Re: problems with RPMs

> Hi all!
> I'm having problems building the RPMs for the providers, and I need some
> help.
> the fact is that, as you can see in the CVS sources, there is a spec
> file for each of the providers. In each of these spec files, the name of
> the package is set to @PACKAGE@, which is replaced by configure with
> libgda. If I leave it like this, the package builds ok, but the name of
> the package being libgda (instead of gda-odbc or gda-postgres, etc), it
> means that it will replace the REAL libgda when somebody tries to
> install it.
> Ok, so I change the name to gda-odbc, and I get this error:

I need the error!!!

Please send me it!!!!

> BTW, what I'm doing to build the RPMs is:
> $ make dist
> $ cd /usr/src/redhat
> $ cp $OLDPWD/libgda-0.1.0.tar.gz SOURCES/
> $ cp $OLDPWD/providers/gda-odbc-server/gda-odbc.spec SPECS/
> $ rpm -ba SPECS/gda-odbc.spec
> Please, a RPM guru over there?
> cheers

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