Re: Where to put your big widgets ...

    Michael> 	Hmm, I would have thought this however I can't say I
    Michael> noticed it with the glade work I did. What I do notice is
    Michael> ( as you perspicuously point out ) the runtime overhead.

  But then this latency is only for Bonobo components that are
implemented as out-of-process servers.  If you have a shared library
Bonobo component (which is what you are going to do most of the time
e.g. for widgets), there is virtually no overhead at all.

  (Anyway, I do agree the GNOME startup time is awfully long and
somebody should go through that some day.)

  Personally I would like a component system that can also be used as
an object model.  I.e. you wouldn't need to make a GtkWidget
(GtkObject) and then wrap it as a component, duplicating all the
methods as CORBA calls (as it happens with many Bonobo components
now): you should be able to design a system or an application built of
components directly, using all the IDL interfaces internally.

  Microsoft's COM is used all over the place, everywhere.  Even in
DirectX, which is a high-performance library.  Pretty much everything
that is in a DLL is a COM object.  I think that our component model
should let us do the same.

  Is Bonobo up to the task?  My feeling is that it is.  Probably it
needs some more sugar and optimization here and there, but I think
it's a step in the right direction.


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