Re: Map/unmap across plug/socket boundaries

Darin Adler <darin eazel com> writes:

> I've run into a lot of situations where my Bonobo components want to know
> whether their widgets are on-screen or not. But map/unmap does not seem to
> work across plug/socket boundaries. Can someone help me understand if this
> is intentional or mistaken?

Could you explain in more detail? You mean, you care connecting
to the ::map, ::unmap signals?

::map, ::unmap never say whether a widget is on screen, they
just say whether the widget itself is mapped within its parent.
For it to appear on screen, the widget and all its parents need
to be mapped.

Since there is no easy to track this concept of "viewability"
in X, there is easy way to track it for a plug, though its
pretty easy to check for it at any one particular time.
(Using XGetWindowAttributes.)


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