to XML or not to XML (was Re: Request: Test suite for EFS.)

On Tue, Feb 15, 2000 at 02:59:31PM -0600, Miguel de Icaza wrote:
> >   Is that the end of the XML format ? 
> First of all, some features are very hard to implement with ad-hoc XML
> features.  For example, it is not easy to write an application that
> scans documents and searches for "Daniel Veillard" as their author.

hmm, I thought, that was exactly one of the advantages of XML. you
could search for a tag <author>, instead of searching for 'author' in
say an html document, and hope his/her name would actually be near

Martijn van Beers  <>

'Don't worry if it sounds odd. Believe me, you are talking to
someone who has seen a lot of stuff that is odd. And I don't
mean biscuits.' --- Arthur Dent

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