(no subject)

Hi everybody,

We are pleased to announce the first release of a Bonobo Control for
GtkMathView (a GTK widget for rendering MathML). 

Although the Control is not complete, it is already usable. I
particularly enjoy using it together with mozilla-bonobo and seeing
gtkmathview embedded in Mozilla, Galeon, or Epiphany displaying large
MathML formulas that the native Gecko's rendering engine would take ages
to render (actually, some formulas that take 3 or 4 seconds to render in
GtkMathView make Mozilla crash after nearly 30 min of hard
computation...). If you want to try this, beware that the CVS version of
mozilla-bonobo is required.

More info can be found on http://helm.cs.unibo.it/gtkmathview-bonobo/.

We plan to add lots of new features in the future and to make the
Control (and the underlying widget) more appealing. Of course feedback
and volunteers are welcome. If you have nice use-cases, please let us

-- Luca Padovani
   Pouria Masoudi

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