[gnome-db] sybase patch and a question

hello all,

here is another patch for the sybase provider, this makes error handling work
and fixes some problems when valid queries didn't return rows.

I look forward to hacking the new Sybase provider when I get some time to set
up a gnome 2 enviroment.  How easy is it to set up the gnome-1.x and the
gnome2  enviroments side by side?


? cvs.diff
Index: gda-sybase-command.c
RCS file: /cvs/gnome/libgda/providers/gda-sybase-server/Attic/gda-sybase-command.c,v
retrieving revision 1.7
diff -u -u -r1.7 gda-sybase-command.c
--- gda-sybase-command.c	2001/07/18 23:05:42	1.7
+++ gda-sybase-command.c	2001/11/22 04:42:44
@@ -72,283 +72,449 @@
 gda_sybase_command_new (GdaServerCommand * cmd)
-	GdaServerConnection *cnc = NULL;
-	sybase_Command *scmd = NULL;
-	sybase_Connection *scnc = NULL;
-	g_return_val_if_fail (cmd != NULL, FALSE);
-	cnc = gda_server_command_get_connection (cmd);
-	g_return_val_if_fail (cnc != NULL, FALSE);
-	scnc = (sybase_Connection *)
-		gda_server_connection_get_user_data (cnc);
-	g_return_val_if_fail (scnc != NULL, FALSE);
-	// FIXME: Reopen connection if this sanity check fails
-	g_return_val_if_fail (scnc->cnc != NULL, FALSE);
-	// Allocate command userdata
-	scmd = g_new0 (sybase_Command, 1);
-	g_return_val_if_fail (scmd != NULL, FALSE);
-	scmd->cmd = (CS_COMMAND *) NULL;
-	if (SYB_CHK
-	    ((CS_INT *) & scnc->ret, ct_cmd_alloc (scnc->cnc, &scmd->cmd),
-	     NULL, NULL, cnc, NULL) != CS_SUCCEED) {
-		gda_sybase_cleanup (scnc, scnc->ret,
-				    "Could not allocate " "cmd structure\n");
-		g_free ((gpointer) scmd);
-		return FALSE;
-	}
-	gda_server_command_set_user_data (cmd, (gpointer) scmd);
-	return TRUE;
+		GdaServerConnection *cnc = NULL;
+		sybase_Command *scmd = NULL;
+		sybase_Connection *scnc = NULL;
+		CS_RETCODE ret;
+		g_return_val_if_fail (cmd != NULL, FALSE);
+		cnc = gda_server_command_get_connection (cmd);
+		g_return_val_if_fail (cnc != NULL, FALSE);
+		scnc = (sybase_Connection *)
+				gda_server_connection_get_user_data (cnc);
+		g_return_val_if_fail (scnc != NULL, FALSE);
+		// FIXME: Reopen connection if this sanity check fails
+		g_return_val_if_fail (scnc->cnc != NULL, FALSE);
+		// Allocate command userdata
+		scmd = g_new0 (sybase_Command, 1);
+		g_return_val_if_fail (scmd != NULL, FALSE);
+		scmd->cmd = (CS_COMMAND *) NULL;
+		/* if (SYB_CHK */
+		/* ((CS_INT *) & scnc->ret, ct_cmd_alloc (scnc->cnc, &scmd->cmd), */
+		/* NULL, NULL, cnc, NULL) != CS_SUCCEED)  */
+		/* { */
+		/* gda_sybase_cleanup (scnc, scnc->ret, */
+		/* "Could not allocate " "cmd structure\n"); */
+		/* g_free ((gpointer) scmd); */
+		/* return FALSE; */
+		/* } */
+		ret = ct_cmd_alloc (scnc->cnc, 
+																						&scmd->cmd);
+		if (ret != CS_SUCCEED)
+				{
+						/* it failed, check the server messages */
+						sybase_chkerr(NULL,NULL,cnc,cmd,__PRETTY_FUNCTION__);        
+						return (FALSE);
+				}    
+		gda_server_command_set_user_data (cmd, (gpointer) scmd);        
+		return TRUE;
 GdaServerRecordset *
 gda_sybase_command_execute (GdaServerCommand * cmd,
-			    GdaError * error,
-			    const GDA_CmdParameterSeq * params,
-			    gulong * affected, gulong options)
+                            GdaError * error,
+                            const GDA_CmdParameterSeq * params,
+                            gulong * affected, 
+                            gulong options)
-	GdaServerConnection *cnc = NULL;
-	GdaServerRecordset *recset = NULL;
-	sybase_Connection *scnc = NULL;
-	sybase_Command *scmd = NULL;
-	sybase_Recordset *srecset = NULL;
-	gchar *sql_cmd = NULL;
-	CS_INT result_type;
-	g_return_val_if_fail (cmd != NULL, NULL);
-	cnc = gda_server_command_get_connection (cmd);
-	g_return_val_if_fail (cnc != NULL, NULL);
-	scnc = (sybase_Connection *)
-		gda_server_connection_get_user_data (cnc);
-	g_return_val_if_fail (scnc != NULL, NULL);
-	scmd = (sybase_Command *) gda_server_command_get_user_data (cmd);
-	g_return_val_if_fail (scmd->cmd != NULL, NULL);
-	sql_cmd = gda_server_command_get_text (cmd);
-	g_return_val_if_fail (sql_cmd != NULL, NULL);
-	if (gda_sybase_connection_dead (cnc)) {
-//      gda_server_error_make(error, 0, cnc, "connection seems to be dead");
-		gda_log_error (_("Connection seems to be dead"));
-		sybase_chkerr (error, NULL, cnc, cmd, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
-	}
+		GdaServerConnection *cnc = NULL;
+		GdaServerRecordset *recset = NULL;
+		sybase_Connection *scnc = NULL;
+		sybase_Command *scmd = NULL;
+		sybase_Recordset *srecset = NULL;
+		gchar *sql_cmd = NULL;
+		CS_INT result_type;
+		CS_RETCODE ret;
+		CS_RETCODE fetch_ret;
+		CS_INT rows_read;
+		gboolean everythingOK = TRUE;
+		g_return_val_if_fail (cmd != NULL, NULL);
+		cnc = gda_server_command_get_connection (cmd);
+		g_return_val_if_fail (cnc != NULL, NULL);
+		scnc = (sybase_Connection *)
+				gda_server_connection_get_user_data (cnc);
+		g_return_val_if_fail (scnc != NULL, NULL);
+		scmd = (sybase_Command *) gda_server_command_get_user_data (cmd);
+		g_return_val_if_fail (scmd->cmd != NULL, NULL);
+		sql_cmd = gda_server_command_get_text (cmd);
+		g_return_val_if_fail (sql_cmd != NULL, NULL);
+		/* FIXME  - attempt to reopen the connection */
+		/* need to check this out... */
+		if (gda_sybase_connection_dead (cnc)) 
+				{
+						//      gda_server_error_make(error, 0, cnc, "connection seems to be dead");
+						gda_log_error (_("Connection seems to be dead"));
+						/*             sybase_chkerr (error, NULL, cnc, cmd, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); */
+				}
-	gda_log_message (_("executing command '%s'"), sql_cmd);
+		gda_log_message (_("executing command '%s'"), sql_cmd);
-	// Initialize cmd structure and send query
-	if (SYB_CHK ((CS_INT *) & scnc->ret,
-		     ct_command (scmd->cmd, CS_LANG_CMD, sql_cmd, CS_NULLTERM,
-				 CS_UNUSED),
-		     error, NULL, cnc, cmd) != CS_SUCCEED) {
+		// Initialize cmd structure and send query
+		/*     if (SYB_CHK ((CS_INT *) & scnc->ret, */
+		/*                  , */
+		/*                  error, NULL, cnc, cmd) != CS_SUCCEED) { */
 		// Cancel command if setting cmd structure fails
-		SYB_CHK ((CS_INT *) & scnc->ret,
-			 ct_cancel (NULL, scmd->cmd, CS_CANCEL_ALL), error,
-			 NULL, cnc, cmd);
-		gda_log_error (_("Filling command structure failed\n"));
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	if (SYB_CHK ((CS_INT *) & scnc->ret, ct_send (scmd->cmd),
-		     error, NULL, cnc, cmd) != CS_SUCCEED) {
-		// Cancel command if sending command fails
-		SYB_CHK ((CS_INT *) & scnc->ret,
-			 ct_cancel (NULL, scmd->cmd, CS_CANCEL_ALL), error,
-			 NULL, cnc, cmd);
-		gda_log_error (_("sending cmd failed"));
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	// Create a new recordset
-	recset = gda_server_recordset_new (cnc);
-	if (!recset) {
-		gda_log_error (_("Allocating recordset failed"));
-		SYB_CHK ((CS_INT *) & scnc->ret,
-			 ct_cancel (NULL, scmd->cmd, CS_CANCEL_ALL), error,
-			 NULL, cnc, cmd);
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	srecset =
-		(sybase_Recordset *)
-		gda_server_recordset_get_user_data (recset);
-	if (!srecset) {
-		gda_server_recordset_free (recset);
-		gda_log_error (_("Getting recordset userdata failed"));
-		SYB_CHK ((CS_INT *) & scnc->ret,
-			 ct_cancel (NULL, scmd->cmd, CS_CANCEL_ALL), error,
-			 NULL, cnc, cmd);
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	// initialize recordset
-	srecset->cnc = cnc;
-	srecset->cmd = cmd;
-	srecset->scnc = scnc;
-	srecset->scmd = scmd;
-	/* Fetching results is a bit tricky,
-	   because sybase can have multiple result types outstanding on one query.
-	   If we do not fetch all results, the command structure having results
-	   blocks the connection (i.e. all commands using the same connection).
-	   If we want to cleanly perform the query, we'd need to either hack
-	   the ct_results loop into gda_sybase_recordset_move_next func
-	   or proceed the results within here, storing the result data redundant
-	   in srecset. In 2nd case, we'd have resultdata at least twice in memory.
-	   On the other hand, we could return a correct affected result, because+
-	   sybase just can return a CS_ROW_COUNT after all rows have been fetched.
-	   We have to keep our eyes on recset pointer we return, though.
-	   At the moment, we try to just fetch the row results and first cursor
-	   results, which is not clean, but saves memory:
-	   1. switch ct_results
-	   2. if row/cursor result: init recordset(ct_res_info/ct_bind)
-	   if succeed: return recordset
-	   3. gda will ct_fetch result using gda_sybase_recordset_move_next()
-	   If anything fails or is unknown, ct_cancel all results of current cmd
-	 */
-	while (SYB_CHK
-	       ((CS_INT *) & scnc->ret, ct_results (scmd->cmd, &result_type),
-		error, recset, cnc, cmd) == CS_SUCCEED) {
-		srecset->ret = result_type;
-		switch ((int) result_type) {
-		case CS_ROW_RESULT:
-			gda_sybase_init_recset_fields (error, recset, srecset,
-						       result_type);
-			if (recset) {
-				if (affected) {
-					*affected = srecset->rows_cnt;
+		/*         SYB_CHK ((CS_INT *) & scnc->ret, */
+		/*                  NULL, cnc, cmd); */
+		/*         gda_log_error (_("Filling command structure failed\n")); */
+		/*         return NULL; */
+		/*     } */
+		gda_sybase_debug_msg("about to ct_command");
+		ret = ct_command (scmd->cmd, 
+																				CS_LANG_CMD, 
+																				sql_cmd, 
+																				CS_NULLTERM,
+																				CS_UNUSED);
+		if (ret != CS_SUCCEED)
+				{
+						/* it failed, check the server messages */
+						sybase_chkerr(error,recset,cnc,cmd,__PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
+						ct_cancel (NULL, scmd->cmd, CS_CANCEL_ALL);
+						/* see if there are any error messages after the ct_cancel*/
+						/* call */
+						sybase_chkerr(error,recset,cnc,cmd,__PRETTY_FUNCTION__) ;           
+						return (NULL);
-				return recset;
-			}
-			else {
-				SYB_CHK ((CS_INT *) & scnc->ret,
-					 ct_cancel (NULL, scmd->cmd,
-						    CS_CANCEL_ALL), error,
-					 recset, cnc, cmd);
-				return NULL;
-			}
-			break;
-		case CS_CMD_DONE:
-			gda_log_message (_
-					 ("Command execution finished, all results processed"));
-			break;
-		case CS_CMD_FAIL:
-			gda_log_error (_("Command failed"));
-			break;
-			gda_log_message (_
-					 ("Execution of resultless command succeeded"));
-			break;
-		case CS_MSG_RESULT:
-		default:
-			// We cancel any other cmd
-			if (srecset && !srecset->data) {
-				ct_cancel (NULL, scmd->cmd,
-			}
-			else {
-				ct_cancel (NULL, scmd->cmd, CS_CANCEL_ALL);
-			}
-			gda_log_message (_("ct_results() returned %x"),
-					 result_type);
-			break;
-		}
-	}
+		gda_sybase_debug_msg("just after ct_command ");
-	// Check if we succeeded
-	switch ((int) scnc->ret) {
-		gda_log_message (_
-				 ("No further results, command completly succeeded."));
-		break;
-	case CS_FAIL:
-		gda_log_error (_
-			       ("An error occured during command execution."));
-		SYB_CHK ((CS_INT *) & scnc->ret,
-			 ct_cancel (NULL, scmd->cmd, CS_CANCEL_ALL), error,
-			 recset, cnc, cmd);
-		break;
-	default:
-		gda_log_error (_("Cmd execution returned unknown result, "
-				 "may be an error"));
-		SYB_CHK ((CS_INT *) & scnc->ret,
-			 ct_cancel (NULL, scmd->cmd, CS_CANCEL_ALL),
-			 error, recset, cnc, cmd);
-		break;
-	}
-	// Did we initialize any data in sybase_Recordset?
-	// If not, we can free the recordset
-	if (srecset && !srecset->data) {
-		gda_log_message (_
-				 ("No data returned, freeing recordset structure"));
-		gda_server_recordset_free (recset);
-		recset = NULL;
-	}
+		/*     if (SYB_CHK ((CS_INT *) & scnc->ret, ct_send (scmd->cmd), */
+		/*                  error, NULL, cnc, cmd) != CS_SUCCEED) { */
+		/*         // Cancel command if sending command fails */
+		/*         SYB_CHK ((CS_INT *) & scnc->ret, */
+		/*                  ct_cancel (NULL, scmd->cmd, CS_CANCEL_ALL), error, */
+		/*                  NULL, cnc, cmd); */
+		/*         gda_log_error (_("sending cmd failed")); */
+		/*         return NULL; */
+		/*     } */
+		ret = ct_send (scmd->cmd);
+		sybase_chkerr(error,recset,cnc,cmd,__PRETTY_FUNCTION__);        
+		if (ret != CS_SUCCEED) 
+				{
+						/* it failed, check the server messages */
+						sybase_chkerr(error,recset,cnc,cmd,__PRETTY_FUNCTION__);        
+						ct_cancel (NULL, scmd->cmd, CS_CANCEL_ALL);
+						/* see if there are any error messages after the ct_cancel*/
+						/* call */
+						sybase_chkerr(error,recset,cnc,cmd,__PRETTY_FUNCTION__);           
+						return (NULL);
+				}
+		gda_sybase_debug_msg("after ct_send ");				
+		// Create a new recordset
+		recset = gda_server_recordset_new (cnc);
+		if (!recset) 
+				{
+						gda_log_error (_("Allocating recordset failed"));
+						/*         SYB_CHK ((CS_INT *) & scnc->ret, */
+						/*                  ct_cancel (NULL, scmd->cmd, CS_CANCEL_ALL), error, */
+						/*                  NULL, cnc, cmd); */
+						ct_cancel (NULL, scmd->cmd, CS_CANCEL_ALL);
+						/* see if there are any error messages after the ct_cancel*/
+						/* call */
+						sybase_chkerr(error,recset,cnc,cmd,__PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
+						return (NULL);            
+				}
+		srecset =
+				(sybase_Recordset *)
+				gda_server_recordset_get_user_data (recset);
+		if (!srecset) 
+				{
+						gda_server_recordset_free (recset);
+						gda_log_error (_("Getting recordset userdata failed"));
+						/* SYB_CHK ((CS_INT *) & scnc->ret, */
+						/* ct_cancel (NULL, scmd->cmd, CS_CANCEL_ALL), error, */
+						/* NULL, cnc, cmd); */
+						ct_cancel (NULL, scmd->cmd, CS_CANCEL_ALL);
+						/* see if there are any error messages after the ct_cancel*/
+						/* call */
+						sybase_chkerr(error,recset,cnc,cmd,__PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
+						return NULL;
+				}
+		/* initialize this value, in case the query does not have any results*/
+		affected = 0;
+		srecset->recordSetRowStatus = SYBASE_NO_DATA_RETURNED;
-	return recset;
+		// initialize recordset
+		srecset->cnc = cnc;
+		srecset->cmd = cmd;
+		srecset->scnc = scnc;
+		srecset->scmd = scmd;
+		/* Fetching results is a bit tricky,
+					because sybase can have multiple result types outstanding on one query.
+					If we do not fetch all results, the command structure having results
+					blocks the connection (i.e. all commands using the same connection).
+					If we want to cleanly perform the query, we'd need to either hack
+					the ct_results loop into gda_sybase_recordset_move_next func
+					or proceed the results within here, storing the result data redundant
+					in srecset. In 2nd case, we'd have resultdata at least twice in memory.
+					On the other hand, we could return a correct affected result, because+
+					sybase just can return a CS_ROW_COUNT after all rows have been fetched.
+					We have to keep our eyes on recset pointer we return, though.
+					At the moment, we try to just fetch the row results and first cursor
+					results, which is not clean, but saves memory:
+					1. switch ct_results
+					2. if row/cursor result: init recordset(ct_res_info/ct_bind)
+					if succeed: return recordset
+					3. gda will ct_fetch result using gda_sybase_recordset_move_next()
+					If anything fails or is unknown, ct_cancel all results of current cmd
+		*/
+		/*     while (SYB_CHK */
+		/*            ((CS_INT *) & scnc->ret, ct_results (scmd->cmd, &result_type), */
+		/*             error, recset, cnc, cmd) == CS_SUCCEED) { */
+		gda_sybase_debug_msg("just before ct_results ");				
+		scnc->ret = ct_results (scmd->cmd, &result_type);
+		sybase_chkerr(error,recset,cnc,cmd,__PRETTY_FUNCTION__);        
+		gda_sybase_debug_msg("just after ct_results ");				
+		while (scnc->ret == CS_SUCCEED)
+				{
+						srecset->ret = result_type;
+						switch ((int) result_type) {
+						case CS_ROW_RESULT:
+						case CS_CURSOR_RESULT:
+								srecset->recordSetRowStatus = SYBASE_DATA_RETURNED;
+								gda_sybase_debug_msg("about to init fields");
+								gda_sybase_init_recset_fields (error, 
+																																							recset, 
+																																							srecset,
+																																							result_type,
+																																							cnc);
+								if (recset) 
+										{
+												if (affected) 
+														{
+																*affected = srecset->rows_cnt;
+														}
+												return recset;
+										}
+								else 
+										{
+												ret = ct_cancel(NULL, scmd->cmd,CS_CANCEL_ALL); 
+												sybase_chkerr(error,recset,cnc,cmd,__PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
+												return NULL;                        
+										}
+								break;
+						case CS_CMD_DONE:
+								gda_sybase_debug_msg("CS_CMD_DONE");
+								break;
+						case CS_CMD_FAIL:
+								gda_sybase_debug_msg("CS_CMD_FAIL");
+								everythingOK = FALSE;
+								break;
+						case CS_CMD_SUCCEED:
+								gda_sybase_debug_msg("CS_CMD_SUCCEED");
+								break;
+								/* FIXME  mike - figure out how to handle this stuff... */
+								/* on any of these result types, cancel the command */
+						case CS_COMPUTE_RESULT:
+								gda_sybase_debug_msg("CS_COMPUTE_RESULT");
+						case CS_STATUS_RESULT:
+								gda_sybase_debug_msg("CS_STATUS_RESULT");
+								gda_sybase_debug_msg("CS_COMPUTEFMT_RESULT");
+						case CS_MSG_RESULT:
+								gda_sybase_debug_msg("CS_MSG_RESULT");
+						case CS_ROWFMT_RESULT:
+								gda_sybase_debug_msg("CS_ROWFMT_RESULT");
+								gda_sybase_debug_msg("CS_DESCRIBE_RESULT");
+						default:
+								gda_sybase_debug_msg("DEFAULT, BABY in ct_results loop");
+								// We cancel any other cmd
+								if (srecset && !srecset->data) {
+										ct_cancel (NULL, scmd->cmd,
+																					CS_CANCEL_CURRENT);
+								}
+								else {
+										ct_cancel (NULL, scmd->cmd, CS_CANCEL_ALL);
+								}
+								gda_log_message (_("ct_results() returned %x"),
+																									result_type);
+								break;
+						}
+						scnc->ret = ct_results (scmd->cmd, &result_type);            
+						/* if it failed, check the server messages */
+						if (scnc->ret == CS_FAIL)
+								{
+										gda_sybase_debug_msg("inside the ct_results loop, there was a bad");
+										sybase_chkerr(error,recset,cnc,cmd,__PRETTY_FUNCTION__); 										
+								}            
+				}
+		if (!everythingOK)
+				{
+						gda_server_recordset_free (recset);
+						recset = NULL;					
+				}
+		else
+				{
+						gda_sybase_debug_msg("after ct_results, everything ok");
+				}
+		// Check if we succeeded
+/*  		switch ((int) scnc->ret)  */
+/*  				{ */
+/*  				case CS_END_RESULTS: */
+/*  						gda_sybase_debug_msg("CS_END_RESULTS after ct_results"); 						 */
+/*  				break; */
+/*  				case CS_FAIL: */
+/*  						ct_cancel (NULL, scmd->cmd, CS_CANCEL_ALL); */
+/*  						sybase_chkerr(error,recset,cnc,cmd,__PRETTY_FUNCTION__); */
+/*  						gda_server_recordset_free (recset); */
+/*  						recset = NULL; */
+/*  						break; */
+/*  				default: */
+/*  						gda_log_error (_("Cmd execution returned unknown result, " */
+/*  																							"may be an error")); */
+/*  						ct_cancel (NULL, scmd->cmd, CS_CANCEL_ALL); */
+/*  						sybase_chkerr(error,recset,cnc,cmd,__PRETTY_FUNCTION__); */
+/*  						gda_server_recordset_free (recset); */
+/*  						recset = NULL; */
+/*  						break; */
+/*  				} */
+		if (srecset && !srecset->data && 
+						srecset->recordSetRowStatus == SYBASE_DATA_RETURNED) 
+				{
+						gda_sybase_debug_msg("no data, free the recordset");
+						gda_server_recordset_free (recset);
+						recset = NULL;
+				}
+		return recset;
 gda_sybase_command_free (GdaServerCommand * cmd)
-	GdaServerConnection *cnc = NULL;
-	sybase_Connection *scnc = NULL;
-	sybase_Command *scmd = NULL;
-	g_return_if_fail (cmd != NULL);
-	cnc = gda_server_command_get_connection (cmd);
-	if (cnc) {
-		scnc = (sybase_Connection *)
-			gda_server_connection_get_user_data (cnc);
-	}
-	scmd = (sybase_Command *) gda_server_command_get_user_data (cmd);
-	// Be careful: We have not checked any pointer so far because we want to
-	//             free any cmd structure
-	if (scmd && scnc) {
-		if (scmd->cmd) {
-			if (SYB_CHK
-			    ((CS_INT *) & scnc->ret, ct_cmd_drop (scmd->cmd),
-			     NULL, NULL, cnc, cmd) != CS_SUCCEED) {
-				gda_log_error (_
-					       ("Freeing command structure failed"));
-			}
-		}
-		g_free ((gpointer) scmd);
-		gda_server_command_set_user_data (cmd, (gpointer) NULL);
-	}
-	else if (scmd && !scnc) {
-		if (scmd->cmd) {
-			if (SYB_CHK (NULL,
-				     ct_cmd_drop (scmd->cmd),
-				     NULL, NULL, cnc, cmd) != CS_SUCCEED) {
-				gda_log_error (_
-					       ("Freeing command structure failed"));
-			}
+		GdaServerConnection *cnc = NULL;
+		sybase_Connection *scnc = NULL;
+		sybase_Command *scmd = NULL;
+		CS_RETCODE ret;
+		g_return_if_fail (cmd != NULL);
+		cnc = gda_server_command_get_connection (cmd);
+		if (cnc) {
+				scnc = (sybase_Connection *)
+						gda_server_connection_get_user_data (cnc);
-		g_free ((gpointer) scmd);
-		gda_server_command_set_user_data (cmd, (gpointer) NULL);
-	}			// else would be we have no command userdata and hence nothing to free
+		scmd = (sybase_Command *) gda_server_command_get_user_data (cmd);
+		/*      Be careful: We have not checked any pointer so far because we want to */
+		/*                  free any cmd structure */
+		if (scmd && scnc) 
+				{
+						if (scmd->cmd) 
+								{
+										/*             if (SYB_CHK */
+										/*                 ((CS_INT *) & scnc->ret, ct_cmd_drop (scmd->cmd), */
+										/*                  NULL, NULL, cnc, cmd) != CS_SUCCEED) { */
+										ret = ct_cmd_drop (scmd->cmd);
+										if (ret != CS_SUCCEED)
+												{
+														sybase_chkerr(NULL,NULL,cnc,cmd,__PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
+														gda_log_error (_("Freeing command structure failed"));
+												}
+								}
+						g_free ((gpointer) scmd);
+						gda_server_command_set_user_data (cmd, (gpointer) NULL);
+				}
+		/* this is a wierd situation for openclient to have a command */
+		/* structure be valid w/o a connection struct.  we can't check */
+		/* the server messages w/o a connectoin stucture */
+		else if (scmd && !scnc) 
+				{
+						if (scmd->cmd) 
+								{
+										ret = ct_cmd_drop (scmd->cmd);
+										if (ret != CS_SUCCEED)
+												{
+														/*             if (SYB_CHK (NULL, */
+														/*                          ct_cmd_drop (scmd->cmd), */
+														/*                          NULL, NULL, cnc, cmd) != CS_SUCCEED) { */
+														gda_log_error (_("Freeing command structure failed"));
+												}
+								}
+						g_free ((gpointer) scmd);
+						gda_server_command_set_user_data (cmd, (gpointer) NULL);
+				}			/* else would be we have no command userdata and hence nothing to free */
Index: gda-sybase-command.h
RCS file: /cvs/gnome/libgda/providers/gda-sybase-server/Attic/gda-sybase-command.h,v
retrieving revision
diff -u -u -r1.3.4.1 gda-sybase-command.h
--- gda-sybase-command.h	2001/09/16 20:12:39
+++ gda-sybase-command.h	2001/11/22 04:42:44
@@ -1,58 +1,58 @@
- * $Id: gda-sybase-command.h,v 2001/09/16 20:12:39 rodrigo Exp $
- *
- * GNOME DB sybase Provider
- * Copyright (C) 2000 Rodrigo Moya
- * Copyright (C) 2000 Stephan Heinze
- * Copyright (C) 2000 Holger Thon
- *
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Library General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
- * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
- * Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- */
-#if !defined(__gda_sybase_command_h__)
-#  define __gda_sybase_command_h__
-#if defined(HAVE_CONFIG_H)
-#  include <config.h>
-#include <gda-server.h>
-#include <glib.h>
-#include <ctpublic.h>
-#include "gda-sybase.h"
- * Per-object specific structures
- */
-typedef struct _sybase_Command
-	CS_COMMAND *cmd;
- * Server implementation prototypes
- */
-gboolean gda_sybase_command_new (GdaServerCommand * cmd);
-GdaServerRecordset *gda_sybase_command_execute (GdaServerCommand * cmd,
-						GdaError * error,
-						const GDA_CmdParameterSeq *
-						params, gulong * affected,
-						gulong options);
-void gda_sybase_command_free (GdaServerCommand * cmd);
+ * $Id: gda-sybase-command.h,v 2001/09/16 20:12:39 rodrigo Exp $
+ *
+ * GNOME DB sybase Provider
+ * Copyright (C) 2000 Rodrigo Moya
+ * Copyright (C) 2000 Stephan Heinze
+ * Copyright (C) 2000 Holger Thon
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Library General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
+ * Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+ */
+#if !defined(__gda_sybase_command_h__)
+#  define __gda_sybase_command_h__
+#if defined(HAVE_CONFIG_H)
+#  include <config.h>
+#include <gda-server.h>
+#include <glib.h>
+#include <ctpublic.h>
+#include "gda-sybase.h"
+ * Per-object specific structures
+ */
+typedef struct _sybase_Command
+	CS_COMMAND *cmd;
+ * Server implementation prototypes
+ */
+gboolean gda_sybase_command_new (GdaServerCommand * cmd);
+GdaServerRecordset *gda_sybase_command_execute (GdaServerCommand * cmd,
+						GdaError * error,
+						const GDA_CmdParameterSeq *
+						params, gulong * affected,
+						gulong options);
+void gda_sybase_command_free (GdaServerCommand * cmd);
Index: gda-sybase-connection.c
RCS file: /cvs/gnome/libgda/providers/gda-sybase-server/Attic/gda-sybase-connection.c,v
retrieving revision
diff -u -u -r1.11.4.1 gda-sybase-connection.c
--- gda-sybase-connection.c	2001/09/16 20:12:39
+++ gda-sybase-connection.c	2001/11/22 04:42:47
@@ -182,8 +182,9 @@
 gda_sybase_connection_open (GdaServerConnection * cnc,
-			    const gchar * dsn,
-			    const gchar * user, const gchar * passwd)
+                            const gchar * dsn,
+                            const gchar * user, 
+                            const gchar * passwd)
 	sybase_Connection *scnc = NULL;
@@ -208,6 +209,7 @@
 gda_sybase_connection_close (GdaServerConnection * cnc)
 	sybase_Connection *scnc;
+  CS_RETCODE ret;
 	g_return_if_fail (cnc != NULL);
 	scnc = (sybase_Connection *)
@@ -215,39 +217,54 @@
 	g_return_if_fail (scnc != NULL);
 	// Close connection
-	if (scnc->cnc) {
-		if (SYB_CHK
-		    ((CS_INT *) & scnc->ret, ct_close (scnc->cnc, CS_UNUSED),
-		     NULL, NULL, cnc, NULL) != CS_SUCCEED) {
-			gda_sybase_cleanup (scnc, scnc->ret,
-					    "Could not close connection\n");
-			return;
-		}
-		if (SYB_CHK ((CS_INT *) & scnc->ret, ct_con_drop (scnc->cnc),
-			     NULL, NULL, cnc, NULL) != CS_SUCCEED) {
-			gda_sybase_cleanup (scnc, scnc->ret,
-					    "Could not drop connection structure\n");
-			return;
-		}
-		scnc->cnc = (CS_CONNECTION *) NULL;
-	}
-	if (scnc->ctx) {
-		// Exit client library and drop context structure
-		if ((scnc->ret =
-		     ct_exit (scnc->ctx, CS_UNUSED)) != CS_SUCCEED) {
-			gda_sybase_cleanup (scnc, scnc->ret,
-					    "ct_exit failed");
-			return;
-		}
-		if ((scnc->ret = cs_ctx_drop (scnc->ctx)) != CS_SUCCEED) {
-			gda_sybase_cleanup (scnc, scnc->ret,
-					    "cs_ctx_drop failed");
-			return;
-		}
-		scnc->ctx = (CS_CONTEXT *) NULL;
-	}
+	if (scnc->cnc) 
+      {
+/* 		if (SYB_CHK */
+/* 		    ((CS_INT *) & scnc->ret, ct_close (scnc->cnc, CS_UNUSED), */
+/* 		     NULL, NULL, cnc, NULL) != CS_SUCCEED) { */
+          ret = ct_close(scnc->cnc, CS_UNUSED);
+          if (ret != CS_SUCCEED)
+              {
+                  sybase_chkerr(NULL,NULL,cnc,NULL,__PRETTY_FUNCTION__);             
+                  gda_sybase_cleanup (scnc, scnc->ret,
+                                      "Could not close connection\n");
+                  return;
+              }
+/* 		if (SYB_CHK ((CS_INT *) & scnc->ret, ct_con_drop (scnc->cnc), */
+/* 			     NULL, NULL, cnc, NULL) != CS_SUCCEED) { */
+          ret = ct_con_drop (scnc->cnc);
+          if (ret != CS_SUCCEED)
+              {
+                  sybase_chkerr(NULL,NULL,cnc,NULL,__PRETTY_FUNCTION__); 
+                  gda_sybase_cleanup (scnc, scnc->ret,
+                                      "Could not drop connection structure\n");
+                  return;
+              }
+          scnc->cnc = (CS_CONNECTION *) NULL;
+      }
+	if (scnc->ctx) 
+      {
+          // Exit client library and drop context structure
+          if ((scnc->ret =
+               ct_exit (scnc->ctx, CS_UNUSED)) != CS_SUCCEED) 
+              {
+                  sybase_chkerr(NULL,NULL,cnc,NULL,__PRETTY_FUNCTION__); 
+                  gda_sybase_cleanup (scnc, scnc->ret,
+                                      "ct_exit failed");
+                  return;
+              }
+          if ((scnc->ret = cs_ctx_drop (scnc->ctx)) != CS_SUCCEED) 
+              {
+                  sybase_chkerr(NULL,NULL,cnc,NULL,__PRETTY_FUNCTION__); 
+                  gda_sybase_cleanup (scnc, scnc->ret,
+                                      "cs_ctx_drop failed");
+                  return;
+              }
+          scnc->ctx = (CS_CONTEXT *) NULL;
+      }
@@ -333,17 +350,17 @@
 	switch (feature) {
 	case GDA_Connection_FEATURE_SQL:
-		return TRUE;
-	case GDA_Connection_FEATURE_OBJECT_ID:
 	case GDA_Connection_FEATURE_PROCS:
-	case GDA_Connection_FEATURE_SEQUENCES:
 	case GDA_Connection_FEATURE_TRIGGERS:
 	case GDA_Connection_FEATURE_VIEWS:
+		return TRUE;
 	case GDA_Connection_FEATURE_XML_QUERIES:
+	case GDA_Connection_FEATURE_OBJECT_ID:
+	case GDA_Connection_FEATURE_SEQUENCES:
 		return FALSE;
@@ -414,15 +431,17 @@
 	// we do not touch CS_* variables and *_diag variables,
 	// as they are essential for the connection
-	scnc->serr.err_type = SYBASE_ERR_NONE;
+/* 	scnc->serr.err_type = SYBASE_ERR_NONE; */
 	if (force_set_null_pointers) {
-		scnc->serr.udeferr_msg = (gchar *) NULL;
-		scnc->database = (gchar *) NULL;
+/* 		scnc->serr.udeferr_msg = (gchar *) NULL; */
+      scnc->serr.eMessage = (gchar *) NULL;
+      scnc->database = (gchar *) NULL;
 	else {
-		if (scnc->serr.udeferr_msg) {
-			g_free ((gpointer) scnc->serr.udeferr_msg);
-		}
+/*  		if (scnc->serr.udeferr_msg) { */
+/*  			g_free ((gpointer) scnc->serr.udeferr_msg); */
+/*  		} */
 		if (scnc->database) {
 			g_free ((gpointer) scnc->database);
@@ -797,6 +816,8 @@
 	CS_BYTE *mempool;
 	CS_INT memsize = 131072;
 	gchar *dsn;
 	// At least we need valid connection structs
 	g_return_val_if_fail (cnc != NULL, FALSE);
@@ -819,31 +840,36 @@
 	// Create context info and initialize ctlib
 	if ((scnc->ret =
 	     cs_ctx_alloc (CS_VERSION_100, &scnc->ctx)) != CS_SUCCEED) {
-		gda_sybase_cleanup (scnc, scnc->ret,
-				    "Could not allocate context");
-		return FALSE;
+      gda_sybase_cleanup (scnc, scnc->ret,
+                          "Could not allocate context");
+      return FALSE;
 	if ((scnc->ret = ct_init (scnc->ctx, CS_VERSION_100)) != CS_SUCCEED) {
 		gda_sybase_cleanup (scnc, scnc->ret,
 				    "Could not initialize client library");
 		return FALSE;
-	mempool = (CS_BYTE *) g_new0 (CS_BYTE, memsize);
-	if (!mempool) {
-		gda_sybase_cleanup (scnc, scnc->ret,
-				    "Could not allocate mempool");
-		return FALSE;
-	}
-	if ((scnc->ret = ct_config (scnc->ctx, CS_SET, CS_MEM_POOL,
-				    mempool, memsize, NULL)) != CS_SUCCEED) {
-		gda_sybase_cleanup (scnc, scnc->ret,
-				    "Could not initialize mempool");
-		g_free ((gpointer) mempool);
-		return FALSE;
-	}
+/*  	mempool = (CS_BYTE *) g_new0 (CS_BYTE, memsize); */
+/*  	if (!mempool) { */
+/*  		gda_sybase_cleanup (scnc, scnc->ret, */
+/*  				    "Could not allocate mempool"); */
+/*  		return FALSE; */
+/*  	} */
+/*  	if ((scnc->ret = ct_config (scnc->ctx, CS_SET, CS_MEM_POOL, */
+/*  				    mempool, memsize, NULL)) != CS_SUCCEED) { */
+/*  		gda_sybase_cleanup (scnc, scnc->ret, */
+/*  				    "Could not initialize mempool"); */
+/*  		g_free ((gpointer) mempool); */
+/*  		return FALSE; */
+/*  	} */
 	// locales must be set up before we have any connection,
 	// so get dsn and initialize locale if given
 	dsn = gda_server_connection_get_dsn (cnc);
@@ -874,6 +900,7 @@
 		return FALSE;
+  /* this is for callbacks... */
 	   if (gda_sybase_install_error_handlers(cnc) != 0) {
 	   return FALSE;
@@ -882,35 +909,72 @@
 	// We go on proceeding connection properties and dsn arguments
 	// set up application name, username and password
-	if (SYB_CHK ((CS_INT *) & scnc->ret,
-		     ct_con_props (scnc->cnc, CS_SET, CS_APPNAME,
-		     NULL, NULL, cnc, NULL) != CS_SUCCEED) {
-		gda_sybase_cleanup (scnc, scnc->ret,
-				    "Could not set application name");
-		return FALSE;
-	}
-	if (SYB_CHK ((CS_INT *) & scnc->ret,
-		     ct_con_props (scnc->cnc, CS_SET, CS_USERNAME,
-				   (CS_CHAR *)
-				   gda_server_connection_get_username (cnc),
-				   CS_NULLTERM, NULL), NULL, NULL, cnc,
-		     NULL) != CS_SUCCEED) {
-		gda_sybase_cleanup (scnc, scnc->ret,
-				    "Could not set user name");
-		return FALSE;
-	}
-	if (SYB_CHK ((CS_INT *) & scnc->ret,
-		     ct_con_props (scnc->cnc, CS_SET, CS_PASSWORD,
-				   (CS_CHAR *)
-				   gda_server_connection_get_password (cnc),
-				   CS_NULLTERM, NULL), NULL, NULL, cnc,
-		     NULL) != CS_SUCCEED) {
-		gda_sybase_cleanup (scnc, scnc->ret,
-				    "Could not set password");
-		return FALSE;
-	}
+/* 	if (SYB_CHK ((CS_INT *) & scnc->ret, */
+/* 		     ct_con_props (scnc->cnc, CS_SET, CS_APPNAME, */
+/* 				   CS_NULLTERM, NULL), */
+/* 		     NULL, NULL, cnc, NULL) != CS_SUCCEED) { */
+  ret = ct_con_props (scnc->cnc, 
+                      CS_SET, 
+                      CS_APPNAME, 
+                      (CS_CHAR *) GDA_SYBASE_DEFAULT_APPNAME, 
+                      CS_NULLTERM, 
+                      NULL);
+  if ((ret != CS_SUCCEED) ||
+						(sybase_chkerr(NULL,NULL,cnc,NULL,__PRETTY_FUNCTION__)))
+      {
+          gda_sybase_cleanup (scnc, scnc->ret,
+                              "Could not set application name");
+          return FALSE;
+      }
+/* 	if (SYB_CHK ((CS_INT *) & scnc->ret, */
+/* 		     ct_con_props (scnc->cnc, CS_SET, CS_USERNAME, */
+/* 				   (CS_CHAR *) */
+/* 				   gda_server_connection_get_username (cnc), */
+/* 				   CS_NULLTERM, NULL), NULL, NULL, cnc, */
+/* 		     NULL) != CS_SUCCEED) { */
+  ret = ct_con_props(scnc->cnc, 
+                     CS_SET, 
+                     CS_USERNAME, 
+                     (CS_CHAR *)gda_server_connection_get_username (cnc),
+                     CS_NULLTERM, 
+                     NULL);
+  if ((ret != CS_SUCCEED) || 
+						(sybase_chkerr(NULL,NULL,cnc,NULL,__PRETTY_FUNCTION__)))
+      {          
+          gda_sybase_cleanup (scnc, scnc->ret,
+                              "Could not set user name");
+          return FALSE;
+      }
+/* 	if (SYB_CHK ((CS_INT *) & scnc->ret, */
+/* 		     ct_con_props (scnc->cnc, CS_SET, CS_PASSWORD, */
+/* 				   (CS_CHAR *) */
+/* 				   gda_server_connection_get_password (cnc), */
+/* 				   CS_NULLTERM, NULL), NULL, NULL, cnc, */
+/* 		     NULL) != CS_SUCCEED) { */
+  ret = ct_con_props (scnc->cnc, 
+                      CS_SET, 
+                      CS_PASSWORD, 
+                      (CS_CHAR *)gda_server_connection_get_password (cnc),
+                      CS_NULLTERM, 
+                      NULL);
+  if ((ret != CS_SUCCEED)||
+						(sybase_chkerr(NULL,NULL,cnc,NULL,__PRETTY_FUNCTION__)))
+      {
+          gda_sybase_cleanup (scnc, scnc->ret,
+                              "Could not set password");
+          return FALSE;
+      }
 	// Proceed further parameters given in dsn
 	if (((dsn = gda_server_connection_get_dsn (cnc)) != NULL) &&
@@ -919,25 +983,42 @@
 	// Connect
-	if (SYB_CHK ((CS_INT *) & scnc->ret,
-		     ct_connect (scnc->cnc, (CS_CHAR *) NULL, 0),
-		     NULL, NULL, cnc, NULL) != CS_SUCCEED) {
-		gda_sybase_cleanup (scnc, scnc->ret,
-				    (first_connection == FALSE)
-				    ? "Could not reconnect"
-				    : "Could not connect");
-		return FALSE;
-	}
+/* 	if (SYB_CHK ((CS_INT *) & scnc->ret, */
+/* 		     ct_connect (scnc->cnc, (CS_CHAR *) NULL, 0), */
+/* 		     NULL, NULL, cnc, NULL) != CS_SUCCEED) { */
+  ret = ct_connect (scnc->cnc, (CS_CHAR *) NULL, 0);
+  if ((ret != CS_SUCCEED)||
+						(sybase_chkerr(NULL,NULL,cnc,NULL,__PRETTY_FUNCTION__)))
+				{
+          gda_sybase_cleanup (scnc, scnc->ret,
+                              (first_connection == FALSE)
+                              ? "Could not reconnect"
+                              : "Could not connect");
+          return FALSE;
+				}
 	// To test the connection, we ask for the servers name
-	if (SYB_CHK ((CS_INT *) & scnc->ret,
-		     ct_con_props (scnc->cnc, CS_GET, CS_SERVERNAME,
-				   &buf, CS_MAX_CHAR, NULL),
-		     NULL, NULL, cnc, NULL) != CS_SUCCEED) {
-		gda_sybase_cleanup (scnc, scnc->ret,
-				    "Could not request servername");
-		return FALSE;
-	}
+/* 	if (SYB_CHK ((CS_INT *) & scnc->ret, */
+/* 		     ct_con_props (scnc->cnc, CS_GET, CS_SERVERNAME, */
+/* 				   &buf, CS_MAX_CHAR, NULL), */
+/* 		     NULL, NULL, cnc, NULL) != CS_SUCCEED) { */
+  ret = ct_con_props (scnc->cnc, 
+                      CS_GET, 
+                      CS_SERVERNAME, 
+                      &buf, 
+                      CS_MAX_CHAR, 
+                      NULL);
+  if ((ret != CS_SUCCEED)||
+						(sybase_chkerr(NULL,NULL,cnc,NULL,__PRETTY_FUNCTION__)))
+				{								
+						gda_sybase_cleanup (scnc, scnc->ret,
+																										"Could not request servername");
+						return FALSE;
+				}
 	else {
 		if (first_connection == FALSE)
 			gda_log_message (_("Reconnected to '%s'"), buf);
@@ -969,150 +1050,240 @@
 gda_sybase_connection_select_database (GdaServerConnection * cnc,
 				       const gchar * database)
-	sybase_Connection *scnc = NULL;
-	gchar *sqlcmd = NULL;
-	CS_INT result_type;
-	gboolean okay = FALSE;
-	g_return_val_if_fail (cnc != NULL, CS_FAIL);
-	scnc = (sybase_Connection *)
-		gda_server_connection_get_user_data (cnc);
-	g_return_val_if_fail (scnc != NULL, CS_FAIL);
-	g_return_val_if_fail (scnc->cnc != NULL, CS_FAIL);
-	if (SYB_CHK (NULL, ct_cmd_alloc (scnc->cnc, &cmd),
-		     NULL, NULL, cnc, NULL) != CS_SUCCEED) {
-		gda_log_error (_("%s: Could not allocate cmd structure"),
-			       __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
-		return CS_FAIL;
-	}
-	// Prepare cmd string
-	sqlcmd = g_strdup_printf ("use %s", database);
-	if (!sqlcmd) {
-		gda_log_error (_
-			       ("%s: Could not allocate memory for cmd string"),
-			       __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
-		SYB_CHK (NULL, ct_cmd_drop (cmd), NULL, NULL, cnc, NULL);
-		return CS_FAIL;
-	}
-	// Pass cmd string to CS_COMMAND structure
-	if (SYB_CHK (NULL, ct_command (cmd, CS_LANG_CMD, sqlcmd, CS_NULLTERM,
-				       CS_UNUSED),
-		     NULL, NULL, cnc, NULL) != CS_SUCCEED) {
-		gda_log_error (_("%s: ct_command failed"),
-			       __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
+		sybase_Connection *scnc = NULL;
+		CS_COMMAND *cmd = NULL;
+		gchar *sqlcmd = NULL;
+		CS_INT result_type;
+		gboolean okay = FALSE;
+  CS_RETCODE ret;
+  CS_RETCODE ret2; 
+		g_return_val_if_fail (cnc != NULL, CS_FAIL);
+		scnc = (sybase_Connection *)
+				gda_server_connection_get_user_data (cnc);
+		g_return_val_if_fail (scnc != NULL, CS_FAIL);
+		g_return_val_if_fail (scnc->cnc != NULL, CS_FAIL);
+		/* 	if (SYB_CHK (NULL, ct_cmd_alloc (scnc->cnc, &cmd), */
+		/* 		     NULL, NULL, cnc, NULL) != CS_SUCCEED) { */
+  ret = ct_cmd_alloc (scnc->cnc, &cmd);
+  if ((ret != CS_SUCCEED)||
+						(sybase_chkerr(NULL,NULL,cnc,NULL,__PRETTY_FUNCTION__)))
+				{						 
+						gda_log_error (_("%s: Could not allocate cmd structure"),
+																					__PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
+						return CS_FAIL;
+				}
+		// Prepare cmd string
+		sqlcmd = g_strdup_printf ("use %s", database);
+		if (!sqlcmd) 
+				{
+						gda_log_error (_
+																					("%s: Could not allocate memory for cmd string"),
+																					__PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
+						/* 		SYB_CHK (NULL, ct_cmd_drop (cmd), NULL, NULL, cnc, NULL); */
+						ret = ct_cmd_drop(cmd);
+						if (ret != CS_SUCCEED)
+								sybase_chkerr(NULL,NULL,cnc,NULL,__PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
+						return CS_FAIL;          
+				}
+		// Pass cmd string to CS_COMMAND structure
+		/* 	if (SYB_CHK (NULL, ct_command (cmd, CS_LANG_CMD, sqlcmd, CS_NULLTERM, */
+		/* 				       CS_UNUSED), */
+		/* 		     NULL, NULL, cnc, NULL) != CS_SUCCEED) { */
+  ret = ct_command (cmd, 
+                    CS_LANG_CMD, 
+                    sqlcmd, 
+                    CS_NULLTERM, 
+                    CS_UNUSED);
+  if ((ret != CS_SUCCEED)||
+						(sybase_chkerr(NULL,NULL,cnc,NULL,__PRETTY_FUNCTION__)))
+				{
+						gda_log_error (_("%s: ct_command failed"),
+																					__PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
+						g_free ((gpointer) sqlcmd);         
+						/* SYB_CHK (NULL, ct_cmd_drop (cmd), NULL, NULL, cnc, NULL); */          
+						ret = ct_cmd_drop (cmd);  
+						if (ret != CS_SUCCEED)
+								sybase_chkerr(NULL,NULL,cnc,NULL,__PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
+						return CS_FAIL;
+				}
 		g_free ((gpointer) sqlcmd);
-		SYB_CHK (NULL, ct_cmd_drop (cmd), NULL, NULL, cnc, NULL);
-		return CS_FAIL;
-	}
-	g_free ((gpointer) sqlcmd);
-	// Send the command
-	if (SYB_CHK (NULL, ct_send (cmd), NULL, NULL, cnc, NULL) !=
-	    CS_SUCCEED) {
-		gda_log_error (_("%s: sending command failed"),
-			       __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
-		SYB_CHK (NULL, ct_cmd_drop (cmd), NULL, NULL, cnc, NULL);
-		return CS_FAIL;
-	}
-	while (CS_SUCCEED == SYB_CHK (NULL, ct_results (cmd, &result_type),
-				      NULL, NULL, cnc, NULL)
-		) {
-		switch (result_type) {
-		case CS_CMD_FAIL:
-			gda_log_error (_("%s: selecting database failed"),
-				       __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
-			break;
-			okay = TRUE;
-			break;
-		default:
-			break;
-		}
-	}
+		// Send the command
+		/* 	if (SYB_CHK (NULL, ct_send (cmd), NULL, NULL, cnc, NULL) != */
+		/* 	    CS_SUCCEED) { */
+  ret = ct_send (cmd);
+  if ((ret != CS_SUCCEED)||
+						(sybase_chkerr(NULL,NULL,cnc,NULL,__PRETTY_FUNCTION__)))
+				{						          
+						gda_log_error (_("%s: sending command failed"),
+																					__PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
+						/*           SYB_CHK (NULL, ct_cmd_drop (cmd), NULL, NULL, cnc, NULL); */
+						ret = ct_cmd_drop (cmd);  
+						if (ret != CS_SUCCEED)
+								sybase_chkerr(NULL,NULL,cnc,NULL,__PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
+						return CS_FAIL;
+				}
-	SYB_CHK (NULL, ct_cmd_drop (cmd), NULL, NULL, cnc, NULL);
+  ret2 = ct_results (cmd, &result_type);
-	if (okay) {
-		return CS_SUCCEED;
-	}
+  if ((ret2 != CS_SUCCEED)||
+						(sybase_chkerr(NULL,NULL,cnc,NULL,__PRETTY_FUNCTION__)))
+				{						
+						ret = ct_cmd_drop (cmd);  						
+						sybase_chkerr(NULL,NULL,cnc,NULL,__PRETTY_FUNCTION__);          
+						return CS_FAIL;
+				}
+		/* 	while (CS_SUCCEED == SYB_CHK (NULL, ct_results (cmd, &result_type), */
+		/* 				      NULL, NULL, cnc, NULL) */
+  while ((ret2 == CS_SUCCEED)||(ret2 == CS_FAIL))
+				{
+						switch (result_type) 
+								{
+								case CS_CMD_FAIL:
+										gda_log_error (_("%s: selecting database failed"),
+																									__PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
+										break;
+								case CS_CMD_SUCCEED:
+										okay = TRUE;
+										break;
+								default:
+										break;
+								}
+						ret2 = ct_results (cmd, &result_type);
+						sybase_chkerr(NULL,NULL,cnc,NULL,__PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
+				}
+		/* 	SYB_CHK (NULL, ct_cmd_drop (cmd), NULL, NULL, cnc, NULL); */
+		if ((okay) && (!sybase_chkerr(NULL,NULL,cnc,NULL,__PRETTY_FUNCTION__))) 
+				{
+						return CS_SUCCEED;
+				}
-	gda_log_error (_("%s: use command failed"), __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
-	return CS_FAIL;
+		gda_log_error (_("%s: use command failed"), __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
+		return CS_FAIL;
 // Select locale for connection; we just need a CS_CONTEXT at this time
 static gboolean
 gda_sybase_set_locale (GdaServerConnection * cnc, const gchar * dsn)
-	sybase_Connection *scnc;
-	CS_LOCALE *locale;
-	gchar *targ_locale = NULL;
+		sybase_Connection *scnc;
+		CS_LOCALE *locale;
+		gchar *targ_locale = NULL;
+		g_return_val_if_fail (cnc != NULL, FALSE);
+		scnc = (sybase_Connection *)
+				gda_server_connection_get_user_data (cnc);
+		g_return_val_if_fail (scnc != NULL, FALSE);
+		g_return_val_if_fail (scnc->ctx != NULL, FALSE);
-	g_return_val_if_fail (cnc != NULL, FALSE);
-	scnc = (sybase_Connection *)
-		gda_server_connection_get_user_data (cnc);
-	g_return_val_if_fail (scnc != NULL, FALSE);
-	g_return_val_if_fail (scnc->ctx != NULL, FALSE);
-	if ((targ_locale = get_option (dsn, "LOCALE=")) == NULL) {
-		return TRUE;
-	}
+		if ((targ_locale = get_option (dsn, "LOCALE=")) == NULL) {
+				return TRUE;
+		}
-	gda_log_message ("locale = '%s'", targ_locale);
+		gda_log_message ("locale = '%s'", targ_locale);
-	if ((ret = cs_loc_alloc (scnc->ctx, &locale)) != CS_SUCCEED) {
-		gda_log_error (_("Could not allocate locale structure"));
-		return FALSE;
-	}
-	if ((ret = cs_locale (scnc->ctx, CS_SET, locale, CS_LC_ALL,
-			      (CS_CHAR *) targ_locale, CS_NULLTERM, NULL))
-	    != CS_SUCCEED) {
-		gda_log_error (_("Could not set locale to '%s'"),
-			       targ_locale);
-		cs_loc_drop (scnc->ctx, locale);
-		return FALSE;
-	}
-	if ((ret = cs_config (scnc->ctx, CS_SET, CS_LOC_PROP, locale,
-			      CS_UNUSED, NULL)) != CS_SUCCEED) {
-		gda_log_error (_("Could not configure locale to be '%s'"),
-			       targ_locale);
-		cs_loc_drop (scnc->ctx, locale);
-		return FALSE;
-	}
-	if ((ret = cs_loc_drop (scnc->ctx, locale)) != CS_SUCCEED) {
-		gda_log_error (_("Could not drop locale structure"));
-		return FALSE;
-	}
-	gda_log_message ("Selected locale '%s'", targ_locale);
-	return TRUE;
+/*  		if (((ret = cs_loc_alloc (scnc->ctx, &locale)) != CS_SUCCEED)|| */
+/*  						(sybase_chkerr(NULL,NULL,cnc,NULL,__PRETTY_FUNCTION__))) */
+		ret = cs_loc_alloc (scnc->ctx, &locale);
+		if ((ret != CS_SUCCEED)||
+						(sybase_chkerr(NULL,NULL,cnc,NULL,__PRETTY_FUNCTION__)))
+				{
+						gda_log_error (_("Could not allocate locale structure"));
+						return FALSE;
+				}
+/*  		if ((ret = cs_locale (scnc->ctx, CS_SET, locale, CS_LC_ALL, */
+/*  																								(CS_CHAR *) targ_locale, CS_NULLTERM, NULL)) */
+/*  						!= CS_SUCCEED) { */
+		ret = cs_locale (scnc->ctx, 
+																			CS_SET, 
+																			locale, 
+																			CS_LC_ALL, 
+																			(CS_CHAR *) targ_locale, 
+																			CS_NULLTERM, 
+																			NULL);
+		if ((ret != CS_SUCCEED)||
+						(sybase_chkerr(NULL,NULL,cnc,NULL,__PRETTY_FUNCTION__)))
+				{
+						gda_log_error (_("Could not set locale to '%s'"),
+																					targ_locale);
+						cs_loc_drop (scnc->ctx, locale);
+						return FALSE;
+				}
+/*  		if ((ret = cs_config (scnc->ctx, CS_SET, CS_LOC_PROP, locale, */
+/*  																								CS_UNUSED, NULL)) != CS_SUCCEED) { */
+		ret = cs_config (scnc->ctx, 
+																			CS_SET, 
+																			CS_LOC_PROP, 
+																			locale, 
+																			CS_UNUSED, 
+																			NULL);
+		if ((ret !=  CS_SUCCEED)||
+						(sybase_chkerr(NULL,NULL,cnc,NULL,__PRETTY_FUNCTION__)))
+				{
+						gda_log_error (_("Could not configure locale to be '%s'"),
+																					targ_locale);
+						cs_loc_drop (scnc->ctx, locale);
+						return FALSE;
+				}
+/*  		if ((ret = cs_loc_drop (scnc->ctx, locale)) != CS_SUCCEED) { */
+		ret = cs_loc_drop (scnc->ctx, locale);
+		if ((ret != CS_SUCCEED)||
+						(sybase_chkerr(NULL,NULL,cnc,NULL,__PRETTY_FUNCTION__)))
+				{
+						gda_log_error (_("Could not drop locale structure"));
+						return FALSE;
+				}
+		gda_log_message ("Selected locale '%s'", targ_locale);
+		return TRUE;
 // drop remaining cs/ctlib structures and exit
 gda_sybase_cleanup (sybase_Connection * scnc, CS_RETCODE ret,
-		    const gchar * msg)
+																				const gchar * msg)
-	g_return_if_fail (scnc != NULL);
+		g_return_if_fail (scnc != NULL);
-	gda_log_error (_("Fatal error: %s\n"), msg);
+		gda_log_error (_("Fatal error: %s\n"), msg);
-	if (scnc->cnc != NULL) {
-		ct_con_drop (scnc->cnc);
-		scnc->cnc = NULL;
-	}
+		if (scnc->cnc != NULL) {
+				ct_con_drop (scnc->cnc);
+				scnc->cnc = NULL;
+		}
-	if (scnc->ctx != NULL) {
-		ct_exit (scnc->ctx, CS_FORCE_EXIT);
-		cs_ctx_drop (scnc->ctx);
-		scnc->ctx = NULL;
-	}
+		if (scnc->ctx != NULL) {
+				ct_exit (scnc->ctx, CS_FORCE_EXIT);
+				cs_ctx_drop (scnc->ctx);
+				scnc->ctx = NULL;
+		}
@@ -1124,83 +1295,85 @@
 static gint
 gda_sybase_init_dsn_properties (GdaServerConnection * cnc, const gchar * dsn)
-	sybase_Connection *scnc;
-	gchar *ptr_s, *ptr_e;
+		sybase_Connection *scnc;
+		gchar *ptr_s, *ptr_e;
-	g_return_val_if_fail (cnc != NULL, -1);
-	scnc = (sybase_Connection *)
-		gda_server_connection_get_user_data (cnc);
-	if (scnc) {
-		/* parse connection string */
-		ptr_s = (gchar *) dsn;
-		while (ptr_s && *ptr_s) {
-			ptr_e = strchr (ptr_s, ';');
-			if (ptr_e)
-				*ptr_e = '\0';
-			// HOST implies HOSTNAME ;-)
-			if (strncasecmp (ptr_s, "HOST", strlen ("HOST")) == 0)
-				scnc->ret =
-					ct_con_props (scnc->cnc, CS_SET,
-						      CS_HOSTNAME,
-						      (CS_CHAR *)
-						      get_value (ptr_s),
-						      CS_NULLTERM, NULL);
-			else if (strncasecmp
-				 (ptr_s, "USERNAME",
-				  strlen ("USERNAME")) == 0)
-				scnc->ret =
-					ct_con_props (scnc->cnc, CS_SET,
-						      CS_USERNAME,
-						      (CS_CHAR *)
-						      get_value (ptr_s),
-						      CS_NULLTERM, NULL);
-			else if (strncasecmp
-				 (ptr_s, "APPNAME", strlen ("APPNAME")) == 0)
-				scnc->ret =
-					ct_con_props (scnc->cnc, CS_SET,
-						      CS_APPNAME,
-						      (CS_CHAR *)
-						      get_value (ptr_s),
-						      CS_NULLTERM, NULL);
-			else if (strncasecmp
-				 (ptr_s, "PASSWORD",
-				  strlen ("PASSWORD")) == 0)
-				scnc->ret =
-					ct_con_props (scnc->cnc, CS_SET,
-						      CS_PASSWORD,
-						      (CS_CHAR *)
-						      get_value (ptr_s),
-						      CS_NULLTERM, NULL);
-			else if (strncasecmp
-				 (ptr_s, "DATABASE",
-				  strlen ("DATABASE")) == 0) {
-				scnc->ret = CS_SUCCEED;
-				if (scnc->database) {
-					g_free ((gpointer) scnc->database);
-				}
-				scnc->database =
-					g_strdup_printf ("%s",
-							 get_value (ptr_s));
-			}
-			sybase_chkerr (NULL, NULL, cnc, NULL,
-				       __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
-			if (scnc->ret != CS_SUCCEED) {
-				gda_sybase_cleanup (scnc, scnc->ret,
-						    "Could not proceed dsn settings.\n");
-				return -1;
-			}
-			ptr_s = ptr_e;
-			if (ptr_s)
-				ptr_s++;
-		}
-	}
-	return 0;
+		g_return_val_if_fail (cnc != NULL, -1);
+		scnc = (sybase_Connection *)
+				gda_server_connection_get_user_data (cnc);
+		if (scnc) 
+				{
+						/* parse connection string */
+						ptr_s = (gchar *) dsn;
+						while (ptr_s && *ptr_s) 
+								{
+										ptr_e = strchr (ptr_s, ';');
+										if (ptr_e)
+												*ptr_e = '\0';
+										// HOST implies HOSTNAME ;-)
+										if (strncasecmp (ptr_s, "HOST", strlen ("HOST")) == 0)												
+												scnc->ret =
+														ct_con_props (scnc->cnc, CS_SET,
+																												CS_HOSTNAME,
+																												(CS_CHAR *)
+																												get_value (ptr_s),
+																												CS_NULLTERM, NULL); 											
+										else if (strncasecmp
+																			(ptr_s, "USERNAME",
+																				strlen ("USERNAME")) == 0)
+												scnc->ret =
+														ct_con_props (scnc->cnc, CS_SET,
+																												CS_USERNAME,
+																												(CS_CHAR *)
+																												get_value (ptr_s),
+																												CS_NULLTERM, NULL);						
+										else if (strncasecmp
+																			(ptr_s, "APPNAME", strlen ("APPNAME")) == 0)
+												scnc->ret =
+														ct_con_props (scnc->cnc, CS_SET,
+																												CS_APPNAME,
+																												(CS_CHAR *)
+																												get_value (ptr_s),
+																												CS_NULLTERM, NULL);
+										else if (strncasecmp
+																			(ptr_s, "PASSWORD",
+																				strlen ("PASSWORD")) == 0)
+												scnc->ret =
+														ct_con_props (scnc->cnc, CS_SET,
+																												CS_PASSWORD,
+																												(CS_CHAR *)
+																												get_value (ptr_s),
+																												CS_NULLTERM, NULL);
+										else if (strncasecmp
+																			(ptr_s, "DATABASE",
+																				strlen ("DATABASE")) == 0) {
+												scnc->ret = CS_SUCCEED;
+												if (scnc->database) {
+														g_free ((gpointer) scnc->database);
+												}
+												scnc->database =
+														g_strdup_printf ("%s",
+																															get_value (ptr_s));
+										}
+										sybase_chkerr (NULL, NULL, cnc, NULL,
+																									__PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
+										if (scnc->ret != CS_SUCCEED) {
+												gda_sybase_cleanup (scnc, scnc->ret,
+																																"Could not proceed dsn settings.\n");
+												return -1;
+										}
+										ptr_s = ptr_e;
+										if (ptr_s)
+												ptr_s++;
+								}
+				}		
+		return 0;
@@ -1210,36 +1383,36 @@
 static gchar *
 get_value (gchar * ptr)
-	while (*ptr && (*ptr != '='))
-		ptr++;
+		while (*ptr && (*ptr != '='))
+				ptr++;
-	if (!*ptr) {
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	ptr++;
-	if (!*ptr) {
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	while (*ptr && isspace (*ptr))
+		if (!*ptr) {
+				return NULL;
+		}
+		if (!*ptr) {
+				return NULL;
+		}
+		while (*ptr && isspace (*ptr))
+				ptr++;
-	return (g_strdup (ptr));
+		return (g_strdup (ptr));
 static gchar *
 get_option (const gchar * dsn, const gchar * opt_name)
-	gchar *ptr = NULL;
-	gchar *opt = NULL;
+		gchar *ptr = NULL;
+		gchar *opt = NULL;
-	if (!(opt = strstr (dsn, opt_name))) {
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	opt += strlen (opt_name);
-	ptr = strchr (opt, ';');
+		if (!(opt = strstr (dsn, opt_name))) {
+				return NULL;
+		}
+		opt += strlen (opt_name);
+		ptr = strchr (opt, ';');
-	if (ptr)
-		*ptr = '\0';
+		if (ptr)
+				*ptr = '\0';
-	return (g_strdup (opt));
+		return (g_strdup (opt));
Index: gda-sybase-connection.h
RCS file: /cvs/gnome/libgda/providers/gda-sybase-server/Attic/gda-sybase-connection.h,v
retrieving revision
diff -u -u -r1.5.4.1 gda-sybase-connection.h
--- gda-sybase-connection.h	2001/09/16 20:12:39
+++ gda-sybase-connection.h	2001/11/22 04:42:47
@@ -1,115 +1,123 @@
- * $Id: gda-sybase-connection.h,v 2001/09/16 20:12:39 rodrigo Exp $
- *
- * GNOME DB sybase Provider
- * Copyright (C) 2000 Rodrigo Moya
- * Copyright (C) 2000 Stephan Heinze
- * Copyright (C) 2000 Holger Thon
- *
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Library General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
- * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
- * Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- */
-#if !defined(__gda_sybase_connection_h__)
-#  define __gda_sybase_connection_h__
-#if defined(HAVE_CONFIG_H)
-#  include <config.h>
-#include <gda-server.h>
-#include <glib.h>
-#include <ctpublic.h>
-#include "gda-sybase.h"
-// The application name we tell sybase we are
-#define GDA_SYBASE_DEFAULT_APPNAME "gda-sybase-srv"
- * Per-object specific structures
- */
-typedef struct _sybase_Error
-	guint err_type;
-	CS_CLIENTMSG cslib_msg;
-	CS_CLIENTMSG client_msg;
-	CS_SERVERMSG server_msg;
-	gchar *udeferr_msg;
-typedef struct _sybase_Connection
-	CS_CONTEXT *ctx;
-	gboolean cs_diag;	// wether we can use cs_diag for cslib messages
-	gboolean ct_diag;	// wether we can use ct_diag for ctlib messages
-	GdaError *error;
-	sybase_Error serr;
-	gchar *database;
- * Server implementation prototypes
- */
-gboolean gda_sybase_connection_new (GdaServerConnection * cnc);
-gint gda_sybase_connection_open (GdaServerConnection * cnc, const gchar * dsn,
-				 const gchar * user, const gchar * passwd);
-void gda_sybase_connection_close (GdaServerConnection * cnc);
-gint gda_sybase_connection_begin_transaction (GdaServerConnection * cnc);
-gint gda_sybase_connection_commit_transaction (GdaServerConnection * cnc);
-gint gda_sybase_connection_rollback_transaction (GdaServerConnection * cnc);
-GdaServerRecordset *gda_sybase_connection_open_schema (GdaServerConnection *
-						       cnc,
-						       GdaError * error,
-						       GDA_Connection_QType t,
-						       GDA_Connection_Constraint
-						       * constraints,
-						       gint length);
-glong gda_sybase_connection_modify_schema (GdaServerConnection * cnc,
-					   GDA_Connection_QType t,
-					   GDA_Connection_Constraint *
-					   constraints, gint length);
-gint gda_sybase_connection_start_logging (GdaServerConnection * cnc,
-					  const gchar * filename);
-gint gda_sybase_connection_stop_logging (GdaServerConnection * cnc);
-gchar *gda_sybase_connection_create_table (GdaServerConnection * cnc,
-					   GDA_RowAttributes * columns);
-gboolean gda_sybase_connection_supports (GdaServerConnection *,
-					 GDA_Connection_Feature feature);
-const GDA_ValueType gda_sybase_connection_get_gda_type (GdaServerConnection *,
-							gulong);
-const gshort gda_sybase_connection_get_c_type (GdaServerConnection *,
-					       GDA_ValueType type);
-gchar *gda_sybase_connection_sql2xml (GdaServerConnection * cnc,
-				      const gchar * sql);
-gchar *gda_sybase_connection_xml2sql (GdaServerConnection * cnc,
-				      const gchar * xml);
-void gda_sybase_connection_free (GdaServerConnection * cnc);
-void gda_sybase_connection_clear_user_data (GdaServerConnection *, gboolean);
-gboolean gda_sybase_connection_dead (GdaServerConnection *);
-gboolean gda_sybase_connection_reopen (GdaServerConnection *);
-CS_RETCODE gda_sybase_connection_select_database (GdaServerConnection *,
-						  const gchar * dbname);
+ * $Id: gda-sybase-connection.h,v 2001/09/16 20:12:39 rodrigo Exp $
+ *
+ * GNOME DB sybase Provider
+ * Copyright (C) 2000 Rodrigo Moya
+ * Copyright (C) 2000 Stephan Heinze
+ * Copyright (C) 2000 Holger Thon
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Library General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
+ * Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+ */
+#if !defined(__gda_sybase_connection_h__)
+#  define __gda_sybase_connection_h__
+#if defined(HAVE_CONFIG_H)
+#  include <config.h>
+#include <gda-server.h>
+#include <glib.h>
+#include <ctpublic.h>
+#include "gda-sybase.h"
+// The application name we tell sybase we are
+#define GDA_SYBASE_DEFAULT_APPNAME "gda-sybase-srv"
+ * Per-object specific structures
+ */
+typedef struct _sybase_Error
+/*  	guint err_type; */
+/*  	CS_CLIENTMSG cslib_msg; */
+/*  	CS_CLIENTMSG client_msg; */
+/*  	CS_SERVERMSG server_msg */;
+/*  	gchar *udeferr_msg; */
+		gchar *eMessage;
+typedef struct _sybase_Connection
+	CS_CONTEXT *ctx;
+	gboolean cs_diag;	// wether we can use cs_diag for cslib messages
+	gboolean ct_diag;	// wether we can use ct_diag for ctlib messages
+	GdaError *error;
+	sybase_Error serr;
+	gchar *database;
+ * Server implementation prototypes
+ */
+gboolean gda_sybase_connection_new (GdaServerConnection * cnc);
+gint gda_sybase_connection_open (GdaServerConnection * cnc, const gchar * dsn,
+				 const gchar * user, const gchar * passwd);
+void gda_sybase_connection_close (GdaServerConnection * cnc);
+gint gda_sybase_connection_begin_transaction (GdaServerConnection * cnc);
+gint gda_sybase_connection_commit_transaction (GdaServerConnection * cnc);
+gint gda_sybase_connection_rollback_transaction (GdaServerConnection * cnc);
+GdaServerRecordset *gda_sybase_connection_open_schema (GdaServerConnection *
+						       cnc,
+						       GdaError * error,
+						       GDA_Connection_QType t,
+						       GDA_Connection_Constraint
+						       * constraints,
+						       gint length);
+glong gda_sybase_connection_modify_schema (GdaServerConnection * cnc,
+					   GDA_Connection_QType t,
+					   GDA_Connection_Constraint *
+					   constraints, gint length);
+gint gda_sybase_connection_start_logging (GdaServerConnection * cnc,
+					  const gchar * filename);
+gint gda_sybase_connection_stop_logging (GdaServerConnection * cnc);
+gchar *gda_sybase_connection_create_table (GdaServerConnection * cnc,
+					   GDA_RowAttributes * columns);
+gboolean gda_sybase_connection_supports (GdaServerConnection *,
+					 GDA_Connection_Feature feature);
+const GDA_ValueType gda_sybase_connection_get_gda_type (GdaServerConnection *,
+							gulong);
+const gshort gda_sybase_connection_get_c_type (GdaServerConnection *,
+					       GDA_ValueType type);
+gchar *gda_sybase_connection_sql2xml (GdaServerConnection * cnc,
+				      const gchar * sql);
+gchar *gda_sybase_connection_xml2sql (GdaServerConnection * cnc,
+				      const gchar * xml);
+void gda_sybase_connection_free (GdaServerConnection * cnc);
+void gda_sybase_connection_clear_user_data (GdaServerConnection *, gboolean);
+gboolean gda_sybase_connection_dead (GdaServerConnection *);
+gboolean gda_sybase_connection_reopen (GdaServerConnection *);
+CS_RETCODE gda_sybase_connection_select_database (GdaServerConnection *,
+						  const gchar * dbname);
+void gda_sybase_cleanup (sybase_Connection *, 
+                         CS_RETCODE, 
+                         const gchar *);
Index: gda-sybase-error.c
RCS file: /cvs/gnome/libgda/providers/gda-sybase-server/Attic/gda-sybase-error.c,v
retrieving revision
diff -u -u -r1.4.4.1 gda-sybase-error.c
--- gda-sybase-error.c	2001/09/16 20:12:39
+++ gda-sybase-error.c	2001/11/22 04:42:49
@@ -54,610 +54,874 @@
 #include "ctype.h"
 //  callback handlers
-gda_sybase_servermsg_callback (CS_CONTEXT *, CS_CONNECTION *, CS_SERVERMSG *);
-gda_sybase_clientmsg_callback (CS_CONTEXT *, CS_CONNECTION *, CS_CLIENTMSG *);
-gda_sybase_csmsg_callback (CS_CONTEXT *, CS_CLIENTMSG *);
+/* static CS_RETCODE CS_PUBLIC */
+/* gda_sybase_servermsg_callback (CS_CONTEXT *, CS_CONNECTION *, CS_SERVERMSG *); */
+/* static CS_RETCODE CS_PUBLIC */
+/* gda_sybase_clientmsg_callback (CS_CONTEXT *, CS_CONNECTION *, CS_CLIENTMSG *); */
+/* static CS_RETCODE CS_PUBLIC */
+/* gda_sybase_csmsg_callback (CS_CONTEXT *, CS_CLIENTMSG *); */
-GdaServerConnection *gda_sybase_callback_get_connection (const CS_CONTEXT *,
-							 const CS_CONNECTION
-							 *);
+/* GdaServerConnection *gda_sybase_callback_get_connection (const CS_CONTEXT *, */
+/* 							 const CS_CONNECTION */
+/* 							 *); */
 gda_sybase_error_make (GdaError * error,
-		       GdaServerRecordset * recset,
-		       GdaServerConnection * cnc, gchar * where)
-	sybase_Connection *scnc = NULL;
-	gchar *err_msg = NULL;
-	gda_log_message (_("gda_sybase_error_make(%p,%p,%p,%p)"), error,
-			 recset, cnc, where);
-	g_return_if_fail (cnc != NULL);
-	scnc = (sybase_Connection *)
-		gda_server_connection_get_user_data (cnc);
-	g_return_if_fail (scnc != NULL);
-	switch (scnc->serr.err_type) {
-		err_msg =
-			g_strdup_printf (_
-					 ("No error flag ist set, though %s "
-					  "is called. This may be a bug."),
-					 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
-		gda_error_set_description (error,
-						  (err_msg) ? err_msg :
-						  "Unknown error");
-		err_msg = g_sprintf_servermsg ("Server Message:",
-					       &scnc->serr.server_msg);
-		gda_error_set_description (error,
-						  (err_msg) ? err_msg :
-						  "Server error");
-		break;
-		err_msg = g_sprintf_clientmsg ("Client Message:",
-					       &scnc->serr.client_msg);
-		gda_error_set_description (error,
-						  (err_msg) ? err_msg :
-						  "Client error");
-		break;
-		err_msg = g_sprintf_clientmsg ("CS-Lib Message:",
-					       &scnc->serr.cslib_msg);
-		gda_error_set_description (error,
-						  (err_msg) ? err_msg :
-						  "Cslib error");
-		break;
-		gda_error_set_description (error,
-						  (scnc->serr.
-						   udeferr_msg) ? scnc->serr.
-						  udeferr_msg :
-						  "gda-sybase error");
-		if (scnc->serr.udeferr_msg) {
-			g_free ((gpointer) scnc->serr.udeferr_msg);
-		}
-		break;
-	default:
-		gda_error_set_description (error, "Unknown error");
-		break;
-	}
-	gda_log_error (_("error '%s' at %s"),
-		       gda_error_get_description (error), where);
-	if (err_msg) {
-		g_free ((gpointer) err_msg);
-	}
-	gda_error_set_number (error, 1);
-	gda_error_set_source (error, "[gda-sybase]");
-/*  	gda_error_set_help_file (error, _("Not available")); */
-	gda_error_set_help_context (error, _("Not available"));
-	gda_error_set_sqlstate (error, _("error"));
-	gda_error_set_native (error,
-				     gda_error_get_description
-				     (error));
+																							GdaServerRecordset * recset,
+                       GdaServerConnection * cnc, 
+                       gchar * where)
+		sybase_Connection *scnc = NULL;
+		gchar *err_msg = NULL;
+		/*  #ifdef SYBASE_DEBUG */
+		/*  	gda_log_message (_("gda_sybase_error_make(%p,%p,%p,%p)"), error, */
+		/*  			 recset, cnc, where); */
+		/*  #endif */
+		g_return_if_fail (cnc != NULL);
+		scnc = (sybase_Connection *)
+				gda_server_connection_get_user_data (cnc);
+		g_return_if_fail (scnc != NULL);
+		err_msg = g_strdup_printf(scnc->serr.eMessage);
+  gda_error_set_description (error,
+                             (g_strdup(err_msg)) ? err_msg :
+                             "Unknown error");
+		gda_log_error (_("error '%s' at %s"),
+																	gda_error_get_description (error), where);
+		gda_sybase_debug_msg("--------------------------------------------");		
+		gda_sybase_debug_msg("in error make");		
+		gda_sybase_debug_msg(scnc->serr.eMessage);
+		gda_sybase_debug_msg("--------------------------------------------");		
+		gda_error_set_number (error, 1);
+		gda_error_set_source (error, "[gda-sybase]");
+		gda_error_set_help_context (error, _("Not available"));
+		gda_error_set_sqlstate (error, _("error"));
+		gda_error_set_native (error,
+																								gda_error_get_description
+																								(error));
+		gda_log_error (_("error '%s' at %s"),
+			       gda_error_get_description (error), where);
+		if (err_msg) 
+				{
+						g_free ((gpointer) err_msg);
+				}
+  if (scnc->serr.eMessage)
+				{
+						g_free((gpointer)scnc->serr.eMessage);
+						scnc->serr.eMessage = NULL;
+				}
 gda_sybase_messages_install (GdaServerConnection * cnc)
-	sybase_Connection *scnc = NULL;
-	g_return_val_if_fail (cnc != NULL, FALSE);
-	scnc = (sybase_Connection *)
-		gda_server_connection_get_user_data (cnc);
-	g_return_val_if_fail (scnc != NULL, FALSE);
-	if ((scnc->ctx)
-	    &&
-	    ((scnc->ret =
-	      cs_diag (scnc->ctx, CS_INIT, CS_UNUSED, CS_UNUSED,
-		       NULL)) == CS_SUCCEED)) {
-		scnc->cs_diag = TRUE;
-		gda_log_message (_("cs_diag() initialized"));
-	}
-	else {
-		gda_log_error (_("Could not initialize cs_diag()"));
-	}
-	if ((scnc->cnc)
-	    &&
-	    ((scnc->ret =
-	      ct_diag (scnc->cnc, CS_INIT, CS_UNUSED, CS_UNUSED,
-		       NULL)) == CS_SUCCEED)) {
-		scnc->ct_diag = TRUE;
+		/* this function set up open client to use inline error */ 
+		/* handling */
+  sybase_Connection *scnc = NULL;
+  CS_RETCODE ret;
+		g_return_val_if_fail (cnc != NULL, FALSE);
+		scnc = (sybase_Connection *)
+				gda_server_connection_get_user_data (cnc);
+		g_return_val_if_fail (scnc != NULL, FALSE);
+		if (scnc->ctx) 
+				{
+						scnc->ret = cs_diag (scnc->ctx, 
+																											CS_INIT, 
+																											CS_UNUSED, 
+																											CS_UNUSED,
+																											NULL);
+						if (scnc->ret == CS_SUCCEED)
+								{
+										scnc->cs_diag = TRUE;
-		gda_log_message (_("ct_diag() initialized"));
+										gda_log_message (_("cs_diag() initialized"));
-	}
-	else {
-		gda_log_error (_("Could not initialize ct_diag()"));
-	}
-	// Succeeding means both succeed
-	return ((scnc->cs_diag == TRUE)
-		&& (scnc->ct_diag == TRUE)) ? TRUE : FALSE;
-gda_sybase_messages_uninstall (GdaServerConnection * cnc)
-	// Seems the diag info is dropped with the context/connection structure
+								}
-sybase_chkerr (GdaError * error,
-	       GdaServerRecordset * recset,
-	       GdaServerConnection * _cnc,
-	       GdaServerCommand * _cmd, gchar * where)
-	GdaServerConnection *cnc = NULL;
-	GdaServerCommand *cmd = NULL;
-	sybase_Connection *scnc = NULL;
-	sybase_Command *scmd = NULL;
-	sybase_Recordset *srecset = NULL;
-	CS_INT messages = 0;
-	if (_cnc) {
-		cnc = _cnc;
-	}
-	else if (recset) {
-		cnc = gda_server_recordset_get_connection (recset);
-		srecset = gda_server_recordset_get_user_data (recset);
-	}
-	else {
-		gda_log_error (_("%s could not find server implementation"),
-			       __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
-		return;
-	}
-	scnc = (sybase_Connection *)
-		gda_server_connection_get_user_data (cnc);
-	if (scnc == NULL) {
-		gda_log_error (_("%s could not get cnc userdata"),
-			       __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
-		return;
-	}
-	if (_cmd) {
-		cmd = _cmd;
-	}
-	if ((scnc->ct_diag == TRUE) && (scnc->cnc)) {
-		ret = ct_diag (scnc->cnc, CS_STATUS, CS_ALLMSG_TYPE,
-			       CS_UNUSED, &messages);
-		if (ret != CS_SUCCEED) {
-			gda_log_error (_("Could not get # of messages"));
-			return;
-		}
-		else if (messages > 0) {
-			if (messages > 1) {
-				gda_log_message (_
-						 ("%d ctlib messages to fetch"),
-						 messages);
-			}
-			else {
-				gda_log_message (_
-						 ("%d ctlib message to fetch"),
-						 messages);
-			}
-			gda_sybase_messages_handle_clientmsg (error, recset,
-							      cnc, where);
-			gda_sybase_messages_handle_servermsg (error, recset,
-							      cnc, where);
-		}
-	}
-	if ((scnc->cs_diag == TRUE) && (scnc->ctx)) {
-		gda_sybase_messages_handle_csmsg (error, recset, cnc, where);
-	}
-	// Make sure err_type is set correct again
-	scnc->serr.err_type = SYBASE_ERR_NONE;
-sybase_exec_chk (CS_RETCODE * retvar,
-		 CS_RETCODE retval,
-		 GdaError * err,
-		 GdaServerRecordset * rec,
-		 GdaServerConnection * cnc,
-		 GdaServerCommand * cmd, gchar * where)
-	sybase_chkerr (err, rec, cnc, cmd, where);
+						else 
+								{
+										gda_log_error (_("Could not initialize cs_diag()"));
+								}
+				}
+		if (scnc->cnc)
+				{
+						scnc->ret = ct_diag (scnc->cnc, 
+																											CS_INIT, 
+																											CS_UNUSED, 
+																											CS_UNUSED,
+																											NULL);
+						if (scnc->ret == CS_SUCCEED)
+								{
-	return ((retvar) ? (*retvar = retval) : retval);
+										scnc->ct_diag = TRUE;
-gda_sybase_messages_handle (GdaError * error,
-			    GdaServerRecordset * recset,
-			    GdaServerConnection * cnc, gchar * where)
-	if (error == NULL) {
-		gda_log_error (_
-			       ("error is nullpointer in gda_sybase_messages_handle"));
-		return;
-	}
-	sybase_chkerr (error, recset, cnc, NULL, where);
-gda_sybase_messages_handle_clientmsg (GdaError * error,
-				      GdaServerRecordset * recset,
-				      GdaServerConnection * cnc,
-				      gchar * where)
-	sybase_Connection *scnc = NULL;
-	CS_INT msgcnt = 0;
-	CS_INT msgcur = 0;
-	g_return_if_fail (cnc != NULL);
-	scnc = (sybase_Connection *)
-		gda_server_connection_get_user_data (cnc);
-	g_return_if_fail (scnc != NULL);
-	g_return_if_fail (scnc->ct_diag != FALSE);
-	ret = ct_diag (scnc->cnc, CS_STATUS, CS_CLIENTMSG_TYPE, CS_UNUSED,
-		       &msgcnt);
-	if (ret != CS_SUCCEED) {
-		gda_log_error (_("Could not get # of server messages"));
-		return;
-	}
-	if (msgcnt == 0) {
-		return;
-	}
-	if (msgcnt > 1) {
-		gda_log_message (_("Fetching %d client messages"), msgcnt);
-	}
-	else {
-		gda_log_message (_("Fetching %d client message"), msgcnt);
-	}
+										gda_log_message (_("ct_diag() initialized"));
-	while (msgcur < msgcnt) {
-		msgcur++;
-		ret = ct_diag (scnc->cnc, CS_GET, CS_CLIENTMSG_TYPE, msgcur,
-			       &scnc->serr.client_msg);
-		if (ret != CS_SUCCEED) {
-			gda_log_error (_("Could not get client msg # %d"),
-				       msgcur);
-			return;
-		}
-		scnc->serr.err_type = SYBASE_ERR_CLIENT;
-		//          if (!error) {
-		gda_sybase_log_clientmsg ("Client Message:",
-					  &scnc->serr.client_msg);
-		//          } else {
-		//                  gda_server_error_make(error, recset, cnc, where);
-		//          }
-		// Check if any new message came in
-		if (msgcur == msgcnt) {
-			ret = ct_diag (scnc->cnc, CS_STATUS,
-				       CS_CLIENTMSG_TYPE, CS_UNUSED, &msgcnt);
-			if (ret != CS_SUCCEED) {
-				gda_log_error (_
-					       ("Could not get # of client messages"));
-				return;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	ret = ct_diag (scnc->cnc, CS_CLEAR, CS_CLIENTMSG_TYPE,
-		       CS_UNUSED, &scnc->serr.client_msg);
-	if (ret != CS_SUCCEED) {
-		gda_log_error (_("Could not clear client messages"));
-	}
-gda_sybase_messages_handle_servermsg (GdaError * error,
-				      GdaServerRecordset * recset,
-				      GdaServerConnection * cnc,
-				      gchar * where)
-	GdaError *serverr = error;
-	sybase_Connection *scnc = NULL;
-	CS_INT msgcur = 0;
-	CS_INT msgcnt = 0;
-	g_return_if_fail (cnc != NULL);
-	scnc = (sybase_Connection *)
-		gda_server_connection_get_user_data (cnc);
-	g_return_if_fail (scnc != NULL);
-	g_return_if_fail (scnc->ct_diag != FALSE);
-	ret = ct_diag (scnc->cnc, CS_STATUS, CS_SERVERMSG_TYPE, CS_UNUSED,
-		       &msgcnt);
-	if (ret != CS_SUCCEED) {
-		gda_log_error (_("Could not get # of server messages"));
-		return;
-	}
-	if (msgcnt == 0) {
-		return;
-	}
-	if (msgcnt > 1) {
-		gda_log_message (_("Fetching %d server messages"), msgcnt);
-	}
-	else {
-		gda_log_message (_("Fetching %d server message"), msgcnt);
-	}
-	while (msgcur < msgcnt) {
-		msgcur++;
+								}
+				}
+		else 
+				{
+						gda_log_error (_("Could not initialize ct_diag()"));
+				}
+  if ((scnc->ct_diag)&&(scnc->cs_diag))
+				return TRUE;
+  else
+				return FALSE;
+/* void */
+/* gda_sybase_messages_uninstall (GdaServerConnection * cnc) */
+/* { */
+// Seems the diag info is dropped with the context/connection structure
+/* } */
-		ret = ct_diag (scnc->cnc, CS_GET, CS_SERVERMSG_TYPE, msgcur,
-			       &scnc->serr.server_msg);
-		if (ret != CS_SUCCEED) {
-			gda_log_error (_("Could not get server msg # %d"),
-				       msgcur);
-			return;
-		}
+sybase_chkerr (GdaError * error,
+               GdaServerRecordset * recset,
+               GdaServerConnection * _cnc,
+               GdaServerCommand * _cmd, 
+               gchar * where)
+		/* this function will get called after every open client function */
+		/* call to check for error messages.  it will return TRUE if there */
+		/* is a server/openclient message that we need to worry about */
+		GdaServerConnection *cnc = NULL;
+		GdaServerCommand *cmd = NULL;
+		sybase_Connection *scnc = NULL;
+		sybase_Command *scmd = NULL;
+		sybase_Recordset *srecset = NULL;
+		CS_INT messages = 0;
+		gboolean oneWasBad = FALSE;
+		gboolean msgRet = FALSE;
+		gchar message[2000];
+		if (_cnc) 
+				{
+						cnc = _cnc;
+				}
+		else 
+				{
+						gda_log_error (_("%s could not find server implementation"),
+																					__PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
+						return TRUE;
+				}
+		scnc = (sybase_Connection *)
+				gda_server_connection_get_user_data (cnc);
+		if (scnc == NULL) 
+				{
+						gda_log_error (_("%s could not get cnc userdata"),
+																					__PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
+						return TRUE;
+				}
+		if (_cmd) 
+				{
+						cmd = _cmd;
+				}
+		if ((scnc->ct_diag == TRUE) && (scnc->cnc)) 
+				{
+						ret = ct_diag (scnc->cnc, 
+																					CS_STATUS, 
+																					CS_ALLMSG_TYPE,
+																					CS_UNUSED, 
+																					&messages);
+						if (ret != CS_SUCCEED) 
+								{
+										gda_log_error (_("Could not get # of messages"));
+										return TRUE;
+								}			
+						else if (messages > 0) 
+								{
+										msgRet = gda_sybase_messages_handle_clientmsg (error, 
+																																																									recset, 
+																																																									cnc, 
+																																																									where);
+										if (msgRet)
+												{
+														oneWasBad = TRUE;
+														gda_sybase_debug_msg("handle clientmsg returned a bad thing");
+												}
+										msgRet = gda_sybase_messages_handle_servermsg (error, 
+																																																									recset, 
+																																																									cnc, 
+																																																									where);
+										if (msgRet)
+												{
+														oneWasBad = TRUE;
+														gda_sybase_debug_msg("handle servermsg returned a bad thing");
+												}
+								}
+				}
+		if ((scnc->cs_diag == TRUE) && (scnc->ctx)) 
+				{
+						msgRet = gda_sybase_messages_handle_csmsg (error, 
+																																																	recset,  
+																																																	cnc, 
+																																																	where);
+						if (msgRet)
+								{
+										oneWasBad = TRUE;
+										gda_sybase_debug_msg("handle cmsg  returned a bad thing");
+								}
+				}
+		// Make sure err_type is set correct again
+		/*  scnc->serr.err_type = SYBASE_ERR_NONE; */
+		if (oneWasBad)
+				{
+						g_snprintf(message,200,"%s - something bad happened above me!?!",where);
+						gda_sybase_debug_msg(message);
+						return TRUE;
+				}
+		else
+				{
+						g_snprintf(message,200,"%s - aok!",where);
+						gda_sybase_debug_msg(message);
+						return FALSE;
+				}
-		scnc->serr.err_type = SYBASE_ERR_SERVER;
-		//          if (!error) {
-		gda_sybase_log_servermsg ("Server Message:",
-					  &scnc->serr.server_msg);
-		//          } else {
-		//          if (!serverr) {
-		//          serverr = gda_server_error_new();
-		//          }
-		//          if (serverr) {
-		//                  gda_server_error_make(serverr, recset, cnc, where);
-		//          }
+gda_sybase_messages_handle_clientmsg (GdaError * error,
+                                      GdaServerRecordset * recset,
+                                      GdaServerConnection * cnc,
+                                      gchar * where)
+		/* this function will return TRUE if the client message is one we should */
+		/*worry about. */
+		sybase_Connection *scnc = NULL;
+		CS_INT msgcnt = 0;
+		CS_INT msgcur = 0;
+		GdaError *err;
+		gchar *message;
+		gboolean error_occured = FALSE;
+		g_return_if_fail (cnc != NULL);
+		scnc = (sybase_Connection *)
+				gda_server_connection_get_user_data (cnc);
+		g_return_if_fail (scnc != NULL);
+		g_return_if_fail (scnc->ct_diag != FALSE);
+		ret = ct_diag (scnc->cnc, 
+																	CS_STATUS, 
+																	CS_CLIENTMSG_TYPE, 
+																	CS_UNUSED,
+																	&msgcnt);
+		if (ret != CS_SUCCEED) 
+				{
+						message = g_new0(gchar,200);
+						g_snprintf(message,200,"%s",
+																	_("ct_diag failed, Could not get # of client messages(1)"));
+						gda_log_error (message);
+						scnc->serr.eMessage=g_strdup(message);
+						err = gda_error_new();
+						gda_server_error_make(err, recset, cnc, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
+						g_free((gpointer) message);
+						return TRUE;
+				}
+		if (msgcnt == 0) 
+				{
+						return FALSE;
+				}
+		while (msgcur < msgcnt) 
+				{
+						msgcur++;
+						ret = ct_diag (scnc->cnc, 
+																					CS_GET, 
+																					CS_CLIENTMSG_TYPE, 
+																					msgcur,
+																					&msg);
+						if (ret != CS_SUCCEED) 
+								{
+										message = g_new0(gchar,200);
+										g_snprintf(message,200,"%s%d",
+																					_("Could not get client msg #"),msgcur);
+										gda_log_error (message);
+										err = gda_error_new();
+										scnc->serr.eMessage=g_strdup(message);
+										gda_server_error_make(err,recset,cnc,__PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
+										g_free((gpointer) message);
+										return TRUE;                    
+								}
+						/* only do something if the error is not informational does */
+						/* gnome-db have a way of showing just informational messages? */
+						if (msg.severity != CS_SV_INFORM)
+								{
+										gda_sybase_log_clientmsg (_("Client Message:"), 
+																																				&msg); 
+										message = g_sprintf_clientmsg (_("Client Message:"), 
+																																									&msg); 
+										scnc->serr.eMessage=g_strdup(message);                    
+										err = gda_error_new();
+										gda_server_error_make(err, recset, cnc, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); 
+										g_free((gpointer)message);
+										error_occured = TRUE;
+								}
+						/* for now, just dump it to the log */
+						else
+								{
+										message = g_sprintf_clientmsg("!!!Client Message INFORMATIONAL!!!:",
+																																								&msg);
+										g_free((gpointer)message);
+								}
+						if (msgcur == msgcnt) 
+								{
+										ret = ct_diag (scnc->cnc, 
+																									CS_STATUS,
+																									CS_CLIENTMSG_TYPE, 
+																									CS_UNUSED, 
+																									&msgcnt);
+										if (ret != CS_SUCCEED) 
+												{
+														message = g_new0(gchar,200);
+														g_snprintf(message,200,"%s",
+																									_("ct_diag failed, Could not get # of client messages(2)"));
+														gda_log_error (message);
+														scnc->serr.eMessage=g_strdup(message);
+														gda_server_error_make(err, recset, cnc, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
+														g_free((gpointer) message);
+														return TRUE;                            
+												}
+								}
+				}
+		ret = ct_diag (scnc->cnc, 
+																	CS_CLEAR, 
+																	CS_CLIENTMSG_TYPE,
+																	CS_UNUSED, 
+																	&msg);
+		if (ret != CS_SUCCEED) 
+				{
+						message = g_new0(gchar,200);
+						g_snprintf(message,200,"%s",
+																	_("Could not clear client messages"));
+						gda_log_error (message);
+						scnc->serr.eMessage=g_strdup(message);
+						gda_server_error_make(err, recset, cnc, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
+						g_free((gpointer) message);
+						return TRUE;                
+				}
+		return (error_occured);
-		// Check if current message has any extra error data
-		if (scnc->serr.server_msg.status & CS_HASEED) {
-		}
-		// Check if any new message came in
-		if (msgcur == msgcnt) {
-			ret = ct_diag (scnc->cnc, CS_STATUS,
-				       CS_SERVERMSG_TYPE, CS_UNUSED, &msgcnt);
-			if (ret != CS_SUCCEED) {
-				gda_log_error (_
-					       ("Could not get # of server messages"));
-				return;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	ret = ct_diag (scnc->cnc, CS_CLEAR, CS_SERVERMSG_TYPE,
-		       CS_UNUSED, &scnc->serr.server_msg);
-	if (ret != CS_SUCCEED) {
-		gda_log_error (_("Could not clear server messages"));
-	}
+gda_sybase_messages_handle_servermsg (GdaError * error,
+																																						GdaServerRecordset * recset,
+																																						GdaServerConnection * cnc,
+																																						gchar * where)
+		GdaError *serverr = error;
+		sybase_Connection *scnc = NULL;
+		CS_INT msgcur = 0;
+		CS_INT msgcnt = 0;
+		gchar *message;
+		GdaError *err;
+		gboolean error_occured = FALSE;
+		gchar junk[1000];
+		g_return_if_fail (cnc != NULL);
+		scnc = (sybase_Connection *)
+				gda_server_connection_get_user_data (cnc);
+		g_return_if_fail (scnc != NULL);
+		g_return_if_fail (scnc->ct_diag != FALSE);
+		ret = ct_diag (scnc->cnc, 
+																	CS_STATUS, 
+																	CS_SERVERMSG_TYPE, 
+																	CS_UNUSED,
+																	&msgcnt);
+		if (ret != CS_SUCCEED) 
+				{
+						message = g_new0(gchar,200);
+						g_snprintf(message,200,"%s",
+																	_("Could not get # of server messages(1)"));
+						gda_log_error (message);
+						scnc->serr.eMessage=g_strdup(message);
+						err = gda_error_new();
+						gda_server_error_make(err, recset, cnc, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
+						g_free((gpointer) message);
+						return TRUE;
+				}
+		if (msgcnt == 0) 
+				{
+						return FALSE;
+				}
+		while (msgcur < msgcnt) 
+				{
+						msgcur++;            
+						ret = ct_diag (scnc->cnc, 
+																					CS_GET, 
+																					CS_SERVERMSG_TYPE, 
+																					msgcur,
+																					&msg);
+						if (ret != CS_SUCCEED) 
+								{
+										message = g_new0(gchar,200);
+										g_snprintf(message,200,"%s%d",
+																					_("Could not get server msg #"),msgcur);
+										gda_log_error (message);
+										scnc->serr.eMessage=g_strdup(message);
+										err = gda_error_new();
+										gda_server_error_make(err, recset, cnc, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
+										g_free((gpointer) message);
+										return TRUE;
+								}
+						/* for now, just dump informational messages to the log */
+						/* severity of 10 is informational, I think */
+/*  						g_snprintf(junk,200,"severity = %d %ld",msg.severity,msg.severity); */
+/*  						gda_sybase_debug_msg(junk); */
+						if ((msg.severity == CS_SV_INFORM) || (msg.severity == 10))
+								{
+										message = g_sprintf_servermsg("!!!Server Message INFORMATIONAL!!!:",
+																																								&msg);
+										g_free((gpointer)message);
+								}
+						/* show an error if it is not informational */
+						else
+								{
+										gda_sybase_log_servermsg ("Server Message:",
+																																				&msg);
+										message = g_sprintf_servermsg("Server Message:",
+																																								&msg);
+										scnc->serr.eMessage = g_strdup(message);
+										err = gda_error_new();
+										gda_server_error_make(err, 
+																																recset, 
+																																cnc, 
+																																__PRETTY_FUNCTION__);        
+										g_free((gpointer)message);
+										error_occured = TRUE;
+								}        
+						/* Check if current message has any extra error data */
+						if (msg.status == CS_HASEED) 
+								{
+								}
+						/* Check if any new messages have come in */
+						if (msgcur == msgcnt) 
+								{
+										ret = ct_diag (scnc->cnc, 
+																									CS_STATUS,
+																									CS_SERVERMSG_TYPE, 
+																									CS_UNUSED, 
+																									&msgcnt);
+										if (ret != CS_SUCCEED) 
+												{
+														message = g_new0(gchar,200);
+														g_snprintf(message,200,"%s",
+																									_("Could not get # of server messages"));
+														gda_log_error (message);
+														scnc->serr.eMessage=g_strdup(message);
+														err = gda_error_new();
+														gda_server_error_make(err, 
+																																				recset, 
+																																				cnc, 
+																																				__PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
+														g_free((gpointer) message);
+														return TRUE;
+												}               
+								}
+				}
+		ret = ct_diag (scnc->cnc, 
+																	CS_CLEAR, 
+																	CS_SERVERMSG_TYPE,
+																	CS_UNUSED, 
+																	&msg);
+		if (ret != CS_SUCCEED) 
+				{
+						message = g_new0(gchar,200);
+						g_snprintf(message,200,"%s",
+																	_("Could not clear server messages"));
+						gda_log_error (message);
+						scnc->serr.eMessage=g_strdup(message);
+						err = gda_error_new();
+						gda_server_error_make(err, recset, cnc, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
+						g_free((gpointer) message);
+						return TRUE;
+				}
+		return(error_occured);
 gda_sybase_messages_handle_csmsg (GdaError * error,
-				  GdaServerRecordset * recset,
-				  GdaServerConnection * cnc, gchar * where)
-	sybase_Connection *scnc = NULL;
-	CS_INT msgcnt = 0;
-	CS_INT msgcur = 0;
-	g_return_if_fail (cnc != NULL);
-	scnc = (sybase_Connection *)
-		gda_server_connection_get_user_data (cnc);
-	g_return_if_fail (scnc != NULL);
-	ret = cs_diag (scnc->ctx, CS_STATUS, CS_CLIENTMSG_TYPE, CS_UNUSED,
-		       &msgcnt);
-	if (ret != CS_SUCCEED) {
-		gda_log_error (_("Could not get # of cslib messages"));
-		return;
-	}
-	if (msgcnt == 0) {
-		return;
-	}
+																																		GdaServerRecordset * recset,
+																																		GdaServerConnection * cnc, 
+																																		gchar * where)
+		sybase_Connection *scnc = NULL;
+		CS_INT msgcnt = 0;
+		CS_INT msgcur = 0;
+		gchar *message;
+		GdaError *err;
+		gboolean error_occured = FALSE;
+		g_return_if_fail (cnc != NULL);
+		scnc = (sybase_Connection *)
+				gda_server_connection_get_user_data (cnc);
+		g_return_if_fail (scnc != NULL);
+		ret = cs_diag (scnc->ctx, 
+																	CS_STATUS, 
+																	CS_CLIENTMSG_TYPE, 
+																	CS_UNUSED,
+																	&msgcnt);
+		if (ret != CS_SUCCEED) 
+				{
+						message = g_new0(gchar,200);
+						g_snprintf(message,200,"%s",
+																	_("Could not get # of cslib messages"));
+						gda_log_error (message);
+						scnc->serr.eMessage=g_strdup(message);
+						err = gda_error_new();
+						gda_server_error_make(err, recset, cnc, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
+						g_free((gpointer) message);
+						return (TRUE);            
+				}
+		if (msgcnt == 0) 
+				{
+						return (FALSE);
+				}
-	if (msgcnt > 1) {
-		gda_log_message (_("Fetching %d cslib messages"), msgcnt);
-	}
-	else {
-		gda_log_message (_("Fetching %d cslib message"), msgcnt);
-	}
+		if (msgcnt > 1) {
+				gda_log_message (_("Fetching %d cslib messages"), msgcnt);
+		}
+		else {
+				gda_log_message (_("Fetching %d cslib message"), msgcnt);
+		}
-	while (msgcur < msgcnt) {
-		msgcur++;
-		ret = cs_diag (scnc->ctx, CS_GET, CS_CLIENTMSG_TYPE, msgcur,
-			       &scnc->serr.cslib_msg);
-		if (ret != CS_SUCCEED) {
-			gda_log_error (_("Could not get cslib msg # %d"),
-				       msgcur);
-			return;
-		}
-		scnc->serr.err_type = SYBASE_ERR_CSLIB;
-		//          if (!error) {
-		gda_sybase_log_clientmsg ("CS-Library message:",
-					  &scnc->serr.cslib_msg);
-		//          } else {
-		//                  gda_server_error_make(error, recset, cnc, where);
-		//          }
-		// Check if any new message came in
-		if (msgcur == msgcnt) {
-			ret = cs_diag (scnc->ctx, CS_STATUS,
-				       CS_CLIENTMSG_TYPE, CS_UNUSED, &msgcnt);
-			if (ret != CS_SUCCEED) {
-				gda_log_error (_
-					       ("Could not get # of cslib messages"));
-				return;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	ret = cs_diag (scnc->ctx, CS_CLEAR, CS_CLIENTMSG_TYPE,
-		       CS_UNUSED, &scnc->serr.cslib_msg);
-	if (ret != CS_SUCCEED) {
-		gda_log_error (_("Could not clear cslib messages"));
-	}
+		while (msgcur < msgcnt) 
+				{
+						msgcur++;
+						ret = cs_diag (scnc->ctx, 
+																					CS_GET, 
+																					CS_CLIENTMSG_TYPE, 
+																					msgcur,
+																					&msg);
+						if (ret != CS_SUCCEED) 
+								{
+										message = g_new0(gchar,200);
+										g_snprintf(message,200,"%s%d",
+																					_("Could not get cslib msg #"),msgcur);
+										gda_log_error (message);
+										scnc->serr.eMessage=g_strdup(message);
+										err = gda_error_new();
+										gda_server_error_make(err, recset, cnc, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
+										g_free((gpointer) message);
+										return (TRUE);                           
+								}
+						gda_sybase_log_clientmsg ("CS-Library message:",
+																																&msg);
+						/* only do something if the error is not informational does */
+						/* gnome-db have a way of showing just informational messages? */
+						if (msg.severity != CS_SV_INFORM)
+								{
+										gda_sybase_log_clientmsg (_("Client Message:"), 
+																																				&msg); 
+										message = g_sprintf_clientmsg (_("Client Message:"), 
+																																									&msg); 
+										scnc->serr.eMessage=g_strdup(message);                    
+										err = gda_error_new();
+										gda_server_error_make(err, recset, cnc, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); 
+										g_free((gpointer)message);
+										error_occured = TRUE;                
+								}
+						/* Check if any new messages have come in */
+						if (msgcur == msgcnt) 
+								{
+										ret = cs_diag (scnc->ctx, 
+																									CS_STATUS,
+																									CS_CLIENTMSG_TYPE, 
+																									CS_UNUSED, 
+																									&msgcnt);
+										if (ret != CS_SUCCEED) 
+												{
+														message = g_new0(gchar,200);
+														g_snprintf(message,200,"%s",
+																									_("Could not get # of cslib messages(2)"));
+														gda_log_error (message);
+														scnc->serr.eMessage=g_strdup(message);
+														err = gda_error_new();
+														gda_server_error_make(err, recset, cnc, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
+														g_free((gpointer) message);
+														return TRUE;                    
+												}
+								}
+				}
+		ret = cs_diag (scnc->ctx, 
+																	CS_CLEAR, 
+																	CS_CLIENTMSG_TYPE,
+																	CS_UNUSED, &msg);
+		if (ret != CS_SUCCEED) 
+				{
+						message = g_new0(gchar,200);
+						g_snprintf(message,200,"%s",
+																	_("Could not clear cslib messages"));
+						gda_log_error (message);
+						scnc->serr.eMessage=g_strdup(message);
+						err = gda_error_new();
+						gda_server_error_make(err, recset, cnc, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
+						g_free((gpointer) message);
+						return TRUE;                    
+				}
+		return (error_occured);
 gchar *
 g_sprintf_clientmsg (const gchar * head, CS_CLIENTMSG * msg)
-	GString *txt = NULL;
+		GString *txt = NULL;
+		gchar *junk;
-	g_return_val_if_fail (msg != NULL, NULL);
-	txt = g_string_new ("");
-	g_return_val_if_fail (txt != NULL, NULL);
-	g_string_sprintfa (txt,
-			   "SYB: %s\n\tseverity(%ld) number(%ld) origin(%ld) "
-			   "layer(%ld)\n\t%s", head,
-			   (long) CS_SEVERITY (msg->severity),
-			   (long) CS_NUMBER (msg->msgnumber),
-			   (long) CS_ORIGIN (msg->msgnumber),
-			   (long) CS_LAYER (msg->msgnumber), msg->msgstring);
+		g_return_val_if_fail (msg != NULL, NULL);
+		txt = g_string_new ("");
+		g_return_val_if_fail (txt != NULL, NULL);
+/*  		g_string_sprintfa (txt, */
+/*  																					_("SYB: %s\n\tseverity(%ld) number(%ld) origin(%ld) "), */
+/*  																					_("layer(%ld)\n\t%s"), head, */
+/*  																					(long) CS_SEVERITY (msg->severity), */
+/*  																					(long) CS_NUMBER (msg->msgnumber), */
+/*  																					(long) CS_ORIGIN (msg->msgnumber), */
+/*  																					(long) CS_LAYER (msg->msgnumber), msg->msgstring); */
-	if (msg->osstringlen > 0) {
 		g_string_sprintfa (txt,
-				   "\n\tOperating system error number(%ld):\n\t%s",
-				   (long) msg->osnumber, msg->osstring);
-	}
+																					"%s %s %s(%ld) %s(%ld) %s(%ld) %s(%ld) %s ",
+																					_("SYB"),
+																					head,
+																					_("severity"),
+																					(long) CS_SEVERITY (msg->severity),	
+																					_("number"),
+																					(long) CS_NUMBER (msg->msgnumber),																					
+																					_("origin"),
+																					(long) CS_ORIGIN (msg->msgnumber),
+																					_("layer"),
+																					(long) CS_LAYER (msg->msgnumber),
+																					msg->msgstring);
+		if (msg->osstringlen > 0) 
+				{
+						g_string_sprintfa (txt,
+																									_("\n\tOperating system error number(%ld):\n\t%s"),
+																									(long) msg->osnumber, msg->osstring);
+				}		
+		junk = g_strdup(txt->str);
+/*  		gda_sybase_debug_msg(junk); */
-	return g_strdup (txt->str);
+		g_string_free(txt,TRUE);
+		return (junk);
 gchar *
 g_sprintf_servermsg (const gchar * head, CS_SERVERMSG * msg)
-	GString *txt = NULL;
+		GString *txt = NULL;
+		gchar *junk;
-	g_return_val_if_fail (msg != NULL, NULL);
-	txt = g_string_new ("");
-	g_return_val_if_fail (txt != NULL, NULL);
-	g_string_sprintfa (txt,
-			   "SYB: %s\n\tnumber(%ld) severity(%ld) state(%ld) "
-			   "line(%ld)", head, (long) msg->msgnumber,
-			   (long) msg->severity, (long) msg->state,
-			   (long) msg->line);
-	if (msg->svrnlen > 0)
-		g_string_sprintfa (txt, "\n\tServer name: %s", msg->svrname);
-	if (msg->proclen > 0)
-		g_string_sprintfa (txt, "\n\tProcedure name: %s", msg->proc);
+		g_return_val_if_fail (msg != NULL, NULL);
+		txt = g_string_new ("");
+		g_return_val_if_fail (txt != NULL, NULL);
-	g_string_sprintfa (txt, "\n\t%s", msg->text);
-	return (g_strdup (txt->str));
+		g_string_sprintfa (txt,
+																					"SYB SWERVER MSG:%s\n\tnumber(%ld) severity(%ld) state(%ld) line(%ld)", 
+																					head, 
+																					(long) msg->msgnumber,
+																					(long) msg->severity, 
+																					(long) msg->state,
+																					(long) msg->line);
+		if (msg->svrnlen > 0)
+				g_string_sprintfa (txt, "\n\tServer name: %s", msg->svrname);
+		if (msg->proclen > 0)
+				g_string_sprintfa (txt, "\n\tProcedure name: %s", msg->proc);
+		g_string_sprintfa (txt, "\n\t%s", msg->text);		
+		junk = g_strdup(txt->str);
+/*  		gda_sybase_debug_msg(junk); */
+		g_string_free(txt,TRUE);
+		return (junk);
- * Private functions
- *
- *
- */
-gda_sybase_install_error_handlers (GdaServerConnection * cnc)
-	sybase_Connection *scnc = NULL;
-	g_return_val_if_fail (cnc != NULL, -1);
-	scnc = (sybase_Connection *)
-		gda_server_connection_get_user_data (cnc);
-	if ((scnc->ret = cs_config (scnc->ctx, CS_SET, CS_MESSAGE_CB,
-				    (CS_VOID *) gda_sybase_csmsg_callback,
-				    CS_UNUSED, NULL)) != CS_SUCCEED) {
-		gda_sybase_cleanup (scnc, scnc->ret,
-				    "Could not install cslib callback\n");
-		return -1;
-	}
-	if ((scnc->ret =
-	     ct_callback (scnc->ctx, NULL, CS_SET, CS_CLIENTMSG_CB,
-			  (CS_VOID *) gda_sybase_clientmsg_callback))
-	    != CS_SUCCEED) {
-		gda_sybase_cleanup (scnc, scnc->ret, "Could not install ct "
-				    "callback for client messages\n");
-		return -1;
-	}
-	if ((scnc->ret =
-	     ct_callback (scnc->ctx, NULL, CS_SET, CS_SERVERMSG_CB,
-			  (CS_VOID *) gda_sybase_servermsg_callback))
-	    != CS_SUCCEED) {
-		gda_sybase_cleanup (scnc, scnc->ret, "Could not install ct "
-				    "callback for server messages\n");
-		return -1;
-	}
-	return 0;
 gda_sybase_log_clientmsg (const gchar * head, CS_CLIENTMSG * msg)
-	gchar *txt = g_sprintf_clientmsg (head, msg);
-	g_return_if_fail (txt != NULL);
-	gda_log_message (txt);
-	g_free ((gpointer) txt);
+		gchar *txt = g_sprintf_clientmsg (head, msg);
+		g_return_if_fail (txt != NULL);
+		gda_log_message (txt);
+		g_free ((gpointer) txt);
 gda_sybase_log_servermsg (const gchar * head, CS_SERVERMSG * msg)
-	gchar *txt = g_sprintf_servermsg (head, msg);
-	g_return_if_fail (txt != NULL);
-	gda_log_message (txt);
-	g_free ((gpointer) txt);
+		gchar *txt = g_sprintf_servermsg (head, msg);
+		g_return_if_fail (txt != NULL);
+		gda_log_message (txt);
+		g_free ((gpointer) txt);
- * Sybase callback handlers
- * These do nothing so far
- */
-GdaServerConnection *
-gda_sybase_callback_get_connection (const CS_CONTEXT * ctx,
-				    const CS_CONNECTION * cnc)
+gda_sybase_debug_msg(gchar *msg)
-	//    GList *server_list = gda_server_list();
+		/* this will be a stub when I don't need it */
+/*  		FILE *debug; */
+/*  		debug = fopen("/home/projects/gda_sybase_debug.log","a+"); */
+/*  		fprintf(debug,"%s\n",msg); */
+/*  		fflush(debug); */
+/*  		fclose(debug); */
-	//    g_return_val_if_fail(server_list != NULL, NULL);
-	return NULL;
-gda_sybase_servermsg_callback (CS_CONTEXT * ctx,
-			       CS_CONNECTION * cnc, CS_SERVERMSG * msg)
-	gda_sybase_log_servermsg (_("Server message:"), msg);
-	return (CS_SUCCEED);
+	* Private functions
+	*
+	*
+	*/
+/* gint */
+/* gda_sybase_install_error_handlers (GdaServerConnection * cnc) */
+/* { */
+/* 		sybase_Connection *scnc = NULL; */
+/* 		g_return_val_if_fail (cnc != NULL, -1); */
+/* 		scnc = (sybase_Connection *) */
+/* 				gda_server_connection_get_user_data (cnc); */
+/* 		if ((scnc->ret = cs_config (scnc->ctx, CS_SET, CS_MESSAGE_CB, */
+/* 																														(CS_VOID *) gda_sybase_csmsg_callback, */
+/* 																														CS_UNUSED, NULL)) != CS_SUCCEED) { */
+/* 				gda_sybase_cleanup (scnc, scnc->ret, */
+/* 																								"Could not install cslib callback\n"); */
+/* 				return -1; */
+/* 		} */
+/* 		if ((scnc->ret = */
+/* 							ct_callback (scnc->ctx, NULL, CS_SET, CS_CLIENTMSG_CB, */
+/* 																				(CS_VOID *) gda_sybase_clientmsg_callback)) */
+/* 						!= CS_SUCCEED) { */
+/* 				gda_sybase_cleanup (scnc, scnc->ret, "Could not install ct " */
+/* 																								"callback for client messages\n"); */
+/* 				return -1; */
+/* 		} */
+/* 		if ((scnc->ret = */
+/* 							ct_callback (scnc->ctx, NULL, CS_SET, CS_SERVERMSG_CB, */
+/* 																				(CS_VOID *) gda_sybase_servermsg_callback)) */
+/* 						!= CS_SUCCEED) { */
+/* 				gda_sybase_cleanup (scnc, scnc->ret, "Could not install ct " */
+/* 																								"callback for server messages\n"); */
+/* 				return -1; */
+/* 		} */
-gda_sybase_clientmsg_callback (CS_CONTEXT * ctx,
-			       CS_CONNECTION * cnc, CS_CLIENTMSG * msg)
-	gda_sybase_log_clientmsg (_("Client message:"), msg);
-	return (CS_SUCCEED);
+/* 		return 0; */
+/* } */
-gda_sybase_csmsg_callback (CS_CONTEXT * ctx, CS_CLIENTMSG * msg)
-	gda_sybase_log_clientmsg (_("CS-Library error:"), msg);
-	return (CS_SUCCEED);
+	* Sybase callback handlers
+	* These do nothing so far
+	*/
+/* GdaServerConnection * */
+/* gda_sybase_callback_get_connection (const CS_CONTEXT * ctx, */
+/* 																																				const CS_CONNECTION * cnc) */
+/* { */
+//    GList *server_list = gda_server_list();
+//    g_return_val_if_fail(server_list != NULL, NULL);
+/* 		return NULL; */
+/* } */
+/* static CS_RETCODE CS_PUBLIC */
+/* gda_sybase_servermsg_callback (CS_CONTEXT * ctx, */
+/* 																															CS_CONNECTION * cnc, CS_SERVERMSG * msg) */
+/* { */
+/* 		gda_sybase_log_servermsg (_("Server message:"), msg); */
+/* 		return (CS_SUCCEED); */
+/* } */
+/* static CS_RETCODE CS_PUBLIC */
+/* gda_sybase_clientmsg_callback (CS_CONTEXT * ctx, */
+/* 																															CS_CONNECTION * cnc, CS_CLIENTMSG * msg) */
+/* { */
+/* 		gda_sybase_log_clientmsg (_("Client message:"), msg); */
+/* 		return (CS_SUCCEED); */
+/* } */
+/* static CS_RETCODE CS_PUBLIC */
+/* gda_sybase_csmsg_callback (CS_CONTEXT * ctx, CS_CLIENTMSG * msg) */
+/* { */
+/* 		gda_sybase_log_clientmsg (_("CS-Library error:"), msg); */
+/* 		return (CS_SUCCEED); */
+/* } */
Index: gda-sybase-error.h
RCS file: /cvs/gnome/libgda/providers/gda-sybase-server/Attic/gda-sybase-error.h,v
retrieving revision
diff -u -u -r1.3.4.1 gda-sybase-error.h
--- gda-sybase-error.h	2001/09/16 20:12:39
+++ gda-sybase-error.h	2001/11/22 04:42:50
@@ -1,98 +1,111 @@
- * $Id: gda-sybase-error.h,v 2001/09/16 20:12:39 rodrigo Exp $
- *
- * GNOME DB sybase Provider
- * Copyright (C) 2000 Rodrigo Moya
- * Copyright (C) 2000 Stephan Heinze
- * Copyright (C) 2000 Holger Thon
- *
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Library General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
- * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
- * Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- */
-#if !defined(__gda_sybase_error_h__)
-#  define __gda_sybase_error_h__
-#if defined(HAVE_CONFIG_H)
-#  include <config.h>
-#include "gda-sybase.h"
-#define SYBASE_ERR_NONE      0
-#define SYBASE_ERR_CSLIB     1
-#define SYBASE_ERR_CLIENT    2
-#define SYBASE_ERR_SERVER    3
-gint gda_sybase_install_error_handlers (GdaServerConnection *);
-void gda_sybase_error_make (GdaError * error,
-			    GdaServerRecordset * recset,
-			    GdaServerConnection * cnc, gchar * where);
-void gda_sybase_cleanup (sybase_Connection *, CS_RETCODE, const gchar *);
-gboolean gda_sybase_messages_install (GdaServerConnection *);
-void gda_sybase_messages_uninstall (GdaServerConnection *);
-void sybase_chkerr (GdaError *,
-		    GdaServerRecordset *,
-		    GdaServerConnection *, GdaServerCommand *, gchar *);
-CS_RETCODE sybase_exec_chk (CS_RETCODE *,
-			    CS_RETCODE,
-			    GdaError *,
-			    GdaServerRecordset *,
-			    GdaServerConnection *,
-			    GdaServerCommand *, gchar *);
-#define SYB_CHK(retptr, retcode, err, rec, cnc, cmd) \
-	sybase_exec_chk(retptr, retcode, err, rec, cnc, cmd, \
-                   g_strdup_printf("%s at line %d (%s): ", __FILE__, __LINE__, \
-	                __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
-#define SYB_CHK(retptr, retcode, err, rec, cnc, cmd) \
-	sybase_exec_chk(retptr, retcode, err, rec, cnc, cmd, \
-						 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__)
-void gda_sybase_messages_handle (GdaError *,
-				 GdaServerRecordset *,
-				 GdaServerConnection *, gchar * where);
-void gda_sybase_messages_handle_clientmsg (GdaError *,
-					   GdaServerRecordset *,
-					   GdaServerConnection *,
-					   gchar * where);
-void gda_sybase_messages_handle_servermsg (GdaError *,
-					   GdaServerRecordset *,
-					   GdaServerConnection *,
-					   gchar * where);
-void gda_sybase_messages_handle_csmsg (GdaError *,
-				       GdaServerRecordset *,
-				       GdaServerConnection *, gchar * where);
-// Don't forget to FREE the results :-)
-gchar *g_sprintf_clientmsg (const gchar *, CS_CLIENTMSG *);
-gchar *g_sprintf_servermsg (const gchar *, CS_SERVERMSG *);
-void gda_sybase_log_clientmsg (const gchar *, CS_CLIENTMSG *);
-void gda_sybase_log_servermsg (const gchar *, CS_SERVERMSG *);
-void gda_sybase_debug_msg (gint, const gchar *);
+ * $Id: gda-sybase-error.h,v 2001/09/16 20:12:39 rodrigo Exp $
+ *
+ * GNOME DB sybase Provider
+ * Copyright (C) 2000 Rodrigo Moya
+ * Copyright (C) 2000 Stephan Heinze
+ * Copyright (C) 2000 Holger Thon
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Library General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
+ * Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+ */
+#if !defined(__gda_sybase_error_h__)
+#  define __gda_sybase_error_h__
+#if defined(HAVE_CONFIG_H)
+#  include <config.h>
+#include "gda-sybase.h"
+#define SYBASE_ERR_NONE      0
+#define SYBASE_ERR_CSLIB     1
+#define SYBASE_ERR_CLIENT    2
+#define SYBASE_ERR_SERVER    3
+gint gda_sybase_install_error_handlers (GdaServerConnection *);
+void gda_sybase_error_make (GdaError * error,
+                            GdaServerRecordset * recset,
+                            GdaServerConnection * cnc, 
+                            gchar * where);
+gboolean gda_sybase_messages_install (GdaServerConnection *);
+void gda_sybase_messages_uninstall (GdaServerConnection *);
+gboolean  sybase_chkerr (GdaError *,
+                         GdaServerRecordset *,
+                         GdaServerConnection *, 
+                         GdaServerCommand *, 
+                         gchar *);
+/*  CS_RETCODE sybase_exec_chk (CS_RETCODE *, */
+/*  																												CS_RETCODE, */
+/*  																												GdaError *, */
+/*  																												GdaServerRecordset *, */
+/*  																												GdaServerConnection *, */
+/*  																												GdaServerCommand *, gchar *); */
+/*  #ifdef SYBASE_DEBUG */
+/*  #define SYB_CHK(retptr, retcode, err, rec, cnc, cmd) \ */
+/*  	sybase_exec_chk(retptr, retcode, err, rec, cnc, cmd, \ */
+/*                     g_strdup_printf("%s at line %d (%s): ", __FILE__, __LINE__, \ */
+/*  	                __PRETTY_FUNCTION__)) */
+/*  #else */
+/*  #define SYB_CHK(retptr, retcode, err, rec, cnc, cmd) \ */
+/*  	sybase_exec_chk(retptr, retcode, err, rec, cnc, cmd, \ */
+/*  						 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__) */
+/*  #endif */
+/*  void gda_sybase_messages_handle (GdaError *, */
+/*  																																	GdaServerRecordset *, */
+/*  																																	GdaServerConnection *,  */
+/*  																																	gchar * where); */
+gboolean gda_sybase_messages_handle_clientmsg (GdaError *,
+                                               GdaServerRecordset *,
+                                               GdaServerConnection *,
+                                               gchar * where);
+gboolean gda_sybase_messages_handle_servermsg (GdaError *,
+                                               GdaServerRecordset *,
+                                               GdaServerConnection *,
+                                               gchar * where);
+gboolean gda_sybase_messages_handle_csmsg (GdaError *,
+                                           GdaServerRecordset *,
+                                           GdaServerConnection *, 
+                                           gchar * where);
+// Don't forget to FREE the results :-)
+gchar *g_sprintf_clientmsg (const gchar *, 
+                            CS_CLIENTMSG *);
+gchar *g_sprintf_servermsg (const gchar *, 
+                            CS_SERVERMSG *);
+void gda_sybase_log_clientmsg (const gchar *, 
+                               CS_CLIENTMSG *);
+void gda_sybase_log_servermsg (const gchar *, 
+                               CS_SERVERMSG *);
+void gda_sybase_debug_msg (gchar *);
Index: gda-sybase-recordset.c
RCS file: /cvs/gnome/libgda/providers/gda-sybase-server/Attic/gda-sybase-recordset.c,v
retrieving revision
diff -u -u -r1.4.4.1 gda-sybase-recordset.c
--- gda-sybase-recordset.c	2001/09/16 20:12:39
+++ gda-sybase-recordset.c	2001/11/22 04:42:51
@@ -55,466 +55,552 @@
 gda_sybase_field_fill_values (GdaServerRecordset * rec,
-			      sybase_Recordset * srec)
+																														sybase_Recordset * srec)
-	CS_INT i = 0;
-	GList *entry = NULL;
+		CS_INT i = 0;
+		GList *entry = NULL;
-	//    g_return_if_fail(rec != NULL);
-	//    g_return_if_fail(srec != NULL);
-	//    g_return_if_fail(srec->data != NULL);
-	//    g_return_if_fail(srec->colscnt > 0);
-	for (i = 0; i < srec->colscnt; i++) {
-		entry = g_list_nth (gda_server_recordset_get_fields (rec), i);
-		if (entry) {
-			GdaServerField *field =
-				(GdaServerField *) entry->data;
-			if (field) {
-				if (srec->data[i].data) {
-					switch (gda_server_field_get_sql_type
-						(field)) {
-					case CS_IMAGE_TYPE:
-					case CS_BINARY_TYPE:
-						gda_server_field_set_varbin
-							(field,
-							 srec->data[i].data,
-							 srec->data[i].
-							 datalen);
-						break;
-					case CS_LONGCHAR_TYPE:
-						srec->data[i].data[srec->
-								   data[i].
-								   datalen] =
-							'\0';
-						gda_server_field_set_longvarchar
-							(field,
-							 srec->data[i].data);
-						gda_server_field_set_actual_length
-							(field,
-							 srec->data[i].
-							 datalen);
-						break;
-					case CS_CHAR_TYPE:
-					case CS_VARCHAR_TYPE:
-					case CS_TEXT_TYPE:
-						srec->data[i].data[srec->
-								   data[i].
-								   datalen] =
-							'\0';
-						gda_server_field_set_varchar
-							(field,
-							 (gchar *) srec->
-							 data[i].data);
-						gda_server_field_set_actual_length
-							(field,
-							 srec->data[i].
-							 datalen);
-						break;
-					case CS_BIT_TYPE:
-						gda_server_field_set_boolean
-							(field,
-							 (gboolean) *
-							 srec->data[i].data);
-						break;
-					case CS_TINYINT_TYPE:
-					case CS_SMALLINT_TYPE:
-						gda_server_field_set_smallint
-							(field,
-							 (gshort) *
-							 srec->data[i].data);
-						break;
-					case CS_INT_TYPE:
-						gda_server_field_set_integer
-							(field,
-							 (gint) *
-							 srec->data[i].data);
-						break;
-					case CS_REAL_TYPE:
-						gda_server_field_set_single
-							(field,
-							 (gdouble) *
-							 srec->data[i].data);
-						break;
-					case CS_FLOAT_TYPE:
-						gda_server_field_set_double
-							(field,
-							 (gdouble) *
-							 srec->data[i].data);
-						break;
-					case CS_DATETIME_TYPE:
-						gda_sybase_field_set_datetime
-							(field,
-							 (CS_DATETIME *)
-							 srec->data[i].data);
-						break;
-					case CS_DATETIME4_TYPE:
-						gda_sybase_field_set_datetime4
-							(field,
-							 (CS_DATETIME4 *)
-							 srec->data[i].data);
-						break;
-					default:
-						// try cs_convert data to CS_CHAR_TYPE
-						gda_sybase_field_set_general
-							(field,
-							 &srec->data[i],
-							 srec->scnc);
-						break;
-					}
+		//    g_return_if_fail(rec != NULL);
+		//    g_return_if_fail(srec != NULL);
+		//    g_return_if_fail(srec->data != NULL);
+		//    g_return_if_fail(srec->colscnt > 0);
+		for (i = 0; i < srec->colscnt; i++) {
+				entry = g_list_nth (gda_server_recordset_get_fields (rec), i);
+				if (entry) {
+						GdaServerField *field =	(GdaServerField *) entry->data;
+						if (field) {
+								if (srec->data[i].data) {
+										switch (gda_server_field_get_sql_type
+																		(field)) {
+										case CS_IMAGE_TYPE:
+										case CS_LONGBINARY_TYPE:
+										case CS_BINARY_TYPE:
+										case CS_VARBINARY_TYPE:
+												gda_server_field_set_varbin
+														(field,
+															srec->data[i].data,
+															srec->data[i].datalen);
+												break;
+										case CS_LONGCHAR_TYPE:
+												srec->data[i].data[srec->
+																															data[i].
+																															datalen] ='\0';
+												gda_server_field_set_longvarchar
+														(field,
+															srec->data[i].data);
+												gda_server_field_set_actual_length
+														(field,
+															srec->data[i].
+															datalen);
+												break;
+										case CS_CHAR_TYPE:
+										case CS_VARCHAR_TYPE:
+										case CS_TEXT_TYPE:
+												srec->data[i].data[srec->
+																															data[i].
+																															datalen] =	'\0';
+												gda_server_field_set_varchar
+														(field,
+															(gchar *) srec->
+															data[i].data);
+												gda_server_field_set_actual_length
+														(field,
+															srec->data[i].
+															datalen);
+												break;
+										case CS_BIT_TYPE:
+												gda_server_field_set_boolean
+														(field,
+															(gboolean) *
+															srec->data[i].data);
+												break;
+										case CS_TINYINT_TYPE:
+										case CS_SMALLINT_TYPE:
+												gda_server_field_set_smallint
+														(field,
+															(gshort) *
+															srec->data[i].data);
+												break;
+										case CS_INT_TYPE:
+												gda_server_field_set_integer
+														(field,
+															(gint) *
+															srec->data[i].data);
+												break;
+										case CS_REAL_TYPE:
+												gda_server_field_set_single
+														(field,
+															(gdouble) *
+															srec->data[i].data);
+												break;
+										case CS_FLOAT_TYPE:
+												gda_server_field_set_double
+														(field,
+															(gdouble) *
+															srec->data[i].data);
+												break;
+										case CS_DATETIME_TYPE:
+												gda_sybase_field_set_datetime
+														(field,
+															(CS_DATETIME *)
+															srec->data[i].data);
+												break;
+										case CS_DATETIME4_TYPE:
+												gda_sybase_field_set_datetime4
+														(field,
+															(CS_DATETIME4 *)
+															srec->data[i].data);
+												break;
+										default:
+												// try cs_convert data to CS_CHAR_TYPE
+												gda_sybase_field_set_general
+														(field,
+															&srec->data[i],
+															srec->scnc);
+												break;
+										}
+								}
+								else {
+										gda_server_field_set_actual_length
+												(field, 0);
+								}
+						}
-				else {
-					gda_server_field_set_actual_length
-						(field, 0);
-				}
-			}
-	}
 gda_sybase_row_result (gboolean forward,
-		       GdaServerRecordset * recset,
-		       sybase_Recordset * srecset, CS_COMMAND * cmd)
+                       GdaServerRecordset * recset,
+                       sybase_Recordset * srecset, 
+                       CS_COMMAND * cmd)
-	CS_INT rows_read = 0;
-	// We are are just called within internal procedures and trust
-	// them giving no null pointers
-	// FIXME: check if previous row fetch is implementable
-	if (srecset->failed == TRUE) {
-		gda_server_recordset_set_at_begin (recset, FALSE);
-		gda_server_recordset_set_at_end (recset, TRUE);
-		return 1;
-	}
+		CS_RETCODE ret;
+		CS_INT rows_read = 0;
+		// We are are just called within internal procedures and trust
+		// them giving no null pointers
+		// FIXME: check if previous row fetch is implementable
+		if (srecset->failed == TRUE) {
+				gda_server_recordset_set_at_begin (recset, FALSE);
+				gda_server_recordset_set_at_end (recset, TRUE);
+				return 1;
+		}
+		/* if this is true, data was returned from the query*/
+		if (srecset->recordSetRowStatus == SYBASE_DATA_RETURNED)
+				{
+						srecset->ret =
+								ct_fetch (cmd, CS_UNUSED, CS_UNUSED, CS_UNUSED, &rows_read);
+						sybase_chkerr(NULL,
+																				recset,
+																				srecset->cnc,
+																				srecset->cmd,
+																				__PRETTY_FUNCTION__);   
+						switch (srecset->ret) 
+								{
+								case CS_SUCCEED:
+										gda_sybase_field_fill_values (recset, srecset);
+										srecset->rows_cnt += rows_read;
+										return 0;
+										break;
+								case CS_ROW_FAIL:								
+										gda_log_error (_("fetch error at row %d"), srecset->rows_cnt);
+										srecset->rows_cnt += rows_read;
+										return 0;
+										break;
+								case CS_END_DATA:
+										gda_server_recordset_set_at_begin (recset, FALSE);
+										gda_server_recordset_set_at_end (recset, TRUE);
+										gda_log_message (_("CS_END_DATA on row %d; canceling"),
+																											srecset->rows_cnt);
+										/*         SYB_CHK ((CS_INT *) & srecset->ret, */
+										/*                  ct_cancel (NULL, cmd, CS_CANCEL_ALL), */
+										/*                  NULL, recset, srecset->cnc, srecset->cmd); */
+										gda_sybase_debug_msg("i'm in CS_END_DATA in gda_sybase_row_result");
+										srecset->ret = ct_cancel (NULL, cmd, CS_CANCEL_ALL);
+/*  										if (srecset->ret != CS_SUCCEED) */
+										sybase_chkerr(NULL,
+																								recset,
+																								srecset->cnc,
+																								srecset->cmd,
+																								__PRETTY_FUNCTION__);               
+										return 1;
+										break;
+								default:														
+										gda_sybase_debug_msg("i'm in default in gda_sybase_row_result");
+										gda_log_error (_("%s: Error (%d)"), __PRETTY_FUNCTION__,
+																									srecset->ret);
+										gda_server_recordset_set_at_begin (recset, FALSE);								
+										gda_server_recordset_set_at_end (recset, TRUE);
+										srecset->ret = ct_cancel (NULL, cmd, CS_CANCEL_ALL);
+										sybase_chkerr(NULL,
+																								recset,
+																								srecset->cnc,
+																								srecset->cmd,
+																								__PRETTY_FUNCTION__);  
+										return -1;
+										break;
+								}
+				}
+		/* else, no data was returned from the query..*/
+		else
+				{
+						return 1;
+				}
-	srecset->ret =
-		ct_fetch (cmd, CS_UNUSED, CS_UNUSED, CS_UNUSED, &rows_read);
-	switch (srecset->ret) {
-	case CS_SUCCEED:
-		gda_sybase_field_fill_values (recset, srecset);
-		srecset->rows_cnt += rows_read;
-		return 0;
-		break;
-	case CS_ROW_FAIL:
-		gda_log_error (_("fetch error at row %d"), srecset->rows_cnt);
-		srecset->rows_cnt += rows_read;
-		return 0;
-		break;
-	case CS_END_DATA:
-		gda_server_recordset_set_at_begin (recset, FALSE);
-		gda_server_recordset_set_at_end (recset, TRUE);
-		gda_log_message (_("CS_END_DATA on row %d; canceling"),
-				 srecset->rows_cnt);
-		SYB_CHK ((CS_INT *) & srecset->ret,
-			 ct_cancel (NULL, cmd, CS_CANCEL_ALL),
-			 NULL, recset, srecset->cnc, srecset->cmd);
-		return 1;
-		break;
-	default:
-		gda_log_error (_("%s: Error (%d)"), __PRETTY_FUNCTION__,
-			       srecset->ret);
-		gda_server_recordset_set_at_begin (recset, FALSE);
-		gda_server_recordset_set_at_end (recset, TRUE);
-		srecset->ret = ct_cancel (NULL, cmd, CS_CANCEL_ALL);
-		return -1;
-		break;
-	}
 gda_sybase_recordset_new (GdaServerRecordset * recset)
-	sybase_Recordset *srecset = NULL;
+		sybase_Recordset *srecset = NULL;
-	g_return_val_if_fail (recset != NULL, FALSE);
-	srecset = g_new0 (sybase_Recordset, 1);
-	g_return_val_if_fail (srecset != NULL, FALSE);
+		g_return_val_if_fail (recset != NULL, FALSE);
+		srecset = g_new0 (sybase_Recordset, 1);
+		g_return_val_if_fail (srecset != NULL, FALSE);
-	srecset->colscnt = 0;
-	srecset->failed = FALSE;
-	srecset->scnc = (sybase_Connection *) NULL;
-	srecset->scmd = (sybase_Command *) NULL;
+		srecset->colscnt = 0;
+		srecset->failed = FALSE;
+		srecset->scnc = (sybase_Connection *) NULL;
+		srecset->scmd = (sybase_Command *) NULL;
-	/* We don't know the rowcount yet, so we initialize with null pointer */
-	srecset->datafmt = (CS_DATAFMT *) NULL;
-	srecset->data = (sybase_Field *) NULL;
+		/* We don't know the rowcount yet, so we initialize with null pointer */
+		srecset->datafmt = (CS_DATAFMT *) NULL;
+		srecset->data = (sybase_Field *) NULL;
-	gda_server_recordset_set_user_data (recset, (gpointer) srecset);
+		gda_server_recordset_set_user_data (recset, (gpointer) srecset);
-	return TRUE;
+		return TRUE;
 gda_sybase_recordset_move_next (GdaServerRecordset * recset)
-	sybase_Recordset *srecset = NULL;
-	gint ret = 0;
-	g_return_val_if_fail (recset != NULL, -1);
-	srecset =
-		(sybase_Recordset *)
-		gda_server_recordset_get_user_data (recset);
-	g_return_val_if_fail (srecset != NULL, -1);
-	g_return_val_if_fail (srecset->scmd != NULL, -1);
-	cmd = srecset->scmd->cmd;
-	g_return_val_if_fail (cmd != NULL, -1);
-	switch (srecset->result_type) {
-		if ((ret = gda_sybase_row_result (TRUE, recset, srecset, cmd))
-		    == 0) {
-			gda_server_recordset_set_at_begin (recset, FALSE);
-			return 0;
-		}
-		else {
-			gda_server_recordset_set_at_end (recset, TRUE);
-			return 1;
+		sybase_Recordset *srecset = NULL;
+		CS_COMMAND *cmd = NULL;
+		gint ret = 0;
+		CS_RETCODE ret2;
+		g_return_val_if_fail (recset != NULL, -1);
+		srecset =
+				(sybase_Recordset *)
+				gda_server_recordset_get_user_data (recset);
+		g_return_val_if_fail (srecset != NULL, -1);
+		g_return_val_if_fail (srecset->scmd != NULL, -1);
+		cmd = srecset->scmd->cmd;
+		g_return_val_if_fail (cmd != NULL, -1);
+		switch (srecset->result_type) {
+		case CS_ROW_RESULT:
+				if ((ret = gda_sybase_row_result (TRUE, recset, srecset, cmd))
+								== 0) {
+						gda_server_recordset_set_at_begin (recset, FALSE);
+						return 0;
+				}
+				else {
+						gda_server_recordset_set_at_end (recset, TRUE);
+						return 1;
+				}
+				break;
+		case CS_ROW_FAIL:
+				return -1;
+				break;
+		default:
+				gda_log_message ("%s: %d", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, srecset->ret);
+				/*         SYB_CHK ((CS_INT *) & srecset->scnc->ret, */
+				/*                  ct_cancel (NULL, cmd, CS_CANCEL_ALL), */
+				/*                  NULL, recset, srecset->cnc, srecset->cmd); */
+				ret2 = ct_cancel (NULL, cmd, CS_CANCEL_ALL);
+/*  				if (ret2 != CS_SUCCEED) */
+				sybase_chkerr(NULL,
+																		recset,
+																		srecset->cnc,
+																		srecset->cmd,
+																		__PRETTY_FUNCTION__);                               
+				gda_server_recordset_set_at_begin (recset, FALSE);
+				gda_server_recordset_set_at_end (recset, TRUE);
+				return -1;
+				break;
-		break;
-	case CS_ROW_FAIL:
-		return -1;
-		break;
-	default:
-		gda_log_message ("%s: %d", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, srecset->ret);
-		SYB_CHK ((CS_INT *) & srecset->scnc->ret,
-			 ct_cancel (NULL, cmd, CS_CANCEL_ALL),
-			 NULL, recset, srecset->cnc, srecset->cmd);
 		gda_server_recordset_set_at_begin (recset, FALSE);
 		gda_server_recordset_set_at_end (recset, TRUE);
 		return -1;
-		break;
-	}
-	gda_server_recordset_set_at_begin (recset, FALSE);
-	gda_server_recordset_set_at_end (recset, TRUE);
-	return -1;
 gda_sybase_recordset_move_prev (GdaServerRecordset * recset)
-	g_return_val_if_fail (recset != NULL, -1);
-	gda_server_recordset_set_at_begin (recset, FALSE);
-	gda_server_recordset_set_at_end (recset, TRUE);
+		g_return_val_if_fail (recset != NULL, -1);
+		gda_server_recordset_set_at_begin (recset, FALSE);
+		gda_server_recordset_set_at_end (recset, TRUE);
-	return 1;
+		return 1;
 gda_sybase_recordset_close (GdaServerRecordset * recset)
-	sybase_Recordset *srecset = NULL;
-	CS_INT colnr = 0;
+		sybase_Recordset *srecset = NULL;
+		CS_INT colnr = 0;
-	g_return_val_if_fail (recset != NULL, -1);
-	srecset = gda_server_recordset_get_user_data (recset);
-	g_return_val_if_fail (srecset != NULL, -1);
-	if (srecset->data) {
-		while (colnr < srecset->colscnt) {
-			if (srecset->data[colnr].data) {
-				g_free ((gpointer) srecset->data[colnr].data);
-			}
-			colnr++;
+		g_return_val_if_fail (recset != NULL, -1);
+		srecset = gda_server_recordset_get_user_data (recset);
+		g_return_val_if_fail (srecset != NULL, -1);
+		if (srecset->data) {
+				while (colnr < srecset->colscnt) {
+						if (srecset->data[colnr].data) {
+								g_free ((gpointer) srecset->data[colnr].data);
+						}
+						colnr++;
+				}
+				g_free ((gpointer) srecset->data);
-		g_free ((gpointer) srecset->data);
-	}
-	if (srecset->datafmt != NULL) {
-		g_free ((gpointer) srecset->datafmt);
-	}
+		if (srecset->datafmt != NULL) {
+				g_free ((gpointer) srecset->datafmt);
+		}
-	return 0;
+		return 0;
 gda_sybase_recordset_free (GdaServerRecordset * recset)
-	sybase_Recordset *srecset = NULL;
-	CS_INT colnr = 0;
+		sybase_Recordset *srecset = NULL;
+		CS_INT colnr = 0;
-	g_return_if_fail (recset != NULL);
-	srecset = gda_server_recordset_get_user_data (recset);
-	g_return_if_fail (srecset != NULL);
-	if (srecset->data) {
-		while (colnr < srecset->colscnt) {
-			if (srecset->data[colnr].data) {
-				g_free ((gpointer) srecset->data[colnr].data);
-			}
-			colnr++;
+		g_return_if_fail (recset != NULL);
+		srecset = gda_server_recordset_get_user_data (recset);
+		g_return_if_fail (srecset != NULL);
+		if (srecset->data) {
+				while (colnr < srecset->colscnt) {
+						if (srecset->data[colnr].data) {
+								g_free ((gpointer) srecset->data[colnr].data);
+						}
+						colnr++;
+				}
+				g_free ((gpointer) srecset->data);
-		g_free ((gpointer) srecset->data);
-	}
-	if (srecset->datafmt != NULL) {
-		g_free ((gpointer) srecset->datafmt);
-	}
-	g_free ((gpointer) srecset);
+		if (srecset->datafmt != NULL) {
+				g_free ((gpointer) srecset->datafmt);
+		}
+		g_free ((gpointer) srecset);
-	gda_server_recordset_set_user_data (recset, (gpointer) NULL);
+		gda_server_recordset_set_user_data (recset, (gpointer) NULL);
 gda_sybase_init_recset_fields (GdaError * err,
-			       GdaServerRecordset * recset,
-			       sybase_Recordset * srecset,
-			       CS_RETCODE result_type)
+                               GdaServerRecordset * recset,
+                               sybase_Recordset * srecset,
+                               CS_RETCODE result_type,
+																															GdaServerConnection *cnc)
-	gint colnr;
-	CS_DATAFMT *datafmt = NULL;
-	g_return_if_fail (recset != NULL);
-	g_return_if_fail (srecset != NULL);
-	g_return_if_fail (srecset->scmd != NULL);
-	g_return_if_fail (srecset->scmd->cmd != NULL);
-	g_return_if_fail (srecset->scnc != NULL);
-	g_return_if_fail (srecset->scnc->cnc != NULL);
-	/* Yes we mean ==, because we don't want to overwrite any existing data */
-	g_return_if_fail (srecset->data == NULL);
-	srecset->ret = result_type;
-	srecset->rows_cnt = 0;
-	// Count columns
-	if (SYB_CHK ((CS_INT *) & srecset->scnc->ret,
-		     ct_res_info (srecset->scmd->cmd, CS_NUMDATA,
-				  &srecset->colscnt, CS_UNUSED, NULL),
-		     err, recset, srecset->cnc, srecset->cmd) != CS_SUCCEED) {
-		gda_log_error (_("Failed fetching # of columns"));
-		gda_server_recordset_free (recset);
-		recset = NULL;
-		return;
-	}
-	else {
-		gda_log_message (_("Counted %d columns"), srecset->colscnt);
-	}
+		gint colnr;
+		CS_RETCODE ret2;
+		CS_DATAFMT *datafmt = NULL;
+		gchar *message;
-	// allocate datafmt structure for colscnt columns
-	srecset->datafmt = g_new0 (CS_DATAFMT, srecset->colscnt);
-	if (!srecset->datafmt) {
-		gda_log_error (_("%s could not allocate datafmt info"),
-			       __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
-		gda_server_recordset_free (recset);
-		return;
-	}
-	// allocate data structure for colscnt columns
-	if (!srecset->data) {
-		srecset->data = g_new0 (sybase_Field, srecset->colscnt);
+		g_return_if_fail (recset != NULL);
+		g_return_if_fail (srecset != NULL);
+		g_return_if_fail (srecset->scmd != NULL);
+		g_return_if_fail (srecset->scmd->cmd != NULL);
+		g_return_if_fail (srecset->scnc != NULL);
+		g_return_if_fail (srecset->scnc->cnc != NULL);
+		/* Yes we mean ==, because we don't want to overwrite any existing data */
+		g_return_if_fail (srecset->data == NULL);
+		srecset->ret = result_type;
+		srecset->rows_cnt = 0;
+		gda_sybase_debug_msg("in the init recset fields");
+		/* initialize the row index */
+		srecset->index = 0;
+		// Count columns
+		/*      if (SYB_CHK ((CS_INT *) & srecset->scnc->ret, */
+		/*                   ct_res_info (srecset->scmd->cmd, CS_NUMDATA, */
+		/*                                &srecset->colscnt, CS_UNUSED, NULL), */
+		/*                   err, recset, srecset->cnc, srecset->cmd) != CS_SUCCEED) { */
+		ret2 = ct_res_info (srecset->scmd->cmd, 
+																						CS_NUMDATA, 
+																						&srecset->colscnt, 
+																						CS_UNUSED, 
+																						NULL);
+		sybase_chkerr(err,recset,cnc,NULL,__PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
+		if (ret2 != CS_SUCCEED)
+				{								
+						gda_log_error (_("Failed fetching # of columns"));
+						gda_sybase_debug_msg("can not figure out the # of columns");										
+						gda_server_recordset_free (recset);
+						recset = NULL;
+						return;
+				}
+		else 
+				{
+						message = g_new0(gchar,500);
+						g_snprintf(message,499,"the colcount is %d",srecset->colscnt);
+						gda_sybase_debug_msg(message);
+						g_free(message);				
+				}
+		// allocate datafmt structure for colscnt columns
+		srecset->datafmt = g_new0 (CS_DATAFMT, srecset->colscnt);
+		if (!srecset->datafmt) {
+				gda_log_error (_("%s could not allocate datafmt info"),
+																			__PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
+				gda_sybase_debug_msg(" I just can't allocate CS_DATAFMT");
+				gda_server_recordset_free (recset);
+				return;
+		}
+		// allocate data structure for colscnt columns
 		if (!srecset->data) {
-			gda_log_error (_("%s could not allocate data fields"),
-				       __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
-			gda_server_recordset_free (recset);
-			return;
+				srecset->data = g_new0 (sybase_Field, srecset->colscnt);
+				if (!srecset->data) {
+						gda_log_error (_("%s could not allocate data fields"),
+																					__PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
+						gda_server_recordset_free (recset);
+						return;
+				}
-	}
-	/* set sybase's resulttype */
-	srecset->result_type = result_type;
-	srecset->failed = FALSE;
-	datafmt = srecset->datafmt;
+		/* set sybase's resulttype */
+		srecset->result_type = result_type;
+		srecset->failed = FALSE;
+		datafmt = srecset->datafmt;
-	for (colnr = 0; colnr < srecset->colscnt; colnr++) {
-		GdaServerField *field;
+		for (colnr = 0; colnr < srecset->colscnt; colnr++) {
+				GdaServerField *field;
-		// Initialize user data fmt pointer to datafmt pointer for colnr
-		srecset->data[colnr].fmt = &srecset->datafmt[colnr];
+				// Initialize user data fmt pointer to datafmt pointer for colnr
+				srecset->data[colnr].fmt = &srecset->datafmt[colnr];
-		gda_log_message (_("ct_describe on col # %d"), colnr + 1);
+				gda_log_message (_("ct_describe on col # %d"), colnr + 1);
-		// get datafmt info for colnr
-		ret = ct_describe (srecset->scmd->cmd, colnr + 1,
-				   &srecset->datafmt[colnr]);
-		if (ret != CS_SUCCEED) {
-			gda_log_error (_("ct_describe on col # %d failed"),
-				       colnr + 1);
-			srecset->failed = TRUE;
-			return;
-		}
+				// get datafmt info for colnr
+				ret = ct_describe (srecset->scmd->cmd, colnr + 1,
+																							&srecset->datafmt[colnr]);
+				if (ret != CS_SUCCEED) {
+						gda_log_error (_("ct_describe on col # %d failed"),
+																					colnr + 1);
+						srecset->failed = TRUE;
+						return;
+				}
-		gda_log_message (_("ct_describe(%d): '%s', %d (%s)"),
-				 colnr + 1, datafmt[colnr].name,
-				 datafmt[colnr].datatype,
-				 sybase_get_type_name (datafmt[colnr].
-						       datatype));
+				gda_log_message (_("ct_describe(%d): '%s', %d (%s)"),
+																					colnr + 1, datafmt[colnr].name,
+																					datafmt[colnr].datatype,
+																					sybase_get_type_name (datafmt[colnr].
+																																											datatype));
-		// allocate enough memory for column colnr
-		srecset->data[colnr].data = g_new0 (gchar,
-						    srecset->datafmt[colnr].
-						    maxlength + 1);
-		if (!srecset->data[colnr].data) {
-			gda_log_error (_("could not allocate data holder"));
-			srecset->failed = TRUE;
-			return;
-		}
-		// bind column data placeholder to column colnr
-		ret = ct_bind (srecset->scmd->cmd, (colnr + 1),
-			       &datafmt[colnr], srecset->data[colnr].data,
-			       &srecset->data[colnr].datalen,
-			       (CS_SMALLINT *) & srecset->data[colnr].
-			       indicator);
-		if (ret != CS_SUCCEED) {
-			gda_log_error (_
-				       ("could not ct_bind data holder to column"));
-			srecset->failed = TRUE;
-			return;
-		}
+				// allocate enough memory for column colnr
+				srecset->data[colnr].data = g_new0 (gchar,
+																																								srecset->datafmt[colnr].
+																																								maxlength + 1);
+				if (!srecset->data[colnr].data) {
+						gda_log_error (_("could not allocate data holder"));
+						srecset->failed = TRUE;
+						return;
+				}
-		// check if we got an illegal sql type, exit in that case
-		if (datafmt[colnr].datatype == CS_ILLEGAL_TYPE) {
-			gda_log_error (_("illegal type detected, aborting"));
-			srecset->failed = TRUE;
-			return;
-		}
-		else {		/* well, let's allocate and fill in fielddata of column colnr */
-			field = gda_server_field_new ();
-			if (!field) {
-				gda_log_error (_("could not allocate field"));
-				srecset->failed = TRUE;
-				return;
-			}
+				// bind column data placeholder to column colnr
+				ret = ct_bind (srecset->scmd->cmd, (colnr + 1),
+																			&datafmt[colnr], srecset->data[colnr].data,
+																			&srecset->data[colnr].datalen,
+																			(CS_SMALLINT *) & srecset->data[colnr].
+																			indicator);
+				if (ret != CS_SUCCEED) {
+						gda_log_error (_
+																					("could not ct_bind data holder to column"));
+						srecset->failed = TRUE;
+						return;
+				}
-			gda_server_field_set_name (field,
-						   datafmt[colnr].name);
-			gda_server_field_set_sql_type (field,
-						       datafmt[colnr].
-						       datatype);
-			gda_server_field_set_actual_length (field,
-							    srecset->
-							    data[colnr].
-							    datalen);
-			gda_server_field_set_defined_length (field,
-							     datafmt[colnr].
-							     maxlength);
-			gda_server_field_set_user_data (field,
-							(gpointer) & srecset->
-							data[colnr]);
-			gda_server_field_set_scale (field,
-						    datafmt[colnr].scale);
-			// FIXME:
-			// datafmt[colnr].precision: no corresponding function
+				// check if we got an illegal sql type, exit in that case
+				if (datafmt[colnr].datatype == CS_ILLEGAL_TYPE) {
+						gda_log_error (_("illegal type detected, aborting"));
+						srecset->failed = TRUE;
+						return;
+				}
+				else {		/* well, let's allocate and fill in fielddata of column colnr */
+						field = gda_server_field_new ();
+						if (!field) {
+								gda_log_error (_("could not allocate field"));
+								srecset->failed = TRUE;
+								return;
+						}
+						gda_server_field_set_name (field,
+																																	datafmt[colnr].name);
+						gda_server_field_set_sql_type (field,
+																																					datafmt[colnr].
+																																					datatype);
+						gda_server_field_set_actual_length (field,
+																																										srecset->
+																																										data[colnr].
+																																										datalen);
+						gda_server_field_set_defined_length (field,
+																																											datafmt[colnr].
+																																											maxlength);
+						gda_server_field_set_user_data (field,
+																																						(gpointer) & srecset->
+																																						data[colnr]);
+						gda_server_field_set_scale (field,
+																																		datafmt[colnr].scale);
+						// FIXME:
+						// datafmt[colnr].precision: no corresponding function
-			// and add it to the recordset
-			gda_server_recordset_add_field (recset, field);
+						// and add it to the recordset
+						gda_server_recordset_add_field (recset, field);
+				}
-	}
-	//    srecset->ret = ct_fetch(srecset->scmd->cmd, CS_UNUSED, CS_UNUSED, CS_NULLTERM,
-	//                            &srecset->rows_cnt);
+		//    srecset->ret = ct_fetch(srecset->scmd->cmd, CS_UNUSED, CS_UNUSED, CS_NULLTERM,
+		//                            &srecset->rows_cnt);
-	//    gda_sybase_field_fill_values(recset, srecset);
+		//    gda_sybase_field_fill_values(recset, srecset);
Index: gda-sybase-recordset.h
RCS file: /cvs/gnome/libgda/providers/gda-sybase-server/Attic/gda-sybase-recordset.h,v
retrieving revision
diff -u -u -r1.3.4.1 gda-sybase-recordset.h
--- gda-sybase-recordset.h	2001/09/16 20:12:39
+++ gda-sybase-recordset.h	2001/11/22 04:42:51
@@ -37,6 +37,14 @@
  * Per-object specific structures
+typedef gint setStatus;
+#define SYBASE_DATA_RETURNED (setStatus) 1
+#define SYBASE_NO_DATA_RETURNED (setStatus) 0
+#define SYBASE_NO_DATA_RETURNED (setStatus) 0
 typedef struct _sybase_Field
 	CS_INT indicator;
@@ -48,21 +56,29 @@
 typedef struct _sybase_Recordset
-	GdaServerConnection *cnc;
-	GdaServerCommand *cmd;
-	sybase_Connection *scnc;
-	sybase_Command *scmd;
-	CS_RETCODE result_type;
-	CS_INT rows_cnt;
-	gboolean failed;
-	CS_INT colscnt;
-	CS_DATAFMT *datafmt;
-	sybase_Field *data;
+		GdaServerConnection *cnc;
+		GdaServerCommand *cmd;
+		sybase_Connection *scnc;
+		sybase_Command *scmd;
+		CS_RETCODE ret;
+		CS_RETCODE result_type;
+		CS_INT rows_cnt;
+		gboolean failed;
+		CS_INT colscnt;
+		CS_DATAFMT *datafmt;
+		sybase_Field *data;
+		CS_INT index;
+		setStatus recordSetRowStatus;
 gboolean gda_sybase_recordset_new (GdaServerRecordset *);
 gint gda_sybase_recordset_move_next (GdaServerRecordset *);
 gint gda_sybase_recordset_move_prev (GdaServerRecordset *);
@@ -71,7 +87,7 @@
 void gda_sybase_init_recset_fields (GdaError *,
 				    GdaServerRecordset *,
-				    sybase_Recordset *, CS_RETCODE);
+				    sybase_Recordset *, CS_RETCODE, GdaServerConnection *);
 void gda_sybase_field_fill_values (GdaServerRecordset *, sybase_Recordset *);
 gint gda_sybase_row_result (gboolean forward,
Index: gda-sybase-types.c
RCS file: /cvs/gnome/libgda/providers/gda-sybase-server/Attic/gda-sybase-types.c,v
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -u -r1.3 gda-sybase-types.c
--- gda-sybase-types.c	2001/07/18 23:05:42	1.3
+++ gda-sybase-types.c	2001/11/22 04:42:52
@@ -1,215 +1,215 @@
- * $Id: gda-sybase-types.c,v 1.3 2001/07/18 23:05:42 vivien Exp $
- *
- * GNOME DB sybase Provider
- * Copyright (C) 2000 Rodrigo Moya
- * Copyright (C) 2000 Stephan Heinze
- * Copyright (C) 2000 Holger Thon
- *
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Library General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
- * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
- * Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- */
-// $Log: gda-sybase-types.c,v $
-// Revision 1.3  2001/07/18 23:05:42  vivien
-// Ran indent -br -i8 on the files
-// Revision 1.2  2001/04/07 08:49:31  rodrigo
-// 2001-04-07  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
-//      * objects renaming (Gda_* to Gda*) to conform to the GNOME
-//      naming standards
-// Revision  2000/08/10 09:32:39  rodrigo
-// First version of libgda separated from GNOME-DB
-// Revision 1.2  2000/08/04 11:36:30  rodrigo
-// Things I forgot in the last commit
-// Revision 1.1  2000/08/04 10:20:37  rodrigo
-// New Sybase provider
-#include "gda-sybase.h"
-// NULL means we have no corresponding server type name
-// illegal type should always be last type
-const sybase_Types gda_sybase_type_list[GDA_SYBASE_TYPE_CNT] = {
-	// Binary types
-	{"binary", CS_BINARY_TYPE, GDA_TypeVarbin},	//   1
-	{NULL, CS_LONGBINARY_TYPE, GDA_TypeLongvarbin},	//   2
-	{"varbinary", CS_VARBINARY_TYPE, GDA_TypeVarbin},	//   3
-	// Boolean types
-	{"boolean", CS_BIT_TYPE, GDA_TypeBoolean},	//   4
-	// Character types
-	{"char", CS_CHAR_TYPE, GDA_TypeVarchar},	//   5
-	{NULL, CS_LONGCHAR_TYPE, GDA_TypeLongvarchar},	//   6
-	{"varchar", CS_VARCHAR_TYPE, GDA_TypeVarchar},	//   7
-	// Datetime types
-	{"datetime", CS_DATETIME_TYPE, GDA_TypeDbTimestamp},	//   8
-	{"smalldatetime", CS_DATETIME4_TYPE, GDA_TypeDbTimestamp},	//   9
-	// Numeric types
-	{"tinyint", CS_TINYINT_TYPE, GDA_TypeSmallint},	//  10
-	{"smallint", CS_SMALLINT_TYPE, GDA_TypeSmallint},	//  11
-	{"int", CS_INT_TYPE, GDA_TypeInteger},	//  12
-	{"decimal", CS_DECIMAL_TYPE, GDA_TypeDecimal},	//  13
-	{"numeric", CS_NUMERIC_TYPE, GDA_TypeNumeric},	//  14
-	{"float", CS_FLOAT_TYPE, GDA_TypeDouble},	//  15
-	{"real", CS_REAL_TYPE, GDA_TypeSingle},	//  16
-	{"text", CS_TEXT_TYPE, GDA_TypeLongvarchar},	//  17
-	{"image", CS_IMAGE_TYPE, GDA_TypeVarbin},	//  18
-	// Security types
-	{"boundary", CS_BOUNDARY_TYPE, GDA_TypeVarbin},	//  19
-	{"sensitivity", CS_SENSITIVITY_TYPE, GDA_TypeVarbin},	//  20
-// Types unsupported by gda-srv are reported as varchar and at the end
-// of this list
-	// Money types
-	{"money", CS_MONEY_TYPE, GDA_TypeVarchar},	//  21
-	{"smallmoney", CS_MONEY4_TYPE, GDA_TypeVarchar},	//  22
-	//    { "money",         CS_MONEY_TYPE,       GDA_TypeCurrency },    //  21
-	//    { "smallmoney",    CS_MONEY4_TYPE,      GDA_TypeCurrency },    //  22
-	{NULL, CS_ILLEGAL_TYPE, GDA_TypeNull}	//  23
-const gshort
-sybase_get_c_type (const GDA_ValueType gda_type)
-	// FIXME: implement c types
-	return -1;
-const GDA_ValueType
-sybase_get_gda_type (const CS_INT sql_type)
-	gint i = 0;
-	while ((i < GDA_SYBASE_TYPE_CNT)) {
-		if (gda_sybase_type_list[i].sql_type == sql_type) {
-			return gda_sybase_type_list[i].gda_type;
-		}
-		i++;
-	}
-	return gda_sybase_type_list[GDA_SYBASE_TYPE_CNT - 1].gda_type;
-const CS_INT
-sybase_get_sql_type (const GDA_ValueType gda_type)
-	gint i = 0;
-	while ((i < GDA_SYBASE_TYPE_CNT)) {
-		if (gda_sybase_type_list[i].gda_type == gda_type) {
-			return gda_sybase_type_list[i].gda_type;
-		}
-		i++;
-	}
-	return gda_sybase_type_list[GDA_SYBASE_TYPE_CNT - 1].sql_type;
-const gchar *
-sybase_get_type_name (const CS_INT sql_type)
-	gint i = 0;
-	while ((i < GDA_SYBASE_TYPE_CNT)) {
-		if (gda_sybase_type_list[i].sql_type == sql_type) {
-			return gda_sybase_type_list[i].name;
-		}
-		i++;
-	}
-	return gda_sybase_type_list[GDA_SYBASE_TYPE_CNT - 1].name;
-gda_sybase_field_set_datetime (GdaServerField * field, CS_DATETIME * dt)
-	GDate *date;
-	GTime time;
-	date = g_date_new_dmy (1, 1, 1900);
-	g_return_if_fail (date != NULL);
-	g_date_add_days (date, (guint) dt->dtdays);
-	time = (GTime) dt->dttime / 300;
-	gda_server_field_set_timestamp (field, date, time);
-	g_date_free (date);
-gda_sybase_field_set_datetime4 (GdaServerField * field, CS_DATETIME4 * dt)
-	GDate *date;
-	GTime time;
-	date = g_date_new_dmy (1, 1, 1900);
-	g_return_if_fail (date != NULL);
-	g_date_add_days (date, (guint) dt->days);
-	time = (GTime) dt->minutes * 60;
-	gda_server_field_set_timestamp (field, date, time);
-	g_date_free (date);
-gda_sybase_field_set_general (GdaServerField * field,
-			      sybase_Field * sfield, sybase_Connection * scnc)
-	CS_DATAFMT destfmt;
-	CS_INT len = 0;
-	gchar tmpdata[SYBASE_CONVBUF_SIZE];
-	g_return_if_fail (field != NULL);
-	g_return_if_fail (sfield != NULL);
-	g_return_if_fail (sfield->data != NULL);
-	g_return_if_fail (sfield->fmt != NULL);
-	g_return_if_fail (scnc->ctx != NULL);
-	if (sfield->indicator == CS_NULLDATA) {
-		gda_server_field_set_actual_length (field, 0);
-		return;
-	}
-	cs_will_convert (scnc->ctx, sfield->fmt->datatype, CS_CHAR_TYPE,
-			 &ret);
-	if (ret != CS_TRUE) {
-		gda_server_field_set_actual_length (field, 0);
-		gda_log_message ("cslib cannot convert type %d",
-				 sfield->fmt->datatype);
-		return;
-	}
-	destfmt.maxlength = SYBASE_CONVBUF_SIZE;
-	destfmt.datatype = CS_CHAR_TYPE;
-	destfmt.format = CS_FMT_NULLTERM;
-	destfmt.locale = NULL;
-	if (cs_convert (scnc->ctx, sfield->fmt, sfield->data, &destfmt,
-			&tmpdata, &len) != CS_SUCCEED) {
-		gda_server_field_set_actual_length (field, 0);
-		return;
-	}
-	gda_server_field_set_varchar (field, (gchar *) & tmpdata);
-	gda_server_field_set_actual_length (field, len - 1);
+ * $Id: gda-sybase-types.c,v 1.3 2001/07/18 23:05:42 vivien Exp $
+ *
+ * GNOME DB sybase Provider
+ * Copyright (C) 2000 Rodrigo Moya
+ * Copyright (C) 2000 Stephan Heinze
+ * Copyright (C) 2000 Holger Thon
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Library General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
+ * Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+ */
+// $Log: gda-sybase-types.c,v $
+// Revision 1.3  2001/07/18 23:05:42  vivien
+// Ran indent -br -i8 on the files
+// Revision 1.2  2001/04/07 08:49:31  rodrigo
+// 2001-04-07  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
+//      * objects renaming (Gda_* to Gda*) to conform to the GNOME
+//      naming standards
+// Revision  2000/08/10 09:32:39  rodrigo
+// First version of libgda separated from GNOME-DB
+// Revision 1.2  2000/08/04 11:36:30  rodrigo
+// Things I forgot in the last commit
+// Revision 1.1  2000/08/04 10:20:37  rodrigo
+// New Sybase provider
+#include "gda-sybase.h"
+// NULL means we have no corresponding server type name
+// illegal type should always be last type
+const sybase_Types gda_sybase_type_list[GDA_SYBASE_TYPE_CNT] = {
+	// Binary types
+	{"binary", CS_BINARY_TYPE, GDA_TypeVarbin},	//   1
+	{NULL, CS_LONGBINARY_TYPE, GDA_TypeLongvarbin},	//   2
+	{"varbinary", CS_VARBINARY_TYPE, GDA_TypeVarbin},	//   3
+	// Boolean types
+	{"boolean", CS_BIT_TYPE, GDA_TypeBoolean},	//   4
+	// Character types
+	{"char", CS_CHAR_TYPE, GDA_TypeVarchar},	//   5
+	{NULL, CS_LONGCHAR_TYPE, GDA_TypeLongvarchar},	//   6
+	{"varchar", CS_VARCHAR_TYPE, GDA_TypeVarchar},	//   7
+	// Datetime types
+	{"datetime", CS_DATETIME_TYPE, GDA_TypeDbTimestamp},	//   8
+	{"smalldatetime", CS_DATETIME4_TYPE, GDA_TypeDbTimestamp},	//   9
+	// Numeric types
+	{"tinyint", CS_TINYINT_TYPE, GDA_TypeSmallint},	//  10
+	{"smallint", CS_SMALLINT_TYPE, GDA_TypeSmallint},	//  11
+	{"int", CS_INT_TYPE, GDA_TypeInteger},	//  12
+	{"decimal", CS_DECIMAL_TYPE, GDA_TypeDecimal},	//  13
+	{"numeric", CS_NUMERIC_TYPE, GDA_TypeNumeric},	//  14
+	{"float", CS_FLOAT_TYPE, GDA_TypeDouble},	//  15
+	{"real", CS_REAL_TYPE, GDA_TypeSingle},	//  16
+	{"text", CS_TEXT_TYPE, GDA_TypeLongvarchar},	//  17
+	{"image", CS_IMAGE_TYPE, GDA_TypeVarbin},	//  18
+	// Security types
+	{"boundary", CS_BOUNDARY_TYPE, GDA_TypeVarbin},	//  19
+	{"sensitivity", CS_SENSITIVITY_TYPE, GDA_TypeVarbin},	//  20
+// Types unsupported by gda-srv are reported as varchar and at the end
+// of this list
+	// Money types
+	{"money", CS_MONEY_TYPE, GDA_TypeVarchar},	//  21
+	{"smallmoney", CS_MONEY4_TYPE, GDA_TypeVarchar},	//  22
+	//    { "money",         CS_MONEY_TYPE,       GDA_TypeCurrency },    //  21
+	//    { "smallmoney",    CS_MONEY4_TYPE,      GDA_TypeCurrency },    //  22
+	{NULL, CS_ILLEGAL_TYPE, GDA_TypeNull}	//  23
+const gshort
+sybase_get_c_type (const GDA_ValueType gda_type)
+	// FIXME: implement c types
+	return -1;
+const GDA_ValueType
+sybase_get_gda_type (const CS_INT sql_type)
+	gint i = 0;
+	while ((i < GDA_SYBASE_TYPE_CNT)) {
+		if (gda_sybase_type_list[i].sql_type == sql_type) {
+			return gda_sybase_type_list[i].gda_type;
+		}
+		i++;
+	}
+	return gda_sybase_type_list[GDA_SYBASE_TYPE_CNT - 1].gda_type;
+const CS_INT
+sybase_get_sql_type (const GDA_ValueType gda_type)
+	gint i = 0;
+	while ((i < GDA_SYBASE_TYPE_CNT)) {
+		if (gda_sybase_type_list[i].gda_type == gda_type) {
+			return gda_sybase_type_list[i].gda_type;
+		}
+		i++;
+	}
+	return gda_sybase_type_list[GDA_SYBASE_TYPE_CNT - 1].sql_type;
+const gchar *
+sybase_get_type_name (const CS_INT sql_type)
+	gint i = 0;
+	while ((i < GDA_SYBASE_TYPE_CNT)) {
+		if (gda_sybase_type_list[i].sql_type == sql_type) {
+			return gda_sybase_type_list[i].name;
+		}
+		i++;
+	}
+	return gda_sybase_type_list[GDA_SYBASE_TYPE_CNT - 1].name;
+gda_sybase_field_set_datetime (GdaServerField * field, CS_DATETIME * dt)
+	GDate *date;
+	GTime time;
+	date = g_date_new_dmy (1, 1, 1900);
+	g_return_if_fail (date != NULL);
+	g_date_add_days (date, (guint) dt->dtdays);
+	time = (GTime) dt->dttime / 300;
+	gda_server_field_set_timestamp (field, date, time);
+	g_date_free (date);
+gda_sybase_field_set_datetime4 (GdaServerField * field, CS_DATETIME4 * dt)
+	GDate *date;
+	GTime time;
+	date = g_date_new_dmy (1, 1, 1900);
+	g_return_if_fail (date != NULL);
+	g_date_add_days (date, (guint) dt->days);
+	time = (GTime) dt->minutes * 60;
+	gda_server_field_set_timestamp (field, date, time);
+	g_date_free (date);
+gda_sybase_field_set_general (GdaServerField * field,
+			      sybase_Field * sfield, sybase_Connection * scnc)
+	CS_DATAFMT destfmt;
+	CS_INT len = 0;
+	gchar tmpdata[SYBASE_CONVBUF_SIZE];
+	g_return_if_fail (field != NULL);
+	g_return_if_fail (sfield != NULL);
+	g_return_if_fail (sfield->data != NULL);
+	g_return_if_fail (sfield->fmt != NULL);
+	g_return_if_fail (scnc->ctx != NULL);
+	if (sfield->indicator == CS_NULLDATA) {
+		gda_server_field_set_actual_length (field, 0);
+		return;
+	}
+	cs_will_convert (scnc->ctx, sfield->fmt->datatype, CS_CHAR_TYPE,
+			 &ret);
+	if (ret != CS_TRUE) {
+		gda_server_field_set_actual_length (field, 0);
+		gda_log_message ("cslib cannot convert type %d",
+				 sfield->fmt->datatype);
+		return;
+	}
+	destfmt.maxlength = SYBASE_CONVBUF_SIZE;
+	destfmt.datatype = CS_CHAR_TYPE;
+	destfmt.format = CS_FMT_NULLTERM;
+	destfmt.locale = NULL;
+	if (cs_convert (scnc->ctx, sfield->fmt, sfield->data, &destfmt,
+			&tmpdata, &len) != CS_SUCCEED) {
+		gda_server_field_set_actual_length (field, 0);
+		return;
+	}
+	gda_server_field_set_varchar (field, (gchar *) & tmpdata);
+	gda_server_field_set_actual_length (field, len - 1);
Index: gda-sybase-types.h
RCS file: /cvs/gnome/libgda/providers/gda-sybase-server/Attic/gda-sybase-types.h,v
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -u -r1.3 gda-sybase-types.h
--- gda-sybase-types.h	2001/07/18 23:05:42	1.3
+++ gda-sybase-types.h	2001/11/22 04:42:52
@@ -1,59 +1,59 @@
- * $Id: gda-sybase-types.h,v 1.3 2001/07/18 23:05:42 vivien Exp $
- *
- * GNOME DB sybase Provider
- * Copyright (C) 2000 Rodrigo Moya
- * Copyright (C) 2000 Stephan Heinze
- * Copyright (C) 2000 Holger Thon
- *
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Library General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
- * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
- * Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- */
-#if !defined(__gda_sybase_types_h__)
-#  define __gda_sybase_types_h__
-#if defined(HAVE_CONFIG_H)
-#  include <config.h>
-#include "gda-sybase.h"
- * Per-object specific structures
- */
-typedef struct _sybase_Types
-	gchar *name;
-	CS_INT sql_type;
-	GDA_ValueType gda_type;
-extern const sybase_Types gda_sybase_type_list[GDA_SYBASE_TYPE_CNT];
-const gshort sybase_get_c_type (const GDA_ValueType);
-const GDA_ValueType sybase_get_gda_type (const CS_INT);
-const CS_INT sybase_get_sql_type (const GDA_ValueType);
-const gchar *sybase_get_type_name (const CS_INT);
-void gda_sybase_field_set_datetime (GdaServerField *, CS_DATETIME *);
-void gda_sybase_field_set_datetime4 (GdaServerField *, CS_DATETIME4 *);
-void gda_sybase_field_set_general (GdaServerField *,
-				   sybase_Field *, sybase_Connection *);
+ * $Id: gda-sybase-types.h,v 1.3 2001/07/18 23:05:42 vivien Exp $
+ *
+ * GNOME DB sybase Provider
+ * Copyright (C) 2000 Rodrigo Moya
+ * Copyright (C) 2000 Stephan Heinze
+ * Copyright (C) 2000 Holger Thon
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Library General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
+ * Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+ */
+#if !defined(__gda_sybase_types_h__)
+#  define __gda_sybase_types_h__
+#if defined(HAVE_CONFIG_H)
+#  include <config.h>
+#include "gda-sybase.h"
+ * Per-object specific structures
+ */
+typedef struct _sybase_Types
+	gchar *name;
+	CS_INT sql_type;
+	GDA_ValueType gda_type;
+extern const sybase_Types gda_sybase_type_list[GDA_SYBASE_TYPE_CNT];
+const gshort sybase_get_c_type (const GDA_ValueType);
+const GDA_ValueType sybase_get_gda_type (const CS_INT);
+const CS_INT sybase_get_sql_type (const GDA_ValueType);
+const gchar *sybase_get_type_name (const CS_INT);
+void gda_sybase_field_set_datetime (GdaServerField *, CS_DATETIME *);
+void gda_sybase_field_set_datetime4 (GdaServerField *, CS_DATETIME4 *);
+void gda_sybase_field_set_general (GdaServerField *,
+				   sybase_Field *, sybase_Connection *);
Index: gda-sybase.h
RCS file: /cvs/gnome/libgda/providers/gda-sybase-server/Attic/gda-sybase.h,v
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -u -r1.2 gda-sybase.h
--- gda-sybase.h	2000/10/19 19:01:37	1.2
+++ gda-sybase.h	2001/11/22 04:42:52
@@ -1,55 +1,55 @@
- * $Id: gda-sybase.h,v 1.2 2000/10/19 19:01:37 reinhard Exp $
- *
- * GNOME DB sybase Provider
- * Copyright (C) 2000 Rodrigo Moya
- * Copyright (C) 2000 Stephan Heinze
- * Copyright (C) 2000 Holger Thon
- *
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Library General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
- * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
- * Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- */
-#if !defined(__gda_sybase_h__)
-#  define __gda_sybase_h__
-#if defined(HAVE_CONFIG_H)
-#  include <config.h>
-#include <gda-server.h>
-#include <glib.h>
-#include <ctpublic.h>
-#include "gda-sybase-connection.h"
-#include "gda-sybase-command.h"
-#include "gda-sybase-error.h"
-#include "gda-sybase-recordset.h"
-#include "gda-sybase-types.h"
-#ifdef ENABLE_NLS
-#  include <libintl.h>
-#  define _(String) gettext (String)
-#  define N_(String) (String)
-/* Stubs that do something close enough.  */
-#  define textdomain(String)
-#  define gettext(String) (String)
-#  define dgettext(Domain,Message) (Message)
-#  define dcgettext(Domain,Message,Type) (Message)
-#  define bindtextdomain(Domain,Directory)
-#  define _(String) (String)
-#  define N_(String) (String)
+ * $Id: gda-sybase.h,v 1.2 2000/10/19 19:01:37 reinhard Exp $
+ *
+ * GNOME DB sybase Provider
+ * Copyright (C) 2000 Rodrigo Moya
+ * Copyright (C) 2000 Stephan Heinze
+ * Copyright (C) 2000 Holger Thon
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Library General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
+ * Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+ */
+#if !defined(__gda_sybase_h__)
+#  define __gda_sybase_h__
+#if defined(HAVE_CONFIG_H)
+#  include <config.h>
+#include <gda-server.h>
+#include <glib.h>
+#include <ctpublic.h>
+#include "gda-sybase-connection.h"
+#include "gda-sybase-command.h"
+#include "gda-sybase-error.h"
+#include "gda-sybase-recordset.h"
+#include "gda-sybase-types.h"
+#ifdef ENABLE_NLS
+#  include <libintl.h>
+#  define _(String) gettext (String)
+#  define N_(String) (String)
+/* Stubs that do something close enough.  */
+#  define textdomain(String)
+#  define gettext(String) (String)
+#  define dgettext(Domain,Message) (Message)
+#  define dcgettext(Domain,Message,Type) (Message)
+#  define bindtextdomain(Domain,Directory)
+#  define _(String) (String)
+#  define N_(String) (String)

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