Re: [gnome-db] 1.0.0 RH9 RPMS

> >
> > gda-ldap-1.0.0-1.i386.rpm      libgda-1.0.0-1.src.rpm
> > gda-mdb-1.0.0-1.i386.rpm       libgda-debuginfo-1.0.0-1.i386.rpm
> > gda-mysql-1.0.0-1.i386.rpm     libgda-devel-1.0.0-1.i386.rpm
> > gda-odbc-1.0.0-1.i386.rpm      libgnomedb-1.0.0-1.i386.rpm
> > gda-postgres-1.0.0-1.i386.rpm  libgnomedb-1.0.0-1.src.rpm
> > gda-sqlite-1.0.0-1.i386.rpm    libgnomedb-debuginfo-1.0.0-1.i386.rpm
> > libgda-1.0.0-1.i386.rpm        libgnomedb-devel-1.0.0-1.i386.rpm
> Uploading, thank you.

I think I got a working FreeTDS now too.  So I've added -

Also added a new libgda source rpm that has freetds enable (by default)
and includes chunks to build the xbase package (disabled, as it doesn't
work yet) - 

Also attached my SPEC file, if anyone is interested.

# Default provider build options (MySQL, Postgres & unixODBC)
# Package build options:
# --with tds
# --with db2
# --with oracle
# --with sqlite
# --with sybase
# --with mdb
# --with ldap
# --without mysql
# --without odbc
# --without postgres

%define           FREETDS  1
%define           IBMDB2   0
%define           MYSQL    1
%define           ODBC     1
%define           ORACLE   0
%define           POSTGRES 1
%define           SQLITE   1
%define           SYBASE   0
%define 	  MDB	   1
%define		  LDAP	   1
%define		  XBASE   0

%{?_with_tds:%define FREETDS 	1}
%{?_with_db2:%define IBMDB2 	1}
%{?_with_ldap:%define LDAP 	1}
%{?_with_mdb:%define MDB 	1}
%{?_with_oracle:%define ORACLE 	1}
%{?_with_sqlite:%define SQLITE 	1}
%{?_with_sybase:%define SYBASE 	1}
%{?_with_xbase%define XBASE 	1}
%{?_without_mysql:%define MYSQL 0}
%{?_without_odbc:%define ODBC 	0}
%{?_without_postgres:%define POSTGRES 	0}

Summary:          Library for writing gnome database programs
Name:             libgda
Version:          1.0.0
Release:          2
Epoch:		  1
Source:           %{name}-%{version}.tar.gz
Group:            System Environment/Libraries
License:          LGPL
BuildRoot:        %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-root
BuildRequires:    pkgconfig >= 0.8
Requires:         glib2 >= 2.0.0
Requires:         libxml2
Requires:         libxslt >= 1.0.9
Requires:	  ncurses
BuildRequires:    glib2-devel >= 2.0.0
BuildRequires:    libxml2-devel
BuildRequires:    libxslt-devel >= 1.0.9
BuildRequires:    ncurses-devel

%if %{FREETDS}
BuildRequires:    freetds-devel

%if %{MYSQL}
BuildRequires:    mysql-devel

BuildRequires:    postgresql-devel

%if %{ODBC}
BuildRequires:    unixODBC-devel

%if %{SQLITE}
BuildRequires:	  sqlite-devel

%if %{MDB}
BuildRequires:	  mdbtools-devel

%if %{LDAP}
BuildRequires:	  openldap-devel

libgda is a library that eases the task of writing
gnome database programs.

%package devel
Summary:          Development libraries and header files for libgda.
Group:            Development/Libraries
Requires:         %name = %{version}
Requires:         glib2-devel >= 2.0.0
Requires:         libxml2-devel
Requires:         libxslt-devel >= 1.0.9

%description devel
This package contains the header files and libraries needed to write
or compile programs that use libgda.

%if %{FREETDS}
%package -n gda-freetds
Summary:	GDA FreeTDS Provider
Group:		System Environment/Libraries
%description -n gda-freetds
This package includes the GDA FreeTDS provider.

%if %{IBMDB2}
%package -n gda-ibmdb2
Summary:	GDA IBM DB2 Provider
Group:		System Environment/Libraries
%description -n gda-ibmdb2
This package includes the GDA IBM DB2 provider.

%if %{MYSQL}
%package -n gda-mysql
Summary:	GDA MySQL Provider
Group:		System Environment/Libraries
%description -n gda-mysql
This package includes the GDA MySQL provider.

%if %{ODBC}
%package -n gda-odbc
Summary:	GDA ODBC Provider
Group:		System Environment/Libraries
%description -n gda-odbc
This package includes the GDA ODBC provider.

%if %{ORACLE}
%package -n gda-oracle
Summary:	GDA Oracle Provider
Group:		System Environment/Libraries
%description -n gda-oracle
This package includes the GDA Oracle provider.

%package -n gda-postgres
Summary:	GDA PostgreSQL Provider
Group:		System Environment/Libraries
%description -n gda-postgres
This package includes the GDA PostgreSQL provider.

%if %{SQLITE}
%package -n gda-sqlite
Summary:	GDA SQLite Provider
Group:		System Environment/Libraries
%description -n gda-sqlite
This package includes the GDA SQLite provider.

%if %{SYBASE}
%package -n gda-sybase
Summary:	GDA Sybase Provider
Group:		System Environment/Libraries
%description -n gda-sybase
This package includes the GDA Sybase provider.

%if %{MDB}
%package -n gda-mdb
Summary:	GDA MDB Provider
Group:		System Environment/Libraries
%description -n gda-mdb
This package includes the GDA MDB provider.

%if %{LDAP}
%package -n gda-ldap
Summary:	GDA LDAP Provider
Group:		System Environment/Libraries
%description -n gda-ldap
This package includes the GDA LDAP provider.

%if %{XBASE}
%package -n gda-xbase
Summary:        GDA xBase Provider
Group:          System Environment/Libraries
%description -n gda-xbase
This package includes the GDA LDAP provider.

%setup -q -n %{name}-%{version}

%if %{FREETDS}
CONFIG="$CONFIG --with-tds"
CONFIG="$CONFIG --without-tds"

%if %{IBMDB2}
CONFIG="$CONFIG --with-ibmdb2"
CONFIG="$CONFIG --without-ibmdb2"

%if %{MYSQL}
CONFIG="$CONFIG --with-mysql"
CONFIG="$CONFIG --without-mysql"

CONFIG="$CONFIG --with-postgres"
CONFIG="$CONFIG --without-postgres"

%if %{ODBC}
CONFIG="$CONFIG --with-odbc"
CONFIG="$CONFIG --without-odbc"

%if %{ORACLE}
CONFIG="$CONFIG --with-oracle"
CONFIG="$CONFIG --without-oracle"

%if %{SQLITE}
CONFIG="$CONFIG --with-sqlite"
CONFIG="$CONFIG --without-sqlite"

%if %{SYBASE}
CONFIG="$CONFIG --with-sybase"
CONFIG="$CONFIG --without-sybase"

%if %{MDB}
CONFIG="$CONFIG --with-mdb"
CONFIG="$CONFIG --without-mdb"

%if %{LDAP}
CONFIG="$CONFIG --with-ldap"
CONFIG="$CONFIG --without-ldap"

%if %{XBASE}
CONFIG="$CONFIG --with-xbase"
CONFIG="$CONFIG --without-xbase"

%configure $CONFIG --disable-gtk-doc
make %{?_smp_mflags}

rm -rf %{buildroot}

# Cleanup unnecessary, unpackaged files
rm -f %{buildroot}/%{_libdir}/libgda/providers/*.{a,la}

%find_lang libgda-2

%post -p /sbin/ldconfig

%post devel
if which scrollkeeper-update >/dev/null 2>&1; then scrollkeeper-update; fi

%postun -p /sbin/ldconfig

%postun devel
if which scrollkeeper-update >/dev/null 2>&1; then scrollkeeper-update; fi

rm -rf %{buildroot}

%files -f libgda-2.lang
#%doc %{_datadir}/gnome/help/libgda
%dir %{_sysconfdir}/libgda
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/libgda/config
%dir %{_libdir}/libgda
%dir %{_libdir}/libgda/providers

%files devel
%doc %{_datadir}/gtk-doc/html/libgda

%if %{FREETDS}
%files -n gda-freetds

%if %{IBMDB2}
%files -n gda-ibmdb2

%if %{MYSQL}
%files -n gda-mysql

%if %{ODBC}
%files -n gda-odbc

%if %{ORACLE}
%files -n gda-oracle

%files -n gda-postgres

%if %{SQLITE}
%files -n gda-sqlite

%if %{SYBASE}
%files -n gda-sybase

%if %{MDB}
%files -n gda-mdb

%if %{LDAP}
%files -n gda-ldap

%if %{XBASE}
%files -n gda-xbase

* Tue Mar 11 2003 David Hollis <dhollis davehollis com>
- Fix --with-tds & --without-tds to match what configure wants

* Tue Jan 28 2003 Yanko Kaneti <yaneti declera com>
- Remove the idl path
- Include gda-config man page
- add --without-* for disabled providers
- package and use the omf/scrollkeeper bits

* Tue Dec 31 2002 David Hollis <dhollis davehollis com>
- Added sqlite-devel buildreq
- Include gda-config-tool man page

* Mon Aug 19 2002 Ben Liblit <liblit acm org>
- Fixed version number substitutions

- Removed some explicit "Requires:" prerequisites that RPM will figure
  out on its own.  Removed explicit dependency on older MySQL client

- Required that the ODBC development package be installed if we are
  building the ODBC provider

- Created distinct subpackages for each provider, conditional on that
  provider actually being enabled; some of these will need to be
  updated as the family of available providers changes

- Updated files list to match what "make install" actually installs

- Added URL tag pointing to GNOME-DB project's web site

* Tue Feb 26 2002 Chris Chabot <chabotc reviewboard com>
- Added defines and configure flags for all supported DB types

* Mon Feb 25 2002 Chris Chabot <chabotc reviewboard com>
- Cleaned up formatting
- Added Requirements
- Added defines for postgres, mysql, odbc support

* Thu Feb 21 2002 Chris Chabot <chabotc reviewboard com>
- Initial spec file

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