Trouble building Bonobo


I'm trying to build Bonobo 37 from source but I'm having trouble
convincing the configure script that I actually have libIDL 0.6.8
installed, which I do. A quick poke around in the configure script
tells me that the script is running gnome-config --modversion libIDL to
ascertain the version number. I was some how expecting it to run
libIDL-config instead. So this I presume means that gnome-config
doesn't think that the libIDL module is installed as running the above
command returns unknown library.

This is because I'm guessing that ORBit and therefore IDL are installed
in /usr/local the rest of my gnome install is in /opt/gnome. There was
a good reason for this, I seem to remember at the time (whenever GNOME
1.2 came out) I can't remember now, probably where the SUSE people
think it should go. 

So would moving my ORBit install to /opt/gnome fix this or better still
is there another way to fix this. I tried tinkering with the configure
script but didn't get very far 
I'm almost impressed that it seems to be only me that has this problem
after trawling through the list archives.


Simon Brown, Simon at
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