Re: Map/unmap across plug/socket boundaries

on 4/25/01 6:15 PM, Owen Taylor at otaylor redhat com wrote:

> Could you explain in more detail? You mean, you care connecting
> to the ::map, ::unmap signals?
> ::map, ::unmap never say whether a widget is on screen, they
> just say whether the widget itself is mapped within its parent.
> For it to appear on screen, the widget and all its parents need
> to be mapped.
> Since there is no easy to track this concept of "viewability"
> in X, there is easy way to track it for a plug, though its
> pretty easy to check for it at any one particular time.
> (Using XGetWindowAttributes.)

Darn! I thought that map and unmap were different from visibility in this
respect. So the bug I recently reported in GtkNotebook is also incorrect
based on this same misunderstanding.

Damn. Well the issue is that I need to know when a particular BonoboControl
goes gets shown and hidden (but it's the container that's shown and hidden).
I guess I'll have to stick with Andy's hack that uses an additional
interfaces (actually a property on a property bag) to tell the view whether
it's on screen or not.

    -- Darin

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