Re: [gnome-db] GnomeDbForm

I was just thinking that if NULL were not a separate type, things
could be a bit easier for several people.  It jibes well with
conventional sql concept.  It also allows people to depend on
gda_value_get_type for the expected GdaType.

It gets even better in situations where string<->number conversion is
considered cheap or is already required (e.g. in Perl or during user
data entry), we can just always rely on

  gda_value_set_from_string (GdaValue *, const gchar *, GdaValueType);

In fact, this function won't need the third argument anymore.

Anyway, I don't know how willing are we to change something this
fundamental.  And though I can think of several of minor
inconveniences of having NULL as a type, I haven't come up with a
major one.  So, I won't be spending time pushing for this.

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