Re: URI-question

On 05 Aug 2001 00:51:28 +0200, Lutz Müller wrote:
> Hi!
> How do I get a storage from a gzipped tar ball?
> moniker-test -s "file:my.file.tar.gz#gunzip:"
> will give me a gunzipped stream. What do I do wrong when I call
> moniker-test -r "file:my.file.tar.gz#gunzip:#untar:"

Doing an strace and watching the query to OAF, yu'll see that your
second example is requesting:
( repo_ids.has ('IDL:Bonobo/Moniker:1.0') AND bonobo:moniker.has
('untar:') ) AND (NOT test_only.defined() OR NOT test_only)
and untar: is defined as a moniker_extender, not as a moniker.

gunzip on the other hand is defined as a moniker.

Maybe i'm wrong.

> ? I was thinking about writing an gnumeric importer for kspread
> documents. Those are gzipped tarballs containing several xml files.
> Lutz
> --
>                                                         \|||/
> +------------------------------------------------+      (o o)
> | Lutz Mueller           +49 (7156) 34837        +---ooO-(_)-Ooo---+
> |                                                                  |
> | Hans-Sachs-Strasse 5                                             |
> | 71254 Ditzingen |
> | Germany                urc8 rz uni-karlsruhe de                  |
> +------------------------------------------------------------------+

Michael Lausch
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