Re: compiling the new cvs version...

Joaquin, I've just seen your message in the archives, so sorry for not
answering you before. I seemed to have deleted
your original mail witout reading it.

>I've installed gconf-0.11 (could anybody include GConf & GConf-devel
>rpms in the gnome-db page?), and I'm trying to compile libgda.

ok, I'll do it soon

>The first problem is a weird "**Error**: Directory "`.'" does not look
>like the top-level GDA directory".
>A quick look at reveals that the problem comes from:
>  && test -f $srcdir/idl/gda.idl) || {
>because in the idl directory we have a GDA.idl file, and not a gda.idl

ok, my fault. I changed the names the other day and I forgot this one.
It's now fixed in CVS.

>Next step, the make stage.  I obtain a bunch of:
>** WARNING **: ../../idl/GDA.idl compilation failed
>/usr/bin/orbit-idl -I/idl -I`oaf-config --prefix`/share/idl
>../../idl/GDA.idl:22: Warning: `LOCK_READONLY' underscores within
>identifiers are discouraged for use with C-language IDL mappings
>../../idl/GDA.idl:199: Error: `GNOME' undeclared identifier
>from ORBit.  The culpit is line 199, which reads like:
>	interface ConnectionFactory : GNOME::ObjectFactory {
>nothing bad here, after a quick check at current bonobo and oaf, it
>seems that I only need a new bonobo & bonobo-devel packages, isn't it?
>(right now I have bonobo 0.23, from the latest evolution package).
>Please, what version of bonobo I need in order to succesfully compile
>gnome-db?  Could anybody post the unstable packages of which gnome-db
>depends in the gnome-db web page?

it's nothing related to Bonobo. You're missing the oaf-factory.idl file,
which should be part of oaf-devel, but isn't. So,
I'm sending you this file and after this I'll send a mail to the OAF
maintainers so that they include it in the next

For gnome-db (that is not libgda), bonobo-0.23 is ok. Don't upgrade

/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 8 -*- */
 * gnome-factory.idl: Basic object factory interface, based on CORBA
 * LifeCycle version


#if !defined(GNOME_FACTORY_COMPILATION) && defined(__ORBIT_IDL__)
#pragma include_defs liboaf/oaf-factory.h
#pragma include_defs liboaf/oaf-factory-suppress.h
#pragma inhibit push

module GNOME {
	typedef sequence<string> stringlist;
	interface ObjectFactory {
		exception CannotActivate { };

		boolean manufactures (in string obj_oaf_id);

		Object create_object (in string oaf_id, in stringlist params)
			raises (CannotActivate);

		void ref();
		oneway void unref();

#if !defined(GNOME_FACTORY_COMPILATION) && defined(__ORBIT_IDL__)
#pragma inhibit pop


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