RE: report engine

> > Comments? Suggestions?

All reports should be transmitted as well-formed XML files.
This doesn't break your custom app. but it sure helps
users make alternative use of the server.

For example, if reports come in rows/columns in predictable,
well-formed XML they can be transformed into other layouts
including applying different filters and sorting orders, at
the client without another trip across the LAN.  Even 
Quickbooks can't do that.  

GNUE users would share XSL stylesheets for display and XSLT
transformations.  This lays a groundwork for your delivery of
tagged data compliant with taxonomies.

You don't have to adopt XML anyplace in your application.  Just
send the data formatted with a few tags, and then, strip the
tags out at the other end with string parser, if you don't want
to adopt XML.   Live and let live,


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