Re: [GNOME VFS] Re: GUADEC Issue discussion summary ...

> Now that Bonobo is part of the GNOME platform and it is past 1.0, and it
> will form a very foundational part of GNOME2, I would not understand why
> someone would be reluctant to depend on Bonobo. So if not to Michael,
> could you explain it to me?

I think his point is not that people would generally be reluctant to
depend on bonobo but rather that there seems to be some uncertainty as
to how gnome-vfs and bonobo co-exist in the platform. Is gnome-vfs a
higher-level library than bonobo or the other way around? My personal
feeling is that gnome-vfs is higher-level than bonobo and should depend
upon it, but I can definitely see how one would feel that a vfs layer is
lower level than the component architecture.


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