On Mon, 20 Mar 2000 17:40:16 you wrote:
> I met Vivien in the conference, and it was really great to talk directly
> to each other without a computer in the middle. I really missed Stephan
> (I thought you were coming) since it would have been fantastic to meet
> the three, and Bruno, which has not done yet nothing for gnome-db, but
> is working on understanding it to help us ASAP.

stephan was there for short ( friday to hear the guys speak ).
but i sadly had a little amount of time and i missed the coding paries

> Well, and the conclusion of all this, apart from wanting another GUADEC
> ASAP, is: BONOBO. We must include it in gnome-db to make it work in
> cooperation with other applications, and the things you can do with it
> are amazing. The eazel people made a demo of what nautilus would look
> like, and when he showed a custom MP3 playlist view in the file manager,
> a big ovation started in the amphitheater, so this really finished to
> convince me (and all the other hackers).

yep - that's what i say my boss in every meeting: a well designed
give us the flexibility and power to construct such mighty applications
( and every time i dosn't get more people and time for this task :(

> So, please study bonobo, as I'm doing myself.

so do I.

> Cheers

kind regards


PS.: cool slogan of the helix hackers: sleep: command not found :)

"Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans."
                                                        John Lennon

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