Re: [gnome-db]Hi...


> hmm, go to the manager tab and press the second button on the small
> toolbar ('Edit selected data source'), and tell me what is there on the
> DSN entry widget

There is the following:

> > 	Also... Can I use gda on my applications to access data from a
> > database (To obtain a GdaRecordset or a connected provider) without need to directly use 
> > CORBA?
> well, you can't use it without CORBA, as CORBA is a key piece of the
> whole architecture. But you can use the wrapper libraries
> (libgda-client), which hide (almost) all the CORBA usage
Yes, but to create a gdaconnection, I need to pass a CORBA object to
constructor... Is there some example code to have a DBGrib filled with data
from a mysql table? What should I do first?

> > 	Sorry if I am doing so many questions, but I am really interested on
> > gnome-db and I would be happy if you could help me a bit...
> > 
> we're here to ask your questions :-)
	Thank you!

Marcelo Elias Del Valle    UIN: 30595143
marceloelias iname com MLinuxer
The game of Evolution
Clube da Engenharia Elétrica

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