popup menu - question No. 2


Here's another question regarding popup menus: When I insert a gtk_entry
widget, it gets displayed, but I won't be able to edit the text. Is this
bonobo- or gtk-related, a feature or a bug?

I discovered this using the gnome_date_edit widget (which includes a
gtk_entry widget) in a camera popup menu in GnoCam, trying to avoid yet
another dialog that would get activated by a normal menu-item.

Thank you!


+------------------------------------------------+      (o o)
| Lutz Müller            +49 (7156) 34837        +---ooO-(_)-Ooo---+
|                                                                  |
| Hans-Sachs-Straße 5                                              |
| 71254 Ditzingen        http://www.uni-karlsruhe.de/~Lutz.Mueller |
| Germany                urc8 rz uni-karlsruhe de                  |

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