Re: How to tell that control is available for gnome-2 but not for gnome-1

On Tue, 2002-05-21 at 11:24, Alex Larsson wrote:
> On 21 May 2002 hellan acm org wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I just noticed that we have inadvertently broken Nautilus-1 support
> > for Gnumeric.
> Ugh.
> The whole sharing of mime-data between gnome 1 and gnome 2 may not have 
> been a great idea. It is causing us problems with the html view component 
> too.

well the mime data sharing is really the right thing to do if you look
at the system wholistically.  i don't think anyone wants to configure
images to open in eog in nautilus 2, but have evolution do something

having every app's data in one tarbal and not with the app is the wrong
thing to do.

if gnome-vfs knew that we had incompatible component systems then it
wouldn't be so much of a problem...

"don't get me wrong, i think that radiohead are amazing. i love their
 music and i love their ethos, but that thom yorke guy always seems to
 be complaining." -- moby

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