Re: Antw: New gda-report's DTD

>>> Carlos Perelló Marín <> 01.01.1997  03.57 Uhr >>>
> ...
> Well, the DTD i send is only a proposal, it needs an exhaustive study.
> IT also need the possibility of include images (png, jpg, xpm, ...) and
> a lot of other things, but at the present i put on the DTD the basic
> ideas. This will be really nice if you could send your proposal as a
> patch to the actual DTD or if you have write access to the gnome's CVS
> commit your changes :-D
> ...

You asked for my proposal for the report DTD, et voilà, here it is.

As I changed almost every element and attribute, I send the new version, no patch.


<!-- gda-xml-report.dtd

<!ENTITY % query SYSTEM "/home/gmd/xml/dtd/gda-xml-query.dtd">

<!ENTITY % reportelement   "line|label|special|repfield">
<!ENTITY % printfrequency  "first|every|last">
<!ENTITY % linestyle       "none|solid|dash|dot|dashdot|dashdotdot">
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<!ENTITY % valignment      "top|center|bottom">

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<!ELEMENT reportheader (query?,(%reportelement;)*)>
<!ATTLIST reportheader 
  height        NMTOKEN    #REQUIRED

<!ELEMENT pageheader (query?,(%reportelement;)*)>
<!ATTLIST pageheader 
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  frequency     (%printfrequency;) "every"

<!ELEMENT pagefooter (query?,(%reportelement;)*)>
<!ATTLIST pagefooter 
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  frequency     (%printfrequency;) "every"

<!ELEMENT reportfooter (query?,(%reportelement;)*)>
<!ATTLIST reportfooter 
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<!ELEMENT reportdata (detail|(groupheader,reportdata,groupfooter))>

<!ELEMENT detail (query?,(%reportelement;)*)>
<!ATTLIST detail 
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<!ELEMENT repfield EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST repfield
  source          IDREF           #REQUIRED 
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