Re: [gnome-db] more refactoring

On Mon, 2002-04-22 at 08:39, Jean-Michel POURE wrote:
> Le Dimanche 21 Avril 2002 02:57, Rodrigo Moya a écrit :
> > So, how does this sound? Any concern/suggestion/opinion?
> Hello,
> I contribute to a project called pgAdmin2, PostgreSQL Windows GUI, which I 
> would like to port to Gnome or KDE. I am looking for a good database 
> abstraction layer with multiple providers.
libgda with this change I'm about to commit in these days (yes, it's
almost finished :-) would be a perfect choice, since it's got few
dependencies, and is a tiny library, which wraps perfectly many DBMS'

> Libgda is a great project. Here are my questions:
> 1) C++
> Looking at the code, the authors seemed to write C++ using C. In my humble 
> opinion, data providers could gain from a class abstraction and inheritance.
we use the GObject system, which is a system in GLib which allows OOP in
C. It is used everywhere in GNOME.
We use, for data providers, class abstraction and inheritance:
GdaServerProvider is an abstract class, and GdaPostgresProvider,
GdaMysqlProvider, etc, are just child classes of it.

> Is there any reasons why C++ (or Python) were not used? Using C++ would reduce 
> the work needed for writting new providers ... and these providers would be 
> more powerfull.
yes, there are many reasons:
* C is the prefered language in GNOME
* we prefer C
* the OO support in GObject is all what we need
* we don't like C++ (at least I don't)
* python is not good for low-level programming, for performance reasons
* and, last but not least, we are going to provide bindings for many
languages, so you would be able to use libgda from the language you
prefer. For the GNOME 1 version, you've got 100% functional C++

> 2) XML
> Also, I would like to know if you consider using more XML for data provider 
> description. Many features are presently hard-coded in C. Embeeded XML in C++ 
> would be great to describe specific features of each provider.
we are using XML for many things, so it makes sense to use it for
everything that sounds good. So, what are your ideas exactly?

> 3) Examples
> For example, PostgreSQL provides several server-side languages (PLpython, 
> PLperl, PLpgSQL, etc...), multi-byte data and client-side recoding, triggers. 
> Are these specific features described in libgda? 
some of them yes. The ones that are not supported yet, will be
supported. The plan is to have libgda replace the most full-featured DB
API out there, so everything should be doable in libgda.

> By now, my opinion is that I should start a Python database abstraction layer. 
> Before doing so, I would like to learn more about libgda future directions.
as you now know, we are going to have it be just a tiny library, with
loadable plugins for each of the supported DBMS.
The API, as I said, contains a lot of things, and anything that you (or
somebody else) finds missing, will be added, if it makes sense, of
We just need a person to make the initial work of the bindings (most of
which is already done in the gnomemm project), and thus have almost
automatically bindings for Perl, Python, C++, guile, etc.
Then, we always welcome new data providers, since we want to support
*all* DBMS

> Are you going to provide a better object-oriented structure (C++) with XML for 
> libgda? What is your personal opinion?
the API is fully-object-oriented. What are the exact things you find
missing or that need changes?

Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org> - <rodrigo ximian com> -

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