?аÑ?Ñ?Ñ?"		msgstr "Ð?оÑ?Ñ?аÑ?алÑ?ника не знайдено Ñ? ваÑ?Ñ?й конÑ?Ñ?гÑ?Ñ?аÑ?Ñ?Ñ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391
msgid "Add a new data source..."				msgid "Add a new data source..."
msgstr "Ð?одаÑ?и нове джеÑ?ело даниÑ?..."				msgstr "Ð?одаÑ?и нове джеÑ?ело даниÑ?..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392
msgid ""							msgid ""
"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"		"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"
"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"		"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"
"installation. Just follow the steps!"				"installation. Just follow the steps!"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Цей дÑ?Ñ?Ñ?д пÑ?оведе ваÑ? кÑ?Ñ?зÑ? пÑ?оÑ?еÑ? Ñ?Ñ?воÑ?еннÑ? нового\n"		"Цей дÑ?Ñ?Ñ?д пÑ?оведе ваÑ? кÑ?Ñ?зÑ? пÑ?оÑ?еÑ? Ñ?Ñ?воÑ?еннÑ? нового\n"
"джеÑ?ела даниÑ? длÑ? ваÑ?ого вÑ?Ñ?ановленнÑ? GNOME-DB.\n"		"джеÑ?ела даниÑ? длÑ? ваÑ?ого вÑ?Ñ?ановленнÑ? GNOME-DB.\n"
"Ð?иÑ? Ñ?обÑ?Ñ?Ñ? кÑ?оки!"						"Ð?иÑ? Ñ?обÑ?Ñ?Ñ? кÑ?оки!"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404
msgid "General Information"					msgid "General Information"
msgstr "Ð?агалÑ?на Ñ?нÑ?оÑ?маÑ?Ñ?Ñ?"					msgstr "Ð?агалÑ?на Ñ?нÑ?оÑ?маÑ?Ñ?Ñ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the basic information\n"	"The following fields represent the basic information\n"
"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n	"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n
"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"	"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"
"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"	"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"
"the default one."						"the default one."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Ð?аÑ?Ñ?Ñ?пнÑ? полÑ? пÑ?едÑ?Ñ?авлÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? оÑ?новнÑ? Ñ?нÑ?оÑ?маÑ?Ñ?йнÑ?\n"		"Ð?аÑ?Ñ?Ñ?пнÑ? полÑ? пÑ?едÑ?Ñ?авлÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? оÑ?новнÑ? Ñ?нÑ?оÑ?маÑ?Ñ?йнÑ?\n"
"елеменÑ?и ваÑ?ого нового джеÑ?ела даниÑ?. Ð?еÑ?кÑ? з\n"		"елеменÑ?и ваÑ?ого нового джеÑ?ела даниÑ?. Ð?еÑ?кÑ? з\n"
"ниÑ? (опиÑ?, коÑ?иÑ?Ñ?Ñ?ваÑ?) Ñ? необов'Ñ?зковими, в Ñ?ой Ñ?аÑ?\n"		"ниÑ? (опиÑ?, коÑ?иÑ?Ñ?Ñ?ваÑ?) Ñ? необов'Ñ?зковими, в Ñ?ой Ñ?аÑ?\n"
"Ñ?к Ñ?нÑ?Ñ? Ñ? обов'Ñ?зковими. ЯкÑ?о ви не знаÑ?Ñ?е, Ñ?кого\n"		"Ñ?к Ñ?нÑ?Ñ? Ñ? обов'Ñ?зковими. ЯкÑ?о ви не знаÑ?Ñ?е, Ñ?кого\n"
"поÑ?Ñ?аÑ?алÑ?ника викоÑ?иÑ?Ñ?овÑ?ваÑ?и, Ñ?о вибеÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?\n"			"поÑ?Ñ?аÑ?алÑ?ника викоÑ?иÑ?Ñ?овÑ?ваÑ?и, Ñ?о вибеÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?\n"
"Ñ?ипового."							"Ñ?ипового."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data source _name:"					msgid "Data source _name:"
msgstr "Ð?азва джеÑ?ела даниÑ?"					msgstr "Ð?азва джеÑ?ела даниÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Provider:"						msgid "_Provider:"
msgstr "Ð?оÑ?Ñ?аÑ?алÑ?ник"						msgstr "Ð?оÑ?Ñ?аÑ?алÑ?ник"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Description:"						msgid "_Description:"
msgstr "Ð?пиÑ?"							msgstr "Ð?пиÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Username:"						msgid "_Username:"
msgstr "Ð?оÑ?иÑ?Ñ?Ñ?ваÑ?"						msgstr "Ð?оÑ?иÑ?Ñ?Ñ?ваÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "P_assword:"						msgid "P_assword:"
msgstr "Ð?аÑ?олÑ?"							msgstr "Ð?аÑ?олÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454
msgid "Provider Parameters"					msgid "Provider Parameters"
msgstr "Ð?аÑ?амеÑ?Ñ?и поÑ?Ñ?аÑ?алÑ?ника"				msgstr "Ð?аÑ?амеÑ?Ñ?и поÑ?Ñ?аÑ?алÑ?ника"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the information needed by the	"The following fields represent the information needed by the
"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n	"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n
"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\	"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\
"the manual for more information."				"the manual for more information."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Ð?аÑ?Ñ?Ñ?пнÑ? полÑ? пÑ?едÑ?Ñ?авлÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? Ñ?нÑ?оÑ?маÑ?Ñ?Ñ? необÑ?Ñ?днÑ?\n"		"Ð?аÑ?Ñ?Ñ?пнÑ? полÑ? пÑ?едÑ?Ñ?авлÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? Ñ?нÑ?оÑ?маÑ?Ñ?Ñ? необÑ?Ñ?днÑ?\n"
"вибÑ?аномÑ? вами Ñ? попеÑ?еднÑ?й Ñ?Ñ?оÑ?Ñ?нÑ?Ñ? поÑ?Ñ?аÑ?алÑ?никÑ?\n"		"вибÑ?аномÑ? вами Ñ? попеÑ?еднÑ?й Ñ?Ñ?оÑ?Ñ?нÑ?Ñ? поÑ?Ñ?аÑ?алÑ?никÑ?\n"
"длÑ? вÑ?дкÑ?иÑ?Ñ?Ñ? вказаного з'Ñ?днаннÑ?. ЦÑ? Ñ?нÑ?оÑ?маÑ?Ñ?Ñ?\n"		"длÑ? вÑ?дкÑ?иÑ?Ñ?Ñ? вказаного з'Ñ?днаннÑ?. ЦÑ? Ñ?нÑ?оÑ?маÑ?Ñ?Ñ?\n"
"залежна вÑ?д поÑ?Ñ?аÑ?алÑ?ника, звеÑ?нÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? до поÑ?Ñ?бника\n"		"залежна вÑ?д поÑ?Ñ?аÑ?алÑ?ника, звеÑ?нÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? до поÑ?Ñ?бника\n"
"длÑ? докладнÑ?Ñ?оÑ? Ñ?нÑ?оÑ?маÑ?Ñ?Ñ?."					"длÑ? докладнÑ?Ñ?оÑ? Ñ?нÑ?оÑ?маÑ?Ñ?Ñ?."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481
msgid "All information retrieved"				msgid "All information retrieved"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?Ñ? Ñ?нÑ?оÑ?маÑ?Ñ?Ñ? оÑ?Ñ?имано"				msgstr "Ð?Ñ?Ñ? Ñ?нÑ?оÑ?маÑ?Ñ?Ñ? оÑ?Ñ?имано"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid ""							msgid ""
"All information needed to create a new data source\n"		"All information needed to create a new data source\n"
"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"		"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"
"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"	"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"
"just select it when asked for a data source."			"just select it when asked for a data source."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Ð?Ñ?Ñ? Ñ?нÑ?оÑ?маÑ?Ñ?Ñ?, необÑ?Ñ?днÑ? длÑ? Ñ?Ñ?воÑ?еннÑ? нового джеÑ?ела даниÑ?	"Ð?Ñ?Ñ? Ñ?нÑ?оÑ?маÑ?Ñ?Ñ?, необÑ?Ñ?днÑ? длÑ? Ñ?Ñ?воÑ?еннÑ? нового джеÑ?ела даниÑ?
"оÑ?Ñ?имано. Ð?аÑ?аз наÑ?иÑ?нÑ?Ñ?Ñ? \"Ð?аÑ?Ñ?оÑ?Ñ?ваÑ?и\" длÑ? закÑ?иÑ?Ñ?Ñ? дÑ?ало	"оÑ?Ñ?имано. Ð?аÑ?аз наÑ?иÑ?нÑ?Ñ?Ñ? \"Ð?аÑ?Ñ?оÑ?Ñ?ваÑ?и\" длÑ? закÑ?иÑ?Ñ?Ñ? дÑ?ало
"Ð?лÑ? вÑ?дкÑ?иÑ?Ñ?Ñ? ваÑ?ого новоÑ?Ñ?воÑ?еного джеÑ?ела даниÑ?, лиÑ?\n"	"Ð?лÑ? вÑ?дкÑ?иÑ?Ñ?Ñ? ваÑ?ого новоÑ?Ñ?воÑ?еного джеÑ?ела даниÑ?, лиÑ?\n"
"вибеÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? його, коли бÑ?де необÑ?Ñ?дно Ñ?коÑ?иÑ?Ñ?Ñ?ваÑ?иÑ?Ñ? джеÑ?елом д	"вибеÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? його, коли бÑ?де необÑ?Ñ?дно Ñ?коÑ?иÑ?Ñ?Ñ?ваÑ?иÑ?Ñ? джеÑ?елом д

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Connection _string:"					msgid "Connection _string:"
msgstr "РÑ?док з'Ñ?днаннÑ?"					msgstr "РÑ?док з'Ñ?днаннÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4
msgid "Error"							msgid "Error"
msgstr "Ð?омилка"						msgstr "Ð?омилка"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.
msgid "Show detail >>"						msgid "Show detail >>"
msgstr "Ð?оказаÑ?и подÑ?обиÑ?Ñ? >>"					msgstr "Ð?оказаÑ?и подÑ?обиÑ?Ñ? >>"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122
msgid "<< Hide detail"						msgid "<< Hide detail"
msgstr "<< Ð?Ñ?ибÑ?аÑ?и подÑ?обиÑ?Ñ?"					msgstr "<< Ð?Ñ?ибÑ?аÑ?и подÑ?обиÑ?Ñ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191
msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"	msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"
msgstr "Ð?иникла помилка в оÑ?новнÑ?й базÑ? даниÑ?"			msgstr "Ð?иникла помилка в оÑ?новнÑ?й базÑ? даниÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196
msgid "Error number"						msgid "Error number"
msgstr "Ð?омеÑ? помилки"						msgstr "Ð?омеÑ? помилки"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Details"							msgid "Details"
msgstr "Ð?еÑ?алÑ?но"						msgstr "Ð?еÑ?алÑ?но"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234
msgid "Source"							msgid "Source"
msgstr "Ð?жеÑ?ело"						msgstr "Ð?жеÑ?ело"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241
msgid "SQL state"						msgid "SQL state"
msgstr "СÑ?ан SQL"						msgstr "СÑ?ан SQL"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Field:"							msgid "_Field:"
msgstr "Ð?азва"							msgstr "Ð?азва"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Text:"							msgid "_Text:"
msgstr "ТеÑ?Ñ?"							msgstr "ТеÑ?Ñ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308
msgid "No records"						msgid "No records"
msgstr "Ð?емаÑ? запиÑ?Ñ?в"						msgstr "Ð?емаÑ? запиÑ?Ñ?в"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Record %d of %d"						msgid "Record %d of %d"
msgstr "Ð?апиÑ? %d з %d"						msgstr "Ð?апиÑ? %d з %d"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113
msgid "Recordset description"					msgid "Recordset description"
msgstr "Ð?пиÑ? набоÑ?Ñ? запиÑ?Ñ?в"					msgstr "Ð?пиÑ? набоÑ?Ñ? запиÑ?Ñ?в"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141
#, fuzzy, c-format						#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""							msgid ""
"File '%s' already exists.\n"					"File '%s' already exists.\n"
"Do you want to overwrite it?"					"Do you want to overwrite it?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Файл %s вже Ñ?Ñ?нÑ?Ñ?.\n"						"Файл %s вже Ñ?Ñ?нÑ?Ñ?.\n"
"Ð?ажаÑ?Ñ?е пеÑ?епиÑ?аÑ?и його?"					"Ð?ажаÑ?Ñ?е пеÑ?епиÑ?аÑ?и його?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149
msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."		msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Could not save file %s"					msgid "Could not save file %s"
msgstr "Ð?е вдалоÑ?Ñ? збеÑ?егÑ?и Ñ?айл %s"				msgstr "Ð?е вдалоÑ?Ñ? збеÑ?егÑ?и Ñ?айл %s"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224
msgid "You must specify a file name"				msgid "You must specify a file name"
msgstr "Ð?еобÑ?Ñ?дно вказаÑ?и назвÑ? Ñ?айла"				msgstr "Ð?еобÑ?Ñ?дно вказаÑ?и назвÑ? Ñ?айла"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230
msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"		msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?Ñ?имано поÑ?ожнÑ?й Ñ?айл пÑ?д Ñ?аÑ? пеÑ?еÑ?воÑ?еннÑ? даниÑ?"	msgstr "Ð?Ñ?Ñ?имано поÑ?ожнÑ?й Ñ?айл пÑ?д Ñ?аÑ? пеÑ?еÑ?воÑ?еннÑ? даниÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261
msgid "Saving Model"						msgid "Saving Model"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "File _name:"						msgid "File _name:"
msgstr "Ð?азва Ñ?аблиÑ?Ñ?"						msgstr "Ð?азва Ñ?аблиÑ?Ñ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276
msgid "Select File"						msgid "Select File"
msgstr "Ð?ибÑ?Ñ? Ñ?айла"						msgstr "Ð?ибÑ?Ñ? Ñ?айла"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283
msgid "File _type:"						msgid "File _type:"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Tab-delimited"						msgid "Tab-delimited"
msgstr "РоздÑ?лений Ñ?абÑ?лÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?ми Ñ?айл"				msgstr "РоздÑ?лений Ñ?абÑ?лÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?ми Ñ?айл"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Comma-delimited"						msgid "Comma-delimited"
msgstr "РоздÑ?лений комами Ñ?айл"					msgstr "РоздÑ?лений комами Ñ?айл"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:
msgid "XML"							msgid "XML"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355
msgid "View detail"						msgid "View detail"
msgstr "Ð?оказаÑ?и подÑ?обиÑ?Ñ?"					msgstr "Ð?оказаÑ?и подÑ?обиÑ?Ñ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Show Column _Titles"					msgid "Show Column _Titles"
msgstr "Ð?оказаÑ?и Ñ?Ñ?овпÑ?ики"					msgstr "Ð?оказаÑ?и Ñ?Ñ?овпÑ?ики"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442
msgid "Describe"						msgid "Describe"
msgstr "Ð?пиÑ?аÑ?и"						msgstr "Ð?пиÑ?аÑ?и"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443
msgid "View detail..."						msgid "View detail..."
msgstr "Ð?оказаÑ?и подÑ?обиÑ?Ñ?..."					msgstr "Ð?оказаÑ?и подÑ?обиÑ?Ñ?..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614
msgid "Title"							msgid "Title"
msgstr "Ð?азва"							msgstr "Ð?азва"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48
msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"	msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"
msgstr "СпÑ?оба Ñ?нÑ?Ñ?Ñ?алÑ?зÑ?ваÑ?и вже Ñ?нÑ?Ñ?Ñ?алÑ?зованого клÑ?Ñ?нÑ?а"	msgstr "СпÑ?оба Ñ?нÑ?Ñ?Ñ?алÑ?зÑ?ваÑ?и вже Ñ?нÑ?Ñ?Ñ?алÑ?зованого клÑ?Ñ?нÑ?а"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"		"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"
"to a data source"						"to a data source"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Ð?ведÑ?Ñ?Ñ? аÑ?гÑ?менÑ?и длÑ? вÑ?Ñ?ановленнÑ?\n"				"Ð?ведÑ?Ñ?Ñ? аÑ?гÑ?менÑ?и длÑ? вÑ?Ñ?ановленнÑ?\n"
"з'Ñ?днаннÑ? з джеÑ?елом даниÑ?"					"з'Ñ?днаннÑ? з джеÑ?елом даниÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data Source:"						msgid "Data Source:"
msgstr "Ð?жеÑ?ело даниÑ?"						msgstr "Ð?жеÑ?ело даниÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Username:"						msgid "Username:"
msgstr "Ð?оÑ?иÑ?Ñ?Ñ?ваÑ?"						msgstr "Ð?оÑ?иÑ?Ñ?Ñ?ваÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Password:"						msgid "Password:"
msgstr "Ð?аÑ?олÑ?"							msgstr "Ð?аÑ?олÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69
msgid "Fields"							msgid "Fields"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30
msgid "Commit"							msgid "Commit"
msgstr "Ð?акÑ?Ñ?пиÑ?и"						msgstr "Ð?акÑ?Ñ?пиÑ?и"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31
msgid "Connect"							msgid "Connect"
msgstr "Ð?'Ñ?днаÑ?иÑ?Ñ?"						msgstr "Ð?'Ñ?днаÑ?иÑ?Ñ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33
msgid "Designer"						msgid "Designer"
msgstr "Ð?изайнеÑ?"						msgstr "Ð?изайнеÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34
msgid "Disconnect"						msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr "Роз'Ñ?днаÑ?иÑ?Ñ?"						msgstr "Роз'Ñ?днаÑ?иÑ?Ñ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35
msgid "NoTransaction"						msgid "NoTransaction"
msgstr "Ð?ез Ñ?Ñ?анзакÑ?Ñ?Ñ?"						msgstr "Ð?ез Ñ?Ñ?анзакÑ?Ñ?Ñ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37
msgid "Query"							msgid "Query"
msgstr "Ð?апиÑ?"							msgstr "Ð?апиÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38
msgid "Rollback"						msgid "Rollback"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?дкоÑ?иÑ?и"						msgstr "Ð?Ñ?дкоÑ?иÑ?и"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40
msgid "SQL"							msgid "SQL"
msgstr "SQL"							msgstr "SQL"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43
msgid "WithinTransaction"					msgid "WithinTransaction"
msgstr "Ð? Ñ?Ñ?анзакÑ?Ñ?Ñ?"						msgstr "Ð? Ñ?Ñ?анзакÑ?Ñ?Ñ?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Error: %s"						msgid "Error: %s"
msgstr "Ð?омилка: %s"						msgstr "Ð?омилка: %s"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79
msgid "Table name"						msgid "Table name"
msgstr "Ð?азва Ñ?аблиÑ?Ñ?"						msgstr "Ð?азва Ñ?аблиÑ?Ñ?"

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93			#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Login for %s"						msgid "Login for %s"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95					#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95
msgid "Login to database"					msgid "Login to database"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: vfs/libmain.c:71						#: vfs/libmain.c:71
msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"				msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"
msgstr "Ð?аза даниÑ? Ð?ФС Ñ?еÑ?едовиÑ?а GNOME: модÑ?лÑ?"		msgstr "Ð?аза даниÑ? Ð?ФС Ñ?еÑ?едовиÑ?а GNOME: модÑ?лÑ?"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Table Properties"					msgid "Table Properties"
msgstr "Ð?лаÑ?Ñ?ивоÑ?Ñ?Ñ? бази даниÑ?"					msgstr "Ð?лаÑ?Ñ?ивоÑ?Ñ?Ñ? бази даниÑ?"

#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Table Name"						msgid "Table Name"
msgstr "Ð?азва Ñ?аблиÑ?Ñ?"						msgstr "Ð?азва Ñ?аблиÑ?Ñ?"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155
msgid "New"							msgid "New"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156
msgid "Create new table"					msgid "Create new table"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Properties"						msgid "Properties"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?оÑ?едÑ?Ñ?и"						msgstr "Ð?Ñ?оÑ?едÑ?Ñ?и"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View table properties"					msgid "View table properties"
msgstr "Ð?лаÑ?Ñ?ивоÑ?Ñ?Ñ? бази даниÑ?"					msgstr "Ð?лаÑ?Ñ?ивоÑ?Ñ?Ñ? бази даниÑ?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
msgid "UID"							msgid "UID"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "calendar"						msgid "calendar"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "summary"							msgid "summary"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "Summary"							msgid "Summary"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "location"						msgid "location"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "dtstart"							msgid "dtstart"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
msgid "Start time"						msgid "Start time"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "dtend"							msgid "dtend"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "End time"						msgid "End time"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "description"						msgid "description"
msgstr "Ð?пиÑ?"							msgstr "Ð?пиÑ?"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "classification"						msgid "classification"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Classification"						msgid "Classification"
msgstr "Ð?Ñ?иÑ?Ñ?иÑ?и вибÑ?ане"					msgstr "Ð?Ñ?иÑ?Ñ?иÑ?и вибÑ?ане"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "transparency"						msgid "transparency"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "Transparency"						msgid "Transparency"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "categories"						msgid "categories"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "Categories"						msgid "Categories"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "tasks"							msgid "tasks"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "due"							msgid "due"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "Due date"						msgid "Due date"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "Start date"						msgid "Start date"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355
msgid "Public"							msgid "Public"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358
msgid "Private"							msgid "Private"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361
msgid "Confidential"						msgid "Confidential"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63
msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"		msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66
msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"			msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80
msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta	msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"		msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"
msgstr "Ð?е вдалоÑ?Ñ? вÑ?Ñ?ановиÑ?и з'Ñ?днаннÑ? з %s"			msgstr "Ð?е вдалоÑ?Ñ? вÑ?Ñ?ановиÑ?и з'Ñ?днаннÑ? з %s"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100
msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"				msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Field name"						msgid "Field name"
msgstr "Ð?оÑ?иÑ?Ñ?Ñ?ваÑ?"						msgstr "Ð?оÑ?иÑ?Ñ?Ñ?ваÑ?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data type"						msgid "Data type"
msgstr "Ð?анÑ?"							msgstr "Ð?анÑ?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214
msgid "Size"							msgid "Size"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215
msgid "Scale"							msgid "Scale"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216
msgid "Not null?"						msgid "Not null?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217
msgid "Primary key?"						msgid "Primary key?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218
msgid "Unique index?"						msgid "Unique index?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "References"						msgid "References"
msgstr "Ð?оÑ?лÑ?довноÑ?Ñ?Ñ?"						msgstr "Ð?оÑ?лÑ?довноÑ?Ñ?Ñ?"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220
msgid "Default value"						msgid "Default value"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239
msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l	msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Table %s does not exist"					msgid "Table %s does not exist"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318
msgid "Scheduled events"					msgid "Scheduled events"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321
msgid "TODO list"						msgid "TODO list"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375
msgid "Owner"							msgid "Owner"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Comments"						msgid "Comments"
msgstr "Ð?акÑ?Ñ?пиÑ?и"						msgstr "Ð?акÑ?Ñ?пиÑ?и"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Type"							msgid "Type"
msgstr "Типи"							msgstr "Типи"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377
msgid "GDA type"						msgid "GDA type"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id	#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id
#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database	#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database
#. we can easily access that information			#. we can easily access that information
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382
msgid "local"							msgid "local"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217
msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230
msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244
msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"			msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268
msgid "Invalid SQL command"					msgid "Invalid SQL command"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353
msgid "Transactions are not supported"				msgid "Transactions are not supported"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41
msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"		msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task	"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Connection MIME handler component"			#~ msgid "Connection MIME handler component"
#~ msgstr "Ð?омпоненÑ? пеÑ?еглÑ?дÑ? з'Ñ?днаннÑ?"			#~ msgstr "Ð?омпоненÑ? пеÑ?еглÑ?дÑ? з'Ñ?днаннÑ?"

#~ msgid "Database component factory"				#~ msgid "Database component factory"
#~ msgstr "ФабÑ?ика компоненÑ?Ñ?в баз даниÑ?"			#~ msgstr "ФабÑ?ика компоненÑ?Ñ?в баз даниÑ?"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "SQL MIME handler component"				#~ msgid "SQL MIME handler component"
#~ msgstr "Ð?омпоненÑ? пеÑ?еглÑ?дÑ? SQL"				#~ msgstr "Ð?омпоненÑ? пеÑ?еглÑ?дÑ? SQL"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Database browser"					#~ msgid "Database browser"
#~ msgstr "Ð?лаÑ?Ñ?ивоÑ?Ñ?Ñ? бази даниÑ?"				#~ msgstr "Ð?лаÑ?Ñ?ивоÑ?Ñ?Ñ? бази даниÑ?"

#~ msgid "Error viewer"						#~ msgid "Error viewer"
#~ msgstr "Ð?еÑ?еглÑ?д помилок"					#~ msgstr "Ð?еÑ?еглÑ?д помилок"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "SQL Viewer"						#~ msgid "SQL Viewer"
#~ msgstr "Ð?еÑ?еглÑ?д кодÑ? SQL"					#~ msgstr "Ð?еÑ?еглÑ?д кодÑ? SQL"

#~ msgid "Database configuration"				#~ msgid "Database configuration"
#~ msgstr "Ð?онÑ?Ñ?гÑ?Ñ?аÑ?Ñ?Ñ? бази даниÑ?"				#~ msgstr "Ð?онÑ?Ñ?гÑ?Ñ?аÑ?Ñ?Ñ? бази даниÑ?"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "_Settings"						#~ msgid "_Settings"
#~ msgstr "Ð?аÑ?амеÑ?Ñ?и"						#~ msgstr "Ð?аÑ?амеÑ?Ñ?и"

#~ msgid "Password"						#~ msgid "Password"
#~ msgstr "Ð?аÑ?олÑ?"						#~ msgstr "Ð?аÑ?олÑ?"

#~ msgid "Save as"						#~ msgid "Save as"
#~ msgstr "Ð?беÑ?егÑ?и Ñ?к"						#~ msgstr "Ð?беÑ?егÑ?и Ñ?к"

#~ msgid "Save to"						#~ msgid "Save to"
#~ msgstr "Ð?беÑ?егÑ?и Ñ?"						#~ msgstr "Ð?беÑ?егÑ?и Ñ?"

#~ msgid "XML file"						#~ msgid "XML file"
#~ msgstr "Файл Ñ? Ñ?оÑ?маÑ?Ñ? XML"					#~ msgstr "Файл Ñ? Ñ?оÑ?маÑ?Ñ? XML"

#~ msgid "Hide columns"						#~ msgid "Hide columns"
#~ msgstr "СÑ?оваÑ?и Ñ?Ñ?овпÑ?ики"					#~ msgstr "СÑ?оваÑ?и Ñ?Ñ?овпÑ?ики"

#~ msgid "Question"						#~ msgid "Question"
#~ msgstr "Ð?апиÑ?аннÑ?"						#~ msgstr "Ð?апиÑ?аннÑ?"

#~ msgid "Database Moniker factory"				#~ msgid "Database Moniker factory"
#~ msgstr "ФабÑ?ика монÑ?кеÑ?Ñ?в бази даниÑ?"			#~ msgstr "ФабÑ?ика монÑ?кеÑ?Ñ?в бази даниÑ?"

#~ msgid "database: moniker"					#~ msgid "database: moniker"
#~ msgstr "база даниÑ?: монÑ?кеÑ?"					#~ msgstr "база даниÑ?: монÑ?кеÑ?"

#~ msgid "Failing to manufacture a '%s'"			#~ msgid "Failing to manufacture a '%s'"
#~ msgstr "Ð?е вдалоÑ?Ñ? згенеÑ?Ñ?ваÑ?и \"%s\""			#~ msgstr "Ð?е вдалоÑ?Ñ? згенеÑ?Ñ?ваÑ?и \"%s\""

#~ msgid "Invalid format for connection string"			#~ msgid "Invalid format for connection string"
#~ msgstr "Ð?епÑ?авилÑ?ний Ñ?оÑ?маÑ? Ñ?Ñ?дка з'Ñ?днаннÑ?"			#~ msgstr "Ð?епÑ?авилÑ?ний Ñ?оÑ?маÑ? Ñ?Ñ?дка з'Ñ?днаннÑ?"

#~ msgid "Data sources"						#~ msgid "Data sources"
#~ msgstr "Ð?жеÑ?ела даниÑ?"					#~ msgstr "Ð?жеÑ?ела даниÑ?"

#~ msgid "Test Data Source"					#~ msgid "Test Data Source"
#~ msgstr "ТеÑ?Ñ? джеÑ?ела даниÑ?"					#~ msgstr "ТеÑ?Ñ? джеÑ?ела даниÑ?"

#~ msgid "Connection to %s successful!"				#~ msgid "Connection to %s successful!"
#~ msgstr "УÑ?пÑ?Ñ?но вÑ?Ñ?ановлено з'Ñ?днаннÑ? з %s"			#~ msgstr "УÑ?пÑ?Ñ?но вÑ?Ñ?ановлено з'Ñ?днаннÑ? з %s"

#~ msgid ""							#~ msgid ""
#~ "Component that lets you open a .connection file and brows	#~ "Component that lets you open a .connection file and brows
#~ "specified on it"						#~ "specified on it"
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Ð?омпоненÑ?, Ñ?о дозволÑ?Ñ? вÑ?дкÑ?иваÑ?и Ñ?айли Ñ?ипÑ? .connection 	#~ "Ð?омпоненÑ?, Ñ?о дозволÑ?Ñ? вÑ?дкÑ?иваÑ?и Ñ?айли Ñ?ипÑ? .connection 
#~ "з'Ñ?днаннÑ?, визнаÑ?енÑ? в ниÑ?"					#~ "з'Ñ?днаннÑ?, визнаÑ?енÑ? в ниÑ?"

#~ msgid "Viewer for SQL source code"				#~ msgid "Viewer for SQL source code"
#~ msgstr "Ð?еÑ?еглÑ?даÑ? кодÑ? SQL"					#~ msgstr "Ð?еÑ?еглÑ?даÑ? кодÑ? SQL"

#~ msgid "Data source"						#~ msgid "Data source"
#~ msgstr "Ð?жеÑ?ело даниÑ?"					#~ msgstr "Ð?жеÑ?ело даниÑ?"
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: vi.gmo
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/vi.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/vi.po
# Copyright (C) 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc,		# Copyright (C) 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc,
# This file is distributed under the same license as the libg	# This file is distributed under the same license as the libg
# pclouds <pclouds gmx net>, 2002.				# pclouds <pclouds gmx net>, 2002.
#								#
msgid ""							msgid ""
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: libgnomedb VERSION\n"			"Project-Id-Version: libgnomedb VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"					"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"			"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2002-07-26 21:27+0700\n"			"PO-Revision-Date: 2002-07-26 21:27+0700\n"
"Last-Translator: pclouds <pclouds gmx net>\n"			"Last-Translator: pclouds <pclouds gmx net>\n"
"Language-Team: GnomeVI <gnomevi-list lists sourceforge net>\	"Language-Team: GnomeVI <gnomevi-list lists sourceforge net>\
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"						"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"			"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"				"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co
msgid "Data Sources"						msgid "Data Sources"
msgstr "Ngu�n dữ li�u"						msgstr "Ngu�n dữ li�u"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid
msgid "Providers"						msgid "Providers"
msgstr "B� cung cấp"						msgstr "B� cung cấp"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1
msgid "Configure your database environment"			msgid "Configure your database environment"
msgstr "Cấu hình môi trư�ng cơ s� dữ li�u"			msgstr "Cấu hình môi trư�ng cơ s� dữ li�u"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Database Access Properties "				msgid "Database Access Properties "
msgstr "Thu�c tính cơ s� dữ li�u"				msgstr "Thu�c tính cơ s� dữ li�u"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380
msgid "Name"							msgid "Name"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
msgid "Description"						msgid "Description"
msgstr "Mô tả"							msgstr "Mô tả"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182
msgid "Configured data sources in the system"			msgid "Configured data sources in the system"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data sources are the means by which database connections are	"Data sources are the means by which database connections are
"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s	"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s
"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o	"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o
"name you identify the connections in the applications that m	"name you identify the connections in the applications that m
"DB for database access."					"DB for database access."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Ngu�n dữ li�u là cách libgda nhận di�n các kết n�i cơ s� dữ 	"Ngu�n dữ li�u là cách libgda nhận di�n các kết n�i cơ s� dữ 
"libgda. Má»?i thông tin cần thiết Ä?á»? má»? kết ná»?i tá»?i bá»? cung cấ	"libgda. Má»?i thông tin cần thiết Ä?á»? má»? kết ná»?i tá»?i bá»? cung cấ
"xác Ä?á»?nh Ä?á»?u Ä?ược lÆ°u bằng má»?t cái tên duy nhất. Nó sẽ Ä?ược 	"xác Ä?á»?nh Ä?á»?u Ä?ược lÆ°u bằng má»?t cái tên duy nhất. Nó sẽ Ä?ược 
"xác Ä?á»?nh kết ná»?i trong ứng dùng cần dùng libgda Ä?á»? truy xuất	"xác Ä?á»?nh kết ná»?i trong ứng dùng cần dùng libgda Ä?á»? truy xuất

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277
#, fuzzy, c-format						#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"	msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"
msgstr "Bạn có mu�n loại b� ngu�n dữ li�u '%s' không?"		msgstr "Bạn có mu�n loại b� ngu�n dữ li�u '%s' không?"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data Source Properties"					msgid "Data Source Properties"
msgstr "Thu�c tính ngu�n dữ li�u"				msgstr "Thu�c tính ngu�n dữ li�u"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132
msgid "Basic"							msgid "Basic"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Tables"							msgid "Tables"
msgstr "Bảng"							msgstr "Bảng"

#: control-center/main.c:92					#: control-center/main.c:92
msgid "No valid data source info was created"			msgid "No valid data source info was created"
msgstr "Không có nguá»?n dữ liá»?u hợp lá»? nào Ä?ược tạo"		msgstr "Không có nguá»?n dữ liá»?u hợp lá»? nào Ä?ược tạo"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218	#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218
msgid "New data source"						msgid "New data source"
msgstr "Ngu�n dữ li�u m�i"					msgstr "Ngu�n dữ li�u m�i"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:215					#: control-center/main.c:215
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Database Access Properties"				msgid "Database Access Properties"
msgstr "Thu�c tính cơ s� dữ li�u"				msgstr "Thu�c tính cơ s� dữ li�u"

#: control-center/provider-config.c:105				#: control-center/provider-config.c:105
msgid "Installed providers"					msgid "Installed providers"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/provider-config.c:131				#: control-center/provider-config.c:131
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec	"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec
"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo	"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo
"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr	"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr
"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba	"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba
"etc."								"etc."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"B� cung cấp là plugin ngoại cung cấp truy cập ngu�n dữ li�u 	"B� cung cấp là plugin ngoại cung cấp truy cập ngu�n dữ li�u 
"cung cấp mặc Ä?á»?nh luôn Ä?ược cài Ä?ặt, cho phép truy cập dữ li	"cung cấp mặc Ä?á»?nh luôn Ä?ược cài Ä?ặt, cho phép truy cập dữ li
"trong các tập tin XML. Bá»? cung cấp khác thÆ°á»?ng Ä?ược phân phá»?	"trong các tập tin XML. Bá»? cung cấp khác thÆ°á»?ng Ä?ược phân phá»?
"libgda/gnome-db bao gá»?m PortgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Sybase, I	"libgda/gnome-db bao gá»?m PortgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Sybase, I

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Database connection parameters file"			msgid "Database connection parameters file"
msgstr "Tập tin tham s� kết n�i cơ s� dữ li�u"			msgstr "Tập tin tham s� kết n�i cơ s� dữ li�u"

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2
msgid "Documents"						msgid "Documents"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3
msgid "SQL code viewer"						msgid "SQL code viewer"
msgstr "B� xem mã SQL"						msgstr "B� xem mã SQL"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1
msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"			msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"
msgstr "Font Ä?ược dùng trong widget lÆ°á»?i"			msgstr "Font Ä?ược dùng trong widget lÆ°á»?i"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2
msgid "Number of spaces per tab"				msgid "Number of spaces per tab"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3
msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"			msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4
msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"			msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60
msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"			msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1
msgid "About"							msgid "About"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2
msgid "About GNOME-DB"						msgid "About GNOME-DB"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3
msgid "Close this window"					msgid "Close this window"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4
msgid "Create new entry"					msgid "Create new entry"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Delete selected items"					msgid "Delete selected items"
msgstr "B� ch�n m�i mục trong danh sách"			msgstr "B� ch�n m�i mục trong danh sách"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Deselect all items"					msgid "Deselect all items"
msgstr "B� ch�n m�i mục trong danh sách"			msgstr "B� ch�n m�i mục trong danh sách"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7
msgid "Edit properties for selected item"			msgid "Edit properties for selected item"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Save connection parameters to file"			msgid "Save connection parameters to file"
msgstr "Tập tin tham s� kết n�i cơ s� dữ li�u"			msgstr "Tập tin tham s� kết n�i cơ s� dữ li�u"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Select _All"						msgid "Select _All"
msgstr "Ch�n tất cả"						msgstr "Ch�n tất cả"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Select all items"					msgid "Select all items"
msgstr "Ch�n m�i mục trong danh sách"				msgstr "Ch�n m�i mục trong danh sách"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View data sources"					msgid "View data sources"
msgstr "Ngu�n dữ li�u m�i"					msgstr "Ngu�n dữ li�u m�i"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View providers"						msgid "View providers"
msgstr "B� cung cấp"						msgstr "B� cung cấp"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42
msgid "_Clear Selection"					msgid "_Clear Selection"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14
msgid "_Close"							msgid "_Close"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Data Sources"						msgid "_Data Sources"
msgstr "Ngu�n dữ li�u"						msgstr "Ngu�n dữ li�u"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Database"						msgid "_Database"
msgstr "Cơ s� dữ li�u"						msgstr "Cơ s� dữ li�u"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17
msgid "_Delete"							msgid "_Delete"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18
msgid "_Edit"							msgid "_Edit"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19
msgid "_Help"							msgid "_Help"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_New Data Source..."					msgid "_New Data Source..."
msgstr "Ngu�n dữ li�u m�i"					msgstr "Ngu�n dữ li�u m�i"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Properties"						msgid "_Properties"
msgstr "Thủ tục"						msgstr "Thủ tục"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Providers"						msgid "_Providers"
msgstr "B� cung cấp"						msgstr "B� cung cấp"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Save Connection"					msgid "_Save Connection"
msgstr "Lưu vào"						msgstr "Lưu vào"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_View"							msgid "_View"
msgstr "View"							msgstr "View"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76
msgid "Structure"						msgid "Structure"
msgstr "Cấu trúc"						msgstr "Cấu trúc"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73
msgid "Data"							msgid "Data"
msgstr "Dữ li�u"						msgstr "Dữ li�u"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238
msgid "Not implemented yet!"					msgid "Not implemented yet!"
msgstr "Chưa làm!"						msgstr "Chưa làm!"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Database"						msgid "Database"
msgstr "Cơ s� dữ li�u"						msgstr "Cơ s� dữ li�u"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540
msgid "Loading database schemas..."				msgid "Loading database schemas..."
msgstr "Ä?ang nạp lược Ä?á»? cÆ¡ sá»? dữ liá»?u..."			msgstr "Ä?ang nạp lược Ä?á»? cÆ¡ sá»? dữ liá»?u..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632
msgid "Refreshing data..."					msgid "Refreshing data..."
msgstr "Ä?ang Ä?á»?c lại dữ liá»?u..."				msgstr "Ä?ang Ä?á»?c lại dữ liá»?u..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688
msgid "Views"							msgid "Views"
msgstr "View"							msgstr "View"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691
msgid "Indexes"							msgid "Indexes"
msgstr "Index"							msgstr "Index"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Sequences"						msgid "Sequences"
msgstr "Sequence"						msgstr "Sequence"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Procedures"						msgid "Procedures"
msgstr "Thủ tục"						msgstr "Thủ tục"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Triggers"						msgid "Triggers"
msgstr "Triggers"						msgstr "Triggers"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Aggregates"						msgid "Aggregates"
msgstr "Aggregates"						msgstr "Aggregates"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Types"							msgid "Types"
msgstr "Kiá»?u"							msgstr "Kiá»?u"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140
msgid "Could not query CORBA components"			msgid "Could not query CORBA components"
msgstr "Không th� truy vấn thành phần CORBA"			msgstr "Không th� truy vấn thành phần CORBA"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209
msgid "ID"							msgid "ID"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "Location"						msgid "Location"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212
msgid "Username"						msgid "Username"
msgstr "Tên ngư�i dùng"						msgstr "Tên ngư�i dùng"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Hostname"						msgid "Hostname"
msgstr "Tên ngư�i dùng"						msgstr "Tên ngư�i dùng"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214
msgid "Domain"							msgid "Domain"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"			msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"
msgstr "Loại không h� trợ trong GconfEntry: %d"			msgstr "Loại không h� trợ trong GconfEntry: %d"

#. create widgets						#. create widgets
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97
msgid "Settings"						msgid "Settings"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103
msgid "Data source name"					msgid "Data source name"
msgstr "Tên ngu�n dữ li�u"					msgstr "Tên ngu�n dữ li�u"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109
msgid "Connection string"					msgid "Connection string"
msgstr "Chu�i kết n�i"						msgstr "Chu�i kết n�i"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115
msgid "Provider"						msgid "Provider"
msgstr "b� cung cấp"						msgstr "b� cung cấp"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "User name"						msgid "User name"
msgstr "Tên ngư�i dùng"						msgstr "Tên ngư�i dùng"

#. create feature list						#. create feature list
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128
msgid "Features"						msgid "Features"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190
msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"		msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"
msgstr "Bạn phải nhập tên ngu�n dữ li�u m�i"			msgstr "Bạn phải nhập tên ngu�n dữ li�u m�i"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197
msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac	msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206
msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th	msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213
msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"			msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217
msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n	msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225
msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"	msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"
msgstr "Bạn phải ch�n b� cung cấp ngu�n dữ li�u m�i"		msgstr "Bạn phải ch�n b� cung cấp ngu�n dữ li�u m�i"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233
msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"		msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"
msgstr "Không tìm thấy ngu�n cung cấp trong cấu hình của bạn"	msgstr "Không tìm thấy ngu�n cung cấp trong cấu hình của bạn"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391
msgid "Add a new data source..."				msgid "Add a new data source..."
msgstr "Thêm ngu�n dữ li�u m�i..."				msgstr "Thêm ngu�n dữ li�u m�i..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392
msgid ""							msgid ""
"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"		"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"
"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"		"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"
"installation. Just follow the steps!"				"installation. Just follow the steps!"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Druid này sẽ hư�ng dẫn bạn tạo ngu�n dữ li�u m�i cho\n"	"Druid này sẽ hư�ng dẫn bạn tạo ngu�n dữ li�u m�i cho\n"
"cài Ä?ặt GNOME-DB của bạn. Chá»? cần theo các bÆ°á»?c sau Ä?ây!"	"cài Ä?ặt GNOME-DB của bạn. Chá»? cần theo các bÆ°á»?c sau Ä?ây!"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404
msgid "General Information"					msgid "General Information"
msgstr "Thông tin chung"					msgstr "Thông tin chung"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the basic information\n"	"The following fields represent the basic information\n"
"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n	"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n
"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"	"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"
"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"	"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"
"the default one."						"the default one."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Các trÆ°á»?ng sau Ä?ại diá»?n cho các mục thông tin cÆ¡ bản cho\n"	"Các trÆ°á»?ng sau Ä?ại diá»?n cho các mục thông tin cÆ¡ bản cho\n"
"ngu�n dữ li�u m�i của bạn. Vài thông tin (mô tả, tên ngư�i\n	"ngu�n dữ li�u m�i của bạn. Vài thông tin (mô tả, tên ngư�i\n
"dùng) là tùy chá»?n, có hay không Ä?á»?u Ä?ược.\n"			"dùng) là tùy chá»?n, có hay không Ä?á»?u Ä?ược.\n"
"Nếu bạn không biết dùng b� cung cấp nào, ch� vi�c ch�n b�\n"	"Nếu bạn không biết dùng b� cung cấp nào, ch� vi�c ch�n b�\n"
"cung cấp mặc Ä?á»?nh"						"cung cấp mặc Ä?á»?nh"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data source _name:"					msgid "Data source _name:"
msgstr "Tên ngu�n dữ li�u"					msgstr "Tên ngu�n dữ li�u"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Provider:"						msgid "_Provider:"
msgstr "b� cung cấp"						msgstr "b� cung cấp"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Description:"						msgid "_Description:"
msgstr "Mô tả"							msgstr "Mô tả"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Username:"						msgid "_Username:"
msgstr "Tên ngư�i dùng"						msgstr "Tên ngư�i dùng"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "P_assword:"						msgid "P_assword:"
msgstr "Mật khẩu"						msgstr "Mật khẩu"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454
msgid "Provider Parameters"					msgid "Provider Parameters"
msgstr "Tham s� b� cung cấp"					msgstr "Tham s� b� cung cấp"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the information needed by the	"The following fields represent the information needed by the
"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n	"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n
"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\	"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\
"the manual for more information."				"the manual for more information."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Các trư�ng sau tượng trưng cho thông tin cần b�i b� cung cấp	"Các trư�ng sau tượng trưng cho thông tin cần b�i b� cung cấp
"mà bạn chá»?n trong trang trÆ°á»?c Ä?á»? má»? má»?t kết ná»?i Ä?ược yêu cầu	"mà bạn chá»?n trong trang trÆ°á»?c Ä?á»? má»? má»?t kết ná»?i Ä?ược yêu cầu
"Thông tin này là tùy vào b� cung cấp, vì thế nên ki�m tra lạ	"Thông tin này là tùy vào b� cung cấp, vì thế nên ki�m tra lạ
"tài liá»?u hÆ°á»?ng dẫn Ä?á»? có các thông tin chi tiết hÆ¡n."		"tài liá»?u hÆ°á»?ng dẫn Ä?á»? có các thông tin chi tiết hÆ¡n."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481
msgid "All information retrieved"				msgid "All information retrieved"
msgstr "Má»?i thông tin Ä?ã nhận"					msgstr "Má»?i thông tin Ä?ã nhận"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid ""							msgid ""
"All information needed to create a new data source\n"		"All information needed to create a new data source\n"
"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"		"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"
"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"	"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"
"just select it when asked for a data source."			"just select it when asked for a data source."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Má»?i thông tin cần thiết Ä?á»? tạo nguá»?n dữ liá»?u má»?i Ä?ã có.\n"	"Má»?i thông tin cần thiết Ä?á»? tạo nguá»?n dữ liá»?u má»?i Ä?ã có.\n"
"Bây giá»? hãy nhấn 'Ã?p dụng' Ä?á»? Ä?óng há»?p thoại này. Ä?á»?\n"	"Bây giá»? hãy nhấn 'Ã?p dụng' Ä?á»? Ä?óng há»?p thoại này. Ä?á»?\n"
"m� ngu�n dữ li�u m�i tạo của bạn, ch� cần ch�n nó khi\n"	"m� ngu�n dữ li�u m�i tạo của bạn, ch� cần ch�n nó khi\n"
"Ä?ược yêu cầu chá»?n nguá»?n dữ liá»?u"				"Ä?ược yêu cầu chá»?n nguá»?n dữ liá»?u"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Connection _string:"					msgid "Connection _string:"
msgstr "Chu�i kết n�i"						msgstr "Chu�i kết n�i"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4
msgid "Error"							msgid "Error"
msgstr "Lá»?i"							msgstr "Lá»?i"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.
msgid "Show detail >>"						msgid "Show detail >>"
msgstr "Xem chi tiết >>"					msgstr "Xem chi tiết >>"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122
msgid "<< Hide detail"						msgid "<< Hide detail"
msgstr "<< Ẩn chi tiết"						msgstr "<< Ẩn chi tiết"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191
msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"	msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196
msgid "Error number"						msgid "Error number"
msgstr "Sá»? hiá»?u lá»?i"						msgstr "Sá»? hiá»?u lá»?i"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Details"							msgid "Details"
msgstr "Chi tiết"						msgstr "Chi tiết"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234
msgid "Source"							msgid "Source"
msgstr "Nguá»?n"							msgstr "Nguá»?n"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241
msgid "SQL state"						msgid "SQL state"
msgstr "Trạng thái SQL"						msgstr "Trạng thái SQL"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Field:"							msgid "_Field:"
msgstr "Tá»±a Ä?á»?"							msgstr "Tá»±a Ä?á»?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Text:"							msgid "_Text:"
msgstr "Kiá»?u"							msgstr "Kiá»?u"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308
msgid "No records"						msgid "No records"
msgstr "Không có bản ghi"					msgstr "Không có bản ghi"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Record %d of %d"						msgid "Record %d of %d"
msgstr "%d trên %d bản ghi"					msgstr "%d trên %d bản ghi"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113
msgid "Recordset description"					msgid "Recordset description"
msgstr "Mô tả recordset"					msgstr "Mô tả recordset"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid ""							msgid ""
"File '%s' already exists.\n"					"File '%s' already exists.\n"
"Do you want to overwrite it?"					"Do you want to overwrite it?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149
msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."		msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Could not save file %s"					msgid "Could not save file %s"
msgstr "Không th� lưu tập tin %s"				msgstr "Không th� lưu tập tin %s"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224
msgid "You must specify a file name"				msgid "You must specify a file name"
msgstr "Bạn phải xác Ä?á»?nh tên tập tin"				msgstr "Bạn phải xác Ä?á»?nh tên tập tin"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230
msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"		msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261
msgid "Saving Model"						msgid "Saving Model"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "File _name:"						msgid "File _name:"
msgstr "Tên bảng"						msgstr "Tên bảng"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276
msgid "Select File"						msgid "Select File"
msgstr "Ch�n tập tin"						msgstr "Ch�n tập tin"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283
msgid "File _type:"						msgid "File _type:"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Tab-delimited"						msgid "Tab-delimited"
msgstr "Tập Tin phân cách tab"					msgstr "Tập Tin phân cách tab"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Comma-delimited"						msgid "Comma-delimited"
msgstr "Tập tin phân cách dấu phẩy"				msgstr "Tập tin phân cách dấu phẩy"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:
msgid "XML"							msgid "XML"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355
msgid "View detail"						msgid "View detail"
msgstr "Xem chi tiết"						msgstr "Xem chi tiết"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Show Column _Titles"					msgid "Show Column _Titles"
msgstr "Hiá»?n cá»?t"						msgstr "Hiá»?n cá»?t"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Describe"						msgid "Describe"
msgstr "Mô tả..."						msgstr "Mô tả..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443
msgid "View detail..."						msgid "View detail..."
msgstr "Xem chi tiết..."					msgstr "Xem chi tiết..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614
msgid "Title"							msgid "Title"
msgstr "Tá»±a Ä?á»?"							msgstr "Tá»±a Ä?á»?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48
msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"	msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"
msgstr "Thá»­ khá»?i Ä?á»?ng má»?t client Ä?ã Ä?ược khá»?i Ä?á»?ng"		msgstr "Thá»­ khá»?i Ä?á»?ng má»?t client Ä?ã Ä?ược khá»?i Ä?á»?ng"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"		"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"
"to a data source"						"to a data source"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data Source:"						msgid "Data Source:"
msgstr "Ngu�n dữ li�u"						msgstr "Ngu�n dữ li�u"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Username:"						msgid "Username:"
msgstr "Tên ngư�i dùng"						msgstr "Tên ngư�i dùng"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Password:"						msgid "Password:"
msgstr "Mật khẩu"						msgstr "Mật khẩu"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69
msgid "Fields"							msgid "Fields"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30
msgid "Commit"							msgid "Commit"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31
msgid "Connect"							msgid "Connect"
msgstr "Kết n�i"						msgstr "Kết n�i"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33
msgid "Designer"						msgid "Designer"
msgstr "B� thiết kế"						msgstr "B� thiết kế"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34
msgid "Disconnect"						msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr "Ngắt kết n�i"						msgstr "Ngắt kết n�i"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35
msgid "NoTransaction"						msgid "NoTransaction"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37
msgid "Query"							msgid "Query"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38
msgid "Rollback"						msgid "Rollback"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40
msgid "SQL"							msgid "SQL"
msgstr "SQL"							msgstr "SQL"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43
msgid "WithinTransaction"					msgid "WithinTransaction"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Error: %s"						msgid "Error: %s"
msgstr "Lá»?i: %s"						msgstr "Lá»?i: %s"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79
msgid "Table name"						msgid "Table name"
msgstr "Tên bảng"						msgstr "Tên bảng"

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93			#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Login for %s"						msgid "Login for %s"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95					#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95
msgid "Login to database"					msgid "Login to database"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: vfs/libmain.c:71						#: vfs/libmain.c:71
msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"				msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"
msgstr "Cơ s� dữ li�u GNOME VFS: module"			msgstr "Cơ s� dữ li�u GNOME VFS: module"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Table Properties"					msgid "Table Properties"
msgstr "Thu�c tính cơ s� dữ li�u"				msgstr "Thu�c tính cơ s� dữ li�u"

#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Table Name"						msgid "Table Name"
msgstr "Tên bảng"						msgstr "Tên bảng"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155
msgid "New"							msgid "New"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156
msgid "Create new table"					msgid "Create new table"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Properties"						msgid "Properties"
msgstr "Thủ tục"						msgstr "Thủ tục"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View table properties"					msgid "View table properties"
msgstr "Thu�c tính cơ s� dữ li�u"				msgstr "Thu�c tính cơ s� dữ li�u"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
msgid "UID"							msgid "UID"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "calendar"						msgid "calendar"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "summary"							msgid "summary"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "Summary"							msgid "Summary"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "location"						msgid "location"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "dtstart"							msgid "dtstart"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
msgid "Start time"						msgid "Start time"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "dtend"							msgid "dtend"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "End time"						msgid "End time"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "description"						msgid "description"
msgstr "Mô tả"							msgstr "Mô tả"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "classification"						msgid "classification"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "Classification"						msgid "Classification"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "transparency"						msgid "transparency"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "Transparency"						msgid "Transparency"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "categories"						msgid "categories"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "Categories"						msgid "Categories"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "tasks"							msgid "tasks"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "due"							msgid "due"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "Due date"						msgid "Due date"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "Start date"						msgid "Start date"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355
msgid "Public"							msgid "Public"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358
msgid "Private"							msgid "Private"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361
msgid "Confidential"						msgid "Confidential"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63
msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"		msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66
msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"			msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80
msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta	msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"		msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"
msgstr "Không th� lưu tập tin %s"				msgstr "Không th� lưu tập tin %s"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100
msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"				msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Field name"						msgid "Field name"
msgstr "Tên ngư�i dùng"						msgstr "Tên ngư�i dùng"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data type"						msgid "Data type"
msgstr "Dữ li�u"						msgstr "Dữ li�u"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214
msgid "Size"							msgid "Size"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215
msgid "Scale"							msgid "Scale"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216
msgid "Not null?"						msgid "Not null?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217
msgid "Primary key?"						msgid "Primary key?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218
msgid "Unique index?"						msgid "Unique index?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "References"						msgid "References"
msgstr "Sequence"						msgstr "Sequence"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220
msgid "Default value"						msgid "Default value"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239
msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l	msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Table %s does not exist"					msgid "Table %s does not exist"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318
msgid "Scheduled events"					msgid "Scheduled events"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321
msgid "TODO list"						msgid "TODO list"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375
msgid "Owner"							msgid "Owner"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376
msgid "Comments"						msgid "Comments"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Type"							msgid "Type"
msgstr "Kiá»?u"							msgstr "Kiá»?u"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377
msgid "GDA type"						msgid "GDA type"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id	#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id
#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database	#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database
#. we can easily access that information			#. we can easily access that information
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382
msgid "local"							msgid "local"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217
msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230
msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244
msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"			msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268
msgid "Invalid SQL command"					msgid "Invalid SQL command"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353
msgid "Transactions are not supported"				msgid "Transactions are not supported"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41
msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"		msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task	"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Connection MIME handler component"			#~ msgid "Connection MIME handler component"
#~ msgstr "Thành phần B� xem kết n�i"				#~ msgstr "Thành phần B� xem kết n�i"

#~ msgid "Database component factory"				#~ msgid "Database component factory"
#~ msgstr "Factory thành phần cơ s� dữ li�u"			#~ msgstr "Factory thành phần cơ s� dữ li�u"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "SQL MIME handler component"				#~ msgid "SQL MIME handler component"
#~ msgstr "Thành phần B� xem SQL"				#~ msgstr "Thành phần B� xem SQL"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Database browser"					#~ msgid "Database browser"
#~ msgstr "Thu�c tính cơ s� dữ li�u"				#~ msgstr "Thu�c tính cơ s� dữ li�u"

#~ msgid "Error viewer"						#~ msgid "Error viewer"
#~ msgstr "Bá»? xem lá»?i"						#~ msgstr "Bá»? xem lá»?i"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "SQL Viewer"						#~ msgid "SQL Viewer"
#~ msgstr "B� xem mã SQL"					#~ msgstr "B� xem mã SQL"

#~ msgid "Database configuration"				#~ msgid "Database configuration"
#~ msgstr "Cấu hình cơ s� dữ li�u"				#~ msgstr "Cấu hình cơ s� dữ li�u"

#~ msgid "Password"						#~ msgid "Password"
#~ msgstr "Mật khẩu"						#~ msgstr "Mật khẩu"

#~ msgid "Save as"						#~ msgid "Save as"
#~ msgstr "Lưu là"						#~ msgstr "Lưu là"

#~ msgid "Save to"						#~ msgid "Save to"
#~ msgstr "Lưu vào"						#~ msgstr "Lưu vào"

#~ msgid "XML file"						#~ msgid "XML file"
#~ msgstr "Tập tin XML"						#~ msgstr "Tập tin XML"

#~ msgid "Hide columns"						#~ msgid "Hide columns"
#~ msgstr "Ẩn c�t"						#~ msgstr "Ẩn c�t"

#~ msgid "Question"						#~ msgid "Question"
#~ msgstr "Câu h�i"						#~ msgstr "Câu h�i"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Database Moniker factory"				#~ msgid "Database Moniker factory"
#~ msgstr "Database Moniker factory"				#~ msgstr "Database Moniker factory"

#~ msgid "database: moniker"					#~ msgid "database: moniker"
#~ msgstr "cơ s� dữ li�u: moniker"				#~ msgstr "cơ s� dữ li�u: moniker"

#~ msgid "Failing to manufacture a '%s'"			#~ msgid "Failing to manufacture a '%s'"
#~ msgstr "L�i sản xuất '%s'"					#~ msgstr "L�i sản xuất '%s'"

#~ msgid "Invalid format for connection string"			#~ msgid "Invalid format for connection string"
#~ msgstr "dạng thức chu�i kết n�i không hợp l�"		#~ msgstr "dạng thức chu�i kết n�i không hợp l�"

#~ msgid "Data sources"						#~ msgid "Data sources"
#~ msgstr "Ngu�n dữ li�u"					#~ msgstr "Ngu�n dữ li�u"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Test Data Source"					#~ msgid "Test Data Source"
#~ msgstr "Ngu�n dữ li�u"					#~ msgstr "Ngu�n dữ li�u"

#~ msgid ""							#~ msgid ""
#~ "Component that lets you open a .connection file and brows	#~ "Component that lets you open a .connection file and brows
#~ "specified on it"						#~ "specified on it"
#~ msgstr ""							#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Thành phần cho phép bạn m� tập tin .connection và duy�t k	#~ "Thành phần cho phép bạn m� tập tin .connection và duy�t k

#~ msgid "Viewer for SQL source code"				#~ msgid "Viewer for SQL source code"
#~ msgstr "B� xem mã SQL"					#~ msgstr "B� xem mã SQL"

#~ msgid "Data source"						#~ msgid "Data source"
#~ msgstr "Ngu�n dữ li�u"					#~ msgstr "Ngu�n dữ li�u"

#~ msgid "Select all"						#~ msgid "Select all"
#~ msgstr "Ch�n tất cả"						#~ msgstr "Ch�n tất cả"

#~ msgid "Unselect all"						#~ msgid "Unselect all"
#~ msgstr "B� ch�n tất cả"					#~ msgstr "B� ch�n tất cả"

#~ msgid "OAFIID of the default component for the GNOME-DB sh	#~ msgid "OAFIID of the default component for the GNOME-DB sh
#~ msgstr "OAFIID của thành phần mặc Ä?á»?nh cho GNOME-DB Shell"	#~ msgstr "OAFIID của thành phần mặc Ä?á»?nh cho GNOME-DB Shell"

#~ msgid "Whether to save the shell window position on exit"	#~ msgid "Whether to save the shell window position on exit"
#~ msgstr "Có lưu v� trí cửa s� khi thoát hay không"		#~ msgstr "Có lưu v� trí cửa s� khi thoát hay không"

#~ msgid "Whether to show or not the shortcut bar on the fron	#~ msgid "Whether to show or not the shortcut bar on the fron
#~ msgstr "Có hi�n thanh l�i tắt trên cửa s� chính không"	#~ msgstr "Có hi�n thanh l�i tắt trên cửa s� chính không"

#~ msgid "Whether to show or not the summary bar on the front	#~ msgid "Whether to show or not the summary bar on the front
#~ msgstr "Có hi�n thanh tóm tắt trên cửa s� chính không"	#~ msgstr "Có hi�n thanh tóm tắt trên cửa s� chính không"

#~ msgid "Whether to use a fixed size/position for the shell 	#~ msgid "Whether to use a fixed size/position for the shell 
#~ msgstr "Có dùng kích thÆ°á»?c/vá»? trí cá»? Ä?á»?nh cho cá»­a sá»? shell	#~ msgstr "Có dùng kích thÆ°á»?c/vá»? trí cá»? Ä?á»?nh cho cá»­a sá»? shell

#~ msgid "Unselect All"						#~ msgid "Unselect All"
#~ msgstr "B� ch�n tất cả"					#~ msgstr "B� ch�n tất cả"

#~ msgid "Display column headers"				#~ msgid "Display column headers"
#~ msgstr "Hi�n tên c�t"					#~ msgstr "Hi�n tên c�t"

#~ msgid "Hide column headers"					#~ msgid "Hide column headers"
#~ msgstr "Ẩn tên c�t"						#~ msgstr "Ẩn tên c�t"

#~ msgid "Save as..."						#~ msgid "Save as..."
#~ msgstr "Lưu là..."						#~ msgstr "Lưu là..."

#~ msgid "Export data to different formats"			#~ msgid "Export data to different formats"
#~ msgstr "Xuất khẩu dữ li�u v�i dạng thức khác"		#~ msgstr "Xuất khẩu dữ li�u v�i dạng thức khác"

#~ msgid "Describe current data set"				#~ msgid "Describe current data set"
#~ msgstr "Mô tả tập dữ li�u hi�n th�i"				#~ msgstr "Mô tả tập dữ li�u hi�n th�i"

#~ msgid "View current data in more detail"			#~ msgid "View current data in more detail"
#~ msgstr "Xem dữ li�u hi�n th�i chi tiết hơn"			#~ msgstr "Xem dữ li�u hi�n th�i chi tiết hơn"

#~ msgid "Icon"							#~ msgid "Icon"
#~ msgstr "Bi�u tượng"						#~ msgstr "Bi�u tượng"

#~ msgid "Object name"						#~ msgid "Object name"
#~ msgstr "Tên Ä?á»?i tượng"					#~ msgstr "Tên Ä?á»?i tượng"

#~ msgid "Loading..."						#~ msgid "Loading..."
#~ msgstr "Ä?ang nạp..."						#~ msgstr "Ä?ang nạp..."

#~ msgid "Databases"						#~ msgid "Databases"
#~ msgstr "Cơ s� dữ li�u"					#~ msgstr "Cơ s� dữ li�u"

#~ msgid "Loading table data..."				#~ msgid "Loading table data..."
#~ msgstr "Ä?ang nạp dữ liá»?u bảng..."				#~ msgstr "Ä?ang nạp dữ liá»?u bảng..."
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: zh_CN.gmo
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/zh_CN.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/zh_CN.po
# Copyright (C) YEAR Free Software Foundation, Inc.		# Copyright (C) YEAR Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# Wang Li <charles linux net cn>, 2001				# Wang Li <charles linux net cn>, 2001
#								#
msgid ""							msgid ""
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: gnome-db 0.2.10\n"				"Project-Id-Version: gnome-db 0.2.10\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"					"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"			"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2002-08-25 17:41+0800\n"			"PO-Revision-Date: 2002-08-25 17:41+0800\n"
"Last-Translator: Wang Li <charles linux net cn>\n"		"Last-Translator: Wang Li <charles linux net cn>\n"
"Language-Team: zh_CN <i18n-translation lists linux net cn>\n	"Language-Team: zh_CN <i18n-translation lists linux net cn>\n
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"						"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"			"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"				"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co
msgid "Data Sources"						msgid "Data Sources"
msgstr "���"							msgstr "���"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid
msgid "Providers"						msgid "Providers"
msgstr "æ??ä¾?è??"							msgstr "æ??ä¾?è??"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1
msgid "Configure your database environment"			msgid "Configure your database environment"
msgstr "é??ç½®æ?°æ?®åº?ç?¯å¢?"						msgstr "é??ç½®æ?°æ?®åº?ç?¯å¢?"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Database Access Properties "				msgid "Database Access Properties "
msgstr "�����"						msgstr "�����"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380
msgid "Name"							msgid "Name"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
msgid "Description"						msgid "Description"
msgstr "æ??è¿°"							msgstr "æ??è¿°"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182
msgid "Configured data sources in the system"			msgid "Configured data sources in the system"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data sources are the means by which database connections are	"Data sources are the means by which database connections are
"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s	"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s
"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o	"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o
"name you identify the connections in the applications that m	"name you identify the connections in the applications that m
"DB for database access."					"DB for database access."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"æ?°æ?®æº?æ?¯ libgda è¯?å?«æ?°æ?®åº?è¿?æ?¥ç??ä¾?æ?®ã??è¿?æ?¥ä¸?个æ??å®?ç??æ??ä¾?è??/	"æ?°æ?®æº?æ?¯ libgda è¯?å?«æ?°æ?®åº?è¿?æ?¥ç??ä¾?æ?®ã??è¿?æ?¥ä¸?个æ??å®?ç??æ??ä¾?è??/
"æ??æ??ä¿¡æ?¯é?½ç?¨ä¸?个å?¯ä¸?ç??å??å­?ä¿?å­?èµ·æ?¥ã??é??è¿?è¿?个å?¯ä¸?ç??å??å­?ï¼?æ?¨å°±	"æ??æ??ä¿¡æ?¯é?½ç?¨ä¸?个å?¯ä¸?ç??å??å­?ä¿?å­?èµ·æ?¥ã??é??è¿?è¿?个å?¯ä¸?ç??å??å­?ï¼?æ?¨å°±
"libgda æ?¥è¿?è¡?æ?°æ?®åº?å­?å??ç??åº?ç?¨ç¨?åº?中æ ?è¯?è¿?æ?¥ã??"			"libgda æ?¥è¿?è¡?æ?°æ?®åº?å­?å??ç??åº?ç?¨ç¨?åº?中æ ?è¯?è¿?æ?¥ã??"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277
#, fuzzy, c-format						#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"	msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"
msgstr "æ?¨ç¡®å®?è¦?å? é?¤â??%sâ??æ?°æ?®æº?ï¼?"				msgstr "æ?¨ç¡®å®?è¦?å? é?¤â??%sâ??æ?°æ?®æº?ï¼?"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data Source Properties"					msgid "Data Source Properties"
msgstr "�����"						msgstr "�����"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132
msgid "Basic"							msgid "Basic"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Tables"							msgid "Tables"
msgstr "表格"							msgstr "表格"

#: control-center/main.c:92					#: control-center/main.c:92
msgid "No valid data source info was created"			msgid "No valid data source info was created"
msgstr "没æ??建ç«?æ??æ??ç??æ?°æ?®æº?ä¿¡æ?¯"				msgstr "没æ??建ç«?æ??æ??ç??æ?°æ?®æº?ä¿¡æ?¯"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218	#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218
msgid "New data source"						msgid "New data source"
msgstr "����"						msgstr "����"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:215					#: control-center/main.c:215
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Database Access Properties"				msgid "Database Access Properties"
msgstr "�����"						msgstr "�����"

#: control-center/provider-config.c:105				#: control-center/provider-config.c:105
msgid "Installed providers"					msgid "Installed providers"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/provider-config.c:131				#: control-center/provider-config.c:131
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec	"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec
"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo	"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo
"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr	"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr
"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba	"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba
"etc."								"etc."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"æ??ä¾?è??æ?¯æ??ä¾?å?°ç?¹å®?æ?°æ?®æº?ç??访é?®ç??å¤?é?¨æ??件ã??é»?认å®?è£?ç??æ??ä¾?è??å??	"æ??ä¾?è??æ?¯æ??ä¾?å?°ç?¹å®?æ?°æ?®æº?ç??访é?®ç??å¤?é?¨æ??件ã??é»?认å®?è£?ç??æ??ä¾?è??å??
"æ??件中ç??æ?°æ?®åº?ã??ä¸?è?¬é?? libgda/gnome-db å??å¸?ç??å?¶ä»?æ??ä¾?è??å??æ?¬ 	"æ??件中ç??æ?°æ?®åº?ã??ä¸?è?¬é?? libgda/gnome-db å??å¸?ç??å?¶ä»?æ??ä¾?è??å??æ?¬ 
"MySQLï¼?Oracleï¼?Sybaseï¼?Interbase ç­?ã??"				"MySQLï¼?Oracleï¼?Sybaseï¼?Interbase ç­?ã??"

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1
msgid "Database connection parameters file"			msgid "Database connection parameters file"
msgstr "æ?°æ?®åº?è¿?æ?¥å??æ?°æ??件"					msgstr "æ?°æ?®åº?è¿?æ?¥å??æ?°æ??件"

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2
msgid "Documents"						msgid "Documents"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3
msgid "SQL code viewer"						msgid "SQL code viewer"
msgstr "SQL 代ç ?æ?¥ç??å?¨"						msgstr "SQL 代ç ?æ?¥ç??å?¨"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1
msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"			msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"
msgstr "ç½?æ ¼é?¨ä»¶ä¸­è¦?使ç?¨ç??å­?ä½?"					msgstr "ç½?æ ¼é?¨ä»¶ä¸­è¦?使ç?¨ç??å­?ä½?"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2
msgid "Number of spaces per tab"				msgid "Number of spaces per tab"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3
msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"			msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4
msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"			msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60
msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"			msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1
msgid "About"							msgid "About"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2
msgid "About GNOME-DB"						msgid "About GNOME-DB"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3
msgid "Close this window"					msgid "Close this window"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4
msgid "Create new entry"					msgid "Create new entry"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Delete selected items"					msgid "Delete selected items"
msgstr "å??æ¶?对å??表中æ??æ??é??中项ç?®ç??é??æ?©"				msgstr "å??æ¶?对å??表中æ??æ??é??中项ç?®ç??é??æ?©"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Deselect all items"					msgid "Deselect all items"
msgstr "å??æ¶?对å??表中æ??æ??é??中项ç?®ç??é??æ?©"				msgstr "å??æ¶?对å??表中æ??æ??é??中项ç?®ç??é??æ?©"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7
msgid "Edit properties for selected item"			msgid "Edit properties for selected item"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Save connection parameters to file"			msgid "Save connection parameters to file"
msgstr "æ?°æ?®åº?è¿?æ?¥å??æ?°æ??件"					msgstr "æ?°æ?®åº?è¿?æ?¥å??æ?°æ??件"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Select _All"						msgid "Select _All"
msgstr "å?¨é??"							msgstr "å?¨é??"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Select all items"					msgid "Select all items"
msgstr "é??æ?©å??表中ç??æ??æ??项ç?®"					msgstr "é??æ?©å??表中ç??æ??æ??项ç?®"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View data sources"					msgid "View data sources"
msgstr "����"						msgstr "����"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View providers"						msgid "View providers"
msgstr "æ??ä¾?è??"							msgstr "æ??ä¾?è??"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42
msgid "_Clear Selection"					msgid "_Clear Selection"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Close"							msgid "_Close"
msgstr "��"							msgstr "��"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Data Sources"						msgid "_Data Sources"
msgstr "���"							msgstr "���"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Database"						msgid "_Database"
msgstr "���"							msgstr "���"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17
msgid "_Delete"							msgid "_Delete"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18
msgid "_Edit"							msgid "_Edit"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19
msgid "_Help"							msgid "_Help"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_New Data Source..."					msgid "_New Data Source..."
msgstr "����"						msgstr "����"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Properties"						msgid "_Properties"
msgstr "��"							msgstr "��"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Providers"						msgid "_Providers"
msgstr "æ??ä¾?è??"							msgstr "æ??ä¾?è??"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Save Connection"					msgid "_Save Connection"
msgstr "ä¿?å­?å?°"							msgstr "ä¿?å­?å?°"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_View"							msgid "_View"
msgstr "��"							msgstr "��"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76
msgid "Structure"						msgid "Structure"
msgstr "ç»?æ??"							msgstr "ç»?æ??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73
msgid "Data"							msgid "Data"
msgstr "æ?°æ?®"							msgstr "æ?°æ?®"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238
msgid "Not implemented yet!"					msgid "Not implemented yet!"
msgstr "����"						msgstr "����"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Database"						msgid "Database"
msgstr "���"							msgstr "���"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540
msgid "Loading database schemas..."				msgid "Loading database schemas..."
msgstr "正������模�..."					msgstr "正������模�..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632
msgid "Refreshing data..."					msgid "Refreshing data..."
msgstr "正�����..."					msgstr "正�����..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688
msgid "Views"							msgid "Views"
msgstr "��"							msgstr "��"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691
msgid "Indexes"							msgid "Indexes"
msgstr "索�"							msgstr "索�"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Sequences"						msgid "Sequences"
msgstr "åº?å??"							msgstr "åº?å??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Procedures"						msgid "Procedures"
msgstr "��"							msgstr "��"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700
msgid "Triggers"						msgid "Triggers"
msgstr "触å??å?¨"							msgstr "触å??å?¨"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Aggregates"						msgid "Aggregates"
msgstr "è??å??"							msgstr "è??å??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Types"							msgid "Types"
msgstr "ç±»å??"							msgstr "ç±»å??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140
msgid "Could not query CORBA components"			msgid "Could not query CORBA components"
msgstr "���询 CORBA �件"					msgstr "���询 CORBA �件"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209
msgid "ID"							msgid "ID"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "Location"						msgid "Location"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212
msgid "Username"						msgid "Username"
msgstr "ç?¨æ?·å??"							msgstr "ç?¨æ?·å??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Hostname"						msgid "Hostname"
msgstr "ç?¨æ?·å??"							msgstr "ç?¨æ?·å??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214
msgid "Domain"							msgid "Domain"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"			msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"
msgstr "GconfEntry 中å­?å?¨ä¸?æ?¯æ??ç??ç±»å??ï¼?%d"			msgstr "GconfEntry 中å­?å?¨ä¸?æ?¯æ??ç??ç±»å??ï¼?%d"

#. create widgets						#. create widgets
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97
msgid "Settings"						msgid "Settings"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103
msgid "Data source name"					msgid "Data source name"
msgstr "æ?°æ?®æº?å??称"						msgstr "æ?°æ?®æº?å??称"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109
msgid "Connection string"					msgid "Connection string"
msgstr "���符串"						msgstr "���符串"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115
msgid "Provider"						msgid "Provider"
msgstr "æ??ä¾?è??"							msgstr "æ??ä¾?è??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "User name"						msgid "User name"
msgstr "ç?¨æ?·å??"							msgstr "ç?¨æ?·å??"

#. create feature list						#. create feature list
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128
msgid "Features"						msgid "Features"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190
msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"		msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"
msgstr "æ?¨å¿?须为æ?°æ?°æ?®æº?è¾?å?¥ä¸?个å??称"				msgstr "æ?¨å¿?须为æ?°æ?°æ?®æº?è¾?å?¥ä¸?个å??称"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197
msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac	msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206
msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th	msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213
msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"			msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217
msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n	msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225
msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"	msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"
msgstr "æ?¨å¿?须为æ?°æ?°æ?®æº?é??æ?©ä¸?个æ??ä¾?è??"				msgstr "æ?¨å¿?须为æ?°æ?°æ?®æº?é??æ?©ä¸?个æ??ä¾?è??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233
msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"		msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"
msgstr "å?¨æ?¨ç??é??置中æ?ªæ?¾å?°æ??ä¾?è??"				msgstr "å?¨æ?¨ç??é??置中æ?ªæ?¾å?°æ??ä¾?è??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391
msgid "Add a new data source..."				msgid "Add a new data source..."
msgstr "添��个����..."					msgstr "添��个����..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392
msgid ""							msgid ""
"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"		"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"
"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"		"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"
"installation. Just follow the steps!"				"installation. Just follow the steps!"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"该å??导å°?å?¨æ?¨å®?è£? GNOME-DB 中\n"				"该å??导å°?å?¨æ?¨å®?è£? GNOME-DB 中\n"
"æ??å¼?æ?¨å®?æ??å??建æ?°æ?°æ?®æº?ç??æ?´ä¸ª\n"				"æ??å¼?æ?¨å®?æ??å??建æ?°æ?°æ?®æº?ç??æ?´ä¸ª\n"
"è¿?ç¨?ã??请è·?é??è¿?äº?步骤ï¼?"					"è¿?ç¨?ã??请è·?é??è¿?äº?步骤ï¼?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404
msgid "General Information"					msgid "General Information"
msgstr "é??ç?¨ä¿¡æ?¯"						msgstr "é??ç?¨ä¿¡æ?¯"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the basic information\n"	"The following fields represent the basic information\n"
"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n	"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n
"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"	"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"
"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"	"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"
"the default one."						"the default one."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"以ä¸?å??æ?¯æ?¨æ?°æ?°æ?®æº?ç??å?ºæ?¬ä¿¡æ?¯é¡¹ç?®ã??\n"				"以ä¸?å??æ?¯æ?¨æ?°æ?°æ?®æº?ç??å?ºæ?¬ä¿¡æ?¯é¡¹ç?®ã??\n"
"å?¶ä¸­æ??äº?项ç?®(æ??è¿°ï¼?ç?¨æ?·å??)æ?¯å?¯é??\n"				"å?¶ä¸­æ??äº?项ç?®(æ??è¿°ï¼?ç?¨æ?·å??)æ?¯å?¯é??\n"
"ç??ï¼?è??å?¶å®?ä¸?äº?å??å¿?é¡»è¾?å?¥ã??å¦?æ??ä½ \n"				"ç??ï¼?è??å?¶å®?ä¸?äº?å??å¿?é¡»è¾?å?¥ã??å¦?æ??ä½ \n"
"ä¸?ç?¥é??该使ç?¨å?ªä¸ªæ??ä¾?è??ï¼?请é??æ?©\n"				"ä¸?ç?¥é??该使ç?¨å?ªä¸ªæ??ä¾?è??ï¼?请é??æ?©\n"
"�认�"							"�认�"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data source _name:"					msgid "Data source _name:"
msgstr "æ?°æ?®æº?å??称"						msgstr "æ?°æ?®æº?å??称"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Provider:"						msgid "_Provider:"
msgstr "æ??ä¾?è??"							msgstr "æ??ä¾?è??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Description:"						msgid "_Description:"
msgstr "æ??è¿°"							msgstr "æ??è¿°"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Username:"						msgid "_Username:"
msgstr "ç?¨æ?·å??"							msgstr "ç?¨æ?·å??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "P_assword:"						msgid "P_assword:"
msgstr "�令"							msgstr "�令"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454
msgid "Provider Parameters"					msgid "Provider Parameters"
msgstr "æ??ä¾?è??å??æ?°"						msgstr "æ??ä¾?è??å??æ?°"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the information needed by the	"The following fields represent the information needed by the
"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n	"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n
"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\	"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\
"the manual for more information."				"the manual for more information."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"以ä¸?å??ç»?å?ºäº?æ?¨å?¨ä¸?ä¸?页中é??æ?©ç??æ??ä¾?è??\n"			"以ä¸?å??ç»?å?ºäº?æ?¨å?¨ä¸?ä¸?页中é??æ?©ç??æ??ä¾?è??\n"
"ç?¨ä»¥æ??å¼?ç»?å®?è¿?æ?¥æ??å¿?é¡»ç??ä¿¡æ?¯ã??该信æ?¯\n"			"ç?¨ä»¥æ??å¼?ç»?å®?è¿?æ?¥æ??å¿?é¡»ç??ä¿¡æ?¯ã??该信æ?¯\n"
"ä¾?æ??ä¾?è??ç??ä¸?å??è??ä¸?å??ï¼?æ??以请æ?¥ç??æ??å??\n"			"ä¾?æ??ä¾?è??ç??ä¸?å??è??ä¸?å??ï¼?æ??以请æ?¥ç??æ??å??\n"
"以便è?·å¾?æ?´å¤?ç??ä¿¡æ?¯"						"以便è?·å¾?æ?´å¤?ç??ä¿¡æ?¯"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481
msgid "All information retrieved"				msgid "All information retrieved"
msgstr "æ??æ??ä¿¡æ?¯é?½å·²æ£?ç´¢"					msgstr "æ??æ??ä¿¡æ?¯é?½å·²æ£?ç´¢"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid ""							msgid ""
"All information needed to create a new data source\n"		"All information needed to create a new data source\n"
"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"		"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"
"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"	"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"
"just select it when asked for a data source."			"just select it when asked for a data source."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"æ??æ??å??建æ?°æ?°æ?®æº?ç??ä¿¡æ?¯é?½å·²æ£?ç´¢ã??\n"				"æ??æ??å??建æ?°æ?°æ?®æº?ç??ä¿¡æ?¯é?½å·²æ£?ç´¢ã??\n"
"ç?¹å?»â??åº?ç?¨â??以å?³é?­è¯¥å¯¹è¯?æ¡?ã??\n"					"ç?¹å?»â??åº?ç?¨â??以å?³é?­è¯¥å¯¹è¯?æ¡?ã??\n"
"为äº?æ??å¼?æ?¨æ?°å??建ç??æ?°æ?®æº?ï¼?\n"					"为äº?æ??å¼?æ?¨æ?°å??建ç??æ?°æ?®æº?ï¼?\n"
"å?¨è¯¢é?®æ?°æ?®æº?æ?¶é??æ?©å®?å?³å?¯"					"å?¨è¯¢é?®æ?°æ?®æº?æ?¶é??æ?©å®?å?³å?¯"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Connection _string:"					msgid "Connection _string:"
msgstr "���符串"						msgstr "���符串"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4
msgid "Error"							msgid "Error"
msgstr "é??误"							msgstr "é??误"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.
msgid "Show detail >>"						msgid "Show detail >>"
msgstr "æ?¾ç¤ºç»?è?? >>"						msgstr "æ?¾ç¤ºç»?è?? >>"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122
msgid "<< Hide detail"						msgid "<< Hide detail"
msgstr "<< é??è??ç»?è??"						msgstr "<< é??è??ç»?è??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191
msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"	msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196
msgid "Error number"						msgid "Error number"
msgstr "é??误æ?°å­?"						msgstr "é??误æ?°å­?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Details"							msgid "Details"
msgstr "ç»?è??"							msgstr "ç»?è??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234
msgid "Source"							msgid "Source"
msgstr "�"							msgstr "�"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241
msgid "SQL state"						msgid "SQL state"
msgstr "SQL ç?¶æ??"						msgstr "SQL ç?¶æ??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Field:"							msgid "_Field:"
msgstr "��"							msgstr "��"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Text:"							msgid "_Text:"
msgstr "��步"							msgstr "��步"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308
msgid "No records"						msgid "No records"
msgstr "没æ??è®°å½?"						msgstr "没æ??è®°å½?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Record %d of %d"						msgid "Record %d of %d"
msgstr "è®°å½? %d/%d"						msgstr "è®°å½? %d/%d"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113
msgid "Recordset description"					msgid "Recordset description"
msgstr "è®°å½?é??æ??è¿°"						msgstr "è®°å½?é??æ??è¿°"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid ""							msgid ""
"File '%s' already exists.\n"					"File '%s' already exists.\n"
"Do you want to overwrite it?"					"Do you want to overwrite it?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149
msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."		msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Could not save file %s"					msgid "Could not save file %s"
msgstr "æ? æ³?ä¿?å­?æ??件 %s"					msgstr "æ? æ³?ä¿?å­?æ??件 %s"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224
msgid "You must specify a file name"				msgid "You must specify a file name"
msgstr "æ?¨å¿?é¡»ç»?å?ºæ??件å??"					msgstr "æ?¨å¿?é¡»ç»?å?ºæ??件å??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230
msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"		msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261
msgid "Saving Model"						msgid "Saving Model"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "File _name:"						msgid "File _name:"
msgstr "表格å??称"						msgstr "表格å??称"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276
msgid "Select File"						msgid "Select File"
msgstr "é??æ?©æ??件"						msgstr "é??æ?©æ??件"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283
msgid "File _type:"						msgid "File _type:"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Tab-delimited"						msgid "Tab-delimited"
msgstr "Tab å??é??ç??æ??件"						msgstr "Tab å??é??ç??æ??件"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Comma-delimited"						msgid "Comma-delimited"
msgstr "é??å?·å??é??ç??æ??件"						msgstr "é??å?·å??é??ç??æ??件"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:
msgid "XML"							msgid "XML"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355
msgid "View detail"						msgid "View detail"
msgstr "æ?¥ç??ç»?è??"						msgstr "æ?¥ç??ç»?è??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Show Column _Titles"					msgid "Show Column _Titles"
msgstr "æ?¾ç¤ºå??"							msgstr "æ?¾ç¤ºå??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Describe"						msgid "Describe"
msgstr "æ??è¿°..."						msgstr "æ??è¿°..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443
msgid "View detail..."						msgid "View detail..."
msgstr "æ?¥ç??ç»?è??..."						msgstr "æ?¥ç??ç»?è??..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614
msgid "Title"							msgid "Title"
msgstr "��"							msgstr "��"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48
msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"	msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"
msgstr "è¯?å?¾å??å§?å??ä¸?个已å??å§?å??ç??客æ?·ç«¯"				msgstr "è¯?å?¾å??å§?å??ä¸?个已å??å§?å??ç??客æ?·ç«¯"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"		"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"
"to a data source"						"to a data source"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data Source:"						msgid "Data Source:"
msgstr "���"							msgstr "���"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Username:"						msgid "Username:"
msgstr "ç?¨æ?·å??"							msgstr "ç?¨æ?·å??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Password:"						msgid "Password:"
msgstr "�令"							msgstr "�令"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69
msgid "Fields"							msgid "Fields"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30
msgid "Commit"							msgid "Commit"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31
msgid "Connect"							msgid "Connect"
msgstr "è¿?æ?¥"							msgstr "è¿?æ?¥"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33
msgid "Designer"						msgid "Designer"
msgstr "设计è??"							msgstr "设计è??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34
msgid "Disconnect"						msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr "æ?­å¼?è¿?æ?¥"						msgstr "æ?­å¼?è¿?æ?¥"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35
msgid "NoTransaction"						msgid "NoTransaction"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37
msgid "Query"							msgid "Query"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38
msgid "Rollback"						msgid "Rollback"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40
msgid "SQL"							msgid "SQL"
msgstr "SQL"							msgstr "SQL"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43
msgid "WithinTransaction"					msgid "WithinTransaction"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Error: %s"						msgid "Error: %s"
msgstr "é??误ï¼?%s"						msgstr "é??误ï¼?%s"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79
msgid "Table name"						msgid "Table name"
msgstr "表格å??称"						msgstr "表格å??称"

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93			#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Login for %s"						msgid "Login for %s"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95					#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95
msgid "Login to database"					msgid "Login to database"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: vfs/libmain.c:71						#: vfs/libmain.c:71
msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"				msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"
msgstr "GNOME VFS æ?°æ?®åº?ï¼?模å??"					msgstr "GNOME VFS æ?°æ?®åº?ï¼?模å??"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Table Properties"					msgid "Table Properties"
msgstr "�����"						msgstr "�����"

#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Table Name"						msgid "Table Name"
msgstr "表格å??称"						msgstr "表格å??称"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155
msgid "New"							msgid "New"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156
msgid "Create new table"					msgid "Create new table"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Properties"						msgid "Properties"
msgstr "��"							msgstr "��"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View table properties"					msgid "View table properties"
msgstr "�����"						msgstr "�����"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
msgid "UID"							msgid "UID"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "calendar"						msgid "calendar"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "summary"							msgid "summary"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "Summary"							msgid "Summary"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "location"						msgid "location"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "dtstart"							msgid "dtstart"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
msgid "Start time"						msgid "Start time"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "dtend"							msgid "dtend"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "End time"						msgid "End time"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "description"						msgid "description"
msgstr "æ??è¿°"							msgstr "æ??è¿°"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "classification"						msgid "classification"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "Classification"						msgid "Classification"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "transparency"						msgid "transparency"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "Transparency"						msgid "Transparency"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "categories"						msgid "categories"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "Categories"						msgid "Categories"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "tasks"							msgid "tasks"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "due"							msgid "due"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "Due date"						msgid "Due date"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "Start date"						msgid "Start date"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355
msgid "Public"							msgid "Public"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358
msgid "Private"							msgid "Private"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361
msgid "Confidential"						msgid "Confidential"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63
msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"		msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66
msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"			msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80
msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta	msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"		msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"
msgstr "æ? æ³?æ??å¼?å?° %s ç??è¿?æ?¥"					msgstr "æ? æ³?æ??å¼?å?° %s ç??è¿?æ?¥"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100
msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"				msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Field name"						msgid "Field name"
msgstr "ç?¨æ?·å??"							msgstr "ç?¨æ?·å??"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data type"						msgid "Data type"
msgstr "æ?°æ?®"							msgstr "æ?°æ?®"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214
msgid "Size"							msgid "Size"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215
msgid "Scale"							msgid "Scale"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216
msgid "Not null?"						msgid "Not null?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217
msgid "Primary key?"						msgid "Primary key?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218
msgid "Unique index?"						msgid "Unique index?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "References"						msgid "References"
msgstr "åº?å??"							msgstr "åº?å??"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220
msgid "Default value"						msgid "Default value"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239
msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l	msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Table %s does not exist"					msgid "Table %s does not exist"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318
msgid "Scheduled events"					msgid "Scheduled events"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321
msgid "TODO list"						msgid "TODO list"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375
msgid "Owner"							msgid "Owner"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376
msgid "Comments"						msgid "Comments"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Type"							msgid "Type"
msgstr "ç±»å??"							msgstr "ç±»å??"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377
msgid "GDA type"						msgid "GDA type"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id	#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id
#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database	#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database
#. we can easily access that information			#. we can easily access that information
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382
msgid "local"							msgid "local"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217
msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230
msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244
msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"			msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268
msgid "Invalid SQL command"					msgid "Invalid SQL command"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353
msgid "Transactions are not supported"				msgid "Transactions are not supported"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41
msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"		msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task	"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Connection MIME handler component"			#~ msgid "Connection MIME handler component"
#~ msgstr "è¿?æ?¥æ?¥ç??å?¨ç»?件"					#~ msgstr "è¿?æ?¥æ?¥ç??å?¨ç»?件"

#~ msgid "Database component factory"				#~ msgid "Database component factory"
#~ msgstr "æ?°æ?®åº?ç»?件工å??"					#~ msgstr "æ?°æ?®åº?ç»?件工å??"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "SQL MIME handler component"				#~ msgid "SQL MIME handler component"
#~ msgstr "SQL æ?¥ç??å?¨ç»?件"					#~ msgstr "SQL æ?¥ç??å?¨ç»?件"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Database browser"					#~ msgid "Database browser"
#~ msgstr "�����"						#~ msgstr "�����"

#~ msgid "Error viewer"						#~ msgid "Error viewer"
#~ msgstr "é??误æ?¥ç??å?¨"						#~ msgstr "é??误æ?¥ç??å?¨"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "SQL Viewer"						#~ msgid "SQL Viewer"
#~ msgstr "SQL 代ç ?æ?¥ç??å?¨"					#~ msgstr "SQL 代ç ?æ?¥ç??å?¨"

#~ msgid "Database configuration"				#~ msgid "Database configuration"
#~ msgstr "æ?°æ?®åº?é??ç½®"						#~ msgstr "æ?°æ?®åº?é??ç½®"

#~ msgid "Password"						#~ msgid "Password"
#~ msgstr "�令"						#~ msgstr "�令"

#~ msgid "Save as"						#~ msgid "Save as"
#~ msgstr "��为"						#~ msgstr "��为"

#~ msgid "Save to"						#~ msgid "Save to"
#~ msgstr "ä¿?å­?å?°"						#~ msgstr "ä¿?å­?å?°"

#~ msgid "XML file"						#~ msgid "XML file"
#~ msgstr "XML æ??件"						#~ msgstr "XML æ??件"

#~ msgid "Hide columns"						#~ msgid "Hide columns"
#~ msgstr "é??è??å??"						#~ msgstr "é??è??å??"

#~ msgid "Question"						#~ msgid "Question"
#~ msgstr "��"						#~ msgstr "��"

#~ msgid "Invalid format for connection string"			#~ msgid "Invalid format for connection string"
#~ msgstr "è¿?æ?¥å­?符串格å¼?æ? æ??"					#~ msgstr "è¿?æ?¥å­?符串格å¼?æ? æ??"

#~ msgid "Data sources"						#~ msgid "Data sources"
#~ msgstr "���"						#~ msgstr "���"

#~ msgid "Test Data Source"					#~ msgid "Test Data Source"
#~ msgstr "�����"						#~ msgstr "�����"

#~ msgid "Connection to %s successful!"				#~ msgid "Connection to %s successful!"
#~ msgstr "è¿?æ?¥ %s æ??å??ï¼?"					#~ msgstr "è¿?æ?¥ %s æ??å??ï¼?"

#~ msgid "Test"							#~ msgid "Test"
#~ msgstr "��"						#~ msgstr "��"

#~ msgid ""							#~ msgid ""
#~ "Component that lets you open a .connection file and brows	#~ "Component that lets you open a .connection file and brows
#~ "specified on it"						#~ "specified on it"
#~ msgstr "å??许æ?¨æ??å¼?ä¸?个 .connection æ??件并æµ?è§?å?¶ä¸­æ??å®?ç??è¿?	#~ msgstr "å??许æ?¨æ??å¼?ä¸?个 .connection æ??件并æµ?è§?å?¶ä¸­æ??å®?ç??è¿?

#~ msgid "Viewer for SQL source code"				#~ msgid "Viewer for SQL source code"
#~ msgstr "SQL æº?ç ?æ?¥ç??å?¨"					#~ msgstr "SQL æº?ç ?æ?¥ç??å?¨"

#~ msgid "Data source"						#~ msgid "Data source"
#~ msgstr "���"						#~ msgstr "���"

#~ msgid "Select all"						#~ msgid "Select all"
#~ msgstr "å?¨é??"						#~ msgstr "å?¨é??"

#~ msgid "Unselect all"						#~ msgid "Unselect all"
#~ msgstr "æ¸?é?¤æ??æ??é??æ?©"					#~ msgstr "æ¸?é?¤æ??æ??é??æ?©"

#~ msgid "Whether to save the shell window position on exit"	#~ msgid "Whether to save the shell window position on exit"
#~ msgstr "é??å?ºæ?¶æ?¯å?¦ä¿?å­? shell çª?å?£ä½?ç½®"			#~ msgstr "é??å?ºæ?¶æ?¯å?¦ä¿?å­? shell çª?å?£ä½?ç½®"

#~ msgid "Whether to show or not the shortcut bar on the fron	#~ msgid "Whether to show or not the shortcut bar on the fron
#~ msgstr "æ?¯å?¦å?¨å??å?°çª?å?£æ?¾ç¤ºå¿«æ?·æ ?"				#~ msgstr "æ?¯å?¦å?¨å??å?°çª?å?£æ?¾ç¤ºå¿«æ?·æ ?"

#~ msgid "Whether to show or not the summary bar on the front	#~ msgid "Whether to show or not the summary bar on the front
#~ msgstr "æ?¯å?¦å?¨å??å?°çª?å?£æ?¾ç¤ºæ??è¦?æ ?"				#~ msgstr "æ?¯å?¦å?¨å??å?°çª?å?£æ?¾ç¤ºæ??è¦?æ ?"

#~ msgid "Whether to use a fixed size/position for the shell 	#~ msgid "Whether to use a fixed size/position for the shell 
#~ msgstr "shell çª?å?£æ?¯å?¦ä½¿ç?¨å?ºå®?ç??大å°?å??ä½?ç½®"			#~ msgstr "shell çª?å?£æ?¯å?¦ä½¿ç?¨å?ºå®?ç??大å°?å??ä½?ç½®"

#~ msgid "Unselect All"						#~ msgid "Unselect All"
#~ msgstr "æ¸?é?¤æ??æ??é??æ?©"					#~ msgstr "æ¸?é?¤æ??æ??é??æ?©"

#~ msgid "Display column headers"				#~ msgid "Display column headers"
#~ msgstr "æ?¾ç¤ºå??头"						#~ msgstr "æ?¾ç¤ºå??头"

#~ msgid "Hide column headers"					#~ msgid "Hide column headers"
#~ msgstr "é??è??å??头"						#~ msgstr "é??è??å??头"

#~ msgid "Save as..."						#~ msgid "Save as..."
#~ msgstr "��为..."						#~ msgstr "��为..."

#~ msgid "Export data to different formats"			#~ msgid "Export data to different formats"
#~ msgstr "å°?æ?°æ?®å¯¼å?ºä¸ºä¸?å??ç??æ ¼å¼?"				#~ msgstr "å°?æ?°æ?®å¯¼å?ºä¸ºä¸?å??ç??æ ¼å¼?"

#~ msgid "Describe current data set"				#~ msgid "Describe current data set"
#~ msgstr "æ??è¿°å½?å??æ?°æ?®é??"					#~ msgstr "æ??è¿°å½?å??æ?°æ?®é??"

#~ msgid "View current data in more detail"			#~ msgid "View current data in more detail"
#~ msgstr "以æ?´ç»?è?´ç??æ?¹å¼?æ?¥ç??å½?å??æ?°æ?®"				#~ msgstr "以æ?´ç»?è?´ç??æ?¹å¼?æ?¥ç??å½?å??æ?°æ?®"

#~ msgid "Loading..."						#~ msgid "Loading..."
#~ msgstr "正���..."						#~ msgstr "正���..."

#~ msgid "Previous"						#~ msgid "Previous"
#~ msgstr "��步"						#~ msgstr "��步"

#~ msgid "Cancel"						#~ msgid "Cancel"
#~ msgstr "å??æ¶?"						#~ msgstr "å??æ¶?"

#~ msgid "OK"							#~ msgid "OK"
#~ msgstr "确认"						#~ msgstr "确认"
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: zh_TW.gmo
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/zh_TW.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/zh_TW.po
# traditional Chinese translation for libgnomedb		# traditional Chinese translation for libgnomedb
# Copyright (C) 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc.		# Copyright (C) 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# Joe Man <trmetal yahoo com hk>, 2001.				# Joe Man <trmetal yahoo com hk>, 2001.
# Abel Cheung <maddog linux org hk>, 2003.			# Abel Cheung <maddog linux org hk>, 2003.
#								#
msgid ""							msgid ""
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: libgnomedb 0.12.1\n"			"Project-Id-Version: libgnomedb 0.12.1\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"					"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"			"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2003-06-10 09:35+0800\n"			"PO-Revision-Date: 2003-06-10 09:35+0800\n"
"Last-Translator: Abel Cheung <maddog linux org hk>\n"		"Last-Translator: Abel Cheung <maddog linux org hk>\n"
"Language-Team: Chinese (traditional) <zh-l10n linux org tw>\	"Language-Team: Chinese (traditional) <zh-l10n linux org tw>\
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"						"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"			"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"				"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:48 control-center/dsn-co
msgid "Data Sources"						msgid "Data Sources"
msgstr "æ?¸æ??ä¾?æº?"						msgstr "æ?¸æ??ä¾?æº?"

#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid	#: control-center/database-capplet.c:54 control-center/provid
msgid "Providers"						msgid "Providers"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1
msgid "Configure your database environment"			msgid "Configure your database environment"
msgstr "設å®?æ?¸æ??庫ç?°å¢?"						msgstr "設å®?æ?¸æ??庫ç?°å¢?"

#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2		#: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Database Access Properties "				msgid "Database Access Properties "
msgstr "æ?¸æ??庫屬æ?§"						msgstr "æ?¸æ??庫屬æ?§"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:71 control-center/provider-con
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380
msgid "Name"							msgid "Name"
msgstr "å??稱"							msgstr "å??稱"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con	#: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-con
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
msgid "Description"						msgid "Description"
msgstr "說æ??"							msgstr "說æ??"

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:182
msgid "Configured data sources in the system"			msgid "Configured data sources in the system"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:214
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data sources are the means by which database connections are	"Data sources are the means by which database connections are
"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s	"GNOME-DB. All information needed to open a connection to a s
"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o	"database combo is stored using a unique name. It is by use o
"name you identify the connections in the applications that m	"name you identify the connections in the applications that m
"DB for database access."					"DB for database access."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277				#: control-center/dsn-config.c:277
#, fuzzy, c-format						#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"	msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the data source '%s'?"
msgstr "æ?¯å?¦ç§»é?¤â??%sâ??æ?¸æ??ä¾?æº?ï¼?"					msgstr "æ?¯å?¦ç§»é?¤â??%sâ??æ?¸æ??ä¾?æº?ï¼?"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:104
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data Source Properties"					msgid "Data Source Properties"
msgstr "æ?¸æ??ä¾?æº?屬æ?§"						msgstr "æ?¸æ??ä¾?æº?屬æ?§"

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:132
msgid "Basic"							msgid "Basic"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137			#: control-center/dsn-properties-dialog.c:137
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:686 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Tables"							msgid "Tables"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/main.c:92					#: control-center/main.c:92
msgid "No valid data source info was created"			msgid "No valid data source info was created"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218	#: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218
msgid "New data source"						msgid "New data source"
msgstr "æ?°å¢?æ?¸æ??ä¾?æº?"						msgstr "æ?°å¢?æ?¸æ??ä¾?æº?"

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: control-center/main.c:215					#: control-center/main.c:215
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Database Access Properties"				msgid "Database Access Properties"
msgstr "æ?¸æ??庫屬æ?§"						msgstr "æ?¸æ??庫屬æ?§"

#: control-center/provider-config.c:105				#: control-center/provider-config.c:105
msgid "Installed providers"					msgid "Installed providers"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: control-center/provider-config.c:131				#: control-center/provider-config.c:131
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec	"Providers are external plugins that provide access to a spec
"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo	"source. The default provider is always installed, which allo
"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr	"databases stored in XML files. Other providers usually distr
"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba	"with libgda/gnome-db include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Syba
"etc."								"etc."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1
msgid "Database connection parameters file"			msgid "Database connection parameters file"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2
msgid "Documents"						msgid "Documents"
msgstr "æ??件"							msgstr "æ??件"

#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3					#: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3
msgid "SQL code viewer"						msgid "SQL code viewer"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1
msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"			msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2
msgid "Number of spaces per tab"				msgid "Number of spaces per tab"
msgstr "tab å­?å??ä½?ç??空格æ?¸ç?®"					msgstr "tab å­?å??ä½?ç??空格æ?¸ç?®"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3
msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"			msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"
msgstr "å?¨æº?代碼編輯å?¨ä¸­é¡¯ç¤ºè¡?è??"				msgstr "å?¨æº?代碼編輯å?¨ä¸­é¡¯ç¤ºè¡?è??"

#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4				#: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4
msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"			msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"
msgstr "��代碼編輯�中�強顯示����"			msgstr "��代碼編輯�中�強顯示����"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60
msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"			msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1
msgid "About"							msgid "About"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2
msgid "About GNOME-DB"						msgid "About GNOME-DB"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3
msgid "Close this window"					msgid "Close this window"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4
msgid "Create new entry"					msgid "Create new entry"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5
msgid "Delete selected items"					msgid "Delete selected items"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:6
msgid "Deselect all items"					msgid "Deselect all items"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7
msgid "Edit properties for selected item"			msgid "Edit properties for selected item"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8
msgid "Save connection parameters to file"			msgid "Save connection parameters to file"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Select _All"						msgid "Select _All"
msgstr "å?¨é?¨é?¸å??"						msgstr "å?¨é?¨é?¸å??"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Select all items"					msgid "Select all items"
msgstr "å?¨é?¨é?¸å??"						msgstr "å?¨é?¨é?¸å??"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View data sources"					msgid "View data sources"
msgstr "æ?°å¢?æ?¸æ??ä¾?æº?"						msgstr "æ?°å¢?æ?¸æ??ä¾?æº?"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:12
msgid "View providers"						msgid "View providers"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42	#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:42
msgid "_Clear Selection"					msgid "_Clear Selection"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14
msgid "_Close"							msgid "_Close"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Data Sources"						msgid "_Data Sources"
msgstr "æ?¸æ??ä¾?æº?"						msgstr "æ?¸æ??ä¾?æº?"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:16
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Database"						msgid "_Database"
msgstr "æ?¸æ??庫"							msgstr "æ?¸æ??庫"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17
msgid "_Delete"							msgid "_Delete"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18
msgid "_Edit"							msgid "_Edit"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19
msgid "_Help"							msgid "_Help"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_New Data Source..."					msgid "_New Data Source..."
msgstr "æ?°å¢?æ?¸æ??ä¾?æº?"						msgstr "æ?°å¢?æ?¸æ??ä¾?æº?"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Properties"						msgid "_Properties"
msgstr "æ?¸æ??庫屬æ?§"						msgstr "æ?¸æ??庫屬æ?§"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22
msgid "_Providers"						msgid "_Providers"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Save Connection"					msgid "_Save Connection"
msgstr "���"							msgstr "���"

#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24					#: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_View"							msgid "_View"
msgstr "��"							msgstr "��"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:76
msgid "Structure"						msgid "Structure"
msgstr "��"							msgstr "��"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-tables.c:84
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser-views.c:73
msgid "Data"							msgid "Data"
msgstr "æ?¸æ??"							msgstr "æ?¸æ??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:238
msgid "Not implemented yet!"					msgid "Not implemented yet!"
msgstr "æ?ªå®?æ??å??è?½ï¼?"						msgstr "æ?ªå®?æ??å??è?½ï¼?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:330 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Database"						msgid "Database"
msgstr "æ?¸æ??庫"							msgstr "æ?¸æ??庫"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:540
msgid "Loading database schemas..."				msgid "Loading database schemas..."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:632
msgid "Refreshing data..."					msgid "Refreshing data..."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:688
msgid "Views"							msgid "Views"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:691
msgid "Indexes"							msgid "Indexes"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:694 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Sequences"						msgid "Sequences"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:697 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Procedures"						msgid "Procedures"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:700
msgid "Triggers"						msgid "Triggers"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:703 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Aggregates"						msgid "Aggregates"
msgstr "總�"							msgstr "總�"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-browser.c:706 libgnomedb/gnome-db-stoc
msgid "Types"							msgid "Types"
msgstr "é¡?å??"							msgstr "é¡?å??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:140
msgid "Could not query CORBA components"			msgid "Could not query CORBA components"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209
msgid "ID"							msgid "ID"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "Location"						msgid "Location"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212
msgid "Username"						msgid "Username"
msgstr "ç?¨æ?¶å??稱"						msgstr "ç?¨æ?¶å??稱"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Hostname"						msgid "Hostname"
msgstr "ç?¨æ?¶å??稱"						msgstr "ç?¨æ?¶å??稱"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214
msgid "Domain"							msgid "Domain"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"			msgid "Unsupported type in GconfEntry: %d"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. create widgets						#. create widgets
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:97
msgid "Settings"						msgid "Settings"
msgstr "設�"							msgstr "設�"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:103
msgid "Data source name"					msgid "Data source name"
msgstr "æ?¸æ??ä¾?æº?å??稱"						msgstr "æ?¸æ??ä¾?æº?å??稱"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:109
msgid "Connection string"					msgid "Connection string"
msgstr "���串"						msgstr "���串"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:115
msgid "Provider"						msgid "Provider"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:121
msgid "User name"						msgid "User name"
msgstr "ç?¨æ?¶å??稱"						msgstr "ç?¨æ?¶å??稱"

#. create feature list						#. create feature list
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128		#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-connection-properties.c:128
msgid "Features"						msgid "Features"
msgstr "å??è?½"							msgstr "å??è?½"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190
msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"		msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"
msgstr "æ?¨å¿?é ?ç?ºæ?°ç??æ?¸æ??ä¾?æº?å?½å??"				msgstr "æ?¨å¿?é ?ç?ºæ?°ç??æ?¸æ??ä¾?æº?å?½å??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197
msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac	msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric charac
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206
msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th	msgid "An existing data source is already registered under th
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213
msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"			msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217
msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n	msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and n
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225
msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"	msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233
msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"		msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:391
msgid "Add a new data source..."				msgid "Add a new data source..."
msgstr "æ?°å¢?æ?¸æ??ä¾?æº?..."					msgstr "æ?°å¢?æ?¸æ??ä¾?æº?..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:392
msgid ""							msgid ""
"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"		"This druid will guide you through the process of\n"
"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"		"creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"
"installation. Just follow the steps!"				"installation. Just follow the steps!"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404
msgid "General Information"					msgid "General Information"
msgstr "����"						msgstr "����"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:408
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the basic information\n"	"The following fields represent the basic information\n"
"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n	"items for your new data source. Some of them (description,\n
"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"	"username) are optional, whereas the others are mandatory.\n"
"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"	"If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"
"the default one."						"the default one."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data source _name:"					msgid "Data source _name:"
msgstr "æ?¸æ??ä¾?æº?å??稱"						msgstr "æ?¸æ??ä¾?æº?å??稱"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:425
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:114
msgid "_Provider:"						msgid "_Provider:"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:430
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:133
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Description:"						msgid "_Description:"
msgstr "說æ??"							msgstr "說æ??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:435
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Username:"						msgid "_Username:"
msgstr "ç?¨æ?¶å??稱ï¼?"						msgstr "ç?¨æ?¶å??稱ï¼?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "P_assword:"						msgid "P_assword:"
msgstr "�碼�"							msgstr "�碼�"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454
msgid "Provider Parameters"					msgid "Provider Parameters"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:458
msgid ""							msgid ""
"The following fields represent the information needed by the	"The following fields represent the information needed by the
"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n	"provider you selected in the previous page to open a given\n
"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\	"connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\
"the manual for more information."				"the manual for more information."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481
msgid "All information retrieved"				msgid "All information retrieved"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:482
msgid ""							msgid ""
"All information needed to create a new data source\n"		"All information needed to create a new data source\n"
"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"		"has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"
"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"	"this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"
"just select it when asked for a data source."			"just select it when asked for a data source."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Connection _string:"					msgid "Connection _string:"
msgstr "���串"						msgstr "���串"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error-dialog.c:98 libgnomedb/utils.c:4
msgid "Error"							msgid "Error"
msgstr "�誤"							msgstr "�誤"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:113 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.
msgid "Show detail >>"						msgid "Show detail >>"
msgstr "顯示詳細è³?æ?? >>"					msgstr "顯示詳細è³?æ?? >>"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:122
msgid "<< Hide detail"						msgid "<< Hide detail"
msgstr "<< é?±è??詳細è³?æ??"					msgstr "<< é?±è??詳細è³?æ??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191
msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"	msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196
msgid "Error number"						msgid "Error number"
msgstr "é?¯èª¤ç·¨è??"						msgstr "é?¯èª¤ç·¨è??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Details"							msgid "Details"
msgstr "詳細è³?æ??"						msgstr "詳細è³?æ??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234
msgid "Source"							msgid "Source"
msgstr "��"							msgstr "��"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:241
msgid "SQL state"						msgid "SQL state"
msgstr "SQL ç??æ??"						msgstr "SQL ç??æ??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108
msgid "_Field:"							msgid "_Field:"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "_Text:"							msgid "_Text:"
msgstr "測試"							msgstr "測試"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:
#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308
msgid "No records"						msgid "No records"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:329
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Record %d of %d"						msgid "Record %d of %d"
msgstr "%2$d ä¹? %1$d ç­?æ?¸æ??"					msgstr "%2$d ä¹? %1$d ç­?æ?¸æ??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113
msgid "Recordset description"					msgid "Recordset description"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141
#, fuzzy, c-format						#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""							msgid ""
"File '%s' already exists.\n"					"File '%s' already exists.\n"
"Do you want to overwrite it?"					"Do you want to overwrite it?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""
"�� %s 已���\n"						"�� %s 已���\n"
"���寫該���"						"���寫該���"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149
msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."		msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:217
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Could not save file %s"					msgid "Could not save file %s"
msgstr "������ %s"					msgstr "������ %s"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224
msgid "You must specify a file name"				msgid "You must specify a file name"
msgstr "æ?¨å¿?é ?æ??å®?æª?æ¡?å??稱"					msgstr "æ?¨å¿?é ?æ??å®?æª?æ¡?å??稱"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230
msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"		msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261
msgid "Saving Model"						msgid "Saving Model"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:272
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "File _name:"						msgid "File _name:"
msgstr "表格å??稱"						msgstr "表格å??稱"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:276
msgid "Select File"						msgid "Select File"
msgstr "é?¸å??æª?æ¡?"						msgstr "é?¸å??æª?æ¡?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:283
msgid "File _type:"						msgid "File _type:"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:291
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Tab-delimited"						msgid "Tab-delimited"
msgstr "Tab å­?符å??é??æª?æ¡?"					msgstr "Tab å­?符å??é??æª?æ¡?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:294
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Comma-delimited"						msgid "Comma-delimited"
msgstr "é??è??å??é??æª?æ¡?"						msgstr "é??è??å??é??æª?æ¡?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:	#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:297 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:
msgid "XML"							msgid "XML"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:355
msgid "View detail"						msgid "View detail"
msgstr "顯示詳細è³?æ??"						msgstr "顯示詳細è³?æ??"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:427
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Show Column _Titles"					msgid "Show Column _Titles"
msgstr "顯示��"						msgstr "顯示��"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442
msgid "Describe"						msgid "Describe"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443
msgid "View detail..."						msgid "View detail..."
msgstr "顯示詳細è³?æ??..."					msgstr "顯示詳細è³?æ??..."

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:614
msgid "Title"							msgid "Title"
msgstr "��"							msgstr "��"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48
msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"	msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"		"Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"
"to a data source"						"to a data source"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253
msgid "Data Source:"						msgid "Data Source:"
msgstr "æ?¸æ??ä¾?æº?ï¼?"						msgstr "æ?¸æ??ä¾?æº?ï¼?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270
msgid "Username:"						msgid "Username:"
msgstr "ç?¨æ?¶å??稱ï¼?"						msgstr "ç?¨æ?¶å??稱ï¼?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279
msgid "Password:"						msgid "Password:"
msgstr "�碼�"							msgstr "�碼�"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69
msgid "Fields"							msgid "Fields"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30
msgid "Commit"							msgid "Commit"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31
msgid "Connect"							msgid "Connect"
msgstr "��"							msgstr "��"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33
msgid "Designer"						msgid "Designer"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34
msgid "Disconnect"						msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr "æ?·ç·?"							msgstr "æ?·ç·?"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35
msgid "NoTransaction"						msgid "NoTransaction"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37
msgid "Query"							msgid "Query"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38
msgid "Rollback"						msgid "Rollback"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40
msgid "SQL"							msgid "SQL"
msgstr "SQL"							msgstr "SQL"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43
msgid "WithinTransaction"					msgid "WithinTransaction"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65				#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Error: %s"						msgid "Error: %s"
msgstr "�誤�%s"						msgstr "�誤�%s"

#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79			#: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79
msgid "Table name"						msgid "Table name"
msgstr "表格å??稱"						msgstr "表格å??稱"

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93			#: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Login for %s"						msgid "Login for %s"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95					#: libgnomedb/utils.c:95
msgid "Login to database"					msgid "Login to database"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: vfs/libmain.c:71						#: vfs/libmain.c:71
msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"				msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. create the dialog						#. create the dialog
#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Table Properties"					msgid "Table Properties"
msgstr "æ?¸æ??庫屬æ?§"						msgstr "æ?¸æ??庫屬æ?§"

#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47			#: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Table Name"						msgid "Table Name"
msgstr "表格å??稱"						msgstr "表格å??稱"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155
msgid "New"							msgid "New"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156
msgid "Create new table"					msgid "Create new table"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161					#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Properties"						msgid "Properties"
msgstr "æ?¸æ??庫屬æ?§"						msgstr "æ?¸æ??庫屬æ?§"

#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162	#: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "View table properties"					msgid "View table properties"
msgstr "æ?¸æ??庫屬æ?§"						msgstr "æ?¸æ??庫屬æ?§"

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
msgid "UID"							msgid "UID"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "calendar"						msgid "calendar"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "summary"							msgid "summary"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
msgid "Summary"							msgid "Summary"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
msgid "location"						msgid "location"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "dtstart"							msgid "dtstart"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
msgid "Start time"						msgid "Start time"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "dtend"							msgid "dtend"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:44
msgid "End time"						msgid "End time"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:46
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "description"						msgid "description"
msgstr "說æ??"							msgstr "說æ??"

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "classification"						msgid "classification"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
msgid "Classification"						msgid "Classification"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "transparency"						msgid "transparency"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
msgid "Transparency"						msgid "Transparency"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "categories"						msgid "categories"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:52
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "Categories"						msgid "Categories"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:62
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:68
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:72
msgid "tasks"							msgid "tasks"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. position							#. position
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "due"							msgid "due"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:64
msgid "Due date"						msgid "Due date"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:66
msgid "Start date"						msgid "Start date"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:278
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:355
msgid "Public"							msgid "Public"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:281
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:358
msgid "Private"							msgid "Private"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:284
#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361			#: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:361
msgid "Confidential"						msgid "Confidential"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:63
msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"		msgid "Could not open the default calendar folder"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:66
msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"			msgid "Could not open the default tasks folder"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:80
msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta	msgid "Authentication is required to access the default conta
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83
msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"		msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100
msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"				msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:212
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Field name"						msgid "Field name"
msgstr "ç?¨æ?¶å??稱"						msgstr "ç?¨æ?¶å??稱"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:213
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Data type"						msgid "Data type"
msgstr "æ?¸æ??"							msgstr "æ?¸æ??"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:214
msgid "Size"							msgid "Size"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:215
msgid "Scale"							msgid "Scale"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:216
msgid "Not null?"						msgid "Not null?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:217
msgid "Primary key?"						msgid "Primary key?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:218
msgid "Unique index?"						msgid "Unique index?"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219
msgid "References"						msgid "References"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220
msgid "Default value"						msgid "Default value"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:231
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:239
msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l	msgid "Table name is needed but none specified in parameter l
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:247
#, c-format							#, c-format
msgid "Table %s does not exist"					msgid "Table %s does not exist"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:318
msgid "Scheduled events"					msgid "Scheduled events"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:321
msgid "TODO list"						msgid "TODO list"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:343
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:375
msgid "Owner"							msgid "Owner"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Comments"						msgid "Comments"
msgstr "æ??件"							msgstr "æ??件"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374
#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
msgid "Type"							msgid "Type"
msgstr "é¡?å??"							msgstr "é¡?å??"

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:377
msgid "GDA type"						msgid "GDA type"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id	#. FIXME: we only support the local calendar/contacts. The id
#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database	#. be to have each configured evolution account as a database
#. we can easily access that information			#. we can easily access that information
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:205
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:382
msgid "local"							msgid "local"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:217
msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Creation of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:230
msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"		msgid "Removal of databases is not supported yet"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:244
msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"			msgid "Tables schema could not be retrieved"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:268
msgid "Invalid SQL command"					msgid "Invalid SQL command"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:327
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:340
#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353		#: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:353
msgid "Transactions are not supported"				msgid "Transactions are not supported"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:41
msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"		msgid "Provider for Ximian Evolution personal data"
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82				#: providers/evolution/libmain.c:82
msgid ""							msgid ""
"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task	"Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, task
msgstr ""							msgstr ""

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Database browser"					#~ msgid "Database browser"
#~ msgstr "æ?¸æ??庫屬æ?§"						#~ msgstr "æ?¸æ??庫屬æ?§"

#~ msgid "Error viewer"						#~ msgid "Error viewer"
#~ msgstr "�誤����"					#~ msgstr "�誤����"

#~ msgid "Database configuration"				#~ msgid "Database configuration"
#~ msgstr "æ?¸æ??庫çµ?æ??"						#~ msgstr "æ?¸æ??庫çµ?æ??"

#, fuzzy							#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "_Settings"						#~ msgid "_Settings"
#~ msgstr "設�"						#~ msgstr "設�"

#~ msgid "Password"						#~ msgid "Password"
#~ msgstr "�碼"						#~ msgstr "�碼"

#~ msgid "Save as"						#~ msgid "Save as"
#~ msgstr "���"						#~ msgstr "���"

#~ msgid "Save to"						#~ msgid "Save to"
#~ msgstr "���"						#~ msgstr "���"

#~ msgid "XML file"						#~ msgid "XML file"
#~ msgstr "XML ��"						#~ msgstr "XML ��"

#~ msgid "Hide columns"						#~ msgid "Hide columns"
#~ msgstr "é?±è??æ¬?ä½?"						#~ msgstr "é?±è??æ¬?ä½?"

#~ msgid "Question"						#~ msgid "Question"
#~ msgstr "å??é¡?"						#~ msgstr "å??é¡?"

#~ msgid "Data sources"						#~ msgid "Data sources"
#~ msgstr "æ?¸æ??ä¾?æº?"						#~ msgstr "æ?¸æ??ä¾?æº?"

#~ msgid "Test Data Source"					#~ msgid "Test Data Source"
#~ msgstr "測試æ?¸æ??ä¾?æº?"					#~ msgstr "測試æ?¸æ??ä¾?æº?"

#~ msgid "Connection to %s successful!"				#~ msgid "Connection to %s successful!"
#~ msgstr "é?£ç·?è?³ %s æ??å??ï¼?"					#~ msgstr "é?£ç·?è?³ %s æ??å??ï¼?"
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: providers
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/README ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/README
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: stamp.h
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/stamp.h.in ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/stamp.h.in
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/testing: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/testing: .deps
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/testing: Makefile
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/testing/Makefile.am ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/testing/Makefile.am
test_progs = \							test_progs = \
	test-dsn-selector \						test-dsn-selector \
	test-editor							test-editor
else								else
test_progs = 							test_progs = 
endif								endif

noinst_PROGRAMS = $(test_progs) test-grid			noinst_PROGRAMS = $(test_progs) test-grid
	-I$(top_srcdir) \						-I$(top_srcdir) \
	-I$(top_builddir) \						-I$(top_builddir) \

test_grid_SOURCES = test-grid.c					test_grid_SOURCES = test-grid.c
test_grid_LDADD = $(top_builddir)/libgnomedb/libgnomedb-2.la 	test_grid_LDADD = $(top_builddir)/libgnomedb/libgnomedb-2.la 

test_dsn_selector_SOURCES = test-dsn-selector.c			test_dsn_selector_SOURCES = test-dsn-selector.c
test_dsn_selector_LDADD = $(top_builddir)/libgnomedb/libgnome	test_dsn_selector_LDADD = $(top_builddir)/libgnomedb/libgnome

test_editor_SOURCES = test-editor.c				test_editor_SOURCES = test-editor.c
test_editor_LDADD = $(top_builddir)/libgnomedb/libgnomedb-2.l	test_editor_LDADD = $(top_builddir)/libgnomedb/libgnomedb-2.l
endif								endif
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/testing: Makefile.in
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/testing/test-dsn-selector.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/testing/test-dsn-selector.c
/* GNOME DB test program					/* GNOME DB test program
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 * 	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 * 	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public Licens	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public Licens
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * General Public License for more details.			 * General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
 * License along with this Program; see the file COPYING.  If	 * License along with this Program; see the file COPYING.  If
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#include <libgnomedb/libgnomedb.h>				#include <libgnomedb/libgnomedb.h>
#include <libgnomeui/gnome-ui-init.h>				#include <libgnomeui/gnome-ui-init.h>

#include "../libgnomedb/gnome-db-window.h"			#include "../libgnomedb/gnome-db-window.h"

static void							static void
window_closed_cb (GnomeDbWindow *window, gpointer user_data)	window_closed_cb (GnomeDbWindow *window, gpointer user_data)
{								{
	gnome_db_main_quit ();						gnome_db_main_quit ();
}								}

static void							static void
create_window (gpointer user_data)				create_window (gpointer user_data)
{								{
	GtkWidget *window;						GtkWidget *window;
	GtkWidget *selector;						GtkWidget *selector;

	window = gnome_db_window_new ("test-dsn-selector", NU		window = gnome_db_window_new ("test-dsn-selector", NU
	g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (window), "close", G_CALLB		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (window), "close", G_CALLB

	selector = gnome_db_data_source_selector_new (NULL);		selector = gnome_db_data_source_selector_new (NULL);
	gtk_widget_show (selector);					gtk_widget_show (selector);
	gnome_db_window_set_contents (GNOME_DB_WINDOW (window		gnome_db_window_set_contents (GNOME_DB_WINDOW (window

	gnome_db_window_show (GNOME_DB_WINDOW (window));		gnome_db_window_show (GNOME_DB_WINDOW (window));
}								}

int								int
main (int argc, char *argv[])					main (int argc, char *argv[])
{								{
	gnome_db_init ("test-dsn-selector", VERSION, argc, ar		gnome_db_init ("test-dsn-selector", VERSION, argc, ar
	gnome_program_init ("test-dsn-selector", VERSION,		gnome_program_init ("test-dsn-selector", VERSION,
                            LIBGNOMEUI_MODULE,			                            LIBGNOMEUI_MODULE,
                            argc, argv, NULL);			                            argc, argv, NULL);

	gnome_db_main_run ((GdaInitFunc) create_window, NULL)		gnome_db_main_run ((GdaInitFunc) create_window, NULL)
	return 0;							return 0;
}								}
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/testing/test-editor.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/testing/test-editor.c
/* GNOME DB test program					/* GNOME DB test program
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 * 	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 * 	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public Licens	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public Licens
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * General Public License for more details.			 * General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
 * License along with this Program; see the file COPYING.  If	 * License along with this Program; see the file COPYING.  If
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#include <libgnomedb/libgnomedb.h>				#include <libgnomedb/libgnomedb.h>
#include <libgnomeui/gnome-ui-init.h>				#include <libgnomeui/gnome-ui-init.h>

#include "../libgnomedb/gnome-db-window.h"			#include "../libgnomedb/gnome-db-window.h"

static void							static void
window_closed_cb (GnomeDbWindow *window, gpointer user_data)	window_closed_cb (GnomeDbWindow *window, gpointer user_data)
{								{
	gnome_db_main_quit ();						gnome_db_main_quit ();
}								}

static void							static void
create_window (gpointer user_data)				create_window (gpointer user_data)
{								{
	GtkWidget *window;						GtkWidget *window;
	GtkWidget *editor;						GtkWidget *editor;

	window = gnome_db_window_new ("test-dsn-selector", NU		window = gnome_db_window_new ("test-dsn-selector", NU
	g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (window), "close", G_CALLB		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (window), "close", G_CALLB

	editor = gnome_db_editor_new ();				editor = gnome_db_editor_new ();
	gtk_widget_show (editor);					gtk_widget_show (editor);
	gnome_db_window_set_contents (GNOME_DB_WINDOW (window		gnome_db_window_set_contents (GNOME_DB_WINDOW (window

	gnome_db_window_show (GNOME_DB_WINDOW (window));		gnome_db_window_show (GNOME_DB_WINDOW (window));
}								}

int								int
main (int argc, char *argv[])					main (int argc, char *argv[])
{								{
	gnome_db_init ("test-editor", VERSION, argc, argv);		gnome_db_init ("test-editor", VERSION, argc, argv);
	gnome_program_init ("test-editor", VERSION,			gnome_program_init ("test-editor", VERSION,
                            LIBGNOMEUI_MODULE,			                            LIBGNOMEUI_MODULE,
                            argc, argv, NULL);			                            argc, argv, NULL);

	gnome_db_main_run ((GdaInitFunc) create_window, NULL)		gnome_db_main_run ((GdaInitFunc) create_window, NULL)
	return 0;							return 0;
}								}
diff -rpy ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/testing/test-grid.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/testing/test-grid.c
/* GNOME DB test program					/* GNOME DB test program
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.		 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The GNOME Foundation.
 *								 *
 * AUTHORS:							 * AUTHORS:
 * 	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>			 * 	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
 *								 *
 * This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and	 * This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public Licens	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public Licens
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 	 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.		 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *								 *
 * This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be us	 * This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be us
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant
 * General Public License for more details.			 * General Public License for more details.
 *								 *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
 * License along with this Program; see the file COPYING.  If	 * License along with this Program; see the file COPYING.  If
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla	 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pla
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.					 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 */								 */

#include <libgda/libgda.h>					#include <libgda/libgda.h>
#include <libgnomedb/libgnomedb.h>				#include <libgnomedb/libgnomedb.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.h>
#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-window.h>				#include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-window.h>
#include <libgnomeui/gnome-ui-init.h>				#include <libgnomeui/gnome-ui-init.h>
#else								#else
#include <gtk/gtk.h>						#include <gtk/gtk.h>
#endif								#endif

static void							static void
window_closed_cb (GtkWindow *window, gpointer user_data)	window_closed_cb (GtkWindow *window, gpointer user_data)
{								{
	gnome_db_main_quit ();						gnome_db_main_quit ();
}								}

static GdaDataModel *						static GdaDataModel *
create_data_model (void)					create_data_model (void)
{								{
	gint i;								gint i;
	GdaDataModel *model;						GdaDataModel *model;

	model = gda_data_model_array_new (6);				model = gda_data_model_array_new (6);

	for (i = 0; i < 50; i++) {					for (i = 0; i < 50; i++) {
		GList *values = NULL;						GList *values = NULL;

		values = g_list_append (values, gda_value_new			values = g_list_append (values, gda_value_new
		values = g_list_append (values, gda_value_new			values = g_list_append (values, gda_value_new
		values = g_list_append (values, gda_value_new			values = g_list_append (values, gda_value_new
		values = g_list_append (values, gda_value_new			values = g_list_append (values, gda_value_new
		values = g_list_append (values, gda_value_new			values = g_list_append (values, gda_value_new
		values = g_list_append (values, gda_value_new			values = g_list_append (values, gda_value_new

		gda_data_model_append_row (model, values);			gda_data_model_append_row (model, values);

		g_list_foreach (values, (GFunc) gda_value_fre			g_list_foreach (values, (GFunc) gda_value_fre
		g_list_free (values);						g_list_free (values);
	}								}

	return model;							return model;
}								}

static void							static void
create_window (gpointer user_data)				create_window (gpointer user_data)
{								{
	GtkWidget *window;						GtkWidget *window;
	GtkWidget *grid;						GtkWidget *grid;
	GdaDataModel *model;						GdaDataModel *model;

	window = gnome_db_window_new ("test-grid", NULL, NULL		window = gnome_db_window_new ("test-grid", NULL, NULL
#else								#else
	window = gtk_window_new (GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL);			window = gtk_window_new (GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL);
	gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW(window), "test-grid"		gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW(window), "test-grid"
#endif								#endif
	g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (window), "close", G_CALLB		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (window), "close", G_CALLB
	gtk_widget_set_usize (window, 500, 400);			gtk_widget_set_usize (window, 500, 400);
	grid = gnome_db_grid_new ();					grid = gnome_db_grid_new ();
	gtk_widget_show (grid);						gtk_widget_show (grid);
	gnome_db_window_set_contents (GNOME_DB_WINDOW (window		gnome_db_window_set_contents (GNOME_DB_WINDOW (window
#else								#else
	gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (window), grid);		gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (window), grid);
#endif								#endif

	/* create the data model to be shown */				/* create the data model to be shown */
	model = create_data_model ();					model = create_data_model ();
	gnome_db_grid_set_model (GNOME_DB_GRID (grid), GDA_DA		gnome_db_grid_set_model (GNOME_DB_GRID (grid), GDA_DA
	g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (model));				g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (model));
	gnome_db_window_show (GNOME_DB_WINDOW (window));		gnome_db_window_show (GNOME_DB_WINDOW (window));
#else								#else
	gtk_widget_show_all (window);					gtk_widget_show_all (window);
#endif								#endif
}								}

int								int
main (int argc, char *argv[])					main (int argc, char *argv[])
{								{
	bind_textdomain_codeset (GETTEXT_PACKAGE, "UTF-8");		bind_textdomain_codeset (GETTEXT_PACKAGE, "UTF-8");
	textdomain (GETTEXT_PACKAGE);					textdomain (GETTEXT_PACKAGE);	

	gda_init ("test-grid", VERSION, argc, argv);			gda_init ("test-grid", VERSION, argc, argv);
	gnome_program_init ("test-grid", VERSION,			gnome_program_init ("test-grid", VERSION,
                            LIBGNOMEUI_MODULE,			                            LIBGNOMEUI_MODULE,
                            argc, argv, NULL);			                            argc, argv, NULL);
#else								#else
	gtk_init (&argc, &argv);					gtk_init (&argc, &argv);
#endif								#endif

	gnome_db_main_run ((GdaInitFunc) create_window, NULL)		gnome_db_main_run ((GdaInitFunc) create_window, NULL)
	return 0;							return 0;
}								}
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: vfs
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: aclocal.m4
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: autogen.sh
diff -r -p ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/ChangeLog ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/ChangeLog
*** ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/ChangeLog	2004-10-05 12:30:06.251559040 -0500
--- ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/ChangeLog	2004-10-04 23:08:10.000000000 -0500
*** 1,3 ****
--- 1,22 ----
+ 2004-09-25  Gustavo R. Montesino <grmontesino ig com br>
+ 	Fixes #150791
+ 	* libgnomedb/tables-page.c (tables_page_set_connection): unref the
+ 	old connection, not the new one.
+ 2004-09-22  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
+ 	* configure.in: removed GNOME_COMPILE_WARNINGS macro.
+ 2004-08-21  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>
+ 	* configure.in: Add «nb» to ALL_LINGUAS.
+ 2004-08-12  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
+ 	Released 1.1.6.
  2004-08-08  Gustavo R. Montesino <grmontesino ig com br>
  	Fixes #149609
*** 3288,3300 ****
  2000-10-15	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo linuxave net>
  	* libgnomedb/created ChangeLog
- 2004-10-05  Daniel Espinosa Ortiz <esodan yahoo com mx>
- 	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.c ported to GtkComboBoxEntry.
- 	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.h ported to GtkComboBoxEntry.
- 	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c added the method to hide the navigations 
- 	buttons and to know if they are displayed.
- 	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c added the event notification for a change 
- 	of row (cliking a navigation button).
- 	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c added the method to set/get a GdaValue from
- 	a GnomeDateEdit (just a propoused utility!!!!)
--- 3307,3309 ----
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: components
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: config.guess
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: config.log
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: config.status
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: config.sub
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: configure
diff -r -p ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/configure.in ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/configure.in
*** ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/configure.in	2004-07-22 05:56:09.000000000 -0500
--- ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/configure.in	2004-10-04 23:08:10.000000000 -0500
*************** AC_INIT(libgnomedb/libgnomedb.h)
*** 3,9 ****
--- 3,9 ----
*************** dnl ******************************
*** 60,66 ****
! ALL_LINGUAS="az be ca cs da de el en_CA en_GB es fa fi fr ga gl hr hu it ja ko ml ms nl no pl pt pt_BR ru sk sr sr Latn sl sv ta tr uk vi zh_CN zh_TW"
  dnl ******************************
--- 60,66 ----
! ALL_LINGUAS="az be ca cs da de el en_CA en_GB es fa fi fr ga gl hr hu it ja ko ml ms nb nl no pl pt pt_BR ru sk sl sq sr sr Latn sv ta tr uk vi zh_CN zh_TW"
  dnl ******************************
*************** AM_GCONF_SOURCE_2
*** 72,80 ****
  dnl ******************************
  dnl Checks for libraries
  dnl ******************************
  GTK_MODULES="gtk+-2.0 >= 2.4.0"
  LIBGDA_MODULES="libgda >= 1.1.1"
--- 72,77 ----
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/control-center: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/control-center: database-properties.desktop
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/control-center: .deps
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/control-center: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/control-center: Makefile.in
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: COPYING
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: CVS
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/data: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/data: libgnomedb.keys
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/data: libgnomedb.schemas
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/data: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/data: Makefile.in
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: depcomp
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc/C: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C: html
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C: libgnomedb-decl-list.txt
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C: libgnomedb-decl.txt
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C: libgnomedb-undocumented.txt
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C: Makefile.in
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc/C/tmpl: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: db-shell.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: gnome-db-browser-private.sgml
diff -r -p ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-find-dialog.sgml ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-find-dialog.sgml
*** ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-find-dialog.sgml	2004-08-18 10:59:17.000000000 -0500
--- ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-find-dialog.sgml	2004-06-06 10:01:59.000000000 -0500
*************** GnomeDbFindDialog
*** 9,19 ****
--- 9,21 ----
  <!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->
  <!-- ##### STRUCT GnomeDbFindDialogPrivate ##### -->
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: gnome-db-find-dialog.sgml.bak
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: gnome-db-i18n.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: libgnomedb-private.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: libgnomedb-unused.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: sql-viewer.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: table-properties-dialog.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: tables-page.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: utils.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C: xml
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc: libgnomedb-C.omf
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc: Makefile.in
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc: reference
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/glade: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/glade: .deps
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/glade: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/glade: Makefile.in
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: HACKING
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: INSTALL
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: install-sh
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: intltool-extract
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: intltool-extract.in
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: intltool-merge
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: intltool-merge.in
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: intltool-update
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: intltool-update.in
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: lib
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb: .deps
diff -r -p ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.c
*** ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.c	2004-10-04 14:43:45.000000000 -0500
--- ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.c	2003-12-19 05:06:04.000000000 -0600
*** 22,28 ****
  #include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.h>
  struct _GnomeDbComboPrivate {
  	GdaDataModel *model;
--- 22,28 ----
  #include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.h>
  struct _GnomeDbComboPrivate {
  	GdaDataModel *model;
*************** enum {
*** 49,61 ****
- enum {
- };
- static gint combo_signals[LAST_SIGNAL];
  static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL;
--- 49,54 ----
*************** gnome_db_combo_class_init (GnomeDbComboC
*** 79,94 ****
  		g_param_spec_object ("model", NULL, NULL,
- 	/* add class signals */
- 	combo_signals[MODEL_CHANGED] =
- 		g_signal_new ("model_changed",
- 			      G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class),
- 			      G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,
- 			      G_STRUCT_OFFSET (GnomeDbComboClass, model_changed),
- 			      NULL, NULL,
- 			      g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID,
- 			      G_TYPE_NONE, 0);
  static void
--- 72,77 ----
*************** gnome_db_combo_init (GnomeDbCombo *combo
*** 99,107 ****
  	/* allocate private structure */
  	combo->priv = g_new0 (GnomeDbComboPrivate, 1);
  	combo->priv->model = NULL;
- 	combo->priv->col = 0;
- 	gtk_combo_box_set_model(GTK_COMBO_BOX(combo), NULL);
  static void
--- 82,87 ----
*************** gnome_db_combo_new_with_model (GdaDataMo
*** 219,227 ****
  	GnomeDbCombo *combo;
  	g_return_val_if_fail (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (model), NULL);
! 	g_return_val_if_fail (col >= 0 && col < gda_data_model_get_n_columns(model), NULL);
  	combo = gnome_db_combo_new();
  	if (combo != NULL) {
--- 199,206 ----
  	GnomeDbCombo *combo;
  	g_return_val_if_fail (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (model), NULL);
! 	g_return_val_if_fail (col >= 0, NULL);
  	combo = gnome_db_combo_new();
  	if (combo != NULL) {
*************** static void
*** 236,262 ****
  model_changed_cb (GdaDataModel *model, gpointer user_data)
  	GnomeDbCombo *combo = GNOME_DB_COMBO (user_data);
! 	gint rows, i;
! 	GdaValue *value;
! 	GtkTreeStore *combo_model;
! 	GtkTreeIter iter;
  	g_return_if_fail (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (model));
  	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_COMBO (combo));
  	rows = gda_data_model_get_n_rows (model);
! 	combo_model = gtk_tree_store_new(1, G_TYPE_STRING);
! 	/* Set the values to ListStore */
  	for (i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
- 		gtk_tree_store_append(combo_model,&iter, NULL);
  		value = gda_data_model_get_value_at (model, combo->priv->col, i);
! 		gtk_tree_store_set(combo_model,&iter,0,gda_value_stringify(value),-1);
! 	gtk_combo_box_set_model(GTK_COMBO_BOX(combo), combo_model);
! 	gtk_combo_box_entry_set_text_column(GTK_COMBO_BOX_ENTRY(combo), 0);
--- 215,244 ----
  model_changed_cb (GdaDataModel *model, gpointer user_data)
  	GnomeDbCombo *combo = GNOME_DB_COMBO (user_data);
! 	gint rows, i, cols;
! 	const GdaValue *value;
! 	GList *list = NULL;
  	g_return_if_fail (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (model));
  	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_COMBO (combo));
+ 	cols = gda_data_model_get_n_columns (model);
  	rows = gda_data_model_get_n_rows (model);
! 	if (rows == 0 || cols < combo->priv->col) {
! 		list = g_list_append (list, "");
! 		gtk_combo_set_popdown_strings (GTK_COMBO (combo), list);
! 		g_list_free (list);
! 		return;
! 	}
  	for (i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
  		value = gda_data_model_get_value_at (model, combo->priv->col, i);
! 		list = g_list_append (list, gda_value_stringify (value));
! 	gtk_combo_set_popdown_strings (GTK_COMBO (combo), list);
! 	g_list_foreach (list, (GFunc) g_free, NULL);
! 	g_list_free (list);
*************** model_changed_cb (GdaDataModel *model, g
*** 273,291 ****
  gnome_db_combo_set_model (GnomeDbCombo *combo, GdaDataModel *model, gint col)
  	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_COMBO (combo));
  	g_return_if_fail (model == NULL || GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (model));
- 	g_return_if_fail (col >= 0 && col < gda_data_model_get_n_columns(model));
  	if (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (combo->priv->model)) {
  		g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (combo->priv->model));
! 	g_object_ref (G_OBJECT (model));
  	combo->priv->model = model;
! 	combo->priv->col = col;
! 	model_changed_cb (model, combo);
! 	g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (combo), combo_signals[MODEL_CHANGED], 0);
--- 255,283 ----
  gnome_db_combo_set_model (GnomeDbCombo *combo, GdaDataModel *model, gint col)
! 	GList *list = NULL;
  	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_COMBO (combo));
  	g_return_if_fail (model == NULL || GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (model));
  	if (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (combo->priv->model)) {
+ 		g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func (G_OBJECT (combo->priv->model), model_changed_cb, combo);
  		g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (combo->priv->model));
  	combo->priv->model = model;
! 	if (model != NULL) {
! 		g_object_ref (G_OBJECT (model));
! 		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (combo->priv->model), "changed",
! 				  G_CALLBACK (model_changed_cb), combo);
! 		combo->priv->col = col;
! 		model_changed_cb (model, combo);
! 	} else {
! 		list = g_list_append (list, "");
! 		gtk_combo_set_popdown_strings (GTK_COMBO (combo), list);
! 		g_list_free (list);
! 	}
*************** gnome_db_combo_get_model (GnomeDbCombo *
*** 313,319 ****
   * This function return the column.
!  * Returns: the column of the #GdaDataModel showed by the #GnomeDbCombo.
  gnome_db_combo_get_column (GnomeDbCombo *combo)
--- 305,311 ----
   * This function return the column.
!  * Returns: the column of the #GdaDataModel stored by the #GnomeDbCombo.
  gnome_db_combo_get_column (GnomeDbCombo *combo)
diff -r -p ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.h ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.h
*** ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.h	2004-10-04 11:22:45.000000000 -0500
--- ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.h	2004-01-24 17:56:02.000000000 -0600
*** 24,31 ****
  #  define __gnome_db_combo_h__
  #include <libgda/gda-data-model.h>
! #include <gtk/gtkcomboboxentry.h>
! #include <gtk/gtktreestore.h>
--- 24,30 ----
  #  define __gnome_db_combo_h__
  #include <libgda/gda-data-model.h>
! #include <gtk/gtkcombo.h>
*************** typedef struct _GnomeDbComboClass   Gnom
*** 40,52 ****
  typedef struct _GnomeDbComboPrivate GnomeDbComboPrivate;
  struct _GnomeDbCombo {
! 	GtkComboBoxEntry combo;
  	GnomeDbComboPrivate *priv;
  struct _GnomeDbComboClass {
! 	GtkComboBoxEntryClass parent_class;
! 	void (* model_changed) (GnomeDbCombo *combo);
  GType      gnome_db_combo_get_type (void);
--- 39,50 ----
  typedef struct _GnomeDbComboPrivate GnomeDbComboPrivate;
  struct _GnomeDbCombo {
! 	GtkCombo combo;
  	GnomeDbComboPrivate *priv;
  struct _GnomeDbComboClass {
! 	GtkComboClass parent_class;
  GType      gnome_db_combo_get_type (void);
diff -r -p ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-data-source-selector.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-data-source-selector.c
*** ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-data-source-selector.c	2004-04-04 11:07:08.000000000 -0500
--- ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-data-source-selector.c	2004-08-03 13:03:50.000000000 -0500
*************** static void
*** 46,56 ****
--- 46,70 ----
  show_data_sources (GnomeDbDataSourceSelector *selector, const gchar *name)
  	GdaDataSourceInfo *dsn_info = NULL;
+ 	GList *dsn_list, *l;
  	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_DATA_SOURCE_SELECTOR (selector));
  	gtk_option_menu_remove_menu (GTK_OPTION_MENU (selector));
+ 	/* load data sources */
+ 	dsn_list = gnome_db_config_get_data_source_list ();
+ 	for (l = dsn_list; l != NULL; l = l->next) {
+ 		GdaDataSourceInfo *dsn_info = (GdaDataSourceInfo *) l->data;
+ 		if (!dsn_info)
+ 			continue;
+ 		if (name != NULL && strcmp (name, dsn_info->name) != 0)
+ 			continue;
+ 		/* add the data source to the option menu */
+ 		gnome_db_option_menu_add_item (GTK_OPTION_MENU (selector), dsn_info->name);
+ 	}
  	if (name != NULL) {
  		dsn_info = gnome_db_config_find_data_source (name);
  		if (dsn_info != NULL) {
diff -r -p ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c
*** ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c	2004-10-04 14:18:18.000000000 -0500
--- ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c	2004-09-03 07:45:12.000000000 -0500
*** 37,43 ****
  struct _GnomeDbFormPrivate {
  	GdaDataModel *data_model;
  	GnomeDbFormType type;
- 	gboolean show_navigator_buttons;
  	/* widgets */
  	GtkWidget *form_container;
--- 37,42 ----
*************** static void show_navigator_row (GnomeDbF
*** 67,73 ****
  enum {
--- 66,71 ----
*************** navigator_first_cb (GtkButton *button, g
*** 87,93 ****
  	form->priv->navigator_current_row = 0;
  	show_navigator_row (form);
- 	g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (form), form_signals[ROW_CHANGED], 0);
  static void
--- 85,90 ----
*************** navigator_back_cb (GtkButton *button, gp
*** 101,107 ****
  		show_navigator_row (form);
- 	g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (form), form_signals[ROW_CHANGED], 0);
  static void
--- 98,103 ----
*************** navigator_forward_cb (GtkButton *button,
*** 118,124 ****
  		show_navigator_row (form);
- 	g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (form), form_signals[ROW_CHANGED], 0);
  static void
--- 114,119 ----
*************** navigator_last_cb (GtkButton *button, gp
*** 130,136 ****
  	form->priv->navigator_current_row = gda_data_model_get_n_rows (form->priv->data_model) - 1;
  	show_navigator_row (form);
- 	g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (form), form_signals[ROW_CHANGED], 0);
--- 125,130 ----
*************** create_navigator (GnomeDbForm *form)
*** 188,229 ****
  	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (navigator), sep, 0, 3, cols, cols + 1,
! 	if(form->priv->show_navigator_buttons) {
! 		form->priv->navigator_label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (_("No records"));
! 		gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (form->priv->navigator_label), 0.5, 0.5);
! 		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (navigator), form->priv->navigator_label, 0, 3,
! 				  cols + 1, cols + 2,
! 		/* create navigation buttons */
! 		bbox = gnome_db_new_hbutton_box_widget ();
! 		gtk_button_box_set_layout (GTK_BUTTON_BOX (bbox), GTK_BUTTONBOX_DEFAULT_STYLE);
! 		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (navigator), bbox, 0, 3, cols + 2, cols + 3,
! 		form->priv->navigator_first = gnome_db_new_button_widget_from_stock (GTK_STOCK_GOTO_FIRST);
! 		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (form->priv->navigator_first), "clicked",
! 				  G_CALLBACK (navigator_first_cb), form);
! 		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (bbox), form->priv->navigator_first, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
! 		form->priv->navigator_back = gnome_db_new_button_widget_from_stock (GTK_STOCK_GO_BACK);
! 		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (form->priv->navigator_back), "clicked",
! 				  G_CALLBACK (navigator_back_cb), form);
! 		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (bbox), form->priv->navigator_back, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
! 		form->priv->navigator_fwd = gnome_db_new_button_widget_from_stock (GTK_STOCK_GO_FORWARD);
! 		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (form->priv->navigator_fwd), "clicked",
! 				  G_CALLBACK (navigator_forward_cb), form);
! 		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (bbox), form->priv->navigator_fwd, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
! 		form->priv->navigator_last = gnome_db_new_button_widget_from_stock (GTK_STOCK_GOTO_LAST);
! 		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (form->priv->navigator_last), "clicked",
! 				  G_CALLBACK (navigator_last_cb), form);
! 		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (bbox), form->priv->navigator_last, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
! 	}
  	show_navigator_row (form);
  	return navigator;
--- 182,219 ----
  	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (navigator), sep, 0, 3, cols, cols + 1,
! 	form->priv->navigator_label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (_("No records"));
! 	gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (form->priv->navigator_label), 0.5, 0.5);
! 	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (navigator), form->priv->navigator_label, 0, 3,
! 			  cols + 1, cols + 2,
! 	/* create navigation buttons */
! 	bbox = gnome_db_new_hbutton_box_widget ();
! 	gtk_button_box_set_layout (GTK_BUTTON_BOX (bbox), GTK_BUTTONBOX_DEFAULT_STYLE);
! 	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (navigator), bbox, 0, 3, cols + 2, cols + 3,
! 	form->priv->navigator_first = gnome_db_new_button_widget_from_stock (GTK_STOCK_GOTO_FIRST);
! 	g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (form->priv->navigator_first), "clicked",
! 			  G_CALLBACK (navigator_first_cb), form);
! 	gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (bbox), form->priv->navigator_first, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
! 	form->priv->navigator_back = gnome_db_new_button_widget_from_stock (GTK_STOCK_GO_BACK);
! 	g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (form->priv->navigator_back), "clicked",
! 			  G_CALLBACK (navigator_back_cb), form);
! 	gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (bbox), form->priv->navigator_back, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
! 	form->priv->navigator_fwd = gnome_db_new_button_widget_from_stock (GTK_STOCK_GO_FORWARD);
! 	g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (form->priv->navigator_fwd), "clicked",
! 			  G_CALLBACK (navigator_forward_cb), form);
! 	gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (bbox), form->priv->navigator_fwd, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
! 	form->priv->navigator_last = gnome_db_new_button_widget_from_stock (GTK_STOCK_GOTO_LAST);
! 	g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (form->priv->navigator_last), "clicked",
! 			  G_CALLBACK (navigator_last_cb), form);
! 	gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (bbox), form->priv->navigator_last, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
  	show_navigator_row (form);
  	return navigator;
*************** static void
*** 242,247 ****
--- 232,238 ----
  setup_widgets_for_model (GnomeDbForm *form)
  	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FORM (form));
  	/* destroy previous widgets */
  	if (form->priv->form_container)
  		gtk_widget_destroy (form->priv->form_container);
*************** setup_widgets_for_model (GnomeDbForm *fo
*** 264,272 ****
  	if (!form->priv->form_container)
- 	{
- 	}
  	gtk_widget_show (form->priv->form_container);
  	gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (form), form->priv->form_container, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
--- 255,261 ----
*************** gnome_db_form_class_init (GnomeDbFormCla
*** 369,382 ****
  			      NULL, NULL,
  			      G_TYPE_NONE, 0);
- 	form_signals[ROW_CHANGED] =
- 		g_signal_new ("row_changed",
- 			      G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class),
- 			      G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,
- 			      G_STRUCT_OFFSET (GnomeDbFormClass, row_changed),
- 			      NULL, NULL,
- 			      g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID,
- 			      G_TYPE_NONE, 0);
  static void
--- 358,363 ----
*************** gnome_db_form_init (GnomeDbForm *form, G
*** 391,397 ****
  	form->priv->form_container = NULL;
  	form->priv->navigator_widgets = NULL;
  	form->priv->navigator_label = NULL;
- 	form->priv->show_navigator_buttons = TRUE;
  static void
--- 372,377 ----
*************** void
*** 537,552 ****
  gnome_db_form_set_model (GnomeDbForm *form, GdaDataModel *model)
  	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FORM (form));
- 	g_return_if_fail (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (model));
  	if (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (form->priv->data_model))
  		g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (form->priv->data_model));
! 		g_object_ref (G_OBJECT (model));
! 		form->priv->data_model = model;
! 		setup_widgets_for_model (form);
! 		g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (form), form_signals[MODEL_CHANGED], 0);
! 	}
   * gnome_db_form_get_current_row
--- 517,532 ----
  gnome_db_form_set_model (GnomeDbForm *form, GdaDataModel *model)
  	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FORM (form));
  	if (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (form->priv->data_model))
  		g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (form->priv->data_model));
! 	g_object_ref (G_OBJECT (model));
! 	form->priv->data_model = model;
! 	setup_widgets_for_model (form);
! 	g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (form), form_signals[MODEL_CHANGED], 0);
! }
   * gnome_db_form_get_current_row
*************** gnome_db_form_set_current_row (GnomeDbFo
*** 606,623 ****
- void
- gnome_db_form_show_navigator_buttons(GnomeDbForm *form, gboolean value)
- {
- 	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FORM (form));
- 	form->priv->show_navigator_buttons= value;
- 	setup_widgets_for_model(form);
- }
- gboolean
- gnome_db_form_is_navigator_buttons_shown(GnomeDbForm *form)
- {
- 	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FORM (form));
- 	return form->priv->show_navigator_buttons;
- }
--- 586,588 ----
diff -r -p ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.h ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.h
*** ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.h	2004-09-30 17:07:02.000000000 -0500
--- ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.h	2003-05-12 15:54:02.000000000 -0500
*************** struct _GnomeDbFormClass {
*** 48,54 ****
  	/* signals */
  	void (* model_changed) (GnomeDbForm *form);
- 	void (* row_changed) (GnomeDbForm *form);
  typedef enum {
--- 48,53 ----
*************** GdaDataModel    *gnome_db_form_get_model
*** 64,71 ****
  void             gnome_db_form_set_model (GnomeDbForm *form, GdaDataModel *model);
  gint             gnome_db_form_get_current_row (GnomeDbForm *form);
  void             gnome_db_form_set_current_row (GnomeDbForm *form, gint row);
- void			 gnome_db_form_show_navigator_buttons(GnomeDbForm *form, gboolean value);
- gboolean         gnome_db_form_is_navigator_buttons_shown(GnomeDbForm *form);
--- 63,68 ----
diff -r -p ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c
*** ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c	2003-11-16 10:42:26.000000000 -0600
--- ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c	2004-08-03 13:03:57.000000000 -0500
*************** void
*** 326,331 ****
--- 326,333 ----
  gnome_db_login_set_dsn (GnomeDbLogin *login, const gchar *dsn)
  	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_LOGIN (login));
+ 	g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_OPTION_MENU(login->priv->dsn_entry));
  	gnome_db_option_menu_set_selection (GTK_OPTION_MENU (login->priv->dsn_entry), dsn);
diff -r -p ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c
*** ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c	2004-08-26 10:18:29.000000000 -0500
--- ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c	2004-09-03 07:45:13.000000000 -0500
*************** gnome_db_new_combo_widget (void)
*** 137,143 ****
  	GtkWidget *combo;
! 	combo = gtk_combo_box_entry_new ();
  	gtk_widget_show (combo);
  	return combo;
--- 137,143 ----
  	GtkWidget *combo;
! 	combo = gtk_combo_new ();
  	gtk_widget_show (combo);
  	return combo;
*************** gnome_db_new_menu_item (const gchar *lab
*** 1013,1073 ****
  	return item;
- /**
-  * gnome_db_value_get_from_date_edit saves the contents of a #GnomeDateEdit in to a #GdaValue.
-  * 
-  * @dateedit: a #GnomeDateEdit widget
-  * Returns: #GdaValue in the #GnomeDateEdit widget.
-  */
- GdaValue *
- gnome_db_value_get_from_date_edit(GnomeDateEdit *dateedit)
- {
- 	time_t time;
- 	GDate *date = NULL;
- 	GdaDate gda_date;
- 	GdaValue *val = NULL;
- 	time = gnome_date_edit_get_time(dateedit);
- 	date = g_date_new();
- 	g_date_set_time(date, time);
- 	gda_date.year = (gshort) g_date_get_year(date);
- 	gda_date.month = (gushort) g_date_get_month(date);
- 	gda_date.day = (gushort) g_date_get_day(date);
- 	val = gda_value_new_date(&gda_date);
- 	return val;
- }
- /**
-  * gnome_db_date_edit_set_from_value set the contents of a #GnomeDateEdit from #GdaValue.
-  * 
-  * @dateedit: a #GnomeDateEdit widget
-  * @value: a #GdaValue to save to.
-  * Returns: #GdaValue in the #GnomeDateEdit widget.
-  */
- void
- gnome_db_date_edit_set_from_value(GnomeDateEdit *dateedit, GdaValue *value)
- {
- 	time_t time;
- 	GdaDate *gda_date;
- 	GDate *date;
- 	struct tm tm_struct;
- 	gda_date = gda_value_get_date(value);
- 	date = g_date_new();
- 	g_date_set_dmy(date, (GDateDay) gda_date->day,
- 						(GDateMonth) gda_date->month,
- 						(GDateYear) gda_date->year);
- 	g_date_to_struct_tm(date,&tm_struct);
- 	time = mktime(&tm_struct);
- 	gnome_date_edit_set_time(dateedit,time);
- }
--- 1013,1015 ----
diff -r -p ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h
*** ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h	2004-08-25 18:47:52.000000000 -0500
--- ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h	2004-01-04 14:49:03.000000000 -0600
*** 24,30 ****
  #  define __gnome_db_util_h__
  #include <libgda/gda-data-model.h>
- #include <libgda/gda-value.h>
  #include <gtk/gtkentry.h>
  #include <gtk/gtkmessagedialog.h>
  #include <gtk/gtkoptionmenu.h>
--- 24,29 ----
*** 35,41 ****
  #include <gtk/gtkwindow.h>
  #include <libgnomeui/gnome-popup-menu.h>
- #include <libgnomeui/gnome-dateedit.h>
--- 34,39 ----
*************** GtkWidget   *gnome_db_new_check_menu_ite
*** 118,127 ****
  					   GCallback cb_func,
  					   gpointer user_data);
- GdaValue	*gnome_db_value_get_from_date_edit(GnomeDateEdit *dateedit);
- void		 gnome_db_date_edit_set_from_value(GnomeDateEdit *dateedit, GdaValue *value);
--- 116,121 ----
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb: Makefile.in
diff -r -p ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/tables-page.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/tables-page.c
*** ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/tables-page.c	2003-11-30 16:14:14.000000000 -0600
--- ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/tables-page.c	2004-10-04 23:08:11.000000000 -0500
*************** tables_page_set_connection (GtkWidget *t
*** 195,201 ****
  	if (priv->cnc)
! 		g_object_unref (cnc);
  	priv->cnc = cnc;
  	if (GDA_IS_CONNECTION (priv->cnc)) {
--- 195,201 ----
  	if (priv->cnc)
! 		g_object_unref (priv->cnc);
  	priv->cnc = cnc;
  	if (GDA_IS_CONNECTION (priv->cnc)) {
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: libgnomedb.pc
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Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: libtool
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: ltmain.sh
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: Makefile.in
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: missing
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: mkinstalldirs
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: monikers
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Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: be.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ca.gmo
diff -r -p ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/ChangeLog ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/ChangeLog
*** ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/ChangeLog	2004-08-12 09:42:30.000000000 -0500
--- ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/ChangeLog	2004-10-04 23:08:11.000000000 -0500
*** 1,3 ****
--- 1,24 ----
+ 2004-09-26  Adam Weinberger  <adamw gnome org>
+ 	* en_CA.po: Updated Canadian English translation.
+ 2004-09-03  Laurent Dhima  <laurenti alblinux net>
+ 	* sq.po: Added Albanian translation.
+ 2004-09-02  Alessio Frusciante  <algol firenze linux it>
+ 	* it.po: Updated Italian translation by
+ 	Alessio Dessì <alkex inwind it>.
+ 2004-08-21  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>
+ 	* nb.po: Add.
+ 2004-08-13  Tommi Vainikainen  <thv iki fi>
+ 	* fi.po: Unified some fields in po headers for Finnish team.
  2004-08-11  Duarte Loreto <happyguy_pt hotmail com>
  	* pt.po: Updated Portuguese translation.
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: cs.gmo
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: da.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: de.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: el.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: en_CA.gmo
diff -r -p ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/en_CA.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/en_CA.po
*** ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/en_CA.po	2004-08-12 09:42:37.000000000 -0500
--- ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/en_CA.po	2004-10-04 23:08:11.000000000 -0500
*** 3,14 ****
  # This file is distributed under the same licence as the libgnomedbpackage.
  # Adam Weinberger <adamw gnome org>, 2004
  msgid ""
  msgstr ""
  "Project-Id-Version: libgnomedb\n"
  "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
! "POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"
! "PO-Revision-Date: 2004-06-10 19:42-0700\n"
  "Last-Translator: Adam Weinberger <adamw gnome org>\n"
  "Language-Team: en_CA <adamw FreeBSD org>\n"
  "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
--- 3,15 ----
  # This file is distributed under the same licence as the libgnomedbpackage.
  # Adam Weinberger <adamw gnome org>, 2004
+ #
  msgid ""
  msgstr ""
  "Project-Id-Version: libgnomedb\n"
  "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
! "POT-Creation-Date: 2004-09-26 12:47-0400\n"
! "PO-Revision-Date: 2004-09-26 19:42-0400\n"
  "Last-Translator: Adam Weinberger <adamw gnome org>\n"
  "Language-Team: en_CA <adamw FreeBSD org>\n"
  "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
*************** msgid ""
*** 463,469 ****
  msgstr ""
  "All information needed to create a new data source\n"
  "has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"
! "this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"
  "just select it when asked for a data source."
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124
--- 464,470 ----
  msgstr ""
  "All information needed to create a new data source\n"
  "has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"
! "this dialogue. To open your newly created data source,\n"
  "just select it when asked for a data source."
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: en_GB.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: es.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: fa.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: fi.gmo
diff -r -p ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/fi.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/fi.po
*** ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/fi.po	2004-08-12 09:42:38.000000000 -0500
--- ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/fi.po	2004-09-03 07:45:16.000000000 -0500
*************** msgstr ""
*** 11,17 ****
  "POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"
  "PO-Revision-Date: 2004-07-24 11:22+0300\n"
  "Last-Translator: Tommi Vainikainen <Tommi Vainikainen iki fi>\n"
! "Language-Team: Finnish <gnome-fi-laatu lists sourceforge org>\n"
  "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
  "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
  "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8-bit\n"
--- 11,17 ----
  "POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"
  "PO-Revision-Date: 2004-07-24 11:22+0300\n"
  "Last-Translator: Tommi Vainikainen <Tommi Vainikainen iki fi>\n"
! "Language-Team: Finnish <gnome-fi-laatu lists sourceforge net>\n"
  "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
  "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
  "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8-bit\n"
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: fr.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ga.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: gl.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: hr.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: hu.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: it.gmo
diff -r -p ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/it.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/it.po
*** ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/it.po	2004-08-12 09:42:38.000000000 -0500
--- ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/it.po	2004-09-03 07:45:17.000000000 -0500
*** 2,14 ****
  # Copyright (C) 2000,2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
  # Daniele Medri <madrid linux it>, 2000.
  # Marco Parrone <marc0 autistici org>, 2002.
  msgid ""
  msgstr ""
  "Project-Id-Version: libgnomedb HEAD\n"
  "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
! "POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"
! "PO-Revision-Date: 2002-12-04 21:47+0100\n"
  "Last-Translator: Marco Parrone <marc0 autistici org>\n"
  "Language-Team: Italian <tp lists linux it>\n"
  "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
--- 2,15 ----
  # Copyright (C) 2000,2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
  # Daniele Medri <madrid linux it>, 2000.
  # Marco Parrone <marc0 autistici org>, 2002.
+ # Alessio Dessì <alkex inwind it>, 2004.
  msgid ""
  msgstr ""
  "Project-Id-Version: libgnomedb HEAD\n"
  "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
! "POT-Creation-Date: 2004-09-02 20:42+0200\n"
! "PO-Revision-Date: 2004-04-07 18:55+0200\n"
  "Last-Translator: Marco Parrone <marc0 autistici org>\n"
  "Language-Team: Italian <tp lists linux it>\n"
  "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
*************** msgstr "Fornitori"
*** 25,31 ****
  #: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1
  msgid "Configure your database environment"
! msgstr ""
  #: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2
  #, fuzzy
--- 26,32 ----
  #: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1
  msgid "Configure your database environment"
! msgstr "Configurazione ambiente del database"
  #: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2
  #, fuzzy
*************** msgstr "Proprietà del database"
*** 36,42 ****
  #: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342
  #: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380
  msgid "Name"
! msgstr ""
  #: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-config.c:54
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:210
--- 37,43 ----
  #: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342
  #: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380
  msgid "Name"
! msgstr "Nome"
  #: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-config.c:54
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:210
*************** msgstr "Descrizione"
*** 47,53 ****
  #: control-center/dsn-config.c:182
  msgid "Configured data sources in the system"
! msgstr ""
  #: control-center/dsn-config.c:214
  msgid ""
--- 48,54 ----
  #: control-center/dsn-config.c:182
  msgid "Configured data sources in the system"
! msgstr "Sorgenti di dati configurate nel sistema"
  #: control-center/dsn-config.c:214
  msgid ""
*************** msgid ""
*** 59,65 ****
  msgstr ""
  "Le sorgenti di dati sono i mezzi con cui GNOME-DB identifica le connessioni "
  "di database. Tutte le informazioni richieste per aprire una connessione "
! "verso un fornitore o verso una combo di database specifici sono "
  "immagazzinate usando un nome unico. Ã? usando questo unico nome che si "
  "identificano le connessioni nelle applicazioni che fanno uso di GNOME-DB per "
  "l'accesso a database."
--- 60,66 ----
  msgstr ""
  "Le sorgenti di dati sono i mezzi con cui GNOME-DB identifica le connessioni "
  "di database. Tutte le informazioni richieste per aprire una connessione "
! "verso un fornitore o una combinazione di database specifici sono "
  "immagazzinate usando un nome unico. Ã? usando questo unico nome che si "
  "identificano le connessioni nelle applicazioni che fanno uso di GNOME-DB per "
  "l'accesso a database."
*************** msgstr "Tabelle"
*** 85,91 ****
  #: control-center/main.c:92
  msgid "No valid data source info was created"
! msgstr "Non è stata creata nessuna informazione di sorgente dati"
  #. create the dialog
  #: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218
--- 86,92 ----
  #: control-center/main.c:92
  msgid "No valid data source info was created"
! msgstr "Non è stata fornita nessuna informazione per la sorgente dati"
  #. create the dialog
  #: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218
*************** msgstr "Proprietà del database"
*** 100,106 ****
  #: control-center/provider-config.c:105
  msgid "Installed providers"
! msgstr ""
  #: control-center/provider-config.c:131
  #, fuzzy
--- 101,107 ----
  #: control-center/provider-config.c:105
  msgid "Installed providers"
! msgstr "Fornitori installati"
  #: control-center/provider-config.c:131
  #, fuzzy
*************** msgstr ""
*** 119,172 ****
  #: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1
  msgid "Database connection parameters file"
! msgstr ""
  #: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2
  msgid "Documents"
! msgstr ""
  #: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3
  msgid "SQL code viewer"
! msgstr ""
  #: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1
  msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"
! msgstr ""
  #: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2
  msgid "Number of spaces per tab"
! msgstr ""
  #: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3
  msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"
! msgstr ""
  #: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4
  msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60
  msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1
  msgid "About"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2
  msgid "About GNOME-DB"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3
  msgid "Close this window"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4
  msgid "Create new entry"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5
- #, fuzzy
  msgid "Delete selected items"
  msgstr "Deseleziona tutte le voci selezionate nella lista"
--- 120,172 ----
  #: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1
  msgid "Database connection parameters file"
! msgstr "File dei parametri delle connessioni a database"
  #: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2
  msgid "Documents"
! msgstr "Documenti"
  #: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3
  msgid "SQL code viewer"
! msgstr "Visualizzatore di codice SQL"
  #: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1
  msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"
! msgstr "Tipo di carattere da usare per il widget griglia"
  #: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2
  msgid "Number of spaces per tab"
! msgstr "Numero di spazi per il «tab»"
  #: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3
  msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"
! msgstr "Mostra i numeri di riga nell'editor di sorgenti"
  #: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4
  msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"
! msgstr "Usa l'evidenziazione nell'editor del codice sorgente"
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60
  msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"
! msgstr "Servizi di database per GNOME Desktop"
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1
  msgid "About"
! msgstr "Informazioni"
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2
  msgid "About GNOME-DB"
! msgstr "Informazioni su GNOME-DB"
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3
  msgid "Close this window"
! msgstr "Chiude questa finestra"
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4
  msgid "Create new entry"
! msgstr "Crea un nuovo elemento"
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5
  msgid "Delete selected items"
  msgstr "Deseleziona tutte le voci selezionate nella lista"
*************** msgstr "Deseleziona tutte le voci selezi
*** 177,187 ****
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7
  msgid "Edit properties for selected item"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8
  msgid "Save connection parameters to file"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414
  #, fuzzy
--- 177,187 ----
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7
  msgid "Edit properties for selected item"
! msgstr "Modifica le proprietà per l'elemento selezionato"
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8
  msgid "Save connection parameters to file"
! msgstr "Salva i parametri della connessione in un file"
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414
  #, fuzzy
*************** msgstr "Seleziona tutto"
*** 191,197 ****
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10
  #, fuzzy
  msgid "Select all items"
! msgstr "Seleziona tutte le voci nella lista"
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11
  #, fuzzy
--- 191,197 ----
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10
  #, fuzzy
  msgid "Select all items"
! msgstr "Seleziona tutto"
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11
  #, fuzzy
*************** msgid "View providers"
*** 204,215 ****
  msgstr "Fornitori"
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:420
  msgid "_Clear Selection"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14
  msgid "_Close"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15
  #, fuzzy
--- 204,216 ----
  msgstr "Fornitori"
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:420
+ #, fuzzy
  msgid "_Clear Selection"
! msgstr "Cancella selezione"
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14
  msgid "_Close"
! msgstr "_Chiudi"
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15
  #, fuzzy
*************** msgstr "Database"
*** 223,237 ****
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17
  msgid "_Delete"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18
  msgid "_Edit"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19
  msgid "_Help"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20
  #, fuzzy
--- 224,238 ----
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17
  msgid "_Delete"
! msgstr "Ca_ncella"
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18
  msgid "_Edit"
! msgstr "_Modifica"
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19
  msgid "_Help"
! msgstr "A_iuto"
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20
  #, fuzzy
*************** msgstr "Nuova sorgente di dati"
*** 241,247 ****
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21
  #, fuzzy
  msgid "_Properties"
! msgstr "Procedure"
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22
  #, fuzzy
--- 242,248 ----
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21
  #, fuzzy
  msgid "_Properties"
! msgstr "Proprietà"
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22
  #, fuzzy
*************** msgid "_Providers"
*** 249,257 ****
  msgstr "Fornitori"
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23
- #, fuzzy
  msgid "_Save Connection"
! msgstr "Salva in"
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24
  #, fuzzy
--- 250,257 ----
  msgstr "Fornitori"
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23
  msgid "_Save Connection"
! msgstr "Sal_va connessione"
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24
  #, fuzzy
*************** msgstr "Non è possibile interrogare com
*** 317,341 ****
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209
  msgid "ID"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210
  #: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
  msgid "Location"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212
  msgid "Username"
  msgstr "Nome utente"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213
- #, fuzzy
  msgid "Hostname"
! msgstr "Nome utente"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214
  msgid "Domain"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359
  #, c-format
--- 317,340 ----
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209
  msgid "ID"
! msgstr "ID"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210
  #: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
  msgid "Location"
! msgstr "Posizione"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212
  msgid "Username"
  msgstr "Nome utente"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213
  msgid "Hostname"
! msgstr "Nome host"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214
  msgid "Domain"
! msgstr "Dominio"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359
  #, c-format
*************** msgstr "Caratteristiche"
*** 370,396 ****
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190
  msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"
! msgstr "Bisogna inserire un nome per la nuova sorgente di dati"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197
  msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric characters"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206
  msgid "An existing data source is already registered under the same name"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213
  msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217
  msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and numbers"
  msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225
  msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"
! msgstr "Bisogna selezionare un fornitore per la nuova sorgente di dati"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233
  msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"
--- 369,397 ----
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190
  msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"
! msgstr "Ã? necessario inserire un nome per la nuova sorgente di dati"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197
+ #, fuzzy
  msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric characters"
! msgstr "I nomi delle sorgenti di dati non possono contenere spazi"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206
  msgid "An existing data source is already registered under the same name"
! msgstr "Esiste già una sorgente di dati con lo stesso nome"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213
  msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"
! msgstr "I nomi delle sorgenti di dati non possono contenere spazi"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217
  msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and numbers"
  msgstr ""
+ "I nomi delle sorgenti di dati possono contenere solo lettere e numeri ASCII"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225
  msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"
! msgstr "Ã? necessario selezionare un fornitore per la nuova sorgente di dati"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233
  msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"
*************** msgid ""
*** 406,413 ****
  "creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"
  "installation. Just follow the steps!"
  msgstr ""
! "Quest'assistente farà da guida attraverso il processo di\n"
! "creazione di una nuova sorgente dati per l'installazione personale\n"
  "di GNOME-DB. Basta procedere un passo alla volta!"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404
--- 407,414 ----
  "creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"
  "installation. Just follow the steps!"
  msgstr ""
! "L'assistente farà da guida attraverso il processo di creazione\n"
! "di una nuova sorgente dati per l'installazione personale\n"
  "di GNOME-DB. Basta procedere un passo alla volta!"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404
*************** msgid ""
*** 423,433 ****
  "If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"
  "the default one."
  msgstr ""
! "I seguenti campi rappresentano le voci di informazioni\n"
! "di base per la nuova sorgente di dati. Alcune di esse (descrizione,\n"
  "nome utente) sono opzionali, mentre le altre sono obbligatorie.\n"
! "Se non si sà quale fornitore utilizzare, si selezioni\n"
! "quello predefinito"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104
--- 424,434 ----
  "If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"
  "the default one."
  msgstr ""
! "I seguenti campi rappresentano le voci di informazioni di base\n"
! "per la nuova sorgente di dati. Alcune di esse (descrizione,\n"
  "nome utente) sono opzionali, mentre le altre sono obbligatorie.\n"
! "Se non si sà quale fornitore utilizzare, selezionare quello\n"
! "predefinito"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104
*************** msgstr "Descrizione"
*** 451,463 ****
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142
  #, fuzzy
  msgid "_Username:"
! msgstr "Nome utente"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151
  #, fuzzy
  msgid "P_assword:"
! msgstr "Password"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454
  msgid "Provider Parameters"
--- 452,464 ----
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142
  #, fuzzy
  msgid "_Username:"
! msgstr "Nome utente:"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151
  #, fuzzy
  msgid "P_assword:"
! msgstr "Password:"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454
  msgid "Provider Parameters"
*************** msgid ""
*** 471,480 ****
  "connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\n"
  "the manual for more information."
  msgstr ""
! "I seguenti campi rappresentano l'informazione richiesta\n"
! "dal fornitore selezionato nella pagina precedente per aprire\n"
! "una certa connessione. Questa informazione è specifica al fornitore,\n"
! "quindi si controlli il manuale per maggiori informazioni"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481
  msgid "All information retrieved"
--- 472,481 ----
  "connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\n"
  "the manual for more information."
  msgstr ""
! "I seguenti campi rappresentano l'informazione richiesta dal fornitore\n"
! "selezionato nella pagina precedente per aprire una certa connessione.\n"
! "Questa informazione è specifica del fornitore, controllare il manuale per\n"
! "maggiori informazioni"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481
  msgid "All information retrieved"
*************** msgid ""
*** 489,497 ****
  "just select it when asked for a data source."
  msgstr ""
  "Sono state recuperate tutte le informazioni necessarie per creare\n"
! "una nuova sorgente di dati. Premere «Applica» per chiudere\n"
! "questa finestra di dialogo. Per aprire la sorgente di dati appena\n"
! "creata, basta selezionarla quando viene richiesta una sorgente di dati"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124
  #, fuzzy
--- 490,498 ----
  "just select it when asked for a data source."
  msgstr ""
  "Sono state recuperate tutte le informazioni necessarie per creare\n"
! "una nuova sorgente di dati. Premere «Applica» per chiudere questa\n"
! "finestra di dialogo. Per aprire la sorgente di dati appena creata,\n"
! "basta selezionarla quando viene richiesta una sorgente di dati"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124
  #, fuzzy
*************** msgstr "<< Nascondi dettagli"
*** 512,527 ****
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191
  msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196
  msgid "Error number"
  msgstr "Numero d'errore"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227
- #, fuzzy
  msgid "Details"
! msgstr "Dettaglio"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234
  msgid "Source"
--- 513,527 ----
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191
  msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"
! msgstr "Si è verificato un errore nel database sottostante"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196
  msgid "Error number"
  msgstr "Numero d'errore"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227
  msgid "Details"
! msgstr "Dettagli"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234
  msgid "Source"
*************** msgstr "Stato SQL"
*** 534,545 ****
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108
  #, fuzzy
  msgid "_Field:"
! msgstr "Titolo"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118
- #, fuzzy
  msgid "_Text:"
! msgstr "Prova"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:275
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308
--- 534,544 ----
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108
  #, fuzzy
  msgid "_Field:"
! msgstr "Campi"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118
  msgid "_Text:"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:275
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308
*************** msgstr "Record numero %d di %d"
*** 553,566 ****
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113
  msgid "Recordset description"
! msgstr "Descrizione del recordset"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141
! #, c-format
  msgid ""
  "File '%s' already exists.\n"
  "Do you want to overwrite it?"
  msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149
  msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."
--- 552,567 ----
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113
  msgid "Recordset description"
! msgstr "Descrizione dell'insieme di record"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141
! #, fuzzy, c-format
  msgid ""
  "File '%s' already exists.\n"
  "Do you want to overwrite it?"
  msgstr ""
+ "Il file %s esiste già\n"
+ "Sovrascriverlo?"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149
  msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."
*************** msgstr "Non è possibile salvare il file
*** 573,583 ****
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224
  msgid "You must specify a file name"
! msgstr "Bisogna specificare un nome di file"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230
  msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261
  msgid "Saving Model"
--- 574,584 ----
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224
  msgid "You must specify a file name"
! msgstr "Ã? necessario specificare un nome di file"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230
  msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"
! msgstr "Ricevuto file vuoto durante la conversione dei dati"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261
  msgid "Saving Model"
*************** msgid "Show Column _Titles"
*** 620,628 ****
  msgstr "Mostra colonne"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442
- #, fuzzy
  msgid "Describe"
! msgstr "Descrivi..."
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443
  msgid "View detail..."
--- 621,628 ----
  msgstr "Mostra colonne"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442
  msgid "Describe"
! msgstr "Descrive"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443
  msgid "View detail..."
*************** msgstr "Titolo"
*** 634,706 ****
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48
  msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"
! msgstr "� stato tentato di inizializzare un client già inizializzato"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124
  msgid ""
  "Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"
  "to a data source"
  msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253
- #, fuzzy
  msgid "Data Source:"
! msgstr "Sorgente dati"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270
- #, fuzzy
  msgid "Username:"
! msgstr "Nome utente"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279
- #, fuzzy
  msgid "Password:"
! msgstr "Password"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69
  msgid "Fields"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30
  msgid "Commit"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31
  msgid "Connect"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33
  msgid "Designer"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34
  msgid "Disconnect"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35
  msgid "NoTransaction"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37
  msgid "Query"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38
  msgid "Rollback"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40
  msgid "SQL"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43
  msgid "WithinTransaction"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65
! #, fuzzy, c-format
  msgid "Error: %s"
! msgstr "Errore"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79
  msgid "Table name"
--- 634,705 ----
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48
  msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"
! msgstr "Si è tentato di inizializzare un client già inizializzato"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124
  msgid ""
  "Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"
  "to a data source"
  msgstr ""
+ "Inserire gli argomenti per aprire una connessione\n"
+ "a una sorgente di dati qui sotto"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253
  msgid "Data Source:"
! msgstr "Sorgente dati:"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270
  msgid "Username:"
! msgstr "Nome utente:"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279
  msgid "Password:"
! msgstr "Password:"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69
  msgid "Fields"
! msgstr "Campi"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30
  msgid "Commit"
! msgstr "Esegui commit"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31
  msgid "Connect"
! msgstr "Connetti"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33
  msgid "Designer"
! msgstr "Proggettista"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34
  msgid "Disconnect"
! msgstr "Disconnetti"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35
  msgid "NoTransaction"
! msgstr "NessunaTransazione"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37
  msgid "Query"
! msgstr "Query"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38
  msgid "Rollback"
! msgstr "Reverti commit"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40
  msgid "SQL"
! msgstr "SQL"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43
  msgid "WithinTransaction"
! msgstr "InternamenteAllaTransazione"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65
! #, c-format
  msgid "Error: %s"
! msgstr "Errore: %s"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79
  msgid "Table name"
*************** msgstr "Nome tabella"
*** 709,719 ****
  #: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93
  #, c-format
  msgid "Login for %s"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/utils.c:95
  msgid "Login to database"
! msgstr ""
  #: vfs/libmain.c:71
  msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"
--- 708,718 ----
  #: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93
  #, c-format
  msgid "Login for %s"
! msgstr "Login per %s"
  #: libgnomedb/utils.c:95
  msgid "Login to database"
! msgstr "Login al database"
  #: vfs/libmain.c:71
  msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"
*************** msgstr "Database GNOME VFS: modulo"
*** 721,757 ****
  #. create the dialog
  #: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40
- #, fuzzy
  msgid "Table Properties"
! msgstr "Proprietà del database"
  #: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47
- #, fuzzy
  msgid "Table Name"
  msgstr "Nome tabella"
  #: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155
  msgid "New"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156
  msgid "Create new table"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161
- #, fuzzy
  msgid "Properties"
! msgstr "Procedure"
  #: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162
- #, fuzzy
  msgid "View table properties"
! msgstr "Proprietà del database"
  #: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
  #: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
  msgid "UID"
! msgstr ""
  #: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
  #: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
--- 720,753 ----
  #. create the dialog
  #: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40
  msgid "Table Properties"
! msgstr "Proprietà della tabella"
  #: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47
  msgid "Table Name"
  msgstr "Nome tabella"
  #: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155
  msgid "New"
! msgstr "Nuova"
  #: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156
  msgid "Create new table"
! msgstr "Crea una nuova tabella"
  #: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161
  msgid "Properties"
! msgstr "Proprietà"
  #: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162
  msgid "View table properties"
! msgstr "Visualizza proprietà della tabella"
  #: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
  #: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
+ #, fuzzy
  msgid "UID"
! msgstr "ID"
  #: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
  #: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
*************** msgstr ""
*** 779,786 ****
  #. position
  #: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
  msgid "location"
! msgstr ""
  #. position
  #: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
--- 775,783 ----
  #. position
  #: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
+ #, fuzzy
  msgid "location"
! msgstr "Posizione"
  #. position
  #: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
*************** msgstr ""
*** 816,823 ****
  #: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
  #: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
  msgid "Classification"
! msgstr ""
  #. position
  #: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
--- 813,821 ----
  #: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
  #: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
+ #, fuzzy
  msgid "Classification"
! msgstr "Cancella selezione"
  #. position
  #: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
*************** msgid "Authentication is required to acc
*** 889,897 ****
  msgstr ""
  #: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83
- #, fuzzy
  msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"
! msgstr "Non è possibile aprire una connessione verso %s"
  #: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100
  msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"
--- 887,894 ----
  msgstr ""
  #: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83
  msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"
! msgstr ""
  #: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100
  msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"
*************** msgstr ""
*** 930,936 ****
  #: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219
  #, fuzzy
  msgid "References"
! msgstr "Sequenze"
  #: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220
  msgid "Default value"
--- 927,933 ----
  #: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219
  #, fuzzy
  msgid "References"
! msgstr "Preferen_ze"
  #: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220
  msgid "Default value"
*************** msgstr ""
*** 961,968 ****
  #: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344
  #: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376
  msgid "Comments"
! msgstr ""
  #: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374
  #, fuzzy
--- 958,966 ----
  #: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344
  #: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376
+ #, fuzzy
  msgid "Comments"
! msgstr "Esegui commit"
  #: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374
  #, fuzzy
*************** msgid ""
*** 1012,1037 ****
  "Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, tasks and contacts"
  msgstr ""
! #, fuzzy
  #~ msgid "Database browser"
! #~ msgstr "Proprietà del database"
  #~ msgid "Error viewer"
  #~ msgstr "Visualizzatore di errore"
! #, fuzzy
  #~ msgid "Database configuration"
! #~ msgstr "Proprietà del database"
- #, fuzzy
  #~ msgid "_Settings"
! #~ msgstr "Impostazioni"
  #~ msgid "Password"
  #~ msgstr "Password"
  #~ msgid "Save as"
! #~ msgstr "Salva come..."
  #~ msgid "Save to"
  #~ msgstr "Salva in"
--- 1010,1069 ----
  "Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, tasks and contacts"
  msgstr ""
! #~ msgid "Browse database..."
! #~ msgstr "Esplorazione database..."
! #~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .connection files"
! #~ msgstr ""
! #~ "Componente che include le voci del menu contestuale per i file .connection"
! #~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .sql files"
! #~ msgstr "Componente che include le voci del menu contestuale per i file .sql"
! #~ msgid "Connection MIME handler component"
! #~ msgstr "Componente del gestore dei tipi di connessione MIME"
! #~ msgid "Database component factory"
! #~ msgstr "Produttore di componenti Database"
! #~ msgid "Open in database connection..."
! #~ msgstr "Apre all'interno di una connessione a database..."
! #~ msgid "SQL MIME handler component"
! #~ msgstr "Componente del gestore di tipi MIME SQL"
  #~ msgid "Database browser"
! #~ msgstr "Esploratore di database"
  #~ msgid "Error viewer"
  #~ msgstr "Visualizzatore di errore"
! #~ msgid "SQL Viewer"
! #~ msgstr "Visualizzatore SQL"
  #~ msgid "Database configuration"
! #~ msgstr "Configurazione del database"
! #~ msgid "Edit application preferences"
! #~ msgstr "Modifica le preferenze dell'applicazione"
! #~ msgid "New..."
! #~ msgstr "Nuovo..."
! #~ msgid "_File"
! #~ msgstr "_File"
! #~ msgid "_Properties..."
! #~ msgstr "P_roprietà..."
  #~ msgid "_Settings"
! #~ msgstr "Im_postazioni"
  #~ msgid "Password"
  #~ msgstr "Password"
  #~ msgid "Save as"
! #~ msgstr "Salva come"
  #~ msgid "Save to"
  #~ msgstr "Salva in"
*************** msgstr ""
*** 1045,1099 ****
  #~ msgid "Question"
  #~ msgstr "Domanda"
! #, fuzzy
  #~ msgid "Database Moniker factory"
! #~ msgstr "Proprietà del database"
- #, fuzzy
  #~ msgid "database: moniker"
! #~ msgstr "Proprietà del database"
  #~ msgid "Failing to manufacture a '%s'"
! #~ msgstr "� fallita la manifatturazione di un «%s»"
  #~ msgid "Invalid format for connection string"
  #~ msgstr "Il formato per la stringa di connessione non è valido"
- #~ msgid "Data sources"
- #~ msgstr "Sorgenti di dati"
- #~ msgid "Test Data Source"
- #~ msgstr "Prova sorgente di dati"
- #~ msgid "Connection to %s successful!"
- #~ msgstr "Connessione verso %s riuscita!"
- #~ msgid "Data source"
- #~ msgstr "Sorgente di dati"
- #~ msgid "Select all"
- #~ msgstr "Seleziona tutto"
- #~ msgid "Unselect all"
- #~ msgstr "Deseleziona tutto"
- #~ msgid "Unselect All"
- #~ msgstr "Deseleziona tutto"
- #~ msgid "Display column headers"
- #~ msgstr "Visualizza intestazioni di colonna"
- #~ msgid "Hide column headers"
- #~ msgstr "Nascondi le intestazioni di colonna"
- #~ msgid "Save as..."
- #~ msgstr "Salva come..."
- #~ msgid "Export data to different formats"
- #~ msgstr "Esporta dati in formati differenti"
- #~ msgid "Describe current data set"
- #~ msgstr "Descrive il set di dati corrente"
- #~ msgid "View current data in more detail"
- #~ msgstr "Visualizza i dati correnti più in dettaglio"
--- 1077,1096 ----
  #~ msgid "Question"
  #~ msgstr "Domanda"
! #~ msgid "Table Data"
! #~ msgstr "Tabella dei dati"
! #~ msgid "View table data"
! #~ msgstr "Visualizza dati della tabella"
  #~ msgid "Database Moniker factory"
! #~ msgstr "Produttore Moniker del database"
  #~ msgid "database: moniker"
! #~ msgstr "database: moniker"
  #~ msgid "Failing to manufacture a '%s'"
! #~ msgstr "Fallita la produzione di un «%s»"
  #~ msgid "Invalid format for connection string"
  #~ msgstr "Il formato per la stringa di connessione non è valido"
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ja.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ko.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: libgnomedb-2.pot
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: Makefile.in
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: Makefile.in.in
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po: mk.po
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ml.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ms.gmo
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po: nb.po
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: nl.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: no.gmo
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po: pa.po
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: pl.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: POTFILES
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po: POTFILES.skip
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: pt_BR.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: pt.gmo
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po: README.translators
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ru.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: sk.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: sl.gmo
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po: sq.po
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: sr.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: sr Latn gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: sv.gmo
diff -r -p ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/sv.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/sv.po
*** ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/sv.po	2004-08-12 09:42:40.000000000 -0500
--- ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/sv.po	2004-09-03 07:45:21.000000000 -0500
*** 4,10 ****
  # Christian Rose <menthos menthos com>, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003.
  # Martin Norbäck <d95mback dtek chalmers se>, 2000.
! # $Id: sv.po,v 1.82 2004/06/07 22:33:37 rodrigo Exp $
  msgid ""
  msgstr ""
--- 4,10 ----
  # Christian Rose <menthos menthos com>, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003.
  # Martin Norbäck <d95mback dtek chalmers se>, 2000.
! # $Id: sv.po,v 1.83 2004/08/12 14:44:29 rodrigo Exp $
  msgid ""
  msgstr ""
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ta.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: tr.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: uk.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: vi.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: zh_CN.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: zh_TW.gmo
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: providers
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: stamp.h
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/testing: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/testing: .deps
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/testing: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/testing: Makefile.in
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: vfs
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: aclocal.m4
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: autogen.sh
diff -r -p --minimal ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/ChangeLog ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/ChangeLog
*** ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/ChangeLog	2004-10-05 12:30:06.251559040 -0500
--- ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/ChangeLog	2004-10-04 23:08:10.000000000 -0500
*** 1,3 ****
--- 1,22 ----
+ 2004-09-25  Gustavo R. Montesino <grmontesino ig com br>
+ 	Fixes #150791
+ 	* libgnomedb/tables-page.c (tables_page_set_connection): unref the
+ 	old connection, not the new one.
+ 2004-09-22  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
+ 	* configure.in: removed GNOME_COMPILE_WARNINGS macro.
+ 2004-08-21  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>
+ 	* configure.in: Add «nb» to ALL_LINGUAS.
+ 2004-08-12  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
+ 	Released 1.1.6.
  2004-08-08  Gustavo R. Montesino <grmontesino ig com br>
  	Fixes #149609
*** 3288,3300 ****
  2000-10-15	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo linuxave net>
  	* libgnomedb/created ChangeLog
- 2004-10-05  Daniel Espinosa Ortiz <esodan yahoo com mx>
- 	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.c ported to GtkComboBoxEntry.
- 	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.h ported to GtkComboBoxEntry.
- 	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c added the method to hide the navigations 
- 	buttons and to know if they are displayed.
- 	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c added the event notification for a change 
- 	of row (cliking a navigation button).
- 	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c added the method to set/get a GdaValue from
- 	a GnomeDateEdit (just a propoused utility!!!!)
--- 3307,3309 ----
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: components
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: config.guess
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: config.log
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: config.status
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: config.sub
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: configure
diff -r -p --minimal ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/configure.in ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/configure.in
*** ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/configure.in	2004-07-22 05:56:09.000000000 -0500
--- ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/configure.in	2004-10-04 23:08:10.000000000 -0500
*************** AC_INIT(libgnomedb/libgnomedb.h)
*** 3,9 ****
--- 3,9 ----
*************** dnl ******************************
*** 60,66 ****
! ALL_LINGUAS="az be ca cs da de el en_CA en_GB es fa fi fr ga gl hr hu it ja ko ml ms nl no pl pt pt_BR ru sk sr sr Latn sl sv ta tr uk vi zh_CN zh_TW"
  dnl ******************************
--- 60,66 ----
! ALL_LINGUAS="az be ca cs da de el en_CA en_GB es fa fi fr ga gl hr hu it ja ko ml ms nb nl no pl pt pt_BR ru sk sl sq sr sr Latn sv ta tr uk vi zh_CN zh_TW"
  dnl ******************************
*************** AM_GCONF_SOURCE_2
*** 72,80 ****
  dnl ******************************
  dnl Checks for libraries
  dnl ******************************
  GTK_MODULES="gtk+-2.0 >= 2.4.0"
  LIBGDA_MODULES="libgda >= 1.1.1"
--- 72,77 ----
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/control-center: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/control-center: database-properties.desktop
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/control-center: .deps
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/control-center: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/control-center: Makefile.in
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: COPYING
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: CVS
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/data: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/data: libgnomedb.keys
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/data: libgnomedb.schemas
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/data: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/data: Makefile.in
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: depcomp
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc/C: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C: html
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C: libgnomedb-decl-list.txt
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C: libgnomedb-decl.txt
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C: libgnomedb-undocumented.txt
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C: Makefile.in
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc/C/tmpl: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: db-shell.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: gnome-db-browser-private.sgml
diff -r -p --minimal ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-find-dialog.sgml ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-find-dialog.sgml
*** ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-find-dialog.sgml	2004-08-18 10:59:17.000000000 -0500
--- ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc/C/tmpl/gnome-db-find-dialog.sgml	2004-06-06 10:01:59.000000000 -0500
*************** GnomeDbFindDialog
*** 9,19 ****
--- 9,21 ----
  <!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->
  <!-- ##### STRUCT GnomeDbFindDialogPrivate ##### -->
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: gnome-db-find-dialog.sgml.bak
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: gnome-db-i18n.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: libgnomedb-private.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: libgnomedb-unused.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: sql-viewer.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: table-properties-dialog.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: tables-page.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: utils.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C: xml
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc: libgnomedb-C.omf
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc: Makefile.in
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc: reference
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/glade: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/glade: .deps
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/glade: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/glade: Makefile.in
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: HACKING
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: INSTALL
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: install-sh
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: intltool-extract
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: intltool-extract.in
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: intltool-merge
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: intltool-merge.in
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: intltool-update
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: intltool-update.in
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: lib
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb: .deps
diff -r -p --minimal ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.c
*** ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.c	2004-10-04 14:43:45.000000000 -0500
--- ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.c	2003-12-19 05:06:04.000000000 -0600
*** 22,28 ****
  #include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.h>
  struct _GnomeDbComboPrivate {
  	GdaDataModel *model;
--- 22,28 ----
  #include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.h>
  struct _GnomeDbComboPrivate {
  	GdaDataModel *model;
*************** enum {
*** 49,61 ****
- enum {
- };
- static gint combo_signals[LAST_SIGNAL];
  static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL;
--- 49,54 ----
*************** gnome_db_combo_class_init (GnomeDbComboC
*** 79,94 ****
  		g_param_spec_object ("model", NULL, NULL,
- 	/* add class signals */
- 	combo_signals[MODEL_CHANGED] =
- 		g_signal_new ("model_changed",
- 			      G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class),
- 			      G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,
- 			      G_STRUCT_OFFSET (GnomeDbComboClass, model_changed),
- 			      NULL, NULL,
- 			      g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID,
- 			      G_TYPE_NONE, 0);
  static void
--- 72,77 ----
*************** gnome_db_combo_init (GnomeDbCombo *combo
*** 99,107 ****
  	/* allocate private structure */
  	combo->priv = g_new0 (GnomeDbComboPrivate, 1);
  	combo->priv->model = NULL;
- 	combo->priv->col = 0;
- 	gtk_combo_box_set_model(GTK_COMBO_BOX(combo), NULL);
  static void
--- 82,87 ----
*************** gnome_db_combo_new_with_model (GdaDataMo
*** 219,227 ****
  	GnomeDbCombo *combo;
  	g_return_val_if_fail (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (model), NULL);
! 	g_return_val_if_fail (col >= 0 && col < gda_data_model_get_n_columns(model), NULL);
  	combo = gnome_db_combo_new();
  	if (combo != NULL) {
--- 199,206 ----
  	GnomeDbCombo *combo;
  	g_return_val_if_fail (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (model), NULL);
! 	g_return_val_if_fail (col >= 0, NULL);
  	combo = gnome_db_combo_new();
  	if (combo != NULL) {
*************** static void
*** 236,262 ****
  model_changed_cb (GdaDataModel *model, gpointer user_data)
  	GnomeDbCombo *combo = GNOME_DB_COMBO (user_data);
! 	gint rows, i;
! 	GdaValue *value;
! 	GtkTreeStore *combo_model;
! 	GtkTreeIter iter;
  	g_return_if_fail (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (model));
  	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_COMBO (combo));
  	rows = gda_data_model_get_n_rows (model);
! 	combo_model = gtk_tree_store_new(1, G_TYPE_STRING);
! 	/* Set the values to ListStore */
  	for (i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
- 		gtk_tree_store_append(combo_model,&iter, NULL);
  		value = gda_data_model_get_value_at (model, combo->priv->col, i);
! 		gtk_tree_store_set(combo_model,&iter,0,gda_value_stringify(value),-1);
! 	gtk_combo_box_set_model(GTK_COMBO_BOX(combo), combo_model);
! 	gtk_combo_box_entry_set_text_column(GTK_COMBO_BOX_ENTRY(combo), 0);
--- 215,244 ----
  model_changed_cb (GdaDataModel *model, gpointer user_data)
  	GnomeDbCombo *combo = GNOME_DB_COMBO (user_data);
! 	gint rows, i, cols;
! 	const GdaValue *value;
! 	GList *list = NULL;
  	g_return_if_fail (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (model));
  	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_COMBO (combo));
+ 	cols = gda_data_model_get_n_columns (model);
  	rows = gda_data_model_get_n_rows (model);
! 	if (rows == 0 || cols < combo->priv->col) {
! 		list = g_list_append (list, "");
! 		gtk_combo_set_popdown_strings (GTK_COMBO (combo), list);
! 		g_list_free (list);
! 		return;
! 	}
  	for (i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
  		value = gda_data_model_get_value_at (model, combo->priv->col, i);
! 		list = g_list_append (list, gda_value_stringify (value));
! 	gtk_combo_set_popdown_strings (GTK_COMBO (combo), list);
! 	g_list_foreach (list, (GFunc) g_free, NULL);
! 	g_list_free (list);
*************** model_changed_cb (GdaDataModel *model, g
*** 273,291 ****
  gnome_db_combo_set_model (GnomeDbCombo *combo, GdaDataModel *model, gint col)
  	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_COMBO (combo));
  	g_return_if_fail (model == NULL || GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (model));
- 	g_return_if_fail (col >= 0 && col < gda_data_model_get_n_columns(model));
  	if (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (combo->priv->model)) {
  		g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (combo->priv->model));
! 	g_object_ref (G_OBJECT (model));
  	combo->priv->model = model;
! 	combo->priv->col = col;
! 	model_changed_cb (model, combo);
! 	g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (combo), combo_signals[MODEL_CHANGED], 0);
--- 255,283 ----
  gnome_db_combo_set_model (GnomeDbCombo *combo, GdaDataModel *model, gint col)
! 	GList *list = NULL;
  	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_COMBO (combo));
  	g_return_if_fail (model == NULL || GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (model));
  	if (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (combo->priv->model)) {
+ 		g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func (G_OBJECT (combo->priv->model), model_changed_cb, combo);
  		g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (combo->priv->model));
  	combo->priv->model = model;
! 	if (model != NULL) {
! 		g_object_ref (G_OBJECT (model));
! 		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (combo->priv->model), "changed",
! 				  G_CALLBACK (model_changed_cb), combo);
! 		combo->priv->col = col;
! 		model_changed_cb (model, combo);
! 	} else {
! 		list = g_list_append (list, "");
! 		gtk_combo_set_popdown_strings (GTK_COMBO (combo), list);
! 		g_list_free (list);
! 	}
*************** gnome_db_combo_get_model (GnomeDbCombo *
*** 313,319 ****
   * This function return the column.
!  * Returns: the column of the #GdaDataModel showed by the #GnomeDbCombo.
  gnome_db_combo_get_column (GnomeDbCombo *combo)
--- 305,311 ----
   * This function return the column.
!  * Returns: the column of the #GdaDataModel stored by the #GnomeDbCombo.
  gnome_db_combo_get_column (GnomeDbCombo *combo)
diff -r -p --minimal ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.h ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.h
*** ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.h	2004-10-04 11:22:45.000000000 -0500
--- ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.h	2004-01-24 17:56:02.000000000 -0600
*** 24,31 ****
  #  define __gnome_db_combo_h__
  #include <libgda/gda-data-model.h>
! #include <gtk/gtkcomboboxentry.h>
! #include <gtk/gtktreestore.h>
--- 24,30 ----
  #  define __gnome_db_combo_h__
  #include <libgda/gda-data-model.h>
! #include <gtk/gtkcombo.h>
*************** typedef struct _GnomeDbComboClass   Gnom
*** 40,52 ****
  typedef struct _GnomeDbComboPrivate GnomeDbComboPrivate;
  struct _GnomeDbCombo {
! 	GtkComboBoxEntry combo;
  	GnomeDbComboPrivate *priv;
  struct _GnomeDbComboClass {
! 	GtkComboBoxEntryClass parent_class;
! 	void (* model_changed) (GnomeDbCombo *combo);
  GType      gnome_db_combo_get_type (void);
--- 39,50 ----
  typedef struct _GnomeDbComboPrivate GnomeDbComboPrivate;
  struct _GnomeDbCombo {
! 	GtkCombo combo;
  	GnomeDbComboPrivate *priv;
  struct _GnomeDbComboClass {
! 	GtkComboClass parent_class;
  GType      gnome_db_combo_get_type (void);
diff -r -p --minimal ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-data-source-selector.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-data-source-selector.c
*** ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-data-source-selector.c	2004-04-04 11:07:08.000000000 -0500
--- ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-data-source-selector.c	2004-08-03 13:03:50.000000000 -0500
*************** static void
*** 46,56 ****
--- 46,70 ----
  show_data_sources (GnomeDbDataSourceSelector *selector, const gchar *name)
  	GdaDataSourceInfo *dsn_info = NULL;
+ 	GList *dsn_list, *l;
  	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_DATA_SOURCE_SELECTOR (selector));
  	gtk_option_menu_remove_menu (GTK_OPTION_MENU (selector));
+ 	/* load data sources */
+ 	dsn_list = gnome_db_config_get_data_source_list ();
+ 	for (l = dsn_list; l != NULL; l = l->next) {
+ 		GdaDataSourceInfo *dsn_info = (GdaDataSourceInfo *) l->data;
+ 		if (!dsn_info)
+ 			continue;
+ 		if (name != NULL && strcmp (name, dsn_info->name) != 0)
+ 			continue;
+ 		/* add the data source to the option menu */
+ 		gnome_db_option_menu_add_item (GTK_OPTION_MENU (selector), dsn_info->name);
+ 	}
  	if (name != NULL) {
  		dsn_info = gnome_db_config_find_data_source (name);
  		if (dsn_info != NULL) {
diff -r -p --minimal ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c
*** ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c	2004-10-04 14:18:18.000000000 -0500
--- ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c	2004-09-03 07:45:12.000000000 -0500
*** 37,43 ****
  struct _GnomeDbFormPrivate {
  	GdaDataModel *data_model;
  	GnomeDbFormType type;
- 	gboolean show_navigator_buttons;
  	/* widgets */
  	GtkWidget *form_container;
--- 37,42 ----
*************** static void show_navigator_row (GnomeDbF
*** 67,73 ****
  enum {
--- 66,71 ----
*************** navigator_first_cb (GtkButton *button, g
*** 87,93 ****
  	form->priv->navigator_current_row = 0;
  	show_navigator_row (form);
- 	g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (form), form_signals[ROW_CHANGED], 0);
  static void
--- 85,90 ----
*************** navigator_back_cb (GtkButton *button, gp
*** 101,107 ****
  		show_navigator_row (form);
- 	g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (form), form_signals[ROW_CHANGED], 0);
  static void
--- 98,103 ----
*************** navigator_forward_cb (GtkButton *button,
*** 118,124 ****
  		show_navigator_row (form);
- 	g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (form), form_signals[ROW_CHANGED], 0);
  static void
--- 114,119 ----
*************** navigator_last_cb (GtkButton *button, gp
*** 130,136 ****
  	form->priv->navigator_current_row = gda_data_model_get_n_rows (form->priv->data_model) - 1;
  	show_navigator_row (form);
- 	g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (form), form_signals[ROW_CHANGED], 0);
--- 125,130 ----
*************** create_navigator (GnomeDbForm *form)
*** 188,229 ****
  	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (navigator), sep, 0, 3, cols, cols + 1,
! 	if(form->priv->show_navigator_buttons) {
! 		form->priv->navigator_label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (_("No records"));
! 		gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (form->priv->navigator_label), 0.5, 0.5);
! 		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (navigator), form->priv->navigator_label, 0, 3,
! 				  cols + 1, cols + 2,
! 		/* create navigation buttons */
! 		bbox = gnome_db_new_hbutton_box_widget ();
! 		gtk_button_box_set_layout (GTK_BUTTON_BOX (bbox), GTK_BUTTONBOX_DEFAULT_STYLE);
! 		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (navigator), bbox, 0, 3, cols + 2, cols + 3,
! 		form->priv->navigator_first = gnome_db_new_button_widget_from_stock (GTK_STOCK_GOTO_FIRST);
! 		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (form->priv->navigator_first), "clicked",
! 				  G_CALLBACK (navigator_first_cb), form);
! 		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (bbox), form->priv->navigator_first, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
! 		form->priv->navigator_back = gnome_db_new_button_widget_from_stock (GTK_STOCK_GO_BACK);
! 		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (form->priv->navigator_back), "clicked",
! 				  G_CALLBACK (navigator_back_cb), form);
! 		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (bbox), form->priv->navigator_back, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
! 		form->priv->navigator_fwd = gnome_db_new_button_widget_from_stock (GTK_STOCK_GO_FORWARD);
! 		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (form->priv->navigator_fwd), "clicked",
! 				  G_CALLBACK (navigator_forward_cb), form);
! 		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (bbox), form->priv->navigator_fwd, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
! 		form->priv->navigator_last = gnome_db_new_button_widget_from_stock (GTK_STOCK_GOTO_LAST);
! 		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (form->priv->navigator_last), "clicked",
! 				  G_CALLBACK (navigator_last_cb), form);
! 		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (bbox), form->priv->navigator_last, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
! 	}
  	show_navigator_row (form);
  	return navigator;
--- 182,219 ----
  	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (navigator), sep, 0, 3, cols, cols + 1,
! 	form->priv->navigator_label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (_("No records"));
! 	gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (form->priv->navigator_label), 0.5, 0.5);
! 	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (navigator), form->priv->navigator_label, 0, 3,
! 			  cols + 1, cols + 2,
! 	/* create navigation buttons */
! 	bbox = gnome_db_new_hbutton_box_widget ();
! 	gtk_button_box_set_layout (GTK_BUTTON_BOX (bbox), GTK_BUTTONBOX_DEFAULT_STYLE);
! 	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (navigator), bbox, 0, 3, cols + 2, cols + 3,
! 	form->priv->navigator_first = gnome_db_new_button_widget_from_stock (GTK_STOCK_GOTO_FIRST);
! 	g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (form->priv->navigator_first), "clicked",
! 			  G_CALLBACK (navigator_first_cb), form);
! 	gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (bbox), form->priv->navigator_first, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
! 	form->priv->navigator_back = gnome_db_new_button_widget_from_stock (GTK_STOCK_GO_BACK);
! 	g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (form->priv->navigator_back), "clicked",
! 			  G_CALLBACK (navigator_back_cb), form);
! 	gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (bbox), form->priv->navigator_back, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
! 	form->priv->navigator_fwd = gnome_db_new_button_widget_from_stock (GTK_STOCK_GO_FORWARD);
! 	g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (form->priv->navigator_fwd), "clicked",
! 			  G_CALLBACK (navigator_forward_cb), form);
! 	gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (bbox), form->priv->navigator_fwd, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
! 	form->priv->navigator_last = gnome_db_new_button_widget_from_stock (GTK_STOCK_GOTO_LAST);
! 	g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (form->priv->navigator_last), "clicked",
! 			  G_CALLBACK (navigator_last_cb), form);
! 	gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (bbox), form->priv->navigator_last, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
  	show_navigator_row (form);
  	return navigator;
*************** static void
*** 242,247 ****
--- 232,238 ----
  setup_widgets_for_model (GnomeDbForm *form)
  	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FORM (form));
  	/* destroy previous widgets */
  	if (form->priv->form_container)
  		gtk_widget_destroy (form->priv->form_container);
*************** setup_widgets_for_model (GnomeDbForm *fo
*** 264,272 ****
  	if (!form->priv->form_container)
- 	{
- 	}
  	gtk_widget_show (form->priv->form_container);
  	gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (form), form->priv->form_container, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
--- 255,261 ----
*************** gnome_db_form_class_init (GnomeDbFormCla
*** 369,382 ****
  			      NULL, NULL,
  			      G_TYPE_NONE, 0);
- 	form_signals[ROW_CHANGED] =
- 		g_signal_new ("row_changed",
- 			      G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class),
- 			      G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,
- 			      G_STRUCT_OFFSET (GnomeDbFormClass, row_changed),
- 			      NULL, NULL,
- 			      g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID,
- 			      G_TYPE_NONE, 0);
  static void
--- 358,363 ----
*************** gnome_db_form_init (GnomeDbForm *form, G
*** 391,397 ****
  	form->priv->form_container = NULL;
  	form->priv->navigator_widgets = NULL;
  	form->priv->navigator_label = NULL;
- 	form->priv->show_navigator_buttons = TRUE;
  static void
--- 372,377 ----
*************** void
*** 537,552 ****
  gnome_db_form_set_model (GnomeDbForm *form, GdaDataModel *model)
  	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FORM (form));
- 	g_return_if_fail (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (model));
  	if (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (form->priv->data_model))
  		g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (form->priv->data_model));
! 		g_object_ref (G_OBJECT (model));
! 		form->priv->data_model = model;
! 		setup_widgets_for_model (form);
! 		g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (form), form_signals[MODEL_CHANGED], 0);
! 	}
   * gnome_db_form_get_current_row
--- 517,532 ----
  gnome_db_form_set_model (GnomeDbForm *form, GdaDataModel *model)
  	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FORM (form));
  	if (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (form->priv->data_model))
  		g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (form->priv->data_model));
! 	g_object_ref (G_OBJECT (model));
! 	form->priv->data_model = model;
! 	setup_widgets_for_model (form);
! 	g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (form), form_signals[MODEL_CHANGED], 0);
! }
   * gnome_db_form_get_current_row
*************** gnome_db_form_set_current_row (GnomeDbFo
*** 606,623 ****
- void
- gnome_db_form_show_navigator_buttons(GnomeDbForm *form, gboolean value)
- {
- 	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FORM (form));
- 	form->priv->show_navigator_buttons= value;
- 	setup_widgets_for_model(form);
- }
- gboolean
- gnome_db_form_is_navigator_buttons_shown(GnomeDbForm *form)
- {
- 	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FORM (form));
- 	return form->priv->show_navigator_buttons;
- }
--- 586,588 ----
diff -r -p --minimal ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.h ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.h
*** ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.h	2004-09-30 17:07:02.000000000 -0500
--- ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.h	2003-05-12 15:54:02.000000000 -0500
*************** struct _GnomeDbFormClass {
*** 48,54 ****
  	/* signals */
  	void (* model_changed) (GnomeDbForm *form);
- 	void (* row_changed) (GnomeDbForm *form);
  typedef enum {
--- 48,53 ----
*************** GdaDataModel    *gnome_db_form_get_model
*** 64,71 ****
  void             gnome_db_form_set_model (GnomeDbForm *form, GdaDataModel *model);
  gint             gnome_db_form_get_current_row (GnomeDbForm *form);
  void             gnome_db_form_set_current_row (GnomeDbForm *form, gint row);
- void			 gnome_db_form_show_navigator_buttons(GnomeDbForm *form, gboolean value);
- gboolean         gnome_db_form_is_navigator_buttons_shown(GnomeDbForm *form);
--- 63,68 ----
diff -r -p --minimal ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c
*** ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c	2003-11-16 10:42:26.000000000 -0600
--- ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c	2004-08-03 13:03:57.000000000 -0500
*************** void
*** 326,331 ****
--- 326,333 ----
  gnome_db_login_set_dsn (GnomeDbLogin *login, const gchar *dsn)
  	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_LOGIN (login));
+ 	g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_OPTION_MENU(login->priv->dsn_entry));
  	gnome_db_option_menu_set_selection (GTK_OPTION_MENU (login->priv->dsn_entry), dsn);
diff -r -p --minimal ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c
*** ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c	2004-08-26 10:18:29.000000000 -0500
--- ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c	2004-09-03 07:45:13.000000000 -0500
*************** gnome_db_new_combo_widget (void)
*** 137,143 ****
  	GtkWidget *combo;
! 	combo = gtk_combo_box_entry_new ();
  	gtk_widget_show (combo);
  	return combo;
--- 137,143 ----
  	GtkWidget *combo;
! 	combo = gtk_combo_new ();
  	gtk_widget_show (combo);
  	return combo;
*************** gnome_db_new_menu_item (const gchar *lab
*** 1013,1073 ****
  	return item;
- /**
-  * gnome_db_value_get_from_date_edit saves the contents of a #GnomeDateEdit in to a #GdaValue.
-  * 
-  * @dateedit: a #GnomeDateEdit widget
-  * Returns: #GdaValue in the #GnomeDateEdit widget.
-  */
- GdaValue *
- gnome_db_value_get_from_date_edit(GnomeDateEdit *dateedit)
- {
- 	time_t time;
- 	GDate *date = NULL;
- 	GdaDate gda_date;
- 	GdaValue *val = NULL;
- 	time = gnome_date_edit_get_time(dateedit);
- 	date = g_date_new();
- 	g_date_set_time(date, time);
- 	gda_date.year = (gshort) g_date_get_year(date);
- 	gda_date.month = (gushort) g_date_get_month(date);
- 	gda_date.day = (gushort) g_date_get_day(date);
- 	val = gda_value_new_date(&gda_date);
- 	return val;
- }
- /**
-  * gnome_db_date_edit_set_from_value set the contents of a #GnomeDateEdit from #GdaValue.
-  * 
-  * @dateedit: a #GnomeDateEdit widget
-  * @value: a #GdaValue to save to.
-  * Returns: #GdaValue in the #GnomeDateEdit widget.
-  */
- void
- gnome_db_date_edit_set_from_value(GnomeDateEdit *dateedit, GdaValue *value)
- {
- 	time_t time;
- 	GdaDate *gda_date;
- 	GDate *date;
- 	struct tm tm_struct;
- 	gda_date = gda_value_get_date(value);
- 	date = g_date_new();
- 	g_date_set_dmy(date, (GDateDay) gda_date->day,
- 						(GDateMonth) gda_date->month,
- 						(GDateYear) gda_date->year);
- 	g_date_to_struct_tm(date,&tm_struct);
- 	time = mktime(&tm_struct);
- 	gnome_date_edit_set_time(dateedit,time);
- }
--- 1013,1015 ----
diff -r -p --minimal ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h
*** ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h	2004-08-25 18:47:52.000000000 -0500
--- ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h	2004-01-04 14:49:03.000000000 -0600
*** 24,30 ****
  #  define __gnome_db_util_h__
  #include <libgda/gda-data-model.h>
- #include <libgda/gda-value.h>
  #include <gtk/gtkentry.h>
  #include <gtk/gtkmessagedialog.h>
  #include <gtk/gtkoptionmenu.h>
--- 24,29 ----
*** 35,41 ****
  #include <gtk/gtkwindow.h>
  #include <libgnomeui/gnome-popup-menu.h>
- #include <libgnomeui/gnome-dateedit.h>
--- 34,39 ----
*************** GtkWidget   *gnome_db_new_check_menu_ite
*** 118,127 ****
  					   GCallback cb_func,
  					   gpointer user_data);
- GdaValue	*gnome_db_value_get_from_date_edit(GnomeDateEdit *dateedit);
- void		 gnome_db_date_edit_set_from_value(GnomeDateEdit *dateedit, GdaValue *value);
--- 116,121 ----
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb: Makefile.in
diff -r -p --minimal ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/tables-page.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/tables-page.c
*** ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/tables-page.c	2003-11-30 16:14:14.000000000 -0600
--- ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/tables-page.c	2004-10-04 23:08:11.000000000 -0500
*************** tables_page_set_connection (GtkWidget *t
*** 195,201 ****
  	if (priv->cnc)
! 		g_object_unref (cnc);
  	priv->cnc = cnc;
  	if (GDA_IS_CONNECTION (priv->cnc)) {
--- 195,201 ----
  	if (priv->cnc)
! 		g_object_unref (priv->cnc);
  	priv->cnc = cnc;
  	if (GDA_IS_CONNECTION (priv->cnc)) {
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: libgnomedb.pc
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: libgnomedb.spec
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: libtool
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: ltmain.sh
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: Makefile.in
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: missing
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: mkinstalldirs
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: monikers
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: az.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: be.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ca.gmo
diff -r -p --minimal ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/ChangeLog ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/ChangeLog
*** ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/ChangeLog	2004-08-12 09:42:30.000000000 -0500
--- ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/ChangeLog	2004-10-04 23:08:11.000000000 -0500
*** 1,3 ****
--- 1,24 ----
+ 2004-09-26  Adam Weinberger  <adamw gnome org>
+ 	* en_CA.po: Updated Canadian English translation.
+ 2004-09-03  Laurent Dhima  <laurenti alblinux net>
+ 	* sq.po: Added Albanian translation.
+ 2004-09-02  Alessio Frusciante  <algol firenze linux it>
+ 	* it.po: Updated Italian translation by
+ 	Alessio Dessì <alkex inwind it>.
+ 2004-08-21  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>
+ 	* nb.po: Add.
+ 2004-08-13  Tommi Vainikainen  <thv iki fi>
+ 	* fi.po: Unified some fields in po headers for Finnish team.
  2004-08-11  Duarte Loreto <happyguy_pt hotmail com>
  	* pt.po: Updated Portuguese translation.
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: cs.gmo
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: da.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: de.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: el.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: en_CA.gmo
diff -r -p --minimal ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/en_CA.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/en_CA.po
*** ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/en_CA.po	2004-08-12 09:42:37.000000000 -0500
--- ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/en_CA.po	2004-10-04 23:08:11.000000000 -0500
*** 3,14 ****
  # This file is distributed under the same licence as the libgnomedbpackage.
  # Adam Weinberger <adamw gnome org>, 2004
  msgid ""
  msgstr ""
  "Project-Id-Version: libgnomedb\n"
  "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
! "POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"
! "PO-Revision-Date: 2004-06-10 19:42-0700\n"
  "Last-Translator: Adam Weinberger <adamw gnome org>\n"
  "Language-Team: en_CA <adamw FreeBSD org>\n"
  "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
--- 3,15 ----
  # This file is distributed under the same licence as the libgnomedbpackage.
  # Adam Weinberger <adamw gnome org>, 2004
+ #
  msgid ""
  msgstr ""
  "Project-Id-Version: libgnomedb\n"
  "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
! "POT-Creation-Date: 2004-09-26 12:47-0400\n"
! "PO-Revision-Date: 2004-09-26 19:42-0400\n"
  "Last-Translator: Adam Weinberger <adamw gnome org>\n"
  "Language-Team: en_CA <adamw FreeBSD org>\n"
  "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
*************** msgid ""
*** 463,469 ****
  msgstr ""
  "All information needed to create a new data source\n"
  "has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"
! "this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"
  "just select it when asked for a data source."
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124
--- 464,470 ----
  msgstr ""
  "All information needed to create a new data source\n"
  "has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"
! "this dialogue. To open your newly created data source,\n"
  "just select it when asked for a data source."
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: en_GB.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: es.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: fa.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: fi.gmo
diff -r -p --minimal ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/fi.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/fi.po
*** ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/fi.po	2004-08-12 09:42:38.000000000 -0500
--- ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/fi.po	2004-09-03 07:45:16.000000000 -0500
*************** msgstr ""
*** 11,17 ****
  "POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"
  "PO-Revision-Date: 2004-07-24 11:22+0300\n"
  "Last-Translator: Tommi Vainikainen <Tommi Vainikainen iki fi>\n"
! "Language-Team: Finnish <gnome-fi-laatu lists sourceforge org>\n"
  "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
  "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
  "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8-bit\n"
--- 11,17 ----
  "POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"
  "PO-Revision-Date: 2004-07-24 11:22+0300\n"
  "Last-Translator: Tommi Vainikainen <Tommi Vainikainen iki fi>\n"
! "Language-Team: Finnish <gnome-fi-laatu lists sourceforge net>\n"
  "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
  "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
  "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8-bit\n"
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: fr.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ga.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: gl.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: hr.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: hu.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: it.gmo
diff -r -p --minimal ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/it.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/it.po
*** ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/it.po	2004-08-12 09:42:38.000000000 -0500
--- ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/it.po	2004-09-03 07:45:17.000000000 -0500
*** 2,14 ****
  # Copyright (C) 2000,2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
  # Daniele Medri <madrid linux it>, 2000.
  # Marco Parrone <marc0 autistici org>, 2002.
  msgid ""
  msgstr ""
  "Project-Id-Version: libgnomedb HEAD\n"
  "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
! "POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"
! "PO-Revision-Date: 2002-12-04 21:47+0100\n"
  "Last-Translator: Marco Parrone <marc0 autistici org>\n"
  "Language-Team: Italian <tp lists linux it>\n"
  "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
--- 2,15 ----
  # Copyright (C) 2000,2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
  # Daniele Medri <madrid linux it>, 2000.
  # Marco Parrone <marc0 autistici org>, 2002.
+ # Alessio Dessì <alkex inwind it>, 2004.
  msgid ""
  msgstr ""
  "Project-Id-Version: libgnomedb HEAD\n"
  "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
! "POT-Creation-Date: 2004-09-02 20:42+0200\n"
! "PO-Revision-Date: 2004-04-07 18:55+0200\n"
  "Last-Translator: Marco Parrone <marc0 autistici org>\n"
  "Language-Team: Italian <tp lists linux it>\n"
  "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
*************** msgstr "Fornitori"
*** 25,31 ****
  #: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1
  msgid "Configure your database environment"
! msgstr ""
  #: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2
  #, fuzzy
--- 26,32 ----
  #: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1
  msgid "Configure your database environment"
! msgstr "Configurazione ambiente del database"
  #: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2
  #, fuzzy
*************** msgstr "Proprietà del database"
*** 36,42 ****
  #: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342
  #: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380
  msgid "Name"
! msgstr ""
  #: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-config.c:54
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:210
--- 37,43 ----
  #: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342
  #: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380
  msgid "Name"
! msgstr "Nome"
  #: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-config.c:54
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:210
*************** msgstr "Descrizione"
*** 47,53 ****
  #: control-center/dsn-config.c:182
  msgid "Configured data sources in the system"
! msgstr ""
  #: control-center/dsn-config.c:214
  msgid ""
--- 48,54 ----
  #: control-center/dsn-config.c:182
  msgid "Configured data sources in the system"
! msgstr "Sorgenti di dati configurate nel sistema"
  #: control-center/dsn-config.c:214
  msgid ""
*************** msgid ""
*** 59,65 ****
  msgstr ""
  "Le sorgenti di dati sono i mezzi con cui GNOME-DB identifica le connessioni "
  "di database. Tutte le informazioni richieste per aprire una connessione "
! "verso un fornitore o verso una combo di database specifici sono "
  "immagazzinate usando un nome unico. Ã? usando questo unico nome che si "
  "identificano le connessioni nelle applicazioni che fanno uso di GNOME-DB per "
  "l'accesso a database."
--- 60,66 ----
  msgstr ""
  "Le sorgenti di dati sono i mezzi con cui GNOME-DB identifica le connessioni "
  "di database. Tutte le informazioni richieste per aprire una connessione "
! "verso un fornitore o una combinazione di database specifici sono "
  "immagazzinate usando un nome unico. Ã? usando questo unico nome che si "
  "identificano le connessioni nelle applicazioni che fanno uso di GNOME-DB per "
  "l'accesso a database."
*************** msgstr "Tabelle"
*** 85,91 ****
  #: control-center/main.c:92
  msgid "No valid data source info was created"
! msgstr "Non è stata creata nessuna informazione di sorgente dati"
  #. create the dialog
  #: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218
--- 86,92 ----
  #: control-center/main.c:92
  msgid "No valid data source info was created"
! msgstr "Non è stata fornita nessuna informazione per la sorgente dati"
  #. create the dialog
  #: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218
*************** msgstr "Proprietà del database"
*** 100,106 ****
  #: control-center/provider-config.c:105
  msgid "Installed providers"
! msgstr ""
  #: control-center/provider-config.c:131
  #, fuzzy
--- 101,107 ----
  #: control-center/provider-config.c:105
  msgid "Installed providers"
! msgstr "Fornitori installati"
  #: control-center/provider-config.c:131
  #, fuzzy
*************** msgstr ""
*** 119,172 ****
  #: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1
  msgid "Database connection parameters file"
! msgstr ""
  #: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2
  msgid "Documents"
! msgstr ""
  #: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3
  msgid "SQL code viewer"
! msgstr ""
  #: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1
  msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"
! msgstr ""
  #: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2
  msgid "Number of spaces per tab"
! msgstr ""
  #: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3
  msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"
! msgstr ""
  #: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4
  msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60
  msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1
  msgid "About"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2
  msgid "About GNOME-DB"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3
  msgid "Close this window"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4
  msgid "Create new entry"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5
- #, fuzzy
  msgid "Delete selected items"
  msgstr "Deseleziona tutte le voci selezionate nella lista"
--- 120,172 ----
  #: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1
  msgid "Database connection parameters file"
! msgstr "File dei parametri delle connessioni a database"
  #: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2
  msgid "Documents"
! msgstr "Documenti"
  #: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3
  msgid "SQL code viewer"
! msgstr "Visualizzatore di codice SQL"
  #: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1
  msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"
! msgstr "Tipo di carattere da usare per il widget griglia"
  #: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2
  msgid "Number of spaces per tab"
! msgstr "Numero di spazi per il «tab»"
  #: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3
  msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"
! msgstr "Mostra i numeri di riga nell'editor di sorgenti"
  #: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4
  msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"
! msgstr "Usa l'evidenziazione nell'editor del codice sorgente"
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60
  msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"
! msgstr "Servizi di database per GNOME Desktop"
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1
  msgid "About"
! msgstr "Informazioni"
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2
  msgid "About GNOME-DB"
! msgstr "Informazioni su GNOME-DB"
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3
  msgid "Close this window"
! msgstr "Chiude questa finestra"
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4
  msgid "Create new entry"
! msgstr "Crea un nuovo elemento"
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5
  msgid "Delete selected items"
  msgstr "Deseleziona tutte le voci selezionate nella lista"
*************** msgstr "Deseleziona tutte le voci selezi
*** 177,187 ****
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7
  msgid "Edit properties for selected item"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8
  msgid "Save connection parameters to file"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414
  #, fuzzy
--- 177,187 ----
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7
  msgid "Edit properties for selected item"
! msgstr "Modifica le proprietà per l'elemento selezionato"
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8
  msgid "Save connection parameters to file"
! msgstr "Salva i parametri della connessione in un file"
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414
  #, fuzzy
*************** msgstr "Seleziona tutto"
*** 191,197 ****
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10
  #, fuzzy
  msgid "Select all items"
! msgstr "Seleziona tutte le voci nella lista"
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11
  #, fuzzy
--- 191,197 ----
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10
  #, fuzzy
  msgid "Select all items"
! msgstr "Seleziona tutto"
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11
  #, fuzzy
*************** msgid "View providers"
*** 204,215 ****
  msgstr "Fornitori"
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:420
  msgid "_Clear Selection"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14
  msgid "_Close"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15
  #, fuzzy
--- 204,216 ----
  msgstr "Fornitori"
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:420
+ #, fuzzy
  msgid "_Clear Selection"
! msgstr "Cancella selezione"
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14
  msgid "_Close"
! msgstr "_Chiudi"
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15
  #, fuzzy
*************** msgstr "Database"
*** 223,237 ****
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17
  msgid "_Delete"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18
  msgid "_Edit"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19
  msgid "_Help"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20
  #, fuzzy
--- 224,238 ----
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17
  msgid "_Delete"
! msgstr "Ca_ncella"
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18
  msgid "_Edit"
! msgstr "_Modifica"
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19
  msgid "_Help"
! msgstr "A_iuto"
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20
  #, fuzzy
*************** msgstr "Nuova sorgente di dati"
*** 241,247 ****
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21
  #, fuzzy
  msgid "_Properties"
! msgstr "Procedure"
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22
  #, fuzzy
--- 242,248 ----
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21
  #, fuzzy
  msgid "_Properties"
! msgstr "Proprietà"
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22
  #, fuzzy
*************** msgid "_Providers"
*** 249,257 ****
  msgstr "Fornitori"
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23
- #, fuzzy
  msgid "_Save Connection"
! msgstr "Salva in"
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24
  #, fuzzy
--- 250,257 ----
  msgstr "Fornitori"
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23
  msgid "_Save Connection"
! msgstr "Sal_va connessione"
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24
  #, fuzzy
*************** msgstr "Non è possibile interrogare com
*** 317,341 ****
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209
  msgid "ID"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210
  #: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
  msgid "Location"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212
  msgid "Username"
  msgstr "Nome utente"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213
- #, fuzzy
  msgid "Hostname"
! msgstr "Nome utente"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214
  msgid "Domain"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359
  #, c-format
--- 317,340 ----
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209
  msgid "ID"
! msgstr "ID"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210
  #: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
  msgid "Location"
! msgstr "Posizione"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212
  msgid "Username"
  msgstr "Nome utente"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213
  msgid "Hostname"
! msgstr "Nome host"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214
  msgid "Domain"
! msgstr "Dominio"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359
  #, c-format
*************** msgstr "Caratteristiche"
*** 370,396 ****
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190
  msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"
! msgstr "Bisogna inserire un nome per la nuova sorgente di dati"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197
  msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric characters"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206
  msgid "An existing data source is already registered under the same name"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213
  msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217
  msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and numbers"
  msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225
  msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"
! msgstr "Bisogna selezionare un fornitore per la nuova sorgente di dati"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233
  msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"
--- 369,397 ----
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190
  msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"
! msgstr "Ã? necessario inserire un nome per la nuova sorgente di dati"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197
+ #, fuzzy
  msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric characters"
! msgstr "I nomi delle sorgenti di dati non possono contenere spazi"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206
  msgid "An existing data source is already registered under the same name"
! msgstr "Esiste già una sorgente di dati con lo stesso nome"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213
  msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"
! msgstr "I nomi delle sorgenti di dati non possono contenere spazi"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217
  msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and numbers"
  msgstr ""
+ "I nomi delle sorgenti di dati possono contenere solo lettere e numeri ASCII"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225
  msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"
! msgstr "Ã? necessario selezionare un fornitore per la nuova sorgente di dati"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233
  msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"
*************** msgid ""
*** 406,413 ****
  "creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"
  "installation. Just follow the steps!"
  msgstr ""
! "Quest'assistente farà da guida attraverso il processo di\n"
! "creazione di una nuova sorgente dati per l'installazione personale\n"
  "di GNOME-DB. Basta procedere un passo alla volta!"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404
--- 407,414 ----
  "creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"
  "installation. Just follow the steps!"
  msgstr ""
! "L'assistente farà da guida attraverso il processo di creazione\n"
! "di una nuova sorgente dati per l'installazione personale\n"
  "di GNOME-DB. Basta procedere un passo alla volta!"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404
*************** msgid ""
*** 423,433 ****
  "If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"
  "the default one."
  msgstr ""
! "I seguenti campi rappresentano le voci di informazioni\n"
! "di base per la nuova sorgente di dati. Alcune di esse (descrizione,\n"
  "nome utente) sono opzionali, mentre le altre sono obbligatorie.\n"
! "Se non si sà quale fornitore utilizzare, si selezioni\n"
! "quello predefinito"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104
--- 424,434 ----
  "If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"
  "the default one."
  msgstr ""
! "I seguenti campi rappresentano le voci di informazioni di base\n"
! "per la nuova sorgente di dati. Alcune di esse (descrizione,\n"
  "nome utente) sono opzionali, mentre le altre sono obbligatorie.\n"
! "Se non si sà quale fornitore utilizzare, selezionare quello\n"
! "predefinito"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104
*************** msgstr "Descrizione"
*** 451,463 ****
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142
  #, fuzzy
  msgid "_Username:"
! msgstr "Nome utente"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151
  #, fuzzy
  msgid "P_assword:"
! msgstr "Password"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454
  msgid "Provider Parameters"
--- 452,464 ----
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142
  #, fuzzy
  msgid "_Username:"
! msgstr "Nome utente:"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151
  #, fuzzy
  msgid "P_assword:"
! msgstr "Password:"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454
  msgid "Provider Parameters"
*************** msgid ""
*** 471,480 ****
  "connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\n"
  "the manual for more information."
  msgstr ""
! "I seguenti campi rappresentano l'informazione richiesta\n"
! "dal fornitore selezionato nella pagina precedente per aprire\n"
! "una certa connessione. Questa informazione è specifica al fornitore,\n"
! "quindi si controlli il manuale per maggiori informazioni"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481
  msgid "All information retrieved"
--- 472,481 ----
  "connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\n"
  "the manual for more information."
  msgstr ""
! "I seguenti campi rappresentano l'informazione richiesta dal fornitore\n"
! "selezionato nella pagina precedente per aprire una certa connessione.\n"
! "Questa informazione è specifica del fornitore, controllare il manuale per\n"
! "maggiori informazioni"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481
  msgid "All information retrieved"
*************** msgid ""
*** 489,497 ****
  "just select it when asked for a data source."
  msgstr ""
  "Sono state recuperate tutte le informazioni necessarie per creare\n"
! "una nuova sorgente di dati. Premere «Applica» per chiudere\n"
! "questa finestra di dialogo. Per aprire la sorgente di dati appena\n"
! "creata, basta selezionarla quando viene richiesta una sorgente di dati"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124
  #, fuzzy
--- 490,498 ----
  "just select it when asked for a data source."
  msgstr ""
  "Sono state recuperate tutte le informazioni necessarie per creare\n"
! "una nuova sorgente di dati. Premere «Applica» per chiudere questa\n"
! "finestra di dialogo. Per aprire la sorgente di dati appena creata,\n"
! "basta selezionarla quando viene richiesta una sorgente di dati"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124
  #, fuzzy
*************** msgstr "<< Nascondi dettagli"
*** 512,527 ****
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191
  msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196
  msgid "Error number"
  msgstr "Numero d'errore"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227
- #, fuzzy
  msgid "Details"
! msgstr "Dettaglio"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234
  msgid "Source"
--- 513,527 ----
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191
  msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"
! msgstr "Si è verificato un errore nel database sottostante"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196
  msgid "Error number"
  msgstr "Numero d'errore"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227
  msgid "Details"
! msgstr "Dettagli"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234
  msgid "Source"
*************** msgstr "Stato SQL"
*** 534,545 ****
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108
  #, fuzzy
  msgid "_Field:"
! msgstr "Titolo"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118
- #, fuzzy
  msgid "_Text:"
! msgstr "Prova"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:275
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308
--- 534,544 ----
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108
  #, fuzzy
  msgid "_Field:"
! msgstr "Campi"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118
  msgid "_Text:"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:275
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308
*************** msgstr "Record numero %d di %d"
*** 553,566 ****
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113
  msgid "Recordset description"
! msgstr "Descrizione del recordset"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141
! #, c-format
  msgid ""
  "File '%s' already exists.\n"
  "Do you want to overwrite it?"
  msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149
  msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."
--- 552,567 ----
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113
  msgid "Recordset description"
! msgstr "Descrizione dell'insieme di record"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141
! #, fuzzy, c-format
  msgid ""
  "File '%s' already exists.\n"
  "Do you want to overwrite it?"
  msgstr ""
+ "Il file %s esiste già\n"
+ "Sovrascriverlo?"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149
  msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."
*************** msgstr "Non è possibile salvare il file
*** 573,583 ****
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224
  msgid "You must specify a file name"
! msgstr "Bisogna specificare un nome di file"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230
  msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261
  msgid "Saving Model"
--- 574,584 ----
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224
  msgid "You must specify a file name"
! msgstr "Ã? necessario specificare un nome di file"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230
  msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"
! msgstr "Ricevuto file vuoto durante la conversione dei dati"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261
  msgid "Saving Model"
*************** msgid "Show Column _Titles"
*** 620,628 ****
  msgstr "Mostra colonne"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442
- #, fuzzy
  msgid "Describe"
! msgstr "Descrivi..."
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443
  msgid "View detail..."
--- 621,628 ----
  msgstr "Mostra colonne"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442
  msgid "Describe"
! msgstr "Descrive"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443
  msgid "View detail..."
*************** msgstr "Titolo"
*** 634,706 ****
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48
  msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"
! msgstr "� stato tentato di inizializzare un client già inizializzato"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124
  msgid ""
  "Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"
  "to a data source"
  msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253
- #, fuzzy
  msgid "Data Source:"
! msgstr "Sorgente dati"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270
- #, fuzzy
  msgid "Username:"
! msgstr "Nome utente"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279
- #, fuzzy
  msgid "Password:"
! msgstr "Password"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69
  msgid "Fields"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30
  msgid "Commit"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31
  msgid "Connect"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33
  msgid "Designer"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34
  msgid "Disconnect"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35
  msgid "NoTransaction"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37
  msgid "Query"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38
  msgid "Rollback"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40
  msgid "SQL"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43
  msgid "WithinTransaction"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65
! #, fuzzy, c-format
  msgid "Error: %s"
! msgstr "Errore"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79
  msgid "Table name"
--- 634,705 ----
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48
  msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"
! msgstr "Si è tentato di inizializzare un client già inizializzato"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124
  msgid ""
  "Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"
  "to a data source"
  msgstr ""
+ "Inserire gli argomenti per aprire una connessione\n"
+ "a una sorgente di dati qui sotto"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253
  msgid "Data Source:"
! msgstr "Sorgente dati:"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270
  msgid "Username:"
! msgstr "Nome utente:"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279
  msgid "Password:"
! msgstr "Password:"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69
  msgid "Fields"
! msgstr "Campi"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30
  msgid "Commit"
! msgstr "Esegui commit"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31
  msgid "Connect"
! msgstr "Connetti"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33
  msgid "Designer"
! msgstr "Proggettista"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34
  msgid "Disconnect"
! msgstr "Disconnetti"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35
  msgid "NoTransaction"
! msgstr "NessunaTransazione"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37
  msgid "Query"
! msgstr "Query"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38
  msgid "Rollback"
! msgstr "Reverti commit"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40
  msgid "SQL"
! msgstr "SQL"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43
  msgid "WithinTransaction"
! msgstr "InternamenteAllaTransazione"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65
! #, c-format
  msgid "Error: %s"
! msgstr "Errore: %s"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79
  msgid "Table name"
*************** msgstr "Nome tabella"
*** 709,719 ****
  #: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93
  #, c-format
  msgid "Login for %s"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/utils.c:95
  msgid "Login to database"
! msgstr ""
  #: vfs/libmain.c:71
  msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"
--- 708,718 ----
  #: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93
  #, c-format
  msgid "Login for %s"
! msgstr "Login per %s"
  #: libgnomedb/utils.c:95
  msgid "Login to database"
! msgstr "Login al database"
  #: vfs/libmain.c:71
  msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"
*************** msgstr "Database GNOME VFS: modulo"
*** 721,757 ****
  #. create the dialog
  #: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40
- #, fuzzy
  msgid "Table Properties"
! msgstr "Proprietà del database"
  #: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47
- #, fuzzy
  msgid "Table Name"
  msgstr "Nome tabella"
  #: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155
  msgid "New"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156
  msgid "Create new table"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161
- #, fuzzy
  msgid "Properties"
! msgstr "Procedure"
  #: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162
- #, fuzzy
  msgid "View table properties"
! msgstr "Proprietà del database"
  #: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
  #: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
  msgid "UID"
! msgstr ""
  #: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
  #: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
--- 720,753 ----
  #. create the dialog
  #: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40
  msgid "Table Properties"
! msgstr "Proprietà della tabella"
  #: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47
  msgid "Table Name"
  msgstr "Nome tabella"
  #: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155
  msgid "New"
! msgstr "Nuova"
  #: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156
  msgid "Create new table"
! msgstr "Crea una nuova tabella"
  #: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161
  msgid "Properties"
! msgstr "Proprietà"
  #: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162
  msgid "View table properties"
! msgstr "Visualizza proprietà della tabella"
  #: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
  #: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
+ #, fuzzy
  msgid "UID"
! msgstr "ID"
  #: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
  #: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
*************** msgstr ""
*** 779,786 ****
  #. position
  #: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
  msgid "location"
! msgstr ""
  #. position
  #: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
--- 775,783 ----
  #. position
  #: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
+ #, fuzzy
  msgid "location"
! msgstr "Posizione"
  #. position
  #: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
*************** msgstr ""
*** 816,823 ****
  #: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
  #: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
  msgid "Classification"
! msgstr ""
  #. position
  #: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
--- 813,821 ----
  #: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
  #: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
+ #, fuzzy
  msgid "Classification"
! msgstr "Cancella selezione"
  #. position
  #: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
*************** msgid "Authentication is required to acc
*** 889,897 ****
  msgstr ""
  #: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83
- #, fuzzy
  msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"
! msgstr "Non è possibile aprire una connessione verso %s"
  #: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100
  msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"
--- 887,894 ----
  msgstr ""
  #: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83
  msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"
! msgstr ""
  #: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100
  msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"
*************** msgstr ""
*** 930,936 ****
  #: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219
  #, fuzzy
  msgid "References"
! msgstr "Sequenze"
  #: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220
  msgid "Default value"
--- 927,933 ----
  #: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219
  #, fuzzy
  msgid "References"
! msgstr "Preferen_ze"
  #: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220
  msgid "Default value"
*************** msgstr ""
*** 961,968 ****
  #: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344
  #: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376
  msgid "Comments"
! msgstr ""
  #: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374
  #, fuzzy
--- 958,966 ----
  #: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344
  #: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376
+ #, fuzzy
  msgid "Comments"
! msgstr "Esegui commit"
  #: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374
  #, fuzzy
*************** msgid ""
*** 1012,1037 ****
  "Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, tasks and contacts"
  msgstr ""
! #, fuzzy
  #~ msgid "Database browser"
! #~ msgstr "Proprietà del database"
  #~ msgid "Error viewer"
  #~ msgstr "Visualizzatore di errore"
! #, fuzzy
  #~ msgid "Database configuration"
! #~ msgstr "Proprietà del database"
- #, fuzzy
  #~ msgid "_Settings"
! #~ msgstr "Impostazioni"
  #~ msgid "Password"
  #~ msgstr "Password"
  #~ msgid "Save as"
! #~ msgstr "Salva come..."
  #~ msgid "Save to"
  #~ msgstr "Salva in"
--- 1010,1069 ----
  "Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, tasks and contacts"
  msgstr ""
! #~ msgid "Browse database..."
! #~ msgstr "Esplorazione database..."
! #~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .connection files"
! #~ msgstr ""
! #~ "Componente che include le voci del menu contestuale per i file .connection"
! #~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .sql files"
! #~ msgstr "Componente che include le voci del menu contestuale per i file .sql"
! #~ msgid "Connection MIME handler component"
! #~ msgstr "Componente del gestore dei tipi di connessione MIME"
! #~ msgid "Database component factory"
! #~ msgstr "Produttore di componenti Database"
! #~ msgid "Open in database connection..."
! #~ msgstr "Apre all'interno di una connessione a database..."
! #~ msgid "SQL MIME handler component"
! #~ msgstr "Componente del gestore di tipi MIME SQL"
  #~ msgid "Database browser"
! #~ msgstr "Esploratore di database"
  #~ msgid "Error viewer"
  #~ msgstr "Visualizzatore di errore"
! #~ msgid "SQL Viewer"
! #~ msgstr "Visualizzatore SQL"
  #~ msgid "Database configuration"
! #~ msgstr "Configurazione del database"
! #~ msgid "Edit application preferences"
! #~ msgstr "Modifica le preferenze dell'applicazione"
! #~ msgid "New..."
! #~ msgstr "Nuovo..."
! #~ msgid "_File"
! #~ msgstr "_File"
! #~ msgid "_Properties..."
! #~ msgstr "P_roprietà..."
  #~ msgid "_Settings"
! #~ msgstr "Im_postazioni"
  #~ msgid "Password"
  #~ msgstr "Password"
  #~ msgid "Save as"
! #~ msgstr "Salva come"
  #~ msgid "Save to"
  #~ msgstr "Salva in"
*************** msgstr ""
*** 1045,1099 ****
  #~ msgid "Question"
  #~ msgstr "Domanda"
! #, fuzzy
  #~ msgid "Database Moniker factory"
! #~ msgstr "Proprietà del database"
- #, fuzzy
  #~ msgid "database: moniker"
! #~ msgstr "Proprietà del database"
  #~ msgid "Failing to manufacture a '%s'"
! #~ msgstr "� fallita la manifatturazione di un «%s»"
  #~ msgid "Invalid format for connection string"
  #~ msgstr "Il formato per la stringa di connessione non è valido"
- #~ msgid "Data sources"
- #~ msgstr "Sorgenti di dati"
- #~ msgid "Test Data Source"
- #~ msgstr "Prova sorgente di dati"
- #~ msgid "Connection to %s successful!"
- #~ msgstr "Connessione verso %s riuscita!"
- #~ msgid "Data source"
- #~ msgstr "Sorgente di dati"
- #~ msgid "Select all"
- #~ msgstr "Seleziona tutto"
- #~ msgid "Unselect all"
- #~ msgstr "Deseleziona tutto"
- #~ msgid "Unselect All"
- #~ msgstr "Deseleziona tutto"
- #~ msgid "Display column headers"
- #~ msgstr "Visualizza intestazioni di colonna"
- #~ msgid "Hide column headers"
- #~ msgstr "Nascondi le intestazioni di colonna"
- #~ msgid "Save as..."
- #~ msgstr "Salva come..."
- #~ msgid "Export data to different formats"
- #~ msgstr "Esporta dati in formati differenti"
- #~ msgid "Describe current data set"
- #~ msgstr "Descrive il set di dati corrente"
- #~ msgid "View current data in more detail"
- #~ msgstr "Visualizza i dati correnti più in dettaglio"
--- 1077,1096 ----
  #~ msgid "Question"
  #~ msgstr "Domanda"
! #~ msgid "Table Data"
! #~ msgstr "Tabella dei dati"
! #~ msgid "View table data"
! #~ msgstr "Visualizza dati della tabella"
  #~ msgid "Database Moniker factory"
! #~ msgstr "Produttore Moniker del database"
  #~ msgid "database: moniker"
! #~ msgstr "database: moniker"
  #~ msgid "Failing to manufacture a '%s'"
! #~ msgstr "Fallita la produzione di un «%s»"
  #~ msgid "Invalid format for connection string"
  #~ msgstr "Il formato per la stringa di connessione non è valido"
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ja.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ko.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: libgnomedb-2.pot
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: Makefile.in
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: Makefile.in.in
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po: mk.po
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ml.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ms.gmo
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po: nb.po
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: nl.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: no.gmo
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po: pa.po
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: pl.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: POTFILES
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po: POTFILES.skip
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: pt_BR.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: pt.gmo
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po: README.translators
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ru.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: sk.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: sl.gmo
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po: sq.po
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: sr.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: sr Latn gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: sv.gmo
diff -r -p --minimal ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/sv.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/sv.po
*** ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/sv.po	2004-08-12 09:42:40.000000000 -0500
--- ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/sv.po	2004-09-03 07:45:21.000000000 -0500
*** 4,10 ****
  # Christian Rose <menthos menthos com>, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003.
  # Martin Norbäck <d95mback dtek chalmers se>, 2000.
! # $Id: sv.po,v 1.82 2004/06/07 22:33:37 rodrigo Exp $
  msgid ""
  msgstr ""
--- 4,10 ----
  # Christian Rose <menthos menthos com>, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003.
  # Martin Norbäck <d95mback dtek chalmers se>, 2000.
! # $Id: sv.po,v 1.83 2004/08/12 14:44:29 rodrigo Exp $
  msgid ""
  msgstr ""
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ta.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: tr.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: uk.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: vi.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: zh_CN.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: zh_TW.gmo
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: providers
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: stamp.h
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/testing: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/testing: .deps
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/testing: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/testing: Makefile.in
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: vfs
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: aclocal.m4
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: autogen.sh
diff -rbB -p --minimal ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/ChangeLog ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/ChangeLog
*** ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/ChangeLog	2004-10-05 12:30:06.251559040 -0500
--- ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/ChangeLog	2004-10-04 23:08:10.000000000 -0500
*** 1,3 ****
--- 1,22 ----
+ 2004-09-25  Gustavo R. Montesino <grmontesino ig com br>
+ 	Fixes #150791
+ 	* libgnomedb/tables-page.c (tables_page_set_connection): unref the
+ 	old connection, not the new one.
+ 2004-09-22  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
+ 	* configure.in: removed GNOME_COMPILE_WARNINGS macro.
+ 2004-08-21  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>
+ 	* configure.in: Add «nb» to ALL_LINGUAS.
+ 2004-08-12  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
+ 	Released 1.1.6.
  2004-08-08  Gustavo R. Montesino <grmontesino ig com br>
  	Fixes #149609
*** 3288,3300 ****
  2000-10-15	Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo linuxave net>
  	* libgnomedb/created ChangeLog
- 2004-10-05  Daniel Espinosa Ortiz <esodan yahoo com mx>
- 	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.c ported to GtkComboBoxEntry.
- 	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.h ported to GtkComboBoxEntry.
- 	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c added the method to hide the navigations 
- 	buttons and to know if they are displayed.
- 	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c added the event notification for a change 
- 	of row (cliking a navigation button).
- 	* libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c added the method to set/get a GdaValue from
- 	a GnomeDateEdit (just a propoused utility!!!!)
--- 3307,3309 ----
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: components
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: config.guess
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: config.log
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: config.status
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: config.sub
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: configure
diff -rbB -p --minimal ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/configure.in ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/configure.in
*** ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/configure.in	2004-07-22 05:56:09.000000000 -0500
--- ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/configure.in	2004-10-04 23:08:10.000000000 -0500
*************** AC_INIT(libgnomedb/libgnomedb.h)
*** 3,9 ****
--- 3,9 ----
*************** dnl ******************************
*** 60,66 ****
! ALL_LINGUAS="az be ca cs da de el en_CA en_GB es fa fi fr ga gl hr hu it ja ko ml ms nl no pl pt pt_BR ru sk sr sr Latn sl sv ta tr uk vi zh_CN zh_TW"
  dnl ******************************
--- 60,66 ----
! ALL_LINGUAS="az be ca cs da de el en_CA en_GB es fa fi fr ga gl hr hu it ja ko ml ms nb nl no pl pt pt_BR ru sk sl sq sr sr Latn sv ta tr uk vi zh_CN zh_TW"
  dnl ******************************
*************** AM_GCONF_SOURCE_2
*** 72,80 ****
  dnl ******************************
  dnl Checks for libraries
  dnl ******************************
  GTK_MODULES="gtk+-2.0 >= 2.4.0"
  LIBGDA_MODULES="libgda >= 1.1.1"
--- 72,77 ----
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/control-center: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/control-center: database-properties.desktop
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/control-center: .deps
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/control-center: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/control-center: Makefile.in
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: COPYING
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: CVS
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/data: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/data: libgnomedb.keys
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/data: libgnomedb.schemas
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/data: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/data: Makefile.in
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: depcomp
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc/C: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C: html
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C: libgnomedb-decl-list.txt
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C: libgnomedb-decl.txt
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C: libgnomedb-undocumented.txt
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C: Makefile.in
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc/C/tmpl: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: db-shell.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: gnome-db-browser-private.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: gnome-db-find-dialog.sgml.bak
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: gnome-db-i18n.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: libgnomedb-private.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: libgnomedb-unused.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: sql-viewer.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: table-properties-dialog.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: tables-page.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C/tmpl: utils.sgml
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc/C: xml
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc: libgnomedb-C.omf
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/doc: Makefile.in
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/doc: reference
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/glade: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/glade: .deps
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/glade: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/glade: Makefile.in
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: HACKING
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: INSTALL
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: install-sh
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: intltool-extract
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: intltool-extract.in
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: intltool-merge
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: intltool-merge.in
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: intltool-update
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: intltool-update.in
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: lib
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb: .deps
diff -rbB -p --minimal ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.c
*** ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.c	2004-10-04 14:43:45.000000000 -0500
--- ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.c	2003-12-19 05:06:04.000000000 -0600
*** 22,28 ****
  #include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.h>
  struct _GnomeDbComboPrivate {
  	GdaDataModel *model;
--- 22,28 ----
  #include <libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.h>
  struct _GnomeDbComboPrivate {
  	GdaDataModel *model;
*************** enum {
*** 49,61 ****
- enum {
- };
- static gint combo_signals[LAST_SIGNAL];
  static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL;
--- 49,54 ----
*************** gnome_db_combo_class_init (GnomeDbComboC
*** 79,94 ****
  		g_param_spec_object ("model", NULL, NULL,
- 	/* add class signals */
- 	combo_signals[MODEL_CHANGED] =
- 		g_signal_new ("model_changed",
- 			      G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class),
- 			      G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,
- 			      G_STRUCT_OFFSET (GnomeDbComboClass, model_changed),
- 			      NULL, NULL,
- 			      g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID,
- 			      G_TYPE_NONE, 0);
  static void
--- 72,77 ----
*************** gnome_db_combo_init (GnomeDbCombo *combo
*** 99,107 ****
  	/* allocate private structure */
  	combo->priv = g_new0 (GnomeDbComboPrivate, 1);
  	combo->priv->model = NULL;
- 	combo->priv->col = 0;
- 	gtk_combo_box_set_model(GTK_COMBO_BOX(combo), NULL);
  static void
--- 82,87 ----
*************** gnome_db_combo_new_with_model (GdaDataMo
*** 219,227 ****
  	GnomeDbCombo *combo;
  	g_return_val_if_fail (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (model), NULL);
! 	g_return_val_if_fail (col >= 0 && col < gda_data_model_get_n_columns(model), NULL);
  	combo = gnome_db_combo_new();
  	if (combo != NULL) {
--- 199,206 ----
  	GnomeDbCombo *combo;
  	g_return_val_if_fail (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (model), NULL);
! 	g_return_val_if_fail (col >= 0, NULL);
  	combo = gnome_db_combo_new();
  	if (combo != NULL) {
*************** static void
*** 236,262 ****
  model_changed_cb (GdaDataModel *model, gpointer user_data)
  	GnomeDbCombo *combo = GNOME_DB_COMBO (user_data);
! 	gint rows, i;
! 	GdaValue *value;
! 	GtkTreeStore *combo_model;
! 	GtkTreeIter iter;
  	g_return_if_fail (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (model));
  	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_COMBO (combo));
  	rows = gda_data_model_get_n_rows (model);
! 	combo_model = gtk_tree_store_new(1, G_TYPE_STRING);
! 	/* Set the values to ListStore */
  	for (i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
- 		gtk_tree_store_append(combo_model,&iter, NULL);
  		value = gda_data_model_get_value_at (model, combo->priv->col, i);
! 		gtk_tree_store_set(combo_model,&iter,0,gda_value_stringify(value),-1);
- 	gtk_combo_box_set_model(GTK_COMBO_BOX(combo), combo_model);
- 	gtk_combo_box_entry_set_text_column(GTK_COMBO_BOX_ENTRY(combo), 0);
--- 215,244 ----
  model_changed_cb (GdaDataModel *model, gpointer user_data)
  	GnomeDbCombo *combo = GNOME_DB_COMBO (user_data);
! 	gint rows, i, cols;
! 	const GdaValue *value;
! 	GList *list = NULL;
  	g_return_if_fail (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (model));
  	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_COMBO (combo));
+ 	cols = gda_data_model_get_n_columns (model);
  	rows = gda_data_model_get_n_rows (model);
! 	if (rows == 0 || cols < combo->priv->col) {
! 		list = g_list_append (list, "");
! 		gtk_combo_set_popdown_strings (GTK_COMBO (combo), list);
! 		g_list_free (list);
! 		return;
! 	}
  	for (i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
  		value = gda_data_model_get_value_at (model, combo->priv->col, i);
! 		list = g_list_append (list, gda_value_stringify (value));
+ 	gtk_combo_set_popdown_strings (GTK_COMBO (combo), list);
+ 	g_list_foreach (list, (GFunc) g_free, NULL);
+ 	g_list_free (list);
*************** model_changed_cb (GdaDataModel *model, g
*** 273,291 ****
  gnome_db_combo_set_model (GnomeDbCombo *combo, GdaDataModel *model, gint col)
  	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_COMBO (combo));
  	g_return_if_fail (model == NULL || GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (model));
- 	g_return_if_fail (col >= 0 && col < gda_data_model_get_n_columns(model));
  	if (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (combo->priv->model)) {
  		g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (combo->priv->model));
! 	g_object_ref (G_OBJECT (model));
  	combo->priv->model = model;
  	combo->priv->col = col;
  	model_changed_cb (model, combo);
! 	g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (combo), combo_signals[MODEL_CHANGED], 0);
--- 255,283 ----
  gnome_db_combo_set_model (GnomeDbCombo *combo, GdaDataModel *model, gint col)
+ 	GList *list = NULL;
  	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_COMBO (combo));
  	g_return_if_fail (model == NULL || GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (model));
  	if (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (combo->priv->model)) {
+ 		g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func (G_OBJECT (combo->priv->model), model_changed_cb, combo);
  		g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (combo->priv->model));
  	combo->priv->model = model;
+ 	if (model != NULL) {
+ 		g_object_ref (G_OBJECT (model));
+ 		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (combo->priv->model), "changed",
+ 				  G_CALLBACK (model_changed_cb), combo);
  		combo->priv->col = col;
  		model_changed_cb (model, combo);
! 	} else {
! 		list = g_list_append (list, "");
! 		gtk_combo_set_popdown_strings (GTK_COMBO (combo), list);
! 		g_list_free (list);
! 	}
*************** gnome_db_combo_get_model (GnomeDbCombo *
*** 313,319 ****
   * This function return the column.
!  * Returns: the column of the #GdaDataModel showed by the #GnomeDbCombo.
  gnome_db_combo_get_column (GnomeDbCombo *combo)
--- 305,311 ----
   * This function return the column.
!  * Returns: the column of the #GdaDataModel stored by the #GnomeDbCombo.
  gnome_db_combo_get_column (GnomeDbCombo *combo)
diff -rbB -p --minimal ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.h ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.h
*** ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.h	2004-10-04 11:22:45.000000000 -0500
--- ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-combo.h	2004-01-24 17:56:02.000000000 -0600
*** 24,31 ****
  #  define __gnome_db_combo_h__
  #include <libgda/gda-data-model.h>
! #include <gtk/gtkcomboboxentry.h>
! #include <gtk/gtktreestore.h>
--- 24,30 ----
  #  define __gnome_db_combo_h__
  #include <libgda/gda-data-model.h>
! #include <gtk/gtkcombo.h>
*************** typedef struct _GnomeDbComboClass   Gnom
*** 40,52 ****
  typedef struct _GnomeDbComboPrivate GnomeDbComboPrivate;
  struct _GnomeDbCombo {
! 	GtkComboBoxEntry combo;
  	GnomeDbComboPrivate *priv;
  struct _GnomeDbComboClass {
! 	GtkComboBoxEntryClass parent_class;
! 	void (* model_changed) (GnomeDbCombo *combo);
  GType      gnome_db_combo_get_type (void);
--- 39,50 ----
  typedef struct _GnomeDbComboPrivate GnomeDbComboPrivate;
  struct _GnomeDbCombo {
! 	GtkCombo combo;
  	GnomeDbComboPrivate *priv;
  struct _GnomeDbComboClass {
! 	GtkComboClass parent_class;
  GType      gnome_db_combo_get_type (void);
diff -rbB -p --minimal ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-data-source-selector.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-data-source-selector.c
*** ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-data-source-selector.c	2004-04-04 11:07:08.000000000 -0500
--- ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-data-source-selector.c	2004-08-03 13:03:50.000000000 -0500
*************** static void
*** 46,56 ****
--- 46,70 ----
  show_data_sources (GnomeDbDataSourceSelector *selector, const gchar *name)
  	GdaDataSourceInfo *dsn_info = NULL;
+ 	GList *dsn_list, *l;
  	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_DATA_SOURCE_SELECTOR (selector));
  	gtk_option_menu_remove_menu (GTK_OPTION_MENU (selector));
+ 	/* load data sources */
+ 	dsn_list = gnome_db_config_get_data_source_list ();
+ 	for (l = dsn_list; l != NULL; l = l->next) {
+ 		GdaDataSourceInfo *dsn_info = (GdaDataSourceInfo *) l->data;
+ 		if (!dsn_info)
+ 			continue;
+ 		if (name != NULL && strcmp (name, dsn_info->name) != 0)
+ 			continue;
+ 		/* add the data source to the option menu */
+ 		gnome_db_option_menu_add_item (GTK_OPTION_MENU (selector), dsn_info->name);
+ 	}
  	if (name != NULL) {
  		dsn_info = gnome_db_config_find_data_source (name);
  		if (dsn_info != NULL) {
diff -rbB -p --minimal ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c
*** ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c	2004-10-04 14:18:18.000000000 -0500
--- ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c	2004-09-03 07:45:12.000000000 -0500
*** 37,43 ****
  struct _GnomeDbFormPrivate {
  	GdaDataModel *data_model;
  	GnomeDbFormType type;
- 	gboolean show_navigator_buttons;
  	/* widgets */
  	GtkWidget *form_container;
--- 37,42 ----
*************** static void show_navigator_row (GnomeDbF
*** 67,73 ****
  enum {
--- 66,71 ----
*************** navigator_first_cb (GtkButton *button, g
*** 87,93 ****
  	form->priv->navigator_current_row = 0;
  	show_navigator_row (form);
- 	g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (form), form_signals[ROW_CHANGED], 0);
  static void
--- 85,90 ----
*************** navigator_back_cb (GtkButton *button, gp
*** 101,107 ****
  		show_navigator_row (form);
- 	g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (form), form_signals[ROW_CHANGED], 0);
  static void
--- 98,103 ----
*************** navigator_forward_cb (GtkButton *button,
*** 118,124 ****
  		show_navigator_row (form);
- 	g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (form), form_signals[ROW_CHANGED], 0);
  static void
--- 114,119 ----
*************** navigator_last_cb (GtkButton *button, gp
*** 130,136 ****
  	form->priv->navigator_current_row = gda_data_model_get_n_rows (form->priv->data_model) - 1;
  	show_navigator_row (form);
- 	g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (form), form_signals[ROW_CHANGED], 0);
--- 125,130 ----
*************** create_navigator (GnomeDbForm *form)
*** 188,195 ****
  	gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (navigator), sep, 0, 3, cols, cols + 1,
- 	if(form->priv->show_navigator_buttons) {
  		form->priv->navigator_label = gnome_db_new_label_widget (_("No records"));
  		gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (form->priv->navigator_label), 0.5, 0.5);
  		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (navigator), form->priv->navigator_label, 0, 3,
--- 182,187 ----
*************** create_navigator (GnomeDbForm *form)
*** 197,203 ****
  		/* create navigation buttons */
  		bbox = gnome_db_new_hbutton_box_widget ();
  		gtk_button_box_set_layout (GTK_BUTTON_BOX (bbox), GTK_BUTTONBOX_DEFAULT_STYLE);
  		gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (navigator), bbox, 0, 3, cols + 2, cols + 3,
--- 189,194 ----
*************** create_navigator (GnomeDbForm *form)
*** 222,228 ****
  		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (form->priv->navigator_last), "clicked",
  				  G_CALLBACK (navigator_last_cb), form);
  		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (bbox), form->priv->navigator_last, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
- 	}
  	show_navigator_row (form);
--- 213,218 ----
*************** setup_widgets_for_model (GnomeDbForm *fo
*** 264,272 ****
  	if (!form->priv->form_container)
- 	{
- 	}
  	gtk_widget_show (form->priv->form_container);
  	gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (form), form->priv->form_container, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
--- 255,261 ----
*************** gnome_db_form_class_init (GnomeDbFormCla
*** 369,382 ****
  			      NULL, NULL,
  			      G_TYPE_NONE, 0);
- 	form_signals[ROW_CHANGED] =
- 		g_signal_new ("row_changed",
- 			      G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class),
- 			      G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,
- 			      G_STRUCT_OFFSET (GnomeDbFormClass, row_changed),
- 			      NULL, NULL,
- 			      g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID,
- 			      G_TYPE_NONE, 0);
  static void
--- 358,363 ----
*************** gnome_db_form_init (GnomeDbForm *form, G
*** 391,397 ****
  	form->priv->form_container = NULL;
  	form->priv->navigator_widgets = NULL;
  	form->priv->navigator_label = NULL;
- 	form->priv->show_navigator_buttons = TRUE;
  static void
--- 372,377 ----
*************** void
*** 537,543 ****
  gnome_db_form_set_model (GnomeDbForm *form, GdaDataModel *model)
  	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FORM (form));
- 	g_return_if_fail (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (model));
  	if (GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL (form->priv->data_model))
  		g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (form->priv->data_model));
--- 517,522 ----
*************** gnome_db_form_set_model (GnomeDbForm *fo
*** 544,552 ****
  		g_object_ref (G_OBJECT (model));
  		form->priv->data_model = model;
  		setup_widgets_for_model (form);
  		g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (form), form_signals[MODEL_CHANGED], 0);
! 	}
   * gnome_db_form_get_current_row
--- 523,532 ----
  	g_object_ref (G_OBJECT (model));
  	form->priv->data_model = model;
  	setup_widgets_for_model (form);
  	g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (form), form_signals[MODEL_CHANGED], 0);
! }
   * gnome_db_form_get_current_row
*************** gnome_db_form_set_current_row (GnomeDbFo
*** 606,623 ****
- void
- gnome_db_form_show_navigator_buttons(GnomeDbForm *form, gboolean value)
- {
- 	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FORM (form));
- 	form->priv->show_navigator_buttons= value;
- 	setup_widgets_for_model(form);
- }
- gboolean
- gnome_db_form_is_navigator_buttons_shown(GnomeDbForm *form)
- {
- 	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_FORM (form));
- 	return form->priv->show_navigator_buttons;
- }
--- 586,588 ----
diff -rbB -p --minimal ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.h ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.h
*** ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.h	2004-09-30 17:07:02.000000000 -0500
--- ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.h	2003-05-12 15:54:02.000000000 -0500
*************** struct _GnomeDbFormClass {
*** 48,54 ****
  	/* signals */
  	void (* model_changed) (GnomeDbForm *form);
- 	void (* row_changed) (GnomeDbForm *form);
  typedef enum {
--- 48,53 ----
*************** GdaDataModel    *gnome_db_form_get_model
*** 64,71 ****
  void             gnome_db_form_set_model (GnomeDbForm *form, GdaDataModel *model);
  gint             gnome_db_form_get_current_row (GnomeDbForm *form);
  void             gnome_db_form_set_current_row (GnomeDbForm *form, gint row);
- void			 gnome_db_form_show_navigator_buttons(GnomeDbForm *form, gboolean value);
- gboolean         gnome_db_form_is_navigator_buttons_shown(GnomeDbForm *form);
--- 63,68 ----
diff -rbB -p --minimal ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c
*** ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c	2003-11-16 10:42:26.000000000 -0600
--- ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c	2004-08-03 13:03:57.000000000 -0500
*************** void
*** 326,331 ****
--- 326,333 ----
  gnome_db_login_set_dsn (GnomeDbLogin *login, const gchar *dsn)
  	g_return_if_fail (GNOME_DB_IS_LOGIN (login));
+ 	g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_OPTION_MENU(login->priv->dsn_entry));
  	gnome_db_option_menu_set_selection (GTK_OPTION_MENU (login->priv->dsn_entry), dsn);
diff -rbB -p --minimal ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c
*** ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c	2004-08-26 10:18:29.000000000 -0500
--- ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.c	2004-09-03 07:45:13.000000000 -0500
*************** gnome_db_new_combo_widget (void)
*** 137,143 ****
  	GtkWidget *combo;
! 	combo = gtk_combo_box_entry_new ();
  	gtk_widget_show (combo);
  	return combo;
--- 137,143 ----
  	GtkWidget *combo;
! 	combo = gtk_combo_new ();
  	gtk_widget_show (combo);
  	return combo;
*************** gnome_db_new_menu_item (const gchar *lab
*** 1013,1073 ****
  	return item;
- /**
-  * gnome_db_value_get_from_date_edit saves the contents of a #GnomeDateEdit in to a #GdaValue.
-  * 
-  * @dateedit: a #GnomeDateEdit widget
-  * Returns: #GdaValue in the #GnomeDateEdit widget.
-  */
- GdaValue *
- gnome_db_value_get_from_date_edit(GnomeDateEdit *dateedit)
- {
- 	time_t time;
- 	GDate *date = NULL;
- 	GdaDate gda_date;
- 	GdaValue *val = NULL;
- 	time = gnome_date_edit_get_time(dateedit);
- 	date = g_date_new();
- 	g_date_set_time(date, time);
- 	gda_date.year = (gshort) g_date_get_year(date);
- 	gda_date.month = (gushort) g_date_get_month(date);
- 	gda_date.day = (gushort) g_date_get_day(date);
- 	val = gda_value_new_date(&gda_date);
- 	return val;
- }
- /**
-  * gnome_db_date_edit_set_from_value set the contents of a #GnomeDateEdit from #GdaValue.
-  * 
-  * @dateedit: a #GnomeDateEdit widget
-  * @value: a #GdaValue to save to.
-  * Returns: #GdaValue in the #GnomeDateEdit widget.
-  */
- void
- gnome_db_date_edit_set_from_value(GnomeDateEdit *dateedit, GdaValue *value)
- {
- 	time_t time;
- 	GdaDate *gda_date;
- 	GDate *date;
- 	struct tm tm_struct;
- 	gda_date = gda_value_get_date(value);
- 	date = g_date_new();
- 	g_date_set_dmy(date, (GDateDay) gda_date->day,
- 						(GDateMonth) gda_date->month,
- 						(GDateYear) gda_date->year);
- 	g_date_to_struct_tm(date,&tm_struct);
- 	time = mktime(&tm_struct);
- 	gnome_date_edit_set_time(dateedit,time);
- }
--- 1013,1015 ----
diff -rbB -p --minimal ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h
*** ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h	2004-08-25 18:47:52.000000000 -0500
--- ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/gnome-db-util.h	2004-01-04 14:49:03.000000000 -0600
*** 24,30 ****
  #  define __gnome_db_util_h__
  #include <libgda/gda-data-model.h>
- #include <libgda/gda-value.h>
  #include <gtk/gtkentry.h>
  #include <gtk/gtkmessagedialog.h>
  #include <gtk/gtkoptionmenu.h>
--- 24,29 ----
*** 35,41 ****
  #include <gtk/gtkwindow.h>
  #include <libgnomeui/gnome-popup-menu.h>
- #include <libgnomeui/gnome-dateedit.h>
--- 34,39 ----
*************** GtkWidget   *gnome_db_new_check_menu_ite
*** 118,127 ****
  					   GCallback cb_func,
  					   gpointer user_data);
- GdaValue	*gnome_db_value_get_from_date_edit(GnomeDateEdit *dateedit);
- void		 gnome_db_date_edit_set_from_value(GnomeDateEdit *dateedit, GdaValue *value);
--- 116,121 ----
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb: Makefile.in
diff -rbB -p --minimal ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/tables-page.c ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/tables-page.c
*** ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/libgnomedb/tables-page.c	2003-11-30 16:14:14.000000000 -0600
--- ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/libgnomedb/tables-page.c	2004-10-04 23:08:11.000000000 -0500
*************** tables_page_set_connection (GtkWidget *t
*** 195,201 ****
  	if (priv->cnc)
! 		g_object_unref (cnc);
  	priv->cnc = cnc;
  	if (GDA_IS_CONNECTION (priv->cnc)) {
--- 195,201 ----
  	if (priv->cnc)
! 		g_object_unref (priv->cnc);
  	priv->cnc = cnc;
  	if (GDA_IS_CONNECTION (priv->cnc)) {
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: libgnomedb.pc
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: libgnomedb.spec
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: libtool
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: ltmain.sh
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: Makefile.in
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: missing
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: mkinstalldirs
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: monikers
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Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: be.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ca.gmo
diff -rbB -p --minimal ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/ChangeLog ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/ChangeLog
*** ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/ChangeLog	2004-08-12 09:42:30.000000000 -0500
--- ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/ChangeLog	2004-10-04 23:08:11.000000000 -0500
*** 1,3 ****
--- 1,24 ----
+ 2004-09-26  Adam Weinberger  <adamw gnome org>
+ 	* en_CA.po: Updated Canadian English translation.
+ 2004-09-03  Laurent Dhima  <laurenti alblinux net>
+ 	* sq.po: Added Albanian translation.
+ 2004-09-02  Alessio Frusciante  <algol firenze linux it>
+ 	* it.po: Updated Italian translation by
+ 	Alessio Dessì <alkex inwind it>.
+ 2004-08-21  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas gnome org>
+ 	* nb.po: Add.
+ 2004-08-13  Tommi Vainikainen  <thv iki fi>
+ 	* fi.po: Unified some fields in po headers for Finnish team.
  2004-08-11  Duarte Loreto <happyguy_pt hotmail com>
  	* pt.po: Updated Portuguese translation.
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: cs.gmo
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: da.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: de.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: el.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: en_CA.gmo
diff -rbB -p --minimal ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/en_CA.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/en_CA.po
*** ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/en_CA.po	2004-08-12 09:42:37.000000000 -0500
--- ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/en_CA.po	2004-10-04 23:08:11.000000000 -0500
*** 3,14 ****
  # This file is distributed under the same licence as the libgnomedbpackage.
  # Adam Weinberger <adamw gnome org>, 2004
  msgid ""
  msgstr ""
  "Project-Id-Version: libgnomedb\n"
  "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
! "POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"
! "PO-Revision-Date: 2004-06-10 19:42-0700\n"
  "Last-Translator: Adam Weinberger <adamw gnome org>\n"
  "Language-Team: en_CA <adamw FreeBSD org>\n"
  "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
--- 3,15 ----
  # This file is distributed under the same licence as the libgnomedbpackage.
  # Adam Weinberger <adamw gnome org>, 2004
+ #
  msgid ""
  msgstr ""
  "Project-Id-Version: libgnomedb\n"
  "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
! "POT-Creation-Date: 2004-09-26 12:47-0400\n"
! "PO-Revision-Date: 2004-09-26 19:42-0400\n"
  "Last-Translator: Adam Weinberger <adamw gnome org>\n"
  "Language-Team: en_CA <adamw FreeBSD org>\n"
  "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
*************** msgid ""
*** 463,469 ****
  msgstr ""
  "All information needed to create a new data source\n"
  "has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"
! "this dialog. To open your newly created data source,\n"
  "just select it when asked for a data source."
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124
--- 464,470 ----
  msgstr ""
  "All information needed to create a new data source\n"
  "has been retrieved. Now, press 'Apply' to close\n"
! "this dialogue. To open your newly created data source,\n"
  "just select it when asked for a data source."
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: en_GB.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: es.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: fa.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: fi.gmo
diff -rbB -p --minimal ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/fi.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/fi.po
*** ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/fi.po	2004-08-12 09:42:38.000000000 -0500
--- ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/fi.po	2004-09-03 07:45:16.000000000 -0500
*************** msgstr ""
*** 11,17 ****
  "POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"
  "PO-Revision-Date: 2004-07-24 11:22+0300\n"
  "Last-Translator: Tommi Vainikainen <Tommi Vainikainen iki fi>\n"
! "Language-Team: Finnish <gnome-fi-laatu lists sourceforge org>\n"
  "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
  "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
  "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8-bit\n"
--- 11,17 ----
  "POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"
  "PO-Revision-Date: 2004-07-24 11:22+0300\n"
  "Last-Translator: Tommi Vainikainen <Tommi Vainikainen iki fi>\n"
! "Language-Team: Finnish <gnome-fi-laatu lists sourceforge net>\n"
  "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
  "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
  "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8-bit\n"
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: fr.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ga.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: gl.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: hr.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: hu.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: it.gmo
diff -rbB -p --minimal ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/it.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/it.po
*** ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/it.po	2004-08-12 09:42:38.000000000 -0500
--- ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/it.po	2004-09-03 07:45:17.000000000 -0500
*** 2,14 ****
  # Copyright (C) 2000,2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
  # Daniele Medri <madrid linux it>, 2000.
  # Marco Parrone <marc0 autistici org>, 2002.
  msgid ""
  msgstr ""
  "Project-Id-Version: libgnomedb HEAD\n"
  "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
! "POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-12 16:42+0200\n"
! "PO-Revision-Date: 2002-12-04 21:47+0100\n"
  "Last-Translator: Marco Parrone <marc0 autistici org>\n"
  "Language-Team: Italian <tp lists linux it>\n"
  "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
--- 2,15 ----
  # Copyright (C) 2000,2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
  # Daniele Medri <madrid linux it>, 2000.
  # Marco Parrone <marc0 autistici org>, 2002.
+ # Alessio Dessì <alkex inwind it>, 2004.
  msgid ""
  msgstr ""
  "Project-Id-Version: libgnomedb HEAD\n"
  "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
! "POT-Creation-Date: 2004-09-02 20:42+0200\n"
! "PO-Revision-Date: 2004-04-07 18:55+0200\n"
  "Last-Translator: Marco Parrone <marc0 autistici org>\n"
  "Language-Team: Italian <tp lists linux it>\n"
  "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
*************** msgstr "Fornitori"
*** 25,31 ****
  #: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1
  msgid "Configure your database environment"
! msgstr ""
  #: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2
  #, fuzzy
--- 26,32 ----
  #: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:1
  msgid "Configure your database environment"
! msgstr "Configurazione ambiente del database"
  #: control-center/database-properties.desktop.in.h:2
  #, fuzzy
*************** msgstr "Proprietà del database"
*** 36,42 ****
  #: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342
  #: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380
  msgid "Name"
! msgstr ""
  #: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-config.c:54
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:210
--- 37,43 ----
  #: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:342
  #: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-provider.c:380
  msgid "Name"
! msgstr "Nome"
  #: control-center/dsn-config.c:72 control-center/provider-config.c:54
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:211 libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:210
*************** msgstr "Descrizione"
*** 47,53 ****
  #: control-center/dsn-config.c:182
  msgid "Configured data sources in the system"
! msgstr ""
  #: control-center/dsn-config.c:214
  msgid ""
--- 48,54 ----
  #: control-center/dsn-config.c:182
  msgid "Configured data sources in the system"
! msgstr "Sorgenti di dati configurate nel sistema"
  #: control-center/dsn-config.c:214
  msgid ""
*************** msgid ""
*** 59,65 ****
  msgstr ""
  "Le sorgenti di dati sono i mezzi con cui GNOME-DB identifica le connessioni "
  "di database. Tutte le informazioni richieste per aprire una connessione "
! "verso un fornitore o verso una combo di database specifici sono "
  "immagazzinate usando un nome unico. Ã? usando questo unico nome che si "
  "identificano le connessioni nelle applicazioni che fanno uso di GNOME-DB per "
  "l'accesso a database."
--- 60,66 ----
  msgstr ""
  "Le sorgenti di dati sono i mezzi con cui GNOME-DB identifica le connessioni "
  "di database. Tutte le informazioni richieste per aprire una connessione "
! "verso un fornitore o una combinazione di database specifici sono "
  "immagazzinate usando un nome unico. Ã? usando questo unico nome che si "
  "identificano le connessioni nelle applicazioni che fanno uso di GNOME-DB per "
  "l'accesso a database."
*************** msgstr "Tabelle"
*** 85,91 ****
  #: control-center/main.c:92
  msgid "No valid data source info was created"
! msgstr "Non è stata creata nessuna informazione di sorgente dati"
  #. create the dialog
  #: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218
--- 86,92 ----
  #: control-center/main.c:92
  msgid "No valid data source info was created"
! msgstr "Non è stata fornita nessuna informazione per la sorgente dati"
  #. create the dialog
  #: control-center/main.c:106 libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:218
*************** msgstr "Proprietà del database"
*** 100,106 ****
  #: control-center/provider-config.c:105
  msgid "Installed providers"
! msgstr ""
  #: control-center/provider-config.c:131
  #, fuzzy
--- 101,107 ----
  #: control-center/provider-config.c:105
  msgid "Installed providers"
! msgstr "Fornitori installati"
  #: control-center/provider-config.c:131
  #, fuzzy
*************** msgstr ""
*** 119,172 ****
  #: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1
  msgid "Database connection parameters file"
! msgstr ""
  #: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2
  msgid "Documents"
! msgstr ""
  #: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3
  msgid "SQL code viewer"
! msgstr ""
  #: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1
  msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"
! msgstr ""
  #: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2
  msgid "Number of spaces per tab"
! msgstr ""
  #: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3
  msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"
! msgstr ""
  #: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4
  msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60
  msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1
  msgid "About"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2
  msgid "About GNOME-DB"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3
  msgid "Close this window"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4
  msgid "Create new entry"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5
- #, fuzzy
  msgid "Delete selected items"
  msgstr "Deseleziona tutte le voci selezionate nella lista"
--- 120,172 ----
  #: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:1
  msgid "Database connection parameters file"
! msgstr "File dei parametri delle connessioni a database"
  #: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:2
  msgid "Documents"
! msgstr "Documenti"
  #: data/libgnomedb.keys.in.h:3
  msgid "SQL code viewer"
! msgstr "Visualizzatore di codice SQL"
  #: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:1
  msgid "Font to be used in the grid widget"
! msgstr "Tipo di carattere da usare per il widget griglia"
  #: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:2
  msgid "Number of spaces per tab"
! msgstr "Numero di spazi per il «tab»"
  #: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:3
  msgid "Show line numbers on source editor"
! msgstr "Mostra i numeri di riga nell'editor di sorgenti"
  #: data/libgnomedb.schemas.in.h:4
  msgid "Use highlighting in source code editor"
! msgstr "Usa l'evidenziazione nell'editor del codice sorgente"
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.c:60
  msgid "Database services for the GNOME Desktop"
! msgstr "Servizi di database per GNOME Desktop"
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:1
  msgid "About"
! msgstr "Informazioni"
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:2
  msgid "About GNOME-DB"
! msgstr "Informazioni su GNOME-DB"
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:3
  msgid "Close this window"
! msgstr "Chiude questa finestra"
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:4
  msgid "Create new entry"
! msgstr "Crea un nuovo elemento"
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:5
  msgid "Delete selected items"
  msgstr "Deseleziona tutte le voci selezionate nella lista"
*************** msgstr "Deseleziona tutte le voci selezi
*** 177,187 ****
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7
  msgid "Edit properties for selected item"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8
  msgid "Save connection parameters to file"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414
  #, fuzzy
--- 177,187 ----
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:7
  msgid "Edit properties for selected item"
! msgstr "Modifica le proprietà per l'elemento selezionato"
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:8
  msgid "Save connection parameters to file"
! msgstr "Salva i parametri della connessione in un file"
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:9 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:414
  #, fuzzy
*************** msgstr "Seleziona tutto"
*** 191,197 ****
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10
  #, fuzzy
  msgid "Select all items"
! msgstr "Seleziona tutte le voci nella lista"
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11
  #, fuzzy
--- 191,197 ----
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:10
  #, fuzzy
  msgid "Select all items"
! msgstr "Seleziona tutto"
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:11
  #, fuzzy
*************** msgid "View providers"
*** 204,215 ****
  msgstr "Fornitori"
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:420
  msgid "_Clear Selection"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14
  msgid "_Close"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15
  #, fuzzy
--- 204,216 ----
  msgstr "Fornitori"
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:13 libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:420
+ #, fuzzy
  msgid "_Clear Selection"
! msgstr "Cancella selezione"
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:14
  msgid "_Close"
! msgstr "_Chiudi"
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:15
  #, fuzzy
*************** msgstr "Database"
*** 223,237 ****
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17
  msgid "_Delete"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18
  msgid "_Edit"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19
  msgid "_Help"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20
  #, fuzzy
--- 224,238 ----
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:17
  msgid "_Delete"
! msgstr "Ca_ncella"
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:18
  msgid "_Edit"
! msgstr "_Modifica"
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:19
  msgid "_Help"
! msgstr "A_iuto"
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:20
  #, fuzzy
*************** msgstr "Nuova sorgente di dati"
*** 241,247 ****
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21
  #, fuzzy
  msgid "_Properties"
! msgstr "Procedure"
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22
  #, fuzzy
--- 242,248 ----
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:21
  #, fuzzy
  msgid "_Properties"
! msgstr "Proprietà"
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:22
  #, fuzzy
*************** msgid "_Providers"
*** 249,257 ****
  msgstr "Fornitori"
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23
- #, fuzzy
  msgid "_Save Connection"
! msgstr "Salva in"
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24
  #, fuzzy
--- 250,257 ----
  msgstr "Fornitori"
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:23
  msgid "_Save Connection"
! msgstr "Sal_va connessione"
  #: libgnomedb/db-shell.xml.h:24
  #, fuzzy
*************** msgstr "Non è possibile interrogare com
*** 317,341 ****
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209
  msgid "ID"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210
  #: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
  msgid "Location"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212
  msgid "Username"
  msgstr "Nome utente"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213
- #, fuzzy
  msgid "Hostname"
! msgstr "Nome utente"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214
  msgid "Domain"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359
  #, c-format
--- 317,340 ----
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:209
  msgid "ID"
! msgstr "ID"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:210
  #: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
  msgid "Location"
! msgstr "Posizione"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:212
  msgid "Username"
  msgstr "Nome utente"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:213
  msgid "Hostname"
! msgstr "Nome host"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:214
  msgid "Domain"
! msgstr "Dominio"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-config.c:359
  #, c-format
*************** msgstr "Caratteristiche"
*** 370,396 ****
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190
  msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"
! msgstr "Bisogna inserire un nome per la nuova sorgente di dati"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197
  msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric characters"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206
  msgid "An existing data source is already registered under the same name"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213
  msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217
  msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and numbers"
  msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225
  msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"
! msgstr "Bisogna selezionare un fornitore per la nuova sorgente di dati"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233
  msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"
--- 369,397 ----
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:190
  msgid "You must enter a name for the new data source"
! msgstr "Ã? necessario inserire un nome per la nuova sorgente di dati"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:197
+ #, fuzzy
  msgid "Data source names can only contain alphanumeric characters"
! msgstr "I nomi delle sorgenti di dati non possono contenere spazi"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:206
  msgid "An existing data source is already registered under the same name"
! msgstr "Esiste già una sorgente di dati con lo stesso nome"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:213
  msgid "Data source names cannot contain spaces"
! msgstr "I nomi delle sorgenti di dati non possono contenere spazi"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:217
  msgid "Data source names can only contain ASCII letters and numbers"
  msgstr ""
+ "I nomi delle sorgenti di dati possono contenere solo lettere e numeri ASCII"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:225
  msgid "You must select a provider for the new data source"
! msgstr "Ã? necessario selezionare un fornitore per la nuova sorgente di dati"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:233
  msgid "Provider not found in your configuration"
*************** msgid ""
*** 406,413 ****
  "creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"
  "installation. Just follow the steps!"
  msgstr ""
! "Quest'assistente farà da guida attraverso il processo di\n"
! "creazione di una nuova sorgente dati per l'installazione personale\n"
  "di GNOME-DB. Basta procedere un passo alla volta!"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404
--- 407,414 ----
  "creating a new data source for your GNOME-DB\n"
  "installation. Just follow the steps!"
  msgstr ""
! "L'assistente farà da guida attraverso il processo di creazione\n"
! "di una nuova sorgente dati per l'installazione personale\n"
  "di GNOME-DB. Basta procedere un passo alla volta!"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:404
*************** msgid ""
*** 423,433 ****
  "If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"
  "the default one."
  msgstr ""
! "I seguenti campi rappresentano le voci di informazioni\n"
! "di base per la nuova sorgente di dati. Alcune di esse (descrizione,\n"
  "nome utente) sono opzionali, mentre le altre sono obbligatorie.\n"
! "Se non si sà quale fornitore utilizzare, si selezioni\n"
! "quello predefinito"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104
--- 424,434 ----
  "If you don't know which provider to use, just select\n"
  "the default one."
  msgstr ""
! "I seguenti campi rappresentano le voci di informazioni di base\n"
! "per la nuova sorgente di dati. Alcune di esse (descrizione,\n"
  "nome utente) sono opzionali, mentre le altre sono obbligatorie.\n"
! "Se non si sà quale fornitore utilizzare, selezionare quello\n"
! "predefinito"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:419
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:104
*************** msgstr "Descrizione"
*** 451,463 ****
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142
  #, fuzzy
  msgid "_Username:"
! msgstr "Nome utente"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151
  #, fuzzy
  msgid "P_assword:"
! msgstr "Password"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454
  msgid "Provider Parameters"
--- 452,464 ----
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:142
  #, fuzzy
  msgid "_Username:"
! msgstr "Nome utente:"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:441
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:151
  #, fuzzy
  msgid "P_assword:"
! msgstr "Password:"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:454
  msgid "Provider Parameters"
*************** msgid ""
*** 471,480 ****
  "connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\n"
  "the manual for more information."
  msgstr ""
! "I seguenti campi rappresentano l'informazione richiesta\n"
! "dal fornitore selezionato nella pagina precedente per aprire\n"
! "una certa connessione. Questa informazione è specifica al fornitore,\n"
! "quindi si controlli il manuale per maggiori informazioni"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481
  msgid "All information retrieved"
--- 472,481 ----
  "connection. This information is provider-specific, so check\n"
  "the manual for more information."
  msgstr ""
! "I seguenti campi rappresentano l'informazione richiesta dal fornitore\n"
! "selezionato nella pagina precedente per aprire una certa connessione.\n"
! "Questa informazione è specifica del fornitore, controllare il manuale per\n"
! "maggiori informazioni"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config-druid.c:481
  msgid "All information retrieved"
*************** msgid ""
*** 489,497 ****
  "just select it when asked for a data source."
  msgstr ""
  "Sono state recuperate tutte le informazioni necessarie per creare\n"
! "una nuova sorgente di dati. Premere «Applica» per chiudere\n"
! "questa finestra di dialogo. Per aprire la sorgente di dati appena\n"
! "creata, basta selezionarla quando viene richiesta una sorgente di dati"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124
  #, fuzzy
--- 490,498 ----
  "just select it when asked for a data source."
  msgstr ""
  "Sono state recuperate tutte le informazioni necessarie per creare\n"
! "una nuova sorgente di dati. Premere «Applica» per chiudere questa\n"
! "finestra di dialogo. Per aprire la sorgente di dati appena creata,\n"
! "basta selezionarla quando viene richiesta una sorgente di dati"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-dsn-config.c:124
  #, fuzzy
*************** msgstr "<< Nascondi dettagli"
*** 512,527 ****
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191
  msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196
  msgid "Error number"
  msgstr "Numero d'errore"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227
- #, fuzzy
  msgid "Details"
! msgstr "Dettaglio"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234
  msgid "Source"
--- 513,527 ----
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:191
  msgid "An error has occurred in the underlying database"
! msgstr "Si è verificato un errore nel database sottostante"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:196
  msgid "Error number"
  msgstr "Numero d'errore"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:227
  msgid "Details"
! msgstr "Dettagli"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-error.c:234
  msgid "Source"
*************** msgstr "Stato SQL"
*** 534,545 ****
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108
  #, fuzzy
  msgid "_Field:"
! msgstr "Titolo"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118
- #, fuzzy
  msgid "_Text:"
! msgstr "Prova"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:275
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308
--- 534,544 ----
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:108
  #, fuzzy
  msgid "_Field:"
! msgstr "Campi"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-find-dialog.c:118
  msgid "_Text:"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:185 libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:275
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-form.c:308
*************** msgstr "Record numero %d di %d"
*** 553,566 ****
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113
  msgid "Recordset description"
! msgstr "Descrizione del recordset"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141
! #, c-format
  msgid ""
  "File '%s' already exists.\n"
  "Do you want to overwrite it?"
  msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149
  msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."
--- 552,567 ----
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:113
  msgid "Recordset description"
! msgstr "Descrizione dell'insieme di record"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:141
! #, fuzzy, c-format
  msgid ""
  "File '%s' already exists.\n"
  "Do you want to overwrite it?"
  msgstr ""
+ "Il file %s esiste già\n"
+ "Sovrascriverlo?"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:149
  msgid "If you choose yes, the contents will be lost."
*************** msgstr "Non è possibile salvare il file
*** 573,583 ****
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224
  msgid "You must specify a file name"
! msgstr "Bisogna specificare un nome di file"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230
  msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261
  msgid "Saving Model"
--- 574,584 ----
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:224
  msgid "You must specify a file name"
! msgstr "Ã? necessario specificare un nome di file"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:230
  msgid "Got empty file while converting the data"
! msgstr "Ricevuto file vuoto durante la conversione dei dati"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:261
  msgid "Saving Model"
*************** msgid "Show Column _Titles"
*** 620,628 ****
  msgstr "Mostra colonne"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442
- #, fuzzy
  msgid "Describe"
! msgstr "Descrivi..."
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443
  msgid "View detail..."
--- 621,628 ----
  msgstr "Mostra colonne"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:442
  msgid "Describe"
! msgstr "Descrive"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-grid.c:443
  msgid "View detail..."
*************** msgstr "Titolo"
*** 634,706 ****
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48
  msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"
! msgstr "� stato tentato di inizializzare un client già inizializzato"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124
  msgid ""
  "Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"
  "to a data source"
  msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253
- #, fuzzy
  msgid "Data Source:"
! msgstr "Sorgente dati"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270
- #, fuzzy
  msgid "Username:"
! msgstr "Nome utente"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279
- #, fuzzy
  msgid "Password:"
! msgstr "Password"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69
  msgid "Fields"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30
  msgid "Commit"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31
  msgid "Connect"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33
  msgid "Designer"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34
  msgid "Disconnect"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35
  msgid "NoTransaction"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37
  msgid "Query"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38
  msgid "Rollback"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40
  msgid "SQL"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43
  msgid "WithinTransaction"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65
! #, fuzzy, c-format
  msgid "Error: %s"
! msgstr "Errore"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79
  msgid "Table name"
--- 634,705 ----
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-init.c:48
  msgid "Attempt to initialize an already initialized client"
! msgstr "Si è tentato di inizializzare un client già inizializzato"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login-dialog.c:124
  msgid ""
  "Enter the arguments below to open a connection\n"
  "to a data source"
  msgstr ""
+ "Inserire gli argomenti per aprire una connessione\n"
+ "a una sorgente di dati qui sotto"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:253
  msgid "Data Source:"
! msgstr "Sorgente dati:"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:270
  msgid "Username:"
! msgstr "Nome utente:"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-login.c:279
  msgid "Password:"
! msgstr "Password:"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-query-builder.c:69
  msgid "Fields"
! msgstr "Campi"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:30
  msgid "Commit"
! msgstr "Esegui commit"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:31
  msgid "Connect"
! msgstr "Connetti"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:33
  msgid "Designer"
! msgstr "Proggettista"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:34
  msgid "Disconnect"
! msgstr "Disconnetti"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:35
  msgid "NoTransaction"
! msgstr "NessunaTransazione"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:37
  msgid "Query"
! msgstr "Query"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:38
  msgid "Rollback"
! msgstr "Reverti commit"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:40
  msgid "SQL"
! msgstr "SQL"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:43
  msgid "WithinTransaction"
! msgstr "InternamenteAllaTransazione"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-stock.c:65
! #, c-format
  msgid "Error: %s"
! msgstr "Errore: %s"
  #: libgnomedb/gnome-db-table-editor.c:79
  msgid "Table name"
*************** msgstr "Nome tabella"
*** 709,719 ****
  #: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93
  #, c-format
  msgid "Login for %s"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/utils.c:95
  msgid "Login to database"
! msgstr ""
  #: vfs/libmain.c:71
  msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"
--- 708,718 ----
  #: libgnomedb/utils.c:61 libgnomedb/utils.c:93
  #, c-format
  msgid "Login for %s"
! msgstr "Login per %s"
  #: libgnomedb/utils.c:95
  msgid "Login to database"
! msgstr "Login al database"
  #: vfs/libmain.c:71
  msgid "GNOME VFS database: module"
*************** msgstr "Database GNOME VFS: modulo"
*** 721,757 ****
  #. create the dialog
  #: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40
- #, fuzzy
  msgid "Table Properties"
! msgstr "Proprietà del database"
  #: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47
- #, fuzzy
  msgid "Table Name"
  msgstr "Nome tabella"
  #: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155
  msgid "New"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156
  msgid "Create new table"
! msgstr ""
  #: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161
- #, fuzzy
  msgid "Properties"
! msgstr "Procedure"
  #: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162
- #, fuzzy
  msgid "View table properties"
! msgstr "Proprietà del database"
  #: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
  #: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
  msgid "UID"
! msgstr ""
  #: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
  #: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
--- 720,753 ----
  #. create the dialog
  #: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:40
  msgid "Table Properties"
! msgstr "Proprietà della tabella"
  #: libgnomedb/table-properties-dialog.c:47
  msgid "Table Name"
  msgstr "Nome tabella"
  #: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155
  msgid "New"
! msgstr "Nuova"
  #: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:155 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:156
  msgid "Create new table"
! msgstr "Crea una nuova tabella"
  #: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161
  msgid "Properties"
! msgstr "Proprietà"
  #: libgnomedb/tables-page.c:161 libgnomedb/tables-page.c:162
  msgid "View table properties"
! msgstr "Visualizza proprietà della tabella"
  #: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
  #: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:60
+ #, fuzzy
  msgid "UID"
! msgstr "ID"
  #: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:36
  #: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:38
*************** msgstr ""
*** 779,786 ****
  #. position
  #: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
  msgid "location"
! msgstr ""
  #. position
  #: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
--- 775,783 ----
  #. position
  #: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:40
+ #, fuzzy
  msgid "location"
! msgstr "Posizione"
  #. position
  #: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:42
*************** msgstr ""
*** 816,823 ****
  #: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
  #: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
  msgid "Classification"
! msgstr ""
  #. position
  #: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
--- 813,821 ----
  #: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:48
  #: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:70
+ #, fuzzy
  msgid "Classification"
! msgstr "Cancella selezione"
  #. position
  #: providers/evolution/gda-calendar-model.c:50
*************** msgid "Authentication is required to acc
*** 889,897 ****
  msgstr ""
  #: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83
- #, fuzzy
  msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"
! msgstr "Non è possibile aprire una connessione verso %s"
  #: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100
  msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"
--- 887,894 ----
  msgstr ""
  #: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:83
  msgid "Could not open the default contacts folder"
! msgstr ""
  #: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:100
  msgid "Could not initialize Bonobo"
*************** msgstr ""
*** 930,936 ****
  #: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219
  #, fuzzy
  msgid "References"
! msgstr "Sequenze"
  #: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220
  msgid "Default value"
--- 927,933 ----
  #: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:219
  #, fuzzy
  msgid "References"
! msgstr "Preferen_ze"
  #: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:220
  msgid "Default value"
*************** msgstr ""
*** 961,968 ****
  #: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344
  #: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376
  msgid "Comments"
! msgstr ""
  #: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374
  #, fuzzy
--- 958,966 ----
  #: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:344
  #: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:376
+ #, fuzzy
  msgid "Comments"
! msgstr "Esegui commit"
  #: providers/evolution/gda-evolution-connection.c:374
  #, fuzzy
*************** msgid ""
*** 1012,1037 ****
  "Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, tasks and contacts"
  msgstr ""
! #, fuzzy
  #~ msgid "Database browser"
! #~ msgstr "Proprietà del database"
  #~ msgid "Error viewer"
  #~ msgstr "Visualizzatore di errore"
! #, fuzzy
  #~ msgid "Database configuration"
! #~ msgstr "Proprietà del database"
- #, fuzzy
  #~ msgid "_Settings"
! #~ msgstr "Impostazioni"
  #~ msgid "Password"
  #~ msgstr "Password"
  #~ msgid "Save as"
! #~ msgstr "Salva come..."
  #~ msgid "Save to"
  #~ msgstr "Salva in"
--- 1010,1069 ----
  "Data source for accessing Evolution's default calendar, tasks and contacts"
  msgstr ""
! #~ msgid "Browse database..."
! #~ msgstr "Esplorazione database..."
! #~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .connection files"
! #~ msgstr ""
! #~ "Componente che include le voci del menu contestuale per i file .connection"
! #~ msgid "Component that includes context menu items for .sql files"
! #~ msgstr "Componente che include le voci del menu contestuale per i file .sql"
! #~ msgid "Connection MIME handler component"
! #~ msgstr "Componente del gestore dei tipi di connessione MIME"
! #~ msgid "Database component factory"
! #~ msgstr "Produttore di componenti Database"
! #~ msgid "Open in database connection..."
! #~ msgstr "Apre all'interno di una connessione a database..."
! #~ msgid "SQL MIME handler component"
! #~ msgstr "Componente del gestore di tipi MIME SQL"
  #~ msgid "Database browser"
! #~ msgstr "Esploratore di database"
  #~ msgid "Error viewer"
  #~ msgstr "Visualizzatore di errore"
! #~ msgid "SQL Viewer"
! #~ msgstr "Visualizzatore SQL"
  #~ msgid "Database configuration"
! #~ msgstr "Configurazione del database"
! #~ msgid "Edit application preferences"
! #~ msgstr "Modifica le preferenze dell'applicazione"
! #~ msgid "New..."
! #~ msgstr "Nuovo..."
! #~ msgid "_File"
! #~ msgstr "_File"
! #~ msgid "_Properties..."
! #~ msgstr "P_roprietà..."
  #~ msgid "_Settings"
! #~ msgstr "Im_postazioni"
  #~ msgid "Password"
  #~ msgstr "Password"
  #~ msgid "Save as"
! #~ msgstr "Salva come"
  #~ msgid "Save to"
  #~ msgstr "Salva in"
*************** msgstr ""
*** 1045,1099 ****
  #~ msgid "Question"
  #~ msgstr "Domanda"
! #, fuzzy
  #~ msgid "Database Moniker factory"
! #~ msgstr "Proprietà del database"
- #, fuzzy
  #~ msgid "database: moniker"
! #~ msgstr "Proprietà del database"
  #~ msgid "Failing to manufacture a '%s'"
! #~ msgstr "� fallita la manifatturazione di un «%s»"
  #~ msgid "Invalid format for connection string"
  #~ msgstr "Il formato per la stringa di connessione non è valido"
- #~ msgid "Data sources"
- #~ msgstr "Sorgenti di dati"
- #~ msgid "Test Data Source"
- #~ msgstr "Prova sorgente di dati"
- #~ msgid "Connection to %s successful!"
- #~ msgstr "Connessione verso %s riuscita!"
- #~ msgid "Data source"
- #~ msgstr "Sorgente di dati"
- #~ msgid "Select all"
- #~ msgstr "Seleziona tutto"
- #~ msgid "Unselect all"
- #~ msgstr "Deseleziona tutto"
- #~ msgid "Unselect All"
- #~ msgstr "Deseleziona tutto"
- #~ msgid "Display column headers"
- #~ msgstr "Visualizza intestazioni di colonna"
- #~ msgid "Hide column headers"
- #~ msgstr "Nascondi le intestazioni di colonna"
- #~ msgid "Save as..."
- #~ msgstr "Salva come..."
- #~ msgid "Export data to different formats"
- #~ msgstr "Esporta dati in formati differenti"
- #~ msgid "Describe current data set"
- #~ msgstr "Descrive il set di dati corrente"
- #~ msgid "View current data in more detail"
- #~ msgstr "Visualizza i dati correnti più in dettaglio"
--- 1077,1096 ----
  #~ msgid "Question"
  #~ msgstr "Domanda"
! #~ msgid "Table Data"
! #~ msgstr "Tabella dei dati"
! #~ msgid "View table data"
! #~ msgstr "Visualizza dati della tabella"
  #~ msgid "Database Moniker factory"
! #~ msgstr "Produttore Moniker del database"
  #~ msgid "database: moniker"
! #~ msgstr "database: moniker"
  #~ msgid "Failing to manufacture a '%s'"
! #~ msgstr "Fallita la produzione di un «%s»"
  #~ msgid "Invalid format for connection string"
  #~ msgstr "Il formato per la stringa di connessione non è valido"
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ja.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ko.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: libgnomedb-2.pot
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: Makefile.in
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: Makefile.in.in
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po: mk.po
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ml.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ms.gmo
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po: nb.po
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: nl.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: no.gmo
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po: pa.po
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: pl.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: POTFILES
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po: POTFILES.skip
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: pt_BR.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: pt.gmo
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po: README.translators
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ru.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: sk.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: sl.gmo
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po: sq.po
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: sr.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: sr Latn gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: sv.gmo
diff -rbB -p --minimal ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/sv.po ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/sv.po
*** ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po/sv.po	2004-08-12 09:42:40.000000000 -0500
--- ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/po/sv.po	2004-09-03 07:45:21.000000000 -0500
*** 4,10 ****
  # Christian Rose <menthos menthos com>, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003.
  # Martin Norbäck <d95mback dtek chalmers se>, 2000.
! # $Id: sv.po,v 1.82 2004/06/07 22:33:37 rodrigo Exp $
  msgid ""
  msgstr ""
--- 4,10 ----
  # Christian Rose <menthos menthos com>, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003.
  # Martin Norbäck <d95mback dtek chalmers se>, 2000.
! # $Id: sv.po,v 1.83 2004/08/12 14:44:29 rodrigo Exp $
  msgid ""
  msgstr ""
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: ta.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: tr.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: uk.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: vi.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: zh_CN.gmo
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/po: zh_TW.gmo
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: providers
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a: stamp.h
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb/testing: CVS
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/testing: .deps
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/testing: Makefile
Sólo en ./libgnomedb-1.1.6a/testing: Makefile.in
Sólo en ../cvs/gnome-db-cvs/libgnomedb: vfs

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