Multiple components container

Hello all!

I need to write complicated container or maybe shell for controls. The goal is organize tree of controls, capable to add and remove tree nodes from shell and from controls. Each tree node must merge some ui elements in toolbar and menu and show/hide/disable view (control) in common box/dock widget. I also need EventSource to emit signals of tree state.

I choose to use Bonobo_UI to do this. It seems that it is useful to contain this tree as part of BonoboEngine xml tree. I write one more BonoboUISync, which works with this part of tree, and write MyWidget:BonoboWidget.
Something like 
  <item name = "Foo" ior="....." />

First question: This part of bonoboui is private. I ougth to define BONOBO_UI_PRIVATE in my code. But some useful code is hidden, for example, bonobo_ui_xml. Is there any plans to hide all this or make this code public in the future releases? 

Second question: what about this design. Maybe, I sould use another way. I see that there are many objects attached to UINode. Is there any way to use them?

Third question: It seems that BonoboUI is highly widget-oriented. For example, is it true, that i should add BonoboControl to BonoboWidget to merge associated BonoboUIComponent or a should use this with something else

Bonobo_UIContainer_setObject(window_container, "", control, &ev);

This doesn't work?

Last question: What about Bonobo Container widget. Will bonoboui include one sometime?


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