Layout Adjustments

Hi all,

There's been some great stuff landing just recently. We've got the
main shape now, but there's plenty of polishing to do.

Here's a list of initial layout adjustments I'd recommend. It's been
rather hastily thrown together...

 * Seems like the toolbar needs to be taller (It's 48px in the
mockups), might be worth seeing what Documents and Boxes do there


 * The sidebar needs to have a fixed width - 300px wide

 * Pictures need to be larger - I have 54px x 54px in the mockups

 * More vertical padding between contacts - it's 24px in the mockups

 * More horizontal padding between contact pictures and the window
edge - 12px should do it

Contact pane

 * Central column needs to be wider - 480px in the mockups. The
contact buttons (mail, chat, call) should expand to fill that space.

 * More padding above the contact info (such as the contact picture) -
I have 50px in the mockups

 * Contact name needs to be smaller - it's currently 23px tall (from
the base line to the top of the text), should probably be more like

Thanks for your hard work so far!


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