Re: Number of tuples in a Recordset

On mer, 09 fév 2000, you wrote:

> I've found a way to do this without touching the IDL files, which is via the use
> of GDA_Command_open (CORBA implementation). I've committed the changes in the
> client lib, so the only thing missing is the postgres provider part. As I've seen
> in the current code, you should add a "gulong *affected" parameter to
> gda_postgres_cmd_execute(), and in impl_GDA_Command_open (in gda-postgres.c)
> inform its "affected" parameter with the "affected" returned by
> gda_postgres_cmd_execute().

I've commited the necessary changes for the postgres provider to use this.
However I have 2 problems with this implementation:
* the recordsets returned for the schemas don't have their number of tuples
(this is not a big worry, because it is usually not necessary to know the
number of tuples for them).
* the problem that bothers me is: how does the client make the difference
between a recordset returning 0 tuple because that recordset is empty and one
returning 0 tuples because the provider cannot return the number of tuples?

> Sorry if it's not very well explained, but I had written an hour ago a very good
> explanation, but my netscape crashed when sending it, so I don't want (and can't)
> repeat it again, so ask me whatever you don't understand.

No problem, I'll manage to make it work, and I learn in the process...

> Cheers


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