Re: [gnome-db] Oracle provider not closing connections ?

On Mon, 2 Jun 2003 22:09:59 +0100 I <lists pelvoux nildram co uk> wrote:

> The problem is that the Oracle provider uses an internal query to find
> the indexes and constraints associated with a given table, but forgets
> to free that query afterwards so if there are many tables Oracle runs
> out of cursors.

I believe I have now fixed this in CVS.  I have tested the code on a
database schema with 125 tables and 48 views which used to fail with the
ORA-01000 error and it now works correctly.

Normally I would suggest trying the CVS snapshot from the Gnome-DB home
page but that seems rather out of date at the moment so instead you
could anonymous CVS access as explaining in:

The module to check out is libgda.

> So, this is a bug - could you raise a bug report in bugzilla?

If you haven't already done this then there is no need, unless you find
the problem isn't fixed.


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