Unique OAF Implementation ID's


I've talked with Michael about OAF UIID's, and I realized that
	a, what OAF UIID's are about is not clear, and
	b, the current cryptic hex numbers scheme is not nice.
Point a, is that it's not clear wether the IID needs to be unique for
applications, or for specific versions (i.e. is it `implementation' as in
`this is the Helix implementation of Wombat' or is it `implementation' as
in `this is the 0.6 implementation of Helix Wombat'?). It seems to me the
former is correct, since I have yet to see a package changing its UIID
with a new release. If I'm not right on this one, please discard point b,.

Point b, is that if the purpose of the UIID is to identify a
specific program that implements the given interfaces, why not use
something human-readable, e.g. the vendor's and the product's name?
So, my proposal is, something like
instead of the current

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