Re: [gnome-cyr] Announcement: this mailing list will be retired by the end of Oct 2022

Hello Julia,

The l10n mailing lists won't be decommissioned at the end of October due to some missing code changes in damned-lies, they will be decomm in mid November I believe. Those lists will be replaced by Discourse though as well. Discourse already has a localization category with a set of sub-categories (split by language) [1], in the future we can eventually keep the list name alive but just host it on Discourse instead. Discourse allows a category to have an ingress mail alias you can use to create new topics like you'd with a mailing list.

Regarding automated emails, those are going to be replaced by an entire workflow happening in GNOME's GitLab. One of the damned-lies maintainers mentioned me he was going to start a thread at [2], I haven't seen it happening yet, if you care to send your questions there and kickstart the discussion that would be great so other coordinators can chime in as well and help Guillaume (DL maint) write a proper implementation up in damned-lies code.

At your disposition in case of additional questions!


On Thu, Oct 20, 2022 at 2:48 PM Juliette Tux <juliette tux gmail com> wrote:
Hello Andrea,
Julia Dronova, Russian team coordinator here.
Most (around 99%) of the mails here in the GNOME-cyr list are notifications from Damned Lies about uploaded translations, comments regarding those translations and so on, which are essential for me to react and to go and submit the translations to the repos, communicate back with the devs about new translations etc.
Could you elaborate regarding the Damned Lies code change and decommission of this list? What would be the new default destination of all those Damned Lies notifications? The Discourse? Is there any instructions/info on what actions i should perform in order to not lose track of those notifications and not interrupt our translations workflow? Is there any place where those future changes regarding Damned Lies are discussed and where I could go and clarify the matter?
Most grateful in advance!

On Thu, 20 Oct 2022 at 14:34, Andrea Veri <av gnome org> wrote:

As we have been communicating during the past few months GNOME's Mailman platform is being decommissioned (python2 deprecation, major burden in managing lists spam). The deadline is currently set to the end of October 2022. Mailing list subscribers are invited to migrate to GNOME's Discourse instance [1]. Neil made sure [2] to create a set of tags you can re-use to initiate a new topic in the new platform, if a tag is missing please reach out to me directly.

Jehan (from the GIMP Team) kindly provided some instructions you can follow [3] in order to safely migrate your reading workflow to Discourse. The new platform supports several login methods including your GNOME Account and other major OpenID providers.

After the deadline of the end of October Mailman archives will remain alive in read only mode for posterity. If the mailing list was used behind an alias, please let me know so we can re-do the same setup but on Discourse instead.


P.S All the l10n lists are still pending code changes in damned-lies, the deadline to decommission those lists may slip by a week or two depending how soon those changes will be made available in DL codebase


Principal Systems Engineer at Red Hat,
GNOME Infrastructure Team Coordinator,
Former GNOME Foundation Board of Directors Secretary,
GNOME Foundation Membership & Elections Committee Chairman

gnome-cyr mailing list
gnome-cyr gnome org

С уважением, Дронова Юлия


Principal Systems Engineer at Red Hat,
GNOME Infrastructure Team Coordinator,
Former GNOME Foundation Board of Directors Secretary,
GNOME Foundation Membership & Elections Committee Chairman


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