RE: GnomeDbReport

	I had a look.
	It's very impressive and I understand that this kind of report is a must.

	Probem is that what I need is just what I describe, and the sooner the
	I do not say that I'm not interested in doing such a work, but I think
there is a need (at least mine) for a basic traditional report generator in
	Could you think about a way we could include my work as a well-integrated
part of your much bigger project. I could (or we could together) begin work
on my part, keeping in mind the whole integration for the design (especially
XML information)

	What do you of that ?

-----Message d'origine-----
De: []De la part de Karl Pitrich
Date: jeudi 30 mars 2000 12:49
Objet: Re: GnomeDbReport


please check out

this is the only win app which impresses me. a customer of mine has a
it works quite good. (no linux version though, but a windows demo is

i did a summary of my thoughts long ago at; noone
seemed to be interested,
and my knowledge is insufficient, especially bonobo & corba, to do this
alone ;-)

i´d really be interested in helping at this tool.

Best regards, Karl Pitrich.

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