Re: Serious Bonobo Problem for Sun

On Thu, Apr 05, 2001 at 03:56:34PM +0100, Colm Smyth wrote:
> If the server has multiple clients, then there are multiple time-to-die
> values to track, one for each client. This assumes we want to support
> Bonobo reference-counting; if we dropped ref-counting in favour of
> a pure lease system, then the server would simpy track a single
> time-to-die value (which would be the longest time-to-die offered
> by any client requesting a lease on an object).

	A "longest lease" value is surely easier to implement, but it
could possibly be wasteful of resources.  If a server is serving
multiple clients, it may have allocated resources to each client.  If
there are 30 clients, and 20 die (remote host crashes), then you 30x
resources used for 10x needed.  This can add up, if those remaining 10
clients hang around for a while.  If you do refcounting, then when each
of those 20 clients run out of lease, the server can free their
resources, and proceed as if only serving 10 clients.



"The suffering man ought really to consume his own smoke; there is no 
 good in emitting smoke till you have made it into fire."
			- thomas carlyle
			jlbec evilplan org

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