Re: ServiceInfo, service stereotypes, etc.

> I skimmed through all the various msgs, and it seems to me that the
> requirements so far are (a) having OAF aware of services (b) being able 
> use QI to determine whether an object supports a service.

(a) is a requirement, but (b) was only a suggestion of how we can avoid 
having services. Actually, if we have (b) we don't need (a) anymore. But 
using fake interfaces to specify a service is strange to me.

> And if you want to preface your interface names with 'X', 'I', or a
> Klingon 'tlh', knock yourself out, but I will stick to no prefacing
> myself, and not be worried about recommending it to others. :)

It's just one point more against this API merge, I presume. If a 
decision, like this, means that ALL of OpenOffice's about 500 interface 
will change name (not just scope, because scope is different) by 
definition, I'll have hard times to convince the guys here for the 
merger. Remember, we do not only have OpenOffice internal code, we have 
external code as well - in some very big projects.


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