Re: [gnome-db] Libgda Firebird provider patch

Rodrigo Moya wrote:

+		{ "double precision", "", "Double precision number", GDA_VALUE_TYPE_DOUBLE }

is "double precision" the string you use in SQL commands? This string is used in
some places (Mergeant IIRC) to create SQL commands for creating tables, so the string
needs to be exactly what you would use in those SQL commands.

Yes the string for this data type is "DOUBLE PRECISION" unfortunatelly :-(.

+static GdaDataModel *
+fb_get_tables (GdaConnection *cnc,
+		GdaParameterList *params,
+		gboolean show_views)
+	GList *reclist, *value_list;
+	GdaDataModel *recset = NULL;
+	GdaTransaction *transaction;
+	GdaCommand *command;
+	GdaValue *value;
+	GdaRow *row;
+	GdaParameter *par = NULL;
+	gchar *sql, *sql_cond, *table_name;
+	gint i;
+	gboolean systables = FALSE;
+	g_return_val_if_fail (GDA_IS_CONNECTION (cnc), NULL);
+ + transaction = gda_transaction_new ("temp_transaction");
+	if (gda_connection_begin_transaction (cnc, transaction)) {

why do we need a transaction for reading the tables?

Yes Interbase/Firebird is a transactional database, so for almost
any statement it needs an already started transaction. I know it might
be annoying sometimes.

gda_firebird_provider_drop_database (GdaServerProvider *provider,
-				      GdaConnection *cnc,
-				      const gchar *name)
+				     GdaConnection *cnc,
+				     const gchar *name)
+	GdaFirebirdConnection *fcnc;
+ + g_return_val_if_fail (GDA_IS_FIREBIRD_PROVIDER (provider), FALSE);
+	g_return_val_if_fail (GDA_IS_CONNECTION (cnc), FALSE);
+	fcnc = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (cnc), CONNECTION_DATA);
+	if (!fcnc) {
+		gda_connection_add_error_string (cnc, _("Invalid Firebird handle"));
+		return FALSE;
+	}
+ + /* Connection must be open for database drop */
+	if (gda_connection_is_open (cnc)) {
+  		if (isc_drop_database (fcnc->status, &(fcnc->handle))) {

this is wrong, you should not drop the current database, but the database specified
by the 'name' argument. So, usually, you'll just use a DROP DATABASE SQL command.
Here we've got an important issue :-) !! Whe have 2 methods, one is to use
API function "isc_drop_database" an the other is actually with a "DROP
DATABASE" statement. In the first case function need a handle, already
initialized by making a connection to the database we want to drop. In
the second case we need to execute a "DROP DATABASE;" statement on
the current connection. This statement hasnt database name as parameter :-),
the command drops actual database, unlike other engines that accepts a
database name as parameter.

+static GdaFieldAttributes *
+gda_firebird_recordset_describe_column (GdaDataModel *model, + gint col)
+	return NULL;
this function is mandatory, so you should really implement it.
So it'll be a priority :-).

All other issues are corrected.
If you want me to arrange other syntax issues, just tell me.

What do you want me to do with drop_database ? I'll send
patch with correction after you tell me what to do.


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