Re: [gnome-db] Mergeant CVS

Vivien wrote:

I was going to apply my changes to cvs for libgdasql but then i saw how
much our versions have changed and the conflicts.
Heres the latest copy from my cvs.  It has a better sql support than the
older version currently in cvs. But it lacks a number of modifcations
you've made like improved.

I'll do the merge, but next time, please send me a patch to integrate as
it will be much easier to do.

Which files should I merge from your archive: the ones in the bondsql/ or
in bondsql/a ?

Sorry. I should of checked on the 2 year old version of libgda and do diff from that.
Didn't think of that till now.

Files i've changed.

My change log since the last time we merged code.

2004-03-25 16:03  andru
       * sql_parser.c: Fixed sql parser to handle desc bug.  Fixed bug in
         input for -c for different config files.
2004-03-20 18:01  andru
       * lexer.l: Fixed bug with _ not been supported in table names.
2004-02-20 14:40  andru
       * sql_parser.c: Added support for regerating sql statements
         containing desc
2004-02-20 02:18  andru
       * parser.y, sql_parser.h, sql_tree.c, sql_tree.h: Fixed bug 141
         (added orderby desc support).
       * lexer.l, parser.y:
2004-02-17 01:33 andru

       * Release 0.7.3

2004-01-06 14:43  andru

       * sql_parser.c: Fixed really nasty bug. Added support for >, <, >=,
         <= for sql statements.  Not quite sure how that one slipped

2003-10-16 00:51  andru

       * sql_parser.c, sql_parser.h: Added ability to search though where
         statements for string occurances

2003-09-01 00:44  andru

       * sql_parser.c: Fixed many bugs in db_extract_cache and worked a
         bit on its speed.  Adding GNU comments to files.  Continued work
         on garbage collection.

2003-08-24 20:26  andru

       * lexer.l, parser.y: Bug fix by andre for parser

2003-08-20 11:54  andru

       * .cvsignore: Allowing to exist now.

2003-08-20 11:53  andru

       * Adding .in makefiles to allow configure to work.
         Went back to automake1.4

2003-08-20 02:36  andru

       * Got ./bootstrap to not generate any warnings.  Added
         way to remove bootstrap generated files.  Now stuck with missing
         problem in configure.

2003-08-18 05:56  andru

       *, mem.h: Rewrote makefiles completely.  Changed
         bootstrap loader.  Rewrote  Added debuging,
         profiling, memory profiling etc as configure file options.  Speed
         up compiling time a lot.  Made compiler less safe.  Added ansi

2003-08-13 10:04  andru

       * mem.c: removing warniings from code.

2003-08-05 00:51  andru

       * sql_parser.c: Removed memory boundary checking for speed.  Fixed
         oops bug in sql_parser.  Told dblooksee its obsolete.

2003-08-04 10:19  andru

       * sql_parser.c: Got appending where statemnts to handle NULL

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