Changes to Contacts


I'm thinking in the path the application will take the next cycle, here's some stuff I plan to change.

1. Remove the distinction splitting Google Contacts. Previously, we differentiate between contacts Google had in it's "My Contacts" group and all the others. I'm planning of get rid of that distinction, and one the reasons if that Contacts have a pretty great search today and there's no need of hiding those contacts
2. Remove any presence indication from contacts, I don't think that's the purpose of it.
3. Make Contacts running if and only if eds is properly running in a session. After all Contacts is highly integrated into GNOME, so doesn't make sense to provide a Contacts experience if there's no a proper GNOME session, meaning a proper eds instance running available for connection.

There are reasons for these, mainly:
1. Ensure a clean separation between different provider in order to provide a way for the user to see contacts from just one account.
2. Clean the code.
3. Remove a bunch of errors and situations we need to handle if and only if eds isn't working properly.


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