Re: having one bonobo control instance per process

Hi Jason,

On Thu, 2002-05-16 at 21:27, Jason Hildebrand wrote:
> I must confess that I actually haven't yet looked at the 2.0 development 
> platform, although I am of course hoping to move to 2.0 at some point.  Is the
> Bonobo framework in Gnome 2.0 drastically different than in 1.4?  If so, then
> I should probably move to 2.0 now, since I'm essentially starting over
> anyways.

	The bonobo framework is fairly compatible between 1.4 and 2.0, but
several things have changed the changes are documented in
libbonobo/changes.txt and libbonoboui/changes.txt, lots of cruft has
gone, and it's a lot cleaner now.

	I would reccommend targetting the Gnome 2.0 platform personally, since
a number of the problems you havn't hit yet are fixed there :-)

> > 	You're mostly breaking new ground I think, you've got an impressive
> > grasp of what needs doing though :-)
> Thanks -- it's good to know that I'm at least understanding the problem;
> that's usually most of the battle. :)

	Yep. As for .server files, they are just .oaf files, but renamed -
since oaf has been renamed to bonobo-activation in Gnome 2.0. [ and they
go in ${prefix}/lib/bonobo/servers instead of share/ wherever.



 mmeeks gnu org  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

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