ORBit2 versus hanging method calls

Hi everyone,

	I was wondering something about whether ORBit2 fixes a bug (well, more
like a general problem) in ORBit1 that seems to me to be a really major

	In ORBit 1, the following scenario can happen with unpleasant

	1. Component A activates or finds Component B
	2. A calls method Foo() on B
	3. B crashes or hangs inside impl_Foo()
	4. A hangs forever (inside giop_main_message_next_2 or whatever it is)
waiting for a response from B.

	Is there anything in ORBit2 that will add a timeout or something
similar to prevent this?


Peter Williams     peter newton cx / peterw ximian com

"Why should I have to change my name? He's the one who 
sucks!"                              -- Michael Bolton

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