Activation problems

I'm having a lot of trouble using the interfaces of a (sucessfully, or
so it seems) activated shlib component. I'll be really sketchy on
details since I'm not sure what information would be helpful... The code
I'm trying can be accessed at

 I'm basically doing:

translator_object = bonobo_activation_activate ("repo_ids.has
('IDL:GNOME/StorageTranslator:1.0') AND bonobo:supported_mime_types.has
('image/jpeg')", NULL, Bonobo_ACTIVATION_RESULT_OBJECT, NULL, &ev);

Which is triggering all the printfs in my factory, and a valid
BonoboObject seems to be returned, so that's good. Then I try to do:

translator = Bonobo_Unknown_queryInterface (translator_object,
"IDL:GNOME/StorageTranslator:1.0", &ev);

This returns what *seems* like a valid object (at least, it isn't NULL
and its internal values seem at least remotely sane), no exception is
set. So now I call a method in my object...

GNOME_StorageTranslator_startImport (translator, &ev);

Which blows up trying to ref the connection on the object, which is
NULL. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong? (and maybe even if I am there's a
bug because it would be nice to have some sort of exception set
somewhere rather than a segfault)



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