Re: ActivationContext and shlib servers

Dietmar Maurer wrote:

> I will try to adapt bonobo to take the shared library factory semantics
> into account.

Hi Maciej,

I have modified the bonobo code to handle the oaf shlib semantics, but
I am not very happy with the new code. The problem is that it is no
longer possible to replace a shlib server with a exe server easily. Instead
I have to change the OAFPluginObject, the factory code and all oafinfo

If we instead use a factory for shlib servers, we can change shlib servers
to exe servers by simply change a single line of code:


All we need is to make it possible to register shlib factories. Do you think
this is possible and worth to do? I really like the feature to change the
server type (exe/shlib) easily, and I can see no disadvantage.



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