Re: Object Reference counting idea.

> >From the point of view of the CORBA standard it is completely
> impossible to do, since clients don't have to maintain an open
> connection to the server.

I am aware of this.  I am looking for an ORBit specific hack. 

> ORBit does, currently, but the standard doesn't guarantee that,
> and a lot of other implementations actually will close connections
> eventually to save file descriptors.

Oh.  This is not good.  I guess it would be a good feature for the
short term.

> To actually implement this, you'd have do something like create a mini
> ping server in each client, pass an object reference to that server
> and a unique ID with each ref() call, and the unique ID in each
> unref() call.

Mhm.  This sounds non optimal.


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