Re: Proposal of a Bonobo::Zoomable interface

on 9/26/00 8:14 AM, Martin Baulig at martin home-of-linux org wrote:

> This is basically copied from Nautilus::Zoomable, but I added a way to
> find out whether there is a minimum/maximum zoom level (`has_min_zoom_level').
> How do you like this ?

We (the Nautilus team) would love to see the Zoomable interface in Bonobo.
Martin's proposal leaves out the ZoomableFrame interface, which is used by
the object to report zoom level changes to the container.

    /* A zoomable has the responsibility to look for this
     * interface on its Bonobo frame and call
     * zoom_level_changed whenever it changes the zoom level (on
     * its own or due to calls from the zoomable interface).

    interface ZoomableFrame : ::Bonobo::Unknown {
        oneway void report_zoom_level_changed (in float zoom_level);

One other note.

Due to alignment problems in ORBit-generated code on Solaris, we had to
change all the zoom levels in Zoomable from double to to float to make it
work on Solaris. I recommend the same thing for Bonobo -- we don't really
need the additional precision of double -- unless we can somehow get this
ORBit problem fixed in time for the Bonobo 1.0 release.

    -- Darin

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