Logger for libgda


First of all: sorry for my very bad English.

My name is David Marín, and I am developer of ASPL Fact project (a billing
and stock managing application).

We are thinking about making a logger module for our application. This
module would let us to make some-level-undo's and also would give us the
possibility of making historical reports for a given database entry. 

This logger module works writing each insert/update/delete access into a
special "Log" table of the database, which fields could be:

* LogEntry-ID
* User (who access the database)
* Date
* Time
* Host (from where the database is accessed)
* Table (changed)
* Entry (changed)
* Changes (new values of the fields, or something so).

Now, we are implementing this stuff in the client-side. But we want to
program it in the server-side. And the problem is here: we want to
continue using libgda for accessing the database. Thus, the logger should
be transparent for gda...

So we thought... why don't insert the logger into gda? We think that a
logger module would be very useful for every program with database access.

What do you think about all this?


David Marín Carreño <davefx bigfoot com>   mmmm
(aka DaveFX)   ICQ UIN: 34866516            ""MM    Mm
http://www.bigfoot.com/~davefx       mmmm     mMM    MM
                                   mM"""MM    MM    mMM
ASPL Fact official developer             "M   "   mM""
http://aspl-fact.sourceforge.net             mmmm  
Advanced Software Production Line SL             "M

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