popup menus, xml merge


(1) It has been mentioned earlier (I don't know what has been decided):
The top level popup menu does not seem to be detachable. Everything below the
top level popup menu is detachable and just works great (I am using
<control>s as I need for example panes). Could you give us
(little programmers :-) at least the option to make the top level
popup menu detachable, too?

(2) Then, after a

bonobo_window_xml_merge (window, "/", "
    <submenu name="Edit" _label="_Edit">
</Root>", "Whatever Component");

I do get the new Edit-submenu, but without labels. I can expand all
submenus below (all without labels, there's just a little line displayed)
until I reach the final items. Those are, in my case, <control>s and are
displayed fine. bonobo_window_dump shows that the labels have been merged
correctly. They just aren't displayed. Do I have to manually "refresh" the
bonobo_window? If yes, how?

Thank you!


+------------------------------------------------+      (o o)
| Lutz Müller            +49 (7156) 34837        +---ooO-(_)-Ooo---+
|                                                                  |
| Hans-Sachs-Straße 5                                              |
| 71254 Ditzingen        http://www.uni-karlsruhe.de/~Lutz.Mueller |
| Germany                urc8 rz uni-karlsruhe de                  |

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