Re: [gnome-db]Logs

On 17 Aug 2001 07:05:45 -0400, Adam Tauno Williams wrote:
> >>>It seems it's not finding a script on the tarball. Please send me the
> >>>output of:
> >>>tar tzf libgda-0.2.90.tar.gz | grep install
> >>>tar tzf gnome-db-0.2.90.tar.gz | grep install
> >>>those scripts should be in the tarballs
> >thinking a bit more about this, I think those scripts should NOT be in
> >the tarball, but should be generated by the configure script, so it may
> >be that you've got a problem with your autoconf/automake setup.
> >Anybody can confirm/deny this?
> They will not build on my machine,  configure fails with ""
> not found.  My machine builds packages basically all day long so I'd be
> suprised if something was wrong (I can build gnumeric, open office,
> openldap, samba 2.2.1a, etc....)
ok, so it seems the tar.gz are broken. Is somebody else experiencing

I'm going to try to build them in another machine

> On a unrelated note,  I know you guys are working on a report engine and
> was wondering if you were aware of -
> I just stumbled across it.  Maybe nothing of intrest here,  but I
> thought I'd point it out.
yes, the other day Ismael told us about it. It seems to have been just


Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org> - <rodrigo ximian com> -

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