Re: Replacing a menu item from a component

Martijn van Beers wrote:

> On Wed, Mar 01, 2000 at 11:39:45AM -0800, John Sullivan wrote:
> > I'm trying to replace a disabled menu item with a component-specific
> > active one. I've discovered that the caller must specify the menu item
> > index for the new menu item; there isn't any call that automatically
> > replaces the pre-existing menu item with the same path (though the
> > pre-existing one is removed). This seems extremely awkward, since in
> > every practical case I can think of, you'd want the menu item to be in
> > the same position as the one it replaces. But it's not too bad, because
> > I can use bonobo_ui_handler_menu_get_pos on the path to find the
> > existing location (and then add one to that to put the new one in the
> > same spot).
> >
> > But here's a nasty: When I later remove the component's merged menu
> > items, either explicity with bonobo_ui_handler_menu_remove or implicitly
> > with bonobo_ui_handler_unset_container, the item that had been
> > temporarily replaced reappears in the wrong place. It reappears one spot
> > earlier than it had been originally.
> >
> > This seems like a simple bug in Bonobo that would have been noticed and
> > fixed already, which makes me think I'm doing something wrong. But maybe
> > nobody has tried replacing specific menu items before? Maybe there's
> > some other way to do this that I don't know about?
> >
> > If anyone has succeeded in replacing an existing menu item with one from
> > a component, please let me know.
> I think it works if you specify -1 as the position. When I started using
> the menu code, I used the parse-from-uiinfo functions, which don't let
> you specify any position. It was unwanted for me, but they replaced the
> items that were already there just fine.
> Martijn

This does not work for me. When I specify -1 as the position, it removes the
old item from wherever it was and puts the new one at the end, rather than in
the old one's position.


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