Re: BonoboStream from Moniker

Hi Jens,

On Fri, 2002-01-25 at 16:30, Jens Finke wrote:
> I am trying to create a file and populate it with data through the
> BonoboStream interface (Gnome 2.0!):
> stream = bonobo_get_object ("file:/home/jens/temp/test.png",
>                             "Bonobo/Stream", NULL);
> This doesn't work and aborts with the error "file doesn't exist" (or
> similar). Sure, but how can I tell the moniker to create the file and make
> it writeable? Thanks.

	Hmm - that sucks. Well - I suppose we're going to need to put some
options on the end of the moniker - a little like file:/,+ or
something - use the fopen type syntax, escape commas in the string, and
update the moniker.

	How does that sound ? it's a pain - but not that much, can you take it
on ?



 mmeeks gnu org  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

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