Re: [gnome-db] Oracle, Table Names and Progress

> I have also looked at the implementation within the postgres provider
> intending to use it as an example and I am not sure it is quite correct
> for either postgres or oracle but rather than jump to conclusions I would
> like to be sure.  I don't have postgres 7.3 installed (mine is 7.2.1) so
> could someone who has please run the query below and send me the output?
> SELECT c.relname, u.usename, pg_catalog.obj_description(c.oid), NULL
> FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c, pg_catalog.pg_user u, pg_catalog.pg_namespace n
> WHERE u.usesysid=c.relowner AND c.relkind = 'r' AND c.relnamespace=n.oid
> AND pg_catalog.pg_table_is_visible (c.oid)
> ORDER BY relname

Output is attached. This is postgres 7.3.1

     relname      | usename  | obj_description | ?column? 
 pg_aggregate     | postgres |                 | 
 pg_am            | postgres |                 | 
 pg_amop          | postgres |                 | 
 pg_amproc        | postgres |                 | 
 pg_attrdef       | postgres |                 | 
 pg_attribute     | postgres |                 | 
 pg_cast          | postgres |                 | 
 pg_class         | postgres |                 | 
 pg_constraint    | postgres |                 | 
 pg_conversion    | postgres |                 | 
 pg_database      | postgres |                 | 
 pg_depend        | postgres |                 | 
 pg_description   | postgres |                 | 
 pg_group         | postgres |                 | 
 pg_index         | postgres |                 | 
 pg_inherits      | postgres |                 | 
 pg_language      | postgres |                 | 
 pg_largeobject   | postgres |                 | 
 pg_listener      | postgres |                 | 
 pg_namespace     | postgres |                 | 
 pg_opclass       | postgres |                 | 
 pg_operator      | postgres |                 | 
 pg_proc          | postgres |                 | 
 pg_rewrite       | postgres |                 | 
 pg_shadow        | postgres |                 | 
 pg_statistic     | postgres |                 | 
 pg_trigger       | postgres |                 | 
 pg_type          | postgres |                 | 
 rfc_estados      | gonzalo  |                 | 
 rfc_lista        | gonzalo  |                 | 
 rfc_titulos      | gonzalo  |                 | 
 rfc_traducciones | gonzalo  |                 | 
 rfc_traductores  | gonzalo  |                 | 
(33 rows)

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